Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/spiritworlditsinOOcrow THE SPIEIT WOELD: ITS INHABITANTS, NATUEE, AND PHILOSOPHY. BY EUGENE CROWELL, M.D., ""^Autlior of "The Identity of Primitive Christianity and Modern Spiritualism." '• Come up hither and I will show thee things which must be hereafter." — Hev. iv. 1. " 'Tis an authentic picture of the spheres; In one thou art, in ftie art soon to be; Its mission is to dry the mourner's tears, And ope to light serene futurity."— ^arrz*. BOSTON: COLBY & RICH, 9 Montgomery Place. 1879. Copyright, 1879, by EUGENE OROWELL. Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Co., 205-213 East iztk St., NEW YORK. COISTTEITTS. Introduction pp. 1-10 CHAPTER T. THE SPIRl'T AND SOUL. Embodied Man is a Trinity — The Spiritual Body Substantial — At what Period does Man become a Living- Soul ? — Exceptions to the Rule that All Men are Immortal — No Sub-human or Semi-human beings in the Spirit-World — Animals like Man have Spiritual Bodies — Spiritual Limbs do not Project from Amputated Stumps — Accidents to Spirits. DEATH, THE BIRTH OF THE SPIRIT. The Changes that Death Produces — In Dying the Spirit sometimes Suffers — A Means of Egress should be Provided for the Depart- ing Spirit — Effects of Narcotics upon the Spirit — Spirits are Bom Naked into the Next Life — Treatment of Mortal Remains — Spirits Sensible of Marks of Affection. TEMPORARY DESERTION OF THE BODY BY THE SPIRIT. Mr. Owen Witnesses Such a Case — His Description of It — It is At- tended with Danger to the Body — When and to Whom it Hap- pens — Not of Common Occurrence— No Visible Magnetic Line Connecting Spirit and Body pp. 11-20 CHAPTER II. GENERAL VIEW OF THE HEAVENS. The Spirit-World and The Spiritual World — Distances of the Heav- ens — The Spirit-World Substantial — The Temperature of Space — The Higher Forms of Animal and Vegetable Existence are IV CONTENTS. There Reproduced — Thought Does not There take Visible Form — Was the Spirit- World Formed by the Accretion, of Sublimated Atoms Arising from the Earth? — The Relations that Spirits Sustain to Their World— Our Earth is The Type of That World ..pp. 31-26 CHAPTER III. THE LOW HEAVENS OR SPHERES. THE EARTH SPHERE. The Spirit-World Envelops Us — Arrangement of the Low Spheres — All Spirits are Human Beings — Minds and Bodies Diseased Produce Sin and Crime — Heaven and Hell are Localities — Con- dition Accurately follows Character — Some Progress Slowly having no Desire for Improvement — Many Spirits Continue to Exist on The Earth for Periods of Time — The Habits of Earth- Bound Spirits — Their Influence Banefal — Our Prisons and Insane Asylums are Infested with Them — Mortals frequently can Benefit Them — Physical Imperfections sometimes Appa- rently Perpetuated in Earth-bound Spirits — How Low Spirits are Governed — Missionaries are Sent to Labor with Them — Pro- gression a Universal Law — Condition of the Drunkard — Repent- ance in This Life — The Wicked Heaven or Second Sphere — Its Cities — Its Inhabitants — The Cities are Enclosed — Desolation of the Country — The " Hells " of Swedenborg. CONDITION OP BIGOTED SECTARIANS. Sects are Perpetuated in the Lower Heavens — Purgatory — Condition of the Degraded Among Roman Catholics — The Irish Heavens — Bigoted and Intolerant Protestants — They are Placed under Discipline — Are Still more Zealous than Wise — The Truth Ulti- mately Comes to All pp. 27-48 CHAPTER IV. THE HIGHER HEAVENS. THE INDIAN HEAVJ]NS. The First Sphere is an Indian Heaven — "Where no White Man robs the Indian " — Description of It — Condition and Employ- CONTENTS. V ments of the Indians — Their Order of Progression — Mr, Owen's Visit to Their Heavens — His Description of Them. DESCRIPTION OF THE HIGHER HEAVENS, The Third and Fourth Heavens — The Prevailing Conditions — Na- tional Distinctions there Exist — The First of the European Heavens the Lowest — The American and European Heavens Compared. THE NEGRO HEAVENS. Their Location — Condition of Negro Spirits — Their Progression like That of the Indians — They Ultimately Blend with the Whites. MR. OWEN'S VISIT TO THE HIGHER HEAVENS. Means of Communication Between the Different Heavens — A Dis- tinguished Visitor — The Information He Imparted — He Had Been in the Spirit-World One Hundred and Fifty Years — He was Then in the Thirty-second Heaven — He Knew of Eight Heavens above That — He becomes the Guide of Mr, Owen on a Visit from the Fifth to the Fifteenth Heaven — Mr. Owen Describes these Heavens — Government in the Heavens— Penal- ties for Disobedience — Planetary Spirits — How the Grounds are Ornamented — An Incredible Story — Steamboats and Steam- ships pp. 49-67 CHAPTER V. THE HIGHER HEAVENS {continued). HEAVENLY MANSIONS OR HOMES. Description of Them — Gardens — Furniture — Mr. Owen's Descrip- tion of His Own Home in the Fourth Heaven — His Servants — Painting and Architecture — Nothing There can be Destroyed. GARMENTS, ORNAMENTS, AND OTHER OBJECTS. The Love of the Beautiful a Spiritual Sentiment — Garments of Spirits Different in Each Heaven — Male Garments — Female Garments — How Young Children are Clothed — Garments always Found in Their Homes — Jewelry of Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones. EMPLOYMENTS OF SPIRITS. MEANS OF SUPPLYING OTHER WANTS. Every Desire of Good Spirits Gratified — Musical Instruments — Wheeled Vehicles — Where Certain Objects are Obtained — Books VI CONTENTS. and Libraries — Periodicals and Newspapers — The Manufactur- ing Heaven — Employments of Spirits — A Spirit Friend Describes her Usual Daily Occupations — Another Friend Describes His — ■ Temples, Halls, and Theatres — Hunting, Fishing, and Riding — Farms in the Heavens — Spirit Mechanics — Spirits Require Sus- tenance — Masonic and Odd Fellows' Lodges — Mediums Retain their Power — Spirits Are not Idle — Employments Congenial — Scientists in the Heavens pp. 68-89 CHAPTER YI. THE HIGHER HEAVENS {continued). SUNDAY OBSERVANCE. Sunday a Day Distinct from others — Manner of Observance — Ser- vices in the Temples — There are no Holidays in the Heavens. TITLES AND NAMES IN THE HEAVENS. The Record of a Good Life above Earthly Titles — Earthly Names Perpetuated — Earthly Fame and Distinction, unless Deserved, of little Account There — A Monarch would there Receive no Homage, THE PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF SPIRITS. The Ages that Spirits Appear — Personal Characteristics Preserved — Ugly People become Beautiful — No Spirit Dwarfs nor Giants — No Deformed Spirits — The Complexions of Spirits — The Ap- pearance of Spirits Represents their Condition — The Heads of Advanced Spirits not Surrounded with Halos or Spheres of Light. LANGUAGE IN THE HEAVENS. Spirits Communicate with Each Other as We Do, by Speech — Many Languages in the Heavens — Swedenborg's Error — In what Manner the Knowledge of Foreign Languages is Useful to Spirits. PREVISION OF SPIRITS. This Faculty is Rare Among Spirits — With Those who Possess it, it is Limited — A Seance in the Ninth Heaven — What is the Intel- ligence Back of the Clairvoyant? — Good Spirits are Able to CONTENTS. \n Acquire Special Gifts — Our Capabilities are Foreseen by Cer- tain Spirits. THE INSANE IN SPIRIT LIFE. What Spirits are Insane — Only the Degraded — There are Infirma- ries in the Second and Third Heavens for the Insane — They Very Soon Recover their Reason — Idiots require Protracted Treatment — How the Spirit is Affected when the Body is Blown into Fragments — The Spiritual Body Indestructible . pp. 90-103 CHAPTER VII. THE HIGHER HEAVENS {couti?iiied). WHEREIN SPIRITS DIFFER. "As One Star differeth from Another Star in Glory " Equality is in Respect to Happiness — Growth there is Gradual but More Rapid than Here — Each is Most Happy in His own Heaven — No Event There corresponding to the Death of the Physical Body — No Atheists in the Heavens above the Third — True Earthly Character a Passport to the Best Associations There. MARRIAGE IN THE HEAVENS. True Marriage is There a Recognized Institution — What Earthly Marriages are There Perpetuated — Unmarried Spirits — Spirits as Match-Makers — The Ceremony of Marriage in The Heavens. FAMILY RELATIONS IN THE HEAVENS. Affection Survives Death — Where Spiritual Attraction exists Fami- lies become Reunited — My Parents voluntarily Remove to a Lower Heaven — Husband and Wife there never Outgrow Each Other — Spirits are Sensible of Tokens of Affection. CHILDREN IN THE HEAVENS. The Conditions that Surround Them — A Grand Nursery in the Fifth Heaven — The Care for Them is a Labor of Love — Their Edu- cation—The Acquisition of Knowledge by Them a Pleasure — ■ The Means of Instruction — The Condition of Older and De- praved Children — Children Increase in Stature aa Here — Bringing Children to Earth. Alii CONTENTS. ANIMALS IN THE SPIRIT-WORLD. They are Actual Objective Existences — Their Origin — What Species are There to be Found — Their Intelligence — Most Spirits be- lieve Them to be Identical with Those They Left Behind — Horses, Dogs, and Birds are Sometimes Brought to Earth — As to Phantom Animals Seen by Mortals — A Successful Experi- ment pp. 103-120 CHAPTER VIII. THE MOVEMENTS OF SPIRITS. Their Movements are Controlled by Their Volition — They are In- stinctive and Natural — They are not Guided by Knowledge — Time and Space there Known — Spirits Passing To and From the Earth — Entrance to the First Sphere — Avenues of Commu- nication — The Time Required for Spirits to Go from the Earth to the Heavens and Vice Versa — Their Sensations while Tra- versing Space — Their Movements through our Atmosphere — Certain Spirits can Trace Us — Spirits and the Remains of A. T. Stewart — Spirits and the Murder of Mrs. Hull — Powers of Spirits Limited — Few Spirits Visit the Polar Regions — The Doctrine of Magnetic Currents. THE RETURN OF SPIRITS TO EARTH. Few Spirits Compelled to Revisit the Earth — The Majority do not Return — The Majority Disbelieve in the Fact of Intercourse with Mortals — Instances in Illustration — Mr. Owen still Engaged in Disseminating the Truth. DO ANCIENT SPIRITS AND SPIRITS FROM OTHER WORLDS VISIT THE EARTH ? Difficult Questions to Solve — The Rule and Exceptions to It — Cer- tain, at Least, of the Planets Inhabited — Spirits Deny that the Sun is a Vast Globe of Fire — The Sun and Moon Inhabited — Ability of Spirits to Visit Other Heavenly Bodies, .pp. 131-135 CHAPTER IX. GUARDIAN SPIRITS. Every Adult Mortal has a Guardian Spirit — Their Peculiar Qualifica- tions — How Appointed — They are Our Monitors as well as CONTIJNTS. IX Guardians — Their Duties and Powers — They Make Note of Our Conduct and Report to Higher Intelligences — Good and Bad Acts Registered — The Record — Silence Enjoined upon Guar- dians when in the Presence of Their Wards — Mental Questions Answered through their Agency — Any Spirit Who Claims to be Our Guardian Speaks falsely. SPIRITS ON DIFFERENT PLANES COMMUNICATE, In All Ages it Has Been Thus — The Characteristics of Good Spirits — Spirits in the Heavens Above the Third Incapable of Decep- tion — The Rule by which to Determine the Moral Status of Spirits — There Have Been as Many Martyrs to Error and Folly as to Truth. DIFFICULTIES ATTENDANT ON SPIRIT-INTERCOURSE. The Difficulties Enumerated — Why so Few Communicate — Spiritu- alists when They Pass Over find it More Difficult to Communi- cate than They Supposed — A Cause of Erroneous Replies and Teachings by Spirits— Like Us They mistake Their Opinions for Knowledge — We frequently Influence their Opinions — Prohibited Knowledge — No Common Highway of Communica- tion pp. 136-147 CHAPTER X. THE PHILOSOPHY OP SPIRIT-INTERCOURSE. In Controlling a Medium a Spirit Does Not Enter the Body of the Former — Method of Controlling — Trance Mediums — The Diffi- culties to be Encountered — Mr. Owen's Experience in Speaking through a Medium — Spirits commonly Read Their Addresses from Spiritual Manuscript — Speaking Exhausts Spirits — Re- searches in Science by Spirits — One Means by which They Ac- quire Knowledge — As to Our Thoughts Reaching Spirits — An Error of Swedenborg — Thoughts are not More Tangible to Spirits than to Us — Our Memory is a Sealed Volume to Spirits. THE MEMORY AND KNOWLEDGE OF SPIRITS. Their Memory of Earthly Events not So Good as that of Mortals — No Reason why We should Remember Everything — The Mem- ory of their Misdeeds Haunts Guilty Spirits — Mr, Owen's Mem- CONTENTS. ory — A Spirit in Tliree Years Forgetting nearly Everything Relating to his Earth-Life — Certain Spirits for a Long Period of Time Retain their Memory of Earthly Events — The Difficulties under which Their Defective Memory places Them when Com- municating With Us — Spirits taking Notes — Forgetting Proptr Names — Parallel Cases with Us — Spirits whose Memory is Best — [t is For the Best — We Carry with Us all Useful Knowledge — Why We do not Receive New and Higher Truths. . .pp. 148-168 CHAPTER XT. VISUAL PERCEPTION OF MATERIAL OBJECTS BY SPIRITS. Few Spirits distinctly perceive Earthly Objects— Low Spirits gene- rally Perceive them Best — How the Sight of Spirits is Affected — Our Guardians can perceive Us Distinctly, Few Others Can — Our Bodies and Clothing not Transparent to Spirits — Certain rare Exceptions to This Rule — Our Spirits Invisible to All Dis- embodied Spirits- -How Spirits are Affected by Earthly Light and Darkness — Spiritual Light — Few Spirits able to Read Written or Printed Characters — Certain Spirits able to Read Closed Books and Manuscript. THE ABILITY OP SPIRITS TO HEAR AND UNDERSTAND OUR CON- VERSATION. Ordinarily few Spirits excepting Guardians are able to Hear Us Converse — When Mediums are present They are Able to Hear Us — The State of the Weather affects Their Power — Owing to Their imperfectly Understanding us They frequently draw Wrong Conclusions. POWER OP SPIRITS TO PASS THROUGH SOLID MATTER. Most Spirits are Able to Pass Through Walls of Stone and Wood — All Material Substances are Equally Substantial to Spirits — Transporting Small Objects through the Air — Certain Gross and Degraded Spirits unable to Pass Through Matter — No Spirits possess the Power to Penetrate below the Surface of the Earth or a Body of Water — Contact with Spirits — Their Vision cannot ordinarily Penetrate Spiritual Substance. C0x\Ti-;Nrs. XI SPIRITS IN RELATION TO THE ELEMENTS. They are Affected by Cold and Hea,t as We Are — Strong- Winds and Storm}' Weather are Disagreeable to Them — The Effects that Would Follow from Contact with Fire — They are Sensitive to Odors and Perfumes — If Exposed they are Liable to Sea-sick- ness pp. 109-180 CHAPTER XII. MATERIALIZATION — FORM MANIFESTATIONS. The Processes are of a Scientific Nature — But certain Low Spirits appear t ) Naturally Possess the Power — The Methods of Pro- cedure by Spirits in Cabinet Seances — Eepresenting an Adult Spirit who passed Away in Childhood as Still a Child — Spiritual Birds sometimes Brought to Earth and Materialized — Spiritual Flowers frequently Brought and Materialized — Haunting Spirits are Materialized in Greater or Less Deirrees — Permanent Mate- rialization of Persons and Inanimate Objects Impossible — All Spirits when Visiting the Earth become More or Less Material- ized — All Objects brought here Also Become in Degree Materi- alized. PHANTOM SHIPS AND RAILWAY TRAINS, The Legendary Phantom Ship not a Myth — Spiritual Ships are Constructed and Sailed by the Spirits of Mariners — Where the Materials Come From — Spectral Railway Trains are Realities — How and by Whom Constructed — Never Seen by Mortals in a Strong Light — Sometimes perceived Clairvoyantly — Spectral Men in Armor — Generally perceived Clairvoyantly — Have Most frequently Been Seen in the Highlands of Scotland. RAPPINGS AND MOVING OP MATERIAL OBJECTS. The Raps Produced by Strokes with a Materialized Hand or Knuckle or Other small Spiritual Object — Articles of Furniture Moved by Materialized Spirit Hands. Neither Electricity nor Magnetism the Agent Employed — Spirit Lights — How Produced — How Levitation is Effected. xii contp:nts, TRANCE AND VISIONS. Trance Induced by Disembodied Spirits — Their Object in Producing' It — By What Means it is Induced — All Trance Subjects are Mediums — The Visions of Trance Subjects are only Impressions made on the Mind by the Operating Spirits — The Thoughts of the Latter become Mental Pictures pp. 181-189 CHAPTER XIII. SPIRITS IN RELATION TO ANIMALS. They are Capable of Influencing certain Animals — Bible Instances — Certain Domestic Animals sometimes Perceive Spirits — Ani- mals should have Spiritual Organisms— Mischievous or Vicious Spirits sometimes Influence Animals to Injure Mortals — Spirits sometimes Amuse Themselves vs^ith Domestic Animals. DO SPIRITS INTEREST THEMSELVES IN OUR BUSINESS AFFAIRS? Some of Them Do — Extreme Caution should be Exercised in Inter- course with Such Spirits — We Should be Gruided by Our Own Judgment — Under what Circumstances it may be Safe to Con- sult Spirits on Business Affairs — Their Mission is to Instruct and Guide Us in the Right. THERE IS ROOM IN GOD'S UNIVERSE FOR ALL. Where can Departed Spirits find Space in which to Exist ? — We call Figures to Our Assistance — The Problem then Easily Solved — There is Room for All — The Vastness of Space — Our Compre- hension is Limited pp. 190-195 CONCLUSION. This Description Fragmentary — Other Investigators will Add to It —This, the Child-Life of The Spirit— Our Glorious Destiny— " Hope on, O Weary Heart." pp. 195-197 INTRODUCTION. The problems of the ages, have been, What are we? Whence came we ? and, Whither are we bound ? Of these the last is the most momentous, and it is the object of this work to aid in the solution of this problem so that other investigators may be assisted in advancing a step fm-ther, and in theii' turn enlighten the paths for others who may succeed them in exploring the reahties and mysteries of that world to which we are all hastening, and of which even a httle knowledge may be of service in preparing us for our introduction to it. There are three stages in the progTess of spiritual knowl- edge. We have not yet substantially advanced beyond the first stage, that of observation and examination of the kno^Ti facts. The orderly arrangement and classification of these belong to the second stage, and is a work, the most of wliich yet remains to be accomphshed. When this is done there still remains the task of deducing and estab- hshing the laws that govern them. Our knowledge of the facts themselves, which is essential to any considerable progTess, is yet limited, and it is owing to this, principally, IXTKODUCTIO:;. that so little progress lias been made in tlieir classification and the knowled^'e of theii' laws. ■■&' " Facts are the basis of philosophy ; Philosophy the harmony of facts Seen in their rioht relation." '■o^ Some of the statements contained in this volume are of such a novel and incredible character that I cannot suppose my Spiritualist friends will, at least at first, be able to ac- cept them, but I trust they will remember that the tiTith is not always probable, and therefore will carefully consider and weigh before they reject, for I feel assured that such a course will result in their acceptance of at least some of the statements which at first they will deem incredible, if not impossible. When these statements have thus been subjected to careful and imjDartial examination, and viewed in the light of other estabhshed facts, and of other knowl- edge of spiritual things, should my friends be unable to accept certain of them I shall expect them to fi-eely and unreservedly ex]3ress their dissent. I have no dread of honest, inteUigent criticism ; this I invite from fiiend and foe ; this alone I expect from the friends of the cause, while from its enemies I am prepared to meet with little argxi- ment, but much ridicule, and even my veracity may be called in c|uestion'. But this also I can bear, relying with perfect confidence upon the results of the future researches of earnest and able minds in our ranks, through the most accomplished and reliable mediums, to confirm and estab- hsh the truths, for the conveyance to the world of which I INTRODUCTIOX. ' 6 am onlr tlie liumble instrument. These revelations are only fra<;-mentai-\' and are but an installment of Avliat will be mven to the world throuidi other instrumentalities ^vithin the next quarter of a century, and I even hox)e, here- after, to be able to add other new facts and new truths to those here presented. Those of 111}' readers Avho are famihar with my work, T/ie Identity of Frimitwe Christianity and Modern Spiritual- ism, ^^ill notice that certain statements, mostly explanatory, contained in this volume are at variance with certain others made in that work. This should be ex]3ected when the numerous facts noticed and questions discussed in that work are considered, and for the explanation of which, in part, I had to depend upon the observation, experience, and opinions of others, while in the present volume I have confined myself almost wdiolly to the presentation of the recorded teachings of my spirit instructors, and so far from being disappointed mth the contradictions which appear I am equally sui'j)rised and gTatified that they are not more numerous. I will here remark, that in no instance in this work have I suppressed an opinion or statement of fact in the teachings of my instructors on account of its being contradictory to what I have stated in my former work. Some of the information contained in this volume v^as given in reply to questions which required of my instruct- ors from one to three months to answer. The medium who has been the channel of communica- tion with my spirit instructors is Charles B. Kenney, of / 4 TXTRODUCTION'. Brooklyn, N. Y., who is controlled exclusively by two Indian spirits, and there are three other spirits to whom I am indebted for the revelations contained in this volume. These are, my father, formerly a clergyman, who entered spirit-life half a centnry since, Robert Dale Owen, and George Henry Bernard ; the latter in this life having been a cotton and shipping merchant at New Orleans, from which place he passed to spirit life about forty years ago. It is proper that I should here state my reasons for assuming the identity of these spirits. These reasons are as follow : 1st. For nearly eight years, during which time I have been intimately acquainted and associated with Charles B. Kenney, the medium, I have ever found him as a man strictly tiTithful and honest, and as a medium the most gifted and reliable I have known, and this reliability I attribute in a great measure to the fact of his medium- ship for communication having been, with a few rare exceptions, restricted to assisting me in the work in which I have been engaged. His character in all respects is beyond reproach or suspicion, and he is highly esteemed by all who are acquainted with him. 2nd. For these eight years, during which I have been in almost daily communication with the two Indian spirits who exclusively control him, I have invariably found them as truthful and honest as the medium himself, devoted to my interests, and solicitous for my welfare, as witnessed in numerous and constantly occurring instances, their lan- guage and acts at aU times evidently being prompted by INTRODUCTION". 5 feelmgs, not simply of regard, but of devoted affection. From this extended association with and experience of them I claim that I am justified in pronouncing them strictly honest and reliable to the extent of their knowl- edq-e. od. During these eight years m}' spirit father has, through this medium, been in almost daily communica- tion with me, and until Robert Dale Owen passed from earth it was my father iipon whom I chiefly depended for assistance in acquiring information in relation to the spirit world and hfe. Although I availed myself of every oppor- tunity of obtaining information from other spirit friends, and although it was during the first year or two that I more especially tested his identity on every possible occa- sion, and always with satisfactory results, yet from that time to the present I have in no instance permitted an opportunity to escape of applying other tests, and with like results. In addition to this evidence the two Lidians have, from the first, assured me of his identity, as have all my other spirit fiiends who from time to time have com- municated with me through, not only this but other me- diums, in whom I have confidence. I may also state that the joroofs of his affection and watchful care are numerous and striking. 4dh. As to the identity of Mr. Owen. A year or two before he passed fi'om earth he made the acquaintance of my medium, and formed a high opinion of him, both as a man and medium, and at my seances he also became ac- quainted "svith his two Indian guides, of w^hom he formed 6 INTRODUCTIOX. an equally liigli opinion, and tlius lie and tliey were ac- quainted previous to his passing away. 5//i. Mr. Owen during liis last visit to me, being aware of liis approaching dissolution, repeatedly promised to communicate with me through the medium as soon as possible after entering spirit life, his last promise being made on the day he left my house, and only nine days previous to his decease. He also promised to assist me from the other side in my labors. Gth. At the first seance I had with my medium after Mr. Owen's decease, the Lidian sjDirit controlling an- nounced his presence, assuring me in the most emphatic and direct manner' of his being the identical Mr. Owen whom he and I had kno^vn in the flesh, and from that time to the present, at all seances, I have depended upon him to announce his presence, and he having been person- ally acquainted with him when in the flesh, must have been able to recognise him in spirit, so there can be no mistake in regard to this question, and the only remaining question is as to his truthfuhiess in constantly testifying to Mr. Owen's identity. This question is aflirmatively answered if it be conceded that eight years of intimate association with, and experimental knowledge of him and his companion, entitle me to a correct determination of their truthfulness and reliability, as it would of the truth- fulness and reliability of a mortal friend with whom, for an equal period of time, I may have sustained the most in- timate relations. lih. From the time Mr. Owen first communicated with IXTUODUCTIOX. 7 me tlirougli oui' medium to the present I have availed my- self of fi-equent opportunities of testing Ids identity, and the results have always been satisfactoiT, and beside this he has fi-equently, of his o^ii accord, referred to incidents and cii'cumstances with which he and I alone were fami- lial*, and to conversations between us in eaii;h life, and to agi'eements and differences of opinion, and in one instance even refeiTed to and resumed a conversation in which we had engaged, but which was interiaipted, when he at one time was visiting me previous to j)assing away. Up to the time that 3Ii'. Owen became associated with mv father on the other side, as one of my instiTictors, the method of communication thi'ough the medium had been for his principal guide to control him, and then communi- cate to me, in imj^erfect English, what was said to him by my other sjDiiit fiiends, but to my suiprise, the fii'st time ]Mr. Owen addressed me thi'ough the medium he did so directly, and in language free from imperfect pronuncia- tion, in fact in unobjectionable Enghsh, The course pur- sued then and at all subsecjuent seances by my spiiit instructors in estabhshing and maintaining a line of com- munication between them and myself, thi'ough the medium, is as follows. My spirit fiiends being present, and seated in chaii's previously arranged so that I shall face them and the medi- um, his principal Indian controller takes j)ossession of him, rendering? him absolutely unconscious, then the Indian companion of the controller, in turn, psychologizes the 8 INTRODUCTION. latter, reducing liim to a similar state of unconsciousness. There are now two absolutely insensible mediums, one on eacli side of tlie dividing line between the material and spiritual worlds, and both united in the most intimate psj^chological relationship, in close and perfect rapport. After the companion of the controller has psychologized the latter his further and sole duty, during the seance, is to steadily maintain his influence over him, and thus insure a state of insensibihty and consequently of passivity on his part. The channel of communication between the two worlds noAV being open all that is required of either of my instruc- tors who may desire to communicate with me is for him, while directing his attention to the psychologized Indian spirit and ignoring the medium on this side, to address the words intended for me directly to him, as if he were the mouth-j)iece of a speaking tube, or a telephone, and on the instant the words are audibly and natui-ally expressed, by the lips of the medium, and thus a direct line of com- munication is established between them and myself. Should the sj^uit speaking aUow his attention to be di- verted from the sjDirit medium the line of communication becomes momentarily interrupted. It matters not how many spirits are present, they can all in turn, with equal facility, directly communicate through this channel, and not only is each word fully and clearly expressed in the order in which it is uttered by them, but even the accentu- ation and emphasis, are conveyed with accuracy. The great, and heretofore generally considered insuperable dif- INTRODUCTION. 9 ficiilty of correctly and reliabty impressing tlie brain of the medium ^itli the language, as well as the ideas of the com- municating spirit, is by this method completely overcome. But notT\'ithstanding many spirits may be present, and able to communicate, yet, since Mr. Owen first communi- cated mth me no earthly friend has been permitted to be jn-esent at any seance. He says they have received imper- ative orders from higher powers to exclude all, and against my inclination I am compelled to submit to what, at least at first view, appears to be arbitrary rule. My researches in the spirit world have tended to con- vince me that nothing in relation to sj^irits and their world is impossible, and I here desire to impress upon the mind of the reader the fact that few rules laid down in this work are Tsithout exceptions, especially endowed individuals and special facts constantly presenting themselves to invalidate claims that may be made for invariable rules. Also, in my researches, I have constantly been impressed vdth the numerous unequivocal proofs of the creative and sustaining power of Deity, and step by step I have been led to undoubtingly believe that He, though not in human form, is every where present, the Creator, Preserver, and Supreme Controller of all things, literally God in the most comj)rehensive sense of the term, in Whom is all wisdom, and power, and whose infinite love extends to all His creatures. This is the effect of these investigations upon my mind, and I am disposed to believe that similar and more ex- #■ 10 INTRODUCTION. tended researclies by others, in tlie future, will lead all true earnest Spiritualists to the same belief, and thus Mod- ern Spiritualism will be stamped with the highest quahty and faculty of true religion, that of correct, though neces- sarily limited conceptions of God's character, of His rela- tions to us, and of ours to Him. THE SPIRIT WORLD, ITS LXHABITANTS, NATURE, AND PHILOSOPHY. CHAPTER I. The Spirit and Soul. Death, the Birth of the Spirit. Temporary Desertion of the Body by the Spirit. THE SPIEIT AND SOUL. EmbocTiecT man is a trinity, constituted of physical body, sjDiiitual body, and soul or essence. Disembodied man is a duality, constituted of spiritual body, and soul. In speaking of these it is more conyenient to use the terms body, spii'it, and soul, and throughout this work they are most commonly thus designated. I beheye that the spiritual body, or organism, in its en- tirety, constitutes the mdiyidual man, the soul or essence being an integi'al, unsegregated portion of the All-j)er- yading Spirit, a spark of Deity, by yirtue of which man is immortal. The physical and spiritual bodies I beheye to be coeyal in origin. The earth is the nursery and j)rimary school for both the physical and spiritual natures of men. It is 12 THE SPIRITUAL "BODY SUBSTANTIAL. here tliey originate, and here it is intended they shall be developed, and developed simultaneously and equally, but when premature death of the physical body occurs the sjjiritual body, then translated, continues to grow in stature and proportions the same as if the union had not been pre- maturely dissolved. The spiritual body is not constituted of matter cogni- zable bv the natural human senses, but nevertheless it is constituted of matter in a refined or sublimated form, and in itself is substantial. Electricity and magnetism are not elements, but forces, therefore the spiritual body is not constituted of either or both of these. The substance of wliich it is composed probably bears the same relations to the spirit-world that the physical body does to the mate- rial, and force operates upon and through both. The question as to the period of gestation when it may be truly considered that the foetus becomes a living soul is difficult, if not impossible to answer, but it probably is much earlier than is generally supposed. I have had re- peated and convincing evidence that a foetus of the fourth month, in one instance at least, was endowed with im- mortal life. There are human beings so imperfectly developed, spirit- ually and mentally, so low in the scale of creation, so de- based, that at death they share the fate of animals. With this life their existence terminates. There are no such beings as elementaries, elementals, fairies, elves, sprites, gTiomes, kobolds, fauns, satyrs, or demons. No such sub-human or semi-human beings exist in the spirit world. They are solely creatures of the imagination, poetical, superstitious fancies. Animals equally with man have organized spiritual bodies, but whilst with man his spiritual body is so constituted that it continues to exist as an entity when separated from ANIMALS 1IAV1<: Sl'IJJITUAL BODIES. 13 the pliysicLil, A\'itli animals their spiritual bodies, not being similarly constituted, are at death resolved into their original spiritual elements. The structural substance of spirits in the flesh is more plastic and yielding than that of spirits out of the flesh, and conforms readily to the physical deformities, such as chib-feet, curved spine, etc., but very soon after the spirit is born into spirit life the sjoiritual body acquires the per- fection and permanence of form Avhich afterwards charac- terize it. AVhen a spirit is emerging from the mortal body the spirit attendants, if their services are required, handle the liberated parts with the 'utmost delicacy, and tender- ness, for until the birth is accomplished the density of the spiritual body is insufiicient to effectually resist the pres- sure exerted in handling it, and temporary suffering would, and sometimes does result from want of proper care and attention in this respect, on the part of inconsiderate spirit fi'iends. Contrary to my former belief I find that spiritual limbs do not project from the stumps of amputated limbs. It appears that they are retracted into the portions of the limbs remaining, or where these are entirely deficient into the body itself. At my request my instructors and other of my spmt fi'iends noticed all the crippled persons that ■ came under their observation, and even intentionally sought them, and the result was that in no single instance were they able to perceive any j)ortion of a spiritual limb where the physical hmb was wanting. And we will perceive that it should be thus when we consider that a projecting spiiitual hmb, a leg for instance, would constantly be hable to accidents, attended mth more or less temporary suffer- ing to the spirit. Those instances in which projecting spiritual limbs have apparently been clairvoyantly per- ceived, may be accounted for by supposmg the appearan- 11 LIFE A SUCCESSION OF DEGREES. ces to have been psycliological images of former limbs oc- cupying the places made vacant by their loss. In the experience of some of the most accomplished mesmerists many instances have occurred in which the images of persons and objects have been clairvoyantly perceived by their sensitives in j)laces then vacant, but which had pre- viousty been occupied by these persons and objects. Spirits rarely meet with accidents, but sometimes these occur, and when they are severe they suffer more or less, but their sufferings are never protracted nor severe. Their persons are not subject to the possibihty of mutilation, fi^acture, dislocation of limbs, or any permanent injury. DEATH, THE BIRTH OF THE SPIRIT. " As the outer life recedes, Inner worlds unfold to view ; For thee bloom the fragrant meads, Mantled o'er with crystal dew. " Angel friends thy soul embrace ; Angel-life would blend with thine ; Welcome to the eternal race, To the heavenly muse's shrine." — Harris. Life is a succession of degrees ; the last in this hfe and the first in the other are as intimately related as those that precede and follow. The Jordan of death is no dark stream, but a shining river, over which the good and the just are securely borne in the arms of angels. Death robs humanity of nothing ; all that it claims are the cast-off robes of mortahty. But death is productive of one greg^t change, it assorts us all and places every man on his own proper footing ; it exalts some and debases others, and never makes a mistake. Death is the revealer of souls. - THE BIKTII OF THE SPIRIT. 15 Occasioually the spirit suffers more or less in the act of leaviiii^" the body. INIr. Owen told me that he was at one time, not long before, present at a death scene, when the si^irit being partiall}' delivered, and conscious, exclaimed, " O Lord, deliver me out of this body from my pain and suffering ! " But such instances are uncommon. This person w'as a young man, of a material cast of mind, wholly attached to this world, and averse to leaving it, and who had been suddenly stricken by the hand of death. At the time Mr. Owen related this circumstance, only a few months after his decease, he said he had witnessed two other separations of the spirit from the body, and both these were easily and painlessly accomj)lished. He also said that in each of these instances the process of separa- tion was the same ; first the head emerged from the mate- rial head, then successively, the shoulders, arms, chest, body, and lower hmbs, the spirit as it came into view pre- -sentmg its perfect form. The emergence of the spiritual body was in a horizontal direction, in a line with the pros- trate physical form, the entire spiritual person issuing from the head of the latter. It matters not to the departing spirit whether its body Hes on cotton, feathers, wool, or straw. No substance upon which the body reposes can in the slightest degree acceler- ate or retard the birth of the spirit, or influence it favor- ably or unfavorably. The moment a spirit has left its body a window should be opened to facilitate its departure, otherwise, in many cases, this may be delayed for so long a time as to cause much inconvenience, and possibly some suffering, either to the new bom sj)mt or its anxious spiiit friends. This question of the necessity of providing means of egTess had been discussed at different times, at our meetings, without reaching any satisfactory solution, when a spirit friend of 16 FRIENDS CAN RENDER ASSISTANCE. Mr. Owen invited him to accompany him to the bedside of a dying sister. He accepted the invitation, and after the spirit had become released from the body its spirit friends were unable to remove it from the room through the walls, but were comj)elled to wait until a person present opened a window, when the unconscious spirit was borne through it in the arms of its friends. Mr. Owen is of the opinion that new born spirits can- not, as a rule, even when conscious, immediately pass through solid walls, and generally their friends are unable to carry unconscious spirits through them. From what he has learned of this subject, from his own obsei-vation, and from others who have given attention to it, he has con- cluded that the great majority of spirits who do not lose consciousness while dying do so very soon afterward, and while in this condition their friends convey them to their spirit homes, and he urges in all cases the propriety of opening a window soon after the spirit leaves the body. Those w^ho pass aw^ay under the influence of narcotics, even when their habits have been strictly proper, are often unconscious of their change for days, while drunkards, debauchees, and others whose spiritual as well as physical systems have become vitiated and exhausted of vitality from gross abuse, frequently remain in an unconscious state for weeks, and even months, it being only by slow degrees and the assiduous efforts of their spirit friends that they are aroused to a realization of the changed con- ditions of their existence. It is true, as said by Swedenborg, that " many spirits possessing very strong earthly affections cannot on their arrival in the spiritual world beheve that they have quitted the earth ; they oftepi remain a long time in this uncertamty." The S23irit is born naked into the next life, but minis- tering spirits, unless it be in cases of sudden death, are NEW BORN SPIRITS CARED FOR. 17 always present provided with garments witli wliicli to clothe the emancipated spirit, and not a sudden death occurs which is not immediately known in the third or fourth heaven by certain spirits, whose duty it is to immediately proceed to the assistance of the new born spirit, provided with suita- ble raiment. They also understand the means that are best adapted to restore consciousness, if this be sus]3ended, and the strength, if exhausted, and they employ these means, and as soon as circumstances permit they assist in conveying the spirit to its proper sphere or heaven. Thus it is that those who die without any spirit relatives or friends to care for them are aiways provided for. Upon our passing over and first meeting our spirit friends they have the power, by an exercise of the will, to ap- pear to us as they appeared on earth, so that they shall be recognized by us, but soon after we have reached our sjoirit homes they resume their proper spiritual appearance, and their identity now having been fully established in our minds, no doubts of it arise thereafter. Until decomposition of the body commences, or it is placed on ice, or deposited in the ground, or by some other means its lingering remains of magnetic life are extin- guished, a certain degree of sympathy or affinity sometimes continues to exist between the sj)irit and its cast-off re- mains, but after either of these events takes place it almost invariably ceases, and thereafter no suffering can be inflict- ed on the spirit l)y any violence done to its earthly remains. But ordinarily after the spirit has departed from the body it experiences no discomfort from any disposition or treat- ment of the latter, and spirits rarely feel any serious in- terest in the c^uestion, how their earthly bodies shall be disposed of. Intense gTief manifested by the friends of a departing spirit renders the transition more difficult, and more or 18 LEAVIXG TITE BODY TEMPORARILY. less painful ; sometimes extremely so. It should never be indulged in, or at least in the presence of the dying person. Spirits are gratified with every mark of love and affection on the part of their earthly friends, and many times feel ■\vounded and hurt when such sentiments are not manifest- ed, but only weak, vain, and frivolous spuits apj)rove lavish expenditure on tombs, and monuments to theu' memoiy, and in those instances where the sui'^dvors are unable to afford such expenditure sensible spirits are grieved at the injudicious course pursued by them. te:mpoeary desertion of the body by the spirit. Until December, 1877, I was sceptical as to the possi- bility of a spuit in the flesh temj)orarily leaving its body, and my spuitual instructors shared my doubts, when, at a seance at that date, Mr. Owen said he had the j)revious night obtained knowledge in relation to a subject which we had frequently discussed, and he thought when I learned the nature of it it would be as gratifying to me as it had been to him. He then proceeded to say that on the j)re^ious day, in a conversation between him and my father on one side and a sj)irit of intelligence and experience on the other, this Cjuestion was introduced by my friends, and they said they did not believe it possible for the spirit of a mortal to leave its body and return to and re-occupy it. The spirit whom they addressed replied that they were in error, and pro|)osed to make this evident to them by conducting them to the presence of a lady whose spirit frequentty left the body and returned to it vvdiile asleep, and suggested the possibility of their being able to obtain the e-\ddence of the truth of his assertion that veiy night. They accepted the invitation, and about eleven o'clock j)roceeded to the A CASE IN POINT. 19 dwelling" of tlie lady, entered her bed-cliamber, Avhere they found her asleep, and awaited events. Their conductor at intervals made mesmeric passes over and concentrated his attention upon her, and in less than an hour, to their sur- prise, the}' saw her spirit emerge from her body, and after a moment of aj^parent indecision pass through the walls of the building and pursue a coiu'se in the direction of the ocean, over which she and the}' passed until she reached a ship, when she entered the cabin, and from thence a state- room, where she bent over the sleeping form of a young man. Here she remained but a single minute, when she returned by a direct course to her des'erted body, and after a mo- ment's delay re-entered it. My friends accompanied her fi'om the time she left her body until she returned, she not being conscious of their j)resence. Her movements w^re not as rapid as those of spirits usually are. The spirit who furnished this opportunity for my friends to satisfy" themselves of the truth of his statement, had re- peatedly been a witness to similar occurrences on the j)art of 'the spirit of this lad}', in whom he was interested, and said that her spiiit always took the same course in its flight, namely, towards the ship, of which it seems her son was first officer. Her sohcitude on his account attracted her spirit to him. In the few moments they had to observe the deserted body, they found it to present a perfectly lifeless appear- ance. It was the opinion of their friend, and it is now, after obtaining further information from other sources, their opinion also, that two or three minutes are as long as a spnit can with safety remain absent from its body, and in instances where people are found dead in their beds the real cause frequently is that the spirits, having left theu' bodies under such circumstances, have remained so long absent fhat they find it impossible to regain entrance 20 NOT OF COMMOX OCCURRENCE. to them. It is also absolutely necessary for tlie wandering spirit to keep its thoughts steadily fixed on its vacant body, so that magnetic relations may be sustained, and this some- times is very difficult as the mind of the spirit at such times is in a dazed, semi-conscious state, in most respects resembling that of an ordinary somnambulist. It is only when the person is asleep, or entranced, that the spirit is able to leave the body, and it is only with per- sons possessing medial powers that it is at all possible, and even with them it rarely occurs. My instructors are con- vinced fi'oni their later researches in this direction, that all such excursions of spirits of mortals are limited to earth, and that it is not possible to extend their visits to even the lowest of the heavens. When an embodied spirit temporarily leaves its body it is generally assisted by its guardian spirit, sometimes by others, and a mantle or robe is provided with which the released spirit is clothed the moment it emerges from the body, and when it is prepared to re-enter the garment is removed. There is no magnetic line, visible to spiritual eyes, connecting the absent spirit with its body. CHAPTEE n. GENERAL VIEW OF THE HEAVENS. " There is a World in space, a world of mind, Of substance so ethereal that the sphere Of its perfection, like a sonl enshrined In God's own beauty, shines in brightness clear, Invisible to men of outward sight." By tlie term, spirit-world, we mean the system or series of heavens, or zones, which are associated with our planet, and which revolve with it, both in its diurnal and solar revolutions, and which are fixed in their relations to it, while the phrase, spiritual world, comprehends the vast spiritual realm to which spirits from our earth and from all other worlds are equally related. Other planets than ours, in our solar system, also have spfrit worlds, or heav- ens, encirchng them, but as we know nothing of these it will be found more convenient and explicit for us to restrict the use of the term, spirit-world, to that immediately as- sociated with our earth, and in this sense we have used it throughout this work. Many, perhaps the majority of spirits having never given the subject any consideration, if asked, what is the form of their world, would reply, that of a globe, like the earth. It is natiu'al for them to think so, having in earth-hfe been taught that this world is spherical in form, and the heavens they inhabit presenting to their view an appearance in most respects similar to that of the earth they naturally 22 DISTANCES OF THE HEAVENS. conclude, unless otherwise instructed, that the spirit world also is a spiritual globe. This conception of the form of the spirit-world is entirely erroneous, it really being con- stituted of a series of spiritual belts, or zones, one above the other, encircling the earth parallel to the equator, and in width extending about sixty or seventy degrees north and south of the latter. In the second volume of my work. The Identity of Prim- itive Chridianity and Modern Spiritualism, I gave the dis- tances of the heavens or spheres from the earth, and each other, u23on the judgment of my spirit friends, and I then said, "in assigning these respective distances to these spheres my spirit friends desired me to distinctly under- stand that they are necessarily, to a considerable extent, conjectural, and hable to error." This question, therefore, remaining an open one, they did not cease their inquiries and observations in this direction, and now, after the lapse of live years, they are able to furnish me with more exact information in relation to this subject. This information was obtained by them from records existing in the spirit- world, which advanced and wise spirits regard as reliable, and authentic. I will premise by saying that the spiritual sphere immediately surrounding and in contact with the earth which sometimes is termed the first, though not by S]3irits themselves, is not here taken into account. According to their revised statement, the first sj)here, zone, or heaven — they term all the spheres heavens — is distant from the earth 550 miles. The second is distant from the first 100 miles, and between each of the others, above the second certainly up to the eighteenth, the dis- tance is 50 miles. Of the distances between the heavens above this the records make no statement. This brings the seventh heaven within one thousand miles of the earth, and provided the distances between the heavens above the eigh- ' THE SPIRIT WORLD SUBSTANTIAL. 23 teeiitli are the same as below it, tlie fortieth lieaven sliould be between two and three thousand miles from the earth. At niY request, my instructors made careful observation of the temperature at ditterent distances from the earth, with the following results. In passing upward they found the cold to increase for a distance of about ten miles, when the temperature became stationary for perhaps ninety, but about twenty-five miles beyond this it became comparatively mild, and this temj^erature continued until within about one hundi'ed and fifty miles of the first sphere, when it again became intensely cold, and so continued until within about fifty miles of that sphere, when the temperature again became mild and dehghtful. They formed their judgment of the distances by noting and comparing the time requii'ed to traverse them. It ma}^ here be remarked, that in no respect are my spirit instructors more emphatic and positive in their declarations, than in that of the actuality and substantiality of their world. They fully appreciate the fact that happi- ness and misery are more dependent on conditions than locahty, but while acknowledging this important truth they strenuously insist upon the due consideration of the col- lateral truth, of locality and substantiality in relation to the spu'it-world, and of the reality, objectively and subjectively, of life in that world. It is a real world and its inhabitants are those who have gone from here with all their instincts, affections, inchnations, passions, virtues and vices, aiid there they congregate in cities, or dwell apart from these, as they formerly did here, and while none are worse than many among us, the majority are better than we are, and are constantly progressing in that life. The spirit-world is not an indefinite and indefinable region in space, but as fixed and determined as our own earth in the solar system. There we vrill hve active and real lives, and have natural 24 A COrNTERPART OF THIS. and substantial homes to live in, and tliere we will have a practical and joyful work to perform, wliich will be made glorious in its results if we clioose to make it so. So nearty does that world in many respects resemble our own that many who pass thence, for a time, are unable to believe that they have made the transition ; they believe them- selves to be dreaming. There is nothing unreal and spec- tral about the spirit world. This world, with its sohd mountains, its rock-ribbed coasts, its vast plains and vaster oceans, is not more substantial than and not so permanent and enduring in character as all that constitutes that world, and if the concurrent testimony of intelligent spirits can be relied on, this in comparison, from their side, is the shadowy land, theirs the real. Theirs may be said to be a substantial reflection of this, where is to be found every- thing that is natural to this world. There are earth, rock, metallic veins, precious stones, forests aboundmg in every variety of trees, and indeed there are all the conceivable varieties of mineral and vegetable formations that are known to us. There are also substances corresponding to silk, linen, cotton, and wool, in their natural conditions, so that the proper skill and tools only are necessary to con- vert them into objects of use, and beauty, and this skill, and these tools also, are to be found there, and the former is exercised in every conceivable way. The lower forms in the scale of animal life are not repre- sented there, no insects, reptiles, etc., nor are certain un- sightly species of vegetation, but the higher forms of ani- mal life, and most forms of vegetable life, together with those of the inorganic kingdom, are there found, and their existence is as really objective as corresponding forms of earth. Thought doss not, as declared by some, take visible form with spirits any more than with us, and all these and other ol)jects are tangible, substantial reali- A HEAL PRACTICAL AVOKLD. 25 ties to tlie Si^iritual senses. All oi' nearly all the proper- ties kno\Mi to matter here, pertain to the refined matter or substance of which the s^^irit world is constituted. There attraction and repulsion, gravity, cohesion, expansion, etc., operate, and there, as here, matter appears unde:* solid, Hquid, and gaseous forms. But spiritual substancc^s, with very few exceptions, are not subject to decompositi ii, and there ai-e no impui-ities, nor offensive gases, or odoi^-i, aris- ing fi'om this cause. As to this substantial and practical character of the other world, why should it be objected to ? Surely this Avorld is practical enough, and clearly pi'oves that its Designer's and Creator's mind is mechanical, and constructive, and as the same Being in His wisdom created both, and evidently with the intention that they should be the abodes of men, why should not the other world, though in a different way, be as substantial, and practical, and as well adapted to the requii-ements of man's nature as this ? Man equally with God is wtually the same there as here, and if heaven is a place where man's best, and truest, and most natural de- sires are gratified, and his necessities provided for, it needs must respond to these. My sources of information do not favor the theory of the spii'it-world having been formed by the accretion of subhmated atoms arising from the earth. They are unanimous in denjdng that there is any evidence of such a process being in operation at the present time, and that there are any indications that it ever has been in operation, and aside from the conviction which their assu- rances bring to my mind, I am unable to conceive its x>os- sibihty in view of the fact that all the heavens are equally substantial, the highest kno^vn heaven being as tangible to sx)iritual sense as the lowest, a fact entirely inconsistent \\-ith the theoiy of each heaven, in succession, having been 2 26 HOW WE APPEAR TO SPIRITS. formed from the ascending sublimated atoms of tlie heaven below it, and consequently of its being an outgrowth of it. Our senses are not fitted to perceive that world, nor its inhabitants, and if we sometimes obtain glimpses of either the appearance is most commonly unreal, and spectral, but we should remember that our world, and ourselves gen- erally aj)pear equally phantasmal to the denizens of that world, so they declare, and were it not that their former experience in earth-life has taught them the contrary they doubtless would beheve us to be ]3hantoms, mere Will o' whisps, and our world to be as unreal as ourselves. In fact they would regard us and our world jorecisely as the majority of people here regard them and theirs. Spirits sustain relations to the spirit world similar to those that mortals sustain to the material, and of most things that here have expression in nature and art the coun- terpart is there found, the only apparent difference being that everything in the heavens above the third is more beautiful, nearer perfection, more admirably adapted to the purposes intended. Our earth is the t^^e of that world. That is the world of causes, this of effects. That world is unceasingly making its imj^ress on this, and from thence are derived much of our knoAvledge and strength. We take from that world, not that from this. CH.1PTEE HL THE LOAY HEAVENS OR SPHEKES. The Earth Sphere. The Second Sphere. Condition of Low Spirits. Means of Progression. Condition of Big-oted Sectarians. " Every man's work shall be made manifest, for the day shall declare it. * * * If any man's work abide which he hath built, thereupon he shall receive a reward. Ic any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire.'' 1 Cor. iii. 13 to 15. " G-od speaks through anguish in the hidden soul, God speaks through sorrow in the human breast." Tlie S23irit-woiicl literally envelops us, and the surface of oui' earth, for all practical pui'j)oses is one of the spheres, and the lowest of them, for multitudes of degTaded dis- embodied spu'its are bound to it by their gross natures, and here continue to exist for yarious periods of time, and it may properly be termed the earth-sj)here, while the sphitual zone or sj^here removed fi'om and nearest the earth is termed by spirits the fii'st sphere, or heaven, and in the treatment of the subject they ^ill be thus desig'nated. But the first sjDhere, though the lowest in the order of aiTangement, is not the lowest in the order of progi-ession, for this sjDhere in the American heavens is chiefly apjDro- piiated to Indian spuits, and really is a heaven, while the second sphere is the next lowest to the earth-sphere in the order of progression. Sj)iiits term all these spheres, heavens, the fii'st being according to theu' nomenclature the " Indian heaven " and the second the " heaven for low 23 ALL SPIRITS ARE HUMAN EI<]INaS. wliite people, or v/icked lieaven," but feeling a degree of repugnance to terming tlie second sphere a lieaven I have tlirougliout this v>"ork designated both the first and second heavens as spheres, and all above these as heavens. From the above it will be perceived that the first sphere is practically ignored in its relationship to the white race, and the next step from the earth-sphere, in the order of progression, is to the second sphere, and I would suggest that the reader impress this arrangement on his mind be- fore 23roceeding further. One of the lessons that is most difficult for novices in Sj^iritualism to learn, and bear in mind, is the fact that spiiits are but human beings, neither specially created angels, nor demons, fallible, sometimes weak and ignorant, and while some are on intellectual and moral planes above us, quite as often they are found to be on planes below us. There are no demons, or devils, as these terms are popu- larly understood. There are spirits of all grades of de- pravity and wickedness, and some of these may justly be regarded as demoniacal in their natures, but they are never- theless human spirits, and sooner or later will enter the paths of progression, and ultimately become purified and exalted angels. God's mercy embraces all His creatures. There is not a fiend-like spirit in the lowest spheres, or hells, nor an angel in the spiritual realms, as far as my instructors have knowledge, that has not originated, either on our earth or some other celestial globe. The tendencies that lead to sin and crime are but mani- festations of minds diseased, and the latter are frequently associated with diseased bodies ; as these suffer from func- tional derangement so the former do from derangement of the moral and spiritual functions, and the only remedy is apx^roi^riate moral treatment under favorable conditions. Sin and punishment are sowing and reaping, cause and HEAVEN AND HELL ARE LOCALITIES. 29 effect, and tlie law of compensation requires of every man in tlie life to come full atonement for unrepented ^vi'ongg and none can progress, nor find rest, until tlie penalty has been paid, either by rectifying the wrong, or making atone- ment by sincere rejDentance and good works. But strictly speaking, there is no arbitrary punishment hereafter, there is only necessary discipline. Evil in its nature is transi- tory^, the good only endures for ever. Good is the sub- stance of which evil is only the shadow. Some people when they enter spiiit hfe find themselves surrounded with desolation ; they are in af&nity only with such surround- ings, as the camel is Tvith the surroundings of the desert. "Condition accurately follows character." When at one time Wesley was preaching he was addressed by a drunken man in the audience, who said : "I don't beHeve in heaven, Mr. Wesley." The reply of the latter was, "In your cir- cumstances I don't se"e how you could." It is sometimes said, even by spirits, that heaven and hell are not localized. In one sense this is correct, for while earth-bound spirits find their hell on earth, and others find the second sphere in a less degree hell, neither this earth nor the second sphere, is in the same sense, heU to good spirits who may visit the one or the other. But it is equally true that this earth and the second sphere are locahties, and all spirits who are restricted to these locali- ties are unhappy, and it may be said that they are in hell, and in these two j)laces all unhappy spirits are to be found. Therefore as to depraved spirits hell is literally localized, and while the sphere of earth is hell to the lowest and most degTaded spirits the influences which pervade it, when these are permitted to prevail over a man's moral nature, reduce him to the level of earth-bound, disembodied spirits, and he is in hell, as they are, and not only are many mor- tals subject in greater or less degrees to these influences, 30 SLOW PROGRESS OF SOME bnt many spirits wlio liave advanced to tlie tliird heaven and who in this hfe were untruthful, or immoral, when they revisit the earth and resume their former earthly conditions are as untruthful, or perhaps immoral, as when in the flesh, and this, notwithstanding when they are in their homes in the third heaven they are free from aU such fail- ings. Good spirits, as a rule, are unable to long remain either on earth or in the second sj)here without inconveni- ence, they cannot successfully resist beyond a certain point the depressing adverse influences of either place, while on the contrary were the lowest spirit, with all his imperfec- tions, introduced to the realms of bliss he would only find his misery increased, and would avail himself of the first opportunity to return to his own j)lace, where his surround- ings would be in harmony with his own feehngs, and con- dition. Heaven to him would be a worse hell than the lowest spiritual sphere. Heaven and hell therefore are locahties as well as conditions. There are sj)irits who in this life were so debased, so gross, so steeped in depravity, that they remain in their deo-raded condition and continue to inhabit the lowest spheres for long periods of time, for ages, and in some rare mstances even for centuries. Thev have no desire for improvement, and progression, and until they experience this desire their advancement is imj^ossible, but in time, remote though it may be, this is awakened within them. The sj)irits of misers, sometimes, are bound to their hoarded earthly treasures, and they are released fi'om their bondage only when their wealth has become distributed among or squandered by their heirs, and it frequently hap- pens that when they are brought to reahze their abject condition they labor more strenuously to scatter their wealth than they did to amass it, and not unfrequently with success. EARTH-BOUND SPIRITS. 31 There are certain spirits, wlio, altliou^i^-li they left their earthly bodies years siuce, are persuaded that they still in- lialnt them. They reallv are liyinc: on the earth, and the dif- ference in their habits, mode of life, and surroundings, is not sntHcient to con^ince them that thev are no lon2;er mortal. These earth-boiuid spirits are generally on low intellectual and moral planes, and placed as they are they are unable to reason clearly on their situation, and perhaps a score or more of yeai's may elapse before they can be brought to comprehend theu* changed condition, and advance, even to the second sphere. Many earth-bound spiiits us'e their limbs only in locomo- tion, not possessmg the j)ower to pass more speedily and easily fi'om point to point, and others, who really possess the jDower, are unconscious of it, and do not attempt to exercise it. Of coiu'se all these in time attain to that state in which this power is fi*eely and fully exercised. The victim of the murderer, when on a low j)lane, as well as the murderer himself, is sometimes irresistibly attracted to the scene of the crime, or perhaps to the spot where his body is deposited, his last terrible experiences having psychologically bound him to that locality. " My bones must be removed from their resting place or my soul must suffer continual torture," were the words of the spirit of a murdered woman, of this low condition. In time such luifortunate creatures escape from their thraldom and as- cend to the second sphere. Earth-bound spiiits infest our pubhc conveyances, steam- boats, etc., they frequent the lowest quarters of our cities, and low dance houses, hquor saloons, brothels, gambling saloons, etc., are crowded with them. They subsist mostly on the emanations from earthly food. Restaurants and kitchens, especially when unclean, are resorted to by them when hungiy, they also frequent hotels, and private houses, C:^ SPIRITUAL VAMPIKES. where ricli and luxurious repasts are habitually served, and inliale the odors and impalpable elements arising from these. Some attach themselves to gluttonous persons, who are mediumistic, and are able to abstract the more sub- limated and vitalizing elements of the food from their victims as fast as it is swallowed, and thus a morbid apj)e- tite is created which impels the person to continued and extraordinary efforts to satisfy it. He really is eating for two persons, one of whom is invisible. Such spirits are veritable vampires. Liquor saloons are crowded with this class of spirits, and not a person who possesses medial power in any degree, and most persons possess it in some degree, there moistens his lips with wine or liquor, who is not at once obsessed by miserable, degraded spirits, and by them urged — often irresistibly — to further indulgence, until, as it frequently happens, the victim becomes prostrated by the demon of drunkenness, with perhaps the obsessing spirit lying equally unconscious and helpless at his side. These remarks, slightly modified, are also apphcable to gambhng saloons, and brothels. Could the frequenters of these abodes of sin and evil have their spiritual eyes opened, as were the eyes of the servant of Elisha, they would rush with horror from such scenes, and in their subsequent sleep they would be tortured by dreams only less horrible than the reality which had been presented to their spiritual sight. And not only are these earth-bound spirits attracted by the odors and emanations from our food, which nourish their grosser natures, but another reason why they fre- cjuent the scenes of their earthly life is the necessity, proba- bly not recognized by themselves, of obtaining that spirit- ual or ^ital nourishment which they are deficient in, and which they find in the atmosphere of mortals. This crav- ing of their natures brings them into rapport with mortals OBSESSION OF MOKTALS. 33 on tlieii' ovm moral and spiritual planes, and their evil in- fluence is felt, and frequently becomes manifest, in these classes of persons, and many times they are attracted and attach themselves to persons on higher planes, v^ho, though not actually given to e^il practices, yet are not earnestly opposed to them, and who under the temptations of such low spirits soon fall into them, and are reduced to the level of their tempters. The fall of such j)ersons would fre- quently be prevented, were they to know and realize that they also have good sj)irit friends around them Avho would effectually assist them if they would only welcome them, and by their prayers and desires strengthen their hands so that they could put to flight these dark and degraded spirits. In those cases, also, which so perplex and astonish so- ciety, where men and women of education and refinement become infatuated with and marry ignorant and coarse persons, far beneath themselves socially, intellectually, and perhaps morally, the exj)lanation of the enigma frequently is to be found in the fact that they are possessed of medial power, and are surrounded by material influences, living in a spiritually stagnant, perhaps corrupt atmosphere, and are obsessed by clegTaded spirits, whose gross impulses urge them to efforts to promote a union, at which if left free to think and act the natural instincts of the unfortu- nate individuals would revolt. Spuits of depraved natures who have entered the spirit- world vdth. vengeance in their hearts, sometimes through the possession of strong mesmeric power, and favored by opportunity, are able to wreak it on the objects of their ha,tred in this hfe. They influence their victims to the commission of evil deeds, to the pursuit of evil courses, and to the neglect of necessary duties, and frequently ex- cite feehngs of animosity m the minds of persons possess- 34 QUAEEELS AMONG LOW SPIEITS. ing latent medial power, and of evil tendencies, against tlie objects of their dislike, and influence them to injure them morally, socially, or ]Decuniarily. Our prisons and insane asylums are infested with the spirits of criminals, and insane persons, who in this life were on low moral planes, and the inmates of these insti- tutions are often injuriously influenced by them. For this reason insane persons should not be herded in asylums, but should be kept apart from each other, and surrounded by people of sound minds, and exemplary morals, so that the atmosphere in which they exist should be favorable to their recovery, and not retard it, as under the present asylum system. Quarrels are of frequent occurrence among spirits in the earth and second s^Dheres, and sometimes they resort to force, and inflict sufl'ering on each other, they being nearly as sensible to pain from violence as we are, but no violence beyond that of a blow can be inflicted by one spirit on another, provided the latter is disposed to escaj}e, for be- fore the blow can be repeated he can by his volition place himself beyond the reach of the former, and he can as easily escape from the combined attacks of a dozen, for ill- disposed spirits have not the power to restrain the liberty of others. At the worst, spirits have no power to perma- nently injure one another. Mortals can frequently render important service to un- happy, ignorant spirits. In their miserable state they can be more favorably influenced by mortals, on planes higher than their own, than by higher spirits, and they frequent- ly seek consolation and instruction through us. At many circles for spirit manifestation the principal object of the directing intelligences is to benefit poor, benighted, luihappy spirits, the good of mortals, though constantly kept in view, being secondary. It is thus at the Banner HOW SOIME AKE AFFECTED. 35 of LiQ-lit circles in Boston, and the members of other cir- cles should not object to their time being occupied for this purpose, for frequently some of the best fruits which are gathered at circles are the knowledge gained, and the deep and abiding impressions made on the minds of the members by mtnessing the contrition, and listening to the humble confessions, and subsequent exj)ressions of thank- fuhiess and jov, on the part of unfortunate and unhappy s^^uits, who through the means thus furnished are enabled to take the first step in the path of progression. It should never be forgotten that spirits in the flesh can fi*equently, at the cost of little time and effort, be instrumental in con- ' ferring inestimable benefits on unhappy fellow-beings who have crossed, what to them has been, the dark river, and who fi'om the other side now earnestly implore the counsel and encouragement which they derided, or disregarded, in this life. Ignorant, degraded, earth-boimd spirits, who in this life were blind, deaf, lame, or otherwise physically imperfect, are sometimes afflicted ui like manner, for a time, in the next life, but when they leave the earth-sphere they be- come freed fi-om their infirmities. Even consumptives of this class sometimes are there afflicted with a cough, such as they suffered from in earth-Hfe. Earth-bound spirits are not prohibited from visiting the second sj)here. It is their affinity with earthly things that holds them to earth. Some of them, of the better class, do occasionally visit that sphere, while others are restrained fi'om doing so by lack of knowledge, or inclination, or from fear that they may be lost on the way. Great numbers of spirits inhabiting the second sphere are but shghtly removed, in point of character and condi- tion, fi'om those in the earth-sphere. These spend much of theu' time on earth, but there are also those who rarely, Q 6 HOW GOVERNED. and some wlio never return to earth. Some of the latter are afraid to take the necessary and first step of launching out in space ; others discredit the possibility of returning, and others, still, are not in any degree attracted here ; for feeling remorse for their past conduct and striving to pro- gress they have no desire to return to the scenes of their sin and folly. The most depraved and violent spirits in the second sphere are separated from the others, and held under surveillance. They literally are imprisoned, and de- prived of the liberty which other spirits, less guilty, to a certain extent enjoy. Spirits in the lov/ spheres are governed by the psycho- logical power of certain spirits in the heavens above them, who are appointed to perform this duty. Spirits in these spheres require a restraining and corrective authority to be exercised over them, as do the lovfest classes of society with us. But there they are governed with wisdom, jus- tice, and kindness, and solely with the view of elevating them to higher moral and intellectual planes, and so perfect are the means employed that this object is sooner or later invariably attained. The keenest suffering that spirits in the second sphere experience is imposed by higher spirits Avith tlie viev/ of exciting remorse and inducing rej)entance for their earthly niisdeeds. Their distress is wholly men- tal, and IS the result of the exercise of psychological power by these higher spirits, most commonly their former guar- dians, who by this means impress their minds with the most vivid recollections of their sins and crimes, and they cannot escape from the contemplation of these until they are brought to view them in their true character, as odious, and abhorrent, and have atoned for them by humble and sincere repentance. All spirits in the low spheres have these mentors, or gniides, w^ho are unseen by them, and whose duty it is to thus impress their minds, and my in- MEMOEY THE ACCUSING ANGEL. 37 structors have no knowledge of any other spirits who pos- sess the power of rendering themselves invisible to others, and these spirits can exercise this power only in relation to their charges. Thus the guilty spirit's accusing angel is memory, the memory of earthly misdeeds, but where by remorse and rejjentance the stains of guilt have been washed away, the remembrance of former sins becomes so obscui'e that an effort of the mmd is required to recall them, and it rarely happens that any inchnation is experienced to do this, and in time the memory of them becomes entirely obliterated. The minds of spirits receive and reflect the rays of spiritual light as variously in character and degree as material ob- jects do those of the sun, and in gross natures the deep dark soil must be j)ierced and broken up by the harrow of remorse, and repentance, before the soul can blossom with reformation, and bear good fruit. IMissionaries also are sent to labor for the reformation of spirits in the second and earth spheres, some of them being those who have suffered injustice at their hands in this Hfe, and to whom is assigned the highest and noblest duty that angels can perform, that of striving to elevate those who have wi^onged them. Progi'ession is the grand law of the spirit-world, and al- though some spirits may not take the first step in the path of progression for a long time, even for ages, yet there can be no change for the worse. Retrogression is there un- known. The sufferings of the less guilty, and these are in the majonty, are rather negative than positive, and these generally advance to the third heaven within a few years, some even sooner. Many pei'petrators of violent and bloody deeds are not there held to strict accountability and severely punished, on account of their failing to reahze the enormity .^ of their offenses at the time of their commission, they then 38 coxDrn(3N of the deuxkaed. beinof Yirtually insane. John "Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Lincohi, was insane, and obsessed by depraved and vio- lent secession spirits, and remained but a brief time in the second sphere. So IMr. Owen, who has fi'ecjuently met him, as well as IMr. Lincoln, in spnit hfe, assures me. He is still known by the name he bore in earth life, and little or no stigma is attached to it in the estimation of advanced spirits, they having a clear understanding of the fact that he was not morally accountable for the offense. Spmts in the second sphere, who here have led infamous lives, when they arise fi'om that sphere and enter the third heaven, have permission to change their names, and many avail themselves of it, but the change is not compulsory. All who have no reason to blush for their names continue to be kno^vn by them in all the heavens that we know any- thin <:>• of. The immediate future of the drunkard in the next hfe is, to a great extent, dependent on his moral condition in this, irrespective of the sin of intemperance. Though all drunkards are for a time in that hfe unhaj^py all do not fare alike, for while one, who durmg his whole hfe here has been de]3raved and whom habits of drunkenness has only further degraded, may find his abode for many years in the earthlj^ sjohere, another, with superior instincts, with a moral record good excej)ting only as intemperance may have clouded it, may after a brief stay in the second sphere, thi'ough the cleansing influence of remorse and repentance, and the aid of kind angel ministration, become purged of the. impuiities the curse has entailed and be permitted to enter the third heaven. This may all take place before the former has experienced the slightest regret for his mis- spent hfe, or the slightest desire for imj^rovement. The penalty, greater or less, though aggravated by intemper- ance, is inflicted mainly on account of moral transgression EEPENT^iNCE IN THIS LIFE. 39 in otlier respects. The same principle, or rule, determines the grade of punisliment, vaiied by the circumstances of each case, aAvarded to suicides and ordinary criminals, and even to murderers. AMiere death is yet distant there is no sin which cannot be expiated in this hfe by earnest and sincere repentance, full and ample reparation for wrong committed, where this is possible, the performance of good works, and permanent reformation of character. The dark record of misdeeds, thus atoned for in this hfe, is obhterated by the recording angel. Many a darkened soul through these means, vfitli angelic assistance, has become qualified, while yet in the iiesh, for an elevated position in the next world, and re- pentance and" reformation commenced even in view of the aj^proach of death, if earnest and sincere, will materially assist the spirit's progress in the next life. Good spuits, fi'om their more elevated positions, do not view oui' misdeeds altogether as they are viewed by the world. They perceive in a clearer light, not onlj the actu- ating causes, but the more remote pre-natal conditions and influences that originally determined our tendencies and inclinations ; they perceive the unfavorable circumstances and tem]3tations that surround us, and the weakness of our natures, and in a pitying and compassionate spirit allow for our foUies, and to a certain extent even for our vices, and while recording in theu' memory our good in- tentions, and deeds, they constantly strive to forget the wl'ongs we have committed. TMiile sometimes they are compelled to mourn over our misdeeds they rejoice and are made hapj)y by our good actions. They view all our acts vrith sympathetic eyes^ in the hght of charity and love. Those of my readers who are Spuitualists, perhaps have found comjoaratively httle thus far in these pages to which 40 THE WICKED HEAVEN. tliey cannot yield, at least, a qualified assent, but in the description v^liich follows of the character of the second sphere, and the heavens above it, they will have both their faith and patience severely taxed. With this hint of the trials in store for my readers I will proceed. In the second sphere of the American heavens, or the wicked heaven, as it is termed by the higher spirits, amid the gloom and desolation which prevail, are to be found cities, constituted of compact blocks of dwellings, separated by streets running at right angles ; in these respects re- sembling our own cities. The dwellings present a dingy, forlorn appearance, and suggest ideas of uncleanness, and discomfort, and there are certain quarters of g'ome of these cities in which the dwellings resemble our tenement houses, and swarm vfith spirits, as ignorant and degraded as the majority of the same classes are here. The streets present a rough, neglected, and rej)ulsive appearance, and the atmos- phere is depressing and cheerless. There are a number of these cities in the second sjDhere, and they are situated in the midst of dreary, barren plains, the desolation of which is but slightly relieved by a meagre, stinted vegeta- tion. The inhabitants of these cities are clothed in gar- ments which correspond to their degraded moral, and in- tellectual conditions, and their unhappy countenances reflect the passions, vices, and ignorance of their natures. In the lowest quarters of these cities, where are congTC- gated the lowest and most degraded of the j)opulation, as above mentioned, many of the dwellings swarm with ten- ants, individuals and famihes hving promiscuously in con- fusion, discord, and wretchedness, and many of them in the practice of the lowest vices, and grossest sensuality, while the air is j)olluted with profane and indecent lan- guage. ITS 1^,' HABITANTS. 41 The food in the second sphere, as in all the heavens ahove it, is fi'uit, but it is of inferior quality, and restricted to a few simple varieties, and with water is apportioned to each family and person in quantities sufiicient to merely satisfy the cra^dngs of hunger, not to fully gratify their desires. There are other quarters of these cities which are su- perior to these, the streets being cleaner, and in better condition, while the dwellings present a neater appearance, both externally and internally, and their tenants are not compelled to herd together like cattle, as they do in the lowest quarters, and they present a better appearance every way, being better clothed, better fed, more decent, more inteUigent, and less immoral. Here also are to be found flowers, of a few varieties, which the inhabitants cultivate ; but there are no gardens. The majority of these people have been removed from the lowest quarters, having earned this favor by an amendment of their conduct and dispo- sition. The}^ have taken the first step in progression. There are missionaries, as before stated, among these peoj)le, sent from the third and fourth heavens, who labor vdth. them and strive to excite desires within them for something better, and higher, and who do all they can to instmct and elevate them, and bring them out of the dark- ness and ignorance which enshroud their mmds, for the great majority of them are extremely ignorant, and the greatest obstacle to their progress and elevation is the lack of capacity to realize the depths of their degradation, and it is to this point that the labors of the missionaries are principally directed, and while the majority of them are, for the time being, insensible to their appeals, and teach- ings, and treat them with scorn and derision, on the other hand the labors of the missionaries are constantly rewarded with success in bringing others into the light, so that they 42 THE CITIES AKE ENCLOSED. are able to \iew themselves traly, or at least partially as tliey are, and as soon as their repentance has worked refor- mation in any considerable degree their teachers report their improvement to - the proper authorities, and permis- sion is accorded them to remove, first to better quarters of the cities, and then, if their improvement continues, in due time they are permitted to advance to the third heaven. All the cities in the second sphere are enclosed by walls which, strange to say, to all spirits are impassable, and there are gates, constantly guarded by spirits who are somewhat more advanced and intelligent than the mhabi- tants, upon whom are imposed the duties of wardens, in expiation of former sins. But the inhabitants, with some exceptions, are permitted to fi'eely pass in and oat of these gates, and make excursions into the surrounding country, but they find httle enjoyment in these visits as all without is a barren wilderness. The most of them also are at liberty to visit the earth whenever they choose, and many avail themselves of the permission, while j)erhaps the ma- jority do not. Their course to earth is by an avenue, or passage way, through the first or Indian sphere, but they j)erceive nothing of this sphere while passing through it, their view being limited by the walls which bound this I)assage way on each side. The country immediately surrounding all these cities in the second sphere is a mlderness of barren plains, with here and there scrubby trees and stinted, unsightly shrub- bery, not a stream of water, though j^erhaps here and there a stagnant pool, not an animal of any species, it is indeed the picture of desolation, a poverty stricken region in the truest sense of the words. A few scattered huts are to be seen, some of them only partially elevated above the sur- face of the ground, the occupants of which vegetate, as DESOLATION OF THE COUNTRY. 43 tlier formerly did on eartli, aud A^iio continue tliis miser- able existence until, througli tlie efforts of kind and self- sacrificing missionaiy spiiits, aspirations for something higher and better ai-e implanted in their minds. As to the broad coiuitry, more remote from the cities, this is of the same general character, and multitudes of poor unhap23Y spirits, in tattered, wretched garments, are scattered over it, some li\4ng in huts, like those just men- tioned, others in the chffs and ledges of rocks, and others stiU in cavities in the earth. Multitudes of other discon- tented, restless beings, mthout definite motive or object, constantly wander over these desolate regions, apj)roaching and ascending in succession every elevated spot, with vague hopes that fi-om its summit some object or scene of a more cheerful character may meet their gaze, and each time only to meet vdth soiTowful disappointment. On every hand are the same sterihty and desolation, while sombre, leaden clouds overs]3read these dismal regions and effectually ex- clude every du'ect ray of the glorious orb which, instinc- tively, they know is shedduig its mellow hght on hapj^ier beings in the heavens above them. My instiTictors have discovered six divisions of the sec- ond sphere ; the first being the abode of the ignorant and degraded ; the second, of those who are inteUigent and cultivated, but whose natures are to a considerable extent depraved ; the third, of those who possessing intelligence and refinement, and being more inclined to do right than wi'ong, have yet from weakness of character, and force of cu'cumstances, been led into sin and crime ; the fourth, a division approj^riated to the spuits of ignorant and de- graded American XegToes ; the fifth, the abode of ignorant and bigoted Eoman Cathohcs, and the sixth, the j^lace set apart for bigoted and intolerant Protestants, and my in- stiiictors have reasons for behe^ing that there are still other 44 THE "hells of SWEDENBOEG. divisions wliicli tliey liave not yet discovered. These, col- lectively, constitute tlie " hells " of Swedenborg. The first of the above mentioned divisions, being the abode of ignorant and degraded spirits, we have already described, the second, the abode of intellectual and culti- vated but more or less depraved spirits, differs from the former in respect to the dwellings and streets in the cities being superior to those in the best quarters of the cities of that division, while the adjacent country is of the same desolate character, and in all other repjpects the resem- blance is complete. Here also missionaries from higher heavens are to be found striving to impress the minds of these morally darkened souls with a sense of their errors, and deficiencies, and to cause them to realize that their dearest friends in the heavens above are anxiously, yet hopefully, awaiting them, so that repentance and reformation may follow. But their friends, unless it be for sj)ecial reasons, are not permitted to visit them, this also being true of all other spirits in the second sphere, Mr. Owen visited this division, as he had previously visited the first, and was exceedingly interested in what he observed, and also in what he learned from his guide. All the spirits he there met were intelligent, and all evinced cultivation and refinement in greater or less degrees. Among them were lawyers, physicians, clergymen, mer- chants, etc., and accomplished and refined ladies. Though they were all at liberty to revisit the earth he was told by all he conversed with, about twenty, that they had little or no desire to do so, and rarely or never availed themselves of the privilege. The general character of the third division of the second si)here is similar to that of the second, and of the fourth I have learned nothing but the fact of its existence, and its EIUOTEI) tJATIIOLICS. 45 appropriation to degraded American Negroes. Tlie fifth and sixtli divisions we will now proceed to describe. " Were one world in the universe a hell, Were one soul in the universe a fiend, Damned hopelessly to everlasting pain, 'Twould be the torturing atom that inflames The vision. Every world and every sphere "Would weep in woful sympathy with wo. The consciousness of all created life . Would yearn and grieve and anguish. God Himself, AMio, in the universal consciousness Dwells throned and radiant,' would receive no joy. But only grief, from His fair universe." — Harris. CONDITION OF BIGOTED SECTAEIANS. Sects are nominally perpetuated in the American heavens tip to the seventh, but not the sectarian spirit, and all the principal sects, excepting the Roman Cathohc, have their churches in those heavens, but there are no distinctively Eoman Catholic churches above the third. In the heavens of Catholic countries there are Cathohc churches in all the heavens but the lowest, at least up to the eighth. Of those Cathohcs who go to the American heavens the more liberal, inteUigent, and moral at once enter the thml, while the bigoted and ignorant go to the second sphere, the same as Protestants on the same low planes, but they do not asso- ciate in either of these heavens with the latter, for in the second sphere there is a city and district of country sur- rounding it knov/n as Purgatory, and all bigoted or other- wise wicked Catholics who enter that sphere go to this place. There are priests among them, as there are Protes- tant clerg-jTnen among others in the same sphere. The majority of these, upon their ariival, are assigned to the lowest quarters of the city, where they remain until 46 PUKGATORY. tlirougli the labors of missionaries from higher heavens they become in some degree divested of their intolerance, and bigotry, and in other respects have improved, when they are j)ermitted to remove to better quarters of the city, and here they remain until iliej have become completely purged of their religious intolerance, when they are per- mitted to go either to the heavens of their native countries, if they are foreigners, or enter the third of the American heavens, if they prefer to do so. All bigoted Catholics, foreign and native, who die in this country go to this pur- gatory in the second sphere, and those among them who from there enter the third American heaven, together with those who directly enter it after death, advance no higher until their belief in the dogmas, rites, and ceremonies of their Chui'ch has become nearly or quite eradicated from their minds. In the purgatory of the second sphere are to be found churches, chapels, monasteries, and monastic orders, nunneries, etc., as here, and the adoration of the Vir- gin and a host of saints, together with the observance of fasting and holy-days are there perpetuated. Papal infalli- bility, the efficacy of mass and confession, are as essentially dogmas there as here. In the third American heaven Catholic churches and chapels also are to be found but no monasteries, nor nunneries, and most of the external forms of Catholic worship are there perpetuated, but their observ- ance is, by the majority, more nominal than real, reason having obtained the ascendency over blind faith. They are learning that dogmas and creeds are onty bars to progression. In the Irish heavens the first, second, and third, are low, and there are no Roman Catholic churches in either of them, but when spirits in these spheres advance to the foui'th, or first real heaven, they there find churches, and rajDidly progress, and in the heavens above the fourth, are also to be fomid churches, but they are divested of their BIGOTED PEOTESTANTS. 47 idolatrous emblems and practices, and the worship is no longer to the virgin, and saints, but to God, and both priests and people are hberal and intelligent. Bigoted and intolerant Protestants when they enter the spirit-world are also imprisoned in the second, sphere, and under similar conditions, and the means taken to enlighten them and to eradicate from their minds bigotry, and intol- erance, are also similar. In that sphere are multitudes of this class, all the orthodox Protestant sects being liberally represented. These are associated in societies and con- duct their religious meetino-s under the same forms, and in the same spiiit, and with 'the same zeal as when here. They are there as anxious to make converts and as thor- oughly convinced that they, exclusively, are in possession of the truth, and that all others are in error as ever they were, and as here, they are yet proscriptive and intolerant of those who are unable to view religion and morality in the light that they do. Many of these continue to cherish their erroneous ideas and to exhibit an un-Christian spirit for long periods of time, and with some, even scores of years may elapse be- fore their eyes become opened to the truth. They con- tinue to believe that all are deluded but themselves. They are ever searching for the anthropomorj^hic Jehovah, and theii' personal Saviour, and impatient, even indignant, when higher and wiser spirits endeavor to enhghten their minds on the subject. Some of these are existing in constant dread of the approaching judgment day, when they may be consigned to eternal misery, and with heaven within their grasp they are sorrowful and wretched. " They know not what they do, they think the thought Some narrow bigot has imparted them ; All their essential nature lies asleep ; The real man is dormant as the grave." 48 TKUTII COMES TO ALL. Principally tlirougli the labors of angelic missionaries these unfortmiates in time are brought to the light, and ' advance to the third heaven, and there remain until they become entirely divested of the remains of the sectarian spirit, for above the third heaven this spirit is unknown, and denominational distinctions, although among Protestants still j^reserved, lose all their significance. Eabid sectari- anism is known only on earth and in the second sphere. Ill the seventh heaven the remaining mere shadow of secta- rianism disapj^ears, and S23irits once bigoted and enslaved by the chains of rehgious error are there emancipated and free. ' ' Religion then shall be Another name for Love. " The foregoing remarks apply equally to the bigoted and intolerant clergyman and those of his flock whoin he may have led astray by his false teachings, but in the third of the Eiighsh heavens there is a locality to which bigoted clergymen and other educated bigots are assigned. They enter and are compelled to remain there until their minds become more enlightened, when they are at liberty to mingle with more intelligent and liberal spirits. The ob- ject in compelling them to thus associate is, that they may gradually be brought to perceive how absurd and false the narrow opinions of their associates are, and through this means, and in this hght, be led to dispassionately view and weigh their own narrow and prejudiced opinions, and re- nounce them. CHAPTEE IV. THE HIGHER HEAVENS. The Indian Heavens. Description of the Higher Heavens, The Negro Heavens. Mr. Owen's visit to the Higher Heavens. THE INDL.\N HEAVENS. " All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose body nature is, and God the soul." In numerical order, the first, or Indian heaven, is low, but in respect to character it is entitled to rank among the higher heavens, and this chapter is therefore the appro- priate place for a brief description of that heaven, " Where no white man robs the Indian ; Where no more the sun grows dim ; Where the warriors and the maidens Chant no more the funeral hymn. " In that land where stars are brighter, Where the moonbeams softly fall, And the great Manito's blessing Like the sunlight 's over all. " There the Indian holds his council, And his thoughts grow great and strong, As the angels teach forgiveness For the white man's fearful wrong. 3 50 CONDITION OF THE INDIANS. " Here his tomahawk and arrows Rest beneath your wigwams grand ; ^ There his soul drinks in the wisdom Of the glorious spirit-land." — ■Spirit. That portion of tlie first sphere which overspreads North America is exclusively appropriated to the Indian tribes, and its scenery, and general appearance, are as natural as those of earth, and far more beautiful, its surface be- ing diversified with grand forests, hills, and even moun- tains, extensive plains, over which roam herds of deer, charming meadows, and lovely lakes, and rivers. The In- dian there lives in his wigwam with his squaw and papooses, has his canoe, bow and arrows, his horse and dog, and chases the deer, as he formerly did here, the only difference being, that, whereas when here he hunted from necessity, there he engages in the chase for sport, with no intention of destroying life, and without the ability to do so if he were so disposed. Most of the tribes there live in close proximity to each other, the distance between some of them not being more than half a mile. Each tribe has its own forests, lakes, and streams, and those of one tribe connect with those of another, so that in their canoes they are able to pass readily into each other's territory, while the forests being easily traversed, they can accomplish the same purpose through them. The most perfect peace and harmony exist between them, and they constantly visit and associate, and fre- quently engage in friendly contests on the lakes and streams in racing their canoes, and on land in shooting arrows at marks, running, leaping, and in racing their horses. Social intercourse, of which such amusements are con- spicuous features, together with the consciousness of being forever released from the cares and anxieties arising from THEIR OJiDKR OF rROGRKSSION". 51 the white man's oppression and wrong, and the earthlj'' struggle for existence, constitute the Indian's chief sources of hajjpiness in this, his first heaven. His tastes yet re- main simple, " To be, couteuts bis natural desire, He asks no angel's wiug. no seraph's fire, But thinks, admitted to that equal sky, His faithful dog shall bear him company." In advancing to higher heavens his desires multipl}" in the ratio that his knowledge increases. But it must not be supposed that the homes of the In- dians embrace all of the first zone, or sphere, for this ex- tends equall}^ over Eui'ope, Asia, Africa, Australia, etc., constituting spiritual continents corresponding to those of eai'th, separated by spiritual oceans, and seas, these also coiTesponding to the earthly Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans, and Mediterranean, Baltic, Black, etc., seas. There is no low sphere, or "wicked lieaA^en," for the In- dians, and Mr. Owen ascertained that they advance, not successively fi'om heaven to heaven as we do, but two heavens at a time, from the first up to the thirteenth, and fi'om thence, successive^, to the foui'teenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth, where they become blended with the whites. Mr. Owen risited theu* heavens from the first to the ninth. They were all perfectly natural, and the latter w^as w^on- drously beautiful and attractive, and he admii'ed it equally "VNith the highest American heaven he had seen. The scen- ery, including landscapes, lakes, and rivers, is enchanting. The wig-Avams and canoes of the Indians, apparently, were constructed of bark, ornamentally fashioned, and beauti- fiilly caiwed, and their garments and trappings were strikingly elegant and imj)osing. Personally they were dignified and noble, and every lineament of their features 52 THE THIRD HEAVEN. reflected the native truthfulness of their characters. Their comj^lexions in this heaven were much Hghter in color than those of Indians here. Mr. Owen there met and conversed with Ked Jacket, formerly chief of the Senecas, who died in 1830. Mr. Owen was told by his guide that the two Indians who con- trol our medium will ascend dii'ectly to that heaven when their mission with him is ended. DESCEIPTION OF THE HIGHEE HEAVENS. In the third American heaven the cities are not alto- gether without attractions, the dwellings, in apj^earance, being equal to the average of buildings in earthly cities, the streets smooth, and clean, flowers, trees, shrubbery, etc., are j)lentiful, and the air is clear and exhilaratmg. Fruits, of good quality, in considerable variety are ob- tainable in abundance. The adjacent country also is mod- erately attractive. There are many small farms in this heaven, with suitable dwellings, and outhouses, the former being furnished with all the implements necessary to their cultivation, as Avell as with horses and wagons, cows, dogs, and fowls, and numerous roads intersect the country, and lakes and rivers are scattered over it. Spirits in the third heaven, in a general sense, are in harmony with each other, and their surroundings, but many of their desires are not gratified, nor can they be until they have advanced to the fourth heaven. Ill the cities of the fourth heaven there are no compact blocks of buildings, and comparatively few intersecting streets. The houses, or homes as they are termed, are situated on spacious and beautiful avenues, which at long distances, of a half mile or more, are intersected by roads, or drives, equally tasteful and beautiful. Horses and THE FOUirrn HEAVEN. 53 A'eliicles are confined to these roads, and the latter, in their general characteristics, resemble our own finest drives, only they are perfect in all that possibly can be conceived as necessar}" to perfection. The avenues upon which the homes are situated, are not bounded by sidewalks, but their entire area is a surface of silken moss, of a beautiful mellow green hue, and soft and luxurious to the tread as the richest carpet. The dwellings in this heaven are situated in the midst of spacious plots of ground, in which gardens are conspic- uous, and in which are always blooming flowers of every species that is knoT\T.i on earth, together with many varieties that are here unknown. Shrubbery, vines, trees, and grass combine with the flowers to render perfect the surround- ings of these beautiful, yet natural sj)irit homes. The dwel- lings in these parts of the heaven are all of the same general style, and proj)ortions, but their colors vary ac- cording to the tastes of the occupants. They are con- structed entirely of wood, and every dwelhng is artistically and elegantly caiwed, and otherwise ornamented, and all have porticoes and observatories. These mansions will be more fully described in the next chapter. The foregoing is a brief description of those parts of the foui'th heaven which in their general character most nearly resemble cities, but other parts, and these by far the most extensive, present very different, though equally charming aspects, and have few features in common with cities, but on the contrary all the best characteristics of the country. Here the dwellings are ecjually elegant and commodious, but of various styles, perfectly adapted to and in harmony with the picturesque and beautiful scenery. Lakes, rivers, and smaller streams abound, and the names of some of these are borrowed from our own lakes, and rivers ; for instance, a certain lake is known as Lake Chamj^lain, a 64: THE PREVAILING CONDITIONS. certain river as tlie Hudson, etc. But there are no locali- ties, bearing the nanies of any of our cities, or towns. To all sj)irits the heavens above them are as invisible as the}^ are to us. The celestial vault appears to them as it does to us, only more glorious and grand. For them also our sun and moon rise, and set, the former casting its shadow, and the latter presenting its different phases as we perceive them. The same stars that gem our heavens are brilliant ui theirs. The scope of vision of spirits in the heavens is more extensive than ours in our atmosjDhere, while in our atmosphere the range of vision of most of them is exceedingly limited. The temperature of the heavens, excepting those regions directly above the equator, where it is considerably warmer, and those in the extreme north and south, where it is correspondingly colder, is delightful, and unvarying. Storms and boisterous winds are un- known, but from fleecy clouds frequently descend gentle showers, and balmy, delicious breezes ever prevail. In the lower heavens, as said above, there are various climates. The heavens nearest the polar regions of the earth are the heavens of the inhabitants of those regions. The first in numerical order of these is cold, with snow and ice, and they have their reindeer, dogs and sledges, and are clothed in what resemble furs. The natives of the tropics, on the other hand, in their lower heavens enjoy a tropical chmate, but in these extreme heavens the chmate is shorn of its severity, it being only sufficiently cold or warm to render it agreeable to the inhabitants. Each successive heaven in the ascending order of the natives of the Arctic regions, and of the tropics approximates nearer in temperature and general character to our own, until, in the higher heavens the temperature becomes like that of our heavens, and the scenery, homes, etc., assume an appearance similar to that in our heavens. NATION ALrni:s exist. 55 Tlic jDredominant features of all countries as well as the cliaracteristics of their inhabitants are represented in the different heavens. There the Chinese have their temples and pagodas, canals and bridges ; the Venetians their cities of the sea, every street of which is a crystal river, ahve and gay with beautiful gondolas. The Ai'abs there on steeds fleet as the wind, course deserts of glistening sand. The African negro there finds the counterpart of his native jungle, and a modified tropical climate, while the native of the In-j^jcrborean regions, as before said, in his sledge, drawn by reindeer, or dogs, glides over snow, as real, and pure, and beautiful' as that to which he had been accustomed in his native land. National distinctions and boundaries exist in the heavens, as here. There are American, Enghsh, French, German, etc., divisions, or territories in each zone, these being situated in relation to each other as the respective countries are here, but it is only in the first sphere, or zone, that the conti- nents are separated by oceans, and seas, those in the heavens above that, being merely geographical divisions of the expanded surface of those heavens. Each country is in gTeater or less degree marked by the characteristics of the country on earth of which it is a counterpart, the same language being spoken, the same personal habits and tastes j^revaihng, and even the same styles of architecture are in the main reproduced. LangTiage there, in its character and uses, is precise^ what it is here. An American there is still an American, an Enghshman an Englishman, a German a Gennan, an Indian an Indian, and a Negro is there still a negTO, although Indians and Negi'oes, as they progress, constantly assimilate in appearance and charac- ter to the white race. The first of the European heavens, and presumably of all heavens excepting the American, is the lowest, or wicked 56 THE HEAVENS COMPARED. sphere, and is on a plane witli the second of the American heavens, while the second sphere of those heavens is superior to the first. In the first and second of the British heavens there is no spiritual England, Scotland, Wales, or Ireland, but all these exist in the heavens above these, where there are also spiritual Londons, Edinburghs, Dublins, etc., to- gether with smaller tovTis, and villages. The first six of most of the European heavens are superior in character to the corresponding American heavens, especially in works of art, but in the heavens immediately above these the su- periority is less marked, and in still higher heavens the American are in all respects equal to the European heav- ens, if not superior to them. In the lower heavens, as a rule, Americans progress as much m three or four years as the majority of Europeans do in ten. This is attribut- able to our active, energetic, and inquisitive natures, but in the higher heavens these advantages are lost. Americans who retain their love of their native countrv, dying abroad, go to the American heavens. Foreigners, (excej^ting certain Roman Cathohcs, as elsewhere ex]3lained,) dying in America, whose attachment to their native coun- try exceeds that which they feel for this, go to the heavens of their o^vn country, otherwise they go to the American heavens. Americans and foreigners who have intermarried are permitted to go either to the American or foreign heavens, as they prefer. Sometimes such parties are at- tracted to their resj)ective relatives, and they accordingly make their homes with them, but if they still are attracted to each other they are at liberty to visit, and have every facility for visiting and enjoying each other's society as freely as they desire, and in time they become permanently reunited. COXDITIOX OF NEGKO SriKITS. 57 THE NEGRO HEAVENS. In certain of the American lieavens there are districts, or locahties, set aj^art for American Negroes. The latter are subject to the laws of progression, as all others are. As they advance they assume a lighter color. As a rule, mu- lattoes, in whom the negro blood predominates go to the negro heavens, while others, in w^hom that of the white race j)redominates, share w^ith the latter their heavens, and des- tiny. But in truth tlie destmy of both races is the same. ]\Ii\ Owen and my father, at my request, made American negTO spirits and their heavens a subject of special investi- gation, and with this object in view" repeatedly visited them. They found the majority of the negro S23irits, in their low- est sjDhere, to be as black as the majority of our negroes, but in their third heaven they were considerably lighter in color, with modified and improved features, but still the ma;;ority of them were unmistakably negroes. Their lowest sphere is the second, the same as that of the whites, they being allotted a division of it, while the most degraded among them are earth-bound, and associate with white spii'its on that plane. From the second sphere they ad- vance to the third, but after that their progress is not like oui'S from heaven to heaven in numerical order, but like that of the American Indians, ascending from the third to the fifth, thence to the seventh, and thus upwards by alternate heavens until they reach the thirteenth, from whence they advance successively to the fourteenth, fif- teenth, and sixteenth, and there all distinctions between them and white spirits cease to exist, they then having become as white, beautiful, refined, and intellectual as these. Many of them m the heavens above the third are permitted to visit the heavens of the whites on the same 3* 58 MEANS OF COMMUNICATION. planes. Those among them who formerly were slaves, or servants, to white people, go, like all others of their race, to their own heavens, but when they have advanced above the third heaven they are permitted, if they desire to do so, and their former masters or employers also desire it, to join the latter and resume their former relations in a modi- fied form and advance with them. ME. Owen's visit to the higher heavens. Spirits pass from one heaven to another by means of capacious avenues, or causeways, which extend from each heaven to the next above. These afford means of commu- nication between the different heavens, and are usually thronged with spirits, ascending and descending, and upon which also horses and vehicles pass upwards and down- wards. The upper extremities of these avenues penetrate the foundational, or basic structure, of the heavens, that which corresponds to our terra Jirma, but which there is quite limited in thickness, and then open upon the upper surface, where gates are j^laced which are constantly guard- ed by spirit-wardens. There are many of these avenues of communication connecting each heaven with the next above and below it. Those extending from the second heaven to the third are about one hundred and fifty miles in length, while the length of those in the heavens above the third does not exceed seventy-five miles. Mr. Owen said he could pass over the former with his horses in an hour. Li visiting another heaven for the first time a guide ac- companies the visitor, but a pass is alwa3^s required, and this must be shown at every gate by which he enters or leaves. These passes are usually obtained from the war- dens of their own heavens, they having permission to issue certain numbers daily. The passes for visiting the second A DISTIXGUISIIED VISITOK. 50 and Iiuiian spheres are obtained from the wardens at the g'ates of the third heaven, and all persons whose object in visiting those spheres is commendable can obtain them, but they are i:)rohibited from visiting friends who may be in the second sphere, as no communication is ordinarily permitted with these. October 27, 1877 — quoting from my note-book — Mr. Owen informed me that a few days before, while seated in the portico of his mansion, in the fourth heaven, a stranger, of noble and commanding presence, approached and ad- di'essing him inquired if he was Robert Dale Owen. Upon his rephdng in the affirmative, and inviting the stranger to be seated, the latter stated that his home was in the thirty- second heaven, and the object of his visit was to meet Mr. Owen, but he was reticent as to his motives beyond this, and ]\Ii'. Owen thought he had some special object in view which he was not disposed to make known. In the course of conversation ]Mi\ Owen alluded to his frequent visits to earth, and his intercourse with me, through our medium, and the visitor immediately became interested in the sub- ject, and asked many questions in relation to it, and ex- pressed his astonishment at the possibility of JVIr. Owen being able to thus communicate with mortals. His- conversation and bearing greatly impressed Mr. Owen, evincing as they did higher degrees of intellectuality, cultui'e, and refinement, than he had ever before knov^^n any individual to possess. He informed him that in earth- life he had been an Englishman, and had been in sjoirit- life more than a century. He said that there were heavens above his own, the thirty-second, and that each successive heaven was more beautiful than the one below. Mr. Owen remarked to me that this was inconceivable by him, for although he knew that the heavens up to the sixth, this 60 HIS BRIEF HISTORY. being the highest he had then visited, increased in beauty, yet he could not imagine how those above that could excel it. He promised to again visit Mr. Owen in a few days. Three days after this the same spirit again visited Mr. Owen, and inquired if he was disposed to accept a mission. He did not inform the latter of the nature of the proposed work, but IVIr. Owen declined to undei-take it, stating that he ah*eady v/as engaged in assisting me in mine. From this time the visits of this spirit to Mr. Owen were fi^equent and regular, averaging about three times a week, and at one of these he informed Mr. Owen that in earth- life he bore the name of Charles Stevens, and bears it now in spirit-life. He had no distinct remembrance of the period of time he had been in the spirit-world, but beheved it to be about one hundred and fifty years. He remem- bered that he was born in England, and at an early age emigrated to America, married an American lady, became identified with his adopted country, and when he passed awav he entered the American heavens, w^here he has always remained and is now living with his wife and two daughters. He said he was not permitted to visit heavens lower than his own apparelled as he usually is in his own heaven, but previous to descending is obliged to robe himself Hke the spirits in the heavens he proposes to visit, and consequently he does not then appear in the resplendence that characterizes him, and all others, in his heaven. Mr. Ovv^en invited this sj)irit, Mr. Stevens, to accompany him to earth to witness the method of communicating through our medium, and he re|)lied that it would afford him great pleasure to do so, and he would request the necessary permission. The day following he returned, according to his promise, and to Mr. Owen's disappoint- ment stated that his request had been denied, and the in- THE NUMBER OF THE HEAVENS. 01 terdictioii Mgaiust liis descending' below the fourth heaven remfiiued m force. He knows of eight heavens above his, but his knowledge of them is quite limited. He also has learned that there are heavens above the fortieth. When spirits reach the thirtieth heaven they are no longer permitted to visit the earth, and when they reach the fortieth they are rarely per- mitted to visit any heaven below the thirty-second. The fifteenth is the Golden heaven, and the Capital of all the heavens below it. The thirty-fifth is another Golden heaven, and the caj)ital of all below it, down to the fifteenth, and somewhere above the fortieth he has heard that there is still another capital, and Golden heaven. I would here remark that all the information in these pages respecting the heavens above the fifteenth was de- rived fi'om this spirit, Mr. Stevens, through Mr. Owen, as was also much of that respecting the heavens between the sixth and fifteenth. Early in December, 1877, Mr. Owen informed me that Mr. Stevens had notified him that he had received permis- sion to conduct him on a ^isit to the different heavens up to and including the fifteenth, his own home then being in the fifth. Accordingly, on the tenth of that month, under j\Ii\ Stevens' guidance, he visited the sixth heaven and suc- cessively the others until they reached the fourteenth. He found each heaven to be more beautiful than that below, but all were of the same general character, and equally natui^al. In the fourteenth both he and his gniide were furnished with scarlet satin robes, trimmed with gold lace, and golden sandals for their feet, decorated with rubies, and for their heads golden crowns, gemmed with diamonds, rubies, and sapphires, which shone with the lustre of the stars. ^Tien thus arrayed they were admitted to the fif- teenth heaven. 62 Mli. OWEN VISITS IIIGHEK HEAVENS. Here lie found a lieaven, in splendor, exceeding anything wliich liis imagination had j)reviously conceived. The mansions, or homes, were superbly beautiful, and upon entering one of them, it being the home of a family with whom his guide was acquainted, he found the vestibule draped with satin, interwoven with gold, and the apart- ments corres^^ondingly furnished, and the walls and ceil- ings traced in beautiful gossamer-like designs, and deli- cately carved and otherwise ornamented. The Capitol, or edifice in which the Congress of wise and beneficent spirits of this and higher heavens meet to con- sider and decide important questions, relating to the inter- ests of spirits in that and the lower heavens, was of pure, white, semi-transparent marble, and its stateliness, magnifi- cence, and beauty were indescribable, while its surround- ings were correspondingly imposing and beautiful. There were lovely and attractive parks, the trees, shrub- bery, grass, and flowers of which excelled anything of the kind that Mr. Owen had seen in the heavens below, golden fountains, with interior surfaces of burnished silver, from which ascended streams and jets of purest water, glisten- ing in the light like hquid crystal, the streams comming- Hng in the air and assuming beautiful and graceful forms ere they descended into the fountain. There were innu- merable birds, of many species, of resplendent plumage, and these filled the air with their melody. Beside these, there were graceful and beautiful deer, which permitted the utmost familiarity, and lastly, there were horses of such symmetrical proportions, and perfect grace and beauty, that Mr. Owen said he would not attempt to describe them. Some of these were ridden and others driven be- fore elegant chariots, carriages, and other vehicles of two and four wheels, beautifully fashioned and carved, and ornamented with gold. HIS DKSCRII'TION OF TIIKM. 63 Tliere were superb drives, wiiicli appeared to be formed of fine, perfectly clean, gratel, where tlirongli the day and e:ir!y evening multitudes of both sexes throng to enjoy themselves in riding and driving, the whole presenting a scene enchanting beyond conception, and wonderfully at- tractive and exhilarating. By the favor of the friend, above mentioned, of Mr. Stevens, Mr. Owen enjoyed the pleasure of a drive of about five miles on one of these ele- gant roads, which was bordered with trees, most of them loaded with luscious fruit, and shrubbery, and flowers, while charming meadows, and hills, and dales spread on each side as far as the eye could reach. The scenery was diversified with streams and lakes of crystal purity, and on some of the former, and all of the latter, he noticed many persons in boats, sailing and rowing. Language, he de- clared, could not do justice to the picture, and the most ■sivid imagination could not conceive the perfection of its beautv and loveliness. The onlv animals to be found there, he was informed, were those above mentioned, namely, horses, deer, and bii'ds, together with fish in the rivers and lakes. The spirits, male and female, in this heaven, are fully as beautiful and perfect as angels are popularly supposed to be, their beauty surpassing any possible conception of oiu's, and to IMr. Owen they all -appeared to be equally beautiful. He had observed when. ascending from the fifth to this, the Golden heaven, that in each, successively, the beauty of the inhabitants increased, thus establishing in his mind the rule that the more advanced the spirit the more resplendent the beauty. The rol^es of both male and female spiiits in the Golden heaven were of scarlet satin, trimmed with gold lace, like that which he then wore. All, hkewise, wore cro^vns like his, but those of the female spirits were of smaller dimensions, more like coronets. 64: GOVERNMENT IN THE HEAVENS. The fifteenth is the only capital or golden heaven below the thirty-fifth, which also is a Oolclen heaven. His gTiide, whose home, as before remarked, was in the thirtv-second heaven, informed him that the heavens between the fif- teenth and his own present the same general appearance as those immediately below the fifteenth, and are but little superior to them, but each differs in certain respects from all others. There are rivers, and smaller streams, and lakes in all the heavens, abounding in fish, and boats pro- pelled by sails and oars glide over their surfaces. Golden crowns are worn by all male sj)irits, and smaller crowns, or coronets, by all female spirits in the fifteenth and higher heavens. Mr. Owen's guide told him that he had never known or heard of any person beside him being permitted to visit the Golden heaven, unless in the regular order of progres- sion. My father,, notwithstanding he has been in the spirit- world more than fifty years, and is associated with Mr. Owen in his labors, was not permitted to accompany him. There are no governments in the spirit-world corre- sponding to our municipal, and other local governments, but a congress assembles from time to time in the Ca23ital, or fifteenth, or Golden heaven, for the purj)ose of discuss- ing and adopting measures for the good of all below that heaven. It is constituted of spirits delegated from that and higher heavens. Washington, Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, Lincohi, and certain other of our former presidents, and other statesmen, are members of this congress. All measures decreed by it are enforced through the silent agencies employed, and spirits in the heavens below ac- quiesce in the action of their wise and good legislators. There are no published codes of lav/, but all laws and rules enacted are recorded in the fifteenth heaven. PLANETARY SPIRITS. C)0 Spirits rarely disobey orders from tlie higher heavens, but when these are disregarded, or wilfully violated, the oftender is compelled, as a punishment, to descend to a lower heaven, where he remains until such time as he has become penitent and submissive. If a spirit, while visiting the earth, should reveal to mortals forbidden secrets the oflence would immediately become known to sj^irits in authorit}', and the offender would be prohibited fi'om again \isiting the earth, and perhaj^s, in addition, he would be degraded to a lower heaven. As to governing, planetary sj^irits, there is this degree of truth in this ancient belief ; a spiritual hierarchy does exist in the higher heavens, and there are certain exalted spirits of transcendant capacity and wisdom, who passed fi'om earth many ages since, and who are j^re-eminently qualified to du'ect and control. To such lofty intelligences otherwise, but less higiily qualified spirits, defer, and on important questions relating to the present and future weKare of the race, both in the heavens and on earth, their o]3inions usually determine the course of action to be pur- sued. There are cities and towns in every heaven, at least up to the fortieth. These were j)lanned by spirits, and built by the labor of their hands, but the means by which the grounds were ornamented with trees, shrubbery, vines, flowers, and gTass, is different, and to us nearly incredible. My instnictors say that the boundaries of the plots or en- closiu'es having been established, buildings erected, and paths laid out by manual labor, it is then only necessary to clearly conceive the varieties of vegetation, the propor- tion of each variety desired, and the order of arrangement, and then to will, or earnestly wish for it, and within a day or two it makes its appearance, and within a week or ten 66 A STORY CONFIRMED. days, at the most, it attains its full growtli and perfection, the trees, if fruit-bearing, abounding in ripe fruit, and the floAvering shrubs and vines in full bearing, and all pre- senting the appearance of having been in existence for a long period of time. Similar means are foUowed by similar results whenever they are emplo^^ed. Among the many statements in this volume perhaps none will challenge the faith and test the patience of the reader hke the following. Nov. 1, 1877, the Indian controller of the medium in- formed me that a day or two previous a steamboat made its appearance on a lake in the Indian country, and a large number of his tribe, the Winnebago, received invitations to sail on her. Soon after the boat started it attained such a rate of speed that many of the Indians became alarmed and left it, and soon the boiler exploded, scattering the re- maining Indians together with the white spirits in every direction, and many of them suffered for a brief time severely. He described the boat as being m every respect similar to our steamboats, vdth furnace, boiler, and ma- chinery, the fuel being wood, procured from the forests. The next day after I had been told the above story I had a conversation with other sjoirit friends, Mr, Ov/en among them, and they confirmed what the Indian had said, and added that the boat was crowded, principally, with Indians, who w^ere having a merry time, while the shores of the lake were lined with others who were cheering those on board, when suddenly the explosion occurred, and the Indians were hurled by its force in every direction, at first creating consternation, then amusement in the minds of the spectators. Some of the Indians thus violently pro- jected into the air, suffered for a time, but they were aU more frightened than hurt, and soon recovered, and joined THE SECOND STEAMBOxlT. 67 tlie otliers in makino- merry over tlie details of tlie accident. The wreck cuui^'lit lire and was consumed. The cause of the catastrophe was an excessive pressure of steam, this being the lirst steamboat built in the American heavens, and this the trial trip, the engineer was necessarily de- ficient in the experience without which there was no safety for the boat. My friends assure me that for some years past there have been steamboats, and even steamships, in the waters of the Enghsh heavens. There are also workshops in those heavens, where the machinery for these vessels is nianu- lictured, and the machinerv' for this boat was obtained there. The timber was j)i'ocured from the forests in the first, or Indian heaven, and this boat was built there. They also stated that the spirits who built this boat were preparing to construct another in its place. On the 27th of the following month, December, my fiiends informed me that the second steamboat, beinof completed, was on the previous day launched, and sailed on its trial trip. There were many guests on board from the different heavens below the eighth, and among them were some Indians. When saihng near the banks of the lake Indians, on horses, amused themselves by testing the speed of their animals in competition with that of the steamer, and the latter, with its passengers, was greeted with loud huzzas from those on shore, and her steam- whistle responded to the welcoming cheers. A grand entertainment was given on board. On the spiritual Atlantic Ocean, in the first sphere, there are a few ships, and many yachts, and other small craft, while in the thu-d of the English heavens there are a number of steamers on the lakes, and rivers. In that heaven there are also two or three railways. CHAPTEE V. THE HIGHER HEAVENS — Continued. Mansions, G-arments, Ornaments. Employments, HEAVENLY MANSIONS OR HOMES. " In my Father's house there are many mansions ; if it were not so I would have told you." — John xlv. 2. If Orthodox Cliristians were asked whether they beheve that there are temples in heaven in which to worship the Snj)reme Being, the majority of them would find no diffi- culty in replying in the affirmative, and again, if they should be asked whether they beheve that there are mansions there, as Jesus declared there were, and as we believe there are, suitable for individual and family comfort and enjoy- ment, would not this question be regarded as equally rea- sonable ? The fact is, if we admit the existence of heaven, and people it with human beings, we must go further, and provide in a rational manner for their comfort and hapj^iness. There are indeed magnificent temples in the American and English heavens, and grand cathedrals in certain of the European, with the most inspiring and soul-ravishing music resounding through their naves and aisles, with ministers and priests ministering to the religious needs of their flocks, and eloquently proclaiming the loftiest and purest truths, fi'ee from all the admixture of error that here, so often, misleads and fetters the soul. MANSIONS. 69 In each heaven the dwelling's, or homes, m regard to styles of ai'chitectiu'e and general appearance, ditfer from those in the heavens above, and below, but in the cities there is a general resemblance between all dwellings or homes in the same heaven, except as to color. In the suburbs of the cities the}" vary in style, as they also do in the countrv. Thev are successively more beautiful as we ascend. These mansions are ready provided in the heavens, and upon the entrance of spirits they are conducted by giiides to their respective habitations. All spirits in the higher heavens are in such perfect harmony with their sur- roundings that they have no desire for anything different. These mansions have previously been occupied, and become vacant fi'om their occupants having advanced to higher heavens. To each mansion in the heavens above the third, as be- fore said, is attached a beautiful garden, in which perpetu- ally bloom flowers resplendent in colors, of countless hues, and of exquisitely beautiful and dehcate forms, and of every conceivable variety, while the grounds are laid out in the most artistic and pleasing manner and intersected by charming walks. Flowers in these celestial gardens, unhke those of earth, never wither and fade while they re- main unplucked, and yet buds and blossoms in all their various stages of grow^th are found on the same branches, and on the fruit-bearing trees and \ines are constantly to be found buds, blossoms, and ripened fruit. AU the pubhc buildings, temples, theatres, halls, and all the dwelhngs or homes m the different heavens are the products of the skill and labor of human spuits. The mansions are aU constructed of wood, no stone being used in their formation, but in the higher heavens stone is em- ployed in the constniction of public buildings, and in the fifteenth heaven the capitol is constmcted exclusively of To FURNITUIiE. white marble, of wonderful piiritj^ and beauty. For tlie in- terior of tlieir mansions, or homes, walnut, rosewood, maple, mahogany, etc., are used, and these woods, there far more beautiful than here, are wrought with surpassing skill by the hands of sj)irit artisans, while the ceilings and walls, as before stated, are frequently elegantly frescoed, and deli- cately traced, and carved, and otherwise ornamented. Work of this kind is there accomplished far more rapidly, and with less effort than it is here. The furniture of the habitations in the second sphere is scanty and of the plainest description, corresponding to the dweUings. In the third heaven, the dwellings being supe- rior to those below, the character and quality of the furni- ture are correspondingly better, but yet much inferior to that in the heaven above. From here the furniture, like the mansions in each successively ascending heaven, is more elegant. It is constructed of beautiful woods, of various patterns and styles, elegantly carved and ornamented, and upholstered in fabrics of the richest description. In the sixth heaven the furniture is gilded and burnished. The floors of these homes are covered with rich and velvety car^^ets, wrought in beautiful patterns and colors. Their homes are also furnished with clocks, and watches are in common use with them, and are frequently carried on their persons. My instructors, when with me, are never at a loss for the time, as I have frequently satisfied myself by their answers to my questions as to the hour, their time nearly according with my own. At night they repose on beds or couches as we do. The coverings of these are of beautiful materials and colors, and elegantly wrought in figures of various designs. Upon retiring at night they exchange the garments they have worn through the day for sleej)ing robes. r MR. owen's IIo:^[E. 71 ]\Ii'. Owen's description of liis own liome, wliile in tlio fourth heaven, was as follows. " On the main Hoor of my home there is a parlor, a small libraiy Avell stored with books, a study, and dining room. Each room is diHerentty furnished, hut the frame- work of all the furniture is of choice woods wrought into elegant forms, and artistically and beautifully carved, and polished. That of the parlor is upholstered with a sub- stance, or what you w^ould term a material, in some re- spects resembling velvet, but the nap is of greater length, and very soft and beautiful. The floors are covered with carpets, so soft and luxurious' that in treading upon them the feet are partially buried in their velvety fleece, and the patterns and colors are exquisitely beautiful. The win- dows are fiirnished with silk and lace curtains, both elabo- rately woven and embroidered in elegant patterns. The dining room is furnished in a plainer manner, more in the style of your dining rooms, while the furniture of the other rooms on that floor, partakes of the character both of the parlor and dining room, and is strictly adapted to the uses and enjoyments to which those rooms are respectively a^^propriated. The second floor is arranged for sleeping apartments, and we have no floor above this. Meals are served in the dining room morning, noon, and evening. These consist exclusively of fruit, of which we usually have on our table twenty or more varieties. The drinks are principally water and wines, the latter of various kinds, unfermented, and of delicious taste and flavor. We have two female servants m our household. They were in the second, or wicked heaven, and having the alternative offered them to longer remain there and slowly progress, or to act in the capacity of servants to us, in the fourth heaven, and progress with us, they chose the latter course. But it must not be supposed that in the relation 72 HIS SERVANTS. tlie}" bear to the family tliere is any sense of degradation, or of inferiority, other than that which arises from the con- sciousness of their comparative ignorance, a consciousness which we all feel in the presence of those who are wiser and more advanced than ourselves, but which fails to cause a single regret, for we know that if we strive to attain it we shall in time occupy as exalted a position, in all re- spects, as they now do. Their service is entirely volun- tary, and for this we endeavor to compensate them by improving every opportunity to instruct them in any knowledge we may possess, and in which they may be de- ficient. They are regarded by us more as wards than ser- vants, and in morahty and virtue jjerhaps they are now our equals, and if they were to leave us at this time they would remain in our heaven, the only disadvantage to them being that they would not hereafter j)rogress as rap- idl}^ as they will by remaining with us. Beside our per- sonal influence over them for good, they are greatly benefit- ed by contact with and observation of the society tha.t daily gathers at our home, and as we advance to higher heavens they are thus, at each successive step in progression, better qualified to meet its requirements, until at a period of time, not very distant, they will become so advanced mor- ally, intellectually, and even socially, that they will no longer feel a sense of dependence, but will be able to act independently, and then their equahty will be gladly recog- nized by us. They will then have outstripped those of their fiiends from whom they parted in the second sphere, and been rewarded for the services they have rendered us." Mr. Owen added, that every family in the fourth and higher heavens that desires to have servants from the sec- ond sphere are privileged to have them, and multitudes, there, are only too happy to assume such humble positions on such terms. PAINTING AND ARCHITECTURE. 73 Paintings, far excelling in merit any of tlie productions of the great masters on earth, abound in the heavens, and in the spiritual Romes, Florences, Bolognes, Venices, Dresdens, etc., there are magnificent galleries, in which are to be found numerous works of these same great mas- ters, executed by them in spirit life. ^ In the French heavens the lowest spiritual Paris is in the foiu'th heaven. In the heavens above this there are other cities of the same name. The styles of architecture ill the S3 cities, and in the French heavens generally, as also in the German, and other heavens, partake of the character of the architecture in the countries on earth of which they are spiritual counterparts, only there it is indescribably gi'ander and more imposing. But in the spiritual Homes the temples, palaces, mansions, etc., generally excel those of all other cities, being gTand and stately beyond descrip- tion. There are spiritual Romes in the Italian heavens fi'om the third, at least to the seventh. It has been said that v,"hen spirits change their habita- tions and have no fui^ther use for them, or other objects pertaining to them, their habitations and these objects, through the exercise of their will-force disappear. This is an error, as spirits have neither the inclination nor power to destroy anything, nor do they become dissatisfied mth an}i;hing they possess, for they have nothing which they do not desu'e. It is only when they pass to higher heavens that they come into possession of new and different objects, excepting as elsewhere explained, and in each heaven there is to be found precisely what is best adapted to their wants and desires. The onlv sense in wliich our cfood deeds contribute to the building up of our spiritual mansions, is by quahfying us for higher heavens, and more beautiful homes. 4 '4: SPIRITS LOVE THE BEAUTIFUL. GAEMENTS, ORNAMENTS, AND OTHER OBJECTS. "For all TTiiJigs are Yours." The love of the beautiful is a natural sentiment of our spiritual natures, and the admiration of and desire for beau- tiful raiment is therefore a legitimate taste, and it is right to gi'atify it when it can be properly done. AVith all good spirits, male and female, this taste is active, and the means of its gTatification are ampl}^ provided and placed within the reach of all. But the love of fine raiment is never a passion Avith the inhabitants of the heavens, and a spirit of rivahy is never excited by the selfish desii-es of one to make a richer and finer display than another. The utmost desires of all are gratified, for all desu'es of happy spiiits are proper and just, and are never actuated by selfishness, this, the basis of all sinfulness, having been eliminated from their natures. Nothing that one happy spirit j)osses- ses is ever coveted by another. The garments of S23irits in certain respects are different in each heaven, each having a certain predominant color, or shade of color, especially characteristic of it, and there are also certain differences, although in some instances shght, in the styles and forms of garments. Thus to higher spirits the raiment of others in the heavens below them is indicative of their grade and condition. To a considerable extent the garments of spirits in the heavens of different nationahties partake of the character of the garments of people in the corresj)onding coiuitries on earth. Spiritual garments are made from textile fabrics, and both these and the garments are the products of spirit skill and labor. In the heavens from the third to the eighth males com- monly di^ess as we do, in coat, vest, trousers, and hats, the GAKM1':XTS OF SPIRITS. 75 Last being soft and pliable, Avitli sandals for tlieir feet. They also at times, and especially in tlieir liomes, array tlieniselves in wliite loose robes, tliese frequently being ornamented witli colored trimmings. Sometimes wlien \isiting tlie etii'tli in summer, they are dressed in white, but more commonly in dark clothing. Mr. Owen, my father, and other male fiiends usually wear garments of dark colors, the material being much like our cloth in sub- stance, texture, and appearance, and of the prevaihng fashions of earth, sHghtly modified according to taste. Young children are clothed in accordance with tlieir own tastes, under the direction' of their parents or guardians. Young females fi-om the age of fifteen to twenty years clothe themselves exclusively in white robes, not being j)ermitted to wear colored garments. They usually adorn their persons with wreaths of flowers, these most commonly encii'cle their shoulders and droop and are festooned low over the skrrts of their robes. They also wear smaller ^-reaths, of still more clehcate flowers encircling their heads. Theu' hail', like that of all females, is left free to fall over their shoulders. Female spirits above the age of twenty years are at lib- erty to dress as they please, in garments of various colors and styles, but the great majority of them dress in flowing and gi'aceful robes, with the waist simply encircled with a loose gu'dle or belt, but all ornament their robes with rib- bons and flowers. They wear no other head coverings than veils, and these are of beautiful materials and patterns, and of most exquisite workmanship. They universally adorn their heads with flowers. Like the males, they wear sandals. The garments of both male and female spirits are always found in their homes, ready prepared for them when they enter them. Tlieir tastes in the choice of garments 76 EVERY DESIRE GRATIFIED. are always anticipated, and the latter are of every color, texture, and style tliey can desire. Tlieir garments never wear out nor become soiled. Whenever they are qnpJi- fied to advance to a higher heaven garments from that heaven are brought to them, in which they army them- selves, they not being permitted to take with them any- thing whatever from one heaven to another, everything in any heaven belonging exclusively to that heaven. In their new homes they also find every other thing which they can j)0ssibly desire, including jewelry, and other ornaments. The jewelry is of gold and silver and j)recious stones, and far excels any that wealth can command on earth, and all good spirits can obtain it in abundance. All these things are made by skilful sj)irit artists, whose highest enjoyment for a season, is in being employed in their production. EMPLOYMENTS OF SPIRITS. MEANS OF SUPPLYING OTHER WANTS. Good spirits obtain everything they desire. The desire and the need are inseparable, the one cannot exist without the other. In aU the heavens above the third, the student will find books, paper, pens, ink, pencils, etc., which he can obtain without cost, and with only the trouble of asking for them, for as many spirits desire these things, these Avants, like all others, are abundantly supplied. And yet a sj^irit of hmited intelligence when communicating through a me- dium, if asked whether these things are to be found in the heavens, probably would reply No, and honestly too, not havuig desired, or seen them, or j^erhaps not havmg ad- vanced sufficiently to obtain them. Musical instruments of every conceivable kind are easily obtainable there, perfect in tone, form, and finish. There HOAV OBJECTS ARE OBTAINED, 77 are various kinds of wheeled veliicles in the heavens above the third, and in each heaven successively, they are more elea'ant and qTaceful than in the heaven below. Thev never wear out, or require repairing, or become tarnished by time and use. It is the same with the dwellings, furni- ture, garments, ornaments, and all other objects. Photog- raphers are there engaged in the practice of their art, and photographs are there nearly as common as here. The chemist there can obtain acids, allvalies, salts, and all other chemical substances corresponding to those on earth, to- gether with all the utensils, instruments, and other appa- ratus that go to make up the furniture of a laboratory, and is thus able to repeat every experiment and reproduce every result that is possible with chemists here, and spirit chemists are constantly engaged in experimenting, and they fi'equently make discoveries, the knowledge of which sooner or later is communicated, generally by impression, to oui' chemists. The chemicals, metals, tools, machinery, etc., required in the American heavens^ are procured fi'om the European heavens, mostly from the English. There is an of&ce in each American heaven where, upon application, anything of this character w^ill be obtained from the proper Eu- ropean heaven. When a certain object, as a book, an instrument, ornament, utensil, etc., is desired, application is raade to a repository of such articles, a w^arehouse, it might be termed, and soon thereafter, perhaps the next day, the object desired is brought by a messenger to the applicant's home. There are such repositories in all the heavens above the thii'd. Their wines also are obtained in this manner. Allien jMi\ Owen, upon his passing away, entered the thii'd heaven he found in his new home a small collection of books, which constituted a part of its furniture. When YS BOOKS AND JOURNALS. lie entered the fourth he found a larger collection, and upon his entering the fifth heaven he found in his home a fine hbrary, among the books being elegant copies of all his own works. In the sixth heaven he found a still larger and more elegant Hbrary, with books still more tastefully and elegantly bound, and lettered. Here again he found copies of liis own works. Wlien books, not in his library, are desired, he applies to the repository of books in his heaven, and they are always sent to him, and usually within twenty-four hours. He is not permitted to enter this re- pository, but makes his request at the entrance. All of our spiritualist journals are republished in the fourth heaven, and copies are sent to all who desire them, almost immediately after the originals are issued here. By this means Mr. Owen perused an article of mine, which had been published in one of our journals, before I had received the copy containing it, and discussed with me its principal points. And not only private but pubUc libra- ries abound in the spirit-world, and connected with the latter, in the lower American and English heavens, are reading rooms, w^hich are supplied with copies of all the spiritualist journals, together mth some of the principal daily and weekly newspapers, and quarterly and monthly magazines published in these two countries. In the pub- lic libraries in the American heavens, there are no records, or accounts of former and extinct races, for the obvious reason that these heavens have not, at least for unknown ages, been inhabited by others than Indians. But records, covermg the four centuries since America was discovered, are to be found there. In the libraries of certain of the European and Asiatic heavens records exist of the princi- pal events and occurrences which have taken place in those countries for thousands of j^ears. There are at least a score of spirits daily engaged in the TUE MANUFACTURING IlEAVP^N. 79 National Libraiy iu Wasliingion in copying such books as may be of interest to spirits in tlieii' world. Tliose, who ai-e thus engaged, are endowed T\dtli the faculty of reading closed books ^^ith amazing facility. By an effort of the will, a psychological process, they are able to evolve or produce so as to be clearly represented to their minds, exact copies of the successive j^ages of a book. The posi- tion of the book, or whether it be open or closed, is of no consequence, pro^sided it be externally wholly or partially exposed to view. In this way these, or other spirits, ob- tain copies of oui- Spirituahst and secular journals. For a long time my instructors were unable to learn where the fui-niture, garments, etc., in use m the heavens were manufactured. No one was able to inform them un- til j\lr. Owen inquii'ed of the spirit from the thirty-second heaven, ]VIi\ Stevens, and fi'om him he learned, much to his sui-prise, that the Eighteenth heaven is known ia the heavens above it as " The Manufacturing Heaven." Here the dwellings and pubhc buildings for the heavens below, are wrought in j)arts, and sections, and made ready for erection, and then transported to the heavens where they are needed, and there they are put together by spirit me- chanics. Here also furniture, garments, jewelry, books, and nearly everything that is needed' in the heavens are manufactui'ed. In the seventeenth heaven are the homes of the artisans who labor in their vocations in the eigh- teenth. Many of them have their famihes with them, and their seK sacrificing spirit, manifested in the devotion of theii' skill and labor to the promotion of the comfort and happiness of others, is rewarded, not only by their own rapid advancement, but also by that of their families, whose weKai'e is as dear to them as their own. And then their labors ai'e not of long continuance ; a fevf years and they 80 EMPLOYMENTS OF SPIRITS. o advance to still higher heavens, while others from lower heavens supply their places. We thus perceive that good spirits are not engaged exclusively in religious, or even in- tellectual occuj^ations, but on the contrary the diversity of em^^loyments with them is nearly as great as with us, but the efforts of all are directed to the best good, either of in- dividuals or of the whole. It should be a source of gratification, at least to young people, to learn that they will not be constantly engaged in devotional exercises. Spirits use their minds, their hands, and limbs, as we do ; they plan and execute, walk, ride, drive, sail on the rivers and lakes, interchange visits, fi'equent the theatres, attend lectures, and places of wor- ship, read and write, eat, drink, sing and dance, have their social gatherings, such as parties, picnics, excursions by land and water, and otherwise enjoy themselves, and in addition, are able to transport themselves from place to place, from one lieaven to another, and to earth, and ad- vanced spirits are even able with the speed of lightning to wing their flight from this planet to another, without ex- haustion, and with httle effort. The intellect of itself cannot apjDrehend these things. Iles23ecting them, God has made our hearts wiser than our heads, and the head would be wiser than it is if it were al- ways to consult the heart in such matters. In compliance with my request that she would describe her usual daily occupations, a highly intelligent spirit friend in the fourth heaven with whom I frequently communicate said : "When I arise in the morning I perform my ablutions, then exercise by walking in the garden and vicinity of my home, return and make my morning repast of fruits, en- gage in conversation, read, write, or embroider, or engage IN MANY KESPECTS LIKE OUR OWN. 81 in any other occupation, or amusement, that may interest me. Often, in comj^any Avitli others, sometimes alone, I sail on the lakes, or rivers. For this purpose we have boats of various sizes and forms, all beautiful, and some exquisitely so, and they glide through the crystal waters with very little eftbrt on our part, while others are pro- pelled by sails. ^Ye frequently make uj^ parties for excur- sions on the water, and into the country, and visit remark- able and beautiful objects, and places, and often numbers of friends of both sexes assemble at the homes of certain of them for social enjoyment. At these parties, for they are precisely such, we amuse ourselves, and are entertained Tvdth refreshments, these consisting exclusively of various fi'uits, and unfermentecl mnes, and other drinks, and the scene is enlivened with music and dancing. We also often assemble for instruction in public halls, and listen to addresses, lectures, orations, etc., and some- times to humorous lectures and exhibitions, and the auditors sometimes manifest their appreciation of the sub- ject, and theii' enjoyment of the occasion, by uproarious hilarity." Another spiiit, that of my father, to whom I read the above descrij)tion, corroborated it, and added : " Our employments are as human and natural as yours ; such as would engage your attention were you Hving in a beautiful and j)erfect, yet natural world, where all were harmony and happiness, where the cares, the sorrows, the dark misfortunes and temptations of your lives were un- known, and where, from the perfection of your natures you would be capable of fully and perfectly enjoying your sur- roundings. We have none but proper and commendable desires, and all these find full and perfect gratification. We roam over beautiful meadows, and romantic roads, wander along the banks of lovely rivers and lakes, through 82 TEMPLES, HALLS AND THEATRES. grand parks and forests, and amid scenery beautiful, attractive, and varied beyond description, or even mortal conception. We have noble and beautiful homes, with convenient, spacious apartments, elegantly furnished. We have inviting grassy lav^ns, luxuriant flowering vines, shrub- bery, ornamental and fruit-bearing trees, and lovely gar- dens, these abounding with exquisitely beautiful flowers, of dehghtful perfume and endless in variety of form and color. We have grand public halls, where discourses are de- hvered by wise and noble spirits, temples, where the truth alone is proclaimed, and magnificent theatres, where in- struction and amusement are combined, and which are frequented at times by all. We also have opera houses, where the finest and grandest operas are performed, and concerts, both of vocal and instrumental music are common with us. There are public and private libraries, in which are to be found the works of sj)irit authors, and also books which are copies or spiritual reprints of the best earthly authors, and sometimes these spiritual copies are obtainable by us before the original works are published in your world, each chapter being copied by spuit experts as it is completed by your writers. We frequently visit earthly friends and places, and still more frequently spirit friends in our own heavens, or those below ours, and much of our time is thus employed, and we have the power to visit foreign heavens, and many avail themselves of this privilege and visit old friends in those heavens, or friends whom they have made in their visits there, while the principal object of the visits of others is to observe and take note of what is there to be seen. Not only are there theatres and opera houses in all the heavens above the third, but in the fourth and fifth there also are circuses. HUNTING AND FISHING. 83 IMi*. Owen assures me that lie frequentl}'" engages in trout fishing, in the streams, and angles for larger fish in the lakes, fish abounding in both, and enjoys the sjoort even more keenly than he ever did on earth. As spirits are not permitted to, and in fact cannot destroy hfe, after cat chin"' the fish they detach them from the hook, and re- turn them to the water. He says the fish do not sujffer pain from being hooked. Spirits sometimes hunt game in the fields and forests. They have fowling pieces and rifles, constructed on the principle of oui* air-guns. Shot and bullets are used, but no injury is inflicted by them. The discharge is attended with a report, which startles the game, and causes it to run or fly away. As a rule, lads enjoy this sport more than their elders. Billiai'd tables are almost as commonly in use there as here. In riding, males use saddles and bridles ; females use saddles only. The latter guide their horses by touching them on the sides of the neck, and by speaking to them. The Indians have exceptionally fleet horses, and with them chase deer, and use them for the other purposes for which they formerly used horses on earth, including racing, and they enjoy this sport as keenly as when they engaged in it on their native plains, but in spirit-life they have for this pui"23ose beautiful wide avenues, bordered with trees, shrub- bery, and flowers, and extending thi'ough a country equally beautiful. My Indian fiiends tell me that they pasture their horses in meadows, and these know their masters and are obedient to their call. In liding they use no saddles or bridles but guide their animals with their hands, the least motion of which is understood, their horses, like their dogs and other animals, being far more intelligent than ours. Many Indians, and esj)ecially squaws, in sx^iiit-life retain their earthly tastes for basket-making and exercise 84 FAKMS IN THE HEAVENS. great skill in the construction of tliese objects, fashioning them mto beautiful forms and combining the various colors so as to present very pleasing effects to the eye. They also construct canoes of bark, -with like skill and taste. They procure the materials for both then- baskets and ca- noes from the forests. In all the heavens from the third, at least up to the four- teenth, there are small farms of eight or ten acres each. These are occupied and cultivated by such spmts as are most happy when engaged in the cultivation of the soil. On these farms are suitable and beautiful dwellings, and they are stocked with horses, cows, dogs, and domestic fowl, and deer are to be found on some of them. Birds here, as everywhere in the heavens above the second, are numerous. There are many spirits with talents for invention who are constantly employed in devising new methods of accom- phshing known objects, or methods of accomphshing ob- jects which in themselves are new. The majority of impor- tant inventions are thus first discovered in the si3irit-world, and from thence are imj)ressed on the minds of medially endowed uidividuals on earth. In most instances after an invention is perfected in the spirit-world a spiritual model of it is brought to earth, and here sufficiently materiahzed to test it under earthly conditions. Spirit mechanics have tools and imjDlements of every de- scription, and by their labor they accomplish as much in one day as a mortal, equally skiUful and correspondingly employed, can in a week. " There are celestial fruits that round their orbs To perfect ripeness in the light that streams From the diffusive sphere of Deity, And angels feed upon them and grow wise." SPIRITS ki:quike sustenance. 85 The si3iritnal bod}' requires sustenance for its mainten- ance equally Avith the eartlity. All spirits, excei:)ting those who are eai'th-bound, derive their sustenance from fruit, but the latter ai-e dependent upon the emanations of earthly food and animal substances, toQ'ether A^ith the sustaininir elements Avhich they absorb from certain mortals with whom they are able to come into rapport. This necessity of the most degl'aded spirits is the origin of the custom which was prevalent among certain ancient nations, and equally obtains to-day among the Chinese, of offering cooked meats and other kinds of food on the graves of de- parted friends. It is also ^ the origin of the religious rite of human and animal sacrifice. All, excepting this class of spirits, eat, drink, and digest theii' food as when they were in earth life. The fruit which constitutes theii' food is of every conceivable variety, in- cluding graj)e3, berries, etc., and although their princijjal di'ink is water yet they have other drinks, among which are "seines made fi'om the unfermented juice of grapes. In addition to these fruits the Indians have a vege- table, in appearance Hke the yam, which they sometimes boil and eat. As nothing in the spirit-world which has life can be deprived of it, animal food in any form is un- known. Many of the best songs of earth originated in the spirit- world, and have ' been communicated to mortals, while many originating here are sung in heaven. The popular songs, "Sweet By and By" and "Best for the Weary" originated there, and are as great favorites there as here. But Solomon's Songs are neither sung nor chanted there. Meetings for conference and discussion are common. Moral, rehgious, and occasionally even certain of our j)oliti- cal questions are there considered. These meetings are 86 MEDIUMS RETAIN THEIR POWER. held in pubKc halls, temples, and theatres. The orders of Masonry and Odd-Fellowship are perpetuated there, lodges existing throughout the lower heavens. Medial j)ower primarily pertains to the spiritual nature, certain material elements and the vital forces of the physical organism being tributary to its exercise, and the spirit is not divested of this power in the next life, but most com- monly it continues to be exercised there, only it is there exercised in connection with some earthly medium, and thus the medium here more frequently than otherwise continues to be a medium there for a certain time, and from his medial experiences in this life he in the next is enabled to exercise his powers more efficiently than he otherwise would. Many intelligent spirits note the changes and progress of earthly events with interest, and take part in all move- ments for the promotion of the best interests of mankind here below. The labors of our earth-life, where they have been directed to noble objects and aims, will there be con- tinued, in view, either of the same ends or of others equally, perhaps more important. It is natural for men to dehght in knowledge, and to take pleasure in applying it. A skiUful architect or mechanic, if in a normal condition physically and mentally, finds, perhaps, his highest enjoy- ment in the exercise of his special talents, and upon his translation to spirit-life he will still possess the same talents, and for a time, at least, the same tastes and habits, and he will avail himself of opportunities to exercise his talents in that world where all the conditions are so much more favorable, and the rewards of labor, though of a dif- ferent character, so much more satisfactory and abundant. But it is not to be supposed that he will always be satisfied to thus labor, on the contrary, through his labors for the good of others he will after a time advance to higher en- HOW spiRrrs are e:mi'loyed. 87 jovments, aiid otliers will succeed liim in the employments he has relinquished. Neither do all skillful mechanics and others there, even temporarily, employ themselves as they did in earth-life ; it is entirely optional with them whether they do or not, and mam^ are attracted to other occupations. It is the same with all others who are differently endowed in re- spect to talents and tastes. All good spirits not only de- rive pleasure fi'om the simple exercise of their special talents but this pleasure is enhanced by a lively sense of the hapj)iness others derive from the fi'uits of their labors, eA*en as they in tui'n are benefited by the labors of others. The above remarks are equally true of the artist, physi- cian, la^Awer, clergyman, teacher, and business man, they also still possessing the talents and tastes which charac- terized them when here, and these also are most commonly exercised there. The true artist there transfers to im- perishable canvas his ideals of grace and beauty, ideals which transcend anything which in earth-life his imagina- tion had conceived. The physician may seek to impress the minds of mortals with higher and more important truths relating to the heahng art than those which he re- alized in the flesh, and thus be able, though indirectly, to continue his work of alleviating earthly sickness and suf- fering. The lawyer, if his soul has been in his profession, will there search into and endeavor to acquire knowledge of spiritual laws, and principles, and perhaps return to earth to impress receptive legal minds with the knowledge he has obtained. The earnest, sincere, and spiritually en- hghtened clerg^Tiian will there find congenial employment in preaching a better, purer, and more rational religion than he here ever comprehended, to the ignorant and de- graded dwellers in the second sphere, while at the same time he may find his highest, though it may be melancholy 88 EMPLOYMENTS CONGENIAL. satisfaction, in sometimes returning to earth and here laboring' to eradicate some of the dark errors which he has engTafted in the minds of his fellow men. The teacher will generally pursue his earthly vocation for a period of time, the office of teacher there being not only a necessary but a highly honorable one. The talents of the business man Avill not lie idle, for there he will be employed, not in trade and barter, and the accumulation of wealth, as here, but in dealing with spiritual things, in gathering spiritual knowledge, and exchanging his material notions and errors for heavenly treasures, which he wiU dispense with a liberal hand to those whose needs demand the exercise of his charity and love. Neither is the statesman without con- genial emj)loyment, for he there has a field more extensive than any here, in wliich he finds unlimited facihties for re- search, and observation, for the true principles of political science are there understood and aj)]3hed, and systems of government, based on the highest wisdom, are in operation, to which all associations and individuals are subject. Many scientists after passing to the next life continue their researches there, where they find, within easy reach, all the means necessary for their prosecution, and which are known to scientists here. They have their societies and meetings where questions of interest to them are dis- cussed, but scientific subjects do not occupy the attention of American sj)mts to the extent they do those in the Eng- lish, French, and German heavens. But a scientist like Huxley, or Tindall, for instance, does not ordinarily in spirit-life possess as clear and distinct a memory of his special knowledge as he possessed on earth, and as his mind for so long a period has been absorbed in the pursuit of this knowledge he is apt to seek to exercise it there in the same direction, and perhaps, meeting with disappoint- ment, from the above cause, he turns to eai'th and mortal ALL CAN ACQUIRE EDUCATION. 89 life aL»"aiu, and here endeavors to find some medially en- dowed brother scientist with whom he may be able to come into rapport, and through him continue the studies and researches which death interrupted. This employment for a time renders him contented, but sooner or later he be- comes more sensible of heavenly attractions, and less re- gardful of earthly, and turns his attention in that direc- tion, and bidding farewell to earth he thenceforth exercises his talents in congenial and, perhaps, corresponding pur- suits in his own world. Those who have here received but a meagre education will there have opportunities' of remedying their deficien- cies in this respect, as there are colleges, open to both sexes, the methods of instruction being principally by illus- trated lectures. CHAPTER VI. THE HIGHER HEAVENS — Continued. Sunday Observance. Titles and Names. Personal Appearance of Spirits. Language. Prevision. The Insane in Spirit Life. SUNDAY OBSERVANCE. The observance of Sunday as a day of rest from labor and for recuperation of the forces of mind and body, and for rehgious and moral improvement, is interwoven with European and American society, and the day is variously observed according to the views of its nature and require- ments, but to all it is a day distinct from other s^ and were its observance to be abrogated the most strenuous o]Dpo- sers of its religious character would have reason to regret it equall}^ with its most rigid observers, and in the hfe be- yond it will still be regarded as conducive to our well- being, and happiness, and in fact its observance is there perpetuated. In the American heavens above the second the day is generally regarded, not as sacred in any sense, but as a day convenient and appropriate for the performance of and at- tendance on religious services, and theatres and other places of amusement on that day are closed, but those who may be disinclined to attend religious services frequently hsten to lectures, or addresses, on moral and other useful subjects, or quietly enjoy themselves in their homes, gar- MANNER OF OIJSKKVANCE. 91 dens, and the fields, in sailing on tlie lakes and rivers, promenade, visit friends, etc., and generally conduct them- selves as most sensible and well-bred people here do on that day. The ser^dces in the temples — all places of worship in the heavens above the third are termed temples — are simple in character, being as nearly as possible free from form and ceremony, and all truly religious and moral truths are proper subjects for consideration. Dogmatic and credal articles of behef find no place or favor in the heavens above the third, and are ignored in these services. Even to those who in this' life have been materialists Simday there becomes a day of quiet moral and intellect- ual enjoyment, for the noblest, and wisest, and best of earth's teachers are there to instruct their fellow-men, and expoimd important truths, some of which they have learned from observation and experience in spirit-life, and others, mth which their minds are inspired, are derived from ex- alted angehc, perhaps Deific sources. Sunday, in the American heavens, is the only day which is invested with a pubhc character. There are no holidays, nor pubhc celebration of anniversaries. TITLES AKD NAMES IN THE HEAVENS. " How loved, how honorVl once avails thee not, To whom related, or by whom begot." The record of a good life is there of greater value and commands more respect than the earthly reputation of a monarch. The king and his subject, the lord and the peas- ant, the rich and the poor are there equal, or, quite as often as otherwise, the subject is above his king, the ]3eas- ant above his lord, and the beggar above the Dives who spurned him. 02 EARTHLY NAMES PERPETUATED. Spirits are known by the names they bore in earth-life, and they address each other by these names. The appel- lations, Mr. and Mrs., are prefixed to proj)er names, as they are here, and higher earthly titles in the lower Eu- ropean heavens are frequently perpetuated for a time, but soon their use is discontinued. Among relatives our terms expressive of degrees of relationship are familiarly em- ployed, as also are given or Christian names among inti- mate friends. But there are exceptions to the rule that spirits are known by the names they bore while here, for spirits who have on earth led infamous hves, and who necessarily are on the loAvest planes of the earth, or second sphere, the "hells" of Swedenborg, when they have there expiated their crimes and are prepared to ascend to the third heaven frequently have other names substituted for those which they hitherto have borne, the new names being expressive or symbolical of their better, and now dominant traits of character, and these names they are thereafter known by, and those spirits who were acquainted with them in earth life are prohibited from addressmg them by their former titles or names. Good and pure spirits, whose earthly hves have been above reproach, would shrink from contact with a Nero, or Jeffreys, even though they should meet him as a saint in heaven. Any approach to one who had once borne such a character would be dictated by a sense of duty, not inchnation, for spuits are yet human in their traits of character. With children, who pass over at an age when they have a knowledge of their Christian names, these are generally perpetuated there, but when infants grow up in spirit life they are permitted, at a pro23er age, to adopt any Chiistian names they choose, but their choice is often influenced by the opinions of their guardians. EARTHLY TITLES. 93 Eartlily distinctiou and fame, unless based on sterling worth, are of little acconnt there. Many of the reputations of eminent and distinguished men are fictitious, or ill- deserved, and such have no standing there, while all recog- nize and honor the reputation that has been earned by labors for the good of mankind. Such characters as those of Socrates, Plato, Jesus, Wesley, Wilberforce, Howard, Washington, FrankHn, and Lincohi, are as highly appre- ciated and honored, and their eminence as generally recog- nized there, as here, while man}" great men, great in eartlily estimation, are there little indeed. In the lower European heavens earthl}' titles are to some extent recognized, but not in the higher. A monarch, in the higher of those heavens, would not receive homage, or be addressed by his earthly titles, even by the most humble of his former subjects, and he would there command no higher nor more general respect than the latter simply on account of his former exalted position. Neither would it be agreeable to him to receive homage or be addressed by his former titles. When other titled persons of less dis- tinction pass over with good records they are there, for a time only, addressed by their titles, but these are only sub- stitutes for their proper names. A nobleman Avould be addressed as Duke, 'or Lord, but not as "Your Grace," or "Lordship," nor would a monarch, even in the lower heavens, be commonly addressed as "Your Majesty." A few admirers and others, who yet continued to be inflii- enced by the feelings of awe and respect with which they had formerly regarded royalty, would continue to emj)loy the same forms of speech when addressing members of a royal family, but in time even they would cease to address them in such terms, which savor of flattery and servihty. \ 94 THE AGES THAT SPIRITS APPEAR. THE PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF SPIRITS. Eternal youth is the heritage of the soul. It is said that Washington Irving, when a young man, loved Matilda Hoffman, and that she died early, and that true to her memory and his only love he never married, and in a pri- vate di'awer after his death was found her miniature, and a lock of her hair. To a fiiend he said : " She died in the beauty of youth, and to me she will always be young and beautiful." He here had an intuitive perception of the truth that in the glory of youth and beauty she would wel- come him to the bright world beyond. She was as true to his memory as he was to hers, for the constancy of a mor- tal's love can never excel that of an angel's. In the heavens males appear to be of the age of about twenty-eight to thirty years, and females about twenty-five. No spirits bear the appearance of advanced age to other spirits. The reverend, gray-bearded ajopearance, which some spirits present when they render themselves visible to us thi'ough the processes of materialization, is only as- sumed for purposes of identification. Personal characteristics are as distinctly, though not as extremely marked in the spirit-world as they are with us, /but all who have lived proper lives here, as also those who / have become purified and elevated by repentance, are more / beautiful than they were in the flesh, and as they progress in purity and wisdom they constantly become more beautiful. Ungainly and ugly people are no longer so when they have attained the foui'th heaven, and as they advance they steadily become more beautiful. The features of spirits, in degree, continue to be as distinctively characteristic as they were here, but each feature in time becomes a perfect type of the class of features to which it belongs. NO SPIRIT DWARFS NOR GIANTS. 95 Altliougli there ai'e no spirits who are extremely short, or tall, yet in both these respects there are degrees of dif- ference. Certain spirits are taller or shorter, stouter or more slender, than others, so that it is proper to say of certain spirits that they are tall or short, stout or slim, but, as just remarked, not in the extreme. The compara- tive stature of males and females is about the same as in earth-life. From what has been said it follows that there are no spirit dwarfs, nor giants, neither are there any de- formed spirits, excepting the comparatively few whose earthly deformities are temporarily perpetuated in the earth sphei'e, and who are elsewhere described. The em- bodied spirits of dwarfs and giants are contracted or ex- panded to the proportions of the material body, but when such spirits are released by the death of the latter they as- sume normal proportions. This is in conformity with a natui'al spiiitual law. Dwarfs, like little Minnie Warren, and Tom Thumb, when they pass away — the former is now in sj^iiit-life — assume the full stature and projjortions of ordinary men and women. All spirits upon their entrance to the tMrd heaven are permitted to determine their sta- ture. Once determined it remains permanently fixed. The majority of spirits however do not avail themselves of this permission, being .satisfied with their natural stature. The complexions of sj^irits differ as with us. In the same heavens are to be found light, and dark, and inter- mediate complexions, and hair of all shades of color, in- cluding red. The negroes, in the lowest of their spheres, are as black as they were on earth, but as elsewhere stated, they become hghter in color as they progress. When spmts reach the fourth heaven should they earnestly and definitely desu-e changes in the color or hue of their hair the changes will accordingly be made mthout the observ- ance of any conditions, or taking any other measures on 96 APPEARANCE REPRESENTS CONDITION. their part to produce the desired results. The changes are wrought by a power, which, to them, is shrouded in mj^stery. Some male sjoirits wear beards, others do not. Some also wear side whiskers, and moustaches. With each, taste determines the form. They do not shave, nor trim their beards. They have only to intently desire that these shall assume a certain appearance and the desire is grati- fied. The change generally occurs at night, when they are asleep:). Should they desire to have no beard their de- sire in this respect is also gratified. The personal appearance of spirits, in a general sense, represents their condition, good spirits appearing bright, and happy, and beautiful, while those on low planes ap- pear the reverse. These are darker, appear unhappy, their countenances indicate evil thoughts, and passions, and their garments invariably correspond in appearance to their condition, being shabby, and mean, often actually torn and ragged. They avoid good spirits, when possible, and, as a rule, equally avoid their resorts on earth. But the different grades of good spirits are not readily distinguished except by their raiment, neither is it possible to accurately classify the bad by their appearance. The higher spirits, when perceived by mortals clairvoyantly, sometimes ap- pear of a brightness which might without exaggeration be termed dazzling, but they do not thus actually appear to each other. There are no such appearances as halos, or spheres of light, surrounding the heads of spirits. Neither are there personal atmospheres surrounding spirits, visible to each other. LANGUAGE IN THE HEAVENS. Spirits can no more communicate with each other with- out the use of speech than we can, and two spirits of dif- MANY LANGUAGES IN HEAVEN. 97 ferent nationalities meeting, and not understanding the language of each other, Avoald labor under as many diffi- culties in attempting to comnumicate as they would in the flesh. Swedenborg in his Heaven and Hell, ^ 236, says that there is but one lani2iiao'e used throuoiiout heaven. This is an error, for as many languages are spoken there as on earth, nationalities and languages in all the heavens that T\'e have any knowledge of, being as positive and distinct facts there as here, but in the higher heavens there is reason to believe that there is a steady approximation to unity of language, while at the same time strictly national traits, habits, and feelings fade, and ultimately disappear. There ai'e two w^ays in which the knowledge of languages, other than their own, may become useful to spirits ; first, in visiting the inhabitants and exploring the heavens of other nationahties, and searching therr libraries and records ; and second, in communicating through mediums here with foreigners. For any other than these purjDoses such knowledge is of little or no service in the heavens. PEEVISION OF SPIRITS. Foreknowledge of earthly events is dependent on a fac- ulty possessed by comparatively few spirits, the great majority of them being quite as ignorant of events in the futui'e as we are. But certain spirits are endowed with the faculty of precision, and these are to be found in all the heavens above the third, while in the highest heavens there are advanced spmts who are endowed in an eminent degree with the gift of clairvoyance, so that they are able to directly and plainly perceive whatever they desire in re- lation to eartlily events and cii'cumstances in the present, 5 98 PREVISION UNCOI^IMON. and in the future, and they either of themselves, or in as- sociation with others, perhaps still more exalted, largely influence and even determine the course and character of many earthly human events, always exercising their power for the attainment of important and worthy objects. But it is only of those in the lower heavens that we have any definite knowledge as to their power of divination, I know of one spirit, now in the ninth heaven, who is gifted with the faculty of perceiving future earthly events, and his prevision is ordinarily Hmited to a period of three years. He also is unable, except on rare occasions, to perceive the precise times of the occurrence of the events he pre- dicts. He perceives that certain events will or wiU not take place within the period of time to which his prevision is Hmited. But there are other spirit seers in these heav- ens whose clairvoyance penetrates the future to a greater extent, and who are able to foresee the precise times at which more distant events will occur. My communication with this prescient spirit has been exclusively through one of my mstructors, Mr. Bernard, and the latter's account of the way in VN^hich the desired information is obtained may interest some of my readers, as it certainly did me. Mr. Bernard says that when he desires knowledge relating to the future he visits Mr. Puixly, at his home, in the ninth heaven where the latter has a large room, which he terms his sitting room, and which is devoted to such purposes. Here both become seated, Mr. Purdy in a chair w^hich he invariably occu- pies when he attempts to divine the future, and after a few moments of silence he becomes unconscious, apparently passing into a gentle slumber, when he is in a condition to impart information upon the subject ]3resented, replying to any questions relating to that subject, but to none relating to any other, and when these questions have been an- A SE^mCE IN THE HEAVENS. 99 swered lie resumes his former natural state, and then re- members nothing whatever that has been said during his entrancement. Although only one subject may be consid- ered at one seance, a second seance may succeed the first after a brief interval of time, when another subject may be presented for consideration. My Spiritualist readers will readily recognize this as a desciiption of a seance with an entranced clairvoyant, such a seance as most Spirituahsts have frequently participated in, and w^e laiow that the intelligence back of the earthly cLiii'voyant medium is a disembodied spiiit, but who, or what, is the intelligence back of this clairvoyant spirit ? It is a stai'tling question, or at least was and is to me, and at some future time will be fui'ther considered. It is a law of spirit life that when good spirits earnestly desire particular gifts, the exercise of which wiU conduce to their own happiness, or that of others, and to the ac- comphshment of worthy and iiseful purposes, such desires shall be gTatified. In whatever pursuits such spirits may engage, if these be laudable and useful, powers are con- ferred which assist in the attainment of the objects desu'ed, the faculties employed are strengthened, and developed, and sometimes even new faculties seem to be bestowed. Thus prevision, clau-yoyance, and psychological and healing power when exercised by such spirits, for good purposes, are wonderfully developed. This is strikingly illustrated in the cases of guardian spuits, who, when appointed to their offices are alwaj^s endowed with the power of per- ceiving every thought, and hearing every word uttered by their w^ards, and in addition to this, of frequently foresee- ing events relating to them in the immediate future. Many people here are sadly deficient in a capacity for music, poe- try, or painting, but if there they earnestly covet any one or all of these talents they w^ill be developed in them, and some- 100 MORTAL CAPABILITIES FORESEEN. times witli amazing rapidity, to the astonislimeut of them- selves and others. Musical and poetical harmony not only perv^ade the soul of ever}^ li^^PPJ spirit, but all such spirits are able to give expression to their feehngs and sentiments through voices and instruments that faithfully reflect the inward beauty and purity of theu' souls. The j)recise times of the deaths, or recovery fi'om disease of persons, have m many instances been predicted by them- selves. These persons are always sensitives, or mediums, and the sources of the information are clairvoyant spirits, most commonly the guardians of the persons, whose minds they impress with tliis knowledge, or, as is often the case, whose organs of speech they control to give utterance to the prediction. Similar information concerning the future of others sometimes comes through professional medimns, from like sources. What are termed, presentiments, are generally warnings or intimations of something to occui' in the future impressed on the mind by gTiardian spii'its. That the future capabilities of every important, human instiTiment for good are distinctly foreseen by certain ad- vanced inteUigences, and that such individuals are carefully guarded and guided, I am well convinced, not only from the assurances of my invisible instructors, but also from independent conclusions. Whatever free moral agency may be to others, to them, excepting within exceedingly circumscribed hmits, it hardly exists. They are instru- ments for the accomphshment of ends, and if these ends be important, interests, objects, and individuals that are obstacles to their attamment are sacrificed, and even the temporal comfort and hajopiness of the mstrument himself sometimes are subjected to the same fate. But in the latter event he is richly compensated in the next life for all his sufferings and disappointments in this. WHAT SPIRITS ARE INSANE. " 101 THE INSANE IN SPIRIT LIFE. There are, properly speaking, no insane spirits except those in the earth-sj)here and who previous to their insanity were degraded spiritually, and morally. These frequently continue, in some degree, insane for a considerable period of time, their spiritual condition not being favorable to their restoration, and here they are often attracted to mortals with like tendencies, whom they obsess, and throuf^'h whom they ventilate their own disordered fan- cies, or even worse, impel to acts of violence. Persons on higher planes who enter the spirit-world insane are at once conducted to" the thu'd heaven. These, most com- monly, are not permitted to revisit the earth, for should they do so they, in a gTeater or less degree, would resume then- former msane condition and feelings, and should they then come into relations with insane mortals, or with mediums, then- insanity would return in full force, and might be manifested through these channels injurious- ly. But individuals of this class, whose former insanity was of a harmless character, are sometimes permitted to return, and thi'ough mediums they sometimes proclaim themselves to be Jes.us, Paul, Socrates, or Julius Csesar, or some other celebrity, or perhaps even God Himself. There are infirmaries in the second and third heavens for those who have died insane, and all such, excepting the most de- graded, are conveyed directly to one of these, as also are all idiots and imbeciles. The insane very soon recover their reason, but idiots require j^rotracted treatment to de- velop their dormant faculties, but under the kind ministra- tions of the angels they steadily progress, and in time reach the plane of average intelligence, and sometimes outstrip originally brighter minds. 102 SPIRITUAL BODY INDESTRUCTIBLE. When a person is bloT^ii into fragments by an explosion, caused by nitro-giycerine, steam, or gunpowder, his spiritual body is not disintegTated or torn asunder as his material body is, and although it be utterly prostrated and helpless its integrity yet remains, and it is conveyed in the arms of sympathizing spirit friends to one of these infirmaries, where it is tenderly cared for until it is fully restored. The treatment consists of rest, magnetism, and proper nourishment. The worst cases generally soon recover. These infirmaries are to be found only in the second and third heavens. CHAPTER Vn. THE HIGHER HEAVENS — Continued. Wherein Spirits Differ. Marriage. Family Kelations. Children. Animals. WHEEEIN SPIRITS DEETEE. "We are told in the Bible that angels differ " as one star differ eth from another star in glory." This declaration is substantiated by the revelations of Spirituahsm. As indi- viduals of all shades of character, of all moral and intellec- tual gTades, are constantly passing from this hfe to the next, and as nothing essentially pertaining to moral character or mind is immediately gained, lost, or changed by death, it follows that the inhabitants of that world, in all these respects, are as diverse as the inhabitants of this, and so far as this diversity appHes to the mind and intel- lect it still exists, in less degree, in the highest heavens. Equahty is chiefly in respect to happiness, all s]oirits in the same heavens being equally happy. In the highest heavens that my instructors have any knowledge of, the educated and uneducated, the intellectual and unintellec- tual are to be found associated, and this is evidently a vd^Q provision for the imjorovement and elevation of the originally less fortunate, ^ith whom the more fortunate are there brought directly or indirectly into constant re- lations, and by this means the former are enabled to ad- lOi DIVERSITY AMONG SriRITS. vance to liigiier and yet liiglier planes, and thus wisdom and love ever march hand m hand in the paths of pro- gression. As spirits progress their capacity for the re- ceptio]! and assimilation of knowledge is enlarged and they receive all they are capable of receiving. If food, raiment, etc., be excepted, in most other re- spects spirits are as dependent on each other for enjoy- ment as we are. Those who abound in knowledge or love find their highest pleasure in imparting of it to those who are deficient in either of these respects, and these are equally happy in receiving what is so freely bestowed, and are able, and glad, to impart something in return. Al- though virtue does not confer talent yet, as a source of happiness, it supplies its place, and goodness and purity are more necessary to progression in that hfe than wisdom, and in the higher heavens the diversity in respect to wis- dom and knowledge is not as great as with us, for the minds of the simple and ignorant there unfold more rapidly than they do here under the most favorable circumstances. Still diversity exists, not only in respect to wisdom and knowledge, but to taste and refinement, and there are nearly as many different social and intellectual circles as in society on earth. But distinctions there are not arbi- trary, and as too often here, based on selfish, interested, and unworthy considerations. Merit first, then taste and inclination, are at the bases of all distinctions there, and determine each one's position in regard to all others, and each is most happy in his relations to the particular circle in which he moves. The law throu^'h which individuals of like tastes and inclinations sympathize with and are attracted to each other, operates in the spirit world as here, and all are within the sphere of its operation excepting certain undeveloped spirits on the lowest planes, who may for a time be condemned to isolation. It follows, that there are CEETAIX SPIKITS INSTRUCT OTHERS. 105 numerous circles or societies in every heaven, all equally pervaded witli tlie spirit of love and every spirit sustains relations to some society. Even in the lowest spheres there are societies or circles of criminals, drunkards, glut- tons, debauchees, gamblers, misers, etc., in which selfish- ness reigns supreme. There are as many there who look to others for guidance and direction as there are here. There are many saints of both sexes in heaven who are as helpless, and nearly as useless, as they ever were. But their incapacity is not of itself accounted a sin, and gradually they become sensible of their deficiencies, and are stimulated to exertion, which results in improvement. They are simply deficient in mental force and energy. There are leading minds in all the heavens, and there could be no leaders were it not that the majority requu-e to be led. But there the exercise of their influence is natural, and proper, and is not associated with pride, vanity, and selfishness, but is always exercised m a wise and lo^ang spirit, and for the common good. Many here weakly covet the special talents of others, while perhaps underestimating and neglecting the value of dif- ferent, but perhaps equally useful and important talents, which they may possess, but there no such selfish compari- sons are made, each simply striving, more or less earnestly, to improve the talents with which he has been endowed. Ever}" man in that life is what he earnestly strives to be. Growth, both moral and intellectual, in the spirit-world is gradual, but more rapid than it is here. There is no re- trogi'ession, neither are there any sudden leaps in progres- sion, but when the upward course is once entered uj)on it is steady and continuous, if we excej)t the rare instances in which it is temporarily interrupted as a result of disobedi- ence to the commands of higher powers, as elsewhere noticed. These are the teachings of all advanced spirits, 5* 100 PROGRESSION GRADUAL. and they all equally agree in declaring it to be their opinion that progression for every human soul is eternal. " The new must e'er supplant the old While time's unceasing current flows, Only new beauties to unfold, And brighter glories to disclose." In that world every soul unerringly gravitates to that plane, and is surrounded by those conditions, that are best suited to his requirements and present or future happiness. Advancement keeps pace with the improvement which jus- tifies it, and no spirit, however pure and happy he may be, would be equally happy were he to prematurely advance even to the next heaven above his own. Mr. Owen, who, while his home was in the fifth heaven was permitted to visit the higher heavens, up to the fifteenth, and my father, who, while in the sixth was permitted to visit the ninth, both told me that their feelings did not harmonize with sur- rounding objects and scenes in those heavens, and not- withstanding the superiority of all things there after re- maining a short time, and partially satisfying their curi- osity, they experienced a desire to return. They did not feel at home, they felt that they were out of place, and not quahfied to inhabit those heavens. Happiness, hke knowledge, and wealth, to be fully appre- ciated must be gradually attained. " If God," says Lessing, were to hold in His right hand all truth, and in His left the everlasting active desire for truth, though veiled in eternal error, and were to bid me choose, I would humbly grasp His left, praying, 'Almighty Father grant me this gift, absolute truth is for Thee alone.'" All the faculties of the mind are exercised with greater clearness and force in spirit-life, and all good spirits have a never-ceasing desire for advancement, their past experi- ATHEISM THERE UNKNOWN. lOT ence teacliing tliem tliat iu each successive heaven their happiness has been increased, and that each, successively, is more beautiful than that below it, and this desire mcites them to constant efforts to elevate themselves, morally and intellectually. But they are not impatient, the desire be- ing a calmly expectant one and they know it will in due time be gratified, and this knowledge is a source of happi- ness to them. No event occurs in spirit-life corresponding to the death of the material body in earth-life. In passing from lower to higher heavens spirits experience no change other than that of an increase of ha23j)iness. The only change which precedes this step, and leads to it, is steady progress in love and wisdom. As it is with us, the steps by which angels rise are built of good deeds, and thoughts, and words of kindness and love. There are no Atheists in the heavens above the third, and very soon after entering that heaven a God-denying spirit, if of average inteUigence, comes to appreciate his condition and surroundings, and to perceive the hand of God in eveiything, and every doubt of the existence of an Al- mighty, All Wise, and Beneficent Power is banished fi'om his mind. The faith of the higher spirits in man's immor- tahty is absolute, and this perfect conviction is their prin- cipal argTiment in support of its truth. They regard the human soul as a pure coin from the mint of Deity, with God's own image impressed upon it, so that its true nature and quahty shall be recognized throughout the universe, and thi'ough the ages of eternity. A good and true earthly record is a passport to the best associations there. That earthly character does carry weight in the next life, as before remarked, is certainly true, and the following anecdote illustrates the fact. At one of our meetings in Januar^'^, 1878, Mr. Owen 108 ME. Owen's inquiries. asked me whether I formerly had known in San Francisco a gentleman of the name of B G . He said he had lately made the acquaintance of a spirit of this name, who told him that he knew me in that city, about eighteen years ago. Many ^^ears since he was engaged in mercan- tile business in New York, and in the early days of Cah- fornia he emigrated to San Francisco, where after some years he died. He informed Mr. Owen of an occurrence in which he and I alone were concerned, and also in other ways identified himself satisfactorily to me. The particular object IVIr. Owen had in view in communicating this to me was, he said, to ascertain what this gentleman's character had been when here, as fi'om their frequently meeting they might become more intimate, and his character when here would to some extent determme the degree of that inti- macy in the future. For the information of Mr. Owen's friends I will here say that " Violet " has been for many years, and still is, the companion of his wife. Her home is with his family in the spirit-world. The only exception I have found to the rule, that un- happiness is unknown in heaven, is that young children of a sensible age, after their separation by death from their parents, mourn their absence. But their grief is of short duration, and it seems to be permitted for the purpose of impressing upon their tender minds, in indelible characters, the remembrance of their parents, and their love for them, so that their own love shall not fade, but shall respond to that of the parents when the final reunion shall take place through the death of the latter. IMARKIAGK IS THERE KNOAVN. 1()9 MARRIAGE IN THE HEAVENS. " For in the resuiToction the}' neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." — JIatt. xxii. oO. Marriage, as it was regarded by the Jews in the time of Jesus, is, as he declared it to be, unknown in the heavens. With them it was not the union of equals, nor necessarily of two kindred souls constituting a perfect whole, but the v^-iie was regarded as an inferior, an appendage of the household, a seiwant, often bought with the husband's money, whom he could divorce or discharge from his ser- vice for shght causes, and with little formahty. It is very true that "they neither marry nor are given in marriage" in this sense in the heavens, but all sj)irits, sooner or later, either renew theii' marriage relations or enter the married state. Their happiness othermse would not be perfect ; they would constitute discordant elements where all is harmony. ]Many marriages on earth are for time only, but it is satis- factory to know that the majority are for eternity. Wliile death divorces many it also forever unites in the bonds of love and affection many more. If husband and wife are not here proj)eiiy mated, if they are discordant in senti- ment and feehng, no reunion there takes place, but each party sooner or later forms a harmonious and happy union with another, and whether husband and wife are reunited, or new relations formed, the union is forever. Neither outgrows the other, their progress is equal. Thenceforth they are one in thought and feeling. The two constitute a perfect whole, the rounded being. All who pass to spuit-hfe unmari-ied, sooner or later marry, but some remain single for many years. A brother, who died at the age of sixteen, married in the spirit-world nine years since, at the age of fifty, counting the united 110 SPIEITS AS MATCH-MAKEES. years of liis earthly and spiritual existence. Two sisters, wlio ]3assed away when I was a youth, are not yet married, while on the other hand an infant daughter, who now should be twenty-eight years of age, was married five years since, and my first-born child, a son, who entered spirit- hfe at the age of four years, thirty years ago, has been en- gaged to be married about three years. From his case it will be perceived that there are such things as protracted courtships, as well as marriages, in heaven. Unmarried spirits generally make their homes with the famihes of their relatives, or friends. Wlien marriages take place in the heavens the wife assumes the surname of the husband, as in earthly marriages. Earthly marriages are frequently brought about by spiiit fiiends of the parties, often with happy results, and sometimes the results are quite different, and these well-disposed but mistaken spirit- friends are brought to reahze that their intervention has been most unfortunate. Then again, in certain compara- tively rare instances, marriages with us are the results of the schemes of vicious spirits, and such unions necessarily are lamentable, misery being the inevitable lot of one, or both parties. There is no truth in the opinion, held by some, that people are born in pairs, male and female, and predestined for each other. The ceremony of marriage in the heavens is very simple. When the parties have determined on a union they an- nounce their engagement, and at the proper time assemble their friends, and in their presence declare their intentions. The choice is always aj)proved, as it cannot be otherwise than suitable, and the declaration on the part of the con- tracting parties, with the felicitations of their friends con- stitute the entire ceremony. This is followed by a feast, and generally v/ibh music and dancing. AFFECTION SURVIVES DEATH. Ill The approved and liappy marriages of tlieir eartlily friends ai-e frequently celebrated by tliem in like manner. FAMILY RELATIONS IN THE HEAVENS. ' By a power to thought unknown, Love shall ever seek its own ; Sundered not by time or space, "VYith no distant dwelling place. Soul shall answer unto soul, As the needle to the pole." — Doten, Simple family relationship, in itself, has there no bind- ing force, but its ties are not severed by death, for where in this life affection has existed between relatives, or others, it continues in the next, and generally is there augmented. The husband and wife, parent and child, brother and sister, that are here united in the bonds of spiritual affinity, are reunited in the spirit-world, and no power can separate them, but where this spiritual attraction does not exist, even should they inhabit the same heaven, they will be as indifferent to each other as if the ties of relationship had never existed. But it is rarely the case that all the members of a family find themselves in the same heaven when the last of them has passed over. InteUigence, spirituahty, morality, age and other considerations enter as factors in determming the heaven that a spirit shaU first enter, as weU as the length of time he shall remain in it. If the parents be of advanced age when they enter the spirit-world, and have lived good and true hves, they advance with comparative raj)idity, while one of their children, of mature age, of equally true character, dying about the same time, might enter the same heaven mth them, say the third, and not advance beyond the fourth, while they have passed upward to the fifth or sixth. The difference here in the rate of 112 FAMILIES ARE KEUNITED. progression may not be at all dependent on moral char- acter, nor intelligence, etc., but simply on earthly attrac- tions, these being very feeble with the parents, but perhaps quite active with the adult child. But afterwards this child will overtake the parents if he desires to reunite with them. It frequently happens with a family that when the last member passes over he may enter the third heaven while the other members, who have preceded him, may be dis- tributed through the other heavens, ujd to the sixth or seventh ; in this case those in the highest heavens will re- main there until the others overtake them, when all will be reunited, and thereafter advance together, and so far as we know, for all eternity. Nor should it be supposed that the members of such a family, who are in the lower heav- ens, and who have lived proper lives on earth feel in any degree humiliated by their temporarily lower position, for they fully realize that they are not there as a punishment, but for the reason that in those heavens they can best be prepared to enjoy the happiness of the higher heavens. Nor do they suffer for lack of the society and companion- ship of their relatives in the heavens above them, for these visit them, perha|)s daily, and possibly are with them the greater portion of the time, and although their happiness is not equal to that of those above them, yet they are far from being miserable. In November, 1877, my spirit father informed me that he and my mother had removed from the eighth to the seventh heaven. He said that a spirit from a higher heaven had visited him, at his home, and notified him that he and my mother were at. liberty to advance to the ninth. He rephed, that it would afford them greater pleasure to re- turn to the seventh, so as to be nearer Mr. and Mrs. Owen, who then were in the fifth, and there remain until the lat- ter should join them. The messenger expressed his sur- MR. Owen's progressiox. 113 prise at this preference, but said lie would leave and return within an hour, bringing the decision regarding my father's request. He did so return, and reported that it had been granted, and accordingly my parents descended to the seventh heaven. They had then been in the spirit-world more than lialf a century, while Mr. Owen had entered it only in June of the same year — five months previously. The latter passed fiom earth on the 24th day of June, 1877, and entered the third heaven, where he remained less than one month, and thence passed successively to the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth, entering the latter heaven in April, 1878. Mr. Owen was qualified immedi- ately after his departure to enter a higher heaven, at least the sixth, but as his work here was not yet completed it was desirable that he should make his home temporarily in each of the true heavens, and regularly advance from the lowest, so as to unclerstandingly judge of the charac- teristics and merits of each, and thus be better cjualified to correctlv describe them. Neither husband nor wife there, ever outgrows the other in any direction which can cause inharmony. If one ex- cels in wisdom, the other surpasses in loveliness of char- acter. Thus the balance is eternally preserved. Conjugal love in that Hfe is the highest and most perfect form of love. It is not to be supposed that parental love, in all the intensity which frequently characterizes it here wiU con- tinue to forever exist in that world. This love on earth is intensified by the deep and ever-present sense of respon- sibility, of the need of protection and gTiidance, but as the necessity in which this feeling originates no longer exists in spirit-hfe, this love ceases to be apprehensive, and in- tense, and becomes transformed into that steady, mild affection, which there binds together all true friends, and kindi'ed souls. 114 CIIILDEEN IN THE HEAVENS. *" Spirits are sensible of tokens of affection on the part of their mortal friends, and ajDpreciate them, perhaps more highly than when in the ilesh, and it is a beautiful truth that when pure affection for the departed prompts the dedication to them of any object, such as an embroidered article, a drawing, painting, book, or other ornamental or useful production, the knowledge of it generally soon reaches the dear one for whom it is intended, and the gift is not only highly appreciated but a spiritual duplicate of the object is fi^equently procured and treasured as the representative of the object itself, and many times the donors are surprised and pleased, when they join their angel friends on the other shore, to find these counterparts of their gifts conspicuously displayed in their spiritual homes. The love that is born of the spirit, as all true love is, is imperishable, and will find its oavu and be reunited with it in despite of all obstacles. It never mistakes ; it knows BO failures. The laws that govern it are God's laws, and these are invariable. CHn^DREN IN THE HEAVENS. " I shine a star, though once I perished as a flower," When infants and other very young children pass into spirit-Hfe the change in their appearance is less marked than in older persons. They gain nothing but their free- dom from pain and suffering, and lose nothing but their material bodies, and are as helpless, innocent, and igno- rant as before. In the fifth heaven there is what may be termed a grand nursery, or temporary home, for such as these, and all are conveyed there v/ho have no parents or near relatives in the heavens above the second, to claim and care for them. All who have adult female relatives in TIIEIR CONDITION. 115 these heavens are taken by the latter to their own homes, where they are cai-efully and lovingly tended and in- structed. There are alwa3"S many female spirits in the foiu'th and fifth heavens who, either never had children of theii* o^^ll, or who have none with them in spirit-life, whose highest enjoyment consists in receiving and caring for these little waifs. This is with them a labor of love and delight, and they devote the same kind and degree of at- tention to them that loving and sensible mothers here be- stow on theii' helj)less children, and while the love of these angehc foster-mothers for their innocent charges always equals, and more fi'equently surpasses that of the natui'al mother, it is bestowed more judiciously, with greater wisdom and constant regard to the best interests of the child in the futui^e, and only those are entrusted with the duty whose highest hajDpiness consists in its perform- ance. The conditions that surround young children in that life are such that only the best and noblest qualities of theii' natui'es are unfolded, they are far removed from all e^il influences, and are angehc in their loveliness, and pui'ity, as they afterwards become m knowledge and wis- dom. Free from the contamination of eartlily faults and vices, they have nothing to repent of, no wounds to be healed, no scars to mar the purity of their charac- ters, and no bitter earthly experiences, the memory of which to outgTow. Thej are pure, "even as the angels in heaven," beautiful blossoms, transplanted to a fairer clime, where they unfold into perfect and never-fading flowers. Respecting the education of children, the necessity of it is as imperative there as here, the conditions and means only being different, and the character of these renders the impartation and acquisition of knowledge a pleasure, in- 116 CHILDREN INCREASE IN STATURE. stead of a task, and the unfoldment of tlie youthful mind proceeds more raj)idly than in this life. No means of compulsion are used, and no restraints are imposed, their inclinations being in perfect harmony with their pursuits. Books are employed as means of instruction, but most of the knowledge is imparted oraUy, and by object teaching. Our kindergarten schools are indebted to the spirit-world for their origin. Children are there taught all the com- mon or elementary branches, including the geography of the heavens, illustrated by maps, and such other knowl- edge as will be useful to them in the future. Of the moral lessons that are most constantly impressed on the youth- ful spirit mind, is that of the necessity of being useful to themselves, and others. Older children than these, approaching adult age, of depraved natures, when they pass over enter the second sphere, a division of which is appropriated to their recep- tion, and where they are kept separate from the adults, and carefully guided and instructed, and in a comparatively brief time are advanced to the third heaven. Children in the spirit-world increase in stature as they do here, but their mental and spiritual unfoldment are more rajDid than if they had remained on earth. Boys and girls there are respectively characterized by masculine and femi- nine tastes, as they are here, and the former amuse them- selves with their balls, and marbles, and the latter with their dolls, and hoops. Young children are frequently brought to earth to learn by observation of children here, and strong and enduring attachments are often formed by spirit children for children in this life, who may, or may not, be related to them by ties of consanguinity, and the influence exercised is always for good. But the custom of bringing children to earth is not by any means general, for ordinarily there is no ne- ORIGIN OF SPIKrrUAr. ANIMALS, 117 cessity for it, they being able to learn aU that is necessary for them to know, in then- heavenly homes. ANIIMALS IN THE SPIRIT WORLD. The animals m the spirit-world are actual, objective ex- istences, and not images, or phantasms, only existing in the minds of spirits, as some suppose, but with the Lidian, for example, the dog and pony he has with him are not the spirits of the identical dog and pony he owned on earth, but spiritual counterparts of them, and not of earthly origin, for earthly animals have no existence be- yond this life. Many other spirits beside Indian, who here had their favorite horses, and pet dogs, or birds, have there, what appear to them to be the same, the resem- blance in all respects being j)erfect, but in reality they are not the same. These have been provided to meet the de- sii'es of these spirits, by the same Divine hand that pro- vides dii'ectly, or indirectly, for all their other wants and desn^es. As to spirit anir-nls, their origin may there be as much a matter of speculation with some as the origin of species is here. It is certain that they do not propagate their sj)ecies, and for all that wise spirits know to the con- traiy they enjoy a pei^petual existence. The only species of animals in the spirit-world that my instiTictors have knowledge of, are horses, dogs, cows, deer, hares, and rabbits, domestic fowls, and birds, and of these, horses, deer, and birds, are to be found in all the heavens above the second, certainly up to the thirty-second, as also in the first, or Indian heaven, but there are no animals of any kind in the second sj^here. They are all perfectly do- cile, and hve on the most fiiendly terms with man, though when the Indian chases deer they act precisely as our 118 THEIR INTELLIGENCE. deer do when hunted, but they seem to understand that they are in no danger, and enter into the spirit of the sport, and after the chase they peaceably return to their haunts where they can be approached without difficulty, and will then readily obey the call of their hunters. Animals in the spirit-world, apparently, possess no other means of communicating with each other than earthly animals do, but they are far more intelligent than the latter, and seem to understand each other better. They also evidently comprehend whatever is said to them by spirits. Although horses, dogs, and birds, at least, are frequently brought from higher to lower heavens, and taken back, yet they cannot be taken from the heaven they inhabit to a higher, so when spirits possessing these animals progress to higher heavens they are compelled to leave them, but strange to relate, if they desire it, in their new homes they find animals in all respects like the others, only in degree more beautiful, and these animals seem to know them, as the others did, answering to their names, and possess- ing all the traits and habits which the others possessed. So perfect is the resemblance that most spirits believe them to be the identical animals they left in the heaven below. Horses and dogs may be brought from the first and third heavens to the earth, and in some instances, in twi- hght, be sufficiently materialized to be seen with the nat- ural eye, but when there are appearances of wolves, and other wild, fierce animals, these, most commonly are psy- chological creations of low gross spirits, of strong power of will, certain of whom are able to create these forms — phantasmal to them as to us — and endow them with the semblance of animation so that they shall be momentarily visible to persons who are clairvoyant, and to such only. A VISIT TO EARTH. 119 Sometimes, however, spirits on liiglier planes tlian tliese, with a mechanical turn of mind, amuse themselves by con- structing and bringing to earth, and experimenting with spiritual images of wild or strange animals, or diminutive images of men and women, all tliese being provided with liexible joints like certain of our toys, and after partially materializmg them, as well as their own hands, they set them in motion, and to any person who sees them they appear to naturally and j)erfectly perform the functions of the animal, or other being they are intended to represent. On the first of Januar}^, 1^78, one of the Indian guides of the medium brought his horse and dog to the earth. A few days pre™us I had asked the question of my in- structors, whether spirit animals could be brought to the earth ? and they were unable to answer, and this visit was the result of an attempt on their part to practically settle the question. When the Indian who had been selected to make the ex- periment was read}^ he addressed some words to his horse, and told him that he desired to take him on a long jour- ney, and enjoined him to regard all he should say to him, then and while on the way. The animal indicated his appreciation of what had been told him by certain sounds, and the Indian mounted, and as easily as he trans23orts himself alone, he and his horse, the dog following, were transported to the earth. Other of my fiiends, beside my instructors, were interested in the results of the experi- ment, and were present, and accompanied the Indian on the trial excursion. After the arrival of the party the In- dian amused himself and them by riding to and fro on the street, in front of my dwelling, and while thus engaged he encountered a pah' of horses before a carriage, and the hor- ses clairvoyantly perceiving the si^irit horse, and dog, and Indian arrayed in his chief's costume, which he had assumed 120 A DANGER AVOIDED. for the occasion, were terrified, endangering the safety of the driver and the occupants of the carriage, and to avert the threatened danger the Indian quickly turned into another street. Since then the horse and dog have been brought here several times, and my friends have learned that it is not uncommon for horses, dogs, and birds to be brought to earth. CHAPTEE Yin. The Movements of Spirits. Their Return to Earth. Do Ancient Spirits, and Spirits from other Worlds visit the Earth ? THE MOVEME>fTS OF SPIEITS. " To soar in fearless freedom Through broad, blue, boundless skies, And catch the radiant gleaming Of love-lit angel eyes ; To feel the Father's presence Around me, near or far, And see His radiant glory Stretch onward star by star." Simply by tlieii' ^-olition, spii'its are able to transport tliemselves through space with amazing velocity. It is the same power, so circumscribed in this hfe, by the exer- cise of which we move our Hmbs, and dii^ect our steps. Good spirits, fi'ee from the limitations imposed by our physical bodies, and material surroundings, find them- selves still in possession of this power, increased in degTee, and with all impediments to its full and j)erfect exercise removed. This power seems to be exercised instinctive- ly by the new-bom spirit, when his consciousness and strenofth are not materially impaired. j\Ir. Owen told me that veiy soon after he had left his body he departed for the third heaven, under the gTiidance of his angel friends, and his movements through space were to him as easy and natural as if he had been accustomed to them. Never- theless, a distinct and positive exercise of vtdll-force is 6 122 TIME AND SPACE ARE THERE KNOWN. required to direct their movements, a merely passive in- clination to proceed to any point does not avail. The Sliced of their movements is also determined by their will. It is sometimes said, even by spirits through mediums, that time and space are unknown in spiiit-life. This is an error, for time and its divisions, as known to us, are equally regarded b}^ spirits in all the heavens, at least, below the sixteenth. They measure it as we do, by years, months, weeks, days, houi's, and minutes. The only diiference be- tween time here and there is, that there it apj)ears to pass more rapidly, a year apparently being comprised in a month of our time. In the sixteenth and higher heavens it is true that less regard is had to the divisions of time. As to space, their movements through it being so inconceivably rapid, this is comparatively annihilated, yet, when they note their movements they are conscious, not only of the lapse of time, but of the vast dimensions of space. Between the earth and first sphere, a distance of about five hundred and fifty miles, there is nothing but space, and they traverse this, almost mth the speed of lightning. Spirits in passing fi'om the heavens to the earth, and vice versa, are not guided by knowledge, the only faculty consciously exercised, being that of will, but in some mys- terious way their movements are so governed that they in- fallibly pursue the most direct course to the objective point. A spirit child of half-a-dozen years, of average in- telhgence and will-power, who has once been brought to earth and returned, can afterward pass to and fro with as much certainty, and security, as an adult who has been in the habit of frequently visiting us. Spirits, when approaching the earth, first perceive the clouds, if these exist, and from the time they leave the first S23here until the clouds become visible they see nothing, excepting other spirits who may be passing in the opposite HOW OUR EARTH APPEARS TO THEM. 123 direction. Of tliese, tliey p,'enerally meet large numbers, and instinctivelv avoid comin<»' into collision with them. "Wiien our atmosphere is unclouded they do not perceive the earth until quite neai* it, as their \ision can penetrate oiu' atmospliere only to a very limited extent. Even when they have descended below the regions of the clouds the scenery and objects on the earth are but very indistinctly perceived by them. AMien spirits a23j)roach the first sphere, from the earth, they perceive nothing until within a short distance of it, vs'hen it presents a nebulous appearance, which increases in density until it assumes the apj)earance of an interminable mass of overspreading sj^iritual substance. At certain points of this lower surface there are conca\ities, or arched vaults, furnished with horizontal projecting platforms, used as landing j^laces by spii'itsj and these terminate in vesti- bules, which lead, thi'ough gates, to broad halls, these merguig into ascending avenues, some of v^hich lead to the upper surface of the first, or Indian sj)here, while the ma- jority of these avenues terminate in the second sphere, and all spu'its inhabiting that sj^here are restricted to these. '\Mien, on earth, spirits desire to return to their homes, and at the same time exercise their will-power for that pur- j)ose, they immediately find themselves on their way, and in fi'om one to three minutes, the time varying with each spirit, they reach the j)roper entrance in the first sj)here. T\liat guides them du'ectly to this point, is, as my instruc- tors say, one of the many mysteries, mystery to them as to us, but, as before remarked, they never mistake their way nor fail to pursue the direct hue to their destination. "WTien they desu-e to come to earth they pass down the avenue, through the hall and gateway, out upon the land- ing place, and by the simple exercise of their will are im- pelled to any spot on earth which they may be disposed 124 AVENUES OF COMMUNICATION. to visit, and it matters not whether they have ever before visited that locahty, their course, undetermined and unin- fluenced by them, is always the proper and most direct one to the objective point. But, 23erhaps the most amazing thing about all this is the entire absence of fear in taking the leap into the regions of space, below. God has provided against this, otherwise insuperable obstacle to their returning to earth, by divest- ing spirits, as a rule, of all sense of fear in taking this step. It is the same in respect to their movements in other direc- tions through space, they rarely experience fear or appre- hensions of their power failing them, their faith in an ever-present and omnipotent protecting Power generally being instinctive, and absolute. There are many of the avenues of communication, above described, extending through the basic substance of the first sphere, as well as through that of the higher heavens, and at points on a level with the upper surfaces of the dif- ferent heavens these avenues are intersected by others, of limited extent, branching off and opening into these heavens. At my suggestion, my father and Mr. Owen noted the exact time required by them to go from the earth to Mr. Owen's home, then in the fifth heaven, and it was within a second or two of two minutes, and it required half a minute more for my father to go from the fifth to his home in the seventh heaven. Some months subsequent to this they noted the time required to go from the seventh heaven to the city of Paris, where a sister of mine at that time resided, and it was nearly fifteen minutes, and to return twenty-eight minutes. The greater time required in re- turning was owing to their being fatigued by their exer- tions in going, and the necessary tax on their strength while there present. They learned from spirits, whose MOVEMENTS OF SPIRITS. . - 125 liomes were iu the fifteentli heaven, that it required nearly fifteen minutes for them to pass from the earth to their heaven, and vice versa. Indian spirits are able to travel to and fL'om the earth with greater speed than white spirits. In proceeding from the earth to their homes spirits are un- able to arrest their course until they reach the first sphere. It is the same in returning to earth, and in our atmosphere, but they are able to accelerate or diminish their speed. In their own heavens they are able to arrest their course at any moment in mid-air, and hover over any spot, but there they do not ordinarily transport themselves through the air, unless between distant points, preferring the means of locomotion that are familiar to us, namely, walking and riding, or di'iving, as they are rarely in haste, and best en- joy these means of moving from place to place. In traversing the space between the heavens and earth they experience no difficulty in their respiration, they breathe as easily and naturally at one period of their jour- ney as at another, but when they become fatigued here, they do not become restored in any degree until they have entered, at least, the first heaven. When they are present in oiu' public halls, chui'ches, or theatres on public occa- sions, they are not able, as is supposed by some, to remain suspended in the air. Should they come to a rest in mid- au" they would at once gravitate to the earth. They stand about the room, or platform, or occupy vacant seats, or sit on the backs of occupied seat's, and some of them perch themselves on the chandeliers, or projecting parts of the interior of the building, and I am assured by my instruc- tors that sometimes frolicsome sj^ii^its excite the mirth of other sj)irits by stepping from the heads of certain persons to those of others, and thus make their way from place to place, all of which is very undignffied, but cj^uite human, and therefore natural. ^26 THROUGH OUR ATMOSPHERE. When the higher spirits, while visiting the earth, desire to proceed to another and distant j)lace, on its surface, they do not proceed in a direct Hne through our atmosphere, but return to the first s}3here, and thence take a new de- parture for the desired locaHty, for the reason that travers- ing long distances in our atmosphere rapidly exhausts them, and even if they should accomphsh their journey they would be able to remain but a short time, being com- pelled to return, at least to the first sphere, to recruit their strength. In going short distances they proceed to the objective point either by following the most direct streets, or roads, or pursuing a direct coui^se through the atmos- phere, as they prefer. They can come, say to New York, and with the delay of a few minutes, not ordinarily more than five, can proceed direct, say to Boston, or Baltimore, but not to a locality much more distant, as their strength would be unequal to it. Of course there are certain spirits who are able to travel greater distances than these. The speed of their movements, also, is much less in our atmos- phere than in space. From any point on earth they are able to proceed in a direct line to any other place with which they are unacquainted, not more distant than either of the above-named cities, the same as when they depart directly from the heavens. Guardian spirits, being in close rapport with their wards, are always able to instantly be v^^ith them v/herever they may be, but with most other spirits it is different, for when these desire to visit earthly fiiends they are compelled to seek them as we would, either by visiting their homes, or places of resort, or by obtaining information of their where- abouts from their guardians, or other intimate spirit friends who may happen to have knowledge of them. "With these exceptions, and a few others, they have not the power to trace mortals from place to place, and without availing CERTAIN SPIRITS CAN TRACE US. 127 themselves of information in tlie ways mentioned they might fail in discovering their fiiends, even though they "were in their immediate vicinity. It is a mistake to suppose that in our movements from place to place we leave behind us a track or line of light, or magnetism, visible to ordinary spirits, and by means of which thev are able to trace us, but there are reasons for belie^'ing that we do leave behind us an invisible track of this natui'e, by means of which certain spirits who possess a faculty, perhaj^s something analogous to that of the hound, ' ai'e able to unerringly trace us in all our movements. We know that certain S2:)irits possess the power of tracing a person fi'om a lock of hair, or other object, which is im- bued with his magnetism, and with the Indians the in- stinctive faculty or sense upon which in earth-hfe they rely to track game and enemies through the forests, is more highly developed in spii'it-hfe, and this serves in a limited degree to render them there independent of extraneous helps, and they fi^equently are able, unaided, to trace their earthly friends to distant points. In the autumn of 1878 many Spiritualists were sorely puzzled to understand why it was that the mortal remains of Mr. A. T. Stewart could not be discovered, and their hiding j)lace revealed by spirits. Soon after they were stolen I had some conversation with my instructors on the subject, and they said they would visit Mr. Stewart's late residence and question his spiiit friends, some of whom, doubtless, they would meet there. Accordingly they visited the dwelling, and found many of the spirit fiiends of the family present, and conversed vn.th them, and their uniform reply to all cjuestions was that they were in abso- lute ignorance regarding the place of concealment of the remains, and equally ignorant regarding the perpetrators of the outrage, and they assured my friends that IVIr. Stew- 128 POWERS OF SPIRITS LIMITED. art himself had no more knowledge of the matter than they had. The explanation given by my instructors, is this. Mr. Stewart, from the time his remains were deposited in the vault, ceased to bestow the least attention, or probably the slightest thought on them, nor did any of his spirit friends think of them, and it follows, that unless they had been informed of the contemplated outrage neither he nor they could have been present when the remains were abstracted, or have had any knowledge regarding them. Who the perpetrators were, was therefore only known by the per- petrators themselves, and their spirit friends ; the former of course guarded the secret from mortals, and the latter as jealously guarded it from other spirits, thus extending the a]3plication of the adage, that there is honor even among thieves. As to clairvoyant spirits, the majority of them are unable to perceive distant, concealed, inaninnate objects, unless they be furnished with clews by which to trace them. But no living human being can be thus secreted and the place of concealment remain unknown to its spirit friends for a single day. "When in June, 1879, aU New York was excited about the murder of Mrs. Hull, it was asked in at least two of the public journals, why do not the spirits furnish such information as would lead to the detection of the mur- derer? The reply is, the deed, unanticipated by her spirit friends, was perpetrated in the night, when most spirits, like mortals, seek repose in sleep, and therefore the ^probability of any of her spirit friends being present is extremely doubtful, and for the same reason it is doubt- ful whether any other spirits were present. If these rea- sons be sound her spirit friends possessed no clew by which to discover the murderer, and if they had no knowl- edge of the fact that, in comparatively rare instances, YISITIXG THE EUROPEAN HEAVENS. 129 spirits are endowed with tlie faculty of tracing the authors of such deeds, as probably they had not, they then had no knowledge of the perpetrators of this deed, until they ac- quu'ed it fi'om their mortal friends. It should be borne in mind that clairvoyance among spirits, at least in the heavens of which we know anything, is as rare a gift as it is among mortals, and there, as here, the great majority are sceptical of the existence of powers which they themselves do not possess. There are two routes by which spirits travel to and from the American and European heavens ; the first is through theii' OAvn atmosphere, and the second, by descending be- low, the first sphere and traversing the space above our atmosj)here. They direct their course towards the lowest spheres of the foreign heavens, which they enter, and after obtaining permission from the wardens proceed to the higher heavens, but none are here permitted to ^dsit heav- ens liigher than their own. In visiting these heavens it is the same as when they desire from their own heavens to visit certain locahties on earth, they require no knowledge of the course to be pursued, nor direction, nor guide, their desires and vohtion apparently being sufficient to insure their reach- ing the desired heaven by the most direct course. It is the same when they are in a distant heaven, and desire to return. T^lien spirits visit the earth in winter, in addition to their ordinary raiment they usually wear mantles, or heavy robes. These seem to serve to j)rotect them from the cold, as coiTespondiug garments do us. Excepting those spirits who have friends there, none visit the polar regions. They are as sensitive to cold as we are, and unless attracted by dear fiiends, whom they know precisely where to find, they never venture into those regions, and my instmctors doubt whether even those who have friends there, unless it be on rare occasions, ever visit them. They are inclined to the be- 6* 130 RETURN OF SPIRITS TO EARTH. lief that gTiardian spirits, and the spirit friends of the natives of those regions, are the only exceptions to the above rule. The spirits of Sir John Franklin's company left their bodies, if the}'' died from freezing, before the latter were completely frozen, as spirits always do under similar circumstances, and immediately were attracted to their appropriate spheres, or heavens. The spirit, vdthout reflection, would instinctively be impelled to this step. If among the crew there were any so degraded as to be unfit, even for the second sphere, they would be immediately attracted to a more genial chmate on earth, and probably to their former homes or haunts. Spirits in any heaven cannot perceive the one above, not even when the}" approach it, as the communicating avenue does not admit of a view of it. The doctrine of vast magnetic currents flowing through space in various and contrary directions, and the necessity of spirits seeking and availing themselves of certain of these currents in order to traverse it, which has been taught by certain able writers, and by certain spirits, my instructors declare to be wholly without foundation. Spirits are able, at will, to proceed in any direction and in all directions with equal facility, provided, no obstacle, which to them is substantial, intervenes. THE EETURN OF .SPIEITS TO EARTH. " Not with sound of many thunders, Not with miracles and wonders, Would they herald forth their coming from the peaceful spirit-shore ; But in God's own love descending, With your aspirations blending, They would teach you of the future that you watch and weep no more." Spirits, with comparatively few exceptions, are not com- pelled to revisit the earth, and heretofore the majority of THE MAJORITY DO NOT EETURN. 131 them Lave not returned, and the proportion of low and ignorant spirits who return exceeds that of the advanced and intelhgent, very many of the latter not knowing, or not believing that they have the power of returning, whereas the former either temporarily exist on the earth, or if in the second sj^here, are less removed in distance, and they ai'e more strongly attracted to it, and more commonly visit it; Also, some good spirits who believe in its possibihty are deterred from making the attempt, through fear, and the minds of certain of this class are impressed with this sense of fear by higher spirits, who desire, for their good, that they should not return. Thus, when we consider that the great majority of good spirits rest under no obligation to retui'n, that others are not attracted to earth, that many disbeheve in the possibility of returning, and that others are restrained by fear from making the attempt, it is not sui'prising that so many never return. Then again the aged man, or woman, whose companion has gone before, and whose children are grovni to man's and woman's estate, surely has ordinarily but slight motive for doing so. Men and women of middle age, who have experienced little but misery and disappointment here, and who are compelled to take on their former earthly conditions and feelings when they return, have even less inducement to revisit the earth. To these classes, so 'numerous, are to be added those who while yet young have died after much suf- fering, those who have suddenly died under agonizing circumstances, or while insane, the timid, the indolent, the indifferent, and we then have a majority of all who pass to the third and liigher heavens who never return to earth. But the foregoing remarks more particularly apply to the past, for the proportion of those who do return is con- stantly increasing, owing to the dissemination among men 132 UNBELIi:VIT^G SPIRITS. of the knowledge of spiritual intercourse, and of more cor- rect views of tlie relations existing between tlie two worlds. And these increasing proportions of those who return are made up almost wholly of the better classes of spirits, many of whom become missionaries to earth's inhabitants. The rapidly increasing numbers of people who here have learned the lessons of spiiit intercourse, and the spiritual j^hilogophy, who are entering the spirit- v/orld, the majority of whom will again return as missionaries to earth, will ere long constitute a numerous and mighty army, animated with the single purpose of influencing and enlightening the minds of men, and spreading broadcast the knowledge of spiritual and moral truths, and rich harvests, through the blessings of God, will crown their labors, and the time is now not distant when error and ignorance will no longer sit enthroned, and be blindly worshipped and ab- jectly obeyed, Not only is it the case that the majority of good spirits in the past have not revisited the earth, but it is equally true that the majority of these at the present time have no more faith in their abihty to communicate with their mor- tal friends, through mediums, than the great majority of those friends have. The knowledge of intercourse between spirits and mortals has made even less progress in the heavens than on earth, but it is steadily extending there, as it is here, multitudes there, as here, being engaged in acquiring this knowledge. But restricted as this knowl- edge comparatively is, correct views in relation to this sub- ject have never before so extensively prevailed in either world. At one of our meetings Mr. Owen said that a few days previous he was in the company of about twenty intelligent spirits, of both sexes, in his own heaven, at that time the eighth, when he alluded to the intercourse of spirits with ANCIENT AND FOREIGN SPIRITS. 133 mortals, tlu'ougli mediums, and not one of those present had any knowledge of its possibility, nor could be made to beheve in it by all that Mr. Owen could say. Though well- bred persons, they yet could not suppress smiles of incre- duhty, mingled with pity, and one of their number apolo- gized to Mr. Owen, saA^ing that thev had not a doubt of his sincerity, they only thought there must be some mistake on his part. A few days after this he conversed with a gentleman of education and intelligence, also in his own heaven, who denied the possibility of this intercourse, and ]\Ii'. Owen coidd not persuade him to accompany him to oui' medium and witness the fact itself, and yet this same spiiit told i\li-. Owen that above all things he would value the ]pri^ilege of communicating with his wife, yet in this hfe. ]Mi'. Owen lectures once or twice every week to spirits in his own, and low^er heavens. He aims, chiefly, to teach them the important truth that they can return to earth, and do useful work in impressing the minds of mortals with noble thoughts, and prompting to virtuous acts, and thi'ough mediums, instill into the minds of their friends the tiiiths of Spiiituahsm. DO ANCIENT SPIPJTS AND SPIRITS FROM OTHER WORLDS VISIT THE EARTH? My spiritual instructors have encountered more difficul- ties in theii' efforts to solve the above questions than in obtaining satisfactory answers to most others, but they have definitely ascertained that w^hen spirits reach the thirtieth heaven they no longer are permitted to revisit the earth, and w^hen they reach the fortieth they are rarely permitted to descend below the thirty-second heaven. 134: DO THEY VISIT THE EARTH ? They regard this as the rule, and can learn of no authen- ticated excerptions to it, but admit that exceptions may occui', as in the cases of Moses and Elijah appearing to Jesus and the three disciples on the Mount, the former hav- ing then been dead about fifteen hundred years, and the latter about nine hundred. As to ancient spirits, like Jesus, Socrates, Plato, Paul, etc., visiting the earth in our day, while admitting its possibility, they declare their entire unbelief in such visits ever being made, nor do they beheve that either of those ancient spirits has revisited the earth since the first century or two after their original departure from it, having then advanced beyond all earthly desires, attractions, and influences. And not only do they disbelieve in any of these ancient spirits ever revisiting the earth, but it is their opinion that they rarely visit even the highest heavens directly associated with it. Charles Stevens, Mr. Owen's fiiend in the thirty-second heaven, reached that heaven, as nearly as he could remember, in about one hun- dred and fifty years, and he then was not permitted to de- scend below the fourth, and now having advanced to the fortieth he is not allowed to ^isit Mr. Owen in the eighth, and the latter learns from spirits from the intermediate heavens that he now is not permitted to descend below the thirty-second heaven, and all direct communication between him and Mr. Owen has ceased. As to the question of spirits from the sun, moon, and planets, in our solar system visiting our earth, my instinic- tors have learned that certain of these planets, together with the sun and moon, are inhabited by intelligent beings, in human form like ourselves, and that occasionally the latter visit the higher heavens of our earth, but are not per- mitted to visit the earth itself, nor the heavens below the thirty-second, and even if it were possible for them to visit the earth it would be impossible for them to intelligently THE SUN AND I^tOON INHABITED. 135 communicate ^^'itll us, having uo knowledge of any earthly lano-nage. My instructors emphatically deny that the sun is a vast globe of lire. On the contrary they declare that its temperature does not exceed that of the earth, that it possesses a luminous atmos23here, unassociated with intense heat, and that its surface is diversified with land and water, the former covered mth vegetation of like nature with and superior to that of our earth, and that it is inhabited by human beings, of dilierent, races, and animals of various species, in numbers as greatly exceeding those of our earth as the dimensions of its surface exceed those of the latter. As to the moon, that portion of its surface presenting to the earth is not inhabited, while its opposite or remote hemisphere is inhabited by beings like ourselves. The planets which are regarded as inhabited, beyond doubt, are Jupiter, Mars, and Venus, and the others are believed to be inhabited. Regarding the ability of spirits in our heavens to ^isit other planets, and the sun, and moon, my instructors declare that all spirits in heavens above the thirtieth are at hberty, and possess the power, to do so. Whether still higher spirits are able to visit heavenly bodies beyond the boundaries of our solar system, they are unable to say, but it is theu* opinion that when spirits reach a certam point, not very distant in the course of theu" jDrogression, they attain this power. QHAPTEE IX. Guardian Spirits. Spirits on Different Planes Communicate. Dif- ficulties Attendant on Spiritual Intercourse. GUAKDIAN SPIRITS. '' For He shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.''' — Ps. xci. 11, 12. Eyery mortal, above a certain age, has a spirit guardian whose duty it is to watch over and, to the extent of his or her power, to protect and guide his or her ward. These spmts are in the closest rapport with their wards, their magnetic spheres interblending, and they are able to hear and understand all they say, to read all their thoughts, and necessarily to perceive their intentions. They also are able to hear, vdth equal distinctness, the words of any person who may be conversing with their wards, while at the same time, it may be, they cannot, understand what is said by other persons in close proximity to them. Guardians are always of the same sex as their wards. They are usu- ally appointed for children when these arrive at the age of twelve years, but when the latter prematurely develop they sometimes have guardians assigned them a year or two before this period. Children, until gTiardians are ap- pointed for them, are not held accountable for their acts. Guardian spirits receive their appointment from the fifteenth heaven. Messengers are sent to notify them of GUAl^DIAN SPIRITS. lo7 the missions tliat liave been assigned tliem, and these are g-enenilly accepted cheerfully. The principal object to be attained by the appointment of guardian spirits is the good of theu' Avards, but in their selection the good of the guar- dians is also considered. Some are appointed so that in the performance of their necessary duties they shall find the means of theii* own progxession, the means of expiation for former sins, and of acquiring knowledge which they neglected, or otherwise failed to obtain here. Some are aj^pointed for the reason that being sensible of the benefit to be derived fi'om the discharge of the duties they request the appointment, and others still, are appointed at their OAvn request, as gTiardians of certain fiiends whom they desire to be near to guide, and direct, and influence for good, while still others are selected on account of their pe- cuhar fitness to -pio'pevlj and effectively influence certain mortals who, either are, or are intended to be instruments in the hands of the S23irit-w^orld for the accomphshment of important 23urposes. But in all the above enumerated cases suitabilit}' is always regarded, and finally determines the selection and appointment. Guardian spirits are intended to be our monitors, as well as gTiardians. Their duty is to imj^ress our minds, and by this means to instmct and guide us, to instill virtuous thoughts and resolves, inform us of our duty, and com- mend the performance of it, dissuade from evil ways, ad- monish us of our faults, reprove us when we go astray, and assist the development of special, and other talents, and the exercise of every gift. They possess the faculty of pre^dsion to the extent that by an effort of the mind they are generally able to foresee any immediate danger which may thi'eaten our interests, or the safety of our persons, and they endeavor to impress, and when our minds are not closed to theii' influence, often succeed in impressing us with a sense 138 QUATJFICATIONS AND POWERS, of impending danger, and sometimes of the precise cliarac- ter of it. It is cliiefly when we disregard these impressions that the danger is encountered. As the best intentioned efforts of guardians frequently thus fail in averting evil to their wards, so failure often attends their efforts to restrain the latter from the commission of wrong acts, and for this there are various reasons. In the first place, many guar- dians are not much more enlightened nor morally better than their wards ; in the second place, they sometimes are overpowered by obsessing spirits, and are unable to pre- vent the accomj^lishment of their purposes, and thirdly, the tendency of some persons to evil is so strong that the power of their guardians is insufficient to restrain them. It sometimes happens that either the gTiardian or ward progresses, or the latter retrogrades, so that their relations become changed, and the association is no longer beneficial to one, or both, the connection then is dissolved, and another guardian appointed. But under any circumstan- ces it is rarely the case that a spirit sustains the relations of guardian for a longer period than from ten to twenty years, and it follows, that during a long life a person must have a succession of guardians. The grade of the guardian spirit, when first appointed, is always somewhat higher than that of the ward, but frequently the difference in in- telligence, mental capacity, and moral status is slight. The majority of spirits are not guardians, the number of spirits, even in the lower heavens, exceeding that of mortals on corresponding planes. The affinity between guardian spirits and their wards is usually of a more intimate nature than between the latter and their other spirit friends, and the affection of a guar- dian for his ward is generally greater than that which most other spirit friends bear him. Guardians of the better class find happiness in the performance of their duties, as THEIR RELATIONS TO US. 130 all do T^'lio labor for tlie good of others, and altliougli they encounter many obstacles, and have many trials and dis- appointments, yet they know that they are angels of mercy, and guides and protectors of blind and erring mortals who need their assistance, as they at one time needed and re- ceived that of others. "\Miile most other spirits in any considerable degi'ee ad- vanced are unable to remain with us, even during the most favorable weather, beyond an hour or so at a time, guardian spirits are able to remain for many hours without experi- encing discomfort. Also, their memory is not appreciably affected by earthly conditions. Guardians are also able with unerring certainty to direct their course toward their wards, wherever these may be, and not only this, but they are frequently cognizant while in theu' own sphere or heaven of the approach of danger to them, or of serious fears and a2Dprehensions which may agitate their minds, and instantly fly to their assistance. It is not to be' sup- posed that guardians are always present with their wards ; on the contrary they are absent much of the time, but as it is theu' duty to watch over them they devote whatever time may be necessary for this purpose. Guardians, at least of the better class, never shirk this duty, as their labor is one of love, and its performance, while benefiting their wards, elevates themselves. Faithful guardian spirits supply the places in relation to us that our x)arents did, or should have done in our childhood. For very many of the for- tunes that men make, and lose, they are indebted to their spuit g-uardians ; for the former when their guardians hax)pen to be shrewd and sagacious, for the latter when they are the reverse of this. There is one duty that is incumbent on guardians which has not been mentioned, and this is the most important of all : it is to carefully obsei^e the conduct of their wards, IttO GOOD AND BAD ACTS REGISTERED. and note every good and every evil act committed, or con- templated, and each night this record of the previous day is reported to higher spirits, there being in certain of the lower heavens official buildings where these spirits, ap- pointed for this purpose, are present at certain hours to receive the reports of the guardians of the conduct of their wards, and these rej)orts are afterwards transmitted to higher heavens where a credit and debit account is kept of every person's conduct, by recording angels. Upon the death of every individual his record, thus obtained, is re- ferred to, and if his good deeds outnumber and outweigh his evil the entire record is effaced, and his sins are blotted out, but if on the contrary, his evil deeds outnumber and outweigh his good deeds he is condemned to expiate them thi'ough remorse and repentance. "Dark tales of many a ruthless deed ; The ruined maid — the shrine profaned — Oaths broken, and the threshold stain' d With blood of guests ! there written, All, Black as the damning drops that fall From the denouncing- angel's pen. Ere Mercy weeps them out again ! " — Moore. Silence is enjoined upon guardian spirits when in the presence of their wards, and even when in their own homes they are not permitted to converse about them. Yet there are exceptions to this rule, as when it is necessary to speak in protest against injury or injustice to their wards, or when any important interests of the latter are threatened. It is also the case, that the guardian spirits of the different members of a family are permitted to converse with each other about their respective wards, and although they are prohibited from communicating directly with the latter, - through mediums, yet the}' are frequently permitted to OUR GUARDIANS ARP] RETICENT. 141 furnisli necessary information to tlie gtiides of mediums, in reply to test questions by their wards. It is through their agency that mental questions are most generally answered, as ordinary spirits are unable to do this. I will here say, that the peculiar gifts -wdth which guardian spirits are endowed are limited in their exercise to their respective wards ; in relation to other mortals these gifts are non- existent. At our seances my instructors fi-equently have alluded to my guardian spirit as being then present, but not a word has he ever communicated to me directly, or indirectly, and in no instance has his opinion on any subject, no matter how interesting or important to me, ever been re- ferred to by them. They declare that not once in the man}^ hundi'ed times they have met him in my presence, has he and either of them exchanged a word in relation to me. AYhen they meet him in the heavens they are per- mitted to fi'eely converse with him, but not about anything relating to me. In the next life, persons who here have led proper Hves become accjuainted with the sjoirits who have been their gTiardians in this life, and frequently the ac- c^uaintanceship rij)ens into warm and enduring mutual attachment. IVIr. Owen, soon after he entered spirit-life, made the acc[uaiutance of his guardian spirit, and since then they have been intimate and dear friends. From what has here been said it follows, that if any spii'it should claim to be the guardian angel of any person, he would speak falsely, for this is one of the secrets which neither he nor other spirits would be permitted to divulge. The only spuits who are exempt from the operation of this prohibitory inile are the guides of developed mediums ; these, nearly always, being their guardians. Should any other guardian sj)irit divulge the secret of his gniardianship to a mortal the offence would immediately become known 142 THE SPIRITS WHO COMMUNICATP:. to higher powers, and he would be prohibited from again visiting the earth. Upon the entrance io the spirit-world of persons whose earthly lives have been miss]3ent it is most commonly the case that they are placed under the direction and control of their former guardians, or if it be that these are not sufficiently advanced, or otherwise quali- fied, then under others more competent, whose duty it is to impress their minds with vivid recollections of their past sins, picturing these to them in all their hideousness, so that they shall become odious and hateful to them, and thus, in time, lead to remorse and repentance. Upon these disciplining spirits is conferred the power of rendering themselves invisible to those under their care, but this power can only be exercised in relation to the latter. I am unable to obtain any evidence in confirmation of the traditional behef in guardian spirits for countries, cities, etc. SPIEITS ON DIFFERENT PLANES COMMUNICATE. Spirits of various moral and intellectual grades and con- ditions retui'n to earth, and through accessible mediums commimicate with mortals, and their communications vary in character as they themselves do. In all ages it has been thus. Good and wise spirits commend and approve our good acts, and intentions, but never flatter our pride and vanity. When spirits eulogize our virtues and perfections, they should always be distrusted. No wise spirit will boast of his wisdom and knowledge, no good spirit of his purity and virtue. Wise and good spirits never counsel rashness, never sanction wrong. They always sustain the right, and inculcate truthfulness and virtue, charity and love. They never deal in denunciation, unless it be of a great wrong, and never expose a fault unless from a sense GOOD SPIRITS ALWAYS TRUTHFUL. 143 of duiy. They never assume eminent names, are never im- perious, vain, or ambitious of the applause of mortals. Their great purpose, their earnest desire, is to guide us into vir- tuous and peaceful paths, to lead us to entertain elevated and correct views, and be governed by pure motives, and any spirit that pursues a different course may justly be suspected, and his teachings should either be received with extreme caution or entirely rejected. The effects of their teachings are always purifying and elevating, never cor- rupting and degrading, and they can always be known by these. All spirits in the heavens above the third are incapable of deception, and knowing this no spirit there fever mis- trusts another. Deceptive, false spirits, are mostly either of the earthly or second sphere, but a few are fi'om the thii'd heaven, for although no spirits in this heaven, while there, will wilfully deceive, yet when they visit the earth, if they were formerly false, it frequently happens that in re- assuming earthly conditions their former tendency and inclination to deception seize them with a force which is irresistible, and then they will not only deceive mortals, should they communicate with them, but also other spirits whom thev mav there meet. Upon their return to their homes, in the third heaven, they reahze and deeply regret their conduct, and in time outgrow their infirmity, and until they do this they can never ascend to the fourth heaven, for none there are capable of deception under any circumstances. The best rule by which to determine the moral status of a spirit is to weigh his utterances, and from the character of these to decide whether they conform to the standards of strict morahty and virtue, or fall short of these. The man who decides this question favorably, or adversely, only as the sp)irit may approve or condemn his sj)eculative views, 144 DIFFICULTIES^ OF INTERCOURSE. and opinions, is not qualified to justly determine it. With s^^irits there is nothing more in a mere name than there is with us. If a spirit, while visiting the earth, and in the presence of another spirit with whom he were unacquainted, should allege that his name w^ere John Smith, or David Jones, the spirit to whom he should state this would have no other or better means than we to establish the truth or falsity of the assertion. Many active energetic spirits, with good intentions, but little wisdom, and even less prudence, attach themselves to certain mediumistic persons and in- fluence them to practically realize their own visionary ideas in this life, and many times the well meaning subjects of their guidance are led into serious trouble, perhaps suf- fering and misery, through their intemperate zeal and de- ficient knowledge. Through these means there have been as many martyrs to error and folly as to tnith. When mediums abuse and betray their trusts, some- times higher powers deprive them of their gifts, and even of their hves, and when the controlling spirits of mediums are faitliless to their duty it frequently happens that they are displaced. DLETICULTIES ATTENDANT ON SPIRIT INTERCOUESE. It is sometimes asked by Spirituahsts : How does it so frequently happen that our fiiends fail to fulfil their jDromises to communicate with us, after death ? There are various difficulties in the way of the fulfillment of their promises, among them the following. 1. Although in a majority of instances spirits do re- member their promises, yet no certain rehance can be j)laced on their ability to do so. 2. It may be that they cannot obtain access to good mediums. WHY SO FEW COJ^IMUNICATE. 1J:5 3. If they should be able to do this, the conditions may not be favorable to satisfactory communication. 4. If they should be able to communicate satisfactorily through certain mediums it may be that the latter are un- kno^^Ti to their friends, and therefore it would be useless to attempt to communicate through them. 5. Sometimes, modest; retiring spirits are prevented fi'om communicating through mediums by other selfish, and self-asserting spirits crowding them aside, and di- recting the proceedings to suit their own pleasure and convenience. 6. AMiile, on one hand, the anxious state of mind of sj^iiits fi'equently interferes with and even prevents satis- factory communication, on the other the anxious and positive state of mind of the sitters perhaps quite as often is the great difficulty in the way. Then, as to others who seek intercourse with their de- parted fi'iends, perhaps those friends have never returned to earth, and are not aware of their presence being desired here, or if aware of this may not, for certain reasons, be disposed to comply with the requests of their friends. With regard to mediums, themselves, they rarely receive communications from theii' spirit friends, either through their o^^ii mediumship, or that of others, and the reason assigned by s^oirits for this, is, that the practice, if per- mitted, would tend to direct their attention to their ovvti feelings and the processes of impression, or control, and create an anxious and expectant state of mind which would seriously interfere with, and perhaj)s render impossible, that passive condition upon which their guides, to a great extent, depend for theii' success in producing correct mani- festations. Most Spirituahsts, when they pass to the other side, are greatly disappointed to find how many and great are the l-iG COMMON CAUSES OF ERROR. difficulties in tlie way of free and satisfactory communica- tion with their mortal friends. Mr. Owen, in our conversa- tions, often referred to his own disappointments in this respect, and repeatedly said that were it not for the good he could accomplish by assisting' me in mj^-- work he would bid farewell to earth, and devote himself exclusively to re- searches and teaching in his own world. Perhaps, the most common cause of the erroneous repUes and teachings of spirits is their mistaking theu' opinions for knowledge. If one will look abroad among his ac- quaintances, intelligent though they may be, he will find that many of them constantly make this mistake. Such a person is asked : is such a thing so, or so, and the ready reply is, yes, or no, when perhaps he has no sj)ecial knowl- edge of the subject, but opinion is mistaken for knowledge, and this will be made manifest if the respondent be closely questioned, for it will then be found that his rej)ly is based entirely on opinion, or even impression. It is precisely the same with many spirits, as I have frequently observed. With this class of spirits there is the same desire to be regarded as wise above knowledge, as being capable of im- parting information on all subjects, and the same disin- chnation to be thought lacking in capacity and wisdom. Although immortal, they are yet human, Avith at least most, if not all of the weaknesses and failings of humanity. Another fact, which it is proper to here mention, is, that when spirits of dependent and relying natures are with us, in the presence of mediums, we are quite as able to influ- ence their opinions as they are to influence ours. Wise and good spirits are in possession of knowledge which they are prohibited from communicating to us. Paul, and other mediums hke him, have " heard unspeak- able words which it is not lawful for a man to utter," and there are spiritual things which our language is inadequate NO HIGHWAY OF COMMUNICATION. 147 to describe, or express. The prohibited knowledge, my instructors inform me, is not of a nature to justify dis- agTeeable apprehensions ; we are simply, yet, unprepared to receive it. The prohibition proceeds from spirits in authority. The barriers between the two worlds, ordinarily, and for practical purposes, are nearly as impassable to spirits as to mortals, and to many sj)irits it is as difficult to penetrate the material life as it is for us to penetrate the spiritual, and even the comparatively few spirits who succeed in their endeavors encomiter difficulties which we constantly fail to reahze. There is no direct highway of communication for all between the two worlds, and the means of intercourse are generally imperfect, and variable. All investigators should understand this, and all candid minds should make allowance for it. CHAPTER X. The Philosophy of Spirit-Intercourse. The Memory and Knowl- edge of Spirits, THE PHILOSOPHY OF SPIRIT-INTEECOUESE. When a spirit controls a medium lie does not personally enter the body of the latter, and dispossess his sj^irit, any more than a mesmerizer enters the body of his sensitive, or subject. The methods pursued and the relative posi- tions of the respective parties in both cases are similar, and the power or force exercised in the accomplishment of their objects is the same, namely, Avill-power. When addressing audiences, through mediums, spirits at first usually place one or both hands on the mediums' heads, and with some, and especially with those who are unaccus- tomed to control, it is necessary to retain them in that po- sition while siDeaking, but when mediums are thoroughly controlled by spirits who are accustomed to controlling, there is no necessity for this, nor for personal contact with their mediums in any way. Here all the movements of the body and hmbs of the medium correspond to and are but the reflected movements of those of the body and limbs of the spirit, and are simultaneous with the movements of the latter, no appreciable instants of time elapsing between those of spirit and medium. This includes every inclina- tion and movement of the head, every gestiu'e, attitude, and every step taken. A^H.ien addressing an audience, TRANCE ISIKD'.UMS. 119 under tliese circumstances, tlie rapport of the spirit speaker mtli the medium is so intimate that he perceives each person in it, and hears what may be said as distinctly as if he were personally present in the flesh, and like other speakers he is aided and strengthened m power by an ap- preciative and s^Tinpathetic audience. Li acquiring and holding control of mediums, spirits most commonly re- quii*e the assistance of other spirits. This assistance is rendered by unitedly and steadily projecting then' mag- netism, or ^ill-force, upon both the spirit-speaker and the medium ; principally upon the former. Although with trance mediums their controlling spirits generally, perhaps always, give utterance to the language of their discourse, yet their exact words do not necessarily find expression thi'ough the h^^s of the former, it being more commonly the case that only the ideas which the words convev to the minds of the mediums, and which are thereupon impressed, are transmitted, more or less cor- rectly — sometimes very incorrectly — to the audience in the language of the mediums, this language, owing to a cer- tain exaltation of the mental faculties, generally being superior to that which ordinarily characterizes them. Thus spirits in impressing the minds of this class of mediums labor under the difficulty of ha\TJig their ideas mingled and confused with those of the mediums, and it frequently results in the ideas expressed through the lips of the latter being quite different from their o^ti. This mostly arises fi'om imperfect control, the medium very rarely being con- trolled so absolutely and perfectly that the functions of his mind are comj)letely suspended. In the above princi- pal sources of difficulty lies the exj)lanation of the many inconsistencies and errors which have marred the other- wise eloquent and instructive addresses of some of our trance speakers. 150 MR. Owen's experience. Another difficulty sometimes experienced by spirits in addressing audiences, through trance mediums, is one mentioned to me by Mr. Owen. A short time after he had dehvered his address in Brooklyn, in August, 1877, through the mediumship of Mrs. C. V. L. Richmond, he in- formed me that while speaking on that occasion the minds of the spirits around him, who with himself formed a circle of considerable power, and who were there for the purpose of aiding him in the delivery of his discourse, were so intent upon the subject, and the rapport between the minds of the other sj)irits, his own, and that of the medium was so intimate that frequently when he paused their ideas found expression through the lips of the me- dium, and thus, portions of the address, as delivered, really did not originate with him. In addition to this the ideas of the medium, at times, were mingled with, and even sub- stituted, though unintentionally, for his own. The majority of spirits who address audiences through inspirational or trance mediums read their addresses from spiritual manuscript, not being able to rely on their memory while on the earthty plane, either for ideas or words. The spirit speaker usually takes a position directly behind the medium, and then is brought into rapport with him, or her, partly through his own efforts, and partly through those of other spirits present, who form a circle, and project their magnetism, or will-force, as before said, on both the spirit speaker and medium. When the line of communication between the two worlds is thus estab- hshed, the former reads, audibly and distinctly, from his manuscript, (audible to spirits,) and either his words are repeated, or his ideas expressed in different language by the lips of the medium. It is by this means that addresses like certain of those of Thomas Gales Forster, abounding in statistical and historical facts, with exact and multiplied SPEAKING EXHAUSTS SPIRITS. 151 data, or extended quotations from authors, are successfully delivered. When spirits influence mediums, such as we beheve Shakspeare, Sir Walter Scott, and Charles Dickens to have been, to TNTite plays, and novels, they thus psychol- ogize and assume control of their minds, and impress them vi-ith the words of the pla}^, or novel, which has pre- viously been composed by these, or other spirits, and by them committed to writing. All that remains for the re- puted author to do is in turn to commit the ideas he re- ceives to writing, or dictate them to an amanuensis. "SVhere there is unusual difficulty in spirits communicat- ing through mediums, their power, irrespective of the form of mediumship, rapidly becomes exhausted, and fre- cjuently they are compelled to make a hasty retreat to their homes in order to recuperate their strength, and with all but the most experienced, it is an exhausting labor, and soon the mind becomes weary and confused. The periods of time during which s^Dirits are able to continue these employments vary with different spirits, and not only this, but the abihty of each spirit varies in respect to different mediums, and the same spirit that could comfortably re- main one hour with a circle, if he were not thus engaged, might not be able to remain one half that time, if he were. Few spirits are able to command the perfect exercise of theii' mental faculties in our atmosphere, even in the most favorable weather, and when the weather is unfavorable it not only renders the majority of them uncomfortable, but they find difficulty in conversing with each other, and their power to do so soon becomes exhausted. In decidedly tem- X^estuous weather it is only guardians, and the very lowest spirits, and a few others that are able to remain on earth beyond very brief periods of time, and comparatively, few good spirits other than guardians visit the earth during the prevalence of such weather. The rapid exhaustion attendant 152 RESEARCHES IN SCIENCE. upon mental labor in warm weather, wliicli we ourselves commonly experience, is as mucli of tlie spiritual as of the l^hjsical organism, for disembodied spirits are even more depressed by a heated atmosjohere than we are. Eesearches in physical science can, generally, be pursued much better here than from the spirit side of life, and thus it is that addresses through mediums by sj)irit scientists are but too often, in point of clearness and accuracy of statement, inferior to the former lectures and writings of the same spirits when in the flesh, and this, even when the difficulties of conveying the exact ideas of the spirit speaker are reduced to a minimum. Such lectures through mediums have no merit above that of the lectures daily delivered by our competent scientists. The majority of scientists when they pass ti-'om earth leave much of their interest in science as well as much of their knowledge of it, behind them. As to questions of health and disease, causes and nature of malaria, the origin of worlds, of species, and hfe, the laws of nature, the nature of electricity and magnetism, of Hght and sound, and the subjects of physiology, chemistry, and other branches of science and philosophy, the opinions of the majority of spirits regarding them are of little value, and for the most part their learned disquisitions on these subjects are either the identical opinions which are j)i'eva- lent with us, or theories and speculations of their own, the weakness and errors of which are often transparent to mortals, as they probably are to most intelligent spirits. The fact is, the majority of spirits who discourse to us on such subjects derive their ideas, ]Drincipally, fi'om spir- itual copies of our books, and journals, in which these sub- jects are treated, not a book of any importance and value being j^ubhshed here which is not republished there, and copies are within the reach of all spuits, even in the third heaven, and many of our pubhcations are extensively read A MEANS OF ACQUIKING KNOWLEDGE. 153 in that life. Thus we can account for the fact, which has been noticed by all observing Spiritualists, that frequently soon after important discoveries in science and art have been announced through books, or the public journals, these discoveries have been either alluded tx), or discussed, in the discourses of our inspirational speakers. The spirits who sj)eak through these mediums most commonly obtain their information from spiritual copies of these publications. The majority of spirits who descant upon these topics, never possessed any profound knowledge of them while here, and have had no 02:>portunities, superior to ours, of increasing their knowledge on the other side. The physi- cal sciences relate exclusively to the material world, and not to the spiritual, and as spiritual things are only spirit- ually discerned, so material things are, with comparatively few exceptions, best discerned materially. From what I can learn I am compelled to believe that even the highest spirits, that communicate directly with mortals, have as Httle knowledge of such questions as the origin of the w^orld, and of life, the nature of magnetism and light, etc., as we have. And vet, after all that can be said of the deficiencies of the majority of those spirits w4io assume to instruct us through mediums, upon scientific subjects, it still remains that there are spiiits qualified to instruct us upon certain of these subjects, and who most commonly do so by im- pressing the minds of peculiar individuals w^ho unite in their own persons the scientist and the medium, and the world is thus indebted, at least in part, to scientific spirits for the electric telegraph, the telej)hone, microphone, and latest of all, for the apphcation of electricity to illuminating pui-poses. My instructors, who at my request at various times \isited IMr. Edison, at his laboratorv, assured me that not wilh'^'^an ding his extraordinary natural talent for 154 OUR THOUGHTS REACHING SPIRITS. invention, he is greatly indebted to tlie assistance of scienti- fic spirits for his success, and upon each of their visits they found him surrounded with spirits of this class. Ordinarily, spirits are unable from their heavenly homes to influence their mortal friends, or others, but my spirit instructors find abundant evidence that certain spirits, higher than themselves, do possess this power, and exercise it, not only in relation to us, but to them. As a rule, the thoughts of their friends on earth concerning them do not reach sj)irits in their homes, but sometimes when they have passed away suddenly and under peculiarly distressing cir- cumstances, and where their departui^e has been deeply lamented, and also in certain other cases where earthly friends deeply grieve for them, the mournful thoughts and sad regrets of the latter reach them and draw them irresis- tibly to earth. But it appears that when these spirits have passed beyond the third heaven they are no longer sensible to such influences. Also, spirits on low planes sometimes are unable to resist the summonses of mortals, even when compliance with their demands is displeasing to them. With certain of these spirits the desires of their friends and others, here, concerning them, whether of an agreeable or disagreeable nature, seem in some mysterious way to reach them, and they are correspondingly affected by them. Guardian spirits also must be included among those who are influenced by mortals, for with some it matters not at what distance they may be from their wards, they instantly become cognizant of anxious feelings or apprehensions of danger on the j)art of the latter, as they also are of any real danger that may threaten them. But it is only the majority of guardians, and certain individuals of the two former classes, that are thus subject to mortal influences, for our thoughts of other spirits, even when continuous, 9 and intense, rarelv or never reach them in their homes. A MISTAKE OF S"\VEDENBORG. 155 Swedenborg, in liis H. and II., ^ 494, says : "When any one there (in heaven), thmks intensely of another, and is impressed in his mind and memory with his hkeness, and certain particulars of his hfe, having at the same time a strong desire to see him, the person so tliought of becomes immediately present to him, as if sent to him." We here believe Swedenborg to be in error, for disem- bodied spirits, although no longer mortal, are yet in all respects human, and consequently there must be moments, perhaps seasons, when j^rivac}" is desirable, and even neces- sarv, when thev are disinchned to meet even their friends, much less to be arbitrarily and unexj)ectedly summoned to the presence, perhaps of strangers, in whom they feel no interest, and whom possibly they may wish to avoid, for spirits, though not absolutely rej)elled by the presence of anv in their o\ni heavens, are attracted to certain others vdth whom they prefer to associate, and in whose society they are hapj^iest. If it were as represented by Sweden- borg spirits in the higher heavens would, at least to a cer- tain extent, be subject to the whims and caprices of each other, and would not enjoy that sense of personal indepen- dence and freedom, which, provided they still are human, must be as highly prized by them as by us. My spirit instinictors all deny the correctness of this statement of Swedenborg's. Thoughts are not more tangible or comprehensible to spirits than to mortals. So far as they know they have no existence as entities. May it not be that they are forms of spiritual force, determined by the modes of action of the functional processes of the mind ? Spirits ordinarily are unable to read each other's thoughts. They have their secret, or at least private thoughts, as well as we mortals. What we ordinarily term, reading the mind, is with the ma- jority of them, as with us, more of an impression received, 156 MIND EEADING. or a feeling, than a clear and distinct perception. Our guardians, and a very few other spirits, perhaps more ad- vanced than they, are able to read our minds readily, and accurately, and mind readers with us are mediums whom such spirits impress mth the thoughts of others, whose minds the}^ are able to read. But although our guardian spirits and certain others as just stated, are able to read the thoughts at the moment existing in our minds, yet this is the hmit of their j)ower, for they are not able to perceive past thoughts nor the knowledge with which our minds are furnished exceptmg as they j^erceive it by careful obser- vation or association as we inform ourselves of the qualifi- cations of each other. Our memory is a sealed volume to all disembodied spiiits. THE MEMOEY AND KNOWLEDGE OF SPIRITS. " Each fainter trace that memorj' holds, So darkly, of departed years, In one broad glance the soul beholds, And all that was at once appears." — Byron. " Thou shalt forget thy misery and remember it as waters that pass away, and thine age shall be clearer than the noonday ; thou shalt shine forth, thou shalt be as the morning." — Job xi. 16, 17. While disembodied spirits possess certain powers with which they are not generally credited, they have by us been invested with other powers which they do not pos- sess. It is supposed by some, that they perceive all the 23ast, the present, and the future, and have knowledge of all things. This is an error, for few possess the faculty of divining the future, few indeed have the means of knowing all that is transpiring in the present, either here, or in the spirit-world, and of the past, very few have little more knowledge than we have, and so far as it rela-tes to their MOIOKY OF SriKITS ITNKELIABLE. 157 o\Mi earthly lives tlieir memory, as a rule, is far less re- liable than that of the friends from whom they have parted. As a general truth or proposition, it may be said that we pass into the next life imchanged, except the loss of the earthly body, but we must qualify this by saying that while the sj^iritual senses and the intellectual faculties generally are exalted, the faculty of memory, as just stated, in so far as it relates to earthly events and circumstances, is with most persons greatly impaired, and even this imperfect re- membrance of the things of this life steadily fades from our minds, the realities of that hfe gradually obliterating the remembrance of former things. The memory of spirits who 2^ass over in j^outh or middle age as to the circum- stances of theii* earth-life is generally much better than that of spirits who die in old age. It follows, that most spirits upon their entrance, to spirit life do not experience a distinct remembrance of all or even the greater number of the acts and circumstances of theii' past hves. Those who have led immoral lives have their misdeeds thus miiTored to their minds T^ith fearful clearness and force, but the good and true have no such haiTowing exj^eriences. With them only the memory of the good they have done abides with them, the modicum of evil they may have wrought is buried in their graves. P-^^*""^^ xAJthouGfh it is reasonable to believe that every act of our -^/^^^ lives, and everything that has come under our observation, -*^ or within our experience, has made its stamp upon the memory, and although it is probable that if the proper conditions were provided the recollection of any act or cir- cumstance, which has made its impression, would again be fully or partially revived, there is yet no reason why the remembrance of all these things should be active in the next life. The lessons which most of them furnish have already been learned, and it is probable that all the beiie- fC^^Cvt- 158 THE MEMOKY OF MISDEEDS. fits wliicli could accrue from the perfect remembrance of tliem would result from the recollection of such things only, as is excited by future experiences, and which can assist our judgment, and tend to perfect our knowledge. These remarks apply to the great majority of spirits of every grade and class. The vivid recollections of former misdeeds which sooner or later haunt the imaginations of guilty si)irits, and which are with them the efficient means of reformation, are mostly dependent on the agency of higher spirits, generally their former guardians. Multi- tudes of low spirits now exist whose remembrance of the events and circumstances of their earth-lives is shadow}^ and vague. These are still unrepentant, but when the time comes that their minds can be imjoressed, their guardians, whose remembrance of their transgressions, and theirs only, is clear and distinct, will arouse them from their torpidity and indifference, and quicken their memories, galvanize as it were their minds into activity, compel self-examination, which will induce feelings of re- morse, to be followed by repentance and reformation, but a moment s reflection will convince us that when this pur- pose is accomplished no possible good can accrue from the further and constant remembrance of deeds, for which atonement has been made, but on the contrary, no place nor condition could be heaven where a distinct remem- brance of them were possible. We do not carry with us to the next life the full and perfect memory of all the acts and circumstances of our earth-life, but we do carry with us and avail ourselves of the accumulated fruits of our entire earthly experience. Good spirits become more and more mdifferent to these events and circumstances, and the remembrance of them, if this has existed in any considerable degree, fades as their interest in them declines. Among themselves they MR. owen'g memory. 159 rarely have occasion to refer to the dates of the events of their eai"th-hfe, and not very freqnently to the events themselves, and even if they should at lirst remember them they soon forget them, and hence, when they return and attempt to communicate with their friends here through mediums, and reply to test questions, they are liable to fi'equent mis- takes. I\Ir. Owen informed me that for the first few days, perhaps a week, after he entered spirit-life, though actively ahve to everything there, he- had no distinct remembrance of the friends, events, localities, etc., of the hfe he had just left, but after the expiration of that period of time it gradually revived, and became quite distinct, but then, live months afterwards, his memory of earthly things was again steadily fading, and were it not for his frequent visits to earth it would by that time have been entirely unreliable. When spirits are constantly attracted to earth their memory of the events and circumstances of their eai*thiy existence, of persons with whom they were simply acquainted, localities, etc., is much better than it other- wise would be. Mr. Owen also at one time informed me that a few days before he had conversed with a spirit who had been in that life but three years, and who during that time had not visited the earth, and he assured him that he had forgotten nearly everything pertaining to his earth- Hfe, and he did not regret it. Mr. Owen thought he had been unha2Dj)y here, and his desire to banish all thoughts of his former life had hastened the failure of his memory in regard to these things. Many a statesman, general, philosopher, author, poet, artist, and architect, whose deeds and w^orks have outlived him, remembers far less of his achievements than is known by the present generation of scholars, who have acquired a knowledge of them from the books in which they are re- corded. The builders of the colossal temples of Thebes, 160 MEMORY GRx\.DUALLY FAILS. tlie rock temjjles of Lidia, and tlie Parthenon "at Athens, probably remember these monuments of then" skill and industry only by name, while even Michael Angelo, and Sir Christopher Wren, in modern times, have respectively but an indistinct remembrance of St. Peter's at Rome, and St. Paul's in London. Nevertheless, it is true that certain spirits do retain a distinct remembrance of the events and circumstances of their earth-life for a limited period of time, but in all cases this gradually fails, but all true knowledge of spirit- ual things acquired here, is retained perfectly, and is of inestimable value to us there. The memory of spirits is generally as defective in regard to things here, when they return to their homes, as it is in relation to things there, when they visit us. When they approach the earth their organisms, throughout, including their brains, invariably become in degree materialized, and their minds generally are rendered less active and clear, and their memory becomes impaired under these changed condi- tions. Then, when they leave our atmosphere they throw off the material elements with which they have been j)er- meated, and with these the remembrance of what they have here said, heard, and witnessed, frequently passes away. One would suppose, in view of this fact, that when they re- turn to earth the remembrance of what they have said, done, or witnessed, on a previous visit, would return in full force, but it appears to be otherwise. This difnculty is less with those spirits who frequently visit the earth, but I have found none whose memory, while here, is not in some de- gree, and on some points, impaired. Spirits, when they meet us in seances, notwithstanding they may have previously, in their own homes, considered what they intended to say, very often find themselves in a position like that of the school boy who has carefully studied SPIRITS TxVKING NOTKS. IGl liis lessou, and mastered it perfectly, yet, wlien called to re- cite before his class is unable to recall a sentence, perhaps even a word, and like the school bo}'^ with his lesson, when they have returned to their homes perhaps every word and idea recur to their minds with provoking distinctness. I ha^e always found the memory of my spirit advisers ex- tremel}' defective in relation to what transpired at previous seances, and this was a subject of almost constant regret, sometimes of annoj^ance, until it occurred to me to suggest to them to take notes of whatever they desired to remem- ber, and refer to them in their own homes, as also here in subsequent seances. They ado^oted the suggestion, and since then, now nearly two years, there has been no trouble fi'om that cause, and they frequently will request a mo- ment's delay while referring to notes taken in previous seances, and when found will read them to me in the same phraseology in which I have them recorded. And they not only take notes during our seances, but note down in their OT\Ti homes whatever they desire to remember when here. Before they adopted this j)ractice they frequently forgot to tell me what, before they left their homes, they desired to sa}^ and I have repeatedly known them to return in a few minutes after the close of a seance, and again control the medium to tell me of something which was the main object of their original visit, and the remembrance of which had Avholly faded ii'om all their minds upon apj)roaching the earth, but which was revived as soon as they reached the first sphere, on their return. Another incident, illustrative of the unreliability of the memory of spirits when visiting the earth, I will here re- late. At a certain seance I had asked my spirit father to endeavor to ascertain the circumstances of a relative, whom I had reason to beheve to be somewhat embarrassed finan- cially, and when I next met him I inquired whether he had 162 FORGETTING PKOPER NAMES. obtained any information on this point. His reply was, " No, my son, I have not yet attended to that matter." Then, after a moment's pause, he continued : " Why, yes, certain- ly, both your mother and sister D (in spirit life) have visited S , and they told me she w^as not in any degree embarrassed." This information was afterwards conlirmed. In no respect is the memory of sj)irits, when with us, so manifestly unreliable as it is in recalling the proper names of their mortal friends, and the reasons they assign for this are, first, the imperfection of their memory upon all sub- jects when in our atmosphere ; secondly, that not being accustomed to associate ideas of their earthly friends with their names to the extent that we do, these names with them, soon lose their significance ; and thirdly, that there is a peculiar difficulty in recalling proper names of persons, dej)endent upon a certain positive, psychological quality, which seems to be imparted to these names by their repre- sentative character. Why this should be so we are unable to explain, but all investigators who have had any consid- erable experience in intercourse with spirits are convinced of the fact itself. In the early stages of my intercourse with them I was surprised to find how very defective their memory sometimes was in this respect, for, while conver- sing with them freely about certain mutual friends on earth the names of these friends would occasionally escape their memory, and it would be necessary for me to repeat them, but I generally found it necessary to only give them the least direct hint of the names for them to recollect them. This difficulty how^ever does not always exist, for it is more frequently the case that they refer to friends directly by name, but they say that if it does not present itself readily to their minds their anxiety to recollect it is certain to eftectually banish it for a time, at least, when, perhaps, it will spontaneously recur to them. PARALLEL CASKS WITH US. 1()3 Even parents who have recently entered spirit-life some- times encounter this difficulty when, through mediums, the question is suddenly propounded to them, What are the names of your children ? and they are unable upon the instant to recollect them, and although they may, after a brief delay, correctly give all the names but one, this they may lind it impossible to give, and then the chagrin and disappointment caused by their failure are frequently so great as to induce actual mental suffering, for they well know and feel the distrust of their identity which their fail- ure on this ]Doint has caused. This fi'equent inability of spirits to recollect names of persons is not by any means peculiar to them, for many of us in this life are faulty in this respect, though existing constantly under the same conditions, and it is but reason- able to suppose that under the wholly changed conditions of another existence we will experience still greater diffi- culty in this respect. Dr. Ab'ercrombie, m his Inquiries Concerning the Intellectual Poivers, relates a number of re- markable instances of this peculiar form of defective memo- ry. "One of the most common" (examples,) he says, "is the loss of the memor}^ of words and names, while the patient retains a correct idea of things and persons. The late Dr. Gregory used to mention a lady, who after an apo- plectic attack recovered correctly her idea of things, but could not name them." He adds, "A gentleman whom I attended, some years ago, after recovering from an apo- plectic attack knew his friends perfectly, but could not name them," and he says, that "a young lady who wr.s present at a late catastrophe in Scotland, in which many people lost their hves by the fall of the gallery of a church, escaped mthout any injury but with the complete loss of the recollection of any of the circumstances." It is said of the late Sir Henry Holland, that when weary IGi SPIRITS AVIIOSE MEMORY IS BEST. y from physical labor lie forgot every word of German, but the remembrance of it returned when strength was re- stored. In the above instances, changed conditions deter- mined the character of the memory. Spirits who are best able to. remember earthly events and circumstances are generally, as before remarked, those who have recently, and easily and naturally passed from earth, while young, or in the prime of life. The aged man, through death, regains his youth, and every thought and feeling are in harmony with his new condition, and neces- sarily inharmonious with the thoughts and feelings which were associated with his advanced age in earth-life, and hence, his remembrance of the scenes and circumstances of his 2)revious life should be and actually is less distinct than that of those who have passed away at an earher age. The human sj)irit upon the death of its physical body enters upon a new and widely different state of existence. The former conditions and circumstances of existence, to- gether with the old associations, no longer sustain any direct relations to it, and though individuality remains the personality is greatly changed, and the spirit, as it becomes accustomed to its new life, acc^uires new ideas, new habits of thought, new associations, and new enjoyments, and in time becomes so completely identified with its new life that it no lono'er has a thou2;ht which su<]f<]fests the recollection of the acts and circumstances of its former earthly exist- ence, and these necessarily fade from the memory, and are either incapable of being recalled, or at best but faintly re- collected. The change is greater than that from childhood to mature age, and when we consider how few, compara- tively, are the events and circumstances of our earliest years that we can recollect, we are able to imperfectly real- ize how difficult it must be for disembodied spirits to re- call, in memory, the innumerable events of their earthly IT IS BEST AS IT IS. 105 lives, in Avliieh perhaps, the}" have long since ceased to take anv interest. This imperfection of the memory of most spirits in rela- tion to the circumstances and events of their earthly exist- ence, seems to be unfortunate when we regard it only in relation to sjDirit intercourse, as it is the great stumbling block to unbelievers, and vexatious to believers, but when we view it in relation to sj^irits themselves we perceive that it is a wise and beneficetit provision of the Creator, to protect them against the evils that would flow from the perfect remembrance of the acts and circumstances of their earthly hves, for with many spirits, if their memory of these things were clear and distinct, their constant self- accusation and useless regrets would render their heaven to them a hell, and not only this, but were a parent, a mother for instance, in spirit-hfe, to carry with her from her fi'equent visits to earth the perfect remembrance of the misery of a dear child, she would j&nd no consolation in heaven, for its joy, and harmony, and beauty would be viewed by her only m contrast with the sufferings of the cherished one on earth, and it would be impossible for her losing and sympathetic nature to exult in her own superior state, while her mind were agonized with the pictures of real misery which, perhaps, she would be helpless to alle- viate. Fortunately, God in his wisdom has provided other- wise. We take with us to the next life all substantial knowledge, all knowledge of principles, all the essential knowledge we have acquired here, but our remembrance of non-essentials and minor details is most commonly shadowy and imper- fect. Thus an experienced chemist upon entering spirit- hfe, while distinctly remembering the principles and funda- mental laws of organic and inorganic chemistry, might find 166 WE RETAIN ALL USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. it impossible to reply to many questions wliich might be propounded in relation to the exact constitution of certain bodies, the compounds which may be formed by the union of certain substances, or the special laws of their combina- tion, while a physician of capacity ar d experience, on the other side, if critically examined by a brother physician on this, and judged by his replies, perhaps would not be con- sidered competent to treat many ordinary diseases. But this is not the invariable rule, for certain sjDirits retain a comparatively distinct remembrance of the details of the knowledge acquired here. True knowledge, not false, even of material things, is of great benefit to us when we pass to the other side. It strengthens and consolidates our personality, gives confi- dence and force, and instead of standing dazed, blinded, and helpless in view of the strange reahties of that Hfe, we are impelled by our habits of examination to exercise our reason, and judgment, and make use of our previously ac- quired knowledge in solving the innumerable questions which surrounding objects and circumstances suggest. Through the operation of these mental processes the first step in progression is sooner taken, and this primary diffi- culty overcome. The real knowledge which we acquu-e here will render the attainment of further knowledge there easier. In the ratio that a spirit gains knowledge and wisdom it acquires power, and all true and essential knowledge that is acquired is the eternal j^ossession of the soul. And not only this knowledge itself, but the exercise here of the faculties necessary to its attainment benefits us in the next life. This exercise of the mind is just as essen- tial to us as exercise of the body, and it invigorates and strengthens the former, and what we thus gain we are not divested of by death, but retain as rightfully earned and acquired. PKOGEESS IS GRADUAL AND STEADY. 1(JT Tlie knowledge of the dead languages, not being essen- tial and useful with most spirits, soon fades from memory. Mr. Owen says that his knowledge of these is now very imperfect, and steadily decreasing, and that of modern languages shares the same fate if not frequently called into requisition. Except w4iat has been gained by observation, experience, and research in spirit-life, or in visits to our world, spirits possess no more knowledge' than they possessed in earth hfe, and there are many among them who passed over years since, who know comparatively little more of heav- enly things than they did when here, while most spirits possess less knowledge of this life than when they passed av^ay, it having gradually, or perhaps rapidly, faded from their minds. As a rule, a naturally intelligent and well- informed politician, professional or business man, could in a few hours furnish more information of a reliable charac- ter relating to his sjoecialty, to any ordinarily intelligent spirit, than the whole sum of knowledge of that subject possessed by the latter. But there are exceptions to this rule. The progress of spirits in knowledge and wisdom is gradual and steady ; it is not marked by sudden leaps or bounds. The principal reason why we do not constantly receive new and higher truths fi'om spiritual sources, is, that as spirits increase in knowledge and wisdom they advance to higher and higher heavens, and are less and less attracted to earth, so that their ranks in the lower heavens, from which only, at least with rare excejotions, spirits revisit the earth, are constantly recruited by accessions from earth itself, and thus the knowledge of the inhabitants of these heavens is only such as they have accjuired here, to which is super- added that which they have acquired in their, perhapi, not IGS KNOWLEDGE OF INTERCOUKSE. protracted existence in spirit-life, and as their progress is based quite as mncli upon their emancipation from error as on the direct acquisition of knowledge, the greater num- ber of them are not by any means wise, and when we further consider that there are comparatively few in the higher heavens who had any knowledge of spirit intercourse jyre- vious to their passing from earth, and that they are still ignorant of it, we can understand that comparatively few wise and exalted spirits concern themselves with earthly affairs, or are engaged in transmitting knowledge of spiritual things to us. The knowledge of intercourse be- tween spirits and mortals, in its present form, is as limited, even in the higher heavens, as it is on earth, but it is rapidly extending in the lower heavens, and the time is not distant when it will penetrate the minds of aU from the least to the greatest, both in the heavens and on earth. CHAPTER XI. Visual Perception of Material Objects by Spirits. Hearing our Conversation. Ability to Pass through Solid Matter. Their Kelations to the Elements. VISUAL PEECEPTIOX OF MATEEIAL OBJECTS BY SPIRITS. Very few spirits perceive earthly objects as distinctly as we do, and these few are able to perceive them thus clearly only in theii' immediate vicinity. As a rule, low spirits can perceive material objects better than those more advanced, and their perceptive power diminishes as they progress. To the vision of highly advanced spirits gross matter be- comes extremely shadowy and unreal. All, excepting very low S2:)irits, and a few of higher gi'ades who are pecuharly endowed, when they attempt to concentrate theu" \dsion on a person, or other object, are affected by confusion of sight, and the way in which they are best able to view material objects is by causing con- stant oscillatory movements of the eyes, so that the hne of vision shall not remain beyond a single moment in the dii'ection of any point. They are affected, in degree, pre- cisely as a mortal is whose defective sight requires the aid of glasses, and who attempts to read without them. When engaged in quiet intercourse with us, if the light be strong they are frequently compelled to close their eyes, or aveii; them, or even to seek the protection afforded by the shadow of an object in the room. On this account a subdued light 8 170 SPIKITS SEE US INDISTINCTLY. is always agreeable, and sometimes necessary to them, and twilight is the favorite time for their visits. Dazzling solar, or artificial light, affects spirits very much as we are affected u]3on suddenly emerging into the glare of sunlight from a darkened room ; but brilliant artificial Hght is more disagreeable to them than the full glare of the sun. Our guardians can perceive us distinctly ; to most other spirits we appear spectral, ghostly, unless it be when mediums, either spiritual or mortal, are present, when they are able to perceive us with greater distinctness, and when spirits are controlling mediums they perceive us still more clearly. One day, while conversing with the Indian spirit through our medium he was interrupted by another spirit, and from a few disconnected words in English, together with his gestures, I understood that the conversa- tion related to me, and when he again addressed me I asked to whom had he been speaking, "and he replied, "To another Indian, who sometimes comes with me." He added, that the latter had inquired of him who I was, and he informed him, when he recollected having seen me and having been in the same room before. Said he, " Spirits have as much curiosity as they ever had, but this Indian not controlling the medium, can't see persons and places as plainly as I do, and so don't remember them well." To most spirits our clothing and bodies are not dia- phanous, but certain spirits are endowed with the special faculty of perceiving the internal organs. The Indian con- troller of my medium possesses this faculty ; the numerous proofs furnished by him place the question beyond doubt, not only to me but to others who have been present when the faculty was exercised. His explanation of the process which he employs to accomplish this is as follows. Having controlled the medium he aj)plies the hands of the latter, OUR SPIRITS INVISIBLE TO TIIEM. 171 one on each, side of the bod}'- or limb, directing liis atten- tion to and making- sliglit pressure on tlie parts, when the entire substance and structure intervening between the hands become distinctly visible, Ijut it is only the portion of the hodj or limb between the hands, not any other por- tion above or below, that he can perceive. He does not consciously see with the hands or lingers of the medium, but with his own brain or mind and he applies his atten- tion precisely as when he uses his eyes. It is only when he is in the act of controlling the medium that he j)ossesses this power, in his ordinary state he is unable to exercise the facult3\ His Indian companion is wholly deficient in this power, but I am acquainted with another sjDirit, in a higher heaven, who controls no medium, but who is similarly en- dowed. No other spirits with whom I am acquainted pos- sess this power in any degree under any circumstances. Spirits cannot perceive our spiritual bodies ; these are masked fi'om their view as they are from ours, by our earthl}'- bodies. When spmts visit the earth, during the day, the sun j)resents the same appearance to them that it does to us ; if it be partially obscured by clouds this also is a]3parent to them. If their visits are in the night the darkness is equally manifest to them. If they enter a dark room, and attempt to move about, they are generally compelled to gTope and feel their way as we do, and ujider these circum- stances we are invisible to them, but if a well-developed medium be j)resent the atmosphere immediately surround- ing him or her is in a certain degree luminous, and in this dim light persons and objects are more or less distinctly perceived. This luminosity suiTOunds mediums only. In this we find an explanation of the ability of sj^irits to see in dark seances, and here the light is often increased by the presence of several mediums. Another explanation 172 SPmiTtJAL LIGHT, n is, that certain spirits possess tlie power of illuminating tlie sjoace for a short distance around them, with spiritual light, visible to clairvoyant but not to natural vision. They effect this apparently by their volition, but the rationale is not understood by my instructors. My own opinion is that all such spirits, when here, possessed strong medial power, and still retain it, and that this emission of spiritual light, under certain circumstances, is dependent on it. Then again certain spirits understand the art of illuminat- ing the space immediately around them by artificial spirit- ual light. Paintings and drawings of some merit have be- yond question been executed in absolute darkness, dark- ness to us, by the hands of mediums, while controlled or directed by spirit power. Not only do most spirits, when in our atmosphere, im- perfectly perceive us, and material objects, but their per- ception of each other is equally imperfect, and they appear each to the other as little more substantial than shadows, and although they cannot ordinarily perceive mortals and material objects in total darkness yet they are able to per- ceive each other nearly as well as in the full light. The walls of our dwellings are not ordinarily transparent to spiritual vision, but they are so to certain spirits, as they also are to certain mesmeric sensitives. The range of their vision in our atmosphere is very limited, but in their heav- ens it is more extended than ours here. There are few spirits whose vision can penetrate below the surface of the earth. I have found one who can see to the depth of from one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet, and another to the depth of about ten or fifteen feet. None of my other spirit friends can see to the extent of an inch below the surface. Few spirits are able to read written or printed characters unless these be of extraordinary size and distinctness. READING CLOSED BOOKS. 173 Those wlio can read the former are special!}^ endowed, and they are able, without the assistance of a medium, with wonderful facility and celerity to read eyen closed books and manuscript. The books must be at least partially ex- posed to yiew, that is they must not be enclosed, for in- stance in a box, safe, closet, or drawer, but they may be in their proper places in an open safe or bookcase, or in a pile with others, or placed on a table, or desk, and so long as a sj)irit endowed vdih this faculty is able to see the books or coyers, eyen in part, this is sufficient for his purpose. Standing or seated near a book thus placed, by his yohtion he conjui-es up or causes psychological copies, or pictures of its pages to be successiyely presented to his mind, which he is able to read, so my instructors say, with ten times the rapidity that we could possibly read the open pages of the same book, and he can copy the contents on sj)iritual paper with equal rapidity. It makes httle or no difference whether the characters are TVTitten or printed, small or large. The faculty is comparatiyely a rare one, but one of my instructors, ]Mi\ Bernard, has a fi'iend in spirit-hfe who possesses it, and he has repeatedly coj)ied letters and other written documents at the request of the former, and once at my request he did the same. About thi'ee years since, at my request, certain of my spiiit fi'iends tested their ability to read manuscript, and the open pages of a book printed in ordinary sized t}q)e and placed at a distance fi^om and behind the medium, and they failed, but succeeded in reading- at the same distance a pubhsher's placard, the letters of one hne being of the size of two inches, and of another two and a half inches, while the other letters were less than one inch in size. They encountered some difficulty in reading the latter. On another, more recent occasion, at my suggestion, IVIr. Owen, my father, and Mr. Bernard separately attempted 174 HEARING US CONVERSE. to read a plainly written page, placed in the hands of the medium while entranced. The two former entirely failed, but Mr. Bernard succeeded in slowly deciphering, word by word, two lines, when he relinquished the task. THE ABILITY OF SPIRITS TO HEAR AND UNDERSTAND OUR CON- VERSATION. Few sj)irits, except guardians, are ordinarily able to un- derstand our conversation. Guardians are able to clearly and distinctly understand not only what is said by their wards, but equally well every word that is said by others with whom the latter at the moment may be conversing. Beside these there are a comparatively few spirits who are especially endowed with the faculty of understanding all that may be said by mortals in their presence, but the great majority of spirits, high and low, when not in the presence of mediums are unable, unless it be under un- usually favorable conditions, to understand us when con- versing with each other. They can only hear disconnected words, and in unfavorable weather they are frequently unable to understand, or even hear a word. Our conver- sation then appears to them to be a succession of humming, murmuring sounds. It is reasonable to suppose that frequently, wrong con- clusions are drawn as to motives and intentions, by listen- ing spirits, from the few disconnected words and sentences they are able to overhear in our conversation, and I have repeatedly found it to be so in my experience, and there is no reason to doubt that in the experience of others unfor- tunate results have been known to proceed from spirits thus misunderstanding the language and intentions of per- sons engaged in conversation. These remarks apply to conversation when no medium is present. When a good PASSING THROUGH MATTER. 175 medium is present our conversation in liis or lier imme- diate vicinity is as readily understood by spirits as it is by us, tmd in many dwellings spirits are able to bear and un- derstand neai'ly all that is said at certain times by tlie inmates. This is where mediums developed or unde- veloped, are present, and as there are unrecognized me- diums in many families it follows that conversation in such families is fi'equently distinctly overheard by spirits who ai'e disposed to listen. "\Mien a cjuiet, attentive audience is assembled in a chui'ch, or j^nblic hall, the spirits present are able to hear the speaker nearly or quite as well as he is heard by the audience. This is principally owing to the fact that many among the audience are mediums. But the presence of many low spirits on a pubhc occasion is a hindrance to the understanding by higher spirits of what is said by the sj)eaker. POWER OF SPIRITS TO PASS THROUGH SOLID MATTER. " Then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst," — John xx. 26. All spirits, except those just liberated from their earthly bodies, and a few others, and these the most degraded, possess the power of passing through solid walls of wood and stone, these being to them, in this respect, as if they did not exist. Spirits are conscious of passing through them, but experience no sensations different from those they experience in pursuing their course through the air, or space. If a spirit should aj)proach a wall with no inten- tion of passing through it, his course would be obstiaicted exactly as oui*s would, it then being as substantial to him as to us, but when he reached the wall, or before reaching it, should he desire to pass through it lie would immedi- 176 CONVEYING SMALL OBJECTS. ately find liimseK in conscious, rajDid motion, and the next instant lie would be on the other side. They pass through heavy and thin walls with equal facility, and through walls of one material as readily as through those of another. Cotton, wool, down, marble, and iron, are equally sub- stantial and resistant to spirit touch and pressure. A silken thread extended between two points, would obstruct the course of a spirit as effectually as a rod of iron if he were to deliberately approach it, although, as in the case of the wall, if he were to will it, he would instantly find himself beyond it. Certain spirits are able to transport small objects through the air for greater or less distances, and others, in the presence of certain mediums, are able to cause similar ob- jects to pass through sohd walls without injury in any re- spect to the object. These things remain yet unexplained by my instructors. There are spirits so gross and degraded that they are unable to enter our dwelhngs through the walls. They find access only through open doors and windows, and usually can depart only by the same means, but as these spiritual tramps in their visits to tenements are liable to be accidentally imprisoned, when these become temporarily deserted, it seems to have been provided that when, in such cases, they become sufficiently reduced by starvation they shall acquire the power to escape through the walls. Spirits do not possess the power to penetrate below the surface of the earth, nor of a body of water. To them, water is as sohd as earth, and yet if a person, while hving, were to be buried in the depths of a mine, or of the ocean, his spirit, when released from the body, would soon emerge from its confinement. It is thought by some that because disembodied spirits are constituted of, what to us is impalpable substance, CONTACT WITH SPIRITS. iM tliey uecessarily sliould be able to pass througli a mortal, and vice versa, as readily as tlirougli air. This is a mis- take, for to spirits our bodies are as substantial as they are to ourselves, and even more so, and even if our own spirits "svere disembodied thev would still be substantial to other spirits. "NMien a S23iritual apparition is seen and it appears to pass tlu'ough a mortal, or the mortal through it, it is only in appearance, the movements of the spirit being so rapid that our vision cannot follow them. When spirits touch us we feel more substantial to them than they do to each other, for while the substance of their persons yields to theii' pressure oui- flesh does not, but on the contrary it feels to them as firm and unyielding as marble or iron. If a spirit were standing so close to a mortal as to be nearly in contact with him, and the latter, unseen by the former, should suddenly and rapidly approach him, he probably would come in contact with him, but at the instant of con- tact the spiiit would change his position' and his move- ment would be so instantaneous that there would be little or no chance of his balance being disturbed. If the dis- tance between them were greater, when the mortal moved towards the spirit, even if the latter were previously un- aware of the former's intention, he would instantly become conscious of it by recognizing the magnetic force of his will directed in a line with his — the spirit's— person, and he would move aside, perhaps without turning his head. If a spiiit were seated in a chair and a mortal, standing before or beside him, should suddenly seat himself in the same chair the former would escape before or at the in- stant of contact. In such cases the movements of spirits are as instantaneous as lightning. All objects in the sj^irit-world are real and substantial to spiritual perception, and spirits have no more power to penetrate the substance of the heavens, or the walls of 8* 178 SPIRITS AND THE ELEMENTS. tlieir own dwellings, than we have to penetrate the sub- stance of the earth, or pass through solid walls. Neither can their vision ordinarily penetrate spiritual substance. Should one spirit attempt to lift another the latter would apjDear to the former to be as heavy as one mortal, under like cii'cumstances, would aj^pear to be to another. SPIRITS IN REL.\TION TO THE ELEMENTS. Spirits in the coldest weather traverse the space between the heavens and earth so quickly that they do not suffer from the cold, provided that u^Don their arrival here they immediately enter a comfortable dw^elling, but should it so happen that they are exj^osed to a low temperature for any considerable time they are affected by it as disagreeably as we are. The same as to very warm weather. When they come to earth and encounter cold, bleak storms, they are rendered verv uncomfortable, even when sheltered in our dweUings, and the higher spirits rarely visit us during the prevalence of such weather unless drawn to us by love, or from motives of duty, or both, and when the clainas of these are satisfied they are glad to escape and return to their own bright, blissful homes. AVhen strong winds prevail, and especially in stormy w^eather, it is with some difficulty that spirits pursue their course through our atmosphere. One January day when a high cold wind prevailed, as soon as the Indian guide of the medium assumed control I noticed that he was in an unusually merry mood, and in reply to my question he said, that upon approaching my dwelhng with his com- panion they were both precipitated against it with con- siderable force, being unable to steadily direct their course on account of the violence of the wind. When spirits are ex]3osed in our atmosj^here to storms of hail they pass perfl':mks grateful to spirits. 179 tlirouiT^li it without seusation of contact with it. It is evi- dent that it must pass through them, my instructors ad- mit this, but they are unable to explain the phenomenon. Although they ai-e rendered uncomfortable when with us in very warm weather, yet they do not perspire. A spirit under ordinary circumstances Avould suffer pain, but not destruction of tissue, or parts, from prolonged contact with or exposure to fire. My spirit friends tell me that w^hen they ^isit me in cold weather they gather about the fire as w^e do after exjDOSUi-e to cold, but they are nearly as careful as we are to avoid -too close an approach to it, other^\ise they would be rendered uncomfortable. Cer- tain spii'its understand hov/, by artificial means, to expose portions of their persons to the action of fire without in- curring suffering. They also are able by the same, or other means, to protect the hands, head, feet, and other parts of the persons of mediums fi'om its action. Spirits are sensitive to odors, and perfumes, and certain of them are as agreeable to them as to us, while others are equally disagreeable. An atmosphere delicately perfumed with rose, neroli, bergamot, or cologne, tends in some de- gi'ee to assist manifestations. The perfume of flowers is always highly agi'eeable to them. There are passengers on most vessels whose names are not entered on the passenger list. At my request Mr. Owen and vaj father boarded a steamship in mid-ocean, and found many spirits there. Some of these were friends of the j)assengers, and others w^ere the spirits of sailors, who lived aboard the vessel, and busied themselves in all their former duties. It is not to be suj^posed that these duties are effectively performed, but sometimes they per- fonn real service when it happens that officers or lookouts are impressible, by influencing their minds so that they can consciously or unconsciously avoid serious danger to ISO SPIRITS LIABLE TO SEA-SICKNESS. tliemselves, or the vessel. On tlie other hand, sometimes, but perhaps rarely, some vicious spirit finds himseK able to iniiuence the lookout, or man at the wheel, and obscures his mind to such an extent that he is rendered incompe- tent to the discharge of his duties, and through this means the vessel may be lost. Mr. Owen and my father, a short time after boarding the steamer, experienced the usual symptoms of sea-sickness, nausea, dizziness, and prostra- tion of strength, and soon they were compelled, from these causes, to leave the vessel. They noticed that other spirits present, friends of the passengers, were affected in like manner. CHAPTER Xn. Materialization — Form Manifestations. Phantom Ships and Rail- way Trains. Rappings, and Moving of Objects, Spirit Lights, Levitation. Trance and Yisipns. MATEPJAUZATIOX FORM JIAXITESTATIONS. The processes of materialization are really of a scientific nature, and in cabinet seances are usually, perhaps always, supei-^ised and directed by spirits of intelligence above the average, who have acquired a knowledge of the method by direct instruction, or careful observ^ation," but in other instances certain low spirits of strong magnetic natures and powerful will, generally of that class who haunt certain earfhly locahties, possess, either an intuitive or acquired knowledge of the means of mateiializing, for certain spiiits of this class, equally v*ith those more elevated, are able to materialize spirits on their ovm planes, in a degree, not onlv sufficient under certain circumstances to render them visible to mortals, but also to exercise considerable power over material objects. It is only of the methods of procedure in circles for materializinf;^ that we have anv definite knowledpre, and here the process requires the combined action of a number of instnicted spiidts, who form a circle around the spirit to be materialized, and thi'ough the exercise of their united ^\ill-power attract and gather certain magnetic and material elements fi'om the medium, the persons present, and the 182 PBOCESSES OF MATEKIALIZATIOX. atmosphere, and then by employing* their hands as mes-r merizers employ theirs, in making certain passes, they direct these elements towards the spirit in their midst, while at the same time they assist the operation of these movements by concentrating the full force of their will- power upon him. It is necessary that the object of their attentions should be in a passive and receptive state, and if he or she is capable of quietly and forcibly exerting his or her will to the same end the accomphshment of the pur- pose is materially assisted, the object being to cause the condensation or lodgment of these elements upon and throughout the whole, or parts of the person of the spirit. These means must be steadily employed, otherwise the spirit rapidly demateriahzes, the elements used becoming dissipated and reverting to their previous conditions. The process, in some respects, resembles that by which the metal is taken up and deposited in electro-plating. They are able to materialize any part of the person of a spirit, clothing that part with material substance, or they can materialize it throughout its internal structure, and when the power is sufficient and conditions favorable, they are able to materialize the entire person of the spirit, exter- nally and internally. Sometimes an adult spirit who passed away in childhood, is represented to the parent's view as still a child. This result is effected by their selecting a spirit child as nearly as possible resembhng the spirit when it passed away, and clothing it in a manner similar to that in which it was clothed in earth life, and then materializing it. The child is previously instructed in the part it is to act. But although adult S23irits are unable to personally reassume the appearance of childhood, those who have departed this life at advanced ages are able to appear materialized of the ages they were when they passed away. This too is ac- HAUNTING SPIIilTS. 183 complislied "by will-power. Previous to materializing tliey have only to recollect how they appeared at those ages, and then to desire, or will, to appear the same again, and this determines the result. The sense of touch in a fully materialized spirit hand is perfect, and the sense fails with the decreasing substan- tiality of the hand. Spiritual birds are frequently brought to earth, and sometimes thev are materialized at seances. Spirits, a23paritions as they are termed, wiio haunt certain localities, most commonly dwellings, either inhabited or abandoned, when they are joerceived by natural vision, or make physical demonstrations, are always more or less materialized. Theii* materialization is effected, as before stated, by the efforts of other sj)irits, and as none but very material, if not gross spirits haunt such localities the power recjuired to sufficiently materialize them is comparatively inconsiderable. They are rarely able to manifest in either manner unless it be in these special localities, as to a great extent they are dependent for their power to do so on the magTietic elements there existing. In such instances it is rare that more than one spirit is visible at the same time, while there may be a score or more engaged in materializ- ing that one. The permanent materialization of spiritual objects, such as hair, garments, flowers, etc., my spirit instructors unani- mously declare to be impossible, and in my own experience neither the most reliable mediums, nor their guides, have pretended to be able to materialize any s}Diritual substance so that it shall retain its materiality when removed from the seance room. All spiiits when visiting the earth, of necessity, become in a certain degree materialized, as also do the spiritual objects they may bring with them. At a certain seance with our medium one of my instmctors, Mr. Bernard, in- 184 PHANTOM SHIPS AIsD KAJLWAY TKAINS. formed me that a spirit fiiend of his with a genius for inven- tion was engaged in perfecting a machine, the knowledge of which, should it prove successful, he intended to com- municate to me. When conversing on this subject I sug- gested that a diagram of it might be made by my placing a sheet of drawing paper on a table, and their placing a s]3iritual diagram of the machinery upon the sheet I had provided, and then for them to control the medium's hand and with a pencil trace the lines through their spiritual diagram upon the drawing paper. The reply was, that it would be impossible to procure a drawing by this method, for the reason that their diagram, when brought to earth, would become in degree materialized, and the j)encil-j)oint in tracing tlu'ough it would meet with resistance, and it would be simply mutilated and destroyed. The knowledge, thus obtained, enabled me to realize what my instructors had often before said, that they, and consequently their brains, in degree, are invariably mate- rialized when present with us, and from this fact another is to be inferred, which is, as before remarked, that upon this partial materialization of their brains, wholly or par- tially depends their defective memory when here. The knowledge of this fact also enables us to satisfactorily ac- count for the greater power which many low sj^irits possess to cause physical manifestations. From their hving mostly or wholly on earth, and from their grossness, they are al- ways materiahzed in degree, and hence, with a slight addi- tion of material elements they are able to act directly on matter with greater force than spirits on higher planes. PHANTOM SHIPS AND RAILWAY TRAINS. The legendary phantom ship is not a myth. Spectral, or spiiitual ships, are sometimes constructed on earth by now riioDut'Ki). 185 spirits of inariners from tlie second sphere, wlio launch them, and sail them on our oceans, and sometimes make voyages in them between different ports. Notwithstand- ing the appearance to the contrary, these ships simply ghde over the waves mthout sinking into them, and earthly TN^inds propel them at rates of speed which our ships can- not attain. The spiritual substances, or as we naturally would term them, materials, of w4iich these spiritual ships are built, are brought from the second sphere by these spirits, having previously been brought there from the thii'd and fourth heavens by -spirits of those heavens, who are charged with this duty, as these sailor spirits are not permitted to go higher than their own sphere. They are thus fui'nished with the necessary "materials" and per- mitted to use them in building ships, as an indulgence, or favor, but it is only to such spirits as have reformed, or have not led abandoned hves that these favors are granted. Those who enjoy them, in fact, are qualified to enter the third heaven, but they still are possessed of a lingering love for their eartlily occupations, and when this becomes satis- fied, as after a while it does, they pass to the third heaven. Spectral railway trains are equally matters of fact, the "materials" of which they are constructed being supplied in the same manner to the spirits of engineers, firemen, brakemen, conductors, etc., existing on the same planes as the mariners, above mentioned. As the spectral ships are never visible in clear sunlight, but are only seen in the night, or twilight, or during storms, when the light is par- tially obscured, so the spectral trains are never seen ex- cepting at night, or in a tunnel, where there is little light. Sometimes these spectral ships and trains are seen clair- voyantly, and at other times with the natural eye, as these spuits, at least in some cases, under favorable circum- stances appear to possess the power, by their combined ISG SrKCTIiAL MEN IN ARMOR. efforts, to temporarily materialize them, together with themselves, so that they become apjDarent to the vision of ordinary observers. My instructors assure me that there are more, both of spectral ships and trains, in existence than has been suspected by the few who have believed in them. The spectral men in armor who have been observed at different times, especially in the highlands of Scotland, are generally perceived clairvoyantly. Large numbers of them have been seen at the same time by many persons. The pageant is gotten up by spirits from the second sphere, assisted by those from the third, and while certain of them are marching, others, unseen, direct their combined efforts to 0]3en the sj)iritual eyes of the observers, and they some- times succeed in enabhng scores, and even hundreds to perceive them with their spiritual vision. Possibly, also, in some instances, the spirit troops have been sufficiently materiahzed for them to be perceived more or less dis- tinctly by ordinary vision. EAPPINGS AND MOVING OF MATEKIAL OBJECTS. SPIRIT LIGHTS. LEVITATION. In order to produce the raps spirits present unite in materializing the hand, or knuckles simply, of one of their number, and he then makes the raps with these. Some- times a small spiritual object as a pencil or ring is mate- rialized and the raps are made with this. When a table is used the raps are generally made on its lower surface, and it is not necessar}^, in order to effect the purpose, that either the hand or other object shall be materialized to the extent that it shall be visible to those present. Tables and other objects are moved by the materialized, or partially materialized hands of spirits. When the article Sl'IIilT LIGHTS. 187 is very licaAT, as a piano, then the materiaHzed hands of a number of spirits, perhaps a dozen, are required to lift it. Neither electricity nor magnetism is employed, nor can either be made available for such purj)oses. The luminous points, frequently extending' into lines of light, so cominonl}' observed in dark seances, and known as sj^irit lights, are produced by spirits forcibly striking together two hard substances, spiritual of course, in the same manner that we do flint and steel to elicit sparks. In giving me this explanation Mr. Owen said he had noticed that on each occasion the operator, jorevious to striking these substances together, dipped the ends of them in a hquid. The aid of spiritual chemicals is here probably called into requisition. Levitation, or elevation and sus- l^ension of a mortal in the air, is accomplished by the united efforts of a number of spirits who have been suffi- ciently materiaHzed by other spirits for this purpose. These semi-materialized spirits raise the person exactly as we would, with theii- hands. None but mediums of ex- traordinary power can be thus elevated. TRANCE AND VISIONS. Trance, with jDossibly some exceptions, is induced by disembodied spirits, sometimes for purposes of medium- istic development, sometimes so that the peculiar condition of mind and body that obtains in this state, may be made available in arresting the course of disease, and at other times it is induced so that the mind may be brought under conditions in which it can be powerfully imj)ressed with spu'itual truths. Ordmarily the state of trance is not at- tended vrith danger, but occasionally it happens that unin- formed and too confident spirits find themselves able to induce the state and then, to their consternation, discover 188 HOW TRANCE IS INDUCED. that tliey cannot restore tlie' subject to his normal condi- tion, and instances have occurred where the person has been buried under the fatal niisaj)prehension that death has ensued. Trance is induced by S23irits by precisely the same means that mesmerizers employ to mesmerize their sub- jects. All trance subjects are mediums. In the trance state the spirit is not usually absent from the body, but is generally, either semi-conscious, or entirely unconscious of external things. In some cases however the person is fully alive to everything around him. It sometimes, though rarely happens, that spirits under exce|)tionally favorable conditions are able to and do maintain absolute control of a medium for days, weeks, and even months, re- leasing their hold for brief periods of time, during which the medium is generally in the trance state, or asleep. In the majority of these rare instances intelligent spirits, with good motives, and for important purposes, thus main- tain possession. It must not be supposed that in such cases the spirit natural to the body is banished from it ; it is only overpowered, its faculties obscured, and functions temporarily suspended. The controlling spirit is always external to the body of the medium. It is not possible for any disembodied spirit to personally enter the body of a mortal. Visions of, apparently, heavenly scenes are but impres- sions made upon the minds of susceptible persons by dis- embodied spirits during partial sleep, or if the subject be possessed of medial power, when he is wholly or partially entranced. The psychologizing spirit by thinking intently of any subject, or scene, and at the same time intently de- siring the person to think of or perceive the same, is able to impress his ideas upon the person's mind, and the latter, if the attempt be successful, perceives whatever is in the YISIO:f^S OR MENTAL PICTURES. 189 mind of the operating spirit, and perliaps realizes it more yividly tlian it is realized by liim. Will-power is the force employed, and the process is here again precise^ similar to that employed b}" mesmerizers. Mental pictures of ob- jects and scenes are thus produced, and frequently they are so apparently real that the subject ever after believes he has actually, in spiritual person, visited the scenes depicted, and there seen what in reaUty were only psychological pic- tures impressed upon his mind by spirit agency. The language, when heard, is also that of the psychologizing spirit. But the spu'its of certain persons, under certain circum- stances, are able, as elsewhere stated, to leave the body when asleep, for a bri3f time, and to visit earthly localities, and absent friends, and return and re-enter the body, and when the latter awakes the remembrance of what the spirit has seen is generally more or less distinct. Sometimes, also, distant earthly objects and scenes are discerned, apjDarently through spontaneous or independent clairvoy- ance, and by lucid mesmeric subjects, but it is very doubt- ful whether the vision of an embodied spirit has ever pene- trated even the lowest of the heavens. As to spirits, while yet associated with the body, visiting, even the lowest of the heavens, my instructors believe to be impossible. CHAPTEK Xm. Spirits in Relation to Animals. Do they Interest Themselves in our Business AfiEairs ? There is Room in God's Universe for All. SPIRITS IN RELATION TO ANIMALS. Spirits are capable of influencing certain animals in tlieir feelings and movements. We knov?- that with us animals are sometimes psychologized, or mesmerized by persons highly endov^ed with mesmeric power, and to one who be- lieves in the power of spirits to influence mortals there should be no difficulty in believing that they are, at least sometimes, capable of influencing animals. Li the Bible instances are recorded of the exercise of this power by spirits, as in 1 Kings xvii. 6, where the ravens brought Elijah bread and flesh ; in Dan. vii. 22, where the angel, or spirit, shut the lion's mouth, and in Mark v. 13, where the unclean, or low spirits, influenced the swine to rush into the sea. Also certain domestic animals are capable, at least at times, of perceiving spirits, and as spirits in their natural state can only be perceived by spiritual vision these ani- mals must be endowed with spiritual organs of vision, and if with these, doubtless with other spiritual senses, and consequently with spiritual organisms. Thus, animals should possess S23iritual bodies, and my instructors have no doubt of the fact, but as stated in another part of this work, they deny to the spirits of animals continued exist- ANIMALS SOMETIMES SEE SriRITS. 191 ence, these perisliing with then* material bodies. Horses, dogs, and cats, possess the facult}' of discerning sj)irits, under certain circumstances, and sometimes Indian spirits, and others, amuse themselves by mountinfj;' horses when grazing in the open held, and by violent gestvires impelling them to tlieir utmost speed, and to strange, and sometimes frantic movements and efforts to dismount their ghostly riders, who are visible to them alone. I am also informed that sometimes, when vicious and revengeful spirits enter- tain gTudges against certain persons, they will seize oppor- tunities when the latter are riding, or driving, to suddenly appear before tlieir animals, perhaps at dangerous points on the roads, and by violent gestures frighten them so that mischief may ensue. Idle and fi'olicsome spirits- frequently amuse themselves with dogs and cats, availing themselves of the animals' inability to distinguish between them and mortals to bewilder and deceive them, and ill-disposed spirits sometimes succeed in inciting dogs to attack certain persons whom they dislike. A notable instance of clair- voyant vision in an animal is recorded in Numb. xxii. 23 to 27. DO SPIRITS INTEREST THEMSELVES IN OUR BUSINESS AFFAIRS? The question is sometimes asked ; Do spirits interest themselves in the business affairs of this hfe ? Some of them do, but a person who receives advice or information in respect to business matters from them should be guided by it only when his osvn judgment, or knowledge confirms it. There have been instances, w^ell attested, certain of them within my own experience, in w^hich worldly advan- tage has accrued from information and advice given by spmts, but, as a rule, it is much safer to rely alone upon one's otm judgment and exertions. If we have a relative, 192 SPIRITS AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS. or dear friend in spirit-life, who, wlien here was actively engaged in business pursuits, and who possessed an in- disputable capacity for them, and if through a reliable me- dium we can readily enter into communication with him, and should find him still interested in worldly affairs, and especially in our own, it may be well if counsel is needed to consult him, always subjecting his information or advice to the crucible of our reason, and adopting or rejecting it accordingly, precisely as we would if it were received from an earthly friend. Persons who are so credulous as to rely solely upon spirit direction in their earthly affairs, almost invariably suffer for their folly in failing to exercise and be guided by their own reason, and for attempting to evade their own responsibility by transferring it to invisible, and most frequently, irresponsible shoulders. It is the mission of our unseen friends, as far as the}^ are able, to assist, protect, and guide us in the right, not to assume and per- form our duties for us ; these we alone must discharge, or suffer the consequences. Spirits who have left property to their heirs are often present at its distribution, and many times, when it carries no blessing with it, they are gratified to see it wasted, and sometimes are successful in their efforts to scatter the w^ealth in the pursuit of which they had sacrificed their earthly health, comfort, time, and possibly honor. THERE IS ROOM IN GOd's imr^ERSE FOR ALL. Where can the departed spirits of the countless ages of the past, together with the myriads of yet uncreated spirits, find space in which to exist ? This is a problem which presents itself to the minds of many thoughtful persons who believe in the eternal ex- istence of the soul, and at the first view it seems difiicult THERE IS liOOM FOR ALL. 193 to satisfactorily solve it, but when we call figures to our assistance it will be found that much of if not all the difficulty disappears. Thus, a square of fifteen miles contains 225 square miles. Multiply 5,280, the number of feet in a lineal mile, by itself, and the product is 27,878,400, being the number of square feet in a square mile. Multiply this number by 225 and we have 6,272,04:0,000, being the number of square feet in the square of fifteen miles, and dividing this sum by 1,400,000,000, the present estimated poj)ulation of our globe, and we have, (within a fraction,) 4^ square feet for each person. If the present site of London, with its 700 square miles, were an open plane it would suffice to fur- nish comfortable standing room for three times the present population of the earth. The entire surface of our globe comprises about 197,- 000,000, square miles. Of these, about 54,000,000, are land, and allowing 4|- square feet for each person 334,540,800,- 000,000, individuals could find standing room upon its surface, this being 238,957 times the present population of the earth. Assuming thirty-three years .as the term of life of a generation, and that the population of the earth has always been the same as now, all the people who have existed upon it for 7,885,581 years could, if now living, find standing room on the dry land of our globe, but as the population anterior to one thousand years ago, j)rob- ^ ably, was not one-half its present number we may proj)erly double the above number of years, making it 15,771,102. If the entire surface of our globe were dry land it would furnish 871,753, times the present population with stand- ing room, or all the human beings that have existed upon it for 28,767,849 years. This presumes that at no time were there a less number of people existing on the earth than at present. 9 194 THE VASTNESS OF SPACE. The foregoing calculations wiU serve tlie purpose of showing the vast numbers of persons who can find stand- ing room on a comparatively limited surface, and a calcu- lation of the number of cubic miles contained in a sphere equal in diameter to that of the orbit of the moon, or space included in a radius of 240,000 miles from the earth in every direction, will show what myriads of souls could find ample room therein to exist. In this space there are 57,905,971,200,000,000 cubic miles. This number divided by 1,400,000,000, the present population of the earth, gives 41,361,408 cubic miles to each person, and is equal to one cubic mile for every hu- man being who has existed on our globe for 1,364,926,464 years, estimating the average number of its inhabitants the same as at present. This estimate, as just said, is only of the space included in a radius of 240,000 miles from the earth in every direc- tion. A railway train starting from our earth and travelhng in a direct line, night and day, at the rate of fifty miles an hour, would traverse the radius of this space and reach the moon in less than seven months, while travelling at the same rate of speed it would require more than two hundred years to reach the sun. To fully realize the vastness of the space described by the orbit of the moon, and the myriads of human souls it is capable of containing, with ample room for all, is beyond the capacity of most minds, and to even approximately re- alize the immensity of the space of which the sun is the centre, and the earth a point in the circumference, not to mention the entire space of the solar system, is an impos- sibility to any finite mind. Yet, inconceivable as the di- mensions of this space are they dwindle into insignificance when compared with the immensity, to us infinity, of space represented by the distance from our speck of earth of the THIS, THE CHILD-LIFE OF THE SPIRIT. 195 neai'est fixed star, Alpha Centauri, which the supposititious railway train running at its speed of fifty miles an hour would not reach in less than 42,000,000 years. And yet this star, as just said, is the nearest to our earth of the fixed stai'S. It is thus seen that while vast multitudes of human beings may be represented by figures in a gTeater or less degree apprehensible by our understanding, the immensity of even a comparatively hmited space, like that of the orbit of the moon, is inconceivable, the figures representing it beai-ing to oui' minds comparatively httle relation to its vast dimensions. CONCLUSION. The description of the heavens, and their inhabitants, contained in this work, is but partial and fi-agm^ntary, for while a comparatively few things are described the far greater number remain unnoticed. The things described compare with those unnoticed, and yet unknown, as the recorded observations of a traveller on a railway compare with a comprehensive history of the country, in which its varied features and the characteristics of its inhabitants are accurately noted. It remains for other explorers of this partially comprehended, and invisible realm, to add to this description, and each successive future generation will learn new and important truths, and better comprehend their philosophy. This is the child-life of the spirit, and this world the primary school of the race, in which we are taught, princi- j^ally, by observation and experience. None truly become men and women until they are developed in spirit-life. The oldest and wisest of us are only approacliing real man and womanhood. ^Tio, among us, can truly say he has 190 OUR GLORIOUS DESTINY. passed the period when lie can be "pleased with a rattle, and tickled with a straw." Man, while in the flesh is bound to the earth, and the creeping thing may call him brother, but when his immor- tal spirit becomes liberated from the tenement of clay he enters on a new and glorious existence, soars in boundless freedom through realms of celestial beauty and brigh!- ness, drinks in wisdom and knowledge with every breath, while every^ movement, every thought, every aspiration, is tributary to his happiness, and he is amazed that he ever could have been so blind, so groveling, as to seek his highest gratification in things of sense. The spirit-world is peopled by men and women who here lived, enjoyed, suffered, and died as we are now doing, or destined to do, who resembled us in all respects, and whatever possibihties have been or are yet to be realized by them in their present existence, will be realized by us when we have followed them to that world. Every lofty aspiration, every noble thought, every rational hope will there be realized, and every prophecy of the soul will there find its fulfillment. No conception of the poet's mind ever equalled in subhmity and grandeur the reahty of that hfe, in its highest estate, and no orien- tal ecstatic in his wildest flights of fancy ever dreamed of such beauty and perfection as characterize the higher heavens. " Hope on, weary heart, heaven's glory shines, Earth fades, and soon we shall rejoice tog-ether ; Night hastes, and death its drowsy wreath entwines ; Into our realm from earth's Decembral weather We bid yon welcome. Gently as drops the feather From the swan's breast, your dust, ye weary hearted, Shall from you fall, and none shall ask you whether Ye feared or hoped ; each rankling wound that smarted Shall pain no more, for peace dwells with the world's departed. IlOPt: ON, O WEARY HEART. 197 '^ Crowned with rose-blooms, on thy my banks reposing, Sweet lovers wait you ; O one fond embrace, One loving smile, from eyes their love disclosing, Shall compensate you for this mortal race, And every sorrow from the heart erase. Love God in man, and thus on earth obtain The victor's wreath ; So, death shall not efface Aught from the soul save disappointment's pain ; All shall be yours in heaven the young heart hoped to gain." —Harris, THE END. THE IDENTITY OF PRIMITIVE CHRISTIANITY AND MODERN SPIRITUALISM, BY EUGENE CKOWELL, M.D., AUTHOB OF "the spikit world, its inhabitants, nature, and philos- ophy," 7iV TWO VOLUMES, OCTAVO. Price, ^2.50 Per Voliirae. for sale by . ' COLBY & RICH, 9 Montgomery Place, Boston. opinions OF THE PRESS. " Dr. Eugene Crowell has made an important contribution to the litera- ture of Spiritualism in ' The Identity of Primitive Christianity and Modern Spiritualism.' . . . It is written in a temperate style, and with evident fairness, and is especially remarkable for the amount and aptness of the evidence adduced. Readers who desire to know just what intelligent Spiritualists believe, will find this book well worth their atten- tion." — Literary World, Boaton. " This, one of the most important books on Spiritualism ever published, is receiving, as it fitly deserves, the encomiums of the secular and religious press, everywhere. Columns of extracts from it may be found in the Npv) York TForZfZ, and other dailies. It is very obvious that this is one of the few books that are of positive value for the times." — Banner of Light, Bostoji. " Dr. Crowell has been enabled to present a volume which is a complete compendium of alleged facts in Spiritualism, and an ingenious defence of OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. it, as well. . . . 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Any spiritualist who desires to be stored with historical, scientific, or theological arguments relating to the spiritual philosophy, will not only read, but study this volume."— A^irifwaZ Scientist^ Boston. "The object is attained by the author in a degree which cannot fail to surprise and interest all who have heretofore regarded Spiritualism as a modern discovery, or invention, or a gross delusion." — Detroit Commer- cial Advertiser. "This is one of the most interesting books we have ever read on the subject. We can come nearer endorsing all the author says than anyone we have ever read. Dr. Crowell has been most of his life a materialist. His investigation of Spiritualism converted him from his belief in Material- ism, and convinced him of the truth of the Bible. . ^ . We predict that his work will do much toward harmonizing true Christianity and true Spiritualism. We cordially recommend this book to honest inquirers after truth." — Spiritual Magazine. " Those who want the literature and the evidences of the Spiritualists will find them here, set out at length." — Albany Evening Journal. " This book is a splendid addition to the literature of Spiritualism, equal in quality to Mr. Dale Owen's Debatable Land, but differing in kind. It is more a scientific than a theological work, yet in every chap- ter the spiritual manifestations recorded in the Bible are paralleled by those taking place now. The religious standpoint taken by the author is broad and liberal, and the philosophical portion of the book deals ably with questions of great interest to Spiritualists. There is a, rich and well selected store of records of spiritual manifestations, many of which occurred beneath his own observation," — London Spiritualist, University of Connecticut Libraries 39153020578003