Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/fertilizerreportOObail s BULLETIN 250 NOVEMBER, 1923 -,* Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station NEW HAVEN, CONN. Fertilizer Report for 1923 E. M. BAILEY, Chemist in Charge of the Analytical Laboratory. CONTENTS. Page Provisions of the Fertilizer Law 3 Registrations 5 Inspection of 1923 16 Raw Materials Containing Nitrogen 17 Raw Materials Containing Phosphoric Acid 33 Raw Materials Containing Potash 38 Raw Materials Containing Nitrogen and Potash 42 Raw Materials Containing Nitrogen and Phosphoric Acid 43 Mixed Fertilizers: Containing phosphoric acid and potash 52 Containing nitrogen and phosphoric acid 54 Containing nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash : Concerning guaranties '. 54 Analyses requiring special notice 56 Grades with reference to ammonia 57 "New England Standard Nine" 58 Availability of insoluble organic nitrogen 59 Special and Home Mixtures 82 Miscellaneous fertilizers, amendments, waste products, etc 82 The Bulletins of this Station are mailed free to citizens* of Connecticut who apply for them, and to other applicants as far as the editions permit 1 CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OFFICERS AND STAFF November, 1923. BOARD OF CONTROL. His Excellency, Charles A. Templeton, ex-officio, President. James H. Webb, Vice-President Hamden George A. Hopson, Secretary Mount Carmel W. L. Slate, Jr., Director and Treasurer New Haven Joseph W. Alsop Avon Charles R. Treat Orange Elijah Rogers Southington Edward C. Schneider Middletown STAFF. E. H. Jenkins, Ph.D., Director Emeritus. Administration. W. L. Slate, Jr., B.Sc, Director and Treasurer. Miss L. M. Bbautlecht, Bookkeeper and Librarian. Miss J. V. Bebger, Stenographer and Bookkeeper. Miss Mary Bradley, Secretary. William Veitch, In charge of Buildings and Grounds. Chemistry. Analytical Laboratory. E. M. Bailey, Ph.D., Chemist in Charge. R. E. Andrew, M.A. OweklToun [ Assistant Chemists. Harry J. Fisher, A.B. J Frank Sheldon, Laboratory Assistant. V. L. Churchill, Sampling Agent. Miss Mabel Bacon, Stenographer. Biochemical Laboratory. Botany. T. B. Osborne, Ph.D., Sc.D., Chemist in Charge. G. P. Clinton, Sc.D., Botanist in Charge. E. M. Stoddard, B.S., Pomologist. Miss Florence A. McCormick, Ph.D., Pathologist. G. E. Graham, General Assistant. Mrs. W. W. Kelsey, Secretary. Entomology. W. E. Britton, Ph.D., Entomologist in Charge; State Ento- mologist. B. H. Walden, B.Agr. 1 M. P. Zappe, B.S. \ Assistant Entomologists. Philip Garman, Ph.D., J John T. Ash-worth, Deputy in Charge of Gipsy Moth Work. R. C. Botsford, Deputy in Charge of Mosquito Elimination. Miss Gladys M. Finley, Stenographer. Forestry. Walter O. Filley, Forester in Charge. A. E. Moss, M.F., Assistant Forester. H. W. Hicock, M.F., Assistant Forester. Miss Pauline A. Merchant, Stenographer. Plant Breeding. Donald F. Jones, S.D., Geneticist in Charge. P. C. Mangelsdorf, M.S., Assistant. Soil Research. Tobacco Sub-station at Windsor. M. F. Morgan, M.S., Investigator. C. M. Slagq, M.S., in Charge. The Wilson H. Lee Co. Report on Commercial Fertilizers, 1923. E. M. Bailey, Chemist in Charge, Analytical Laboratory. PROVISIONS OF 'THE FERTILIZER LAW. The provisions of the fertilizer law as it affects dealers in com- mercial fertilizers in this State have been explained in previous bulletins of this Station and the text of the law may be found in Chapter 204 of the Public Acts of 1919. Certain points of interest and importance to both buyers and sellers of fertilizers may, however, be briefly restated. Significance of the Term "Commercial Fertilizers". Explaining what is meant by the term "commercial fertilizers" the law says: "The term 'commercial fertilizers' shall be construed to mean any and every substance imported, manufactured, prepared or sold for fertilizing or manuring or soil amendment purposes, except barnyard manure and stable manure which have not been artificially treated or manipulated, marl and lime. Cottonseed meal, rapeseed meal, castor pomace and all other vegetable prod- ucts used as fertilizers, including the ashes of cotton hulls and wood ashes, shall be included as fertilizers within the meaning of this act and separate analysis fees shall be paid on each different grade which is sold or offered for sale in the state. The person responsible for paying the fees above prescribed may deduct from the total tonnage sold such sales of cottonseed meal or other vegetable products as are made to anyone who gives a written certificate on a form supplied by the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station stating that the material bought by him was to be used exclusively for feed and not for fertilizer." Cottonseed meal is a fertilizer within the meaning of the Statute but it is provided that when this product is sold for feeding purposes only, it shall be exempt from the tonnage tax. The status of cottonseed meal under the fertilizer law has been clearly stated in a bulletin 1 from this Station from which the following may be quoted : Registration and analysis fees. "Each brand of cottonseed meal must be registered on forms provided by this Station and an analysis fee of ten dollars paid on it before it is sold, offered or exposed for sale, and on the first day of January annually thereafter. "A distinctive name constitutes a distinct brand. If shipments have dif- ferent guaranties of composition they are held to be different brands." iBull. of Information No. 9, 1919. 4 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Branding or tagging. "Since nitrogen is the only fertilizer ingredient con- sidered in the trade in cottonseed meal no guaranty of phosphoric acid or potash is required. If either is guaranteed by the manufacturer, however, an additional fee of ten dollars must be paid on each element. The statement of composition now legal for feeds may be used hereafter if the precentage of nitrogen is stated. "Note that the law regarding feeding stuffs forbids the use of metal in attaching tags and requires that each package shall be branded or tagged with the statement required by law." Duties of shippers. "It is assumed from correspondence with shippers outside the state that they will register the brands which they sell in Connect- icut, will pay analysis fees as has been done in the past by manufacturers of commercial fertilizers, and will semi-annually thereafter pay the tonnage fees. "They will report to this Station their total sales and, if they wish, may report what part has been sold for feed exclusively. From the reports of dealers within the state it will be possible to determine quite closely the, amounts of each brand actually used as feed. "In the case the jobber outside the state neglects or refuses to register a brand, the dealer who sells it within the state is responsible under the law." Duties of dealers. "Dealers are required to file with the director of the Sta- tion on July first of each year and semi-annually thereafter a sworn statement of their total sales of each brand of cottonseed meal and the amount of each sold exclusively for feed, during the preceding six months." Requirements to be Complied with by Sellers of Commer- cial Fertilizers. The seller is responsible for the proper labeling of each pack- age, for the registration at the Station of every brand sold by him and for the payment of the analysis fee, before offering for sale, and annually thereafter on January 1st. The seller must also, on the 1st of January and July, report the tonnage of fertilizer sold within the preceding six months and pay to the director of the Station a tonnage fee of 6 cents per ton. On request, copies of the law and blanks for registration and for tonnage reports will be supplied by the Station. If, however, proper labeling, registration and payments have been provided for by the manufacturer of the brands or by another responsible person, all sellers of such brands are released from the above mentioned requirements. The retailer, therefore, should assure himself that the requirements of the law have been met by the manufacturers of the brands which he handles, or himself be prepared to meet all these requirements. Precautions to be Observed in Drawinc Samples for Analysis. The analysis of a fertilizer is of no value unless the sample analyzed represents as nearly as possible the stock from which the sample was drawn. The law prescribes the procedure to be follow- ed by authorized agents of this Station when taking official samples for analysis as follows: REGISTRATIONS. 5 "When samples are taken from fertilizers in bags, a tube shall be used, and it shall be inserted at one end of the bag and shall pass substantially the entire length of the bag, so as to take a core of the macerial being sampled from sub- stantially the entire length of the bag. Samples thus taken from individual bags shall be thoroughly mixed, and the official samples shall be taken from the mixture so drawn by the method known as 'quartering.' Samples of fertilizer taken as herein provided shall be taken from at least five per centum of the separate original unopened packages in the lot, for the mixture from which the official samples shall be taken. If less than one hundred bags are in the lot, at least five bags shall be sampled; if less than five bags, all shall be sampled. Broken packages shall not be sampled." The Station is called upon each year to analyze a large number of samples, drawn and submitted by individuals, representing fertilizers bought by them for their own use. The purpose of the sender is to find out whether the mixture contains the amounts of plant food which are guaranteed, and, if" it does not, to secure evideDce upon which to base a claim against the seller for the shortage. It is, therefore, necessary that the sample be taken essen- tially in the way prescribed by law and in the presence oj a witness so that there can be no question about the fairness of the sample. The Station will supply to any applicant a form upon which the sender should give the necessary information and submit it with the sample. This makes the sample of public interest and value, which is the only justification for doing the work at State expense; and it is also the sender's protection in case the validity of the sample is questioned. REGISTRATIONS. Late Registrations for 1922. To the brands registered for 1922 in our last report should be added : Atlantic Packing Co., New Haven, Conn. Dry Ground Fish Marianna Cotton Oil Co., Inc., Memphis, Tenn. White Mule Brand 36% Protein Cotton Seed Meal White Mule Brand 41% Protein Cotton Seed Meal White Mule Brand 43% Protein Cotton Seed Meal Registrations for 1923. For 1923, 61 individuals and firms registered at this Station for sale in this State 436 brands of fertilizers. As required by Statute the brands so registered are listed as follows : American Agricultural Chemical Co., 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. Agrico Tobacco Manure Castor Pomace Complete Potato Mixture Crescent Complete Manure Double A Tobacco Fertilizer Double Manure Salts CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Dry Ground Fish, 8-6 Dry Ground Fish, 10-6 Fine Ground Bone Fish and Potash Five Four Three Tobacco Fertilizer Grass and Lawn Top Dressing Ground Tankage High Grade Acid Phosphate Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Pulverized Sheep Manure 7% Potash Fertilizer Sulphate of Ammonia Sulphate of Potash Universal Phosphate Bradley's Complete Manure for Potatoes and Vegetables Bradley's Complete Manure for Top Dressing Grass and Grain Bradley's Complete Tobacco Manure Bradley's Corn Phosphate Bradley's Fish Compound Bradley's New Method Fertilizer Bradley's Potato Manure Bradley's Potato Fertilizer Bradley's Superior Tobacco Compound Bradley's Valley Tobacco Fertilizer Bradley's XL Superphosphate of Lime Listers Celebrated Tobacco Fertilizer Listers Complete Tobacco Manure Listers Corn and Potato Fertilizer Listers Eastern Pride Fertilizer Listers Potato Manure Listers Squirrel Brand Fertilizer Listers Standard Pure Superphosphate of Lime Listers Success Fertilizer National Complete Tobacco Fertilizer National Eureka Potato Fertilizer National Market Garden Fertilizer National Potato and Corn Phosphate National Premier Truck Manure National Special Tobacco National Top Dressing Compound National Universal Phosphate National XXX Fish and Potash National White Ash Tobacco Grower Quinnipiac Climax Phosphate Quinnipiac Corn Manure Quinnipiac Fish and Potash Phosphate Quinnipiac Market Garden Manure Quinnipiac Phosphate Quinnipiac Potato Phosphate Quinnipiac Prime Tobacco Manure Quinnipiac Seed Leaf Tobacco Manure Quinnipiac Superior Top Dressing Manure Quinnipiac Wrapper Leaf Brand Tobacco Manure Wheeler's Ammoniated Fish Manure Wheeler's Corn Fertilizer Wheeler's Cuban Tobacco Grower Wheeler's Early Market Compound Wheeler's Potato Manure Wheeler's Royal Wheat Grower Wheeler's Universal Mixture REGISTRATIONS. American Cotton Oil Co., 65 Broadway, New York, N. Y. "Aco" Brand Cotton Seed Meal Longhorn Brand Cotton Seed Meal Surety Brand Cotton Seed Meal Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury, Conn. Acid Phosphate Animal Tankage Bone and Meat Tankage Bone Meal Castor Pomace Fish Liberty Corn, Fruit and All Crops Liberty Fish, Bone and Potash Liberty High Grade Market Gardeners Liberty High Grade Tobacco Special Liberty Market Gardeners Special Liberty Tobacco Special Liberty Top Dresser for Grass and Grain Muriate Potash Nitrate Potash Nitrate Soda Precipitated Bone Sulphate Potash Armour- Fertilizer Works, 305 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Armour's Big Crop Acid Phosphate 16% Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 8-6-6 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 5-8-5 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 5-8-7 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 4-8-4 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 4-6-10 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 3-8-4 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 2-12-2 Armour's Big Crop Tobacco Special 5-4-5 Armour's Corn Grower 2-8-2 Armour's Nitrate of Soda Bone Meal 3-48 Ground Tankage 9-15 Muriate of Potash Raw Bone Meal 43447 Sheep Manure Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co., Trust Co. of Georgia Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Helmet Brand Prime Cotton Seed Meal Monarch Brand Prime Cotton Seed Meal Paramount Brand Good Cotton Seed Meal Atlantic Grass Seed Co., Inc., 46 West Broadway, New York, N. Y. Wonderlawn Grass Grower Atlantic Packing Co., New Haven, Conn. Atlantic 5-8-7 Atlantic 4-8-6 Atlantic Grain Fertilizer 2-8-2 Atlantic Potato Phosphate 3-8-4 . Atlantic Special Vegetable 4-8-4 Atlantic Tobacco Grower 5-4-5 Atlantic Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 8 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Baker Castor Oil Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Castor Pomace Barrett Co., 40 Rector St., New York, N. Y. Arcadian Sulphate of Ammonia Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Acid Phosphate Berkshire Ammoniated Bone Phosphate Berkshire Complete Fertilizer Berkshire Complete Tobacco Berkshire 5-8-7 Berkshire Grass Special Berkshire Market Garden Berkshire Potato and Vegetable Berkshire Tobacco Special Berkshire Tobacco Starter Castor Pomace Double Manure Salts Dry Ground Fish Fine Ground Bone Ground Sheep Manure Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Sulphate of Potash Blish Hardware Co., F. T., South Manchester, Conn. Complete Market Garden Complete Tobacco Fertilizer Potato Phosphate Top Dressing for Grass Boardman, F. E., Middletown, Conn. Boardman's Fertilizer for Potatoes and General Crops Boardman's Tobacco Fertilizer Bowker Fertilizer Co., 60 Trinity Place, New York, N. Y. Bowker's All Round Fertihzer Bowker's Connecticut Valley Tobacco Fertilizer Bowker's Corn, Grain and Grass Phosphate Bowker's Fisherman's Brand Fish and Potash Bowker's Market Garden Fertilizer Bowker's Potato and Vegetable Phosphate Bowker's 16% Acid Phosphate Bowker's Square Brand Farm and Garden Phosphate Bowker's Sure Crop Phosphate Stockbridge Early Crop Manure Stockbridge Potato and Vegetable Manure Stockbridge Premier Tobacco Grower Stockbridge Tobacco Manure Stockbridge Top Dressing and Forcing Manure Stockbridge Truck Manure Bridge's Sons, Inc., Amos D., Hazardville, Conn. Corn, Onion and Potato and General Purpose Special Tobacco Fertilizer REGISTRATIONS. Brode Corporation, F. W., 119 Madison Ave., Memphis, Tenn. "Owl Brand 36%" Cotton Seed Meal "Owl Brand 43%" High Grade Cotton Seed Meal Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. "Buckeye" Good Cotton Seed Meal Good Quality Chittenden Co., E. D., Bridgeport, Conn. Chittenden's Acid Phosphate Chittenden's Castor Pomace Chittenden's Complete Grain Chittenden's Dry Ground Fish Chittenden's Ground Bone 3-50 Chittenden's High Grade Tobacco Chittenden's Nitrate of Soda Chittenden's Potato Special 4% Potash Chittenden's Potato Special 6% Potash Chittenden's Tobacco Special Clark Seed Co., Everett B., Milford, Conn. Clark's 3-8-2 Clark's 4-8-4 Clark's Special Mixture with 6% Potash Nitrate of Soda Special Mixture Tip Top Brand 16% Acid Phosphate Coe-Mortimer Co., 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. Country Club Golf and Lawn Fertilizer "Brand A" Country Club Golf and Lawn Fertilizer "Brand B" E. Frank Coe's Celebrated Special Potato Fertilizer E. Frank Coe's Columbian Corn and Potato Fertilizer E. Frank Coe's Connecticut Wrapper Grower E. Frank Coe's Fish and Potash Guano E. Frank Coe's Gold Brand Excelsior Guano E. Frank Coe's New Englander Special E. Frank Coe's Red Brand Excelsior Guano E. Frank Coe's 16% Superphosphate E. Frank Coe's Special Grass Top Dressing E. Frank Coe's Standard Potato Fertilizer E. Frank Coe's Sure Burn Tobacco Grower E. Frank Coe's Tobacco Leaf Fertilizer Connecticut Fat Rendering & Fertilizing Corp., West Haven, Conn. Tankage Consolidated Rendering Co., 40 North Market St., Boston, Mass. Ground Bone (3-24) Ground Bone (2.5-26) High Grade Acid Phosphate Muriate Potash Nitrate Soda Sulphate Ammonia « Sulphate Potash Tankage 6-30 Tankage 9-20 10 CONNECTICUT EXPEKIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Consumers Chemical Corporation, 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Kainit Nitrate of Soda DuPont de Nemours & Co., E. I., Wilmington, Del. Nitrate of Soda Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, 292 Worthington St., Springfield, Mass. Eastern States 2-8-2 Eastern States 4-8-4 Eastern States 4-8-7 Eastern States 3-12-3 No-Filler Eastern States 5-8-7 No-Filler Eastern States 5-10-5 No-Filler Eastern States 7-8-3 No-Filler Eastern States 16% Acid Phosphate Eastern States Ground Tankage 7-15 Eastern States Muriate of Potash Eastern States Nitrate of Soda Eastern States Formula A Eastern States Formula B Eastern States Formula C Essex Fertilizer Co., 39 North Market St., Boston, Mass. Essex Fish Fertilizer for All Crops 3-8-4 Essex Market Garden for Potatoes, Roots and Vegetables 4-8-4 Essex Potato Phosphate for Potatoes and Vegetables 4-8-7 Essex 2-8-2 for Farm and Garden Essex 4-6-10 for Potatoes and Vegetables Essex Tobacco Manure 5-4-5 Essex Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 Frisbie Co., L. T., New Haven, Conn. Castor Pomace Dry Ground Fish Frisbie's Bone Meal Frisbie's Corn and Grain Fertilizer 2-8-2 Frisbie's 5-8-7 Frisbie's 5-10-5 Frisbie's Market Garden 4-8-6 Frisbie's Special 3-8-4 Frisbie's Special Vegetable and Potato Grower 4-8-4 Frisbie's Tobacco Grower 5-4-5 Frisbie's Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 Frisbie's Top Dresser 7-5-4 Humphreys-Godwin Co., Inc., Memphis, Tenn. Bull Brand Cotton Seed Meal. Danish Brand Cotton Seed Feed Dixie Brand Cotton Seed Meal International Agricultural Corporation (Buffalo Fertilizer Works), 126 State St., Boston, Mass. Buffalo Complete Tobacco Buffalo Economy Buffalo High Grade Manure Buffalo New England Special Buffalo Tobacco Producer Buffalo Top Dresser and Starter REGISTRATIONS. 11 Jones Phosphate Co., Robin, Nashville, Tenn. Ground Rock Phosphate Joynt, John, Lucknow, Ontario, Canada The Joynt Brand Canada Unleached Hardwood Ashes Lovitt & Co., L. B., Memphis, Tenn. "Lovitt Brand" Cotton Seed Meal "NeaPs Choice" Cotton Seed Meal "Thirty-Six Brand" Cotton Seed Meal Lowell Fertilizer Company, 40 North Market St., Boston, Mass. Lowell Animal Brand 3-8-4 Lowell Bone Fertilizer 2-8-2 for Corn, Grain, Grass and Vegetables Lowell 5-8-7 for Potatoes and Vegetables Lowell 4-8-4 for Potatoes, Corn and Vegetables Lowell 4-6-10 for Potatoes and Vegetables Lowell Tobacco 5-4-5 for Tobacco, Fruits and Vines Lowell Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 Lowell Potato Phosphate for Potatoes and Vegetables 4-8-7 Lowell Top Dressing 7-5-2 Mapes Formula & Peruvian Guano Co., 143 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. The Mapes Connecticut Valley Special The Mapes Corn Manure The Mapes C. S. Tobacco Manure The Mapes General Tobacco Manure The Mapes General Truck Manure The Mapes General Use Manure The Mapes Grain Brand The Mapes Onion Manure The Mapes Potato Manure The Mapes Tobacco Ash Constituents The Mapes Tobacco Manure Wrapper Brand The Mapes Tobacco Starter Improved The Mapes Top Dresser Marianna Sales Co., Falls Building, Memphis, Tenn. White Mule Brand 36% protein Cottonseed Meal White Mule Brand 41% protein Cottonseed Meal White Mule Brand 43% protein Cottonseed Meal Meech & Stoddard, Inc., Middletown, Conn. Bixota 5-8-7 Bixota 4-8-4 Bixota 3-8-3 ' ' Bixota 2-8-2 Mitchell, Walter L., 699 Forest St., New Haven, Conn. Mitchell's 16% Acid Phosphate Mitchell's Phosphonour Mitchell's Two-Speed Phosphate Natural Guano Co., Aurora, Illinois. "Sheep's Head" Pulverized Sheep Manure . Nature's Plant Food Company of Maine, 43 Commercial St., Boston, Mass. Nature's Plant Food 12 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Neal & Company, Inc., R. N., Memphis, Tenn. "Triangle" 41% Cottonseed Meal New England Fertilizer Company, 40A North Market St., Boston, Mass. New England Corn Phosphate 2-8-2 for Grain and Vegetables New England 4-8-4 for Potatoes and Vegetables New England Superphosphate 3-8-4 New England Potato Phosphate 4-8-7 for Potatoes and Vegetables New England Tobacco 5-4-5 for Tobacco, Fruits and Vines New England Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 New England 2-8-3 for Vegetables and Grain Nitrate Agencies Company, 85 Water St., New York, N. Y. Naco Brand Acid Phosphate Naco Brand Castor Pomace Naco Brand Fish Naco Brand Muriate of Potash Naco Brand Nitrapo Naco Brand Nitrate of Soda Naco Brand Number 7 Naco Brand Number 12 Peruvian Guano Mixture Naco Brand Number 14 Peruvian Guano Mixture Naco Brand Number 19 Peruvian Guano Mixture Naco Brand Number 24 Peruvian Guano Mixture Naco Brand Peruvian Guano Naco Brand Raw Bone Naco Brand Steamed Bone Naco Brand Sulphate of Ammonia Naco Brand Sulphate of Potash Naco Brand Tankage Nothern, W. C, Box 414, Memphis, Tenn. Bee Brand Cottonseed Meal Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford, Conn. Double Manure Salts High Grade Sulphate of Potash Nitrate of Soda O & W Acid Phosphate O & W Bone Phosphate and Potash Compound O & W Castor Pomace O & W Complete Corn, Onion and Potato Fertilizer O & W Complete Corn, Potato and Onion Fertilizer O & W Complete Tobacco Fertilizer O & W Dry Ground Fish O & W Fish and Potash O & W H G Starter and Potash Compound O & W High Grade Potato Fertilizer O & W High Grade Tobacco Starter O & W Precipitated Bone O & W Pure Bone Meal O & W Top Dressing Sulphate of Ammonia Pacific Manure & Fertilizer Company, 429 Davis St., San Francisco, Cal. Groz-It Brand Pulverized Sheep Manure REGISTRATIONS. 13 Parmenter & Polsey Fertilizer Company, 41 North Market St., Boston, Mass. Parmenter & Polsey 5-4-5 for Tobacco, Fruit and Vines Parmenter & Polsey 4-8-4 for Potatoes, Corn and Vegetables Parmenter & Polsey Plymouth Rock Brand 3-8-4 for all Crops Parmenter & Polsey Potato Phosphate for Potatoes and Vegetables 4-8-7 Parmenter & Polsey 2-8-2 for Farm and Garden Phoenix Cotton Oil Co., Memphis, Tenn. Phoenix 36% protein Cotton Seed Meal Phoenix 41% protein Cotton Seed Meal Phoenix 43% protein Cotton Seed Meal Piatt Company, The Frank S., New Haven, Conn. Platco Special 4-8-6 Potash-Marl, Inc., 15 East 40th St., New York, N. Y. Potash-Marl Premier Poultry Manure Company, 431 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. Premier Brand Pulverized Poultry Manure. Pulverized Manure Company, 828 Exchange Ave., Union Stock Yards, Chi- cago, 111. Wizard Brand Manure Wizard Brand Sheep Manure Rogers & Hubbard Company, The, Portland, Conn. Acid Phosphate Castor Pomace Cotton Seed Meal Garden Fertilizer Ground Fish Hubbard's "Bone Base" Fertilizer for Oats and Top Dressing Hubbard's "Bone Base" Fertilizer for Seeding Down Hubbard's "Bone Base" Soluble Corn and General Crops Manure Hubbard's "Bone Base" Soluble Potato Manure Hubbard's Pure Raw Knuckle Bone Flour Hubbard's Strictly Pure Fine Bone Nitrate of Soda Rogers & Hubbard's All Soils— All Crops Fertilizer Rogers & Hubbard's Climax Tobacco Brand Rogers & Hubbard's Corn and Grain Fertilizer Rogers & Hubbard's High Potash Fertilizer Rogers & Hubbard's Potato Fertilizer Rogers & Hubbard's Soluble Tobacco Manure Rogers & Hubbard's Tobacco Grower, Vegetable Formula Sulphate of Ammonia Sulphate of Potash Royster Guano Company, F. S,, 1604 Munsey Building, Baltimore, Md. Dry Ground Fish Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Royster's Bully Guano Royster's Fine Ground Bone Meal Royster's Fish, Flesh and Fowl 14 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Royster's Pure Raw Bone Meal Royster's Quality Trucker Royster's 16% Acid Phosphate Royster's Top Dresser Royster's Trucker's Delight Royster's Valley Tobacco Formula Sulphate of Potash Sanderson Fertilizer & Chemical Co., New Haven, Conn. Sanderson's Acid Phosphate Sanderson's Atlantic Coast Bone, Fish and Potash Sanderson's Castor Pomace Sanderson's Complete Tobacco Grower Sanderson's Corn Superphosphate Sanderson's Dry Ground Fish Sanderson's Fine Ground Bone Sanderson's Formula A Sanderson's Formula B Sanderson's Kelsey's Bone, Fish and Potash Sanderson's Nitrate of Soda Sanderson's Potato Manure Sanderson's South American Sheep and Goat Manure Sanderson's Tobacco Grower Sanderson's Top Dressing for Grass and Grain Shoemaker & Co., Inc., M. L., Venango St. and Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Swift-Sure Bone Meal Swift-Sure Cotton Seed Mixture Swift-Sure Super Phosphate Crop Grower Swift-Sure Super Phosphate Potato No. 1 Swift-Sure Super Phosphate Tobacco and General Use Swift-Sure Super Phosphate Tobacco Starter Springfield Rendering Company, Springfield, Mass. Springfield Animal Brand, 3-8-4 Springfield 4-8-6 Springfield Market Garden Grower and Top Dresser 5-8-7 Springfield Special Potato, Onion and Vegetable 4-8-4 Springfield Tobacco Special, 5-4-5 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company, 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. V-C Aroostook Potato Grower V-C Champion Brand V-C Double Owl Brand V-C Eureka Brand V-C Fish, Phosphate and Potash Brand V-C Indian Chief Brand V-C Olympic Brand V-C Owl Brand V-C Perfection Brand V-C Plymouth Brand V-C Royal Brand V-C Tip Top Brand V-C Universal Brand Westervelt & Co., A. C, Memphis, Tenn. Sun Brand Cottonseed Meal KEGISTRATIONS. 15 Whitman & Pratt Rendering Co., Boston, Mass. Whitman & Pratt's 4-8-4 Brand Wilcox Fertilizer Company, Mystic, Conn. Wilcox Acid Phosphate Wilcox Corn Special Wilcox Dry Ground Fish Wilcox Fish and Potash Wilcox 5-8-7 Fertilizer Wilcox 4-8-4 Fertilizer Wilcox Grass and Truck Fertilizer Wilcox Ground Packing-House Tankage Wilcox Ground Steamed Bone Wilcox Nitrate of Soda Wilcox Potato and Vegetable Phosphate Wilcox Tobacco Special S. D. Woodruff & Sons, Orange, Conn. "Woodruff's Home Mixed" Worcester Rendering Company, Auburn, Mass. Prosperity Brand Complete Dressing Prosperity Brand Corn and Grain Fertilizer Prosperity Brand Ground Tankage Prosperity Brand Market Garden Prosperity Brand Potato and Vegetable Fertilizer 16 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250, INSPECTION OF 1923. During the year, Mr. Churchill, the sampling agent of the Station, has visited 93 towns and villages in the State and has taken 548 official samples of fertilizers which number includes all the registered brands which were found on sale. These together with samples submitted by purchasers or others interested may be classified as follows: Classification of Feetilizers Analyzed. Nnmber of I. Containing nitrogen as the chief active ingredient: Samples Page Nitrate of soda 24 17 Sulphate of ammonia 9 17 Castor pomace 71 20 Cottonseed meal 179 20 Linseed meal 3 33 II. Containing phosphoric acid as the chief active ingredient: Raw rock phosphate 1 33 Precipitated bone phosphate 16 33 Dissolved rock phosphate or acid phosphate 21 35 III. Containing potash as the chief active ingredient: Carbonate of potash 4 38 Muriate of potash 8 38 High-grade sulphate of potash 13 38 Kainit 1 38 Double sulphate of potash and magnesia 11 42 IV. Containing nitrogen and potash: "Nitrapo," etc 4 42 V. Containing nitrogen and phosphoric acid: Dry ground fish 49 43 Tankage 10 48 Ground bone 28 49 VI. Mixed fertilizers: Containing phosphoric acid and potash 2 52 Containing nitrogen and phosphoric acid 7 54 Containing nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash 270 54 Special and home mixtures 26 82 VII. Miscellaneous fertilizers, amendments, waste products, etc.: Wood ashes 16 83 Sheep manure, etc 8 83 Potash-Marl 1 86 Limestone, etc 4 86 Peat or muck 4 87 Sewage sludge 2 87 Miscellaneous 67 88 Total 859 SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. 17 I. RAW MATERIALS CHIEFLY VALUABLE FOR NITROGEN. NITRATE OF SODA. Twenty-four samples were examined and results are given in Table I. Chemically pure nitrate of soda contains 16.47 per cent, of nitrogen but commercial nitrate of soda or "Chili saltpeter" con- tains from 15 to 16 per cent, which is equivalent to 91 to 97 per cent, nitrate of soda. The impurities in the commercial article are chiefly common salt and water. Plants respond quickly to nitrogen in this form because it is directly assimilable. The residue which nitrate of soda leaves in the soil is alkaline. At the prices quoted for this material, nitrogen has cost from 17. 2 cents to 24-4 cents per pound, the average cost being 20.6 cents. SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. Nine samples were analyzed and the results are given in Table II. 21235. Sold by Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury. Sent by Hatheway & Steane, Hartford. 20972. Sold by The Barrett Co., New York. Sent by Hathe- way & Steane, Hartford. 21175. Sold by The Barrett Co., New York. Sent by Berk- shire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport. 21276. Sold by American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York. Stock of M. H. Edwards, Collinsville. 21056. Sold by Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. Stock of Harold M. Newberry, East Windsor Hill. 21427. Sold by Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. Sampled at the factory. 20883. Sold by The Barrett Co., New York. Sent by Hathe- way & Steane, Hartford. 20922. Sold by Consolidated Rendering Co., Boston. Sampled at the factory, New Haven. 21463. Sold by The Rogers & Hubbard Co., Portland. Sam- pled at the factory. 18 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table I. Analyses of Niteate of Soda. Manufacturer or Jobber. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent Nitrogen. a "d OS -C ft 03 a +■> 3 o O fn O M ft ZS 20450 W. L. Grace Co., New York 20451 W. L. Grace Co., New York 20452 W. L. Grace Co., New York 21031 Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury 21159 L.T. Frisbie, New Haven 0951 Sanderson Fertilizer and Chemical Co., New Haven 21250 Manuf acturer unknown . 3 Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport 0956 Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury 21279 E. B. Clark Seed Co., Milford 3 The Rogers & Hubbard Co., Portland 3 Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford 2 Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford 1 Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford 21300 Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Springfield. 1 F. S. Royster Guano Co., Baltimore 3 E. D. Chittenden Co., Bridgeport 20908 Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury 21540 Consumers Chemical Corp., New York American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobbaco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield J. E. Shepard, So. Windsor. . A. E. Plant Sons Co., Bran- ford Station Agent at the factory Walter T. Clark, County Agent, Norwich Station Agent at the factory Conn. School for Boys, Meri- den Station Agent at the factory Station Agent at the factory Harold M. Newberry, East Windsor Hill Station Agent at the factory Harold M. Newberry, East Windsor Hill CM. Beeman, Granby .... Plumb Bros., Waterbury . . . J. E. Stoddard, Abington. . . Station Agent at the factory E. O. Chapman, No. Haven 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.63 15.00 so 00 15.00 15.00 15.96 15.98 16.00 15.54 15.64 15.54 15.40 15.78 15.54 15.38 15.92 15.92 15.44 15.44 14.96 15.62 15.52 15.08 15.48 $56.50 59.00 59.47 59.50 62 ."00 61.00 62.00 65.00 66.50 66.50 66.50 66.55 70.00 70.00 70.00 73.00 18.2 18.9 19.1 19.3 19.6 19.6 20.2 20.4 20.9 21.5 21.5 22.2 22.4 22.5 23.2 23.6 SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. Table I. Analyses of Nitrate of Soda — Concluded. 19 Manufacturer or Jobber. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent Nitrogen. a o ■+J u p 3 h o The American Agricul- tural Chemical Co., New York City. Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury, Conn. N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R 75598 48664 33443 67113 516550 51578 P. &R. 16482... L. & N. 95777 101264 Baker Castor Oil Co., New York City. 534799 87488 561220 3511 160747 28397 303027 20267 90623 556528 22130 Station Agent from Geo. S, Phelps & Co., Thompson- ville Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield. . Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield. . Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield.'. Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield. . Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Station Agent from J. P. Nor- ton, Broad Brook American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobbaco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobbaco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield 4.99 4.53 5.11 4.52 4.88 4.52 5.72 4.52 4.88 4.52 5.27 4.52 5.79 4.52 5.10 4.52 4.57 4.52 5.24 4.52 4.70 4.52 4.33 4.52 5.91 4.52 4.84 4.52 4.95 4.52 5.95 4.52 6.30 4.52 5.15 4.52 5.62 4.52 4.88 4.52 4.96 4.52 4.79 4.52 1.00 34.00 34.00 31.75 31.75 34.00 34.00 31.75 32.50 22 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table III. Analyses of Castoe Pomace — Continued. Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent Nitrogen. -a a d -a a M fe o 20520 20521 20522 20523 20524 20593 20594 20595 20596 20597 20598 20599 20646 20658 20679 20680 20752 20753 20754 20755 20756 20784 20997 Baker Castor Oil Co. 61212 10154 19928 153529 74483 81821 48966 34679 40277 535120 88536 83939 534842 . 22834 . 14609 . 85576 . , 76289 . . 14285 . . 7568 . . 83221 . . 13931 . . American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield Station Agent from E. J. Ban- tie, Glastonbury 5.03 4.98 4.90 5.19 5.18 4.96 5.17 5.18 5.68 5.10 5.29 5.38 5.12 5.16 5.36 4. 5.12 5.10 5.14 5.08 4.46 4.55 4.44 4.52 4.52 4.52 4.52 4.52 4.52 4.52 4.52 4.52 .52 4.52 4.52 4.52 4.50 CASTOR POMACE. 23 Table III. Analyses of Castoe Pomace — Continued. Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent Nitrogen. Baker Castor Oil Co 549580 114242 41436 Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport. 32002 E. D. Chittenden Co., Bridgeport. L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven, Conn. Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford, Conn. N. Y. C. 257636 537458 and 560869. . . . P. R. R. 549580 P. R. R. 558771 20629 561351 92785 41703 122078 31265 Station Agent from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor. . . Station Agent from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor. . . Station Agent from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor. . . Station Agent from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor. . . Station Agent from Paul Ros- tek, Melrose Station Agent from E. J. Bantle, Glastonbury Station" Agent from factory. J. E. Shepard, South Windsor Clark Bros., Windsor J. E. Shepard, South Windsor Daly Bros., Warehouse Pt.. J. E. Shepard, South Windsor J. E. Shepard, South Windsor J. E. Shepard, South Windsor J. E. Shepard, South Windsor Harold M. Newberry, East Windsor Hill Harold M. Newberry, East Windsor Hill J. E. Shepard, South Windsor J. E. Shepard, South Windsor L. Wetstone, Hartford .... L. Wetstone, Hartford .... Harold M. Newberry, East Windsor Hill Station Agent from W. H. Carrier, Glastonbury 4.99 4.86 4.80 5.04 4.99 5.50 5.28 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.21 5.06 5.70 5.00 4.50 4.52 4.50 4.94 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94 $31.00 31.00 31.00 34.20 38.00 36.00 32.40 33.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 36.10 36.10 31.00 31.00 36.00 36.00 34.20 36.00 24 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table III. Analyses of Castor Pomace — Concluded. Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent Nitrogen. -6 OJ -6 a S p o fe a The Rogers & Hubbard Co., Portland. 20937 20952 20692 21411 Sanderson Fertilizer & Chemical Co., New Haven, Conn. Manufacturer unknown 13042 Station Agent from factory. . . Station Agent from factory. . . Conn. Sumatra Tobacco, Buckland J. Stuart Halpine, Burnside. .' 5.05 4.40 5.16 5.10 4.53 $38.00 32.94 Table IV. Summary op Data on Cottonseed Meal. Group. 36 per cent (5.76 N) • 41 per cent (6.56 N) 43 per cent (6.88 N) Odd per cent No guaranty Number of Samples. 16 125 23 3 12 Totals and averages 179 Number Deficient. 2 32 4 38 Average Nitrogen % 5.84 6.58 6.83 6.53 Average Cost Average of Nitrogen, Cost per cents per Ton. Pound. $52.46* 44.33 2 56.73 3 44.9 33.7 41.5 39.7 During the past year the 4-1 per cent protein meal has been the one chiefly sold and nitrogen has been purchased at the best advantage in this grade. Again it will be noted that nitrogen has cost most in the lowest grade product. The average nitrogen content of all the samples examined is close to the guaranty for the medium grade. 1 Based on 15 quotations. 2 Based on 89 quotations. 3 Based on 21 quotations. 1 Based on 128 quotations. COTTONSEED MEAL. 25 Table V. Analyses of Cottonseed Meal. Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent Nitrogen. 20871 20872 20873 20875 20970 20887 20888 20467 20513 21519 20573 21405 21406 21407 21502 21509 21516 21510 21215 American Cotton Oil Co., Atlanta, Ga. Aco. 202054 Aco. 31401 Aco. 30394 Aco. 35614 Aco. 54850 Longhorn, 150715 Longhorn, 508164 Surety P. A. 22747 Surety. P. R. R. 52412. Surety. N. C. & St. L., 3166 Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co., Atlanta, Ga. Paramount. N. Y. C, 217460 Paramount. 4577 Paramount. 90630 Paramount. 97602 Paramount F. W. Erode Corp. Memphis, Tenn. Owl Brand 36 per cent.. Owl Brand 43 per cent.. Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Buckeye Good C. S, Meal Eastern Cotton Oil Co. Elizabeth City, N. C. Ideal Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Clark Bros., Windsor Clark Bros., Windsor The Coles Co., Middletown. . The Coles Co., Middletown. . The Coles Co., Middletown. . The Coles Co., Middletown. . Geo, S. Phelps & Co., Thomp- sonville Geo. S. Phelps & Co., Thomp- sonville Geo. S. Phelps & Co., Thomp- sonville Station Agent from Geo. S Phelps & Co., Thompson- ville Station Agent from Bristol Grain & Supply Co., Bristol Station Agent from C. M. Beeman, Granby 6.85 6.53 7.08 6.84 6.78 7.04 7.03 5.98 5.80 5.81 6.00 5.70 5.81 5.90 6.03 5.42 6.84 Station Agent from G. S, Phelps & Co., Thompson- ville L. Wetstone, Hartford . 5.69 6.35 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.88 6.88 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.75 6.70 5.76 6.88 1.75 60.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 48.15 48.15 48.15 52.00 55.00 60.90 52.00 57.00 26 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table V. Analyses of Cottonseed Meal — Continued. Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent Nitrogen 20527 20531 20532 20533 20552 20556 20563 20592 20641 20839 20840 20898 21005 21053 21057 21072 21513 21508 20528 20529 20530 20551 20553 20554 20555 20557 Humphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Tenn. Bee. 31758 Bee. 42022 Bee. 32442 Bee. 304470 Bee. 173150 Bee. 76518 Bee. 31758 Bee. 11031 Bee. 34277 Bull. C.B.&J. 134035. . . Bull. M. P. 27424 Bull. N.& W. 120204. .. Bull Bull. N. Y. C. 252455 . . Bull Bull. M. C. 94575 Bull Danish Dixie, 39334 Dixie, 120253 Dixie, 40082 Dixie, 48634 Dixie, 34042 Dixie, 174396 Dixie, 302401 Dixie, 1574 American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield. . Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield. . Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield. . Harold M. Newberry, East Windsor Hill Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield. . Harold M. Newberry, East Windsor Hill Henry Adams & Son, Suffield Station Agent from Geo. T. Soule, New Milford Station Agent from A. E. Hall, Wallingford American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield .83 38 15 00 32 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 5.75 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 $59.00 59.00 57.00 56.50 59.00 56.50 57.00 60.00 50.00 COTTONSEED MEAL. 27 Table V. Analyses op Cottonseed Meal — Continued. Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent Nitrogen. lu 3 OS O 3 pd O 20558 Hump! Dixie, 20559 Dixie, 20560 Dixie, 20561 Dixie, 20562 Dixie, 20576 Dixie, 20579 Dixie, 20580 Dixie, 20582 Dixie, 20585 Dixie, 20586 Dixie, 20588 Dixie, 20589 Dixie, 20590 Dixie, 20591 Dixie, 20613 Dixie, 20614 Dixie, 20615 Dixie, 20616 Dixie, 21617 Dixie, 20618 Dixie, 20619 Dixie, 20620 Dixie, Memphis, Tenn. 2673 2022S . 866 .. . 85231 . 26101.. 19903 . 21873.. 12006 . 2S527 . 29824. 56372S. 256339 . 29854. 205778 , 13S00 . 174396. 26101.. 48634 . 4965 . . 1574 . . S66 . . . 154534 . 40082 . American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield , American Sumatra Tobacco Co. , Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield ( American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield 28 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table V. Analyses of Cottonseed Meal — -Continued. Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent Nitrogen. ■73 T! a a 3 cs o 3 fR o 20779 20780 20781 20782 20783 20794 20795 20796 20797 20798 20799 20800 20844 20847 20848 20850 20870 20874 20931 20932 20933 20969 21062 21533 21534 21535 Humphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Tenn. Dixie, 20650 Dixie, Dixie, 191653 35903 Dixie, 107284 Dixie, 21049 Dixie, 25137 Dixie, 73426 Dixie, 3027 Dixie, Dixie, Dixie, 45769 21710 194528 Dixie, Dixie, 70649 103931 Dixie, 140952 Dixie, Dixie, 38058 17640 Dixie, 5622 Dixie, 112821 Dixie, 223492 Dixie, 13384 Dixie, 11031 Dixie, 1549 Dixie. Dixie Dixie Dixie American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Hatheway & Steane, Hartford American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield Hatheway & Steane, Hartford Station Agent from J. P. Nor- ton, Broad Brook Station Agent from Fassler & Silberman, Hartford Station Agent from Fassler & Silberman, Hartford Station Agent from Fassler & Silberman, Hartford 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 $55.75 55.75 55.75 54.50 COTTONSEED MEAL. Table V. Analyses of Cottonseed Meal — Continued. 31 Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent Nitrogen. T3 0) o •d Pi a 3 03 o 3 fa o 21536 21538 20587 20577 20578 20581 20583 20584 20885 20886 21066 21512 20090 21107 21514 21517 21715 Humphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Tenn. Dixie Dixie Owl. 41, 110197 111894 90546 194870 35004 36735 . 28201 109077 L. B. Lovitt & Co., Memphis, Term. Thirty-six Neal's Choice Lyle & Lyle, Hunts ville, Alabama. Economy, P. R. R., 83450 Marianna Cotton Oil Co., Marianna, Ark. White Mule, 41% White Mule, 43% White Mule, 41% White Mule Brand I Station Agent from Fassler & Silberman, Hartford Station Agent from Fassler & Silberman, Hartford American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield . . . American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield Station Agent from W. C. Child, Woodstock Station Agent from Willi- mantic Grain Co., Willi- mantic The Coles Company, Middle- toWn Station Agent from C. M. Beeman, Granby Station Agent from Geo. E. Ackley Co., New Milford. . Station Agent from E. H. Rollins, Granby . .". P. Schwartz Co., New London 5.80 7.04 5.77 6.59 7.00 6.57 5.85 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.56 5.75 6.88 5.76 6.58 6.88 6.58 5.75 $41.50 60.00 53.00 57.00 60.00 57.00 53.00 32 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table V. Analyses op Cottonseed Meal— Concluded. Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent Nitrogen. 73 V sOi— I CO C5 © do HiONO^M ?0>000i00 (MOO'— IOO fiTf^HOOl'* Hoddod flooHMHO •O^I UOpB^g w w T3 a o t-i o o O O 03 o3 += +3 Co 03 K 2, P4 a a 03 03 tCOQ r T0'O r O' , "0 r T3'O''O'"O cd qz| qzj tpj cd c£ cfl cjz| aaaaaaaa 00000000 22333233 66666666 OOOOOOOO 00000000 00000000 O3o3o3o3o3o3o3o3 -0,0.0,0.0,0,0,0 OOOOOOOO 4J 4J -P -P 4J -P -P -P aaaaaaaa OOOOOOOO "E'Jh'&h'K'Ph'S-i"^'*-! OOOOOQ20 aaaaaaaa <3 j ■- t\£5=9 a°cl2 ® a co O —4 M M M ^ o3 03 03 oBWW isj 44 44 44 X 44 M +3 „ „ „ ^pQs-iS-iJ-cf-iSHSHj-ifM go CD ^2 UO S 03 &Q O wwOOOOOo3«aSi K.SjK.K.K.K.K.hH PJ H H PPPPPPPeDofafaf 0) « 0) 4) )) 8 0)-HrtMrt h7 h 7 F 7'^" l >' l ^ rf 7 Ph Oi O* P< <-<<-< ^-1 l>00»OO • OOt^iO -CO OO O O OOOOO • OiOO-LO OO O "0 NOOiOO iO(MO 00 ■not jad ^.soq OOlO O CO r-|H lO CO O C» CO 00 C2 T— 1 CN CN CO r-t CM CM CM i-h CN • CM rt H -CM <5© kO CDCD CD O O CO CO CO CO CD CDOCDCDO CT^ t— 1 i— I T— 1 7—1 t— It— 1 i— It— It- 1 1— 1 I— It- It— It— It— 1 3 o3 OCO IO CM t^ lO CN "0 CO O "OOOLQO ^o *0 rfl GO O OWOOO O COHMOth < •purto^ £x CDcD lO CD 1> CO >0 CD CO t— lO CN CO CO CO < o ' t— It— 1 T— 1 T— 1 T— It-It— IHH t— 1 t— 1 i— It— It— It— 1 coco o t-h o oo co io co oo coiooo»o •r* lO t^ l> CO CO NStOON t^ COMNNCD T— It— 1 T— 1 T— 1 T— It— It— 1 t-4 t— 1 i— 1 T-l CN T— 1 T— 1 T— 1 COO ■* O COMHOiO 00 MiOOiOiO ■a^qnpsai-g^'BJitQ >^0 00 CO lO iQ "OOiONO O i—i CO CM CO ■* OO O O OOOOt— 1 O O t— It— It— 1 O CO • d 3 CD ^Q i> 7h 03 P4 F-. O o .& 1' „ c 6 O o .£ * u p .9 Jz > f- c t CD ■+= o3 o | 3t ell, Branford . . )unham, Bethe' actory, New H •d. Bra.nford . . 1 i a CD > 03 CD «4- b 42 o 03 "c3 Paddoc led at F ville Gra Shedd, led at F Temple Stoddar R.. Russ Lson & I led at F Stanna Shedd, an Bros. . Coe, S led at F . -, ft J4 r -? ft J • . '-i ft /v» r -i "^ &3 ft ms | w a^Hdg a rt «| w a 'o3 o 1 CD so si ^'Skl i> Stir" g^ * S d i < 3 +3 O 03 "3 a 3 Apothecaries Hall Co., Water Armour Fertilizer Works, York a? o CD BJ '43 !m CD Ph < PP 6 O pH CD N CD Ph CD S-l T^ C S3 p Bowker Fertilizer Co., New E. D. Chittenden Co., Bridg E. B. Clark Seed Co., Milfo Coe-Mortimer Co., New Yo Consolidated Rendering C Boston. Mass Eastern States Farmers' change, Springfield, Mass W. L. Mitchell, New Haven W. L. Mitchell, New Haven Nitrate Agencies Co., New Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartf 00 CTJ ^ ■* 00 Ot-tDHO CM fr- CM CD "tf 00 O ^ CM CM 00 00 Ci © CM G) W CO OS "* •o^[ uotrmg OS 050 CO OS HNNNO) CN CM iO CO Ci O OH tH O HHrlHO tH hhho l> iO CT> «o OO ■* ^ oo oo O T-H i-H© H ■"H-fe fed += 5-^ -3 03 — o3 id -£"3 w o o « f-< « o o 03 c3 03 03 03 coo rHHh ■ <^ (^ & ffl s a a- t> o3 03 o3 is w o o « s a s > ££ OS 53 pql^ a a e3 c Ph o o ~ p* H r3 <© ,-< pq o > 03 O -P * bib M cc c3 U 1^ B H T3 . is PQ • 0) .fc 6 ' r u . o U 03 N « 03 1=1 •\Xi 03 ■ !-c _Ph G 3 : « 75 to J3 5© OS "d-S C30CO Otcooto ■s ^ a^&s >>5 >>-£-e ao a 03 S 3 J O DO "03 CO — o3 Si - 03 T3 cC bC 03 *-* S ^ bQ r o co o J2 o ■ ftgPQ pq O W •O^J UOI'^B'Jg CO OS^O CO IO MCD os c- t- t- 0000 W 03 ^^ Oh r EH CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. oo co 10 co os r- O CN CM OS t- CO OS (Dsji OS W '^I> C- O CM CM lO HO OO O O rlr OHHH i-l o co »o io • o tjh co io i> cm OO oo o o oc ooo o ^> OO OO o o oc ooo "# ■psa^n'Bi'BTi.Q 00 00 OO 00 00 00 00 oc oo oo oo CN T^ "HH TjH ^^}H "HH Tt 1 ^^ "^ ■* Th T)H CD CN OO O O CN 0C cooo^t t^ "53 Ph •puno^ ^ -hh ■* o oo oo ct> i-i o 00 OS OO O OS ow 00 00 >0 CD lO OCiOOO CN T^TjH IOLO iO "*• TjH ■>* ■^■<#lO^ T-H 1 MM 03 CD ■*-* u E-| o O M > 02 02 < pj fl -OT3 CO o CD a o m < 02 Ph s > w %- ■^ -+J c > o3 H O ■ An o 02 02 5 . J3 o o 43 ^ O 02 02 r> 02 03 C3 ^ M Ch M o o o u pq ^ > 03 f- o c FH K 02 Otj i- C c CD > += c c3 , So. Wind ewberry, E ewberry, E , Norwich. o p" 03 fl -pR j^HH &h fx, pTpc, ^^ a i-i ^ ,o s o-p w s Hi o r'.H i T "t? 02 02 Ph2S o X * O "* w CO O OS OS OS OS OS "* C- C-O CM (N m H O O OO O tH H OHHH H 00 C> 00 i-l c- eo -^ in w co t> c- t- c- co CN Oi OJ 00 00 00 00 00 00 CTJ O i-l OO OOOOOOO i-l CN CN CN CN CN CN 0 O += -^ O O g * «« 03 0) k'o.'oh . 1 1 T3T3 !-h 'O "O Tj T3 ■ -h 00«2OOOOt> Si - of aT^ 03~ oT oT oT r^ 03 0)rn 0) 03 4» fl)£ +: +j "- 1 + 1 -p + 1 -p > W. &0 -GG GO CO m g =3=3 £ =3 =3 =3 =3 £ r^ !>> W k^ t^j t^ ^h-4 *"^- c3 c3 u ta a a '3 E S o CO CO ■* m •qoni OS-T ^ % OS *# Tf CO CO CM I>-rt< CM 1« '3 g, ireqq. jas-raoQ ■* »0 ^ rJH CO CO COCO tQ la •qom oe-T ^ s i—l COCO 1> t^- OO COCO GO ttbi^ aanijl to tjh lo io co co coco ^h o CO coo • »o O OO o ££ 9 t- i>-o t-i o OO o OS -hh -*o o o ,fl CM I— 1 1— 1 . 1 1 1 1 T 1 1— t o o t^ oo oo io o o co oo ££ ° CM -# CO CM CO o oor- C3 o •pimojj ,a CO CO COCO CM OS CO lOH o Ph CM t-1 t-1 CM tH i-H rH t-1 OS TJH TjH OS rH CM CM 00 ^t 1 •paa^UBiBTiS 6S <". co C3 OS 00 CM ^H OS OS >0 J>- ^H TtH> M N rf tJH CO lO t^ O'TfHTtl HH r-| O CM CO CO fl •punoj pnoj, t£ « OS 00 00 1>- CM t- COO r^ M o co ^H -sfi OS CO J> ^ >ON r~ H +3 C5 g Jr^ 00 CO r)H ■* iO O) COCO CO < •oiubSjo sy J$ <". lO HCO N O ^ i* 1> lO co ■* tH OS CO N xH lOCO t- CD CM 0CO & CO t— i COCO O fe "Bttiouini'B sy ^ o CO CO (M fl t-1 CM t-1 CO CM o . O OO fl O O OO o H fl fl cc CD CD ix aj > > s fl CD c3 c3 1 ° 6 6 o r : : g : 3 ^ a "A S-i .2 O O o : : a ■ m rM ^2 '-+3 t-1 f-l CD CD += Cej oS 1 ^ fcJO &0 . .42 . bJD ■ VJ3 • OJ Tan] lalior, ,,W; Tan ral ,v . . . o r c3 CD .a CD ■X3 lerin Mys Co., 3 +3 S^O S^JS. ,° £ffl fl O fl CD CD fl CD fl ' r M ' cd ; o fl : 03 Bone and Me Sampled by Apothecaries Hall Slaughter Hou Sampled by American Agricu Co., New York < Armour Fertilize] York Citv Apothecaries Hall Conn. Fat Renderi Corp., New Ha\> Consolidated R Boston. Mass. . . a CD < ^ fl . 1 -r= O CO CO o fl co O^ O Consolidated R Boston, Mass... Wilcox Fertilizer C Worcester Renderi Mass CM co co ooi co ^ oo o i-l •OM TOJWg iH C- CM Hd OS OS CM iH CM a a 03 A . -*A u ft a TO O CD. ... Op. 21335 21498 Sampled by Station: Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport. Berkshire Tobacco Starter. . . . F. T. Blish Hardware Co., South Manchester. Top Dressing for Grass Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford Top Dressing for Grass High Grade Tobacco Starter. . Sanderson Fertilizer & Chemi- cal Co., New Haven. Tobacco Grower M. L. Shoemaker & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Swift-Sure Superphosphate To- bacco Starter 4-10-0 Swift-Sure Superphosphate To- bacco Starter 4-10-0 6-4-0 7-4-0 7-4-0 10-3-0 5-4-0 4-10-0 4-10-0 Thompsonville Factory $53.00 45.75 21392 21397 21490 New Britain. ..... . Pine Meadow ...... Tariff ville 49.16 21133 Hartford 46.00 21318 Windsor Locks 51.00 MIXED FERTILIZERS. 53 Analyses are as follows : Station No. Phosphoric acid: citrate-insoluble total. available, found guaranteed , Potash: as muriate total, found guaranteed Cost per ton. $33.00 21132 21428 % 1.47 13.28 11.81 12.00 0.30 5.33 5.03 4.00 5.81 5.81 6.00 33.00 1.58 ^ 16.74 15.00 ' $42.75 Containing Nitrogen and Phosphoric Acid. ] Nitrogen i M 03 O Phosphoric A 3id. Organic. a 11 S '3 o S a 03 CI 3 Sg 03 O ■3-1 o o I- "o .9 o o 6 ts3 "oTo3 U2Z 6 a o 2.41 0.04 0.01 2.84 5.30 6.4 0.50 5.03 4.53 21335 3.87 0.13 0.25 1.27 5.52 6.7 1.73 6.28 4.55 21498 4.09 0.36 1.23 5.68 6.9 1.35 6.00 4.65 21392 0.28 1.00 3.28 5.68 10.24 12.5 0.33 4.25 3.92 21397 0.98 0.10 0.01 3.20 4.29 5.2 0.18 4.58 4.40 21490 1.33 0.03 0.29 1.42 3.07 3.7 2.95 14.18 11.23 21133 1.32 0.08 0.54 1.31 3.25 4.0 3.70 14.40 10.70 21318 54 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. MIXED FERTILIZERS CONTAINING NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORIC ACID. Only seven of the nitrogenous superphosphates examined this year were without potash. The analyses of these are given in Table XIV. It has become widely established in trade practice to designate the grade or quality of mixed fertilizers by stating as a part of the brand name, or instead of it, the guaranteed amounts of plant food contained in the mixture. Thus, Berkshire Tobacco Starter, 6-4-0 means that the mixture carries 6 per cent of ammonia (NH 3 ), 4 per cent of available phosphoric acid (P2O5), and no potash (K 2 0). In order to enable the purchaser to more readily compare the results of our analyses with the claims of the manu- facturer our tables of analyses of mixed fertilizers have been somewhat revised. The figures in the column headed "Grade" represent the manufacturer's claim or guaranty as to ammonia, available phosphoric acid and potash in the order named and the corresponding ingredients found by our analysis appear in the tables in bold face type. To apply the interpretation in the instance just cited, Table XIV, No. 21335, Berkshire Tobacco Starter .claimes to contain 6 per cent of ammonia, 4 per cent of available phosphoric acid and no potash; and it appears from the analysis that 6.4 per cent of ammonia and 4.53 per cent of available phosphoric acid were found. No tests were made for potash as none was declared. Two samples were found deficient in ammonia; they were: 21498. Blish Hardware Co. Top Dressing for Grass 7-4-0, ammonia deficiency 0.3 per cent. 21133. Shoemaker Swift-Sure Superphosphate Tobacco Starter 4-10-0, ammonia deficiency 0.3 per cent. A second sample, 21318, of the last named brand was found to fully meet its guaranty. MIXED FERTILIZERS CONTAINING NITROGEN, PHOSPHORIC ACID AND POTASH. Analyses of two hundred and seventy samples of fertilizers of this class are given in Table XVI. Nine of these were sampled by purchasers and the remainder were official samples drawn by the Station agent. To facilitate the comparison between composition guaranteed and that found the same change in the arrangement of analyses has been made as has already been described under the preceding heading, Mixed Fertilizers Containing Nitrogen and Phosphoric Acid. Samples Failing to Meet Guaranties. A large proportion of the fertilizers in this group have failed to meet their guaranties in all respects. Of the two hundred and MIXED FERTILIZERS. 55 sixty-one officially drawn samples, one hundred and eighteen, or about 45 per cent, were deficient with respect to one or more of the guaranteed ingredients, deficiencies of 0.12 per cent or less in ammonia, 0.20 per cent or less in available phosphoric acid and 0.15 per cent or less in potash being disregarded in arriving at these figures. The number of ammonia deficiencies was greater than the numbers of phosphoric acid and potash deficiencies combined. Ninety-four samples, or 36 per cent were deficient in one ingredient; twenty-four, or 9.2 per cent were deficient in two ingredients; but none were found lacking in all of the in- gredients guaranteed. While it is true that many of these deficiencies are not large, perhaps even within the range of analytical differences which occur between experienced analysts, nevertheless it seems clear that manufacturers too often fix guaranties with an insufficient margin of safety. From the purchaser's standpoint, however, there may be a compensating consideration because, in many cases, a shortage in one item of plant food is accompanied by an over-run in one or both of the other items and a loss in money value does not necessarily occur. If ammonia, available phosphoric acid and potash are valued at about the average of what they have cost in the various raw materials which we have examined, viz; 30, 7 and 5.5 cents per pound respectively, the number of brands thus shown to be deficient in money value is reduced to seventy-seven. Of these seventy-seven the shortage in money value in thirty-one brands is less than one dollar per ton; but in forty-five brands, or about 17.0 per cent of the official samples in this group, the shortage is one dollar or more per ton. This proportion is much greater than usual. The deficient brands are listed in Table XV. Table XV. Deficient Brands, 1923. Approximate No. Brand. deficiency in money value per ton. 21154 A. A. C. Co.'s AA 5-4-5 $1.24 21145 A. A. C. Co.'s Lister's Potato Manure 4-8-7 . 1.33 21027 A. A. C. Co.'s National Complete Tobacco 5-4-5 1.81 21329 A. A. C. Co.'s National Complete Tobacco 5-4-5 1.37 21151 A. A. C. Co.'s National Market Garden 3-8-4 1 . 08 21167 A. A. C. Co.'s National XXX Fish and Potash 3-10-3. . 1.31 21340 A. A. C. Co.'s Quinnipiac Superior Top Dressing 6-6-4 . 2.91 21012 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 4-6-10 1 . 45 21433 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 4-6-10 2 . 66 21322 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 4-8-4 1 . 28 21011 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 5-8-5 - 1 . 75 21321 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 5-8-7 9 . 52 1 21288 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 8-6-6. 2 . 39 21336 Armour's Corn Grower, 2-8-4 2 . 73 21183 Atlantic, 4-8-6 3.47 21552 Atlantic, 4-8-6 1.33 *See "Analyses Requiring Special Notice" p 56. 56 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table XV. Deficient Brands, 1923 — Concluded. Approximate No. Brand. deficiency in money value per ton_ 21345 Atlantic, Tobacco Grower, 5-4-5 i . -. . 1.74 21284 Bowker's Market Garden 4-8-4 1.01 21289 Bowker's Stockbridge Early Crop 5-8-7 1 . 58 21285 Bowker's Stockbridge Potato and Vegetable 4-6-10. ... 2.49 21436 Clark's Special Mixture 5-8-5 1.71 21088 Coe-Mortimer, E. F. Coe's Special Potato 4-8-4 4. 16 21088 Coe-Mortimer, E. F. Coe's Gold Brand Guano 3-8-4 ... 1.89 21528 Eastern States Formula A 7. 3-2-7. 6 1 . 71 21092 Frisbie's Market Garden 4-8-6 1.21 21267 Frisbie's Market Garden 4-8-6 1 . 61 21099 Vegetable and Potato 4-8-4 1 . 91 21352 Frisbie's Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 2 . 82 21376 Buffalo Top Dresser 7-6-5 1 . 56 21098 Lowell Animal Brand 3-8-4 1 . 24 21553 Mapes Top Dresser 10-4-2 3.20 21403 Nature's Plant Food, 1. 2-3-2 \ 3.75 21420 Frank S. Piatt, Platco Special 4-8-6 2 . 26 21457 Rogers & Hubbard, Corn and General Crops 3-8-6 1 . 01 21469 Royster's Quality Trucker 4-8-7 1 . 75 21476 Royster's Top Dresser 7-6-5 3.52 21486 Sanderson, Kelsey's Bone, Fish and Potash 3-10-3 1 .43 21492 Springfield, 4-8-6 1.21 21485 Springfield, Potato, Onion and Vegetable 4-8-4 1 . 02 21141 Virginia-Carolina, Fish, Phosphate and Potash 2-8-2 ... 1.23 21319 Wilcox 5-8-7 1.12 21501 Wilcox Grass and Truck 5-8-4 1.21 21500 Wilcox Potato and Vegetable 4-8-6 1 . 08 21503 Woodruff & Sons Home Mixed 4-8-6 6. 07 21506 Worcester Potato and Vegetable, 4-8-4 4.31 Analyses Requiring Special Notice. Manufacturers or jobbers occasionally request that a second sample be secured and analyzed in case our first analysis has shown a deficiency and, so far as possible, we have granted such requests. 21027. National Complete Tobacco, 5-4-5, was deficient in ammonia and the second sample, 21329, was likewise deficient. 21021. National Premier Truck Manure, 4-8-7, was deficient in potash and the second sample, 21320, was also deficient in this respect. 21012. Armour's Big Crop, 4-6-10, was deficient' in ammonia and available phosphoric acid on the first analysis. The second sample, 21433, was deficient in ammonia and potash. 21045. Armour's Big Crop, 4-8-4, was low in available phos- phoric and' the second sample, 21322, was low in potash. 21047. Armour's Big Crop, 5-8-7, was low in potash. A second sample, 21321, was found not to conform at all to a 5-8-7 grade and partial analysis of the duplicate left by our agent with the person whose stock was sampled failed to show any error in sampling. No further samples of this brand could be secured. MIXED FERTILIZERS. 57 Evidently another grade of goods had been put in bags marked 5-8-7 by mistake. 21183. Atlantic, 4-8-6, was deficient in ammonia and potash but the second sample, 21552, was deficient in ammonia only. 21293. Clark's Special Tip Top, 5-8-5, was deficient in am- monia and the second sample, 21436, was also deficient in this respect. 21298. Essex Market Garden, 4-8-4, was low in ammonia but the second sample, 21435, fully met the guaranty in all re - spects. 21092. Frisbie's Market Garden, 4-8-6, was low in ammonia and the second sample, 21267, was likewise deficient. 21099. Frisbie's Special Vegetable, 4-8-4, was low in both ammonia and potash but the second sample, 21265, was deficient in ammonia only. 21352. Frisbie's Tobacco Manure, 5-8-6, was low in ammonia but the second sample, 21574, met the guaranty. 21380. Mapes Tobacco Ash Constituents, 1-4-15, was deficient in potash; the second sample, 21458, contained about 2 per cent more potash but it was still under guaranty. 21103. Mapes Top Dresser, 10-4-2, was low in ammonia; the second sample, 21153, was also low in this respect. 20960. Mapes Tobacco Starter, 5-6-1, was low in ammonia but the second sample, 21268, satisfied the guaranty. Classification of Grades with Particular Reference to Ammonia. Attention has been called in previous reports to the relatively higher cost of nitrogen in low priced goods carrying low guaranties of ammonia. It was shown, for example 1 , that the cost per pound of nitrogen in goods guaranteed 1 per cent ammonia (0.82 per cent nitrogen), was from two and one-half to three times greater than in brands carrying 3 to 5 per cent ammonia (2.47 to 4.11 nitrogen). A gradual reduction in the proportion of low nitrogen brands is shown by summaries for the last three years as follows : Guaranty. Percentage of Samples. 1921 1922 1923 1 per cent ammonia (0.82 nitrogen) 10.0 6.0 4.2 2 per cent ammonia (1.65 nitrogen). 20.4 19. 1 16.5 3 per cent ammonia (2.47 nitrogen) 23 . 2 19.1 16 . 1 4 per cent ammonia (3.29 nitrogen) 20 . 4 25 . 9 26 . 1 5 per cent ammonia (4. 1 1 nitrogen) 21.4 23 . 24 . 5 6 per cent ammonia (4.94 nitrogen) 4.6 6.9 4.9 7 to 12 per cent ammonia (5.76 to 9.87 nitrogen) 7.7 Total 100. Q 100.0 100.0 iConn. Exp. Sta., Bull. 241, p. 110 58 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. The number of samples carrying guaranties of from 4 to 5 per cent ammonia comprised over 50 per cent of the total number this year. The "New England Standard Nine." At a meeting in Boston in the latter part of December, 1922, New England agronomists and representatives of fertilizer manufac- turers discussed and finally adopted a list of high analysis fertilizers which, it was felt, would adequately meet all the reasonable needs of farmers in the New England states. It has long been recog- nized that the great multiplicity of brands now on the market, many of which differ from one another but very slightly, is an economic disadvantage in that it adds to the cost of manufacture and distribution of fertilizers and serves no real agricultural need. However, competition is keen in the fertilizer business and many brands have established good will values which their manufac- turers do not wish to sacrifice. Manufacturers will, therefore, continue to emphasize brands until purchasers more generally think in terms of grades. It was the sense of this New England conference that the nine grades chosen would satisfy present re- quirements and that they should be advocated until there is evidence that revision of the list should be made. The formulas adopted and now known as the "New England Standard Nine" and the number of mixed fertilizers examined by us this year winch fall in these respective grades are as follows : Standard Number of Grade samples. 0-12-6 1 2-12-4 2 3-10-4 1 3-10-6 4-8-4 30 4-8-6 12 5-4-5 23 5-8-7 14 8-6-6 1 Total 84 These figures show that of two hundred and sixty-one "com- plete" fertilizers and two containing only phosphoric acid and potash, one hundred and seventy-nine do not fall in any of the nine grades here given although many of them approach these grades more or less closely. Only four of the adopted grades are represented by any considerable number of samples and one grade is not represented at all. However, as the purpose of these nine grades becomes better known among manufacturers and users of fertilizers their representation will, no doubt, increase. mixed fertilizers. 59 Availability of the Organic Nitrogen. Only three samples showed deficiencies in the quality of the insoluble organic nitrogen by both the alkaline and the neutral methods of evaluation. In these cases, however, the amounts of insoluble organic nitrogen were small (.4 to .5 per cent), and the total nitrogen was in excess of the guaranty in all cases, the ex- cesses being greater than, or practically equal to, the inactive nitrogen found. 60 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table XVI. Analyses of Mixed Fertilizers Manufacturer and Brand. Grade. Place of Sampling. 20992 21156 21154 21346 21030 20993 21275 21029 21152 21028 21026 20991 21153 20987 21150 21155 21149 20994 21272 20989 21024 21145 1 21146 20990 21027 21329 i 21151 1 20985 21021 2 21320 21549 21022 20986 21173 21167 1 Sampled by Station: American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York. Complete Potato Mixture Crescent Complete Manure Double A Tobacco Fertilizer Fish and Potash Grass and Lawn Top Dressing 7% Potash Fertilizer 5-4-3 Tobacco Fertilizer Universal Phosphate Bradley's Complete Manure for Top Dressing Grass and Grain Bradley's Complete Manure for Potatoes and Vegetables Bradley's Complete Tobacco Manure Bradley's Corn Phosphate Bradley's Fish Compound Bradley's New Method Fertilizer. . . Bradley's Potato Fertilizer Bradley's Potato Manure Bradley's Superior Tobacco Com- pound Bradley's X. L. Superphosphate of Lime Listers Celebrated Tobacco Fertili- zer Listers Corn and Potato Fertilizer . . Listers Eastern Pride Fertilizer .... Listers Potato Manure Listers Standard Pure Superphos- phate of Lime Listers Success Fertilizer National Complete Tobacco Fertil- izer National Complete Tobacco Fertil- izer National Market Garden Fertilizer. . National Potato and Corn Phosphate National Premier Truck Manure . . . National Premier Truck Manure . . . National Special Tobacco National Top Dressing Compound. . National Universal Phosphate National White Ash Tobacco Grower National XXX Fish and Potash. . 3-8-4 2-8-3 5-4 3-10 6-6 4-8 5-4 1-8 6-6-4 4-8-7 5-4-5 2-8-2 3-10-3 1-8-2 2-8-3 3-8-4 7-3-7 3-9-2 5-4-3 2-8-3 3-8-4 4-8-7 3-9-2 2-8-2 5-4-5 4-5 8-4 8-3 8-7 8-7 4-3 6-4 8-2 3-7 3-10-3 New Britain Stamford Portland South Manchester. North Stonington.. New Haven. New Milford New London Groton East River Glastonbury Bristol Meriden Wallingf ord East River Norwalk Glastonbury Suffield West Suffield Yalesville. ........ Yalesville Yalesville Yalesville Yalesville Broad Brook Broad Brook New London Wallingf ord Broad Brook Silver Lane Suffield Broad Brook Wallingf ord Warehouse Point. . Silver Lane 1 See Table XV, p. 55. 2 See Note, p. 56. MIXED FERTILIZERS. 61 Containing Niteogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash. 5 i i Nitrogen. "5 r2 PI 03 f< o; 02 Potash. 03"* o J" ! h r 0) '3 a c3 '2 o a a 03 n 3 Jo C a; o3+; M o3 3 3 ..§ •as 03 +? M 03 o oi 3 3 .a -p 03 tH += s c3 O 6 .2 a < "ol O d a o -p 02 % % % •% % % % % % % % $46.00 0.48 0.84 0.39 0.69 2.40 2.92 0.75 8.84 8.09 3.97 3.97 20992 0.12 0.98 0.38 0.02 0.51 none 0.71 2.82 1.72 3.82 2.09 4.64 0.63 0.38 8.78 4.83 8.15 4.45 2.81 1.16 2.81 5.26 21156 57 25 21154 46 00 0.48 0.71 0.53 0.70 2.42 2.94 0.83 10.85 10.02 3.03 3.03 21346 52 00 2.75 1.21 0.22 0.57 4.75 5.78 1.28 7.90 6.62 4.13 4.13 21030 0.72 1.04 1.40 none 0.60 0.06 0.65 3.02 3.37 4.12 4.10 5.01 0.90 0.23 8.78 4.70 7.88 4.47 7.02 0.33 7.02 3.10 20993 53 00 21275 38 00 none 0.08 0.27 0.56 0.91 1.11 0.43 8.89 8.46 1.86 1.86 21029 50 00 3.14 1.18 0.21 0.59 5.12 6.22 1.00 7.35 6.35 3.98 3.98 21152 48 00 0.60 1.44 0.68 0.65 3.37 4.10 1.30 9.35 8.05 6.38 6.38 21028 57.25 0.96 0.08 none 3.17 4.21 5.12 0.35 5.00 4.65 0.58 5.35 21026 40 00 0.10 0.54 0.38 0.63 1.65 2.01 0.78 9.06 8.28 1.89 1.89 20991 50 00 0.49 0.69 0.46 0.71 2.35 2.86 1.13 11.03 9.90 3.16 3.16 21153 . 33 00 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.66 0.90 1.09 0.80 9.11 8.31 2.40 2.40 20987 0.07 0.48 0.48 0.82 0.38 0.45 0.73 0.73 1.66 2.48 2.02 3.02 1.00 0.68 9.28 8.93 8.28 8.25 2.93 4.07 2.93 4.07 21150 45 00 21155 67.00 1.17 0.03 0.28 4.40 5.88 7.15 0.40 4.18 3.78 0.78 7.67 21149 40 00 0.70 0.82 0.35 0.64 2.51 3.05 0.75 9.89 9.14 2.11 2.11 20994 48 60 0.98 0.02 0.02 3.11 4.13 5.02 0.28 4.90 4.62 0.40 3.29 21272 40 00 0.02 0.54 0.52 0.59 1.67 2.03 0.98 9.12 8.14 2.72 2.72 20989 0.43 0.72 0.49 0.11 0.86 1.28 0.77 0.45 0.39 0.39 0.37 0.35 0.71 0.79 0.71 0.56 2.39 3.18 2.34 1.53 2.91 3.87 2.84 1.86 0.80 1.18 0.70 0.78 8.90 9.18 10.00 9.40 8.10 8.00 9.30 8.62 3.99 6.50 1.89 1.97 3.99 6.50 1.89 1.97 21C24 21145 21146 '. 38 00 20990 59 50 0.52 0.06 0.16 3.06 3.80 4.62 0.35 4.78 4.43 0.54 4.88 21027 56 60 0.68 0.04 0.08 3.05 3.85 4.68 0.25 4.61 4.36 0.47 5.05 21329 50 00 0.68 0.62 0.55 0.54 2.39 2.91 0.65 8.51 7.86 3.69 3.69 21151 0.16 0.70 0.56 1.36 0.36 0.71 0.72 0.61 1.80 3.38 2.19 4.11 1.03 1.00 9.15 9.03 8.12 8.03 3.00 6.56 3.00 6.56 20985 45 70 21021 0.75 0.98 1.37 0.03 0.61 0.11 0.62 3.00 3.35 4.12 4.07 5.01 1.03 0.30 9.03 4.60 8.00 4.30 6.59 0.36 6.59 3.62 21320 54 00 21549 49 30 2.99 1.17 0.45 0.60 5.21 6.33 0.83 7.05 6.22 4.06 4.06 21022 0.11 0.95 0.11 0.12 0.15 0.53 0.62 4.10 0.99 5.70 1.20 6.93 0.73 0.28 8.99 3.95 8.26 3.67 2.04 •0.78 2.04 6.92 20986 68 00 21173 0.45 0.75 0.42 0.71 2.33 2.83 1.03 10.75 9.72 3.09 3.09 21167 62 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table XVI. Analyses of Mixed Fertilizers Manufacturer and Brand. Grade. Place of Sampling. 21048 21164 21172 21049 21046 21165 21166 21340 21341 21339 21171 21274 21344 21337 21338 21343 21050 20940 21019 21163 21015 21170 21270 21282 21020 21012 1 21433 1 21045 2 21322 1 Sampled by Station: American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York — -Continued. Quinnipiac Corn Manure Quinnipiac Fish and Potash Phos- phate Quinnipiac Market Garden Manure . Quinnipiac Phosphate Quinnipiac Potato Phosphate Quinnipiac Prime Tobacco Manure . Quinnipiac Seed Leaf Tobacco Manure Quinnipiac Superior Top Dressing Manure Quinnipiac Wrapper Leaf Brand Tobacco Manure Wheeler's Ammoniated Fish Manure Wheeler's Corn Fertilizer Wheeler's Cuban Tobacco Grower. . Wheeler's Early Market Compound. Wheeler's Potato Manure Wheeler's Royal Wheat Grower . . . : Wheeler's Universal Mixture Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury. Liberty Corn, Fruit and All Crops. . Liberty Fish, Bone and Potash Liberty High Grade Market Garden- ers Liberty High Grade Tobacco Special Liberty Market Gardeners' Special. Liberty Tobacco Special Liberty Top Dresser for Grass and Grain Armour Fertilizer Works, New York. Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer, 2-12-2 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer, 3-8-1. . Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer, 4-6-10 Armour's Big Crop, 4-6-10 Armour's Big Crop, 4-8-4 Armour's Big Crop, 4-8-4 2-8-2 3-10-3 4-8-7 3-9-2 2-8-3 7-3-7 5-4-5 6-6-4 5-4 3-10 2-8 5-4- 4-8 2-8 1-8 3-8 2-8-2 3-8-3 5-8- 8-4- 4-8- 5-4- 7-8-3 2-12-2 3-8-4 4-6-10 4-6-10 4-8-4 4-8-4 North Stonington. North Haven .... Gaylordsville North Stonington. North Haven .... Manchester Manchester Melrose Windsor Northf ord New Milford New Milford Huntington Thomaston Thomaston Huntington Willimantic. . . . Meriden Meriden East Windsor. . Cheshire East Windsor. . East Windsor. . Rockville Thompsonville , New Haven . . . Guilford Guilford Norwich i See Table XV, p. 55. 2 See Note, p. 56 MIXED FERTILIZERS. 63 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash — Continued. Nitrogen. 43 a > M 3 £ "3 03 Phosphoric Acid. Potash. «S ft 03 0J -P 03 '3 pi a '3 o s s 03 a 3 Jo o ¥ s 3 c3 ■£ 6* 6 3 "3 03 5 o a 3 -d 03 0J^3 3 03 03 t> .2 3 a 03 53 .2 I'E Q a a a t-H 6* 6* o as < o Eh o: OS DQ < O 03 OQ % % % % % % % % % 70 % $64.00 0.89 0.03 0.20 3.55 4.67 5.68 0.43 4.40 3.97 0.62 5.53 21043 52.00 1.50 1.18 0.35 0.86 3.89 4.73 0.63 8.70 8.07 4.79 4.79 21011 50.00 1.46 1.37 0.36 0.85 4.04 4.91 0.70 8.83 8.13 6.76 6.76 21047 39.50 1.02 0.85 0.11 0.69 2.67 3.25 0.60 11.43 10.83 4.29 4.29 21321 2.80 6.32 3.40 7.68 0.24 5.90 5.66 6.01 6.01 21480 62.15 1.44 3.16 0.28 1.44 21288 43.00 0.11 0.81 0.25 0.41 1.58 1.92 0.55 8.53 7.98 1.98 1.98 21336 1.03 0.75 0.54 0.62 2.94 3.57 1.65 9.51 7.86 5.37 5.37 21183 1.03 0.75 0.45 0.76 2.99 3.64 0.73 9.30 8.57 6.03 6.03 21552 0.98 0.06 0.17 0.50 1.71 2.08 0.47 8.11 7.64 2.14 2.14 21108 44.75 1.34 0.06 0.58 0.70 2.68 3.26 0.68 9.33 8.65 3.62 3.62 21290 1.33 0.52 0.34 1.01 3.20 3.89 0.50 8.74 8.24 4.00 4.00 21182 53.30 1.38 0.04 0.44 1.78 3.64 4.43 0.23 5.15 4.92 0.73 5.36 21345 50.00 1.16 0.04 0.69 2.19 4.08 4.96 0.45 9.40 8.95 0.74 6.37 21342 40.50 2.27 0.59 0.38 0.78 4.02 4.89 1.39 9.39 8.00 7.19 7.19 21063 38.00 none 0.24 0.52 0.30 1.06 1.29 1.08 11.85 10.77 2.03 2.03 21178 31.50 0.92 0.54 0.53 0.86 2.85 3.46 1.94 9.81 7.87 3.47 3.47 21064 0.90 0.10 0.14 3.00 4.14 5.03 0.18 4.53 4.35 0.57 5.98 21184 55.00 4.58 0.02 0.58 1.06 6.24 7.59 1.83 5.59 3.76 3.91 3.91 21177 35.25 1.76 0.60 0.41 0.65 3.42 4.16 1.62 9.44 7.82 4.75 4.75 21065 38.00 0.70 0.42 0.56 0.30 1.98 2.41 1.55 9.36 7.81 2.34 2.34 21014 1.24 0.30 0.72 3.41 5.67 6.89 0.18 5.08 4.90 0.90 5.68 21355 41.75 1.91 0.17 0.12 1.39 3.59 4.36 1.66 10.16 8.50 3.50 4.17 21113 53.20 0.82 0.06 0.16 3.24 4.28 5.20 0.20 4.18 3.98 0.77 5.46 21505 33.05 0.76 0.18 none 0.76 1.70 2.07 1.23 9.80 8.57 2.47 2.47 21112 41.00 1.46 0.34 0.44 1.10 3.34 4.06 1.19 8.03 6.84 5.46 3.99 21185 40.50 1.56 0.30 0.35 1.25 3.46 4.21 0.78 8.20 7.42 0.31 4.66 21356 66 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table XVI. Analyses op Mixed Fertilizers Manufacturer and Brand. Grade. Place of Sampling. 21018 21179 21176 21284 1 21017 21368 21016 21289 21285 21360 21281 21280 21080 21081 21082 21357 21200 21204 21083 21297 21294 21295 21293 21436 1 Sampled by Station: Bowker Fertilizer Co., New York. Bowker's All Round Fertilizer. . . . Bowker's Corn, Grain and Grass Phosphate Bowker's Fisherman's Brand Fish and Potash Bowker's Market Garden Fertilizer. Bowker's Potato and Vegetable Phosphate Bowker's Square Brand Farm and Garden Phosphate Bowker's Sure Crop Phosphate. . . Stockbridge Early Crop Manure.. Stockbridge Potato and Vegetable Manure Stockbridge Premier Tobacco Grow Stockbridge Tobacco Manure. Stockbridge Truck Manure . . . Amos D. Bridge's Sons, Inc., Hazard ville. Corn, Onion and Potato and General Purpose Special Tobacco Fertilizer The E. D. Chittenden Co., Bridgeport. Chittenden's Complete Grain Chittenden's High Grade Tobacco. . Chittenden's Potato Special 4% Potash Chittenden's Potato Special 6% Potash Chittenden's Tobacco Special 3% Potash E. B. Clark Seed Co., Milford. Clark's 3-8-2 Clark's Special Mixture with 4% Potash Fertilizer Clark's Special Mixture with 6% Potash Clark's Special MixtureTip Top Brand Clark's Special Mixture Tip TopBrand 3-8-4 2-8-2 3-10-3 4-8-4 2-8-3 2-8-2 1-8-2 5-8-7 4-6-10 7-3-7 5-4-5 4-8-7 4-8-4 5-3-5 2-8-3 .5-3-7.5 4-8-4 4-8-6 5-4-5 3-8-2 4-8-4 4-8-6 5-8-5 5-8-5 Yalesville New London Plain ville New London Plantsville Plain ville Plantsville Rockville Willimantic South Manchester. Thompson ville Plantsville Factory Factory Broad Brook Broad Brook Abington Poquonock Broad Brook Factory Branf ord Branford Branf ord Factory i See Table XV, p. 55. MIXED FERTILIZERS. 67 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash — Continued. Nitrogen. a CD . gg > SB 3 2 ""3 .5.- *3 °3 IN So Phosphoric Acid. Potash. V u . ra p. m o; m CD .3 3 a CO < 03 +3 o 6 o 03 02 % .% % % % % % % % % % $49.75 0.48 0.84 0.40 0.74 2.46 2.99 0.75 8.80 8.05 4.27 4.27 21018 35.00 0.09 0.37 0.65 0.51 1.62 1.97 0.43 8.61 8.18 2.10 2.10 21179 44.00 0.41 0.76 0.55 0.72 2.44 2.97 0.90 10.60 9.70 3.05 3.05 21176 45.00 0.92 1.20 0.50 0.54 3.16 3.84 0.49 8.56 8.07 3.86 3.86 21284 35.00 0.22 0.52 0.36 0.70 1.80 2.19 1.00 9.23 8.23 3.46 3.46 21017 39.00 0.10 0.50 0.34 0.64 1.58 1.92 0.88 9.05 8.17 1.89 1.89 21368 33.00 0.20 0.38 0.25 0.65 1.48 1.80 0.78 9.00 8.22 3.09 3.09 21016 54.00 0.72 2.06 0.58 0.61 3.97 4.83 0.96 8.78 7.82 6.72 6.72 21289 46.00 0.83 1.20 0.46 0.52 3.01 3.66 0.40 6.69 6.29 9.22 9.22 21285 74.00 0.96 0.06 0.40 4.46 5.88 7.15 0.28 4.25 3.97 0.70 7.22 21360 55.00 0.02 0.04 1.15 2.95 4.16 5.06 0.38 4.70 4.32 0.70 5.18 21281 41.00 0.65 1.35 0.67 0.59 3.26 3.96 1.00 8.93 7.93 6.93 6.93 21280 43.50 1.50 0.09 0.28 1.50 3.37 4.10 1.53 9.73 8.20 4.23 4.23 21080 54.00 1.00 0.08 0.11 3.16 4.35 5.29 0.20 4.40 4.20 0.70 6.03 21081 32.00 0.17 1.02 0.16 0.69 2.04 2.48 0.99 8.60 7.61 3.13 3.13 21082 69.00 1.08 2.10 0.13 1.75 5.06 6.15 0.20 4.83 4.63 0.62 7.56 21357 43.00 1.51 1.11 0.08 0.67 3.37 4.10 0.90 9.28 8.38 3.97 3.97 21200 45.00 0.98 1.64 0.05 0.62 3.29 4.00 1.15 9.28 8.13 5.76 5.76 21204 56.00 0.85 1.71 0.14 1.44 4.14 5.03 0.25 6.30 6.05 0.70 5.44 21083 34.00 0.15 1.53 0.28 0.36 2.32 2.82 1.68 11.90 10.22 2.74 2.74 21297 41.00 0.06 2.46 0.25 0.32 3.09 3.76 1.50 10.88 9.38 3.34 3.34 21294 42.00 0.10 2.40 0.26 0.34 3.10 3.77 1.38 9.60 8.22 7.12 7.12 21295 44.00 0.56 2.56 0.28 0.52 3.92 4.77 1.38 9.30 7.92 5.51 5.51 21293 43.00 2.20 1.00 0.24 0.35 3.79 4.61 1.83 10.28 8.45 5.00 5.00 21436 68 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table XVI. Analyses op Mixed Fertilizers Manufacturer and Brand. Grade. Place of Sampling. 21088 1 21089 21302 21086 1 21087 21197 21196 21359 21550 21085 21084 21291 21203 21202 21299 21528 1 21515 21527 21079 21078 21351 21298 21435 ; 21350 21354 Sampled by Station: The Coe-Mortimer Co., New York. E. Frank Coe's Celebrated Special Potato Fertilizer E. Frank Coe's Columbian Corn and Potato Fertilizer E. Frank Coe's Connecticut Wrapper Grower E. Frank Coe's Gold Brand Excelsior Guano E. Frank Coe's New Englander Special E. Frank Coe's Red Brand Excelsior Guano E. Frank Coe's Special Grass Top Dressing E. Frank Coe's Tobacco Leaf Fertili- zer Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Springfield, Mass. Eastern States, 2-8-2 Eastern States, 3-12-3 Eastern States, 4-8-4 Eastern States, 4-8-7 Eastern States, 5-8-7 No-Filler Fertilizer Eastern States, 5-10-5 No-Filler Fertilizer. . , Eastern States, 7-8-3 No-Filler Fertilizer Eastern States, Formula A Eastern States, Formula B Eastern States, Formula C Essex Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Essex 2-8-2 for Farm and Garden. . . Essex Fish Fertilizer for all Crops, 3-8-4 Essex 4-6-10 for Potatoes and Vege- tables Essex Market Garden for Potatoes, Roots and Vegetables, 4-8-4 Essex Market 1 Garden for Potatoes, Roots and Vegetables, 4-8-4 Essex Potato Phosphate, 4:8-7 Essex Tobacco, 5-4-5 4-8-4 2-8-3 5-4-5 3-8-4 1-8-2 4-8-7 6-6-4 5-4-3 2-8-2 3-12-3 4-8-4 4-8-7 5-8-7 5-10-5 7-8-3 7.3-2-7.6 6.6-3.5-5 6.5-3-5.5 2-8-2 3-8-4 4-6-10 4-8-4 4-8-4 4-8-7 5-4-5 Colchester Colchester Simsbury Milford Saybrook Colchester Milford Bloomfield , Bloomfield , Branford Branf ord Branford Ellington Ellington Ellington Granby Ellington Ellington Wallingford Wallingford South Manchester. South Manchester. Wallingford South Manchester. East Granby » See Table XV, p. 55. * See Note, p. 56. MIXED FERTILIZERS. 69 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acir ANE Potash— Continued. Nitrogen. 43 a o3 » ;> fcfl •3 2 "a os— , ■aS o o as < Phosphoric Acid. Potash. m 03 +" o u ~. * J" ft .2 O la n o 03 H '3 a *-* $ '3 o a a cs d 3 "3 of O 0J o3+? bO 03 6* 6 3 -.s & a be 03 03 -^ O H 6 3 _3 s 01 +a 03 M 43 3 o CD 3 13 03 3 03 03 > OS 02 0J 3 a < "3 o d a o 03 w % % % % % % % % % % % $47.50 0.73 0.87 0.61 0.51 2.72 3.31 0.73 9.03 8.30 3.60 3.60 21088 39.35 0.04 0.46 0.70 0.50 1.70 2.07 0.55 8.33 7.78 3.03 3.03 21089 1.07 0.03 0.08 2.93 4.11 5.00 0.33 4.68 4.35 0.54 5.22 21302 45.00 0.39 0.81 0.34 0.66 2.20 2.67 0.73 9.05 8.32 3.67 3.67 21086 33.00 0.54 0.46 0.20 0.66 1.86 2.26 0.S3 8.70 7.87 2.57 2.57 21087 50.70 0.93 1.23 0.44 0.63 3.23 3.93 0.90 8.66 7.76 7.40 7.40 21197 52.00 2.70 1.14 0.48 0.64 4.96 6.03 0.90 7.30 6.40 4.51 4.51 21196 60.00 1.04 0.04 none 3.12 4.20 5.11 0.30 4.84 4.54 0.32 3.32 21359 0.04 1.10 0.24 0.34 1.72 2.09 0.45 8.44 7.99 1.95 1.95 21550 41.00 0.63 1.21 0.24 0.42 2.50 3.04 1.14 13.29 12.15 3.00 3.00 21085 41.50 0.83 1.78 0.30 0.37 3.28 3.99 0.65 8.90 8.25 3.65 4.03 21084 43.50 0.98 1.82 0.45 0.33 3.58 4.35 0.63 9.50 8.87 5.89 5.89 21291 43.65 0.02 2.56 0.52 0.90 4.00 4.86 0.58 10.18 9.60 5.91 5.91 21203 44.00 0.15 2.53 0.46 1.00 4.14 5.03 0.93 11.05 10.12 5.02 5.02 21202 45.90 0.19 4.53 0.44 0.56 5.72 6.95 0.63 9.10 8.47 2.93 2.93 21299 71.00 1.36 0.46 0.64 2.52 4.98 6.05 1.48 8.03 6.55 2.58 7.07 21528 61.10 0.18 1.22 0.46 3.80 5.66 6.88 0.35 4.50 4.15 1.04 5.40 21515 1.00 0.16 0.21 3.77 5.14 6.25 0.18 5.98 5.80 1.46 5.30 21527 36.00 0.90 0.06 0.25 0.44 1.65 2.01 0.63 9.30 8.67 2.39 2.39 21079 41.00 0.66 1.00 0.19 0.61 2.46 2.99 0.43 9.18 8.75 4.57 4.57 21078 56.00 1.00 0.80 0.57 0.91 3.28 3.99 0.50 7.03 6.53 10.16 10.16 21351 50.00 0.99 0.83 0.63 0.69 3.14 3.82 0.73 9.23 8.50 3.88 3.88 21298 43.00 1.02 0.88 0.47 1.04 3.41 4.14 0.65 9.10 8.45 4.28 4.28 21435 53.00 0.89 1.11 0.34 0.98 3.32 4.04 0.60 8.75 8.15 6.61 6.61 21350 59.75 1.24 0.27 0.70 1.75 3.96 4.81 0.85 5.58 4.73 0.60 5.56 21354 70 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table XVI. Analyses op Mixed Fertilizers 6 ■ a o Manufacturer and Brand. Grade. Place of Sampling. 21093 Sampled by Station: L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Frisbie's 5-8-7 5-8-7 5-10-5 2-8-2 4-8-6 4-8-6 3-8-4 4-8-4 4-8-4 5-4-5 5-8-6 5-8-6 7-5-4 4-4-4 2-8-2 4-6-10 2-12-4 5.5-5-5.5 7-6-5 2-8-3 4-6-10 4-8-4 5-8-7 3-8-4 2-8-2 4-8-7 5-4-5 5-8-6 7-5-2 West Cheshire . . 20904 Frisbie's 5-10-5 Woodmont 21100 Frisbie's Corn and Grain Fertilizer 2-8-2 Jewett City . . 210921 2126?i 21511 Frisbie's Market Garden, 4-8-6 Frisbie's Market Garden, 4-8-6 West Cheshire Norwich Jewett City 210991 Frisbie's Special Vegetable and Potato Grower, 4-8-4 Guilford 21265 2 Frisbie's Special Vegetable and Potato Grower, 4-8-4 West Cheshire 21353 213521 21574 2 21349 21372 Frisbie's Tobacco Grower, 5-4-5. . . . Frisbie's Tobacco Manure, 5-8-6.. . . Frisbie's Tobacco Manure, 5-8-6. . . . Frisbie's Top Dresser, 7-5-4 International Agricultural Corp., Boston, Mass. Buffalo Complete Tobacco Rockville Rockville Burnside Wethersfield . ....... East Granbv 21374 Buffalo Economy Wallingford 21375 Buffalo High Grade Manure Buffalo New England Special Buffalo Tobacco Producer Wallingford 21373 21377 East Granby North Granbv 213761 Buffalo Top Dresser and Starter. . . . Lowell Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Lowell 2-8-3, Vegetables and Grain . Lowell 4-6-10, Potatoes and Vegeta- bles Wallingford 20913 21369 Cheshire 20912 Lowell 4-8-4 for Potatoes, Corn and Vegetables 21094 Lowell 5-8-7 for Potatoes and Vege- tables 210981 21367 21371 21378 Lowell Animal Brand, 3-8-4 Lowell Bone Fertilizer, 2-8-2, for Corn, Grain, Grass and Vegetables Lowell Potato Phosphate, 4-8-7 .... Lowell 5-4-5 for Tobacco, Fruits and Vines Suffield Southington Warehouse Point. . . . 21370 20914 Lowell Tobacco Manure, 5-8-6 Lowell 7-5-2 Top Dresser Warehouse Point .... i See Table XV, p. 55. s See Note, p. 56. MIXED FERTILIZERS. 71 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash — Continued. Nitrogen. -*3 A . Jia I 2 a a 03—i •- o3 .- O C K < Phosphoric Acid. Potash. C H .■> ft M oj n a "5 H 'a a 03 '3 O a a a a 4) 3 Jo id 03 fa S "3 o oj 3 TJ o3 S 03 03 > o: m oj .2 p a < "3 o H 6 a o '-+3 03 % % % % % % % % % % % $49.00 1.60 0.88 0.57 0.95 4.00 4.86 0.90 9.70 8.80 6.99 6.99 21093 46.00 1.75 0.98 0.62 0.78 4.13 5.02 0.20 10.84 10.64 5.34 5.34 20904 34.00 0.91 0.03 0.34 0.36 1.64 1.99 0.65 8.65 8.00 2.01 2.01 21100 45.00 1.03 0.73 0.43 0.73 2.92 3.55 0.40 8.88 8.48 6.74 6.74 21092 44.00 1.04 0.74 0.52 0.64 2.94 3.57 0.48 8.88 8.40 6.37 6.37 21267 39.00 1.02 0.38 0.15 0.88 2.43 2.95 1.16 9.20 8.04 4.01 4.01 21511 38.75 1.20 0.52 0.56 0.74 3.02 3.67 1.33 9.53 8.20 3.81 3.81 21099 43.00 1.30 0.48 0.62 0.78 3.18 3.87 1.30 9.74 8.44 0.45 3.94 21265 61.00 1.23 0.27 0.55 1.90 3.95 4.80 1.05 5.63 4.58 0.58 5.35 21353 63.00 1.46 0.24 0.88 0.92 3.50 4.26 0.55 9.18 8.63 0.82 6.67 21352 4.28 5.64 - 5.20 6.86 1.25 0.68 10.38 6.13 9.13 5.45 0.94 4.44 6.56 4.44 21574 4.36 0.02 0.64 0.62 21349 0.09 1.31 0.10 1.82 3.32 4.04 0.25 4.58 4.33 0.20 4.07 21372 36.50 0.34 0.26 0.38 0.82 1.80 2.19 2.20 10.58 8.38 2.39 2.39 21374 47.00 1.00 0.56 0.50 1.24 3.30 4.01 0.85 7.28 6.43 8.60 8.60 21375 0.93 0.07 0.31 0.49 1.80 2.19 0.70 13.15 12.45 4.40 4.40 21373 60.60 0.22 2.42 0.03 1.83 4.50 5.47 0.23 6.05 5.82 0.58 5.47 21377 56.00 0.91 2.45 0.24 1.80 5.40 6.57 0.60 7.50 6.90 1.57 4.78 21376 30.00 0.84 0.08 0.21 0.53 1.66 2.02 0.43 9.85 9.42 3.08 3.08 20913 53.00 1.10 0.82 0.53 0.84 3.29 4.00 0.50 6.93 6.43 10.21 10.21 21369 37.00 1.03 0.82 0.39 1.00 3.24 3.94 0.53 8.83 8.30 4.05 4.05 20912 59.00 1.32 1.26 0.57 0.93 4.08 4.96 0.55 9.06 8.51 6.88 6.88 21094 40.00 0.79 0.46 0.31 0.68 2.24 2.72 0.53 8.81 8.28 4.04 4.04 21098 41.00 0.55 0.08 0.45 0.56 1.64 1.99 0.68 9.10 8.42 2.10 2.10 21367 39.75 1.02 0.90 0.24 1.08 3.24 3.94 0.73 9.18 8.45 6.81 6.81 21371 58.00 1.21 0.29 0.63 1.70 3.83 4.66 1.08 5.60 4.52 0.47 5.35 21378 57.75 1.56 0.36 0.77 1.24 3.93 4.78 0.75 9.00 8.25 •1.02 6.33 21370 47.00 0.17 4.88 0.25 0.19 5.49 6.67 0.10 6.00 5.90 2.13 2.13 20914 72 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table XVI. Analyses op Mixed Fertilizers Manufacturer and Brand. Grade. Place of Sampling. 21096 21097 21387 21102 21385 21390 21384 21095 21380 21548 2 20959 20960 21268 21553 1 21103 2 21544 21543 21542 21541 21403 1 21386 21391 21382 21381 Sampled by Station: Mapes Fertilizer and Peruvian Guano Co., New York. The Mapes Connecticut Valley Special The Mapes Corn Manure The Mapes General Tobacco Manure The Mapes General Truck Manure. The Mapes General Use Manure. . . . The Mapes Grain Brand The Mapes Onion Manure The Mapes Potato Manure The Mapes Tobacco Ash Constitu- ents The Mapes Tobacco Ash Con- stituents The Mapes Tobacco Manure Wrap- per Brand The Mapes Tobacco Starter Im- proved The Mapes Tobacco Starter Im- proved The Mapes Top Dresser The Mapes Top Dresser Meech & Stoddard, Inc., Middletown Bixota Brand Fertilizer, 2-8-2 Bixota Brand Fertilizer, 3-8-3 Bixota Brand Fertilizer, 4-8-4 Bixota Brand Fertilizer, 5-8-7 Nature's Plant Food Co., Boston, Mass. Nature's Plant Food New England Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. New England 2-8-3 for Vegetables and Grain New England 4-8-4 for Potatoes and Vegetables New England Corn Phosphate 2-8-2 for Grain and Vegetable New England Potato Phosphate 4-8-7 for Potatoes and Vegetables -4-7 -8-3 -4-5 -6-5 -6-4 2-8-2 4-6-4 4-7-5 1-4-15 1-4-15 7.5-2- 10.5 5-6-1 5-6-1 10-4-2 10-4-2 2-8-2 3-8-3 4-8-4 5-8-7 1.2-3-2 2-8-3 4-8-4 2-8-2 4-8-7 Suffield Suffield Glastonbury . Hartford . . . Hartford Hartford .... Hartford. . . . Suffield Suffield West Suffield Warehouse Point. Warehouse Point Hartford Hartford Hartford Factory Factory Factory Factory Groton Meriden. . Hamburg. Rockville. Rockville. i See Table XV, p. 55. « See Note, p. 56. MIXED FERTILIZERS. 73 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash — Continued. Nitrogen. "3 CU - "'3 '3_S 11 < Phosphoric Acid. Potash. J" 0. £ o 03 •£ Q 01 03 Sh '3 CI 03 '3 o a a 03 a 6 3 J3 Jo ■3 1* 03 -g 6 3 o'T "3 u w ta c3 0* "o3 O 6 3 "o •J o3 O H 3 -3 03 Q>73 a 03 03 > 0; to a < 03 O © pi '-£ °3 02 % % % % % % % % % % % $68.00 2.07 0.54 0.92 1.72 5.25 6.38 0.48 5.53 5.05 1.62 8.08 21096 40.00 0.84 0.32 0.27 0.84 2.27 2.76 1.48 10.53 9.05 1.98 3.02 21097 1.41 0.16 1.08 2.06 4.71 5.73 0.78 6.33 5.55 0.96 5.57 21387 46.00 2.02 0.48 0.61 1.06 4.17 5.07 0.85 8.58 7.73 2.58 5.28 21102 38.00 0.78 0.44 0.29 0.99 2.50 3.04 1.10 8.85 7.75 3.54 4.15 21385 34.00 0.05 0.28 0.40 1.23 1.96 2.38 2.05 10.18 8.13 2.00 2.00 21390 41.80 1.88 0.48 0.30 0.99 3.65 4.44 2.03 9.30 7.27 0.74 4.56 21384 45.00 1.77 0.41 0.46 1.02 3.66 4.45 1.15 9.78 8.63 2.59 5.17 21095 50.00 0.15 0.28 0.38 0.57 1.38 1.68 1.83 6.70 4.87 1.30 10.85 21380 0.06 0.26 0.37 0.63 1.32 1.61 1.20 7.00 5.80 1.18 12.86 21548 73.00 3.53 0.55 1.21 1.58 6.87 8.35 1.38 5.05 3.67 1.40 11.51 20959 45.00 1.97 0.44 0.49 0.81 3.71 4.51 0.73 7.93 7.20 0.70 0.97 20960 42.75 2.24 0.56 0.57 0.94 4.31 5.24 2.30 8.19 5.89 0.86 1.20 21268 5.21 0.40 1.09 0.72 7.42 9.02 0.65 6.08 5.43 2.62 2.62 21553 59.85 5.11 0.41 1.20 1.07 7.79 9.47 1.05 6.83 5.78 3.35 3.35 21103 39.00 0.87 0.03 0.70 0.44 2.04 2.48 2.52 10.49 7.97 2.46 2.46 21544 45.00 1.86 0.06 0.62 0.40 2.94 3.57 2.06 9.58 7.52 3.28 3.28 21543 48.00 2.38 0.08 0.64 0.38 3.48 4.23 1.78 9.88 8.10 3.91 3.91 21542 54.00 3.20 0.06 0.74 0.28 4.28 5.20 2.10 10.02 7.92 6.95 6.95 21541 0.87 1.06 1.98 2.46 0.48 2.56 2.56 21403 37,00 1.01 0.12 0.33 0.72 2.18 2.65 0.60 9.50 8.90 3.59 3.59 21386 49.00 0.82 0.90 0.59 0.99 3.30 4.01 0.65 9.00 8.35 4.08 4.08 21391 44.00 0.72 0.10 0.29 0.61 1.72 2.09 0.63 9.45 8.82 3.41 2.41 21382 54.00 1.06 0.92 0.32 1.00 3.30 4.01 0.78 9.10 8.32 6.27 6.27 21381 74 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table XVI. Analyses of Mixed Fertilizers Manufacturer and Brand. Grade. Place of Sampling. 21383 21547 21389 21388 21716 21393 21398 21395 21399 21419 21394 21429 21424 21420 1 Sampled by Station: New England Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. — Continued. New England Superphosphate 3-8-4, for all crops New England Tobacco Manure, 5-8-6 New England Tobacco, 5-4-5 for Tobacco, Fruits and Vines Nitrate Agencies Co., New York. Naco Brand No. 12 Peruvian Guano Mixture Naco Brand Peruvian Guano Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. Complete Corn, Potato and Onion Fertilizer Complete Corn, Onion and Potato Fertilizer Complete Tobacco Fertilizer Fish and Potash High Grade Potato Fertilizer High Grade Starter and Potash Com- pound Parmenter & Polsey Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. 4-S-4 for Potatoes, Corn and Vegeta- bles Plymouth Rock Brand 3-8-4 for all Crops Frank S. Piatt Co., New Haven Platco Special, 4-8-6 3-8-4 5-8-6 5-4-5 5.25-10.5 -5.25 12-10-2.5 4-8-4 3-8-2 5-3-5 3-6-5 5-8-7 5-4-15 4-8-4 3-8-4 Gaylordsville . 4-8-6 Rockville. . . . Glastonbury . West Suffield Stamford. Suffield . . New Britain . Suffield . . South Windsor. South Windsor. New Britain . . . Factory New Britain . Factory . 1 See Table XV, p. 55. MIXED FERTILIZERS. 75 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash — Continued. Nitrogen. a . •3 2 03—. •3 5 o o 8° CI +> Phosphoric Acid. Potash. J" a .2: o. -^ +^ '8 03 '3 O S 03 a CD 3 Jo o f S at 3 "o '3 a> bfi c3 o Eh 6 -^» 03 u O 03 O a3 3 T3 o3 ? bo "3° ""3 '31 So Phosphoric Acid. Potash. a* j-S 03" Q' a '3 Pi si '3 o s s C3 el 6 3 Jo £ "' bG 03 6* CD "o o'T PI CD 6* "3 o Eh CD 3 "o a 3 03 4^ O H 3 ■a a CD f^ 03 > ?< 6 .2 a TO C =3 k s'S 3 a 3-^ g H a 5* 60 « 5* o go a o oz XII < o a % % % % % % % % % % % $42.00 1.42 0.02 0.63 1.49 3.56 4.33 11.19 13.14 1.95 6.38 6.38 21503 34.50 1.02 0.06 0.30 0.46 1.84 2.24 0.17 8.33 8.16 2.32 2.32 21122 45.00 0.63 0.61 0.37 0.91 2.52 3.06 1.05 9.15 8.10 5.08 5.08 21506 2.16 4.29 419 2.63 5.22 5.09 2.88 31 8.84 5.00 4 63 5.96 3.85 5.50 5.02 20431 20949 60.25 4.3?, 21587 2 5.32 3.99 3.16 3 97 6.47 4.85 3.84 4.83 0.70 0.68 1.03 18 9.15 9.30 9.33 10 65 8.45 8.62 8.30 10.47 6.70 5.08 2.99 6.53 6.70 5,08 21347 2 21348 41.00 21220 46.00 21221 2.43 15.00 2.95 18.24 0.15 9.45 9.54 4.07 2.01 20948 75.00 4.35 9.39 20629 82 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. SPECIAL MIXTURES AND HOME MIXTURES. In Table XIX are given analyses of special mixtures prepared by manufacturers according to specifications furnished by the purchasers and also of home mixtures prepared by individuals or firms from raw materials purchased by them. Twenty-six samples of these types were analyzed. Ten of these were sampled by the Station agent and the remainder were submitted by the con- sumers. In some cases formulas were submitted with the samples and they are given in Table XVII. Table XVII. Formulas for Some op the Mixtures Given in Table XIX. A C3 c3 o <& G> o -a o.S -O A ft "ft 5 S C3 CO o o Q o ft u o o S to 3 O u in a5 o pq Vl "S • ft o w ■p 03 "u 3 O ft < lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 20169 700 300 300 200 300 200 20170 700 300 300 200 300 200 21327 500 500 300 200 300 200 21326 500 500 300 200 300 200 21379 500 500 500 200 300 20955 750 100 200 200 750 21330 1000 200 200 600 VII. MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZERS, AMENDMENTS, WASTE PRODUCTS, ETC. WOOD ASHES, ETC. Sixteen samples have been examined. The following were submitted by Hatheway & Steane, Hartford ; purchased from John Joynt, Lucknow, Canada.: 20963, car No. 89524; 20964, car No. 30111; 20965, car No. 43297; 21233, car No. 8098; 21234, car No. 1542; 21522, car No. 35078; 21744, car No. 108196. Other samples were: 21010. Sent by Amos D. Bridges' Sons, Inc., Hazardville. Bought of the Ross Brothers Company of Worcester, Mass. 21529. Station agent from F. T. Blish Hardware Co., South Manchester. Bought of John Joynt, Lucknow, Canada. 20892. Sent by A. N. Farnham, New Haven. 20497, 21800, 21801. Sent by A. N. Sheparcl & Son, Hartford. Bought of John Joynt, Lucknow, Canada. MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZERS, ETC. 83 21003. Sent by H. Whitaker, Hazardville. Bought of John Joynt, Lucknow, Canada. 19954. Canadian wood ashes, sent by Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford. 19807. Sent by Stamford Dye wood Co., Stamford. Table XVIII. Analyses of Wood Ashes, etc. Cost per ton Station No. . Phosphoric Water-soluble Insoluble or per unit acid. potash. material. of potash. % % % 20963 2.35 6.74 11.11 $5.00 20964 2.35 6.83 9.13 5.00 20965 2.25 6.38 12.73 5.00 21233 2.35 6.36 15.18 21234 2.50 6.67 18.32 21522 2.53 6.39 13.09 21744 2.17 6.75 9.17 33.33 21010 1.38 2.73 16.84 23.00 21529 1.18 2.05 12.63 27.50 20892 3.07 7.19 8.45 20497 1.85 5.31 12.50 21800 1.68 7.34 8.10 21801 1.68 6.13 16.13 21003 2.10 6.53 12.20 19954 2.28 4.12 7.15 19807 1 1.47 0.03 5.20 Samples 21010 and 21529 were of inferior quality. Sample 19807 was submitted as "wood ashes". It was, however, a waste product, in the form of a slag or clinker, consisting chiefly of lime. SHEEP MANURE, ETC. Analyses of seven samples of sheep manure and one of poultry manure are given in Table XX. All were sampled by the Station agent. 21148. Sold by American Agricultural Chemical Co., N. Y. Sampled from stock of Bristol Grain & Supply Co., Bristol. 21283. Sold by Armour Fertilizer Works, N. Y. Sampled from stock of Rockville Grain & Coal Co., Rockville. 21174. Sold by Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport. Sampled at the factory. 20911. Sold by Natural Guano Co., Aurora, 111. Sampled from stock of Cheshire Reformatory,' Cheshire. 21418. Sold by Pacific Manure & Fertilizer Co., Chicago, 111. Sampled from stock of Lightbourn & Pond Co., New Haven. 20957. Sold by Pulverized Manure Co., Chicago, 111. Sampled from stock of S. P. Strople, New Britain. 21482. Sold by Sanderson Fertilizer & Chemical Co., New Haven. Sampled at the factory. 21423. Sold by Premier Poultry Manure Co., Chicago, 111. Sampled from the stock of Plumbing and Supply Co., South Manchester. 1 Lime (CaO) 81.99 per cent. CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 250. Table XIX. Analyses of Special Mixtures Manufacturer. Grade. Place of Sampling Sampled by Station: American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. . Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. . Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. . Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. . Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. . Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. . Sampled by Purchaser: L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven.. . National Fertilizer Co., Boston. . Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. . Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. . Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. . Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. . Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. . Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. . The Rogers & Hubbard Co., Middletown .* 7-3-7 6.8-3.2-6.4 6.2-6-5 6.2-6-5 6.2-6-5 7.6-6.5-7.8 7.6-6.1-7.8 6-4-4 Arthur Manning, So. Manchester Arthur Manning, So. Manchester Arthur Manning, So. Manchester Conn. School for Boys, Meriden Allied Tobacco Co., Hartford . . Allied Tobacco Co., Hartford . . G. H. Carrier, Glastonbury. . . . Arthur Manning, So. Manchester C. M. Hickey, East Hartford. . L. W. Newberry, So. Windsor. . F. L. Porter, So. Windsor H. Whitaker, Hazardville H. Whitaker, Hazardville Harold M. Newberry, East Windsor Hill Harold M. Newberry, East Windsor Hill Harold M. Newberry, East Windsor Hill Harold M. Newberry, East Windsor Hill Harold M. Newberry, East Windsor Hill H. Whitaker, Hazardville American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield Ernest N. Austin, Suffield $66.00 66.00 65.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 69.40 57.90 55.00 SPECIAL MIXTURES AND HOME MIXTURES. 85 and Home Mixtures. Nitrogen. « h 0) w Phosphoric Acid. Potash. 6 o a to CD X 3 > 3+3 ja 05 O o g"3 o .Q f a .5 "3 a 03 -p 03 S a 03 a all '2 o) S += S. * 03 -P Eh §1 a +» 03 03 += O