PL EASE HANDLE WITH CARE University of Connecticut Libraries GAYLORD RG Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation OoN/\j s Bulletin 281 AuGUST> ^f' fflomiwttntf Agrfruifural Hixpttimm Btntlan Nrm Uatmt, (Eanntttxtut GENERAL INDEX TO REPORTS OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST OF CONNECTICUT 1901-1925 W. E. BRITTON, Ph.D. State Entomologist The Bulletins of this Station are mailed free to citizens of Connecticut who apply for them, and to other applicants as far as the editions permit. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OFFICERS AND STAFF as of August 1926 BOARD OF CONTROL His Excellency, John H. Trumbull, ex-officio, President Charles R. Treat, Vice-President Orange George A. Hopson, Secretary Mount Carmel Wm. L. Slate, Jr., Director and Treasurer New Haven Joseph W. Alsop Avon Elijah Rogers Southington Edward C. Schneider Middletown Francis F. Lincoln Cheshire STAFF. E. H. Jenkins, Ph.D., Director Emeritus. Administration. Wm. L. Slate, Jr., B.Sc, Director and Treasurer. Miss L. M. Brautlecht, Bookkeeper and Librarian. Miss J. V. Berger, Stenographer and Bookkeeper. Miss Mary E. Bradley, Secretary. G. E. Graham, In charge of Buildings and Grounds. Chemistry. E. M. Bailey, Ph.D., Chemist in Charge. Analytical C. E. Shepard | Laboratory. Owen L. Nolan I . Harry J. Fisher, A.B. f Assistant Chemists. W. T. Mathis J Frank C. Sheldon, Laboratory Assistant. V. L. Churchill, Sampling Agent. Miss Mabel Bacon, Stenographer. Biochemical T. B. Osborne, Ph.D., Chemist in Charge. Laboratory. H. B. Vickery, Ph.D., Biochemist. Miss Helen C. Cannon, B.S., Dietitian. Botany. G. P. Clinton, Sc.D., Botanist in Charge. E. M. Stoddard, B.S., Pomologist. Miss Florence A. McCormick, Ph.D., Pathologist. Willis R. Hunt, Ph.D., Assistant in Botany. A. D. McDonnell, General Assistant. Mrs. W. W. Kelsey, Secretary. Entomology. W. E. Britton, Ph.D. Entomologist in Charge; State Entomologist. B. H. Walden, B.Agr. ] M. P. Zappe, B.S. \ Assistant Entomologists. Philip Garman, Ph.D., J Roger B. Friend, B.Sc, Graduate Assistant. John T. Ashworth, Deputy in Charge of Gipsy Moth Work. R. C. Botsford, Deputy in Charge of Mosquito Elimination. Miss Grace A. Foote, B.A., Secretary. Forestry. Walter O. Filley, Forester in Charge. H. W. Hicock, M.F., Assistant Forester. J. E. Riley, Jr., M.F., In charge of Blister Rust Control. Miss Pauline A. Merchant, Stenographer. Plant Breeding. Donald F. Jones, S.D., Geneticist in Charge. P. C. Mangelsdorf, S.D._ Assistant Geneticist. H. R. Murray, B.S., Graduate Assistant. Soil Research. M. F. Morgan, M.S., Investigator. H. G. M. Jacobson, M.S., Assistant. Tobacco Sub-station Paul J. Anderson, Ph.D., Pathologist in Charge. at Windsor. N. T. Nelson, Ph.D., Assistant Physiologist. THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR COMPANY REPORTS OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST The report of the State Entomologist has been issued each year, beginning with the establishment of the office in 1901. Consequently the number of each report is the same as that of the year which it covers, in this the twentieth century. Thus the 1st Report covers the year 1901, and the 25th Report the year 1925. For the sake of brevity the first two figures have been omitted, thus '01, '25. As the Annual Reports of the Station contain the Reports of the State Entomologist, in this index it seemed best to cite the number of the year instead of the report number, so that the index may be used as well for entomological matter in the full Station Reports as for the Reports of the State Entomologist. As there are now many entomologists who keep files of these Reports, and as certain scientific and public libraries bind them separately, though each has its own index, a general index is a great help to ready reference and will make the set far more useful. Nearly half of these Reports, particu- larly the earlier numbers, are out of print and cannot be furnished except as occasionally copies are returned. These are reserved to complete sets for institutions and entomologists. Acknowledgment should here be made to other members of the Ento- mological Department, for assistance in planning this index and in preparing the manuscript. ERRATA 1903 Page 217, seventh line from bottom, for "Chinaspis" read Chionaspis. Plate viii, b and c, show work and pupa of Sesia tipuliformis, Linn., instead of Psenocerus supcrnotatus Say. 1904 Page 201, fourteenth line from top, for "20000" read 2000. 1905 Page 256, third line from bottom, and index, for "hamadryella" read hama- dryadella. 1906 Page 223, second line, for "has" read have, and for "are" read is. " 240, second line, for "if needed" read where necessary. " 243, sixth line, for "was" read were. " 2 53) twentieth line, for "137" read 138. " 301, twelfth line from bottom, for "850" read 350; fifth line from bottom, for "were" read was. " 306, tenth line, for "larva" read larvae. 662 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 28l 1907 Page 271, second line, for "weight" read weigh. r 1908 Page 777, last line, for "Ridley" read Riley. 1909 Page 674, sixteenth line from top, for "xxiii" read xxviii. " 678, seventh line from bottom, for "xxiii" read xxviii. " 696, subtitle, and 697, seventh line, legend under Fig. 18, page 698, eleventh line, and legend under Plate xxix, c, for "Hemiscopis" read Hemiscopsis. 1920 Pages 142 and 143, top of third column, for "average" read acreage. 1925 Page 228, seventeenth line from bottom, for "abbietis" read abietis. " 278, eleventh line from bottom, for "Toxoptera graminum, Rondani," read Rhopalosiphum prunifoliae, Fitch (Aphis avenue, in part, of American authors). " 321, tenth line, and in legend under Plate xvii, b, for "salicifolia" read Thimbergi. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS MAPS Hartford, Conn., Map showing mosquito breeding areas, '04, facing page 280. Mosquito breeding areas at mouth of Connecticut River, map showing, '15, facing page 154. New Haven, Conn., Map showing mosquito breeding areas, '04, facing page 294. Stonington, Conn., Map showing area infested by gipsy moth, '06, facing page 236. TEXT FIGURES Agrilus sinuatus, sinuate pear borer, '20, Fig. 11. Agromyza simplex, asparagus miner, '06, Fig. 13. Agrotis ypsilon, black cutworm, '06, Fig. 8. Aleyrodes vaporariorum, white fly or plant house aleyrodes, '02, Figs. 6-10. Alsophila pometaria, fall canker worm, '08, Fig. 9. Anarsia lineatella, peach twig borer, '18, Figs. 10-11. Anasa tristis, squash bug, '08, Figs. 14-16. Anatis 15-punctata, fifteen-spotted lady-beetle, '10, Fig. 21. Anisota senatoria, orange-striped oak-worm, '02, Fig. 18. Anomala binotata, '02, Fig. 19. Anomala orientalis, Asiatic beetle, '25, Figs. 46-47. Anopheles maculipennis, malaria mosquito, '04, Figs. 12, 14, 15 ; '23, Fig. 16. Anopheles punctipennis, '04, Fig. 13. Anuraphis roseus (Aphis sorbi), rosy apple aphid, '09, Fig. 3. Aphiochaeta rufipes, '10, Figs. 15-17. Aphis gossypii, melon aphid, '08, Fig. 17. Aphis pomi, green apple aphid, '03, Figs. 34-36. Aphis pseudobrassicae, turnip aphid, '16, Fig. 2. Aspidiotus perniciosus, San Jose scale, '01, Fig. 1; '03, Figs. 27, 32. Autographa (Plusia) brassicae, cabbage looper, '10, Fig. 22. Beaver swamp, New Haven, Map showing mosquito breeding areas, '08, Fig. 10. Bucculatrix canadensisella, birch leaf skeletonizer, '10, Figs. 19-20. Caliroa cerasi, pear and cherry slug, '20, Figs. 12-13. Caterpillar brush, '02, Fig. 5. Certificate of inspection, nurseries, '25, Fig. 38. Chilocorus bivulnerus, twice-stabbed lady-beetle, '02, Fig. 1. Chionaspis furfura, scurfy scale, '03, Figs. 28-29. Chloridea virescens (Heliothis rhexiae), tobacco bud worm moth, '09, Fig. 6. Connecticut, Map showing area infested by brown-tail moth, '11, Fig. 1; '14, Fig. 3; '18, Fig. 7; '19, Fig. 16. Map showing area infested by gipsy moth, '14, Fig. 2; '15, Fig.' 1; '16, Fig. 1; '17, Fig. 1; '18, Fig. 7; '19, Fig. 16; '20, Fig. 4; '21, Fig. 1; '22, Figs. 4-5; '23, Fig. 9; '24, Fig. 7; '25, Fig. 41. Map showing area occupied by brood II of the periodical cicada, '11, Fig. 2. and Rhode Island, map of, '06, Fig. 2. Conotrachelus nenuphar, plum curculio, '04, Fig. 10. Crioceris asparagi, asparagus beetle, '21, Fig. 4. Cryptorhynchus lapathi, willow curculio, '07, Fig. 5. 664 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 28l Culex cantator, brown salt marsh mosquito, '04, Fig. 18; '12, Fig. 1. pipiens, rain barrel mosquito, '04, Figs. 11, 16; '23, Figs. 11-13. pretans, '04, Fig. 22. sollicitans, banded salt marsh mosquito, '04, Figs. 17, 19 ; '12, Fig. 2; '23, Fig. 14. Diabrotica vittata, striped cucumber beetle, '08, Fig. 12; '17, Fig. 2. Empoasca mali, apple leaf hopper, '04, Fig. 7. Epilachna borealis, squash lady-beetle, '08, Fig. 13. Epitrix cucumeris, cucumber or. potato flea-beetle, '06, Fig. 9. Eristalis tenax, '10, Fig. 23. Eulia velutinana, red-banded leaf-roller, '25, Fig. 45. Euproctis chrysorrhoea, brown-tail moth, '02, Fig. 11; '07, Figs. 1-4; '10, Figs. 10-14. Euschistus variolarius, spined tobacco bug, '06, Fig. 10. Formica fusca var. subsericea, a common ant, '22, Fig. 11. Fumigating house for nursery stock, diagram, '06, Fig. 1. Galerucella xanthomelaena (luteola), elm leaf beetle, '03, Fig. 33. Glycobius (Plagionotus) speciosus, maple borer, '07, Fig. 6; '22, Fig. 10. Habrobraconidea bicoloripes, '19, Fig. 19. Halticus uhleri, garden flea-hopper, '04, Fig. 8. Heliothis (Chloridea) obsoleta, corn ear worm, '21, Fig. 3. Hemerocampa (Orgyia) leucostigma, white-marked tussock moth, '05, Fig. 1 ; '16, Fig. 3. Hemerophila pariana, apple and thorn skeletonizer, '20, Figs. 7-10; '21, Fig. 6. Hemiscopsis cinerea, '10, Fig. 18. Hylemyia (Phorbia, Pegomyia) brassicae, cabbage maggot, paper discs, '08, Figs. 19-20; '14, Figs. 4-6. Imported nursery stock, diagram showing source of, '14, Fig. 1. Janus integer, currant stem-girdler, '20, Figs. 14-16. Lachnosterna fusca, June beetle, '09, Fig. 9. Lasioderma testaceum, cigarette beetle, '06, Figs. 11-12. Laspeyresia molesta, Oriental peach moth, '18, Figs. 8-9; '25, Fig. 42. Lepidosaphes ulmi (IVfytilaspis pomorum), oyster-shell scale, '03, Figs. .3°-3 I - Limax maximus, spotted garden slug, '18, Fig. 13. Limonius agonus, Eastern field wireworm, '25, Fig. 48. Lygus pratensis, tarnished plant bug, '04, Fig. 9. Macrophya simillima, '25, Fig. 49. Macrosiphum solanifolii, potato aphid, '17, Fig. 3. Malacosoma (Clisiocampa) americana, tent caterpillar, egg-mass, '02, Fig. 3- Melittia satyriniformis, squash borer, '08, Fig. 11. Mosquito ditching, changes in vegetation in three years, '15, Figs. 2-5. larva, showing parts used in classification, '04, Fig. 20. larvae, showing position of Culex and Anopheles in relation to surface of the water, '04, Fig. 21 ; '23, Fig. 15. Northeastern United States, map showing area infested by leopard moth, '11, Fig. 6. Orchard spraying experiments, plan of, '20, Fig. 5 ; '23, Fig. 10. Otiorhynchus ovatus, strawberry crown girdler, '09, Fig. 8. INDEX TO REPORTS OF STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 665 Paratetranychus pilosus, European red mite, '20, Fig. 6 (1-5). ununguis, spruce mite, '22, Fig. 8. Pentilia misella, '02, Fig. 2. Permit, dealers', '25, Fig. 39. shippers', '25, Fig. 40. Phengodes laticollis ?, a luminous insect, '03, Fig. 41. Phlyctaenia ferrugalis, greenhouse leaf-tyer, '09, Fig. 7. Phorbia rubivora, raspberry cane maggot, '02, Fig. 12. Photographing insects, hints on, '24, Figs. 8-15. Phytophaga violicola, violet gall midge, '21, Fig. 2. Pissodes strobi, white pine weevil, '19, Fi.?s. 17-19. Plant zones of salt marsh, diagram, '04, Fig. 23. Plathypena scabra, green clover worm, '08, Fig. 18; '19, Fig. 20. Plodia interpunctella, Indian meal moth, '05, Fig. 7; '17, Fig. 4. Porthetria dispar, gipsy moth, '05, Figs. 2-6; '06, Figs. 3-7; '09, Figs. 1-2. Priophorus acericaulis, maple leaf-stem borer, '11, Fig. 4. Psenocerus supernotatus, native currant borer, '03, Fig. 42. Psylla pyricola, pear psylla, '03, Figs. 37-39; '25, Figs. 43-44. Pteronus ribesii, currant worm, '02, Figs. 13-17. Pyrausta nubilalis, European corn borer, map, '18, Fig. 12. Schizotetranychus schizopus, '22, Fig. 7. Scolytus quadrispinosus, hickory bark borer, injury by adults at axils of leaves, '01, Fig. 2. Sesia rhododendri, rhododendron borer, '22, Fig. 9. Syrphus torvus, '25, Fig. 50. Systena taeniata, banded flea-beetle, '15, Fig. 6. Tetranychus bimaculatus, common red spider, '20, Fig. 6 (6-10). populi, '22, Fig. 6. Thrips tabaci, onion thrips, '03, Fig. 40. Tibicen septendecim, 17-year locust or periodical cicada, '11, Figs. 2-3. Tmetocera ocellana, bud moth, '09, Fig. 4. Toumeyella liriodendri, tulip tree scale, '21, Fig. 5. Tree pruners, '02, Fig. 4; '07, Fig. 4. Wallingford, Conn., Map showing area infested by gipsy moth, '09, Fig. 1. Zeuzera pyrina, leopard moth, '09, Fig. 5; '11, Figs. 5-10. PLATES Acrobasis caryae, walnut bud moth, '12, VIII-IX. Acronycta (Apatela) oblinita, smeared dagger moth, '19, XXVII. Agrilus anxius, bronze birch borer, '22, XIV, c-d. bilineatus, galleries of, '13, XII, b. champlaini, galls of, '12, XVI, c. viridis var. fagi, rose stem girdler, '25, XIX, a. Agrotis unicolor, '25, XVIII. ypsilon, black cutworm, '06, XV, b and c. Alabama (Aletia) argillacea, cotton moth, '11, VIII, d; '23, XXIV, d. Alaus oculatus, eyed elater, '16, IX, a. Aleyrodes vaporariorum, white fly or plant house aleyrodes, '02, VIII-XI '06, XVI, a. Alsophila pometaria, fall canker worm, '08, XLIV-XLIX ; '24, XXXII. Altica (Haltica) chalybea, grapevine flea beetle, '25, IX, b. Alypia octomaculata, eight-spotted forester, '16, X-XI. Anaphothrips striatus, grass thrips, injury to corn, '19, XXIX, a. Anarsia lineatella, peach twig borer, '18, XXX, a. 666 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 28l Anasa tristis, squash bug, '08, LII, a, LIII, d. Anatis 15-punctata, fifteen-spotted lady-beetle, '10, XXVII, a. Anomala binotata, strawberry leaves eaten by, '02, XII, b. orientalis, Asiatic beetle, '22, XIV, b ; '23, XX; '24, XXIV-XXV, a; '25, XL Ants, cartridge injured by, '10, XXVIII, c. Anuraphis roseus (Aphis sorbi), rosy apple aphid, '09, XII-XIII. tulipae (Aphis gladioli), tulip or gladiolus aphid, '19, XXXII. Aphis pomi, green apple aphid, '03, VI, a. pseudobrassicae, turnip aphid, '16, IV, b; V. Aphrophora parallela, parallel spittle bug, '16, XIII. Apparatus for scoring fruit, '25, V, b. Archips cerasivorana, cherry tent-maker, '11, VII. rosana, '13, III-IV. Argyresthia thuiella, arbor vitae leaf miner, '21, III-V. Aspidiotus hederae, white or oleander scale, '05, II, a. perniciosus, San Jose scale, '01, I-VIj '02, I-IV; '03, III-V; '04, IV-IX; '05, I, IV, a; '06, I-II, a and b. Asterolecanium variolosum, pit-making oak scale, '05, III, a. Aulacaspis pentagona, West Indian peach scale, '13, VII, a. rosae, rose scale, '05, V. Basilona imperialis, '11, VIII, b. Book injured by cockroaches, '04, III, b. Bruchophagus funebris, clover seed chalcid, '19, XXX, a. Bruchus obtectus, bean weevil, '17, XXV. pisorum, pea weevil, '17, XXIV, e. Bucculatrix canadensisella, birch leaf skeletonizer, '10, XXXII. Byturus unicolor, raspberry fruit worm, strawberry blossoms injured by, '25, IX, a. Calendra oryzae, rice weevil, '17, XXIV, c. Callosamia promethea, promethea moth, cocoon, '13, IX, c. Calosoma scrutator, caterpillar hunter, '06, II, c. Cecidomyia gleditchiae, galls on honey locust, '04, II, b. Ceresa bubalus, Buffalo tree hopper, '15, XV, c and e. Cerotoma trifurcata, bean leaf beetle, '18, XXXI, c, d. Chermes abietis, spruce gall aphid, '06, XVI, b; '22, XX, a. cooleyi, /16, XV, b ; '21, XX, b. pinicorticis, pine bark aphid, '19, XV-XVI. Chionaspis euonymi, euonymus scale, '05, II, b ; '21, X, c. furfura, scurfy scale, '03, I ; '05, IV, c. pinif oliae, pine leaf scale, '05, II, c ; '21, XI, a. Chrysobothris femorata, galleries of, '13, XII, b. Chrysomphalus aonidum, circular or fig scale, '05, V, b. dictyospermi, Morgan's scale, '05, VI, a. Cimbex americana, elm sawfly, '12, IX, c. Cingilia catenaria, chain-dotted geometer, '23, XXIV, a-c. Clastoptera proteus, blueberry spittle bug, '24, XXX, f. Coleophora laricella, larch case bearer, '23, XlX. Conistra indirecta, '21, XIII, a. Conotrachelus crataegi, quince curculio, injury to pears, '25, XX, b-c. juglandis, walnut weevil, '12, IV-VII. nenuphar, plum curculio, '04, II, a. Contarinia (Diplosis) pyrivora, pear midge, '13, VII, d and e. Coptodisca splendoriferella, resplendent shield bearer, '21, XIV, b. Corn-feeding larva (unidentified), '19, XXIX, c. Crambus praefectellus, '19, XXV. IXDEX TO REPORTS OF STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 667 Crioceris asparagi, asparagus beetle, '02, XV; '21, IX. 12-punctata, twelve-spotted asparagus beetle, '21, IX, e. Cyllene robiniae, locust borer, '11, VIII, e. Datana integerrima, walnut caterpillar, '14, XIX, b; '17, XX, d, XXI. ministra, yellow-necked caterpillar, '01, XI, b; '17, XXII. Depressaria heracliana, parsnip webworm, '19, XXX, b-c. Diabrotica 12-punctata, twelve-spotted cucumber beetle, '08, LIII, a. longicornis. Western corn root worm, '24, XXX, e. vittata, striped cucumber beetle, '08, LI; LIII, b; '17, IV, V. Diarthronomyia hypogaea, chrysanthemum gall midge, '18, XXXVI, b; '19 XXXI. Diaspis carueli, juniper scale, '20, XIII, b. echinocacti var. cacti, cactus scale, '15, XII, b. Dichomeris marginellus, juniper webworm, '15, XVI, b and c. Dilophonota ello, '22, XIV, a. Diorymellus laevimargo, orchid weevil, '18, XXXI, b. Diplotaxis atlantis, '15, XV, a. Diprion simile, imported pine sawfly, '15, VII-IX ; '17, VI-IX. Dusting apple trees, '20, IV-V, a. peach trees, '25, VI, b. peas, '24, XXXI, c. Elm twigs cut by grey squirrels, '02, XII, a. Emphytus cinctus, imported rose sawfly, '15, XIII, a. Empoasca mali, apple leaf hopper, '04, III, a. Ennomos subsignarius, snow-white linden moth, '08, LIX, a. Ephestia kuehniella, Mediterranean flour moth, '17, XXVI, c. Epilachna borealis, squash lady-beetle, '08, LII, b ; LIII, c. Epitrix cucumeris, cucumber or potato flea beetle, '06, XV, a. Erannis tiliaria, lime tree span worm or winter moth, '15, XV, d; '24, XXX, a-d. Eriococcus borealis, '25, XVII, b. Eriophyes pini, European pine mite, '25, XVIT, a. pyri, pear leaf blister mite, '10, XXVIII, b. Eriosoma lanigerum, woolly apple aphid, '24, XXIX. Erythraspides pygmaeus, grape-vine sawfly, '16, XVI, b. Eulecanium nigrofasciatum, terrapin scale, '05, IV, e; '21, X, b. Eulia pinatubana, pine tube moth, '19, XXXII, a. velutinana, red-banded leaf roller, '20, VI, a. Euphoria aurata, European green rose chafer, '09, XVI, c. inda, bumble flower beetle, '21, XV, a. Euproctis chrysorrhoea, brown-tail moth, '02, XIII; '07, XIV; '10, XXX, XXXI; '11, II, b; '13, I-II. Euvanessa antiopa, mourning cloak butterfly, '06, XL Exhibit in entomology at fairs, '11, I. Feltia venerabilis, '22, XVII. Fenusa pumila, birch sawfly leaf-miner, '24, XXXV, a. Fly trap, '24, XXI, a. Fumigating box, '02,' III, a. house for nursery stock, '01, XI, a; '06, I, b. tent, '02, IV. Fungus attacking San Jose scale, '02, III, c. Galerucella xanthomelaena (luteola), elm leaf beetle, '08, LIV-LVI. Galls on gooseberry, '13, XI, a. Gelechia abietisella, hemlock webworm, '22, XVIII. Glycobius (Plagionotus) speciosus, maple borer, '22, XI-XII. 668 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 28l Gossyparia spuria, elm scale, '05, III, c. Gryllus domesticus, European house cricket, '18, XXXIII, c; '23, XXIII, b. Hadena fractilinea, lined corn borer, '19, XXI, a. turbulenta, '14, XII, c and d. Halisidota caryae, hickory tussock moth, '07, XV; '08, LIX, b; '17, XIX- XX, a and c. tessellaris, tessellated tussock moth, '17, XX, b. Harpipteryx xylostella, '20, XV, b-c. Heliophila (Cirphis) unipuncta, army worm, '14, XIII-XVII; '19, XXVI. Heliothis obsoleta, corn ear worm, '19, XXVIII ; '21, VII-VIII. Hemerocampa definita, '13, XII. (Orgyia) leucostigma, white-marked tussock moth, '05, VIII-IX; '16, VI-VII. Hemerophila pariana, apple and thorn skeletonizer, '20, X; '21, IV, b-c. Hemiscopsis cinerea, '10, XXIX, c. Homorus undulatus, '05, VI, c and d. Hylemyia (Phorbia) brassicae, cabbage maggot, '14, IX-XII; '15, VI. cilicrura, seed corn maggot, '21, VI. Hyphantria cunea, fall webworm, '01, IX; '17, XVI-XVIII. Hypoderma sp., ox warble fly, '20, XV, a. Illinoia pisi, pea aphid, '24, XXXI, b-c; '25, VII-VIII. Insectary, '16, I, a; '23, IX. Ischnaspis longirostris, thread scale, '05, V, c. Ithycerus noveboracensis, New York weevil, '08, LIX, c. Itycorsia zappei, '20, VIII. Janus integer, currant stem girdler, '20, XII, a. Julus hortensis, garden millipede, '12, XVI, a and b. Kaliofenusa ulmi, elm leaf miner, '20, XIII, a. Kermes galliformis?, oak gall scale, '05, VI, b. sassceri, oak gall scale infested with Euclemensia bassettella, '16, XII, c. Kerosene emulsion, preparation of, '18, XXVIII. Lachnosterna fusca, June beetle, '12, XV; '15, XL Lagoa crispata, crinkled flannel moth, '02, XV, d. Laphygma frugiperda, fall army worm, '12, XIV. Lasioptera vitis, grapevine tomato gall, '16, XVI, a. Laspeyresia molesta, Oriental peach moth, '18, XXIX; '23, XVIII; '24, XXVI-XXVIII;,/25, VI. Latreillimyia bifasciata, '11, VIII, b. Lecanium corni (Eulecanium armeniacum), apricot scale, '05, IV, d. Lepidosaphes newsteadi, '15, XII, a. ulmi (Mytilaspis pomorum), oyster-shell scale, '03, II; '05, IV, b. Leptobyrsa rhododendri, rhododendron lace bug, '21, XV, b. Leucaspis japonica, '15, XII, c. Lime-sulphur, outfit for making, '02, III, a; '03, IV; '04, V, b, VI, IX; '°S. L . Limonius agonus, Eastern field wireworm, '25, XII. Listronotus latiusculus, parsley stalk weevil, '13, XI, b. Lygaeonematus erichsoni, larch sawfly, '15, IV, a, V. Lygidea mendax, apple red bug, '14, XX; '17, II-III; '20, VII. Macrodactylus subspinosus, rose chafer, '05, XII, b; '16, VIII-IX. Macronoctua onusta, iris borer, '15, XV, b; '18, XXXIII, a-b. Macrophya simillima, '24, XXXVI; '25, XIX, b. Macrosiphum solanifolii, potato aphid, '17, X-XI. INDEX TO REPORTS OF STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 669 Malacosoma (Clisiocampa) americana, tent caterpillar, '02, V-VII ; 'n, V-VI. Marmara (Gracilaria) elotella, apple twig miner, '17, XXX, b-c. Melalopha (Ichthyura) inclusa, poplar tent-maker, '11, VIII, a. Melittia satyriniformis, squash borer, '08, L. Mineola indiginella, apple leaf-crumpler, '11, II, a. Monarthropalpus buxi, box leaf miner, '23, XXIII, a. Monophadnoides rubi, raspberry sawfly, '18, XXXII. Mosquito breeding areas, '04, X-XVI. dikes, '23, XXII. ditching, machine for, '04, XVI, b. by hand, '04, XV, b; '12, XI-XII; '16, XIV; '17, XXVIII-XXX, a; '23, XXI; '24, XXXIII-XXXIV ; '25, XIV-XVI. wing showing scales, '04, XIV, b. wrigglers in water, '04, XIII, b. jar for exhibiting, '04, XIII, a. Nephrotoma ferruginea, cranefly injuring tobacco, '25, XIII. Noctua c-nigrum, spotted cutworm, '22, XVI. fennica, '25, XVIII. Noctuid caterpillars, injury to fruit trees and raspberry plants by, '25, XVIII. Nursery stock, fumigation of, '01, XI, a; '06, I, b-II, b. inspection of, '06, I. imported, '09, I; '13, V, a. Oiling mosquito breeding pools, '12, IX, d; XIII; '13, X. Olethreutes hebesana, '18, XXXI, a. hemidesma, '17, XXXI, a-b. Omphalocera dentosa, '11, III. Ormenis pruinosa and septentrionalis, mealy flatas, '21, XII. Orthezia insignis, greenhouse orthezia, '05, II, e. Otiorhynchus sulcatus, black vine weevil, '13, VII. Oxyptilus periscelidactylus, grape plume moth, '14, XXIV, a. Paleacrita vernata, spring canker worm, '08, XLIV, b; XLVII, a. Pamphilius dentatus, blackberry sawfly, '12, I-III. persicum, peach sawfly, '07, I-VI. Papaipema nitela, stalk borer, '19, XXIII-XXIV. , Papilio polyxenes (asterias), celery butterfly, '20, XI. Paragrotis messoria, '22, XIX. Parandra brunnea, parandra borer, '21, XVI, b. Paratenodera sinensis, Chinese mantid, egg-mass, '03, VI, c. Paratetranychus pilosus, European red mite, '20, IX ; '22, IX. ununguis, spruce mite, '22, X. Pemphigus acerifolii, '15, XVl, d. Peridroma saucia, variegated cutworm, '01, VII. Phenacoccus acericola, woolly maple leaf scale, '05, VII. Phlegethontius quinquemaculata, Northern tobacco worm, '06, XII-XIV. sexta, Southern tobacco worm, '06, XII-XIV. Phlyctaenia ferrugalis, greenhouse leaf tyer, '09, XVI, b. Phobetron pithecium, hag-moth caterpillar, '01, X, b. Phorbia ceparum, onion maggot, '11, VIII, c. rubivora, raspberry cane maggot, '02, XIV. Phylloxera caryaecaulis and var. spinosa, hickory gall aphid, '16, XV, a. Phytomyza chrysanthemi, marguerite leaf-miner, '15, XVI, a. Phytonomus punctatus, clover weevil, '13, VII, c. Phytophaga vjolicola, violet gall midge, '21, II. 670 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 28l Pinipestis zimmermani, pine tip moth, '16, XII, a-b. Pissodes approximatus, larger pine weevil, '17, XXI, c-XXXII. strobi, white pine weevil, '14, XVIII, a; '19, IX-XIV. Plagiodera versicolora, European willow leaf beetle, '21, XIII, b. Plant protectors, '16, I, b; '17, IV, c. Plants of the salt marsh which are guides to mosquito breeding areas, '04, XVII. Plathypena scabra, green clover worm, '08, LVII; '19, XVIII-XIX. Plodia interpunctella, Indian meal moth, '05, XI; '17, XXVII, d. Podosesia syringae, lilac borer, '05, XII, a. Polychrosis viteana, grape berry moth, '20, XII, b. Polygonia interrogationis, violet tip butterfly, '14, XXIII. Pontia (Pieris) rapae, imported cabbage worm, '03, VII. Porthetria dispar, gipsy moth, '05, X; '06, III-X; '07, VII-XIII; '08, XLII-XLIII; '09, II-XI; '10, XXV-XXIX; '15, I-III, IV, b; '16, II- IV, a; '17, I; '18, XXI-XXVII; '19, XVII; '21, I; '22, V-VIII ; '23, X-XII; '24, XVII-XX; '25, I-V, a. Priophorus acericaulis, maple leaf-stem borer, '11, VI. Pseudococcus citri, common mealy bug, '05, II, d. sp., mealy bug on Taxus, '24, XXXV, b. Pseudoneorrhinus setosus, '23, XXIV, e. Psylla pyricola, pear psylla, eggs, '25, XX, a. Pulvinaria vitis (innumerabilis), cottony maple scale, '05, III, d; '21, XI, b. Pycnoscelus surinamensis, greenhouse cockroach, '17, XII-XV. Pyralis farinalis, meal snout moth, '17, XXVI, a. Pyrausta ainsliei, smartweed borer, '19, XX-XXII. nubilalis, European corn borer, '18, XXX, b ; '23, XIII-XVIII ; '24, XXI-XXIII; '25, X. Rhizoglyphus hyacinthi, bulb mite, '15, XIV. Saissetia hemisphaerica, hemispherical scale, '05, III, b. Sanninoidea exitiosa, peach borer, '09, XV. Saperda Candida, round-headed apple borer, '07, XVI. concolor, poplar girdler, '18, XXXIV-XXXV. vestita, linden borer, '15, XIII, b. Sawfly larvae on ash, '04, III, c. , , VVTTT Schizura concinna, red-humped caterpillar, 01, X, a; i^XXll-L. Scolytus quadrispinosus, hickory bark borer, '01, VIII; '14, XXI-XXII. Sesia rhododendri, rhododendron borer, '22, XV. tipuliformis, imported currant borer (erroneously labeled native cur- rant borer, Psenocerus supernotatus), '03, VIII. Sibine stimulea, saddle-back caterpillar, '14, XXIV, b. Silvanus surinamensis, saw-toothed grain beetle, 17, XXVII, b-c. Sitodrepa panicea, drug store beetle, '17, XXIV, a Sitotroga cerealella, Angoumois grain moth, '17, XXV II, b. Soluble oil, outfit for making, '08, LVIII, b. Spraying apple trees, '17, II, b; '18, XXI; '20, V, b. beans, '19, XVIII, a. onions, '13, VIII. peach trees, '03, V; '04, IV, VIII, c; '07, VI, a; 25, VI, a. pear trees, '04, V, a. pine leaders '19, XV, c. potatoes, outfit for, '08, LVIII, a; '20, VI, b. shade trees, '08, XLII, b, LVI; '21, I; '25, IV, a. snapdragon plants in greenhouse, '14, XVIII, b. woodland trees, gipsy moth, '15, III; '16, III, b, IV, a; '19, XVII, b. outfit for, '15, IV, b; '18, XXII, a. INDEX TO REPORTS OF STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 67 1 Synanthedon (Sesia) acerni, maple sesian, '22, XIII. Syrphus torvus, eggs, '25, XIX, c. Tachina mella, 'io, XXIX, a and b. Tarsonemus pallidus, cyclamen mite, '14, XVIII, b; XIX, a; '21, XIV, a. Tenebrio molitor, common meal worm, '17, XXIV, b. Tenebrioides mauritanicus, the cadelle, '17, XXIV, d. Termite injury to telephone wires, '21, XVl, a. Tetralopha robustella, '18, XXXVI, a. Thrips tabaci, onion thrips, '03, VI, b; '13, VIII-IX. Tibicen septendecim, 17-year locust or periodical cicada, '11, IV- V. Tinea granella, European grain moth, '17, XXVI, b. Tmetocera ocellana, bud moth, '09, XIV. Tortrix quercifoliana, oak leaf-roller, '24, XXV, a. Toumeyella liriodendri (Eulecanium tulipiferae), tulip tree scale, '05, IV, f ; '21, X, a. Trogoderma tarsale, large cabinet beetle, '17, XXVI, d. Tyloderma foveolatum, '17, XXXI, d. Vespa crabro, European giant hornet, '20, XIV. Winthemia quadripustulata, '14, XVI, b; '16, XI, b. Wireworm injury to corn, '19, XXIX, b. tobacco, '21, VI, .d; '25, XII. Zeuzera pyrina, leopard moth, '09, XVI, a; 'n, IX-XVI. GENERAL INDEX The principal references are indicated by bold-faced type. Abbot sphinx, Sphecodini abbotti, '02. in; '06, 299 Abbott's sawfly, Neodiprion pine- tum (Lophyrus abbotti), '24, 337 Abia americana, '24, 236, 341 inflata, '24, 341 Acanthia hirundinis, '03, 218 Acetylene, '08, 798 Acholla multispinosa, '03, 221 Achorutes nivicola (diversiceps), '01, 237 Acidia fratria, '24, 234 Acremoniella atra, '17, 241 Acrobasis angusella, '12, 257 caryae, '12, 253-258; '24, 336 sp., '12, 213 Acronycta americana, '02, no oblinita (Apatela), '19. 186-187 rumicis, '17, 242; '25, 246 Act concerning insect pests, '01, 229-231 Actias luna, '02, 112; '03, 218 Adalia bipunctata, '02, 107, 109; '03, 262, 265; '05, 211, 213, 215, 216, 218, 258; '06, 300; '17, 298; '19, 158. Adelges abieticolens, 00, 303. See Chermes Adirus trimaculatus, '22, 372 Adoretus tenuimaculatus, '22, 346 Aedes cantator, '17, 352; '23, 298, 299 fuscus, '04, 271 sollicitans, '15, 142, 1475 ' l 7, 352; '23, 298. See Culex sollicitans Agalena naevia, '02,113 Agamomermis culicis, '04, 263 Agapostemon radiatus (Halictus), '05, 213, 215, 217, 218 Agelastica alni (Galeruca), '12, 292; '13, 193; '16, 78; '19, 124 Ageratum, '01, 271 Aglais antiopa. See Vanessa and Euvanessa Agonoderus pallipes, '06, 300 Agrilus anxius, '22, 278, 359; '24, 236 bilineatus,_'i3, 251 champlaini, '12, 291 sinuatus, '17, 361; '20, 193-196; '24, 231 viridis, var. fagi, '25, 325 Agromyza aeneiventris, '05, 219 angulata, '05, 211 diminuta, '05, 212 simplex, '06, 303-305 Agrotis unicolor, '25, 324 ypsilon, '06, 265, 266 Alabama argillacea (Aletia), 'n, 267, 339-34i; '12, 217, 285; '19, 202; '23, 313 Alaria florida, '02, 112; '03, 221 Alaus oculatus, '02, in; '03, 218; '16, 140 Alcidamea producta, '05, 220 Alcohol-formalin, '25, 291 Alder spittle bug, '22, 272; '24, 308 Aleiodes terminalis, '14, 168 Aleochara anthomyiae, '14, '146 Aletia argillacea. See Alabama ar- gillacea Ale3'rodes acteae, '05, 191 chelidonii, '02, 153, 158, 159 citri, '02. 150 tabaci, '06, 276 vaporariorum, '01. 238, 271, 272; '02, in, 112, 113, 148-163; '03. 216, 223; '05, 255; '06, 275-276; '08, 806, 815 Aleyrodidae, '02, 150, 156 Allograpta obliqua, '17, 299 Alphitophagus bifasciatus, '18, 261 Alsophila pometaria (Anisop- teryx), '07, 267; '08, 778, 783- 785, 795-796; '10, 663; '12, 216; '21, 120; '22, 275; '23, 236; '24, 230, 235; '25, 221 Altica chalybea, '25, 221. See Hal- tica ignita. '22, 369; '24, 338 ulmi, '18, 348; '22, 277, 369; '24. 338 Alypia octomaculata, '02, no; '06, 298; '16, 68, 118-122; '17, 358 Alysia manducator, '14, 146 Amara communis, '19, 124 Amaranthus retroflexus, '15, 191; '18, 317, 320; '19, 198 674 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 28l Amblycorypha oblongifolia, '19, 200 rotundifolia, '19, 200 Amblyteles flavizonatus, '14, 168 suturalis (Ichneumon), '14, 168 Ambrosia artemisaefolia, '19, 198 beetle, '02, 11 1 Ameloctonus oedemisiae (Campo- plex), '17,330 American Disinfectant, '05, 261 Foul Brood. See Foul brood, American roach, '21, 188 silk worm moth, Telea poly- phemus, '04, 210; '05, 257; '06, 299 Amorphota orgyiae, '16, 109 Ampelopsis quinquefolia, '16, 119 Amphicarpaea, '18, 328 Anaphothrips striatus, '19, 190 Anarsia lineatella, '17, 318; '18, 299, 300, 306-311, 341; '23, 285 pruniella, '18, 310 Anasa tristis, '08, 805, 811-813; '16, 116; '23, 233; '25, 226 Anastatus bifasciatus, '17, 250, 251; '18, 276, 279; '20, 163; '22, 314; '24,-270, 271; '25, 270, 271 Anatis 15-punctata, '05, 230; '10, 663, 705-706; '19, 158 Anax Junius, '01, 238 Ancistrocerus tigris, '05, 214 Ancylis comptana (Phoxopteris), '02, 111; '03, 220, 278 nubeculana, '08, 847; '09, 353 Andrena bipunctata (Opandrena), '05, 210, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223 carlini, '05, 210, 216, 217 macgillivrayi, '05, 218 mandibularis, '05, 212, 216 nasoni, '05, 210, 212, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222 salicacea, '05, 210, 214, 215 vicina, '05, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 221, 222 Andricus palustris, '06, 300 seminator, '06, 300 Angoumois grain moth, '17, 337- 338, 344 Anisocalvia 12-maculata, '14, 187 Anisodactylus binotatus, '18, 261; '19, 124 Anisopteryx pometaria. See Al- sophila pometaria Anisota senatoria, '02, 112, 175; '03, 221; '05, 257; '06, 299 stigma, '02, 176 Anomala binotata, '02, no, 176 lucicola, '23, 292 marginata, '23, 233 orientalis, '22, 277, 345-346; '23, 228, 233, 291-293; '24, 294-299; '25, 218, 227, 309-312 Anopheles, '08, 800, 801, 802, 804; '09, 325; '12, 261, 269, 271; '15, 147, 159; .'19, 106 punctipennis, '04, 263; '05, 225; '23, 298, 301 quadrimaculatus (maculipennis), '04, 263; '23, 298 Anosia plexippus, '04, 211; '06, 299; '23, 310 Anthomyia radicum, '05, 212, 218, 223 Anthonomus quadrigibbus, '04, 219 signatus, '08, 846 Anthophilax malachiticus, '16, 139 Anthracnose, raspberry, '13, 188; '25, 237 Anthrenus scrophulariae, '05, 215, 219; '06, 300; '25, 230 verbasci, '05, 191, 213, 219; '17, 338 Anti-mosquito work, '16, 126; '17, 359; '18, 337-340; '19, 193-196; '20, 208-210; '21, 190-193; '22, 326-329; '23, 300-310; '24, 331- .335; '25, 3I5-32I Antispila nyssaefoliella, '22, 278, 369 Ants, '17, 312, 339, 344; '22, 278; '24, 236 control, '11, 316; '22, 361-367 Anuraphis roseus (malifoliae), '20, 175; '22,275; '23,231; '24,231; '25, 222, 278. See also Aphis malifoliae Apanteles bedelliae, '21, 159 congregatus, '06, 271; '10, 664; '14, 168 delicatus. '16, no flaviconche, '14, 168 fulvipes, '22, 315 hyphantriae, '16, no; '17, 323 lacteicolor, '13, 222; '15, 113; '17, 250, 251, 323, 329; '20, 163; '22; 316 laphygmae, '12, 287 melanoscelus, '22, 315; '24, 270, 271 militaris, '14, 167, 168, 170 parorgyiae, '16, no Apatela. See Acronycta Apatelodes torrefacta, '05, 257 Aphelinus fuscipennis, '21, 185 INDEX TO REPORTS OF STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 675 Aphid on apple, '01, 239; '02, 113; '04, 206, 212; '05, 195; '06, 234, 297; '07, 267. See apple aphid on gladiolus, '19, 199 on larch, Chermes strobilobius, '23, 235; '24, 235 on willow, '23, 235 Aphididae, '02, 150 Aphidius polygonaphis, '17, 299 rosae, '17, 299; '25, 298 Aphiochaeta nigriceps, '11, 328 rufipes, '10, 693-696 Aphis betulaecolens (Calaphis), '23, 235 brassicae (Brevicoryne), '01, ill, 113; '13, 233; '16, 100. See Cabbage aphid gladioli (Anuraphis tulipae), '19, 199 gossypii, '08, 805, 813-814 mali. See pomi malifoliae, pyri, sorbi (now An- uraphis roseus), '03, 259; '05, 261; '09, 343-352; 'ii, 265; '12, 215; '17, 259, 356; '20, 175; '22, 275; '23, 231; '24, 231 pomi, '02, 113; '03, 216, 217, 219, 220, 221, 259-262; '04, 206, 212; '05, 195, 255; '06, 234, 297; '07, 267; '09,344; '10,663; '11,265; '12, 215; '14, 192; '17, 259; '20. 175; '22,275; '23,231; '24,232; '25, 222, 278 pseudobrassicae, '16, 98-104, 137; '17, 358; '21, 122; '22, 276. 346- 347; '23, 232; '24, 234; '25, 226 rubiphila, '24, 243 rumicis, '15, 191; '16, 104 Aphodius granarius, '01, 236; '05, 215; '19, 124 Aphrophora eggs, '24, 308 parallela, '16, 125-126 Aphycus pulvinariae, '21, 180 Apiary inspection. See Inspection, apiary Apis mellifera, '05, 207, 216, 217, 219, 220, 222 Apium graveolens, '18. 320 Aplodes mimosaria, '21, 195 Aporia crataegi, '23, 246; '25, 246 Apple and thorn skeletonizer, Hemerophila pariana, '20, 190- 193; '21, 120, 186-188; '22, 273, 274; '23, 230, 312; '24, 230; '25, 220, 238 aphid. See Aphid on apple green, Aphis pomi, '03, 216, 217, 219, 220, 221, 259-262; '09, 344, '10, 663; '11, 265; '12, 215; '13, 250; '14, 192; '15, 181; '17, 259; '20, 168, 171, 173, 175; '22, 275; '23, 231; '24, 232; '25, 222, 278 rosy, Anuraphis roseus, '09, 343-345; '10, 690-691, 705; '11, 265; '12, 215; '13, 250; '15, 181; '17, 259, 356; '20, 173, 175; '22, 275; '23, 231; '24, 231, 285; '25, 222, 278 woolly, Eriosoma lanigerum '03, 217; '06, 279; '11, 343- 344; '13, 188; '17, 242; '24, 232, 284, 286, 308-311 borer, '03, 275 round-headed, Saperda Can- dida, '03, 274, 275; '04, 208; '05, 258; '07, 333-334 bucculatrix, Bucculatrix pomi- foliella, '05, 256; '06, 298; '10, 701 curculio, Anthonomus quadrigib- bus, '04, 219 leaf crumpler, Mineola indigin- ella, '11, 34 I -34 2 leaf-folder, Ancylis nubeculana, '08, 847; '09, 353 leaf-hopper, Empoasca mali, '04, 216; '20, 172, 173; '25, 237 leaf-miner, Tischeria malifoliella, '02, 112; '06, 234, 298; '07, 267; '08, 768 maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella, '03, 275; '05, 260; '15, 1S2; '16, 138; '17, 261, 358; '21, 120; '22, 275; '23, 231; '25, 222 on huckleberries, '05, 260 red bug, false, Lygidea mendax, '14, 197-198; '15, 182, 185; '16, 138; '17, 234, 235, 259, 356; '18, 341; '20, 168, 172, 173, 175, 177- 179; '21, 120; '22, 275; '23, 231; '24, 231 scab, '20, 171, 177 seed chalcid, '21, 121, 199 tent caterpillar, Malacosoma americana, '01, 238; '02, 139- 148; '03, 212-217; 221, 275; '04, 206; '06, 298; 'n, 342- 343; '13, 226-229, 250; '14, 179-180, 186; '15, 181; '17, 252, 357, 358, 362, 363; '18. 344; '22, 275; '23, 231; '24, 230, 235; '25, 220 Egg contest, '14, 179-180 676 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 28l Apple twig miner, Marmara elo- tella, '22, 275 worm, lesser. See Enarmonia prunivora Apricot scale, Lecanium (Eule- canium) corni, '03, 212, 218, 219, 220; '04, 208; '05, 237-238, 255; '06, 297; '13, 188 Aptesis nigrocinctor, '15, 131 Aquilegia canadensis, '15, 189 Araucaria, '14, 125; '15, 94 Arbor vitae leaf miner, Argyresthia thuiella, '21, 121, 157-160; '22, 278; '23, 234; '24, 235 Archips cerasivorana, '06, 298; '11, 309-310 rosana, '13, 185, 223-226; '15, 185 Archytas piliventris, '21, 169 Arctium lappa, '18, 320 Argentine ant, Iridomyrmex hu- milis, '10, 699; '22, 364 Argyresthia thuiella, '21, 121, 157- 160; '22, 278; '23, 234; '24, 235 Army worm, Heliophila unipuncta, '14, 157-173, 186; '15, 182; '17, 359-36o; '19, 185-186; '25, 227 fall, Laphygma frugiperda, '12, 215, 284-287; '14, 162 false, Heliophila pseudargyria, 'OS, 257 wheat-head, Heliophila (Leu- cania) albilinea, '14, 162 Arsenate of lead, '02, 147, 169, 173; '03, 277; '04, 221; '05, 260-261; '06, 301-302; '08/767, 823, 843- 844 . analysis, '07, 321-326 dipping plants, '05, 260-261; '06, 301-302 vs. Paris green, '07, 326; '08,843- 844 Arsenic, '03, 275 Asaphes sp., '06, 268; '25, 313 Ascogaster carpocapsae, '18, 303 Ascomycete, '17, 242 Asiatic beetle, Anomala orientalis, '22, 277, 345-346; '23, 228, 233, 291-293; '24, 229, 294-299; '25, 218, 227, 309-312 camel cricket, Diestrammena japonica, '25, 321 Asparagus beetle, Crioceris as- paragi, '02, 112, 172-174; '03, 276-277; '06, 299; '21, 122, 171- 175; '24, 234; '25, 224-225 12-spotted, Crioceris duodecim- punctata, '02, 174-175; '03,213; '21, 173-175; '24, 234; '25, 224- 225 miner, Agromyza simplex, '06, 303-305 Aspidiotus abietis, '05, 241 ancylus, '01, 236, 237; '02, no; '05, 241; '06, 297 cyanophylli, '05, 242 forbesi, '02, 108, 177-178; '03,223; '05, 242; '06, 297; '13, 187 hederae, '05, 242, 256 ostreaeformis, '05, 242; '13, 187 perniciosus, '01, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240-261; '02, 108, 109, no, 112, 113, 114-125, 130-138; '03, 216, 221, 222, 223; '04, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211; '05, 242-243, 256; '06, 298; '11, 268; '12, 217; '13. 187; '18, 255; '21, 120; '22, 276; '23, 231; '24, 286; '25, 223. See San Jose scale ulmi, '05, 243 Aspidistra, '14, 125 Assassin bug, '03, 221, 222;" '08, 822 Asterochiton packardi (Aleyrodes), '14, 188 Asterolecanium pustulans, '05, 255 variolosum, '03, 218; '05, 235; '13, 187; '25, 228 Atropates collinsi, '21, 180 Atropos pulsatoria, '19, 204-205 Attacus promethea (Callosamia), '02, 109; '03, 219; '06, 299 Attagenus piceus, '04, 209; '05, 214; '17, 339; '23, 236; '25, 230 Aulacaspis pentagona, '13, 188, 240- 242. See Peach scale, West Indian rosae, '02, 109, 113; '03, 217, 219; '05, 241, 256; '13, 188, 241. See Rose scale Australian cockroach, Periplaneta australasiae, '17, 304 Autographa biloba, '04, 215 brassicae, '10, 665, 706-707; '17. 358; _ '22, 376; '24, 234. See Plusia falcifera var. simplex, '19, 190 Automeris io, '04, 211; '06, 299 Azalea, '13, 186, 194; '14, "9, I 20 indica, '14, H7, 125, 126; '15, 86, 93. 94 , , £ scale, Eriococcus azaleae, 10, 138; '24, 337 Baccha fascipennis, '05, 230 Bacillus amylovorus, '13, 188 icteroides, '04, 258 larvae, '24, 248; '25, 248 pluton, '24, 247; '25, 247 INDEX TO REPORTS OF STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 677 Bacon beetle, Dermestes lardarius, '17, 339 Bacterium tumifaciens (Pseudo- monas), '13, 188; '14, 124; '15, 93. See Crown gall Bag worm, Thyridopteryx ephem- eraeformis, '02, 108, no; '06, 298; '07, 337-338; '23, 232; '24, 338 Banded flea beetle, Systena taeni- ata, '15, 183 Barbarea vulgaris, '14, 146 Barberry webworm. See Omphal- ocera dentosa Baris scolopacea, '19, 199 Bark borer, '13, 237, 251 louse, '05, 234 miner, '17, 363; '24, 285 Barypithes pellucidus, '19, 124 Basilona imperialis, '06, 299; 'n, 34i Bassus sp., '22, 374 Bean aphid, Aphis rumicis, '15, 191; '16, 104 leaf beetle, Cerotoma bifurcata, '18, 327-329 maggot, Hylemyia cilicrura, '21, 121, 161-163; '23, 232; '24, 315; '25, 325 weevil, common, Bruchus ob- tectus, '04, 206; '17, 333, 340, 343, 344 four-spotted, Bruchus quadri- maculatus, '17, 333 Bed bug, Cimex lectularius (Klin- ophilos lectularia), '06, 291; '09. 399 Parenthesis lady beetle, Hippo- damia parenthesis, '17, 298 Paria aterrimus, '21, 195 canellus, Typophorus canellus, '04, 216; '21, 195 gilvipes, '21, 195 quadrinotatus, '21, 195 Paris green, '01, 263, 270, 273, 274; '02, 147, 148, 172, 173; '03, 275; '07, 321, 326-331; '08, 767, 824 Parlatoria pergandii, '05, 245 Parsley stalk weevil, Listronotus latiusculus, '13, 252 Parsnip leaf miner, Acidia fratria, '24, 234 webworm, Depressaria heracli- ana, '19, 192 Pea aphid, Illinoia (Nectarophora, Macrosiphum) pisi, '01, 238, 276; '03, 212, 276; '13, 185, 235-237, 250; '19, 200; '22, 276, '23, 233; '24, 228, 234, 319; '25, 226, 227, 295-298 weevil, Bruchus pisorum, '17, 332- 333, 343, 344 Peach, '05, 209, 216 aphid, Myzus persicae, '15, 191; '16, 99, 104; '17, 293; '25, 222, 327 borer, Synanthedon (Sanninoi- dea) exitiosa, '03, 217, 221, 274: '09, 359-362; '13, 188; '17. 358; '21, 120; '22, 331-333; '23, 229, 276-277 moth, Anarsia lineatella, '17, 318; '18, 299, 300, 306-311, 341; '23, 285 Oriental. See Oriental peach moth sawfly, Pamphilius persicum, '06, 235. 305; '07, 285-300; '08, 767; '10, 664; '11, 314-315; '12, 238, 239 scale, West Indian, Aulacaspis pentagona, '13, 188, 240-242 twig borer, Anarsia lineatella, '17, 3i8, 359; '18, 299, 306-311, 341; '23, 285 yellows, '13, 188 Pear borer, sinuate, Agrilus sinu- atus, '17, 361; '20, 193-196; '24. 231 common, '05, 209, 218 injured by weevil, '08, 845 leaf blister mite, Eriophyes pyri, '08, 770; '10, 700-701; '23, 231: '24, 238; '25, 220, 237_ midge, Contarinia pyrivora, '13, 239-240 psylla, Psylla pyricola, '01, 277; See Hy- '11, '03, 212, 220, 221, 222, 262-266, 275; '04, 206, 208, 213; '06, 297; '14, 195; '22, 276; '23, 231; '24, 232, 286; '25, 221, 292-295 slug, Caliroa cerasi, Eriocam- poides limacina, '06, 300; '20, 199-201; '25, 322 Pegomyia brassicae (Phorbia) Hylemyia brassicae calyptrata, '22, 370 ceparum (Phorbia). Now lemyia antiqua, '04, 214; 286-292; '21, 162 cinerella (Phorbia), Hylemyia cinerella, '05, 212, 218; '24, 315 fusiceps (Phorbia) Hylemyia cilicrura, '05, 211, 212, 213, 215, 216, 218, 219, 223; '21, 121, 161- 163; '23, 232; '24, 315; '25, 325 hyoscyami (vicina), '02, 174; '21, '162; '24. 233; '25, 226 rubivora (Phorbia), '02, no, 167- 168 Pelargonium zonale, '14, 196 Pelidnota punctata, '06, 300 Pemphigus populicaulis, '04, 209 tessellatus (acerifolii) (Proci- philus), '03. 219; '05, 255; '15, . 187; '23, 235 Pentacnemus bucculatricis, '21, 158- 159 Pentilia misella, '02, 113, 128-129 Peridroma saucia, '01, 261-264 Perilampus hyalinus, '21, 169 sp., '15, 130 Periodical cicada, Tibicen septen- decim, '03, 214; 'n, 296-305; '20, 211 Periplaneta americana, '21, 188 australasia, '17, 304 Peronoplasmopara cubensis, '17. 264 Pestalozzi guepini, '15, 93; '16, 77; '17, 242 Pests found in nurseries, '13, 187- 188; '15, 89; '16, 72; '17, 237; '18, 255-256; '19, 119; '20, 140; '21, 122-123; '22, 279; '23, 242; '24, 238-239; '25, 237 on imported nursery stock, '10, 668; '11, 274; '13, 193-194: '14, 124-126; '15, 93-94; '16, 76-78; '17, 241-242; '18, 261- 262; '19, 127-128; '20, 144; '21. 126-127; '22, 284; '23, 246-247; '24, 245; '25, 246 Pezomachus minimus, '14, 168 Phaeogenes, '18, 303 Phalonia rutilana, '12, 295; '15, 138 Phanerotoma tibialis, '12, 258 700 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 28l Pharaoh's ant, Monomorium pha- raonis, '17, 234, 235, 309, 314- 315; '22, 364 Phaseolus, '18, 320 Phasgonophora sulcata, '22, 361 Phenacoccus acericola (Pseudo- coccus aceris), '04, 210; '05, 226-230, 236, 255; '06, 297; '10, 664; '11, 268, 345; '12, 217; '22, 277; '23, 234; '25, 228 Phengodes laticollis, '03, 219, 270 sp., '03, 220, 268-271 Philosarnia cynthia, '17, 362 Phlegethontius quinquemaculata, '06, 269-271 sexta, '06, 269-271, 299 Phloeosinus dentatus, '10, 708 Phlyctaenia ferrugalis (rubigalis), '09, 369-370; '16, 141 Phobetron pithecium, '01, 238, 239, 273-274; '04, 211; '05, 257 Pholjsora catullus, '04, 209 Phorbia brassicae. See Hylemyia brassicae ceparum. See Pegomyia ceparum rubivora. See Pegomyia rubivora Phormia regina, '05, 212, 215 Phorocera claripennis, '25, 324 Photuris pennsylvanica, '04, 208 Phoxopteris comptana. See An- cylis comptana Phthorimaea (Gelechia) opercu- lella, '06, 277 Phyllaphis fagi, '03, 218; '06, 297; '23, 235 Phyllocactus, '15, 140 Phyllocoptes, '14, 192-193 Phylloecus integer (flaviventris). See Janus integer Phyllophaga (Lachnosterna) sp., '25, 227 Phyllosticta aucubicola, '16, 77 sp., '17, 242; '18, 262 Phyllotreta sinuata, '05, 211 Phylloxera caryaecaulis, '03, 218, 219; '04, 208; '06, 297; '14, 189; '16, 145; '25, 228 vastatrix (Grape phylloxera), '05, 255 Physostegia, attacked by borer, '18, 348-349 Phytomyza chrysanthemi, '11, 342; '15, 188 Phytonomus punctatus, '13, 255 Phytophaga violicola, '21, 152-156 Picea excelsa, '19, 147 rubens, '19, 147 Pieris napi oleracea, '03, 271 protodice, '12, 293 rapae, '03, 271-272; '08, 768; '10, 706; '12, 293; '17, 358; '18, 261; '22, 376; '24, 234; '25, 224 Pigeon horntail or tremex, Tremex columba, '02, 113; '22, 353 Pike fish, Lucius americanus, '04, 308 Pimpla conquisitor. See Scambus conquisitor inquisitor. See Scambus inquisi- toriellus Pine aphid, Lachnus strobi, '03, 222 woolly, Chermes pinicorticis and C. pinifoliae (Pine bark aphid), '11, 343; '12, 217; '19, 155-160 blister rust, '13, 188; '17, 236; '18, 256 leaf scale, Chionaspis pinifoliae, '02, no; '03, 223; '05, 240, 256; '06, 297; '07, 334-335; '21, 181- 182; '23, 235; '25, 228 mite, European, Eriophyes pini, '25, 322-323 moth, Nantucket, '14, 194 sawfly, imported, Neodiprion (Diprion) simile, '15, 87, 89, 118-125, 182; '17, 273-290; '23, 234, 242; '24, 236; '25, 229 shoot moth, European, Evetria buoliana, '14, 193-194; '15, 89; '23, 235, 3ii.; '24, 236, 339 tip moth, Pinipestis zimmermani, '16, 122-125; '^9, !48 tube moth, Eulia pinatubana, '19, 201; '20, 210 weevil, Ted, Pissodes approxi- mate, '17, 365-366; '19, 146 white, Pissodes strobi, '02, 112; '05, 258; '11, 263, 268, 307- 309; '12, 213; '13, 186; '14, 173-176; '15, 87, 134-136; '16, 123; '19, 144-155; '23, 234; '24, 239; '25, 237, 238 Pinipestis zimmermani, '16, 122- 125; '19, 148 Pinus cembra, '15, 121; '16, 124; '17, 278 densiflora, '15, 121; '17, 278 divaricata, '19, 147 excelsa, '15, 121; '16, 124; '17, 278 fiexilis, '15, 121; '17, 278 Koraiensis, '15, 121; '17, 278 laricio Austriaca, '15, 121; '17, 278 montana, '15, 94, 121; '17, 278 INDEX TO REPORTS OF STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 701 ponderosa, '17, 278 resinosa, '16, 124; '17,278; '19,146 rigida, '17, 278; '19, 147 rubra, '16, 124 strobus, '15, 121; '16, 124; '17, 278; '19, 147 sylvestris, '15, 121; '16, 124; '17, 278; '19, 147 Piophila casei, '05, 212, 213, 215, 216, 218, 219, 223; '17, 339, 344 Pipiza albipilosa, '05, 212 femoralis, '05, 212 Pissodes affinis, '19, 146 approximates, '17, 365-366; '19, 146 strobi, '02, 112; '05, 258; '11, 263, 268, 307-309; '12, 213; '14, 173- 176; '15, i34-!36; '16, 123; '19, 144-155; '23, 234 Pith worm, '06, 277 Pit-making oak scale, Asteroleca- nium variolosum, '03, 218; '05, 235; '13, 187; '25, 228 Pityophthorus ramiperda, '22, 369 Plagiodera versicolora, 21, 196; '22, 277; '23, 234; '25, 229 Plagionotus speciosus (Glycobius). '01, 278; '02, in; '03, 221; '07, 336-337; '10, 664; '22, 351-355 Plant bug, tarnished, Lygus pra- tensis, '04, 209, 210, 2i8-2ig; '05, 211, 213, 256; '06, 276; '13, 256; '16, 140-141; '23, 231; '25, 226 Plasmodium malariae, '04, 254 Plathypena scabra, '08, 769, 828- 832; '19, 165-170; '20, 210 Platychirus hyperboreus, '05, 215, 218 Platygaster, '08, 786 Platynus placidus, '02, no punctiformis, '08, 822 Platyphyllum concavum, '03, 274 Plesiothrips perplexus, '19, 190 Plochionis timidus, '17, 323 Plodia interpunctella, '05, 252-254, 256; '17, 335-336 Plowrightia morbosa, '13, 188 Plum curculio, Conotrachelus nen- uphar, '03, 274; '04. 207, 219- 221; '12, 245, 246, 247; '19, 199; '20, 176; '22, 275; '23, 228, 229, 231; '24, 229, 232; '25, 221, 286- 291 Japanese, '05, 209, 214 scale, New York, '03, 223; '05, 238. See Lecanium corni wild, '05, 214 Plusia brassicae, (Autographa), '01, 236; '10, 706-707; '10, 665, 706-707; '11, 328; '17, 358; '22, 376; '24, 234 Podabrus basilaris, '06, 300 Podisus maculiventris (spinosus), '08, 769, 822; '17, 323; '21, 174 Podosesia syringae, '04, 211; '05, 260 Poecilocapsus lineatus, '02, 11 1; '03, 219; '05, 256; '06, 297; '14, 189- 190; '23,236 Polistes pallipes, '21, 174 Pollenia rudis, '10, 710 Polychrosis viteana, '20, 206-207 Polydesmus canadensis, '03, 270 Polydrusus impressifrons, '15, 188 Polygonia comma, '24, 237 interrogationis, '14, 187 Polygonum persicaria, '18, 320; '19. 177 sp., '19, 175, i/6, 177, 1/8, 187 Pontia. See Pieris Popillia japonica, '22, 345; '23, 293; '25, 3ii Poplar beetle, Plagiodera versico- lora, '21, 196; '22, 277; '23, 234; '25, 229 borer, Saperda calcarata, '07, 336 canker, '23, 240, 241; '25, 237, 238 curculio, Cryptorhynchus lapathi, 'o7, 335; '25, 229 girdler, Saperda concolor var. unicolor, '18, 347 leaf beetles, Lina interrupta and L. scripta, '10, 707; '18, 256 mocha-stone moth, Melalopha (Ichthyura) inclusa, '10, 710; '11, 310-311 sawfly, Trichiocampus viminalis, '13, 256 stem gall, Pemphigus populi- caulis, '04, 209 weevil, Cryptorhynchus lapathi, '07, 335; '13, 188; '25, 229 Porthetria dispar, '05, 246-251; '06, 235-260; '07, 300-312; '08, 772- 777; '09. 336-343; '10, 671-683; '11, 277-280; '12, 216, 224-229; '13, 188, 198-204; '14, 129-134; '15, 99-111; '16, 83-96; '17, 246- 258; '18, 272-290; '19, 135-144; '20, 151-168; '21, 132-145; '22, 290-326; '23, 253-267; '24, 254- 276; '25, 253-272 702 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 28l Potassium sulphide, '03, 255 Potato aphid, Macrosiphum (Nec- tarophora) solanifolii, '12, 294: '15, 191; '16, 104; '17, 236, 290- 302, 357; '18, 253, 294-297; '19, 197. 199; '20, 182-183; '21, 122; '22, 276; '23, 233; '24, 234, 243; '25, 226 beetle, Colorado, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, '03, 212, 275; '04, 212; '08, 768; '11, 311-313; '13. 250; '14, 186, 190; '18, 341; '22, 276; '25, 224 beetle, three-lined, Lema trilin- eata, '08, 844; '18, 342-343 flea-beetle, Epitrix cucumeris, '04, 208; '05, 211, 258; '06, 272; '18, 342; '19, 197; '21, 198-199; '23, 233; '24, 233; '25, 224 stalk weevil, Trichobaris trino- tata, '06, 277 Potter wasp, Eumenes fraterna, '08, 786 Powder post beetle, Lyctus uni- punctatus (striatus), '06, 234, 300 Praying mantis, Stagmomantis Car- olina, '08, 822; '17, 323 Prenolepis imparis, '05, 220 Prionidus cristatus, '09, 351; '17, 323 Prionoxystus robiniae, '05, 257 Prionus, broad-necked. See Pri- onus laticollis laticollis (brevicornis), '02, in; '05, 258; '06, 300 lesser, Orthosoma brunneum, '01, 238; '02, in; '03, 221; '04, 209 ; '05, 258 Priophorus acericaulis, '06, 221, 295-296; '07, 298; '10, 708; 'ii, 266, 305-307 Pristiphora grossulariae, '02, 170 Privet injured by lilac borer, '05, 260 Prociphilus tessellata, (Pemphi- gus) (acerifolii), '03, 219; '05, 255; '15, 187; '23, 235 Promethea moth, Callosamia (At- tacus) promethea, '02, 109; '03, 219; '06, 299; '13, 254 Prosopis afflnis, '05, 220 pygmaea, '05, 220 Prospaltella perniciosi, '15, 184 Proteosoma, '04, 256 Protoparce quinquemaculatus (ce- leus), (Phlegethontius),'o6, 269- 271 sexta (Carolina) (Phlegethon- tius), '02, 112; '06, 269-271 Prunus avium, '05, 209, 215 cerasus, '05, 243 persica, '05, 209, 216 triloba, '05, 209, 214 sp., '13, 240 Psenocerus supernotatus, '03, 272- 273 Pseudaonidia paeoniae, '16, 77 Pseudocneorrhinus setosus, '23, 3I3-3H Pseudococcus aceris. See Phena- coccus acericola citri (Dactylopius), '02, 108, 111; '05, 236 kraunhiae, '24, 338 longispinus, '05, 236 Pseudomonas tumifaciens, '17, 241. See crown gall Psylla buxi, '15, 186 pyricola, '01, 277; '03, 212, 220, 221, 222, 262-266; '04, 206, 208, 213; '06, 297; '14, igs; '22, 276; '23, 231; '24, 232, 286; '25, 221, 292-295 Psyllids, '15, 186 Pterodela pedicularis, '17, 361 Pteromalus boucheanus (Dibra- chys), '17, 323; '18, 303 cuproideus, '16, no egregius, '20, 163; '22, 317 verditer (Dibrachoides), '17, 283, 284, 287 Pteronarcys nobilis, '04. 210 Pteronus. See Pteronidea Pteronidea ribesi (Pteronus), '02, 170-172; '05, 210; '08, 768; '25, 218 Pterostichus lucublandus, '05, 258; '08, 844 vulgaris, '19, 125 Pulex serraticeps, '05, 257 Pulvinaria acericola, '05, 237 vitis (innumerabilis), '05, 237, 255; '06, 297; '13, 188, 252; '21, 179-181; '25, 227 Pumps, spray, '01, 248, 253; '03, 203, 232, 239, 243; '04, 247-252 Purple scale, Lepidosaphes beckii (Mytilaspis citricola), '02, 108; '05, 244 Putnam's scale, Aspidiotus ancylus. '01, 236, 237; '02, no; '05, 241; '06, 297 INDEX TO REPORTS OF STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 7°3 Pycnoscelus obscurus, '17, 306 surinamensis (Leucophaea), '17, 234, 302-313; '18, 253, 311-313; '24, 236, 337 Pyralis farinalis, '17, 337; '19, 127 Pyramidal caterpillar, Pyrophila pyramidoides, '08, 848 Pyrausta ainsliei, '19, 172, 173-180, 197 nubilalis, '18, 316-327; '19, 118, 170-173, 174, 175, 176, 179; '20, 196-198; '22, 367-369; '23, 230, 233, 277-284; '24, 277-282; '25, 224, 303-308 penitalis, '19, 172, 176, 177 Pyrethrum, '03, 272; '04, 215 Pyrophila pyramidoides, '08, 848 Pyrus communis, '05, 209, 218 malus, '05, 209, 217 Quarantines, brown-tail moth, '13, 221; '14, 135; '15, 111; '18, 275; '19, 143; '20, 165-166 European corn borer, '20, 197; '23, 280-281; '24, 281 gipsy moth (Federal), '15, 100; '18, 275; '19, 143; '20, 165- 166; '21, 132, 145; '22, 319, 320; '23, 254; '24, 272-275 (State), '20, 165-166; '21, 145; '22, 318-320; '24, 272-275 Quedius molochinus, '08, 822 Quercus robur, '05, 235 Quince, '05, 209, 219 curculio, Conotrachelus crataegi, '01, 239; '02, in; '25, 221, 324 Rabbit bot fly, Cuterebra cuniculi, '07, 338 Railroad worm. See Apple maggot Raspberry anthracnose, '13, 188 beetle, American, Byturus uni- color, '05, 220, 258; '18, 329; '21, 118; '22, 272; '25, 222, 302 cane borer, Oberea bimaculata, '22, 276 maggot, Pegomyia (Phorbia) rubivora, '02, no, 167-168 fruit worm, Byturus unicolor, '05, 220, 258; '18, 329; '21, 118; '23, 228; '25, 222, 302 mosaic, '23, 242; '24, 239, 243; '25, 242 moth, Synchlora glaucaria, '02, 112 red, '05, 209, 220 sawfly, Monophadnoides rubi, '08, 846; '18, 329-331 Raupenleim, '18, 279, 282, 284 Recurvaria piceaella, '23, 235, 311 Red ant, little. See Pharaoh's ant -banded leaf roller, Eulia veluti- nana, '20, 176, 212; '21, 120; '25, 220, 298-301 bug, apple. See Apple red bug, false cedar bark beetle, Phloeosinus dentatus, '10, 708 -humped caterpillar, Schizura concinna, '01, 238, 274; '02, 112; '05. 257; '06, 298; '12, 216; '17, 329-330, 358; '23, 232; '25, 220 lady beetle, Cycloneda munda (Coccinella sanguinea), '17, 298 -legged grasshopper, Melanoplus femur-rubrum, '23, 233; '25, 322 ham beetle, Necrobia rufipes, '17, 339, 344 mite, European, Paratetranychus pilosus, '20, 184-189; '21, 118, 146-152; '22, 273, 275, 333-338; '23, 228, 231; '24, 231, 286, 304- 305; '25, 220 pine weevil, Pissodes approxi- mate, '17, 365-366; '19, 146 spider, '01, 271, 273; '03, 216; '04, 209, 210; '14. 125, 192; '20, 184 -tailed fly, Winthemia quadripus- tulata, '12, 286; '14, 167, 168, 170; '16, no, 122; '21, 169 weevil or wheat midge, Conta- rinia tritici, '17, 357, 366-367 Reduvius novenarius, '08, 822 Resplendent shield bearer, Copto- disca splendoriferella, '21, 198 Reticulitermes flavipes (Termes, Leucotermes), '21, 200; '22,365, 366; '23, 237; '25, 230 Retinospora ericoides, '13, 230 Rhabdophaga salicis, '22, 284, 370- 37i Rhagoletis pomonella (Trypeta), '05, 260; '16, 138; '17, 358; '21, 120; '22, 275; '23, 231; '25, 222 Rhamphomyia brevis, '05, 212 nana, '05, 211 Rhizobius ventralis, '21, 180 Rhizoglyphus hyacinthi (echino- pus), '15, 190; '19, 117, 127 Rhodites gracilis, '15, 184 radicum, '01, 237 rosae, '04, 210 Rhododendron, '13, 231; '14, 117, 125, 126; '15, 93, 94 borer, Sesia rhododendri, '22, 278, 347-351; '23, 237 7°4 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 28l Rhododendron lace bug, Lepto- byrsa rhododendri (explanata), '10, 708-709; '21, 200-201 Rhopalicus suspensus, '19, 151 Rhopalomyia grossulariae, '13, 254- 255 Rhopalosiphum violae, Myzus vi- olae, '03, 216 Rhopobota vacciniana, '02, 111 Rhyssematus lineaticollis, '24, 336 Ribes nigrum, '05, 209, 213 oxyacanthoides, '05, 209, 210, 221 rubrum, '05, 209, 211; '20, 203 Rice weevil, Calendra oryzae, '06, 279; '17, 335, 344 Roach, American, Periplaneta americana, '21, 188 German, Blatella germanica, '21, 188-189; '25, 229 Robber fly, Erax bastardi, '03, 221 Romaleum atromarium, '03, 221 Root, hairy, '15, 93 maggot, cabbage. See Cabbage maggot Rosa Carolina, '15, 183 rubiginosa, '15, 93; '16, 78 Rose aphid, Nectarophora rosae, '04, 208 chafer, Macrodactylus subspino- sus, '05, 258, 259; '06, 300; '12, 216; ' 16, 111-115; '17, 357; '18, 342; '22, 276, 374- 375; '23, 231 green, Euphoria aurata, '09, 374 gall, mossy, Rhodites rosae, '04, 210 wild, Rhodites gracilis, '15, 183-184 leaf beetle, Nodonota puncticol- lis, '08, 845; '23, 236 folder, Archips rosana, '13, 185, 223-226; '15, 185 hopper, Empoa (Typhlocyba) rosae, '04, 208; '20, 172, 173; '23, 231 midge, Dasyneura rhodophaga, '22, 372 scale, Aulacaspis rosae, '02, 109, 113; '03, 217, 219; '05, 241, 256; '06, 297; '13, 188, 241, 242 stem borer, Adirus trimaculatus, '22, 372 girdler, Agrilus viridis var. fagi, '25, 325 Rosy apple aphid. See Apple aphid, rosy Round-headed apple borer. See Apple borer, round-headed Rubus nigrobaccus, '05, 209, 220 strigosus, '05, 209, 220 Rudbeckia aphid, Nectarophora rudbeckiae, '03, 220; '04, 209 Rumex, '18, 320 Rush salt grass, '04, 289 Rust on juniper, '11, 274; '13, 188, 194 Rust-red flour beetle, Tribolium ferrugineum, '17, 334, 343 Rusty tussock moth, Notolophus (Hemerocampa) antiqua, '06, 235, 298; '14, 126 Sacbrood or pickled brood, '11, 276; '12, 224; '13, 197; '14, 129; '15, 97, 99; '16, 83; '17, 246; '18, 266; '19, 134; '20, 150; '21, 131; '22, 290; '23, 252; '24, 253; '25 249 Saddleback caterpillar, Sibine (Em- pretia) stimulea, '01, 239, 273; '02, 112, 113; '03, 221; '04, 210; '05, 257; '14, 188 Saddled prominent, Heterocampa guttivitta, '18, 343-344 Saissetia filicum (hemisphaerica), '04, 206, 207; '05, 239; '06, 297; '14, 125 nigra, '15, 94 Salicornia herbacea, '15, 172 Salt marsh area in Connecticut, '12, 261-263 ' caterpillar, Estigmene acraea, '18, 342 grasses, '04, 288-290; '15, 172- 179 Samia cecropia, '02, 108, 112; '04, 211; '05, 257; '06, 299 San Jose scale, Aspidiotus pernici- osus, '01, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240-261; '02, 100, 101, 103, 106, 108, 109, no, 112, 113, 114-125, 130-138; '03, 216,217, 221, 222, 223, 233-257, 258, 275, 276, 278; '04, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 221-253; '05, 196-207, 242-243, 256; '06, 279-291, 298; '08, 768; '10, 658, 665, 691-692; 'n, 268; '12, 217; '13, 187, 254; '14, 119, 188; '15, 182, 184; '21, 120; '22, 276, 329-331; '23, 231; '24, 286; '25, 223, 238 Discovery and distribution in Connecticut, '01, 240-241 Sanninoidea exitiosa. See Synan- thedon exitiosa INDEX TO REPORTS OF STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 705 Saperda calcarata, '07, 336 Candida (bivittata), '03, 274, 275; '04, 208; '05, 258; '07, 333-334 concolor var. unicolor, '18, 347 vestita, '13, 256; '15, 186 Sarcophaga helicis, '05, 212, 217, 223 Sawfly on arbor-vitae, Monoctenus juniperinus, '24, 336 ash, '04, 217 birch, '02, 177; '24, 236 cherry, '05, 258; '06, 306 honeysuckle, Abia americana, '24, 236, 341 rudbeckia, Macrophya simil- lima, '24, 342; '25, 323-324 Saw-toothed grain beetle, Silvanus surinamensis, '17, 334-335, 34*> 344 . Sayomyia americana, '04, 271 Scale insects of Connecticut, '05, 234-245 Scalecide, '06, 222, 281, 285, 286, 287, 289, 290; '07, 282 Scambus conquisitor (Pimpla), '13, 228; '16, 109 inquisitoriellus (inquisitor), '02, 144; '16, 109 marginatus (annulipes), '16, 109 Scatophaga stercoraria, '05, 211, 212, 213, 215, 218, 223 Schedius kuvanae, '17, 250; '21, 143; '22, 314, 315; '24, 270, 271 Schizomyia pomum, '16, 146 Schizoneura americana (Eriosoma), '03, 219; '04, 208; '05, 255; '06, 297 lanigera. Now Eriosoma lani- gerum, '03, 217; '06, 297; '11, 343-344; '13, 188; '24, 232, 286, 308-311 pinicola, '05, 255 Schizotetranychus schizopus, '22, 339-340 Schizura concinna (CEdemasia), 'oi, 238, 274; '02, 112; '05, 257; '06, 298; '12, 216; '17, 329-330, 358; '23, 232; '25, 220 unicornis, '03, 220; '18, 343 Schmitt boxes, '03', 202 Schreineria zeuzerae, '11, 328 Sciadopitys verticillata, '15, 140 Sciara ocellaris (Cecidomyia), '04, 207 Scirpus, '15, 146 Sclerotina fuckliana, '14, 125 Scolia manilae, '22, 346; '23, 293 Scolytus quadrispinosus (caryae) (Eccoptogaster), 'oi, 267-270; '02, 169; '03, 278; '11, 341; '13, 237; '14, 198 rugulosus, '02, in, 112; '03, 220, 221, 222; '05, 258; '06, 299; '13, 188 Scopelosoma moffatiana. See Co- nistra indirecta Scudderia curvicauda, '05, 255 furcata, '14, 187; '19, 200 septentrionalis, '06, 274 texensis, '06, 274 Scurfy scale, Chionaspis furfura, '01, 236, 237, 238, 239; '02, 108, 109, no, in, 112, 113; '03, 216, 217, 222, 225-229; '04, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211; '05, 240, 256; '06, 297; '12, 217; '13, 188; '25, 223 Scutigera forceps, '01, 239; '03, 222; '23, 236 Searcher, Calosoma scrutator, 'oi, 237; '06, 252, 262, 300; '08, 786; '14, 167; '17, 323 Seed corn maggot. See Corn mag- got _ Selandria cerasi, '03, 274 obsoletum, '07, 286 Senator moth, Anisota senatoria, '02, 112, 175; '03, 221; '05, 257; '06, 299 Sepsis violacea, '05, 212, 215 Sesia acerni. See Synanthedon acerni pyri, '20, 211 rhododendri, '22, 278, 347-351; '23. 237 _ tipuliformis, '03, 272 Setaria glauca, '18, 320 italica, '18, 320 Seventeen-year locust, Tibicen sep- tendecim, 'n, 296-305; '20, 211 Sheep bot, Oestrus ovis, '20, 213 Shell-bark hickory, '12, 247 Shield bearer, resplendent, Copto- disca splendoriferella, '21, 198 Shot-hole borer, Scolytus rugulo- sus, '13, 188 Shrimps and mosquito larvae, '04, 307 Sibine stimulea (Empretia), '01, 2 39, 273; '02, 112, 113; '03, 221; '04, 210; '05, 257; '14, 188 Silk worm, American, Telea poly- phemus, '04, 210; '05, 257; '06, 299 Silvanus surinamensis, '09, 365; '17, 334-335 706 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 28l Silver fish, Thermobia domestica, '16, 139-140 -striped webworm, Crambus praefectellus, '19, 183-185; '24, 233 Sinuate pear borer. See Pear borer, sinuate Sisymbrium officinale, '14, 146 Sisyropa, '16, no Sitodrepa panicea, '01, 236; '06, 279; 'i7, 334; '19. 128: '21, 194; '25, 230 Sitotroga cerealella, '17, 337-338 Skeletonizer, apple and thorn. See Apple and thorn skeletonizer birch leaf. See Birch bucculatrix Slug caterpillar, '02, 112 Slugs, garden, '18, 333-336 Smerinthus jamaicensis, '06, 299 Smicra albifrons (Chalcis), '14, 168 Smilax rotundifolia, '14, 183 sp., '16, 113 Sminthurus hortensis, '22, 376-377 Snapdragon injured by mite, '14, 176-178 Snout beetles, '13, 232, 238 Snow-white linden moth, En- nomos subsignarius, '08, 842 Snowy tree cricket, CEcanthus ni- veus, *oi, 237, 277; '02, 109 Soap as insecticide, '01, 253, 271, 272; '02, 114, 115, 125, 162; '03, 232 whale oil, '01, 247, 251; '02, 122, 161; '03, 232 Soft scale, Coccus hesperidum, '05, 237; '13, 194; '14, 125 Solanum tuberosum, '18, 320 Soldier beetle, Telephorus caroli- nus, '03, 222 bug, Euschistus servus, '14, 167; '17, 323 bordered, Stiretrus anchorago, '21, 174 spined, Podisus maculiventris (spinosus), '08, 769, 822; '21, 174 Solidago sempervirens, '08, 844 Soluble oil, '07, 282; '08, 837, 840 Sorrel leaf-miner, Pegomyia ca- lyptrata, '22, 369-370 Sour gum leaf-miner, Antispila nyssaefoliella, '22, 369 Southern corn root worm. See Corn root worm, Southern Span worm, currant, Cymatophora ribearia, '10, 710 lime-tree, Erannis tiliaria, '15, 184; '24, 231, 311-314 Spartina glabra pilosa, '15, 172 patens (juncea), '04, 289; '15, 146, 172 strict a, '04, 289 Spathius brachyrus, '19, 151 Sphaerophoria cylindrica, '17, 299 Spharagemon saxatile, '05, 255 Sphecius speciosus, 'n, 303 Sphecodina abbotti (Thyreus), '02, 111; '06, 299 Sphenophorus sculptilis, '14, 189 Sphinx chersis, '06, 299 drupiferarum, '06, 299 luscitiosa, '04, 208 Spike grass, '12, 265 Spilocryptus incubitor, '15, 131 sp., '18, 303 Spilosoma virginica. See Diacrisia virginica Spinach or green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, '15, 191; '16, 99, 104; '17, 293; '25, 222, 327 leaf-miner or maggot, Pegomyia hyoscyami (vicina), '02, 174; '21, 162; '24, 233; '25, 226 Spinacia oleracea, '18, 320 Spined tobacco bug, Euschistus variolarius, '06, 264, 274-275 Spiny elm caterpillar. See Elm caterpillar, spiny oak-worm, Anisota stigma, '02, 175-176 Spiraea, '01, 245, 246; '14, 126 Spirobolus marginatus, '03, 218 Spittle insects, '13, 255; '22, 272; '24, 307-308 parallel, Aphrophora parallela, '16, 125-126 Split worm, Phthorimaea opercu- lella, '06, 277 Sporotrichum globuliferum (ento- mophilum), '08, 821 Spotted lady beetle, Ceratomegilla (Megilla) fuscilabris (macu- lata), '04, 206; '06, 300; '17, 298; '19, 158; '21, 169, 174 Spray formulas, '01, 248, 249, 253; '04, 224, 240-247; '05, 196-197, 205 Spraying costs, '03, 235; '05, 205- 206 elm trees, '09, 334-335 experiments, '01, 252-261; '20, 168- ^n\ ' 2 3, 267-274; '24, 286-294; '25, 272-278 INDEX TO REPORTS OF STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 707 Springtails, '10, 712; '22, 376-377 Spruce bud louse or gall aphid, Chermes abietis, '02, no; '03, 222; '04, 207; '05, 255; '06, 297, 302-303; '13, 188; '16, 139; '22, 357-359; '23, 240-241; '24, 238; '25, 228, 237 • moth, Tortrix fumiferana, '12, 291-292; '13, 251 leaf-miner, Recurvaria picea- ella, '23, 235, 311 mite, Paratetranychus unun- guis, '22, 273, 338, 340-342; '25, 229, 237 Squash aphid, Nectarophora cucur- bitae, '08, 805, 814 borer, Melittia satyriniformis, '08, 805, 806-807; '16, 116-118; '23, 233; '25, 224 bug, Anasa tristis, '08, 805, 811- 813; '16, 116; '17, 357; '23, 233; '25, 226 lady beetle, Epilachna borealis, '01, 238; '03, 217; '08, 805, 810- 811 Squirrels injuring elms, '02, 163- 164 Stag beetle, Lucanus dama, '06, 300 Stagmomantis Carolina, '08, 822; '17, 323 Stalk borer, Papaipema nitela, '04, 208; '05, 257; '06, 277; '14, 195- 196; '18, 318, 346-347; '19. 180- 183; '20, 196, 210; '21, 194;' '22, 276; '23, 232; '24, 233; '25, 224 Statice limonium var. carolinianum, 'IS, 172 Stegomyia fasciata, '04, 259 Stenolophus skrimshiranus, '18, 262 Stiretrus anchorago, '21, 174 Stratiomyia discalis, '05, 214 Strawberry, '05, 209, 220; '12, 295 crown borer, Tyloderma fra- gariae, '12, 295 girdler, Otiorhynchus ovatus, '09, 370-372; '13, 231 flea beetle, Altica (Haltica) ignita, '02, 112; '22, 369; '24, 338 leaf roller, Ancylis (Phoxop- teris) comptana, '02, in; '03, 220, 278 root borer or root worm, Typho- phorus (Paria) canellus, '04, 215-216; '15, 186 sawfly, Empria (Emphytus, Har- piphorus) maculata, '02, no; '03, 218; '05, 258 weevil, Anthonomus signatus, '08, 846 white fly, Asterochiton (Aley- rodes) packardi, '14, 188 Striped crioceris, Diatrotica vittata, '17, 263 cucumber beetle. See Cucumber beetle, striped Strongylogaster pinguis, '06, 300, 306 Sturmia nidicola (Zygobothria), '17, 250; '20, 164; '22, 316 Suck fly, Dicyphus minimus, '06, 277 Sucking dog louse, Haematopinus piliferus, '16, 142 Sulphide of potash, '03, 255 Sulphuretted hydrogen, '07, 275, 277 Sulphur flour, '03, 254 flowers, '03, 254 Surekill, '06, 222, 281, 285, 287, 289, 290 Sycamore aphid, Lachnus platani- cola, '06, 297 Synanthedon acerni (Sesia), '22, 353, 355-357 exitiosa (Sanninoidea), '03, 217, 221; '09, 359-362; '13, 188; '21, 120; '22, 331-333; '23, 276-277 Synchlora glaucaria, '02, 112 Synhalonia atriventris, '05, 210, 217 Syntomaspis druparum, '21, 121, 199 Syntomosphyrum esurus, '17, 323 Syritta pipiens, '05, 219 Syrphid flies, '03, 262; '17, 298, 299; '25, 326-327 Syrphus americana, '17, 299 torvus, '25, 326-327 sp., '19, 158 Systena taeniata, '15, 183 Tabanus atratus, '05, 257 Tachina clisiocampae, '16, no larvarum, '06, 259 mella, '10, 680; '16, no sp., '17, 323 Tachinid flies, '12, 258, 286; '13, 222, 226, 228; '18, 321 Tachydromia pusilla, '05, 218, 219, 223 Tarache erastrioides, '05, 257 Tarnished plant bug, Lygus pra- tensis, '04, 209, 210, 218-219; '05, 256; '06, 276; '13, 256; '16, 140-141; '23, 231; '25, 226 Target brand scale destroyer, '07, 282 708 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 28l Tarred paper disks, '08, 835-837; '14, 147-150 Tarsonemus pallidus, '12, 296; '14, 176-179; '21, 196; '23, 237 Taxus cuspidata var. brevifolia, '13, 230-232 Telea polyphemus, '04, 210; '05, 257; '06, 299 Telenomus bifidus, '17, 323 graptae, '06, 262 heliothidis, '21, 169 ' orgyiae, '16, no Telephorus bilineatus, '05, 218 carolinus, '03, 222 Tenebrio molitor, '17, 331; '19, 128 obscurus, '17, 332 Tenebroides mauritanicus, '05, 252; '16, 144; '17, 332 Tenodera sinensis (Paratenodera), '13, 194 Tent caterpillar, apple. See Apple tent caterpillar egg contest, '14, 179-180 European. See European lackey moth Forest. See Forest tent cater- pillar Tent-maker, poplar. See Mocha- stone moth Tenuipalpus lineola, '22, 339 Terastichus, '05, 230 Termes flavipes. See Leuco- termes flavipes Termites or white ants, Reticuli- termes flavipes, '09, 373-374; '14, 196-197; '15, 187; '16, 143- 144; '21, 200; '22, 365-366; '23, 237; '25, 230 Terrapin scale, Lecanium nigrofas- ciatum, '05, 238, 255; '06, 297; '21, 183-185 Tessellated tussock moth, Halisi- dota tessellaris, '03, 222; '08, 843; '17, 325-326, 358 Tetralopha robustella (diluculella), '18, 349-350 Tetranychus bicolor, '06, 234, 300, 305-306; '08, 770 bimaculatus, '12, 296; '20, 184 bioculatus, Tenuipalpus lineola, '22, 339 populi, '22, 339 salicicola, '22, 339 telarius, '03, 216; '04, 209, 210 Tetrastichus asparagi, '21, 174 xanthomelaenae, '08, 821-822 Thalessa atrata, '03, 219; '04, 208; '06, 300 lunator, '06, 300 Thea japonica, '15, 140 Thermobia domestica, '16, 139-140 Theronia fulvescens, '16, no Thirteen-spotted lady beetle, Hip- podamia xiii-punctata, '17, 298 Thistle butterfly, Vanessa cardui, '05, 260 Thread scale, Ischnaspis longiros- tris, '05, 245 Three-lined potato beetle. See Po- tato beetle, three-lined Thrips tabaci (allii), '03, 213, 266- 268; '06, 277, 297; '13, 233-235; '24, 234, 320; '25, 226 grass, Anaphothrips striatus, '19, 190 on corn, '19, 189-190 grape, '03, 274 tobacco, Euthrips nicotianae, '06, 277 Thyreus abbotti. See Sphecodina abbotti Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis, '02, 108, no; '06, 298; '07, 337- 338; '23, 232; '24, 338 Thysanurids in seeds, '10, 711 Thysbe clear-wing, Hemaris thys- be, '06, 299 Tibicen septendecim, '11, 296-305 Tinea granella, '06, 234, 294-295, 305; 'i7, 338 pellionella, '22, 337-338 sp., '03, 218 Tineola biselliella, '05, 256; '25, 230 Tip borer, Olethreutes hebesana, '18,348-349 Tischeria malifoliella, '02, 112; '06, 234, 298; '07, 267; '08, 768 Tmetocera ocellana, '09, 353-355; '10, 659; '11, 267; '20, 176, 210; '22, 275; '25, 220 Tobacco bud worm, Chloridea vi- rescens, '09, 367-368 bug, spined, Euschistus variola- rius, '06, 264, 274-275 flea-beetle, Epitrix parvula, '06, 272 for fumigating, '02, 160-161 insects, '03, 210; '05, 193-194; '06, 263-279 key to injuries, '06, 263-264 leaf miner, Phthorimaea (Gele- chia) operculella, '06, 277 stalk weevil, Trichobaris muco- rea, '06, 277 thrips, Euthrips nicotianae, '06, 277 INDEX TO REPORTS OF STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 709 worms, Northern, Phlegethon- tius quinquemaculata, '06, 264, 269-271 Southern, Phlegethontius sexta, '06, 269-271, 299 Tolype velleda, '06, 298; '12, 293- 294 Tomato worms, '02, 112; '04, 210; '06, 269-271 Tomostethus inhabilis, '24, 342; '25, 323-324 Tortoise beetle, '02, no, ill; '03, 219; '24, 233 Tortrix albicomana, '15, 189; '18, 343 fumiferana, '12, 291-292; '13, 251 quercifoliana, '23, 234; '24, 235; 336 Toumeyella liriodendri, '12, 217. 294-295; '13, 188; '14, 187; '18, 256; '21, 176-178; '25, 227 Toxoptera graminum, '25, 278 Trachandrena claytoniae, '05, 214, 216, 217, 218, 220 crataegi, '05, 210, 212, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222 forbesii, '05, 210, 212, 214, 216, 218 hippotes, '05, 216, 217 Tree cricket, '06, 297 hopper, buffalo. See Buffalo tree hopper Tremex columba, '02, 113; '22, 353 Triaena plebeja, '19, 125 Tribolium confusum, '17, 334 ferrugineum, '17, 334 Trichiocampus viminalis, '13, 256 Trichobaris mucorea, '06, 277 trinotata, '06, 277 Trichodectes latus, '24, 236, 336 Trichogramma minutum, '18, 303; '21, 169; '23, 287 Triodonta curvipes, '05, 214, 217, 223 Triphleps insidiosus, '21, 169 Trirhabda canadensis, '08, 844-845 Troctes divinatorius, '17, 339 Trogoderma tarsale, '17, 338 Trombidium sericeum, '02, in sp., '14, 146 Tropidia quadrata, '05, 219 Trybliographa, '14, 146 Tulip tree leaf gall, Cecidomyia liriodendri, '06, 299 scale, Toumeyella liriodendri, '01, 238, 277; '02, 108, in, 112, 113; '03, 216, 218; '04, 207, 211; '05, 239; '06, 297; '12, 294-295; '13, 188; '14, 187; '21, 176-178; '25, 227 Tupelo leaf miner, Antispila nys- saefoliella, '22, 278, 369 Turnip aphid, Aphis pseudobras- sicae, '16, 98-104, 137; '17, 358; '19, 197; '21, 122; '22, 276, 346- 347; '23, 232; '24, 234; '25, 226 Tussock moth, '13, 223, 253 hickory, Halisidota caryae, '01, 239; '06, 298; '07, 332; '08, 842-843; '17, 325-326, 358 rusty, Notolophus antiqua, '06, 235, 298; '14, 126; '24, 245; '25, 246 tessellated, Halisidota tessel- laris, '03, 222; '08, 843; '17, 325-326, 358 white-marked, Hemerocampa leucostigma, '05, 230-234; '06, 235, 208; '12, 216; '13, 253; '16, 105-111; '17, 237, 325,326, 357; '19, 197 Twelve-spotted asparagus beetle. See Asparagus beetle, 12- spotted Twice-stabbed lady beetle, Chiloco- rus bivulnerus, '01, 236; '02, in, 127-128; '03, 220; '05, 258; '06, 300; '09, 351; '19, 158; '21, 180 Twig borers, Oberea tripunctata, '17, 360 Two-spotted lady beetle, Adalia bi- punctata, '02, 107, 109; '03, 262, 265; '05, 211, 213, 215, 216, 218, 258; '06, 300; '17, 298; '19, 158 Tyloderma foveolatum, '17, 361 fragariae, '12, 195 Typhlocyba comes, '04, 216-217 rosae. See Empoa rosae Typhoea fumata, '19, 128 Typophorus canellus (Paria), '04, 211, 215-216; '15, 186-187 Tyroglyphus farinae, '19, 198 longior, '06, 300 sp., '17, 339 Uhler's plant bug, Halictus citri (uhleri), '04. 211 Unicorn caterpillar, Schizura uni- cornis, '03, 220; '18, 343 Uranotes melinus, '19, 202 Vanessa antiopa, '03, 219; '05, 257. See Euvanessa antiopa cardui, '05, 260 Variegated cutworm, Peridroma saucia, '01, 261-264 Vegetable insects, tests in control. '13, 232-237 710 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 28l Vespa crabro, '01, 239, 276; '05, 258; '06, 300; '16, 144; '20, 214 diabolica, '05, 215, 217 germanica (Vespula), '05, 213; '20, 144 maculata, '05, 217 Viburnum, '14, 126 Vine fretter, '03, 274 weevil, black. See Otiorhynchus sulcatus Violet aphid, brown, Rhopalo- siphum violae, '03, 216 gall-midge, Phytophaga violi- cola, '21, 152-156 sawfly, Emphytus canadensis, '05, 258 -tip butterfly, Polygonia interro- gations, '14, 187 Virgin moth, Diacrisia (Spilosoma) virginica, '03, 218; '05, 257; '06, 298 Walking stick, Diapheromera fem- orata, '02, 112 Walnut bud moth, Acrobasis caryae, '12, 253-258; '24, 336 caterpillar, Datana integerrima, 'or, 275; '05, 257; '06, 298; '14, 191; '16, 140; '17, 326-328, 358; '23, 235 curculio or weevil, Conotrache- lus juglandis, '12, 213, 240-253; '13, 186 English, '12, 243 Japanese, '12, 243 Persian, '12, 253, 254 Wax moth, Galleria mellonella, '01, 236 Webworm, corn. See Corn web- worm fall. See Fall webworm Western corn rootworm. See Corn rootworm, Western West Indian peach scale. See Peach scale, West Indian Wheat midge, Contarinia tritici, '17, 357, 366-367 Wheel bug, Prionidus cristatus, '09, 351 ; '17, 323 White ants. See Termites arsenic, '03, 275 blast of onions, '03, 266-268 blotch oak leaf-miner, Lithocol- letis hamadryadella, '05, 256; '19, 203 fly, Aleyrodes vaporariorum, '01, 238, 271, 272; '02, III, 112, 113, 148-163; '03, 216, 223; '05, 255; '06, 264, 275-276; '08, 806, 815; '14, 125 strawberry, Asterochiton pack- ardi, '14, 188 grubs. See Grubs, white -marked tussock moth. See Tus- sock moth, white-marked pine weevil. See Pine weevil, white scale, Aspidiotus hederae, '05, 242, 256 Whitewash, '03, 239, 241, 243, 244, 245, 248, 249, 250, 256 Willow curculio, Cryptorhynchus lapathi, '07, 335 sawfly, Cimbex americana, '06, 300; '12, 294; '23, 242 ! Winthemia quadripustulata, '12, 286; '14, 167, 168, 170; '16, no, 122; '21, 169 Wireworms, '06, 263, 268-269; '14, 156, 157, 185, 186; '17, 357; '19, 190; '21, 163-165; '23, 232; '25, 227, 312-314 Eastern field, Limonius agonus, '25. 312-314 Woolly aphis, '03, 217, 218, 219; '04, 207 Xantholinus cephalus, '05, 215 Xenoglossa pruinosa, '06, 300 Xiphidium brevipenne, '06, 274 fasciatum, '06, 274 Xyleborus caelatus, '05, 258 celsus, '03, 222, 278 dispar, '04, 207; '16, 140 pyri, '02, in Xylocopa virginica, '05, 217, 222 Xylina, '16, 139 Xylophasia arctica, '04, 209 Xylota ejuncida, '05, 216 Yellow-necked caterpillar, Datana ministra, '01, 239, 274-275; '02, 112; '05, 257; '06V298; '12, 216; '14, 191; '17, 328-329, 358 Ypsolophus. See Dichomeris mar- ginellus Zea mays, '18, 320 Zebra caterpillar, Mamestra picta, '04, 208; '05, 257; '19, 191 Zeuzera - '09, 3I7-— 199; '24, 235 Zinc arsenite on potatoes, '14, 190 Zizania aquatica, '15, 146 Zodion fulvifrons, '05, 214 Zygobothria nidicola. See Sturmia nidicola University of Connecticut Libraries 39153028954339