f w ^HsS^ KmgJ m ^ ^ ^^B| m B ll i^^^Bj 8 ^B ■ R i^SS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/adirondackbiblioOOadir ADIRONDACK BIBLIOGRAPHY ADIRONDACK PARK and Region Covered by ADIRONDACK BIBLIOGRAPHY Adirondack Mountain Club, Inc. Region Covered by the Adirondack Bibliography ADIRONDACK BIBLIOGRAPHY A List of Books, Pamphlets and Periodical Articles Published Through the Tear 1955 Compiled by the Bibliography Committee oj the ' *-'ShAv?Y ADIRONDACK MOUNTAIN CLUB Dorothy A. Plum, Chairman Lynette L. Scribner, Vice-Chairman ADIRONDACK MOUNTAIN CLUB, INC Gabriels, N. T. 1958 © 1958 by the Adirondack Mountain Club, Inc. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 58-6822 First edition, 1958 Distributed by New York University Press, Washington Square, New York Manufactured in the United States of America ^ PREFACE The compilers of this Ust have often felt that there were no truer words than ■^^those of Ecclesiastes: "Of making many books there is no end." What started some eight years ago as an attempt to "bring Donaldson up to date" has turned into the making of a regional bibliography covering one-fifth of the state of New York. The term "Adirondack" has various meanings. In this bibliography it indicates the region included in the Adirondack State Park and the western Champlain valley; in a few cases areas just outside the Park line, such as Trenton Falls, have been included. Material relating to the French settlements is also \ \ listed. The literature of the Adirondacks knows no exact geographical boundary. In general the items contained in the Adirondack Bibliography are printed. >^ But since much important material has appeared in doctoral and master's dissertations, many of which are in typescript, an exception has been made in their case. A few local histories published in mimeograph have also been included. The members of the Bibliography Committee have tried to find as many as possible of the vast number of books, pamphlets and periodical articles relating to the North Country that have been issued through the year 1955. No attempt has been made to list newspaper articles — we leave that to another committee — though several newspaper columns relating to the Adirondacks ^ are included as an addendum to the list of periodicals about the region, ■o"^ For convenience of use a long bibliography should be broken down into ^^ various categories and fully indexed. The special classification devised for this *\ volume is complemented by a detailed index. It should be noted that some topics appear in several divisions. Articles about deer, for instance, may be found under "conservation," under "zoology," and under "hunting," depend- ing on the content of the article. An examination of the table of contents will furnish the clue to the order of subjects. Arrangement by date rather than by alphabetical order is indicated by a note at the beginning of the section. The ' index should be used to bring together related topics and scattered references. /y. It has been difficult, in some cases, to decide what should be omitted. John (^ Brown, the liberator, is the subject of many volumes, but do they all belong in A an Adirondack bibliography? After examining a long list of references the , Committee felt that only material relating to his life at North Elba, and a standard biography, should be included. Reviews appearing in periodicals relating to the Adirondacks have been listed; no search has been made for other reviews. One of the pleasures of preparing this bibliography has been the opportunity to examine special Adirondack libraries. The Committee is grateful to the following persons who allowed us free access to their collections: Russell M. L. vi PREFACE Carson, Harry W. Hicks, Grace L. Hudowalski, George Marshall, Orra A. Phelps, Marjorie L. Porter, Paul Schaefer and Donald Van Brakle. Book dealers, too, have been generous with advice. We are particularly indebted to James Howgate, Harmon Lockrow and John Skinner. Probably the largest library collection on the Adirondacks is in the Saranac Lake Free Library. The nucleus of the collection is the personal library of Alfred L. Donaldson, listed in the second volume of his History of the Adirondacks. In addition to the large number of printed items, noted here, the library con- tains important manuscripts and letters. A smaller group of Adirondackana, about fifty books and pamphlets, several of them unique, came from the library of Kenneth Goldthwaite and were presented to the Saranac Lake Free Library by his son, Eaton Goldthwaite. An extensive collection, gathered by Mr. and Mrs. William Munson, was acquired through the efforts of the late William Chapman White, who raised funds for its purchase. The Munson Collection includes more than five hundred books and pamphlets, a large number of photo- graphs, maps and scrapbooks of clippings. An important addition was made to the map collection with the purchase of forty-five rare early eighteenth-century maps. The Library's Adirondack collection is growing steadily. Several hun- dred additional books, pamphlets and periodicals have been purchased through memorial funds or added by gift. The most recent acquisition in this field is the fine Robert Louis Stevenson Collection of the late Dr. Lawrason Brown, presented by friends in memory of Mr. William Morris. At Keene Valley the Historical Society maintains a center for local history. Its book collection, the Loomis Collection, contains over four hundred volumes and is housed in the Keene Valley Public Library. The books are supplemented by scrapbooks of clippings, picture files, typescripts of family histories and reminiscences, church and cemetery records and other valuable source mate- rial for the history of the Valley. Contributions are made by summer and winter residents. At Port Henry the Sherman Free Library has important coUettions on the area. In 1950 it received, through the will of Warner McLaughlin, its Adiron- dack Book Collection, consisting of over fifteen hundred books and pamphlets on the Adirondacks and northern Vermont. Many rare guidebooks are included. The Library also has part of the McLaughlin stamp collection with numerous stampless covers and postmarks of northern New York. In addition. Port Henry has the Frank S. Witherbee Collection, established in 1910, an outgrowth of Mr. Witherbee's interest and activities in connection with the Champlain Ter- centenary. This collection contains one hundred and thirty-three items and is especially strong on the history of the mining industry. An Adirondack center in the making is the newly established Adirondack Museum at Blue Mountain Lake. Several large collections have been purchased to start its library, as yet not organized. No list of library resources would be complete without mention of the New York State Historical Association's Headquarters House library at Ticonderoga and the special historical collection in the Crandall Library at Glens Falls. The Committee is particularly grateful to Mr. Frederick T. Kelsey, who PREFACE vii made possible the examination of the important source material in the files of the Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks. The following members of the faculty of Vassar College helped with the classification: Gladys E. Baker, John L. George, Madelene Pierce and Scott Warthin. Librarians in charge of special collections have all been interested and helpful. Their cooperation has been a big factor in the making of the Bibliography. Thanks are also due to the following: the Audubon Society Library; the Engineering Societies Library; the New York Public Library; the New York State Library; the State Univer- sity College of Forestry Library; Vassar College Library; Yale University Library. We know that this compilation is incomplete. Just today a fellow enthusiast sent a note of the following advertisement from the Essex County Times & Westport Herald of March 22, 1843: "Bishop's Trial together with his Life and Confession, as dictated by himself, for sale at this office. Priced 123^ cents. Peddlars supplied at a dollar per dozen." C. Eleanor Hall, who sent the note, says that Bishop was a murderer who was hanged at Elizabeth town in 1843. She has never seen a copy of the pamphlet. We hope this compilation is reasonably free from error. It is our plan to issue yearly supplements to the Bibliography in the Club periodical, The Ad-i-ron-dac, with a cumulation at some future date. Corrections and addenda will be welcome and will be included in the yearly supplements. This work could not have been compiled without the members of the Bib- liography Committee. It could not have been published without the generous support of Club members, under the able chairmanship of Borden H. Mills, Sr., who headed the Bibliography Fund drive. April 9, 1957 Dorothy A. Plum, Editor Members of the Committee on the Adirondack Bibliography Frances Cregan Grace Curtis Ernest Cushing Margaret MacCormack P. Schuyler Miller Dorothy A. Plum George Roach Dorothy J. Sickels Frances Denniston Dorothy Candlyn Marion Hemstreet Helen James Lynette Scribner Marian Wilkinson Russell M. L. Carson Hortense Richardson Laura Greene George Marshall Erica Schinn Dorothy Johnson Arthur Newkirk Ruth Worthington Albany Chapter 1949-50 New York Chapter 1949-50 Member at large 1949-50 Keene Valley Chapter 1949 Bouquet River Lodge Chapter 1949-date Mid-Hudson Chapter 1949-date Mid-Hudson Chapter 1949 Hurricane Chapter 1949 Keene Valley Chapter 1949-51 New York Chapter 1949-50 Albany Chapter 1949-date Albany Chapter 1949-50 New York Chapter 1 949-date Mid-Hudson Chapter 1949-date Adirondak Loj Chapter 1950-date Member at large 1950 Albany Chapter 1951-date Member at large 1951-date Member at large 1951 New York Chapter 1953-date Bouquet River Lodge Chapter 1953-date Saranac Lake Chapter 1953-date CONTENTS Preface TntmHiir'tiri'n V Xlll ADIRONDACK PRESERVE (Cont.) XlitlUU.Ll^l,lUll 1938-1955 77 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK Constitutional conventions and REGION 3 amendments affecting the Forest Bibliography 3 Preserve 82 General history 3 Litigation 84 French settlements, etc. 6 Conservation 89 French and Indian wars 7 Forestry and fire protection 90 The Revolution 9 Fish and game 99 The War of 1812 12 Fish 103 Archaeology 13 Bear 104 Aborigines 14 Beaver 105 Indian legends 14 Deer 106 Local history 16 Elk 112 The Champlain Valley 17 Moose 112 The Hudson 20 Soil and water conservation 113 Lakes and streams 21 Ausable Chasm 24 NATURAL HISTORY 120 Lake George 24 General 120 Mountains and passes 26 Entomology 122 Mount Marcy 26 Geology 124 Other mountains and passes 27 The Champlain and Hudson valleys 131 Counties 28 Other localities 133 Cities and villages 3U Mineralogy 137 Lake Placid 30 Plant science 141 Plattsburgh 31 General 141 Saranac Lake 32 Fungi 141 Ticonderoga 33 Lichens and mosses 142 Other cities and villages 35 Ferns 143 Flowering plants 143 GEOGRAPHY 39 Trees and shrubs 145 General 39 Zoology 146 Exploration, description and travel 39 General 146 The Adirondack and State Land surveys 46 Fish 146 Other surveys 48 Amphibians and reptiles 147 Guidebooks 50 Birds 147 Gazetteers 54 Mammals 151 Atlases 55 General 151 Place names 56 Bear 153 Beaver 154 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE, Deer 154 THE ADIRONDACK PARK, Wolves 156 CONSERVATION 58 General and historical 58 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC 1872-1884 59 HISTORY 157 1885-1894 60 Commerce and industry 157 1895-1914 64 General 157 1915-1937 71 Arts and crafts 158 CONTENTS SOCIAL HISTORY (Cont.) Forestry and lumbering Mining General Iron Garnet Other minerals Special locations Maclntyre development Mineville and Port Henry Republic Steel Corporation Agriculture Resorts and hotels Communications, transportation and public works Canals Railroads The Adirondack Company Northern Railroad Sacket's Harbor and Saratoga Railroad Other railroads Roads and bridges Steamboats and other carriers Life and manners Folklore and ballads Printing and publishing Periodicals relating to the Adirondacks Newspaper columns on the Adirondacks HEALTH AND MEDICINE General Hospitals and sanatoria The Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium ( Trudeau) Other hospitals and sanatoria RELIGIOUS HISTORY EDUCATION General Schools and colleges New York State College of Forestry, Cornell New York State University College of Forestry, Syracuse Other schools and colleges Libraries RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS General 158 168 168 169 172 173 174 174 174 175 176 177 178 180 182 183 184 185 186 187 189 189 191 193 193 195 196 196 198 198 199 201 203 203 203 203 204 206 208 RECREATION (Cont.) Guides and equipment Canoeing Hiking, climbing, camping Guidebooks Hiking and climbing Individual mountains Rock climbing Camping Hunting and fishing General Deer Other game Fishing General Trout Other fish Trapping Winter sports Olympic Games Winter mountain climbing Skiing 214 216 218 218 219 222 223 224 226 226 230 235 236 236 241 244 245 246 249 250 251 CLUBS AND PRIVATE PRESERVES 254 General 254 Individual 255 The Adirondack League Club 255 The Adirondack Mountain Club 255 The Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks 257 Lake Placid Club 258 Other clubs and preserves 258 BIOGRAPHY 263 Collective 263 Individual 264 THE ADIRONDACKS IN ART AND LITERATURE 282 General 282 Essays 283 Fiction 283 Poetry 289 JUVENILE WORKS 293 APPENDIX: UNLOCATED TITLES 295 SERIALS AND SOURCES CITED 297 209 209 INDEX 307 ILLUSTRATIONS Map of the region covered by the Adirondack Bibliography Frontispiece Mount Haystack, from Upper Ausable Inlet, reproduced from the Seventh Report of the Adirondack Survey, by Verplanck Colvin End Papers INTRODUCTION To say that in any field of interest understanding is essential to appreciation, and that the broader our knowledge the greater our appreciation, may seem a roundabout approach to the subject of an Adirondack bibliography. But these thoughts are the theme of this introduction. We may admire the sight of the Maclntyre Mountains rising majestically from the North Elba plateau. We possess a broader vision if, with the act of seeing, there flashes into our consciousness the story of the pioneer iron industry that began so many years ago in the recesses of those great hills. We may be awed by the gloomy cliffs that rise on either side of the Chapel Pond road, and entranced by the tremendous panorama of the High Peaks that lies on the left as we travel from Keene to Lake Placid. These scenes take on more meaning for us if we have some knowledge of what these roads were like a hundred years ago, in the days of horse-drawn stages and wayside inns. The lovely view of Keene Valley from the rock slabs of Baxter is even more intriguing when we know what the village looked like in the time of our grandfathers. If we know the story of the old Adirondack Lodge and its unhappy owner, the Heart Lake region takes on a new poignancy. One could go on: almost every Adirondack name has its special meaning. This special meaning comes alive for us if we can bring to our beloved moun- tains the three dimensions of sight, historical perspective and imagination. This is true whether our Adirondack interest is that of a mountaineer delighting in wooded trails and high ascents, or that of a naturalist watching in the spring for the coming of the flowers and birds, or that of an artist reproducing on his canvas the charm of unspoiled wilderness and lofty peaks. These hills can enrich our lives to the degree that we can experience and know them. How may we experience and know them? Perception, imagination, knowl- edge and inspiration — these are within ourselves. We are all difTerent and no one can tell us how to develop these qualities. But historical perspective is quite another thing, for the literature of the Adirondacks is a Pierian spring from which all may drink. Familiarity with Adirondack literature is an important step in acquiring well-rounded experience. The easy way to a good background of Adirondack reading is to take advantage of books or articles that are the result of laborious research by Adirondack historians, scientists and writers. Volumes such as A History of the Adirondacks, by Alfred L. Donaldson; Fifty Tears of Conservation in New Tork State, by Gurth Whipple; Histprical Sketches of Northern New York and the Adirondack Wilderness, by Nathaniel B. Sylvester; The Story of Adirondac, by Arthur H. Masten; Peaks and People of the Adirondacks, by R. M. C. Carson; xiv INTRODUCTION Plants and Animals of Mount Marcy, by Charles C. Adams and others; A History of the Lumber Industry in the State of New York, by WiUiam F. Fox; "The Rocks of the Adirondacks," by Professor E. S. C. Smith of Union College (in High Spots, December 1930); and more recently Township 34, by Harold K. Hochschild; and Adirondack Country, by William C. White, represent the gleanings of many years and cover almost the whole field of Adirondack interest: general, local and natural history, fiction, biography, science and industry; the information is available to us in easy-to-read form without our stirring from our armchairs. That is a good way of gaining experience, but not the best. To attain the utmost satisfaction and pleasure you must put some source books on your shelves too. Some of these, such as the Reverend Joel T. Headley*s The Adiron- dack, or Life in the Woods, which went through several editions, are not hard to find and not expensive. Others, such as Long Lake, by John Todd, are rare and precious and not only command a fancy price but challenge the skill and patience of the most adroit and experienced collectors. How many today know where or how a copy may be obtained of Six Summits, by Newell Martin? Or the letters, presumably by William C. Redfield, about the Adirondacks in the Journal of Commerce during August 1837? The fun of collecting Adirondackana in itself is an incentive to a fascinating hobby and a game well worth the candle. It can arouse a whole gamut of thrills from the simple pleasure of finding, after a short search, a nice Headley, to the excitement of acquiring a copy of Recollections of John Howard Redfield (William C. Redfield's son and biographer) printed for private circulation in 1900. This book has only one Adirondack chapter, but that chapter contains a few facts about the first Mount Marcy expedition that, to the best of our knowledge, are not recorded elsewhere. A copy of the book was lent to me in 1938 by Professor Alfred C. Redfield of Harvard, but sixteen years passed before I was able to find a copy I could put on my shelves. Among other fine and important books that have been printed in limited editions for private circulation are two already mentioned: Hochschild's Township 34 and Masten's Story of Adirondac. Of the latter only 125 copies were published. By their very nature these were already rare items as they came off" the press. The new collector who begins with a definite objective will find later that discrimination contributes to a sustained and permanent interest. Collecting without a fixed goal can soon lose its attraction, because it lacks purpose. A curiosity about mountain names inspired me in 1922 to begin gathering a library of Adirondack books, pamphlets, articles, maps and pictures, which in turn gave me the wonderful opportunity in 1927 of writing Peaks and People of the Adirondacks. Although the scope of my collection has spread widely, nomenclature and the historical have remained the controlling considerations. I have collected slowly and carefully, according to my own plan, and after thirty-five years my library, and my interest in its being used to good purpose, are still growing. Probably the most comprehensive and complete collection of Adirondackana is in the Saranac Lake Free Library. It includes the Alfred L. Donaldson Collection and the Munson Collection. The former was gathered for use in INTRODUCTION xv writing .4 History of the Adirondacks. The author-collector was an invalid who came to the mountains for his health, and his History and his Collection came into existence against tremendous physical odds. They were possible only because of the even greater spirit and determination of the man. He had plans for a third volume of the History, but died before it was begun. During the last two years of his life Donaldson was the frailest human being I have ever known, but his strong personality immediately made one forget the pitiful weakness. His bright and cheery letters in those final years gave not a hint of his losing battle; he lived richly and constructively to the end. A splendid bibliography is included in the second volume of Donaldson's History. The list is divided into two parts: first, the Donaldson Collection; and, second, a long compilation by James A. McMillen supplementing an earlier and slighter bibliography by Miss C. A. Sherrill published in the Forest, Fish and Game Commission Report for 1898. It is over thirty years since the Donaldson bibliographies appeared; the Adirondack Mountain Club now carries on the work with its Adirondack Bibliography, which expands and brings up to date the previous lists. Since such a massive work will be used mainly for reference, this introduction highlights important items by calling attention to a selective list compiled in 1934 for the Club's Guide to Adirondack Trails. This list was intended as a recommendation for a neat little collection for any but advanced collectors. The search for these writings can be a fine sleuthing adventure. There are only a few titles that need to be added to the original list, and I would not take any away. Stars indicate books that are not wholly of Adirondack concern. Since all these volumes are listed in the Adirondack Bibliography, publishing details are omitted. Each group is arranged chronologically. The earliest information concerning the region relates to Indian possession; the following books are recommended: Indian History: *The League of the Iroquois, by Lewis H. Morgan * Aboriginal Occupation of New York, by William M. Beauchamp * The Iroquois, by S. C. Kimm *A History of the New York Iroquois, by William M. Beauchamp * Aboriginal Place Names of New York, by William M. Beauchamp * The Archaeological History of New York, by Arthur G. Parker Indian Legends: Vigil of Faith, by Charles Fenno HofTman * Summer Gleanings, by John Todd Indian Myths: * Myths and Legends of Our Own Land, by Charles M. Skinner The following is a selected list of local and general historical value. The Documentary History is recommended to the serious student. * Documentary History of the State of New York, arranged by E. B. O'Callaghan History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, by Franklin B. Hough The Opening of the Adirondacks (published anonymously) The History of Lake Champlain, by Peter S. Palmer Military and Civil History of the County of Essex, by Winslow C. Watson xvi INTRODUCTION Historical Sketches of Northern New York and the Adirondack Wilderness, by Nathaniel B. Sylvester *Historic Handbook of the Northern Tour, by Francis Parkman History of Warren County, by H. P. Smith Pleasant Valley, by George Levi Brown The Story of Saranac, by Henry W. Raymond The Adirondack Region, by Richard Coughlin A History of the Adirondacks, by Alfred L. Donaldson * The Papers of Sir William Johnson, edited by James Sullivan *Annals of Tryon County, by William W. Campbell * Jesuit Relations, selected and edited by Edna Kenton Peaks and People of the Adirondacks, by Russell M. L. Carson Here is a list of the old and recent guides to the Adirondacks. The Conserva- tion Department's "Recreation Circulars" and O'Kane's book are valuable for current use. The old Stoddard and Wallace guides are now of great interest for their historical value. Guidebooks and Circulars: Descriptive Guide to the Adirondacks, by E. R. Wallace The Adirondacks, by S. R. Stoddard Lake George, by Arthur S. Hopkins (Recreation Circular 6) Adirondack Canoe Routes, by William G. Howard (Recreation Circular 7) The Trails to Marcy, by Arthur S. Hopkins (Recreation Circular 8) Lake Placid Trails, by W. D. Mulholland (Recreation Circular 10) The Lake Placid Country, by T. Morris Longstreth Trails and Summits of the Adirondacks, by Walter Collins O'Kane Here are some of the most fascinating books of Adirondack literature. Travel, Exploration and Adventure: Wild Scenes in the Forest, by Charles Fenno Hoflfman Letters from the Backwoods and Adirondac, by Joel T. Headley The Adirondack, or Life in the Woods, by Joel T. Headley * Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada, by Lady Amelia Murray Woods and Waters, or the Saranac and the Racket, by Alfred B. Street The Hudson, from the Wilderness to the Sea, by Benson J. Lossing The Indian Pass, by Alfred B. Street Adventures in the Wilderness, or Camp-Life in the Adirondacks, by William H. H. Murray Narrative of a Bear Hunt in the Adirondacks, by Verplanck Colvin Ascent and Barometrical Measurement of Mount Seward, by Verplanck Colvin Letters from the Woods, by Edward B. Osborne (Often cited by cover title: Forest, Lake and Random Rhymes) Through the Adirondacks in Eighteen Days, by Martin Van B. Ives The Adirondacks, by T. Morris Longstreth High Peaks of the Adirondacks, by Robert Marshall Friendly Adirondack Peaks, by Robert S. Wickham Township 34, by Harold K. Hochschild Adirondack Country, by William Chapman White Belles-Lettres: In the Wilderness, by Charles Dudley Warner * Wake Robin, by John Burroughs "* Autobiography of a Journalist, by William J. Stillman *Little Rivers, by Henry Van Dyke INTRODUCTION xvii Biographies: *Personal Reminiscences, by L. E. Chittenden Biographical Sketch of ]'erplanck Colvin, from Allen's History . . . of the Alling-Allens Adirondack Murray, by Harry V. Radford *John Brown, 7800-7859, by Oswald Garrison Villard Life and Adventures of Nat Foster, by A. L. Byron-Curtiss *Life and Adventures of "jYed Buntlirie" by Fred E. Pond * Letters of William James, edited by Henry James * Johnson of the Mohawks, by Arthur Pound Magazine Articles of Miscellaneous Interest: "Some Account of Two Visits to the Mountains of Essex County, N.Y. in the Years 1836 and 1837 with a Sketch of the Northern Sources of the Hudson," by William C. Redfield. American Journal of Science and Arts, April 1838. First recorded ascent of Mount Marcy "A Forest Story. The Adirondack Woods and Waters," by T. Addison Richards. Harper'' s New Monthly Magazine, September 1859 "The Adirondac Wilderness," by "W." The Williams Quarterly, July 1863. The author is Edward P. Wells "The Racquette Club." Harper's New Monthly Magazine, August 1870. Written by Charles Hallock "Camp Lou," by Marc Cook. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, May 1881 "Adirondack Days," by Henry Vane. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, October 1881 "Ampersand," by Henry Van Dyke. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, July 1885 "Winter in the Adirondacks," by Hamilton Wright Mabie. Scribner's Magazine, December 1888 "A Winter Ascent of Tahawus," by C. Grant LaFarge. Outing, April 1900 "Alfred Lee Donaldson, Historian of the Adirondacks," by J. F. O'Neill. Journal of the Outdoor Life, November 1924 "Saranac Lake Special Number," Journal of the Outdoor Life, May 1931 State and Scientific Reports: *Geology of New York, by Ebenezer Emmons Topographical Survey of the Adirondack Wilderness: First, Second and Third Reports, by Verplanck Colvin *New York State Fisheries, Game and Forest Commission Annual Reports The Mammals of the Adirondack Region, by Clinton Hart Merriam Plants of North Elba, NT., by Charles H. Peck, State Botanist *New York State Forest, Fish and Game Commission Annual Reports *New York State Conservation Commission Annual Reports. (Name changed in 1926 to Conservation Department ) Shortly after the organization of the Adirondack Mountain Club in 1922, the first Club publication was issued : High Peaks of the Adirondacks, by Robert Marshall, an ardent champion of wilderness protection and a charter member. The author little knew that the Club's pioneer booklet describing the ascent of and view from all the major Adirondack peaks would ultimately become the inspiration of a famous group of mountaineers, the Adirondack Forty-Sixers. Publication of the Marshall brochure was one of the outstanding accomplish- ments of the Club's first year. In November 1922 the Club inaugurated a quarterly magazine called High Spots; this began as a four-page leaflet and continued until December 1937, when the twenty-four-page final issue commemorated the one hundredth anni- versary of the first ascent of Marcy. The next to the last issue (July 1937) xviii INTRODUCTION was a forty-eight-page "Mount Marcy Anthology." The current Club period- ical, The Ad-i-ron-dac, carries on the tradition of High Spots. The Adirondack Mountain Club's aims, published for the first time in the April 1923 issue of High Spots, included the following statement: "particular attention to be given to collecting data concerning scenery, history, botany, geology, forestry, fish and game of the Adirondacks." One of the original com- mittees appointed in the first year was a Committee on Information and Publications. The second issue of High Spots acknowledged receipt of eight Adirondack books contributed to the Club's budding library, and articles in succeeding issues indicated a continuing interest and growth. The Club has had from its beginning a live and vital interest not only in existing Adirondack- ana but in making its own contribution thereto. The culmination of this one of its several activities is the Adirondack Bibliography. The Club and all histori- cally minded Adirondack enthusiasts are deeply indebted to the hard-working Bibliography Committee for the happy fruition of their long and arduous work. Their unselfish volunteer efforts will result in saving from oblivion much of what has been published about the Adirondacks over the last one hundred and twenty-five years. Russell M. L. Carson ADIRONDACK BIBLIOGRAPHY HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION BIBLIOGRAPHY Carson, Russell Mack Little. Suggestions for starting an Adirondack library. In Adiron- dack mountain club, inc. Guide to Adiron- dack trails. Northeastern section and North- ville-Placidtrail;4thed. Albany, 1947. p.l08- 15. Editions 1-3 of the Guide also contain this bibliography. See Carson's article entitled "Finding the Utmost" (collecting Adiron- dackana) in High Spots, }u\y 1933, 10:no.3: 3-4. 1 Donaldson, Alfred Lee. Bibliography. In his History of the Adirondacks. N.Y. Century, 1921. V.2, p. 299-314. A list of the author's extensive Adirondack collection, now in the Saranac Lake Free Library. Descriptive and critical annotations. "An Alphabetical Index to the Bibliography in Donaldson's History of the Adirondacks," compiled by the Bib- liography Committee of the Adirondack Mountain Club, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. was issued in 1949. 24p. Muhilithed. 2 McMillen, James A. Bibliography. In Don- aldson, A.L. History of the Adirondacks. N.Y. Century, 1921. v.2, p. 3 15-63. This bibliography supplements the one compiled by Cecelia A. Sherrill (see no. 5 below). With Donaldson's list, noted above, this com- prises the most extensive list of Adiron- dackana to date. 3 Plum, Dorothy Alice. Adirondack bibliog- raphy. Ad-i-ron-dac, Ja.n.-Feh. 1949. 13:no.l: 18. Describes the beginning of the Adirondack Bibliography. For other articles on this subject and on the collecting of Adirondackana, see The Ad-i-ron-dac for Jan. -Feb., May-June, Nov.-Dec. 1950; Mar.-Apr., May-June 1951; Mar.-Apr., July-Aug. 1953; July- Aug. 1955; 14:15, 57, 132; 15:34, 55; 17:27, 79; 19:76, 79. 4 Sherrill, Cecelia Adelaide. Bibliography of the Adirondacks. /rz New York (state). Fisher- ies, game and forest commission. Annual re- port, 1898. p. 423-41. Descriptive note by D.A. Plum in The Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1950, 14:57. 5 GENERAL HISTORY Callan, Estella Folts. Some phases of northern and western New York. An address delivered before the Herkimer county historical society. Nov. 18, 1922. Herk Co HistSoc, 5:160-65. 6 Carson, Russell Mack Little. Adirondack guides. High Spots Trbk, 1944. p.5-6. illus. "This list of guides includes the names of authors, explorers, scientists, mountain climb- ers and conservationists." 7 Carson, Russell Mack Little. Peaks and people of the Adirondacks. Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday, Page & co. 1927. 269p. incl. plates, front, port, maps on end papers. "Published under the auspices of the Adiron- dack Mountain Club, Inc." Reviewed in Motordom, Aug. 1927, 21:no.3:10; in Moun- tain Magazine, Jan. 1928, 6:53-54, "How the Peaks Were Named," by Baron Hasenclever (i.e. Raymond Torrey) ; in The Cloud Splitter, Oct. 1943, 6:no.7:7, 12. Extracts in High Spots, July 1937, 14:no.3:15-17, 31-34, 37- 38, 46-47. 8 Coughlin, Richard. The Adirondack region: history and adventures of early times. Water- town, N.Y. Santway photo-craft co. inc. ci921.77p. 9 Grouse, Nellis Maynard. Discoveries of the Jesuits in New York state. J^T State Hist Assn (2,Jan. 1924. 5:48-68. map. 10 Cunningham, John Lovell. Three years with the Adirondack regiment, 118th New York volunteers infantry, from the diaries and other memoranda. . . Norwood, Mass. Plimpton press, 1920. 286p. front, plates, ports. Civil War diary. 1 1 Dayne, Marie A. Ticonderogue — Fort Caril- lon. Am Mo Mag (.NT) Oct. 1896. 9:319-27. HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION Connecticut soldiers in various campaigns. 1 2 De Costa, Benjamin Franklin. A narrative of events at Lake George from the early colonial times to the close of the Revolution. N.Y. 1868. 74p. front, folded maps. 13 De Costa, Benjamin Franklin. Notes on the history of Fort George during the colonial and revolutionary periods, with contempo- raneous documents and an appendix. N.Y. J. Sabin & sons, 1871. 78p. front, illus. plan, map. "Orderly Book of James McGee at Fort George, July & August 1776 . . . from origi- nal manuscript ... in the New York State Library," p.65-70. Published originally in The American Bibliopolist, Apr.-Sept. 1871, 3:109-24, 173-88, 221-52, 325-34. Additions intheissuefor Apr. 1877, 9:36-40. 14 Documentary history of the State of New York; arranged ... by E.B. O'Callaghan . . . Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1850-51. 4v. front, plates (partly folded) ports. (2 folded) folded maps, plans (partly folded). Quarto edition. Also issued in octavo edition, 1849- 51. 15 Documents relative to the colonial history of the State of New- York . . . Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1853-87. 15v. fronts, port, facsim. folded plans, folded maps. Edited by E.B. O'Callaghan and Berthold Fernow. 16 Donaldson, Alfred Lee. A history of the Adi- rondacks. N.Y. Century, 1921. 2v. front, plates, ports, folded charts, folded maps. Bibliography, v.2, p.229-363. The first com- prehensive history of the Adirondacks, not yet superseded. Extracts in High Spots, July 1937, 14:no.3:42-43. Mr. Donald Van Brakle of Saranac Lake has furnished the following information: Variant bindings. The original binding is dark-green cloth with gilt lettering. Sometime after publication a number of unbound sets were discovered in the publish- ing house. These were bound in a lighter, smoother green cloth and remaindered to Mr. E.L.Gray, a bookseller, of Saranac Lake. Mr. Van Brakle has a copy bound in three- quarter black morocco with marbled boards and marbled end papers. It was dedicated to Henry S. Harper with a rhymed inscrip- tion by Donaldson, who referred to it as the "Author's special edition de looks" because of a photograph of the author following the preface. The inscription is dated May 25, 1921, and this edition may have been pub- lished for presentation purposes. Donaldson inscribed a set in original binding to his wife on May 2, 1921, a possible indication that the de luxe edition was issued subsequently. 17 Dornburgh, Henry. Why the wilderness is called Adirondack. Glens Falls, N.Y. Job dept. Daily times, 1885. 14p. Also in the Glens Falls Daily Times, 1855. Reprinted in The Tahawus Cloudsplitter, Mar. 1950-Mar. 1951. This scarce pamphlet includes a de- tailed history of the Adirondack Iron Works. See Donaldson, v. 1 , p. 1 39fr. 18 Gillespie, E.T. The warpath. NT State Hist ^jjnProc, 1910. 10:139-55. 19 Grady, Joseph F. The Adirondacks: Fulton chain — Big Moose region ; the story of a wilderness. Little Falls, N.Y. Press of the Journal & Courier co. ^1933. 320p. plates, ports, facsim. map on lining paper. 20 Greene, Nelson, ed. History of the Mohawk valley, gateway to the west, 1614-1925; cov- ering six counties of Schenectady, Schoharie, Montgomery, Fulton, Herkimer, Oneida. Chicago, S.J. Clarke publishing co. 1925. 4v. ports, facsims. maps. Includes chapters on Isaac Jogues, the Battle of Lake George, Ticonderoga. 21 Higgins, Ruth Loving. Expansion in New York, with especial reference to the eight- eenth century. Columbus, O. Ohio state uni- versity, 1931. 209p. (Contributions in History and Political Science, no. 14.) Northern New York after 1 783, p. 1 38-49. 22 Hogan, William. Considerations on the im- provement of northern New- York; addressed to his old neighbours, friends, constituents and fellow citizens of the northern counties. N.Y. H. Anstice, 1842. 20p. Northern New- York Improvement Association plan to pro- mote settlement of waste lands. Copy in the William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan. 23 Jesuits. Letters from missions (North Amer- ica). The Jesuit relations and allied docu- ments; travel and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in North America (1610-1791) with an introduction by Reuben Gold Thwaites; selected and edited by Edna Ken- ton. N.Y. A. & C. Boni, 1925. 527p. front, plates, ports, maps (1 folded). 24 Johnson, Sir William, bart. The papers of Sir William Johnson; prepared for publication by the Division of archives and history. James Sullivan, director. Albany, University of the State of New York, 1921-date. v. 1- 25 Landon, Harry Fay. The north country, a history, embracing Jefferson, St. Lawrence, Oswego, Lewis and Franklin counties, New York. Indianapolis, Historical publishing co. 1932. 3v. 26 Longstreth, Thomas Morris. The Adiron- dacks; illustrated with photographs and maps. N.Y. Century, 1917. 370p. front, plates, folded map. 2d edition published in GENERAL HISTORY 1920. Reviewed in The Cloud Splitter, Dec. 1943, 6:no.9:6-7, 9. 27 Macauley, James. Natural, statistical and civil history of the State of New York. N.Y. 1829.3V. ' 28 Macomb landmarks. Am Scenic & Hist Pres Soc, 1918. 23:134-46. Short discussion of Macomb's Purchase. 29 Mather, Fred. Adirondack history. For & Stream, May 8, 1897. 48:363. 30 Mather, Joseph H. A geographical history of the State of New York: embracing its history, government, physical features, climate, geol- ogy, mineralogy, botany, zoology, education, internal improvements, etc. with a separate history of each county. The whole forming a complete history of the state. Utica, N.Y. H.H. Hawley & co. 1848. 432p. front, illus. maps. 31 New York (state). State planning board. State planning for New York. Summary report of progress . . .January 14, 1935. Albany, 1935. 84p. figs. maps. Population, land use, forests, waters, public domain, minerals, highways, public works, recreation, housing, planning. 32 New York (state). World's fair commission. Adirondack division. Region five. Adiron- dack region. N.Y. Peter J. Carey & sons, inc. 1939. unpaged. UIus. maps. 33 New York state historical association. History of the State of New York. . . N.Y. Columbia university press, 1933-37. lOv. fronts, ports, illus. facsims. maps (1 folded). Edited by Alexander C. Flick. 34 Opening of the Adirondacks. With a map and illustrations. N.Y. Hurd & Houghton, 1865. 82p. front, folded map. Munson credits authorship to C.H. Burt. 35 Parker, Wilmond W. The migration from Vermont to northern New York. NT Hist, Oct. 1934. 15:398-406. Routes of travel in 1785. 36 Parkman, Francis. Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. Boston, Little, Brown, 1899. 586p. plates. Isaac Jogues, p.305-34, 394-403. 37 Parkman, Francis. Montcalm and Wolfe. Boston, Little, Brown, 1898. 2v. plates, ports. Many references to Lake George, Lake Champlain and Ticonderoga. 38 Peattie, Roderick, ed. The friendly moun- tains, Green, White, and Adirondacks. N.Y. Vanguard press, 1942. 341 p. incl. front, illus. plates, tables, diagrs. (American Moun- tain Series, ed. by Roderick Peattie, v.2.) 39 Redfield, William Charles. Some account of two visits to the mountains in Essex county. New York, in the years 1836 and 1837; with a sketch of the northern sources of the Hud- son. Am J Sci, Apr. 1838. ser.l :33:301-23. Separate edition printed in New Haven, by Hamlen, 1838? 23p. Reprinted in The Family Magazine, 1838, 5:345-54. Extract printed in High Spots, }\Ay 1937, 14:no.3:8-9, with title "Imperfect State of Geographical Knowl- edge." See also his "Geographical Discoveries in New York" in the Journal of Commerce for Aug. 18, 1837. 40 Reeves, George W. The story of the north country. NT State Hist Assn Q, Apr. 1929. 10:105-18. port, illus. 41 Reid, William Maxwell. Lake George and Lake Champlain, the war trail of the Mo- hawk and the battleground of France and England in their contest for the control of North America; with 84 illustrations from photographs by John Arthur Maney and two maps. N.Y. Putnam, 1910. 381 p. front, plates, plans, folded maps. 42 Seelye, Mrs. Elizabeth (Eggleston). Lake George in history . . . together with a his- torical map of the Lake George region and a guide to the battlefields and other points of interest in the eastern part of the Adirondack mountains. . . Lake George, N.Y. Author, C1896. 106p. illus. map. 43 Seelye, Mrs. Elizabeth (Eggleston). Saratoga and Lake Champlain in history. 1st ed. Lake George, N.Y. Author, ^1898. Hip. plate, maps. 44 Shea, John Dawson Gilmary. Perils of the ocean and wilderness; or. Narratives of ship- wreck and Indian captivity. Gleaned from early missionary annals. Boston, P. Donahoe, 1857. 206p. Goupil and Jogues, p.16-103. 45 Simms, Jeptha Root. Frontiersmen of New York, showing customs of the Indians, vicissi- tudes of the pioneer white settlers, and border strife in two wars. . . Albany, G.C. Riggs, 1882-83. 2v. port, illus. 46 Smith, Clarence C. History of the Adiron- dacks. Up-Stater, May 1929. l:no.3:3-4, 6-7. illus. 47 Smith, Dorothy. Historic war vessels in Lake Champlain and Lake George. . . Albany, University of the State of New York, 1937. p.123-36. Reprinted from New York State Museum Bulletin 313. 48 Smith, Gerrit. An address to the three thou- sand colored citizens of New- York who are the owners of one hundred and twenty thou- sand acres of land, in the State of New- York, given to them by Gerrit Smith. N.Y. 1846. 29p. 49 Smith, Gerrit. Gerrit Smith's land auction. Peterboro, N.Y. 1 846. 45p. Half title. 50 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION Snyder, Charles E. John Brown's tract. Herk Co Hist Soc, 1896. 1 :94-108. Manuscript copy in Donaldson Collection, Saranac Lake Free Library. 51 Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett. The historic muse on Mount MacGregor. Troy, N.Y. 1885. 27p. front, plates, illus. Another edition published in 1887, 35p. 52 Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett. Historical sketches of northern New York and the Adi- rondack wilderness: including traditions of the Indians, early explorers, pioneer settlers, hermit hunters, etc. Troy, N.Y. Wm. H. Young, 1877. 31 6p. plates, ports, illus. Ex- tracts in North Country Life, Spring 1947, Fall 1952-Spring 1953, Spring 1954; l:no.3:55- 56; 6:no.4:39-41, 62; 7:no.l :44-46; 7:no.2: 29-31 ;8:no.2:52-54. 53 U.S. Works progress administration. New York state. WPA in the Adirondacks. n.p. 1939. Unpaged folder. 54 Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt, 1808-60. Mis- cellaneous sermons, essays and addresses, edited by his son C. Van Rensselaer. Phila- delphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1861. 37-569p. front, (port.). "Historical discourse at the centennial celebration of the Battle of Lake George," p. 21 7-69; "Capture of Ticonder- oga," p.506-69. 55 Wakeman, Abram. The great highway, a world's war path; synopsis of essential events occurring chiefly en route between Albany, Lake George, and Lake Champlain. N.Y. cl 927. 36p. illus. map. 56 Webster, George O. My story of the Adiron- dacks. High Spots, Jan. 1936, 13:no.l:17-19; July 1936, 13:no.2:15-18; Jan. 1937, 14: no.l :28-31 ; Apr. 1937, 14:no.2:24-27. 57 White, William Chapman. Adirondack coun- try. N.Y. & Boston, Duell, Sloan & Pearce; Little, Brown, *^1954. 31 5p. map on end papers. Reviewed by Henry Germond in The Cloud Splitter, ]u\y~ Aug. 1954, 17:no.4:8-10; by Michael Nadel in The Living Wilderness, Spring-Summer 1955, no. 52:18-19; by Edward D. Hurley in Appalachia, Dec. 15, 1955, 30:624; by Nina B. Colman in North Country Life, Fall 1954, 8:no.4:53-54. 58 Wynne, John J. The Mohawk martyr mis- sionaries. NT Hist, Jan. 1932. 13:59-74. 59 FRENCH SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Alpina. Neuchatel? H. Wolfrath, 1848. 3p. Caption title. Colony at Alpina. 60 Appleton, William, ed. "Journal de Castor- land." Mass Hist Soc Proc, Feb. 1854. 7:326- 38. 61 Burnand, Eugene. Notice sur des terres k vendre dans les comtes de Jefferson et de Lewis, 6tat de New- York. Lausanne, Impri- merie d'EMM Vincent fils, 1848? 1 leaf. Colony at Alpina. 62 Chassanis, Pierre. Association pour la pos- session & exploitation de six cent mille acres de terre concedees par I'etat de New York, & situees . . . sur le Lac Ontario. Paris, 1792? 8p. Castorland. Sabin 12220. The New York State Library has a copy with manuscript legal documents appended. English transla- tion in F.B. Hough's "History of Jefferson County," p.46-49. 63 Chassanis, Pierre. R^ponse au M^moire de Mr. Tillier. n.p. n.pub. c.1800. 3p. English translation in F.B. Hough's "History of Lewis County," p. 65-67. About Castorland. Tillier's Memorial, to which this is an answer, was published in 1800. 64 Clarke, Thomas Wood. Emigres of the wil- derness. N.Y. Macmillan, 1941. 247p. front, illus. Includes Castorland and Joseph Bona- parte. 65 Compagnie de New- York. Constitution. Paris, Froulle, 1793. 32p. "Fait et passe k Paris, en la demeure susdite de Pierre Chas- sanis; I'an 1793, ledit jour 28 juin." Transla- tion in F.B. Hough's "History of Lewis County," p. 40-50. Castorland. 66 Compagnie de New- York. Description topo- graphique de six cents mille acres de terres dans TAmerique septentrionale, mises en vente par actions, suivant le plan d'associa- tion ci-joint. Prospectus. . . Paris, Froull6, 1792. 14, 8p. Castorland. 67 Compagnie de New-York. Faits et calculus sur la population et le territoire des Etats- Unis d'Amerique. Traduit de I'anglois. Paris, 1796? 12p. Probably by Peter Chassanis. Issued for promotion of Castorland tract. See Vail, R.W.G. "The Voice of the Old Frontier." 68 Crevecoeur, Michel Guillaume St. Jean, called Saint Jean de Crevecoeur. Voyage dans la haute Pensylvanie, et dans I'etat de New- York. . . Paris, 1801. 3v. Appendix con- tains an unsigned letter dated Sept. 4, 1800 about Castorland. A translation of the com- plete text is given in F.B. Hough's "History of Jefferson County," p.52-55. Extract in his "History of Lewis County," p. 105— 7. 69 Landon, Harry Fay. French refugees in northern New York. Up-Stater, Jan. 1930. 2:no.l :3-4, 23-24. illus. ports. 70 Moore, William A. Some French influences in the early settlement of the Black river valley. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1914. 14:122- 31. Includes Castorland. 71 Notice sur Alpina. Terres situ6es dans les comtes de JeflFerson et Lewis, etat de New FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS York. Neuchfitel, Henri Wolfrath, 1847. 64p. plate, map. Settlement near Lake Bona- parte. 72 Papers relating to the French seigniories on Lake Champlain. In Documentary history of the State of New York; arranged ... by E.B. O'Callaghan. Albany, 1850-51. v.l, p. 345-76. folded maps. 73 Ralph, Alta M. The Chassanis or Castorland settlement. NT State Hist Assn Q,, Oct. 1929. 10:333-45. 74 Rosengarten, Joseph George. French colo- nists and exiles in the United States. Phila- delphia, Lippincott, 1907. 234p. French land companies in the United States, p. 106-20. 75 Stephens, W. Hudson, ed. Notes of the voy- age in '93 towards "Castorland," and opera- tions therein, in Lewis co. N.Y. 1794-'95. Lowville, N.Y. W.H. Stephens, 1868. 8p. Summaries from the Lewis County Democrat of addresses by Franklin B. Hough. 76 Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett. Castorland, dream city of the French nobility. . . No Country Life, Fall 1952-Spring 1953. 6:no.4: 39-41, 62; 7:no.l:44-46; 7mo.2:29-31. Re- printed from his "Historical Sketches of Northern New York." 77 Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett. Sistersfield. No Country Life, Spring 1954. 8:no.2:52-54. Re- printed from his "Historical Sketches." Castorland. 78 Tillier, Rodolphe. Memoire pour Rodolphe Tillier, Commissaire-gerant de la Compagnie de New- York. N.Y. J.C. Parisot, 1800. 18p. Copy in the John Carter Brown Library. Caption title. For English translation, see following entry. 79 Tillier, Rodolphe. Translation of a memorial of Rodolphe Tillier's justification of the ad- ministration of Castorland, county of Oneida, State of New-York. Rome, N.Y. Printed by Thomas Walker, 1800. 16p. Copy at the New York State Library. Quoted in F.B. Hough's "History of Lewis County," p.57-65. 80 Wyer, James IngersoU. Later French settle- ments in New York state, 1783-1800. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1915. 15:176-89. Biblio- graphic note, p. 188-89. Includes short dis- cussions of Castorland and Peter Sailly. 81 FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS Account of the expedition on Lake Cham- plain. Lond Mag, Dec. 1759. 28:661-63. Re- printed from the London Gazette. 82 Amherst, Jeffrey Amherst, 1st baron. Com- missary Wilson's orderly book. Expedition of the British and provincial army under Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Amherst against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 1759. Albany, J. Munsell, 1857. 220p. front, (folded map). (Munsell's Historical Series, no.l.) Edited by J. Watts de Peyster. 83 Bartman, George. The siege of Fort William Henry: letters of George Bartman. Hunt Lib Q,, Aug. 1949. 12:415-25. Edited by John A. Schutz. Letters written during the siege (1757) by the aide de camp for the area commander, Daniel Welch. 84 Bean, M.D. Storming of Ticonderoga under Major General Sir James Abercrombie, July 8, 1758. Knick Ma?, July 1850. 36:1-25. 85 Blake, Henry Taylor. The battle of Lake George (September 8, 1755) and the men who won it. N.Y.? 1910? p.109-31. "Read December 20, 1909." Copy in Yale Uni- versity Library. 86 Blodget, Samuel. A prospective-plan of the battle near Lake George, on the 8th day of September, 1755. With an explanation thereof; containing a full tho' short history of that important affair. Boston, printed by R. Draper, 1755. 5p. plan. 87 Bradley, A.G. Ticonderoga. Nat Rev, Feb. 1929. 92:914-21. Battle of Ticonderoga, 1758. 88 Brady, Cyrus Townsend. Colonial fights and fighters. N.Y. McClure & Phillips, 1901. 341 p. "Fighting Around Ticonderoga," p.263-86. 89 Brown, Thomas. A plain narrative of the uncommon sufferings and remarkable deliv- erance of Thomas Brown of Charleston in New England; who returned to his father's house the beginning of Jan., 1760, after being absent 3 years and about 8 months: contain- ing an account of the engagement between a party of English commanded by Maj. Rogers and a party of French and Indians, in Jan., 1757. . . Boston, Fowle & Draper, 1760. 27p. Photostat copy at the New York Public Library. 2d edition published in New York by W. Abbott in 1908 as Extra no.4, pt.l of The Magazine of History with Notes and Queries. 90 Chapais, Thomas. Les Irlandais et la bataille de Carillon. Rev Can, Dec. 1910. n.s.4:481-99. 91 Chauncy, Charles. A second letter to a friend; giving a more particular narrative of the defeat of the French army at Lake George, by the New England troops. . . Boston, Edes &Gill, 1755. 16p. 92 Chaussegros de Lery, Joseph Gaspard. Caril- lon, May 8th to July 2d, 1756. Diary kept at the fort. . . Ft Ti Mus Bui, July 1942. 6:128- 44. ports. Translation of documents in the Montreal archives. De Lery was military engmeer. 93 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION Cook, Joseph. Extracts from Sketches of Ticonderoga: Burial of Lord Howe, by Edward J. Owen. Ticonderoga, N.Y. Press of the Sentinel, 1899? 3-97p. plates, front, ports, folded map. Cover title: "Historical Ticonderoga." "Reburial of the remains of Lord Viscount Howe. . . " p. 81-97. 94 Davies, William Gilbert. Ticonderoga and Crown Point. In his Papers and addresses. N.Y. Cooke, 1907. p.93-108. 95 Death of Lord Howe. NY Hist, Apr. 1936. 18:206-7. 96 Green, Samuel Abbott. Blodget's plan of the battle on the shores of Lake George, 8 Sept., 1755; remarks made before the Massachu- setts historical society Mar. 13, 1890. Cam- bridge, Mass. J. Wilson & son, 1890. 6p. plan (facsim.). 97 Hawks, John. Orderly book and journal of Major John Hawks on the Ticonderoga- Crown Point campaign, under General Jeffrey Amherst, 1759-60. . . N.Y. Society of colonial wars in the State of New York, 1911. 92p. 98 Holden, James Austin. New historical light on the real burial place of George Augustus Lord Viscount Howe, 1758. NY State Hist Assn Proc, 1910. 10:259-366. facsims. port, map. Reprinted in 1911 with title "The Cam- paign of 1 758 : New Historical Light ..." 99 Hurlbut, J. Journal of a colonial soldier dur- ing Amherst's expedition against Ticonder- oga, 1759. Mag Am Hist, Apr. 1893. 29:395- 96. 100 Johnson, Sir William, bart. Camp at Lake George, Sept. 9, 1775. Land Mag, Nov. 1775. 24:544-46. Defeat of French near Lake George. 101 Johnson, Sir William, bart. Rela^aS de huma batalha, succedida no campo de Lake Giorge na America Septemtrional, entre as tropas inglezas commandadas pelo coronel Guil- helmo, e as francezas das quaes era com- mandante o general bara5 Dieskau, aos 30. junho. . .1757(!)... Lisboa, Rodrigues, 1757. 7p. Abridged translation of the author's letter dated Camp at Lake George, September 9, 1755. Copy in the Library of Congress. 102 Johnson, Sir William, bart. To the governors of the several colonies who raised troops on the present expedition. Camp at Lake George, Sept. 9, 1755. London, E. Owen, 1755. 2p. (London Gazette extra-ordinary. Thursday, October 30, 1755.) Photostat in Yale Uni- versity Library. 103 Journal de Paffaire du Canada passee le juillet 1758 entre les troupes du roi, com- mandees par M. le Marquis de Montcalm et celles d'Angleterre, qui au nombre de vingt mille hommes, ont ^t6 mises en fuite par trois mille deux cent cinquante Francois. Rouen, France, 1758. 4p. Copy at the New York Public Library. Battle of Ticonderoga, 1758. 104 Journals of Sir William Johnson's scouts, 1755, 1756. In Documentary history of the State of New York; arranged ... by E.B. O'Callaghan. Albany, 1850-51. v.4, p.l67- 85. folded plate. Battle of Lake George, 1755. 105 Knox, Capt. John, d. 1778. An historical journal of the campaigns in North America for the years 1757, 1758, 1759 and 1760 . . . ed. with an introduction, appendix and index by Arthur G. Doughty. . . Toronto, Cham- plain society, 1914-16. 3v. plates, ports, maps (part folded) facsims. (Publications of the Champlain Society, VIII-X.) Includes journals of Jeffrey Amherst and William Amherst, 1758-60, 3:1-95. 106 Livingston, William. A review of military operations in North America; from the com- mencement of French hostilities on the fron- tiers of Virginia in 1753, to the surrender of Oswego, on the 14th of Aug. 1756. Dublin, P. Wilson & J. Exshaw, 1757. 276p. Also published in London by R. & J. Dodsley, 1757 & 1758; in New York by A. & J. Robertson, 1770. Military operations near Ticonderoga and Lake George during the French and Indian War. 107 Long, J.C. Amherst in 1759. NT Hist, Jan. 1934. 15:50-58. British campaign against Ticonderoga and Port Henry. 108 Macdonald, Archibald de Lery. Michael Chartier de Lotbiniere, the engineer of Caril- lon. NrHist,Jan. 1934. 15:31-38. 109 Mante, Thomas, fl. 1772. The history of the late war in North-America. . . London, Printed for W. Strahan & T. Cadell, 1772. 542p. folded plans and maps. 110 Montcalm-Gozon, Louis Joseph de, marquis de Saint Veran, 1712-59. Marquis de Mont- calm to his wife, July 14th, 1758. Ft Ti Mus Bui, Summer 1949. 8:129-31. facsim. map. Battle of Ticonderoga. Ill Nicolay, John G. The battle of Ticonderoga. Chaut, May 1892. 15:143-45. 112 O'Callaghan, E.B. The repulse at Ticonder- oga, in 1758. Col Un Ser Mag, Feb. 1887. 117:128-31. 113 Owen, Edward J. The burial of Lord Vis- count Howe; a paper read before the Albany institute. . . Albany, 1893. 45p. plate, map. This address, read January 3, 1893, is re- printed with additions in Joseph Cook's "Extracts from Sketches of Ticonderoga," p.33-80 (see no.94). Reprinted, N.Y. Abbott, THE REVOLUTION 1908, with added title page The Magazine of History with Notes and Queries, Extra no.4, pt.2. Another edition with slightly different title published by Brandow, Albany, 1893. 114 Parkman, Francis. The battle of Lake George, 1755. Atlan, Oct. 1884. 54:444-56. 115 Pouchot, Pierre. Memoir upon the late war in North America between the French and English, 1755-60. . .translated and edited by Franklin B. Hough with additional notes and illustrations. Roxbury, Mass. Printed for W. Elliot Woodward, 1866. 2v. front, illus. plates (1 folded) port, plans (part folded) folded maps. 116 Putnam, Rufus. Journal of Gen. Rufus Put- nam kept in northern New York during four campaigns of the old French and Indian war, 1757-1760. . . Albany, Joel Munsell's sons, 1886. 115p. port. 117 Rea, Caleb. The journal of Dr. Caleb Rea, written during the expedition against Ticon- deroga in 1758. Edited by his great-grandson F.M. Roy. Salem, Mass. 1881. 71p. Re- printed from Essex Institute Historical Col- lections, V.18. 118 Relation de la defense des retranchements sur la hauteur de Carillon, k environ six cents toises du fort, le 8 juillet 1758. (Sup- pose avoir ^te redigee par les soins du mar- quis de Montcalm.) Quebec, Aug. Cote et compagnie, 1844. 7p. Signed: Historicus. Caption title. Copy in Yale University Li- brary. 119 Relation de la prise du Fort Georges, ou Guillaume-Henry, situ6 sur le lac Saint- Sacrement, & de ce qui s'est pass6 cette ann6e en Canada. Paris? 1757? 12p. Caption title. 120 Remington, Frederic. Joshua Goodenough's old letter. Harper, Nov. 1897. 95:878-89. The author of the letter was one of Rogers' Rangers. 121 Rogers, Mary Cochrane. A battle fought on snow shoes. Derry, N.H. Author, 1917. 66p. ports, plate. On Robert Rogers, 1758. Writ- ten by his great-great-granddaughter. For further information on Rogers and his Rang- ers see Bulletin of the Fort Ticonderoga Museum, Jan. 1941, v.6, no.l. 122 Rogers, Robert, 1731-95. Journals of Major Robert Rogers. . .1755-60; with an intro- duction and notes. . .by Franklin B. Hough. Albany, Joel Munsell's sons, 1883. 297p. front, (folded map). 123 Rogers, Robert, 1731-95. Reminiscences of the French war; containing Rogers' expedi- tions with the New-England rangers under his command, as published in London in 1765; with notes and illustrations. To which is added an account of the life and military service of Maj. Gen. John Stark; with notices and anecdotes of other officers distinguished in the French and revolutionary wars. Con- cord, N.H. Luther Roby, 1831. 275p. port. 124 Sautai, Maurice Theodore. Montcalm at the battle of Carillon (Ticonderoga), (July 8, 1758). Translated from the French by John S. Watts. Ticonderoga, N.Y. Ft. Ticonder- oga museum, 1921? 91p. ports, illus. maps. Battle of Ticonderoga, 1758. 125 Searing, James. The battle of Ticonderoga, 1758. NY Hist Soc Proc, 1847. 5:112-17. Communicated by Benjamin F. Thompson. 126 Society of colonial wars. New York (state). Account of the battle of Lake George, Sept. 8th, 1755; compiled by the Committee on historical documents and Lake George me- morial committee. . . N.Y. H.K. Brewer & CO. 1 897. 1 5p. plates, plans. Written by Morris P. Ferris. Republished in 1903 by the Lake George Celebration Committee. 127 Society of colonial wars. New York (state). Daniel Claus' narrative of his relations with Sir William Johnson and experiences in the Lake George fight. Lake George celebration executive committee report. Native troops in our colonial possessions. Major Louis L. Sea- man. N.Y. 1904. 40p. (Society of Colonial Wars. Publication 9-11.) 128 Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt, 1808-60. An historical discourse on the occasion of the centennial celebration of the battle of Lake George, 1755. Delivered at Caldwell, N.Y., Sept. 8, 1855. Philadelphia, C. Sherman & son, 1856. 80p. folded map. 1 29 Wells, Parrish. Dangerous journeys, 1757. Burlington, Vt. Free press printing co. ^1940. 95p. Based upon contemporary letters and journals of the French and Indian War. 130 Wickes, Frank B. Lord Howe, ^fr State Hist Assn Proc, 1910. 10:238-57. 131 Williams, Thomas. Campaigns against Crown Point in 1755 and 1756. Correspondence of a surgeon in the army. . . Hist Mag, Apr. 1870. ser.2:7:209-16. 132 Winslow, John. General John Winslow's letter to the Earl of Halifax, relative to his conduct, and that of the troops under his command, on the Ticonderoga expedition in 1756. Mass Hist Soc Coll, 1799. 6:34-39. Dated: Boston, Dec. 30, 1756. 133 THE REVOLUTION Allen, Ethan. Narrative of the capture of Ticonderoga and of his captivity and treat- ment by the British. Written by himself. 5th ed. with notes. Burlington, Vt. C. Goodrich 10 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION & S.B. Nichols, 1849, ^1838. 50p. 1st edition, Philadelphia, 1779. 134 Bascom, Robert O. Ethan Allen at Fort Ticonderoga. . . Ticonderoga, N.Y. Ticon- deroga historical society, 1908. 12p. 135 Bascom, Robert O. Men with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga. Ver Ant, Mar. 1905. 3:142- 43. Reprinted from the Burlington Free Press. List of men who served under Allen. 1 36 Bascom, Robert O. Ticonderoga expedition of 1775; list of men with Ethan Allen. . . Anecdotes and data about Allen. . . n.p. 1910. 87p. Copy in the Cleveland Public Library. 1 37 Becker, John P. 1765-1837. The sexagenary; or. Reminiscences of the American revolu- tion. Albany, J. Munsell, 1866. 234p. ports, inch front. (Munsell's Series of Local Ameri- can History, v.5.) Edited by S. DeWitt Blood- good. Another edition published by Little & Steele in 1883. Based on manuscript of DeWitt Clinton and Gen. Van Schaick. 138 Beman, N. Jr. Nathan Beman's part in lead- ing Ethan Allen to the capture of the fort in 1775: letters. J^T Hist, Apr. 1947. 28:197-98. 139 Campbell, William W. Annals of Tryon county; or, The border warfare of New York, during the Revolution. N.Y. J. & J. Harper, 1831. 191, 78p. front, (folded map) folded facsims. 2d edition published with title "The Border Warfare of New York. . ." N.Y. Baker & Scribner, 1849. 3d edition (Annals) Cherry Valley, N.Y. Cherry Valley Gazette, 1880. 4th edition (Annals) N.Y. Dodd, Mead, 1924. "Tryon county comprised all of the province west of the tier of counties on the west bank of the Hudson." 140 Chittenden, Lucius Eugene. The capture of Ticonderoga. Annual address before the Ver- mont historical society, delivered at Mont- pelier, Vt. Oct. 8, 1872. Rutland, Tuttle co. 1872. 5-1 27p. From Vermont Historical Soci- ety Proceedings, 1872. 141 Connecticut infantry. Mott's regiment, 1776. Orderly book of Capt. Icabod Norton of Col. Mott's regiment of Connecticut troops des- tined for the northern campaign in 1776 at Skenesborough (now Whitehall), Fort Ann and Ticonderoga, N.Y. . . Together with a facsimile of Captain Norton's map of Ticon- deroga and Mount Independence. With an introduction by Robert O. Bascom of Fort Edward, N.Y. Fort Edward, N.Y. Press of Keating & Barnard, 1898. 64p. map (facsim.). 142 De Costa, Benjamin Franklin. The fight at Diamond island. N.Y.J. Sabin & sons, 1872. lip. 143 De Costa, Benjamin Franklin. Who took Ticonderoga? Galaxy, Dec. 1868. 6:831-35. Engagement of May 10, 1775. 144 De Fonblanque, Edward Barrington, 1821- 95. Political and military episodes in the lat- ter half of the eighteenth century. Derived from the life and correspondence of the Right Hon. John Burgoyne. . . London, Macmil- lan, 1872. 500p. front, (port.) plates, plans, facsims. 145 de Peyster, John Watts. Major General Philip Schuyler, and the Burgoyne campaign in the summer of 1777. . . N.Y. Holt, 1877. 26p. 146 Digby, William, fl. 1776. The British inva- sion from the north. The campaigns of Gen- erals Carleton and Burgoyne, from Canada, 1776-1777, with the journal of Lieut. Wil- liam Digby. . .illustrated with historical notes by James Phinney Baxter. Albany, Joel Munsell's sons, 1887. 41 2p. front, plates, port. (Munsell's Historical Series, no. 16.) 147 Elmer, Ebenezer. Journal kept during an expedition to Canada in 1776. . . In New Jersey historical society. Proceedings, 1847- 48,ser.l:2:95-146, 150-94; 3:21-56, 90-102. Includes Ticonderoga. 148 Fiske, John. Ticonderoga, Bennington and Oriskany. Atlan, Mar. 1889. 63:398-418. 149 Flick, Alexander Clarence. General Knox's Ticonderoga expedition. NT State Hist Assn CI, Apr. 1928. 9:119-35. 150 Folsom, William R. Battle of Valcour island. Ver Quar,JulY 1951. 19:133-46. 151 French, Allen. The taking of Ticonderoga in 1775; the British story; a study of captors and captives. . .based upon material hither- to unpublished. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard university press, 1928. 89p. front. 152 Hadden, James Murray. Hadden's journal and orderly books. A journal kept in Canada and upon Burgoyne's campaign in 1776 and 1777. . . Albany, Joel Munsell's sons, 1884. 581p. front, (facsim.) maps (facsim.). (Mun- sell's Historical Series, no. 12.) 153 Hagglund, Lorenzo Frederick. A page from the past: the story of the continental gundelo Philadelphia on Lake Champlain — 1776- 1949. Lake George, N.Y. Adirondack resorts press, C1949. 32p. illus. tables, map. 2d edi- tion; first published in Whitehall, N.Y. ^1936. 154 Hall, Henry. The evacuation of Ticonder- oga, in 1777. Hist Mag, Dec. 1862. 6:363-68. Read before the Vermont Historical Society at Brattleboro, July 17, 1862. 155 Hall, Hiland. The capture of Ticonderoga in 1775. A paper read before the Vermont THE REVOLUTION 11 historical society, Oct. 19, 1869. Ver Hist Soc Proc, Oct. 1869. p. 1-32. ' 156 Johnston, Henry Phelps. An address on "Ticonderoga; or, The defeat of the old world in the new." In Sons of the Revolution, New York society. Constitution. . .and the by-laws. . . N.Y. 1892. p.49-63. Battle of 1775. 157 Knox, Henry. Knox's diary during his Ticon- deroga expedition. AVit' Eng Hist & Gen Reg, July 1876. 30:321-26. 158 Lampee, Thomas C. The Missisquoi loyalists. Ver Hist Soc Proc, June 1938. n.s.6:81-139. Includes discussion of the loyalists in the Champlain valley. 159 Mahan, Alfred Thayer. The naval campaign of 1776 on Lake Champlain. Scrib M, Feb. 1898. 23:147-60. illus. 160 Murray, Eleanor S. The invasion of north- em New York, 1780. Ft Ti Mus Bui, July 1946. 7:3-12. port, illus. 161 Nelson, Peter. The battle of Diamond island. NY State Hist Assn Q,, Jan. 1922. 3:36-53. map. ^62 Papers relating to the expedition to Ticon- deroga, April and May, 1775. Conn Hist Soc Coll, 1860. 1:163-88. Includes a journal of Capt. Edward Mott with various letters and documents. 163 Pausch, Georg. Journal of Captain Pausch, chief of the Hanau artillery during the Bur- goyne campaign; tr. and annotated by Wil- liam L. Stone. . . Albany, Joel Munsell's sons, 1886. 185p. incl. plates, map, front, (port.). (Munsell's Historical Series, no. 14.) 164 Pennsylvania infantry. 5th regiment, 1776- 1783. Orderly book of the northern army, at Ticonderoga and Mt. Independence, from October 17th, 1776, to January 8th, 1777, with biographical and explanatory notes, and an appendix. Albany, J. Munsell, 1859. 224p. folded map. 165 Reynolds, Grindall. From Ticonderoga to Saratoga. Unit Rev, Nov. 1877. 8:505-26. Taking of Ticonderoga in 1775. 166 Root, William L. The capture of Fort Ticon- deroga. Berk Hist & Sci Soc, 1913. 3:376-92. 167 St. Clair, Arthur, defendant. Proceedings of a general court martial, held at White Plains, in the State of New- York, by order of his excellency General Washington. . .for the trial of Major General St. Clair, August 25, 1778. Major General Lincoln, president. Philadelphia, Hall & Sellars, 1778. 52p. folded map. Court-martial held for the abandon- ment of Ticonderoga and Fort Independence. 168 Schuyler, Philip, defendant. Proceedings of a general court martial, held at Major Gen- eral Lincoln's quarters, near Quaker-Hill, in the State of New- York, by order of his excellency General Washington. . .for the trial of Major General Schuyler, October 1 , 1778. Major General Lincoln, president. Philadelphia, Hall & Sellars, 1778. 62p. Court-martial held for the abandonment of Ticonderoga and Fort Independence. 169 Stevens, John Austin. The Burgoyne cam- paign: an address delivered on the battle- field on the one hundredth celebration of the battle of Bemis Heights, September 19, 1877. N.Y. Anson, D.F. Randolph & co. 1877. 43p. 170 Stone, William Leete, 1835-1908. Campaign of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne and the expe- dition of Lieut. Col. Barry St. Leger. . . Albany, J. Munsell, 1877. 461 p. front, illus. ports, folded map, facsim. The fight at Dia- mond Island, p. 346-52; Sergeant Lamb's account of his journey through the woods from Fort Miller to Ticonderoga, p. 406-1 2; Description of Ticonderoga and the forts south of it at the time of their occupation by the Americans in the year 1777, p. 434— 37. 171 Stone, William Leete, 1835-1908, tr. Letters of Brunswick and Hessian officers during the American revolution. . . Albany, Joel Mun- sell's sons, 1891. 258p. front. (Munsell's Historical Series, no.l8.) 172 The Ticonderoga expedition of 1775. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1910. 11 :303-89. 173 Trumbull, James Hammond. The origin of the expedition against Ticonderoga, in 1775. A paper read before the Connecticut his- torical society, Jan. 5, 1869. Hartford, Conn. 1869. 15p. Reviewed in Historical Magazine, Feb. 1869, ser.2:no.6:146. 174 Two letters: I. Anthony Wayne and Lake George; letter from General Anthony Wayne to General Schuyler, Ticonderoga, March 23, 1777. II. Washington's announcement of Arnold's treason. St. Louis, Privately printed by W.K. Bixby, 1922. 7 leaves. Facsimile reprint. 175 U.S. War dept. Adjutant-General's office. Continental army. Orderly book of the north- ern army at Ticonderoga and Mt. Inde- pendence from Oct. 17, 1776 to Jan. 8, 1777, with notes and appendix by J. Munsell. Albany, J. Munsell, 1859. 224p. port. map. Sabin 57496 (under title). 176 Wallace, Willard Mosher, ed. The British occupation of Fort Ticonderoga, 1777. Ft Ti Mus Bui, 1951. 8:301-20. port, illus. map. 12 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION Transcription of manuscript military orders in the Olin Library, Wesleyan University. 177 Watson, Winslow Cossoul. The Adirondacks a century ago. Am Hist Rec, Jan. 1873. 2:29- 32. Discussion of possible routes of Sir John Johnson's flight through the "Adirondack Desert" in 1776. 178 Who took Ticonderoga? Ft Ti Mus Bui, Jan. 1937. 4:55-87. port, illus. Documents relating to the claims of Ethan Allen and others. 179 THE WAR OF 1812 Akeley, Nettie Pomeroy. The battle of Platts- burg. Vermonter, 1926. 31:no.l:6-8. 180 Alden, F. Arlington. Vergennes and the battle of Plattsburg. Vermonter, Sept. 1914. 19:136-41. illus. Centennial celebration history. 181 Bixby, George F. The first battle of Lake Champlain. Has current history correctly located its site? Alb Inst Tr, 1893. 12:122-36. plates, plan, port. maps. Also printed as a separate, Albany, A. J. Parker, 1893. 182 Brown, Gilbert Patten. The victory on Lake Champlain. Mas Rev, Apr. 1932. 23:no.6:13- 17. illus. port. 183 Burns, James C. Battle of Plattsburgh. Sig- nificance of a great victory. . .September 11, 1814. Macomb, 111. Journal printing co. n.d. 15p. illus. ports. 184 Clark, Byron N. Accounts of the battle of Plattsburgh, 11 September, 1814. Gen (I Mag, Jan. 1903. ser. 3:3:234-52. Taken from con- temporary sources. Also published in Vermont Antiquarian, Mar. 1 903, 1 :75-93. 1 85 Clark, Byron N. ed. A list of the pensioners of the War of 1812. With an appendix, con- taining names of volunteers for the defence of Plattsburgh from Vermont towns, a de- scription of the battle. . . Burlington, Vt. Research publishing CO. 1904. 171p. plate. 186 Cooper, James Fenimore. The battle of Plattsburgh bay. Putnam, Jan. 1869. n.s.3:49- 59. Lecture to be delivered before the New York Historical Society. 1 87 Headley, Joel Tyler. The battle of the lakes. Harper, July 1853. 7:208-13. MacDonough's victory on Lake Champlain. Extracted from Headley's "Second War with England." 188 Lossing, Benson John. Scenes of the War of 1812. X. Lake Champlain and the New Eng- land coast. Harper, July 1864. 29:147-62. 189 McCarthy, Charles HaUan. Battle of Lake Champlain. Cath World, Sept. 1914. 99:721- 36. 190 Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Commodore Mac- Donough at Plattsburg. JVo Am, Aug. 1914. 200:203-21. Also issued as a separate. 191 Maine troops on Lake Champlain and the loss of the Eagle and the Growler, May-July, 1813. Moors Ant, May 1938. 2:34-42. 192 Marshall, Mrs. Helen Mariette (Lawrence). An echo of the battle of Plattsburgh. . . printed in the Plattsburgh Daily republican and reprinted for the Saranac chapter, D.A.R. Champlain, N.Y. Moorsfield press, 1929. 14p. incl. plate, front, (port.). An inci- dent at West Chazy. Set down by Mrs. Charles H. Signor and George Stephenson Bixby. 193 Moore, Amasa C. An address on the battle of Plattsburgh, delivered at the celebration of the anniversary, Sept. 1 1 th, 1 843. Platts- burgh, N.Y. J.W. Tuttle, 1844. 12p. Copy in the Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, Cal. 194 Moore, Charles H. The battles of Lake Champlain and Plattsburgh, Sept. 11th, 1814. An oration delivered Sept. 11th, 1886, at Saranac, N.Y. . . Plattsburgh, N.Y. J.W. Tuttle, 1886. 20p. 195 New York (state). Plattsburg centenary com- mission. The battle of Plattsburgh. What his- torians say about it. Albany, J. B. Lyon, 1914. 70p. plate, plan. 196 New York (state). Plattsburg centenary com- mission. The battle of Plattsburgh. Why its centennial is to be celebrated. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1914. lip. 197 New York (state). Plattsburg centenary com- mission. Plattsburgh centennial celebration. Official program. . . Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1914. 80p. ports, illus. map. Contains the Book of words of the pageant of the Champlain valley, by Margaret Maclaren Eager. His- torical notes by Mrs. George Fuller Tuttle. 198 New York (state). Plattsburg centenary com- mission. . . .Report. . .to the Legislature April 11, 1917. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1917. lip. front. Senate document 60, 1917. 199 New York (state). University. Archives and history division. The centenary of the battle of Plattsburg, 1814. . .at Plattsburg, N.Y., September 6 to 11, 1914. Published under the auspices of the State historian. Albany, 1914. 97p. plates, facsims. front, illus. (incl. maps, ports.). Contains reading list on the battle. 200 Noble, Henry Harmon. The battle of Boquet river. Am Scenic & Hist Pres Soc, 1915. 20:587- 98. Also issued as a reprint. 201 ARCHAEOLOGY 13 O'Toole, Edward Jr. The battle of Platts- burg. NY State Hist Asm Proc, 1915. 14:423- 29. plate. 202 Riddell, William Renwick. A Canadian's view of the battle of Plattsburgh. . . N.Y. 1915. 42p. 203 Robinson, C.W. The expedition to Platts- burg, upon Lake Champlain, Canada, 1814. With an account of it from the Journal of the late General Sir Frederick Philipse Robinson. Roy Unit Ser Inst J, Aug. 1916. 61:499-522. folded map. 204 Rochester, John Cornelius. The battle of Plattsburg, edited by Gladys G. Nelson. Univ Rock Lib Bui, Winter 1948. 3:30-34. Letters, describing the war in northern New York, written in 1 8 1 4. 205 Skinner, St. John B.L. The battle of Platts- burgh, an address, delivered before the Lyceum, February 18, 1835. Plattsburgh, N.Y. 1835. 32p. 206 Stahl, John Meloy. The battle of Plattsburg; a study in and of the War of 1 81 2. Argos, Ind. Van Tromp co. 1918. 166p. 207 Tach6, Sir Etienne Pascal. Guerre de 1812 k 1815. Bataille navale du Lac Champlain. Par un t6moin oculaire. Soc Hist Mont, 1860. 3:145-55. 208 Tuttle, John EUery, ed. The battle of Lake Champlain; the story of an eye-witness. Outlook, Nov. 2, 1901. 69:573-78. port. Story of Benjah Phelps retold. 209 Washburn, H.C. The battle of Lake Cham- plain. US JV Inst Proc, Sept.-Oct. 1914. 49: 1365-86. 210 ARCHAEOLOGY Auringer, Obadiah Cyrus. Aboriginal stone implements of Queensbury. J\fT State Hist Assn Proc, 1907. 8-A03-\8. 211 Carson, Russell Mack Little. Traces of Indian occupation of the Adirondacks. High Spots, Apr. 1931. 8:no.2:26-28. 212 Champlain valley archaeological society. Bulletin. Dec. 1937-June 1940. v.l, no.1-3. Fort Ticonderoga, N.Y. 1937-40. 3v. plates. 213 Kellogg, David Sherwood. Aboriginal dwell- ing-sites in the Champlain valley. Am Assn Adv Sci Proc, 1888. 36:308-10. 214 Kellogg, David Sherwood. A day off. For Leaves, Spring 1904. l:no.2:4-7. illus. Look- ing for Indian artifacts at Chateaugay Lake. 215 Kellogg, Orson. Indian antiquities. Am Assn Adv Sci Proc, 1849. 1:138-42. Report of the Committee of the Association of American Geologists and Naturalists examining phe- nomena at Keeseville, Essex County. 216 Miller, Philip Schuyler. A nice warm cave for the night. High Spots Trbk, 1944. p. 13-1 4, 18. Ulus. 217 Parker, Arthur C. Archaeological history of New York. Albany, University of the State of New York, 1922. 2v. plates, illus. maps. (New York State Museum Bulletins 235-38.) Includes "Prehistoric Iroquois sites in North- ern New York" by M. Raymond Harrington. 218 Perkins, George Henry. Archaeological re- searches in the Champlain valley. In Inter- national congress of anthropology. Memoirs. 1894. p.84-91. 219 Perkins, George Henry. Archaeology of the Champlain valley. Am Nat, Dec. 1879. 13: 731-47. illus. 220 Perkins, George Henry. Notes on the archae- ology of the Champlain valley. Am Assn Adv Sci Proc, 1879. 28:528-39. 221 Skinner, Alanson Buck. Notes on Iroquois archaeology. N.Y. Museum of the American Indian, 1921. 21 6p. plates, maps. (Indian Notes and Monographs. Miscellaneous no. 1 8 . ) 222 Squier, Ephraim George. Aboriginal monu- ments of the State of New York. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1850. 188p. plates, illus. maps. (Smithsonian Institution Publi- cation, no.l5.) Published also under title "Antiquities of the State of New York," Buffalo, 1851. 223 Vickers, Stan. Delving into the dark ages. No Country Life, Summer 1949. 3:no.3:13-14. Archaeological find in a cave near Ticon- deroga. 224 14 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION ABORIGINES Adams, Spencer Lionel. The long house of the Iroquois. Why the Five nations, possess- ing a rectangular type of lodge like the shape of their ancient realm in up-state New York, called themselves "Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee" (People of the long house). Skeneateles, N.Y. Fairview farm, 1944. 175p. plates, front. 225 Beauchamp, William Martin. Aboriginal occupation of New York. Albany, University of the State of New York, 1900. 199p. plates, folded maps in pocket. (New York State Museum Bulletin 32.) Arranged by county. 226 Beauchamp, William Martin. A history of the New York Iroquois now commonly called the Six nations. Albany, University of the State of New York, 1905. 125-46p. plates, ports, maps. (New York State Museum Bulletin 78.) 227 Beauchamp, William Martin. Indian names in New York, with a selection from other states, and some Onondaga names of plants, etc. Fayetteville, N.Y. Printed by H.C. Beauchamp, 1893. 148p. 228 Beauchamp, William Martin. The Iroquois trail; or. Foot-prints of the Six nations. Fay- etteville, N.Y. Author, 1892. 154p. 229 Burger, William H. The first Adirondackers. JVo Country Life, Spring 1953. 7:no.2:19-20. 230 Carson, Russell Mack Little. The unknown guide. High Spots, Apr. 1934. 11 :no.2:26-28. (Great Adirondack Guides, no. 6.) The Indian. 231 Champlain's battle with the Iroquois. St No Afo, Sept. 1906. 1 :no.5:12-15. illus. 232 Eno, Joel Nelson. A sketch of the relations of New York with the Five nations. Americana, July 1924. 18:278-312. 233 Finigan, Elizabeth Moran. The New York state Indians. US Cath Hist Soc, Mar. 1921. 15:104-11. "Indians living today on the reservations of New York state and some of their early history." 234 Jackson, Eric P. Mountains and the aborig- ines of the Champlain lowlands. Appalachia, Dec. 1930. 18:121-36. 235 Juvenal, pseud. Real life in the woods. For & Stream, Mar. 4, 1899. 52:164. Indian family living in the Adirondacks. 236 Kimm, Silas Conrad. The Iroquois: a history of the Six nations of New York. . . Middle- burgh, N.Y. Press of P.W. Danforth, 1900. 122p. incl. front, (port.). 237 Miller, Philip Schuyler. People looking down. Cloud Splitter, Feb. 1942. 5:no.2:2-3. Early inhabitants of Adirondacks. 238 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Return to the moun- tains. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1947. 10:no.5: 5-7. Aborigines. 239 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Who came first? Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1951. 15:94-95, 98. See letter from W.H. Burger and Miller's reply in issue for Jan. -Feb. 1952, 16:16-17. 240 Morgan, Lewis Henry. League of the Ho-d6- no-sau-nee; new ed. with additional matter. Ed. and annotated by Herbert M. Lloyd. . . N.Y. Dodd, Mead, 1904. 2v. in 1. "The first edition (1851) was in two printings, one of which carried in a few cases colored plates of the illustrations made for Morgan's reports to the New York State Board of Regents. In 1901 a two volume annotated edition was issued ; thirty copies were printed with colored plates and bound in parchment. Reprinted in 1 954 as a Behavior Science Reprint." W.N. Fenton, in American Anthropologist, Feb. 1957. 241 Parker, Arthur C. Champlain's assault on the fortified town of the Oneidas, 1615. . . Albany, University of the State of New York, 1919. p. 167-73, plate. "Printed in advance of the 14th report of the Director of the New York State Museum, 1917." 242 Root, Elihu. . . .The Iroquois and the strug- gle for America. Address by Honorable Elihu Root. . .in the Tercentenary celebration of the discovery of Lake Champlain, Platts- burgh, July 7, 1909. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1909. 1 1 folios. Press release. Caption title. 243 Smith, H. Perry. Champlain's two expedi- tions; the American Indian's first experience with gun powder. Four Tr News, Apr. 1904. 6:260-61. illus. port. 244 Williams, Dr. Sherman. Champlain's battle with the Iroquois. An address. . . Ticonder- oga, N.Y. Ticonderoga historical society, 1908. lOp. 245 INDIAN LEGENDS Beauchamp, William Martin. Iroquois folk lore, gathered from the Six nations of New York. Selected and arranged for the Onon- daga historical association, 1922. Syracuse, N.Y. Dehler press, 1 922. 247p. 246 Brewer, Kate. Fanciful tales from legends of the Adirondack Indians. N. Y. & Washington, Neale publishing co. 1905. 59p. plates. 247 ABORIGINES 15 Brewer, Kate. When love found out a way. For Leaves, Autumn 1908. 5. 'no. 3:3-7. illus. Legend of Saranac. 248 Carson, Russell Mack Little. Adirondack myths and legends. High Spots, Oct. 1931. 8:no.4:22-23. 249 Carson, Russell Mack Little. The Indian legend of Head island. High Spots, Jan. 1932. 9:no.l:27-28. 250 Carson, Russell Mack Little. Tomo, and the Wild lakes. High Spots, Apr. 1932. 9:no.2:24- 25, 30. Abridged and rearranged from John Todd's "Summer Gleanings." 251 Dailey, William Nelson Potter. Fireside legends of the Adirondacks. No Country Life, Summer 1951. 5:no.3:28-30. As told at Adi- rondack Lodge by Henry Van Hoevenberg. 252 Donaldson, Alfred Lee. Round the bend. Outdoor Life, Jan. 1905. 1:149-51. Legend of Saranac. 253 Forkey, Del. Legends of the land where the partridge drums. No Country Life, Fall 1952. 6:no.4:17-18. Indian tale from the Saranac region. 254 Hoffman, Charles Fenno. The flying head, a legend of Sacondaga lake. In Griswold, R.W. Prose writers in America. 4th ed. Philadel- phia, A. Hart, 1852. p.460-62. From his "Wild Scenes in the Forest and Prairie." Also in American Monthly Magazine, Jan. 1836. 255 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Adota of Tahawi. Cloud Splitter, June 1939. 2:no.4:7-8. Ausable Lake. 256 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Birth of the arbutus. Cloud Splitter, May 1942. 5: no.5:7-8. 257 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Birth of the water lily. Cloud Splitter, Apr. 1940. 3: no.3:4-5. Saranac Indians. 258 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech) . Chemanito creates. Cloud Splitter, May 1941. 4:no.5:8-9. 259 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Devil's pulpit. Cloud Splitter, Nov. 1941. 4:no.8:ll. 260 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Diamond rock. Cloud Splitter, Oct. 1942. 5:no.7:ll. 261 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Eagle nest trail. Cloud Splitter, Jan. 1942. 5:no.l :8. 262 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Great white stag. Cloud Splitter, Dec. 1940. 3:no.8:4. 263 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Hatchet island. Cloud Splitter, Oct. 1941. 4:no.7:ll. 264 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). How winter came. Cloud Splitter, Jan. 1943. 6:no.l :3. 265 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Indian park romance. Cloud Splitter, Feb. 1941. 4: no. 2:6. 266 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Indian plume. Cloud Splitter, Nov. 1940. 3:no.7:7-8. The Saranacs. 267 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Monawing & Mamatwa. Cloud Splitter, Apr. 1941. 4: no.4:6-7. 268 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Phantom falls. Cloud Splitter, Feb. 1940. 3:no.l:3, 5. Buttermilk Falls, Raquette River. 269 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). The Sara- nacs. Cloud Splitter, Mar. 1940. 3:no.2:5-6. Saranac Indians. 270 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). "This little tree." Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1944. 7:no.6:2. Legend of pine tree. 271 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). A tribe is born. Cloud Splitter, May 1940. 3:no.4:4-5. 272 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Wallface. Cloud Splitter, May 1939. 2:no.3:5. 273 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Where is my home? Cloud Splitter, Apr. 1942. 5:no.4:14. Grief of Indians on being forced to leave Adirondacks. 274 Logan, John. The legend of Joe Indian lake. JVo Country Life, Summer 1951. 5:no.3:47-53. Reprinted from an unidentified newspaper clipping. 275 Rice, Charles LeRett. The Indian maiden of Saint Sacrament, a story. Also a brief study of Indian origin, religion and habits, n.p. n.pub. 1926. 52 leaves. Mimeographed. 276 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. The To-ge- sho. Cloud Splitter, June 1939. 2:no.4:14. Legendary Adirondack beast finally wiped out by Indians. 277 Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett. Indian legends of Saratoga and of the upper Hudson valley. Troy, N.Y. N.B. Sylvester & co. 1884. 47p. front, illus. 278 16 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION LOCAL HISTORY Butler, Benjamin Clapp. Lake George and Lake Champlain from their first discovery to 1759. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1868. 240p. 2d edition published in New York by Putnam, 1869. 279 Carpenter, Warwick Stevens. The summer paradise in history. Albany, Delaware & Hudson CO. 1914. 128p. plates, fig. maps. "A compilation of fact and tradition covering Lake George, Lake Champlain, the Adiron- dack Mountains, and other sections reached by the rail and steamer lines of the Delaware and Hudson Company." A development of the "Literary and Historic Note Book" by HenryP. Phelps, 1907. 280 Chittenden, A.K. Report on Township 7, Adirondack league club preserve. Baltimore, Md. Chittenden & Patterson, n.d. 139p. map. Datedjune7, 1907. 281 Cleo's researches in local history. For Leaves, Autumn 1907. 4:no.3:4-19. illus. ports. Wil- liam Constable, James Duane, etc. 282 Fouquet, L.M. comp. Lake Champlain, Lake George! the Adirondacs, Lake Mem- phremagog and Mount Mansfield. Burling- ton, Vt. R.S. Styles, 1867. 60p. maps. "The Adirondack material is taken from Street's 'Woods and Waters' " (Skinner). 283 Fynmore, Jim. The central Adirondacks. A picture story. Prospect, N.Y. Prospect books, 1955. unpaged, illus. Photographs with brief text. Preface by Howard Thomas. Reviewed by G.G. Cole in North Country Life, Summer 1955, 9:no.3:77-78. White Lake and Tupper Lake. 284 Hochschild, Harold K. Township 34: a his- tory, with digressions, of an Adirondack township in Hamilton county in the State of New York. N.Y. Privately printed, 1952. 61 4p. illus. ports, maps (part folded). Re- viewed by A.T. Shorey in The Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1953, 16:no.2:9-10; by D.A. Plum in The Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1953, 17:40. In 1953 Mr. Hochschild issued a supple- ment: "Addendum to Chapter 13, p. 170A- 170X." This contains Henry J. Raymond's letters on the Adirondacks, which first ap- peared in the New York Times in 1 855. 285 Holden, Austin Wells. A history of the town of Queensbury in the State of New York, with biographical sketches of many of its distinguished men, and some account of the aborigines of northern New York. Albany, J. Munsell, 1874. 519p. front, plates, ports, illus. History of Lake Champlain in colonial times, p.269-508. Louis Fiske Hyde's "His- tory of Glens Falls," privately printed, 1936, is based on Holden's History. 286 Lake Horicon (Lake George), Lake Cham- plain, Montreal and Quebec with a map and table of distances. Burlington, Vt. C. Good- rich & CO. 1858. 48p. folded map. 287 Lamb, Wallace Emerson. Lake Champlain and Lake George valley. N.Y. American historical co. ^1940. 3v. front, ports, illus. maps. 288 Lane, David F. Number 4. Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1947. ll:no.4:8-10. illus. Brown's Tract. 289 Lane, David F. The Oswegatchie country. Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1949. 13:76-81, 84. illus. 290 Morehouse union. Report of a committee appointed to examine the lands of A.K. Morehouse, esq. in Herkimer and Hamilton counties. State of New- York; together with the constitution, by-laws, etc. of the More- house union. N.Y. 1843? 24p. Piseco Lake area. 291 New York (state). Surveyor general. Report in relation to land owned by the state in the counties of Hamilton, Essex, Clinton, Frank- lin and St. Lawrence. Albany, 1839. 9p. Assembly document 382, 1839. By O.L. Holley. 292 New York (state). Surveyor general. Report relative to the proposed road from Salisbury- Centre to Racket Lake, and the sale and settlement of state land. Albany, 1840. 7p. Assembly document 153, 1840. Report by O.L. Holley on the value of state lands in Herkimer, Hamilton and Essex counties. 293 Parkman, Francis. Historic handbook of the northern tour; lakes George and Champlain; Niagara; Montreal; Quebec. Boston, Little, Brown, 1885. 180p. front, plates, ports, map. Reprinted in 1899. 294 Reed, William. Life on the border sixty years ago. Fall River, Mass. R. Adams, 1882. 120p. Lively account of life in the Macomb Pur- chase, No. 1 Tract, 1822-35. Hamilton County. 295 Ryan, Ernest E, comp. . . .Tales of the north country with pictures. . . Rouses Point, N.Y. Northern publishing co. 1942? unpaged, ports, illus. 296 Stephens, W. Hudson. Historical note of the settlement on No. 4, Brown's tract, in Wat- son, Lewis county, N.Y. With notes of the early settlers. . . Utica, N.Y. Roberts, 1864. 27p. front, (mounted port.). Reprinted in Donaldson's "History of the Adirondacks," v.2,p.260-71. 297 LOCAL HISTORY: THE CHAMPLAIN VALLEY 17 Van de Water, Frederic Franklyn. Lake Champlain and Lake George. . . Indian- apolis & N.Y. Bobbs-Merrill co. 1946. 381 p. plates, ports, facsims. (American Lakes Series, ed. by M.M. Quaife.) "Bibliograph- ical note," p.358-62. 298 Walworth, Mrs. Ellen (Hardin). The edges of the Adirondacks. For Leaves, Winter 1909. 5:no.4:3-10. illus. Luzerne, Mt. McGregor, Saratoga. 299 THE CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Allen, Joseph Dana. A journal of an excur- sion made by the corps of cadets of the A.L.S. & M. academy, Norwich, Vt. under the command of Capt. A. Partridge, June 1824. Windsor, Vt. S. Ide, 1824. 48p. Trip around Lake Champlain. 300 Along Champlain shores; a scenic route. A/oior(fom,Junel933. p.11-12. 301 Anderson, George Pomeroy. Attractive Lake Champlain. Land & Wat, July 1898. n.s.3: 41-42. 302 Armstrong, L.O. Indian pageants on Lake Champlain. Travel, July 1909. U-.AlA-ld. illus. 303 Auld, Joseph. Picturesque Burlington, a hand- book of Burlington, Vermont and Lake Champlain. . . Burlington, Vt. Free press association, 1893. 190p. front, plates, illus. map. Champlain valley, p. 1-34. 304 Bailey, Horace Ward. Historical booklet of the discovery of Lake Champlain. Mont- pelier, Vt. Lake Champlain tercentenary commission of Vermont, 1909. 30p. illus. maps. Also published in Newbury, Vt. 1909. Crown Point and Ticonderoga, p. 16-20. 305 Beck, Raymond. An auto trip to Lake Cham- plain. Travel, July 1909. 14:481-82. illus. map. 306 Bedard, Joseph Armand. Was the Lake Champlain region entirely lost to the French with the downfall of French dominion in America? NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1910. 10: 79-94. 307 Bryce, Viscount James Bryce. University and historical addresses delivered during a resi- dence in the United States as ambassador of Great Britain. N.Y. Macmillan, 1913. 433p. "The Tercentenary of the Discovery of Lake Champlain. Address delivered at Burlington, Vt. July 8, 1909," p.265-79. 308 Buckham, John Wright. Lake Champlain, historical and picturesque. New Eng M, July 1899. n.s.20:582-603. illus. map. 309 Bush, Robert. Champlain. NTS Con, Nov. 1947. 2:no.2:18-20.Ulus. map. 310 Campbell, Thomas Joseph. The first mission- aries on Lake Champlain. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1910. 10:127-38. port. 311 Champlain, Samuel de. Champlain's expedi- tions to northern and western New York, 1609-1615. In Documentary history of the State of New York. Albany, 1850. v.3, p.1-15. folded plate. 312 Champlain, Samuel de. Voyages of Samuel de Champlain, 1604-1618. Edited by W.L. Grant. N.Y. Scribner, 1907. 377p. plates, map. (Original Narratives of Early American History.) Discovery of Lake Champlain, p.161-66. 313 Champlain — greatest of inland lakes, won- derful motor ride along the shore of this historic lake, an inviting vacation center. Motordom,]\m& 1929. 23:no.l:16-17. illus. 314 Champlain memorial lighthouse. No Country Life, Spring 1952. 6:no.2:31. illus. 315 Charlevoix, Pierre Frangois Xavier de. His- tory and general description of New France. Translated from the original edition and edited with notes, by Dr. John Gilmary Shea. . . N.Y. F.P. Harper, 1900. 6v. plates, fronts, ports, maps. Champlain's discovery of Lake Champlain and Lake George, includ- ing a reproduction of the Carte de la Rivifere de Richelieu et du Lac Champlain, 1744, V.2, p.15-19. 316 Clarke, Grace M. Historic Lake Champlain. Vermonter, May 1908. 13:137-40. illus. map. 317 Clarke, John Mason. The setting of Lake Champlain history. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1910. 10:56-66. Geologic history. 318 Cone, Gertrude E. Early life in the Cham- plain valley. No Country Life, Spring 1949. 3:no.2:35-37, 60-62. From her thesis (no.4392). 319 Coolidge, Guy Omeron. The French occupa- tion of the Champlain valley from 1609 to 1750. Ver Hist Soc Proc, Sept. 1938. n.s.6:143- 313. A forty-page biographical index follows the article. 320 Copeland, Fred O. Lake Champlain has a spell. Vermonter, Oct. 1939. 44:209-11. His- torical notes. 321 Crockett, Walter Hill. The French in the Champlain valley. New Eng M, May 1901. n.s.24:322-29. 322 Crockett, Walter Hill. A history of Lake Champlain ; a record of more than three cen- turies, 1609-1936. Burlington, Vt. McAuliffe CO. 1937. 320p. plates, ports, double map. An earlier edition was published in Burlington by HJ. Shanley & Co. in 1 909. 323 18 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION Cutting, Elisabeth. Samuel de Champlain and his lake. NT Hist, Apr. 1934. 15:175-83. 324 D'Arusmont, Mme. Frances (Wright). Views of society and manners in America. . . N.Y. E. Bliss & E. White, 1821. 387p. Plattsburgh and Lake Champlain, p.209-1 9. 325 Davies, William Gilbert. Ticonderoga and Crown Point. In Society of colonial wars, N.Y. Addresses delivered. . .and yearbook, 1906-07. New Haven, 1908? p.38-49. Also published in his "Papers and Addresses," N.Y. R.G. Cooke, Inc. 1907, p.95-108. 326 Duncan, John M. Travels through part of the United States and Canada in 1818 and 1819. Glasgow, University press, 1823. 2v. Lake Champlain, v.2, p.228-34. 327 Dwight, Timothy, 1752-1817. Travels in New-England and New- York. London, Baynes & son, 1823. 4v. port, folded maps. Journeys to Lake George and Crown Point, V.3, p.337flF. 328 Favreau, J. Arthur. La grande semaine; fetes du troisifeme centenaire de la decouverte du Lac Champlain. . . Worcester, Mass. Com- pagnie de publication Belisle, 1909. 194p. ports, illus. maps. 329 First conference of Lake Champlain histori- ans, July 1, 1939. Ver Hist Soc Proc, Sept. 1939. n.s. 7:185-204. For second conference see issue for Sept. 1940, n.s.8:282-301. 330 Ganley, Albert Charles. Land grants and settlement in the Champlain valley of New York, 1664-1800. 104 leaves, maps. Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1940. Typescript. 331 Gosselin, Auguste Honor6. Champlain et Hudson ■ — la decouverte du Lac Champlain, et celle de la Rivifere Hudson. A I'occasion du Tricentenaire de ces deux evenements, 1 609- 1909. Roy Soc Canada Mem, 1910. 3 ser.3: sect.l :87-l 10. Also issued as a separate. 332 Hall, Hiland. The New York Dellius patent. Hist Mag, Feb. 1868. ser.2:3:74-76. The grant, extending twenty miles north of Crown Point, included the tract bounded by Wood Creek and the Hudson River on the east. 333 Hanotaux, Gabriel. A speech delivered by his excellency. . .at a banquet given by the Lake Champlain association and the Ter- centenary committee, May 1, 1912. N.Y.? 1912. 12p. 334 Hill, Henry Wayland. Lake Champlain. Travel, July 1909. 14:469-70. Ulus. 335 Historic points along Lake Champlain. Mo^ora'ow2.Junel932. p.30. 336 Holden, James Austin. The Half-way brook in history. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1905. 6:169-89. plates. Town of Queensbury. 337 Keith, E.F. The Indian runner: a story of the early Adirondacks. Fur-Fish-Game, Sept. 1925. 42:no.3:89-90. Early settlers on Lake Cham- plain. 338 Kellogg, David Sherwood. Early mention of events and places in the valley of Lake Champlain. Ver Hist Soc Proc, 1901-2. p.51- 64. Also in Magazine of History, Feb. 1905, 1:77-84. 339 Kellogg, Henry Theodore. Paper read at Split rock lighthouse, July 12, 1932. n.p. n.d. lip. Copy in the Sherman Free Library, Port Henry. 340 Lake Champlain. Fam Mag, 1843. 8:306-7. illus. Interesting early description including a little material on the Adirondacks. 341 Lake Champlain. Extracted from the Home Journal. Montreal, 1857. 2 leaves. 342 Lake Champlain, longest of inland lakes, marvelous panoramas rim its shore, as history unrolls legends every American should know. Motordom, June 1930. 24:no.l:14-15. illus. 343 Lake Champlain ■ — the glorious, noted for its scenic panoramas, with mountains on either shore, this 1 36-mile long lake is a vaca- tionists' mecca. Motordom, June 1931. 24: no.l2:17. illus. 344 Lake Champlain association. Yearbook. N.Y. 1910-26? Copies located for 1909/10-1913/ 14, 1916/17, 1920/21-1926/27. 345 Lape, Mrs. Jane (McCaughin). Champlain valley — the warpath of the nations. NT State Hist Assn Bui, Nov. 1945. 13:14-16. illus. 346 Lonergan, Carroll Vincent. The northern gateway, a history of Lake Champlain and guide to interesting places in the great valley, n.p. n.pub. ^1939. 40p. front, ports, illus. maps. 2d printing, 1941. Revised and re- printed, 1950. 347 Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Story of Lake Champlam. Outlook, July 10, 1909. 92:593- 605. 348 MacDonald, Archibald de Lery. The sei- gneurie of Alain ville on Lake Champlain. Baltimore, 1929. 36p. (Order of Colonial Lords of Manors in America, New York. Publication no.20.) 349 Mather, Frederic Gregory. Summer days along Champlain. Outing, Aug. 1885. 6:524- 30. As seen from a boat. 350 Moore, Pliny. Lake Champlain Location no. one; Journal of the preliminary survey, 1785. Champlain, New York. Moors Ant, Aug. 1938. 2:113-20. Lake Champlain Location no.l was tract of 1 1 ,600 acres known as the Moors- field Grant and patented to Pliny Moore. The Journal was kept during the survey. 351 LOCAL HISTORY: THE CHAMPLAIN VALLEY 19 Murray, William Henry Harrison. Lake Champlain and its shores. Boston, De Wolfe, Fiske&co.<^1890. 261p. front. 352 New York (state). Commerce, Dept. of. Lake Champlain. A''o Country Life, Summer 1950. 4:no.3:33-34. illus. 353 New York (state). Lake Champlain tercente- nary commission. The Champlain tercente- nary. Final report. . .prepared by Henry Wayland Hill. . . Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1913. 325p. front, plates, port. Contents differ from those of the 1911 report (no.355). 354 New York (state). Lake Champlain tercen- tenary commission. The Champlain tercen- tenary. Report. . .prepared by Henry Way- land Hill. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1911. 534p. plates, facsims. plans, ports, folded maps. Appendix includes "Geology of the Cham- plain Valley," by John M. Clarke; "Episodes in the History of the Champlain Valley," by F.H. Severance. The 2d edition of this report, noted above, contains the appendix and an analytical index by C.A. Nelson. 355 New York (state). Lake Champlain tercente- nary commission. Report transmitted to the Legislature Mar. 23, 1908. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1908. 22p. Senate document 28, 1908. 356 New York (state). University. . . . Lake Champlain tercentenary. . . Albany, 1909. 32p. illus. map. For descriptions of the Ter- centenary see the following articles: Brilliant Commemoration, Outlook, June 12, 1909, 92: 351-52; Celebrating at Lake Champlain, Current Literature, Aug. 1909, 47:115-20; Crockett, Walter Hill. The Lake Champlain Tercentenary, Vermonter, Aug. 1908, 13:229- 30; In Memory of a Great Explorer, Harper^ s Weekly, July 3, 1909, 53:16; Spectator, pseud. Champlain Celebration, Outlook, July 31, 1909, 92:784-86; 1609-1909. The Lake Champlain Tercentenary. . . Travel, July 1909, 14:483-86. 357 Newton, Hilah Foote. Horses and steamboats on Champlain. NT Folk (I, Feb. 1945. 1:33- 45. 358 Nye, Mary Greene. Tories in the Champlain valley. Ver Hist Soc Proc, Sept. 1941. .i.s.9: 197-203. 359 O'Brien, Edward C. Lake Champlain his- torical pageant review — 1923. In New York state waterways association. 13th Annual convention. 1922. p.86-89. 360 O'Brien, Michael J. Early Irish settlers in the Champlain valley. Recorder, Sept. 1927. 4:1-4. 361 The one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the American revolution in the Crown Point area. . . Crown Point state park, July 4, 1927. . . Albany, Fort Orange press, 1927. 40p. illus. 362 Owen, Robert Emmet. Sketches of Fort Ticonderoga and vicinity. Baltimore, Printed for Fort Ticonderoga museum by Williams & Wilkins, 1924? 48p. illus. Another edition, undated, published by the Troy Times Art Press. Drawings with brief text. 363 Paine, Silas H. Soldiers of the Champlain valley. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1919. 17:301- 428. 364 Palmer, Peter Sailly. History of Lake Cham- plain, from its first exploration by the French in 1609, to the close of the year 1814. Platts- burgh, N.Y. J.W. Tuttle, 1853. 223p. maps. 2d edition, Albany, J. Munsell, 1866. Issued also on large paper, in an edition of fifty copies. 3d edition, N.Y. Lovell, n.d. 365 Parkman, Francis. A half-century of conflict. Boston, Little, Brown, 1899. 2v. plates, ports. Many references to Lake George, Lake Champlain and Ticonderoga. 366 Pomeroy, S.G. The historical significance of the Champlain tercentenary. New Eng M, July 1909. n.s.40:560-69. 367 Pyle, Howard. Through inland waters. Harper, May-June 1896. 92:828-39; 93:63-75. illus. Trip up the Hudson and through Lake Champlain. 368 Richards, Frederick Bascom. Historic Cham- plain valley, beauty of scenery is not all Lake Champlain has to offer the tourist. Up-Stater, Nov. 1929. 1 :no.6:10, 23, 30. UIus. 369 Royce, Mrs. Caroline Halstead (Barton). The first century of Lake Champlain. N.Y. Miller press, 1909. 14 leaves, plates. 370 Rutland railroad co. Across the islands of Lake Champlain. N.Y. Chasmar-Winchell, 190— 81p. 371 Saunders, A.M. Important review of pioneer incidents (Lake Champlain). Vermonter, Juncr- July 1933. 38:148-51. Includes historical notes. 372 Schott, Charles Anthony. Fluctuations in the level of Lake Champlain and average height of its surface above the sea. In U.S. Coast and geodetic survey. Report, June 1887. p.l65- 72. charts, tables. 373 Shattuck, Louis Edgar. The coming Lake Champlain tercentenary celebration. Travel, June 1909. 14:396-98. illus. 374 Smith, John Talbot. Lake Champlain, its associations and its beauties. Travel, July 1909. 14:471-73. illus. 375 'Spargo, John. Behold, the splendor of Cham- plain! An address. . .June 14, 1938. Burling- ton, Vt. Lane press, inc. 1938. 13p. 376 20 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION Steele, David McConnell. Vacationing in the Lake Champlain country. Travel, June 1918. 31:no.2:31-33,42. illus. 377 Stevens, Franklin G. A family legend of Lake Champlain. J\fo Country Life, Fall 1949. 3:no.4: 48-50. 378 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. Historic Lake Cham- plain. St No Mo, July 1906. l:no.3:9-16. illus. 379 Stuart, James. Three years in North Amer- ica. . . Edinburgh, Robert Cadell, 1833. 2v. front, (folded map). Lake George and Lake Champlain, v. 1, p. 164-88. 380 Talbot, Francis Xavier. The blood stained trail of Isaac Jogues. America, Sept. 17, 1932. 47:565-67. Visit to Lake Champlain and Lake George. 381 Ter-centenary of Lake Champlain, 1609- 1909. n.p. n.pub. n.d. 34p. illus. 382 Thomas, John M. The worth to a nation of a sense for its past. J\fT State Hist Assn Proc, 1910. 10:71-78. Sites of Fort Frederick and Fort Amherst as a state park. 383 Torrey, Joseph. The discovery and occupa- tion of Lake Champlain. A paper read before the Vermont historical society. . .Oct. 16, 1860. Ver Hist Sac Proc, 1860. 21 :13-27. 384 Tuckerman, Henry Theodore. Lake Cham- plain. Atlan, Sept. 1866. 18:365-66. 385 Tuttle, Maria Jeannette Brookings. Three centuries in Champlain valley; a collection of historical facts and incidents. Tercentenary edition. Plattsburgh, N.Y. Saranac chapter, D. A.R. 1 909. 485p. front, illus. ports. 386 Van de Water, Frederic Franklyn. Glimpses of Champlain history. Am Heritage, Sept. 1 949. n.s. 1 :20-23. illus. port. map. 387 Vermont. Lake Champlain tercentenary com- mission. The tercentenary celebration of the discovery of Lake Champlain and Vermont. A report to the General assembly of the State of Vermont. Montpelier, Vt. Capital city press, 1910. 167p. plates, port. map. 388 Vermont. Lake Champlain tercentenary com- mission. The tercentenary celebration of the discovery of Lake Champlain and Vermont, final report of the Vermont commission: French delegation visit America, presenta- tion of Rodin bust "La France," dedication of Champlain memorial, n.p. 1914. 24p. front, plates. Cover title: Champlain, 1609- 1909, Final Report. 389 Vidal de la Blache, Paul. Une journee aux bords du Lac Champlain. Paris, Firmin, 1912. 15p. 390 Walsh, James Joseph. Catholic pioneers along Lake Champlain. For Leaves, Autumn 1909. 6:no.3:22-29. illus. port. 391 Walworth, Hiram. A legend of the Saranac. Am Hist Register, Oct. 1894. 1:159-66. illus. Story of Charles de Fredenberg. 392 Watson, Winslow Cossoul. The occupation of the Champlain valley. Am Hist Rec, May 1872. 1:200-4. map. 393 Watson, Winslow Cossoul. Pioneer history of the Champlain valley; being an account of the settlement of the town of Willsborough by William Gilliland, together with his journal and other papers. . . Albany, J. Munsell, 1863. 231 p. (Munsell's Local Amer- ican History, 1.) 394 Weld, Isaac Jr. Travels through the states of North America. . .during the years 1795, 1796 and 1797; 4th ed. . . London, Stock- dale, 1807. 2v. Journey from Albany to St. Johns, v.l, p. 274-304. Descriptions of Skenes- borough, Lake Champlain, etc. 395 Wilkins, F.H. General items about Lake Champlain. Vermonter, Oct. 1915. 20:217-18. Notes of historical interest. 396 THE HUDSON Bayle, Francis L. History of the Tahawus region. High Spots, Jnly 1932. 9:no.3:ll-15. Includes extract from Masten's "Story of Adirondac." 397 Beach, Nelson John. 101 years ago. Cloud Splitter, June 1942. 5:no.6:5-6. Letter written by Beach in 1841 from the Adirondack Iron Works. For brief sketch of Beach, see p.BB. 398 Bowen, Croswell. Great river of the moun- tains: the Hudson. N.Y. Hastings house, •^1941. 94p. illus. The first 21 pages of pictures are on the Adirondack area. 399 Bruce, Wallace. The Hudson: three centuries of history, romance and invention. N.Y. Bryant union, ^^1907. 224p. illus. plates, front, folded maps. Centennial edition. 400 Bruce, Wallace. The Hudson river by day- light. N.Y. G. Watson, ^1873. 165p. illus. plates, folded map. Adirondacks, p. 109-1 6. Another edition published in 1882, 182p., contains "From Saratoga to the Adiron- dacks," p. 138-53. 401 Carmer, Carl Lamson. The Hudson. Holiday, Sept. 1949. 6:no.3:34-41, 82-83. illus. (part, col.). Includes portrait of "Yankee John" Galusha. 402 Carter, Robert. The source of the Hudson. Appleton, Mar. 12, 1870. 3:281-82. illus. 403 Greene, Nelson, ed. History of the valley of the Hudson, river of destiny, 1609-1930. Chicago, S.J. Clarke publishing co. 1931. 5v. plates, ports. 404 Hoffman, Charles Fenno. Scenes at the sources of the Hudson. fiT Mirror, Oct. 7-28, LOCAL HISTORY: LAKES AND STREAMS 21 Dec. 16, 1837. 15:118-19, 124-25, 132, 140- 41, 193-94. Signed: C.F.H. Contents: 1. Lake Henderson. A Primitive Forest. A Staunch Woodsman. A Hunter's Camp. The Indian Pass. 2. Village of Mclntyre. Earth- quakes. Forest Scenes. Hunters' Stories. 3. Mt. Marcy. A Wolf Fight. The Wounded Huntsman. A Generous Hound. 4. Crusting Moose. Withing a Buck. 5. The Dead-clear- ing. 405 Johnson, Clifton. The picturesque Hudson ... N.Y. Macmillan, 1909. 227p. incl. col. front, plates. (Picturesque River Series.) From Saratoga to source, p. 199-227. 406 Lossing, Benson John. The Hudson, from the wilderness to the sea. . . N.Y. Virtue & Yorston, 1866. 464p. front, illus. Also pub- lished in Troy, by H.B. Nims & Co. 1866. 3d edition, 1872. Originally published in The Art Journal (London) 1860-61. n.s. v.6-7. Adirondacks, p.1-58. 407 Longstreth, Thomas Morris. The sources of picturesque rivers. I. The Hudson. Country Life, June 1922. 42:no.2:60-61. Ulus. 408 Milbert, Jacques Gerard. Itineraire pitto- resque du Fleuve Hudson et des parties late- rales de I'Amerique du Nord, d'aprfes les dessins originaux pris sur les lieux. . . Paris, Henri Gaugain et cie. 1828-29. 2v. Section 5: "Excursion dans les montagnes aux sources de I'Hudson." The author visited Lake George, Lake Champlain, Schroon Lake. 409 Nelson's Illustrated guide to the Hudson and its tributaries. . . N.Y. T. Nelson & sons, 1860. 202p. col. front, col. plates (part folded). 410 The river Hudson, together with descriptions and illustrations of the city of New York, Cat- skill mountains. Lake George, Lake Cham- plain, Saratoga. N.Y. Ross & Tousey, 1859. 63p. illus. map. 411 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. The headwaters of the Hudson. Outing, Oct. 1885. 7:58-63. 41 2 Van Vorst, Marie. The Hudson river. Harper, Mar. 1905. 110:543-54. illus. Includes the headwaters. 413 Van Vorst, Marie. The Indian trail. Harper Baz, July-Aug. 1908. 42:653-58, 744-48. illus. Trip along the Indian trail between Lake Placid and Lake Henderson; by a woman reporter assigned to write on the source of the Hudson River. 414 A visit to the States. A reprint of letters from the special correspondent of the Times. 1st— 2d ser. London, G.E. Wright, 1887-88. 2v. The Hudson River, v.2, p. 83-87. Source of the Hudson. 415 LAKES AND STREAMS Adirondack Jim's partner. For & Stream, Oct. 4, 1883. 21:186. Reprinted from The Sun. Winter at Long Lake. 416 Allen, J.C. Romance of two ponds: Potter pond and Sargent pond. For & Stream, Nov. 24, 1894. 43:448. 417 Amateur, pseud. Saranac route. For & Stream, }Mn& 24, Sept. 30, 1875. 4:307; 5:114. Description of trips made in 1860 and 1868. 418 Appleton, Thomas Gold. Life and letters of Thomas Gold Appleton. Prepared by Susan Hale. N.Y. Appleton, 1885. 348p. front, (port.). Trip to Upper Saranac Lake in 1859, p.312-15. 419 Beetle, David Harold. West Canada creek. Utica, N.Y. Observer-Dispatch, 1946. 158p. plates, front, port. Reviewed in The Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1947. 10:no.2:6. 420 Benedict, Darwin. Postman takes a boat! Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1948. ll:no.4:3-4. Floating post office on the Fulton Chain. 421 Boyd. Blue mountain lake, Adirondacks. For & Stream, ]\x\y 2, 1874. 2:323. 422 Brown-Serman, W. A mountain-lake idyl; Raquette lake — St. Hubert's isle. The Adi- rondacks. Four Tr News, ]\x\y 1905. 9:20-23. illus. 423 Bruce, Dwight Hall. The Cranberry lake country. For & Stream, Aug. 27, 1891. 37: 103. Signed: D.H.B. Discussion of changes in the area. 424 Bryan, Charles W. Jr. The Raquette — river of the forest. No Country Life, Fall 1950-Spring 1951. 4:no.4:4-9; 5:no.l :24-29; 5:no.2:20- 25. illus. map. 425 Bulger, John D. Big Tupper. NTS Con, Apr.- Mayl951.5:no.5:18-19. illus. 426 Bulger, John D. Raquette lake. NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1950. 5:no.2:14-15. illus. 427 Bush, Robert. Sacandaga; man-made home for record fish. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1947. 2:no.l:16— 17. illus. map. Reprinted in North Country Life, Summer 1948, 2:no.3:30-31, 45. Author listed as Rush. 428 C, A. A red letter day. For Leaves, Summer 1904. l:no.3:38-41. illus. port. Visit to Third and Fourth lakes of the Fulton Chain. 429 Charming lakes in western Adirondacks; Star, Cranberry and Bonaparte lakes, pretty camping spots. Motordom, June 1929. 23:no. 1 :36. illus. 430 Collins, John O. The spirit of the woods. Four Tr News, Dec. 1902. 3:249-50. illus. Fulton Chain. 431 22 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION Cranberry lake motor boat club. Cranberry lake, New York and the western Adirondack region, by James Foster Wilcox. Cranberry Lake, N.Y. 1915. 64p. illus. map. 432 Crary, John C. Tunney developing wallop at Lake Pleasant, Gene's training there helped to win him pugilistic crown — now training for the Tom Heeney fight. Motor- dom, June 1928. 22:no.l:6-7. illus. ports. 433 Curtiss, Arthur Leslie Byron-. The roaring harmony of nature. No Country Life, Winter 1954. 8:no.l :11-13. Black River experiences. 434 Davison, J.L. In the Adirondacks in 1858. For & Stream, Apr. 22, 1911. 76:613-14. Along the Raquette River. 435 A day at Long lake. Knick Mag, June 1860. 55:578-82. 436 Denslow, Van Buren. The Raquette in '55. Am Mag, May 1887. 6:3-17. illus. Trip to Raquette River area. 437 Deuel, Charles L. Upper Saranac lake. MTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1950. 5:no.l :26-27. illus. 438 Fish, Mrs. Gretchen (Houghton). History of Indian lake, by Gretchen M. Houghton. jVr State Hist Assn Proc, 1916. 16:268-75. Prize essay, by student from Indian Lake High School. Also in "Indian Lake High School — 1914," p.5-10. 439 Fish, Mrs. Gretchen (Houghton). Indian lake. NTS Con, Apr.-May 1948. 2:no.5:20. map. Reprinted in North Country Life, Winter 1952, 6:no.l:55-59. 440 Fitch, Morton Cross. History of Ragged lake in Franklin county. New York. Providence, R.I. 1934. 21 4p. Mimeographed. Personal- ities, anecdotes. History of the Owl's Head area. 45 copies issued. Copy in New York State Library. 441 Fosburgh, Peter W. Lake Placid. NTS Con, Dec. 1948-Jan. 1949. 3:no.3:22-23. illus. 442 From Gravesend bay to Lake Champlain by way of river and canal. For & Stream, Jan. 18, 1902. 58:54. 443 Fuller, A.R. Winter in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Jan. 4, 1883. 19:444. Meacham Lake in winter. 444 The Fulton chain of lakes. NTS Con, Oct.— Nov. 1954. 9:no.2:22-23. Map with brief text. 445 Gaither, Harry N. The rock of life. Con- servationist, Sept. 1920. 3:138-39. illus. Re- printed in State Service, Jan. 1921, 5:60-61. Visit to Paradox Lake. 446 Galligan, J. P. Canada lake. NTS Con, June- July 1954. 8:no.6:6. Map with brief text. 447 Gavin, Joseph W. Love murder at Big Moose lake. Mast Detect Mag, Nov.-Dec. 1 929, Jan. 1930. l:no.3:22-26, 79-80; 1 :no.4:20-22, 79-82; 1 :no.5:39-41, 70-73. illus. ports. 448 H., Ed M. Schroon lake. For & Stream, May 29, 1884. 22:349. Schroon Lake as a resort. 449 Harmes, Edward A. Moose river country. Ad Mt Club Bui, July-Aug. 1944. 8:no.4:4, 10. 450 Have you visited these lovely lakes? Motor- dom, June 1932. p.28. Limekiln, Otter, Thir- teenth and Seventh lakes. 451 Hoppin, G.M. The Adirondac lakes. Broad Mag, Mar. 1869. ser.2:2:263-69. 452 Hungerford, Edward. Black river, its praises are least sung. No Country Life, Summer 1947. l:no.3:19-20. Reprinted from The Torker. 453 Hunter, pseud. The Oswegatchie country. For & Stream, Sept. 2, 1875. 5:50. Descrip- tion of various lakes, etc. How to reach it. 454 Hurley, Donal and Hurley, Richard. A trip through the Fulton chain, plenty of variety in trip by auto up past White and Otter lakes, then by boat from First to Fourth lakes. Motordom, Apr. 1927. 20:no.ll :2-3. illus. 455 In the Saranac country; world famous resorts lure the traveler to delights of lake and moun- tain. Motordom, June 1930. 24:no.l:26. illus. 456 Juvenal, pseud. The Adirondacks. For & Stream, July 15, 1905. 65:46. News from Blue Mountain Lake. 457 Juvenal, pseud. Appreciation of nature. For & Stream, Oct. 19, 1907. 69:612. Prof. J. M. Taylor of Colgate University raising fund to build observation tower on top of Blue Mountain. 458 Juvenal, pseud. The tower on Blue mountain. For & Stream, Nov. 28, 1909. 71:850. illus. Description of tower built from public sub- scription. 459 K., F.D. The old days in the woods. For Leaves, Dec. 1903. 1:18-20. illus. Reminis- cences of the Upper Saranac in the 1860's. 460 Kerst, Dwinal G. Schroon lake. NTS Con, Apr.-May 1950. 4:no.5:22-23. illus. 461 Knox, John. Piseco lake. W^/S" Cow, June— July 1949. 3:no.6:16-17. Reprinted in North Coun- try Life, Summer 1951, 5:no.3:34-35. 462 The lakes of the wilderness. Or Rep Mo, Apr. 1859. 1:335-50. illus. 463 Lane, David F. Cranberry lake — nature's paradise. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.— Oct. 1947. 11: no.5:8-ll. illus. 464 LOCAL HISTORY: LAKES AND STREAMS 23 The Lime kiln nature lovers. Ang & Hunt, Sept. 1910. 2:484, 486. illus. Limekiln Lake. 465 Long lake. For & Stream, Mar. 29, 1883. 20: 173. Long Lake area as a sports center. 466 Lyman, Alexander Steele. On Lake Placid. NTC Lines Mag, Sept. 1924. 5:no.6:30. 467 Malcolm, James. Sacandaga dam creates another Lake George in the Adirondacks. Motordom, Mar. 1929. 22:no.l0:12-13. illus. 468 Marshall, Robert. History of the Cranberry lake region. Camp Log, Dec. 1922. p.61-64. illus. 469 Mather, Fred. Wilmurt lake. For & Stream, Dec. 11, 1884. 23:389-90. 470 Merritt, Edwin Atkins. Maps of the Racket river and its headwaters, with descriptions of the several routes to the principal bodies of water. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1860. 12p. folded map. 471 Miller, Roland B. Blue mountain lake. NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1949. 4:no.2:12-13. illus. Reprinted in North Country Life, Spring 1955, 9:no.2:36-39, 54. 472 Miller, Roland B. Long lake. NTS Con, Oct.- Nov. 1948. 3:no.2:22-23. illus. map. Re- printed in North Country Life, Winter 1954, 8:no.l:26-29. 473 Moore, Mrs. N. Hudson. On the Fulton chain. Four Tr News, June 1904. 6:363-65. illus. 474 Moose river — do you know it? Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov. 1945. 9:no.5:3. Area threatened by Higley and Panther Mountain reservoirs. 475 Morrell, T.S. Sunday in the north woods. Am Angler, Nov. 4, 1882. 2:291-93. Signed: Old Izaak. Reprinted from Chicago Field. Sunday spent on Long Lake. 476 Mulholland, William D. Cranberry lake. NYS Con, Aug. 1946. l:no. 1:1 0-11. illus. map. 477 Northern scenes and summer skies. View book of the lower Ausable valley. Keeseville, N.Y. Essex county publishing co. n.d. 60p. illus. Copy in the Munson Collection, Sara- nac Lake Free Library. 478 O'Donnell, Thomas Clay. Birth of a river: an informal history of the headwaters of the Black river. Boonville, N.Y. Black river books, 1952. 158p. illus. Reviewed by Barbara K. Bird in North Country Life, Fall 1952, 6:no.4: 53-54, 57. 479 Pearce, W.A. Big Moose lake NTS Con, Aug.- Sept. 1955. 10:no.l:9. map. 480 Pearce, W.A. Fourth lake in the Fulton chain. NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1953. 7:no.4:ll. Map with information about fishing etc. 481 Peightal, J.M. Saranac locks. NTS Con, Feb.- Mar. 1952. 6:no.4:18. illus. Correction by Fred Derby in Apr.-May issue, p. 39. 482 Persons, Joseph. Brant lake; scenic, historic and a sportsman's paradise. Top o' the World, Feb. 1939. 3:no.l:6. 483 Pfeiflfer, Martin. Paradox lake. NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1954. 8:no.4:12. Map with de- scriptive notes. 484 Portsa, pseud. Honnedaga (Jock's) lake. For & Stream, Apr. 9, 1891. 36:231. Adirondack League Club's tract. 485 The president's retreat. Harper W, June 11, 1887. 31:419, 424. illus. Cleveland's summer retreat on Saranac Lake. 486 R., S.C. Upper Chateaugay lake. For & Stream, Sept. 24, 1885. 25:163. 487 The Saranac country; scenic loveliness in the circle of the mountains; three lakes share the fame of this section, Saranac Lake village noted health resort. Motordom, June 1929. 23:no.l:26-28. illus. 488 The Saranac country — • where great trails meet — hub of the fine highways circling the Adirondacks; this region combines unusual mountain vistas, with lake and forest delights a goal of the motorist, mountain climber, sportsman and rest seeker. Motordom, June 1931. 24:no.l2:20, 34. illus. 489 Saranac Guide, pseud. Seymour's island. For & Stream, Sept. 15, 1881. 17:124. Notes from Blue Mountain Lake. 490 Schaefer, Paul A. Beyond Moose river plains. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1946. 10:no. 2:8-9. 491 Schaefer, Paul A. A last citadel of the wilder- ness. Bui Schools, Mar. 1948. 34:213-16. illus. Moose River plains. 492 Schaefer, Paul A. Siamese ponds region. Ad Mt Club Bui, July-Aug. 1944. 8:no.4:5, 10. Indian Lake, Nut Creek, Wells and Speculator rectangle. 493 Schaefer, Paul A. Wings over Moose river. Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1945. 8:no.6:3-4. Moose River country seen from the air. 494 Scribner, Frank Kimball and Mayo, Earl W. In the land of the loon. London & N.Y. F.T. Neely, ^1889. 238p. front, plates. Cran- berry Lake country. 495 Seagears, Clayton B. New York's sporting spots ■ — the Oswegatchie. NTS Con, Aug.- Sept. 1955. 10:no.l :48-49. col. illus. 496 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. We trek to Moose river plains. Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1946. 9:no.6:2-3. 497 24 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION Shorey, Archibald Thompson. West Canada lake revisited. Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1946. 9:no.4:18-19. 498 Smith, Clarence C. The central Adirondacks. Up-Stater, July 1930. 2:no.4:5, 14. illus. Ful- ton Chain. 499 Spears, Eldridge A. A visit to West Canada lakes. For & Stream, Aug. 3, 1907. 69:175. 500 Splendid entrances to this scenic region. Motordom, June 1932. p. 17-1 8. illus. map. Blue Mountain Lake and Long Lake area. 501 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. Into the western wilds. St No Mo, Aug. 1908. 4:122-35. illus. Trip to Fulton Chain and Raquette Lake. 502 Thomas, Howard. Jock's lake. Up Mo, Nov. 1941. 2:no.8:22. illus. History of Honnedaga Lake. 503 Tidying up the Adirondacks for the presi- dent. Lit Digest, ]uT\& 19, 1926. 89:no.l2:32, 37-40. illus. Description of White Pine Camp, near Saranac Lake, President Coolidge's summer home. 504 Tupper lake, a wildwood gem. Motordom, June 1934. p. 21. illus. 505 Tupper lake — in the forest primeval. Motor- dom, June 1932. pA9. illus. 506 Tupper lake, site of Veteran's mountain camp. Motordom, June 1930. 24:no.l:40. 507 Tupper lake in the forest heart, famed hunt- ing and fishing region, surrounding one of the largest Adirondack lakes. Motordom, June 1931. 24:no.l2:21. illus. 508 Webb, William L. and Patric, Earl F. Rich lake. Mrs Con, Aug.-Sept. 1955. 10:no.l:41. map. 509 Wing, Ralph K. Hard lines in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, July 28, 1887. 29:6. Trip by boat on Raquette River. 510 Zilliox, Robert G. Meacham lake. NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1955. 10:no.2:19. map. 511 Ausable Chasm Ausable chasm. Amat Nat, July 1907. 4:76- 77. Reprinted from Good Housekeeping. 512 Ausable chasm. N.Y, F.W. Robinson co. 193 — ? 12 leaves, illus. Cover title. Copy in Yale University Library. 513 Ausable chasm, a great wonderland. Motor- dom, June 1931. 24:no.l2:23. illus. 514 Ausable chasm, a great wonderland; majes- tic gorge, most noted in the east, gives motor- ists scenic adventures. Motordom, June 1930. 24:no.l:28. illus. 515 'Ausable chasm; the Grand Canyon of the east. Motordom, June 1929. 23:no.l :30-32. illus. 516 Bonsall, J. Glen of the Adirondacks: AuSable chasm. Potter Am Mo, June 1878. 10:401-8. 517 Bryant, Fitch C. Through Ausable chasm. Travel, Aug. 1909. 14:525-27. illus. 518 Creegan, L.J. Ausable chasm, the Adiron- dacks, New York. Photo-Era, Apr. 1924. 52: 201-3. illus. 519 Guide to Ausable chasm. N.Y. Terwilliger & Peck, 1880? 12p. map. 520 Have you seen Ausable chasm? Motordom, June 1932. p.20. illus. 521 MacCalla, ClifTord Paynter. Au Sable chasm. "The gate of the Adirondacks." Scrib Mo, June 1874. 8:192-98. illus. 522 A new span for Ausable chasm; modern engi- neering has accomplished the feat of bridg- ing the world famous gorge. Motordom, Dec. 1933. p.5. illus. 523 New York (state). Forest, fish and game commission. The Ausable chasm. Special report. . .December 26, 1902. Transmitted to the Legislature March 4, 1903. Albany, Argus CO. 1903. 12p. folded table. Assembly document 26, 1903. Survey to be made; pos- sibility of the state's acquiring the land. 524 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). AuSable chasm in story and legend. Elizabethtown, N.Y. Denton press, 1954. 28p. illus. Re- viewed by D.A. Plum in The Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1955, 19:20. 525 Resser, Charles Elmer. Evolution of Ausable chasm. Sci Mo, Jan. 1942. 54:29-42. illus. map. 526 Rooney, John Jerome. Ausable chasm. For Leaves, Spring 1907. 4:no.l :10-12. illus. 527 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. Au Sable chasm. St No Mo, Aug. 1907. 2:243-49. illus. 528 Taylor, Frank Hamilton. "Away down east"; or. My unexpected vacation. N.Y. Leve & Alden, 18—? 47p. illus. "A Side Trip to Au Sable Chasm," p. 34-37. 529 Trumbull, Mrs. E.E. A visit to Ausable chasm. Guide to Nature, May 1911. 4:28-30. illus. 530 Lake George Addresses at the presentation of an Indian statue. NT State Hist Assn Q,, Jan. 1922. 3:30- 35. Addresses by George D. Pratt and Dixon Ryan Fox. 531 Benjamin, Samuel Greene Wheeler. Lake George. Harper, Aug. 1879. 59:321-39. illus. 532 LOCAL HISTORY: LAKES AND STREAMS 25 Budlong, Percy E. Two days on Lake George. For & Stream, Apr. 6, 1907. 68:531. Two-day cruise around the lake. 533 Collier, Edward A. Lake George from a row- boat. Outing, ]\i\y 1882. 1 :l-3. illus. 534 Curtis, George William. Lotus eating: a summer book. Illustrated by Kensett. . . N.Y. Harper, 1852. 206p. illus. Lake George, p. 127-42. 535 Dwight, Timothy. Approach of evening on Lake George. In Griswold, R.W. Prose writ- ers of America. 4th ed. Philadelphia, A. Hart, 1852. p.82. 536 Farnham, Charles Haight. Parkman at Lake George. Scrib i^/, July 1901. 30:22-30. Pages from Parkman's diary, 1842. 537 Fort William Henry hotel. Lake George, N.Y. Lake George, descriptive and historical sketches. Lake George, N.Y. T. Roessle & son, 1885. 26p. illus. 538 Hall, Eugene J. The gem of America. Four Tr News, Aug. 1 902. 3:49-53. illus. 539 Harris, Capt. E.S. Lake George. All about it. By the veteran ex-captain of the steamers that run from the head to the foot. The lake, its shores, bays, mountains and islands. De- scribed in his own style and manner. Edited and published by J.W. Adams of Glens Falls. Glens Falls, N.Y. Glens Falls Republican, 1903. 29p. Copy in the Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, Cal. 540 Hopkins, Arthur S. Lake George. Albany, N.Y. state conservation dept. 1955. 23p. illus. folded map. (Recreation Circular, no. 6.) Earlier editions published in 1920, 1932, 1935,1937,1949. 541 Hopkins, Arthur S. Lake George land of beauty and joy; what the state has done to make a famous pleasure resort more accessi- ble to the people; historical spots abound and add to the lore. State Service, Aug. -Sept. 1921. 5:357-63. illus. 542 James, H. Jr. Lake George. Nation, Aug. 25, 1870.11:11 9-20. Unsigned. 543 Kemp, James Furman. Physiography of Lake George. NT Acad Sci Ann, Oct. 21, 1901. 14: 141-42. Abstract in Science, Nov. 15, 1901, 14:774. 544 King, Charles Clifford. Andia-ta-roc-te, "Where the mountains close in." Hudson Falls, N.Y. Swigert press, 1935. 67p. illus. port, plans. 545 Lake George. Putnam, Aug. 1857. 10:145-61. illus. 546 Lake George. A descriptive and historical sketch. Lake George, N.Y. T.E. Roessle, 1887. 17p. plate, map. 547 Lake George — center of rarest beauties. Here motor trails meet at the door of the mountains with famous points all about. Motordom, June 1930. 24:no.l:10-l 1. illus. 548 Lake George — queen of American lakes. Motordom, Aug. 1928. 22:no.3:4-6. illus. 549 Lake George, queen of American lakes, one of the gayest and most diverting of summer places. Motordom, ]une 1929. 23:no.l :12-13. illus. 550 Lake George — the enchanted, called the American Como; this beautiful resort offers the widest diversions, scenic and historic, with gay summer colonies around its borders. Motordom, }\ixi(i 1931. 24:no.l2:16. illus. 551 Lake George charms the eye. Motordom, June 1934. p.8-9. illus. 552 Lake George island camps. For & Stream, July 4, 1889. 32:487. 553 Lamb, Wallace Emerson. Historic Lake George; Father Jogues edition. Glens Falls, N.Y. Glens Falls Post co. 1946. 76p. plates, maps. 554 Lamb, Wallace Emerson. Lake George. Facts and anecdotes. Glens Falls, N.Y. Glens Falls Post CO. C1934. 52p. front, illus. map. 2d edition published in 1 938. 555 Letter from Caldwell, Lake George. Pres- byterian, Sept. 5, 1863. 33:141. Signed: Z. 556 Levitt, Saul. Lake George. Holiday, Sept. 1950. 8:no.3:98-101. illus. 557 Martineau, Harriet. Retrospect of western travel. London, Saunders & Otley, 1838. 3v. Lake George, v.3, p.263-71 . 558 Marvin, Henry. A complete history of Lake George, embracing a great variety of in- formation and compiled with an especial reference to meet the wants of the travelling community; intended as a descriptive guide; together with a complete history and present appearance of Ticonderoga. N.Y. Sibells & Maigne, 1853. 102p. folded maps. Reprinted in 1855. 559 Moran, Peter. Lake Sacrament. Commonweal, Oct. 19, 1934. 20:582-83. 560 Morris, Frederick K. A Lake George primer. lOCA Bui, 1949. 2:no.2:52-56. map. 561 Morse, M.B. Lake George. Cath World, Nov. 1880. 32:272. Read at dedication of the Church of the Sacred Heart, Lake George, N.Y. Aug. 8, 1880. 562 Possons, Charles H. The attractions of Lake George and vicinity. . . 3d ed. n.p. 1884. 49p. illus. folded map. 563 Prest, Charles S. Protecting health of Lake George; new law consolidates local boards, 26 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION the result of which will be improved sanitary conditions in that beautiful scenic region. Stale Service, July 1918. 2:no.7:68-72. illus. 564 Report of the Society for preservation of scenic and historic places and objects on the battlefield of Lake George. Am Scenic & Hist Pres Soc, 1 900. 5 :49-68. 565 Richards, Frederick Bascom. Historic spots near Lake George. J^l" State Hist Assn Q,, Jan. 1922. 3:21-29. 566 Richards, Thomas Addison. Lake George. Harper, }u\y 1853. 7:161-70. illus. 567 Samson, William Holland. Mohican point on Lake George, the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. W.K. Bixby, of St. Louis, Mo. With a brief glance at the history of the lake. N.Y. Privately printed, 1913. 65p. plates, map. Edition of 200 copies. Copy at the New York Public Library. 568 Simpson, William. A driving trip to Lake George and vicinity. For & Stream, Aug. 2, 1913. 81:133-34, 155. illus. 569 Spafford, Horatio Gates. Lake George. Amer Ma^,June 1815. 1:42. plate. Signed: Ed. 570 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. Lake George. St No Mo, July 1906. l:no. 3:1-8. illus. See also his article with same title in the July 1907 issue, 2:193-207. 571 Streever, Fred L. Lake George. NTS Con, Apr.-May 1947. l:no. 5:5-6. illus. Reprinted in North Country Life, Spring 1948, 2:no.2:20- 23. 572 Sweet, Guy V. A new crown for the queen. No Country Lije, Spring 1947. 1 :no.3:41-42. illus. 573 Torrey, Raymond Hezekiah. Diamond island in Lake George, charming little island, scene of battle in the American revolution, be- queathed to the Scenic society by Mrs. Katrina Trask Peabody. Seen & Hist Am, Dec. 1930. 2:72-74. illus. 574 Vacationists like Lake George. Motordom, Junel932.p.7. illus. 575 Walsh, Henry Collins. Lake George and its associations. Travel, Aug. 1909. 14:522-24. illus. 576 A week at Lake George. Cath World, Oct. 1871.14:78-90. 577 Whiteman, J. A. Lake George camp and canoe chats; gossip on canoes, camps, religion, social manners, medicine and law, gastron- omy, politics and marriage. N.Y. Privately printed, 1887? 134p. plates. Part dialogue and part descriptive. Interesting because Adam H. Newcomb brought suit for libel. See Hill, "Brief History," p. 11 6. Whiteman claimed to be printer, not author. 578 Wilson, J. Arbuthnot. The Lake George tour. Belgravia, Oct. 1883. 51:413-23. Trip taken by an Englishman. 579 MOUNTAINS AND PASSES Mount Marcy Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Victory mountain park. N.Y. 1919. 44p. front, illus. map. Extract in High Spots, July 1937, 14:no. 3:43-46. "To acquire by popular subscription, for the public benefit, the summit and adjacent territory of Mt. Marcy." Memorial for World War I. 580 Bulletin of the University of the State of New York. High Spots, Dec. 1937. 14:no.4:22-24. Plans for the 100th anniversary celebration of the first recorded ascent of Mt. Marcy. Historical background. 581 Carson, Russell Mack Little. The first ascent of Mount Marcy. High Spots, July 1937. 14:no. 3:9-12. Reprinted from "The Foot Path," Jan. 7, 14 & 22, 1929. 582 Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the first Mount Marcy ascent. NTS For Assn NL, Aug. 1937. p.9-11. 583 Finley, John Huston. The glory of the State of New York, whose highest peak will be part of Victory mountain park in memory of the great victory won in the World war. State Service, Aug. 1919. 3:no.8:3-9. illus. Also published separately, Albany, 1919, 7p. illus. 584 Hall, Edward Hagaman. Victory mountain park. Conservationist, Apr. 1919. 2:51—55. illus. See no. 580 above. 585 House, Homer Doliver. The ascent of Mount Marcy by scientists, August 5, 1837. NTS MusBul, 1940. 322:17-26. 586 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Marcy kaleidoscope. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1953. 17:30—33. illus. Reprinted in North Country Life, Spring 1954, 8:no.2:23-28. 587 Longstreth, Thomas Morris. The great me- morial. Conservationist, Apr. 1920. 3:55—57. Reprinted in High Spots, July 1937, 14:no.3: 47-48, with title "Mount Marcy's Great Gift." Proposed purchase of Mt. Marcy. 588 Longstreth, Thomas Morris. Mount Marcy gives a party. High Spots, Dec. 1937. 14:no.4: 5-6. From the New Tork Times, Aug. 1, 1937. 100th anniversary of the first recorded ascent. 589 MacDonald, Pirie. MacDonald hospice on Mount Marcy. Cloud Splitter, Mar. 1942. 5:no.3:2-3. Reprinted in High Spots Tearbook, 1944, p.28. 590 Moore, Terris. Winter night on Marcy. Mt Mag, Oct.-Nov. 1929. 8:18-20. illus. 591 LOCAL HISTORY: MOUNTAINS AND PASSES 27 Mount Marcy. Am Scenic & Hist Pres Soc, 1920.25:308-18. 592 Mount Marcy a memorial of victory. New York state's highest peak a war monument. Am Scenic & Hist Pres Soc, 1923. 28:129-33. 593 Nephew, C.L. Mount Marcy in winter. Alt Mag, Sept. 1930. 8:11-12. illus. 594 New York acquires Mt. Marcy. For & Stream, Mar. 28, 1908. 70:487. Editorial onthepur- chase of Mt. Marcy from the Raquette Lake Land Company. 595 New York purchases Mount Marcy, For & Irrig, Apr. 1908. 15:194. 596 Osborne, Lithgow. Speech. . .from the top of Mt. Marcy in the Adirondacks at the Marcy centenary celebration. High Spots, Dec. 1937. 14:no.4:9-ll. illus. 597 Pangborn, Georgia Wood. From an Adiron- dack note-book. Outlook, Sept. 2, 1911. 99:28- 31. Mt. Marcy experiences. 598 Phelps, Orra A. 1937 ascent of Mt. Marcy via Emmon's route in 1837. High Spots, Dec. 1937. 14:no.4:13-14. 599 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. In the beginning: the oldest mountain on earth. St No Mo, May 1906. l:no.l:l-6. illus. col. plate. See also his article "The Oldest Mountain on Earth" in Forest Leaves, Summer 1906, 3:no.2:3-7. 600 Stone, Peter. Mountain sunrise. Ad-i-ron-dac , Mar.-Apr. 1955. 19:28-29. illus. 601 Storm shelter on Mount Marcy. Mt Mag, Oct. 1928. 7:47. illus. 602 Trail to reach top of Mount Marcy; Con- servation commissioner tells how tourists may climb the highest peak in the state 5,344 feet above sea level; system of markers ex- plained. State Service, May-June 1922. 6, i.e. 8: 185-95. illus. 603 Victory mountain park committee. . . .Min- utes of the organization meeting held in New York city on June 26th, 1919. 16 leaves. Copy in the Minute Book of Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks. 604 Victory mountain park committee. A report of what has been done and a statement of what it is proposed to do. N.Y. 1920? 31p. First report of the committee. Treasurer's report appended. 605 Wessels, William L. 1837 — Mt. Marcy — 1937. Ad Mt Club Bui, June 1937. p.3, 8. Author's initials given incorrectly as B.W. Plans for centenary celebration, including brief account of Emmons' ascent. 606 Other Mountains and Passes Brandreth, Paulina. A mountain lookout. For & Stream, Oct. 10, 1914. 83:482-87. Signed: Paul Brandreth. The summit of Owl's Head. 607 C, C. Mt. Vanderwacker. For & Stream, May 11, 1876. 6:221. Winter trip in 1860-61 giving location of this mountain. 608 Carmer, Carl Lamson. Rattlesnake hunter. In his Listen for a lonesome drum. . . N.Y, Farrar & Rinehart inc. 1936. p.314-21. Tongue Mountain. 609 Ely, William Watson. Ampersand mountain; a birdseye view of the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Sept. 18, 1873. 1:84. 610 Fresn, Mrs. Marion (Strack). The lion couch- ant of the Champlain valley. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1953. 17:116-19, 127. illus. Re- printed in North Country Life, Winter 1954, 8 :no. 1 :14-1 9. Lyon Mountain. 611 Greig, Kathleen L. Mountain mystery. Four Tr News, Jan. 1906. 10:133-35. Whiteface. 612 Hoover, M.H. Top o' Whiteface, Wa-Ho- Par-Ten-Ie, grand old sentinel. . . Motordom. Dec. 1 927. 21 :no.7 :4-7. illus. 613 Johannsen, Alice E. and Marble, John P. Noonmark, its flora and fauna, by Alice E. Johannsen; and its rock formation, by John P. Marble. St. Huberts, N.Y. Adirondack trail improvement society, 1936. 16p. Revised edition, 1954. 614 . . . Journey to the skies. No Country Life, Summer 1955. 9 :no. 3:50-53. illus. Whiteface Memorial Highway. 615 Knight, M.H. A visit to Mount McGregor. Four TrNews, Sept. 1903. 5:169-70. illus. 616 Longstreth, Thomas Morris. Mount Donald- son. J OutdLife, Nov. 1924. 21 :672. illus. 617 Look at 'em come! Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1949. 13:130-31. illus. Brief account of the Haystack centennial, Aug. 20, 1949. See also article by Dorothy O. Haeusser "Mt. Hay- stack Centennial Climb," in The Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1949, 12:no.5:10-ll. 618 Marshall, George. Snowy mountain. Cloud Splitter, Nov. 1942. 5:no.8:2-3. History. 619 Marshall, George. Some reflections on Am- persand mountain. High Spots, July 1934. ll:no.3:3-5. 620 Miller, William John. Wilmington notch. Conservationist, ]u\y 1921. 4:99-101. illus. Re- printed in State Service, Jan. -Feb. 1922, 6,i.e.8:62-64. 621 North Pole, N.Y. No Country Life, Fall 1949. 3:no.4:23-25. illus. The home of Santa Glaus on Whiteface Mountain. 622 Pach, Gotthelf. Nippletop mountain, the source of the Hudson. Recreation, Nov. 1896. 5:238. illus. 623 28 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION Ryder, Letha. Whiteface ■ — ■ then and now. Cloud Splitter, Nov. 1943. 6:no.8:3-4. Trips in 1911 and 1935. 624 Schofield, Peter F. A trip through Indian pass. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1955. 19:114- 15, 117. Based on excerpts from a letter in the Saranac Lake Free Library. Historical note by George Marshall. 625 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Pharaoh's little ponds. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan. -Feb. 1945. 9:no.l:7. 626 Street, Alfred Billings. The Indian pass. N.Y. Hurd & Houghton, 1869. 201 p. Excerpts in The Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1949, 12:no.2: 7-9. Reviewed in The Cloud Splitter, June 1943, 6:no.6:4-5. 627 Van Dyke, Henry. Ampersand. Harper, July 1885. 71:217-27. illus. Reprinted in his "Little Rivers," N.Y. Scribner, 1895, p.59- 80. 628 A visit to Indian pass. Knick Mag, Oct. 1 860. 56:335-42. 629 Ward, Peter A. In the shadow of Whiteface. Cloud Splitter, May-June 1947. 10:no.3:6-7. Essay on living near Whiteface. 630 Ward, Peter A. Indian pass. Ad Mt Club Bui, Mar. 1944. 8:no.2:5-6. 631 Wilmington notch. Motordom, June 1932. p.ll. 632 COUNTIES Anderson, George Baker, comp. Our county and its people; a descriptive and biographical record of Saratoga county. New York. Pre- pared and published under the auspices of the Saratogian. Boston, Boston history co. 1899. 584, 203p. ports. 633 Benton, Nathaniel Soley. A history of Herki- mer county; including the upper Mohawk valley, from the earliest period to the present time. . .also biographical notices of the most prominent public men of the county. Albany, J. Munsell, 1856. 497p. front, illus. plates, port, maps (part folded). 634 Christie, Mrs. Elizabeth and Christie, Robert Jr. Hamilton county. NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1950. 5:no.2:12-13. One page of text accom- panied by map showing fire towers, lean-tos, etc. 635 Clio. Stray leaves from the story of Franklin county. . . For Leaves, Spring & Summer 1904. l:no.2:8-13; l:no.3:31-34. port, illus. See note about the series in Dec. 1901 issue, l:no.l:4-6. 636 Cole, G. Glyndon. The making of a county: an outline history of St. Lawrence county. No Country Life, Spring 1952-Spring 1953. 6:no.2:14-18; 6:no.3:21-26; 7:no.l :40-43; 7:no.2:44-46. illios. maps, chart. 637 Cook, Alice B. Historical sketch of Fulton county centennial celebration, 1839-1939. Gloversville, N.Y. Leader-Republican-Her- ald, 1940. 52p. front, illus. 638 Curtis, Gates, ed. Our county and its people: a memorial record of St. Lawrence county, New York. . . Syracuse, N.Y. D. Mason & co. 1894. 720, 66, 372p. ports, maps. 639 Diebolt, Alfred L. Economic and social prac- tices in Clinton county as related to the prob- lems of the State normal school in Platts- burgh. New York. n.p. 1938? Reproduced from typewritten copy. Author was head of the Social Studies Department. 640 Drahos, Nicholas. Essex county. NTS Con, June-July 1949. 3:no.6:26-29. map. Re- printed in North Country Life, Spring 1953, 7:no.2:2-5. 641 Durant, Samuel W. . . .History of St. Law- rence CO. New York. With illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia, L.H. Everts & CO. 1878. 521 p. plates, port, illus. facsims. map. 642 Essex county, N.Y. Duplicate enrollment books of the enrollment of voters of the county of Essex. . . Elizabethtown, N.Y. 1914. 91 leaves. 643 Everett, Fred. Clinton county. NTS Con, Apr.-May 1952. 6:no.5:24-25. Map with brief text; shows fire towers, state-stocked streams, public campsites and state-owned land. 644 Everett, Fred. Saratoga county. NTS Con, June-July 1952. 6:no.6:22. Map with brief text; shows fire towers, etc. 645 Everett, Fred. Washington county. NTS Con, Dec. 1952-Jan. 1953. 7:no.3:25. Map with brief text; shows fire towers, etc. 646 Fitch, Asa. A historical, topographical & agricultural survey of the county of Wash- ington taken under the direction of the New York state agricultural society. In Transac- tions of the New York state agricultural soci- ety, 1848, 1849. 8:875-975; 9:753-944. illus. maps (part folded). 647 Fitch, Asa. Patents and patentees of Wash- ington county, N.Y. NT Gen & Biog Rec, Apr. 1943. 74-A7-5\. "Extracted from 'Notes for a history of Washington county.' " Area around Lake George. 648 Fitch, Asa. Washington county, N.Y. Mis- cellany. NT Gen & Biog Rec, July 1943. 74: 102-5. Extracts from "Notes for a history of Washington county." 649 Franklin county. NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1951. 5:no. 4:12-13. Map showing fire towers, pub- lic campsites, trails, etc. Brief text. 650 LOCAL HISTORY: COUNTIES 29 Frothingham, Washington. History of Fulton county. Syracuse, N.Y. D. Mason & co. 1892. 636, 177p. ports. 651 Frothingham, Washington. History of Mont- gomery county. Syracuse, N.Y. D. Mason & CO. 1892. 456, 349p. ports. Montgomery County originally included most of the area in the present county of Hamilton; also part of Herkimer. 652 Fulton county, N.Y. Election board. Enrolle- ment of voters of the county of Fulton, N.Y. Board of elections. . . 1915/16. Johnstown, N.Y. 1916. 289 leaves. Mimeographed. 653 Fulton county, N.Y. Election board. Enrolle- ment of voters of the county of Fulton, N.Y. Board of elections. 1931/32. Johnstown, N.Y. 1932. 562 leaves. Mimeographed. 654 Gresham publishing co. History and biogra- phy of Washington county and the town of Queensbury, New York, with historical notes on the various towns. Richmond, Ind. 1894. 436p. incl. front, plates, ports. 655 Hardin, George Anson and Willard, Frank Hallett, ed. History of Herkimer county, New York. . . Syracuse, N.Y. D. Mason & co. 1893. 550, 276p. plates, port. maps. 656 Havens, P.E. Division of Essex county. Argu- ment of Hon. P.E. Havens, of Essex, before the select committee of nine, against the bill setting off the towns of Schroon and Minerva from the county of Essex to the county of Warren. In Assembly, March 25, 1862. n.p. n.pub. 1862? 7p. Copy at the New York State Library. Impassioned plea for Essex County. 657 Haviland, Mrs. Frank, comp. Essex and Warren county cemetery records. . . Albany? 1925? 114p. "Some of the information was derived from sources other than the cemetery records." 658 Herkimer county, New York. Home defense committee. Herkimer county in the World war, 1916 to 1918; comp. by the Hon. Frank- lin W. Cristman. Little Falls, N.Y. Journal & Courier CO. 1927. 222p. plates, ports. 659 Hill, William Henry, comp. History of Wash- ington county. New York. The Gibson pa- pers, the history of Washington academy, the bench and bar of Washington county for a century. Fort Edward, N.Y. Honeywood press, 1932. 298p. 125 copies privately printed. 660 History of Montgomery and Fulton counties. New York. N.Y. F.W. Beers & co. 1878. 252p. plates. 661 Holden, James Austin. Address in connection with the Warren county centennial celebra- tion. Glens Falls, N.Y. 1913. 3 folios (broad- side). Press release. Copy at the New York State Library. 662 Hough, Franklin Benjamin. A history of Lewis county in the State of New York, from the beginning of its settlement to the present time. . . Albany, Munsell & Rowland, 1860. 31 9p. front, illus. plates, ports. 663 Hough, Franklin Benjamin. History of Lewis county, New York, with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its promi- nent men and pioneers. Syracuse, N.Y. D. Mason & co. 1883. 606p. plates, ports, tables. Historical part only by Dr. Hough. (Bibli- ography of. . .Hough, p.343.) 664 Hough, Franklin Benjamin. A history of St. Lawrence and Franklin counties, New York, from the earliest period to the present time. Albany, Little & co. 1853. 71 9p. plates, illus. ports, maps. 665 Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Clinton and Franklin counties, New York. With illus- trations and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia, J.W. Lewis & CO. 1880. 508p. plates, ports, maps. The Adirondacks, by George F. Bixby, p.497-508, illustrated. 666 Johnson, Crisfield. History of Washington county, New York, with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its promi- nent men and pioneers. Philadelphia, Everts & Ensign, 1878. 504, 131 p. ports, map. 667 King, A.H. North 1 degree west. Conserva- tionist, Feb. 1919. 2:26-29. Surveying the boundary line between Hamilton and Warren counties. 668 Lewis county. NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1952. 6:no. 4:22-23. Map with brief text; shows fire towers, state-owned land, public fishing streams, etc. 669 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Laws relating to county boundaries from A.D. 1683 to 1799. In New York (state). State land sur- vey. Report for 1895, p.333-401. 670 One hundredth anniversary of formation of Warren county. State of New York, 1813- 1913. Sunday August 3, to Saturday August 9, inclusive. Glens Falls, N.Y. Press of the Post- Star, 1912? 47p. History of Warren County with suggestions for celebration. 671 Rider, Edward C. Historical sketches. Written for the Franklin county board of supervisors, n.p. n.pub. n.d. 99p. Cover title: Franklin County in the World War. . . Copy in the Hicks Collection, Lake Placid Club. 672 Seaver, Frederick J. Historical sketches of Franklin county and its several towns, with many short biographies. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1918. 819p. 673 30 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION Seneca, G.A. Northern Franklin county in the 1800's; stories handed down by Joseph Plumb and his descendants. JVo Country Life, Summer 1951. 5:no.3:36-37. 674 1791. History of Herkimer county, N.Y. with illustrations. . . N.Y. F.W. Beers & co. 1879. 289p. plates, port. 675 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. More about Washington county. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov. -Dec. 1952. 16:113, 115. Historical background etc. for article by Walter Baker (16:86-89). 676 Smith, H. Perry, ed. History of Essex county, with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. Syracuse, N.Y. D. Mason & co. 1885. 754p. plates, ports, illus. 677 Smith, H. Perry. History of Warren county, with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. Syracuse, N.Y. D. Mason & co. 1885. 702p. plates, ports, illus. 678 Stone, William Leete, 1835-1908, ed. Wash- ington county. New York. Its history to the close of the nineteenth century. N.Y. N.Y. historical CO. 1901. 570, 31 8p. ports. 679 Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett. History of Sara- toga county, New York, with biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia, Everts & Ensign, 1878. 514p. plates, ports, map. 2d edition, published in Richmond, Ind. Gresham Pub- lishing Co. 1893, 636p. 680 U.S. Census office. 2d Census. Census of 1800, Montgomery county, State of New York. Names of residents in the county taken down in 1800, the second census of the United States. St. Johnsville, N.Y. Enterprise & news, 1934. 39p. This census was taken while parts of Herkimer and Hamilton were in Montgomery County. Published originally with title "Mohawk Valley Householders in 1800, contributed by L.D. Sisco" in New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Jan. 1918-Oct. 1919; v.49, p.51, 107-16, 280-91, 330-43; v.50, p. 26-33, 274-84, 307-16. 681 Warren county, N.Y. Abstracts of deeds of Warren county, N.Y. from 1813 to 1825. . . Copied from the original records at the Court house at Lake George, N.Y. Copied and compiled by Gertrude A. Barber. N.Y. 1941. 89 folios. Typescript in the New York Public Library. 682 Warren county, N.Y. Courts: Surrogate's court. Abstracts of wills of Warren county, N.Y. Copied from original records at the Sur- rogate's office. Glens Falls, Warren county, N.Y. Liber A 1813-1850. Copied and com- piled by Gertrude A. Barber, July, 1937. N.Y. 1937. 56 folios. Typescript in the New York Public Library. 683 Warren county. NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1951. 6:no.2:16-17. Map with brief text; shows fire tov/ers, trails, etc. 684 Watson, Winslow Cossoul. Military and civil history of the county of Essex, New York; and a general survey of its physical geog- raphy, its mines and minerals, and indus- trial pursuits, embracing an account of the northern wilderness; and also the military annals of the fortresses of Crown Point and Ticonderoga. Albany, J. Munsell, 1869. 504p. front, plates, ports. 685 Wells, Robert A. County of St. Lawrence. NTSCon, Feb.-Mar. 1950. 4:no.4:12-13. 686 Witte, Carl P. The Essex county park com- mission; its history and development. Emp For, 1921. 7:13-14. illus. 687 Writers' program. New York. Warren county, a history and guide. . . N.Y. 1942. 275p. incl. plates, tables, folding maps. Bibliog- raphy, p.257-58. 688 CITIES AND VILLAGES Lake Placid The Adirondack festival. New Mus Rev, Dec. 1926. 26:19. Second festival held at Lake Placid. 689 Boathouse converted into an ideal summer home: Albert Rose residence. Lake Placid. Arch Rec, Oct. 1949. 106:96-103. illus. plan. 690 Burton, Harold B. Lake Placid. . . Holiday, Feb. 1948. 3:no.2:56-61, 127. illus. (part col.). 691 Carroll, George. Healthful sports at Lake Placid. Health Digest, Mar. 1937. p.30-31. 692 Hayes, Arthur Warring. Lake Placid, its early history and developments, from the time of the Civil war to the present time, as told by Arthur W. Hayes, a citizen, guide and building contractor of the Adirondack mountains. Lake George, N.Y. Adirondack resorts press, ^-1946. 52p. incl. illus. plates. 693 Johnson, Clifton. Highways and byways from the St. Lawrence to Virginia. N.Y. Macmil- lan, 1913. 340p. plates. (American High- ways and Byways.) The Adirondack Winter, p. 1-25, describes a stay at Lake Placid. Includes material on John Brown. 694 Lake Placid board of trade. Lake Placid in the Adirondacks. Lake Placid, N.Y. n.d. unpaged, illus. 695 Lake Placid; gem of the Adirondacks; the natural motor center of the Adirondack play- grounds. Placid is now an "all year" resort. Motordom, June 1929. 23:no.l :20-21. illus. 696 LOCAL HISTORY: CITIES AND VILLAGES 31 Lake Placid — glamorous heart of the moun- tains bordered by loftiest mountains, and overlooking two beautiful lakes, this famous center offers rarest diversions. Mo<07, July 1907. 4:228. 747 Saranac Lake, N.Y. The winter health resort. Facts about Saranac Lake, hitherto unpub- lished, for the information of the medical pro- fession and suffers [sic] from throat and lung trouble, n.p. n.d. 48p. illus. 748 LOCAL HISTORY: CITIES AND VILLAGES 33 SaranacLake, sesame of winter sport, rimmed by mountains and with rinks, slides and trails into the fastnesses, this village draws merrymakers from all points, flapjacks in the open make a royal feast. Alotordom, Dec. 1931. 25:no.7:10-ll. illus. 749 Scott, William Earl Dodge. The garden of the Saranac Lake industrial settlement. Char, Dec. 7, 1 907. 1 9 : 1 1 75-82. illus. 750 Tatlock, William. Plan modified social set- tlement for Saranac Lake. J Outd Life, Dec. 1905. 2:292-93. 751 Trudeau, Francis B. Jr. Saranac Lake and tuberculosis; a dissertation presented to the faculty of the Department of history, Yale university. . .by Frank Trudeau. 132 leaves, illus. Typescript. B.A. thesis, 1942. Appendix contains "Adirondack Guides," a letter from Seaver Miller. 752 White, William Chapman. Living in Sara- nac Lake in the Adirondacks. Saranac Lake, N.Y. Currier press, ^1955. 24p. incl. cover, illus. unpaged. The first edition was pre- pared at the request of the Trudeau Founda- tion. The edition cited above is sold for the benefit of the Saranac Lake Free Library. 753 White, William Chapman. . . . Saranac Lake, N.Y. Sat Eve Post, Aug. 25, 1951. 224: no. 8:34-35, 53-54, 56-60. col. illus. 754 Ticonderoga Bailey, John H. A rock shelter at Fort Ticon- deroga. Fort Ticonderoga, N.Y. 1937. 16p. illus. (Champlain Valley Archaeological Society, v.l.) 755 Bascom, Frederick G. Joseph Cook and Ti- conderoga. NT Hist, Jan. 1934. 15:43-49. 756 Bascom, Frederick G. Ticonderoga in history. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1911. 11:247-61. Prize essay by student from Glens Falls High School. 757 Bascom, Robert O. Legend of Duncan Camp- bell. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1901. 2:32-38. 758 Bliss, Alex. A visit to Fort Ticonderoga in 1825. Ft Ti Mus Bui, Summer 1949. 8:160- 62. illus. 759 Bossom, Alfred Charles. Honor to all brave men who fell at "old Ti." NT Times Mag, May 10, 1925. p. 10. illus. 760 Bossom, Alfred Charles. The reconstruction of Fort Ticonderoga. Travel, Aug. 1909. 14: 530-31. illus. 761 Bossom, Alfred Charles. The restoration of Fort Ticonderoga. Am Scenic & Hist Pres Sac, 1913. 18:610-18. 762 Bossom, Alfred Charles. The restoration of Fort Ticonderoga. Arch, Aug. 1925. 53:275- 79. illus. Brief note by the architect, with many illustrations. 763 Carr, Arthur A. The Indian harvest festival at Ticonderoga. NT Hist, Apr. 1948. 29:151- 56. 764 Cook, Joseph. Historical address. . .delivered at the first centennial anniversary of the set- tlement of Ticonderoga, July 25, 1864. Ticon- deroga, N.Y. Ticonderoga historical society, ^1909. 109p. col. front, plates, ports, illus. Largely taken from his "Home Sketches." 765 Cook, Joseph. Home sketches of Essex county. First number. Ticonderoga. 1. What it is; 2. What it does; 3. What it enjoys; 4. What it needs. By Flavius J. Cook. Keeseville, N.Y. W. Lansing & son, 1858. 139p. 766 Cummings, William A.E. Fort Ticonderoga and its history. Travel, }vt\y 1909. 14:457-63. illus. map. 767 Daughters of the American revolution. Ver- mont. Hand's Cove chapter, Shoreham. His- toric Mount Independence. Shoreham, Vt. Hand's Cove chapter Vermont DAR, n.d. 28p. front, port. Address by Hon. Robert O. Bascom, p.9-28. 768 Delano, Clayton H. Unveiling of Ticonder- oga tablet. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1911. 10: 43-52. 769 Dowling, R.L. Fort Ticonderoga. Antiques, July 1946. 50:26-28. illus. A short account of the restoration of the fort. 770 The elm of Ticonderoga. For & Stream, May 1916. 86:951. Cutting down of huge elm near Fort Ticonderoga. 771 Fort Ticonderoga. Four Tr News, Nov. 1902. 3:195. illus. 772 Fort Ticonderoga (Fort Carillon). Ticon- deroga, N.Y.? 1912? 18p. illus. 773 Fort Ticonderoga — key to a continent. No Country Life, Summer 1955. 9:no.3:42-49. illus. 774 Fox, Dixon Ryan. The spell of great names. NT Hist, Jan. 1934. 15:39-42. 775 Gilchrist, Helen Ives. Fort Ticonderoga in history. Ticonderoga, N.Y. Ft. Ticonderoga museum, 192 — ? 101 p. front, ports, illus. facsims. map. 776 Gilchrist, Helen Ives. The history of Fort Ticonderoga. NT State Hist Assn Q,, July 1922. 3:147-54. plate, map. 777 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. A visit to Ticonder- oga 100 years ago. Ft Ti Mus Bui, Jan. 1936. 4:12-17. Hawthorne visited the fort in the summer of 1835. The description reprinted 34 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION here was published anonymously in the Amer- ican Monthly Magazine, Feb. 1836, with the title "Old Ticonderoga, a Picture of the Past." He later included it in his "The Snow Image." 778 Historic Ticonderoga. Yorker, Nov.-Dec. 1949, Jan.-Feb. 1950. 8:28-30, 40-43. port, illus. facsim. maps. 779 Lape, Mrs. Jane (McCaughin). Ticonder- oga's Indian festival. NT Folk Q., Aug. 1945. 1:167-74. 780 Liberty monument. Unveiling • — August 16, 1924. Ticonderoga, N.Y. Ticonderoga, N.Y.? n.d. illus. 12p. Unpaged leaflet. Contains two-page address by Frederick B. Richards. 781 Lord, Clifford L. and Lape, Mrs. Jane (McCaughin). The headquarter hosts of the New York state historical association, Ticon- deroga, N.Y. Ticonderoga, N.Y. 1942. 23p. plate. 782 Mayernik, Vincent I. Fort Ticonderoga, military asset or liability. 53 leaves, maps. Master's thesis, Columbia University, 1951. Typescript. 783 Memorial to the Black watch. NT State Hist ^jj-;2Q,,July 1925. 6:246-50. 784 Milholland, John Henry Elmer. The preser- vation of Fort Ticonderoga by town owner- ship; an address delivered at Fort Ticon- deroga, Sept. 2, 1908. Ticonderoga, N.Y. Ticonderoga historical society, 1908. 4 leaves. 785 Newton, Earle. Ticonderoga, guardian of the northern gateway. Am Heritage, Sept. 1949. n.s. 1:24-35. illus. ports, maps. 786 Old Ticonderoga. Am Mo Mag {NT) Feb. 1836. n.s.l:138-42. 787 Olsen, Godfrey J. Archaeology of Ticon- deroga. NT Hist, Oct. 1934. 15:407-11. 788 Owen, R. Emmett. Sketches of Fort Ticon- deroga. Harper, Apr. 1924. 148:633-40. illus. 789 Paltsits, Victor Hugo. Plea for the national- ization of the site of Fort Ticonderoga. An address. . .delivered. . .Sept. 2, 1908. Ticon- deroga, N.Y. Ticonderoga historical society, 1908. 5 leaves. 790 Paltsits, Victor Hugo. Ticonderoga in his- tory. In Lake Champlain association. Year book, 1912-13. p.40-51. 791 Pell, Howland. The Germain redoubt at Fort Ticonderoga. Am Scenic & Hist Pres Soc, 1913. 18:619-25. 792 Pell, John. Ticonderoga; its ruin and resto- ration. Country Life, Aug. 1935. 68:no.4:24- 26. Ulus. 793 Pell, Stephen Hyatt Pelham. Fort Ticon- deroga. Roy Unit Ser Inst J, Mar. 1914. 58: 386-88. map. 794 Pell, Stephen Hyatt Pelham. Fort Ticon- deroga. Soc Army Hist Res J, Apr. 1928. 7: 124-25. col. plates, map. 795 Pell, Stephen Hyatt Pelham. Fort Ticon- deroga; a short history compiled from con- temporary sources. Glens Falls, N.Y. 1935. lOOp. illus. maps. An edition printed for the Fort Ticonderoga Museum in 1 948 is in Yale University Library. 796 Pell, Stephen Hyatt Pelham. Restoration at Fort Ticonderoga. Ver Hist Soc Proc, Dec. 1930. n.s.l:167-68. 797 Pell, Stephen Hyatt Pelham. Restoration of Fort Ticonderoga. Travel, July 1909. 14: 464-68. illus. 798 Perry, George W. Ticonderoga. New Eng M, Apr. 1901. n.s.24:l 19-27. illus. map. 799 Pyrke, Berne A. The story of Ticonderoga. NT Hist, Jan. 1946. 27:14-37. 800 Radcliff, Clara Adrianna. Ticonderoga in history. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1911. 11: 234-47. Prize essay written by student from Yonkers High School. 801 Richards, Frederick Bascom. The Black watch at Ticonderoga. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1910. 10:367-463. plates. 802 Smith, Justin Harvey. Our struggle for the fourteenth colony. N.Y. Putnam, 1907. 2v. front, plates, illus. ports, facsims. map. Ti- conderoga, v.l, p. 107-65. 803 Spring, George H. The annual Indian pag- eant at Ticonderoga. No Country Life, Sum- mer 1948. 2:no.3:32-39. illus. 804 Stanley, A. P. Inverawe and Ticonderoga. Frasers M, Oct. 1880. n.s.22:501-10. 805 Stanley, Kate E. The stone's story; or, Fort Ticonderoga and its immediate vicinity. Ti- conderoga, N.Y. R.R. Stevenson, 1885. 22p. 806 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. Ticonderoga; past and present. . . Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1873. 68p. illus. 807 Sullivan, Olive Greene. Fort Ticonderoga; an historical sketch. Hillacre, Privately printed, 1912. 8 leaves, plates, front. 808 Thibault, Donald. Mt. Hope fort — one man's hobby. No Country Life, Spring 1951. 5:no.2:37-40, 43. illus. Restoration of the fort by Carroll V. Lonergan. 809 Ticonderoga. Fam Mag, 1840. 7:342-43. Description of the fort, taken from the Boston Times. 810 LOCAL HISTORY: CITIES AND VILLAGES 35 Ticonderoga. Macmil; Feb. 1896. 73:281-90. Reprinted in LittelP s Living Age, Mar. 7, 1896, 208:611-20. 811 Ticonderoga, heroic village of America; re- stored fort where Ethan Allen pounded on the gate now a mecca at the meeting of the trails. Motordom, June 1929. 23:no.l :22-23. illus. 812 Ticonderoga and Crown Point. Motordom, June 1932.^ p.ll. 813 Ticonderoga and Crown Point • — America's most famous forts; where 300 years of war began, motorists now find rarest adventures. Motordom, June 1930. 24:no.l:18-19. illus. 814 Ticonderoga chamber of commerce. His- toric Ticonderoga. n.p. n.pub. n.d. 31 p. illus. map. 815 Ticonderoga historical society. Fori Ticon- deroga. n.p. n.d. lOp. plates. Unpaged oblong octavo. 816 Ticonderoga historical society. A memorial tablet at Ticonderoga, a corporation's gift to history. Reprinted by the Ticonderoga pulp and paper co. by permission of the Ticonderoga historical society. Cambridge, Mass. University press, ^1911. 29p. front, illus. 817 Tower, Elizabeth. . . .The John Hancock house, Ticonderoga, N.Y. Ticonderoga, N.Y.? 1926? 16p. 818 Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt, 1808-60. An historical discourse in centennial commem- oration of the capture of Ticonderoga, 1759 . . . Philadelphia, Joseph M. Wilson, 1859. 32p. map. 819 Watrous, EUzabeth. Fort Ticonderoga re- stored. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1902. 5:128- 31. 820 Whitman, Roger B. Fort Ticonderoga, a lesson in Americanization. World's Work, Oct. 1924. 48:651-57. 821 Wickes, Frank B. Fort Ticonderoga. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1901.3:12-15. 822 Winter, Marietta A. Ticonderoga in history. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1912. 11:261-67. 823 Other Cities and Villages Aldridge, George Washington Jr. Crown Point once key to America; New York state now preserving it as a public park, first a French and later a British fortress a century and a half ago. State Service, Aug. 1918. 2: no.8:50-59. illus. 824 Arnold, Seward, comp. Reminiscences and early history of old Peru. n.p. 1913. 58p. 825 Baker, Mary E. The old Crown Point road. Its place in history. Mag Hist, Nov. 1909, Jan.-Feb. 1910. 10:269-74; 11:22-26, 99- 104. Though about a Vermont road, the article includes many incidents about Crown Point. 826 Barker, Elmer Eugene. Celebrating Memo- rial day (at Crown Point, N.Y.). Hist Teach Mag, Mar. 1918. 9:134-37. 827 Barker, Elmer Eugene, ed. Letters of Charles Franklin Hammond to his son John, 1849- 1850. NT Hist, Jan.-Apr. 1951. 32:61-69, 172-83. Includes data on the blast furnaces at Crown Point. 828 Barker, Elmer Eugene. Monuments to their horses. NT Hist, Jan. 1949. 30:43-52. Monu- ments at Crown Point erected by veterans of the Civil War in memory of their horses. 829 Becker, Howard I. ed. Tahawus — New- comb and Long Lake, by George and Robert Shaw of Long Lake, 1842-1900. Also, the Rev. John Todd's own story of his visits to Long Lake, 1841-44 written in 1845. n.p. n.pub. 1955. 168, 24, 2, 3 leaves, ports, illus. maps. Mimeographed. 17 copies for private distribution. Manuscript and copy in the Adirondack Museum, Blue Mountain Lake. 830 Benedict, G.G. Manuscript map of Crown Point, over 135 years old. Ver Ant, Dec. 1902. 1:37-39. map. 831 Brown, George Levi. Pleasant Valley; a his- tory of Elizabethtown, Essex county. New York. Elizabethtown, N.Y. Post & Gazette print, 1905. 474p. plates, ports, maps. 832 Butler, Benjamin Clapp. . . .From homespun to calico. A centennial address delivered at Luzerne, July 4, 1876. Albany, Weed, Par- sons & CO. 1877. 52p. At head of title: 1776- 1876. "A Peep at Luzerne," p.31-52. 833 Chateaugay; oldest town in Franklin county. No Country Lije, Summer 1949. 3:no.3:ll-13. 834 Chestertown: in 1905 it was a village of two log houses. Top o' the World, Feb. 1939. 3: no.l:4. 835 Coke, Edward Thomas. A subaltern's fur- lough; descriptive of scenes in various parts of the United States, Upper and Lower Can- ada, New-Brunswick and Nova Scotia. N.Y. J. & J. Harper, 1833. 2v. Trenton Falls, v.l, p.210-15. 836 Cross roads of the north; Rouse's Point (N.Y.) first served by Champlain & Ogdensburg R.R. now part of the Rutland system. Trains, /Feb. 1941. l:no.4:37. illus. 837 Crown Point once key to America. Motordom, Jan. 1929. 22:no.8:16-17. illus. 838 36 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION Dean, Amos. An attempt to present the claims of Long Lake to the consideration of all those who are in search after good land at a low price. Albany, J. Munsell, 1846. 35p. folded map. See Donaldson, Chapter 34. 839 Essex, N.Y. Chamber of commerce. Essex on Lake Champlain. . . n.p. n.pub. 1920. 12p. 840 Fisher, Clarence L. History of the Lyons falls. Boonville, N.Y. Willard press, 1918. 30p. illus. ports. 841 Fountain, Lucy. Keene delights. Putnam, Dec. 1869. 14:669-74. A pleasing descrip- tion of Keene Valley with emphasis on scenery. 842 Gill, William Hanson. Old Fort "Blunder." Mil Eng, Mar. 1942. 34:151-52. map. Re- printed as American Map and Geographic Research Service. Historic Structure Series, no.l. Washington, D.C. 1944. Fort Mont- gomery, near Rouses Point. 843 Hand, Mrs. Susan (Train). Letters of the Hand family, 1796-1912; collected and ar- ranged, with a biographical sketch. . . Printed for private circulation. N.Y. Edwin S. Gor- ham, 1923. 328p. front, plates, port, illus. Copy in the Loomis Collection, Keene Val- ley Public Library. Includes many letters written from Elizabethtown. 844 Highlights of a half-century of progress in a friendly town. 1902. Tupper Lake. 1952. n.p. n.pub. 1952? 33p. ports, illus. Foreword by Louis J. Simmons, Village Historian. Adver- tisements on 39 unnumbered pages and inner covers. 845 Historic Crown Point. Four Tr News, Aug. 1903. 5:92. illus. 846 Hough, Marjorie G. Tannery days at Jordan Falls and a tanner's daughter's recollections of life and customs in that now-vanished village. No Country Life, Winter 1952. 6:no. 1:41-47. 847 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Ghost vil- lage. Cloud Splitter, Mar. 1939. 2:no.l:12. History of Henderson's mining village, Adi- rondac. 848 Hughes, Charles Evans. A symbol of old world disappointment. Crown Point. No Country Lije, Summer 1951. 5:no. 3:39-40. Speech at the Champlain Tercentenary. 849 In memoriam. President Garfield. Obsequies at Elizabethtown, New York, September 26th, 1881. Elizabethtown, N.Y. Post & Gazette, 1881. unpaged. 850 In memoriam. President McKinley. Obse- quies at Elizabethtown, New York, Septem- ber 19th, 1901. Elizabethtown, N.Y. Post & Gazette prmt, 1901. 19p. 851 James, William. Letters of William James. Boston, Atlantic Monthly press, 1920. 2v. The Adirondack range, v.l, p. 194-95. Keene Valley, v.l, p. 194-96; v.2, p.75-79, 90-91, 95. Extract entitled "William James' Mis-adventure Climbing Marcy" in High 6^0/j, July 1937, 14:no.3:38-39. 852 Keene Valley, N.Y. Board of trade. Keene Valley, crowning glory of the Adirondacks. n.p. Kamargo press, n.d. Unpaged folder, illus. map. Copy in the Saranac Lake Free Library. An attractive piece of advertising with good illustrations and many quotations from Adirondack authors. 853 Keene Valley in the Adirondacks. Am For, Apr. 1910. 16:207. illus. 854 Kellogg, Lewis. A sketch of the history of Whitehall, civil and religious. A discourse delivered on the 27th of June, 1847. White- hall, N.Y. S.B. Fairman, 1847. 16p. 855 Lape, Mrs. Jane (McCaughin).TheMcIntyre- MacMartin-Henderson papers at Head- quarters house. Nr Hist,]an. 1948. 29:118- 22. Describes collection of letters relating to Tahawus (Adirondac). 856 Lawrence, Dana. Comments on life and folks. . . Keene Valley, N.Y. Keene Valley memorial association, ^1954. 91 p. front, (port.). Cover title: A Villager. Reviewed by W.H. Burger in North Country Life, Winter 1955, 9:no.l:50, and by D.A. Plum in The Ad-i-ron-dac, ]an.-Y&h. 1955, 19:20. 857 Lincoln, Frederic F. A concrete industrial village; Mineville, N.Y. in the heart of the Adirondack forest, is being rebuilt in con- crete. Wooden buildings fast disappearing. Cement Age, Sept. 1909. 9:158-65. illus. 858 Live shell turns up — after 200 years ! Pop Mech, May 1955. 103:no.5:124-25. Found in restoration of Fort William Henry, Lake George. 859 Lonergan, Carroll Vincent. Historic Crown Point: the story of the forts and the villages. Burlington, Vt. Free press printing co. *'1942. 79p. front, illus. ports. 860 Lonergan, Thomas Francis. Historic Crown Point, Fort St. Frederic, Fort Amherst. . . Troy, N.Y. Regal art press, 1936. 29p. front, illus. ports, map. 861 Lowrie, Sarah. Neighborliness and a country community. Survey, Apr. 5, 1915. 30:28-33. illus. Neighborhood House, Keene Valley. 862 McClellan, Katherine Elizabeth. Keene Val- ley. Saranac Lake, N.Y. Author, 1898. 26p. illus. plates, ports, maps. 863 Masten, Arthur Haynsworth. The story of Adirondac. N.Y. Privately printed, 1923. LOCAL HISTORY: CITIES AND VILLAGES 37 199p. front, plates, ports, facsims. 125 copies printed. See article by D.A. Plum entitled "Adirondack Rarities" in The Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept-Oct. 1950, 14:110. 864 Maxwell, Archibald Montgomery. A run through the United States, during the au- tumn of 1840. London, Henry Colburn, 1841. 2v. fronts, (ports.). Trenton Falls, v.l, p.216- 27. 865 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Dave Henderson's dream. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept. -Oct. 1945. 9:no. 4:5-6, 8. Adirondac. 866 The Neighborhood house association. Hand- book. . . Keene Valley, N.Y. Press Longhead & CO. 1911. 39p. illus. 867 The new Baedeker, casual notes of an irre- sponsible traveller. VII. Trenton Falls, N.Y. Bookm, Mar. 1909. 29:32-41. ports, illus. 868 Noble, Henry Harmon. A sketch of the his- tory of the town of Essex, New York, with some account of the mother town, Willsboro. Champlain, N.Y. Moorsfield press, 1940. 19p. 142 copies privately printed. 869 Old Chazy. Reminiscences of Old Chazy given by descendents of the early settlers at a literary and musical entertainment. . . Aug. 23, 1898. Plattsburgh, N.Y. Clinton county farmer, 1898. 44p. 870 Old Keeseville tales. Port Henry, N.Y. Essex county publishing co. 1900. 99p. plate. 871 A peep at Luzerne. Albany, Weed, Parsons & CO. 1877. 22p. At head of title: A souvenir. Also printed as p. 31-52 of Benjamin Clapp Butler's "From Homespun to Calico, 1877." 872 Pitcher, Charlotte A. The golden era of Trenton Falls. . . Utica, N.Y. Fierstine print- ing house, 1915. 10-103p. front, plates. Also published in New Tork State Historical Asso- ciation Proceedings, 1915, p. 231-94. 873 Plum, Dorothy Alice. Paean to East Hill. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1954. 18:50-51. Keene. 874 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). The fif- teenth of Redford. NT Folk Q,, Aug. 1946. 2:205-8. Annual picnic. 875 Post, Asa. Notes of the settlement of the Boquet valley in Elizabethtown, N.Y. written by Asa Post in 1 804. NT Gen & Biog Rec, Oct. 1900. 3:193-97. 876 Power, Tyrone. Impressions of America, dur- ing the years 1833, 1834 and 1835. London, Richard Bentley, 1836. 2v. fronts. Trenton Falls, v.l, p.369-77. 877 Ranney, Anna (Pennington), Mrs. S.P. Keene Valley in 1864. High Spots,}\x\y 1934. 1 1 :no.3: 8-11. illus. • 878 Roberts, Millard Fillmore. A narrative his- tory of Remsen, New York, including parts of adjoining townships of Steuben and Trenton, 1789-1898. Syracuse, N.Y. Author, 1914. 398p. front. 879 Rock inscriptions at the ruins of old Fort Frederick at Crown Point. NY State Hist Assn Proc, 1910. 10:108-13. plate. Letters by Victor Hugo Paltsits and W. Max Reid. 880 Royce, Mrs. Caroline Halstead (Barton). Bessboro; a history of Westport, Essex co. N.Y. n.p. C1902. 61 Ip. incl. maps. 881 Schroon Lake, summer colony center. Motor- ^om,July 1934. p. 22. 882 Seaman, Mrs. Frances (Boone). Mountain moods. No Country Life, Winter 1953. 7:no.l: 35-37. Long Lake. 883 Seaman, Mrs. Frances (Boone). One century ago. Cloud Splitter, Sept. -Oct. 1952. 15:no.6: 3—6. Based on a manuscript account by LivQjiia L. Emerson of life at Long Lake. 884 Sherman, John. A description of Trenton Falls, Oneida county. New York. Utica, N.Y. W.Williams, 1830. 18p. 885 Skenesborough; birthplace of the American navy. Nc Country Life, Summer 1954. 8:no.3: 31,40-41. ■ 886 Spaulding, Samuel S. Spaulding's History of Crown Point, New York from 1800 to 1874. Port Henry, N.Y. Herald printers, 1874. 42p. 887 Spencer, George W. The Adirondack springs, Westport, New York. Port Henry, N.Y. Re- publican book print, 1888. 19p. Testimonials. 888 Stanley, Frank. The iron industry of Crown Point in the eighteenth and nineteenth cen- tury. Yorker, Dec. 1943. 2:no.4:6-9. illus. 889 Stanton, Lenthel. "Fort Blunder," the work of an absent-minded nation. Four Tr News, Nov. 1905. 9:385. illus. Fort Montgomery, near Rouses Point. 890 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. Keene Valley. St No Mo, June 1906. l:no.2:l-7. illus. 891 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. The Pottersville fair. St No Mo, Oct. 1906. 1 :no.6:l-5. illus. 892 Taylor, Daniel T. Historical oration delivered at Champlain, N.Y. on the fourth of July 1877. . . Boston, Repository press, 1880. 81 p. Also published by the Moorsfield Press, Champlain, N.Y. in 1931; edited, with the addition of notes, by Hugh McLellan. 893 This is Tupper Lake. No Country Life, Fall 1955. 9 :no.4:28-37. illus. 894 I'homas, Howard. Fort Blunder. Up Mo, Feb. 1942. 2:no.ll:19. Fort Montgomery. 895 38 HISTORY OF THE ADIRONDACK REGION Thomas, Howard. Trenton Falls. Up Mo, June 1941. 2:no.3:20.illus. 896 Thomas, Howard. Trenton Falls, yesterday & today. Prospect, N.Y. Prospect books, 1951. 177p.illus. map. 897 Thomas, Marion P. My first trip to Ohio City. Up Mo, Dec. 1941. 2:no.9:20-21. illus. Reminiscences of area near Wilmurt. 898 Tierney, Jack. Ghost town of the Adiron- dacks. Up Mo, Feb. 1941. Irno.ll :12-13. Adirondac. History of Mclntyre mines. 899 Todd, John. Long Lake; edited by J. Brace, Jr. Pittsheld, Mass. E.P. Little, 1845. lOOp. 900 Todd, John. Simple sketches, edited by J. Brace, Jr. Volume second. Pittsheld, Mass. E.P. Little, 1845. 288p. Long Lake, p.73-149. 901 Torrance, Fred. Jay's 150 years. No Country Life, Fall 1948. 2:no.4:37-42. ihus. 902 Trenton Falls. Internal Mag, June 1, 1851. 3:292-95. illus. Excerpts from various publi- cations of N.P. Willis describing the falls. 903 Trenton Falls. Nat Mag, Aug. 1852. 1 : 102-7. illus. 904 Trenton Falls. Rural NT, Mar. 10, 1860. 11:81. illus. Brief text. 905 Trost, Alfred H. ed. A history celebrating the 150th anniversary of the town of Essex, New York, 1805-1955. . . Edited by Alfred H. Trost and Robert C. DeLong. Malone, N.Y. Industrial press, 1955. 62p. illus. 905.1 Tupper Lake national bank. The Tupper Lake national bank: its silver birthday anni- versary and an historical souvenir published in observance of the occasion, on June 18, 1931. Tupper Lake, N.Y. 1931. 28p. front. 906 Twichell, Joseph Hopkins. Dr. Bushnell in the woods. Outlook, ]\inf^ 2, 1900. 65:261-65 ports. Residence in Keene Valley. 907 Twichell, Joseph Hopkins. In the Adiron- dacks. In Noah Porter, a memorial by friends. ed. by George S. Merriam. . . N.Y. Scribner, 1893. p. 157-65. Keene Valley. 908 Walker, Harry G. Fort Blunder. No Country Life, Spring 1948. 2:no.2:12. Story of old Fort Montgomery. Reprinted from the Ottawa Journal. 909 Warner, Charles Bond. History of Port Henry, N.Y. by Dr. Charles B. Warner, C. Eleanor Hall collaborating. Rutland, Vt. Tuttle co. 1931. 182p. front, (port.) illus. 910 Warrensburg, N.Y. War committee. Report of the Warrensburgh war committee, 1861- 65. Warrensburgh, N.Y. The News press, 1913. 45p. Civil War history. 911 Warrensburgh and Chestertown. Business interests and institutions illustrated and de- scribed. Warrensburgh, N.Y. Warrensburgh news, 1898. 24p. illus. Supplement to the Warrensburgh News. 912 Webb's Keeseville directory. N.Y. W.S. Webb & CO. 1875-77. Includes historical sketch of Keeseville. In collection of Mrs. Marjorie L. Porter. 913 Westport, a noted center of the Champlain region. Motordom, June 1932. p. 15. illus. 914 William Gilliland's settlement — extract from a letter from a gentleman at Lake Champlain to his friend in New York, dated Willsbor- ough, January 20, 1773. Mag Am Hist, Dec. 1881. 7:456-57. Account of recent social events. 915 Willis, Nathaniel Parker, ed. Trenton Falls, picturesque and descriptive. N.Y. Putnam, 1851. 90p. front, plates, illus. Also published in 1865 and 1868 by N. Orr & Co., N.Y., 96p. and in 1862 by J.G. Gregory, N.Y., 96p. 916 Wilson, David. Life in Whitehall: a tale of the ship fever times. Written by a citizen. Whitehall, N.Y. Wm. S. Southmayd & H.W. Buel, publishers, 1849. 57p. "The following work appeared in detached chapters, in ^The Whitehaller.' " Another edition published by Ingles & Tefft, Whitehall, N.Y., 1900, 76p. ports, plates. Title: "Life in Whitehall During the Ship Fever Times." 917 GEOGRAPHY GENERAL Balsey, James Robinson Jr. Techniques and results of aeromagnetic surveying. In Inter- national geodetic and geophysical union. Association of terrestrial magnetism and elec- tricity. Bulletin 13, 1950. p.413-18. folded map. Used in Oswegatchie quadrangle. 918 Benedict, Farrand Northrop. Barometrical measurements in Essex county. In Natural history of New York. Division 4, Geology. Albany, 1842. 2:195-212. 919 Gannett, Henry. A dictionary of altitudes in the United States; 3d ed. Washington, G.P.O. 1899. 775p. (U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin no.l60.) 920 Harshberger, John William. Alpine fell-fields of eastern North America. Geog R, Apr. 1919. 7:233-55. illus. maps. Includes fell-field on Mt. Marcy. 921 Henry, Joseph. Topographical sketch of the State of New- York, designed chiefly to show the general elevations and depressions of its surface. Alb Inst Tr, 1830. 1:87-112. folded plate. 922 Johnson, E.F. Mountains in New York. Am J Sci, ]u\y 1839. 37:84-89. Discussion of alti- tudes of Mt. Marcy and Whiteface. 923 Keith, E.F. Mountains and streams of the Adirondacks. Fur-Fish-Game, July 1926. 44: no. 1:26. Location of various mountains and streams. 924 Kemp, James Furman. Physiography of the Adirondacks. Pop Sci, Mar. 1906. 68:195-210. illus. Read Apr. 13, 1905. Abstract in New York Academy of Science Annals, 1907, 17:589- 91. A discussion of this article by W.M. Davis followed by an answer by Kemp in Science, Apr. 20, 1906. n.s.20:630-32. 925 Marshall, Robert Bradford. Results of spirit leveling in New York, 1906 to 1911, inclu- sive. Washington, G.P.O. 1912. 139p. table. (U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin no. 5 14.) 926 Marshall, Robert Bradford. Spirit leveling in New York, 1895-1905 and 1912-1916. Wash- ington, G.P.O. 1918. 214p. (U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin no.671 .) 927 Ruedemann, Rudolf. The tangential master- streams of the Adirondack drainage. Am J Sci, Nov. 1931. ser.5:22:431-40. figs. 928 Seymour, Horatio. Topography and history of the State of New- York. Am Geog Soc Bui, 1856. 2:128-57. Reprinted with title "A Lecture on the Topography and History of New- York." Utica, N.Y. D.C. Grove, 1856, 41 p. Another edition with different introduc- tion published with title "History and Topog- raphy of New York. . . " Utica, N.Y. Grove & Bailey, 1870. 32p. Includes discussion of Lake George-Lake Ghamplain area. 929 Tarr, Ralph Stockman. The physical geog- raphy of New York state; with a chapter on climate by E.F. Turner. N.Y. Macmillan, 1902. 397p. illus. maps. Adirondack province, p.13-14; Adirondacks, p.41-52. Mainly re- prints of articles in the Bulletin of the Ameri- can Geographical Society. 930 U.S. Geological survey. Water supply papers. Washington, 1896-. The reports of the Divi- sion of Hydrography, especially Operations at River Stations contained in this series, have miscellaneous data on Adirondack rivers. For description of the Water Supply Papers see Boyd, A.M. and Rips, R.E. United States government publications, 1949, p. 242— 43. 931 EXPLORATION, DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Adirondack, pseud. An Adirondack table- land. For & Stream, Sept. 8, 1892. 39:204. North of the high peak area. 932 Adirondack motor routes of adventure; beauty rims the highways of the Adirondacks, en route to mountain, lake and forest resorts, filled with ever-changing scenes. Motordom, June 1931. 24:no.l2:10-ll. illus. 933 The Adirondack mountains. Harper W, Aug. 31, 1867. 11:548. illus. Describes a photog- 39 40 GEOGRAPHY raphers' trip from Malone to Meacham Lake, St. Regis and the Saranacs, North Elba and Harrietstown. 934 Adirondack mountains formed on the bottom of the sea. NTC Lines Mag, Nov. 1920. 1 :no.8: 27-28. iUus. 935 Adirondack scenery. Appleton, Sept. 24, 1870. 4:362-66. illus. 936 Adirondack wilderness comprising Lake Champlain, Ausable chasm, Upper and Lower St. Regis, Cascades, John Brown's farm and grave. Lake Placid, Saranac village and Upper and Lower Saranac lakes. Grand Rapids, Mich. James Bayne co. n.d. unpaged, illus. Cover title: "Among the Adirondacks." Two pages of text and forty-seven illustrations. 937 The Adirondacks; land of summer sport. Motordom,]\xnc 1929. 23:no.l :18-19. illus. 938 The Adirondacks — New York state's 2,000,- 000 acre play-ground. Motordom, July 1928. 22:no.2:4-7. illus. maps. 939 The Adirondacks an island. For Leaves, Autumn 1904. 1 :no.4:37. 940 The Adirondacks in autumn glory. Life, Oct. 20, 1952. 33:no.l6:68-73. illus. Brief text with five illustrations in color by Andreas Feininger. 941 The Adirondacks in 1854. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.- Oct. 1952. 16:81. Column by William Chap- man White reprinted from the New Tork Times "Topics of the Times" of Oct. 17, 1951. Contains extracts from articles by Henry J. Raymond published in the Times in 1855. 942 The Adirondacks in 1870. For & Stream, June 1,1901. 56:427. 943 Adirondacks offer camp life solitude, sports or society to summer travelers. NTC Lines Afa^, July 1927. 8:no.4:28, 102. illus. 944 Adirondacks. The majestic mountain play- ground; it's yours to enjoy with its lofty peaks, 2000 lakes and famous places for recreation. Motordom, June 1930. 24:no.l:7. illus. 945 The Adirondacs. Harvard Mag, June 1860. 6:289-96. Trip into the Adirondacks in 1858. 946 Agar, Herbert. The Adirondacks. New Statesm, May 30, 1931. 1:501. An Englishman pays brief tribute to the Adirondacks. 947 Among the balsams. Harper W, Aug. 11, 1888. 32:591, 597. Ulus. Journey from North Creek to Blue Mountain Lake, Raquette, etc. 948 Anburey, Thomas. Journal d'un voyage fait dans I'int^rieur de I'Amerique septentrionale. Ouvrage dans lequel on donne des details precieux sur I'insurrection des Anglo-Am6ri- cains, et sur la chute desastreuse de leur papier-monnoie. Traduit de I'anglois et en- richi de notes par M. Noel. . . Paris, Chez La Villette, 1793. 2v. plates, folded plan, folded map. 949 Anburey, Thomas. Travels through the in- terior parts of North America. In a series of letters by an officer. London, William Lane, 1789. 2v. plates, map. Letters written by a lieutenant in Burgoyne's army, 1776-77. Local description, Lake Champlain, Ticon- deroga, Saratoga. 950 Appleton, Thomas Gold. Windfalls. Boston, Roberts bros. 1878. 364p. A month in the Adirondacks, p.34-81. 951 Barnaby, H.C.G. Touring the Adirondack lakes. For & Stream, ]u\y 8, 1905. 65:24-25. 952 Beardslee, Lester A. Adirondack itinerary, by Piseco, pseud. For & Stream, July 27 1876. 6:406-7. Route from New York to Piseco Lake. 953 Beardslee, Lester A. Circumnavigating the Adirondacks, by Piseco, pseud. For & Stream, Aug. 27, 1891.37:104-5. 954 Beauties of the Adirondacks. State Service, Oct. 1917. 1 :no.3:63-65. illus. 955 Benedict, Farrand Northrop. The wilds of northern New York. Putnam, Sept. 1854. 4: 263-70. Donaldson attributes this to F.N. Benedict, Sherrill to M.H. Merwin. See Waddell's "Northern New York," p. 12-1 3. 956 Beetle, David Harold. Up Old Forge way, a central Adirondack story. Utica, N.Y. Utica Observer-Dispatch, 1948. 183p. illus. ports, map. "Reprinted from the Utica Observer- Dispatch, Utica, N.Y." 957 Bigelow, Albert. Adirondacks of 1858 and 1859. For & Stream, Oct. 5, 1912. 79:423-24. illus. Trip from Raquette Lake through the Marion River to Blue Mountain Lake. 958 Bishop, Nathaniel Holmes. Voyage of the paper canoe; a geographical journey of 2500 miles, from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico during the years 1874-5. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1878. 351p. front, illus. maps. Chapters 3 and 4 refer to the Adirondacks. Quotes Colvin reports. 959 Boscq de Beaumont, Gaston du. Aux lacs frangais des Adirondacks (£tats-Unis d' Ame- rique). Tour du Monde, June 29,1901. n.s.7: 301-12. illus. Trip made in 1899, interesting because it gives the impressions of a French traveler. The illustrations are from photo- graphs by Seneca Ray Stoddard. 960 EXPLORATION, DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL 41 Bowditch, Vincent Yardley. Life and corre- spondence of Henry Ingersoll Bowditch. Bos- ton, Houghton, 1902. 2v. front, plates, ports, facsim. Trips to the Adirondacks and Remi- niscences of John Brown, v.2, p. 58-1 02. 961 Brandreth, Paulina. Spring in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, ]n\y 22, 1905. 65:62-63. 962 Bridgman, Mrs. Helen (Bartlett). Conquer- ing the world. N.Y. Cloister publishing co. C1925. 264p. Adirondacks, p.169-222. 963 Bromfield, Edward T. ed. Picturesque jour- neys in America of the Junior united tourist club. N.Y. R. Worthington, 1883. 200p. front, illus. 1884 edition in the Loomis Col- lection, Keene Valley Public Library. In- cludes Lake George and the Adirondacks. 964 Brown, Levant Frederick. Autumn in the north woods. Four Tr News, Sept. 1904. 7: 173-75. Ulus. 965 Bruce, Dwight Hall. The Adirondacks — recollections and sketches of the great forest. For & Stream, Jan. 28, Feb. 11, 1892. 38:74- 76,122-23. 966 Bruce, Wallace. The Adirondacks. Outing, June 1883. 2:33-35. 967 Bryant, William Cullen, ed. Picturesque America; or. The land we live in; a delinea- tion by pen and pencil. N.Y. Appleton, 1874. 2v. plates, illus. "The Adirondack Region," by Robert Carter, v.2, p.41 4-35. 968 Bryant, William Cullen, ed. Picturesque America; or, The land we live in. . .with illustrations on steel and wood by eminent American artists. Rev. ed. N.Y. Appleton, C1894. 720p. front, plates, illus. "The Adiron- dack Region, with Illustrations by Harry Fenn," p.346-66. 969 Carroll, Charles. Journal of Charles Carroll of CarroUton during his visit to Canada in 1776. . .with a memoir and note by Brantz Mayer. Baltimore, John Murphy for the Maryland historical society, 1876. llOp. ports. Contains descriptions of Lake George, Ticonderoga and Lake Champlain. 970 Carter, Robert. Adirondack scenery. Apple- ton, Sept. 24, 1870. 4:362-66. illus. 971 The changed Adirondacks; our northern lakes and mountains. For & Stream, Nov. 26, 1898. 51:431. Reprinted from Town Topics, Sept. 15, 1898, 40:no.l 1:14-15: "Our North- ern Lakes and Mountains, by Wanderer, pseud." 972 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Some boyhood mem- ories; VII. A first visit to the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Apr. 20, 1901. 56:304. 973 Coffin, Nathaniel Wheeler. Forest Arcadia of northern New York. Embracing a view of its mineral, agricultural and timber resources. Boston, T.O.H.P. Burnham, 1864. 224p. Published anonymously. The author is identi- fied in the New York State Forest Commis- sion Report, 1893, v. 1, p. 329. 974 Cook, Joel. America, picturesque and de- scriptive. Philadelphia, H.T. Coates & co. 1900. 3v. fronts, plates. The Adirondacks and their attendant lakes, v.2:271-326. 975 Cornish, Albert. Unfrequented regions of the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Mar. 11, 1880. 14:103-4. St. Regis Lake, Moira, Blue Mountain Lake. 976 Covert, William Chalmers. Wild woods and waterways. Philadelphia, Westminster press, 1914. 245p. plates. Ch.4: The Ausable River; Ch.5: Springtime on the Ausable; Ch.7: The Adirondack Woods. 977 Crary, John C. Glorious forest, mountain and lake country opened by new roads in Adiron- dacks. Motordom, Jan. 1929. 22:no.8:10-ll. illus. 978 Cruikshank, James A. Looping the Adiron- dacks. Field & ^, July 1902. 7:237-41. illus. 979 Curtiss, Arthur Leslie Byron-. The story of a pass in the Adirondacks. Boston, Gorham press, 1917. 224p. front, plates. "This book is a sort of compound of the author's personal experiences and observations, together with stories and yarns picked up by the way." 980 D. My trip to the Adirondack. Wilkes Spirit, Sept. 17, 1859. 1:19. Trip to Fenton's. 981 Dailey, Elric J. The Adirondacks. Fur News, June 1 921 . 33 :no.6 :6-7, 27, 29. illus. 982 Dailey, Elric J. The Adirondacks of to-day. Fur-Fish-Game, Sept. 1926. 44:no.3:17-19. illus. 983 Davis, Theodore R. Sketches in the Adiron- dack region. Harper W, Nov. 1868. 12:742, 748. Brief text, full page of illustrations (signed by Davis), chiefly of the section around Adirondac. 984 Davison, J.L. The Adirondacks of 1858 and 1888. For & Stream, Mar. 8, 1913. 80:300-1. In 1858 a trip to the Raquette River. In 1888 a 150-mile tramp from Northville to Theresa. 985 Dewey, Melvil. The tonic of the winter woods. Ind, Feb. 8, 1915. 81:201-4. illus. Adiron- dacks in winter. 986 Ellis, Samuel W. Early days in northern New York. Fur-Fish-Game, Nov. 1926. 44:no.5:21, 24. Region around Lake Clear. 987 Ely, William Watson. The New York wilder- ness. 15p. introduction to his Map of the New 42 GEOGRAPHY York wilderness. N.Y. Colton, 1867. Also in the 1868 edition of the map. 988 Ely, William Watson. A trip to the wilder- ness. Rural NT, Aug. 11, Aug. 25, Sept. 8, 1860. 12:257, 273, 289. maps. Three letters describing a trip from Boonville through Brown's Tract, out by the Saranacs to Port Kent. 989 Emery, Stewart M. Mighty Adirondacks call to the cities. NT Times Mag, Aug. 29, 1926. p.7, 21.illus. 990 Entering the wilds, scenic route from Chester- town through the Schroon valley to Schroon Lake and Elizabethtown. Motordom, June 1929. 23:no.l:14-15.illus. 991 Faris, John Thomson. Roaming the eastern mountains. N.Y. Farrar & Rinehart, ^1932. 327p. plates, maps on end papers. Introduc- tion to the Adirondacks, Ch.5. A week of Adirondack glory, Gh.6. 992 Ferris, George Titus. Our native land; or. Glances at American scenery and places, with sketches of life and adventure. . . N.Y. Appleton, ^1882. 61 5p. illus. incl. map. Adi- rondacks, p.342. 993 Flint, Peter. The famous land of Leather- stocking. For & Stream, Oct. 18, 1913. 81: 510-11. Notes from Paradox, Pyramid lakes, etc. 994 Fosburgh, Peter W. Summertime, Adiron- dacks. NTS Con, }\xn&-}u\y 1955. 9:no.6:20- 21 . illus. Brief text with illustrations in color. 995 Fowler, Barnett. Miami river swamp. Ad Mt Club Bui, Sept.-Oct. 1944. 8:no.5:4. Near Speculator and Indian Lake. 996 Glens Falls rotary club. Let's attend. . .Adi- rondack mountain climbing contest. . .Nov. 2, 1922 to Aug. 16, 1923. . . Glens Falls, N.Y. BuUard press, 1922. 4p. illus. Unique pro- gram initiated by Russell Carson. Each weekly club letter contained brief historical sketch of one of the forty-two major peaks in Marshall's "High Peaks." Sketches later used in Carson's "Peaks and People." 997 Glorious are the Adirondack peaks ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 feet and more; famous mountains fill the vacation region. Motordom, June 1930. 24:no.l :30. illus. 998 Greenleaf, Elizabeth. How we drove to Gale's. Outing, May 1888. 12:131-37. West- ern Adirondacks. 999 Hallock, Charles. Adirondack memories. For & Stream, Aug. 27, 1891. 37:103. 1000 Harte, W. Blackburn. By stage-coach in the Adirondacks. New Eng M, Nov. 1890. n.s.3: 362-65. 1001 Hays, Harry P. On Adirondack trails. Re- printed from Altoona Tribune. Dedicated to Henry W. Shoemaker. Altoona, Pa. Times tribune co. 1923. 21 p. incl. plates, ports. 1002 Headley, Joel Tyler. The Adirondack; or, Life in the woods. N.Y. Baker & Scribner, 1849. 288p. front, plates. English edition pub- lished in London, by Clarke, Beeton & Co. 1852. 1st edition reprinted in 1853 and 1861 by Baker & Scribner. 2d edition, N.Y. Baker & Scribner, 1864. 3d edition, new and enl., N.Y. C. Scribner, 1869. 4th edition, N.Y. Scribner & Armstrong, 1875. Reprinted 1882. A spurious edition, entitled "Letters from the Backwoods and the Adirondac" (105p.), was published in New York by John S. Taylor in 1850. Dublin edition published in 1850 by J.M. M'Glashan with title "Life in the Woods; or. The Adirondack." Reviewed in Hoog's Instructor, 1850. n.s. 4:382-83. 1003 Henigston, J.W. Up the Hudson, Albany, Troy, Buffalo, Erie and Ontario, Toronto — down the St. Lawrence, Montreal, Quebec — back by Lake Champlain and Bellows Falls towards Boston. New Mo Mag, Apr. 1853. 97:499-516. 1004 Hoflfman, Charles Fenno. Wild scenes in the forest and prairie. London, Richard Bentley, 1839. 2v. The first 122 pages describe a trip to "the sources of the Hudson." John Cheney and Harvey Holt are the guides. An American edition of this book in one volume appeared in 1843, published in New York by Colyer. Extracts in High Spots, July 1937, 14:no.3: 13-15. 1005 Hoffman, Charles Fenno. Wilde scenen im wald und prairie, mit skizzen amerikanischen lebens, aus dem Englischen des Amerikaners C.F. Hoffman von Fr. Gerstacker. Dresden, In der Aruddischen buchhandlung, 1845. 2 v. Copy in the British Museum. 1006 Holder, Charles Frederick. The great north woods. World's Work, Aug. 1902. 4:2390-94. 1007 Hornaday, John T. In the heart of an autumn forest; beside a silvery lake. Four Tr News, Sept. 1905. 9:163-65. illus. 1008 Hubbard, Leonidas Jr. Afoot in nature's game preserve, the Adirondack park region. Outing, Nov. 1900. 37:196-201. illus. Trip through the heart of the Adirondack coun- try; short history of the establishment of the Adirondack Park. Reprinted in Woods and Waters, Winter 1902-3, 5:no,4:9-ll, with title "The Adirondack Park." 1009 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). I've watched a day begin. Cloud Splitter, Oct. 1939. 2:no.5:5-6. Description of sunrise in the Adirondacks. 1010 EXPLORATION, DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL 43 Hungerford, Edward. Pathway of empire. N.Y. McBride, ^1935. 325p. illus. Chapters on the Adirondacks entitled North Country and Lady of the Snows. 1011 Hurley, Donal and Hurley, Richard. A bit o' the Adirondacks. Motordom, Oct. 1927. 21: no.5:l-2. illus. Motor trip. 1012 Hurley, Donal and Hurley, Richard. Tourist trails in the Adirondacks; trips to the tops and around scores of mountain peaks in New York's summer playground. Motordom, Apr. 1928. 21 :no.l 1:5-6. illus. 1013 In the Adirondacks. Harper W,]\x\y 12, 1902. 46:892-94. illus. 1014 James, George Wharton. Six weeks in the Adirondacks; life in the "north country" as seen by a Californian. Four Tr News, June 1901.2:363-67. illus. 1015 James, H. Jr. From Lake George to Burling- ton. Nation, Sept. 1, 1870. 11:135-36. Trip by boat and stage. 1016 Jeffers, LeRoy. Glimpses of our northern mountains. Lincoln, ]unc 1925. p.18-19. illus. map. 1017 Juvenal, pseud. The Adirondacks in 1898. For & Stream, Oct. 1, 1898. 51:262-63. 1018 K., H.H. The heart of the wilderness. For & Stream, Sept. 14, 1882. 19:126. Region around Newcomb. 1019 Keith, E.F. The Adirondack mountains. The garden spot for the nature lover. Fur News, Aug. 1920. 32:no.2:36. 1020 Kent, Rockwell. An appreciation. High Spots Trbk, 1942. p.9. illus. 1021 Kimball, Francis P. The Adirondacks, Amer- ica's summer playground. Motordom, June 1929. 23:no.l :6-9. illus. 1022 Kimball, Francis P. Fresh enchantment rides the Adirondack trail. Motordom, June 1934. p.6-7, 22. illus. 1023 Kimball, Francis P. Hudson-Ghamplain trail makes its debut; new route to Montreal fol- lows the upper Hudson and beautiful Lake Ghamplain — saves forty miles, Albany to Canada. Motordom, July 1929. 23:no.2:16-17. illus. map. 1024 Kitchin, William Copeman. Wonderland of the east, comprising the lake and mountain region of New England and eastern New York. Boston, Page co. 1920. 331p. col. front, plates (part col.) folded maps. (See America First Series.) Adirondacks and the Lake Ghamplain country, p. 1 1 0-44. 1 025 Lake, Thomas Peters, The best autumn color tours in America. Bet Hom & Gard, Oct. 1955. 33:no.l0:69, 123, 125, 127, 129, 172, 287. col. illus. maps. Adirondacks, p. 123. 1026 Lanman, Charles. Adventures in the wilds of North America; ed. by Charles Richard Weld. London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longman, 1854. 300p. Adirondacks, p.88- 121. 1027 Lanman, Charles. Adventures in the wilds of the United States and British American prov- inces. . .with an appendix by Lieut. Camp- bell Hardy. . . Philadelphia, J.W. Moore, 1856. 2v. front, plates. Includes his "Tour to the River Saguenay." 1028 Lewis, Leroy. Following the gasoline trail into the Adirondacks. Outing, May 1921. 78:63-64. illus. 1029 Low, A. Augustus. The central Adirondacks — an ideal vacation land. Motordom, June 1932. p.26. port, illus. 1030 Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Winter in the Adirondacks. Scrib M, Dec. 1888. 4:641-56. illus. 1031 McNulta, John. Fifty years with a fly. Field & S, Apr. 1900. 5:210-12. Journey from Albany to Boonville in 1 848 . 1032 MacQueen, Peter and Smith, J. Hyatt. Life in the Adirondacks. Munsey, Feb. 1893. 8: 479-93. illus. 1033 Many wonders fill Adirondack trails; strange and quaint places which the motorist may look for. Motordom, June 1930. 24:no.l:23. illus. 1034 Mather, Frederic Gregory. The Adirondacks as they are. Fr Leslies Pop Mo, Sept. 1890. 30:354-68. illus. 1035 Mathiasen, Metthea K. Sommer i Adiron- dack bjergene. Odense, Mil6ske boghandels forlag, 1911. 135p. plates. Written in Danish. 1036 Mayo, Amory Dwight. Adirondacks in Au- gust. Old & New, Sept. 1870. 2:343-52. 1037 Mayo, Amory Dwight. A journey to the Adi- rondacks. Unit Rev, Nov. 1875. 4:511-18. 1038 The mighty Adirondacks; a wonderful play- ground of mountains and lakes. Motordom, June 1933. p.6. illus. map. 1039 Mighty Adirondacks, greatest playground in America, two million acres of mountain lakes and forest extend new joys to vacationists. Motordom, May 1930. 23:no.l2:12-13. illus. 1040 Mr. Dooley on the Adirondacks as reported by T.C.J, in the Elizabethtown Post. .S"; No Mo, Aug. 1907. 2:280-83. 1041 Moore, E.A. Little journeys. Up Mo, July 1^40, July-Aug. 1941. l:no.4:3; 2:no.4:3; 2:no.5:3. maps. Short trips from Utica through the Adirondacks. 1 042 44 GEOGRAPHY Murray, Hon. Amelia Matilda. Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada. Two volumes complete in one. N.Y. Putnam, 1856. 410p. Letters 17, 19 and 29 refer to the Adirondacks. Quoted in Forest Leaves, Spring 1905, 2:no.2:34-35. Reviewed by Preston Souther in The Southern Literary Messenger, June 1856, 22:455-61. 1043 Nichols, William B. Life in the Adirondacks, including the legend of Sabaal, by one of the Q.C. N.Y. C.A. Coffin, 1876. 23p. Published anonymously. Autographed copy at the New York Historical Society basis for author entry. 1044 The north woods thirty-six years ago. Card & For, Dec. 24, 1890. 3:618. Unsigned editorial. Quotes Hammond. 1045 On the great trail of conquest; two centuries of warfare raged along Lake George and Lake Champlain, with gallant Valcour Island, Crown Point, Ticonderoga and Saratoga forming thrilling scenes. Motordom, June 1931. 24:no.l2:12-13.illus. 1046 Osborne, Edward B. Letters from the woods. [Editorial correspondence.] Random rhymes, from 20 to 70. Annual addresses written for press carriers. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 1893. 182p. plates, port. Cover title: Forest, Lake and Random Rhymes, and Letters from the Woods. Letters about the Adirondacks written in 1856-71, p.7-44. 1047 Patten, Edmund. A glimpse at the United States and the northern states of America, with the Canadas. . . London, Effingham Wilson, 1853. 109p. plates. Lake George, Ticonderoga and Plattsburg, p.61-73. 1048 Pauncefote, Maud. The Adirondacks, United States. Ladfs Realm, Sept. 1902. 12:656-59. illus. Abstracted in Review of Reviews (Eng.) V.26, p.298. Chiefly description of section around the Fulton Chain, with general re- marks on the way of life in the Adirondacks. 1049 Peachy, Hattie R. A day in the Adirondacks. For Leaves, Spring 1909. 6:no.l :46-47. 1050 Plaisted, E.R. Pastures old and new. Ver- monter, Apr. 1923. 28:no.4:45-49. A letter describing a trip to Lake George and western New York. 1051 Plaisted, E.R. Time and tide. Vermonter, Aug. 1923. 28:no.8:107-ll. Letter describing a trip through the Adirondacks. 1 052 Priest, Irviri. A short history of the caverns and Natural bridge, N.Y. Souvenir. Adiron- dack mountains, n.p. n.d. 8p. illus. Cover title. 1053 Prime, Samuel Irenasus. Under the trees. N.Y. Harper, 1874. 31 3p. Adirondacks, p.92- 137. 1054 Pychowska, Lucia D. The Adirondacs. Contin Mo, Nov. 1864. 6:544-52. (Sketches of Amer- ican Life and Scenery, V.) Vacation head- quarters in Elizabethtown with excursions to Ausable Chasm, etc. 1055 Pychowska, Lucia D. To Saranac and back. Contin Mo, Dec. 1864. 6:664-75. (Sketches of American Life and Scenery, VI.) Includes climbing Mt. Marcy from Ausable Lakes. 1056 Radford, Harry V. The lost lake of the Adi- rondacks. Woods & Wat, Winter 1902-3. 5:no.4:12-13. illus. Cold River country. 1057 Raymond, Henry J. A week in the wilderness: notes of a tour of observations through the wilderness of northern New York. Tahawus Cloudsplitter, Feb.-May 1953. 4:no.2:9-12; no.3:9-ll; no.4:8-ll; no.5:8-ll. illus. Ray- mond's articles were published in the New York Times }\xn& 19, June 26, July 7 and July 14, 1855. They are also reprinted as Adden- dum to Chapter 13 of Hochschild's "Town- ship 34." 1058 Rice, Walter C. Alone yet not lonely. Con- servationist, Nov. 1919. 2:163-67. illus. By the fire warden on Ampersand Mountain. 1059 Richards, Thomas Addison. A forest story: 1. The hunting-grounds of the Saranac; 2. The Adirondack woods and waters. Harper, Aug.-Sept. 1859. 19:310-23, 454-63. 1060 Roosevelt, Theodore. Diaries, pt.2. Personal- ity, May 1928. 2:no.l:69-82. Daily record of a trip through the Adirondacks and White Mountains in August 1871. 1 06 1 Rosecrans, L. A glimpse of the Adirondacks. Cath World, Nov. 1876. 24:261-69. Letter de- scribing a trip from Lake George to Lake Champlain by boat, then by stage to Keene Flats. 1062 Scenic trails of the Ausable valley. Motordom, June 1 932. p. 1 0-1 1 . illus. Motor trails. 1 063 Seeger, Frederique. The scenic panorama of New York state. Fr Leslies Pop Mo, Nov. 1895. 40:617-30. illus. Adirondacks, p.617-21. 1064 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. The mts. bless them. Cloud Splitter, Oct. 1943. 6:no.7:5-6. Account of a measuring job among the high peaks. 1065 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. West of Tup- per. Cloud Splitter, June \9'i9. 2:no.4:12. 1066 Sights and sounds of the forest park; high peaks of the Adirondacks hold secrets of beauty open to the vacationist with chasms, gorges and majestic summit views — Ausa- ble chasm one of the outstanding sights every motorist should view. Motordom, June 1931. 24 :no. 12:22-23. illus. 1067 EXPLORATION, DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL 45 Smith, H. Perry. The modern babes in the wood; or, Summerings in the wilderness. By H. Perry Smith. To which is added a rehable and descriptive guide to the Adirondacks. By E.R. Wallace. Hartford, Conn. Syracuse, N.Y. Columbian book co. W. Gill, 1872. 444p. front, plates, illus. double map. Pub- lished by subscription only. 1068 Smith, Ralph H. This was the forest pri- meval; as revealed by pollen analysis and writ- ings of early travellers and surveyors. Bui Schools, Feb. 1954. 40:138-43. illus. Includes the Adirondacks. 1069 Some wild Adirondacks left. For & Stream, Aug. 4, 1906. 67:181. Reprinted from White- hall Chronicle. Southeastern Adirondacks. 1070 Southern Adirondacks opens wilderness trails from Speculator to Long lake, primitive grandeur of Adirondacks lures the motorist. Motordom, June 1930. 24:no.l:34. illus. 1071 Spears, Eldridge A. The first touch of au- tumn. For & Stream, Sept. 19, 1908. 71:452. 1072 Spears, Eldridge A. Spring in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, Apr. 11, 1903. 60:285- 86. 1073 Spears, Eldridge A. Spring in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, Apr. 10, 1909. 72:572. 1074 Spears, John Randolph. When the snow falls in the Adirondacks. Scrib M, Dec. 1901. 30: 737-49. illus. 1075 Spears, Raymond Smiley. The new Adi- rondacks. Outlook, May 24, 1916. 113:191- 200. illus. Effect of the automobile on the wilderness. 1076 Steele, David McConnell. Vacation journeys east and west. . . N.Y. Putnam, 1918. 240p. plates, maps. In the Adirondack wilderness, p.89-113. 1077 Stillman, William James. The Adirondacks to-day. Nation, Aug. 14,1884.39:130-31. 1078 Stillman, William James. The old Rome and new, and other studies. . . London, Grant Richards, 1897. 296p. The Philosophers' Camp, p. 265-96. The preceding chapter. The Subjective of It, p. 232-64, has Adi- rondack background. 1079 Stoddard, Seneca Ray, illus. Adirondacks. NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1950. 4:no.4:20-23. port, illus. Illustrations also on inside front cover. Reproduction of Stoddard photo- graphs, brief text. 1080 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. The Adirondacks. St No Mo, Aug. 1906. l:no.4:17-27. illus. maps. 1081 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. Old times in the Adi- rondacks, being a narrative of a trip into the wilderness in 1873. St No Mo, Oct. 1906- May 1907, Aug. 1907-Jan. 1908. l:no.6:9- 12; l:no.7:ll-15; l:no.8:15-16; l:no.9:13- 16; l:no.l0:12-16; l:no.ll :14-16; l:no.l2: 13-16; 2:53-63, 284-93, 345-59, 419-31, 506-12, 562-67; 3:31-42. 1082 Street, Alfred Billings. Woods and waters; or. The Saranac and Racket. . . N.Y. M. Doolady, 1860. 345p. incl. front, (map) plates, illus. Reviewed in The Knickerbocker, Oct. 1860, 56:413-15. 1083 Street, Alfred Billings. Woods and waters; or, Summer in the Saranacs, with two illus- trations designed by William Hart and engraved by Avery. N.Y. Hurd & Houghton, 1865. 345p. front, plates. Earlier edition has title "Woods and waters; or. The Saranac and Racket." 1084 Sunday Rock Association, Potsdam, New York. Sunday Rock, an Adirondack land- mark. Potsdam, N.Y. Herald-Recorder press, 1929. 55p. Munson ascribes authorship to Charles H. Leete. 1085 Taylor, Benjamin F. Summer-savory gleaned from rural nooks in pleasant weather. Chi- cago, Griggs, 1879. 21 2p. The north woods, p.66-77. 1086 Taylor, Frank Hamilton. The Adirondack mountains. N.Y. Giles co. 1892. 31 p. 1087 Taylor, Frank Hamilton. Birch bark from the Adirondacks; or, From city to trail. . . N.Y. Adirondack railway co. ^^1886. 70p. front, (folded map) illus. 2d edition, 1887, lOOp. 3d edition, rev. and improved, 1888, 76p. 1088 Teall, Gardner Callahan. Adirondack coun- try. Travel, Aug. 1910. 15:481-84. illus. 1089 That Adirondack lure. Motordom, Sept. 1931. p.8. 1090 This summer see northern New York. No Country Life, Summer 1947. 1 :no. 4:11-16. illus. 1091 Thorpe, Thomas B. A visit to "John Brown's tract." Harper, July 1859. 19:160-78. illus. map. 1092 The thrilling trail of American victory; enter- ing the Adirondacks over the route of the Burgoyne invasion, a new adventure. Motor- dom, June 1930. 24:no.l:36-38. illus. 1093 Through the Adirondacks by the "Natural highway." Ogdensburg, N.Y. W.S. McKean, 1882. 40p. illus. map. 1094 Todd, John. Summer gleanings; or sketches and incidents of a pastor's vacation. North- ampton, Mass. Hopkins, Bridgman, 1852. 281 p. front. Tomo, and the Wild Lakes, p.159-78; Old Sabael, p.261-66. 1095 46 GEOGRAPHY The trail through the mountain heart, scenic beauties and summer colonies lend enchant- ment to the road from Schroon Lake to Elizabethtown. Motordom, June 1930. 24: no.l:12-13. illus. 1096 Vane, Henry. Adirondack days. Harper, Oct. 1881. 63:678-93. illus. 1097 Variety of lakes and mountains in the cen- tral Adirondacks. Motordom, June 1934. p. 20. illus. 1098 Vast throngs carried to mountain and sea- side resorts; 390 extra cars in week. NTC Lines Mag, July 1919. l:no.6:27. illus. 1099 A voice from the 'North woods.' Knick Mag, Sept. 1858. 52:300-2. Black River country. 1100 Vosburgh, Frederick G. New York state's air-conditioned roof. J^at Geog M, June 1938. 73:715-48. illus. (parted.) map. 1101 Waddell, William Coventry Henry. A paper read before the American geographical and statistical society, November 2, 1854. N.Y. Putnam, 1855. 48p. map. Largely based on the report of A.F. Edwards for the Sacket's Harbor and Saratoga Railroad Company. The title of the paper is "Northern New York." It was accompanied by "A Map of the Northern Part of the State of New York, compiled by G. Schroeter, 1854." 1102 Warner, Charles Dudley. In the wilderness. In his Complete writings. . . Hartford, Amer- ican publishing CO. 1904. v.6, p. 1-136. (Back- log Edition.) 1103 Watson, Elkanah. Men and times of the Revolution; or, Memoirs. . . edited by his son Winslow C. Watson; 2d ed. . .N.Y. Dana & CO. 1856. 557p. port, illus. Trip to Vermont by way of Glens Falls, Lake George, Ticon- deroga and Crown Point, p.402ff. 1104 Wells, Edward Phineas. The Adirondac wil- derness. Wms Q,, July-Aug. 1863. 10:244-56; 11:1-10. Author's name supplied by Williams College Library. 1105 Western Adirondacks a scenic wilderness; Tupper, Long, Blue Mountain, Racquette and Fulton chain welcomes the motorist. Motordom, June \929. 23:no.l:38. illus. 1106 Whitaker, E.S. Adirondack tours. For & Stream, Dec. 7, 1901. 57:452-53. 1107 Whitaker, E.S. Adirondack tours. Parts 1-3. For & Stream, July 6-20, 1907. 69:8-9, 48- 49,88-89. 1108 Whitaker, E.S. A memorable trip from the heart of the Adirondacks through the Hud- son river, lakes George and Champlain and the St. Lawrence river to Lake Ontario and return. For & Stream, Oct. 18, 1907. 69:608- 11, 639. illus. 1109 White, William Chapman. Adirondack magic. Colliers, Oct. 11, 1952. 130:no.l5: 44-45. illus. Brief text with five color pictures. 1110 Wild charm in western Adirondacks, Tupper lake. Star lake, Cranberry lake in forest heart, thrill the vacationist. Motordom, June 1930. 24:no.l:32. illus. 1111 Wildwood trail of the central Adirondacks. Motordom, June 1932. p.16-17. illus. 1112 Williams, J. David, ed. America illustrated . . . N.Y. Thomas O'Kane, 1876. 121 p. illus. Trenton Falls, p. 17-1 9; Lake George, p.27- 29; Sabbath-Day Point, Lake George, p.85- 86; In the Adirondacks, p. 93-97. 1113 Willis, Charles W. Following the tow-path and through the Adirondacks awheel, by Allan Eric and the "Junior Partner," pseuds. Boston, N.E.R.G. publishing co. 1898. 95p. plates, front. 1114 Wise, David. Summer days on the Hudson: the story of a pleasure tour from Sandy Hook to the Saranac lakes. . . N.Y. Nelson & Phil- lips, 1875. 288p. illus. Adirondacks, p.246- 88. 1115 Wurts, George. Journal of a tour to Niagara Falls, Montreal, Lake Champlain &c. In New Jersey historical society. Proceedings, Oct. 1951. 69:342-62. Tour taken in 1851. Includes Lake George and Lake Champlain. 1116 THE ADIRONDACK AND STATE LAND SURVEYS Arranged by date Colvin, Verplanck. Ascent and barometrical measurement of Mount Seward. Albany, Argus CO. 1872. 12p. illus. "From the 24th annual report of the New York state museum of natural history for the year 1870. Printed in advance of the report." Also in New York State Museum. 24th Annual Report, 1870, p.171-80. 1117 New York (state). Adirondack survey. Report on a topographical survey of the Adirondack wilderness of New York, by Verplanck Col- vin. Albany, Argus co. 1873. 43p. plates, tables, folded maps. Senate document 53, 1873. Reviewed in American Sportsman, Mar. 21, 1874 under title "The Adirondack Wil- derness." 1118 Report on the topographical survey of the Adirondack wilderness of New York, for the year 1873. . . Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1874. 306p. plates, tables, folded maps. Sen- ate document 98, 1874. 1119 7th annual report on the progress of the topo- graphical survey of the Adirondack region of New York, to the year 1879. . . Containing ADIRONDACK AND STATE LAND SURVEYS 47 the condensed reports for the years 1874- lS-16-11 and '78. . . by Verplanck Colvin. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1880. 536p. plates (part in color and folded) port, tables, folded plan, diagrs. and maps. Assembly document 87, 1879. Contains the following papers: Colvin, Verplanck. Winter Fauna of Mount Marcy, p. 363-74; Lintner, J. A. Lep- idoptera of the Adirondack Region Collected by W.W. Hill, in 1875-1878, p.375-400; Peck, C.H. Plants of the Summit of Mount Marcy, p. 401-12; Chahoon, George. Report on Iron Deposits in the North Eastern Divi- sion. (With Industrial Memoranda.) p.413- 28. 1120 Annual report of the superintendent of the Adirondack survey. March 7, 1879. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1879. 64p. Assembly document 87, 1879. This is the same report as the first section of the combined report listed above (no. 1 1 20) . 1121 Annual report of the superintendent of the Adirondack survey. March 5, 1880. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1880. 8p. Assembly document 77, 1880. 1122 Annual report on the progress of the topo- graphical survey of the Adirondack region of New York for the year 1880 (with map of triangulation) by Verplanck Colvin. Trans- mitted to the Legislature March 1, 1881. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1881. 25p. Assembly document 61, 1881. 1123 Annual report on the progress of the topo- graphical survey of the Adirondack region. . . March 1, 1882. Albany, 1882. 5p. Assembly document 57, 1882. 1124 Annual report on the progress of the topo- graphical survey of the Adirondack region. . . February 28, 1883. Albany, 1883. 29p. Assem- bly document 177, 1883. 1125 The Adirondack survey. For & Stream, Jan. 28, 1875. 3:392-93. Editorial. 1126 Essex county, N.Y. Board of supervisors. Journal of proceedings. Elizabethtown, N.Y. Livingston, 1878. 114p. Letter from Ver- planck Colvin asking to have three members appointed to confer with him on the Adi- rondack Survey, p.64-65. 1127 New York (state). Governor (Alonzo B. Cornell). The Adirondack survey; the North- ern wilderness. In his Public papers, 1882. Albany, 1882. p.42-44. Lincoln 7:720-22. 1128 Mather, Fred. Adirondack survey notes. For & Stream, July 6, 20, Aug. 3-Sept. 28, Nov. 16, 30, Dec. 14, 28, 1882; Mar. 8, May 10, 1883. 18:444, 484; 19:2, 22, 42, 62, 82, 102, 122, 142, 162, 302, 342, 383, 421-22; 20:102, 282. 1129 New York (state). Governor (Grover Cleve- land). Message re Assembly bill no. 165. In his Public papers, 1883. Albany, 1883. p.69- 72. Includes comments on the Adirondack survey. Lincoln 1:?,1A-11. 1130 New York (state). Governor (Grover Cleve- land). The Adirondack wilderness; the Adi- rondack survey. In his Public papers, 1884. Albany, 1884. p.48-52. State Land Survey, p.52-54. Lincoln 7:983-87, 987-89. 1131 New York (state). State land survey. Report on the Adirondack and state land surveys to the year 1884, with a description of the location of the boundaries of the great land patents and an account of the variation of the magnetic needle in northern New York, between the years 1766 and 1883, with rain- fall and temperature tables, and a list of the state lands, by Verplanck Colvin. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1884. 343p. plates, folded maps. Assembly document 126, 1884. 1132 Annual report of the superintendent of the Adirondack state land surveys. . . Albany, 1885. 8p. Assembly document 79, 1885. Sub- mitted Feb. 20, 1885. 1133 Report on the progress of the Adirondack state land survey to the year 1886. With an historical sketch of the work. . .by Verplanck Colvin. . . Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1886. lOOp. folded maps. Assembly document 80, 1886. Also issued with the Report. . .to the year 1884 appended. 1134 Annual report of the superintendent of the Adirondack state land survey. Assembly document 74, 1887. This one-page document lists the title with the note: Directed not to be printed. 1135 Report on the progress of the state land sur- vey. . . Transmitted to the Legislature Feb- ruary 28, 1888. Albany, Troy press co. 1888. 8p. Assembly document 58, 1888. 1136 Report on the progress of the state land sur- vey. . . Transmitted to the Legislature Feb- ruary 27, 1889. Albany, Troy press co. 1889. 18p. Assembly document 65, 1889. 1137 Report on the progress of the state land sur- vey. . . Transmitted to the Legislature March 3, 1890. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1890. 32p. plates. Assembly document 95, 1890. 1138 Report on the progress of the state land sur- vey. . . Transmitted to the Legislature Feb- ruary 27, 1891. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1891. 306p. plates, folded map in pocket. Senate document 48, 1891. Includes the following papers: Colvin, Verplanck. Address Before the New York Farmers, Dec. 11, 1890... p. 36-54; Mather, Fred. Memoranda Relat- ing to Adirondack Fishes. . . p. 11 3-73. Re- 48 GEOGRAPHY printed from the 1879 Report of the Adi- rondack Survey: Colvin, Winter Fauna of Mount Marcy, p. 221-35; Chahoon, Report on Iron Deposits, p. 95-111; Lintner, Lep- idoptera of the Adirondack Region, p.l89- 220; Peck, Plants of the Summit of Mount Marcy, p. 175-87. Records of Survey of Boundary Line Between the Counties of Herkimer and Oneida, p. 237-63. List of maps in reports, p. 285-91. 1139 Report on the progress of the state land sur- vey. . . Transmitted to the Legislature Feb- ruary 29, 1892. Albany, J. B. Lyon, 1892. 17p. Senate document 35, 1892. 1140 Report on the progress of the state land sur- vey. . . Transmitted to the Legislature Feb- ruary 28, 1893. Albany, J. B. Lyon, 1893. Up. Senate document 32, 1893. 1141 Report on the progress of the state land sur- vey. . . Transmitted to the Legislature Feb- ruary 28, 1894. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1894. 406p. plates, folded map in pocket. Senate document 84, 1894. The special reports from the 1891 report, as well as the four reports from the 1879 Adirondack survey report, are reprinted in the appendix. Table of Altitudes in the Adirondack Region, p. 305-23. Mag- netic Observations at and near Albany, N.Y. Between the Years 1688 and 1894, p. 369-99. 1142 Report on the progress of the state land sur- vey. . . Transmitted to the Legislature March 1, 1895. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1895. 7p. Senate document 65, 1895. 1143 Report of the superintendent of the state land survey. . . Transmitted to the Legislature March 2, 1896. Albany, Wynkoop Hallen- beck Crawford co. 1896. 405p. plates, maps Senate document 42, 1896. Laws Relating to County Boundaries from A.D. 1683 to 1799, p.333-401. 1144 Report of the superintendent of the state land survey. . . Transmitted to the Legislature March 9, 1897. Albany, Wynkoop Hallen- beck Crawford co. 1897. 61 7p. plates, maps, partly folded. With 14 folded maps in sepa- rate case. Senate document 42, 1897. Report on the Character of the Forests and Soil of Certain Tracts of State Lands in the Adiron- dack Region, by Charles H. Peck, p. 51 7-53. Last printed report. Survey abolished in 1900. 1145 Adirondack survey. Eng & Min J, Apr. 18, 1885. 39:257-58. Editorial commending work done on the Adirondack State Land Survey. 1146 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Report of the special committee to investi- gate matters connected with the state sur- veys. Albany, 1885. lOp. Assembly docu- ment 137, 1885. 1147 New York (state). State engineer and sur- veyor. Reply. . .to resolutions relating to maps, etc. filed by the superintendent of the Adirondack survey. Albany, 1885. 2p. Assem- bly document 73, 1885. See also Assembly document 74, 1885, Ip. for Reply of Comp- troller to request to report on maps filed by Colvin. 1148 Colvin, Verplanck. Adirondack and state land surveys. 1887. The Legislature and the Governor. Albany, 1887. 4p. A resume of the points of disagreement between Colvin and the Governor, with emphasis on vetoes by the Governor of measures relating to the survey, approved by the Legislature. 1149 Colvin, Verplanck. The variation of the needle and the location of the isogonic lines in northern New York. Alb Inst Tr, 1887. 11: 181-204. tables. 1150 New York (state). Governor (Roswell P. Flower). Veto, Assembly bill no.lOOl, mak- ing appropriation for the state land survey. In his Public papers, 1894. Albany, 1895. p.188-91. Lincoln 9:423-24. 1151 Colvin, Verplanck. Measuring Marcy's height. High Spots, July 1937. 14:no.3:27-30. Extract from the Topographical Survey. . .3- 7th Reports, 1874-79. 1152 Plum, Dorothy Alice. The Colvin reports. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1955. 19:34-35, 37. Annotated check list. 1153 OTHER SURVEYS Arranged by date New York (state). Canal board. Report. . . relating to the survey of the several branches of the Hudson river, transmitting the report and estimates of the engineer, with a com- munication. . .from the Surveyor-general. Albany, 1840. 35p. tables. Senate document 61, 1840. HoUey was Surveyor-General. 1154 New York (state). Canal board. Report. . . relating to the continuation of the survey of the northern branches of the Hudson fiver, in obedience to a resolution of the Assembly, of March 24th, 1840. Albany, 1840. 3p. AsseP-ibly document 275, 1840. 1155 Guyot, Arnold Henry. Prof. Guyot's report on the various meteorological stations estab- lished under the direction of the university. In New York (state). University. 64th annual report of the regents, 1851. ip.ll^-AX. Re- printed in American Journal of Science, Mar. 1852, ser.2:l 3:272-76, with title "Remarks on the Topography of the State of New York." 1156 OTHER SURVEYS 49 New York (state). Governor (Washington Hunt). Communication transmitting the memorial of a committee of the American association for the advancement of science, on a geographical survey of the state. Albany, 1852. 24p. Senate document 41, 1852. 1157 Pickhardt, Wilhelm. Field notes of the sur- veys of Brant lake tract, EUice tract, Hague tract, Harris' location of the line dividing Essex and Warren counties, Paradox tract, Schroon tract and tract west of Road patent. N.Y. Author, 1884. 509p. 1158 Topographic survey of the upper Hudson river valley. In New York (state). State engineer and surveyor. Annual report, 1895, p.29-50. Assembly document 62, 1896. The survey was made jointly with the U.S. Geo- logical Survey. 1159 New York (state). State engineer and sur- veyor. Certified copies of ancient field notes and maps, 1772-1796-1797-1798. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1903. 83p. Extract from the Annual Report for 1903. Totten and Cross- field's Purchase, Macomb's Purchase, Old Military Tract. 1160 T., R.S. Northern Adirondacks — Cham- plain and Hudson. Am Geog Soc Bui, 1906. 38:39-40. Part of column, Geographical Record. Brief account of New York State Geological Survey of the Adirondacks. 1161 Ivory, Edward P. Old-line surveying in the Adirondacks. Emp For, 1916. 2:71-74. Resur- vey of Township 15 in 1919. 1162 Merrill, George Perkins. Contributions to a history of American state geological and natural history surveys. Washington, G.P.O. 1920. 549p. ports. Geological surveys under Hall, Emmons and others, p.327-62. 1163 The state as a taxpayer. NTS Con, Dec. 1950- Jan. 1951. 5:no.3:22-23. illus. Description of the forest survey being conducted by the State University of New York College of Forestry at the request of the State Board of Equalization and Assessment; includes tax figures for 1949. 1164 Adirondacks, Catskills survey enters final six months. J For, Nov. 1951. 49:850. Outdoor research on character and quality of privately and publicly owned forest trees. 1165 Davis, James E. Surveying the six million acres. Northeast Log, July 1952. 1 :no. 1:14-15. illus. Adirondack and Catskill park and forest survey completed by the State College of Forestry. 1166 New York (state). Legislature. Joint legisla- tive committee on natural resources. Report . . .1952. Albany, Williams press, 1952. 116p. tables, map. Legislative document 77, 1952. First Milmoe Committee report. 1167 New York (state). Legislature. Joint legisla- tive committee on natural resources. Report . . .1953. Albany, Williams press, 1953. 146p. illus. tables, folded map. Legislative docu- ment 69, 1953. Forest Preserve Survey, p.34- 66. 1168 King, A.H. North 1 degree west. NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1954. 9:no.2:18-19. illus. 1796 survey of Herkimer and Washington county line by Medad Miller. See letter from Warder H. Cadbury in issue for Apr .-May 1955, 9: no.5:40. 1169 Comments on Joint legislative committee report. Document 72, 1954 "New York state's natural resources." Schenectady, N.Y. 1954. 7p. Issued by the Oneida County Forest Preserve Council, the Forest Preserve Association of New York State, Inc. and the Bouquet River Lodge Chapter, Adirondack Mountain Club. 1170 New York (state). Legislature. Joint legis- lative committee on natural resources. Report . . .1954. Albany, Williams press, 1954. 221 p. illus. tables, maps (1 folded). Legislative document 72, 1954. Cover title: New York State's Natural Resources. New York State Forest Preserve Survey, p. 57-1 24. 1171 National wildlife federation. NENYIAC comes to New York. Washington, 1955. 14p. Multilithed. John D. Bulger's analysis of the unpublished reports of the New England- New York Interagency Committee. Inven- tory of watershed resources and presentation of plan for resources development. 1 172 New York (state). Legislature. Joint legisla- tive committee on natural resources. Report . . .1955. Albany, Williams press, J 955. 285p. illus. tables, maps (1 folded). Legislative document 76, 1955. Cover title: Our Lands, Forests, Waters and Air. Studies of the Forest Preserve, p.228-29. 1173 New York (state). Conservation department, Biological survey, see nos. 2918-23. New York (state). Geological survey, see pos.2985-87, 2989-91, 3289. New York (state). Natural history of New York, see nos.2990-92, 2994, 3288, 3497, 3520, 4336. 50 GEOGRAPHY GUIDEBOOKS Arranged by date Davison, Gideon Miner. The fashionable tour, in 1825. An excursion to the Springs, Niagara, Quebec and Boston. Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Author, 1825. 169p. map. First pubhshed in 1822. Later editions, re- vised and enlarged, issued with title "The Traveler's Guide Through the Middle and Northern States. . ." 1174 Dwight, Theodore, 1796-1866. The northern traveller; containing the routes to Niagara, Quebec and the Springs. . .with descriptions of the principal scenes, and useful hints to strangers. . . N.Y. Wilder & Campbell, 1825. 21 3p. front, plates, map. 2d edition, im- proved and extended, N.Y. A.T. Goodrich, 1826, 382p. (subtitle varies). 3d edition com- bined with A Northern Tour, by H.D. Gil- pin, N.Y. Carvill, 1828, 403p. 4th edition, N.Y.J. & J. Harper, 1830, 444p. 5th edition, N.Y. Goodrich & Wiley, 1834, 432p. 6th edition, N.Y. J.P. Haven, 1841, 250p. Con- tains description of an excursion to Lake George. 1175 Gilpin, Henry Dilworth. A northern tour; being a guide to Saratoga Springs, Lake George, Niagara, Canada. . .embracing an account of the canals, colleges, public institu- tions, natural curiosities, &c. Philadelphia, H.D. Carey & I. Lea, 1825. 279p. map. 1176 North American tourist. N.Y. A.T. Good- rich, 1839. 506p. plates, front, folded maps. Lakes George and Ghamplain, Ticonderoga, p.138-52. 1177 Disturnell, John. New- York state guide con- taining an alphabetical list of counties, towns, cities. . .with other useful information. . . Albany, J. Disturnell, 1842. 72p. folding map. Map of the State of New York. . .by J. Calvin Smith. Quite a bit of detail on the Adirondacks. 1178 The New York state tourist, descriptive of the scenery of the Hudson, Mohawk and St. Lawrence rivers. Falls, lakes, mountains, springs, railroads and canals. . . N.Y. A.T. Goodrich, 1842. 234p. plates, front, map. Adirondacks, p.200-18. 1179 Disturnell, John. The northern traveller; con- taining the Hudson river guide and tour to the Springs, Lake George and Canada, pass- ing through Lake Ghamplain. With a de- scription of all the places on the route mostwor- thy of notice. N.Y.J. Disturnell, 1 844.84p. 1 1 80 Holley, Orville Luther. The picturesque tourist; being a guide through the northern and eastern states and Canada. . . N.Y. J. Dis- turnell, 1844. 336p. front, plates, illus. maps. Also published with copyright date 1858. 1181 Tanner, H.S. Travellers' hand book for the State of New- York, the province of Canada ... 3d ed. N.Y. Geographical establishment, 1845. 166p. maps. Albany to Montreal, p.84- 87. From Utica to Sackett's Harbor, p. 100-1. Route from Utica to Ogdensburg, by stage, p. 102. General information, p.1-11. 1182 Thompson, Zadock. Guide to Lake George, Lake Ghamplain, Montreal and Quebec, with maps and tables of routes and distances from Albany, Burlington and Montreal. Burlington, Vt. C. Goodrich, 1845. 48p. map. 2d edition, 1851. 1183 Ontario & St. Lawrence steamboat com- pany. The great northern route. American lines. The Ontario and St. Lawrence steam- boat company's hand-book for travelers to Niagara Falls, Montreal and Quebec and through Lake Ghamplain to Saratoga Springs . . . Buffalo, N.Y. Jewett, Thomas & co. 1852. 158p. front, plate, illus. folded map. Also published in 1853 (174p.) and 1854 (175p.). 1184 Thompson, Zadock. Northern guide. Lake George, Lake Ghamplain, Montreal and Quebec, Green and White mountains and Willoughby lake with maps and a table of distances. Pub. by S.B. Nichols. Burlington, Vt. Stacy & Jameson, 1854. 56p. front, illus. Published in 1845 and 1851 under title "Guide to Lake George. . ." 1185 Disturnell, John. Springs, water-falls, sea- bathing resorts, and mountain scenery of the United States and Canada. . . N.Y. 1855. 227p. front, plates, maps (part folded). In- cludes Hadley Falls, Luzerne, Lake George, Trenton Falls, etc. 1186 Appleton's Illustrated hand-book of Amer- ican travel. . . By T. Addison Richards. . . N.Y. Appleton, 1857. 420p. folded front. illus. maps, folded plans. Another edition issued 1857-60. Afterward issued with title "Appleton's Companion Hand-book of Travel." Adirondacks, p. 168-70. 1187 Disturnell, John. A trip through the lakes of North America; embracing a full description of the St. Lawrence river, together with all the principal places on its banks, from its source to its mouth; commerce of the lakes etc. form- ing altogether a complete guide for the pleas- ure traveler and emigrant. N.Y. 1857. 386p. plates, map. Adirondacks, p.289-98. 1 188 Our summer retreats, a handbook to the chief waterfalls, springs, mountain and sea side resorts. . .in the United States. . . N.Y. T. Nelson & sons, 1858. 64p. col. front, 'col. plates. Lake George and Lake Ghamplain, p.13-19, 1189 GUIDEBOOKS 51 The picturesque tourist ; being a guide through the State of New York and upper and lower Canada including a Hudson river guide. . . N.Y.J. Disturnell, 1858. 298p. illus. Includes Lake George and Lake Champlain. 1190 Presbrey, Frank. A summer paradise. Albany, J.VV. Burdick, 1859? 24 leaves, illus. On cover: Delaware & Hudson Railroad Co. 1191 Nelson's Illustrated guide to the Hudson and its tributaries. . . N.Y.T. Nelson & sons, 1860. 202p. col. front, col. plates (part folded). Lake George and the Adirondacks, p. 1 66-74. 1192 Nelson's Guide to Lake George and Lake Champlain, with oil-colour views drawn from photographs taken expressly for this work. . . London, N.Y. etc. T. Nelson & sons, 1866. 48p. col. front. 10 col. plates (1 folded) folded map. Reprinted in 1868 and 1869. See also volume with similar title in Nelson's View Books for Tourists series (1860?) and 32p.- undated edition issued in N.Y. Published in London in 1858 and 1859 in series entitled Nelson's Views of American Scenery. Bind- ings, height and number of advertising pages vary. 1193 Appleton's Hand-book of American travel. The northern tour. . . By Edward H. Hall. 9th annual ed. N.Y. Appleton, 1867. 456p. folded maps, incl. front, folded plans. Adi- rondacks, p. 64-67. Also published in 1870, 1872-74, 1876. 1194 De Costa, Benjamin Franklin. Lake George; its scenes and characteristics, with glimpses of the olden times. To which is added some account of Ticonderoga with a description of the route to Schroon Lake and the Adiron- dacks. With. . .notes on Lake Champlain. . . N.Y. A.D.F. Randolph, 1868. 181 p. front, plates, illus. double map. 2d edition, 1869; 3d edition, 1871?; 4th edition, C1868. 1195 New York central railroad company. Sum- mer routes to Lake Champlain and the Adi- rondacks. Plattsburgh, N.Y. J.W. Tuttle, ^1868. 36p. illus. map. Issued by the Hudson River Railroad Company, later incorporated into the New York Central system. 1196 Taintor, Charles Newhall. The Hudson river route. New York to Albany, Saratoga Springs, Lake George, Lake Champlain, Adirondack mountains, and Montreal. . . N.Y. Taintor brothers, 1869. 121 p. plates, illus. folded map. Also issued without map. Later editions published in 1880 (234p.) and 1887 (234p.). 1197 Colt, Mrs. S.S. ed. Tourists' guide through the Empire state. Embracing all cities, towns and watering places, by Hudson River and New York Central route. . . Albany, 1871. 239p. front, plates, illus. Chapters IX, X, Adirondacks; Chapter XIV, Climbing up the Mountain, by S.S. Colt (poem). 1872 edition issued with title "New York State Illustrated." Reprinted in 1876. 1198 De Costa, Benjamin Franklin. Lake Lu- zerne, Schroon Lake and Adirondacks; 3d ed. N.Y. A.D.F. Randolph, 1871. 186p. plates. 1199 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. Lake George, illus- trated; a book of today. Albany, Glens Falls, etc. Weed, Parsons, Author, etc. 1871-1915. illus. maps. Title varies: Lake George and Lake Champlain; Saratoga, Lake George and Lake Champlain (1902). From 1881 to 1902, Saratoga (separately paged) is hiound in back. Issued annually. Copies not located for 1872, 1893, 1899, 1904, 1914. Published in variant bindings, with and without maps. 1200 Watson, Winslow Cossoul. A descriptive and historical guide to the valley of Lake Cham- plain and the Adirondacks. Burlington, Vt. R.S. Styles steam printing house, 1871. 144p. front, plates, folded map. Published anony- mously; copyright by Andrew Williams. Author identified in Wallace's Descriptive Guide. 1201 Wallace, Edwin R. Descriptive guide to the Adirondacks. In Smith, H.P. The modern babes in the wood. Hartford, Conn. Colum- bian book CO. 1872. p.239-444. 1202 Butler, Benjamin Clapp. From New York to Montreal. N.Y. American news co. 1873. 1 55p. Adirondack region, p. 1 1 7-20. 1 203 Faxon's Illustrated hand-book of travel by the Fitchburg, Rutland and Saratoga rail- way line to Saratoga, lakes George and Champlain, the Adirondacks. . . Boston, Charles A. Faxon, 1873. 193p. illus. folded maps. Revised edition published in 1874. 1204 Without a guide, by a Boston correspondent. For & Stream, July 30, 1874. 2:394. Use Ely's map and Wallace's Guide. 1205 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. The Adirondacks, illustrated. Albany, Glens Falls, etc. Weed, Parsons, Author, etc. 1874—1913. illus. maps. Issued annually; edition note varies. Extracts from 1888 and 1903 issues reprinted in High Spots, July 1932, 9:no.3:25-27, 30. Copy for 1909 not located. 1206 Faxon's Illustrated hand-book of summer travel. . .by Edward S. Sears. . .new and revised edition. Boston, Charles A. Faxon, 1875. 285p. illus. folded maps. 1207 Wallace, Edwin R. Descriptive guide to the Adirondacks; revised and corrected. N.Y. etc. American news co. etc. 1875-99. front, illus. map in pocket. Map is by W.W. Ely. 52 GEOGRAPHY Place and publisher vary. Probably issued annually. Copies for 1875-76, 1879, 1880- 82, 1886-89, 1894-99 have been located. 1208 Appleton's Hand-book of American travel; northern and eastern tour. . . N.Y. 1876, C1873. 298p. illus. folded maps. Also pub- lished in 1872. Previously issued under title "Appleton's Illustrated Hand-book," 1857, and "Appleton's Companion Hand-book." Trips to the Adirondack region, p. 58-62. 1209 Appleton's Illustrated hand-book of Ameri- can summer resorts, including tours and excursions. N.Y. Appleton, 1876-98. illus. maps. Issued annually. Each issue contains a section on Lake George, Lake Ghamplain and the Adirondacks. Copies located for 1876-77, 1881, 1886, 1890, 1895, 1897-98. 1210 Sweetser, Moses Foster, ed. The middle states: handbook for travellers; guide to the chief cities and popular resorts. . . Boston, J.R. Osgood CO. 1876. 475p. map, plans. Centen- nial edition. First published in 1874. Adi- rondack mountains, p. 1 33-58. 1211 Appleton's General guide to the United States and Canada. . . N.Y. Appleton, 1879- 1901. 21v. plates, illus. tables, maps (part folded) folded plans. Also published in two- volume edition. None published 1880-81. Annual 1882-1901. "Revised each year to date of issue." Sections on Adirondacks, Lake George, etc. 1212 Bonsall, J. The northern tourist. . . Phila- delphia, John E. Potter & co. ci879. 160p. illus. The American Catalogue lists this as "The Northern Tourist's Book of Summer Travel." 1213 Butler, Benjamin Clapp. The summer tour- ist, descriptive of the Delaware & Hudson canal co.'s railroads and their summer re- sorts. . .season of 1879. . . Boston, Franklin press, 1879. 173p. illus. folded map. Also issued for the season of 1880. Includes Lake George and the Adirondacks. 1214 Delaware & Hudson railroad corporation. A souvenir descriptive of the Adirondack mountains. Lake George, Lake Ghamplain, Saratoga and other points of interest. . . Albany, 1881. 117p. illus. maps. Also issued in 1891. 1215 Our American resorts. Where to go and how to get there. . .ed. by Louis M. Babcock. . . Washington, National news bureau, 1883. 150p. illus. Adirondacks, p.84-88. 1216 Possons, Charles H. publisher. Lake George and Lake Ghamplain. . . Glens Falls, N.Y. 1883P-95. illus. folded maps. Published annually. Title varies: Possons' Guide to Lake George, Lake Ghamplain and the Adi- rondacks. Copies located for 1887-93, 1895. 1217 Michigan central railroad company. From city to surf. . . "The Niagara Falls route." Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. 1888. 104p. front, (folded map) illus. Adirondacks, p.85- 89. 1218 Maine central railroad co. The White moun- tains of New Hampshire, and the woods of Maine. With glimpses of lakes Ghamplain and George, the Adirondacks and some points in Canada. Boston, Rand Avery supply co. 1891. 108p. plate, map. 1219 New York central railroad company. The Adirondack mountains. BuflFalo, N.Y. Mat- thews-Northrup co. ^1893. 32p. illus. map. (Four-track Series, no.6.) 1220 Delaware & Hudson railroad corporation. A summer paradise: information about Lake George, Lake Ghamplain and the Adiron- dacks, and other summer resorts and tours on the rail and steamer lines of the Delaware and Hudson company. Albany, 1895-1942, 1948-date. illus. map. Subtitle varies: An illustrated, descriptive guide to the delight- ful and healthful resorts reached by the Del- aware and Hudson company, etc. Issued annually except for 1903, 1919, 1920 and 1943-47. 1221 New York central railroad company. . . .In the Adirondack mountains. . . Buffalo, N.Y. Matthews-Northrup co. 1895. 64p. illus. folded map. (Four-track Series, no.6.) 1222 Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg railroad CO. Routes and rates for summer tours. . . N.Y. Press of the American bank note co. C1895. 236p. front, illus. folded maps. Con- tains "The Sportsman's Paradise; the Ave- nues to the Wilderness." Earlier editions pub- lished in 1886, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. 1223 Central Vermont railroad. Adirondack by- ways. A varied realm of perfect rest. n.p. n.pub. 1896? 24p. illus. maps. The New York Public Library ascribes authorship to Julian Ralph. 1224 New York central railroad company. Health and pleasure on "America's greatest rail- road." Descriptive of summer resorts and excursion routes. . . N.Y. 1896. 532p. front, illus. maps. (Four-track Series, no. 5.) Earlier editions copyrighted in 1894 and 1895. Adi- rondacks, p. 162-82. 1225 Possons, Charles H. Gems of scenery. Adi- rondack mountains. Lake George. Lake Ghamplain. Glens Falls, N.Y. ci896. plates. Unpaged oblong octavo. 1226 GUIDEBOOKS 53 New York central railroad company. The Adirondack mountains and how to reach them. N.Y. <^1898. illus. map. (Four-track Series, no.20.) 1227 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. Bits of Adirondack life. Albany, Albany engraving co. 1898. 13 plates. Illustrated title page and cover. Plates accompanied by guard sheets with descrip- tive letterpress. 1228 The Hudson river route. New York to West Point, Catskill mountains, Albany, Saratoga Springs, Lake George, Lake Champlain, Adi- rondack mountains. N.Y. American guide book & directory co. ^1902. 386p. illus. map. Cover title: Hudson River and the Adiron- dacks. Adirondacks, p.209-368. 1229 Goldthwaite, Kenneth W. Guide to the Adi- rondack mountains; issued by the New York American's system of information bureaus. . . N.Y. C1903. 62p. ports, illus. Photographs by the author. Detailed guide with many de- scriptions of camps and preserves. Copy in the Saranac Lake Free Library. 1230 Delaware & Hudson railroad corporation. The Adirondacks. Albany, 1904. illus. maps, unpaged. 1231 New York central railroad company. The summer boarder. N.Y. ^1904. 96p. illus. (Four-track Series, no. 17.) Lake George, Adi- rondack Mountains, p. 24-37. 1232 Delaware & Hudson railroad corporation. A literary and historic note-book for use along the railroad lines of the Delaware & Hudson CO. Compiled for the Passenger department by Henry P. Phelps. N.Y. 1907? 77p. illus. Short historical notes arranged in alphabet- ical order. 1233 Hardie, George Robert. Where to go in the Adirondacks and on Lake George and Lake Champlain. Canton, N.Y. Author, 1909. 96p. illus. maps. 1234 Delaware & Hudson railroad corporation. The gate of the country. Lake Champlain. Lake George. The Adirondack mountains. Albany, ci912. 48p. illus. maps (1 folded). Written by Warwick S. Carpenter. Photo- graphs by the author. 1235 Little travels: a series of practical vacation journeys, from a fortnight to twelve weeks in length. . .accurate itineraries are given. . . Ind, June 1, 1914. 78:371-80. illus. Lake George and the Adirondacks, p.373; an itin- erary. New York to the Adirondacks and return, covering 15 days. Descriptive infor- mation on the points of interest. 1236 MacNair, Henry. The scenic motorway; a motor tour de luxe, featuring New York to Montreal, P.Q. the Berkshires and Adiron- dacks, the Green and White mountains, the New England coast. N.Y. ^1914. 80p. illus. maps. Reprinted, 1916. 1237 Delaware & Hudson railroad corporation. The Adirondacks, Lake George, Lake Cham- plain. The summer paradise; a region of romance and beauty on the lines of the Del- aware & Hudson company. N.Y. Kendrick- Odell press, 1915? unpaged, illus. Sixteen- page pamphlet, not counting covers. List of publications in back. 1238 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. Picturesque trips through the Adirondacks in an automobile, n.p. ci 915. 30p. illus. maps. 1239 Adirondack guide company. Tourist guide of Lake George, Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks. n.p. cl9l9. 94p. iHus. Copy- righted by A.E. Knight. 1240 Adirondack guide; vacationland in picture, story and history. Lake George, N.Y. Adi- rondack resorts press, etc. 1920-30, 1945- date. illus. (part col.). Edited by Arthur S. Knight. Issued annually. Title varies: The Adirondacks, Guide and History; Guide to the Adirondacks, Vacationland in Picture, Story and History. 1241 Adirondack mountains, Lake Champlain, Lake George. . .covering every part of the Adirondacks and adjacent regions. The tour- ist paradise of America. . . Automobile road map and guide to the Adirondacks. Water- town, N.Y. Santway photo-craft co. inc. C1921. 62p. incl. illus. maps. 1242 Adirondack bureau, Plattsburgh, N.Y. The Adirondacks. An autumn leaflet. . . Platts- burgh, N.Y. 1923. 24p. 1243 Adirondack chamber of commerce. Vaca- tioning in the Adirondacks. Auburn, N.Y. Fenton press, 1926. 57p. illus. map. Another edition, undated, with paging 56 + 6, issued by the Bullard Press. 1244 Utica daily press. Summer resort guide. Utica, N.Y. 1926. 48p. port, illus. map. Sum- mer resort service started in 1893. Includes many Adirondack resorts. 1245 New York (state). Commerce, Dept. of. Guide to northern New York. Albany, 1944. 22p. Also published in 1945 (70p.) and in 1946 (82p.). 1246 Writers program. New York. New York. A guide to the Empire state. . . N.Y. Oxford university press, 1947. 782p. plates, illus. maps (3 on folded leaf in pocket). (Amer- ican Guide Series.) First published in 1940. Sponsored by the New York State Historical Association. 1247 Delaware & Hudson railroad corporation. The eastern slope of the Adirondacks, its mountains, lakes and springs. Albany, n.d. unpaged, illus. 1248 54 GEOGRAPHY Delaware & Hudson railroad corporation. Vacation joys in the summer paradise. . .on the rail and steamer lines of the Delaware & Hudson CO. Albany, D & H, n.d. 16p. illus. 1249 New York central railroad company. Adiron- dacks, Thousand islands, Saratoga Springs. N.Y. n.d. 46p. maps. 1250 The north country. Tourists' hand book of northern New York. . . Watertown, N.Y. Santway photo-craft co. inc. n.d. 80p. illus. folded map. 1251 U.S. Railroad administration. Adirondacks and the Thousand islands. N.Y. Rand McNally, n.d. 60p. illus. 1252 Van Noy interstate co. Souvenir and guide thru Lake George and Lake Champlain. n.p. n.d. 29p. illus. Cover title: Lake George and Lake Champlain. 1253 GAZETTEERS Arranged by date Goodenow, Sterling. A brief topographical & statistical manual of the State of New- York . . . Albany, J. Frary, 1811. 36p. 2d edition (enl. and improved) published in New York by E. Bliss & A. White, 1822. 1254 SpafTord, Horatio Gates. A gazetteer of the State of New- York, carefully written from original and authentic materials, arranged on a new plan in three parts. . . Albany, Southwick, 1813. 334p. front, folded map. See New York Historical Society Collections, 1821, 3:328-40, for "Remarks on Spafford's Gazetteer. . ." by Samuel Jones, and Amer- ican Antiquarian Society Proceedings, Oct. 15, 1941, 51:278-350, for Julian Boyd's "Ho- ratio Gates SpafTord." 1255 Spafford, Horatio Gates. A gazetteer of the State of New- York: embracing an ample sur- vey and description of its counties, towns, cities, villages, canals, mountains, lakes, creeks, and natural topography, arranged in one series, alphabetically. . .with an appen- dix. Albany, Troy, N.Y. B.D. Packard, Au- thor, 1824. 620p. front, (folded map). 1256 Gordon, Thomas Francis. A gazetteer of the State of New York: comprehending its colo- nial history; general geography, geology and internal improvements; its political state, a minute description of its several counties, towns and villages. . . Philadelphia, T.G. & E.G. Collins, 1836. 102, 801 p. front, illus. maps. 1257 Disturnell, John, comp. A gazetteer of the State of New York, comprising its topog- raphy, geology, mineralogical resources, civil divisions, canals, railroads and public insti- tutions, together with general statistics. . . Albany, 1842. 475p. front, folded map. An- other edition, 1842, with preface dated Mar. 1842. 2d edition, 1843, 479p. Attributed to O.H. Holley by Sabin and Gushing. 2d edi- tion, 1843, has compiler's name on title page. 1258 Corey, Allen. Gazetteer of the county of Washington, N.Y. comprising a correct statis- tical and miscellaneous history of the county and several towns. . . Schuylerville, N.Y. Author, 1850. 200, 227p. incl. maps. 1259 French, John Homer, ed. Gazetteer of the State of New York, embracing a comprehen- sive view of the geography, geology and general history of the State of New York, and a complete history and description of every county, city, town, village and locality. . . accompanied by a new map of the state. Syracuse, N.Y. R.P. Smith, 1860. 739p. front, plates, illus. maps. 10th edition pub- lished in 1861. "Edited and written mostly by Dr. F.B. Hough who collected a large part of the material." Bibliography of Frank- lin Benjamin Hough, p. 330. 1260 The Advance almanac and St. Lawrence county directory for 1862. . . Ogdensburgh, N.Y. J.W. Hopkins, 1862. 108p. folded plate. 1261 Northern New York business directory, con- taining a business directory of all places on the line of the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburgh railroad (and its branches), Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain railroad and the Utica and Black river railroad in- cluding all principal places in northern New York, 1867-68. Watertown, N.Y. Lyttle, Hanford & co. 1868. 260p. Compiled by Waite Brothers, Inc. Includes advertising matter. 1262 Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business directory of Herkimer county, New York for 1869-70. Syracuse, N.Y. Journal office, 1869. 234p. map. 1263 Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business directory of Montgomery and Fulton coun- ties. New York for 1869-70. Syracuse, N.Y. ATLASES 55 Journal office, 1870. 31 5p. incl. front, folded map. 1264 Farmers' and country merchants' almanac and ready reference book. 1870. Containing historical sketches of the counties of Albany, Rensselaer, Washington, Warren, Schenec- tady, Saratoga, Rutland and Bennington: together with farmers' names, postal and internal revenue matters, valuable receipts, ma.xims and information useful to everybody. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1870. 207p. 1265 Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business di- rectory of Saratoga county, N.Y. and Queens- bury, Warren county. Syracuse, N.Y. Jour- nal office, 1871. 305p. illus. 1266 Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business directory of Washington county. New York for 187l'. Syracuse, N.Y. Journal office, 1871. 261p. 1267 Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business directory of Lewis county. New York for 1872-3. Syracuse, N.Y. Journal office, 1872. 31 Op. front, map. 1268 Hough, Franklin Benjamin, ed. Gazetteer of the State of New York, embracing a com- prehensive account of the history and statis- tics of the state with geographical and topo- graphical descriptions of each county, city, town and village in the state. Albany, A. Boyd, 1872. 745 i.e. 752p. front, plate, folded map. 1269 Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business directory of St. Lawrence county, New York for 1873-4. Syracuse, N.Y. Journal office, 1873. various paging, map. 1270 Lant, J.H. & son. Directory of Warren and Washington counties 1881-2. . .containing names and P.O. addresses of the farmers of the counties. . . Hudson, N.Y. Wm. Bryan, 1881. 354p. illus. 1271 Kollock, Henry. State of New York, embrac- ing historical, descriptive, and statistical notices of cities, towns, villages, industries and summer resorts in the various parts of the state, together with a complete list of the post offices, counties, towns, lakes, rivers, and railroads, etc. Illustrated with nearly 200 choice engravings. N.Y. 1883. 304p. plates, illus. maps. Adirondacks, p.226, 260- 77. Another edition, ^1882, 339p. 1272 Cram, George F. Cram's township and ship- per's guide of New York. Accompanied by a complete and original ready reference index, accurately locating all county seats, cities, towns, post-offices, railroad stations, villages, etc. N.Y. 1904? 138p. map. Cover title: Cram's Pocket Map and Hotel Guide of New York. 1273 Directory of Saranac Lake, Lake Placid and Bloomingdale. Year 1906. Compiled and published by McDonald & Fay, Saranac Lake, N.Y. Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1906? 156p. plates (some folded) illus. Cover title: Adi- rondack Directory. Also published for 1908, 1910-11. 1274 Douglas, Edward Morehouse, comp. Gazet- teer of the lakes, ponds and reservoirs of the State of New York. Washington, Board of surveys & maps, 1926. 44 leaves. Reproduced from typewritten copy. Revised edition issued in 1931. 1275 Douglas, Edward Morehouse, comp. Gazet- teer of the mountains of the State of New York. Washington, U.S. Map information office, 1927. 36 leaves. Reproduced from typewritten copy. 1276 ATLASES Arranged by date Burr, David H. Atlas of the State of New York. . .drawn. . .under the direction of Sim- eon DeWitt. . .pursuant to an act of the Leg- islature, and also the physical geography. N.Y. D.H. Burr, 1829. 29, 50 leaves. 51 maps. Also published in 1839 by Stone & Clark, Ithaca, N.Y. 1277 Beers, S.N. and Beers, Daniel G. New topo- graphical atlas of St. Lawrence co. New York. From actual surveys by S.N. and D.G. Beers and assistants. Philadelphia, Stone & Stewart, 1865. 94p. incl. illus. 41 col. maps. 1278 Beers, S.N. and Beers, Daniel G. New topo- graphical atlas of Saratoga co. New York. From actual surveys by S.N. and D.G. Beers and assistants. Philadelphia, Stone & Ste- wart, 1866. 77p. incl. illus. 33 col. maps. 1279 Stone and Stewart. New topographical atlas of Washington county. New York. From actual surveys especially for this atlas. Phila- delphia, Stone & Stewart, 1866. 73p. incl. illus. 30 col. maps. 1280 Nichols, Beach. Atlas of Herkimer county. New York. . . N.Y. J.J. Stranahan & B. Nichols, 1868. 32f. illus. maps. 1281 Nichols, Beach. Atlas of Montgomery and Fulton counties. New York. From actual surveys by and under the direction of B. 56 GEOGRAPHY Nichols. . . N.Y.J J. Stranahan & B. Nichols, 1 868. 2p. leaf. 28 col. maps. 1 282 Beers, Frederick W. Atlas of Clinton co. New York, from actual surveys by and under the direction of F.W. Beers, assisted by George P. Sanford & others. N.Y. F.W. Beers, 1869. Ip. leaf, illus. 20 col. maps. 1283 Asher & Adams. New topographical atlas and gazetteer of New York. . . N.Y. ^1871. 80p. incl. maps. 1284 Beers, Daniel G. Atlas of Lewis co. New York. . . Philadelphia, Pomeroy, Whitman & CO. 1875. 2, 80, 4p. maps. 1285 Beers, Daniel G. & co. Atlas of Franklin county. New York. From actual surveys and official records. Philadelphia, D.G. Beers & CO. 1876. 65p. incl. 21 col. maps. 1286 Beers, Frederick W. County atlas of Warren, New York. From recent and actual surveys and records under the superintendence of F.W. Beers. N.Y. F.W. Beers & co. 1876. 2p. leaf, 2 leaves, illus. 24 col. maps. 1287 Gray, O.W. & son. New topographical atlas of Essex county, New York. . . With a sup- plement comprising a map of the State of New York. Philadelphia, 1876. 79, 37p. incl. 32 col. maps, illus. plans. 1288 Butler, Benjamin Clapp and Cooper, J. A. comp. The New York wilderness. Hamil- ton county and adjoining territory. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1879. unpaged, maps. 1289 Koetteritz, J.B. comp. Catalogue of maps, field-notes, surveys, and landpapers of pat- ents, grants and tracts situate within the counties embracing the Forest preserve of the State of New York. In New York (state) . Forest commission. Annual report for. . . 1890. p. 165-31 7. A revised and enlarged edition of this list was published in the An- nual Report for 1892, p.303-501. 1290 Notes on the maps of the White and Adiron- dack mountains, with maps. Around the W, July-Aug. 1894. 1:151-55. Adirondacks, p.151-53. 1291 Century map company, Philadelphia. New Century atlas of Montgomery and Fulton counties. New York. . . Philadelphia, 1905. 144p. incl. 64 col. maps. 1292 Century map company, Philadelphia. New Century atlas of Herkimer county, New York . . . Philadelphia, 1906. 115p. incl. col. maps, partly double. 1293 Beers, J.L. and Bord, C.J. New atlas of the city of Plattsburgh, New York. Field notes by J.L. Beers and C.J. Bord. N.Y. J.L. Beers, 1916. Ip. leaf. 13 col. maps, folded. 1294 Hevenor, Charles D. co. inc. The Hevenor hand book of loose leaf county maps. New York. For executives, district managers, sales- men, associations, tourists, etc. Buffalo, N.Y. 1921. 15, 114p. incl. maps. Added title page : Index for New York State. . .Containing Alphabetical List of Counties, Numerical List of Counties, Alphabetical List of Towns. 1295 United States survey company, inc. Nufold road guides. Rochester, N.Y. 1925. 9v. In- cludes "Northern New York, the Adiron- dacks and 1000 Islands." 1296 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Looking down on Marcy. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1949. 13: 30-32. Aerial mapping. 1297 PLACE NAMES Ames, C.H. Poke-o-Moonshine. For & Stream, June 29, 1901.56:503. 1298 Barker, Elmer Eugene. That name — Marcy. Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1948. ll:no.6:10. 1299 Beauchamp, William Martin. Aboriginal place names of New York. Albany, 1907. 336p. (New York State Museum. Bulletin 108.) 1300 Haas, Dorothy M. Place names of northern New York. No Country Life, Fall 1955. 9:no. 4:42-44. 1301 Hale, Edward Everett. Dialectical evidence in the place names of eastern New York. Am Speech, Dec. 1929. 5:154-67. Refers to Adi- rondack names. 1302 Hauptman, Herbert C. Adirondack place names. High Spots, Jan. 1932. 9:no.l:16-17. 1303 Hauptman, Herbert C. By their names — High Spots Trbk, 1939. p.72-76. 1304 How Old Forge (N.Y.) was named. For & Stream, June 5, 1909. 72:892. Short note on the forge used by John Brown (1734-1803). 1305 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Hitch-up Matilda. Cloud Splitter, June 1941. 4:no.6:12. 1306 Hull, Raymona E. Names on the land in St. Lawrence county. No Country Life, Winter 1952. 6:no.l:32-35. 1307 PLACE NAMES 57 Leete, Charles Henry. A study in geographic names. Reprint from the Herald-Recorder, Potsdam, N.Y. Mar. 1927. 12p. Copy in the Saranac Lake Free Library. 1308 Miller, Philip Schuyler. By guess and by gosh. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar. -Apr. 1946. 10:no. 2:6-7. 1309 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Those poetic red men. Cloud Splitter, Mar. 1942. 5:no.3:4-5. 1310 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Why the Bouquet? Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan. -Feb. 1947. ll:no. 1:4-5. 1311 Mills, Borden H. Sr. Charles Fenno Hoff- man's Indian place names. Ad-i-ron-dac, July- Aug. 1948. 12:no.4:4-7. 1312 Mills, Borden H. Sr. Who was John? Ad-i-ron- dac, Sept.-Oct. 1951. 15:97-98, 100. Johns Brook was probably named for John Gibbs. 1313 Mills, Borden H. Sr. Who was John? Cloud Splitter, Jan.-Feb. 1948. ll:no. 1:4-6. Johns Brook. 1314 Prince, John Dyneley. Some forgotten Indian place-names in the Adirondacks. J Am Folk- lore, Apr.-June 1900. 13:123-28. Quota- tions in Forest Leaves, Autumn 1906, 3:no.3: 24-25, with title "Indian Place-names in the Adirondacks." Abenaki names obtained from Mitchel Sabattis. 1315 Ruttenber, Edward Manning. Footprints of the red man. Indian geographical names in the valley of Hudson's river. . .their location and the probable meaning of some of them. Newburgh, N.Y. Journal print, ^1906. 241p. Adirondack names, p.70-72, 184-89. Pub- lished under the auspices of the New York State Historical Association. 1316 Scribner, Mrs. Lynette (Langer). North coun- try place names. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1955. 19:32-33. 1317 Scribner, Mrs. Lynette (Langer). Some Lake Champlain place names. Ad-i-ron-dac, May- June 1955. 19:50. 1318 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack place names. For & Stream, May 25, 1901. 56:403. 1319 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Poke-o-Moonshine. For & Stream, ]un& 22, 1 901 . 56 :484. 1 320 Thompson, H.H. Adirondack nomenclature. Field & S, July 1905. 10:286-87. 1321 Thompson, H.H. "What's in a name?" — "Millions in it." Am Angler, Sept. 29, 1883. 4:199-200. Signed: H.H.T. 1322 ADIRONDACK PRESERVE, THE ADIRONDACK PARK, CONSERVATION GENERAL AND HISTORICAL American scenic and historic preservation society. Annual reports, 1-30. 1895-1924. Albany, 1896-1925. 30v. plates, maps. Con- tinued in 1929 by Scenic and Historic America. Contains material on the Adirondack Park, the Forest Preserve and sites in the Adiron- dack area. 1323 Benedict, Darwin. The New York Forest preserve: formative years, 1872-1895. 212 leaves. Master's thesis, Syracuse University, Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship, Albany program, 1953. Typescript. Reviewed by D.A. Plum in The Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1954, 17:no.2:6-7. Copies in New York State Library and Saranac Lake Free Library. 1324 Byrne, Wayne H. New York's forests — a public trust. Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1953- Jan.-Feb. 1954. 17:76-77, 88-91, 104, 114- 15; 18:12-15. 1325 Carson, Russell Mack Little. The Adirondack forest. Bui Schools, Apr. 1, 1936. 22:142-46. illus. Forest Preserve. 1326 Carson, Russell Mack Little. The Adiron- dack Forest preserve. High Spots, Oct. 1934- Oct. 1935. ll:no.4:3-ll; 12:no.l :18-20; 12: no.2:16-17; 12:no.3:19-23; 12:no.4:31-33. illus. 1327 Carson, Russell Mack Little. The Adiron- dack mountain club. High Spots, Dec. 1937. 14:no.4:17-20. History of the Forest Pre- serve. 1328 Duryea, Perry B. Our Forest preserve. JiTS Ranger Sch, 1951. p. 7-8. Reprinted with edi- torial comment from the New York State Con- servationist oi Ti&c. 1951-Jan. 1952. 1329 The forests of the state. In New York (state). University. Arbor day annual, 1911. p.ll- 18. illus. History of the Forest Preserve and the Adirondack Park with a summary of the state's program in forestry. 1330 Higley, Warren. New York. Am Forestry Assn Proc, 1896. 11:99-103. History of the Forest Preserve. 1331 Hopkins, Arthur S. Land Acquisition for Forest preserve purposes in New York state, 1916-1944. NT Forester, Dec. 1944. l:no.5: 2-6. 1332 Hopkins, Arthur S. Within and without the blue line. NTS Con, Apr.-May 1951. 5:no. 5:10-11. illus. Correction in June-July issue, p. 31. Brief explanation of the term "blue line" and summary of the history of the Preserve. 1333 Howard, William Gibbs. Recreational use of state forests. For Worker, Jan. 1932. 8:no. 1:1—3. Short history of Forest Preserve and development of recreational use. 1334 Illick, Joseph S. and Hopkins, Arthur S. comps. Chronological recording of impor- tant legislative and administrative develop- ments relating to the state Forest preserve. . . 1665-1952. In New York (state). Legislature. Joint legislative committee on natural re- sources. Report, 1953. Albany, 1953. p.l21- 31. Appendix A. 1335 Kennedy, John S. The forest parks of New York. Am For, Dec. 1910. 16:695-98. illus. Historical sketch of Adirondack, Catskill and Palisade parks. 1336 Kimball, Francis P. The state completes its skyland park. The new Adirondack play- ground. . . NT Times Mag, May 20, 1928. p. 12-1 3. illus. 1337 Lincoln, Charles Zebina. The constitutional history of New York from the beginning of the colonial period to the year' 1905. . . Rochester, Lawyers co-operative publishing CO. 1906. 5v. The Forest Preserve, v.3,p.391— 454. 1338 Mills, Borden H. Sr. This is the state Forest preserve: how it came to be, what it is and where it is. Bui Schools, Mar. 1952. 38:167- 71. illus. map. 1339 New York (state). Forest commission. Tracts and patents of northern New York in which the lands of the Forest preserve are situated. In its Annual report for the year 1893. 1:73- 149. plates. Compiled by William F. Fox. The illustrations are by S.R. Stoddard. 1340 New York (state). Governor. State of New York. Messages from the governors, com- 58 1872-1884 59 prising executive communications to the Legislature and other papers relative to legis- lation, from the organization of the first colo- nial assembly in 1683 to and including the year 1906, with notes. Ed. by Charles Z. Lincoln. Albany, J. B. Lyon, 1909. llv. ports. 1341 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Com- pendium of laws relative to the Adirondack wilderness from 1774 to 1894. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1894. 468p. New York State Forest Commission. Annual Report, 1893. v.2. 1342 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Pre- vious legislation pertaining to trees, forests and public lands. In New York (state). Forest commission. Annual report, 1885. 1:131-60. 1343 Ostrander, George N. A discussion of article VII, section 7 of the state constitution. (His- torical sketch and recommendations.) NT Forestry, Oct. 1914. 1 :no.2:ll-14. Notes changed attitude toward practice of forestry on state lands. 1344 Ostrander, George N. History of the New York Forest preserve. J For, Apr. 1942. 40: 301-4. 1345 Shorey, Mrs. Anna (Snow). Gleanings from Donaldson. Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1952. 15:no. 2:10-11. Background for history of the Forest Preserve. 1346 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. New York's Forest preserve. Bui Schools, Apr. 1935. 21: 147-48. illus. 1347 Welch, Fay. The Adirondacks. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1955. 19:36-37. From a speech at the annual meeting of the Adirondack Mountain Club, 1954. 1348 Welch, Fay. Our New York state Forest pre- serve: a priceless natural resource. . .let's not lose it. Utica, N.Y. Horrocks-Ibbotson co. 1953. 4p. Unpaged leaflet. 1349 1872-1884 This section and the Jour that follow are arranged by date. New York (state). Commissioners of state parks. Annual report, 1872. Albany, Argus printing co. 1873. 23p. Senate document 102, 1873. Hasse states that only one report was issued (in three different editions). This is the first report for the Adirondack preserve, submitted by Verplanck Colvin. 1350 A grand sporting park. Am Sportsman, Aug. 1873. 2:169. Editorial on setting aside the Adirondack range as a game preserve and park. 1351 The Adirondack park. For & Stream, Sept. 11, 1873. 1:73. 1352 The people's hunting ground. For & Stream, Sept. 25, 1873. 1:101. Reprinted from the New York Times. Hunting, fishing and the need for a park. 1353 The state park. For & Stream, Oct. 9, 1873. 1:136. Editorial on desirability of forming an Adirondack park. 1354 French, J. Clement. The Adirondack park. For & Stream, Nov. 27, 1873. 1:244. Letter to editor approving establishment of park. 1355 Adirondack state park. Harper, Nov. 1873. 47:936-37. Editorial in favor of a state park. 1356 The state park. For & Stream, Jan. 15, 1874. 1 :358. Need for an Adirondack park. 1 357 Adirondack park and the preservation of our forests. For & Stream, Mar. 19, 1874. 2:88. 1358 McC, J.H. Destruction of the Adirondack region. For & Stream, May 7, 1874. 2:196. 1359 T., O.A. Adirondack woods and worries. For & Stream, Oct. 1, 1874. 3:117. On tres- pass. 1360 Agan, Patrick H. Views on the proposed Adi- rondack state park. In Wallace, E.R. De- scriptive guide to the Adirondacks. . .5th edition. 1876. p.233-37. Letter to Wallace from a member of the State Park Commission (1872). 1361 Man, Albon. How to make a park of the Adi- rondack region, at small cost. Copy of a letter to the Hon. J. F S n.p. n.pub. 1880? 12p. Dated Nov. 22, 1880. Copy in the Sara- nac Lake Free Library. 1362 Despoiling the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Aug. 31, 1882. ''9:83. Plea for the establish- ment of a park. 1363 Dawson, George. Winter talks on summer pastimes. The Adirondack state park. For & Stream, Feb. 8, 1883. 20:22-23. Signed: G.D. On final passage of an act creating the Adi- rondack Park. 1364 R., J. Jr. Save the woods. For & Stream, Aug. 9, 1883. 21:27. Need to stop lumbering in the Moose River area. 1365 60 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Morrell, T.S. A riverie. Am Angler, Oct. 20, 1883. 4:244-46. Short history and descrip- tion of the Adirondacks expressing hope of saving them from complete spoilation. 1366 Save the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Dec. 13, 1883. 21:381. Editorial on the need to stop lumbering. 1367 Leeds, Albert Ripley. Facts gathered from eight years of personal inspection as to the alleged destruction of the Adirondack forests. NTAcadSci Tr, Dec. 17, 1883. 3:35-37. 1368 Save the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Dec. 20, 1883. 21:402. Editorial on petition of the Chamber of Commerce for protection of the Adirondack watershed. 1369 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Report presented by Mr. Rogers, of Seneca, to the Committee on agriculture, and adopted . . .as a reply to a resolution. . .passed Febru- ary 1, 1883, in regard to the preservation of the forests of the state. Albany, 1883. 7p. Assembly document 130, 1883. Recommends passage of Senate bill authorizing the ap- pointment of a commission to study the forests of the state and to report with recom- mendations. 1370 New York. Chamber of commerce of the State of New York. Save the Adirondack forests and the waterways of the State of New- York. Opinions of the press. N.Y. 1883. 26p. Copies in the Sherman Free Library, Port Henry, American Museum of Natural History and Yale School of Forestry. 1371 Smith, George W. Speech. . .on the bill to prohibit sales of state lands in certain coun- ties in the Adirondacks. n.p. n.pub. 1883? 23p. The speech, p. 1-6, is followed by other speeches and reprints of articles about Assem- blyman Smith. 1372 The Adirondack forests. For & Stream, Jan. 3, 1884. 21:449. On investigation of forest lands by the Senate Committee. 1373 M., S.R. Save the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Jan. 3, 1884. 21:450-51. Need for action. 1374 The crime against the Adirondacks. Harper W,]a.n. 5, 1884. 28:2. Editorial. 1375 Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett. The mountains, forests and waters of the Adirondack wilder- ness. Am Angler, Jan. 5, 1884. 5:2-4. Geo- graphical description of the area that should be made a park. 1376 The Adirondacks. For & Stream, Jan. 17, 1884. 21:489. An editorial on Senator Lans- ing's bill to establish a state park. 1377 Preserving the Adirondack wilderness. Am Angler, Jan. 19, 1884. 5:34-36. Reprint of the official report on lands that should be acquired for a park. By Senators Koch, Lans- ing and Lynde. 1378 An Adirondack bill. For & Stream, Jan. 31, 1884. 22:1. Editorial on Chamber of Com- merce's bill for an appropriation of $500,000 for acquisition of more state land. 1379 The Adirondack woods still in peril. Harper W, Mar. 8, 1884. 28:150. Editorial on the conservation battle. 1380 The Adirondack bill. For & Stream, May 22, 1884. 22:325. Text of bill passed by the Legis- lature. 1381 The Adirondack forests. For & Stream, June 19, 1884. 22:401. Editorial on the Sargent group's investigation of the forest situation. Expedition financed by Morris K. Jesup. 1 382 Adirondack preservation. For & Stream, Aug. 21, 1884. 23:67. Desirable for state to con- trol private holdings in whole area. 1383 The Adirondacks. Harper W, Dec. 6, 1884. 28:795, 802-3, 805. illus. On wanton destruc- tion in the Adirondacks and the difficulty of getting legislative action. 1384 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Re- port of the special committee on state lands, in the Adirondack region. Albany, 1884. 35p. Senate document 23, 1884. The appendix to this report is: Report of the Superintend- ent of the Adirondack Survey on the public lands in the Adirondacks. 1385 Seeger, Ferdinand. The Adirondack forests. Necessity of their preservation. An address. N.Y. 1884. lOp. 1386 Thomson, Lemon. An address before the Albany institute on the Adirondack wilder- ness. . .March 18, 1884. Albany, Weed, Par- sons & CO. 1884. 22p. Against the Adirondack park. Favors Benedict's proposal for reser- voirs. 1387 1885-1894 Sargent, Charles Sprague. Forest destruction. Harper W, Jan. 24, 1885. 29:58. Two illus- trations on p.56. 1388 The Adirondack forests. For & Stream, Jan. 29, 1885. 24:2. Editorial on the Forest Com- mission. 1389 1885-1894 61 The Adirondack forests. Harper W, Feb. 7, 1885. 29:82-83. Comments on report of the Commission to investigate the Adirondack forests. 1 390 The Adirondack forestry bill. For & Stream, Apr. 16, 1885. 24:221. Editorial on Senator Law's Forestry Commission bill permitting forest management. 1391 Adirondack Forest commission. For & Stream, May 21, 1885. 24:325. Editorial objecting to appointment of Mr. Basselin, a lumberman, to the Commission. 1392 Are the Adirondack forests safe? Harper W, May 30, 1885. 29:338. Criticism of appoint- ments to the Forestry Commission. 1393 Ballou, William Hosea. An Adirondack na- tional park. Am Nat, ]une 1885. 19:578-82. Suggestion that the federal government take over the Adirondack area as a national park. 1394 The Adirondack question. Harper W, Nov. 28, 1885. 29:770. "A wise settlement of the question requires general familiarity with the facts, and a decided expression of intelligent opinion to the Legislature." 1395 Brooklyn constitution club. The forests of the Adirondacks. A serious question for the people of the State of New York. Report adopted April 1st, 1885. N.Y. George F. Nesbitt & CO. 1885. lip. 1396 Colvin, Verplanck. Speech delivered. . .at the annual banquet of the New York Board of tradeandtransportation. . .1885. N.Y. George F. Nesbitt & co. 1885. 8p. Cover title: The Adirondacks. 1397 Harrison, Jonathan Baxter. The Adirondack forests, and the problem of the great natural water-ways of the State of New York. Frank- lin, N.H. 1885. 4 leaves. Folio broadsides. Reprinted from the New York Tribune. A series of letters designed to bring public action to stop destruction of the forests. 1 398 New York (state). Forest commission. List of lands belonging to the State of New York which form the Forest preserve. In its Annual report, 1885. 1:205-356. 1399 New York (state). Forestry commission. Re- port. . .transmitted to the Legislature, Janu- ary 23, 1885. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1885. 57p. plates, map. Sargent Committee report. Also published as Assembly docu- ment 36, 1885, without plates and map. 1400 New York (state). Governor (David B. Hill). Forest preservation. In his Public papers, 1885. Albany, 1885. p.25-26. Lincoln 8:22- 23. 1401 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Com- mittee on agriculture. Report. . .relating to the subject of the forests. Albany, 1885. 46p. Senate document 40, 1885. Includes bill submitted by F.B. Hough and his paper entitled "The Duty of the Legislature with Reference to Its Woodlands." 1402 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. The preservation of the Adirondack forests and their relation to the commerce of the state. . . Report adopted. . .April 8th, 1885. n.p. n.pub. 1885. 7p. 1403 Paul sees a great light. For & Stream, June 10, 1886. 26:385. Editorial on timber thieves in the Adirondacks. 1404 A dangerous measure. Gard & For, Apr. 11, 1888. 1:73-74. Editorial against proposal to lease sections of the Forest Preserve. 1 405 Dangers threaten the Adirondack forest from every direction. Gard & For, Apr. 18, 1888. 1 :86. Editorial on the Durant bill. 1406 New York (state). Forest commission. List of state lands in the Forest preserve; except those known as prison lands. . . In its Annual re- port, 1888. p.123-405. 1407 New York (state). Forest commission. Spe- cial report. . .embodying suggestions respect- ing further legislation. Albany, 1888. 14p. Assembly document 39, 1888. 1408 State forest-lands of New York. Gard & For, Feb. 27, 1889. 2:97. Editorial against the Forest Commission's plan to lease state land. 1409 Railroads in the Adirondack reservation. Gard & For, Apr. 3, 1889. 2:158-59. Edi- torial favoring legislation preventing the building of railroads in the preserve. Further comment in the issues for Apr. 17 and July 10, 1889, 2:181-82, 325. 1410 Harrison, Jonathan Baxter. Forests and civil- ization. II-V, VII. Gard & For, July 17, 24, Aug. 7, 21, Sept. 11, 1889. 2:345-46, 358- 59, 382, 406-7, 441-42. A series of letters on the destruction of the Adirondack forests, the buying up of large tracts by capitalists and clubs, dangers of fire etc. Advocates an exhibition of the Adirondacks at the World's Fair (1892) pointing out the denudation of the forests. For editorial comment see the Aug. 7 issue, 2:373. 1411 The Adirondack reservation. Gard & For, Oct. 16, 1889. 2:493. Editorial comment on a series of letters in the New York Times giv- ing a depressing picture of depredations in the Adirondacks. 1412 Legislation for the Adirondacks. Gard & For, Jan. 29, 1890. 3:49. Editorial on bills. See also issues for Mar. 12, Apr. 30 and June 11,1890,3:121,209,282. 1413 62 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Forestry in New York. NT Lumber, Feb. 15, 1890. 8:no.88:3. Meeting of New York For- estry Association. Preservation of forest con- ditions on mountain lands in proposed Adi- rondack park. 1414 Snap shots. For & Stream, Mar. 13, 1890. 34: 141. Editorial comment on passage of bill authorizing Forest Commission to buy land in tlie Adirondacks. 1415 Harrison, Jonathan Baxter. The Adirondack park project. For & Stream, Mar. 20, 1890. 34:166. Approval of bill authorizing pur- chase of land by the Forest Commission. 1416 New Adirondack legislation. NT Lumber, Apr. 1, 1890. 8:no. 91:3-4. Editorial approving recommendation of Governor Hill for com- mission of five to fix boundaries of Adiron- dack Park. 1417 The Adirondacks. NT Lumber, Apr. 15, 1890. Brno. 92:3-4. Reprinted in Forest and Stream, Apr. 24, 1890, 34:270. Editorial on great benefits to be derived from an Adirondack park. 1418 Railroads in the Adirondacks. NT Lumber, May 15, 1890. 8:no.94:3. Regrets failure of bill that would have prevented grants to railroad companies of public land in Adi- rondack area. 1419 Harrison, Jonathan Baxter. Forest interests and discussion. For & Stream, June 5, 1890. 34:386-87. New York State Forestry Asso- ciation in favor of preservation of New York's mountain forests. 1420 W., R.D. Forest destruction. Gard & For, Oct. 15, 1890. 3:506-7. 1421 The proposed state forest-park. Gard & For, Oct. 22, 1890. 3:510. 1422 Adirondack league club. Preserve the forests. N.Y. 1890. 12p. 1423 New York (state). Governor (David B. Hill). Communication. . .relative to that portion of northern New York known as the "Adiron- dacks" for use by persons seeking health and recreation. Albany, 1890. 3p. Assembly docu- ment 85, 1890. Suggests appointing commit- tee to investigate whole subject. Also in his Public papers, 1890, p.50-52. Lincoln 8:936- 38. 1424 New York (state). Governor (David B. Hill). Communication. . .relative to the use of state lands in the "Adirondacks" for park pur- poses. Albany, 1890. 2p. Senate document 29, 1890. Lincoln 8:936-38. 1425 New York (state). Governor (David B. Hill). Memorandum filed with Senate bill no. 91, for purchase of lands within the Forest pre- serve. Approved. In his Public papers, 1890. Albany, 1891. p.68-69. 1426 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Re- port of the Committee on finance, relative to establishing a state park in the Adirondack wilderness. Albany, 1890. 7p. Senate docu- ment 35, 1890. 1427 Protection of the Adirondack forests, n.p. n.pub. C.1890. 26p. One-page petition, fol- lowed by long list of names. Addressed to the Legislature by citizens of New York. 1428 The Adirondack reservation. Gard & For, Feb. 4, 1891. 4:49. Editorial on the demand for the Adirondack Park. 1429 Destruction of the Adirondacks. Harper W, May 30, 1891. 35:399. Against railroad cor- poration attempts to invade the Adirondacks. 1430 Railroads in the Adirondacks. Gard & For, June 10, 1891. 4:265-66. Danger to the Adi- rondack area. 1431 Means, David MacGregor. The proposed Adirondack park. Nation, Sept. 3, 1891. 53: 175-76. Unsigned editorial on special report of the Forest Commission. 1432 Report of the New York Forest commission. Gard & For, Oct. 14, 1891. 4:481-82. Favor- able editorial. 1433 Cleveland, Grover. Speech at a meeting to demand new legislation concerning the Adi- rondack park. New York, January 24, 1891. In his Writings and speeches. N.Y. Cassell, C1892. p.233-37. 1434 Colvin, Verplanck. Address before the New York farmers, Dec. 11, 1890. Followed by extracts from Essex county Republican of Dec. 12, 1889. In New York (state). State land survey. Report on the progress. . .1891, p. 36-54. Reprinted in State land survey. Report on the progress. . .1894, p.101-21. 1435 New York (state). Forest commission. The Adirondack park. In its Annual report, 1891. p. 106-204. plates. Lake George Islands, p. 195-204. Description of famous places in the Adirondacks. Illustrations by S.R. Stod- dard. 1436 New York (state). Forest commission. Forest and park. In its Annual report, 1891. p.96- 105. List of Adirondack trees, p. 103-5. Re- printed with additions in the Report for 1893, v.l,p.229-46. 1437 New York (state). Forest commission. Spe- cial report. Shall a park be established in the Adirondack wilderness? Albany, 1891. 47p. tables, folded map. Senate document 19, 1891. 1438 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Committee on public lands and forestry. In the matter of the inquiry concerning the 1885-1894 63 administration of the laws in relation to the Forest preserve by the Forest commission, etc. Report adopted by the Assembly, April 23, 1891. Albany, 1891. 7p. 1439 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Committee on public lands and forestry. Reports of the majority and minority. . . relative to tlie administration of the laws in relation to the Forest preserve by the Forest commission. Albany, 1891. 12p. Assembly document 81, 1891. Followed by a 61 5p. transcript of testimony. 1440 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Com- munication from the Adirondack park asso- ciation, accompanied by a bill entitled "An act creating a state forest park in the Adiron- dack region." Albany, 1891. lip. Senate document 39, 1891. 1441 Smith, George VV. The Adirondack question. A memorial to the Legislature of the State of New York. Herkimer, N.Y. 1891. 4p. Dated March 1891. 1442 New York (state). Governor (Roswell P. Flower). Memorandum filed with Assembly bill no. 1422, to establish the Adirondack park. Approved. In his Public papers, 1892. Albany, 1892. p.189-91. Lincoln 9:145-47. 1443 Smith, George W. An Adirondack pro- gramme. For & Stream, Mar. 2, 1893. 40: 185. Resolution to the Legislature; for pre- servation of the Adirondacks. 1444 The Adirondack park. For & Stream, Mar. 30, 1893. 40:269. Proposed law for the pro- tection of the Adirondacks. 1445 The Adirondack park. Gard & For, Apr. 19, 1893.6:171. Comments on Act of 1893. 1446 Canada. Royal commission on forest reser- vation and national park. Papers and reports upon forestry, forest schools, forest adminis- tration and management in Europe, Amer- ica, and the British possessions, and upon forests as public parks and sanitary resorts. Collected by Mr. A. Kirkwood. . .to ac- company the Report of the Royal commis- sion. . . Toronto, Warwick & sons, 1893. 278p. tables. Bound with the Report. Adi- rondacks, p.220-48. 1447 Canada Royal commission on forest reser- vation and national park. Report upon for- estry, forest schools, etc. . . Toronto, War- wick & sons, 1893. 40p. folded map. Adiron- dacks, p.22-23, 34-38. 1448 New York (state). Forest commission. Forest and park. In its Annual report, 1893. 1:225- 366. plates. The 1891 report of the N.Y.S. Forest Commission, reprinted with addi- tional material and different illustrations. Stoddard plates. 1449 New York (state). Governor (Roswell P. Flower). The Adirondack park. In his Public papers, 1893. Albany, 1894. p.35-39. E.xcerpt in Forest and Stream, }an 5, 1893, 40:8. Lincoln 9:184-87. 1450 New York (state). Governor (Roswell P. Flower). Communication. . .relative to the preservation of the state's Forest preserve. Albany, 1893. 3p. Assembly document 79, 1893. Cancellation of tax sales of Adirondack lands. Also in his Public papers, 1893, p.90- 93. Lincoln 9:218-21. 1451 New York. Board of trade and transportation. Joint letter to Governor Flower protesting against the approval of bill to amend the law of 1885. N.Y. 1893. 2p. 1452 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. Opposition to "Forest preserve bill." N.Y. 1893. 1 leaf. Broadside. Urging letters to Governor Flower opposing Senate bill no.626. 1453 Lumberman and forester. Gard & For, Mar. 21, 1894. 7:111. Comments on Pinchot's speech at Forestry Congress in Albany. Quotes extract on suitability of Adirondacks for forest management. 1454 Lumbering on state lands. Gard & For, Apr. 18, 1894. 7:151. 1455 Forestry in the constitution of the State of New York. Gard & For, Sept. 12, 1894. 7: 361-62. Editorial urging use of the north woods for forest management. Further com- ment on p. 372 of issue for Sept. 19, 1894. 1456 The Adirondack forests. For & Stream, Oct. 20, 1894. 43:331. An editorial on Article VII, Section 7, of the Constitution. 1457 Colvin, Verplanck. The Adirondack forest. Am Forestry Assn Proc, Dec. 1894 & Jan. 1896. 11:142-47. 1458 New York (state). Forest commission. Spe- cial report, n.p. n.d. 22p. Assembly docu- ment 22, 1894. Purchase of additional land in Forest Preserve. See editorial in Garden and Forest, May 7, 1894, 7:91. 1459 New York (state). Governor (Roswell P. Flower). Communication from the Governor calling the attention of the Legislature to Senate bill no. 846, relating to the mainte- nance of the Adirondack park, April 11, 1894. Albany, 1894. 3p. Assembly document 62, 1894. Also in his Public papers, 1894, p.l25- 27. Lincoln 9:377-79. 1460 New York (state). Governor (Roswell P. Flower). Forest preservation. In his Public papers, 1894. Albany, 1895. p.5-8. Sum- mary of year's activities. Lincoln 9:298-300. 1461 64 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE New York (state). Governor (Roswell P. Flower). Forest preservation: address of wel- come to the American forestry association. . . March 16, 1894. In his Public papers, 1894. Albany, 1895. p.504-13. 1462 New York (state). Governor (Roswell P. Flower). Veto, Senate bill no.861, to amend the penal code, relating to tax sales of Adi- Sterne and others. N.Y. 1894. 18p. rondack lands. In his Public papers, 1894, Albany, 1895. p. 369-71. Lincoln 9:530-31. 1463 New York. Board of trade and transportation. Legislation, how it may and should be meth- odized. Report of the special committee. . . with proposed amendments. . .by Simon 1464 1895-1914 Schenck, M. Adirondack lands. For & Stream, Dec. 14, 1895. 45:515. State Fish, Game and Forest Commission approves purchase from W. Seward Webb of 75,000 acres in Herki- mer and Hamilton counties. 1465 New York (state). Forest commission. Com- munication. . .recommending that the Legis- lature make appropriation for the purchase of land within the boundaries of the prop'osed forest preserve. Albany, 1895. 2p. Senate document 30, 1895. 1466 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Committee on public lands and forestry. Report. . .relative to Adirondack lands and tax sales. Albany, 1895. 189p. Assembly document 38, 1895. 1467 The plunder of the Adirondack reservation. Card & For, Mar. 11, 1896. 9:101-2. Edi- torial on report of the investigating com- mittee. 1468 The Adirondack land grab bill. For & Stream, Apr. 25, 1896. 46:333. 1469 The Forestry amendment. For & Stream, Oct. 31, 1896. 47:341. 1470 The Adirondack blue line. For & Stream, Nov. 7, 1896. 47:361. 1471 Forestry and the New York constitution. Gard & For, Nov. 11, 1896. 9:451. Editorial on the Constitutional Convention of 1894. 1472 New York (state). Governor (Levi P. Morton). State forest and game preserves; State land survey. In his Public papers, 1896. Albany, 1896. p. 34-36. Extract entitled "Adirondack Deer" appeared in Forest and Stream, Jan. 11, 1896, 46:30. Lincoln 9:668-70. 1473 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Report and testimony of the special com- mittee appointed to investigate the depreda- tions of timber in the Adirondack preserve, 1895. Albany, 1896. 922p. Assembly docu- ment 67, 1896. 1474 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Report of the special committee appointed to investigate the depredations of timber in the Forest preserve, 1895. Albany, 1896. 31p. Assembly document 60, 1896. Without testi- mony. 1475 The north woods. Gard & /^or, Jan. 20, 1897. 10:21-22. Comment, with quotations, on Governor Black's message. 1476 Suggestions in reference to forest manage- ment in New York. Forester, Apr. 1, 1897. 3: 53-54. Recommends scientific forestry. 1477 Carter, Ernest. Reclaiming the Adirondacks. Outlook, Sept. 25, 1897. 57:230-31. 1478 New York (state). Forest, fish and game commission. List of lands belonging to the Forest preserve, 1897. N.Y. & Albany, Wyn- koop Hallenbeck Crawford co. n.d. 282p. 1479 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Report of the special committee appointed to conduct an investigation as to what land should be acquired within the Forest pre- serve in order to protect the watershed. Al- bany, 1897. 187p. Assembly document 46, 1897. 1480 Peck, Charles Horton. Report on the charac- ter of the forests and soil of certain tracts of state lands in the Adirondack region. In New York (state). State land survey. Report. . . 1897, p.517-53. Report for 1896. 1481 Burnham, John Bird. Errors in the official Adirondack map. For & Stream, Oct. 22, 1898. 51:323. The 1893 State Forest Com- mission map. 1482 Reynolds, Cuyler. Forest preservation in the State of New York. New Eng M, Oct. 1898. n.s. 19:203-1 6. illus. New York's efforts to preserve the Adirondacks; importance of region to the state and the lumber industry of the north woods. 1483 New York (state). Forest preserve board. . . .Annual report, 1897-1900. Albany, 1898- 1901. 4v. For document numbers see Hasse. Abolished; with the Fisheries, Game and Forest Commission merged into the Forest, 1895-1914 65 Fish and Game Commission. (Laws of 1901.) 1484 New York (state). Governor (Frank S. Black). Forests. In his Public papers, 1897-98. Al- bany, 1898. p. 12-21, 227-32. Lincoln 9:750- 52, 834-37. 1485 New York (state). Assembly. Report of the special committee appointed to continue the investigation as to what lands should be acquired within the Forest preserve in order to protect the watersheds therein. Albany, 1898. 39p. Assembly document 55, 1898. Report dated Mar. 31, 1898. 1486 Fox, William Freeman. Dispelling an illu- sion. Forester, Nov. 1899. 5:264-65. Letter to citizens of Minnesota assuring them that creation of a large park does not interfere with material prosperity of region. Adiron- dacks and Catskills given as examples. 1487 Ives, Martin Van Buren. Through the Adi- rondacks in eighteen days. N.Y. & Albany, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co. 1899. 119p. plates, ports. "Originally intended for a legislative report. . .but on account of its voluminousness it was thought best to trans- mit a synopsis of the same to that body, and to submit the original to the general public." It was included as an appendix to the official report. Reviewed in The Cloud Splitter, Mar. 1943, 6:no.3:8. 1488 New York (state). Governor (Theodore Roosevelt). The forests of the state. In his Public papers, 1899. Albany, 1899. p. 25. 1489 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Report of the special committee appointed to investigate as to what additional lands shall be acquired within the Forest preserve in order to protect the water sheds and for the agricultural experiment station. Albany, 1899. 16p. Assembly document 43, 1899. The appendix to this document is Martin Van Buren Ives' "Historical Narrative. Through the Adirondacks in Eighteen Days." For separately published edition see his "Through the Adirondacks in Eighteen Days" (no. 1488). 1490 Forest management in New York. Forester, Mar. 1900. 6:60-61. List of amendments for added protection of Forest Preserve. 1 491 Pinchot, Gifford. Working plans for the New York Forest preserve. Outing, Apr. 1900. 36: 89-90. 1492 The Adirondack forest. For & Stream, July 21, 1900. 55:41. 1493 Forestry for the New York preserve. Forester, July 1900. 6:164-65. Work of Division of Forestry of U.S. Dept. of Agriculture in co- operation with state government to bring about repeal of Article 7, Section 7. 1494 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Report of the special committee appointed to investigate as to certain matters pertain- ing to the state park and Forest preserve. Albany, 1900. 14p. Assembly document 63, 1900. Dated Feb. 28, 1900. 1495 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. Letter to the Legislature and for general distribution, urging the creation of a single headed forestry commission in place of the Fisheries, game and forestry commission. N.Y. 1900. 2 leaves. 1496 The New York commission. For & Stream, Jan. 12, 1901. 56:21. Editorial on Governor Odell's proposal to combine the Forestry, Fish and Game commission with the Forest Preserve Board. 1497 The New York fish commission. For & Stream, Jan. 12, 1901. 56:30. Proposal to combine the Forestry, Fish and Game Commission with the Forest Preserve Board, from Gover- nor Odell's message. 1498 The New York commission. For & Stream, Jan. 19, 1901. 56:41. Editorial on the meas- ure introduced by Assemblyman Allds fol- lowing the recommendation of Governor Odell to combine the Forestry, Fish and Game Commission with the Forest Preserve Board. 1499 Wadsworth, W.A. New York forest, fish and game interest. For & Stream, Mar. 9, 1901. 56:185. Discussion of pending legislation on abolishing the Forest, Fish and Game Com- mission. 1500 New York (state). Forest, fish and game com- mission. List of lands in the Forest preserve, 1901. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1901. 367p. Sup- plement to the 6th Annual Report. 1501 New York (state). Governor (Benjamin B. Odell Jr.). Forest preserve board and For- estry, fish and game commission. In his Public papers, 1901. Albany, 1907. p.22-23. Lincoln 10:192-93. 1502 Wolcott, W.E. The Adirondack forest. For & Stream, Jan. 25, 1902. 58:65. Opposes any change in the state Constitution. 1503 The Adirondack forests. For & Stream, Feb. 8, 1902. 58:101. Editorial on Davis bill to permit cutting of timber. 1504 Carl, David. The Adirondack park. For & Stream, Feb. 8, 1902. 58:104. Wants no change in N.Y.S. Constitution. 1505 Jordan, D.A. Concerning the Adirondack forests. For & Stream, Feb. 8, 1902. 58:104. Against scientific forestry. 1506 66 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE The Adirondack forests. For & Stream, Feb. 22, 1902. 58:141. Editorial opposing scientific cutting in the Forest Preserve. 1507 Hoffman, F. von. Scientific forestry. For & Stream, Feb. 22, 1902. 58:145. In favor of selective cutting on the Forest Preserve. 1508 Spears, John Randolph. The destruction of the Adirondack forests. For & Stream, Feb. 22, 1902. 58:144-45. Against amendments to raid the Adirondacks. 1509 Hoffman, F. von. The Adirondack forests. For & Stream, Mar. 8, 1902. 58:189. 1510 Schenck, M. The Adirondack forests. For & Stream, Mar. 15, 1902. 58:205. In answer to F. von Hoffman's article "Scientific For- estry" in the issue for Feb. 22, 1902, 58:145. 1511 The Adirondack forest. For & Stream, Mar. 22, 1902. 58:221. Editorial on the New York Board of Trade and Transportation's "Memo- rial to the Legislature" opposing the Davis bill. 1512 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. Forestry committee. Memorial ad- dressed to Legislature of the State of New York setting forth the convincing reasons for the rejection of the measures to open the state Forest preserve to the lumberman. For & Stream, Mar. 22, 1902. 58:224-25. 1513 Hoffman, F. von. Proper management of the Adirondack forests. Field & S, Mar. -Apr. 1902. 7:48-50. 1514 Another bad Adirondack bill. For & Stream, Apr. 5, 1902. 58:261. Editorial opposing Senator Brown's bill. 1515 DeWitt, William G. Adirondack streams menaced. For & Stream, Apr. 5, 1902. 58:270. Opposing the Brown bill. 1516 Murray, William Henry Harrison. The ownership of the Adirondacks. Field & S, July 1902. 7:195-96. port. 1517 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. The Adirondack forests. For & Stream, Aug. 30, 1902. 59:163. Summary of meas- ures concerning the Adirondacks defeated in the Legislature. 1518 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. A few reasons why the Adirondacks should be preserved. N.Y. 1902. 4p. Dated Aug. 21, 1902. Reprinted in Field & Stream, Oct.-Nov. 1902. 7:456-58. 1519 New York (state). Governor (Benjamin B. Odell Jr.). The Forest preserve. In his Public papers, 1902. Albany, 1907. p. 14-1 6. Lincoln 10:338-39. 1520 New York (state). Assembly. Report of the special committee appointed to investigate as to certain matters pertaining to the Forest preserve. Albany, 1902. 14p. Assembly docu- ment 50, 1902. Dated Mar. 1, 1902. 1521 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. Forest preservation. Should pending amendments to article VII, section 7 of the state constitution relating to the state Forest preserve be passed? N.Y. 1902. 13 numbered leaves. Argument against the adoption of the proposed amendment. 1522 "Adirondack," pseud. Extending state owner- ship in the Adirondack park. Woods & Wat, Spring 1903. 6:no.l:14-15. illus. 1523 Paige, Charles L. Preserves and wild lands. For & Stream, July 25, 1903. 61:64-65. On right of individuals and clubs to own land in the Forest Preserve. Answer to letters in the July 4 issue (Didymus and Spears). 1524 Wolcott, W.E. Camps on state lands. For & Stream, Sept. 19, 1903. 61:223. Policy of state toward those who have erected camps on state land in the Adirondacks. 1525 State ownership of lands within the Adiron- dacks demanded by the people. Woods & Wat, Autumn 1903. 6:no.3:17-19. 1526 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. The Adirondack park: a sketch of the origin, romantic charms and the practical uses of the Adirondack park, and some rea- sons for the acquisition of land and reforesta- tion by the State of New York. N.Y. 1903. 32p. illus. (Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks. Publication no. 4.) Donald- son lists E.H. Hall as author. Reprinted in Amateur Sportsman, Sept. -Dec. 1903, 29:no. 5:14, 29; 29:no.6:14-15; 30:no.l:13, 30; 30: no.2:8-9. 1527 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Letter to the New York Legislature relating to the Lewis water storage commis- sion bill, Apr. 1 6, 1 903. N.Y. n.d. 1 p. 1 528 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. A plea for the Adirondack and Cat- skill parks. N.Y. 1903. 30p. (Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks. Publica- tion no.3.) 1529 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Adirondack committee. Report. . .April 16, 1903. Albany, 1903. 19p. Assembly docu- ment 46, 1903. 1530 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. Circular letter. Protest against the Lewis water storage commission bill and urging the adoption of the Stevens substitute bill prepared by the Board of trade and trans- portation. N.Y. 1903. 2 leaves. 1531 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. To the editor of the N.Y. Times. N.Y. 1903. 3p. Opposing the Water Storage Com- mission bill. 1532 1895-1914 67 New York. Board of trade and transportation. The water storage humbug: the amended Lewis bill a bad measure; the Stevens bill, Assembly 1766, commended. N.Y. 1903. 6p. Copy in the New York Public Library. 1533 Adirondack forests. For & Stream, Jan. 16, 1904. 62:41. Editorial on hearing of Legisla- tive Committee on Adirondack Forests. 1534 Stanton, Sanford E. Preserve Adirondack forests. Recreation, Feb. 1904. 20:152-53. 1535 Remodeling New York's forest policy. Situa- tion at Albany and extracts from the report of the special committee of the Senate on the future policy of the state in relation to the Adirondacks and forest preservation. For & Irng, Mar. 1904. 10:119-23. 1536 Prospective legislation at Albany. For & Irrig, Apr. 1904. 10:147. Includes measures affecting the Forest Preserve. 1537 "Adirondack," pseud. New York's great forest and mountain park for the people. Woods & Wat, Spring 1904. 7:no.l :10-11. 1538 Forest legislation in New York ; important amendments to the tire law, boundaries of the Adirondack and Catskill park defined, proposed amendment of constitution. For & /rn^, June 1904. 10:273-78. 1539 "Adirondack," pseud. State land purchases in the Adirondack park. Woods & Wat, Sum- mer 1904. 7:no.2:15-16. 1540 "Adirondack," pseud. Protection of the Adi- rondacks ■ — great state policy. Woods & Wat, Autumn 1904. 7:no.3:21-22. 1541 New York (state). Governor (Benjamin B. Odell Jr.). Cornell school of forestry; Forest preserve. In his Public papers, 1904. Albany, 1907. p.15-18. Reprinted in Forest and Stream, Jan. 16, 1904, 62:47. Lincoln 10:605-8. 1542 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Special committee of the Assembly on the Adirondacks. Report. . .April 13, 1904. Al- bany, 1904. lip. Assembly document 60, 1904. 1543 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Report of the special committee. . .on ^ the future policy of the state in relation to the Adiron- dacks and forest preservation. Transmitted to the Legislature February 24, 1904. Albany, 1904. 14p. folded map. Senate document 28, 1904. 1544 Danger to Adirondack forest reserve. Sport Rev, Mar. 4, 1905. 27:229. Editorial on reso- lution before the Legislature to permit re- moval of dead timber. 1545 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Adirondack timber thieving. For & Stream, Mar. 25, 1905. 64:234. Letters to Governor Frank W. Higgins on selling timber from state lands. 1546 Adirondack timber thieves. For & Stream, Mar. 25, 1905. 64:229. Editorial on charges of the Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks, implicating Commissioner Middleton and Chief Protector Pond. 1547 Spears, Raymond Smiley. The Adirondack park. For & Stream, Apr. 22, 1905. 64:315. Boundaries of the park. 1548 The Adirondack timber investigation. For & Stream, May 6, 1905. 64:349. Editorial on selling timber from Adirondack state lands. 1549 Adirondack timber stealing. For & Stream, May 6, 1905. 64:358. Selling timber on for- est land in the Preserve. 1550 A betrayal of trust. For & Stream, Sept. 2, 1905. 65:185. Editorial on charges of Ray- mond S. Spears that state lands near Amper- sand Pond have been sold. 1551 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Selling Adiron- dack state lands. For & Stream, Sept. 2, 1905. 65:187-88. Illegal sale of state lands. See also no. 1558. 1552 Adirondack state land sales. For & Stream, Sept. 16, 1905. 65:237. See no.l552. 1553 The Adirondack lands. For & Stream, Sept. 23, 1905. 65:245. Editorial on investigation of Adirondack state land sales. See no. 1552. 1554 Adirondack state lands. For & Stream, Sept. 23, 1905. 65:248. Series of three articles on Commissioner Whipple's investigation of land sale irregularities. 1555 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack state lands. For & Stream, Oct. 14, 1905. 65:308- 9. For additional statement about illegal state land sales see no.l552. 1556 Adirondack land sales. For & Stream, Nov. 11, 1905. 65:385. Editorial on Commissioner Whipple's investigation; see also no. 1552. 1557 Whipple, James Spencer. Adirondack state land sales. For & Stream, Nov. 11, 1905. 65: 388-89. Commissioner Whipple's answer to Raymond S. Spears (no. 1552). 1558 The Deckhand, pseud. Raymond S. Spears and Adirondack lands. For & Stream, Nov. 18, 1905. 65:419. Comments on controversy between R.S. Spears and Commissioner Whipple. 1559 Juvenal, pseud. Adirondack conditions. For & Stream, Nov. 18, 1905. 65:406. State lands /problem and general conditions. 1560 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack state lands. For & Stream, Nov. 18, 1905. 65:408-9. 68 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Reply to Commissioner Whipple (no. 1558). 1561 Cristaboro, Charles. Strenuous game war- denship. For & Stream, Dec. 9, 1905. 65:473. Burnham's razing of camps located illegally on state lands. 1562 Save the Adirondacks. Outlook, Dec. 30, 1905. 81:1053-54. Editorial calling attention to spoliation of the Adirondack forests by lum- bering operations. 1563 New York (state). Forest, fish and game commission. List of lands in the Forest pre- serve, 1905. Albany, 1905. 394p. Supplement to the 10th Annual Report. 1564 New York (state). Governor (Frank Higgins). Message to the Legislature concerning the state's Forest preserve. In his Public papers, 1905. Albany, 1906. p.47-52. Lincoln 10: 753-57. 1565 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Adirondack committee. Report. . .April 11, 1905. Albany, 1905. 20p. Assembly docu- ment 31, 1905. Extract in Forest and Stream, May 6, 1905, 64:355, with title "The Adi- rondacks and Lake George." 1566 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. Increased water supply for greater New York. . . A state water commission and a New York city water supply com- mission advocated. N.Y. 1 905. 8p. 1 567 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. "Lumber thieves in the people's for- ests." N.Y. 1905. 1 leaf. Signed: Edmund Philo Martin. Approving recommendation of Governor Higgins and urging him to re- lieve from office officials through whose neg- lect lumber was cut or removed from state lands, and urging passage of amendment to the law to compel prosecution of trespasses and theft. 1568 Adirondack cottage sites. For & Stream, Feb. 17, 1906. 66:266. Report of Camp-Fire Club meeting reprinted from the Jamestown {N.Y.) Morning Post. Includes resume of J.S. Whip- ple's speech recommending that the state lease camp sites. 1569 Squatters to be fired. Field & S, Feb. 1906. 10:1059. Buildings on state lands near Ra- quette Lake to be torn down. 1570 Protection of Adirondack forests. Sh & Fish, Apr. 12, 1906. 40:5. Editorial approving bill for purchase of forest lands. 1571 Carl, David. The Adirondack forest again. For & Stream, Aug. 4, 1906. 67:170-71. Against the storage project. 1572 Adirondack preservation. For & Stream, Oct. 6, 1906. 67:533. Part of Democratic party platform. 1573 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. Adirondack storage reservoirs. "In answer to criticism." St No Mo, Nov. 1906. l:no.7:5-9. illus. 1574 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. The Adirondack appropriation bill of 1906. Reasons why the state should make liberal provision for extending the Forest preserve within the Adirondack. . .and Cat- skill parks. . . N.Y. 1906. 19p. (Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks. Pub- lication no.6.) 1575 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Letter Apr. 21, 1906 on concurrent resolution proposing amendment to section 7 of article VII. N.Y. 1906. 2p. 1576 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Adirondack committee. Report. . .April 3, 1906. Albany, 1906. 13p. Assembly document 57, 1906. 1577 To flood Adirondack lands. For & Stream, Jan. 19, 1907. 68:87. Editorial showing the dangers of the water storage project. 1578 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. To his excellency the Governor. St No Mo, Jan. 1907. 1 :no.9:5-12. Editorial on the need of a law to prevent cutting. 1579 Fighting to preserve Adirondack forests. Sport Rev, Feb. 9, 1907. 31:149. Short edito- rial on Merritt resolution to flood Adiron- dack lands. 1580 Storage reservoirs in the Adirondacks. Out- look, Feb. 9, 1907. 85:292-93. Editorial op- posing proposed amendment to N.Y.S. Con- stitution permitting Adirondack state lands to be used as a storage reservoir. 1581 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. The rape of the moun- tains. St No Mo, Feb. 1907. l:no.lO:5-9. In favor of storage reservoirs. 1582 The Adirondack forest reserve in danger. Outlook, Mar. 16, 1907. 85:589-90. Against the water storage bill. 1583 Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. The Adirondacks. Outlook, Mar. 16, 1907. 85:624-25. Letter to the editor giving argument for exploiting valuable features of the Adirondacks; article on p.867, "Water Storage Grab," and letter by Samuel F. Adam, p. 625-26. See also nos. 1581 and 1583. 1584 The Adirondack water grab. Field & S, Mar. 1907. 11:1042. 1585 The Merritt resolution. For & Irrig, Mar. 1907. 13:117—18. Various opinions on dams for storage of water in the Adirondacks. 1586 The protection of the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Apr. 20, 1907. 68:615. Includes a letter opposing the flooding of state lands signed by E.H. Hall, Secretary of the Asso- ciation for the Protection of the Adiron- 1895-1914 69 dacks, and a report of the 6th annual meet- ing of the Association. 1587 Bills that should be passed. For & Stream, May 18, 1907. 68:767. Editorial on bills affecting the Adirondacks. 1588 The Fuller-O'Brian water power bill. St No Mo, May 1907. 2:8-12. map. 1589 Parker, Clarence L. Who's who in the water storage deal? St No A/o, June 1907. 2:121-27. 1590 Parker, Clarence L. Legislative results. For & Stream, ]n\y 6, 1907. 69:15. Includes the de- feat of Merritt-O'Neil resolution commonly called "water storage grab." 1591 Parker, Clarence L. The water question. St No Mo, Aug. 1907. 2:275-79. 1592 Another Adirondack forest grab. For & Irrig, Sept. 1907. 13:462-63. Plan to have county supervisors lay out roads through the Adi- rondacks stopped by Attorney-General Jack- son. 1593 Schwartz, G. Frederick. The Adirondacks are a park, not a timber reserve. . . For & Irrig, Nov. 1907. 13:601. Letter in answer to article in Sept. issue on efforts to overcome the law against cutting in the Forest Pre- serve. In favor of wild lands. 1594 Agar, John Giraud. Paper read at the con- vention called by the Albany chamber of commerce. . .March 14, 1907, to consider the pending constitutional amendment relat- ing to the construction of dams and the stor- age of waters on the Forest preserve for pub- lic purposes. N.Y. 1907. 32p. (Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks. Pub- lication no. 12.) 1595 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. A brief review of the depredations upon the Adirondack forests accomplished or attempted during the past few years, with reference to the proposed amendment to sec- tion 7 of article VII of the constitution. To- gether with a statement by Governor Hughes of his attitude, letters from prominent citi- zens, and the action of the People's institute of New York. N.Y. 1907. 20p. illus. (Asso- ciation for the Protection of the Adirondacks. Publication no. 9.) 1596 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. The conservation of the waters and woods of the State of New York. An address . . .in favor of a comprehensive plan of water storage, and appropriations for extending the Forest preserve and replanting. N.Y. 1907. 15p. (Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks. Publication no. 15.) 1597 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. The Legislature of the State of New York for 1907. N.Y. 1907. 7p. (Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks. Pub- lication no. 10.) 1598 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. A letter to the members of the Legis- lature of the State of New York for 1907 concerning the proposed amendment to sec- tion 7 of article VII of the constitution relat- ing to the Forest preserve. N.Y. 1907. 16p. (Association for the Protection of the Adi- rondacks. Publication no.8.) Includes reprint of letter from the New York Evening Post, by R.S.S. (probably Raymond Smiley Spears) entitled "Peril of the Adirondacks." Water storage bill. 1599 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Tinkering with the constitution. Some reasons why the proposed amendment. . . should not be adopted; together with letters from Charles Sprague Smith of the People's institute of New York and Dr. Walter B. James on the subject. N.Y. 1907. 12p. (Asso- ciation for the Protection of the Adirondacks. Publication no. 1 1 . ) 1 600 Graves, Henry Solon. Address. . .at the Amer- ican museum of natural history. . .April 25, 1907, giving reasons why the constitution of the State ofNew York should not be amended so as to permit water storage in the Adiron- dack park. N.Y. 1907. lOp. (Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks. Publica- tion no. 14.) 1601 New York. Board of trade and transportation. A bill for water power development intro- duced by Senator Fuller and Assemblyman John Lord O'Brian. An act authorizing the state Water power commission to devise plans for progressive development under state management and control and making an appropriation therefor. N.Y. 1907. 4p. 1602 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. The water storage schemes to enrich the schemer. N.Y. 1907. 7p. 1603 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. Committee on forests. The pending con- stitutional amendment relating to the state Forest preserve. Argument against proposed amendment to article seven, section VII of the state constitution introduced by Assem- blyman Merritt. N.Y. 1907. 8p. Addressed to the Legislature. Signed by Edmund P. Martin. 1604 Whipple, James Spencer. Value of the woods. Amat Sportsman, Mar. 1908. 38:no.5:12-13. An address before the N.Y.S. Legislature on need for more land in Adirondacks and Cat- skills. 1605 Railways and forest fires. For & Stream, Oct. 17, 1908. 71:607. Editorial on suggestion of the Fish and Game Commission that rail- 70 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE roads use a fuel other than coal in Adiron- dacks. 1606 New York (state). Governor (Charles E. Hughes). Forest preserves and game laws. In his Public papers, 1908. Albany, 1909. p.31-33. 1607 Necessity of protecting Adirondacks and Catskills. Sport Rev, Aug. 14, 1909. 36:159. Discussion at meeting of Northeastern State Foresters and directors of American Forestry Association. 1608 New York (state). Conservation commission. List of lands in the Forest preserve, 1909. Albany, 1909. 440p. Supplement to the Commission's 14th Annual Report. 1609 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Report of the special committee on the policy of the state in relation to the Adirondacks for forest preservation, and the shellfish industry. Al- bany, 1909. 9p. Senate document 37, 1909. 1610 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. Water storage in the N.Y. state Forest preserve. A proposed constitutional amend- ment that would make it practicable and safe. N.Y. 1909. 4p. 1611 Whipple, James Spencer. Commissioner Whipple's report. For & Stream, Jan. 22, 1910. 74:136-37. 1612 Water conservation in New York state. Sci Am, Feb. 12, 1910. 102:138. Editorial on the water storage project. 1613 Carl, David. Flooding the Adirondack park. For & Stream, Mar. 19, 1910. 74:456. Against the storage project. 1614 Carl, David. Exploiting the Forest preserve. For & Stream, Mar. 26, 1910. 74:493-94. Opposing the leasing of camp sites. 1615 Commercializing the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Apr. 16, 1910. 74:618. Opposing water storage project. 1616 Public parks for private use. For & Stream, Apr. 16, 1910. 74:607. Short editorial oppos- ing private camp sites and new dam con- struction. 1617 Governor Hughes' policy of water conserva- tion. McClure, Apr. 1910. 34:703-4. Storage reservoirs. 1618 The Merritt bill. Ang & Hunt, Apr. 1910. 2:207—8. For development of electrical power in the Adirondacks. 1619 Carl, David. The poor man's woods and the rich man's dams. For & Stream, May 7, 1910. 74:733-34. Opposing the building of dams in the Adirondacks. 1620 New York. Am For, May 1910. 16:311. News from the states; Robert W. Higbie urges pur- chase of 1,000,000 acres of Adirondack land. 1621 The state land scandal. Ang & Hunt, Sept. 1910. 2:504. Reprint of editorials from sev- eral papers. 1622 Hendrickson, John H. Abolish the Forest, fish and game commission. Ang & Hunt, Oct. 1910. 2:509-10. 1623 New York (state). Forest, fish and game commission. List of lands in the Forest pre- serve purchased 1866-1909. Albany, 1910? 263p. 1624 New York (state). Governor (Charles E. Hughes). The Forest preserve. In his Public papers, 1910. Albany, 1910. p.19-22. 1625 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. The water storage bills. N.Y. 1910. 4p. Report on bills introduced by Senator Cobb and Assemblyman Fowler developing a plan for water storage within and outside the Forest Preserve. 1626 Parker, Clarence L. Letting dogs into the woods. For & Stream, Mar. 25, 1911. 76:98. Opposes two bills that would permit use of dogs in the Adirondacks. 1627 Pinchot to inspect the Adirondacks. Field & S, Sept. 1911. 16:455. 1628 Hands off the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Dec. 9, 1911. 77:844. Editorial opposing Pinchot's proposals for scientific forestry (no.l632). 1629 Spears, Eldridge A. The Adirondacks. For & Stream, Dec. 16, 1911. 11:%11). Comments unfavorably on article by GifTord Pinchot in Forest and Stream, Dec. 9, 1911 (no. 1632). 1630 Spears, Raymond Smiley. The Adirondacks. For & Stream, Dec. 23, 1911. 77:903. Com- ments on Pinchot's article in Forest and Stream, Dec. 9, 1911 (no. 1632) and approves edito- rial "Hands Off" (no. 1629) in the same issue. 1631 Pinchot, GifTord. Forest conservation in the Adirondacks. N.Y. 1911. lOp. Caption title. Unsigned. Report prepared on behalf of the National Conservation Association for the Camp-Fire Club, of America. Also in Forest and Stream, Dec. 9, 1911, 77:837-39, 856, with title "Pinchot on the Adirondack Prob- lem"; in Field and Stream, ]a.n. 1912, 16:949- 55, with title "The Adirondack Forest Prob- lem"; and in American Forestry, Jan. 1912, 18:51-59, with title "The Adirondack Prob- lem." 1632 Snyder, O.L. The importance of the pres- ervation of the Adirondack forests. In New York state waterways association. 2d annual convention, 1911. p.39-41. 1633 1915-1937 71 Pinchot, Gifford. Public or pri\'ate interests? Outlook, Mar. 30, 1912. 100:729-31. A plea for forest conservation in the Adirondacks. 1634 Pettis, Clifford Robert. Possible advantage to the State of New York by opening the Forest preserves. Soc Am For Proc, July 1913. 8:197-201. Reviews legislation concerning the Forest Preserve. Correct construction of tlie Constitution not the best treatment of the Preserve. 1635 The forestry amendment. For & Stream, Nov. 1, 1913. 81:560. Editorial opposing amend- ment that would permit the building of dams and reservoirs in the Forest Preserve. 1636 The Adirondack Forest preserve. Am Scenic & Hist Pres Soc, 1913. 18:224-43. Includes life of Paul Smith. 1637 Baldwin, Arthur J. The right of eminent domain and its relation to water storage. In New York state waterways association. 4th annual convention, 1913. p. 36-40. Approval of Burd amendment. 1638 Hornaday, William Temple. Our vanishing wild life; its extermination and preservation. N.Y. Scribner, 1913. 411 p. illus. maps. The Adirondack State Park, p.347-48. 1639 Pettis, Clifford Robert. Benefits to be derived if use of Forest preserve were permitted. Emp St For Prod Assn Proc, 1913. 8:60-66. 1640 Smith, Edward North. The interest of north- ern New York in water storage. In New York state waterways association. 4th annual con- vention, 1913. p. 108-13. Approval of Burd amendment. 1641 Gaylord, Frederick Alan. The forestry situa- tion in New York. Field & S, Aug. 1914. 19: 426. Discussion of suggested reforms for Adi- rondacks and Catskills. 1642 Gaylord, Frederick Alan. A reply to certain statements relative to the state Forest pre- serve. NTS For Assn Bui, Oct. 1914, l:no.2: 31-39. Forester's reply to an article in the March 1913 Board oj Trade Journal. 1643 Goldthwaite, Kenneth W. Constitutional amendment affecting the Adirondacks. NTS For Assn Bui, Oct. 1914. 1 :no.2:40-41. Re- printed from the Adirondack Enterprise. 1 644 Ordway, Samuel Hanson. The forestry pro- visions of the New York state constitution. NTS For Assn Bui, Oct. 1914. 1 :no.2: 18-20. Lists changes that should be made. 1645 Toumey, James William. State forest admin- istration with particular reference to the State of New York. NTS For Assn Bui, Oct. 1914. l:no.2:5-10. illus. Plan for state forest service. On proposed amendment permitting cutting in the Forest Preserve. 1646 Smith, Thomas M. Keep the Adirondacks intact. Field & S, Nov. 1914. 19:759-60. Opposing amendments to the Constitution. 1647 Agar, John Giraud. Revision of the state constitution. State policy of forest and water power conservation. An address. . .at the annual meeting of the Academy of political science. . .November 20, 1914. N.Y. 1914. 23p. (Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks. Publication no. 24.) 1648 New York (state). Conservation commission. List of lands in the Forest preserve, January 1, 1914. Albany, 1914. 503p. Appendix to the 3d Annual Report. 1649 1915-1937 Chapman, Herman Haupt. The crisis in New York. Am For, Mar. 1915. 21:168-71. Plan to reorganize the Conservation Commission and give it control of the Forest Preserve. 1650 Graves, Henry Solon. The Adirondacks. Field & S, Mar. 1915. 19:1154-56. Address before the American Forestry Association. 1651 Protect the Adirondack wilderness. Field & S,]u\y 1915. 20:301. Work of the Camp-Fire Club of America. Reprinted from the New York Evening World. 1652 Rhees, Rush. Sale of lands outside the Adi- rondack and Catskill parks. NTS For Assn J, Oct. 1915. 2:no.4:28-29. Land outside the Park but within the Preserve. 1653 Whipple, James Spencer. The best use of the Forest preserve by the whole people. NTS For Assn J, Oct. 1915. 2:no.4:14-16. 1654 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. Hon. Elihu Root, president, Constitu- tional convention, Albany, N.Y. N.Y. 1915. 2 leaves. Dated August 17, 1915. Signed: P.F. Schofield. Protest against proposal to estab- lish a conservation commission of nine mem- bers. 1655 Pettis, Clifford Robert. Resources of the Forest preserve. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1915. 72 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE 41 p. diagrs. (New York State Conservation Commission. Division of Land and Forests. Bulletin 12.) 1656 Pettis, Clifford Robert. Forest provisions of New York state constitution. For Quar, Mar. 1916. 14:50-60. 1657 Van Norden, Ottomar H. Shall we com- mercialize our parks? NTS For Assn J, Oct. 1916. 3:no.2-4:15-18. 1658 W., J.D. A wide-open preserve. For & Stream, Oct. 1916. 86:1215. Permits for open camps. 1659 For New York forest lands. Am For, Nov. 1916. 22:674. 1660 New York to buy forests. Am For, Dec. 1916. 22:723. 1661 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. . . .To members. . . n.p. n.d. Ip. Letter dated Oct. 16, 1916, on "Proposition no. one." 1662 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Bond issue for Forest preserve exten- sion. N.Y. 1916. Ip. Press release dated May 29, 1916. 1663 Hugo, Francis M. On Forest preserve. Emp St For Prod Assn Proc, 1916. 11:57-68. 1664 New York state Forest preserve. Am Scenic & Hist Pres Sac, 1916. 21:282-93. See also 22d Annual Report, 1917, p.311-23. 1665 Hopkins, Arthur S. New lands in the Forest preserve. Conservationist, }u\y 1917. 1:99-102. illus. Buying lands from individuals. 1 666 Pratt, George DuPont. Saving the forests and wild life; fascination of the primeval woods and how New York is conserving them for the benefit of all the people — immense area of Forest preserve. State Service, Aug. 1917. l:no. 1:32-37. illus. port. 1667 Sweet, Thaddeus C. Constitution causes loss of trees. Speaker Sweet pleads for change in organic law in the interest of the Forest pre- serve. Public losing use of immense tracts of timber. State Service, Sept. 1917. 1 :no. 2:70-72. port, tables. 1668 Agar, John Giraud. State policy of land pur- chase for the Forest preserve. Emp St For Prod Assn Proc, 1917. 12:105-18. 1669 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. . . .Land purchase for the Forest pre- serve. Suggestion for a state policy. The Lake Placid situation. N.Y. 1917. 16p. (Associa- tion for the Protection of the Adirondacks. Publication no.28.) 1670 Pratt, George DuPont. Adding to the state Forest preserve; enormous tract in Adiron- dacks and Catskills being acquired; area includes vast wilderness of forest, lake and mountain. State Service, Oct. 1918. 2:no.lO: 47-50. 1671 Additions to the Forest preserve. Conserva- tionist, Nov. 1918. 1:170. Report on progress in buying additional lands with funds made available through the bond issue of 1917. 1672 Increasing the Forest preserve by private gift. Conservationist, Dec. 1918. 1:189. Dona- tion of the Shore Owners' Association of Lake Placid to buy the slopes of Mackenzie and Saddleback. 1673 Pratt, George DuPont. Forest conservation in New York; the Forest preserve is owned col- lectively by all the people of the state. Nat Hist, Jan. 1919. 19:84-103. illus. map. 1674 Pettis, Clifford Robert. Public use of the Forest preserve. Conservationist, May 1919. 2:67-71. Rules. 1675 Results of the bond issue. Conservationist, Sept. 1919. 2:140-41. Report on lands bought through the bond issue. 1676 New York. Am For, Nov. 1919. 25:1495-96. News from the states. Purchase of Santa Clara Lumber Company tract in Township 27, Franklin County. 1677 New York (state). Conservation commission. Registration of guides in the Forest preserve counties of New York state. Rules and regu- lations. Albany, 1919. 15p. 1678 Carlisle, John Nelson. Wants lumbering in Forest preserve; former state official would repeal prohibitory provisions in constitution and permit cutting of mature timber regu- lated by a special board. State Service, Mar. 1920. 4:231-34. illus. 1679 Whipple, James Spencer. Opposes lumbering in Forest preserve; great wooded tracts in the Adirondacks and Catskills should be main- tained in their natural state undisturbed by the lumberman. State Service, Apr. 1920. 4: 346-50. illus. 1680 Getman, Anson. Title to forest lands. Con- servationist, Nov. 1920. 3:166-68. Problems that arise in searching titles. 1681 New York (state). Conservation commission. List of lands in the Forest preserve. Mar. 20, 1920. Albany, 1920. 320p. Legislative docu- ment 84, 1920. Appendix to the 1919 Annual Report. 1682 State Forest preserve. Am Scenic & Hist Pres 5'oc, 1920. 25:301-8. 1683 Hall, Edward Hagaman. Ill-considered water power bills. NTS Assn St Bui, Apr. 1, 1921. l:no.7:6. 1684 Addition to the state forest. State Service, Oct.- Nov. 1921. 5:631. illus. Gore around Lake Golden. 1685 1915-1937 73 Conservation in New York. Survey, Nov. 12, 1921. 47:236-37. Editorial on curtailment of service of the Conservation Commission, espe- cially for fire protection. Includes tribute to George D. Pratt. 1686 An important acquisition. Conservationist, Nov. 1921. 3:169. Lake Golden gore purchased from the Mclntyre Iron Company. 1687 New York (state). Commission to investigate the title to lands in counties containing parts of tlie Forest preserve. Report. Albany, 1921. 20p. Legislative document 37, 1 921 . 1688 State regulation of private forests. Emp St For Prod Assn Bui, May 1922. 14:7-8. Discussion of bill controlling forests on private lands in the Adirondacks. Text of the bill and further discussion in issue for Mar. 1923, 16:1-4. 1689 Carpenter, Warwick Stevens. Mountain slope protection and recreational development in the Adirondacks. Albany, Argus co. 1922. 24p. plate, map. Contains memorial to the Adirondack Mountain Club urging the Club to endorse the program outlined in this publi- cation. For action of the Club see High Spots, Dec. 1922, "Committee Majority Rejects Carpenter Memorial-Motion." 1690 New York (state). Conservation commission. Registered guides in the New York state Forest preserve and St. Lawrence reserva- tion. Albany, 1922. 14p. front. Also issued in 1920. 1691 New York state association. Committee on the state park plan. A state park plan for New York, with a proposal for the new park bond issue. N.Y. Brown printing & binding co. 1922. 83p.illus. maps. 1692 The state park bond issue bill is introduced. NTS Assn St Bui, Jan. 22, 1923. 3:no.2:6. Suggests $5,000,000 to purchase additional land for the Forest Preserve. 1 693 Unified park plan for New York state, more land asked for Adirondacks, Catskills and Finger lakes, Alleghany park and other pleas- ure grounds need more money for develop- ment. State Service, }a.n.-Y eh. 1923. 7:24-28. Ulus. 1694 What the press says about the state park bond issue bill, some editorial comments. NTS Assn St Bui, Feb. 19, 1923. 3:no.4:3-ll. (Supp.) 1695 Hearing on park and conservation bill. NTS Assn St Bui, Mar. 21, 1923. 3:no.6:3. 1696 Parks and conservation. NTS Assn St Bui, Apr. 3, 1923. 3:no.7:3. Discussion of bill before the Legislature. 1697 A forum on the proposed waterpower amend- ment. NT Forestry, July 1923.9 :78-90. 1 698 Preserve the Forest preserve. Outlook, Oct. 17, 1923. 135:258-59. Opposition to constitu- tional amendment allowing the building of hydroelectric plants in the Forest Preserve. 1699 Forest reserves in the State of New York. Science, Nov. 2, 1923. n.s.58:344. Resolution of the Executive Board of the American Engi- neering Council of the Federated American Engineering Societies approving use of timber in the Adirondack and Catskill preserves. For letter opposing see Van Name, W.G. "New York State Forest," in issue for Nov. 30, 1923,n.s.58:444. 1700 Waugh, Frank A. Conservation ad absurdum. Sci Mo, Nov. 1923. 17:498-505. illus. Pro- fessional forester's views on Section 7, Article VII, of New York state Constitution. Excerpts appeared in Empire State Forest Products Asso- ciation Bulletin, Jan. 1924, 18:10-11. 1701 Committee to prevent the exploitation of the Adirondacks. The Adirondack raid: an ad- dress to the voters of the State of New York. N.Y. 1923? 15p. illus. 1702 Committee to prevent the exploitation of the Adirondacks. Governor Smith opposes the Adirondack raid. N.Y. 1923. 4p. Unpaged leaflet. Letter to John G. Agar. 1703 New York (state). Governor (Alfred E. Smith). Message recommending the adoption of pro- gram for the development of state parks, April 18, 1923. In his Public papers, 1923. Albany, 1924. p.181-88. Includes mention of bill to extend the "blue line" and Lake George Park. 1704 Recknagel, Arthur Bernard. The forests of New York state. N.Y. Macmillan, 1923. 107p. front, plates, tables. The Forest Preserve from the forester's point of view. 1 705 State regulation of private forests in the Adi- rondack park. Albany, New York state asso- ciation, 1923. 8p. Supplement to the State Bulletin, V.3, no.5, Mar. 5, 1923. 1706 Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon. A forest policy of New York. Am For, June 1924. 30:349-50. 1707 New York (state). Governor (Alfred E. Smith). Message on development of state parks j Janu- ary 22, 1924. In his Public papers, 1924. Albany, 1926. p. 189-93. Includes acquisition of land at Lake George. 1708 New York (state). State council of parks. State park bond issue — what the state park bond issue, to be voted on at the November election, will do for you. n.p. 1924. 8p. 1709 New York. State park committee for western & central N.Y. Vote Yes for bond issue for state parks. . .November 4, 1924. Buffalo, N.Y. 1924. 4p. Unpaged leaflet. 1710 74 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE New York state association. Committee on the state park plan. The state park plan for New York revised to show progress to date with the proposal for the new park bond issue; 2d ed. Jan. 1924. n.p. 1924. 96p. illus. maps (partly folded). 1711 State park bond issue. . . n.p. n.pub. 1924? 8p. Vote for the state park bond issue. 1712 Vote for proposition no.l as printed on the official ballot on November 4th, 1924. Play- grounds for the use of all the people, n.p. n.pub. n.d. 20p. illus. Issued by the New York State Council of Parks, Commissioners of the Palisades Interstate Park, Westchester County Park Commission and Long Island State Park Commission. State park bond issue. 1713 New York acquires Tongue mountain penin- sula, ^ot For, Nov. 1925. 31 :697. 1714 Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon. Steps toward a comprehensive forest policy of the State of New York. NT Forestry, 1925. p.32-34. illus. 1715 New York (state). State council of parks. Annual report, 1925. N.Y. 1925. 78p. illus. maps. The only report issued. Transferred to the Conservation Department. Forest Pre- serve region, p. 51-53. 1716 Recknagel, Arthur Bernard. Forest regula- tion without representation; the timberland owner must have a voice in the decisions which affect his forest management. A view- point. NT Forestry, 1925. p. 40-41. Opposes Strauss bill regulating cutting on private timberland in the Adirondacks. 1717 Knox,EarleB. Forest preserves — the people's playground. Field & S, June 1927. 32mo.2: 50-56. illus. Description of the Forest Pre- serve and its administration. 1718 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Rescue the forests; a call for legislation to save the vanishing private forests of New Yorkstate. N.Y. 1927. 15p. 1719 New York (state). Governor (Alfred E. Smith). Forest preserve. Lake George. In his Public papers, 1928. Albany, 1928. p.84. 1720 New York (state). Governor (Alfred E. Smith). Annual message, 1928. In his Public papers, 1928. Albany, 1928. p.82. Includes paragraph on development of the Forest Preserve region. 1721 Hopkins, Arthur S. Bond issues for state forests. J For, Feb. 1929. 27:132-37. Reviews New York state policy. 1 722 Lawyer, George A. Adirondack forestry con- ditions. Up-Stater, Mar. 1929. 1 :no.2:14-15. illus. Approves cutting of timber on state lands. 1723 Lawyer, George A. The Forest preserve and the Adirondack park. Up-Stater, May 1929. l:no.3:10-ll. map. 1724 Lawyer, George A. The Adirondacks, parks and forest. Up-Stater, Sept. 1929. l:no.5:ll. Editorial advocating proper utilization of forest resources, flood prevention and river regulation. 1725 Forest preserve safeguard upheld; section 7, article VII, of New York state constitution successfully invoked to prevent bob-sleigh run on state land. Seen & Hist Am, Mar. 1930. 2:35-36. 1726 The value of the wilderness. Seen & Hist Am, Mar. 1930. 2:42. 1727 Lawyer, George A. Is the Forest preserve a luxury? Up-Stater, May 1930. 2:no.3:6-8, 26-32. 1728 Recknagel, Arthur Bernard. Forest taxation, the Forest preserve and their relation to economic welfare. Up-Stater, May 1930. 2: no.3:19. 1729 Our Forest preserve. Up-Stater, July 1930. 2:no.4:20-21. Reprint of an editorial from the New Tork Evening Post, ]un& 20, 1930. 1730 Carlisle, Floyd Leslie. Mr. Carlisle at Saranac lake. Up-Stater, Sept. 1930. 2:no.5:34, 36. Reprint of editorial on water storage from the Watertown Times, Aug. 27, 1930. 1731 Lawyer, George A. The Forest preserve. Up- Stater, Sept. 1930. 2:no.5:15. 1732 Sane conservation proposals, opposing in- terests establish a basis of agreement for use of the New York state Forest preserve. Up- Stater, Sept. 1930. 2:no.5:8-9. illus. Includes text of speeches from New York State Eco- nomic Congress conference at Lake Placid, July 21, 1930. 1733 New York state development association, inc. The Saranac Lake meeting. The summer meeting. . .at Saranac Lake, August 26, 1930, results in amendment of by-laws regarding the Forest preserve and open discussion by Floyd L. Carlisle of many matters of great interest. Up-Stater, Sept. 1930. 2:no.5:ll-12, 17. 1734 Mulholland, William D. The reforestation amendment. NTS Ranger Sch, 1930. p. 23-24. The Hewitt amendment. 1735 Some aspects of the proposed change in state policy in the Adirondack and Catskill parks. NTS Ranger Sch, 1930. p. 34-36. In favor of forestry practice. 1736 Stanton, E. MacD. and others. Analysis of the tree cutting amendment improperly called the reforestation amendment (Senate no. 2330) 1930. n.p. Forest preserve association, n.d. 1915-1937 75 4p. chart. Signed: E. MacD. Stanton, Richard D. Moot, J.S. Apperson, Irving Langmuir. Earlier edition, undated, 3p. Against the amendment. 1737 Lawyer, George A. The penalty. Up-Stater, Jan. 1931. 3:no.l:9. Editorial criticizing Article VII, Section 7. 1738 Great projects open the Adirondacks; New York state's forest park, largest in the nation, gains noted highway this year. Blue moun- tain and Tongue mountain routes spur the traveler. Motordom, Apr. 1931. 24:no.l0:10- ll.illus. 1739 Largest park. Survey, May 15, 1931. 66:227. map. Adirondack Park. 1740 Adirondack largest public park. Am For, May 1931. 37:309. 1741 The biggest park in America; Adirondacks now passes the Yellowstone in size, 4,604,000 acres of recreation in one of the finest motor- ing regions in the world. Motordom, June 1931. 24:no.l2:9. map. 1742 Howard, William Gibbs. The Hewitt amend- ment. NrSForAssnNL,]nnG 1931. p.3. 1743 New York extends application of Forest tax law and enlarges Adirondack park. For Worker, July 1931. 7:no.4:l. Brief notes on 1930-31 legislation. 1744 Brown, Nelson C. New York at the cross- ways: the people of New York state will vote on a $20,000,000 reforestation plan in November. Am For, Nov. 1931. 37:682-83. Hewitt reforestation plan. 1745 Billboards to be removed from Adirondack park, ^w For, Dec. 1931. 37:762. 1746 Apperson, John S. and others. Comments on the questions and answers appearing in pamphlet distributed by the direction of the New York state reforestation commission on amendment no. 3 to be voted on November 3rd, 1931. Schenectady, N.Y. 1931. 4p. Signed: J.S. Apperson, Irving Langmuir, Richard D. Moot, E. MacD. Stanton. Dated October 9, 1931. Against the tree cutting amendment. 1747 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Defeat the "recreational amendment": protect the natural beauty of our wild forest lands. N.Y. 1931? 4p. Unpaged leaflet. Against Porter-Brereton amendment for the construction of "recreational facilities" in the Forest Preserve. 1748 Dapping, W.O., Rogers, C.S. and Rabenold, Elwood M. Before the people of the State of New York. In the matter of the Hewitt re- forestation amendment. N.Y. New York state fish, game and forest league, 1931. 27p. A memorandum opposing the Hewitt reforesta- tion amendment. 1749 Mohawk valley hiking club. Think — and act. Schenectady, N.Y. 1931? 4p. (Bulletin 2, Educational Series.) Against the Porter- Brereton recreation amendment. 1750 New York (state). Governor (Franklin D. Roosevelt). Statement by the Governor upon signing bill extending area of Adirondack park by including all forest lands desirable for forest and park purposes and insuring preservation. In his Public papers, 1931. Albany, 1937. p. 599-600. 1751 New York state reforestation commission. Vote Yes on proposed amendment no.3, November 3, 1931. Reforestation. . . Albany, n.d. 12p. 1752 Schenectady county conservation council, inc. Commxcrcialization of our state parks. Schenectady, N.Y. 1931? 4p. Unpaged leaf- let. (Bulletin no.3.) Against the recreation amendment. Statement dated Dec. 1931. Signed: J.S. Apperson, Irving Langmuir, E. MacD. Stanton and Richard D. Moot. 1753 Schenectady county conservation council and Mohawk valley towns association conserva- tion committee. Tree cutting with your money. . . Schenectady, N.Y. 1931. 4p. Signed: Dr. R.C. Hill. Against the amend- ment. 1754 Howard, William Gibbs. Forests and parks of the Empire state. Am For, Mar. 1932. 38: 165-68. illus. 1755 Recreation amendment meets opposition. NTS For Assn NL, Apr. 1932. p.5-6. Porter- Brereton resolution. 1756 New York adds 24,000 acres to Forest pre- serve. For Worker, July 1932. 8:no.4:l. Brief announcement of a large addition in the Beaver River area. 1757 Adirondack preserve policy threatened. Am For, Sept. 1932. 38:515. Opposition to the Porter-Brereton recreation amendment. 1758 Important issues. Nature M, Oct. 1932. 20: 186. Proposed amendment to New York state Constitution to permit commercial exploita- tion of the Forest Preserve. 1759 Marshall, Robert. The perilous plight of the Adirondack wilderness. High Spots, Oct. 1932. 9:no.4:3. Recreation amendment. 1760 Two proposals for voters. NTS For Assn NL, Oct. 1932. p.l. Editorial against the Porter- Brereton amendment. 1761 Save the wilderness. Nature M, Nov. 1932. 20:203. Voters in New York asked to throw their Adirondacks and Catskills open to exploitation. 1762 76 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Schaefer, Paul A. Defend the wilderness. Nature M, Nov. 1932. 20:234, 246-47. illus. 1763 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Conserva- tion committee. Commercialization of the Forest preserve, n.p. 1932. 4p. Unpaged leaflet. Should attempt to acquaint people with the dangers attending the passage of the Porter-Brereton recreation amendment. 1764 Camp fire club of America. Committee on conservation and wild life. An Adirondack park plan. . . N.Y. 1932. 3 unnumbered leaves. Copy in Yale University Library. 1765 Carson, Russell Mack Little. Sabbath is for man, not man for the Sabbath. High Spots, Oct. 1933. 10:no. 4:3-5. On the preservation of the wilderness. Balance between use and protection. Comments in High Spots, Jan. 1934, ll:no.l:10-14, by Paul A. Schaefer, Arnold W. Knauth, Samuel N. Spring, Howard Carlson, Godfrey Dewey, Clarence L. Fisher and Robert Marshall. 1766 Rabenold, Elwood M. Tinkering with con- stitution decried. NTS For Assn ML, Nov. 1933. p. 5-6. Summary of speech by president of the Fish, Game and Forest League. 1767 Van Derveer, James D. Camp no. 20, C.C.C. NTS Ranger Sch, 1933. p.35-37. illus. Located atWanakena. 1768 Graves, Henry Solon. A national plan for American forestry. Geog R,]3.n. 1934. 24:129- 33. New York's Forest Preserve a pioneer in state forest policy, p. 131. 1769 Howard, William Gibbs. The Civilian con- servation corps and the forests. Bui Schools, Apr. 2, 1934. 20:164-67. plates. Results of first half year of C.C.C. work in forestry, con- servation work and trails. 1770 Van Derveer, James D. Camp S-84, CCC, on the Ranger school forest. NTS Ranger Sch, 1934. p.35-37. illus. 1771 Marshall, Robert. Fallacies in Osborne's position: an open letter to the Conservation commissioner of New York. Liv Wild, Sept. 1935. no. 1:4-5. Truck trails in the Adiron- dacks. 1772 Torrey, Raymond Hezekiah. Truck trails in the Adirondacks. Liv Wild, Sept. 1935. no.l: 3, 5. On problems brought up by the unau- thorized use of truck trails. 1773 Houghton, Augustus H. Why the Adirondack park? High Spots, Oct. 1935. 12:no.4:19-23. 1774 Howard, William Gibbs. C.C.C. work on the New York state Forest preserve. High Spots, Oct. 1935. 12:no.4:9-13. 1775 Torrey, Raymond Hezekiah. ''Truck trails" in the Forest preserve. High Spots, Oct. 1935. 12:no.4:17-18. 1776 Yard, Robert Sterling. Statement to the Trails conference of the Adirondack moun- tain club at Albany, October 4, 1935. High Spots, Oct. 1935. 12:no.4:15-17. 1777 Wild lands. J For, Nov. 1935. 23:893-95. Editorial on New York state's policy with a short history of the Forest Preserve. 1778 Osborne, Lithgow. Truck trails in the Adi- rondack Forest preserve, by Lithgow Osborne. Comments on Commission's truck trail pol- icy, by Robert Marshall. Am For, Jan. 1936. 42:3-6. illus. Also published separately, 1936, 8p. 1779 Committee reports on Adirondack truck trails. Am For, Mar. 1936. 42:130. 1780 Torrey, Raymond Hezekiah. Adirondack truck trails stopped. Liv Wild, Nov. 1936. no.2:15. 1781 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. To the members of the Association — four documents of importance in connection with current developments in relation to the Association objectives in protecting the wil- derness character of the New York Forest preserve. N.Y. 1936. 17 folios. 1782 Foote, James A. Position of the Wilderness society on proposed ski trails in the Adiron- dack park. n.p. Ski committee of New York state trails conference, inc. 1936. 4p. Address advocating a plan that "will prove a happy medium between the needs of the winter skier and the demands of the summer hiker" and that can be carried out without amend- ing the state Constitution. 1783 Illick, Joseph S. Significant forestry trends in New York state. J For, May 1937. 35:452-59. Short history of Forest Preserve showing con- nection between forestry and parks. 1784 Howard, William Gibbs. New York state's Forest preserve policy. J For, Aug. 1937. 35: 762-68. 1785 Gibbs, John T. Speech. . .from Adirondack loj at the Mt. Marcy centenary celebration. . . High Spots, Dec. 1937. 14:no.4:20-22. Brief remarks on the Forest Preserve. 1786 Apperson, John S. Minority report on fire truck trails. Schenectady, N.Y. Forest pre- serve association of New York state, inc. 1937. 4p. Letter to Lithgow Osborne, Conservation Commissioner; report of Governor Lehman's committee inspecting fire truck trails. Fire truck trails not needed if principal cause of forest fires is removed. 1787 Schenectady county conservation council, inc. Wild charm of the Adirondacks being 1938-1955 77 destroyed. Schenectady, N.Y. 1937. 6p. Ex- change of letters between Secretary of the Council and the Conservation Department. On construction of new ranger's cabin at Lake Golden. 1788 1938-1955 Foote, James A. The Adirondacks — keep themwild.Aa/Pa7Ax,Junel938.no.65:13-14. 1789 Burnham, John Bird. The future of the Adi- rondack state park. Nat Parks, Dec. 1938. no.66:26. 1790 New York (state). Committee on conserva- tion of the natural resources of the state. Public hearing, June 23, 1938 (on Adiron- dack forests). Albany, 1938. 143p. Mimeo- graphed. 1791 Osborne, Lithgow. The Adirondack park and the New York state Forest preserve. Nat Parks, Nov. 1939. no.67:6-9. 1792 Forest preserve association of New York state, inc. George Foster Peabody memorial committee. Report, n.p. n.pub. 1939. 4p. illus. Unpaged leaflet. Gift of French Point (on Lake George) to the state as memorial to G.F. Peabody. 1793 Osborne, Lithgow. New York state parks. Bui Schools, Mar. 1940. 26:231-33. iHus. In- cludes the Forest Preserve. 1794 The collection of a daily fee proposed for use of improved and supervised recreational areas in the Adirondack and Catskill parks. NTS ForAssnNL, Apr. 1940. p.5-6. 1795 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Adiron- dacks — a national park? Cloud Splitter, June 1940. 3:no.5:l. Editorial on Senator Mead's bill to establish an Adirondack national park. 1796 Burton, Harold B. "Pro" Whiteface. Cloud Splitter, Feb. 1941. 4:no.2:10. Whiteface ski amendment. 1797 Hudowalski, Edward C. "Con" Whiteface. Cloud Splitter, Feb. 1941. 4:no.2:ll. White- face ski amendment. 1798 Neisel, W.J. Adirondacks and the national wilderness. Liv Wild, July 1941. no.6:4. Against the resolution to permit the state to build ski trails on Whiteface. 1799 The Whiteface ski trail amendment. Ad Mt Club Bui, Oct. 1941. 5:no.6:5-ll. Arguments pro and con. 1800 Elkins, Frank. Amendment number four. Ski Bui, Nov. 1941. 12:no.2:7-8. Ski trail on Whiteface. 1801 New Yorkers, guard your wilderness. Nat Par A-j, July-Sept. 1944. no.78:23. 1802 Loope, P. Fay. Violation of the Forest pre- serve — Lake Sanford mines. High Spots Trbk, 1944. p. 9-11. illus. 1803 Welch, Fay. The Adirondacks: today & to- morrow. High Spots Trbk, 1944. p. 25. illus. Wise use of the Adirondacks. 1 804 New Yorkers, guard your Adirondacks. Nat Parks, Apr.-June 1945. no.81:19. 1805 Schaefer, Paul A. Impending tragedy in the Adirondacks. Nature M, Dec. 1945. 38:537. Panther Mountain and Higley Mountain reservoirs. 1806 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Shall the Forest preserve be lumbered? Albany, 1945. 12p. illus. A brief prepared by Paul Schaefer and Paul Lauff'er, representing the Club's Conservation Committee, stating why the Adirondack Mountain Club opposes lumber- ing on state lands in the Forest Preserve. 1807 Benedict, Mrs. Martha (Nord). Moose river. Cloud Splitter, Jan.-Feh. 1946. 9:no.l:6-7. 1808 Schaefer, Paul A. The Adirondacks: pattern of a battle of woods and waters. Liv Wild, Mar. 1946. no.l6:13-22. illus. A summary of the struggle by conservationists to preserve the wilderness. 1809 Benedict, Mrs. Martha (Nord). Forest pre- serve in the Legislature. Cloud Splitter, Mar.- Apr. 1946. 9:no.2:12-13. 1810 Benedict, Mrs. Martha (Nord). What "gives" on Capitol Hill. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1946. 10:no.2:3. Review of 1946 legislation. 1811 Schaefer, Paul A. Land of the deer (the Adi- rondack dam threat). Nat Parks, Apr.-June 1946. no. 85:20-25. illus. 1812 The Association opposes Adirondack struc- tures. Nat Parks, Apr.-June 1946. no. 85:25. Opposes Young-Reoux resolution. 1813 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Blue lines and red patches. Cloud Splitter, May-June 1946. 9: no. 3:7-8. Adirondack Park-Forest Preserve. 1814 Review of the Forum on recreation in New York state's Forest preserve. Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1946. 10:no.4:10-ll. 1815 78 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Benedict, Mrs. Martha (Nord). Conserva- tion: Commissioner Duryea states his position on pending threats to the Forest preserve. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1946. 10:no.6:3. 1816 Adirondack Moose river committee. Im- pending tragedy of the Moose river region. March 1, 1946. 3d reprint. Albany, 1946. 4p. Unpaged leaflet. 1817 Adirondack Moose river committee. An urgent note to all who want to protect New York's wildlife and natural forests, n.p. n.pub. 1946? 4p. illus. map. Unpaged leaflet. Against Panther Mountain dam. 1818 Apperson, John S. Forest preserve in danger, n.p. Forest preserve association of New York state, inc. 1946. 4p. Against the mining, recreation and ski trail amendments. 1819 Forest preserve association of New York state, inc. From report of the President read and approved at the annual meeting, June 7, 1946. . . n.p. 1946. 4p. Against the mining, recreation, ski trail and flooding amend- ments. 1820 New York (state). Governor (Thomas E. Dewey). Conservation. In his Public papers, 1946. Albany, 1947. p. 25. Recommends new conservation headquarters in the heart of the Adirondacks and additional public camp- sites in the Forest Preserve. 1821 Your Forest preserve — a time for decision. NTS Con, Dec. 1946-Jan. 1947. l:no.3:2-3, 27. Advocates recreational development. 1822 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Threats to New York state's Forest preserve. Cloud Splitter, Jan. -Feb. 1947. 10:no.l:17. Excerpts from speech to the New York State Con- servation Council. 1823 Brewer, George. Our heritage is threatened. An King, Feb. 1947. 50:11-15. illus. On the two amendments to open the forest reserve for permanent buildings for recreational pur- poses and to permit mining operations. 1 824 Sachs, Edna D. A forest preserve without a forest? NTS Bus Prof W, Feb. 1947. 13:21-22. Also issued as a reprint. Against three pro- posals to amend thestate Constitution (Graves, Wicks and Young-Reoux amendments). 1825 Duryea, Perry B. Moose river menace ! NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1947. l:no.4:18-19. illus. Threat to wilderness area. 1826 Benedict, Mrs. Martha (Nord). Conservation hearing. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1947. 11: no.2:10-ll. 1827 Beetle, David Harold. Kilroy was not here. No Country Life, Spring 1947. 1 :no.3:16-18, 60. Site of Higley and Panther Mountain dams. 1828 Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon. Our Forest pre- serve; a rich heritage. No Country Life, Spring 1947. l:no.3:39-40, 62-63. Condensed from the Bulletin to the Schools. \ 829 Governor orders full-scale survey of Adiron- dack power proposals. NTS Con, Apr.— May 1947. l:no.5:23. 1830 Bill to prevent Adirondack dams killed. Nat Parks, Apr.-June 1947. no.89:22. 1831 Schaefer, Paul A. Victory in defeat. Cloud Splitter, May-June 1947. 10:no.3:2-5. Moose River issue. 1832 The Forest preserve, no. 1- Jan. 1947- edited by Paul Schaefer. Schenectady, N.Y. Friends of the Forest preserve, 1 947— date. Published irregularly. Covers Adirondack and Catskill preserves. Includes summaries of legislation and source material. 1833 Adirondack mountain club, inc. The pro- posed mining and recreation amendments, a danger to the Forest preserve. . . Albany, 1 947? 4p. Unpaged leaflet. 1 834 Schaefer, Paul A. Moose river: frontier of decision. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1948. 12: no.2:3, 7. 1835 Chapman, Herman Haupt. Recreational in- terests as affecting professional forestry activi- ties. J For, Apr. 1948. 46:290-93. Includes discussion of the New York State Forest Pre- serve. 1836 Adirondacks Panther mountain dam. Nat Parks, Apr.-June 1948. no.93:33-36. 1837 State board approves Panther mountain dam. Lumber Camp News, May 1948. 10:no.l:14. 1838 Howard, William Gibbs. New York's Forest preserve. J For, Aug. 1948. 46:612-13. 1839 Continuing Wilderness defense mobilized to defeat the Higley mt. dam; the Adirondack Moose river committee, of New York, has taken leadership in opposing a later proposal of the Black river regulating district. . . Liv Wild, Summer 1948. no.25:23-24. map. In News Items of Special Interest. Quotes Howard Zahniser, representing the Wilder- ness Society. 1840 Adirondack dam project still pending. Nat Parks, Oct.-Dec. 1948. no.95:34. 1841 For and against the Panther mountain dam, Black river regulating district board approves plans for controversial project. Emp Statesman, Dec. 1948. 5:no.2:7-10, 32-33. For the dam, by Edwin S. Cullings. Against the dam, by Paul Schaefer. 1842 Black river regulating district. The facts about Panther mountain reservoir. A state- ment by the Board, Dec. 1948. Watertown, 1938-1955 79 N.Y. 1948. 28p. folded maps. 2d edition, Oct. 1952, 39p. 3d edition, Jan. 1953, 38p. illus. folded maps. 1843 Newkirk, Arthur Edward. Panther mt. reser- voir opposed. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan. -Feb. 1949. 13:11. 1844 Panther mountain dam must be stopped. Nat Parks, ]2in.-M2iV. 1949. no.96:25-26. 1845 Forster, Herman. Commercialization of the Forest preserve. NIS Con Council, Feb. 23, 1949. no.89:l-3. map. 1846 King, A.H. Chains and links; surveying the boundaries of state Forest preserve. NTS Con, Apr.-May 1949. 3:no.5:10-ll. illus. 1847 Miller, Philip Schuyler. "A mixed record of defeat. . ." Liv Wild, Spring 1949. no.28:25. In News Items of Special Interest. Quotes from The Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1949. 1848 Adirondack mountain club, inc. The Wil- liamson-Reoux "recreation" amendment: a new threat to the Adirondack and Catskill parks. . . Albany, 1949. 4p. Unpaged leaflet. Against an amendment that would authorize the state to construct permanent enclosed buildings etc. in the Forest Preserve. 1849 The Forest preserve; supplemental bulletins. 1949- Schenectady, N.Y. Friends of the Forest preserve, 1949-date. Published irregu- larly. Contain valuable source material. 1850 New York (state). Conservation department. Specifications for the construction & mainte- nance of trails in the Forest preserve, June 1949. Albany? 1949? 9p. Mimeographed. Latest edition of pamphlet first prepared by William G. Howard and distributed by the Adirondack Mountain Club in 1923. 1851 Miller, Philip Schuyler. The River regula- tion committee. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1950. 14:42-44. 1852 Benedict, Mrs. Martha (Nord). Conservation notes. Cloud Splitter , May-June 1950. 13:no.3: 14-15. Panther Mountain dam. 1853 Benedict, Mrs. Martha (Nord). Five years of Moose river. Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1950. 14:86-87. 1854 Foss, William M. Signboards in the Adiron- dack park. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1950. 5: no.l:8-9. illus. 1855 "On July 11, 1950, the Court of appeals of the State of New York rendered its decision on the so-called Panther mountain dam case. . ." Liv Wild, Summer 1950. no. 33:21. Quotes report of Milo R. KnifTen. In News Items of Special Interest. 1856 Threats to lumber the state's wilderness. . . Liv Wild, Summer 1950. no. 33:22. Brief note in News Items of Special Interest. Quotes from article "Shall the Forest Preserve Be Lumbered?" in The Forest Preserve. 1857 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Moose river opinion. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1950. 14:104. 1858 Seven proposals for better protection of the Adirondack and Catskill preserves. . . Liv Wild, Autumn 1950. no.34:34-35. Brief note in News Items of Special Interest. Lists points adopted by the New York State Conservation Council. 1859 Panther mountain dam threat ended. Nat Parks, Oct.-Dec. 1950. no. 103: 147. 1860 Adirondack Moose river committee. Panther dam must be stopped — but it is even more important to stop the Black river board. Fort Plains, N.Y. 1950. 4p. ports. Large un- paged leaflet. 1861 Cullings, Edwin Sanford. Panther mountain reservoir. NTS Ranger Sch, 1950. p. 9-12. illus. In favor of the reservoir. 1862 Getting at the sources. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.- Dec. 1951. 15:105, 113. Summary of Ostran- der Commit.ee hearing including four-part program to prevent inroads into the Forest Preserve. 1863 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Breaking open the Preserve. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov. -Dec. 1951. 15: 110-11. 1864 Our Forest preserve. NTS Con, Dec. 1951- Jan. 1952. 6:no. 3:2-7. illus. maps. A series of articles by officials of the Conservation De- partment stating "what we know about the Forest Preserve, and also what our experi- ence and training lead us to believe might be done to improve it." See "Forever Wild" (2) on p.l. Articles are by Perry B. Duryea, P.W. Fosburgh, E.W. Littlefield, Robert W. Dar- row, Arthur W. Holweg, Clayton B. Seagears, William D. Mulholland and J. Victor Skiff. Map on inner cover. 1865 Hopkins, Arthur S. State lands do pay taxes. NTS Con, Dec. 1951-Jan. 1952. 6:no.3:35. illus. 1866 "The attack on the Adirondack Forest pre- serve has begun again. . ." Liv Wild, Winter 1951-52. no.39:35-36. Reprint of New Tork Times editorial, Nov. 23, 1 95 1 . 1867 Moore, Frank C. Assuring a conservation audience. . . Liv Wild, Winter 1951-52. no.39: 34-35. Extract from address at the annual meeting of the New York State Conservation Council. Also in The Forest Preserve, ^an. 1952, p.9-11. 1868 Mills, Borden H. Sr. The attitude of the Conservation department as to the Forest preserve. Cloud Splitter, Jan. -Feb. 1952. 15: no.l:8-9. 1869 80 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Conservationists examine state park cutting policies. A summary of discussions. Lumber Camp News, Feb. 1952. 13:no.lO:17, 19, 21. 1870 Our Forest preserve. NTS Con, Feb.— Mar. 1952. 6:no. 4:2-7. Discussion, begun in the previous issue, is continued by leaders outside the Conservation Department, with brief editorial comment. Contributors are Gustav A. Swanson, Paul Schaefer, John E. Ham- mett, Frederick T. Kelsey, William Pearson Tolley and Gerald Kenwell. Illustration on inside front cover. 1871 No longer wild? /l«/-z-rorz-(/ac. Mar. -Apr. 1952. 16:23-25, 37. Discussion of Conservation Department statements in the Dec. 1951- Jan. 1952 New Tork State Conservationist. See letter from Paul G. LaufTer and reply by P. Schuyler Miller, p.33-34; also article "To Get the Facts," p. 36-37. Another letter from Lauffer is in the May-June issue, 16:54. Comment by George E. Goldthwaite in col- umn "The President Says," July- Aug. 16: 63,75. 1872 Our Forest preserve. NTS Con, Apr. -May 1952. 6:no.5:2-9. Final series. Contributions by Nathaniel L. Goldstein, W.B. Greeley, Ira N. Gabrielson, H.H. Chapman, Harold C. Ostertag, Lithgow Osborne, O. Byron Brewster, Donald M. Tobey, Perry B. Duryea and Wheeler Milmoe. 1873 Our Forest preserve. Press comment. NTS Con, Apr.-May 1952. 6:no.5:26-28. illus. 1874 Apperson, John S. Withhold or use? Conflict in the Adirondacks. Land, Spring 1952. 9:62- 63. From a talk given to the Glens Falls chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club. 1875 Continuing an "examination of our policy with regard to the Forest preserve". . . Liv Wild, Spring 1952. no.40:34-37. Extract and summary of articles in the New Tork State Conservationist, Dec. 1951-Jan. 1952 through Apr.-May 1952. 1876 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Policy by fiat. Ad-i- ron-dac, May-June 1952. 16:44-46. Implica- tions of "service charge" for campsites in the Forest Preserve. See also Miller's article "License — Not Lease" in issue for July— Aug. 16:70, 74, giving Conservation Depart- ment's position. 1877 Hardy, Ruth Gillette. Conservation in New York state. Appalachia, June 15, 1952. mag. no. 114:118. Brief summary of the issues raised in the New Tork State Conservationist and the action taken by various groups. 1878 The Forest preserve. NTS Con, June-July 1952. 6:no.6:35. Brief note on Advisory Committee appointed by Assemblyman Mil- moe, with names of members. 1879 Forest preserve mail. NTS Con, June-July 1952. 6:no.6:28-29. illus. 1880 Hopkins, Arthur S. Some thoughts on zoning the Forest preserve. NTS Con, June-July 1952. 6 :no.6:6-8. illus. 1881 Miller, Philip Schuyler. The Milmoe advisory board. Ad-i-ron-dac, July- Aug. 1952. 16:65. For letters by Paul LaufTer and Edgar B. Nixon on Adirondack Mountain Club coop- eration with the Committee see Sept. -Oct. issue, 16:82-83. 1882 McCarthy, Keith R. Forever wild? Am For, Aug. 1952. 58:no.8:6-9, 43. illus. maps. 1883 Ketledge, Edwin H. Forest preserve. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1952. 7:no.l:37. Letter to editor asking position of the Conservation Department. 1884 Marshall, George. "The Forest preserve itself is a major use zone". . . Liv Wild, Sum- mer 1952. no.41:36. Comment on questions raised in recent issues of the New Tork State Conservationist; partially reprinted in The Ad-i- ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1952, 16:103, with title "What Is Zoning?" 1885 Black river regulating district. The facts about Panther mountain reservoir; 2d ed. Oct. 1952. n.p. 1952. 39p. 1886 Forest preserve. NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1952. 7 :no. 2 : 37 . More letters. 1887 Forest preserve association of New York state, inc. Re-zoning N.Y. state Forest preserve, n.p. 1952. 3p. Issued July 1952, reprinted in September. Comment with criticism on Hop- kins' proposal. 1888 Forest with phony front. Ip. Reprint of edi- torial from the Utica Observer-Dispatch, July 16, 1952; against Hopkins' rezoning article in the New Tork State Conservationist. 1889 Friends of the Forest preserve, inc. Legisla- tive, legal & field report. . .January 1953. Schenectady, N.Y. 1952. 4p. Unpaged leaf- let; signed: Paul Schaefer. (Supplemental Bulletin to The Forest Preserve.) 1890 Milmoe, Wheeler. Our study of the Forest preserve. NTS Con, Dec. 1952-Jan. 1953. 7:no.3:8-9. Progress report by the chairman of the Joint Legislative Committee on Natural Resources. 1891 The fact that the New York state Forest pre- serve exists. . . Liv Wild, Winter 1952-53. no.43:29. Brief comment on Adirondack Mountain Club Conservation Committee report of Nov. 8, 1952. 1892 Littlefield, Edward Winchester. The future of the Forest preserve act. Where do we go ^ v-/^ ^ 1938-1955 n from here? jM'SCon, Feb. -Mar. 1953. 7:no.4: 17. 1893 Ham, Philip VV. Panther mountain reservoir. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1953. 17:37, 40. Brief trip into Moose River country. 1894 Littleheld, Edward Winchester. The Forest preserve controversy. Card J, Mar.-Apr. 1953. 3:38-39, 59. illus. 1895 Marshall, George. Imperishable freshness! Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1953. 17:28-29, 34. Dangers to the Forest Preserve. Also issued as a reprint. Quoted in the Living Wilderness, Spring 1953, no.44:22-23. 1896 Zahniser, Howard. New York's Forest pre- serve. Liv Wild, Spring 1953. no.44:18-21. illus. 1897 Welch, Fay. Our New York state Forest pre- serve. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1953. 17:56-59. Address before the Oneida County Forest Preserve Council, Jan. 29, 1953. Includes comments by Walter Biesemeyer and reply by Welch. The address was also issued as a separate, Utica, 1 953, 4p. leaflet. 1 898 Milmoe, Wheeler. Conserving New York state's natural resources. NT Forester, Nov. 1953. 10:no. 4:7-9. Extract from address be- fore the New York State Conservation Coun- cil, Oct. 1953. Complete text in New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Natural Resources Report, 1954, p.44-56. 1899 Black river regulating district. The facts about Panther mountain reservoir; 3d ed. Watertown, N.Y. 1953. 38p. illus. folded maps. 1900 What about Black river floods? n.p. n.d. Ip. Broadside reprint of editorial from the Utica Observer-Dispatch, Mar. 28, 1953. Distributed Apr. 1953 by Friends of the Forest Preserve, Inc. 1901 Milmoe, Wheeler. Letter to the editor. NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1954. 8:no.4:36. On Milmoe Committee research (Joint Legislative Com- mittee on Natural Resources). 1 902 Newkirk, Arthur Edward. The Forest pre- serve — precious, always in danger. Ad-i- ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1954. 18:40. Discusses four proposed amendments affecting the Forest Preserve. 1 903 Club states Forest preserve policy. Ad-i-ron- dac, May-June 1954. 18:59. Statement made by the Conservation Committee of the Adi- rondack Mountain Club. 1904 Welch, Fay, ed. Foresters speak for article XIV, sec. 1. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1954. 18:54-55. Excerpts from letters. 1905 Views on the Forest preserve. jV?"!? Cow, June- July 1954. 8:no.6:2-6. illus. Views of the Conservation Department. See Oct.-Nov. issue, p. 36-37, for letters from Charles W. Cole and John Goggeshall on this subject. 1906 Forest preserve. Argonaut, ]u\y 1954. 3:no.6: 3-4. 1907 Conservation committee visits Moose river. Ad-i-ron-dac, inly- Axx^. 1954. 18:70-71. Re- ports by Paul Lauff"er, Herbert C. Allen and George Marshall. 1908 Detached areas of the Forest preserve. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1954. 9:no.l:28. Milmoe Committee's resolutions. 1909 Newkirk, Artljur Edward. The future of the Forest preserve. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. — Nov.-Dec. 1954. 18:88-89. Statement made at the Conservation Forum held by the Adirondack Mountain Club. 1910 Forest preserve association of New York state, inc. Two kinds of forest management in conflict. Schenectady, N.Y. 1954. 4p. Signed: J. S. Apperson, President. 1911 Foss, William M. Detached areas of the state Forest preserve. In New York (state). Legis- lature. Joint legislative committee on natural resources. Report, 1954. p. 78-81. 1912 Foss, William M. Some suggested policy changes in connection with recreation in the Forest preserve. In New York (state). Legis- lature. Joint legislative committee on natural resources. Report, 1954. p.86-89. 1913 Illick, Joseph S. General review of state pre- serve studies and problems. In New York (state). Legislature. Joint legislative com- mittee on natural resources. Report, 1954. p.62-75. 1914 Schaefer, Paul. A land acquisition program for the Adirondacks and Catskills. In New York (state). Legislature. Joint legislative committee on natural resources. Report, 1954. p. 11 7-20. 1915 Marshall, George. Adirondack Forest pre- serve. A letter to the editor. Argonaut, Jan. 14, 1955. p.1-2. 1916 Lehman, Donald J. Battle of Panther moun- tain: the Black river valley, badly in need of flood control, faces big odds in its battle for Panther mountain dam. . . Rural NT, Feb. 1 9, Mar. 5, 1955. 105:132-33, 173-75. illus. In favor of opening the Forest Preserve. ' 1917 1955 Forest preserve legislation: proposed amendments to article XIV, section 1 of the constitution. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1955. 19:38. 1918 Mills, Borden H. Sr. Panther dam. Ad-i-ron- dac, May-June 1955. .19:55. Letter reprinted fpom the New York Herald Tribune. 1919 The proposed highway amendment. Ad-i- ron-dac, May-June 1955. 19:52-53. 1920 13l?3 03 82 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE New York Forest preserve. Liv Wild, Spring- Summer 1955. no.52:19. Against Panther Mountain dam. 1921 Panther mountain dam. Cloud Splitter, July- Aug.— Sept.-Oct. 1955. 18:no.4:2-3; 18: no.5:l-2. 1922 Panther dam — final decision Nov. 8, 1955. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1955. 19:98-99. Also issued as a one-page reprint. 1 923 For the Forest preserve. NTS Con, Oct. -Nov. 1955. 10:no.2:30. Finch, Pruyn and Com- pany offer land to the state. 1924 Price, Eraser P. The Forest preserve lands outside the blue line. I — Financial aspects. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1955. 19:116, 119. 1925 Attorney general forbids drilling for oil or gas in the Forest preserve. In New York (state). Legislature. Joint legislative committee on natural resources. Report, 1955. p. 104-7. Opinion of Dec. 23, 1954, Nathaniel L. Goldstein. 1926 Citizens for water conservation. The Panther mountain story. . .vote for amendment 7. Watertown, N.Y. 1955. 14p. illus. 1927 Citizens for water conservation. Labor divi- sion. Why the New York state working man and woman will vote yes ! on amendment 7. . . Watertown, N.Y. Watertown publishers, inc. 1955. 4p. illus. Unpaged leaflet. In favor of Panther Mountain dam. 1928 Foss, William M. State highway improve- ments as related to the Forest preserve. In New York (state). Legislature. Joint legisla- tive committee on natural resources. Report, 1955. p. 75-78. Highway map, Appendix R, in back of volume. 1 929 Friends of the Forest preserve, inc. Be sure to register in October so that you can vote no on amendment ^7. . . Schenectady, N.Y. 1 955. 4p. chart. Unpaged leaflet. 1 930 Friends of the Forest preserve, inc. This year we can write the last chapter to the sordid story of Panther dam. Schenectady, N.Y. 1955? Ip. Folded broadside. Against the Wise amendment. 1931 Illick, Joseph S. Statement on detached areas of state Forest preserve in New York. In New York (state). Legislature. Joint legislative committee on natural resources. Report, 1955. p.47-66. tables. 1932 League of women voters, Watertown, N.Y. An analysis of amendment seven to the state constitution with pros and cons. n.p. n.pub. 1955. 4p. Unpaged leaflet. 1 933 Pettis, CIiff"ord Robert. Public use of the Forest preserve. Albany, New York state con- servation department, 1955. 16p. illus. diagrs. (Recreation Circular 2.) Other editions pub- lished in 1919, 1925, 1932, 1935-37, 1949. 1934 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS AND AMENDMENTS AFFECTING THE FOREST PRESERVE Arranged by date Note: Other references to proposed amend- ments are included in the preceding section. New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. Proposed amendment to the constitu- tion of the State of New York to preserve its forests, with reasons why. June 1894. n.p. n.pub. n.d. 29p. Preface signed Darwin R. James. 1935 McClure, David. Speeches on the proposed forest preserve amendment. In New York (state). Constitutional convention, 1894. Re- vised record. Albany, 1900. 4:124-47. Ex- tracts printed under title "Our Forest Pre- serves," in Forest Leaves, Spring 1904, l:no.2: 37-41. See article by Borden H. Mills Sr. entitled "David McClure and the Forest Pre- serve," The Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1949, 13:116-19. 1936 New York (state). Constitutional convention, 1894. Revised record. . . Albany, Argus co. 1900. 5v. Report of the special committee on stateforests, V.2, p.l201. 1937 The New York constitution. Am For, Sept. 1915. 21:941-42. Editorial on the new con- stitution opposing the "forever wild" provi- sion. 1938 Spears, Raymond Smiley. People of New York must fight to save Adirondacks. The proposals now pending before the constitu- tional convention, if adopted, mean that the last of the state's great playground is doomed forever. For & Stream, Aug. 1915. 84:461-62. illus. 1939 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Answers to objections to the conserva- tion article of the proposed constitution. N.Y. 1915. lip. 1940 Lamon, Francis H. Conservation as provided by the proposed constitutional amendment. In New York state waterways association. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS AND AMENDMENTS 83 Proceedings, 1915. 6:76-79. Discussion of Article VII of the proposed constitution of New York state. 1941 New York (state). Constitutional convention, 1915. Committee on conservation of natural resources. Report. . .relative to the several proposed amendments, July 30, 1915. 20p. In New York (state). Constitutional conven- tion, 1915. Documents. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1915. (Document no.28.) 1942 New York. Board of trade gnd transporta- tion. What every voter' should know. A mo- mentous question. Vote for constitutional amendment number four. N.Y. 1915. 16p. 1943 Schofield, Peter F. and Gardner, Frank S. Conservation of the state's natural resources. The Adirondacks. The source of water for municipal supply. . . Reprinted from The Paper mill wood and pulp news. N.Y. 1915? 8p. Cover title: Analysis of Propositions Pending in the Constitutional Convention Relating to the State Forest Preserve. 1944 Oppose Ferris amendment; strong effort to prevent construction of power houses and Hnes in New York Forest preserve. Elec W, Sept. 22, 1923. 82:622. 1945 Adirondack Forest preserve threatened. Sci Am, Nov. 1923. 129:311. Editorial opposing Ferris amendment. 1946 Adirondack raid amendment overwhelmed. Carried in only one county. N2^S Assn St Bui, Dec. 1, 1923. 3:no.l2:4. Includes the vote by counties. 1947 Long Lake tax-payers association. Vote No on the proposed amendment to section 7 of article 7 of the constitution in relation to the Forest preserve. Herkimer, N.Y. C. Rasbach, 1923. 1 leaf. Broadside. 1948 Myrick, Herbert. Continental super power trust aims to grab Adirondack preserve unless people defeat amendment no. 3. N.Y. 1923. 1 leaf. Press release dated Oct. 29, 1923. 1949 Saranac Lake. Chamber of commerce. Save the Adirondacks from the spoiler. Saranac Lake, N.Y. Currier press, 1923. 20p. illus. 1950 Saranac Lake. Chamber of commerce. Si,ve the Adirondacks from spoilers by defeating amendment no.3. Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1923. lOp. illus. 1951 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. Docket. . .January 12, 1927... N.Y. 1927. 20p. Includes report from the Com- mittee on Forests entitled "Protect Whiteface Mountain in Adirondacks from Defacement" (against amendment to authorize highway). 1952 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. Eternal vigilance is the price of the Adi- rondacks! Save Whiteface in the Adiron- dacks ! N. Y. 1 927. 1 leaf. 1 953 Nibbling. Sat Eve Post, Jan. 7, 1928. 200:no.l: 32. Editorial opposing Whiteface Memorial Highway. I954 The constitutional convention. JVTS For Assn NL, May 1938. p. 5-8. Discusses new section of Article VII. 1955 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). "Article VII, section 7" is vigorously upheld at con- stitution convention committee hearing. . . Ad Mt Club Bui, ]\ine-]u\Y \9'i%. 2:no.4:2, 10. 1956 Ostrander, George N. The proposed forestry amendment. NTS For Assn NL, Nov. 1938. p.2. 1957 Forest preserve association of New York state, inc. Comments on proposal no. 39 submitted to the constitutional convention April 18 and proposal 350 submitted May 19, 1938, to amend article VII of the constitution. Sche- nectady, N.Y. 1938. 4p. Urges retaining present wording of Article VII, Section 7. Includes list of 54 organizations approving proposal to keep wording. 1958 Forest preserve association of New York state, inc. Comments on proposal no. 80 submitted to the constitutional convention, April 25, 1938, to amend section 16 of article VII. Schenectady, N.Y. 1938. 4p. Advocates re- moving Section 16 from the Constitution and incorporating its good features in statute law. Includes list of 53 organizations in favor of retaining present wording of Article VII, Section 7. 1959 Forest preserve association of New York state, inc. Comments on proposal no. 82, submitted to the constitutional convention, April 25, 1938. Schenectady, N.Y. 1938. 4p. Against Proposal no. 82. Includes list of 53 organiza- tions urging that present wording of Article VII, Section 7, be retained. Another edition dated May 3, 1938. 1960 Forest preserve association of New York state, inc. Comments on proposal no. 114, sub- mitted to the New York state constitutional convention, April 26, 1938. Schenectady, N.Y. 1938. 2p. Opposes the proposal. In- cludes names of 54 organizations advocating that present wording of Article VII, Section 7, be retained. 1961 Forest preserve association of New York state, inc. Comments on proposals before the con- stitutional convention, introduction numbers 412, 441, 444, 629 and 630 dated May 24 and 26-1938, pertaining to the New York state Forest preserve. Schenectady, N.Y. 1938. 4p. Urging that wording of Article VII, Section 7, ' of state Constitution be kept. Includes list of 55 organizations supporting the proposal. 1962 84 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Schenectady county conservation council, inc. Comments on proposal introductory no.538, print no.566, to amend article VII, section 7 of the New York state constitution, and sub- mitted to the constitutional convention on May 26, 1938. n.p. 1938. 2p. Opposes the proposal on the ground that it nullifies, though it restates, Article VII, Section 7. Includes list of 56 organizations in favor of keeping present wording. 1 963 Marshall, George. New York protects its wilderness. Liv Wild, Mar. 1939. no.4:14. Brief statement on victory won by retaining wilderness provision in the state Constitution. 1964 Forest preserve association of New York state, inc. Article XIV, sections 1-2-3-4 New York state constitution adopted 1938. Schenectady, N.Y. 1939. 4p. Comments on New York State Constitutional Convention, by J.S. Apperson. 1965 Legislative and legal report, April 1952. Ostrander reservoir amendment approved by overwhelming majority; Supreme court sus- tains Stokes act banning Panther mt. dam. Schenectady, N.Y. 1952. 4p. (Supplemental Bulletin to The Forest Preserve, Apr. 1952.) Extract in Living Wilderness, Spring 1952, no.40:33. 1966 The people of New York have won an impor- tant victory. . . Liv Wild, Spring 1953. no.44: 21-22. Comments by Paul Schaefer on the passage of the Cooke-Ostrander amendment. 1967 Benedict, Mrs. Martha (Nord). The Ostrander amendment. Cloud Splitter, May-June 1953. 16:no.3:2-3. 1968 New York Forest preserve. Liv Wild, Autumn 1953. no.46:40-41. Editorial on approval of Amendment no. 9. 1969 Mills, Borden H. Sr. The conservation army wins another battle. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1953. 17:108, 125. On approval of the Ostrander-Cooke amendment. 1970 Adirondack Moose river committee. This is WHY powerful self-serving private interests must NOT be peimitted to block the Ostrander constitutional amendment in the 1953 N.Y. state Legislature. Schenectady, N.Y. 1953. 4p. illus. Folio leaflet. 1 971 Council of conservationists for amendment no. 9. 6 reasons why you should vote yes on amendment ^9. . . N.Y. 1953. 8p. Unpaged folder. 1972 Friends of the Forest preserve, inc. Legisla- tive report. Let's finish the job. Schenectady, N.Y. 1953. 4p. Unpaged leaflet analyzing the vote on the Cooke-Ostrander amend- ment. 1973 Richard, Edmond H. The moves leading to the introduction of the Ostrander amend- ment as summarized by the Mohawk-Hudson federation of conservation councils. . . Fort Plain, N.Y. 1 953? Unpaged folder. 1 974 LITIGATION Arranged by Date New York (state). Attorney general. Jurisdic- tion over the Lake George islands — opinion of the Attorney general. In New York (state). Forest commission. Annual report, 1886. p.149-54. 1975 Beaver river reservoir. Before the Forest com- mission and the commissioners of the Land office. In the matter of the purchase of the lands of William Seward Webb, to quiet claims for damages affected by the statement of claim and brief abstract of evidence. Herki- mer, N.Y. 1895. 122p. See Annual Report of the Forest, Fish and Game Commission for 1907-1908-1909, p.387-89; and New York Reports, V. 190, p.468-81. 1976 New York (state). Court of appeals. The people of the State of New York, respondent, V. Benton Turner, appellant. In New York reports, v.l45, p. 451-62. Argued Mar. 13, 1895; decided Apr. 9, 1895. See also v. 11 7, p.227fr. On the state's title to land in the Forest Preserve. For a discussion of this case see article by E.H. Leggett (no.l978). 1977 Leggett, Edward H. The state's title to lands in the Forest preserve. In New York (state). Fisheries, game and forest commission. An- nual report, 1897. p.438-54. illus. Review of legal action. 1978 New York (state). Court of appeals. People of the State of New York ex rel. The Forest commission, appellant, v. Frank Campbell, Comptroller of the State of New York, re- spondent. In New York reports, v. 152, p.51 — 59. Argued Feb. 1, 1897; decided Mar. 2, 1 897. Upholds power of the Forest Commis- sion. For a description of this case see Annual Report of the Fisheries, Game and Forest Commission, 1896, p.461-68. 1979 U.S. Supreme court. Turner v. New York. Error to the Court of appeals of the State of New York. . . Argued April 19, 20, 1897.- Decided October 18, 1897. In U.S. Reports, V.168, p.90-95. Judgment affirmed. 1980 LITIGATION 85 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 3d department. Adirondack railway company, respondent, v. Indian river com- pany and others, appellants. March term 1898. In Reports of cases, v.27, p.326-35. 1981 New York (state). Court of appeals. The people of the State of New York, appellant, V. the Adirondack railway company, re- spondent, impleaded with the Indian river company et al. In New York reports, v. 160, p.225-48. Argued June 19, 1899; decided Oct. 3, 1899. Upholding the right of the state to condemn land needed for the Adirondack Park. Reverses the decision of the Appellate Division, which ruled that, by filing a map and serving notice on the occupants, the Adirondack Railway Company had acquired a lien on the disputed land. 1982 Title to land in the Forest preserve. Forester, May 1900. 6:118-19. Case of Ferris J. Meigs. 1983 New York (state). Court of appeals. Nehasane park association, respondent, v. Aaron Lloyd, appellant. In New York reports, v.l67, p.431- 40. Affirming judgment of Appellate Division on tax case, 1901. 1984 Adirondack lands. For & Stream, May 21, 1904. 62:413. Editorial on decision by Arthur L. Andrews, referee, in action for ejectment of occupants on lands claimed by state. 1985 Suit against Cornell. For & Irrig, July 1905. 1 1 :295. A review of the case. Attorney-General Mayer bringing action to deprive Cornell of land. 1986 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Some legal aspects of the case of Rockefeller vs. La Mora. For & Stream, Oct. 21, 1905. 65:335-36. Lawsuit concerning the ejection of occupants of tract bought by Rockefeller in the Santa Clara township. 1987 New York (state). Attorney general. Opin- ions rendered by the Governor. State forest preserve- — trespass thereon. In his Annual report, 1 905, p.247-62. 1 988 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 3d department. George Pashley, respondent, v. Charles Bennett, appellant. October 1905. In Reports of cases, v.l08, p. 102-3. Illegal sale of lumber cut on Forest Preserve. 1989 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 4th department. The people of the State of New York, respondent, v. the Brook- lyn cooperage co., appellant, impleaded with Cornell university, defendant. In Reports of cases, V.114, p.723-33. July 12, 1906. 1990 New York (state). Court of appeals. People of the State of New York, respondent, v. the Brooklyn cooperage company, appellant, im- pleaded with another. In New York reports, V.187, p. 142-60. Argued Dec. 19, 1906; de- cided Jan. 8, 1907. Cornell University case. Appellate Division decision affirmed. 1 991 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 3d department. Saranac land and timberco., plaintiff-respondent, against James A. Roberts, as Comptroller of the State of New York, defendant-opponent. Case and exceptions on appeal. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1907. 487p. maps. State's title to land in the Forest Preserve. This case is discussed in article by E.H. Leggett in New York State Fisheries, Game and Forest Commission Annual Report, 1897, p. 440. Judge Coxe's opinion, p. 446— 47. See also 125 Reports of Cases 333 and New York Reports, v. 195, p.303-24. Judgment affirmed. 1992 New York (state). Court of appeals. People of the State of New York, respondent, v. Mary L. Fisher et al., appellants. In New York reports, v. 190, p.468-81. Argued Dec. 4, '1907; decided Jan. 14, 1908. Chase opinion. Appeal from a judgment in the Appellate Division,Jan. 21, 1907. 1993 Adirondack timber stealing. For & Stream, Feb. 8, 1908. 70:219. Conviction of Charles Klock and Harvey Gaylord. 1994 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack timber thefts. For & Stream, Apr. 4, 1908. 70:538. Comment on conviction of Charles Klock and Harvey Gaylord. 1995 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Drowned lands on the Saranac river. A statement of the facts involved in the suit. . . against the Paul Smith's electric light and power and railroad company for a perma- nent injunction restraining the defendant from taking lands belonging to the Forest preserve and destroying the timber thereon. N.Y. 1908. 22p. plates. (Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks Publication no. 17.) Extracts with title "Adirondack Drowned State Lands" in Forest and Stream, Aug. 1,1908. 71:176. 1996 New York (state). Supreme court, Warren county. Albert Newcombe, plaintiff, v. George N. Ostrander and George F. Underwood, as executors, and Helen E. Foulds, as executrix of and trustees under the last will and testa- ment of George R. Finch, deceased, defend- ants. In Miscellaneous reports, v.66, p.l03- 10. Jan. 1910 term. Definition of wild forest land. 1997 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 3d department. The people of the State of New York, respondent, v. the Brook- lyn cooperage company, appellant, impleaded with Cornell university, defendant. In Re- 86 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE ports of cases, v.l47,p.267-81. Nov. 15, 1911. Cornell University appeal. 1998 An Angler, pseud. The Eagle lake dam case. For & Stream, Aug. 15, 1914. 83:211. Report of hearing on lowering the level of Eagle Lake. 1999 New York (state). Court of appeals. Marian Low, individually, and as sole executrix of the last will and testament of A. Augustus Low, deceased, plaintiff-respondent vs New York central & Hudson river railroad com- pany, defendant-appellant. Appeal book. Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Saratogian book & job print, 1914. 488p. Fire damage to plain- tiff's estate near Childwold in 1908. Copy in Yale University Library. 2000 New York (state). Court of appeals. The people of the State of New York, plaintiff- appellant, against Santa Clara lumber com- pany, defendant-respondent. Actions 1 and 2. The people of the State of New York, plain- tiff-appellant, against George N. Ostrander, defendant-respondent. The people of the State of New York, plaintiff-appellant, against Santa Clara lumber company, George N. Ostrander and George N. Ostrander, Helen E. Foulds and George F. Underwood as executors of the last will and testament of George R. Finch, deceased, defendants- respondents. Action no. 3. Exhibit book, vol- ume 1. . . Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1914. 508p. folded maps. Cutting and removal of timber in Township 47, Totten and Crossfield pur- chase. Includes important source material on the history of the Totten and Crossfield purchase. For decision see New York Reports, v.213, p.61-67andp.226-32. 2001 New York (state). Court of appeals. People of the State of New York, respondent, v. the New York central and Hudson river railroad company, appellant. In New York reports, v.213, p.136-40. Argued Oct. 12, 1914, de- cided Nov. 24, 1914. Judgment of Appellate Division reversed. Case grew out of damage to the Forest Preserve by fire. Method of ascertaining cost of damage. 2002 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 3d department. The people of the State of New York, respondent, v. the New York central and Hudson river railroad com- pany, appellant. (Action no. 2) Mar. 13, 1914. In Reports of cases, v.l61, p. 322-29. Action by state for damages by fire to Forest Pre- serve. 2003 New York (state). Public service commission. In the matter of the application of the New York central and Hudson river railroad com- pany for permission to substitute coal burn- ing locomotives for service on its Adirondack division between Remsen and Malone Junc- tion, instead of oil burning locomotives. Brief of the Conservation commission and the Asso- ciation for the protection of the Adirondacks. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1914. 41p. Copy in Yale University Library. 2004 New York (state). Public service commission. . . .In the matter of oil-burning locomotives on the Adirondack division of the New York central railroad company, and on the Car- thage & Adirondack branch of the Saint Lawrence division of said railroad. Brief of the Conservation commission. . . Albany, 1918. 21 p. Copy in Yale University Library. 2005 New York (state). Supreme court. 4th dis- trict. New York state versus Spencer G. Prime, John F. O'Brien and Stevens hotel co., inc. Memorandum in support of motion, n.p. n.pub. 1 92—? 43p. 2006 New York (state). Supreme court. 4th dis- trict. New York state versus Spencer G. Prime, John F. O'Brien and Stevens hotel co., inc. Plaintiff's reply brief, n.p. n.pub. 192 — ? 32p. 2007 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 3d department. The people of the State of New York, appellant, v. Walter C. Witherbee and others, respondents. In Re- ports of cases, v. 199, p.272-78. Dec. 8, 1921. Spencer G. Prime case. 2008 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 3d department. The people of the State of New York, appellant, v. Spencer G. Prime and others, respondents. In Reports of cases, v.208, p.445-49. Mar. 5, 1924. 2009 New York (state). Court of appeals. In the Court of appeals of the State of New York. The Association for the protection of the Adirondacks and John G. Agar respondents against Alexander MacDonald. . .and Wil- liam G. Howard. . . Brief submitted in sup- port of the constitutionality of chapter 417 of the Laws of 1929, by Lewis, Garvin & Kelsey, as amicus curiae, representing the public park and playgrounds district of North Elba, Essex county. New York. . . N.Y. Appeal printing co. 1930. 89p. Brief argued by Walter T. Stock. On the constitutionality of the "bob-sled run" bill. Includes history and interpretation of Article VII, Section 7. See also New York Reports, v.253, p.234-42. 2010 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 3d department. The Association for the protection of the Adirondacks and another, plaintiffs, v. Alexander MacDonald, Con- servation commissioner of the State of New York, and another, defendants. Jan. 15, 1930. In Reports of cases, v.228, p. 73-82. Bob-sled case. 2011 LITIGATION 87 New York (state). Court of appeals. Welling- ton Kenwell, appellant, v. Clarence F. Lee, as supcr\isor of the Town of Inlet, et al., respondents. In New York reports, v. 261, p.l 13-17. Case involving the use of Bug Lake, in the Forest Preserve, as a town water supply, 1932-33. 2012 Parks = billboards, people v. Sterling. Arri City, Sept. 1944. 59:127. Editorial comment on legality of advertising signs on private prop- erty in the Forest Preserve. 2013 U.S. Circuit court (2d circuit). For the Sec- ond circuit. Civil no. 1145. United States of America, petitioner vs. certain easement rights in 228.15 acres of land in Essex and Hamilton counties, State of New York, David McEIwee et al. defendants and State of New York, defendants-appellants. Supple- mental brief on behalf of the Association for the protection of the Adirondacks as amicus curiae, in support of the appeal taken by the State of New York. N.Y. Pandick press, 1945. 6p. Presented by Marshall McLean, counsel. Taking land for railroad to Sanford mines. 2014 U.S. Circuit court (2d circuit). . . .United States of America, petitioner, vs. certain easement rights in 228.15 acres of land in Essex and Hamilton counties, State of New York, David McElwee, et al. defendants and State of New York, defendants-appellants. Brief on behalf of the Association for the protection of the Adirondacks as amicus curiae, in support of the appeal taken by the State of New York. . . N.Y. Pandick press, 1945? 24p. Brief signed Marshall McLean. For report of this case see Federal Reporter, 2d ser. v.160, p.479-82. 2015 New York (state). Supreme court. 4th dis- trict. . . .Brief on behalf of defendant. System properties, inc. N.Y. 1946. 182p. Water level of Lake George. 2016 New York (state). Supreme court. 4th dis- trict. People of the State of New York et al., plaintiff against System properties, inc. et al., defendants. . . Brief for the Lake George asso- ciation, intervenor. N.Y. Bar press, 1946. 29p. Brief submitted by Charles H. Tuttle, June 28, 1946. Against artificial regulation of water level in Lake George. 2017 New York (state). Supreme court. 4th dis- trict. . . .Reply brief for the defendant, Sys- tem properties, inc. N.Y. 1946. 75p. LeBoeuf & Lamb, attorneys. Lake George water level. 2018 Forest preserve association of New York state, inc. Analysis of Judge Andrew J. Ryan's opinion rendered Sept. 4, 1947. . . Schenec- tady, N.Y. 1948. 2p. Supplement to 2d edi- tion of the Forest Preserve Association's "Lake George Water Level History," point- ing out an error in Judge Ryan's opinion in the Lake George water level case. The opin- ion is in Miscellaneous Reports, v.l89, p.993- 1005. 2019 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 4th department. In the matter of the application of the Adirondack league club, petitioner, against the Board of the Black river regulating district and William R. Adams, president. . .respondents. Proceeding no.l. . . Proceeding no. 2. . . N.Y. Reporter CO. inc. 1949. 4v. 2020 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 4th department. In the matter of the application of the Adirondack league club, petitioner, against the Board of the Black river regulating district and William R. Adams, president. . .respondents. Proceeding no. 2. Record in procedure to review a de- termination. . .pursuant to article 78 of the Civil practice act. N.Y. Reporter co. inc. 1949. 2v. 2021 New York (state). Court of appeals. In the matter of Adirondack league club, appellant, against Board of Black river regulating dis- trict et al., respondents. In the matter of Adi- rondack Moose river committee, inc., et al., appellants, against Board of Black river regu- lating district et al., respondents. In New York reports, v.301, p. 219-23. Argued May 26, 1950; decided July 11, 1950. Reversed the decision of the Appellate Division and remitted proceeding to Special Term. See also V.300, p. 624-25. Panther Mountain reservoir. 2022 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Who watches the watchmen? Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept. -Oct. 1951. 15: 86, 90. The Black River Regulating District challenges the Stokes Act. 2023 New York (state). Supreme court. Jefferson county. Black river regulating district. . . plaintiffs vs Adirondack league club, defend- ant. . . Brief on behalf of the Adirondack Moose river committee, inc. the Friends of the Forest preserve, inc. . . amicus curiae. Walton, N.Y. Reporter co. 1951. 72,viiip. 2024 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 4th department. Black river regu- lating district and William R. Adams, Henry E. Smith and Alfred H. Stiles, Jr. . .plain- tiffs-appellants, vs. Adirondack league club, defendant-respondent. Brief for the appel- lants, n.p. n.pub. 1952. 8p. 2025 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 4th department. Black river regu- lating district and William R. Adams, Henry E. Smith and Alfred H. Stiles Jr. . .plain- tiffs-appellants, vs. Adirondack league club, THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE defendant-respondent. Papers on appeal from judgment and order. . . Walton, N.Y. Reporter CO. inc. 1952. 75p. 2026 New York (state). Court of appeals. Black river regulating district and William R. Adams, Henry E. Smith and Alfred H. Stiles, Jr. . .plaintiffs-respondents against Adiron- dack league club, defendant-appellant. Brief for defendant-appellant. N.Y. Bar press, inc. 1953? 83p. Argued by Charles H. Tuttle. 2027 New York (state). Court of appeals. Black river regulating district and William R. Adams, Henry E. Smith and Alfred H. Stiles, Jr. . .plaintiffs-respondents against Adiron- dack league club, defendant-appellant. Brief on behalf of Adirondack Moose river com- mittee, inc. the Friends of the Forest pre- serve, inc. American planning and civic asso- ciation, the Wild life management institute, the National parks association, the Wilder- ness society and the Association for the pro- tection of the Adirondacks, amici curiae. Wal- ton, N.Y. Reporter co. inc. 1953. 38p. Brief by Milo R. Kniffen. 2028 New York (state). Court of appeals. Black river regulating district and William R. Adams, Henry E. Smith and Alfred H. Stiles, Jr. . .plaintiffs-respondents against Adiron- dack league club, defendant-appellant. Brief on behalf of the Attorney general. . . n.p. n.pub. 1953. 37p. Argued by Edward L. Ryan. 2029 New York (state). Court of appeals. Black river regulating district and William R. Adams, Henry E. Smith and Alfred H. Stiles, Jr. . .plaintiffs-respondents against Adiron- dack league club, defendant-appellant. Rec- ord on appeal. N.Y. Reporter co. inc. 1953. 107p. 2030 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 4th department. Black river regu- lating district and William R. Adams, Henry E. Smith and Alfred H. Stiles, Jr. . .plain- tiffs-appellants, vs Adirondack league club, defendant-respondent. Brief for defendant- respondent. N.Y. Bar press, inc. 1953. 59p. Argued by Charles H. Tuttle. 2031 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 4th department. Black river regu- lating district and William R. Adams, Henry E. Smith and Alfred H. Stiles, Jr. . .plain- tiffs-appellants, vs. Adirondack league club, defendant-respondent. Brief on behalf of Adirondack Moose river committee, inc. the Friends of the forest preserve, inc. American planning and civic association, the Wild life management institute and the Wilderness society, amici curiae, n.p. n.pub. 1953. 42p. 2032 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 4th department. Black river regu- lating district and William R. Adams, Henry E. Smith and Alfred H. Stiles Jr. . .plain- tiffs-appellants, vs. Adirondack league club, defendant-respondent. Brief on behalf of the Attorney general. . . Batavia, N.Y. Batavia times, law printers, 1953. 28p. Supporting the constitutionality of the Stokes Act. Argued by Edward L. Ryan, Assistant Attorney- General. 2033 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 4th department. Black river regu- lating district et al., appellants, v. Adiron- dack league club, respondent. May 27, 1953. In Reports of cases, v. 282, p. 161-73. See also p.829. 2034 New York (state). Supreme court. Appellate division, 4th department. In the matter of the application of the Adirondack league club, petitioner against the Board of the Black river regulating district et al., respondent. Pro- ceeding no.l. . .Reply brief for all petitioners in proceeding no. 2. . .n.p. 1953. 14p. 2035 New York (state). Court of appeals. Black river regulating district and William R. Adams, Henry E. Smith and Alfred H. Stiles, Jr. . .plaintiffs-respondents against Adiron- dack league club, defendant-appellant. Brief for respondents, n.p. n.pub. 1954. 76p. 2036 New York (state). Court of appeals. Black river regulating district and William R. Adams, Henry E. Smith and Alfred H. Stiles, Jr. . .plaintiffs-respondents against Adiron- dack league club, defendant-appellant. Reply brief for appellant. N.Y. Bar press, inc. 1954? 38p. Argued by Charles H. Tuttle. 2037 New York (state). Court of appeals. Black river regulating district and William R. Adams, Henry E. Smith and Alfred H. Stiles, Jr. . .plaintiffs-respondents against Adiron- dack league club, defendant-appellant. Reply brief on behalf of Adirondack Moose river committee, inc. the Friends of the Forest pre- serve, inc. American planning and civic asso- ciation, the Wild life management institute, the National parks association, the Wilder- ness society and the Association for the pro- tection of the Adirondacks, amici curiae, n.p. n.pub. 1954. 12p. Argued by Milo R. Kniffen. 2038 New York (state). Court of appeals. Board of the Black river regulating district, appel- lant, V. Adirondack league club, respondent. In New York reports, v.309, p. 798-99. Argued Oct. 3, 1955; decided Oct. 13, 1955. Motion to dismiss appeal granted. 2039 CONSERVATION CONSERVATION 89 Arranged by date New York (state). Forest commission. An- nual report, 1885-1894. Albany, Argus print- ing CO. 1886-95. llv. plates, tables, folded maps in pocket. Succeeded by the Fisheries, Game and Forest Commission (later the Forest, Fish and Game Commission). 2040 New York (state). Fisheries, game and forest commission. Annual report, 1895-1899. Al- bany & N.Y. 1896-1900. 5v. plates (part col.) tables, maps. The Commission also issued a series of three so-called preliminary reports (2, 3 and 5), 1897-1900. 2041 Juvenal, pseud. Adirondack deer and woods. For & Stream, Oct. 6, 1900. 55:267. Oppos- ing the deer law and commenting on devas- tation of forests by lumber companies; see comment by J. A. Learned, "The Adirondack Deer," 55:289. 2042 New York (state). Forest, fish and game commission. Annual report of the Superin- tendent of the state forests, 1900-1910. Al- bany & N.Y. 1901-11. 6v. plates (part col.) tables, maps. Preliminary reports were also issued for 1900 and 1901. Report for 1901 included portfolio of 100 plates. 2043 Forest, fish and game commission. For & Stream, Mar. 9, 1901. 56:181. Editorial on abolishment of the Commission. 2044 Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. The Forest, fish and game commission. Recreation, July 1902. 17:62-63. Criticism of the 1900 Report. 2045 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Letter to Gov. Frank W. Higgins pro- testing reappointment of Commissioner Mid- dleton and Chief game protector Pond, Mar. 20, 1905. N.Y. 1905. 7p. 2046 Whipple, James Spencer. Forests, fish and game. For & Stream, June 23, 1906. 66:989- 91. Need to conserve New York state's forests, fish and game. 2047 Parkinson, Edward K. Adirondack interests — forests and game on the increase. For & Stream, Feb. 9, 1907. 68:216-17. illus. 2048 Whipple, James Spencer. The protection of forests, fish and game. For Leaves, Summer 1907. 4:no.2:3-7. illus. 2049 Juvenal, pseud. Commissioner Whipple's work. For & Stream, Sept. 14, 1907. 69:417. Touring the Adirondacks in interest of forest preservation. 2050 Hughes, Charles Evans. Conservation of natural resources in the State of New York. In Conference of governors. Proceedings, 1908. Washington, 1909. p.314-26. Mainly on the Adirondacks. 2051 Dix, John Alden. Statement on the conserva- tion bill. n.p. n.d. Broadside. Press release dated July 13, 1911. 2052 New York (state). Conservation commission. Conservationcommittee report. For & Stream, Jan. 20, 1912. 78:79, 96-97. Summary of the Commission's first Annual Report. 2053 Di.x, John Alden. The Governor's message. . . Conservation, p. 14-1 8. n.p. n.d. unpaged. Press release, Jan. 3, 1912. 2054 New York (state). Conservation department. Annual report, 1911-date. Albany, 1912- date. plates, fold, maps, fold, profiles, tables (part fold.) diagrs. (part fold.). 1911-14 issued in two parts. Division of Lands and Forests, and Division of Inland Waters. Is- sued by the Conservation Commission, 1911- 26; by the Conservation Department, 1927- date. 2055 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Con- servation law as amended to the close of the regular session of 1916. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1916. 409p. Also issued in 1928 (680p.). 2056 Goldthwaite, Kenneth W. The plan of con- servation and its execution. Conservationist, Mar. 1917. 1:35-38. illus. 2057 New York (state). Conservation commission. Violations of the conservation law disposed of during the month of. . . no. 1-34. Mar. 1917-Dec. 1919. Albany, 1917-19. 34 nos. Monthly. Discontinued with Dec. 1919. 2058 Pratt, George DuPont. Conservation in the Adirondacks: an address given at Lake Placid. NT Forestry, Jan. 1918. 4:no.4:5-13. 2059 Pettis, Clifford Robert. Conservation in New York state. J^T State Hist Assn Q,, Apr. 1 922. 3:77-82. 2060 Committee majority rejects Carpenter me- morial-motion. High Spots, Dec. 1922. l:no. 2:3-4. The memorial referred to is printed in Warwick S. Carpenter's "Mountain Slope Protection and Recreational Development in the Adirondacks" (no.l690). 2061 Committee outlines policy on conservation issues. High Spots, Dec. 1922. l:no.2:l, 4. Report of the Conservation Committee, Henry S. Graves, chairman. The first definite state- ment of conservation policy by the Adiron- dack Mountain Qub. 2062 Brandreth, Paulina. Commercialism or con- servation? An illuminating article on what is happening in the Beaver river country, by Paul Brandreth, pseud. For & Stream, Sept. 1925. 95:582-83, 639-40. iUus. 2063 90 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Adams, Charles Christopher. Importance of preserving wilderness conditions. NTS Mus Bui, 1929. 279:37-46. plates. Also published as a separate. 2064 Howard, William Gibbs. Fifty years of con- servation in New York state. Bui Schools, Apr. 1935. 21:138-43, 145-46. illus. Reprinted in New York State Ranger School Alumni News, 1935, p.3-10. 2065 Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon. The fifty years of conservation program takes final form. NTS For Assn NL, May 1935. p. 1-3. 2066 Gorrie, R. Maclagan. Forests as public play- grounds in America. Scot Geog Mag, Nov. 1935. 51:363-65. On the work of the New York State Conservation Department in the Adirondacks and the Catskills. 2067 Whipple, Gurth Adelbert. A history of half a century of the management of the natural resources of the Empire state, 1885-1935. Albany, J. B. Lyon, ^1935. 199p. illus. tables. Cover title: Fifty Years of Conservation in New York State, 1885-1935. 2068 Conservation department acquires property on Lake George. NTS For Assn NL, Nov. 1936. p. 6. Seven hundred acres for develop- ment as a public campsite. 2069 Apperson, John S. Land utilization through preservation and land utilization for con- sumption, n.p. 1936. 4p. 2070 Apperson, John S. Man-made erosion in the Adirondacks and utilization through pres- ervation, n.p. 1936. 6p. Unpaged folder. Two addresses, one on the results of unwise log- ging, the other pointing out the bad results from present state land purchase procedure. 2071 Burnham, John. The progress of conserva- tion in New York state. N7'S Sport, Aug.- Oct. 1937. 3:no.3:3, 8; 3:no.4:5, 10. illus. 2072 New York (state). Conservation department. The conservation fund. What is it? How is it raised? How is it spent? Why is there an unexpended balance? Should it be spent and how? By Lithgow Osborne. . . Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1939. 12p. See Whipple, Gurth. "Fifty Years of Conservation," p.114-15 (no. 2068). 2073 Benedict, Darwin. Sidelights on the Tahawus railroad. Ad Mt Club Bui, May-June 1944. 8:no.3:5, 8. Conservation problems brought up by mining development. 2074 Benedict, Mrs. Martha (Nord). Conserva- tion legislation. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.— Apr. 1945. 9:no.2:4. 2075 Conservation forum resume. Ad-i-ron-dac, Dec. 1945. 9:no.6:6— 10. Conservationists meet to discuss postwar plans involving "woods, streams and hills, the wildlife that lives there- in," and pledge support to a positive pro- gram. 2076 Schaefer, Paul A. Sunlight and shadow on the Moose river. Cloud Splitter, Mar. -Apr. 1948. ll:no.2:2-4. 2077 Barker, Elmer Eugene. Conservation issues. Cloud Splitter, July-Aug., Sept.-Oct. 1948. ll:no.4:14-15, 19; 11 :no.5:16-17. 2078 Barker, Elmer Eugene. Conservation notes. Cloud Splitter, Jan. -Feb., May-June, Nov.- Dec. 1949; Jan. -Feb., Mar.-Apr. 1950. 12: no.l:14t; 12:no.2:15-16; 12:no.3:13-14; 12: no.6:10-ll; 13:no.l :10-13; 13:no.2:8-ll. 2079 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Conservation in the 1949 Legislature. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1949. 13:55. 2080 Fosburgh, Peter W. Weather and conserva- tion. NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1950. 4:no.4:16- 17. 2081 Miller, Philip Schuyler. ADK and conserva- tion: 1950. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1950. 14: 51. 2082 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Conservation pros- pect: 1951. Ad-i-ron-dac, ]3in.~Yzh. 1951. 15: 8-9. Statement by the chairman of the Con- servation Committee, Adirondack Mountain Club. 2083 Apperson, John S. Conservation in the Adi- rondacks: past, present, and future, n.p. n. pub. 1951? Broadside. Talk before the Glens Falls Chapter, Adirondack Mountain Club, January 16, 1951. Reprinted in The Ad-i- ron-dac, May-June 1951, 15:49, 55. 2084 Miller, Philip Schuyler. Report of the Con- servation committee: 1952. Ad-i-ron-dac, J an.- Feb. 1953. 17:12-13, 19. See also letter from Brockenbrough Evans in issue for May-June, 17:47. 2085 Dome island. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. — Nov.— Dec. 1954. 18:98. Plan to preserve Lake George island. See also brief note in Living Wilderness, Winter 1954-55, no.51:38. 2086 Hardy, Ruth Gillette. Conservation in New York. Appalachia, Dec. 15, 1954. mag.no.ll9: 296-91 . Brief summary. See also summary in issue for June 15, 1954, p.114-15. 2087 FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION Arranged by date Hough, Franklin Benjamin. State forestry; source of pleasure and profit in the Adiron- dacks. Albany, n.d. 3p. Title from the New York State Library List of Additions, v. 3, p.769. 2088 FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION 91 Schofield, Peter F. Forests and rainfall. Pop Sci, Nov. 1875. 8:111-12. Observation on absorption of rain by New York forests. 2089 Hough, Franklin Benjamin. . . .Report upon forestry. From the committee appointed to memorialize Congress and the state Legis- lature, regarding the cultivation of timber and the preservation of forests. Salem, Me. Salem press, 1878. 14p. From the Proceed- ings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, St. Louis, Aug. 1878. 2090 U.S. Agriculture, Department of. . . .Report upon forestry, prepared under the direction of the Commissioner of agriculture. . .Wash- ington, G.P.O. 1878-84. 4v. Volumes 1-3 prepared by Franklin B. Hough. Adiron- dacks, v.l, p.436-41. 2091 Sargent, Charles Sprague. The Adirondack forests. Nation, Dec. 6, 1883. 37:464. A plea for the conservation of Adirondack forests. For answers see Sage, D. Decay of spruce in the Adirondacks (in the issue for Dec. 20), and Packard, A.S. Jr. Decay of spruce in the Adirondacks and northern New England (issue for Dec. 27, 1883). 2092 Hough, Franklin Benjamin. Address. . .on state forest management, before the Com- mittee on the preservation of the Adirondack forests of the Chamber of commerce of the State of New- York. January 14, 1884. N.Y. Press of the Chamber of commerce, 1884. 13p. 2093 Pringle, Cyrus Guernsey. "Extracts from Report upon the forests of northern New York." In U.S. Census. 10th census. 1880. Washington, 1884. v.9, p.501-6. 2094 Forest fires. For & Stream, Feb. 5, 1885. 24: 21. Editorial on prevention of fires in the Adirondacks. 2095 The Adirondack forests: a symposium. Out- ing, Apr. 1885. 6:77-83. By Charles Sprague Sargent and others. 2096 Forest commission report. For & Stream, Jan. 7, 1886. 25:462-63. 2097 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Fi- nance committee. Report. . .on the alleged misconduct of the Forest commission. Al- bany, 1887. 48p. Senate document 73, 1887. 2098 The Adirondack forests in danger. Gard & For, Mar. 28, 1888. 1:49. Editorial on the faults of the Forest Commission. 2099 Adirondack custodians. For & Stream, July 26, 1888. 31:1. Editorial on the Forest Com- mission. 2100 The Adirondack forests. Gard & For, Mar. 6, 1889. 2:109. Editorial expressing adverse criticism of the Forest Commission. 2101 The Adirondack forests. For & Stream, Oct. 31, 1889. 33:281. Forest Commission taking strong stand against devastation. 2102 Higley, Warren. The condition and needs of forestry legislation in the State of New York, an abstract. NT Acad Sci Tr, Dec. 9, 1889. 9:62-69. 2103 New York (state). Forest commission. Pro- tect the forests: duties of supervisors, laws and rules. Albany, 1890. 22p. 2104 Fox, William Freeman. Forestry matters in New York. Am Forestry Assn Proc, 1891, 1892 & 1893. 10:62-71. Discussion of Catskills and Adirondacks. Read at World's Fair Con- gress, Oct. 1893. 2105 Fox, William Freeman. A forestry experi- ment station. In New York (state). Fisheries, game and forest commission. Annual report, 1896. p. 328-33. Recommends purchase of a special tract of land for experiments. 2106 Proposed change in forestry practice in New York. Gard & For, Feb. 10, 1897. 10:52. Edi- torial on report of the Fisheries, Game and Forest Commission. 2107 Adirondack forest interest. For & Stream, Mar. 13, 1897. 48:201. Editorial on the Wag- staff Committee's recommendation for pres- ervation of the watersheds of the Mohawk and Hudson rivers. 2108 Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. Adirondack for- estry problems. In New York (state). Fish- eries, game and forest commission. Annual report, 1898. p.354-66. plates, illus. Re- printed with slight revision in The Forester, Oct. 1900, 6:229-34. Also published as Bul- letin no. 5 of the New York State College of Forestry, Cornell University, 1902, 5p. 2109 Price, Overton Westfeldt. Working plans in the state preserve. In New York (state). Fish- eries, game and forest commission. Annual report, 1898. p. 41 8-22. plates, illus. Lumber- ing. 2110 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack ruin. For & Stream, June 17, 1899. 52:464. Forest fires. 2111 Fires in Nehasane park. Forester, Oct. 1899. 5:238. Forest protection from fire and meth- ods of fire fighting. .2112 Price, Overton Westfeldt. Studying the Adi- rondack forest. Forester, Jan. 1900. 6:19-20. Working plan for the St. Regis Paper Com- pany tract, Franklin County. 2113 Cleveland, Treadwell Jr. The forest laws of New York. Forester, Apr. 1901. 7:81-85. His- torical summary. 2114 ' Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. Progress of forest management in the Adirondacks; third an- nual report of the Director of the New York 92 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE state college of forestry. Ithaca, N.Y. 1901. 40p. (New York State College of Forestry. Bulletin 3, Mar. 1901.) Describes the work atAxton, N.Y. 2115 Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon and Bruce, Eugene Sewell. . . .A forest working plan for Town- ship 40, Totten and Crossfield purchase, Hamilton county, New York state Forest preserve, preceded by A discussion of con- servative lumbering and the water supply, by Frederick H. Newell. Washington, G.P.O. 1901. 64p. charts, folded map. (U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture Bulletin 30.) First pub- lished in the New York State Forest, Fish and Game Commission Annual Report for 1900, p. 157-236. For comment see editorial entitled "The Adirondack Forests," Forest and Stream, July 27, 1901. 57:61. Reviewed in The Forester, Oct. 1901, 7:258-60. illus. 2116 The New York Forest preserve. For & Stream, Jan. 11, 1902. 58:30. Change in law needed to permit private owners to cut trees down to 10 inches instead of 12. 2117 Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. Forestry in New York state. Science, }3in. 17, 1902. n.s.l5:91- 96. 2118 Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. Forestry in New York. Recreation, Apr. 1902. 16:312-13. What foresters are trying to do in the Adirondacks. 2119 Williams, Asa S. The Adirondack park. For & Irrig, Apr. 1902. 8:141-42. Examination of Adirondack woodlands, work done by Asa S. Williams and R.C. Bryant. 2120 Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. Forestry and the New York state constitution. Recreation, Aug. 1902. 17:145-47. 2121 Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon and Bruce, Eugene Sewell. A forest working plan for Townships 5, 6 and 41, Totten and Crossfield purchase, Hamilton county, New York state Forest preserve. In New York (state). Forest, fish and game commission. Annual report, 1 902- 3. p.373-456. plates, folded map. 2122 Pettis, Clifford Robert. Special report on the gathering of spruce seed. In New York (state). Forest, fish and game commission. Annual report, 1902-3. p.66-73. plates. 2123 The Adirondacks. For & Stream, Feb. 28, 1903. 60:170. Extract from report of the Superintendent of State Forests. 2124 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack ruin. For & Stream, ]unft 13, 1903. 60:465. Forest fires. 2125 Juvenal, pseud. Adirondack notes. For & Stream, June 20, 1903. 60:483. Forest fires. 2126 Pettis, Clifford Robert. The New York forest firelaw. For (2"a^ July 1903. 1:134-39. 2127 Knechtel, A. Forest fires in the Adirondacks. For Quar, Nov. 1903. 2:2-13. 2128 New York. Board of trade and transporta- tion. The state forests. Forest fires, their danger to life and property, system of pro- tection in use in other countries and states, water power should be conserved, a water storage law recommended, waste lands should be reforested, official licensed guides should be created, repeal for the Forest preserve condemnation law. Report of the Committee on forests. N.Y. 1903. 16p. 2129 Locomotive sparks and forest fires. For & Stream, Feb. 13, 1904. 62:121. Editorial on hearing before Senate Forestry Commission. 2130 The crisis at Albany. For & Irrig, Mar. 1904. 10:99. Editorial on the need for help from the railroads to prevent forest fires. 2131 Adirondack forest fires. For & Stream, May 7, 1904. 62:369. 2132 Fire fighting in the Adirondacks. Chaut, Nov. 1904. 40:276-77. 2133 Forest fires of 1903 in New York state. Ind, Dec. 8, 1904. 57:1345. 2134 Fox, William Freeman. How forest fires may be prevented. Woods & Wat, Winter 1904- 5. 7:no.4:15-18. illus. 2135 Fox, William Freeman. Fire! fire! fire! An appeal to the citizens of the Adirondack and Catskill regions. Albany, Evening union co. 1904. 16p. Issued by the Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 2136 Fox, William Freeman. Forest fires of 1903. Albany, Oliver A. Quayle, 1904. 55p. plates, tables. (Unnumbered bulletin of the Forest, Fish and Game Commission.) 2137 Suter, Herman Milton. . . .Forest fires in Adirondacks in 1903. Washington, G.P.O. 1904. 15p. front, (folded map). (U.S. For- estry Bureau Circular no.26.) Also published by the Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks as its Publication no. 5. 2138 Fires in the Adirondacks. Field & S, June 1905. 10:182. 2139 Ruin wrought by forest fires. J Outd Life, June 1905. 2:99-101. 2140 Bruce, Eugene Sewell. Practical forestry in New York. For & Irrig, July 1905. 11:331- 34. 2141 Reforestry in the Adirondacks. Sh & Fish, Sept. 21, 1905. 38:465. Title supplied. Edi- torial on work in progress. 2142 New York (state). Attorney-general's office. To the honorable, the Governor of the State FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION 93 of New York. . . n.p. n.pub. 1905. 24p. Re- port of investigation of unlawful cutting of timber in the Forest Preserve, Apr. 28, 1905. Copy in files of the Association for the Pro- tection of the Adirondacks. 2143 McClintock, J.Y. Forestry in New York state. For & Irrig, Apr. 1905. 11:165-67. In- cludes discussion of Adirondack and Catskill preserves. 2144 Locomotives to fight forest fires. Sport Rev, Aug. 11, 1906. 30:145. Editorial on use of special locomotives equipped with pumps on top of boilers. 2145 Parker, Clarence L. Forest protection. For & i'/rram, Feb. 9, 1907. 68:216. 2146 Parker, Clarence L. Adirondack forest pro- tection. For & Stream, Mar. 2, 1907. 68:334- 35. Reviews recent attempts at Forest Pre- serve legislation. 2147 Parker, Clarence L. Adirondack forest lands. St No Mo, Apr. 1907. 1 :no. 12:7-1 2. 2148 Knechtel, A. The forests of New York. In New York (state). University. Arbor day annual, 1907. p. 16-20. illus. Fire fighting and forest restoration. 2149 Spears, Eldridge A. Forest fires in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, ]\i\y 25, 1908. 71:138. Reviews fires of the season and discusses means of protection. 2150 Adirondack fires out. For & Stream, Aug. 1, 1908.71:174. 2151 Juvenal, pseud. In the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Oct. 17, 1908. 71:617. Forest fires. 2152 Brown, George L. Forest fires in Essex county. For & Stream, Nov. 21, 1908. 71:817. Costs of fighting forest fires. 2153 Brown, George L. Fire breaks in Essex county. For & Stream, Dec. 12, 1908. 71:938. Urges further fire protection for the Adirondack forests. Answered by F.L. Purdy in issue for Jan. 2, 1909. 2154 Donaldson, Alfred Lee. Forest fires and their prevention. Outlook, Dec. 19, 1908. 90:876- 78. A review of forest fires in the Adirondacks, showing disastrous results; suggestions for prevention. 2155 Case 494. In New York (state). Public serv- ice commission, 2d district. 2d annual report, 1908. v.l, p. 440-41. Ordering a hearing on Forest Preserve fires caused by railway loco- motives. 21 56 Radford, Harry V. . . .Artificial preserva- tion of timber and History of the Adirondack beaver. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1908. p.345-418. plates, illus. folded maps. Reprinted from the 10th, 11th and 12th reports of the New York State Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Bibliography, p.358, 391-94. 2157 Whipple, James Spencer. Address to the Legislature of the State of New York (in joint session). . .Albany, February 3, 1908. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1908. 19p. On forests and forestry, by the Commissioner of Forests, Fish and Game. 2158 Whipple, James Spencer. Forest preserva- tion and restoration. In New York (state). University. Arbor day annual, 1908. p.l6- 18. illus. Brief historical resume with state- ment of need to push the state's reforestation program. 2159 Purdy, Fred Leslie. Adirondack fires and preserves. For & Stream, Jan. 2, 1909. 72:14- 15. Answer to G.L. Brown's article, "Fire Breaks," Dec. 12, 1908, 71:938. 2160 P., E.K. Conference on forest fires. For & Stream, }an. 9, 1909. 72:58. Meeting of forty representatives with various interests in the Adirondacks. 2161 P., E.K. Commissioner Whipple's report. For & Stream, Jan. 16, 1909. 72:96-97. Changes needed to prevent forest fires. 2162 Whipple, James Spencer. Forest fires. Outing, Aug. 1909. 54:427-37. illus. Discussion of the Adirondack fires of 1899, 1903, 1908 and methods of fire prevention. 2163 Spears, Eldridge A. Measures to prevent for- est fires. For & Stream, Sept. 25, 1909. 73: 497. llnspection of railroad locomotives on the Malone & Montreal Rail Road. 2164 Preventing Adirondack forest fires. Conserva- tion, Dec. 1909. 15:788. Condensed from the Boston Transcript. 2165 Forest fires. For Leaves, Winter 1909. 5:no.4: 54-56. illus. Forest fires in 1908. 2166 Pettis, Clifford Robert. Tree planting in the Adirondacks. For Leaves, Winter 1909. 5:no. 4:43-44. 2167 Adirondack forest fire investigation. In New York (state). Public service commission, 2d district. 3d annual report, 1909. v.l, p.87- 95. See also p.562-63. 2168 New York (state). Public service commission, 2d district. In the matter of fire prevention along the lines of the railroads in the Adiron- dack Forest preserve. Submitted Mar. 22, 1909. Decided Apr. 1, 1909. Albany, 1909. 95p. tables. (Opinions and decisions, no. 49.) Binder's title: Electrifying the Mohawk & Malone R.R. 2169 Cary, Austin. Forestry policy of typical states — New York. Ann Am Acad, Mar. 1910. 35:248-51. 2170 94 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Spears, Raymond Smiley. State forest fire service. Ang & Hunt, Mar. 1910. 2:143-48. illus. 2171 New York (state). Commissioners to investi- gate tlie management and affairs of the For- est, fish and game commission. Abstract of report of Commissioners Roger P. Clark and H. Leroy Austin. . . Albany? 1910. 61 leaves. News release. Copy in the New York State Library. 2172 Pettis, Clifford Robert. Reforesting. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1910. 25p. (New York State For- est, Fish and Game Commission Bulletin 2.) 2173 Gianini, Charles A. A hike with a fire patrol- man. For & Stream, Oct. 21, 1911. 77:612- 13. illus. Trip with Trume Haskell of the Wilmurt district. Includes a description of French Louis of West Canada lakes. 2174 Moon, Frederick Frank. Forest conditions of Warren county. In New York (state). Forest, fish and game commission. 16th annual re- port, p. 79-107. plates, maps. Also published as New York State Conservation Commission Bulletin no.6, Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1911, 31p. illus. folded maps (col.). 2175 Wiley, George Martin, comp. Forests of New York. . . Albany, New York state education department, 1911. 53p. illus. (Arbor Day Annual, May 5, 1911.) 2176 Sterling, Ernest Albert. A definite state pol- icy: New York state's progress in reforesting the Adirondacks. Am Forestry, Jnly 1912. 18: 421-30. illus. 2177 Gaylord, Frederick Alan. Forestry and forest resources in New York. Albany, 1912. 58p. front, plates. (New York State Conservation Commission. Division of Lands and Forests. Bulletin 1.) Extracts in American Forestry, Nov. 1912, 18:685-701, illus. Later editions of Bulletin 1 are by A.S. Hopkins and are entitled "General Forestry." General and statistical material about the Adirondack Forest Preserve. 2178 Miller, Warren Hastings. Dynamite in forest fire fighting. Am Forestry, Nov. 1913. 19:769- 75. illus. Demonstration at Cat Mountain station on experimental tract of the New York State College of Forestry, Syracuse. 2179 Pettis, Clifford Robert. $60,000 loss in New York state. Am Forestry, Nov. 1913. 19:750- 52. Forest fires. 2180 New York (state). Conservation commission. . . .Special report. . .on the efficiency of the top-lopping law. Transmitted to the Legis- lature March 13, 1913 Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1913. 12p. illus. Assembly document 46, 1913. Report signed: C.R. Pettis. Tracts visited include Brandreth Preserve, Whitney Pre- serve, Santa Clara Lumber Company's hold- ings. 2181 Canada. Commission of conservation. Com- mittee on forests. Forest protection in Canada, 1912-1914. Toronto, Bryant press, 1913-15. 2v. plates, folded map. Adirondack Forest Preserve— fires and fire prevention, pt.3. 2182 Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. A brief history of forestry, in Europe, the United States and other countries; 3d ed. rev. Toronto, Uni- versity press, 1913. 506p. First published in 1907; revised and enlarged edition issued in 1911. 2183 Dickerson, Mary Cynthia. Forestry in the State of New York. Am Mus J, Oct. -Nov. 1914. 14:221-24. Recommends planned cut- ting in the Forest Preserve. 2184 Bruce, Eugene Sewell. The forestry problem in the Adirondacks. J^fTS For Assn Bui, Apr. 1915. 2:no.2:30-35. 2185 Howard, William Gibbs. Development of forest fire protection in New York state. JVTS For Assn Bui, Apr. 1915. 2:no.2:45-46. 2186 Witherbee, Walter C. A timberland owners' fire protective association for the Adiron- dacks. J^rS For Assn Bui, Apr. 1915. 2:no. 2:8-9. 2187 Demonstration needed. Conservationist, Sept. 1915. 1:140. Reprinted from the Adirondack Enterprise. Need better ways to use forest lands. 2188 Blauvelt, George A. Roads and fire trails in the Forest preserve. JVTS For Assn J, Oct. 1915. 2:no.4:26-27. 2189 Clinton, George. Cutting mature timber in the state forests. .A^r.S' For Assn J, Oct. 1915. 2:no.4:20-21. 2190 Dow, Charles Mason. The problem of con- servation in New York. NTS For Assn J, Oct. 1915. 2:no.4:3-5. illus. 2191 Carpenter, Herbert S. Co-operation in forest administration. NTS For Assn J, Oct. 1916. 3:no.2-4:26-28. 2192 Pratt, George DuPont. Public policy in rela- tion to forest lands. Conservationist, Jan. 1917. 1:3-7. Address before the Empire State For- est Products Association, Dec. 19, 1916. 2193 Howard, William Gibbs. Getting the jump on forest fires. Conservationist, Apr. 1917. 1: 56-59. illus. Description of the forest fire pro- tective force in the Adirondacks. 2194 Austin, H. Leroy. No lumbering in state forests, people should not permit commercial interests to cut timber in Adirondacks and Catskills; much of the area already devas- tated. State Service, Oct. 1917. l:no.3:40-45. illus. 2195 FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION 95 Rccknagel, Arthur Bernard. Make state for- ests productive; scientiiic lumbering in Adi- rondacks should be permitted under restric- tions, is the argument of a forester who has studied the subject. State Seri'ice, Oct. 1917. l:no.3:33-40. illus. 2196 Pratt, George DuPont. Fire department for the forests. Am City (Town and country ed.) Oct. 1918. 19:255-58. illus. 2197 Society of American foresters. Sample plot committee. Plan for permanent sample plots in the Adirondacks. J For, Dec. 1918. 16: 922-27. 2198 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Con- servation committee. Plant and acquire for- ests, one of the pressing duties of New York state, by James S. Whipple. Transmitted to the Legislature April 12, 1918. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1918. 37p. illus. Senate document 50, 1918. Includes legal history of forest pres- ervation in the Adirondacks. 2199 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Con- servation law in relation to lands and forests. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1918?- Copies located for 1918-19, 1923, 1929, 1931-32, 1934, 1937, 1940, 1946, 1948. 2200 Pratt, George DuPont. A state-wide forest policy. Conservationist, Dec. 1919. 2:179-82. illus. 2201 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Committee on conservation of state waters, lands and forests. Forestry program. N.Y. 1919. 4p. Addressed to the Chamber of Commerce. Copy in files of the Associa- tion. 2202 Howard, William Gibbs. Mountain top build- ers. Conservationist, Jan. 1920. 3:11-13. illus. Construction of fire towers in the Adirondack and Catskill preserves. 2203 Pettis, Clifford Robert. Legislative machin- ery for enforcement of private forestry meas- ures. J For, Jan. 1 920. 1 8 :6-8. 2204 Pratt, George DuPont. New York's forestry program. Am Forestry, Jan. 1920. 26:51-53. 2205 Pettis, Clifford Robert. Driving home the fire lesson. Conservationist, ]une 1920. 3:90-93. Posting signs to remind the public of the fire hazards. 2206 Pratt, George DuPont. Forest conservation in New York state. Cor For, June 1920. 1:9- 11. 2207 Howard, William Gibbs. The telephone in forest protection. Conservationist, Aug. 1920. 3:122-23. Reprinted in State Service, Oct.- Nov. 1921, 5,i.e.7:432-33, with title "Tele- phones Help to Protect Forests. . ." 2208 Recknagel, Arthur Bernard. New York's for- ests and their future. Am Forestry, Sept. 1920. 26:518-21. illus. table. 2209 Baker, Hugh Potter. Forestry and a forest policy for New York. NT Forestry, Feb. 1920. 7:no.l:24-31. 2210 Belyea, Harold Cahill. Some observations on empirical forestry in the Adirondacks. J For, Feb. 1921. 19:115-28. table. 2211 Cleaves, Howard H. The forest's fire depart- ment. Conservationist, July 1921. 4:107-9. illus. 2212 Behre, Charles Edward. A study of windfall in the Adirondacks. J For, Oct. 1921. 19: 632-37. tables. 2213 Howard, William Gibbs. What the state has accomplished in fire protection. Emp St For Prod Assn Bui, Dec. 1921. no. 12:8-1 4. 2214 Howard, William Gibbs. Forest fires. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1921. 52p. plates, illus. (New York State Conservation Commission Bulletin 10, rev.) Earlier edition, 1914. 2215 Woolsey, Theodore S. Public forestry on private land. Reprinted from the Journal of Forestry, Feb. 1922. n.p. 1922? 5p. 2216 Hopkins, Arthur S. The forest fire hazard in the Adirondack and Catskill regions. J For, Oct. 1922. 20:629-32. chart. 2217 Five year effort of Association in forest taxa- tion legislation nears final success. Supple- ment to The Seed Tree, Feb. 1923. n.p. 1923. 2p. Summary of forest taxation and proposed law by the Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks. 2218 Simmons, J.R. Replacing a vanished forest. Bui Schools, Apr. 1923. 9:149-50. illus. Need for good forest practice and reforestation. The author was Secretary-Forester of the New York State Forestry Association. 2219 Macdonald, Alexander. The press and re- forestation. Address. . .before the New York state publishers' association. Syracuse, Janu- ary 25, 1924. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1924. 12p. illus. Includes material on the Adirondacks. 2220 Belyea, Harold Cahill and Woolsey, T.S.Jr. A forest policy for New York state. J For, Jan. 1925. 23:10-19. "The idea that a pleas- ure forest or Adirondack park can never be cut must be corrected." 2221 New York suffers from fall fires. Am For, Jan. 1925. 31:56. Adirondack and Catskill preserves closed Oct. 31, 1924. 2222 Marshall, Robert. Recreational limitations to silviculture in the Adirondacks. J For, Feb. 1925. 23:173-78. 2223 96 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Macdonald, Alexander. Policy for forest land acquisition by New York state. J For, May- June 1925. 23:457-59. 2224 Hall, Edward Hagaman. New York state forest policy. Nl" Forestry, 1925. p.35-39. 2225 Lindgren, G.S. Fire-weather in the Adiron- dacks. Am Met Soc Bui, Feb...l926. 7:30-31. 2226 Sealy, G.A. The Watson school forest. Bui Schools, Mar. 1, 1926. 12:166-67. plate. Town of Watson, Lewis County. 2227 Forest depletion in the State of New York with particular reference to the Adirondacks. Emp St For Prod Assn Bui, Feb. 1927. 25:1-4. tables. 2228 Prescott, Herbert F. New York state's for- ests. Bui Schools, Apr. 1, 1927. 13:194-97. illus. 2229 Francis, Henry R. Forestry in New York's state parks. Am For, June 1927. 33:349-51, 384. 2230 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. The depletion of the private forests of New York state. N.Y. 1927. 7p. Signed: E.H. Hall. 2231 Carlisle, John Nelson. Reforestation by a public utility; reforestation goal of the North- ern New York utilities, inc. is ten million trees planted by 1930. Gr & Nl^S Con, Apr. 1928. 6:no. 11:13. Planting on watersheds of the Black, Beaver and Oswegatchie rivers. 2232 Stickel, Paul W. Comparative forest fire hazard in the northeast. J For, Apr. 1928. 26:456-63. tables. Elk Lake and Cranberry Lake among the regions investigated. 2233 New York (state). Conservation department. Program of the fifth annual Adirondack for- estry tour September 21-24, 1928. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1 928. 46p. illus. folded map. 2234 Prater, P.F. Wallace. The Cranberry lake forest fire weather station. Emp For, 1928. 14:48-50. 2235 Schwartz, G. Victor. Five months of forest recreation. Emp For, 1928. 14:17-21. illus. Job at state campsite on Lake George. 2236 Faulks, Edward B. The campsite ranger's job. Emp For, 1929. 15:37-40. Sacandaga public campsite. 2237 Hopkins, Arthur S. General forestry (revised). Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1930. 31p. illus. (New York State Conservation Department Bul- letin no.l.) First published in 1912 (see no. 2178). 2238 New York (state). Reforestation commis- sion. Preliminary report transmitted to the Legislature February 6, 1930. Albany, 1930. 6p. Legislative document 63, 1930. 2239 Brown, Nelson C. New York looks ahead. J For, May 1930. 28:728-33. Also issued as a reprint. Review of New York state policy. 2240 Bayle, Francis L. Forest fires. High Spots, Sept. 1930. 7:no.3:4-5. illus. 2241 Seligman, Edwin R.A. A forest policy for New York. Address delivered July 21, 1930, at Lake Placid. Watertown, N.Y. Depart- ment association, 193 — 15p. Reprinted from the September issue of the Up-Stater. 2242 Prescott, Herbert F. New York's great re- forestation program. Bui Schools, Apr. 1, 1931. 17:177-80. plates. History and results of reforestation program. Explanation and pro- motion of Hewitt amendment. 2243 Recknagel, Arthur Bernard. Review of legis- lation 1931. NTS For Assn NL, June 1931. p.5-6. 2244 Simmons, Frederick C. Jr. Forest policies of New York state. 137 leaves, plates, maps. Master's thesis, Yale School of Forestry, June 1931. Typescript. Written from the forester's point of view. 2245 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. The Hewitt reforesta- tion program for New York. Syracuse, 1931. 13p. 2246 Stickel, Paul W. Measurement and inter- pretation of forest fire-weather in the western Adirondacks. . .in cooperation with the New York state college of forestry. Syracuse, N.Y. 1931. 115p. illus. diagrs. (New York State University College of Forestry, Syracuse. Technical Bulletin no. 34.) Also issued as Bulletin, v.4, no.3a, Dec. 1931. 2247 Empire state forest products association. Spe- cial committee on forest fire suppression. Re- port. NTS For Assn NL, Nov. 1933, p.1-3; Nov. 1934, p. 16-1 9. 2248 Stickel, Paul W. Weather and forest fire hazard with special reference to the upper altitudinal spruce-balsam forest region of northern New York. J For, Jan. 1934. 32: 76-79. chart, table. Statistics from Elk Lake fire-weather station. 2249 Hopkins, Arthur S. New York state's refor- estation program. Bui Schools, Apr. 1, 1936. 22:154-56. plates. Progress of reforestation program since 1929. 2250 Apperson, John S. Forests upstream and downstream: a series of addresses. Schenec- tady, N.Y. Forest preserve association of New York state, inc. 1936. 8p. Contents: L Man- made Erosion in the Adirondacks; H. Utili- zation Through Preservation; HL Upper Watershed Forests Differ in Purpose from Downstream Forests. State's failure to pro- FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION 97 tect critical slopes at the sources of rivers. 2251 Howard, William Gibbs. Progress in forestry in New York state in 1937. ^frS For Assn NL, Mar. 1938. p. 1-5. 2252 Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon. The state constitu- tion and forestry. NTS For Assn NL, Nov. 1938. p.5-7. 2253 Littlelield, Edward Winchester. Spruce and balsam reproduction occurring under a por- cupine-damaged Scotch pine plantation in the Adirondacks. Albany, New York state conservation department, 1938. unpaged. (Notes on Forest Investigations, no. 9, Apr. 9, 1938.) Mimeographed. 2254 Gibbs, John T. When the woods are closed. High Spots Trbk, 1939. p.77-79. Forest fires. 2255 Diebold, Charles H. Effect of fire and logging upon the depth of the forest floor in the Adi- rondack region. Soil Sci Soc Proc, 1941. 6:409- 13.illus. 2256 Fowler, Albert. The fire head. High Spots Trbk, 1942. p.30-32. illus. Fire fighting. 2257 Hopkins, Arthur S. New York state's refor- estation program. Albany, New York state conservation department, 1942. 36p. figs, map. (New York State Conservation Depart- ment Bulletin 20.) Revised edition issued in 1950. "This bulletin summarizes the history and progress of public and private reforesta- tion in New York state since 1899." 2258 Schaefer, Paul A. Adirondack forests in peril. Nat Parks, July-Sept. 1945. no.82: 19-23. illus. 2259 Dubuar, James Francis. Does New York need a forest inventory? J For, Mar. 1946. 44:176- 77. Vast holdings in the Adirondacks and Catskills should be inventoried. Reprinted from Alumni News, New York State Ranger School, 1944. 2260 Williams, Kinne F. Putting eyes in the skies. NTS Con, Aug. 1946. l:no.l:16. illus. Building a fire tower on Mt. Adams, Essex County. 2261 Howard, William Gibbs. New York's Forest practice act. J For, June 1947. 45:405-7. 2262 Hicks, Harry Wade. Great fires of 1903. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1947. 2:no.l:9-10. illus. Ex- cerpt in North Country Life, Fall 1948, 2:no. 4:7-8, 51-52. 2263 Littlefield, Edward Winchester. Forest plant- ing in New York. Albany, New York state conservation department, 1947. 31 p. figs. (New York State Conservation Department Bulletin 2.) Replaces "Reforesting" by C.R. Pettis. Reprinted in 1950, 2264 Howard, William Gibbs. State of New York forestry policy. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1948. 3:no.l:12-13. illus. 2265 Wolf, Robert E. A partial survey of forest legislation in New York state. 353 leaves. Master's thesis. New York State University College of forestry, Syracuse, 1948. Type- script. Omits fish and game legislation; in- cludes very few legislative acts on water and water power. 2266 Amadon, Arthur F. Trees for the people of New York. Bui Schools, Mar. 1949. 35:264- 67. illus. History and current status of state tree nurseries. 2267 Littlefield, Edward Winchester. This state takes care of its trees. Bui Schools, Mar. 1949. 36:200-4. Forest Practice Act. 2268 Lauffer, Paul G. Must we eat our forests? Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1949. 13:33. First of four articles; others have title: "Our Vanish- ing Forests." 2269 LaufTer, Paul G. Our vanishing forests — II-IV. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June — Sept. -Oct. 1949. 13:64, 86, 104-5. 2270 Wilkins, John. Life on an Adirondack; or, How to impress the public. NTS Con, Dec. 1949-Jan. 1950. 4:no.3:8-9. illus. By fire observer on West Mountain. 2271 Miller, Philip Schuyler. "Perpetual forests." Ad-i-ron-dac, ]an.-¥eh. 1950. 14:9. 2272 Miller, Philip Schuyler. ADK and forestry legislation: 1950. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1950. 14:56-57. 2273 Newkirk, Arthur Edward. Perpetual forests or continuing waste, which way in 1951? Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1950. 14:119, 124. 2274 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Conservation in 1897. Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1950. 13: no.6:6. 2275 Apperson, John S. Perpetual production for- ests and preservation forests. This statement was presented to the Joint legislative com- mittee of N.Y. state on river regulation. . . Jan. 20, 1950. n.p. 1950. 8p. 3d edition, re- vised, March 1950. Issued by the Adiron- dack Mountain Club and the Oneida County Forest Preserve Council. Five editions were issued. 2276 Miller, Roland B. The big blow of 1950. NTS Con, Dec. 1950-Jan. 1951. 5:no.3:18. illus. Minor mention of the Adirondacks. 2277 Timber salvage program planned. Conserva- tion department working on plans. Lumber Camp News, Jan. 1951. 12:no.9:l, 14. illus. 2278 98 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Wind damage in. the Adirondacks. J For, Feb. 1951. 49:151. 2279 The storm of Nov. 25, 1950. NTS Con, Fcb.- Mar. 1951. 5:no.4:2-7. illus. map on inside front cover. Includes official communica- tions of Commissioner Duryea and Attorney- General Goldstein, summary of action by the Legislature and action by the Conservation Department. See monthly Salvage Reports Apr.-May 1951 through Feb.-Mar. 1952. Reports usually every two months thereafter. 2280 Emergency action taken in Adirondack blow- down area. J For, Mar. 1951. 49:228. 2281 State seeks salvage bids in Adirondacks. Lumber Camp News, Mar. 1951. 12:no.ll:7. 2282 Miller, Philip Schuyler. The blow-down. Ad-i-Ton-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1951. 15:26-27, 40. Storm of November 1950. See also his "Blow- down Aftermath" in issue for July-Aug. 15: 68-69. 2283 Salvage jobs being let. Lumber Camp News, Apr. 1951. 12:no.l2:6. 2284 State windfall unlikely to go for news print. Ed & Pub, Apr. 21, 1951. 84:no.l7:112. Conservation Department contracts with lumber mills for disposal of blowdown trees. See also brief summary in Business Week, June 23, 1951, no.ll38:l 18-20. "Storm- felled trees. . ." 2285 Forest area closed to public. Lumber Camp News, July 1951. 13:no.3:14. List of areas closed on account of blowdown. 2286 New York foresters inspect timber damage. Lumber Camp News, Sept. 1951. 13:no.5:10. Meeting of New York section of the Society of American Foresters. 2287 New York maps fire fighting plan. Lumber Camp News, Sept. 1951. 13:no.5:ll. 2288 Youngs, George J. "The great windstorm of November 25, 1950." NTS Ranger Sch, 1951. p.14-15, 19. illus. 2289 New York (state). Governor (Thomas E. Dewey). Message. . .in relation to hurricane damage in the Adirondack area. Albany, 1951. 3p. Legislative document 30, 1951. Proposes bill to finance salvage work. 2290 Curry, John R. and Church, Thomas W. Jr. Observations on winter drying of conifers in the Adirondacks. J For, Feb. 1952. 50:114- 16. illus. 2291 Littlefield, Edward Winchester. Why don't we make the lumbermen reforest? NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1952. 6:no.4:25. illus. 2292 Kingsbury, Corydon D. The state forests of New York. Bui Schools, Mar. 1952. 38:172- 76. figs. map. History and current status of state production forests, including some in the Adirondacks. 2293 Patterson, William C. Blowdown — what next? Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1952. 15:no. 2:4-6. 2294 Hopkins, Arthur S. Planning for fire. Lumber Camp News, Apr. 1952. 1 3 :no. 12:8-9. illus. 2295 Hopkins, Arthur S. Planning for fire. NYS Con, Apr.-May 1952. 6:no.5:20-21. illus. map. 2296 Apperson, John S. Better forestry. . . Liv Wild, Spring 1952. no.40:37. Reprint of letter to the New Tork Times urging better manage- ment of commercial forests and less con- troversy over the Forest Preserve. 2297 Hurley, W.J. Project E 2. NYS Con, Oct.- Nov. 1952. 7:no. 2:22-23. Lumber company problems of salvage under state contracts. 2298 Foss, William M. After the storm. NYS Con, Dec. 1952-Jan. 1953. 7:no.3:2-3. illus. Sum- mary of Conservation Department's work following the storm of November 1950. 2299 Williams, Kinne F. Closing the woods. NYS Con, Dec. 1952-Jan. 1953. 7:no.3:24-25. 2300 Fosburgh, Peter W. Fire in the Cold river blow-down. NYS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1953. 8: no. 1:2-4. map. 2301 Marshall, George. The renewed menace of "fire truck roads" to the wild forest charac- ter of the Forest preserve. A forward to Robert Marshall's "Calkins Creek." Ad-i- ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1953. 17:100. See letter from A.T. Shorey in Nov.— Dec. issue, 17: 109, and Marshall's reply in Jan. -Feb. 1954 issue, 18:16-17. Also letters from Katherine Flickinger and Howard Zahniser in the Mar.- Apr. 1954 issue, 18:34-36. 2302 Marshall, Robert. Calkins creek. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1953. 17:101. Wilderness charac- ter destroyed by fire truck road. 2303 Allen, David G. Fire in the Cold river blow- down (2). NYS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1953. 8:no. 2:20-23. Pictures with explanatory text. 2304 Foss, William M. The big timber blow-down (as of December 31, 1952). In New York (state). Legislature. Joint legislative com- mittee on natural resources. Report, 1953. p. 50-51. table. 2305 Seagears, Clayton B. State has top forest- fire-fighting team. Cloud Splitter, Jan.-Feb. 1954. 17:no.l:4-5. 2306 Forest fire report. NYS Con, Apr.-May 1954. 8:no.5:30-31. 2307 FISH AND GAME 99 Foss, William M. $750,000 for state forests. .JVl'S Con, Apr-May 1954. 8:no.5:2. Incep- tion of a long-range management program. 2308 Hyde, Solon. New York state forest fire con- trol. ^'orl/u•ast Log, May 1954. 2:no.9:8-9, 46. illus. 2309 Tranquille, Dante. A babe in the woods. Am Fo!\ July 1954. 60:no.7:18-19. illus. Brief text with two-page spread of pictures. Diane Evans, daughter of Forest Ranger on Bald Mountain. 2310 Hyde, Solon. Fire control — then and now. J^rS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1954. 9:no.2:4-5. illus. 2311 Foss, William M. Salvage operations in the Forest preserve as of December 1, 1953. In New York (state). Legislature. Joint legis- lative committee on natural resources. Re- port, 1954. p.l21. 2312 Littlefield, Edward Winchester and Eliason, Everett J. Seed collection and tree produc- tion of Boonville Scotch pine. JVT Forester, Feb. 1955. 12:no.l:18. 2313 Hiscock, L. Harris. Fire in the north. Ad-i- ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1955. 19:92-94. 2314 Fohrman, Fred E. Long pond mt. fire. NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1955. 10:no.2:16, 27. Pre- ceded by note from Solon Hyde. 2315 Foss, William M. Progress report on timber salvage operations. In New York (state). Leg- islature. Joint legislative committee on nat- ural resources. Report, 1955. p. 82-88. illus. table. 2316 FISH AND GAME Arranged by date New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Game laws of the State of New York, as amended to 1872, inclusive. And certified as correct by the Secretary of state. With an appendix of forms and proceedings under the same. Albany, Parker & Herrick, 1872. 60p. 2317 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. The game laws of the State of New York. . . Al- bany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1873. 43p. 2318 N., S.S. The Adirondacks. For & Stream, Sept. 2, 1875. 5:54. Letter on disregard of game laws. 2319 Game protection. For & Stream, Sept. 16 & 23, 1875. 5:88, 104. On Hoxie, who hired forty trappers to work for him. Prosecution by the Hudson River Sportsmens Associa- tion. 2320 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. The game laws of the State of New York. Printed for the New York association for the protec- tion of game. September, 1875. n.p. 1875? 14p. Copy at the New York Public Library has amendments of 1876 (2p.) tipped in. 2321 Lawlessness in the Adirondacks . For <£? Stream, June 22, 1876. 6:322. Firing at sportsmen. 2322 French, J. Clement. Are the Adirondacks played out? For & Stream, Nov. 9, 1876. 7: 218. Depletion of game and fish. 2323 McKean, W.S. Adirondack association. Am Angler, Aug. 2, 1884. 6:70. Meeting to form a game protective association in the Adiron- dack area. 2324 Adirondack game wardens. For & Stream, Oct. 2, 1884. 23:181. Editorial on violations of game law and need to appoint woodsmen as wardens. 2325 L. Adirondack game protection. For & Stream, Oct. 2, 1884. 23:185. Need to appoint men familiar with the woods for game protection. 2326 Sherman, Richard U. Adirondack game pro- tection. For & Stream, Oct. 16, 1884. 23:226- 27. Answer to L. (in issue for Oct. 2) defends present protectors and enforcement of law. 2327 L. Adirondack game preservation. For & Stream, Oct. 23, 1884. 23:247. Reply to Sher- man (Oct. 16, 1884) defending original posi- tion. 2328 Merriam, Clinton Hart. Adirondack game protection. For & Stream, Oct. 30, 1884. 23: 265. In reply to L. (Oct. 2, 1884) notes that the game laws are better observed in some areas than in others. 2329 Northrup, M.S. Adirondack game protec- tion. For & Stream, Nov. 6, 1884. 23:287. Notes on game and protection. 2330 Pot hunters in the woods. For & Stream, Nov. 26, 1885. 25:341. Editorial on establishing salt licks in Hamilton County. 2331 Portsa, pseud. Adirondack game. For & Stream, Nov. 25, 1886. 27:346. Increase in larger animals. 2332 Dr. Ellsworth Elliot, Jr. convicted. Am An- gler, Aug. 18, 1888. 14:97-98. Editorial on conviction for violation of game laws. 2333 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Fish and game laws of the State of New York, also laws for the preservation of the forests, includ- ing amendments thereto, passed in 1888; comp. . .by George Edwin Kent. . . Troy, N.Y. Troy press co. printers, 1888. 135p. 2334 Worden, George H. Not guilty; or, The farce /Of Adirondack game protection. Outing, Apr. 1889. 14:67-70. 2335 100 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. . . . Game laws of the State of New York. An act for the protection, preservation and propa- gation of birds, fish and wild animals in the State of New York and the different counties thereof. . . Albany, Banks & brothers, 1892. 40p. 2336 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Game laws of the State of New York so far as they affect northern counties; compiled by H. Conkling. Albany, 1892. 52p. Title from Hasse. 2337 Bruce, Dwight Hall. The Adirondacks. For & Stream, ]an. 26, 1893. 40:73. Report made to the New York State Association for the Protection of Fish and Game. 2338 Witherbee, Walter C. Quail in northern New York. For & Stream, Nov. 11, 1893. 41:407. Releasing West Virginia quail near Port Henry. A report from Ticonderoga by "S" appears in the issue for July 21, 1894, 43: 50. 2339 Fish, forests and politics. For & Stream, Feb. 2, 1895. 44:81. Editorial on the Senate Com- mittee on Fish and Game. 2340 New York fish commission. For & Stream, Feb. 2, 1895. 44:88-89. Proposed consolida- tion of the Fish and Forest Commission with the Senate Committee on Fish and Game. 2341 S. An Adirondack capture. For & Stream, Feb. 23, 1895. 44:151. Capture of French Louis (Louis Seymour) and an Indian rene- gade from the St. Regis Reservation for kill- ing deer illegally. 2342 S. Adirondack otters. For & Stream, Dec. 14, 1895.45:517. 2343 Spears, Raymond Smiley. The spell of an otter's eyes. For & Stream, Dec. 28, 1895. 45: 562. Notes on otters at West Canada Creek. 2344 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. The fish and game law of the State of New York, providing for the protection, preservation and propagation of birds, fish and wild ani- mals, as revised and enacted by the Legis- lature of 1895. Albany, Banks & brothers, 1895. lOlp. 2345 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Com- mittee on the fish and game laws. Report, . . transmitted. . .January 15, 1895. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1895. lOp. Senate document 12, 1895. 2346 From the game-fields. Maine and the Adi- rondacks. Recreation, June 1896. 4:304-8. Includes letters on hunting in the Adiron- dacks by Jos. A. Cox, Seaver A. Miller and D.S. Smith. 2347 Simpson, John Boulton. Protector William H. Burnett. For & Stream, Dec. 12, 1896. 47: 472. Defense of Burnett's work. 2348 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Fish- eries, game and forest law of the State of New York, relating to game, fish and wild ani- mals, and to the Forest preserve and Adiron- dack park. As revised and enacted by the Legislature of 1895 and amended by the Legislature of 1896. Albany, W.H. Crawford CO. 1896. 167p. 2349 Cayadutta, pseud. The Adirondack game law. For & Stream, Mar. 20, 1897. 48:226- 27. 2350 Miller, Seaver Asbury. Adirondack game interests. For & Stream, Mar. 27, 1897. 48: 249. Comment on legislation. 2351 McHarg, John B. Jr. Anent the Adirondack moose, the panther and the wolf. For & Stream, Apr. 24, 1897. 48:325. Notes on ex- tinction. 2352 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Fish- eries, game and forest law of the State of New York. Relating to game, fish and wild ani- mals, and to the Forest preserve and Adi- rondack park. As revised and enacted by the Legislature of 1 892 and amended by the Leg- islatures of 1895, 1896, and 1897. Albany, 1897. 144p. 2353 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Fish- eries, game and forest law of the State of New York, relating to game, fish and wild ani- mals and to the Forest preserve and Adiron- dack park. As revised and enacted by the Legislature of 1892 and amended by the Leg- islatures of 1895, 1896, 1897 and 1898. Al- bany, Pub. by the clerks of the Senate and Assembly, 1898. 136p. 2354 The Essex county protector. For & Stream, Nov. 11, 1899. 53:387. On Game Protector Fletcher Beede's enforcement of game laws. 2355 Spears, Raymond Smiley. In the north woods. For & Stream, Nov. 25, 1899. 53:427. Lack of enforcement of game laws. 2356 B. Adirondack game. For & Stream, Dec. 16, 1899. 53:491-92. Game legislation. 2357 New York (state). Governor (Theodore Roose- velt). Letter to Fisheries, game and forest commission. In his Public papers, 1899. Al- bany, 1899. p. 205-6. Recommends rigid pro- tection of game and fish. 2358 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Fish- eries, game and forest law of the State of New York, relating to game, fish and wild animals, and to the Forest preserve and Adirondack park. As revised and enacted by the Legis- latures of 1895, 1896, 1897, 189,8 and 1899. Albany, 1899. 144p. " 2359 FISH AND GAME 101 Roosevelt, Theodore. New York tish and game interests. From Governor Roosevelt's message. For & Stream, ^a.r\. 13, 1900. 54:27. Conservation. 2360 Fish possessed during close season, though taken from waters outside the state. Con- struction of the act for the protection of birds, fish and wild animals in the State of New York (chap. 488, Laws 1892). Alb Law J, Oct. 20, 1900. 62:243-50. Decision of Court of Appeals, Oct. 2, 1900. 2361 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. The forest, fish and game law of the State of New York. Relating to the Forest preserve, fish, game and the International park. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1900. 95p. 2362 New York fish and game. For & Stream, Feb. 2, 1901. 56:89. From the Report of the For- est, Fish and Game Commission. 2363 Moose, elk and beaver for the Adirondacks. Woods & Wat, Autumn 1901. 4:no.3:13. 2364 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Forest, fish and game law relating to the Forest pre- serve, fish, game and the Adirondack and International parks;. . . Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1901-4. 4v. Gives amendments each year. 2365 New York game interests. For & Stream, Feb. 15, 1902. 58:125-26. Reports on deer, elk and moose. 2366 New York's new protectors. For & Stream, June 21, 1902. 58:481. Editorial approving the new law increasing the number of game protectors from thirty-eight to fifty. 2367 Juvenal, pseud. The Adirondack man kill- ings. For & Stream, Nov. 1, 1902. 59:350. Relation between new game laws and hunt- ing accidents. 2368 Restoring the moose and elk to the Adiron- dacks. Woods & Wat, Autumn 1902. 5:no.3: 9^10. 2369 80 elk and 20 moose at large in the Adiron- dacks and Woods and waters did it. Woods & Wat, Winter 1902-3. 5:no.4:16. 2370 Guides make suggestions for amending game laws. Amat Sportsman, Feb. 1903. 28:no.4: 16-17. Editorial on recommendations of the Adirondack Guides Association. 2371 Official report of the State of New York on the moose, elk and bear of the Adirondacks. Woods & Wat, Spring 1903. 6:no.l :11-13. illus. Extract from the Annual Report of the Forest, Fish and Game Commission, 1902. 2372 New York state again officially declares for Woods and waters' moose, elk, bear and beaver movements. Woods & Wat, Winter 1903-4. 6:no.4:10-13. illus. 2373 Juvenal, pseud. Adirondack deer and elk. For & Stream, }\x\y 2, 1904. 63:8-9. Increase in Blue Mountain Lake area. 2374 Brown, Elon Rouse. The Adirondack forests. For & Stream, Oct. 22, 1904. 63:341. Defends Legislature and its fish and game laws. 2375 Brown's tract guides association. Fish, game and forest laws of the State of New York, relating to the game and fish of the Forest preserve and Adirondack park. Boonville, N.Y. Herald, print. 1904. 23p. Includes list of members. 2376 Governor Higgins and game protection. Sh & Fish, Jan. 12, 1905. 37:285. Brief note on the Governor's message. 2377 Adirondack game. Sk & Fish, Feb. 9, 1905. 37:365. Comment on Commissioner Middle- ton's report. 2378 Adirondack game losses. Sh & Fish, Feb. 9, 1905. 37:369-70. Report from Philo Scott. 2379 Whish, John D. The big game of the Adiron- dacks. Woods & Wat, Spring 1905. 8:no.l: 11-14. illus. From 10th Annual Report of the Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 2380 Elk and moose in the Adirondacks. Field & S, Oct. 1905. 10:605. 2381 Drake, John S. Adirondack moose and elk. For & Stream, Nov. 11, 1905. 65:396. Report on increased number. 2382 The New York game protector. For & Stream, Dec. 2, 1 905. 65 :445. Editorial on the appoint- ment of John B. Burnham as District Game Protector. 2383 New York (state). Forest, fish and game com- mission. Adirondack game in 1904. Albany, Brandow printing co. 1905. 34p. Unnum- bered bulletin of the Forest, Fish and Game Commission. From 10th Annual Report. 2384 Essex county bears and deer. Sh & Fish, Jan. 4, 1906. 39:265. Essex County desires excep- tions to state fish and game laws. See letter from Peter Flint entitled "Deer Hounding in the Adirondacks" on p.268-69 of this issue and comment by Harry V. Radford, "Essex County Deer Hounding" in issue for Jan. 11, 1906, 39:291. 2385 What is the answer? Field & S, Mar. 1906. 10:1164. Report of an Italian greyhound lost in the Adirondacks for two years. 2386 Adirondack game. Sh & Fish, May 3, 1906. 40:65. Brief editorial on the progress of bill for restocking the Adirondacks with moose and beaver. Note on signing of the bill ap- pears in the issue for May 10, 1906, 40:84- 85. 2387 102 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE To identify Adirondack dogs. For & Stream, May 26, 1906. 66:823. Need for licensing dogs. 2388 Brown, George L. Gun licenses. For & Stream, Jan. 6, 1907. 68:138. Wants graded hunting licenses. 2389 The fish and game laws of New York. Arms & Man, Jan. 10, 1907. 41:270. 2390 The American bison society. Arms & Man, Jan. 17, 1907. 41:296-97. Plan to restock the Adirondacks. 2391 For a bison herd in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Mar. 16, 1907. 68:409. Bill proposed by Mr. Hooper of Essex County with back- ing of the American Bison Society. 2392 Hornaday, William Temple. A buffalo herd for the Adirondacks. Arms & Man, May 9, 1907. 42:109-10. Approving bill for pur- chase of buffalo to be placed in Esse.x County. 2393 Moose and deer increasing in the Adiron- dacks. Am Field, June 29, 1907. 67:615-16. Increase due to stocking. 2394 A bison herd for the Adirondacks. Sport Rev, July 13, 1907. 32:33. Proposal of American Bison Society that Legislature appropriate $20,000 for establishment of herd in the Adirondacks. For comments on Governor Hughes' veto of the appropriation see issue forjuly 27, 32:92. 2395 Burnham, John Bird. Adirondack animals. In New York (state). Forest, fish and game commission. Annual reports, 1907-1908- 1909. p. 372-79. Part of the Annual Report of the Chief Game Protector. Statistics on deer and other animals taken. 2396 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack ob- servations. For & Stream, Mar. 28, 1908. 70: 496. Supply of game. 2397 New game law. St No Mo, July 1908. 4:50- 53. Editorial criticizing "sportsman's law." 2398 Williams, A. P. The Adirondacks in summer: a game protector's trip through the forests of Herkimer and St. Lawrence counties. Field & S, Feb. 1909. 13:877-83. illus. 2399 Spears, Eldridge A. Adirondack game. For & Stream, Mar. 20, 1909. 72:456. 2400 In the Adirondacks. For & Stream, June 16, 1909. 54:462. Two letters, the first signed D.H.B. concerning Adirondack moose ques- tion; the second on general Adirondack con- ditions, signed by Raymond S. Spears. 2401 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. . . .For- est, fish and game law. An act for the pro- tection of the forests, fish and game of the state. Enacted by the Legislature of nineteen hundred and nine. Albany, J. B. Lyon, 1909. 206p. 2402 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. . . .For- est, fish and game law. An act for the pro- tection of the forests, fish and game of the state. Enacted by the Legislature of nineteen hundred and nine and amended by the Leg- islature of nineteen hundred and ten. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1910. 234p. 2403 Game in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Jan. 7, 1911. 76:37. Report on various types of game. 2404 The need for more wardens. For & Stream, Apr. 8, 1911. 76:536. Letters written by Rawson L. Hayes and A Sympathiser, with editorial comment. 2405 Woodchuck, pseud. Conditions in the Adi- rondacks. For & Stream, Apr. 29, 1911. /6: 658, ()11-1?>. Types of violations of hunting laws. Answer to Sympathiser, pseud, (no. 2405). 2406 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. . . .For- est, fish and game law; an act for the pro- tection of the forests, fish and game of the state. Enacted by the Legislature of 1909 and as amended by the Legislature of 1911. Al- bany, J.B. Lyon, 1911. 295p. 2407 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. . . .Con- servation law in relation to fish and game. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1912-37. Copies located for 1912-14, 1916-26, 1928, 1930-31, 1933, 1937. 2408 Whish, John D. Closed territory increasing. For & Stream, Sept. 7, 1912. 79:303. Increase in posted land in Essex County. 2409 Rice, Arthur F. Practical game conservation: I. The Adirondacks. Field & S, Nov. 1912. 17:741-44. illus. 2410 Flint, Peter. Some game law suggestions. For & Stream, Mar. 7, 1914. 82:306-7. illus. Notes on deer, black bear and pheasant near Ticonderoga. 2411 Pratt, George DuPont. Checking up New York's game resources. Am Game Prot Assn Bui, Oct. 1918. 7:11-14. Paper read before the International Association of Fish, Game and Conservation Commissioners. 2412 New York (state). Conservation department. Syllabus of the laws relating to fish and game. Albany, 1918-37? Issued for 1918, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1937. 2413 Wild animals in the Adirondacks, on both public and private preserves, game is de- clared to be plentiful this year; new deer law may result in extermination of that animal. State Service, Sept. 1919. 3 :no. 9:68-71. illus. 2414 FISH AND GAME 103 Randall, Willct. \Vild turkeys in the Adi- rondacks. Corisfrvationist, Nov. 1921. 4:1 TO- TS, illus. 2415 New York (state). Planning division. Report of Advisory committee on mosquito control and wild life conservation submitted to New York state planning council. Albany, 1936. lip. Mimeographed. 2416 Schaefer, Paul A. Adirondack fauna. Cloud Splitter, May-June 1946. 9:no.3:5-6, 14. De- cline of wildlife in Adirondacks. 2417 Randall, Willet. The coyote is coming! Rural NT, Dec. 2, 1950. 100:819. illus. Growing menace and spread of the coyote in the Adi- rondacks. 2418 Barick, Frank B. The edge effect of the lesser vegetation of certain Adirondack forest types with particular reference to deer and grouse. Syracuse, N.Y. 1950. 146p. illus. (Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin, v.9, no.l; Bulletin of State College of Forestry, v. 23, no.4.) 2419 Chase, Greenleaf T. DeBar mountain wild- life refuge. Bui Schools, Mar. 1953. 9:199- 203. illus. 2420 Fish Lamberton, A.B. A trip to the John Brown tract with young salmon in midwinter. For & Stream, Mar. 23, 1876. 6:100. Stocking streams. 2421 Nets in Lake Champlain. For & Stream, Feb. 10, 1881. 16:32. Law controlling use. 2422 Sears, George Washington. The exodus of the trout. Am Angler, Nov. 19, 1881. 1:19. Signed: Nessmuk. Need for restocking in the Adirondacks. 2423 Graves, Calvin. Does "restocking" pay? Am Angler, Mar. 11, 1882. 1:163. Worth-while in the Fulton Chain. 2424 The pending fish laws of New York. Am Angler, May 13, 1882. 1:313-14. Extracts from Newman bill introduced May 13, 1882. 2425 Mather, Fred. Adirondack fishes. For & Stream, Dec. 14, 1882. 19:390. Proposal to note distribution of fish on Stoddard map. Requests cooperation from sportsmen. 2426 Merriam, Clinton Hart. Illegal fishing in Lake Champlain. For & Stream, Feb. 22, 1883. 20:71-72. 2427 Lakin, C.H. A protest from a guide. Am An- gler, May 5, 1883. 3:276. Guide from Blue Mountain Lake protests that sportsmen are fishing out of season. 2428 Matteson, O.B. Fish culture and protection in the Adirondacks. Am Angler, Jan. 26, 1884. 5:53. 2429 Sherman, Richard U. The Adirondack hatch- ery. For & Stream, Dec. 11, 1884. 23:391-92. 2430 Sherman, Richard U. The Adirondack state hatchery. Am Angler, Dec. 20-27, 1884. 6: 385-87, 406-8. 2431 Lawlessness in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Dec. 3, 1885. 25:369. Interference with the fish hatchery on Little Clear Pond. 2432 Portsa, pseud. The Adirondack hatchery. For & Stream, Feb. 4, 1886. 26:31. 2433 Green, Seth. Location of the new hatchery. Am Angler, Aug. 20, 1887. 12:120-21. On Mill Creek near Lake Pleasant. 2434 Green, Seth. Forest protection and the trout. Am Angler, M.aT. 3, 1888. 13:139. Relationship between forest cover and the number of trout. 2435 Green, Seth. Fish hatchery at Blue Moun- tain lake. Am Angler, May 26, 1888. 13:334 Site selected for William W. Durant. 2436 Green, Seth. Work at the Fulton fish hatch- ery. Am Angler, June 16, 1888. 13:382. Re- port on fish distribution. 2437 Green, Seth. The Fulton chain hatchery. Am Angler, Aug. 4, 1888. 14:75. 2438 Shall the Adirondacks be stocked with bass? For & Stream, Oct. 15, 1891. 37:245. 2439 Northrup, M.S. Bass in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Oct. 22, 1891. 37:273. Inter- ested in stocking East Canada Lake with bass. 2440 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Black bass in Lake George. For & Stream, Mar. 19, 1898. 50: 231. On legislative hearing for changing dates of bass season. 2441 Hallock, Charles. The black bass of Lake George. For & Stream, Apr. 9, 1898. 50:291. 2442 Mather, Fred. Modern fish culture in fresh and salt water. . . N.Y. Forest & stream publishing co. 1900. 333p. front, illus. Adi- rondack frost fish, p.208-10. 2443 Stone, Livingston. Sturgeon hatching in the Lake Champlain basin. For & Stream, Oct. 19, 1901. 57:308-9. 2444 Wolcott, W.E. The Adirondack fish mortal- ity. For & Stream, July 4, 1903. 61:10. Forest fires are the chief reason for the destruction of fish in Adirondack streams. 2445 Cobb, John Nathan. The commercial fish- eries of the interior lakes and rivers of New York and Vermont. In U.S. Commission of fish and fisheries. Annual report, 1903. 29: 225-48. tables. Summary appeared in Forest and Stream, Apr. 15, 1905, 64:298-99. In- 104 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE eludes Lake George and Lake Champlain. 2446 Nets in Lake Champlain. For & Stream, Feb. 11,1905.64:104. 2447 Bishop, Bainbridge. Unwise fish protection on Lake Champlain. For & Stream, Mar. 11, 1905. 64:196-97. 2448 Water pollution and fish. For & Stream, Mar. 11, 1905. 64:189. 2449 New York (state). Lake Champlain fishing committee. Report of committee appointed to investigate interstate and international questions relative to fishing in Lake Cham- plain April 18, 1905. Albany, 1905. 6p. Assem- bly document 53, 1905. 2450 New York (state). Legislature. Joint com- mittee on uniform legislation for the protec- tion of fish in Lake Champlain. Report. . . April 2, 1908. Albany, 1908. 7p. Senate docu- ment 35, 1908. 2451 Wolcott, W.E. Adirondack trout season. For & Stream, Sept. 11, 1909. 73:421. Sugges- tions for improving fishing. 2452 Whish, John D. Black bass season in Lake George. For & Stream, May 25, 1912. 78:661- 62. Change of the bass season due to the opposition of the Lake George Association. 2453 Whish, John D. Landlocked salmon in Lake George. For & Stream, ]\Ay 20, 1912. 79:78. port. 2454 Flint, Peter. Are game fish increasing in the Adirondacks, and where? — ^A serious ques- tion confronting the Conservation commis- sion. For & Stream, ]an. 3, 1914. 82:9-10, 28. 2455 Flint, Peter. Fishing conditions on Eagle lake; removal of an old and established dam causes trouble. For & Stream, ]an. 17, 1914. 82:82, 93. Made water level drop four feet. An- swered by John D. Moore, Forest and Stream, Feb. 21, 1914, 82:246. 2456 Fish experts confer on Lake Champlain. For & Stream, Dec. 1929. 99:906-7. Editorial on Champlain region watershed survey. 2457 Dubuar, James Francis. The fisherman's problem. NTS Ranger Sch, 1938. p.12-15. 2458 Greeley, John R. Keys to landlocks. NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1947. 1 :no.4:16-17. illus. Salmon project in several Adirondack lakes. 2459 Greeley, John R. The latest on landlocks. NTS Con, Dec. 1947-Jan. 1948. 2:no.3:9. Salmon in some Adirondack lakes. 2460 Greeley, John R. Four years of landlocked salmon study. Albany, New York state con- servation department, 1948. 16p. illus. (Fish and Wildlife Information Bulletin no. 2.) In- cludes investigation of Adirondack lakes and streams. 2461 Lawrence, W.M. Cranberry lake fishing threatened. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1949. 4: no. 1:34. 2462 Zilliox, Robert G. Trout restoration in the Adirondacks. NTS Con, Apr.-May 1951. 5: no. 5:14-16. illus. Conservation Department's program. 2463 Lawrence, W.M. Cranberry lake — a new management policy. NTS Con, Dec. 1951- Jan. 1952. 6:no.3:30. Restocking program. 2464 Haskell, David C. A comparison of the growth of lake trout fingerlings from eggs taken in Seneca, Saranac, and Raquette lakes. Prog Fish Cul, Jan. 1952. 14:15-18. 2465 Haskell, David C. and others. Survival and growth of stocked lake trout yearlings from Seneca and Raquette lake breeders. Prog Fish Cul, Apr. 1952. 14:71-73. 2466 Lawrence, W.M. and Zilliox, Robert G. Trout restoration in the Adirondacks: prog- ress report. .A^J^^" Cow, June-July 1952. 6:no.6: 11. illus. 2467 Zilliox, Robert G. Trout restoration pro- gram. NTS Con, Apr.-May 1954. 8:no.5: 22-23. illus. 2468 Webster, Dwight A. A survival experiment and an example of selective sampling of brook trout {Salvelinus fontinalis) by angling and rotenone in an Adirondack pond. NT Fish & Game J, July 1954. 1:214-19. Pond on Brandreth Preserve. 2469 Fosburgh, Peter W. Trout from heaven. NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1955. 9:no.4:8-10. illus. chart. Stocking by plane. 2470 Adirondack league club. Fishery survey of certain waters of the Adirondack league club preserve, IV: Mountain pond, Taylor pond, Combs lake, Canachagala lake, Horn lake, Third and Fourth Bisby lakes with notes on waters previously surveyed, 1953. n.p. 1954. 52 leaves, tables. Reproduced from type- written copy. Signed: Dwight A. Webster. 2471 Adirondack league club. Fishery manage- ment report for 1954. n.p. 1955. 26, 7 leaves, tables. Reproduced from typewritten copy. Signed: Dwight A. Webster. Appendix I, Control of whitefish and frostfish in Little Moose Lake as a possible means for increas- ing the food supply for landlocked salmon, by Paul C. Neth. 2472 Bear Sportsmen and naturalists enthusiastically endorse Woods and waters^ new black bear FISH AND GAME 105 campaign. ]Voods & Wat, Spring 1902. 5: no.l:16-17. 2473 How shall we save the black bear? Woods & JVat, Summer-Autumn 1902. 5:no. 2:16-17; 5:no.3:17. 2474 And now the black bear shall be saved. Woods and waters' bill is ready for the Legis- lature. Woods & Wat, Winter 1902-3. 5:no. 4:20-21. 2475 Woods and waters black bear preservation bill has passed the N.Y. Senate. Woods & Wat, Spring 1903. 6:no.l:19-20. 2476 At the last moment of the Legislature the enemies of game protection defeat the black bear preservation bill. Woods & Wat, Sum- mer 1903. 6:no.2:20-21. 2477 Woods and waters will resume the black bear preservation fight in the coming Legislature. Woods & Wat, Autumn 1903. 6:no.3:20-21. 2478 Woods and waters' black bear preservation bill again in the N.Y. Legislature. Woods & Wat, Winter 1903-4. 6:no.4:22. 2479 Ransacker, pseud. The wild and woolly Adi- rondacks. For & Stream, Feb. 20, 1904. 62: 146-47. Long-distance humorous shots made by a man from California at New Yorkers, and the Adirondack bear question. 2480 Brown, Georgf". L. The Adirondack bears. For & Stream, Feb. 27, 1904. 62:168. Against protection of the bear in Essex County. 2481 Brown, George L. The folly of bear protec- tion. For & Stream, Mar. 12, 1904. 62:211. 2482 Spears, John Randolph. The Adirondack bears. For & Stream, Mar. 26, 1904. 62:251- 52. A plea for protection of bears in the Adi- rondacks. 2483 Sweeping legislative victory. Woods and waters' black bear preservation bill becomes a law. . . Woods & Wat, Spring 1904. 7:no. 1:22. 2484 Radford, Harry V. Is the bear a game ani- mal? Sh & Fish, Oct. 12, 1905. 39:9-10. 2485 Bears in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, ]nnc 9, 1906. 66:903. Editorial opposing the bear protection law. 2486 Chase, Greenleaf T. Bear facts (2). NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1954. 9:no.2:2. 2487 Beaver Rice, Arthur F. Adirondack beaver. For & Stream, Dec. 5, 1896. 47:445. Increase of beaver in St. Regis area. 2488 Spears, Eldridge A. Adirondack beaver. For & Stream, ]un& 13, 1903. 60:464-65. Report of beaver along the Indian River. 2489 Beavers for the Adirondacks. Sh & Fish, Dec. 15, 1904. 37:207. See also editorials in issues for Aug. 17 and Sept. 21, 1905, 38:365, 445. 2490 Beaver's restoration already begun. Woods ©" f )"«/■, Winter 1904-5. 7:no.4:12. illus. 2491 Adirondack beaver. Sh & Fish, Jan. 4, 1905. 39:265. Report on beaver liberated near Big Moose Lake. 2492 Beaver for the Adirondacks. Sport Rev, May 13, 1905. 27:511. Release of more beaver by Harry V. Radford on John Brown's Tract. 2493 Beaver signs at Big Moose lake. Sh & Fish, Oct. 19, 1905. 39:29. Reported by J.H. Higby. 2494 Adirondack beaver signs. Sh & Fish, Apr. 26, 1906. 40:46. 2495 Radford, Harry V. Bringing back the beaver: its successful reintroduction to the Adiron- dack region. Four Tr News, Apr. 1906. 10: llA-ld. Reprinted in Forest Leaves, Spring 1907, 4:no.l:36-41. 2496 Adirondack beaver. For & Stream, Apr. 28, 1906. 66:671. illus. Letters signed G. Frank Gray and D.F. Sperry on beaver stocking. Includes a short history of the program. 2497 Radford, Harry V. Return of the beaver. ^/^■oA/o,July 1906. 1 :no.3:81-82. illus. 2498 The Adirondack beaver. For & Stream, Oct. 12, 1907. 69:567. Editorial on the restocking program. 2499 Hofer, T.E. Catching beaver for the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, Oct. 12, 1907. 69:571- 73. illus. Capture in Montana and distribu- tion in New York lakes and streams. 2500 Willoughby, Charles H. Beavers and the Adi- rondacks. Conservationist, May 1920. 3:67-70. illus. 2501 Peck, Robert B. The renaissance of the beaver from an interesting experi-ment in 1905; the restocking of these industrious animals has become a vexatious problem in the Adiron- dacks today. For & Stream, Apr. 1921. 91: 152-54, 182-87. illus. 2502 Yo, pseud. Beaver for Adirondacks. For & Stream, Aug. 1921. 91:358. Letter to editor in answer to Peck (2502). 2503 Wilson, H.G. The beavers of the Adirondack country. Fur Afews, Aug. 1922. 36:no.2:47. History of restocking. 2504 New York (state). Conservation department. 'Black gold: the story of the beaver in New York state, by Gardiner Bump and Arthur H. 106 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Cook. . . Albany, 1941. 16p. illus. map. (Management Bulletin no. 2.) 2505 Patric, Earl F. A beaver management pro- gram for the Huntington forest. 117 leaves, mounted photographs, tables, charts, diagr. map. Master's thesis, State University of New York, College of Forestry, Syracuse, 1952. Typescript. Abstract in Graduate Theses, p.57. 2506 Deer Deer slaughter in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Nov. 26, 1874. 3:249. Editorial on guides killing deer near Keeseville. 2507 Fenton, Charles. Adirondack slaughter. For (2? ^'/r^arn, Mar. 18, 1875.4:91. 2508 Butchering deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, June 7, 1877. 8:287. Series of letters on hunting out of season. 2509 Shurter, Joseph W. The Adirondacks — "floating." For & Stream, May 26, 1881. 16: 328-29. Deer hounding on Cedar River, Hamilton County. 2510 Ondack, Adrion, pseud. Hounding vs still- hunting. For & Stream, ]\in& 2, 1881. 16:349. Deer slaughter and the need of game pro- tection. 2511 Hardy. The Adirondack doe slaughter. For & Stream, July 20, 1882.18 :490. 25 1 2 Fuller, A.R. Adirondack deer complications. For & Stream, }yA^ 10, 1884. 22:467. Need for enforcement of game laws. 2513 Adirondack deer hounding. For & Stream, Dec. 11, 1884. 23:386. Letters on deer hound- ing signed AuSable and Cap Lock. 2514 G., B.A. Deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Dec. 18, 1884. 23:406. Wants deer hounding prohibited. 2515 Adirondack deer hunting. For & Stream, Jan. 8, 1885. 23:465-67. Letters by Seymour Van Santvoord, "Fair Play" and C.L. Parker dis- cussing deer hunting and hounding. 2516 Deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Jan. 15, 1885. 23:485. Letters signed "Cap Lock" and C.W. Puff"er. 2517 F.; M.L. Deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Jan. 22, 1885. 23:506. Objection to deer hounding. 2518 Adirondack deer hounding. For & Stream, Jan. 29, 1885. 24:8-9. Communications signed "A Trustee of the St. Lawrence Game Club," LH.W., and M.S. Northrup. In favor of abolishing hounding. See also editorial in Jan. 15, 1885 issue, p. 481, "Adirondack Deer Hounding." 2519 St. Lawrence game club, a trustee. For & Stream, }an. 29, 1885. 24:2. Adirondack deer hounding. 2520 Leonard, Peter A. Deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Feb. 12, 1885. 24:47. From a report made to commissioner Richard U. Sherman. Opposes deer hounding. 2521 L. Deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Feb. 19, 1885. 24:66. Guides start hunting before season opens. 2522 Adirondack deer law. For & Stream, Mar. 5, 1885. 24:101. Editorial on Curtis bill forbid- ding hounding. 2523 The deer hounding bill passed. For & Stream, Apr. 30, 1885. 24:265. Editorial on passage of non-hounding bill. 2524 The deer hounding law. For & Stream, June 18, 1885. 24:405. Editorial asking for observa- tion of new non-hounding law. 2525 Adirondack deer. For & Stream, June 25, July 16, 1885; Jan. 21, Jan. 28, Feb. 18, 1886; Dec. 29, 1887; Mar. 22, 1888; Oct. 16, 1890. 24:425, 485; 25:501, 506; 26:1, 69; 29:441; 30:165; 35:249. Editorials and letters on deer hounding. 2526 A word to some northwoods guides. For & Stream, July 2, 1885. 24:445. Editorial on enforcement of deer hounding law. 2527 W., W.C. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Aug. 20, 1885. 25:66. For abolishment of deerjacking. 2528 Guide, pseud. Deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Aug. 27, 1885. 25:87. Stop night hunting. 2529 P., J.L. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Sept. 3, 1885. 25:104. Favors abolishing deerjack- ing. 2530 Panthers and deer. For & Stream, Sept. 10, 1885. 25:121. Editorial on the increase of panthers in the Adirondacks. 2531 Deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Sept. 17, 1885. 25:147. Reprinted from the New York Herald. Sportsmen do not obey law. 2532 Fenton, Charles. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Oct. 15, 1885. 25:227. Lack of enforcement of the deer hounding law. 2533 Musset, pseud. Adirondack deer and hounds. For & Stream,Oct. 22, 1885. 25:247. Approval of non-hounding law. Need for enforcement in Beaver River area. 2534 Deer and panthers. For & Stream, Oct. 22, 1885. 25:241. Editorial on the inadequacy of the bounty on panthers. 2535 Ampersand, pseud. Deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Nov. 19, 1885. 25:327. Wants to know effect of non-hounding law. 2536 Ned, pseud. Deer near Lake George. For & Stream, Dec. 3, 1885. 25:367. Approving the deer hounding law. 2537 FISH AND GAME 107 Gap Lock, pseud. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Dec. 10, 1885. 25:385. Lack of enforcement of deer law in Moose River country. 2538 Musset, pseud. The .Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Dec. 17, 1885. 25:405. More efficient force needed for enforcement of tlie law. 2539 The Adirondack deer law. For & Stream, Dec. 31, 1885. 25:441. Editorial on results of deer hounding law. 2540 Deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Dec. 31, 1885. 25:449-50. Many points of view on non-hounding law. 2541 Nitram, pseud. Save the Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Feb. 11, 1886. 26:48-49. Ap- proval of floating. 2542 The deer hounding bill. For & Stream, Feb. 25, Mar. 4, Mar. 18, 1886. 26:81, 105, 147. Editorial, discussion and communications. 2543 The Utica association. For & Stream, Feb. 25, 1886. 26:87. Their stand on deer protection in the Adirondacks. 2544 The sentiment against hounding. For & Stream, Mar. 11, 1886. 26:127. illus. Series of letters on deer hounding. 2545 Mr. Palmer's shy deer. For & Stream, Mar. 18, 1886. 26:141. Editorial on Assemblyman Palmer's speech in favor of hounding. 2546 The anti-hounding law. For & Stream, Mar. 25, 1886. 26:165-67. Arguments in favor of the law. 2547 Bishop, Bainbridge. The anti-deer hounding law. For & Stream, Apr. 1, 1886. 26:184. 2548 Deer hounding. For & Stream, Apr. 8, 1886. 26:205-6. Text of bill before the New York Senate. 2549 The deer hounding bill. For & Stream, Apr. 22, 1886. 26:244. Reprints of newspaper articles on Senate hearings on the deer hounding bill. See also editorial in April 8 issue, p.201. 2550 A shy senator. For & Stream, May 20, 1886. 26:325. Editorial on Senator Gullen of New York, who opposed the deer hounding bill. 2551 X. June deer floating. For & Stream, July 8, 1886. 26:469. Guides trying to catch off"end- ers. See also editorial on p. 465. 2552 The boycott in the woods. For & Stream, July 29, 1886. 27:1. Editorial suggesting a boycott of landlords who defy deer law. 2553 Amrach, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Nov. 4, 1886. 11 -.Til. Objection to disregard of law. 2554 Rushton, J.H. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Feb. 24, 1887. 27:86. Deer need more pro- tection. 2555 Mr. Parker's deer. For & Stream, July 7, July 14, 1887. 28:509, 529. Editorials on a man who bragged about killing deer out of season. In issue for July 14 (28:533) A.M. Parker claims he was telling a yarn. 2556 P., C.B. Adirondack guides. For & Stream, Oct. 27, 1 887. 29 :267. Complaint about guides using dogs unlawfully. 2557 Portsa, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Nov. 4, 1887. 29:287. Appreciation of the deer hounding law. 2558 Adirondack deer hounding. For & Stream, Dec. 22, 1887. 29:429. Need for a better law. 2559 Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell. Adirondack deer hounding. For & Stream, Dec. 29, 1887. 29: 448. Thinks abolishment of hounding might discourage sportsmen. 2560 Spears, John Randolph. Adirondack abom- inations. For & Stream, ]u\y 19, 1888. 30:513. Approval of editorial with same title in July 12 issue (30:489). 2561 Dr. Bailey and his deer. For & Stream, Aug. 9, 1888. 31:46. Arrest and escape of unlaw- ful hunter. 2562 C., H. Hound and deer. For & Stream, Aug. 16, 1888. 31:63. Deer hounding in the Adi- rondacks. Probably by Horace Caruthers. 2563 Caruthers, Horace. Adirondack deer and hounds. For & Stream, Sept. 27, 1888. 31 :186. 2564 Shall Adirondack does be spared? For & Stream, Nov. 8, 1888. 31:301. Editorial on increased sentiment for protecting does. For approval, see article by E.S.W. "Save Adi- rondack Does," Nov. 29, 31:368. 2565 Musset, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Dec. 27, 1888. 31:457. Advocating protection of does. 2566 A Veteran, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Feb. 7, 1889. 32:47. More legisla- tive protection for deer needed. 2567 Cap Lock, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Feb. 14, 1889. 32:64. Approving a resolution of the Black River Fish and Game Association. 2568 Nitram, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Mar. 7, 1889. 32:132-33. Note on the decrease in number of deer. 2569 Musset, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Oct. 17, 1889. 33:245. Opposed to deer hounding. 2570 108 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Holberton, Wakeman. The Adirondack deer law. For & Stream, Oct. 31, 1889. 33:287. Approves limiting the bag. See also article by The Law, pseud. "The Adirondack Deer Law," p.287. 2571 Musset, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Dec. 5, 1889. 33:385. Need for new game laws. 2572 Gordon, William H. The Adirondack deer law. For & Stream, Dec. 26, 1889. 33:452. Hunting season too long. 2573 A Veteran, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Jan. 23, 1890. 34:6. Objection to a resolution by a group of hotelkeepers and guides extending the season for hunting. 2574 Snap shots. For & Stream, Mar. 20, 1890. 34: 165. Editorial on Adirondack deer hounding. 2575 B., J.W. Adirondack deer hounding. For & Stream, Sept. 18, 1890. 35:169. Protest against hounding. 2576 L., D.C. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Oct. 23, 1890. 35:270. Deer hounding. 2577 Musset, pseud. Adirondack deer supply. For & Stream, Nov. 6, 1890. 35:311. Answer to L. (Oct. 23, 1890) on hounding in the Beaver River area. 2578 Saint Lawrence, pseud. New York fish and game interests. For & Stream, Dec. 11, 1890. 35:414-15. Discussion of hounding and float- ing. Suggests protective measures. 2579 Cap Lock, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Jan. 15, 1891. 35:513. Advocates limiting the bag of hunters. 2580 Musset, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Oct. 22, 1891. 37:271. Opposed to deer hounding. 2581 Wolcott, W.E. Report on Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Jan. 19, 1893. 40:54. 2582 Burnham, John Bird. Adirondack deer law. For & Stream,]ulY 29, \893. 4\-J5. 2583 Wolcott, W.E. Adirondack deer season of 1893. For & Stream, Feb. 3, 1894. 42:92-93. Includes estimated number killed in various areas. 2584 Portsa, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Apr. 21, 1894. 42:335. Report of game check- ing trip. 2585 F., R.P. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Sept. 29, 1894. 43:267. Persecution of deer. 2586 Lloyd, Herbert M. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Dec. 29, 1894. 43:559. Need to change hunting laws. 2587 Musset, pseud. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Jan. 5, 1895. 44:8. Wants better pro- tection for deer. 2588 Morton, Levi Parsons. New York forestry and the deer. For & Stream, Jan. 12, 1895. 44:29. From the Governor's message to the Legislature. 2589 Wolcott, W.E. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Feb. 23, 1895. 44:150. Extracts from Utica Herald; annual summary of deer situa- tion in the north woods. 2590 New York deer. For & Stream, Mar. 30, 1895. 44:241. Editorial on Niles bill forbidding hounding and killing does with young. 2591 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Slaughtering Adi- rondack deer. For & Stream, June 22, 1895. 44:509. 2592 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Those Adirondack dead deer. For & Stream, July 6, 1895. 45:7. 2593 Rawson, Edward Sidney. The Adirondack deer supply. For & Stream, July 27, 1895. 45: 74. 2594 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Sept. 14, 1895. 45:227. Wants hounding abolished. 2595 Allen, J.C. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Nov. 9, 1895. 45:402. Objection to deer hounding. 2596 Whitney, Casper W. The passing of the Adi- rondack deer. Harper W, Nov. 23, 1895. 39: 1119-20. illus. Signed: C.W.W. Drawing by E.M. Ashe. Against hounding and jacking. 2597 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack deer hounding. For & Stream, Dec. 7, 1895. 45: 493. 2598 Fox, William Freeman. Report of superin- tendent of forests on the Adirondack deer. In New York (state). Fisheries, game and forest commission. Annual report, 1895. p. 159-204. plates. Sherrill lists under title: "The Adirondack Deer, Their Habits and Characteristics. . ." Followed by "Digest of Reports and Opinions Relating to the Adi- rondack Deer and to Laws for Their Pro- tection," p.204-40. 2599 Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Jan. 4, 1896. 46:11. Letters from J.C. Allen, M. Schenck and Charles Fenton on various phases of deer hunting. 2600 Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Jan. 11, 1896. 46:30-31. Letters by F.E. Oliver, J.H.R. and R.S. Spears demanding better protection for deer. 2601 Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Jan. 25, 1896. 46:67. Editorial in favor of a bill forbidding the killing of deer in water. 2602 Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Jan. 25, 1896. 46:72. Letters by M. Schenck and Musset FISH AND GAME 109 on deer protection by prohibiting hounding and floating. -603 The Adirondack deer supply. For & Stream, Feb. 8, 1896. 46:116. Letters by William H. Hacker and P.S.R. on the scarcity of deer. 2604 Forbes, John E. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Feb. 15, 1896. 46:135. Wants good hunting law properly enforced. 2605 Graves, James M. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Feb. 15, 1896. 46:135. Sportsmen should keep their representatives informed of need of game preservation. 2606 Adirondack deer and guides. For & Stream, Mar. 7, 1896. 46:196. Letters on necessary changes in deer laws, signed S.E. Stanton, P.S.R. and John E. Forbes. 2607 Higby, J.H. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Mar. 21, 1896. 46:236. Opposing hounding. 2608 Parker, Clarence L. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Apr. 4, 1896. 46:273. Need of tighten- ing the deer laws. 2609 Cayadutta, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, May 2, 1896. 46:356. Letter on dogs running deer. 2610 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, May 2, 1896. 46:356. Objects to floating and hounding of deer. 261 1 Hunter, Jack. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, May 9, 1896. 46:375. Need stricter enforce- ment, not more stringent laws. 2612 Adirondack deer. For & Stream, May 30, 1896. 46:429. Editorial on new legislation shortening the time for hounding and jack- ing. 2613 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Does deer hound- ing make deer shy? For & Stream, July 25, 1896. 47:66. 2614 Deerslayer, psoud. Defends deer roping. For & Stream, Oct. 31, 1896. 47:346. See also a criticism, "Confessions of a Deer Slayer," Nov. 7, p. 369; Deerslayer's reply, Nov. 7, p.369, and a group of letters "Water Killing Deer," Nov. 14, p.385. 2615 Deerslayer, pseud. Water killing deer. For & Stream, Nov. 21, 1896. 47:406. Answers criti- cism of Nov. 7, p.369. 2616 Schenck, M. Deer and hounding. For & Stream, Dec. 5, 1896. 47:446. Increase of deer in Lake George area due to prohibition of hounding in Washington County. 2617 Fox, William Freeman. Adirondack deer facts and figures. For & Stream, ]3.x\. 16, 1897. 47:46-48. From Report of the Superintend- ent of Forests. 2618 Ran into a deer. For & Stream, Mar. 27, 1897. 48:254. Bicycle hit deer near Morehouse- ville. 2619 A Sportsman, pseud. Adirondack deer kill- ing. For & Stream, Aug. 14, 1897. 49:128. Lack of law enforcement at Raquette Lake. 2620 Sanger, William Gary. The Adirondack deer law. In Grinnell, G.B. Trail and campfire; the book of the Boone & Crockett club. N.Y. 1897. p.264-78. 2621 Rice, Arthur F. Adirondack deer and the laws. For & Stream, Oct. 8, 1898. 51:287. 2622 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack deer, guides and woodsmen. For & Stream, Oct. 15, 1898. 51:305. Increase of game due to new law. 2623 Burnham, John Bird. The Adirondack deer law. For & Stream, Nov. 12, 1898. 51:391. Signed: J.B.B. Followed by editorial com- ment from Boonville Herald. 2624 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack hound- ing. For & Stream, Feb. 11, 1899. 52:109. 2625 B. The Adirondack deer law. For & Stream, Mar. 18, 1899. 52:206. 2626 Woodward, J.H. Protection of deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Feb. 4, 1899. 52:86. 2627 Higby, J.H. Adirondack deer and hounds. For & Stream, Apr. 1, 1899. 52:246. 2628 Adirondack deer and snows. For & Stream, Apr. 8, 1899. 52:268. Suffering and death of many deer due to heavy snows. 2629 Adirondack wolves and deer. For & Stream, Apr. 15, 1899. 52:290. Quotes from letters of Chief Protector Pond. 2630 An Adirondack hound at large case. For & Stream, ]u\y 15, 1899. 53:47. Fining Frank C. Ives for allowing dogs to run deer. 2631 An Adirondack deer hounding case. For & Stream, Aug. 12, 1899. 53:121. Editorial com- ment on the Ives case. 2632 Burnham, John Bird. Adirondack deer hound- ing. For & Stream, Oct. 28, 1899. 53:345. 2633 B. The Adirondack deer law. For & Stream, Nov. 11,1899. 53:384-86. 2634 Burnham, John Bird. Adirondack deer hound- ing. For & Stream, Nov. 18, 1899. 53:410-11. 2635 Adirondack deer law violators punished. For & Stream, Dec. 2, 1899. 53:444. 2636 Gale, J. Thomson. Hounding deer at Tupper lake. Recreation, Jan. 1900. 12:38. Deplores illegal use of dogs. 2637 110 THE ADIRONDACK PRESERVE Learned, John A. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Oct. 13, 1900. 55:289. Letter to editor on shortening of deer season. Com- ments on Juvenal's article in Oct. 6 issue, 55:267. 2638 Adirondack hounding. For & Stream, Nov. 10, 1900. 55:370. On violation of deer law. 2639 Mr. Woodruff's deer. For & Stream, Dec. 8, 1900. 55:441. Editorial on the persecution of the Lieutenant-Governor of New York state for killing deer out of season. 2640 Shurter, Joseph W. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Dec. 29, 1900. 55:508. On the length and time of the deer hunting season. 2641 Woodruff, Timothy L. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Jan. 26, 1901. 56:69-70. Letter from the Lieutenant-Governor read at Brown's Tract Guides Association meeting. 2642 R., J.H. An Adirondack deer snarer con- victed. For & Stream, Apr. 20, 1901. 56:308. Conviction of Bonno. 2643 West, Rodney. The anti-hounding law. Recre- ation, June \90\. 14:445. 2644 Hull, George S. The Adirondadk deer. For & Stream, July 6, 1901. 57:5. For a later and shorter hunting season. 2645 Gale, J. Thomson. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, July 27, 1901. 57:66-67. Need for guides and sportsmen to obey game law. 2646 Juvenal, pseud. Adirondack notes. For & Stream, Dec. 7, 1901. 57:446-47. Suggests a new law for hunting Adirondack deer. 2647 Stanton, Sanford E. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Dec. 14, 1901. 57:471. Wants hunting season closed before heavy snows. 2648 Lg. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Dec. 21, 1901. 57:487-88. Need for additional pro- tection. 2649 Levenson, Henry Astbury. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Dec. 28, 1901. 57:512. Signed: The Old Shekai-ry. Deer not dying out. 2650 Wolcott, W.E. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Nov. 22, 1902. 59:410. Review of the hunting season. 2651 Graves, James M. The New York deer law. Recreation, Nov. 1902. 17:361-62. Answered by Ed. Fay in Jan. 1903 issue, 18:33-34. 2652 Levenson, Henry Astbury. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Jan. 3, 1903. 60:10. Signed: The Old Shekarry. On shortening the deer season. 2653 The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Feb. 7, 1903. 60:106. Extract from report of the New York Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 2654 Wolcott, W.E. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Aug. 29, 1903. 61:166. Report on the number of deer. 2655 Wolcott, W.E. Adirondack deer season. For <2f6'/rfaOT, Nov. 21,1903. 61:401-2. 2656 Shurter, Joseph W. Adirondack deer hunt- ing. For & Stream, Jan. 9, 1904. 62:28. Fol- lowed by statement of Peter Flint from the Elizabethtown Post and Gazette. Opposes sug- gestion to shorten hunting season. 2657 Cap Lock, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Jan. 16, 1904. 62:48. Opposes sug- gestion to shorten hunting season. 2658 The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Feb. 6, 1904. 62:105-6. Symposium giving views of N.H. Davis, J.H. Rushton, C.L. Parker on changes in the deer law. 2659 Pond, J. Warren. The Adirondack deer sup- ply. For & Stream, Apr. 2, 1904. 62:272-73. Report on number of deer. 2660 Wolcott, W.E. The Adirondack deer season. For & Stream, Nov. 26, 1904. 63:449. 2661 Wolcott, W.E. Adirondack deer hunting. For & Stream, Dec. 2, 1905. 65:454. A review of the season. 2662 West, Rodney. Restoring hounding. For & 6'Q.l:no.2:\. \:no.6:35. 4080 Simmons, Louis J. Tupper Lake lumbering industry. Northeast Log, Aug. 1953. l:no.l2: 10, 30. See also article "Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brooks. . . ," p.36. 4081 Simonds, Walter Wesley. Nc^tural regenera- tion on cut-over hardwood lands in the west- ern Adirondacks. 63 leaves, mounted photo- graphs, tables, graphs. Master's thesis, Cor- nell University, 1922. Typescript. Study made on the property of the Oval Wood Dish Corporation, Tupper Lake. 4082 Sisson, Stanley H. Use of tractors in winter log-hauling. Emp St For Prod Assn Bui, Dec. 1921. 12:26-29. Used by Raquette River Paper Company. 4083 Smith, Frank Berkeley. Facts from the north woods. For & Stream, Feb. 26, 1891. 36:104. Observations on lumbering after one-hun- dred-fifty-mile trip through the high peak area. 4084 Snell, Walter Henry. Blister rust in the Adi- rondacks. J For, Apr. 1928. 26:472-86. 4085 Snell, Walter Henry. Dasyscypha agassizii on Pinus strobus. Mycologia, Sept. -Oct. 1929. 21: 235-42. plate. Studies of damage caused by white pine blister in the Adirondacks. 4086 Snell, Walter Henry. Forest damage and the white pine blister rust. J For, Jan. 1931. 29: 68-78. charts. Observations in the Adiron- dacks. 4087 Snell, Walter Henry. The relation of culti- vated red currants to the white pine blister rust in New York state. J For, Oct. 1941. 39: 859-67. Twenty-nine of the seventy-two cases studied were in the Adirondack area. 4088 Snell, Walter Henry. Some observations upon the white pine blister rust in New York. Phytopathology, Mar. 1929. 19:269-83. illus. table. 4089 Snell, Walter Henry. Two pine plantings near cultivated red currants in New York. J For, June 1941. 39:537-41. One near Lewis, Essex County, the other near Warrensburg. 4090 Society of American foresters. New York section. Sample plots committee. Suggested forest management requirements for the forests of New York state. In Empire state forest products association. Annual meeting, Syracuse, Nov. 9, 1922. Compiled by S.N. Spring. Reprinted from New Tork Lumber Trade Journal, Nov. 15, 1922, p.2. 4091 Spaulding, Perley. Notes upon tree diseases in the eastern states. Mycologia, May 1912. 4: 148-51. Includes discussion of some diseases in the Adirondacks. 4092 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack forest problems. For & Stream, July 25, 1908. 71: 137. Notes on lumbering. 4093 Spectator, pseud. In an Adirondack lumber camp. Outlook,Jan. 4, 1902. 70:18-19. 4094 Spiller, A.R. Forestry pays: a summer's work with the Forest service. Emp For, 1929. 15:47- 48. illus. Elk Lake. 4095 Spring, Samuel Newton. The development of forestry in New York state. Emp For, 1934. 20:7-12. illus. 4096 Spring, Samuel Newton. How the forest comes back after cutting. Emp St For Prod Assn Bui, Dec. 1921. no.l2:14-19. tables. Investigations made on slope of Mt. Morris near Tupper Lake. 4097 Spring, Samuel Newton. Seeing forestry work in the Adirondacks; story of an informal gathering of foresters to view Dr. Fernow's work. Lumb World R, Nov. 10, 1917. 33:47- 48. illus. 4098 Spring, Samuel Newton. Studies in repro- duction- — the Adirondack hardwood type. J For, Oct. 1922. 20:571-80. tables. 4099 State foresters study blister rust. Am For, Dec. 1921. 27:782, 794. illus. Observations made at Lake George, Horicon, Chester- town, etc. 4100 Sterling, Ernest Albert. Adirondack forest musings. Am For, Oct. 1921. 27:620-23. illus. Lumbering. 4101 Sterling, Ernest Albert. Forest management on the Delaware and Hudson Adirondack forest. J For, May 1932. 30:569-74. 4102 Stickel, Paul W. and Marco, Herbert F. Relation between fire injury and fungal infec- tion. J For, Apr. 1936. 34:420-23. Study made at Tahawus. 4103 Stickel, Paul W. Relation of forests to the evaporating power of the air. NE Wat Works, Sept. 1933. 47:229-38. illus. 4104 168 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY Stock, Jack. The woodsmen's field day. Lumber Camp Mews, Aug. 1950. 12:no.4:6. Other articles on the woodsmen's field day are in Lumber Camp News, Sept. 1949, 11: no.5:l, 6; Sept. 1950, 12:no.5:6; July 1949, ll:no.3:l-2; July 1950, 12:no.3:l, 12, 14; Sept. 1951, 13:no.5:l, 16. In the Northeastern Logger, July 1 952, 1 :no. 1 :8. 41 05 Strong, David E. Determination of the growth of northern hardwoods on the Huntington forest. 128 leaves, mounted photographs, charts. Master's thesis. State University of New York, College of Forestry, Syracuse, 1950. Typescript. Abstract in Graduate Theses, p.38. 4106 Switzer, Harry D. A method of studying growth exemplified by Adirondack spruce and fir. J For, Dec. 1932. 30:1008-11. tables. 4107 Ten Eick, C.W. The hardwood brush dis- posal problem as seen in the Adirondacks — Summer 1920. Emp St For Prod Assn Bui, Nov. 1920. no.7:6-7. Extract from report of graduate student in forestry at Cornell Uni- versity. 4108 Timber estimate for the Adirondacks. News PrSerBur,Dec. 19, 1918. no.ll:3. 4109 Trafton, George E. Plan of forest manage- ment for Whitney park. NTS Ranger Sch, 1949. p.23-26. illus. 4110 Tupper Lake as a lumbering center. Lumber Camp News, iun&\9A%. 10:no.2:l,6. 4111 Twombly, Gray M. An economic study of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) in northern New York state. 94 leaves, tables, charts. Master's thesis. State University of New York, College of Forestry, Syracuse, 1954. Typescript. Abstract in Graduate Theses, p.73. Study made at Paul Smiths. 4112 United States bobbin & shuttle co. Lumber Camp News, Aug. 1950. 12:no.4:l. illus. Plant built at Tupper Lake in 1 948. 4113 Vagnarelli, Adelaide Nora. A history of lumbering in the Ausable valley (1800-1900). A critical essay. 53 leaves, map. Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1944. Typescript. 4114 Vance, Lee J. Busy times in the Adirondacks. Harper W, Feb. 27, 1892. 36:214. Lumbering. 4115 Vance, Lee J. Lumbering in the Adiron- dacks. Godey, Mar. 1896. 132:229-34. plates, illus. Illustrations are from photographs by S.R. Stoddard. Condensed in The Cloud Splitter, Jan.-Feh. 1955, 18:no.l:4-7. 4116 Wallace, Richard J. An analysis of twenty- three years of air temperature observations on four forest sites in the western Adiron- dacks. 215 leaves, mounted photographs, charts, maps. Doctoral thesis. State Uni- versity of New York, College of Forestry, Syracuse, 1953. Typescript. Abstract in Graduate Theses, p. 74. 4117 Westveld, M. Experimental cutting area in the Adirondacks. J For, May 1933. 31:599. 4118 Westveld, M. Large scale experiment in methods of cutting. Emp St For Prod Assn Bui, Dec. 15, 1930. 35:7-8. Experiment on land of Finch, Pruyn and Company near New- comb, by Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 4119 Whipple, Gurth Adelbert. Twenty years of New York forestry; importance of protecting the lumber supply has grown rapidly in the public mind since 1900; reforestation hardly known until recent years. State Service, May- June 1922. 6,i.e.8:204-7. 4120 Whipple, James Spencer. Future of the for- estry movement in New York state. NTS For Assn Bui, June 1914. l:no.l:38-40. 4121 Wilm, H.G. Forests and water. NTS Ranger Sch, 1954. p. 12-1 6. illus. Relation of forest cover to water yield, applied to the Adiron- dacks. 4122 Woodford, A.J. and Mason, C.E. Logging under the Webb covenant. NTS Con, Aug.- Sept. 1952. 7:no.l:6-7. illus. Nehasane Park. 4123 Working plans for the Adirondacks. Forester, Jan. 1901. 7:6. Editorial. Brief account of plans for Township 40, Hamilton County. 4124 Zimmerman, Jack. The natural restocking of Adirondack old fields. A study of abandoned land in parts of Hamilton and Essex counties. 99 leaves, illus. charts, maps. Master's thesis. State University of New York, College of Forestry, Syracuse, 1936. Typescript. 4125 MINING Arranged by date General Magnus, Harry C. Abrasives of New York state. In New York (state). State geologist. Report 23, 1903, p.158-79. Includes dis- cussion of the garnet and diatomaceous earths of the Adirondack area. 4126 Newland, David Hale. The mining and quarry industry of New York state. Report of operations and production, 1904-1936. Albany, 1905-38. 17v. (New York State Mu- seum Bulletins 93, 102, 112, 120, 132, 142, 151, 161, 166, 174, 178, 190, 196, 277, 295, 305, 319.) Reports from 1904- by D.H. New- land and others. Consult index of each num- MINING 169 ber for material on Adirondack mines and mining. 4127 Newland, David Hale. Mineral production of New York. Eng & Min J, May 16, 1908. 85:1007-8. 4128 Newland, David Hale. The mineral produc- tion of New York in 1908. Eng & Min J, June 26, 1909. 87:1273-74. 4129 Newland, David Hale. Mineral output in New York in 1909. Eng & Min J, May 28, 1910.89:1110. 4130 McDonald, P.B. Mining in northern New York. Eng & Min J, Apr. 5, 1913. 95:689-92. illus. map. 4131 Clark, C.S. E.xploring for Adirondack ores. Iron Tr R, Mar. 25, 1915. 56:617-19. illus. map. Description of work near Port Henry. 4132 Hooper, Frank C. Mineral resources of north- ern and central New York. Up-Stater, Mar. 1929. l:no.2:12-13. 4133 Newland, David Hale. The early history of mining in northern and central New York. Up-Stater, May 1929. l:no.3:9, 15, 18. illus. 4134 Linney, Joseph Robert. A century and a half of development behind the Adirondack iron mining industry. Min & Met, Nov. 1943. 24: 480-87. port, illus. maps. 4135 Mining in the Adirondacks. Geog R, Oct. 1944.34:663-64. 4136 Otte, Herman Frederick. The expanding mineral industry of the Adirondacks. Albany, New York state department of commerce, 1944. 50p. tables, maps. (New York State. Executive Department. Division of Com- merce Publication no. 10.) Reprinted Aug. 1944. Iron, titanium, zinc, lead, etc. Origi- nally published in multilith form, 1943. 102p. 4137 Linney, Joseph Robert. Eastern magnetite, shipping product drops 10% owing to lack of experienced miners. Min & Met, Feb. 1946. 27:85. illus. Includes discussion of the Adi- rondack mines at Lyon Mountain, Tahawus, Clifton mines and Jones and Laughlin. 4138 Mining active in the Empire state. Min & Met, Oct. 1947. 28:518-19. illus. 4139 Linney, Joseph Robert. Eastern magnetite; review of 1947. Min & Met, Feb. 1948. 29: 93-94. illus. Includes Adirondack companies. 4140 Adirondack mining. . .is diversified, impor- tant, accessible and has a promising outlook. Eng ©■ Min J, Nov. 1950. 151 :no.ll :75-77. illus. Brief text with pictures. 4141 Le Visuer, K.G. Use of magnetic ores from New York state. Blast Fur, Feb. 1951. 39:200- 2. 4142 New York state towns boom as J. & L. en- larges Benson mines. Iron Age, May 10, 1951. 167:119. 4143 Hartnagel, Chris Andrew and Broughton, John Gerard. The mining and quarry indus- tries of New York state, 1 937 to 1 948. Albany, 1951. 130p. (New York State Museum Bulle- tin 343.) 4144 Prucha, John James. Mining and mineral resources in the Forest preserve counties. In New York (state). Legislature. Joint legisla- tive committee on natural resources. Report, 1953. p.61-64. 4145 Prucha, John James. Mining and prospecting in New York. NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1955. 9: nD. 4:12-13. map. Followed by "Mining Laws of New York" by Percy Lieberman, p. 13-1 5. See also letters in Apr.-May issue, 9:no.5:41. 4146 Iron Cozzens, Issachar. Examination of iron ores from the northern part of the State of New- York. Ly Nat Hist Annals, Jan. 1825. 1:378- 83. Ores from Moriah, Peru and Westport. 4147 Van Orden, Jacob. . . .In the court for trial of impeachments and the correction of errors. Catskill, N.Y. Printed at office of the "Mes- senger," 1831. 17p. Brief on behalf of Anthony R. Livingston, appellant, vs. The Peru Iron Company, and others, signed J. Van Orden . . .Abraham Van Vechten. Litigation over ownership of tract containing valuable iron ore. 4148 Emmons, Ebenezer. Papers and documents relative to the iron ore veins, water power and woodland &c. &c. in and around the village of Mclntyre, in the town of New- comb, Essex county, State of New York. . . N.Y. P. Miller, 1840. 54p. map. Copy in Columbia University Library. This report was made for the Adirondack Iron and Steel Company and published in the hope of attracting more capital. 4149 Emmons, Ebenezer. Report of Prof. E. Emmons in answer to a resolution of the Assembly, calling for information in relation to the steel ore at Duane. Albany, 1841. 4p. Assembly document 182,1841. 4150 Greatest iron mines in the world. Am () J Agric & Sci,]u\Y 1845. 2:129-30. Short dis- cussion of mines at Newcomb. 4151 Hodge, James T. Adirondack steelworks. Am Rail J, May 19,1849. 22 :307-8. 41 52 Hodge, James T. Iron ores and iron manu- facture of the U.S. New York. Am Rail J, 170 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY Sept. 8-Oct. 13, 1849. 22:559-62, 575-77, 591-95, 607-9, 623-24, 639-40. Describes various operations in the Adirondacks. 4153 Adirondack iron and steel company. New York. . . N.Y. W.E. & J. Sibell, 1854. 47p. maps. Quotes Emmons' report "Magnetic Ores of Adirondack" in Natural History of New- York, Pt.4, p.244-63. 4154 Lesley, J. P. The iron manufacturer's guide to the furnaces, forges and rolling mills of the United States. . . N.Y. J. Wiley, 1859. 772p. charts. Another edition, 1866. Includes a list of the furnaces and the location of iron ore bodies in northern New York. 4155 Peru magnetic steel-iron works in Clinton and Essex counties. New York. Prospectus. N.Y. H. Spear, 1865. 14p. map. Copy in the New York Public Library. 4156 Adirondack iron company. Am Iron & Steel Assn Bid, Dec. 11, 1867. 2:107. Notice of the incorporation of the company. 41 57 Adirondack iron ore co. The iron ores of Lake Champlain; or, The Adirondack region; their cheapness of production and superiority of the metal made of them, with remark in relation to the magnitude and value of the mines of the Adirondack iron ore co. N.Y. J.F. Trow & CO. 1867. lip. illus. diagrs. 4158 Frost, Orin C. Iron in northern New York. Am Iron & Steel Assn Bui, June 25, 1874. 8: 196. Extensive deposits in Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties. 4159 Maynard, George William. The iron mines of Lake Champlain, United States of Amer- ica. London, 1874. 28p. chart, tables. 4160 Chahoon, George. Iron making in northern New York — Catalan forges. Am Iron & Steel Assn Bui, Aug. 20, 1875. 9:251. Reprinted from New Tork Iron Age. Description of forges of J. & J. Rogers Iron Company and Peru Steel and Iron Company. 4161 Homes, Henry Augustus. Notice of Peter Hasenclever, an iron manufacturer of 1764- 69. Albany. J. Munsell, 1875. 8p. Page 7 discusses his holdings on Lake Champlain. 4162 The Peru steel and iron company. Am Iron & Steel Assn Bui, Mar. 5, 1879. 13:52. Company in receiversh i p . 4163 A consolidation in northern New Yoi'k. Am Iron & Steel Assn Bui, Apr. 27, 1881. 15:109. Consolidation of Chateaugay Iron Company, the Chateaugay Ore Company and the pri- vate manufacturing interest of Hon. Andrew Williams. 4164 Chester, Albert H. The iron region of central New York. An address delivered before the Utica mercantile and manufacturing asso- ciation, Utica, N.Y. Utica, N.Y. Roberts, 1881. 20p. Includes sections on Lake Cham- plain ores, p. 6-7, and ores of northern New York, p.9-11. 4165 Taws & Hartman. Notes on blast furnaces. Am Iron & Steel Assn Bui, Feb. 22, 1882. 16:61. Enlargement of furnaces, Crown Point Iron Company. 4166 Swank, James M. History of the manufacture of iron in all ages and particularly in the United States. . . Philadelphia, Author, 1884. 428p. 2d edition, Philadelphia, American iron and steel association, 1892, 554p. In- cludes list of early mines in northern New York. 4167 Putnam, Bayard T. Notes on the samples of iron ore collected in New York. In Pumpelly, Raphael. Report on the mining industries of the United States. . . Washington, 1886. p.89-144. (U.S. Tenth Census, v.l5.) Wash- ington, Essex, Clinton, Franklin and St. Lawrence counties, p. 105-22. 4168 Smock, John Conover. A review of the iron- mining industry of New York for the past decade. Am Inst Mining Eng Tr, Feb. 1889. 17:745-50. 4169 Smock, John Conover. . . .First report on the iron mines and iron-ore districts in the State of New York. Albany, Van Benthuysen, 1889. '70p. folded map. (New York State Museum Bulletin 7.) 4170 Blake, William Phipps. Note on the magnetic separation of iron ore at the Sanford ore bed, Moriah, Essex county, N.Y. in 1852. Am Inst Mining Eng Tr, June 1892. 21 :378-79. 4171 Rossi, Auguste J. Titaniferous ores in the blast-furnace. Am Inst Mining Eng Tr, Feb. 1893. 21:832-67. Adirondacks, p.834-45. 4172 Kemp, James Furman. A brief review of the titaniferous magnetites. Sch Min Q,, July 1899. 20:323-56. Essex County, p.341-44. 4173 Granbery, J.H. The Northern iron com- pany's blast furnace. Eng & Min J, July 21, 1906. 82:98-102. illus. diagrs. 4174 Newland, David Hale and Hansell, N.V. Magnetite mines at Lyon mountain, N.Y. The geology of an interesting district, nature of the ore, and methods of mining. Eng & Min J, Nov. 10-17, 1906. 82:863-65. illus. diagrs. Corrections, Nov. 24, 1906, 82:981. 4175 Witherbee, Frank Spencer. History of the iron industry of Essex county. New York, prepared for the Essex county republican, 1906. Port Henry, N.Y.? 1906. 39p. Copy in the Witherbee Collection, Sherman Free Library, Port Henry. 4176 MINING 171 Some forgotten iron ore history. Am Iron & Steel Assri Bui, Feb. 22, 1907. 41:20. Lake Champlain iron ores in 1872 used for fet- tling in puddling furnaces as far west as Pitts- burgh. Answer by Jacob Reese correcting the date to 1856 (Mar. 9, 1907, 41 :29). 4177 A great Adirondack iron ore deposit. Iron Age, Oct. 14, 1909. 84:1143, 1148-53. illus. table, map. History of the Mclntyre deposit. Based on Henderson-Mclntyre correspond- ence. 4178 Iron ore mining in eastern United States. Eng & Mm J, Apr. 2, 1910. 89:704. Lake Champlain district. 4179 Bixby, George F. History of the iron ore industry of Lake Champlain. . . NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1910. 10:169-237. 4180 Birkinbine, John. The ABC of iron and steel; beneficiating iron ores. Iron Tr R, Feb. 2, 1911. 48:265-72. illus. Includes Mineville. 4181 Kellogg, L.O. Notes on Lake Champlain iron mines. Eng & Min J, Dec. 6, 1913. 96: 1065-67. 4182 Stark, C.J. Varied sources of ore for eastern furnaces. Iron Tr R, Feb. 12, 1914. 54:315-19, 345 b. illus. Includes discussion of large ore dock to be built at Port Henry. 4183 St. Clair, Stuart. Titaniferous iron ore de- posits. Penn St Min Q,, June 1914. 1 :1 12-18. 4184 Witherbee, Frank Spencer. The iron ores of the Adirondack region. Am Iron & Steel Inst Trbk, 1916. 6:328-57. Discussion by Frank E. Bachman and John L.W. Birkinbine. Partially reprinted in Iron Age, Nov. 2, 1916, 98:1039-42; and in Iron Trade Review, Nov. 2, 1916, 59:891-94, illus. 4185 Spurr, Josiah Edward. Ore injection at Ed- wards, N.Y. Eng & Min J, Apr. 26, 1924. 117:684-89. illus. maps. 4186 Nichol, R.H. Mining Adirondack magnetite. Eng & Mm J, July 20, 1929. 128:90-92. illus. 4187 Linney, Joseph Robert. A history of the Chateaugay ore and iron company. Albany? Press of the Delaware and Hudson railroad, ^^1934. 176p. illus. diagrs. Copy in the Wither- bee Collection, Sherman Free Library, Port Henry. 4188 Barker, Elmer Eugene. The rise and decline of the iron industry in the eastern Adiron- dack region. Ver Hist Soc Proc, Dec. 1940. n.s.8:374-76. Abstract. 4189 Oliver, Frank Joseph. Titaniferous Adiron- dack ores being reworked. Iron Age, Mar. 5, 1942. 149:no.l0:53-54. illus. map. 4190 Barker, Elmer Eugene. The story of Crown Point iron. Cooperstown, N.Y.? 1942. 20p. illus. Reprinted from JVew York History, Oct. 1942,23:419-36. 4191 New York state's iron ores draw new atten- tion. Eng & Min J, May 1943. 144:no.5:67- 69. map. 4192 Lake Champlain district grew to important iron center century ago; rich ore deposits, some still producing led to the building of many eastern New York state iron-works. Steel Facts, Aug. 1943. no. 61 :6-7. Short history of mines at Port Henry and Tahawus. 4193 Gillies, Donald B. Economics of the current revival in Adirondack iron ore mining. Min & Met, Nov. 1943. 24:478-79. port. 4194 Hunner, Guy B. Development and operation of Clifton mines, Hanna ore company. Min & Met, Nov. 1943. 24:517-22. illus. port, diagrs. 4195 Parsons, Arthur Barrette. Mining iron ore in the Adirondacks. Min & Met, Nov. 1943. 24: 475-76. Editorial comment. 4196 Robie, Edward H. Jones & Laughlin's de- velopment at Benson mines. Min & Met, Nov. 1943. 24:523-25. port, illus. 4197 Iron ore mining and processing in New York. Engineer, Aug. 18-25, 1944. 178:122-23, 151- 52. diagrs. map. Description of large-scale revival of iron mining and processing of iron ore in the Adirondack region. 4198 Oliver, Frank Joseph. Large scale working of Adirondack magnetites. Iron Age, Jan. 25- Feb. 1, 1945. 155:no.4:50-55; 155:no.5:52- 56. illus. tables, map. 4199 Adirondack renaissance. Steelways, Aug. 1945. l:no.2:28-31. Iron mining activity in the Adirondacks. Reprinted in North Country Life, Fall 1 946, 1 :no. 1 :28-36, illus. 4200 Anderson, Sven A. and Jones, Augustus. Iron in the Adirondacks. Econ Geog, Oct. 1945. 21: 276-85. illus. tables, maps. 4201 Linney, Joseph Robert. Eastern magnetite, 1945-48. Min & Met, Feb. 1945, Feb. 1946, Feb. 1947, Feb. 1948. 26:96-97; 27:85; 28:73; 29:93-94. illus. Includes discussion of the various mines in the Adirondacks. 4202 Barker, Elmer Eugene. Crown Point iron, a vanished Adirondack industry. Cloud Splitter, Jan.-Feb. 1947. 10:no.l:5-7. 4203 Hawkes, Herbert Edwin Jr. Magnetic ex- ploration for Adirondack iron ore. Wash Acad SciJ, Oct. 15, 1947. 37:373-74. Abstract. 4204 Trost, Alfred H. Adirondacks mining; its past and its future. Can Min J, May 1948. 69:no.5: 75-80. illus. Short history of iron mining. 4205 172 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY J & L pushes development of New York iron ore mines. Steel, Aug. 2, 1948. 123:66-67. illus. 4206 Steel industry has new interest in Adirondack iron. Bsns W, Aug. 21, 1948. no.990:25. illus. 4207 Adirondack iron ore for Jones & Laughlin; illustrations with text. Eng & Min J, Sept- 1948. 149:88-89. 4208 Jones & Laughlin increasing ore output from Benson mines. Blast Fur, Sept. 1948. 36:1099- 1100. illus. 4209 Peterson, Ronald B. The saga of New York iron; ore resources of Empire state basis of active mining industry during past two hun- dred years. NTS Lab Ind Bui, Feb. 1950. 29: no.2:29-32. illus. 4210 World's largest open-pit magnetite iron ore TnincNTSLablndBul, Feb. 1950. 29:no.2:28. illus. Jones & Laughlin, Star Lake. 421 1 Gillies, Donald B. Adirondack iron ore field still offers many challenges. Eng & Min J, June 1950. 151 :no.6:84-87. 4212 Neu, Irene D. Iron-ore mining in the New York Adirondacks. Exp Ent Hist, Oct. 15, 1950. 3:no.l:35-43. 4213 Castano, John R. and Garrels, Robert Minard. Experiments on the deposition of iron with special reference to the Clinton iron ore deposits. Econ Geol, Dec. 1950. 45:755-70. illus. 4214 Iron-ore production expands. Eng News R, Feb. 28, 1952. 148:no.9:34-36. illus. plan, diagr. map. Benson mines. 4215 Webb, W.R. and Peterson, M.O. Mainte- nance and training pay safety dividends for Benson mines. Mm Eng, Aug. 1952. 4:768-69. illus. 4216 Sanford, Robert S. Truck haulage at an iron mine in the Adirondack mountains. New York. Washington, 1952. 7p. plates, tables. (U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 7629.) Reproduced from typescript. 4217 Ni-hard used in iron ore beneficiation; New York state operations make good use of Plattsburg foundry's abrasion-resistant cast- ings. Nickel Topics, 1953. 6:no.3:l, 6-7. illus. 4218 Garnet Hooper, Frank C. Garnet as an abrasive material. Sch Min (2, Jan. 1894. 16:124-27. illus. Adirondack deposits and machines for processing. 4219 Hooper, Frank C. The American garnet in- dustry. Min Ind, 1897- 6:20-22. The Adiron- dack mines of New York, p.20-21. 4220 Garnet mines in the Adirondacks. Eng & Min J, Oct. 14, 1899. 68:461. iUus. Descrip- tion taken from Colvin's Report of the State Land Survey. Gore Mountain deposit. 4221 Newland, David Hale. Garnet in New York in 1905. Eng & Min J, Jan. 6, 1906. 81:70. 4222 Newland, David Hale. Garnet in New York. Eng & Min J, Jan. 4, 1908. 85:92. Reviews the garnet output of the Adirondack mines for the preceding decade. 4223 Newland, David Hale. Garnet in New York. £«^zJ,Jan. 9, 1909. 87:81. 4224 Miller, William John. The garnet deposits of Warren county. New York. Econ Geol, Aug. 1912. 7:493-501. diagr. map. Also in New York State Museum Bulletin 164, p.95-102. Describes mines of the northeast corner of Warren County. 4225 New York garnets. Eng & Min J, Nov. 29, 1913.96:1016-17. 4226 Skerrett, Robert G. The world's greatest garnet quarry, mining a high-grade abrasive with which to smooth and to polish manu- factured products. Comp Air M, Aug. 1923. 28:581-85. illus. North River Garnet Com- pany. 4227 Wormser, Felix Edgar. Mining, concentrat- ing, and marketing garnet. Eng & Min J, Oct. 4, 1924. 118:525-31. illus. 4228 Mennie, T.S. Modern garnet mills operated, immense deposit of garnet ore is worked in Warren county, N.Y.; description of methods used in crushing and grading. Ah Ind, Feb. 1 925. 6-51-54. Barton Company. 4229 Myers, W.M. and Anderson, CO. Develop- ments in production and use of abrasive garnet. Cement Mill, July 5, 1925. 27:36, 38, 40. 4230 Myers, W.M. and Anderson, CO. Garnet, its' mining, milling and utilization. Washing- ton, G.P.O. 1925. 54p. plates, diagrs. tables. (U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin 256.) In- cludes the Adirondack deposits and mining companies. 4231 Myers, W.M. and Anderson, CO. Abrasive garnet production. Ab Ind, Mar.-May 1926. 7:87-89, 112-13, 153-54. The April issue is almost completely on Warren County garnet mines. 4232 Lisle, T. Orchard. Red garnets by the ton, a remarkable quarry near Lake George, N.Y. Rocks& Min, Oct. \9 AS. 2Q:A1\. 4233 Shaub, Benjamin Martin. Paragenesis of the garnet and associated minerals of the Barton mine near North Creek, New York. Am Min, July-Aug. 1949. 34:573-82. illus. Abstracts in American Mineralogist, Mar.-Apr. 1948, 33: 208, and in Geological Society of America Bulletin, Dec. 1947, 58:1226-27. 4234 MINING 173 Gore mountain garnet. Pittsburgh People, Dec. 1952. 1 3 :no. 12:3-7. plates. Picture story of Barton mines. 4235 From hornblende to garnets. . . Chem & Eng News, Apr. 25, 1955. 33:1778. illus. Studies made by Robert H. Wentorf Jr. 4236 Other Minerals Blake, William Phipps. Contribution to the early history of the industry of phosphate of lime in the United States. Am Inst Mining Eng Tr, Feb. 1892. 21 :157-59. Early attempts to utilize the apatite of the Sanford vein. 4237 Reynolds, Cuyler. Finding gold in New York state. Sci Am, Mar. 1898. 78:202. Hadley, N.Y. 4238 Nevius, J. Nelson. The Hadley, N.Y. gold mill and its history. Eng & Min J, Sept. 3, 1898. 66:275-76. Reviews the history of Adi- rondack mining and prospecting for gold from 1889. 4239 Courtis, William Munroe. Adirondack sea- sand gold. Eng & Min J, Sept. 24, 1898. 66: 363-64. Letter on the Adirondack gold swindle. 4240 New York gold. Min Coll, Oct. 1898. 5:128. Note about operations at Hadley, N.Y. 4241 Nevius, J. Nelson. The Sacandaga mining and milling co. and the Sutphen process. In New York (state). Museum. 52d annual re- port, 1898. l:r82-87. plates. At Hadley, N.Y. 4242 Adirondack gold deposits, N.Y. Eng & Min J, Aug. 26, 1899. 68:241. Editorial branding as a fake Boston enterprises claiming to have rich gold-bearing sands in the Adirondacks. 4243 Adirondack gold mines. Eng & Min J, May 19, 1900. 69:582. Editorial disclosing several "Adirondack schemes" that "have no basis whatever to stand on." 4244 Indian river gold mining co. Prospectus. Boston, 1900? 8p. Copy in the Engineering Societies Library, New York City. 4245 Mount Tom gold mining co. Prospectus. Boston, 1900. 13p. Copy in the Engineering Societies Library, New York City. Property located near Belford on the Beaver River in Lewis County. 4246 New York gold mines co. Story of gold in the Adirondacks. Philadelphia, 1904. 8p. Copy in the Engineering Societies Library, New York City. 4247 Newland, David Hale. Graphite in New York. Eng & Min J, Aug. 2, 1905. 80:241. Workings of Joseph Dixon Crucible Com- pany at Chilson Hill near Ticonderoga and in town of Hague, west of Lake George. 4248 Newland, David HaJe. The New York graph- ite industry in 1905. Eng & Min J, Jan. 13, 1906. 81:88. Discusses graphite occurrences in Adirondacks. 4249 Newland, David Hale. Graphite mining in the U.S.— New York. Min Ind, 1906. 15: 432-34. Production during 1 906. 4250 Newland, David Hale. Graphite in New York. Eng & Min J, Jan. 4, 1908. 85:36. 4251 Ihne, F.W. Graphite mining. . .New York. Min Ind, 1908. 17:493-94. 4252 Newland, David Hale. The Adirondack graphite industry. Eng & Min J, Jan. 9, 1909. 87:99. 4253 Gold in the Adirondacks. Eng & Min J, Mar. 19, 1910. 89:620-21. Opinions of ex- perts and reports of assayists concerning chances for successful mining of gold in the Adirondacks. 4254 Chance, Henry Martyn. Gold in the Adi- rondacks. Eng & Min J, Apr. 2, 1910. 89: 695. Account of tests made on some ore from a St. Lawrence County mine (mercury was loaded when test was made). 4255 Roberts, John T. Jr. Gold in the Adiron- dacks. Eng & Min J, May 14, 1910. 89:1002. Tests made in 1 909. 4256 Carpenter, Warwick Stevens. Lure of the Adirondack gold. Outing, Feb. 1911. 57:522- 32. illus. 4257 Newland, David Hale. Adirondack gold schemes. Eng & Min J, Feb. 24, 1912. 93: 392. Shows extent of "boom." 4258 The Adirondack gold swindle. Eng & Min J, Mar. 2, 1912. 93:437-38. Editorial reviewing various schemes. 4259 Adirondack gold again. Eng & Min J, Nov. 21, 1914. 98:928. Editorial telling of another Adirondack gold swindle. 4260 Jones, Robert W. Graphite industry in New York. Eng & Min J, Oct. 28, 1916. 102:773- 75. illus. 4261 Newland, David Hale. Graphite mining in New York. Eng & Min J, Jan. 19, 1918. 105: 151. 4262 Taylor, A.S. Feldspar; a mineral having many uses. Camp Air M, Sept. 1924. 29:985- 88. illus. Description and activities of the Crown Point Spar Company. 4263 Sturla, George Alan. Some Adirondack gold tales of the "brick" variety, and otherwise. Pine Log, Mar. 1925. 2:no.2:8-10, 25-27. 4264 Newland, David Hale. The prospects for gold discoveries in New York state. Albany, N.Y. University of the State of New York, 1933. 6p. (New York State Museum Circular 12.) 174 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY Gold occurs in some sands at 0.00503 /ton equivalent to a trace. Prospects for richer finds slight. Geology of Adirondacks and Canada discussed. 4265 Broughton, John Gerard and Burnham, Koert D. Occurrence and uses of wollastonite from Willsboro, N.Y. N.Y. 1944. 8p. illus. map. (American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Technical Publica- tion 1737.) Abstract in Economic Geology, Jan.-Feb. 1944, 39:86. 4266 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). Treasure on Willsboro mountain; wollastonite, a min- eral recently found to be useful, is being mined in Essex county. No Country Life, Spring 1951. 5:no.2:46-47. 4267 Shaub, Benjamin Martin. Moonstone from Olmstedville, New York. Rocks & Min, Sept.- Oct. 1953. 28:451-55. illus. 4268 Wollastonite goes modern. The Flame, Dec. 1953. 7:no.l:4-9. illus. 4269 Special Locations Maclntyre Development Extensive experiments with titaniferous ores will be conducted by Mclntyre iron co. Iron Tri?, Oct. 30, 1913. 53:797-81. 4270 Kellogg, L.O. Experiment in smelting titan- iferous magnetite. Eng & Min J, Sept. 27, 1913. 96:604. Maclntyre Iron Company leased furnace at Port Henry for experiments. 4271 Bachman, Frank E. The use of titaniferous ore in the blast furnace. Am Iron & Steel Inst Trbk, 1914. 4:371-419. plates, chart, tables. Test of titaniferous ore in the blast furnace of the Northern Iron Company carried out by the Maclntyre Company. 4272 Cone, Edwin F. Titaniferous ores in the blast furnace; important results of Port Henry experiments. Iron Age, Oct. 22, 1914. 94: 936-39. illus. 4273 Titaniferous ores in the blast furnace. General conclusions from the Port Henry experiments on Adirondack ores. Iron Age, Dec. 24, 1914. 94:1470-73. tables. 4274 Woodbridge, Dwight Edwards. Titaniferous ores in the blast furnace — a recent experi- ment. Lake Sup Min Inst Proc, 1914. p.223-28. Account of experiments carried on at Port Henry. 4275 Hagar, I.D. Titanium and the Maclntyre development. Paint Ind, Dec. 1941. 56:410-18. Issued as reprint. Also in Paint, Oil and Chemi- cal Review, Dec. 18, 1941, 103:no.26:18, 24- 32, port. 4276 Maclntyre development; historic mine re- opened. Min & Con R, July 15, 1942. 44: no. 13:7, 17. illus. Includes history of mine. 4277 Hagar, I.D. Ilmenite and magnetite pro- duced in quantity at National lead's new Maclntyre development. Min & Met, Dec. 1942. 23:594-96. illus. Condensed from paper read before American Institute of Mining Engineers, Oct. 24, 1942. 4278 Hagar, I.D. Maclntyre development — a new source of titanium. Eng & Min J, Dec. 1942. 143:no.l2:47-49. illus. 4279 Killinger, Paul E. Report on the titanium mine at Tahawus, N.Y. Rocks & Min, Dec. 1942. 17:409. 4280 A source of titanium. Fortune, Mar. 1943. 27: no. 3:46, 50. Maclntyre mine. 4281 Vivian, C.H. Century-old iron workings now yield titanium. Comp Air M, Aug. 1943. 48: 7100-5. illus. 4282 Herres, Otto and others. Maclntyre develop- ment of the National lead company at Ta- hawus, N.Y. Min & Met, Nov. 1943. 24:509- 16. port, illus. diagr. 4283 Simmons, Louis J. Tahawus; the symbol of a new era. Mo Country Life, Spring 1947. 1 :no.3: 19-20. Maclntyre mines. 4284 Adirondack mine yields white pigment. Lumber Camp News, Apr. 1948. 9:no.l2:3. 4285 Begor, C.R. and Quam, C.A. Drilling and blasting at Tahawus. Min Cong J, Aug. 1948. 34:no.8:24-27. illus. 4286 Milliken, Frank R. Metallurgy at National lead CO. Maclntyre development. N.Y. 1948. 14p. illus. tables. (American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Techni- cal Publication 2355.) 4287 Sanford, R.S. Truck haulage at the National lead company open-cut ilmenite-magnetite mine, Tahawus, N.Y. Washington, U.S. Bu- reau of mines, 1950. 14p. plates. (U.S. Bu- reau of Mines Information Circular 7584.) 4288 Tahawus cloudsplitter, Nov. 1951. "Reprint Maclntyre anniversary issue." Tahawus, N.Y. n.d. 9p. ports, illus. 4289 Mining Maclntyre ore. Tahawus Cloudsplitter, Apr. 1955. 6:no.4:4-5, 7. illus. 4290 National lead company. Maclntyre develop- ment, Titanium division. National lead com- pany, Tahawus, New York. n.p. n.d. 8 leaves, charts. Mimeographed. History and develop- ment of mines at Tahawus. 4291 Mineville and Port Henry Port Henry iron ore company. Am Iron & Steel Assn Bui, Feb. 14, 1872. 6:186-87. De- scription of mine. 4292 MINING 175 Witherbee, T.F. Blowing in the Cedar Point iron company's furnace at Port Henry, Essex county, N.Y. Am Iron & Steel Assn Bui, June 7, 1876. 10:163. Abstract of paper read before American Institute of Mining Engineers, Feb. 1876. 4293 The iron mines of Mineville, N.Y. preparing for a great blast. Leslies Illus, Apr. 28, 1877. 43:140. illus. 4294 Hoefer von Heimhalt, Hans. Die kohlen- und eisenerz-lagerstatten Nord-Amerikas. Wien, Faesy & Frick, 1878. 259p. double table, diagrs. folded map. Visit to Mineville, N.Y. p.173-79. 4295 Vacation notes from northern New York. On Port Henry. Eng & Min J, Aug. 31, 1889. 48:184. Iron industry of region. 4296 Lake Champlain iron region. US Assn Char Work J, 1889. 8:no.4:218-27. Port Henry mines. 4297 Birkinbine, John. Crystalline magnetite in the Port Henry, New York mines. Am Inst Mining Eng Tr, Feb. 1890. 18:747-62. map. Describes the Lover's Pit at Mineville, with statistics of production, analyses, etc. 4298 Langdon, N.M. The use of magnetic con- centrates in the Port Henry blast-furnaces. Am Inst Mining Eng Tr, Oct. 2, 1891. 20:599- 601. Also in Engineering News, Oct. 17, 1891, 26:351-52. 4299 Ries, Heinrich. Magnetite deposits at Mine- ville, N.Y. and a description of the new elec- tric concentrating plant. Mines & Min, Sept. 1903. 24:49-51. illus. 4300 The Mineville magnetite mines; recent im- provements of the mining and separating plant of Witherbee, Sherman & co. Port Henry, N.Y. Iron Age, Dec. 17, 1903. 72:no. 25:10-19. illus. 4301 Granbery, J.H. Magnetite deposits and min- ing at Port Henry, N.Y. Eng & Min J, May 12-June 23, 1906. 81:890-93, 986-89, 1035- 38, 1082-84, 1130-32, 1178-79. illus. tables, maps. Reprinted with revisions under title "The Port Henry Iron Mines," N.Y. 1906. 4302 Hodgkins, A.E. Mine accounting at Mine- ville, N.Y. Eng & Min J, Sept. 22, 1906. 82: 530-33. illus. 4303 Electrical equipment for Port Henry iron mines. Eng & Mm J, Mar. 30, 1907. 83:610. 4304 Stephenson, B.S. Magnetite ore deposits at Mineville: recent improvements in mining and concentrating methods in the Port Henry district. Iron Tr R, Aug. 26-Sept. 2, 1909. 45: 371-77, 416-20. illus. Part 1. General de- scription of workings — heavy deposits. Part 2. Variety of ores shipped from workings, power furnished by five plants — testing lab- oratory. 4305 A day among the iron ore operations of the Port Henry district. Large delegations of iron and steel manufacturers inspect upper New York state mines. Iron Tr R, Aug. 4, 1910. 47:241-44. illus. 4306 The Eastern pig iron association at Port Henry; a visit to Witherbee, Sherman & company's properties in the eastern Adiron- dack district — important new mining and concentrating operations. Iron Age, Aug. 4, 1910. 86:266-70. diagr. 4307 Stoltz, Guy C. The Cheever mines, Port Henry, N.Y. Eng & Min J, Oct. 21, 1911. 92:809-12. illus. Mines worked before the Revolution now being modernized. 4308 Kellogg, L.O. Magnetite mines near Port Henry, N.Y. Eng & Min J, Nov. 8, 1913. 96:863-68. illus. 4309 Improvements at Port Henry iron mines. Iron Age,}\xxi^ 24, 1915. 95:1390-92. diagrs. 4310 Blatchly, Charles A. Iron mines at Port Henry, N.Y. Eng & Min J, Mar. 20, 1920. 109:702-4. illus. 4311 Henry, Earl C. Mining methods in the Mine- ville (N.Y.) district. Am Inst Mining Eng Tr, Sept. 1922. 72:226-32. diagrs. Abstract in Mining and Metallurgy, Nov. 1922, 3:no.l91: 57-58. 4312 Cummings, A.M. Method and cost of min- ing magnetite in the Mineville district. New York. Washington, U.S. Bureau of mines, 1928. 12p. figs. (U.S. Bureau of Mines In- formation Circular 6092.) Mimeographed. 4313 Cummings, A.M. Mining magnetite in the New York Mmeville district. Eng & Min J, Feb. 2-9, 1929. 127:190-95, 234-37. diagrs. ' 4314 Myners, T.F. Magnetic concentration meth- ods and costs of Witherbee, Sherman and company, Mineville, N.Y. Washington, 1932. 27p. (U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Cir- cular 6624.) 4315 Roche, H.M. Eastern magnetite in 1938. Mm & Met, Jan. 1939. 20:7-8. Mineville, N.Y. 4316 Republic Steel Corporation Revives interest in eastern mine. Steel, Aug. 7, 1939. 104:31. Republic Steel lease. 4317 Adirondack iron. Du Pont M, May 1940. 34: no.5:10-ll, 24. illus. Republic Steel's devel- opment. 4318 Linney, Robert J. Republic Steel's operations at Port Henry, Mineville and Fisher Hill. 176 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY Min & Met, Nov. 1943. 24:488-502. port, ill us. diagr. 4319 Linney, William J. Operations of the Cha- teaugay division of Republic Steel at Lyon mountain. Min & Met, Nov. 1943. 24:503- 8. port, illus. 4320 Stiefel, Fred W. Inclined mine shaft sunk in the Adirondacks, large iron ore deposits opened up in New York state. Civ Eng, Apr. 1944. 14:137-39. illus. diagrs. Republic Steel's Fisher Hill mine near Port Henry. 4321 Vivian, C.H. Old Adirondack mine again producing iron. Comp Air M, Oct. 1944. 49: 254-59. illus. Republic Steel at Fisher Hill mine near Port Henry. 4322 Paine, R.S. Reclaiming pillars of iron ore. Republic Steel corporation at its Port Henry, N.Y. operations successfully reclaims over ^2 million tons of high grade iron ore from pil- lars left on the "21 "-Bonanza-Joker mine. Exp Eng, Nov.-Dec. 1944. 22:249-52, 278. illus. diagrs. 4323 How Republic concentrates Adirondack iron ores. Eng & Mm J, July 1945. 146:no.7:90- 93. port, illus. diagrs. History of Adirondack iron mining operations of Republic Steel. 4324 Campbell, Tom. The Adirondacks, Repub- lic's ace in the hole. Iron Age, Aug. 19, 1948. 162:119-22. illus. 4325 Ore for tomorrow. Time, Aug. 23, 1948. 52: no.6:66. illus. 4326 Gillies, Donald B. Adirondack iron ore min- ing, its economic and potential value to the steel industry. Steel, Aug. 30, 1948. 123:72- 77. illus. 4327 Republic Steel is developing a new iron mine in northern N.Y. and exploring near Ant- werp. Eng & Min J, Sept. 1948. 149:no.9: 103. illus. Lyon Mountain — extension of Chateaugay bed. 4328 Republic Steel's old "81." No Country Life, Fall 1948. 2:no.4:43-45. illus. Lyon Moun- tain. 4329 Adirondack awakening. Republic Repts, Fall 1948. 10:no.4:4-5, 20-21. illus. 4330 AGRICULTURE Bender, Ray. Essex county farm bureau organized in 1916. Top o' the World, Mar. 1939. 3:no.2:9, 13. illus. 4331 Champlain valley horticultural society. Pro- ceedings of the horticultural convention, held at Burlington, Vt. February 11, 1851 and organization of the Champlain valley horti- cultural society, with an appendix contain- ing a list of fruits reported by the Standing fruit committee. Keeseville, N.Y. Republican office, 1851. 72p. 4332 Clinton county agricultural society. Proceed- ings. . .at its annual meeting, held at Platts- burgh, December 26th, 1850, and list of premiums for 1851. Keeseville, N.Y. D. Turner, printer, 1851. 32p. Copy in the Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, Cal. 4333 Dean, Amos. Address before the Agricultural society of Essex county, September 18, 1851. Elizabethtown, N.Y. Livingston & Sergeant, 1851. 12p. Cover title. Discusses soil of the county. 4334 Eggleston, R.W. History of the Grange in Essex county, N.Y. Plattsburgh, N.Y. Clin- ton press, n.d. 24p. illus. Copy at the Head- quarters House, New York State Historical Association, Ticonderoga. 4335 Emmons, Ebenezer. Agriculture of New York; comprising an account of the classification, composition and distribution of soils and rocks. . .together with a condensed view of the climate and agricultural productions of the state. Albany, 1846-54. 5v. front, illus. partly col. maps (1 folded). (Natural History of New York pt.5.) 4336 Fippin, Elmer Otterbein. The soils and agri- cultural development of northern New York. Cornell Count, Apr. 1916. 13:570-75. 4337 Fogg, S.H. "Sap's up." Top o' the World, Mar. 1939. 3:no.2:9. Maple sugar. 4338 New York (state). Assessors. Report on the agricultural and other resources of New York. In New York State Agricultural Society. Transactions, 1864. 23:234-379. folded maps. Also issued as a separate, Albany, Van Ben- thuysen, 1864, 152p. Report by State Asses- sor, Theodore C. Peters. 4339 Smith, Clarence C. Agriculture in up-state New York. Up-Stater, Jan. 1930. 2:no.l:9, 17. table. 4340 Titus, James H. Address before the Agricul- tural society of Franklin county, N.Y. deliv- ered at the annual meeting, October 6th, 1853. . . N.Y. William C. Bryant & co. 1853. 38p. Agricultural progress in county. 4341 RESORTS AND HOTELS 177 Van Wagner, Edith, comp. . . .Agricultural manual of New York state arranged by coun- ties. . . Albany, 1922. 857p. incl. front, plates, diagrs. maps (partly folded). (New York State Department of Farms and Markets. Division of Agriculture Bulletin 133.) 4342 Watson, Winslow Cossoul. An address deliv- ered before the Essex county agricultural society, September 21, 1854. Published by request of the Society. Elizabethtown, N.Y. Post print, n.d. 16p. Agriculture in Essex County. 4343 Watson, Winslow Cossoul. A general view and agricultural survey of the county of Essex. Taken under the appointment of the New York State Agricultural Society. Ex- tracted from the New York State Agricul- tural Society Transactions for 1852. Albany, Van Benthuysen, 1853. p.649-898. 4344 Watson, Winslow Cossoul. Supplement to the report on the survey of Essex county. Extracted from the New York State Agri- cultural Society Transactions for 1853. Al- bany, Van Benthuysen, 1854. p. 699-741. 4345 RESORTS AND HOTELS Adirondack cottage sites. For & Stream, Feb. 17, 1906. 66:266. 4346 Adirondack summer business. For & Stream, Mar. 7, 1903. 60:183. Extract from Report of the New York State Forest Superinten- dent, 1902-3. Hotels etc. 4347 The Adirondacks. For & Stream, Mar. 7, 1903. 60:181. Brief editorial on importance of vast summer and autumn tourist business. 4348 Aesthetic and sanitary vs. commercial values. Outlook, June 23, 1906. 83:401. Editorial showing the Adirondacks cannot be a stor- age reservoir and great summer resort at the same time. 4349 Bahler, Martin. Flume cottage, an Adiron- dack mountain resort in Keene Valley, Essex county, N.Y. Keene Valley, N.Y.? n.d. 4p. Unpaged leaflet, caption title. Copy in Yale University Library. 4350 Bergstrom, Herman. Board and room, $2.00 a day. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1948. ll:no. 5:10-11. 1899 prospectus of an Adirondack hotel. 4351 Bruce, Dwight Hall. The Adirondacks. For & Stream, Sept. 8, 1892. 39:202. Signed: D.H.B. Tourist season of 1892. 4352 C, F.S. Some Adirondack resorts. For & Stream, July 19, 1883. 20:487. Franklin County. 4353 Calhoun, William. The tourist went that-a- way. No Country Life, Winter 1953. 7:no.l: 38-39, 46. 4354 Cranford, T.L. Adirondack extortion. For & Stream, Oct. 6, 1887. 29:209. Complaint about Paul Smith. 4355 Delaware & Hudson railroad corporation. The D. & H. season of 1895. Summer hotel and boarding house register. Albany? 1895? 119p. illus. map. Cover title: Mountain, Lake and Meadow. 4356 Flemming, Richard Carl. The Ruisseaumont at Lake Placid. Gameland, Jan. 1896. 8:232. illus. 4357 Frazer, Orange. Adirondack extortion. For & Stream, Sept. 29, 1887. 29:182. Claimed Paul Smith overcharged him for provisions. 4358 Hagerty, Gilbert. Dreams and dollars. No Country Life, Summer 1955. 9:no.3:56-65. illus. Liberty Eatery, a Whitehall restaurant. 4359 A half-way house. For & Stream, Aug. 24, 1882. 19:64. Moody's at Tupper Lake. 4360 History of Paul Smith's resort; developments closely woven in life story of honored founder. For Leaves, Winter 1926. 20:no.2:18-29. port. From the Adirondack Enterprise. 4361 The Hotel Alcadel in the Adirondacks, Hur- ricane, Essex CO. New York. N.Y. 192 — ? 4p. illus. map. Unpaged leaflet. On East Hill, Keene. Also includes advertisement of Hur- ricane Mountain Inn. 4362 Hotel Ampersand. The Adirondacks as a winter health resort including a description of the new Hotel Ampersand. . . N.Y. Giles Litho. n.d. 48p. illus. folded map. Copy in Munson Collection, Saranac Lake Free Li- brary. 4363 The Hotel Champlain and its surroundings, n.p. 1890. 7 leaves. 4364 Kelleher, Goodman. Goodman Kelleher, Boniface. . . A cook's story of his own broth. Lake George, N.Y. Adirondack resort press, 1945. 133p. plates, ports. Life of chef and hotelkeeper. Lake Placid and Saranac Lake. 4365 Lake George and Fort William Henry hotel. A descriptive and historical sketch. Phila- 178 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY delphia, Ketterlinus printing house, 1892. 40p. illus. 4366 Lake view house, the only first class hotel at Ausable chasm. N.Y. Terwilliger & Peck, 1880? 3 leaves. 4367 Leonard, S.R. Sr. The Mattesons and their Mountain home. No Country Life, Spring 1951. 5:no. 2:29-36. ports, illus. Famous hotel at Morehouseville. 4368 Merrill, Fannie B. Life at Paul Smith's. For & Stream,]un& 18, 1891. 36:433-34. 4369 Mills, Borden H. Sr. Adirondack hostelries of the 19th century. II. The Willey house. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1950. 14:100-1. illus. On East Hill, Keene. 4370 Mills, Borden H. Sr. Adirondack hostelries of the 19th century. III. The Adirondack house at Keene Valley. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.- Feb. 1951. 15:4-5, 7. illus. Correction in Mar.-Apr. issue, 15:38. 4371 Mills, Borden H. Sr. Raquette lake house (1856-73). Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb., Mar.- Apr. 1949. 13:12-14, 34-35. 4372 Murray, William Henry Harrison. The Adi- rondacks then and now. Golden Rule, Aug. 22, 1877. 2:no.48:4. Hotel menu. 4373 The new Columbian park hotel. The sports- man's paradise. Under new management. Located on Cranberry lake, Carthage, N.Y. Brownell, 1905. 6p. illus. Oblong leaflet. 4374 The 1931 outlook hailed with optimism by Adirondack resorts association; two-day con- ference. . .brings most optimistic forecast for travel this year. Motordom, Feb. 1931. 24:no. 8:21. 4375 R., C.H. Adirondack game resorts. For & Stream, Sept. 7, 1882. 19:106. Various places to stay. 4376 Rice, Philip E. The vacation hotel, modern inns of the Adirondacks offer complete serv- ices for comfort and recreation in a world of famous pleasure ground. Motordom, June 1931. 24:no.l2:23. illus. port. 4377 The Sagamore, Lake George. Season 1880. Lake George, N.Y. 1880? 32p. illus. Also Season of 1894, issued by Possons, Glens Falls, N.Y. unpaged. 4378 Saranac Lake Guide, pseud. The Saranac lake region. The fable of the frogs. For & Stream, June 30, 1881. 16:427. Competition among the hotelkeepers for the sportsman's trade. 4379 Some famous Adirondack hostelries. Woods ©■ PKfl/, Springl902. 5:no.l:18. 4380 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. Summer inns of Lake George and Lake Champlain. St No Mo, Aug. 1908. 4:99-121. illus. 4381 Stringham, Henry. Stopping over at Moun- tain view, in the Adirondacks. NTC Lines Mag, Nov. 1926. 7:no.8:94. 4382 Tahawus house, in the Adirondacks, Keene Valley. Troy, N.Y. Troy times art press, n.d. illus. Unpaged leaflet. 4383 The Traveler, pseud. Among the summer hotels. Aug & Hunt, June 1910. 2:308-10. illus. Includes Nunn's Inn, Cranberry Lake, and The New Heritage, Lake Bonaparte. 4384 Whiteface inn. Lake Placid, N.Y. Adiron- dacks. Season June 15th to October 1st. n.p- Adirondack co. 1907? 12 leaves, illus. 4385 Wilson, Sloan. LoUapalooza and the Rogers Rock hotel. New Yorker, Oct. 10, 1953. 29: no.34:98, 100, 103-7. 4386 COMMUNICATIONS, TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS Adirondack power and light corporation. Corporate history. Schenectady, N.Y. 1924. 279p. Title page dated July 1, 1924. 4387 Benedict, Farrand Northrop. Report on a survey of the waters of the upper Hudson and Raquette rivers, in the summer of 1874, with reference to increasing the supply of water for the Champlain canal and improving the navigation of the Hudson river, as author- ized by the Legislature April, 1874. In New York (state). Canal commissioners. Annual report, 1873-74. p. 83-1 60. plate, maps. Assembly document 6, 1875. Includes re- ports of W.B. Cooper, F.F. Judd and J.F. Potter. 4388 Blakemore analytical reports, inc. Summary of report on the Adirondack power and light corporation. N.Y. 1927. 120 leaves, illus. tables, map. 4389 Brief and argument on the liability of the State of New York, for damages caused by the breaking away of the North lake reser- voir, on the Black river canal, on April 21st, 1869. Submitted. . .by the counsel for the claimants, December 1870. Utica, N.Y. White & Floyd, 1870. 58p. Signed: Charles A. Sherman, Francis Kiernan of counsel for claimants. 4390 Cobb, George H. The interest of northern COMMUNICATIONS, TRANSPORTATION 179 New York in water power and water trans- portation. In New York state waterways association. 2d annual convention. Proceed- ings, 1911. p.32-39. 4391 Cone, Gertrude E. Studies in the develop- ment of transportation in the Champlain valley to 1876. 150 leaves, tables, folded maps. Master's thesis, University of Vermont, 1945. Typescript. 4392 Dearborn, Henry Alexander Samuel. Letters on the internal improvements and commerce of the west. Boston, Button & Wentworth, 1839. 119p. Letter VI, p.63-77, expresses need for a canal or railroad from Ogdens- burg to Lake Champlain and discusses the products of northern New York. 4393 Failure of the Dalton concrete core-wall dam, Mineville, N.Y. Eng News, May 9, 1912. 67:900-2. illus. diagrs. Dam collapsed Apr. 23, 1912. Description of the dam. and its failure. 4394 Fight on Adirondack power. Elec W. Sept. 8, 1923. 82:504. 4395 Garrett, Paul Willard. Adirondack power & light's future. Elec W, Dec. 20, 1924. 84: 1340. chart. 4396 Gow, George B. The story of a great enter- prise. The Hudson river water power com- pany. The story of its works at Spier Falls. . . together with some account of its relations to the varied industries. . . Glens Falls, N.Y. Glens Falls publishing co. ^^1903. 77p. ports, illus. Includes some material on the Adiron- dacks. 4397 Hill, Henry Wayland. An historical review of the waterways and canal construction in New York state. Buffalo, N.Y. Buffalo his- torical society, 1908. 549p. port. maps. (Buf- falo Historical Society Publications, v. 12.) Many scattered references to the Adiron- dacks. 4398 Lakeman, Curtis E. State control of water power. R of Rs, Jan. 1909. 39:57-59. In- cludes Conklingville dam on the Sacandaga River. 4399 McElroy, Samuel. Analysis of the Black river flood case of April, 1869. Prepared at request of Hon. Charles H. Doolittle and Charles A. Sherman, counsel for claimants. . .and sub- mitted to the Board of state canal appraisers, December, 1869. Utica, N.Y. Roberts, 1870. 71 p. Includes examination of the North Lake reservoir and faults in its construction. Bound with the copy in the New York State Li- brary: Appendix 1, Opinion of Beman Brock- way and William Wasson; Appendix 2, Extracts from Testimony. 4400 Meyer, Balthasar Henry, ed. History of transportation in the United States before 1860. . .by Caroline E. MacGill and a staff of collaborators. Washington, Carnegie in- stitution, 1917. 678p. tables, maps (part folded). Canals and water routes in New York, Chapter VI. Railroads in New York, Chapter XIII. 4401 New York (state). Canal appraisers. Annual report for 1858. Albany, 1859. 90p. tables. Senate document 100, 1859. Ausable River claims, Appendix, p. 65-90. 4402 New York (state). Canal appraisers. Black river claims. Before the Canal appraisers, Samuel North, J. Gay and George C. Greene, in the matter of the claims of William M. Coburn and others vs. State of New York. Points and brief on behalf of the state, Levi H. Brown, Samuel Earl, Charles Rhodes and P.S. Palmer, of counsel for the state. Oswego, N.Y. Palladium printing co. 1871. 313, 78p. p. 97-100 omitted in numbering. "In the matter of claims against the State of New York, for damages alleged to have arisen and been caused by the breach of the North Lake reservoir and the water discharged there- from." 4403 New York (state). Canal appraisers. Testi- mony in the claims of the citizens in the valley of the Ausable river in the counties of Essex and Clinton. . .for alleged damages to their property occasioned by the breaking away of the dam across the south branch of the Ausable river, in the town of Keene. . .Sept. 30, 1856. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1858. 368p. 4404 New York (state). Canal board. In the Canal board of the State of New York. In the matter of the claims of John S. Bussing. . .and 122 other parties agt. the State of New York. The Ausable claims, n.p. n.d. 23p. Signed: John H. Reynolds, counsel for claimants. 4405 New York (state). Governor (William H. Seward). Documents accompanying the Governor's message. Albany, 1840. lip. Senate document 2, 1840. Part 4, p.7-9, is a letter from George E. Hoffman to Gover- nor Seward on providing means of transpor- tation to the northern part of the state, to attract settlers. 4406 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Report of the select committee on petitions for the improvement of Racquette and Moose rivers. Albany, 1850. 32p. Assembly docu- ment 68, 1850. 4407 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Report of the select committee on the im- ^ provement of the St. Regis river. Albany, 1856. 2p. Assembly document 112, 1856. 4408 180 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Report of the select committee on the peti- tions of the inhabitants of Essex, Franklin and Warren counties. Albany, 1851. 4p. Assembly document 94, 1851. Appropriation for the improvement of the Saranac River and lakes. 4409 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Report of the select committee relative to the survey of the Sacondaga, Schroon and the middle branch of the Hudson river. March 7, 1831. Albany, 1831. 3p. Assembly document 248, 1831. 4410 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Committee on commerce and navigation. Report. . .relative to the improvement of Beaver river. Albany, 1860. 4p. Assembly document 91, 1860. 4411 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Committee on internal affairs of towns and counties. Report on the petition of J.D. Kingsland, and others, for relief to certain towns in Clinton and Essex cos. Albany, 1859. 4p. Assembly document 149, 1859. Damage caused by break in dam at Ausable Forks. 4412 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Me- morial of George A. Simmons and six other gentlemen (a committee for that purpose) stating the results of a survey of a railroad and steamboat route from Lake Champlain to the county of Oneida. Albany, 1846. 58p. folded map. Senate document 73, 1846. Ap- pendix contains report of Farrand N. Bene- dict on "a line of slack-water navigation through the northern counties of New-York," p.10-33; 2d report, p.34-58. 4413 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Re- port of the select committee on the improve- ment of the navigation of Raquette river. Albany, 1854. 4p. Senate document 24, 1854. 4414 New York-Breakwater, Port Kent. Memorial of inhabitants of the northern section of New York, for a breakwater at Port Kent, N.Y. Nov. 25, 1836. Washington, 1836? 8p. 24th Congress, 2d Session, House of Representa- tives document 44. 4415 Northern inland lock navigation co. A report of the committee appointed by the directors of the Northern inland lock navigation com- pany, in the State of New York, to examine Hudson's river. N.Y. W. Durell, 1792. 20p. Examination and survey of the country be- tween the Hudson River and Wood Creek to make it navigable. See Sabin, v. 8, no. 33523. 4416 Perkins, A.H. The power situation in the State of New York. Eng M, Aug. 1912. 43: 737-46. Includes discussion of Adirondack streams. 4417 Pierce, Wallace E. Lake Champlain, its past, present and future as a water highway. In New York state waterways association. 14th annual convention, 1923. p. 19-21. 4418 Porter, Dwight. Reports on the water-power of the Hudson river basin and the Lake George outlet. In U.S. Census. 10th census, 1880, V.16, p.335-411. Also separately paged, 1-69. 4419 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). "Number please!" No Country Life, Summer 1949. 3: no.3: 18-21. illus. History of telephone com- munications in northern New York. 4420 Post office at Gabriels. For Leaves, Autumn 1925. 20:no.l:66-67. 4421 Potter, Frederick A. . . .On the Beaver river dam project. For & Stream, Nov. 1924. 94: 672, 674. Letter on damage resulting from the dam. 4422 Radio station WHDL seeks more power. Up-Stater, Jan. 1930. 2:no.l :19-20. Only radio station located in the Adirondacks, at Tupper Lake. 4423 Sims, C.F. Needed improvements in Lake Champlain. In New York state waterways association. 7th annual convention, 1916. p.43-44. Effect on shipping of lower levels of Lake Champlain. 4424 U.S. War department. Letter from the Sec- retary of war, transmitting a copy of the re- port and estimates for the improvement of the harbors of Plattsburg, Port Kent, and Burlington bay on Lake Champlain. Wash- ington, Gales & Seaton, 1834? 8p. 23d Con- gress, 1st Session, House of Representatives document 131. Report signed: Hartman Bache. 4425 U.S. War department. Letter from the Sec- retary of war, transmitting a report of the Chief engineer relative to the survey of Plattsburg harbor, February 14, 1867. Wash- ington, 1867. 4p. 39th Congress, 2d Session, House of Representatives document 89. 4426 Walworth, Hiram. Four eras in the history of travelling between Montreal and New York from 1793 to 1892. Plattsburgh, N.Y. Telegram printing house, 1892. 8p. Brief travel notes from the Plattsburgh Republican. 4427 CANALS Arranged by date New York (state). Legislature. Report of the commissioners appointed by joint resolutions of the honorable the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York, of the thirteenth and fifteenth of March, 1810, to explore the CANALS 181 route of an inland navigation, from Hudson's river to Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. N.Y. 1811. 38p. 4428 New York (state). Board of commissioners on the northern or Champlain canal. Re- port, Mar. 18, 1817. Albany, n.d. 91-97, 52p. Brief description of northern New York state; urging construction of a canal needed for lumbering. 4429 New York (state). Canal commissioners. Re- port. . .on the canals from Lake Erie to the Hudson river and from Lake Champlain to the same. Presented to the Legislature Jan. 31, 1813. Albany, J. Buel, 1818. 45p. fold- ing table. 4430 Haines, Charles G. comp. Public documents, relating to the New- York canals, which are to connect the western and northern lakes, with the Atlantic ocean, with an introduc- tion. Printed under the direction of the New- York corresponding association, for the pro- motion of internal improvements. N.Y. Wil- liam A. Mercien, printer, 1821. 484p. folded tables, folded maps. Copies in American Geographical Society and Duke University Library. Important source material on the Champlain canal. 4431 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Committee on canals. Report on petition for a survey and estimates for a canal between Lake Ontario and Lake Champlain. In New York (state). Assembly journal, 1823. v.46, p. 585-86. Also published as Assembly docu- ment 126, 1823. 4432 Petition of inhabitants of the northerly part of the state, praying for aid, to make a canal from Lake Ontario near Ogdensburgh to Lake Champlain, near Plattsburg. Albany, 1823. 3p. Assembly document 68, 1823. 4433 Report of the committee on the subject of the Ontario and Champlain canal. Potsdam, N.Y. 1823. 6p. Listed in Sabin, v.l4, p.2. 4434 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Standing committee on canals and internal improvements. Report. . .on the Memorial of the counties of St. Lawrence, Franklin, and Clinton, praying for an act, authorizing a survey of the route of a canal to connect Lakes Ontario and Champlain. In New York (state). Assembly journal, 1824. p.804-8. 4435 SpafTord, Horatio Gates. A pocket guide for the tourist and traveller, along the line of the canals, and the interior commerce of the canals of the State of New- York. N.Y. T. & J. Swords, 1824. 72p. Includes route, tolls, points of interest along the Champlain canal. 2d edition with additions and corrections published in 1825. 4436 Hutchinson, Holmes. Papers alluded to in the communication of the Canal commis- sioners in relation to the survey and exami- nation of the route of the proposed canal from Ogdensburgh to Lake Champlain. Albany, 1825. 34p. Assembly Journal, 1825, Appen- dix G. 4437 Memorial of the counties of St. Lawrence, Franklin and Clinton to the Legislature of New- York, for an act to authorize a survey of the route of a canal from the river St. Lawrence to Lake Champlain. . .with a me- morial from the city of New- York, and an abstract of the debates in the Assembly on the bill brought in. Albany, Packard & Van Benthuysen, 1825. 45p. Sabin cites slightly different title. 4438 New York (state). Canal commissioners. Communication on the survey of a route for a canal from the river St. Lawrence to Lake Champlain. Albany, 1825. 36p. Assembly document 183, 1825. 4439 New York (state). Laws, statutes, etc. Laws of the State of New York in relation to the Erie and Champlain canals, together with the annual reports of the Canal commis- sioner and other documents requisite for a complete official history of those works. . . Albany, E. & E. Hosford, 1825. 2v. front, folded maps. 4440 A view of the Grand canal, from Lake Erie to the Hudson river. . . Also, a description of the Champlain canal. N.Y. Printed for J. Low, 1825. 28p. incl. front. 4441 New York (state). Canal commissioners. Re- port. . .pursuant to the act entitled "An act to provide for the survey of certain canal routes therein mentioned," made to the Assembly. Mar. 6, 1826. Albany, 1826. 29p. Assembly Journal, 1826, Appendix F. Black River Canal, p.2-5. 4442 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on roads and canals. Report on memorial of the citi- zens of New York to construct a canal be- tween lakes Champlain and Ontario, May 22, 1826. Washington, 1826. 3p. 19th Con- gress, 1st Session, House report 230. 4443 Memorial of the counties of St. Lawrence, Franklin and Clinton, to the Legislature. . . pray for an act authorizing a survey of the route of a canal, to connect lakes Ontario and Champlain. . . n.p. 1829. 29p. Signed: B. Raymond. 4444 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Com- mittee on canals. Memorial of a committee . . .composed of delegates from Oneida, Lewis, JeflFerson and St. Lawrence, on the subject of a canal to connect the navigable waters of the Black river with the Erie canal. 182 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY Albany, 1836. 16p. folded map. Senate docu- ment 21, 1836. 4445 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Com- mittee on canals. Report of the majority. . . on the petitions and memorials relative to the construction of the Black river canal. Albany, 1836. 15p. Senate document 36, 1836. 4446 New York (state). Canal commissioners. Communication. . .transmitting the report of the survey in continuation of the Black river canal. February 29, 1840. Albany, 1840. 120p. folded map. Assembly document 233, 1840. 4447 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Re- port of the select committee, in relation to the management and expenditures on the northern section of the Champlain canal, and Glens Falls feeder. Albany, 1846. 231 p. tables, partly folded. Senate document 144, 1846. 4448 New York (state). Canal board. Communi- cation. . .transmitting the report of D.C. Jenne, resident engineer, in relation to the supply of water for the Black river canal and Black river. Albany, 1850. 6p. Senate docu- ment 102, 1850. 4449 New York (state). Canal board. Report. . . on the bill to supply the Black river canal and the Black river with water. Albany, 1850. 3p. Senate document 98, 1850. 4450 American geographical and statistical soci- ety. Memorial on canal connection of Cham- plain valley with St. Lawrence river. Albany, 1857. 8p. Senate document 14, 1857. 4451 Sweet, Sylvanus H. Documentary sketch of New York state canals. . .accompanying State engineer and surveyor's report for 1862. Albany, Van Benthuysen, 1863. 480p. tables, folded maps. 4452 New York (state). State engineer and sur- veyor. Report. . .relative to the quantity of water diverted from the Black river feeder to supply the Black river & Erie canals. Al- bany, 1866. 7p. Assembly document 46, 1866. Signed: Daniel C. Jenne, division engineer. 4453 New York (state). Canal board. Reply. . .to a resolution of the Assembly, inquiring as to the effect the structure now being placed across Lake Champlain, at Ticonderoga, will have upon the commerce, etc. of the state. Albany, 1871. 6p. Assembly document 94, 1871. 4454 Weed, Smith M. Ship canal from the Hudson river to Lake Champlain. Speech. . .in Assem- bly April 15th, 1873. Albany, Argus co. 1873. 31 p. folded map. In favor of the canal. 4455 Delaware & Hudson railroad corporation. Report to the stockholders of the Delaware and Hudson canal company. . .May 8th, 1877. N.Y. P. Barnes, 1877. 104p. 4456 Deane, Silas. Canal from Lake Champlain to the St. Lawrence. In Canada. Public archives. Report, 1889. p. 80-88. Letters writ- ten to promote the canal. 4457 Whitford, Noble Earl. History of the canal system of the State of New York together with brief histories of the canals of the United States and Canada. . . Albany, Brandow printing co. 1906. 2v. plates, tables, partly folded, diagrs. folded maps. Contains exten- sive bibliography. 4458 Francis, Lewis W. The transportation of iron ore on the Champlain canal. In New York state waterways association. 9th annual con- vention. Proceedings, 1918. p. 51-55. Ship- ping of iron ore by Witherbee and Sherman. 4459 Loomis, Alfred Fullerton. Inland waterways, Champlain canal and Lake Champlain, from Waterford to Rouses Point. Country Life, Sept. 1921. 40:88. map. 4460 New York (state). State engineer and sur- veyor. History of the barge canal of New York state, by Noble E. Whitford. . . Al- bany, J.B. Lyon, 1922. 61 Op. front, ports, plates. Supplement to the Annual Report, 1920/21. 4461 Potter, Elsie Austin. The influence of the Champlain canal on eastern New York and western Vermont (1823-1860). 108, 9, 7 leaves. Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1939. Typescript. 4462 Copeland, Fred O. Champlain canal days. Vermonter, Aug. 1941. 46:155-60. illus. 4463 Graves, Harold F. Black river canal. Mo Country Life, Summer 1948. 2:no.3:17-19. illus. 4464 Dunn, James Taylor, ed. A trip on the North- ern canal. NT Folk Q,, Winter 1950. 6:234-39. Flumorous letter written in 1832 about a trip from Troy to Whitehall on the Cham- plain canal. 4465 O'Hara, John E. Erie's junior partner: the economic and social effects of the Cham- plain canal upon the Champlain valley. 391 leaves. Doctoral thesis, Columbia University, 1951. Microfilm edition available through University Microfilms. 4466 RAILROADS An argument showing why the state should aid in the construction of a railroad through the wilderness of northern New York, re- spectfully submitted for the consideration of RAILROADS 183 the Legislature and the Executive. Albany, Van Benthuysen, 1870. 16p. Cover title: A Plea for the Northern Wilderness. 4467 Electric traction on Adirondack railways as a preventive of forest tires. Eng News, Aug. 19, 1909. 62:210. Rejected by Public Service Commission as too costly. 4468 Fire loss remedies. For & Stream, Apr. 10, 1909. 72:567. Editorial on the decision of Public Service Commission of 2d district that railroads burn oil from April to November to prevent fires. 4469 Franchot, R. and Peek, A. Mason. Report of a survey for a railroad route from Schenec- tady to Ogdensburgh. . .January 1, 1868. Albany, 1868. 30p. tables, folded map. As- sembly document 61, 1868. 4470 Hale, Matthew. Gov. Fenton and his veto of the Plattsburgh & Whitehall railroad bill; speech of. . .Hale. . .in Senate, April 8, 1868; also a debate between. . .John O'Donnell, H.G. Murphy, A.X. Parker and Matthew Hale. n.p. n.pub. 1868. 16p. Cover title. Effect on the Champlain valley. Copy in the New York State Library. 4471 Hayward, James. Report of the proposed rail-road between Boston and Ogdensburgh. Boston, Carter, Hendee and Babcock, 1831. 46p. One of the proposed routes through the Adirondacks. 4472 Hungerford, Edward. Early railroads of New York. Afr Hist, Jan. 1932. 18:75-89. Short discussion of some of the early north coun- try railroads. 4473 Radford, Harry V. Benefits of Adirondack railroads. For Leaves, Autumn 1904. 1 :no. 4:18-19. illus. 4474 Riding swift stagecoaches through Adiron- dack forests was pastime of summer hotel guests in 1895. D & H Bui, Mar. 1, 1938. 18:35-36. Train service from the experience of a retiring crew dispatcher, Ovid S. Ben- jamin. 4475 Some Adirondack novelties. Am Angler, July 21, 1888. 14:37. On building railroad to Jayville. 4476 Williams, C.H. Some north woods reminis- cences; old time railroader tells of memories of pioneer days in the Adirondacks. NTC Lines Mag, Dec. 1924. 5:no.9:54c-54d. In- cludes tales of private railroad cars. 4477 The Adirondack Company Adirondack. In Donaldson, A.L. A history of the Adirondacks. N.Y. Century, 1921. V.2, p. 280-82. Reprint of an editorial from the New York Times of Aug. 9, 1864 based on a pamphlet advertising the building of the Adirondack Company's railroad. 4478 Adirondack company. The Adirondack com- pany: its position, property and resources. N.Y. Adirondack co. 1864. 39p. 4479 Adirondack company. The Adirondack com- pany; its railroad and estate. N.Y. Kennard & May, 1872. 18p. maps. 4480 Adirondack company. The Adirondack com- pany; its railroad and estate containing esti- mates of the probable costs and business from the road. . .including a report from the con- sulting engineer, 1870. N.Y. J.O. Seymour, 1870. 55p. map. 4481 Adirondack company. Adirondack company by-laws. n.p. n.pub. 1870? 5p. Copy in the Munson Collection, Saranac Lake Free Li- brary. 4482 Adirondack company. Adirondack company's charter, amendments, and the laws relating thereto. N.Y.? 1871? lOp. Caption title. 4483 Adirondack company. The Adirondack com- pany's railroad and estate, n.p. n.pub. 1870? 49p. Copy in the Munson Collection, Saranac Lake Free Library. 4484 Adirondack company. A brief statement of the leading features and resources of the great northern forest in northern New York, the position of the Adirondack co., with reference thereto, and its estate and franchises. N.Y. W.C.Bryant & CO. 1864. 32p. map. 4485 Adirondack company. Closing argument for state aid to the Adirondack company's rail- road. Albany, Van Benthuysen, 1870. 7p. Copy in the Engineering Societies Library, New York City. 4486 Adirondack company. The wilderness of northern New York and the Adirondack company's railroad, showing their impor- tance to the city of Albany and the state at large. Albany, Van Benthuysen, 1870. 21 p. map. 4487 Adirondack railway co. The Adirondack rail- way company. Its present condition and future prospects, by Silas Seymour. N.Y. Jones printing co. 1883. 14p. map. 4488 Adirondack railway company. The Adiron- dack railway company, and its real estate. Being a review of Mr. George Leavitt's re- port upon the value of the Company's lands in the Adirondack region. By Silas Seymour. N.Y. C.F. Ketcham & co. 1885. 14p. Copy in the Engineering Societies Library, New York City. 4489 Adirondack railway company. Articles of association and by-laws of the Adirondack railway company. N.Y. Jones printing co. 1883. 41p. 4490 ' Adirondack railway company. Letter from T. Haskins DuPuy. . . n.p. 1883? 4p. Copy in 184 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY the Engineering Societies Library, New York City. Letter to Silas Seymour approving the route of the railroad. 449 1 Butler, Benjamin Clapp. Handbook of the Adirondack railway. Albany, Weed, Parsons & CO. 1870. 42p. Advertisements not in- cluded in paging. Copy in the Munson Col- lection, Saranac Lake Free Library. 4492 New York (state). Governor (John T. Hoff- man). Veto of the Governor on the bill en- titled "An Act to facilitate the construction of the railroad of the Adirondack company, and its extension to the waters of the St. Lawrence river." Albany, 1870. 6p. Assembly document 207, 1870. Lincoln 6:172-76. 4493 Seymour, Silas. Adirondack company's rail- road. Report of Silas Seymour, consulting engineer. N.Y.? 1870. 20p. folded maps. 4494 Seymour, Silas. Observations concerning eastern and western railway transport, with distance tables, from New York and Boston to Chicago. The Adirondack railway and its relations to through traffic. N.Y. C.F. Ketcham, 1885. 16p. 4495 Weatherwax, David S. The Adirondack rail- way company; passenger traffic. Rail & Loc, May 1953. no.88:55-58. plate, map. 4496 Weatherwax, David S. Locomotives of the Adirondack railway company, 1864-1902. Rail & Loc, Oct. 1948. 74:36-38. plates. 4497 Northern Railroad Doherty,' Laurence. History of the Northern New York railroad. Rail & Loc, Sept. 1938. 47:90-94. illus. 4498 Memorial adopted by a convention of the people of the counties of St. Lawrence, Franklin and Clinton, praying for the con- struction of the Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain rail-road as a state work. Albany, 1841. 5p. Assembly document 32, 1841. 4499 Memorial, statistics and (Correspondence in relation to a rail-road, from Ogdensburgh to Lake Champlain, respectfully submitted to the Legislature of New- York. Ogdensburgh, N.Y. Times office, 1839. 53p. folded map. 4500 New York (state). Governor (William H. Seward). Message from the Governor trans- mitting the report of Mr. Casey, in relation to the Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain railroad. Albany, 1842. 23p. table. Assembly document 70, 1842. William R. Casey. 4501 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Re- port of the commissioners appointed to cause a survey to be made of the several routes for a railroad from Ogdensburgh to Lake Cham- plain. Albany, 1841. 115p. folded map. Assembly document 43, 1841. Appendix con- tains: Report of Edward Broadhead, Chief Engineer; Reports of Division Engineer; Extracts from Report on the Geology and Mineralogy of Franklin and Clinton Coun- ties. . .by B. Roberts. 4502 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Committee on railroads. Report. . .on the petition of inhabitants of the counties of St. Lawrence, Franklin, Clinton and Essex, in relation to the Ogdensburgh and Lake Cham- plain rail-road. Albany, 1839. 15p. Assembly document 233, 1839. Accompanied by state- ment of Messrs. Hopkins, Piatt and Duane on advantages to business etc. 4503 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Com- mittee on rail-roads. Report. . .on the peti- tions for the construction of the Ogdensburgh and Champlain rail-road by the state. Al- bany, 1840. 12p. Senate document 44, 1840. 4504 New York (state). Secretary of state. Com- munication. . .transmitting the report of a survey of a rail-road from Ogdensburgh to Lake Champlain. Albany, 1839. 57p. Assem- bly document 133, 1839. Report of Edwin F. Johnson, Chief Engineer. 4505 The northern railroad in New York. With remarks on the western trade. Boston, Free- man & BoUes, 1845. 36p. Signed: J. G. Hop- kins. Arguments in favor of the proposed Ogdensburgh railroad. 4506 Northern railroad company (New York). Report of directors, no. 1-8, 10-11, 14-16 (1846-53, 1855-56, 1859-61). Boston, 1846- 61. Title of no. 2-1 6 reads: Annual Report. Copies in New York Public Library. 4507 Northern railroad company (New York). Report of the directors of the Northern rail- road company. New York, submitted to the stockholders, June 5, 1848. Ogdensburgh, N.Y. Hitchcock & Smith, 1848. 12p. table. 4508 Northern railroad company (New York). Report of the examining committee on the management and working of the Northern (N.Y.) railroad. Ogdensburgh, N.Y. Smith & Oswell's steam press, 1851. 48p. 4509 Northern railroad company (New York). Report of the trustees of the 2nd mortgage bondholders of the Northern railroad co. (from Ogdensburgh to Rouse's Point) New York, submitted January 17, 1857. Ogdens- burgh, N.Y. Tillotson & Stillwell, printers, 1857. 37p. 4510 Ogdensburg, N.Y. Citizens. To the honorable members of the Senate and Assembly. The merits of the Ogdensburgh and Champlain rail-road, with interesting information rela- RAILROADS 185 live to the business and resources of the north- ern counties. 1838. n.p. n.pub. 1839? 16p. Thomson 2287. 4511 Ogdensburgh and Champlain rail-road. Reso- lutions of meeting at Albany, February 18, 1839, and correspondence in regard to the railroad, n.p. 1839? 7p. Thomson 2288. 4512 Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain railroad company. Copy of the acts under which the Northern railroad company of New York was incorporated, and under which the rail- road now owned by the Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain raih'oad company was origi- nally built. Ogdensburgh, N.Y. Republican & Journal steam presses, 1866. 96p. 4513 Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain railroad company. Report of the condition of the Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain railroad company, 1879. Boston, Wright & Potter, 1879. 20p. Auditor's report. 4514 Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain railroad company. To the stockholders. Boston, 1880. 2 leaves. Cover title. Plan to reorganize the road. Copy in the New York Public Library. 4515 Parsons, C. and others. Bondholders' agree- ment and plan for reorganization of the Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain railroad CO. 20 Aug. 1896. n.p. 1896. 2 leaves. Copy in the New York Public Library. 4516 Sachet's Harbor and Saratoga Railroad Edwards, A.F. Report of the different routes and estimates of the Sacket's Harbor & Sara- toga rail-road, October 1853. Saratoga Springs, N.Y. G.M. Davison, 1853. 109p. folded map. 4517 Hamilton, E.C. Sackett's Harbor and Sara- toga railroad. The comments of E.C. Hamil- ton, on the printed circular of Anson Blake. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1854. 15p. 4518 Lake Ontario & Hudson river railroad com- pany. Statement of the general features and prospective advantages of the Lake Ontario & Hudson river railroad (late Sacket's Har- bor & Saratoga railroad). N.Y. W.E. Sibell, 1857. 21p. map. 4519 New York (state). Land office. Communica- tion from the commissioners of the Land office relative to land conveyed to Sacketts Harbor and Saratoga railroad company. Albany, 1855. 4p. Assembly document 96, 1855. 4520 NeW York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Committee on railroads. Report on the memorial of the Sacket's Harbor and Sara- toga railroad company. Mar. 6, 1854. Al- bany, 1854. 32p. Assembly document 88, 1854. 4521 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Committee on ways and means. Report. . .on the petition of the Sacketts Harbor and Sara- toga railroad co. Albany, 1857. 16p. Assem- bly document 53, 1 857. 4522 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Com- mittee on railroads. Report. . .on the memo- rial of the Sacketts Harbor and Saratoga railroad company. Albany, 1855. 4p. Senate document 31, 1855. 4523 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Com- mittee on railroads. Report. . .on the memo- rial of the Sacketts Harbor and Saratoga railroad company. Albany, 1855. 24p. Senate document 53, 1855. 4524 Ogdensburg the proper terminus on the St. Lawrence river of the projected Saratoga railroad. With references to trade with Canada, the great Ottawa valley and the west. Ogdensburg, N.Y.J. Hopkins & Foster, 1857. 12p. Resolutions to make Ogdensburg the terminus of the Sackets Harbor and Saratoga Railroad. 4525 Sacket's Harbor and Saratoga railroad co. Board of directors, n.p. 1853. 1 leaf. Letter soliciting donations of land. Copy in the New York Public Library. 4526 Sacket's Harbor & Saratoga railroad. Charter and all laws pertaining to the Sacket's Harbor & Saratoga railroad. Utica, N.Y. Roberts, 1853. 72p. 4527 Sacket's Harbor & Saratoga railroad. Charter & by-laws of the Sacket's Harbor & Saratoga railroad. Boston, J. Wilson & son, 1852. 8p. map. 4528 Sacket's Harbor and Saratoga railroad. Engi- neer's report of the preliminary surveys of the Sacket's Harbor & Saratoga railroad. 2. ed. Boston, Bazin & Chandler, 1851. 15p. Signed: Bryant P. Tilden Jr. Copy in the Engineering Societies Library, New York City. 4529 Sacket's Harbor & Saratoga railroad co. Evidence in favor of the south route, gathered from the official report of A.F. Edwards, n.p. 1854. 8p. 4530 Sacket's Harbor and Saratoga railroad co. Facts incidental to the question before the Legislature concerning the routes, n.p. n.d. 1 leaf. Copy in the New York Public Library. 4531 Sacket's Harbor and Saratoga railroad co. Lands granted, conveyed or pledged to aid the construction of this road. Capital stock. Comparison of the two routes, n.p. n.d. 1 leaf. Copy in the New York Public Library. 4532 Sacket's Harbor and Saratoga railroad co. Memorial of the Sacket's Harbor and Sara- toga railroad co. asking authority to improve 186 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY the navigation of lakes and rivers in northern New York. Albany, 1 855. 1 8p. 4533 Sacket's Harbor and Saratoga railroad co. Official documents abridged on the subject of the Sacket's Harbor and Saratoga rail- road, together with the minority report against changing the route of said railroad. Albany,J. Munsell, 1854. 23p. 4534 Sacket's Harbor and Saratoga railroad co. Report of the committee to investigate the affairs of the company. N.Y. E. & J. Sibell, 1855. 30p. 4535 Van Arnam, Ralph N. and Van Arnam, L.S. The Sackets Harbor and Saratoga railroad. JVo Country Life, Fall 1948. 2:no.4:32-36, 53. illus. map. 4536 Other Railroads Beaver dams flood abandoned Tekene branch. D & H Bui, J an. 1, 1938. 18:5-7, 12-13. 4537 Black river & Utica railroad company. Re- port of the chief engineer to the directors, June 1, 1854. Utica, N.Y. Roberts, 1854. 84p. maps. 4538 Bragdon, Henry. The passing of the Grasse river railroad. High Spots Trbk, 1940. p. 7 1-74. 4539 Bruce, Dwight Hall. Syndicating the Adi- rondacks. For & Stream, Apr. 21, 1892. 38: 371. Signed: D.H.B. Route of railroad pur- chased by Dr. Webb. 4540 Burnett, Charles Howard. Conquering the wilderness: the building of the Adirondack & St. Lawrence railroad by William Seward Webb, 1891-92. Norwood, Mass. Plimpton press, 1932. 86p. front, (port.). Edition limited to 400 copies. 4541 Comfort, Randall. When Lake Placid was three days away. NTC Lines Mag, Jan. 1926. 6:no.l0:44. Railroader's reminiscences. 4542 Coniff, W.T. The Delaware & Hudson. Trains, Jan. 1945. 5:no.3:24-25. illus. 4543 Construction of the Elizabethtown terminal railroad. Ang & Hunt, June 1910. 2:302. illus. 4544 Dales, Douglas S. Seven-eighths of a mile. Rail Mag, May 1940. 27:74-76. Marion River Carry Railroad. 4545 Delaware & Hudson railroad corporation. A century of progress; history of the Delaware and Hudson company, 1823-1923. . . Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1925. 755p. front, illus. Chapters on the Adirondack Railroad, Chateaugay & Lake Placid Railway Company, Champlain Transportation Company, Lake George Steamboat Company. 4546 Delaware & Hudson railroad corporation. Official freight shipping guide and industrial directory. Albany, D. & H. 1922-27. 7v.? Edited by Warwick Stevens Carpenter. 4547 Delaware & Hudson railroad corporation. Memorial of the excursion from New York to Montreal, given. . .upon the occasion of the opening of the New York and Canada rail- way, November 16th, 17th and 18th, 1875. N.Y. Baker & Goodwin, printers, 1876. 153p. plates, folded map. Includes reprint from Plattsburgh Republican: "Historical Sketch: Early Struggles for Railroad Communication South, and Final Success." 4548 Evans, Albert I. A friendly voice is silenced. No Country Life, Winter 1947. l:no.l:20-22. Saranac Lake Division of D. & H. discon- tinued. 4549 Frogs croaked sole greeting as first passenger train reached Saranac Lake's tent station. D & H Bui, Feb. 1, 1937. 17:19-20. port. Frank Rochette. 4550 Grasse river railroad. Gateway to Cranberry lake via the Grasse river railroad, n.p. n.pub. 1922. 15p. illus. map. 4551 Grasse river railroad corporation. Annual report, v.l- Conifer, N.Y. 1949-date. v. p. illus. Includes descriptive material about Conifer. 4552 Harlow, Alvin Fay. The road of the century; the story of the New York Central. N.Y. Creative age pi-ess, 1947. 447p. plates, front, ports. "In the north country," p. 401-6. 4553 Hastings, Philip R. Pacifies to Placid; oil- burning K-ll's wheel tonnage and tourists over an Adirondack mountain branch which New York Central leases from Delaware & Hudson. Trains, Sept. 1950. 10:no. 11:23-26. illus. New locomotives. 4554 Haworth, James A. Wilderness railroad. No Country Life, Spring 1954. 8:no.2:20-22. illus. New York and Ottawa Railroad. 4555 Hungerford, Edward. The story of the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburgh railroad. N.Y. McBride, 1922. 269p. plates, ports. 4556 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Report of the select committee on the peti- tion of Jeremiah Drake and others for the purchase of certain lands. Albany, 1837. 5p. Assembly document 279, 1837. Extension of the Mohawk and St. Lawrence Railroad. 4557 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Committee on railroads. Report. . .in rela- tion to a survey of the Mohawk and St. Lawrence railroad. . . Albany, 1839. 17p. Assembly document 262, 1839. 4558 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Committee on railroads. Report. . .on the petitions of the Saratoga and Washington ROADS AND BRIDGES 187 rail-road company, and others. Albany, 1839. lOp. Assembly document 166, 1839. 4559 O'Donnell, Thomas Clay. The sapbush run, an informal history of the Black river & Utica railroad. Boonville, N.Y. Black river books, 1948. 156p. plates, ports. Brown's Tract, p.79-91. 4560 Papers and documents relative to the Mo- hawk and St. Lawrence rail-road and navi- gation company. . . Albany, J. Munsell, 1838. 25p. map. 4561 Proceedings of the meeting of the inhabitants of Saratoga and Warren counties, interested in the project of the Saratoga and Warren rail-road, held at Corinth, Saratoga county, Sept. 25, 1846. Saratoga Springs, N.Y. C.F. Paul, 1846. 30p. Copy in the Sherman Free Library, Port Henry. 4562 The recently constructed Prospect mountain line at Lake George, N.Y. Eng News, Oct. 3, 1895. 34:226-27. illus. diagrs. Completion of railroad up Prospect Mountain. 4563 "Sea-going" railroad at Lake George. D & H Bui, Aug. 1, 1937. 17:117-18. 4564 Seely, S.A. A mountain railroad arms against forest fire; how the New York Central is equipped for forest defense. Am For, July 1928. 34:427-28. illus. On the Adirondack and Ottawa Divisions. 4565 Snow trains; thousands ride winter sports specials running to North Creek, Ticonderoga and Lake George. D & H Bui, Mar. 1, 1938. 18:39-41,46. 4566 Utica and Black river railroad co. Annual report to stockholders. 1876-85. Utica, N.Y. 1876-85. lOv. tables, maps. 4567 Utica and Black river railroad co. Routes and rates for summer tours. Utica, N.Y. 1884. 99p. illus. maps (part folded). Cover title. Also published in 1882, 91p. 4568 Warren county railroad, N.Y. The annexed remarks and estimates. . .as submitted by the commissioners, to the public. N.Y. J.M. Elliot, 1883. 8p.Sabin 101501. 4569 ROADS AND BRIDGES Automobile road up Whiteface mountain. Motor Tr, Oct. 1927. 19:no.7:5-6. illus. 4570 Before the Champlain bridge commission. Memorandum for Ticonderoga Chamber of commerce, n.p. n.pub. 1926? 13p. Dated Ticonderoga, Jan. 20, 1926. 4571 Benedict, Darwin. Early Adirondack roads. Cloud Splitter, May-June 1948. ll:no.3:2-4. 4572 Bentley, Harriet A. The old military road from Fort Edward to Lake George, 1755. n.p. n.pub. ci927.29p. 4573 Brighton roads. For Leaves, Summer 1910. 7:no.2:50-57. illus. Reprinted from the Adi- rondack Enterprise. Road building in Town of Brighton, Franklin County. 4574 Building a memorial highway. Contract & Eng Mo, Jan. 1934. 28:no.l :17-22. illus. Construction of Whiteface Memorial High- way. 4575 Champlain bridge handles record volume of traffic. Motordom,}\in& 1931. 24:no.l2:42. 4576 Completing road along west side of beautiful Lake George; shortens distance between Lake George and Ticonderoga by thirty miles. Motordom, Apr. 1 930. 23 :no. 11:9. illus. 4577 Cone, Gertrude E. Early roads in the Cham- plain valley. No Country Life, Summer 1949. 3:no.3:44-48. 4578 Cone, Gertrude E. Early stage routes in the Champlain valley. No Country Life, Fall 1949. 3:no.4:37-39. 4579 Conkling, Penelope. Our old covered bridges. Up Mo, Oct. 1941. 2:no.7:14-15. illus. De- scription of bridges of northern and central New York. 4580 Deep foundations for Lake Champlain bridge built with open coffer dams. . . Eng News R, Nov. 21, 1929. 103:796-800. illus. diagrs. 4581 Doherty, Laurence. The Rouses Point bridge. Rail & Loc, May 1940. 52:58-63. plate. 4582 The great trail of the Adirondacks; Inter- national highway cutting through the famous regions of mountains and lakes, a glamorous vacation tour. Motordom, June 1930. 24:no.l: 20-21. illus. 4583 Hall, Roy F. Highway maintenance in "Little Siberia." No Country Life, Fall 1948. 2:no.4: 9-10,46. 4584 Jay's covered bridge. No Country Life, Winter 1953. 7:no. 1:1-2. illus. Editorial urging preservation of the bridge. 4585 Marvin, Theodore. Whiteface mountain highway; one of America's great scenic roads nears completion. Exp Eng, Oct. 1934. 12: 285-92. illus. diagrs. map. 4586 Memorial highway on Whiteface mountain. Seen & Hist Am, Jan. 1937. 4:28. 4587 Mills, Borden H. Sr. Mt. Tahawus road project of 1858. Cloud Splitter, Jan.-Ych. 1949. 12:no.l:4-5. 4588 New roads into the Adirondacks. Up-Stater, May 1929. l:no.3:18. illus. Highway con- struction. 4589 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Report of the commissioners appointed. . . April 21st, 1828, to lay out and open a road 188 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY from Cedar Point, westward through the towns of Moriah and Newcomb, in the county of Essex. . .to the Black river opposite the village of Lowville in the county of Lewis. In New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Journal, 1829. p.452-57. 4590 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. . . . Report of the select committee on the bill for the construction of a bridge over the Hudson river at or near Stony Creek. Albany, 1855. 3p. Assembly document 106, 1855. 4591 New York (state). Legislature. Assembly. Committee on internal affairs of towns and counties. Report. . .on the petition of super- visors and others of Hamilton county. Feb. 24, 1860. Albany, 1860. 17p. Assembly docu- ment 94, 1860. Petition asked for wagon roads etc. Description of the area. 4592 New York (state). Legislature. Joint com- mission on bridge connection between the states of New York and Vermont across Lake Champlain. 5th annual report, 1931. Albany, 1932. 17p. Legislative document 105, 1932. Financial report. Earlier reports, 1927-30, appear to have been issued in typescript or mimeographed form. 4593 New York (state). Legislature. Joint com- mission on bridge connection between the states of New York and Vermont across Lake Champlain. . . .Final report. . . Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1927. 35p. incl. folded plates, tables, diagrs. maps (part folded). Legislative docu- ment 59, 1927. Appendix B, p.25-28: Hart- nagel, C.A. "Geology of Territory Between Port Henry and Wright, with Notes on the Five Sites for a Proposed Bridge. . . " 4594 New York (state). Legislature. Joint com- mission on bridge connection between the states of New York and Vermont across Lake Champlain. .. .Preliminary report. . . Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1926. 39p. incl. folded plates, tables, diagrs. (1 folded) maps (1 folded). Legislative document 93, 1926. 4595 New York (state). Legislature. Joint commis- sion on bridge connection between the states of New York and Vermont across Lake Champlain. Routes to Lake Champlain bridge. The new gateway between Adiron- dacks and Green mountains. N.Y. 1932. 8p. folder. 4596 New York (state). Legislature. Senate. Com- mittee on railroads. . . .Reports of Mr. Geddes, chairman, and Mr. Dart and Mr. Owen, members of the Committee on railroads, on the subject of bridging Lake Champlain at Rouses Point. Albany, 1851. 11 4p. plan, maps. Senate document 20, 1851. Includes testimony offered by the Northern Railroad Company in favor of the erection of the bridge, and testimony of persons opposed to it. 4597 New York (state). Public works. Department of. Report on revised state arterial route plans in the Plattsburgh urban area. Prepared. . .in cooperation with Bureau of public works, U.S. Dept. of commerce. Albany, 1953. 19p. col. maps. 4598 New York (state). Public works. Department of. Report on state arterial route plans in the Plattsburgh urban area. Prepared. . .in coop- eration with Bureau of public works, U.S. Dept. of commerce. Albany, 1951 Iv. (vari- ous paging) illus. 4599 New York (state). Whiteface mountain high- way commission. Annual report, no. 1-2. Albany, 1940-41. 2v. plates, illus. tables. 4600 New York bridge over Moose river com- pleted. Constructioneer, Dec. 10, 1947. p.26. illus. At McKeever. 4601 Plans completed for Champlain bridge, site selected and Legislature expected soon to make necessary appropriation; Vermont to pay 40%. Mowrdom, Jan. 1927. 20:no.8:5. illus. map. 4602 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Old Carthage road. Cloud Splitter, Mar. 1943. 6:no.3:5-6. History of an old Adirondack road. 4603 Shorter route to the north woods. State Service, Dec. 1917. l:no.5:32. illus. Building new road along Lake Champlain. 4604 Spanning Lake Champlain. Motordom, June 1934. p. 10. Lake Champlain bridge. 4605 Spofford, Charles Milton. Lake Champlain bridge. Am Soc Civil Eng Proc, Dec. 1931. 57: 1467-99. plate, tables, charts, diagrs. map. Discussion by Robert W. Abbett, Henry W. Troelsch, Jacob Field and Clarence W. Hudson, Mar. 1932, 58:493-97; reply by Spofford, Oct. 1932, 58:1387-88. Digest in Proceedings of American Society of Civil Engi- neers, Dec. 1929, 55:2535-48. This also con- tained "Deep Piers" by George Burrows, p.2545-46, and "Methods for Bridge Founda- tions" by J.W. Rollins, p.2946-47. 4606 Stoddard, Seneca Ray. Adirondack high- ways. St No Mo, July 1908. 4:33-49. illus. Carriage trip from Plattsburgh to Saranac via Chateaugay. 4607 To bridge Lake Champlain in 1927. Motor- dom, Jan. 1926. 19:no.8:21. Ready for legis- lative action. 4608 U.S. War department. Letter from the Secre- tary of war, transmitting a report of Major General Jacob Brown upon the subject of the military road leading from Plattsburg to Sackett's Harbor. Washington, Gales & LIFE AND MANNERS 189 Seaton, 1823. 6p. U.S. Congress, 17th Con- gress, 2d Session, House document 33. 4609 VVhiteface mountain road to open new grandeur; excavated through hard Adiron- dack granite, the new memorial highway will give motorists first big chance to gaze upon the top of the state. Alotordom, Mar. 1934. p.5. 4610 STE.AMBO.^TS AND OTHER CARRIERS Benedict, Darwin. Tootin' teakettle. Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1946. 9:no.4:9-10. Early steamboats on Lake Champlain and Lake George. 461 1 Burger, William H. Sidewheelers on Lake Champlain. M Country Life, Fall 1955. 9: no.4:13-19. illus. 4612 Champlain transportation company. Cente- nary of the Champlain transportation com- pany : a century of service 1826-1 926. Chicago, Poole bros. inc. 1926? unpaged, col. illus. (6p. folder.) 4613 Champlain transportation company. Steam- boats of Lake Champlain, 1809-1930. Al- bany, C1930. 184p. front, illus. ports, facsims. map. Compiled by Ogden J. Ross. 4614 Cone, Gertrude E. Early sailing craft on Lake Champlain. No Country Life, Winter 1950. 4:no.l:41-43. 4615 Copeland, Fred O. Farewell, steamer Cha- teaugay! Vermonter, Mar. 1940. 45:51-53. Lake Champlain steamship. 4616 Heard, Augustine A. Carriers of the lake. NY State Hist Assn Proc, 1910. 10:67-70. Types of boats used on Lake Champlain. 4617 Hill, Ralph Nading. Saga of the side wheel- ers. Am Heritage, Sept. 1949. n.s. 1:36-38. Steamers on Lake Champlain. 4618 Horsford, Marion. Fair Lake Champlain. Vermonter, }u\y\9\5. 20:134-37. illus. Steamer travel on the lake. 461 9 Ichabod, pseud. A steamboat on the Upper Saranac. For & Stream, Feb. 15, 1877. 8:19. 4620 Lake George steamboat company. The steam- boats of Lake George, 1817 to 1932. Albany, C1932. 174p. front, illus. ports, maps. Pre- pared by Ogden J. Ross. 4621 Lane, Carl D. American paddle steamboats. N.Y. Coward-McCann, 1944. 250p. plates, col. front. Brief mention of steamers on Lake George and Lake Champlain. 4622 Loomis, D.A. Steamers which have been engaged in regular traffic on Lake Champlain during 124 years. Vermonter, Feb. 1933. 38:32. 4623 Pollard, Louise. The Champlain transporta- tion company. Vermonter, Feb. 1933. 38:29- 31 4624 Smith, Levi. About Lake Champlain. Ver- monter, May 1913. 18:95-97. Route of steamer with a few historical notes. 4625 Wilkins, F.H. Lake Champlain. Vermonter, May 1915. 20:92-94. Steamer trip on the lake. 4626 Wilkins, F.H. Lake Champlain reminiscences. Vermonter, Sept. 1915. 20:186-88. Steamers built for passenger service during last hun- dred years. 4627 Wilkins, F.H. Lake Champlain steamers. Vermonter, Jan. 1916. 21:13-16. Short history of steamboating and list of steamers. 4628 Wilkins, F.H. Reveries. Vermonter, July 1915. 20:127-29. History of steamers on Lake Champlain. 4629 LIFE AND MANNERS Adirondack, pseud. The Hermitage. Sport Rev, Sept. 24, 1910. 38:298. Hamilton Busbey camp near Brant Lake. 4630 Adirondack camps. For & Stream, May 30, 1908. 70:847. See also article by R.S. Spears in issue for May 30, 70:856-57. Editorial about depredations of camps. 4631 Barber, Arthur William. Clinton county's anti-slavery convention of 1837; Friends of immediate emancipation met with much opposition and were persecuted with scarcely less bitterness than in the south. Up-Stater, May 1930. 2:no.3:9, 18-19. Meeting held in Beekmantown. 4632 Breen, Ann. Hide and seek killer. Argosy, Dec. 1955. 341:34-37, 86-88. illus. James Arlon Call. 4633 Burton, Harold B. Forty acres on a moun- tain. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1953. 17:48-49, 59. See also letter in July-Aug. issue, 17:82. Acquiring a lot on Big Slide Mountain. 4634 Conway, Tom. The manhunt 102 days long. Real Detective, Apr. 1955. vol.W:no.lO:52-53, 67-69. illus. The Call case. 4635 190 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY Crowningshield, Gerald. Dialect of north- eastern New York. Am Speech, Apr. 1933. 8: no.2:43-45. 4636 Di.x, William Frederick. Summer life in luxurious Adirondack camps. Ind, July 2, 1903. 55:1556-62. illus. Description of some of the more elaborate summer homes and camps in the Adirondacks. 4637 Ellis, Harvey. An Adirondack camp. Crafts- man, July 1903. 4:281-84. illus. Working plans and specifications for an ideal summer home in the Adirondacks. 4639 Essex county garden club. The founders' gardens. Baltimore, Md. Waverly press, 1929. 90p. An account of the founding of the Club with brief histories of the founders' gardens. Blank pages provided for photographs. 4640 Essex county home bureau. Out of Essex county kitchens, n.p. 1954. various paging, illus. map. Cookbook. 4641 Ettman, Seymour J. Murder manhunt and the AWOL major. True Detective, Mar. 1955. 6:no.5:14-19, 84-86. illus. The Call case. 4642 He robbed shooting camps. For & Stream, Feb. 16, 1901. 56:124. Elmer Johnson con- victed of looting closed hunting camps. 4643 Hungerford, Edward. Old houses of our north country. Country Life, Apr. 1924. 45: no.6:60-62. illus. 4644 Kellogg, Alice M. Luxurious Adirondack camps. Mew Broad M, Aug. 1908. 21:207-12. illus. Attractive features of the great north woods with a description of some of the more elaborate summer homes. 4645 Lane, David F. North country mansions. Mr Hist, July 1943. 24:392-404. 4646 "Lawing" in the north woods. Harper W, Nov. 18, 1882. 26:725-26. illus. 4647 McDavid, Raven I. Midland and Canadian words in upstate New York. Am Speech, Dec. 1951.26:248-56. 4648 McLellan, Hugh, ed. A centennial history of Champlain lodge, no. 237, Free and accepted masons, 1851-1951; including a sketch of Harmony lodge, no. 154, 1807-1833. Edited by Hugh McLellan and Charles W. McLellan. Champlain, N.Y. Moorsfield press, 1951. 57p. 4649 Mann, E.R. The bench and bar of Saratoga county; or. Reminiscences of the judiciary, and scenes in the court room, from the organ- ization of the county to the present time. Ballston, N.Y. Waterbury & Inman, 1876. 391p. 4650 North country house for many children: W.E. Clark house at Lake Placid, New York. Arch Rec, Feb. 1948. 103:106-11. illus. diagrs. plans. Home of the principal of the North Country School. 4651 Piatt, Jonas. An address to the Temperance society of the County of Clinton, delivered 26th February, 1833. Published at the re- quest of the Society. Plattsburgh, N.Y. F.P. Allen, 1833. 23p. Copy in Yale University Library. 4652 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). A log cabin speaks: the story of the Adsit cabin near Willsboro and the pioneer family who buihit. Mo Country Life, Fall 1955. 9:no.4:22- 26. 4653 Proceedings of the Clinton county anti- slavery convention, to which is appended the call of said convention, the Plattsburgh pro- test, and the reply, directed by the conven- tion. Held at Beekmantown, April 25 and 26. Plattsburgh, N.Y. Piatt & Blanchard, print- ers, 1837. 31 p. Copy in the Henry E. Hunt- ington Library, San Marino, Cal. 4654 Shepard, Augustus D. Camps in the woods . . .with a foreword by Robert W. Chambers; compiled and edited by R.W. Sexton. Illus- trations from original drawings prepared in the office of Mr. Shepard, and from photo- graphs by John Wallace Gillies, inc. N.Y. Architectural book publishing co. inc. ^1931. 96p. front, illus. incl. plans. 4655 Smith, Jeanie Oliver. A faith purchase. Game- land, June 1897. 11:9-10. A farm between West Canada Creek and Black Creek used as summer home. 4656 Starbuck, Bob. The greatest manhunt. True Police Cases, Apr. 1955. 7:no.74:32-34, 66-68. The Call case. 4657 Stow, Gardner. Address, delivered before the Keeseville Temperance society, on the 25th February, 1834. . . Keeseville, N.Y. A. Emons, 1834. lip. Copy in Harvard University Library. 4658 Summer home of C.C. Parlin in the Adiron- dacks. House & Card, June 1939. 75:supp. 12- 13. illus. plans. 4659 Teall, Edna West. Essex county life in the 1880's. Mother was an optimist. Mo Country L?>, Spring 1954-Winter 1955. 8:no.2:38-40; 8:no.3:55-58; 8:no.4:24-27; 9:no.l :20-21. 4660 Thomas, C.K. Pronunciation in upstate New York. Am Speech, Apr. 1935-Apr. 1937. 10: 107-12, 208-12, 292-97; 11:68-77, 142-44, 307-13; 12:122-27. 4661 Tucker, Philip C. Address delivered at the installation of the Ausable river lodge, no. 149, at Keeseville, September 28th, 1849. Keese- ville, N.Y.Jon. F. Morgan, 1849. 24p. Copy in Harvard University Library. 4662 FOLKLORE 191 Vacation houses. . .summer home and guest cottage at Silver bay, Lake George, N.Y. Arch Rec, July 1941. 90:no.l :66-68. illus. plans. 4663 Wack, Henry Wellington. Kamp Kill Kare, the Adirondack home of Hon. Timothy L. Woodruff. Field & S, Feb. 1903. 7:651-61. plate, illus. 4664 Water living at Lake Placid. House & Gard, Aug. 1949. 96:no.2:30-33, 92-95. illus. (part col.) plans. Island home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rose. 4665 The well designed small house can offer urbane comfort and convenience even in an Adirondack lumber camp. Arch For, Dec. 1948. 89:no.6:70-72. illus. plans. Located at Sabattis. 4666 Wicks, William S. . . .Log cabins and cot- tages; how to build and furnish them. 6th ed. N.Y. Forest & stream publishing co. 1908. 47p. plates. Includes many cabins in the Adirondack region. 4667 Wikoff, Climena M. comp. Placid eating. Saranac Lake, N.Y. Currier press, 1954. 122, 6p. Cookbook. 4668 FOLKLORE AND BALLADS Adirondack Jim, pseud. Signs of a cold winter. Recreation, ]an. 1903. 18:31. 4669 Augar, Pearl Hamelin. French beliefs in Clinton county. NT Folk d, Autumn 1948. 4:161-71. 4670 Bancroft, John Randolph. "Ole Joe." Ad-i- ron-dac, ]an.-Feh. 1948. 12:no. 1:4. See note on p.8. Joe Bolio and his ballads. 4671 Bartlett, Rinda M. The lore of Warren county, New York. . . 54 leaves. Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1943. Typescript. 4672 Benedict, Darwin. Gas on the stomach. Cloud Splitter, Jan.-Feh., Mar.-Apr. 1946. 9:no.l: 4-5; 9:no. 2:8-9. Folk tales and story about an Adirondack guide. 4673 Betts, Charles E. One night near Indian pass. Ad-i-ron-dac,July~Aug. 1951. 15:71. Ghost on a bicycle. 4674 Bisbee, Ernest E. The Empire state scrap book of stories and legends of old New York. Lancaster, N.H. Bisbee press, C1939 ^(,p illus. maps. 4675 Boylan, John P. Putting on the dog. Fort Tel Eng, June 1948. 9:no.6:19-20. Humorous telephone tales of the Saranac Lake area. 4676 Brown, Gertrude M. Adirondack guide sto- ries. High Spots, Oct. 1934, Jan. 1935. 11: no.4:13-16; 12:no.l:22-24. 4677 Brown, Gertrude M. J. P. Brown's fight with wolves. High Spots, Oct. 1935. 12:no.4:28-29. 4678 Brown, Gertrude M. Leonard Brown's forest fire. High Spots, ]u\y 1935. 12:no.3:26-27. 4679 Brown, Gertrude M. Old guide stories. High Spots, July 1934, Jan. 1936, July 1936. 11: no.3:27-28; 13:no.l:ll; 13:no.2:18-19. 4680 Brown, Gertrude M. Uncle Henry Brown's hunting stories. High Spots, Jan. 1937. 14: no.l:24. 4681 Burnham, John Bird. Echoes of the New York show. For & Stream, Apr. 7, 1900. 54: 265. In his column "Game Bag" Burnham tells some Adirondack tales. 4682 Burnham, John Bird. Told at the sportsmen's show. For & Stream, Mar. 17, 1900. 54:206-7. Panthers near Mt. Seward and other Adi- rondack tales. 4683 Burr, C.G. A camp fire yarn. Field & S, May 1911.16:86-87. 4684 Chamberlain, Mary E. Folk-lore from north- ern New York. J Am Folk-Lore, Oct.-Dec. 1892. 5:336-37. Brief note about supersti- tions. 4685 Clark, Theobald. Treasure roundup. No Country Life, Spring, Summer, Fall 1950, Winter 1951. 4:no.2:44-45; 4:no.3:55-56; 4:no.4:34-35; 5:no.l :40-42. First article in- cludes the story of Scott's silver mine as told in Street's "Indian Pass"; second article is on buried treasure at North Canada Creek; third account has title: "Vanishing Treasure of Lake Pleasant"; the fourth article is on legend ofsilver mines near Pharaoh Mountain. 4686 Corson, R.H. One day in the Adirondacks: A Jud Smith story, by Switch Reel, pseud. For & Stream, Feb. 1915. 84:86-87. illus. 4687 Cutting, Edith E. Lore of an Adirondack county. Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell university press, 1944. 86p. (Cornell University Studies in American History, Literature, and Folklore, 1.) Extract in North Country Life, Spring 1948, 2:no.2:28-30, with title "Some Tall Tales from the Up-histed Country." 4688 Cutting, Edith E. Peter Parrott and his songs. NT Folk (I, Summer 1947. 3:124-33. 4689 Cutting, Edith E. A York state songbag: the Douglas Stevens manuscript. NT Folk Q_, Autumn 1948. 4:172-81. Describes a manu- script of 89 songs current in northern New York, 1843-56. 4690 Dailey, William Nelson Potter. Fireside leg- ends of the Adirondack. No Country Life, Summer 1951. 5:no.3:28-30. 4691 192 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY Daring exploits and perilous adventures. . . Hartford, Conn. Ezra Strong, 1843. 504p. plates. Joe Call, the modern Hercules, p.l28- 33. 4692 Dorr, Henry Gustavus. Mohawk Peter; leg- ends of the Adirondacks, and Civil war memories; illustrations by Nellie L. Thomp- son. Boston, Cornhill publishing co. ^^1921. 275p. front, plates. 4693 Dorson, Richard M. Yorker yarns of yore. NT Folk Q., Spring 1947. 3:5-27. "A Marvel- ous Hunting Story," p. 23-27, takes place near Ampersand. 4694 Dunham, Harvey Leslie. French Louie. NT Folk Q_, Aug. 1946. 2:182-90. Louis Seymour. 4695 Dunn, Adda Ann. Songs, riddles and tales of Saratoga county. NT Folk Q,; Autumn 1949. 5:211-19. Collected in Hadley and Conkling- ville. 4696 Eames, Frank. Landon's ould dog and Hog- manay fair. NT Folk Q, Autumn 1947. 3: 248-51. 4697 Extracts from "Gelyna" ("The Talisman," N.Y. 1830). Ft Ti Mus Bui, Winter 1950. 8: 179-89. Legend about Gelyna Vandyke and Major Edward Rutledge. Battle of Ticon- deroga (Abercrombie expedition). 4698 Flanders, Mrs. Helen (Hartness). "Blue mountain lake" and "Barbara Allen." NT Folk (I, Winter 1946. 2:52-58. 4699 Flint, Peter. Madame Liberte's winter buck, a Boreas river legend. For & Stream, Nov. 28, 1914. 83:709. 4700 Flint, Peter. Uncle Oliver and the moose; an Adirondack story. For & Stream, Mar. 11, 1899. 52:183. A story of the year 1845. 4701 Fowler, Barnett. Adirondack liar. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1948. 3 :no. 1 :6. Cyrus Brown, tall tales of Adirondacks. 4702 Franz, Eleanor Waterbury. Folklore trails in Herkimer county. No Country Life, Summer 1949. 3:no.3:15-17. Includes Nat Foster and Chester Gillette case. 4703 Gray, R.P. Balladry of New York state. NT Hist, Apr. 1936. 34:147-55. 4704 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Greater love. Cloud Splitter, Oct. 1939. 2:no.5:ll. Folk tale of early Adirondack settlers. 4705 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Keep smihng. Cloud Splitter, Jan. 1941. 4:no.l:6. Legend concerning sign on Faxon's Pond, Chestertown. 4706 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Legendary silver. Cloud Splitter, Nov. 1939. 2:no.6:7-8. Legend about silver on Nye Mountain. 4707 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). So 'tis said. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan-Ych. 1950. 9:11. Re- printed in North Country Life, Summer 1950, 4:no.3:9, with title "A Legend of Pitch-off Mountain Pass." The tinker drowned in Cascade Lakes. 4708 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Tinker's cascade. Cloud Splitter. Oct. 1940. 3:no.6:4. Legend about the Cascade Lakes. 4709 Judge Brewster's tales of Essex county. Told to Mrs. Barbara Way Hunter. NT Folk Q., Winter 1954. 10:298-307. O. Byron Brewster. 4710 Kaiser, Robert A. Lumberman's ballad "Shannel's mill." NT Folk Q, Summer 1955. 11:133-35. 4711 Kaplan, Israel. A John Brown ballad. NT Folk Q,, Spring 1953. 9:37-50. 4712 Karpeles, Maud. Square dance figures from northern New York. Eng Folk Dance Soc, 1931. ser.2:no. 4:9-13. First five figures noted with assistance of Marjorie Sinclair at Schroon Lake. 4713 Knowles, Archibald Campbell. Balsam boughs, being Adirondack and other stories. Philadelphia, Porter & Coates, 1893. 200p. plates. Includes legend of Heart Lake. 4714 Lavin, Mrs. Barbara Hofheins. Cranberry again. NT Folk Q,, Summer 1955. 11:128-31. Supplements Manley's "Lore of Cranberry Lake" in Summer 1954 issue. 4715 McDavid, Raven I. Folk vocabulary of New York state. NT Folk Q, Autumn 1951. 7:173- 92. Includes some material from the north country. 4716 MacDougal, Harry M. 'Ren Dow and the devil. NT Folk Q, Autumn 1947. 3:237-42. 4717 Manley, Atwood. Lore of Cranberry lake, Adirondacks. NT Folk Q,, Summer 1954. 10: 111-14. 4718 Mills, Borden H. Sr. Moonshine and deer stalking don't mix. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1946. 9:no.5:7. 4719 O'Hora, Edgar B. Si Brown and Big Dick; a couple of boys from New York state. NT Folk (I, Aug. 1946. 2:209-12. Indian Lake country. 4720 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). Archives. The Porter north-country collection of lore and ballads. NT Folk Q^, Spring 1953. 9:56- 58. See also "Across the Editor's Desk" in North Country Life, Spring 1953. 7:no.2:52-53. 4721 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). Them as can — sings. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov. -Dec. 1947. ll:no.6:15. Folklore and ballads collected by Mrs. Porter. 4722 PRINTING AND PUBLISHING 193 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). The woods are full of 'em. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept. -Oct. 1947. ll:no.5:6-7. port. Mrs. Lily Delorme's bal- lads. 4723 The sea serpent up a tree in the "north woods" of New York. Am Angler, Aug. 4, 1883. 4:68-69. illus. Humorous tale of Bisby. 4724 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Adirondack- ana. Cloud Splitter, Feb. 1943. 6:no.2:2-3. Some Adirondack lore and quaint expres- sions. 4725 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. A grace from the north country. J\,''2~ Folk Q^, Spring 1 954. 10:47. Keeseville farmer's yearly grace (verse). 4726 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Mr. Glas- brouck's bears. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1950. 14:67. illus. 4727 Skinner, Charles Montgomery. Myths and legends of our own land. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1896. 2v. plates. Adirondacks and Lake George, 1 :80-92. 4728 Smithling, Genevieve. "A Black river thaw." NT Folk Q_, May 1945. 1 :107-9. A ballad. 4729 T., C. McV. "Old Joe Call." For & Stream, Nov. 15,1 883. 21 :303. Resident of Jay. 4730 Thompson, Harold William. Body, boots & britches. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott, 1940. 530p. Folk songs and tales of many people and places in the Adirondack area. Mountaineers, Ch.l2. "Mart Moody and His Adirondack Buck" reprinted in North Country Life, Sum- mer 1947, l:no.3:41-42. 4731 Warner, Anne and Warner, Frank. Songs: "Brave Wolfe." NT Folk (}, Summer 1954. 10:151-52. Version sung by "Yankee John" Galusha. 4732 Wheeler, Mrs. Ann (King). Ballads and tales of Blue mt. lake, Adirondacks. NT Folk Q,, Summer 1954. 10:115-22. 4733 Witthoft, John. A snake tale from northern New York. NT Folk (I, Summer 1947. 3:134- 37. Setting is near Cranberry Lake. 4734 Younker, Ira M. Another north country tale from Judge Brewster. NT Folk Q^, Summer 1955. 11:132. O. Byron Brewster. 4735 PRINTING AND PUBLISHING Hill, William Henry. A brief history of the printing press in Washington, Saratoga and Warren counties. State of New York. With a check list of their publications prior to 1825 and a selection of books relating particularly to this vicinity. Fort Edward, N.Y. Tory press, 1930.11 7p. front. 4736 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). Essex and Clinton county newspapers of an earlier day. No Country Lije, Winter-Summer 1950. 4: no.l :23-24; 4:no.2:35-36; 4:no.3:52-54.' 4737 Veritas, pseud. Journalism in Washington county. Salem, N.Y.? 1887-1894. v.p. 5 broadside reprints from the Salem Review- Press, probably by James Gibson. The Gibson papers are described in W.H. Hill's "History of Washington County" (no. 660). Broadsides in the Crandall Public Library, Glens Falls. 4738 PERIODICALS RELATING TO THE ADIRONDACKS The Ad-i-ron-dac, see no. 6507. The Adirondack enterprise. Special maga- zine section. Saranac Lake, N.Y. Kenneth W. Goldthwaite, 1910? 32p. illus. Contents: The charm of Adirondack days, p. 5-8; Incidents of Adirondack camping, by E.S. Whitaker, p.9-11; Sending messages from Whiteface, p. 12-1 3; Fly casting on an Adirondack stream, by E.F.R., p.l3; An open camp in the Adirondacks, by K.S. and F.F., p.14-15; Saranac Lake, p. 20— 22; Capturing beaver for release in the Adirondacks, by H.S. Hofer, p. 22, 31; His first deer, by D.E.P., p. 26-28. Copy in the Saranac Lake Free Library. 4739 The Adirondack enterprise. Souvenir edition. Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1889. lip. illus. Con- tents: The Pontiac Club carnival, Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1898: a complete history of that most superb winter fete; The fancy dress carnival; Storming of the ice fortress; The carnival from an artistic standpoint; The economic value of the carnival, etc. Descrip- tion of the first winter carnival at Saranac Lake. Copy in the Saranac Lake Free Library. 4740 The Adirondack mountain club. Bulletin, i^e^no.6510. American forests. v.l-Jan.? 1895- Princeton, N.J. 1895-97; Washington, American forestry association, 1898-date. Monthly (v. 1-2 bi- monthly). Title varies: Jan.?-Mar.? 1895, New Jersey Forests; Apr.? 1895-Dec. 1901, The Forester; Jan. 1902-Aug. 1908, Forestry and Irrigation. 4741 194 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY The Cloud splitter, see no. 6541 . The Conservationist, v. 1-4. Jan. 1917-Dec. 1921. Albany, 1917-21. 4v. Monthly; pub- lished by the New York State Conservation Commission. Suspended Aug. 1917-July 1918. 4742 Cornell forester, v. 1-6. June 1920-May 1926. Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell university, 1920-26. 6v. Annual published by undergraduate forestry students at Cornell. 4743 Empire forester; edited by the students of the New York state college of forestry, v.l- Jan. 1915- Syracuse, N.Y. Syracuse university, 1915- Published annually at the College of Forestry, Syracuse. 4744 Forest leaves, v.1-28, no. 2. Dec. 1903-Dec. 1934. Gabriels, N.Y. Sanitarium Gabriels, 1903-34? 28 V. Quarterly. The early issues contain many articles on the Adirondacks. 4745 The Forest preserve, and supplements, see nos.1833, 1850, 1890, 1966. High spots and High spots yearbook, see nos.6546, 6547. High spots bulletin, see no. 65 13. Journal of the outdoor life, v.1-32, no. 12. Feb. 1904-Dec. 1935. Saranac Lake, N.Y. National tuberculosis association, 1904-35. 32v. Monthly. Title varies: Outdoor Life, 1904-Jan. 1905. 4746 Lake Placid life. N.Y. Clayton E. Brooke, 193—? Issue for Winter 1930-31 (56p.) in Saranac Lake Free Library; issues for Jan., Feb., and Mar. 1931 in Hicks Collection, Lake Placid Club. 4747 The Living wilderness, v.l, no.l— Sept. 1935- Washington, Wilderness society, 1935-date. Quarterly since 1 945. 4748 Lumber camp news. v. 1-1 4. May 1939-June 1952. Old Forge, N.Y. 1 939-52. 1 4v. Monthly. Three experimental issues preceded regular publication. Merged into Northeastern Logger, July 1952. 4749 Moorsfield antiquarian, v. 1-2. May 1937- Feb. 1939. Champlain, N.Y. Moorsfield press, 1937-39. 2v. illus. facsims. Quarterly. Edited by Hugh McLellan and C.W. McLellan. 4750 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. Bulletin, no.l- 1913- Syracuse, N. Y. 1 9 1 3-date. 4751 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. Circular, no. 1-60. 1912- 29. Syracuse, N.Y. 1912-29. Nos. 48-50, 52- 59, not published. 4752 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. Technical bulletin, no.l — 1914- Syracuse, N.Y. 1914-date. 4753 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. Roosevelt wildlife forest experiment station. . . .Roosevelt wildlife annals, v.1-4, no.2. Oct. 1926-May 1936. Syracuse, N.Y. 1926-36. 4v. "Papers of a more technical nature or having less wide- spread interest than the Bulletins." 4754 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. Roosevelt wildlife forest experiment station. Roosevelt wildlife bulle- tin, v.l, no.l- Dec. 1921- Syracuse, N.Y. 1921-date. "Papers of technical nature deal- ing with the various phases of forest wildlife, its management and conservation." 4755 New York conservationist, v.l, no.l- 1923- Lockport, N.Y. New York conservation asso- ciation, 1923-date. V.l, no.l-v.6, no.ll, 1923-Apr. 1928, issued as Grouse and New York Conservationist. 4756 The New York forester, v.l, no.l- Apr. 1944- Syracuse, N.Y. 1944-date. Newsletter pub- lished by the New York Section of the Society of American Foresters, Syracuse. Bimonthly, v.l -2; quarterly, v. 3-date. Processed. 4757 New York forestry, v.1-9, no.3, v.lO, no. 1-2. June 1914-Oct. 1923, 1925-27, Jan.-June 1930. N.Y. New York state forestry associa- tion, 1914-30. 13v.? Title varies: issued in 1914 as the Association's Bulletin; Oct. 1915- Oct. 1916 as its Journal; 1924-27 as its Year- book. 1928-29 not published. Merged into New York Conservationist. 4758 New York state conservationist, v.l, no.l- Aug.-Sept. 1946- Albany, New York state conservation department, 1946-date. Bi- monthly. 4759 North country life, v.l, no.l- Fall 1946- Ogdensburg, N.Y. 1946-date. Quarterly. 4760 Northeastern logger, v.l, no.l- July 1952- Old Forge, N.Y. 1952-date. illus. Monthly. Succeeds Lumber Camp News. 4761 Outing; sport, adventure, travel, fiction. v.1-82, no.l. May 1882-Apr. 1923. Albany, N.Y. 1882-1923. 82v. Monthly. Title varies. 4762 The Pine log. Saranac Lake, N.Y. Harold Van Wert ed. and pub. 1924-? Published monthly. Only two issues located (v.l, no.2, Aug. 1924 and v.2, no.2. Mar. 1925). 4763 The Reveille: Essex county historical society quarterly, v.l, no.l- Mar. 1955-date. Eliza- bethtown, N.Y. 1955-date. 4764 Saranac Lake rehabilitation guild, inc. Guild news, see no. 4938. Stoddard's Northern monthly, v.1-4, no.3. May 1906-Sept. 1908. Glens Falls, N.Y. S.R. Stoddard, 1906-8. 4v. July-Sept. 1908 issues PRINTING AND PUBLISHING 195 have title Stoddard's Adirondack Monthly. Issue for June 1908 not published. 4765 Tahawus cloudsplitter; published monthly by the Maclntyrc dc\clopmcnt of Titanium division. National lead company, v.l, no.l- Dec. 1949- Tahawus, N.Y. 1949-date. illus. ports. 4766 Ticonderoga, Fort. Museum. Bulletin, v.l, no.l- Jan. 1 927- Fort Ticonderoga-on-Lake Champlain, N.Y. 1927-date. illus. ports, facsims. maps. Usually published twice a year. No.l has title: The Haversack. V.3, no.2 (serial no. 14) and v.5, no. 2 (serial no. 27) incorrectly numbered, no. 13 and 26 respec- tively. 4767 Top o' the world news: the Washington, Essex and Warren counties magazine, v.l, no.l-v.3, no.3. Nov. 1936-Apr. 1939. Lake George, N.Y. and Glens Falls, N.Y. Top o' the world mills, 1936-39. illus. Monthly. Incomplete file at Grandall Library, Glens Falls. 4768 Up-stater: devoted to the welfare of northern and western New York. v. 1-3, no.2. Jan. 1929-May 1931. Boonville, N.Y.; Water- town, N.Y. New York development associa- tion, 1929-31. 3v. Bimonthly. Subtitle varies. 4769 Upstate monthly, v.l, no.l- Apr. 1940- Utica, N.Y. 1940-date. Title of v.3, no.7, is The Upstate. Suspended publication with Dec. 1942/Jan. 1943 issue, v.3, no.7. 4770 Woods and waters, v.1-8, no.4. 1898-1905/6. N.Y. 1898-1906. Quarterly. Edited by Harry V. Radford. Donaldson (v.2, p. 309) says: "The only magazine ever devoted exclusively to the Adirondacks. . ." V.l and v.2 not located. "Verplanck Colvin's opinion of Woods and Waters" in issue for Spring 1902, 5:no.l:13. 4771 NEWSPAPER COLUMNS ON THE ADIRONDACKS ADK corner. In the Saranac Lake Adirondack Enterprise, Summer 1953-date. Weekly, on Mondays or Tuesdays. Edited by Peter A. Ward through June 1954, by P. Fay Loope, Feb. 21, 1955-date. Suspended July 1954- Jan. 1955. 4772 The Footpath. In Sunday issues of the Albany Times-Union, 1945-48. Published by the Al- bany chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club. Editor: 1945, Frances (Boone.) Seaman; 1 946-48, Darwin Benedict. 4773 The Footpath: a column devoted to the Adi- rondack Mountain Club; edited by Russell M.L. Carson. In the Glens-Falls Post-Star, July 6, 1928-June 4, 1929. Weekly. Also in the Lake Placid News and the Plattsburgh Daily Republican. Valuable for Adirondack history. 4774 The Long brown path; edited by Raymond H. Torrey. In the New York Post, 1920-38. This column, which appeared as a full page every Friday in the 20's and in shorter form on Tuesdays and Fridays in the early 30's, in 1934 became a daily single column. It is an invaluable source for Adirondackana. 4775 Woods & waters. A weekly column by Paul Schaefer. In the Schenectady Gazette, Mar. 9, 1934-Apr. 12, 1935. 4776 HEALTH AND MEDICINE GENERAL The Adirondack wilderness. The great forest park of the State of New York, in a sanitary point of view. Sanitarian, Sept. 1873. 1 :241-52. map. 4777 Ash, Robert Henry. A recipe for rest that one doctor prescribes. NTC Lines Afa^, June 1920. l:no.3:35. Air, sun and pines in the Adiron- dacks sure to improve health. 4778 Baldwin, Edward Robinson. Gift of philan- thropy to science; the Saranac laboratory for the study of tuberculosis. Sci Am, Mar. 6, 1897.76:152-54. 4779 Baldwin, Edward Robinson. The historical development of tuberculosis prevention in America with special reference to New York state. NT Slate Hist Assn Q,, Oct. 1923. 4: 234-40. 4780 Baldwin, Edward Robinson. Review of theo- retical considerations and experimental work relative to opsonins with observations at the Saranac laboratory. NT Med J, June 27, 1908.89:1227. 4781 Baldwin, Edward Robinson. Some results of the climatic and sanatorium treatment of tuberculosis in the Adirondacks. Alb Med Ann, 1900.21:213-17. 4782 Bell, John. Note on Adirondack mineral water. Med Times, Jan. 16, 1871. 1:144-45. Therapeutic qualities of Whitehall spring. 4783 Bell, John. Observations on the Adirondack mineral spring. Med Rec, Mar. 1, 1870. 5:33- 34. Discovered in 1868 in the village of Whitehall. 4784 Biggs, Hermann Michael. An Adirondack tent house. J Outd Lije, Apr. 1905. 2:65-67. illus. Tent for tuberculosis patients. 4785 Bruen, Edward T. The southern Adiron- dacks. Am Clin & Climat Assn Tr, 1886. 3: 202-8. Also in New Tork Medical Journal, July 3, 1886, 44:1-3. Beneficial effects of climate at Blue Mountain Lake. Reprinted in Hochschild, H.K. Township 34, N.Y. 1952,p.525-30. 4786 C, E.H. The Adirondack tooth carpenter, a drawing from nature. For & Stream, Apr. 9, 1874. 2:132. Dental extraction by a guide. 4787 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. Mark Twain on the Adirondacks, an extract from a letter to a personal friend in New York city. Four Tr News, Sept. 1902. 3:109. facsim. Thera- peutic effect of the Adirondacks. 4788 Cook, Marc. Camp Lou. Harper, May 1881. 62:865-76. Life of consumptive in the Adi- rondacks. 4789 Cook, Marc. The wilderness cure. N.Y. Wood, 1881. 153p. 4790 Corliss, Hiram. Brief notices of the medical topography and diseases of Washington county. MedSocSNT Tr, 1850. p.225-29. 4791 Dayton, Roy. Inauguration of the Edward L. Trudeau foundation and the Trudeau school of tuberculosis. Am Rev Tub, July 1950. 62: no.lB:104-19. port. School and Foundation among the accomplishments of Dr. Edward R. Baldwin. Bibliography of the writings of Dr. Baldwin. 4792 Early Essex county medicine. NT State Hist Assn Bui, May 1945. 13:6-8. 4793 The great white plague. St No Mo, Mar. 1908. 3:142-44. 4794 Hewat, Andrew Fergus. Tuberculosis in United States. A visit to Saranac Lake. Edin M^^J, Mar. 1927. 34:136-48. 4795 Hospital for Saranac Lake. Outdoor Life, Apr. 1904. 1:20. illus. plan. Projected tuberculosis hospital. 4796 Lathrop, John E. Back to life. Colliers, May 24, 1913. 51:no.l0:5-6, 32-34. illus. Taking the cure at Saranac. 4797 A list of periodical medical literature avail- able in the village of Saranac Lake, N.Y. n.p. n.pub. 1915. lOp. Unpaged leaflet. Probably compiled by Lawrason Brown. Copy in the Saranac Lake Free Library. 4798 Long, Esmond Ray. The concept of resistance to tuberculosis with special reference to the contributions of Edward R. Baldwin. Am Rev Tub, July 1950. 62:no.lB:3-12. Includes bibliography. 4799 196 GENERAL 197 Loomis, Alfred L. The Adirondack region as a therapeutical agent in the t-eatment of pul- monary phthisis. Mfd Rec, Apr. 26-May 3, 1879. 15 :385-89, 409-12. 4800 Medical society of the county of Clinton. Constitution & by-laws, list of members, officers & brief account of its early history. Plattsburgh, N.Y. J.W. Tuttle, 1904. 22p. 4801 Milne, Rev. A.D. The woman that lives without eating, being an authentic narrative of Mrs. Simeon Hays, of Chester, Warren co. N.Y. Glens Falls, N.Y. Messenger book & job office, 1858. 47p. Copy in Yale University Library. 4802 New York (state). Health, Department of. Division of public health education. Rag- weed pollen surveys. Old Forge, N.Y. Cen- tral Adirondack association, inc. n.d. 8p. illus. tables. Summary of surveys through 1944. Includes Adirondack areas. 4803 North, Charles Edward. An investigation of recent outbreaks of typhoid fever in an Adi- rondack camp, and the discovery of a typhoid carrier. Med Rec, Mar. 25, 1911. 79:517-23. diagrs. Reprinted in Hochschild, H.K. Town- ship 34, N.Y. 1952, p.549-55. 4804 The outdoor life. St No Mo, Mar. 1908. 3: 140-42. Editorial on tuberculosis. 4805 Powell, Horatio. An account of the diseases prevalent in Clinton county. New- York, dur- ing 1807. Med Rep, Aug.-Oct. 1809. Hexade 2:no. 6:347-50. Read before the State Medi- cal Society. 4806 Prescott house; the transfer of Prescott house gives Saranac Lake the opportunity for leadership in the field of rehabilitation. No Country Life, Summer 1950. 4:no.3:30-31. illus. Under the auspices of the Saranac Lake Study and Craft Guild. 4807 Reben, Martha, pseud. (Rebentisch, Martha Ruth). The healing woods; with decorations by Fred Collins. N.Y. Crowell, ci952. 250p. illus. map on lining paper. Reviewed by W.H. Burger in The Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov. -Dec. 1952, 16:111-12; by Helen Hyden in North Country Life, Fall 1952, 6:no.4:55-57; by Rockwell Kent in Living Wilderness, Spring 1952, no. 40:20-21. Extract entitled: A "Robinson Crusoe" Experience on Weller Pond, in North Country Life, Fall 1952, 6:no.4:12-16. 4808 Reben, Martha, pseud. (Rebentisch, Martha Ruth). The way of the wilderness. N.Y. Crowell, 1955. 276p. illus. Sequel to "The Healing Woods." 4809 Ryan, Edmund. The cure at Saranac. Bookm, Aug. 1904. 19:580-82. 4810 Saranac laboratory for the study of tuber- culosis. Tuberculosis in industry; report of the symposium held June 9-14, 1941 spon- sored by the Trudeau school of tuberculosis. Editor Leroy U. Gardner, M.D. N.Y. Na- tional tuberculosis association, ^1942. 374p. illus. tables, charts. 4811 Saranac Lake, N.Y. Board of trustees. . . . Regain your health in air conditioned by nature. Saranac Lake in the Adirondacks. n.p. n.pub. n.d. 40p. illus. At head of title: Pioneer health resort. 4812 Saranac Lake medical facilities, inc. The health services of Saranac Lake, New York. Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1952. 4p. Unpaged leaflet. Also an edition in Spanish entitled: Las Facilidades Mcdicas de Saranac Lake, N.Y. 4813 Saranac Lake medical facilities, inc. Sara- nac Lake, New York. The health center in the Adirondacks. Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1952. 12p. illus. Unpaged leaflet. Also an edition in Spanish entitled: Saranac Lake, Nueva York, E.U. de A. El Centro de Salud en las Montanas Adirondack. 4814 Saranac Lake medical facilities, inc. Sara- nac Lake en las montanas Adirondacks. . . renombrado centro curativo. Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1952. 16p. port, illus. Unpaged leaflet. Text in Spanish. 4815 Saranac Lake rehabilitation guild. Rehabil- itation routes: the picture story of the Sara- nac Lake rehabilitation guild. . . Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1952. 24p. illus. Unpaged leaflet. 4816 Saranac Lake society for the control of tuber- culosis, incorporated. Annual report, 1- Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1907-date. Reports lo- cated for 1909, 1910, 1914-16, 1919-21, 1923-30,1932-33,1936-49. 4817 Shoemaker, G.E. The Adirondacks as a health resort. Med & Surg Rep, July 31, 1886. 55:129-32. 4818 Simpson, William. Adirondack camp-fire. For & Stream, Feb. 8, 1913. 80:165-66, 187. illus. Sojourn at various resorts near Saranac to regain health. 4819 Smith, Isabel. Wish I might. Foreword by Edward Streeter; preface by Dr. Francis B. Trudeau. Decorations by Mercedes Herold. N.Y. Harper, C1955. 234p. illuo. 4820 Stearns, William F. Coordinated planning in the community. Am J Pub Health, June 1954. 44:747-49. Saranac Lake Rehabilita- tion Guild, formerly the Saranac Lake Study and Craft Guild. 4821 Stickler, Joseph William. The Adirondacks as a health resort. Showing the benefit to be 198 HEALTH AND MEDICINE derived by a sojourn in the wilderness. . . N.Y.Putnam, 1886. 198p. 4822 Todd, William S. The Adirondacks; a resort for health and recreation. Conn Med Soc Proc, 1887. 3:87-94. Read before the Fairfield County Association. Raquette Lake. 4823 Trudeau, Edward Livingston. The history and work of the Saranac laboratory for the study of tuberculosis. Johns Hop Hosp Bui, Sept. 1901. 12:271-75. plates. Contains list of the author's writings. Also issued as a re- print, illustrated. 4824 Trudeau, Edward Livingston. The history of the tuberculosis work at Saranac Lake. Med News, Oct. 24, 1903. 83:769-80. illus. 4825 Trudeau school of tuberculosis, Saranac Lake, N.Y. Prospectus of course of study. Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1916. 16p. illus. 4826 Wardner, LeRoy H. Adirondack medicine. A historical outline. NT State J Med, Apr. 15, 1942. 42:794-98. Also issued as reprint. Extracts in North Country Lije, Fall 1949, 4: no.4:7-8, 59-62. 4827 Washington County, N.Y. Health prepared- ness commission. Health and medical care, Washington county, N.Y. A study of re- sources and needs for health and medical care in Washington county, N.Y. Albany, New York state health and preparedness commission, 1944. 41 p. illus. 4828 Williams, Helena V. Curing tuberculosis at Saranac; annual sale of Christmas seals soon to begin a reminder of the great work being done at the sanatorium founded by Dr. Tru- deau. State Service, Sept. -Oct. 1922. 6,i.e.8: 306-8. illus. 4829 HOSPITALS AND SANATORIA the adirondack cottage sanitarium (trudeau) At work in Dr. Trudeau's memorial. Survey, July 8, 1916. 36:393-94. illus. 4830 Baldwin, Edward Robinson. Dr. Trudeau's visible monument. The Adirondack cottage sanitavinm. J Outd Life, ]un& 1910. 7:165-69. illus. 4831 Baldwin, Edward Robinson. The Trudeau sanatorium anniversary, forty years of con- tinuous progress. J Outd Life, Jan. 1925. 22: 7-10. illus. 4832 Brown, Lawrason. An analysis of 1500 cases of tuberculosis discharged from the Adiron- dack cottage sanitarium from two to eighteen years ago. Am Med Assn J, Nov. 21, 1903. 41:1268-72. charts. 4833 Brown, Lawrason and Allen, A.H. A brief study of a diphtheria epidemic at the Adi- rondack cottage sanitarium. . . Am J Med Sci, Feb. 1 907. 1 33 :297-302. 4834 Brown, Lawrason and Heise, Fred H. The effect of six weeks' bed rest upon patients entering Trudeau sanatorium. Reprinted from American Review of Tuberculosis, Dec. 1922, 6:926-28, table. 4835 Brown, Lawrason. A study of the cases of pulmonary tuberculosis treated with tuber- culin at the Adirondack cottage sanitarium. Leipzig, Barth, 1904. p.235-334. tables. Reprinted from Z^itschrijt filr Tuberkulose und Heilstdttenwesen, 1904, 4:no.4. 4836 Brown, Lawrason and Heise, Fred H. . . .A study of two hundred and sixty-four cases admitted to the Trudeau sanatorium. . . n.p. n.d. 7p. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Association of American Physicians, 1924. 4837 Brown, Lawrason. The ultimate results of sanatorium treatment. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Sixth International Con- gress on Tuberculosis, 1908, p.927-37, charts. 4838 Brown, Lawrason and Pope, E.G. The ulti- mate test of the sanatorium treatment of pul- monary tuberculosis and its application to the results obtained in the Adirondack cot- tage sanitarium. Z Tub, 1908. 12:no.3:206- 15. tables. 4839 Brown, Lawrason and Heise, Fred H. The value of the Trudeau sanatorium's five diag- nostic criteria of pulmonary tuberculosis in negative diagnoses. . . Reprinted from the American Review of Tuberculosis, July 1924, 9: 398-405, table. 4840 Cole, Elizabeth. Fifty years at Trudeau sana- torium. An historical sketch in honor of its birthday. Trudeau, N.Y. Currier press, 1935. 68p. ports, illus. Cover title. 4841 Dahme, Johanna A.M. Trudeau sanitarium. Med J & Rec, Aug. 17, 1927. 126:250-55. illus. port. 4842 Deavitt. George's letters home, by George Bumlong, pseud. Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1903. 24p. Author's name supplied by Munson. HOSPITALS AND SANATORIA 199 Copy in the Munson Collection, Saranac Lake Free Library. Letters written from Trudeau. 4843 DeVVitt, Francis. The how to get well book, by a former patient of the Adirondack cot- tage sanitarium. Saranac Lake, N.Y. River- side publishing co. 1906. 78p. Copy in the Saranac Lake Free Library. 4844 Dr. Trudeau honored. Outlook, Feb. 26, 1910. 94:420-22. Twenty-fifth anniversary of Tru- deau Sanatorium. 4845 The founder's aides. J Outd Life, Jan. 1925. 22:47-52. illus. Brief descriptions of persons who helped make Trudeau Sanatorium a success. 4846 Heise, Fred H. and Brown, Lawrason. The present condition of patients discharged from the Trudeau sanatorium. London, John Bale, 1925. 7p. Reprinted from Tubercle, Feb. 1925. 4847 Heise, Fred H. and Brown, Lawrason. A study of the occurrence of hemoptysis, pleu- risy, rales, tubercle bacilli and x-ray findings in 1000 consecutive cases admitted to the Trudeau sanatorium. Reprinted from Amer- ican Review of Tuberculosis, Feb. 1923, 6:1078- 83, tables. 4848 Lyman, David Russell. The influence of Dr. Trudeau on the sanatorium movement. J Outd Life, Jan. 1925. 22:28-31. illus. 4849 Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Dr. Edward L. Trudeau. Am Mag, June 1910. 70:181-82. port. Twenty-fifth anniversary of founding of Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium by Dr. Trudeau. 4850 Miller, Roland B. Trudeau. JVTS Con, Feb.- Mar. 1955. 9:no.4:33. illus. Closing of the sanitarium. See also "Beginning of the End" in Time, Dec. 6, 1954, 64:no.23:66. 4851 O'Hare, Frank A. Trudeau rifle club — how patients of the Adirondack cottage sanitari- um pass many pleasant and healthful hours. J Outd Life, Sept. 1907. 4:293. 4852 Trudeau, Edward Livingston. The Adiron- dack cottage sanitarium. In New York (state). Fisheries, game and forest commission. 4th annual report, 1898. p. 348-53. plates. Pre- ceded by a two-page article: "Sanitary Bene- fits of the Adirondack Forest." 4853 Trudeau, Edward Livingston. The Adiron- dack cottage sanitarium for the treatment of incipient pulmonary tuberculosis. Practi- tioner, Feb. 1899. 62:131-46. illus. 4854 Trudeau, Edward Livingston. A brief retro- spect. J Om/o'Z,?/^, Feb. 1905. 2:12-13. Signed: E.L.T. Short history of the Adirondack Cot- tage Sanitariuna. 4855 Trudeau, Edward Livmgston. The first peo- ple's sanitarium in America for tiie treat- ment of pulmonary tuberculosis. -^ Tub, 1900. l:no.3:230-40. 4856 Trudeau sanatorium. Adirondack cottage sanitarium. Twenty-fifth anniversary. 1885 . . .1910. . . Troy, N.Y. Troy times art press, 1910? 24p. ports, illus. Unpaged leaflet. 4857 Trudeau sanatorium. Annual report. Sara- nac Lake, N.Y. 1886-1951. The last annual report was issued Sept. 30, 1951. The "Stud- ies of the Edward L. Trudeau Foundation" were published with the annual report. Orig- inal name: Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium. The Sanatorium also issued a Newsletter, the last number in 1950. 4858 Trudeau sanatorium. The house that Tru- deau built: an illustrated souvenir. . . Tru- deau, N.Y. 1928. 74p. front, port, illus. 4859 Trudeau sanatorium. Rules and information for patients. Saranac Lake, N.Y. T. A. Wright, 1906. 6 leaves. Another edition, undated. 13p. Copy in the New York Academy of Medicine Library. 4860 Trudeau sanatorium. Trudeau sanatorium, Trudeau, New York. Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1954? 20p. illus. Oblong unpaged leaflet. Last circular issued. 4861 Trudeau sanatorium. The Trudeau sana- torium for the treatment of tuberculosis, n.p. 1946. 25p. illus. Small oblong folder. 4862 Trudeau sanatorium. The twenty-fifth anni- versary of the Adirondack cottage sanitarium . . .Feb. 15, 1910. Trudeau, N.Y. 1910. 29p. port, illus. Reprinted from the Adirondack Enterprise. The name of the sanitarium was changed shortly after Dr. Trudeau's death. 4863 Trudeau workshop. Trudeau workshop cata- logue. Saranac Lake, N.Y. n.d. 12p. illus. Brief text. The workshop was established in 1945. 4864 A victim of progress. Sanatorium closes on optimistic note. Life, Dec. 27, 1954. 37:no. 26:76-79. illus. Closing of Trudeau. 4865 Walters, J.R. The Adirondacks as a winter health resort. Harper W, Feb. 9, 1895. 36: 136—38. port, illus. Followed by brief article : "The Late Dr. Alfred L. Loomis." 4866 OTHER HOSPITALS AND SANATORIA American legion. New York. Mountain camp at Big Tupper lake, N.Y. Some facts of inter- est and resume of the history of the American legion mountain camp, Tupper Lake, N.Y. Tupper Lake, N.Y. 1953. 4 leaves. Repro- duced from typewritten copy. From 1922 to 1926 a camp for tubercular patients; from 1927 to date, used for recreation and con- valescents. 4867 200 HEALTH AND MEDICINE D., M.M. The Edward Smith memorial infirmary. For Leaves, Winter 1926. 20:no. 2:8. illus. New infirmary at Sanatorium Gabriels. 4868 History of Sanatorium Gabriels For Leaves, Autumn 1908. 5:no.3:32-39. Text in Eng- lish, French and German. 4869 Mayhew, R.H. The successful sanatorium. For Leaves, Autumn 1925. 20:no.l :15-17. Sanatorium Gabriels. 4870 New York (state). State hospital for treat- ment of incipient pulmonary tuberculosis, Ray Brook. Annual report, no.l- 1900-date. Albany, 19 date. 4871 Newcomb, Elizabeth W. Stony Wold sana- torium. J Outd Life, Oct. 1905. 2:231-32. illus. History of the founding. 4872 Placid memorial hospital fund. Health high in the Adirondacks. Lake Placid, N.Y. ^1948. 15p. illus. plans. 4873 A profitable sanatorium. Outlook, Feb. 9, 1907. 85:295-96. Stony Wold. 4874 Reception cottage. Saranac Lake, N.Y. An- nual report, no.1-49; April 1902-1950. Sara- nac Lake, N.Y. 1902-50. 49v. Name changed to Prescott House, Inc. in 1944. Closed in 1950. 4875 Sanatorium Gabriels. In the Adirondacks, 1897. For Leaves, Winter 1910. 7:no.4:4-ll. illus. History. 4876 The Sanatorium Gabriels on Sunrise mount. For Leaves, Spring 1907. 4:no.l :32-33. illus. From the London News, July 1897. 4877 Saranac Lake's new Reception hospital. J Outd Life, Feb. 1905. 2:15. illus. 4878 Stony Wold sanatorium. Annual report of the corporation. N.Y. 1910. The Sanatorium also published a leaflet "Stony Wold in the Adirondacks." Copies located as follows: v.l, no.4, June 1924; v.l, nos.7, 10, 11-12, un- dated. 4879 Sunmount comes to Tupper Lake. Adiron- dack mountains, Tupper Lake, New York. N.Y. Rudge, n.d. 14p. ports, illus. 4880 Tupper Lake chamber of commerce and American legion auxiliary, inc. department of New York. The Sunmount story: Veterans administration hospital, Sunmount, New York. N.Y. William E. Rudge's sons, 1954. lip. ports, illus. 4881 RELIGIOUS HISTORY Beales, E.J. The shrine at Gabriels, N.Y. in the Adirondack mountains. For Leaves, Win- ter 1926. 20:no.2:12-16. illus. port. 4882 Brown, George Levi, ed. Father Comstock and the First Congregational church of Lewis. Lewis, N.Y. Post & gazette print, 1901. 19p. port. 4883 Bulkley, C.H.A. Twenty years of church life; an anniversary discourse by Rev. C.H.A. Bulkley, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Port Henry, N.Y. Herald book & job print- ing office, 1880. 26p. Copy in the Sherman Free Library, Port Henry. 4884 Bull, Henry J. A history of the First Method- ist Episcopal church of Saranac, Clinton county, New York. n.p. 1912. 54p. plates, front, port. 4885 Champlain, N.Y. Presbytery. The Christian and apostolic abolition of slavery, stated and recommended in a report read before the Presbytery, February 13, 1855. Rouse's Point, N.Y. 1855. 24p. Copy in Yale University Library. 4886 Elizabethtown, N.Y. Congregational church. Manual. Elizabethtown, N.Y. 1874. 20p. 4887 Erwin, James. Reminiscences of early cir- cuit life. Toledo, O. Spear, Johnson & co. 1884. 378p. port. By a minister in the North- ern New York Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church who visited many com- munities in the Adirondack area. Essex and Champlain Baptist association. Seventy-fourth anniversary held with the Baptist church of Elizabethtown, Oct. 6, 7 and 8, 1908. n.p. n.pub. n.d. 38p. illus. ports. Cover title differs slightly. Copy in the Sher- man Free Library, Port Henry. 4889 Harkness, N.Y. Methodist Episcopal church. Souvenir program. Twenty-fifth anniversary. 1907-1932. . . n.p. n.d. 16p. illus. port. Un- paged leaflet. 4890 Harmon, Willard P. "The history of Con- gregationalism in Essex county." A paper read. . .September 27, 1928. n.p. Essex coun- ty association, n.d. 14 leaves. Mimeographed. Copy in the Sherman Free Library, Port Henry. 4891 Harriman, Rev. Charles C. Sermon. . .deliv- ered at the dedication service of the Lillian Le Roay Kavanaugh memorial, St. John's Episcopal church. Diamond Point, Lake George, N.Y. August 17th, 1930. Cohoes, N.Y. Rickman press, 1930. unpaged. 4892 Hartley,' Isaac Smithson. Sundays in the Adirondacks. Utica, N.Y. Wm. T. Smith, 1889. 125p. 4893 Hodges, Graham R. Working together on Main street. Christian Cent, May 13, 1953. 70:572-73. Association of churches at Ticon- deroga. 4894 Holden, Charles C. and Hanchett, Mrs. Elbert. First Baptist church of Ticonderoga, New York. . . n.p. n.pub. 1954. 16p. Mimeo- graphed. 4895 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Old Beard. Cloud Splitter, Mar. 1941. 4:no.3:9. Story of establishment of a union church in North Elba. 4896 Inscriptions from old graveyards. Moors Ant, May 1937-Feb. 1939. 1:68-73, 144-52, 224- 31, 300-11; 2:77-83, 161-69, 263-68, 347- 59. Includes Adirondack sites. 4897 Jones, Mabel Merryfield. Minerva Baptist church. No Country Life, Summer 1948. 2: no.3:41-43. illus. 100th anniversary. 4898 Keeseville, N.Y. First Congregational church. The confession of faith and covenant. . . Keeseville, N.Y. Anson H. Allen, 1835. 12p. Copy in collection of Mrs. Marjorie L. Porter. 4899 Keeseville, N.Y. First Congregationalchurch. One hundredth anniversary of the organiza- tion of the First Congregational church, Keeseville, N.Y. Keeseville, N.Y. 1906. 63p. front, ports. Cover title: 1806-1906. 4900 Keeseville, N.Y. Methodist Episcopal church 1827-1902. Souvenir program. 75th anni- versary. Keeseville, N.Y. 1902. 7 leaves, illus. 4901 Keeseville, N.Y. Methodist Episcopal church. 1827-1927. Souvenir program. One hun- dredth anniversary. . .September nineteen hundred twenty-seven. Keeseville, N.Y. 1927. 16p. illus. ports. History of the church. Com- piled by Rev. H J. White. 4902 Kellogg, Rev. Paul A. The first hundred years; a centennial history of the Church of the cross, Ticonderoga, New York. 1839— 1939. n.p. 1939? unpaged. Mimeographed. Copy in the New York State Historical Asso- ciation Headquarters House, Ticonderoga. 4903 201 202 RELIGIOUS HISTORY Lake George, N.Y. Caldwell Presbyterian church. Report of the treasurer. . .from Oct. 1, 1871 to April 1, 1873. Minutes of the An- nual meeting of the congregation, and re- vised sketch history of the church. Albany, N.Y. Van Benthuysen, 1873. 43p. 4904 Lake George Baptist association. Minutes of the fiftieth anniversary. . .1867. . . Albany, Van Benthuysen, 1868. 16p. 4905 Lake George Baptist association. Minutes of the fifty-second anniversary. . .1869. . . Glens Falls, N.Y. Messenger printing establish- ment, 1869. 16p. 4906 Laramee, Rev. E.G. Annals of Notre Dame church of the assumption of the B.V.M., Redford, N.Y. Redford, N.Y. 1931. 86p. plates. Bound with this is an 84p. edition in French. 4907 Laramee, Rev. E.G. Historical sketch of Notre Dame church of the assumption, B.V.M., Redford, N.Y. Souvenir of the con- secration, October 13th, 1898. Redford, N.Y. 1899. 77, 65p. Second half of the text is in French. 4908 Lauer, Solon. Life and light from above. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1895. 250p. Also published in San Diego by the Life and Light Publishing Go. 1896. Leaves from an Adiron- dack journal, p.174-212. 4909 Nye, Gharles Freeman. Address. . .at the centenary exercises of the First Presbyterian- Gongregational church and society, Gham- plain, New-York; with a sketch of the past 25 years by the pastor. Rev. D. Elmer Hattie. Ghamplain, N.Y. Privately printed at the Moorsfield Press, 1928. 27p. 4910 Patten, Marjorie. The country church in colonial times as illustrated by Addison coun- ty, Vt. Tompkins county, N.Y. and Warren county, N.Y. N.Y. G.H. Doran, ci922. 106p. front, illus. charts, map. (Gommittee on Social and Religious Surveys.) 4911 Pettengill, Amos. The doctrine of baptisms, illustrated in two sermons, delivered at Gham- plain, N.Y. 1811. . . Pittsburgh, N.Y. A.G. Flagg, 1812. 56p. 4912 Pierre Huet de la Velinifere, priest on Lake Ghamplain, 1790-1791. Moors Ant, Feb. 1938. 1:239-55. Includes letters from the Pliny Moore papers. Earliest Gatholic church on northern New York shore of Lake Gham- plain. Located at Ghazy, Glinton Gounty, not at Split Rock, Essex County. 4913 Plattsburgh, N.Y. First Presbyterian church. Hand book, 1910. n.p. 1910? unpaged, illus. 4914 Plattsburgh, N.Y. First Presbyterian church. Proceedings at the centennial anniversary of the organization. . .October first and third, 1897. n.p. n.d. 127p. ports, plates. Errata slip tipped in. 4915 Port Henry, N.Y. Presbyterian church. Sou- venir book. Port Henry, N.Y. 1902. Pub- lished by the Ladies' aid society of the Pres- byterian church. Port Henry, N.Y. Essex county publishing co. n.d. unpaged, plates, ports. Contains a short historical sketch. 4916 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). The Moth- er Gabrini shrine. No Country Life, Winter 1949. 3:no.l:27-28. illus. Outdoor shrine of the Patent Church near Peru. 4917 Post, Henry A. Sermon preached in the Pres- byterian church, Warrensburgh, Warren co. N.Y. September 26th, 1861. . , Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 1861. 27p. 4918 Ryan, Thomas Francis. The Church of the good thief and the padre of the thieves. Platts- burgh, N.Y. Glinton press, 1942. 31p. port, illus. Dannemora. 4919 Saranac Lake, N.Y. Church of St. Luke the beloved physician. Commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the consecration ...July 11th, 1954. Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1954. 16p. illus. ports. Unpaged leaflet. 4920 Smith, John Talbot. A history of the diocese of Ogdensburg. N.Y. John W. Lovell co. 1885. 354p. ports, front. 4921 A souvenir of Ticonderoga Methodism com- piled in celebration of the 125th anniversary of Methodism in Ticonderoga. . . n.p. n.pub. 1936? 19p. Cover title: Ticonderoga Meth- odism, 1911-1936. Compiled by Arthur Carr. 4922 Taylor, John. Journal of Rev. John Taylor's missionary tour through the Mohawk and Black river countries in 1802. /« Documen- tary history of the State of New York, Albany, 1850. 3:671-96. 4923 Min- .June 1866. 4924 Min- .1868. print, 4925 Washington union Baptist association, utes of the thirty-second anniversary. . 5, 1866. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 27p. Washington union Baptist association, utes of the thirty-fourth anniversary. . Cambridge, N.Y. Washington county 1868. 28p. Wickes, Sarah J. History of the Congrega- tional church, Willsboro, Essex co. N.Y. Ticonderoga, N.Y. Press of the Sentinel, 1902. 33p. 4926 Wolfe, Paul. The foundation of God standeth sure. A sermon preached in the Keene Valley Congregational church on August 27th, 1950 . . . n.p. n.pub. n.d. 8p. 25th anniversary of Wolfe's coming to Keene Valley. 4927 EDUCATION GENERAL Barker, Elmer Eugene. What Grown Pointers were reading one hundred years ago. NT Hist, Jan. 1950. 31:31-40. An interesting analysis of lists of magazines and journals passing through the Crown Point post office one hundred years ago. 4928 Drahos, Nicholas. Our camp program. NTS Con, Apr.-May 1955. 9:no.5:15. illus. map. Conservation Department program. 4929 Garesche, Claude F. An investment in better living. The National lead company at Taha- wus finances a $160,000 YMCA building. No Country Life, Summer 1948. 2:no.3:48- 50. illus. Text of an address delivered Apr. 11, 1948 when building was turned over to YMCA. 4930 Keenan, Joseph. The development of public education in Warren county, 110 leaves, tables, map. Master's thesis, New York State College for Teachers, Albany, 1940. Type- script. 4931 Lonergan, Carroll Vincent. The country school at the crossroads. No Country Life, Fall 1946. l:no.l:14-15. Reprinted from New Tork State Education, Oct. 1945. Crown Point. 4932 Morgan, Barbara. Summer's children; with forewords by Dr. Mary Fisher Langmuir and Helen Haskell. A photographic cycle of life at camp. Scarsdale, N.Y. Morgan & Morgan publishers, ^1951. 159p. illus. Extract \n Liv- ing Wilderness, Summer 1952, no.41:8-12. Re- viewed by D.A. Plum in The Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1952, 16:111. Camp Treetops, near Lake Placid. 4933 Mousaw, Cyrus John. A study of educational need and opportunity in the town of Crown Point, Essex county, N.Y. Prepared at the suggestion of Rural education bureau, State education department. Albany, University of the State of New York, 1928. 29p. port, illus. plates, maps. (University of the State of New York Bulletin no. 907.) 4934 Ostrander, Chester Brooks. A history of pub- lic education in the county of Essex, New York. 114 leaves, plates, facsim. maps. Mas- ter's thesis, New York State College for Teachers, Albany, 1940. Typescript. 4935 Peet, Creighton. What is wilderness camp- ing? n.p. 1955? 2p. Reprinted from American Forests, Nov. 1955. Description of Tanager Lodge Gamp — Fay Welch, director. 4936 Pinchot, Gifford. The need of forest schools in America. Card & For, July 24, 1895. 8: 298. Refers in part to the problem of forestry in the Adirondacks. 4937 Saranac Lake rehabilitation guild, inc. Guild news, V. 1 , no. 1- May 29, 1936- Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1936- Monthly. The Guild's name was originally the Saranac Lake Study and Craft Guild. 4938 Saranac Lake study and craft guild. Report of activities for the year 1943-1944. Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1944. 28p. illus. "The Guild was founded in 1936 to demonstrate the thera- peutic values of adult education." Name later changed to Saranac Lake Rehabilita- tion Guild, Inc. 4939 Sisson, Al and Burger, William H. Camp Dudley. No Country Life, Fall 1953. 7:no.4: 26-30. illus. 4940 Williams, Roscoe L. The history of secondary education in Washington county. 150 leaves, plates, facsim. map. Master's thesis, New York State College for Teachers, Albany, 1937. Typescript. 4941 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF FORESTRY, CORNELL The Adirondack problem. Ind, Dec. 24, 1903. 55:3081-83. Editorial condemning private ownership in Adirondacks. Urges support of State College of Forestry. 4942 Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Statement on the forestry situation. To the governors of the 203 204 EDUCATION Cornell club of Rochester, n.p. n.pub. n.d. 12p. Statement made at Rochester, Dec. 22, 1913. Advocates forestry courses in the Department of Agriculture at Cornell. 4943 The collapse of the New York state college of forestry. For Quar, Nov. 1903. l-Al-AA. 4944 Controversy in New York. For & Irrig, Feb. 1902. 8:47-48. Cornell Forestry School's experimental plot. 4945 Cornell's Adirondack forestry. For & Stream, Dec. 28, 1901. 57:501. Editorial review of Cornell College forestry case. 4946 Cornell's forest reserve. Am Arch, Oct. 20, 1900. 70:22. Reprinted from New Tork Trib- une. 4947 Femow, Bernhard Eduard. Axton planta- tions. JFor, Dec. 1917. 15:988-90. 4948 Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. Beginnings of professional forestry in the Adirondacks be- ing the 1st and 2nd annual reports of the New York state college of forestry, Cornell university. In New York (state). Fisheries, game and forest commission. 5th annual report, 1899. p.401-52. plates, illus. Also published as New York State College of For- estry, Cornell University Bulletin no. 2, 1900 (no.4956). 4949 Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. The Cornell col- lege forest. For & Stream, May 3, 1902. 58: 346. Located near Saranac Lake. 4950 Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. The New York state college of forestry. Science, Oct. 14, 1898. n.s.8:494-501. 4951 Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. What is the New York state college of forestry doing in the Adirondacks? Recreation, Jan. 1901. 14:59- 60. 4952 Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon. Forestry at Cornell . . .a' retrospect of proposals, developments, and accomplishments in the teaching of pro- fessional forestry at Cornell university 1898- 1948. Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell university, 1950. 64p. port, illus. Includes comment on and references to the forestry experiment at Axton in 1898-1903 and brief comments on the Cornell forest near Newcomb. 4953 Jentsch, Fritz A.L. Professor B.E. Fernow und der Adirondack wald. ^Forst, Feb. 1905. 37:108-13. An English translation of part of this article appeared in the Forestry Quarterly, Feb. 1905, 3:32-38, with title "An Expert Opinion on the Cornell Forest Experiment," followed by remarks by E.B. Fernow. 4954 New York (state). College of forestry. Annual report, 1-6. 1898-1903. Albany, 1899-1904. v.p. Assembly document 38, 1899; Assembly document 36, 1900; Assembly document 34, 1901; Assembly document 38, 1902; Assem- bly document 11, 1903; Senate document 7, 1904. 4955 New York (state). College of Forestry. Be- ginning of professional forestry in the Adi- rondacks; 1st and 2nd annual report of the director of New York state college of forestry. Ithaca, N.Y. 1900. 56p. (New York State College of Forestry, Cornell University Bul- letin no.2.) 4956 The New York state college of forestry. Am Nat, Nov. 1898. 32:875. Editorial on the establishment of New York State College of Forestry at Cornell with demonstration for- est in the Adirondacks. 4957 The New York state college of forestry. For- ester, Dec. 1901. 7:304-8. illus. 4958 Recknagel, Arthur Bernard. The story of Axton. Cor For, May 1924. 4:9-14. illus. 4959 Shepard, Edward Morse. The public inter- est involved in the Cornell forestry experi- ment. N.Y. 1904. 27p. 4960 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack notes. Field & S, Sept. 1906. 11:505-6. Criticism of the management of Cornell College of Forestry tract. 4961 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Prof. Fernow and the Adirondacks. Outlook, Apr. 6, 1907. 85: 815-16. Letter on the Adirondack experi- ments of the Cornell State College of For- estry. 4962 Three state bills. For Quar,]\x\y 1903. 1:156- 57. Comment on the Governor's veto of three bills, one of which was the appropriation for the New York State College of Forestry. 4963 NEW YORK STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF FORESTRY, SYRACUSE Baker, Hugh Potter. The State ranger school and its place in forestry education. NTS Ranger Sch, 1930. p.7-8. 4964 Baker, Hugh Potter. Teaching scientific for- estry; valuable work done by a state institu- tion. Sci Am, May 6, 1916. Suppl. 81:296- 97. illus. 4965 Bedard, W. Delles. The Warrensburg Utopia. Emp For, 1930. 16:56-57. State College of Forestry (Syracuse) senior camp at Pack Demonstration Forest. 4966 Bits of summer camp history. Camp Log, Dec. 1922, p.46-48. illus. Summer camp at Cran- berry Lake. 4967 Bonstead, CD. Ranger school graduates class, enrolls new students. Lumber Camp News, Apr. 1952. 13:no.l2:6. illus. 4968 "Breck." pseud. History of the Ranger school. Camp Log, \929.\5:1A-1(). 4969 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 205 Colbum, H.E. The Ranger school twenty- five years ago. jVl'S Ranger Sch, 1937. p. IS- IS, illus. 4970 Coolidge, P.T. The pioneer days. NTS Ranger Sch, 1937. p. 12-1 4, 26. illus. At the Ranger School. 4971 Craig, Robert Jr. New York state ranger school. Ernp For, 1920. 6:70-72. illus. A simi- lar article describing the School appeared in 1919, 5:64-65. 4972 Dubuar, James Francis. The New York state ranger school. Bui Schools, Mar. 1945.31: 224-27. plate. At Wanakena, N.Y. 4973 Dubuar, James Francis. The Ranger school. E/Ti/For, 1921.7:36-37. illus. 4974 Dubuar, James Francis. Reforestation and plantation improvement on the Ranger school forest. m'S Ranger Sch, 1935. p. 11-16. illus. Aid of C.C.C. 4975 Dubuar, James Francis. The State ranger school. Camp Log, Dec. 1922. p. 19-21. illus. 4976 Ernst, G.W. The 1915 summer camp. Emp For, 1916. 2:22-26. illus. map. 1915 camp at Cranberry Lake. Articles on the summer camp appear in each issue of the annual. 4977 Fenska, Richard Robert. The Pack forest. Camp Log, 1929. 15:5-8. History of the forest. 4978 Field, Earle. The New York state college of forestry at Syracuse university: the history, founding and early growth, 1911-1922. 285 leaves, tables. Doctoral thesis, Maxwell Grad- uate School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, 1954. Typescript. In- cludes brief history of the Cornell School of Forestry. 4979 Fivaz, A.E. The Roosevelt wildlife experi- ment station and its relation to forestry. Emp For, 1920. 6:47-50. port. 4980 Forestry college collects data on 2Vi million Adirondack acres. JVT Forester, Nov. 1950. 7:no.4:2. Survey, being made by the College of Forestry, Syracuse, of the Adirondack and Catskill forest land. Under special appro- priation at the request of the State Board of Equalization and Assessment. 4981 Forestry in New York state. Outlook, Nov. 9, 1912. 102:521. Editorial on the Rich Lumber Company's gift of 1800 acres at Cranberry Lake to New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse. 4982 Foster, Cliflford H. and Kirkland, Burt P. The Charles Lathrop Pack demonstration forest, Warrensburg, N.Y. Results of twenty years of intensive forest management. Wash- ington, Charles Lathrop Pack Forestry Foun- dation, 1949. 36p. illus. figs. map. Descrip- tion of region, history and objectives of proj- ect, management results, economics, lessons for public and private forests. 4983 Gill, Tom. Show windows of forestry. The Charles Lathrop Pack demonstration forests in the Adirondacks. Up-Stater, Nov. 1929. 1: no. 6: 14, 22, 26. illus. Reprinted from Nature Magazine, ]\Ay \921. 4984 Haddock, P.J. Ranger school alumni hold eighteenth reunion. Northeast Log, Oct. 1952. l:no.3:28. illus. Accounts of 1950 and 1951 reunions are in Lumber Camp News for Sept. 1950 and 1951, 12:no.5:16 and 13:no.5:8. 4985 Israels, Josef 2d. Fantastic forest: Hunting- ton forest of the Roosevelt wildlife forest experiment station. Sat Eve Post, Aug. 22, 1942. 215:no.8:14-15, 67-68. illus. 4986 Johnson, E.A. The Ranger school. Emp For, 1917. 3:50. 4987 King, Ralph Terence, Dence, W.A. and Webb, W.L. History, policy and program of the Huntington wildlife forest station. Roos Wildlife Bui, Sept. 1941. 7:393-460. illus. tables, map. 4988 Kovalcik, Jerome G. New York College of forestry summer camp. Pack experimental forest. Northeast Log, Nov. 1953. 2:no.3:6-7. 30. illus. 4989 McCarthy, Edwin Florince. The forester goes to the woods. NTS Ranger Sch, 1937. p.7-11. illus. 1912 survey of the Ranger School For- est. 4990 McCarthy, Edwin Florince. The New York state ranger school. Emp For, 1916. 2:59-61. illus. 4991 Myers, Frank B. Then and now. Emp For, 1932. 18:1-2, 4-5. Reminiscences of the founding of the School of Forestry. 4992 New wood products laboratory. Am For, June 1954. 60:no.6:36. 4993 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. Annual report, 1936/37— 1944/47. Syracuse, 1937-48. The first an- nual report was issued as Bulletin no. 20, with title: Activities of the College. None issued 1940/41. Report for 1944/47 issued in 1948 with title: The New York State Col- lege of Forestry Today & Tomorrow. 4994 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. The Charles Lathrop Pack demonstration forest administered by the New York state college of forestry, Syra- cuse university. Syracuse, N.Y. 1929? 8p. illus. maps. Folded broadside. 4995 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. A history of its first 206 EDUCATION twenty-five years, 1911-1936. Edited by Ray- mond J. Hoyle and Laura D. Cox. Syracuse, N.Y. 1936. 177p. plates, tables. List of pub- lications of the college, p.163-71. 4996 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. New York state ranger school, Wanakena, New York. Announce- ment of courses, 1947-1949. Syracuse, N.Y. 1947. 13p. illus. 1917 and 1922 editions were issued as Circulars 14 and 37. The School was founded in 1912. 4997 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. Opportunities for grad- uate work and research at the New York state college of forestry, Syracuse university. Syracuse, N.Y. 1948. 45p. illus. graph. (Bul- letin, v.21, no.l-a.) 4998 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. Summer forest camp in the Adirondacks. Syracuse, 1913. 8p. illus. (Circular no.3). Also issued in 1917 and 1919 (Circulars 12 and 29). 4999 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. Ranger school, Wana- kena, N.Y. Alumni news, 1926- Wanakena, N.Y. 1926- illus. Annual. 5000 New York state college acquires a wild life station. For Worker, Nov. 1932. 8:no.6:5-6. Gift of Huntington Forest. 5001 The New York state college of forestry at Syracuse university. Am For, July 1912. 18: 453-57. illus. History of the Cornell School and the organization of the new college. 5002 The Pack demonstration forest; state college carries on interesting experiments in progres- sive forestry. Lumber Camp News, Mar. 1949. 10:no.ll:l, 13, 16. 5003 Plumley, L.P. Ranger schools. MYS Ranger Sch, 1953. p.22-25. Includes history of Wan- akena. 5004 Reidy, Genevieve L. comp. Graduate theses 1944-1954. Syracuse, N.Y. New York state university, College of forestry, 1955. 116p. Abstracts. Appendix, p.83-98, contains list of Graduate Theses, 1914-43. 5005 Rude, John K. The new Charles Lathrop Pack demonstration forest. Emp For, 1928. 14:35-38. illus. 5006 Schmoe, Floyd W. The Roosevelt wildlife experiment station. Emp For, 1922. 8:66-68. illus. 5007 Shirley, Hardy L. The Ranger school tomor- row. NTS Ranger Sch, 1952. p.12-14. Discu.s- sion of the continuation of the School. 5008 Smith, S.D. The Ranger school. Emp For, 1918. 4:45-47. illus. 5009 Soper, H.S. The Adirondack trip. Emp For,_ 1916. 2:75 77. illus. Winter trip to see lum- bering operations. See also humorous account of same trip, entitled "Adirondacks Ain't Alps" by "Jawn" Banks, p.96-97. 5010 Spring, Samuel N. A dean's eye view of the Ranger school. NYS Ranger Sch, 1937. p. 5-6. illus. 5011 T., J.A. Babes in the woods. Camp Log, 1927. 13:31-33. illus. Collecting trip in the Five Ponds region. 5012 A wild life station in Adirondacks. Science, Sept. 16, 1932. n.s.76:248-49. Also in Amer- ican Forests, Oct. 1932, 38:563. Announce- ment of gift of Huntington Wildlife Station to School of Forestry at Syracuse. 5013 A wild life station in the Adirondacks given the New York state college of forestry by Mr. and Mrs. Archer Huntington of New York. Emp For, 1933. 19:55-57. illus. 5014 OTHER SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Apollos' fortune. Time, Apr. 5, 1937. 29:no. 14:50-51. port. Paul Smith's fortune left to establish Paul Smith's College of Arts and Sciences. 5015 Barnes, Mary Clark. A Sunday at Glenmore. Service, May 1907. 6:106-9. illus. Glenmore School for the Culture Sciences. 5016 Basile, Richard E. . . .Resort management at Paul Smith's college. Resort Management, June 1951. 5:no.l:9-10. illus. 5017 Browne, Marion Josephine. A fortnight at Cliff Haven, by M.J. Brunowe, pseud. Cath World, Nov. 1900. 72:254-64. Catholic Sum- mer School of America. 5018 Catholic summer school of America. Prog- ress of the summer-school at Cliff Haven, N.Y. on Lake Champlain. . . n.p. 1906? 8p. Cover title. 5019 Champlain (N.Y.) college is closed. Sch & Soc, Aug. 22, 1953. 78:59-60. Brief history. 5020 Davidson, Thomas, 1840-1900. The educa- tion of the wage-earners. . .edited with an introduction by Charles M. Bakewell. Boston, Ginn, C1904. 247p. Primarily on the Bread- Winners' College but of interest in the his- tory of the Glenmore School for the Culture Sciences; contains many of Davidson's letters written from Hurricane. 5021 Engineer forestry co. at Paul Smith's college. JFor, May 1951. 49:400. 5022 Experiment station established at Paul Smiths to explore forest management methods. Lum- ber Camp News, Aug. 1948. 10:no.4:l, 5. illus. 5023 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 207 Fire at Paul Smith's college. Lumber Camp j\ews,]\ine 1952. 14:no.2:22. illus. 5024 Gilbert, Amy M. ACUNY. The Associated colleges of upper New York; a imiquc response to an emergency in higher education in the State of New York. . . Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell university press, 1950. 524p. front, ports, illus. tables, maps. 5025 Glenmore school for the culture sciences. A summer course of study in the Adirondacks . . .Season 1893. n.p. n.pub. 1893. 8p. Copy in the Loomis Collection, Keene Valley Pub- lic Library. Also published in 1892 and 1894. Circulars for the years 1 902-9 have title : Glen- more Summer School of the Culture Sciences. The School was established in 1 890 by Thomas Davidson. After his death in the fall of 1900 it was carried on until 1910 by Charles Bake- well. File in the Davidson Collection, Yale University Library. 5026 Guise, C.H. Cornell foresters in camp. Am For, Nov. 1919. 25:1487-88. illus. Located on Turner Preserve north of Tupper Lake. 5027 Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon. The Pack forestry prizes. Cor For, May 1924. 4:30-32. port. 5028 Juckett, Edwin A. An early Adirondack school. No Country Life, Winter 1952. 6:no.l: 21-23, 70. Early history of the Keene Valley school; author was principal, 1927-39. 5029 Keeseville academy. Things of the Cabal; its origin, principles, history and a sketch of its members. Keeseville, N.Y. E.R. Follett & co. printers, 1854. 12p. Debating society. Copy in the collection of Mrs. Marjorie L. Porter. 5030 Lathrop, George Parsons. The Catholic sum- mer school of America. President McKinley's visit. Harper W, Aug. 21, 1897. 41:838. illus. p.837. At Bluff Point, Lake Champlain. 5031 McCluskey, William A. So you remember. . . A picture history of Lake Placid school, Lake Placid club school, Northwood school, 1 905- 1955. n.p. n.pub. n.d. 60p. ports, illus. 5032 More than a century of education. Tahawus Cloudsplitter, Sept. 1954. 5:no.7:5-7. illus. History of Newcomb School. 5033 Murray, John Clark. A summer school of philosophy. Scot Rev, Jan. 1892. 19:98-113. Thomas Davidson's summer school on East Hill (Glenmore School for the Culture Sci- ences). 5034 The new home of the summer-school at Pittsburgh. Cath World, Apr. 1893. 57:67- 84. ports, illus. map. Catholic Summer School of America. 5035 O'Shea, John J. The Catholic Champlain, 1893-95. Cath World, Sept. 1893, July 1894, July 1895. 57:853-62, 59:563-68, 61:560-63. ports, illus. Catholic Summer School of America. 5036 Paul Smith experimental forest established by action of college board. NT Forester, Aug. 1948. 5:no.3:6-7. 5037 Paul Smith's college. Bulletin, v.l, no.l. May 1942. Saranac Lake, N.Y. n.d. 23p. ports, illus. Calendar etc. Owing to the war the College did not open until Sept. 1 947. 5038 Paul Smith's college. Catalog. . .1947-1948. . . Paul Smith's, N.Y. 1947. 54p. front, illus. tables, maps. 5039 The Paul Smith's college summer school. Paul Smith's, N.Y. 1944. Unpaged folder, illus. Summer school held prior to the open- ing of the College. 5040 Reed, Frank A. Paul Smith experimental forest. Northeast Log, Aug. 1953. l:no.l2:6-7, 27. illus. 5041 Rutherford, William Jr. Timber manage- ment at Paul Smith's. Lumber Camp News, Jan. 1952. 13:no.9:3-5, 16. illus. 5042 Saranac Lake, N.Y. Union school. Cata- logue. . .1892-93. Union free school district no.l, town of Harrietstown, Franklin county, New York. n.p. 1 892? 38p. 5043 School in the Adirondacks. Arch Rec, Dec. 1942. 92:no.6:28-35. illus. plans. North Country School near Lake Placid. 5044 Sheepskins passed out at Paul Smith's. Lumber Camp News, June 1952. 14:no.2:9. illus. Paul Smith's College. 5045 Walworth, Hiram. History of the Platts- burgh academy, 1811-1871. Plattsburgh, N.Y. Telegram printing house, 1892. 37p. plate. 5046 Walworth, Hiram. Recollections of the old Plattsburgh academy, from 1 846-1 851 . Platts- burgh, N.Y. Telegram printing house, 1891. 22p. plate. 5047 Weston, Stephen F. The Glenmore summer school. St No Mo, June 1906. l:no.2:10-ll. illus. Glenmore School for the Culture Sci- ences. 5048 White, James Addison. The founding of Cliff Haven, early years of the Catholic summer school of America. N.Y. 1950. 105p. (United States Catholic Historical Society Mono- graph Series, 24.) 5049 Wolcott, O. A. Physical training law in opera- tion — in the Adirondacks. Bui Schools, Dec. 15, 1916. 3:1. Steps taken to comply with new law providing for physical training for school children. Clinton County. 5050 208 EDUCATION LIBRARIES Adirondack library, Saranac Lake, N.Y. Catalogue ot Adirondack library of Saranac Lake, N.Y. N.Y. Press of J.J. Little & co. 1893. 56p. 5051 Hoey, Mary. For the ill and literate. The Reader's information service of the Saranac Lake study and craft guild offered in coopera- tion with the Saranac Lake free library. . . Saranac Lake, N.Y. 1950.' Unpaged folder, illus. map. Reprinted from the Guild News, Apr. 1950. 5052 Murray, Eleanor S. Manuscripts as resources. Reprinted from the Vermont Quarterly, Apr. 1952, p.S^-lOS. Description of the library at Fort Ticonderoga. 5053 New sanitarium library ready. J Outd Life, June 1905. 2:113. illus. Opening of Mellon Memorial Library at Trudeau. 5054 New York (state). University. Historical sketch of the Lake Placid public library, Lake Placid, N.Y. Pittsburgh, N.Y. E.J. Marsh, 1902. unpaged, illus. 5055 Plum, Dorothy Alice. Adirondackana. Ad-i- ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1951. 15:112, 115. The Munson Collection at the Saranac Lake Free Library. See also note of exhibition in issue forJan.-Feb. 1952, 16:13. 5056 White, William Chapman. 90 feet of Adiron- dackana in the Saranac Lake free library. NTS Con, Apr.-May 1952. 6:no.5:12-15. illus. 5057 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS GENERAL Adirondack playground; a vacation play- ground unsurpassed for every outdoor pleas- ure. Up Mo, July 1941. 2:no.4:14-15. illus. 5058 Adirondacks — answer to a happy vacation; the greatest playground in the east, with 5,000 ft. mountains, myriad lakes, forests of pine contain wonders in profusion. Motordom, June 1932. p.5. 5059 Amateur, pseud. First visit to the Raquette. For & Stream, Mar. 9, 1876. 6:66. 5060 Amateur, pseud. Long lake, Newcomb, In- dian pass. For & Stream, May 13, 1875. 4:212. 5061 Amateur, pseud. On to "G" lake. For & Stream, Apr. 5, 1877. 8:127. Near Piseco. Lake shaped like G. 5062 Amateur, pseud. Swinging round the circle; or. Fresh from the woods. For & Stream, Aug. 26, 1875. 5:33-34. Fishing and exploring from Utica across to Lake George and Lake Champlain. 5063 Bailey, Richard. College week, 1947. Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1947. 10:no.6:10-12. I O C A in the Adirondacks . 5064 Ball, S.W. A cheap trip to the Adirondacks. For & Stream, May 25, 1882. 18:324-25. From Blue Mountain Lake by boat; on foot to Lake Placid. 5065 Bark shanty on T lake — 50 years ago. NTS Con, Apr.-May 1949. 3:no.5:31. illus. 5066 Bartlett, W.H. "Isola Bella" — an adventure on Schroon lake. Sharpens Lond M, 1853. 3: 243-46. Night spent on an island in Schroon Lake. 5067 Be-Murrayed Adirondacks. For & Stream, Oct. 12, 1876. 7:154. Diminishing oppor- tunities for good sport. 5068 Benedict, Mrs. Martha (Nord). My first trip to Adirondak loj. Cloud Splitter, Mar. -Apr. 1945. 8:no.2:4-6. 5069 Benjamin, Jack T. The why of it. Cloud Splitter, Dec. 1940. 3:no.8:5-10. Weekend at Heart Lake. 5070 Boardman, William H. Lovers of the woods. N.Y. McClure Phillips, 1901. 239p. front. Excerpts in Adirondack League Club Year- book, 1902, p. 39-47, with title "Moose River Fishing." 5071 Brandreth, Paulina. Trails of enchantment; introduction by Roy Chapman Andrews. N.Y. G. Howard Watt, 1930. 31 8p. front, plates. Signed: Paul Brandreth. Outdoor life, deer hunting. 5072 Bray, Ira L. An analysis of summer recrea- tional use of the Adirondack Forest preserve with special emphasis on campsites and trails. 127 leaves, charts, maps. Master's thesis, State University of New York, College of Forestry, Syracuse, 1952. Typescript. Ab- stract in Graduate Theses, p. 66. 5073 Breck, Edward. The way of the woods; a manual for sportsmen in northeastern United States and Canada. . . N.Y. Putnam, 1908. 436p. front, illus. "Concise yet thorough and authoritative information on every subject connected with life in the North Woods" (Donaldson). 5074 Bruce, Dwight Hall. Adirondack jottings. For & Stream, July 25, 1889. 33:3. Signed: D.H.B. 5075 Burroughs, Julian. A family motor-boat cruise with John Burroughs. Country Life, June 1910. 18:197-98. illus. Boat trip from New York City to Lake Charnplain. 5076 Carpenter, Warwick Stevens. An Adirondack patteran; the nomadic summer life of the north woods in camps, permanent and transi- tory. For & Stream, Aug. 1915. 84:475-77. 5077 Carpenter, Warwick Stevens. New York's Forest preserve playground. Conservationist, July 1920. 3:99-103. illus. Also in Play- ground, Dec. 1920, 14:542-46. 5078 The Cascade lakes. Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1955. 19:72-73. Part I by Pauline Goldmark; Part II by Abigail C. Dimon. Includes de- scription of the Cascade House. 5079 ' Cheney, Mrs. Mary A. (Bushnell). Life and letters of Horace Bushnell. . . N.Y. Harper, 209 210 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS 1880. 579p. ports. Vacation in the Adiron- dacks, p.497-501. Extract, "A Swift De- scent," in The Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan. -Feb. 1953, 17:8,19. 5080 Chittenden, Lucius Eugene. Personal remi- niscences, 1840-1890. . . N.Y. Richmond, Croscup & CO. 1893. 434p. front, (port.). Adirondacks, p. 1 39-69. 5081 College week. IOC A Bui, Fall 1928. p.7-10. 5082 Comstock, Louisa M. Adirondacks; all yours! Bet Horn & Card, Apr. 1947. 25:no.8:60-61. illus. map. 5083 Cowles, Frederick H. Recollections of the Adirondacks. No Country Lije, Fall 1952, Winter 1953, Fall 1953. 6:no.4:42-44; 7: no.l:47-48; 7:no. 4:35-39. A boy's introduc- tion to the mountains. 5084 Crow, Charles H. The Adirondacks un- veilled. For & Stream, Nov. 28, 1878. 11 :338. Humorous article about a bear hunt and a climb up Mt. Marcy. 5085 Dailey, Elric J. Keep your head and know what to do when lost in the woods. Am For, Oct. 1925. 31:616-19. illus. 5086 Dailey, Elric J. The new Adirondacks. Fur News, }u\y 1923. 38:no.l :12-13, 32-33. illus. Improvement in hunting, fishing and trap- ping. 5087 Dittmar, Adolph G. High peak photography in winter. Ad-i-ron-dac, ^an-Ych. 1953. 17:6, 15. 5088 Dittmar, Adolph G. High peak photography with the Leica. Ad-i-ron-dac, }\Ay-I^ug. 1950. 14:78-80. ' 5089 Dobson, B.A. "Come again in hunting time"; a novice's first trip to the woods, as told by himself. Field & S, July 1907. 12:217-24. illus. 5090 Extending public camp sites in the moun- tains; Conservation commission making it more convenient and pleasant for motor campers in the Adirondacks and Catskills. 50 new sites just established at Lake George battlefield. Motordom, June 1927. 21:no.l: 1-4. illus. 5091 Farrell, Edward D. Adirondack trips. For Leaves, Spring 1911 -Winter 1911-12. 8:no.l: 3-16; 8:no.2:18-32; 8:no.3:3-17; 8:no.4:35- 49. illus. ports. Accounts of trips made over a period of forty years into the section near Morehouseville and the Adirondack League Club's tract. The first part also appeared in the issue for Spring-Summer 1921, 17:no.l: 26-40. 5092 Fitch, W.A. For an Adirondack trip. Outing, July 1882. 1 :8-9. Routes and rates from New York to various points of entry. 5093 Ford, A.H. 20,000 miles of waterways for the marine vacationist; what the present and future has in store for the cruiser in motor, houseboat or canoe, with a description of the more important routes ofi"ered by our conti- nent. Field & ^, June 1907. 12:134-37. 5094 Fuller, A.R. Midwinter in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Mar. 19, 1885. 24:150. News notes from Meacham Lake. 5095 Fuller, A.R. Winter in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Apr. 26, 1883. 20:248. News and game notes from Meacham Lake. 5096 Gibbs, A.D. Voice of the rapids. Field & S, Mar. 1908. 12:972. On fishing trip the sound of water resembles "Cornell." 5097 Gibbs, John T. Vacationing in New York state parks and forests. NTS For Assn NL, June 1933. p.7-9. 5098 Glover, Mrs. Helen (Wardwell). From the journal of Helen Wardwell, 1881. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1953. 17:26-27. illus. Vacation at Keene Valley. 5099 Golf with a thrill, courses amid mountains and lakes, 2000 feet up, provide golfer with the best fun of vacation season. Motordom, June 1931. 24:no.l2:28. illus. 5100 Hackett, Frank S. New York woods for boys' summer camps. Conservationist, Aug. 1921. 4: 115-18. illus. 5101 Hooker, Mrs. Mildred P. (Stokes). Camp chronicles, n.p. Privately printed, 1952. 83p. plates, unpaged. Illustrated with early photo- graphs. Describes camp on an island in Upper St. Regis Lake. 5 1 02 Jeff^ers, LeRoy. The call of the mountains: rambles among the mountains and canyons of the United States and Canada. N.Y. Dodd, Mead, 1922. 282p. inch mounted col. front, plates. Scattered references to the Adi- rondacks; brief note on Mt. Marcy. 5103 Joensson, Daphne. College week. Aftermath. /OC^ 5m/, Fall 1937. p.2-4. 5104 Johnson, Clifton. New England and its neighbors. N.Y. Macmillan, 1902. 335p. plates, illus. In the Adirondacks, p. 70-1 05. 5105 Judson, Edward Z.C. Sport as brain food, by Ned Buntline, pseud. For & Stream, Dec. 22- 29, 1881. 17:406-7, 427. Sports provide re- laxation needed for mental stimulation. 5106 Juvenal, pseud. Adirondack notes. For & 'stream, Aug. 25, 1 906. 65 :300. 5 1 07 Keene, Harry P. A delightful outing. Field & S, June 1901. 6:224-25. illus. Two-week vacation at Minerva. 5108 Kirschenbaum, Mildred. Life in the woods. Aug & Hunt, Feb. 1910. 2:120-22. illus. Winter spent on Fulton Chain. 5109 GENERAL 211 Knapp, W.H. Adirondack atmosphere. Ang & Hunt, Feb. 1910. 2:100-2. Trip to Paul Smiths, St. Regis River and Saranac. 5110 Langdale, H.L. Children, tents and a canoe. Outing, Oct. 1919. 75:28-31, 55-56. illus. Family vacation at Lake George. 5111 Lee, Mary. Shooting wild life with the camera at night. ./Vi" Times Mag, Aug. 26, 1928. p.l2- 1 3, 20. illus. Hobart V. Roberts, photographer. 5112 Levick, James J. The Adirondacks. Phila Med Times, Sept. 24, 1881. 11 :8 13-1 7. Places to stay and means of transportation. 5113 Markham, Charles C. Hints for the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, Aug. 13, 1874. 3:3. Equipment and ways of getting to the Adi- rondacks. 5114 Mason, C.W. Lost in the woods. Lumber Camp Aews, June 1949. ll:no.2:26. Girl lost near St. Huberts. 5115 Mason, C.W. A strange story of the woods. Lumber Camp News, Dec. 1949. ll:no.8:8. Man lost in North Lake country. 5116 Mason, Cliflford R. Recreational planning for the state-owned forest lands of New York. 145 leaves, mounted photographs, folded charts and maps (part colored). Master's thesis, State University of New York, College of Forestry, Syracuse, 1938. Typescript. 5117 Mather, Fred. An Adirondack night. For & Stream, Feb. 15, 1896. 46:132-33. Camping near head of Fourth Lake in Fulton Chain. Noisy hunters. 5118 Mears, Edw. N. Kirk. The story of my vaca- tion. . . Worcester, Mass. Press of Charles Hamilton, 1881. 20p. An eleven-year-old's account of his vacation in the Adirondacks. Copy in the Hicks Collection, Lake Placid Club. 5119 Moody, Martin Van Buren. Uncle Mart Moody's Adirondack experiences. Woods & Wat, Autumn 1903, Summer, 1904. 6:no.3: 14-15; 7:no.2:10-ll. illus. The second article is on bear trapping. 5120 Mulholland, William D. New York's recrea- tion policy in Adirondack park. High Spots, Apr. 1932. 9:no.2:21-22. 5121 Murray, William Henry Harrison. Camping out. Golden Rule, June 27, 1877. 2:no.40:l. Originally published in the Christian Union, June20, 1877, 15:no.25:552. 5122 Murray, William Henry Harrison. How I sail Champlain. Outing, May 1891. 18:96- 104. illus. Description of his yacht. Lake Champlain Yacht Club. 5123 New York (state). State council of parks. New York state parks. 1929. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1929? 115p. illus. maps. The Adiron- dack region, p.57-74. 5124 New York (state). State university. College of forestry, Syracuse. Department of forest recre- ation. Vacation trips in central and western New York. Am For, June 1923. 29:341-46. illus. map. Includes "In Your Car Through the Adirondacks" and "By Canoe Through the Adirondacks." 5125 New York central railroad company. Canoe- ing and fishing in the Adirondack moun- tains, n.p. 1911. 16p. folded leaflet, illus. maps. Copy in the Hicks Collection, Lake Placid Club. 5126 New York's great forest playground, Adiron- dacks and Catskills make an alluring vacation resort for the weary and pleasure seeking; mountains oldest on the continent. State &m«, July-Aug. 1922. 6,i.e.8:225-58. illus. 5127 New York state's great game preserve calls to the hunter, forest, lake and stream soon to beckon sportsmen from near and far. Motor- dom, Oct. 1930. 24:no.5:16-17. illus. 5128 1935 college week in the Adirondacks. IOC A J, Nov. 1935. l:no. 1:3, 21. Lake Golden. 5129 The 1933 college week. IOC A Bui, Nov. 1933. 2:no. 2:2-3. maps. 5130 Nixon, Edgar Burkhardt. The armchair mountaineer. Ad-i-ron-dac , Jan. -Feb., July- Aug. 1954. 18:20, 74. These two issues of an occasional column are on trash in the woods and rainy days. 5131 Nott, Charles C. Jr. An Adirondack idyl; a story. Outing, Oct. 1893. 23:16-20. illus. Camping and hunting. 5132 Ondack, Adrion, pseud. St. Regis river re- gion. For & Stream, Nov. 25, 1880. 15:326. Sporting notes from the middle branch of the St. Regis River. 5133 One Hundred Islands, pseud. Notes from Lake George. For & Stream, Sept. 15, 1881. 17:124. 5134 Oppenheim, Nathan. Two trips to Lake George. Harvard Mo, Apr. 1887. 4:65-75. Summer romance. 5135 Osborne, Lithgow. Speech. . .Adirondack mountain club meeting. April 25, 1936. High ■S^o^j, July 1936. 13:no.2:8-12. Recreation in the Forest Preserve. 5136 Osgood, J. Picknicking in the Adirondacks. 0M/z>z5,July 1889. 14:284-88. 5137 Outing of famous men in the Adirondacks; Edison, Burroughs and Ford spend part of the summer in the mountain wilds near Sara- nac Lake, discussion of politics part of their 212 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS recreation. State Service, Sept. 1919. 3:no.9: 23-24. illus. 5138 Pach, Alfred. A horseback vacation in the Adirondacks. Counlrj Life, June 1910. 18:205- 6. illus. Albany to Pyramid Lake. 5139 Palmer, A.D. America's finest vacation lands reached by the New York Central lines. mT Lines Mag, May 1920. 1 :no.2:57-58. Adirondacks for summer vacations. 5 1 40 Pammel, Harold Emmel. The recreational resources of the Fulton chain region. 199 leaves, mounted photographs, folded maps. Master's thesis, State University of New York, College of Forestry, Syracuse, 1925. Typescript. 5141 Pratt, George DuPont. The use of the New York state forests for public recreation. Soc Am For Proc, July \9\6. 11:281-85. Reprinted in New Tork State Forestry Association Journal, Oct. 1916. 3:no.2-4:ll-14. 5142 Prescott, Herbert F. What New York oflTers outdoor folks. Outd Pic, Aug. 1925. 2:no.6:9- 10. illus. Recreational facilities of the Forest Preserve. 5143 R., J. Jr. The Adirondack region. Rod & Gun, July 15, 1876. 8:251. Places to go and equip- ment needed. 5144 R., J. Jr. Random notes in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Aug. 25, 1881. 17:65-66. Sport- ing notes from various areas. 5145 Rabinowitz, Sue. College week '44. Septem- ber 9-17. IOC A Bui, Fall 1944. p. 15-1 6. Lake Colden. 5146 Radford, Harry V. Adirondack department/ Field & S, June 1901-Aug. 1904. Monthly.' Not in issues for Sept. and Oct. 1903 and Apr. , May and July 1 904. 5147 Radford, Harry V. Why New York welcomes sportsmen to the Adirondacks. For Leaves, Summer 1904. 1 :no.3:25-29. illus. 5148 Recknagel, Arthur Bernard. Proposed recrea- tion reserve. NT Forestry, Apr. 1918. 5:no.l: 23-28. map. Proposed reserve near Saranac. 5149 Recreational opportunities in our public forests. Bui Schools, Apr. 1922. 8:172, 175. illus. 5150 Rice, Arthur F. Pack-basket, rifle and rod. For & Stream, Nov. 6, 1897. 49:362-63. illus. Vacation at Blue Mountain Lake. 5151 Robinson, Alonzo Clark. Going into the "north woods." Ouiing, Nov. 1906. 49:246- 47. Description and advice from one with long Adirondack experience. 5152 Rockwell, Joel Edson. Caniping out. Presby- terian, Sept. 19, 1863. 33:149. Signed: J.E.R. Includes song: "The Saranac Lumbermen." 5153 Rockwell, Joel Edson. Getting into the woods. Presbyterian, Sept. 5, 1863. 33:141. Signed: J.E.R. Trip to the Saranacs. 5154 Rockwell, Joel Edson. Homeward bound. Presbyterian, Sept. 26, 1863. 33:153. Signed: J.E.R. Recommends camping for ladies. The last of a series of articles describing a clergy- man's vacation in the North Woods, camp- ing, hunting and fishing. 5155 Rockwell, Joel Edson. The Saranac lakes. Presbyterian, Sept. 12, 1863. 33:145. Signed: J.E.R. To Duck, Flood wood and Rawlins ponds. See also article with similar title in issue for Sept. 24, 1864, 34:no.39:l. To Folingsby's Pond, from Corey's. 5156 Royal sport of the mountains; ashore and afloat amid myriad lakes, forest green and mountain heights, summer goers find most joyous recreation of all. Motordom, June 1931. 24:no.l2:18-19. illus. 5157 Sage, Dean. Vacations in the woods. In Noah Porter, a memorial by friends, ed. by George S. Merriam. . . N.Y. Scribner, 1893. p.l53- 57. 5158 Schaefer, Paul A. November in the Adiron- dacks. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1948. 12:no.6: 10. illus. 5159 Seaman, Mrs. Frances (Boone). My most memorable winter. Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1949. 12:no.2:10-ll. Spending a winter at Forked Lake. 5160 Sears, George Washington. Rough notes from the woods, by Nessmuk, pseud. For & Stream, Aug. 12, Sept. 2, 16, Nov. 18, 25, 1880. 15:26, 84, 125, 304, 325. Reprint of Aug. 12, 1880 article in Forest and Stream, Aug. 16, 1913, 81:200. Canoeing and fishing; Fulton Chain and Brown's Tract. 5161 Sears, George Washington. Woodcraft, by "Nessmuk," pseud. N.Y. Forest and Stream publishing co. ^1884. 149p. front, (port.) illus. (Forest and Stream Series, v. 3.) Numer- ous other editions. Brief review in The Cloud Splitter, May-June 1950, 13:no.3:12-13. 5162 Sharpies, Mary. College week— 1936. IOC A 5m/, Fall 1936. p.5-8. 5163 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Ah spring! Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1946. 10:no.2:4. 5164 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Behind the ranges. . . Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1951. 15: 52-53. 5165 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Helping the amateur naturalist. Bui Schools, Apr. 1, 1937. 23:139-41. plates. Brief description of work of camp naturalist at Fish Creek Pond camp- site during two summers. 5166 GENERAL 213 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Schussing on the Osvvegatchie. High Spots Trbk, 1942. p. 15. illus. Canoe and fishing trip. 5167 Smith, Clarence C. Recreation in the Adi- rondacks. Up-Stater, May 1929. l:no.3:5-6. illus. 5168 Smith, Clarence C. Up-state vacation facili- ties. Up-Stater, May 1930. 2:no.3:3-5, 20. illus. map. 5169 Smith, Clarence C. Up-state vacationing, greatest variety of beautiful scenery in the world within a radius of a few hundred miles in New York state. Up-Stater, Apr. 1930. 2: no.2:3-5. illus. 5170 Smith, Harry P. The hosts of the Adiron- dacks invite you. . . Motordom, June 1932. p.21. port, illus. 5171 Spears, Raymond Smiley. A bicycle in the woods. For & Stream, Oct. 3, 1896. 47:274. Bicycle trip in northern Herkimer County. 5172 A Sportsman's Wife, pseud. Reminiscences of the north woods. For & Stream, Feb. 12, Mar. 12, 1874. 2:2-3, 66-67. Living in the Adirondacks. 5173 Summer sport fills the Adirondacks; enjoy- ment of endless variety awaits the Adirondack goer amid the mountains and lakes. Motor- dom, June 1930. 24:no.l:16-17. illus. 5174 Thackray, Emily A. Camps and tramps for women. Ouimg, Aug. 1889. 14:333-42. illus. 5175 Tips to take you to the Adirondacks. Bet Horn & Card, Apr. 1947. 25:no.8:178, 180. Information on campsites, fishing and dress. 5176 Tunxis, pseud. Long lake loiterings. For & Stream, Feb. 1, 1883. 20:3. 5177 Tyler, Alanson Ranger. Rambling around; or. . .observations on a trip to and from the Board of governors meeting held at Johns brook lodge. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1953. 17:110-11,125. 5178 v., F.P. Lost in the woods. For & Stream, Jan. 6, 1906. 66:12. 5179 "The wane of the Adirondacks." For & Stream, Aug. 27, 1891. 37:101. Editorial on changing conditions. 5180 Ward, Peter A. Canine clamor. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1948. ll:no.5:2-4. Story of Chrissie Wendell, a dog who became a 46-er. 5181 Warfield, William. Finding the worth-while in mountain resorts, some places for rest and recreation in the mountains of the eastern states — vacationing in Maine, New Hamp- shire, New York and southward to North Carolina. Travel, May 1915. 25:no.l :44-47, 61-62. illus. 5182 Warner, Charles Dudley. The Adirondacks verified. Atlan, Jan.-June 1878. 41:63-67, 218-22, 343-46, 522-29, 636-46, 755-60. Contents: L How I Killed a Bear; IL Lost in the Woods; HI. A Fight with a Trout; IV. A- hunting of the Deer; V. A Character Study; (Orson Phelps); VI. Camping Out. 5183 A week in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, June 9, 1887. 28:435. Spring visit to Adiron- dack Preserve Association clubhouse (Essex County). 5184 Wheeler, Arthur Leslie. Around the Saw- tooth range; ten days' tramping and trout fishing in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, July 17-24, 1909. 73:97-98, 137-39. 5185 White, Intry. Economy camp. Outing, May 1888. 12:168-71. Trip from Pittsburgh to Ausable, then to Keene Valley, on foot. 5186 Wightman, Robert S. Summers in the Adi- rondacks. . .a memoir of mother and father, 1902-1911, 1917-1921. n.p. Author, 1921. 203p. plates, ports. Family summer camp on the Grasse River; later on the Oswegatchie. 5187 Wood, Jerome. On and about Lake Cham- plain. Amat Sportsman, Aug. 1904. 31:no.4:14- 15. Fishing and sailing possibilities. 5188 Worcester natural history society. Season of 1886. Special twelve days' trip. . .through the Adirondack mountains. . . Boston, n.d. 15p. 5189 World famous recreation, spell of the Adiron- dack wonderland stirs the vacationists' pulse in adventuring to these joyous places. Motor- dom, June 1931. 24:no.l2:7-8. illus. 5190 Worthington, Mrs. Ruth (Drake). From Adirondacks to Green mountains. Ver Horse, Jan. 1939. 3:no.l:l-6, 26-28. illus. Log of horseback trip from Saranac Lake to Wood- stock, Vt. Valerie and her rider won the Green Mountain Horse Association's 100- mile Trail Ride. 5191 Zack, pseud. A cheap trip to the north woods. For & Stream, Apr. 21, 1881. 16:230. Canada Lake and West Canada Creek area. 5192 Zoophilus, pseud. The old grey buck, a remi- niscence of Folingsby, Jr. For <£? Stream, Nov. 30, 1876. 7:257-58. Camping on St. Regis River near Paul Smiths. 5193 214 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDAGKS GUIDES AND EQUIPMENT The Adirondack guide-boat. NTS Con, Aug.- Sept. 1955. 10:no.l:10-ll. illus. Photographs by Seneca Ray Stoddard, no text. 5194 Adirondack guides. Am Angler, Sept. 22, 1883. 4:186. Reprinted from the Sunday News. Reminiscences of Capt. Alvin Parker, John Piumbley, Sabattis, Alvah Dunning, etc. 5195 The Adirondack guides. Sh & Fish, Feb. 8, 1906. 39:368-70. Reports of meetings of Brown's Tract Guides Association (including summary of address by Harry V. Radford on the Adirondack Park) and the Adirondack Guides Association. 5196 Adirondack guides association. Proceedings of annual meeting. For & Stream, 1892-1910. V. 38-74. These reports are in early February issues. 5197 Adirondack guides association. Season of 1897. . . n.p. n.d. Ip. Broadside describing the Association and listing members. Photo- graphic copy in Saranac Lake Free Library. 5198 Adirondack notes. Sh & Fish, Jan. 26, 1905. 37:328-29. Report of meetings of the Adiron- dack Guides Association and of the Brown's Tract Guides Association. 5199 Alexander, J. C. Out of the pack basket. Ad-i- ron-dac, July- Aug. 1951, Jan.-Feb. 1952. 15: 72-74, 79; 16:27-28, 39. 5200 Beardslee, Lester A. The Adirondack guide system, by Piseco, pseud. For & Stream, May 3, 1883. 20:262-64. 5201 Benedict, Darwin. Saga of the guideboat. Cloud Splitter, May-June, 1946. 9:no.3:3-4, 8. History of the Adirondack guide boat. 5202 Bernier, Joseph. Guiding at St. Huberts. Emp For, 1924. 10:25-27. illus. 5203 Black river association. Report. For & Stream, 1897-1902. v.49-59. The reports usually appeared in second issues in December. Guides association. 5204 Brown's tract guides association. Report of annual meeting. For & Stream, 1901-11. v.56-76. Usually in the third issue in Janu- ary. Signed: W.E. Wolcott. 5205 Colvin, Verplanck. Address at the first an- nual meeting of the Adirondack guides asso- ciation held at Saranac Lake, March 2, 1892. n.p. n.pub. n.d. 4p. Unpaged folder. Copy owned by Seaver A. Miller. 5206 Colvin, Verplanck. Portable boats. Alb Inst Tr, 1876. 8:254-65. Part printed in Forest and Stream, July 8, 1875, 4:347. 5207 Dawson, George. About guides. For & Stream, May 19, 1906. 66:795. Signed: G.D. Com- plaint about guides on the Raquette. 5208 Death of Ernest Coulson. For & Stream, Sept. 10, 1898. 51 :209. Guide shot during the hunt- ing season. 5209 Ehrhardt, John Bohne. The 10-pound canoe. NTS Con, June-July 1950. 4:no.6:31. port. On Nessmuk's complete trail outfit (26 lbs.). 5210 Fosburgh, Peter W. Guides and guiding. NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1949. 4:no.2:8-9. ports. 5211 Foster, C.S. A narrow escape. For & Stream, Nov. 12, 1910. 75:776. 5212 Goldthwaite, Kenneth W. 'Twas not a dog. For Leaves, Winter 1906. 3:no.l:28. Henry Prentiss' skunk story, reprinted from the Adirondack Enterprise. 5213 Grady, Joseph A. Adirondack guide boats. Up Mo, Aug. 1941. 2:no.5:23. illus. History of development; names of makers. 5214 Guiding not what it used to be. J Outd Life, Aug. 1906. 3:255-57. illus. 5215 Home of Rushton canoes. Field & S, Apr. 1908.12:1085. 5216 Howard, William Gibbs. Open camps. Al- bany, Adirondack mountain club, 1922. 12p. illus. Reprinted in 1925. 5217 Juvenal, pseud. Adirondack notes. For & Stream, Aug. 2, 1902. 59:89. News notes in- clude the death of Louis Watso, Indian guide. 5218 Keller, Allan. Murder in the Adirondacks. No Country Life, Fall 1946. 1 :no.l :16-18. Murder of Eula Davis, guide and woodsman. 5219 King, Thomas G. Adirondack guides. Recrea- tion, Sept. 1902. 17:183-84. Not as good as in former years. 5220 Lempfert, O.C. A good tent for the north woods. For & Stream, Aug. 1927. 97:468-70, 500. illus. charts. Testing a tepee in the Adirondacks. 5221 Miller, Clinton H. Jr. A trail blazing menace. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1951. 15:43. Deplores unauthorized blazing. 5222 Miller, John Henry. The Adirondack guides' association. Recreation, May 1895. 2:383. Brief history with aims of the Association. 5223 Miller, Roland B. Adirondack guideboat. NTS Con, June-July 1948. 2:no.6:6-7. illus. Adaption of this article in North Country Life, Fall 1950, 4:no.4:22-23. 5224 GUIDES AND EQUIPMENT 215 Miller, Roland B. The Adirondack pack- basket. jVrSCon, Aug.-Sept. 1948. 3:no.l:8- 9. illus. 5225 Miller, Roland B. The light truck of the Adi- rondacks. Am For, July 1951. 57:no.7:20— 21, 30. illus. Directions for building a guide boat. 5226 Miller, Seaver Asbury. The Adirondack guides' association; its organization and chief promoter. Sport Mag, Mar. 1898. 2: no.3:129-32. ports. 5227 Mulholland, William D. The Adirondack open camp. J\/'i'S Con, Aug.-Sept. 1949. 4: no.l:23. 5228 Murray, William H.H. Adirondack outfit. Rod & Gun, Aug. 5, 1876. Also in The Golden Rule, July 19, 1876, p.6. Clothing. 5229 New York (state). Conservation department. Licensed guides in the New York state Forest preserve. Albany, J. B. Lyon, 1935. 15p. illus. Also issued in 1927 (20p.) and 1931 (16p.). 5230 Ondack, Adrion, pseud. Hints for Adiron- dack visitors. For & Stream, May 6, 1880. 14: 264. Suggestions on equipment and guides. 5231 The passing of the Adirondack guide. For & Stream, Dec. 22, 1894. 43:529. Due to lack of game. 5232 Portable boats. For & Stream, Aug. 26, 1875. 5:40-41. Some of the kinds used exclusively in the Adirondacks. 5233 R., J. Jr. The Adirondack guides. For & Stream, July 19, 1883. 20:482. In defense of guides. 5234 R., J. Jr. Outfit for the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Aug. 3, 1882. 19:4-5. Necessary equipment. 5235 Radford, Harry V. The sportsman and his guide; an address delivered at the annual banquet of the Brown's tract guides' associa- tion, at Old Forge, N.Y.Jan. 8, 1903. Field & S, Feb. 1903. 7:691-94. illus. Also in Woods and Waters, Spring 1904, 7:no.l :16-19. John Plumbley. 5236 Rolston, Ben. Out of the pack basket. Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1951. 14:no.2:9-10. List of equipment. 5237 Scribner, Kimball and Fayant, Frank. An open camp in the Adirondacks. Four Tr News, Jun& 1904. 6:399-401. illus. 5238 Seaman, Mrs. Frances (Boone). Long lake guides and their descendants. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1949. 12:no.5:5-7. Early Adiron- dack guides. 5239 Sears, George Washington. In defense of the Adirondack guides, by Nessmuk, pseud. For & Stream, Aug. 18. 1881. 17:48. 5240 Sears, George Washington. The "Sairy Gamp," by Nessmuk, pseud. For & Stream, Oct. 18, 1883. 21:221. Description of guide boat. 5241 A serviceable boat. Am Angler, Apr. 21, 1883. 3:244. diagr. Designed by Gen. R.U. Sher- man for use in the Adirondacks. 5242 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. The Adiron- dack leanto, a few days' work and it's yours. NTS Con, Aug. 1946. l:no.l:19. diagr. 5243 Smith, Clarence C. The guide business; an account of an interview with Wellington Kenwell, one of the old-time Adirondack guides. Up-Stater, Sept. 1930. 2:no.5:10. 5244 Spaulding, N.E. Brant lake fishing boats. For & Stream, Nov. 14, 1908. 71:781. illus. Description of boats. 5245 Spears, John Randolph. A spruce bark camp in the Adirondacks. Chant, Sept. 1890. 11: 714-17. Northwood, near Prospect. 5246 State registration of guides. Conservationist, June 1919. 2:92-93. The first registration of guides in New York state. 5247 Tasker, S.P.M. Jr. An Adirondack outfit. For & Stream, Apr. 3, 1897. 48:267. Cutting down weight for a hunting trip. 5248 Tent in the woods. NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1948. 3:no.2:16-18. illus. Photographs of a hunting camp in the Forest Preserve. 5249 "Uncle Mart" Moody. Northeast Log, July 1952. l:no.l:27. One of his stories. 5250 Webster, George O. Adirondack pioneer woodsmen. High Spots, Apr. 1935. 12:no.2: 29-31. (Famous Adirondack Guides, no. 10.) 5251 Welch, Fay. The Adirondack lean-to. Girl Scout, }nnc-J\i\y 1932. 9:65-66, 76. illus. 5252 Wilson, H.G. The Adirondack pack-basket. Fur News, Apr. 1921. 33:no.4:22. Origin and use. 5253 216 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS CANOEING Adirondack canoe cruising. Outing, June 1920. 76:164-68. maps. Short and long trips in the vicinity of Fulton Chain, Raquette, Long and Saranac lakes. 5254 American canoe association, 16th annual meet, Bluff Point, Lake Champlain. For & Stream, Aug. 31, 1895. 45:191-92. illus. map. 5255 Bailey, Richard. Five days and a foldboat. lOCA Bui, Spring 1947. 1 :no.l :12-17. See also his article entitled "Five Days in a Fold- boat" in The Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1947, 10:no.4:2-5. Lake George and Lake Cham- plain. 5256 Bell, James Christy. Three men in a boat. High Spots Trbk, 1940. p.65-70. 5257 Bodin, Arthur Michael. Bibliography of canoeing; compiled, subject indexed, and partially annotated. N.Y.? 1954. 64p. Repro- duced from typewritten copy. Includes Adi- rondacks. Reviewed by D.A. Plum in The Ad-i-Ton-dac, July-Aug. 1955, 19:80. Brief note in The Cloud Splitter , Sept.-Oct. 1954, 17: no.5:12. 5258 Bruce, Dwight Hall. An Adirondack trail. For & Stream, July 18, 1889. 32:526-27. Signed: D.H.B. By boat from Paul Smiths to Old Forge. 5259 Bulger, John D. 90 miles down the Indian. NTS Con, June-July 1949. 3:no.6:4-7. illus. map. Canoe and fishing trip. 5260 Canoe trips for you — Hudson river, Cham- plain canal. Lake George, Lake Champlain. All Outdoors, May 1915. 2:298-99. illus. map. 5261 Canoeing in the Adirondacks. Recreation, Aug. 1905. 23:184-86'. Fulton Chain. 5262 Chittenden, Horace H. Canoeing: Lake George, Lake Champlain and the Hudson river. For & Stream, Feb. 17, 1900. 54:137. Response to request for information on plan- ning a vacation trip. For criticism see A.G. Whittemore in issue for Mar. 17, 1900, 54: 217, and article signed "Romeo" in issue for Apr. 7, 1900, 54:274. 5263 Christopher, Larry. Nature: $80 F.O.B. Am For, Sept. 1948. 54:403, 426-27. illus. Two- week canoe trip on Lake George. 5264 Clark, .H.D. The Oswegatchie canoe trip. Camp Log, Dec. 1922. p. 38-39. illus. 5265 Dittmar, Adolph G. and Dittmar, Mrs. Mary (Colyer). Let's go canoeing! Cloud Splitter, May-June, July-Aug. 1944. 7:no.3:9-10; 7: no.4:7-9. Canoe trips around Old Forge etc. 5266 Dobson, Meade C. Canoe-hike. High Spots Trbk, 1944. p.24. illus. Blue Mountain Lake from Raquette Lake village. 5267 Eastman, Irving W. Canoe trip on Lake Champlain. Vermonter, Autumn 1916. 21: 213-16. From Essex, N.Y. to northern part of the lake. 5268 Farnham, Charles Haight. Running the rapids of the upper Hudson. Scrib Mo, Apr. 1881. 21:857-70. Author's name given in Poole's Index. 5269 Flip, pseud. The Lake Champlain canoe meet. Outing, Dec. 1 887. 1 1 :262-64. 5270 Hard, Josephine Wilhelm. An Adirondack carry; from lake to lake in the heart of the great north woods. Four Tr News, Jan. 1906. 10:373-75. illus. 5271 Howard, William Gibbs. Adirondack canoe cruising. Mt Mag, July 1927. 6:4-7. illus. map. 5272 Howard, William Gibbs. Adirondack canoe routes. Albany, New York state conserva- tion department, 1955. 30p. illus. folded map. (Recreation Circular 7.) Earlier edi- tions, 1920, 1931, 1949, 1953. 5273 Howard, William Gibbs. Beauty of Adiron- dack canoe routes; directions and informa- tion for those who would enjoy this means of travel through the mountain wilderness; pleasure in the many side trips. State Service, May 1920. 4:389-401. illus. 5274 Hutchins, L.W. Outboard to Lake George. Outing, Sept. 1916. 68:596-607. A trip from New York to Lake George in a canoe with an outboard motor. 5275 Jack, pseud. Through north woods by canoe. For & Stream, June 1-8, 1912. 78:687-88, 719-20. illus. Fulton Chain. 5276 Jessup, Elon H. Up the Saranacs. Outing, Nov. 1918. 73:65-68, 110-11. illus. Canoe- ing and fishing trip. 5277 Johnson, Ralph. A canoe trip on the Fulton chain of lakes. Camp Log, Dec. 1922. p. 31-33. illus. 5278 Kalland, Anna. It can't be done. Outing, Mar. 1923. 81:267-72. illus. Two nurses paddle a canoe from New York City to Lake George. 5279 Kelleye, Arthur W. An auto canoe trip to the 'Dacks. Fur-Fish-Game, June 1926. 43:no.6: 4-6. illus. Fulton Chain. 5280 Lake George meet. For & Stream, Aug. 18, 1881. 17:44. American Canoe Association. 5281 i CANOEING 217 Lemmon, Robert S. Canoeing on river and lake. . . Travel, July 1914. 23 :no. 3:44-46, 65. illus. Includes Fulton Chain and Blue Moun- tain Lake. 5282 The log of an Adirondack cruise, by two of the crew. Conservationist, Feb. 1921. 4:23—26. Canoe trip from Lower St. Regis Lake to Lower Saranac Lake. 5283 Mattison, C.H. Canoeing in the Adiron- dacks: a practical account of a two weeks vacation spent in the woods on a hundred and fifty mile cruise. Field & S, June 1907. 12:107-18. illus. 5284 Miller, Warren Hastings. We discover the Adirondacks. Field & S, Oct.-Nov. 1917. 22: 525-27, 591-93. illus. Trip from Old Forge to Saranac. 5285 Mills, Borden H. Sr. By paddle and portage. Country Life, June 1909. 16:156, 158, 160. illus. Description of a 150-mile trip through the depths of the Adirondack forest. 5286 Mills, Borden H. Sr. Canoe cruising in the Adirondacks. Recreation, June 1908. 27:262- 63,294-95. 5287 Mills, Borden H. Sr. Tupper to Tahawus, 1908. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1955. 19:44-47, 53. illus. Diary of canoe^ips. 5288 Nash, R.H. An overland canoe trip. For & Stream, Oct. 5, 1912. 78:434-35, 443-46. Fulton Chain to Saranac Lake. 5289 Neide, Charles A. The canoe Aurora; a cruise from the Adirondacks to the Gulf. N.Y. Forest & stream publishing co. 1885. 21 5p. Lake George, p. 9-11. 5290 Nichols, Louis L. The north woods by canoe. Am For, Sept. 1924. 30:524-25, 542. illus. Adirondack guide boat used from Inlet to Saranac Lake village. 5291 Oliver, Frank Joseph. A trip up the Oswe- gatchie river. High Spots, Apr. 1935. 12:no.2: 24-29. map. 5292 Out of the past, a record trip in a guide-boat. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1948. 3:no.l :27. Chester Stanton made a trip between Forked Lake and Old Forge. 5293 Peters, Pete. Top canoe route. Saga, Jan. 1955. 9:no.4:7. illus. 5294 Prichard, William. A wilderness canoe trip on the Hudson river near its source. Cloud Splitter, May-June 1955. 18:no.3:2-5. Ab- stract of article in Utica Observer-Dispatch, June 6, 1864. 5295 Roseberry, C.R. Canoeing on the Saranacs. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1955. 18:no.5:7-9. 5296 Saranac to Old Forge via Tuppers. For & Stream, Aug. 30, 1913/81:287. Itinerary of a canoe trip. 5297 Schcnck, Gilbert V. The Lost lake canoe trip in the Adirondacks. Recreation, May 1909. 29:249. illus. 5298 Seagears, Clayton B. 2 days or 2 weeks by canoe. NTS Con, ]unc-]\i\y 1952. 6:no.6:18- 19. map. 5299 Seaman, Mrs. Frances (Boone). Cold river valley — by canoe. No Country Life, Summer 1947. l:no.4:43-46, 48. 5300 Seaman, Mrs. Frances (Boone). Exploring the Raquette. Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1945. 8:no.2:8-9, 18. 5301 Sears, George Washington. Cruise of "The Nipper," by Nessmuk, pseud. For & Stream, Dec. 8-15, 29, 1881. 17:365-66, 385-86, 425- 26. Canoe trip from Fulton Chain to Tupper Lake and return. 5302 Sears, George Washington. Cruise of the "Sairy Gamp," by Nessmuk, pseud. For & Stream, Sept. 13-27, 1883. 21:22, 44, 63, 122, 142-43, 162-63. Moose River, Fulton Chain and Raquette lakes. 5303 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Canoeing in the Adirondacks. Cloud Splitter, June 1940. 3:no.5:17. Suggested trips. 5304 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Canoes and campsites. NTS Con, June-July 1947. 1 :no.6: 4-6. map. 5305 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Easy paddles. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1952. 7:no.l:8-9. maps. 5306 Smith, Kenneth R. Through the Adirondacks by canoe, including Fulton chain, Tupper lake, Raquette, Blue mountain and Long lake. For & Stream, May 31,1913. 80:686-87, 695. illus. 5307 Snedeker, Florence Watters. A family canoe trip. N.Y. Harper, 1892. 137p. incl. front, illus. plates. (Harper's Black and White Series.) 5308 Syms,Harriette. Our Adirondack canoe trip. Conservationist, Sept. 1921. 4:135-39. illus. Fulton Chain. 5309 Theall, Frederick. A trip thru the Saranacs. Camp Log, Dec. 1922. p.36-37. illus. 5310 Vaux, C. Bowyer. Canoeing, the ninth an- nual American canoe association meet at Lake George. Outing, Oct. 1888. 13:73-74. 5311 Vosburgh, Hiram L. The log of two city chaps. Ang & Hunt, Sept. 1910. 2:453-58. illus. Fulton Chain. 5312 Warburton, William John. By canoe from Lake George to the Atlantic. Outing, Sept. 1893.22:464-68. 5313 Whipple, Gurth Adelbert. An Adirondack canoe trip. For & Stream, July 23-30, 1910. 218 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS 75:146, 153-55, 185-86, 194-97. illus. From Little Tupper Lake to Old Forge. 5314 Whyte, Herbert. Vacation in a canoe. Out- ing, June 1910. 56:382-84. Fulton Chain trip suggested for beginners. 5315 Woodworth, Benjamin R. Canoe cruise in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Jan. 3, 17; 1884. 21:465, 505. Big Moose Lake and Second Lake. 5316 HIKING, CLIMBING, CAMPING GUIDEBOOKS Adirondack mountain club, inc. Guide to Adirondack trails: northeastern section. Al- bany, N.Y. C1950. 127p. folded maps. 1st edi- tion, 1935; 2d edition, 1941; 3d edition, 1945; 4th edition, 1950. Editions 1-4 contain "Sug- gestions for Starting an Adirondack Library" by Russell M.L. Carson. Editions 1 and 2 edited by Orra A. Phelps; 3-5, by A.T. Shorey. 5317 Adirondack trail improvement society. ATIS trail guide — abbreviated. St. Huberts, N.Y. 1948. 4p. cover emblem, map. Compiled by Harold Weston. 5318 Baker, Walter. Washington county trails. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1952. 16:86-89. illus. Correction in Nov. -Dec. issue, 16:110. In- cludes Buck and Black mountains. 5319 Denniston, Robert. Adirondack trail times with suggested trips from Keene Valley, Adi- Irondak loj, Johns Brook lodge. Elizabeth- town, N.Y. W.D. Denton printing co. 1950. 20p. See also his article on same subject in The Ad-i-ron-dac, July- Aug. 1946, 10:no.4:7. Planned as a supplement to the Adirondack Mountain Club Guidebook. Useful brief manual. 5320 Hopkins, Arthur S. The trails to Marcy. Albany, New York state conservation de- partment, 1955. 23p. illus. folded map. (Recreation Circular 8.) Earlier editions published in 1922, 1925, 1932, 1935, 1936, 1938,1949. 5321 Howard, William Gibbs. Northville-Placid trail. Albany, Adirondack mountain club, 1924. 21 p. illus. maps. For more recent in- formation see A.T. Shorey's article with same title in The Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1 947, ll:no.4:6-7. 5322 Longstreth, Thomas Morris. The Lake Placid country; a guide to 60 walks and climbs from Lake Placid including the most interesting trails from the Marcy and Ausable lakes region with 20 motor trips possible from Lake Placid. Lake Placid Club, N.Y. Adi- rondack camp and trail club, 1922. 76p. front, map. 5323 Mulholland, William D. Lake Placid trails Albany, New York state conservation de- partment, 1947. 24p. illus. folded map. (Recreation Circular 10.) 5324 National lead co. Three new Adirondack trails opened to the public on National lead company property, n.p.n.d. 2 leaves. 5325 O'Kane, Walter Collins. . . .Trails and sum- mits of the Adirondacks. Boston & N.Y. Houghton, 1928. 330p. front, plates, folded map. (Riverside Outdoor Handbooks.) Re- viewed in Mountain M agazine , July 1928, 7:9- 10, and in The Cloud Splitter, Nov. 1943, 6: no.8:5-6. Extract entitled "The Building of the Adirondacks" in The Living Wilderness, Mar. 1946, no.l6:10-12, map. 5326 Porter, Lewis Morgan. Nipple top via Bear den and Dial. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1955. 19:54,57. 5327 Porter, Lewis Morgan. Trail notes. Ad-i-ron- dac, Nov.-Dec. 1949. 13:132. Corrections and additions to the Adirondack Mountain Club's Guide. 5328 Porter, Lewis Morgan. Trail notes. Ad-i-ron- dac, Mar. -Apr. 1951. 15:39. East Dix. 5329 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. New areas to explore. Cloud Splitter, May-June 1946. 9: no.3:16. New trails for proposed guidebook "Guide to the Southeastern Adirondacks." 5330 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Trails in the Lake George region. Albany, New York state conservation department, 1954. 7p. illus. First issued in 1950. 5331 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Trails in the Piseco lake region. Albany, New York state conservation department, 1938. 5 leaves, map. Mimeographed. 5332 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Trails in the Schroon lake region. Albany, New York state conservation department, n.d. 10 leaves, maps. Mimeographed. 5333 Wickham, Robert Sloane. Friendly Adiron- dack-peaks. Binghamton, N.Y. Privately pub- lished, 1924. 192p. front, illus. maps. "Adi- rondack Mountain Club edition, limited to five hundred copies." 5334 HIKING AND CLIMBING 219 HIKING AND CLIMBING Adams, Charles Christopher. DeUghts of the wild forest trail. State Service, Feb. -Mar 1921. 5:100-3. Also issued as a separate. On hik- ing in general, with some reference to the Adirondacks. 5335 An Adirondack mountain jaunt. Outdoor Life, Nov. 1904. 1:121-23. Description of a walk from Saranac Lake to Keene Valley, includ- ing climbs of five mountains. 5336 B., C.E. A week in the Marcy country. Camp Log, 1928. 14:13-18. Hiking and camping trip. 5337 Bachli, Werner O. On ADK trails. Ad-i-ron- dac, May-June 1952. 16:47, 58, 60. Trail maintenance. 5338 Beetle, David Harold. Go climb a tower. 6> .Uo, July 1941. 2:no.4:10, 16. Climbing various fire towers. 5339 Beetle, David Harold. You can climb moun- tains. Up A/o, July 1940. 1 :no.4:22-23. illus. Suggested climbs in the Adirondacks. 5340 Betts, Charles E. Snow in summer. Ad-i- ron-dac, May-June 1952. 16:55-56. The Range. 5341 Bird, J. Sterling. In the heart of the Adiron- dacks. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept. -Oct. — Nov.-Dec. 1954. 18:80-83, 85. Lake Sanford, Heart Lake, to Preston Ponds, including Algonquin. 5342 Brooks, C.H. An Adirondack tramp. For & Stream, Oct. 24, 1908. 71:658. illus. A short account with itinerary of a 275-mile tramp in sixteen days. Thirteenth Lake, Speculator, Raquette and Indian Pass, Marcy. 5343 Brown, Thomas Kite. On the trail at dusk, n.p. n.pub. 1930. lOp. port, illus. Reprinted in Appalachia. The founder of Back Log Camp relates a camping experience. Written in 1917. 5344 Brownell, Baker. A three cornered hike. Recreation, Aug. 1910. 32:96-98. illus. From Buffalo to Ticonderoga through the Adi- rondacks. 5345 Burger, William H. Shambles at Shattuck's. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1951. 15:56. Blow- down near Long Lake. 5346 Burton, Harold B. What a way to amuse yourself! Sat Eve Post, Dec. 29, 1951. 224: no. 26:16-17, 36, 38-39. illus. Color photo- graphs include five Adirondack scenes. On the pleasures of climbing; refers to the Adi- rondack Mountain Club and the Adirondack 46ers. 5347 Carpenter, Warwick Stevens. Mountain climbing in eastern Appalachia. Outing, Dec. 1912 61:355-69. illus. Appalachian Moun- tain Club's ascent of several of the great peaks in the Adirondacks. 5348 Carpenter, Warwick Stevens. Sidelights on Adirondack mountain tops. NTS For Assn J, Oct. 1915. 2:40-43. Indian Pass. 5349 Chamberlain, Allen. Making the tramper's dream come true. Conservationist, Aug. 1920. 3:115-18. illus. Reprinted in State Service, May-Oct. 1923, 7,i.e.9:141-44, with title "Lure of the Mountain and Forest Trail." Hiking in the Adirondacks. 5350 Christie, John L. An Adirondack walking trip: 1909. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1951. 15: 84-85, 91-92. From Piseco to Blue Mountain Lake. 5351 Craig, Ronald B. Forest trails, with sugges- tions for the Adirondacks. Conservationist, Oct. 1921. 4:147-51. illus. Reprinted in State Service, Sept.-Oct. 1922. 6,i.e.8:291~94. 5352 Cram, Mildred. Encounter in the rain. Woman's Day, Dec. 1951. 15:no.3:33, 86. illus. Describes meeting Woodrow Wilson on the trail to St. Huberts. 5353 Crandall, Carl H. Adirondack Easter. Ad-i- ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1952. 16:35. Ausable lakes. 5354 Dittmar, Adolph G. Jr. My most memorable trip. Cloud Splitter, July- Aug. 1948. ll:no.4: 9-10. Hiking in the Adirondacks. 5355 Dittmar, Mrs. Mary (Colyer). My most memorable trip. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1947. 10:no.5:ll-12. Climbing and camping in the high-peak region. 5356 Endicott, William and Schuyler, Margaret. The range from Johns Brook. Cloud Splitter, Oct. 1939. 2:no.5:10. illus. 5357 Excursion of the Appalachian moimtain club to the Adirondacks. Appalachia, June 1888. 5:162-63. 5358 For mountain climbers are the forest secrets. Motordom, ]unc 1933. p.30. illus. 5359 Forster, Herman. How do you walk? Ad-i- ron-dac, May-June 1947. ll:no. 3:4-5. On looking for wild flowers while hiking. 5360 Frederich, Charles. Week-end hikes in north- ern New York. Recreation {NT) Mar. 1917. 56:130. Oswegatchie River country. 5361 Freeborn, Frank W. Some Adirondack paths. Appalachia, Dec. 1888, May 1890, July 1891. 5:222-31; 6:51-60, 231-35. The article that appeared in Dec. 1888 was published sepa- rately: Boston, Appalachian Mountain Club, 1889, 20p. map, plate. 5362 Gleason, A.W. Notes by an Adirondack , tramp. Field & S, May 1902. 7:73-76. illus. Reminiscences of thirty summers of hiking. 5363 220 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS Goodwin, James A. Climbs in the Adiron- dacks. Appalachia, June 1938. 22:27-32. 5364 Gowie, Orville C. Babes in the woods. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1946. 9:no.5:5-6. Trip into Johns Brook Lodge. 5365 Haeusser, Dorothy O. Bewitched, bothered and bewildered. Cloud Splitter, July- Aug. 1952. 15:no.4:14-15. What to do when lost. 5366 Haeusser, Dorothy O. Head for the hills. NTS Ed, Mar. 1954. 41:448-49. illus. Re- printed in North Country Life, Fall 1954, 8: no. 4:37-39. Hiking as a hobby for teachers. The "Social Climbers." 5367 Haeusser, Dorothy O. Santanoni and Pan- ther. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1952. 15:no.5: 8-9. 5368 Hammond, Henry D. They beat you to it. Cloud Splitter, July- Aug. — Nov.-Dec. 1946. 9:no.4:3-5; 9:no.5:2-3, 6; 9:no.6:4-6. Early climbers in the Adirondacks. 5369 Harmes, Edward A. Long lake to Heart lake. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1949. illus. Hiking. 5370 Harmes, Edward A. To all and sundry who walk in the rain. Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1947. 10:no.4:12. 5371 Harmes, Edward A. Why? Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1948. 12:no.2:10-l 1, 14. illus. Rewards of climbing. 5372 Hart, Merwin K. Jr. Further ventures into the little great range. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan. -Feb. 1951. 15:15. Climbing nameless peak near Snowy Mountain. 5373 Heathcote. A day of mountain climbing. For & Stream, Sept. 25, 1909. 73:491. Trip up Colvin, Marcy, Haystack, Basin, Saddleback and Gothics. Times given. 5374 "Heaven up-u'istedness"; mountain climb- ing in the Adirondacks is becoming a favorite pastime among vacationists. No Country Life, Winter 1948. 2:no.l :36-38, 62. illus. 5375 Hine, Mrs. Marie. Mountain novitiate. Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1947. 10:no.4:9-ll. First trip to the high peaks. 5376 Hopkins, Arthur S. The White trail. High Spots, Dec. 1929. 6:no.4:2, 5. port. Named in honor of William A. White. 5377 Howard, William Gibbs. Camps and trails in the Forest preserve. Conservationist, Oct. 1920. 3:147-50. 5378 Hudowalski, Edward C. Caribou pass. Ad-i- ron-dac, July-Aug. 1946. 10:no.4:15. 5379 Hudowalski, Edward C. Cold river. Cloud Splitter, Oct. 1939. 2:no.5:13. Club hike to climb "Couchee," Seymour and the Sewards. 5380 Hudowalski, Edward C. "Random scoots." Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1952. 15:no.4:4-8. On use of map and compass. 5381 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech) and Nash, C. Howard. 21 trailless peaks. High Spots Trbk, 1939. p. 13-26. Directions for climbing trailless peaks. 5382 Huntington, Adelaide. A walking trip through the Adirondacks. How plans for a long- cherished vacation were carried out by "two a-foot." Adventures in finding bed and board. Sub Life, Aug. 1912. 15:no.2:81-82. illus. From Blue Mountain Lake village to Lake George. 5383 Jessup, Elon H. We hike into the Adiron- dacks. Outing, Oct. 1918. 73:16-18. illus. 5384 Kamphaus, Mary. Adirondack hikes out of Back log camp. Mt Club Md, Oct. -Nov.-Dec. 1953. 20:no.2:15-17. 5385 Lofty mountains await traveler on interna- tional highway. Motordom, June 1932. p.8-9. illus. Hiking. 5386 Macklin, Philip and Macklin, Richard L. Adirondack diary. Cloud Splitter, Jan. -Feb., Mar.-Apr. 1944. 7:no.l:2-4; 7:no.2:7-9. Hiking in the high-peak region. 5387 Macklin, Richard L. Adirondack diary. Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1944. 7:no.6:5-6. Climbing among the trailless peaks. 5388 Marshall, George. Approach to the moun- tains. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1955. 19:24- 27, 38. illus. See also letter from WiUiam B. Glover in July-Aug. issue, 19:77-78, "Early 20th Century Adirondack Trips." 5389 Marshall, George. Lost pond. Cloud Splitter, June 1941. 4:no.6:2-3. Account of trip to Lost Pond, near Scott Pond. 5390 Marshall, George. The 3900 footers. Cloud Splitter, June 1942. 5:no.6:2-4. 5391 Marshall, Robert. Adirondack peaks. High Spots, Oct. 1932. 9:no.4:13-15. Account of day's ascent of fourteen peaks. 5392 Marshall, Robert. The high peaks of the Adirondacks; a brief account of the climb- ing of the forty-two Adirondack mountains over 4,000 feet in height. . . Albany, Adiron- dack mountain club, inc. ^1922. 38p. incl. front, illus. folded map. 5393 Martin, Newell. Modern haste on the hill- tops. High Spots, Jan. 1932. 9:no.l :29-30. (Historical Adirondack Character Series, no.6.) Record climbs. 5394 Martin, Newell. Six srmmits. High Spots, July 1931. 8:no.3:2-7. Marcy and other range peaks from St. Huberts. 5395 HIKING AND CLIMBING 221 Martin, Newell. Six summits: invitation and advice to my granddaughters. Huntington, N.Y. 1927. Up. ^5396 Menz, Mrs. Helen (Colyer). My most memo- rable trip. Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1947. 10: no. 6:13-14. Hiking in the Elk Lake region. 5397 Miller, CHnton H. Jr. Scott's and Wallface ponds. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1951. 15:30- Sl.illus. 5398 Mills, Borden H. Sr. To J.B.L. from the north. Cloud Splitter, May-June 1947. 10: no.3:ll-12. Klondike trail. 5399 Mills, Borden H. Sr. Tramping and camping in the Adirondacks. Recreation, June 1910. 31: 296-97. illus. 5400 Moore, William. The story of a young man's tramp across three states, cooking his meals and camping along three hundred sixty miles of road in New Hampshire, Vermont and New York. N.Y. Markey press, ^1911. 76p. Lake George area, p. 37-42. 5401 Mountain climbing; one of the biggest thrills of the Adirondacks; trails well marked; Mount Marcy the highest peak, a popular climb. Motordom, June 1929. 23:no.l:34. 5402 Mountaineering in Scotland and the north- eastern U.S. contrasted. Geog R, Jan. 1934. 24:148-49. Adirondack and White moun- tains contrasted with the mountains of Scot- land. 5403 Nixon, Edgar Burkhardt. The armchair mountaineer. Ad-i-ron-dac, July— Aug. 1955. 19:74-75. The Great Range. 5404 Nixon, Edgar Burkhardt. Explorer scouts discover high peaks. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept. -Oct. 1952. 16:84-85. illus. 5405 Oliver, Frank Joseph. Second thoughts on the 46 peaks. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1948. 12:no.6:6-7. 5406 Our tour to Lake George. Wilkes Spirit, Oct. 4, 1862. 7:66-67. Walking trip to the lake. 5407 Phelps, Mrs. Orra (Parker). My first trip to Heart lake. Cloud Splitter , Mar.-Apr. 1945. 8: no.2:2-3. 5408 Plum, Eleanor Mary. By trail. Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1952. 15:no.4:16. 5409 Porter, Lewis Morgan. A trip to the Moose river country. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1949. 13:36-38. 5410 Price, Eraser P. Five seconds on Phelps trail. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1950. 14:103-5. Nar- row escape when tree falls at night. 541 1 Prince, Ruth. "Every year about this time." Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1945. 8:no.5:7. Weekend at Johns Brook Lodge. 5412 Prince, Ruth. My most memorable trip. C/o;/a'6'/)////*'r, July-Aug. 1947. 10:no.4:13-14. Camping and liiking among the high peaks. 5413 Puffer, Louis B. Forty-seveners. Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1948. ll:no.4:5-6. Camping and hiking among the high peaks. 5414 R., J.K. Trails to Horseshoe. Camp Log, 1926. 12:38, 81. map. Various trails from the Syra- cuse camp to the New York Central station. 5415 Radford, Harry V. Adirondack mountain cHmbing. Four Tr News, Sept. 1902. 3:103-5. illus. Reprinted in Forest Leaves, Autumn 1905, 2:no.4:35-37. 5416 Riech, Charles A. Introducing Long lake. Ad Mt Club Bui, May-June 1944. 8:no.3:4, 6. 5417 Robe. A tramp and a camp. For & Stream, Oct. 8, 1897. 49:285-86. From Chateaugay Lake by way of Ragged Lake, Round Pond and Salmon River to Plumadore Pond. 5418 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. "It's a dandy !" Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1950. 14:105. Sug- gested hikes. 5419 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. June snow- storm. Cloud Splitter, Jan.-Feb. 1951. 14: no.l:5-6. 5420 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. The range trail. NTS Con, June-July 1951. 5:no.6:8. diagr. 5421 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Tips for a long week-end. Ad-i-ron-dac, July- A.us,. 1949. 13:91. Suggested hikes in the vicinity of Pharaoh Mountain. 5422 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Trails for trampers. No Country Life, Summer 1948. 2: no. 3:20-23. Reprinted from New York State Conservationist, Aug. -Sept. 1947. 2:no.l:14- 1 5. Hiking in the high-peak area. 5423 Snyder, Roy. More snow at Cold river. Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1951. 14:no.2:3-5. 5424 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack trails. For & Stream, July 9, 1898. 51:22-23. Old Indian trail, Canachagala Lake; Bisby trail. 5425 Spellbinder, pseud. The five wise men. Con- servationist, July 1909. 2:106-9. illus. Fifty- mile tramping trip around Speculator and the South Canada Lake region. 5426 Spennrath, Florence G. Hazel the "hex." Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. — Nov.-Dec. 1954. 18:92-93. Blowdown near Marcy, Golden. 5427 A sure way to capture the forest secrets. Motordom, June 1932. p. 14-1 5. illus. 5428 222 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS Taylor, Charles Keene. Eight boys and ninety miles. St N, July 1 91 8. 45 :833-37. 5429 Thomas, Leland E. Climbing mountain peaks; the chronicle of an interesting trip through that veritable sportsman's paradise, the Ausable valley. Sport Dig, Jan. 1923. 2: no.l:37-40, 86. illus. 5430 Trent, George D. The man who wasn't there. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1955. 19:7-9, 13. Effect of the "great Adirondack manhunt" on vacation in the high-peak area. Comment in May-June issue, 19:59. 5431 Trowbridge, Mrs. Eleanor (Daboll). The lonely lookouts. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feh. 1952. 16:6-7. Collecting fire towers. See letter from Herbert McAneny in Mar.-Apr. issue, 16:34. 5432 Van Alstyne, Sally and Strube, Janet. To Flowed lands we must go. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1949. 12:no.5:8-9. 5433 Ward, Margaret C. My most memorable trip. Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1948. ll:no.6: 11-12. Camping and climbing. 5434 Ward, Peter A. Amateurs' random scoot. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1947. ll:no. 2:6-7. Street and Nye mountains. 5435 Ward, Peter A. How I met the mountains. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1950. 13:no.5:9-13. First experience in camping and climbing. 5436 Ward, Peter A. Our days in the Cold river region. Cloud Splitter, May-June 1950. 13: no.3:2-4. 5437 Ward, Peter A. Putt-Putt takes me bush- wacking. Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1949. 12: no.4:2— 4. Loon Lake. 5438 Warfield, Ben Breckenridge. Some unblazed trails in the Adirondacks. Appalachia, Dec. 1931. 18:378-87. illus. 5439 Webb, Janet. Girl scout primitive camp. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1950. 14:41. Heart Lake. 5440 Wendell, Roland M. Our goal — the upward call. No Country Life, Winter 1949. 3:no.l:8- 11. illus. 5441 Williams, Asa S. The lost lake of the Adiron- dacks. Field & S,]\i\y 1903. 8:190-91. illus. Lake in the Cold River country. 5442 Wilson, H.G. On foot in the Adirondacks. Fur-Fish-Game, May 1929. 49:no.5:24-26. 5443 Woodward, Mrs. Dorothea and Woodward, Walter. The Woodwards' most memorable trip. Cloud Splitter, May-June 1948. ll:no.3: 12—15. Temporarily lost in the woods around Keene. 5444 Individual Mountains B. Mounting Mt. Ampersand. J Outd Life, Nov. 1906. 3:395-96. illus. 5445 B., P.A. The magnet. Camp Log, 1927. 13:37- 40. illus. Climbing Mt. Marcy. 5446 Bernays, David. Inside Pitchoff. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1951. 15:50-51, 56. illus. Explora- tion of Pitchoff caves. 5447 Bullard, Herbert F. The Giant personified. High Spots, July 1933. 10:no.3:12-15. illus. Giant Mountain. 5448 Burnham, John Bird. An outing in the snow. For & Stream, Apr. 5, 1902. 58:262-63. Climb- ing Dix at Easter during a bear hunt. 5449 Cline, Albert Collins. The first Marcy trip. Camp Log, Dec. 1922. p. 34-35. illus. First trip of the season from College of Forestry's summer camp. 5450 Crandall, CarlH. Marcy reconnaissance. . .or where are those Sherpas? Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.- Apr. 1954. 18:30-31. 5451 Dittmar, Adolph G. The back way to Saw- teeth. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1949. 13:122. 5452 Dodge, James W. Why climb a mountain? PTM, Oct. 1927. 2:no.4:16-17. illus. Marcy by way of Maclntyre and Avalanche Pass. 5453 Douglas, H.S. Climbing the "Cloud-cleaver." Vermonter, 1923. 28:2-10. illus. Boy Scout trip from Burlington. Interesting details of Marcy climb. 5454 Engels, Vincent. Golden, alt. 4,712. Common- weal, Nov. 11, 1938. 29:69-71. Climbing Golden. 5455 Foxie, pseud, and Bren, pseud. A trip to Mount Marcy. Camp Log, 1926. 11 :21-22. 5456 Goodwin, James A. A new trail to Big slide. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1951. 15:83. 5457 Greene, Laura A., Hannay, Betty and Plum, Dorothy Alice. A masterpiece of understate- ment. . . Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feh. 1952. 16:15. illus. Signed: G-H-P. The Non-46ers attempt Pitchoff. 5458 Haeusser, Dorothy O. My favorite piountain. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1953. 16:no.5:9-10. Iroquois. 5459 Hale, Edward Everett. An ascent of Mount Dix from the east. High Spots. July 1932. 9: no.3:7-9. 5460 Hammond, Henry D. Assault on Jay ridge. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Ffth. 1950. 14:4-7. illus. 5461 Hammond, Henry D. The Hammonds on Basin. Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1952. 16:68- 69. illus. 5462 HIKING AND CLIMBING 223 Hammond, Henrv D. With the Rover boys in the Adirondacks; or, Lost on Saddleback. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1952. 16:100-1, 115. 5463 Hart, Merwin K. Jr. Climb the Sawtooth range. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1947. ll:no.6: 16. 5464 Hart, Merwin K. Jr. "Little great range": Blue ridge mountain. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept. -Oct. 1949.13:100-1. 5465 Hart, Merwin K. Jr. Sawtooth range re- visited. .4^-/-ro/z-(/a(:, May-June 1949. 13:56- 57. 5466 Hiscock, L. Harris. DeBar mountain. Ad-i- ron-dac, Jan.-Feh. 1953. 17:16-17. 5467 Hosley, Neil. The Mount Marcy trip. Camp Log, Dec. 1922. p. 57-60. illus. Silviculture trip. 5468 Hudowalski, Edward C. Chimney mt. Cloud Splitter, Oct. 1941. 4:no.7:2-3. 5469 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Arcady. Cloud Splitter, Feb. 1941. 4:no.2:2-3. Chmb- ing around Algonquin. 5470 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Esther. Cloud Splitter, Apr. 1939. 2:no.2:4-5. Esther McCoinb and Mt. Esther. Also in The Adi- rondack Mountain Club Bulletin, Apr. -May 1938. 3:no.2:8, with title "The First Ascent of Mount Esther." 5471 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). My pappy done tole me. Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1 944. 7:no. 4:3-4. First climb up Marcy. 5472 Jessup, Elon H. Shinnying up Ampersand. Outing, Jan. 1919. 73:184-86, 206. illus. 5473 Knapp, Louis H. Seward range. Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1947. 10:no.6:19-20. Climbing the Sewards. 5474 Kolenberg, Bernard. Mount Marcy and I. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1953. 17:94-99. illus. Ascent by a photographer. 5475 Langdon, Palmer H. Climbing Mount Marcy. For & Stream, Aug. 20, 1910. 75: 289-90. Via Ausable lakes. 5476 Loope, P. Fay. Moods of Marcy. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1949. 13:4-5, 8-9. illus. 5477 Lowe, John T. Carr. A change of worlds on Marcy. Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1950. 14:82- 84. " 5478 McKenzie, J. Daniel and McKenzie, Mrs. Lillian G. Sawtooth safari. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1950. 14:36-40, 44. illus. 5479 Marshall, Robert. A day on Gothics. Aug. 1 1 , 1920. High Spots Trbk, 1942. p. 10-1 2. illus. Climbing the Great Range. 5480 Miller, Philip Schuyler. The bear went over the mountain. . . Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1949. 13:124-27. illus. Climbing East Dix by an unmarked route. 5481 Mills, Borden H. Sr. My first ascent of Marcy. Cloud Splitter, Jan.-Feb. 1945. 8:no.l:7-10. 5482 Nash, Duane H. The Sewards— 1955. Ad- i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1955. 19:104-5, 118. 5483 Newkirk, Arthur Edward. Have you tried this? . . .Rocky peak ridge. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.- Oct. 1947. ll:no.5:4. 5484 Parsons, Wales. A trip to Mount Lyon. Ad- i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1955. 19:12-13. Ascent made in 1875. 5485 Phonetic celebration. Phon M, Oct. 1847. 2: 33-39. Description of ascent of Whitcface by the "Phonic mountaineers." Written in Dr. Comstock's Phonotypes and reprinted from Westport Patriot. Tahawian Association. 5486 Plum, Eleanor Mary and Menz, Mrs. Helen (Colyer). Crane mountain. Illustration by Pauline Menz. Ad-i-ron-dac, }u\y-^ng. 1950. 14:81. 5487 R., J. Jr. Up an Adirondack mountain. For & Stream, Aug. 9, 1883. 21:22. Black Moun- tain, near Fulton Chain. 5488 Reich, Charles A. We climbed Pyramid! Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1945. 9:no.2:5, 7. 5489 Schneider, Elsie. A trip up Whiteface moun- tain. For & Stream, Jan. 25, 1913. 80:106-7. illus. 5490 Schneider, Elsie. A vacation in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, Nov. 9, 1912. 79:588, 604-6. illus. Climbing Mt. Marcy. 5491 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Not Santan- oni or Dix, but Skylight. Cloud Splitter, Mar.- Apr. 1953. 16:no.2:5-6. 5492 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. The Tongue mountain trail. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1950. 14:8. 5493 Stevens, Paul W. Phelps mountain. Ad-i-ron- dac, Jan.-Feb. 1955. 9:10. Climbing a trail- less peak. 5494 Tyler, Alanson Ranger. Spur-of-the-moment exploration. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1951. 15:93. New route down Armstrong. 5495 Weld, Paul. My most memorable trip. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1948. ll:no.5:12-13. Climb up Allen. 5496 West, Alton C. The slide on Wright. High Spots Trbk, 1940. p.63-65. illus. p.43. 5497 Rock Climbing Bailey, Richard. With the rock climbers. New rock climb in Chapel pond pass. Ad-i- ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1950. 14:109, 111. 5498 224 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS Bernays, David. The pinnacles of Chapel pond notch. Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1950. 14:76-77. illus. 5499 Burton, Harold B. Rock climbing is fun ! Ad- i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1947. 11 :no.2:5, 7. 5500 Goodwin, James A. Rock climbing, a moun- taineering technique. Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1949. 13:82-83, 91. illus. Includes reference to several Adirondack locations. 5501 Goodwin, James A. Rock climbing: instruc- tion. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.- Oct. 1949. 13:108-9. 5502 Goodwin, James. A. Rock climbs in the Adi- rondacks. Ad Mt Club Bui, June-July, Aug.- Sept. 1938. 2:no.4:8-9, 15; 2:no.5:6-7. illus. 5503 Goodwin, James A. Some Adirondack rock climbs. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan. -Feb. 1951. 15:12- 13, 15. 5504 Harmes, Edward A. Climb on Wallface. Cloud Splitter, May 1942. 5:no.5:2-3. 5505 Wiessner, Fritz H. Rock climbing in the northeast. lOCA Bui, Winter 1948. 2:no.l: 42-48, 72. illus. Includes Adirondacks. 5506 Wiessner, Fritz H. Wallface: up the cliff. High Spots Trbk, 1939. p.49-50. illus. p.46- 47. 5507 CAMPING Andrews, Mrs. Mary Raymond (Shipman). "A woman in camp." Outing, ]nnc 1894. 29: 84-87. 5508 Bowker, R.R. A college camp at Lake George. Scrib Mo, Mar. 1879. 17:617-31. illus. 5509 Buck, pseud. Our first camping trip. For & Stream, Oct. 27-Nov. 3, 1900. 55:323-24, 343-44. Fulton Chain. 5510 Burnham, John Bird. Spring in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, Apr. 28, 1900. 54:325. Camping trip to Dix and McComb. 5511 Burroughs, John. Locusts and wild honey. Boston, Houghton, Osgood & co. 1879. 253p. "A Bed of Boughs," p. 167-96. First pub- lished in Scribner's Monthly, Nov. 1877, 15: 68-83. Numerous later editions. On camp- ing. 5512 Camping on state lands in New York. Amer Angler, June 1920. 5:83-84. 5513 Campsite data. ^frS Con, June-July 1955. 9:no. 6:12-13. charts, map. 5514 Candee, Mrs. Helen Churchill (Hungerford). An -Adirondack campfire. Illus Am, Aug. 7, 1897. 22:183. illus. Adirondack camp life. 5515 Catlin, Clay. In camp. Gameland, Aug. 1897. 11:87-89. Camping trip. 5516 Clark, Helen S. Camping in the woods. Out- ing, Aug. 1891. 18:415-17. 5517 Corson, R.H. Women in camp, by Switch Reel, pseud. For & Stream, May 2, 1914. 82: 575-76. illus. 5518 Crandall, Carl H. "Dear Bill." Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1954. 18:52-54. Junior campers in the Adirondacks. 5519 Cutting, Estar. Mid-woods. Outing, Jan. 1919. 73:192-93. Life in an Adirondack camp home. 5520 Denniston, Robert. Memories of winter camp. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1948. ll:no.5:8-9. Winter Camp, near Johns Brook Lodge. 5521 Duryea, Edward Sidney. Around the camp fire. For & Stream, Aug. 31, 1895. 45:182. Camping at Long Lake. 5522 Dyer, Walter Alden. Camping in the Adi- rondacks. Country Lije, July 1905. 8:344-45. Upper end of Long Lake. 5523 Frazer, Orange. Camping out. For & Stream, Sept. 22, 1887. 29:162. St. Regis area. 5524 Goodyear, Sarah. In the wilderness. For & Stream, Oct. 15, 1874. 3:145-46, Camping on Little Round Pond, Hamilton County. 5525 Gowie, Orville C. "And the rains came." Cloud Splitter, Oct. 1940. 3:no.6:10. Camping trip in Colden region. 5526 Gowie, Orville C. Modern "babes in the woods." Cloud Splitter, Oct. 1941. 4:no.7:7- 8. Camping trip; climb up Allen Mountain. 5527 CAMPING 225 Hannon, Thomas Eugene. ADKer hostels in the Adirondacks. Cloud Splitter. Nov.-Dec. 1949. 12:no.6:6-9. Camping and climbing in the Adirondacks. 5528 Hannon, Thomas Eugene. Duck hole. Cloud Splitter, ]u\y- Aug. 1949. 12:no.4:5-7. Camp- ing and hiking. 5529 Jack, pseud. Salt-water campers in the woods. For & Stream, Sept. 2, 1911. 77:371-74. illus. Camping trip on the Fulton Chain. 5530 Lewis, Frank M. August camp, 1954. Appa- lachia,Dec. 1954. mag. no. 119:268-69. In the Adirondacks. The great man hunt. 5531 Longstreth, Thomas Morris. Camping on state. Outing, Jan. 1917. 69:405-16. illus. Summer of 1916 spent on Indian Lake at Camp Fellows across from Back Log Camp. Photographs taken by Thomas K. Brown Jr. 5532 Markham, Charles C. Artist-life in the Adi- rondacks. For & Stream, Sept. 14-21, 1876. 7:82, 98. Camping on Round Pond near Rainbow Pond. 5533 Miller, Warren Hastings. Camping out. N.Y. Doran, ^1918. 322p. incl. front, plates. Adi- rondacks, p. 104-30. 5534 Mills, Borden H. Jr. Wild mountain oats. Cloud Splitter, May-June 1947. 10:no.3:8-10. Account of camping trip in the Marcy region. 5535 Mulholland, William D. Adirondack camp- sites. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1955. 40p. illus. tables. (Recreation Circular 3.) Issued by the New York State Conservation Department. First published, 1931. Earlier editions, by Pettis, with title "Adirondack "Highways" (no.5542). 5536 Mulholland, William D. Campsite. NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1947. 2:no.2:22-23. illus. map. Fish Creek Pond campsite. 5537 Mulholland, William D. Public campsites of the Forest preserve. NTS For Assn NL, June 1933. p.13-14. 5538 Northrup, Ansel Judd. Camps and tramps in the Adirondacks, and grayling fishing in northern Michigan. . . Syracuse, N.Y. Davis, Bardeen & co. 1880. 302p. "A running nar- rative of camping experiences." 5539 Northrup, M.S. Notes from the north woods. For & Stream, ]unc 10, 1886. 26:388. Camp- ing in Hamilton County. 5540 Oliver, Frank Joseph. Planning a menu. Ad- i-ron-dac, ]n\Y~hug. 1947. ll:no.4:5. 5541 Pettis, Clifford Robert. Adirondack high- ways. Albany, New York state conservation department, 1927. 35p. illus. map. (Recrea- tion Circular 3.) Later issues by W.D. Mul- holland have title: "Adirondack Campsites" (no.5536). 5542 Phelps, Orra A. At home in the woods. High Spots Yrbk, 1939, p.51-56. 5543 Radford, Harry V. Camping in the Adiron- dacks. Four Tr News, July 1902. 3:20-22. illus. 5544 Radford, Harry V. A thousand welcomes, brother camper. For Leaves, Spring 1904. 1: no.2:22-24. illus. Sales talk for the Adiron- dacks. 5545 Rice, Arthur F. Camp saints' rest. For & Stream, Oct. 10, 1896. 47:282. St. Regis region. 5546 Rice, Arthur F. Camp sixteen. For & Stream, Oct.'24, 1896. 47:323. 5547 Ryan, D.E. Outdoor manners. NTS Con, June-July 1954. 8:no. 6:7-8. illus. Vandalism in the Adirondacks. 5548 Senior, pseud. A reminiscence of 1866. For & Stream, }une 18, 1891. 36:434.' Camping at Beach's Lake near Long Lake. 5549 Sherman, Richard U. A fortnight in the wil- derness. For & Stream, ]a.n. 1-U, 1875. 3:338- 39, 355. Camping in Brown's Tract. 5550 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. How to forget the war! Cloud Splitter, Sept. -Oct. 1944. 7: no. 5:2-4. Camping trip in the Oswegatchie country. 5551 Spears, Eldridge A. Afoot in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, Nov. 2, 1907. 69:689- 90. 5552 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack camp troubles. For & Stream, May 30, 1908. 70: 226 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS 856-57. See also editorial, "Adirondack Camps," May 30, 1908, 70:847. Depreda- tions by camp thieves. 5553 Swartwout, Janet von. Heads; or. The City of the gods, a narrative of Oiombia in the wilderness. N.Y. Oiombia publishing co. 1894. 2v. in 1. illus. Also published with sub- title: "or, In the wilderness." Camping at Fulton Chain. 5554 Sycamore, pseud. Camping in the Adiron- dacks. Recreation, Aug. 1904. 21 :94-95. 5555 Taylor, Mrs. Percy E. The mountains of New York and New England; a camper's vivid description of the Adirondacks, Green and White mountains, including interesting side- trips to some of the most interesting histori- cal and scenic beauty spots in the eastern states. Motordom, Aug. 1926. 20:no. 3:3-5. illus. 5556 Thees, Oscar D. Camp Bill Cody: how dad and the girls enjoyed a pleasant camping trip. Field & .S, July 1907. 12:212-16. illus. Thirteenth Lake House, Hour Brook and Hour Pond. 5557 Tichenor, George. Wilderness campsite. Sports Illus, July 18, 1955. 3:no.3:34-35. illus. State campsite at Forked Lake. 5558 Tuttles, George S. A camping trip in the Adirondacks. Fur News, Sept. 1915. 22:no. 3:6-7. Trip from Saranac Lake to Amper- sand Mountain. 5559 Walker, R.H. Tribulations of a tramp in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Sept. 3, 1874. 3:51. Rainy camping trip in John Brown's Tract. 5560 Ward, Peter A. I hate Philbert! Cloud Splitter, May-June 1944. 7:no. 3:7-9, 11. Camping at Indian Falls. 5561 Welch, Fay. Good manners out of doors. Bui Schools, Mar. 1952. 38:177. figs. Check list of camp etiquette. 5562 HUNTING AND FISHING GENERAL Adams, Zab Boylston. The Adirondacks, a story told by Paul Smith. For & Stream, Oct. 22, 1891. 37:266. Hunting adventure. 5563 Adirondack big game. Field & S, Nov. 1907. 12:598-600. 5564 Adirondack fish and game. For & Scream, June 5, 1884. 22:362. Two letters signed Adrion Ondack and W.L. Howard giving sport news from various areas. 5565 Adirondack hunters killed. For & Stream, Nov. 12, 1910. 75:776. Discussion of shooting ac- cidents during the 1910 season. 5566 Allen, J. C. Adirondack game notes, by Cler- icus, pseud. Arms & Man, Oct. 10, 1907. 43:8. 5567 Allen, J.C. Incidents of the woods, by Cler- icus, pseud. Arms & Man, Nov. 28, 1907. 43: 176. Obstacles met by sportsmen. 5568 Amateur, pseud. Sport near Lake Champlain. Am Sportsman, Aug. 1873. 2:171. Fishing and hunting prospects. 5569 B. Adirondack notes. For & Stream, July 8, 1893. 41 :8-9. Notes on fish and game. 5570 B., F. Sport in the Brown tract. For & Stream, Dec. 31, 1874. 3:323. 5571 Bar Lock, pseud. Two weeks in the Adiron- dacks. Rod & Gun, May 8-15, 1875. 6:83, 99-100. Trip to Chazy Lake. 5572 Bass, W.H. Gun licenses. For & Stream, Jan. 6, 1907. 68:138. 5573 Beach, Anna. Trip to the north woods. Cloud Splitter, Juiy-Aug. 1947. 10:no.6:6. 1861 ac- count of a fishing and hunting trip in the Adirondacks contributed by Orra A. Phelps. 5574 Benham, J.D. An Adirondack game resort. Field & S, Nov. 1906. 11:676-77. 5575 Billy, pseud. A typical tourists' trip. For & Stream, Aug. 31, 1882. 19:88. Hunting near Old Forge. 5576 Billy the Boy, pseud. Two huntsmen bold. Ang & Hunt, Aug. 1910. 2:440. 5577 Bird dogs in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Jan. 21, 1911. 76:98. Favors permitting dogs for hunting birds. 5578 Bruce, Dwight Hall. In the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Sept. 20, 1902. 59:223. Signed: D.H.B. News notes, hunting. 5579 Burke, Martin. In the Adirondacks. with rod and rifle. Cath World, Oct. 1885. 42:10-20. 5580 Burnham, John Bird. Two days' hunt at North Hudson. For & Stream. Dec. 9, 1899. 53:465-66. 5581 Byron. Upper Adirondacks in '56. For & Stream, Aug. 27, 1891. 37:106. Trip from Chazy to the Saranacs. 5582 HUNTING AND FISHING 227 C, A. St. Regis district. For & Stream, July 1, 1889. 32:508. Hunting and fishing possibil- ities. 5583 C, C.H. Adirondack sports. Am Sportsman, Feb. 14, 1874. 3:314. Hunting in Lower Saranac region. 5584 C., J. An Adirondack trip. For & Stream, Nov. 9, 1895. 45:405-6. Introducing a ten- derfoot to hunting and camping near T Lake. 5585 Camping and hunting, by Vernette, John and Henry. St No Mo, Feb. 1908. 3:80-84. At Number Four. 5586 Catostomus, pseud. A trip to the Adirondacks. Am Sportsman, June 27, 1874. 4:195. Hunting at Otter Lake. 5587 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Adirondack game notes. For & Stream, Aug. 29, 1896. 47:165- 66. Signed: A.N.C. 5588 Copeland, Fred O. Silken wings and merry whistle; an adventure with dog and shotgun into the historic gateway of Champlain. For & Stream, Jain. 1917. 87:17-19. illus. 5589 Covert. Byron V. Two weeks at Big Moose lake. For & Stream, Oct. 24, 1896. 47:326-27. 5590 Crow, Charles H. October in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, Jan. 1, 1874. 1:325-26. Hunting at Lower Saranac Lake. 5591 Curtis, George William. Editor's easy chair. Harper, Oct. 1862. 25:706-7. Brief comments on hunting in the Adirondacks. 5592 D., B.C. Catering for an Adirondack dinner. For & Stream, Mar. 25, 1875. 4:99. 5593 D., J.H. The Adirondacks in 1858. For & Stream, Aug. 27, 1891. 37:103-4. Hunting and fishing trip to Ragged Lake. 5594 Dailey, Elric J. Hunting conditions in the Adirondacks. Sport Dig, July 1925. 4:no.7: 22-23, 61. illus. 5595 Dailey, Elric J. When the leaves turn gold. Fur News, Nov. 1922. 36:no.5:12-13. 5596 Dodd, Mark Dixon. Hunting in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, Aug. 26, 1905. 65:170. 5597 Don't shoot until you know. For & Stream, Aug. 26, 1899. 53:161. Editorial on shooting accident on Eighth Lake, Fulton Chain. 5598 Eaton, George Boardman. Stillwater camp, by Jacobstaflf, pseud. For & Stream, Jan. 23, 1904. 62:65-66. ports. Week's trip on the De Grasse River. 5599 Eurus, pseud. An Adirondack hunting trip. For & Stream, Sept. 8, 1894. 43:206. 5600 Fish and game notes from the Adirondacks. Sport Rev, May 29, 1909. 35:593. Short edi- torial on good season. 5601 Fletcher, J. P. Adirondack notes. Am Field, Mar. 17, 1906. 65:239. Notes on deer and moose. 5602 Fletcher, J. P. In the northern Adirondacks. For & Stream, July 29, 1905. 65:90-91. Hunt- ing trip north of Loon Lake. 5603 Flint, Peter. Bears and deer in Adirondack. For & Stream, Nov. 7, 1914 83:595-96. 5604 Flint, Peter. Foxes and game. For & Stream, Mar. 24, 1905. 64:233. Near Ticonderoga. 5605 Flint, Peter. Major's cure. For & Stream, Nov. 29, 1902. 59:433-34. Retraining a hunting dog at Eagle Lake, near Ticonderoga. 5606 Flint, Peter. The season at Eagle lake. For & Stream, Nov. 7, 1908. 7:736. Notes on fish and game. 5607 Flint, Peter. Shantying out for bears, deer, and grouse in southeastern Adirondacks — the extermination of bucks threatened. For & Stream, Dec. 19, 1914. 83:801-2. 5608 Fritz, pseud. A reminiscence of the Racquet in 1873. For & Stream, June 29, 1876. 6:335. Hunting trip from the Lower (Adirondack) Works across to the Raquette. 5609 Furnside, J.W. An Adirondack episode. Rec- reation, Mar. 1904. 20:214. 5610 Gerster, Arpad Geyza Charles. Recollections of a New York surgeon. N.Y. Hoeber, 1917. 347p. front, plates, ports. Canoeing and fish- ing in the Adirondacks, p.275-83. Portrait of Alvah Dunning, p.316 (also in Donaldson, V.2, opp. p.ll3). Note on Alvah Dunning, p.320-21. 5611 Gibbs, A.D. A trip to the Adirondacks, and a few deductions drawn therefrom. Field & S, Mar. 1907. 11:1031-32. 5612 Goodale, Grace. Hunting on the Stillwater. Recreation, Feb. 1901. 14:92. 5613 Gus, pseud. Hunting in the Adirondacks. Am Sportsman, Nov. 8, 1873. 3:83. Upper Sara- nac Lake. 5614 Hallock, Charles. The sportsman's gazetteer and general guide. . . N.Y. Orange Judd, 1883. 692, xiii, 218p. plates, port. The Adi- rondack Region, pt.2, p.111-18. 5615 /Hammond, Samuel H. Hills, lakes and forest streams; or, A tramp in the Chateaugay 228 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDAGKS woods. N.Y. Boston, J.G. Derby; Phillips, Sampson & co. 1854. 340p. plates, front. Later editions have titles: "Hunting Adven- tures in the Northern Wilds" and "In the Adirondacks." 5616 Hammond, Samuel H. Hunting adventures in the northern wilds; or, A tramp in the Chateaugay woods, over hills, lakes and for- est streams. N.Y. Boston, J.G. Derby; Phil- lips, Sampson & co. 1856. 340p. plates, front. First published with title "Hills, Lakes and Forest Streams," 1854. Later editions have title "In the Adirondacks." Reprinted: N.Y. Derby & Jackson, 1859 and 1860; Phila- delphia, J.E. Potter, 1863, 1865, and in an undated edition. 5617 Hammond, Samuel H. In the Adirondacks; or, Sport in the north woods. . . Philadel- phia, Columbian printing co. 1890. 340p. (Columbia Library no. 9.) Earlier editions appeared under titles "Hills, Lakes and For- est Streams" and "Hunting Adventures in the Northern Wilds." 5618 Hammond, Samuel H. Wild northern scenes; or, Sporting adventures with the rifle and the rod. N.Y. Derby & Jackson, 1857. 341 p. front, plates. Reprinted 1859, 1869 (^1863). 5619 Hastings, W.W. Around and about a new Adirondack camp. For & Stream, Nov. 25, 1899. 53:422-23. Hunting near Old Forge. 5620 Hastings, W.W. A few days in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, Jan. 7, 1899. 52:2-3. Hunting on the Fulton Chain. 5621 Hilliker, G.W. The Adirondacks' northern slopes. For & Stream, Nov. 18, 1899. 53:410. 5622 Holberton, Wakeman. A hunt at the Adi- rondack club. For & Stream, Nov. 8, 1888. 31:306-7. 5623 Hoover, Matthew Henry. Wild ginger, wood sorrel and sweet cicely; stories of many types, new to the printed types. . .by Matt Hoover. N.Y. Broadway publishing co. C1909. 346p. double front, plates. Browsing in the Adiron- dacks, p. 112-38. An Autumn Hunt in the Adirondacks, p.289-313. 5624 Howard, William Gibbs. Forest lands as public hunting ground. NTS Sport, Apr.- May 1936. 2:no.6:5-6; 2:no.7:5-6. illus. 5625 Hudson, Harry. The Fulton chain. For & Stream, Oct. 6, 1892. 39:288. 5626 Hunt, J.H. Three runs in the Adirondacks and one in Canada. N.Y. Putnam, 1892. 94p. front, illus. 5627 Huntington, Henry Smith. Adirondack diary —1853. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1950. 5:no.l: 22-24. illus. Lake George, Adirondac, Indian Pass. 5628 In the Adirondacks with rod and rifle. For Leaves, Summer 1905. 2:no.3:20-27. illus. 5629 Ives, H.L. Reminiscences of the Adiron- dacks. Potsdam, N.Y. Elliott Fay & son, printers, 1915. 124p. plates, ports. Cover title: Recollections of the Adirondacks. Hunt- ing and fishing sketches. 5630 J. Panthers and deer. For & Stream, Nov. 5, 1885. 25:286. 5631 Jackson, Robert. A trip through the Adiron- dacks — Canadian sport compared. For & Stream, Sept. 9, 1875. 5:66-67. Comparison of Fourth Lake area with Mushoka District in Ontario. 5632 John Brown's tract. Knick Mag, Feb. 1856. 47:179-82. Hunting twenty years earlier. 5633 Judson, Edward Z.G. How I found a new lake, by Ned Buntline, pseud. For & Stream, Mar. 3, 1881. 16:91. Hunting along Cascade Brook. 5634 Juvenal, pseud. Adirondack notes. For & Stream, ]un& 28, 1902. 58:505. Notes on hunt- ing and fishing. 5635 Juvenal, pseud. Fun in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Oct. 31, 1896. 47:347. Hunting incidents. 5636 K., E.H. Shooting casualties. For & Stream, Oct. 8, 1898. 51:289. 5637 K., W.S. My Adirondack pipe. Memories of a pleasant month spent in the Adirondacks. Printed for private circulation. N.Y. Jenkins press, 1887. 81 p. Copy in Yale University Library. Author may be W.N. Purdy (see Phillips, p.205). 5638 Killed and injured while hunting. 16 fatal accidents and 52 injured in the New York state woods during season of 1924. State Service, Dec. 1924. 8:111-12. Lists of persons involved, with location; many in the Adi- rondacks. 5639 King, William. Reminiscences of forty years. Loon lake in 1856. For & Stream, Sept. 8, 1881. 17:110. 5640 Kingsley, H.J. Deer and elk in winter woods. Outing, Feb. 1918. 71:317. illus. Hamilton County. 5641 Landon, J.S. Hunting conditions in the Adi- rondacks. Ang & Hunt, Nov. 1910. 2:568- 69. port. 5642 McHarg, John B. Jr. Early summer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, June 25, 1898. 50:519. News notes from Old Forge. 5643 Mack, G.A. On the dirt floor at Saranac. Recreation, Apr. 1901. 14:277-78. 5644 HUNTING AND FISHING 229 Marsh, John H. Memoirs of my father's hunting days. Oshkosh, Wis. 1923. 27p. 5645 Mayer, A.M. ed. Sport with gun and rod in American woods and waters. N.Y. Century, C1883. 892p. illus. 5646 Morris, Robert T. Hopkins's pond and other sketches. N.Y. Putnam, 1896. 227p. front. One Deer, p. 176-89; Trout in a Thunder- storm, p. 199-203. In preface author states that he used the pen name "Mark West" when writing for Forest and Stream. "Hopkins's Pond" reprinted in Forest and Stream, Dec. 28, 1895,45:552. "Trout in a Thunderstorm" reprinted in Forest and Stream, Aug. 17, i882, 19:50. 5647 Now & Then, pseud. A trip to Cranberry lake. For & Stream, Mar. 2, 1876. 6:50. 5648 Ondack, Adrion, pseud. Deer and partridge. For & Stream, Dec. 1, 1881. 17:348. Report on game in the St. Regis area. 5649 Osceola, pseud. Adirondack notes. For & Stream, Sept. 12, 1889. 33:147. Hunting along the Stillwater. 5650 Osceola, pseud. Odd incidents. For & Stream, Oct. 17, 1889. 33:243. Hunting along the Stillwater. 5651 Overbaugh, D.C. A trip to Lake Champlain. For & Stream, May 5, 1887. 28:322-23. 5652 Pastnor, Paul. Three weeks on the Raquette. For & Stream, June 18, 1891. 36:430-32. illus. 5653 Purdy, Fred Leslie. Hunting with Uncle Hi. For & Stream, Sept. 24-Nov. 5, 1910. 75:493- 94, 534-35, 574-76, 615-16, 652-54, 694, 733-34. A series of letters written by a sports- man sojourning on the Grasse River. 5654 R., J.H. An Adirondack outing. For & Stream, Jan. 1, 1891. 35:471. Hunting at Star Lake. 5655 Radford, Harry V. Boyhood adventures in the Adirondacks. For Leaves, Winter 1908- Spring 1909, Autumn 1909-Winter 1909. 4:no.4:25-32; 5:no.l :25-31 ; 5:no.3:12-15; 5:no.4:12-16. Contents: My First Adventure with a Bear. Three Foxes. A Trip to the Cen- ter of the Earth. A Panther and a Wolf. The first of this series is "An Adirondack Trout- ing" (no.6133). 5656 Raymond, pseud. Grampus lake — the Adi- rondacks in August. Am Angler, Oct. 28, 1882. 2:273—75. Reprinted from the Newark Call. Camping and fishing trip with Sabattis as guide. 5657 Rice, Arthur F. An unsuccessful trip. For & Stream, Nov. 16, 1895. 45:421. St. Regis River. 5658 Robinson, John C. From an Adirondack guide. Am Angler, Mar. 28, 1885. 7:203. Ob- servations on game and fish at Long Lake. 5659 Russell, Todd. Hunting the Adirondack grouse. Outing, Oct. 1909. 55:61-63. Forest Preserve for hunting. 5660 S., F.A. Indian lake country. For & Stream, Jan. 5, 1888. 29:465. 5661 Sedge Grass, pseud. An outing at Camp Ananias. For & Stream, Sept. 21, 1895. 45: 245. Hunting trip to Long Lake. 5662 Shep, pseud. An Adirondack trip. Amat Sportsman, Mar. 1905. 32:no.5:ll-12. Hunt- ing on headwaters of West Canada Creek. 5663 Shooting in the Adirondacks. All the Tear, Sept. 29, 1860. 3:585-88. Extracts in Forest and Stream, Mar. 5, 1874, 2:57, with title "Pol Smith of St. Regis." Paul Smith guides hunting party. Largely descriptive of area around Paul Smiths. Also Tupper, St. Regis and Upper Saranac lakes. 5664 Smith, Judson Newman. An Adirondack journey. Argosy, Sept. 1895. 20:522-27. illus. Plates by Stoddard, Chandler and Baldwin. 5665 Smith, Paul. An experience on the Upper St. Regis. For Leaves, Dec. 1903. l:no. 1:9-11. illus. 5666 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack con- ditions. For & Stream, Sept. 19, 1898. 71: 455-56. Hunting prospects and state policy toward the Adirondacks. 5667 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack game. For & Stream, Nov. 7, 1908. 71 :734-35. Game notes. 5668 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack notes. For & Stream, Jan. 13, 1894. 42:30. Report on the hunting and fishing season. 5669 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Bird dogs in the north woods. For & Stream, Oct. 22, 1910. 75:654. Reprinted in The Angler and Hunter, Nov. 1910. 2:586-87. 5670 Spears, Raymond Smiley. A few post-season tears. For & Stream, Nov. 11, 1911. 77:713. illus. Reports on the hunting season. 5671 Spears, Raymond Smiley. From Adirondack letters. For & Stream, Dec. 10, 1898. 51:466. 5672 Spears, Raymond Smiley. The game season. For & Stream, Sept. 24, 1910. 75:495-96. Opening of the hunting season in the Adi- rondacks. 5673 Spears, Raymond Smiley. The little known of the Adirondacks. Field & S, July 1907. 12:204-6. 5674 Spears, Raymond Smiley. The season in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Nov. 16, 1907. 69:776. Review of the hunting season. 5675 230 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS Spears, Raymond Smiley. That Adirondack "Kid." For & Stream, Sept. 16, 1899. 53: 227. 5676 Sperry, Charles T. The passing of "Old Golden." Ang & Hunt, Apr. 1910. 2:192- 94. port, illus. North Lake. 5677 Sport in the Adirondacks. Sport Rev, Oct. 30, 1909. 36:423. Big Moose Lake, Cranberry Lake and Fulton Chain. 5678 Stone, William Leete, 1835-1908. Fifty years ago. St No Mo, Oct. 1907. 2:401-16. Hunt- ing trip near Crane Mountain in 1855. 5679 Streever, Fred L. The American trail hound. N.Y. A.S. Barnes, ^1948. 202p. front, illus. Includes the -Adirondacks. 5680 Thompson, H.H. Cooking fish and "float- ing" deer. Am Angler, July 7, 1883. 4:5-6. Signed: H.H.T. Guides on Fulton Chain cook fish well. First deer floating experience. 5681 Two months in the forest. Am Sportsman, Jan. 24, 1874. 3:263. South Pond. 5682 Van Santvoord, Seymour. Trout and veni- son. Outing, Oct. 1885. 7:74-82. Long Lake. 5683 W., T.G. A day in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Dec. 2, 1894. 43:555. 5684 Waidmannsheil, pseud. A hunt in the Adi- rondacks. Amat Sportsman, July 1907. 37:no. 3:8-9. 5685 Walsh, John. My rubber boots and Saranac. For Leaves, Spring 1905. 2:no.2:6-13. Hunt- ing trip in winter with wrong foot covering. 5686 Warning. For & Stream, Sept. 24, 1910. 75: 487. Editorial on prevention of shooting ac- cidents. 5687 Warwick, Frank. In the Moose river country. For & Stream, '$>z\>\.. 13, 1883.21:123-24. 5688 Webber, Charles Wilkins. The hunter nat- uralist. Romance of sporting; or. Wild scenes and wild hunters. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1852. 61 Op. col. front, illus. plates (some col.). Also published under title: Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters. Contents: A Bird's-eye View of the Speculator (Mt. Speculator): Wild Lakes of the Adirondack, Ch. XX. Trolling in June (on Round Lake and Lake Pleasant) Ch. XXI. A Night Hunt up the Cunga- munck, Ch. XXII. Trouting on Jessup's River, Ch. XXIII. Anecdotes of Moose and Deer Among Northern Lakes, Ch. XXIV. Chapter XVIII reprinted in Godefs Lady's Book, Oct. 1851, 43:204-7. 5689 Webber, Charles Wilkins. Romance of nat- ural history; or. Wild scenes and wild hunt- ers. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1852. 610p. front, plates, illus. First published as "The Hunter Naturalist." Wild Lakes of the Adi- rondack, Ch. XVII. Trouting on Jessup's River, Ch. XVIIl. Moose and Deer-Hunt- ing Among the Northern Lakes, Ch. XIX. 5690 Webber, Charles Wilkins. Wild scenes and wild hunters; or. The romance of sporting. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfin- ger, 1875. 61 Op. front, illus. Also published under titles "The Hunter Naturalist"; "Ro- mance of Natural History"; "Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters of the World." Adiron- dacks, Chs. XX-XXIV, p.472-535. For titles of these chapters see entry under "The Hunter Naturalist" (5689). 5691 Webber, Charles Wilkins. Wild scenes and wild hunters of the world. Philadelphia, J. W. Bradley, 1852. 61 Op. plates, illus. Same as "The Hunter Naturalist" (1851) and "Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters." 5692 Whish, John D. Big deer and bigger bear rewarded some Adirondack hunters. For & Stream, Feb. 1917. 87:82. 5693 Worden, George H. Over Rag wheel moun- tain. Outing, Nov. 1889. 15:153-56. 5694 Deer A., J.D. A bit of glory. Recreation, Mar. 1901. 14:190. 5695 Adirondack June deer slaughter. For & Stream, July 10, 1897. 49:26. Two communi- cations signed W.H.B. and Fontinalis. 5696 An Adirondack night experience. For & Stream, Sept. 17, 1898. 51:223. Still-hunting. 5697 Alawishus, pseud. A two weeks deer hunt in Cold river country. Fur-Fisk-Game, June 1927. 45:no.6:21-22. illus. 5698 Allen, J.C. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Jan. 4, 1896. 46:11. 5699 Ampersand, pseud. Deer driving. For & Stream, June 12, 1884. 22:384. Unsportsman- like method of hunting. 5700 Anderson, W.P. On a blazed trail. For & Stream, ]\xne 18, 1891. 36:434-35. Otter Lake area. 5701 AuSable, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Oct. 27, 1887. 29:265. Report on the hunting season. 5702 AuSable, pseud. Adirondack deer hunts. For & Stream, Nov. 15, 1888. 31 :323. North Elba. 5703 An author's adventure. Sport Rev, Dec. 4, 1909. 36:543. Stephen Chalmers' encounter with a buck at Saranac Lake. 5704 B. Adirondack deer and public rights. For & Stream, Mar. 24, 1906. 66:465. Notes on deer. Opposition to large Rockefeller holdings. 5705 HUNTING AND FISHING 231 B., G.L. Deer in northern New York. For & Stream, Nov. 1, 1888. 31:286. R6sum6 of the hunting season. 5706 Barnes, AJmont. Floating for deer. Field & S, Mar. 1900. 5:128-31. illus. 5707 Bishop, Bainbridge. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Feb. 4, 1886. 26:26. Objection to action by the Board of Supervisors of Essex County approving deer hounding. 5708 Boardman, William Henry. The ring and the deer. Harper, May 1901. 102:963-65. Tale of a deer near the old Philosopher's Camp. 5709 Bourlier, \\^S. A white-tailed deer hunt in the Adirondacks. Field & S, Aug. 1916. 21: 523-26. illus. Cranberry Lake. 5710 Brandreth, Paulina. Bucks of Cathedral mead- ow, by Paul Brandreth, pseud. Field & S, Feb. 1938. 42:no.l0:30-31, 64-65. illus. Near Long Lake. 5711 Brandreth, Paulina. Clean kills; still-hunting the whitetail deer, by Paul Brandreth, pseud. For & Stream, Nov. 1928. 98:669-71, 708. illus. 5712 Brandreth, Paulina. The fine art of deer hunt- ing; points on the great game by an old hunter, by Paul Brandreth, pseud. Field & S, Sept.-Oct. 1914. 19:489-94, 631-34. In- cludes accounts of deer hunts in the Burnt Mountain Lake region. 5713 Brandreth, Paulina. The fire on Albany mountain; hunting deer with Sheriff Cole and a vivid experience with a destructive forest fire in the Adirondacks, by Paul Brand- reth, pseud. For & Stream, Apr. 1923. 93:174- 75, 202-5. illus. 5714 Brandreth, Paulina. Good luck. For & Stream, May 12, 1906. 66:752-53. 5715 Brandreth, Paulina. Hints on deer shooting. For & Stream, Oct. 1, 1904. 63:281-83. 5716 Brandreth, Paulina. Hunting the whitetail, long may he live to grace our forest?, by Paul Brandreth, pseud. For & Stream, Oct. 1923. 93:547-49, 599-601, 606-8. illus. 5717 Brandreth, Paulina. Still-hunting the white- tailed deer, by Paul Brandreth, pseud. Field Gf^^Mar. 1913. 17:1192-95. illus. 5718 Brandreth, Paulina. The sunrise buck; a day on a stand and an evening beside the camp- fire with an Adirondack guide, by Paul Brandreth, pseud. For & Stream, Apr. 15, 1911. 76:568-71. 5719 Brandreth, Paulina. The wiles of the white- tail, by Paul Brandreth, pseud. For & Stream, Oct. 1926. 96:590-91, 626-28. illus. 5720 Brooks, Raymond Everett. An Adirondack deer hunt which was profitable for the am- munition makers. Fur News, Dec. 1920. 32: no.6:6-7. 5721 Brown, George L. Adirondack deer hunting. For & Stream, Dec. 23, 1905. 65:515. 5722 Bruce, Dwight Hall. Adirondack deer hound- ing. For & Stream, Mar. 5, 1885. 24:105. 5723 Burnham, John Bird. Adirondack deer hunt- ing conditions. For & Stream, Sept. 24, 1898. 51:246. See comment (with same title) by Juvenal, pseud, in issue for Oct. 1, 1898, 51: 268. 5724 Burroughs, John. A night-hunt in the Adi- rondacks. Putnam, Aug. 1868. n.s. 2:149-54. 5725 C, H. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Oct. 9, 1890. 35:228. 5726 Cap Lock, pseud. Deer in the north woods. For & Stream, Dec. 2, 1886. 27:364. Beaver River hunting trip. 5727 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Adirondack deer shooting. For & Stream, Oct. 21, 1893. 41: 342. Fulton Chain. 5728 Chrystie, Percival. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Dec. 29, 1894. 43:559. Against "water-killing." 5729 Clark, W.E. Deer in the Adirondacks. Rec- reation, Sept. 1896. 5:129. illus. 5730 Cleveland, Grover. Fishing and shooting sketches, illustrated by Henry S. Watson. N.Y. Outing publishing co. 1907. 209p. port, plates, illus. 5731 Confessions of a deer slayer. For & Stream, Nov. 7, 1896. 47:369. Reply to Deerslayer, pseud. Oct. 31, 1896, 47:346. Reprinted from the New York Mail & Express. 5732 Cook, Sam. The Adirondack deer season. Field & S, Oct. 1904. 9:618-22. illus. 5733 Cool, Byron E. Deer of Canachagala lake. For & Stream, Oct. 15, 1898. 51:309. Adi- rondack League Club tract. 5734 Crans, George E. Deer hunting in the olden days. Ang & Hunt, Oct. 1910. 2:511-14. illus. At Cranberry Inlet. 5735 Curtis, George William. From the easy chair. N.Y. Harper, ^1 891-94. 3v. "Killing deer," V.3, p.28-36. 5736 Curtis, H.N. My first deer. Outing, Jan. 1888. 11:372-75. 5737 D., J.W. A magnificent Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Sept. 23, 1905. 65:251. 5738 Dailey, Elric J. Beyond the trail's end; a deer hunting expedition in the farback Adiron- dacks. Fur-Fish-Game, Dec. 1925. 42:no.6: 21-23. illus. South of Ampersand. 5739 Decker, F.L. A deer hunt in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Jan. 14, 1899. 52:27. 5740 232 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS Deer hunting. Am Sportsman, Oct. 11, 1873. 3:22-23. Along the Raquette River. 5741 Deer hunting in New York state. D & H Bui, Nov. 1937. 17:165-67, 172-73. illus. 5742 Deer in Adirondack lakes. For & Stream, Aug. 7, 1890. 35:48-49. Hamilton County. 5743 Deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Dec. 8, 1881. 17:368. 5744 A deer jacking record. For & Stream, Apr. 24, 1897. 48:321. Editorial on season of 1893 at Big Moose Lake. 5745 Deer stalking on bicycles. Sport Rev, Oct. 13, 1906. 30:398. Party camping near Paul Smiths using bicycles. 5746 Doll, George F. Two Adirondack deer and how the greenhorn of the party chanced to bring them into camp. Field & .S, Jan. 1909. 13:781-85. illus. 5747 The Dominie, pseud. Driving a buck. For & Stream, Feb. 5, 1874. 1:405. Little Tupper Lake. 5748 Donohue, Frank Laurence. Deer hunting and deer laws. For & Stream, Dec. 12, 1896. 47:466. 5749 Duryca, Morris Jesup. His first deer. For & 6'/reaw, July 18, 1903. 61:45. 5750 The economic view of deer hounding. For & Stream, Feb. 25, 1886. 26:88-89. 5751 Eurus, pseud. An Adirondack deer hunt. For & Stream, Sept. 11, 1897. 49:205. Indian Lake. 5752 Fenton, Charles. Still hunting on Mt. Van- derwacker. For & Stream, Apr. 27, 1876. 6: 178-79. Hunting trip made in 1857. 5753 Fletcher, J. P. A deer hunt in the Adiron- dacks. Amat Sportsman, Nov. 1905. 34:no.l: 9-10.(illus. Lake Pleasant. 5754 Flint, Peter, Adirondack deer hunting. For & Stream, Jan. 9, 1904. 62:28. ^ 5755 Flint, Peter, Adirondack deer hunting. For & Stream, Dec. 30, 1905. 65:533. 5756 Flint, Peter, Capturing a buck on foot. For & Stream, Oct. 21, 1899. 53:329-30. Near Ticonderoga. 5757 Floating for deer. Knick Mag, Apr. 1862. 59: 337-39. 5758 Floating for deer in the Adirondacks. Harper W, Oct. 24, 1868. 12:677, 679. illus. 5759 Foster, Maximilian. Where the big game runs; wildernesses where the sportsman finds noble quarry within striking distance of the great cities. Hunting deer in the Adiron- dacks, moose and caribou in Maine and Can- ada, and grizzly, elk and pronghorn in the Rockies. Munsey, Dec. 1900. 24:426-40. illus. 5760 Fuller, A.R. Adirondack winter notes. For & Stream, Feb. 15, 1883. 20:46-47. Still-hunting at Meacham Lake. 5761 Fuller, A.R. Deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Dec. 4, 1884. 23:367. 5762 G., P.B. Deer hunting ethics. For & Stream, Sept. 6, 1888. 31:126. Fulton Chain. 5763 Gale, J. Thomson. Adirondack deer and hounds. For & Stream, Feb. 25, 1899. 52:150. 5764 Gianini, Charles A. Whitetails, the reveries of an Adirondack deer hunter. For & Stream, Jan. 1927. 97:25-26, 55-56. illus. 5765 Grant, H.D. When Adirondack deer were wantonly killed with clubs. J Outd Life, Mar. 1906. 3:53-54. 5766 Gray, H.T. A deafened doe. Recreation, Oct. 1900. 13:252. St. Regis. 5767 H. Stalking bucks by squash light. For & i'/r^aw, Oct. 11, 1883. 21:217. 5768 Hammond, Samuel H. and Mansfield, L.W. Country margins and rambles of a journalist. N.Y., Boston, J. C. Derby, Phillips, Sampson & CO. 1855. 356p. Adirondacks, p.293-329. First published in the Albany State Register. 5769 Hastings, W.W. Deer hunting days in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Apr. 22, 1899. 52:302-3. illus. 5770 Hazard, Caroline. Memoirs of the Rev. J. Lewis Diman, D.D. . . .compiled from his letters, journals, and writings. Boston, Hough- ton, 1887. 363p. Deer hunt on the Raquette, p.243. 5771 Hector, pseud. Still-hunting on the Oswe- gatchie For & Stream, Oct. 6, 1894. 43: 295. 5772 Hermalin, D.M. Big game hunting for poor men ; being a treatise on how a salaried man living in New York city may spend a two weeks' vacation, enjoy himself, and secure a deer, all for fifty dollars or less. For & Stream, Jan. 10, 1914. 82:37-39. illus. Cran- berry Lake region. 5773 Hermalin, D.M. Big-game hunting in New York state. For & Stream, Feb. 24, 1912. 78: 236-37. illus. Hunting deer near Cranberry Lake. 5774 Hermalin, D.M. The last of the monster; being an episode about old and experienced hunters and a tenderfoot. . . For & Stream, Aug. 22, 1914. 83:240-41. illus. A deer hunt- ing story from the Cranberry Lake region. 5775 Hoadley, Edgar R. A night on the Raquette. Recreation, Aug. 1896. 5:89-92. 5776 Hoffman, Charles Fenno. Scenes and stories of the Hudson. 2. The deer hunt. Am Mo HUNTING AND FISHING 233 Mag (NT) Apr. 1836, n.s.l:401-6. The first part of this series appeared in the Jan. 1836 issue with title "Mohegan-ana." 5777 Hounding deer in the Adirondacks 25 years ago; some recollections of an old hunter. J OutdLiJe, Sept. 1905. 2:185-88. illus. 5778 Hopper, Raymond G. Primeval Adirondacks. For & Stream, June 18, 1891. 36:432-33. Smith's Lake in northwestern Adirondacks. 5779 Hudson, William Lincoln. On the trail of old Mike. Field & S, Sept. 1908. 13:405-10. illus. 5780 Irenasus, pseud. Deer shooting in the Adi- rondacks. Am Sportsman, Nov. 1872. 2:27. Near Paul Smiths. 5781 Jack bluff and bluster. For & Stream, Aug. 20, 1885. 25:61. Editorial on jacking. 5782 Jack-hunting deer. For & Stream, May 28, 1891. 36:369. Editorial on restrictions on hunting on tract of the Adirondack League Club. 5783 Juvenal, pseud. The Adirondack deer season. For & Stream, Oct. 20, Dec. 1, 1906. 67:614, 864-65. 5784 Juvenal, pseud. The Adirondack deer season again. For & Stream, Dec. 8, 1906. 67:906. 5785 Juvenal, pseud. Mud-sounding in the Adi- rondacks. For & Stream, Nov. 28, 1903. 61: 421. Tenderfoot caught in the mud during a deer hunt. 5786 Juvenal, pseud. A night watch in the Adi- rondacks. For & Stream, Jan. 29, 1898. 50: 87. 5787 KoUer, Lawrence R. Shots at whitetails. Drawings by Bob Kuhn. Boston, Little, Brown, ^1948. 362p. illus. Includes Adirondacks. 5788 Lawson, Lem. Training Adirondack deer dogs. For & Stream, Feb. 13, 1897. 48:128. 5789 Lempfert, O.C. Phantoms of the forest; an Adirondack deer hunt plus a bear that took it and kept on coming. Field & S, Oct. 1929. 34:no.6:36-37, 101-2. illus. 5790 Low, James Jr. Floating and driving for deer; or. The adventures of a night and day in the Adirondacks. Geneva, The Continen- tal Herald & Swiss Times, 1873. 62p. 5791 McChesney, Calvin S. Hunting facts from a sportsman's notebook. Conservationist, Mar. 1921. 4:42-43. Moo.se River valley. 5792 Marble, George L. My first buck. Sh & Fish, Nov. 17, 1904. 37:109-10. Hunting at Tupper Lake. 5793 Markham, Charles C. An Adirondack deer hunt. For & Stream, ]u\y 29, 1875. 4:388. At Round Pond and Big Clear Pond. 5794 Markham, Charles C. Among the Adiron- dacks. Sunrise on Little Tupper's lake — A deer hunt at Rock pond — Chase after a buck. For & Stream, Dec. 25, 1873. 1:308. 5795 Martin, John S. The clearing buck. Field & S, Oct. "l942. 47:no.6:ll-13, 63-64. illus. 5796 Martindale, Paul. A deer-hunt on the Bou- quet. Knick Mag, June 1855. 45:577-83. Started from Elizabethtown accompanied by Apollos Newell. 5797 Mayo, Earl Williams. A September night in the Adirondacks. Illus Am, Sept. 19, 1896. 20:408-9. illus. Reminiscences of a deer hunt at night near Cranberry Lake. 5798 Miller, Seaver Asbury. At Round lake in the Adirondacks. Recreation, Feb. 1898. 8:122-23. 5799 Miss Diana in the Adirondacks. Harper W, Aug. 25, 1883. 27:529, 535. illus. Full-page illustration and short account of deer hunt- ing experience. 5800 A month at the Racket. Knick Mag, Sept.- Nov. 1856. 48:290-94, 356-63, 485-92. Ra- quette Lake. 5801 Morley, J.D. Favors hounding. Recreation, July 1902. 17:40-41. 5802 Motisher, Robert W. Adirondack deer hound- ing. For & Stream, ]sin. 23, 1904. 62:67. 5803 Musset, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Dec. 22, 1894. 43:536. 5804 Musset, pseud. Adirondack deer hounding. For & Stream, Oct. 13, 1894. 43:316. 5805 Musset, pseud. Adirondack deer hounding. For & Stream, Dec. 7, 1 895. 45 :493. 5806 Musset, pseud. Adirondack deer hunting. For & Stream, Dec. 22, 1892. 39:533. 5807 Musset, pseud. Deer in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Dec. 9, 1886. 27:384. Dissatisfac- tion with the present law. 5808 Newberry, A. St. J. Water killing deer. For & Stream, Nov. 28, 1896. 47:425. ^ 5809 A night hunt. For & Stream, Nov. 24, 1881. 17:326-27. Along the Raquette. 5810 Night-hunt in the Adirondacks. Broadway, Mar. 1870. ser.2:4:431-35. 5811 North Woods, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Nov. 20, 1890. 35:351. Deer hound- ing. 5812 Not dead yet. Field & S, Mar. 1906. 10:1155. Hounding deer in Essex County. 5813 'Nu Delta, pseud. Adirondack deer hounding. For & Stream, May 1, 1890. 34:288. 5814 234 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDAGKS Ondack, Adrion, pseud. Hounding and still hunting. For & Stream, Mar. 10, 1881. 16: 108-9. Near middle branch of the St. Regis River. 5815 "Open season on deer hunters." Sport Rev, Nov. 20, 1909. 36:495. Discussion of accidents during hunting season. 5816 Otis, R.C. A deer hunt in the Adirondacks. Fur News, Nov. 1923. 38:no.5:37. 5817 P. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, July 30, 1885. 25:7. 5818 Portsa, pseud. The Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Dec. 10, 1885. 25:385. Summary of the hunting season. 5819 Portsa, pseud. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Oct. 29, 1891. 37:291. Near Wilmurt. 5820 Portsa, pseud. Adirondack deer hunting. For & Stream, Dec. 1, 1892. 39:467. Discussion of hunting season. 5821 Potter, Frederick K. Adirondack deer trails of 1908. For & Stream, Oct. 1924. 94:594- 95, 625-26. illus. 5822 Preston, Emma A. A woman scores on deer. Field & S, Oct. 1906. 11:589. Along Fulton Chain. 5823 R., J.H. Adirondack deer killing methods. For & Stream, Mar. 12, 1891. 36:149. Discus- sion of floating and hounding. 5824 Rawson, Edward Sidney. The buck duellist. For & Stream, Nov. 8, 1902. 59:363-64. 5825 Redner, D.S. Jr. My first still hunt. Field & S, Jan. 1903. 7:61.3-14. Near Euba Mills. 5826 Rice, Mrs. Arthur F. A woman's telling shot. Recreation, Aug. 1896. 5:84-85. illus. On St. Regis River. ^ 5827 Roberts, Georgia. An Adirondack buck. Out- ing, Oct. 1897. 31:22-24. illus. Hunting on the Oswegatchie. 5828 Rodemeyer, J. A day in the Adirondacks. Recreation, Oct. 1897. 7:263-65. Near North Creek. 5829 Schenck, M. Adirondack deer. For & Stream., Jan. 4, 1896. 46:11. 5830 Schoonmaker, W.J. The white tail buck of Mud pond. High Spots Trbk, 1942. p.7-8. illus. 5831 Scale, Marcus O. Rifle and pack in the Adi- rondacks. Field & S, Sept. 1918. 23:389-91. illus. Cranberry Lake. 5832 Severinghaus, C.W. Adirondack deer. NTS Con, Dec. 1950-Jan. 1951. 5:no.3:34. One- column note giving statistics of the take for 1950, 1949 and 1945-48. 5833 Shaw, Joseph T. Our Adirondack deer hunt. Field &S,Mar. 1914. 18:1183-89. illus. 5834 Shepard, Frank E. A large Adirondack buck. For & Stream, Feb. 2, 1895. 44:88. 5835 Shurter, Joseph W. Deer hunting in the Adi- rondacks. For & Stream, Apr. 12, 1883. 20: 205-7. Trip in 1881 to Indian Clearing on Moose River. 5836 Shurter, Joseph W. Various matters. For & Stream, Dec. 6, 1902. 59:449. Notes on deer and hunting in the Adirondacks. 5837 Smith, F2zra G. An Adirondack deer hunt. For & Stream, Mar. 30, 1901. 56:244. 5838 Smith, Ezra G. Human hounds dog deer. For & Stream, Feb. 16, 1901. 56:129. Too many parties employ human dogging. 5839 Solitude, pseud. An Adirondack deer hunt. For & Stream, Jan. 25, 1908. 70:136. Near Old Forge. 5840 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Dec. 13, 1902. 59:467. 5841 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Nov. 4, 1905. 65:370-71. On supply of deer. 5842 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack notes. For & Stream, July 27, 1895. 45:72. Moose River. 5843 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Getting a big buck. For & Stream, Oct. 2, 1897. 49:266. Moose River country. 5844 Spears, Raymond Smiley. A heavy deer. For & Stream, Nov. 13, 1897. 49:387. Heaviest deer of season shot at Fourth Lake. 5845 Spears, Raymond Smiley. In the north woods. For & Stream, Oct. 30, 1909. 73:696. Deer hunting notes. 5846 Stafford, E.L. An Adirondack deer hunt. Amat Sportsman, Feb. 1907. 36:no. 4:3-5. illus. Annual deer hunt of Chestigue Hunting Club in Chestertown. 5847 Still-hunting in the town of Schroon. For & Stream, Sept. 19, 1896. 47:227. 5848 Sumner, E.E. The big buck of Spring pond carry. For & Stream, Apr. 23, 1898. 50:328. Exceptionally large buck killed in the south- ern part of Township 2 in St. Lawrence County. 5849 Sylvanus, pseud. Deer stalking in the Adi- rondacks. Rod & Gun, June 12-19, 1875. 6:161, 182. Along the Cedar River. 5850 Tanck, John E. and Passer, Franklin J. Still- hunting. NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1951. 6:no.2: 6-7. diagr. Stalking whitetails. 5851 Van Dyke, Theodore Strong. The still-hunter. N.Y. Fords, Howard & Hulbert, 1883. 390p. Includes hunting in the Adirondacks. 5852 Visitor, pseud. Real deer hounding in July. For & Stream, Aug. 22, 1914. 83:238-39. Notes from Eagle Lake. 5853 HUNTING AND FISHING 235 W. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Sept. 29, 1894. 43:267. 5854 W., F.H. A deer hunt in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Nov. 26, 1874. 3:242. Betna Ponds. 5855 W., M. My first buck. Wilkes Spirit, Sept. 10, 1859. 1:2-3. Hunting in Number Four area. 5856 Warburton, G.A. Can a novice get a deer? Recreation, Sept. 1904. 21:165-66. 5857 Warner, Charles Dudley. An Adirondack deer hunt. For & Stream, Feb. 4, 1886. 26: 28. Reprinted from his "In the Wilderness." Partially reprinted in Stedman & Hutchin- son, V.8, p.449-56. 5858 Webb, Edward L. A three days' deer hunt. Field & S, Oct. 1907. 12:489-90. 5859 Whitney, Casper W. The butchery of Adi- rondack deer. Harper W, Jan. 16, 1892. 36: 58-61. illus. 5860 Willitts, Frederick C. On the trail of the white-tail. Outing, Dec. 1918. 73:138-40, 167- 70. Northern Adirondacks. 5861 Withington, L.A. A deer hunt in the Adi- rondacks. Field & S, Nov. 1903. 8:545-47. illus. 5862 Wolcott, W.E. Adirondack deer. For & Stream, Oct. 20, 1900. 55:307. 5863 Wolcott, W.E. "Them big white birds." For & Stream, Oct. 24, 1903. 61:320. An Adiron- dack deer story. 5864 Wood, Richard K. Afoot in deer country. Fur News, Nov. 1921. 34:no.5:18-19, 36-38. illus. Near the Duck Hole. 5865 Wood, Richard K. Trap lines and deer trails. Sport Dig, Nov. 1924, Jan., Apr. 1925. 3:no. 11:12-14; 4:no.l:15-17; 4:no.4:17-20, 62- 64. illus. Deer hunting in the Cold River country. 5866 Wulff, Lee. Adirondack fireball. Outdoor Life, Sept. 1953. 112:no.3:42-43, 102-4. illus. Deer hunting near Blue Ridge. 5867 X. An Adirondack deer country. For & Stream, Mar. 29, 1883. 20:170. At Paul Smiths. 5868 Other Game An Adirondack panther. For & Scream, Mar. 1, 1902. 58:165. Reprinted from the Eliza- be tht own Post. 5869 An Adirondack wildcat. For & Stream, May 17, 1898. 50:365. Reprinted from Northern Tribune, Boonville. Hunter's experience along the Fulton Chain. 5870 Adventure with a panther. For & Stream, Mar. 9, 1876. 6:66. On road from Corinth to Conklingville. 5871 Ballard, Frank S. Goose shooting on Lake Champlain. Recreation, Jan. 1895. 2:143-46. illus. 5872 Ballard, William F. Bruin on the rampage. For & Stream, Sept. 21, 1882. 19:145. One of Colvin's guides tells of an encounter with some bears on the South Branch of the Moose River. 5873 Bassler, Anthony. An Adirondack black bear. Recreation, Sept. 1901. 15:190-91. Bear hunt- ing near Lake Pleasant. 5874 Blakesley, Fred E. The grouse gunner in the Adirondacks. Fur News, Sept. 1921. 34:no. 3:5, 27-28. illus. 5875 Brown, Elliott C. Three days ducking on Lake Champlain. Outing, Nov. 1899. 35: 130-34. illus. 5876 Camilla, pseud. Jerry's "Panthy" hunt. For & Stream, Jan. 2, 1904. 62:3-4. Cold River area. 5877 Colvin, Verplanck. Narrative of a bear hunt in the Adirondacks. Alb Inst Tr, Jan. 18, 1870. 6:227-40. Also issued as a reprint, Al- bany, J. Munsell, 1870, 16p. An exciting, vivid, scientific account of a two-day chase starting Dec. 31, 1869 in the direction of Jessup and Indian rivers. Colvin describes the pursuit and capture of a black bear. 5878 Dailey, Elric J. Keen nose, a tale of the most elusive fox in the 'Dacks. Fur-Fish-Game, Aug. 1926. 44:no.2:20-22. illus. Cold River valley. 5879 Elk killed in the Adirondacks. Field & S, Oct. 1903. 8:488. 5880 Flint, Peter. For an Adirondack panther hunt; certainly two big cats still exist in a mountain fastness. For & Stream, May 23, 1914. 82:687-88. 5881 Flint, Peter. Partridges near Ticonderoga. For & Stream,}\in(t 17, 1899. 52:467. 5882 Flint, Peter. The ruffed grouse scarcity. For & Stream, Feb. 15, 1908. 70:257. Eagle Lake. 5883 Foster, Thomas. Dat one day on Lake Cham- plain. Outing, Dec. 1919. 75:146-47, 180. Humorous experience of four duck hunters. 5884 Glover. An Adirondack bear capture. For & Stream, June 2, 1894. 42:468. Near Lake Pleasant. 5885 A Guide, pseud. A panther story. Am Sports- man, Dec. 6, 1873. 3:147. An adventure of John Cheney's. 5886 Knox, M.V.B. How I missed shooting a pan- ther. Field & S, Dec. 1903. 8:618-21. illus. 5887 236 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS Lambert, W.S. A fox hunt in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, Jan. 15, 1898. 50:45. 5888 Lempfert, O.C. The outlaw of the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, Oct. 1929. 99:720-21, 751-53. illus. Is the black bear game or ver- min? 5889 Phelps, Chandley L. The black bear. For & Stream, Nov. 6, 1884. 23:286. Hunting bear on the Moose River. 5890 Potter, Frederick K. Adirondack bears. For & Stream, Dec. 1923. 93:689, 725-29. illus. 5891 R., J.H. An Adirondack elk. For & Stream, Sept. 21, 1901. 57:227. 5892 Senator Chahoon's bear. For & Stream, Sept. 23, 1899. 53:249. Reprinted from the Platts- burg Press. Bear shot with bird shot. 5893 Simonds, Elijah. Even a girl can kill a trapped bear. For & Stream, Sept. 21, 1895. 45:250. At Brainard's Falls. 5894 Smiley, James. A trapper and his bear. Fur News, Mar. 1923. 37:no.3:38-39, 50. Near West Canada Lakes. 5895 Smith, Paul Jr. Elk in the Adirondacks. For Leaves, Spring 1904. 1 :no.2:15-16. illus. 5896 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Two bears. Fur News, Dec. 1917. 26:no.6:8-9. illus. Bear hunting north of Wilmurt. 5897 Sportsman, pseud. Fox hunting at Ticonder- oga. For & Stream, Mar. 30, 1912. 78:400-1. 5898 W., N.B. An Adirondack squirrel hunt. For & Stream, Aug. 20, 1891. 37:84-85. Near Lake George. 5899 Warner, Charles Dudley. How I killed a bear. In Mayer, Alfred Marshall. Sport with gun and rod in American woods and waters. N.Y. Century, ci883. p.820-26. Condensed in North Country Life, Spring 1948, 2:no.2:57- 62. From his "In the Wilderness." 5900 Whipple, James Spencer. First wild boar hunt in United States; it took place only a few weeks ago in the wildest part of the Adi- rondacks, first herd brought from Germany and released in the north woods many years ago. State Service, May 1919. 3:no. 5:61-64. illus. Originally released in Litchfield Park. 5901 Wilson, H.G. Chance shots at Adirondack foxes. Fur News, Jan. 1922. 35:no.l:26, 58- 59. illus. 5902 Wilson, H.G. Shooting mink. Fur News, ]a.n. 1 923. 37 :no. 1 :22-23, 46-47. illus. 5903 FISHING General Adirondack fishing. For & Stream, Jan. 1, 1885. 23:448. 5904 Adirondack fishing rights. For & Stream, Nov. 12, 1891. 37:333. Law for Fulton Chain and similar areas. 5905 Adirondack fly casts. For & Stream, July 9, 1898. 51:21. 5906 The Adirondacs. Am Sportsman, Aug. 1873. 2:170. Fishing near Paul Smiths. 5907 An advertising dodge. For & Stream, Aug. 23, 1883. 21:62. Misleading fishing advertise- ments. 5908 Angling in the Adirondack region. Sport Rev, June 12, 1909. 35:649. 5909 Arthur, L.W. The fight among the rocks and shallows. Field & S, Aug. 1911. 16:399-400. 5910 B. A Chateaugay experience. For & Stream, Nov. 19, 1885. 25:323-24. 5911 B., F. Trip to north woods. For & Stream, Aug. 6, 1874. 2:403. Fishing on the Still- water and Albany Lake. 5912 B., W.W. Rainbow lake, Adirondacks. For & Stream, Aug. 22, 1896. 47:146. 5913 Bachelor, Ward. "A day in the north woods." Lippincott, Oct. 1881. 28:399-404. Fishing yarn. 5914 Bailey, Robeson. Lake fishing in the Adi- rondacks. For & Stream, ]unQ 1928. 98:335- 37, 359-60. illus. 5915 Beardslee, Lester A. Adirondack experiences —seeking for rest, by Piseco, pseud. For & Stream, July 13, 1876. 6:368. Fishing trip near Piseco Lake. 5916 Beardslee, Lester A. The Adirondack fish- ing at Piseco lake, by Piseco, pseud. For & Stream, ]un& 15, 1876. 6:302. 5917 Beardslee, Lester A. Jock's lake, by Piseco, pseud. For & Stream, July 5, 1888. 30:476- 77. 5918 Beck, C.F. Recent catches in Lake Cham- plain. Am Angler, Oct. 22, 1887. 12:269. 5919 Bender, Ray. Shantytown. NTS Con, Dec. 1947-Jan. 1948. 2:no.3:8-9. illus. Reprinted in North Country Life, Winter 1949, 3:no.l: 17-19, with title "Ice Fishing on Lake Cham- plain." 5920 Bisbee, Eugene Shade. Game fishing on the New York Central. NTC Lines Mag, Mar. 1928. 8:no.l2:13-14. 5921 Bisbee, Eugene Shade. Nervous trout and lurking bass lure many. NTC Lines Mag, Aug. 1928. 9:no.5:ll-12. iUus. 5922 HUNTING AND FISHING 237 Brandreth, Paulina. Long lake — a sports- man's arcady, by Paul Brandreth, pseud. For & Stream, Oct. 4, 1913. 81:421-23, 440-41. iUus. 5923 Burham, J.T. In the Adirondacks. Field & S, Aug. 1906. 11:388. 5924 Burnham, John Bird. The Boquet river. For & Stream, Sept. 10, 1898. 51:213. Signed: J.B.B. Trout and bass fishing. 5925 Burnham, John Bird. Fishing in northern New York. For & Stream, ]\inQ 11, 1898. 50: 468-69. Signed: J.B.B. Lake Champlain. 5926 Burnham, John Bird. Lake Champlain fish- ing. For & Stream, Aug. 27, 1898. 51:170. Signed: J.B.B. 5927 C, H.S. Adirondack waters. For & Scream, June 12, 1890. 34:412. Thirteenth Pond. 5928 C, J.G. An Adirondack trip. For & Stream, Sept. 9, 1880. 15:109. Boreas River and Long Pond. 5929 Camilla, pseud. The veteran's pool. For & Stream, Feb. 7, 1903. 60:112. Adirondack fishing story. 5930 Chahoon, George. The fly in North Elba. For & Stream, Sept. 23, 1880. 15:149. 5931 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Angling notes. For & Stream, Jan. 1893-Aug. 10, 1901. v.40-57. Column appearing in many issues; includes fishing in the Adirondacks. 5932 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Fishing in Lake George — eff^ects of restocking. Am Angler, Feb. 16, 1884. 5:100-1. Signed: A.N.C. 5933 Cheney, Albert Nelson. In the north woods — camping with ladies. Am Angler, Dec. 9, 1882. 2:369-71. Signed: A.N.C. Fishing trip to Raquette Lake. 5934 Cheney, Albert Nelson. One rainy day. Am Angler, Oct. 13, 1883. 4:228-29. Signed: A.N.C. Brant Lake fishing trip. 5935 Cheney, Albert Nelson. A pond that nobody knows. For & Stream, May 24, 1888. 30:346- 47. Pond located between Lake George and Lake Champlain. 5936 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Schroon lake — black bass and salmon trout. Am Angler, Oct. 7, 1882. 2:229-30. Signed: A.N.C. 5937 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Scores, etc. on Schroon lake (Essex co. N.Y.). Am Angler, Aug. 19, 1882. 2:116-17. Signed: A.N.C. 5938 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Then and now^ — my higscoT^. Am Angler, Mar. 25, 1882. 1:196-97. Signed: A.N.C. Fishing in Twelfth Pond. 5939 Chrystie, Percival. Adirondack fishing. For & Stream, Oct. 19, 1907. 69:620. Lower Saranac Lake. 5940 Clark, Lewis Gaylord. Fishing excursion to 'John Brown's tract.' Knick Mag, Oct. 1857. 50:414-17. Expedition up the Black River accompanying Canal Board surveyors; an account of a trip with the North Woods Walton Club was to follow, but it was not published, although a note in the November issue stated that it would appear in the next issue; in Apr. 1858 (51 :434) the editor states: "We shall refer further to the North- Woods Walton Club when we conclude next month our 'Trip to John Browne's Tract.' " 5941 Covert, Byron V. Three weeks in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, June 22, 1901 56:487. 5942 Cranberry lake. For & Stream, Mar. 17, 1887. 28:151. 5943 Crow, Charles H. A day on the Racquette — Tupper lake and Bog river. For & Stream, Apr. 16, 1874. 2:146. 5944 D. The Adirondacks. For & Stream, May 26, 1887.28:395. 5945 D., G.V.W. My first fishing trip. J Outd Life, May 1906. 3:143. 5946 Dawson, George. Angling talks; being the winter talks on summer pastimes. Contrib- uted to the "Forest and stream." N.Y. Forest & stream publishing co. 1883. 78p. "Con- tents chiefly concern angling in the Adiron- dack lakes and rivers." 5947 Dawson, George. Pleasures of angling with rod and reel for trout and salmon. N.Y. Sheldon, 1876. 264p. front, plates. Trout fishing in the Adirondacks, p. 205-64. 5948 Dominick, George F. Jr. Adirondack notes. For & Stream, Apr. 18-May 2, 1903. 60:308, 350. 5949 Ewbank, Ernest L. From Hendersonville to the Adirondacks. Amer Angler, Sept. 1921. 6:258. 5950 Farrell, John J. Fishing through the ice, a popular sport in the Adirondacks. NTC Lines Mag, Feb. 1921. l:no. 11:37-38. illus. 5951 Fernald, Charles D. Saranac lake to Canada by water. Recreation, Aug. 1902. 17:111. Fish- ing trip along Saranac River to Lake Cham- plain. 5952 Finch, J. C. An Adirondack hunter and fisher- man. NYC Lines Mag, Oct. 1924. 5:no.7:86. illus. Fishing on the Moose River. 5953 Fishing and fishing grounds — Lake Cham- plain. Am Angler, Apr. 21, 1883. 3:247-48. 5954 238 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS Fishing in Bisby waters. Am Angler, Mar. 29, 1884. 5:193-94. From the Annual Report of the Bisby Club. 5955 Fishing in New York lakes and streams. Am Field, Aug. 23, 1924. 102:230. Fulton Chain. 5956 Fishing laws for Lake Champlain. For & Stream, Dec. 18, 1884. 23:410. 5957 Flint, Peter. Lake Champlain's big fish. For & Stream, Oct. 18, 1902. 59:313. Review of fishing season. 5958 Fly Rod, pseud. A month in the Adirondacks for $50. For & Stream, Mar. 21, 1878. 10:115. Fishing trip on Brown's Tract. 5959 Gill, John M. A trip to the Adirondacks. For & Stream, July 10, 1879. 12:449. Lake Pleasant. 5960 Goodspeed, Charles Eliot. Angling in Amer- ica, its early history and literature. Boston, Houghton, 1939. 381 p. front, plates, ports, facsims. Includes the North Woods and Long Island; North Woods Walton Club and Philosophers' Camp. 5961 Green, Charles A. From the Adirondack mountains. For & Stream, }\Ay 3, 1909. 73:19. Notes on a fishing trip. 5962 Green, Charles A. Hail to the Adirondacks! For & Stream,}Mn& 11, 1874. 2:275. 5963 Greene, C.W. Survey notes on Indian lake. NYS Con, Apr.-May 1948. 2:no.5:20. illus. Fishing notes. 5964 H. The trip to Snag lake. For & Stream, June 7, 1883. 20:367-68. Up West Canada Creek. 5965 H., K.J. Fine scores at Cranberry lake inlet. Am Angler, Sept. 8, 1888. 14:157. 5966 Hallock, Charles. The fishing tourist; an- gler's guide and reference book. . . N.Y. Harper, 1873. 239p. front, illus. Part II, Ch. II, "The Adirondacks," p. 67-79. Orig- inally published in Harper's Magazine, Aug. 1870, 41:321-38, with title "The Raquette Club." 5967 Held, Ernest. An old fisherman's yarn. Ang & Hunt, Sept. 1910. 2:459-61. Fishing trips on the Oswegatchie. 5968 Herbert, Henry William. Frank Forester's Fish and fishing of the United States. . .third edition, revised and corrected, with an ample supplement by the author. N.Y. Stringer & Townsend, 1855. 359, 86p. fronts, (part col.) plates, illus. Includes comments on the red- fleshed trout of Hamilton County, a letter (on fishing in Louis Lake), supplement p.21- 24; and "Of Trolling for Lake Trout in Hamilton County, New- York," supplement p. 66-73. 5969 Hill, W.W. The Beaver river country, N.Y. For & Stream, Aug. 13, 1874. 3:2-3. 5970 Hiscock, L. Harris. The conversion of George. From brook trout to Lake Meacham pike. Amer Angler, Sept. 1921. 6:283-84. illus. 5971 Holberton, Wakeman. An Adirondack eve- ning. For & Stream, Sept. 9, 1886. 27:129. East Pond. 5972 Huston, Samuel Craig. The Adirondacks. For & Stream, ]\in& 30, 1894. 42:557. Upper Saranac Lake. 5973 Hutton, T. RadclifTe. Adirondack's big rec- ords. Amer Angler, Oct. 1920. 5:274-75. Fish records. 5974 Ibis, pseud. Reminiscences of the Raquette. For & Stream, May 23, 1889. 32:354. Fishing trip starting at Blue Mountain Lake. 5975 Ives, Martin Van Buren. The Adirondacks. For & Stream, May 28, 1885. 24:346. Fishing in western Adirondacks. 5976 J. Lake Champlain fishing. For & Stream, July 17, 1897. 49:49. 5977 Jones' lake. Am Angler, Nov. 12, 1887. 12: 313. Near Panther Mountain. 5978 Judson, Edward Z.C. Seth Green on the stream. Am Angler, Mar. 4, 1882. 1:153-54. Signed: Ned Buntline. Meeting with Seth Green while fishing near Blue Mountain Lake. 5979 June on the West Canada. Mr. X gets 'em when he needs 'em. NTS Sport, Jan. 1939. 4:no.3:3. illus. 5980 Juvenal, pseud. Adirondack fishing. For & Stream, Sept. 1 , 1 906. 67 :341 . 5981 Juvenal, pseud. Adirondack notes. For & Stream, June 10, 1909. 72:981. Poor fishing season. 5982 Kansas, pseud. Two weeks at Spruce lake. For & Stream, Aug. 27, 1891. 37:105-6. 5983 Korax, pseud. Camp of "The Triad." For & Stream, Aug. 7, 1890. 35:51. Fourth Lake. 5984 La Bier, Myra J. The sum and substance of a fishing trip. For & Stream, June 8, 1895. 44: 465. Boreas River. 5985 Lake Champlain fishing. For & Stream, Feb. 25, 1905. 64:159. Copy of petition sent to Hon. Raymond Prefontaine, Canadian Min- ister of Marine and Fisheries, adopted by the North American Fish and Game Protec- tive Association. 5986 Lake George notes. For & Stream, July 24, 1890. 35:9. 5987 Lanman, Charles. Adventures of an angler in Canada, Nova Scotia, and the United States. London, Richard Bentley, 1848. 322p. HUNTING AND FISHING 239 front, (port.) illus. Includes chapter on "John Cheney, the Adirondack hunter, and some of his exploits," p.50-114. Phillips states that this is the English edition of Lanman's "Tour to the River Saguenay. . ." 5988 Lanman, Charles. A tour to the ri\er Sague- nay in lower Canada. Philadelphia, Curry & Hart, 1848. 231 p. Adirondacks, p. 50-92. Published in England with title "Adventures of an Angler in Canada. . ." 5989 The laws governing fishing in Lake Cham- plain. Am Angler, Dec. 27, 1884. 6:403-4. 5990 Lincoln, Robert Page. On the headwaters of the West Canada. Sport Dig, Oct. 1925. 2: no.l0:28-31, 75-76. illus. Piseco Lake. 5991 McNulta, John. Fifty years with a fly. Part XXI. Field & vS", July 1900. 5:341-42. Fish- ing trip in Brown's Tract. 5992 Mather, Fred A cast with "Piseco." For & Stream, July 29, 1886. 27:7. West Canada Creek and Wilmurt Lake. 5993 Mattison, Mrs. C.H. Breaking in a novice. Ang & Hunt, May 1910. 2:272, 274. illus. Fishing in western Adirondacks near Forest- port. 5994 Merrill, Charles A. Gossip about noted Adi- rondack waters. Am Angler, July 29, 1882. 2:72. 5995 Michael, Charles Ritter. Mr. Coolidge is learning to play. Fishing takes its place along- side politics at summer White house in Adi- rondacks. . . JVT Times Mag, Aug. 1, 1926. p. 1-2, 19. illus. 5996 Millard, E.E. Random casts; or. Odds and ends from an angler's note book, by E.M.E. N.Y. Derby bros. 1878. 175p. Southern Adi- rondacks, near Morehouseville. 5997 Miller, Ben. In the Adirondacks: experiences and impressions of a southern angler upon his first visit to the north woods. Field & S, May 1908. 13:19-22. illus. 5998 Morrell, T.S. The Adirondacks in ■ early spring. Am Angler, June 9, 1883. 3:355-57. Fishing trip from Blue Mountain Lake to the Saranacs. 5999 Morrell, T.S. The Adirondacks in May. Am Angler, June 17-24, 1882. 1:385-87, 403-5. port. Signed: Old Izaak. Fishing trip to Long Lake with Sabattis as guide. 6000 Morrell, T.S. Camping on Boreas ponds (1868). Am Angler, Feb. 4-11, 1882. 1:82-83, 99-100. Signed: Old Izaak. 6001 Morrell, T.S. Early spring fishing in the Adi- rondacks. Am Angler, Aug. 4-11, 1888. 14: 68-70, 83-84. Signed: Old Izaak. Near Blue Mountain Lake. 6002 Morris, C. P. At Cranberry lake, next to catching fish oneself comes the pleasure of watching masterful exponent of the art. For & Stream, May 1919. 89:228, 234. 6003 Murdick, I.H. Chazy lake. For & Stream, July 6, 1895. 45:11. 6004 Murray, William Henry Harrison. Rod and reel. Field & R, Mar. 1878. 1:74-75. Extract from his "Adventures in the Wilderness." 6005 Musquash, pseud. Adirondack notes. For & Stream, Oct. 8, 1885. 25:207. Fishing trip to the Saranacs, Raquette and Blue Mountain lakes. 6006 My first Adirondack trip, a boyhood reminis- cence. For & Stream, Oct. 4, 11, 25-Nov. 8, 1883. 21:188, 208, 248-49, 269-70, 289-90. Fishing trip in 1875 along the Fulton Chain to Long and Saranac lakes. 6007 N. The Beaver river country. For & Stream, July 23, 1874. 2:370-71. Fishing trip from Number Four. 6008 N., A.J. Jocks's lake. For & Stream, June 15, 1876. 6:298. Fishing trip in 1863. 6009 Natura, pseud. Wane of Adirondack fishing. For & Stream, ]unc 23, 1892. 38:593. 6010 Northrup, Ansel Judd. Fishes and fishing in the Adirondacks from the sportsman's point of view. In New York (state). Forest, fish and game commission. Annual report, 1902-3. p.275-94. plates. 6011 Novice, pseud. In the Adirondacks. For & Stream, July 3, 1897. 49:12. Boreas River. 6012 Old Pilot, pseud. Deep trolling in Lake George. For & Stream, Mar. 22, 1877. 8:98. 6013 Ondack, Adrion, pseud. Angling in the Adi- rondacks. For & Stream, May 18, 1882. 18: 310. St. Regis area. 6014 Orlando. An Adirondack vacation. Sh & Fish, Aug. 16, 1906. 40:367. 6015 Osceola, pseud. The north woods. For & Stream, May 29, 1890. 34:371. 6016 Piscator, pseud. Tenderfeet in the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, May 14, 1898. 50:383. Fishing up the Saranac River. 6017 Prime, William C. I go a-fishing. N.Y. Harper, ci873. 365p. St. Regis Waters in Old Times, Ch. VII. The St. Regis Waters Now, Ch. VIII. 6018 R., J. Jr. June in the north woods. For & Stream,}\Ay 13, 1882. 18:466. Fishing trip to Brown's Tract. 6019 ,R., J. Jr. A trip to Brown's tract. For & Stream, Feb. 2, 1882. 18:13-14. 6020 240 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS R., P.M. An unsuccessful angler. For Leaves, Winter 1909. 5:no.4:32-33. illus. Lake Placid. 6021 Reynolds, Bob. Adirondacks fishing. Out- door Life, Aug. 1937. 80:no.2:8. Brief note on various fishing areas. 6022 Rice, W.C. A trip to Moose pond; or, How I violated the game law. For Leaves, Summer 1907. 4 :no. 2:44-48. illus. 6023 Richmond, W.L. An Adirondack memory. Field & S, Apr. 1909. 13:1082-84. illus. Moose River. 6024 S., F.M. A June day on the Black river. For & Stream, }an. 22, 1885. 23:509. Near North Lake reservoir. 6025 S., H.E. Chateaugay and Plumador. For & ^ir^am, Jan. 27, 1887. 27:30. 6026 S., W. Adirondack waters. For & Stream, June 26, 1890. 34:455. 6027 Schaefer, Paul A. White thunder. Cloud Split- ter, July- Aug. 1946. 9:no. 4:6-8. Fishing trip near Sacandaga. 6028 Seagears, Clayton B. Adirondack fishing notes. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1946. 10:no. 3:4-5. 6029 Shadow, pseud. My trip to the Adirondacks. For & Stream, July21, 1887.28:550. Meacham Lake. 6030 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack fish- ing. For & Stream, May 28, 1910. 74:859-60. 6031 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Adirondack fish- ing notes. For & Stream, June 8, 1895. 44: 464. 6032 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Effect of auto- mobile and motor cycle on fishing condi- tions. For & Stream, July 25, 1914. 83:112. illus. Chief cause for the reduction of the supply of fish in Adirondack waters. 6033 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Fishing in the Adi- rondacks. For & Stream, June 5, 1909. 72: 898. Review of conditions. 6034 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Light rods and small flies. For & Stream, Aug. 5, 1911. 77: 212-14. Equipment best suited to Adiron- dack fishing. 6035 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Some Adirondack gossip. For & Stream, }uxic 20, 1908. 70:981. Fishing notes. 6036 Spears, Raymond Smiley. That boy in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Sept. 10, 1898. 51:210-11. 6037 Sperry, Charles T. Hard luck. Ang & Hunt, July 1910. 2:382, 384. Fishing on Twin Lakes in western Adirondacks. 6038 Spinner, F.E. A veteran of the craft. Am Angler, June 27, 1885. 7:405. Fishing trip through the Fulton Chain, Raquette and Long Lake. 6039 Spring, George H. comp. Angling guide to Adirondack fishing in the towns of Ticon- deroga, Crown Point, North Hudson, Moriah and Schroon, N.Y. Ticonderoga, N.Y. Ti- conderoga chamber of commerce, 1945. 7p. 6040 Stanstead. Lake Champlain. For & Stream, Nov. 30, 1895. 45:473-74. 6041 Stanstead. Lake Champlain net fishing. For & Stream, Dec. 13, 1902. 59:471. 6042 Stanton, Sanford E. Memories — a week's fishing trip in the Adirondack mountains. Ang & Hunt, June 1910. 2:303-5. Oswe- gatchie country. 6043 Sum, Sam, pseud. Wood's bar, Lake Cham- plain. Am Angler, Mar. 3, 1888. 13:134-36. 6044 Swirl, pseud. Angling days on Lake Cham- plain. For & Stream, Mar. 10, 1887. 27:135. 6045 T., C. McV. Adirondack fishing notes. For & Stream, May 15, 1897. 48:391. 6046 T., T. In the Adirondacks. For & Stream, July 6, 1895. 45:11. Lake Koshaka. 6047 T., W.S. On Lake Champlain. For & Stream, Nov. 22, 1902. 59:411. Near Port Kent. 6048 Thompson, H.H. An angling reminiscence. For & Stream, June 7, 1913. 80:721. Below foot of Long Lake. 6049 Thompson, H.H. Camp Morse. Am Angler, June 20, 1885. 7:385-89. Signed: H.H.T. A trip to Piseco Lake and along the Stillwater with George Morse as guide. 6050 Thompson, H.H. Camping on Jock's lake in 1863. Am Angler, July 5, 1884. 6:1-4. map. Signed: H.H.T. 6051 Thompson, H.H. Camping twenty years ago. Am Angler, Apr. 12, 1884. 5:225-30. illus. Signed: H.H.T. Raquette Lake, Cold River. 6052 Thompson, H.H. Deep snow in the "north- woods" of New York. Am Angler, Mar. 31, 1883. 3:199. Signed: H.H.T. Possibility of late fishing season. 6053 Thompson, H.H. A matter of eels. Am An- gler, Feb. 10, 1883. 3:88. Signed: H.H.T. Bis- by lakes. 6054 Tierney, Jack. Our hibernating fisherman. Up Mo, Mar. 1941. l:no.l2:14. illus. Ice fish- ing on Lake Champlain. 6055 Tom, William. A trip to John's brook and Lake Champlain. Am Angler, May 19, 1888. 13:313-14. 6056 The Traveler, pseud. The Traveler goes up the Fulton chain. Ang & Hunt, July 1910. HUNTING AND FISHING 241 2:386, 388. Ways to get there and fishing possibilities. 6057 Trembley, Charles C. Fishing in the Adi- rondacks. J Ould Life, Aug. 1907. 4:245-47. illus. Signed: C.C.T. 6058 Trudeau, Francis B. Fishing for health; 2d ed. Utica, N.Y. Horrocks-Ibbotson co. 1954. 8p. illus. Reprinted from the Diipont Maga- zine, Apr.-May 1954. 6059 Up de Graff, Thomas G. The state dam- — Adirondacks. Am Angler, Jan. 26, 1884. 5: 53-54. Fishing trip near Ragged Lake. 6060 Van Cleef, J.S. The great Back bay of Lake Champlain. For & Stream, Sept. 1, 1900. 55: 167. 6061 Van Cleef, J.S. Nets in Lake Champlain. For & Stream, Oct. 26, 1901. 57:329-30. 6062 Van Nest, A.R. Memoir of Rev. George Washington Bethune. N.Y. Sheldon & co. 1867. 446p. plates, front, ports. "Art of An- gling," p. 199-225, includes stories from Piseco. 6063 Wa-hoo, pseud. Walton falls and Bluff moun- tain. For & Stream, Apr. 6, 1882. 18:185-86. West Canada Creek area. 6064 Walton, pseud. Adirondack fishing. For & Stream, Mar. 7, 1896. 46:199. 6065 Webster. Forked lake and other waters, N.Y. Am Angler, Aug. 5, 1882. 2:88. 6066 Wild, Edward W. An Adirondack idyl. Rec- reation, Dec. 1896. 5:311-12. illus. Lincoln Pond. 6067 Winans, Richard Maxwell. An Au Sable champion. Outing,]an. 1911. 57:481-89. illus. 6068 Wolcott, W.E. Adirondack fishing. For & Stream, June 7, 1 902. 58 :447. 6069 Wood, George B. Cranberry lake, Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, Aug. 8, 1896. 47:108. 6070 Wood, A Lance, pseud. A day in Keene Valley. Am Angler, July 7, 1888. 14:6-7. ■ 6071 Wood, A Lance, pseud. A trip to the Au- Sable. Am Angler, Sept. 3-10, 1887. 12:147- 48, 162-63. The Ausable River. 6072 Wooley, Frank M. An angler discourses of his hobby. NYC Lines Mag, Apr. 1925. 6:no. 1 :47-48. illus. Lake Champlain. 6073 Wooley, Frank M. Lake George — an an- gler's paradise. NYC Lines Mag, June 1924. 5:no.3:36. 6074 Trout Aiken, Walter. Adirondack large trout rec- ord. For & Stream, A\i§. 9, 1888. 31:48. 6075 AUerton, Reuben G. Brook trout fishing, an account of a trip of the Oquossoc angling association to northern Maine in June, 1869. N.Y. Ferris & Browne, 1869. 59p. incl. front, illus. plates, port. Adirondacks, p. 30-43. 6076 Angler, pseud. In the Adirondacks. For & Stream, July 25, 1896. 47:68. Trout fishing near Mineville. 6077 B., G.T. Lost on a trout stream. For & Stream, Sept. 15, 1887. 29:148. Near West Canada Creek. 6078 Bailey, Robeson. Days along the River Meacham; a tale of little-known Adirondack trout stream. For & Stream, June 1929. 99: 418-19, 436-37, 463. illus. 6079 Barnard, H.R. An Adirondack laker. Rec- reation, Sept. 1902.17:177. 6080 Barrell, A.C. An Ausable expedition prin- cipally to catch trout, but also to enjoy the pure gold of good-fellowship. Field & S, Aug. 1933. 38:no.4:7-9, 46. 6081 Beardslee, Lester A. Piseco's big trout, by Piseco, pseud. For & Stream, June 7, 1877. 8:284. 6082 Bergman, Ray. Speckled trout of the Adi- rondacks. For & Stream, Aug.-Sept. 1925. 95:459-61, 496-98, 525-27, 571. 6083 Bergman, Ray. Trout of the AuSable, some interesting theories and incidents. For & Stream, Dec. 1927. 97:721-23, 751-52. illus. diagrs. Ausable River. 6084 Bisbee, Eugene Shade. Trout fishing in the Adirondacks. NYC Lines Mag, May 1929. 10:no.2:17-18. 6085 Bissell, C.A. The Arbutus lake park trout waters. For & Stream, July 8, 1905. 65:33. In Archer M. Huntington preserve. 6086 Boston, pseud. Lake trout fishing on Lake George. For & Stream, ]une 14, 1877. 8:298. 6087 Brandreth, Paulina. In pursuit of the rain- bow. Field & 5", July 1904. 9:258-59. 6088 Brewer, Leighton. Virgin water; thirty-five years in quest of the squaretail trout. N.Y. Coward-McCann, 1941. 223p. plates. Adi- rondacks, Chs. 1 and 3. 6089 Brimmer, F.E. Adirondack trout streams. Fur News, May 1921. 33:no.5:6-7, 23-27. illus. Directions for reaching some good trout streams. 6090 Browne, Stewart R. Lake trout fishing in Lake George, with a few directions as to what to do when you get them. For & Stream, Aug. 1915. 84:477. 6091 C, A. Trout in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, May 26, 1881. 16:331. 6092 C, A.H. One March day — trouting. Am Angler, Apr. 1, 1882. 1:211-12. Fishing Half- way Brook. 6093 242 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDAGKS Camilla, pseud. Bait and buoys. For & Stream, Aug. 22, 1903. 61:147. Fishing for rainbow trout. 6094 Cheney, Albert Nelson. The lake trout. Am Angler, June 30, 1883. 3:401-2. illus. Under heading: Game fishes of America. Fresh water series. Includes lake trout in Lake George and other Adirondack lakes. 6095 Cheney, Albert Nelson. A trip after lake trout. Am Angler, June 2, 1883. 3:340-42. Signed: A.N.C. Lake George. 6096 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Trout fishing in the Hudson river. Am Angler, Nov. 25, 1882. 2: 345-46. Headwaters of the Hudson. 6097 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Undoing a trout. Am Angler, May 2, 1885. 7:276. Signed: A.N.C. Fishing in Essex County. 6098 Davis, Charles D. Fishing for trout in the Adirondacks. For & Scream, Sept. 21, 1912. 79:365. At head of title: An amateur's expe- rience. Cranberry Lake. 6099 Davison, J.L. Big trout in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, July 23, 1904. 63:76. 6100 Dodd, Mark Dixon. Adirondack trout. For & Stream, Jan. 7, 1911. 76:19-20. Fishing adventures along the Canachagala Creek, a tributary of the Moose River. 6101 Douglas, E.M. The prize "laker" of South pond. Field & S,]an. 1915. 19:961-62. 6102 Dun, Olive. Caring for your trout, after you catch them. NTC Lines Mag, Apr. 1921. 2: no. 1:35-36. illus. Hints for Adirondack an- glers. 6103 Elliott, Frank. Clint Gilbert's trout stream. Field & S, July 1904. 9:226-29. illus. 6104 Extracts from the journal of the Lake Piseco trout club. In Walton, Izaac. The complete angler. . . (Bethune edition). N.Y. & Lon- don, 1847. p. 134-38. Statistics on trout taken 1843-46. 6105 Fly fishing for trout. Sport Rev, July 15, 1905. 28:64-65. Description of flies for use in Adi- rondacks. 6106 Give them a chance. . .to choose your fly. A short story of Ausable river browns, by one who's been there. NTS Sport, Feb. 1938. 3: no.7:3. illus. 6107 Goodridge, S.W. Adirondack trout. For & Stream, Oct. 4, 1883. 21:189. Minerva. 6108 H., F.E. A week with the trout. For & Stream, July 5, 1888. 30:477. Cranberry Lake. 6109 H., W.W. Cranberry lake; description and trout. For & Stream, July 28, 1894. 43:72. 6110 Harris, C.S. My queen of the waters. Field & S, Jan. 1916. 20:876-78. illus. Near North- vUle. 6111 Holland, Raymond Prunty. High spots; in- cidents in last year's trout fishing that will long linger in memory's storehouse. Field & S, Apr. 1930. 34:no. 12:22-23, 71-74. illus. East Branch of the Ausable River. 6112 Juvenal, pseud. Adirondack trout. For & Stream, June 23, 1906. 66:997, 6113 Kingman, Henry. Big lake trout fights two hours. For & Stream, June 1923. 93:309, 314. Upper Saranac Lake. 6114 The largest Adirondack trout. For & Stream, July 19, 1888. 30:509. Editorial on record trout from Cranberry Lake. 6115 Lincoln, Robert Page. Adirondack trout be- yond the beaten paths and gay vacation crowds. Field & S, Feb. 1930. 34:no. 10:24- 25, 97-98. illus. 6116 Lockwood, Kenneth F. Brook trout in the Boreas country. Amer Angler, Aug. 1919. 4: 193. 6117 Lost and found. For & Stream, Aug. 21, 1909. 73:300. Trout fishing experience on Cas- cade lakes. 6118 McHarg, John B. Jr. An Adirondack trout record. For & Stream, June 17, 1899. 52: 468-69. illus. 6119 Martin H. Glynn's first trout; for a few delightful days in the Adirondacks the Gov- ernor forgot the cares of state and became a confirmed disciple of Izaak Walton. For & Stream, Sept. 12, 1914. 83:331-32. illus. 6120 Mather, Fred. Trouting on Wilmurt lake. For & Stream, June 11, 1885. 24:391. 6121 May, George B. Large Adirondack trout. For & Stream, July 6, 1901. 57:9. Big catch in Piseco Lake. 6122 Moorehead, W.K. A few words on the trout. J OutdLife, Apr. 1905. 2:56-57. illus. 6123 Morrell, T.S. Adirondack camping in 1868. Am Angler, Mar. 1892. 21:266-72. illus. Signed: Old Izaak. 6124 Murray, William Henry Harrison. Trouting in the Adirondacks. Golden Rule, July 12, 1876. 1 :no.41 :6. From his "Adventures in the Wilderness." 6125 Norris, Thaddeus. The American angler's book: embracing the natural history of sport- ing fish, and the art of taking them. . .to which is added. Dies piscatoriae: Describing noted fishing places. Philadelphia, Porter & Coates, C1865. 701 p. front, (port.) plates, illus. (Memorial edition.) Trout fishing in the Adirondacks, p. 545-64, 668-69; in Ham- ilton County, p.503-10. 6126 Norton, Mortimer. Adirondack trout beau- ties. Fur-Fish-Game, Aug.-Sept. 1929. 50:no. HUNTING AND FISHING 243 3:8-9, 14; 50:no.4:l 1-12. illus. Contents: A Mishap on Panther Mountain Stream. Fish- ing the Turbulent West Canada Creek. 6127 Old Pilot, pseud. Brook trout fishing at Lake George. For & Stream, Apr. 19, 1877. 8:168. 6128 P., CM. An Adirondack trout string. For & Stream, May 11, 1901. 56:371. 6129 Purdy, Fred Leslie. Trout in northern New York. For & Stream, ]un& 26, 1909. 72:1018. Grass River area. 6130 R., C.M. A big Adirondack lake trout. For (2? 5'/rfa772,June 11, 1898. 50:469. 6131 Radford, Harry V. Adirondack trout fishing. Sh & Fish, Sept. 20, 1906. 40:468. North Creek. 6132 Radford, Harry V. An Adirondack trouting. Woods & Wat, Autumn 1900. 3:no.3:5-6. Also in Field and Stream, July 1902, 7:216-17, and in Forest Leaves, Summer 1905, 2:no.3: 34-36. The first of a series of boyhood sketches. For others in the series see no.5656. 6133 Radford, Harry V. Trout fishing in the Adi- rondacks. Four Tr Mews, Apr. 1902. 2:228- 29. illus. 6134 Raven, pseud. My first trouting. Wilkes Spirit, Dec. 10, 1859. 1:2C9-10. Washington County. 6135 Rhead, Louis, ed. The speckled brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) by various experts with rod and reel; ed. and illus. by Louis Rhead, with an introduction by Charles Hallock. N.Y. R.H. Russell, ci902. 15p. numbered A-O, 184p. col. front, illus. plates. Adiron- dacks, p.67-101. 6136 Ryther, Mrs. George D. A record catch of trout. Ang & Hunt, Apr. 1910. 2:224-25. illus. Cranberry Lake. 6137 Scott, Genio C. Fishing in American waters: a new ed. . . N.Y. Harper, 1875. 539p. front, illus. Red trout of Long Lake, p.261-63. 6138 Scott, H.B. Big trout of the Oswegatchie. Field & S, Nov. 1915. 20:706-9. illus. ' 6139 Smiley, James. Trout fishing. Fur Mews, July- Aug. 1923. 38 :no. 1:30-31, 45-47; 38:no.2: 32-34. At Wilmurt, Morehouse, North Lake. 6140 Spaulding, Edward. Adirondack lake trout. For & Stream, Dec. 15, 1900. 55:462. 6141 Spears, Raymond Smiley. A heretic in trout flies. Outing, July 1913. 62:466-70. Jock's Lake outlet. 6142 Stanton, Sanford E. Luring salmon trout. Am Angler, Oct. 27, 1888. 14:269. At Star Lake. 6143 Stoddart, Alexander. Hooray! Fishing time is here and the splendid trout of the Adiron- dacks call to every angler. NTC Lines Mag, Apr. 1920. l:no.l:29-32. illus. 6144 Stone, Livingston. On the passing of the brook trout. Field & S, Nov. 1905. 10:720. 6145 Sumner, E.E. Adirondack trout. For & Stream, Apr. 30, 1898. 50:352. Notable catches at Saranac Lake. 6146 Tamarack, pseud. Trouting in the Adiron- dacks. Amer Angler, Apr. 1919. 3:696-700. 6147 Trout, S. Almond, pseud. Trout fishing in the Salmon river. Recreation, Feb. 1900. 12: 126-27. 6148 Trouting season in the Adirondacks. Sport Rev, May 8, 1909. 35:509. Opening of fish- ing season. 6149 Uncle Jack, pseud. Some remarkable catches. For & Stream, Apr. 30, 1885. 24:271. 6150 W., A.L. Brown trout. For & Stream, July 6, 1907. 69:21. Saranac River. 6151 Warner, Charles Dudley. A fight with a trout. In Mayer, Alfred Marshall. Sport with gun and rod in American woods and waters. N.Y. Century, ci883. p.827-32. Also in ^/TJ^r- ican Angler, May 1919, 4:52-56. From his "In the Wilderness." 6152 Wells, Henry P. Weighing trout in the woods. Harper W, May 24, 1890. 34:403-5. illus. 6153 Where trout cry to be caught; an account of a trip to Indian lake in the Adirondacks. NTC Lines Mag, May 1923. 4:no.2:30H. 6154 Willard, Francis A. Brown trout in the Adi- rondacks. For & Stream, Aug. 10, 1901. 57: 109. Mill Creek. 6155 Wilson, H.G. A summer of trout fishing. Fur-Fish-Game, May-June 1926. 43:no.5:33- 35; 43:no.6:33-35. illus. 6156 Witherbee, Walter C. A brown trout record. For & Stream, June 2, 1894. 42:472. Near Port Henry. 6157 Wolcott, W.E. Adirondack trout. For & Stream,]\AY 5, 1902. 59:10. 6158 Wolcott, W.E. Adirondack trout. For & Stream, Apr. 16, 1904. 62:317. 6159 Wolcott, W.E. The Adirondack trout season. For & Stream, Sept. 5, 1903. 61:182. 6160 Wolcott, W.E. Luck. For & Stream, Aug. 6, 1898. 51:111-12. 6161 Wood, Richard K. Trout — "two at a crack." Fur News, Aug. 1920. 32 :no. 2:24-25. illus. Boreas River. 6162 Worden, George H. Trouting in the north woods. Outing, Apr. 1891. 18:77-79. illus. 'Many lakes in Herkimer and Hamilton coun- ties. 6163 244 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDAGKS Other Fish Adirondack black bass. Fot & Stream, Sept. 8, 1894. 43:208. 6164 B. Lake George pickerel. For & Stream, Nov. 21, 1896. 47:411. 6165 B., J.H. Whitefish of the Oswegatchie. For & Stream, Mar. 29, 1877. 8:113. Near Cran- berry Lake. 6166 Backus, M.M. Lake Champlain. Its back bays, and its black bass. Am Angler, Feb. 2, Feb. 16-23, 1884. 5:66-68,98-100,114-16. map. 6167 Backus, M.M. Lake Champlain. Pickerel on the fly — weight and measure of black bass. Am Angler, July 19, 1884. 6:38-39. 6168 Bisbee, Eugene Shade. Fighting for "sassy" bass in northern and southern waters. NTC Lines Mag, May 1928. 9 :no. 2:20-22. Lake Champlain. 6169 Bishop, Bainbridge. Bass fishing in Lake Champlain. For & Stream, Mar. 26, 1885. 24:168. 6170 Browne, Stewart R. Bass fishing in Lake George. For & Stream, Sept. 12, 1914. 83: 356. 6171 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Black bass in Lake Champlain. For & Stream, May 14, 1885. 24:309-10. 6172 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Decrease of black bass in Lake George — the Texas club. Am Angler, Aug. 25, 1883. 4:114-15. Signed: A.N.C. Fishing trip in the Adirondacks with the Texans. 6173 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Schroon lake — big black bass — taking a back seat. Am Angler, Nov. 10, 1882. 2:150-51. Signed: A.N.C. 6174 Cherrey, Albert Nelson. The Texas club opens the bass season. Am Angler, Aug. 11, 1883. 4: 85-86. Signed: A.N.C. Lake George. 6175 Closson, J.F. Ned Buntline's Raquette river bass. Recreation, Mar. 1903. 18-186. 6176 Ferris, L. Champlain smelt. For & Stream, Apr. 18, 1896. 46:320. 6177 Glens Falls, pseud. Hints on bass fishing. For & Stream, ^an. 17, 1878. 9:453. Long and Round ponds, Warren County. 6178 Harmsworth, Alfred C. Salmon in Lake George. For & Stream, }un& 8, 1895. 44:464. 6179 Harris, William Charles. Black bass fishing at West Port. For & Stream, iuly 23, 1874. 2: 378. 6180 Harris, William Charles. Striped bass in summer — Adirondack fishing. Outing, Aug. 1902. 40:640-42. 6181 Hastings, W.W. Lake George bass experi- ence. For & Stream, Dec. 10, 1898. 51:473. 6182 Heathcote. Smelt fishing in Lake Cham- plain. For & Stream, Apr. 6, 1895. 44:269. 6183 Landon, Jud. In the Adirondacks. Recrea- tion {NY), June, Aug. 1916. 54:264; 55:79. Old Forge, bass fishing. 6184 Mahony, John. Some Adirondack bass fish- ing. For & Stream, Aug. 1925. 95:478-79, 504-6. illus. 6185 Mandell, D.W. Pickerel in Adirondack wa- ters. For & Stream, May 4, 1876. 6:198. 6186 Morse, C.H. Smelt in Lake Champlain. For & Stream, Apr. 6, 1895. 44:269. 6187 Nash, Spencer M. Bass in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Nov. 12, 1891. 27:333. 6188 Old Pilot, pseud. Bass fishing in Lake George. For & Stream, May 31, 1877. 8:269. 6189 Pettit, James S. The gamy bass of the Sara- nac region. Amer Angler, May 1920. 5:12-13. illus. 6190 Sangemo, pseud. The north woods pike, he is on the job twelve months a year and is waiting for you now. For & Stream, Feb. 1917. 87:76-77. Taking game fish through the ice. 6191 Tahawus, pseud. Pickerel in Adirondack waters. For & Stream, Apr. 6, 1876. 6:133- 34. Lake Sanford. 6192 Tamarack, pseud. The northern pike of Lewey lake once famed for its brook and lake trout, this Adirondack sheet of water becomes the home of ravenous pike of huge proportions. For & Stream, Oct. 1919. 89: 534-35, 552. 6193 Van Cleef, J.S. Pop-squash. For & Stream, Nov. 24, 1900. 55:410. Small-mouthed black bass in Lake Champlain. 6194 Wager, A.L. The black bass of the Back bay, Lake Champlain. Am Angler, Oct. 4, 1884. 6:215. 6195 WhifTen, Edwin T. Angling for Adirondack frostfish, the delicate frostfish of northern waters may be successfully taken with hook and line if methods are adapted to its pecul- iar characteristics. For & Stream, Oct. 1918. 88:592, 614. illus. 6196 Wilson, E.K. Second rate fish in Adirondack waters. For & Stream, Apr. 13, 1876. 6:149. Spread of pickerel to Raquette. 6197 Wolcott, W.E. Black bass fishing. For & Stream, June 14, 1902. 58:469. 6198 TRAPPING TRAPPING 245 Ballard, M.E. A trip to the Adirondacks. Fur News, Oct. 1913. 18:318-21. South of Cranberry Lake. 6199 Dailey, Elric J. Adirondack beaver trapping. Fur-Fish-Game, Apr. 1928. 47:no.4:67-68. illus. 6200 Dailey, Elric J. Beaver, fox and otter plenti- ful in Adirondacks. Fur News, Jan. 1922. 35: no. 1:9. 6201 Dailey, Elric J. Beaver trapping prospects in the Adirondacks. Fur News, Nov. 1923. 38:no.5:5, 45. illus. 6202 Dailey, Elric J. Big woods trapping. Fur News, Feb. 1923. 37:no.2:16-17, 59-60. Near the Grass River. 6203 Dailey, Elric J. The Bog ponds trapline. Fur- Fish-Game, Sept. 1925. 42 :no. 3:38-40. illus. 6204 Dailey, Elric J. Haunts and habits of Adi- rondack's wild life in which a New York state registered guide and trapper tells of fur and game conditions in this well-stocked region. Sport Dig, Oct. 1924. I:no.l0:14-16, 72-76. illus. 6205 Dailey, Elric J. In the fur and game country. Fur-Fish-Game, Dec. 1926. 44 :no. 6:20-22. illus. Near Upper Raquette Lake. 6206 Dailey, Elric J. In the land of spruces. Sport Dig, Oct. 1925. 2 :no. 10:25-27, 87. illus. 6207 Dailey, Elric J. The January trapline. In the land of snow. Fur-Fish-Game, Jan. 1927. 45: no. 1:60-63. illus. 6208 Dailey, Elric J. Life in the fur country. An account of a day on the trapline in the Adi- rondacks. Sport Dig, Nov. 1927. 6:20-24. 6209 Dailey, Elric J. Life in the trapper's country. Fur-Fish-Game, Oct. 1928. 48:no.4:ll-12. illus. Sawtooth Range. 6210 Dailey, Elric J. The Moose mountain trap line. Fur News, Jan. 1924. 39 :no. 1:20-21, 40- 41. illus. 6211 Dailey, Elric J. North woods trapping. Fur News, May 1922. 35:no.5:12-13, 43. illus. Roaring Brook. 6212 Dailey, Elric J. On a far back trapline. Fur- ology, Dec. 1923. 3:no.l:7-9. 6213 Dailey, Elric J. On the trail of sly reynard; an account of a fox trapping trip in the foot- hills of the Adirondacks. Fur News, Oct. 1 922. 36:no.4:13-14. illus. 6214 Dailey, Elric J. The otter country. Fur News, Oct. 1923. 38:no.4:12-13. illus. 6215 Dailey, Elric J. Out for fur and fun; an ac- count of one month's auto trapping in St. Lawrence county and the Adirondack foot- hills. Fur News, Feb. 1922. 35:no.2:20-21, 44-45. illus. 6216 Dailey, Elric J. The rival trappers of Lost chasm. Fur News, Sept. 1923. 38:no.3:20-21. illus. Near the Sawtooth Mountains. 6217 Dailey, Elric J. "Spot trapper" Dailey's auto trapline. Sport Dig, Mar. 1924. 3:no.3:22- 24, 88-90. illus. 6218 Dailey, Elric J. Traplines and trails; a book of master trapping methods. Columbus, O. Hunter-trader-trapper co. ^1925. 242p. illus. Adirondack trapping, p. 52-59; many other references to trapping in the Adirondacks. 6219 Dailey, Elric J. Trapped out country. Fur News,}sLn. 1923. 37:no.l :16-17. illus. North- ern New York. 6220 Dailey, Elric J. "Trapping" — the sport of most thrills. Sport Dig, Dec. 1925. 4:no.l2: 17-18, 50-51, 53-55. illus. 6221 Dailey, Elric J. Trapping the Grass river flow; the life of a trapper, though filled with hardship, contains as many joys as that of his city brother. Sport Dig, Jan. 1926. 5:no. 1 :8-9. illus. 6222 Dailey, Elric J. The wilderness trap-line. Fur News, }u\y 1922. 36:no.l:19, 34. illus. Cata- mount Mountain. 6223 Drahos, Nicholas and Maunton, Ed. Catch- ing coyotes: the scent post set. NTS Con, Dec. 1954-Jan. 1955. 9 :no. 3:22-23. illus. Trap- ping at Newcomb. 6224 Helmes, C.A. Fox trapping in the Adiron- dacks; how man stakes his wits against the most cunning and resourceful of all wild ani- mals; Reynard's wonderful scent often saves him. State Service, ]\Ay-^ng. 1920. 4:581-83. illus. 6225 Keith, E.F. The Adirondack trapper. Fur- Fish-Game, Nov. 1929. 50:no.5:24-26. Camp- fire tales. 6226 Keith, E.F. Around the loop. Fur News, Dec. 1923. 38:no.6:55. illus. Fox trapping in high- peak area. 6227 Keith, E.F. Bear trapping in the Adirondack mountains. Fur-Fish-Game, Nov. 1926. 44: no.5:ll. illus. 6228 Keith, E.F. The crafty mink. Fur News, May 1924. 39 :no. 5:45-47. illus. 6229 Keith, E.F. My trapping trip on the North branch. Fur News, ]an. 1921. 33:no.l:26-27. Bouquet River. 6230 246 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS Keith, E.F. Recollections of an Adirondack trapper. Fur-Fish-Game, June 1925. 41:no.6: 16, 24. 6231 Keith, E.F. Trapping in the Adirondacks. Fur News, Apr. 1920. 31:no.4:5. 6232 Keith, E.F. Trapping the far-back country. Fur-Fish-Game, Oct. 1925. 42:no.4:34-35. Mount Dix. 6233 MacDougall, Clint. Slim pond beaver. Fur- Fish-Game, Jan. 1952. 47:no.l :42-43. Trap- ping beaver in Whitney Park. 6234 Newhouse, Sewell. The trapper's guide. A manual of instructions for capturing all kinds of fur-bearing animals, and curing their skins: with observations on the fur trade, hints on life in the woods, and narratives of trapping and hunting excursions; by S. Newhouse and other trappers and sportsmen. . .ed. by J.H. Noyes. Wallingford, Conn. Oneida com- munity, 1865. 118p. front, (port.) illus. 2d edition, Wallingford, Conn. 1867. 3d edi- tion, edited by the Oneida Community, N.Y. Oakley, Mason & co. 1867. 3d edition also published in N.Y. by Mason, Baker & Pratt, 1872. 8th edition, rev. Ed. by John Humphrey Noyes, Community, N.Y. Oneida Community, 1887. 9th edition, rev. N.Y. 1894. Also published by Forest & Stream, N.Y. 1894. Pocket edition, Kenwood, N.Y. 1895. Newhouse trapper's guide. Published by the Oneida Community, Oneida, N.Y. 1905. A Young Trapper's Experience, by John P. Hutchins, p. 138-42. An Amateur in the North Woods, by Charles S. Joslyn, p. 159-74. Camping and trapping in Brown's Tract. 6235 Perils of the trail, a trip over a mountain trap line. Fur-Fish-Game, Jan. 1926. 43:no. 1: 14-16. illus. 6236 Potter, Frederick K. The last Adirondack wolf, how Reuben Cary followed its trail through winter woods and finally succeeded in trapping the wary animal. For & Stream, Feb. 1923. 93:60, 89-91. illus. 6237 Smiley, James. Baits. Fur News, Nov. 1919- Jan. 1920. 30:no.5:4-5; 30:no.6:4-5; 31:no. 1 :4-5. 6238 Smiley, James. Home again — spot trapping in the Adirondacks. Fur News, Feb. 1923. 37:no.2:40-42. West Canada Creek near Wilmurt. 6239 Smiley, James. Two-month trapping season ideas. Fur News, Apr. 1923. 37:no.4:38-39. Suggested changes for trapping season. 6240 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Game and trap- ping. For & Stream, Apr. 23, 1910. 74:656. 6241 Spears, Raymond Smiley. On an Adiron- dack trap line. For & Stream, Apr. 6, 1907. 68:528-30. illus. 6242 Wilson, H.G. The Adirondack country. Fur News, Sept. 1923. 38:no.3:5, 46-47. illus. 6243 Wilson, H.G. Prosperous mink trapping. Fur News, Jan. 1925. 40:no.l :42-43, 45. illus. 6244 Wilson, H.G. Weasel trapping. . . The white weasel is the mid-winter standby of many Adirondack trappers. Fur News, Feb. 1922. 35:no.2:24. illus. 6245 Winter in the wild wood. Harper W, Mar. 26, 1887. 31:227-28. illus. 6246 Wood, Richard K. The Big Moose trap line; the story of a spring trapping trip in the Adi- rondacks. Fur News, Dec. 1920. 32 :no. 6:4-5, 52. illus. 6247 Wood, Richard K. Cabin life, how Dick Wood and two friends spent a month in the Adirondacks. Fur News, Jan. 1921. 33:no.l: 6-7. illus. Near Cold River Flow. 6248 Wood, Richard K. Cold river trail. Fur News, Feb. 1921. 33:no.2:8-9, 35. Cold River coun- try. 6249 Wood, Richard K. The February trap line. Fur News, Feb. 1920. 31:no.2:3, 51-52. illus. 6250 Wood, Richard K. Otter's trail. Fur News, Mar. 1921. 33:no.3:8-9, 55. illus. 6251 Wood, Richard K. The winter trapline. Fur- Fish-Game, Jan. 1926. 43:no.l :20-22. illus. 6252 Wood, Richard K. With Randall on the Boreas. Fur News, Feb.-Mar. 1918. 27:no. 2:8-9, 61; 27:no.3:8-9. illus. port. 6253 WINTER SPORTS Alexander, Clifford. Some notes on winter camping. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan. -Feb. 1950. 14: 16-18. 6254 Apperson, John S. Adirondacks are ideal for winter sports. Article VII, section 7 of state constitution has safeguarded for this area the principal attraction of winter sports. n.p. Ski committee of New York state trails conference, inc. 1937. 4p. 6255 Battling for icy honors at Lake Placid. Lit Digest, Feb. 6, 1932. 112:no.6:30, 32. illus. 6256 Big carnival days delight Saranac lake win- ter merry makers, new snowshoe and ski WINTER SPORTS 247 trails, curling, ski-joring and picnics in the mountains feature season's diversion. Alotor- dom, Dec. 1930. 24:no.6:12. illus. 6257 Brilliant season expected at Lake Placid in Adirondacks. A'i'C Lines Mag, Dec. 1928. 9:no.9:37. iUus. 6258 Brimmer, F.E. Winter pleasure and profit. Fur A'ews, Feb. 1923. 37:no.2:20-21. illus. Snow shoeing; types of snovvshoes. 6259 Burnham, John Bird. A winter camp on Wadleigh brook. For & Stream, ^^an. 30, 1897. 48:86. 6260 Dewey, Godfrey. Bob sleighing — America's youngest winter sport. In United States east- ern amateur ski association. Year book, 1929. p.48-50. illus. Building bob-sled run at Lake Placid. 6261 The discovery of winter; the north country awakens to its many opportunities for fun and health. JS'o Country Life, Winter 1948. 2: no. 1:4-5. 6262 Ely, Catherine Beach. Winter sports in New York and New England. Motordom, Dec. 1932. p.6-7. illus. 6263 Empire state greatest winter playground. . . from all over the country thousands of motor- ists learn the real lure of winter vacations. Motordom, Dec. 1929. 23:no.7:4-5. illus. 6264 Flickinger, Katherine and Hart, Merwin K. Jr.. Skis, snowshoes and crampons. Ad-i-ron- dac, Nov. -Dec. 1949. 13:128-29. Adirondack Mountain Club Winter Activities Commit- tee trophies. 6265 Fowler, Barnett. Winter sports right here in New York. NTS Con, Dec. 1948-Jan. 1949. 3 :no. 3:2-3. illus. 6266 Gardner, Paul. Who said Placid bob run! Holiday, Feb. 1947. 2:no.2:25, 114-15. 6267 Garren, H.L. Figure skating — the artsport. Up Mo, Feb. 1941. 1 :no.ll :16-17. illus. At Lake Placid. 6268 Going to Speculator means real enjoyment; all attractions of winter fun are "on tap" at this genial center on shores of Lake Pleasant . . . Motordom, Dec. 1930. 24:no.6:13. illus. 6269 Halliday, E.M. Winter sports in the country. Argosy, Dec. 1894. 19:227-32. illus. 6270 Hamilton county centers extend a welcome; Speculator, Inlet and Long lake, in the cen- tral and lower Adirondacks; offer splendid facilities for winter-time enjoyment, new slides and carnival programs in store for holi- day vacationists. Motordom, Dec. 1931. 25: no.6:14-15. illus. 6271 Hart, Merwin K. Jr. Skis, snowshoes and crampons. Ad-i-ron-dac, }an.-Fch., May-June 1950. 14:14, 66. Report from Adirondack Mountain Club Winter Activities Commit- tee. 6272 Hicks, Harry Wade. Lake Placid club winter sports. Intercollegiate Athletics, Jan. 1924. 1: no.3:ll, 18. illus. Author's name given as W.H. Hicks. 6273 Hicks, Harry Wade. Winter sports at Lake Placid club, Essex co. N.Y. Skisport, 1923-24. 18:27-29. illus. 6274 Hicks, Harry Wade. Winter sports in the Adirondacks. Am For, Jan. 1927. 33:9-13. illus. 6275 Howard, William Gibbs. Winter trip to Johns brook. Mt Mag, Oct. 1928. 7:37-38. illus. 6276 Howland, Harold Jacobs. A winter tramp in the north woods. Outlook, June 3, 1905. 80:283-96. illus. Snowshoe journey through Indian and Avalanche passes. 6277 Hudowalski, Edward C. Notes on winter camping. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan. -Feb. 1947. 11: no.l:7. 6278 Kiernan, John. Sports the frozen northland gave us. . . NT Times Mag, Jan. 5, 1930. p.4-5. illus. 6279 Kimball, Francis P. The great white play- ground, the Empire state, with its beautiful mountains, lakes and forests, offers the gay- est winter centers — all manner of fun at hand to drive dull care away. Motordom, Dec. 1931. 25:no.6:45. illus. 6280 Kimball, Francis P. Winter sport days are here, January brings winter vacations in the great outdoor playgrounds of the Adiron- dacks, Canada and New England. Motordom, Jan. 1930. 23:no.8:6-7. illus. 6281 King winter, the big "whoopee" maker. Motordom, Dec. 1930. 24:no.6:3. illus. 6282 Lake Placid enthusiasts celebrate. 25th year of winter sports. NTC Lines Mag, Jan. 1930. 10:no.l0:48. illus. 6283 Lake Placid opens big season of winter sports. NTC Lines Mag, }an. 1923. 3:no.l0:39. 6284 Life goes to Lake Placid. Life, Mar. 20, 1944. 1 6 :no. 12:1 26-29. illus. 6285 Longstreth, Thomas Morris. Lake Placid, the winter capital of America, attracts throngs of sport lovers. NYC Lines Mag, Feb. 1920. 2:no.l:45-46. illus. 6286 Longstreth, Thomas Morris. Sports in the zero zone. Harper, Feb. 1919. 138:374-83. illus. Winter sports at Lake Placid. 6287 Maedonald. R.H. The Saranac lake ice car- nival. Four' Tr News, Dec. 1902. 3:265-67. 6288 248 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDAGKS Martin, George W. Sno birds of Lake Placid club. In United States eastern amateur ski association. Year book, 1930. p. 83-84. illus. on p.82. 6289 Morgan, Donald Fair. Down the run on a streaking bobsled. . . NT Times Mag, Feb. 28, 1928. p.lO, 21. illus. 6290 Morgan, Donald Fair. On snow and ice. College Humor, Jan. 1929. 16:no.2:60-61, 105- 6. illus. College week at Lake Placid. 6291 Motor sledding at Saranac lake. Sci Am, Mar. 9, 1912. 106:217. illus. 6292 Mount Van Hoevenberg run. Pic, Mar. 21, 1939. 5:no.6:32-35. illus. ports. 6293 Mountain-sides echo shouts and laughter of sport lovers in snowy Adirondacks. NTC Lines Mag, Jan. 1928. 8:no.l0:31-32. illus. 6294 The new sport of bobsledding. . . IVint Sports, Apr. 1931. l:no.7:2, 21. illus. 6295 New York (state). Conservation department. The Mt. Van Hoevenberg Olympic bob- sled run at Lake Placid, N.Y. n.p. n.pub. 1936. 6p. Dated Oct. 1936. 6296 New York Central railroad company. The Adirondacks: land of winter sport, n.p. 1916? 16p. illus. Unpaged leaflet. 6297 New winter sports program in the central Adirondacks. Up-Stater, Jan. 1931. 3:no.l: 10. A bond issue authorized by Hamilton County to develop parks at Indian Lake, Lake Pleasant and Speculator. 6298 Norman, Andre. Courting winter in the Adi- rondacks; the exhilarating season of winter sports in northern New York, outdoor life at Lake George, Lake Placid and some other all-year resorts. Travel, Jan. 1915. 24:no.3: 46-48. illus. 6299 Now winter sport hits 'on high.' Motordom, Jan. 1931. 24:no.7:10. illus. 6300 Paxton, Harry T. Bobsledders don't use brakes. Sat Eve Post, Jan. 29, 1949. 221 :no. 31 :32-33, 87, 89-90. col. illus. Bob-sled run on Mt. Van Hoevenberg. 6301 Pope, Katherine. Snow-shoeing. Four Tr Nevus, Dec. 1904. 7:386-88. illus. 6302 Porter, Lawrence and Steiger, W.A. Illu- minated ice at Lake Placid club, N.Y. Gen Elec R, Sept. 1930. 33:514-18. illus. Special lighting for winter sports. 6303 Rockwell, George L. A winter camp on the St. Regis: pen pictures of wood life in the Adirondacks in the season of frost and snow. Field & S, Feb.-Mar. 1908. 12:818-22, 916- 20. illus. 6304 Shea, Jack. Jack Shea's story. Wint Sports, Oct. 1931. l:no.l:5, 28. port. Ice skating. 6305 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Thirty below on Cedar lake. Ad-i-ron-dac, Ja.n.-Feb. 1952. 16:8, 14. Winter camping. 6306 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Winter camp- ing. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1953. 17:9. Re- printed from The Cloud Splitter, Nov. 1941. 6307 Skating, skiing and snowshoeing attract win- ter sports lovers to Lake Placid. NTC Lines Mag, Feb. 1926. 6 :no. 11:38-39. illus. 6308 Smith, Clarence C. Winter sports in the Adi- rondacks; America's premier winter play- ground arranges a variety of entertainment this season. Up-Stater, Nov. 1929. l:no.6:5- 7, 28, 30. illus. 6309 Spears, Raymond Smiley. Winter camping in the Adirondacks. Country Life, Jan. 1909. 15:272-73, 294-96. illus. Describes condi- tions a camper must count on meeting. 6310 Speculator — new winter sports center, all winter delights and plenty of gayety await you at the famous new colony on the shore of Lake Pleasant. Motordom, Dec. 1929. 23: no.7:8-9. illus. 6311 Summer ice skating. Up Mo, Aug. 1941. 2: no. 5:22. illus. History of the rink at Lake Placid. 6312 Take a cue from winter — it's a joy; gay places of the north provide a stirring contrast with winter life in the cities. Motordom, Jan. 1933. p.4. illus. 6313 Taylor, Frank H. Charms of a snow-bound camp. Four Tr News, Feb. 1904. 6:71-74. illus. Blue Mountain Lake area. 6314 Thrilling sports and colorful pageant mark annual mid-winter carnival at Saranac Lake. NTC Lines Mag, Mar. 1920. 2:no.2:41-42. illus. 6315 Townsend, Reginald T. Lake Placid days. Country Life, Jan. 1925. 47 :no. 3:60-62. illus. 6316 Townsend, Reginald T. Our winter wonder- land. Country Life, Dec. 1920. 39:no.2:34- 42. illus. (partly col.). Lake Placid. 6317 Trainer, J.N. A vacation on snowshoes. Rec- reation, Jan. 1909. 29:34. illus. Winter camp- ing trip near Big Moose Lake. 6318 Trevor, George. The champagne of winter sports. . . Sportsman, Jan. 1930. 7:no.l:38- 40, 108. illus. Construction of the bob-sled run at Lake Placid. Notes on Swiss runs. 6319 Trevor, George. Down the ice-sheathed cork- screw. Liberty, Feb. 6, 1932. 9 :no. 6:30-34. illus. Bob-sledding. 6320 Trevor, George. Racing bobs. Outlook, Feb. 25, 1931. 157:303-4, 317-18. illus. Mount Van Hoevenberg run. 6321 WINTER SPORTS 249 Upstate atti^acts winter tourists. Up-Stater, Jan. 1929. l:no. 1:8-9. illus. 6322 Van Dyke, Paul A. High peak camping in winter. Ad-i-ron-dac, ]an.-F eh. 1952. 16:4-5. 6323 Welch, Fay. Footprints in the snow. Ad-i- ron-dac, ]an.-¥eh. 1948. 12:no.l :10-1 1. illus. Animal tracks and winter hiking. 6324 Wharton, Hazel K. Bob sledding in the Adi- rondacks. Am For, Feb. 1938. 44:58-60, 78. UIus. 6325 When the snow flies. Up Mo, Dec. 1941. 2: no.9:3. 6326 Will omit Adirondack ice carnival this win- ter. J Outd Life, Dec. 1905. 2:283-84. illus. Carnival at Saranac Lake. 6327 Winter centers gay as sport season opens; January-February are big months of diver- sion in the north with the Olympics at Lake Placid bringing world famous stars to this region. . . Motordom, Jan. 1932. p.6-7. illus. 6328 A winter empire awaits you; New York state with its noted winter places, beckons all to merry making in royal fashion. Motordom, Dec. 1930. 24:no.6:4-5. illus. 6329 Winter sport high spots for thrills and pleas- ure. Up Afo, Jan. 1941. 1 :no.l0:14-15. illus. 6330 Winter sport in the Adirondacks. J Outd Life, Jan. 1906. 2:315-18. illus. 6331 Winter sports. Lake PI Life, Jan.-Feb. 1931. p.21, 23, 25, 27-29; p.16-17, 21, 23, 27-29, 37, 41-42. See also Winter program events, Jan. 1931, p. 34-35, and Winter sports at Lake Placid Club, Jan. 1931, p.41-42. 6332 Winter sports at Saranac Lake. Motordom, Jan. 1930. 23:no.8:26. illus. 6333 Winter sports at Saranac Lake. Playground, Jan. 1921. 14:no.8:627-29. 6334 Winter sports in the Adirondacks. Sport Rev, Jan. 1, 1905. 27:8. 6335 Winter sports open at Lake Placid in "Amer- ican Switzerland." NTC Lines Mag, Jan. 1926. 6:no.l0:55. illus. 6336 Winter sports season at Lake Placid now in full swing. NYC Lines Mag, Jan. 1921. l:no. 10:25-27. illus. 6337 Wright, Mary Isabel. All's merry at Lake Placid; bob sleighing is a new sport on the program this winter, preparatory to 1932 winter Olympic games at Placid. Motordom, Dec. 1929. 23:no.7:6-7. illus. 6338 Wright, Mary Isabel. King Winter plays his favorites. 4p. illus. Reprinted from Motordom, Jan. 1929, 22:no.8:2-5, 24. 6339 Wright, Mary Isabel. Winter sports season at Lake Placid is begun. NTC Lines Mag, Dec. 1927. 9:no.9:45. illus. 6340 OLYMPIC GAMES American Olympic committee. Report. . . games of the Xth Olympiad. . . Ill Olym- pic winter games. Lake Placid, New York, Feb. 4-13, 1932. Edited by Frederick W. Rubien. . . N.Y. 1932. 347p. ports, illus. diagrs. 6341 At America's playland. Recreation {Nat) ] an. 1932. 25:564-65. illus. 6342 Dewey, Godfrey. The Olympic winter games. In United States eastern amateur ski associa- tion. Year book, 1928. p.25-30. illus. 6343 Dewey, Godfrey. The third Olympic winter games. Kiwan Ma^, July 1932. 17:307. 6344 Dewey, Godfrey. Third Olympic winter games — Lake Placid 1932. In United States eastern amateur ski association. Year book, 1929. p. 14-1 6. diagr. illus. 6345 Gage, Earle W. The Olympic winter games. AAA Travel, Jan. 1932. 2:no.4:6-7, 15. illus. 6346 The great Olympics come to Lake Placid; approach of the world's most brilliant winter sports show makes this the premier goal of American sport lovers — stars of 25 nations competing in the greatest winter event of this generation — everyone welcome and all may enjoy thrills. Motordom, Dec. 1931. 25:no. 6:7-9. illus. 6347 Lake Placid prepares for 1932 Olympic win- ter sports. NTC Lines Ma^, July 1929. 10:no. 4:51. 6348 Lattimer, George M. The Olympics in retro- spect. Wint Sports, Nov. 1932. 3:no.2:14-15. illus. 6349 Morgan, Donald Fair. The III Olympic win- ter games. Bridle & G, Jan. 1932. ll:no.l: 8-9, 26-27. illus. 6350 1932 winter Olympics at Lake Placid; New York state enthusiastic over selection of Lake Placid which is already preparing for 1932. Motordom, Dec. 1929. 23:no.7:20. port. 6351 Olympic games (winter) Lake Placid, 1932. Official report. III Olympic winter games, Lake Placid 1932. . .compiled by George M. Lattimer. n.p. n.pub. ^1932. 291p. inch illus. plates, ports, figs. maps. 6352 Olympic games (winter) Lake Placid, 1932. Ill Olympic winter games, Lake Placid, Essex county. New York, Feb. 4-13, 1932. Albany, J. B. Lyon, n.d. 24p. incl. cover, illus. 'map. Schedule of games and advertisement for Essex County. 6353 250 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS Olympic games (winter) Lake Placid, 1932. Ill Olympic winter games, Lake Placid, USA, February 4-13, 1932. n.p. n.pub. n.d. 16p. illus. 6354 Olympic news. Issued by the American Olym- pic association. . .N.Y. Vol. 5, nos. 9-10, 11- 12, Sept.-Oct., Nov.-Dec. 1931, and Vol. 6, nos. 1 & 2, Jan. and Feb. 1932, are on the III Olympic winter games at Lake Placid. 6355 Rice, Grantland. Winter knights; Olympic winter sports, Lake Placid. Colliers, Feb. 13, 1932. 89:no.7:22. illus. 6356 Smith-Kieland, Ingv. Olympic ski handling censured. . . Wint Sports, Jan. 1933. 3:no.5: 4-6, 22. 6357 Swift, Otis Peabody. Lake Placid ready for Olympics, offers regal sport program. Lake Placid club and village arrange noted events with world stars coming to entertain winter goers. Motordom, Dec. 1930. 24:no. 7:6-7. illus. 6358 Ilird Olympic winter games. . . Wint Sports, Feb. 1932. 2:no.5:5-8. port. 6359 III Olympic winter games, event of world- wide importance to be held at Lake Placid in 1932. Up-Stater, Jan. 1931. 3:no.l:3-4. illus. 6360 White, Elwyn Brooks. . . .Midwinter mad- ness. New Yorker, Feb. 20, 1932. 8:no.l:38- 44. illus. 6361 Winter Olympic games to have 20 nations participating, at Lake Placid. NYC Lines Mag, Oct. 1931. 12:no.2:19. 6362 Winter Olympics at Placid. World's most colorful ice pageant. Gas Logic, Feb. 1932. 51 :no.2:3-4. illus. 6363 WINTER MOUNTAIN CLIMBING Adirondack mountain club, inc. Winter moun- taineering and ski touring competitions. In- formation and rules, n.p. 1949. 6p. illus. 6364 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Winter ac- tivities committee. Adirondack mountain club Winter activities committee announces the first annual winter mountaineering school at Adirondak loj, Lake Placid, New York, December 28-31, 1954. Albany, 1954. 2p. illus. Broadside. 6365 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Winter activities committee. The advanced winter badge, n.p. 1953. 4p. Unpaged leaflet. 6366 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Winter ac- tivities committee. The winter mountaineer- ing guide, by Kim Hart. Utica, N.Y. 1953. 13p. illus. 6367 Allis, J. Ashton. A winter climb of Mount Marcy. Mt Mag, Jan. 1928. 6:55-56. illus. 6368 Bailey, Richard. First winter ascents of two Adirondack peaks. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1949. 13:10. Cliff Mountain and Herbert (Marshall) Mountain. 6369 Bailey, Richard. My favorite Adirondack winter climb. Cloud Splitter, Jan.-Feb. 1955. 18:no.l:8-13. illus. Mt. Colden. 6370 Barker, E. Gilbert and Van Dyke, Paul A. The advanced winter badge. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1953. 17:7, 15. Report of the Win- ter Activities Committee, Adirondack Moun- tain Club. 6371 Barker, E. Gilbert. Winter travel in the blow- down. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1951. 15:106- 9. Winter ascent of Seward and an unsuccess- ful attempt to climb Santanoni. 6372 Dirlan, Peter B. C.C.C. winter ascents of Panther, Couchsachraga. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.- Feb. 1954. 18:8-9, 11. 6373 Distin, William G. New Years day on White- face. For Leaves, Spring 1910. 6:no.l:3-8. illus. 6374 Flurscheim, C.H. Mt. Marcy. Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1947. 10:no. 2:4-5. Early ski climb of Marcy. 6375 Goodwin, James A. Winter mountaineering. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1949. 13:121-22. 6376 Hammond, Henry D. How we climbed Sen- tinel. Ad-i-ron-dac, July- Aug. 1951. 15:64- 66. illus. Climb through blowdown. 6377 Harris, F.H. Up a mountain on skis. Coun- try Life, Feb. 1921. 39:48-50. illus. 6378 Harris, Martin S. Princeton outing club win- ter range trip. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1953. 17:4-5. illus. 6379 Hart, David C. Cornell on Dix. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1950. 14:30-32. illus. First re- corded winter ascent of the entire Dix range. 6380 Hart, David C. First recorded winter ascents of Dial and Dix. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1949. 13:39. 6381 Hart, Merwin K. Jr. First winter moun- taineering school held at Adirondak loj. Ad- i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1955. 19:17. See also account by William Endicott in The Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1955, 18:no.2:10-13. 6382 Hart, Merwin K. Jr. Iroquois conquered on skis! Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1948. 12:no.2: 8-9. 6383 Hine, Charles. Nippletop — on snowshoes! Cloud Splitter, Mar. 1942. 5:no.3:9-ll. 6384 La Farge, Christopher Grant. A winter ascent of Tahawus. Outing, Apr. 1900. 36:69-75. illus. 6385 WINTER SPORTS 251 Lange, Willem Maurits III. Heffalump tracks! Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1955. 19:56- 57. Santanoni peaks. 6386 LeBeau, Donald J. First winter asccntof Wall- face. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1951. 15:104- 5. Ulus. 6387 Longstreth, Thomas Morris. Chinning up Whiteface in winter. Outing, Dec. 1920. 77: 115-18. illus. 6388 Loope, P. Fay. Winter sunrise on Marcy. Ad Mt Club Bui, Mar. 1944. 8:no.2:4, 6. Ski trip. 6389 A midwinter sleep on Marcy's summit. Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1953. 16:no.2:3. Review of an article from the Plattsburgh Daily Republican, Feb. 28, 1929, in The Footpath, edited by R.M.L. Carson. 6390 Ormsbee, Alexander F. Another winter as- cent of Mount Marcy. Appalachia, July 1910. 12:135-38. Trip from Westport, by sleigh and snowshoes, in Feb. 1910. 6391 Pond, W.H. First winter ascent of Mt. Marcy. Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1950. 14:28-29. illus. 6392 Price, Fraser P. and Bachli, Werner. Gothics in winter. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1949. 13: 62-63. 6393 Puffer, Louis B. Good old web feet. High Spots Trbk, 1942. p.20-21. illus. Snowshoe trip up Allen, via Ausablc lakes. 6394 Snow climbing in the Adirondacks. High Spots, Jan. 1932. 9:no.l:2-5, 25. Account of climbing Marcy in winter by Benjamin S. Pond and C. Grant LaFarge. Arranged by R.M.L. Carson. Reprinted in Mt. Marcy anthology {High Spots, July 1937) p.39-42, illus. 6395 Thompson, Ethel. Up Noonmark! Cloud Splitter, Apr. 1942. 5:no.4:12-13. Ski trip. 6396 Van Dyke, Paul A. After the storm. Ad-i-ron- dac, Mar.-Apr. 1951. 15:29, 33. December trip to Duck Hole, in blowdown area. 6397 Van Dyke, Paul A. 1950-51 Winter moun- taineering conference. Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1951. 15:75. 6398 Van Dyke, Paul A. Virgin snow. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1951. 15:10-11, 16. illus. 6399 Wells, Lewis A. A January ascent of Mount Marcy. Appalachia, June 1908. 11:340-43. 6400 Why bother about the Alps? Mountain climb- ing in New York state has become the prime diversion of thousands of winter vacationists. Motordom, Dec. 1929. 23:no.7:14. illus. 6401 Winter ascent. Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1950. 13:no.2:6-7. Dix range. 6402 Winter ascent of Mount Mclntyre. Mt Mag, July 1928. 7:13-14. illus. 6403 SKIING Baldwin, Henry Ives. The relative antiquity of skiing in the Adirondacks. Am Ski Ann, 1937-38. p.58-63. illus. 6404 Burton, Harold B. Mountaineering on skis. Am Ski Ann, 1936-37. p.29-33. plates. Cross- country skiing. 6405 Burton, Harold B. Ski touring. NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1948. 2:no.4:10. illus. Skiing in the high-peak region. 6406 C., D. — And the Continental congress. Ski Bui, Feb. 4, 1938. 8:no.8:4, 6. Skiing at Ti- conderoga. 6407 C, P. Ticonderoga, a story of community cooperation. Ski Bui, Feb. 4, 1938. 8:no.8: 6-8. port. map. 6408 Carpenter, Delphine. Five and dime ski center. Ski Bui, Dec. 5, 1941. 12:no.5:5-6. Whiteface development. 6409 Casselman, W.A. The north gate. Ski Bui, Feb. 8, 1941. 11 :no. 15:5-6. Ski trails from Adirondak Loj. 6410 Dewey, Godfrey. Olympic ski hill at Lake Placid. In United States eastern amateur ski association. Year book, 1929. p.31-32. illus. 6411 Draper, Arthur G. On Gore mountain. Ski Bui, Jan. 30, 1941. 12:no.ll :12-13. Skiing news from North Creek area. 6412 Draper, Arthur G. Whiteface ski develop- ment. Am Ski Ann, 1947. p.274. 6413 Eastern interscholastic championship. Lake Placid. . .1949. Am Ski Ann, 1950. p. 197-98. 6414 Elkins, Frank. North Creek champions. Am Ski Ann, 1944-45. p.159-60. 6415 Garrison, John L. Sun, snow and skis: a mod- ern guide to eastern skiing. N.Y. McGraw- Hill, C1946. 318p. illus. Lake Placid, p.l87- 97. 6416 Grout, H. Mclntire Jr. Christies or egg- beaters? Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1946. 10: no.l:4-5. Controlled skiing. 6417 Heidrick, Arthur G. When thaw-time plagues the skier. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1949. 13: 60-61. 6418 Hicks, Harry Wade. Lake Placid club, N.Y. Ski Bui, Dec. 29, 1933. 4:no.2:4. 6419 Hicks, Harry Wade. Lake Placid ski council. Am Ski Ann, 1944-45. p. 162-63. 6420 Hicks, Harry Wade. Skiing at Lake Placid. Skisport, 1922-23. 17:52-53. 6421 252 RECREATION IN THE ADIRONDACKS Hicks, Harry Wade. Skiing in New York state. Am Ski Ann, 1935-36. p. 103-10. plates. Includes skiing at Adirondak Loj and Old Forge. 6422 Howard, William Gibbs. The ski trail pro- gram. High Spots Trbk, 1939. p.57-63. Con- servation Department plans. 6423 Kehoe, Robert P. Cross-country skiing. High Spots Trbk, 1939. p.35-37. 6424 Korn, Bennet H. GI skiing at Lake Placid. Am Ski Ann, 1945-46. p.211-13. illus. 6425 Lake Placid. Ski Bui, Jan. 11, 1935. 5:no.4:3. 6426 Lake Placid again. Kate Smith trophy. Am ^■/tz^nw, 1944-45. p. 148-51. 6427 Lake Placid ski council. Lake Placid ski guide. Lake Placid, N.Y. C1947. 31 p. iHus. 1 folded map. 6428 Lake Placid tournament. Am Ski Ann, 1945- 46. p. 195-96. 6429 Langley, Roger. Lake Placid— Aspen, scenes of the world championship. Am Ski Ann, 1950. p.47-48. illus. 6430 Langley, Roger. The world ski champion- ship at Lake Placid — -Nordic events. Am Ski Ann, Feb. 1950. 34:no.3:13-18. illus. 6431 Leggett, Edward H. My most memorable trip. Cloud Splitter, Jan.-Feb. 1948. 11 mo. 1:13-15. 6432 Loope, P. Fay. Marcy trail much improved. Ski Bui, Jan. 29, 1937. 7mo.7:13. 6433 MacKenzie, Ronald M. Search mission. Am Ski Ann, 1944-45. p.97-99. port, illus. Rescue by the Lake Placid Ski Patrol. 6434 MacKenzie, Ronald M. Summer jumping at Lake Placid. Am Ski Ann, 1949. p.221-22. 6435 Morgan, Donald Fair. Flying on skis. Broad- side preprint of article for Every Week Maga- zine, Jan. 24, 1932. illus. Copy in Hicks Col- lection, Lake Placid Club. 6436 Mulholland, William D. Ski trails. NTS Ranger Sch, 1933. p.27-28, 66, 6437 Nash, Leslie C. Lake Placid and the new era. Ski News, Mar. 8, 1940. 10:no. 16:5-6. 6438 Nash, Leslie C. Whiteface trail. Ski Bui, Jan. 6, 1939. 9:no.7:6. Work on ski trail. 6439 New York (state). Bureau of state publicity. Ski trails of New York state. Albany, J.B. Lyon, n.d. 23p. maps. Includes Adirondacks. 6440 New York (state). Bureau of state publicity. Ski trails of New York state prepared. . .with the cooperation of H.W. Hicks. . .and E.H. Hull. . . Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1939? 8p. Folded broadside. Copy in the Hicks Collection, Lake Placid Club. 6441 New York (state). Whiteface mountain au- thority. The story of Whiteface mountain ski center, n.p. 1949. lOp. illus. Mimeographed. 6442 The 1947 National cross-country and the Classic combined championship. Lake Placid club. . .1947. Am Ski Ann, 1948. p.211-12. 6443 Norris, R. Hosmer. De luxe ski trail at North Creek. Ski Bui, Mar. 31, 1933. 3:no.l5:7. Brief note with map. 6444 Off to the mountains (by Gore mountain ski club). Top 0' the World, Dec. 1937. 2:no. 1:8, 13. illus. 6445 Osborne, Lithgow. New York state's ski trails. Ski Bui, Dec. 16, 1938. 9:no.5:5-7. Adirondacks and Catskills. 6446 Owners' liability in ski accidents discussed by Charles H. Tuttle. Top 0' the World, Feb. 1939. 3:no.l:l, 10. 6447 Resurrection of Whiteface lodge. NTS Con, Dec. 1951-Jan. 1952. 6:no.3:22-23. illus. Pictures with brief text; rebuilding after the fire. 6448 Schenectady winter sports club. Ski trails of the Adirondacks, Catskills, Berkshires. 1934-5. n.p. n.d. 24p. maps. Published by Trails Committee of the Adirondack Moun- tain Club, Committee on Skiing and the Schenectady Winter Sports Club. Also pub- lished for 1935-36 season, 36p. 6449 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Herringboners jubilee. Cloud Splitter, Jan. 1940. 2:no.8:4-5. 6450 Shorey, Archibald Thompson. Skiing cross- country. NTS Con, Dec. 1949-Jan. 1950. 4: no. 3: 34. Trip to Lake Colden through Ava- lanche Pass. 6451 Summer ski jumping in the east. Am Ski Ann, 1950. p. 199-200. Contains Ronald MacKen- zie's "Lake Placid Summer Jump." Followed by report "The Eastern Convention at Lake Placid." 6452 Swayze, George. Ski trails. Hud Riv Mag, 1941. 4:7-8. 6453 Thousands of skiers enjoyed vacations on Gore mountain ski trails at North creek. Top 0' the World, Mar. 1939. 3:no.2:12-13. illus. 6454 $250,000. New Torker, Nov. 15, 1941. 17:no. 47:18. Cost of ski trail on Whiteface. 6455 U.S. Works progress administration. New WINTER SPORTS 253 York city. Skiing in the east; ski trails and White, John A. Whiteface mountain ski cen- how to get there. N.Y. Barrows, 1939. 334p. ter. Am Ski Ann, 1944-45. p. 163-64. illus. map. (American Guide Series.) Taken from 6458 the Warren County Guide. 6456 wilderness ski trails at Adirondak loj, Lake Upstate — the skiers' paradise. Up Mo, Jan. Placid club, N.Y. n.p. n.d. map. Folded 1941. 1 :no. 10:6. illus. 6457 broadside. Description of trails. 6459 CLUBS AND PRIVATE PRESERVES GENERAL Adams, Samuel Hopkins. William Rocke- feller, maker of wilderness. Colliers, Apr. 22, 1905. 35:no.4:15, 18. On the obliteration of Brandon, Township 16, Franklin County. 6460 An Adirondack preserve. For & Stream, Jan. 26, 1882. 17:511. Purchase of 13,000 acres in Township 40, Hamilton County (most of Raquette Lake) by George W. Cotterill and Joel B. Erhardt, to prevent lumbering. 6461 Adirondack preserves. For & Stream, Apr. 4, 1889. 32:209. Editorial opposing private parks. 6462 Adirondack preserves. For & Stream, ^w\y 15, 1899. 53:47. Describes the Rockefeller pre- serves. 6463 Adirondack preserves. For & Stream, Feb. 28, 1903. 60:161. Brief editorial commending care taken of private preserves. 6464 Adirondack preserves and hotels. For & Stream, July 27, 1 895. 45 :67. 6465 American game parks. For & Stream, May 18, 1895. 44:390. Reports on many of the parks in the Adirondack area. 6466 Another forest preserve. For & Stream, Sept. 10, 1891. 37:145. Purchase of 1,000 acres of the Long Pond tract by the Long Pond Fish and Game Association. 6467 Another large Adirondack park, a movement which is likely to be beneficial. For & Stream, Apr. 11, 1878. 10:182. Editorial on large holding of W.W. Durant. 6468 Evolution of the Adirondacks. Sport Rev, Aug. 27, 1904. 26:229. Sale of large tract on Blue Mountain Lake to a syndicate of New Yorkers. 6469 Fences in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, July 4, 1903. 61:7. Contributions, one signed "Didymus" and the other by Raymond S. Spears, on the private preserve question. See answer by Charles L. Paige in issue for July 25,1903,61:64-65. 6470 Flint, Peter. Private parks do not protect game. For & Stream,Ti&c. 13, 1913. 81:757-58. 6471 Foster, Maximilian. American game pre- serves. The threatened extinction of our na- tive game animals, and the effort to save them by establishing great private parks in which they are preserved and bred. Munsey, June 1901. 25:376-86. illus. Nehasane Preserve, p.384-85. Litchfield, p.385-86. 6472 Hallock, Charles. The Adirondack close. For & Stream, Oct. 10, 1903. 61:280. On the pre- serve question. 6473 Hallock, Charles. Club preserves. For & i'/reaw, Oct. 3, 1889. 33:205. 6474 Ives, H.L. Some Adirondack preserves. For & Stream, May 21, 1898. 50:406. Short his- tory of Vanderbilt Preserve, Vilas Preserve, Cutting Tract, Granshu Preserve, Hollywood Preserve, Massawepie Club, and others. In- cludes account of a bear hunt. 6475 Kelly, Allen. An Adirondack park. Harper W, July 19, 1890. 34:563. plans. Outlines history of despoiling and problems posed by reserves of sportsmen's clubs. Gives purpose of the Adirondack Park Association. Kildare Club and Adirondack Club included. 6476 Miller, Seaver Asbury. Sporting clubs in the Adirondacks. Outing, Aug. 1898. 32:475-82. illus. Describes some of the larger clubs and their preserves. 6477 New York (state). Forest commission. Private preserves in the Adirondack forest. In its Annual report for the year 1893. 1:151-201. plates. Illustrations are by S.R. Stoddard. 6478 New York (state). Forest, fish and game com- mission. Private preserves. In its Report, 1902-3. p.36-44. Includes list of preserves. 6479 Palmer, T.S. Private game preserves and their luture in the United States. Washing- ton. G.P.O. 1910. 16 leaves, plate. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular 72.) States objection to the sixty preserves in the Adirondack area. R6sume in Sportsman^ s Review, June 4, 1910, 37:537. 6480 Preserves in the Adirondack park. For & Stream, Dec. 29, 1894. 43:552. 6481 Shurter, Joseph W. Game preserves and Adirondack ruin. For & Stream, ]u\y 18, 1903. 61:46. 6482 254 ADIRONDACK MOUNTAIN CLUB 255 Shurtcr, Joseph \\'. The preserve question. For & Stream, Sept. 26, 1903. 61:241. Advan- tages and disadvantages of the large pre- serves. 6483 Spears, Raymond Smiley. From a woods- man's view-point — against sportsmans clubs. For & Stream, May n\ 1895. 44:368. 6484 Two Adirondack preserxes. Sport Rev, May 12, 1906. 29:509. Editorial on the observation of game laws on two types of reserves. 6485 VV., S.M. A woman on a game preserve. A superintendent's wife who tried but failed to become reconciled to a life in the forest. For & Stream, Oct. 2, 1909. 73:528-29. One of the large private preserves. 6486 Walsh, George Ethelbert. American game preserves. Outing, Feb. 1901. 37:539-44. illus. 6487 Whiton, L.C. The St. Regis camps. For & Stream, June 18, 1891. 36:435. Various sport- ing clubs in area. 6488 INDIVIDUAL CLUBS THE ADIRONDACK LEAGUE CLUB Adirondack league club. Annual report (financial). N.Y. Copies located for 1924, 1931, 1932. The Annual Report of the treas- urer issued 1931-date. Copy located for 1940. 6489 Adirondack league club. Bulletin, v.l, no.l- April 1922- N.Y. 1922-? Copies located for Apr., July and Oct. 1922, v.l, nos.1-3. 6490 Adirondack league club. Club manual. Vari- ous places. 1926-48. Issued annually. Copies located for 1926-27, 1934, 1938-48. 6491 Adirondack league club. Code of regulations. N.Y. 1920. 26p. 6492 Adirondack league club. Handbook. N.Y. 1892- front, tables, maps. Copies located for 1892-97. 6493 Adirondack league club. Prospectus. N.Y. P.F. McBreen, printer, 1890. 12p. folded maps. An eight-page edition also issued with title: Prospectus, 1890. 6494 Adirondack league club. To the members of the Union league club. N.Y. 1895. 12p. 6495 Adirondack league club. Yearbook. N.Y. 1891 -date, plates, maps. Title varies: Adiron- dack League Club, Incorporated June 18, 1890; Constitution, By-laws. . . Not pub- lished in 1 933, 1 935-38, 1 940. 6496 The Adirondack league club. For & Stream, Mar. 30, 1893. 40:275. 6497 Adirondack league club. Recreation, Aug. 1900. 13:125. Aims and accomplishments. 6498 The Adirondack league club opening. For & Stream, Apr. 27, 1893. 40:366. 6499 Adirondack league's hunt. For & Stream, Aug. 19, 1893. 41:143. 6500 An experiment in forestry. Card & For, Feb. 18, 1891. 41:73-74. Editorial on the Adiron- dack League Club's forestry experiment. 6501 Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. Report. . .to the Executive committee of the Adirondack League club. In Adirondack league club. Yearbook, 1891. p. 43-59. Report on salable timber. 6502 Great Adirondack game preserve. Sport Rev, Oct. 28, 1905. 28:483. Description of tract and list of officers and camp owners. 6503 The preserve system. For & Stream, June 26, 1890. 34:449. Editorial on the purchase of a large tract by the Adirondack League Club. 6504 Smyth, Charles Henry Jr. Sketch of the phys- iographic development of the Adirondack league club preserve, n.p. 1899. 9p. 6505 THE ADIRONDACK MOUNTAIN CLUB ADK presidents. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1947. 11 :no. 6:6-11. Greetings and reminis- cences of former ADK presidents Macalpine, Ayres, Lowe, Kelsey, Andrews, Carson, Knauth, Myers, Hackett and Pratt, on the 25th anniversary of the Club. 6506 The Ad-i-ron-dac (formerly the Bulletin). v.9, no.l- Jan.-Feb. 1945- Albany, Adiron- dack mountain club, inc. 1945-date. Bi- monthly. Numbering of volumes continued from The Bulletin. Preceded by High Spots, High Spots Bulletin and The Adirondack Moun- tain Club Bulletin. 6507 Adirondack mountain club, inc. The Adiron- dack mountain club: what it is, what it does. N.Y. 1936? 4p. Unpaged leaflet issued on both salmon and white paper. 6508 Adirondack mountain club, inc. The Adiron- dack mountain club incorporated: purpose and scope. Organized Apr. 3, 1922. Albany, 1922. 12p. illus. 6509 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Bulletin. v.l, no.l— v.8, no.6. May 1937— Nov.-Dec. 1944. Albany, 1937-44. Bimonthly. Name 256 CLUBS AND PRIVATE PRESERVES changed to The Ad-i-ron-dac in 1945. Pre- ceded by High Spots and High Spots Bulletin. Not published July, Oct., Dec. 1937, Feb. 1938. 6510 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Charter members of the Adirondack mountain club, n.p. n.d. 4p. Oblong leaflet. 651 1 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Constitution and by-laws. . .adopted. . .Apr. 3, 1922. n.p. n.d. 8p. Constitution also issued in 1930, 1938, 1947 and 1949. Included in 1942 Roster. 6512 Adirondack mountain club, inc. High spots bulletin, v.l, no.l-v.2, no.2. Oct. 1936-Feb. 1937. Albany, 1936-37. 2v. Only three issues appear to have been published: v.l, Oct. 1936, V.2, nos.1-2, Jan. and Feb. 1937. 6513 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Johns brook lodge. Albany, 1924. 4p. leaflet, illus. plans. Proposed lodge. 6514 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Johns brook lodge. Albany, Peters print, 1925? 4p. illus. Unpaged leaflet. Appeal for funds. 6515 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Johns brook lodge. . . Glens Falls, N.Y. Glens Falls Post CO. n.d. 12p. illus. map. Green cover; map is dated 1928. Another edition, 1929? 15p. 6516 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Johns brook lodge. . . Albany? 1929? 16p. illus. map. The Johns Brook Lodge folder was issued yearly when the Lodge was in operation. Title varies. 1946-date, usually a reprint from The Ad-i-Ton-dac. 6517 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Milestones 1922-1926. Albany, 1926. 6p. Unpaged ob- long folder outlining achievements of the Club. 6518 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Officers, governors, committee and chapter chairmen and roster of members, 1954. n.p. 1954. 33p. Other editions of the Roster appeared in 1931, 1935, 1936, 1939, 1940, 1942, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951. The 1938 "Constitu- tion and By-Laws" included the Roster. 6519 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Report of the Conservation committee. . .1936. 3 folios. Main report signed by Peter Cantline, chair- man. Two-page dissenting minority report signed by George Marshall. 6520 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Spend your mountain vacation at Johns brook lodge. . . Albany, Peters print, 1941? 8p. map. Lists four chapters of the Club. 6521 Adirondack mountain club, inc. This is the Adirondack mountain club. Folded broad- side, illus. Published every three or four years. Latest edition, 1955. 6522 Adirondack mountain club, inc. To the Board of governors. . . n.p. 1929? 4p. Letter signed by Arnold W. Knauth, president, dated March 15, 1929. On Homer Brown's offer to sell land and buildings to the Club. 6523 Adirondack mountain club, inc. What have we done? Albany, 1926. unpaged. Oblong folder. Brief statement of the accomplish- ments of the Club. 6524 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Adirondak loj chapter. Bulletin, no. 1- May 7, 1936-. n.p. 1936-date. Title varies. Usually pub- lished twice a year. Early issues mimeo- graphed. Publicity for Adirondak Loj. 6525 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Adirondak loj chapter. Welcome! An invitation to Adirondak loj. . . n.p. 1953. 4p. illus. 6526 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Conserva- tion committee. Report. . .January 26, 1935. NTS For Assn NL, May 1935. p.21-24. 6527 Adirondack mountain club, inc. New York chapter, inc. Handbook of information, 1939. N.Y. 1939. 36p. Includes history of the New York Chapter. Also published in 1 949. 6528 Adirondack mountain club, inc. New York chapter, inc. Year book, 1926. Albany, Boyd printing co. 1926? 26p. First yearbook. Con- tains a little material about the main club. Also issued in 1 927 and 1931. 6529 Adirondack mountain club, inc. Organiza- tion committee. List of qualified charter members February 1922. n.p. 1922. 2p. 6530 An Adirondack mountain club. Conservation- ist, May 1921. 4:78-79. Editorial approving the proposed club. 6531 Albany chapter — ADK — the first notice. Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1952. 15:no.2:2-3. 6532 Albany chapter — an early record. Cloud Split- ter, May-June 1952. 15:no.3:2-3. 6533 Albany chapter, incorporated. Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1954. 17:no.6:2-3. 6534 An Albany chapter project. Cloud Splitter, Mar.-Apr. 1954. 17:no.2:l-5. History of The Cloud Splitter and reprint of first issue. 6535 Baldwin, Henry I. Early days of the ADK. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1955. 19:103. 6536 Bergstrom, Mrs. Alice (Nord). Now. Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1947. 10:no.6:7-9. Ap- praisal of the Albany Chapter. 6537 Bingham, Nellie. Thirty years with the New York chapter. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1955. 19:84-85. 6538 Carson, Russell Mack Little. Charter mem- ber looks at twenty-five years. Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1947. 10:no.6:2-3. Brief history. 6539 ASSOCIATION FOR PROTECTION OF ADIRONDACKS 257 Carson, Russell Mack Little. So the Adiron- dack mountain club is twenty years old. High Spots Trbk, 1942. p.4-6. illus. 6540 The Cloud Sphtter. Albany, Albany chapter of the Adirondack mountain club, 1938-date. illus. Published bimonthly. Mimeographed. 6541 Denniston, Robert. Johns brook lodge — 1949. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1949. 8:102-3. illus. 6542 Dobson, Meade C. Recollections of the for- mation of the Adirondack mountain club. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1947. ll:no 6:3. 6543 Draper, John C Adirondack mountain club. MtMag, Feb. 1929. 7:62-63. 6544 Goldthwaite, George Edgar. Early days of the Adirondack mountain club — I. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1950. 14:58, 63. 6545 High spots, v.l, no.l-v.l4, no. 4. Nov. 1922- Dec. 1937. Albany, Adirondack mountain club, inc. 1922-37. Monthly Nov. 1922 through Mar. 1924; irregular Apr.-Dec. 1924; quarterly Jan.-Mar. 1925 — Jan.-Mar. 1927 and Apr. 1929-Dec. 1937. Issues for July and Oct. 1927 and Jan., May and July 1928 appeared in The Mountain Magazine, V.6, no. 1-4 — V.7, no.l. Duplicate number- ing: V.5, no.l, Jan.-Mar. 1927 and July 1928 (v.5, no. 2 dated Dec. 1928). Succeeded by The Adirondack Mountain Club Bulletin. 6546 High spots; the yearbook of the Adirondack mountain club. N.Y. & Albany, Adirondack mountain club, inc., 1939-44. 4v. illus. plates. Issued for 1939, 1940, 1942 and 1944. 6547 Howard, William Gibbs. Proposed Adiron- dack mountain club. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1947. ll:no. 6:4-5. Speech given at the organization meeting, Dec. 5, 1921. 6548 Howard, William Gibbs. Some early history of the Adirondack mountain club. Cloud Splitter, May 1939. 2:no.3:2-3. 6549 Kelsey, Frederick T. The Adirondack moun- tain club. Ski News, Mar. 8, 1940. 10:no.l6: 6-7. Work of Club in promoting skiing. 6550 Leggett, Edward H. Jr. Harking back to the early days of the chapter. Cloud Splitter, Sept.- Oct. 1 952. 1 5 :no.5 :4-7. Albany Chapter. 6551 Menz, Pauline. A new chapter is formed. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feh. 1950. 14:12-13. illus. The Non-46ers. 6552 Metcalf, Thomas R. Life at JBL; or. Reminis- cences of a former hutmaster. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1953. 17:50-51. 6553 Mullarkey, Rosine M. Johns brook lodge. Mt Mag, July 1 927. 6:29-30. illus. 6554 Myers, John Piatt. An address. Mt Mag, May 1928. 6:97-98. port. At the 6th annual meeting of the Club. 6555 Newkirk, Arthur Edward. What are we for? Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1954. 17:no.5:2-3. 6556 Nixon, Edgar Burkhardt. The Adirondack mountain club. IOC A Bui, Winter 1948. 2:no.l:50-51. 6557 Plum, Dorothy Alice. The Ad-i-ron-dac^ s ancestors. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feh. 1952. 16:13- 14. Periodicals published by the Club. 6558 Plum, Dorothy Alice. To be or not to be? Ad-i-ron-dac, July- Aug. 1954. 18:73. Non- 46er nonsense. See also "Non-Forty-sixers Meet" in issue for Nov.-Dec. 1952, 16:102. 6559 Plum, Eleanor Mary. Memories of an ADKer. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1952. 15:no.5:ll-12. Albany Chapter. 6560 Strube, Janet. The Adirondack mountain club. Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1954. 17:no.4: 1-2. Aims of the Club. 6561 Strube, Janet. Then. Cloud Splitter, Nov.-Dec. 1947. 10:no. 6:4-6. History of the Albany Chapter. 6562 Sturcke, Albert. Hikes. N.Y. 1926. 148p. Description of outings of Adirondack Moun- tain Club and Green Mountain Club (not in the Adirondacks). 6563 Wessels, William L. Speech. . .at 1 p.m. from the top of Marcy. High Spots, Dec. 1937. 14:no.4:7-9. illus. 6564 THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE ADIRONDACKS "Adirondack," pseud. The Association for the protection of the Adirondacks. Woods & Wat, Autumn 1902. 5:no.3:12-14. illus. 6565 Adirondack forest preservation. For & Stream, Feb. 2, 1907. 68:176. Report on the Association. 6566 Adirondack preservation. For & Stream, Feb. 3, 1906. 66:177. Description of a dinner given by the Association. 6567 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Annual report, no.3-1902/3-date. N.Y. 1903-date. 1st and 2d reports not pub- lished. The Reports of this Association are valuable source material for the history of the Forest Preserve. 6568 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. Constitution, n.p. n.pub. n.d. 4p. By-laws, p. 3-4. The Association was incor- porated June 20, 1902. 6569 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. List of officers and members. January 258 CLUBS AND PRIVATE PRESERVES 1, 1903. N.Y. Gilliss press, 1903? 47p. See also its List of Members, Jan. 1 , 1 925. 6570 Association for the protection of the Adiron- dacks. For & Stream, June 28, 1902. 58:508. Notice of incorporation. See also short article in Engineering and Mining Journal, May 17, 1902. 6571 Depew, Chauncey M. National Appalachian forest reserve. Speech. . .in Senate of the United States, June 7, 1902. Washington, 1902. 8p. (Association for the protection of the Adirondacks. Publication no. 1.) The first A.P.A. publication. Donaldson, v.2, p.310-13, lists Publications 1-30. 6572 Higley, Warren. The Association for the pro- tection of the Adirondacks: what it has accomplished in one year. Woods & Wat, Summer 1903. 6:no.2:18-19. illus. 6573 LAKE PLACID CLUB Adirondak loj club, Essex co NY. . . Lake Placid club, N.Y. Forest press, n.d. 8p. illus. Unpaged leaflet. 6574 Dewey, Godfrey. Address of welcome. J Home Econ, Mar. 1915. 7:107-8. Address on aims of the Club, given before the Institution Section of the American Home Economics Associa- tion. 6575 Dewey, Melvil. Lake Placid club, N.Y. NT Slate Hist Assn Q, Apr. 1924. 5:158-62. 6576 Howland, Harold Jacobs. Old winter in his home. Ind, Feb. 14, 1916. 85:232-33. illus. 6577 Lake Placid club. Circular. Morningside, N.Y. 1 904. 7 leaves, illus. 6578 Lake Placid club. Club notes, no. 1-232. Mar. 1905-June 1935. Lake Placid club, N.Y. 1905-35. Published irregularly. Issued for members. 6579 Lake Placid club. Handbook. Lake Placid club, N.Y. 1894? 80p. illus. Also issued in 1901 (224p.) and in 1914 (709p.). Reprinted in 1920. 6580 Lake Placid club. Lake Placid club. Fulton, N.Y. Morrill press, 192 — 50p. Cover title. Also published in 1924 and 1930 by the Forest Press. 6581 Lake Placid club. Lake Placid club education foundation, n.p. 1923. unpaged. 6582 Lake Placid club. Lake Placid club; fall, n.p. 1928? 24p. Cover title. 6583 Lake Placid club. Lake Placid club in Adiron- daks. Outhne. Lake Placid club, N.Y. Forest press, 1924. 16p. illus. Text in simplified spelling. 6584 Lake Placid club. Lake Placid in winter on Adirondack lakes, Placid, Mirror and Heart, n.p. 1907? illus. A prospectus. 6585 Lake Placid club. Lake Placid club news: August 12, 1917-September 12, 1930. Lake Placid club, N.Y. 1917-30. 4v. Weekly July- Sept., mid-Dec.-Feb. Issued for members. 6586 Lake Placid club. Lake Placid club on Adirondack lakes Placid, Mirror and Heart, Essex CO. N.Y. Lake Placid dub, N.Y. C1902. 32p. illus. 6587 Lake Placid club. Lake Placid club organ. Lake Placid club, N.Y. Forest press, 1925. 16p. 6588 Lake Placid club. Outline. Morningside, N.Y. 1904. 9 leaves, illus. 10th season. 6589 Lake Placid club. Placid peeks: Lake Placid club notes, December 1954. 50th anniversary of winter sports. Lake Placid club, N.Y. 1954. 16p. illus. Issued for members. 6590 Lake Placid club. Sno birds of Lake Placid club. . . Winter sports program 1924-1925. Lake Placid club, N.Y. 1924-25. unpaged. 6591 Lake Placid club. Yearbook, 1928-1930. Lake Placid club, N.Y. Forest press, 1928-30. 3v. plates. 6592 Lake Placid club. Winter house, n.p. 1904. 5 leaves. 6593 Lake Placid club educational foundation. The work of the Foundation and its relation to the Club and the Company. . .report of a special committee of the Board of trustees, March 1947. n.p. n.d. 31p. illus. 6594 Lake Placid club, one man's dream. Wardman PV, Nov. 1, 1926. Copy in the Saranac Lake Free Library. 6595 Longstreth, Thomas Morris. Lake Placid and an experiment in intelligence. Reprinted from The Adirondacks. . .by T. Morris Longstreth. N.Y. Century, 1917? p.231-57. Brief foreword by Melvil Dewey. 6596 Placid park club. n.p. 1897. 22p. illus. Placid Park Club was the original name of Lake Placid Club. Change made in 1900. 6597 Townsend, Reginald T. A university club in the wilderness. Country Lije, June 1920. 38:no. 2:50-53. illus. Also issued as a reprint. Lake Placid Club, Forest Press, 1923. 6598 Willy, John. Impressions of Lake Placid c\nh. .. Hotel Mo, Oct. 1923. 31:44-56. Also issued as a reprint. 6599 OTHER CLUBS AND PRESERVES The Adirondack association. NTS Con. Aug.- Sept. 1954. 9:no.l:30. Founding of the Adirondack Park Association. 6600 Adirondack camp and trail club. Constitu- tion and by-laws. . .adopted 1912. n.p. n.d. 12p. For note on founding of the Club see OTHER CLUBS 259 Donaldson, v. 2, p. 24. In May 1923 the name was changed to the Camp and Trail Club ofthe Lake Placid Club. 6601 Adirondak civic leag. Bulletin. Reprinted from Lake Placid news. n.p. 1924? 16p. The Leag was organized August 1 924. This bulle- tin includes the by-laws and the opening address by Melvil Dewey. Copy in the Hicks Collection, Lake Placid Club. 6602 The Adirondack club of Lake Placid, N.Y. Lake PI Life, Jan.-Mar. 1931. p.30-32; p.30-31, 33; p.30-31, 33. plan. 6603 Adirondack 46ers meet at Heart lake. Ad-i- ron-dac, July-Aug. 1949. 13:85, 87. illus. 6604 Adirondack preservation association. For & Stream, May 5, 1887. 28:325. Annual meet- ing. The Adirondack Preserve Association is described in the New York State Forest Commission Report for 1893, p. 163-64. 6605 Adirondack trail improvement society, n.p. n.d. 4p. Describes organization of the So- ciety, Sept. 14, 1897. Another four-page pamphlet with similar title reports work done the first year. Signed: S. Burns Weston, Secretary. 6606 Amateur, pseud. The North woods Walton club. For & Stream, Jan. 28, 1875. 3:387. Description of the 1859 excursion. Written by one of the members. Ned Buntline was on this trip. 6607 American legion. New York. Mountain camp at Big Tupper lake, N.Y. Report of the superintendent. Tupper Lake, N.Y. 1933- date. charts. Reproduced from typewritten copy. 6608 Another Adirondack tragedy. For & Stream, Sept. 29, 1900. 55:241. Editorial on the accidental shooting of Mrs. Kerr and Dr. Bailey on the Tahawus Club preserve. 6609 Another phonetic celebration. Phon M, Nov. 1847. 2:49-51. Part of the article is written in Comstock's phonotypes. Reprinted from the Westport Patriot. Description of the "Tahawus Celebration" held at the Adiron- dack Iron Works and on the summit of Mt. Marcy, by the Tahawian Association. See also the issue for June 1847, p.221-28, for poem written to celebrate the engraving of "Dr. Comstock's new alphabet" on top of Mt. Marcy (no. 6628). The issue for Dec. 1847, p. 88-89, has a note on the Tahawian Association. 6610 Attempts to destroy great game preserve. Sport Rev, July 23, 1910. 38:79. Fires set on the Rockefeller Preserve in retaliation for closing old game trails. 6611 Ausable club, St. Huberts, N.Y. Year book, 1908. St. Huberts, N.Y. 1908. 63p. 6612 Auskerada club. Aughstagradi. A tale of the Auskeradas. N.Y. 1897. 24p. plates, maps (1 folded), unpaged. Legend of the Huron chief who won possession of the Auskerada lakes; followed by description of Auskerada Park and plan for development. About twelve miles northeast of Dolgeville. Copy in the Saranac Lake Free Library. 661 3 Back log camp. Back log camp, 1896-1946. On Indian lake,— Sabael, N.Y. Philadel- phia, Lyon & Armour, 1946. 12p. port, illus. Brief history of the camp, 6614 Back log camp. Back log camp in the Adiron- dacks. On Indian lake, Sabael, N.Y. General information and rates for 1955. n.p. 1955. 16p. illus. Unpaged folder. Annual an- nouncement. See also its "A Greeting to Old Campers. . . ," 1955, 4p. illustrated folder. 6615 Back log camp. The Back log idea. Back log camp, Indian lake. Philadelphia, 1911-30. illus. map. Oblong leaflet. Ten undated edi- tions, 1911-30. Also issued in slightly larger format, 1931-41, four undated editions. 6616 Back log camp. The Back log idea. Back log camp, Raquette lake, Adirondacks, N.Y. n.p. 1906? 12p. illus. map. Description of camp at head of North Bay. Back Log was at Raquette from 1900 to 1910. In 1911 it was moved to Indian Lake. 6617 Back log camp. Information about fishing at Back log camp, Indian lake, N.Y. Phila- delphia, J.C. Winston, 1927? 4p. port. 6618 Bisby club. Trustees' annual report, v. p. 1881-92. The Bisby Club was made part of the Adirondack League Club in May 1893. 6619 Blance, Cabla. Game preserves. For & Stream, Jan. 23, 1904. 62:66. Opening of the Webb Preserve. 6620 A brief resume of the season at Camp Undercliff, Lake Placid. NTC Lines Mag, Oct. 1925. 6:no.7:40-41, 104. illus. 6621 Camp Undercliff to open early. NTC Lines Mag, Dec. 1924. 5:no.9:54a. illus. N.Y. Central camp on Lake Placid. 6622 Cascade lakes club. Adirondacks. The Cas- cade lakes club. . . Troy, Troy times art press, n.d. illus. Folded broadside in cover. Probably issued about 1910. Copy in the Hicks Collection, Lake Placid Club. 6623 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Schroon lake — the Texas club. Am Angler, Aug. 5, 1882. 2:88. Signed: A.N.C. The Texas Club was a group of Texans who fished in the Adirondacks every year. 6624 Cheney, Albert Nelson. Schroon lake fish- culture association. Am Angler, Sept. 9, 1882. 260 CLUBS AND PRIVATE PRESERVES 2:165. Signed: A.N.C. Organization and list of officers. 6625 Cheney, Albert Nelson. The Schroon lake fish culture association. Am Angler, May 5, 1883. 3:277. The Association is restocking Schroon and Paradox lakes with lake trout. 6626 Coffin, Henry S. Adirondack mountain re- serve, 1887-1937. n.p. n.pub. 1937. 4p. Address at the 50th anniversary, Aug. 26, 1937. The Ausable Lake and Mountain Club, controlling the Adirondack Mountain Reserve. 6627 Comstock phonetic alphabet. Pkon M, June 1847. 1:221-28. Written in phonotypes. The following heading appears at the beginning of this long epic poem: "Written at the request of David P. Holton, Esq. to celebrate the event of engraving the Alphabet on Tahawus, a mountain in northern New York, that is 6,000 feet high, being the loftiest in the Adirondack range." Verses apparently written by Dr. Andrew Comstock. Tahawian Association. 6628 Didymus, pseud. The Webb preserve. For & Stream,}an. 16, 1904. 62:48. 6629 Dr. Webb's preserve open. For & Stream, Jan. 2, 1904. 62:10. 6630 Doings at Bisby. Am Angler, Oct. 27, 1883. 4:259. The Bisby Club. 6631 Durant, William West. The Brandreth pre- serve. For & Stream, Sept. 18, 1897. 49:226. 6632 Dyer, William H. A summer in Ga-wan-ka. Emp For, 1921. 7:75-76. Short description of tract to be opened for development. 6633 Emerson, Edward Waldo. The early years of the Saturday club, 1855-1870. Boston, Houghton, 1918. 515p. front, plates, ports. Contains sketches of the members of the Philosophers' Camp. 6634 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson, with annotations; ed. by Edward Waldo Emerson and Waldo Emer- son Forbes. Boston, Houghton, 1909-14. lOv. fronts, plates, ports, facsims. Notes on Adirondack trip, v.9. p. 158-61. Philosophers' Camp. 6635 Fenton, Charles. Then and now. Recreation Oct. 1905. 23:363-64. Early days on Number Four.Fenton Game Preserve Association. 6636 Finley, Harry. My vacation at Camp Under- cliflT. NYC Lines Mag, May 1929. 10:no.2:67. illus. Includes climb of Whiteface. 6637 Flickinger, Katherine. Adirondack 46ers. Ad-i-ron-dac, ]u\y- Aug. 1948. 12:no.4:ll. 6638 Forest home club of Saranac Lake, N.Y. Constitution, rules, members. Saranac Lake, N.Y. Adirondack Enterprise press, 1899? 7 leaves. 6639 French, J. Clement. Rod, rifle & rapids in the Adirondacks & Life in the woods. Two lectures. New Haven, Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor press, 1912. 39p. Hollywood Club, near the Raquette River. 6640 Ga-wan-ka, inc. Okara, a section in Ga- wan-ka, the Adirondack playground, n.p. ^^1920. 32p. incl. illus. col. plate, folded map. Area in Fulton Chain section with mountain lodges of Japanese architectural design. 6641 Hallock, Charles. The Raquette club. Harper, Aug. 1870. 41:321-38. illus. Reprinted in his "The Fishing Tourist." 6642 Howell, Edwin I.H. Ausable lake and moun- tain club. St No Mo, June 1906. l:no.2:8-9. illus. 6643 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). They of the high hills. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1946. 10:no.6:6-7. Adirondack 46ers. 6644 Interest growing in Camp Undercliflf. NTC Lines Ma^, Jan. 1926. 6:no.l0:63. illus. Lo- cated at Lake Placid. 6645 Jeems, pseud. The Adirondack preserve asso- ciation. Am Angler, July 2, 1887. 12:6. Brief history. 6646 L., W.J. At the sign of the Lone pine. Ang & Hunt, June 1910. 2:289-92. illus. The Lone Pine Club on Cranberry Lake. 6647 Lake Champlain yacht club. For & Stream, June 23, 1887. 28:469. Editorial on organiza- tion. 6648 Lake George association. Annual, 1914-15. n.p. n.d. 26p. 6649 Lake George association. Officers of the Association Aug. 25, 1945. n.p. n.d. 4p. 6650 Lake George association. Report of treasurer 1941-42. n.p. n.d. 3p. Also Report for 1944-45, 3p. 6651 Litchfield, Edward H. Litchfield park. For & Stream, Apr. 22, 1899. 52:309. Report on animals in the Park. 6652 Mclver, Elizabeth Putnam. Early days at Putnam camp. Reprint of a paper read at the annual meeting of the Keene Valley his- torical society, September 1941. n.p. n.d. 29p. illus. An account of the beginning and growth of Putnam Camp, with details of life there with the group of famous people visiting it. 6653 Marshall, George. Phelps, Holton and the phonic mountaineers. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan. -Feb. 1954. 18:4-7. Tahawian Association. 6654 Marshall, George. Trailless peaks. Ad-i-ron- dac, Sept.-Oct. 1955. 19:96-97. Letter by OTHER CLUBS 261 Eleanor M. Plum on p. 95; comment by the Adirondack Forty-sixers. 6655 Masten, Arthur Haynsworth. Tahawus club, 1898-1933. Burlington, Vt. Free press inter- state corp. C1935. 90p. front, plates, port. History of Tahawus Club and its predeces- sors. 6656 Mather, Frederic Gregory. The Lake Cham- plain yacht club. Outing, Jan. 1889. 13: 340-49. illus. 6657 Murray, William M. Camp Manhattan: a retrospect upon some of its early years. N.Y. De Vinne press, 1911. 135p. Privately printed. Copy in the Kcene Valley Public Library (Loomis Collection). The camp was located on Lake George. 6658 Nelson, F.G. Summer home of Grasse river outing club. Recreation, Jan. 1896. 4:17. illus. History of the Club and list of members. 6659 A new Adirondack preserve. For & Stream, June 15, 1901. 56:466. Fenton Game Pre- serve Association, Inc. 6660 N.Y. Central veterans' association takes over biggest Lake Placid camp. NTC Lines Mag, July 1924. 5:no.4:20-23. illus. Camp Under- cliff. 6661 North woods Walton club. Utica, N.Y. Curtis & White, 1858. 16p. See comment by L.G. Clark in The Knickerbocker, July 1858, 52:89-90, including letter from Cassius M. Clay to CM. Scholefield. Also note in Jan. 1858 issue, 51:110. Copy owned by Ward Edwards. 6662 North woods Walton club. Programme for 1859. . . Utica, N.Y. Roberts printer, 1859. 27p. Copy in the New York State Library. 6663 Osborn, Minott Auger, ed. Camp Dudley; the story of the first fifty years. N.Y. Hunting- ton press, 1934. 230p. illus. maps on lining papers. YMCA camp — oldest organized camp for boys — located near Westport. 6664 Phelps, Mrs. Orra (Parker). An early Adi- rondack club. Cloud Splitter, May-June 1948. ll:no.3:7-9. Philosophers' Camp. 6665 The Philosophers' camp. For Leaves, Summer 1905. 2:no.3:4-8. ports. 6666 Pitcher, Charlotte A. With some famous American authors in the Adirondacks. NT State Hist Assn Q,, Jan. 1924. 5:40-47. Philosophers' Camp. Stillman, Emerson, Lowell. 6667 Plum, Dorothy Alice. Adirondack rarities. Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1951. 15:77. The North Woods Walton Club. 6668 Porter, Lewis Morgan. Forty-six plus or minus. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. — Nov.-Dec. 1954. 18:90. Followed by "Report of Resolu- tions Committee, Adirondack Forty-sixers." 6669 The Ragged lake club. For & Stream, Feb. 12, 1885^24:48. Organization of the Club. 6670 Rockefeller's fight with the woodsmen. Aug & Hunt, Oct. 1910. 2:514. Attempt to keep trespassers out of the preserve. 6671 S., C.G. An ideal game preserve. Recreation, Apr. 1901. 14:263-65. illus. Litchfield Pre- serve. 6672 St. Regis yacht club. Club book. . .1898. . . N.Y. Arthur Mountain & co. 1898? 42p. tables. Also published in 1904 and 1907. Copies in the Saranac Lake Free library. 6673 St. Regis yacht club. St. Regis yacht club, fiftieth anniversary, 1897-1947. Upper St. Regis, N.Y. 1947. 95p. plates. 6674 Speare, E. Ray. Hollywood club memoirs, n.p. Privately printed, 1952. 69p. plates. Illustrated with twenty-four photographs. 6675 Spears, Eldridge A. Organization in the Adirondacks. For & Stream, Apr. 3, 1909. 72:534. Herkimer Game Protective Associa- tion. 6676 Stillman, William James. Autobiography of a journalist. Boston, Houghton, 1901. 2v. fronts, ports. Sections on The Philosophers' Camp and Life in the Wilderness appeared in The Atlantic, May and June 1900, 85:463-79, 619-28. Adirondacks: Chs. 10, 12, 13, 15. Philosophers' Camp. 6677 Stillman, William James. The Philosophers' camp: Emerson, Agassiz, Lowell and others in the Adirondacks. Century, Aug. 1893. 46: 598-606. 6678 Strube, Janet. Back log saga. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1944. 7:no.5:12-13. Vacation at Back Log Camp, Indian Lake. 6679 Tahawian association. Minutes of a meeting, Oct. 18, 1847. In Carson, R.M.L. Peaks and people of the Adirondacks. Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday, Page, 1927. p.267-69. In addition to planning distribution of phono- types, the club proposes a road from Keene Flats to the summit of Tahawus (Mt. Marcy). 6680 Thompson, H.H. The Bisby club. An: Angler, May 9, 1885. 7:295-96. Signed: H.H.T. 7th Annual Report. 6681 To save the Adirondacks. Eng & Min J, May 17, 1890. 49:566. Organization of the Adirondack Preserve Association. 6682 Trout, pseud. Ragged lake club. For & Stream, May 21, 1885. 24:331. Description of the lake and the Club. 6683 262 CLUBS AND PRIVATE PRESERVES Undercliff, Veterans' camp, delights guests. NYC Lines Mag, Sept. 1924. 5:no.6:30. On Lake Placid. 6684 Ward, Peter A. Hail 46er! Ad-i-ron-dac, Mar.-Apr. 1946. 10:no.2:6. The Wendell's dog, Chrissie, aspires to be an Adirondack 46er. 6685 Waterhouse, Alice. Adirondacking. Cloud Splitter, Nov. 1940. 3:no.7:5-6. History of the Adirondack 46ers. 6686 The way leads up. Ad-i-ron-dac. July-Aug. 1946. 10:no.4:8-9. Adirondack 46ers. 6687 Wendell, Chrissie. As I see them. "A dog's eye view of the 46." Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov. -Dec. 1948. 12:no.6:8-9. illus. Chrissie, a spaniel- terrier-spitz was the first canine member of the Adirondack 46ers. 6688 When philosophers camped in wilds; story of how Emerson, Agassiz, Lowell, Stillman and other noted men spent their summers in the Adirondacks — why Longfellow refused to go. State Service, Aug. 1919. 3:no.8:43-44. Philosophers' Camp. Includes poem by James S. Owen of Yonkers. 6689 The Wilderness club, inc. The Wilderness club. n.p. n.pub. 1921. 16p. loose plates in pocket, map. On Lake Brantingham, Lewis County. 6690 Wilmurt Lake, Hamilton county, N.Y. Am Angler, June 13, 1885. 7:376. On the forma- tion of the Mountain Home Club. 6691 Wilson, Margaret L. The Adirondack park association. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept. -Oct. 1955. 19:89. Statement by the Secretary. The Association was organized May 1954. 6692 Wolcott, W.E. The Walton club. For & Stream, May 22, 1897. 48:402-3. North Woods Walton Club. Name originally Brown's Tract Association. 6693 Ziegenfuss, H.L. Piseco and T-lake falls. For & Stream, Feb. 16, 1882. 18:44-45. Founding of the Piseco Club in 1 842. 6694 BIOGRAPHY COLLECTIVE Adirondack old timer. Northeast Log, Sept. 1954. 3:no.3:10-ll.illus. 6695 Biographical review. This volume contains biographical sketches of the leading citizens of Clinton and Essex counties, New York. . . Boston, Biographical review publishing co. 1896. 543p. ports. 6696 Burger, William H. The Hands of Elizabeth- town: two outstanding jurists belonging to the north country. No Country Life, Fall 1951. 5. 'no. 4:46-49. ports. Augustus N. Hand and Learned Hand. 6697 Burger, William H. Some conservation men. No Country Life, Summer 1950. 4:no.3:4-9. ports. Biographical sketches of several men in the Conservation Department stationed in the Adirondack area. Clinton West, Walter Rice, William E. Petty, Lucius Russell. 6698 Cutter, William Richard, ed. Genealogical and family history of northern New York, a record of the achievements of her people in the making of a comraonwealth and the founding of a nation. N.Y. Lewis historical publishing co. 1910. 3v. fronts, illus. ports. 6699 Dowling, Victor James. Heroes of America's origins: Isaac Jogues, Rene Goupil, Joseph Lalande. /// Cath Hist Rev, July 1926. 9:no.l: 39-55. 6700 Essex county republican annual, 1889, 1891- 1894. Port Henry, N.Y. & Keeseville, N.Y. W. Lansing & son, 1889, 1891-94. 5v. Pub- lished also as the "Plattsburgh N.Y. Sen- tinel Annual," 1891-95. The sketches were written by Hannah Lansing (pen name, Nell Clifford). Sketches and portraits of noted men and women of the Champlain Valley and Adirondacks. 6701 Gerster, Arpad Geyza Charles. Etching as a diversion. Med Pick, Oct. 1916. 2:363-68. ports, illus. Includes portrait and sketch of Alvah Dunning. Also comments on Hank Bradley, Wesley Bates and Bill Dart (guides). 6702 Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon. Some Adirondack pioneers. Bui Schools, Mar. 1944. 30:255-58. ports. DeWitt Clinton, Ebenezer Emmons, Franklin B. Hough, Verplanck Colvin. Story of steps leading to formation of the Forest Preserve. 6703 Lattimer, Grace C. and Clark, Lucy. Two number one men of the Adirondacks. Up Mo, July 1941. 2:no.4:16-17. ports. Biographical sketches of Jack Garren and Maurice Callahan. 6704 Martin, Newell. Two great Adirondack guides. High Spots, Jan. 1936. 13:no.l :29-31. Reminiscences of Willard Gibbs and William James. 6705 Mather, Fred. Men I have fished with; sketches of characters and incidents with rod and gun. . . N.Y. Forest & stream publishing CO. 1897. 371 p. front, ports. 6706 Mather, Fred. My angling friends: being a second series of sketches of men I have fished with. . . N.Y. Forest & stream publishing co. 1901. 369p. front, port. Includes Alvah Dunning, Ned Buntline, Charles Hallock. 6707 Other Adirondack matters. Woods & Wat, Winter 1901-2. 4:no. 4:12-14. illus. Alvah Dunning and Orson Phelps. 6708 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). The Slaters carry on. No Country Life, Spring 1948. 2 :no. 2:42-43. From the Essex County Repub- lican. Family of blacksmiths in Ausable Forks. Napoleon Slater. 6709 Robie, Edward H. A mining family. Min & Met, Dec. 1 944. The Linneys. 67 1 S. Incidents of Adirondack history. For & Stream, Apr. 24, 1897. 48:323-24. Notes on Alvah Dunning, Nick Stoner and Nat Foster. 6711 Simms, Jeptha Root. Trappers of New York; or, A biography of Nicholas Stoner and Nathaniel Foster together with anecdotes of other celebrated hunters. . . Albany, J. Munsell, 1850. 280p. plates, ports. 2d edi- tion, 1851; 3d edition, 1857. Reprinted in 1860, 1871 and 1935. The 1935 edition published in St. Johnsville, N.Y. includes "new supplementary matter by Lou D. MacWethy." 6712 Some interesting stories of noblemen who came to live in the United States. For Leaves, 263 264 BIOGRAPHY Spring 1909. 6:no.l:15-21. illus. James LeRay de Chaumont and Joseph Bonaparte. 6713 Spencer, Alfred. Spencer's roster of native sons (and daughters). For each locality- sons and daughters from earliest settlement to the present time. Bath, N.Y. Courier press, ci 941. 287p. 6714 Titus, John H. Adirondack pioneers: bio- graphical sketches and anecdotes of men that made the Adirondacks famous. Troy, N.Y. upstate New York, a roster of its eminent Troy times art press, 1899. 47p. ports. 6715 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY Arranged by biographee Alexander, Edward Johnston. The man and the legend. High Spots Trbk, 1939. p. 39-44. Anson H. Allen of bear fight fame. 6716 Brown, Charles Walter. Ethan Allen, of Green mountain fame, a hero of the Revolu- tion. Chicago, W.A. Donohue & co. ^1902. 261p. "The Capture of Ticonderoga," p.83-100. 6717 Chipman, Daniel. Memoir of Col. Seth Warner. To which is added the life of Col. Ethan Allen, by Jared Sparks. Middlebury, Vt. L.W. Clark, 1848. 226p. Life of Ethan Allen, p.87-226. 6718 Moore, Hugh. Memoir of Col. Ethan Allen. . . Plattsburg, N.Y. O.R. Cook, 1834. 252p. 6719 Pell, John. Ethan Allen. Boston, Houghton, 1929. 331p. front, plates, ports, map, plan, facsims. Attack on Ticonderoga, Chs. 10 and 11. 6720 Spargo, John. Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga. Rudand, Vt. Tuttle co. 1 926. 34p. 6721 Wing, Leonard F. Ethan Allen, the soldier; an address. Ver Hist Soc Proc, Mar. 1937. n.s.5:5-21. 6722 Mount Allen's namesake lives in Massachu- setts. High Spots, Mar. 1923. l:no.5:3-4. ports. Biographical sketch of Rev. Frederick B. Allen. Reproduction of pencil sketch of "Old Mountain Phelps" by Mr. Allen's daughter, Mrs. B. Reston Clark. See also Frederick Lewis Allen's "Frederick Baylies Allen: a Memoir," privately printed, 1929. Pages 28-29 are on the naming of Mount Allen and include quotations from Carson's "Peaks and People." 6723 My neighbour. A monthly journal of the Episcopal city mission. Boston, 1892- The issue for Oct. 1923 (v.32, no. 10) contains articles by and about Frederick B. Allen, with portraits. 6724 Steele, Vern. Benedict Arnold. No Country Life, Spring 1953. 7:no.2:40-41. Battle of Valcour Island. 6725 Dr. E.M. Austin dies in Tupper Lake. Lumber Camp News, Aug. 1948. 10:no.4:5. Brief biography of Eugene M. Austin, doctor at Tupper Lake since 1891. 6726 Conners, Frank P. Irving Bacheller and his "writing" school. No Country Life, Fall 1946. l:no. 1:20-22. illus. Condensed from the North Countryman. 6727 Packard, Edward Newman. Edward R. Baldwin. Am Rev Tub, July 1950. 62:lB:l-2. 6728 Houghton, Harris A. Dr. William Beaumont: his life and associations in Plattsburgh, N.Y. NT Acad Med Bui, Apr. 1931. ser.2:no.7:287- 301. illus. See also Jesse Shire Myers' "Life and Letters of Dr. William Beaumont. . ." St. Louis, Mo. 1912. 6729 Steiner, William R. Dr. William Beaumont, an appreciation. In Plattsburgh, N.Y. Physi- cians hospital. Medical and surgical year book, 1930. p. 191-97. plate. The plate is a facsimile of the title page of Beaumont's famous book, "Experiments and Observa- tions on the Gastric Juice. . . ," published in Plattsburgh in 1833. 6730 Martin, Newell. Charlie Beede. High Spots, July 1933. 10:no.3:9-10. port. (Great Adirondack Guides, no.3.) 6731 Cummings, William A.E. "Verde Beede." High Spots, Apr. 1932. 9:no.2:14-15. (His- torical Adirondack Character Series, no. 7.) 6732 Byrne, Mrs. Margaret H. (Myers). The Walter Biesemeyer memorial leanto. Ad-i- ron-dac, July-Aug. 1955. 19:77. Dedication. Photograph in Sept.-Oct. issue, 19:91. 6733 Byrne, Wayne H. In memoriam — a lean-to. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1955. 10:no.l:35. Memorial to Walter Biesemeyer. 6734 Walter Biesemeyer, beloved ADKer, dies. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1 953. 17:99. 6735 Brown, George L. Bainbridge Bishop. For & Stream, Apr. 29, 1905. 64:332. Death of angler well known in Lake Champlain area. 6736 BIOGRAPHY 265 Mather, Fred. Men I have fished with. LXII: Wallace Eugene Blackford. For & Stream, Mar. 5, 1898. 50:188-89. 6737 Marshall, Robert. Mills Blake. High Spots, Mar. 1930. 7:no.l:13. 6738 Marshall, Robert. Mills Blake, Adirondack explorer. Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1951. 15: 46-48. port. 6739 Bertin, Georges. . . .Joseph Bonaparte en Am^rique. . . Paris, Librairie de la Nouvelle revue, 1893. 422p. port, folded tables. Adirondacks, Ch.2. 6740 Malcolm, James. Former king lived in northern New York. State Service, Jan. 1931. p. 41-44. port. Joseph Bonaparte. 6741 Ralph, Alta M. Count of "Little France"; a Bonaparte in northern New York. Ameri- cana, Apr. 1924. 18:151-65. Joseph Bona- parte's sojourn in the Adirondacks. 6742 Tomlinson. Everett Titsworth. When the king of Spain was an e.xile in northern New York. Ind, Feb. 20, 1902. 54:449-52. Joseph Bonaparte. 6743 Brace, Charles Loring. The life of Charles Loring Brace, chiefly told in his own letters; ed. by his daughter. . . N.Y. Scribner, 1894. 503p. front, port. Preface signed: Emma Brace. Adirondack letters, p.205, 223, 344, 464. 6744 Press comment on the death of Byron Brewster. No Country Life, Winter 1954. 8:no.l :43-44. Justice of the State Supreme Court and native of Essex County. 6745 Burnham, John Bird. Gens des bois. I: Guy Brittell. For & Stream, Jan. 7, 1899. 52:3-4. Adirondack trapper. 6746 Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915. Richard Henry Dana, a biography. Boston, Hough- ton, 1890-91. 2v. fronts, (ports.). "Adiron- dacks and John Brown," v.l, p. 145-64. 6747 Atkinson, Eleanor. The soul of John Brown; recollections of the great abolitionist by his son. Am Mag, Oct. 1909. 68:633-43. illus. ports. Includes life at North Elba. 6748 Barton, William Eleazer. John Brown and Abraham Lincoln. Response to the John Brown memorial association in its presenta- tion of a picture to Lake Placid club, deliv- ered by Rev. William E. Barton, D.D., at the Club on May 9, 1928. Lake Placid Club, N.Y. 1928. 4p. Reprint from Lake Placid News, May 18, 1928. 100 copies printed. Copy in the John Carter Brown Library, Brown University. 6749 Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll. Letter to a lady patient to whom was promised an account of a visit to John Brown's grave. In Von Hoist, Hermann. John Brown; edited by Frank Preston Stearns. Boston, Cupples & Hurd, 1889. p. 197-203. plate. Written from Saranac Lake, July 27, 1865. Addressed to Mrs. H-. 6750 Brewster, O. Byron. John Brown of North Elba. NT Hist, Oct. 1952. 33:406-12. 6751 Brewster, W.H. and Brewster, B.B. John Brown. A brief biography, with letters by the liberator. . . n.p. n.pub. n.d. 24p. Pamphlet sold at the John Brown farm in 1929. 6752 The burial of John Brown. NT Illus News, Dec. 24, 1859. 1:81, 84-85. ports, illus. Other illustrations on pages 92-93. Sketches made at North Elba by reporter who attended the funeral. 6753 Carmer, Carl Lamson. John Brown and his legend. Yankee, Apr. 1953. 17:no.4:41-46. ports, illus. Tankee visits the scene, p. 47-52. 6754 Clemens, Will M. John Brown, the American reformer. II. Pet Mag, Feb. 1898. n.s.8: 1 07-1 6. At North Elba. 6755 Collins, John O. "John Brown's body." Four Tr News, May 1903. 4:241-43. illus. 6756 Dailey, William Nelson Potter. Incidents at John Brown's funeral. State -Service, Jan.-Mar. 1924. 10:30-33. illus. Author's name is misspelled in article (Bailey). 6757 Dana, Richard Henry Jr. How we met John Brown: a letter. Allan, July 1871. 28:1-9. Entertained by John Brown at North Elba, on trip from Westport to Indian Pass, etc. 6758 Featherstonehough, Thomas. The final bur- ial of the followers of John Brown. New Eng M, Apr. 1901. n.s. 24: 128-34. Burial at North Elba. 6759 Flick, Alexander Clarence. John Brown memorial statue. NT Hist, July 1935. 16: 329-32. 6760 Gould, Elizabeth Porter. John Brown at North Elba. Outlook, Nov. 21, 1896. 54: 909-11. 6761 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. A visit to John Brown's household in 1859. In his Contemporaries. Boston,. Houghton, 1900. p. 21 9-43. Reprinted from James Redpath's "Life of Captain John Brown," 1859. 6762 Hughes, Beatrice. The John Brown farm and homestead. Conservationist, Aug. 1921. 4:122-24. illus. Reprinted in State Service, Sept. 1922, 6,i.e.8:303-5, with title "Thou- sands Visit John Brown's Grave." 6763 John Brown. Macmil, Oct. 1888. 58:443-52. 676^1 266 BIOGRAPHY The John Brown farm. In New York (state). Fisheries, game and forest commission. Annual report, 1896. p.470-83. Quotes Hig- ginson and other sources. Account of the official dedication of the farm as state property. 6765 John Brown memorial association. John Brown in bronze, 1850-1859, containing pro- gram and addresses of the dedicatory cere- mony and unveiling of the monument of John Brown, May 9, 1935. . . Lake Placid Club, N.Y. 1935. 41 p. plates, illus. ports. 6766 John Brown memorial association. . . .35th annual pilgrimage to the grave of John Brown. . . Lake Placid, N.Y. 1955. unpaged, ports, illus. 6767 John Brown's grave in Adirondacks; home of noted abolitionist before he was hanged in Virginia; old farm now maintained by the state. Property given to Brown to help in escape of slaves. State Service, Dec. 1917. 1 :no.5 :33-36. illus. port. 6768 Lee, Francis W. John Brown's grave. Card & For, Mar. 11, 1896. 9:108-9. Letter to the editor quoting Kate Field on the inscrip- tion on John Brown's boulder. 6769 Lee, Mary. John Brown rests amid the mountains. . . NT Times Mag, Oct. 20, 1929. p.7, 23. illus. port. Describes home at North Elba. 6770 Life of John Brown; a sketch, n.p. n.pub. 19— ?16p. 6771 Lyman, Henry Harrison. Oration at North Elba, N.Y. . .July 21, 1896. In New York (state). Fisheries, game and forest commis- sion. Annual report, 1896. p. 483-94. Au- thor's second initial given erroneously as L. 6772 McClellan, Katherine Elizabeth. A hero's grave in the Adirondacks. Saranac Lake, N.Y. C1896. 20p. illus. port. John Brown's life in the Adirondacks. 6773 Mather, Frederic Gregory. Cottage and grave of old John Brown. Fr Leslies Pop Mo, Nov. 1891. 32:621-24. illus. 6774 Nichols, May Ellis. An Adirondack pil- grimage. Nat Mag, July 1903. 18:476-79. illus. John Brown. 6775 Orcutt, Samuel. History of Torrington, Connecticut, from its first settlement in 1737, with biographies and genealogies. Albany, J. Munsell, 1878. 817p. front, illus. plates, ports. John Brown at North Elba, p. 335-39. Poem by W.E. Channing, "Burial of John Brown,"p.413-19. 6776 Phillips, Wendell. Burial of John Brown. In his Speeches, lectures and letters. Boston, Redpath, 1863. v.l, p.289-93. Delivered at John Brown's grave, North Elba, Dec. 8, 1859. 6777 A pilgrimage to John Brown's mountain. Knick Mag, Mar. 1 862. 59 :232-37. 6778 Redpath, James. Public life of John Brown, with an autobiography of his childhood and youth. Boston, Thayer & Eldridge, 1860. 407p. port, plates. 6779 Rex, Millicent B. John Brown at Lake Placid. Americana, Apr. 1931. 25:141-49. 6780 Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin. The life and letters of John Brown. . . Boston, Roberts, 1885. 645p. ports, facsims. 2d edition, 1891. Adirondacks, p.90-1 15. 6781 Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin. Memoirs of John Brown, written for Rev. Samuel Orcutt's History of Torrington, Ct. with Memorial verses by William Ellery Chan- ning. Concord, Mass. 1878. 107p. ports, illus. Channing's poem "The Burial of John Brown," p.101-7. 6782 Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin. Recollections of seventy years. Boston, Badger, 1909. 2v. fronts, plates, port, facsim. Concord and North Elba (John Brown), v.l, ch.4. 6783 Santway, Alfred W. A brief sketch of the life of John Brown. . . Watertown, N.Y. Alfred W. Santway, ci 934. 20p. port, illus. 6784 Shaw, Albert. John Brown in the Adiron- dacks. R of Rs, Sept. 1896. 14:311-17. illus. port. 6785 A sketch of the life of John Brown, n.p. n.pub. n.d. 12p. Published before the appear- ance of Sanborn's "Life and Letters of John Brown" (1885). 6786 Thompson, Mrs. Ruth (Brown). Ruth Thompson's last letter to her father, written at North Elba, November 27, 1859. Mass HistSoc Proc, Jan. -Mar. 1908. 41 :330. 6787 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Marianna (Griswold). John Brown's grave. Card & For, Jan. 29, 1896. 9:47. Letter to the editor. 6788 Villard, Oswald Garrison. John Brown, 1800-1859; a biography fifty years after. Boston, Houghton, 1911. 738p. plates, front, facsims. ports, map. Extensive bibliography, p.689-709. 6789 Young, Joshua. The funeral of John Brown. New Eng Mag, Apr. 1904. n.s.30:229-43. illus. ports. 6790 F., M.H. A brave life. Overland, Oct. 1885. ser.2:6:360-67. Life of wife of Capt. John Brown, Mary Anne (Day) Brown. 6791 Lyman, David Russell. Lawrason Brown, 1871-1937. Reprinted from the American Review of Tuberculosis, Mar. 1938, 37:361-66. Signed: D.R.L. 6792 BIOGRAPHY 267 Porter, Mrs. Ma^jorie (Lansing). Lewis Stacy Brown, artist. A'o Country Life, Winter 1952. 6:no. 1:48-49. port. Native of Chazy. 6793 Carson, Russell Mack Little. W. Scott Brown. High Spots, Jan. 1935. 12:no.l:26. port. Obituary. 6794 Banks, Robert Lenox. Protector William H. Burnett. For & Stream, Dec. 12, 1896. 47:472. 6795 Derieux, James C. John Burnham — conser- vationist and hunter. Field & S, May 1929. 34:no.l:20-22, 71-73. illus. Chief Game Protector of New York state. 6796 Derieux, James C. There'll never be a time when everybody is broke. Am Mag, May 1932. 113:no.5:67, 88, 90. illus. Life of John Bird Burnham. 6797 Spears, Raymond Smiley. The New York chief protector. For & Stream, Nov. 25, 1905. 65:437. On appointment of John B. Burnham. 6798 Harmes, Edward A. John Burroughs in the Adirondacks. Ad-i-ron-dac, Nov.-Dec. 1953. 17:112,127. 6799 Riley, Ruth V. John Burroughs. High Spots, July 1931. 8:no.3:17-18. (Historical Adiron- dack Character Series, no. 5.) 6800 Hall, C. Eleanor. Joe Call, the Lewis giant. jVrFo/^ (2, Spring 1953. 9:5-27. 6801 Hopkins, Arthur S. Russ Carson. Cloud Splitter, Apr. 1940. 3:no.3:2-3. 6802 Brandreth, Paulina. Old Leviathan of Burnt mountain lake. For & Stream, Jan. 4, 1913. 80:5-6, 31. Signed: Paul Brandreth. Day spent with Reuben Gary. 6803 Brandreth, Paulina. Reuben Gary: forest patriarch. High Spots, July 1934. ll:no.3: 29-32. (Great Adirondack Guides, no. 7.) Signed: Paul Brandreth. 6804 Brandreth, Paulina. Reuben Gary — forest patriarch; a biographical sketch of a well known Adirondack guide. For & Stream, June 20-27, 1914. 82:821-22, 854-55. Signed: Paul Brandreth. 6805 Bishop, Morris. Ghamplain, the life of forti- tude. N.Y. Knopf, 1948. 364p. illus. map. 6806 Gonstantin-Weyer, Maurice. Samuel de Ghamplain. Rev Heb, Dec. 27, 1930, Jan. 3-10, 1931. 39:387-418; 40:36-52, 196-227. 6807 Hill, Henry Wayland. Samuel Ghamplain and the Lake Ghamplain tercentenary: an address by Senator W.H. Hill. . .secretary of the New York tercentenary commission. Delivered before the Vermont historical so- ciety on November 10, 1908. Ver Hist Soc Proc, 1908-9 i.e. 1907-8. p.39-61. 6808 Paltsits, Victor Hugo. Samuel Ghamplain. Travel, July 1909. 14:452-56. illus. 6809 A.N. Cheney. For & Stream, Aug. 24, 1901. 57:141. His accomplishments. 6810 Hill, William H. A.N. Cheney and his gun. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1955. 10:no.l:8. illus. See letter from Dan Brenan in issue for Oct.-Nov. 1955, 10:no.2:41. 6811 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). He works with angels. No Country Life, Winter 1951. 5:no.l :12-14. port. Biographical sketch of craftsman who manufactures Christmas tree ornaments — James Cheney, descendant of John Cheney. 6812 Riley, Ruth V. John Cheney, "the mighty hunter." High Spots, June 1930. 7:no.2:12-13. port. (Historical Adirondack Character Series, no.l.) 6813 Tahawus, pseud. John Cheney and the bear. For & Stream, Aug. 5, 1875. 4:413. Descrip- tion of a battle between Cheney and a bear; includes a letter from Cheney's wife on his condition. 6814 Marshall, Robert. Herbert Clark. High Spots, Oct. 1933. 10:no.4:8-ll. (Great Adirondack Guides, no.4.) 6815 Allen, George P. A history and genealogical record of the Alling-Allens of New Haven, Conn, the descendants of Roger Ailing, first. . .from 1639 to the present time. New Haven, Conn. Price, Lee & Adkins, 1899. 317p. incl. plates, ports, front. Biographical sketch of Verplanck Colvin, p. 71-79. Sepa- rately published as a ten-page pamphlet with title "Biographical Sketch of Verplanck Colvin of Albany, N.Y. . ." New Haven, 1899. 6816 Bayle, Francis L. An appreciation of Ver- planck Colvin. High Spots, Oct. 1934. 11: no.4:29-31. 6817 Boos, John E. Verplanck Colvin. Cloud Split- ter, Jan. 1943. 6:no.l:2. Personal recollec- tions. 6818 Colvin. In Reynolds, Guyler. Hudson- Mohawk genealogical and family memoirs. . . N.Y. 1911. v.l, p.457-62. Verplanck Colvin. 6819 Miller, Roland B. Verplanck Colvin. NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1954. 8:no.4:20-23. port, illus. Supplementary note in Dec. 1954- Jan. 1955 issue, p. 32. 6820 Lewis, Tayler. My old schoolmaster. A paper read at the University convocation of the State of New York, July 8, 1874. . .With a biographical sketch of the Rev. Gyrus Gomstock. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co. 268 BIOGRAPHY 1875. 23p. Cyrus Comstock was first Con- gregational minister in Essex County; church at Lewis, N.Y. 6821 Smith, George H. Cyrus Comstock, father of Congregational churches in Essex county. No Country Life, Winter 1948. 2:no.l :42-43. illus. 6822 Hahn, Joe. Poet and prophet. Up Mo, Oct. 1941. 2:no.7:16-17. port. Life of Marc Cook. 6823 Thomas Creighton. Oval wood dish vice- president dies at Tupper Lake. Lumber Camp News, Apr. 1952.13 :no. 1 2 :20. port. 6824 Mather, Fred. Men I have fished with. LX: Amos J. Cummings. For & Stream, Dec. 11, 1897.49:472-73. 6825 Fosburgh, Peter W. Pat Cunningham. NTS Con, Sept.-Oct. 1952. 7:no.l:17. port. Brief obituary. 6826 Henry Piatt Gushing. Science, June 3, 1921. n.s.53:510-12. Eulogies by J.M. Clarke, C.H. Smyth and R. Ruedemann. 6827 Clark, John Murray. A modern wandering scholar. Spectator, Oct. 6, 1900. 85:453-54. Unsigned. Thomas Davidson. 6828 Dublin, Louis L Thomas Davidson: educator for democracy. Am Scholar, Spring 1948. 17:201-11. 6829 James, William. A knight-errant of the intellectual life: Thomas Davidson: who tried to "be on earth what good people hope to be in heaven." McClure, May 1905. 25:3-11. illus. Founder of the Summer School of the Culture Sciences, Glenmore. (Keene, N.Y.) 6830 Knight, William Angus. Memorials of Thomas Davidson, the wandering scholar. Boston & London, Ginn, 1907. 241 p. front, (port.). Glenmore, p.55-79, 107-19. 6831 A modern Socrates — minus Zantippe. Cur Lit, July 1905. 39:90-91. port. Thomas Davidson. 6832 Thomas Davidson. In Knight, William Angus. Some nineteenth century Scotsmen. . . Edinburgh, Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1903. p. 351-63. Bibliography of Davidson's works, p.448-56. Partially reprinted in Knight's "Memorials of Thomas Davidson." 6833 George Dawson. For & Stream, Feb. 22, 1883. 20:61. Obituary. 6834 Simmons, Louis J. Mrs. Ida DeLancett, 83, of old Tupper Lake family dies. . . Lumber Camp News, May 1940. 12:no.l:4. She and her husband operated early hotel in Tupper Lake. 6835 Burger, William H. Melvil Dewey. No Coun- try Life, Spring 1951. 5:no.2:26-28, 43. 6836 Dawe, George Grosvenor. Melvil Dewey: inspirer: doer — 1851-1931; biographic com- pilation. Lake Placid Club, N.Y. 1932. 391p. plates, ports, facsims. map. Lake Placid Club, p.230-50. 6837 Gray, Allison. That darned literary fellow across the lake; interview with Melvil Dewey. Am Mag, Apr. 1927. 103:no.4:56-59, 128-32. illus. 6838 Jast, L. Stanley. Recollections of Melvil Dewey. Lib Rev, Autumn 1934. no.31:285-90. 6839 Kudlaker, J.S. Melvil Dewey; the sage of Lake Placid. Lib Misc, Nov. 1913. 2:68-70. ports. 6840 Rider, Fremont. Melvil Dewey. Chicago, American library association, 1944. 151 p. front, illus. ports. (American Library Pio- neers no.6.) 6841 Longstreth, Thomas Morris. Alfred Lee Donaldson. 1866-1923. In memoriam. Nov. 6, 1923. n.p. n.pub. n.d. 4p. Unpaged leaflet. 6842 O'Neill, J.F. Alfred Lee Donaldson, historian of the Adirondacks. J Ouid Lije, Nov. 1924. 21:670-71,673. port. 6843 Illick, Joseph S. A quarter of a century of service. NTS Ranger Sch, 1944. p. 15-1 6. Tribute to James Francis Dubuar. 6844 White, William Chapman. The last of the Dukettes. No Country Lije, Fall 1952. 6:no.4: 45-46. Reprinted from the New York Herald Tribune. 6845 Mather, Fred. Alvah Dunning. For & Stream, Mar. 22, 1902. 58:239-41. port. 6846 Mather, Fred. Men I have fished with. XXXVIII: Alvah Dunning. For & Stream, Apr. 10, 1897. 48:288-89. 6847 Norris, Isaac T. A meeting with Alvah Dunning. For & Stream, Mar. 22, 1902. 58:231. 6848 Marshall, George. Dr. Ely and his Adiron- dack map. NT Hist, Jan. 1954. 35:32-48. port. Also issued as a separate without por- trait. Reprinted in The Ad-i-ron-dac, May- June 1954, 18:44-49, 53. Extracts in Living Wilderness, Autumn 1954, no. 50:36. Re- viewed in Appalachia, June 15, 1954, mag. no.ll8:113. William Watson Ely. 6849 Hopkins, Albert. Sketch of Dr. Emmons. Wms Q, June 1864. 11:260-69. Author's name supplied by the Williams College Library. Ebenezer Emmons. 6850 Marcou, Jules. Biographical notice of Eben- ezer Emmons. Am Geol, Jan. 1891. 7:1-23. port. 6851 BIOGRAPHY 269 Charles Fenton. Field & S, Nov. 1905. 10:718. Notice of the death of the pro- prietor of Fenton House. 6852 Charles Fenton. For & Strt\.m, Oct. 14, 1905. 65:309. Obituary. 6853 Burnham, John Bird. Gens dcs bois. H: Guy Ferguson. For & Slrfam, Mar. 11, 1899. 52:182-83. 6854 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). The garden on a sand dune. A''o Country Life, Spring 1 947. l:no.3:44-45. port. Mrs. Olive Fifield's summer home on Cumberland Bay. 6855 Haviland. In the Adirondacks — Folingsby's pond. For & Stream, Jan. 8, 1874. 1:340. Story of Moses Folingsby, the Englishman for whom the pond was named. 6856 Headley, Joel Tyler. Folingsby's pond. Hours at Home, Aug.-Sept. 1869. 9:352-59, 427-35. Life of man for whom the pond was named. 6857 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Folingsby's. Cloud Splitter, June 1940. 3:no.5:12, 14. 6858 Curtiss, Arthur Leslie Byron-. The life and adventures of Nat Foster, trapper and hunter of the Adirondacks. Utica, N.Y. Thos. J. Griffiths, 1897. 286p. plates. A new edition with second preface was published in Boon- ville, N.Y. Willard press, 1912, 21 7p. port. 6859 Colonel William F. Fox. In New York (state). Forest, fish and game commission. Annual report, 1907-8-9. p.72-77. port. 6860 Carmer, Carl Lamson. Come all ye gallant shanty-boys. In his The Hudson. N.Y. Farrar & Rinehart, ^1939. p.366-77. Sketch of "Yankee John" Galusha. 6861 John Galusha dies at Minerva, N.Y. Lumber Camp News, Oct. 1950. 12:no.6:17. 6862 An Adirondack memorial. For & Stream, Apr. 20, 1907. 68:613. Memorial of Eva Gardiner, wife of "Ned Buntline." 6863, Baldwin, Edward Robinson. Tributes to Dr. Leroy Upson Gardner. Occup Med, July 1947. 4:no.l:l-16. port. Includes list of Dr. Gard- ner's writings. 6864 Adirondack guide dies. Lumber Camp News, Dec. 1950. 12:no.8:10. John Garland. 6865 Pell, John. The saga of Will Gilliland, NT Hist, Oct. 1932. 13:390-403. 6866 Walworth, Hiram. William Gilliland. Am Hist Register, Aug. 1895. 2:1438-44. port. 6867 Wardenburg, Martha Bigelow. Will Gilli- land, pioneer of the valley of Lake Cham- plain. Ver Hist Soc Proc, Sept. 1941. n.s.9: 186-97. 6868 Trudell, Theresa. Joe Gokey of Tupper Lake. NT Folk d. Autumn 1954. 10:208-11. 6869 Brown, J. Hypkin. A chapter in the life of Daniel Gorman, M.D. For Leaves, Autumn 1905. 2:no.4:4-25. illus. 6870 Jogues, Isaac. Notice sur Rdn6 Goupil. In Jesuits. Letters from Missions (North Amer- ica). Jesuit relations. Cleveland, 1896. v. 28, p. 116-35. Text in French and English. 6871 Juvenal, pseud. One of the veterans. For & Stream, Oct. 17, 1906. 61:295. illus. port. Life of Nathaniel S. Graves. 6872 Seth Green. Am Angler, Aug. 25, 1888. 14:121. Obituary of superintendent of the Fulton Chain hatchery; editorial comment, p.ll3. 6873 Death of Frank Grey, well known guide. Sport Rev, Feb. 20, 1909. 35:201. 6874 Clarke, John Mason. James Hall of Albany — geologist and palaeontologist, 1811-1898. Albany, 1921. 565p. 2d printing, 1932. In- cludes Hall's work in the Adirondack coun- ties of the New York State Geological Survey, beginning in 1836, and his part in the great controversies with Emmons. 6875 A memoir of Charles Hallock. Wild Mag, Apr. 1889. 2:223-24. port. 6876 Dubuar, James Francis. J. Otto Hamele (the man and his work). NYS Ranger Sch, 1949. p.5-8, 14. port. Hamele was responsible for the Rich Lumber Company's gift of land for the Ranger School of the College of Forestry. 6877 Reed, Frank A. J. Otto Hamele. NTS Ranger Sch, 1949. p.41-42. illus. Address, August 5, 1949, at the dedication of bronze plaque at the Ranger School. 6878 In memoriam — John Hammond. Chicago, P.F. Pettibone & co. 1890. 90p. port. Promi- nent citizen of northern New York. 6879 Mr. S.H. Hammond as sportsman and author. Sport Rev, Jan. 13, 1906. 29:36. Samuel H. Hammond. 6880 Dobson, Meade C. Mel Hathaway's clearing. Cloud Splitter, Oct. 13, 1942. 5:no.7:4-5. Reprinted in The Ad-i-ron-dac, May-June 1945,9:no.3:5. 6881 Plum, Eleanor Mary. Mel Hathaway and the early days of Johns brook lodge. Ad-i-ron- dac, May-June 1952. 16:53, 58. 6882 Riley, Ruth V. Reverend Joel T. Headley. High Spots, Dec. 1930-Jan. 1931. 7:no.4— 8: no.l: 19-20. illus. (Historical Adirondack Character Series, no.3. ) 6883 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Adirondac tragedy. Cloud Splitter, Jan. 1940. 2:no.8:2-3. 270 BIOGRAPHY Sequel to Iron Dam; continues story of David Henderson. 6884 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Iron dam. Cloud Splitter, Dec. 1939. 2:no.7:8-9. Discov- ery of iron ore by David Henderson. 6885 Johnstone, John. A sermon preached in the Presbyterian church, Jersey city, September 14, 1845, on occasion of the death of David Henderson. Jersey City, N.J. 1845. 39p. 6886 Schaefer, Paul A. Adirondack pilgrimage. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1945. 8:no.5:2-5. Account of Henderson Memorial trip. 6887 Hill, John Henry. John William Hill. An artist's memorial. N.Y. 1888. 15p. plates, front, port. Short life of artist who accom- panied Ebenezer Emmons on the New York State Geological Survey. 6888 Storey, Moorfield and Emerson, Edward W. Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar: a memoir. Boston, Houghton, 1911. 335p. front, port. Philosophers' Camp, p.144-48. 6889 Barnes, Homer F. Charles Fenno Hoffman. N.Y. Columbia university press, 1930. 361 p. Doctoral dissertation, Columbia University. 6890 Charles Fenno Hoffman. Wild Mag, Sept. 1888.1:232-33. 6891 Hoffman, Charles Fenno. The vigil of faith and other poems. Campe's edition. Nurnberg & New York, F. Campe & co. 1846. 68p. Memoir, by Rufus Willmot Griswold, p.v-viii. Copy in the British Museum, London. 6892 Riley, Ruth V. Charles Fenno Hoffman. High Spots, Sept. 1930. 7:no.3:6-8. illus. (Historical Adirondack Character Series, no.2.) 6893 Carson, Russell Mack Little. Harvey Holt. High Spots, Jan. 1934. 11 :no.l :18-22. port. (Great Adirondack Guides, no. 5.) Partially reprinted as "Dawn of Adirondack Moun- tain History" and "Possibility of Earlier Unrecorded Ascents of Emmons" in Mt. Marcy Anthology {High Spots, July 1937, 14:no.3:6-8, 12-13, port, and map). 6894 Alexander, Edward Johnston. David P. Holton: phonic mountaineer. High Spots, Jan. 1936. 13:no.l:8-ll. 6895 Holton, David Parsons. Reminiscences. N.Y. 1874. 32p. Includes material on Holton's Adirondack activities. 6896 Tenney, W.E. Hop. NTS Con, Dec. 1952- Jan. 1953. 7:no.3:34. port. Arthur S. Hopkins. 6897 Benedict, Darwin. A north country genius. Cloud Splitter, Mar .-Apr. 1954. 17:no.2:8-9. FrankHn B. Hough. 6898 Franklin B. Hough — a tribute. Am For, July 1922. 28:431-32. port. 6899 Hickcox, John H. A bibliography of the writings of Franklin Benjamin Hough, PhD. M.D. In New York (state). University. 99th annual report of the regents, 1886. p.321-47. 6900 Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon. Franklin B. Hough, pioneer in forestry. Bui Schools, Mar. 1940. 26:227-30, 262-63. illus. Condensed in North Country Life, Summer 1952, 6:no.3:16-20. 6901 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). A major peak gets a new name. High Spots Trbk, 1942. p. 26-28. illus. Hough Peak, named for Franklin B. Hough. 6902 Jacobsen, Edna L. Franklin B. Hough, a pioneer in scientific forestry in America. NT Hist, July 1934. 15:311-25. port. A well-documented account of Hough's activ- ities with particular reference to the Adi- rondack Park. 6903 Murray, David. Franklin B. Hough, M.D. PhD. In New York (state). University. 99th annual report of the regents, 1886. p. 300-1 9. 6904 For Bill Howard. NTS Con, Dec. 1951-Jan. 1952. 6:no.3:30. illus. Brief note on William G. Howard memorial plaque at Lake George. 6905 Howard becomes New York Superintendent of forests. Am For, May 1927. 33:300. port. William Gibbs Howard. 6906 Littlefield, Edward Winchester. Bill Howard — an appreciation. J For, Apr. 1949. 47: 303-4. William Gibbs Howard. 6907 The William G. Howard memorial leanto. Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1951. 15:14. illus. See also photograph of plaque and account of dedication in issue for Sept.-Oct. 15:87. 6908 Fowler, Albert V. Tales from the drowned land. High Spots Trbk, 1939. p.27-34. Near Cranberry Lake. Reminiscences of Willard Howland, a guide. 6909 "Developing" a forest investment. Conserva- tionist, Mar. 1920. 3:46-47. illus. Story -of John Hurd. 6910 Goldmark, Josephine. An Adirondack friend- ship: letters of William James. Atlan, Sept.- Oct. 1934. 154:265-72, 440-47. Many quota- tions from letters of James. First part mainly on Adirondacks. 6911 James, William. Memories and studies. N.Y. Longmans, 1911. 411 p. Thomas Davidson and Keene Valley, p.73. 6912 Lusk, Graham. Theodore Caldwell Janeway, A.M., M.D. n.p. 1918? 4p. port. Reprinted BIOGRAPHY 271 from the American Journal of the Medical Sciences, ^chA9\%. 6913 Herman M. Janssen is new sky pilot in Adi- rondacks. Northeast Log, Oct. 1952. l:no.3:26. port. 6914 H., H.F. The fiddler of Cat mountain. Camp Log, 1926. 12:56-57, 83. illus. Biographical sketch of John Jenack, fire observer on Cat Mountain. 6915 Jesup, Henry Griswold. Edward Jessup of West Farms, Westchester co. New York, and his descendants. . . Cambridge, Privately printed by John Wilson & son, 1887. 442p. Totten and Crossfield Purchase, p. 21 Iff. 6916 Birch, J.J. The saint of the wilderness; St. Isaac Jogues. N.Y. Benziger bros. 1936. 236p. plates, front. 6917 Campbell, Thomasjoseph. Isaac Jogues, S.J. discoverer of Lake George. N.Y. America press, 1911. 55p. front, plates, ports. Mono- graph, "Pioneer Priests of North America," reprinted with some emendations and addi- tions. 6918 Clarke, Richard Henry. Father Isaac Jogues, S.J. Cath World, Oct. 1872. 16:105-21. 6919 Dolan, John W. Father Jogues. NT State Hist Assn Proc, 1 903. 5 :30-52. 6920 Dolan, John W. The life of Father Jogues. A lecture delivered before the Johnstown his- torical society. Nov. 19, 1903. Johnstown, N.Y. 1903. 16p. 6921 Early, Joseph J. The Lake George Saint Isaac Jogues memorial. US Cath Hist Soc, 1939.30:30-46. 6922 Gerard, J. The first apostle of the Iroquois. Month, Mar. 1874. 20:306-24. Isaac Jogues. 6923 Jogues, Isaac. Narrative of a captivity among the Mohawk Indians, and a description of New Netherlands, in 1642-3; with a memoir of the holy missionary by John Gilmary Shea. N.Y. Press of the Historical society, 1856. 69p. See also The Jogues Papers. . . in the' New York Historical Society Collections, 2d ser. 3:pt.l:161-229(1857). 6924 Malloy, J.L. Tercentenary of Lake George. Cath World, Sept. 1946. 163:563. On Isaac Jogues. 6925 Martin, Felix. The life of Father Isaac Jogues, missionary priest of the Society of Jesus, slain by the Mohawk Iroquois, in the present state of New York Oct. 18, 1646. . . with Father Jogues' account of the captivity and death of his companion, Rene Goupil, slain Sept. 29, 1642. Translated from the French by J.G. Shea. 3d edition. N.Y. Ben- ziger bros. 1885. 263p. front, (port.) map. 6926 Moran, Peter, Father Hecker's chapel. Commonweal, Sept. 25, 1936. 24:501-2. New windows telling the story of Isaac Jogues. 6927 New York (state). Father Isaac Jogues memo- rial commission. Interim report of the Father Isaac Jogues memorial commission to erect a memorial. . . Submitted Mar. 16, 1938. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1938. 8p. Legislative document 81, 1938. 6928 New York (state). Father Isaac Jogues memo- rial commission. Report of the temporary state commission created to select a site to erect a memorial to Father Isaac Jogues, dis- coverer of Lake George in the year sixteen hundred and forty six and to make recom- mendations. Submitted Mar. 15, 1937. Albany, J.B. Lyon, 1937. 9p. Legislative document 80, 1937. 6929 Rouvier, Fr6deric. Le P. Isaac Jogues de la Compagnie de Jesus, premier apotre des Iroquois. Lille, France, Soc. Saint-Augustin, 1890. 48p. 6930 Scott, Martin J. Isaac Jogues, missioner and martyr; an adaptation of the original biog- raphy of Martin Shea. Rev. ed. N.Y. P.J. Kenedy & sons, *^1927. 233p. plates, front, port. 6931 Stephenson, T. Bowman. A Methodist trib- ute to a Jesuit. R of Rs, Aug. 1893. 8:192. Excerpts from article in the Sunday Magazine. Isaac Jogues. 6932 Talbot, Francis Xavier. Blessed Isaac Jogues. US Cath Hist Soc, Sept. 1929. 19:21-32. 6933 Talbot, Francis Xavier. Jogues' torture on Crown Point. America, Oct. 7, 1933. 50:8-10. 6934 Talbot, Francis Xavier. Saint among sav- ages; the life of Isaac Jogues. N.Y. Harper, 1935. 466p. front, facsim. map. 6935 Talbot, Francis Xavier. The torture trail of St. Isaac Jogues. US Cath Hist Soc, 1933. 23:7-86. 6936 Pound, Arthur. Johnson of the Mohawks. . . N.Y. Macmillan, 1930. 556p. front, plates, ports, facsims. maps (1 double). 6937 Burnham, John Bird. Gens des bois. Ill: Ben Jourdon. For & Stream, May 6, 1899. 52: 342-43. port. 6938 Beardslee, Lester A. Stories of Ned Buntline, by Piseco, pseud. For & Stream, July 29, 1886. 27:3. Edward Zane Carroll Judson. 6939 Death of Ned Buntline. For & Stream, July 23, 1886. 26:506-7. Edward Zane Carroll Judson. 6940 L. Edward Zane Carroll Judson (Ned Buntline). For & Stream, July 24, 1897. 49:69-70. port. 6941 272 BIOGRAPHY Mather, Fred. Men I have fished with. L: Edward Zane Carroll Judson (Ned Buntline). For & Stream, ]u\y 24, 1897. illus. 6942 Monaghan, Jay. The great rascal: the life and adventures of Ned Buntline. Boston, Little, Brown, 1952. 353p. ports, illus. Edward Zane Carroll Judson. 6943 Pond, Frederick Eugene. Life and adven- tures of Ned Buntline, by Will Wildwood, pseud. Wild Adag, May-Oct. 1888. 1:24-28, 72-78, 128-31, 147-53, 220-25, 278-81. illus. p.147-53, Aug. 1888, is on Judson's life in the Adirondacks. 6944 Pond, Frederick Eugene. The life and adven- tures of "Ned Buntline." With Ned Bunt- line's anecdote of "Frank Forester" and chapter of angling sketches by Fred E. Pond ("Will Wildwood"). N.Y. Cadmus book- shop, 1919. 139p. ports. Author's pen name: "Will Wildwood." Published in an edition of 250 copies. Edward Zane Carroll Judson. 6945 H.A. Kelly, veteran Tupper photographer dies at Saranac Lake. Lumber Camp News, Mar. 1951. 12:no.ll:13. Hugh Kelly, known as "Adirondack photographer." 6946 Adams, Frank Dawson. James Furman Kemp. In National academy of sciences. Biographical memoirs. Washington, 1935. 16:1-21. port. 6947 James Furman Kemp. Eng & Min J, Nov. 27, 1926. 122:872-73. port. Memorials by Robert Peele and Charles P. Berkey. 6948 James Furman Kemp. Min & Met, Dec. 1926. 7:546. port. 6949 Lindgren, Waldemar. James Furman Kemp, to his memory. Am Geol, Jan. -Feb. 1927. 22:84-90. Short account of his study of geology in the Adirondacks. 6950 Hourwich, Rebecca. An artist builds a house. Country Life, July 1929. 56:35-38. illus. Rockwell Kent's home. 6951 House of Rockwell Kent, Ausable Forks, N.Y. Arch, May 1930. 61:285-88. illus. 6952 Kent, Rockwell. This is my own. N.Y. Duell, Sloan & Pearce, ^1940. 393p. illus. Story of his home near Ausable Forks. 6953 Pamares, Claude. Homespun heroics. For Leaves, Spring 1907. 4:no.l :13-16. illus. Story of Abe Langford of Skinnersville. 6954 Roy Lavoy dies in Tupper Lake. Northeast Log, June 1953. I:no.l0:30. port. Woods superintendent of the Oval Wood Dish Corporation. 6955 Smith, Donnal V. "Pants" Lawrence of the Adirondacks. NY Folk Q,, Summer 1953. 9:85-93. Abridged in North Country Life,¥sL\\ 1953. 7:no.4:16-19. Frank Lawrence. 6956 C, C.W. James D. LeRay. For Leaves, Spring 1907. 4:no.l:3-9. illus. port. 6957 Joseph Robert Linney, a biography. Exp Eng, Nov.-Dec. 1944. 22:246-47. port. 6958 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). By his own bootstraps: a tribute to the late Joseph R. Linney. No Country Life, Spring 1952. 6:no.2: 9-10. port. 6959 Riley, Ruth V. Benson J. Lossing. High Spots, Apr. 1931. 8:no.2:10-13. illus. (His- torical Adirondack Character Series, no.4.) Many quotations from Lossing's "The Hud- son." The illustration shows Lossing's departure for Tahawus. 6960 Conkling, Howard. Le Chevalier de la Luzerne. Short biography. N.Y. 1908. 62p. ports. 6961 Lyman, Henry Harrison. Memories of the old homestead. Oswego, N.Y. R.J. Oliphant, 1900. 181 p. Autobiography of a member of the first Fisheries, Game and Forest Com- mission, orator at the dedication of the John Brown monument. 6962 Lane, Eastwood. Portrait of a pioneer. No Country Life, Spring 1949. 3:no.2:42-46, 62. port. Biographical sketch of Bill McAleese of Cranberry Lake. 6963 Burnham, John Bird. Gens des bois. IV: George McBride. For & Stream, Mar. 24, 1900. 54:224-25. Old settler living at Tupper Lake. 6964 Death claims Tupper pioneer. Lumber Camp News, Aug. 1951. 13:no.4:16. James D. McBride, civil engineer. 6965 Burger, William H. Father Mac. No Country Life, Summer 1952. 6:no.3:6-10. port. Obituary of Father Edwin H. McCarthy. 6966 Commissioner Macdonald bids the forests 'Adieu.' Motordom, Feb. 1931. 24:no.8:12-13. port, illus. 6967 Steele, Vern. Thomas Macdonough. No Country Lif e,¥a.\\\95?>.l -.no A-AO-A\. ' 6968 Burnham, John Bird. Gens des bois. X: Joseph McGuire. For & Stream, May 4, 1901. 56:324-43. In Poke-o-Moonshine country. 6969 Gothamite, pseud. "Uncle Bill" McLaughlin, Adirondack guide. Sport Rev, Sept. 23, 1905. 28:344. Obituary. 6970 Quaife, Milo Milton. Detroit biographies: Alexander Macomb, 1782-1841. Burt Hist Coll, Nov. 1931. 10:2-16. 6971 Richards, George H. Memoir of Alexander Macomb, the major general commanding BIOGRAPHY 273 the Army of the United States. N.Y. M'EIrath, Bangs & co. 1833. 130p. ports. A brief biographical notice is in the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Professional Memoirs, Oct.-Dec. 1910, 2:242-43. 6972 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Bob Mar- shall. Cloud Splitter, Dec. 1939. 2:no.7:ll. An appreciation of Robert Marshall. 6973 Marshall, George. Adirondacks to Alaska: a biographical sketch of Robert Marshall. Ad-i-Ton-dac, May-June 1951. 15:44-45, 59. port 6974 Marshall, George, comp. Bibliography of Robert Marshall, 1901-1939, with reviews of his published works and biographical appre- ciations. Liv Wild, Autumn 1951. no. 38: 20-23. Supplement, with portrait and illus- tration, in issue for Summer 1954, no. 49: 31-35. 6975 Marshall, George. Robert Marshall as a writer. Liv Wild, Autumn 1951. no.38:14-20. ports. 6976 Welch, Fay. Bob Marshall. High Spots Trbk, 1940. p.54-55. Robert Marshall. 6977 Fred Mather. For & Stream, Feb. 24, 1900. 54:141. port. p. 151. Editorial on death of author of "Men I Have Fished With." 6978 Fisher, Albert Kenrick. Clinton Hart Mer- riam (1855-1942). Linn Soc NT Proc, 1941-45. no.54-57:58-60. 6979 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). Lem Mer- rill (surveyor-conservationist). Plattsburgh, N.Y. Clinton press, 1944. 45p. ports. Elmer Marcellus Merrill. 6980 "A hiker in outer space." Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1953. 16:no.5:ll. Philip Schuyler Miller. 6981 Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Lucy Millington. Torreya, Nov.-Dec. 1939. 39:159-63. illus. port. 6982 Sickels, Mrs. Dorothy (Judd). Keene Val- ley's pastor — Fredericka Mitchell. Advance^ Nov. 1945. 1 37 :no. 11:10-11. port. 6983 Adirondack, pseud. Death of Martin Moody, Adirondack guide. Aug & Hum, July 1910. 2:363-64. Also in Sportsmen^ s Review, June 18, 1910,37:584. 6984 Burnham, John Bird. Gens des bois. VI: Martin Van Buren Moody. For & Stream, June 2, 1900. 54:423-24. Guide at Tupper Lake. 6985 Goldthwaite, Kenneth W. A few moments with "Uncle Mart" Moody. For Leaves, Autumn 1904. l:no.4:24-25. port. 6986 Goldthwaite, Kenneth W. "Uncle Mart" Moody. jVr Times Mag, May 10, 1903. p.6. illus. 6987 Burnham, John Bird. Gens des bois. VII: Simeon J. Moody. For & Stream, Sept. 8, 1900. 55:183-84. Tupper Lake hunter. 6988 Judge Pliny Moore (1759-1822) obituary notice from the Plattsburgh Republican September 7, 1822, with selections from his papers and historical notes by Hugh McLellan. Champlain, N.Y. Moorsfield press, 1929. 27p. (Pliny Moore Papers, no.2.) 6989 McLellan, Hugh. The Pliny Moore collec- tion — abstract of address. . . Ver Hist Soc Proc, Sept. 1939. n.s.7:l 89-94. Life of Pliny Moore as shown in a collection of his letters and papers. 6990 Schaefer, Paul A. Back o' yonder. Cloud Splitter, July-Aug. 1945. 8:no.5.5-6. Remi- niscences of John Morehouse, Adirondack guide. 6991 Burger, William H. George Morgan of Raquette Falls. Mo Country Life, Spring 1952. 6 :no.2:24-28. port, illus. 6992 Adirondack Murray. St No Mo, Sept. 1907. 2:337-43. port. William Henry Harrison Murray. 6993 Adirondack Murray. Woods & Wat, Spring 1904. 7:no.l:20. port. Editorial. 6994 "Adirondack" Murray dead. For & Irrig, Apr. 1 904. 10:150. Short obituary. 6995 The book that made the Adirondacks. Outing, July 1922. 80:140-42. Adirondack Murray. 6996 Carson, Russell Mack Little. Adirondack Murray. Cloud Splitter , Mar. 1940. 3:no.2:2-4. 6997 Cook, William H. Letters of a Ticonderoga farmer; selections from the correspondence of William H. Cook and his wife with their son, Joseph Cook, 1851-1885, as edited by Frederick G. Bascom. Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell university press, 1946." 134p. Includes a chapter on Adirondack Murray, p.82-108. 6998 Gothamite, pseud. Adirondack Murray me- morial association. Sport Rev, July 7, 1906. 30:7. Short biography of W.H.H. Murray with list of members of the committee for the memorial. 6999 A memorial to Adirondack Murray. Sh & Fish, July 5, 1906. 40:245. Proposal to form national society to perpetuate Murray's memory. See report of organization of the society in issue for Aug. 30, 1906, 40:407, with title "Adirondack Murray Memorial." 7000 Mr. Murray at home. Golden Rule, Sept. 12, 1877. 2:no.51:8. 7001 274 BIOGRAPHY Mr. Murray's mistakes. Am Sportsman, Oct. 25, 1873. 3:57. Editorial on report that Murray shot thirty deer out of season. 7002 Murray, William Henry Harrison. Introduc- tion. In his Mamelons and Ungava: a legend of the Saguenay. Boston, De Wolfe, Fiske & CO. 1890. p.v-xx. Brief statement about his literary work, with special reference to the Adirondack Tales and the character John Norton. 7003 Murray, William Henry Harrison. One of W.H.H. Murray's reasons for visiting the Adirondacks. Written in 1869. For Leaves, Summer 1904. 1 :no.3:35-37. illus. 7004 Murray, William Henry Harrison. Reminis- cences of my literary and outdoor life. Ind, July 28-Aug. 4, 1904. 57:194-200, 277-80. port. 7005 A Murray memorial. For & Stream, July 7, 1906. 67:20-21. See also "Murray Memorial Proposed," Field and Stream, Sept. 1906, 11:502. Proposed memorial for W.H.H. Murray. 7006 Phantom Falls, pseud. Phantom Falls. For & Stream, July 8, 1875. 4:340. Search for W.H.H. Murray's Phantom Falls. 7007 Flankers, pseud. Summer shooting. For & Stream, Mar. 29, 1883. 20:168. Complaint about Adirondack Murray shooting wood- cock in July. 7008 Radford, Harry V. Adirondack Murray: a biographical appreciation. N.Y. Broadway publishing co. 1905. 84p. front, plates, ports. First printed in Woods and Waters, Autumn 1904, 7:no.3:7— 18. Reviewed in Forest Leaves, Winter 1906, 3:no.l:25, with title "The Interpreter of the Adirondacks," and in Sportsmen's Review, Jan. 20, 1906, 29:no.3:65. Reviews also in: Journal of the Outdoor Life, June 1906; Shooting and Fishing, Nov. 9, 1905; Outdoors, May 1906. See also letter about Murray, from Henry Van Dyke to Radford, in Shooting and Fishing, Dec. 21, 1905. 7009 Radford, Harrv V. Adirondack Murray in Boston. Sh & Fish, Feb. 22, 1906. 39:408-9. Letter to Alden Chester with brief introduc- tory note. 7010 Radford, Harry V. The Adirondack Murray memorial association. Am Field, July 7, 1906. 66:3. Appeal for funds for memorial. 7011 Radford, Harry V. The Adirondack Murray memorial association. What it aims to accom- plish. Sport Rev, Feb. 8, 1908. 33:146-47. illus. port. 7012 Radford, Harry V. "Adirondack" Murray's home. Four Tr News, Jan. 1905. 8:19. port, illus. 7013 Radford, Harry V. The "Murray rush." For Leaves, Winter 1906. 3:no.l:30-34. port. illus. Interest in the Adirondacks aroused by W.H.H. Murray. 7014 Radford, Harry V. The Murray rush to the Adirondacks. Sh & Fish, Oct. 19, 1905. 39:29. port. 7015 Radford, Harry V. W.H.H. Murray in the Adirondack. Sh & Fish, Oct. 26, 1906. 39:48. port, illus. Portrait of John Plumley. 7016 Rev. W.H.H. Murray. Ev Sat, Nov. 25, 1871. n.s.3:521.port. 7017 Stewart, George, born 1848. Adirondack Murray (Belford's monthly. New York, March, 1891). In his Essays from reviews. 2d series. Quebec, 1893. p.93-122. On Murray as author. 7018 Van Dyke, Henry. "On Adirondack Mur- ray." For & Stream, Dec. 23, 1905. 65:518. 7019 Birkinbine, John. Biographical notice of William George Neilson. Am Inst Mining Eng Tr, 1907. 38:402-5. President of the Adirondack Mountain Reserve for many years. 7020 Leonard, S.R. Sewell Newhouse and the Oneida trap business. No Country Life, Winter 1952. 6:no.l :16-18, 70. illus. New- house wrote a manual on trapping based on his Adirondack experience. 7021 Hartnagel, Chris Andrew. David Hale Newland, 1872-1943. Econ Geol, May 1944. 39:248. 7022 Ruedemann, Rudolf and Goldring, Winifred. Memorial to David Hale Newland. Geol Soc Am Proc, 1943. 56:209-16. plate, port. 7023 Sportsmen lose a good friend. Ang & Hunt, July 1910. 2:355. port. Obituary of George R. Nunn. 7024 Kraeling, Emil G. Old man of the mountain. No Country Life, Spring 1955. 9:no.2:14-20. port. Walt O'Connor, Olmstedville guide. Includes reminiscences of Verplanck Colvin. 7025 O'Donnell, Thomas F. Thomas O'Donnell: an informal history of an informal historian. No Counby Life, Fall 1954. 8:no.4:5-12. port. Biography of Thomas Clay O'Donnell, author of "The Sapbush Run." 7026 Burton, Harold B. The commissioner. High Spots Trbk, 1940. p.56-62. Lithgdw Osborne. 7027 Conservationists in action. . .Lithgow Os- borne. Forest Preserve, Mar. 1954. 10:14-15. port. 7028 Our new conservation commissioner. NTS For Assn NL, June 1933. p.5-6. Short biog- raphy of Lithgow Osborne. 7029 BIOGRAPHY 275 Burger, William H. Tom Peacock, Adiron- dack guide. J\''o Country Life, Winter 1953. 7:no.l:23-26. 7030 Atkinson, George Francis. Charles Horton Peck. Bot Ga^, Jan. 1918. 65:103-8. ports. 7031 Bessey, Charles Edwin. A notable botanical career. Science, July 10, 1914. n.s.40:48. Charles Horton Peck. 7032 Burnham, Stewart Henry. Charles Horton Peck. Mycologiajan. 1919. 11 :33-39. 7033 In memoriam. Stephen Hyatt Pelham Pell, 1874-1950. Ft Ti Mus Bui, 1950. 8:no.6. port, illus. The entire issue is devoted to an appreciation of Mr. Pell and history of Fort Ticonderoga. 7034 Old black Joe. m''S Con, June-July 1952. 6:no.6:14. Brief biographical data about Joseph Perrin, supplied by C.A. Wardner. 7035 ClifTord Robert Pettis. Am For, Mar. 1927. 33:149. port. Obituary. 7036 Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon. ClifTord R. Pettis, forest builder. Bui Schools, Mar. 1942. 28: 238-41 , 254. port, illus. 7037 Carson, Russell Mack Little. Edmund Forest Phelps. High Spots, }\Ay 1934. 11 :no.3:26-27. Obituary. 7038 Beetle, David Harold. Trail expert. Up Mo, Dec. 1941. 2:no.9:13, 24. port. Biographical sketch of Orra A. Phelps. 7039 Robinson, Lucena K. Orra Parker Phelps, 1867-1950. Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1950. 14:115. 7040 B., G.L. Death of Old Mountain Phelps. For & Stream, May 6, 1905. 64:355. Orson Schofield Phelps. 7041 Knox, Martin Van Buren. "Old Mountain" Phelps. Field & S, Sept. 1905. 10:492-93. port. 7042 McAneny, Herbert. Old Mountain Phelps, High Spots, Apr. 1933. 10:no.2:13-15. port. (Great Adirondack Guides, no.2.) 7043 Mitchell, Rev. Frederica. Old Mountain Phelps. This tribute to Old Mountair Phelps was delivered on the occasion of the Haystack centennial, August 20, 1949. . . Ad-i-ron-dac, Sept.-Oct. 1950. 14:106-7. port. 7044 "Old Mountain" Phelps. Sport Rev, May 20, 1905. 27:537. Editorial on his death. 7045 Strube, Janet. Orson Schofield Phelps. Cloud Splitter, Jan.-Feh. 1944. 7:no.l:13-14. 7046 Warner, Charles Dudley. Old Mountain Phelps, Marcy guide. High Spots, July 1937. 14:no. 3:34-37. port. From his "In the Wilderness." 7047 Burnham, John Bird. Gens des bois. VIII: Plumadore. For & Stream, Oct. 6, 1900. 55:264-65. Indian guide. 7048 Murray, William Henry Harrison. In memo- riam. W.H.H. Murray to John Plumley. Woods & Wat, Summer 1901. 4:no.2:7-8. ports. 7049 Merriam, George Spring, 1843-1914, ed. Noah Porter, a memorial by friends. N.Y. Scribner, 1893. 306p. ports. "Vacation in the Woods," by Dean Sage, p. 153-57; "In the Adirondacks," by J.H. Twichell, p.157-65. 7050 Howard, William Gibbs. George Du Pont Pratt, Conservation commissioner, 1915- 1921. Bui Schools, Mar. 1945. 31:228-30. port. 7051 Pratt — hunter and conservationist. Outing, Feb. 1916. 67:452-53. port. George Du Pont Pratt. 7052 Brown, Levant Frederick. The honest anglers convention. Sport Rev, Nov. 23, 1907. 32:566. Includes a tribute to Harry V. Radford. 7053 Hallock, Charles. Harry V. Radford, sports- man and writer. Sport Rev, July 20, 1907. 32:63. port. 7054 Harry V. Radford, the "Adirondack Murray" of today. Field & S, June 1901. 6:238-39. port. An abridgment of this article appeared in Catholic Touth, June 1902. Announcement of new Adirondack Depart- ment by Radford. 7055 Little biography no. 11 — Harry V. Radford. Four Tr News, Apr. 1904. 6:253. port. 7056 Walsh, James Joseph. A young Catholic explorer. Am Cath Hist Soc, June 1915. 26:111-30. Reprinted in Forest Leaves, Autumn 1915, 12:no.l :5-22. Harry V. Radford. 7057 Famous trappers I have known. Bill Randall. Fur-Fish-Game, Feb. 1926. 43 :no. 2:26-27. port. WiUiam Randall. 7058 Carson, Russell Mack Little. Mount Redfield was named for William C. Redfield. Cloud Splitter, Oct.-Nov. 1940. 3:no.6:2-3, 12-14; 3:no.7:2-9. Redfield's activities in the Adi- rondacks. 7059 Redfield, John Howard. Recollections. Printed for private circulation. Philadelphia, Morris press, ^1900. 360p. Errata leaf tipped in. William C. Redfield's visits to the high mountains of Essex are described in Ch. 28. 7060 Benjamin, Jack T. "In my meditation — " Cloud Splitter, Oct. 1940. 3:no.6:6-7. Account of visit to Noah John Rondeau. 7061 Blackburn, John Hall. Back of beyond. Cloud Splitter, June 1939. 2:no.4:2-6. Description 276 BIOGRAPHY of trip to Noah John Rondeau's hermitage. 7062 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). The her- mit of Cold river. High Spots Trbk, 1939. p.80-84. port. p. 87. Noah John Rondeau. 7063 Hudowalski, Mrs. Grace (Leech). Noah John Rondeau. lOCA Bui, Winter 1948. 2:no.l: 40-41,55. 7064 Rondeau to be on job at Tahawus show. Lumber Camp News, Apr. 1951. 12:no.l2:7. Tahawus sportsmen's show to have replica ofCold River "town hall." 7065 Seagears, Clayton B. The hermit of Cold river flow. NTS Con, Oct.-Nov. 1946. l:no.2: 8-9. Reprinted in North Country Life, Spring 1947, l:no. 3:13-15, illus. port. Noah John Rondeau. 7066 Donaldson, Alfred Lee. Theodore Roosevelt's portentious day on Marcy. High Spots, July 1937. 14:no.3:42-43. From his "History of the Adirondacks." 7067 Radford, Harry V. Guide La Casse's story of President Roosevelt's ascent of Mt. Marcy. Field & S, Jan. 1902. 6:647-49. port. A full account of events preceding and immedi- ately following the receipt of the news that President McKinley was at the point of death. 7068 Radford, Harry V. President Roosevelt's ascent of Mt. Marcy. For Leaves, Winter 1904. 2:no.l:4-8. port. 7069 Roosevelt, Theodore. Theodore Roosevelt: an autobiography. . . N.Y. Macmillan, 1913. 647p. front, (port.) illus. folded tables. For receipt of news of McKinley, etc. see p.379fr. First printed in The Outlook. IQIO Where Roosevelt became president; a thrill- ing chapter in New York state history, before paved highways opened the Adirondacks. Motordom, Feb. 1931. 24:no.8:7, 22. illus. 7071 Williams, Richmond B. TR receives his sum- mons to the presidency. Bell Tel Mag, Autumn 1 95 1 . 30 : 1 97-204. illus. map. 7072 Hicks, Harry Wade. Jed Rossman. High Spots, Jan. 1933. 10:no.l :15-17. port. (Great Adirondack Guides, no.l.) 7073 The hunter home from the hill. High Spots, Apr. 1937. 14:no.2:15-17. port. Obituary of Jed Rossman. 7074 "Nate" Russel. Ang & Hunt, May 1910. 2:249. port. Obituary of guide of Mountain- ville and Indian Pond. 7075 Carson, Russell Mack Little. Old Sabael. High Spots, July 1931. 8:no.3:22-23. 7076 Clay, Cecil. A vindication. For & Stream, July 5, 1877. 8:368. Vindication of Mitchell Sabattis. 7077 Juvenal, pseud. Mitchell Sabattis. For & Stream, May 26, 1906. 66:832. port. 7078 Kellogg, Henry D. Mitchell Sabattis. St No Mo, June 1906. 1 :no.2:14-16. port. 7079 Manahan, Mary G. Sebatos and the panther. For Leaves, Autumn 1904. l:no. 4:33-36. illus. port. Mitchell Sabattis. 7080 Radford, Harry V. Mitchel Sabattis. Sh & Fish, Apr. 26, 1906. 40:45-46. port. Brief biography and tribute. 7081 Riley, Ruth V. Mitchell Sabattis. High Spots, Oct. 1934. ll:no.4:ll-12. (Great Adiron- dack Guides, no.B.) 7082 A well known Adirondack figure. For & Stream, May 12, 1906. 66:743. Editorial on the death of Mitchell Sabattis. 7083 Woodward, J.H. Mitchell Sabattis. For & Stream, May 19, 1906. 66:788. 7084 Bixby, George Stephenson. Peter Sailly (1754-1826) a pioneer of the Champlain valley, with extracts from his diary and letters. Albany, University of the State of New York, 1919. 94p. facsim. (New York State Library History Bulletin 12; University of the State of New York Bulletin 680.) In 1785 Peter Sailly with his family came from France and settled at Plattsburgh. He held numerous offices and took an importantpart in the War of 1812. 7085 Flood 'n Field, pseud. In the great north woods with rifle and camera. Sport Rev, June 13, 1908. 33:654. illus. port. Short bio- graphical sketch of Thomas Salmon. 7086 Fowler, Albert V. The hermit of Big Deer. High Spots Trbk, 1940. p.25-32. Fide Scott. 7087 Brenan, Dan. Nessmuk: he changed a lot of ideas about living in the woods. NTS Con, Dec. 1950-Jan. 1951. 5:no.3:10-ll. port, illus. Entertaining biographical sketch of George Washington Sears, with particular reference to his summers in the Adirondacks. 7088 The death of "Nessmuk." For & Stream, May 8, 1890. 34:305-6. George Washington Sears. 7089 Johnson, Justina. Nessmuk. For & Stream, Apr. 22, 1905. 64:310. George Washington Sears. 7090 Mather, Fred. Men I have fished with. LVI: George W. Sears. (Nessmuk.) For & Stream, Sept. 25, 1897. 49:249-50. 7091 Shearer, William Lincoln. Nessmuk. Penn- sylvania state geographic board honors BIOGRAPHY 277 George W. Sears. For & Stream, Aug. 1907. 97:479,510-11. 7092 Dunham, Harvey Leslie. Adirondack French Louie: early life in the north woods. . . Utica, N.Y. 1952. 200p. illus. maps. 2d edition, enlarged, published in Utica, 1953, 21 2p. Reviewed by A. Ettinger in The Ad-i-ron-dac, Jan.-Feb. 1953, 17:20, and by Michael J. Kernan Jr. in Korth Country Life, Winter 1953, 7:no. 1:55-56, 59, reprinted from the Watertown Daily Times. Louis Seymour. 7093 Ken well, Gerald. French Lewie. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1952. 7:no.l :26-27. port. Louis Seymour. 7094 North, Mary Remsen. French Louie — hermit trapper. High Spots, Apr. 1933. 10:no.2:20-21. Louis Seymour. 7095 Adams, Joseph. The one-man chamber of commerce. No Country Life, Winter 1947. 1 :no. 2:27-28. Arthur Sharron, postmaster at Plattsburgh. 7096 Shepard, Henry P. I once knew an Adiron- dack guide. No Country Life, Fall 1951. 5:no.4:6-8. Nat Shepard, a guide for the Adirondack League Club. 7097 H. Adirondack hospitality of the olden time. For & Stream, Aug. 27, 1891. 37:106. Jack Sheppard, a guide, offers extra food. 7098 Mather, Fred. Men I have fished with. XLVL Sergt. E.L. (Jack) Sheppard. For & Stream, ]nnc 26, 1897. 48:506-7. 7099 A.T. Shorey — winter mountaineer. Ad-i-ron- dac, May-June 1955. 19:57. Archibald Thompson Shorey. 7100 Mattocks, John. Hon. George A. Simmons, among the "fifties" and his friends, in north- ern New York. Chicago? 1885. 57p. plates, front. Prominent lawyer of Keeseville. 7101 An Adirondack trapper. For & Stream, Feb. 1, 1896. 46:96. Life of Elijah Simonds. 7102 Burnham, John Bird. Gens des bois. V: Elijah Simonds. For & Stream, May 12, 1900,. 54:362-63. Elizabethtown hunter. See com- ment by George B. Wood in issue for May 26, 1900,54:404. 7103 Keith, E.F. The old time stories. Fur-Fish- Game, Nov. 1926. 44:no.5:15. Elijah Simonds. 7104 Webster, George O. Elijah Simonds. High Spots, Jan. 1935. 12:no.l :12-15. (Great Adirondack Guides, no. 9.) 7105 Mather, Fred. Men I have fished with. VII: George W. Simpkins. For & Stream, Aug. 15, 1896.47:126-27. 7106 Pell, John. Philip Skene of Skenesborough. NT State Hist Assn d, Jan. 1928. 9:27-44. port, illus, map. 7107 Frothingham, O.B. Gerrit Smith, a biog- raphy. N.Y. Putnam, 1878. 381p. plates, ports. 2d edition published in 1878. 1st edi- tion withdrawn from circulation. See Dic- tionary of American Biography (Smith). 7108 Gerrit Smith. Potter Am Mo, Feb. 1875. 4:160. Obituary. 7109 Harlow, Ralph Volney. Gerrit Smith, philan- thropist and reformer. N.Y. Holt, ^1939. 501p. 7110 Ray, Frederick A. Gerrit Smith, the friend of John Brown. Herk Co Hist Soc, Sept. 1 902 to May 1914. 4:52-59. 7111 Corson, R.H. Jud Smith — an appreciation, by Switch Reel, pseud. For & Stream, Dec. 5, 1908.71:902. 7112 Lent, Ella M. In retrospect — Paul Smith. J OutdLif e,]2in. 1924. 21 :29-30. port. 7113 Long, E. Funny sayings of the late Paul Smith. Brooklyn, N.Y. Language printing, 1913.48p. port, illus. 7114 Porter, Mrs. Marjorie (Lansing). The famous resort proprietor of a century ago — Paul Smith. No Country Life, Fall 1951. 5:no.4: 24-27. 7115 Radford, Harry V. Paul Smith. Sh & Fish, Sept. 14, 1905. 38:446. Paul Smith's 80th birthday. Brief biography. 7116 Lusk, William B. Phelps Smith. . . Paul Smiths, N.Y. 1937. 8p. Unpaged leaflet. Funeral address for the son of Paul Smith. 7117 Smith, Stephen K. Historical sketch of events in the life of Stephen K. Smith of Peru, N.Y. Peru, N.Y.? Published by the author, 189—? 64p. Copy in the collection of Mrs. Marjorie L.Porter. 7118 Nichols, Leon Nelson. . . .Nick Spencer, mighty hunter. St. Johnsville, N.Y. Enter- prise & News, 1932. 24p. illus. (Tales of the Early Mohawk Region, no.l.) Stories of Nick Spencer including references to Jock's Lake (Honnedaga) and Jonathan Wright. 7119 Balfour, Sir Graham. The life of Robert Louis Stevenson. N.Y. Scribner, 1901. 2v. ports. Stevenson at Saranac, v. 2, p. 35-44. 7120 Benedict, Darwin. Robert Louis Stevenson at Saranac. Cloud Splitter, Sept.-Oct. 1947. 10:no. 5:8-10. Account of Stevenson's activ- ities at Baker cottage. 7121 Brown, Lawrason. Stevenson and Saranac. n.p. n.pub. 1915. 15p. Pamphlet reprint from a catalog of an exhibition of Stevenson first editions at the Grolier Club, Nov. 1914. 7122 278 BIOGRAPHY C, C.W. Stevenson in the Adirondacks, with quotations from his letters. For Leaves, Dec. 1903. l:no.l:l 3-16. illus. 7123 Chalmers, Stephen. Enchanted cigarettes; or, Stevenson stories that might have been. Boston, Houghton, 1917. 43p. "Read before the Stevenson Society. . .Saranac Lake, New York, October 28, 1916." 7124 Chalmers, Stephen. The penny piper of Saranac; an episode in Stevenson's life; with a preface by Lord Guthrie. Boston, Hough- ton, 1916. 62p. front, plates, ports. Reviewed in The Outlook, Oct. 4, 1916, 114:252-53. Brief sketch of Stevenson's life at Saranac Lake during the winter of 1887-88, done in collaboration with Dr. Edward Livingston Trudeau. First published in The Outlook, Oct. 12, 1912, 102:314-20. 7125 Chalmers, Stephen. The singer in the snows. Med Pick, Jan. 1915. 1:4-8. illus. Stevenson's stay at Saranac. 7126 Davis, Richard Harding. People, people everywhere. Footprints of a wanderer. N.Y. Stokes, 1936. 355p. illus. Contains a chapter on Stevenson at Saranac. 7127 Duncan, William Henry Jr. Stevenson's sec- ond visit to America. Bookm, Jan. 1900. 10:455-64. ports, illus. 7128 Field, Isobel. Robert Louis Stevenson. Saranac Lake, N.Y. Stevenson society of America, 1920. 87p. plates, front, port. 7129 Hamilton, Clayton Meeker. On the trail of Stevenson. . . The pictures from drawings by Walter Hale. . . Garden City, N.Y. Double- day, Page, 1915. 151p. front, plates. Also in The Bookman, Mar. 1915, 41:29-44. Life at Saranac Lake, Oct. 3, 1887-Apr. 16, 1888. Characterized as "the most productive period of Stevenson's career in the United States." 7130 Low, Will Hicok. A chronicle of friendships, 1873-1900; with illustrations by the author and from his collections. . . N.Y. Scribner, 1908. 507p. front, illus. port, facsims. A Halt Before Saranac, p. 376-86; The Return from Saranac, p. 396-406; Stevenson's winter in the Adirondacks. 7131 McClure, Samuel Sidney. My autobiog- raphy. VL McClure, Mar. 1914. 42:no.5:95- 108. illus. R.L. Stevenson in the Adirondacks, p.102-4. 7132 Osbourne, Lloyd. An intimate portrait of R.L.S., by his stepson. Scrib M, Nov. 1923- Feb. 1924. 74:515-24, 673-83; 75:66-73, 163-71. The second installment is on Steven- son at Saranac. 7133 Sanchez, Mrs. Nellie (Van de Grift). Life of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson. N.Y. Scribner, 1922. 337p. front, plates, port. Saranac Lake, p.125-33. 7134 Stevenson, Mrs. Margaret Isabella (Balfour). From Saranac to the Marquesas and beyond; being letters written by Mrs. M.I. Stevenson during 1887-1888. . . N.Y. Scribner, 1903. 31 3p. plates, ports. Life at Saranac, p. 1-43. 7135 Stevenson, Robert Louis. The letters. . .to his family and friends; selected and edited, with notes and introduction, by Sidney Colvin. . . N.Y. Scribner, 1900. 2v. ports, plates. (Stevenson's Works, Thistle edition, v.23-24.) Saranac Lake, v.2, p,63-127. 7136 Stevenson and Saranac. Reminiscences of the celebrated author's stay in the Adirondacks. J OutdLiJe, Feb. 1905. 2:8-10. illus. 7137 Stevenson society of America, inc. President's report, 1916-1917. Catalogue of relics. List of members. . . Saranac Lake, N.Y. n.d. 34p. plates, ports. Cover title: The Stevenson Society 1916-1917. Supplements issued under title "General Report. Supplement to Yearbook of 1917." Supplements 1-2, 4-12, located; supplement 3 probably not printed. File in the Saranac Lake Free Library. See Donaldson, v.l,p.288-89. 7138 Stevenson's cottage in Adirondacks, where the great author wrote some of his world- famous books; building at Saranac Lake now a memorial to the distinguished writer. State Service, Aug. 1919. 3:no.8:21-23. illus. "A Bookman's Memories," from the Christian Science Monitor. 7139 Sullivan, Thomas Russell. Robert Louis Stevenson at Saranac. Scrib M, Aug. 1917. 62:242-46. 7140 When Robert L. Stevenson lived in Adiron- dacks. State Service, ]an. 1935. p.48-49. 7141 Williams, Helena Lorenz. Stevenson and Trudeau. J Outd Life, Jan. 1925. 22:54-55. illus. ports. 7142 Carson, Russell Mack Little. Alfred Billings Street. High Spots, July 1932. 9:no.3:10. (Historical Adirondack Character Series, no.8.) 7143 Catalogue of the library and correspondence of the late Mr. Alfred B. Street of Albany, N.Y. . .to be sold at auction, Monday, May 28th 1906. . . Albany, Argus co. n.d. 44p. port. Contains a brief biographical sketch by F.W. Hoyt. 7144 Memoir of Alfred B. Street, with a portrait. Bentley, 1849. 25:563-66. port. 7145 Clarence J. Strife dies in Old Forge. Northeast Zo^,Julyl953. l:no.ll:15.port. 7146 Clinton county, N.Y. Bar. Proceedings of the bar of the county of Clinton, New York, I BIOGRAPHY 279 with other memorials commemorative of tho Hfe and character of VVilham Swetland. Albany, J. Munsell, 1865. 53p. Lawyer in Plattsburgh. 7147 Cooke, RoUin H. Rev. John Todd, D.D. Berk Hist & SciSoc, 1899. 3:73-88. 7148 Eg^leston, George Gary. Passages from thc life^of Dr. John Todd. Harper, Feb. 1876. 52:372-82. illus. Includes his life in Long Lake. 7149 Todd, John E. John Todd, the story of his life, told mainly by himself. Gompiled and edited by John E. Todd. . . N.Y. Harper, 1876. 529p. front, (port.) plates, illus. Long Lake etc. p.473-80. 7150 Place, Frank. Raymond H. Torrey. High Spots Trbk, 1939. p.64-71. port. 7151 Ashworth, Robert A. "More than con- queror" . . .An address in memory of Dr. Edward Livingston Trudeau. Delivered at the Baker memorial chapel, Trudeau, New York, November 16, 1926. n.p. n.d. 4p. Reprinted from the Adirondack Enterprise, Nov. 20, 1926. 7152 Biggs, Hermann Michael. Dr. Trudeau as a pioneer in the anti-tuberculosis movement. JOu^^Z-z>,June 1910. 7:163-65. 7153 Bowditch, Vincent Yardley. A page of mem- ories. J Outd Life, Jan. 1925. 22:35-37. illus. E.L. Trudeau. 7154 Brown, Lawrason. Personal recollections. J Outd Life, Jan. 1925. 22:22-23. illus. port. E.L. Trudeau. 7155 Gabot, Richard Clarke. Edward Livingston Trudeau, M.D. Am J Med Sci, Nov. 1915. 150:780. port. 7156 Chalmers, Stephen. The beloved physi- cian. . . n.p. Privately printed, ^1915. 43p. port, illus. facsim. Copy inscribed to Dr. Lawrason Brown in Saranac Lake Free Library. Rare first edition of the tribute to Edward Livingston Trudeau. 71 57 Chalmers, Stephen. The beloved physician; an appreciation of Edward Livingston Trudeau. Atlan,]sin. 1916. 117:87-97. 7158 Chalmers, Stephen. Beloved physician, Edward Livingston Trudeau, 1848-1915. Boston, Houghton, 1916. 73p. plates, ports, facsims. (Trudeau Foundation Studies.) 7159 Chalmers, Stephen. Glory of the white gods. Outing, Jan. 1913. 61:456-66. E.L. Trudeau. 7160 Dr. Edward L. Trudeau. Outlook, Nov. 24, 1915. 111:699. Brief obituary. 7161 Donaldson, Alfred Lee. Trudeau's life a rare romance in medicine. NY Times Mag, Nov. 21,1915.p.4-6. port, illus. 7162 Edward L. Trudeau: a devoted public serv- ant. Outlook, Apr. 28, 1906. 82:975-79. port. 7163 Edward L. Trudeau, M.D. Johns Hop Hosp Bui, Mar. 1909. 20:85-87. Honoring him on his 60th birthday. 7164 Edward Livingston Trudeau. Survey, Dec. 11, 1915. 35:289-90. port. Brief biography and account of his work. 7165 Edward Livingston Trudeau, a biographical sketch. J Outd Life, June 1910. 7:157-61. illus. port. 7166 Edward Livingston Trudeau: a symposium. Lawrason Brown, Allen K. Krause, Charles C. Trembley, Harry A. Pattison. Livingston, N.Y. Livingston press, 1935. 112p. plates, ports. 7167 Father of fresh air. Lit Dig, Dec. 11, 1915. 51:1384. E.L. Trudeau. 7168 Flexner, Simon. Edward L. Trudeau, physi- cian, investigator and optimist. J Outd Life, June 1910. 7:169-72. illus. port. 7169 Halleck, Fitz Greene. Early hunting days with Dr. Trudeau. J Outd Life, June 1910. 7:177-78. illus. 7170 Hallock, Grace Taber. . . .Edward Living- ston Trudeau, by Grace T. Hallock and C.E. Turner. Boston, D.C. Heath & co. ^1929. 168p. illus. ports. (Health Hero Series.) Earlier edition published in New York by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, *^1926, 24p. Excerpt in North Country Life, Fall 1948, 2:no.4:16-17, 57-59. 7171 Jacobs, Philip P. Edward Livingston Trudeau. J Outd Life,}an.\925. 22:6. 7172 Knopf, S. Adolphus. Edward Livingston Trudeau, in memoriam. Am Med Assn J, June 22, 1916. 66:244-46. Also published as a separate, Chicago, 1916, 6p. port. 7173 Krause, Allen Kramer. Edward L. Trudeau: a study. Med Pick, Mar. 1916. 2:82-85. port. Also issued as a reprint. 7174 Krause, Allen Kramer. Reflections on Doctor Trudeau. J Outd Life, Jan. 1925. 22:1 1-21. illus. ports. Also issued as a reprint. 7175 Letulle, Maurice. Une page de I'histoire de la tuberculose. Le docteur E.-L. Trudeau. Rev d' Hygiene, Nov. 1916. 38:929-50. 7176 Luck, William B. Edward Livingston Trudeau. The physician beloved. Churchman, Dec. 18, 1915. 12:818-19. port. 7177 Memorial meeting to Dr. E.L. Trudeau. Reprinted from the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, Apr. 1916, v.27, no.302, 34p. 7178 Miller, James Alexander. Some vignettes from tuberculosis history. Hygeia, Nov. 1936. 14:985.port. E.L. Trudeau. 7179 280 BIOGRAPHY Miller, James Alexander. The Trudeau influence. J Outd Life, Jan. 1925. 22:33-34. illus. 7180 Muller, James Arthur. The religion of Dr. Trudeau. n.p. n.pub. n.d. 28p. Copy in the Saranac Lake Free Library. 7181 Murphy, Charles John Vincent. Conqueror of the white plague; beloved physician of Saranac. Read Digest, Apr. 1940. 36:97-101. Condensed from The Christian Herald, Feb. 1940, 3:19. E.L. Trudeau. 7182 Myers, J. A. Tuberculous physicians and their contributions. Edward L. Trudeau. Hygeia, ]une 1929. 7:609-10. illus. port. 7183 Osier, William. Edward L. Trudeau — an appreciation. J Outd Life, June 1910. 7:162-63. 7184 Parkman, Mary Rosetta. Heroes of today. . . .Edward Trudeau. . . N.Y. Century, 1917. 326p. plates, ports, facsims. 7185 Smith, Paul. Dr. Trudeau's first winter in the Adirondacks. J Outd Lije, June 1910. 7:175-76. 7186 Trembley, Charles C. Dr. Trudeau as a woodsman. J Om^^ Z?/«, June 1910. 7:173-75. port. 7187 Trudeau, Edward Livingston. An autobiog- raphy. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1916. 322p. front, plates, ports. An edition was published for the National Tuberculosis Association in Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday, Doran, 1928. Extracts in Bookman, Feb. 1916, 42:632-35, under title "Stevenson's Tru- deau." A review by Percy F. Bicknell, "Genius of Saranac," in Dial, Feb. 3, 1916, 60:110-12. 7188 Ureles, S. A memorial to Dr. Trudeau. Outlook, Feb. 12, 1919. 121 :264-65. illus. 7189 Walsh, James Joseph. The inventor of fresh air. Ind, Dec. 6, 1915. 84:404-5. E.L. Trudeau. 7190 War on one of mankind's arch foes. Scholas- tic, Dec. 15, 1934. 25:no.l2:14. port. E.L. Trudeau. 7191 Demcourier, Autumn 1939. v.9. Madison, Wis. Demco library supplies, 1939. 32p. illus. This issue is dedicated to Louis Unter- meyer and contains several biographical articles with descriptions of Stony Water, his home near Elizabethtown. 71 92 Hicks, Harry Wade. Early days of Adirondak loj. Ad-i-ron-dac, July-Aug. 1953. 17:68-69, 81. Henry Van Hoevenberg. 7193 Hicks, Harry Wade. Henry Van Hoevenberg. High Spots Trbk, 1940. p.73-81. 7194 Steele, Vern. An upstate character of colonial times, Frederick William Von Steuben. No Country Life, Spring 1951. 5:no.2:41-43. illus. 7195 Edwin R. Wallace. For & Stream, Aug. 24, 1901.57:148-49. Obituary. 7196 Tucker, Willis G. A biographical sketch of the late Prof. Samuel Baldwin Ward, M.D. Ph.D. of Albany, N.Y. Albany, 1915. 23p. front, (port.). One of founders of the Upper Saranac Lake Association. 7197 An Adirondack pioneer. For Leaves, Summer 1905. 2:no.3:29-31. port. Life of James M. Wardner. 7198 Burnham, John Bird. Gens des bois. IX: James M. Wardner. For & Stream, Nov. 10, 1900.55:363-64. 7199 Flick, Hugh M. Elkanah Watson and the north country. An address. Ver Hist Soc Proc, Sept. 1 940. n.s.8 :289-96. 7200 Burger, William H. George Webster — an Adirondack minister. No Country Life, Sum- mer 1954. 8:no.3:59-62. 7201 Fosburgh, Peter W. Clint West. NTS Con, Feb.-Mar. 1954. 8:no.4:inside front cover, port. Brief obituary of Forest Ranger at Lake Golden. 7202 Hosmer, Ralph Sheldon. James S. Whipple, Forest administrator. Bui Schools, Mar. 1943. 29:252-54. port. Whipple was Commissioner of the Forest, Fish and Game Commission, 1905-10. 7203 Society of American foresters. New York section dedicates Whipple memorial. J For, Nov. 1941. 39:949. Tablet set on the summit of Whiteface Mountain. 7204 Marshall, Mrs. Margaret (White). Afterglow, n.p. n.pub. n.d. 16p. port. Copy in the Loomis Collection, Keene Valley Public Library. Paper on William Augustus White, read by his daughter, Aug. 3, 1940. 7205 Frank S. Witherbee. Iron Age, Apr. 19, 1917. 99:969. port. Obituary. 7206 Frank Spencer Witherbee. Iron Tr R, Apr. 19, 1917. 60:893. Obituary. 7207 Frank Spencer Witherbee. His life, his family, memorial tributes. N.Y. De Vinne press, n.d. 38p. port. Copy in the Witherbee Collection, Sherman Free Library, Port Henry. 7208 In memoriam. Jonathan G. Witherbee. Port Henry, N.Y.? 1875. 32p. port. Copy in the Witherbee Collection, Sherman Free Li- brary, Port Henry. 7209 Woolsey, Melancthon Lloyd, ed. . . .Melanc- thon Lloyd Woolsey. . .a memoir, compiled for his descendants by his great-grandson. . . Champlain, N.Y. Moorsfield press, 1929. BIOGRAPHY 281 33p. port, plates. (VVoolsey Paper, no. 3.) Crawford, Mary Caroline. The romance of 130 copies printed by Hugh McLellan. 7210 old New England churches. . . Boston, L.C. Page & CO. ^^1903. 379p. front, port, plates. The useful life of Ed Worthington. i?*'^/ 5ooA-, (Little Pilgrimages.) The ostracism of an Mar. 1950. 94:no.5:25. port. Active in the abolitionist, p. 323-46. Rev. Joshua Young. Study and Craft Guild, Saranac Lake. 7211 7212 THE ADIRONDACKS IN ART AND LITERATURE GENERAL Bacheller, Irving. American backgrounds for fiction; V. The north country of New York. Bookm, Feb. 1914. 38:624-28. illus. port. 7213 Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth (Williams). Sum- mer haunts of American artists. Century, Oct. 1885. 30:845-60. illus. Includes illustra- tion of the interior of R.M. Shurtliff's studio at Keene Valley. 7214 Clinton county eleventh annual May music festival, Plattsburgh, New York. April 28- May 3, 1930. n.p. n.d. 40p. Program. 7215 Cowdrey, Bartlett. Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait, master of the American sporting scene. Am Collector, Jan. 1945. 13:5. illus. Made paint- ings of many Adirondack scenes that were published by Currier & Ives. 7216 Deerwood — Adirondack music center, Sara- nac Inn, New York. n.p. 1954. lOp. illus. 7217 Fosburgh, James W. Winslow Homer, artist; a great painter who left an inspiring record of the Adirondacks he knew and loved. NTS Con, Aug.-Sept. 1948. 3:no.l:16-18. illus. 7218 Garland, Hamlin. Irving Bacheller; inter- preter of the old America to the new. Red Cross M, Mar. 1920. 15:no.3:ll-14, 79. Reprinted in State Service, July-Aug. 1920, 4,i.e.6:566-68, with tide "Visit to the Homeland of Eben Holden, Northern New York. . ." 7219 The home book of the picturesque; or, Amer- ican scenery, art, and literature. Comprising a series of essays by Washington Irving, W.C. Bryant, Fenimore Cooper. . .etc. with thirteen engravings on steel, from pictures by eminent artists. N.Y. Putnam, 1852. 188p. 13 plates (incl. front.). Published in 1868 with changes and additions under title "A Landscape Book" (no. 7224). Adirondack Mountains, by A.B. Street, p. 161. Schroon Lake, p. 165. 7220 Howard, John Tasker. Studies of contempo- rary American composers. Eastwood Lane. N.Y. J. Fischer, 1925. 27p. Evaluation and explanation of Lane's Adirondack sketches. 7221 Jordan, Philip D. A possible source for "A tight fix." Antiques, }an. 1939. 35:no.l :28-29. illus. Possible source of inspiration for the Currier & Ives lithograph that is supposed to have an Adirondack locale. 7222 Keyes, Homer Eaton. A.F. Tait in painting and lithograph, a gallery note. Antiques, July 1933. 24:no.l:24-25. Discussion of some of his paintings and lithographs of Adirondack scenes. 7223 A landscape book by American artists and American authors; sixteen engravings on steel, from paintings by Cole, Church, Cropsey, Durand, Gignoux, Kensett, Miller, Richards, Smillie, Talbot, Weir. N.Y. Putnam, 1868. 108p. front, plates. Chapter on the Adirondack mountains, by Street, p. 35-37; Schroon Lake, p. 44; Lake George, p.96. The essays were written for the volume in its original shape: "The Book of the Picturesque" (no.7220). 7224 Larom, Walter H. Mark Twain in the Adi- rondacks. Bookm, Jan. 1924. 58:536-38. Lower Saranac Lake. 7225 Literary landmarks of the Adirondacks. Outlook, Sept. 19, 1908. 90:105-7. The "Spec- tator" talks of the Adirondack life of Steven- son, Aldrich, Emerson, Lowell, Warner and others. 7226 Marcy attracts men of letters: 1846-1859- 1865. High Spots, July 1937. 14:no.3:17-27. illus. Extracts from: I. Letters from the Backwoods, by J.T. Headley; 11. The Hudson from the Wilderness to the Sea, by B.J. Lossing; III. The Indian Pass, by A.B. Street. 7227 Mather, Frank Jewett. Homer Martin, poet in landscape. N.Y. Privately printed, 1912. 76p. col. front, plates. Two hundred and fifty copies printed by Frederic Fairchild Sherman. Adirondacks, p.29-30, 70-71. Includes reproductions of the following paintings: Lake Sanford, Lake Champlain, Adirondack Scenery. 7228 Peters, Harry T. Currier and Ives, print- makers to the American people. Garden 282 FICTION 283 City, N.Y. Doubleday, Doran, 1929-31. 2v. plates. Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait, v.l, p. 99-1 10. 7229 Reade, R.C. Painter of the Adirondacks. Int Studio, Sept. 1923. 77:495-97. illus. port. Archibald Brown. 7230 Richards, Thomas Addison. American scen- ery, illustrated. . .with 32 engravings on steel. N.Y. G.A. Leavitt, ^1854. 310p. front, illus. plates. Lake George and the Adirondacks, p.211-55. 7231 Salmon, Del B. Haunts of "Eben Holden." Four TrNews,]an. 1903. 4:10-12. illus. 7232 Sanborn, Ashton. VVinsIow Homer's "Adi- rondack guide." Boston AIus Bid, June 1948. 46:48-51. port, illus. The identification of the original of the painting as Harvey Holt (1808-93). 7233 Smith, Martha Voley. A story of two por- traits. DAR Mag, Feb. 1927. 61:116-22. ports. Copley portraits of Mrs. Crean Brush and her daughter Frances in the Ticonderoga Museum. 7234 Wyant, Alexander H. Sixty paintings. . . described by Eliot Clark. N.Y. Privately printed, 1920. 144p. plates. Copy in the New York Public Library. One of 150 copies printed by F.F. Sherman. Includes reproduc- tions of many of his Adirondack paintings. 7235 ESSAYS Abbott, Henry. The anxious seat. N.Y. 1914. 25p. illus. partly mounted. The first of the privately printed "birch-bark" books, issued as Christmas greetings, 1914-32. All of them are illustrated, many with mounted repro- ductions of photographs and maps. Other titles in the series are: Lost Pond, 1915; Camping Out at Cherry Pond, 1916; Old Bare-back and Other Stories, 1917; Camps and Trails, 1918; Fish Stories, 1919; The Chief Engineer, 1920; Cold River, 1921 Muskrat City, 1922; On the Bridge, 1923 Anthony Ponds, 1924; Fishing Brook, 1925 Wild Cat Mountain, 1926; Pioneering at Rowan-wood, 1927; Tirrell Pond, 1928; North Bay Brook, 1929; Psychology of the Lost, 1930; Raquette River, 1931; Pine Brook, 1932. See article by D.A. Plum "Henry Abbott's 'Birch Bark Books' " in The Ad-i-ron-dac, ]vi\y- Aug. 1952, 16:71, 73, port. 7236 An Adirondack evening. For & Stream, May 31, 1883. 20:344. An appreciation of nature. 7237 Chalmers, Stephen. Watching the hour glass. Saranac Lake, N.Y. Adirondack enterprise press, 1913. 47p. "Narrative essay about local conditions." 7238 Hepworth, George Hughes. Brown studies, or camp fires and morals. N.Y. Dutton, 1897, C1895. 332p. front, plates, p. 14. "My little parcel of wilderness was at the western end of the Adirondacks." Religio-philosophical. 7239 Kirkham, Stanton Davis. East and west; comparative studies of nature in eastern and western states. N.Y. Putnam, 1911. 280p. front, plates. The Wilderness, p. 42-57. Still- paddling, p.58-70. 7240 Penrose, Charles. . . .Retrospect of mountain pilgrimage. . . A Newcomen address, 1941. Princeton, N.J. Printed at the Princeton university press, 1941. 24p. illus. 7241 "Topics of the Times" considers the Adiron- dacks. Ad-i-ron-dac, July- Aug. 1951. 15:80. Column by William Chapman White re- printed from the New Tork Times of Aug. 9, 1950. 7242 Warner, Charles Dudley. . . .A-hunting of the deer, and other essays. Boston, Houghton, 1888. 85p. (Riverside Literature Series.) Contents: A-hunting of the Deer; How I Killed a Bear; Lost in the Woods; Camping Out; A Wilderness Romance; What Some People Call Pleasure. (Describes climbing Nipple Top with Old Mountain Phelps as guide.) His "In the Wilderness" also con- tains some of these essays. 7243 Warner, Charles Dudley. In the wilderness. Boston, Houghton, 1876. 176p. Numerous other editions. 7244 White, William Chapman. North country lilacs. No Country Life, Spring 1953. 7:no.2: 5-6. Reprinted from the New York Herald Tribune. 7245 FICTION Abel, Hilde (Mrs. David Albert Davidson). Guests of summer. Indianapolis, Bobbs- Merrill, 1951. 271p. Scene laid in summer hotel. 7246 284 THE ADIRONDACKS IN ART AND LITERATURE Adirondack Bill, pseud. Reddy gets a wam- pus; a tale of the Adirondacks. Fur News, Feb. 1922. 35:no.2:34. 7247 Atherton, Mrs. Gertrude Franklin (Horn). The aristocrats: being the impressions of the Lady Helen Pole, during her sojourn in the great north woods as spontaneously recorded in her letters to her friend in North Britain, the Countess of Edge and Ross; 3d ed. London, N.Y. John Lane, 1901. 309p. Published anonymously. 7248 Aylesworth, Barton O. "Thirteen" and twelve others, from the Adirondacks and elsewhere. St. Louis, Mo. Christian publish- ing co. 1892. 259p. 7249 Bacheller, Irving. Eben Holden: a tale of the north country. Boston, Lothrop publish- ing co. 1900. 432p. 7250 Bacheller, Irving. Eben Holden's last day a-fishing. N.Y. Harper, 1907. 60p. front. 7251 Bacheller, Irving. The light in the clearing: a tale of the north country in the time of Silas Wright. . .illustrated by Arthur I. Keller. . . Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, ^\9\1 . 41 4p. front, plates. 7252 Bacheller, Irving. The lonesome man of Huckleberry lake. Am Mag, Mar. 1911. 71 :649-54. illus. Subject is a guide. 7253 Bacheller, Irving. Silas Strong, emperor of the woods. N.Y. Harper, 1906. 340p. front, map. 7254 Bacheller, Irving. The soloist of Center pond. Hampton, Aug. 1911. 27:206-10. illus. Re- printed in Current Literature, Dec. 1911, 51:697-99. About an eccentric Adirondack guide. 7255 Bacheller, Irving. A son of heaven. Being the solution of a mystery about a strange per- sonality that once moved among the hills and vales of northern New York. Rotarian, Feb. 1936. 48:13-15. illus. 7256 Bacheller, Irving. Tale of two burdens. Century, Aug. 1908. 54:548-52. illus. 7257 Bacheller, Irving. Uncle Eb's last day a-fishing. Century, Dec. 1906. n.s.51 :232-38. plate. 7258 Baldwin, Faith. Juniper tree. N.Y. Rinehart, 1952. 303p. 7259 Best, Herbert. Whistle, daughter, whistle. N.Y. Macmillan, 1947. 300p. Early life in the Champlain valley. 7260 Best, Herbert. Young 'un. N.Y. Macmillan, 1944. 271 p. Early fur trading days on Lake Champlain. 7261 Bethune, George Washington. Piseco, a sketch. In Knickerbocker gallery. . . N.Y. S. Hueston, 1855. p. 1 17-29. 7262 Blankman, Edgar B. Deacon Babbitt: a tale of fact and fiction. Philadelphia, Winston, 1 906. 334p. plates, ports. 7263 Boardman, William Henry. A kind of hero. McClure, Mar. 1904. 22:460-65. 7264 Brandreth, Paulina. The silver horn, a forest idyl. For & Stream, Nov. 21, 1908. 71:808-10. 7265 Carlstrom, John A. The hermit's secret. St No Mo, Aug. 1906. l:no.4:7-15. 7266 Carlstrom, John A. The phantom bell. ^