PLEASE HANDLE WITH CARE University of Connecticut Libraries BOOK 929.3 8834 v 2 c. 1 BRUMBAUGH « MARYLAND RECORDS COLONIAL REVOLUTIONARY COUNTRY AN 3 T1S3 OO^imiB E Date Due Demco 293-5 THE EDITION OF THIS BOOK HAS BEEN LIMITED TO FIVE HUNDRED COPIES MARYLAND RECORDS COLONIAL, REVOLUTIONARY, COUNTY AND CHURCH FROM ORIGINAL SOURCES BY GAIUS MARCUS BRUMBAUGH, M.S., M.D., Litt.D. WASHINGTON, D. C. 99 FACSIMILE ILLUSTRATIONS VOLUME II LANCASTER PRESS, INC. LANCASTER, PA. 1928 f P Copyright, 1928 By GAIUS M. BRUMBAUGH yitl Rights Reserved Composed and Printed at the LANCASTER PRESS, INC. Lancaster, Pa. PREFACE Volume I of this publication appeared in 191 5. Since that time there has been a frequently repeated demand for the publication of the existing remainder of the Maryland Colonial Census of 1776, and the same is here made available (pp. 79-230, partly in facsimile). The other facsimile records of West St. Mary's Manor (pp. xi) and the State of His Lordship's Manors (Frontispiece and pp. 4-78) contain the names and ages of settlers of yet earlier periods and all these records will be found valuable. The Colonial Census and the Lord Baltimore records are so large in size and often so indistinct in preservation, and of such varying construction, that special code treatment has been necessary. A careful study of the ex- planation given at the beginning of each of these sections is necessary and will quickly enable the reader to understand and use the materials as published. Many of the names of the Colonial period were phonetically and other- wise poorly spelled. The spellings found in the original records have been followed and an effort to assist the reader is made throughout the com- prehensive index. Page 184, "Shurlotter Mitchel" is evidently Charlotte M itchel ; page 1 85 , " Elexander Larance "is probably Alexander Lawrence ; page 259, Charles "Ginings" is probably Jennings; etc. The searcher should constantly keep in thought the possible phonetic variations of the names being sought in the index. Negative and positive photostatic copies and the original records them- selves, and a reading glass, were used in preparing this volume. In cases of extreme importance to the reader, or of doubt as to the published spelling, it may be well to refer to the original record the location of which is usually mentioned throughout the volume. Photostatic copies of many of these original records may be obtained from the Maryland Historical Society, custodian of the State Archives, or from the author. The last section of page 136, as deciphered by means of a reading glass appears to be: James Mather 53 Mary Mather 20 Jemimah (?) Mather 57 Jeremiah Mather — Michael Alather 25 Darby Dwur 40 Thomas Mather 23 Lucy Morgan, Svts 25 The indistinct portion of page 300 has been supplied on page 308. The number of times a name appears upon a given page is often indicated thus: " (2)." However, it is well to glance through the entire page as the vi PREFACE name may appear as "Sr." and "Junr." yet be indexed only once on the page. The reader will be much interested in tracing the same person through several classes of records at different ages of the person. Numerous co-workers who secured and suggested important source records for this volume since its preparation began, have passed to the other life, and it is a pleasure to record full appreciation for their assistance. The Right Reverend Alfred Harding, D.D., Bishop of Washington, mentioned in the Preface to Vol. I, ga\e direction to my first researches and frequently expressed his continued interest and approval. The "Broad Creek Records," etc., are as a result ready for publication in Vol. III. Governor Edwin W'arfield who died in April, 1920, and who, as President of the Md. Historical Society, placed many of its historical treasures at my disposal. Mr. James Walter Thomas kindly and freely granted copyright use (p. 208) from his important "Chronicles of Maryland." Mr. George W. Hodges carefully transcribed the Anne Arundel Co. Marriages (p. 415) and the Worcester Parish Records (p. 579), and the late Dr. \A'm. Tayloe Snyder materially assisted in securing various Episcopal Church Records. Among the numerous living helpers it is a pleasure to acknowledge the cooperation of the officers of the Maryland Historical Society, and especially the continuous interest and active assistance of Mr. Charles Fickus, acting Librarian, and, recently, of Dr. J. Hall Pleasants, Chairman of its Publica- tion Conunittee. Mr. Francis Barnum Culver, Registrar General, N. S. Sons of American Revolution, and also prominent officer in various other national patriotic societies, has closely followed the progress of the work and has kindly written the Introduction. Mr. Arthur Sullivan Browne, Register of Rock Creek Parish has shown his active cooperation through- out the years, and the materials to be published in Vol. Ill will more fully show the results of his interest. To all those mentioned and to the various other Church and County officers and to all the friends who have assisted in making this volume possible, including my wife who extensively assisted in the preparation of the index, and to the Lancaster Press, Inc., printers, I express most cordial thanks. ^Oaaju^ %^aA^(UxA \^yU^/m/(rt^A^yL Washington, D. C, January ii, 1928. INTRODUCTION Men generally are satisfied with a superficial brand of knowledge and usually that knowledge is confined to a few subjects of common interest. Their attitude is based for the most part upon the practical value of ma- terial things, and whatever seems less likely to yield profit or personal advantage is consistently ignored. There are some minds however, which delight in probing beneath the surface and in exploring neglected by-paths in search of hidden treasures. For those who are so inclined, the Maryland Historical Society of Balti- more provides a fertile field, a veritable mine of historical lore. In this volume of Maryland Records and in the volume which preceded it, Dr. Gaius M. Brumbaugh, the compiler and author, has culled from a mass of material in the Society's possession, and from numerous other original sources, a prodigious amount of data heretofore little known and not generally accessible. The contents of this work are remarkably interesting and valuable in every respect; particularly, from the genealogical view-point. An examin- ation of the Table of Contents of this volume will show how extensive the field is, and a study of the text will reveal a discerning and discriminating sense on the part of the compiler. The lists of Maryland marriages, the transcripts of the church records of various counties of the State, the census reports of the inhabitants, the data from the early Rent Rolls and Land Books, and perhaps most in- teresting to patriotic societies, the section devoted to Maryland Revolu- tionary War pensioners, constitute a collection of historical material which will make Dr. Brumbaugh's work indispensable as a book of reference. A voluminous index adds to the value of the whole. \^a,^iju./^.yf3^<^cc£,. M^s'; '. \ >s; ^ II ^i »v> <^'^ ; N^^ 1 ^ i ^ WEST ST. MARY'S MANOR ^<.^ 1% /^^ ^ r>^ ! ^ ^ V «^ -V" NA ^ I ^ i- hivl t^ "'^^N '^ 5^ ill iASf^^- MARYLAND RECORDS \< ^ 1 V^ V ^ ^ ^ rr:i i^ 4 ^ < ^N^ "Sr^ ij ^ < .^' <> ^ . ;, "^ \ Ol > X.N ^ > *if \=5 .; X ;^2 .1 o ^^ ^ M^^ '^i^^l^^^il-^ S^ N > <'State of His Lordship's Manors," 1766, 1767, 1768. Rent Rolls — Partial Census "Frederick the sixth, last Lord Baltimore, was born Feb. 6, 1731/2. His guardians, during the brief period of his minority which remained after his succession to the title, were John Sharpe, Esq., a barrister, and the Right Honorable Arthur Onslow, Speaker of the House of Commons." * " , Frederick, it was admitted, enjoyed from this heritage at the time of his marriage in 1753 [to Lady Diana Egerton, who d. Aug. 1758] a yearly revenue of £9,500, and at the time of his death in 1771, the amount had increased to £12,000." f Mr. Arthur Trader, C. C. Land Commissioner's Office, Annapolis, Md., writes: "We have never published a list of Manors as recorded in our records, as the office has always considered them to be private estate of the Lords Baltimore, and would properly belong to the separate estate of the Proprietary." "All of these lands were either sold by private sale, before the Revolu- tion, or by the Intendent of the Revenue, as confiscated British property. They were not sold under their Manor names, but as seated farm lands." The following reports are carefully prepared for printing from photo- static copies of the original unbound and much worn record book, extend- ing across 2 pp. each 12V2" X 17V2", and from a few separate sheets. It has seemed impractical to here reproduce these large sheets in facsimile, and they represent the discoveries to date amongst the historical treasures of this character in the Maryland Archives. They are published through the cooperation and courtesy of the Maryland Historical Society. Abbreviations Adopted for Column Headings to Conserve Space. [i], [2], etc. — "No. of Lot or Plat." (K) — "Price per Acre." (A) — "Date of Lease." (L) — "On What Lives or Term of (B) — "To Whom Leased." Years," "now held." (C) — "No. of Acres." (M) — "Ages of the Persons men- (D) — "Tenant in Pofsefsion." tioned in the Lease & other (E) — "Annual Rent." remarks." (F) — "Alien\ Fine," "Fines Due." (M ^ ) — "Incumbrances or Lives (G) — "QuaHty of the Land." and Ages." (H) — " Improvements." * "The Lords Baltimore and the Maryland Palatinate" Clayton Colman Hall, p. 162. t Ibid., pp. 166, 167. 2 I MARYLAND RECORDS Note: " Dead " and " Expired," wherever written in " (M) " appear in a hand- writing different from the excellent writing of the various reports. The ages of the Lessees, see " (L)," " (M)," (M ^ ), appear to be calcu- lated as for 1766, 1767, 1768, as given on each Manor List. This is valuable genealogical source material. G. M. B. Summary of the State of Lord Baltimore's Mannours, i766-'68. The half sheets 12 X 19V4 in great detail present the report of Hor°. Sharpe and Danl. Dulany. "Bills of Exchange Remitted" 1766, Nov. I, By the Ship Baltimore November 20, By the Ship Matthias December 7, By the Ship Brandon 1767, March 11, By the Ship Leeds June 14, By the Ship Elizabeth July 30, By the Ship Betsey Sept. 3, By the Ship S Sept. 14, By the Ship Neptune Sept. 15, By the Ship Samuel Novem. 2, By the Baltimore Packet Novem. 24, By the Ship Lord Legonier, 1768, Apr. 19, By John Morton Jordan, Esq"' Total Sterling. 107. 13- 9 125. 4- 9 49- 4- iV 3- 9- 27. 0. 71- 2. 46. 14. 5 1766. 14. 9V 15- 8. 9V4 1363. 18. 57 284. II. 6V4 2569. 3- iiV^ 6510. 5- 67 This report covers a total of £10,341. nours" in the order as reported: * 14. 5 and the following "Man- Ann Arundel, Conegocheague, Queen Anne, Gunpowder, Chaptico, Collington, Calverton, Kent, Beaverdam, Zachariah, Nanticoke, West St. Mary's, io,68o'/8 acres. 11,586 acres. 6,000 a. 7.26578 a. 18,546 a. 1,29778 a. 7,230 a. 8,000 a. 7,680 a. 9,637 a. 5-449 a. 3,091 a. * Those desiring further details are referred to the originals preserved by the Maryland His- torical Society, which kindly furnished the photostatic copies from which these records are taken. RENT ROLLS— PARTIAL CENSUS Mill, Woolsey, Snow Hill, 1 St. John's, j- St. Barbara's, j Manockacy, North East, Elk, Wecomico, My Ladys, 2,696 a. 3,i3iV8a. 982V8. Plat not yet returned. Ditto. Ditto. Not yet surveyed. ..-_, j^, Suit depending about this. Connaught, This is the Man^ that was granted Col°. Talbot. Woolcote, 200 a. Cut off by the Div-isional Line. White Plains, 812 a. Escheat. Abbington, 109 a. Escheat. Total contents on Survey 114,63378 a.; — Quantity now for Sale 69,73678 a.; Quantity Sold, 17,01574 a. for 18341. 14. 5; etc. State of His Lordships Manor in Kent County, 1766. (I) [12]. (A) 1731, Sept'. 9**".; (B) John Keeting; (D) William Keeting; (C) 100; (E) o. 10. o; (L) William & ]\Iar>' Keeting. [36]. (A) Ditto; (B) Samuel Norris; (D) Rachel Hynson; (C) 56; (E) o. 5. 7V2; (L) Sam'. & Rich"*. Norris. This Lease was for 95 acres, 39 acres of which runs into other lands. [48]. Sept'. 29; (B) Rebecca Taylor; (D) Bartus Finer; (C) 133; (E) o. 13. 4; (L) Bartus Finer. [11]. (A) 1738, Nov. 7; (B) James Wallace; (D) John Beesley; (C) 64; (E) o. 6. 6; (L) Mary Beesley. [41]. (A) 1742, June 5; (B) Anthony Camron; (D) John Maxwell; (C) 130; (E) o. 13. o; (L) William Maxwell & And". Jemison. [47]. (A) Ditto; (B) John Burgan; (D) William Merrit; (C) 30; (E) o. 3. o; (L) James & Benjamin Burgin. [54^. (A) , July 9; (B) John Greenwood; (D) John Greenwood; (C) 98; (E) o. 9. II ; (L) John Greenwood, Sen'. [& Joseph Greenwood is crossed out^. [4]. (A) , Aug*. 20; (B) John Cove; (D) William Waters; (C) 96; (E) o. 9. 7V2; (L) Elizabeth Cove & Job Cove, Jun'. [Crossed out "John Job Cove, quere if all alive."] [42]. (A) Ditto; (B) Isaac Ridgrave; (D) Isaac Ridgrave; (C) 134; (E) o. 13. 6; (L) Isaac Ridgrave, Jun'., Danniell [?] & Eliz: Ridgrave. [25]. (A) 1744, July 26; (B) Tho». Ferkins; (D) Tho». Ferkins; (C) 140; (E) o. 14. o; (L) Tho'. & Isaac Ferkins & Mathias Harris. [46]. (A) 1743, Feby. 6; (B) John Fage; (D) Rob*. Maxwell; (C) 11; (E) o. I. i; (L) William Thornton [Crossed out but legible] "Lessor removed from ■ — — 29, 1762 or 21 years. [46]. (A) 1745, June 10; (B) John Fage; (D) Ditto; (C) 30; (E) o. 3. o; (L) Jeremiah Luther "Burchmall." [46]. (A) Ditto; (B) John Fage; (D) Ditto; (C) 50; (E) o. 5- o; (L) Aquilla & Mary Fage. [30]. (A) Dec. 20; (B) John Cleaves; (D) John Cleaves; (C) 400; (E) 2. o. o; (L) John Cleaves. [18]. (A) Ditto; (B) John Wallace, Sen'.; (D) Fhil Warner; (C) 53; (E) o. 5. 4; (L) John Wallace, Jun'. [5]. (A) 1746, April 18; (B) Geo. Garnet; (D) Dennis "Thahon" [Shahon?]; (C) 114; (E) o. 11. 5; (L) George Thomas & George Garnet, Jun'. STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 5 [2]. (A) Sep^ 29; (B) William Walls; (D) Henry Bodien; (C) 114; (E)o. II.6; (L) William & Sam I.Walls. CssH- (A) , Ditto; (B) James Greenwood; (D) Sam'. Groome; (C) 160; (E) o. 16. o; (L) Jane Greenwood. [31]. (A.) , Ditto; (B) Eliz: Hickman; (D) Tho». Gilbert; (C) 90; (E) o. 9. o; (L) John & Eliz: Hickman. [46]. (A) .Ditto; (B) Eliz: Hickman; (D) Robert Maxwell ; (C) 15V4; (E) o. I. 7V4; (L) John & Eliz: Hickman. [3]. (A) 1747, April 7; (B) Henry Brooke; (D) Henry Bodun; (C) 184; (E) o. 18. 5; (L) Robert Peacock [& Mary Brooks, quere Mary Brooke, stricken out]. [16]. (A) , May 15; (B) Sarah Dier; (D) Ditto; (C) 90; (E) o. 9. o; (L) Tenant at will. [No. 37]. (A) 1753, April ID'"; (B) William Walls; (D) William Walls; (C) 120; (E) o. 12. 0; (L) Elizabeth, Samuel & Eliz: Walls, Jun^ [10]. (A) 1747, May 15; (B) John Graham; (D) John Graham; (C) 31 ; (L) John & James Graham. [57]. (A) Ditto; (B) Suttor [?] Burger; (D) John Burger; (C) 13; (E) o. 1.4; (L) One Life Sarah Burger ["Two Lives John Moris Burger &" are stricken out]. "Lease 18 acres." [263. (A) 1743, Aug'. 5; (B) John Shawhan; (D) John Shawhan; (C) 130; (E) o. 13. o; (L) John, Elizabeth & John Shawhan, Jun^ [51]. (A) 1748, Jan". 25; (B) Mary Dining; (D) Annas Glenn; (C) 100; (E) o. 10. o; (L) Mary, James & John Dining. [40]. (A) 1 75 1, May 9; (B) Susannah Hudson; (D) J Jobson; (C) 83; (E) o. 8. 4; (L) Moses & Mary Hudson. [28]. (A) Ditto; (B) James Hudson; (D) Hudson; (C) 50; (E) o. 5. o; (L) Moses & Sarah Hudson, "quere." [44]. (A) , October 24; (B) John Tilden; (D) W Tilden; (C) 190; (E) I. I. o; (L) William Blay Tilden & John Withered. [38]. (A) 1752, Aug'. 20; (B) Peirce Lamb; (D) Peirce Lamb; (C) 197; (E) o. 19. 8; (L) Peirce, George & John Lamb. [11]. (A) 1753, Feb", i; (B) John Maxwell; (D) Maxwell; (C) ; (E) o. 4. 10^4 ; (L) John & Rob'. Maxwell, Jun^ & Rob'. Maxwell, younger. [29]. (A) , April 20; (B) John Maxwell; (D) John Maxwell; (C) 200; (E) I. o. 0; (L) James [torn]. [50]. (A) , April 6; (B) Robert Guy; (D) Robert Guy; (C) 80; (E) o. 8. o; (L) Robert, Penelope & John Guy, Son of Rob'. [20]. (A) Ditto; (B) John Graham; (D) John Graham; (C) 142; (E) o. 14. 3; (L) John, James & Andrew Graham. [49]. (A) .April 10; (B) Andrew Hynson; (D) Bartus Finer; (C) 38; (E) o. 3. 972; (L) Andrew, Sarah & Thomas Hynson. 6 MARYLAND RECORDS— KENT COUNTY [19]. (A) Ditto; (B) Ebenezer Reyner; (D) Ebenezer Reyner; (C) 360; (E) I. 16. o; (L) Eben^ Reyner [Amilia & Maynard are stricken out]. [46]. (A) Ditto; (B) John Page; (D) Robert Maxwell; (C) 146; (E) o. 14. 6; (L) Aquilla Page. [46]. (A) , August 10; (B) John Page; (D) Ditto; (C) 25; (E) o. 2. 6; (L) Aquilla & Mary Page. [51]. (A) 1753, April id; (B) Mary Thear; (D) Annas Glenn; (C) 15; (E) 0. 2. o; (L) Richard & John Scago & Lessee. [43]- (A) 1747, June 25; (B) William Rasin; (D) Wm. Wothered; (C) 230; (E) I. 3. o; (L) William & John Wothered. [17]. (A) 1740, Nov^ 6; (B) Corn=. Rain; (D) Jacob Falkner; (C) 79; (E) o. 7. 11; (L) Lives unknown, gone away many years ago Lives Com=. Rain & Joseph & Ruth his Son & Daughter. Com^ Rain seen ab°. 2 years ago. [6]. (A) 1745, Dec 20; (B) John Gilbert; (D) John Gilbert; (C) 180V2 ; (E) o. 19. 8V2 ; (L) John & Thos Gilbert & Sam. Merrit. Leased for 200 acres but by order of the agent resurveyed & found to contain 180^/2 acres. [30]. (A) 1735, Sep'. i»».; (B) Job Cove [Cave?]; (D) John Gleaves; (C) 50; (E) o. 5. o; (L) Lives unknown, gone away many years ago, supposed to be Dead. [9]- (A) 1746, June 7; (B) Henry Spencer; (D) Sarah Mullin; (C) 24; (E) o. 2. 5; (L) Tenant at will. [13]. (A) 1760, Aug'. ; (B) JohnW^allace; (D) John Wallace; (C) 104; (E) I. 0. 10; (L) John & Mary Wallace «& Ja\ Graham. [53]. (A) , Aug. 12; (B) Francis Lamb; (D) Francis Lamb; (C) 214; (E) 2. 2. 10; (L) Francis, John & Tho». Lamb. [54]. (A) , Ditto; (B) John Greenwood; (D) John Greenwood; (C) 5; (E) o. 0. 11; (L) John Greenwood, Sen'. John Greenwood, Jun'. & Fc CJo?] Greenwood son of John, Jun'. The last Life gone away, not been found. [i]. (A) ■ , Aug'. 14; (B) Tho». Perkins; (D) Isaac Perkins; (C) 62; (E) o. 12. 6; (L) Isaac Perkins, John Brooks & Sam'. Mansfield. [7]. (A) , Ditto; (B) John Wallace; (D) Philip Warner; (C) 13; (E) o. 2. 6; (L) John & Francis Wallace, Sons of Lessee. [24]. (A) , Aug'. 18; (B) Hezekiah Cooper; (D) Hez\ Cooper; (C) 170; (E) I. 14. o; (L) Hez''. & Peregrine Cooper their son. [Ft appears likely that Mary Cooper is written above "&" and is crossed out. "Wm Jones" is also crossed out]. [14]. (A) , Ditto; (B) Hannah Billis; (D) Alphonso Cornegys; (C) 30; (E) o. 6. o; (L) Lives in Being, unknown, ["all alive," in different handwriting]. STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 7 [No. 8]. (A) , Aug*. 19; (B) George Little; (D) George Little; (C) 195; (E) I. 19. 0; (L) George, Mary his wife & Ann Little. [No. 8]. (A) , Ditto; (B) George Little; (D) Ditto; (C) 9; (E) o. 2. o; (L) Same Lives. [6]. (A) 1760, Aug'. 14*^; (B) John Gilbert; (D) John Gilbert; (C) 18; (E) o. 4. o; (L) John, Ann & John Gilbert, Jun^ [33]- (A.) 1764, Feby. 18; (B) Stephen Dening; (D) Stephen Dening; (C) 86; (E) o. 17. 4; (L) 21 years. 84 acres in all. [22]. (A) 1763, Sept'. 10; (B) John Wallace; (D) John Wallace; (C) 163; (E) I. 12. 7V2; (L) 21 years. [35]. (A) 1764, Feb''. 18; (B) John Day; (D) Bartus Finer Guard", of J. Day; (C) 141; (E) i. 8. 3; (L) 21 years. [34]. (A) , Ditto; (B) Arim\ Day; (D) Bartus Finer; (C) 121; (E) I. 4. 3; (L) 21 years. [27]. (A) , March 2''.; (B) John Hudson; (D) Ruth Hudson; (C) 62; (E) o. 12. 5V2; (L) 21 years. [23]. (A) ,3d; (B) John Graham; (D) John Graham; (C) 18V4; (E) o. 3. 9; (L) 21 years. [52]. (A) , June 9; (B) George Lamb; (D) George Lamb; (C) 57; (E) o. II. 6; (L) 21 years. [15]- (A) , Oct'. 24; (B) John March; (D) John March; (C) 247 V2; (E) 2. 9. 6; (L) 21 years. [ ]. (C) 6; (E) o. I. 4; (L) Not under Lease, Church Land p<*. by the Vestry. [39]. (A) 1747, Aug', i; (B) Robert Hart; (D) Robert Hart; (C) 450; (E) 2. 5. o; (L) Held by Robert Hart of Cecil County. Terms of the Lease not known to the Steward. Totals: (C) 7015V2; (E) 43- I7- 19V2. [32]. (A) 1752, April i; (B) Beale Bordley; (D) Said Bordley; (C) 75; (E) o. 7. 6; (L) Said Beale Bordley, Margaret Beardley & Loyd Dulany. " Kent County, November, 1766." (II) "This Manor Laid off May i," .* (L) William Keeting & Mary Keeting, his Son & Daughter; (M) William 50 & Mary about 53 years of age. Mary Dead. (L) Samuil Norris & Richard Norris; (M) Sam'. ab°. 48 & Richard 40. Leased for 95 acres, 39 acres in other . (L) Bartus Finer; (M) Bartus Finer 47 — assigned Apr. 12, 1743. Capons due. (L) Rob'. [?] Jeremiah & John Cove, all left this Frovince many years ago; (M) quere. Alienations due. (L) Mary Beesley, Daughter of the Lessee; (M) Mary Beesley aged about 30. (L) Lessee, Joseph & Ruth Rain his Son & Daughter; (M) Father bought from John Walls & Walls from the Lessee, no assignment from the Lessee to Walls. Lives all moved to Carolina about 15 years ago. (L) William Maxwell, Son of Rob'. & Andrew Jemeson; (M) Wm. Maxwell 47, A. Jemeson 30, left by will from Camron to Maxw — . (L) James & Benjamin Burgan, Sons of the Lessee; (M) James ab°. 25 & Benj''. ab°. 24 — Vide the Date of the Lease. (L) Lessee; (M) Aged upwards of 70 years. (L) Lessee, Job Cove Jun'. & Eliz: Cove; (M) Lives all left the Frovince quere gone & if Dead or Living. (L) Damsell, Eliz: & Isaac Ridgrane, Wife, Son & Daughter of Lessee; (M) Damsell ab°. 50, Eliz: 28, Isaac 26. (L) Lessee, Elizabeth his Wife & John Shawhon his Son ; (M) Lessee 51, wife 50 & son about 27. (L) Lessee, Isaac Ferkins, Son of Ebenezer & Mathias Harris (dead); (M) Lessee 42 (Dead), Isaac Perkins 25, & Math'. Harris 50. (L) Aquila Fage & William Burchnell; (M) Aquila Fage, 22, Wm. Burchnell 30. (L) Qejremiah Luther Burchnell; (M) Aged about 30 years. (L) John Cleaves; (M) John Cleaves about 28. (L) John Wallace; (M) John Wallace about 22. Dead & the Land Sold. (L) Lessee, Thomas & George Garnett his Sons; (M) Lessee, 60, Dead, Thomas 30, Dead, George 28, Quere Fine. 2 Lives Dead. (L) Lessee & Samuel Walls his Son; (M) Lessee about — . Dead, Samuel 33. Quere Fine. * But the right half of the record survives, — torn and irregular. See Frontispiece. 8 STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 9 (L) Jane Greenwood; (M) Aged 25 yrs. Assign''. ^'^ Feby. 1755, Consideration £20 . (L) John «& Elizabeth Hickman, Son & Daughter of Lessee; (M) John 25, Eliz: ab°. 30, quere Fine. (L) Same Lives. (L) Tenant at will. (L) Robert Peacock Jun'. & Mary Brooks; (M) Peacock ab°. 23, Mary Brooks abo Dead, Bodier Guard, i Life dropt. (L) Tenant at will. (L) Lessee & his Son James Graham. (L) John Morris Burgan & Sarah Burgan; (M) J. M. Burgan Dead. Lives both under 30. N. B. Lease mentions 18 acres. (L) William Wethered & John Wethered. (L) Lessee & his Son, James Hart; (M) Lessee about 60, James about 30, Dead. (L) Lessee, Thomas Gilbert & Samuel Merritt; (M) Lessee ab°. 40, Thomas 30 & Samuel 22, Leased for 200 acres but resuryey'd & contains only 180V2 by order of the Agent. (L) Lessee & his Sons James & John Deming; (M) Lessee 40 Dead, James 23, John 21. N. B. Glenn holds 12 acres on his lease & another for 15 acres. (L) Moses & Mary Hudson, children of the Lessee; (M) Moses 16, Mary 20, by assignment consid". £130 Capons in . (L) Moses & Sarah Brother & Sister of the Lessee; (M) Moses 16, Sarah 17. (L) William Blay [May?] Tilden & John Wethered. (L) Lessee, Margaret his Wife & Loyd Dulany. (L) Lessee, George & John Lamb, his Brothers; (M) Lessee 34, George 30, John 27. (L) Lessee, Robert Maxwell Son of Robert & Robert Maxwell Son of Wm.; (M) Lessee 40, Robert, Son of Robert 30, Robert, Son of Wm. 13. (L) Lessee, Penelope his Wife & John Guy his Son; (M) Lessee 45, Penelope 40, John the Son 16. (L) John Graham, James & Andrew his Sons; (M) John 48, Dead, James 24 Dead, Andrew 21. (L) Lessee, Thomas «& Sarah his Children; (M) Lessee 40, Thomas 30, Sarah 15. Wrong Information abo. Lives. (L) Lessee & Emelia Reyner his Daughter; (M) Lessee 40, Emelia 18. (L) Aquila Page. (L) Lessee, Richard & John Scaggs; (M) Mary Thear 60; Richard 29, John 25. lo MARYLAND RECORDS— KENT COUNTY (L) Lessee, Robert Maxwell, Son of Rob'. & Robert Maxwell, Son of Wm. ; (M) Lessee 40, Rob'. Son of Robert 30, Robert Son of Wm. 13. (L) Elizabeth his Wife, Samuel his Son & Elizabeth his Daughter; (M) Wife 54, Samuel 33, Eliz:th Daughter 23. (L) Aquila & Mary Page; (M) Aquila 22, Mary 25. (L) Lessee, his Wife Mary & James Graham; (M) Lessee 28, his Wife 27, James Graham 25. (L) Francis, John & Thomas Lamb; (M) Francis 78, John 21, Thomas 10. (L) Lessee, John his Son & Joseph the Son of John his Son. (L) "Isaac Perkins, Son of Eben^ John Brooks, Son of Philip & Sam'. Mansfield Jun^" (L) John & Francis Wallace, Sons of the Lessee; (M) John about 21 Dead, Francis 16. (L) Lessee, his Wife & John Gilbert Son of Thomas; (M) Lessee 40, Wife 35, John Son of Thomas 13 . (L) Lessee, Martha his Wife & Son Peregrine; (M) Lessee 37, Wife 30 Dead, Son very Young. (L) Lessee, Peregrine Cooper, Son of Hez*". & James Jones, Son of Peter; (M) Lessee 26, the others very young, quere Fine. (L) Mary his Wife & Ann his Daughter; (M) Lessee 40, Wife 50, Daughter 8. (L) Term of twenty one years. (L) Ditto; (M) Renewed Lease. (L) Ditto; (M) Stephen Denning hold 86 acres & M^ Wicks an", pay "U Rev. (L) Ditto. [60]. (L) Ditto. [61]. (L) Ditto. [62]. (L) Ditto. [63]. (L) Ditto. (L) Ditto. [65]. (L) Not under Lease. Rent p''. by the Vestry. (L) Cirtified Septm'. i6">. 1706; (M) Rented. "State of His Lordships Manor in Kent County,"' 1766. (Ill)* [l]. (M 1) 3 Lives, Ages from 16 to 24; (C) 62; (G) Good Land, but all cleared except one corner where remains some timber; (H) None; (K) 22/. [15. 5. 02]. (M 1) 2 Lives, Ages 33 & 60; (C) 114; (G) Good Land, but little or no Timber — not quite so good as No. i ; (H) Of no great value; (K) 25/6, quere Fine. [15.10.03]. (M 1) I Life, age 23; (C) 184; (G) Good Land equal to No. i; (H)good; (K)27/. [4]. (M 3 Lives, left the province, quere 2 alive; (C) 96; (G) Indifferent Land, Sandy & but little Timber; (H) pretty good; (K) 22/. [23. 9. 05]. (M 1) I Life, Age 28 ["60" and "30" are crossed out "3 Lives "3; (C) 114; Good white clay land, sandy, something better than No. 4, very little Timber; (H) good; (K) 21/6, quere Fine. [6]. (M 1) 3 Lives, ages 40, 30 & 22; (C) 180V2; (G) Rather better than No. I, very little Timber; (H) Pretty good, i Life only, left 30 years. [6 do]. (M 1) 3 Lives, ages 40, 35, 13; (C) 18; (G) As good as No. 6, but cleared of Timber; (H) Pretty good; (K) for both [6] & [6 do] 24/. [7]. (M 1) 2 Lives, ages 21 & 16; (C) 13; (G) The same as No 6, cleared of Timber ; (H) None. [8]. (M 3 Lives, ages 40, 30 & 8 ; (G) About 9 acres Timber, equal to No 6, the whol quantity of little value; (K) 24/. [9]. (M 1) None; (C) 24; (G) Middling good Land, but Clear'd; (H) None; (K) 30/. [19. I. 010]. (M 2 Lives, Ages 50 & 25; (C) 31 ; (G) Full as good as No 6, with plenty of Timber to support it; (H) None; (K) 24/. [13. 9. on]. (M I Life, age 30; (C) 64; (G) MiddUng Land, worn & no Timber; (H) i dwell'g, H". 20 X 30, good repair, 50 apple trees; (K) 27/. [12]. (M 1) I Life, age 50; (C) 100; (G) Pretty good Land, much worn & very little Timber; (H) Tollerably good; (K) 27/. [13]. (M 3 Lives, ages 28, 27 & 25; (C) 104; (G) Nearly the same as No 12; (H) of little value; (K) 23/6 Sold. [14]. (M 1) 3 Lives, ages 26, 22 & 10; (C) 30; (G) Poor Land & Httle or no Timber; (H) pretty good; (K) 20/ quere Fine. * Apparently discriptive of the first list. Note the agreement of acres and the ages for "Lives" mentioned in the leases. — G. M. B. 12 MARYLAND RECORDS— KENT COUNTY [15]. (M 1) 18 years; (C) 247V2; (G) Good Land, with some Timber equal to No 6; (H) very good; (K) 28/. [16]. (M 1) None; (C) 90; (G) Middling Land, with a small parcel of Wood; (H) None; (K) 30/. [17^. (M ') Lives gone to Carv'*. 15 years. Leasd. 1740; (C) 79; Poor Land & Sandy, no Timber; (H) pretty good; (K) 24/2 Fines due. [15. II. 018]. (M 1) I Life, age 22; (C) 53; (G) Middling Land, with little or no Timber; (H) none; (K) 25/. [19]. (M I Life, age 40; (C) 360; (G) pretty good Land with Timber sufficient & some Meadow; (H) pretty good; (K) 28/. [20]. (M 1) 3 Lives, ages 48, 24 & 21 ; (C) 142; (G) poor Land & very little Timber; (H) of very little value; (K) 20/. [213. (C) 484; (G) Bennetts Bridge, very good Land & plenty of Timber; (K) 31/6. [22]. (M 1) 17 years; (C) 163; (G) Indifferent Land & very little Timber; (H) None; (K) 24/. 3 acres Sold at 25/. [23]. (M 1) 17V2 years; (C) 18^/4; (G) Middling Land & no Timber; (H) of very little value; (K) 24/6. Sold. [^24]. (M 1) 2 Lives, ages 37, 10. The others very young. (C) 170; (G) very Indifferent, quere Timber; (H) good; (K) 20/. [25]. (M 3 Lives, ages 42, 25 & 50; (C) 140; (G) middling Good Land with some Timber; (H) of no great value; (K) 24/. [22. 10. 15. 26]. (M ^) 3 Lives, ages 51, 50 & 27; (C) 130; (G) pretty good Land, but scarce of Timber; (H) pretty good; (K) 25/6. [27]. (M ') 1772 years; (C) 62; (G) middling good Land with some Timber; (H) of very little value; (K) 25/. [28]. (M 2 Lives, ages 16 & 17; (C) 50; (G) poor Land & no Timber; (H) I small old Log House; (K) 21/. [29]. (M 1) 3 Lives, ages 40, 30 & 13; (C) 200; (H) John Maxwell's; (K) 26/6 together with No 41. Sold. [14. 3. 030]. (M ') I Life age 28; (C) 400; (G) Good Land with some Timber but scarce for the quantity; (K) 27/6, better than J. Maxwell's. [Same No]. (M ^) 3 lives, left the province many years; (C) 50; (G) Middling Land, much worn & no Timber; (H) for these two tracts — of no great value; (K) 28/6. quere alienations. [21. II. 15. 31]. (M 0. 2 Lives, ages 25 & 30; (C) 90; (G) middling good, but worn & no Timber; (K) 23/. quere aliena. Fine. [32]. (MO J [F?]. B. Bordley, wife & Loyd Dulany; (C) 75; (G) Indifferent & broken with a small parcel of Timber; (H) of very little value; (K) 20/6. C33II- (^I ') 17V2 years; (C) 84; (G) poor, having been much worn & little or no Timber; (H) of no great value; (K) 24/. STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 13 [34]. (M 17V2 years; (C) 121; (G) middling Land with some little Timber; (H) pretty good ; (K) 26/. [35]. (M ') 17V2 years; (C) 141; (G) pretty good Land, with some Timber; (H) of very little Value; (K) 27/. [15. 7. 15. 36]. (M 1) 2 Lives 38 & 40; (C) 56; (G) Middling Land with some Timber; (H) none; (K) 24/. []. (M 3 Lives, 54, 33 & 23; (C) 120; (G) Middling Land with very little Timber; (H) of no great value; (K) iij. [38]. (M 3 Lives, 34, 30 «& 27; (C) 197; (G) Good Land with some Timber; (H) pretty good; (K) 23/6. [39]- (M 2 Lives, ages 60 & 30; (C) 450; (G) Middling Land with some Timber; (H) pretty good; (K) 27/. Tenanted in part. [40]. (M 1) 2 Lives, 16 «& 20; (C) 83; (G) pretty much worn, with no Timber; (G) pretty good ; (K) 22/. Sold assigned. Cons". £130. [18. 20. 41]. (M 2 Lives, ages 47 & 30; (C) 130; (H) very good. [41]. (M 1) 3 Lives, 40, 30 & 13; (C) 49; (H) very good. (K) 26/6. This and the previous tract with No. 29 Sold. [25. II. 042]. (M 1) 3 Lives, 50, 28 & 26; (C) 134; (H) Middling Land, with some Timber; (K) 24/. [43]. (M 1) 2 Lives, Wm. & Jn°. Wethered ab" 21 & 26; (C) 230; (G) Good Land, with some Timber; (H) i Fram'd Dwell'g House 18 X 25, good repair; (K) 25/6. [44]. (M 1) 2 Lives, Wm. B. Tilden 26 & Jno. Wethered 21; (C) 190; (G) Good Land with some Timber; (H) of not much value; (K) 25/6. Church on this Land. [45ll- (G) Old Land called Ivingo. []. (M 2 Lives, ages 22 & 30; (C) 30; (K) 27/. [13. 9. o. 46]. (M 1) I Life, age 30, (C) 50; (H) Rob*. Maxwell's; (K) 28/. [21. II. 15. 46]. (M ^) 2 Lives, 25 & 30; (C) 15^/4; (H) good Improve- ments on the 277^4 acres but on what part not distinguished; (K) 27/. [15. II. o. 46]. (M 1) I Life, age abo. 22; (C) 146; (K) 28/. [23. 5. 15. 46]. (M 2 Lives, ages 22 & 25; (C) 25; (K) 27/. [Same No]. (M i) i6yrs.; (C) 11; (K) 28/. (G) For the preceding 6 tracts good Land with some Timber. [22. II. 047]. (M ^) 2 Lives, ages 25 «& 24; (C) 30; (G) Middling Land & very Httle Timber; (H) of no great value; (K) 23/. vide Date of Lease. [8. 9. 048]. (M 1) I Life 47; (C) 133; (G) Middling good Land with some Timber; (H) none; (K) 26/. Sold. Fine chag"*. £5. 6. 8. [49]. (M 1) 3 Lives, ages 40, 30 & 15, vide min.; (C) 38; (G) Middling Land & some Timber; (K) 23/. Sold. Fine chd. o. 9. 6. 14 MARYLAND RECORDS— KENT COUNTY [50]. (M 1). 3 Lives 45, 40 & 16; (C) 80; (G) Middling Land, scarce any Timber; (H) pretty good; (K) 23/. [29. 3. 15. 51]. (M 3 Lives, 40, 23 & 21. N. B. a man Gleen (?) hold 120 acres by the plat in these Leases; (C) 100; (G) Middling Land but little Timber; (H) of not much value; (K) 22/. [Ditto] 3 ditto, 60, 29 & 25; (C) 15; (G) The same; (K) 22/. [52]. (M 17^/4 years; (C) 57; (G) pretty good Land with Timber to support; (H) good; (K) 25/6. [53]. (M 1) 3 Lives 78, 27 & 10; (C) 214; (G) Middling good Land, quere Timber?; (H) very good; (K) 23/6. [26. 054]. (M I Life, upwards 70; (C) 98; (G) MiddHng Land, but very little Timber; (H) of no great value; (K) 28/6. [Same]. (M ^) 3 Lives, 70, 50, 20; (C) 5; (G) a little Branch for Water; (K) 28/6. [18. I. 055] (M I Life age 25 years; (C) 160; (G) pretty good but little or no Timber; (H) of no great value; (K) 27/6. Ap"*. 3"* Feby. 1755. Cons". £200. [56]. (G) old Land calld. Blays Range. [16. o. 057]. (M I Life under 30; (C) 13; (G) Medm. Land & no Timber; (H) pretty good. [Unnumbered]. (M none; (C) 6; (G) Church Land. Rent pd. by the Vestry; (H) Church. Included in No. 44. Total acres 7554V2. ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY "State of His Lordship's Manor of Ann Arundel, 1767" Lot I. (A) March 25'\ 1755; (B) William Coale; (C) 1143/4; (D) John Coale; (E) 5-15-0; (F) ii-io-o; (G) 12V2; (H) 127V4; (K) John Coale. Lot 2. (A) ; (B) Expired; (C) 33V2; (D) George Simmons; (E) 1-18-6; (F) 3-17^; (G) ; (H) 45^/4; (K) Joseph Hill. Lot 3. (A) ; (B) Expired; (C) 100; (D) John Norris; (E) 5-0-0; (F) iOK)-o; (G) 105V4; (K) . Lot 4. (A) ; (B) Expired; (C) 100; (D) Franklin & Gott; (E) 5-0-0; (F) lo-o-o; (H) 1051/4; (K) Joseph Hill. Lot 5. (A) ; (B) Expired; (C) 59V2; (D) Benj^ Ward; (E) 2-19-6; (F) 5-19-0; (H) 57; (K) George Simmons. Lot 6. (A) Dec. io"> 1747; (B) Henry Hall; (C) 112; (D) Isaac Hall; (E) 4-4-0; (G) ifU; (H) 140^8; (K) Isaac Hall. Lot 7. (A) Feby. 6*'». 1746; (B) George Stewart; (C) 150; (D) Lessee; (E) 5-12-6; (F) (H) 165V4; (K) George Stewart. Lots. (A) Mch. 25, 1751; (B) Ditto; (C) 13; (D) Ditto; (E) 0-13-0; (F) 1-6-0 (K) George Stewart. Lot 9. (A) Jany. & Feb. 7, 1748; (B) Coale & Gott; (C) 90; (D) Walter Gott; (E) 3-7-6; (F) ^15-0; (H) 82V2; (K) Walter Gott. Lot 10. (A) Mch. 25, 1760; (B) Walter Gott; (C) 100; (D) Lessee; (E) 5-0-0; (F) lo-o-o; (G) 6; (H) 106; (K) Walter Gott. Lot II. (A) Sept. 29">. 1755; (B) Robt. Gott's Exec".; (C) 62V2; (D) Walter Gott; (E) 3-2-6; (F) 6-5; (H) 57V4; (K) Walter Gott. Lot 12. (A) Sept. 29*'>. 1755; (B) Isabella Franklin; (C) 100; (D) Lessee; (E) 5-0-0; (F) 1 0-0-0; (H) 98^4; (K) Stephen Steward. Lot 13. (A) Sept. 29t\ 1755; (B) Stephen Love; (C) 115; (D) John & Ezekiel Gott; (E) 5-15^; (F) ii-io-o; (H) 117V2; (K) Ezekiel Gott. Lot 14. (A) Sept. 29*h. 1755; (B) Ezekiel Gott; (C) 78; (D) Lessee; (E) 3-18-0; (F) 7-16-0; (G) 6V2; (H) 80V4; Ezekiel Gott. Lot 15. (A) Sept. 29*, 1761; (B) Ann Thomas; (C) 250; (D) Lessee; (E) 1 2-1 0-0; (F) 25-0-0 (H) 266; (K) John Thomas. Lot 16. (A) ; (B) Stewards Lotte; (C) 199^/8; (D) John Thomas. Lot 17. (A) Sept. 29tS 1756; (B) John Thomas; (C) 166; (D) Lessee; (E) 8-6-0; (F) 1 6-1 2-0; (H) 177V2; (K) John Thomas. Lot 18. (A) Sept. 29, 1755; (B) Rachel Sherbutt; (C) 50; (D) Lessee; (E) 2-10-0; (F) 5-0-0; (H) 52V2; (K) John Thomas. 3 17 i8 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Lot 19. (A) Sept. 29, 1755; (B) William Hollyday; (C) 100; (D) Lessee; (E) 5-0-0; (F) lo-o-o; (H) loSVs; (K) Henry Plummer. Lot 20. (A) Sept. 29*''. 1763; (B) Geo. Stewart; (C) 224; (D) Lessee; (E) I 1-4-0; (F) 22-8-0. Lot 21. (A) Sept. 29, 1755; (B) Geo. Stewart; (C) 78; (D) Lessee; (E) 3-18^; (F) 7-16^. Lot 22. Included in No. 20, (H) Lots 20, 21, 22 313^/4; (K) George Stewart, Esq. Lot 23. (A) Sept. 29"'. 1755; (B) Thomas Norris; (C) 83; (D) Leasee; (E) 4-3-0; (F) 8-6-0; (H) 83; (K) Stephen Steward. Lot 24. (A) Sept. 29, 1755; (B) Henry Child; (C) 73; (D) Lessee; (E) 3-13-0; (F) 7-^0; (G) 7; (H) 82V4; (K) Henry Child. Lot 25. (A) Sept. 29, 1755; (B) Isaac Owens; (C) 187; (D) Lessee; (E) 9-7-0; (F) 18-14-0; (G) 10; (H) 197V2; (K) Isaac Owens. Lot 26. (A) Sept. 29, 1755; (B) James Cowley; (C) 90; (D) Lessee; (E) 4-10-0; (F) 9-0-0; (H) 93V4; (K) James Cowley. Lot 27. (A) Sept. 29, 1755; (B) Joseph Cowman; (C) 150; (D) Lessee; (E) 7-10-0; (F) 15-0-0; (H) 149^/4 (K) . Lot 28. (A) Sept. 29, 1755; (B) Thomas Deale; (C) 232; (D) Cowley & Welsh; (E) 11-12-0; (F) 23-4-0; (H) 242V4 (K) John Welsh, Son of Robt. Lot 29. (A) Sept. 29, 1755; (B) Wm. & Elen^ Barrett; (C) 100; (D) Ele'. Barrett & Sons; (E) 5-0-0; (F) lo-o-o; (H) 105V4; (K) John Barrett. Lot 30. (A) Mch 25"'. 1758; (B) Joseph Ward; (C) 196; (D) Lessee; (E) 9-16-0; (F) 19-12-0; (H) 193^4; (K) Joseph Ward. Lot 31. (A) Mch. lo"-. 1747; (B) John Galwith; (C) 131; (D) McDaniel & Carr; (E) 4-18-0; (F) 9-16-0; (H) 117V4; (K) Benjamin Carr. Lot 32. (A) Mch. 25, 1755; (B) Richd. Richardson; (C) 127V2; (D) Lessee; (E) 6-7-6; (F) 1 2-1 5-0. Lot 33. (A) Sept. 29, 1756; (B) Ditto; (C) 80V2; (D) Lessee; (E) 4-0-6; (F) 8-1-0; (H) Lots 32, 33, 21274; (K) Richd. Richardson [Both]. Lot 34. (A) Sept. 29, 1756; (B) Dinah Sparrow; (C) 117; (D) Benj. & Wm. Sherbutt; (E) 5-17-0; (F) 11-14-0; (G) 11V2; (H) 128V8; (K) PhiHp Pindell. Lot 35- (C_) 55^/4; (D) Nathan Brashiers; (E) 3-3-0; (H) 55V4; (K) Nathan Brashiers. Lot 36. (A) Sept. 29, 1755; (B) Nich=. Watkins; (C) 137V2; (D) Gassaway Watkins; (E) 6-17-6; (F) 13-15-0; (H) 152; (K) Gassaway Watkins. STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 19 Lot 37. (A) Sept. 29, 1755; (B) John Sappington; (C) 120; (D) Robert Norris; (E) 6-0-0; (F) 12-0-0; (H) 110V4; (K) Robert Norris. Lot 38. (A) Sept. 29, 1755; (B) Edw<». McDaniel; (C) 118; (D) Lessee; (E) 5-18-0; (F) 11-16-0; (H) 122V4. Lot 39. (A) Sept. 29, 1755; (B) John Battey; (C) 105; (D) Lessee; (E) 5-5-0; (F) (^i(yo; (H) 105. Lot 40. (A) Mch. 10, 1747; (B) Benj^. Carr; (C) 100; (D) Lessee; (E) 3-15-0; (F) 7-10-0; (H) 112V2; (K) Benj^ Carr. Lot 41. (A) Sept. 29, 1756; (B) Joseph Hill; (C) 137; (D) Lessee; (E) 6-17-0; (F) 13-14-0; (H) 135V4; (K) Thomas Cowley. Lot 42. (A) Sept. 29, 1757; (B) Rich''. Sheckell; (C) 157V2; (D) Lessee; (E) 7-17-6; (F) 1 5-1 5-0; (H) 1 69^/4; (K) Richard Sheckell. Lot 43. Lease expired Nov. 1766; (C) 100; (D) "Rich''. Sheckells;" (E) 3-15-0; (F) ; (H) 108V2; (K) "Richd. Sheckell." Lot 44. (A) Mch. 25, 1756; (B) "JohnShickell;" (C) 93; (D) Lessee; (E) 4-13-0; (F) 9-6-0; (H) 105V8; (K) "John Sheckell." Lot45. (A)Sept. 29, 1755; (B) Benj\ Cheney; (C) 102V2; (D) Lessee; (E) 5-2-6; (F) 1(^5-0; (H) 103V8. Lot 46. (A) Sept. 29, 1757; (B) Nich». Nicholson; (C) 74V2; (D) Lessee; (E) 3-14-6; (F) 7-9-0; (H) 77V2; (K) Nicholas Nicholson. Lot 47. (A) Mch. 25, 1760; (B) Jonas Galwith; (C) 154V2; (D) Lessee; (E) 7-14-6; (F) 15-9-0; (H) 156^3; (K) Abraham Simmons. Lot 48. (A) Mch. 25, 1759; (B) Abraham Simmons; (C) 155; (D) Lessee; (E) 7-15-0; (F) 15-ia-o; (H) 164V8; (K) Abraham Simmons. Lot 49. (A) Sept. 29, 1756; (B) Abraham Sheckells; (C) no; (D) Richard Hopkins; (E) 5-10-0; (F) ii-ok); (H) 113V8; (K) Richard Hopkins. Lot 50. (A) Mch. 25, 1762; (B) John Sheckells; (C) 60; (D) Lessee; (E) 3-0-0; (F) 6-0-0; (H) 62; (K) John Sheckells. Lot 51. (A) Mch. 25, 1757; (B) Jn°. Cheney, Son of Jn°.; (C) 100; (D) Mary Cheney; (E) 5-. 1742; (B) Allen Davis; (C) 273; (D) Robert Glading; (E) 1-7-4; (F) 5-9-4; Fines due 5-9-4; (L) Allen Davis, Jonathan Davis & James Davis; (M) Allen 65, Jonathan 40, James 24. Vide Date of Lease for James' Age, taken from Counterpart, Northern P . 43. (A) Oct'. 20, 1749; (B) John Wheatley; (C) 206; (D) John Wheatley; (E) -lO-o; (F) i-o-o; (L) John Wheatley, Middleton Smith & Elias Smith; (M) John 51, Middleton 26, Elias 24. N. B. Leas'd for 100 acres. 28 MARYLAND RECORDS— CHARLES CO.— PANGAL'\H 44. (A) Aug'. 20, 1745; (B) AlHce Walls; (C) 181; (D) Henry Lyon, Jun^; (E) 0-18-0; (F) 3-12-0; Fines due, 10-16-0; (L) Allice Walls, Joseph Walls «& Alonaca Walls; (]M) Allice 80, Joseph 40, Monaca 35- (C) Total 7149 acres. State of His Lordships Manor of Pangaiah in Charles County, January, 1768 3. (C) 16V2, Vacancy. 5. (C) 13, Ditto. 12. (C) 3V2, Ditto. 17. (C) 44V2, Ditto. 20. (C) 77V2, Ditto. 24. (C) 40V2, Ditto; 30. (C) 3V2, Ditto; 37. (C) 10, Ditto. 39. (C) 2V2, Ditto. 42. (C) 16, Ditto. 46. (C) 10, Ditto. 48. (C) 16, Ditto. 51. (C) 251/4, Ditto. 59. (C) 9, Ditto. 62. (C) 35'/2, Vacancy. 25. (A) March 25, 1744; (B) Alexander McPherson; (C) 72V4; (D) Henry McPherson; (E) 0-8-0; (F) 1-12-0; (L) Mack McPherson & Priscilla McPherson; (M) Mack 45, Priscilla 25. 29. (A) May i, 1763; (B) William Clements; (C) 5V4; (D) William Clements. 33. (A) Octo^ 21, 1706; (B) Benj. Adams; (C) 14; (D) Thomas Adams; (E) 0-10-5; (F) 4-2-0; (L) Lodowick Adams ; (M) Lodowick 63 Dead, Con^ 137 acres — 123 acres of this Land lies without the Manor. 34. (A) Sep^ 2''. 1743; (B) Joseph Gainer; (C) 26V2; (D) Joseph Gainer; (E) 0-4-4; (F) 1-15-2; (L) W". Gainer, Joseph Gainer, Jun^ & John Gainer; (M) Will". 40, Jos. 31, John 28. Leas'*, for 44 acres the rest without the Manor. 36. (A) Dec. 17"'. 1762; (B) George Clements; (C) 23V4; (D) George Clements; (E) 0-5-2; (F) 0-5-2; (L) 16 years. 38. (A) June i»S 1758; (B) William Clements; (C) 70; (D) William Clements; (E) 0-14-8; (F) 1-9-4; (L) 3 Lives, Edw"*., William & Eleanor Clements, Children of Lessee, quere their Ages, all Living. 41. (A) Decem'. lo"", 1743; (B) William Clements; (C) 127V2; (D) George & Eliz*". Clements; (E) 0-15-11; (F) 3-3-8; (L) Oswell Clements, B. Hanson Clements & Ed"*. Clements; (M) Oswell 39, Hanson 36, Edward 26. 43. (A) Dec. 25, 1743; (B) Tho^ Mathew Sanders; (C) 196; (D) Dan Jenifer & B. H. Clements; (E) 1-0-6; (F) 4-2-0; (L) Tho». Mathew Sanders, Hen". Sanders & Sarah Sanders; (M) Tho^ 26, Henrietta 30, Sarah 46. 44. (A) Dec^ 25, 1743; (B) William McPherson ; (C) 22; (D) William McPherson; (E) 0-2-1 1; (F) 0-II-8; (L) Thomas McPherson, Dan'. McPherson, Henry McPherson; (M) Tho'. 40, Henry 31, Dan'. 38. STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 29 47. (A) Dec\ 25, 1743; (B) Edmund Maggottee; (C) 114; (D) Thomas Maggottee; (E) 0-11-4; (F) 2-5-4; (L) George Clements; (M) George 37. 49. (A) Jan>-. 15, 1714; (B) Anthony Neale; (C) 256V2; (D) Elizabeth Clements; (E) i-o-o; (F) 8-0-0; (L) Bennett Neale; (AI) Bennett 54 Dead. 58. (A) June i^S 1758; (B) Francis Clements; (C) 29V4; (D) Elizabeth Clements; (E) 0-7-6; (F) 0-15-0; (L) Thomas Clements & Henry Clements; (AI) Thomas 22, Henry 19. 60. (A) Aug*. 30, 1765; (B) John & Tho^ Alaggotte; (C) 104; (D) Mary Alaggotte; (E) 1-6-2; (F) 1-6-10; (L) 18V2 yrs. 61. (A) Aug'. 30, 1765; (B) Ann & Abed°. Alaggottee; (C) 59V2; (D) Ann Alaggottee; (E) 0-13-2; (F) 0-13-2; (L) 18V2 yrs. 63. (C) 6; (D) Vacancy, Thos. Alaggottee [different handwriting^; (E) 0-0-4. State of His Lordships Manor of Zachaiah in Charles County, February, 1768 1. (A) Decem^ 2$^^, 1741; (B) William Simms; (C) 92V2; (D) \\>. Simms; (E) 1-0-8; (F) 4-2-8; (L) William Simms, Sarah Simms, David Osborn; (AI) William 60, Sarah 30, David 36. 2. (A) Decem^ 25, 1753; (B) William Simms; (C) 42V'4; (D) W". Simms; (E) 0-6-8; (F) 1-6-8; (L) William Simms, Sarah Simms & Walter Kerrick; William 60, Sarah 30, Walter 16. 3. (A) July I7'\ 1763; (B) William Simms; (C) 16V2; (D) W-. Simms; (E) 0-4-9; (F) 0-4-9; (L) 16^/2 yrs. 4. (A) June i^S 1758; (B) James Keech; (C) 91; (D) James Keech; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) James Keech, John Keech & John Smith Keech; (M) James 58, John 32, John Smith 10. 5. (A) Jan^ l-\ 1753; (B) Paul Howell; (C) 40; (D) Paul Howell; (E) 0-4-0; (F) 0-18-0; (L) Paul Howell, Samuel Howell & Sarah Howell; (AI) Paul 43, Samuel 15, Sarah 20. 6. (A) Novem^ i, 1755; (B) William Aloreland; (C) 113; (D) W^. Moreland; (E) 1-9-0; (F) 2-18-0; (L) WilHam Moreland & Jacob Moreland; (AI) W-°. 50, Jacob 18. 7- (C) 1333; Patent Granted out of the Alanor July io">. 1705. Called His Lordships Favor. 8. (A) July io»\ 1740; (B) Alichael Hines Roby; (C) 70; (D) Tho'. Owens & EHz: Roby; (E) 0-6-0; (F) 1-4-0; Fines due, 1-4-0; (L) Tho^ Roby, John Taylor Roby & Hines Roby; (AI) Thomas 37, John 35, Hines 33. 30 MARYLAND RECORDS— CHARLES CO.— ZACHAIAH 9- (C) 753; Patent Land calld. Baltimores Bounty. 10. (A) Decem^ 25'\ 1743; (B) Samuel Roby; (C) 54; (D) Sam'. Roby; (E) 0-6-0; (F) 1-4-0; (L) Samuel Roby & Berry Roby; (M) Samuel 59, Berry 26. 11. (A) May 3-^, 1728; (B) Peter Roby; (C) 86V4; (D) o-io-o; (E) 4-0-0; (L) John Roby & John Henly; (M) John 43, John Henly 40. 12. (A) July 25, 1750; (B) William Roby; (C) 84V2; (D) W». Roby; (E) 0-15-0; (F) 3-0-0; (L) William Roby, Mary Roby & Ann Roby; (M) W". 52, May 49, Ann 25. 13- (A) June 23'', 1762; (B) John Roby Jun^ (C) 42; (D) Thomas Luckett; (E) 0-8-4; (F) 0-8-4; Fines due, 0-8-4; (L) 15 years & 4 months. 14. (A) June 29'\ 1728; (B) Michael Hines Roby; (C) 123V4; (D) Tho'. Owens & Eliz: Roby; (E) 0-12-0; (F) 4-16-0; Fines due, 2-8-0; (L) I Life Sarah Roby; (M) Sarah 40. 15. (A) July 5'\ 1764; (B) Thomas Owen; (C) 97V4; (D) Thomas Owen; (E) 0-16-2; (F) 0-16-2; (L) 17 V2 years. 16. (A) July 6'\ 1739; (B) JohnMoreland[Mouland?]; (C) 50V2; (D) Paul Howell; (E) 0-5-0; (F) i-o-o; (L) Patrick Moreland & John Moreland Jun'. ; (M) Patrick 34, John 32. 17. (C) 12; Vacancy. 18. (A) Aug'. 25'\ 1745; (B) Tho^ &W". "M-^Daniel"; (C) 208; (D) Smith Middleton & others; (E) 1-1-7; (F) 4-6-4; (L) William "M<^daniel" & Esther "M'^daniel"; (M) William 39, Esther 36. 19. (A) Jan^ 25'h, 1753; (B) Ditto; (C) 38V2; (D) Ditto; (E) 0-4-2; (F) 0-4-2; (L) W-°. M^daniel, Drusila M"daniel & Allen M-^daniel; (M) W"°. 39, Drusila 17, Allen 16. 20. (A) June i»', 1758; (B) William Moreland; (C) 19; (D) W". Moreland; (E) 0-4-0; (F) 0-8-0; (L) W". Moreland, Walter Moreland & Jacob Moreland; (M) W". 50, Walter 20, Jacob 18. 21. (A) July 3^ 1764; (B) Smith Middleton; (C) 19; (D) Smith Middleton; (E) 0-4-1 ; (F) 0-4-1 ; (L) 17V2 yrs. 22. (A) Novem^ 30, 1714; (B) John Pigeon; (C) 92V4; (D) Mary Pigeon; (E) 0-11-7; (F) 4-12-9; (L) John Vincent, William Perkins; (M) John 60, W™. 55. 23. (A) May 3^ 1728; (B) Benjamin Roby; (C) W". Roby; (D) 0-9-4; (E) 3-15-0; (L) William Roby; (M) William 68. 24. (C) 59; Vacancy. 25. (A) Aug'. 20"', 1745; (B) Benjamin Downs; (C) 94; (D) John Nally Roby; (E) 0-9-6; (F) 1-18-0; (L) Benjamin Downs & Mary Downs; (M) Benjamin 54, Mary 52. 26. (A) July lo"", 1740; (B) Benjamin Downs; (C) loi ; (D) John STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 31 Nally Roby; (E) o-io-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) Benj'^. Downs, Mary Downs & John Griffin; (M) Benj». 54, Mary 52, John 30. 27. (A) Oct'. 23^ 1747; (B) WilHam Roby, Sen^ (C) 6; (D) William Roby; (E) i-o-o; (F) 4-0-0; (L) W"". Roby & Pryor Smallwood Roby; (M) William 34, Pryor 30. 28. (C) 615V2; Vacancy, 30. Vacancy, 32. (C) 76; Vacancy. 29. (A) Decem^ 21=', 1748; (B) Thomas Owen; (C) 81^4; (D) Thomas Owen; (E) 0-8-0; (F) 1-12-0; (L) Thomas Owen, Owen Roby & Tho^ Kenedy; (M) Thomas 44, Owen 22, Thomas Kennedy 25. 31. (A) Decem^ 25, 1753; (B) Thomas Owen; (C) 123V4; (D) Thomas Owen; (E) 0-12-9; (F)2-ii-o; (L) Thomas Owen & Joseph Owen; (M) Thomas 44, Joseph 15. 33. (A) Decem'. 25, 1741; (C) 12V4; (D) John Loveless; (E) 0-1-2; (F) 0-4-8; (L) Sam ^ Lovelass & Luke Lovelass; (M) Sam'. 36, Luke 32. 34. (A) Dec. 25, 1750; (B) Philip Key; (C) 290; (D) PhiUp Key; (E) l-io-o; (F) 6-0-0; (L) Francis Key; Francis 40 Dead. 35. (C) 2144; Patent Land called Jourden Tract Granted 1695. 36. (A) Decem^ 11"', 1751; (B) Thomas & Edw"*. M'=danniel; (C) 132; (D) Thomas Darnall; (E) 0-14-10; (F) 2-19-4; (L) Thomas Darnall & Sarah Darnall; (M) Thomas 54, Sarah 54. 37. (A) April 8'\ 1762; (B) Thomas Owens; (C) 12V4; (D) Tho'. Owens; (E) 0-2-7; (F) 0-2-7; (L) 15 yrs. 38. (A) Decem^ 25, 1721; (B) John Lovelass; (C) 59V2; (D) John Lovelass; (E) 0-6-4; (F) 2-1 1-6; (L) John Lovelass; (M) John 70. 39. (A) Sept^ 2'^, 1765; (B) Thomas Arvin; (C) 15; (D) Tho'. Arvin; (E)-3-ioV2; (F)o-3-ioV2; (L) 18V2 yrs. 40. (A) Aug'. 20"', 1745; (B) John- Lovelass; (C) 78; (D) John Love- lass; (E) 0-9-0; (F) 1-16-0; (L) Samuel Lovelass & Luke Lovelass ; (M) Samuel 36, Luke 32. 41. (A) June29'\ 1728; (B) Ralph Roby; (0)1041/2; (D) Ralph Roby; (E) o-io-o; (F) 4-0-0; (L) Ralph Roby & Sarah Roby; (M) Ralph 60, Sarah 45. 42. (A) April 27"', 1727; (B) Edward Darnall; (C) 113; (D) Thomas Darnall; (E) 0-11-3; (F) 4-10-0; (L) Thomas Darnall; (M) Tho^ 54. 43. (A) Oct^ i^S 1740; (B) George Askin; (C) 13; (D) Hezekiah Rieves; (E) 0-1-3; (L) Rebecca Asken & John Asken ; (M) Rebecca 50, John 40. 44. (A) Decem^ 25, 1749; (B) Elizabeth Askin ; (C) 80; (D) Hezekiah Rieves; (E) 0-8-3; (F) 1-12-0; (L) Andra Askin ; (M) Andra 26. 45- (C) 76; Vacancy (Suppose"*). 46. (A) Decem^ 25, 1739; (B) James Middleton; (C) 69V2; (D) James Middleton; (E) o-io-o; (F) 2-0-0; Smith Middleton, Ja^ Middleton & 32 MARYLAND RECORDS— CHARLES CO.— ZACHAIAH Ig=. IMiddleton; (M) Smith (44), James 41, Ignatius 26. N. B. Ig^ must be more. 47. (A) Decem'. 25, 1728; (B) George Askin; (C) 79V4; (D) Hezekiah Reeves; (E) 0-7-6; (F) 3-0-0; (L) John Askin & Rebecca Askin; (M) John 40, Rebecca 50. 48. (A) May3^ 1763; (B) Richard Vincent; (C) 12; (D) 0-3-9; (E) 0-3-9; (L) i6V4yrs. 49. (A) Novm'. 8'\ 1739; (B) Philip Moreland; (C) 49V2 *& 122; (D) Philip Moreland; (E) 0-4-4 & o-io-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) Philip Moreland & John Moreland; (M) Philip 64, John 32. 50. (C) 60, Vacancy. 51. Totals Brought Over (C) 8272 V4; (E) £20-12-872; Fines due 4-0-4. 52. (A) Decem^ 11*^, 1751; (B) John Hindly; (C) 67V4; (D) James More; (E) 0-7-9; (F) i-ii-o; (L) John Hindly, Ruth Hindly & John Hindly, Jun^, (M) John 40, Ruth 40, John Hindly Jun^ 18. 53. (A) June 1=*, 1758; (B) Thomas Cawood; (C) 40; (D) Thomas Cawood; (E) 1-2-0; (F) 2-3-4; (L) Stephen Cawood & Mary Cawood; (M) Stephen 18, Mary 20. 54. (A) Jan^ i^\ 1754; (B) Edward Darnall; (C) 48; (D) Thomas Boarman; (E) 0-7-0; (F) 1-8-0; Fines due, 1-8-0; (L) Pricilla Darnall & Lizzie Darnall; (M) Pricilla 32, Lizzie 16. 55. (A) May i^\ 1758; (B) John Vincent; (C) 96V2; (D) James Marshall; (E) 0-11-9; (F) 2-7-0; (L) John Pidgion Vincent, Philip Vincent & Joanna Vincent, quere their ages & which are alive. 56. (A) Decem^ 25, 1746; (B) John Aloreland; (C) 76; (D) John Moreland; (E) 0-7-7; (F) 1-10-4; (L) Zachariah Moreland <& Zephaniah Moreland; (M) Zachariah 25, Zephaniah 23. 57- (C) 91, Vacancy. 58. (A) Decem^ 25"', 1746; (B) Andrew Cambrun; (C) 125; (D) Tho°. Wedding & John Moreland; (E) 0-15-6; (F) 3-2-0; Fines due, 7-15-0; (L) John Smith More, James More & Hezekiah More; (M) John 40, James 36, Hezekiah 24. Vacancies; 59- (C) 39V2; 60. (C) 76; 62. (C) 48; 63. (C) 53'/2; 66. (C) 30; 68. (C) 51V4 & Sundry Vacancies (C) 13174- 61. (A) March 25'^ 1742; (B) William Ogden; (C) 89; (D) Edward Jenkins; (E) 0-10-5; (F) 2-1-0; Fines due, 1-0-8; (L) Hen\ Jenkins, Edw"*. Jenkins & Sarah Jenkins; (M) Henrietta 35, Edward 32, Sarah 30. 64. (A) Decem'. 26'\ 1746; (B) Edward Jenkins; (C) 54 V2; (D) Edward Jenkins; (E) 0-5-8; (F) 1-2-8; (L) Edw''. Jenkins, Sarah Jenkins, & John Boon; (M) Edward 32, Sarah 30, John 36. 65. (A) April 27»>>, 1753; (B) John Moor; (C) 43 V2; (D) James Marshall; (E) 0-5-8; (F) 1-2-8; (L) James Moor, Hezekiah Moor & John Moor. STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 33 67. (A) Decern'. 25'S 1746; (B) John Baggott; (C) 78; (D) John Baggott; (E) 0-8-6; (F) 1-14-0; (L) John Baggott, John Bowling Baggott & Sam: Baggott; (M) John 67, John BowHng 32, Samuel 27. 69. (A) Decem'. 25, 1749; (B) Thomas Speake; (C) 40V2; (D) Thomas Speake; (E) 0-9-0; (F) 1-16-0; (L) Jane Speake & John Speake; (M) Jane 54, John 35. 70. (A) Decem^ s"-, 1737; (B) John Vincent; (C) 86; (D) James Marshall; (E) 0-8-7; (F) 1-14-4; (L) John Vincent, Elizabeth Vincent & Rich"^. Vincent, quere their Ages & which are alive. Totals: (0)9637; (E) 26-1 2-1 V2; Fines due, 14-4-0. DORCHESTER COUNTY State of His Lordships Manor of Nanticoke in Dorchester County, November, 1767 I. (A) June I2'h, 1747; (B) Henry Hooper, Son of CoK; (C) 187; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-18-9; (L) Lessee & Ann his Wife; (M) Lessee 40, his Wife 38. Improved agreeable to Lease. Good Land. H. (A) June 12, 1747; (B) Henry Hooper, Son of Col°.; (C) 170; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-17-0; (L) Ditto; (M) Ditto. Some improvements & soil. HL (A) June 7, 1757; (B) Joshua Edmondson; (C) 168^4; (D) Lessee; (E) 1-13-10; (L) 21 years; Improved agreeable to Lease. Tollerable good low swampy land. IV. (A) Julys, 1760; (B) Mary Jones; (C)3i; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-6-3; (L) 21 yrs. Low swamp. V. (A) February s"-, 1760; (B) Elizabeth Foster; (C) 80; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-16-0; (L) 21 yrs. Improved agreeable to Lease. Tollerable good low Lands. VI. (A) February 5"", 1760; (B) James Jones, Jun^; (C) 54; (D) Lessee; (E) o-io-io; (L) 21 yrs. Chiefly low Swamp. VII. (A) Aug. 17, 1760; (B) Daniel Jones, Jun^; (C) 92; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-18-6^4; (L) 21 yrs. Tollerable good Land. VIII. (A) Apr. 25'\ 1760; (B) Henry Hooper; (C) 14; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-2-1 1 ; (L) 21 yrs. Marsh, Water & Strand point. IX. (A) Apr. 16, 1761; (B) Ditto; (C) 138V4; (D) Ditto; (E) 1-8-2; (L) 21 yrs. Good Swamp. X. (A) Apr. 18, 1761; (B) Ditto; (C) 158; (D) Ditto; (E) 1-11-7; (L) 21 yrs. Poor Swamp. XL (A) Apr. 18, 1 76 1- (B) William Jones; (C) 53V4; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-10-9; (L) 21 yrs. Good low Land. XII. (A) Apr. 17, 1 761; (B) John Wheeler; (C) 207; (D) Lessee; (E) 2-1-5; (L) 21 yrs. Improved agreeable to Lease. Chiefly broken poor Swamp. XIII. (A) Apr. 21,1761; (B) Gilbert Hufi^ngton; (C)46V2; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-9-4 V2; (L) 21 yrs. A Marsh. XIV. (A) Aug. 24'\ 1762; (B) William Smith; (C) 174; (D) Lessee; (E) 1-14-9V4; (L) 21 yrs. Improved agreeable to Lease. Part good Land & part low Swamp. XV. (A) Ditto; (B) Ditto; (C) 46V2; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-9-4; (U 21 yrs. A Marsh. 38 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER CO.— NANTICOKE XVI. (A) Feb. y^N 1762; (B) William Jones; (C) 77; (D) Lessee; (E) o~l5'~5; (L) 21 yrs. Good Swamp. XVIL (A) April I3t\ 1762; (B) John Pike; (C) 91; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-18-1V2; (L) 21 yrs. Broken Land with small Ridges. XVHL (A)Oct. 29'\ 1762; (B) Alexander Lang; (C) 150; (D) Lessee: (E) i-io-o; (L) 21 yrs. Broken Swamp. XIX. (A) Aug. 25"", 1762; (B) James Jones; (C) 100; (D) Lessee; (E) i-o-o; (L) 21 yrs. Poor Swamp chiefly over the Manor Line. XX. (A) June 25'\ 1762; (B) John Charles Craft; (C) 50; (D) Lessee; (E) o-io-o; (L) 21 yrs. Deep Swamp without Improvement. XXI. (A) May I2'\ 1763; (B) William Jones; (C) 25; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-5-0; (L) 21 yrs. All Marsh. XXII. (A) May ii'N 1763; (B) Michael Holland; (C) 176; (D) Lessee; (L) 21 yrs. Broken Swamp some of which is very low. XXIII. (A) May 12, 1763; (B) Alexander Lang; (C) 30; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-6-0; (L) 21 yrs. Poor Marsh. XXIV. (A) June 12, 1763; (B) Levin Charlescraft; (C) 50; (D) Lessee; (E) o-io-o; (L) 21 yrs. Very poor white Clay Swamp. XXV. (A) May I4'N 1764; (B) Joshua Edmondson; (C) 261V2; (D) Lessee; (E) 2-12-3; (L) Lessee. Improved as per Lease. Great part is low Swamp. XXVI. (A) Ditto; (B) Zacharias Campbell & Co. (C) 3V2; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-0-8; (L) 21 yrs. Improved as per Lease. XXVII. (A) Sept. 29'\ 1764; (B) Levin Bistpitch; (C) 103; (D) Lessee; (E) 1-0-7; (L) 21 yrs. Tollerable good low Land. XXVI II. (A) Ditto; (B) John Bistpitch; (C) 288; (D) Lessee; (E) 2-17-7; (L) 21 yrs. Tollerable good low Land. XXIX. (A) April I5'S 1766; (B) Jonathan Charlescroft ; (C) 49; (D) Lessee; (E) o-io-o; (L) 21 yrs. Poor white Clay Swamp. XXX. (A) Ditto; (B) William Wheland; (C) 208; (D) Lessee; (E) 2-1-7; (L) 21 yrs. Improved as per Lease. Chiefly good low Land. XXXI. (A) May 20'\ 1762; (B) Charles Muir; (C) 432; (D) Lessee; (E) 3-12-0. Improved as per Lease. Lease not Executed per Cert. 360 a. Chiefly poor white Clay Swamp. XXXII. (C) 50; (D) Edward White; (E) -lo-o. Part good high Land & part Marsh, held per Cert^ XXXIII. (C) 25; (D) John Charlescraft; (E) 0-5-0. All marsh, held p. Cert^ XXXIV. (A) Dec. ii*\ 1733; (B) Tranus Money; (C) 195; (D) Gilbert Huffington; (L) Life of John "Hodson" son of John "Hudson" Qtiartus, aged 45. N. B. Gov'. & Agent granted this Lease clear of Rent. ToUerably good low Land. STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 39 XXXV. (C) 200; (D) John Leatherbenl^ held by Certificate. N. B, Leatherberry is pray^. Pattent. Tollerably good Land. Total Annual Rent £35-8-1 1V4. No. A. (C) 66, Vacancy Joining No VIII »S: Nanticoke River. B. (C) 42, ditto do No III & Manor Line. C. (C) 223, ditto do Nanticoke River. D. (C) 12, ditto do No V & X. E. (C) 63, ditto do No XVIII & Manor Line. F. (C) 43, ditto do No XIV & XXXIV. G. (C) 238, ditto do Manor Line, XVII, XIX, XX, XXXI & XXXIV. H. (C) 126, ditto do Manor Line, XXII, XXVII & XXVIII. I. (C) 380, ditto do Nanticoke River, XXXI & XXXV. K. (C) 71, ditto do Manor Line, XXVII & XXVIII. Total acres 544974- N. B. The whole Manor is much Pillaged of Timber. "State of His Lordship's Mannor of Gunpowder March, 1767. This Manor Certificate Dated Maie" . Piatt I. (A) September 30"^, 1736; (B) George Elliott; (C) 100; (D) John Chamberlain; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) Ann Elliot & Susanna Westwood; (M) Ann about 75, Susana. ab°. 45. Piatt 2, 3, 4. (A) January io'\ 1745; (B) Jacob Wright; (C) 157; (D) Sarah Wright; (E) 1-11-45/4; (F) 3-2-9V2; (L) Ezekiel Wright & Solomon Watkins; (]\I) Ezekiel ab". 39, Solomon ab°. 40. 5. (C) 143; (D) John Chamberiain; (E) 1-8-7V4; (M) held by a Certificate July 29"", 1762. 6. (A) January 14*'', 1743; (B) John Chamberlain; (C) 106; (D) John Chamberlain; (E) i-i-i ; (F) 2-2-2; (L) Tho^ Chamberlain, Eliz. Chamberlain & Mary Chamberlain; (M) Thomas 25, Eliz: 26, Mary 20 — Vide Date of the Lease. 7. (A) January 24, 1756; (B) Joseph Frost; (C) 100; (D) Mary Frost; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) Twenty one years. 8. (A) March 2^, 1737; (B) Thomas Gittings; (C) 153; (D) James Gittings; (E) i-io-o; (F) 3-0-0; (L) Susanna Gittings, Tho'. Gittings & James Gittings; (M) Susanna 39, Thomas 36, James 31. 9. (A) January i, 1738; (B) Thomas Gittings; (C) 108; (D) Ja'. Gittings & John Chamberlain; (E) 1-1-7V2; (F) 2-3-3; (Fines due) i-ii- 40 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY 2; (L) Thomas Gittings, James Gittings & Azael Gittings; (M) Tho». 36, James 31, Azael 28. Vide Date of Lease. Fine due or . ID. (A) March 7, 1721 (B) Thomas Gittings (C) 155; (D) John Cham- berlaine; (E) 2-5-0; (F) lO-o-o; (L) Margaret Chamberlaine Daughter of Tho'. Gittings; (M) Margaret Chamberlaine 47. (A) March 7, 1755; (B) Thomas Gittings, New Lease; (C) 295; (D) James Gittings; (E) 3-5-0; (F) 6-10; (L) Ja=. Gittings, Azael Gittings & Tho'. Son of Tho". Gittings; (M) James 31, Azael 28, Thomas 14. In this Lease is included the Lea . 11. (C) 80; (D) James Gittings; (E) 0-16-0; (M) held by Certificate. 12. (A) December 28, 1728; (B) John Diggs; (C) 150; (D) James Moore; (E) 0-15-0; (F) 6-0-0; (L) Philip Diggs, Edward Diggs & William Diggs; (M) Philip 50, Edward 48, William 46, pays 2 Capons. 13. (C) 120; (D) John Miller; (E) 1-4-0; (M) held by Certificate. 14. (A) February 25, 1742; (B) Charles Baker; (C) 115; (D) Charles Baker; (E) 1-3-0; (F) 2-6-0; (L) Charles Baker & Charles Baker his Son; (M) Charles Sen^ 63, Charles Jun^ 26. 15. (A) March 20, 1720; (B) William Deason; (C) 100; (D) Charles Baker; (E) o-io-o; (F) 4-0-0; (L) Sam'. Deason, W". Deason Jun'. & John Deason; (M) Saml. 63, W". 60, John 58. Gone to Virg". ab°. 15 years ago. 16. (C) 33; (D) Charles Baker; (E) 0-6-7V2; (M) held by Certificate. 17. (A) August 29, 1761; (B) John James; (C) 73; (D) John James; (E) 0-14-7; (F) 1-9-2; (L) Twenty One years. 18. (C) 100; (D) Michael Jenkins; (E) i-o-o; (M) held by Cirtificate. 19. (A) February 25, 1742; (B) William Standeford; (C) 220; (D) William Standeford; (E) 2-4-0; (F) 4-8-0; (L) William Standeford & Anila Standeford; (M) William 58, Aquila 25. 20. (A) Septem^ 30, 1736; (B) Darby Hernley; (C) 100; (D) Michael Jenkins; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (Fines due) 2-0-0; (L) Mary Hernley, Darby Hernley & Edmund Hernley; (M) Mary 40, Darby 35, Edmund 33, all gone to Carolina 4 y . 21. (A) March 20, 1720; (B) John Fuller; (C) 120; (D) Michael Jenkins; (E) 0-12-0; (F) 4-0-0; (Fines due) 4-0-0; (L) Henry Fuller, Nehemiah Fuller; (M) Henry 50, Nehemiah 48, pays 2 Capons. Gone to Carolina. 22. (A) January i, 1738; (B) Thomas Gittings; (C) 98; (D) Thomas Gittings; (E) 0-19-7V2; (F) 1-19-3; (L) Tho'. Gittings, James Gittings & Azael Gittings; (M) Thomas 36, James 31, Azael 28. Vide Date of Lease. 23. (A) April 15, 1749; (B) James Moore, Jun^; (C) 200; (D) Geo. Hunter & Ja^ Gittings; (E) 2-0-0; (F) 4-0-0; (L) James Moore, Rezin Moore & Mary Moore; (M) James 46, Rezin 22, Mary 24. STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 41 24. (A) Septem'. 29, 1756; (B) James Moore; (C) 200; (D) George Hunter & Ja'. Gittings; (E) 2-0-0; (F) 4-0-0; (L) Rezin Moore, Ja». Frances Moore & Nicholas Ruxton Moore; (M) Rezin 22, Ja'. Francis 15, Nic^ Ruxton 12. 25- (A) January 29, 1762; (B) Rezin Moore; (C) 125; (D) George Hunter; (E) 1-5-0; (F) 2-10-0; (L) Twenty one years. . 26. (A) December 15, 1742; (B) James Demmit; (C) 200; (D) Arthur Croskery; (E) 2-0-0; (F) 4-0-0; (Fines due) 4-0-0; (L) Ja=. Demmit, Athaliah Demmit & EHz: Demmit; (M) James 60, AthaHah 29, Eliz: 27. Gone to Carolina, ab°. i year. 27. (A) March 20, 1720; (B) William Demmit; (C) 100; (D) James Demmit; (E) o-io-o; (F) 4-0-0; (L) James 60, William 56. Pay 2 Capons. Ja'. gone to Carolina. 28. (A) March 7, 1755; (B) Tho». Gittings; (C) 50; (D) James Gittings; (E) o-io-o; (F) i-o-o; (L) James Gittings, Azael Gittings, & Tho^ Son of Tho=. Gittings; (M) James 31, Azael 28, Thomas 14. 29. (C) 166; (D) James Demmitt; (E) 1-13-2V2; (M) held by Cer- tificate April 10, 1755. 30. (A) Sept. II, 1728; (B) Darby Hernley; (C) 100; (D) Joseph Lewis; (E) o-io-o; (F) 4-0-0; (Fines due) 4-0-0; (L) Darby Hernley, Ann Hernley, Mary Hernley; (M) Darby 63, Mary 40, Ann 42. "Quere all gone to Carolina." 31. (C) 156; (D) Joseph Lewis; (E) 1-11-2V2; (M) held by Certificate March 25"", 1761. 32. (C) 14; (D) Arthur Croskery; (E) 0-2-10V4; (M) held by Cer- tificate Sep'. 29, 1762. 33. (A) Jan. I, 1738; (B) Tho=. Gittings; (C) 36; (D) Ja^ Gittings & John Chamberlaine; (E) 0-7-2V2; (F) 0-14-5; (L) Tho». Gittings, James Gittings, Azael Gittings; (M) Tho^ 36, James 31, Azael 28. Vide Date of Lease, same Land as No. 3 . 34. (A) Jan. I, 1738 record duplicates Piatt 33 ; (L) "same lives." 35- (C) 76; (D) WiUiam Sandeford; (E) 0-15-2V2; (M) held by Cer- tificate Feb. 25, 1754. This & No. 19 are the same Land & make together 2 . 36. (C) 22; (D) Benjamin Guiton; (E) 0-4-4V4; (M) held by Cer- tificate. 37. (A) July 7, 1743; (B) Abraham Enlows; (C) 41; (D) Robert Cummings; (E) 1-8-2; (F) 2-16-6; (L) Mary Enlows & Benj^ Enlows; (M) Mary 56, Benj\ 28. 38. (C) 143; (D) Edward Bussey; (E) 1-8-7V4; (M) held by Certifi- cate. 42 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY 39- (C) 15V4; (D) Jeremiah Chance; (E) 0-2-V2; (M) held by Certifi- cate. 40. (C) 140; (D) William Bryan; (E) 1-8-0; (M) held by Certificate, Dec. 15, 1750. 41. (C) 52; (D) Abraham Bryan; (E) 0-10-4V4; (M) held by Ditto Aug. 30, 1762. 42. (A) May 10, 1748; (B) Abraham Ditto; (C) 100; (D) Abraham Ditto; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-a-o; (L) Abraham Ditto, Mary Ditto & Diana Ditto; (M) Abraham 50, Mary 45, Diana 27. 43. (A) Dec. 17, 1742; (B) John Legett; (C) 125; (D) Thomas Butler; (E) 1-5-0; (F) 2-10-0; (Fines due) 2-10-0; (L) John Legett; (M) John Legett 56. 44. (C) 13; (D) Samuel Watkins; (E) 0-2-7V4; (M) held by Certifi- cate Aug. 16, 1762. 45. (C) 152; (D) Samuel Watkins; (E) 1-10-4V4; (M) held by Certifi- cate May 21, 1750. 46. (C) 100; (D) Colding Coombs; (E) i-o-o; (M) held by Certificate June 20, 1753. 47. (A) Sept. 29, 1748; (B) Cornelius Lynch; (C) 120; (D) Cornelius Lynch; (E) 1-4-0; (F) 2-4-0; (L) Winifred Lynch, Catharine Lynch & Hugh Brady; (M) Winifred 26 [?], Catharine 22, Hugh Brady 24. 48. (A) May 28, 1761; (B) Cornelius Lynch; (C) 140; (D) Cornelius Lynch; (E) 1-8-0; (F) 2-16-0; (L) Twenty one years. 49. (A) Dec. 16, 1742; (B) William Dimmit; (C) 200; (D) Benjamin Guiton; (E) 2-0-0; (F) 4-0-0; (L) William Dimmit, James Dimmit & W". Dimmit, Jun'. ; (M) William 56, James 50, William, Jun^ 26. 50. (A) Nov. 10, 1733; (B) Abraham Enlows; (C) 100; (D) Robert Cummings; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (Fines due) 2-0-0; (L) Mary Enlows & Benjamin Enlows; (M) Mary 55, Benj. 28. 51. (A) May 30, 1744; (B) "Edward Busey"; (C) 100; (D) "Edward Bussey"; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) Jessie Bussie& Thomas Bussey; (M) Jessie 29, Thomas 24. 52. (C) 116; (D) Thomas Atkinson; (E) 1-3-2V2; (M) held by Certificate April 30, 1753. 53. (A) March 25, 1742; (B) William Coal; (C) 100; (D) Edward Rose; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (Unpaid fines) 2-0-0; (L) William Coal, Mary Coal & Broad Coal; (M) William 45, Mary 43, Broad 34. 54. (A) July 7, 1748; (B) Peter Mallanee; (C) 100; (D) Abraham Wright; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) John Mallanee; (M) John Mallanee 30. 55. (A) Dec. 25, 1743; (B) John Lawson; (C) 152; (D) Jeremiah Chanee; (E) 1-10-272; (F) 3-0-5; (L) John Lawson, Ann Lawson & Eliz: Lawson; (M) John 42, Ann 28, Eliz: 27. STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 43 56. (A) Sept. 22, 1761; (B) Jeremiah Chanee; (C) 18; (D) Jeremiah Chanee ; (E) 0-3-7 ; (F) 0-7-2 ; (L) Twenty one years. 57. (C) 104; (D) James ElHot; (E) 1-0-9V2; (M) held by Certificate March 31, 1746. 58. (A) March 2^ 1737; (B) Robert Gott; (C) 100; (D) Mary Gudgeons; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) Richard Gott & EHzabeth Gott; (M) Richard 31, EHz: 42. 59. (C) 44; (D) Abraham Wright; (E) 0-8-9V2; (M) held by Cirtifi- cate, 60. (A) March 2'*, 1737; (B) Richard Cox; (C) 100; (D) Henry MCastHn; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (Unpaid fines) 6-0-0; (L) Ann Cox & Elizabeth Cox; (M) Ann 55, Eliz: 33, remov*. from Virg". to S". Carolina ab". 3 years. 61. (A) Sept. 9, 1761; (B) Groombright Bailey; (C) 175; (D) Groom- bright Bailey; (E) 1-15-0; (F) 3-10-0; (L) Twenty one years. 62. (A) March 7'\ 1746; (B) William Wilson; (C) 240; (D) John & Benjamin Thidd Wilson; (E) 2-8-0; (F) 4-16-0; (L) John Wilson & Benjamin Thidd Wilson; (M) John 46, Benjamin 36. 63. (A) January 12, 1746; (B) Richard Harriot; (C) 100; (D) Richard Harriot; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) Richard Harriot, Ann Harriot & Mary Harriot; (M) Richard 60, Ann 28, Mary 26. 64. (C) 72; (D) John Wilson; (E) 0-14-4V4; (M) held by Certificate May 25"', 1762. 65. (A) Sept. 13, 1734; (B) John Lawson; (C) 100; (D) George Smith; (E) I-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (Unpaid fines) 2-0-0; (L) John Lawson, Thomas Lawson & Moses Lawson; (M) John 42, Thomas 39, Moses 38. 66. (C) 62; (D) Michael Jenkins; (E) 0-12-4V4; (M) held by Certifi- cate May 19"', 1754 for 162, the 100 acres . State of His Lordships Manor [Conegocheague?] 1767 — Surveyed October 25*^. 17 — 1. (A) July 21, 1762; (B) Joseph Williams; (C) 233; (D) George Ross Ex^ of Lessee; (E) 2-6-8; (E) 5. 13. 4; (L) 21 yrs. 2. (A) June 23, 1762; (B) George Ross; (C) 300; (D) George Ross; (E) 3-0-0; (F) 6-0-0; (L) 21 yrs. 3. (A) June 23, 1762; (B) Aaron More ; (C) 128; (D) Aaron More; (E) 1-5-7; (F) 2-1 1-2; (L) 21 yrs. 4. (A) Octob^ 17, 1737; (B) Van Swearingen Sen'.; (C) 103; (D) Van Swearingen Jun^; (E) -il-o; (F) o-ii-o; Fines due, o-ii-o; (L) Joseph Swearingen, John Swearingen & Van Swearingen, Sons of Lessie; (M) Joseph 42, John 36, Van 34. Quere if this fine is due. 44 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY 5. (A) Septem'. 17, 1762; (B) Van Swearingen Jun'.; (C) 165; (D) Van Swearingen, Jun^; (E) 1-13-0; (F) 3-6-0; (L) 21 yrs. 6. (A) June 28, 1762; (B) Arnest Cremer; (C) iii; (D) Arnest Cremer, Lessee; (E) 1-2-2 V2; (F) 2-4-5; (L) 21 yrs. 7. (A) Septem'. 7, 1762; (B) Basil Williams; (C) 300; (D) Basil Williams; (E) 3-0-0; (F) 6-0-0; (L) 21 yrs. 8. (A) Decem^ 9, 1752; (B) Col°. Thomas Prather; (C) 214; (D) Thomas Prather; (E) 1-1-4V4; (F) 2-2-9V2; (L) Thomas Prather; (M) Thomas Prather 60, Elizabeth & Thomas Clegett Prather, both Dead. 9. (A) Septem^ 30, 1765; (B) Martin Vasner; (C) 65; (D) Martin Carner; (E) 0-13-0; (F) 1-6-0; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated March 30, 1765. Lease executed. 10. (C) 100; (D) Edward Gaither; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs. held by Certificate dated March 4"^, 1763 made to Danl. Williams & sold to present Possessor. 11. (C) 100; (D) Valentine Lytle; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated Feb. 28, 1765. 12. (C) 100; (D) Zephaniah Walker; (E) 0-13-7 V2; (F) i~7-3; Fines due, 1-7-3; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated Mch. 14"', 1765 for Joseph Wells & sold to the present Possessor. 13. (A) Decem^ 23=*, 1762; (B) Richard Lucas ; (C) 100; (D) Lawrence Swoop; (E) I-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs. 14. (A) March s"-, 1763; (B) James Kendall; (C) 100; (D) Jacob Pryliman; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs. 15. (A) Feby. 10, 1763; (B) Joseph Wells; (C) 150; (D) Joseph Wells; (E) i-io-o; (F) 3-0-0; (M) held by Certificate dated Feb. lo"', 1763. 16. (A) Jan". 30, 1737; (B) Jonathan "Symmonds" Sen".; (C) 200; (D) John Swearingen; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) Ehzabeth "Symonds" & Jonathan "Symonds"; (M) Lessee dead, Elizabeth 52, Jonathan 31. 17. (C) 56; (D) Samuel Lucas; (E) 0-11-2V2; (F) 1-2-5; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated March 14"', 1765. 18. (A) May 4'\ 1749; (B) Peter Bell; (C) 72; (D) Samuel Lucas Tenant of Lessee; (E)-7-2V2; (F)-i4-5; (L) Peter Bell Lessee & Samuel Lucas; (M) Peter 75, Samuel 35, Eliz: wife of Lessee Dead. 19. (C) 100; (D) George Fry; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated Jan. 13"", 1764. Lease ExC*. 20. (C) 100; (D) John Mane; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated March 14"", 1765. 21. (C) 100; (D) Jacob Houser; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated Jan^. 13*'', 1764. 22. (C) 100; (D) John Morndaller; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated Decem'. 9''', 1764. STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 45 23. (C)94; (D) William Miller; (E) 0-18-10; (F) 1-17-8; (L)2iyrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated July 20*'', 1765. Lease Executed. 24. (A) June 26"^, 1765; (B) Peter Settee; (C) 105; (D) Peter Settee; (E) i-l-o; (F) 2-2-0; (L) 21 yrs. as appears by Counterpart; (M) held by Certificate dated June 26"', 1765. 25. (C) 70; (D) John Varner; (E) 0-14-0; (F) 1-8-0; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated June 26, 1765. Lease Exc^. 26. (A) October 6*\ 1763, (B) John Layman; (C) 125; (D) Adam Miller; (E) 1-5-0; (F) 2-10-0; (L) 21 yrs. 27. (C) 118; (D) Joseph Leaman; (E) 1-3-7; (F) 2-7-3; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated Feb. 25"', 1765. Lease ExC*. 28. (A) July 21=*, 1762; (B) John Laymon; (C) 160; (D) Joseph Burley; (E) 1-12-0; (F) 3-4-0; (L) 21 yrs. 29. (C) 120; (D) Frederick Shaveley; (E) 1-4-0; (F) 2-8-0; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated Feb^. 26"", 1765. Lease Exc*. 30. (C) 120; (D) John Upperhizer; (E) 1-10-7V2; (F) 3-1-3; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated Feb^. 27"^, 1765. 31. (A) Decem'. 24*'', 1762; (B) John Belt, Son of Higginton; (C) 100; (D) Jeremiah Lackland; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs. 32. (A) June 13, 1763; (B) James Stockwell; (C) 115; (D) Jacob Priliman; (E) 1-3-0; (F) 2-6-0; Fines due 2-6-0; (L) 21 yrs. 33. (C)68; (D) John Bowslaw; (E) 0-13-7 V2; (F) 1-7-3; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated Decem'. 31'*, 1765. Lease Exc*. 34. (A) Sept^ 29">, 1743; (B) Thomas Waller ; (C) loo; (D) Christian Miller; (E) o-io-o; (F) i-o-o; (L) Lessee, Mary, Lessee's wife & John their Son; (M) Lessee 86, Mary 70, John 29. 35. (A) April 4, 1763; (B) Christian Miller; (C) 132; (D) Christian Miller, Lessee; (E) 1-6-5; (F) 2-12-10; (L) 21 yrs. 36. (A) June 18, 1763; (B) Nicholas Rhodes; (C) 126; (D) Nich^ Rhodes, Lessee; (E) 1-5-2 V2; (F) 2-10-5; (L) 21 yrs. 37. (A) June I9t^ 1763; (B) Ezekiel Rhodes; (C) 100; (D) Ezekiel Rhodes, Lessee; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs. 38. (A) Aug'. 25, 1763; (B) James Butcher; (C) 100; (D) James Butcher, Lessee; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs. 39. (A) Septm^ 29"', 1737; (B) Van Swearingen; (C) 278; (D) Van Swearingen, Lessee; (E) 1-7-9V2; (F) 1-7-7; (L) Lessee, Samuel & Charles; (M) Lessee 76, Samuel 37, Charles 32. N. B. This fine is less than the ann. Rent. 40. (A) Aug'. 26, 1763; (B) Charles Swearingen ; (C) 92; (D) Charles Swearingen, Lessee; (E) 0-18-5; (F) 1-16-10; (L) 21 yrs. 41. (A) Sept'. 6, 1763; (B) Charles Neal, Jun^ (C) 130; (D) Eleanor Midley; (E) 1-6-0; (F) 2-12-0; (L) 21 yrs. 46 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY 42. (A) Feby. 26, 1739; (B) John Hallam; (C) lOO; (D) Leonard Smith; (E) 0-15-0; (F) i-io-o; (L) Lessee, Mary his wife & William their son; Lessee 65, Mary 55, William 36. Quere if all alive. Vide Minutes. 43. (C) 128; (D) Leonard Smith; (E) 1-5-7V2; (F) 2-1 1-3; (L) 21 yrs. ; (M) held by Certificate dated Sept^ 10"^, 1765. 44. (A) Oct^ 17"', 1737; (B) Van Swearingen; (C) 99; (D) Christ°. Plunk or Brunk; (E) o-io-o; (F) o-io-o; (L) Van Swearingen's Son & Elizabeth Wife of Lessee; (M) Van 40, Elizabeth 70. N. B. The names of the Lessee & Lives in this Lease & Coun |[?] are erased & other inserted. 45. (A) July 27, 1762; (B) Joseph Ranch; (C) 172; (D) Christopher Plunk; (E) 1-14-5; (F) 3-8-10; (L) 21 yrs. 46. (A) July 26, 1762; (B) Joseph Crable; (C) 185; (D) Adam Coodle & Jacob Grove; (E) 1-17-0; (F) 3-14-0; (L) 21 yrs. 47. (A) Aug'. 5, 1762; (B) Jacob Miers; (C) 100; (D) John Judy; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs. 48. (A) March 16, 1761; (B) David Miller; (C) 148; (D) David Miller; (E) 1-9-6; (F) 2-19-0; (L) 21 yrs. 49. (A) Sept'. 19, 1761; (B) WilHam Miller; (C) 108; (D) George Huver; (E) 1-1-7V2; (F) 2-3-3; (L) 21 yrs. 50. (A) [Torn] em 7, 1761; (B) Jacob Yeakill; (C) 107; (D) Jacob Yeakill, Lessee; (E) 1-1-5; (F) 2-2-10; (L) 21 yrs. 51. (A) [Torn] tem^ 30, 1763; (B) Robert Jackson; (C) 150; (D) Robert Jackson, Lessee; (E) i-io-o; (F) 3-0-0; (L) 21 yrs. 52. (A) Septmb^ 29, 1760; (B) James Hinthorn; (C) 171; (D) Jacob Plunk; (E) 1-3-5; (F) 2-6-10; (L) 21 yrs. 53- (C) 177; (D) John Craig; (E) 1-15-5; (F) 3-10-10; (L) 21 yrs.; (M) held by Certificate dated Octo'. 1st, 1763. Ed"*. Nichols has a Lease for Lives on this but he never [improved?] 54. (A) [Torn] 29'S 1759; (B) Rich^. Carter; (C) 70; (D) Richard Carter, Lessee; (E) a-14-0; (F) 1-8-0; (L) 21 yrs; (M) In this Lease there is a great mistake in the Courses. Vide Plat & Minutes. 55. (A) [Torn] 1745; (B) Joseph Lashier; (C) 120; (D) Joseph Lashier, Lessee; (E) 0-12-0; (F) 1-4-0; (L) Lessee, Thomas Lashier & John Lashier his Sons; (M) Joseph 40, Thomas 26, John 24. 56. (A) [Torn] 1754; (B) John Little; (C) 138; _(D) Rich, 1741; (B) John Biggs; (C) 175V2; (D) Caspar Devel hiss; (E) 1-0-4; (F) 2-0-8; (L) Benjamin Biggs & W-". Biggs; (M) Benj". 43, W"". 40. 3. (A) March 30, 1745; (B) Daniel Pattinger; (C) 173V4; (D) Geo. De^^lbiss & C. Miller; (E) 0-18-7; (F) 1-17-2; (L) Daniel Pattinger, John Pattinger & Elizabeth Pattinger; (M) Daniel 55, John 27, Eliz: 50. 4. (A) Nov. 28'\ 1743; (B) George Divilbiss; (C) 138; (D) Caspar Divilbiss; (E) 0-12-6; (F) 1-5-0; (L) George Divilbiss & John Devilbiss; (M) George 55, John 27. (Written both Divilbiss & Devilbiss). 5. (A) Feb^. 25, 1743; (B) Peter Evelant; (C) 94V4; (D) George STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 57 Devilbiss, Jun^ ; (E) 0-9-1 1; (F) 0-19-10; (L) John Hoffman, Barbarah Hoffman & Geo. Son of Geo. Devilbiss; (M) John 55, Barbarah 56, Geo. 22. 6. (A) Octo^ 8'N 1741; (B) William Wilson; (C) 100V2; (D) W-. Wilson; (E) o-io-o; (F) i-o-o; (L) John Wilson, W"". Wilson & Thomas Wilson; (M) John 42, W™. 37, Thomas 26. 7. (A) June 25, 1761; (B) Robert Whitnall; (C) 29V4; (D) Rob*. Whitnall; (E) 0-6-7; (F) 0-13-2; (L) 21 yrs. 8. (A) Dec^ 6'\ 1743; (B) "Handell" Hann; (C) 137V4; (D) Frederick Baker; (E) 0-12-0; (F) 1-4-0; (L) "Handel" Hann, Mary Hann & Catharine Hann; (M) Handel 45, Mary 40, Catharine 13. All Gone to Carolina 8 years. Vide Date. 9. (A) March I2'S 1754; (B) Rich''. Cooke; (C) 183; (D) George "Debilbiss"; (E) 1-4-0; (F) 2-8-0; (L) Richard Cooke & Richard Donaldson Cooke; (M) Rich''. 50, Richard Donaldson Cook 20. 10. (A) Aug*. 26, 1748; (B) Joseph Hedge; (C) 158V2; (D) Charles Hedge, Jun^; (E) 0-15-0; (F) i-io-o; (L) Solomon Douthet; (M) Solomon 40. Gone to Carolina 14 years, quere if alive. 11. (A) Dec. 22, 1741; (B) Thomas Ebthorp; (C) 100V2; (D) Charles Hedge, Sen^; (E) o-io-o; (F) i-o-o; Fines due, 3-0-0; (L) Peter Members; (M) Peter 40. Quere if alive. 12. (A) Nov. 8, 1752; (B) Kenedy Farrell; (C) 172; (D) William Crumb; (E) 1-5-0; (F) 2-10-0; Fines due, 2-10-0; (L) John Farrell; (M) John 20. Quere if alive. 13. (A) Octo^ 29, 1751; (B) Christian Rodebaugh; (C) 128V4; (D) Jacob Cremer; (E) 0-13-2V4; (F) 1-6-4 V2; (L) Christian Rodebaugh, Eliz: Rodebaugh, Valentine Wisecup; (M) Christian 60, EHz: 50, Valentine 22. Gone to Rays Town 12 years. Quere if alive. 14. (C) 51V4; (D) Christian Berge; held by Certificate dated May 12*'', 1761. 15. (A) Oct^ 10, 1764; (B) George "Divillbiss"; (C) 103; (D) George "Devilbiss"; (E) 1-0-7V4; (F) 2-1-V2; (L) 21 yrs. 16. (A) Sep'. 30, 1765; (B) William Smith; (C) 85V2; (D) W". Smith; (E) 0^15-51/2; (E)o-i5-5V2; (F) i-io-ii; (L) 18 yrs. 17. (A) Sep^ 29, 1764; (B) Simon Shover; (C) 22; (D) Simon Shover; (E) 0-3-7; (F) 0-7-2; (L) 19 yrs. 18. (A) Feb^. 24, 1743; (B) John Christian Smith; (C) 106; (D) John Chris". Smith; (E) o-io-o; (F) i-o-o; (L) John Chris". Smith, W™. Smith & Peter Berg Jun^; (M) John Christian 53, W". 30, Peter 28. 19. (A) Oct'. 29, 1764; (B) Jacob Keller; (C) 11V2; (D) Jacob Keller; (E) 0-2-2; (F) 0-4-4; (L) 19 yrs. 20. (A) Oct'. 29, 1751; (B) Jacob Keller; (C) 120; (D) Jacob Keller; (E) 0-12-0; (F) 1-4-0; (L) Jacob Keller (torn); (M) Jacob 38, Mary 17. 58 MARYLAND RECORDS— FREDERICK CO.— MONOCOCY 21. (A) June 3"*, 176 (torn) Rit (torn). 22. (C) 96V4; (D) John Beard; (L) (Torn) & John Clapbaugh; (M) Mary 66, John 35. 23. (A)Feb^9'\ 1765; (B) Christian Shutter; (C) 85V2; (D) Christian Shutter; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 12 yrs. 24. (A) April II"', 1742; (B) Frederick Clapbough; (C) 144; (D) Peter Hedge; (E) 0-15-0; (F) i-io-o; (L) Mary Clapbaugh & John Clapbaugh; (M) Mary 66, John 35. 25. (A) Feb^. 25, 1743; (B) Peter "Berge"; (C)iiV4&243; (D) Peter "Berge"; (E) o-io-o; (F) i-o-o; (L) Peter "Berg," Catharine Berg & W"". Berg; (M) Peter 55, Catharine 48, W-". 27. 26. (A) Feby. 25, 1743; (B) Johannes Berg; (C) 149; (D) Johannes Berg; (E) 0-15-0; (F) i-io-o; (L) Johan^ Berg, Judith Berg & John Berg; (M) Johannes 53, Judith 49, John 28. 27. (A) Sep'. 29, 1762; (B) John Berg; (C) 100V2; (D) John Berg; (E) I-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs. 28. (A) Feby. 24*\ 1743; (B) Christian Berg; (C) 119V2; (D) Christian Berg; (E) 0-12-3; (F) 1-4-6; (L) Christian Berg, W"°. Berg & John Berg; (M) Christian 47, W-". 35, John 28. 29. (A) July 22^ 1753; (B) Martin Adams; (C) 138V4; (D) Andrew Adams; (E) 0-13-7; (F) 1-7-2; (L) Mary Adams & Henry Adams; (M) Mary 50. Quere if any such person as Henry. 30. (A) July 25, 1742; (B) William Elrod; (C) 95; (D) Christian Cregar; (E) o-io-o; (F) i-o-o; (L) James Read, Mary Read & Henry Read; (M) James 50, Mary 49, Henry 27. 31. (A) May 6'S 1761; (B) Henry Hoover; (C) 86V4; (D) Henry Hoover; (E) 0-18-0; (F) 1-16-0; (L) 21 yrs. 32. (A) Octo^ lo"", 1759; (B) Valentine Cregar; (C) 124V4; (D) Valentine Cregar; (E) 1-10-8; (F) 3-1-4; (L) 21 yrs. 33. (A) June 10"", 1749; (B) Johannes Hooper; (C) 140V2; (D) Johannes Hooper; (E) 0-14-0; (F) 1-8-0; (L) Johan'. Hooper, Mary Hooper & Charity Hooper; (M) Johannes 47, Mary 37, Charity 21. 34. (A) May 6'\ 1761; (B) Anthony Abell; (C) 142 V4; (D) John Cross; (E) 1-12-0; (F) 3-4-0; (L) 21 yrs. 35. (A) Octo^ 1=', 1742; (B) John Henn; (C) 203 V2; (D) Jacob Cremer; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) Sarah Henn, Elizabeth Henn; (M) Sarah 48, Elizabeth 28 — in Carolina 16 years. 36. (A) April 4*, 1745; (B) Nathan Greg; (C) 228; (D) Robert Fulton; (E) 1-3-0; (F) 2-6-0; (L) W". Greg; (M) W-. 40. 37. (A) Dec. 22^ 1741; (B) John Bell; (C) 114V4; (D) Charles Springer; (E) 0-11-4; (F) 1-2-8; (L) John Bell, Elizabeth Bell & John Bell; (M) John 60, Eliz: 50, John 27. STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 59 38. (A) June 5'\ 1750; (B) John Silver; (C) 41 V2; (D) John Silver; (E) 0-4-0; (F) 0-8-0; (L) John Silver, Susannah Silver; (M) John 45, Susannah 18. 39. (A) Octo^ 23^ 1762; (B) Sam'. Mathews; (C) 84V4; (D) Samuel Mathews; (E) 0-16-7V2; (F) 1-3-3; (L) 21 yrs. 40. (A) Octo^ 26">, 1762; (B) John Mathews; (C) 95V4; (D) Frederick Humbert; (E) 0-18-10; (F) 1-17-8; Fines due, 1-17-8; (L) 21 yrs. Lease dated 3'' June, 1763, vide countreps. 41. (A) Sep'. 29, 1765; (B) George Humbert; (C) 148V2; (D) George Humbert; (E) 2-0-0; (F) 4-0-0; (L) 18 yrs. 42. (A) Oct^ 26'S 1762; (B) W-. Berg; (C) 73V4; (D) W-. Berg; (E) l-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs. 43. (A) Octo^ 20t\ 1762; (B) Handel Berg; (C) 52V4; (D) Handle Berg; (E) 0-15-0; (F) i-io-o; (L) 21 yrs. 44. (A) Jan". 22, 1742; (B) WilHam Berg; (C) 252; (D) W-. & Handel Berg; (E) 1-5-0; (F) 2-10-0; (L) W". Berg, John Son of Handel Berg; W"". 40, John 22. 45. (A) March 12, 1754; (B) Catharine Grouse; (C) 64; (D) Martin Smith; (E) 0-8-0; (F) 0-16-0; (L) Catharine Crouse & Christian Grouse; (M) Catharine 50, Christian 22. 46. (A) June 4'N 1763; (B) Martin Smith; (C) 34V4; (D) Martin Smith; (E) 0-7-8; (F) 0-15-4; (L) 21 yrs. 47. (A) Sep'. 30"', 1765; (B) Jabez Jarvis; (C) 150; (D) Stephen Miller; (E) i-io-o; (F) 3-0-0; (L) 18 yrs. 48. (A) March 31, 1763; (B) Luke Bernard; (C) 102V4; (D) Luke Bernard; (E) i-o-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) 21 yrs. 49. (A) March 30, 1763; (B) Nath'. Bernard; (G) 87V2; (D) Catharine Hartmane; (E) 0-18-0; (F) 1-16-0; (L) 21 yrs. 50. (G) 45V2 (D) Robert Wood, held by Certificate dated Sep'. 29, 1764. 51. (A) Sep'. 28, 1762; (B) Robert Swann; (C) 177V4; (D) George Yost; (E) 1-16-0; (F) 3-12-0; (L) 21 yrs. 52. (A) Dec. 24'\ 1751; (B) Nath'. Wickham; (C) 88; (D) John Carver; (E) 0-9-4V4; (F) 0-18-9V2; (L) Sam'. Wickham, John Wickham & Nath'. Wickham; (M) Nathaniel 38, Samuel 32, John 20. 53- (A) June 20, 1749; (B) Thomas Perkinson; (C) 44'^; (D) Adam Miller; (E) 0-4-81/4; (F) 0-9-41/2; (L) Edward Perkinson & John Perkinson; (M) Edward 30, John 27. 54. (A) June I", 1763; (B) Adam Miller; (G) 32; (D) Adam Miller; (E) 0-6-7; (F) 0-13-2; (L) 21 yrs. 55. (A) Nov. 12, 1747; (B) PhiUp Howard; (C) 160; (D) Christian Hufferd; (E) 0-15-0; (F) i-io-o; (L) Philip Howard, Philip Howard, Jun^ & John Howard; (M) Philip, Sen^ 66, PhiHp, Jun^ 44, John 37. 6o MARYLAND RECORDS— FREDERICK CO.— MONOCOCY 56. (A)Sept'. 2^ 1741; (B) Joseph Wood; (C) loi ; (D) Joseph Wood ; (E) o-io-o; (F) i-o-o; (L) Joseph Wood, Robert Wood; (M) Joseph 58, Robert 31. 57. (A) June 3"^, 1763; (B) Joseph Wood; (C) 35; (D) Joseph Wood; (E) 0-6-6; (F) 0-13-0; (L) 21 yrs. 58. (A) Feb^. 25, 1744; (B) John Harland; (C) 135; (D) John Harland; (E) 0-12-6; (F) 1-5-0; (L) John Harland, Joel Harland, John Harland, Jun^ 59. (A) Sep'. 18, 1754; (B) Jacob Barton; (C) 115V4; (D) Michael Crouse; (E) 0-II-5; (F) 1-2-10; Fines due, 2-5-8; (L) Hen^. Barton & Jacob Barton; (M) Henrietta 46, Jacob 28. 60. (A) Feb^. 28, 1748; (B) Zachh. Albaugh; (C) 239V2; (D) Ann Albaugh; (E) 1-2-6; (F) 2-5-0; (L) John Albaugh & Peter Albaugh (M) John 36, Peter 28. 61. (A) June 4«\ 1763; (B) Ditto; (C) 28V2; (D) Ditto; (E) 0-4-51/2 (F) 0-8-11; (L) 21 yrs. 62. (A) June 16, 1763; (B) Ditto; (C) 70V2; (D) Ditto; (E) 0-13-6 (F) 1-7-0; (L) 21 yrs. 63. (A) June20'\ 1763; (B) Robert Wood; (C) 16; (D) Robert Wood (E) 0-1-7 V2; (F) 0-3-3; (L) 21 yrs. 64. (A) Nov^ 4'\ 1762; (B) Christian Hufferd; (C) 12; (D) Christian Hufferd; (E) 0-2-0; (F) 0-4-0; (L) 21 yrs. 65. (A) Sep^ 29, 1759; (B) Peter Hertzog; (C) loi ; (D) Margaret Hertzog; (E) o-io-o; (F) i-o-o; (L) Margaret Hertzog & Nicholas Hertzog; (M) Margaret 55, Nicholas 32. 66. (A) June 9<\ 1749; (B) PhiHp Smith; (C) 70V4; (D) Philip Smith; (E) 0-6-10V4; (F) 0-13-9V2; (L) Philip Smith, Johannes Smith & Peter Smith; (M) Philip 60, Johannes 23, Peter 21. 67. (A) Sep'. 29, 1764; (B) PhiHp Smith; (C) 133; (D) Philip Smith; (E) i-^7V2; (F) 2-13-2V2; (L) 21 yrs. 68. (A) June 9'h, 1749; (B) Christian Gross; (C) 117V2; (D) Christian Gross; (E) 0-11-6; (F) 1-3-0; (L) Christian Gross, Mary Gross & Jacob Gross; Christian 55, Mary 45, Jacob 25. 69. (A) Sep^ 29, 1764; (B) Conrad Creger; (C) 44; (D) Conrad Creger; (E) 0-8-7; (F) 0-17-2; (L) 19 yrs. 70. (A) Sep^ 29, 1764; (B) Christian Miller; (C) 7V2; (D) Christian Miller; (E) o-o-io; (F) 0-1-8; (L) 21 yrs. Totals (C) 7521. Deduct for No. [?] 45 V2 acres, part of N°. 395 acres, part of [torn] 113V2 acres, or 159V4. — 7365V4 under Lease. Sundry Vacancies 1870V4. Contents of the INIanor 9231 V2 acres. ST. MARY'S COUNTY State of His Lordships Manor of Beaverdam in S^ Mary's County, March, 1768. 1. (A) Decem^ 25, 1741; (B) John Raley; (C) 84V2; (D) George Plater; (E) o-io-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) Jane Raley, Gabriel Raley & John Mitchel Raley; (M) Jane 34, Gabriel 31, John 28. 2. (A) Decern'. 25, 1741; (B) Jonathan "Seale"; (C) 113V2; (D) George Plater; (E) 0-12-0; (F) 2-8-0; (L) Ann "Seall"; (M) Ann 33. 3. (A) Decem^ 25, 1743; (B) Robert Goldsberry; (C) 161V4; (D) Jane Goldsberry; (E) 0-16-8; (F) 3-6-8; (L) Marg^ Goldsberry & John Baptist Goldsberry; (M) Margaret 32, John 24, gone away. Quere his Age if Living. 4. (A) May 30, 1761; (B) Henry Goldsberry; (C) 14; (D) Jane Goldsberry; (E) 0-4-0; (F) 0-4-0; (L) 14 yrs. 5. (A) Decem^ 25, 1741; (B) William Stone; (C) 46; (D) Ignatius Stone; (E) 0-4-9; (F) i-o-o; (L) Ignatius Stone; (M) Ignatius 27. 6. (A) July 10"', 1 741; (B)WiUiam Stone; (C) no; (D) Ignatius Stone; (E) o-io-io; (F) 2-4-0; (L) Ignatius Stone; (M) Ignatius 27. 7. (A) Decern'. 25, 1719; (B) \\>. Stone; (C) 58V4; (D) Ignatius Stone; (E) ; (F) 2-8-10; (L) W-. Stone, Jun'.; (M) William 53. 8. (A) Decem'. 11, 1751; (B) William Stone, Jun'.; (C) 50V4; (D) WiUiam Stone, Jun'.; (E) 0-5-10; (F) 1-3-4; (L) William Stone Junr, Inonia Stone & Mary Stone; (M) William 53, Inonia 24, Mary 22. 9. (A) April 9, 1729; (B) Francis "Harbert"; (C) 100V4; (D) Ignatius Fenwick; (E) 0-10-3; (F) 4-4-4; (L) Elizabeth " Herbert " ; (M) Eliza- beth 39. 10. (A) Sep'. 10"", 1742; (B) Francis Harbert; (C) 63; (D) Ignatius Fenwick; (E) 0-6-8; (F) 1-6-0; (L) Francis Herbert & Michael Herbert; (M) Francis 29, Michael 31. 11. (A) Dec. 25, 1746; (B) Jonathan "Seale"; (C) 90V2; (D) Ignatius Fenwick; (E) 0-9-10; (F) 2-0-0; (L) Elizabeth "Seall" & John Baptist Goldsberry; (M) Elizabeth 22, John 24. 12. (A) June27, 1761; (B) John Dorsey; (C) 6; (D) John Dorsey; (E) 0-1-6; (F) 0-1-6; (L) 14V4 yrs. 13. (A) June lo"-, 1743; (B) Thomas Blackman; (C) 211; (D) John Dorsey; (E) 1-4-4; (F) 4-17-4; (L) Tabitha Dent; (M) Tabitha 25. 14. (A) Decem'. 25, 1741; (B) John Lucas; (C) 119; (D) Enoch Fenwick; (E) 0-14-4; (F) 2-17-4; (L) John Lucas, Ignatius & Tho'. Lucas; (M) John 50, Ignatius 27, Thomas 29. 63 64 MARYLAND RECORDS— ST. MARY'S CO.— BEAVERDAM 15. (A) May i^*, 1737; (B) Enoch Fenwick; _(C) 268; (D) Enoch Fenwick; (E) 1-6-2; (F) 5-5-0; (L) Enoch Fenwick, Ignatius Fenwick & John Miles; (M) Enoch 54, Ignatius 37, John 31. 16. (A) Decem^ 25, 1741; (B) W». & Charles King; (C) 133; (D) Enoch Fenwick; (E) 0-13-3; (F) 2-13-0; (L) Charles King & James King; (M) Charles 48, very sickly. James 31. 17. (A) May 29, 1760; (B) Enoch Fenwick; (C) 29; (D) Enoch Fenwick; (E) 0-4-8; (F) 0-4-8; (L) 13 yrs. 18. (A) Dec^ 25, 1741; (B) John Miles; (C) 165; (D) Levin Cracraft; (E) 0-16-0; (F) 3-4-0; (L) Josias Miles; (M) Josias 28 years. 19. (A) March 29, 1762; (B) Henry Jewell; (C) 12; (D) Levin Cracraft; (E) 0-1-8; (F) 0-1-8; (L) 15 yrs. 20. (A) June 30, 1760; (B) Lazarus Ross; (C) 82; (D) Lazarus Ross; (E) 0-1^6; (F) 0-1^6; (L)i3V4yrs. 21. (A) June 30, 1760; (B) John Raley; (C) 79; (D) John Raley; (E) 0-18-9; (F) 0-16-6; (L) 13V4 yrs. 22. (A) March 28, 1726; (B) Paul Peacock, Jun^ (C) 45V4; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-4-8; (F) 1-16-0; (L) Sam'. Abell, Jun^ & John Abell; (M) Sam 49, John 47. 23. (A) June 28, 1760; (B) Paul Peacock; (C) 7; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-1-4; (F) 0-1-4; (L) 13V4 yrs. 24. (A) March 26, 1726; (B) Samuel Abell, Sen^; (C) 134; (D) Samuel Abell, Jun^; (E) 0-13-6; (F) 5-8-8; (L) Sam Abell, Jun^ & John Abell; (M) Sam 49, John 47. 25. (A) April 2d, 1741; (B) Samuel Abell; (C) 62; (D) Samuel Abell, Jun'.; (E) 0-6-5; (F) 1-5-0; (L) Lidia Abell & PhiHp Abell ; (M) Lidia 32, PhiHp 27. 26. (A) March 25, 1762; (B) Samuel Abell; (C) 68V2; (D) Samuel Abell, Jun'.; (E) 0-18-6; (F) 0-18-6; (L) 15 yrs. 27. (A) May 29, 1762; (B) Samuel Abell; (C) 34; (D) Samuel Abell, Jun'.; (E) 0-8-9; (F) 0-8-9; (L) 15 yrs. 28. (A) March 25, 1762; (B) Samuel Abell; (C) 7V4; (D) Samuel Abell, Jun'.; (E) o-i-io; (F) o-i-io; (L) 15 yrs. 29. (A) Decem^ 21, 1762; (B) Samuel Abell; (C) 7V2; (D) Samuel Abell, Jun^; (E) 0-2-0; (L) 74 years. Condemn'd for a Mill. 30. (A) Aug'. 20, 1745; (B) Ignatius Joy, Sen^; (C) 135; (D) Ignatius Joy, Jun^; (E) 0-13-9; (F) 2-14-0; (L) John Raley, Enoch Joy & Atha=. Joy; (M) John 33, Enoch 26, Atha=. 23. 31. (A) DecMi, 1751; (B) Abell Magill; (C) 54V4; (D) Ignatius Joy, Jun'.; (E) o-io-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) Ann Magill; (M) Ann 26. 32. (A) May 2^ 1743; (B) John Goddard; (C) 82; (D) Mary Goddard; (E) 0-8-8; (F) 1-14-0; (L) Ignatius Goddard, Monaca Goddard & John Goddard; (M) Ign^ 26, Monaca 35, John 32. STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 65 33. (A) Aug*. 21, 1745; (B) Enoch Joy; (C) 75V4; (D) Teakler Joy; (E) 0-8-0; (F) 1-12-0; (L) Enoch Joy & Ann Joy; (M) Enoch 26, Ann 33. N. B. Enoch gone away. 34. (A) Decern'. 17, 1714; (B) Mary Chamberlain ; (C) 28; (D) James Drury; (E) 0-3-0; (F) 1-4-0; (L) Eleanor Chamberlain & Mary Cham- berlain; (M) Eleann 62, Mary 54. 35. (A) June 20'^ 1746; (B) John "Makintach"; (C) 143; (D) John Mugg; (E) 0-14-3; (F) 3-0-0; (L) Walter Mugg, John & James "Mack- intosh"; (M) Walter 29. John & James both old & gone away. 36. (A) Decern'. 25, 1743; (B) Martin "Yates"; (C) 122; (D) Martin Yates; (E) 1-2-8; (F) 2-10-0; (L) Martin "Yeates," Edward "Yates" & Martin "Yates" Jun'.; (M) Martin 68, Edward 39, Martin, Jun'. 33. 37. (A) Sep'. i^S 1742; (B) John Campbell; (C) 103V2; (D) Martin Yates; (E) o-ii-i; (F) 2-4-4; (L) Eleanor Campbell; (M) Elea- nor 26. 38. (A) Oct'. 20, 1747; (B) Peter Mugg; (C) 38V4; (D) John Mugg; (E) 0-4-1; (F) 0-16-4; (L) John Mugg, Tho^ Mugg & Peter Mugg, Jun'. ; (M) John 31, Tho^ 27, Peter, Jun'. 25. 39. (A) April 26, 1727; (B) Henry Grenwell; (C) 131; (D) Ignatius Greenwell; (E) 0-7-8; (F) 3-2-4; (L) Eleanor Grenwell & Edmond Grenwell; (M) Eleanor 41, Edmond 42. 40. (A) March 25, 1744; (B) Sarah "Cecell"; (C) 95V2; (D) Sarah "Secill"; (E) o-io-o; (F) 2-0-0; (L) John "Cefsell," Thomas "Cefsell" & Ann "Cefsell"; (M) John 29, Thomas 30, Ann 27. 41. (A) Decem'. 25, 1741; (B) Peter Drury; (C) iii; (D) Peter Drury; (E) 0-10-9; (F) 2-0-0; (L) Nich^ Drury, Peter Drury & W". Drury; (M) Nich^ 30, Peter 28, W". 31. 42. (A) Decem'. 4, 1743; (B) John Ford; (C) 63; (D) Althanatius Ford; (E) 0-6-4; (F) 1-5-0; (L) Althanasius Ford & John Ford Jun'.; (M) Altha\ 40, John 26. 43. (A) Decern'. 5, 1 741; (B) WiUiam Lucas; (C) 201 ; (D) Althanatius Ford; (E)o-i9-ii; (F) 4-0-0; (L) Charles Lucas; (M) Charles 35. 44. (A) April 3d, 1762; (B) Altha\ Ford; (C) 18V4; (D) Althanatius Ford; (E) c^5-8; (F) (^5-8; (L) 15 yrs. 45. (A) Decem'. 25, 1741; (B) Thomas Howard; (C) 80V4; (D) Althanatius Ford; (E) 0-8-9; (F) 1-14-0; (L) W". Howard, Tho». Howard & Nich^ Howard; (M) W"". 40, Thomas 28, Nich^ 30. 46. (A) March 25, 1726; (B) W". Bryan; (C) 59; (D) James Green- well; (E) 0-7-2; (F) 2-17-8; (L) John Abell, Jun'., Ignatius Bryan; (M) John 57, Ignatius 40. 47. (A) April 15, 1714; (B) John Miles; (C) 38V2; (D) James Green- well; (E) 0-4-0; (F) 1-12-0; (L) Expired. 6 66 MARYLAND RECORDS— ST. MARY'S CO.— BEAVERDAM 48. (A) Decem^ 25, 1741; (B) Thomas Spalding; (C) 225V4; (D) Thomas Spalding; (E) 1-3-3; (F) 4-13-0; (L) Tho". Spalding, Elictious Spalding & Clem-Joseph; (M) Tho^ 62, Elections 30, Clement 62, Dead. 49. (A) Decern'. 25, 1743; (B) Elizabeth Spalding; (C) 124; (D) Theodorita Key; (E) 0-13-3; (F) 2-15-8; (L) Edm^i. Spalding, James Spalding & Ben". Spalding; (M) Edmund 40, James 42, Bennitt 25. 50. (A) Decem'. 20, 1743; (B) Henry Bryan; (C) 119; (D) Elenor Bryan; (E) 0-13-5; (F) 2-14-0; (L) Edm'. Bond; (C) 243V2; (D) Lessee; (E) 1-7-0; (F) 5-16-0; (L) Samuel Bond & Samuel Edilin; (M) Sam Bond 20, Samuel Edilin, 17. 13- (A) June 29, 1739; (B) Zach^. Bond; (C) 229; (D) Lessee; (E) l-io-o; (F) 9-5-4; (L) Jeremiah Bond; (M) Jeremiah 31. 14. (A) Jany. 25, 1753; (B) N. Warren & Jane "Vadry"; (C) 167V4; (D) Zachariah Bond; (E) i-io-o; (F) 6-0-0; (L) Notley Warren, Jane Warren & Jane "Vaudry"; (M) Notley 32, Jane 30, Jane Vaudry 25. 15. (A) Aug'. 20, 1745; (B) Zach & Zeph^. Bond; (C) 164 V2; (D) Zephaniah Bond; (E) i-io-o; (F) 6-0-0; (L) Zachariah Bond, Zephaniah Bond & Jeremiah Bond; (M) Zach. 29, Dead; Zeph. 26, Dead, Jeremiah 31- 16. (A) Ditto; (B) Ditto; (C) 109V4; (D) Zach. & Zeph. Bond; (E) o- ll-o; (F) 2-4-0; (L) Same as above ; (M) Ditto. (17). (A) Ditto; (B) Anthony Sims; (C)203V4; (D) Lessee; (E) 1-4-6; (F) 5-1-0; (L) Bennett Sims Dead & Jane Sims; (M) Bennett 25, Jane 27. 18. (A) Decem^ 25, 1742; (B) John Johnson Sothoron; (C) 354 V2; (D) James Thomas; (E) 1-18-6; (F) 7-14-0; Fines due, 7-14-0; (L) Henry Greenfield Sothoron, Rich"^. Sothoron, John Sothoron; (M) Henry 36, Richard 26, John 25. 19. (A) Decem^ 25, 1750; (B) Edward Rion; (C) 189; (D) Jane Rion; (E) 0-18-10; (F) 3-15-4; (L) Mary Rion; (M) 29. 20. (A) Jany. 10*'', 1742; (B) Francis "Clarke"; (C) 132V4; (D) Samuel Higgs; (E) 1-8-6; (F) 5-14-0; Fines due, 5-14-0; (L) Susanah "Clarke," Francis "Clark" son of Lessee; (M) Susanah 50, Francis 28. 21. (A) Aug'. 20, 1745; (B) Dr. Rich-^. Cook; (C) 103; (D) Rich''. Ward Keys Heirs; (E) 0-14-8; (F) 2-18-8; Fines due, 2-18-8; (L) Dr. Rich''. "Cooke" & Mary Magdalen Stoddart; (M) Richard 50, Mary Magdalen 20. Sold Philip Briscoe. 70 MARYLAND RECORDS— ST. MARY'S CO.— CHAPTICO 22. (A) March 13, 1762; (B) Elizabeth Higgs; (C) 59V2; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-13-8; (F) 0-13-8; (L) 21 yrs. 23. (A) Feb^. 10"", 1742; (B) Henry Williamson; (C) 132; (D) Leonard Briscoe; (E) 0-15-4; (F) 3-1-0; Fines due, 3-1-0 ?<•.; Rachel Williamson & Sarah Williamson; (M) Rachel 65, Sarah 25. 24. (A) Feb>'. 5'N 1742; (B) Benj». Williamson; (C) 44 V4; (D) Leon^. Briscoe; (E) 0-4-6; (F) 0-18-0; Fines due, 0-18-0, ?<*. ; (L) Nathan Williamson & William Williamson; (M) Nathan 28, William 25. 25. (A) March 25, 1743; (B) Leonard Briscoe; (C) 214; (D) Lessee; (E) 1-2-0; (F) 4-8-0; (L) Leonard Briscoe & George Briscoe; (M) Leonard 47, George 35. 26. (A) Decem^ 25, 1718; (B) Henry WilHamson; (C) 39V4; (D) Philip Briscoe; (E) 0-3-10; (F) 1-10-6; Fines due, 1-10-6; (L) Rachel Williamson; (M) Rachel 65. "^-l- (C) 310V4; (D) George Briscoe; (M) One Life as supposed, about 45- 28. (A) March 25, 1749; (B) Bullet Gardner; (C) 139V4; (D) "Bullet" Gardner; (E) 0-12-9; (F) 2-6-0; (L) "Bullett" Gardner & John Gardner; (M) "Bullet" 48, John 25. 29. (A) Feby. 13, 1748; (B) RichJ. Wainwright; (C) 181; (D) Lessee; (E) 0-18-1; (F) 3-12-0; (L) Richard Wainwright, Dead, & William Wainwright; (M) Richard 65, William 40. 30. (A) Mch. 25, 1749; (B) James Watson; (C) 19; (D) Lessee; (E) o-i-io; (F) 0-8-0; (L) Mary Watson, Eliazer Watson & Azariah Watson; (M) Mary 38, Eliazer 21, Azariah 19. 31. (A) Jan^. 20, 1742; (B) James Compton; (C) 104 V2; (D) William Wainwright; (E) 0-10-6; (F) 2-2-0; Fines due, 2-2-0, p^. ; (L) EHanor Compton, Elizabeth Compton, John Compton; (M) Elianor 50, Eliz: 28, John 26. 32. (A) Sept'. 29, 1742; (B) Joseph Bloxam; (C) 97; (D) Rob'. Slye Wood; (E)o-ii-3; (F) 2-5-0; Fines due, 2-5-0 p'^. ; (L) Ann Bloxam & Joseph Stephens; (M) Ann 45, Joseph 43. 33. (A) March II '\ 1762; (B) John Swan; (C) 53V4; (D) Basil Smith; (E) 0-13-4; (F) 0-13-4; Fines due, 0-13-4 P**-; (L) 21 yrs. 34. (A) June 27, 1739; (B) Mary Haw; (C) 200V2; (D) Christopher Haw; (E) 1-1-2; (F) 4-4-0; (L) Christopher Haw Dead; (M) Christopher 32, expired. 35. (A) Jan^. 20, 1742; (B) James Swan; (C) 121V2; (D) 0-13-7; (E) 2-14-0; (L) John Swan & James Swan; (M) John 46, James 42. 36. (A) Dec^ 25, 1743; (B) John Branson; (C) 157; (D) John Branson, Jun^; (E) 0-16-0; (F) 3-4-0; (L) John Branson Dead, John his Son & John his Grandson; (M) John 83 Dead, his Son 56, his Grandson 28. STATE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S MANOR 71 37. (A) Jan^. 16, 1752; (B) Lydia Vadry; (C) 376V4; (D) Maj^ Zach''. Bond; (E) 2-1-2; (F) 4-2-4; (L) Lydia Vadry, Tho=. Cartwright & Gustavus Cartwright; (M) Lydia 36, Thomas 46, Gustavus 28. 38. (A) March 25, 1726; (B) George Witter; (C) 86V4; (D) Corn'. Barber; (E) 0-12-0; (F) 4-16-0; Fines due, 4-16 p"^.; (L) Mary Witter & WilHam Witter; (M) Mary 48, William 45. 39. (A) Dec^ 25, 1739; (B) Thomas Morris; (C) 153V4; (D) Henry Morris; (E) 0-17-5; (F) 3-10-0; (L) Expired. 40. (A) Dec. 25, 1718; (B) Jane Price; (C) 82V4; (D) Catharine Chunn; (E)o-ii-5; (F) 4-12-0; (L) Catharine Price 56. 41. (A) Dec^ 25, 1762; (B) Elizabeth Price; (C) 51V4; (D) Catharine Chunn; (E) 0-7-1; (F) 1-8-0; Fines due, 1-8-0, p, 1740; (B) James Farthing; (C) 91 V2; (D) John Tarlton; (E) 0-9-8; (F) 1-19-0; Fines due, 1-19-0; (L) Mary Farthing & Robert Hurtle; (M) Mary 40, Robert 30. 31. (A) Dec^ 25*\ 1720; (B) Griffian Morris; (C) 42V8; (D) Robert Alexander; (E) 0-4-6; (F) 1-16-0; Fines due, 1-16-0; (L) Lessee Dead, Jane his Wife Dead & Monaca Morris; (M) Their ages cannot be learn't being gone away. 32. (A) April 2'', 1761; (B) James Breeden; (C) 109V2; (D) Sarah Breeden; (E) 1-9-8; (F) 1-17-2; (L) 21 yrs. 33. (A) Dec^ ii*S 1751; (B) John Frazier; (C) 183V8; (D) John Frazier; (E) 0-17-6; (F) 3-10-4; (L) John Frazir Dead, Leonard King; (M) John 40, Leonard (gone away) 25. 34. (A) Aug*. 20'S 1761; (B) Ditto; (C) 12V8; (D) Ditto; (E) 0-6-0; (F) 0-6-0; (L) 21 yrs. 35. (A) Dec^ 25*S 1741; (B) Theodore Jordan; (C) 148V8; (D) Henry Reeder; (E) 0-15-0; (F) 3-0-0; Fines due, 6-0-0; (L) EHz: Jordan, Elizabeth Jordan Daughter of Lessee & Susannah his Sister; (M) 78 MARYLAND RECORDS— ST. MARY'S CO.— WOOLSEY Eliz: 56, Eliz: Daughter of Lessee 29, Susannah 27. N. B. There is a Counterpart of a Lease for this Land daf*. 1739 to Jn°. Dyal on Lives. Vacancies : No. I, (C) 110V4; No. 2, 565V4; No. 3, 50; No. 4, 15V4; No. 5, 106V2. N. B. of the above quantity 27 Acres Lies in Mill Manor & ab°. 21V2 in the Reserve Woolsey. Caroline County, Bredge Town Hundred, Census of I 776. "A LIste of the in Habbatance of Bredge Town Hundred Taking by Preson Goodwin." * This Census is written upon 2 sheets 13V4 in. X 16V2 in., originally fastened together by red sealing wax. "a" means "Under 16 years"; "b" means "From 16 to 50 years"; "c" means "Above 50 years" using the columns in the originals, "x" means males, "z" means females, "2ax" means 2 white males under 16 years, "3 az" means 3 white females under 16, etc. Heads of Families: Keed [? — Heed, Reed], William, i bx; i az, i bz — total 3. Draper, Samuel, i ax, i bx; i az, 2 bz — 5. Hughs, Daniel, i bx; 2 az, I bz — 4. "Elaxandrio," Robert, 2 ax, i ax; i bz — 4. Reed, Charles, i ax, i bx; i bz — 3. More, William, i ax, i bx; I az, i bz — 4. Wilighboey, Richd., 6 ax, i bx; i az, i bz — 9. Founton, Thomas, i ax, I bx; i az, i bz — 4. Coox, Thomas, i ax, I bx; 2 az, i bz — 5. Bostick, James, I ax, i bx; 2 az, 2 bz — 6. Founton, Saml., i bx; i az, i bz — 3. Owins, William, i bx; i az, i bz — 3. Orrell, Thos., I bx — i. Stradlee, Thos. Coox, 2 ax; I bx, i bz — 4. Walker, John, i ax, i bx; 2 az, I bz — 5. Comton, John BabHs, i bx; 2 az, i bz — 4. Hollis, Clark, 2 ax, i ex; 2 az, 3 bz — 8. Laine, Francis, 3 ax, i bx; i az, 2 bz — 7. Wyth, Daniel, 3 ax, i ex; i bz, I cz — 6. Brett, Damina, I bx, i ex; i cz — 3. Barwick, James, 2 ax, i bx; i az, 3 bz — 7. Carrill, Grace, i ax; i az, 2 bz — 4. Mason, Abraham, i ax, i bx; 3 az, i bz — 6. Eutt, Seth Hill, l bx; i az, i bz — 3. * "Preston Goodwin" is written in the enumeration in the bold handwriting of Benson Stanton, Cha°-, but the actual signature is "Preson Goodwin." 79 3 MARYLAND RECORDS— CAROLINE COUNTY Hill, Thomas Smith "Cat." [Captain?], 2 ax, i bx; i az, i .bz — 5. Cullon, Davied, i ax, i bx; i az, i bz — 4. Wilkson, Henery, 3 ax, i bx; i az, i bz — 6. Allen, z'\nn, i bz, i cz — 2. Simson, Elijah, 1 bx; i az, i bz — 3. Cooper, Owin, 2 ax, 2 bx; i az, 3 bz, i cz — 9. Rogirs, William, 2 ax, i bx; 2 az, 2 bz, i cz — 8. Baynard, Mary, i bz — i. Johnson, John, 2 ax, 2 bx; i az, 2 bz — 7. Hamblton, William, i bx — i. Johnson, Henery, 2 ax, i bx; i az, 2 bz — 6. Hurd, William, i ex; 3 az, i bz — 5. Skinner, Francis, 2 bx; i bz — 3. Drapir, Gudall, i ax, 2 bx; i az, 2 bz — 6. Raws, Sarah, 2 az, i bz — 3. Williowbee, Solomon, i bx; i bz — 2. Williowbee, Absolomon, i bx; i cz — 2. Chanee, Aron, i ax, 2 bx; 7 az, 4 bz — 14. Mason, John, 2 ax, i ex; i az, i bz — 5. Emery [?], John, i ax, i bx; i bz — 3. Duglass, William, 5 ax, i bx; i az, i bz, i cz — 9. Lilley, William, i ax, i bx; i az, i bz — 4. Cook, William, 2 ax, i bx; i az, i hz, i cz — 6. Rogers, John, 3 ax, i bx; i az, i bz — 6. Sherrwed, Hugh, 2 ax, 2 bx, i ex; 3 az, i bz — 9. Sherrwed, Francis, i ax, i bx; 2 bz — 4. Baynard, John, i ax, 3 bx; 2 az, 2 bz, i cz — 9. White, John, 2 ax, 2 bx; i az, i bz — 6. Garrner, Parrish, 2 ax, i bx; 6 az, I bz — 10. Lammar, Nathan, 2 ax, i bx; 3 az, i bz — 7. Dickson, John, i bx; i bz — 2. Ingrum, John, i ax, i bx; i bz — 3. Garroot, John, i bx; i az, i bz — 3. Longe, Thomas, 3 ax, i bx, I ex; 3 az, 2 bz — 10. Longe, John, i ax, i bx; 3 az, 2 bz — 7. Glandin, William, 2 ax, i bx, I ex; 2 az, i bz — 7. Haress [Harris?], Benjamin, 2 ax, i bx; 3 az, i bz — 7. Smith, Edwd. i bx, i ex; i az, i cz — 4. Quinnily, Richd. i ex; i cz — 2. Talboy, Ann, 2 bx; i bz, i cz — 4. Wothers, Elijah, i ax, 2 bx; i az, i bz — 5. Currey, William, i ax, i bx, i ex; 4 bz — 7. BREDGE TOWN HUNDRED 8l Morgan, James, i bx — I. Morgan, Solomon, i bx — i. Gladston, Nathan, i bx — i. Hobs, William, i bx — i. Lecompt, Thos. i bx — i. Wilson, Robt. i bx — i. Turnner, John, i bx — i. Hill, Nathan, i bx — i. Swgat, Beneymon [Benjamin?], i bx — I. Chanell [?], Eleey, i bx — i. Green, Zariah, i bx — i. Wothers, Ruban, i bx — i. Wothers, John, 4 ax, i bx; 2 az, 2 bz — 9. Bland, Joseph, i bx; 2 az, i bz — 4. Bland, Joseph, Senr. 3 ax, i bx; 3 az, i bz — 8. Bright, Jonis, 2 ax, i bx, 3 az, i bz — 7. Everret, Joseph, i bx — i. Brite, George, i bx — i. Founton, William, i bx — i. Jurdam, Batt, i bx, i ex; 2 az, I bz, i cz — 6. Black, Betty, 2 ax; 2 az, i cz — 5. Goodwin, Preston, 3 ax, i bx; I bz — 5. Warron, Solomon, 3 ax, i bx; I az, i bz — 6. Leventon, Mary, i bx; i az, I bz, i cz — 4. Cahill, WiUiam, i ax, i bx; 6 az, I bz — 9. Porter, Larnie, 2 bx; 3 az, I bz — 6. Thomas, Richard, I bx; I az, i bz — 3. Solsboury, Nemiah, 2 ax, I bx; 3 az, i bz — 7. Willighbouy, Edward, 4 ax, i bx; 3 az, 2 bz — 10. Fednion, Batt, 4 ax, i bx; 3 az, 2 bz — 10. Cahill, John, i bx; 2 az, I bz, i cz — 5. Draper, William, 3 ax, 2 bx; 2 az, 2 bz — 9. Sordinge, Edward, 3 ax, i bx; I az, i bz — 6. Paine, Isaac, 5 ax, 2 bx; 2 az, i bz — 10. Maikmahn, William, i bx; i az, i bz — 3. Harper, William, 3 ax, 2 bx; 3 az, i bz — 9. Founton, John, 6 ax, i bx; i az, i bz — 9. Hudson, John, l bx; i bz — 2. Porter, Robt. i bx; 2 az, i bz — 4. Wilimson, Elijah, 3 ax, i bx; 3 az, 2 bz — 9. Swegatt, Thomas, 2 ax, i bx, i ex; i az, 2 bz, i cz — 8. Draper, Nemiah, I bx — i. 7 il^l+s- 82 MARYLAND RECORDS— CAROLINE COUNTY Smith, John, 3 ax, I bx; i az, i bz — 6. Munnett, William, 4 ax, 2 bx; 2 az, I bz — 9. Lester [Lister ?], Joshua, 5 ax, i bx; i az, i bz — 8. Stevens, Azell, 2 ax, i bx; i az, 2 bz — 6. Bredinge, John, i ax, 2 bx; 2 bz, i cz — 6. Smith, John, Sennr. 3 bx, i ex; i az, i bz, i cz — 7. "Solsboy," Ebenezar, i ax, i bx; 2 az, i bz — 5. "Solsboury," James, 4 ax, 2 bx; i az, 4 bz — 11. "Joness," William, 2 ax, i bx, i ex; 4 bz — 8. Simson, John, i ax, i bx; i az, 2 bz — 5. Allen, Preseller, 2 az, 2 bz — 4. Morgan, Elesebeth, i ax, i bx; 2 bz, i cz — 5. Hoobes, Elesebeth, i bx; i az, i cz — 3. Raws, James, i ax, i ex; i az, i cz — 4. Harriss, James, i ax, 2 bx; i az, I bz — 9. Smith, Joshua, 2 ax, 2 bx; 4 az, I bz — 9. Hignutt, Daniel, i ax, i bx; 3 az, i bz — 6. Towirs, James, 2 ax, I bx; 4 az, 3 bz — 10. Chilrood, John, 2 ax, i bx; 3 az, i bz — 7. Dillion, John, 6 ax, 2 bx; 2 az, 2 bz — 12. Foster, Joseph, i ax, 2 bx; 3 az, i bz — 7. Harriss, Elsibeth, i ax; 2 bz — 3. Shinnee, Peter, i bx; 2 bz — 3. Mathers, Rose, I az, 2 bz — 3. Solsboury, John, i ax, 3 bx; 2 az, i bz — 7. Solsboury, Oliie, 2 ax, i bx; i az, 2 bz — 6. Swegatt, James, 2 bx; i az, 2 bz — 5. Hamblton, Jamis, i ax, 2 bx; 2 az, i bz — 5. Collilis, Robt. I ax, I bx, i ex; 3 az, i bz, i ez — 8. Fisher, Abraham, i ax, i bx; 2 az, I bz — 5. Horney, James, i bx — i. Porter, Robert, Senr. 2 ax, i ex; i az, 2 bz, i ez — 7. Chafinch, John, 3 ax, i bx, i ex; 3 az, i bz — 9. Counton, Mary, 2 ax; 3 az, i bz — 6. Perrey, Mary, 2 ax, i bx; i az, i bz — 5. Howard, Joseph, 2 ax, i ex; 3 az, i bz — 7. Connelly, Jesa, i bx; i az, i bz, i ez — 4. Connely, William, i ax, I bx, i ex; i ez — 4. Rumbly, Smith, i ax, i bx; i bz — 3. Durell [Dunell?], Larrence, I ax, i bx; i az, i bz — 4. Smith, Thomas, i bx; i az, i bz — 3. Holbrook, Alaxandreo, 3 ax, i ex; i az, i bz — 6. BREDGE TOWN HUNDRED 83 Hoobs, Leblun, 3 ax, i bx; 2 az, i bz — 7. Hornny, Jiffery, 3 bx, I ex; 2 az, i bz, 2 cz — 9. Withers, Arron, 2 ax, i bx; i bz — 4. Kinord, Richard, I bx; i bz — 2. Killey, Batt, i ax, i bx; i az, i bz — 4. Greene, Edward, 4 ax, 2 bx; 2 az, i bz — 9. Griffind, John, i ax, i bx; 3 az, 3 bz — 8. Withers, Solomon, i ax, i bx; i az, i bz — 4. Staford, John, 4 ax, 2 bx; I az, 2 bz — 9. Chaniee Richd. I bx; I bz — 2. Swegott, Henery, 4 ax, 3 bx; 3 az, 2 bz — 12. Richardson, John, 2 ax, i bx; 3 az, i bz — 7. Stevens, WilHam, 2 ax, i bx; 3 az, 2 bz — 8. Bushoope, Robart, 4 ax, i bx; i az, i bz — 7. Bushope, WilHam, 2 ax, i bx; i az, i bz, i cz — 6. Smith, Leaven, i bx; i az, 2 bz — 4. Moberey, Arron, i ax, i bx; 2 az, i bz — 5. Harriss, William, 2 ax, i bx; 5 az, 2 bz — 10. Ward, Mary, i bx; 2 bz, i cz — 4. Barwick, Margrett, i ax, 3 az, i bz — 5. Grenholt [?], Johnathan, 3 ax, i bx; i bz — 5. Marthers, Darby, i bx; i az, I bz — 3. Row, Thomas, i ax, 4 bx; 5 az, 2 bz — 12. Earvin, Emmillis, 2 ax; i az, i bz — 4. Parson, Edward, 3 ax, i bx; 2 az, 2 bz — 8. Baynard, Leavin, 2 ax, i bx; 2 az, i bz — 6. Cooper, Mark, 4 ax, 2 bx; 3 az, 3 bz — 12. Total 954. Owners of Blacks are grouped together, with the "a," "b," "c" classifi- cations in the original lists but only the totals are here given and designated as "N," thus: "21 n," meaning 21 blacks. Heads of Families: Driver, Mathew, i ax, 2 bx; 3 az — 6, and 21 n. Hindson, Charles, i ax, i ex; i az, 3 bz — 6, and 5 n. Driver, Christopher, i ax, 3 bx; i az, 2 bz, i cz — 8, and 7 n. Cook, Thomas, 3 ax, i bx, i ex; 4 az, 2 bz — 11, and 2 n. Baynard, Gedion, i ax, i bx, i ex; 5 az, 3 bz — 11, and i n. Dickson, Obadiah, i ax, I bx, i ex; 2 az, 2 bz, i ez — 8, and 10 n. Merrick, Isaac, 4 bx; i az, i bz — 6, and 3 n. Rich, Peter, 2 bx; 2 az, i bz — 5, and 6 n. Smith, Abigail, i ax; i bz, i cz — 3, and 6 n. 84 MARYLAND RECORDS— CAROLINE COUNTY Smith, William, Junr. i ax, 2 bx; i az, i bz — 5, and 5 n. White, Cathrine, I cz — i, and i n. Roodes, Jeremiah, 6 ax, i bx; I az, i bz — 9, and 16 n. Lucais, John, i bx; 2 bz — 3, and 2 n. Poselwatte, Robet. 2 ax, I bx; i az, i bz — 5, and 3 n. Dixon, Benjmon, 2 ax, 3 bx; i az, i bz — 7, and i n. Rumbley, Jacob, 2 ax, i bx; 2 az, 3 bz, i cz — 9, and 7 n. Willson, Jonathan, 3 ax, i bx, i ex; 4 az, 2 bz — 11, and 3 n. Shaw, William, 3 ax, I bx, i ex; I az, 4 bz — 10, and 6 n. Barwick, Joshua, i ax, I bx; 2 bz — 4, and 3 n. Whitee, Samuel, i ax, I bx; 5 az, 2 bz — 9, and i n. Hughins, James, 2 ax, i bx; 3 az, i bz — 7, and 9 n. Stockley, George, I bx; 3 az, i bz — 5, and 11 n. Onell, Thomas, i bx; i az, i bz — 3, and i n. Clemmer, Francis, i bx; i bz — 2, and i n. Rumbley, Edger, 3 ax, i bx; 5 az, 3 bz — 12, and i n. Barwick, James, 4 ax, 3 bx; 2 az, 3 bz — 12, and I n. Cooper, John, I bx; i bz — 2, and 2 n. Hasleitt, William, i ax, 2 bx; 2 az, i bz — 6, and 3 n. Lucais, Michill, 6 ax, 2 bx; i az, 2 bz — il, and 6 n. Swording, Sarah, I ez — i, and i n. Garrner, Joseph, i ax, i bx; 2 bz — 4, and 4 n. Willson, Christopher, 3 ax, i bx; 2 az, i bz — 7, and i n. Willowbeey, Saml. i bx; 2 az, I bz — 4, and 3 n. Hinds, Daniel, 2 ax, 4 bx; I cz — 7, and 2 n. Dillehay, William, i bx; I az, i bz — 3, and i n. Founton, Thomas, I ax, 2 bx, i ex; i bz — 5, and i n. Cooben, William, i ax, i bx; 2 az, 2 bz — 6, and I n. Orrill, John [Onill, Onell?], 2 ax, i ex; i az, 2 bz — 6, and 6 n. Stevens, John, i ax, i bx, i ex; I az, 2 bz — 6, and 14 n. Vaulx, Ebennezer, I ex — i, and 2 n. White, John, 5 ax, i bx, i ex; 2 az, i bz — 10, and 12 n. Founton, Andrew, 3 ax, 3 bx; 3 az, I bz — 10, and 7 n. Founton, Merey, 2 bx, i ex; i cz — 4, and 12 n. Lecompt, James, 4 ax, 2 bx; 3 bz — 9, and 4 n. Lecompt, James, Senr. i ax, 4 bx, i ex; 2 bz — 8, and 5 n. Lecompt, Charles, 2 bx — 2, and i n. Juvel, William, i ax, i bx, i ex; i az, i bz, i cz — 6, and I n. Rich, William, 3 bx; 4 az, i bz — 8, and 3 n. Willson, John, i bx; 4 az, 2 bz — 7, and 5 n. Scoot, John, I bx; 4 az, 2 bz — 7, and 7 n. Scoot, James, i bx — i, and i n. BREDGE TOWN HUNDRED 85 Baynard Thomas, [No age given] i, and 2 n. Wheatly, William, i ax, 2 bx; i az, i cz — 5, and 14 n. Dixon, Robert, [No age given] — i, and 3 n. Peterkin, James, i cz — 2 [Evidently i omitted], and 9 n. Stanton, Benson, i bx; i az, i bz — 3, and 25 n. Totals 330 and 954, "Whites 1287" and 291 n. Caroline County Scr. In Committee Jany. 6, 1777. Preston Goodwin being appointed by this Committee to Assertain the number of Inhabitants in Bridge Town Hundred, made Oath that the within and above List contains the whole of the Inhabitants in Hundred. Signed by Order, Benson Stanton, Cha". DORCHESTER COUNTY Dorchester County, Nantacoake Hundred, Census of 1776.* "List of Inhabitants in Nantacoake Hundred, Dorchester County, anno 1776. No. 2033." t "a" means 10 years of age and under; "b" means 10 to 16; "c" means 16 to 21; "d" means 21 to 30; " e " means 30 to 40 ; " f " means 40 to 50 ; "g" means 50 to 60; "h" means 60 to 70, "x" means white males; "z" means white females, and the prefixed figure means the number enumerated in the class indicated by the letter, thus "3 ax" means three males 10 years and under, "2 cz" means two females 16 years to 21, "n" means "blacks." Heads of Families: Abet, Sarah, 2 ax, i az, i dz. Adams, Mcnamar, i ax, I az, i bz, I ex, i ez, i gz. Ackman, Phillep, 2 ax, 2 az, i bz, I ex, i ez. Abbet, Thomas, 2 ax, 2 bz, i cz, i ex, i ez. Angel, William, 2 bz, 2 cz, i ex, i ez. "Also White man from 70 to 80." Adkins, Rachel, i ax, 2 bx, i ez. * First Division of Dorchester County into Hundreds: The first pohtical divisions of Dorchester County were hundreds, of which there is no official record to be found of their boundary lines, but the locations of the hundreds are recognizable by their names. They were laid out prior to 1698 when there were few roads through the vast forests which were only bounded by creeks, streams and other bodies of water. The names of the hundreds were: 1. Great Choptank Hundred. 2. Nanticoke Hundred. 3. Transquaking Hundred. 4. Fishing Creek Hundred. 5. Little Choptank Hundred. 6. Hermitage (or Armitage) Hundred. 7. Straits Hundred. 8. Cambridge Hundred. These divisions of the county were recognized in the appointment of constables, road overseers and other district officials, but were not election districts. They were retained as county divisions until 1829 when the county was divided into eight election districts herein named." Hist, of Dorch. Co., — Elias Jones, 1902, pp. 142, 143. t This record consists of 5 sheets, 12 in. x 14H inches folded in the center and stitched together with an additional half sheet stitched to the side of the last sheet. The entire record is very yellow and worn and written upon both sides of the sheets. 89 90 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY Atter Son, Arter, 2 ax, 4 az, i dx, i dz, i ez, i fx. Adley, William, 2 az, i cz, i dz, i ex. Alexson, Alexander, 2 az, i bx, 2 bz, i cz, i dx, i fz, i gx. Browhon, Patrick, i ax, i az, i bz, I cz, i dz, i ex, 6 n. Bramble, Levina, 2 ax, i az, 2 bx, i bz, i ex,* i cz, i fz. Badley, Christopher, I az, i bx, i cz, i fz, gx. Badley, Richard, i dx, i dz. Baker, John, i ax, 2 z, i dx, i dz. Bonewill, Georg, i ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i ez, 4 n. Brown, Sarah, i ax, i az, 2 ez, 3 n. Ball, Precilla, i ax, 2 az, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, i ex, i fz, 25 n. Bonersill, M'keel, 2 az, i dx, i dz. Bestpitch, William, i ax, i az, i ex, i ez. Bramble, Edmon, i az, I bx, i bz, I ex, i fz, i gx. Blesset, William, i az, i bx, i ex, i fz, i gz. Bancks, Ann, i ax, 3 n. Broks, Sarah, i ax, 2 az, 3 bz, i dz, i gz, 9 n. Beard, John, i bx, i bz, 2 dz, i hx, i hz, 8 n. Batey, Benjamin ("lived in Somerset"), i ex, i ex. Beard, Thomas, I ax, 2 az, i bx, i bz, i cz, i ez, i fx, 3 n. Beard, John, i ax, i az, i cz, i dz, i ex, i n. Bestpitch, Levin, 3 ax, i bx, 2 bz, I ex, I ez, 4 n. Brown, Georg, 2 ax, 3 az, I bz, I ex, i dz, i fx, 2 n. Badley, Ezekel, 3 ax, i az, i bz, I ex, i ez. Beard, Georg, i cz, i dx. Ball, Benjamin, 3 az, i bz, i ex, i dz, i ez, i fx, 12 n. Cantar, Isaac, 2 ax, i dx, i dz. Cohon, Peter, i az, cz, i dx. Cammel, Zacharas, i ax, 4 az, i ex, i ex, 2 ez, 13 n. Canter, Sarah, i bx, i dx, i gx. Cook, Elesabeth, i bx, i bz, i dx, i ez, i n. Craft, Charles Levi, i ax, i dx, i dz, 2 n. Coap, Jonathan, i ax, 2 az, i cz, i dz, i ex, i fz. Clark, James, I az, i dx, i ez. Callendar, William, i cz, i dx. Craft, chads John, i ax, I ex, i ez. Coap, Mar>', 2 ax, i az, 2 bx, 2 bz, i dx, i gz. Coap, John, i bx, 2 bz, 2 cz, i fx. Cox, Joseph, I ax, 3 az, i bz, i ex, i gz. Cane, Sarah, i ax, i az, i bx, i cz, I dz, i gz. Church, Abraham, 2 n. * "Lived to Isaac Canter." NANTACOAKE HUNDRED 91 Coap, Joseph, 2 az, i bx, i dx, i fx. Craft, charls John, 2 ax, i bx, I cz, I ex, i ez, i n. Craft, charls, John, Senr. i bx, i ez, i hx, i n. Craft, charls Thomas, i ax, I az, i cz, i dz. Craft, Aleas, 3 ax, i bz, I ez. Craft, Jonathan, i dz, i ex. Craft, Sarah, i ex, i gz. Cook , "a black man no to 115." Dorroty, Ezekel, i ax, 3 az, i bz, i cz, i dz, i fx. Dudney, Aleas, i az, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, i ez. Dudney, Mary, 4 ax, 3 az, i ex, i ez, i hz. Deen, Charls, I dx, "love free." Deen, Henry, I az, i dx, i dz. Daffin, Joseph, 20 n. Daniel, John, Senr. 2 ax, I az, i cz, i dz, i gx. Daniel, John, i ax, i dx, l dz, 2 n. Elett, John, 2 ax, 3 az, i bx, I ez, i gx, 15 n. EUett, Thomas, 4 ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i fz, i gx. Elburd, William, i ez, 7 n. Evins, Mary, i ax, i az, l bx, i bz, i dz. Ellett, Thomas, 3 az, 2 bz, i ex, i ez, i n. Evins, fisher Henry, i az, I cz, i dx, i gx. Ellett, John, 4 ax, i az, i bz, i dz, i ex, i ez, 3 n. Ennales, Henry 27 n. Furrough, Jesse i n [Black man 21 to 30]. Fisher, John, i az, i dx, i dz. Foster, Elesabeth, i ax, i bz, i ez, and " i white woman 70 to 80." Gambell, Sarah, i bx, 2 bz, 2 cz, i fz. Green, Richard, i ax, i dz, i ex. Goute, Shadrick, 2 ax, 2 az, i bx, i dx, 2 ez, 4 n. Goute, Sophiah, I ax, i az, i dz. Griffen, Joseph, 2 dx, 2 dz, 17 n. Gardif, Christopher, i ax, 4 az, 2 bx, I cz, i ez, I hx, 2 n. Goute, George, i ax, 3 az, i ex, i dx, i dz. Gordon, James, 2 ax, i ex, i cz, i dx, i dz, 4 n. Gray, Archable, i az, i dx, i dz. Grinnan, Ann, 3 ax, i az, i ez. Grayham, John, 3 ax, i az, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, i ez. Gambell, John, 2 ax, i ex, I fz. Harper, John, 2 ax, 2 bz, I ex, i cz, i dx, i fx, I fz, 2 n. Harper, Ezekel, 2 ax, 3 az, 2 bz, i ex, i ez, I fx, 5 n. Hodson, Thomas, 3 ax, i az, i bx, 2 bz, i cz, i dx, i fx, i fz, 7 n. 92 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY Hodson, Ann, 3 az, 3 bz, 2 ez, 2 n. Hambleton, Mary, i ax, i az, I bx, I fz, 3 n. Hambleton, Lilley 4 n. Hicks, Thomas, i ax, 2 bx, i ex, 2 cz, i fx, i fz, 17 n. Hicks, Mary, 2 ax, i ez, i gz, 13 n. Holland, Rasmis, i ax, 3 az, i dz, and " i white woman 70 to 80." Hincks, Thomas, 2 ax, 2 az, i bx, i bz, i dz, i ex, i ez, i fx, 2 n. Hicks, Tabitha, i ax, i ez. Higgins, Sarah, I ax, 3 bx, i cz, i fz. Hughs, Precilla, 2 az, i bz, I cz, 2 ez. Hopkins, John, i az, i dz, i ex, 3 n. Harvey, William, 3 ax, i dx, i dz. Hust, Samuel, I az, I bz, i dz, i ex. Hust, Archabel, 3 ax, 2 az, i bx, i bz, i dz, i ex. Hurley, Edward, i bx, I bz, 2 fz, i hx. Hust, James, 2 ax, i az, 2 bx, 3 cz, I ex, i ez. Hubbart, Humphra, i ax, i az, i bz, i dz, i fz, i hx. Hoppar, Henry, 1 1 n. Hughs, James, " i black man 40 to 50." Henry, John, i az, 3 bx, 2 bz, i ex, i ez, i dx, i dz, i gx, 2 gz, 55 n. Hammon, William, i ez, i fx. Hughs, Edmon, 2 ax, 2 az, I ex, i cz, i dx, i fz, i gx. Horsman, John, i ax, I az, i bx, i bz, i fz, i gx. Horsman, Luke, 2 ax, 2 az, i bx, I bz, i fz, i gx. Hurley, Mathew, i ax, 2 az, i bz, i dz, i fx. Hurley, "Jan" [John?], i ax, i bx, i ez. Hurley, Jacob, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i dz, i ez. Hugins, Hezekiah, 3 az, i bx, i dz, I ez. Hurley, Moses, I cz, i dx. Hurley, Sophiah, i dz, i ez, i gz, 2 n. Hurley, John, 2 ax, 2 az, 3 bx, i cz, l ez, i gx, 3 n. Horsman, Henry,* i ax, i bx, I ez, i fz. Hurley, Durbey, 2 ax, 3 bx, I fz, i gx. Hurley, John, 3 az, 2 bx, 2 ez, i fx, I n. Hurley, Thomas, i ax, i bx, i dx, i dz. Hurley, Elijah, 4 ax, i az, i ex, i ez. Hollan, Connar, i cz, i dx. Hollan, Michal, 2 bx, i dz, i gx, i gz. Hughe, John, i fx. Harper, David, 2 az, i bx, 2 bz, i cz, i ez, i fx, 7 n. * Also "White woman 70 to 80." "White woman 80 to 90." The second entry may perhaps apply to Henry Durbin, but the position seems to favor the Henry Horsman, family. G. M. B. NANTACOAKE HUNDRED 93 Hust, Joseph, I dx. Huffington, John, i ex, i ez. Hurley, Constantine, 2 ax, i az, i cz, i ex. Haddan, Larance, cz ("with one leg of") [Enumerated twice, G. M. B]. HoUan, Connar, i cz, i dx. HoUan, Michal, 2 bx, i dz, i gx, i gz. Hughe, John, i fx. Harper, David, 2 az, i bx, 2 bz, i cz, I ez, I fx, 7 n. Hust, Joseph, I dx. Huffington, John, i ex, i ez. Hurley, Constantine, 2 ax, i az, i cz, 1 ex. Jones, WiUiam, i ax, 2 az, 2 bx, l cz, i dx, i ez, i fz, I gx, 3 n. Jones, Levin, i ax, 3 az, 2 bx, i cz, i dz, i ez, i fx, 8 n. Jones, Mary, i ax, i az, i dz. Jones, Levin, 2 ax, I bx, i bz, I cz, i dx, I ex, i ez. Jones, Sarah, 3 az, I ez. Johnson, Joseph, i bx, 2 bz, i cz, i fz, i hz, 5 n. Jones, James, 2 ax, 3 az, 3 bx, i bz, i ex, I ex, i ez, 4 n. Jones, William, I ax, i az, I dx, i dz. Johnson, Nathan, 2 az, i ex, I ex, i fz, I n. Jones, William, 4 ax, i az, l cz, i dx, i ez, i fx. Jones, Levin, I cz, i dx. Jones, Isaac, 2 az, i bx, i cz, i dx, i dz. Jones, Frances, i az, i bx, l cz, i dx, i dz. Kirkman, Levin, 3 ax, I az, i dz, i ex, 10 n. Kirkman, Georg, i fx, I hx, 9 n. Kirkman, Elisha, i az, I dx, i dz. Kimmey, Henry, 3 ax, 2 az, i dz, i gx. Killener, John, 2 bx, I ex, i ez. Lewis, Glod, i ax, i ex, i ex, i ez. Langfitt, Frances, I az, i bx, i ex, i cz, I gz, i hx. Lines, Cornelus, I az, i dx, i dz. Langfitt, Jarvis, I bx, i dx, i ez. Langfitt, William, 2 cz, i hz, 7 n, also " i white man 70 to 80." Langfitt, John, 2 ax, i az, i bz, i cz, i dx, i gz, 10 n. Langfitt, Levin, i az, i bx, i bz, i cz, i dx, i dz. Lewis, Levin, i ax, I ex, i dx, i dz, i fx, i fz, i n. Langurl, William, i ax, i az, i bx, i ex, 2 dz, i ex, 4 n. Lingart, James, I ex, i gz, also "i white man 80 to 90." Lingurl, William, 3 ax, i ex, i cz, i ex, i ez. Laton, James, i ax, 2 az, 2 bx, i bz, i dz, i ex, 11 n. Laton, Daniel, 4 az, i ex, i dx, i dz, i n. 94 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY McCallester, William, i ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i cz, i ex, i fx, i fz. McCallester, Easter, I az, i dz. McCallester, Sarah, I ax, i ez. Marcy, Mary, i ax, i dz, 2 n. Minish, Elesabeth, 3 ax, I az, I bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, I dx, i fz. Muir, James, i ax, i bz, i ex, i ez, i dx, i fx, i fz, 17 n. McBrid, Hugh, 3 dx, I ex, i ez, i fx "lived in sumerset," 7 n. Mears, Fisher, 3 ax, I bx, i ex, I ez. Miars, John, i az, i bx, i bz, i cz, i dx. Marign, Angel, 5 ax, i bz, i ex, i fz, I n. McKell, Thomas, i dz, i ex, 5 n. Moor, Elijah, i ax, 3 az, i bx, i dx, i dz. McCallester, John, i bx, i ex, i cz, i ez, i fx, i hz. McCallester, Andrew, i ax, 2 az, I bx, 2 bz, i ex, I ez, i ex, I ez. Messack, James, 2 ax, i bx, 2 cz. McCallster, Alceabeth, i bz, 2 ex, i gz. Morgan, William, i ax, 3 az, 2 bx, 3 bz, 2 dx, i ez, i fx, 3 n. Muir, Charls, 2 ax, I az, i bx, I bz, i dz, i ez, I fx, 29 n.* Major, Levin, 2 ax, I az, I dz, i ex. McCrary, Sarah, i ax, i az, i bx, i ex, i cz, i gz. Moor, Thomas, I ax, i dx, i dz "lived in Somer Set." Meddis, Thomas, 2 ax, i az, i bx, l dz, I ez. Millar, Sarah, i az, i bz, I fz. McCoUester, Tabtha, i ax, i az, i bx, i ez. Mabra, John, i dx "arised — enter in Quens ans." Norman, Christophar, 2 ax, i az, i bz, i cz, i ez, I hx. Neel, James, 2 az, I dz, i ex. Oram, Levi, 2 ax, 2 az, I bx, 2 dz, I ex, i n. Philleps, John, I ax, i az, i bx, i cz, I dx, i dz, i n. Phillips, William, i dx, i dz. Parris, Comfort, I ax, i bz, i fz, 2 n. Parrish, John, 4 az, i dx, i dz. Pely, William, 2 ax, i dz, i ex. Roberson, John, i ax, i dx, i dz. Rawley, James, 2 ax, i az, i cz, i dx, i dz. Rawley, James, 2 ax, i cz, i dx. Richards, Ann, 2 bx, I bz, I ex, I ez, i gz, i n. Ragg, Andrew, i az, i bz, I ex, i ex, 5 n. Regin, Tabitha, i ax, i dz. Rawley, John, 2 ax, i bz, i ex, i ez. Riggin, Edward, I ax, i ex, i dx, i dz, i n. * "Of these I is blind and i love free." NANTACOAKE HUNDRED 95 Rawley, James, i az, i bx, i fx, i fz. Reed, Joshua, I ax, i ex, i dx, I dz. Staintors, Thomas, i ax, 2 az, 4 bx, i ex, I ez, 5 n. Stoaks, Vollintin, 3 ax, 2 az, 2 bx, i fz, i gx. Stinson, Samuel, 3 az, 2 bx, I ex, i fz. Shaw, James, 2 ax, 2 dx, i dz, i fz, 4 n. Sandars, John, i ez, 4 n. Staton, Jacob, 2 ax, 2 az, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, i ez, 2 n. Sweeting, Richard, i dx. Sasorson, Daniel, i ax, 2 az, I cz, i dz, i fx. Sturd, James, i ax, i bz, i ez, i fx. Sward, Peter, I ax, i bz, I cz, i ex, i fz. Sturd, James, i az, i ex, i ez, i n. Steele, Henry, 2 ax, i az, i bx, i ex, i fx, i fz, 91 n. Sackel, John, 2 ax, 2 az, I dx, i ex, i ez, I n. Shanks, Abner, 2 ax, i az, i bx, i ez, i fx. Sulivan, Nicll. 2 ax, 2 bx, I ez. Sears, Peter, i ax, i az, I ex, i cz, i ez, i fx, 4 n. Travers, Hicks John, 2 ax, I bx, i fx, 9 n. Tickel, William, i az, 2 bx, 2 bz, i dz, I gx, I gz. Tickel fletcher David, I az, i dx, i dz. Tanar, batson Vinson, i ax, i az, i dz, I ex. Thompson, Edwards, 2 ax, i az, i cz, 3 ez, i fx, 6 n. Travers, Levin, 4 n. Tilghman, Elijah 4 n. Tommas, John, i bz, i cz, i fx, i fz. Travers, Matthew, 4 ax, 3 az, i bx, i bz, i ez, i gx. Thompson, Joseph, i ax, i ex, I cz, i ez, i fx, 2 n. Thompson, Nickels John, 2 ax, i bx, i n. Talor [Tabor?3| James, i ez, I dx, i dz, i n. Tommas, Elesabeth, i ex, i gz. Tommas, Joseph, i ax, i dx, i dz. Viekars, Soloman, 3 dx, i ez, i hz. Vain, Henry, i ax, 2 az, i bx, 3 bz, i cz, i ez, I gx. Vinson, John, 2 az, i bz, i dx, i dz. Wallas, John, i bz, i hx, i hz, also "white woman 80/90." Wallas, William, 3 az, i dx, i dz, i ez. Windon, Charles, 3 ax, 3 az, i bz, i ex, i ez, i fx, i hz. Woodards, Benjamin, i bz, i dz, i ex. Wheelar, John, i ax, i az, i bx, 2 ez, i dz, i gx. William, Levin, 4 az, i bx, i bz, i ex, 4 ez, I fx. Willcox, Michal, i ax, 3 az, i bx, i cz, i dz, i ex, i fz. 96 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY Whalend, Jan [Jon?], i bx, i ex, i cz, i gz, 8 n. Wille, Pritch, 2 ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i dx, 2 dz, i ex, 5 n. White, John, i dx, i dz, 6 n. Winget, Zebulon, i ax, i bz, i dx, i dz, i hz, 3 n. Walter, Daniel, I ax, 4 az, 2 bx, 2 bz, i dz, i ex, i hz. White, Sarah, i ax, i az, I bz, i dz, I gz, 12 n. Webster, Catron, i ax, I bx, 2 bz, i ez. Williams, Robert, i ax, i bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, i cz, i fz, i gx, i gz. Williams, Thomas, i dx. White, Mary, i az, i bx, i ex, i cz, i gz, 5 n. White, Thomas, i bz, i dx. White, John, 2 ax, i az, i dz, i fx. Wale, John, 2 ax, i dx, i dz. Winwright, Evins, i ax, 3 az, I bz, i ex, i ez, i hx ("White man 70/80"). Heads of Families [Summary] : * 246 ax, 242 az, 131 bx, 113 bz, 48 ex, 86 ez, 87 dx, 102 dz, 68 ex, 98 ez, 39 fx, 41 fz, 18 gx, 25 gz, 13 hx, 9 hz, 638 n. Also enumerated: From 70 to 80 6 white men i white woman. From 80 to 90 2 white men and 3 blacks. One black man II o/i 1 5. Dorchester County S". Sep'^ 16"', 1776, Personally appeared Peter Sears before the Committee of Observation for the County aforesaid & made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the aforegoing is a true & perfect List to the best of his Knowledge of the Number of the Inhabitants of Nantacoake Hundred in the County and so fair forth as was in his power to obtain. Signed P order of the afs''. Committee. Jn". C. Harrison Clk. STBIAIGHT'S HUNDRED 97 Dorchester County, Straight's Hundred, Census of 1776. "A List of the inhabitants in Straights Hundred in Dorchester County in the year one Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Six" — 1324 Persons. This Census is written upon a continuous sheet 5 feet long by 13V2 inches wide. The numbers of blacks are given in each division but are here omitted. "a" means " 10 years of age and under"; "b" means "From 10 to 16"; "c" means "From 16 to 21 "; "d" means "From 21 to 30"; "e" means "From 30 to 40"; "f" means "From 40 to 50"; "g" means "From 50 years of age and upwards " ; " x " means ' ' White Boys' ' or " White Men ' ' ; "z" means "White Girls" or "White Women;" "n" means "Blacks;" I ax means i white boy 10 years or under, etc. Heads of Families: Mookin, Mark, i ax, i bx, i cz, i dx, i ez. Mookin, Mary, 2 ax, i az, i ez. Johnson, Ezekie, 2 ax, i cz, i dx. Johnson, William, 3 ax, 3 az, 2 bx, i ex, i ez. Wells, John, l dz, i fx. Tigner, William, i ex. Griffith, Lewes, I ax, 3 az, i bx, i ex, 2 cz, i fx, i fz. Foxwell, John, 3 ax, i az, i dz. Hart, Levin, i ax, i ex, i cz. Woodling, John, 3 ax, i bz, i dx, i dz. Holmes, John, i ax, 2 az, 2 bx, i bz, 2 ex, i dx, i ez. Woodling [}~\ Richard, 2 ax, 2 az, 3 bz, I ex, I ez. Coward, John, 2 ax, i az, i dz, I fx. Pearson, Edward, i ax, 2 az, i dx, i dz. Tyler, David, 3 ax, I bz, I cz, i dx, i dz. Johnson, James, i ax, i az, i ex, i ez. Foxwell, Rachel, I bz, I ex, i cz, i dz, i gx, i gz. Foxwell, Eliz*. i gx, i gz. Hughs, James, i ax, 2 az, l dx, i ez. Tyler, John, i bx, 3 bz, l dz, i gx. Carman, John, i bz, I dz, i gx. Graham, Charles, I ax, i ex, i cz, i dx, i dz. M. Nemara, John, i ax, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, I cz, i dx, i gx. Barkley, James, i az, i bx, i ex, i dx, i dz. 8 i MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY Merideth, William, i cz, i dx, i gx, i gz. Merideth, John, 2 ax, 1 bx, 2 bz, i ex, i ez, i fx. Merideth, Rebecca, i ax, 2 az, i dx, i dz. Stariing, Elijah, i ax, I bx, I bz, i ex, i ez. Wootten, Thomas, l dx, i ex, i gx, i gz. Wootten, Hager, 3 az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i ez. Adames, Salathal, i ax, 2 az, i dz, i ex. Wootten, Prissilla, i bz, I dx, i dz. Stariing, Henry, i cz, i dx, i gx. Woodling, John, i ax, i az, i dx, i gx. Todd, John, 2 ax, 2 az, i cz, i dz, i ex. Woodling, Solomon, 3 ax, I bx, 2 bz, i ex, i ez. Misler, Abraham, i bx, i ex, i cz, i gx, i gz. Parks, John, 3 ax, 2 az, 2 bx, 2 cz, i dx, i fz, i gx. Adames, Thomas, 2 ax, 3 az, i dz, i ex. Whitley, Thomas, i ax, 2 az, 2 bx, I bz, i ex, i fx. Wootten, Thos. 3 ax, i az, i bx, i ex, i cz, i dx, i fz, i gx. Wootten, Priss, 2 ax, 2 az, i cz, i dx. Adames, Thos. i ax, 2 az, i bx, i ex, i dz, i gx, i gz. Parks, John, 2 ax, i dx, i dz. Shorter, William, 2 ax, 2 az, i dz, i ex. Mesick, John, 2 ax, 3 az, i bx, i bz, i gx, i gz. Lake, Henry, 3 ax, 2 az, i bz, i ex, i ez. Whitley, Bridget, I ax, i az, i bx, I dz, i ex, 4 ez, i fz, i gx. Paul, Jacob, 2 ax, i az, i fx, i fz. Adames, Peter, i cz, i dx. Insley, Bettey, i ex, i dx, i gz. Paul, Mary, gz. Simpson, Peter, i gx. Wootton, Prissillah, i az, i dz, i ex, i ez. Wootton, Mary, i ax, 2 az, i dx, i dz. Ross, Robert, 2 bx, i ex, i cz, I gz. Ross, Thomas, 2 ax, 3 az, i bx, 2 bz, i cz, i ex, i fx, i fz. Wingate, Angelo, i ax, i bx, i fz, i gx. Andrews, Joseph, 5 ax, i az, 2 bx, i ex, i ez, i fx. Shors, Sarah, i ax, i dz. Wildey, MoUey, i ax, i az, i ex, i dz, i ex, i ez, i gx. Todd, Benjamin, 2 ax, i bx, 2 ex, i cz, 2 dx, I ex, i fx, i fz, i gz. Todd, David, i fx, I gz. Drane, Sarah, i fz, i gz. Sanders, Levin, 2 ax, i az, i dz, I fx, i gz. Insley, Vallintine, 2 ax, 2 az, 3 bx, i ex, i fz, i gx. STR.\IGHT'S HUNDRED 99 Todd, Michael, 2 ax, 2 az, i bz, i fx. Scott, Robert, I ax, i bx, i cz, I dx, i dz, i fz, i gx. Wingate, Molley, i ax, i bz, 2 cz, i dx, i dz, i fz, i gx. Wingate, John, 2 ax, 2 az, l ex, l ez. Wingate, William, 2 bz, i dx, i ez, i gx. Wingate, Robert, i az, i ez, i gx. McNamara, Timothey, 3 ax, i az, i dx, i dz. Lewas, Shadrick, i ax, i cz, i dx, i dz. Insley, Jacob, i ax, 4 az, i bx, i ex, i ez, l gx. Tobb, Job, 2 ax, 2 az, i bz, i dz, i ex. Todd, Jonathan, i bx, i dx, i gz. Moore, Thomas, i bx, i cz, i dx, i gz. Robinson, John, i ax, i ex. Robinson, Andrew, i ax, 2 az, i cz, 2 dx, i gx, i gz. Robinson, Lake, i ax, 4 az, i bz, i cz, i ez, i fx. Cannon, Bettey, i cz, I dx, i fz, i gx. Johnson, Levi, 2 ax, i az, i dz, i ex. Cannon, Susannah, i ax, i dx, i dz. Robinson, Molley, i dx, i dz, i gx. Jones, Jacob, 4 ax, i dz, i ex, i ez, i gx. McNamara, Levin, 2 ax, i cz, i dx. Bramble, John, i ax, i az, i dz, i ex. Bramble, Lewis, i bz, i ex, 3 dx, i ex, I gx, i gz. Johnson, Henry, i az, i bx, i ez, i fz, I gx. Cannon, James, 2 ax, 3 az, i ex, i dx, I ex, Cannon, William, i az, bx, 2 bz, i ex, 2 dz. Cannon, Elizabeth, i bx, 2 bz, 2 cz, 4 dz, i Tyler, John, i ax, 3 az, i dz, i ex. Todd, Jobe, i ax, 2 bz, l dx, l ez, I fx. Pritchett, Zebulon, 2 ax, I dx, i dz. Rumble, John, i bz, i ex, i dx, i fz, i gx. Follen, Daniel, i ax, 5 az, i dz, i ex, i gz. Pritchett, Thomas, 2 ax, i az, 2 dz, i ex. Pritchett, Jabis, i cz, i ex. Horner, Moses, i ax, i az, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, I dx, i dz, I fz, i gx. Cope, Sarah, 4 ax, 2 az, 6 bx, 2 bz, 3 ez, 3 dx, 4 dz, 2 ex, i fx, i fz, 2 gx, 2 gz. Whaland, Joseph, i ax, i az, i bz, i dz, i ex, i fz, i gx. Hopkins, William, i ez, i dz, i gx, i gz. Rumble, John, 2 ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i dz, i fx. Willen, Levi, I ax, 3 az, I dx, 2 dz. Johnson, Henry, I az, i dx, I dz. I ez, I gz. I gx, I gz, ex, I gz- 100 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY Murphey, John, i ax, i az, i bz, i ex, i fx, i fz. Bloodsworth, Robert, I ax, i az, i cz, i dx, i ex. Pritchett, Arthur, 4 ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i cz, i fx, i gz. Willson, Jobe, i ax, 2 az, 2 bx, i dz, i ex. Follen, Barnebay, I ax, 2 dx, i dz, i gx. McNemara, John, 2 ax, i dz, i ex, i fz. Insley, Bettey, 5 az, i ex, i ez. Deane, James, i az, i cz, i ex. Deane, Henry, i az, I bx, 2 bz, i ex, i cz, I fx. Hart, Naboth, 2 ax, 2 az, 2 bx, i ex, i ez, i fz, i gz. Insley, Gabril, I bx, i ex, i dx. Insley, Jos. i ax, i bx, i bz, 2 ex. Foxwell, Levi, i az, i dx, i dz. Street, Thomas, i ax, i az, i dx, I dz. Foxwell, Roger, 4 ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i ez. Hart, Henry, i ax, i bx, i ex, I ez, i ez. Insley, Andrew, i bx, i dx, I dz, i ez, i gx. Andrews, Isaac, I az, 3 bz, 2 ex, i fx. Andrews, Keziah, i az, i bz, i cz, I dx. Willey, Nelley, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i ez. Willey, Jeane, 2 ax, 4 az, 2 bx, i ex, i ez. Farguson, Bettey, I az, i dz. Andrews, Nathal, i bx, 3 ez, i fx, I gx. Willey, Indey, i ax, 2 az, i ex, i dz, i ex, i gz. Andrews, Rubin, i ex, i cz, I dx. Willey, William, 3 ax, 2 bx, i cz, i dx, i gz. Insley, Elizabeth, i ez. Phillips, Rachel, 2 az, i ez. Moore, Susannah, 2 ax, 3 az, 2 bz, I ez, i gx. Smith, John, i ax, 2 az, i ex, I ez. Smith, Arthur, i ax, i bx, I gx, i gz. Mookins, Ezekiel, 2 ax, i dx, i dz. Hart, Arthur, i ax, i bz, 2 dx, i dz. Moors, Samuel, i ax, i ex, i dx, i dz. Smith, William, i ax, i bx, i bz, I ex. Willey, Ezekiel, i ax, i az, I bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, i fx, i fz. Sharom [_?2* George, I fx, i fz, I gx, i gz. Deane, Richard, 2 ax, 2 az, i bz, i ex, l ez. Sharom [?],* Job, 2 ax, I bx, i bz, 3 ex, i cz, I dx, i dz, i fz, i gx. Phillips, Jeane, 2 az, 2 bx, i bz, I ez. Gootee, John, 3 bz, i ex, l dx, i ez, i gx. * Sharom, Racom, Slacom [?] — indistinct. STRAIGHT'S HUNDRED i Denike, Samuel, 2 ax, i az, i dz, i ex. Gootee, Andrew, 4 ax, I bx, I dx, i dz, i ex, i gz. Cole, Rachel, i az, l dz, 2 ex. Booze, George, i az, 2 bx, i bz, i gz. Bramble, Adam, i cz. Booz George, i gx. McGraw, John, 2 az, i bx, i ex, i ez. Cole, Diannah, 2 ax, i bz, i cz, i ez, i gz. Paul, Charles, i ax, i cz, I dx, i dz. Wootten, John, 3 az, i ex, i ez. Whitley, David, i ax, i az, i dz, i ex, i gz. Bramble, Bettey, i az, i bz. Buley, Stephen [no enumeration]. Edger, John, i ax, i az, i bx, 2 bz, i dx, i ez. Edger, James, i ax, i az, i bz, i dz, i ex. Insley, Solomon, i ax, i az, i dx, i dz. Greenlief, James, i az, i dz, i fx. Edger, James, 2 ax, 2 az, i bz, i dz, i ex. Edger, William, I ax, 2 az, i bz, i dx, I dz, i ex. Edger, Mary, i bx, i bz, I ez, I fx, I gz. Bramble, John, i ax, i az, 2 bx, i cz, i ez, i fx. Deane, Bettey, I az, I bx, I gz. Booz, James, i ex, I cz, i dx. Farguson, Molley, i ax, 2 az, i dz. Deane, Uriah, i bz, i cz, i dz, i ez, i gz. [No male enumerated]. Reed or Rood [?], William, i ax, i dx, i dz. Wingate, John, i gx, i gz. Wingate, James, I ax, 4 az, i bx, i ex, i ez. Todd, Jabis, i ax, i dx, i dz. Wingate, John, i bx. Carwan, Thomas, [No enumeration]. Barns, Thomas, 2 ax, 2 az, bx. Davis, James, i ax, 2 az, i dz, i ex, i fx. Woodling, Richard, 2 ax, i az, i bz, i cz, i ex, i ez. Paul, Lewis G. i az, i cz, i dz, i ez, i fx. Tyler, John, i ax, i bz, i dz, I ex, I ez. Hall, Joseph, 2 ax, 2 az, i bz, i dz, I ez. Wallace, Richard, i ax, i az, i ex, i ez. Wootten, Aquiloe, I ax, 2 az, i dz. Wallace, Rhode, i dz, i gz. Hayard, Allen, 3 ax, i ex, i ez. Clarkinson, Joseph, 2 ax, i bx, 3 bz, i cz, i dx, I ex, I ez, i gx. Booth, hn, i az, i dx, i dz, i gx. 102 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY 701 ax, 102 az, 83 bx, 82 bz, 46 ex, 62 cz, 80 dx, 92 dz, e , 29 fx, 26 fz, 46 gx, 44 gz. No Whites 1099, No Blacks 225, No the Hole 1324. Dorchester County SS. September 16, 1776 personalley Appeared Charles Sapleport (?) before the Committee of Observation for the County afs<*. and Made Oath on the Holey Evangeles of Almighty god that the aforegoing is a True and perfect List to the best of his Knowledge of the Number of the inhabitants of Straights Hundred in the County afs"*. so far as was in his power to Obtain. Signed per order of the afs'^. Committee John C. Harrison Clk. Dorchester County, Transquakin Hundred, Census of I 776 "List of Inhabitants in Transquakin Hundred, Dorchester County, Anno 1776. No. 2897" — 315 "Heads of Families." * "a" means 10 years of age and under; "b" means 10 to 16; "c" means 16 to 21; "d" means 21 to 30; " e " means 30 to 40 ; "f" means 40 to 50; "g" means 50 and upwards; "x" means males; "z" means females; "n" means "blacks." Heads of Families: Hooper, Henry, 2 d. 1 dx, i fx, i fz; 22 n. Bromajim, John, i ax, i az, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, i ez; 5 n. Hooper, Henry, Genrl. i bz, i ex, i cz, 2 dx, 2 ez, i gx, i gz; 59 n. Pitt, Thomas, i ax, I az, i bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, i dz, i ez, i fx; 11 n. Burk, Mary, i ez, i gz. Lamb, John, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i ex, i dz, i ex; in. Mills, James, 2 ax, i bx, i bz, i ez, i dz, i ez, i fx; 2 n. Wheelar, Mary, 3 cix, i az, i ez. Smith, Nicolas, 2 ax, i az, i bx, I bz, i ez, i fx. Sewel, John, i az, i bx, I bz, I cz, i dz, i gx. Delihay, James, i ax, 2 bz, 2 ex, i dx, i fz, i gx; i n. Davidson, Thomas, i ax, 2 az, i fx, i fz; 5 n. Turner, Ann, i az, i fz. Price, William, i bz, i ex, i cz, i gx; 4 n. Harvey, David, 2 az, i cz, i dx, i dz. Dorley, John, 3 ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, i ex, i ez. •This record is well preserved and consists of 4 sheets, each l6'/8 X 13 inches, fastened to- gether end to end, written upon both sides. TRANSQUAKIN HUNDRED 103 Royley, Water, 2 ax, I az, 2 bx, i dx, 2 dz; 4 n. Chaice, Frederick, i ex; 17 n. Webb, Augustus, i az, i dx, i dz. Ennalls, Barthow, Senr. i dx. Moses [or Noble?], William, i ax, i bx, i dx [This line is much worn]. Windows, Thomas, i dx, i dz. Tootle, John, 2 ax, i az, i bx, i bz, I cz, i ex, i ez; 4 n. Hayward, Addling, i ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i ex, I fz. Giffin, James, 2 ax, 2 az, i bx, i bz, i ex, I cz, I dx, i ez, 2 fx; 4 n. Hayward, Francis, I az, i cz, I dx, i dz, i fz, I gx; 10 n. Whittington, Stephen, 2 ax, I az, i bz, i ez, i fx; 5 n. Hodson, Ann, i az, i bx, 2 ex, i dx, i fz; 14 n. Ennalls, Thomas, 3d, i ax, i dx, i dz; 8 n. Dent, George, 2 ax, i dx, i dz. Ennalls, William, i cz, i ex; 22 n. Ennalls, Coll, Barthow, I bz, i cz, i gx; 27 n. Ennalls, Henry, i ex; 17 n. Rue, Jessey, 2 ax, i az, 3 bz, i ex, i dx, i fz. Morain, Moses, i ex, i cz. Callender, Robert, 2 az, 2 bx, i ex, i cz, i ez, i fx. West, Mary, 2 ax, 2 az, i bz, i ex, i cz, i ez. Stewart, James, i az, i dx, I dz. Grififin Joseph [Black], 9 n. Vinson, Stephen, i ax, i az, i bz, i dz, i ex. Ennalls, Joseph Magr. 5 ax, 2 az, i dz, i ex, 18. Paul, Daniell, 2 az, i bz, I cz, i ex, I fz. Knott, John, i ax, i az, I bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, i dx, i fx, i fz. Sheppard, John, i az, I gx. Ward, Lousey, 2 ax, I az, i bx, I bz, i ex, i cz, i dx, i fz. Badley, William, i ax, 3 az, I bx, i ex, 2 cz, I dx, i dz, i fx, i fz. Pike, Lewis, 2 bx, i ex, i cz, I fx. Cook, Zeabulon, 2 ax, i ex, i fz. Cook, Mary, i gz. Clark, Robert, i az, i ez, i dx. Killender, Thomas, I ax, i ex, I fz. Phillips, William, i ax, 2 az, I ex, 2 dx, 2 dz. Sherman, Benjamin, 4 ax, 2 bx, i cz, i ez, i fx. Paul, Edward, i ax, i az, I bx, 2 cz, I dz, i fx, I fz, Webb, John, 3 az, i bx, i ex, I ez. Barnes, Sarah, i az, i bz, i dz. Hayward, John, i ax, i bx, I bz, i cz, i ez, i gx. Rogers, Thomas, 2 bx, I fz, i gx. 104 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY Nuton, Richard, 2 ax, 5 az, 2 bx, i dx, i ex, i ez; 5 n. Hevens, Luke, 2 ax, 3 az, 2 bx, i cz, i fx, i fz; i n. Hevens, Thomas, i ax, i cz, i dx. Sweatten, Siney, i az, i cz; in. Morris, Edward, i ax, 2 az, I bx, I cz, I ex, I ez. Plug, Rose [Black] i fz, i n. M. CalHster, Jeremiah, 2 ax, i bx, i dx, i dz. Littleton, Southy, i ax, 3 az, 4 bz, 2 ex, i fz, I gx; in. Littleton, Mark, i ax, i cz, i dx. Littleton, William, 2 ax, i az, i bx, i bz, 2 cz, i ex, i ez, i fx. Sulivane, Daniel, Magr. i ex, i gx, i gz; 11 n. Sulivane, Daniel, Junr. 2 ax, i az, I ex, I ez; 12 n. M. Callister, Athilda, 2 ax, i dx, i dz. M. Callister, Ezekiel, I az, i bx, i ex, i ex, I fz. Badley, William, i bz, i gx, i gz. Badley, Nathan, i ax, i az, i ex, i ez. Woodards, Elizabeth, i ax, i cz, i ex, i gz. Granger, William, 4 ax, i bx, 2 dz, i fx, i fz; i n. Russum, Luke, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i ez, i gx. Scott, John, 3 az, i bz, i cz, i ex, i ez. Higens, Diana, i ax, i dx, I gz. Wayford, John, 3 ax, i az, i bx, i cz, i ex, i ez. Granger, Edward, I ax, 3 az, i bx, i ex, i ex, i ez. Cook, Eliner, i ax, i cz, i ez. West, Solomon, 4 ax, i ex, i cz, i ex, I ez. Hicks Denward, i ax, i bx, i bz, I cz, I dx, i fz, i gx; 27 n. Scott, Mary, i bz, i ex, i dz, I ez, i gz. Brinsfield, James, 3 az, 2 bx, I bz, 2 ex, I fx, i fz; 6 n. Handley, Leavin, i ax, 3 az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i dx, i ex, i ez. Anderton, John, i az, i fx; 16 n. Glanding, John, i ax, i az, I bz, i dz, i ex. Sulivane, James, 2 ax, 3 az, i dz, 2 ex, I, ez; 21 n. Southerlin, James, Doctr. 2 dx; I n. Smith, Francis, 2 ax, i az, 2 dz, i ez. Scott, John, I ax, 2 az, 2 dz, i ex, I ez; 10 n. Morain, Mary, i ax, 2 az, 2 bx, i bz, 2 ex, I fz; i n. Stevens, John, I az, i bx, i dx, 3 dz, I ex; 3 n. Shaw, Nancy, i ax, i bz. Robinson, George, i ax, i cz, i dx; i n. Adams, Mary, i bz, i cz, i gz. Marshall, John, 2 ax, 2 az, i bx, i cz, i dx, i dz; 13 n. Roylins, Hodson, 2 az, i cz, i dx, I dz. TRANSQUAKIN HUNDRED 105 Norman, Ester, i ax, i az, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, I fz. Davis, Margrit, 3 bx, 2 bz, i ex, i ez, I fz. Adams, Bettey, i ax, i az, i bz, i fz. Saunders, William, 2 ax, I az, I bx, 2 dz, i fx; 6 n. Rollisten, Richard, 2 ax, i bz, i dx, i dz. Bramble, Aron, i az, I ex, i dx, i dz. Bramble, Thomas, I ax, i dx. Wright, Sarah, 2 bx, I ez, i gz. Hardin, Mary, 2 ax, i dz. Whitehits, Ezekiel, I dx; 3 n. Billings, William, 2 ax, i bx, 2 bz, i dx, i fz. Williams, Elizabeth, i ax, i bx, I dz, i gz. White, John, i ez, i dx; 3 n. White, Thomas, i az, i dz, i ex; 6 n. Thompson, John, 3 ax, l fx, i fz. Hubbart, John, i az, i bz, I dx, i dz, i ez. Hooper, John, i az, i bx, i ez, i dz, i fx. Wheelar, Solomon, 2 ax, 3 az, i bz, i ez, i fz, i gx. Layton, Mary, i ax, i bx, i ex, i dx, i ez, i gz. Williams, Phillip, I az, i dx, i dz. Boudle, John, l bz, i dx, i fx, i fz; 6 n. Boudle, Henry, 2 ax; 2 n. Seotter, Edward, I az, i bx, i fx, I fz. Leeompt, William, 2 bx, i bz, 2 ez, I gx; 19 n. Ennalls, • , i bz, i ez; 16 n. Owens, Owen, 2 ax, i az, i bx, i ex, i ez, i dz, i ex. Leeompt, Samuel, i ax, i dx, i dz. Cavender, David, i az, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, i fx, i fz, I gz. Dawson, John, i ax, i bx, i bz, i ex, i ez, i dx, 2 fz, i gx. Cavender, Thomas, I ax, I ez, i dx. Hooper, Henry, 3 ax, 3 az, i bx, i dz, i fx, i fz. Wheelar, Thomas, 2 ax, 2 az, i ex, i ez. Rose, Samuel, 2 bx, i ez, i dz, i gx, i gz. Nuton, Nimrod, i ax, i bx, i ex, i dx, 2 dz. Nuton, Willis, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i dx, i dz, i ex, i ez; 5 n. Hicks, Joseph, i ax, i az, 2 bx, i ex, 2 dx, i dz, i fz, i gx. Wright, Henry, i ax, I az, 2 bx, i dz, i ex; 3 n. Ferguson, Collen, i dx. Molix, Jimmimey [Blaek^, 5 n. Hooper, Roger A. 2 ax, 2 az, 2 bx, 2 ex, i ez, i gz; 12 n. Linningham, Peatrick, i az, i ez, i dx, i dz. Cummins, James, 2 ax, 2 az, 2 bx, 2 ez, I ex, i ez. io6 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY Brodess, Thomas, 2 az, i dx, 3 dz; 10 n. Harrison, Mary, i ax, i ex, i dz, i ez; in. Ward, Joseph, i ax, i az, i cz, i dx. Langfit, Francis, I ax, i az, i dx, i dz. Heron, EHzabeth, 2 az, i bx, 2 ex, 2 ez, i dx, i ex, 2 gz; 8 n. Jones, Mary, 3 ax, 2 az, I bz, i ez, i gz. McDaniel, Leavin, 2 ax, i az, i ex, i ez. Jones, Morgan, 4 az, i bx, i bz, i dz, I gx; i n. Bird, Magor, 2 ax, 3 az, I bz, i ex, I dx, i dz; 10 n. Leeompt, John, 3 ax, 3 bx, I bz, I cz, i dx, i dz, i fx, i fz; 17 n. M%enry, Alexandr, i az, i bz, i ex, i fz. Godding, Elizabeth, 2 az, 2 dx. Kees, Francis, I ax, i bx, i bz, i ez. Tripe, WilHam, 2 ax, i dz, i ex; 8 n. Darbey, John, i az, i bz, i fx, I fz; 12 n. Dodson, George, 2 ax, 2 az, I ex, i dx, I dz, i ex, i ez; 2 n. McDaniel, William, 2 ax, 2 az, 2 bz, i dx, i dz, i ex. Hodson, Hoopes, 2 ax, 2 az, i bx, I bz, i dz, I fx; 6 n. Manning, Anthony, 2 ax, i cz, i ex; 12 n. Coopper, John, 2 ax, i ex, i ez; 5 n. Noble, Mark, 2 ax, 5 az, i bz, I ex, i ez. Hodson, John, i ax, 2 az, 2 bx, i bz, 2 ex, i dx, i ez, i gx; 28 n. Hodson, Henry, i az, i cz, i dx; 8 n. Cocklin, Thomas, i az, i gx, I gz. Smith, Edward, i ax, i dx, I dz; 6 n. Handley, Handy, 2 ax, 2 az, 2 bx, i ex, i ez; i n. Brown, John, 2 ax, i az, i dz, i ex. Alexandr, William, i ax, i az, i dz, i ex, i gx. Monrow, Elizabeth, i ax, i az, i ez. Warron, Beazil, i ax, i az, i dz, i ez, i gx. Hubbart, Bettey, i bx, i bz, i cz, i fz. Leeompt, Leavin, 6 ax, i bx, i dz, i ex. Ross, James, 2 ax, 3 az, i bx, i bz, i dx, I ex, i fz; I n. Owens, John, I ex, i ez, i dx; 5 n. Jackson, Robert, 2 ax, i dz, i ex. Leeompt, William, [Black] 3 n. Adam, "free, negro" 2 n. Cook, John, 3 ax, i bz, i dx, i dz. Leeompt, Charles, l bz, i ex, i ez, i fz; 5 n. Phillips, Pegey, I az, i ex, I dx, i ez. Leeompt, James, 2 ax, 2 az, i bz, i dx, i ez, i fx. Oggan, Peggey, 2 ax, i az, i bz, i dx, I ez. TRANSQUAKIN HUNDRED 107 Basset, Thomas, i ax, i az, i ex, i cz; 2 n. Sulivane, Thomas, i ax, i az, i dx, i dz. Covey, John, i ax, 2 dx, i dz, i fz. Long, John, 2 ax, i az, 2 bx, 2 bz, i ez, i gx, i gz; i n. Green, Ralph, i az, i bx, i dz, i ex; 13 n. Brown, Elijah, i az, i cz, i dx, i ez. Smith, Francis, 2 ax, i az, 2 bx, 2 ex, I dx, i ez. Bruffit, Garner, I ax, i az, i bz, i dx, i dz; in. Traverse, Leavin, 3 ax, i az, 2 bx, i bz, 2 dz, i ez, i fx; 15 n. Claridge, Elizabeth, 3 ax, i bx, i fz. Goldsborough, Robert, Esqr. ; 15 n. Moore, Christopher, 2 az, i bx, i bz, i cz, i fx, i fz. McClemmey, Samuel, i ex, i dx, i ex. Hooper, John, i ex, 2 dx. Vinson, Nehemiah, I az, 2 bx, i bz, i cz, 2 dx, i ez, i fx. Ward, Summars, 2 az, i bz, i ex, i cz, i dz, i fx; 3 n. Hamiltown, John, 2 ax, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, i ez, i fz; 3 n. Greenwood, John, i ax, 2 az, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, i dx, i ex, i ez, i tx; 2 n. Dickinson, Col. John, 3 ax, i az, 3 bx, i ex, i ez, i fx, i fz; 40 n. Parker, Daniel, 2 ax, i az, i ex, i ez; 8 n. Brodess, Edward, 2 ax, i az, i bx, 2 dx, 2 dz; 4 n. Formar, William, 2 bz, i fx, i gz. Notherwood, Joseph, i ex, i ez; 7 n. Brodess, Tabitha, i ex, 2 dx, 2 dz, i gz; 4 n. Ennalls, Coll, John, I ex; 38 n. Har\ey, Salathal, 2 ax, 2 az, i ez, i ex, i ez. Burge, Ailse, i ax, 2 bx, i bz, ez. Eccleston, Capt. Hugh, 2 az, 2 bx, i bz, i ez, i fx, i fz; 2>2 n. Cullins, Isaac, i dz, i gx, i gz. Denney, John, i ax, i bx, i bz, i dx, i dz. Summars, Parks, I ax, i az, i dz, i ex. Beotpich, John, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i cz, i dz, i ex, i ez; 2 n. Becks, William, 2 ax, i az, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, i fz, i gx. Evans, Samuel, i ax, 2 az, 3 bx, bz, 2 ez, gx. Beotpitch, Jonathan, 2 ax, 4 az, i bx, i cz, i fx, i fz; 4 n. Bacon, George, 2 ax, 2 az, i bz, i ez, i ez, i fx. Saunders, William, i ax, 3 az, i gx, i gz. Foxwell, Isaac, 2 ax, i az, i dx, i ez. Slight, Joseph, i ax, i bz, i ez, i dx, Lewis, William, 2 ax, i az, i dz, i fx. Goutee, Jabus, 2 ax, 3 az, i dx, 2 ez. Smith, Ann, i ex, 2 cz, i gz. io8 MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY Lawson, Samuel, 3 bx, i dx, i fx, i fz. Keene, Mary, i az, i bx, i gz; 2 n. Copper, Gustavus, i dz, i ex. Partridge, Isaac, i dz, i gx, i gz; 10 n. Driver, Martin, i ax, I az, I bx, i ez, i fx. Pattison, Atthow, I az, 2 cz, i dx, i dz, i fz, i gx; 5 n. Eccleston, Thomas F. i ex; 15 n. Harrison, John, i bx, i ex, i fz; I n. Hanford, John, 2 ax, i az, i dz, i ex. Laine, William, I ax, I az, I bx, i dx, i dz, I fx, i fz; i n. Brierwood, John, 3 ax, i az, i bx, i bz, I dx, i fz, i gx; 5 n. Mills, Right, 2 ax, I az, i bz, i dx, i dz, i ez; i n. Hooper, William, 2 bx, 2 cz, I ex, i fz; 4 n. Tregor, Nuton, 2 ax, 2 az, I bz, i dx, i ez, i fx; 4 n. Willis, Leavin, I ax, I az, i ex, i cz, i dz, i ez, i fx; 2 n. Woollen, Leavin, 2 ax, i az, i bz, i cz, i dx, i ez, i fx. Mills, Edward, I ax, i cz, i dx, I dz. Hill, Solomon, i ax, i az, i dx, I dz; in. Keene, Thomas, 2 ax, 2 az, I bx, i dz, i ex. Whetaker, John, 2 az, 2 cz, I dx; i n. Saunders, Thomas, I az, i bz, i fz, i gx. Harrison, Siller, i az, i cz, i dz; 2 n. Byron, Lamberth, 2 ax, i cz, i dx, i ez; in. Ennalls, EHzabeth, 10 n. Beckwith, Emanuel, 3 az, i bx, i ex, i ez. Gossage, Daniel, 3 ax, i ex, i fz. Norman, Thomas, 2 az, i cz, l dx, i dz; in. Arnett, Ann, i ax, i bx, i bz, i fz. Amett, James, i ax, i az, i dx, i dz. Martin, Thomas, 7 n. Porter, James, i ax, i az, i dz, i ex. Muse, Magr. Thomas, ion. Cheshire, Mary, i ax, i az, i bx, I dx, i dz, i ez; 3 n. Partridge, Jonathan, i ax, I az, i cz, i fx, i fz; 8 n. Porter, Arthur, i bx, I dx, i fz, l gx; 2 n. Reed, Rosanna, 2 dx, i dz, i ex, i gz. Stewart, Henry, 2 ax, 2 az, i cz, i dz, i ez, I fx; 5 n. Manning, John, i az, i bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, i ez, I fz; 18 n. Grifhn, William, 3 ax, i az, i bz, i ex; I n. Woolford, Roger, i dx, I gx, 2 gz; 15 n. Saunders, Henry, 3 ax, 4 az, I bx, i bz, I cz, i dx, I dz, i ez, i gx; 3 n. Parmer, James, 2 ax, i az, I bz, i dz, i ez, i gx, i gz; 9 n. TRANSQUAKIN HUNDRED 109 Ennalls, Thomas, 2 ax, 3 az, i ex, i dz, i fx, i fz, i gz; 27 n. Wheelar, Charles, I az, i cz, I fx. Button, William, 2 ax, 3 az, i bz, i ex, i dz, I ex, i ez; 8 n. Stewart, John T. 3 ax, 2 az, i cz, i dx, i dz, i ex; 10 n. Stewart, Thomas, 2 ax, i ez, I fx; 2 n. Cheshire, John, i ax, I az, 2 bz, i ez, i ex, I fz; 3 n. Manidier, Mary, i bz, i ez, i dx, i fz; 15 n. Murray, Doetr. James, 5 n. Pennington, Segar, 7 n. Dafhn, Capt. Joseph, i ex, i dx, i dz, i ex; 20 n. Blueh, William, I bx, I ez, i fx. Muir, Thomas, I ax, i bz, i dx, I dz, i ex, i ez; 2 n. Hale, Jene, 2 ax, i az, i ex, i ez, l fx; 2 n. Hughs, Revd. Phillemon, 2 bz, I ez, i fx, i gx, I gz; 4 n. Slee, Joseph, i dx; in. Norris, Moliein, 3 ax, i bx, i dz, i ex. Cox, Nathaniel, i ax, i az, 2 bx, i bz, i cz, i ez, i gx, i gz. Haile, Elizabeth, 2 ax, i bz, I dz, i fz; 8 n. Ennalls, Andrew S. i ex, i ex, i ez; 6 n. Ennalls, Joseph, i dz, i ex, i fx, i gz; 29 n. Mulania, James, 3 az, I ex, i dz, i ex. Colson, John, i ax, i bz, I dx, i dz. Airey, Thomas H. [H*?] I ax, i az, i dx, i dz; 28 n. Seott, Charles, 2 az, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, i fx; 6 n. Dawson, Joseph, I ax, i az, i ex, i dx, i dz. Dawson, William, 2 ax, i az, 3 bx, i bz, i ex, i ex, i ez, i fz. Kees, James, 4 ax, i az, 2 bx, i ex, i cz, i ez, i fx. Kees, John, 3 ax, i bx, i bz, i ex, i ez; i n. Vincent, William, i az, i dx, i dz. Muse, Magr. Thomas, 12 n. Dawson, John, i az, i bx, i ex, i ez, i dx, i dz, i fz, i gx. Wheelar, William, 2 az, i cz, i dx, i dz. McCollister, Nathan, i az, I dx, i dz. Hayward, Leavin, i ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i dx, i dz, i fz. Cornish, John, 2 n. Connerway, Dennis, 3 az, i bx, i bz, i ez, I fx; i n. Dingle, John, 3 ax, i dz, i ex; in. Hanford, Thomas, i dx, i dz. Stephens, Edward, 3 ax, 2 bx, i ex, i dx, i dz, i fx, i fz; 9 n. West, Loten, 2 ax, i az, i ex, i ez. Nixon, John, i ex, i ex. Blair, John, i dx. Evans, Mary, i ez. no MARYLAND RECORDS— DORCHESTER COUNTY Totals, 2897: 313 ax, 281 az, 162 bx, 118 bz, 78 ex, 100 cz, 133 dx, 130 dz, 92 ex, 102 ez, 59 fx, 69 fz, 42 gx, 35 gz; 11 75 n. Dorchester County Ss. Sept'. 9"", 1776. Personally Appeared Samuel Hooper, before the Committee of Observation for the County afore said, & made Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the aforegoing is a true & perfect List, to the best of his Knowledge of the Number of the Inhabitants of Transquakin Hundred in the County afd, so far forth, as was in his power to obtain. Signed P order of the af*^. Committee John C. Harrison Clk. HARFORD COUNTY Harford County, Broad Creek Hundred, Census of 1776 "A list of the Inhabitants both Whites & Blacks in Broad Creek Hundred 1776." "Total 342." A. Ages Armond, William 32 Elizabeth 28 Thomas 8 Hanna 6 William 4 Isaac 2 Total, 6; taxable, i. Anderson, George 40 Jane 49 Mary 13 Jenny 7 Total, 4; taxable, i. Allison, William Lame i B. Bodkin, Robert 40 Margrett 36 Rachell 16 John 15 William 14 Thomas 12 Robert ID Charles 9 James 8 Richard 6 Margrett 6 Molly 5 Nancey 4 Janey 2 Sally I Total, 15; taxable, i. 9 113 Ages [i] Brice, James 25 Alice 20 Barnett i Owen Corker 20 Mary Perry 20 Son Thos I Total, 6; taxables, 2. Barclay, John 30 Elizabeth 20 Negroes Dick 18 Neale 14 Jenny 60 Total, 5; taxables, 2. nington, Henry 51 — — ary 20 niah Benington 21 7-^ 15 riscilla 12 -enry 10 [T]om 6 Kessia 4 [N]ancey McDaniel 4 Mary Hagerty 23 Total, 10; taxables, 2. Barnard, Mark 30 Jane 26 James : 6 Thomas 4 Saml 2 Mark V12 Total, 6; taxable, i. 114 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Beard, John 19 Total, l; taxable, i. C. Scurly Cuningham, John, Isaac Thos. ... 28 Total, i; taxable, i. Crooks, Henry 28 Jane 23 William 5 Andrew 3 Margrett V2 Elizabeth Kerby 26 Total, 6; taxable, i. D. Daubt, Roger 40 Margrett 26 Saml 4 2 Robert 6 Total, 5; taxable, i. Dun a , William 28 Wife 34[?] Thos I Total, 3; taxable, i. Downing, — — Francis 40 Susanna 37 William 23 Rebecca 18 John V2 John 15 Saml 13 Molley 12 Puck [?] 10 Frances 5 Ruth 2 Negroes York 40 Oliver 30 Ages Jack, Lome 30 Abraham 20 Hanna 23 Lucy 16 Ned 2 Nell 4 Total, 19; taxables, 7. E. Ekin, Sam' 48 Nelly 36 Jusch 13 Jane, Cud [?J 30 Delieca[?] V2 Total, 5; taxable, I. [2] _ _ F. Foster, Phidelis 4- Keatty 3- Rebecca -5 Betsey — Peggey 6 John — FedeHous — Keatty • — • Total, 8; taxable, I. G. Gordon, John 3- Rebecca 33 Henry 13 [?] Mary 10 [?] John 8 Sarah 4 Rebecca 2 Total, 7; taxable, i. Glen, Mary 60 [?] Robert 18 Joseph 16 Total, 3; taxables, 2. Guppey, Henry 45 Margrett 40 BROAD CREEK HUNDRED 115 Ages John 12 Jane 10 Henry 7 Mary 3 Margrett V4 Negroes Hana 20 Ned V2 Elizabeth alone 21 Total, 10; taxables, 2. Gillisson, John 40 Jane 30 Jane 16 John 5 Mary 3 Noble 20/10 [?] Total, 6; taxables, — . Gordon, James 31 Jane 30 John 10 Agnis 6 Margrett 4 Elizabeth 2 Mary V12 Aurthur Gilles 13 Total, 8; taxable, i. H. Howlett, Andrews 50 Margrett 49 Mary 19 Elizabeth 17 Ann 15 John 10 Ser'. Philip 20 Total, 7; taxables, 2. Hood, Andrew 40 Margrett 38 Jennett 8 Ages Robert 4 James 1V2 Total, 5; taxable, i. Howlet, James 22 Margrett 18 Total, 2; taxable, i. Hubard, Ruth, Mulato 54 Belt 13 Joe 10 Hanna 6 Total, 4; taxable, i. Henry, Sam' 58 Mary 55 Robert 23 EHzabeth 19 John 15 Isaac 13 Total, 6; taxables, — . Hamilton, Jonathan 35 Betsey 30 Polly 10 Robin 8 Peggy 6 Alexander 4 Sally 2 Betsey 2 John I Total, 9; taxable, i. [2] J. Johnson, Thomas, Jr £?"] 26 Total, I ; taxable, i. Jones, Aqulia 27 Total, I ; taxable, — . James, Jefferry, Negroe 31 Martha 20 James 3 Nancey V2 Total, 4; taxable, i. Ii6 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Johnson, Thomas 50 Mary 40 James 15 Isaac 13 Thomas 10 Mary 8 EHzabeth 6 Sarah 4 Total, 8; taxable, i. K. Knight, Hanna 36 Sally 17 Thomas 14 Cassandra 12 Aquillia — Michael 8 James 6 Abraham 2 Total, 8. [3] L. Litten, John 58 Mary 44 Mary 13 Hanah 10 John Lee Ii Total, 5; taxable, i. M. McNabb, James 35 Alice 30 Jim 10 Alice 8 Keatty 6 Elizabeth 4 Rachell 2 Total, 7; taxable, i. Mafiford, James 4 Morrison, Ann 42 Ann 10 John 13 Ages Mary 3 Joseph Morgar 19 Total, 5; taxable, i. Mckisson John 32 Jane 30 James 8 • 6 Aurthur 4 Sally 14 Total, 6; taxable, i. McClam, James 45 Mary 40 Betsey 19 Total, 4; taxable, i. McGeomery, John 37 McGomery, Wm 37 Rachell Karr 18 John V2 Total, 4; taxables, 2. P. Penix, John 35 Sarah 33 Sarah Poage 70 Keatty 6 Sarah 4 James 3 Susanna V2 Total, 7; taxable, i. Pompey Negro J. Rigbies 40 Total, I ; taxable, i. Phill Negro 35 Total, I ; taxable, i. Parks James 63 Jane 52 Martha 15 James 12 Total, 4; taxable, i. BROAD CREEK HUNDRED 117 R. Ages Rumage, Davis 22 Martha 18 Total, 2; taxable, i. Rumage, George 61 Mary 45 Geor 14 Tom 15 Total, 4; taxable, i. Robinson, Walter 40 Total, i; taxable, i. Robinson, William 35 Mary 30 Jane 6 Mary 4 James 2 Total, 6; taxable, i. Reese, William 59 Ann 55 Mary 30 Nancey 19 Hanna 17 Nelly 16 Margrett 14 Alexander 12 William 8 Jese V2 Total, 10; taxable, i. S. Sweeny, David 28 Mary 30 Sarah 9V2 Henrietta 8V2 Richard 6 Olive 2 Ser't. Mary 25 Dinia V2 Negro Jeffery 30 Total, 9; taxables, 2. Ages Scharbraugh, Euclid 62 Mary 51 Thos 20 Rebecca 19 Sally 16 Sammy 14 Hanna 15 Jemmy 10 Total, 8; taxables, 2. Shores, Richard 23 Elizabeth 19 Mary V2 Total, 3; taxable, i. Sims, Robert 45 Alice 26 Betsey 10 Rol 8 Jane 6 Wm 4 Margrett 3 Frances V2 Total, 8; taxable, i. Sims, Realph 36 Ann Boyle 30 Mary 6 Ann 4 Total, 4; taxable, i. Sims, James 60 Spain, Beaver 72 Elizabeth 45 Nelly 19 Hana 16 William 13 Jacob 10 Total, 6; taxables, — . Samuel Negro Husband's 34 ii8 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY T. Ages Taylor William 23 Ruth 20 Thomas, John 30 Mary 47 Nancey 3 V2 Rachell 1V2 Martha 17 13 a — Total, 7; taxable, i. Thomas Isaac 23 Total, i; taxable, i. Tarbert, James 26 Mary 20 Janey i Total, 3; taxables, — . W. Wilson John Glade 57 Jane 50 Jane 17 Betsey 14 Robert 12 John 21 Total, 6; taxables, 2. Winman John 60 Total, i; taxable, I. Ages West, John 39 Susanna 34 John 13 James 11 William 10 Margrett 6 Lidia 4 Susanna V* Sarah 74 Total, 9; taxable, i. Wilson James, Blind 50 Isable 48 Mulatoes George ..11 Benjamin 9 Wilson, Archable 48 Margrett 30 Jane 6 Mary 3 Agnis 2 Whyle, Nath'l 40 Kathrine 38 John 18 James 15 PhiHp 13 Mary 10 Sarah 8 Jane 4 Total, 8; taxables, 2. HARFORD COUNTY, BUSH RIVER LOWER HUNDRED BUSH RIVER LOWER HUNDRED !PPPW55WPf[|PP?'^ ■^j^T^^ssyt^;^ V ^ e fir / ^^ , . ^ y^j /o BUSH RIVER LOWER HUNDRED 125 <^ y^^'i/' «^>»^y7^v 4'/^ "' yy:^./y'('i'^y^~ -u^p - 126 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY ^ .V: . fZty^^ tj*^;^ . .•7-"' ; % /J ■ ^ -.— — — I — -7 £1 S6 BUSH RIVER LOWER HUNDRED 127 ■^■■•w" \ I " —I - t^^^:;^ ^^ K. S art Ml/- - »' "" '^ %//;a^' • - - — y^^^ C^^^^^^^''^'"*'^*' 128 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY — , -■ .M. - — '3 ^;r^77e%' ^i^^^ ^^ BUSH RIVER LOWER HUNDRED 129 — i. — — — ^— ^— •-/i'^i*/ — c y^^y • "^V/.J - — - - iL — « Zm^C t. y^r^f.^1 r — ■ — — — _ - * — ^ J A x^ty^y^/^ //y^/^yy^/%^ (5»^^ 2)1 10 130 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY 1. \Vj^^^ ''X^^^rr /i^^^-^^ — BB Vm;*- 1^ ■ ^^^-^^'^'^'^''^"!yn 2a 10 ; yy. -- - - ^ 4> ♦^/.//5 ^*'"^^^^' 'Z-riA"- Z-7 1 ^ «" j ^ • ^-^^ — -• / BUSH RIVER LOWER HUNDRED 131 ^ *^^^^>^ ,A^is^^ . i. Vi-./^^ % ^^- - - • . . i^^ ^'£ : - - ■ - - . y-f,^^^^ y< ^^^^' • - — ^/^ x/'fiaA - - -. ^ - ^^ S/it^^ - - - - - y // ! // 132 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY ^ -% — 1 - i -- ^^^.,^ i^-^^^- ■ '"9 V7 . ^i* Cm ^Al^t^ ^c//^^> ^ (i^ i^^^^ -^ ^i)> S/trrtrr ^^a/^ _ > 26 \^7 ft 134 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY i3. ^^.;^ *» «i i9o 4 If /S // % IS to 7" ^v%^ *^^^^. /t t If. \ BUSH RIVER LOWER HUNDRED 135 ^'>,.,<.$,>y A? v4^.-w^ ^^,^^^ •j'^ti^-n 'y .c^ l^i^^^^^jr-^ //ci: A^y 6kP »^:^ ^;1 <5>4> Vny H /^/Tifr^i^ ^ . y^/i^ _ . '7' ..-/^ /2^r<,/^ . — atff Xfa^^y - - y^t^«>^ — - yff^.^^ // // _ll_: , UL : jL^^at 136 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY ^fottW^A^ ^- ^^^^^S'^/^^t.^e^.-rir^^^^ A^,^ ll /2 ^^^ /P % I /I ./^W^^ • y.'* -i.?^/.^ - Id z ^; .//<^- /_ 6o i/ BUSH RIVER LOWER HUNDRED 137 J^,

.V ^.#t HARFORD COUNTY, SPESUTIA LOWER HUNDRED SPESUTIA LOWER HUNDRED 141 .^m. ,, ," \ -i il '■ ^w. ^^K ^4 H 142 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY 'f SPESUTIA LOWER HUNDRED 143 144 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Whin BIkU f Ajr ^f Yfny, rr',.u. r //<7 - /J .. /? /J ; Iv . ■r •• .(n » ..? .. A*^ - i-c .. ?^ . 37 ■ ■S • ■7 ■ :;■> .. SPESUTIA LOWER HUNDRED 145 Voscns N«. ,1.,.., ./*'''')' ^'■-'" " I- - ^....^ ^,.,.. // jwhitf liUfk II Nur.1 Vii . .1 /,' . ' f^/'cr^6t//. '•^' V/.,, r. -^ .■■i-.. „,.,./: c'-'-rr.,. IS • iWUitc -^_ » /..„ i^,-.;^ bz X... II'. J'.. .,/,. Black I Pf pjronj ' ■ 4- 7^^ •/:, /(:..-',.^.i . y//-,,.,.. v.- 7:;/,,/ .<', f J,: .-3 - IS ■■ IZ - /3 . ■3 - /4- 0,..,./,,;.fl- \Sr V, ,^,, .,,^ ■. ... /V, ^//^u ^•,, >-,<;/•<■ 3^8 146 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY S- Versons 'Ha.nuet ^/t...y ./'-«"' , ft^^ry "i'f'i^^r.... ^r,.A-. „/.,y.. SPESUTIA LOWER HUNDRED 147 6. t:r<'>" i''-*"'' ■ ■ ■ v.'fV-«>(^*• ..'ia./ci-f- ■ - WKit*- V"" 39 ■1 Z7 . ?6 .. Xtrton Vers.. ;., ./,; iCf. • '' •/// - /; /^:».~ /^■■,.„Vj. /•*.« ■• ■ \ r " '\ yjj^ SPESUTIA LOWER HUNDRED 151 152 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY ■ l'^ SPESUTIA LOWER HUNDRED 153 Ivr-'mo rf^.,. of I VVt£«l(V. 'Ir : .^><. ! ^ "7. ■ • . . ^rU^if^--'^— '-:^: i::i y ■■ . S! ,,.lr./. ..... 60 ■ So ■ /4 • /■.T - ft:.,.. .. -).-^ , .... .^ ^^t^..*'- './A 3 ^ ■ i.-..:, ...>„/, .. . ; . ■ ■ I 154 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY SPESUTIA LOWER HUNDRED 155 IJk. Tersi'iiS W«mr« » y^.Vr/;.. •.-5.. .« . . ,7.,.. /t'> !+ WhifJ BLmIJ k Ar» ■Z - !i ^. r rerx«n 7^ lVr*on» Nanic* v^,^. -y/i> .,/» './— Vr^w^^t VymJ Trrtcif \ j/2*4.' Jit i/o /;> /■(•<• i.'^/.. »•<<« .*!:- .l£JZiJ. (.■f*? •/ -j /•f /r » i! • ■/ /■ ■ |/;47 156 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY T*' •W/,„ %'&<,«'•« >*y • It - 13 « f - L*6 :Jv •.' - i.f • 2r ■ /^«7 . 2f V€T»»n0 NVntrf // -fimjf ■ ■ ■ 7A - •V • i'S - go - - '/ /4 - /Z - // - 7 * ...•*" /'» SPESUTIA LOWER HUNDRED 157 iG. V^fficnB Nawc^ ',?j: t^»« • - »^;. ..- S ^ . fv,.« . - I,-.., - ./,..,► - \fy,ft - "Wtitl Blv4 Ni As'. r 133$ ■f^rsorxi NaMcg y«^ WJ,it3.rt .:5:2, .i'*. -^.'^T^ .K^.fSy.,^:.^, ■ ■■■■ - • t^i; '7 3/ 3 - « - f» •' .S - SO - . S - /■f 158 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Census of 1776, Deer Creek Lower Hundred, Harford County, "A List of Persons In Deer Creek Lower Hundred Taken In By W" Fisher Jun'. 1776." * A. Ages Armstrong, Robert 55 Sarah 54 David 21 Mary 19 Armstrong, Robt. Jun"^ 23 Mary 19 David 2 Ammons, Thomas 26 Margaret 28 Mary 3 Ann I Arnold, William 29 Sarah 39 Ephraim 5 Sarah 3 Elizabeth i month B. Brown, James 22 Bruce, John 53 Ann 32 Robert 10 months Morgan, Hugh 1 1 Sarah 9 Echsah 7 Ages Druzillah 5 Rich, John, a ser\^' 25 Barns, Job 52 Mary 45 Job 23 Rachael 21 Ezekiel 17 Mary 14 Hannah 1 1 Ruth 6 Sarah 3 Negroes: Charles, 46 — Dinah, 48. C. Camp, George 45 Cromwell, Joseph 30 Susannah 18 Vinisha 54 Negroes: Sail, 38 — Lemas, 6 — James, 4 — Dinah, 2. Cook, Robert 43 Sarah 36 Danl 53 John 14 Grace 11 Cassandria 9 * A pamphlet of 23 written pages 8V4 X 6 inches, arranged as herein reproduced, excepting that the Negroes are given in close form, or the number only is mentioned, 834 persons are given. The "Harford Lower Hundred" list is of the same size and consists of 16 pp. The members of each family are subordinated to the head of that family, including negroes. Lines indicate the family divisions in the original. 159 1 60 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages James 6 Sarah 3 Easter 72 John Bowdy 13 CoUens, Sarah* 39 Mary Tolston * 21 Sarah Tolston * i Casandria Colston * 11 Cumberland Forge: Negroes: Dundee, 35 — Haniball, 30 — Marcus, 32 — Jack, 38 — An- drew, 40 — Demitress, 36 — Cupit, 40 — Black John, 40 — Carpenter Tom, 37 — Barbadoes Tom, 50 — Aaron (Hired), 26 — Smith Jam, 35- Cotsgrave, John 32 W-^. Watkins 3 Coale, Skipwith 38 Sarah 3^ Margrett 60 Margret i Wallis, Samuel 1 1 Negroes: Sarah, 50 — Frank (Crip- ple), 43— Sig, 39— Jack, 25— London, 21 — George, 20 — Ned, 14 — Fan, 10 — Sesor, 8 — Bill, 8 — Hannah, 6 — Polley, 4 — Hector, 3. Coale, William Sen'' 66 Sarah 61 Sarah 30 Ann 26 Skipnith 22 Negroes: Mingo (No Tax) 66 — James, 30 — Sam, 19 — Bett, 25 — Jenn, 23 — Poll, 4 — Lucy, 2 — Nanney, 6 mo. — Dick, 12. Ages Coale, Philip 40 Ann 36 Cassandria 9 Frances 7 Sarah 5 Richard 3 Ann I Sate, Elizabeth 17 Negroes: James, 65 — Ned, 7. Crawford, Mordecai 40 Susannah 39 James I7 Hannah I5 Mordecai 10 J no 5 Ruth 3 Negroes: Jane, 27 — Cuff, 13 — Tom, 8— Ned, 6— Moses, 4. Chew, Thomas 23 Yates, Sarah 49 Susannah 25 Sarah I9 Negroes: Holiday, 34— Judy, 30 —Suck, 25— Rodger, 13— Han- nah, 7— Charles, 5— Polley, 3— Levy, 3 — George, i. Coale, WiUiam, Junr 33 Elizabeth 28 Isaac 12 Susannah 3 rno- Connaly, Jane 17 Webster, James 15 Lemmons, Marshal 15 Coale, Samuel 23 Negroes: Daniel, 10 — Tom, 8. D. Dallam, Winston 27 Magrett 26 ■ Arrangement and spelling identical with original. DEER CREEK LOWER HUNDRED i6i Ages Francis 4 Elizabeth 2 Coale, William 21 AWVIath, Matthew 17 Negroes: Limas, 13 — Bett, 8. Dallam, Richd 42 Frances 65 Negroes: Doll, 48 — Ben, 30 — James, 19. Dallam, John 32 Samuel 5 Frances 3 Margret i Negroes: Tom, 29 — Hannah, 7. E. Ely, Thomas, Junr 24 Hannah 17 Ely, Hugh 22 Sarah 18 J oseph 16 Scott, Sarah 7 Ely, Thomas, Senr 61 Malin 21 William 18 Ruth 27 Rachael 25 Chapman, W" 4 Ellis, Ellis 36 F. Fisher, James 40 Mary 36 Elizabeth 15 Thomas 13 Isabella 10 Sarah 8 Mary 6 WiUiam 3 12 Ages J ames i Linch, John 19 West, Thomas 18 Negroes: Mingo, 46 — ^Jane, 18 — Cigas, V4. Fisher, W". Senr 66 Sarah 61 John II Negroes: Dick, 63 — Mariah, 64 — Jack, 36 — Beck, 34 — Richard, 13 — George, 11 — Pegg, 6 — Benn, 3 —Poll, V2. G. Griffith, Evan 33 Gallion, Joseph 44 Sarah 45 John 19 Gregory 22 William 16 Alex"' 13 James 10 Elizb''' 7 Jo^ 5 Gover, Elizabeth 50 Cassandria 33 Prissilla 28 Gittings (no Tax) 17 Negroes: Limas, 50 — Dinah, 50 — Nann, 36 — ^James, 35 — Tower, 33 — Dinah, 26 — Sail, 14 — Dampier, 12 — Violett, 10 — Cesar, 8 — Sarah, 6 — Cloe, 4 — Prince, 3 — Affa, 2. Gover, Samuel 21 Negro Toney 20 H. Hawkins, Rich"* 27 Lurana 29 J ohn 2 Negro Easter 12 1 62 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages ...27 Hall, Christopher Heaton, John 33 Rebecca 33 Margrett 11 Sarah 9 Tho= 7 Jn" 4 J ames i Husbands, W" 48 EHzab"' 46 Ja= 13 Meleson 12 Mary 7 Hannah 5 Susannah 2 W- 6Weeks Hill, W- 56 Shem 15 Hill, James 45 Sarah 27 Mary 6 Martha 4 J ames 2 Harris, Margrett 41 Ann 21 Elizb"' 15 George 10 W- 9 Benjamin 7 Sarah 5 Tho" 9 mo. Negroes: Phanney, 35 — Tower, 29 — Dinah, 16 — Tumbah, 14 — Venus, 7 — Meriah, 7 — Lydia, 4 — ■ Mary, 4 mo. Hendley, Joseph 70 Hopkins, Jo'. Sen' 70 Ages Ann 65 Jo=. Jun' 34 Elizb"" 34 Ann 7 John 5 Joseph 4 Elizabeth 1V2 Negroes: Sharper, 50 — Duke, 40 — Pollidore, 30 — Sower, 21 — Nanney, 35 — Hannah (no Tax) 60 — Will, 14 — Cesar, 13 — Hagah, 25 — Cumbo, 15 — Dafney, 5 — George, 4 — David, 7 — Dinah, 3 — Nanny, 6 mo. — Charles, 9. Hawkins, John 60 Samuel 22 Johns, Hosea 7 Tribble, John 79 Negroes: James, 60 — Cuff, 55 — Moll, 50 — ^Jane, 13 — Hager, 11 — Jerry, 9 — Sail, 7 — Pompey, 5. Hawkins, Thomas 31 Sarah 29 Hargrove, Ruth 53 Absalom 11 Richard 6 Lydia 3 Elizabeth i Davis, Rachael 23 Hopkins, Sam' 30 Mary 30 Elizabeth 6 Ephr". Gover Hopkins 5 Phillip 3 Samuel i Negroes: Easter, 12 — Daniel, il — Cato, 8. Husbands,* Elizabeth 31 Rachael II May be "Husband" written with a terminal flourish resembling "s." DEER CREEK LOWER HUNDRED 163 Ages Mary 9 Susannah 7 Elizabeth 4 Ensinger, Susannah Maria, a servant 23 Negroes: Bob, 15 — Ben, 12 — Sam, 9 — Ned, 5 — George, 2. Hopkins, William 58 Rachael 56 Susannah 27 William, Jun'' 25 John 23 Leven 21 Hannah 18 Charles 15 Samuel 12 Thompson, Andrew 18 Negroes: Ned, 70 — Pompey, 45 — Neptune, 42 — Jack, 39 — Nan- riey, 35 — James, 32 — Will, 29 — Hannah, 24 — Pegg, 21 — Tom, 20 — Isaac, 18 — Jacob, 13 — Nell, 11 — George, 5 — Abraham, i — Suck, 15- Hopkins, Gerrard 33 Sarah 29 Wallis, John Hopkins 8 mo. Negroes: Benn, 36 — ^Jane, 24 — Sail, 13 — Will, 7 — Susan, i. Harris, Daniel 31 J. Johns, Skipwith 28 Hannah 23 M<^Clure, Ann (Hired Girl) 26 Negroes: Jacob, 22 — Peter, 29 — Jupiter, 29 — Duke (Cripple), 29 — Panoway, 12 — Policy, 10 — Dinah, 8. JoUey, John 42 Ages Elizabeth 38 Edward 17 Sarah 15 Ann 13 Cassandria 11 W- 8 J ohn 6 Elizabeth 2 V2 Smith, John (appren) 16 Chew, Richard (do) 20 Conry, Margaret (Serv^t.) 17 Negroes: Dampier, 50 — Daniel, 23 — ^Judy, 40 — Suck, 28 — Will, 12 — ^Joseph, 10 — Linty, 5 — Han- nah, 3 — ^Jane, V2- James, Robert 35 Sarah 26 John 9 Thomas 7 W- 5 Robert 3 Mary 4 mo. Jay, Stephen 43 Hannah 40 Elizabeth 13 Hannah 12 Samuel 7 Joseph 5 Thomas 2 Martha i mo. Humphreys, Rich'^. (aServt.) . .40 Lamford, James (do.) 35 Negroes: 18 (names here omitted). Jones, Ruben 25 Mary 27 Joseph 10 mo. Jones, Joseph 91 Patience 81 Rachael 41 i64 MARYLAND RECORDS Ages Johnston, Armstrong 25 L. Lilley, William 45 Linch, William 21 Laughlin, William 38 Rachael 34 Sarah 11 Mar>' 6 Elizabeth 4 W- 2 Love, James 51 Margarett 44 Thomas 13 Lee, James, Sen' 72 Elizabeth 66 Vancleave, Elizb"' 9 Vancleave, Mary 8 Negroes: 24 (names omitted). M. Morgan, William 32 Cassandria 32 Elizabeth 3 Sarah l*/2 Cassandria i Negroes: 10. Morgan, Lydia 46 Mary 31 Ruth 18 Rob' 15 Sarah 12 Margret 7 M'Williams, Christian 46 Elizabeth 14 M'Kenny, Joseph 22 Morgan, John 36 Mary 28 Rachael 10 -HARFORD COUNTY Ages Thomas 8 Joel 6 W- 4 Elizabeth 2 John 3 mo. Murray, Alexander 49 Jane 50 Mary 18 John 15 Elizabeth 14 Archb"^ 12 Sarah ID "Macklemurray," John 59 Patrick (" Mackelmurray") . . .27 Marg'. ("Mackelmurry") 25 Starrat 2 Charity 5 mo. Hawkins, John 8 M-^Brayerta, Michael 27 M-^Cullough, Tho^ 60 Jane 53 Williams, W- 8 MCann, Arthur 21 Kenny, Easter 69 Mary 25 Miller, Mary 41 John 20 Martha 16 Hannah 14 Miller, Joseph 31 N. Nowland, Mary 25 Norton, Stephen 26 Sophia 20 Lambden, Tho' 12 DEER CREEK LOWER HUNDRED 1 6= Ages Nott, William 33 Jane 28 Mary 6 Sarah 4 W» 2 P. Patrick, John 34 Elizabeth 29 Margret 9 John 7 Ann 5 Hugh 3 Elizabeth 1V4 Mary 1V4 Little, Nathan 17 Amos, J ohn 17 Stephenson, John 25 Stuart, Jane 20 Rees, Alargrett 20 Negroes: 3. Proctor, Richard 23 Peacock, John 58 Mary 39 Mary 8 Cassandria 5 Jenkins, John 13 Negroes: 13. R. Rigbie, Nathan 54 Sarah 45 Sheridine, Nathan 4 Giles, Nathl's Children: Hannah 14 Sarah 9 Eliz"" 7 Carolina 4 Low, Deborah 43 Wood, Eliz"'. (hired girl) 20 Ages Servants: Henry Evans a Serv'. to Skip'''. Johns 35 Harrod, Henry, do 35 Negroes: Suckey (no Tax), 70 — and II others. Rees, Soloman 64 Mary 62 Rees, John 23 Hector 30 Rodgers, Samuel 34 Susannah 25 W- 14 Rodgers, Mary 26 Rodgers, Elizabeth 32 Cassandra 4 Rodgers, Joseph 28 Rachael 16 Rigbie, James 55 Sarah 42 James, Jun"^ 19 Susannah 23 Ann 12 Mary 6 Massey, Isaac 19 Negroes : 11. S. Stapleton, Joshua 29 Susan'' 26 David 4 Edward i Lydia 2 mo. Shaw, Armintha 23 Ann 5 Smith, Martha 40 Ann 22 Ralph 20 1 66 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Sarah 15 Martha 13 Andrew 11 Ruth 8 Negro: Cesar, 30. W. Wells, Susannah 23 Wells, Richard, Jun"' 20 Wells, Richard, Sen'' 89 Cassandra 31 Daws, Elisha 20 Negroes: 4. Wells, Richard, Jun' 60 Jane 50 Elizabeth 26 Drusillah 17 Sam' 14 Mary 11 Negroes: 7. Ward, Edward 67 Cassandria 49 Richard 21 Avis 14 Margret 9 Hubbard, Geo. (Serv'.) 20 Negroes: 3. Warner, Cuthbert 23 Warner, Joseph 48 Ruth 46 Jas. J^ 21 Hizekiah 15 Aseph 19 Mordecai 12 Silas ID Wiggons, Joseph 30 Sarah 28 Tarace 7 Bezleel 5 Ages Hannah 3 Cuthbert i Warner, Crosdale 47 Mary 42 Mary, J' 15 Aaron 13 Amos II Crosdale 9 Sarah 7 Agnes Crosdel Warner 4 Asa 2 Wilson, Benjamin 33 Eliz'*" 27 John 4 Sarah 3 Margret 2 Mary i mo. J ohn Wilson 80 Knight, Eliz"'. (Hired Girl) . . .21 Negroes: 7. Worthington, John 42 Prissilla 27 Sarah 6 Prissilla 4 Henry 3 John 2 Negroes: Meriah (no Tax), 90 — ■ David (do), 87 — and 12 others. Worthington, Samuel 21 Negroes: Cesar (no Tax) 70 — • and 5 others. Worthington, Charles 40 Mary 32 Sarah 11 Joseph 9 Charles 4 Ann 2 Margret i week Negroes: 9. DEER CREEK LOWER HUNDRED 167 Ages Free Negroes Ages Wallis, Thomas 24 Nathan Rigbie set free: Will, 50— Wilson, Joseph 74 P^^^^^' /''' /'''^um^ children- Hannah 70 Grace, 36, and 3 children— Judy, Martha . . . . ................ 33 ^o, and i son— Parraway, 40. Mary 30 Philip Coale set free: Benn, 35. ^ ■ ■ ■ Elizabeth Husbands set free: Sam, egroes. 7. ^_, — ^j^^^ ^^ — George, 26 — Moll, Wilson, Samuel 40 25 and her baby. Negro Tom 28. William Coale, Junr. set free: Ra- Wilson, Joseph Jun^ 41 chad, 36, and her son Ezekiel. Negro Ned 26. jas. Rigbie set free: Hager, 60 — ,,, ,,. ur- >y Luckey, 27 — and 3 others. Wallis, Grace 54 ^ ' ^ "Phanney" 27 W". Coale set free: Betty (42) and Negroes: 10. Hannah, 2. Harford County, SS: May s^, 1777 Came W"°. Fisher and made oath on the Holy Evanjelest of almighty God that the within is a true list of all the peopels Names and ages in Deer Creek Lower Hundred as they were give in to him. Before W^. Webb. Received of the Committee of Harford County this i " day of July 1777 Forty Shillings in full for taken the within Habitants of Deer Creek Lower Hundred. W"^. Fisher, Jun'. 1 68 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Census of 1776, Harford Lower Hundred, Harford County, "List of Inhabitants in Harford Lower Hundred Taken by W". Hollis, August 30, 1776." Ages Osborn, James Junr. (Tax) 31 Osborne, Benjamin (Tax) 20 Semelia 20 Susannah 6 mo. Cord, Aquila 12 Blacks: 12, of which 3 are taxed. Thomas, J ohn (Tax) 49 Martha 36 John, Junr 9 Joseph 7 Elizabeth 5 William 3 Hollis, Amos (Tax) 40 Martha 30 Amos, Junr 11 Abirila 13 William 8 James 5 Benjamin 3 Cathrin 11 mo. Blacks: 3. Rhodes, George 35 Chauncey Geo. Senr. (Tax) 68 Benjamin (Tax) 17 Margret 59 Greenfield, Jacob 13 Greenfield, Mary 9 Blacks: 15. Little, George (Tax) 35 Cathrin 44 Ann II Prewit, James 2 Blacks: 12. Ages Diction, Morris 43 Drusilla 43 Susan 18 Sarah 16 John 8 Hannah 6 Frances 3 Reason, James (Tax) 18 Beck, Caleb (Tax) 47 Hannah 35 Ann 14 Hannah 10 Joshua 8 Bethsheba 5 Sophia 3 J ames X Jewry (?) Richd. (Tax) 34 Negro: Bett, 55. Drew, James (Tax) 22 Sarah 25 Phillip 5 months Bennet, Joshua, "orphan". ... 4 Negro: Cass "hiding," 15. Mires, John (Tax) 39 Hannah 24 James 3 Leamah i Drew, Anthony, Senr. (Tax) 50 Henry 18 Mary 17 Sarah 15 Anthony, Junr 13 Reason, John 14 Blacks: 15. HARFORD LOWER HUNDRED 169 Ages Drew, Geo. (Tax) 25 Letitisha 25 Ann 4 Anthony 2 Rebecca 9 months Pettlehiser, Lewis (Tax) 20 Kenard, Michael (Tax) 30 Hannah 20 Ann 10 George 7 Mary 6 Michael 4 James 3 Folkner, Ann 43 Folkner, Robt. (Tax) 22 Curry, Brian (Tax) 27 Blacks: 3. Osborn, William S^ (Tax) 53 Blacks: 5. Farrell, Thos. (Tax) 35 Phillips, Samuel 60 Hanson, John Sen'. (Tax) 55 Keziah 53 John, Jun^ (Tax) 30 Hollis (Tax) 28 Elizabeth 18 Phillips, Samuel 12 Phillips, Martha 10 Blacks: 6. Osborne, W°. Jun'. (Tax) 30 Mary 26 Cordelia 8 Abariler 6 Cyrus 4 Cord, John 11 Canfield, Ann 14 Blacks: 4. Ages Osborn, James, Sen' 64 Gean 55 Martha 18 Blacks: 4. Buckley, John 53 Sarah 37 James 11 William 3 Marcum, William (Tax) 45 Blackstone, Thomas (Tax) 29 Elizabeth 28 J ames 8 Thomas 6 John 4 Elizabeth 2 Cormoway, Mickael (Tax) 33 Elizabeth 19 Brown, John (Tax) 26 Ann 23 Lowman, Elizabeth 52 Crown, Henry (Tax) 45 Jackson, Thomas (Tax) 33 Sarah 18 Beb, John (Tax) 2"/ Ogg, Stocke (?) 5 Cordelia 6 months Black: Jonas, 14. Forwood, Jacob (Tax) 39 Faithful 33 Constance 10 Gean 4 Steel, Elizabeth 23 Warner, Ludwick (Tax) 37 Celly, Volintine (Tax) 27 Celly, Mary 27 Fitsimons, Patrick 13 Blacks: 5. I70 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Lanagin, James (Tax) 35 Chauncey, Cathrin * 24 Chauncey, Elizabeth 5 Chauncey, Margret 3 Chauncey, Susan 3 Chauncey, Mary i Williams, Mary 42 Blacks: 5. Evans, Benjamin (Tax) 34 Deaver, Thomas (Tax) 21 Wadkins, John (Tax) 42 Purify 41 John 14 WiUiam 13 Amos 9 Ann 2 Hoy, Roger 58 Brown, Thomas (Tax) 32 Mary 26 Jacob 6 Elizabeth 3 Mary i Gonins, George (Tax) 40 Jones, Robert (Tax) 27 Thomas, Marget 26 Thomas, John i Suttone, Thomas (Tax) 22 Blacks: 6. Hughs, John Hall (Tax) 34 Ann Hall Hughs 22 Everitt Hall Hughs 6 John H 4 Scott H 2 James H 3 months Blacks: 3. "To Thos. Henderson, Dr." Ages Stephenson, Jonas (Tax) 25 Stephenson, Rebeca 15 Stephenson, Mary 2 Kady John (Tax) 20 Blacks: 2. Garrettson, Garrett f (Tax) 22 Alley 20 Benjamin 15 Blacks: 2. Suttone, Samuel (Tax) 37 Sarah 40 Mary 15 Marget 13 Elizabeth 11 Hannah 9 Sarah 7 Robert 7 Ann 4 Azel, Martha 15 Eagle, James (Tax) 30 Herringts, Thos. (Tax) 25 Reed, Elizabeth 90 Dacon, Francis (Tax) 42 Mary 45 Brooks, Thos 3 Fisher, Amelia 52 William 14 Thos 12 Asll 9 Johnson, Mary 32 Johnson, Samuel 5 Johnson, Amelian 3 Whitacre, John (Tax) 23 Whitacre, Hezekiah (Tax) ... .21 Isaac Whitacre, (Tax) 18 M-^Gown, Ann 11 Adams, John (Tax) 38 * There is apparently an "S" following the age "24" in the original. t In small letters "Short" (?) appears before "Garrett Garretson." HARFORD LOWER HUNDRED 171 Ages Brown, Robert (Tax) 36 Elizabeth 23 John 2 Sarah i Abirilah 8 months Blacks: 2. Megay, Robert (Tax) 48 Sarah 38 George (Tax) 17 John 14 Robert, Junr 12 William 10 Hugh 8 J ames 6 Alee 4 Richards, John (Tax) 34 Sheridine, Mary 30 Curry, Vionah 18 Oliver, James (Tax) 60 Cathrin 60 James, Junr 19 Garland, Cathrin 14 Brown, Sarah 2 Burns, Mathew (Tax) 60 Mary 41 Nevel, Ruth 10 Nevel, John 7 Bennet, Benjamin (Tax) 50 Gean 40 Benjamin, Junr 13 Vensieler, Alener 13 Hanson, Benj. (Tax) 53 Mary 21 Abbrilah 13 Elizabeth 11 Luke 9 Sarah 5 Ages Tredway, Elizabeth 11 Pitt, Frances (Tax) 23 Blacks: 10. Munroe, William (Tax) 34 Mary 32 John 13 Elizabeth 7 Thomas 5 William F i month Negro: Sail, 13. Macky, George (Tax) 30 Vanhorn, Peter 15 Hall, Edward (Tax) 28 Blacks: 9. Hall, John, " Cry." (Tax) 57 Barthia 52 Avarile 20 Orasilla 18 Mary 16 Eliz 13 Gloglan, Patrick M.* (Tax), . .49 Davis, Mary, A Hierlin 59 Timons, Lawrance 45 Scovin, Francis (Tax) 40 Blacks: 26. Punteny, Joseph (Tax) 48 Sarah 40 Aquila (Tax) 17 Ann 15 Prisela 12 George H 9 Nelson 6 Samuel 4 James 2 John 2 months Blacks: 3. * Possibly McGloglan, Patrick. 172 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Giles, James (Tax) 26 Ann 32 Johanna 5 Susanna i J acob W 2 months Fell, William 15 Cooper, William (Tax) 35 Caine, Edward (Tax) 25 Duke, Thomas (Tax) 25 Henry, Andrew 15 Coulson, Mary 21 Blacks: 15. Henderson, Sarah 39 Chauncey, John (Tax) 26 Nelson, John (Tax) 18 Nelson, Aquila 10 Nelson, Pesilla 7 Henderson, George 2 Blacks: 6. Diemer, John (Tax) 30 Johanna 30 Rachel 11 Magee, Sarah 38 Magee, Sarah Junr 12 Blacks: 13, including Edward, 2 days old. Armstrong, John (Tax) 47 Ezebel 42 William 12 John 8 Robert 5 Ezebel 8 Days Williams, Elizebeth 3 Gawley, William (Tax) 23 Giles, Jacob at Bush Mills — ■ Wilkinson, J no. (Tax) 46 Hyfield, Charles (Tax) 25 Robins, J no. (Tax) 22 Ages Williams Thos. (Tax) 20 Reese, Sary 27 MComas, Benjamin (Tax) 33 Alexander (Tax) 30 Mary 25 Clark, Patrick 11 Bennet, Peter (Tax) 51 Mary 27 Abram (Tax) 22 Leaven (Tax) 16 Sarah 14 Peter 12 Aquila 7 Benjamin 2 John II months Allham, Dniel (Tax) 25 Negro: Luce, 15. Garrettson, Freeborn (Tax) 23 Richard (Tax) 18 Mahon, Thos. hireling (Tax). .25 Blacks: 3. Eden, William (Tax) 31 Sarah 26 Jeremiah 8 Elizabeth 6 Benjamin 3 Mary 10 months Codonia, Peter 15 Boayer, Elizabeth. West, William 39 Susanna 39 Geo. W" 6 Margt 4 Sibyl 2 Blacks: "Living at the Glebe," 9 — "Living with W". West," 8. Diemer, Rachael 50 HARFORD LOWER HUNDRED 173 Ages Hall, Aquila, Senr. (Tax) 49 Sophia 44 William 19 Charlotta 18 Mary 16 John 14 Edward 12 Sophia II Martha 8 Benedict 5 Parker, J ohn (Tax) 21 Asker, Jane 22 M'^laughlin, James 15 Negroes: 45. Copeland, George (Tax) 26 Frances 22 Mary 2 CaUihan, Mical (Tax) 24 Negroes: 5. Copeland, John (Tax) 22 Blacks: 6. Phillips, James (Tax) 35 Martha 32 James 5 Elizabeth P 3 John P I Negroes: 28. Phillips, Susannah 23 Negroes: 10. Gallion, Rachael 34 Prisilla 17 Sarah 15 Abariller 12 Phebe 10 Martha 7 George 5 Mary 3 Rachael i Ages Edwards, Joseph (Tax) 29 Finna, Alender 20 Handley, James (Tax) 25 Garland, Henry 66 Negro: Jacob, 15. Moubrey, Mary 29 J ames 7 Robert 5 Mary I Gallion, Phibe 63 Nathan (Tax) 27 Christian 27 Martha 23 Sarah 3 Blacks: li. Chauncey, George (Tax) 38 Mary 29 Sarah 10 George 8 Martha 4 William I Blacks: 14. Ruff, John (Tax) 27 Sarah 25 Dansichlor, Elizabeth 33 Christian, John (Tax) 21 Blacks: 9. Reding, William (Tax) 39 Ann 38 Milcah 8 John 3 William 8 months Burchfield, Hannah 20 Prisilla 16 Adam 13 Frances II Dunn, Thos. (Tax) 24 Brown, James (Tax) 26 174 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Linch, Daniel 35 Mary 24 Carty, Marget 45 Young, William (Tax) 37 Agness 28 Agness, Junr 2 Jones, Mary 18 Blacks: 5. Young, George (Tax) 24 Hollis, William (Tax) 50 Sarah 48 William, Junr. (Tax) 27 Ages Clark 16 Blacks: 8. Ore, Mary ig Rebecca 14 Diction, Peter 54 Marget 42 Johannah 15 \\'illiam 9 Sarah 5 months Cambell, Ann 8 Perry, John, Schoolmaster at the Church Denys to Give in his age or be numbered with the in- habitants. Harford County SS 7th Jany 1777 Came Wm. Hollis and made Oath that the above is a true list of Inhabitants Taken in Harford Lower Hundred and that he was Six Day taking the same list. J. B. Howard. Census of 1776, Susquehannah Hundred, Harford County "A List of Inhabitants in Susquehannah Hundred, Taken by Chas. Gilbert." * Ages Small, Robert 30 Elizabeth 21 John 9 months Beacor, George 15 Hare, Patience 11 Small, John 27 Wilson, Andrew 46 Lidiea 36 James 10 Ages Cathron 8 Beniamin 4 Andrew 2 Hallett, John 25 Prigg, Mary 25 Brown, George 14 Hare, Sarah, Widow 39 Mary 17 Sarah 6 Daniel 3 * This Census is written upon 32 pages g'/s cellent preservation. X 7V2". partly fastened together, and is in ex- SUSQUEHANNAH HUNDRED 175 Ages Rigdon, Charles 27 Molton, Mathew 15 Suilliven, Nathaniel 13 Donovan, Wm 23 Rachel 19 Anos 6 months Durbin, Avariller 25 DeHla 2 Judd, Daniel 40 Hanah 39 Wiliam 17 Daniel •. 1 1 Joshua- 9 Rachel- 8 Ann. .- 6 Elisabeth 3 James 3 months Horton, Wm 53 Elisabeth 32 Wm 14 Mary 12 James 10 Sarah 8 Elisabeth 5 Ruth I Negroes, 2. Cummins, Paul 35 Hannah 27 Sammuel 9 James 3 Barns, Joseph 45 Horner, James 29 Mary 28 Elisabeth 7 Thomas 6 Casandrew 4 Ages Mary Gilbert Horner i Baker, Jnny Mary 11 Negroes, 2. Clarke, ElizaBeth 18 Culver, Bemin 24 Negro, I. Culver, Ann 62 Negro, I. Suillovon, John 27 Margret 18 Coolley, John 21 Rigdon, Sarah 62 Sarah 23 Pritchart, Mary 12 Michael, Belsher 48 Ann 28 John 14 James 13 Bennet 8 J acob 6 Susannah 4 Daniel 2 Wm 8 months horten, John 23 Negroes, 4. Macantraus, Hugh 24 Feeby 31 Mary ("Macantrass") . . .3 mos. Thomson, Edward 45 Jamime 30 Martha 10 Mallon 6 Mary 3 Wm I Sullavin, James 17 Bedelhall, John. Negroes, 5. .27 176 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Hall, Josias 24 Mccarty, Owing 22 Negroes, 3. Choislin, Thomas 41 Young, Thomas 40 Chisholm, Thomas 11 Chisholm, John 7 Hampton, John 85 Ann 84 Mitchel, John 31 Mary 34 Gaberil 19 Elisabeth 6 Rachel 4 Fradrick i Purkins, Ritchard 16 Taylor, Ritchard 12 Cortny, Thomas 32 Sarah 27 Jonas 10 John 8 Hollas 6 Semelia 5 Sarah 3 Thomas 2 months Brown, James 13 Negro, I. Knight, Jonathan 56 Ellender 46 HolHday, Mary 12 West, Thomas 45 Ann 39 Elisabeth 17 James 14 Thomas 12 Samuel 6 Sarah 6 Ages Mary 3 ISaac I Perry, Wm 81 Wm 26 Ely, Hannah 27 Macarty, Jacob 22 Bendal, Joseph 38 Mecarty, Mary 8 Mecarty, Elisabeth 5 Meginis, Mary 2 Fort, Peter 30 Mary 26 Naney 5 Franses 3 Dority i Oure, John 20 Hurley, Judy 15 Barns, Zachariah II Tayler, Warter 19 Steal, Joseph 25 Elisabeth 23 Elisabeth 50 Rebeca. 5 John 3 Abreham 2 Joseph I month Periman, John 43 Martha 38 ISaac 16 John II Mary 9 Marth 5 Elisabeth 3 Prise, Mary 27 Prise, Wm 6 Durben, Thomas 18 Antel, John 59 Blanch 44 SUSQUEHANNAH HUNDRED 177 Ages Ann 15 John 13 Hannah 11 Sarah 9 Thomas 6 West, Susanah 18 Gilbert, Thomas 74 Mary 57 James 19 Fanny 16 Martha 11 Hamby, Samuel 10 Mccarty, Sarah 6 Mecarty, Levy 4 Steal, John 24 Casandra 23 Elisabeth I Gallion, James 47 Ruth 45 Thomis 18 Gilbert 14 Betty 13 Cumfort 10 Rachal 3 Gilbert, Michael 31 Sarah 22 Thomas i Coal, Jane 56 Elisabeth 18 Thomas 14 Ezecal 10 Carrel, John 27 Coal, James 25 Sofiah 24 John 6 James 4 Samilia 4 months Phillips, James 13 13 Ages Coal, Ephram 22 Sophra 19 Johnson, Samuel 17 Pearson, Abel 43 Mary 35 Elisabeth 14 Samuel 10 Abel 7 Joseph 5 Orsburn, John 36 Ann 37 Sarah 15 Elisabeth 12 Amous ID John 8 Bennet 6 Aquillah 4 Josias I Hamby, Sarah 35 Fanney 33 Delah 7 James i Wm I Wm 4 Welch, Wm 24 Cord, Roger 20 Glower, Mary 26 Boyls, Thomas 40 Mary 34 Ebeth 9 Jane 7 Marthew 3 Thomas 9 months Cowin, Isabella 15 Smith, Henery 13 Boner, John 12 Cox, Wilm 58 Mary 53 178 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Mary Banes Cox 20 Israel 13 Rachel 11 ^ Negroes, 7. Wright, Charles 30 Blackford, Thomas 66 Evett, Wm 40 Margret 26 Muckelrath, Sarah 24 Mackfail, Martha 26 Slator, Thomas 18 Glain, Margret 6 Giles, Jacob, Junr 2^ Ame 21 Guist, Amilia 21 Alisabeth 2 Tinlan [?], Mary 40 Lovvel, John 22 Reease, Robart 20 Negroes, 11. At Rockrun Smith, Wm. and Jacob Giles, Junr. No ages given, hampton, David 25 Negroes, 10. forrage, Crister 50 Page, Mary 49 Virthworth, William 43 Sarah 46 Sarah 8 Negroes, 2. Mackfiel, Daniel 32 Jaine 20 Ann 2 John 8 months Mecurdy, Archa 52 Ellender 35 Ages Margret 6 Lemmon, Elisabeth 63 Marshel, John 30 Feby 26 Henery 2 Camneron, John 14 Shea, Wm 51 Elisabeth 32 Thomas 11 David 9 Elisabeth 4 Sarah 4 Isabel 2 Fitchgarel, Margret 23 Mary I month Phillips, James 37 Bethia Fillips 29 Sarah Fillips 10 James Fillips 4 Barns, Bethia 71 Closson, Peter 16 Brown, Sarah 17 Hapstone, Mary 7 Negroes, 7. Deaver, David 29 Mary 33 Rebeccah 6 Ann 4 James I Porter, John 63 Deavour, Mary 33 Ellender Porter 14 Sarah Porter 23 Agnis Porter ID Margret 5 Thompson, Mary 46 John 25 SUSQUEHANNAH HUNDRED 179 Ages Daved 23 Jery 18 James 16 Elisabeth 13 Chappell, Mary 8 Chappell, James 7 Bowlear, Peter 21 Johns, Richard 43 Taylor, Jane 40 Hannah 17 Mary 15 Alryhan 13 Evret (?), Wm., Junr 4 Johns, Nathaniel 41 Elisabeth 33 Ann 13 Ruth 12 Franses 10 Casandrew. 8 Elisabeth 3 William i Touchstone, Mary 18 "Fre Negors," 8. Edwards, James 34 Margret 30 Thomas 6 Mary 5 Joseph 2 Brown, EHsabeth 46 Cowan, Elisabeth 16 Cowing, Ann 8 Brannon, Mary 4 Howel, Samuel 22 All, Margret 22 All, Hannah i Howard, John 18 Negroes, 4. Ages Giles, Jacob 73 Johannah 57 Johannah Giles Wartes 9 Scot (?), Sukey 38 Smith, Winston 4 littleton, Ann 30 Cannabal, Michael 27 Husterfield, Charles 27 Negroes, 18, of which one is called "Bumbrow." Gilbert, Michael 70 Mary 60 Samuel 23 Mary 20 Presbury, Elisabeth 13 Negroes, 9. Wamigim, Thomas 50 Ann 48 Boman, Henry 40 Ellener 41 John 16 David 14 Henery 12 Mary 10 MarGret 9 Affnea 7 EUes 4 ChrisTian 2 Smith, Jabish 66 Mary 62 Luis 5 Chesney, Richard 24 Mary 24 Wm 3 months Rumsey, John 33 Martha 38 Harritt 4 Mary 2 Negroes, 14. i8o MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Scantlin, John 23 Rachel 23 James i Haukins, Robart 59 Lidia 56 Richard 23 Ellisabeth 11 months Averiller 25 Nancy 3 Robert 2 Negroes, 5. Haukins, Wm 27 Sarah 25 Joseph 5 Margret 4 Elisabeth 2 Musgrove, Franses 30 Negro, I. Vanhorn, ESeacall 26 Sary 21 Jessay 6 months Smith, Cathron 44 Litten, Samuel 39 Ann 35 Clemnency 17 Sarah 15 AHsabeth 13 Mary 1 1 Susannah 9 Samuel 7 Ruth 5 Ann 2 Fulk, Mary 17 Craford, John 72 Negro, Peter, 70. Deven, Hugh 22 Mary 27 Hugh I Ages Hursbend, Joseph 39 Mary 34 Puesly, Lidia 18 Root, Mary 25 Aldmand, Sarah 18 Slond, Sarah 16 Josua " Husband " 11 Mary "Hursband" 9 Sarah " Husband " 7 Hannah "Husband" 5 Ann "Hursband " 2 Joseph "Husband". . . .4 months Negro, I. Root, Daniel 57 Ann 56 Danniel 26 Jean 21 John 19 James 15 Margret 13 Richard 11 Pervail, Gidian 29 Mary 18 Margret 8 months Cover, Robert 15 harres, James 12 harres, John 15 Scotten, Lucey 20 Negroes, 3. — - Lampper, John 33 Margret 37 Death, James 56 Soffiah 60 Wm 21 Charity 18 George Simes Death 14 Negroes, 5. Farmer, John 34 SUSQUEHANNAH HUNDRED Ages Snodgrass, Wm 36 Cathroan 36 Roberd 13 Margret 14 James 11 Mary 8 Wings, Arther O 25 Curswell, Wm 62 Esabeellah 50 Robert 22 Mary 19 James 59 Robert 33 Mary 74 Negroes, 9. Knight, Sarah 55 Mary 22 Slone, John 58 Mary 37 Saras 13 Elisabeth 10 Hennery 6 Ramsey, Wm 53 Mary 40 Andrew 22 Alisabeth 17 Jane 14 J ames 11 Wm 7 Thomas 3 Negroes, 2. Murfey, James 38 Elisabeth 37 Rosannah 80 Franses 12 John 6 Rosannah 3 Alea I Ages Bayles, Samuels 40 Elisabeth 26 Samuel 18 Elis 16 John 13 Feaby 11 Mary 9 Mehetabet 6 Sarah 3 Silvers, Mellison 41 Wm 21 Mary 16 Margret 14 Ammons 12 David 7 Sarah 6 Rachel 5 James 3 Silvers, Benjamin 24 Afifey 26 John ID Gashim 4 months Smith, Sarah 11 Bayles, " Biamin" (Benj.?) 42 Debbrow 40 Feby 19 Robert 17 Hannah 15 Sarah 12 Samuel 8 Benjaman 2 Debrow 6 months Augustus 46 Hoges, John 26 CoUerage, Wm 25 Forgerson, Andrew 33 Abigill 35 David 12 1 82 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Annah lo Samuel Smith 6 Elisabeth 4 Andrew 2 Beniamin 6 months Clowes, George 36 Elisabeth "Clows" 36 Cathron 5 Gorge 3 John 9 months Swarth, Samuel 37 Catherine 38 Gorge 14 Mary 13 Samuel 11 Sarah 9 Peter 7 Christian 4 David 3 Isaac 3 months Steaverson, John 28 ^ Brown, Freeborn 32 j^ Crummel, Neger Oliver 21 Negroes, 4 others. Steal, Abraham 25 Sarah 25 Josua 3 Casandra 3 months Jimmison, John 35 Mary 33 Marthie 76 Ellexander 37 Marthie 4 Sarah 2 William 6 Long, Ellender 21 Ages Lee, James 25 Smith, Thomas 55 Hannah 46 Hugh 22 Elisabeth 16 James 14 Samuel 1 1 Mary and W-" 9 Hannah 8 Nathaniel 4 Negro Jeff, 40. Vandigrift, George 30 Mary 22 Elisabeth 5 months Crues, Nicollous 80 Mary 80 Purkins, John 51 Orusan, Mary 12 Crues, John * 48 Elisabeth "Crusan" 33 Michael " Crusan " 11 John "Crusan" 9 Mary " Crusan" 6 Garret " Crusan " 3 months Negro, I. Wood, George 37 Wartus, Godfrey 37 Negroes, 4. Culver, Robert 29 Johannah 3^ Mary 2 Benjaman I Trass, Hugh mackan 24 Negroes, 2. Marten, Wm 29 ♦The arrangement seems to confirm the supposition that the head of this family is John Crusan, though written "Crues" — G. M. B. SUSQUEHANNAH HUNDRED 183 Ages Harthorn, John 52 Margret 37 Jane 15 Robert 13 Agnis ID Margery "Harthhorn" 9 Margrit "Harthhorn" 7 Mary "Harthhorn" 5 John "Harthhorn" 3 Marthy "Harthhorn" i Clarke, John 26 Mecan, Patrick 26 EHsabeth 27 John 4 Charles 2 Daniel i Umbel, Isaac 36 Cathran 24 Mary 3 Smith, Patrick 62 Elisabeth 60 Gorge 15 Elisabeth 15 Bayles, Nathaniel 28 Sarah 26 Ann 3 Samuel I Sutten, Edward 17 Negro, I. Bayles, "Jamas" 22 Bots, George 45 Margret 37 Mary 17 Charity 15 John 14 Gorge 13 Ruth II Ages Rachel 6 Sarah 5 Elisabeth 2 Isaac 6 months Wood, Josua 24 Donnovan, "Donovan," Daniel. .58 Hanah 43 Danniel 25 Jacob 21 Thomas 21 John 16 Elisabeth 14 Joseph 9 Martha 7 Ephram 5 Arnold, Wm 50 Cumfort 56 Brown, Mary 8 Brown, Jacob 4 Croscil (Oroscil?) 22 Arnold, Ephram 24 Marah 40 Wm 3 Taylor, Elisabeth 15 Mitchel, James 22 Preston, Elisabeth 71 Watkins, Elisabeth 16 Roberson, Sarah 11 Barns, Wm 41 Margret 41 John 16 Wm 14 Sarah 13 Ford 9 Rachel 6 Elisabeth 3 Gotten, John 50 Butler, MarGret 16 Negro, I. MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Armstrong, Josua 44 Margret 37 Sollaman 18 Mary 16 Ford 13 Margret 9 Joseph 7 Hannah 4 Alishea 2 Bruer, James 40 Elisabeth 40 Jacob 20 Elisabeth 12 John II Marah 8 Sarah 4 James 2 Wm 4 months Mitchel, Kent 33 Hannah 33 Shadick 10 Elisabeth 8 Mary 5 Thomas 3 Sarah i Rachel 27 Asel 6 months Rogers, John 47 [?] Barnes, James 45 Benjamin 18 Sarah 16 Annah ID Elisabeth 4 Cantler, Wm 38 Mary 33 Casander 10 Wm 5 Elisabeth 3 Ellabeller 5 months Ages Mitchel, James 24 Martha 24 Martha 4 Kent 2 Wm 28 Negro, I. Barns, Ruth 47 Ford 13 Hosea 11 Asyl 9 Beck, Elisabeth 26 Negro, I. Barns, Bennet 23 Hestor 22 Durben, Thomas 16 Mitchel, Wm 28 Clemmency 27 Barker 7 Shurlotter 4 Elisabeth 3 Negro, I. Barns, EUisabeth 45 Ruth 16 Margret 14 Williams, John 32 Elisabeth 21 Negroes, 2. Kirns, Margret 30 Elisabeth 11 Matthew 7 Mary 3 Power, Wm 56 Elisabeth 50 Boner, Nathan 25 Boner, Cathran 15 Boner, John 13 "Bouner," David 10 SUSQUEHANNAH HUNDRED 185 Ages Doleman, Sarah 35 Wood, James 43 Elisabeth 40 Posuarus? 15 John 13 EHsabeth 11 Susana 9 Roles, Joseph 29 Mary 20 Matthew i Larance, John 30 Margret 30 Elexander 8 John I Welch, Thomas 32 Hannah 26 Ruth 6 Griffetth, John 50 Averilla "Griffin" 34 Hannah 14 Elisabeth 12 Fanney 9 Mary 8 James 4 Wm 2 Negro, I. Standly, Wm 69 Margret 58 Mitchel, Edward 50 Rachel 37 Aquiller 7 Ann 3. Rachel i Negroes, 3. Meake, Andrew 28 Martha (" Meeke ") 27 Esteher 5 John 2 Martha 2 Adam i month Crage, John 30 Thoritan, Elisabeth 22 West, Enock 56 Elisabeth 43 Enock 10 Wm 7 Williams, James 26 Margret 22 Wm 3 Susannah 2 Mary 13 Williams, Wm 52 Sarah 43 Barnet 19 Martha 15 Frances 13 Margret 12 Ephrame 9 Eseakel 7 Sarah 5 John 3 "Coer" "Coon" [?], John (No age) " Tochua, Wood " [?X . . .25 Porter, Wm 41 Elisabeth 37 Roberson, EUender 37 Eseakel 5 Molten, Ann 16 Rees, John 48 Cathron 50 Margret 21 Joseph 20 John 16 James 13 1 86 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Abreham lo William 6 Miller, Margret 45 Sammuel 21 Agnis 19 " Fhomisdike " 12 Sarah 10 Mary 4 Anderson, Daniel 45 Sarah 39 Mary 18 Sarah 15 Margret 13 Charles 9 Prissiller 2 Negroes, 6. Mackfaddin, Joseph 41 Cox, Wm. Junr 25 Rachel 25 Mary i Wm 3 months Bonner, John 46 Christan 40 Arther 17 Martha 14 John II Ann 8 Barnney 6 Charles 4 Mitchel, Micajah 24 Averrillah 19 Martha 2 Negroes, 2. "Jehugh a free Neger, 65," and 5 others. Keen, Timmothy 37 Ann 40 Rebekah 18 Ages AQuillah 15 Timmothy 10 John 8 Sarah 5 Wm 3 "Mary a negro, 45" and 14 others. Wilson, Wm 56 Casandra 65 Negroes, 9. Wilson, Samuel 22 Mary 24 Negroes, 9. Wilson, Rachel 26 Negroes, 7. " Cononal At quillah halls quartr." Wilson, William 36 Negroes, 27. Wilson, Wm 36 Rooth 23 Mary 3 Sarah 7 months Negroes, 5. Mecendlis, William 25 Elisabeth 25 Sarah 6 John 4 Ester I month Homes, Ann 22 Negroes, 6. Logue, Wm 60 Mary 48 Cathran 19 Wm 16 Mary 14 Charity 12 Elisabeth 9 SUSQUEHANNAH HUNDRED 187 Ages Walker, James 36 Elender 37 Elisabeth 10 Gorge 5 Ann 3 James 6 months Vanhorn, Richard 18 Henson, Jacob 19 Brown, Gustus 16 Negro, I. Cruse, Richard 50 Elisabeth 49 Elisabeth "Crues" 19 Catharine "Crues" 19 Richard "Crues" 17 Paydan, Thomas 15 Vandigraft, Richard 8 Stiles, Elisabeth i Campton, "Richarg" 19 Marten, Edward 26 Mary 17 Margret I Mils, Robert 71 Susannah 62 John 23 Lookket, John 31 Grant, James 29 Donohue, Margret 18 Grooms, Mary 13 medowel, Mary "Marymedowel 60" 60 Daverson, John 37 Sarah 31 Agnis " Deverson" 3 Daniel " Deverson " 4 Elisabeth "Deverson ".9 months Negro, I. Ages Nutwell, Daniel 35 Minty 19 Bennet 2 Negro, I. Hill, John 50 Margret 40 Harmin 19 John 15, Samiel 8 Elisabeth 6 Aurilla 2 Gover, Phillip 57 Mary 42 Sam II Elisabeth 9 Garrat & Robert 7 Phillip & Hennery 5 Prisslller 3 Negroes, 23. Wilson, John 38 Alianna 32 Christopher 11 Isaac 9 John 7 Sarah 5 James 3 Margret i gill, John 74' Roberson, Amelia 13 Negro, I. Wilson, Peter 25 Cox, John 30 Sarah 30 Mary 7 John 2 Sarah 3 months W^eaver, Casper 16 Negro, I. MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Power, Nicoles 50 Grant, Ann 22 Pritchard, James Junr 33 Elisabeth 18 John 14 Sarah 4 months Pritchard, James 63 EHsabeth 58 Harmon 20 Sammuel 15 Benjamin 13 Daniel Jams 3 Pritchard, Elisabeth 26 Elisabeth 2 Rees, Sollimin 32 Averilla 33 John 8 George 7 Sarah 5 Margret 3 Sarah 2 months Spenser, Roland 63 "Jame" 63 Ritchard 28 Wilcock, John 76 Wilcock, John 14 Brukes, Susanah 19 Ray, Gorge 37 Cathron 31 Mary 6 Robert 4 Samuel i Gallion, James 50 Ruth 57 Thomas 19 Gibert 16 Elisabeth 12 Ages Cumfort 9 Rachel 4 Mitchel, Kent 52 Molten, John 13 Negroes, 2. Pots, Rynard 51 Cathran 46 Cathran ("potts") 17 Jacob ("potts") 14 John (" potts") ID Elisabeth ("potts") 2 David, Reed 38 Cord, Elisabeth 55 Susana 24 Neomie 14 Jacob II Fowler, Patrick 30 Elisabeth 24 Joseph 6 John 4 Wm 2 David 6 months Smith, Mary 80 Gallion, Samuel 30 Sarah 21 Mary 2 Knight, Thomas 30 Margret 25 Wm 6 Mary 5 Elisabeth 3 "Light" 2 Barns, Grigary 42 Elisabeth 38 Ford 15 Richard 14 Rachel 13 SUSQUEHANNAH HUNDRED 189 Ages Grigory 11 Mary 9 Sarah 6 "Fiariner" 4 John 2 Averilla i, Negroes, 4. Knight, George 42 Martha 31 Debrow 15 Hannah 11 Elisabeth 9 Susannah 5 AQuiller 2 Mitchel, Thomas 33 Ann 32 Elisabeth 8 Sarah 6 Ritchard 5 Barnet 3 Averilla i Taylor, Aquiller 13 "Bayles" [[Bayley?] 64 Margret " Baley " 46 Charles "Bayley" 23 Aquillea "Bayley" 21: Bennidick "Bayley" 17 Sarah "Bayley" 15 Eseakel " Bayley" 12 Averilla " Bayley " 10 Mitchel, James Weaver 51 Jane 34 Elaxanders 6 James 3 Sarah 3 months Stuard, Alexander 55 Ann 55 Wm 13 Ages Ann II Mary 20 Margret 10 "Boner," Elisabeth Widow 33 Robert 14 Mary "Bonner" 10 Wm. "Bonner" 8 Brise "Bonner" 6 Margret "Bonner" 4 Elisabeth "Bonner" i Chandley, James 56 Susannah 49 Mohan, John 42 Judy 38 Edward 13 John II Margret 9 James 7 Mary 5 Elisebeth 3 Wm I Deaver, Sarah widow 46 Samuel ("Deavour") 13 David 10 Hughs, "Amea's" Widow 60 Hughs, John 24 Jane 20 James 7 months Negroes, 2. Bayley, Josias 26 Averilla 17 Negro, I. "at Samuel Thomases Quorter." II negroes. Hughs, Nathaniel 26 West, Robert 39 1 90 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Ann 36 Elisabeth 15 Benjamin 12 Hannah 10 John 8 Mary 7 Martha 4 Michael 3 Ephram 2 Williams, Morras 60 Prissilla 50 Mary 22 Martha 19 John 15 Ann II Wm 9 Ford, James 35 Oleve 20 Mecool, Mary 60 Beale, Thomas 59 Knight, "Jame" or "Jane" [?]• 17 Stump, Henary 48 Rachel 40 Mary 16 John 22 Henery 15 Rubin 10 William 8 Elisabeth 6 Hannah 3 Esther 2 Negroes, 8. Dots, John 43 Elisabeth 33 Sarah 12 Ann 10 Isaac 7 James 2 Negroes, 3. Ages Wood, Isaac 85 Elisabeth 70 Martin, Elaxander 40 Martha 34 Isaac 7 Fleetwood, Beniamin 35 Hannah 28 Ann 3 Wilmonton, Joseph 15 Cothlon, John 61 Hannah 50 Mary 18 Roberson, Abraham 27 Elisabeth 23 Sarah 5 John 5 months Knight, Light 59 Rachel 46 Wm 20 Mary 26 Rachel 16 Isaac 12 Sarah 9 Hannah 5 Gudding, Margrit 40 Ann ("Goodings") 15 Moses ("Goodings") 11 Hagon, Cathran 60 Gorrel, Issabellah 46 John 24 Wm 21 Joseph 20 Thomas 19 Esther 15 James 14 Hannah 1 1 SUSQUEHANNAH HUNDRED 191 Ages "Sarah A free Neger" and 2 children. Durbin, Mary 30 Amos 2 Ehsabeth 8 months Rutter, Richard 30 Ann 24 Esther 2 Sarah i Gipson, Robert 15 Whiticer, Mary 18 Durbin, Fransis 28 Ann 26 Mary 5 Gilbert, Martin Taylor 35 Martha 31 Mary 1 1 Charles 7 Maren Taylor 4 Elisabeth i Negro, I. Brannon, Patrick 62 Darkes 42 Wm 16 Hannah 12 Ellender Ii John 8 Joseph 4 Jane 2 Rees, Joseph 40 Aberam 35 Jane 88 Brown, Sarah 30 Jane 7 Cowen, Wm 52 Judy 52 Mary 28 Susannah 18 Ages Thomas 21 Eddward 15 Stephen II Rachel 9 White, Richard 30 Sarah 25 Margret 3 Ann I Biars, Ephraim 28 Gilbert, Charles 53 Elisabeth 53 Michael 21 Elisabeth 18 Sarah 16 Hare, Robert 17 Negroes, 12. Durbin, Averiller 17 Dilling, Larrance 27 Catherene 24 Dilling, Gorge 40 Marther 30 John 6 Edward 5 Robberd 3 Hannah 2 months Baker, Nicolis. . . ; 28 Agnes 23 Josaway 14 Hare, James 11 Trame (Frame?) John 19 Stareman, Alisabeth 11 Harbet, Benjamin 53 Grase 58 Benjamin 23 Hall, Rebecah 21 Savage, Gorge 30 192 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY Ages Burten, Jane 62 ]Mar>' 38 GifFeth, Hannah 25 Culber, Levy 3 Gallion, John 25 Mary 56 Mathew 34 Hughs, Elie (EHel?) 9 Cussans, John 3 Megill, \Vm 42 Elisabeth 26 John 5 Mary i Ars, John 22 Negro, I. Cummans, PhiUip 66 Sarah ("Cummins") 54 John ("Cummins") 23 Casandra ("Cummins") 20 Benjamin ("Cummins") 19 Sammuel ("Cummins") 17 Andrew ("Cummins") 13 Patterson, Gorge 27 Gardener, Elexander 26 Negroes, 12. Goseph, Barns 45 Anderson, Charles 42 Mar>' 42 Daniel 19 Grase 18 Sarah 16 Charles 13 Richard ' 11 James 9 Wm 7 Amous 4 Perry, Thomas 56 Ages Margret 32 Sarah 11 Jane 9 Thomas 6 Wm 4 Peter i Donohue, Danniel 33 Judd, Wm 34 Ann 34 Wm 6 Daniel 4 Saran and Jane 3 Deaver, Aquillar 15 Gilbert, Parker 36 Elisabeth 37 Sarah 10 Parker 8 Gidian 7 Michael 4 Prissiller I Negroes, 2. Smith, Benjamin 30 Mary 26 Mary 21 Sarah I Greandland, Richard 32 Homes, Merear 21 Gilbert, Michael 42 Mary 36 Aquiller 18 James 16 Sarah 14 Michael 10 Mathew 8 Wm 5 Amous 2 Negroes, 4. Biards, James 33 SUSQUEHANNAH HUNDRED 193 Ages Casander 24 Jane 3 Rachel 8 months "at Harison Thomases Quorter." Harris, Joseph 23 Negroes, 20. Mohon, Wm 39 Jane 37 Ann 13 Cathron 1 1 Martha 9 John 7 Wm 2 Hadaway, Richard 40 Sarah 26 Hargrove, Richard 35 Rachel 30 Ruth 4 Casandra 4 months Hambelton, George 9 Knight, David 49 David 21 Ages Ezekel 7 Green, Elisabeth 30 Spenser, Heanary 50 Agnes 46 James 21 John 19 Jare 17 Cathron 15 Heanary 12 Agnes 10 Thomas 8 Wm 7 Sarah 5 Lenard 4 Mary 3 Elisabeth & Ruth i" Gorrel, Abraham 50 West, James 40 Ann 33 Mary 14 Heanary 11 Ann 8 James 6 Sarah i Mary. John. 13 Pritchard, Obidiah, Sr. Black . 9 Stephen •30 15 The Number of The inhabitance Taken in ye Susquehana Hundred in the year 1776 is 1581 — the white People is 1300 — the negros is 281 — 1581. Harford County S'. 7 Day January 1777 Then Came Charles Gilbert before me the Suscriber one of the Justices of the Peace for the aforesaid County & made Oath on the Holy Evangelist of Allmighty God that the above List is a True account of the Number of Inhabitants of Susque- hannah Hundred as Given into me to the Best of his Knowledge Sworn to Before me J. Beale Howard NB. He further makes Oath that he was Ten Days taking the above List of Inhabitants, before J. B. Howard. 14 194 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY A List of the Inhabitants of Harford Co^Y; taken in 1776. Whites Blacks Spesutia lower Hundred 790 650 Do. upper Do 767 340 Harford lower Hundred 415 352 Do. upper Do 548 194 Susquehanna Hundred 1,300 281 Bush River lower Hundred 658 275 Do. upper Do 623 77 Deer Creek lower Hundred 460 374 Do. upper Do 960 122 Eden Hundred i ,008 108 Broad Creek Hundred 318 24 Gun Powder lower Hundred 683 331 Do. upper Do 893 214 Total 12, 765— 9,423 3,342 NB. The List of David Sweeney of Broad Creek Hundred, could not be obtained during the time of the sitting of the Committee, when got, was not proved could not assertain the time he was taking the List, but agreed to take Twenty Shillings for his Trouble which was paid by AG— . QUEEN ANN'S COUNTY Queen Anns County, Town Hundred, Census of 1776, It should be noted that this original enumeration places the oldest persons first and classes them as "Above 21" and they are here designated as "a"; "b" means "Between 16 and 21"; "c" means "Between 12 and 16"; "d" means "Under 12," and "e" means "Total." "x" means "White males" and "z" means "White females"; "n" means "Blacks." ' ' Heads of Families" : Anderson, For Doctor James, 34 n. Anderson, John, i ax, 2 az, i dx, 2 dz — 2 ex, 4 ez;i5 n. Arescott, Richard, i ax, i az, i bx, I ex, i cz — 3 ex, 2 ez; 2 n. Adkey, Nathan, i ax, i az, i dx — 2 ex, I ez. Austin, Absalom, i ax, 2 ex, 2 dz — 3 ex, 3 ez. Ashley, Thomas, i £ix, i bz — i ex, i ez; 2 n. Burrell, Thomas, i ax, i az — i ex, i ez. Boots, Nathaniel, i ax, i az, i dz — i ex, 2 ez. Brown, W""., Mason, i ax, i az, i cz, i dx, 2 dz — 2 ex, 4 ez; 7 n. Boots, Samuel, i ax, i az — i ex, i ez; in. Barber, Thomas, i ax, i az — i ex, i ez. Betts, Hezekiah, 2 ax, 3 az, 2 bx, i ex, i dz — 5 ex, 4 ez; 9 n. Blervet, Charles, i ax, i az, i ex, i cz, 3 dz — 2 ex, 5 ez. Burchanall, Jeremiah, I ax, 3 az, 2 bx, i bz, i dz — 3 ex, 5 ez; 3 n. Bateman, John, i ax, i az, i dx, 2 dz — i ex, 3 ez. Benton, John, 3 ax, i az, i bx, 2 dx, 3 dz — 6 ex, 4 ez; 15 n. Brown, John, 2 ax, 2 az, i cz — 2 ex, 3 ez; 38 n. Byrn, Mary, 2 az, i bz, i ex, i cz, 4 dx — 5 ex, 4 ez; 12 n. Bateman, James, "Taylor," I ax, i az, 2 ex, i dx, 3 dz — 4 ex, 4 ez; 2 n. Boots, Jacob, i ax, i az, i bx, i cz, 2 dz — 2 ex; i ex, 4 ez; i n. Brown, Samuel, i ax, i az, i bz, i ex, i dx, i dz — 3 ex, 3 ez; 13 n. Benton, Ninson, 3 ax, 2 az — 3 ex, 2 ez; 13 n. Benton, Ninson, Junr., 2 ax, i az, 2 ex, 3 dx, 2 dz — 7 ex, 3 ez. Benton, William, i ax, i az, 3 dx, i dz — 4 ex, 2 ez; 3 n. Brown, William, 2 ax, i az, 2 bz, i ex, 4 dx — 7 ex, 3 ez; 17 n. Burk, David, Schoolmaster. Betts, Solomon, 2 ax, 3 az. Bolton, George, i ax, l az, i bx, i bz, i ez, i dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 5 ez; in. 197 j8 MARYLAND RECORDS— QUEEN ANN'S COUNTY Bateman, Michael, 2 ax, 3 az, 2 ex, I cz, i dz — 4 ex, 5 ez. Bustles, John, i ax, I az, 2 dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 3 ez. Butler, Thomas, i ax, i ex, i cz, i dx, i dz — 3 ex, 2 ez. Benson, Mary, 2 az, 2 dx, I dz — 2 ex, 3 ez. Bennett, Jean, i az, i dz — 2 ez. Colvin, William, i ax, i az, i ex — 2 ex, i ez. Corbert, Isaac, 3 ax, i az, i dz — 3 ex, 2 ez. Certain, William, I ax — i ex; 2 n. Chatham, Elizabeth, 2 az, i bz — 3 ez; 9 n. Cossin, Asel, i ax, i az, I bx, i bz, 2 ez, I dx, i dz — 3 ex, 5 ez. Coleman, Roger, i ax, i az, i bx, 2 ex, i cz, 3 dx, 2 dz — 7 ex, 4 ez. Cavillare, Charles, 2 ax — "4 ex, 2 ez"; i n. Carson, Robert, I ax, i az, I dz — i ex, 2 ez. Comegys, John, 2 ax, 3 az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, 2 dx, 4 dz — 6 ex, 9 ez. Comegys, Sarah, i az, I ex, i dz — I ex, 2 ez; in. Coppage, Philemon, I ax, i az, i bx, i cz, 2 dx — 4 ex, 2 ez; 5 n. Chavies, Thomas, 2 ax, i az, 3 dx, 2 dz — 5 ex, 3 ez; 2 n. Conner, Sech, 8 n. Carmichael, William, 14 n. Carmichael, Walter, 3 ax, i az, I dx, i dz — 4 ex, 2 ez; 24 n. Coleman, William, I ax, i az, 2 bx, 2 ex, 2 dx — 7 ex, I ez. Carmon, William, 2 ax, 2 az, I dz — 2 ex, 3 ez. Cohee, John, i ax, i az, 2 dx, i dz — 3 ex, 2 ez. Coleman, Derias, i ax, i bz, i dx, I dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. Cunningham, Thos., I ax, i az, 3 bz, i dx — 2 ex, 4 ez; i n. Cox, John, I ax, 2 bx, i bz, i dx — 4 ex, I ez; 3 n. Coursey, Thomas, "For," 5 n. Cavinder, Nathl., i ax, i az, 2 dz — i ex, 3 ez. Comer, William, i ax, 2 az — i ex, 2 ez. Carson, Mary, 2 az, i bz, i dx, 2 dz — i ex, 5 ez. Davis, John, 2 ax, i az, i ex, l dz — 3 ex, 2 ez. Dudley, Abner, 2 ax, 3 az, 2 bx, i ex, i dx — 7 ex, 2 ez; 5 n. Demster, John, I ax, I bz — i ex, i ez; i n. Dixon, James, I ax, 2 az, 2 dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 4 ez; 6 n. Demster, , i ax, I az, 2 dx, 3 dz — 3 ex, 4 ez; in. Dunkin, Robert, i ax, i az, i bz, 2 dz — i ex, 4 ez. Downey, Thomas, Junr., i ax, 2 az, i ex, 3 dx — 5 ex, 2 ez. Dwericks, Valentine, 2 ax, 2 az, 3 dx, 3 dz — 5 ex, 5 ez; 8 n. Deford, William, 2 ax, 2 az, i dx, i dz — 3 ex, 3 ez; in. Dawson, Thomas, i ax, i bz, i dz — I ex, 2 ez. Duglass, William, i ax, I az, i ex, i ez — 2 ex, 2 ez. Downey, Thomas, Sr., 2 ax, 2 ciz, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. TOWN HUNDRED 199 Dailey, James, i ax, i az, i bx, i cz, i dx — 3 ex, 2 ez. Dailey, John, i ax, i az, 3 dx, 2 dz — 4 ex, 3 ez. Dyer, Peter, i ax, i az, i bx, 2 ex, I cz, 2 dx, i dz — 6 ex, 3 ez. Downey, Valentine, i ax, i az — i ex, i ez. Downey, Patrick, i ax, i az, i dx — 2 ex, i ez. Dean, Capt. John, 2 ax — 2 ex. Dene, Christopher, i ax, i az, i dz — i ex, 2 ez. Deford, James, I ax, i az, 3 dx — 4 ex, i ez. Downey, Tabitha, 2 az, 2 dx, 3 dz — 2 ex, 5 ez. Deavinish, Elizabeth, i az, i dx, 2 dz — i ex, 3 ez. Deford, William, Sr., I ax, 2 az, 2 dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 4 ez. Dempster, Rachel, I az, i bx, i bz, i ex, I dx — 3 ex, 2 ez. Dodo, Joseph, i ax, i az, i dz — i ex, 2 ez. Elliott, Rebeckah, i ax, 2 az, i dz — i ex, 3 ez; 10 n. Ezgate, Valentine, i ax, i az, i bz, 2 dz — i ex, 4 ez. Eavins, Jonathan, i ax, i az, i dx, I dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. Eareckson, James, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i bz, i dx — 3 ex, 3 ez; 3 n. Foreman, Arthur, Junr., i ax, 3 az, 3 dx, i dz — 4 ex, 4 ez; 7 n. Ford, Daniel, Sr., i ax, 2 az, 3 bx, 2 ex — 6 ex, 2 ez; in. Ford, Daniel, Junr., i ax, 2 az, i bx, 2 dx — 4 ex, 2 ez. Foreman, John, Jr., i ax, i az, 2 dx, 3 dz — 3 ex, 4 ez. Ford, Isaac, Sr., i kx, i az, i bz, i dx, i dz — 2 ex, 3 ez; 2 n. Foreman, John, Sr., 2 ax, 3 az, i bx, 2 dx, i dz — 5 ex, 4 ez; 12 n. Ferrell, Edmond, i ax, i az, i bz, i dx, i dz — 2 ex, 3 ez; 9 n. Foreman, Arthur, son of Arthur, I ax, i az, 2 ex, 2 dx, i dz — 5 ex, 2 ez. Falconer, William, i ax, i az, i bz— 2 ex, i ez. Farbush,'Jean, 2 az, i dx, i dz — i ex, 3 ez. Gestes, George, i ax, i az, i cz — i ex, 2 ez. George, Bartlett, i ax, i az, i cz, i dx, i dz — 2 ex, 3 ez; 2 n. Gould, Benjn., Esqr., i ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, 2 dx, i dz — 5 ex, 4. ez: 5 n. Gafford, John, Senr., 4 ax, i az, i bx, 3 bz, i ex, i dx, 3 dz — 7 ex, 7 ez; 2 n. Graves, Matthew, 2 ax, i az, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. Gooding, James, 3 ax, 2 az, i bx, i bz, i cz, 2 dx, i dz — 6 ex, 5 ez; 25 n. Gafford, John, Junr., i ax, i az, 3 dx, i dz — 4 ex, 2 ez. Glandin, Nathan, i ax, i az, 2 dx, i dz — 3 ex, 2 ez. Gordin, Peter, Junr., 2 az, i bx, I ex, 2 dx, 2 dz — 4 ex, 4 ez. Gould, Richard, 3 ax, I az, i dz— 3 ex, 2 ez; 11 n. Gafford, Sarah, 2 ax, i az, i bz, 2 ex, i cz^4 ex, 3 ez; 5 n. Graves, Thomas, i ax, i az, i bx, i bz, I ex, 3 dx, 2 dz — 6 ex, 4 ez. Gafford, Valentine, i ax, 2 az, 4 dx, 2 dz — 5 ex, 4 ez. 200 MARYLAND RECORDS— QUEEN ANN'S COUNTY Gregory, William, I ax, i az, 2 ex, 6 dx, i dz — 9 ex, 2 ez. Gray, William, i ax, i az, I cz, i dx, 2 dz — 2 ex, 4 ez. Gafford, Charles, i ax, i az, 2 dx, i dz — 3 ex, 2 ez. Greenwood, William, 2 ax, i az, i bz, i cz, i dz — 2 ex, 4 ez. Garnett, William, i ax, i bz, i dz — 2 ex, i ez. Games, Stephen, 3 n. Graves, Elener, 2 az, i ex, i dx — 2 ex, 2 ez. Hopkins, Thos. Sawyer, 6 n. Herring, Edward, i ax, i az, i ex, 3 dx, 2 dz — 5 ex, 3 ez. Hopkins, Thomas, i ax, i az, i bz, i dz — i ex, 3 ez. Hastings, George, i ax, i az, 2 bz, i ex, i dz — 2 ex, 4 ez; 6 n. Harris, Charles, i ax, i az, 4 dx — 5 ex, I ez; in. Holding, Riehard, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i dz — 2 ex, 3 ez; 3 n. Hackett, John, i ax, I az, 2 dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 3 ez; 12 n. Horsley, Richard, I ax, i az, 2 dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 3 ez. Hackett, James, 2 ax, i az, I bx, 2 bz, i ex, i cz, 3 dz — 4 ex, 7 ez; 16 n. Holding, John, Junr., 2 ax, i az, i dx, 3 dz — 3 ex, 4 ez. Hunt, Thomas, i ax, I az, i dz — I ex, 2 ez. Hackett, Thomas, i ax, 2 az, I ex, 2 dx, 4 dz — 4 ex, 6 ez ; 11 n. Hammond, Elizabeth, i az, i bx, i bz, I ex — 2 ex, 2 ez. Hollingsworth, W"°., i ax, I az, 4 dx, 2 dz — 5 ex, 3 ez. Harbitt, Charles, i ax, i az, i dx, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. Hollingsworth, Jas., i ax, i az, i ex, 2 dz — 2 ex, 3 ez. Hawkins, Matthew, 2 ax — 2 ex; 4 n. Hales, William, i ax, i az, i dx, 2 dz — 2 ex, 3 ez. Hall, Jonathan, 2 ax, I az, I bz, I ex, i ez — 3 ex, 3 ez; 4 n. Hudson, Walter, 2 ax, i az, 3 dz — 2 ex, 4 ez. Hinds, John, i ax, i az, i dz — i ex, 2 ez. Johnson, Hance, i ax, I az, i bx, l ex, i dx, i dz — 6 ex, 2 ez. Johnson, John, I ax, i az, i ex, I dx — 4 ex, i ez. Johnson, George, 2 ax, i az — 2 ex, i ez. Jacobs, Henry, i ax, i az, i bx — 2 ex, i ez. Jones, Robert, i ax, i az — i ex, i ez. Jackson, Stafford, i ax, 2 az, i dx — 2 ex, 2 ez. Jones, John Taylor, 2 ax, i az — 2 ex, i ez. Jackson, Samuel, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i ex, i dx — 4 ex, 2 ez. Kiekman, William, i ax, i az, 2 dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 3 ez; in. Kemp, John, i ax, i az — i ex, I ez. Kent, Emanuel, 4 ax, i az, I bz, i ex, i dx — 6 ex, 2 ez; 23 n. Lamdin, Francis, i ax, I az, 2 dx — 3 ex, i ez. Linzy, Edward, l ax, i az, i cz, 3 dx, i dz — 4 ex, 3 ez. Lee, Oinson, i ax, i az, 2 dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 3 ez. TOWN HUNDRED 201 Lee, William, i ax, 2 az, i ex, i dx — 3 ex, 2 ez. Lary, William, i ax, i az, i ex, i dx, i dz — 3 ex, 2 ez. Lambert, Robert, i az, i bx, i dx, 2 dz — 2 ex, 3 ez. Lee, Rachel, 2 ax, i az, I bz, i ex, i cz, 2 dx — 5 ex, 3 ez. Leek, William, i ax, i az, I dx, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. Lang, William, i ax, i az, i ex, i dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 3 ez. M'^Clane, John, i ax, i ex, i dx — 3 ex. M.Coy, Alice, 2 ax, 2 az, 2 dx, 2 dz — 4 ex, 4 ez; 5 n. Maxwell, Alexander, i ax, i az, i ex, 2 dx — 4 ex, i ez; 2 n. Moreland, Henry, i ax, 4 dx — 5 ex. M'^Cskiming, Enen, I ax, i az, i cz, I dx, 2 dz — 2 ex, 4 ez. MC gonegill, James, 2 ax, i az, i bx, i dz — 3 ex, 2 ez; in. Marsh, Thomas, I ax — i ex; 24 n. Mumford, John, i ax, i az — i ex, i ez; 2 n. Moaner, Timothy, 3 ax, i az, i bx, i bz — 4 ex, 2 ez. Mountseer, William, i ax, i az, 3 dz — i ex, 4 ez. Mand [[?]], William, i ax, i az, 2 ex, i dx, 2 dz — 4 ex, 3 ez. More, James, i ax, i az, i dx, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. M'Clannahan, Samuel, i ax, i az, i dx — 2 ex, i ez. Milburn, William, i ax, i az — i ex, I ez. Mooney, Patrick, 2 ax, i az, 2 bz, I ex — 3 ex, 3 ez. Morse, William, i ax, i az, i dx, i dz — 2 ex, 3 ez; in. Meridith, Thomas, i ax, I az, 2 dx, 3 dz — 3 ex, 4 ez; 7 n. Milbey, John, i ax, i az, i bz, i dx, 2 dz — 2 ex, 4 ez; 5 n. Meeds, Francis, i az, i bz, i dx — i ex, 2 ez. MC ginnis, John, i az — I ez. ^Original record places these in female column.] Merphey, John, i ax, i az, i dx — 2 ex, i ez. Mold, Walter, 2 ax, 2 az, 2 dz — 2 ex, 4 ez. M'Clannahan, Elizabeth, 2 az, i ex, 2 cz, 3 dx, i dz — 4 ex, 5 ez; in. Meeds, Thomas, i ax, i az, I ex, 2 dx, i dz — 4 ex, 3 ez; 3 n. Massey, W". Clark, i ax, I az, 2 dz — i ex, 3 ez; 2 n. Nabb, Sarah, i az, i bz, 2 dx, i dz — 2 ex, 3 ez. Neronam, Daniel, 2 ax, 3 az, 2 ex, 4 dx — 8 ex, 3 ez; i n. Nevil, James, i ax, i az, i ex, 3 dx, i dz — 5 ex, 2 ez; 3 n. Neronam, John, i ax, i az, 2 dx — 3 ex, i ez. Neronam, Joseph, i ax, i az, i bx, i ex, i cz, i dx, 2 dz — 4 ex, 4 ez. Nerol, John, 2 ax, i az, I ex, i cz, 2 dx, 2 dz — 5 ex, 4 ez. Nevil, Walter, i ax, 2 az, i bx, I dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 4 ez; 3 n. Neronam, William, I ax, 2 az, 2 cz, 2 dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 6 ez. Nicholson, For Joseph, Jr., 7 n. Nevil, Sarah, i az, i ex, i cz, i dz — i ex, 3 ez. 202 MARYLAND RECORDS— QUEEN ANN'S COUNTY Owings, John, i ax, i bz — l ex, i ez. Offley, Vinson, i ax, i az, 2 dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 3 ez; in. Offley, Benton, i ax, i az, i dx, 2 dz — 2 ex, 3 ez. Offley, John, 2 ax, i bz, I ex — 3 ex, I ez. Price, Margarett,* 2 az, i dx, i dz — i ex, 3 ez. Purse, Gabriel, I az, i dx, 2 dz — i ex, 3 ez. Plummer, Rizdon, 2 ax, i az, i dx — 3 ex, i ez; 3 n. Preston, Rachel, i ax, 3 az, 3 bx, I bz, 2 ex, I dx, I dz — 7 ex, 5 ez; 3 n. Pinder, Edward, 2 ax, 2 az, i bx, i bz, i ex, 2 dx — 6 ex, 3 ez; 2 n. Primrose, George, I ax, i bx, i cz — 2 ex, i ez; 7 n. Ponder, John, i ax, 2 az, 2 dx — 3 ex, 2 ez. Primrose, John, i ax, i az, I ex, i dx, I dz — 3 ex, 2 ez; 6 n. Peacock, Robert, i ax, l az, i dx, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. Peacock, J ohn, i ax, i az — i ex, i ez. Price, William, i ax, i az, i ex, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. Pryor, William, i ax, i az, 5 dx — 6 ex, i ez; 7 n. Perrarone, Thomas, i ax, I az, i bz, i dz — i ex, 3 ez. Pinder, William, i ax, I ex — 2 ex; in. Pope, Samuel, i ax, I az, i dx, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. Perraron, George Hy, I ax, i az, i dx, 2 dz — 2 ex, 3 ez; in. Ponder, William, Jr., i ax, i az — I ex, i ez. Price, Margarett, 2 az, i bx, i bz, I cz — i ex, 4 ez. Poolley, Sarah, 2 ax, i az, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. Permar, James, l ax, I bz, i dx — 2 ex, i ez. Ponder, William, Senr., i ax, i bz — i ex, i ez; i n. Quimby, John, 2 ax, i az, 2 ex, i dz — 4 ex, 2 ez. Ricords, William, i ax, I az, i bx, i ex, i cz — 3 ex, 2 ez. Rigby, John, i ax, i az, i ex, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. Ruth, Thomas, I ax, i az, 2 ex, i dz — 3 ex, 2 ez; in. Reed, Francis, i ax, i az, 2 bz, i ex, 3 dx, 2 dz — 5 ex, 3 ez. Roberts, David, i ax, i az, i bz, i ex, i cz, i dx, l dz — 3 ex, 4 ez; 4 n. Rochester, Elizabeth, i ax, i az, 2 dx — 3 ex, i ez; 7 n. Rippeth, James, i ax, l az, i bx, 3 dz — 2 ex, 4 ez. Roberts, James, 2 ax, i az, i bx, i ex, i cz, 2 dx, 2 dz — 6 ex, 4 ez; 11 n. Ruth, John (Smith), i ax, i az, 2 dz — i ex, 3 ez; 4 n. Roseberry, James, 2 ax, 2 az, 2 bz, i ex, 3 dx, i dz — 6 ex, 5 ez. Ruth, John (of Tho=), 2 ax, i az — 2 ex, i ez. Rochester, Mary, 2 az, i bx — i ex, 2 ez; 2 n. Rogers, Nathan, i ax, 2 az, 2 bx, i bz, i dx, 4 dz — 4 ex, 7 ez. Reed, Samuel, I ax, i az, 2 dx — 3 ex, i ez. * Following "Margarett" appears to be "R'' Livr" or "R'i Sior" or "R'' Senr." TOWN HUNDRED 203 Ralph, Stephen, i ax, 2 bx, i cz, 2 dz — 3 ex, 3 ez. Reed, WilHam, 2 ax, 2 az, i bx, i ex, i dx, i dz — 5 ex, 3 ez; in. Rouse, John, 2 ax, 3 az, i bx, i bz, 2 dx, 2 dz — 5 ex, 6 ez; in. Rochester, WilHam, i ax, i az, i bx, i dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 3 ez. Rochester, Francis, Jn^, i ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, i dx — 4 ex, 3 ez; 10 n. Roser, John, i ax, 2 az, 2 dx, i dz — 3 ex, 3 ez. Rochester, Francis, 3 ax, 2 az, i bx, i cz — 4 ex, 3 ez; 3 n. Syllavin, Sarah, i az, i dx, i dz — i ex, 2 ez. Sparks, W'°. of Ja^, l ax, i az, i dx, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. Sparks, Solomon, i ax, i az, i bz, i dx, i dz — 2 ex, 3 ez. Smith, Josiah, i ax, i az, i bz, i ex, i cz, 2 dx, 3 dz — 4 ex, 6 ez. Sparks, Abner, i ax, i az, i bx, 2 ex, 2 dx — 6 ex, i ez. Smith, Daniel, i ax, i az — i ex, i ez. Smith, Thomas, i ax, i az, 2 dx, i dz — 3 ex, 2 ez. Sparks, Edward, 2 ax, i az, i bz, i ex, I cz, i dx, i dz — 4 ex, 4 ez. Spry, Francis, 2 ax, 3 az, i bz, i dz — 2 ex, 5 ez. Stephans, George, i ax, i az, i ex, i cz, i dx, 3 dz — 3 ex, 5 ez. Smith, Henry, 2 ax, i az, i ex, i dz — 3 ex, 2 ez; in. Sutton, John, 2 ax, i az, 5 dx, i dz — 7 ex, 2 ez; 5 n. Smith, James, i ax, 2 az, i ex, 2 cz, i dx — 3 ex, 4 ez; in. Sudler, Joseph, 2 ax, i az, l bz, i ex, i dx, i dz — 4 ex, 3 ez; 11 n. Sparks, John, J oyn'., i ax, I az — i ex, i ez. Sparks, James F.,* i ax, I az, 3 dx, i dz — 4 ex, 2 ez. Sparks, Caleb, Sen'., i ax, 2 az, i bx, i ex, 2 cz, 3 dx, i dz — 6 ex, 5 ez. Seney, John, Esq'., i ax, i az, 2 bx, 2 ex, i dx — 6 ex, i ez; 11 n. Spry, John, i ax, i az, i cz, 3 dx, i dz — 4 ex, 3 ez. Sparks, John, Long,t 3 ax, i dx — 4 ex; 6 n. Sparks, John, T.,t i ax, i az, 2 bz, i cz, 4 dx — 5 ex, 4 ez. Smith, Thomas, Weaver, i ax, i az — i ex, i ez. Smith, James, Tayler, i ax, 2 az, I dz — i ex, 3 ez; 2 n. Soott, Edward, 2 ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, 2 dx, 3 dz — 6 ex, 6 ez; 3n. Serrell, William, i ax, i az, i cz, i dz — i ex, 3 ez. Sparks, Levi, i ax — i ex; 7 n. Sparks, Millenton, 2 ax, 2 az, i bx, I cz — 3 ex, 3 ez. Seney, Nevil, i ax, i az, I ex, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez; in. Sparks, Nathan, i ax, i az, 2 bz, 3 ex, 4 dx, 3 dz — 8 ex, 6 ez. Snail, James, i ax, i az, i dx, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. * Written "James Sparks, F." t Written "John Sparks, Long." t Written "John Sparks, T." 204 MARYLAND RECORDS— QUEEN ANN'S COUNTY Syllavin, Sarah, i ax, i az, i bx, 2 dz — 2 ex, 3 ez; 3 n. Sudler [Seidler?], Thomas, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i bz, i dx — 3 ex, 3 ez; 15 n. Seward, Thomas, 2 ax, i az, i bx, I ex, i dx — 5 ex, I ez. Sparks, Mary, i ax, i az, 2 bz, I ex — 2 ex, 3 ez. Sparks, W"". of B., i ax, I az, i dx, 4 dz — 2 ex, 5 ez. Smith, Hannah, 3 ax, 2 az, i dx, i dz — 4 ex, 3 ez. Sparks, Thomas, i ax, 2 az, i bx, 2 ez, i dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 6 ez. Sparks, J onas, i ax, i az, i ez, 5 dx, 2 dz — 6 ex, 4 ez. Stoops, David, i ax, i bx, i bz — 2 ex, i ez; 2 n. Sparks, Vinson, i ax, I a^, 2 dx — 3 ex, i ez. Sudler, John, 3 ax, I az, i dx, 3 dz — 4 ex, 4 ez; 9 n. Seney, William, i ax, i az, i cz, i dx, 3 dz — 2 ex, 5 ez. Smith, Joseph, i ax, i az, i dx — 2 ex, i ez. Sharadine, Moses, i ax, i az, i ez, i dx, i dz — 2 ex, 3 ez. Scott, William, i ax, i az — i ex, i ez. Scean [Seean?], Elizabeth, i az, I bz, i ez — 3 ez. Sparks, Julyanna, i ax, i az, I cz, 3 dx, i dz — 4 ex, 3 ez. Sparks, William (of W".), I ax, i az, 2 dx, 2 dz — 3 ex, 3 ez. Scott, Absalom, i ax, 2 az, i bz, i cz, l dx, i dz — 2 ex, 5 ez. Turnier, George, I ax, I az, i cz, 2 dx — 3 ex, 2 ez. Thomas, Edward, i ax, i az, i bx, I ex, 2 cz, i dx, 2 dz — 4 ex, 5 ez. Tilghman, For Edward, 6 n. Tittle, John, i ax, i az, 2 bx, 2 ex — 5 ex, i ez. Thompson, Samuel, i ax, 2 az, 2 dz — i ex, 4 ez; 12 n. Thompson, John, 3 ax, 2 az, i bx, i ez, 3 dz — 4 ex, 6 ez; 29 n. Thompson, William, i ax, i az, 3 ex, 2 dx, 3 dz — 6 ex, 4 ez. Tilghman, Richard y* 4"", 3 ax, 2 az, i dz — 3 ex, 3 ez; 25 n. Taylor, Thomas, i ax, i az, i bx, i dx — 3 ex, I ez; in. Taylor, Ninan, i bx, I bz, i dx — 2 ex, i ez. Thompson, Richard, i ax, i az, i dz — i ex, 2 ez. Taylor, Elizebeth, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i bz, i dx — 3 ex, 3 ez; 3 n. Tippins, James, i ax, i az, 2 dz — I ex, 3 ez; 3 n. Turner, William, i ax, i az, 2 dx, i dz — 3 ex, 2 ez. Taylor, Ruth, i az, i bx, i dz — i ex, 2 ez. Voice, Ezabela, i az, i ex — i ex, i ez. Wright, Edward, I ax, i az, I ex, i ez, 2 dx, i dz — 4 ex, 3 ez; 5 n. Wells, Benjamin, i ax, i az, i bz, 2 ex, 2 dx, 3 dz — 5 ex, 5 ez. Wiggins, Benjamin, i ax, i az, i bx, i cz, 2 dx, 3 dz — 4 ex, 5 ez. Wiggins, Charles, 2 ax, 2 az, i bx, i ex, I dx — 5 ex, 2 ez; 5 n. Willson, George, i ax, I bz — i ex, i ez. Williamson, George, 2 ax, i az, i ez, i dx — 3 ex, 2 ez. Wiekes, Joseph, 2 ax, i az, i ex, i dx, 2 dz — 4 ex, 3 ez; in. UPPER HUNDRED 205 Whittington, John, i ax, i az, i dx — 2 ex, i ez; 6 n. \\'ickes, Matthew, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i bz, i ex — 3 ex, 3 ez; 2 n. Williams, Thomas, i ax, i az, I dx, 3 dz — 2 ex, 4 ez. Wilkinson, Thos. (Mast^), I ax, i az, i bx — 2 ex, i ez. Wiggins, Elizabeth, 2 ax, 2 az, i bz, I dx — 3 ex, 3 ez. Wiggins, Ebenezer, i ax, i az, i dx, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez. Ware, James, 2 ax, i bz, i dz — 2 ex, 2 ez; in. Wickes, Simon, 2 ax, i az, i bz, i ex, I dx, 4 dz — 4 ex, 6 ez; 8 n. Willson, John, i ax, i az, 2 dz — i ex, 3 ez. White, John, i ax, i az, 3 dz — i ex, 4 ez. Wadkins, Eloner, i az, i ex — i ex, I ez. Williss, Mary, 2 az, 2 dz — 4 ez. Wieley, Epheraim, i ax, I az, 3 dz — i ex, 4 ez. Young, William, 3 ax, 3 az, i bx — 6 ex, 3 ez; 4 n. [2 ex omitted by enumerator.] Warner, Mary, i n. Straglers, 9 ax, 2 az. Totals, 388 ax, 377 az, 86 bx, 90 bz, 123 ex, 74 cz, 340 dx, 331 dz — 931 ex, 860 ez; 800 n. Sept^ 22<*. 1776 Mark Benton made Oath that according to the Account given by the different House Keepers and from the best Information he has been able to procure the above is a true List of the Number of Persons in Town Hundred except a few Indians. Sworn before Turbutt Wright. Queen Anns County, Upper Hundred, Kent Island, Census of 1776, "A List of Inhabitants in the uper Hundred Kent Island taken by me the Subscriber by Vertue of a Warrant Granted by the Committee of Observation for Queen Anns County for that Purpose Dated the 22*'' day of July, 1776." This Census is written upon one sheet 13V4" X 1672"- "Above 21 years" is indicated by "a"; "b" means "Between 16 and 21"; "e" means "Between 12 and 16 yrs."; "d" means "Under 12 yrs." "x" means White males; "z" means White females, "n" means "Total Blacks," or "Blacks." "House Keepers Names": Emory, Arthur (Black), 3 an, 2 bn, i en, i dn — females 2 an, 2 dn; II n. 2o6 MARYLAND RECORDS— QUEEN ANN'S COUNTY Sneed, Richard, i ax, 2 ex, 2 dx, i dz. Wells, Tobias, i ax, 3 az, i bz, i cz; 17 n. Jeffers, William, i ax, i az, i cz, i dx. Jeffery, Beck (Black), 5 dn — females, i an, i bn, 2 en; 9 n. Waters, Susanh, 3 ax, i az, i dz; 6 n. Stevens, James, i ax, i az, i bx, i cz, 2 dx, 3 dz; 9 n. Brion, John, i ax, 3 az, 3 dx, i dz. Toyner, Asalum, i ax, i az, i bz, i ex, i cz, i dx. Toyner, Absalum, Junr., i ax, I az, i bx, 3 dz. Benton, Franson, i ax, i az, i ex, i dx. Deoachbrume, Lues, 2 ax, 2 az, i dz; 9 n. WoUyhand, Fransis, I ax, 3 az, 3 ex, 2 dx, 2 dz. Osbond, Samuel, I ax, i az, i dx. Collear, Thomas, i ax, i az, i dz. Tanner, Phillemon, 2 ax, i az, 2 ez — 2 n. Joyner, William, i ax, 2 az, i ex, i dx, 2 dz. Robson, Elizebeth, 2 az, i ex, i dz. Goodhand, James, 2 ax, i az, i dz — 4 n. Chambers, Richard, i ax, i az, i bx, I ex — i n. Chambers, Richard, Jnr., i ax, I az, 3 dz — 3 n. Lanch, Samuel, i az — 3 n. [No white males enumerated.^ Wilson, Rebecca, 2 az — 8 n. Joyner, Dobs, 2 ax, 2 az, I bx, I dz — I n. Wright, James, 3 ax, 3 az, i bz, I ex, i cz, 3 dx, 2 dz — 2 n. Richardson, Benjamin, i ax, 3 az, i bx, i ex, 2 dx, i dz — 7 n. Welch, J ames, i ax, i az, i dx, 2 dz. Ringgold, Thomas, I ax, i az, 2 bx, i ex, 3 dx, 2 dz — 17 n. Barnet, Charles, i ax, i az, i bx, I bz, i ex. Brown, Edward, 3 ax, i az, i dx, i dz — 9 n. Maradeth, Benjamin, i ax, i az, 2 dx, i dz — i n. Greanwhich, Beck (Black), 3 n. Goodhand, Marmaduke, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i cz, 2 dx, 2 dz — 13 n. Goodhand, Letitia, i ax, 2 az — 4 n. Mason, William, 2 ax, 2 az, i ex, i dz — i n. Hampton, Thomas, i ax, i az, i bx, I dx — I n. Brawn, Aquila, i ax, 3 az, 3 dx, 4 dz — 8 n. Blunt, Labin, i ax, i az, i bx, i ez, 3 dx, 2 dz. Shney [?j], Sara, i ax, i az, i ez — 3 n. Smyth, William, 2 ax — 3 n. Rouse, Sara, i az, I dz. Hutchings, James, 14 ax, 2 az, I dx — 25 n. Sinners, Charles, i ax, i az. UPPER HUNDRED 207 Coger, Samuel (Black), 9 n. Stevens, William, 2 ax, 2 az, i bx, i ex, 2 dx, 2 dz — 5 n. Sudler, Emory, 2 ax — 12 n. Downey, William, i ax, i az, 2 dx, i dz. Molds [Motds?], Dannil, i ax, i dx. Grigg, Richard, 2 ax, i az. Jones, Abner, i ax, i az, 2 dx, 5 dz. Horn, Elizebeth, 3 az, i ex, i dz — 4 n. Sinners, J ames, i ax, i az, 2 dx. Totals, 69 ax, 71 az, 12 bx, 4 bz, 15 ex, 11 cz, 45 dx, 49 dz — 209 n. Prise, Thomas, 2 ax, 2 az, 2 ex, i dx, i dz — i n. Sneed, Moses, i ax, i az, i bx, 2 dx, 2 dz — 4 n. Hand, John, i ax, i az, i dx, i dz. Tannar, Benjaman, i ax, i az, i bx, i dx. Faulkner, Gilbert, i ax, i az, i dz. Wilson, Thomas (Black), 4 n. Flamer, John (Black), 5 n. Greanwhich, Sheary (Black), 16 n. Aleway, Thomas, i ax, i az — 2 n. Whefing [?], Nath, i ax, i az, i dx, i dz. Webb, Harry, i ax, i az, I dx, 3 dz. Downey, William, i ax. Tucker, James, i ax, i az. Tolson, Alexander, i ax, i az, i bz, i ex, i cz, 4 dx — 3 n. Bright, Fransis, i ax, i az, i ex, 2 cz, i dx — 8 n. Kingsbury, Gabriel, 2 ax, I az, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, i dx, 2 dz — 10 n. Bright, Ann, i ax, i az, i bz, i dx — 4 n. Watters, John, i ax, i dx — 8 n. Watters, Benjamin, i ax, i az, i cz, 2 dx, 3 dz — 9 n. Richardson, Benjamin, Junr., i ax, i az, 2 dz — 9 n. Wilson, Richard (Black), i an, 2 en, i dn — females, I an, i bn, i dn — 7 n. Macconikin, Elias, i ax, 2 az, i bx, i cz — 13 n. Kirby, Benjamin, i ax, i az, i bz, 3 dx, i dz — 7 n. Wilson, James (Black), i ax, i az, 2 dx — 4 n. Goodhand, Nathaniel, I ax, i az, i dx, i dz — 4 n. Barnes, Thomas, Junr., 2 ax, i az, i bx, i ex, i dx, 2 dz — 11 n. Barns, Thomas, 2 ax, i az — 6 n. Surcom, Thomas, 3 ax, 3 az. Grainger, Martin, i ax, 2 az, I dx, 3 dz. Weaver, William, I ax, i az, i bz, i ex, 2 dx, 2 dz. 2o8 MARYLAND RECORDS— QUEEN ANN'S COUNTY Spurry, John, l ax, i az, i bx, l bz, i ex, i cz, i dz. Carter, Richard, 3 ax, 3 az — 12 n. Carter, Arthur, i ax, I az, i cz, i dx, 4 dz — 7 n. Baxter, Thomas, I ax, i £iz, 3 dx, 2 dz; 2 n. Harper, Samuel, I ax, i az, 3 dx, 3 dz. Lucis, John, i ax, i az, 2 dx, 3 dz. Greanwhich, James (Black), i an — females, 2 an, I bn; 4 n. Macconichin, William, i ax, i az, i bz, i ex, I dx; 2 n. Baxter, William, i ax, i az, i bz, 2 ex, i dx; 11 n. Hoxter, John, i ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i cz, i dx, 3 dz. Legg, James, i ax, i az, i ex, i cz, 2 dx, i dz. Hoxter, Ann, 2 az, i dx, 3 dz. Legg, William, i ax, i az, 5 dx. Legg, John, i ax, 2 bx, i dx. Legg, Mathew, i ax, i az, 2 bz, i ex, 3 dx, 2 dz; 13 n. Finnix, Andrew, i ax, i az, i dz; I n. Watters, Robert, 2 ax, I az, 3 dz; 7 n. Wright, Greenbutt, i ax; 5 n. Ringgold, Jacob, i ax, I bz, l dx; il n. Brink [Burk?], James, i ax, i az, I bz, 3 dx, i dz; 3 n. Greanwhich, Rachael (Black), i dx — females, i an, i dn; 3 n. Crick, Elizabeth, 2 dx, i az. Totals, 52 ax, 48 az, 10 bx, 13 bz, 13 ex, 9 cz, 55 dx, 53 dz; 216 n. "July 25th 1776 Alexander Waters makes Oath that according to the account given him by the different House-keepers, and from the best Information he has been able to procure, the within is a true list of the Number of persons in the upper hundred of Kent Island. before J. Bordley." Queen Ann's County, Wye Hundred 1 ^|^i^./A ^ifiu' -. .. , ^ ff/u/r ,)hi^ , 'olufi ' ' 4^i'/y////// /// ♦ uYM'^U/i;il' (^I(1I(n/i', /.i/u-zi /v _/.''. .■' ; _, ■//, 1 • }/' /. ^/a/.^;.;:|^,^i'i^^.i...;..:.<5.^' "■•''' ■'■'7 /,;•.„■,•■/' ^!$; 4 > 4 1 V -^ V'^> ■■: '• , ..i/:).inn,%''^/rh'(Ct/. . ^ h 1 .^ 1 i\ /l/j .f / .>' ?'>■»; »•»! ■ // 4J \ 'r-rh':'(!y^tj'^'''; ■ " / / ... / .. .. ', j /\\. .-> /, 1' •' 'iy/^i/r' Y'"''^' _ vV«>,..A ,r,u/c^' /V J A-/// .''!;/? .^ ''^ t'li'j.^ :v ?.^| 4 / / / ...-,--. \ .r. , 1 ^y <:"^'' : - ■. • - / :w . . M - ■ ■ - i . 4 , i » itll.l I'/i.ln^^ Jfl^l. y/ . . / / / .. -.1 / , . / .w . ! - .^i -4 i 1 .V/A'o^j.V'iCV/A- / .'^ .. /, i- i ----..,. 1 / / ,.-; 1 ^ .-. / / .. - / / /A.. / ;^ i' .': '\r\ s /?> .'^ / .-^ /.- / / .^ .. ' :'> .''... : - ' 7 /:! ' V (,iV//,7.v///AVr)S . ^y / :J-- .. A 17 1 J M .f . .irii'i A' ;":' ' V ^, ■'.'., ■■/I. i/\ ^^'/•u' , . J / .♦^ f-- _ •7 -• ' '^ -. - ' Ji /.» //j J r V^/.-^->y,.-. . . . / .. / / / / ,. / - ,A U-! / / / / / / / 7 .,',.X j - 1 f ^' 1 ' ,////, ,/^ ,. ivV / /j i.. / / \ ^ . ' ^5 ' 1 ^ v.- /'/^/n '."//. / ■■ t /f/ynlijajctj I I. //Lr>nity I 'if/. 'nn. / _ /_ I „ it \_ ~ I / 2 -. / / 3 (AJ(>ofJ\(^£ff^a^X^jL WYE HUNDRED d^, II . , .. - ^M'TI fc/t o ^ I >/y ^/ . ,1 j / / ^/ / / riMfCd UAK'nhc a / {'{I 212 MARYLAND RECORDS— QUEEN ANN'S COUNTY 4//:t /?;./« I //^J^'3- A/J/^^Cj-'i^' I ''A/ffUUiJ — ■ '"/ LA, ■ \ '^ A/" ' ^ , 1^t441^44|1 WYE HUNDRED 213 1 i,i'niUcj ' (//.luh ( 'arc ; iffn ■ if7Al^~\ 1 ' I J ( * / 214 MARYLAND RECORDS— QUEEN ANN'S COUNTY »-^. ^jnn e/cr f^tr/v ^ «^ ^ 5^ ■ '^ ,^ ?^ .^ ^ 5? r-> ■ ^ /I /. I TALBOTT COUNTY Talbott County, Bay Hundred, Census of 1776, "Talb'Co'y. Sc'. Upon the S"*. day of September 1776, James Earl Denny maketh Oath on the holy evangels of Almighty God that this & the following pages beginning with No. I and ending No. 4 is a just & true List which contains all the inhabitants in Bay hundred to the best of his knowledge — Except those who were inlisted in the flying Camp. J. S. Gibson." Symbols Used: "a" means "Above 50 years"; "b" means "Between 16 and 50"; "c" means "Under 16," "x" means "White males," "z" means "White females"; "m" means "Black males," "f" means "Black females." In a few instances "n" is used for "Negro," without specification in combinations. Thus the third line means 2 white males between 16 and 50, i white female between 16 and 50; 3 white males under 16, i white female under 16; I black female between 16 and 50. Blacks follow the " ;" and at end of the line. [" Grace Nathaniel," illustration.] Woulds, James, I bx, i bz, 4 cz. Dodson, Thomas, i bx, i bz, 4 ex, 3 cz. Grace, Nathaniel, 2 bx, i bz, 3 ex, i cz; i bf. Benson, Perry, l bx, i bz, 7 ex, 3 cz; i cf. Benson, Nicholas, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, 2 cz. Chezum, Dan'., i bx, l bz; i cm. Hoithley [Keithley?], James, i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz. Harrington, Rich"*., i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz. Thomlinson, Thom^, 2 bx, 3 bz, 2 cz. Nuols, Mary, 4 bz; i am, i bm, 3 bf. Townsend, Thom^, 2 bx, 2 bz, 5 ex, i cz. Vinton, Solomon, i az, 2 bx, 2 bz, i ex, i cz. Love, Thorn ^, i ax, i az, i bx, 2 bz, i cz. Ashcraft, Thom^, i bx, I bz, 2 ex, 3 cz. Harrison, James, i bx, I bz, 2 ex, I cz. Tenant, Mable, i az, i bz, 3 ex. Bromwell, Mary, I az, i bx, I bz. Blades, John, i az, 2 bx, I bz, 6 ex; i af. Glieve, George, 2 bx, i bz. Hopkins, John Johnnings, 2 bx, 4 ex, i cz; i bm, i bf, 2 cm, I cf. 2i8 MARYLAND RECORDS— TALBOTT COUNTY Royal, Joseph, i ax, i bz, i ex. Brown, Peter, i ax, I az, 2 ex, 2 ez. Howes, James, I bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, 2 ez. Wales, Rob'., i bx, i bz, 3 ex, 3 cz. Bouff, John, I af, i bx, i bz, 3 ex, i ez. Lenard [Lenards?]], Jonathan, I bx, i bz, 2 ex, i ez. Hopkins, W""., i bx, i bz, 2 ex, i ez. RoUe [Molle?], John, i az, i bx, 2 bz; 3 bm, 2 bf, 6 em, 2 ef. Richardson, Dan'., i bx, i bz, i ex, 4 ez; i bf. Hambleton, W""., Jun^, i bx, i bz, i ex, i ez; 3 bm, 5 bf, 3 em, 2 cf. Viekers, Charles, i bx, i bz, 2 ez. Applegirth, Robert, i bx, 2 bz, 5 ex, 2 ez. Ledenham, Nathaniel, 2 bx, 2 bz, i ex. Barrow, James, 2 az, 2 bx, i bz, i ez; i bm, i em, i ef. Greenfield, EHzabeth, i bz, 2 ex. Porter, Joseph, 2 bx, i bz, 4 ex, i ez; i bm, i ef. Porter, John, i az, 2 bx, 2 bz, 6 ex, i ez. Hall, John, i ax, i az, 1 bx, i bz, i cz. Sherwood, Phillimon, i ax, 2 az, i ez; 2 af, i bf, 2 em, i cf. Spencer, Phillimon, 2 bx, 3 bz, 3 ex, i cz; i bm, i bf, i ef. Caultz, James, i ax, i az, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, i cz. Rimmer (?), James, I ax, i az, 2 bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, 4 ez. Porter, Jane, i ax, i bx, 2 bz, i ez. Cummings, Mary, 3 bz, i ex, 3 ez. Ringrose [Kingrose?^, Aaron, i bx, I bz, 2 ex, i cz. Sinclare, Sawney, i ax, 3 bx, i bz, 2 ex, 3 ez. Winters, Jonathan, i bx, i bz, i ex; i bf, 2 ef. Horney, John, i ax, 2 bx, i bz, 3 ex, 2 ez. Porter, Hewes, i bx, i bz, 2 ez. Lambden, Wrightson, i bx, i bz; i bm, 2 bf, 3 cm, i cf. Spencer, Joseph, i bx, i bz, 2 ex; i bm, i bf, i cm. Edgar, Adam, i ax, 2 bx, i bz, 2 ex, 2 cz. Hills, Elizabeth, i bz, 2 ex, 3 ez. Daves, Will""., i bx, 3 bz, i ex; i cf. Daffin, Charles, i bx, 3 bz; i af, 11 bm, 8 bf, i cm, 5 ef. Dawson, George, i bx; 2 bm, 2 bf, 2 cm. Morsal, James, i ax, 3 bz; 3 bm, 2 bf, 4 cm, 2 ef. Wrightson, James, Jun'., i bx, I bz, i ex, 2 ez; l bm, 2 bf, I ef. Haddaway, John, i bx, i bz, i ex, i ez. Wrightson, Jonathan, i bx, i bz, 2 ex, 2 ez. Cummings, Thomas, Jun^, 2 bx, i bz, i ez. Cummings, Thomas, i ax, 2 bx, 2 bz, i ex, i cz. BAY HUNDRED 219 Kersey, John, 2 bx, 2 bz, i ex, 2 cz; 5 bm, 2 bf, 2 cm, 2 cf. Cummings, Elizabeth, i az, 3 bx, i bz. Haddaway, Susannah, i bx, 2 bz. Haddaway, Geo., i ax, i bz, 6 ex, i cz; i bm. Porter, John, i bx, 2 bz, 3 ex, 2 cz. Sands, Benj"., 2 bx, 4 bz, 2 ez; i bf, i cf. Homey, Thom'., i bx, i bz, 2 ex; i bm. Haddaway, Will™., i bx, i bz; 2 bm, i cf. Cooper, Benj"., i ax, i az, i bx, 3 ex, 2 ez. Kemp, John, i bx, i bz, 3 ex, 2 cz; 2 bm, i bf. Kemp, Benj"., i ax, i bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, 5 ez; 3 bm, 2 bf, i cm, 4 cf. Kemp, Magdalain, i ax, i az, i bx, 2 bz, i ex; I am, i af, i bm, 2 bf, 2 cm, 2 cf. Haddaway, Capt., 2 bx, 3 bz, i ex, 4 cz; i bf, i cm, 2 cf. Lambson, Robert, 7 bx, 3 bz, 3 ex, 2 ez; 2 am, i brfl, 5 bf, 5 cm, 3 cf. Haddaway, John, 2 bx, I bz, i ex, 2 ez; 2 bm, i bf, 2 cm, 2 cf. Sherwood, Tho'., 2 bx, 2 bz; i am, i af, 2 bm, 2 bf, 2 cm, 4 cf. Fiddaman, Ann, i bz, I ex, 2 cz; 2 bf, 3 em, 4 cf. Hopkins, Joseph, 4 bx, 3 bz, 4 ex, 5 cz; i am, 2 bm, 3 bf, i cm, 2 cf. Stains, Moses, i bx, 2 bz, 3 ex. Harrison, Joseph, i ax, i az, 3 bx, i bz, i ex; i am, i af, 3 bm, 4 bf, 3 cm, I cf. Harrison, Robert, i bx, i bz; i cm. Steddam [?], Elizabeth, i bz, 4 ex. Shanahan, John, i az, 2 bx, i bz, [^3?] ex, 2 cz; 4 bm, i bf. Tuttle, Will""., 2 bx, 2 bz, i ez. Mather, John, 2 bx, 2 bz, 3 ex; 2 bm, i cf. Marshall, Rich''., I ax, 2 az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i ez. Kemp, Thom'., i bx, i bz, I ex, 4 cz; i bm, i cf. Norwood, Ann, i bz, i ex, 2 cz. Lenard, Sarah, i bz, 2 ex, i ez. Vinton, Dan'., i ax, i az, i bx. Skinner, Phillimon, 3 bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, i ez; i bm. Hopkins, James, i bx. Hopkins, Thom^, i ax, 4 bx, i bz, i ex; i af, i bm, 2 bz, I cm, 3 f. Harrington, Joseph, i ax, i bx, 2 bz; i af, 2 bm, i bf, 2 cm. Harrington, Alice, i az, i bz, i cz. Harrington, Mary, i bx, i bz, 3 ex, i cz. Hull, Dan'., i ax. Harrison, James, BC, i ax, i az, 2 bx, 3 bz, [^2?] ex. Hambleton, W°., 4 bx, 2 bz, i ex, 2 cz; i af, i bm, 2 bf, 2 em, 2 ef. Hambleton, Philip. [?[], i bx, 2 bz, [3 or 9?] ex; i am, 2 bm, I bf, 2 cm. 20 MARYLAND RECORDS— TALBOTT COUNTY Barney, W"., i bx, i bz, [2?3| ex, 6 cz. Davisson, Empy, i ax, i bx, 2 bz; 6 bm, 2 bf, 6 cm, 3 cf. Dawson, Robert, I bx, i bz, 2 ex, I cz; i bm, i cf. Tripp, James, i bx, i bz; i am, i af, 3 bm, 3 bf, 2 cm, 3 cf. Fairbanks, Philh., i ax, 2 az, i bx, 2 bz, i ex; i bm. Wayman, Thom^, I ax, 2 bx, 2 bz, I ex, 3 ez; 3 bf, 3 cm, 3 cf. Dawson, Hugh, i bx, i bz, 3 ex; I af, 2 bm, i bf, 2 cm. Fairbanks, David, i bx, I bz, 5 ex, 2 cz. Applegirth, George, i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz; i cf. Bridges, Dan'., 2 bx, I bz, I ex, 4 cz. Ould [Oulds, Auld?], Hugh, i az, i bx, i bz; I bm, i bf, 3 cm, i cf. Ould [Oulds, Auld?], John, i ax, i az, 3 bz, 2 ez. Sewell, Jam'., i bx, i bz, i ex, 2 ez. Braddsetz, James, 2 bx, I ex; I bf, i cm. Sherwood, David, 2 bx; 2 bf. Canity, John, 3 bx, 2 bz, 4 ex, i cz; i bm, 2 bf, 4 cm, 2 cf. Haddaway, W""., I ax, i az, 2 bx, i bz; 2 am, 2 bm, 2 bf, I cm, i cf. Applegirth, Geo: i ax, 2 bx, 3 bz, I ex, 2 cz. Harrison, Tho=., 3 bx, i bz, 2 ex, 3 cz; i am, i bm, i bf, 4 cm, i cf. Carrol, Denny, i bx, i bz, i ex, 2 ez; i bm, I em, i ef. Richardson, Robert, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, 2 cz; i af, 2 bm, 2 bf, 3 cm, 2 cf. Haddaway, James, I bx, i bz. Ball, Thom^, 2 ax, i az, l bx, l bz, 2 ex, i cz. Ball, W""., I bx, I bz, 3 cz; i bf. Carrol, James, i bx, I bz, 3 ex. Haddaway, Robert, I bx, 2 bz, 3 ex, 2 cz. Wrightson, James, I bx, 2 bz, 3 ex, 2 cz. Harrisson, James, i az, I bx, i bz, 2 ex, 3 cz. Grace, W""., i bx, 3 bz, 2 ex, 3 cz. Richardson, Peter, 3 bx, 2 bz, 6 ex, 2 cz. Ould [Oulds?], Dan'., 2 bx, 3 bz, 2 ex, 2 cz; i bm, 2 cm, 2 cf. Ball, James, i bx, 3 bz, 2 ex, 2 ez; i bm. Denny, Joseph, i ax, i az; i am, 2 bm, i bf, i cm. Denny, Joseph, Jun'., i bx, i bz, i ex; i bf. Reddish, Joseph, i ax, i az, 2 ex, 2 ez. Porter, Sarah, i az, 2 bz, 2 ex. Lawrence [?], [Mar?]y, 2 bz, 2 ex, 2 cz. Fairbanks, Anna, i az, i bx, i bz, 2 ex. Sewell, Marty, i az, 2 bx, 2 bz, 5 ex, 2 cz. Fitzjerrel, Rebecca, i az, i bx, i bz. M-^Quay, Patrick, i ax, i az, i bx, 3 bz, l ex, i cz; i bf, 2 em, 2 cf. Gooves, Thom'., 2 bx, 2 bz. BAY HUNDRED 221 Fooss, Eliz""., I az. Barnes, James, i bx, 2 bz, 3 ex; i bf, 2 cm, 2 cf. Jefferson, Thom=., i bx, i bz, i cz. Camper, W""., 2 bx, i bz, 2 ex, 2 cz; i bm. Haddaway, Thom^, i ax, i az, 2 bx, i ex, 3 cz. Lowry, Thom^, 2 bx, i bz, 2 ex, 4 ez; i bm, i cm. Winterbottom, John, i ax, i az, 2 bx, i ex. \Mnterbottom, Rob'., I bx, i bz, i ex, i ez. Lowry, Joseph, 2 bx, i bz, 3 ex, 4 cz. Cardeff, Rob'., i ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i ex. Harrison, (torn), 2 bx. Gardner, Rich"*., i bx. Fairbanks, Mary, i az, i bx, 2 bz, 3 ex, 4 ez. Hunt [?], Peter, I ax, 2 bx, 4 bz, i ex, 4 ez. Cooper, John, i ax, I az, 2 bx, i bz, 3 ex, i ez. Dawson, Sarah, i az, 2 bx, I bz; I am, i af. Dawson, Margaret, I bx, i bz, i ex; i bf, 2 em, 2 ef. Linkom, Rieh"*., i bx, I bz, i ex, i cz. Dawson, W"., i bx, 2 bz, i ex. Ould [Oulds?], Phillip, 2 bx, i bz, 2 ex, 3 cz; i cm. Jefferson, Geo: 3 bx, i bz, 4 ex, 2 ez. Jones, Rob'., I ax, i bx, i bz, 3 ex, 2 ez. Haddaway, W™., i bx, i bz, 2 ex, 3 cz. Larramore, Mary, i az, 2 bx, i bz, i ex. 2 ez. Batsey, Rich"^., i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz. Jefferson, Francis, i bz, 3 ex, I cz. Harrisson, Rob'., i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz. Larramoor, Jenney, 2 bx, 2 bz, i ex. Leadnenham, Edw""., I bx, i bz, 2 ex, 2 cz. Larramoor, Cathrine, 2 bz, i ex, 4 ez. Mansfield, Rich''., i az, 3 bx, 2 bz, i ex, 2 cz. Camper j^Comper?], Thom'., 2 bx, 2 bz, 2 ex. Fairbanks, Dan'., 3 bx, 4 bz, 2 ex, 2 cz. Harrisson, Joseph, i bx, I bz, 2 ex, 3 cz. Harrisson, Jonothon, I bx, i bz, 3 ex, 4 cz. Colleson, Geo: i bx, i bz, 4 ex; i bm, i bf, i em, i cf. Low, James, 2 bx, 2 bz, 3 ex, 4 cz; i am, 2 bm, 3 bf, i cm. R[?]eaugh, John, i bx, 2 bz; i bm. Bridges, W°., i az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz. Smith, Thom^, i bx, 2 bz, 5 ex; i bf, I cm, 2 cf. Dawson, (^R^alph, i ax, 2 bz, 3 ex, i ez; i am, i af, 2 bm, i bf, cf. EUiot, Edw"*., I ax, 2 bz, 3 ex, 2 cz; 2 bm, i bf, 4 cm, i cf. 22 MARYLAND RECORDS— TALBOTT COUNTY M"=Nulty, John, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, i cz. Ploughman, John, 2 bx, 2 bz, 5 ex, 2 cz. M'^Quay, Catthrine, i az, i bx. [Illegible — creased & torn^lll, , i bx, i bz, 2 ex, i cz; i bm, i bf, I cm, 2 cf. Sherwood, [Illegible, perhaps Nap".?], 2 bx, 2 bz, i ex, 3 cz; i bf. Lamden, Eliz"'., i bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, i cz; i af, 2 bm, 3 bf, i cm, 2 cf. Haddaway, W°. Webb, i ax, i az, i bx, I bz, 2 cz; 3 bm, 2 bf, 3 cm, i cf. Jones, Lurinah, i az, i bz. Leeds, John, i ax, 6 bm, 6 bf, 5 cm, 4 cf. Tilghman, Mathew, 2 ax, i az, 2 bx, 2 bz; 5 af, 18 bm, 21 bf, 21 cm, 28 cf. Mahony, Anthony, i bx, I bz, i ex, 2 cz. West, W""., I bx, 2 bz, 3 ex, 3 cz. Sears, W"., i bx, 3 bz, i ex, 2 cz; 2 am, 7 bm, il bf, 5 cm, 5 cf. Nash, Thom=., I bx, i bz, 2 ex, l cz. Gossage, Charles, i bx, i bz, 5 ex, 2 cz. Cryer [?], John, 2 bx, i bz. Totals, 6 ax, 7 az, 41 bx, 52 bz, 61 ex, 50 cz; 17 am, 7 af, 46 bm, 52 bf, 45 cm, 47 cf. Free mullotes * Collwell, Martin, 2 bf, i ex. Auldery, Thomas, i ax, 2 bx, 3 ex, i cz. Cornesh, Rebec, i bm, I ex, i cz. James Earl Denny. * These enumerations are evidently placed in wrong columns in the original report. MILL HUNDRED 223 Talbott County, Mill Hundred, Census of 1776, "A list of the Inhabatents taken In Mill Hundred By Tho'. Tibbels in yeare 1776." This record is literally in shreds and has been carefully matched to- gether, and read by aid of a magnifying glass. Three sheets each 14 X 16V2 inches were fastened together, side by side, with sealing wax. "a" here means "Above 50 years"; "b" means " Between 16 and 50"; "c" means "Under 16," and "e" means "Total," which latter includes the "Blacks." "x" means white "Males"; "z" means white "Fe- males"; "n" means "Blacks." To carry out the partial uniformity with the preceding Hsts the "n" is placed last (after "e" or "Totals"). Heads of Families: Levell, William, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, 8 e; 3 n. Morgan, Thos. Spery [|?], i bx, 2 bz, i ex, i cz, 41 e; 36 n. Snelling, Sarah, i bx, I ex, i cz, 3 e. Comberford, Mary, i bz, i ex, i cz, 3 e. Torresh, William, i bx, i bz, i ex, 2 cz, 6 e; in. Nobs, Joseph, i bx, i bz, i ex, 2 cz, 5 e. Carrel, John, i bx, i bz, 3 e; in. Nussey, Johanna, i bx, i bz, i ex, 3 e. M'^Carnon, Daniel, I ax, i az, 2 bz, 3 ex, i cz, 11 e; 3 n. Low, Henry, i ax, 3 bz, 7 ex, 2 ez, 14 e; i n. Jackson, James, i bx, i bz, i ex, 3 e. Faulkner, Thos., i az, i bx, i bz, 2 ex, 3 cz, 10 e; 2 n. Faulkner, Abram, i ax, 2 bz, 4 ex, 3 ez, 10 e. Davis, Jean, i az, i ex, 2 e. Davis, , I bx, i bz, 4 ex, 6 e. Worner, , i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, 4 e. Greenhout, , i ax, i az, i ex, i ez, 6 e; 2 n. Stewart, , i ax, 4 bx, 2 bz, 4 ex, 11 e. Austin, , I bx, 2 bz, i ex, i ez, 5 e. Mathews, — ew, 2 bx, i bz, 2 ez, 5 e. Chapman, , i bx, i bz, 5 ex, i cz, 8 e. Norress, , i bx, i bz, i ex, 2 ez, 5 e. W^ilson, , (Free mulatto), i e; in. Austin, , I ax, i bz, 3 ex, 4 ez, 23 e; 14 n. — wes, , I bx, 3 bz, 2 cz, 7 e. Faulkner, []Isaac?], 2 bx, 2 bz, 5 ex, 2 cz, 11 e. Fouthner, Elizabeth, i az, i bz, 2 e. Dixson, John, i ax, 2 bz, 3 ex, 3 ez, 13 e; 4 n. 224 MARYLAND RECORDS— TALBOTT COUNTY Barrett, Elezebeth, i bz, i ex, i cz, 4 e; i n. Burgess, William, i ax, 2 bz, 3 e. Trice, Vencent, i bx, i bz, i ex, i ez, 5 e; in. Chrisp, John, i bx, i bz, 2 ex, I cz, 5 e. Atkinson, Aaron, 4 bx, 3 bz, 3 ex, 2 cz, 25 e; 13 n. Short, Samuel, i bx, i bz, i ez, 5 e; i n. Nicols, Mrs. Henney, i bx, i bz, 2 ex, 2 ez, 41 e; 35 n. Wooleott, Methias, i bx, i bz, 3 ez, 5 e. Dowling, William, I bx, I bz, 2 ex, I cz, 5 e. Mathews, Tho'., i bx, i bz, 2 ex, I cz, 5 e. Austin, William, i bx, i bz, 2 ez, 4 e. Austin, Ann, i az, i ex, i ez, 3 e. Terry, Denisha, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, 2 ez, 6 e. Acorn, Tho'., i bx, i bz, 2 e. Dewling, Joseph, i ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i ez, 6 e. Ferrell, William, 2 bx, I bz, 2 ex, i cz, ii e; 5 n. Durkins, Ann, i bz, 3 ex, 3 cz, 7 e. Jackson, Isaac, i ax, i bz, 2 ex, i ez, 5 e. SneUing, William, i ax, 2 bz, 3 e. Walker, Richard, i bx, i bz, I ex, 3 e. Eubanks, John, i bx, I bz, 2 ez, 4 e. Eubanks, Rebecah, I az, 2 cz, 3 e. Norwood, Robert, 3d, 3 bx, 2 cz, 5 e. Sherwood, Prudence, i az, 2 bz, 2 ex, 2 ez, 7 e. Humes, Susannah, i bz, 2 ez, 3 e. Barrow, James, I ax, 2 bx, 3 bz, 4 ex, I ez, 15 e; 4 n. Barrow, Thos., i ax, 4 bx, 2 bz, 3 ex, 12 e; 2 n. Warner, Wili"., i ax, i bz, i ex, I ez, 5 e; in. Neithsmith, John, i ax, i bx, 2 ex, 5 e; in. Fleming, David, I bx, 2 bz, 3 ex, 2 cz, 8 e. Coborn, Ann, i bz, 2 ez, 3 e. Evens, Mary, 3 bx, i bz, 2 ex, 3 ez, 18 e; 9 n. Holladay, Hen^., 2 ax, i bx, 5 bz, i ex, 3 ez, 67 e; 55 n. Bowdel, Will""., 2 bx, I bz, 3 ex, i ez, 10 e; 3 n. Caslick, Edward, i az, i bx, i ex, I cz, 5 e; in. Milwood, Willi"., i bx, l bz, I ez, 3 e. Buckley, Henry, i bx, i bz, 2 ex, 2 ez, 9 e; 3 n. Corner, Adam, i ax, i az, i bx, I bz, i cz, 14 e; 9 n. Harwood, Robert, i ax, i bx, 2 bz, 4 ex, I ez, 30 e; 21 n. Hopkins, Lambath, I bx, 3 bz, 2 ex, 4 cz, 10 e. Tibbels, John, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, 3 ez, 7 e. Smith, Archabald, 3 bx, i bz, 2 ex, 6 e. MILL HUNDRED 225 Hombleton, W"., i ax, 2 bx, 2 bz, 6 e; in. Botfeild, Zadock, i bx, 2 bz, i cz, 5 e; i n. Hopkins, Joseph, 2 bx, i ex, 3 e. Hopkins, Dennis, I bx, 2[?] bz, 2 cz, [?] e; 2 n. Hopkins, Francis, I ax, i bx, 4 bz, 3 ex, 2 cz, 16 e; 5 n. Isgate, Tho=., i ax, i bz, 3 ex, i cz, 9 e; 3 n. Negros, Free, 7 e; 7 n. Dixson, William, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, 2 cz, 7 e; i n. Harwood, Samuel, I ax, i az, 3 bz, 2 cz, 16 e; 9 n. Atkinson, Joseph, I ax, i bx, i bz, 2 cz, 18 e; 13 n. Harwood, Mary, 2 bx, i bz, 2 ex, 2 cz, 7 e. Harwood, Robert, i bx, I bz, I ex, 2 cz, 5 e. Harwood, Ann, i bz, 7 e; 6 n. Low, Rachel, I bz, 4 cz, 5 e. Hews, Christopher, i bx, I bz, i ex, 2 cz, 5 e. Stanton, Elezebeth, i az, 3 bz, i cz, 6 e; in. Summers, Mary, I az, i bz, i ex, 3 cz, 6 e. Goldsborough, Rob*., 2 bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, 30 e; 24 n. Goldsborough, Rob'., I ax, i az, I bx, 2 bz, 51 e; 46 n. Condon, James, l bx, i bz, i ex, l cz, 4 e. Meggs, John, I bx, i bz, i ex, 3 e. Goldsborough, Howse, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, i cz, 28 e; 23'n. Condon, William, i ax, i az, l bx, i bz, i ez, 5 e. Neighbours, Tho'., i ax, i bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, 2 cz, 9 e; i n. Bartlet, Richard, i bx, i bz, 2 ex, i ez, 5 e. Bartlet, John, 2 bx, 3 bz, i ez, 6 e. Harper, Tho^, i bx, 4 bz, 2 ex, i cz, 21 e; 13 n. Spry, John, 2 bx, 2 bz, I ex, 11 e; 6 n. Lecount, Anthoney, i ax, i az, 2 bz, i ex, i cz, 13 e; 7 n. Robson, Andrew, i bx, l bz, 2 ex, i cz, 9 e; 4 n. Rigbey, Jonathon, i bx, i bz, i ex, 3 e. Stokes, Elijah, i bx, i bz, I ex, 3 e. Rigbey, Philmon, 2 az, 2 bx, i bz, 12 e; 7 n. Norwood, William, 2 ax, i bx, 2 bz, 5 ex, i ez, 11 e. M Neal, Arch, i ax, 4 bz, 3 ex, 3 ez, II e. Mathews, David, I ax, i bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, 4 ez, 10 e. Farr,* Richard, I ax, i bx, I bz, 4 ex, i ez, 9 e; I n. Lennard, Tho=., I ax, i az, 3 bx, 3 ex, i ez, 9 e. Robson, John, 3 bx, 2 bz, 5 ex, 3 ez, 15 e; 2 n. Maynard, Foster, I bx, i bz, 3 ex, i ez, 8 e; 2 n. Kirbey, Elezebeth, i az, I bx, i bz, 6 ex, 2 ez, 11 e. * This may be Farr, Tarr, Garr, etc., being peculiarly and indistinctly written. 16 226 MARYLAND RECORDS— TALBOTT COUNTY West, ?klary, i az, 2 bx, 2 bz, i ex, I cz, 7 e. Ridgaway, William, I ax, i az, i bx, i bz, 6 e; 2 n. Dawson, John, i bx, i bz, 2 ex, i cz, 10 e; 5 n. Denney, Mary, i az, 2 bx, 2 bz, 4 ex, 2 cz, 13 e; 2 n. Wats, William, i bx, i bz, 7 ex, i cz, 14 e; 4 n. Norress, William, i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, 8 e; 4 n. Rigbey, Moses, i bx, i bz, 2 ex, 3 cz, 15 e; 8 n. Doughoty, John, 2 bx, 2 bz, 3 ex, 2 cz, 14 e; 5 n. Gelon [Gelor?], James, i bx, i bz, 3 ex, 2 cz, 7 e. Smith, James, i bx, ibz, 4 ex, 2 ez, 15 e; 7n, Seymour, Joseph, i bx, i bz, 2 ex, i ez, 56. Richardson, Henry, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, [?] e. Lemon [Lamarr?], James, i bx, 2 bz, 3 ex, 3[?] cz, [?] e. Marchel, John, i bx, i bz, 2 cz, 4 e. Marchel, Ather, i bx, i bz, 2 cz, 4 e. Coborn, Anney, i az, i bx, i bz, 3 e. Colston, Henry, i az, 3 bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, 2 ez, 13 e; 3 n. Smith, Elisha, i bx, I bz, 2 ez, 4 e. Gossage, John, i bx, 2 bz, 3 ex, 4 ez, II e; i n. Harress, John, i ax, i bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, I cz, 8 e; i n. Marchel, Joseph, I bx, i bz, i ex, 4 e; in. Oram, Rachel, i az, 2 bx, 2 bz, 3 ex, 4 cz, 12 e. Vallont, William, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, 4 ez, 8 e. Vallont, Bennet, 2 bx, 3 bz, 3 ex, 2 ez, 10 e. Vallont, Nicolas, i az, i bx, i bz, i ex, 4 e. Vallont, John, i ax, 2 bx, i bz, i ex, 2 cz, 8 e; i n. Eaton, Richard, 3 bx, i bz, i ex, 2 cz, 7 e. Nix, Elezebeth, i az, I bz, i ex, 3 e. Eaton, John, i az, l bx, i bz, i ex, 2 cz, 9 e; 3 n. Oram, William, I bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, 5 e; i n. Seymour, Henry, i bx, I bz, 3 ex, 3 cz, 8 e. Skinner, Mordica, i bx, i bz, 7 e; 5 n. Robson, Tho\, i bx, i bz, 2 e. Grace, James, i bx, i bz, i ex, 3 cz, 8 e; 2 n. Colslon, James, 2 bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, i cz, 9 e; 2 n. Grace, Nathaniel, 2 ax, i az, i bx, i ex, 5 e. Grace, Mary, i bz, i ex, 4 cz, 8 e; 2 n. Newcom, Robert, i ax, i az, I bx, x bz, 2 ex, i cz, 33 e; 26 n. Sewel, Dianna, i az, 5 bx, i bz, i ex, i ez, 9 e. Barisood, Adeath "whie" [?], 2 bz, I ez, 3 e. Dorter [?], Jonathn, i bx, 2 bz, i ez, 39 e; 35 n. Stokes, Susannah, i ax, i bx, 2 ez, 4 e. MILL HUNDRED 227 Whorten, Henry, i ax, i az, i bz, i ex, 4 e. Whorten, , i bz, 2 ex, 3 ez, 6 e. Harmon, Rachel, i ax, i ez, 2 e. Dowel, William, i bx, i bz, i ex, i ez, 4 e. Aldren, Elizebeth, 2 az, 2 bz, i cz, 15 e; 10 n. Rigby, Tho^, i bx, 3 bz, i ex, i ez, 12 e; 6 n. Norwood, Edward, i ax, i az, 3 bz, i ez, 4 e. Seymour, John, i ax, i az, i bx, 2 ex, i ez, 6 e. Edwards, Ann, i az, i bz, i ex, 3 e. Colston, John, i bx, i bz, i ex, 4 e; i n. Hindman, Willi"., i az, 3 bx, 3 bz, 46; 39 n. Morling, Franeis, i bx, 2 ex, 13 e; 10 n. Richardson, , i ax, i bz, 2 ex, 4 e. Hopkins, , i bz, 2 cz, 3 e. Beaten, , i bz, i e. Spencer, , i bz, i ex, i cz, 3 e. Coborn, — an, i bx, i bz, 3 ex, 5 cz, 10 e. Bartlett, , i ax, 3 bz, 2 ex, i ez, 7 e. Kirbey, , i ax, i az, i bx, i bz, 2 ex, i ez, 7 e. — orkston, John, i bx, i bz, i ex, 3 e. Kirby, — ary, i bz, i ex, i ez, 3 e. Negro Dick, 6 e; 6 n. Dunn, John, i ax, 2 bx, 4 e; in. Robson, [Rob]ert, i ax, i bx, i bz, 2 ex, 4 ez, 9 e. Lennard, [J]ohn, i ax, I az, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, i cz, 7 e. Gordon, (This record is worn away) i ez, 3 e. Hopkins, — ard, i ax, i az, [?] bx, 5 bz, 3 ex, i cz, 14 e; 3 [?] n. Banning, — imeah, 2 bx, 12 e; 10 n. Banning, [He]nry, 2 bx, 2 bz, 4 ex, 2 cz, 25 e; 15 n. Marchel, — es, i bx, 2 bz, 15 e; 12 n. Denney, James Earl, 2 bx, 2 bz, i ex, 2 ez, 15 e; 8 n. Porter, , i bx, I bz, i ex, 2 cz, 7 e; 2 n. Dixson, [^Is^aac, i ax, i bx, 3 bz, i ex, i ez, 27 e; 20 n. Chapman, , i bx, 2 bz, i cz, 7 e; 3 n. Allen, — OSes, 2 bx, 3 bz, i ex, 2 ez, 29 e; 21 n. Tibbels, Tho'., 3 bx, 2 bz, 3 ex, i ez, 15 e; 6 n. Siddel, John, i ax, i bz, 2 ex, 2 ez, 6 e. Brascup, Tho=., 2 bx, 2 bz, 5 ex, i ez, 10 e. Marchel, [Ja]mes, i ax, I az, 2 bz, i cz, 5 e. Floyd, [Jo]seph, i ax, i bz, i ex, 3 e. Eubanks, [A]dam, i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz, 4 e. Thomas, [Wi]lliam, 2 bx, 3 bz, 4 ez, 23 e; 14 n. 228 MARYLAND RECORDS— TALBOTT COUNTY Cardeff, [A]nn, 2 bz, 2 e. Irvine, [A]lexand., 2 bx, 2 bz, 4 cz, 8 e. Dawson, James, i bx, i bz, i ex, 2 cz, 11 e; 6 n. "Total 1913." "Talbot Co. Si. Upon the 3"^ day of Sept'. 1776. Thom^ Tibbels maketh Oath that the foregoing and within lists is a just & true Account of the number of inhabitants in Mill Hundred taken by order of the committie of Observation in the Coty afsd. before J°. S Gibson." Upon the back of this record is written in tabular form and in a hand- writing different from that of Thomas Tibbels: "Whites — under 16 years, [c^, Males 1450, Females 1259 — between 16 — 50 [b] Males 1227, Females 1361 — above 50, [a] Males 193, Females 204 — 5694. Add Ve, 949- No Whites 6643." "Blacks — under 16 years, [c^, Males 911, Females 904 — between 16 — 50, [b], Males 692, Females 720 — above 50, ^a]. Males 154, Females 129 — 3510. Add Ve- 585. No. Blacks 4095, Free Blacks 149, Total 10,887." Talbott County, Tuckahoe Hundred, Census of 1776 This yellow and fragile record consisted apparently of sheets 13V4 X 12 inches, fastened together by red sealing wax, having a total length of 28 inches, doubled. Of the first half but 7V2 X 12 inches remains, and an inch strip 21 inches long, from the left side of the other half, and carrying the Christian, or "given," names is also missing. All decipherable letters, using the magnifying glass, are reproduced for the investigator. "a" here means "Above 50" years; "b" means "Between 16 & 50"; "c" means "Under 16," and "n" means "Blacks." "x" means white "Males"; "z" means white "Females." Gibson, John, i ax, 3 bx, 2 bz, 3 cz; 30 n. Baker, Francis, i az, 4 bx, 3 bz, 2 ex, i cz; 9 n. Nicholson, Daniel, i bx, i bz, I ex, i cz. Gibson, Wollman, 3"^, 2 bx, 2 bz; 10 n. Jackson, William, i [or 4?] bx, i bz, i cz; i n. Clayland, John, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, i cz; 6 n. Collener, John, i bx. Shepard, John, i bx, i bz, 2 ex. Middleton, William, 3 bx, i bz, i ex; 11 n. TUCKL\HOE HUNDRED 229 Hartt, Chri''., i az, i bx, i bz, 4 cz. Porter, William, i bx, i bz, 2 ex, 3 cz; 8 n. Lloyd, Edward, 6 bx, 4 bz, 3 cz; 15 n. Ford, Charles, I bx, 2 bz, i ex, 2 cz. Hall, George, i bx, 3 cz. Alleway, William, i bx, i bz, 5 cz. Webster, William, i ax, i ex. Jones, Ann, i bz, i ex, i cz. Sunksout [?], Mary, i bx, 3 bz, i ex, 3 cz. Cheavis [P^, John, i bx, i bz. Powell, John, I bx, 2 bz; 9 n. Warner, — bert, i bx, 2 bz, i ex, 2 cz. Hall, — rbert, 2 bx, 2 bz, 4 ex, 2 cz; 3 n. Cooper, [AVill]iam, i bx, i bz, 2 ex, 3 cz; 6 n. Countiee, , i az, I bx, 2 bz [Torn^. Plumer, Yarnall, i bx, I bz, i ex, 2 cz. Plumer, Thomas, i bx, 2 bz, 4 ex, i cz; i n. Callahan, Ann, i bx, 2 bz, 3 ex; 2 n. Surat, [Sweat?], Edward, 2 ax, 2 bx, I bz, 2 ex, 2 cz. Dwiging, Robert, 2 bx, i bz, 2 ex, 3 cz; 2 n. Milington, Nickson, i ax, i az, i bx, i bz, i ex, i cz; 3 n. Morley, Joseph, i bx; 10 n. Millington, , i bx, 3 ex, 3 cz; 2 n. — allehorn [?], , i bx, 3 bz, 4 ex [Torn]. Harris, — ett, i ax, i bx, 2 bz, 2 cz. Williams, , 6 bx, i bz; 3 n. Stacy, , I bx, i bz, i cz. Rex [?], Rua [?], I bx, i bz, 2 cz. Williss, , I ax, I bx,. i bz, 5 ex, 2 cz. Nickers, , i az, i bx, 2 bz, 2 cz; 9 n. Nickers, , I bx, i bz, i ex, 2 cz. Pamer, , i bx, i bz, 2 ex, 4 cz; 2 n. Roberts, , i az, 2 bx, 2 bz, 4 cz; i n. — ke, , I bz, 3 ex, i cz. Forster, , 3 bx, 3 bz, 2 ex; 2 n. Buly or Beely, , i az, 2 bx, i bz, 2 ex, 4 cz; 9 n. Mattorn [?], , 2 bz, i ex; i n. Norton, , i ax, i bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, i cz. Pattin, , I bx, i bz, 3 ex. — np, , I az, 5 bz, i ex, i cz; 8 n. Griffeth, — t, I bx, 2 bz, 2 ex, 2 cz. Norton, , i ax; 4 n. 230 ALA.RYLAND RECORDS— TALBOTT COUNTY Warner, , i ax, i az, i bx, 2 bz, 3 ex. Batey, , i bx. Maxwell, , 19 n. Lloyd, • — nnet, 58 n. Dimmond, Rpnnll« , 2 bx, 2 bz, I ex, I cz; 9 n. T hv r\7 T r'V '7 r*? — k, , , 1 UA., -£ Uz,, 1 CA, ^ L.Z., I bx; 7 n. riY T h7 T {^7 * *? n ilQcr, Miller, —kril, Berwick, - Cottner, — Blackwell, , ^ UA, 1 UZ., 1 ^^1 / ii* — , I bx. -, I ax, I az, I bz, 3 ex, 2 cz; 3 n. , I bx, I bz; in. -er, I bx, I bz, i ex. , 2 bx; 6 n. 3,rron , Sware, - — iets, — nes, RnrHlv , I DX J 2 n. -, I bx, I bz, I cz. -, I bx, I bz, 2 ex, I cz. -, I bx, I bz, 4 ex, I cz. 1 rrv 1 \~i7 r*Y • T n n Cole, , Williams, - , ^ UA, ^ UZ., ^ CA , L\J 11. , I bx, I bz, 2 ex, 2 cz. , I bx. vv drncr, Foster, — Ozemon, — , I UX* — , I bx. -n, I bx. T Viv 1 y^'j • 1 n Sylvester, - , 1 UA, ^ UZ, , L^ 11. , I az, I bx, 1 ex, 3 cz. T r\v T r»7 T f^7 'An \ \ 1 Cll^ll, , 1 UA, 1 UZ., 1 K.£, f ^ 11. VJdllllWil, Grace [?], Long, North, Roberson, Curry, Lane, plummer, - , 1 UA, 1 \JL.f ^ L.A, \J LZ,. , I az, I bx, I bz, 2 ex, 2 cz; 3 n, , I ax, I bx, 2 ex, 2 cz. -, I bx. , I bz; 6 n. -, 4bz; 5 n. , I ax, I az, I bx, i bz, i ex, 2 cz. — n, I az, I bx, l bz, i ex, 2 cz; i n. pickiran, — obert, 2 bx, 4 bz; 10 n. Totals: 7 ax, 11 az, 64 bx, 75 bz, 76 ex, 70 cz; 254 n, "including 21 Free Mulattoes." "6" September, 1776, James Wrenst [?] maketh oath to the List of within inhabitants in Tuckahoe Hundred taken by him. before J°. S [?]. Gibson." HARFORD COUNTY Harford County, Oaths of Fidelity, March Court, 1778 A List of persons in Harford County who have taken the following Oath before the Different magistrates as mentioned below and returned by them to Harford County Court. Harford County was established 1773, from Baltimore County. (See Oaths reproduced in Prince George's Co. section) Taken before the Worshipfull James M^Comas Sixteen Returns — 1146 men. Recorded Md. Hist. Soc. A copy from a copy of the original. I. The Worshipfull James ; M Comas' Returns. 2. Norris, Abraham 26. Billingsley, Francis 3- Rose, Joseph 27. Vance, Samuel 4- Callender, Robert 28. Vance, Da-vid 5- Booth, Richard 29. Henlon, Patrick 6. Wigings, Samuel 30. Multon, Patrick 7- Aooistock, Peter 31- Porter, Charles 8. Green, Abel 32. Baker, Charles 9- Durham, John (Snr.) 33- Banks, Andrew 10. Norris, Thomas (of John) 34- Bronnwood, John II. Mather, Thomas 35- Brown, William 12. Mather, Michael 36. Toppey, William 13- Rumage, George 37- Murphy, Archabald M. 14. Smithson, Nathaniel 38. Callender, Robert (Jnr.) 15- Paris, William 39- Goodwin, William 16. Carroll, James (Jnr.) 40. Finnagon, Patrick 17- Norris, Daniel 41. Saunders, Thomas (Farmer) 18. Saunders, William 42. Walker, John 19. MComas, John (of Danl.) 43- Norris, James 20. Ruth, Joseph 44. Duley, James 21. Bridge, James 45- M Comas, W-. (of Solm.) 22. Ruff, Henry (Jnr.) 46. White, Stephen 23- Frier, Isaac 47- Everett, James 24. Dobbins, James 48. Bronnley, Arthur 25- Whitaker, Isaac 49- Baker, Theophelus 234 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY 50. Baker, Gedion 51. Freeman, Thomas 52. Norris, Aquila 53. Wild, John 54. Trons, John 55. Spencer, Rowland 56. Howard, Samuel 57. Ewen, Alexander 58. M ■'Comas, Solomon 59. M ''Comas, John (of W".) 60. Connaway, Lawrence 61. Amoss, Maulden 62. Everett, Samuel 63. Chalk, George 64 Wheeler, James 65. Norris, Richard 66. Cunningham, Thomas 67. Kembol, James 68. Tossett, Jonathan 69. Brown, James The within is a true Copy of the Oath of Fidelity and Support to the 70. Stevenson, Jonas 71. Cain, James 72. St. Clair, William 73. Hanson, Edward 74. Quinnlin, Philip 75. Webster, Samuel (Snr.) 76. Brooks, John 77. Jarnes, John 78. Huggins, James 79. Lewes, Jessee 80. James, Sedwick 81. Beck, Peter 82. Rogers, Thomas 83. Suoit, Alexander 84. Small, Robert 85. Mattocks, John 86. Norris, Joseph 87. M^Gaw, James 88. White, Graston 89. Steuart, William names of those who have taken the State of Maryland Sworn before James M "Comas. 1. The Worshipfull William 2. Waters, Thomas 3. Williams, Francis 4. Jones, Gilbert 5. Smith, James 6. Hutchens, Thomas 7. Thomas, Daniel 8. Norris, Edward (of Edwd.) 9. Norris, Alexander 10. Richardson, Vincent 11. Ruth, Moses (Jnr.) 12. Brandrick, William 13. Rogers, Robert 14. Standerford, Samuel 15. Conn, Robert 16. Richardson, Thomas 17. Cochean, Isaac Smithson's Returns 18. Bond, Peter 19. Armstrong, Sheperd 20. Morrow, Benjamin 21. Calwell, Samuel 22. Martin, Robert 23. Herbert, Charles 24. Armstrong, John 25. Bay, Hugh 26. Allen, John 27. Bull, William 28. Everett, James 29. Ady, William 30. Todd, Patrick 31. Todd, Andrew 32. Richardson, Henry 33. Norris, James OATHS OF FIDELITY 235 34. M'^Cord, James 36. Richardson, Thomas 35. Richardson, WilHam 37. Norris, John (of John) Harford County. This is to Certify that this is a true Copy of the names of the persons that has taken the Oath of Fidelity according <^° Laws. ^^ Smithson. 1. The Worshipfull Thos. Johnson Returns 2. Drummond, Thomas 11. Johnson, Thos., Jnr. 3. Moore, James 12. Denny, Simon 4. Sweny, Mathew 13. Bibb, James 5. Hill, Stephen 14. Clark, Robert 6. Kyle, WilHam 15. Monroe, William 7. Wilson, Henry, Jnr. 16. Clark, David 8. Thomas, Henry 17. Rigdon, James 9. Seney, Patrick 18. Gawett, John ID. Taes, Andrew 19. Stapleton, Edward Harford Co. State of Maryland. I hereby Certify that the above named Persons did take and Subscribe the above Oath before me Thos. Johnson. A List of those who took repeated and Subscribed the afore- said Oath before William Webb, Esq decd. 1. Webb, Samuel 20. Howlett, James 2. Beshang, John 21. Browne, Joshua 3. Webb, Samuel, Jnr. 22. Taylor, Thomas 4. Jenkins, Samuel 23. Cunningham, Edward 5. Crockett, Gilbert 24. Osborn, Benjamin 6. Marmold, James 25. Burr, John 7. Crockett, Samuel 26. Osborn, William (of Benja.) 8. Jrudir, Simon 27. Bailey, J as. Francis 9. Wells, William 28. Scarff, Benjamin 10. Johnson, Isaac 29. Baker, Maurice 11. Carlan, George 30. Baker, John 12. Modin, Patrick 31. Hill, Thomas (Sailor) 13. AUender, \\^lliam 32. James, Walter 14. Allender, Thomas 33. Smith, Zachariah 15. Crooks, Henry 34. Brown, John (wheelright) 16. Clark, Robert, Jnr. 35. Bailey, Groombright 17. Goffey, Henry 36. Maxwell, James 18. Steel, James 37. Day, John (of Edward) 19. Howlett, Andrew 38. Waltham, Thomas 236 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY 39- Waltham, William 61. Dailey, William 40. Day, John, Jnr. 62. Bolton, John 41. Debruler, James 63- Wilson, John 42. Poison, Joseph 64. Sweeney, David 43- Woodland, Jonathan 65- Benton, Henry 44. Dorsey, J no. Hammond 66. Bennington, Nehemiah 45- Hughston, John 67. Barclay, John 46. Woollin, Major 68. Warman, Joseph 47- Tuder, John 69. Lockart, Samuel 48. Hughs, John 70. Barnet, James 49- Woollin, Richard 71- Cough, Hugh M. 50. Debueler, William his 51- Hall, Isaac 72. Crooks X Robert 52. AlHnder, John mark 53- Saunders, Robert 73- M-^Elmarey, Patrick 54- Monk, Richard 74- Clark, James 55- Taylor, John Hodges 75- Crooker, James 56. Smith, Josias 76. Wilson, Arsbel 57- Baker, William n- Allexander, James 58. Baker, John (of Theophilas) 78. Giffin, Robert 59- Reeves, Josias A true Copy by J no. Archer. 60. Wetherall, Henry I. The Worshipfull William Bond's Returns. 2. Finley, Joseph 17- Bond, James (of Jos.) 3- Clemmons, Christopher 18. Slator, Thomas 4- Morrison, Joseph 19. Shipley, Elijah 5- Durham, Samuel 20. Stanley, William (Miller) 6. Durham, Aquila 21. Hunt, Robert 7- Scott, James (of Aquila) 22. Hanna, James 8. Smith, Bazie 9. Thurston, Thomas 10. Taylor, John (Planter) 11. Dinham, John (of Jesse) 12. Lattimore, John 13. Smithson, Thomas 14. Scott, Aquila (of James) 15. Hambleton, Edward 16. Knight, Thomas These are to Certify that the above named persons took and Sub- scribed their names to the above Oath before me, one of the State of Maryland Justices for Harford County y^m Rond 23. Moores, John 24. Jeovis, James 25. Bond, Buckler 26. Joice, Elijah (Carpenter) 27. Calder, John 28. Bamhill, John 29. Deingan, Daniel 30. Taylor, John (son of John) OATHS OF FIDELITY 237 1. The Worshipfull William Wilson's Returns 2. Giles, Jacob, Jnr. 4. Wilson, Saml. (son of William) 3. Giles, Jacob 5. Gover, Philip 1778, Feb 28 Samuel Hopkins 6. Vandergrift, George (Signed) William Wilson. The Worshipfull Aquila Paca's Returns, March ist 1778 Ellis, John Madford, W-. Phillips, James Smith, W-. Chistee, Gabriel M'=Comas, Alexa. 8. Carroll, James, Snr. 9. M'^Comas, Edward Day ID. Jones, John X 11. Gale, William 12. Smith, Joseph 13. Stevenson, John 14. Dars, Richard Tootill 15. Tare, James 16. Nuth, Moses, Snr. 17. Hanesey, Patrick X 18. Dixon, Peter X 19. Cartin, John X 20. Reardon, James 21. Dooly, Edward 22. Jones, Awbray X 23. Cunningham, Clothworth 24. Ecksen, Nichas 25. Cunningham, George X 26. Hamon, John 27. Danny, Simon, Jnr. 28. Riely, Narmt X 29. Byfoot, Moses X 30. Dallam, Richard, Snr. 31. Jones, William 32. Rigdon, Charles 33. Chrisholm, Thos. 34. Ayres, Thos. X 35. Brown, Edward X Rhoads, George Lerton X Nelson, John Giles, Thomas Mubery, William Beck, John 41. Fraulknor, Robert X 42. Brown, Robert X Osborn, Cyrus Trickert, Obadiah X Lerter, Norris Eseldein, John Sutton, Saml. X Ganetson, Freeborn Ganetson, Richd. 50. Hall, Thos. 51. Deimer, John 52. Dearon, Francis 53. Cord, Abraham 36. 37- 38. 39- 40. Harford County A true Copy Mch ist 1778 Aquilla Paca. A List of Persons that have taken their Affirmation of Fidelity and Support to this State Agreeable to an Act of Assembly entitled An Act for the better Support of the Government. Harford County. Before me Saml. Groome Osborn. I. Paul, John 3. Birckhead, Samuel 2. Paul, James 4. Timmons, John 238 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY The Worshipfull Mordacai Amoss' Returns 41. Peteel, Thos. 42. Amoss, W". (of James) I. 2. Morgan, Geo. 3. Bell, John 4. Smith, Nathan 5. Flatt, John 6. Cambell, James 7. Dunnahoe, Dent 8. Brierley, George 9. Brierley, Henry 10. Warwick, John 11. Brierley, Robert 12. Dome, William 13. Stewart, James 14. Slaide, Ezehiel 15. M'^Comas, Danl. (of John) 16. Parsons, John 17. Bull, Cacob 18. Montgomery, Thomas 19. Watkins, Samuel 20. Wright, William 21. Slade, Ezekiel, Jnr. 22. Foster, Samuel 23. Foster, Henry 24. Bassett, John 25. Leonard, Edward 26. Anderson, James 27. Lyon, John 28. Slade, Thomas 29. Mead, James, Jnr. 30. Fox, Richard 31. Slade, W™. 32. Clark, Robt. 33. Cowan, Edward 34. Amoss, Benja. 35. Tonte, Abram 36. Parsons, Isaac 37. Connolly, John 38. Norris, 39. Norris, J no. 40. Pryne, James 43. Turner, Robert 44. Pryne, John 45. Long, Daniel 46. Harper, George 47. Spencer, Zachariah 48. Tany, James 49. Doran, Hugh 50. Benfield, David 51. Warwck, William 52. Leakin, James 53. Hawcy, William 54. Hawkins, Robert 55. Richardson, Samuel 56. Roberts, John 57. Alton, John 58. Smith, John 59. Richardson, Benja. 60. Mogan, James 61. Amoss, Joshua 62. Norris, John 63. Chew, Job J\L 64. Smith, Vincent 65. Amoss, Aquila 66. Long, Peter 67. Doran, Patrick 68. Doran, John 69. Amoss, George 70. Amoss, Mordicai, Jnr. 71. Amoss, William 72. Thacker, John 73. Gibson, Francis 74. Gibson, John 75. Hughes, "Aram" 76. Poceer, Danl. 77. EUett, Thos. 78. Price, Benja. 79. Bond, Daniel A true Copy of the names of all the persons who have taken the Oath of Allegience, as prescribed by the Assembly of the State of Maryland before me Mch. 18", 1778. Mordicai Amoss. OATHS OF FIDELITY 239 I. The Worshipfull Samuel G. Osborne's Returns. 2. Presbury, George B. 3. Fulton, John 4. Norris, Agl [Aql?] (of Edward) 5. Roberts, Billingsley 6. Waltham, Charlton 7. White, James 8. Turner, Thomas Carlisle, Lancelot Boyce, Roger Owens, Edward Sewell, John 13. Jarrett, Henry 14. Phips, Joseph 15. Hewett, Joseph 16. Morsell, Kidd 17. Clarke, John 18. Owens, James 19. Sutler, Isaac 20. Chew, Richard 21. Barnett, John 22. Dungan, Benjamin 9- 10. II. 12. A List of persons that have taken the Oath of Fidelity to Support this State Agreeable to an Act of Assembly Intitled An Act for the Better Support of the Government. Harford County Samuel G. Osborne. I. The Worshipfull Aquila Hall's Returns. 2. Stokes, Robert 26. Hall, John Beedle 3- Hall, James White 27. Coupland, George 4- Holliday, Robt. 28. Gibson, John Lee 5- Dalian, Francis 29. Bradford, George 6. Bull, John 30. Vansukler, Henry 7- Brasher, Robert 31- Patterson, John 8. Vancleane, John 32. Scott, James (son of J as.) 9- Giles, Edward 33- Young, Samuel 10. Paca, John 34- Conhoway, Michael II. Hall, Edward 35- Hall, Benedt. Edwd. 12. Tolley, Edward Caroil 36. Grace, Aaron 13- Lewis, Clement 37- Combest, Utey 14. Ruff, Richard 38. Osbourn, James, Jnr. 15- Jones, William X 39- Little, George 16. Lushody, Francis 40. Mather, James 17- Hall, William, Snr. 41. Griffith, Samuel 18. Mathews, James 42. Brown, Garrett 19- Hall, Aquila, Jnr. 43- White, Thomas 20. Bevard, Charles 44. Hall, John (of Cranberry) 21. Ward, Edward, Jnr. 45- Henerson, Philip 22. Legoe, Benedict 46. Hughes, John Hall 23- "Wite" Richard 47- Walkins, John 24. Stiles, Joseph 48. Chaney, John 25- Andrews, Abraham 49- Evans, Benjamin 240 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY 50. Hanson, John, Jnr. 92. Hall, William, Jnr. 51- Walcott, John X 93- Drew, George 52. Beck, Caleb 94- Kennard, Michael 53- Osbourn, William 95- Shinton, John 54- Sutton, Thomas 96. Armstrong, John 55- Robinson, William 97- Hollis, W-., Snr. 56. Osbourn, William 98. Hollis, W-., Jnr. 57- Drew, Henry 99- Ruff, John 58. Smith, William 100. Reason, James X 59- Dixon, Morris X lOI. Coupland, John 60. Cheney, George, Jnr. 102. Nutterwell, Daniel 61. Garland, Francis X 103. Kimble, Samuel 62. Hanson, Hollis 104. Wood, John 63. Combes, Jacob 105. Brown, John 64. Pentenney, Joseph 106. Garrittson, Garritt 65- Kimble, James, Jnr. 107. Steuart, James 66. Chaney, George 108. Michael, Balsher 67. Reading, William X 109. Gordon, Alexander 68. Chaney, Benjamin no. Crouch, Stephen X 69. Whiteaker, Isaac X III. Budd, George 70. Hollis, Amos 112. Dorsey, Frisby 71- West, William 113- Frisbey, Thomas Peregrine 72. Hall, Josas 114. Mobsler, James 73- Hays, John, Jnr. 115- Gilmore, Charles 74- Bennett, Peter 116. Debrular, Anthony 75- Taylor, John 117. Taylor, John 76. Crawford, Alexander 118. Pike, Hutchins 77- Patterson, George 119. Gelley, William 78. Mathews, Roger 120. MCarty, James 79- Standley, John X 121. Buckley, John X 80. Bennett, Levin 122. Warfield, Henry 81. Johnson, William 123. Mathews, John, Sen. 82. Try, Paultis 124. Mathews, John, Jnr. 83. Daugherty, Samuel 125. Eagle, James X 84. Woolsey, Joseph 126. Ashley, Thomas 85. Beatty, Archabald 127. Dallam, John 86. Jackson, Thomson X 128. Lenagin, James 87. Paca, Aquila, Jnr. 129. M^egay, Robert 88. Loney, William 130. Whiteaker, John 89. Drew, James 131- Bennett, Benjamin 90. Drew, Anthoney 132. Caine, Edward 91- Mash, Loyd Aquila Hall, OATHS OF FIDELITY 241 I. The Worshipfull Robert Amos' Returns 2. Baker, Charles, Capt. 43- Lyon, Jonathan 3- Hitchcock, Asael, Jnr. 44. Coleman, George 4- Britton, W-". 45- Turner, John 5- Hitchcock, Josiah, Jnr. 46. Mekemson, John 6. Miles, Aquila 47- Cowley, Mathew 7- Robinson, Edwd. 48. Mekemson, William 8. Talbott, James 49- Mekemson, Thos. 9- CarHle, Robert 50. Ayers, Stephen 10. Ash ten, Joseph 51- Meegaa, James II. Parker, Aquila 52. Brown, John 12. James, W". 53- Davidson, John 13- Amoss, Joshua (of James) 54- Smith, John 14. Hitchcock, Asel, Snr. 55- Patterson, W". 15. Norris, W". 56. M'=Donald, John 16. McDonald, Cornelius 57- Hanna, Hugh 17- Nelson, Hugh 58. Almony, John 18. Amoss, James, Snr. 59- Kelly, Arthu 19- Dale, John 60. Roberts, W-. 20. Hutchins, Richard 61. Giles, James 21. Peairs, John 62. Thomas, John 22. Parker, Martin 63- Markham, William 23- Parker, John 64. Hanna, Caleb 24. Amoss, Nicholas 65. Smithson, David 25- Evans, Evan 66. Garrison, John 26. Talbott, Matthew 67. Dublin, John Stewart 21. Taylor, Charles 68. Stewart, John 28. Knight, W". 69. Simpson, W". 29. Creswell, Marthew 70. Bently, Joshua 30. Harper, Moses 71- Sturgem, Robt. 31- Robinson, Richard (of Edw. ) 72. McDonald, Hugh 32. Ditto, W-. 73- Amoss, Benjn., Capt. 33- Biddle, Benja. 74- Carter, Benjn. 34- Corbet, John 75- Whiteford, Hugh 35- MCourtie, James 76. Oldham, Henry 36. Cambell, John, Snr. 77- Hutchins, Jacob 37- Horrod, W". 78. Williams, David 38. Curry, James 79- Ensor, Thomas 39- Harthey, Joseph 80. Beaven, John I. 40. Barton, James 81. Robinson, Charles 41. Amoss, James, Jnr. 82. Taylor, John (of Chas.) 42. Duncan, James 17 83- Butersbo, John 242 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY 84. Robinson, W"., Jnr. III. Donoley, J as. 85- Hutchins, \V". 112. Rutledge, John 86. Burton, Richard 113- Robins, Job 87. Garrison, Cornelius 114. Standiford, Jas. 88. Guyon, John 115- Smith, John 89. Chocke, John 116. Smith, Jas. 90. Clark, Aquila 117. Carson, John 91. Hitchcock, John 118. Morris, John 92. Hitchcock, W"". 119. Marsh, John 93- Rockhold, John, Jnr. 120. Scofield, W-. 94- Taylor, John 121. Parker, W-. 95- Norris, James 122. Appelton, Edwd. 96. Jivdon, Richard 123. Amos, Henry 97- Carroll, Peter 124. Ditto, Henry 98. Rockhold, Asael 125. Forrisdale, Stanford 99- Carman, Andrew 126. Reves, Noah 100. Craven, Andrew 127. Day, Robt. lOI. Rice, Walter 128. Baldwin, W". 102. Poison, John 129. Scarff, John 103. Eagon, Samson 130. Shipley, Richard 104. Jarrett, Jesse 131- Hitchcock, Josiah, Snr. 105. Day, Samuel 132. Hitchcock, Henry 106. Garrott, W"-. 133- Robinson, W""., Snr. 107. Thomas, Thos. 134- MClelan, Nathan 108. Johnson, Moses 135- Evans, Griffith 109. Beard, Thos. 136. J ones, Joseph no. Elder, Robt. Coppy of ye affirmation and affirmers thereto proceeding taken before Robert Amoss. I. The Worshipfull John Archer's Returns 2. Smith, Samuel 3. Mdintock, Mathew, Jnr. 4. Monohan, Arthur. 5. Baylis, Daniel 6. Stack, Jacob 7. Smith, David 8. Teats, C. S. 9. Bull, Jacob 10. MClure, William 11. Jameson, Alexander 12. Hart, John 13. Boardsman, W'illiam 14. Smith, James 15. Monohan, John 16. Baylis, Samuel 17. Perry, Thos. X Feb. 2d, 1778 18. Slack, John 19. Cretin, John, Feb. 7th, 1778 20. Jervis, John 21. MLaughlin, George OATHS OF FIDELITY 243 22. Cretin, Patrick 23. Smith, W". (son of W".) 24. Bromly, Joseph, Feb. 7th 1778 25. Hanna, James 26. Moorn, John 27. Morgan, Edward 28. Hormott, Andrew 29. Kroesen, Richard 30. Pritchard, Thomas X 31. iVIiUien, Patrick X 32. Pritchard, Obediah 33. Kennedy, James 34. Bonar, WilHam 35. Jeffry, Robert X 36. Rowntree, Thomas 37. Armstrong, James 38. Gilbert, Michael, Snr. 39. Baylis, Benjamin 40. Gilbert, Parker 41. Gilbert, PhiHp 42. Perkins, John 43. Kroesen, John 44. Hagon, Henry 45. Moore, James 46. Holmes, James 47. Horner, James 48. Smith, Thomas 49. Powar, Nicholas 50. Gilbert, Samuel 51. Gilbert, Taylor 52. Smith, Hugh 53. Wamagin, Thomas X 54. Clark, John 55. Kroesen, Nicholas, Feb. 21, 1778 56. Huff, Abraham 57. Price, Daniel 58. Vanhorn, Ezekiel 59. Kirkpatrick, Hugh 60. Smith, Robert 61. Dever, Hugh 62. Butler, George 63- 64. 65- 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71- 72. 73- 74- 75- 76. 77- 78. 79- 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85- 86. 87. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94, 95 97. 98, 99 100. lOI. M-^Laughlin, Robert, Feb. 21, 1778 MClure, Robert Jamison, John M Bride, John M Donald Patrick Pritchard, James, Jnr. Dickson, David Caldwell, John Kennedy, Thomas Ramsay, William Chiswell, Robert Creswell, Robert Criswell, Robert Courtney, Thomas Smith, Ralph Sims, George Vanhorn, Richard MClintock, Mathew Langhin, Peter Jibb, John X Gilbert, Mich. MLaughlin, John Hanson, Jacob X Baylis, Nache. Silner, Benjamin Wells, James Baylis, Robert Gilbert, Charles (son of Michl.) Baylis, Elias Smith, Benja. Andrews, Thomas Durbin, Daniel Carey, John Pritchard, James, Feb. 26th 1778 Dallam, Richard Garrett, Amos Hanna, John Cretin, John, Jnr. Curry, John X 244 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY 102. Cuddy, James, Feb. 26", 1778 134. 103. Jevis, Joseph 135. 104. Jameson, John (Farmer) 136. 105. Alonohon, Arthur 137. 106. Hanna, Alexander 138. 107. Esther, James X 139. 108. Cunningham, John 140. 109. Logne, W"., Snr. X 141. no. Boyle, Thos., Feb. 28"^ 1778 142. 111. Cultraugh, William 143. 112. Eratt, William 144. 113. Loney, Amos 145. 114. Walker, James 146. 115. Wilmott, Richard 147. 116. Corsly, Richard 148. 117. Breden, Robert 149. 118. Cooley, John 150. 119. Davidson, John 151. 120. Barns, William 152. 121. Mathews, Bennet 153. 122. Gilbert, Michael 154. 123. Taylor, Walter, Feb. 28th 1778 155. 124. Watson, Archibald 156. 125. Clark, Lawrence 157. 126. Smith, Nathe. 158. 127. Gilbert, Charles, Snr. 159. 128. Tilbrook, John 160. 129. Waldron, Richard 161. 130. Britchard, John 162. 131. Sheredine, James 163. 132. Denny, Michael 164. 133. Small, John Hawthorn, John Harrington, Thomas MClure, James Campbell, Daniel Criswell, William Blackburn, Robert MCann, Arthur (Miller) Culver, Benja. Browne, Thomas Ferguson, Andrew Smith, Patrick, Feb. 28*'' 1778 ODonnell, Michael Hays, Archer Gilbert, Aquila Jeffrey, Hugh Hasset, William ODillen, Lawrence Huston, James Sharswood, \\'illiam Culver, Robert Roney, John X MCann, Arthur X (Weaver) Wilson, Andrew Townley, John X Dallam, Josias W"". Worster, Robert Murphy, Edward X Byard, James Hays, John MFaddin, Daniel Cunning, Philip John Archer. I. The Worshipfull John Love's Returns 2. Pennith, Thomas 3. West, William 4. Preston, William 5. Honnoll, William 6. Preston, Daniel 7. Key, Job 8. Bussey, Edward 9. Scott, Nathan 10. Clark, William, Jnr. 11. West, Nathaniel, Jnr. 12. Preston, James 13. Corbet, William 14. West, Jonathan 15. Green, John 16. Goldsmith, Vincent 17. Fulton, William OATHS OF FIDELITY 245 18. Shepherd, William 45- Billinglea, Walter, Jnr. 19- Clark, William (of Robt.) 46. Buckman, John 20. Preston, Martin 47- Norris, Joseph (of Edwd.) 21. Green, Henry 48. Bull, Edward (of Jacob) 22. Huston, Hugh 49. Terrey, Patrick 23- Stooksbery, William, ,Jnr. 50. Bull, Jacob (of Jacob) 24. Turner, Andrew 51- Johnson, Robert 25- Watson, James 52. West, Jonathan, Jnr. 26. Stooksbery, William, , Snr. 53- Bezerly, Hugh, Jnr. 27. Rhodes, Benjamin 54- Scott, Aquila (of Aquila) 28. Tomby, Thomas 55- Smithson, Daniel 29. Casedy, Allen 56. West, Nathan, Snr. 30. Neal, John (of Charles Co.) 57- Fye, Godfrey 31- Neal, W". Francis (of Chas. 58. Green, Henry (of John) Co.) 59- Johnson, Barnet 32. Green, Benjamin 60. Murphy, Patrick 33- Green, Lawrence 61. Erwin, James 34- Wheeler, Bennett 62. Johnson, Jacob 35- Cooper, Henry 63- Grafton, Daniel 36. Billinglia, Walter 64. Grafton, William 37- Worrell, Richard 65. Preston, Barnard (of Danl.) 38. M^Guire, Phillip 66. Moone, James (of John) 39- Harriss, James 67. Cooper, William 40. Cretin, James 68. Green, James 41. Jeffriss, Thomas 69. Hopkins, William, Jnr. 42. Blacklearr, John (Quaker) 43- Hannah, William 70. Wilson, Henry (Quaker) 44. Strode, Thomas 71- Robinson, Joseph (Quaker) I Certify the above to be a true Coppie given under my hand this 3rd March 1778. John Love. 1. The Worshipfull Abrji. Whitaker's Returns, Mch. 24TH, 1778. 2. Renshaw, Joseph 10. Bleany, Thos. 3. Robson, Richard 11. MDaniel, Jos. 4. Renshaw, Joseph, Jnr. 12. MColough, Jas. 5. \'anhorn, G. P. 13. Vanhorn, Aaron 6. Jewett, Charles 14. Sadler, Jas. Norris 7. Thomson, Andrew 15. M'^Colough, Jas., Jnr. 8. Renshaw, Thomas 16. Smith, Peter 9. Robinson, Archa. 17. Makinson, Andrew 246 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY 18. Kean, Jos. 60. Hopes, Richard 19- Meekmoor, Robt. 61. Norris, Edward 20. Worsby, Geo. H. 62. Thomas, Jos. 21. Mekeem, Jos. 63. Hannah, Robert 22. M'Cord, Arthur 64. Cooper, Calvin 23- Alleson, Alexn. 65- Whiteford, John 24. Kelley, J no. 66. M "'Conner, Daniel 25- Hendersides, Frn. 67. M-'Colough, Alexander 26. Vance, J no. 68. Smith, William 27. Kirkwood, Robert 69. Keeps, Robert 28. Tayn, J no. Dealy 70. Turner, Patrick 29. Cook, J no. 71- Evans, Griffith 30. Hall, W". 72. Orr, Jas. 31- Kerne, J no. 73- James, William 32. Bush, J no. 74- Thomas, Thomas 33- Patterson, Samuel 75- Shell, Jno. 34- Patterson, Saml. 76. Skwington, James 35- Clark, Jno. (Revd.) 77- Everett, James 36. Prestin, Grafton 78. Talbott, Edward 37- Durner, Thos. 79- Tawlard, Benja. 38. Capbell, Jno. 80. Hopes, Thomas 39- Bell, David 81. Bankhead, Hugh 40. Finley, Jno. 82. Henderson, Andw. 41. Finley, J as. 83. Mead, James 42. Finley, J as., Jnr. 84. Russel, Thos. 43- Amass, William (of Joshua) 85- Sheanes, Henry 44. MCloskey, J as. 86. Ayers, Thos. 45- Rogers, Owen 87. Wood, Henry 46. Cross, Richard 88. Patterson, Jas. 47- Davis, John, Revd. 89. Johnson, William 48. Long, Jno. 90. Comeve, Jos. 49. Harper, Samuel 91- INI'^Clure, John 50. M'Closky, Jos. 92. Turnell, Thomas 51- Orr, Jno. 93- Dereale, Michl. 52- Dives, Francis 94- Griffith, Thos. 53- Orr, James 95- Eavs, Nah. 54- Smith, Robert 96. Gordon, William 55- Turner, Danl. 97- Deney, Walter 56. Varney, James 98. Deney, James 57- Curry, James 99- Whiterker, 58. Clemmons, Patrick 100. Bankhead, William 59- Gleen, Robert lOI. Riddle, John OATHS OF FIDELITY 247 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. no. III. 112. 113- 114. 115- 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131- 132. 133- 134- 135- 136. 137- 138. 139- 140. 141. 142. 143- Stone, John MClung, Adam Nelson, Robert Bek, John Parsons, John A'l'^Gruigen, Sain, Fulfet, John Richardson, W". Bull, Jacob (of John) Swann, Frederick Feat, David Durham, David Dunsheath, William Ashmead, Samuel Coale, William Corbitt, Jos. Ware, Thos. Lurk, James Dick, David Crop, James Hicks, Zebedee James, Joshua James, Thomas, Jnr. Watsqn, William Davis,' John Davis, Thomas James, Thomas Long, John, Jnr. M Comas, William Collings, Robert Frew, John Creighton, James Hannah, Sam. Guff, James Derrouc, J no. Cooly, Richard Scott, James Brown, David Cooly, William AUin, Jno. Cooly, Richard, Jnr. 144. Roads, Thomas 145. Gladden, Jacob 146. Thompson, Daniel 147. Bay, Hugh 148. Pain, Barnit. 149. Robinson, John 150. Renshaw, John 151. Pillet, Thomas 152. Murphy, Thomas 153. Novinton, John 154. Clar, Thomas, Jnr. 155. Dealy, John 156. Lee, John 157. Beaty, W". 158. Henry, Michl. 159. Clark, John 160. Poteet, James 161. Wheeler, Thomas 162. Thompson, Alexander 163. Davis, David 164. Willnoth, Godfray 165. Harpan, Andrew 166. Renshaw, Samuel 167. Scott, Alexander 168. Harmer, Samuel 169. Gibs, Jno. 170. Renshaw, Philip 171. Huff, John 172. M'^Kell, James 173. Ashmead, John 174. Street, Thomas 175. Poteet, Thomas, Jnr. ■ 176. Ware, John 177. James, Henry 178. Street, Thomas, Jnr. 179. Coop, Doratio 180. Thomson, James 181. Whaler, Jacob 182. Sinckler, James 183. West, David 184. Lewis, Thomas 185. Wat, Robert 248 MARYLAND RECORDS— HARFORD COUNTY 1 86. Steel, John 197. Bay, W-. 187. Mackalheny, Mathew 198. Mathews, Ignatius 188. Evans, David 199. Harris, Robert 189. Wakeling, John 200. Gormiley, Owen 190. Ask, Thomas 201. M'^Kinley, Roger 191. Kidd, John 202. Weain, John 192. Murphy, William 203. MColsgh, David 193- Loyd, Thos. 204. Bryerly, Hugh 194. Graftin, Samuel 205. Huskins, Thomas 195- Bosley, William 206. Kidd, James 196. Odoneld, Saml. Gov. Thos. Johnson, Governor of the State. Eden Town. I send you a list of the several Gentlemen who took the Oath of Fidelity before me as under and by Act of the General Assembly Abm. Whitaker. OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MD. OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 251 >^T<.. ■/»i**i^***-* ^ iy~r> 6ty^y-£- /^%> 252 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY K^^^ 1 •mM^ OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 253 254 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY f^^^^i^^'^^1 i>s_*^'\' r^'. ^Hf OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 255 '4 .>v ^^v^.v^<^\:^ V 256 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY f MA ^ \5 -^, t ^ ^--l^^ 4 A ^ >^x1 t t? ^ t V vs jr v^ \ I ;:! ^4 «' V ^^ ^ ^^ '^ ^' ^^ ^^ , nT OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 257 Vt^. -^^jL '7^.^.^ Zm^ > V X OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 259 - ■ / T o .^;^ ya^^^^jf^^ ^^ ^j^;^ >«y> 26o MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 261 I ; f ^ lfl4 1 I n i- • "5 < » i J^ K 14 T 41 J 262 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY rl 4 i * #^^4^iiH,^ 4"^ n^| ^ OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 263 >^. K ^ £3 ^^ 4.<'>. ; ^ ^ <^ >x J ^"^ I '% 268 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY ■f ^ -i-^ p iijM « iuMi,..aiimyiiiii. 'mi.". ....xuauiBitu. n j.". ■ I •^- i r .1-t A/ ii OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 269 i : Ink* iiVj^lMi^4 ■^^ ' - \ti H 4^ ^.4:* ^^-'5 -l.^i ^^ U i .^ 4 Yv a4v>N% 270 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY \/u //( ti r>^ i7i> n/c JL^-.^^/r}.^ r^ '7i ^ /T-' ■, a c '/nc-uUty /: /A. :^'A )^'j (1 LuC (i ^aa/ii7tC OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 271 • — '— -y . ' _ ^^ ' ■. ' t '' J»fl W i.W! i ¥!ip ! W»" '' h^^- J^^a^yC^ '6t ^v'^^-- >-- ^'AL^ ^ 7U ( iKCi. ■Au 'lU A^ /2 /?^w iAc /- 272 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY \c>lcnnocvn-\ °'7l^li/o^-\) (^Aan-il-j ^'^lAu^^ i^J ! A- ^ V^/^r^jx >^^-C rO-'^^C- r/iy ^x?-.' y//--'^. «- .ifn/r^/^ ./... ;^fe^ "i^ <" ; <^^ ^ , V /Lj (^ /a /y i. y/)'^-Kj OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 273 '-■^^C -ii/'^t'O^'^'^^ (^H.^^^-i^ 274 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY * \ V J^,^a^r7^*^^ ^y^»^4*^ , OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 275 ■^.^'^^^yia'tf^ "^unir^ *-^4»0 .a ■ P« i/a-t-Of?^ ^x^ u.'^y *i»0«'VE3 "^ MBnpmw 276 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY .4'^ t^ Ainj .4.^-, .' iyC^ .^.;,.'-.« ^,Ka:-^/.t^ (V-' ^.■:Z:-A.^( ^ii^A^ .'■ ^"^1 ^iA-^^ ,2^(^^.^^^ ■/^p,^-vA ^.^^^ r^v^ — 1 ■y^/' A OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 277 '.•iiiNAi&Kk. •,«^^i«^3tL Si4 Sflt!6^ ■'•fiatiilirr^i^ r t- / ^ '/^:^^ r/a/ffs^ io^Ti^j^ ^V : Trt tmiKl^ 3< Notify; '^^:^^'J^.f7jf/ AMMIVa (^/^:%Jk^ F j.^"; »^v .^'4' •<* ^ * - — :^, „ , ._.- -^ -— .-- ^^. ANOMIVO WAPITI.*!!* ^^^^■d .^-Ot^a: ., 278 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY y^ ■"V ■A OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 279 L/W^ c: /^^C^^^ i^--^ / . ^Cr:;?^ -^^ -^ •^"^ -> /^^w^ ^^/^^-^ 5. ^^^.^-^^ / 4^^ '^■i^i^'^' 28o MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY ^>^ y^ aA ¥ ^ rli ^&73i?t^:^'^ i?^s^ .-Jl^i ^^iS-/: "4' »;^U^ <4?rd LJ V^ OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 281 282 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY ^ 3 K C V'i ^^ ^- ^ I ^ ;^ ^ Cs :^X^ 'T ^ . ' f •'<'■. •- .Mil i# ^ > 4- ^ OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 283 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY ••-im tm e m i »" m^> — ~- .^"^N ^§ \ r^^. \ 4 • \ ■*>. ^^ r: <^ 5^/^ ~ '^ ^K \^ ^\,^ ^^ V >S £ M^ ^^ 5^~ ^^^,f_^_^^V"«^^-^^^^'^ V. OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 285 . » iii «Kt ^iitv-.-..j--..,,.^='™»at'''^^ v;s- ' --j.' V ^^^^ - 286 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 287 f$^mr. '• l^^ll^^^ 288 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINXE GEORGE'S COUNTY OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 289 .^^.Ic^ ^^^ ,1^^ 111}:! 1^^444^ ^ 20 290 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY 6| I ^^#^4^4" I 1^ ^K OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 291 ^tjr»»^ ;y " ,^,t^t^': ■ /' •' V ./^^^ ■ »'-v/r V '^V^->j-( ^./ij^/ty , ' V 'v/ •-' . . I 1 UdV-^ -. (■ /Xw.':"*^ J ' / ' / ^y^^V,^ " ' . *■ -■ ' y /^' ''■ • < / ■,. . ' - . -^,,,..,-..^,-. ./ /;^<,^t^^^ , "'^ ^: J^ ^^,. . <^r'- ^v- *:^--' ■ .. ■ ■ ■. :..4./i ■. •. . '■'•:• lB^SMS^S^^.^^'t'-^'-y^^'''Cfi!^^ , / " , ' / jHHHHHHHBHHHp' t. j . ■ 1 . . - /t_ 294 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY r H■•^'>lV^ vi- lify '1 3 AM- 'f^W^it • s ^ :^^iiiHMiPPiii ^ .\ 296 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY '«*^l- s'^^flTl^ kH? >1^ K>Pl"55 1l\M '^©t^- OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 297 1 ^jC ;^/^ <^.-«^ ^'> , ,f «HO»«IVfS »A.<*U.«». 298 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY ■^ ^ 1 ^^-^ ^ 4 o^^ \ ^/5 ^ <^ f^ ^, l1 ^ ,1 : " OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 299 ^C^^ /- ^i>f»^ .^^iut^* k /h>t^^^^ / 300 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY T? t V -•- v s ! X ■.< 1 OATHS OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT 301 <^- I ', Thomas 140. M''Kensey, James 100. Wood, Thomas 141. Wells, Samuel lOI. Weaver, Jacob 142. Fisher, Abraham 102. Sandsburry, Francis 143- Yerling, Thomas 103. Hardey, Ignatious 144. Lowe, Zeph"". 104. Arnold, Christopher 145- Sprigg, John Clark 105. Wilkinson, George 146. Brashears, John 106. Warman, Benj". 147. "Felphs," Robert 107. Mundley, John 148. Moore, Zadock 108. Robison, James 149. Emerson, George 109. ]\Ioore, James, son Benj". 150. Keth, James no. Cross, John 151- Moore, Joseph III. Hutchenson, Samuel 152. Peary, Thomas 112. Wallingford, George 153- Moore, James 113- Hinness [Henness, Inness?], 154- King, James John 155- Clarkson, Notley 114. Bidden, Richard 156. Cooke, Joseph 115- Mudd, Hez\ 157- Burch, Thomas 116. ^Llurk, Daniel 158. Faivale, Daniel 117. Jacson, W". 159- Standage [Handage?], Hez*" 118. Ryon, James Brown 160. Ridgaway, Benj". 3o8 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY l6i. Davis, Rob'. 187. Martin, John 162. "Mar ton," Jacob 188. Talburt, Benj". 163. Bird, Thomas 189. Canberry, Stephen 164. Tucker, Thomas 190. Firman, John 165. Robert, John 191. Clubb, Samuel 166. Clagett, Thomas 192. Hopkins, Rich"^. 167. Bean, Thomas 193- Lewis, Thomas 168. Burch, Edward 194. Hinniss, John 169. Evans, John 195- Grimes, George 170. Robison, Benj". 196. Fraizer, Robert 171. "Morgin," Marmaduke 197. "Cidwell," Hez*". 172. Butler, Thomas 198. Beckett, John 173- "Camble," W-. 199. Harvey, Newman 174. Smith, John 200. Gibbons, W". 175- Bean, Benj". 201. King, Henry 176. "Buckinham," Richard 202. Upton, Thomas 177. King, John 203. Upton, George 178. Sinclear, W". 204. Hurley, Sab™. 179. Adams, George 205. Pearse [?[], [Scarce?], 180. Hutchinson, W™. Shadrick 181. Nailor, Joshua 206. Harday, George 182. Davis, Nath'. 207. King, Benj". 183. Adams, George 208. Sinclear, Mord'. 184. Gibbons, Thomas 209. Ryon, Elisha 185. "Jeffrais," John 210. Ryon, Philip 186. Phillips, Bedder [Belder?] The foregoing persons has Taken the Oath of Fidelity to this state as directed by Act of Assembly before me O. Sprigg.* ' The writing in this Return is so indistinct that but the last page is reproduced. (See Plate 300). [Thomas Upton George Upton Sab°. Hurley George Harday Ben"". King Mord. Sinclear Elisha Ryon Philip Ryon] EARLY MARYLAND NATURALIZATIONS Early Maryland Naturalizations, Etc., From Kilty's Laws Achilles, Peter. Session 1674, Ch. 25. Allen, Thomas. His two children to be redeemed from Indians. 1650, Ch. 18. Alward, John. Session 1682, Ch. 11. Anderson, Mounts. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Anleton, Peter. Session 1683, Ch. 4. Annapolis. Erected into a town and port and place of trade, under name of Town Land at Proctor's. Session 1683, Ch. 5. Arenson, Cornelius. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Barette, Isaac de, &c. Session 1669, Ch. 4. Bayard, Peter. Session 1684, Ch. 8. Beeson, Stephen. Session 1671, Ch. i. Berts, Paul, &c. Session 1686, Ch. 6. Blakemstein, William. Session 1682, Ch. 14. Blaney, Lewis. Session 1681, Ch. 10. Boys, Cornelius. Session 1681, Ch. 9. Brown, Derrick. Session 1686, Ch. 5. Cadger, Robert. Session 1676, Ch. 10. Real & personal estate, &c. Cartwright, Matthew. Session 1671, Ch. 10. Cawood, Ann. Act for relief of her children. Session 1676, Ch. 22. Christian, Lawrence. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Cleyborn, Capt. Wm. Compliance, &c. prohibited. Session 1650, Ch. 4. Colke, OHver. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Comegye, Cornelius, &c. Session 1671, Ch. 29. Cordea, Hester. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Cordea, Mark. Session 1671, Ch. 10. Corsins, John. Session 1683, Ch. i. Dauntrees, Jaspar. Session 1684, Ch. 8. Delamaire, John. Session 1674, Ch. 12. de Costa, Matthias. Session 1671, Ch. 28. DeLa Grange, Arnoldus. Session 1684, Ch. 8. DeLa Roche, Charles. Session 1699, Ch. 4. Demouderer, Anthony. Session 1671, Ch. 10. Demoisne, Peter Maise. Session 1683, Ch. i. Desjardins, John. Session 1674, Ch. 12. De Young, Jacob Clause. Session 1671, Ch. 10. 311 312 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Dhyniossa, Alexander, &c. Session 1671, Ch. 10. Duhattoway, Jacob. Session 1674, Ch. 25. Elexon, John. Session 1671, Ch. 10. Enloes, Henry. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Errickson, Mathew, of Kent Co. Session 1682, Ch. 10. Fountaine, Nichs. Session 1671, Ch. 10. Fowcate, Peter. Session 1681, Ch. 9. Freeman, Henry. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Garrets, Rutgerson. Session 1671, Ch. 10. Gotes, John, &c. Session 1671, Ch. i. Green, Henry. Session 1674, Ch. 14. Guibert, Joshua. Session 1678, Ch. 12. Hack, Anna. Session 1666, Ch. 7. Hanson, Hans. Session 1671, Ch. 29. Harman, Augustine. Session 1666, Ch. 7. Henderson, Henry. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Holdsworth, Samuel, Calvert Co. Act for his benefit confirming title as against Edwd. Husband and his heirs. Session 1681, Ch. 17. Jacobson, JeofTrey. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Jarbo, John. Naturalized, Session 1666, Ch. 7. Jarboe, John, Lt. Col. Noncupative will confirmed. Session 1676, Ch. 19. Johnson, Albert. Session 1682, Ch. 10. Johnson, Beman. Session 1682, Ch. 10. Johnson, CorneHses. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Johnson, John. Session 1674, Ch. 14. Johnson, Peter. Session 1664, Ch. 9. Johnson, Simon. Session 1682, Ch. 4. Jourdain, Jean. Session 1669, Ch. 4. Lecount, John, &c. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Lederer, John. Session 1671, Ch. 10. Lockerman, Jacob. Session 1678, Ch. 13. Long, John of London, merchant. Lease confirmed to him. Session 1674, Ch. 24. Looton, Jacob. Session 1682, Ch. 9. Mans, Rowland. Session 1682, Ch. 15. Matson, Andrew. Session 1683, Ch. I. Matthews, Henry. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Mills, Peter. Session 1671, Ch. 10. Moisne-see Peter Maise DeMoisne. Mugenbrough, Martin. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Mullock, Andrew-see Poulson. Session 1683, Ch. 4. EARLY MARYLAND NATURALIZATIONS 313 Neale, James-His children. Session 1666, Ch. 8. Nomers, John. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Oldson, Peter. Session 1681, Ch. 10. Peane, James, &c. Session 1678, Ch. 13. Peterson, CorneHus. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Peterson, Hans. Session?, Ch. 12. Peterson, Mathias, &c. Naturalized Session 1671, Ch. 10, and 1683, Ch. 4. Rowlands, Robert. Session 1669, Ch. 4. Seth, Jacob. Session 1684, Ch. 9. Stille, .Axell. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Syserson, Marcus. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Tick, William. Session 1674, Ch. 12. Toulson, Andrew, Baltimore Co. Session 1671, Ch. 10. Turner, Thomas. Session 1671, Ch. 10. Vanheeck, John. Session 1669, Ch. 4. Vansweringen, Garret, &c. Session 1669, Ch. 4. Verbrack, Nich. Session 1684, Ch. 7. Ward, Henry, of Cecil Co. Gent. Act punishing for a certain abuse. Session 1676, Ch. 21. Ward, Mary. Executrix of Matthew Ward, deed. -confirmation of i late husband's purchase of plantation on Patuxent River, called "Further Neck." Session 1678, Ch. 14. Young, Jacob Clause De-see DeYoung. Naturalization Session 1 671, Ch. 10. Digest of Kilty's Laws i Showing Maryland Rev- olutionary War Pensions; Maryland Revolu- tionary War Pensions in Report of Secy, of War, 1835; Some Original Commissions Notes and Abbreviations Used. The Act of Congress of Sept. 29, 1789, directed the payment of Pensions, which had been granted and paid by the States respectively, to the InvaHds who were wounded and disabled during the late war, should be continued and paid by the United States from the 4th of March, 1789 — U. S. Laws, vol. I, p. 118; Pa. Archives, 2d Ser., Vol. XI. Passed Nov. session, 1799, No. 10. "Resolved, That the payment of the five months pay due the officers and soldiers, the sum due for services on board the barges, the redemption of the emissions of June, 1780, and the payt. of certificates issued by this state, amounting in the whole to 9276£ — 9s — iid, be and the same are hereby suspended until Jan. i, 1801; and the said sum shall be liable to the appropriations made for the present year. * List of Invalid Pensioners who have been in receipt of pensions at the Agency of Md., & whose residence cannot be ascertained, in consequence of the destruction of the papers of the War Office in 1801 and 1814. t Pensions granted under Act of Mch. 18, 1818. * Names of the Revolutionary Pensioners which have been placed on the Roll of Maryland, under the Law of Mch. 18, 1818, from the passage — , thereof, to this day, inclusive, with the Rank they held, and the Lines in which they served, viz: (X, No. I, etc.) Maryland Historical Society Original Commissions. There are numerous Original Commissions (1775-1782) in the extensive collections of the Marj'land Historical Society, practically all of which were included in the manuscript for this volume, but only a few with important indorsements have been retained. G. M. B. t Report of the Secretary of War, Pension Establishment of the U. S., 1835. Abbott, George. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, '13) — No. 36. Treas. Western Shore pay to George Abbott, late a soldier in the Md. line, during the rev. war, — half pay of a private, as a further remuneration, &c. Adams, Adam. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 35. Treas. Western Shore pay to Adam Adams, during his life, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, annually in quarterly payts. * Adams, Adam. Private, Md. line, (p. 540, Jan. 1820). * Albert, Jacob. Private, Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 540). ' The valuable set in the Library of Congress was used in this investigation. G. M. B. 314 REX'OLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 315 Alcock, Robert. Passed Jan. 30, 1829 — No. 7. Treas. \\'estern Shore pay to Robert Alcock, of Anne-Arundel county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private for his services during the rev. war. Alexander, Jacob. Passed Feb. 13, 1835 — No. 24. Treas. Western Shore pay to ]Mary Alexander, widow of the late Jacob Alexander, who was a sergeant in the Rev., during widowhood, half pay of a sergeant for the services of her husband. Allen, Jacob, — see Gerrish, Edward. Allen, Nathan. Passed Feb. 3, 1834 — No. 14. Treas. Western Shore pay to Nathan Allen of Queen Anne's county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for services rendered by him during the Rev. war. Allen, Steven, recommended for Ensign, Worcester Co., 1782 — see Duer, Joshua. ^ Alsop, John, private, Rev. Army^. Pensioned under Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789, at $40.00 per an. (reed. $640.00). Died in 1805. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20.) * Alligh, Michael, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 540). Alvey, Josias. Passed Dec. session, 181 5 — No. 25. Treas. Western Shore pay to Josias Alvey, of St. Mary's county, late a private in the rev. war, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for those ser\'ices by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Alvey, Josias, private. Aid. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 540). Amos, Elizabeth. Passed Mch. 5, 1834 — ^o- 44- Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Amos, of Baltimore city, quarterly, half pay of a captain, in consideration of the ser\"ices rendered by her husband, during the rev. war. Amos, Elizabeth. Passed Mch. 16, 1840 — No. 31. Treas. Western Shore pay to Samuel B. Hugo, of Baltimore, all monies due to Elizabeth Amos, a deceased pensioner of the State of Md., said Hugo being her heir. Amos, Joshua, of W"'. Ensign of Co. of Harford Co. Militia, 1778 — see Corbet, James. ^Anderson, John, private, Rev. Army". Pensioned at $40.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789 (act June 7, 1785). (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Anderson, John. Passed Dec. session, 1817 (Feb. 13, 1818) — No. 51. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Anderson, quarterly, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his rev. services. Anderson, Capt. Richard. Passed Nov. 1785, Vol. 11, Chap. XVI. Gen. Assembly granted half pay of a captain to Richard Anderson for disability acquired in the service, late a capt. in the Md. line in the Continental army. * Annis, Micajah, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 540). * A they, William, private Va. Line, died 21 Aug. 1819 (Jan. 1820, p. 540). 3i6 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Auld, Daniel. Mch. 9, 1826 — No. 102, p. 260. Treas. Western Shore pay to Daniel Auld of Talbot Co. half pay of a private for his services during the rev. war. Anld, Da7iiel. Passed Feb. 17, 1832 — No. 35. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Auld, of Talbot county, widow of Daniel Auld, a soldier of the revolution, such sum as may be due her said husband at time of his death. Auld, Daniel. Passed Mch. 9, 1832 — No. 84. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Auld, of Talbot county, widow of Daniel Auld, a soldier of the rev. war, during widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a private, for services rendered by her husband during said war. Auld, Daniel. Passed Jan. 19, 1848 — No. 10. Treas. of State pay to Philip Pasterfield, of Talbot county, surviving brother & legal repre- sentative of Sarah Auld, widow of Daniel Auld, a soldier of the rev. war, bal. of any pension due to Sarah Auld, on June 28, 1847, at time of her death. Ayres, Thomas. Passed Jan. 26, 1837 — No. 13. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Ayres, widow of Thomas Ayres, half pay of a private during her life, as a further remuneration for his services, during the rev. * Azelip, Richard, private, German Regt. (p. 540, Jan. 1820). t Azelip, Richard, private Md. line, age 54. Pensioned Sept. 30, 1818 at $96.00 per an. from Apr. 6, 1818. "Died" — reed. $279.73; resided in Frederick county''. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). * Badger, Charles, private, Hazen's regt. (Jan. 1820, p. 541). * Bailey, Joseph, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). Bayly, Capt. Mount joy. Passed Nov. session 18 10 — No. 2. Whereas it appears to this gen. assembly, that Mountjoy Bayly, a capt. in the late rev. war, and who served to its termination, did not receive the commutation money of five years pay in lieu of the half pay for life promised to the officers and soldiers who continued in service to the end of the war; therefore. Resolved. That the Treas. Western Shore — pay to said Mountjoy Bayly, five years full pay as a captain, free from interest, as a full compensation for his services during, the rev. war. Bailey, Mountjoy. Feb. 8, 1826 — No. 25, p. 239. "Resolved, the register of the land office issue to Mountjoy Bailey, a warrant for 200 a. of land, to be located on any unappropriated land belonging to this state, in Allegany county heretofore unpatented, as a donation granted by this state to the officers of his rank, who served in the Maryland line, during the revolutionary war, and to which they consider him entitled." t Bailey, Thomas, private, Md. Line, age 72, died in 1824; resided in Frederick county*". Pensioned Sept. 30, 1 818, at $96.00 per an. from Mch. 27, 1818. (Reed. $570.03. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 317 Baily, Thomas. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 78. Treas. Western Shore to pay to Thomas Bailey, late a rev. soldier, half pay of a private. * Baily, Thomas, private, Md. line (Jan. 1820, p. 540). Baker, Lieut. Henry Cleland. Passed Nov. 1791, No. I. It appears that Henry C. Baker, late a lieut. in the third Md. reg. is deprived of the use of his limbs, and thereby rendered incapable of maintaining himself, his wife and children; and it also appearing that he probably derived the disorder, under which he now labours, from being exposed in the service of his country, during several campaigns in S. C. — Gov. of Md. grant unto Henry Cleland Baker, half pay which he received in the continental service, quarterly by orders drawn on the treas. of western shore for the same, and that the same be charged to the U. S. * Baker, John H., private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). t Baker, John H., private Pa. line, age 79; died Oct. 30, 1823. Resided in Frederick county*". Pensioned Sept. 25, 1818, at $96.00 per an. from Apr. 4, 1818. (Reed. $535, 46, U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). t Baker, Thomas, private. Rev. army*. Pensioned at $40.00 per an. (Act of June 7, 1785) from Mch. 4, 1789 (Reed. $920.00 — U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 20). Baldwin, Henry, Lieut. Passed Feb. 18, 1830 — No. 30. Treas. Western Shore pay to Maria Gambrill, widow of Henry Baldwin, an officer of the revolution, during her widowhood, quarterly, half pay of a lieut, in consideration for the services of her said husband. Baldwin, Lieut. Henry. Passed Jan. 3, 1835 — No. 38. Treas. Western Shore pay to Wm. H. Baldwin, of Anne Arundel county, two months pay, due his mother, Maria Gambrill, deceased, upon the pension list of this State. Baldwin, Samuel. Passed Feb. 26, 1836 — No. 33. Treas. Western Shore pay to Samuel Baldwin, a soldier of the rev. half pay of a private during his life. * Ballard, Jonathan, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. S41). t Ballard, Jonathan, private, Md. line, age 76, residing in Frederick county*". Pensioned Oct. 17, 181 8, at $96.00 per an. from May 15, 1818. (Reed. $i,5i7-33- U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). * Balzar, Anthony, private. Pa. Line Qan. 1820, p. 541). Baltzel, Monocacy Manor, Lot 40 — patent issued June 21, 1797. Jacob Baltzel should be Charles (No. 3, Nov. session, 1801). Bantham, Peregrine. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 51. Treas. Western Shore pay to Peregrine Bantham, of Kent county, late a private in the rev. war, quarterly, during life, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for those services by which his country has been so essen- tially benefitted. 3i8 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS * Bantham, Peregrine, private, Aid. line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). t Barnet, Robert, private, Rev. army, of Frederick county. Pensioned at $40.00 per annum, Oct. 30, 1819, under act of June 7, 1785, and dating from Mch. 4, 1789 (reed. $1,085.56) — at $64.00 per an. Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $151.11). (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 13). * Barnheiser, John, private, Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). t Barnover, George, private Rev. army, of Baltimore county, pensioned May I, 1820 at $96.00 per year from Nov. 13, 1814 (received $381.86). Transferred from Dist. Col.' Mch. 4, 1818. Died Nov. 4, 1818. (War Dept. 1835, p. 4). Barrett, Joshua. Passed Nov. session, 1804 — No. 13. Treas. Western Shore pay to Joshua Barrett, a late sergeant in the rev. war, in quarterly payts., half pay of a sergeant during the said war, as a further remuner- ation to the said Joshua Barrett for services rendered his country, and as a relief from the indigence and misery which attend his decrepitude and old age. Barrett, Solomon. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 15. Treas. Western Shore pay to Solomon Barrott, or order annually in quarterly payts., the half pay of a fifer for life. [^Listed amongst rev. war pensioners.] * Barrett, Solomon, musician, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 540). Bateman, George. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 29. Treas. Western Shore pay to Geo. Bateman, a corporal in the rev. war, — half pay of a corporal, as a compensation for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Bateman, George, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). * Batterson, Wm., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). Baynard, Geo. Captain of a Queen Anne Co. Company of Militia in 5th Battn. Jan. 3, 1776. — (See Scrivener, Isaac and Wright, Robert). * Beacroft, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 540). * Beall, Christopher, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). Beall, John, "Gentleman." Comd. 2d Lieut, of a Co. of Militia, Harford Co. Jan. 3, 1776; (Orig. comn. in possession of Mr. John A. Robinson, Clerk of Court, Bel Air, Md.) Beall, Laivson. Passed Mch. 3, 1840 — No. 16. Treas. Western Shore pay Henrietta Beall, widow of Lawson Beall, a soldier of the rev., or order, quarterly, during her life, the half pay of a private, from Jan. i, 1840, in consideration of the sers^ces of her husband. Beall, Capt. Lloyd. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 27. Treas. Western Shore pay to Lloyd Beall, late a capt. in the rev. war, or his order during life, quarterly, half pay of a capt., as a reward for those servaces which he rendered his country in her struggle for independence. Beall, Lloyd. Passed Dec. session, 1817 — No. 7. Treas. Western Shore REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 319 pay to Elizabeth Beall, widow of Lloyd Beall, late a captain in the rev. war, or her order, during life, quarterly payts., a sum of money equal to the half pay of a captain. Beall, Maj. Wm. D. Passed Nov. session, 1808 — No. 2. Treas. Western Shore pay to Wm. D. Beall, late a maj. in the Md. line of the rev. war, in quarterly payts. half pay of a major, for his rev. war services. t Bean, John, private. Rev. army". Pensioned, Act June 7, 1785, from Sept. 4, 1800 at $30.00 per an. (Reed. $150.00. LT. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Bean, Leonard. Passed Mch. 2, 1832 — No. 99. Treas. Western Shore pay to Leonard Bean, of Mason county, Ky. a soldier of the rev. war, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Beatty, Lieut. Thomas. Passed Mch. 21, 1833 — No. 66. Treas. Western Shore pay to Anne Semmes, of Georgetown, D. C, in con- sideration of services rendered by her husband, Thomas Beatty, a lieut. in the rev. war, during life, quarterly, the half pay of a lieut. Beatty, Wm. Passed Mch. 12, 1827 — No. 72. Treas. pay to Jane Beatty, of Pittsburgh, Pa. during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for her husband, Wm. Beatty's serv'ices during the rev. war. Beaven, Lieut. Charles. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 26. Treas. Western Shore pay to Chas. Beaven, of Harford county, an old rev. officer, or order, half pay of a Heut. during the remainder of his life, as a remuneration for his meritorious ser\aces. Beckwith, Nehemiah. Passed Mch. 2, 1827 — No. 24. Treas. to pay Nehemiah Beckwith, of Dorchester county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his rev. war services. Becroft, John. Passed Dec. session, 18 16 — No. 33. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Becroft, of Baltimore county, an old rev. soldier, quarterly, half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Bell, Ning, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 540). Belt, Capt. John Sprigg — see Halkerstone, Robert (181 1). Passed Dec. session, 181 5 — No. 8. Treas. Western Shore pay unto John Sprigg Belt, late a capt. in the Md. line during the rev. war, or order, — half pay of a capt, during his life, as a further remuneration for his ser\'ices during that war, in lieu of $125.00 allowed him by resolution passed Nov. session, 181 1 (No. 36). * Belt, John Sprigg, captain, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 540). * Benjamin, Joseph, trumpeter, Lee's legion (Jan. 1820, p. 541). Bennett, Frederick. Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. 54. Treas. Western Shore pay to Frederick Bennett, of Dorchester county, an old rev. 320 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS soldier, half pay of a corporal during the remainder of his life, as a re- muneration for his meritorious services. Bennett, James, "Gentleman." Comd. 2d Lieut, of Capt. Chas. Bennetts Co. of MiHtia, Wicomico Battn. in Worcester Co., Aug. 13, 1777. Thos. Johnson. May I, 1778, resigned as 2^ Lieut, on account of appt. to Quarter- master's Birth to the said Battn. by the Field Officers thereof. I do hereby certifie that James Bennett, 2^ Lieut, in Capt. Chas. Bennetts Co. of Militia appeared before me, the subscriber one of the Justice's of the Peace for the county of Worcester & took the Oath of FideHty &c. to the State. This s"^ day of Oct. 1777. Pr. Holland, (X, No. 36). ] Bennet, John, private, Rev. army*. Pensioned Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789, at $40.00 per an. (reed. $720.00. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, P- 20). Bennett, John. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 37. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Bennett, an old soldier, in the rev. war, quarterly, during his life, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as a further compensation for his services in the rev. war. Benson, Capt. Perry. Passed Nov. 1785, Vol. 11, Chap. XVL Gen. Assembly granted half pay of a capt., for disability acquired in the service, to Perry Benson, late a capt. in the Md. line in the Continental army. Benson, Perry, General. Passed Feb. 24, 1830 — No. 52. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Benson, widow of General Perry Benson, during widowhood, quarterly, the half pay of a captain, in consideration for the services of her late husband during the rev. war. Berry, Edward. Passed Feb. 17, 1832 — No. 38, 52V4 acres in Allegany county were granted to Edward Berry, a soldier of the revolution, who it is stated, died intestate, and without heirs; and said land became escheated to the State &c. Resolution gives relief to Robinson Savage, Jr. of Allegany county for said land, called "Cricket legs." Berry, Wm. Ensign of a Co. of Militia in Talbot Co., 4"' Battn. after Apr. 9, 1778 — see Maynadier, Wm. * Bevin, Charles, lieut. Md. Line Qan. 1820, p. 541). * Biddle, Richard, private, Md. Line — died Jan. 5, 1819 (Jan. 1820, p. 541). Bidwell, Richard. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 38. Treas. Western Shore pay to Richard Bidwell, of Baltimore, an old soldier, quarterly, during his life, half pay of a private, as further compensation for his services during the rev. war. ^Bishop, Thos., private. Rev. army. Pensioned Act June 7, 1785, REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 321 from Mch. 4, 1789, at $40.00 per an. (Reed. $140.00. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). t Blair, John, private, Rev. army". Pensioned at $40.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789 (Act June 7, 1785) (reed. $120.00) Died in 1792. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). t Blair, Joh?i, 2d., private Rev. army*. Pensioned at $40.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789 (Act June 7, 1785. Reed. $220.00). Died in 1794. (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 20). * Blake, Jacob, private, Md. Line Qan. 1820, p. 541). Blake, John. Mch. i, 1826 — No. 58 — p. 247. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Blake, of Worcester county, quarterly, during life, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Blake, Patsy. Passed Mch. 7, 1834 — No. 48. Treas. Western Shore pay to Patsy Blake, of Worcester county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for the services rendered by her husband, during the rev. war. t Blever, James, private. Rev. army, of Frederick county. Pensioned Oct. 30, 1819 at $40.00 per an. under act of June 7, 1785, dating from Mch. 4, 1789 (reed. $763.87)— at $60.00 per an. from Apr. 8, 1808, Act of Mch. 3, 1809 (reed. $487.67) — at $96.00 per an. from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $1,666.66). (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 13). Bluer, James. Passed Mch. 10, 1832 — No. 77. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Bluer, of Frederick county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, in consideration of the services rendered by him during the rev. war. Bolton, John. Passed Nov. session, 1812 — No. 66. Treas. Western Shore pay unto John Bolton, or order, quarterly payts., half pay of a private in the late rev. war. Bomgardner, Wm. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 50. Treas. is directed to pay William Bomgardner of Washington county, half pay of a private for his rev. war services. Passed May 2, 1827 — No. 29. Treas. Western Shore to pay Margaret Bomgardner, of Washington county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private for her late husband's rev. services. Bond, John. Mch. i, 1826 — No. 59, p. 247. Treas. of Western Shore pay to John Bond, of Hampshire Co., Va., during life, quarterly, the half pay of a sergeant, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Boone, Lieut. John. Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. 57. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Boone, of Charles county, a lieut. in the late rev. army, $125.00 annually, in quarterly payts. 22 322 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Boone, Lieut. John. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 7. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Boone, an officer in the rev. war, during Hfe — the half pay of a lieut., in lieu of the sum already allowed him, as a further compen- sation for those serv^ices rendered his country during her struggle for independence. t Bolts, Joseph, private. Rev. army>. Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from j\Ich. 4, 1789, at $40.00 per an. (rec'd. $480.00 — U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Died in 1801. Bowen, John. Passed Nov. 1788, Ch. 8, and noted in Vol. il. Chap. 18. " Gen. Assembly granted a pension to John Bowen, a late officer in the Continental army." * Bowen, Stephen Lewis, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). * Bowen, Wm., private, Hazen's regt. (Jan. 1820, p. 541). Bowers, George. Passed Mch. 2, 1837 — No. 28. Treas. Western Shore pay to George Bowers half pay of a private during his life, as a further remuneration for his services during the Rev. * Bowling, Wm. I., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). * Boxwell, Robert, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). * Boyd, Benj., surgeon's mate, IVId. Line Qan. 1820, p. 541). Boyer, Capt. Michael. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 32. Treas. Western Shore pay to Michael Boyer (late a capt. in the rev. war) quar- terly, during his life, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a captain, as a further compensation to him for his services during the rev. war. Bozman, Ballard. 2^ Lieut, in 17"" Battn. Militia — see Schoolfield, Wm. * Bradshaw, Geo. H., private, Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). * Branson, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). Branson, John B. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 34. Treas. Western Shore pay to John B. Branson, late a soldier in the rev. war, belonging to the Md. line, quarterly — half pay of a private, as a pro\asion to him in his indigent situation and advanced in life, for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Branson, John B. Passed Mch. 3, 1840 — No. 12. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Branson, of St. Mary's county, or her order, $12.1 1, the amt. of arrears due her late husband at time of his death. Treas. also directed to pay to Mary Branson, widow of John B. Branson, late a soldier of the rev. quarterly, during life, the half pay of a private commencing Jan. i, 1840, in consideration of the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Brashears, Ignatius. Passed Dec. session, 181 7 — No. 19. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ignatius Brashears, of Prince George's county, an old soldier, quarterly, during life, half pay of a private, as a further compensation for his services during the rev. war. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 323 * Brashears, Ignatius, private, Md. line (Jan. 1820, p. 540). Brewer, Thos. S. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Dec. 30) — No. 20. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thos. S. Brewer, of AnnapoHs, late sergeant in the rev. war, so long as he may live, half pay of a sergeant. * Brewer, Thomas S., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). Brewer, Thomas. Feb. 24, 1824 — No. 23. Treas. directed to pay to Susanna Brewer, of Annapolis, during life, quarterly, the half pay of a sergeant, as further remuneration for her husband Thomas Brewer's services during the rev. war. Brice, JuUanna. Passed Mch. 21, 1833 — No. 64. Treas. Western Shore pay to Julianna Brice, during life, semi-annually, half pay of a Lieut, in consideration of the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Britton, Joseph, Burgess, Joshua and Willmot, Robert Lieutenants, Passed Jan. 29, 1830. Treas. Western Shore pay to George Britton, of Hawkins county, Tenn. ("Joseph" appears in printed title and in indexing of the resolution), Joshua Burgess, of Mason county, Ky. and Robert Willmot, of Bourbon county, Ky. during life, half yearly, a sum of money equal to half pay of lieutenants, as a further remuneration for their services during the rev. war. Brother, Valentine. Resolutions 7 and 8, Nov. session, 1795, direct that Valentine Brother sell gunpowder, brimstone arms &c. in magazine at Frederick, Md. — compensation «&c. * Brown, Henry, private. Pa. Line (Jan., 1820, p. 541). Brown, John. 2^ Lieut, of a Co. of Talbot County Militia, 4"' Battn. After Apr. 9, 1778 — see Maynadier, Wm. * Brown, John, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). * Brown, Patrick, corporal. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 540). Bruce, Robert. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 36. Treas. Western Shore pay to Robert Bruce (an old rev. soldier) during his life, quarterly, the half pay of a private, as a further recompense for his meritorious services during the rev. war. Passed Dec. session, 1817 — No. 17. Treas. Western Shore pay to Robert Bruce, of Charles county, quarterly, a sum of money equal to half pay of a trooper, instead of half pay of a common soldier in the line, as was allowed him by the last legislature, and treasurer pay him, or order, a sum of money equal to half pay of a trooper for fifteen months. * Bruce, Robert, private. Pa. Line, died 21 Aug. 1819 (Jan. 1820, p. 540)- Bruce, Capt. Wm. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Nov. 30) — No. 19. Treas. Western Shore pay to Wm. Bruce, late a capt. in the Md. line during, the rev. war, — half pay of a capt., as further remuneration, &c. 324 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS * Bruce, Wm., captain, Md. Line, (Jan. 1820, p. 540). Bruff, Capt. James. Passed Nov. 1785, Vol. 11, Chap. XVL Gen. Assemby granted half pay of a capt. to James Bruff, for disability acquired in the service, late a capt. in the Md. Line in the Continental army. Bruff, James, Capt. Passed Jan. 20, 1820 — No. 8. Treas. pay to Margaret Bruff, of Queen Anne's county, widow of James Bruff, late a captain in the rev. war, during life, quarterly, half pay of a captain. Bryan, Charles. Passed Mch. 2, 1827 — No. 34. Treas. Western Shore pay to Charles Bryan, of Lycoming county. Pa., during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. Bryant, James. Passed Mch. 4, 1841 — No. 15. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Br>'ant, of Queen Anne's county, during life, half pay of a private, in consideration of ser\'ices rendered during the rev. war. t Bucklup, Charles, private. Rev. army". Pensioned, Act June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789, at $40.00 per an. (reed. $320.00. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Bullock, Jesse — see Williams, Charles. Burch, Benj. Passed Mch. 11, 1828 — No. 42. Treas. Western Shore pay to Benjamin Burch, of the state of Ky. during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, as further remuneration for his services during rev. war. Burgess, Lieut. Basil. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 20. Treas. Western Shore pay to Basil Burgess (an officer in the rev. war), quarterly, during his life, the half pay of a lieut. as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country during her struggle for independence. Burgess, Joshua, Lieut. — see Britton, Joseph. Passed Feb. 3, 1836 — No. 6. Treas. Western Shore pay to Nicholas D. Coleman, atty. for heirs of Joshua Burgess, late a lieut. in Md. line, $46.67 bal. due said Burges, a pensioner of State of Md., at his death. Burgess, Capt. Vachel. Passed Nov. session, 1810 — No. 6. Vachel Burgess, a capt. in the rev. war, did not receive the commutation in lieu of the half pay for life promised to the officers and soldiers; therefore. Resolved that the treas. western shore pay to the said Vachel Burgess four years full pay as a capt., free from interest, as a full compensation for his ser\'ices during the late rev. war. * Burgess, Vachel. Captain, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). ^ Burk, James, private. Rev. armyS Pensioned Act June 7, 1785. from Mch. 4, 1789 at $40.00 per an. Died Dec. 3, 1817. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Burk, Nathaniel. Passed Mch. 13, 1829— No. 64. Treas. Western Shore pay to Nathaniel Burk, of Baltimore city, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. Passed Mch. 7, 1838 — No. 23. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 325 Burk widow of Nathan Burk, of city of Baltimore, half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for the services of her said husband, Nathan Burk, during her Hfe. * Burk, Nathan, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). ^ Biirk, Thomas, private. Rev. army*. Pensioned, act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789 at $40.00 per an. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Biirkett, Christopher. Recommended as ist. Lieut, of a Company of Militia in Frederick Co. Endorsed on a com'n. dated Oct. 13, 1777 — see Manyard, Nathan. Burkett, George. Recommended as Capt. of a Company of Militia in Frederick County, endorsed on a com'n. dated Oct. 13, 1777 — see Manyard Nathan. Burns, John. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 70. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Burns, late a rev. soldier, quarterly, during Hfe, half pay of a private. * Burns, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). t Burns, Luke, private, Rev. army*. Pensioned at $40.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789 (Act of June 7, 1785. Reed. $120.00). (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Died in 1794. Burroughs, Norman. Passed Mch. 19, 1839 — No. 35. Treas. Western Shore pay to Esther Turner Burroughs, of St. Mary's county, widow of Norman Burroughs, who was a soldier in the Rev. war, or to her order, quarterly, the half pay of a private of the Rev., commencing Jan. I, 1839, during her life. Bush, Joseph. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 23. Treas. pay Joseph Bush, of Talbot county, for life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. t Butcher, John, private. Rev. army*. Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789, at $40.00 per an. (reed. $340.00 — U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Byas, Wm. Passed Feb. 14, 1820 — No. 65. Treas. Western Shore pay to Wm. Byas, of Dorchester county quarterly, the half pay of a Boatswain, during life, as a compensation for his services during the rev. war. Byus, Wm. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 43. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Wm. Byus, of Dorchester county, half pay of a lieut. as a compensation for his services during the rev. war — rescinding resolution of Dec. session 18 19, No. 65. Cahoe, Thos. Passed Nov. session, 1812 Qan. 2, 1813) — No. 44. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thos. Cahoe, of Charles county, late a private in the rev. war, half pay of a private, as a remuneration for meritorious service, &c. * Cahoe, Thos. or Kahoe, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). 326 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS t Cain, Edward, private, Rev. army^. Pensioned, Act. June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789 at $30.00 per an. (Reed. $495.00. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Cain, Patrick. Recommended for 1st Lieut, of a Co. of Militia in Harford Co., Apr. 1778 — see Long, John, Jr. Callahan, Lieut. John. Passed Mch. 18, 1839 — No. 36. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Callahan, of Annapolis, widow of John Callahan, a first lieut. in the war of the Rev., or to her order, during her life, quarterly, the half pay of a first lieut. of the Rev. commencing Jan. i, 1839. Campbell, George. Passed Nov. session, 1800 — No. I. George Camp- bell is hereby placed on the pension list of the state, and the treas. of the state is to pay him $50.00 per annum, in quarterly payts. * Campbell, James, private, Va. Line Qan. 1820, p. 542). * Cane, Hugh, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). t Carbury, Peter, private. Rev. army". Pensioned, Act June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789, at $40.00 per an. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Carter, Abraham. Capt. of a Co. in Elk Battn. of Militia, in Cecil County — see Arrats, Harman, and Arrmie, Harman, June 7, 1781). Carlin, Wm. Passed Mch. 21, 1837 — No. 55. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Carlin, widow of Wm. Carlin, a soldier of the rev., the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his services, during her life. Carlisle, Adam, of Eastern shore, — "a British subject" owner of confiscated property called "Tower Hill" — See Resolution No. i, Nov. session, 1792. Carney, Thomas. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 33. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas Carney quarterly, — half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. * Carney, Thomas, private, Md. Line Qan. 1820, p. 542). Carr, Hezekiah. Passed May session, 1813 — No. 3. Treas. Western Shore pay to Hezekiah Carr, late a drummer in the Md. line, — half pay of a drummer during his life. Carr, Ingram. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 51. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ingram Carr, late a soldier in the rev. war, — half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Carr, Lieut. John. Passed Nov. session, 1 810 — No. 16. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Carr, five yrs. full pay of a lieut. in the rev. war, without interest, as a commutation of half pay. * Carr, John. Lieutenant, Md. Line, (Jan. 1820, p. 542). Carr, John. Passed Mch. 9, 1846 — No. 53. Treas. of Md. pay to "Margaret Loney," formerly Margaret Carr, of Baltimore county, widow REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 327 of John Carr, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private, quarterly, in consideration of services rendered by her former husband during the war of the rev. Carr, John. Passed Jan. 20, 1847 — No. 7. Treas. of Md. pay to " Margaret Long," formerly Margaret Carr of Baltimore county, widow of John Carr, a soldier of the Rev., half pay of a private, quarterly, in consideration of services rendered by her husband during the War of the Rev. & that she be placed where res. No. 53. Dec. session 1845, placed her, & that said res.. No. 53, is hereby repealed. t Carrenl, James, priva*^e. Rev. army, of Montgomery county, Pensioned at $40.00 per an. Act of Jupe 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789 (reed. $1,085.16) — at $64.00 per an. from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $407.11). Died Sept. 4, 1822. (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 16). Carroll, Charles of Carrollton. Passed Mch. 11, 1833 — No. 90. The Gen. Assembly of Md., apprised of the death of the venerated Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, would at the close of a career of such distinguished patriotism and private worth, — offer every tribute of reverence for those excellencies which have proved themselves to Maryland, in permanent benefits; strengthened the Councils of the Fathers of our Freedom, and mingled in the lustre of our revolutionary renown: * * * Resolved, That the resolute patriotism of Charles Carroll, when at the hazard of his brilliant private interests he dedicated himself to the cause of American Independence, consecrates his life among the memorials of civil heroism, to adorn and enforce the history of human liberty; — that this patriotic sacrifice, and the continued and cogent efforts of his mind, and all his earnest labours in advancing the consummation of our Independ- ence, in awakening the people of Md. to the sense of their rights, and their power, and in sustaining their ardour in their vindication through the crisis of our revolution, command our admiration and our gratitude. A full length portrait was directed to be procured and placed in the Senate Chamber, "the scene of his legislative labours; the theatre of that body whose peculiar Constitution he framed, and the site of the sublime surrender of military authority, by the Father of our Country, with whose honour the deserts of Carroll are entwined." Cato, George. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 73. Treas. to pay to George Cato, late a rev. soldier, half pay of a private. Chambers, Edward. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 34. Treas. is directed to pay to Edward Chambers, of Anne- Arundel county (a man of colour), during life, half pay of a private, as a further compensation for those services rendered by him during the rev. war. * Chambers, Edward, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). * Chambers, James, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). 328 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Chapman, Henry H. Feb. i6, 1820 — No. 38. Treas. of Western Shore is directed to pay to Henry H. Chapman, of Georgetown, D. C. half pay of a lieut., further compensation for his services during rev. war. {Md. Gazette, p. 17. Rev. Obituaries, D. A. R., died Dec. 13, 1821, Georgetown, D. C.) Chapman, Henry H. Passed Mch. 18, 1833 — No. 60. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Chapman, of Georgetown, D. C. in consideration of services rendered by her deceased husband, Henry H. Chapman, a Lieut, in the rev. war, or to her order, during her widow-hood, quarterly, half pay of a Lieut. Chapman, Thomas. Feb. 25, 1824 — No. 30. Treas. to pay Thomas Chapman, of Dorchester county, half pay of a private, further compen- sation for his rev. war services. t Chatlin, Wm., corporal. Rev. army*. Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789, at $44.00 per an. (Rec'd. $88.00. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Chesley, Robert, Capt. Passed Mch. 11, 1828— No. 39. Robert Chesley, a captain in the Md. Line of the rev. war, late of St. Mary's county, was entitled, under the acts relative to grant of military bounty lands westward of Fort Cumberland, to four lots, or 200 a, of sd. land; and whereas it appears that said Chesley has never reed, his portion of sd. bounty lands, and that the lots surv^eyed for that purpose, under resolution of 1787, have either been distributed amongst the officers and soldiers, or have been thrown into the common mass of vacant land in Allegany county; and also, that the said Chesley is since dead, leaving heirs at law: Resolved, That reg. of land office for Western Shore issue to said heirs a common warrant for 200 a. of vacant land — in Allegany county, and a patent upon survey — without payment of composition money thereon. * Clackner, Adam, captain. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 541). Clagett, Dr. Samuel. Passed Mch. 7, 1834 — No. 52. Treas. Western Shore pay to Amie Clagett (widow of Dr. Samuel Clagett) during Hfe, quarterly, half pay of a Surgeon's mate, in consideration of the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Clarke, James. Passed Nov. session, 1812 Qan. 2, 1813) — No. 53. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Clarke, — half pay of a matross during the rev. war, as a further remuneration to the said James Clarke for the services rendered his country, & as a relief from the indigence & misery which attend his decrepitude & old age. Clarke, James. Passed Mch. 6, 1850 — No. 65. Treas. of State pay to Barbara M'Mahon formerly wife of James Clarke, a private soldier in the war of the Amer. Rev., half pay of a private, for the rem. of her life, com- mencing Jan. I, 1850 — also Treas. pay to said Barbara McMahon $21.66, being the amt. due her late husband, James Clarke, at his death. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 329 CJeivley, Joseph. Passed Dec. session, 181 5 — No. 37. Treas. Western Shore pay to Joseph Clewley, of Montgomery county, a soldier in the rev. war, quarterly, the half pay of a private, for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Clewly, Joseph. Passed Feb. 2, 1830 — No. 14. Treas. Western Shore pay to Henry Harding, for use of Mary Whelan, (legal heir of Joseph Clewly) $11.11, bal. due said Joseph Clewly, late a pensioner of state of Md. who was placed on the pension list by resolution of said state. Clinton, Thos. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 43. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thos. Clinton, annually during his life, — half pay of a fife — major, as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country during the American war. * Clinton, Thomas, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). * Cobiirn, Primus, private, Mass. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). Cochran, Capt. James. Feb. 24, 1823 — No. 59. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Capt. James Cochran, of Cecil county, $200.00 as a compensation for his services during the rev. war. Cochran, James. Passed Feb. 13, 1837 — No. 21. Treas Western Shore pay to James Cochran, the half pay of a private during his life, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Cochrane, James. Passed Jan. 18, 1847 — No. 20. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ann Mary Cockrane, of Frederick county, widow of James Cockrane, who was a private in the Rev. war, or to her order, quarterly, during her life, commencing Jan. i, 1847, a sum equal to the half pay of a private, as further remuneration for the services of her deceased husband. t Coddrington, Benj., private Rev. army, pensioned Feb. 24, 1 821, at $30. per annum ($120.00 reed.) from Apr. 25, 1812, under Act. of July 5, 1812. Same at $48.00 per annum ($785.33 reed.) from Apr. 24, 1816 (under latter Act). Resides in AUeghanny county, Md. Coe, Richard. Passed Feb. 20, 1830 — No. 33. Treas. Western Shore pay to Richard Coe, of Prince George's county, an old rev. soldier, half pay of a sergeant, quarterly, for his sers'ices during the rev. war. Coe, Richard. Passed Feb. 10, 1832 — No. 32. Reg. of land office to issue to Richard Coe, of Prince George's county, a soldier of the revolu- tion, warrant and later patent for 50 acres land in Allegany county, without compensation money. Coe, Mary. Passed Jan. 12, 1835 — No. 2. Treas. Western Shore pay to Alexander Benson Coe $50.00, being the amt. of one year's pension due to Mary Coe at time of her death. Coe, George. Passed Mar. 2, 1844 — No. 30. Treas. Western Shore pay to Geo. C. Coe, son of the late Richard Coe, of Prince George's county, Md. $30.00, if so much was due to said Richd. Coe at time of his death. 330 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Coe, Wm. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 39. Treas. Western Shore pay to Wm. Coe, of Baltimore county, for life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. * Coe, William, corporal, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). Coe, William. Feb. 16, 1821 — No. 30. Resolution of Dec. session 1819, No. 39 rescinded. Treas. is directed to pay to Wm. Coe, now of Annapolis, half pay of a private of matross, for services rendered during the rev. war. Passed Feb. 17, 1834 — No. 19. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Coe, widow of Wm. Coe, a soldier of the rev. $12.50, being three months pay, due to her husband at time of his death. Coe, Wm. Passed Mch. 4, 1834 — No. 39. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Coe, widow of Wm. Coe, during life, quarterly, half pay of a Matross, in consideration of the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. t Coffield, Owen, private. Rev. army". Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789 at $40.00 per an. Died in 1792. (Rec'd. $120.00. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Coffroth, Conrad. Mch. 8, 1826 — No. 69, p. 250. Treas. of Western Shore pay to Conrad Coffroth, of Franklin county. Pa., half pay of a fifer, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Passed Feb. 28, 1832 — No. 81. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mag- dalena Coffroth, of Washington county, widow of Conrod Coffroth, a soldier of the rev. war, during widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a private, for the services rendered by her husband during said war. * Coins, Dominick, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). * Cole, George, ensign, German Regt. (Jan. 1820, p. 542). Colegate, Asaph. Passed Mch. 10, 1842— No. 44. Treas. Western Shore pay to Asaph Colegate, a soldier of the Rev., half pay of a private from and after this date. t Collember, Thomas, private, Rev. army'. Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789, at $40.00 per an. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). t Collins, James, sergeant. Rev. army*. Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1789, from Mch. 4, 1789, at $60.00 per an. (Rec'd. $390.00. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Died in 1795. Connelly, Hugh, Sr. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 15. Treas. Western Shore pay to Hugh Connelly, Sr., of Washington county, late a private in the rev. war, quarterly, during his life, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for his services during the struggle of his country for her independence. * Connelly, Hugh, private, Hazen's, Reg't. Qan. 1820, p. 541). Connelly, William. Passed Feb. 28, 1832 — No. 46. Treas. Western Shore pay to Priscilla Connelly, widow of W°. Connelly, soldier of the rev. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 331 war, during widowhood, half yeariy, half pay of a private, for services rendered by her husband during said war. Contee, John, Lieut. Passed Jan 28, 1830 — No. 10. Resolutions expressive of the sense of the Legislature, of the gallant conduct during the late war, of John Contee, a native of Md., formerly a Lieut, in the Marine corps of the U. S., and directing a sword to be presented to him. (Con- stitution and Guerrier, and Constitution and Java). Cooke, Henry. Passed Feb. 19, 1835 — No. 4. Treas. Western Shore pay to Henry Cooke, a Rev. soldier, the half pay of a private, quarterly, during his life. Cooper, W"". Passed Mch. 12, 1832 — No. 95. Treas. Western Shore pay to W"". Cooper, of Ohio county, Ky. a soldier of the rev. war, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. Same date (No. 98) a warrant, later patent, for 50 acres in Allegany county, was authorized to him without payts. of composition money. Corbet, James, Gentleman. Com'd. Ensign of Capt. George Voghan's Co. in Deer Creek Battn. Harford Co. Militia, Annapolis, Apr. 9, 1778. "W"". Amos' son Joshua to be in this place," (X, No. 234). t Corbett, John, private. Rev. army*. Pensioned at $60.00 per an. from Jan. I, 1803. (Reed. $220.67. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Courts, Dr. Richard Hanley. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 42. Treas Western Shore is directed to pay to Eleanor C. Courts, of Prince George's county, half pay of a surgeon's mate, as a compensation for those meritorious services rendered by her deceased husband. Doctor Richard Hanley Courts, during the rev. war. * Coyle, Mark, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). Coyn, Dominick. Feb. 25, 1824 — No. 33 (p. 172). Treas. to pay to Mary Coyn, of Harford county, half pay of a private, further remun. for her husband Dominick Coyn's services during the rev. war. Crampton, Thomas. Passed Mch. 16, 1835 — No. 61. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas Crampton, a soldier of the rev. half pay of a private, in quarterly payts. during his life. * Craven, Andrew, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). t Crawford, James, private, Md. Line, age 82, resided in Frederick county*". Pensioned Jan. 6, 1819, at $96.00 per an. from May 5, 1818. (Rec'd. $1,520.00. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). * Crawford, James, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). Crawford, NehetJiiah. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 41. Treas. Western Shore pay to Nehemiah Crawford, a sergeant in the rev. war, quarterly during life, the half pay of a sergeant. Cresap, Lieut. Joseph. Feb. 19, 18 19 — No. 41. Treas. of Western Shore is directed to pay to Joseph Cresap, a sum of money equal to the 332 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS half pay of a lieutenant, during his life, as a further compensation for his services during the rev. war. Cresap, Joseph. Feb. 23, 1822 — No. 62, p. 180. Joseph Cresap of Allegany county, a pensioner is said to be wealthy — living in affluence — resolution of Dec. session 1818. No. 41, be rescinded. Cresap, Joseph. Mch. 3, 1826 — No. 67, p. 250. Resolutions No. 41 (1819) and 62 (1822) are secited, and "whereas, from losses sustained by the said Joseph Cresap in consequence of endorsing for others in the Cumberland bank of Allegany he is now greatly embarassed, and has a large family to support." Treas. of Western Shore is directed to pay to Joseph Cresap, of Allegany county, half pay of a lieut., for life, as a further compensation for his services during the rev. war. (See p. 13, Death Notice, Maryland Gazette Jan. 5, 1827). Croft, W'". Passed Mch. 4, 1835— No. 71. Treas. Western Shore pay to Catharine Croft, widow of W". Croft, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a corporal, quarterly, during her life. Cross, Joseph, Lieut. Passed Mch. 14, 1823 — No. 64. Unanimous resolution commending Lieut. Joseph Cross, a native of Md., enumerating his services — authorize Governor to secure and present a suitable sword. Crouch, Robert. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. i, 1813) — No. 32. Treas. Western Shore pay to Robert Crouch, quarterly, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. * Crouch, Robert, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). Crouch, Robert. Passed Feb. 19, 1845 — No. 13. Treas. Western Shore pay to Hannah Crouch, of Cecil county, $11.33, due her late husband, Robert Crouch at time of his death ; he having been a private in the rev. war, and at time of his death a pensioner of the State ; it appearing that said Robert Crouch received his pension regularly up to July 2, 1823, & died Oct. 12, next ensuing, and the arrearages of pension being from time of last payt. until his death. Croxall, Charles, Capt. Passed Mch. 12, 1827 — No. 59. Treas. pay to Charles Croxall, of Baltimore city, during life, half yearly, half pay of a captain of dragoons, for his services during the rev. war. Croxall, Charles. Passed Mch. 9, 1832 — No. 82. Treas. Western Shore pay to Claudius Legrande, $31.67, being the sum due to Charles Croxall, a rev. pensioner at his death. * Currin, James, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). Curtis, James. Ensign in 17"" Battn. of Militia — see Schoolfield, W™. * Curtiss, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). Curtis, John. Passed Feb. 23, 1829 — No. 30. Treas. pay to John Curtis, of Baltimore city, during life, half yearly, half pay of a matross in the artillery, in consideration of his services during the rev. war. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 333 Dallam, R. Lieut, of Capt. Vanhorne's Co. in Deer Creek Battn. of Militia, Harford Co., Apr. 1778. Davidson, James. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 28. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Daxadson, late a private in the rev. war, quarterly, half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for military sersaces. * Davidson, James, 2d., private, j\Id. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). * Davis, Anthony, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). ^ Davis, John, private, Rev. army". Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from INIch. 4, 1789 at $40.00 per an. (Reed. $1,085.64. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Davis, John. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 49. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Davis, of Charles county, late a sergeant in the rev. war, or order during his life, quarterly payts., half pay of a sergeant. Davis, Samuel. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 37. "Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Samuel Davis, of Kent county, late a fifer in the revolutionary war, or to his order, for life, in quarter annual payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a fifer, as a further remuneration for his services during the revolutionary war." Davis, Samuel, and Gudgington, William. Feb. 24, 1823 — No. 65, p. 141. "The committee of pensions & rev. claims having received infor- mation that Samuel Davis, a drummer, and William Gudgington, a private, both of Kent county, who are on the pension list, and are actually receiving annual pensions, were never in the service of the state, or of the United States. Therefore resolved, That they be stricken off the pension list." Davis, Samuel. Mch. 9, 1826 — No. 104, p. 260. Treas. Western Shore pay to Samuel Davis, of Baltimore, half pay of a sergeant, for his rev. war services. Davis, Samuel. Passed Mch. 13, 1829 — No. 66. Treas. of Western Shore required to pay Samuel Davis of Baltimore city, or order, the pension accruing from Feb. 12, 1823 (when he was stricken from the pension roll) and Mch. 9, 1826, when he was replaced thereon, to which he would have been entitled had he not been stricken therefrom. Davis, Samuel. Passed Mch. 5, 1835 — No. 66. Treas. Western Shore pay to Margaret Davis, %\'idow of Samuel Davis, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private during life, quarterly. Davis, Thomas. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 31. Treas. pay to Thomas Davis, of Ohio, late an old soldier in the rev. war, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. 334 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Davis, W'". Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 21. Treas. Western Shore pay to W". Davis, late a soldier of the rev. war, quarterly, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his cOuntrj' has been so essentially benefitted. Dawkins, Charles. Passed Feb. 24, 1830 — No. 59. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Dawkins, of Calvert county, widow of the late Charles Dawkins, a soldier of the revolution, during widowhood, half pay of a sergeant, for serv'ices of her late husband. Dawson, Capt. Joseph. Passed Nov. session 1791 — No. 6, Joseph Dawson, late a soldier in the 5th Md. reg. in the service of the U. S., is disabled from wounds reed, at the battle of Eutaw Spgs., & is at certain times rendered incapable of getting a livelihood; — Gov. of Md. grant Joseph Dawson half pay he reed, in continental ser^-ice, by orders on Treas. of Western Shore, & same be charged to the U. S. * Dawson, Joseph, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). Dawson, W"". Passed Nov. session 18 10 — No. 5. Treas. Western Shore pay to W". Dawson, of Cecil county, late a meritorious soldier in the rev. war, or order, quarterly payts., a sum of money equal to half pay of a private, as a pro\'ision to him in his indigent situation, now advanced in life, and as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Deakins, W". Jnr. Esq. Com'd. Lieut. Col. of the Lower Batt'n. of Militia in Montgomery Co., Sept. 12, 1777. Thos. Johnson. Resigned May, 1782. (X, No. 53). Deal, Capt. Geo. Passed Feb. 7, 1843 — No. 5. Treas. Western Shore pay to Richard Thomas bal. due Capt. Geo. Deal, a rev. pensioner at time of his death. * Dean, Robert, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). * Deaver, Aquilla, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). Deaver, Aquilla. Passed March 2, 1827 — No. 27. Treas. to pay to Aquilla Deaver, of Harford county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private for his services during the rev. war. Deaver, Aquilla. Passed Feb. 3, 1836 — No. 14. Treas. Western Shore pay to W". B. Stephenson, for use of Sarah Deaver, widow of Aquilla Deaver, deceased, $6.66, bal. of pension due her husband at death. Deaver, Aquilla. Passed Feb. 13, 1836 — No. 20. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Deaver, widow of "Aquilla Dean," a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private during life. * Deaver, Miscal, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). t Deaver, Miscal, private, Md. Line, age 83, from Frederick county''. Pensioned Dec. 23, 18 19, at $96.00 per an. from Jan. 22, 1819. (Reed. $395.46. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 335 Deaver, W"". Mch. 7, 1826 — No. 84, p. 255. Treas. of Western Shore pay to W™. Deaver, of Mason county, Ky. half pay of a private, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. De Kalb, Baron. Passed j\Ich. 3, 1848 — No. 57. Preamble & Reso- lutions in relation to the erection of a monument to the memory of the late Maj. Gen. the Baron De Kalb, in the city of AnnapoUs. Congress of U. S. in Oct. 1780, passed a resolution: " Resolved, That a monument be erected to the memory of the late Maj. Gen., the Baron de Kalb, in Annapolis, Md., \\nth the following inscription: Sacred to the memory of the Baron De Kalb, Knight of the Royal Order of Military Merit, Brigadier of the armies of France, and Maj. Gen. in the service of the U. S. of America, having served with honor and reputation for three years, he gave a last and glorious proof of his attachment to the liberties of mankind, and the cause of America, in the action near Camden, in the State of S. C. on Aug. 16, 1780, when leading on the troops of the Md. & Del. lines, against superior numbers, and animating them by his example to deeds of valor, he was pierced with many wounds and on the 19"^ follo^\^ng expired, in the 48th year of his age. The Congress of the United States of America, in gratitude to his zeal, services and merit, have erected this monument." The Governor is requested to transmit a copy of the resolutions to the Md. Senators and Representatives in Congress to, if possible, secure the erection of the said monument. A similar resolution was passed Feb. 6, 1850 — No. 24. De Kalb, Baron. Passed May 3, 1852 — No. 8. " Whereas, it is repre- sented to this Gen. Assembly, that the representatives of the Baron De Kalb, a Major General in the service of the U. S., in the war of the Rev., and who at the action of Camden, on Aug. 16, 1780, when leading on the troops of the Md. & Del. Lines, and animating them by his example, to deeds of valor, lost, his life; Therefore: Resolved by the Gen. Assembly of Md., That our Senators & Reps, in the Cong, of the U. S. be requested to use their influence in procuring the passage of a law, granting to the heirs of the lamented De Kalb compen- sation for the services of their illustrious ancestor, as a Maj. Gen. in the service of the U. S. in the war of the Rev." &c. * De Ligney, Peter, private, Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). * Dempsey, John, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). Dennis, Edward. Passed Mch. 25, 1836 — No. 69. Treas. Western Shore pay to Edward Dennis, late a rev. soldier, half pay of a private, in remuneration of his serv'ices during the rev. war. * Dennis, Enos, private, N. J. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). * Dennis, Jacob, private, Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). 336 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Denny, Capt. Robert. Passed Dec. session 1814 — No. 20. Treas. Western Shore pay to Augusta Denny, widow of the late Capt. Robert Denny, — half pay of a capt., as a compensation for the valuable services rendered by her late husband during the rev. war. Denoon, John. Passed Feb. 26, 1829 — No. 36. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Denoon, of the state of Ohio, a soldier of the rev. war, during life, half yearly, half pay of a drummer, for his services during the rev. war. * Dent, George, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). Dent, George. Passed Jan. 30, 1829 — No. 9. Treas. pay to George Dent, of Saint-Mary's county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. Dent, John, Esq. Com'd. Brig. Gen. of MiHtia of Md. raised to Compose a part of the Flying Camp, July 4, 1776. Pr. order Mat. Tilghman, Pres. (X, No. 56). t Detit, John, corporal. Rev. army*. Pensioned, act of June 7, 1785, at $44.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789. Died Mch. 26, 1803 (Reed. $616.00. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Dent, John. Passed Mch. 17, 1835 — No. 49. Treas. Western Shore pay to Eleanor Dent, widow of John Dent, a private of the third regiment Maryland Line [^Rev.J, half pay of a private, during life, quarterly. * Dewees, Samuel, private, Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). * Dickenson, Edward, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). * Dicks, Isaac, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). Dixon, Samuel. 2^ Lieut, in 17"' Battn. Militia — see Schoolfield, W". Dixon, W". Passed Dec. session, 1818 (Feb. 19, 1819) — No. 21. Treas. Western Shore pay to W"". Dixon, late a rev. soldier, quarterly, during life, the half pay of a private. Dotially, Patrick. Passed Dec. session 1815 — No. 22. Treas. Western Shore pay to Patrick Donally, of Frederick county, — half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Donnelly, Patrick. Passed Feb. 20, 1829 — No. 23. Treas. pay to Elizabeth Donnelly, widow of the late Patrick Donnelly, of Frederick county, whatever sum may have been due to said Patrick Donnelly, from the state of Md. at time of his decease, on account of his rev. services. Donnel'y, Patrick. Passed Mch. 6, 1832 — No. 69. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Donnelly, of Frederick county, widow of Patrick Donnelly, a soldier of the rev. war, during widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a private, for services rendered by her husband during said war. Dooley, Capt. James. (War of 181 2), payment for cartouch boxes Feb. II, 1825. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 337 Dorgan, John. Passed Jan. 25, 1828 — No. 2. Treas. of Western Shore pay to John Dorgan, of Talbot county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, as further remuneration for his services during rev. war. Dorsey, Ely. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 61. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Ely Dorsey, of Ely, of Frederick county — $960.00 "in full consideration of his ser\nces during the rev. war." Dorsey, Capt. Richard. Passed Nov. session 1791 — No. 6. Richard Dorsey, late a capt. in the Artillery from Md. in the service of the U. S., is disabled from wounds received at the battle of Camden, S. C, which prevent him from following any occupation by which a sustenance may be obtained; Resolved, That — the Gov. Md. — grant unto Richard Dorsey half the monthly pay which he received in the continental service, by orders drawn on the Treas. of Western Shore, and the same be charged to the U. S. Dotrow, John. Passed Mch. 12, 1828 — No. 45. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Dotrow, of Frederick county, during life, half yearly, sum of money equal to half pay of a private, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. t Dougherty, Barnabas, private, Rev. army." Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789 at $40.00 per an. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). * Douglass, Robert, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 542). * Doivdle, TU"., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). Downes, Henry, Jnr. Esq. Com'd. 2^ Major of 28"" Batt'n. of the Militia in this Pro^^nce. Given in Convention at Annapolis, Jan. 3, Anno Domini, 1776. Pr. order Mat. Tilghman, Pres. "To the Honorable the Convention or Council of Safety of Md. The 2'^ Major's Birth being a very inactive post & the Battalion in great want of an adjutant; Colo. Fedeman has appointed me in w'hich station I shall from this Day endever to discharge my duty untill otherwise ordered by your Honours, at whose command I am allways at; & beg leave to resign this Commission. I am Gentlemen your most Obt. Soldier & Servent, Henr>^ Downs, Jr. April 10, 1776." (X, No. 60). Doivning, Butler. Passed Feb. 18, 1833 — No. 21. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Downing, widow of the late Butler Downing, a rev. soldier who died Nov. 18, 1829, $24.24 the amt. due him at death as a pensioner. Passed Mch. 5, 1835 — No. 29. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Downing, widow of Butler Downing, quarterly during her life, half pay of a private, for the ser\aces of her husband during the rev. war. Downing, Nathaniel. Passed Dec. session, 1817 — No. 22. Treas. Western Shore pay to Nathaniel Downing, of Prince George's county, an 23 338 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS old rev. soldier, half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for the services rendered his country in that war. Due, James. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 71. Treas. Western Shore to pay to James Due, late a rev. soldier, quarterly, during life a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private. * Due, James, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). Duer, Joshua, Gentleman, Com'd. Ensign in Capt. Holland's Co. of Militia in the Snow Hill Battalion, in Worcester Co. Given at Baltimore Town, Aug. 30th. Thos. Johnson. (On the back), Worcester, Aug. 3, 1781. I do hereby resign the within commission. Joshua Duer. Joshua Duer, Ensign resigned. Steven Allen recom'd. 1782. Duffee, Thos. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 25. Treas. pay to Thos. DufTee, of Harford county, for life, quarterly, half pay of sergeant, for his services during rev. war. Passed Mch. 16, 1835 — No. 15. Treas. Western Shore pay to Bridget Duffee, widow of Thomas Duffee, a soldier of the rev., the half pay of a sergeant during her life, in quarterly payments. Duffee, Thomas. Passed Mch. 16, 1835 — No. 37. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Moores, for use of Bridget Duffee, widow of Thomas Duffee of Harford county, a rev. soldier, $7.50, the amt. due him at time of his death, as a pensioner. * Dunn, W"'., private, Pulaski's corps (Jan. 1820, p. 542). Dtmning, Butler. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 40. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Butler Dunning, of Charles county, half pay of a private for his rev. war services. * Duppelle, Antoiene, private, Hazen's Regt. (Jan. 1820, p. 543). * Duvall, Benj. of Elisha, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). Duvall, Benjamin. Feb. 18, 1822 (No. 32, p. 177). Treas. of Western shore directed to pay unto Benj. Duvall, of Elisha, an old revolutionary soldier, half pay of a private, — as a further remuneration for the services rendered his country during the rev. war. Duvall, Benj. Passed Feb. 16, 1830 — No. 21. Treas. Western Shore pay to Benj. L. Gantt, for use of Benj. Duvall, Jr. of Prince George's county, executor of Benj. Duvall (of Elisha), of said county, a rev. sol- dier, who died Jan. 30, 1830, $33.22, the amount due him at death as a pensioner. Duval, Joseph. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 39. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Joseph Duval, of Montgomery county, an old soldier, for life, half pay of a private, for his services during rev. war. Dyer, Lieut. Walter. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 9. Treas. Western Shore pay to Walter Dyer, a lieut. in the rev. war, quarterly, REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 339 during life, half pay of a lieut. as a further remuneration for his services during the American war. t Eaerl, James, private, Pa. Line, age 84, from Frederick county, died Apr. II, 1830''. Pensioned Nov. i, 1821 at $96.00 per an., from Sept. 20, 1821. (Rec'd. $821.86. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). Ebbs, Emanuel. Passed Dec. session, 181 5 — No. 48. Treas. Western Shore pay to Emanuel Ebbs, late a private in the rev. war, quarterly, half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Ebbs, Emanuel, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). * Edgar, James, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). * Eikelberger, John, private. Pa. Line Qan. 1820, p. 543). * Eisell, John, private, German Reg't. (Jan. 1820, p. 543). Eisell, John. Passed Mch. 9, 1832 — No. 83. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Eisell, of Baltimore, a soldier of the rev. war, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. EllicoU. Passed Feb. 18, 1823, 1822-23, p. 123. Ellicott Jonath, Elias, Geo. Benj. Thos. & Chas. T. Ellicott (inf. son of James deed.), & the ch. of Andrew Ellicott deed. — incorp. Avalon Co. — Patapsco Falls. * EllicoU, Robert, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). Elliott, John, Gentleman. Com'd. i st. Lieut, of Co. of Militia in Dorchester Co. Called The Friendship Co., of which you have been elected 1st. Lieut., persuant to the Resolves of the Last Convention, of the Province. Given in Convention at Annapolis, Jan. 3d., 1776. Pr. order Mat. Tilghman Pres. (X, No. 66). Spencer Waters, Capt. John EUet Resigns first Lieut. Isaac Reed, 2d. Lieut. Nehemiah Mezzek, Ensign. John Tedyford, 1st. Sergeant. t Elliott, John. Wagoner, of Baltimore county, in Rev. army, pensioned Dec. 26, 181 1, under Act. of July 5, 1812, at $30.00 per annum (received $95-75) • (U. S. Pension Roll, 1835, p. 5). Elliott, Robert. Passed Nov. session 181 1 — No. 26. Treas. Western Shore pay to Robert Elliott, of Harford county, a wounded rev. soldier, during life, the half pay of a private in the Md. Line. Elliott, Thomas. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 45. Treas. Western Shore pay unto Thos. Elliott, an old rev. soldier — half pay of a private during the remainder of his life, as a further remuneration for his services. * Elliott, Thomas, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). * Elliott, Thomas, 2^. private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). Elliott, Thomas. Passed Mch. 2, 1827 — No. 30. Treas. to pay to Thomas Elliott, of Baltimore, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his services during the re\'. war. 340 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Ellis, Michael. Mch. 9, 1826 — No. 112, p. 262. Treas. Western Shore pay to Michael Ellis, of Craven county, N. C. during life, half pay of a fifer, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Elliss, Thos. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 48. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Thomas Elliss, of Harford county, half pay of a private, as further compensation for his rev. war services. * Ellis, Thomas, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). Emory, Charles. Passed Nov. session 1801 — No. 9. Treas. Western Shore pay to Charles Emory, or order, "]£; bal. due him, an old bargeman, for his services on board of the barges during the late war, as appears by a voucher under the hand of the auditor. Ennis, Leonard. Passed Feb. 23, 1838 — No. 10. Treas. Western Shore pay to Jane Bishop, who was the widow of Leonard Ennis, a soldier of the rev. the half pay of a private during her life, as a further remuneration for his services. * Ervin, James, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543) * Etchberger, W'^, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). * Etchherger, Wolfgang, private, German Reg't. (Jan. 1820, p. 543). * Evans, Thomas, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). Evans, Thomas. Passed Mch. i, 1830 — No. 64. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas Evans, of Frederick county, during life quarterly, half pay of a private, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Reg. of land office is also directed to issue to said Thos. Evans, soldier of the rev. warrant and later a patent for 50 acres of vacant land westward of Fort Cumberland, in Allegany county, without composition money. Evans, Thomas. Passed Mch. 4, 1834 — No. 41. Treas. Western Shore pay to Eleann Evans, widow of Thomas Evans of Frederick county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. t Evans, W"^., private. Rev. army". Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, at S40.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Ewing, Capt. James. Passed Nov. 1785, Vol. 11, Chap. XVL Gen. Assembly granted half pay of a capt., for disability acquired in the service, to James Ewing, late a capt. in the Md. Line in the Continental army. t Eyen, Frederick, private, Rev. army". Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, at $40.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789. (Reed. $480.00. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). Fairbroiher, Francis. Passed Nov. session, 1806 — No. 2. Treas. of Western Shore pay to Francis Fairbrother, of Anne-Arundel county, late a soldier in the rev. war, half yearly payts., the half pay of a private. Fairbrother, Francis. Passed Mch. 6, 1832 — No. 72. Treas. Western Shore pay to Patience Fairbrother, of Anne Arundel county, widow of REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 341 Francis Fairbrother, a soldier of the rev. war, half yearly, the half pay of a private, for the services rendered by her husband during said war. Pearson, Joseph. Passed Dec. session 181 5 — No. 32. Treas. Western Shore pay to Joseph Fearson, during his life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for his services during the revolution. Fennell, Stephen. Passed Feb. 13, 1833 — No. 36. Treas. Western Shore pay to Stephen Fennell, of Brown county, O., during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for the services rendered by him during the rev. war. t Ferguson, John, private. Rev. army*. Pensioned at $60.00 per an. from Jan. i, 1803; reed. $670.68. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). t Ferrara, Emmanuel, private. Rev. army*. Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789, at $40.00 per an. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). Fickle, Benj. Lieut. Passed Mch. 2, 1827 — No. 23. Treas. to pay to Benj. Fickle, of Muskingum covmty, Ohio, during life, half yearly, half pay of a lieutenant, for his services during the rev. war. * Fields, George, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). t Finleyson, George, private, Rev. army*. Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789 at $40.00 per an. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 20). * Fisher, Joseph, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). * Fisher, Philip, private, German Regt. (Jan. 1820, p. 544). t Fisher, Philip, private. Rev. army, of Frederick county. Pensioned Feb. 8, 1828, at $40.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789, under Act of June 7, 1785 (reed. $1,085.64) — at $64.00 per an. Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $133.40). (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 13). t Fisher, Philip, private, Md. Line, age 86, from Frederick county''. Pensioned Jan. 26, 1819 at $96.00 per an., from Apr. 8, 1818. (Rec'd. $1,526.93. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). Fitzgerald, Benj. Passed Mch. 7, 1834 — No. 50. Treas. Western Shore pay to Benj. Fitzgerald, of Ky., during life, quarterly, half pay of a Quarter Master Sergeant, for the services rendered by him during the rev. war. Fitzgerald, Nicholas. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 36. Treas. is directed to pay to Nicholas Fitzgerald, of Washington county, half pay of a private for his rev. war services. Fitzhugh, Capt. W"'. Passed Nov. 1791 — No. 10. "Resolved that the half pay of a captain on the British establishment be allowed to W". Fitzhugh, of Calvert county, to be computed by the auditor from Sept. 3, 1783, until Nov. I, 1 791, & that the treas. of the Western Shore be author- ized and directed to issue a certificate, bearing legal interest therefor, to the said W™. Fitzhugh." Fitzpatrick, Nathan. Passed Mch. 11, 1840 — No. 23. Treas. Western Shore pay to Nathan Fitzpatrick, a soldier of the rev., or order, quarterly, during his life, the half pay of a private, from Jan. i, 1840. 342 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS * Fletcher, Philip, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). * Fling, James, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 543). Fling, James. Feb. 24, 1824 — No. 27. Treas. directed to pay to James Fling, of Montgomery county, during life, quarterly the half pay of a sergeant, further comp. for his services during the rev. war. Passed Jan. 23, 1837 — No. 11. Treas. Western Shore pay to Henry Harding for use of James W. Fling, executor of James Fling, $7.00, balance of his pension at time of his death. t Flanagan, Dennis, private, Rev. army*. Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789, at $40.00 per an.; reed. $160.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). Foggett, Richard. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 35. Treas. to pay Richard Foggett, of Anne Arundel county, late a soldier in the rev. war, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Foggett, Richard. Passed Mch. 19, 1835 — No. 72. Treas. Western Shore pay to Artridge Foggett, of Anne Arundel county, the amt. due her late husband, Richard Foggett, upon the pension list of this State, at the time of his death. Passed Mch. 20, 1835 — No. 65. Treas. Western Shore pay to Artridge Foggitt, widow of Richard Foggitt, a soldier of the rev. the half pay of a private, quarterly, during life. Foggett, Richard. Passed Feb. 6, 1850 — No. 27. State Treas. pay to order of legal representatives of Arthridge Foggett, the arrears of pension due her on May 20, 1849, dated from Jan. i, 1849, as per res. No. 65, passed Dec. session, 1834. Passed Feb. 14, 1850 — No. 31. Treas. of Md. pay to Gassaway Owens, legal representative of Arthridge Foggett, arrears of pension due the latter. t Fogler, Simon, private Rev. army". Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785 from Sept. 4, 1793, at $20.00 per an.; reed. $160.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). Ford, Hezekiah. Treas. Western Shore Feb. 9, 1822 (No. 20, p. 176) directed to pay to Hezekiah Ford, of Cecil county, an old Revolutionary officer- — the half pay of a Lieutenant during the remainder of his life, as remuneration for his meritorious services. * Ford, Joseph, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). t Ford, Joseph, captain, Rev. army". Pensioned at $120.00 per an. from Jan. I, 1803; reed. $1101.33; died in 1812. (U.S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). Ford, Joseph. Passed Mch. 4, 1837 — No. 33. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Ford, widow of Joseph Ford, half pay of a second lieut. during her life, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 343 Forrest, Uriah, Gentleman. Com'd. I st. Lieut, of the Second Inde- pendent Co. of Regular Troops to be raised in this Province for the Defense of the Liberties thereof. Given in Convention at Annapolis, Jan. 6, A.D., 1776. Pr. order Mat. Tilghman, Pres. (X, No. 74). (Reverse) "I, Uriah Forrest do swear that I will well & truly Execute my Office according to the within Commission and the Trust reposed in me according to the best of my power of ability and that I will disband & lay down my Warlike arms whenever I shall be ordered so to do by the Convention of Maryland for the time being or any Authority dirived under it so help me God." Sworn before me this 22d. Jan. 1776. Richd. Barnes. Forrest, Mrs. Rebecca. Passed Feb. 12, 1844 — No. 17. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ann Green and Maria Bohrer, sole surviving children of Mrs. Rebecca Forrest, bal. due her, up to time of her death, on the pension list of the State. * Foster, Thos., private, Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). Fowler, Thos. M. [War of 1812], Feb. 17, 1820 — No. 52. Gov. and council are directed to pass the acct. of Thos M. Fowler, deceased, commissary to the 6th brigade of Md. militia for rations furnished Col. Athenations Fen wick's reg. from 19 July to 17 Aug. 18 14. Fo.x, Anthony. Passed Nov. session, 1806 — No. i. Treas. Western Shore pay to Anthony Fox, of Anne-Arundel county, late a soldier in the rev. war, half yearly payts., half pay of a private. Franklin, Thomas and Neth, Lewis, Jr., [War of 1812]]. Furnished cartouch boxes — belts — payment Feb. 26, 1824, p. 172, Res. 35. * Franks, John, private. Conn. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). Frazier, James. Passed Feb. 14, 1820 — No. 21. Treas. pay to James Frazier, of Dorchester county, an old soldier in the rev. war, for life, quarterly, half pay of a private, "as a further remuneration for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted." Frazier, James. Passed Mch. 9, 1847 — No. 31. Treas. pay to Susan Frazier, or to her order, balance of any pension due to James Frazier, at the time of his death. Resolved, That the pension heretofore paid by the State to James Frazier be continued and paid to widow Susan Frazier, during her natural life. Frazier, Lieut. Levin. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 32. Treas. pay to Levin Frazier, of Dorchester county, an old rev. officer, for life, quarterly, half pay of a first Lieut, for his services during the rev. war. * Frazier, Levin. Lieut., Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). Frazier, Levi?i. Passed Jan. 10, 1843 — No. 2. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Frazier of Dorchester county, widow of Le\dn Frazier, a 344 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS lieut. in the war of Rev., half pay of a lieut. during her life, quarterly, commencing July 5, 1842; also pay to said Elizabeth Frazier arrears of pension due to her said husband at time of his death under resolution passed at Dec. session, 1819. Frazier, Levin. Passed Feb. 18, 1848 — No. 28. Treas. pay to Priscilla Jackson, legal representative of Elizabeth Frazier, $8.00, bal. of pension due said Elizabeth Frazier at her death. Passed Mch. 4, 1850 — No. 51. Treas. pay to Saml. Harrington, trustee of the late EHzabeth Frazier, $18.22, the amt. of pension money due her at death. Frazier, Penelope. Passed Jan. 29, 1850 — No. 7. State Treas. pay to Priscilla Frazier, executrix of Penelope Frazier, late of Baltimore county, deceased, or order, whatever sum may be due the estate of the said testator, at her death Dec. 2, 1848, as a pensioner of this State. Frazier, Samuel. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 6. Treas. Western Shore pay to Samuel Frazier, of Harford county, quarterly, half pay of a private soldier, as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country during her struggle for independence. Frazier, Samuel. Passed Mch. 16, 1836 — No. 70. Treas. Western Shore pay to Penelope Frazier, widow of Samuel Frazier, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private during her life. Frazer, Capt. Solomon. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 80. Treas. Western Shore required to pay to Solomon Frazier, or to his order, in quarterly payments, during life, the half pay of a captain. Frazier, Capt. Solomon. Passed Feb. 9, 1822 — No. 21, p. 176. Treas. Western Shore directed to pay to Capt. Solomon Frazier $337-50 "balance of rations due him while in the sers-ice of the State of Md. during the rev. war. " Frazier, W^"". Passed Feb. 7, 1840 — No. 7. Treas. Western Shore pay to Henrietta M. Frazier, of the city of Baltimore, widow of W"°. Frazier, who was a lieut. in the rev. war, or to her order, quarterly, commencing with Jan. I, 1840, the half pay of a lieut. during her life, as a further remuneration for the services of her deceased husband. Frisby, James, Gentleman. Com'd. 2^ Lieut of Capt. W". Frisby's Co. of Militia in Kent County, June 7, 1776. Given at Annapohs by Council of Safety, Danl. of St. Thos. Jenifer, J. Hall, Jas. Tilghman, W-". Hayward. Fulford, John. Capt. of a Company of Matrosses, Mch. I, 1776 — see More, Nicholas Ruxton. Gadd, Thomas. Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. ID. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas Gadd, late a private soldier in the rev. war, a sum of money, quarterly payts., equal to half pay of a private. * Gadd, Thomas, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 345 Gaither, Benj., late sheriff of Anne Arundel & John M. Gaither — Laws of Md. Dec. Sess. 1825 — Res. No. loi, p. 260. Gaither, Zachariah, Gentleman. Com'd. Ensign of Capt. Basil Burgess' Company (late John Burgess) in the Elk Ridge Battn. of Anne Arundel Co. Militia. Given at AnnapoHs this 30"' Day of Mch. A.D. 1779. Thos. Johnson. (Original comn. in possession of Mr. Otho S. Gaither, Chicago, 111.) Gale, Henry. Capt. in Salisbury Batln. of Somerset Co. Militia, Jan. 7, 1777 — see Handy, Levin. Gallaher, John. Passed Nov. 1798 — No. 8. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Gallaher, late soldier in the 6"" Md. reg. 6i£-is-5d, the amt. of depreciation of pay due him for his services as a soldier aforesaid. Gallagher, Capt. John, U. S. NaA^ — see Towson, Nathan [1812]. Galuvrth, Gabriel. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 14. Treas. Western Shore pay to Gabriel Galworth, of Montgomery county, late a private in the rev. war. quarterly, half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Galworth, Gabriel, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). t Gambare, Joh?i, private. Rev. army, of Frederick county. Pensioned Feb. 8, 1828 at $40.00 per an. under Act of June 7, 1785, dating from Mch. 4, 1789 (reed. $1,085.64) — at $64.00 per an. from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $983.27). (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 13). Gambell, Abraham. Passed Nov. 1791 — No. 9. Abraham Gambell, late a soldier in the first Md. reg. was wounded through the shoulder at Camden, Apr. 21, 1781 — unable to support himself by labour; Gov. grant unto Abraham Gambell, in future, such sum as, with the allowance he receives from the U. S., will equal half monthly pay which he received when in the continental service — drawn on Treas. of Western Shore, and charged to the U. S. t Gamble, Abraham, private. Rev. army. Pensioned, Act of Mch. 3. 1809, from Jan. 18, 1809, at $60.00 per an.; reed. $187.67. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). Gambrel, Gideon. Passed Mch. 2, 1827 — No. 25. Treas. to pay to Gideon Gambrel, of Caroline county, during life, half yearly, the half pay of a private for his services during the rev. war. t Garth, James, private. Rev. army\ Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, at $40.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789; reed. $980.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). Gassaway, Lieut. Henry. Passed Nov. session 1804 — No. 2. Treas, Western Shore pay to Henry Gassaway, of Anne-Arundel county, late a lieut. in the rev. war, half pay of a lieut., quarterly payts., during life, as a 346 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS further reward to those meritorious services which he rendered his country in estabHshing her Hberty and independence. Cassaway, Capt. John. Passed Dec. session, 1 815 — No. 17. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Gassaway, late a capt. of the Md. troops in the rev. war, — during Hfe, half pay of a captain. * Gassaway, John, captain, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). Gassaway, John. Feb. 10, 1820 — No. 15. Treas is directed to pay to Elizabeth L. Gassaway, of Annapolis, during her widowhood, half pay of a captain as a further compensation for those services rendered by her late husband, John Gassaway, during rev. war. Gassaway, General John. Passed Dec. 19, 1821 — No. 4, p. 174. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth L. Gassaway, widow of Gen. John Gassaway, of Annapolis, $38.00 due on rev. pension at his death. * Gatchell, Sanil. H., captain Mass. Line — dead (Jan. 1820, p. 544). Gates, W'". Passed Dec. session, 181 5 — No. 33. Treas. Western Shore pay to W™. Gates, quarterly, during life, the half pay of a private, as a remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Gerrish, Edward and Allen, Jacob. Passed Nov. session, 1812 — No. 56. Treas. Western Shore pay unto Edwd. Gerrish and Jacob Allen, — half pay of privates, as a further remuneration to them for those services by which their country has been so essentially benefitted. * Gerrish, Edward, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). Geissinger, David, Capt. Passed Jan. 28, 1830 — No. 9. Gen. Assembly of Md. entertain a high sense of the gallantry of David Geissinger, native of Md. and a Captain in U. S. Navy, (details given). Governor is authorized to present a sword in approbation of his gallant conduct in the late war. Gibhart, Peter. Passed Dec. session, 181 5 — No. 31. Treas. Western Shore pay to Peter Gibhart, $200.00 in full compensation for those services which he rendered during the rev. war. * Gilman, Joseph, private. Conn. Line — died 16^^ May, 1819 Qan. 1820, P- 544)- Gilpin, W"'. Passed Mch. 2, 1827 — No. 26. Treas. to pay to W". Gilpin, of Jefferson county, Va. during life, half yearly, the half pay of a private for his services during the rev. war. * Glazier, John, private, Conn. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). * Goddard, Edward Barton, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). * Goddard, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). Goddard, John. Passed Feb. 23, 1829 — No. 29. Treas. pay to John Goddard, of Prince George's county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Goddard, John. Passed Jan. 17, 1833 — No. 3. Treas. Western Shore REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 347 pay to Raphael C. Edelen, for use of Benj. Goddard, of Prince George's county, only child and representative of John Goddard, of said county, a rev. soldier who died Sept. 2, 1832, $16.89, the amt. due him at death, as a pensioner. Godman, Capt. Saml. Passed Mch. 10, 1856. Comr. land office issue to legal representatives of Capt. Saml. Godman, an officer of the Md. Line during the rev. war, a common warrant for 200 acres of vacant land, lying to the westward of Fort Cumberland, in Allegany county, and to issue a patent, &c. t Golden, Walter, private in Rev. army, of Baltimore county; pensioned Nov. 10, 1814 at $30.00 per annum, commencing May 11, 1814 (received $24.50). (U. S. Pension Roll, 1835, p. 6). * Goldsberry, Charles, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). Coldsborough, Chas. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 34. Treas. Western Shore pay to Chas. Goldsborough, half pay of a private, as an additional compensation for those services which contributed to the establishment of his country's independence. Goldsborough, Ann. Passed Mch. Ii, 1834 — No. 62. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ann Goldsborough, of Saint Mary's county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Goldsmith, Thomas. Passed Feb. 24, 1836 — No. 46. Reg. land office issue a warrant for 200 acres soldier's land in Allegany county, westward of Fort Cumberland to James Mills, Thos. Mills, EHzabeth Mills, Sarah Campfield & Harriet Goldsmith, heirs at law of Thos. Goldsmith deceased, and their heirs without any tithng, &c. Gomber, John. Feb. 18, 1825. No. 26, p. 159. Treas. to pay to John Gomber, of Frederick county, during life, half pay of a private, further comp. his rev. war services. Gordon, Archibald. Passed Nov. session, 1807 — No. 2. Treas. Western Shore pay to Archibald Gordon, of Cecil county, late a meritorious soldier in the rev. war, in quarterly payts., half pay of a private, as a provision to him in his indigent situation when advanced in life, and — for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Gordon, Archibald, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). Gordon, John. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 41. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Elizabeth Gordon, widow of John Gordon, a rev. soldier, during her life half pay of a private. Gorrell, Thomas (of Hannah) a minor, of Harford county chgd. to Thomas Jeff ery — ^Jan. 12, 1825, Chap. 19, p. 14. Gould, W"". Passed Feb. 10, 1830 — No. 21. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Gould, of Dorchester county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a 348 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS private, as further remuneration for the services rendered by her husband William Gould, during the rev. war. Graves, Richard. Passed Jan. 30, 1822. Treas. Western Shore in favor of Richard Graves, the brigade Major of the 6"" brigade, — for services performed during the late war. Gray, George. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 41. Treas. pay to George Gray, of Charles county, for life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. Green, Henry. Passed Mch. 6, 1850 — No. 61. Treas. of Md. pay to Elizabeth Green, widow of Henry Green, a private in the war of the Amer. Rev., half pay of a private for the remainder of her Hfe, from Jan. i, 1850. Green, Capt. Lewis. [AVar of 1812]. Feb. 15, 1820, No. 22. t Green, W'"., private. Rev. army, of Charles county. Pensioned from Mch. 4, 1789, under Act of June 7, 1785, at $40.00 per annum (reed. $1,085.64) — at $64.00 per an. Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $407.27) and died in 1822. (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 12). Greentree, Benj. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 24. Treas. pay to Benj. Greentree, of Montgomery county, during life, quarterly, half pay of private, for his services during rev. war. Greentree, Benj. Passed Mch. 3, 1840 — No. 15. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Greentree, of Frederick county, widow of Benj. Greentree, a soldier of the rev. or order, the sum of $10.00 for one quarter pension due her late husband at the time of his death. Treas. Western Shore also directed to pay to the said Mary Greentree, during life, quarterly, from Jan. i, 1840, the half pay of a private, in consideration of the services of her late husband during the rev. war. Greentree, Benj. Passed Jan. 26, 1848 — No. 14. State Treas. pay to Elizabeth Beall, or order, any money due to Mary Greentree at time of her death. Griffin, Nathan. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 35. Treas. Western Shore pay to Nathan Grififin, of Dorchester county, an old soldier, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, as a compensation for his services in the late rev. war. Griffith, Maj. Philemon. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 57. Treas. Western Shore pay to Philemon Griffith, an old rev. officer, half pay of a Major, for his services during the rev. war. Griffith, Capt. Samuel. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 64. Treas. Western Shore pay to Samuel Grififith, an old rev. officer, during life, quarterly, half pay of a captain, for his services during the rev. war. Passed Feb. 10, 1834 — No. 18. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ruth Grififith, widow of Samuel Grififith, of Montgomery county, a rev. soldier, the amt. of pension due to her husband at time of his death. RE\^OLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 349 * Griffith, Samuel. Capt. Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). Grove, David. Feb. 17, 1820 — No. 54. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay David Grove, of Washington county, half pay of a private for his rev. war service. Passed Mch. 6, 1832 — No. 54. Treas. Western Shore pay to Catharine Grove, widow of David Grove, a soldier of the rev. war, during widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a private for the services rendered by her husband during said war. Grove, W"". Passed Mch. i, 1850 — No. 48. Treas. pay to Mary Grove, widow of W"^. Grove, a rev. soldier, late of Allegany county, deceased, such sum of money, commencing Jan. i, 1850, during her life, as will equal the half pay of a private. Grover, W"'. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 30. Treas. pay to W". Grover, of Allegany county, late a private in the Md. Line, during the rev. war, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private. * Groves, W"'., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). Gudgeon, W"". Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 68. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to W"". Gudgeon, of Kent county, an old rev. soldier — half pay of a private for his service during the rev. war. Gudgeon, W'". Feb. 17, 1824 — No. 21. Treas. Western Shore pay to W"". Gudgeon, of Kent county, half pay of a private, as further pay for services during rev. war — also present sum due him. Gudgeon, W"'. Passed Mch. 11, 1828 — No. 11. Treas. West Shore pay to representatives of W"". Gudgeon, deceased, a rev. soldier, such sum as may appear to have been due him at death. Passed Feb. 20, 1829 — No. 22. Treas. pay to Benj. Gudgeon, one of the heirs of W"". Gudgeon, late of Kent county, whatever sum may have been due to the said W". Gudgeon from the state of Md. at time of his decease, on account of his rev. services. Gudgington, William — see Davis, Samuel stricken from list. Gwyn, John. Passed Mch. 21, 1837 — No. 54. Treas. Western Shore pay to Julia Gwyn, widow of John Gwyn, the half pay of a sergeant during her life, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. Hafley, Stephen. Passed Feb. 18, 1830 — No. 31. Treas. Western Shore pay to Stephen Hafiey, of Frederick county, during Hfe, quarterly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. Halkerstone, Robert and others. Passed Nov. session, 181 1 (Jan. 6, 1812) — No. 36. Treas. Western Shore be, and is hereby requested to pay unto Robert Halkerstone (see res. Dec. 181 7), of Charles county, Edward Tillard of Montgomery county, John MCoy, John S[prigg] Belt, Gassaway Watkins, Cornelius H. Mills and John J. Jacob, and each and every one of them, or their order, the sum of $125.00, annually, during 350 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS their lives, in quarterly payments, out of any unappropriated monies in the treasury. Halkerson, Lieut. Robert. Passed Dec. session, 1817 — No. 20. Treas. Western Shore pay to Robert Ha'kerson, of Charles county, an old rev. officer, quarterly, the half pay of a lieutenant for life, instead of the sum allowed him by a resolution passed Jan. 6th, 1812 [No. 36]. * Halker stone, Robert, Heutenant, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Hall, Richard. Passed Feb. 2, 1832 — No. 17. Treas. Western Shore pay to Richard Hall, of Anne Arundel county, a soldier of the rev. war, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his servces during said war. Hall, Richard. Passed Jan. 5, 1841 — No. 3. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mrs. Ann Cadle, legal representative of Richd. Hall, deceased, a pen- sioner of State of Md., $17.60, amt. due said Hall at time of his death. Hamilton, Capt. John A. Feb. 25, 1824 — No. 34, p. 172. Treas. to pay to Margaret Hamilton, of Baltimore, the half pay of a Capt., as further remuneration for her husband, Capt. John A. Hamilton's services during the rev. war. Hammond, Elizabeth. Passed Mch. 5, 1844 — No. 33. Treas. pay to Elizabeth Hammond, of Frederick county, during her life, half pay of a private in consideration of services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. * Hammond, Peter, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). t Hammond, Peter, private, Md. Line, age 79, from Frederick county. Pensioned'' Apr. 3, 1819 at $96.00 per an. from Apr. 8, 1818. (Reed. $230.40. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). * Han, David, fifer. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). t Han, David, fifer. Pa. Line, age 78, from Frederick county. Pensioned'' Feb. I, 1819, at $96.00 per an. from Jan. 29, 1819. (Reed. $538.66. U.S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). * Handell, John, private, N. Y. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Handy, Capt. George. Passed Feb. 9, 1820 — No. 13. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Elizabeth Handy, widow of George Handy late a captain in the rev. war, half pay of a captain. Passed Feb. 19, 1838 — No. 14. Treas. Western Shore pay to Anne G. Handy, executrix of Elizabeth Handy, late of Somerset county, $54.00, bal. of pension money due said EHz. Handy. Handy, Isaac. Passed Mch. 14, 1838 — No. 29. Treas. Western Shore pay to Priscilla Woolford, of Somerset county, the former widow of Isaac Handy, half pay of a private during her life, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Handy, Levin, Gentleman. Com'd. Ensign of Capt. Henry Gale's Company in the Salisbury Batt'n. of Militia in Somerset Co. Given at REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 351 Annapolis, Jan. 7, 1777. Thos. Johnson. Resigned May 12, 1778. To Col. Day Scott. (X, No. 93). Endorsement: Williams, Thomas (Sept. 22, 1777) says "Capt. Cole's Company" — Levin Handy, Ensign. Handy, Capt. Levin. Passed Feb. 9, 1822 — No. 19, p. 176. Treas. Western Shore pay to Nancy Handy, widow of Levin Handy late a Captain in the rev. war, during life, quarterly, half pay of a captain. Handy, Thomas. Ensign in Princess Anne Battn. of Militia in Somerset Co. after Jan. 7, 1778 — see Williams, Thomas. Haney, W"". Passed Apr. i, 1839 — No. 61. Treas. Western Shore pay to Susanna Haney, of city of Baltimore, widow of W°. Haney, a soldier of the Rev. war, or to her order, half pay of a private of the Rev. during her life, quarterly, commencing Jan. i, 1839, in consideration of the services of her said husband. Hanson, Lieut. Isaac. Passed Nov. 1785, Vol. 11, Chap. XVI. Gen. Assembly granted half pay of a lieut. for disability acquired in the service, to Isaac Hanson, a lieut. in the Md. line in the Continental army. Hanspan, John Codlep. Passed Dec. session, 1817 — No. 23. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Codlep Hanspan, of Anne- Arundel county, an old soldier, quarterly, the half pay of a private [Rev. ser\aces]. * Hanspan, Cutlip, private Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Harman, Lazarus. Passed Apr. Session 1792 — No. i. Governor grant to Lazarus Harman half the monthly pay he received in the continental service, by orders on Treas. Western Shore, chargeable to the U. S. * Harman, Lazarus, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). * Harper, Samuel A., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Harper, Samuel. Passed Feb. 28, 1832 — No. 47. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Harper, widow of Samuel Harper, a soldier of the rev. war, during widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a private, for services rendered by her said husband. Harper, W"". Passed Nov. session, 181 2 — No. 54. Treas. Western Shore pay unto W"". Harper, late a private in the rev. war, — half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Harper, W"'. Passed Feb. 18, 1846 — No. 21. Treas. of State pay Bethula Harper, of Dorchester county, widow of the late W". Harper, who was a private in the Rev., during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, in consideration of the services of her husband. t Harris, Saml., matross. Rev. army, of Montgomery county. Pen- sioned at $40.00 per an. from Oct. 26, 1810 (reed. $219.99)— at $64.00 from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $631.27). Died Sept. 19, 1826. (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 16). Harris, Solomon. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 42. 352 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Treas. Western Shore pay to Solomon Harris, of Dorchester county, quarterly, during life, half pay of a private, — in further remuneration &c. Harrison, Kinsey. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 12. Treas. Western Shore pay to Kinsey Harrison, of Anne- Arundel county, late a private in the rev. war, quarterly, half pay of a private during his life, as a further remuneration for his services. * Harrison, Kinsey, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Harrison, Robert H. Passed Mch. 11, 1840 — No. 28. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Easton and Dorothy Storer, the legal representatives of Robert H. Harrison, or their order, a sum equal to three years half pay as Aid-de-Camp to the Commander-in-Chief, as a compensation for the services of the said Robert H. Harrison, in the war of the revolution, and that sum shall be in full of all claims the representatives of said Robert H. Harrison has against the said State for bounty lands. * Hart, Nicholas, private, R. L Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Hartshorn, John, Lieut. Passed Feb. 13, 1836 — No. 17. Treas. Western Shore pay to Nancy Williams, widow of John Hartshorn, who was a lieut. in the rev., during widowhood, half pay of a lieut., for the services of her late husband. Harvy, Zadok. Passed Jan. 6, 1812 — No. 37. Treas. Western Shore pay to Zadok Harvy, of Dorchester county, an old rev. soldier, the half pay of a private during the remainder of his life, as a remuneration for his meritorious services. * Harvey, Zadock, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Hawkins, Thomas — see Nov. session 1804 — No. i, of Frederick co. Hawman, Elizabeth. Passed Mch. i, 1850 — No. 48. Treas. pay to Philip & Frederick Hawman, legal heirs and representatives of Elizabeth Hawman, deceased, or order, $10.00, bal. of pension due her at her death. Hays, John. Passed Mch. 9, 1836 — No. 52. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Hays, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private during life, in consideration of his rev. services. * Hayes, John Hawkins, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Hays, John H. Passed Feb. 3, 1828 — No. 9. Treas. Western Shore pay to John H. Hays, of St. Mary's county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Passed Jan. 18, 1839 — No. 6. Treas. Western Shore pay to Joseph F. Shaw, for use of Teresa Hays, widow of John H. Hays, a soldier of the rev., bal. of pension due at his death, Sept. 29, 1838. Passed Mch. 8, 1850 — No. 75. Treas. of State pay to Theresa Hays of Saint Mary's county, widow of John H. Hays, a private in the war of the Amer. Rev., half pay of a private for the remainder of her life, commencing Jan. I, 1850. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 353 Hayward, Thomas, Esq. Com'd. Col. of Princess Anne Battalion in Somerset Co. Given at Annapolis, Aug. 30, 1777. Th. Johnson. To Thomas Simm Lee. (X, No. 95). Resigned Jan. 19, 1781. Haywood, Thomas. Passed Mch. 10, 1832 — No. 78. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thos. Haywood, of Saint Mary's county, a soldier of the rev. war, during life, yearly, half pay of a private, for his services during the said war. Hazelip, Richard. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 33. Treas. is directed to pay to Richd. Hazelip, of Washington county, half pay of a private — his services during rev. war. Head, John — Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 58. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Head, an old rev. soldier, the half pay of a private for his services in the rev. war. * Head, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Heaton, James. Passed Mch. 9, 1827 — No. 41. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Heaton, of Berks county. Pa. during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for her husband, James Heaton's services during the rev. war. * Helmer, John W'^., private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Hempston, W"'. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 66. Treas. Western Shore pay to W". Hempston, of Montgomery county, an old rev. soldier, the half pay of a private soldier. Hempston, W"'. Passed Mch. 7, 1834 — No. 51. Treas. Western Shore pay to Nathan T. Hempston, of Montgomery county, whatever sum of money may appear due his father, W"". Hempston, deceased, upon the pension list [rev. war, according to Index], at time of his death. \ Herron, James, private Rev. army, of Baltimore county; pensioned from Aug. 8, 18 14 at $96.00 per annum (received $343.00) — died Sept. 4, 1818. (U. S. Pension Roll, 1835, p. 7). * Hewett, Robert, private. Conn. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Hewitt, Joseph. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 55. Treas. Western Shore pay to Joseph Hewitt, the half pay of a private, quarterly during life, [Rev. services]. Hill, John. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 39. Treas. Western Shore pay annually to John Hill, during life, in quarterly payts., a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private. [Indexed and carried under. Rev. pensioners — G. M. B.] * Hill, John, private, Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Hill, John. Passed Mch. 5, 1828 — No. 25. Treas. Western Shore pay to George Hill, of Anne Arundel county, lawful heir & representative of John Hill, a rev. soldier (who died Feb. 5, last) whatever sum was due him at decease, from Md., on account of his rev. services. 24 354 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Hill, Richard. Passed Feb. lo, 1832 — No. 31. Reg. of land office issue to Lydia Brown and Ann Hill, of Saint Mary's county, legal representatives of Richard Hill, a soldier of rev. war, a common warrant for 50 acres vacant land in Allegany county and a patent upon survey, without compensation money. Hillman, W"". Passed Nov. session, 181 2 — No. 60. Treas. Western Shore pay to W"". Hillman — half pay of a soldier, as a remuneration to the said W". Hillman for services rendered his country in the rev. war, & as a relief from the indigence and misery which attend his old age. * Hilman, W'"., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Hillman, W"". Passed Mch. i, 1833 — No. 42. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sally Hillman, of Somerset county, widow of W"". Hillman, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Hilman, W'". Passed Feb. 5, 1846 — No. 13. Treas. pay to Constant D. Stanford for use of Nancy Stanford, Elizabeth Smith & Biddy Hilman, children & heirs at law of Sally Hilman, deceased, at time of her death, on account of a pension of $40.00 per annum granted to her, as the widow of W". Hilman, a soldier of the rev., in the Md. Line. \ Hinnis, Samuel, private. Rev. army". Pensioned Act of June 7, 1785 at $20.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789; reed. $450.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). \ Hirley, W'"., private. Rev. army*. Pensioned, Act June 7, 1785, at $40.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789; reed. $660.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). Hofley, Stephen. Passed Feb. 9, 1839 — No. 13. Treas. Western Shore pay to John B. Boyle, as per order of Mary Magdalene Hofley, widow of Stephen Hofley, a rev. pensioner, $31.22 for 9 months & 11 days pension, due said Stephen Hofley at time of his death. Passed Feb. 15, 1839 — No. 15. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Magdalene Hofley, widow of Stephen Hofley, a rev. soldier, or her order, half pay of a soldier of the rev. during her life, commencing Jan. i, 1839. Hollatid, Edward. Passed Jan. 22, 1836 — No. 25. Treas, Western Shore pay to Mary Holland, quarterly during life, half pay of a drummer, for the services of her husband, Edward Holland, during the rev. war. Holland, Jacob. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 81. Treas. Western Shore directed to pay to Jacob Holland, late a revolutionary, now a com- missioned officer, or to his order, annually, in quarterly payments during life, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a corporal of dragoons. Holland, James. Passed Feb. 19, 18 19 — No. 69. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Holland, late a private in the rev. war half pay of a private. Holland, John. Passed Mch. 13, 1837 — No. 38. Treas. Western Shore REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 355 pay to John Holland, half pay of a private during his life, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. * Holland, John T., private, Pulaski's Legion (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Holland, Joseph. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 69. Treas. Western Shore pay to Joseph Holland, late a rev. soldier, quarterly, during life, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private. * Hollafid, Joseph, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). t Holland, Joseph, private, Md. Line, age 76, from Frederick county*". Pensioned Oct. 8, 1818, at $96.00 from Apr. I, 1818. (Reed. $1,529.06. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). Hollydyoak, John. Passed Mch. 9, 1827 — No. 43. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ann Hollydyoak, of Annapolis, during Hfe, half yearly, half pay of a private, for her husband, John Hollydyoak's services during the rev. war. Hood, Edward. Passed Feb. 23, 1822 — No. 58, p. 180. Treas. Western Shore pay to Edward Hood, of Anne Arundel county, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. * Hood, Edward, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Hood, James. Passed Dec. session, 1817 (Feb. 6, 1818) — No. 33. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Hood, of Anne- Arundel county, quarterly, during his life, the half pay of asst. commissary, for his services during the rev. war. Hood, James, Lieut. Passed Mch. 28, 1832 — No. 90. Treas. Western Shore pay to Kitty Hood, widow of James Hood, a soldier of the rev. war, during widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a lieut. for the services rendered by her husband during said war. Passed Feb. 5, 1847 — No. 10. Treas pay to Isaiah Hood, bal. of any pension due on books of the treasury to Kitty Hood, at time of her death. Hook, Joseph. Passed Dec. session 181 5 — No. 9. Treas. Western Shore pay to Joseph Hook, late a corporal in the rev. war, — a sum of money equal to half pay of a corporal. * Hook, Joseph, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). t Hook, Joseph, private, Md. Line, age 76, from Frederick county*". Pensioned Sept. 22, 1818 at $96.00 per an., from Apr. 15, 1818. Dropped from roll, Act May I, 1820. (Reed. $181.33. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). Hooper, Abraham. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 31. Treas. Western Shore pay to Abraham Hooper, of Harford county, an old rev. soldier, quarterly, half pay of a private soldier, as a remuneration for those services rendered his country during her struggle for independence. * Hooper, Abraham, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Hoops, Adam, Capt. Passed Feb. 13, 1833 — No. 35. Treas. Western 356 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Shore pay to Adam Hoops, of Waterleit, Albany county, N. Y., during life, quarterly, half pay of a captain, for services rendered by him during the rev. war. Hopkins, Capt. David. Passed Nov. session 1805 — No. 8. David Hopkins, a captain of horse during the late rev. war, whose merits as an officer stand honourably established by letters from the late General Washington and his aids, and by letters from Generals Heath and Maylan, and whose infirmities, occasioned by military fatigues and hardships, render him unable to earn a scanty subsistence for a wife and five children, — is entitled to receive half pay as a capt. of horse in the Md. Line, during life. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay the same to said David Hopkins, or order, in quarterly payts. * Hopkins, David, major, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 544). Horner, Dr. Gustavus. Passed Mch. 4, 1834 — No. 35. Treas. Western Shore pay to Frances Horner, widow of Dr. Gustavus Horner, during her life, quarterly, half pay of a Surgeon's mate, for the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Homey, W'". Passed Nov. session 1810 — No. 11. Treas. pay annually to W"". Homey, of Talbot county, an old rev. soldier, a sum of money, quarterly payts., equal to half pay of a soldier during the war aforesaid, as a further remuneration to said W"". Horney for the services rendered his country, and as a relief from the indigence and misery which attend his decrepitude and old age. * Hoshal, Jesse, private, R. L Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Hoskins, Randall. Passed Mch. 7, 1829 — No. 41. Treas. Western Shore pay to Randall Hoskins, alias Randolph Hoskins, of Washington county, state of Kentucky, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. * House, Michael, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). House, Michael. Passed Feb. 23, 1822 — No. 56, p. 180. Treas. Western Shore directed to pay Michael House half pay of a private for his rev. war services. Passed Mch. 12, 1827 — No. 75. Treas. Western Shore directed to pay Christiana House, of Washington county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for her husband, Michael House's services during rev. war. Houston, Isaac, Esq. Com'd. Capt. of a Company of Militia in Wicomoco Batt'n. of Worcester Co. Given at Annapolis, Aug. 13, 1777. Th. Johnson. (X, No. 100). Resigned May 8, 1778. Howard, Benj. Passed Feb. 17, 1832 — No. 37. Reg. land office issue to heirs of Benj. Howard, a soldier of the rev. war, warrant and later patent for 50 acres vacant land in Allegany county. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 357 Howard, Col. John Eager. Passed Mch. 15, 1828 — No. 83. Preamble recites death "the past year" Colonel John Eager Howard, a native of Md., "one of the most distinguished officers of the war of the revolution," formerly chief magistrate of this state, afterwards our senator in Congress, &c. — whose courage and conduct raised the Md. Line to that high character which our troops acquired and maintained during the struggle for our national independence. Portrait provided for House of Delegates. ] Howard, John, private. Rev. armys Pensioned Act June 7, 1785, from J\Ich. 4, 1789, at $40.00 per an.; reed. $20.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). Howard, John. Passed Mch. 6, 1839 — No. 52. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Howard, of Mason county, Ky. a soldier of the rev., in the Md. Line, or order, quarterly, the half pay of a private of the rev. t Huggins, Samuel, private, Rev. army, of Cecil county. Pensioned Dec. 4, 1815, under Act of June 7, 1785, at $40.00 per an. dating from Mch. 4, 1789 (reed. $1,085.64). Pensioned at $64.00 per an. from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $119.27), and Died Aug. 24, 1818. (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 11). * Hurdle, Laurence, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). * Hurdle, Robert, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). * Hurst, Saynuel, private, Md. Line — not in reduced circumstances; stricken from the roll, (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Hutson, John. Passed Dec. session, 1817 — No. 12. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Hutson, of Caroline county, late a soldier in the rev. war, quarterly, during life, the half pay of a private, as an additional compensation to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Hudson, John. Passed Mch. 14, 1828 — No. 54. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Hudson, of Caroline county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, as further remuneration for her husband John Hudson's services during the rev. war. Hurdle, Lawrence. Passed Dec. session 181 6 — No. 22. Treas. Western Shore pay to Lawrence Hurdle, quarterly, the half pay of a sergeant, as a further remuneration for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Hurst, Samuel. Passed Dec. session, 181 7 — No. 15. Treas. Western Shore pay to Samuel Hurst, of Dorchester county, an old soldier, quarterly, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those serv'ices by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Hymon, John, Sr. Gentleman. Com'd. Ensign of the Company in Caroline Co. belonging to the 28"' Batt'n. in this Province. Given in 358 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Convention at Annapolis, Jan. 3, 1776. Pr. order Mat. Tilghman, Pres. (X, No. 102). Imeson, John. Passed Nov. session 1803 — No. 6. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Imeson, a soldier in the rev. war, I5£ in current money, annually, during remainder of his life, in quarterly payts. * Imeson, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). Ireland, George. Passed Mch. 14, 1828 — No. 53. Treas. Western Shore pay Mary Ireland, of Calvert county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a lieut., as further remuneration for her husband George Ireland's services during the rev. war. Ireland, George. Passed Mch. 12, 1829 — No. 55. Reg. of land office is directed to issue to legal representatives of George Ireland, a rev. officer of the Md. Line, a common warrant for 200 acres vacant land westward of Fort Cumberland, in Allegany county, and a patent for said acres of land without payt. of any composition money. Res. No. 41, Feb. 13, 1832 repeals requirement for location westward of Fort Cumberland. Ireland, Geo. Passed Mch. 13, 1839 — No. 31. Whereas, by act of 1788, Chap. 44, George Ireland, an officer in the rev. war, or his legal repre- sentatives, are entitled to 200 acres of land in Allegany county; and, whereas, a warrant for said land was issued, under a resolution of the General Assembly, and the surs'eyor of Allegany county returned that there was no vacant land; — Therefore Resolved by the Gen. Assembly of Md., That the Treas. of Western Shore &c. — pay to legal representatives of George Ireland, or their order, $250.00. Irving, Thos. Ensign in 17"" Battn. Militia — see Schoolfield, W". t Isaacs, James, private. Rev. army^. Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789 at $40.00 per an.; reed. $600.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). Issabell, Elizabeth. Passed Feb. 20, 1822 — No. 36, p. 178. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Issabell, of Annapolis, half pay of a sergeant, for services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Jackson, Ann. Passed Feb. 23, 1822 — No. 57, p. 180. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ann Jackson, of Annapolis, half pay of a private, for her husband's services during the rev. war. Jacobs, John J. Passed Nov. session 181 1 — No. 36 — see Halkerstone, Robert. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 40. Treas. Western Shore pay to John J. Jacobs, an officer of the Md. Line in the rev. war, such a sum of money in addition to what he now receives under a resolution passed Nov. session 181 1, as will make his pension amount to a sum equal to the half pay of a first lieut., during life, quarterly payts. Jacob, John J. Passed Feb. 17, 1830 — No. 27. Reg. land office REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 359 required to issue warrant in name of John J. Jacob (late an officer in the rev. war) for 200 acres of vacant land in Allegany county, westward of Fort Cumberland. Jacob, John I. Passed Jan. 24, 1832 — No. 7. Treas. Western Shore pay to John I. Jacob "a revolutionary soldier," $22.12, being amt. of composition money paid by him into the treasury upon certain lands in Allegany county, which were represented to be liable to escheat, but were afterwards found to have been escheated and patented to Edward Norwood. Jacob, John I. Passed Feb. 17, 1832 — No. 40. Repeal of portion requiring that land to "John J. Jacob," a rev. soldier, passed at Dec. session 1830, number 27 [evidently 7], "be located to westward of Fort Cumberland." Jacobs, W"". Passed Mch. 2, 1827 — No. 21. Treas. directed to pay to W". Jacobs, of Hampshire county, Va. during life, half yearly, a sum of money equal to the full pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Jacobs, William. [Warofi8i2]. (No. 10, p. 175) passed Jan. 8, 1822, "pass the account of William Jacobs, of Queen Ann's county, for the use of his granary as a place of deposit for public arms, &c. Jaquet, John D. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 36. Treas. Western Shore pay to John D. Jaquet, a sergeant in the rev. war, quarterly, the half pay of a sergeant for life, as a further remuneration for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Jeffries, Jacob. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 52. Treas. Western Shore pay to Jacob Jeffries, of Queen- Anne's county, late a private in the rev. war, quarterly, during life, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been essentially benefitted. Jenkins, Philip. Passed Feb. 13, 1837 — No. 20. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Jenkins, widow of Philip Jenkins, half pay of a private during her life, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. Jenkins, Thomas. Passed Jan. 19, 1830 — No. 6. Treas. of Western Shore pay to Thomas Jenkins, of Dist. of Columbia, a rev. soldier, during life, half yearly half pay of a private, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. t John, Thomas, private, Md. Line, age 84, from Frederick county. Pensioned'' Aug. 8, 1821, at $96.00 from July 16, 1821. (Reed. $108.80. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). Johnson, Archibald. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 46. Treas. Western Shore pay to Archibald Johnson, of Charles county, a 36o MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS sergeant in the rev. war, — half pay of a sergeant, as a further remuneration for his services in the rev. war. * Johnson, Archibald, sergeant, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). t Johnson, Benedict, private, Rev. army". Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789, at $40.00 per an.; reed. $680.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). Johnson, Nicholas. Passed Mch. 4, 1835 — No. 48. Treas. Western Shore pay to Rebecca Johnson, of Queen Anne's county, widow of Nicholas Johnson, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private, quarterly, during her life. * Johnston, Nicholas, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). Johnson, W'". Formerly commanded a Co. of Militia in Lower Battn., Montgomery County, Aug. 4, 1780 — see Willcoxen, Jesse. Johnston, W". Passed Mch. 2, 1827 — No. 22. Treas. to pay to W™. Johnston, of Harford county, during life, half yearly, the half pay of a private for his services during the rev. war. t Jonas, John, private in Rev. army, residing in Alleghany county, placed on pension roll Feb. 24, 1821 at $60.00 per year (received $1,230.00) commencing Sept. 4, 1794, under Act. of June 7, 1785. Jones, Aaron. Passed Dec. session 181 5 — No. 14. Treas. Western Shore pay unto Aaron Jones, of Dorchester county, late a private in the rev. war — half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Jones, Aaron, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). * Jones, Alexander, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Jones, Cotter. Passed Mch. 12, 1827 — No. 58. Treas. pay to Cotter Jones, of Somerset county, during life, half annually, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. Jones, Joseph. Ensign of a Militia Co. in Prince George's Co., 25th Battn. Jan. 3, 1776 — see Wootters, Richd. Jones, Nancy. Passed Mch. 4, 1834 — No. 40. Treas. Western Shore pay to Nancy Jones, of Worcester county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a Private, in consideration of the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Jones, Neale. Passed Nov. session, 1812 — No. 58. Treas. Western Shore pay to Neale Jones, late a private in the rev. war, — half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Jones, Samuel, Capt. Passed Mch. 1828 — No. 43. Reg. land office issue to Lillias M. Jones, of Charles county, dau. of Capt. Samuel Jones, officer of Md. Line during rev. war, a common warrant for 200 acres vacant land to westward of Fort Cumberland, in Allegany county, and patent without payt. of composition money therefor. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 361 Jones, Thomas, ist. Lieut, in 17*'' Battn. Militia — see Schoolfield, W". * Jones, Thomas, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 545). Jones, Thomas. Passed Mch. 11, 1834 — No. 63. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas Jones, of Anne Arundel county, during life, quarterly, half pay of private, for services rendered by him during the rev. war. Jones, W'^. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 22. Treas. pay to W™. Jones, formerly of Prince George's county, now residing in the state of Va., quarterly, for life, half pay of a private, for his services during rev. war. Jones, W"'. Passed Mch. 3, 1833 — No. 51. Treas. Western Shore pay to W"". Jones, of Caroline county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, in consideration of services rendered by said Jones, during the rev. war. Jordan, Capt. John. Passed Jan. 27, 1836 — No. 26. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Easton, who was the widow of Capt. John Jordan, quarterly, during life, half pay of a Captain, for the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. * Jordan, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). Kahoe, see Cahoe. t Kean, Edward, soldier, Rev. army, of Harford county. Pensioned Dec. 18, 1 819 at $60.00 per an. from Jan. i, 1803 (reed. $799.08) — at $96.00 per an. from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $1,570.86). Died Dec. 10, 1832. (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 15). t Kearnes, Robert, sergeant, Rev. army". Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789, at $60.00 per an.; reed. $30.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). ] Kelley, Hugh, private, Rev. army". Pensioned, Act June 7, 1785, at $40.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789; reed. $60.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). Kelly, Capt. W"". Passed Feb. 15, 1839 — No. 14. Treas. Western Shore pay to Martha Kelly, of Carroll county, widow of Capt. W"". Kelly, a rev. soldier, half pay of a capt. of the Rev., during her life, commencing Jam I, 1839. Kennedy, Commodore Edmond P. Passed Mch. 13, 1835. Gov. directed to procure and present a sword to Commodore Edmond P. Kennedy, U. S. Navy, in appreciation of his distinguished and gallant services in the action with the Tripolitan gun boats off Tripoli, in Aug. 1804. Kent, Isaac. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 28. Treas. pay Isaac Kent, of state of Ohio, an old soldier of the rev. war, and of the Md. Line, annually for life, quarterly payts, half pay of a private, for rev. war services. t Keough, W"'., private. Rev. army". Pensioned, Act of Mch. 3, 1809, at $60.00 per an.; reed. $187.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). 362 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Kershner, Michael. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 40. Treas. Western Shore pay to Michael Kershner, of Allegany county, a private in the rev. war, quarterly, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Kerchner, Michael, private, German Reg't. (Jan. 1820, p. 546). Kershner, Mary Ann. Passed Mch. 2, 1827 — No. 35. Treas. pay to Mary Ann Kershner, of Allegany county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for her late husband's services during the rev. war. Passed Mch. 6, 1832 — No. 63. Treas. Western Shore pay to Jacob Lantz, for the use of Mrs. Mary C. Shryer, of Allegany county, next and near friend of Mrs. Mary A. Kershner, deceased, late a pensioner of the state, $14.55, balance due up to her decease. Keys, W"". Captain of a Co. of Militia, 1777 — see Schoolfield, Benj. Kilty, John. Captain — Jan. 4, 1822. (No. 8, p. 174). Treas. Western Shore directed to pay Catharine Kilty half pay of her late husband " for those meritorious services rendered by her late husband, John Kilty, during the rev. war." Kimson, John M. "ist. Lieut. Pa." Apr. 1778 — see Steel, James. Kindle, W"'. Passed Dec. session, 1817 — No. 13. Treas. Western Shore pay to W^". Kindle, of Washington county, a private in the rev. war, quarterly, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. King, George. Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 67. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to George King, late a rev. soldier, half pay of a private during life. King, Henry. Passed Dec. session, 1817 (Feb. 13, 1818) — No. 50. Treas. Western Shore pay to Henry King, in quarterly payts., a sum of money equal to the half pay of a commissary [Rev. services]. King, Levin. Passed Mch. 6, 1832 — No. 74. Treas. Western Shore pay to Margaret King, widow of Levin King, late of Somerset county, during widowhood, half pay of an ensign for the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Passed Apr. 5, 1841 — No. 7. Treas. Western Shore pay to legal representatives of Mrs. Margaret King, late of Somerset county, deceased, who was a rev. pensioner of Md., amt. of pension due her at her death, Sept. 12, 1839. King, Levin. Passed Mch. i, 1842. Resolution No. 7, Apr. 5, 1841 repealed. Treas. Western Shore pay to administrators of said Margaret King, deceased, amt. of pension due the said deceased at time of her death. King, Thos. Passed June session, 1809 — No. 3. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thos. King, immediately $50.00, and a sum equal to the half pay of REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 363 a sergeant during his life, quarterly, payments to commence this day. "Thomas King, belonging to the artillery company of the city of Annapolis, and who has been a soldier in the rev. war, and who was wounded therein, in discharging his duty on this loth day of June, has been so unfortunate as to lose his right hand, by the firing of a cannon, which entitles him to the pecuHar care of this state" — "ha\ang a family dependent on him for support." King, Thos. Passed Nov. session 181 1 — No. 2. Half pay of a sergeant granted by legislature to Thos. King, in June session 1809, for support of his family, be henceforth paid by the treasurer, in quarterly payments, to his wife Mary King. * King, Thos., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). t Kirkpatrick, John, private, Rev. army*. Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, at $48.00 per an.; reed. $408.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). * Kishy, Richard, private. Flying Camp — not continental ; stricken from roll. (Jan. 1820, p. 546). Kline, John. Passed Mch. 12, 1834 — No. 65. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary M. Kline (widow of John Kline) of Frederick county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for the service rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Knight, Jacob. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 38. Treas. pay to Jacob Knight, of Ohio, late a soldier in the rev. war, quarterly, during life half pay of a private for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Koine, Dominic. Passed Nov. session, 1803 — No. 2. Treas. Western Shore pay to Dominic Koine, of Harford county, an old infirm soldier, or to his order, $40.00 annually, during his life, in quarterly payts. * Kraft, W'^., private, German Reg't. (Jan. 1820, p. 546). Lafayette, General. Invited by Res. No. 2, Dec. 13, 1824, p. 156. — "are deeply impressed with a grateful remembrance of his voluntary and valuable services, during the rev. war" — visit seat of govt. Lambert, Christopher. Passed Mch. 21, 1838 — No. 47. Treas. Western Shore pay to Christopher Lambert, of Baltimore city, the half pay of a private during his life, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. * Lambert, Christopher, 2d., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). t Lambert, Christopher, private in Rev. army, of Baltimore county. Pensioned at $40.00 per annum from Mch. 4, 1789, under Act of June 7, 1785 (received $1,085.53). Pensioned at $64.00 per annum from Apr. 24, 1816, under Act of same date (reed. $119.11). (U. S. Pension Roll, 1835, p. 8). 364 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Langford, Elijah. Passed Nov. session 181 2 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 47. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elijah Langford, of Somerset county, a rev. soldier, quarterly, during rem. of life, half pay of a private, as a remuner- ation for his meritorious services. * Laiikford, Elijah, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). Lansdale, Maj. Thos. Passed Mch. 8, 1850 — No. 73. Treas. of Md. pay to Cornelia Lansdale, widow of Thos. Lansdale, a Maj. in the 4"' Md. Reg., in the war of the Rev., half pay of a Major, for bal. of her life, commencing Jan. i, 1850. Lashley, George. Passed Mch. 12, 1827 — No. 64. Treas. pay to George Lashley, of Cecil county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his services during rev. war. Lashly, Geo. Passed May 27, 1836 — No. 107. Treas. Western Shore pay to Granville S. Townsend $20.44, for benefit of Mary Sproul and Nancy Lashly, heirs and legal representatives of Geo. Lashly, a rev. pensioner, deceased, which bal. was due said Lashly at his death. Laiirentz, Vandel. Passed Mch. 24, 1838 — No. 36. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ann Laurentz, of Baltimore city, widow of Vandel Laurentz, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private during her life, as a further remuneration for the services of her said husband. * Lavely, Jacob, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). t Laverty, Jacob, private, Md. Line, age 74, from Frederick county. Died Nov. 11, 1830. Pensioned*" Jan. 4, 1819 at $96.00 per an. from June 9, 1818. (Rec'd. $1,192.80. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). Law, W"'. Passed Dec. session, 181 6 — No. 13. Treas. Western Shore pay to W". Law, late a priv^ate in the rev. war, quarterly, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Lawrentz, Wendell, private, German Reg't. (Jan. 1820, p. 546). Layman, Lieut. W'". Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 34. Treas. Western Shore pay to W". Layman, during life, quarterly, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a lieut., as a further remuneration to him for military services. * Layman, W""., ensign, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). Layman, W"'. Passed Mch. i, 1842 — No. 26. Treas. Western Shore pay to Francis Valdenar, executor of W". Layman, late of Montgomery county, deceased, who was a rev. pensioner of the State of Md., amt. of pension due him at death Feb. 12, 1842. * Lazier, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). Leake, Henry. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 32. Treas. is directed to pay to James Brown, of Montgomery county, the sum of ten dollars, which appears to be the bal. due Henry Leake, late of Montgomery county, deceased, who was a pensioner of this state. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 365 Leather, John. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 27. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Leather, of Frederick county, an old rev. soldier, quarterly, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a sergeant (or to his order during his life) as a further compensation for those services he rendered his country during the rev. war. * Lecke, Nicholas, sergeant marines, Frigate Virginia (Jan. 1820, p. 546). Lee, Dudley — Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. 24. Treas. Western Shore pay to Dudley Lee — half payment of a soldier, as a remuneration for services rendered his country in the rev. war, and as a relief from the indigence and misery' which attend his old age. Lee, Dudley. Passed Mch. 21, 1838 — No. 44. Treas. Western Shore pay to Margaret Lee, widow of Dudley Lee, half pay of a private during her life, as a further remuneration for his ser\'ices during the rev. war. Lee, Lieut. Parker. Passed Mch. 5, 1850 — No. 62. State Treas. pay to Mary Lee, widow of Parker Lee, a Lieut, in the 4"" Md. Reg., in the war of the Amer. Rev., the half pay of a Lieut, for remainder of her life, said pension commencing Jan. i, 1850. Leeke, Henry. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 39. Treas. Western Shore pay to Henry Leeke, of Montgomery county, an old rev. soldier, quarterly, during his life, the half pay of a sergeant, as a compensation to him for his services during the rev. war. * Leeke, Henry, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). * Lefevour, or Lefever, W""., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). * Lenox, James, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). Leonard, James. Passed Dec. session, 1817 — No. 18. Treas \\"estern Shore pay to James Leonard, of Cecil county, an old soldier, quarterly, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Leonard, James. Mch. 9, 1826 — No. 98, p. 259. Reg. of land office issue to James Leonard, a warrant for 50 a. of land, belonging to this state, in Allegany county, unpatented, "as a donation granted by this state, to the rev. soldiers who served in the Md. line, during the rev. war, and to which he is considered entitled." Lewis, W'". Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 33. Treas. pay W"". Lewis, of Washington county, an old soldier in the rev. war, for life, quarterly, half pay of a sergeant for his rev. war services. * Lewis, W""., private, Houseger's Regt. (Jan. 1820, p. 546). Lewis, Capt. W"'. Feb. 25, 1826 — No. 48, p. 245. Treas. of Western Shore directed to pay to William Lewis, of Washington county, or order, during life, in quarterly payments in lieu of his present pension, the half pay of a captain, in consideration of his valuable military services, both in the revolutionary war, and in the war against the Indians. 366 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Lewis, Capt. W'^. Passed Mch. 14, 1828 — No. 55. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Lewis, of Washington county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a captain, as further remuneration for her husband, Captain W™. Lewis' services during the rev. war. Lingan, Thamas. Feb. 22, 1823 — No. 48. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Thamas Lingan, half pay of a lieut. as further compen- sation for his meritorious serxices during the rev. war. * Lingan, Thomas, lieutenant, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). Lingan, Jannett. Passed Feb. 19, 1830 — No. 43. Treas. Western Shore pay to Jannett Lingan, of Montgomery county, during widowhood, quarterly, sum of money equal to half pay of a captain, further remuner- ation for her late husband's services during the rev. war. t Lipscomb, James, private. Rev. army". Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, at $40.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789; reed. $60.00; died 1790. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). * Litzinger, Henry, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). Lloyd, Thomas. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 26. Treas. pay to Thomas Lloyd of Philadelphia, Pa. for life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for his services during rev. war. Passed Mch. 9, 1846 — No. 54. Treas. of Md. pay to Mary Lloyd, of Pa., widow of Thos. Lloyd, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private of the rev., quarterly during her life, & that the Treas. pay to said Mary Lloyd the bal. due her late husband for arrearages of pension granted him during his life time. * Lohr, Baltzer, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). Lomax, John. Passed Feb. 19, 18 19 — No. 74. Treas. to pay to John Lomax, late a rev. soldier, quarterly during life, half pay of a private. Long, John, Jr., Gentleman. Com'd. ist. Lieut, of Capt. Gabriel Vanhorn's Co. in the Deer Creek Batt'n. of Militia in Harford Co. Given at AnnapoHs, Apr. 9, 1778. Th. Johnson. (X, No. 251). Refused by sd. John Long, Apr. 14, 1778. John Long being much Disabled by an accident happening while in the Service of the Flying Camp is therefore under the necessity of refusing this Commission. G. R. \'anhorne, Capt. Patrick Cain Recommended to this Commission. R. Dallam, Lieut. Long, John. Passed Dec. session, 1817 — No. 11. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Long, of Harford county, an old rev. soldier, quarterly, half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country during her struggle for independence. Long, W". Passed Mch. 20, 1840 — No. 54. Treas. Western Shore pay to W™. Long, of Missouri, a soldier of the rev. war, quarterly, during life, the half pay of a private, from Jan. i, 1840. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 367 Lorantz, Ferdinand. Passed Apr. i, 1839 — No. 60. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Lorantz, of Baltimore city, the widow of Ferdinand Lorantz, who was a soldier in the war of the rev., or to her order, the half pay of a private of the rev. war, during her life, quarterly, commencing Jan. I, 1839. Lord, Andrew. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 45. Treas. Western Shore pay to Andrew Lord, a soldier in the rev. war, quarterly, during life, half pay of a private, as a remuneration for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Lord, Andrew, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). Lord, Andrew. Passed Mch. 12, 1828 — No. 47. Grant of 50 acres vacant land, west of Fort Cumberland, Allegany county to heirs of Andrew Lord of Baltimore city, a soldier of Md. Line during rev. war— or if no heirs, then to Amelia Lord, widow of Andrew Lord — and patent without composition money. * Lord, Henry, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). Lord, Henry. Passed Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 35. Treas. is directed to pay to Henry Lord of Dorchester county, half pay of a private for rev. war services. Passed Jan. 23, 1839 — No. 7. Treas. Western Shore pay to AmeHa Lord, of Dorchester county, widow of Henry Lord, a Rev. pensioner, $12.44, for 3 mos. & 22 days pension due Henry Lord at time of his death. Lord, Henry. Passed Feb. 27, 1839 — No. 22. Treas. Western Shore pay to Amelia Lord, of Dorchester county, widow of Henry Lord, a soldier of the rev., during her life, quarterly, the half pay of a private of the rev, commencing Jan. i, 1839. Lowe, Solomon. Feb. 16, 1819 — No. 14. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Solomon Lowe $110.00, in full compensation for rations furnished certain British prisoners taken during the late war, by a detachment of the Dorchester county militia, which said rations were furnished by the said Solomon Lowe, by the order of brig. gen. Benson. t Lowry, John, private. Rev. arniy\ Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, at $20.00 per an.; reed. $381.98. Under Act of Mch. 3, 1809 at $40.00 per an. from Apr. 19, 1808; reed. $215.09. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). ^ Lowry, John, 2d., private, Rev. army\ Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, at $60.00 per an.; reed. $1,460.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). Lucas, Basil. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 63. Treas. Western Shore pay to Basil Lucas, an old rev. soldier, annually, a sum equal to the half pay of a sergeant. * Lucas, John, sergeant, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). Lucas, John. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 27. Treas. pay to John Lucas, of Anne Arundel county, an old revolutionary soldier, quarterly. 368 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS half pay of a sergeant, as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country during her struggle for independence. Passed Mch. 6, 1832 — No. 73. Treas. Western Shore pay Rachel Lucas, of Anne Arundel county, widow of John Lucas, a soldier of rev. war, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private for her husband's services during said war. Lynch, Hugh. Passed Nov. session 1812 (Jan. i, '13) — No. 26. Treas. Western Shore pay to Hugh Lynch, late a private in the Md. Line during the rev. war — half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for those services rendered during the American war. * Lynch, Hugh, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). t Lynch, John, private. Rev. army". Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, at $44.00 per an.; reed. $1,078.00; died in 1813. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). * Lynch, Thos., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 546). Lynch, Thomas. Passed Mch. 12, 1828 — No. 38. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas Lynch, of St. Mary's county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Passed Mch. 8, 1833 — No. 50. Treas. Western Shore pay to James M. K. Hammett, admr. of Thomas Lynch, sum due said Lynch, on pension roll of Md., Nov. 13, 1832, date of his death. Lynn, David, Capt. Passed Feb. 28, 1836 — No. 43. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Lynn, widow of David Lynn, a capt. in the rev. army, half pay of a capt. during her widowhood. Lynn, Lieut. John. Passed Nov. 1785, Vol. 11, Chap. XVI. Gen. Assembly granted half pay of a lieut., for disability acquired in the serv- ice, to John Lynn, late a lieut. in the Md. Line in the Continental army. Lynn, Lieut. John. Passed Dec. session, 1817 (Feb. 13, 1818) — No. 52. Treas. Western Shore pay to Eleanor Lynn, widow of John Lynn, late a Heut. in the rev. war, during life, quarterly, the half pay of a lieut. Lynn, Col. John. Jan. 19, 1825 — No. 6, p. 156. Treas to pay whatever bal. remains due the late Eleanor Lynn, (who died Apr. 23, 1824), widow of Col. John Lynn, on the pension Hst of this state, to David Richardson, who intermarried with Elizabeth, one of the daughters of the deceased & Jane Lynn, another of her daughters, they being the only heirs and representatives of the deceased. ^ Lynn, John, lieut.. Rev. army. Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785. from Mch. 4, 1789, at $200.00 per an.; "dead" (Amt. reed, not stated — U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). M'Bride, Hugh. Capt. of Militia, Dorchester Co., 3'' Battn. July 1776 — see M^Closter, Saml. and Muir, Chas. RE\'OLUTIOXARY WAR PENSIONS 369 Elected ist. Lieut, of Vienna Co. Dorchester County "and since promoted," Jan. 3, 1776 — see Shaw, James. * M^Callister, James, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). M'Callum, W"'., Gentleman. Com'd. 2** Lieut, of Capt. Goldsborough's Co. in 4"' Battn. of Militia of Talbot County. Given at Annapolis Apr. 9, 1778. Th. Johnson. (X, No. 117). M'Cann, Alichael. Passed Dec. session, 181 7 — No. 31. Treas. Western Shore pay to Michael M'^Cann, of Frederick county, an old rev. soldier, the half pay of a private during the remainder of his life, as a remuneration for his meritorious services. * M'Cann, Michael, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820; p. 547). t M'Cam, Michael, private Md. Line, age 88, from Frederick county. Died May 4, 1827. Pensioned'' Sept. 25, 1818 at $96.00 per an. from Apr. II, 1818. (Rec'd. $870.40. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). * M^Cauley, John, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). * M'Chan, John, private, Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). t M'Chan, John, private, Pa. Line, age 73, from Frederick county. Died 1821. Pensioned'' Oct. 8, 1818 at $96.00 per an., from Apr. 3, 1818. (Reed. $280.20. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). M^Closter, Samuel, Gentleman. Com'd. Ensign of Capt. Hugh M^Bride's Co. of MiHtia in Dorchester County belonging to the 3"^. Battn. of this Province. Given by Council of Safety at AnnapoHs July 6, 1776. Danl. of St. Thos. Jenifer, Chas. Carroll, Benj. Rumsey, Ja. Tilghman. (X, No. 118). Resigned Aug. 30, 1776 as Ensign of the Vienna Militia Co. M'Connell, Saml. Passed Nov. session, 1812 — No. 57. Treas. Western Shore pay to Samuel M'Connell, of Cecil county, — a sum of money equal to half pay of a sergeant, as a remuneration for his services during the rev. war. * M'Connell, Saml, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). M^Coy, John — see Halkerstone, Robert. * M^Cracken, James, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). M'Crackin, James. Mch. i, 1826 — No. 60, p. 247. Treas. Western Shore pay to James ALCrackin, of Harford county, the half pay of a private, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Passed Feb. 12, 1844 — ^o- ^^- Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary M'^Cracken, of Harford county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, in consideration of sersaces rendered by her husband James M'^Cracken during the war of the rev. t M^Creary, John, private in Pa. Line, of Baltimore county. Pensioned Aug. 26, 1830, dating from Jan. i, 1829, at $96.00 per annum (received $161.06). Died Nov. 23, 1830. (U. S. Pension Roll, 1835, p. 8). 25 370 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS * M'Elroy, James, private, Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). t M'Elroy, James, private Pa. Line, age 60, from Frederick county. Died . Pensioned'' Apr. 27, 1819, at $96.00 per an., from May 21, 1818. (Reed. $219.73. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). * M^Entire, David, private, Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). M'Gee, Chas. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 39. Treas. Western Shore pay to Chas. M"=Gee, or his order, during life, the half pay of a private, annually in quarterly payts., as an additional compensation for his services [^revolutionary]. * M'Gee, Charles, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). M'Gee, W"". Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 12. Treas. of western shore pay to W™. M'^Gee, or order, half pay of a private, annually in quarterly payts, as an additional compensation for his services. * M'Gee, W""., private, Md. Line Qan. 1820, p. 548). * M'Kay, John (or MCay), private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). * M^Keel, Thomas, sergeant, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). M'Keown, Samuel, Gentleman. Com'd. 2^ Lieut, of Capt. Saml. Mofifitt's Co. in the Elk Battalion of Militia in Cecil Co. Given at Annapolis, Apr. 21, 1778. Th. Johnson. (X, No. 121). M'Kinsey, Moses. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 23. Treas. Western Shore pay to Moses M'^Kinsey, of Allegany county, — a sum of money, annually during life, quarterly, equal to half pay of a drummer in the rev. war. * M'Kinsey, Moses, drummer, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). M'Kinsey, Moses. Passed Mch. 9, 1827 — No. 44. Treas. pay to Sarah M<^Kinsey, of Allegany county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for her husband, Moses M'^Kinsey's services during the rev. war. * M'Kissick, James, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). * McLean, Arthur, sergeant, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). M'^Lean, Arthur. Passed Jan. 30, 1829 — No. 8. Treas. Western Shore pay to Arthur McLean, of Baltimore county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a sergeant, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. * M'Mahon, Peter, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). * M'Mechen, Chas., private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). M^Namara, Darby. Passed Nov. 1798 — No. 3. Treas. Western Shore pay to Darby M"=Namara, an old infirm & disabled soldier, annual sum of $57.00 during life, in lieu of $399.00, the principal and interest due on three state certificates issued to him for depreciation of his pay, which certificates were lost — quarterly, beginning Dec. 10, 1798. M^Namara, Darby. Passed Nov. session 1799 — No. 9. Treas. Western Shore pay to Darby M=Namara, a poor and disabled soldier of the 1st. Md. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 371 regt., 25£-6s-iid. with interest from Aug. I, 1780, for a depreciation certificate issued to him for that amt. & lost. M'Namara, Darby. Passed Nov. session 1802 — No. 7. Treas. Western Shore pay annually to Darby M''Namara the sum of fifteen pounds current money, in quarterly payts., in consideration of his many services as a soldier in the late revolutionary war, by which he has been rendered entirely unable to obtain a subsistence. t M'Neal, James, private. Rev. army, of Baltimore county. Pensioned Dec. 4, i8i5at $60.00 per annum dating from Sept. 13, 1814, act of Mch. 3, 1815 (rec'd. $121.84). Pensioned at $96.00 per annum from Sept. 24, 1816 (rec'd $1,434.93), and died Dec. 22, 1831. (U. S. Pension Roll, 1835, p. 8). * M^Nesh, Benj., private. Flying Camp — not continental; stricken from roll (Jan. 1820, p. 547). M^Pherson, Lieut. Mark. Passed Dec. session 1815 — No. 10. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mark M"Pherson, or order, annually in quarterly payts., during his life, half pay of a lieut. M'Quinny, Thomas. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 76. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas M'^Quinny, late a rev. soldier, quarterly, during life, the half pay of a private. * M'Quinny, Thomas, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). Mcpherson, Mark. Passed Feb. 10, 1848 — No. 23. Treas. pay to Chris- tian Keener, atty. for Walter M^Pherson, executor of Mark M'Pherson, $80.00, amt. due said M'Pherson, a rev. pensioner at the time of his death. * Mackeon, John, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). Macky, James, Esq. Com'd. Capt. of a Company in Elk Batt'n. of Militia in Cecil Co. Given at Annapolis, Apr. 21, 1778. Th. Johnson. (X, No. 123). Magee, W"'. Passed Feb. 15, 1830 — No. 36. Treas. Western Shore pay unto Sarah Magee, of Saint Mary's county, amt. of money due W™. Magee, her deceased husband, a pensioner of this State. (Indexed under "Revolutionary pensions"). Magruder, Henderson. Capt. of a Militia Co. in Prince George's County, 25"" Battn. Jan. 3, 1776 — see Wootters, Richard. Magruder, Hezekiah, Gentleman. Com'd. ist. Lieut, of Capt. W". Bayly's Co. of Militia in the 29th. Battn. in Montgomery County. Given at Annapolis, Aug. 29, 1777. Th. Johnson (X, No. 125). Resigned May 7, 1782. Magruder, Lieut. Nathaniel B. Passed Dec. session, 1815 (Jan. 23, 1816) — No. 20. Treas. Western Shore, pay to Nathaniel B. Magruder, late a lieut. in the rev. war, or order, a sum of money annually in quarterly payts., equal to the half pay of a lieut., as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country in her struggle for liberty & independence. 372 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS * Magruder, Nathaniel B., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). t Magruder, Nathaniel B., private, Md. Line age 62. Pensioned Mch. 9, 1819, from Apr. 4, 1818 at $96.00 per an. Reed. $349.86 and died Nov. 25, 1 82 1. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 26). Magruder, Samuel Briscoe. Capt. of a Co. of Militia in Lower Battalion, Montgomery Co., after Aug. 4, 1780 — see Willcoxen, Jesse. Mahoney, Clement. Passed Dec. session, 1815 (Jan. 23, 1816) — No. 5. Treas. Western Shore pay to Clement Mahoney, an old rev. soldier, — during his Hfe, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private. Mahooney, Edward. Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. 60 (Jan. 4, 1812). Treas. Western Shore pay to Edward Mahooney, late a private in the rev. war, half pay of a private, &c. * Mahony, Edward, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). Mants, Maj. Peter. Passed Feb. 20, 1846 — No. 23. Treas. of State pay to Catharine Mantz, widow of Peter Mantz, a Maj. of the Rev., during her life, quarterly, half pay of a Major, in consideration of the services of her husband. Manyard, Nathan, Esq. Com'd. Capt. of a Company of Militia in Frederick Co. Given at Annapolis, Oct. 13, 1777. Th. Johnson, (X, No. 126). (See also Mobberly, Lewis). Recommended as Officers of the within Company: George Burkett, Jr. Capt., Christopher Burkett, ist. Lieut., John Woolf, Ensign. Markland, Lieut. Edward. Passed Feb. 25, 1824 — No. 3, (p. 172). Treas. to pay to Edward Markland, of Baltimore, half pay of a lieut. of the naval service, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Passed Jan. 30 1839 — No. 12. Treas. Western Shore pay to Alice Markland, widow of Edward Markland, during her life, quarterly, from Apr. I, 1838, an annual pension equal to that which her late husband received from Md. under resolution of Dec. session 1823, the half pay of a Lieut, in the Naval service, during the rev. war. * Marr, W"'., private, Md. Line — died July 3, 1819 (Jan. 1820, p. 547). Marr, W'". Passed Feb. 10, 1836 — No. 18. Treas. Western Shore pay to Arra Marr, widow of W". Marr, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private, during her life. * Marshall, Benjamin, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). t Marshall, Benj., private. Pa. Line, age 74, from Frederick county. Pensioned'' Mch. 6, 1819, at $96.00 per an. from Nov. 13, 1818. (Reed. $1,469.86. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). Marshall, Benj. Mch. 9, 1826 — No. 105, p. 260. Reg. of land office directed to issue warrant for 50 a. unappropriated in Allegany county, unpatented, as a donation for the state to rev. soldiers who served in the Md. Line, & to which they consider him entitled. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 373 Marshall, John. Passed Mch. 22, 1833 — No. 80. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Marshall, of Cecil county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, in consideration of ser\'ices rendered by him during the rev. war. Martin, Ennals, Dr. Passed Jan. 17, 1833 — No. 2. Treas. Western Shore pay to Dr. Ennals Martin, of Talbot county, a surgeon's mate during the rev. war, half yearly, half pay of surgeon's mate, for the services rendered by him during said war. Passed Feb. 11, 1835 — No. 9. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Martin, widow of Dr. Ennals Martin, of Talbot county, Surgeon's mate in the army of the revolution, half pay to which her husband was entitled, during her life. Martin, Henry. Passed Feb. 5, 1828 — No. 12. Treas. Western Shore pay to Henry Martin, of Frederick county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, as further comp. his services during rev. war. Martin, Jacob. Passed Mch. 9, 1846 — No. 47. Treas. of Md. pay to Margaret Martin, of Westmoreland county. Pa., widow of Jacob Martin, a rev. soldier with the Md. troops, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, in consideration of services rendered by her husband during the war of the Rev. * Martin, Philip, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). * Massey, Henry, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). * Massey, Jesse, private, Del. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). Matthews, Bennett, Esq. Com'd. Capt. of the Row Galley called the Independance. Given by the Delegates of the Freemen of Md. Given in Convention at Annapolis (date and signatures torn off) (X, No. 128). Maxwell, James. Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. 14. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Maxwell, of Cecil county, late a meritorious soldier in the rev. war, half pay of a corporal, as a provision to him in his indigent situation, now advanced in life, and as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Maxwell, W'"., private, Del. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). * Mayhugh, Jonathan, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). Mayhew, Jonathan. Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 77. Treas. Western Shore to pay to Jonathan Mayhew, late a rev. soldier, during life, half pay of a private. Passed Mch. 4, 1834 — No. 32. Treas. Western Shore pay to Eleanor L. Mayhugh, widow of Jonathan Mayhugh, of Washington county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Mayhew, Jonathan. Passed Jan. 24, 1838 — No. 2. Treas. Western Shore pay to Adam Houk, son-in-law of the late Eleanor L. Mayhugh, 374 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS $8.00 for two months and twelve days pension due thes aid Eleanor L. Mayhugh on Dec. 12, 1837, the day of her death. Maynadier, W""., Esq. Com'd. Capt. of a Company in the 4"' Battn. of Militia in Talbot Co. Given at Annapolis, Apr. 9, 1778. Th. Johnson (X, No. 129). (Endorsement) Levin Spedding, Capt.; Edwd. Stevens, 1st. Lieut.; John Brown, 2d Lieut.; W"". Berry, Ensign; Henry Banning, Com. Mayo, Lieut. Isaac. War of 1812. Mch. 14, 1828 — No. 61. Resolu- tion of Gen. Assembly enumerating service of Lieut. Isaac Mayo, a native of Md., "and was among those officers who received medals from the U. S., as a testimony of their country's approbation." Governor authorized to draw on Treas. of Western Shore for payment of a suitable sword. Michael, Jacob. War of 1812. Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 22. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Jacob Michael of Harford county, $45.29 cents "for supplying the Militia stationed at Stoney Point, in the county aforesaid, during the late war with powder, lead and flints." Meddagh, Frederick. Passed Nov. session 1801 — No. 15. Several county courts of the Western and Eastern Shore respectively, do, and they are hereby authorized and required, upon the application of Frederick Meddagh, of Frederick county, an old and superannuated soldier of the late American army, to grant him from year to year, during his life, a license to hawk and peddle, without his the said Frederick Meddagh paying anything therefor. Medlar, Bostian. Passed Dec. session 1815 — No. 11. Treas. Western Shore pay to Bostian Medlar, late a drum-major in the rev. war — half pay of a drum-major, as a further remuneration for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. ^ Meek, John, private. Rev. army'. Pensioned, Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789, at $40.00 per an.; reed. $400.00. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 21). Merrick, W". Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 44. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to W". Merrick, of Dorchester county, half pay of a corporal, for his rev. war services. Merryman, Luke. Passed Mch. 16, 1836 — No. 51. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Merryman, widow of Luke Merryman, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private during life, in consideration of his rev. services. Mezzeek, Nehemiah. Ensign Friendship Co., Dorchester Militia, Jan. 1776 — see Elliott, John. Middleton, David. War of 1 81 2. Draft to be drawn by Gov. & council of Md. to David Middleton "for riding express during the late war." Jan. 27, 1825 — No. 8, p. 157. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 375 Middleton, Gilbert. Jan. 25, 1823 — No. 11. Treas. of Western Shore is directed to pay to Gilbert Middleton, of Baltimore, half pay of a captain for his services during rev. war. Middleton, Sarah, of Baltimore. Feb. 9, 1822. (No. 22, p. 176). Treas. Western Shore directed to pay pension — half pay of a Captain, as a further compensation for services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Milburn, Nicholas. Passed Nov. session 1812 (Dec. 30) No. 21. Treas. Western Shore pay to Nicholas Milburn, late a private in the Md. Line during the rev. war, — half pay of a private. * Milburn, Nicholas, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 547). Miles, Capt. Joshua. Passed Apr. 2, 1836 — No. 93. Treas. Western Shore pay to Jane Miles, widow of Joshua Miles, an officer of the rev., half pay of a captain, in consideration of the services of her husband. Amended June 4, 1836 — No. 115 by addition of words: "during her natural life." * Miller, George, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). Miller, George. Passed Mch. 2, 1827 — No. 36. Treas. Western Shore pay to George Miller of city of Baltimore, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Mills, Cornelius H. — see Halkerstone, Robert. Mills, Zachariah. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 43. Treas. pay to Zachariah Mills, of Anne-Arundel county, an old revolutionary soldier, quarterly, for life, a sum equal to half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country during her arduous struggle for independence. * Mills, Zachariah, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). Minitree, Paul. Passed Feb. 19, 18 19 — No. 54 Treas. directed to pay Paul Minitree, an old rev. soldier of Charles county, half pay of a private, for his rev. war services. * Mitchell, Charles, private. Flying Camp — not continental ; stricken from roll (Jan. 1820, p. 547). * Mittag, or Meddack, Frederick, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). Montle, or Mondle, Geo. Passed Dec. session, 1817 (Feb. 10, 1818) — No. 27. Treas. Western Shore pay to George Montle, or Mondle, now of the state of Pa. and late a soldier in the Md. Line during the rev. war, or his order, a sum of money annually, quarterly payts., equal to the half pay of a soldier, as a further remuneration for those meritorious services rendered his country during the American war. Moore, John. Passed Nov. 1798 — No. 17. Treas. W^estern Shore pay to John Moore, late soldier in the extra Md. reg. the sum of $22.00. Moore, Capt. John C. (War of 1812?) Mch. I, 1826 — No. 62, p. 248. Governor and council "requested to examine the claim of Capt. John C. 376 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S Lx'WVS Moore, for the repair of arms and equipment of the accoutrements of his company, and to make such allowance as they may consider him entitled to." More, Nicholas Ruxton, Gentleman. Com'd. 3"^ Lieut, of a Company of Matrosses to be raised in this Province for the defence of the Liberties thereof Commanded by Capt. John Fulford. Given in Council of Safety at Baltimore Town, Mch. i, 1776. Daniel of St. Thos. Jenifer, Charles Carroll, Benjamin Rumsey, Th. B. Hands, Thos. Smyth. (X, No. 133). Moore, Lieut. Nicholas R. Passed Mch. 4, 1834 — No. 36. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Moore (widow of Nicholas R. Moore), of Baltimore county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a Lieut., for the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Moore, Capt. Nicholas R. Passed Feb. 7, 1840 — No. 6. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Moore, widow of Nicholas R. Moore, of Baltimore city, during life, quarterly, commencing Jan. i, 1840, a sum equal to the half pay of a captain of cavalry, in lieu of half pay of a lieut, heretofore granted, in consideration of the services rendered by the husband during the rev. war. Moore, Reuben. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 62. Treas. directed to pay to Reuben Moore, of Dorchester county, late a private in the rev. war, half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. * Moore, Reuben, private, Md. Line Qan. 1820, p. 548). Moore, Reuben. Passed Mch. 9, 1827 — No. 48. Treas. pay to Mary Moore, of Dorchester county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private for her husband, Reuben Moore's services during the rev. war. Moore, W". Passed Mch. 21, 1833 — No. 65. Treas. Western Shore pay to W™. Moore, of Somerset county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, in consideration of services rendered by him during the rev. war. Passed Feb. 11, 1835 — No. 8. Treas. Western Shore pay to Samuel T. Moore, the sum of money due to his father, W". Moore, of Somerset county, at the time of his death, in virtue of a resolution of the Legislature, granting a pension to said Moore. Af orris, John. Passed Apr. session 1792 — No. 2. John Morris, of St. Mary's county, late a soldier in the third Md. regt. in the ser\ace of the U. S., is disabled from wounds reed, at the battle of the Cowpens, and is thereby incapable of getting a livelihood, — Resolved, That his excellency the governor of Md., for the time being, grant to John Morris, in future, half of the monthly pay which the said Morris received in the continental service, by orders drawn quarterly on the treasurer of the Western Shore for the same, and that the same be charged to the United States. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 377 Morris, Jonathan, Capt. Passed Feb. 2, 1830 — No. 13. Treas. pay to Jonathan Morris, a captain in the rev. war, half pay of a captain, quarterly, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Mudd, Bennett. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 59. Treas. Western Shore pay to Bennett Mudd, of Charles county, an old soldier, during life, half pay of a sergeant. Passed June 4, 1836 — No. 118. Treas. pay to Ann Mudd, widow of Bennett Mudd, late a sergeant in the rev. war, quarterly, during life, half pay of a sergeant, for the services of her said husband, in the said rev. * Mudd, Bennett, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). Mudd, Mrs. Barbara. Passed Feb. i, 1834 — No. 13. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mrs. Barbara Mudd, of D. C, during life, quarterly, half pay of a Sergeant, in consideration of the services rendered by her husband, during the rev. war. Mudd, Ann. Passed Mch. 10, 1835 — No. 5. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ann Mudd, $24.17, the bal. of pension due her husband at the time of his death, and which was forfeited to the State by resolution No. 26, of 1823. Muir, Thomas. Passed Feb. 2, 1832 — No. 25. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas Muir, a soldier of rev. war, during life, half yearly, half pay of private for his services during said war. Passed Jan. 24, 1839 — No. 9. Treas. Western Shore pay to Levin Ballard, of Jarvis, $9.66, for 2 months and 27 days pension due the late Thomas Muir, of Somerset county, at the time of his death, and said Ballard distribute the same to nearest of kin of said Muir. Murdoch, Lieut. Benj. Passed Dec. session, 1817 (Feb. 6, 1818) — No. 27. Treas. Western Shore pay to Benj. Murdock, a lieut. in the Md. Line during the rev. war, the half pay of a lieut. during life. Murdock, Lieut. W"'. Passed Mch. 4, 1834 — No. 34. Treas. Western Shore pay to Jane Clagett, widow of W"". Murdock, an officer of the rev., during her widowhood, quarterly, half pay of a Lieut, in consideration for the services of her husband. Nagle, Richard. Passed Feb. 14, 1828 — No. 16. Treas. Western Shore pay to Richard Nagle, of Cambria Co. Pa. during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his rev. war services. Neale, Capt. Henry. Passed Mch. 10, 1837 — No. 35. Treas. Western Shore pay to Eleann Neale, widow of Capt. Henry Neale, half pay of a Captain, as a further remuneration for his [rev.] services, during her life. Neale, James. Passed Nov. session 1803 — No. 5. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Neale, on application, fifteen pounds current money, and the further sum of fifteen pounds like money annually, in quarterly payments, as a support to him in his infirm situation, and in consideration 378 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS of his many services as a soldier in the late rev. war, from the effects of which he has been rendered entirely unable to obtain a subsistence. Needham, W"". A. Passed Nov. 1791 — No. 8. Petition to Gen. Assembly sets forth that he was a sergeant in the late Amer. army, and received a wound by a musket ball which passed through his body & has rendered him incapable of gaining a subsistence by labour; and this assembly considering it reasonable that the same relief should be extended to said W". A. Needham, as to others in similar circumstances — Governor Grant to said W"". A. Needham half of monthly pay he reed, in the continental service, by orders drawn quarterly on Treas. of Western Shore, & same be charged to the U. S. \ Needham, W"". A. sergeant. Rev. army, of Montgomery county. Pensioned at $60.00 per an. from Sept. 4, 1808 (reed. $390.00). (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 16). t Nelson, Roger, lieut. of cav.. Rev. army, of Frederick county. Pen- sioned at $200.00 per an. on May 31, 1815, under act of Mch. 3, 1803, dating from Sept. 4, 1802 (reed. $2,552.21). Died June 7, 1815. (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 13). Nelson, Roger. Passed Mch. 4, 1834 — No. 37. Treas. Western Shore pay to Eliza Nelson, widow of Roger Nelson, of Frederick county, a rev. officer, half pay during life, to which her husband would have been entitled. Nelson, Lieut. Roger. Passed Mch. 27, 1839 — No. 39. Treas. Western Shore pay to Eliza Nelson, widow of Roger Nelson, of Frederick county, a rev. officer, or to her order, half pay of a lieut. in the rev. army, from July i, 1 81 5, up to the time she was placed on the pension roll, it being the amount to which she is entitled under the resolution of 1779. Newman, John. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. Ii. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Newman, quarterly, half pay of a sergeant, as a further remuneration for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Newman, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). Newman, John. Passed Jan. 30, 1830 — No. 5. Treas. Western Shore pay to W". Ridgely, esq., $15.33, being sum due to John Newman, a rev. soldier, late a pensioner of the state of Md., who was placed on the pension list by a resolution of said state. Newton, John. Passed Dec. session, 181 7 (Feb. 7, 181 8) — No. 24. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Newton, an old soldier, during life, quarterly, the half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. * Newton, John, private Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). Niblet, W". Passed Dec. session, 181 6 — No. 18. Treas. Western Shore pay to W™. Niblet, of Worcester county, an old rev. soldier, quarterly, during his life, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for his services by which his country has been so much benefitted. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 379 * Nihlet, T^"-., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). * Nickle, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). * Nixon, Isaac, private, N. J. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). Nowell, James, Tutwiller, Jonathan. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 35. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Nowell and Jonathan Tutwiller, or order, in quarterly payts, a sum of money equal to the half pay of privates during the rev. war. 0' Bryan, Dennis. Passed Feb. 20, 1830 — No. 32. Treas. of Western Shore pay to Dennis O'Bryan, of Morgan county, Va., an old rev. soldier, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. O' Conner, Michael. Passed Nov. session, 1812 — No. 61. Treas. Western Shore pay to Michael O'Conner, of Harford county, — half pay of a matross, as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country during the rev. war. * O'Conner, Michael, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). O'Hara, John. Passed Mch. 3, 1840 — No. 14. Treas. Western Shore pay to Susan O'Hara, widow of John O'Hara, a rev. soldier, or order, quarterly, during life, the half pay of a private, from Jan. i, 1840, in consideration of the services of her husband rendered during the rev. war. * Oldwine, Barney, private, Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). * Oldwine, Charles, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Orem, Spedden — ¥eh. 18, 1825 — No. 23, p. 159. Treas. to pay Spedden Orem, of Talbot co. — half pay of a private further remun. for his services during rev. war. Orme, Moses. Passed Mch. 8, 1833 — No. 49. Treas. Western Shore pay to Moses Orme, of Anne-Arundel county, a soldier of the rev. war, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, in consideration of the services rendered by him during said war. Orndorff, Capt. Christian. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 82. Treas. Western Shore directed to pay to Christian Orndorff, late a rev. officer, during life, the half pay of a captain. * Orendorf, Christian, captain, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 548). * Ott, Adam, lieut. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Ott, Lieut. Adam. Passed Feb. 22, 1822 (No. 46, p. 179). Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Adam Ott, of Washington county, — half pay of a Lieut. — his services Rev. War. Passed Mch. 12, 1828 — No. 44. Treas. Western Shore pay to Julian Ott, of Washington county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a lieut. as further compensation for her husband, Adam Ott's services during rev. war. 38o MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Ott, Adam. Passed Feb. 20, 1829 — No. 25. Treas. pay to Juliana Ott, wdow of Adam Ott, a rev. soldier, such sum as may appear to be due him on the pension list of state of Md. at time of his decease. Page, John. Capt. of Troop of Horse in Kent Co. May 30, 1781 — see Raisin, Thos. * Pamter, Melcher, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Painter, Melchior. Passed Apr. i, 1839 — No. 62. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Painter, of Washington county, widow of Melchior Painter, a Rev. soldier, or to her order, half pay of a private of the Rev. during her life, quarterly, commencing Jan. i, 1839. * Pamphilion, Thomas, mariner, Frigate Virginia (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Parran, Thomas. Passed Mch. 11, 1828 — No. 40. Warrant and patent for 200 acres vacant land westward of Fort Cumberland, Alleghany county, to issue to heirs of Thomas Parran without payment or any composition money. (Follows No. 39, Chesley Robt. captain 200 acres) but does not specify servace. Parran, Dr. Thomas. Passed Mch. 14, 1828 — No. 52. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mrs. Jane Parran, of Calvert county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a surgeon, as further remuneration for her husband Dr. Thomas Parran's services during the rev. war. Passed Jan. 14, 1830 — No. 4. Treas. pay to legal representatives of Jane Parran (deceased) the balance of pension due her at time of her death. Parrish, Edivard. Passed Mch. 2, 1827 — No. 32. Treas. Western Shore pay to Edward Parrish, of Baltimore county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a sergeant, for his servaces during the rev. war. Passed Feb. 24, 1836 — No. 49. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Nelson, for use of Clemmency Parrish, widow of Edward Parrish, deceased, late of Baltimore county, a soldier of the rev., it being the amt. due said Parrish for rev. services, at time of his decease. Parrish, Edward. Passed Mch. 16, 1836 — No. 53. Treas. Western Shore pay to Clemency Parrish, widow of Edward Parrish, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a "serjant" during her life. Parrot, Christopher. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 29. Treas. Western Shore pay to Christopher Parrot, late a sergeant in the rev. war, during life, quarterly, a sum equal to the half pay of a sergeant. * Parsons, Daniel, private, Del. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Paul, Thomas. Passed Mch. 7, 1840 — No. 22. Treas. Western Shore pay to Catharine Paul, widow of Thomas Paul, a soldier of the rev., or order, quarterly, for life, from Jan. i, 1840, the half pay of a sergeant, in consideration of the services of her said husband in the rev. war. Peacock, Neale. Passed Nov. session, 1812 Qan. 2, 1813) — No. 48. Treas. Western Shore pay to Neale Peacock, quarterly, half pay of a private in the rev. war. RE\OLUTIOXARY WAR PENSIONS 381 Pearce, George. Passed Mch. i, 1833 — No. 37. Treas. Western Shore pay to George Pearce, of Warren county, Ky., a soldier of the rev. war, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for the ser\ices rendered by him during the rev. war. * Peck, Hiel, lieut. N. Y. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Pegegram, W'". Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. 23. Treas. Western Shore pay to W". Pegegram, of Anne-Arundel county, an old rev. soldier — the half pay of a common soldier, during his life, as a further remuneration for the ser\"ices rendered his country. Pendergast, Lieut. W"". Passed Feb. 11, 1835 — No. 41. Treas. Western Shore pay to Juliet Onion, widow of W"°. Pendergast, an officer of the revolution, half pay of a lieut., quarterly, during her life, for the services of her husband. * Penefill, Thomas, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Penefield, Thomas. Passed Mch. 20, 1835 — No. 76. Treas. Western Shore pay to Hester Penefield, widow of Thomas Penefield, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private, quarterly, during her widowhood. Penn, John. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 46. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to John Penn of Charles county, during life, half pay of a private for his rev. war services. Pensions. Disbursed during year ended Sept. 30, 1855 $3,227.42 and $960.00 unexpended. * Peterson, Henry, private, N. J. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). * Phelan, John, captain, Mass. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Philips, Stephen. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 37. Treas. is directed to pay to Stephen Phillips, of Caroline county, a coloured man, for life, half pay of a private for his rev. war services. Passed Feb. 15, 1844 — No. 21. Treas. Western Shore pay to Jacob Charles $13.33 being amt. advanced by said Charles to Stephen Phillips, a soldier of the rev. war. Pindell, Nicholas. Passed Feb. 18, 1830 — No. 32. Gov. «& council directed to ascertain amount due Nicholas Pindell, a rev. soldier, at time of his death; and Treas. Western Shore is required to pay to Gassaway Pindell, admr. of Nicholas Pindell, such sum as shall be found due to said Pindell at death. Pindell, Dr. Richard. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 58. Treas. Western Shore pay to Richard Pindell, of Ky., late a surgeon in the U. S. army during the rev. war, quarterly, during life, a sum of money equal to the full pay of a surgeon, as a further remuneration for those services he rendered his country during her struggle for independence. Plane, Jacob. Passed Feb. 24, 1830 — No. 56. Treas. Western Shore pay to Catherine Plane, of Anne-Arundel county (widow of Jacob Plane, 382 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS who was a soldier in the rev. war), during widowhood, quarterly, the half pay of a private, for the services of her late husband. Poe, Captain, of Baltimore. Passed Feb. 9, 1822 — No. 23, p. 176. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Poe, of Baltimore, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a captain of the Md. Line. * Pollock, Elias, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). * Pope, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). t Pope, John, private, Md. Line, age 68, from Frederick county. Died Mch. 3, 1 82 1, Pensioned at $96.00 per an. on Oct. 8, 181 8, from Apr. 10, 181 8. (Reed. $278.40. U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 36). Popham, Benjamin. Passed Mch. 12, 1827 — No. 63. Treas. pay to Benjamin Popham, of Anne-Arundel county, during Hfe, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. Porter, Nathan. Feb. 18, 1825, No. 27, p. 159. Treas. to pay Nathan Porter, of Talbot county, half pay of a private, addl. comp. his rev. war services. * Paulson, John, private, Del. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Powel, Brittian. Ensign of a Co. in Somerset County, 17"" Battn. of Militia, 1777 — see Schoolfield, W"". Powers, Jesse. Passed Dec. session 1815 — No. 13. Treas. Western Shore pay unto Jesse Powers, of St. Mary's county, late a private in the rev. war — half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Powers, Jesse, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Power, Jesse. Passed Feb. 25, 1836 — No. 41. Treas. Western Shore pay to Milly Power, widow of Jesse Power, a soldier of the rev., during widowhood half pay of a private, for the services of her late husband. Power, Jesse. Passed Jan. 13, 1845 — No. 6. Treas. pay to Henry Fowler, for use of Clement Thompson, legal representative of Milly Power, bal. due her at time of her death, on the pension list of the State. Price, George. Passed Mch. 2, 1827 — No. 31. Treas. pay to George Price, of Talbot county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Passed Mch. 13, 1829 — No. 61. Treas. pay to legal representatives of George Price, deceased, the balance of pension due the said George Price, at time of his death. Price, Stephen R. Passed Feb. 24, 1830 — No. 47. Treas. Western Shore pay to Stephen R. Price, of Mififllin twp. Franklin county, Ohio, a soldier in the rev. war, during life, quarterly, half pay of a quarter master sergeant, as further remuneration for his ser\'ices during the rev. war. * Price, Walter Lane, lieutenant, navy. Frigate Alliance (Jan. 1820, p. 549)- REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 383 * Primm, James, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Proctor, Richard. Passed Jan. 6, 1812 — No. 40. Treas. Western Shore pay to Richard Proctor, late a private in the rev. war, belonging to the Md. Line, quarterly, the half pay of a private, as a provision to him in his indigent situation and advanced life, and as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Pruitt, Walter. Passed Mch. 9, 1827 — No. 46. Treas. pay to Walter Pruitt, of Worcester county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private for his services during the rev. war. Purnell, Zadock, Esq. Com'd Colonel of the Synnapuxent Battalion of Militia in Worcester Co. Given at Baltimore Town Aug. 30, A.D. 1777. Th. Johnson. (X, No. 152). Endorsement: Col. Zadock Purnell resigned 1778. To his Excellency Thomas Johnson, Esq. Sir: Being now advanced in years, and at times much affected, I have thought it Expedient to Resign in favour of a younger man and therefore have Delivered my Commission to the Lieut, of this County. I have the Honor to be your Obt. Servt. Zadock Purnell. Queen, Marsham. Passed Mch. 13, 1832 — No. 106. Treas. Western Shore pay to Marsham Queen, of Charles county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, in consideration of his services during the rev. war. Quinny, Thomas M. Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 76. Treas. Western Shore to pay to Thomas M. Quinny, late a rev. soldier, quarterly during life, the half pay of a private. Raisin, Thomas, Gentleman. Com'd. Comet of Capt. John Page's Troop of Horse in Kent Co. raised with Notice of an Act to encourage the raising a Volunteer Troop of light Horse in Baltimore Town and each County of this State. Given at Annapolis, May 30, 1781. Tho. S. Lee. (X, No. 154). Endorsement: Thos. Raisin resigns as Comet of Horse Kent Co. May 1782. * Ramsay, James, ensign, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Rasin, Lieut. W"'. B. Passed Nov. session 1804 — No. 14. Treas. of Eastern Shore pay to W". B. Rasin, of Kent county, late a lieut. in the rev. war, or order, the half pay as a lieut., annually, quarterly payts., during his life, as a further reward to those meritorious services which he rendered his country in establishing her liberty & independence. * Ratcliff, James, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Rawlings, Samuel. Feb. 23, 1822 — No. 55, p. 180. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Ann Rawlings, widow of Samuel Rawlings, late 384 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS of Washington county deceased, — half pay of private — services by her late husband during the Rev. war. Rawlings, Solomo?i. Passed Feb. 19, 1 819 — No. 79. Treas. Western Shore to pay to Solomon Rawlings late a rev. soldier, during life, half pay of a private. * Rawlins, Solomon, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Ray, Joseph. Passed Dec. session, 1817 — No. 21. Treas. Western Shore pay to Joseph Ray, an old soldier, of Montgomery county, quarterly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. * Ray, Joseph, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Reading, Henry. Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. 9. Treas. Western Shore pay to Henry Reading late a soldier in the rev. war belonging to the Md. Line, or order, quarterly, a sum equal to half pay of a private, a as provision, &c. ; and further remuneration, &c. t Redenour, Jacob, private. Rev. army, of Frederick county. Pensioned at $60.00 per an. on Nov. 19, 1819, under Act of Mch. 3, 1809, dating from Apr. 10, 1806 (rec'd. $602.33) — at $96.00 fee an. from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $1,090.66). (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 13). Reed, Isaac. 2<' Lieut. Friendship Co., Dorchester Militia, Jan. 1776 — see Elliott, John. * Reed, John, 2d., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550.) Reid, John. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 40. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Reid, of Allegany county, $125.00, during life, quarterly, as a further remuneration for the services rendered his country during the rev. war. * Reeves, W'"., private, Mass. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). * Reewark, James, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Reily, Capt. W"'. Passed Dec. session 1816 — No. 30. Treas. Western Shore pay to W". Reily, of the District of Columbia, late a captain in the Md. Line in the rev. war, quarterly, the half pay of a captain, as a further remuneration for the gallant services rendered his country during the American war. Reily, Maj. W"". Passed Mch. i, 1833 — No. 40. Treas. Western Shore pay to Barbara Reily, of District of Columbia, widow of the late Maj. W"". Reily, a soldier of the rev. war, during widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a captain in consideration of the services rendered by her husband during said war. Rench, Andrew, Gentleman, Com'd. to be Lieut. Col. of the 32"*. Battn. of Militia of this Province, being of Frederick Co. Given in Convention at Annapolis, Jan. 3d., 1776. Signed pr. order Mat. Tilghman, Pres. (X, No. 156). REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 385 Reynolds, James. Passed Mch. 16, 1835 — No. 50. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ruth Reynolds, widow of James Reynolds, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private, quarterly, during his life. Reynolds, Tobias. Passed Dec. session, 1817 (Feb. 7, '18) — No. 26. Treas. Western Shore pay to Tobias Reynolds, of Anne-Arundel county, an old soldier, quarterly, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private [Rev. war]]. * Reynolds, Tobias, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). * Richards, Paul, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Richards, Paul. Passed Mch. 13, 1828 — No. 50. Treas. Western Shore pay to representative of Mary Richards, widow of Paul Richards, who was a soldier of the revolution, such sum as may appear to have been due her, at time of her death. Richardson, Charles. Passed Nov. session, 1812 — No. 52. Treas. Western Shore pay to Chas. Richardson, late a soldier in the rev. war, — half pay of a private, as a provision to him in his indigent situation and advanced life, and as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Richardson, Charles. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 49. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Nancy Richardson, widow of Charles Richardson, late a private in the rev. war, half pay of a private. Passed Mch. 9, 1846 — No. 49. Treas. of Md. pay to Lydia Ackworth, daughter of Nancy Richardson, whatever arrearages of pension may be found due the said Nancy Richardson at the time of her death. * Richardson, Charles, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Richardson, Daniel. Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. 25. Treas. Western Shore pay to Daniel Richardson — half pay of a private in the rev. war. * Richardson, Daniel, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). ^ * Rickner, Da?iiel, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Ridgely, Nicholas, Gentleman. Com'd. 2'' Lieut, in Capt. Richard Stringer's Company of 22'' Battn. of Militia. Given at Annapolis, Aug. 28, 1777. Th. Johnson. (X, No. 158). Endorsement: Resigned Apr. 13, 1781. Ridgeway, John. ist. Sergeant of a Co. in Prince George's Co. 25th. Battn., Jan. 3, 1776 — see Wootters, Richd. Rigby, W"'. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 29. Treas. pay to W". Rigby of Fairfield county, Ohio, for life, quarterly, half pay of quartermaster sergeant, for his services during rev. war. * Riston, Zadock, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Risden, Zaddock {Riston). Passed Feb. 24, 1830 — No. 48. Treas. Western Shore pay to Zaddock Risden, alias Riston, who was a soldier of 26 386 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS the rev. war, of Prince George's county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. Ristofi, Zadock. Passed Mch. 26, 1839 — No. 42. Treas. Western Shore of Md. pay to Benj. Riston and Cassandra Ann King, or order, only children of Zadock Riston, late of Prince George's county, deceased, a pensioner, the bal. of pension due him from State of Md., at time of his death, and which he was entitled to under a res. of the Gen. Assembly. Robbins, John. Passed Dec. session, 1817 — No. 16. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Robbins, an old soldier, of Montgomery county, quarterly, the half pay of a private, as a further compensation for his revolutionary services. * Robbins, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). * Roberts, James, private, Md. Line — died Jan. 6, 1810 (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Roberts, W'". Passed Dec. session 1815 — No. 21. Treas. Western Shore pay to W". Roberts, of Allegany county, a private in the rev. war — • half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Roberts, IF", private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Roberts, W'". Passed Mch. 4, 1834 — No. 33. Treas Western Shore pay to Jane Roberts, of Allegany county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private for the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Passed Mch. 9, 1835 — No. 24. Treas. Western Shore pay to Jane Roberts, widow of W". Roberts, deceased, $1.11, bal. due her deceased husband, as a rev. pensioner, at the time of his death. Roberts, W'". Passed Mch. 26, 1839 — No. 40. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Roberts, of Allegany county, $9.89, for 2 mos. & 29 ds. pension due Jane Roberts, of Allegany county, at the time of her death, as a Rev. pensioner. Roberts, Zachariah. Feb. 24, 1823 — No. 55. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Peter Levering, of Baltimore, or his executors the half pay of a corporal, for the support and maintenance of Zachariah Roberts, during his life as a compensation for services rendered in the rev. war. Robinson, Standly. Feb. 25, 1824 — No. 37, p. 172. Treas. to pay Standly Robinson, of Baltimore, half pay of a private, further remun. for his services as a private on board the Dolphin during the rev. war. Robosson, Lieut. Charles. Passed Feb. 27, 1839 — No. 21. Treas. Western Shore pay to Rebecca Robosson, of city of Baltimore, widow of Charles Robosson, a first lieut. in the rev. army, half pay of a first lieut. of the rev., during her life, quarterly, commencing Jan. i, 1839. Roby, John. Passed Dec. session, 181 5 — No. 6. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Roby, during life, — half pay of a private, for the services rendered his country during the rev. war. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 387 t Roe, Michael, private, Rev. army, of Somerset county. Pensioned from Sept. 4, 1797 at $40.00 per annum (reed. $745.56) — at $64.00 per an. from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $54.11). (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 18). Rogers, Geo. W., Capt. War of 181 2. Passed Jan. 19, 1830 — No. 9. Resolution authorizing the Gov. to procure and present to Capt. George W. Rogers, native of Md., & a Capt. in the U. S. Navy, as further evidence of the high sense the Legislature entertain for the services he has rendered his country, during the late war — action between Wasp and the Frolic. Rogers, Capt. Geo. W. Passed Mch. 15, 1833 — No. 59. Resolution recites provisions of No. 9 (1830) — "it appears the said Geo. W. Rogers is now dead." Governor is authorized to present the said sword to Raymond Rogers, the eldest son of the deceased, in consideration for the gallantry of his deceased father, &c. Rolle, Robert, Lieut. Passed Mch. 13, 1829 — No. 65. Treas. pay to Robert Rolle, of Talbot county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a lieut. for his services during the rev. war. Rowse, Lieut. Thos. Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. 13. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thos. Rowse, late a lieut. in the Md. Line of the rev. war, sum of money equal to half pay of a lieut., as further reward for those services rendered his country during the American war. Rouark, James. Feb. 24, 1836 — No. 42. Treas. Western Shore pay to Julia Rouark, widow of James Rouark, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private, during her widowhood. Riiark, James. Passed Mch. 7, 1838 — No. 19. Treas. Western Shore pay to Barbara Ruark, the widow of James Ruark, the half pay of a private, during her life, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Passed Feb. 18, 1848 — No. 26. Treas. pay to W". Wells, of Anne Arundel county, the amt. due to Mrs. Barbara Ruark, at her death a pensioner. * Russell, Robert, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 549). Rutledge, Lieut. Joshua. Passed Nov. session 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 41. Treas. Western Shore pay to Joshua Rutledge, of Harford county, late a lieut. in the Md. Line, or order, quarterly, equal to the half pay of a lieut., as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country during the rev. war. Rutlage, Lieut. Joshua. Feb. 23, 1822 — No. 61, p. 180. Whereas, Joshua Rutlage, of Harford county, a pensioner, is said to be wealthy, and the intention of this legislature is to assist such as stand in need, and not those that are living in affluence — Therefore. Resolved, That the resolution passed at Nov. Session, 1812, directing the treas. of Western Shore to pay to Joshua Rutlage of Harford county, late a 388 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS lieut. in the Md. Line — half pay of a lieut., as a further remuneration for his services rendered his country during the rev. war, be and the same is hereby rescinded. Riitledge, Lieut. Joshua. Passed Mch. 3, 1840 — No. 13. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Brooks, of Harford county, widow of Joshua Rutledge, who was a lieut. in the rev. war, or to her order, quarterly, commencing Jan. i, 1840, half pay of a lieut., in consideration of the services of her said husband rendered during the war of the rev. * Rutledge, Joshua, Heut., Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Sansbury, John. Passed Feb. 7, 1840 — No. 8. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Sansbur>', of Baltimore city, widow of John Sansbury, a private marine in the rev. war, or to her order, quarterly, commencing Jan. I, 1840, the half pay of a private, during her life, in consideration of the serv'ices of her said husband. Sappington, Dr. Richard. Passed Mch. 7, 1844 — No. 34. Treas. of Md. pay to Cassandra Sappington, of Harford county, widow of Dr. Richard Sappington, who was a surgeon in the rev. war, quarterly, commencing on Jan. i, 1844, half pay of Surgeon, during her life, as a further remuneration for the services of her deceased husband. * Savoy, Philip, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Schmuck, Jacob, Capt. Passed Jan. 20, 1835 — No. 16. Governor directed to ascertain value of sword, directed under res. of Md. Assembly, last session, No. 98, to be presented to capt. Jacob Schmuck, late of the U. S. Army, and to present the amount thereof to Ellen Schmuck, widow of said Capt. Schmuck for the education of Catharine Schmuck, his daughter and only child. Schmuck, Capt. Jacob. War of 1812. Resolution No. 98, passed Mch. 20, 1835, requesting the Governor to procure and present a sword to Capt. Jacob Schmuck, U. S. Army for his gallant services on the north- western frontier, during the late war with Great Britain. Schoolfield, Benj. Gentleman. Com'd. 2<* Lieut, of Capt. John William's Company in Princess Anne Battn. of Militia in Somerset Co. Given at Baltimore Town, Sept. 22, 1777. Th. Johnson. (X, No. 164). Endorsement: 1st. Lieut, of W". Key's Co. Endorsement on comn. of Schoolfield, W"".: Captain in 17"" Battn. Schoolfield, George. 2'^ Lieut, of a Militia Co. in Somerset County, 17"' Battn. 1776 — see Schoolfield, W". Schoolfield, W""., Gentleman. Com'd. Ensign of a Co. in Somerset County in the 17"" Battn. of Militia. Given in Convention at Annapolis, Jan. 3, 1776. Signed pr. order Mat. Tilghman, Pres. (Original Com- mission, No. 166). REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 389 Endorsement: W"". Schoolfield, 1st. Lieut.; George Schoolfield, 2*^. Lieut.; Brittian Powel, Ensign; M. George Waters, Com'dt, Ballard Bozman, 2d Lieut.; James Curtis, Ensign; W"". Water, Corporal; W™. Waller, Ensign in Thos. Irving's; Benj. Schoolfield, Capt. ; Thos. Jones, 1st. Lieut.; Saml. Dixon, 2<* Lieut, in 17"" Battn. Schrach, Andrew. Passed Mch. 12, 1829 — No. 51. Treas. W^estem Shore pay to Andrew Schrach, of Baltimore city, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. * Scislar, Philip, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Scott, Gustavus. Robey's Delight — Allegany Co. Aug. 1824 — see Feb. 9, 1825, p. 157, No. 12. Also No. 15, Feb. 9, 1825. Scott, Samuel. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 63. Treas. Western Shore pay to Samuel Scott, quarterly, the half pay of a private during his life, for those ser\ices he rendered his country during the rev. war. * Scott, Samuel, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Scott, Samuel. Passed Feb. 21, 1834 — No. 23. Treas. Western Shore pay to Benj. L. Gantt, for use of Mrs. Elizabeth Scott, widow of the late Samuel Scott, of Prince George's county, a rev. soldier, $14.44, being amt. due him at death as a pensioner. Passed Mch. 4, 1834 — ^"o- A-- Treas. Western Shore pay to Mrs. Elizabeth Scott, widow of Samuel Scott, of Prince George's county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a pri\-ate, for the services of her husband during the rev. war. Scott, Samuel. Passed Jan. 19, 1848 — No. 11. State Treas. pay to Order of W"". Scott, one of the legal representatives of Elizabeth Scott, late of Prince George's county, deceased, bal. of pension money due at her death. Seaburn, John. Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. 12. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Seaburn, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private in rev. war. Sears, John. Passed Jan. 26, 1828 — No. 4. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Sears, of Harford county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a lieut., further remuneration for her husband, John Sears' services during the rev. war. Second, George. Passed Nov. session, 1803 — No. 3. Treas. Eastern Shore pay to George Second, or order, the sum of $54.00 per annum, half yearly payts., out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. (Indexed amongst rev. pensions). Semmes, Lieut. James. Passed Nov. session, 1812 — No. 59 Treas. Western Shore pay to James Semmes, of Charles county, late a second lieut. in the rev. war, or order, annually in quarterly payts., during his Hfe a sum of money equal to the half pay of a second lieut. 390 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Seney, John, Senr. Esq. Com'd. 1st. Major of 5"" Battn. of Militia of Province of Md. Given in Convention at Annapolis, Jan. 3, 1776. Signed pr. order, Mat. Tilghman, Pres. (X, No. 169). Sewall, Charles. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 42. Treas. pay to Chas. Sewall, of Charles county, for life, quarterly, half pay of a first lieut., as a remuneration for his ser\^ces during the rev. war. * Seivell, Charles, ensign, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Sewell, Clement. Feb. 24, 1823 — No. 62, p. 147. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Clement Sewell, of the D. C, late an ensign in the Md. Line in the rev. war, half pay of an ensign, as a remuneration for the gallant services rendered his country during the struggle for our glorious independence. Sewell, James. Passed Dec. session, 1817 (Feb. 6, 1818) — No. 34. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Sewell, an old rev. soldier, quarterly, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his services during the American war. t Sewall, James, private Rev. army, of Anne Arundel county, pensioned May 16, 1817, at $60.00 per month from Mch. 4, 1803, under Act of Jan. I, 1803 (received $788.33). Pensioned Apr. 24, 1816 at $96.00 per year (received $178.66). * Sewell, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Sewell, W". Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. 11. Treas. Western Shore pay to W". Sewell, of Annapolis, late a soldier in the rev. war, or order, during life, quarterly payts., half pay of a private. Sewell, W'". Passed Feb. 22, 1822 — No. 41, p. 178. Treas. Western Shore pay to W°". Sewell, of Talbot county, half pay of a private, for his rev. war services. Sewell, W"'. Passed Feb. 6, 1832 — No. 16. Treas. Western Shore pay to Rebecca Sewell, widow of W". Sewell, a soldier of the rev. war, during life, half yearly, the half pay of a private, for the services rendered by her said husband. Shean, Henry. Passed Mch. 12, 1828 — No. 46. Treas. Western Shore pay Henry Shean, of Baltimore county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, as further remuneration for his services during rev. war. Shane, Henry. Passed Feb. 7, 1830 — No. 17. Treas. Western Shore pay to Henry W. Shane money due his father Henry Shane, a rev. soldier, at time of his decease. Shaw, James, Gentleman. Com'd. 1st. Lieut of the Co. of Militia in Dorchester County called the Vienna Co. to which Hugh M'^Bride was elected ist. Lieut & since promoted. Given in Convention at Annapolis, Jan. 3, 1776. Signed pr. Order Mat. Tilghman, Pres. (X, No. 172). Resigned June 17, 1776. RE\'OLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 391 Sheets, Jacob. Passed Jan. 26, i828^No. 3. Treas. Western Shore pay to Hannah Sheets, of Frederick county, during Hfe, in half yearly payments the half pay of a private, as further remuneration for her husband, Jacob Sheets' services during the rev. war. Shircliff, Lieut. W'". Passed Mch. 29, 1838 — No. 55. Treas. Western Shore pay to Melinda Shircliff, widow of W"". Shircliff, a soldier of the rev., the half pay of a Heut., as a further remuneration for his servaces, during her life. Shirley, Bennet. Passed Jan. 19, 1837 — No. 12. Treas. Western Shore pay to Susanna Shirley, widow of Bennet Shirley, half pay of private during her life, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. * Shirtzer, Caspar, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). * Shockley, John, private, INld. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). * Shockney, Patrick, private, Pa. Line Qan. 1820, p. 551). Shoebrook, Edward. Feb. 24, 1823 — No. 70, p. 148. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Joseph Boon of Caroline county, or his execu- tors, for support and maintenance of Edward Shoebrook, during his life, as a compensation for services rendered in the rev. war. Shoits, John. Passed Dec. session, 1817 (Feb. 7, 18) — No. 25. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Shotts, of Frederick county, an old soldier, quarterly, the half pay of a private during his life. * Shots, John, private, Houseger's G. Regt. (Jan. 1820, p. 551). * Shrupp, Henry, lieut., German Regt. (Jan. 1820, p. 550). * Shryock, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Shryock, John. Passed Mch. 16, 1835 — No. 60. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Shryock, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private, quarterly during his life. * Silence, W'"., private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Simmons, Aaron. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 72. Treas. Western Shore to pay to Aaron Simmons, late a rev. soldier, or order, quarterly during life, half pay of a private. Simmons, Sarah. Passed Mch. 4, 1834 — No. 31. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Simmons, of Charles county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. * Simmons, W'"., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Simpson, Lawrence. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 23. Treas. Western Shore pay to Lawrence Simpson, of Charles county (an old rev. soldier), quarterly, the half pay of a private soldier, as a further re- muneration for his sersdces in the rev. war. Simpson, Lawrefice. Passed Feb. 27, 1843 — No. 24. Treas. Western Shore pay to Peter W. Crain, for the widow of Lawrence Simpson, bal. due said Lawrence Simpson, a rev. pensioner, at his death. 392 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Simpson, Rezin. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 37. Treas. Western Shore pay to Rezin Simpson, late a private in the rev. army, a sum of money annually, in quarterly payts., equal to the half pay of a soldier. Simpson, Rezin. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 52. Treas. Western Shore pay to Rezin Simpson, quarterly, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a sergeant of dragoons, in lieu of the sum allowed him by a resolution of 1811 [1812]. * Simpson, Rezin, sergeant, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Simpson, Rezin. Passed Feb. 18, 1830 — No. 29. Treas. Western Shore pay to Robert Swan, for use of Mary Simpson, widow of the late Rezin Simpson, a pensioner of the state of Md., $27.50 balance due said Simpson at time of his decease. (Indexed as Rev. pension). Simpson, Rezin. Passed Feb. 24, 1830 — No. 60. Treas. Western Shore pay to W". Shaw, for use of Mary Simpson, of Allegany county, during widowhood, quarterly, half pay of sergeant for the services of her late husband, Rezin Simpson, who was a soldier of the rev. war. Simpson, Thomas. Passed Nov. session, 1812 — No. 62. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas Simpson, late a corporal in the rev. war — half pay of a corporal, as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country in her struggle for liberty & independence. * Sims, Patrick, lieut. colonel, Md. Line — died Jan. 7, 1819 (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Sizler, Philip. Passed Feb. 29, 1829 — No. 31. Treas. pay to Philip Sizler, of Baltimore city, a soldier of the rev. war, during life, half yearly, half pay of a sergeant in the artillery, in consideration of his services during the rev. war. Smith, Capt. Alexander Lawson. Passed Feb. 24, 1836 — No. 40. Treas. Western Shore pay to Martha Jay, widow of Alexander Lawson Smith, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a capt. during her widowhood. Smith, Aquilla. Passed Mch. 7, 1834 — No. 49. Treas. Western Shore pay to Aquilla Smith, of Ky., during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for the services rendered by him during the rev. war. Smith, Benj. Passed Feb. 7, 1830 — No. 16. Treas. Western Shore pay to Benjamin Smith, of Ky., during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his services during rev. war. Smith, Charles and Sliider, Philip. Passed Dec. session, 181 5 — No. 24. Treas. Western Shore pay unto Charles Smith and Philip Studer, late privates in the rev. war or order, quarterly, half pay of privates, as a further remuneration to them for those services by which their country has been so essentially benefitted. RE\OLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 393 Smith, Charles. Passed Mch. 5, 1835 — No. 54. Treas. Western Shore pay to Charles Smith, of Talbot county, quarterly, during his life, half pay of a private, in consideration of his services in the war of the rev. Passed Mch. 7, 1840 — No. 21. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas Smith, of Talbot county, $10.00, for one quarters pension due his father, Charles Smith, of said county, at the time of his death, as a rev. pensioner. Smith, Capt. Charles. Passed Mch. 8, 1834 — No. 54. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mar>' Smith (widow of Capt. Charles Smith), of the D. C, during life, quarterly, half pay of a Capt., in consideration of the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. * Smith, Christian, private. Aid. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Smith, Elijah. Passed Dec. session 181 7 (Feb. 6, '18) — No. 32. Treas. ^^'estem Shore pay to Elijah Smith, of Baltimore, an old soldier, during life, quarterly, the half pay of a private for his services during the rev. war. * Smith, Elijah, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Smith, Elijah. Mch. 9, 1826 — No. 113, p. 262. Treas. W^estem Shore pay to Mrs. Priscilla Smith of Baltimore whatever balance may be due to her late husband, Elijah Smith as a pensioner of the state. Smith, Elijah. Passed Apr. i, 1839 — No. 57. Treas. Western Shore pay to Priscilla Smith, of Baltimore county, widow of Elijah Smith, a soldier of the rev., or her order, half pay of a private of the rev., quarterly, during her life. Smith, Ephraim. Passed Feb. 4, 1843 — No. 8. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ephraim Smith, of Baltimore city, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, in consideration of services rendered during war of rev. t Smith, James, private. Rev. army, of Frederick county. Pensioned Aug. I, 1816 under Act of June 7, 1785, a.t $48.00 per an. commencing Mch. 4, 1789 (reed. $1,224.00). (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 14). Smith, John. Capt. of a Co. of Militia in Baltimore Town Battn. Baltimore Co. before Mch. 16, 1779 — see Merryman, John. Smith, John. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 60. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Smith, of Charles county, late a rev. soldier, quarterly during life, half pay of a private, for his rev. services. * Smith, John ist, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). * Smith, John 2d, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Smith, John. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 75. Treas. Western Shore to pay to John Smith, of Anne Arundel county late a rev. soldier, during life, the half pay of a private. Smith, John. Feb. 26, 1825 — No. 50, p. 162. Treas. to pay John Smith, of Anne Arundel county half pay of a private, further remun. for his services during rev. war. Passed Mch. 14, 1832 — No. 119. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah 394 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Smith, of Anne Arundel county, widow of John Smith, a soldier of the rev. war, during widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a private, for the services rendered by her husband during said war. Smith, John. Feb. 24, 1823 — No. 56. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to John Smith, of Prince George's county, half pay of a corporal, during life, for his services during rev. war. Passed Feb. 7, 1843 — No. 3. Treas. Western Shore pay to Richard L. Jenkins, of Prince George's county, Md., $6.97, bal. due John Smith a rev. pensioner at time of his death. Smith, Joseph. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 16. Treas. Western Shore pay to Joseph Smith, late a captain in the Md. Line during the rev. war — half pay of a captain, as a further remuneration for those meritorious services rendered his country during the Amer. war. * Smith, Michael, drummer, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). * Smith, Moses, private, N. Y. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Smith, Capt. Nathaniel. Feb. 22, 1823 — No. 69. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Sarah Smith, of Baltimore, half pay of a captain, during life, as a further remuneration for her husband Capt. Nathaniel Smith's serv'ices during the rev. war. Smith, Nathaniel, Maj. Passed Mch. 9, 1827 — No. 45. Treas. pay to Sarah Smith, of Baltimore city, during life, half yearly, half pay of a major, in lieu of the half pay of a captain which she now receives, as a further remuneration for her late husband, Nathaniel Smith's services during the rev. war. Smith, Thomas. Passed Feb. 26, 1829 — No. 35. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas Smith, of state of Ohio, a soldier of the rev. war, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, in consideration of his services during the rev. war. Smoot, Joseph, Lieut. War of 1812. Passed Mch. i, 1830 — No. 11. Resolutions expressive of the sense of the Legislature of the gallant conduct during the late war of Joseph Smoot, of Dorchester county, now a Lieut, in the U. S. Navy (Hornet and Peacock, and Hornet and Penguin) ; and directing a sword to be presented to him. * Smyth, Daniel, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Smyth, Thomas. Passed Feb. 18, 1830 — No. 33. Treas. Western Shore pay to Anna M. Smyth, widow of late Thomas Smyth, who was a major in the rev., during widowhood, quarterly, half pay of a lieutenant for services of her late husband. Smyth, Thomas, Maj. Passed Mch. 25, 1836 — No. 81. In lieu of pension granted by res. 33, Feb. 18, 1830, revoked. Treas. Western Shore pay to Anna Maria half pay of a major during her widowhood; provided she file relinquishment of claim for arrears, on acct. of her late husband Thos. Smyth, who was a major in the rev. war. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 395 Somervell, James. Passed Mch. 12, 1828 — No. 41. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Somervell, of Prince George's county, son and one of the heirs of Captain James Somervell, an officer of the Md. Line during the rev. war, such sum as may appear to be due to him on the pension list of Md. at time of his decease. SomerviUe, Capt. James. Passed Nov. 1785, Vol. 11, Chap. XVI. Gen. Assembly granted half pay of a capt. to James SomerviUe, for disability acquired in the service, late a capt. in the Md. Line in the Continental army. * Sommers, Solomon, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Spalding, Aaron. Passed Dec. session, 181 5 — No. 28. Treas. Western Shore pay to Aaron Spalding, during his life, half pay of a sergeant. [^Amongst rev. pensioners]]. Spalding, Daniel. Mch. 7, 1826 — No. 85, p. 255. Treas. Western Shore pay to Daniel Spalding of Baltimore, half pay of a private, for his rev. war services. Passed Mch. 9, 1848 — No. 72. State Treas. pay to Samuel Spalding, of Baltmore, $19.06, being bal. of pension due the late Daniel Spalding, a rev. soldier, at the time of his death; provided the said treasurer is satisfied that the said Saml. Spalding is the only heir entitled to receive the same. Spalding, Henry. Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. 16. Treas. Western Shore pay to Henry Spalding, late a private in the rev. war, — half pay of a private, as a provision to him in his indigent situation and advanced life. * Spalding, Henry, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Spedden, Edward. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 40. Treas. pay to Edward Spedden, of city of Baltimore, an old rev. soldier, for life, quarterly, half pay of a second lieut. for his services during the rev. war. Spedden, Edward. Feb. 22, 1823 — No. 68. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Ann Spedden, of Baltimore, half pay of a lieutenant, as a remuneration for her late husband Edward Spedden's services during the rev. war. Spires, Richard. Passed Mch. 7, 1829 — No. 42. Treas. Western Shore pay to Richard Spires, of Brown county, Ohio, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private for his services during the rev. war. Stanton, John. Passed Feb. 23, 1829 — No. 32. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Stanton, a soldier of the rev. war, during life, half yearly, the half pay of a private, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Staples, John. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 20. Treas. pay to John Staples, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for his services during rev. war. 396 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Passed Mch. lo, 1845 — No. 37. Treas. pay to Margaret Staples, widow of John Staples, a soldier of the Rev., quarterly, half pay of a sergeant, in consideration of her husband's services in the war of the Rev. * Starr, James, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). * Starr, W'"., lieutenant, Conn. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). * Staunton, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Steel, James, Gentleman. Com'd. Ensign of Capt. Gabriel Vanhorn's Co. in Deer Creek Battn. of Militia in Harford County. Given at Annapolis, Apr. 9, 1778. John M. Kimson, ist. Lieut. Pa. "James Steel being Disabled by long sickness is under the Necesity of refusing the above Commission for the above Reasons. Pr. G. Bl. Vanhorn, Capt. Apr. 14, 1778." Steuart, Elizabeth. Passed Feb. 28, 1844 — No. 25. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Steuart, of Queen Anne's county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a captain, in consideration of the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Stevens, Benj. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 16. Treas. Western Shore pay to Benj. Stevens, of Somerset county, an old soldier, quarterly, during his life, the half pay of a private, as a further compensation for his services during the rev. war. * Stevens, Benj., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Stevens, Edward, Gentleman. Com'd. Ensign of Capt. Maynadier's Company in 4"" Battn. of Militia in Talbot Co. Given at Annapolis, Apr. 9, 1778. Th. Johnson (X, No. 179). (See Maynadier, W"".) Stephens, Levi. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 38. Treas. Western Shore pay to Levi Stephens, of Somerset county, quarterly during life, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country during the rev. war. * Stevens, Levi, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Stevens, Levi. Passed Feb. 24, 1836 — No. 39. Treas. Western Shore pay to W"". W. Stevens & David Stevens, executors of Levi Stevens, $28.33, being 8 mos. & 15 days pension due said Levi Stevens at his death, Dec. 15, 1834. Stephens, Levi. Passed Mch. 11, 1835 — No. 27. Treas. Western Shore pay to Polly Stephens, widow of Levi Stephens, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private during her life, in quarterly payts. * Stevens, Richard, sailing master. Frigate Trumbull (Jan. 1820, p. 550). Stevenson, John, Gentleman, Comd. Lieut, of Marines of the Row Gal- ley called the Independence. Given in Convention or Council of Safety of this State at Annapolis, Jan. 25, 1777. J. Hall, J. Nicholson, Jr., Brice Worthington, Sam Wilson. (X, No. 254.) REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 397 Stone, Col. John. Passed Mch. 21, 1839 — No. 38. Treas. Western Shore pay to Dr. N. P. Cousin, for the use of the surviving child of Col. John Stone, a sum of money amounting to the half pay of a colonel in the Md. Line between the periods of 1779 and 1782, for 2 yrs. & 11 mos; pro^•ided he shall be satisfied by competent evidence that the sum herein authorized to be paid, which is ordered under Act of 1778, Chap. 14, & resolutions of 1779 & 1780, of this State, to be paid to the said heirs for the period of time intervening between the resignation of said Col. Stone, in Aug. 1779, and the date of the first payt. to him in 1782, has not been paid to Col. Stone, or his heirs, by the gen. govt. Storer, Dorothy. Passed Mch. 2, 1827 — No. 33. Treas. Western Shore pay to Dorothy Storer, of the District of Columbia, during life, half yearly, the half pay of a captain, as a further remuneration for her late husband's services during the rev. war. Strider, Philip. Passed Apr. 6, 1841 — No. 13. Treas. Western Shore pay to M. C. Sprigg, for legal representative of Philip Strider, late of Bedford county. Pa, and pensioner of the State of Md., who died Jan. 6, 1840, $12.93, amount of arrears due him from Sept. 10, 1840 to day of his death. Stringer, Richard. Capt. in 22<* Battalion of Militia Aug. 28, 1777 — see Ridgely, Nicholas. Stuart, Elizabeth. Passed Mch. 8, 1850 — No. 71. Treas. pay to Woolman I. Gibson, for use of representatives of Elizabeth Stuart, deceased, $33.33 being amt. due said Elizabeth for pension, per resolution No. 23, of 1843, to Feb. 21, 1849, the day of her death. Stiider, Philip — see Smith, Charles. * Studer, Philip, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). * Sidlivan, James, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Summers, Solomon. Passed Dec. session, i8r'6 — No. 25. Treas. Western Shore pay to Solomon Summers, of Queen-Anne's county, late a drummer in the rev. war, during life, quarterly, the half pay of a drummer, as a further remuneration for his services in the rev. war. * Sutton, Jacob, seaman, Ship Defiance (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Swann, Leonard. Passed Dec. session, 1817 — No. 14. Treas. Western Shore pay to Leonard Swan, an old soldier, quarterly during life, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a private. [Listed amongst Rev. war pensioners]. * Syphird, Matthias, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Tannehill, Mrs. Agnes M. Mch. 8, 1826 — No. 70, p. 250. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mrs. Agnes M. Tannehill, of Allegany county, in the state of Pa., during life, the half pay of a captain, as a further remuneration for her late husband's services during the rev. war. 398 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Tasker, Richard R. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 34. Treas. pay to Richard R. Tasker, of Allegany county, for life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for his services during rev. war. * Tasker, Richard R., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). * Taylor, John, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Taylor, John. Passed Mch. 8, 1834 — No. 53. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Taylor, of Anne Arundel county, quarterly, half pay of a private, for the services rendered by him during the rev. war. Taylor, John. Passed Mch. 8, 1836 — No. 58. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sega Taylor, of Anne Arundel county, the amt. due her late husband, John Taylor, upon the pension list of this State, at the time of his death. (Indexed under Rev. Pensions). Taylor, John. Passed Apr. i, 1836 — No. 82. Treas. Western Shore pay to "Sydney Taylor, widow of John Taylor, a rev. soldier," the half pay of a private for the services of her husband. * Taylor, Levin, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). * Taylor, Matthew, cornet. Gen. Washington's Guards — Died 27 Aug. 1818 (Jan. 1820, p. 551). * Taylor, Nevil, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Taylor, Richd. Passed Dec. session, 181 5 — No. 30. Treas. Western Shore pay to Richard Taylor, late a soldier in the rev. war, half pay of a private. Tedyford, John. 1st. Sgt. Friendship Company, Dorchester Co. Militia, Jan. 1776 — see Elliott, John. * Thomas, Francis, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Thomas, John Allen, Esq. Com'd. Capt. of s"" Independent Co. of Regular Troops. Given in Convention at Annapolis, Jan. 5, 1776. Signed pr. Order Mat. Tilghman, Pres. (X, No. 186). "I John Allen Thomas do swear that I will well & truly Execute my Office according to the within Commission & the trust reposed on me, according to the best of my power & ability & that I \vill disband & lay down my arms whenever I shall be ordered so to do by the Convention of Md. for the time being, or any authority derived under it. So help me God. Before Thos. Brooke Hodgkin, Jan. 17, 1776." Thomas, John Jarman. Passed Mch. 16, 1836 — No. 50. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Jarman Thomas, a soldier of the rev. half pay of a private during life. Thomas, Joseph. Passed Feb. 20, 1822 — No. 37, p. 178. Treas. Western Shore pay to Frisby Henderson, Esq. of Cecil county, as trustee for Joseph Thomas an old Rev. soldier, half pay as private, &c. * Thomason, Ezekiel, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). * Thomm, Henry, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 399 Thompson, Barnard. Passed Mch. I, 1833 — No. 38. Treas. Western Shore pay to Barnard Thompson of Washington county, Ky., a soldier of the rev. war, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for his services rendered by him in said war. Thompson, Chas. Passed Dec. session, 181 6 — No. 17. Treas. Western Shore pay to Chas. Thompson, of St. Mary's county, late a soldier in the rev. war, quarterly, during his life, the half pay of a private, as an ad- ditional compensation to him for those services by which his country has been benefitted. Thompson, Jesse. Passed Nov. session 1812 (Jan. i, '13) — No. 25. Treas. Western Shore pay to Jesse Thompson, late a sergeant in the Md. Line during the rev. war — half pay of a sergeant, as a further remuneration, &c. * Thompson, Jesse, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Thompson, John. Passed Nov. session 1812 (Jan. i, 1813) — No. 28. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Thompson, of Kent county, late a soldier in the rev. war, — half pay of a private, in quarterly payts., during life. Thompson, Thos. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 19. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas Thompson, of Dorchester county, an old soldier, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, as a compensation for his services in the late rev. war. Thompson, Thomas. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 47. Treas. is directed to pay to Mary Thompson, widow of Thomas Thompson, an old soldier, late of Dorchester county, during life, half pay of a private. * Thornton, John, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Thruslon, Col. Chas. M. Passed Jan. 9, 1841 — No. 6. [1839 riots — Treas. of State Mch. 2, 1844]. Tillard, Edward — see Halkerstone, Robert. Tillard, Thomas, Esq., Comd. Major of South River Battn. of Militia in Anne Arundel Co., being the 31st Battn. in this Province. Given in Council of Safety at Annapolis, Jan. 26, 1776, Danl. of St. Thos. Jenifer, Chas. Carroll, J. Hall, Jas. Tilghman. (X, No. 190.) Resigned Dec. 18, 1776. Tillard, Lt. Col. Passed Jan. 22, 1820 — No. 10. Treas. pay to Sarah Tillard, widow of Lt. Col. Tillard, of Md. Line (during rev. war) during life, quarterly, "a sum of money equal to half pay of a captain." Passed Feb. 11, 1835 — No. 58. Treas. Western Shore pay to Capt. Otho Thomas, of Frederick county, for benefit of heirs of Sarah Tillard, late a pensioner of this State $57-33 due her at the time of her death. Tillotson, Thomas, Surgeon. Passed Feb. 19, 1830 — No. 42. Treas. Western Shore pay to Dr. Thomas Tillotson, of Rhinebeck county, N. Y. 400 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS who was a surgeon in the rev. war, during life, half yearly, half pay of a surgeon, as further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Mch. 14, 1832 — No. III. Dr. Thos. Tillotson, of New York, "a surgeon in the Md. Line during the war of the revolution" was granted a warrant, later patent, for 200 acres of vacant land in Allegany county. t Tomm, Henry, private, Rev. army, of Washington county. Pensioned under Act of June 7, 1785 at $20.00 per annum from Mch. 4, 1794 (reed. $664.17) — at $48.00 per an. from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $89.33). (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 19). Toomy, John. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 29. Treas. is directed to pay to John Toomy, of Queen Anne's county, half pay of a corporal, as a further compensation for his services during the rev. war. Topham, Benj. Passed Mch. 29, 1839 — No. 50. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ann Busey, the sole legatee of Benj. Topham, deceased, who was a pensioner of this State, or her order, the arrear of pension due to said Topham at time of his death, under resolution, numbered 63, passed at Dec. session 1826. Townsend, Allen. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 24. Treas. Western Shore pay to Allen Townsend, quarterly, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Townsend, Thomas. Feb. 18, 1825 — No. 22, p. 158. Treas. to pay to Thos. Townsend, of Talbot county, half pay of a private, addl. remun. for his services during rev. war. Towson, Col. Nathan and Gallagher, Capt. John. Passed Mch. 21, 1833 — No. 63. Governor directed to procure and present two swords, one to Col. Nathan Towson, LT. S. Army, and the other to Capt. John Gallagher, U. S. Na\'y, as testimony of the admiration and gratitude of their native state for their distinguished gallantry and highly valuable services during the last war with Great Britain. Traverse, [Tranierse, Trarierse ?], Levin, Gentleman, Comd. ist Lieut, of Capt. Rogers A. Hooper's Co. in Upper Battn. of Militia in Dor- chester County. Given at Annapolis, May 20, 1778. Th. Johnson. (X, No. 248.) Endorsement: Edward Scott, ist. Lieut.; Walter Raughley, 2d. Lieut. Truck, John. Mch. i, 1826 — No. 61, p. 248. Treasury of Western Shore to pay to John Truck of Frederick county, the half pay of a sergeant, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Truck, John Mch. 9, 1826 — No. 106, p. 261. Reg. of land office issue to John Truck of Frederick county, unpatented state lands in Allegany county. A warrant for 50 a., as a donation granted by the state to the rev. soldiers who served in the Md. Line during the rev. war, & to which he is entitled. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 401 Trtix, John. Passed Mch. 6, 1832 — No. 71. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Trux, of Frederick county, widow of John Trux, a soldier of the rev. war, during widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a sergeant, for services rendered by her husband during said war. Trueman, Lieut. John. Passed Nov. 1785, Vol. 11, Chap. XVI. Gen. Assembly granted half pay of a lieut., for disability acquired in the service, to John Trueman, a lieut. in the Md. Line in the Continental army. * Tucker, George, private — dragoon, Armand's Corps (Jan. 1820, p. 551). Turner, Thomas. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 53. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas Turner, of Montgomery county, a rev. soldier, half pay of a private for his services during said war. Tutwiller, Jonathan — see Nowell, James. Passed Dec. session, 181 5 — No. 60. Treas. Western Shore pay to Jonathan Tutwiller, or order, quarterly, a sum equal to the half pay of a sergeant, instead of that of a private. * Tutwiller, Jonathan, private, Md. Line — died July 20, 1819 (Jan. 1820, P- 551)- Tydings, Kealey. Passed Nov. session, 181 1 — No. 22. Treas. Western Shore pay to Kealey Tydings, late a sergeant in the Md. Line during the rev. war — half pay of a sergeant, as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country during the American war. Tyler, Robert. Officer elected (presumably ist. Lieut.) in a Militia Co. in Prince George's County, 25th Battn. — see Wootters, Richard. Ulricks, Peter. Baltimore county q"" election district, Oct. 1826 — vote for or against the change of location. Laws of Md. Session Dec. 1825, passed Mch. 9, 1826. Res. No. 107, p. 261. * Uncles, Benj., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Uncles, Benj. Passed Feb. 22, 1822 — No. 45, p. 178. Treas. Western Shore pay to Benjamin Uncles, of Anne Arundel county half pay of a private, for his rev. war services. Passed Jan. 28, 1838 — No. 4. Treas. Western Shore pay to Rebecca Uncles, widow of Benjamin Uncles, a rev. soldier, the half pay of a private during her life, as a further remuneration for his services. Uncles, Benj. Passed Mch. 10, 1847 — No. 53. Treas. of State pay to Mrs. Sarah Earlougher $6.67, being bal. of pension money due from this State to Rebecca Uncles, deceased, at the time of her death. Vaine, John, of Caroline county, changed to John Clinton Cooper Jan. 12, 1825, p. 14, Chap. 18. Vane, John. Passed Mch. 12, 1827 — No. 57. Treas. pay Lucretia Vane, of Dorchester county, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for her husband, John Vane's services during the rev. war. 27 402 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Vane, John. Passed Jan. 28, 1837 — No. 8. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Vane, one of the legal representatives of Lucretia Vane, $9.77, for two months and twenty-eight days pension due the said Lucretia at her death Sept. 28, 1835. Vanhorne, Gabriel R. Capt. of Militia in Harford Co. Deer Creek BattaHon, Apr. 1778 — see Long, John Jr. — "G. Bl." Apr. 14, 1778, see Long, John and Steel, James. Varlow, Stephen. Passed Feb. 12, 1820 — No. 36. Treas. pay to Stephen Varlow, of Cecil county, for life, quarterly, half pay of a private as a remuneration for his services during the rev. war. * Vaughan, George, lieut., Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). t Vaughan, George H., lieut. Rev. army, of Baltimore county. Pensioned at $144.00 per annum, dating from Jan. i, 1803 (reed. $1,012.80) — at $160.00 per annum, from Jan. 12, 1810 (reed. $1,005.28), Apr. 27, 1810 — at $181.3374 per annum from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $353.05) — at $240.00 per an. from Apr. 4, 1818 (reed. $440.00) — at $181.3374 from Mch. 4, 1820 (reed. $1,631.99), Died Dec. 2, 1820. U. S. Pension Rolls, 1835, p. 10. * Vaughan, W"'., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Vaughan, W'". Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 55. Treas. Western Shore pay unto W". Vaughan, or order, an old rev. soldier, half pay as a private during the remainder of his life, as a re- muneration for his meritorious services. Voghan, George. Capt. of Deer Creek Militia, Harford Co. — see Corbet, James. * Walckman, Michael, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 553). Walker, John. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 31. Treas. is directed to pay to John Walker, of Frederick county, half pay of a corporal, as a further compensation for those services rendered by him during the rev. war. * Walker, John, private, Houseger's Regt. (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Walker, John. Passed Mch. 8, 1848 — No. 35. State Treas. pay to Mary Walker, widow of John Walker, a soldier of the rev. quarterly, beginning Jan. i, 1848, half pay of a corporal, in consideration of her husband's services in the rev. war. Wall, William. Feb. 19, 181 9 — No. 63. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to W"". Wall, of Dorchester county, an old soldier, quarterly payments of half pay of a private — further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. Passed Feb. 25, 1837 — No. 27. Treas. Western Shore pay to Kitturah Wall, widow of W"". Wall, a soldier of the Rev., $10.78 being for three months and seven days pension due her said husband at the time of his death. * Wall, W""., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 553). REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 403 Wall, W'". Passed Mch. 16, 1837 — No. 42. Treas. Western Shore pay to Kitturah Wall, widow of W"°. Wall, soldier of thfe rev., the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his services, during her life. Waller, W"". Ensign in 17"" Battn. Militia — see Schoolfield, W". t Waltman, Michael, private. Rev. army, of Frederick county. Pensioned Feb. 8, 1818 under Act of June 7, 1785, at $40.00 per annum, from Mch. 4, 1789 (reed. $1,085.56) — at $64.00 per an. from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $118.11). (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 14). Waltman, Michael. Feb. 18, 1825 — No. 24, p. 159. Treas. to pay to Michael Waltman, of Frederick county half pay of a private addl. comp. his services during rev. war. Waltman Michael. Passed Mch. 16, 1840 — No. 33. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Waltman, of Frederick county, widow of Michael Waltman, a soldier of the rev., or her order, quarterly, during her life, the half pay of a private, in consideration of the rev. services of her said husband. * Wann, John, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 553). Ware, Lt. Col. Francis. Passed Nov. session 1800 — No. 7. Francis Ware (who heretofore commanded the troops of this state, then the colony of Md., with distinguished bravery and fidelity, and who, during the late rev. war, was lieut-col. of the 1st. reg. raised by this state, from which service he was compelled to retire by the infirmities peculiarly incident to the military life in these climates), has, by reason of his said infirm health, and misfortunes arising from those acts of benevolence which the duties of society often render indespensable, and not by imprudence or want of due economy, became reduced to extreme indigence in his advanced age; and it being imworthy (both in example & principle) of the citizens of a free republic, to desert, in their distress, those of their fellow-citizens who have rendered important services in distinguished stations, whilst high honours and great rewards attend public services in other forms of government; Resolved unanimously. That there be granted to the said Francis Ware half pay as lieut-col. (rated according to the establishment when he retired from the service) from date of this resolution, during the remainder of his Hfe; — treas. Western Shore pay same to said Francis Ware in quarterly payts. Warring, Lieut. Basil. Passed Mch. 4, 1834 — No. 43. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ann Warring, widow of Basil Warring, during life, quarterly, half pay of a lieut., in consideration of the services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Washington, General George. Passed Nov. session 1781 — No. i. "Re- solved unanimously. That the governor be requested to write to Mr. Peale, of Philadelphia, to procure, as soon as may be, the portrait of his 404 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Excellency General George Washington at full length, to be placed in the house of delegates, in grateful remembrance of that most illustrious character." Passed Nov. session 1799 — No. 5. Members of legislature Governor and all other officers of the state to wear scarfs and hatbands, as a tribute of respect to the memory of "the illustrious Washington — ■" anxious to pay every tribute of respect to the memory of the departed friend to his country, &c. Water, W'^. Corporal in 17"^ Battn. Militia — see Schoolfield, W". Waters, Jonathan. Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 52. Treas. of Western Shore directed to pay to Jonathan Waters, a rev. soldier, in quarterly payments during life, the half pay of a private. Waters, M. George. Commandant of 17"' Battn. of Militia, Jan. 3, 1776, see Schoolfield, W". Waters, Capt. Richard. Passed Dec. session, 1815 (Jan. 23, 1816) — No. 19. Treas. W^estern Shore pay to Richard Waters, late a capt. in the Md. Line, — half pay of a capt., as a further remuneration for the services rendered his country during the rev. war. * Waters, Richard, captain, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Waters, Richard, Capt. Passed Mch. 12, 1827 — No. 62. Treas. pay to Richard Waters, of Baltimore, during life, half yearly, sum equal to pay of a captain, for his services during the rev. war. Waters, Richard, Capt. Passed Feb. 2, 1830 — No. 13. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth J. Waters, during life, quarterly, half pay of a captain, in consideration of the services of her husband captain Richard Waters, during the rev. war. Waters, Wilson. Passed Mch. 16, 1836 — No. 59. Treas. Western Shore pay to Margaret Waters, widow of Dr. Wilson Waters, quarterly during her life, half pay of a surgeon's mate in consideration of the services of her husband. (Indexed under Rev. Pensions). Watkins, John, Esq. Com'd. Capt. of the 3d. Independant Co. of Regular Troops to be raised in the Province. Given in Convention at Annapolis, Jan. 5, 1776. Signed pr. order Mat. Tilghman, Pres. Watkins, Capt. Gassaway — see Halkerstone, Robert. Passed Dec. session, 181 5 — No. 64. Treas. Western Shore pay unto Gassaway Walkins, late a capt. in the rev. war, quarterly, a sum equal to the half pay of a captain, in lieu of the sum already allowed him by a resolution passed at Nov. session, 181 1 , as a further remuneration for those services which so essentially contributed to the independence of his country. * Watkins, Gassaway, captain, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Watkins, Leonard. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 50. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 405 Treas. Western Shore pay unto Leonard Watkins, a sergeant in the Md. Line, during the rev. war, or order, a sum of money annually in quarterly payts., equal to the half pay of a sergeant, as a further remuneration for those services rendered his country during the American war. Watkins, Leonard. Passed Feb. 28, 1839 — No. 37. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Watkins, of Montgomery county, widow of Leonard Watkins, a sergeant of the rev. war, or her order, during life, quarterly, the half pay of a sergeant of the rev., commencing Jan. i, 1839. * Watkins, Leonard, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Watkins, Nicholas, Gentleman. Com'd. ist. Lieut, in Capt. John Dorsey's Co. of the 22'' Battn. of Militia. Given at Annapolis, Aug. 28, 1777. Th. Johnson. (X, No. 196). Watkins, Thomas, Esq. Com'd. Capt. of a Co. of Artillery of the Defence of the City of Annapolis. Given in Council of Safety, Oct. 26, 1776. Danl. of St. Thos. Janifer, George Hands, J. Nicholson, Nic. Thomas. (X, No. 197). Capt. of a Co. in Anne Arundel Co., West River Battn. Mch. i, 1778 — see Stockett, Thos. Noble. Wats, James. Passed Feb. 5, 1833 — No. 10. Treas. Western Shore pay to James Wats, of Dorchester county, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for serv'ices rendered by him during the rev. war. t Watts, James, corporal. Rev. army, of Dorchester county. Pensioned at $60.00 per annum Jan. 15, 1816, dating from Feb. 20, 1808 (reed. $490.67) — at $96.00 per an. from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $1,618.66), and died Jan. 21, 1833. (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 12). Watson, Lt. Col. W'^. H. Passed Mch. 6, 1850— No. 63. Treas. of Md. pay to Sarah Ann Watson, widow of Lt. Col. W". H. Watson, during her widowhood, an annual pension, quarterly, to commence from the time of passage of this resolution, "equal to the half pay proper of her late husband, as a Lieutenant Colonel of the Infantry of the United States"; not to exceed $30.00 per month. * Webber, Nathaniel, private, Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Webster, Capt. John A. Passed Jan. 26, 1835 — No. 3. Governor to procure and present a sword to Capt. John A. Webster, native of Md., for gallantry during attack upon Baltimore Sept. 12, 1814. Wells, Martha. Passed Mch. 20, 1840 — No. 51. Treas. Western Shore pay to Martha Wells, of Prince George's county, the widow of a rev. soldier, or to her order, quarterly, during her life, the half pay of a private, commencing Jan. i, 1840. Wells, Richard, Gentleman. Com'd. 2"* Lieut, of a Company of Militia in Anne Arundel Co. Given in Convention at Annapolis, Jan. 3, 1776. Mat. Tilghman, Pres. (X, No. 193). 4o6 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS To the Honorable the Council of Safety of Maryland, July 12, 1777. I, Richard Wells to whom the Honor of these presents was directed by the Honorable Council at the time being, Tho. Indisposed of a bad state Health, hath rendered him Impossible to attending duty since Sept. last. Should please God to "restore his health to a Capacity of assisting his Country in proportion of its Rights and Pri\'ileges, he will always be ready. Till then Humbly beg Permission to resign this Commission that it may not prevent the fulfilling it by an abler body at this Alarming Season. Honble. Sirs. Your ready Servant. Rich. Wells." West, Benj. Mch. 9, 1826 — No. 103, p. 260. Treas. of Western Shore pay to Benj. West of Baltimore, half pay of a private for his rev. war services. Wheatley, W": Passed Mch. 13, 1832 — No. 105. Treas. Western Shore pay to Rhoda Wheatley, of Dorchester county, widow of W". W^heatley, a soldier of the rev. war, during widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a private, for services rendered by her husband during said war. Wheatley, W'". Passed Feb. 25, 1840 — No. 10. Treas. Western Shore pay to "Esther Williss, one of the legal representatives of Rhoda Wheatley," or to her order, $7.12^/2 due to said " Rhoda Wheatley," at the time of her death, June 5, 1839. Wheeler, Hezekiah. Capt. of Co. of Select Militia in Prince George's Co. May 25, 1781 — see Smith, Chas. t Wheeler, Nathaniel, private, Rev. army, of Somerset county. Pen- sioned under Act of June 7, 1785 from Mch. 4, 1789, at $60.00 per an. (reed. $1,628.33) — at $96.00 per an. from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $898.66). Died Nov. 5, 1825. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 18). Wheeler, Nathaniel. Passed Feb. 2, 1832 — No. 19. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Wheeler, widow of Nathaniel Wheeler, a soldier of the rev, war, during her widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a private, in consideration of the serv-ices rendered by her said husband. * Whipple, W""., gunner, Mass. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 553). Whitaker, W". Passed Feb. 27, 1839 — No. 24. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah Scrivner, of Baltimore city, former widow of William Whitaker, a soldier of the rev., or to her order, half pay of a private of the rev., during her Hfe, quarterly, commencing Jan. i, 1838. t White, James, private, Rev. army, of Montgomery county. Pensioned under Act of Jan 7, 1785, at $40.00 per an. from Mch. 4, 1789 (reed. $1,049.20)— at $96.00 per an. from May 27, 1815 (reed. $1,370.13). Died Oct. 21, 1829. (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 16). White, James. Feb. 24, 1823 — No. 60. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to James White, of Montgomery county, half pay of a private, further compensation for his services during rev. war. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 407 Passed, Feb. 5, 1830 — No. 19. Treas. Western Shore pay to Henry Harding, for use of Priscilla White, widow of the late James White, a pensioner of the State of Md. $22.33, being balance due said White at his death. * White, Jonathan, private, Va. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). White, Richard. Passed Feb. 11, 1835 — No. 11. Treas. Western Shore pay to Margaret Lamb, widow of Richard White, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a private, quarterly, during her life. White, Samuel B. Mch. 7, 1826 — No. 86, p. 255. Treas. Western Shore pay to Samuel B. White of Montgomery county, half pay of private, for his rev. war services. t White, Samuel B., private. Rev. army, of Montgomery county. Pensioned at $40.00 per an. under Act of June 7, 1785, from Mch. 4, 1789 (reed. $763.78)— at $60.00 per an. from Apr. 8, 1808 (Act of Mch. 3, 1809) (reed. $482.67) — at $96.00 on Nov. 18, 1819, dating from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $1,474.66). Died Jan. 18, 1832. (U. S. Pens. Rolls, 1835, p. 16.) White, Samuel B. Passed Mch. 6, 1832 — No. 70. Treas. Western Shore pay to Sarah White, of Montgomery county, widow of Samuel B. White, a soldier of the rev. war, during widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a private, for the services rendered by her husband during said war. White, Thomas. Passed Feb. 3, 1828 — No. 10. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas White, of Baltimore, half yearly, for life, half pay of private, further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. * Whitmore, Stephen, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Wicks, Samuel, Gentleman. Com'd. Capt. of a Co. of Militia in Queen Anne's County in 5"" Battn. of Province of Md. Given in Convention at AnnapoHs, Jan. 3, 1776. Signed pr. order Mat. Tilghman, Pres. (X, No. 199)- Wiery, Michael. Passed Apr. 6, 1841 — No. 8. Treas. Western Shore pay to Elizabeth Wiery, widow of Michael Wiery, of York county, Pa., during life, half pay of a private, in consideration of services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. * Wilheid, Frederick, private, Houseger's Reg't. (Jan. 1820, p. 552). t Wilkerson, Rich'd., private Rev. army, of Anne Arundel county, pensioned May 16, 1817 at $40.00 per month, from Mch. 4, 1789, under Act of June 7, 1785 (received $1,085.56). Pensioned at $64.00 per month Apr. 24, 1816 (received $119.11). (War Dept., 1835, p. 2). Wilkerson, Lieut. Young. Passed Nov. session 1810 — No. 12. Treas. Western Shore pay half yearly to Young Wilkerson, of Anne- Arundel county, a sum of money equal to half pay of a lieut. during his life. * Wilkerson, Young, lieut., Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 553). 4o8 MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Wilkinson, Col. James. Passed Dec. session, 1815 — No. 47. Whereas, it appears to this general assembly, that James Wilkinson, an officer of the rev. war, and who served to its termination, did not receive the com- mutation money of 5 years pay, in lieu of half pay for life, promised to the officers and soldiers, who continued in service to the end of the war; therefore. Resolved, That the treas. of Western Shore pay to said James Wilkinson, quarterly payments, during life, half pay of a colonel of dragoons, as remuneration for services rendered his country in the revolutionary struggle for liberty. Willcoxen, Jesse, Esq. Com'd. to be Capt. of a Company formerly commanded by W". Johnson in Lower Battn. of Militia in Montgomery Co. Given at Annapolis Aug. 4, 1780. Thos. S. Lee. (X, No. 200). Endorsement: Resigned May — , 1782. Samuel Briscoe Magruder succeeded him. Wilcoxen, Thomas, Gentleman. Com'd. 2"^ Lieut, of a Co. of Light Infantry in Prince George's County, belonging to the nth. Battn. of Militia in this Province. Given in Convention at Annapolis, Jan. 3, 1776. Signed pr. order Mat. Tilghman, Pres. (X, No. 201). Williams, Charles, Bullock, Jesse. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. I, 'i3)^No. 27. Treas. Western Shore pay to Charles Williams, likewise Jesse Bullock, late privates in the Md. Line during the rev. war, quarterly, a sum of money equal to half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for their services by which their country has been so essentially benefitted. * Williams, Charles, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 553). Williams, David, Gentleman. Com'd. Capt. in John Williams' Co. in Princess Anne Battn. of Militia in Somerset County. Given at Baltimore Town, Sept. 22, 1777. Th. Johnson. (X, No. 222). Endorsement: Thomas Williams, Ensign. Williams, Elisha, Capt. Passed Feb. 27, 1832 — No. 34. Treas. Western Shore pay to Harriet Williams, of Georgetown, D. C, in con- sideration of services rendered by her deceased husband, EHsha Williams, a captain in the rev. war, during her life, quarterly, a sum equal to half pay of a captain. Williams, John. Passed Dec. session, 181 5 — No. 18. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Williams, of St. Mary's county, a late meritorious soldier in the rev. war — half pay of a corporal, as a provision to him in his indigent situation now advanced in life, & as a further remuneration for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. Williams, John. Passed Feb. 3, 1828 — No. 8. Treas. Western Shore pay to John Williams, of Baltimore, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, further remuneration for his services during the rev. war. RE\'OLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 409 * Williams, John, ist. private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). * Williams, John, 2d, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Williams, John. Capt. of a Somerset Co. Company of Militia in Princess Anne Battn., Sept. 22, 1777 — see Schoolfield, Benj. On the back: Vacancies in the Salisbury Battalion Ensign to Capt. R. Dashield; 2d Lieut, to Capt. W". Turpin; Corp'l. to Edward Kellum. 2d Lieut to Capt. Conway's Co. — ^John Evans (of Nicho), ist. Lieut, to Capt. Turpin's Co. — ^John Phillips. Ensign to Capt. Coole's Co. — Le^^n Handy. Th. Johnson. Williams, Joseph. Feb. 25, 1824 — No. 32, p. 172. Treas. to pay to Joseph Williams, of Annapolis, half pay of a private, further remun. for his ser\'ices during rev. war. Passed Mch. 21, 1833 — No. 67. Reg. land office issue to Joseph Williams, of Annapolis, a soldier of the rev. war, a warrant and later patent for 50 acres of vacant land in Allegany county, without any composition money. Williams, Lieut. Osborn. Passed Feb. 19, 1819 — No. 65. Half pay of a lieut. is directed to be paid to Osborne Williams during life. (War service is not specified). * Williams, Osborn, lieutenant, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Willin, Charles. Passed Feb. 27, 1839 — No. 23. Treas. Western Shore pay to Eleanor Robertson, of Somerset county, former widow of Charles ^^'illin, a rev. soldier, the half pay of a seaman and private of the rev., during her life, commencing Jan. i, 1839. Willin, Evans. Passed Feb. 23, 1832 — No. 44. Treas. Western Shore pay to Mary Easom, of Dorchester county, widow of Evans Willin, a revolutionary soldier, during her widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a private, for services rendered by her husband during said war. Willin, Levin, Sr. Passed Feb. 12 (?), 1833 — No. 12. Treas. Western Shore pay to Levin Willin, Sr., of Somerset county, a soldier of the rev. war, during life, quarterly, half pay of a private, for the services rendered by him during the rev. war. Willis, Andrew. Passed Dec. session, 181 7 (Feb. 6, 1818) — No. 29. Treas. Western Shore pay to Andrew Willis, of Washington county, a private in the rev. war, quarterly, the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Willis, Andrew, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Willis, Andrew. Feb. 18, 1825 — No. 25, p. 159. Treas. to pay Lettie Willis, of Wash, county, half pay of a private as further compensation for her husband x\ndrew Willis's services during rev. war, beginning from date to which husband's pension has been pd. 4IO MARYLAND RECORDS— KILTY'S LAWS Willmot, Robert, Lieut. — see Britton, Joseph. Passed Feb. 13, 1836 — No. 23. Treas. pay to Robert Wilmot, a soldier of the rev., half pay of a lieut. of artillery instead of half pay of lieut. of the line during life. t Wills, John, private, Rev. army, of Baltimore county. Pensioned under Act of June 7, 1785 at $40.00 per annum, dating from Mch. 4, 1789 (reed. $1,085.64). Pensioned at $64.00 per an. from Apr. 24, 1816 (rec'd. $55.11). (U. S. Pension Rolls, 1835, p. 11). Wilso7t, David. Feb. 16, 1820 — No. 45. Treas. of Western Shore is directed to pay to David Wilson, of Washington county, half pay of a private for his rev. war services. Passed Feb. 20, 1829 — No. 24. Treas. pay to Rachel Wilson, widow of the late David Wilson, whatever sum appears to have been due to her said husband David Wilson, at time of his decease, on account of his services during the rev. war. * Wilson, David, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). * Willson, Richard, captain, Md. Line — died June 27, 1818 (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Wimber, Thomas. Passed Feb. 3, 1828 — No. 11. Treas. Western Shore pay to Thomas Wimber, of Worcester county, half yearly, half pay of a private, further remuneration for his services during rev. war. Winhrough, Thos. P. Passed Feb. 2, 1832 — No. 23. Treas. Western Shore pay to Leah Winbrough, widow of Thomas P. Winbrough, a soldier of the rev. war, during her widowhood, half yearly, half pay of a private, for services of her husband during said war. * Wink, Jacob, private, Houseger's Reg't. (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Wolcott, W". Passed Feb. 26, 1829 — No. 34. Treas. Western Shore pay to W™. Wolcott, of state of Ohio, a soldier of the rev. war, during life, half yearly, half pay of a private, for his services during the rev. war. * Wood, Thomas, private, Md. Line — died Aug. 2, 1819 (Jan. 1820, p. 552). * Woodburn, Jonathan, private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 552). Woolf, John. Recommended as Ensign for a Company of Militia in Frederick Co. Endorsed on a com'n. dated Oct. 13, 1777 — see Manyard, Nathan. Wooiters, \^Wootton,'] Richard, Gentleman. Com'd. 1st. Lieut, of a Company in Prince George's Co. to which Robert Tyler was elected, belonging to the 25"" Battn. of Militia of this Province. Given in Con- vention at Annapolis, Jan. 3, 1776. Signed pr. order Mat. Tilghman, Pres. (X, No. 214). Officers for this Co. of Militia: Capt. Henderson Magruder; 1st. Lt. Richard Wootton; 2d. Lt. Singleton Wootton; Ensign, Joseph Jones; REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONS 411 1st. Sergent, John Ridgeway. It is the Unanimous wish of the Company that Mr. John Ridgeway take his in order. Wright, Edward. Passed Feb. 9, 1820 — No. 11. Treas. Western Shore is directed to pay to Edward Wright of Kent county a balance of ii£. 5s. due as a Heut. during the rev. war. Wright, Jesse. Passed Nov. session, 1812 (Jan. 2, 1813) — No. 38. Treas. Western Shore pay to Jesse Wright, an old soldier, during the rev. war, — half pay of a private, as a further remuneration, &c. Wright, Capt. Samuel T. Passed Jan. 30, 1837 — No. 10. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ann Wright, widow of capt. Saml. T. Wright, half pay of a captain, during her life, as a further remuneration for his services during the rev. Wykall, or Wycall, Adam. Passed Mch., 1833 — No. 53. Treas. Western Shore pay to Ann Martin, of Prince George's county, widow of the late Adam Wykall, or Wycall, during her widowhood, quarterly, half pay of a private, for the services rendered by her said deceased husband, during the rev. war. Wyndham, Sarah. Passed Feb. 22, 1822 — (No. 42, p. 178). Treas. Western shore is directed to pay to Sarah Wyndham, of Annapolis, quarterly &c., half pay of a sergeant, — services rendered by her husband during the rev. war. Passed, Mch. 2, 1842 — No. 27. Treas. Western Shore pay to Andrew Sheer, of Annapolis, $20.83, being amt. due Sarah Wyndham for pension per resolution No. 42, 1822, to Aug. 5, 1841, the day of her death. t Yoe, Stephen, sergeant Rev. army, of Queen Ann's county. Pensioned from Mch. 11, 1789 under Act of June 7, 1785, at $60.00 per annum (reed. $1,628.33) — at $96.00 per an. from Apr. 24, 1816 (reed. $466.66). Died in 1823. (U. S. Pens. Roll, 1835, p. 17). Young, Benj. Passed Dec. session, 1816 — No. 26. Treas. Western Shore pay unto Benj. Young, of Baltimore county, late a sergeant in the rev. war, quarterly, during his life, the half pay of a sergeant, as a further remuneration for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted. * Young, Benj., private, Md. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 553). * Young, Henry, private. Pa. Line (Jan. 1820, p. 553). ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY MARRIAGES Anne Arundel County, Marriage Licenses* 5800 Licenses = 11,640 Aaron Adams m. Mary Sappington, Sept. i8, 1804. George Adams m. Elizabeth Mass, [Marr?] Aug. i, 1796. George Adams m. Elizabeth Welch, Dec. 4, 1807. Hance Adams m. Philis Westlick, Dec. 19, 1777. John Adams m. Henny Philips, Nov. 17, 1797. John Adams m. Rebecca Johnson, July 28, 1802. Joshua Adams m. Ann Kelly, Dec. 24, 1791. Moses Adams m. Rebecca Sappington, Feb. 4, 1806. Thomas Adams m. Margaret Coleman, June 26, 1802. John Addison m. Lucy Watkins, Jan. 24, 1783. Walter Dulany Addison m. Elizabeth Hasselius, June 5, 1792. Robert Ailsworth m. Anne Duvall, Sept. 28, 1793. Charles Aisquith m. Mary Wood, Dec. 5, 1817. Robert Alcock m. Lydia Musgrove, Nov. 10, 1797. William Alexander m. Polly Harwood Stockett, May 14, 1799. Adam Allen m. Barbara Burgess, Oct. 21, 1786. Azel Allen m. Elizabeth Lowman, Nov. 26, 1818. Benjamin Allen m. Elizabeth Tongue, Jan. 8, 1790. George Allen m. Ann Chaney, Jan. 18, 1786. George Allen m. Ann White, May 25, 1815. John Allen m. Susannah PhiHps, Feb. 19, 1783. Jo^ MCubbin Allen m. Mary Kirkland, June 18, 1793. William Allen m. Dinah Sanders, Dec. i, 1779. William Allen m. Mary Philips, Feb. 4, 1780. William Allan m. Elizabeth Rawlings, Jan. 5, 1789. James AlHson m. EHzabeth Bowers, Jan. 6, 1817. Nathan Allnutt m. Anne Little, Dec. 10, 1803. John Alwell m. Anne Larimore, Apr. 21, 1815. William Allwell m. Sarah PhilHps, June i, 1780. William Allwell m. Sarah Kelty, Apr. 13, 1790. Holsey Alsip m. Juliet Brown, Dec. 11, 1807. John Aman m. Rebecca Jones, Sept. 20, 1788. John Ambler m. Sarah Lyles, Apr. 26, 1799. Andrew Anderson m. Ann Belmear, Aug. 10, 1778. Edward Anderson m. Susanna Cheney, Dec. 12, 1797. * Transcribed from the County Records, by the late George W. Hodges. 415 41 6 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Jacob Anderson m. Eliza Owens, Jan. 2, i8ii. James Anderson m. Jemima Taylor, Feb. ii, 1795. James Anderson m. Anne Whedon, Dec. 10, 1800. James Anderson m. Ann Wheeler, Feb. 10, 1813. Joseph Anderson m. Sarah Coulter, Jan. 27, 1797. Joshua Anderson m. Sarah Farroll, Dec. 5, 1806. Samuel Anderson m. EHzabeth Anderson, Mch. 26, 1812. Thomas Anderson m. Henrietta Paca, Nov. 6, 1794. Thomas Anderson m. Julianna M'Coy, June 22, 1820. William Anderson m. Sarah Wayman, May 28, 1778. William Anderson m. Sarah Belmear, May 22, 1781. William Anderson m. Elizabeth Willett, Jan. 11, 1785. William Andrews m. Lidia Medcalf, May 4, 1790. Atlanatious Anglin m. Rachel Philips, Feb. 10, 1812. Rezin Appleby m. Susanna Davis, Aug. 11, 1779. Benjamin Armager m. Ann Lambert, Dec. 23, 1793. Benjamin Armiger m. Sarah Hutton, Dec. 21, 1814. John Armager m. Williama Whittington, Jan. 29, 1781. John Armager m. Eleanor Trott, Jan. 10, 1798. John Armiger m. Mary Sheckells, Feb. 29, 1810. John Armiger m. Ann Dove, Jan. 14, 1820. Leonard Armiger m. Frances Brown, Aug. 29, 1794. Leonard Armager m. Anne Elickson, Jan. 22, 1803. Samuel Armager m. Elizabeth Scott, Sept. 27, 1788. Samuel Armager m. Elizabeth Gatwood, Dec. 17, 1793. Samuel Armiger m. Rachel Sheckels, Mch. 27, 1807. Samuel Armiger m. Rebecca Little, Oct. 13, 1815. Thomas Armiger m. Elizabeth Hill, Jan. 2, 1818. William Armager m. Jane Whittington, Dec. 18, 1783. William i^rmiger m. Charlotte Duvall, Jan. 21, 1807. John Arnold m. Rebecca Redmond, Dec. i, 1819. Richard Arnold m. Jane Sherburn, Dec. 21, 1805. Robert Arnold m. Sarah Wells, Mch. 14, 1814. Samuel Arnold m. Sarah Wheeler, Apr. 20, 1820. Greenbury Ashley m. Mary Marsh, Sept. 19, 1797. John Ashley m. Rebecca Phillips, Nov. 16, 1796. John Ashley m. EHzabeth Culver, Mch. 18, 1802. Lyles Askew m. Artridge Pritchard, Jan. 23, 1790. John Askue m. Frances Poor, Dec. 22, 1809. Jonathan Asque m. Alse Trott, Oct. 17, 1795. Nathan Atkinson m. Elizabeth Hunter, Feb. 19, 1795. Augustine Atwell m. Mary Ann Howard, Nov. 14, 181 5. MARRIAGE LICENSES 417 Benjamin Atwell m. Sarah Kidd, Jan. 11, 1781. Benjamin Atwell m. Rachel Hopkins, Feb. 15, 1792. Benjamin Atwell m. Elizabeth Randall, Jan. 15, 1799. Benjamin Atwell m. Alary Wells, Dec. 17, 1808. Benjamin Atwell m. Honore Tucker, May 27, 1815. Benjamin Atwell m. Mary Norman, June 11, 1816. John Atwell m. Rebecca Dawson, May 26, 1810. Joseph Atwell m. Rebecca Wells, Aug. 24, 1784. Joseph Atwell m. Ann Pritchard, Nov. 27, 1802. Roger Atwell m. Jane Kirby, May 8, 181 5. Samuel Atwell m. Mary Maccoy, Dec. 7, 1778. Thomas Atwell m. Sarah Randall, Aug. 31, 1801. Thomas Atwell m. Christiana Kirby, Feb. 7, 1817. William Atwell m. Elizabeth Rawlings, Jan. 25, 1799. John Austin m. Ann Beeden, May 11, 1777. Elie Babbs m. Mary Thrawls, Apr. 22, 1805. Thomas Babbs m. Rachel Pumphrey, Feb. 9, 1799. John Babes m. Ann MCubbin, Oct. 10, 1780. Benjamin Baden m. Elizabeth Whittington, Jan. 25, 1793. Edward Baldwin m. Mary Marriott, Nov. 30, 1801. Francis Baldwin m. Sarah Duvall, June 5, 1810. Francis Baldwin m. Mary Sewell, Dec. 19, 1814. Henry Baldwin m. Sarah RawHngs, Jan. 31, 1784. Henry Baldwin m. Maria Woodward, Jan. 25, 1790. John Baldwin m. Rachel Hopper, Jan. 13, 1791. John Baldwin m. Charlotte Mitchell, Aug. 26, 1807. Rezin D. Baldwin m. Charlotte Sullivan, Nov. 14, 1812. Samuel Baldwin m. Eliz. Hopper, Feb. 7, 1786. Tyler Baldwin m. Tomsey Davidge, Mch. 12, 1785. William H. Baldwin m. Jane Maria Woodward, Oct. 6, 1817. William P. Bald\\^n m. CaroHne Williams, Dec. 22, 1818. John Ball m. Elizabeth Battee, June 24, 1799. Richard Ball m. Susan Lee, June 15, 1816. Thomas Ball m. EHzabeth Williams, Apr. 22, 1778. Thomas Ball m. Elizabeth Guinn, Mch. 14, 1799. William Ball m. Sarah Dorsey, Feb. 16, 1788. Da\'id Bangs m. Ruth Phelps, June 18, 1789. John Banon m. JuHa Pendergast, Mch. 26, 1789. John Thomas Barber m. Catherine Taylor, Feb. 28, 1794. John Tho'. Barber m. Susanna Rowlings, Oct. 29, 1796. Luke W. Barber m. Susanna Rowles, Apr. 20, 1799. Jacob Bare m. Elizabeth W. Dorsey, Jan. 7, 1813. 28 4i8 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY John Barker m. Margaret Atwell, Dec. 20, 1781. William Barker m. Rachel FrankHn, Mch. 25, 1783. Zachariah Barnes m. Catherine Barnes, Feb. 14, 1794. Caleb Barry m. EHzabeth Anderson, Nov. 21, 1818. Elisha Barry m. Rachel Lucas, Jan. 10, 1816. Isaac Barry m. Martha Allien, Mch. 27, 1805. Jacob Barry m. Susanna Hall, July 31, 1778. Jacob Barry m. Mary Disney, May 30, 1788. John Barry m. Mary Watkins, Aug. 28, 1792. Joshua Barry m. Mirryam Chancy, Feb. 16, 1803. Philip Barry m. Rachel King, Mch. 30, 1793. Philip Barry m. Sarah Disney, July i, 1795. WilHam Barry m. Mary Hinson, June 22, 1777. Benjamin Basford m. Elizabeth Sheckell, Jan. 5, 1782. Benjamin Basford m. Ann Whittington, Apr. 30, 1788. Henry Basford m. Mary Watkins, Dec. 12, 1794. Richard Bassford m. Sarah Taylor, Mch. 27, 1812. Thomas Bassford m. Elizabeth Lusby, Oct. 3, 181 1. Zachariah Basford m. Anne Plummer, Dec. 4, 1789. James Basil m. Rebecca Read, Oct. 16, 1790. John Basil m. Ruth Nicholls, Jan. 27, 1781. John Basil m. Lilly Anderson, Dec. 22, 1818. Joseph Basil m. Lettitia [lims^?], June 23, 1791. Ralph Basil m. Elizabeth Sanders, Nov. 3, 1780. Ralph Basil m. Elizabeth Cartle, Dec. 10, 1791. Robert Basil m. Mary Sheers, Dec. 3, 1802. John Battee m. Lucy Harwood, Jan. 28, 1785. Richard Battee m. Susanna Mayo, Dec. 10, 1794. Richard Battee m. Sarah Smith, Dec. 15, 1797. Richard H. Battee m. Patty E. Cowman, July 22, 1816. Samuel Bayly m. Mary Ann Dorsey, Nov. 15, 1795. Zepheniah Beall m. Lotty Ray, Mch. 18, 1800. Absolom Bealmear m. Anne Waters, Feb. 2, 1820. John Beard m. Susannah Chapman, Apr. 7, 1798. John Beard m. Rhody Wells, Feb. 24, 181 6. Jonathan Beard m. Mary Gray, Nov. 29, 1783. Jonathan Beard m. Rebecca Stockett, Feb. 24, 1791. Joseph Beard m. Ann Ray, Dec. 29, 1787. Joseph Beard m. Ann Beard, Apr. 18, 1808. Matthew Beard m. Mary Dorsey, Oct. 31, 1786. Richard Beard m. Sarah Coale, Dec. 21, 1789. Richard Beard m. Eleanor Philpot, Dec. 4, 18 16. MARRIAGE LICENSES 419 Stephen Beard m. Margaret Rutland, Jan. 28, 1802. Stephen Beard m. Susanna Rawlings, Feb. 17, 1808. Thomas Beard m. Ann Chapman, Nov. 25, 1779. Anthony Beck m. Jamima Baldwin, Feb. 8, 1785. James Beck m. Rebecca Waters, Dec. 9, 1785. Joseph Beck m. Mary Stewart, Dec. 18, 1792. Benjamin Beckett m. Margaret Hyatt, Jan. 21, 1792. William Levin Beckett m. Mary Clarke, Dec. 28, 1791. W". Turner Bedford m. JuHa Wysham, June 9, 1805. Francis Belmere m. Elizabeth Anderson, Oct. 6, 1794. Francis Belmear m. Sarah Warfield, Oct. 9, 181 1. John Belmear m. Mary Years, Oct. 16, 1783. Samuel Belmear m. Juith \'enus, Nov. 16, 1793. John Wright Belt m. Sarah APComkin, July 22, 1797. Osborn Belt m. Eleanor Macnew, May 18, 1796. Robert B. Belt m. Rachel G. Deale, Apr. 16, 1805. John Bennett m. Margaret Ray, Feb. 2, 1793. Sayers James Bennett m. Mary Jenings, Oct. 27, 1796. Alexander Benning m. Ann Valiant, Aug. i, 1785. William B. Benson m. Susan Taylor, July 25, 1816. Edmund Benton m. Ann Meek, May 6, 1784. Edward Berry m. Lucinda Trutten, Mch. 18, 1784. William C. Betherny m. Susanna Welch, May 18, 1798. George Bevans m. Mary Ogle, July 21, 1804. Benjamin S. C. Bickford m. EHzabeth Tydings, Sept. 3, 1812. WiUiam Bigg m. EHzabeth Ferguson, Sept. 2, 1783. Francis Bird m. Rebecca Tucker, July 29, 1808. Jacob Bird m. Susanna Lee, Nov. 17, 1808. John Bird m. Mary Phips, Jan. 6, 1813. Thomas Bicknell m. Julia Clarke, Jan. 19, 1805. William Bird m. Ann M'^Cauley, Dec. 11, 1788. WilHam Bird m. Ann Williams, July 16, 1799. William Bird m. Susanna RawHngs, Aug. 3, 1816. Francis Birkhead m. Margaret Simmons, Feb. 28, 1780. John Birkhead m. EHzabeth Plummer, Nov. 5, 1807. John G. Birckhead m. Mary Chaney, Oct. 26, 1820. Nehemiah Birkhead m. Anne Parker, June 7, 1810. Nehemiah Birkhead m. Mary Drury, Jan. 27, 1813. Thomas Black m. Fanny Jenkins, Jan. 2, 1808. John Blackswell m. Sarah Lancaster, Jan. 16, 1780. Richard Blackerston m. Rebecca FrankHn, Sept. 4, 1805. Gilbert Bland m. Mary Syton, May 23, 1778. 420 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY John Bloodworth m. Mary Price, Dec. 17, 1795. Edward Blunt m. Elizabeth Trott, Aug. 22, 1778. Edward Blunt m. Anne Scrivener, Feb. 11, 1809. John Bond m. Mary Burke, June 28, 1792. Burle Boone m. Elizabeth Moss, Apr. 28, 1779. Burley G. Boone m. Rebecca W. Fowler, Oct. 2, 1815. Charles Boone m. Mary Cromwell, Dec. 9, 181 7. James Boone m. Anne Small, Nov. 20, 1799. John Boone m. Providence Pumphrey, Apr. 15, 1780. Jn°. Boone T. Nich^ m. Eleanor Drain, June 17, 1806. Richard Boone m. Cordelia Pumphrey, Feb. 5, 1780. Stephen Boone m. Eliza Merriken, Nov. 29, 1815. Thomas Boone m. Ann Cooper, Jan. 18, 1779. Thomas Boone m. Hellen Cromwell, Aug. 7, 1799. Peter Boose m. Priscilla Boose, Oct. 5, 1819. James Booth m. Eliza Jones, Jan. 19, 1818. Henry Bordley m. Ann Ware, Dec. 15, 1798. John W. Bordley m. Sarah Whittington, Aug. 6, 1818. James Bordman m. Ruth Shepherd, Mch. 22, 1792. James Boardman m. Sarah Weedon, Feb. 10, 1795. Somerset Bowen m. Cassander Childs, Jan. 22, 1817. John Bowers m. Eliz". Priestley, Dec. 3, 18 10. Allen Bowie m. Sarah Chew, Dec. 18, 1787. Allen Bowie m. Charlotte Boone, Feb. 4, 1803. Daniel Bowie m. Frances Rebecca Lane, May 13, 1814. Thomas H. Bowie m. Elizabeth H. Ray, Feb. i, 1812. John Boyd m. Elizabeth Carrick, Dec. 18, 1787. Joseph Boyd m. Mary Scott, Aug. 18, 1 791. Thomas Boyde m. Margaret Lansdall, Feb. 17, 1784. James Boyle m. Mary Rooke, Sept. 13, 1781. James Boyle m. Susan Maccubbin, May 11, 1812. John Bradenbaugh m. Priscilla Few, Oct. 25, 1803. George Bradford m. Mary Mallone, Dec. 20, 1819. William Bradford m. Eleanor Isaacs, Jan. 27, 1817. Thomas Brant m. Rebecca Trott, Feb. 13, 1806. Francis Brashears m. Eleanor Knighton, Jan. 22, 1811. Ja^ Brasheres m. Ann Chew, Dec. i, 1784. Jesse Brashears m. Anne Lambath, Feb. 16, 1792. Joshua Brashears m. Ann Chew, Nov. 30, 1784. Levie Brashars m. Fanny Lambeth, Jan. 9, 1793. John Bray m. Julia Phillips, Sept. 21, 1803. Joseph Bray m. Sarah Kelly, Jan. 2, 1797. MARRIAGE LICENSES 421 Henry Bremont m. Elizabeth Rummells, May 16, 1820. Brice Brewer m. Frances Williams, Apr. 14, 1814. Enos Brewer m. Elizabeth Lavey, Aug. 4, 1809. Henry Brewer m. Mary Yieldhall, Aug. 24, 1813. John Brewer m. Ann Watkins Smith, May 11, 1784. John Brewer m. Elizabeth Garston, June 28, 1800. Jn°. Hammond Brewer m. Ann Maria Ball, July 16, 1810. Joseph Brewer m. Mary Birkhead, Feb. 4, 1802. Joseph N. N. Brewer m. Elizabeth Wilmot, Dec. 21, 1799. Lloyd Brewer m. Elizabeth Sappington, July 10, 1813. Nicholas Brewer m. Frances Davis, Aug, 12, 1794. Nicholas Brewer m. Sarah M'Cubbin, June 21, 1800. Nicholas Brewer Jn^ m. Julia Steuart, Oct. 30, 181 7. Thomas Brewer m. Susannah Lampley, Aug. 22, 1782. William Brewer m. Alecia Thompson, July 5, 1796. Edmund Brice m. Harriott Woodward, Sept. 10, 1783. Edmund Brice m. Charlotte Eliza Ann Moss, July 17, 1818. James Brice m. Julianna Jennings, May 23, 1781. Daniel Brigdell m. Ann Foreman, Mch. 8, 1779. Richard Brigdell m. Eleanor Allen, Mch. 6, 1792. Richard Brigdell m. Patience Parsons, Sept. 13, 1785. Thomas Brigdell m. Mary Johnson, Jan. 8, 1795. Jo^ Bright m. BeHnda Hammond, July 17, 1787. James Bright m. Mary Ann Tydings, May 24, 1800. John Bright m. Elizabeth Gray, Aug. 23, 1810. Nathan Bright m. Hanna Stinchecum, Oct. 3, 1801. William Brogden m. Margaret M'^CuUoch, Dec. 19, 1795. John H. Brookes m. Ann Mahan, Jan. 13, 1819. William Broughton m. Elizabeth Close, Aug. 27, 1781. Basil Brown m. Henrietta Hammond, Aug. 10, 1787. Benjamin Brown m. Dinah Phelps, Feb. 26, 1783. Dauzy Brown m. Mary Ann Chilton, May 21, 1813. Francis Brown m. Sarah LambHn, Feb. 9, 1793. George Brown m. Rachel Chilton, May 19, 1804. Gideon Brown m. Mary Flowers, June 17, 1807. Henry H. Brown m. Mary Ann Cross, Dec. 23, 1816. John Brown m. Laurania Rawlings, Mch. 3, 1783. John Brown m. Elizabeth Harrison, Apr. 7, 1792. John Brown m. Mary Joiner, Aug. 23, 1805. Joseph Brown m. Henrietta Clarke, June 19, 1783. Joseph G. Brown m. Anne King, June 12, 1810. Kensey Brown m. Maria Woodward, Dec. 15, 1817. 422 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Philemon Brown m. Margery Gaither, Dec. 12, 1787. Rasha Brown m. Elizabeth Pople, July 15, 1814. Richard Brown m. Elizabeth Childs, Jan. 31, 1791. Richard Brown Sn^ m. Anne Wood, July 8, 1794. William Brown m. Mary Hammond, Dec. 6, 1782. William Brown m. Elizabeth Griffith, Apr. 14, 1786. William Brown m. Nackey Wilson, Jan. 26, 1791. William Brown m. Tomsey Thomas, Mch. 21, 1810. John Bruce Jn". m. Sarah Lane, Apr. 19, 1794. Frederick Bryan m. Elizabeth Derry, Dec. 21, 1796. Frederick Bryan m. Julia Bray, Dec. 23, 1805. James Bryan m. Anne Love, Feb. 9, 1791. John Bryan m. Lydia M. Donald, June 28, 1777. John Bryan m. Lavenia Baldwin, Jan. 13, 1797. John Bryan m. Elizabeth Randall, Feb. i, 1808. Joseph Bryan m. Elizabeth Brewer, Apr. 24, 1804. Samuel Bryant m. Nacky Wood, Dec. 18, 1799. Thomas Buchanan m. Reb''. Maria Harriet Anderson, April 11, 1798. John Buff m. Priscilla Read, Jan. 5, 1790. William Burdit m. Rachel Mobberly, May 6, 1777. Elijah Burgee m. Mary M. Danieson, Nov. 27, 1816. Basil Burgess m. Eleanor Dorsey, Jan. 11, 1785. Benjamin Burgess m. Agnes Battee, Nov. 2, 1780. Caleb Burgess m. Susannah Mercer, Apr. 6, 1787. Enock M. Burgess m. Sarah L. C. Smith, May i, 1806. John Burgess m. Eleanor Griffith, July 27, 1785. John Burgess m. Rachel Thomas, Mch. 14, 1798. John West Burgess m. Sarah Battee, Feb. 3, 1787. Jn°. West Burgess m. Sarah Simmons, Aug. 29, 1796. Michael Burgess m. Sarah Warfield, Oct. 22, 1783. Samuel Burgess m. Henrietta Warfield, Jan. 31, 1805. Vachel Burgess m. Rebecca Dorsey, Oct. I, 1782. William Burgess m. Susannah Coale, Oct. 27, 1800. John Burnet m. Eleanor Butler, Apr. 16, 1808. Peter E. Burras m. Kitty Lambeth, Dec. 29, 1806. Henry Burns m. Priscilla Owens, Mch. 21, 1780. Thomas Burns m. Eleanor Doudle, May 20, 1777. Edmund Burton m. Ann Henwood, May 4, 1788. John Burton m. Rachel Henwood, Nov. 22, 1785. Benjamin Busey m. Eleanor Trott, June 9, 1804. Benjamin Busey m. Ann Popham, Nov. 24, 1819. Henry Busey m. Sarah Powell, May 18, 1795. MARRIAGE LICENSES 423 Henry Busey m. Elizabeth Carr, Sept. 4, 1806. Joseph Busey m. Eliza S. Kelly, Mch. 30, 1816. Samuel Bussey m. Mary Mead, Feb. i, 1785. Samuel Busey m. Catherine Carr, Feb. Ii, 1793. George Bush m. Susan Smith, Jan. 2, 1809. James Butler m. Rebecca Welsh, Nov. 30, 1779. Richard Butler m. Rebecca Foggett, Aug. 22, 1814. Benjamin Cadle m. Sarah Tucker, Dec. 13, 1782. Samuel Cadle m. Elizabeth M'Cauley, Dec. 24, 1778. Samuel Cadle m. EHzabeth Short, Dec. 5, 1789. Thomas Cadle m. Nancy Hall, Feb. 15, 1803. William Cadle m. Mary Hall, Nov. 26, 1805. Zachariah Cadle m. Rachel Gaither, Oct. 25, 1786. Charles Caiter m. Sarah Debricks, Dec. 30, 1812. WiUiam Calder m. Harriet Jackson, Jan. 13, 1802. William Caldwell m. Mary Culbart, Feb. 15, 1780. John Callahan m. Sarah Buckland, June 22, 1782. George Calvert m. Rosalie Stier, June 10, 1799. John S. Camden m. Anne Smith, Nov. 29, 1808. James Campbell m. Mary W^alker, June 2, 1785. William Campbell m. Rebecca Carter, Aug. 3, 1777. Henry Carick m. Darky Clarke, Nov. 25, 1789. John Carl m. Ann Dudley, Aug. 24, 1781. William Carman m. Mary M^Cauley, Oct. 28, 1805. WiUiam Carman m. Ann Johnson, May 8, 1813. Humphrey Carpenter m. Mary Fly, Apr. i, 1780. Benjamin Carr m. Mary Denton, Dec. 29, 1802. Benjamin Carr m. Catherine Welch, June 15, 1805. Benjamin P. Carr m. Priscilla Ray, Nov. 30, 1792. Henry Carr m. Anne Drury, Jan. 23, 1819. Jacob Carr m. Matilda Lambreth, Jan. 2, 1804. John Carr m. Rachel Purnell, Feb. 11, 1779. John Carr m. EHzabeth Pindle, June 29, 1781. John Carr m. Sarah Warfield, May 8, 1804. John Carr m. Mary Armiger, Dec. 27, 1806. Richard Carr m. Airy Busey, Oct. 3, 1804. Robert Carr m. Susannah Childs, Nov. 7, 1789. Samuel Carr m. Jane Russell, Jan. 2, 1783. Walter Carr m. Dolly Parrott, June 2, 1799. Walter Carr m. Martha Ray, July 23, 1783. Walter Carr m. Mary Scrivener, Aug. 17, 1812. William Carr m. Sophia Crosby, Feb. i, 18 14. 424 MARYLAND RECORDS-ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Henry Carrick m. Eleanor Shrieve, Feb. 23, 1791. Charles Carroll m. Eliza. Warfield, Jan. 26, 1795. Edmund Carrell m. Elizabeth Dixon, Aug. 16, 1791. Joshua Carroll m. Sarah Godman, July 15, 1800. Nicholas Carroll m. Ann Jenings, Oct. 30, 1783. Samuel Carroll m. Eliz. Williams, Oct. 17, 1788. Charles Carter m. Susan Osborn, Jan. 5, 1815. Jacob Carter m. Mary Wells, Oct. 31, 1801. Samuel Carter m. Judah Flood, Oct. 19, 1782. Samuel Carter m. Ann Curry, Oct. 16, 1786. Sparrow Carter m. Elizabeth Phelps, Mch. 5, 1791. Robert Case m. Rachel Basil, Mch. 14, 1789. Richard Caton m. Mary Carroll, Nov. 24, 1787. William Caton m. Ann Purdy, Aug. 16, 1788. John Cattonton m. Nancy Lambeth, Mch. 18, 181 3. WilHam Cawly m. Eleanor Hopkins, Apr. 3, 1801. John Chain m. Ann Tucker, July 31, 1777. Josia Chain m. Millie Tucker, Sept. 9, 1779. James Chalmus m. Lucy Skinner, Sept. 18, 1783. Joshua Chambers m. Sarah Monroe, Sept. 17, 1819. Thomas Chambers m. Kitty Ryan, Oct. 21, 1797. William Chambers m. Elizabeth Blunt, July 29, 1782. Hugh Champlin m. Elizabeth Hender, Mch. 23, 1789. Walter S. Chandler m. Margaret Rogers, Sept. 19, 1799. Benjamin Chaney m. Eleanor Lattin, Dec. 8, 1807. Dennis Chaney m. DeHlah Beckett, Aug. 17, 1818. Henry Chaney m. Mary Childs, Jan. 21, 1814. John Chaney m. Eliza Russell, Dec. 24, 181 7. Joseph Chaney m. Elizabeth Fitzgiles, Jan. 10, 1809. Joseph Chaney m. Susanna Forde, Dec. 26, 1811. Joseph Chaney m. Anne L. Wood, July 19, 1819. Le\-i Chaney m. Henrietta Lee, Apr. i, 1820. Rezin Chaney m. Eleanor Baldwin, Mch. 24, 18 14. Richard Chaney m. Ann Cromwell, June 24, 1808. Richard Chaney m. Henny Ryan, Nov. 29, 1815. Richard Chaney m. Susan White, Mch. 20, 1818. Samuel Chaney m. Rebecca Phelps, Feb. 13, 1809. Thomas Chaney m. Jemima Godman, Oct. i, 1792. William Chaney m. Sarah Holton, Feb. 23, 1797. William Chaney m. Ann Steuart, Feb. 16, 1799. William W. Chaney m. Sarah Roberts, Aug. 31, 1804. Henry H. Chapman m. Mary Davidson, Jan. i, 1799. MARRIAGE LICENSES 425 John Chapman m. Susannah Jackson, May 18, 1793. Thomas Chapman m. Clare Taylor, Sept. 4, 1792. William Chapman m. Ann Sellman, June 22, 1781. William Chapman m. Susannah Gassaway, Mch. 5, 1791. Cornelius Chard m. Elizabeth Moale, June 25, 1781. Oliver Chard m. Rebecca Meeke, Aug. 27, 1792. Jeremiah T. Chase m. Hesther Baldwin, June 24, 1779. John Chase m. Penelopy Blunt, July 2, 1785. John Chase m. Cecelia Johnson, May 27, 1820. Richard M. Chase m. Matilda Green, Nov. 25, 1806. Richard M. Chase m. Mary Marriott, Jan. 28, 1819. Thomas Chase m. Matilda Chase, Oct. 17, 1816. Abraham Cheney m. Mary Curr>', July 21, 1791. Benjamin Cheney m. Rachel Knighton, Jan. 15, 1820. Elijah Cheney m. Sarah Groves, Jan. 21, 1788. James Cheney m. Sarah Thorp, July 16, 1791. John Cheney m. Rachel Benson, Apr. 11, 1785. John Cheney m. Priscilla Hooper, Jan. 8, 1808. Joseph Cheney m. Sarah Cheney, Feb. 26, 1802. Joseph Cheney m. EHzabeth Conner, Feb. 5, 1803. Richard Cheney m. Sophia Simpson, Dec. 22, 1786. Thomas Cheney m. Mary Williams, Dec. 3, 1798. John Chew m. Mary Wilson, Feb. i, 1787. Nathaniel Chew m. Martha Bird, Feb. 16, 18 14. Philemon Chew m. Ann Maria Bowie Brooke, Feb. 15, 1813. Richard Chew m. Jane Fisher, Oct. 22, 18 10. Samuel Chew m. Mary Cockey, Apr. 20, 1791. Samuel Lloyd Chew m. Dorothy Harrison, June 28, 1777. Benjamin Childs m. Mary Roberts, Oct. 17, 1781. Benjamin Childs m. Susannah Griffith, May 27, 1786. Benjamin Childs m. Elizabeth Munroe, May 12, 1818. Cephas Childs m. Ann Welch, June 21, 1785. Cephas Childs m. Sarah Miles, Jan. 28, 1786. Cephus Childs m. Pheby Tannihill, Dec. 25, 1794. Henry Childs m. Sarah Smith, Jan. 24, 1793. Henry Childs m. Mary Tootell, Jan. 23, 1809. Henry Childs m. Mary Whittington, June 26, 1820. Isaac Childs m. Eliz. Deale, Feb. 28, 1810. John Childs m. Ann Owings, Apr. 30, 1778. John Childs m. Mary Ann Hyde, Feb. 3, 1812. John Childs m. Sophia Drury, Jan. 7, 1818. Lewis Childs m. Sarah Watts, Dec. 23, 1793. 426 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY William Childs m. Henrietta Brown, Dec. 26, 1785. William Childs m. Ann Trott, Oct. 3, 1791. William Childs m. EHzabeth Fisher, Feb. 5, 1812. Richard Chilton m. Catherine Brown, Feb. 10, 1809. Archibald Chisholm m. Elizabeth Waters, Sept. 22, 1777. Judson M. Clagett m. CaroHne HesseHus, Mch. 5, 1795. William Claggett m. Elizabeth Gibbs, Dec. 11, 1792. Jonas Clapham m. Catherine Cooke, Dec. 5, 1793. Abraham Clarke m. Mima Jones, Dec. 18, 1792. Benjamin Clarke m. Rachel Chaney, Mch. 15, 1788. Benjamin Clarke m. Elizabeth Gambrill, Feb. 4, 1793. Benjamin D. Clarke m. Sarah Yieldhall, Mch. 5, 1807. David Clarke m. Rachel Warfield, May 28, 1800. Frederick Clarke m. Elizabeth Rankin, Nov. 16, 1784. Hezekiah Clarke m. Eliz". Stansbury, Feb. i, 1820. Jacob Clarke m. Rebecca Halbertee, Feb. 4, 1809. Jacob Clarke m. Ashsah M-^Cauley, May 28, 1814. John Clarke m. Susannah Lucus, July 23, 1787. Joseph Clarke m. Bell Fergerson, Nov. 3, 1777. Joseph Clarke m. Anne NichoUs, July 29, 1793. Robert Clarke m. Cassuck Murrow, June i, 1780. Satterlee Clarke m. Frances E. Whitcroft, Sept. 22, 1810. William Clarke m. Dinah White, Apr. 21, 1778. William Clarke m. Levena Warfield, Sept. 30, 1780. William Clarke m. Elizabeth Clarke, May 23, 1798. William Clarke m. Lydia Wheeler, Dec. 9, 18 15. William T. Clarke m. Juliet Gaither, July 29, 1800. Abraham Claude m. EHzabeth Quynn, Nov. 28, 1785. CorneHus Claud m. Rhody Robinson, Feb. 20, 181 7. Dennis Claude m. Anne Jacob, Feb. 13, 1816. Philip Clayton m. Mary Brewer, Oct. 23, 1809. Francis T. Clements m. Sarah Wall, Feb. 28, 1795. Samuel Coe m. Mary Fowler, Apr. 5, 1796. Samuel Coale m. Anne Winterson, July 6, 1798. Thomas Coale m. Elizabeth Dorsey, Dec. 18, 1798. Thomas Coale m. Nancy Burgess, Jan. 5, 1803. William Coale m. Catherine Laughlin, Mch. 28, 1793. William Coale m. Margaret Tucker, Nov. 16, 1797. William Coale m. Thomsee Knighton, Aug. 31, 1807. John Coats m. Johanna Phelps, Nov. 14, 1783. William Cobb m. Mary Ann Jackson, July 8, 1816. Patrick Cockran m. Mary Bland, Aug. 8, 1777. MARRIAGE LICENSES 427 William Coe m. Eleanor Devonish, July 15, 1780. William Coe m. Mary Sears, June 29, 1793. Thomas Colbert m. INIary Colligan, Feb. 9, 1779. James Cole m. Ann Wilkins, Nov. 28, 1777. John Cole m. Eleanor Hall, Oct. 27, 1777. John Cole m. Anne Purdy, Feb. 26, 1802. Thomas Cole m. Sarah Ridgely, Oct. i, 1781. William Cole m. Caroline Norman, Jan. 19, 1819. Milton Francis Coleman m. Mary Teresa Murdock, Apr. 24, 1819. Bannister Collins m. Elizabeth Hanshaw, Feb. 13, 1810. James ColHns m. Christian T. Daves, Feb. 17, 1780. John Babtist Collins m. Elizabeth Hannah, Mch. 16, 1778. Thomas Collins m. Isabella Bowen, Apr. 25, 1801. John Collinson m. Ann Tongue, June 22, 1819. William Collison m. Elizabeth Whittington, Sept. 29, 1808. W^illiam Comrady m. EHzabeth Griffin, Jan. 26, 1807. Richard Conn m. Sarah Woodward, Aug. 27, 1792. Da\'id Conner m. Durkey Burns, Jan. 22, 1783. James Conner m. Mary Bevans, Feb. 8, 1816. Marmaduke W. Conner m. Sarah Ann Vessels, May 12, 1820. Richard Conner m. Henrietta Gott, Jan. 31, 1786. William Conner m. Eleanor Wyvell, Oct. 9, 1788. Addison Connoway m. Mary Welch, Jan. 23, 1788. George Connoway m. Elizabeth Pettibone, Apr. 11, 1798. Michael Connoway m. Belinda Jean, July 24, 1792. Richard A. Contee m. Elizabeth Rawlings, Jan. 22, 1794. Peter H. Cook m. Lydia Br\'an, Nov. 11, 1820. Charles Cooke m. Agnes Burgess, Nov. 24, 1795. Charles Cooke m. Elizabeth Long, Aug. 26, 1796. George Cooke m. Fanny Cox, Apr. 7, 1792. Henry Cooke m. Anne Allen Pennington, Jan. 21, 1815. Joseph Cooley m. Eliza Howes, Dec. 5, 181 7. William Cooley m. Ann Harwood, Dec. 22, 1777. John Cooper m. Margaret Maccoy, Apr. 16, 1783. Robert Copland m. Hetty Long, June 4, 1798. William M. Corcard m. Letty Pryse, Nov. 10, 1795. Henry Corner m. Mary Gott, Nov. 6, 1796. Joseph G. Corner m. Susanna W. Franklin, Aug. 24, 1819. Robert Corse m. Eleanor Yieldhall, June 28, 1799. Henry Coulter m. Anne Clarke, Sept. 23, 1802. James Coulter m. Eleanor Jones Duvall, June 30, 1808. John Coulter m. Elizabeth M'^Cubbin, Oct. 4, 1798. 428 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY William Court m. Leticia James, Dec. 24, 1804. James Cowan m. Jane M^Hurd, Feb. 28, 1789. Charles Cowley m. Ann Elizabeth Deale, July 24, 1790. John Cowman m. Mary Plummer, Apr. 16, 1793. Joseph Cowman m. Eleanor W. Hall, Sept. 18, 1799. Joseph Cowman m. Elizabeth Watson, June 30, 1806. PhiHp Cowman m. EHzabeth Shields, Dec. 16, 1806. Thomas Cowman m. Henrietta Harwood, Nov. 14, 1798. John Cox m. Henrietta Maria Minskie, May 12, 1778. Andrew Coyle m. Elizabeth Chisholm, Dec. 26, 1807. Richard L Crabb m. Catherine Chase, Nov. 4, 1813. William Craig m. Mary Joice, May 13, 1819. Robert Craigs m. Sarah Barry, Mch. 30, 1782. Samuel Cram [Crane?] m. Dehlah Mass, [Moss?] Mch. 7, 1791. Caleb Crane m. Margaret Smith, July 4, 1805. Fred''. Cramblick m. Rebecca Day, Jan. 7, 1797. Abel Crandell m. Elizabeth Mary Lane, Jan. 10, 1793. Adam Crandle m. EHzabeth Dove, Feb. 19, 1778. Francis Cranndall m. Susannah Leach, May 31, 1802. Francis Crandell m. Anne M'^Kenzie, July 18, 1814. George Crandell m. Jane Parish, Dec. 22, 1788. Henry Crandell m. Anne Woodfield, Jan. 5, 1804. John Crandell m. Susanna Whittington, July i, 1809. Joseph Crandell m. Rachel Gardner, Jan. 12, 1792. Rich''. Crandell m. Priscilla Gott, Oct. 26, 1789. Thomas Crandell m. Pamelia Jackson, Dec. 24, 1812. Thomas Crandell m. Willy Hinton, Dec. 18, 1813. William Crandell m. Amelia Carr, Aug. 10, 1791. Samuel Crane m. Sarah Cromwell, Apr. 30, 1795. Thomas Crane m. Mary Dare, Dec. 9, 1820. Basil Crapster m. Harriet Watkins, Sept. 24, 1816. David Crawford m. Elizabeth Price, Sept. 27, 1785. Isaac Crayton m. Mary Keene, July 30, 1784. Charles Creek m. Sophia Wells, May 27, 1814. Abel Creendell m. Susanna Crutchley, Dec. 22, 1810. Henry Crist m. EHzabeth Pryse, Sept. 5, 1795. John Cromwell m. Rhody Ridgely, Jan. 28, 1813. Michael Cromwell m. Chariotte Williams, Mch. 9, 1816. Oneal Cromwell m. Sarah Cromwell, June 12, 1817. Thomas Cromwell m. Elizabeth Miller, Oct. 9, 1812. Zachariah Cromwell m. Sarah Hall, Mch. 31, 1809. Burton Crosby m. Ann Childs, Jan. i, 1785. MARRIAGE LICENSES 429 John Crosby m. Rachel Brown, Jan. 4, 1786. Josias Crosby m. Mary Carr, Feb. 10, 1784. Richard Crosby m. EHzabeth Norman, Feb. 16, 1807. Richard Crosby m. JuHet Trott, Feb. 25, 1818. John Cross m. Jemima Selby, i\pr. 21, 1810. Joseph Cross m. Patsey Taylor, Jan. 12, 1785. Thomas Cross m. Elizabeth Taylor, Feb. 4, 1799. Thomas Cross m. Harriett Howard, Jan. 21, 1804. Thomas R. Cross m. Area Rockhold, June 4, 1807. Joseph Crouch m. Sarah Little, Aug. 29, 1780. Joseph Crox m. Catharine Seibert, Sept. 8, 1785. Jesse Crutchley m. Mary Philips, Dec. 21, 1791. Josh Crutchley m. Mary Phelps, Aug. 2, 1814. Thomas Crutchley m. Mary Ann Forster, Dec. 6, 1784. Francis Curen m. Mary Cleverly, Dec. 31, 1791. Michael Curran m. Mary Maybury, Apr. 26, 1800. Philip Curran m. Juliana Dunn, Oct. 21, 1805. Edward Curten m. Ann Davidson, Apr. 29, 1785. Peter Cuting m. Elizabeth Johnson, Apr. 11, 1780. Emanuel Dadds m. Mary Pierce, Dec. 31, 1798. Joseph Bryan Dailey m. Mary Childs, Dec. 10, 1791. Joseph Daley m. Priscilla Darnall, June 17, 1813. Thomas Dalzell m. Margaret Williams, June 23, 1790. Samuel Dames m. Mary Ann Lewis, Jan. 24, 1804. Aaron Dannison m. Henrietta Burton, Dec. 17, 1803. Elijah Danison m. Rachel Chaney, Nov. 8, 1808. Caleb Darby m. Elizabeth Ray, Dec. 9, 1783. Samuel Darley [Darby?] m. Verlin Carr, Nov. 14, 1781. Henry Darnall m. Pamelia Dawson, Nov. 26, 1814. Thomas Darnelson m. Elizabeth Cheney, Oct. 12, 1799. Azel Daxndge m. Tomsey Sewell, Oct. 25, 1779. Israel Da\'idson m. Mary Stockett, Sept. 13, 1817. James Davidson m. Milley Read, Feb. 16, 1787. James Davidson m. Mary Stewart, Feb. 28, 1792. John Da\adson m. Ann M"=Cauley, Jan. 10, 1788. John Davidson m. Anna Maria L. Grason, Sept. 22, 1796. William Da\adson m. Rebecca \^'alker, Oct. 8, 1795. Richard Davinson m. Milea Fran'. Wayman, Apr. 29, 1783. CorneHus Davis m. Elizabeth Taylor, Aug. 29, 18 14. Daniel Davis m. Mary Whitaker, Apr. 30, 1785. George Davis m. Catharine Green, Jan. 28, 1785. James Davis m. Susan Lusby, Oct. 8, 1801. 430 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY John Davis m. Sarah Ditty, May 26, 1808. Robert Davis Jn'. m. Ann Collins, July 6, 1778. Robert Davis m. Mary Fairborne, June 4, 1803. Robert Davis m. Rainer Ann Queen, May i, 1819. Samuel Davis m. Elizabeth Merriken, Aug. 25, 1800. Samuel Davis m. Eliza Ann Earle, May 27, 1807. Thomas Davis m. Catherine Worthington, Apr. 18, 1796. Thomas Davis m. Rebecca Beard, June 6, 1800. Thomas Davis m. Elizabeth Kilman, Oct. 15, 1805. Thomas Davis m. Mary Beard, May 7, 1814. William Da\'is m. Anne Stewart, Sept. 4, 1795. WiUiam Davis m. Elizabeth Davis, Jan. 11, 1804. Richard Daw m. Elizabeth Disney, June 27, 1795. James Dawson m. EHzabeth Norris, Apr. 5, 1798. Jonas Dawson m. Ann Johnson, Apr. 11, 1785. Jonas Dawson m. Mary SumberHn, Dec. 13, 1814. Joseph Dawson m. EHzabeth Thompson, June 3, 1779. William Dawson m. Mary Shepphard, Sept. 30, 1818. Edward Day m. Sarah Lewis, May 2, 1799. John Day m. Martha Pennington, Mch. 4, 181 1. Nathaniel Day m. Ann Brashares, Feb. 15, 1803. James Deale m. Elizabeth Sherbrett, Oct. 19, 1802. James Deale m. Mary Franklin, Feb. 9, 1805. Marlin Deale m. Rachel Franklin, Feb. 9, 1808. Nathaniel Deale m. Rachel Crosby, June 27, 1794. Samuel Deale m. EHzabeth David, Feb. 19, 1787. Samuel Deale m. Eleanor Norman, Sept. 23, 1793. Samuel Deale m. Susanna Miles, July 7, 1818. William Deale m. Ann Norris, June 2, 1777. WilHam Deale m. Rachel Gott, Nov. 14, 1797. John Deaver m. Onner Roth, Aug. 3, 1789. Moses Deaver m. EHzabeth Disney, Feb. 8, 1794. William DeBlois m. Catharine Nixon, Dec. 4, 1786. John Deborough m. Mary Hammond, May 12, 1796. Benjamin Deford m. Ann Hutton, Dec. 21, 1798. Daniel Delozier m. Ann Higinbotham, Nov. 3, 1791. Thomas S. Denny m. Mary Norris, Jan. 15, 1800. John Dent m. Eleanor Cecil, Apr. 2, 1787. James Deroachbroom m. Mary Blunt, July 31, 1785. WilHam Derochbroon m. Elizabeth Joice, July 14, 1797. Robert Denny m. Augusta Green, Feb. 5, 1789. Thomas Dew m. Catherine Scrivener, Jan. 31, 1816. MARRIAGE LICENSES 431 William Didenoven [Dielenoven?]m. Polly Welch, Sept. 30, 1793. Thomas Diffenderffer m. Elizabeth Sewell, Dec. 7, 181 1. Edward Disney m. Ann Phelps, Nov. 4, 1778. Edward Disney m. Margaret Watkins, Dec. i, 1795. James Disney m. Mary Weems, Mch. 22, 1783. John T. Disney m. Eliz^ Shepherd, Dec. 21, 1820. Mordecai Disney m. Amelia Porter, Feb. 8, 1785. Richard Disney m. Ariana Porter, Aug. 21, 1784. Richard Disney m. Mar>' Watkins, Feb. 28, 1786. Richard Disney m. Sarah Lawrence Disney, Nov. 6, 1799. Richard Disney m. Rachel Disney, July 24, 1802. Richard Disney m. Priscilla Disney, Nov. 27, 1819. Snowden Disney m. Rachel Deaver, Oct. 29, 1793. Thomas Disney m. Deborah Williams, Apr. 24, 1802. William Disney m. Ruth Spurrier, Feb. 21, 1794. Roger Ditty m. Sarah Jacob, Mch. 8, 1797. Archibald Dobbins m. Mary Knapp, Sept. 6, 1794. Thomas Doane m. Hanna Vineyard, Dec. 12, 1795. Samuel Done m. Elizabeth Stallings, Feb. 3, 1816. Henry Dodson m. Henney Ganell, Aug. 10, 1819. John Dodson m. Eleanor Howard, Feb. 13, 1778. John M. Donald m. Elizabeth Babington, Dec. 15, 1777. Aaron Donaldson m. Mary Little, June 29, 1781. Elijah Donaldson m. Mary Ann Cheney, Dec. 29, 1781. Levy Donalson m. Eleanor Low, Dec. 5, 1804. Rezin Donaldson m. Ann Dove, Dec. 7, 1802. Richard Donaldson m. Rachel Waters, Mch. 3, 1783. Richard Donaldson m. Margaret Rhodes, Apr. 24, 1798. Richard Donaldson m. Rebecca Marriott, Nov. 10, 1806. Thomas Donaldson m. Caroline Waters, Oct. 23, 1819. Simon Donnely m. Eleanor Maguire, Sept. 15, 1798. Benedict Dorsey m. Margaret Watkins, Apr. 20, 1789. Daniel Dorsey m. Eleanor Dorsey, Feb. 17, 1779. Edward Hill Dorsey m. Eleanor Pue, Oct. i, 1798. Ely Dorsey m. Sarah Worthington, Sept. 3, 1778. Henry H. Dorsey m. Mary Wright, Sept. 21, 1795. John Dorsey m. Margaret Boone, Mch. 19, 1782. John W. Dorsey m. Rachel Warfield, Oct. 2"], 1779. John Dorsey m. Mary Ann Hammond, Nov. 20, 1815. Joshua Dorsey m. Margaret Watkins, Mch. 9, 1787. Philip Dorsey m. Cassandra Burgess, Sept. 12, 181 5. Reuben N. Dorsey m. Sarah D. Meriweather, Nov. 17, 1820. 432 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Richard Dorsey m. Anne Wayman, Feb. 13, 1796. Richard Dorsey m. Anne Warfield, Nov. 4, 1797. Thomas Beale Dorsey m. Sarah Dorcey Merrewether, Nov. 28, 1797. Thomas H. Dorsey m. Ann Dorsey, May 15, 181 1. Vachel Dorsey — of Vachel m. Sarah Nelson, Apr. 9, 1783. Vachel Dorsey m. EHzabeth Dorsey, Mch. 19, 1798. Jo'. Dove m. EHzabeth Gardiner, Sept. 8, 1787. John Dove m. Dinah Wilmot, Dec. 7, 1781. John Dove m. Mary Lambeth, Jan. 10, 1798. John Dove m. Nancy Ford, Dec. 29, 1802. Samuel Dove m. Anne Carr, Nov. 4, 1801. Charles Dovel m. Ann Sprall, July 9, 1777. Richard Dowell m. Lydia Dew, Dec. 20, 1788. Richard Dowell m. Sarah Sellman, July 23, 1813. Thomas Draen m. Elizabeth Todd, July 14, 1791. Richard Drane m. Sarah Gwinn, Feb. 4, 1806. Charles Drury m. Mary Eversfield, Oct. 17, 1794. Charles Drury m. Margaret King, June i, 1797. Henry C. Drury m. Elizabeth Mills, May 16, 1806. Henry C. Drury m. Sarah Elson, Nov. 25, 1808. Henry C. Drury m. Elizabeth Franklin, Dec. 2, 1816. Irvingham Drury m. Sarah Hill, Apr. 14, 1790. Jerningham Drury m. Sarah Simmons, Sept. 29, 1801. Samuel Drury m. Ann Irams, May 29, 1779. William Drury m. Margaret Miles, Mch. 22, 1806. William Drury Jn^ m. Maria Smith, Nov. 13, 1816. Allen Bowie Duckett m. Margaret Howard, Oct. 17, 1799. Basil Duckett m. Sophia MuUiken, Feb. 13, 1798. Richard Duckett m. Elizabeth Howard, Dec. 20, 1804. Thomas Duckett m. Ann Cowman, June 7, 1788. Edward Dudley m. Sarah Record, May 16, 1791. John Dudow m. Sarah Susan Dorsett, Apr. 20, 1812. James Dulshier m. Mary Townshend, Oct. 3, 1812. Benjamin Dungan m. Eleanor Griffin, May 11, 1812. Joseph Dungee m. Mary Welch, Sept. i, 1803. George Dunn m. Rachel Smith, Sept. 14, 181 8. John Dunn m. Milley Cooper, Mch. 12, 1795. Patrick Dunn m. Judith Donnovan, June 2, 1786. Abraham Duvall m. Eleanor Chaney, Dec. 5, 1792. Colmore Duvall m. EHzabeth Peach, Feb. 5, 1791. Dennis Duvall m. Rachel Cross, Jan. 6, 1816. Enus Duvall m. Elizabeth Nicholson, Dec. 23, 1794. MARRIAGE LICENSES 433 Ephraim Duvall m. Jemima Hazle, July 21, 1793. Henry Duvall m. Elizabeth Boone, Sept. 16, 1800. Henry Duvall m. Mary Winchester, Apr. 9, 1810. Howard Duvall m. Elizabeth Duvall, Nov. 27, 1788. Howard Duvall m. Susanna Duvall, Dec. 12, 1806. Jacob Duvall — Son of Jn°. m. Jemima Anne Taylor, July 27, 1791. John Duvall m. Rebecca Rawlings, Nov. 24, 1798. John W. Duvall m. Ann Miller, Dec. 21, 1813. Joseph H. Duvall m. Mable Taylor, Dec. 22, 1808. Lewis Duvall m. Elizabeth Wheeler, Oct. 3, 1777. Lewis Duvall m. Sarah Harwood, Nov. 22, 1800. Mareen H. Duvall m. Dorothy Allen, May 6, 1801. Nathan Duvall m. Elizabeth Glover, Dec. 30, 1807. Noah Duvall m. Anne Eaglin, May i, 1795. Richard Duvall m. Margaret Duvall, May i, 1817. Samuel Duvall m. Mary Duvall, Oct. 24, 1808. Samuel B. Duvall m. Jemima Jones, Jan. 27, 1796. WilHam Duvall m. Anne Tucker, Mch. 14, 1807. Zachariah Duvall m. Susan Welsh, Oct. 27, 18 14. Thomas Dyer m. Anne Miles, July i, 1790. Abraham Dykus m. Margaret Mewshaw, June 19, 1784. Thomas Earle m. Susanna Weedon, Oct. 16, 1787. Thomas Earle Jn'. m. Susanna Thompson, Dec. 22, 1816. Samuel Easton m. Sarah Winterson, Jan. 10, 1801. Charles W. Eaton m. Sarah Phelps, Feb. 10, 1790. Richard Eaton m. Judith Richardson, Oct. 13, 1784. Tho\ Henderson Edelen m. Care Williams Tuck, Oct. 28, 1813. Edward Edgerly m. Sarah Parsons, Mch. 6, 1803. John Edmondson m. Susanna Howard, Mch. 28, 1799. Benjamin Edwards m. Ann Burton, Apr. i, 1797. Cadwallader Edwards m. Sarah Chalmers, Nov. 17, 1786. John Edwards m. Jane All, Feb. 14, 1778. Thomas Edwards m. Rachel Beard, Oct. 17, 1796. William Edwards m. Ann Chalmers, June 20, 1789. Zedekiah Egell m. Elizabeth Burke, Jan. 3, 1818. Elijah Elder m. Mary Davidge, July 23, 1778. Britainham Eldridge m. Achsah Ridgely, Dec. 21, 1801. James Elixon m. Priscilla Phips, Jan. 27, 1804. Daniel Elliott m. Jemima Howard, Aug. 14, 1788. Howard Elliott m. Sarah Johnson, Oct. 23, 1813. Howard EUett m. Nancy Jacobs, Aug. 25, 1815. James Elliott m. Sarah Bash, Jan. 21, 1789. 29 434 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY James Elliott m. Elizabeth Aliller, Dec. 23, 1813. John Elliott m. Sarah Warfield, July 12, 1787. Richard Elliott m. Mary Purdy, Jan. 31, 1794. Robert ElHott m. Martha Cadle, Jan. 8, 1779. Robert Elliott m. Ann Lewis, Jan. 23, 1787. Samuel Elliott m. Mary Richardson, Sept. 16, 1780. Samuel Elliott m. EHzabeth Baldwin, Dec. 15, 1783. Thomas Elliott m. Elizabeth Knighton, Dec. i, 1784. John Elthani m. Jane Moore, Feb. 28, 1778. Caleb Ely m. Elizabeth Duck, July 19, 1780. William Emmerson m. Mary Reamer, Dec. 29, 1819. William Ennis m. Sarah Atsuel, May 22, 1802. William Ennis m. Catherine Iglehart, Jan. 8, 1820. William Erring m. Rachel Brewer, July 3, 1790. Mathew Errixson m. Ann Sollars, May 24, 1793. William Earickson m. Ann Wright, Sept. 3, 1800. Rezin Estep m. Eleanor Ireland, July 26, 1787. Benjamin Evans m. Maria Bracher, June i, 1805. Daniel Evans m. Eleanor Purdy, Dec. 13, 1805. Henry Evans m. Catherine Wright, Jan. 26, 1795. Hugh Williams Evans m. Mary Ann Johnson, Apr. 25, 1815. Richard Evans m. Judah Price, Apr. 14, 1796. Richard Evans m. Hannah Evans, Apr. 14, 1796. Samuel Evans m. Rachel Moore, June 6, 1789. Thomas Evans m. Sarah Husk, Dec. 15, 1777. W". Marshall Eversfield m. Mary Lane, Jan. 28, 1794. Richard Evison m. Lydia Evans, Mch. 21, 1809. Jesse Ewell m. Rachel B. Weems, May 23, 1804. Francis Fairbrother m. Mary Newbury, May 3, 1780. Benjamin Fairall m. Elizabeth Green, Feb. 20, 1817. Horatio Fairall m. Mary Warfield, Feb. 15, 1819. Jason Farall m. Elizabeth Cadle, Feb. 17, 1816. Levi Fairall m. Comfort Chaney, Nov. 27, 18 10. Thomas Fairall m. Alley Griffith, July 11, 1801. Cornelius Fanton m. Elizabeth Bryan, Mch. 28, 1778. Caleb Fennell m. Eleanor Torp, Jan. 18, 1788. William Fennell m. Anne Joice, Dec. 27, 1792. Leo Fenwick m. Ann E. Childs, May 4, 1819. Richard Fenwick m. Ann Welch, June 15, 1784. Demus Fields m. EHzabeth Robinson, Apr. 24, 1794. Richard Fish m. Sarah Pumphrey, Mch. 21, 18 10. John Fisher m. Axsah Musgrove, Dec. 18, 1778. MARRIAGE LICENSES 435 John Fisher m. Margaret Eaglin, May i, 1795. Lewis Fisher m. Mary Childs, Mch. 16, 1784. Marlin Fisher m. Rebecca Chalk, Feb. i, 1783. Thomas Fisher m. Mary Richardson, Sept. 25, 1817. William Fisher m. Elizabeth Ward, Nov. 21, 1806. William Fisher m. Henrietta Conner, Oct. 16, 1816. Dan'. Dulany Fitzhugh m. Margaret Murray Maynadier, Jan. 4, 1810. Patrick Flaherty m. Maria Wheland, Oct. i, 1798. Benjamin Fleetwood m. Dolly Gwinn, Jan. 3, 1807. Richard Flemming m. Jane Rurke, Nov. 16, 1782. William Fleming m. Ann Sewell, June 25, 1796. Richard Foggell m. Ann HoUyday, Apr. 12, 1784. Richard Foggett m. Artridge Phips, Jan. 17, 1809. Casper Foible m. Judah Woodburn, Jan. 13, 1785. Daniel Ford m. Catherine Atwell, Jan. 19, 1819. John Ford m. Margaret Cheney, Dec. 17, 1816. Joseph Ford m. Margaret Wood, Mch. 19, 1779. Joseph Ford m. Mary Wood, Dec. 24, 1781. Joseph Ford m. Eleanor Lambeth, July 16, 1817. William Ford m. Elizabeth Phips, June 16, 1785. Henry Foreman m. Eleanor Hancock, Aug. i, 1810. John Foreman m. Anne Mash, Jan. 17, 1804. John Forman m. Mary White, Nov. 19, 1807. Joseph Foreman m. Lucretia Lange, Jan. 24, 1782. Joseph Foreman m. Ann Robinson, June 5, 1792. Joseph Foreman m. Mary Chaney, Sept. 25, 1809. Leonard Foreman m. Ann Cary Thomas, Oct. 23, 1816. Samuel Foreman m. Rebecca Robinson, Feb. 8, 1804. William Foreman m. Henrietta Drane, Jan. 2, 1783. John Forrister m. Sarah Hodges, Jan. 9, 1781. Basil Forster m. Mary Penn, Apr. 2, 1778. Benjamin Forster m. Elizabeth Faire, Jan. 30, 1794. John Forster m. Sarah Innis, Dec. 20, 1783. Joseph Forster m. Elizabeth Grover, Nov. 25, 1788. John Forty m. Sarah Price, Oct. 29, 1803. Balack Fowler m. Sarah Fairall, Dec. 21, 1792. Daniel Fowler m. Mary Smith, Aug. 4, 18 10. Elie Fowler m. Sarah Elliott, Mch. 25, 1807. George Fowler m. Thomas Childs, May 23, 1801. James Fowler m. Mary Woodfield, Aug. 21, 1789. John Fowler m. Hannah Mayo, Sept. 5, 1789. Mark Fowler m. Sarah Taylor, Feb. 9, 1796. 436 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Rezin Fowler m. Rachel Sewell, Dec. i8, 1797. William Fowler m. Elizabeth Craig, Feb. 2, 1780. George Fox m. Rebecca Holloway, Dec. 21, 1791. George Fox m. Mary Sambling, Dec. 10, 1799. James Fox m. Ruth Holland, June 13, 1785. Samuel Foxcroft m. Susan Brown, Dec. 31, 1817. WilHam Foxcroft m. EHzabeth Reynolds, Nov. 6, 1790. John Francis m. Araminta Foreman, July 21, 1785. Benjamin Franklin m. Harriet Allien, Oct. 30, 1818. John Franklin m. Mary Hopkins, Mch. 25, 1783. John Franklin m. Harriet Conner, Oct. 26, 1818. Richard Franklin m. Ann Duvall, July 30, 1777. Robert Franklin m. Elizabeth Gott, May 13, 1793. Thomas FrankHn m. Eliza Mackubin, Nov. 26, 1808. Thomas FrankHn m. EHz". Shaw, Nov. 12, 18 18. WilHam Franklin m. Isabella Franklin, Jan. 12, 1779. WilHam Franklin m. Charity ColHson, Apr. 7, 1790. Daniel Frazier m. Elizabeth Whittington, Jan. 30, 1799. James Frazier m. Anne Duckett, Dec. 6, 1794. Richard Frazier m. Mary Duckett, Dec. 29, 1785. WilHam Frazier m. Sarah Jones, Jan. 21, 1780. John Freeburgher m. Ann Babbs, Sept. 8, 18 10. William Freeman m. Mary Woodfield, Mch. 10, 1819. Nicholas French m. Rebecca Chaney, Sept. 22, 1802. John Fulford m. Mary Smith, June 6, 1785. Thomas Furlong m. Elizabeth Brown, Aug. 10, 1803. Dermis Gaither m. Elizabeth Disney, Dec. 14, 1810. Ephraim Gaither m. Nancy Simpson, Dec. 10, 1792. Ephraim Gaither m. Sarah EHz". Goldsborough, May 16, 1820. Jerrard Gaither m. Agnes Gaither, May 16, 1787. John Gaither m. Sarah Carter, Dec. 31, 1816. John M. Gaither m. Henrietta Lusby, Nov. 12, 1818. Joshua Gaither m. Ruth Gaither, Nov. 15, 181 7. Ralph Gaither m. Sarah Rowles, Oct. 9, 1788. Seth Gaither m. Rebecca Yieldhall, Jan. 24, 1778. Vachel Gaither m. Ruth Marriott, Oct. 25, 1782. William Gaither m. Margaret Ann Dorsey, Dec. 26, 18 12. Zachariah Gaither m. Sarah Warfield, Aug. 29, 1781. James Galloway m. Mary Shepard, Aug. 29, 1818. Amos Gambrill m. Ann Urguhart, Dec. 8, 1802. Augustine Gambrill m. Maria Baldwin, July 20, 1795. Augustine Gambrill m. Rebecca Williams, Oct. 29, 1806. MARRIAGE LICENSES 437 George Gambrill m. Julia Ann Brown, Feb. 3, 1817. Rezin Gambrill m. Mary Gaither, Dec. 31, 1777. Richard Gambrill m. Elizabeth Marriott, May g, 1798. Ste^'ens Gambrill m. Eliz". Cjambrill, May 9, 1820. Thomas Gambrill m. Belinda Bright, Apr. i, 1809. William Gambrill m. Nelia Williams, Sept. 21, 1802. William Gambrill m. Martha Peach, Oct. 26, 1803. Henry Gantt m. Sarah H. Weems, Oct. 17, 1801. Benjamin Gardiner m. Mary Brashears, Nov. 19, 1796. Charles Gardiner m. Sarah liams, Sept. 20, 1783. James Gardiner m. Welimena Parker, Nov. 16, 1787. James Gardiner m. Eleanor M'^Cauley, Feb. 19, 1814. John Gardiner m. Tomsey Vineyard, Dec. 2, 1807. John Gardiner m. Rebecca Robinson, Jan. 26, 1819. John Gardiner m. Providence Russell, Feb. 16, 1819. Jn°. M^'Pherson Gardiner m. Sophia Gassaway, Nov. i, 1805. Richard Gardiner m. Ann Merrikin, Nov. 22, 1787. Samuel Gardiner m. Ann Riston, July 14, 1818. Thomas Gardiner m. Pro\adence Connaway, Feb. 29, 1780. Thomas Gardiner m. Susanna Brewer, Mch. 13, 1820. William Gardiner m. Elizabeth Nicholson, Mch. 26, 1807. Zachariah Gardiner m. Rebecca Stewart, May (Mch?) 25, 1815. Abraham Gardner m. Catherine Litchfield, Aug. 26, 1796. Benjamin Gardner m. Susanna Brashears, Jan. 2, 1805. Charles Gardner m. Margaret Seward, Jan. 5, 1779. Edward Gardner m. Sarah Phips, Dec. 17, 1793. George Gardner m. Martha Parker, July 11, 1786. George Gardner m. Aimy (?) Owings, Dec. 31, 1791. George Gardner m. Margaret Hopkins, June 20, 1797. James Gardner m. Onner Selby, Feb. 13, 1799. John Gardner m. EHzabeth Greenwell, Nov. 7, 1812. Obed Gardner m. Elizabeth Goldsmith, Nov. 26, 1794. Samuel Gardner m. Ann Day, Apr. 18, 1810. William Gardner m. Catherine Shepherd, May 21, 1795. William Gardner m. Frances Hemwood, Dec. 12, 1797. William Gardner m. Ann Due, Aug. 4, 1804. Benjamin Garner m. EHzabeth Parrott, Dec. 22, 1785. Benjamin Garner m. Eleanor Pierce, Dec. 15, 1795. CorneHus Garretson m. Mary Crandel, June 8, 1816. George Garston m. Ann Drane, Sept. 16, 1779. Thomas Garston m. Susanna Hansliff, Mch. 26, 1785. Jehosephat Gartrell m. Rachel Carr, July 23, 1783. 438 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Stephen Gartrell m. Mary Cole, Feb. 15, 1779. Leonard Gary m. Henrietta Miles, Feb. 2, 1791. Lloyd Gary m. Ann Jar\^s, May i, 1792. Elie Gassaway m. Rachel Howard, Feb. i, 1783. Henry Gassaway m. Margaret Selman, Feb. 3, 1787. Henry Gassaway m. Levena Killman, Dec. 6, 1807. John Gassaway m. Mary Quynn, Jan. i, 1788. John Gassaway m. Elizabeth Price, Sept. 27, 1799. Louis Gassaway m. Rebecca Henry, June 17, 1809. Nicholas Gassaway m. Amelia Isreal, Jan. 7, 1791. Denton Geoghegan m. Elizabeth Shipley, Dec. 18, 1802. Robert Geoghegan m. Henrietta Griffith, Sept. 13, 1782. Robert Getty m. Margaret Willmot, Dec. 27, 1808. Reverdy Ghiselin m. Anne Robosson, Feb. 19, 1798. Reverdy Ghiselin m. Margaret Bowie, Dec. 24, 1804. Thomas Gibbs m. Mary Chisholm, Jan. 15, 1805. John Gibson m. Ann Ridout, Oct. 25, 1785. Robert Gifford m. Hannah Meeke, Mch. 14, 1793. Stephen Gill m. Hester Kenady, Sept. 21, 1813. Jacob Gillan m. Lyddy Jackson, Nov. 28, 1782. John Gillison m. Sarah Smithers, Dec. 26, 1786. George Gilpin m. Jane Peters, Feb. 19, 1780. William Glover m. Eleanor M'^Kellen, Sept. 13, 1786. Frederick Goatee m. Laurra Randall, Feb. 3, 1800. Archibald Golder m. Sarah Ashmead, Apr. 4, 1782. Archibald Golder m. EHzabeth Howard, Mch. 28, 1812. Richard Goldsborough m. Nackey Worthington, July 22, 1793. Thomas Goldsborough m. Maria Thomas, Sept. 17, 1801. William Goldsborough m. Sarah Worthington, Nov. 8, 1792. Edward Godman m. Matilda Grace, July 5, 1786. Edward Godman m. Margaret Smith, Jan. 8, 1791. Humphrey Godman m. Rachel Hall, Apr. 23, 1783. William Goodman m. Sarah Green, Mch. 22, 1796. William Goodman m. Sarah Goodman, Mch. 7, 1818. John Goodwin m. Sarah Benton, Aug. 8, 1812. Richard Goodwin m. Mary Henshaw, Jan. 3, 1786. Richard Goodwin m. Sarah Rawlings, Feb. 5, 1800. Nicholas Gorsuch m. Mary Gravishitt, Aug. 22, 1788. Mordecai Gosnell m. Estha Crandel, Aug. 10, 1819. Ezekiel Gott m. Mary Childs, Sept. 5, 1783. Ezekiel Gott m. Ann Allen, Jan. 30, 1790. John Gott m. Sarah Carter, Mch. 7, 1799. MARRIAGE LICENSES 439 Richard Gott m. Sarah ColHson, Jan. 12, 1802. Samuel Gott m. Amelia M. OReielly, June 16, 181 7. William Gough m. Mary Anne Abbot, Oct. 2, 1790. Robert Goves m. Alary Mills, Feb. 24, 1781. Edward Gownd m. Henrietta Sansbury, Sept. 27, 1788. Gutloop Grammer m. Kitty Countryman, Oct. i, 1791. Charles Gray m. Sarah Laraton, June 16, 1797. Edward R. Gray m. Ellen Foreman, July 24, 1820. Elijah Gray m. Mary Lawton, Nov. 10, 1787. Greenbury Gray m. Susanna Chaney, Aug. 3, 1789. John Gray m. Ann Jacob, Mch. 10, 1781. John Gray m. Anne Todd, Oct. 18, 1792. John Gray m. Rachel Atwell, Nov. 20, 1802. John Gray m. Charlotte Boone, Nov. 8, 1815. Matthias Gray m. Rachel Crouder, June 15, 1818. Reuben Gray m. Rachel Robinson, Apr. 14, 1807. Richard Gray m. Eleanor Richardson July 9, 1796. Thomas Gray m. Anna Evans, Apr. 14, 1796. Jacob Green m. Mary Talbot, Jan. 17, 1809. Jacob Green m. Elizabeth Bird, Jan. 30, 1812. John Green m. Fanny Brown, Apr. 14, 1781. John Green m. Achsah Burgess, Nov. 27, 1781. Lancelot Green m. Mary Selby, Dec. 22, 1784. Lancelet Green m. Elizabeth Carr, Oct. 28, 1794. WiUiam Green m. Anne M^Near, June 22, 1793. WilHam Green m. Mary Sands, Dec. 21, 1797. W"". Sanders Green m. Mary Harwood, May 28, 1808. Frederick Greenwood m. Mary Robb, May 5, 1784. John Gregory m. Elizabeth Godfrey, Aug. 4, 1784. Nicholas Gremel m. Elizabeth Wright, Mch. 18, 1794. Charles Griffin m. Rachel Marriott, Feb. 3, 1816. John Griffin m. Elizabeth Crandell, Mch. 23, 1785. John Griffin m. Nancy Sprigg, June 8, 1813. Richard Griffin m. Nancy Kirby, Nov. 8, 1813. Benjamin Griffith m. Mary Nowell, Dec. 17, 1799. Dennis Griffith m. Elizabeth Ridgely, Jan. 20, 1785. Edward Griffith m. Elizabeth Trott, Apr. 15, 1786. Hugh Griffith m. Elizabeth Lavin, June 24, 1790. John Griffith m. Mary Barefoot, May 26, 1798. Joseph Griffith m. Sarah Turner, Dec. 27, 1816. Joshua Griffith m. Elizabeth Ridgely, May 10, 1798. Lewis Griffith m. Sarah Steward, Dec. 13, 1789. 440 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Lewis Griffith m. Elizabeth Wy\all, Feb. i, 1816. Nicholas Griffith m. Anne Ridgely, Dec. 14, 1791. Robert Griffith m. Betsey Boone, Apr. 4, 1787. Samuel Griffith m. Elizabeth Trott, July 27, 1796. Richard Grimes m. Anne Wood, Nov. 22, 1792. William Grimes m. Margaret Gibbons, July 22, 1815. Charles Grist m. Ann Smart, Apr. 10, 1780. Simon Gross m. Mary Lewis, Aug. 14, 1787. John Groves m. Jane Ball, May 16, 1791. Jn°. Constantine Mar'SoUon Groves m. Rosalie Margaret Mury, Apr. 1 801. Joshua Groves m. Sarah Boyd, Feb. 7, 1793. Solomom Groves m. Sarah King, Feb. 14, 1792. John Guyer m. Margaret Dixon, Aug. 14, 1790. Bennett Gwinn m. Mary Belt, Jan. 13, 1795. John Gwinn m. Louisa Ann Hobbs, Nov. 5, 1817. Samuel Hackett m. Margaret Bristol, Mch. 4, 1796. Robert Haddoway m. Jane Randall, Feb. 25, 1813. Peter Hagner m. Frances Randall, Apr. 22, 1806. Daniel Hall m. Margaret Macclesh, Jan. 24, 1812. Daniel Hall m. Susan Fowler, July 25, 1814. Edward Hall m. Mary Stevenson, Mch. 8, 1790. Elisha Hall m. DeHlah Ricketts, Sept. 14, 1801. George Hall m. Rebecca Frost, Nov. 23, 1809. Henry Hall m. Rachel Harwood, June 23, 1787. Henry Hall m. Arianna Stevenson, Apr. 18, 1797. Henry Augustus Hall m. Anne Lyles Estep, Nov. i, 1814. Henry Sprigg Hall m. Ann Garston, Sept. 29, 1803. John Hall m. Ann Dawley, Sept. 28, 1785. John Hall m. Mary Williams, Feb. 22, 1808. John Hall m. Charlotte Johnson, Aug. 4, 1813. John Stephen Hall m. Elizabeth D. Boyd, Nov. 5, 1789. Joseph Hall m. Harriett A. Sellman, Feb. 23, 1802. Joshua Hall m. Priscilla Woodfield, Feb. i, 1791. Nathaniel Hall m. Susanna Phelps, Feb. 28, 1778. Nathaniel Hall m. Delilah Williams, Nov. 13, 1812. Richard Hall m. Sarah Cowman, Jan. 14, 1789. Richard Hall m. Mary Connway, June 5, 1802. Richard Hall m. Eleanor Cadle, Jan. 26, 181 1. Richard Hall m. Martha Jones, June 11, 1814. Thomas Hall m. Ann Duckett Anderson, Jan. 26, 1807. Thomas H. Hall m. Henrietta Cowman, Feb. 5, 1806. ]\IARRIAGE LICENSES 441 Thomas W. Hall m. AIar\- Anne Hall, Oct. 24, 181 6. William Hall m. Martha Duckett, Apr. 6, 1782. William Hall m. Margaret Watkins, Jan. 21, 1788. William Hall m. Caroline Weedon, Sept. 14, 1820. William I. Hall m. Margaret Harwood, Nov. 18, 1819. Denton Hammond m. Sarah Hall Baldwin, Aug. 17, 1805. Henr}' Hammond m. Henny Stinchcomb, Dec. 22, 1794. Hezekiah Hammond m. Margaret Lambeth, Dec. 16, 1801. Hezekiah Hammond m. Sarah Lambeth, June 7, 1809. James Hammond m. Else Holmes, Nov. 9, 1786. John Hammond m. Harriet Dorsey, Mch. 22, 1820. Lloyd Hammond m. Mary Hammond, Mch. 21, 1795. Lloyd T. Hammond m. Elizabeth IMereweather, Nov. 7, 1803. Matthias Hammond m. Eliza Brown, May 7, 1812. Philip Hammond m. Elizabeth Wright, July 17, 1784. Philip Hammond Jn^ m. Juha Ann Hammond, Mch. i, 1814. Edward Hampton m. Mary Ann Bryan, Jan. 13, 1779. Benjamin Hancock m. Sarah Jenkins, Mch. 31, 1803. Benjamin Hancock m. Marj^ Pierce, July 25, 1816. Francis Hancock m. Jemima Selby, Dec. 5, 1798. Nathaniel Hancock m. Sophia Gray, May 17, 1788. Nathaniel Hancock m. Ruth Fox, May 15, 1795. Stephen Hancock m. Anne Cromwell, Jan. 15, 1801. Da^^d Hanlon m. Harriet Moss, Feb. 27, 1808. Nicholas Hanna m. Elizabeth Lee, Feb. 18, 1779. Samuel Hannah m. Mary Marshall, Jan. 19, 1790. William Hanna m. Sarah Turner, Feb. 3, 1778. Benjamin Hanshaw m. Eliz^. Joice, Dec. 27, 1820. Charles Hanshaw m. Nancy Hanshaw, June 8, 1814. John Hanshaw m. Anne Goodwin, Dec. 8, 1785. Lloyd Hanshaw m. Matilda Clarage, June 11, 1817. James Hanskan m. Hervine Thompson, Apr. 28, 1781. Alexander C. Hanson m. Rebecca Howard, June 4, 1778. Alexander C. Hanson Jn^ m. Pricilla Dorsey, June 24, 1805. John Hanson m. Rebecca Hammond, Feb. 16, 1779. William Hanson m. Helen Gray, Feb. 2, 1788. William Hanson m. Deborah Burland, June 29, 1797. Benjamin D. Hardesty m. Sarah Griffin, Sept. 14, 1818. Edmund Hardesty m. Ruth Chaney, Dec. 22, 1792. Frederick Hardesty m. Rachel Watts, July 12, 1791. Henry Herdesty m. Ann Letman, June 28, 1777. John Hardesty m. Agnes Nettles, June 29, 1803. 442 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Joshua Hardesty m. Elizabeth Wood, Jan. 25, 1814. Matthew Hardesty m. Elizabeth Williams, Jan. 2, 1805. Thomas Hardesty m. Ann Chaney, Jan. 3, 1797. Thomas Hardesty m. Achsah Simmons, Nov. 24, 1819. William Hardesty m. Eleanor Whittington, Mch. 3, 1810. John Harding m. Sarah Graham, Apr. 20, 1809. George Hardy m. Susanna Phelps, Dec. 24, 1806. James Harv^ey m. Artridge Norris, Dec. 13, 1784. Robert G. Harper m. Catherine Carroll, May 7, 1801. Samuel Harper m. Else Collister, Nov. 4, 1795. Joshua Harris m. Lucy Rummells, Feb. 19, 1797. Samuel Harris m. Clare Legg, Mch. 9, 1778. Samuel Harris m. Jane Gott, Dec. 7, 1784. Thomas Harris Jn^ m. Eleanor Davidson, Oct. 31, 1795. Benjamin Harrison m. Deborah Ghiseline, Dec. 12, 1787. Elisha Harrison m. Ann Chew, May 14, 1787. James Harrison m. Elizabeth Walker, Feb. 21, 1811. James Harrison m. Catherine Miller, Jan. 5, 1813. John Harrison m. Rachel Deale, Jan. 28, 1780. Joseph G. Harrison m. Matilda B. Wood, May 22, 1816. Richard Harrison m. Mary Norris, Apr. 17, 1782. Samuel Harrison m. Susanna Johns, June 13, 1778. Samuel Harrison m. Mary Steuart, June 7, 1808. Daniel Hart m. Harriet Smith, Nov. 18, 1813. James Harvey m. Martha Boyd Groves, July 29, 1796. Benjamin Harwood of Rh-*. m. Henrietta Battee, Oct. 5, 181 1. Benj" Harwood of Pr''. m. Peggy H. Hall, Nov. 4, 1820. Henry H. Harwood m. Eliza. Lloyd, Feb. 14, 1805. John Harwood m. Elizabeth Camden, Dec. 8, 1790. John Harwood m. Mary Newton Brewer, Apr. 21, 1798. Joseph Harwood m. Anne Chapman, Sept. 22, 1802. Noble Harwood m. Mary Harwood, Oct. 28, 1796. Osborn Harwood m. Elizabeth Ann Harwood, Oct. 31, 1791. Richard Harwood m. Lucy Battee, May 29, 1806. Richard Harwood of Tho'. m. Sarah Callahan, Mch. 29, 1803. Richard Harwood m. Elizabeth Sefton, Jan. 24, 1810. Richard H. Harwood m. Anne C. Green, Oct. 23, 1798. Robert Harwood m. Mary Goodwin, Dec. 22, 1796. Thomas Harwood of Benj. m. Charlotte Vallotte, Jan. 12, 1805. Thomas Harwood m. Mary Stevart, Dec. 26, 1820. William Harwood m. Naomi Watkins, July 5, 1806. John Haslup m. Alary Griffith White, Oct. 17, 1800. MARRIAGE LICENSES 443 John Hathaly m. Sarah Ann Brown, Dec. 21, 1813. Archibald Hawkins m. Mary Queen, Jan. 10, 1817. Elias Hayden m. Rachel Hopper, Dec. 23, 1779. Elias Hayden m. Rachel Carroll, Dec. 24, 1784. Charles Hayes m. EHzabeth Ennis, Dec. 22, 1818. William Hays m. Sarah Ryan, Mch. 27, 1780. Caleb Hazle m. Jemima James, July 8, 1785. Edward Hazle m. Catherine Connoway, Dec. 23, 1 791. James Heard m. Martha Young, Oct. 11, 181 7. Edward Heath m. Mary Garner, Nov. 13, 1798. Robert Heath m. Ann Gardner, Feb. 29, 1808. Robert Heath m. Ann Johnson, May 23, 1812. William Heath m. Mary Atwell, Aug. 28, 1778. William Heath m. Wilhelmina Brashears, Sept. 14, 181 1. William Hedes m. Rachel Herren, Feb. 14, 1798. Robert Hendle m. Catherine Roberts, Aug. 28, 1813. Thomas Hendry m. Margaret Slicer, Nov. 13, 1819. Thomas Henry m. Ann Nicholson, Feb. 5, 1788. John Hinson m. Sarah Morgan, Dec. 10, 1787. Charles Henwood m. Sarah Burton, May 10, 1794. Vachel Henwood m. Nancy Price, Jan. 27, 1808. William Henwood m. Mary Stevens, June 2, 1794. Edward Herbert m. Ann Middleton, Mch. 13, 1788. W^illiam Hesterly m. Mary Polton, Apr. 15, 1778. Thomas Hewitt m. Margaret Chalmers, Feb. 5, 1791. Geo. Washington Higgins m. Ann Luckland, Dec. 24, 1798. Henry Higgs m. Grace Owens Mch. i, 1785. Joshua Clarke Higgins m. Priscilla Laville, Nov. 3, 1792. James Higley m. Anne Johnson, Apr. 17, 1805. Abell Hill m. Sarah Childs, Jan. 28, 1794. Joseph Hill m. Susannah Hill, Feb. 8, 1782. Morgan Hill m. Mary L. Childs, Apr. 23, 1816. Morgan Hill m. Althea Brown, Jan. 6, 1818. Richard Hill m. Margaret Drury, Jan. 23, 1816. William Hill m. Margaret Hutton, Dec. 10, 1792. Benjamin Hilton m. Hester Taylor, Feb. 4, 1813. John Hilton m. Rebecca Gardner, Mch. 28, 1798. John Hilton m. Eleanor Pearce, Apr. 16, 1802. Osborn Hinton m. Nancy Wheeler, Nov. 6, 1805. Thomas Hinton m. Lilly Griffith, Jan. 4, 1795. WilHam Hinton m. Ann Turner, Feb. 6, 1787. John Hoberth m. EHz. Hardesty, Oct. 27, 1 791. 444 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Charles R. Hobbs m. Comfort Eliz". Bigford, Oct. 19, 1793. Noah Hobbs m. Rachel Warfield, Feb. 15, 1780. William Hobbs m. Lydia Warfield, Oct. 6, 1779. Henry Hodge m. Sarah M''Cauley, Apr. 21, 1795. Benjamin Hodges m. Elizabeth Jenings, Oct. 13, 1808. Henry Hodges m. Mary Sappington, Aug. 15, 1799. Thomas Brooke Hodgkin m. Elizabeth Towes, Oct. 6, 1779. Jacob Hoffman m. Hester Ashmund, June 23, 1790. Christopher Hohne m. Mary Holland, Jan. 7, 1792. Charles Holland m. Sarah Gardner, July 20, 1799. Edward Holland m. Jane Sullivan, June 14, 1777. Edward Holland m. Mary Simson, Dec. 28, 1793. Edward Holland m. Eliza Wason, Feb. 24, 18 10. Henry Holland m. Nancy Ray, Nov. 16, 1784. Henry S. Holland m. Susan Darnall, June 21, 1814. Isaac Holland m. Jane Steward, Apr. 24, 1790. Isaac Holland m. Delilah Sands, June 4, 181 1. Isaac Holland Jn^ m. Mary Shepheard, Apr. 26, 1820. James Holland m. Mary Ann M'^Kenzie, Dec. 21, 1789. James Holland m. Anne Sands, Feb. 13, 1806. John Holland m. Margaret Griffith, Apr. 13, 1789. Joseph Holland m. Ann Curr, Dec. i, 1783. Nehemiah Holland m. Ann Glover, Aug. 25, 1812. Hezekiah HoUiday m. Hannah Disney, May 24, 18 14. John HoUyday m. Sarah Childs, Dec. 9, 1778. John Hollyday m. Mary Knighton, May 7, 1787. John Hollyday m. Mary Chalk, Nov. 28, 1787. Thomas Holliday m. Sarah Phipps, Sept. 17, 1816. John Hollydayoke m. Eleanor Parrott, May 31, 1814. Daniel Holloway m. Sarah Rodwell, Oct. 11, 1791. Hezekiah Holloway m. Harriet Kimble, Sept. 13, 1803. Nicholas Holliway m. Elizabeth Atkinson, Feb. 8, 1817. William Holloway m. Anne Wilson, Aug. 16, 1791. Westol Meek Holme m. Ann Sophia Cross, Oct. 19, 1820. William Holmes m. Else Williams, July 3, 1780. John Holston m. Mary Dow, June 14, 1785. Benjamin Hood m. Sally Wayman, June 5, 1797. Joshua Hood m. Ann Pumphrey, Dec. 6, 1819. Henry Hoodward m. Mary White, June 14, 1791. John Hooper m. Mary Tucker, Nov. i, 1798. John Hooper m. Mary Tucker, Jan. 2, 1806. Nicholas Hooper m. Mary Ridgely, Mch. 15, 1803. MARRIAGE LICENSES 445 Gerrard Hopkins m. Patience Hopkins, Sept. 29, 1801. George Hopkins m. Sarah Henwood, Dec. 8, 1790. Isaac H. Hopkins m. Rachel Watkins, May 5, 1808. JoHnger Hopkins m. Martha Stockett, Nov. 16, 1813. Joseph Hopkins m. Sally Duvall, Mch. 28, 1804. Joseph Hopkins m. Anne Lusby, June 8, 1810. Philip Hopkins m. Mary Mabberly, Oct. 30, 1777. Philip Hopkins m. Mary Blunt, June 26, 1802. Rezin Hopkins m. Nancy Cooley, Dec. 26, 1810. Richard Hopkins m. Hannah Hammond, Mch. 2, 1789. Samuel Hopkins m. Hessy Trott, Dec. 24, 1795. Samuel G. Hopkins m. Anne S. Hall, Oct. 18, 1814. William Hopkins m. Eleanor Sunderlin, Dec. 18, 1784. William Hopkins m. Margaret Pindell, June 20, 1807. Benjamin Hopper m. AmeHa Wright, Feb. 27, 1798. Beale Howard m. Nancy Carman, Mch. 24, 1810. Burgess Howard m. Elizabeth Macbridge, May 14, 1778. Burgess Howard m. EHzabeth OFlaherty, July 6, 1778. Hezekiah Howard m. Airy Carr, Nov. 7, 1816. Samuel H. Howard m. Mary Higinbotham, Apr. 24, 1789. Thomas Howse m. Mary Smith, Dec. 26, 1792. Thomas Howson m. EHzabeth Flemming, Feb. 9, 1780. Alexander Hoy m. Fanny Basford, Jan. 15, 1803. George Hoyle m. Anne Childs, Nov. 23, 1813. Jeremiah Hughes m. Priscilla Jacob, July 8, 1807. James Hughes m. Elizabeth Sears, Jan. 22, 1780. James Humphreys m. Mary Shields, Aug. 21, 1781. John Humphreys m. Ann Bender, Jan. i, 1784. James Hunt m. Matilda Lowney, Nov. 19, 1782. James Hunter m. Sarah M'^Cubbin, Oct. 21, 1797. James Hunter m. EHzabeth Glover, May 17, 1810. James Hunter m. Mary Miller, May 20, 1819. John Hunter m. Margaret Mahoney, Aug. 11, 1796. John Hurst m. EHzabeth Broome, Mch. 23, 1793. Charles Hutton m. Mary Gardner, Apr. 6, 1794. Henry Hutton m. EHzabeth Gott, July 16, 1783. James Hutton m. Sarah Shearbert, Mch. 2, 1791. Jonathan Hutton m. Eliza Plain, July 26, 1814. Richard G. Hutton m. Mary Armiger, Dec. i, 181 7. Samuel Hutton m. Margaret Pinkney, Aug. 18, 1782. William Hutton m. EHzabeth Nowel, Jan. 12, 1802. William Hutton m. Rachel Crandell, Dec. 10, 1802. 446 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Daniel Tho'. Hyde m. Ann Merriken, Sept. 4, 1818. John Hyde m. Sarah Wells, Feb. 21, 1789. Thomas Hyde m. Rebecca Mantle, Oct. 27, 1792. Abednego Hyett m. Mary Elson, Feb. 2, 1788. Joseph Ice m. Belinda Vernon, July 31, 1781. Dennis Iglehart m. Catherine Atwell, Dec. 24, 1810. Jacob Iglehart m. Anne Beall, Jan. 24, 1798. James Iglehart m. Ann Sellman, Jan. 9, 1788. John Iglehart m. Rachel Nichols, Feb. 4, 1797. John Iglehart m. Eleanor Smoot, Apr. 10, 1811. Leonard Iglehart m. Juliana Watkins, Nov. 28, 181 1. Rezin Iglehart m. Hester Watkins, Dec. 14, 1805. Richard Iglehart m. Sarah Stockett, Nov. 27, 1797. William Iglehart m. Anne Smith, Dec. 24, 1802. Gassaway I jams m. Ann Pearce, Nov. 14, 1804. John Ijams m. Susanna Taylor, June 5, 1778. John Ijams m. Rachel Marriott, Feb. 15, 1794. Samuel liams m. Mary Ratliff, Feb. i, 1779. Thomas liams m. Ann Neale, Nov. 7, 1780. William limes m. Charity Ryan, Jan. 5, 1782. Snowden Ingmore m. Margaret Cheney, Dec. 3, 1790. William Inis m. Margaret Jonis, July 18, 1817. Richard Isaac m. Ann Williams, July 3, 1784. Joseph Isaac m. Alle Belt, Oct. 24, 1789. Sutton Isaacs m. Elizabeth Clarke, Feb. 6, 1795. Charles Ivery m. Ruth Neale, Jan. 13, 1779. Thomas Ivory m. Elizabeth Pearce, Jan. 5, 1804. Thomas Ivory m. Polly Brigdell, Apr. 3, 1807. James Jackson m. Ann Stewart, Oct. 12, 1786. John Jackson m. Nancy Powell, Dec. 22, 1795. John Jackson m. Ruth Meeke, Oct. 5, 1797. John Jackson m. Mary White, Apr. 2, 1801. Ezekiel Jacob m. Ann Davis, Mch. 9, 1781. John Jacob m. Mary Davis, June 16, 1798. John Jacob m. Frances M'Cauley, Jan. 9, 1809. Joseph Jacob m. Elizabeth Gray, Jan. 21, 1790. Richard Jacob m. Anne Johnson, Apr. 2, 1801. Robert Jacob m. Anne Welch, Feb. 13, 1801. James Jacobs m. Ann M'^Cauley, Mch. 5, 1810. James Jacobs m. Mary Journey, June 11, 1816. John Jacobs m. Margaret Carroll, Nov. 25, 1779. John Jacobs m. Margaret Carroll, Dec. 16, 1780. MARRIAGE LICENSES 447 Joseph Jacobs m. Dalinda Little, June 14, 1794. Samuel Jacobs m. Elizabeth Gray, July 4, 1780. William D. Jacobs m. Artridge Journe, Nov. 16, 1806. Benjamin James m. Christian Disney, Dec. 24, 1804. Nathan James m. Barbara Joice, Dec. 24, 1807. William Jeames m. Susanna Lusby, Sept. 19, 1789. William James m. Frances Ray, Apr. 16, 1804. William James m. Dinah Warfield, Mch. 10, 1807. William James m. Sarah Boone, Oct. 29, 1813. John Jarrett m. Sarah Fisher, Feb. 14, 1811. John Jarv'is m. Ann Yieldell, Jan. 5, 1788. John Jar\^s m. Mary Ross, Nov. 12, 1790. William Jennings m. EHzabeth Ann Macgill, Oct. 17, 1796. Baker Johnson m. Catherine Worthington, Dec. 8, 1784. Charles Johnson m. Anna Burton, Sept. 9, 1783. Charles Johnson m. Aria Johnson, June 28, 1814. Christopher Johnson m. Mary Gambrill, May 3, 1802. Elisha Johnson m. Ann Miles, May 21, 1806. Henr>' Johnson m. Polly Stevens, Nov. 25, 1794. Henry Johnson m. Ruth Johnson, Mch. 31, 1799. John Johnson m. Delilah Lusby, June 18, 1789. John Johnson m. Deborah GhiseHn, Jan. 9, 1794. John Johnson m. Abigail Edwards, July 11, 1795. John Johnson m. Ary Robertson, July 24, 1798. J ohnsey Johnson m. Anne Burton, Apr. 15, 1797. Lander Johnson m. Rebecca Robinson, Jan. 2, 1793. Landa Johnson m. Sarah Williams, Dec. 3, 1798. Lloyd Johnson m. Cordelia Pumphrey, Dec. 8, 18 19. Nicholas Johnson m. Anne Johnson, Dec. 7, 1803. Oneal Johnson m. Nancy Henwood, June 7, 1814. Richard Johnson m. Minah Mobberly, Jan. 17, 1781. Richard Johnson m. Sarah Henwood, Sept. 28, 1799. Robert Johnson m. Catherine GhiseHn, Jan. 11, 1792. Robert Johnson m. Anne Price, May 27, 1793. Robert Johnson m. Mary Burton, Dec. i, 1817. Samuel Johnson m. Anne Smith, Dec. 27, 1807. Samuel Johnson m. Ann E. Brown, Mch. 3, 1814. Silas Johnson m. Rebecca Travers, Nov. 22, 1814. Solomon Johnson m. Rachel Johnson, Apr. 3, 1817. Thomas Johnson m. Durkey Mabberly, Mch. 3, 1781. Thomas Johnson m. Charlotte Hasselius, June 5, 1792. Thomas Johnson m. Alia Meeke, Feb. 21, 1797. 448 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Thomas Johnson m. Sarah Phillips, Feb. 20, 1802. William Johnson m. Mary Arnold, May 12, 1782. WilHam Johnson m. Ann Davis, Apr. 12, 1786. WiUiam Johnson m. Mary Davidson, June 29, 1798. William Johnson m. Ann Luithicum, June 5, 1799. WilHam Johnson m. Sarah Norman, June 23, 1800. William Johnson m. Mary Davis, Nov. 5, 1800. WilHam Johnson m. Mary Thomas, May 18, 1815. Zachariah Johnson m. Elizabeth Ray, July 21, 1794. Zachariah Johnson m. Sarah Cromwell, Dec. 6, 1809. Zachariah Johnson m. Rachel Burton, Dec. 24, 1814. Zachariah Johnson m. Priscilla Mace, Jan. 10, 1817. Zachariah Johnson m. Sarah Goodwin, Aug. 29, 181 5. Zachariah Johnson Sn^ m. Elizabeth Pumphrey, Dec. 15, 181 8. George Joice m. Mary Ann Johnson, Dec. 16, 181 8. Richard Joice m. Nancy Arnold, Jan. 31, 181 1. Richard Joyce m. Nina Reynolds, Jan. 21, 1815. Stephen Joice m. EHzabeth Yieldhall, Jan. 15, 1801. Stephen Joice m. Betsy Thomas, Oct. 13, 1806. Thomas Joice m. Sarah Watts, Jan. 3, 1795. William Joice m. EHzabeth Yieldhall, Sept. 9, 1789. Anthony Jones m. Nancy Brown, Apr. 24, 1787. Benjamin Jones m. Mary Ann Myers, Dec. 31, 1777. Benjamin Jones m. Anne Eattry, Feb. 6, 1795. Charles Jones m. Mary Miller, Apr. 10, 1786. David Jones m. Jamima Robinson, Jan. 4, 1781. Ezekiel Jones m. Ruth Warfield, Feb. 21, 1792. Henry Jones m. Rebecca Knighton, Oct. 4, 1777. Henry Jones m. Mary Elliott, Jan. 6, 1807. Henry Jones m. Martha Tillard, Feb. 15, 1814. Isaac Jones m. Mary Duvall, Nov. 6, 1794. Isaac Jones m. Sarah Hopkins, Jan. 26, 1807. Isaac Jones m. Ann Waters, Jan. 11, 1808. Jason Jones m. Rebecca Griffith, Dec. 23, 1785. Jason Jones m. Elizabeth Thompson, Nov. 25, 1799. Jeremiah Jones m. Sarah Waters, Dec. 19, 1800. John Jones m. Rachel Atkison, May 28, 1792. John Jones m. Sarah Philips, Oct. 7, 1802. John O. Jones m. Mary Steuart, Mch. 24, 1804. Nathan Jones m. Eleanor Waters, Feb. 10, 1819. Philip Jones m. Deborah M^Cauley, July 7, 1787. Richard Jones m. Catharine Fitzgerald, Jan. 18, 1779. MARRIAGE LICENSES 449 Richard Jones m. INIary Southern, May 11, 1784. Richard Jones m. Eleanor Elliott, Dec. 25, 1807. Richard J. Jones m. Margaret B. Chew, May 14, 1816. Samuel Jones m. Signa Hinton, Jan. 6, 1791. Samuel Jones m. Mary Ball, Oct. 3, 1814. Samuel Jones m. Priscilla Hawkins, Jan. 6, 181 7. William Jones m. Elizabeth Bridges, Feb. 19, 1785. George Jordan m. Prudence Wilson, Sept. 12, 1818. William Jordon m. Sarah Sansbury, Aug. 6, 1807. Edward Journey m. Ann Hopkins, Mch. 14, 1787. Edward Journey m. Elizabeth Carvill, Jan. 4, 1798. John Journey m. Doratha M'^Daniel, Feb. 7, 1803. Sabrit Journey m. EHzabeth Watkins, Dec. 5, 1805. James Jubb m. Rachel Pumphrey, Dec. 17, 1818. Richard Jub m. Sarah Neagle, Sept. 19, 1795. Thomas Karney m. Ann Richardson, Feb. Ii, 1812. Arthur Keames m. Mary Davidson, Oct. 7, 1777. George Keatinge m. Mary Ann Caton, July 12, 181 7. Thomas Keef m. Rachel Barber, Feb. 14, 1780. Noah B. Keeler m. Ehzabeth Taylor, Feb. 22, 1817. Luke Keerstead m. Elizabeth Simmons, Nov. 8, 1779. Edmund Kelly m. Mary Tucker, Jan. 11, 1794. Edmund Kelly m. Ann Tucker, Mch. 6, 1813. Matthew Kelley m. Curtis Carey, Apr. 27, 1781. Patrick Kelly m. Ariana Conner, Sept. 30, 1790. Joseph Kemp m. Frances Richards, Feb. 14, 1807. Hugh Kennedy m. Susanna Fisher, Oct. 26, 1779. Daniel M. Kennon m. Maria Wilson, Dec. 9, 1777. Robert W. Kent m. Mary Ann Machubin, June 7, 1814. Archibald Kerr m. Abigail Faris, Jan. 21, 1802. John Kerr m. Elfreda Fiarbrother, Nov. 24, 1789. John Ker m. Mary Reed, July 30, 1798. Francis Kerrick m. Mary Dove, Feb. 21, 1797. John Kerrick m. Mary Isaac, Jan. 12, 1790. Francis Scott Key m. Mary Taylor Lloyd, Jan. 19, 1802. Thomas Kilgbar m. Mary Hicks, June 25, 1807. William Kilty m. EHzabeth Middleton, Aug. 12, 1790. Rowland Kimble m. Ann Cooper, Feb. 18, 1784. Francis King m. Ally Griffith, June 15, 1819. John King m. Mary Kilman, Jan. 11, 1791. John Peter King m. Elizabeth Stansbury, Jan. 31, 1807. Josias Wilson King m. Letitia Whetcroft, July 16, 1791. 30 450 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Thomas King m. Eleanor Groves, Mch. 24, 1796. Thomas King m. EHzabeth Hopkins, Dec. 20, 1819. William King m. Mary Fowler, Nov. 3, 1798. George Kirby m. Anne Randall, Dec. 25, 1798. George Kirby m. Rebecca Fowler, Oct. 19, 181 1. James Kirby m. Ann Stinchcomb, Jan. 10, 1789. James Kirby m. Rebecca Young, Nov. 17, 1817. John Kirby m. Lydia Mace, Nov. 4, 1806. Richard Kirby m. Crissy Phips, Jan. i, 1799. Vachel Kirby m. Temperance Rawles, Feb. 3, 1819. William Kirby m. Susanna Phips, Apr. 4, 1799. William Kirby m. Mary Larramore, Feb. 20, 1816. Edward Kirkland m. Sarah Glover, Feb. 18, 1791. Frederick Kirtier m. EHza Plunkett, Nov. 27, 1819. John Kitty m. Catherine Quynn, May 9, 1792. WiUiam Knight m. Anne Cavey, July 25, 1793. William Knight m. Anne Linge, Mch. 6, 1798. William Knight m. EHza Young, Feb. 26, 1807. Gassaway Knighton m. Sarah \\'illiams, Jan. 25, 1788. Gassaway Knighton m. Willie Hardesty, July 28, 1806. John Knighton m. Mary Tayman, Sept. 18, 1804. Keesa Knighton m. Rachel Parish, May 4, 1803. Nicholas Knighton m. Elizabeth Elliott, Dec. 23, 1780. Nicholas Knighton m. Eleanor Watkins, July 20, 1813. Richard Knighton m. Mary Rark, Dec. 9, 1805. Richard Knighton m. Margaret Roberts, Sept. 30, 181 5. Samuel Knighton m. Sarah Clues, July 2, 1800. Samuel Knighton m. Artridge Atwell, Nov. 15, 1810. William Knighton m. Ruth Wason, Jan. 6, 1797. Thomas Knott m. Frances Ray, June 14, 1790. Thomas Kooney m. Elizabeth Silk, Nov. 17, 1787. Elisha Kuckland m. Susannah Dorsey, Jan. 4, 1819. John Lamb m. Mary Dowden, Sept. 4, 1778. John Lamb m. Margaret White, Feb. 17, 1803. Daniel Lamdin m. Artridge Harvey, Jan. 26, 1791. Robert Lambdin m. Sarah Brewer, Oct. 29, 1803. Benjamin Lambeth m. Mary Dove, Dec. 15, 1787. Christopher Lambeth m. Lucy Lambeth, Jan. 11, 1799. Henry Lamberth m. Mary Varnall, Jan. 3, 1786. John Lambath m. Susanna Dove, Feb. 2, 1788. Joseph Lambeth m. Sarah Sullivan, Jan. 6, 1802. Thomas Lumbeth m. Mary Carr, Apr. 26, 1788. MARRIAGE LICENSES 451 William Lambeth m. Elizabeth Carr, Dec. 15, 1802. Thomas Lamden m. Susanna Sherwood, June 16, 1785. Thomas Lamden m. Anne Lowe, Feb. 26, 1788. John Lanashe m. Ann Howard, Sept. 4, 1781. Harrison Lane m. Eleanor Crandell, May 21, 1789. Harrison Lane m. Nancy Day, Aug. 26, 1811. Joseph Lane m. Barbara Childs, Aug. 28, 1820. Nathan Lane m. Sarah S. Chew, Jan. 24, 1789. Richard Lane m. Frances Cowman, Dec. 12, 1803. Thomas Lane m. Barbara Evensfield [?], June 12, 1787. Thomas Lane m. Rebecca Hardesty, Dec. 29, 1819. William Lang m. Lucy Bangs, Apr. 23, 1811. John Langdon m. Elizabeth Evans, June 14, 1782. John H. Lansdale m. Nancy Warfield, June 6, 1797. Richard Lany m. Elizabeth Tayman, Apr. 17, 1802. William Laramore m. Mary Mitchell, Mch. 15, 1813. Greenbury Larke m. Amelia Henshaw, Jan. 19, 1804. Stephen Lark m. Sarah Turner, Dec. 15, 1807. John P. Larmar m. Martha Smith, Mch. 26, 1808. Randolph B. Latimer m. Catherine Rutland, Mch. 18, 1790. Richard Laughlin m. Constarine Gaither, Nov. 9, 1807. James Laureith m. Martha HasHp, July 7, 1815. James Laurent m. Mary Owens, May 5, 1810. James Lawrence m. Jane Smoot, Feb. 18, 1816. John Lawrence m. Mary Lewis, Sept. 15, 1792. William Lawrance m. Hamulal Warfield, Nov. 15, 1785. Thomas Leach m. Mary Franklin, Apr. 20, 1809. Charles Lee m. Alia Nowell, Sept. 19, 1792. Edward Lee m. Margaret Mayo, Dec. 9, 1789. John Lee m. Ann Williams, July 14, 1777. Joseph Lee m. Susanna Purdy, Jan. 15, 1807. Philip Lee m. Lucy Waters, May 29, 1802. Stephen Lee m. Rachel Welch, Feb. 12, 1789. Stephen Lee m. Elizabeth Plummer, Oct. 13, 1801. Henry Leeders m. Sarah Small, Apr. 4, 1806. William Leeders m. Ruth Weedon, Apr. 12, 1814. Nicholas Leeke m. Mary Farrill, Oct. 22, 1778. Richard Lefton [Sefton ?] m. Mary Adams, July 14, 1803. Henr>' Legross m. Catherine Harrison, June 8, 1784. George Gray Leiper m. Eliz". Snowden Thomas, May 2, 1810. Henry Letsinger m. Mary Ann Cypus, May 6, 1778. Jesse Lewis m. Rebecca Davidge, Jan. 7, 1793. 452 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Job Lewis m. Leah Mason, Nov. ID, 1778. John Lewis m. Sarah Richardson, Aug. 22, 1801. Robert Lewis m. Sarah Butler, Apr. 15, 1797. Samuel Lewis m. Elizabeth Todd, Feb. 8, 1809. Tho=. W. H. Lewas m. EHzabeth Moss, July 2, 1801. William Lewis m. Mary Gray, Aug. 17, 1781. William Lilley m. Herebiah Bush, May 18, 1782. Nicholas Lingan m. Susanna M'^Cubbin, June 14, 1796. Daniel Linsey m. Sarah Marsh, Oct. 20, 1803. John Linstead m. Susanna Gray, Apr. 5, 1796. Joseph Linstead m. Rebecca Reeves, May 22, 1800. Archibald Linthicum m. Mary Leeke, Jan. 28, 1783. Assael Linthicum m. Lidia Andrews, Jan. 31, 1810. Edward Linthicum m. Sarah Griffin, Jan. 27, 1794. Hezekiah Linthicum m. Sarah Jacob, May 8, 1802. John Linthicum Sn^ m. Elizabeth White, Feb. 2, 1805. Joseph Linthicum m. Sarah Spedding, May 4, 1787. Joseph Linthicum m. Rachel Wilson, May 30, 1796. Joshua Linthicum m. EHzabeth Beard, May 19, 1800. Thomas Linthicum m. Sarah Lampley, Jan. 19, 1781. Thomas Linthicum m. Rebecca Tucker, Feb. 6, 1787. Wesley Linthicum m. Mary Merriweather, Nov. 12, 181 1. Charles Linton m. Elizabeth Proctor, Dec. 15, 1798. John Litchfield m. Eleanor Polton, July 19, 1786. Jesse Little m. Anne Hall, May 14, 1793. Edward Lloyd m. Sarah Scott Murrey, Nov. 30, 1797. Obediah Lloyd m. Ann Williams, Apr. 27, 1813. WilHam Lloyd m. Sarah Horseman, Apr. 3, 1789. Richard Lockerman m. Frances T. Chase, Oct. i, 1803. Jonathan Loftlin m. Anne Williams, Dec. 6, 1791. Robert Long m. Mary Phelps, June 24, 1780. John Loveday m. Sarah Johnson, Apr. 7, 1780. James Lowe m. EHzabeth Mulliken, July 10, 1802. John Lowe m. Lydia Dannison, June 4, 1802. John Lawler m. Rachel Allen, Sept. i, 1780. Richard Lowndes m. Ann Lloyd, Oct. 12, 1785. Benson Lawton m. EHzabeth Burk, Dec. 20, 1794. Benson Lawton m. Susanna Maddox, Oct. 28, 1800. Basil Lucus m. EHzabeth Brashears, Feb. 23, 1786. James Lucas m. Ruth Lewes, Aug. 17, 1780. Joshua Luckland m. Delila M'Cauley, Dec. 29, 1778. Joshua Luckland m. Lusanna Williams, Dec. 29, 1784. MARRIAGE LICENSES 453 John Luke m. Ann Worthington, Dec. 3, 1795. Baldwin Lusby m. Elizabeth Mantle, Dec. 20, 1787. Benjamin Lusby m. Elizabeth Robertson, Jan. 12, 1797. Edward Lusby m. Ruth Todd, Dec. 24, 1788. Edward Lusby m. Mary Allen, Feb. 4, 1792. Henry L. Lusby m. Mary Welch, May 17, 1820. James Lusby m. Elizabeth Hazle, July 15, 1802. John Lusby m. Patience Fennell, June 7, 1794. Robert Lusby m. Henney Lecompte, Nov. 28, 1789. Robert Lusby m. Polly Welch, Apr. 15, 1795. Samuel Lusby m. EHzabeth Watkins, Mch. i, 1791. Samuel R. Lusby m. Rebecca Beard, Feb. 4, 1813. Thomas Lusby m. Henney Johnson, May 21, 1791. Vincent Lusby m. Rachel Stockett, Jan. 26, 1785. Vincent Lusby m. Ann Stockett, Oct. 21, 1788. Vincent Lusby m. Jane Beard, Dec. 23, 1796. William Lusby m. Ann Robinson, Mch. 2, 1808. Robert Lux m. Deborah Hobbs, Feb. 12, 1779. Ignatius P. Lyles m. Amelia Clagett, Nov. 2, 1820. Richard I. Lyles m. Catherine D. Hall, Dec. 29, 1817. Thomas H. Lyles m. Sarah A. Carcaud, Oct. 24, 1787. Danuel Lynn m. Mary Galloway, Apr. 28, 1795. Archibald MCarty m. Sarah Ann Holland, Apr. 30, 181 7. Eluha MCauly m. Priscilla Cadle, Mch. 16, 181 1. Francis Maccauley m. EHz. Cadle, Apr. 9, 1785. John MCauley m. Anne Miller, Nov. 8, 1798. Thomas M'Cauley m. Ann Ranken, Feb. 15, 1779. Thomas Maccauley m. Ann Lusby, Dec. 6, 1782. William MCauley m. Levina Gambrill, Apr. 7, 1804. Charles M'^Cay m. Elizabeth Pomphrey, Dec. 21, 1795. Benjamin KLCeney m. Susanna Simmons, June 21, 1802. Joseph ALCeney m. Elizabeth Sollars, Feb. 19, 1798. Joseph MCeney m. Elizabeth Sollars, Oct. 26, 1816. William MCeny m. Rachel Reed, Jan. 9, 1799. John MCloud m. Ann Aidings, May 18, 1782. Daniel MCoy m. Patsey Cadle, Oct. 28, 1805. Jasper MCurly m. Ann Little, Aug. 16, 1780. Henry Macklefresh m. Ariana Hammond, Mch. 6, 1790. Charles M^Cubbin m. Sarah Allen, May 10, 1793. Edward MCubbin m. Elizabeth Holland, Mch. 16, 1793. Edward Mackubin m. Sarah Seaborn, Apr. 21, 1812. Frederick Mackubin m. INIary D. Roachbram, Dec. 10, 1808. 454 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY George Mackubin m. Eleanor Maccubbin, Oct. 26, 1812. Henry Maccubbin m. Louisa Burton, Mch. 27, 1818. James Mackubin m. Mary Ann Merriken, Dec. i, 1808. John M'^Cubbin m. Eleanor Warmsley, Mch. 18, 1780. John H. M'^Cubbin m. Ann Gray, July 10, 1790. John H. M'^Cubbin m. Ann M. Jacob, Oct. 19, 1802. Joseph McCubbin, m. Dorcas Fennall, Dec. 28, 1791. Joseph M'^Cubbin m. Sarah Woodfield, July i, 1802. Joseph M'^Cubbin m. Anne Warfield, Jan. 16, 1805. Moses M'^Cubbin m. Sarah Holland, May 27, 1779. Moses M'^Cubbin m. Ann Shepherd, May 11, 1797. Nicholas Z. MCubbin m. Kitty Welch, Apr. 8, 1806. Richard M''Kubin m. Catharine Waters, Apr. 19, 1788. Samuel M'Cubbin m. Mary RawHngs, Dec. 15, 1788. W^illiam M'^Cubbin m. Charity Collins, Sept. 10, 1799. Thomas M'Daniel m. Elizabeth Stallings, Dec. 24, 1819. Patrick M''Donough m. Eliz". Eliza Hancock, Oct. 5, 1812. James M'^Gill m. Sarah Higgins, Jan. 10, 1794. Richard M-^Gill m. Ann Cromwell, Aug. 3, 1815. Robert M''Gill m. Helen Stockett, June 20, 1804. Thomas M'^Gill m. Anna Higgins, Apr. 8, 1799. Thomas Macgill m. Henrietta Cromwell, Feb. 16, 1813. Peter M-'Guire m. Mary Fowler, Apr. 3, 1780. Hugh M^Melan m. Anne Boone, June 17, 1783. George M^Neir m. Elizabeth Thompson, Aug. 31, 1816. Thomas M^Nier m. Elizabeth Cobath, Jan. 12, 1788. Thomas M'^Nier m. Catherine Earle, June 17, 1819. Peter M'Norton m. Sarah Elles, Apr. 18, 1780. Thomas M^Pherson m. Mary Tongue, Apr. 20, 1795. William H. M'^Pherson m. Eliz. Worthington, Aug. 11, 1785. James M''Quilland m. Mary Scrivener, Dec. 26, 1805. James M'^Quilling m. Elizabeth Watson, Sept. 22, 1813. William ^LQuillen m. Hester Cowman, Dec. 29, 1780. James Macobuin m. Elizabeth Hammond, Nov. 20, 1815. Nicholas Z. Maccubbin m. Rachel Rawlings, Jan. 17, 1801. Joseph Mace m. Sarah Jackson, Jan. 2, 1790. Richard Macey m. Sarah Parish, May 18, 1799. Benjamin Mack m. Mary Brannan, F"eb. 12, 1803. Waller Magowan m. Elizabeth Harrison, Oct. 27, 1780. Loyde Magruder m. Rebecca M^'Cubbin, Dec. 3, 1789. Florence Mahoney m. Mary Higgins, Mch. 17, 1794. Leonard Mallenee m. Achsah Sewell, Jan. 18, 1791. MARRIAGE LICENSES 455 Henry Manadier m. Elizabeth Key, July 25, 1781. George Mann m. Mary Buckland, June 30, 1779. Zachariah Mann m. Mary Ann Gordon, Mch. 29, 1784. Philip Mannaca m. Delilah Scrivener, Dec. 6, 1787. William Marburg m. Anne Odle Brewer, Feb. 6, 1791. Thomas Marr m. Burtavia Poole, Feb. 10, 1779. Caleb Marriott m. Margaret Wheeler, Dec. 11, 1797. Ephraim Marriott m. Mary Chanea, Feb. 11, 1795. Ephraim Marriott m. Sarah Nicholls, Sept. 29, 1818. James Marriott m. Rachel Waters, Nov. 28, 1792. John Marriott m. Mary Hammond, Apr. 4, 1789. John Marriott m. Harriet Hall, Apr. 4, 1817. Joseph Marriott m. Jemima Mockbee, Jan. 25, 1796. Joseph Marriott m. Rebecca Jiams, Mch. 25, 1796. Joshua Marriott m. Anne Waters, Dec. 31, 1792. Richard Marriott m. Sarah Hammond, May 31, 1788. Richard Marriott m. Jane Ball, May 4, 1802. Thomas Marriott m. Margaret Sappington, Dec. 11, 1780. Thomas Marriott m. Mary D. White, Jan. 9, 1796. Thomas Marriott m. Eleanor White, Feb. 11, 1800. Thomas Marriott m. Ann Ridgely, Oct. 9, 1809. William Marriott m. Edith Waters, Jan. 14, 1804. George Marrow m. Anne Matthews, May 28, 1796. Richard Marrow m. Cassiah Lindsay, Feb. 10, 1779. John G. Marsh m. Anne Fisher, Oct. 8, 1799. Richard Marsh m. Sarah Delemeter, May 19, 1792. Richard Marsh m. Sarah Little, Jan. 2, 1797. WiUiam Marsh m. Luvany Ashley, June 25, 1783. William Marsh m. Martha Smith, Apr. 19, 1798. Edward Marshall m. Eliz. Rodwell, Oct. 21, 1784. John Marshall m. Eliz. Cuttong, Oct. 14, 1784. John Marshall m. Mary Thomas, Mch. 29, 1799. John Marshall m. Lucretia Shields, Jan. 28, 1803. Robert Marshall m. Mary Fox, Jan. 5, 1804. Athatius Martin m. Mary Ball, Dec. 26, 1784. Daniel Martin m. Mary Clare Maccubbin, Feb. 6, 1816. John Martin m. Elizabeth Keephart, May 23, 1778. John Martin m. Sarah Litchfield, Dec. 20, 1787. James Mason m. Elizabeth Strachan, Aug. 7, 1783- W"". Temple Thomson Mason m. Ann Carroll, June 16, 1812. Henry Massey m. Sarah Mitchell, May 17, 1779. Henry Mayne m. Elizabeth Brooks, Jan. 5, 1778. 456 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Isaac Mayo m. Sarah Thornton, June lo, 1788. James Mayo m. Susanna Lusby, July 11, 1786. Joseph Mayo m. Hanna Jacob, Mch. 20, 1781. Thomas Mayo m. Ann Evans, May 11, 1790. John Matthews m. Elizabeth Hall, Aug. 16, 1815. Beriah Maybury m. Mary Moufy, Oct. 12, 1794. Henry E. Mayer m. Mary Grammer, Aug. 11, 1808. James P. Maynard m. EHzabeth Wilmot, Jan. 7, 1790. James P. Maynard m. Juliana Owen, Jan. 25, 1806. Nathan Maynard m. Mary Reynolds, Oct. 7, 1793. Samuel Maynard m. Anne Callahan, May 12, 1808. Moses Meace m. Claressa Eads, June 10, 1813. Samuel Meade m. Anne Richardson, Dec. 6, 1794. James Meager m. Elizabeth Price, Dec. 20, 1788. Samuel Mear m. Elizabeth Dew, Jan. 13, 1792. George Medcalf m. Ann Anderson, Nov. i, 1786. John D. Medcalf m. Catherine Willee, Jan. 5, 1801. Nathan Medcalf m. Harriet Crow, Jan. 28, 1811. Richard Medcalf m. Susannah Gwinn, Apr. 3, 1801. WilHam Medcalf m. Eve Fulk, Sept. 15, 1785. Aaron Meek m. Eliz. Bourke, Aug. 22, 1786. David Meek m. Anne Bostick, Mch. 14, 1793. John Meek m. Martha Walton, Feb. 9, 1782. John Meek m. Evaline Carter, Feb. 12, 1819 Joseph Meek m. Anne Tyler, June 18, 1785. John Meekes m. Harriett Darnall, July 3, 1810. Joseph Shinton Meekins m. Mary Cains, Feb. 13, 1813. Leo Meloney m. Mary Joice, Jan. 24, 1786. John Francis Mercer m. Sophia Sprigg, Feb. 3, 1785. William Merchant m. EHzabeth JefTerson, Sept. 15, 1792. Thomas Merideth m. Lydia Perkins, May 9, 1820. John Merriken m. Eliz. Boone, Sept. 7, 1786. John Merriken m. Elizabeth Moss, Nov. 29, 1798. Jn°. Rich''. Merriken m. Jemimah Taylor, Jan. 7, 1807. Joseph Merriken m. Anne Gray, Feb. i, 1799. Joshua Merriken m. Ann Day, Mch. 30, 1782. Richard Merriken m. Mary Duvall, May 9, 1792. Richard Merriken m. Margaret Stewart, Sept. 28, 1819. Robert Merriken m. Sarah Welch, Feb. 18, 1806. William Merriken m. Sarah Talbott, Feb. 17, 1789. William D. Merriken m. Susannah Wells, Jan. 26, 1813. Nicholas Merriweather m. Elizabeth Hood, Dec. 12, 1797. MARRIAGE LICENSES 457 Joseph Mewshaw m. Caroline Ryan, Feb. 16, 1779. Elisha Middleton m. Christian Wiseman, Jan. 27, 1785. Joseph Middleton m. Kitty Whetcroft, Mch. 19, 1795. Benjamin Miles m. Ann Piles, Nov. 30, 1785. Richard Miles m. Mary Pindle, Apr. 11, 1789. Robert Miles m. Deborah Green, Nov. 23, 1797. William Miles m. Fanny Smith, Dec. 20, 1777. William Miles m. Phebe Roberts, Sept. 16, 1779. Howard ]Miller m. Elizabeth Marriott, Jan. 31, 1801. Jesse Miller m. Elizabeth Lliver [Stiver?], June 13, 1789. John Miller m. Comfort Benson, May 26, 1787. John Miller m. Mary Anne Welch, Dec. 4, 1790. John Miller m. Mary Hinton, June 20, 1800. John Miller m. Mary Armiger, Dec. 3, 1806. John Miller m. Mary Glenn, Jan. 18, 1816. John Miller m. Margaret Schwarar, June 27, 1818. Joseph Miller m. Susanna Dubs, June 5, 1787. Nehemiah Miller m. Margaret Downes, Feb. 18, 1791. Peter Miller m. Mary Hunter, Feb. 26, 1791. Philip Miller m. Mary Folks, Feb. 15, 1790. Richard Miller m. Eleanor Hunter, Jan. 29, 1794. Samuel Miller m. Rachel Marriott, Apr. 2, 1790. Thomas Miller m. Margaret Sappington, Feb. 18, 1803. Thomas W. Miller m. Eliz^. H. Chaney, Jan. 15, 1820. William Miller m. Larah Miller, Dec. il, 1794. William Miller m. Rachel Pearce, Jan. 4, 1806. CorneHus Mills m. Anne Wiseham, Jan. 12, 1800. Frederick Mills m. Ann Thomas Richardson, Dec. 22, 1786. George Washington Mills m. Sarah Merriken, Dec. 28, 1812. John Mills m. Ruth Jacobs, Jan. i, 1778. Samuel Mills m. Rachel Dew, June 5, 1788. Samuel Mills m. James Krandle, Apr. 22, 1791. Thomas Mills m. Martha Warren, Sept. 16, 1800. Samuel Minskey m. Sophia Fowler, Aug. 18, 1777. Alexander Mitchell m. Ann SuUivane, Sept. 4, 1797. Alexander Mitchell m. Anne Price, Jan. 8, 1817. Edmund Mitchell m. Anne Atwell, Aug. 25, 1795. George Mitchel m. Hannah Seederss, Feb. 3, 1796. John Mitchell m. Anne Burgee, Mch. 23, 1796. Samuel Moale m. Ann Howard, Sept. 22, 1796. Basil Mobberly m. Margaret Brewer, Feb. 5, 1782. Rezin Mobberly m. Mary Fowler, Feb. i, 1779. 458 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Rezin Mobberly m. Mary Fowler, Apr. 2, 1781. Rizin Mobly m. Eleanor Fennell, Dec. 6, 1784. James Mock m. Mary MCubbin, Feb. 23, 1804. Thomas Monroe m. Frances Whitcroft, Aug. 14, 1796. Burton Moore m. Priscilla Rowlings, Oct. 10, 1787. John Moore m. Jona Moore, Apr. 24, 1781. John Moore m. Ann Hillery, July 6, 1781. Robert Moore m. Mary Smith White, Oct. 19, 1795. William Moore m. Susanna Saunders, May 27, 1789. Thomas Morgan m. Henry Wilson, Aug. 22, 1814. William Morgan m. Sarah Price, Jan. 30, 1780. William Morgan m. Mary Vineyard, Jan. 4, 1798. John Morrell m. Elizabeth Wilson, Dec. 21, 1787. Thomas Morrell m. Ann O. Turner, Jan. 4, 1816. Martin Morris m. Elizabeth Curr, May 9, 1786. James Mortimer m. Catherine Davis, Oct. 29, 1783. John Mortimer m. Rachel Diamond, Jan. i, 1781. James Moss m. Monica Moss, Dec. 18, 1787. John Moss m. Rachel Foreman, Apr. 5, 1810. Robert Moss m. Elizabeth Kelly, June 19, 1787. Samuel Moss m. Monica Grimwell, May 29, 1781. Willoughby Moss m. EHzabeth Atkinson, Feb. 27, 1800. Joseph Moulsworth m. Rebecca Mollineaux, Mch. 26, 1778. Jacob Moxley m. Sarah Mockabee, Nov. 26, 1794. Bell MuUikin m. Mary Duckett, Oct. 28, 1785. Beal MulHken m. Susanna Ridgely, Feb. 11, 1806. James MuUiken m. Ann Hall, Jan. 26, 1796. Osborn W. Mulliken m. Elizabeth Geither, Feb. 28, 1805. Thomas MulHken m. Elizabeth Smith, Nov. 30, 1791. Daniel Munroe m. Mary Kirby, Dec. 4, 1782. John Munroe m. Ann Wells, May 14, 1789. Gilbert Murdock m. Elizabeth Lusby, July 17, 1787. WilHam Murdock m. Juliet Sheppherd, Oct. 16, 1819. James Murphey m. Elizabeth Armstrong, Mch. 3, 1785. John Murphey m. Elizabeth Snyder, July 26, 181 5. Matthew Murphey m. JuHet Callahan, June 15, 1784. James Murray m. Margaret Linthicum, Dec. 22, 1804. James Murray m. Charrotte Winder Rackliffe, Aug. 28, 1809. William Murray m. Harriott Brice, Nov. 5, 1788. John Mus m. Anna Maria Murray, Feb. 11, 1796. James Neale m. Ann Shoemaker, Mch. 4, 1794- Thomas Neale m. Martha Philpot, July 23, 1777. MARRIAGE LICENSES 459 John Neaves m. Lear Thrift, Aug. 26, 1782. John Neavy m. Mary Whitehead, June 14, 1783. Thomas Neavey m. Elizabeth Geoghegan, Aug. 18, 1791. Benjamin C. Neff m. Harriet Hardesty, Feb. 13, 1819. Lewis Neth m. EHzabeth Adams, July 4, 1786. James Nettles m. Tomsey Phips, Jan. 27, 1795. Jeremiah Nicholas m. Hester Nicholson, Apr. 22, 1794. Andrew NichoUs m. Elizabeth Higgins, Dec. 9, 1818. Isaac Nicholls m. Rachel Basford, Dec. 6, 1785. John B. Nichols m. Anne Bird, Dec. 5, 18 12. Nelson Nicholls m. Rachel Ann Nicholls, May 14, 1820. Robert Nicholls m. Sarah Robertson, July 21, 1787. Robert Nichols m. Sarah King, Feb. 4, 181 5. Samuel Nicholls m. Susanna Hardy, Sept. 21, 1815. William Nicholls m. EHzabeth Bird, Dec. 18, 1780. WiUiam Nichols m. Jenny Nichols, Feb. 11, 1812. Benjamin Nicholson m. Elizabeth Disney, May il, 1784. Benjamin Nicholson m. Ann Lang, Dec. 15, 1803. John Nicholson Jn^ m. Susan Sheckells, Apr. 8, 1812. Joseph Nicholson m. Rebecca Harv^ey, Dec. 18, 1816. Stephen Nicholson m. Sarah Disney, Oct. 30, 1783. John Nixon m. EHzabeth Lewis, Oct. 20, 1786. Anthony Noble m. Sarah Hill, Sept. 24, 1792. Benjamin Norman m. Sarah Deale, Oct. 26, 1789. Joseph Norman m. Ruth Randal, Jan. 2, 1792. Joseph Norman m. Mary Wayson, Aug. 26, 181 1. Richard Norman m. Sarah Kirby, Dec. 24, 1802. Samuel Norman m. Dorcas Simmons, Aug. 8, 1820. Theophilus Norman m. Elizabeth Cowman, May 7, 1803. Walter Norman m. Rachel Carter, Nov. 28, 1795. William Norman m. Mary Cowman, Oct. 6, 1809. John Norris m. EHzabeth Ward, Apr. 19, 1790. John Norris m. Susan Coalter, July 16, 1811. Joseph Norris m. Ann Traverse, June 13, 1815. Martin Norris m. Margaret Dorsey, Sept. 27, 1792. Philip Norris m. Mary Anne Folks, Dec. 9, 1819. Richard Norris m. EHzabeth Harris, Sept. 30, 1780. Richard Norris m. EHzabeth Kemp, Oct. 24, 1783. Thomas Norris m. Henrietta Mayo, June 30, 1789. William Norris m. Susannah Harper, Aug. 28, 1790. Zachariah Norris m. EHzabeth Watkins, Oct. 30, 1779. Bell Norwood m. Sarah Gaither, Oct. 3, 1785. 46o MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Gilbert Nowell m. Ann Jones, Feb. 21, 1789. Gilbert Nowell m. Mary Crutchley, May 20, 1805. Gilbert Nowell m. Eleanor Stallions, Sept. 30, 1805. Cornelius ODonald m. Margaret Thompson, Oct. 29, 1778. Benjamin Ogle m. Anna Maria Cooke, Feb. 25, 1796. James OHara m. Mary Yeates, Aug. 17, 1779. William OHara m. Susan Tucker, Dec. 5, 1812. John F. Oldbom m. Johanna Bright, June 10, 1801. Isaac Oliver m. Mary I jams, Nov. 6, 1804. Jacob Oliver m. Elizabeth Vineyard, Dec. 10, 1816. Thomas Oliver m. Mary Simmons, Oct. 3, 1791. John A. OReilley m. Letitia Parrott, Apr. i, 1812. Jesse Orme m. Lydia Anderson, Nov. 18, 1801. Thomas ORoarke m. EHzabeth Linthicum, Jan. 27, 181 5. William Osbom m. Hanna Hanshaw, Sept. 15, 1779. Benjamin Owens m. Mary Shurbert, Oct. 16, 1789. Charles Owens m. Susannah Shearbutt, Dec. 13, 1797. Isaac Owens m. Elizabeth Sheckells, July 3, 1789. Jacob Owings m. George Fox, Sept. 13, 1779. Jacob Owings m. Rachel Groves, Oct. 16, 1797. James Owens m. Anne Franklin, Nov. 11, 1799. James Owens m. Ann Laughlin, Oct. 29, 1810. James Owens m. Sally Gardiner, Nov. 25, 1816. John Owens m. Mary Bird, May 8, 1820. Joseph Owens m. Mary Warfield, Dec. 12, 1791. Joseph Owens m. Sarah M'^Ceney, Jan. 22, 1817. William Owens m. Mary Nowell, May 6, 1783. Lane Owings of R"*. m. Sarah Ann Hathaly, Sept. 20, 18 19. Nicholas Owings m. Sophia Dorsey, July 7, 1794. Nicholas Owings m. Susanna Owings, May 19, 1801. Nicholas Owings m. Rachel Welch, Jan. 6, 1813. Thomas Owens m. Agnes Gaither, Dec. 26, 18 14. William Owings m. Mary Collison, Aug. 5, 1808. Aaron Parish m. Sarah Phips, Feb. 21, 1788. Isaac Parish m. Jane Spencer, Jan. 18, 1785. John Parish m. Marget Atwell, Aug. 25, 1807. Matthew Parish m. Eleanor Goodwin, Apr. 19, 1800. William Parish m. Susannah Atwell, Jan. 29, 1799. WilHam Parish m. Mary Ann Crutchley, Nov. 7, 1803. William Parish m. Mary Hollidayoke, July 9, 1807. William Parish m. Hester Ann Thomas, Aug. 26, 181 3. John Panden m. Sarah Marlin Keene, Sept. 8, 1781. MARRIAGE LICENSES 461 George Pecker m. INIarj- Robosson, July 16, 1783. George Parker m. Jane Busey, Aug. 18, 1810. John Parker m. Ally Cracroft, May 29, 181 7. Jonathan P. Parker m. Eliz". Ann Owangs, July 18, 1795. Abraham Parkeson m. Dianna Woodfield, Aug. 16, 1777. Abraham Parkerson m. Jane Norman, Sept. 20, 1783. Abraham Parkeson m. Sarah Taylor, Oct. 11, 1800. Richard Parkerson m. Susan Ann Welch, July 4, 1818. William Parkerson m. Sarah Purdy, Apr. 3, 1809. John Parrott m. Mary Wason, Dec. 23, 1788. John Parrot m. Sarah Norman, May 21, 1813. John Parrott m. Jane Norman, Sept. 27, 181 7. Knighton Parrott m. Mary Stallions, Feb. 7, 181 1. Richard Parrott m. EHzabeth Childs, Sept. 13, 1788. Richard Parrott m. Anne \A'ood, Feb. 7, 1792. Richard Parrott m. Elizabeth Howes, Dec. 2, 1797. Thomas Parrot m. Letta Brown, Aug. 22, 1778. Thomas Parrott m. Mary Smith, Mch. 5, 1795. Thomas Parrott m. Rebecca Hutchens, Jan. 12, 1816. John Parsons m. Jane Jackson, June 9, 1781. William Parsons m. Sarah Hardesty, May 20, 1 791. Louis Charles Pascault m. Ann Goldsborough, May 28, 181 1. Benjamin Patmore m. EHzabeth Males, Nov. 29, 1777. Jacob Pattison m. EHzabeth Ward, June 2, 1795. Robert Patterson m. Mary Anne Caton, May i, 1806. Isaac Paul m. Susannah Brown, January i, 1798. William Elson Peach m. Sarah Duvall, Feb. 14, 1797. Samuel Peaco m. Mary Sands, Dec. 31, 1789. Benjamin Pearce m. Margaret Phelps, Jan. 12, 1796. Ezekiel Pearce m. Eleanor Powell, Feb. 20, 1781. Israel Pearce m. EHzabeth W. RawHngs, Apr. 11, 1804. James Pearce m. Rebecca Lewis, Jan. 7, 1785. Joseph Pearce m. EHzabeth Gwinn, Jan. 26, 1795. Richard Pearce m. Martha T. Jacob, Feb. 27, 1808. WilHam Pearse m. Mary Gardiner, Apr. 16, 1808. William Pendergast m. JuHa Maybury, Sept. 15, 1784. Charles Pennington m. Elizabeth Shepherd, Jan. 31, 1780. Elijah Pennington m. EHzabeth Lewis, Dec. 8, 1801. Elijah Pennington m. Rebecca Stinchicomb, July 23, 1804. John Pennington m. Nancj' Craine, June 7, 1785. Nathan Pennington m. Rebecca Hands, Aug. 10, 1787. Nathaniel Penington m. Mary Ivor>', May 29, 1819. 462 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Robert Pennington m. Mary Kerbairn, Oct. 2, 1782. William Pennington m. Elizabeth Stevens, Sept. 17, 1799. William Pennington m. Anna Littell, Oct. 20, 1803. Robert Perry m. Elizabeth Jackson, Dec. 31, 1796. William Peters m. Rebecca Burgee, Nov. 4, 1820. Charles Pettibone m. Rebecca Elliott, May 19, 1798. Charles Pettebone m. Deborah Silby, June 9, 1810. Absolute Phelps m. Anne Poole, Jan. 31, 1809. Basil Phelps m. Barbara Davis, Apr. 21, 1791. Elijah Phelps m. Mary Disney, Jan. 20, 1818. Ezekiel Phelps m. Margaret Watkins, May 7, 1794. George Phelps m. Emma Pierce, Jan. 6, 1795. Joseph Phelps m. Sophia Taylor, Apr. i, 1791. Joseph Phelps m. Catherine Thompson, Aug. 8, 1801. Walter Phelps m. Margaret Chaney, Mch, 10, 1781. William Phelps m. Sarah Fowler, Dec. 18, 1778. William Phelps m. Eliz. Morgan, June 18, 1785. William Phelps m. Ann Dannison, Dec. 15, 181 5. Zachariah Phelps m. Sarah Davis, Oct. 11, 1797. Zachariah Phelps m. Esther Gwinn, Jan. 20, 1804. Benjamin PhiHps m. Thompson Attwell, Sept. 23, 1783. Humphrey Philips m. Elizabeth Weston, May 29, 1798. John Philips m. Lydia Wheedon, Oct. 29, 181 1. John Philips m. Mary Robinson, Dec. 18, 1812. Paul Philips m. Ann Rodwell, Apr. 3, 1780. Paul PhiHps m. Henrietta M. Williams, Mch. 26, 1788. Philip Philips m. Sarah Hopkins, Apr. 14, 1781. Rubin Philips m. Elizabeth Cromwell, July 8, 1795. Vachel Philips m. Julia Little, June 24, 1800. William Philips m. Patience Marsh, Dec. 6, 1780. William Philps m. Elizabeth Chalmers, Nov. 10, 1787. George Phinlison m. Margaret Dehay, July 9, 1783. Benjamin Phips m. Suana Kilman, July 21, 1778. Benjamin Phips m. Anne Hopkins, Feb. 3, 1789. John Phips m. Mary Kidd, Dec. 19, 1785. John Phips m. Larah Busey, Feb. 24, 1800. John Phipps m. Elizabeth Mace, Dec. 22, 1814. Nathaniel Phips m. Ann Phips, Mch. 22, 1802. Roger Phipps m. Artridge Phipps, Feb. 5, 1806. Roger Phips m. Willy Basford, Jan. 12, 1810. Roger Phips m. Sarah Ann King, Mch. 24, 18 14. Roger Phipps m. EHzabeth Pearl, Dec. 31, 181 6. MARRIAGE LICENSES 463 Thomas Phips m. Sarah Forster, Mch. 2, 1779. Thomas Phips m. Anne Foreman, Feb. 26, 1805. Benjamin Pindle m. Julia Anderson, June 14, 1818. Gassaway Pindell m. Mary Watkins, May 15, 1783. Philip Pindle m. Ann Duvall, June 15, 1789. Philip Pindle m. Sarah Watkins, Feb. 11, 1792. PhiHp Pindell m. Anne Hall, Jan. 10, 1794. Richard Pindell m. Ann Ridgely, Jan. 22, 181 1. Rinaldo Pindell m. Eleanor Pindell, July 6, 181 5. Thomas Pindel m. Eleanor Watkins, Dec. 13, 1791. Anthony Pinkney m. Margaret GiUiss, June 4, 1791. Jonthan Pinkney Jn^ m. Elizabeth Munroe, May 7, 1791. Jonathan Pinkney m. Rebecca Daxidson, Oct. 27, 1804. Ninian Pinkney m. Mary Gassaway, Apr. 13, 1802. Ninian Pinkney m. Amelia Hobbs, May i, 1806. Thomas Piper m. Ann Tucker, Nov. 23, 1779. Thomas Piper m. Ann liams, July 12, 1786. Thomas Pitt m. Sarah Sewell, June 13, 1782. William Pitt m. Ann Fans, July 7, 1796. John Plater m. Elizabeth Tootle, Jan. 2, 1790. Jacob Playne m. Elizabeth Clarke, Aug. 9, 1783. Jacob Plum m. Catharine Folks, Apr. 24, 1788. Ebenezer Plummer m. Eleanor Childs, Sept. 25, 1792. Gerrard Plummer m. Mary Hopkins, Feb. 18, 1802. Henry Plummer m. Artridg Frankling, June 3, 1797. Jerome Plummer m. Henrietta Hopkins, June 24, 1807. Jerome Plummer m. EHzabeth Hopkins, Dec. 19, 1796. Richard Plummer m. Margaret Daveson, Feb. 9, 1804. Samuel Plummer m. Susannah Rhodes, Jan. i, 1806. Charles Polton m. Sarah Burdin, Jan. 11, 1791. Edward Poole m. Jane Higginson, June 4, 1797. Benjamin Popham m. Margaret Phips, Jan. i, 1788. James Pople m. Margaret Brown, Jan. 5, 1819. Nathaniel Porter m. Pamelia Scott, Jan. i, 1793. Henry Powell m. Sarah Purnell, Apr. 19, 1779. John Powell m. Elizabeth Gardner, Aug. 20, 1793. John Powell m. Elizabeth Sanders, Dec. 23, 1795. William Powell m. Elizabeth Mead, Oct. 14, 1780. Thomas Pownall m. Rachel Deale, Dec. 16, 1780. John Prather m. Mary Moore, June 18, 1796. Rezin Prather m. Sarah Ray, Mch. 7, 1799. Jn°. Theophelas Beech Blecker Prentiss m. Nancy Kilman, Dec. 4, 1802. 464 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Leonard Preshell m. Nancy Barker, May 24, 1800. Bennet Price m. Sarah Lane, May 13, 1780. Henry Price m. i\nn Wilks, June 13, 1816. James Price m. Mary Busey, Feb. 10, 1801. James Price m. Ann Armager, Dec. 11, 1804. John Price m. Sarah Vemall, Aug. 10, 1790. Lubom Price m. Anne Evans, May i, 1794. Walter L. Price m. Lavinia Gassavvay, Nov. 5, 1818. Zachariah Prieston m. Nancy Rockhold, Feb. 26, 1795. William Pritchard m. Eliza Hutton, Oct. 7, 1806. Samuel Proctor m. Sarah Dorsey, Aug. 31, 1805. Williams Proctor m. Rebecca Wootton, Nov. 27, 1781. Daniel Pr>'an m. Ann Williams, Dec. 25, 1779. Aquela Pumphrey m. Ann Catherine Walker, Jan. 2, 1804. Gabrial Pumphrey m. Rachel Brashears, Feb. 24, 1 794. Isaiah Pumphrey m. Sarah Bell, Dec. 9, 1820. Walter Pumphrey m. Rachel Angler, Feb. 25, 1786. Walter Pumphrey m. Rebecca Redmond, May 9, 1820. Zachriah Pumphrey m. Sarah Atvvell, Nov. 11, 1797. Zachariah Pumphrey m. Elizabeth Boone, May 11, 1802. Henry Purdy m. Mary Phelps, Sept. 30, 1782. Henry Purdy m. Mary Gwinn, Jan. 7, 1797. Henry Purdy m. Sarah Bird, July 6, 1818. James Purdy m. EHzabeth Purdy, May 30, 1801. James Purdy m. Mary Kirkland, Jan. 14, 1818. John Purdy m. Susannah Purdy, Feb. 18, 1802. Lewis Purdy m. Elizabeth Purdy, Feb. 19, 181 1. Sandy Purdy m. EHzabeth ]\LCubbin, Dec. 7, 1799. William Purdy m. Sarah Pierce, Apr. 28, 1798. Anthony Queen m. Mary Queen, Apr. 10, 1816. Daniel Queen m. Hannah Prout, Feb. 7, 1814. Paul Queen m. Ann Prout, Oct. 8, 1817. Samuel Queen m. Nancy Barnett, Jan. 14, 1818. Augustine Randall m. Mary Busey, Aug. 7, 1779. Beale Randall m. Martha Robosson, Nov. 9, 1815. Christopher Randall m. Anne Crandall, Nov. 12, 1788. Edward Randall m. Charlotte Ford, Apr. 11, 1812. John Randall m. Deborah Knapp, Jan. 7, 1783. John Randall m. Sarah Clarke, Aug. 20, 1791. Lewis Ransel m. Sarah Annes, Sept. i, 1785. Charles Ratcliff m. EHzabeth Lybrant, Oct. 7, 1777. Gilbert RatHf m. Anne Lambeth, Jan. 22, 1807. MARRIAGE LICENSES 465 Frederick F. A. Rawlings m. Ann Tydings, Dec. 18, 1811. John Rawlings m. Sophia Duvall, May 9, 1794. John Rawlings m. Mary Craten, Dec. 7, 1813. Jonathan Rawlings m. Rachel Bryan, Apr. 2, 1794. Joseph Rawlings m. Elizabeth Robinson, Jan. 21, 1802. Joshua Rawlings m. Elizabeth Lusby, July 13, 1789. Richard Rawlings m. Sarah Thornton, Apr. 24, 1781. Richard Rawlings m. Mary Bryan, Dec. 23, 1789. Richard Rawlings m. Elizabeth Taylor, Feb. 7, 1800. Richard Rawlings m. Susannah Tayman, Feb. 16, 181 1. Richard G. Rawlings m. Airy Jeamis, Nov. 28, 1803. Stephen Rawlings m. Eleanor Lusby, Jan. 6, 1779. Thomas RawHngs m. Tebitha Donaldson, Jan. 12, 1804. William Rawlings m. Elizabeth Retollick, June 13, 1801. John Ray m. Catharine Beard, Sept. 27, 1787. James Reed m. Rachel Williams, Apr. 23, 1779. John Read m. Mary Welch, Sept. 10, 1783. John Read m. Sebby Rockhold, Dec. 20, 1786. EHjah Redman m. Catherine Atkinson, July 2t„ 1793. Elijah Redman m. Ann Linthicum, Feb. 6, 1797. Elijah Redman m. Priscilla Black, Dec. 11, 1794. Michael Redman m. Rebecca Bright, Nov. 8, 1810. Thomas Redman m. Rebecca Preston, Mch. 2, 1818. William Reeves m. Rebecca Hanshaw, Dec. 19, 1791. John Adam Reigle m. EHza Ann Lusby, Feb. 8, 1813. Zachariah Reston m. Hero Robinson, June 25, 1812. Simon Retalaca m. EHzabeth Miles, June 24, 1782. Simon Retullick Jn^ m. Sarah Phelps, June 8, 1798. George Reynolds m. Withemina Crandell, Feb. 22, 1793. Harrison Pella Reynolds m. Mary Stallins, Dec. 2, 1791. John Rhodes m. Ann Sweeney, Oct. 30, 1777. John Rhodes m. Margaret Fowler, Mch. 23, 1786. Clement Richards m. Elizabeth Brewer, Sept. 2, 1784. Clement Richards m. Sarah Tucker, May 31, 1806. Edward Richards m. Sarah Lewis, May 10, 1792. Paul Richards m. Mary Gordon, July 12, 1783. Adam Richardson m. Ann Watkins, Oct. 17, 1778. Amos Richardson m. Eleanor Ingram Carr, Feb. 6, 1807. John Richardson m. Mima Shekells, Dec. 31, 1789. Thomas Richardson m. Hero Handshaw, Jan. 3, 1784. Thomas Richardson m. Margaret Davis, Jan. 21, 1789. William Richardson m. Sarah Phelps, Jan. 22, 1787. 31 466 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY William Richardson m. Sarah Lampley, Feb. 2, 1796. William Richardson m. Rachel Plummer, Nov. 2, 1801. Charles Rickcords m. DeHIah Hilton, May 22, 1783. Edmund Rickcords m. Mary Seaders, June 8, 1793. John Ricketts m. Sarah Abbott, July 15, 1782. Nicholas Ricketts m. Mary Warfield, Apr. 19, 1784. Jacob Riddle m. Mary Hopper, Dec. 15, 1788. Charles Ridgely m. Sarah Gist, July 10, 1779. Charles Ridgely m. Elizabeth Fowler, Jan. 30, 1810. David Ridgely m. Julia Maria Woodfield, Apr. 12, 1814. John Ridgely m. Harriett Callahan, Nov. 3, 1812. Mordecai Ridgely m. Mary Cromwell, Apr. 14, 1789. Nicholas Ridgely m. Jemima Meriken, Jan. 16, 1819. Peregrine Ridgely m. Mary Lewis, Aug. 3, 1789. Philemon D. Ridgely m. Elizabeth White, Dec. 28, 1791. Richard Ridgely m. EHzabeth Dorsey, Oct. 3, 1778. Richard Ridgely m. Mary Jane Brewer, Dec. 14, 1819. William Ridgely m. Nancy Woodward, Feb. 8, 1803. George Ridley m. Mary Tucker, June 4, 1781. Horatio Ridout m. Ann Weems, Oct. 12, 1812. John Rigby m. Elizabeth Coulter, Sept. 10, 1799. James Riggs m. Eliza Burnes, Feb. 9, 1796. James Ringgold m. Eliza Slemaker, Apr. 4, 1808. James Riston m. Margaret Spencer, June 3, 1786. Zachariah Riston m. Ann Kirby, Dec. II, 181 7. James Roark m. Barbara Taylor, Apr. 25, 1806. John Roberts m. Margery Brashears, Feb. 7, 1785. Richard Roberts m. Sarah Owens, Nov. 16, 1789. Thomas Roberts m. Rebecca Braishears, Jan. 25, 1780. William Roberts m. Margaret Roberts, Dec. 22, 1784. William Roberts m. Sarah Lambath, July 25, 1787. WilHam Roberts m. Elizabeth Hall, Jan. 9, 1798. William Roberts m. Sarah Mules, Nov. 20, 1819. Thomas Robertson m. Martha Reaves, Apr. i, 1786. Thomas Robertson m. Louisa Fairbrother, Jan. 13, 1803. John Robins m. Ann Riley, Mch. 25, 1779. Charles Robinson m. Frances R. Watts, July 22, 1779. Charles Robinson m. Patience Johnson, Nov. 11, 1807. Dax-id Robinson m. Kitty Johnson, Apr. 8, 1800. Dennis Robinson m. Ann Cheney, Jan. 29, 1788. Dennis Robinson m. Mary Atkinson, June 13, 1799. Hezekiah Roboson m. Ellen Collins, Dec. 19, 1797- MARRIAGE LICENSES 467 James Robinson m. Eliz. Kirby, Sept. 18, 1784. John Robinson m. Jane Turner, June 8, 1791. Jn°. Baptist Robinson m. Sarah Steuart, Nov. 24, 1797. Joseph Robinson m. Nancy Howington, June 4, 1818. Lawrence Robinson m. Eleanor Potter, May 3, 1800. Luke Robinson m. Rachel Brigdell, Apr. 21, 1777. Luke Robinson m. Hero Richardson, May 14, 1791. Richard Robosson m. Mar>' Shriver, Sept. 2, 1777. Richard Robinson m. IMary Henvvood, Aug. 16, 1817. Thomas Robinson m. Milley Foreman, Apr. 5, 1798. Thomas Robinson m. ISIary Gardiner, Feb. 24, 1800. Thomas Robinson m. Elizabeth Selby, May 16, 1801. Thomas Robinson m. Elizabeth Jacob, Mch. 8, 1794. Vachel Robinson m. Dorcus M'^Cubbin, Jan. 15, 1805. Zachariah Robinson m. Elizabeth Phillips, Nov. ID, 1818. Charles Rockhold m. Jane M-^Cubbin, Oct. 27, 1779. Elijah Rockhold m. Charlotte Linstool [Linstod?], Feb. 20, 1816. Thomas Rockhold m. Sarah Rockhold, May 11, 1787. Thomas Rockhold m. Ara Conaway, June 23, 1802. Thomas C. Rockhold m. Mary Young, Mch. 27, 1812. John Rogers m. Tamasina Fames, May 18, 1778. Thomas Roland m. Eleanor Harrison, Feb. 21, 1803. Richard Rooke m. Mary Roberts, June 18, 181 8. Edward Roper m. Mary Williams, Dec. 19, 1789. William Rose m. Rachel Allen, June 18, 1783. John Ross m. Magdalane Pitt, Dec. 2, 1786. Nathaniel Ross m. Ann Little, Mch. 18, 1784. Peter Ross m. Hester I. Taylor, Dec. 4, 1815. James Rourke m. Sophia M'Cauley, Feb. 6, 1789. Nehemiah Rowles m. Candace Jenings, Nov. 28, 1792. John Rowley m. Elizabeth Fowler, July 12, 1785. James Royson m. Mary Lairy, Sept. 27, 1783. James Ruark m. Luvana Tucker, July 17, 1784. Stephen Rummells m. Lucy Harris, Oct. 27, 1799. William Rummells m. Lydia Whitaker, Oct. 16, 1792. Richard Rush m. Catherine Eliz^. Murray, Aug. 28, 1809. Thomas Rutland m. Ann Hall, July 26, 1784. Thomas Rutland m. Catherine Howard, Jan. 6, 1785. James Ryan m. Henrietta Jackson, Dec. 24, 1811. John Ryan m. Catherine Lowry, Nov. 6, 1784. Joshua Saffield m. Ruth M"=Coy, Jan. 25, 1803. James Sanders m. EHzabeth Groves, June 6, 1791. 468 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY John Sanders m. Mary Dunn, Nov. 7, 1777. William Sanders m. Elizabeth Rawlings, Feb. 27, 1790. William Sanders m. Eliza Smith, Jan. 24, 1816. William Saunders m. Sarah Davis, Dec. 11, 1780. John Sands m. Mary Wiseman, July 19, 1784. John Sands m. Delila Philips, July 20, 1799. John Sands m. Ellen Rawlin, Feb. 22, 1809. Joseph Sands m. Sarah Rawlings, Feb. 17, 1798. Samuel Sands m. Mary Smith, Dec. 21, 1793. Samuel Sands m. Ary Goodwin, Oct. 20, 1796. ' George Sank m. Anne Ijams, Jan. 29, 1799. John Sansbury m. Sarah Wiltshire, July 16, 1779. Levy Sansbury m. Elizabeth Phips, Oct. 25, 181 5. Caleb Sappington m. Margaret Gambrill, Nov. 30, 1790. Francis B. Sappington m. Ann Ridgely, Oct. 28, 1783. John Sappington m. Rachel Drane, Dec. 18, 1790. Nathanuel Sappington m. Mary Jennings, Feb. 17, 1784. Nathaniel Sappington m. Mary Taylor, Jan. 31, 1801. Thomas Sappington m. Mary Ann Jenings, Sept. 8, 1783. Thomas Sappington m. Elizabeth Lewis, Aug. 16, 1790. Thomas Sappington m. Susanna Allen, Jan. 22, 1800. William Sappington m. Rebecca Philips, Feb. 10, 1795. Samuel Sarjent m. Sarah Fountaine, Apr. 29, 1818. Abner Schultz m. Henny Basil, May 4, 1814. George Schwarer m. Ketura Ann Watts, July 8, 1812. Cato Scott m. Priscilla Wallace, Jan. 19, 1790. Leonard Scott m. Sarah Wheeler, Nov. 7, 1805. William Scott m. Eliza Bryan, Dec. 9, 1820. Benjamin Scrivener m. Apiary Powell, June 6, 1817. Francis Scrivener m. Eleanor Robertson, Nov. 25, 1794. George Scrivener m. Lurana Childs, Mch. 6, 1805. George Scrivener m. Mary Childs, Dec. 11, 1807. John Scrivener m. Eliza Smith Boswell, Sept. 18, 1817. Lewis Scrivener m. Kessiah Trott, Jan. 14, 1781. Vincent Scrivener m. Mary Griffith, Dec. 11, 1788. Walter Scrivener m. Jemima Childs, June 2, 1802. William Scrivener m. Henrietta Dixon, Oct. 29, 1779. Philip Scrogin m. Mary Keephart, Aug. 10, 1779. Benedict Seaborn m. Sarah Linstead, Aug. 30, 1788. Caleb Sears m. Anne Kersey, Apr. 22, 1793. Caleb Sears m. Charity Mulliken, Feb. 13, 1802. James Sears m. Anne Bevcridge, Aug. 6, 1790. MARRIAGE LICENSES 469 William Sears J n^ m. Artridge Lamden, Nov. 30, 1812. William Sears J n^ m. Elizabeth Murdock, Oct. 24, 1816. Bennett Seeders m. Hannah Weedon, Dec. 28, 1793. Henry Seaders m. Ruth Seaders, Dec. 23, 1799. John Sefton m. Mary Harwood, Oct. 13, 1819. John I. Seibert m. Catharine Minskey, Dec. 24, 1779. Jonathan Selby m. Susanna Welch, June 9, 1786. Joseph Selby m. Ann Carter, Sept. 4, 1779. Joseph Selby m. Elizabeth Sellman, Oct. 28, 1785. Jonathan Sellman m. Rachel Lucas, Jan. 7, 1783. Jonathan Sellman m. Anne E. Harwood, May 22, 1794. Leonard Sellman m. Mary Walker Rankin, June 23, 1804. Thomas Sellman m. Sarah Wood, Jan. 3, 1783. Thomas Sellman m. Elizabeth Sellman, Nov. 16, 1798. Charles Seveir m. Sophia Hardesty, Dec. 2, 1820. Vachel Severe m. Mary Dadds, Dec. 27, 1816. Daniel Seward m. Ann Banks, Oct. 26, 1781. Augustine Sewell m. Mary Pitts, Feb. 21, 1784. Benjamin Sewel m. Hester Nicholson, Jan. 10, 1806. Elijah Sewell m. Anne Chaney, Mch. 2, 1809. John Sewell m. Lydia Baldwin, Feb. 27, 1804. Vachel Sewell m. Debora Johnson, Dec. 18, 1779. Vachel Sewell m. Sarah Anglin, Mch. 18, 1796. William Sewell m. Rebecca Disney, Dec. 27, 1790. John T. Shaaff m. Mary Stewart, Feb. 6, 1812. William Sharrett m. Trasa Ireland, Apr. 9, 1779. Elias Shaw m. Elizabeth Langford, July 24, 1813. George Shaw m. Eliza Robinson, Apr. 3, 18 19. James Shaw m. Anne Knapp, Dec. 8, 1789. John Shaw m. Ann Welstead Pratt, July 19, 1777. John Shaw m. Margaret Steuart, Mch. 3, 1798. John Shaw m. Jane Telby, Feb. 12, 1807. Caleb Sheckells m. Keziah Hill, Jan. 15, 1820. Enoch Sheckells m. Sarah Smith, Jan. 10, 1818. Francis Shekell m. Rebecca Cheney, Oct. 14, 1783. Francis Scheckells m. Ann Wells, Nov. 2, 1786. John Sheckells m. Mary Shearbutt, Apr. 26, 1791. Richard Sheckell m. Sarah S. Richardson, Oct. 17, 1796. Richard Sheckells m. Anne Jones, Jan. 31, 1800. Thomas Sheckells m. Jane Owens, Dec. 31, 1807. Thomas Sheckells m. Ann Hopkins, Nov. 30, 1813. Basil Shepherd m. Elizabeth M''Nier, July 29, 1802. 470 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Charles Shepherd m. Ann Brown, May 9, 1807. Henry Shepard m. Sarah Dove, Dec. 18, 1795. James Shepherd m. Lucretia Martindale, Jan. 9, 1808. James Sheppard m. Susanna Mace, Dec. 6, 1817. John Shepherd m. Ruth Lewis, Sept. 30, 1780. John Shepard m. Rebecca Forrest, Dec. 24, 1794. John Shepherd m. Mary Owens, Apr. 10, 1804. Nathaniel Shepherd m. Rebecca Murphey, Jan. 26, 1779. Nathaniel Shepherd m. Mary Owens, Oct. 28, 1783. Nathaniel Shepherd m. Christian Middleton, July 21, 1788. Samuel Shepherd m. Margaret Humblert, Oct. 6, 1798. Benjamin Sherbird m. Lidia Hopkins, July i, 1807. Benjamin Sherbert m. Ann Hutton, Jan. 6, 1816. Edward Sherbert m. Mary Ann King, Feb. 14, 1820. George Shearbert m. Elizabeth Alvey, Apr. 16, 1793. Rezin Shurbutt m. Mary Winderson, Sept. 7, 1808. Richard Shearbutt m. Mary Hardisty, Dec. 29, 1800. Richard Sherbutt m. Anne Maine, Jan. 17, 1809. Thomas Sherbutt m. Margaret Hutton, June 8, 1782. Thomas Sheurbutt m. Mary Welch, May 26, 1797. Philemon Sherwood m. Sarah Wells, Feb. 2, 1799. Benjamin Shields m. Sarah Johnson, Oct. 8, 1805. Caleb Shields m. Jane Brown, May 12, 1777. Benjamin Shipley m. Catherine Marriott, Sept. 2, 1809. Henry Shipley m. Sarah Scott, Sept. 19, 1806. Gideon Shoemaker m. Achsah Ward, Jan. 3, 1787. Samuel P. Shoemaker m. Elizabeth Hurst, Sept. 24, 1783. Jacob Short m. Eleanor Wells, Dec. 24, 1801. John Short m. Anne Hood, Feb. 19, 1794. John Shorter m. Rhoda Cadle, June 18, 1798. John Martin Shrimps m. Maria Catharine Thurisia Gross, Oct. 20, 1787. Cornelius Shriver m. Ann Collins, Apr. 5, 1806. William Shurlock m. Susan Bassford, Jan. 11, 1813. Henry Sibell m. Elizabeth Steviderson, May 28, 1777. Jn°. Henry Sibell m. Mary Stallings, Jan. 31, 1805. Edward Sifton m. Elizabeth Scogell, May 7, 1778. William Sifton m. Sarah Watkins, Apr. 25, 1785. John Silence m. Susannah Andrews, Jan. 14, 1788. Abraham Simmons m. Eleanor Nowell, Aug. 10, 1787. Basil Simmons m. Ann Wyvill, Apr. 20, 1801. Chapman Simmons m. Rebecca Stallings, Jan. 11, 1799. David Simmons m. Dorcas Dorsey, Feb. 11, 1809. MARRIAGE LICENSES 471 Ezekiel Simmons m. Ashsah Conner, Dec. 21, 1 816. Isaac Simmons m. Ann Childs, Feb. 14, 1784. Isane Simmons m. Ann Childs, Jan. 26, 1801. Isaac Simmons m. Elizabeth Masen, Dec. 3, 1818. James Simmons m. Mary Drury, Sept. 8, 1794. Jeremiah C. Simmons m. Aira Nowell, Dec. 23, 1800. John Simmons m. Sarah Holland, Apr. 17, 1819. Joseph Simmons m. Elizabeth Thomas, Sept. 13, 1787. Richard Simmons m. Elizabeth Simmons, Jan. 22, 1795. Richard Simmons m. Susanna Nowell, Feb. 14, 1795. Richard Simmons m. Agnes Hardesty, Jan. 27, 1806. Thomas T. Simmons m. Ann V. Harrison, July 14, 1812. William Simmons m. Margaret Chaulk, Apr. 21, 1781. William Simmons m. Mary Hall, Dec. 21, 1805. William Simmons m. Matilda Hinton, Dec. 17, 1808. William W. Simmons m. Matilda Tillard, Sept. 20, 1804. Basil Simpson m. Sarah Worthington, Apr. 29, 1783. John Simpson m. Mary Phillips, Dec. 31, 1796. Joshua Simpson m. Rebecca Warfield, Jan. 13, 1801. Thomas Slaughter m. Elizabeth Bash, May 14, 1779. Jacob Slemaker m. Elizabeth Elliott, Oct. 13, 1803. Andrew Sheer m. Elizabeth Selby, Nov. 29, 1797. PhiHp SHtchbury m. Mary Robertson, Dec. 23, 1782. John Small m. Ann Pettiboon, Oct. i, 1777. William Smallwood m. Sarah Phelps, Oct. 14, 1792. Anthony Smith m. Mary Ann Brown, Nov. 8, 1816. Aquila Smith m. Mary Reeves, Feb. 14, 1795. Edward Smith m. Ann Warfield, Mch. 12, 1782. Elijah Smith m. Martha Jenkins, Aug. 23, 1788. Frederick Smith m. Prudence Clarke, June 23, 1783. Henry Smith m. Elizabeth Thackrell, Apr. 24, 1788. Henry Smith m. Elizabeth Weedon, Sept. Ii, 1788. Henry Smith m. Mary WiUiams, Feb. i, 1794. Horatio Smith m. Elizabeth Swain, Oct. 29, 181 7. James Smith m. Christian Annis, Aug. 28, 1782. James Smith m. Amelia Larmar, Sept. 27, 1817. John Smith m. Margaret Pindle, July 15, 1779. John Smith m. Mary Laveale, Jan. 22, 1782. John Smith m. Rachel Dolly, Apr. 24, 1783. John Smith m. Clarrissa Vineyard, Apr. 10, 1783. John Smith m. Sarah Tydings, Sept. 26, 1785. John Smith m. Eleanor Mullikin, Jan. 20, 1789. 472 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY John Smith m. Anne Yieldhall, Aug. 22, 1791. John Smith m. Rebecca Fuller, May 18, 1793. John Smith m. Eleanor Brigdell, Jan. 29, 1795. John Smith m. Ruth Gray, Jan. 11, 1798. John Smith m. Sarah Hunter, Aug. 6, 1807. John Smith m. Artadge Randall, Feb. 19, 1808. John Smith m. Mary Dorsey, Mch. 16, 1815. John Smith m. Airy liams, Aug. 17, 181 5. Joseph Smith m. Pasafy Wiley, June 25, 181 1. Joseph Smith m. Elizabeth Warfield, Dec. 21, 181 1. Joseph Smith m. Ann Sprigg, Sept. 27, 1817. Nathaniel Smith m. Hannah Randall, Apr. 28, 1794. Nathaniel Smith m. Elizabeth Leech, July 24, 1794. Philip Smith m. Margaret Gardner, Nov. 14, 1802. Richard Smith m. Mary Thackrall, Aug. 15, 1778. Richard Smith m. Elizabeth Meeke, Feb. i, 1809. Thomas Smith m. Mary Deale, June 12, 1779. Thomas Smith m. Elizabeth Churd, Apr. i, 1788. Thomas Smith m. Margaret Clarke, Oct. 21, 1803. William Smith m. Mary Miles, Jan. 22, 1795. William Smith m. Eleanor Young, May 29, 1813. William Smith m. Mary Drury, Apr. 7, 18 14. William Smith m. Ann Johnson, July 15, 1817. Elisha Smithson m. Alley Alsop, May i, 1802. John Snowden m. Rachel Hopkins, Feb. 25, 1783. Nicholas Snowden m. Elizabeth Thomas, Sept. 30, 1806. Richard Snowden m. Eliza Warfield, Feb. 2, 1798. Charles Snyder m. Mary Poulton, Dec. 6, 1808. James P. Soper m. Anne Mayo, June 3, 1801. Solomon Soward m. Sophia Fuller, Sept. 26, 1785. James Sowards m. Mary Fuller, Oct. 10, 1787. Anthony Sparrow m. Susanna Varnel, Sept. 6, 1804. Danuel Sparrow m. Deborah Williamson, June 28, 1800. John Sparrow m. Ann Grifiith, Sept. 29, 181 5. Solomon Sparrow m. Rachel S. Sellman, Feb. 14, 1805. Solomon Sparrow m. Rachel S. Hall, June 23, 1818. Thomas Sparrow m. Catherine CoUins, Mch. 24, 1812. John Spears m. Sarah Waters, Apr. 19, 1820. Rob'. Traill Spence m. Mary Clare Carroll, June 16, 181 2. James Spencer m. Mary Gott, Nov. 29, 1785. Philemon Spencer m. Mary Carter, Sept. 15, 1787. William Spicer m. Hannah Traverse, Apr. 20, 1782. MARRIAGE LICENSES 473 John Spicknall m. Ann Harris, Apr. 13, 1787. Jacob Sprigg m. Catherine Wallace, Nov. 3, 1792. Samuel Spriggs m. Rebecca Weston, Nov. 23, 1786. Samuel Spriggs m. Ann Cook, May 8, 1813. Lewis Sprogel m. Susan Nicholson, Aug. 3, 1820. Samuel Sproston m. Jane Marriott, Mch. 30, 1814. Edward Spurrier m. Ann Griffith, June 10, 1785. Rezen Spuruer m. Phebe W. Burgess, Jan. 2, 1790. James Stallings m. Margaret King, Dec. 29, 1819. John Stallings m. Elizabeth Parrott, June 13, 1808. John Stallings m. Mary Howes, June 3, 1809. John Stallings m. Sarah Farrar, June 22, 1814. Joseph Stallins m. Anne Smith, Mch. 24, 1789. Thomas Stallings m. Mary Poole, Dec. 2, 1800. Thomas Stalhngs m. Anne Lambeth, Jan. 19, 1816. Lancelot StaUions m. Mary Simmons, Jan. 5, 1786. James Steele m. Mary Nevit, Jan. 15, 1789. John Steibart m. Margaret Brown, Jan. 31, 1782. Dennis Stevens m. Sarah Gambrill, Mch. 10, 1781. John Stephens m. Juliana J. Brice, Nov. i, 1808. Vachel Stevens m. Jennitta R. Waller, July 26, 1780. William Stevens m. Elizabeth Crandell, Jan. 27, 1809. John Stevenson m. Eleanor Harrison, Aug. 2, 1803. Stephen Steward m. Eleanor Clarke, Jan. 16, 1784. Caleb Steuart m. Anne Watkins, Nov. 26, 1788. Charles Stewart m. Mary Watson, Feb. 11, 1784. Charles Stewart m. Hannah Robinson, June 6, 1786. Charles Stewart m. Mahala Nicholls, Jan. 9, 1812. David Steuart m. Mary Hall, Jan. 26, 1788. David Steuart m. Sarah Gray, Sept. 12, 1806. Edward Stewart m. Ann Selby, Feb. 7, 1786. Edward Stewart m. Sarah Warton, Aug. 22, 1799. Ezekiel Steuart m. Alethia Owens, Aug. 2, 1805. Ezekiel Stewart m. Eleanor Frizzel, Nov. 11, 181 7. James Stewart m. Catharine Smith, June 24, 1778. James Steuart m. Rebecca Sprigg, Nov. 4, 1788. James Steuart m. Margaret Knighton, Jan. 19, 1789. James Steuart m. Elizabeth Davis, Sept. 30, 181 5. John Steuart m. Ann Yeldell, May 16, 1797. Mordecai Stewart m. Cassandra Tanyhill, May 27, 1794. Mordecai Stewart m. Anne Pitts, Dec. 15, 1796. Mordecai Stewart m. Rhody Hancock, Apr. 30, 181 1. 474 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Nicholas Steuart m. Amelia Watkins, May 12, 181 8. Richard Steuart m. Louisa Harwood, Jan. 29, 1817. Stephen Stewart Jn'. m. Elizabeth Thomas, Nov. 7, 1777. Stephen Steuart m. Anne Johnson, May 6, 1806. William Stewart m. Sarah Nicholson, Sept. 15, 1779. William Stewart m. Mary Scott, Oct. 20, 1792. Nathan Stinchacomb m. Sarah Moss, May 26, 1814. Thomas Stinchcomb m. Else Kilman, Aug. 13, 1777. Thomas Stinchcomb m. Sarah Ross, Mch. 14, 1795. Thomas Stinchicomb m. Sarah Phipps, Feb. 11, 1804. William Stinchacomb m. Sarah Adams, Jan. 23, 1815. John Stocker m. Elizabeth Roberts, Dec. 27, 1 8 10. John Stockett m. Laurro Beard, Dec. 13, 1 791. John Shaaff Stockett m. Ann Matilda Grason, Apr. 18, 1812. Joseph Noble Stockett m. Ann Caroline Battee, Nov. 17, 1812. Joseph N. Stockett m. Anne Sellman, June 24, 1816. Noble Stockett m. Susannah Beard, Nov. 6, 1794. Richard G. Stockett m. Margaret Hall, Mch. 28, 1799. Thomas Stockett m. Lucretia Marsham, Oct. 7, 18 16. Thomas W". Stockett m. Susannah Beard, Jan. 27, 1797. William Stockett m. Mary HoUyday, Feb. 27, 1783. W". Thomas Stockett m. Sarah Beard, July 31, 1793. William L Stockett m. Mary Watkins, Nov. 14, 1797. John T. Stoddert m. Elizabeth Guinn, May 23, 1815. John Hoskin Stone m. Mary Couden, Feb. 15, 1781. Marshall Stone m. Betty Harris, Mch. 30, 1791. Robert Conden Stone m. Mary Mann, July 23, 1805. William Straughon m. Patsy Cross, Oct. 25, 1816. James Stremack m. Helen Ross, Oct. 16, 1778. Abraham Strong m. Ann Weeks, Sept. 7, 1778. Abraham Strong m. Ann Weeks, Sept. 8, 1778. Mark Stubbs m. Mary M-'Donald, May 13, 1778. Samuel Sudler m. Sarah Lav-in, Apr. i, 1780. William Sudler m. Charlotte Mackubin, Apr. 10, 1809. Jesse Suite m. Sarah Giest, Nov. 20, 1784. John SuUivane m. Rebecca Widdon, Apr. 12, 1788. John Sullivane m. Milla Butcher, Apr. i, 1797. Lemuel H. SulHvan m. Willy Gardiner, Dec. 9, 1820. Morgan Sullivan m. Sarah Lambeth, Oct. 26, 181 6. William Sullivan m. Henrietta Wood, Jan. 2, 1782. William Sullivan m. Matilda Carr, May 10, 1820. Francis Sumblin m. Mary Cisach, Feb. 6, 1801. MARRIAGE LICENSES 475 Benjamin Sunderland m. Martha Warfield, Dec. 30, 1809. Benjamin D. Sunderland m. Ann Childs, Mch. 4, 1816. Jesse Sunderland m. Elizabeth Sunderland, Dec. 10, 181 1. Zachariah Sunderland m. Anne Wood, Aug. 4, 1804. Theodore Swain m. EHzabeth Rockhold, Feb. 5, 1810. Philip Swearer m. Mary Miller, Sept. 10, 1788. Seth Swetzer m. Anne Valliant, Nov. 9, 1790. Benjamin Talbott m. Sarah Gaither, Apr. 13, 1785. Joshua Talbot m. Elizabeth Hill, Oct. 29, 1801. Thomas Talbott m. Elizabeth Green, Nov. 17, 1788. Henry Tammon m. Elizabeth Landers, Jan. 23, 1799. Thomas Tanyhill m. Mary Scrivener, Dec. 19, 1797. Thomas Taunie m. Mar>' Hannah, Dec. 10, 1779. Caleb Taylor m. Ann Ranken, Sept. 3, 1778. Gamieliel Taylor m. Euphen Bruce, Nov. 4, 1804. James Taylor m. EHzabeth Gill, May 20, 1778. James Taylor m. Catherine Barber, Feb. 14, 1785. James Taylor m. Elizabeth Sullivane, Mch. 12, 1793. James Taylor m. Alice Thomas, Sept. 21, 1815. John Taylor m. Mary Smith, Feb. 15, 1791. John Taylor m. Anne Ogle, Oct. 3, 1792. John Taylor m. Jemima Wilson, Feb. 11, 1793. John Taylor m. Phebe Mickens, July 3, 1816. John Taylor m. Louisa Weedon, July 18, 1818. Joseph Taylor m. Sarah Bryan, Nov. 28, 1798. Lemuel Taylor m. Ann Rawlings, Nov. 5, 1817. Lloyd Taylor m. Mary E. Thornton, Jan. 23, 1802. Richard Taylor m. Mary Ann Selby, Dec. 26, 1782. Richard Taylor m. Martha Druse, Dec. 24, 1798. Richard Taylor m. Anne Boston, Mch. 4, 1807. Snoden Taylor m. Elizabeth Drane, Sept. 7, 1782. Solomon Taylor m. Eleanor Chaney, Jan. 17, 1780. William Taylor m. Rebecca Hines, May 8, 1790. Henry Tayman m. Elizabeth Talbott, Nov. 2, 1802. John Tayman m. Mary M'Cauley, Feb. 13, 1804. Thomas Tayman m. Margaret Turner, Dec. 31, 181 1. Edward Team m. Susanna Taylor, Mch. 30, 1784. Hugh Templeton m. Mary Hoover, Aug. 9, 1794. William Terry J n'. m. Dorothy Brannock, Jan. i, 1819. Zachariah Thackrill m. Elizabeth Cooper, Mch. 13, 1778. Benjamin Thomas m. Elizabeth James, Sept. 27, 18 10. Benjamin Thomas m. Eliza Boone, Dec. 26, 1815. 476 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Ebenezer Thomas m. Anne Boone, Oct. i, 1802. Ebenezer Thomas m. Ann Carey Fowler, Dec. 8, 1808. Jeremiah Thomas m. Cassey Williams, June 27, 1801. John Thomas m. Sarah Murray, Aug. 22, 1777. John Thomas m. Rebecca Bryan, Nov. 2, 1784. John Thomas m. Eliza Ganson, Dec. 11, 1798. John R. Thomas m. Ann C. Pumphrey, Feb. 11, 1817. John W. Thomas m. Anna Webster, Jan. 7, 1813. Levin Thomas m. Margaret M'Guire, Dec. 23, 1786. Luke Thomas m. Jane Caldclough, Sept. 13, 1785. Philip Thomas m. Sarah Marg^ Weems, Mch. 4, 1782. Philip W". Thomas m. Julia Chisholm, Nov. 7, 1803. Philip W. Thomas m. Rebecca Waters, Sept. 19, 1806. Robert Thomas m. Ann Purely, May 24, 1803. Samuel Thomas m. Anna Warfield, Sept. 16, 1789. William Thomas m. Rachel Hutcheson, May 3, 1780. W^illiam Thomas m. Rachel Rhodes, F"eb. 5, 1791. William Thomas m. Charlotte Bratcher, Mch. 6, 1796. Alexander Thompson m. Jane M'New, Apr. 13, 1789. Francis Thompson m. Mary Watkins, Mch. 27, 1780. Francis Thompson m. Mary Wood, May 8, 1780. George Thompson m. Mary MCabe, Sept. 18, 1789. Hugh Thompson m. Elizabeth Sprigg, Jan. 18, 1794. John Thompson m. Elizabeth Connoway, Jan. 3, 1786. John Thompson m. Mary Rowlings, Oct. 12, 1790. John Thompson m. Ann Marriott, Dec. 16, 1795. John Thompson m. Eleanor Johnson, Apr. 5, 1806. John Thompson m. Susanna Tydings, Dec. 8, 1807. John Thompson m. Eleanor Glover, Mch. 28, 1818. Thomas Thompson m. Mary Cracroft, Mch. 23, 1792. William Thompson m. Elizabeth Weeden, Mch. 7, 1818. Richard Thorp m. Sarah M<^Cubbin, Apr. 24, 1787. William Thumbbert m. Eleanor Davidson, Oct. 7, 181 1. William B. Tilden m. Louisa H. Howard, Mch. 21, 1801. James Tilghman m. Elizabeth Johns, Feb. 7, 1778. John Tilghman m. Maria E. Gibson, Dec. 22, 1807. John H. Tillard m. Emmeline Pindell, July 22, 1817. William Tillard m. Delilah Simmons, Sept. 29, 1 813. Jasper E. Tilley m. EHzabeth Higgins, May 23, 1793. Edward Timanous Sn^ m. Margaret Morris, Dec. 5, 1796. Edward Timmons m. Sarah Smith, Mch. 14, 1782. Charles Tinges m. Rebecca Goldsmith, Apr. 7, 1789. MARRIAGE LICENSES 477 James Titus m. Sarah liams, Nov. 14, 181 5. Edward Tobin m. Eleanor Berry, Jan. 13, 1785. John Todd m. Elizabeth Gray, Feb. 13, 1783. Nathan Todd m. Sarah Rockhold, Apr. 14, 1787. Richard Todd m. Ann Merriken, Jan. 31, 1788. Thomas Todd m. Margaret Gardner, Apr. 16, 1792. Thomas Todd m. Christian Marshall, June 7, 1799. John Toft m. Elizabeth Welch, Feb. 13, 1797. John Toft m. Elizabeth Wheat, Dec. 14, 1803. Thomas Toft m. Ann Welch, Mch. 25, 1780. Jacob Tolson m. Ruth Carter, Mch. 29, 1780. James Tongue m. Anne Cowman, June 9, 1803. Thomas Tongue Jn". m. Anne Harrison, Jan. 3, 1809. Richard Tootle m. Harriet Pryse, Dec. 18, 1799. Richard Tootle m. Mary Victoria Devenew, Dec. 20, 1799. Michael Towell m. Mary Flaharty, Jan. 11, 1805. Thomas Towell m. Comfort Robinson, Nov. 26, 1811. Thomas Townsend m. Ann Hutton, Dec. 23, 1780. Thomas Townsend m. Rebecca Caton, Nov. 25, 1783. Joseph Toy m. Mary Sparrow, Mch. 2"], 1788. William Tracy m. Elizabeth Winterson, Nov. 15, 1804. Henry Hicks Traverse m. Esther Harding, Mch. 7, 1795. Thomas Traverse m. Elizabeth Tucker, Oct. 24, 1793. Greenbury Treakle m. Mary Hobbs, Nov. 24, 1812. Gabriel Trott m. Anne Beford, Jan. 9, 1797. Gabriel Trott m. Elizabeth M'-Quillin, May 7, 1817. James Trott m. Sarah Griffith, Feb. 18, 1789. John Trott m. Elizabeth Prout, Nov. 9, 1804. Richard Trott m. Anne Crutchley, Apr. 7, 181 7. Sabret Trott m. Elizabeth Childs, Jan. 2, 1787. Sabritt Trott m. Anne Conner, Apr. 4, 1809. Samuel Trot m. Margaret Nowell, Dec. 14, 1793. William Trott m. Willey Gibson, Dec. 29, 1802. William Trott m. Mary Grifhn, Dec. 26, 181 8. Alexander Truman m. Margaret Reynolds, May 29, 1781. Washington G. Tuck m. Elizabeth Lee, Oct. 15, 1808. Washington G. Tuck m. Rachel S. Whittington, Mch. 16, 1814. William A. Tuck m. Cave AluUiken, May 25, 1801. Abel Tucker m. Mary Tydings, July 17, 1804. James Tucker m. Anne Deale, Mch. 12, 1814. John Tucker m. Ann Tucker, July 12, 1783. John Tucker m. Lurana Rawlings, Feb. 25, 1801. 478 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Richard Tucker m. Susannah Cockey, Sept. 3, 1796. Richard Tucker m. Lurana Tucker, Dec. 15, 1802. Selea Tucker m. Anne Cockey, Oct. 29, 1796. Thomas Tucker m. Frances Cockey, Dec. 14, 1787. Thomas Tucker m. Anna Hooper, Sept. 8, 1796. Thomas Tucker m. Ouara Wells, Jan. 6, 1807. William Tucker m. Mary Anne Brewer, Aug. i, 1801. WilHam Tucker m. Mary Elliott, Aug. 10, 1805. Zachariah Tucker m. Catharine Myers, Nov. 19, 1778. Zachariah Tucker m. Eleanor Rawlings, Sept. 25, 1790. Zachariah Tucker m. Sarah Steuart, Nov. 9, 1802. Abraham Turgason m. Anne Parot, June 7, 1810. Philip Turner m. Margaret Smith, May 13, 1799. Richard Turner m. Elizabeth Scrivener, Dec. 8, 1808. Thomas Turner m. Jane Rockhold, Aug. 11, 1788. Thomas W. Turner m. Maria Gambrell, Dec. 22, 1814. Thomas W. Turner m. Charlotte Marriott, Sept. 19, 1816. William Turner m. Susannah Childs, Jan. 16, 1808. Joseph Tuttell m. Rebecca Howenton, Jan. 19, 1815. George Twinch m. Mary Watson, Dec. 31, 1781. Horatio Tydings m. Lydia Kirby, Jan. 11, 1817. John Tydings m. Nancy Atwell, Dec. 12, 1810. John Tydings m. Rachel Riston, Sept. 28, 181 8. Joseph Tydings m. Anne Tydings, Dec. 12, 1792. Joseph Tydings m. Artridge Knighton, Dec. 13, 181 6. Keley Tydings m. Mary Beard, Jan. 30, 1782. Keeley Tydings m. Frances Attwell, Mch. 20, 1793. Kensey Tydings m. Mary Johnson, Feb. 16, 1819. Lewis Tydings m. Mary Atwell, May 27, 1805. Richard Tydings m. Eliza Stewart, Dec. 24, 1801. Richard Tydings m. Mary MulHkin, July 23, 1806. Grafton Tyler m. Catherine T. Macgill, Mch. 11, 1818. William Urquhart m. Ruth Marriott, Jan. 11, 1781. William Urguhart m. Maria Deford, Apr. 15, 1808. WilHam Urquhart m. Elizabeth Childs, Dec. 20, 181 6. James Usher m. Rachel Harrison, Mch. 14, 1797- Joseph Vallean m. Mary Ann Norman, Jan. 27, 1820. James Valiant m. Sarah Diamond, Jan. i, 1 781. John Valliant m. Mary Meek, Mch. 8, 1804. Charles Vandell m. EHzabeth Just, July 31, 1780. John Veers m. Deborah Russell, Feb. 13, 1804. Samuel Vernon m. Ann Griffin, June 10, 1787. MARRIAGE LICENSES 479 Edward Vidler m. Ann Topping, Oct. 13, 1787. John Viers m. Catharine Bealmear, Mch. 26, 1787. William Vinson m. Mary Allen, May 13, 1779. Henry Waderman m. Mary Miles, Aug. 16, 1813. William Walham m. Mary Stewart, Sept. 19, 181 5. Charles Walker m. Sarah Ryan, July 30, 1778. Isaac Walker m. Henrietta Miller, Dec. 15, 1812. James Walker m. Margaret Owens, Aug. 30, 1782. John Walker m. Elizabeth Hammond, Jan. 7, 1785. Thomas Walker m. Elizabeth Brogden, Jan. 22, 1778. Vachel Walker m. Elizabeth Whitehead, June 27, 1815. William Walker m. Ann Coale, June 28, 1792. Thomas Wall m. Thomsin White, Mch. 4, 1784. Charles Wallace m. Mary Rankin, Apr. 26, 1798. William Waller m. Jannetta Russell Nelson, June 5, 1778. John Walmsley m. Mary Records, Feb. i, 1780. Benjamin Ward m. Eleanor Ward, May 11, 1807. Henry Ward m. Sarah Shepherd, Nov. 18, 1788. James Ward m. Lucy Scott, Sept. 5, 1810. John Ward m. Eleanor Ward, June 20, 1783. John Ward m. Elizabeth Whittington, Feb. 7, 1809. Joseph Ward m. Eleanor Ward, Oct. 21, 1815. Joseph Ward m. Eliz^. Pattison, Mch. 9, 1820. Josephus Ward m. Anne Tydings, July 18, 1793. Nathan Ward m. EHzabeth Crosby, June 12, 1809. Richard Ward m. Althea Brown, Jan. 22, 1796. Richard Ward m. Sarah Wood, May 25, 1814. Richard Ward m. Elizabeth Fry, Mch. 7, 1818. Robert Ward m. Catherine Spicknell, Apr. 28, 1802. Samuel Ward m. Elizabeth Pickeron, Apr. 20, 1787. Samuel Ward m. Elizabeth Drury, Nov. 23, 1798. Samuel Ward m. Rachel Basford, Feb. 20, 1816. WiUiam Ward m. Barbara Phelps, Mch. 20, 1799. William Ward m. Sarah Scrivener, Dec. 24, 1800. Zachariah Ward m. Pamelia Dockett, Apr. 18, 1 791. Alexander Warfield m. Elizabeth Woodward, Dec. 5, 1788. Amos Warfield m. Sarah Warfield, Nov. 8, 1793. Azel Warfield m. Elizabeth Welling, Dec. 4, 1786. Bane Warfield m. Arey Dorsey, Apr. 28, 1779. Basil \\'arfield m. Ann Cecil, Feb. 15, 1803. Beale \\"arfield m. Achsah Dorsey, July 25, 1785. Benjamin Warfield m. Rebecca Spurrier, Apr. 19, 1796. 480 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Charles Warfield m. Sally Warfield, July lo, 1790. Edward \\'arfield m. Polly Warfield, Oct. 7, 1794. Elisha Warfield m. Ruth Burgess, Aug. 6, 1778. James Warfield m. Elizabeth Biggs, June 7, 1815. John Warfield m. Mary Green, Dec. 24, 1779. John Warfield m. Henrietta Pitt, Mch. 16, 1785. John Warfield m. Humulal Mewshaw, Feb. 13, 1790. John Warfield m. Deborah White, Apr. 16, 1808. Joseph Warfield m. Elizabeth Dorsey, June 26, 1778. Joshua Warfield m. Rebecca Dorsey, Apr. 25, 1781. Joshua Warfield m. EHzabeth Dorsey, Oct. 6, 1781. Joshua Warfield m. Mary Jones, Jan. 13, 1783. Lancelot Warfield m. Rachel Marriott, Jan. 17, 1783. Lancelot Warfield m. Polly Warfield, Sept. 29, 1795. Levin Warfield m. Ann Hobbs, Oct. 6, 1779. Meshack Warfield m. Rachel Charick, Dec. 23, 1803. Philemon Warfield m. Anne Wright, Oct. 23, 1819. Richard Warfield m. Nancy Benson, Aug. 16, 1788. Richard Warfield m. Elizabeth Lucus, June 22, 1802. Richard B. Warfield m. Anne Marsh, Feb. 2, 1820. Samuel Warfield m. Susanna Danison, June 26, 1795. Thomas Warfield m. Elizabeth Hollyday, Dec. 11, 1778. Thomas Warfield m. Elizabeth Marriott, July 19, 1798. Thomas Warfield m. Margerry Brown, Mch. 30, 1803. Thomas Warfield m. Isabella M. Lucas, Apr. 4, 1818. Thomas W. Warfield m. Sarah White, Jan. 30, 1813. Vachel Warfield m. Eleanor Griffith, Sept. 23, 1786. Vachel H. Warfield m. Achsah H. Marriott, Dec. 17, 1819. William Warfield m. Frances Hinton, Nov. 13, 1790. William Warfield m. Mary Tyler Worthington, Sept. 17, 1816. William Warden m. Elizabeth Clarke, Feb. 18, 1778. Basil Warring m. Ehzabeth Hall, Nov. 26, 1805. Geo. Washington Waring m. Sarah M. Dorsey, Nov. 27, 1819. Abraham Wason m. Elizabeth Smith, May 10, 1810. Edmund Wason m. Anne \\'oodfield, Dec. 23, 1805. Joseph Wason m. Elizabeth Mace, Nov. 15, 1817. Levy Wason m. Mary Smith, Nov. 21, 1808. Richard W^ason m. Sarah Lancaster, Jan. 15, 1784. Thomas Wason m. Sarah Pargerson, Sept. 20, 1803. Benjamin Waters m. Hannah Fowler, Feb. 10, 1810. Charles L. Waters m. Rebecca Fowler, May 23, 1792. Edward E. Waters m. Rachel Jones, Feb. i, 1799. MARRIAGE LICENSES 481 Edward Waters m. Honora Ray, Dec. 8, 1813. Ephraim Waters m. Ann Law [Low?], Jan. 13, 1797. Jacob Waters m. Elizabeth Wells, Sept. 29, 1798. Jacob F. Waters m. Harriott Tongue, Mch. 23, 1809. Jonathan Waters m. Sarah Armaja, Feb. 17, 1798. Nathaniel Waters m. Mabel Maccauley, May 23, 1794. Nacy Waters m. Ann Warfield, June 14, 1790. Richard Waters m. Sarah Cooke, Oct. i, 1795. William Waters m. Jane Woodward, June 10, 1785. Wilson Waters m. Margaret Davis, June 11, 1800. Jonathan Wates m. Sarah G. Bateman, Apr. 21, 1818. Benjamin Watkins m. Elizabeth Sheckells, Dec. 31, 1779. Benjamin Watkins m. Elizabeth Sheckells, Apr. 11, 1780. Benjamin Watkins m. Anne Harwood, Apr. 10, 1794. Charles Watkins m. Ester Ferrill, Sept. 15, 1780. Gassaway Watkins m. Sarah Jones, Dec. 2, 1785. Gassaway Watkins m. Ruth Dorsey, Feb. 28, 1788. Gassaway Watkins m. Rebecca Richardson, May 18, 1793. Ignatius Watkins m. Elizabeth Gale, May 18, 1793. John Watkins m. Elizabeth Hall, Jan. 7, 1783. John Watkins m. Margaret Tydings, Nov. 11, 1790. John Watkins m. Ann Rutland, Oct. 26, 1 791. John Watkins m. Elizabeth Hall, Nov. 2"], 1797. John Watkins m. Willy Ann Davis, Feb. 7, 1812. Joseph Watkins m. Anne Gray, Nov. 28, 1789. Nicholas Watkins m. Sarah Disney, Feb. i, 1782. Nicholas Watkins m. Elizabeth Walker, Apr. 3, 1786. Nicholas Watkins m. Margaret Todd, Aug. 23, 1806. Nicholas G. Watkins m. Margaret Harwood, Aug. 31, 1798. Nicholas I. Watkins m. Rachel L. Watkins, May 7, 1801. Rezin Watkins m. Amey Meads, Jan 11, 1798. Richard Watkins m. Ruth Beard, Oct. 5, 1778. Richard Watkins m. Mary Purdy, Feb. 28, 1813. Sabine Wathen m. Nancy Brewer, Oct. 9, 1813. Samuel Watkins m. Elizabeth Watkins, Jan. 26, 1795. Stephen Watkins m. Elcy Woodward, Sept. 9, 1793. Thomas Watkins m. Sarah Disney, Nov. 4, 1797. William Watkins m. Eleanor Harwood, Feb. 25, 1805. Charles Watson m. Elizabeth Hall Rutland, May 21, 1804. George Watson m. Sarah Gambrill, Jan. 11, 1800. Hezekiah Watson m. Anne Atwell, Oct. 22, 1796. Robert Watson m. Ann Cooper, July 4, 1780. 32 482 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY William Watson m. Mary Dawson, Feb. 13, 1779. George Watts m. Mary Lark, Apr. 20, 1799. George Watts m. Elizabeth Keith, Jan. 21, 1807. George Watts m. Rachel Tydings, Jan. 17, 1818. Henry Watts m. Rebecca Stansbury, Jan. 28, 1804. Isaac Watts m. Mary Blackingham, Dec. 3, 1795. John Watts m. Juliana Porter, Oct. 29, 1790. Philip Watts m. Rebecca Welch, Jan. 17, 1793. Richard Watts m. Rebecca Beard, Aug. 6, 1778. Richard Watts m. Mary Packer, Dec. 15, 1789. Richard Watts m. Ann Watkins, Oct. 3, 1792. Richard B. Watts m. EHzabeth RawHngs, Feb. 21, 1803. Richard B. Watts m. Mary R. Watson, Mch. 31, 1812. Edmund Wayman m. Air>' Connaway, July 28, 1781. Hezekiah Waymun m. Jane Lee, June 15, 1786. Hezekiah Wayman m. Elizabeth Barry, Feb. 19, 1798. Thomas Wayman m. Elizabeth Crutchley, Jan. 15, 1820. Charles Weakley m. Ruth Bryan, July 21, 1785. Lewis Weaver m. Elizabeth Mifflin, May 12, 1801. Lex-i Webb m. Casandra Wood, Dec. 10, 1810. Michael Webster m. Anne Purdy, Feb. 10, 1807. Eli Weedon m. Catharine Johnson, July 13, 1815. Henry Weeden m. Mary Seeders, Dec. 8, 1789. James Weedon m. Frances Yewell, Apr. 29, 1818. John Weedon m. Martha Seeders, Dec. 18, 1798. Jonathan Weedon m. Margaret Hutton, July 29, 1819. Richard Weedon m. Sarah Weedon, Mch. 22, 1788. Richard Weedon m. Matilda Thomas, Feb. 3, 1801. Richard Weedon m. Ruth Yewell, Dec. 21, 1811. Robert Weeden m. Elizabeth Sands, Aug. 17, 1779. Robert Weedon m. Hellen Small, Feb. 16, 1793. Samuel Weedon m. Louisa Vessells, Apr. 15, 181 1. James N. Weems m. Elizabeth Ridgely, Sept. 23, 1802. John Weems m. Mary Dorsey, Dec. 18, 1781. John Weems m. Mary Cracroft, Apr. 2, 1795. John Weems of Rich"*, m. Rachel Norman, Dec. 26, 1803. Jn° Beal Weems m. Priscilla Harwood, Jan. 2, 1806. Richard Weems m. Mary Wood, May 27, 1809. William Weems m. Rachel Morris, June 30, 1784. William Weems m. Priscilla Sellman, May 8, 1804. Aaron Welch m. Elizabeth Franklin, Nov. 2, 1778. Aaron Welch m. Elizabeth Drury, Nov. 10, 1801. MARRIAGE LICENSES 483 Benjamin Welch m. Margaret Daltzel, May 22, 1792. Francis Welch m. Margaret Lusby, May i, 1797. John Welch m. Mary Hall, Aug. 15, 1782. John Welch m. Eleanor Warfield, Nov. i, 1783. John Welch m. Mary Owens, May 9, 1816. Mordecai Welsh m. Mary Watts, Dec. 21, 1790. Robert Welch m. Ann Furguson, Sept. 25, 1777. Robert Welch m. Eleanor Carr, Nov. 24, 1777. Robert Welch m. Sarah Merrikin, Oct. 29, 1795. Robert Welch m. Priscilla Owens, Apr. 17, 1797. Robert Welch m. Sally Mallonee, Nov. 10, 1806. John Willey m. Ann Macknew, Mch. 24, 1786. Benjamin Wells m. Elizabeth Traverse, Jan. 4, 1806. Benjamin Wells m. Artridge Franklin, Oct. 8, 181 5. Daniel Wells m. Mary Taigger, Nov. 27, 1790. George Wells m. Augusta Maine, Sept. 8, 1798. Jeremiah Wells m. Anne Carter, Oct. 9, 1813. John Wells m. Elizabeth Shewbutt, Sept. 3, 1785. John Wells m. Henrietta Watkins, Oct. 23, 1799. John Wells m. Hannah Mayo, Oct. 25, 1810. John Wells m. Elizabeth HasHp, Oct. 30, 1819. Nathan Wells m. Ruth Brashears, Oct. 17, 1798. Richard Wells m. Mary Freeland, Jan. 31, 1783. Richard Wells m. Eliz*. Beck, Jan. 31, 1784. Richard Wells m. Druzilla Brashears, Oct. 23, 1787. Richard Wells m. Sarah Carr, Nov. 18, 1788. Richard Wells m. Susanna Phips, Jan. 31, 1805. Richard Wells m. Rachel Deale, Feb. 14, 1814. Samuel Wells m. Sarah Phips, Jan. 25, 1785. William Wells m. Susannah Garston, Jan. 11, 1794. Zadok Wells m. Elizabeth Wheeler, Dec. 4, 1819. Benjamin Welsh m. Ruth Drury, Feb. 7, 1804. Francis Welsh m. Rizpah R. Norman, Dec. 6, 1810. Thomas Welsh m. Anne S. Iglehart, Jan. 23, 1817. Cornelius West m. Lewesa Humphreys, June 13, 1787. James West m. Margaret Whitaker, Dec. 31, 1795. James West m. Margaret Whitaker, Mch. 31, 1796. Richard W". West m. Maria Lloyd, Oct. 9, 1798. Lewis Weston m. Margaret Thompson, Dec. 22, 1810. Jesse Wheat m. Harriet Sappington, Oct. 23, 1804. Thomas Wheatley m. Crissy Kervan, July 10, 1787. Jonathan Wheedon m. Rebecca Tayman, Dec. 21, 1810. 484 MARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Thomas Wheedon m. Anne Yewell, Dec. 30, 1811. Nathaniel Wheeler m. Sarah Duvall, Dec. 31, 1804. Odel Wheeler m. Caroline Dorsey, Nov. 11, 181 8. Richard Wheeler J n'. m. Elizabeth Marriott, Oct. 19, 1797. Robert Wheeler m. Eleanor Watkins, Jan. 24, 1798. Thomas Wheeler m. Anne Hutton, Feb. 23, 1805. William Wheeler m. Susanna G. Clarke, Jan. 17, 1814. William Wheeler m. Elizabeth Downes, Feb. 23, 1816. Barton Whetcroft m. Elizabeth Knap, Apr. 20, 1789. Henry \\'hetcroft m. Sarah Whetcroft, Aug. 14, 1796. George Whips m. Elizabeth Pearce, Aug. 6, 1778. Caleb White m. Eliza Cruse, Dec. 18, 1815. Edward White m. Ann Wootton, Nov. 5, 1784. Elias White m. Eliza M<-Daniel, Oct. 6, 181 8. Gideon White m. Hannah Barber, June 21, 1798. Griffith White m. Sarah Freeland, Dec. 11, 1788. James White m. Eleanor Litchfield, Dec. 22, 1777. John Cole White m. Harriet Lee, Apr. 30, 1800. Jonas White m. Ruth Marriott, Jan. 15, 1793. Jonathan White m. Elizabeth Williams, Dec. 13, 1788. Joseph White m. Elizabeth Ross, May i, 1820. Osbom White m. Ann Chaney, May 19, 1817. Reuben White m. Elizabeth Hall, Jan. 15, 1 814. Richard White m. Margaret Games, Dec. 29, 1785. Richard White m. Margaret Reed, Dec. 7, 1796. Richard White m. Sarah Cragg, May 13, 1797. Richard White m. Delila Pierce, Apr. 30, 1800. Richard White m. Phebe Chaney, Apr. 2, 181 7. Thomas White m. Mary Atkinson, Oct. 14, 1819. Edward Whitehead m. Anne Kingsbury, Jan. 29, 1793. Hezekiah Whitehead m. Mary Waters, Nov. 3, 1813. Richard Whitehead m. Susanna Cheney, Nov. 10, 1792. Jacob Whitwright m. Mary Carr, Jan. 15, 1820. Philip Whitwright m. Susannah Phips, May 23, 1792. Benjamin Whittington m. Cassey Smith, Nov. 17, 1788. Benjamin Whittington m. Margaret Jones, July 14, 1800. Benjamin Whittington m. Elizabeth Cowman, Jan. 6, 1804. Francis Whittington Sen. m. Sarah Hammond, July 26, 1816. James Whittington m. Mary Wood, Feb. 17, 1787. John Whittington m. Mary Armager, June i, 1780. John Whitington m. Eliz". Scrivener, Apr. 18, 1797. John A. Whittington m. Sarah C. Brown, Oct. 11, 1813. MARRIAGE LICENSES 485 John A. Whittington m. Sarah Pattison, Sept. 19, 1815. Joseph Whittington m. Sarah Russell, Dec. 15, 1791. Samuel Whittington m. Dorothy Wood, Apr. 16, 18 19. Thomas Whittington m. Eleanor Miles, Nov. 24, 1791. Thomas Whittington m. Ann Basford, Nov. 7, 1794. William Whittington m. Susannah Wood, Dec. 24, 1788. WilHam Whittington m. Sarah Welch, Aug. 18, 1804. William Whittington m. Lydia Hinton, Jan. 7, 1820. Richard Whittle m. Elizabeth Baldwin, Dec. 13, 1794. James Whorfe m. Eleanor Brewer, July 28, 1796. Joseph Wiett m. Margaret Peacock, Jan. 8, 1795. Edward Willett m. Eleanor Fisher, Dec. 19, 1785. Ninian Willet m. Chloe Walker, July 30, 1778. Abraham Williams m. Frances Cromwell, May 15, 1793. Andrew Williams m. Jane Cunningham, Dec. 22, 1777. Andrew WiUiams m. Sarah Lovely, Aug. 10, 1778. Eli Williams m. Phebe Coal, July 24, 1815. Elijah Williams m. Rachel Moss, July 30, 1816. Henry Williams m. Louisa Wheedon, Apr. 29, 1820. Jeramiah Williams m. Mary Gaither, Dec. 15, 1784. John WiUiams m. Elizabeth Davis, Apr. 10, 1779. John Williams m. Sarah Hancock, Jan. 18, 1805. John H. Williams m. OHvia Pokes, Dec. 9, 1820. Jn°. Wilson Williams m. Rachel Pettibone, Mch. 10, 1819. Joseph Williams m. Eleanor Mew, Sept. 27, 1780. Joseph Williams m. Mary Short, Feb. 13, 1792. Philip Williams m. Rachel Pearce, Apr. 27, 1796. Thomas Williams m. Eliza Thomas, Feb. 21, 1802. Thomas Williams m. Elizabeth Lowe, Nov. 14, 1818. William Williams m. Milcah Fowler, Dec. 15, 1792. James Williamson m. Maria Tuck, Dec. 20, 1804. James Williamson m. Sarah Mayo, Sept. 26, 1809. Charles H. Willigman m. Catherine Jackson, Aug. 30, 1808. Henry A. Wilins m. Elizabeth Grammer, Oct. 29, 1802. Daniel Willis m. Jemima Taylor, June 15, 1785. John Vankirk Williss m. Elizabeth Dowling, Oct. I, 1782. Alexander Wilson m. Frances Thomas, Aug. 19, 1791. Daniel Wilson m. DeHlah Johnson, Nov. 28, 1801. James Wilson m. Margery Duvall, Apr. 8, 1783. James Wilson m. Ann Sumland, July 28, 1784. John F. Wilson m. Elizabeth Gott, Jan. 16, 1819. Robert Wilson m. Prudence Thomas, Apr. 19, 1788. 486 AIARYLAND RECORDS— ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Samuel Wilson m. Elizabeth Wiltshire, Dec. 12, 1778. Samuel Wilson m. Eve Jennings, Aug. 6, 1787. Spedden Wilson m. Mary Terry, Apr. 29, 1815. Thomas Wilson m. Julianna Stewart, Oct. 9, 1796. Jonathan Wiltshire m. Elizabeth Cooper, Nov. 25, 1782. Thomas Windham m. Sarah Lamb, June 21, 1785. Benjamin Winterson m. Hannah Ditty, Jan. 21, 1799. Benjamin Winterson m. Anne Tucker, July 7, 1801. John Wiseham m. Ann Blackwell, Dec. 2, 1784. Charles Wood m. Mary Handy, Nov. 13, 1793. Dorsey Wood m. Elizabeth Rodwell, June 9, 1781. Edward Wood m. Elizabeth Talbott, Feb. 19, 1802. Henry Wood m. Mary Brown, Nov. 28, 1792. Henry Wood m. Martha Griffin, June 7, 1794. Hopewell Wood m. Ann Muse, Feb. 10, 1779. Hopewell Wood m. Ann Hughes, Sept. 27, 181 1. Jack Wood m. Mary Scrivener, Aug. 3, 1809. John Wood m. Susannah Mitchell, June 29, 1 781. John Wood m. Henrietta Scrivener, Sept. 16, 1789. John Wood m. Barbara Allein, Oct. 20, 1792. John Wood m. Margaret Ames, Aug. 6, 1805. John Wood m. Ann Deroch, Nov. 14, 1817. John Wood m. Eleanor L. Simmons, Jan. 21, 1818. Joseph Wood m. Sarah Ward, July 20, 1802. Robert Wood m. Lieley Wood, Jan. 7, 1789. Robert Wood m. Eleanor Whittle, Mch. 2, 1789. Robert Wood m. Elizabeth Stevens, Dec. 19, 1803. Robert Wood m. Rachel Simmons, Nov. 7, 1807. Samuel Wood m. Elizabeth Whittington, Feb. 26, 1802. Samuel Wood Jn'. m. Ann Boswell, Aug. 28, 181 1. Samuel Wood m. Rachel Stevens, Feb. 19, 18 19. Thomas Wood m. Christian Woodfield, Dec. i, 1783. Zachariah Wood m. Rebecca Chapline, Sept. 2, 1790. Anthony Woodfield m. Eleanor Waters, Feb. 14, 1809. John Woodfield m. EHzabeth Norman, Feb. 13, 1782. John Woodfield m. Mary Ann Timmins, Dec. 18, 1802. John Woodfield m. Marian Foreman, Aug. 3, 1809. Thomas Woodfield m. Sarah Bicknell, Feb. i, 1791. Thomas Woodfield m. Anne Purdy, May 30, 181 1. Thomas Woodfield m. Catherine Plain, Nov. 4, 1813. Henry Woodward m. Eleanor Turner, Feb. 13, 1797- Isaac Woodward m. Mary Jane Aisquith, Jan. 23, 1818. Jo'. Henry Woodward m. Susan Butt, Apr. 7, 181 7. MARRIAGE LICENSES 487 James H. Woodward m. Eliz». Bryan, Nov. 3, 1818. Nicholas Woodward m. Margaret Mulliken, Dec. 31, 1812. Thomas Woodward m. Margaret liams, May 21, 1778. William Woodward m. Jamima Jacob, Nov. 17, 1790. John Woolfit m. Ruth Pearce, July 26, 1787. Richard Wootton m. Margaret Evans, Dec. 21, 1808. Richard Wootton m. Ara mi nta Jackson, Dec. 22, 1813. Thomas Wooton m. Mary Wasteneys, Nov. 14, 1809. William Wootton m. Ann Gardiner, Feb. 22, 1813. Beale M. Worthington m. EHzabeth R. Ricketts, Mch. 7, 181 1. Charles G. Worthington m. Mary Ann Dorsey, Jan. 16, 1815. John Worthington m. Christiana Magruder, Oct. 5, 1781. John Worthington m. Ann Meriweather, Feb. 4, 1790. Nicholas Worthington m. Elizabeth Rutland, July 6, 1778. Nicholas Worthington m. Anne Warfield, Aug. i, 1814. Tho'. Worthington of Tho'. m. Eliza Baldwin, Nov. 29, 1808. Thomas Worthington m. Julia Sewell, Nov. 20, 1815. William Worthington m. Ann Wilson, Mch. i, 1785. John Wriggel m. Rebecca Nicholson, Apr. 27, 1786. Henry Wright m. Mary Lusby, Dec. 31, 1803. James Wright m. Anne Fowler, June 9, 1807. Joshua Wright m. Anne Gray, Feb. 2, 1795. Thomas Wyatt m. Clara Fox, Feb. 19, 1806. Walter Wy\^ll m. Ann Wood, May 17, 181 1. Walter Wy\'ell m. Margaret Murdock, Feb. 29, 1820. William Wyvill m. Sarah Burgess, June 17, 1777. Henry D. Yates m. Mahala Young, June 8, 1818. Vachel Yeates m. Elizabeth Harris, May 27, 1779. Benjamin Yieldhall m. Eleanor Druce, Nov. 9, 1782. Benjamin Yieldhall m. Darky Fennell, Apr. 17, 1787. Benjamin Yieldhall m. Susan M'Gill, Apr. 7, 1807. Charles Yieldhall m. Catherine Bourdman, Dec. 11, 1783. John Yieldhall m. Mary Watson, Dec. 6, 1782. Samuel Yieldhall m. Lydia Hall, Mch. 2, 1780. John, Young m. Sarah Griffis, Oct. 2, 1790. John Young m. Mary Turnbull, Feb. 13, 1798. John Young m. Humulal Moss, Oct. 29, 1801. John Young m. Elizabeth Buckney, Oct. 18, 1804. John Young m. Ruth Allen, Jan. 12, 1813. Nehemiah Younger m. Trisly Taylor, Nov. 7, 1803. Peter Young m. Elizabeth Simpson, Aug. 5, 1784. William Young m. Jane Johnson, Aug. 10, 181 1. Nehemiah Younger m. Hannah Osboon, June 28, 1787. Charles County, Marriages By Rev. John Bolton* Osburn, Henry to Ann Tompson, June 23, 1779. Tompson, Baptist to Mary Lancaster, Nov. 7, 1779. Edelin, Francis to Sarah Tompson, Nov. 8, 1779. Montgomery, Thomas to Rebecca Southwell, Dec. 16, 1781. Langley, Joseph to Sarah Hill, Jan. 5, 1782. Wheatly, Bennet to Polly Morris, Jan. 17, 1782. Edelin, Edward to Eleanor Boarman, Feb. 12, 1782. Cash, John to Chloe Callicoe, Feb. 8, 1782. Goodrick, Joseph to Eliza. Nash, Aug. 5, 1782. Simpson, Joseph to Mary Ann Montgomery, Aug. 19, 1782. Hill, Fran. Xarerius to Lidia True, Sept. 12, 1782. Osburn, Walter to Mary Miles, Oct. 8, 1782. Hagan, Raphael to Rebecca Deviel, Oct. 9, 1782. By Rev. John C. Brockenborough, Rector of William AND Mary Parish Shaw, Samuel to Mary Parish, June 4, 1799. Lipscombe, Spotswood to Eliza. Smith Pendleton, July 7, 1799. Smoot, Horatio to Heathy Smoot, July 7, 1799. Aderton, Joseph to Ann Latimer, Aug. i, 1799. Reeves, Thos. C. to Rebecca Ratcliffe, Aug. 8, 1799. Gardiner, John Chunn to Esther Cawood, Oct. i, 1799, (in St. Mary's Co.) Simpson, George to Margaret Bateman, Dec. 24, 1799. Smith, Samuel to Mary Dutton, Jan. i, 1800. Wiseman, Robert to Eliza. Philips, Jan. 14, 1800. Shaw, Edward to Cloe Posey, Apr. 15, 1800. Easley, Kemble to Ann RatcHffe, July 25, 1800. Bateman, Richard to Margt. Wakefield, Dec. 23, 1800. Tompkins, W"". to Mary Farr, Dec. 26, 1800. * From Maryland Marriages, p. 184; Md. Hist. Soc, courtesy of Mr. Charles Fickus, Actirjg Librarian. "The counties covered by our 'Maryland Marriages, 1 777-1 804' are Allegheny, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Charles, Frederick, Harford, Montgomery, Prince George's, St. Mary's, Talbot and Washington. As there are only a page or two for some counties I doubt that they are complete." Charles Fickus, Acting Librarian, July 27, 1927. MARRIAGES 489 Govrick, Elijah to Eliza. Bateman, Jan. 6, 1801. Chunn, Charles to Jane T. Bowen, Apr. 28, 1801. Farr, John B. to Jane Cawood, Aug. 9, 1801. Hemrican, Matthew to Eliza. Penn, Oct. 15, 1801. Charles Co., Md., Marriages, By Rev. Henry Kendall (Prot. Episcopal) King, John to Susa. Lynch (of St. Paul's Parish P. G's Co.), Nov. 1777. Rowe, John to Mary Ward (King George's Parish), Dec. 23, 1777. Adams, Samuel to Sarah Nelson (Durham Parish), Dec. 28, 1777. Penny, Thos. to Amelia Adams (Durham Parish), Jan. 4, 1778. Davis, Zachariah to Sarah Wright (Durham Parish), Jan. 5, 1778. Nally, Nathan Barton to Sarah Taylor (Durham Parish), Jan. 6, 1778. Gray, Benja. to Mary Stewart (Durham Parish), Feb. 15, 1778. Stewart, James to Cath. Milstead (Durham Parish), Mch. 15, 1778. Grant, John to Eliza. Greenfield Tyler (King George's Parish, Prince George's Co.), Mch. 16, 1778. Lomax Zeth to Eleanor Gray (Durham Parish), Mch. 29, 1778. Ryson, Lancelot to Clare Cash (both of Staflford Co., Va.), Mch. 26, 1778. Woodward, Samuel to Ann Posey (Durham Parish), Apr. 3, 1778. Beal, Francis to Penelope Ford (Port Tobacco Parish), Apr. 12, 1778. Jacobs, to Ann Grahame, Apr. 30, 1778. Wells, Samuel to Martha Oliver (P. G. Co.), Aug. 13, 1778. Ward, W"°. to Verlinda Harrison (Durham Parish), July 27, 1777. Fields, W"". to Clare Poor (Durham Parish), Aug. 11, 1777. Waters, John to EHza Carter (Durham Parish), Sept. 20, 1777. MConchie, W"". to Eliza Muncaster (Durham Parish), Sept. 25, 1777. Walker, Richard to Mary Gilpen (P. G. Co.), Aug. 25, 1778. Moore, John Smith to Margt. Musgrove (P. G. Co.), Sept. 20, 1778. Cox, John to Margt. Howard (P. G. Co.), Sept. 2, 1778. Lanyhill, Leonard to Ann Anly (Calvert Co.), Oct. 30, 1778. Naylor, Batson to Eleanor Austin (P. G. Co.), Nov. 8, 1778. Gabard, John to Margt. Lucas, Mch., 1778. Charles County Marriages By Rev. Walter H. Harrison Wheeler, Benedict to Cath. Travers, Dec. 23, 1779. Watkins, Thomas to Lucy Belt, Dec. 26, 1779. Rye, Warren to Sarah Smith, Jan. 23, 1780. Posey, Uriah to Catharine Skinner, Jan. — , 1780 Deacons, Ambrose to Ann Chatham, Jan. 26, 1780. HaisHp, John to Easter Nelson, Jan. 27, 1780. 490 MARYLAND RECORDS— CHARLES COUNTY Grows, John to Christiana Jenkins, Jan. 30, 1780. Murdock, James to Phebe Delosien, ■ — — , 1780. Manning, Joseph to Eliza. Dunnington, Mch. 15, 1780. Nelson, John to Eliza. Burgess, Apr. 9, 1780. Turner, Walter to Eliza. Blancet, Apr. 23, 1780. Simmons, Joseph to Mary Deacons, May 15, 1780. Braund, Joseph to Emily Maddox, May 23, 1780. Chapman, John to Sarah Jonke, June i, 1780. Elgin, WiUiam to Ann Anderson, June 18, 1780. Maddox, Samuel to Anne Warde, July 9, 1780. Cookssy, Hezekiah to Eliza Grey, July 13, 1780. Thatcher, Ignatius to Saporly, July 16, 1780. Fitzgerald, John to Ann Green, Aug. 24, 1780. Lawler, W"°. to Mary Sacke, Aug. 31, 1780. Milstead, Thomas to EHza. Ratcliffe, Sept. 16, 1780. Griffin, Rosse to Sarah RatcHffe, Sept. 21, 1780. Dunnington, Hezekiah to Aa. Magriger, Oct. 9, 1780. Smith, John to Rebecca Jewel, Nov. 13, 1780. Bartly, William to Ann Smoot, Nov. 19, 1780. Charles Co. Marriages By Rev. Ignatius Matthews (Roman Catholic) Reeder, John to Chloe Green, Oct. 22, 1779. Dixon, Jacob to Mary Lancaster, 1 781-2. Higdon, Ignatius to Eliza. Taylor, 178 1-2. Cooms, Richard to Clare Green, 1781-2. Ally, Shadrack to Eliza. Gates, 1 781-2. Charles County, By Rev. John M<^Pherson of Piccawaxon, OR William and Mary Parish King, Robert to Judith Wood, June 13, 1777. Syme, Nicholas to Eliza. Johnson, July 25, 1777. Reeves, Thomas to Mary Scroggan Oakley, Sept. 28, 1777. Scroggan, John to Ann Mastin, Oct. 29, 1777. Smith, James to Winnie Rogers, Dec. 23, 1777. Mastin, Francis to Charity Cooksey, Jan. 10, 1778. Duley, Thomas to Eliza. Bateman, Feb. 6, 1778. Rock, William to Charity Adams, Feb. 23, 1778. Collins, John to EHza. Scroggan, May 10, 1778. Pollock, Thomas to Susanna Curd, May 19, 1778. Ashton, Henry Elexr. to Mary Dent, May 25, 1778. MARRIAGES 491 Edwards, John to Mary Turner, June 4, 1778. Oakly, John Scroggan to Mary Ann Mahoney, June 5, 1778. Cleyburn, W". Dandridge to Ann Dandridge, June 21, 1778. Griffy, Benja. to Susanna Modisit, Aug. 26, 1778. Hungerford, Thos. to Violetta Gwinn, Nov. 17, 1778. Farr, John to Mary Watts, Nov. 25, 1778. Tyler, William to Mariamore Trueman Stoddrt, Jan. 10, 1779. Robison, Willm. to Mary Sims, Apr. 8, 1779. Smoot, John to Anny Ford, Apr. 8, 1779. Nelson, Willm. to Sally Smallwood, Apr. 13, 1779. Carrol, John to Eliza. Hamilton, May 9, 1779. Wilder, John Brown to Mary Ann Smoot, May 27, 1779. Jenkins, Philip to Eliza. Hungerford, June 8, 1779. Maddox, John to Sarah Fernandis, June 20, 1779. Higgs, Jonathan to Eliza. Ford, June 20, 1779. Penn, John to Eleanor Dutton, July 20, 1779. Nettle, Thomas Dutton to Muriel Dutton, July 20, 1779. Shaw, Dr. Louis Dene to Jenny Clements, Sept. 16, 1779. Baillie, Andrew to Mary Leftrich, Oct. I, 1779. Boswel, Walter to Eleanor Smallwood, Oct. 14, 1779. Smoot, Isaac to Mary Lock, Oct. 28, 1779. Halkerstone, John to Eliza. Hanson, Nov. 4, 1779. Lamond, John Christerson to Eliza. Hall, Nov. 18, 1779. Franklin, John to Virlinda Cox, Dec. 8, 1779. Gwinn, John to Jean Ludwell Bruce, Dec. 22, 1779. Washington, Thornton to Milly Berry (of Va.), Dec. 26, 1779. Hodgson, George to Nancy Jenkins, Dec. 30, 1779. Mason, Lot to Sally HaseHp, Jan. 12, 1780. May, Richard to Mary Pitman, Jan. 24, 1780 Mahony, Clement to Sarah Ann Oakley, July 17, 1780. Clark, Ignatius to Ann Hilton (from St. Mary's), July 6, 1780. Pasco, William to Ann Flaxion, Oct. 14, 1780. Linkins, Henry to Chlaeh Alin, Oct. 28, 1780. Roberts, John to Susannah Mason, Nov. 11, 1780. Guy, Joseph to Sarah Smith, Dec. 13, 1780. Robertson, Mitchel to Rose Mastin, Dec. 24, 1780. Albritton, Charles to Cath. Burridge, Jan. 4, 1781. Truson, Robert to Esther Ray, Jan. 6, 1781. Marshall, William to Eliza. Hanson, Jan. 22, 1781. Howard, Benja. to Mary Ann Buckley, Jan. 30, 1781. Linkin, Abraham to Eleanor Borden, Jan. 30, 1781. Ware, Francis, Jnr. to Ann Pickerell, Jan. 31, 1781. 492 MARYLAND RECORDS— CHARLES COUNTY Gambia, Richard to Sarah Gardner, Apr. 4, 1 78 1 . Sims, James to Sarah Key, June 9, 1781. Dent, to Mary Ann Hancock, Dec. 18, 1781. Smoot, Josiah to Ann Douglass, Dec. 22, 1781. Smoot, Henry to Eliza. Warren, Dec. 23, 1781. Hanson, Walter to Sarah Hatch Maddox, Dec. 25, 1781. Rigg, Charles to Eliza. Andrews, Dec. 28, 1781. Burridge, Thos. to Joanna Chapman, Jan. 18, 1782. Price, James to Eliza. St. George, Jan. 31, 1782. Ghant, George to Eliza (Calvert Co.), Jan. 31, 1782. Scott, John to Agnis Hadden, Feb. 5, 1782. Minitree, Paul to Eleanor Smoot, Apr. 6, 1782. Howard, Baker to Ann Philips, Apr. 6, 1782. Forbes, John to Eliza. Marshall, Apr. 21, 1782. Gray, Wilson to Eliza. Limms QSimms?], Apr. 26, 1782. Brady, Thomas Gerard to Susanna Brown, May II, 1782. Scott, Thomas to Alice Philpot, July 9, 1782. Stark, Richard to Eliza. Gatewood, Aug. 23, 1782. Compton, Alex, to Mary Joy, Oct. 4, 1782. Bateman, Izreel to Sarah Simkson, Nov. 18, 1782. King, Townley to Rebeckah King, Dec. 16, 1782. Wakefield, Abel to Margt. Jenkins, Dec. 30, 1782. Allen, Bartholomew to Frances Ramsey, Jan. 20, 1783. Massey, Robert to Sarah Warren, May 3, 1783. Poslyn, William to Sarah Hammel, Aug. 27, 1783. BiUingsley, John to Charity Ford, Oct. 28, 1783. Douglas, Benjn. to Sarah Marshall, Oct. 27, 1783. Hawkins, Smith to Eleanor Laidles, Nov. 5, 1783. Marshall, Thomas to Sarah Maddox, Dec. 6, 1783. Bateman, Richd. to Mary Ann Hatton, Dec. 22, 1783. Bunbery, John to Mary Baltrop, Apr. 30, 1784. Smith, James to Constania Ford, May i, 1784. Lawless, Benja. to EHza. Samuel, June 28, 1784. Winter, Charles Bruce to Eliza. Mason, June 26, 1784. Brook, Mathew to Ann Pearson, Dec. 28, 1784 Charles County, By Rev. Benja. Rolls Boone, Alesus to Mary Smith, Jan. 8, 1779. Semmes, Thomas to Mary An Brawney, Feb. 1779. Scott, Aquila to Henrietta Semmes, Apr. 14, 1779. Mudd, Ezekiel to EHza. Edelen, May 12, 1779. Lancaster, John Jnr. to Aloysia Jerningham, July 31, 1779. MARRIAGES 493 Charles County, By Rev. Henry Pile (Roman Catholic) "Oliuer", William to Nancy Blackstock (License granted Feb. 16, 1785). Edelin, George to Sarah Edelin (License granted May 14, 1785). Riney, James to Anne Semes, Dec. 27, 1785. Haydon, Clement to Fawney Wakefield, Jan. 13, 1786. Fenwick, James to Henrietta Mary Lancaster, Feb. 14, 1786. Brent, W". Chandler to Eleanor Neale, May 24, 1786. Hamersley, Henry to Olivia Jerningham, Oct. i, 1786. Simpson, Charles to Sarah Bentels, Nov. 19, 1786. Hamilton, Edward to Mary Anne Boarman, Nov. 20, 1786. Reeder, Benjn. to Eleanor Slaughton, Dec. 23, 1786. Wathen, Martin to Eliza. Anderson, May 23, 1787. Edelen, Oswald to Mary Thompson Bond, Oct. 25, 1787. Queen, Joseph to Eddie "Jermingham," Dec. 2, 1787. Mattingley, Raphael to Winefred Higdon, Dec. 29, 1788. Middleton, James to Nancy Corry, Apr. 23, 1789. Burtles, Willm. to Sarah Wathen, June 28, 1789. Simpson, Thos. to Judith Wathen, Nov. 12, 1789. Luckett, Benj. to Eliza Semmes, Jan. 10, 1790. Berien, Walter to Charity Simpson, Jan. 12, 1790. Wathen, John B. to Rebecca Semmes, June i, 1791. Duggin, Robert to Teresa Brady, July 10, 1791. Semmes, Mark to Catherine Simpson, Aug. 9, 1791. Hayden, James to Anne Robertson, Sept. 4, 1791. Dixon, Samuel to Eleanor Scott, Jan. 10, 1792. Shettleworth, Allen to Anne Witherington, Feb. 9, 1792. Witherington, James to Mary Miles, Feb. 20, 1792. Long, Josias to Ann Friend, Jan. 13, 1793. Charles County, By Rev. Thomas Thornton M^Daniel, Thomas to Ann Chattann, June 14, 1777. Smithson, W"". Eaton to Rhoda Robey, Sept. I, 1777. Gill, Thomas to Sarah Jones, Sept. 3, 1777. Smith, John to Eliza. RawHngs, Sept. 3, 1777. Shively, Bernard to Eleanor Longford, Sept. 22, 1777. Vermilion, Benja. to Tabatha Burch, Oct. 14, 1777. Talburt, John to Ann Davis, Oct. 19, 1777. Carney, Daniel to Alice Lovelace, Nov. i, 1777. Hatton, Joseph to Martha Jones, Nov. 5, 1777. 494 MARYLAND RECORDS— CHARLES COUNTY Charles County, By Rev. Francis Walker, of W". & Mary Parish Philpot, Benja. to Eliza Smoot, Aug. 3, 1786. Minitree, Paul to Nancy Dorset, Aug. i 1786. Bateman, John to Ann Oakley, Sept. 13, 1786. Warren, John to Eliza. Shaw, Sept. 20, 1786. Billingsley, Clement to Eleanor Warren, Nov. 21, 1786. Duncan, James to Sarah Leach, Apr. 4, 1787. Martin, John to Lydia Hickman, May 24, 1787. Marshall, Robert to Joanna Douglass, May 26, 1787. Nicholas, John to Sally Raines, June 4, 1787. Tomkins, John to Nancy Norwood, Sept. 27, 1787. Fisher, John to Eleanor Robertson, Nov. 24, 1787. Jenkins, WiUiam to Eliza. Simpson, Dec. 23, 1787. Smith, John to Ann King, Dec. 23, 1787. Shaw, John to Sarah Vincent, Jan. 3, 1788. Vincent, Thomas to EHza. Wilder, Jan. 6, 1788. Saider, John to Cath. Ann Penn, Jan. 8, 1788. King, Rt. Rev. Reuben to Mary Ann Vincent, Feb. 3, 1788. Posey, Thomas to Mary Dutton, Mch. 25, 1788. Con tee, Benja. to Sarah Rt. Lee, Mch. 30, 1788. Weems, John to AHce Lee, Apr. 8, 1788. Maddox, John to Martha Harris, Apr. 22, 1788. Jordon, Saml. to EHza. Thompson, July 31, 1788. Bateman, Levin to Ann Simpson, Oct. 28, 1788. Charles County, By Rev. George H. Worsley, Rector of Port Tobacco Parish* Bennett, Patrick and Mary Squire, Nov. 3, 1780. Cromwell, Joseph and Kezia Stansbury, Dec. Ii, 1780. Cochran, George and Eleanor Shaw, Dec. 21, 1780. Hicks, Abraham and Sarah Gorsuch, May 13, 1781. Gallaway, Thomas and Cath. Dallis, Feb. 25, 1780. MComas, Edward D. and Sarah Selby of Harford Co., Nov. 14, 1780. Dick, David and Mary Wilson, Nov. 14, 1780. James, Thomas and Mary Eager, Nov. 15, 1780. Nelson, David and Rachel Baker, Nov. 16, 1780. Jury, Richard and Nancy Stallion, Nov. 23, 1780. Baker, Isaac and Ann Stewart, Nov. 23, 1780. Brown, James and Hannah Hitchcock, Dec. 5, 1780. Osborne, William and Nancy Lytle, Dec. 19, 1780. *Page 192. MARRIAGES 495 Weight, John and Cath. Colman, Jan. 4, 1781. Stricklin, John and EHza. Simpson, Jan. 8, 1781. Allen, James and Sarah Williams, Jan. 9, 1781. White, Granfton and Margt. Denny, Jan. 10, 1781. Brown, George and Rebecca Denny, Jan. II, 1781. Groves, William and Jane Euston, Jan. 14, 1781. Dockarty, Samuel and Han. Caley, Jan. 23, 1781. Dawes, Mordecia and Elizabeth Goddard, Feb. 5, 1781. Anderson, James and Catherine M^Comas, Widow, Feb. 15, 1781. Chaney, John and Elizabeth Garretson, Feb. 27, 1 781. Sampson, Richard and Hannah Amoss, Widow, Mch. 7, 1781. Hutchins, WiUiam and Eleanor Miles, Widow, Mch. 11, 1781. Monk, William and Bathia Hairs, Mch. 18, 1781. Murphy, Henry and Elizabeth Norris, Apr. 3, 1781. York, Edward and Letty Doughty, Apr. 5, 1781. Smith, Bazil and Ann Cunningham, May 3, 1781. Forward, Jacob and Martha Warren, May 22, 1781. Harris, Josias and Catharine Marton, Sept. 2, 1781. Lomax, John and Chloe Posey, Sept. 23, 1781. Ford, John and Winifred Athey, Oct. 2, 1781. Orme, Moses and Elizabeth Davis, Oct. 23, 1781. Harrison, Rev. W. H. and Mary Stoddart, Nanjony Parish, Nov. 16, 1781. Moreland, Isaac and EHzabeth Stephens, Nov. 20, 1781. Logan, John N. and Sarah Wedding, Nov. 22, 1781. Harbin, Thomas and Lucy Roby, Dec. 6, 1781. Bryan, Benjamin and Frances Massey, Dec. 16, 1781. Kidwell, Matt, and Pris. Moore, Dec. 25, 1781. King, William and Ann Ware, Dec. 30, 1 781. Roby, Aquila and Mary Cole, Jan. 8, 1782. Carrington Saml. and Milly McDonald, Jan. 8, 1782. Kellow, Thomas and Ann Roswell, Jan. 13, 1782. Philhers, Joseph and Chloe Griffin, Jan. 24, 1782. German, John and Ann Cole, Feb. 7, 1782 Tucker, John and Jane Weedon, Feb. 10, 1782. Cox, William and Selina Lindsey, Feb. 12, 1782. Martin, H. A. and EHzabeth Boswell, Feb. 12, 1782. Speak, William and Molly Hanlope, Feb. 16, 1782. Wilkinson, Joseph and Milly MCasley, Mch. 30, 1782. Boswell, Elijah and Ann Carrington, Apr. 11, 1782. Simpson, Thos. and S. M. Kidwell, May 23, 1782. Cawood, W"". and Martha Beale, June 6, 1782. Tuedman, Allen and Sabina Fendall, June 8, 1782. 496 MARYLAND RECORDS— CHARLES COUNTY Welch, Edward and Dorothy Clements, June ii, 1782. M"Pherson, John and EHzabeth Readen, June 25, 1782. Fleury, William and Esther Maddox, July 2, 1782. Richardson, W". and Jane Bramhall, July 16, 1782. M"^Pherson, W"". and Mary Smoot, July 16, 1782. Worry, Samuel and Elizabeth Underwood, Aug. 25, 1782. Clements, Walter and Nancy Garrett, Aug. 28, 1782. Chandler, John and Cath. Posey, Sept. 5, 1782. Long, Jonathan and Eleoner Going, Nov. 10, 1782. Russell, Henry and Chole Smallwood, Nov. 10, 1782. Smallwood, Bayne and Chole M'^Catee, Dec. 3, 1782. M-^Donald, Jonathan and Violetta Wedding, Dec. 15, 1782. Maddox, Benjamin and Bennedicta Fernandis, Dec. 21, 1782. Carter, George and Gizzel Brawner, Dec. 23, 1782. Gates, James and Lydia Padgett Jan. i, 1783. Lurly, John and Hephsehe Harris, Jan. 2, 1783. Roby, Zachariah and EHzabeth Pickrell, Jan. 16, 1783. Simmons, Aaron and Sarah Thompson, Feb. 2, 1783. Glasgow, William to Eleanor Morland, Feb. 10, 1783. Lock, Thomas to Catherine Estep, Feb. 16, 1783. Roland, Geo. to Marta Slater, Feb. 25, 1783. Berry, John to Elizabeth Willett, Mch. 2, 1783. Vermillion, Uriah to Susannah Barker, Mch. 16, 1783. Menace, Robert to Eleanor Young, April 11, 1783. Henson, Walter to Elizabeth Henson, April 20, 1783. Fisher, Martin to Mary Daily, April 20, 1783. Gody, Matthew to Mary Mahony, April 29, 1783. Magruder, Nathaniel to Mary Billingsley, May 4, 1783. M'=Pherson, John to Elizabeth Thompson, May 12, 1783. Berry, Ryon to Ann Owen, June 12, 1783. Wood, John to Ann Welch, June 20, 1783. White, John to Eleoner Long, June 27, 1783. Von, John to Agatha Edington, July 17, 1783. Miller, Christopher to Wismey M<^Intosh, July 26, 1783. Wheeler, Ignatius to Ann Morris, Aug. 19, 1783. Gardner, Hezekiah to Mary H. M-^Pherson, Sept. 18, 1783. Dyson, Bennet to VerHnda Chunn (St. Mary's Co.), Oct. 8, 1783. Southean, Richd. to Catherine Southean, Oct. 15, 1783. Gray, Zachariah to Susannah Parker, July 22, 1777 (of Charles Co. — m. in Montgomery Co.) Downs, Wilson to Mary Roland, Dec. 27, 1779 (both of Charles Co. — m. in P. G's Co.) MARRIAGES 497 Thomas, Hezekiah to Jane White June 27, 1780 (Charles Co. — m. in P. G's Co.) Carpenter, John to Frances Perry, Jan. 28, 1779 (Chas. Co. — m. in P. G's Co.) Risen, Chandley to Mary Hamilton, May 14, 1779 (Chas. Co. — m. in P. G's Co.) Gamer, W". to Mary Ann Fimses, Nov. 14, 1779 (Chas. Co. — m. in P. G's Co.) Suit, Walter to Susanna Davis, Aug. 26, 1777 (Chas. Co. — m. in St. Mary's Co.) Boone, Alexius to Mar>' Smith, Jan. 8, 1777.* Summers, Thomas to Mary Ann Brawney, Feb. 8, 1779. Scott, Aquilla to Henrietta Semmes, Apr. 17, 1779. Mudd, Ezekiel to Elizabeth Edelen, May 12, 1779. Lancaster, John, Jr. to Aloysia Jemingham, July 31, 1779. Frederick County Marriages (52 persons)! By Rev. John Chalmers, Jr. Bennet, Willm. and Mary Scholes, — , 1792. Bennett, Nathan and Deborah Holland, JNIch. 14, 1795. Birkitt, Joshua and Eliza Nelson, — , 1792. Perry, James and Sarah \\^arfiel, — , — , 1792. By Rev. Jonathan Forrest (Meth.-Episco. Mch. 3, 1791-1802) Howard, Thomas and Ann Hughs, Apr. 26, 1791. Leaven, Hays and Millie Forrest, — , — , 1802. Liday, Henry and Delila Hays, — , — , 1802. Miller, John and Mary Vanferson, June 19, 1791. Prather, John Garrot and Mary Ann Sargant, Mch. 3, 1791. Stoner, Daniel and Mary Deaghee, Feb. 9, 1792. Teal, Jacob and Elizabeth Lineger (Washington Co.), June 30, 1791. By Rev. Lenox Martin Harris, Jesse and Darky Norris, June 28th, 1801. * Page 245. t "Maryland Marriages," pp. 195, 196, 1777-1804, Md. Hist. Soc, Courtesy of Mr. Charles Fickus. 33 498 MARYLAND RECORDS— FREDERICK, MD. By Rev. Burgess Nelson, i 801-1803 Baker, Enoch and Molly Carr, May 5, 1803. Barnes, John and Rachel Walker, Feb. 27, 1802. Baxton, John and Lydia Dell, Oct. 6, 1802. Bennet, Lloyd and Rebecca Evins, Oct. 26, 1803. Buckenham, John and Rachel Frizzle, Mch. 31, 1803. Cook, John and Anna Syedes, Aug. 28, 1803. Dudderas, Benjn. and Rebecca Houlton, Dec. 24, 1801. Dukes, Jesse and Polly Isenberg, Feb. 25, 1802. England, Joseph and Mary Lippler, Nov. 3, 1802. Jarvis, Meade and Nancy Stocksdale, Apr. 7, 1803. Jinkens, Thomas and Rachel Wilson, Dec. 25, 1802. Paulson, John and Susanna Knight, Jan. 3, 1802. Pearce, Joshua and Mary Bisset, Jan. 3, 1802. Shipley, Willm. and Rachel Arnold, Feb. 10, 1803. Williams, Jacob and Margaret England, Sept. 29, 1802. Evangelical Reformed Church, Frederick, Md. By Rev. John Conrad Steiner; Rev. Charles Reighlee, Dec. 29, 1763 to ; Rev. John H. Smaltz, Oct. 4, 1829 to 1831 (?).* Abbott, George and Clementine Burrucker, Feb. 3, 1862. Able, John and Magdahne Decloe, Jan. 5, 1780. Abell, John and Sarah Thomas, Oct. 23, 1790. Abricks, Hermans and Jane Liggat, Jany. i, 1791. Acker, George B. and Serena A. Sampson, May 10, 1847. Adam, John and Margaret Weiss, Feb. 15, 1761. Adams, Antereus and Cath. Delater, Sept. 26, 1764. Adams, Henry and Duana McCahan, Aug. 2, 1843. Adams, James and Lyda Meredith, Apr. 15, 1793. Adams, Joseph and Biddy Curran, Jan. 19, 1791. Addison, Frederick and Catherine Ann Fraley, Mch. 2, 1859. Addlesberger, Francis and Catherine Taney, Aug. 31, 18 19. Adelsperger, George and Susanna Eckes, Dec. 22, 1823. Addlesperger, Josuha and Elizabeth Koons, Feb. 6, 1810. Adkin, Charles and Rachel Makeby, Nov. 1758. Adlum, John and Margaret Adium, Dec. 13, 1805. * Copied by Abby Gertrude McCardell from the Index of Marriages. Published through courtesy of the Librarian General, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. MARRIAGES 499 Adium, Jr. John and Mary Cooley, June 7, 1806. Ahalt, Henry and Modelena Beigler, Feb. 22, 1805. Aider, George and Susannah Albaugh, Sept. 18, 1802. Alaine, George and Mary M. Klein, Mch. 18, 1818. Albach, Christian and Cath. Reiner, Aug. 5, 1804. Albach, David and Sarah Mayer, Mch. 26, 1809. Albach, Moritz and Cath. Bohmer, June 27, 1786. Albach, William and Mary Weaver, Mch. 24, 1803. Albach, William and Susan Rothrock, Mch. 24, 1804. Albaugh, Edward and Lucy R. Unkefer, Dec. 20, 1862. Albaugh, Elias V. and Mary E. Fogler, Jan. 12, 1850. Albaugh, George and Catherine Springer, June 20, 1798. Albaugh, Issac and Margaret Groshon, Dec. 22, 1813. Albaugh, Issac and Catherine S. Weller, Mch. 4, 1851. Albaugh, John and Mary Smith, Jan. 26, 1793. Albright, Henry and Ann Margaret Swawin, Jan. 8, 1781. Alder, George W. and Hannah A. Myers, Dec. 17, 1864. Alder, John and Sarah Anst, Nov. 27, 1783. Alderdice, Hugh and Catherine Myers, Dec. 2, 1811. Aldridge, Evan J. and Mary E. Eury, Oct. 13, 1864. Aldridge, George W. and Ara Gilbert, Dec. 25, 1837. Aldridge, John and Mary Lakin, Nov. 14, 1783. Alexander and Beckenbach, June 17, 1804. Alexander, Ephraim and Nancy Kohlenburg, Apr. 18, 1828. Alexander, Franklin and Lydia Elizabeth Smith. Alexander, Fred, and Mary Frazier, Feb. 27, 1837. Alexander, George W. and Henrietta C. Young, Oct. 17, 1857. Alexander, Henry and Catherine Ropp, Jan. 3, 1814. Alexander, Henry and Serena Harrison, Feb. 21, 1854. Alexander, Joseph and Mary Hargishimer, June 16, 1812. Alexander, Joseph and Marg. Hargishinier, June 20, 1812. Alexander, Valentine and Elizah. Dailin, Feb. 23, 1762. Alfort, John and Margaret Ashman, Aug. 19, 1780. Alldridge, John and Harriet Beall, Mch. 10, 1806. Alias, Elias John and Sophia Dadisman, Mch. 27, 1826. Allen, George and Lov-ice Roop, Oct. 19, 1822. Allen, Issac H. and Evelina Titlow, Jan. 13, 1840. Allen, James and Martha Philpott, Sept. 15, 1802. AlHson, George and Christena Zimmerman, June 15, 1797. AHson, George and Christina Zimmerman, Dec. 3, 1798. Allisson, Henry and Elizab. Linton, June 22, 1796. AUder, John and Polly Goodley, Nov. 18, 1803. 500 MARYLAND RECORDS— FREDERICK, MD. Althoff, Henry and Kitty Diffendal, July 24, 1813. Altried, Geo. M. and Mary Marg. Messmor, (in Va.), May 24, 1768. Altwein, Charles and Eliz. Schroeder, Aug. 24, 1803. Aman, George and Harriet J. Wilhide, Sept. 20, 1842. Ambers, George W. and Mary Dowell, Sept. 18, 1843. Ambrose, George and Rebecca Row, Dec. 2, 1828. Ambrose, George and Sarah Flook, Apr. 3, 1849. Ambrose, George H. and Matilda Marker, May 16, 1849. Ambrose, George W. and Mary Ann Ramsburg, Apl. 5, 1853. Ambrose, Henry W. and Sabina Peacher, Oct. 6, 1848. Ambrose, John and Catherine Lynn, Aug. i, 1794. Ambrosius, Christopher and Cath. Getzendanner, Oct. 9, 1787. Amelong, Frederick M. and Louisa Sophia Fumival. Ancrum, Jacob and Elizabeth Clark, Mch. 20, 1779. Anders, George and Ann Clise, Sept. 23, 1837. Anders, George J. and Lucretia Hilton, Mch. 18, 1856. Anders, Henry and Elizabeth Vaughn, May 14, 1817. Anderson, Dr. Edward H. and Catherine Precilla Morris, July 23, 1810. Anderson, Evan T. and Mary Ellen Norwood, Dec. 14, 1854. Anderson, Francis and Susanna Jones, Dec. 18, 1809. Anderson, Francis and Robina Martin, Apr. 26, 1822. Anderson, George and Elizabeth Saltkill, Dec. 27, 1814. Anderson, George H. and CaroHne V. Moore, May 7, 1857. Anderson, George W. and Sarah F. Mount, Oct. 18, 1846. Anderson, Hugh and Mary Boyd, Jan. 13, 1802. Anderson, John and Catherine Loney, June 12, 1779. Anderson, John and Elizabeth Ship, Apr. 10, 1794. Anderson, Jonathan ]\L and Ann Eater, Nov. 26, 1810. Anderson, Robert and Mary Brashears, Mch. 15, 1796. Andros, Thomas, and Delilah Fisher, Jan. 21, 1800. Angel, Issac and Catherine Devilbiss, Dec. 12, 1814. Angleberger, George and Margaret Devilbiss, Aug. 23, 1809. Angleberger, George David and Elizabeth Wachter, Oct. 20, 1854. Annan, Issac S. and JuHa Landers, Feb. 17, 1864. Ansherman, David and Amanda L. Remsburg, Mar. 21, 1863. Antes, Adam and Christina Schmit, Jan. 8, 1793. Anvard, Thomas L. and Martha Ann Rose, Sept. 13, 1831. Apolo, Benj. M. and Mary Usher, June 19, 1800. Applebee, Joseph and Elizabeth Tobery, Mch. 28, 1807. Appier, Issac and Jude Winter, Mch. 27, 1827. Armstrong, Jacob, Sept. 3, 1812. Armstrong, Joseph and Jane Alexander Dec. 19, 1799. MARRIAGES 501 Arndperger, John and Mary Smith, Sept. 14, 1801. Amhold, Frederick and Martha Schauer, June il, 1764. Arnold, Daniel and Mary Ann Wener, Nov. 8, 1855. Arnold, Ephriam and Eleanor Ensey, Sept. 27, 1802. Arnold, Ezra and Louise Boyer, Mch. 14, 1855. Arnold, John and Catherine Morgan, May 17, 1802. Arnold, Jonathan and Althea Sellman, Dec. 19, 1801. Arthur, Hiram and Nancy Hiney, Nov. 6, 1851. Arthur, John and Catherine Weaver, Nov. 21, 1806. Artz, Edwin and Mary Helen Dixon, Mch. 13, 1863. Asgur, John and Sarah Woolverton, Oct. 4, 1779. Ashman, Henry and EHzabeth Moyer, June 5, 1784. Athein, Horation and Mary Shower, June 11, 1791. Athein, Horatio and Mary Schaun, June 12, 1791. Athey, Joseph and Mariah Wheeling, Jany. 27, 1798. Atkins, George W. and Ann Cath. Jones, Oct. 8, 1850. Atwell, John and Anne Lewis, Sept. 4, 1797. Aubb, John and Margaret Baer, June 2, 1812. Auman, Andrew and Barb. Lutter, (Fred. Co.) Mch. 29, 1785. Ausherman, Hanson and Huldah Arnold, Aug. 2, 1843. Austin, Hilleary and Christmas Price, Feb. il, 1824. Axline, David and Ann Maria Mumaw, Dec. 27, 1849. Bache, George and Elizab. Koblentz, Jan. 30, 1791. Back, Nicholas and Magd. Gullomann, Aug. 9, 1763. Baechtly, Martin and Veronica Schnebel, Dec. 2, 1764. Baer, George and Mary Adams, Jan. 29, 1786. Baer, George Jr. and Cath. Haner, Apr. 13, 1788. Baer, John and Mary Thomas, Dec. 25, 1788. Baer, William and Harriet Mantz, Sept. i, 1812. Bager, George Saml. and Catherine Bossert, Apr. 7, 1789. Baily, Joseph and Susanna Hedges, Sept. 21, 1790. Baker, Henry and Eliz. Geringer, May i, 1786. Ball, Gerret and Eliz. Cecil, Jan. 11, 1787. Ball, Jos. and Ally Phelps, Dec. 21, 1797. Ball, Richard and Cath. Clary (published but not married). Ball, William and Elin. Arnold, Dec. 5, 1797. Balzell, Charles and EHzab. Fulton, June 10, 1794. Baltzell, Daniel and Sus. Gittinger, Nov. 24, 1799. Balzel, Henry and Marg. Alexander, Nov. 2, 1760. Balzel, Jacob and Charlotte Christ, Jan. 11, 1787. Balzel, Jacob and Marg. Schley, (Wid.) Nov. 30, 1766. Balsel, John and Elizab. Pumel, Oct. 18, 1801. 502 MARYLAND RECORDS— FREDERICK, MD. Balzel, Peter and Catherine Ruesel, Feb. 23, 1762. Bambaugh, George and Christina Thomas, Oct. 4, 1829. Bambergem, John and EHzabeth Ulmann, Jan. 16, 1763. Banebach, John Hy. and Eliz. Brady, June 26, 1808. Bantz, Henry and Cath. Schmidt, Aug. 9, 1787. Bantz, Nimrod and Margt. M. Harding, July 27, 1830. Barber, Elijah and Nancy Todd, Dec. 7, 1787. Barber, William and Mary Dorf, Apr. 8, 1810. Bard, Jacob and Susan Kern, Sept. 28, 1806. Barker, John and Elizab. Mugg, Jan. 29, 1793. Bamee, Thos. and Barb. Neuschwanger, (Fred. Co.) Aug. 21, 1785. Barnes, Leonard and Nancy Price, Oct. 11, 1790. Barnet, Robert and Nancy Stor Kallings, May 30, 1786. Barney, John and Clarissa Perill, Dec. 22, 1801. Bart, Jacob and Mary Schmit, Aug. 30, 1796. Bartlett, James and Mary Taylor, Nov. 11, 1806. Barton, Absalom and Lenah Boroman, Apr. i, 1830. Bast, Jacob and Cath. Heckedoon, Oct. 11, 1796. Battenfeld, Jacob and Eliz. Emmerich, Sept. 18, 1798. Bauer, Conrad and Eliz. Schmidt, Nov. 14, 1797. Bauman, Daniel and Cath. Let, Nov. 15, 1791. Bauman, John lac. and Elizab. Keller (in Va.) Nov. 25, 1767. Bausman, Benjamin and Eliz. Baierle, Jan. 18, 1808. Bayer, Abraham and Eva Beringer, June 20, 1786. Bayer, David and Sarah Krum (Fred. Co.) Nov. 8, 1785. Bayer, John and Mary Bookhardt, Dec. 28, 1796. Bayer, Peter and Anna Mary Mossetter, May 22, 1787. Bayerle, William and Charlotte Mayer, Dec. 3, 1807. Bazell, Jacob and Anna Campbell, May 10, 1796. Beall, George and EHzabeth Turner, Jan. 22, 1757. Beall, Ninian and Christina Stoll, July 25, 1790. Beall, William and Isabella Ramsy, Mch. 8, 1796. Beall, William and Mary Winroad, Mch. 15, 1796. Bear, John and Cath. Hoffman, Nov. 15, 1808 Beattie, John and Sophia Cannen, Oct. 20, 181 1. Becht, Jacob and Mary Schenk, May 29, 1800. Bechtel, George and Esther Eller, Mch. 18, 1794. Beckebach, Geo. and Mary Magd. Baulus, Dec. 24, 1792. Beckebach, Michael and Mary Barthelma, Aug. 26, 1798. Becker, Conrad, and Mary Jost, May 25, 1795. Becker, Conrad and Cath. Froshauer, May 31, 1803. Becker, John Fredk. and Mary Dorothy Durrman, Aug. 6, 1758. MARRIAGES 503 Becker, Peter and Anna Mary Nicol, Sept. 15, 1761. Becker, Philip and Elizah Baecker, Apr. 5, 1762. Beeler, George and Elizab. Molledar, Apr. 15, 1794. Beer, Henry and Margaret Winter, June 28, 1768. Behmer, Peter and Eliz. Ehrkardt, Apr. 17, 1804. Beisser, John and Lydia Geber, (Gaver) Mch. 29, 1804. Beiser, John and Mary Schlosser, Apr. 15, 1810. Bell, Jacob and Elizab. Diedeman, Sept. 22, 1807. Bell, Peter and Magdalene Schmit, Jan. i, 1789. Belt, Lloyd and El. Causlet Met. Thomas, Dec. 16, 1790. Belty, Wm. and Mary Dorothy Crush, Mch. i, 1757. Beltz, Peter and Magdalen Moll, Nov. 14, 1787. Bennet, David and Charlotte Shultz, Sept. 16, 1815. Bently, Levy and Sarah Harlan, May 4, 1790. Bentz, Daniel and Elizabeth Shull, Nov. 21, 1833. Bentz, George and Elizab. Gomber, Apr. 6, 1788. Bentz, Jacob and Cath. Stecker, Jan. 20, 1799. Berck, Henry and Cath. Sadler, July 2, 1809. Berg, George and Marg. Krohmer, Nov. 5, 1805. Berg, John and Elizabeth Grumm, Oct. 17, 1762. Berg, Peter and Cath. Berg, Aug. 8, 1786. Berger, Jacob and Mary Candel, Dec. 3, 1807. Berutheisel, Christopher and Cath. Grof, Oct. 5, 1794. Bess, Jacob, and Christina Eberly, Dec. 27, 181 1. Bier, Philip and Eva Cath. Schley, Nov. 30, 1766. Bins, Simon and Sarah Wildman, Jan. 1790. Bishop, John and Hannah Cooper, Sept. 17, 1789. Bittle, Jacob, and Rachel Todd, June 24, 1791. Bixler, Jacob and Barb. Grevel, Nov. 29, 1795. Blackford, John and Elizab. Kanode, June 17, 1812. Blackwood, Thomas O. and Susan Martin, Mch. 26, 1831. Bley, John and Mary Elizth. Appl. (Apple), Nov. 20, 1757. Bob, John and Magdalen Heckedorn, Feb. 22, 1761. Bocklop, Charles and Cath. Lang, (Fred. Co.) Aug. 7, 1785. Bocklop, Charles and Christina Puhl (Wid.) May 22, 1787. Bocky, George and Christina Haas, Apr. 22, 1787. Bocky, John and Susan Hausser, May 8, 1810. Boden, Samuel and Sus. Mahn, Oct. 7, 1800. Boehmer, Hy. and An. M. Albach, (Fred. Co.) Aug. 2, 1785. Boetler, Henry and Ann Rebecca Levy, Feb. 22, 1831. Bohn, John and Rebecca Collins, Jan. 2, 1810. Bohn, Michael and Magd. Borger, Oct. 14, 1804. 504 MARYLAND RECORDS— FREDERICK, MD. Bookhardt, George and Hannah Hedge, Sept. 14, 1795. Bookhardt, Joseph and Mary Hausey, Sept. I, 1789. Borer, Peter and Magd. Scheukmayer, Jan. 31, 1768. Bossert, David and Catherine Schuck, Feb. 21, 1786. Bost, Henry and Sus. Windpiegler, June 5, 1808. Boteler, Arthur and EHzabeth Siveringer, Sept. 12, 1797. Botteler, Ehas and Susanna Ebit, Jan. 26, 1806. Botelor, Thomas and Hannah Garrot, Sept. 3, 1 801. Bottenberg, Michl. and Mary Jendes, May 8, 1800. Bowen, John and Sarah Surly, July 31, 1806. Bowens, Thomas and Louisa Barnes, Dec. 15, 1793. BowHng, Saml. and Mary Ann Plumer, Feb. 20, 1787. Boyd, Edward and Mary Hoffman, Aug. 10, 1800. Boyd, John and Hannah Smith, Oct. 31, 1799. Boyle, James and Rhoda Hughes, Oct. 15, 1807. Bradock, John and Mary Hilton, Feb. 23, 1809. Bradock, William and Eliz. Hilton, Aug. 25, 1812. Bram, John and Cath. Clem, Sept. 18, 1805. Branderburg, Henry and EHz. Gebhard, Apr. 15, 1804. Brandenburg, Wm. and Christina Long, Sept. 17, 1806. Brandenburger, Jacob and Eliz. Rein, Feb. 13, 1787. Brandenburger, John and Phoebe Garner, Apr. 13, 1794. Brandenburger, Math, and Barb. Keller, Dec. 16, 1787. Brandt, Christian and Rosina Walter, Feb. 7, 1786. Braum, John and Mary Simon, June 11, 1809. Braun, Michael and Rosima Lantz, Mch. 26, 1786. Braun, Stoffel and Magdalen Maen, Sept. 9, 1761. Brayfield, Saml. and Jane Pancoast, Apr. 4, 1796. Breisz, Adam and Mary Stoll, Dec. 23, 1800. Breisz, John and Elizabeth Lafever, Feb. 23, 1796. Brenckel, John and Elizab. Ziehler, Mch. 27, 1803. Breugle, Alfred F. and Louisa Breugle, May 16, 1832. Brengel, Jacob and Gertrude Bell, June 30, 1761. Brengel, Lohrentz and Cath. Scheffy, June 22, 1787. Brengel, Peter and Cath. Manns, May i, 1803. Brightwell, John and Mary Dodson (Fred. Co.) Jan. 4, 1785. Brightwell, Richard and Betty Howard, Dec. 6, 1787. Briggs, Robert and Priscilla Jefferson, Dec. 25, 1788. Briscoe, Ralph and Sarah Delashmutt, Mch. 8, 1792. Brookover, Thos. and Mary Thomas, Mch. 9, 1786. Brown, Fielder and Hannah Heague, Nov. 5, 1801. Brown, John and Sarah Edwards, July 23, 1804. MARRIAGES 505 Browning, Zadock and Mary Browning, Dec. 25, 1793. Brubacker, Samuel and Barb. Gomer, May 18, 1809. Bruder, Jacob and Eva Marg. Huber, Jan. i, 1759. Brunner, Ellas and Cath. Waif, June 5, 1804. Bruner, Henry and Eliz. Westenhaven, Aug. 16, 1812. Brunner, Jacob and Mary Barb. Kaufer, Apr. i, 1759. Brunner, Jacob and Margaret Geister, July 5, 1761. Brunner, Jacob and Magd. Schneider, Aug. 13, 1786. Brunner, Jacob and Mary Dall, Oct. 4, 1807. Brunner, John and Sophia Doll, Mch. 23, 1830. Brunner, Jonathan and Sarah Middekauff, May 10, 1832. Brunner, Lewis and Ann Rebecca Ramsburg, Mch. 21, 1833. Brunner, Peter and Catherine Simm, Apr. 26, 1789. Brunner, Valentine and Eliz. Bohrer, Apr. il, 1803. Bryan, Thomas and Massy Plumer, July 25, 1793. Bucher, Barthol and Sus. Walter (Fred. Co.) Sept. 18, 1785. Bucky, George and Susanna Krieger, Oct. 8, 1796. Bucky, Michael and Cath. Pfeifer, Mch. 23, 1806. Bucky, Valent and Chart. Remsperger, Jan. 29, 1793. Bucky, Valentine and EHz. Strieker, Nov. 9, 1790. Burkhart, Nathan and Margaret Simmons, Apr. 16, 1786. Burner, lac Young and Sus. Dickenoor, Aug. 29, 1812. Bumeston, Jos. and Julianna Grof, Aug. 5, 1787. Burns, Michael and Eliz. Kemp, Oct. i, 1788. Bush, George and Eliz. Grail, Oct. 11, 1791. Butcher, John and Margaret Gehr, June 13, 1833. Butler, Thomas and Jane Gittings, Dec. 29, 1795. Butler, William and Delilah Browning, Feb. 24, 1789. Butler, William and Julia W. Deal, Apr. 22, 1806. Cain, John and Mary Geber, Jan. 8, 1797. Caldwire, Joseph and EHzab. Frances, Nov. 21, 1802. Campbel, Archibel and Sarah McDonald, Jan. 29, 1792. Camel, John and Eliz. Harlin, Apr. 8, 1788. Cambel, James and Linny Hyatt (Fred. Co.) Sept. 15, 1785. Campbell, James and Sarah Sewel, Mch. 30, 1794. Campble, John and Anne Winegardener, May 10, 1791. Campbell, John and Anna Holmes, Oct. 29, 1832. Cann, Thomas and Eliz. Norris, May 16, 1809. Carl, David and Barbara Grof, Feb. 12, 1792. Carlton, Thomas and Mary Pittel, Oct. 28, 1806. Carr, John and Mary Keller, Dec. 7, 1788. Carr, Thomas and Cath. Gashauer, Jan. 29, 1793. 506 MARYLAND RECORDS— FREDERICK, MD. Carson, John and Hannah Haas, Dec. 31, 1789. Carson, John and Ann Thomas, Mch. 4, 1790. Carter, Joshua and Cath. Springer, June 28, 1796. Carter, Thomas and Nancy Jorden, Dec. 15, 1812. Castle, Thomas and EHz. Messerle, May 21, 1797. Ceastel, Samuel and Elizab. Ceastel, Mch. 22, 1808. Cecil, Aden and Sarah Tool, Oct. 22, 1805. Cecil, Henry and Sarah Hinton, Jan. 12, 1789. Charlesworth, Solomon and Mary McVicker, Sept. 25, 1832. Childs, Edward and Minty (blacks) Oct. 8, 1792. Chingan, John F. and Maria Sharer, Mch. 8, 1832. Christ, John and Cath. Umford, June 9, 1805. Christ, Michael and Elizab. Shurm, Dec. 29, 1763. Christ, Peter and Margaret Mang, Apr. 16, 1797. Christman, John and Elizabeth Weather, Sept. 3, 1805. Chun, Lancelot and Martha Ridgley, Nov. 4, 1792. Clary, Ashford Dowden and Elizab. Smith, Dec. 31, 1789. Clary, Nathaniel and Cassandra Thomas, Dec. 19, 1831. Coale, Isaac and Sarah Ridgeley, Nov. 21, 1797. Coale, James and Mary Carter, Mch. 11, 1788. Coale, Vincent and Eleanor Stewardt, May 26, 1801. Coblenz, Peter and Susanna Keller, May 6, 1759. Coblentz, Philip and Elizab. Zimmerman, Mch. 29, 1803. Collins, Humphry and Sarah Bell (Hunt Co.), Feb. 15, 1785. Collins, Joshua and Mary Rubey, Jan. 13, 1793. Collins, Mathew and Sus. Bowlass, Nov. 27, 1785. Colly, Wm. and Rebecca Braun, Apr. 15, 1799. Conrad, Jacob and Elizab. Steiner, May 5, 1805. Conradt, Henry and Mary Leth, Apr. 17, 1787. Constable, Saml. and Rebecca Dobston, Mch. 27, 1785. Coomes, Aden and Pamelia Williams, Oct. 2, 1794. Cooper, Adam and Rebecca Hamilton, Oct. 12, 1786. Cooper, Robert and Cath. Harlin, Aug. 29, 1791. Corbman, Christ and Harriet Fannehill, Aug. 30, 1807. Covell, Jonathan Freust and Catherine Jacobs, Sept. 23, 1830. Coventry, John and Amelia Phillips, Feb. 21, 1808. Cox, Samuel and Ann Wilson, Oct. 9, 1806. Crane, John and Rebecca Crum, Feb. 5, 1793. Cremer, Solomon and Barb. Cettig, Apr. 10, 1808. Crentzer, Jacob and Eliz. Beckenbach, Nov. 9, 1803. Crieger, George and Marg. Salmon, Nov. 3, 1805. Cromwell, John and Marg. Kephard, Feb. 15, 1803. MARRIAGES 507 Cromwell, Oliver and Harriet Gebhart, Nov. 20, 1806. Cron, Robert and Christina Schmidt, Apr. 8, 1788. Croneisz, Jacob and Cath. Fonderburg, Apr. 14, 1806. Crossby, James and Deborah Runnerl (N. C.) Sept. 5, 1785. Croweis, Henry and Elizab. Knoufif, Oct. 8, 1805. Crum, Evan and Sarah Hertzog, Aug. 19, 1795. Crum, Isaac and Catherine Kepler, Sept. 8, 1830. Crum, John and Mary Miller, Feb. 9, 1806. Crum, Nathan and Amalia Creager, Mch. 15, 1803. Crum, William and Eliz. Le\y (at the poor house) Dec. 29, 1793. Crumwell, Wm. and Sarah Groff, Jan. 22, 1799. Cumberledge, George and Rachel Barber, Mch. 31, 1789. Cunningham, Hugh and Rebecca Gittinger, Jan. 28, 1830. Curry, William and Sarah Dean, Nov. 9, 1800. Dabler, William and Elizab. Jones, Dec. 25, 1800. Dally, Ebenezer and Mary Philips, May 30, 1794. Danner, Zacharia and Mary Zayer, Oct. 8, 1799. Darnal, Ralph and Hanna Kohlenberg, June 30, 1808. Darrey, Balthasar and Barb. Heinkley, Mch. 2y, 1759. Daub, Jacob and Eliz. Merckel, Mch. 4, 1794. Daub, Valentine and Esther Koenig, Apr. 17, 1804. Davidson, John and Sealy Hill, Aug. 24, 1805. Davis, Ambrose and Bewly White, May 20, 1800. Davis, Francis and Sarah Eliot, May 2, 1790. Davis, John and Mary ]\Iarschand (Wid.) Sept. 10, 1761. Davis, John Eberhard and Anna Reitenauer, July i, 1764. Davis, Luke and Mary Duall, Oct. 11, 1807. Davis, Matthias and Rachel Maynard, Dec. 21, 1788. Da\'is, Reubin and Ellen Taylor, Nov. 13, 1796. Davis, Samuel and Rachel Walls, Sept. 2, 1800. Dawson, John and Anna Hays, Sept. 23, 1806. Dayle, Ephraim and Catherine Hamilton, Apr. 14, 1831. Dean, William and Alice Reynolds, Jan. 17, 1805. Deaver, Levi and Sophia Griffith, Jan. 6, 1805. Doemer, John and Barbara Dilbus, Apr. 10, 1803. Degenhardt, Christian and An. M. Miller, Dec. 20, 1784. Dehaven, Andrew and Esther Kempf, Nov. 11, 1792. Dehaven, Peter and Mary Cellars, June 26, 1787. Dehof, Nicholas and Sus. Cath. Vogel, Mch. 6, 1787. Delaplane, Daniel and Sophia Dem, Dec. i, 1799. Delaplain, Joshua and Mary Deru, Nov. 20, 1792. Delashmutt, Trammel and Marg. W. Moriarty, Aug. 19, 1809. 5o8 MARYLAND RECORDS— FREDERICK, MD. Delater, Jacob and Cath. Mahn, Feb. 21, 1790. Delater, Jacob and Elizab. Michael, Apr. 21, 1808. Delater, Jacob and Sara Ann Brown, Aug. 13, 1816. Dent, Aquilla and Cath. Thomas, Oct. 17, 1803. Deru, Isaac and Sus. Berger, Dec. 9, 1792. Dertzbach, John and Christina Knauff, Oct. 20, 1799 Deiwelbiss, George and Sus. Berg, Apr. 5, 1790. Dewelbiss, John and Mary Mayer, Sept. 9, 1798. Devilbiss, Joseph and Caroline Stauffer, Oct. 20, 1831. Dick, John and Elizab. Schraier, Feb. 28, 1808. Dick, John and Cath. Feagler, May 2, 1809. Diel, John and Cath. Beltz, Feb. 8, 1790. Diel, John and Mary Eckhardt, Nov. 19, 1794. Diehl, John and Philippina Faut, Jan. 19, 1806. Differen, William and Elizab. Brown, Oct. 13, 1817. Dinsmoor, Thomas and Marg. Taylor, Oct. 26, 1809. Diz. (Dietz) John Adm. and Mary Magd. Thorn, Sept. 25, 1757. Dodoro, Davis and Eliz. Heintz, Jan. 3, 1802. Dodson, Elijah and Mary Karr, Sept. i, 1789. Doerr, Jacob and Marg. Wintz, Feb. 4, 1788. Doerr, Thomas and Barbara Steiner, Apr. 10, 1803. Doerry, Peter and Cath. Feldman, May 5, 1761. Dofler, Geo. and Cath. Spanseiler, June 11, 1798. Dofler, Peter and Margaret Schley, Dec. 21, 1766. Doll, Conrad and An. M. Schisler, Sept. 20, 1761. Doll, George and Cath. Schmit, Mch. 11, 1799. Doll, Jacob and Mary Myers, May 31, 1812. Doll, John and Sus. Kortz, Jan. 28, 1800. Doodel, George and Eleanor Ryan, Jan. 16, 1803. Doof, George and Mary Weber, Nov. 20, 1808. Dorsey, Basil and Harriet Harris, Aug. 12, 1792. Dorsey, Evan and Sus. Lawrence, Jan. 6, 1789. Dorsey, Joshua and Sarah Hammond, Mch. 9, 1788. Dorsey, Michael and Elizab. Poole, Sept. 27, 1796. Dorsey, Vachael and Ann Poole, Mch. 13, 1792. Dowell, Benj. and Barb. Springer, Apr. 15, 1788. Dowling, Edward and Mary Gordon, Jan. 1794. Downey, Alexander and Mary Tucker, Feb. 17, 1795. Drum, Peter and Sarah Hansey, Dec. 8, 1796. Druman, James and Sarah Starling, Nov. 19, 1798. Dultyg, Henry and Cath. Young, Oct. 4, 1812. Dumming, William and Nancy Harry, Nov. 15, 1805. MARRIAGES 509 Duppel, Benj. and EHz. Reitenauer, Mch. 22, 1796. Durbin, James and Ann Elizabeth Stoner, Nov. 29, 1831. Durst, Henry and Cath. Richter, Sept. 21, 1806. Dutenhoffer, Michael and Rachel Wilkens, Jan. 31, 1764. Duwall, Samuel and Mary Allison, Aug. 16, 1807. Early, John and Sarah Gilborthop, June 10, 1809. Early, John and Mary Fauble, Feb. 3, 1813. Easton, John and Rachel Pearsons, Jan. 13, 1795. Eaton, Leonard and Mary Palmer, Feb. 20, 1804. Eaton, William and Nancy Bryan, May 19, 1793. Eberly, Valentine and An. Barb. Schmid (Wid.) Feb. 28, 1767. Ebbert, Augustus F. and Elizabeth M. Bantz, Oct. 19, 1830. Ebert, Michael and Mary Clara Kappel, Aug. 6, 1761. Eberz, Mathew and Cath. Magd. Maus, Apr. 7, 1761. Eby, John and Anna Mary Bantz, Feb. 12, 1765. Eckhard, Anthony and Cath. Shickenhelm, Sept. 16, 1806. Eckman, Michael and Mary Jacob, Jan. 14, 1800. Eder, Abrah. and Cath. Reich (Fred. Co.) Feb. 22, 1767. Edmonston, Thomas and Ruth Sheckell, Dec. 3, 1793. Edwards, Abraham and Ellen Jones, Oct. 4, 1796. Eg (or Ely) John Henry and Rosina Schmitt, Aug. 18, 1 761. Eisennagel, Thos. and Sus. Spanseiler (Fred. Co.), Sept. 20, 1785. Ekhart, Adam and Eva Reisz (Rice), Aug. 16, 1757. Eller, Jacob and Mary Willjard, Oct. 14, 1792. Elliot, George and Mary Beatty, Aug. 21, 1806. Emmit, Abe. J. and Jane Moore, May 24, 18 10. Emmit, William and Sus. Shelman, Dec. 6, 1808. Engel, George and Cath. Jung, Dec. 3, 1789. Engel, George and Sus. Jung, Sept. 8, 1799. Ennis, George and Catherine Ramsburg, Dec. 10, 1829. Ensey, Dennis and Elizab. Crawford, Oct. 10, 1797. Erter, John and Catharine Weber, Nov. 23, 1806. Eter, Abraham and Susanna Koenig, Feb. 28, 1804. Evans, Cabel and Eva Wedel, Mch. 5, 1787. Evans, John and Miranda Owens, Apr. i, 1800. Ewerly, Peter and Julianna Wiszman, June 18, 1797. Fah, Abraham and Mary A. Steiner, Mch. 28, 1790. Fahly, Geo. and Mary Wolff (Loudon, Va.) Feb. 23, 1 791. Fanbel, David and Margaret Degrange, Apr. i, 1832. Faner, John and Rebecca Klee, June 7, 1803. Farthing, James and Marg. Ott, Jan. 6, 1801. Faut, William and Magd. Adams, Aug. 24, 1806. 5IO MARYLAND RECORDS— FREDERICK, MD. Favorite, Abrah. and Elizab. Shroyack, Dec. 15, 1807. Fein, Peter and Cath. Marg. Bennet, May 2, 1786. Ferguson, Danl. and Charity Austom (Fred. Co.) June 14, 1785. Ferrel, Wm. and Mary Burns, Aug. 10, 1800. Filius, John and EHz. Yates, Aug. 5, 1792. Filius, Joseph and Eliz. Schlicker, Apr. 15, 1798. Filson, Samuel and Mary Cooper, Apr. i, 1800. Finkbohner, John and Sus. Brucker, Aug. 5, 1788. Fishback, John and Lydia O. Bonner, July 1809. Fitzgerald, John and Mary Phelps, Oct. 1800. Fleming, Caleb and Allen Blummer, Apr. 19, 1809. Fleming, Samuel and Elizab. Reynolds, Dec. 24, 1801. Flick, Andrew and An. Magd. Reichardt, June 12, 1768. Flick, Jacob and Eliz. Koblentz, May 4, 1790. Flora, David and Mary Ann Lambert, Dec. 23, 1829. Fluck, John and Eliz. Schreiger, Apr. 5, 1801. Fluck, Mat. and Cath. Jung, Jan. 15, 1787. Fluck, Peter and Mary Hans, July 9, 1797. Fluheart, Stephen and Elizab. Randel, Nov. 22, 1785. Fluke, Henry and Hannah Castle, Nov. 21, 1801. Forquhar, Robt. and Esther Dodson, May 19, 1789. Fortuey, David and Elizab. Lewis, May 6, 1800. Fox, Uriah and Grace Sedwith, Apr. 18, 1794. French, Otho and EHz. Anderson, Feb. 18, 1802. Frey, Daniel and Elizab. Christ, Nov. 19, 1793. Frey, Nicholas and Catherine Schmecter, Aug. 20, 1769. Fridshey, John and Barbara Hauer, May 18, 1806. Fries, Michael and Cath. Grabiel, June 18, 1799. Frizzel, Lloyd T. and Seeny Turner, Jan. 30, 1800. Froehlich, John and Salome Rothrock, Jan. 19, 1792. Fuchs, Henry and Leah Zimmerman, Jan. 18, 1799. Fuchs, John and Cath. Fuchs, Jan. 23, 1791. Fuchs, John and Cath. Simmons, Sept. 18, 1798. Fuchs, Peter and Bridget Ingen Hall, Sept. 16, 1800. Fulton, George and Margaret Hedge, June 7, 1794. Fulton, Robert and Barb. Balzell, Mch. 11, 1794. Fultz, Philip and Cath. Shafer (or Shoster) Mch. 30, 1812. Fyers, Joseph and Anna M. Dommer, Aug. 3, 1762. Gaber, David and Mary Beiser, Feb. 21, 1805. Gach, John and Eliza Schnoog, Mch. 25, 1806. Gapes, Thomas and Jane Elizabeth McVicker, Apr. I, 1833. Garmnie, Andrew and Anna Elizab. Jan. 15, 1759. MARRIAGES 511 Gaudy, Abraham and Sarah Mannihan, Dec. 24, 1793. Gaut, Daniel and Lucy Anderson, Oct. 5, 1797. Gebhard, George and Cath. Doll, May 3, 1803. Gebhardt, John and Sarah Hiestand, Dec. 27, 1801. Gebhardt, Peter and Eliz. Haas, Aug. 18, 1796. Gebler, Gotlieb, and Sus. Madera, Aug. i, 1804. Gedon, Daniel and Susannah Butler, Dec. 23, 1800. Gehret, John and Cath. Grimes, Mch. 24, 1807. Geiniz, John Wm. and Johanna Weiszman, Apr. 19, 1758. Geissinger, Frantz, and Sarah Levi, Apr. 3, 1790. Gelwicks, George C. and Mary Nixdorf, Nov. 12, 1807. George, John and Elizah Woods, Apr. 10, 1806. Gerecht, Justiss and Elizab. Drenter. Gerger, John and Elizah Scheffy (Fred. Co.) Mch. 20, 1785. Gess, Jonathan and Rebecca Dowel, Aug. 22, 1791. Getzendanner, Abraham and Mary E. Buckley, May 7, 1833. Getzendanner, Adam and Mary An. Kuhns, Oct. 14, 1787. Getzendanner, Balthasar and Philippina Stoll, June 12, 1794. Getzendanner, Henry and Hannah Becker, Apr. 17, 1800. Getzendanner, Jacob and Eliz. Getzendanner, Jan. 10, 1797. Getzendanner, John and Rebecca Faut (Fred. Co.) Sept. 6, 1785. Getzendanner, John and Cath. Dabler, May 31, 1789. Geyer, Daniel and Mary Brengel, May 10, 1791. Geyer, Henry and Elizah Ireland, Feb. 15, 1795. Giesy, John and Cath. Natlzell (Baltzell ?), May 16, 1809. Gietzen tanner, Balthasar and Anna Steiner, May 11, 1758. Giezentanner, Jacob and Catherine Kast, Apr. 3, 1757. Gilbert, David and Margaret Koontz, Jan. 17, 1830. Gilbert, Peter and Elizab. Larkin, Aug. 16, 1803. Gills, Eckhardt and Cath. Sulzer, May 13, 1788. Gittinger, John and Marg. Hauck, Apr. 28, 1795. GHsson, James and Esther White, Oct. 29, 1800. Goetzendanner, Thomas and Cath. Bar, Apr. 10, 1808. Gotzendanner, Christian and Cath. Remsberger, Apr. 2, 1786, Gomber, Jacob and Susannah Beaty, May 20, 1787. Gordon, Jos. and Mary Balton, Nov. 1797. Goshn, Ambrose and Anna Shafer, Aug. 14, 1803. Gosnell, Peter and Mary Mallahon, Oct. 22, 1793. Gosnel, Peter and Emma Hill, Nov. i, 1798. Graham, August and Martha Cock, Oct. 26, 1806. Graham, Reuben and Rachel Carter, Apr. 20, 1798. Gray, Zacharias and Elizab. Hardy, Sept. 13, (1815?) 512 MARYLAND RECORDS— FREDERICK, MD. Green, John and Nancy Miller, Apr. 27, 1806. Greiner, Michael and Sybilla Jendes, Aug. 19, 1792. Grieger, George and Mary Epler, Apr. 7, 1807. Grieger, Lewis and Susanna Hauer, May 10, 1808. Griffith, Zadock and Sar. Hantel (Georget road) Feb. 17, 1785. Grim, Daniel and Sarah Staub, Aug. 4, 1803. Grimes, Basil and Betsy Peiket, Oct. 29, 1793. Grimes, Frederick and Mary Randal, Mch. 22, 1798. Gross, George and Cath. Sanders, May i, (1816?) Grover, John and Jemimah Fitzgerald, Mch. 3, 1795. Gruber, David and Sus. Moore, Nov. 22, 1798. Grund, John Ad. and M. Chr. Hoffman, Feb. 7, 1765. Gr>'er, John and Mary Nusz, Apr. 30, 1803. Gunterman, George and Rachel Milhaues, Apr. i, 1765. [Note: From this point the records are evidently deficient. All which are available are being pub- lished. G. M. B.] Hansen, William and Sus. Frexund, Oct. 24, 1758. Heichler, Nicholas and An. Marg. Meyer, Feb. 20, 1759. Hoffman, Rudolph and Dorothy Weisz, May 8, 1758. Jung, Peter and Barbara Begard, Aug. 9, 1757. Keller, Jacb. and Elizabeth Leitert, May 28, 1758. Klein, John and Anna Barly, Apr. 19, 1759. Leeman, Jacob and Anna Mary Jung, Aug. 9, 1757. Leidig, Gabriel and Cath. Delater, Mch. 18, 1759. Lor Beck, Christoph and Sophia Rosin Urbach, Apr. 12, 1759. Medari, Chs. Fredk. and Cath. Gerson, Nov. 2, 1756. Meyerer, John Joshua and Mary Kaempf, Mch. 29, 1757. Michel, Daniel and Mary Schober, May 15, 1758. Mittelkauf, John and Mary Elth. Brunner, July 19, 1757. Muller, John Geo. and Magd. Maderi, April 25, 1758. Ochs, John Adam and Mary Appol. Hoffman, Feb. 7, 1757. Ogle, Thomas and Sarah Ogle, Dec. 1756. Reimssperger, Geo. and Maria EHzah. Bruwner, Dec. 20, 1756. Runner, Philip and Anna Mary Einck, Apr. 17, 1757. Scheidegger, John and Eva Mary Manz, May 24, 1757. Schellenbaum, Christn. and Mary Caselman, May 3, 1757. Scherer, John and Mary Sus. Deuthinger, Dec. 29, 1757. Schley, Geo. Thom and Mary Gietzentanner, May 16, 1758. Schmidt, William and Agnes Mey, Dec. i, 1757. Schneebeli, Leonhardt and Marg. Weisz, May 8, 1758. Schneider, Geo. Michl. and Judith Unsel, Nov. 29, 1757. MARRIAGES 513 Schonefeld, John and Mary Cath. Mezier, Mch. 23, 1757. Schuemacher, Danl. and Mary Elizab. Hoffman, Feb. i, 1757. Schur, Christn. and M. Salome Bargelt, Mch. 28, 1758. , and Marg. Schweinhard, May 6, 1759. Sin, Jacob and Mary Magd. Biber, Oct. 31, 1756. Steiner, Jacob and Mary Anna Schley, May 17, 1758. Strickler, Wendel and Susanna Sax, Aug. 8, 1758. Sturno, John and Anna Barb. Hoffman, Dec. 13, 1756. Thomas, Christopher and Sus. Marg. Weisz, Dec. 13, 1757. Ulmer, David and Rosinack M. Hirschuan, July 2, 1757. Weber, John and Maria Elizab. Haas, Dec. 30, 1756. Weisz, Henry and Cath. Brunner, Jan. 9, 1759. Weisz, John Valent and Cath. Froschaner, April 18, 1758. Wurtenbecher, John Beruh and Mary Eva Hein, Mch. 22, 1757. Yofler, Peter and Anna Mary Sturm, April 17, 1757. Montgomery County Marriages,* i 777-1 804 By Rev. Clement Brooke, i 778-1 779 Ashford, Thos. and Jane Taylor, Aug. 29, 1779. Ball, James and Cassandra EUis, Nov. 11, 1779. Barnes, Josias and EHzabeth Trammel, Aug. i, 1780. Beall, Basil and Arianna Beall, Oct. 24, 1780. Beall, George and Elizabeth Beall, Dec. 22, 1779. Beall, Leven and Esther Campbell, July 14, 1779. Brown, Coaly and Elizabeth Holly, Aug. 20, 1779. Callis, Garland and Elianor Addison, Dec. 22, 1779. Chelton, Mark and Clementia Barn, June 17, 1779. Chin, Christopher and Ann Bartlet, Dec. 17, 1779. Conner, Gerrard T. and Amelia T. Donaldson, Mch. 13, 1779. Cox, Walter B. and Anna B. Holliday (P. G's Co.), Nov. 19, 1779. Donaldson, Benj'n. and Drucilla Peace (P. G's Co.), Oct. 28, 1779. Evans, Guy and Christian Swan (P. G's Co.), Sept. 16, 1779. Evans, RolDert and Judith Molds, Oct. 24, 1780. Fields, Luke and Margaret Balser, Sept. 12, 1779. Fisher, John and Frances Nelson, April 29, 1780. Grimes, W". and Jane Williams, Sept. 18, 1780. Hall, Palmer and Amelia Ashford, Dec. 15, 1779. * Maryland Marriages, pp. 203-213; Md. Hist. Soc, Courtesy of j\lr. Charles Fickus, Acting Librarian. 34 514 MARYLAND RECORDS— MONTGOMERY COUNTY Hood, Samuel and Barbara Wienberger, Mch. 14, 1780. Holms, John and Mary Turner, Dec. 16, 1779. Jenninson, Thos. and Eleanor Williamson, May 4, 1779. Kogenderfor, Leonard and Susannah Crons, Sept. 18, 1780. Kokendoffer, Fredk. and Susanna Yonst, Dec. 29, 1779. Margress, Saml. and Anne War (P. G's Co.), Sept. 4, 1779. Miles, Thomas and Elizabeth King, Feb. 7, 1779. Mitchell, Willm. and Sar. Ashford, Dec. 2, 1779. Parker, Thos. and Susanna Cahill, Mch. 4, 1779. Payne, John and Mary Bever, July 16, 1780. Pendell, Thos. and Anne Rhoads, Sept. 9, 1779. Pickerell, Richd. and Amelia Marlow (P. G's Co.), Oct. 31, 1779. Rigdon, Thos. and Lucy Jennings, May 20, 1779. Sprigg, Thos. and Elizabeth Belt, Feb. 8, 1780. Stonestreet, Edward and Margery Weight, May 14, 1780. Sutton, Robert and Judith Canady, Dec. i, 1779. Trevis, John to Mary Lewis, May 23, 1778. Van Nacruth, John and Ann Andison, Mch. 14, 1779. Williams, John and Sarah Stewart, July 29, 1779. Willice, W". and Ann Smith, Feb. 14, 1780. Wilmot, Thos. and Anne Gill, May 20, 1779. Woodward, Joseph and Jane Taylor, Mch. 7, 1779. By Bishop John Carroll (Roman Catholic), i 777-1 778 Casey, John and Philodelia Edgworth, Aug. Ii, 1778. Green, Leonard and Anne Brown, Jan. 29, 1778. Knott, Raphael and Cath. Pearce, June 16, 1778. M'^Govron, Thomas and Mary Clark, Aug. 30, 1778. Madden, James and Rebeccah Harrison, Aug. 4, 1778. Nicholson, Richard and Bridget Farelong, Oct. 18, 1777. By Rev. John Chalmers, Jr. Leach, Joshua and Lydia Pritchett, Feb. 4, 1795. Miller, John and Martha Leach, May 21, 1795. Wood, James and Sarah Hobbs (Balto. Co.), Dec. 22, 1794. By Rev. James Hunt, i 778-1 782 Armstrong, Willm. and Levi Anna M=Mannin, Feb. 11, 1779. Barrott, Alex, and Eleanor Caecil, Jan. 19, 1779. Barret, John and Mary Price, Dec. 16, 1781. Bayne, George and Ann Jones, May i, 1779. MARRIAGES 515 Beall, Thos. and Catherine Brown, Jan. 14, 1779. Beggariy, David and Rebecca Belt, May 20, 1782. Burton, Jacob and Sarah Tucker, Nov. 19, 1779. Butler, Tobias and Sarah Tool, April 5, 1782. Butterworth, Willm. and Elizab. Darbyshire, Feb. 3, 1779. Cave, Stephen and Ruth Earidge, Nov. 24, 1779. Clark, Thos. and Priscilla Barns, Feb. 11, 1779. Collins, Joshua and Mary Barrance, May 15, 1779. Collins, Nathan and Ann Maddin, Feb. 11, 1779. Conner, John and Eleanor Wallace Tracy, Dec. 5, 1778. Eastep, Joseph and Lucy Prather, Jan. 28, 1779. EngHsh, King and Rebecca Eades, Aug. 24, 1779. Fitzgerald, Matthew and Sarah Wilson, Jan. 7, 1779. Greentre, Benjn. and Sarah Roberts, May 19, 1782. Harrison, Nathan and Verlinda Browning, Nov. 3, 1779. Hoskins, Charles and Eleanor Standiford, Aug. 10, 1779. Jenkins, Willm. and Dorcas Masters, Jan. 5, 1779. Jenkins, Willm. and Sibby Moxly, July 12, 1782. Jones, Charles and Mary Jackson, Feb. 24, 1782. Jones, Samuel and Rebecca Wood, Feb. 12, 1782. Louthie, Benjn. and Mary Ann Tyler, Dec. 3, 1778. M-^Kay, Alex, and Ann Campbell, Dec. 17, 1778. Magruder, Walter and Margaret Orme, June 14, 1782. Neal, Thos. and Elizab. Whittmore, Aug. 8, 1779. Nelson, Archibald and Hannah Roberts, Nov. 3, 1782. Offutt, James and Rebecca Offutt, Feb. 14, 1782. Pearson, John and Sarah Fallin, Sept. 15, 1782. Peckinson, Solomon and Mary Reily, July 8, 1779. Pickrell, Henry and Rebecca Low, April 6, 1779. Sherwood, Thos. and Elizab. Scott, Feb. 15, 1779. Simson, Samuel and Mary Saunders, April 4, 1782. Smith, Thos. and Leah Hill, Aug. 28, 1779. Sparrow, Joseph and Ann Smith, Dec. 9, 1778. Summers, John and Jean Hoskinson, Dec. 8, 1781. Talbot, Zadock and Elizab. Standage, Dec. 31, 1778. Treasdale, John and Catharine Malone, Dec. 27, 1778. Tryer, Adam and Frenetta Chany, April 6, 1779. Vigel, Valentine and Catherine Barron, April 8, 1779. Waters, Weaver and Margaret Miers, April 3, 1782. White, Joseph and Jean Bear, Oct. 31, 1782. Wilcoxen, Josias and Anna Statia Smith, Nov. rg, 1779. Wood, Thomas and Ann Hall, Aug. 11, 1782. Woodward, Bennett and Elizabeth Cecil, Dec. 17, 1778. 5i6 MARYLAND RECORDS— MONTGOMERY COUNTY By Rev. Wilson Lee (Elder in M. E. Ch.) Atcherson, Ephraim and Ruth Simpson, Sept. ii, 1800. Cawood, Erasmus and Mary Williams, Dec. 26, 1799. Stonestreet, Thomas and Polly NichoUs, Dec. 19, 1799. By Rev. Slingsby Linthicum (M. E. Ch.) Baggerly, James and Elizab. Smith, Oct. 20, 1798. Penn, Stephen and Eleanor Scribenor, Oct. 28, 1798. Walker, Nathan and Nancy Beck, July 21, 1798. By Rev. Thos. Lucas Wilson, William and Sarah Clark, License granted, Dec. 9, 1797. By Rev. Thomas Reed, i 777-1 778* Alnut, W"". and Mary Riley, Feb. 12, 1778. Anchors, Snowden and Deborah Gattrell, Feb. 4, 1778. Arts, James and Keziah Fryer, June 30, 1778. Beall, Zephaniah and Ann Gattrell, Feb. 5, 1778. Bowman, Jacob and Mary Chambers, July 6, 1778. Burris, Henry and Frances Davis, Jan. 22, 1778. Busby, Christopher and Sarah Byall, June i, 1778. Dailey, Patrick and Mary Doyle, May i, 1778. Davis, John and Ann Legg, July 3, 1778. Gartrell, Charles and Sarah Barnes, Dec. 7, 1777. Gartrell, Francis Rawlings and Rachel Hamilton, Mch. 19, 1778. Gray, Zachariah and Susanna Parker (Charles Co.) July 22, 1777. Hill, John and Eliz. Richards, July 14, 1778. Johnson, Saml. and Agnes Wilson, Oct. 12, 1777. Johnson, Thos. and Mary Larure, Mch. 17, 1778. Jones, Richard and Susy Culver, Mch. 17, 1778. M'^Donough, James and Judith Flinn, July 29, 1778. Murmet, Michael and Mary Thomson, Dec. 23, 1777. Oneal, John and Mary Smith, Dec. 23, 1777. Peak, Thomas and Eliz. Keymer, Dec. 23, 1777. Perry, Erasmus and Eliz. Harding, Jan. 13, 1778. Pigman, Ignatius and Susanna Lamar, Aug. 3, 1777. Prather, Zachariah and Ruth Allison, Aug. 25, 1778. Roberts, Hezekiah and Cloe Coffee, July 7, 1778. Saffel, Joshua and VirHnda Prather, July 24, 1777. * See page 557, name there spelled " Thomas Read." MARRIAGES 517 Sibbey, James and Amelia Wiley, Sept. 28, 1777. Stillings, Richard and Mary Dailey, June 6, 1778. Stoaks, Francis and Sarah Hodgins March 22, 1778. Thompson, W". and Martha Easton, Feb. 24, 1778. Warfield, Elisha and Ruth Burgess (A. A. Co.), Aug. 22, 1778. Wilcoxen, George and Mary Swearingen, Jan. 22, 1778. Wood, Jepheniah and Mary Lucas, Aug. 14, 1777. By Rev. Joseph Threlkeld,* Oct. 2, 1777-Nov. 13, 1781 Allison, Thomas and Eliz. Baxter, Sept. 14, 1780. Ashan, Saml. and Amey Self, June 15, 1780. Ashwood, W™. and Mary Small, Oct. 29, 1780. Ballinger, Saml. and Mary Smoot, Oct. 20, 1779. Banninger, Francis and Ann Hobson, Sept. 24, 1778. Barnes, Wever and EHza Pigman, May 13, 1779. Bayly, Hezekiah and Jane Evans, Mch. 5, 1778. Begood, James and Lucy Digney, July 27, 1780. Bennett, Willm. and Mary Green, Apr. 4, 1779. Berry, Geo. and Margaret Limbrech, Mch. 6, 1778. Bowman, Geo. and Elizabeth Gue, Feb. 3, 1779. Bradly, Dennis and Susanna Fox, Nov. 30, 1779. Brashears, Wayman and Anne Roberts, July 29, 1779. Brown, John and Alice Noding, Oct. i, 1778. Buchanan, Spence and Eliz. [Wiggendem], May 16, 1780. Buller, John and Catherine Smith, July 27, 1780. Burchand, Thos. and Mary Gray, Oct. 18, 1781. Burn, Adam and Mary M''Crea, Apr. 3, 1781. Bum, W". and Mary Wilson, Feb. 27, 1781. Burress, Charles and Anne Morgan, Apr. 4, 1779. Burns, W"". and Lucy Redman, Dec. 28, 1780. Buxton, W". and Sarah M=Coy, Nov. 12, 1780. Campbell, Alexander and Mary Sparrow, Dec. 12, 1779. Cavenough, Patrick and Mary Eustice, June i, 1780. Chambers, John and Rebeccah Winsor, Mch. 5, 1780. Chilton, James and Cath. Burns, June 25, 1778. Chissell, Joseph Newton and Eleanor White, Nov. 11, 1779. Clark, Elijah and Mary Graves, July 28, 1780. Clayton, John and Virlinda Riggs, Nov. 13, 1781. Cohen, Joseph and Rachel Bidwell, May 30, 1780. Collier, W". and Aeda Arnold, June 22, 1779. * Rev. Joseph Threlkeld, Cabin John, 1770 to d. 1782, so I am advised, G. M. B. 51 8 MARYLAND RECORDS— MONTGOMERY COUNTY Countz, Henry and Ann Bowman, Aug. 4, 1778. Coy, W"". and Mary Ann Dennis, Nov. 25, 1779. Craft, Edwd. North and Ann Linthicum, Mch. 11, 1779. Cramlet, Jacob and Eliza Chambers, Mch. 18, 1779- Crawford, Robert Beall and Eleanor Owen, Apr. 11, 1780. Davis, Lodowick and Margaret Jones, Feb. 7, 1779. Davis, Saml. and Rebecca Bucey, Apr. 21, 1778. Davonport, Abraham and Frances Williams, Jan. 21, 1778. Dawson, Robert Doyne and Sarah Newton Chiswell, Oct. 25, 1781. Deakin, James and Eliza Falconer, Feb. 23, 1779. Dickeson, Zadock and Sarah Cook, Feb. 4, 1779. Dixon, James and Mary Conn, Jan. 21, 1779. Donnaldson, Bayly and Milley Cockaril, Apr. 11, 1778. Douglass, W"". and Elizab. Gentle, April 26, 1778. Dow, Michael and Margaret Fardo, Jan. 27, 1780. Dowden, Thos. and Anne Campbell, Sept. 3, 1778. Dowdett, John and Esther Williams, Nov. 22, 1778. Ducker, Nathl. and Sarah Segar, Nov. 25, 1779. Dyer, Saml. and Eliza. Griffith, Oct. 19, 1779. Elliott, Mark and Sarah Walter, July 29, 1781. Ellis, Hezekiah and Ann Briggs, Oct. 6, 1778. Fagan, Willm. and Eleanor Jones, Oct. i, 1780. Fields, Abraham and Johan Peck, Mch. 19, 1778. Fifer, James and Rebeckah Perry, Jan. 23, 1780. Flemming, John and Anne Hopkins, Nov. 20, 1777. Fletchall, Thomas and Eliz. Blackmore, June 15, 1780. Fryer, Walter and Margery Trail, May 9, 1780. Gaither, Greenbury and Anne Andison, April 13, 1779- Gaither, Nicholas and Eleanor Greenfield, Oct. 26, 1779. Gallen, John and Maomy Downey, July 15, 1781. Gatton, W". and Sarah Murphy, May 6, 1781. Gentle, George and Virlinda Locker, April 21, 1778. Gohagan, W"". and Darkus Loveless, Feb. 23, 1778. Goodwin, Jacob and Anne Masey, Mch. 19, 1778- Griffith, Samuel and Ruth Berry, April i, 1779. Gruse, Isaac and Eliz. Ellis, May 28, 1780. Gue, Henry and Sarah Scribner, Feb. 23, 1779. Harbin, Joshua and Ruth Hoskinson, July 23, 1778. Hardage, Willm. and Ann Mitchel, Mch. 22, 1780. Harding, Edwd. and Ann Butler, May 12, 1778. Harris, John and Darcus Weyman, Feb. 18, 1781. Harrison, W". and Susannah Cash, May 30, 1779. MARRIAGES 519 Hays, Levi and Eleanor Harris, Dec. 9, 1779. Hays, Solomon, and Mary Ann Wise, Feb. 22, 1781. Heater, George and Cath. Space, Jan. 31, 1779. Henderson, Willm. and Margaret Broadwater, Dec. 21, 1780. Herring, John and Mary Strahan, Oct. 2, 1777. Hickman, W". and Ann Lucas, July 29, 1781. Holland, W". and Ann Weyman, Feb. 26, 1781. Horon (?), Edwd. and Ann Winsor, Dec. 28, 1779. Howel, Samuel and Milly Brown, Aug. 3, 1780. Jackson, James and Charity Baker, Jan. 6, 1780. Jacobs, Edwd. and Mary Summers, Oct. 28, 1779. Jacobs, Zacha. and Dorkus Summers, Aug. 5, 1779. Jarvins (Jawins?), Danl. and Anne Welsh, May 21, 1778. Jenkins, Danl. and Jemima Andison, Dec. 3, 1778. Johnson, John and Ann Kimey, Jan. 4, 1781. Johnson, Jonathan and Mary Summers, Oct. 10, 1779. Kelly, Thomas and Elizabeth Jones, Feb. 7, 1781. Kelvart, W-". and Eliz. Noddy, July 18, 1780. Key, James and Grace Elean, Jan. i, 1781. Legat, Henry and Monica Rawlings, Aug. i, 1780. Locker, Patrick and Mary EUigan, May 17, 1778. Locker, Shadreck and Eleanor Gentle, April 30, 1778. Loveless, Bart", and Lucy Watson, June 11, 1778. Loyd, Joseph and Mary Kelly, July 27, 1780. MCarty, Danl. and Rebecca Carter, Jan. 18, 1780. MCartee, Thos. and EHza Williams, Dec. i, 1778. MCray, Zephemiah and Mary Gatton, Oct. 21, 1777. M<^Elfish, Philip and Lyddia Griffith, Mch. I, 1781. Mackee, Willm. and Priscilla Jones, June 13, 1779. Maddin, John and Dolly Steward, Apr. 11, 1780. Mading, Jonathan and Anne Patrick, Nov. 4, 1779. Magruder, Joseph and Cath. Flemming, June 25, 1778, Malone, Thomas and Mary Harper, Dec. 16, 1777. Martin, Saml. and Jane Walker, Sept. 5, 1779. Mason, Burgess and Ann Starks, July 26, 1780. Mayhew, John Love W". and EHza Self, Feb. 26, 1778. Minor, Thomas and Elizab. Turley, Oct. 15, 1778. Modding, Richd. and Susannah Lewis, Jan. 26, 1779. Moxly, Job. and Mary Buckannan, Nov. 7, 1780. Moxly, John and Elizab. Buckanan, Nov. 30, 1780. Moxly, Thomas and Milly Burgess, April 4, 1780. Mullican, Archd. and Elizab. Vincent, March 19, 1778. 520 MARYLAND RECORDS— MONTGOMERY COUNTY Mullakin, Lewis and Susanna Jarvis, Nov. 9, 1780. Murphy, James and Mary Craddock, June 8, 1778. Nally, Richd. and Keziah Tannyhill, April 23, 1778. Oden, Nathan and Ann Norfut, Sept. 24, 1778. Offutt, Saml. and Elizab. Ray, Oct. 22, 1778. Offutt, W°. Mockbee and Alley Thrift, Nov. 26, 1778. Offutt, Zephaniah and Marg't. Butler, Aug. 24, 1780. Ogden, Cornelius and Mary Pritchet, March 26, 1780. Ogden, Joseph and Winfred Simms, Jan. ID, 1781. Owen, John and Elizab. M'Callam, Feb. 2, 1778. Owen Laurence and Sarah Hardy, June 22, 1780. Owen, Thomas and Sarah M^Cauley, Nov. 25, 1780. Peak, Benjn. and Cassandra Trail, Dec. 14, 1779. Pearce, W". Gate and Virlinda Lewis, Dec. 26, 1780. Pierce, Caleb and Sarah Daws, Feb. 4, 1781. Petty, James and Mary Hickman, April 2, 1780. Powell, Willm. and Mary S. Edwards, Jan. 13, 1779. Price, Richd. and Anne Randall, Feb. 15, 1779. Queary, Danl. and Eve Wilfree, Nov. 9, 1779. Ray, Christ^ and Eliza Tucker, April 13, 1779. Read, Alex, and Rebecca Stevens, Nov. 27, 1777. Reynolds, W™. and Elizabeth Stevens, Dec. 25, 1780. Rhoads, James and Mary Garrott, Dec. 18, 1778. Ricketts, Robert and Ellia". Allison, Oct. 4, 1778. Ricketts Thos. and Ruth Adamson, June 7, 1778. Riggs, Greenbury and Ann Hardy, Jan. 25, 1781. Riggs, John and Mary Eleaner, Feb. 13, 1781. Roberts, Richd. and Cath. Clements, Nov. 26, 1778. Saenghan, James and Jane Ross, Feb. 17, 1780. Saffle, Charles and Sophia Segar, Oct. 5, 1780. Scott, Robert and Anne Thrift, March 6, 1778. Seybert, George and Mary Shepherd, Jan. 21, 1781. Shortridge, Saml. and Anne Roberts, Jan. 25, 1778. Sparrow, W". and Mary Ogden, Nov. 6, 1781. Speak, Ignatious and Cath. M'=Cloud, Jan. 21, 1779. Spence, W". and Mary Campbell, Feb. 20, 1780. StalHngs, John and Eliza Cheshire, Sept. 14, 1779. Stevens, Richd. and Eliz. Jenings, Sept. 26, 1780. Stone, John and Sarah Raredon, May 10, 1778. Suiter, George and Mary Beall, Jan. 7, 1779. Summers, Caleb and Rachel Crawford, Mch. 2, 1780. Summers, John and Sarah Howard, Feb. 8, 1780. MARRIAGES 521 Summers, W"". and Rebecca Jacobs, Oct. I, 1778. Talbutt, George and Mary M'Daniel, Aug. 6, 1778. Taylor, John and Ruth Bailey, March 16, 1780. Taylor, John and Elizabeth Morris, May 3, 1780. Thrift, Charles and Elizabeth Offutt, Oct. 22, 1778. Trail, Osborn and Francis Fryer, Oct. 9, 1781. Trammel, Sampson and Carey Jenkins, Mch. 16, 1780. Umsladt, Abraham and Mary Howard, Dec. 28, 1780. Vallandingham, Richd. and Rebecca Andison, July 6, 1779. Viers, Daniel Bucy and Ann Williamson, Jan. 9, 178 1. Walter, David and Eliz. Allison, July i, 1781. Walter, Levy and Priscilla Fletcher, Sept. 14, 1779. Watkins, Leonard and Mary Higden, Dec. 19, 1780. Watson, Aleanah and Mary Mooreland, June 11, 1779. West, Osborn and Dorkus Trail, Nov. 19, 1778. White, Joseph and Martha Riley, Dec. 22, 1778. White, Matthew and Ann Felvey, Feb. 27, 1781. Wigginton, Henry and Ann Vallandingham, Mch. 2, 1778. Wigginton, Willm. and Allison Evans, Feb. 7, 1778. Williams, George and Rene Said, Dec. 14, 1780. Williams, Hazael and Mary Gore Hardy, Oct. 13, 1778. Wilson, James and Ann Johnston, Oct. 16, 1777. Wilson, Richd. and Mary Landrum, May 29, 1779. Windsor, Isaac and Anne Riley, March 2, 1779. Winrit, James and Ann Maria Ward, April 5, 1781. Young, John and Sarah Offutt, April 29, 1781. By Rev. Curtis Williams (M. E. Ch.) Orme, Patrick (of Montg'y. Co.) and Mary Sewell (of A. A. Co.) Dec. 24, 1801. By Rev. Alexander Williamson, i 777-1 783 Beall, Willm. Dent and Mary Beall, April 3, 1783. Beeding, John and Dorcas Key, Jan. 28, 1783. Blunt, Washer and Sarah Jackson, Jan. 29, 1778. Brown, John Alexander and Elizab. Vineyard, July 27, 1783. Burgess, Josiah and Virlinda Bean, Nov. 18, 1783. Clymer, Peter and Eleanor Pile, May 5, 1778. Cook, Elizab. and Jean M'Neer, May 12, 1778. Duley, Barton and Martha Baker, Mch. 3, 1778. Edwards, John & Mary Leach, Aug. 22, 1778. Hall, Henry and Elizab. Board, Aug. 17, 1777. 522 MARYLAND RECORDS— WASHINGTON COUNTY Harrison, Benjn. and Dorcas Lee, Apr. 27, 1783. Isaacs, Lazarus and Sarah Fightmaster, Oct. 23, 1777. Jones, Isaac and Margaret Trott, Jan. 26, 1783. Lenman, John and Debora Reynolds, Feb. 13, 1783. Lewis, Daniel and Margery Waters, May 10, 1778. M^Cubbin, Thomas and Ann Lingan, Mch. 3, 1778. Middleton, Thomas and Winnifred Powel, Sept. 13, 1777. Mockbee, John and Marg't. Robinson, Aug. 21, 1777. Neal, Willm. and Mary Branham, Jan. 4, 1778. Prather, Walter and Ann Higgins, April 9, 1778. Redman, Joseph and Sarah Windsor, April 24, 1778. Richards, William and Tabitha Litton, Sept. 29, 1778. Rimel, John and Mary Lewis, Sept. 8, 1777. Sellman, Jonathan and Rachel Lucas, Jan. 16, 1783. Singer, George and Jenny Wade, April 19, 1778. Tracy, Philip and Mary Thrasher, Dec. 12, 1782. Washington County Marriages,* 1777-1804 By Rev. John Chalmers, Jr. Ccish, John and Elizab. Roberts, 1 791-2. Jacobs, Jeremiah and Sarah Larimond, 1791-2. Lacy, Amos and Sarah Hudson, 1791-2. Lowman, James and Rachel Downing, 1 791-2. By Rev. George Mitchell, i 778-1 780 Breyley, Simon and Ann Boyle, Aug. 22, 1779. Campbell, Colin and Mary Leonard, July 27, 1780. Conover, Willm. and Sophia Fitch, May 16, 1780. Cox, Abraham and Elizab. Clark, Dec. 8, 1778. Gumming, Herman and Mary James, Sept. 7, 1779. Debelly, Jacob and Barbara Leganfelder, Dec. 9, 1779. Doland, John and Elizab. Jones, March 29, 1779. Grove, Philip and Mary Ekls, Nov. 22, 1780. Jacques, Denton and Elizab. Powell, June 6, 1780. Jones, Michael and Sabina Thomas, Sept. 5, 1780, Laferer, John and Elizab. Baker, Jan. 6, 1779. * Maryland Marriages, pp. 226-241 ; Md. Hist. Soc, courtesy of Mr. Charles Fickus, Acting Librarian. MARRIAGES 523 Lews, Thomas and Helen Mardee, Sept. i, 1780. M^Kenzie, Danl. and Alary Chapman, Dec. 2, 1779. Roby, Benjn. and Dolly Frizel, Nov. 18, 1780. Rogers, John and Marj' Tannahill, Jan. 23, 1780. Swearingen, Benoni and Elizab. Newland, April 1st., 1780. White, Robert and Katharine Philips, July 25, 1780. By Rev. Jonathan Rawtiouser, i 793-1 798 Minister of German Reformed Church, Elizabethtown, I^Hagerstown] Adams, Thomas and Elizab. Greer, Dec. 9, 1794. Angle, Henry and Barbara Schnelby, June 2, 1794. Arnold, John and Mary Earhart, May 10, 1794. Baightle, Jacob and Polly Siegmund, Nov. 2, 1793. Balitel, Samuel and Christian Christ, Oct. 6, 1795. Been, Jacob and Fany Rohrer, March 27, 1798. Belsh, W™. and Elizab. Kershner, April 19, 1795. Bens, Adam and Catharine Stonebracker, June 28, 1795. Boshar, John and Elizab. Gerhart, April 24, 1798. Boyd, Joseph and Susana Haushalden, April 8, 1798. Brackonier, Jacob and Elizab. Hedrick, Nov. 16, 1794. Bragonier, George and Margaret Otto, Jan. 27, 1795. Brembach, Henry and Rebecca Renst, March 25, 1798. Breneisen, Joseph and Eleanor Miller, Dec. 18, 1797. Bruer, Henry and Christina Flick, Dec. 11, 1797. Bruner, Henry and EHzab. Hayns, Aug. 4, 1795. Campbell, Devault and Eliza. Hershner, Sept. 8, 1794. Clark, Walter and Eliz-». Gordon, Feb. 22, 1794. Cordel, George Martin and Ruth Hazlewood, Dec. 8, 1797. Deets, Christian and Cath. Osborn, April 19, 1784. Delaten, Joh. and Margaret Streiger, March 29, 1798. Dillman, Henry and Catharina Busker, May 25, 1795. Dougherty, James and Margaret Kee, July 8, 1794. Fore, Valentine and Elizab. Frederick, Oct. 22, 1793. French, Alartin and Mary Stoner, Nov. 19, 1797. Gelsinger, Mathew and Eve Cradel Dusing, Nov. 14, 1793. Gray, John and Cath. Hartshoff, Nov. 11, 1793. Gushwa, Jonathan and Cath. Muselman, Mch. 27, 1798. Hager, Samuel and Cath. Sackman, Mch. 6, 1798. Harris, Jacob and Ann Walgamot, Dec. i, 1793. Harrison, Daniel and Rebecca Hammit, March 19, 1795. 524 MARYLAND RECORDS— WASHINGTON COUNTY Heiser, Jacob and Catharine Ott, Jan. 14, 1794. Helm, Thomas and Mary Knode, Sept. 15, 1795. Hoffman, Henry and Ann Gilbert, Oct. 25, 1795. Huffman, John and Lucky Schley, Nov. 16, 1797. Holmes, Henry and Christina Huckman, July 20, 1795. Hughes, John and Biddy Purcell, Oct. 3, 1794. Kay, John and Jennett Lowson, Dec. 7, 1793. Kershner, John and Mary Tooweiler, April 5, 1795. Lape, Henry and Catherine Grove, Aug. 9, 1794. Lockard, Saml. and Rachel MCormick, Mch. 5, 1798. Long, Christian and Elizab. Baker, April 19, 1794. Long, Henry and Rachel Lawrence, Dec. 31, 1794. Martin, John and Magdalen Johnson, Feb. 29, 1798. Mensor, Michael and Mary Beard, May 31, 1794. Milloskie, Stephen and Cath. Buckanan, Dec. 22, 1794. Nesbitt, Nathl. and Elizabeth Seibert, Feb. 4, 1798. Newcomer, Christian and Catherine Beard, Sept. 8, 1794. Neyhearck, Abraham and Civil Snyder, Dec. 11, 1794. Oldwine, Charles and Eliza Lottenbarger, July 5, 1794. Orendorff, Jacob and Susanna Miller, Feb. 8, 1794. Ott, Jacob and Mary Alter, April 21, 1794. Perrin, John and Mary Newson, June 14, 1795. Renst, Danl. and Elisabeth Rohner, March 25, 1798. Reudenauer, Henry and Sus. Heinsman [?], Dec. 17, 1797. Ridenour, Joseph and Ann Troxall, Jan. 18, 1794. Reudenauer, Saml. and Susanna Ott, March 6, 1798. Root, Jacob and Cath. Conrad, Dec. 14, 1794. Schnebly, Henry and Anne Beichtle, Dec. 13, 1793. Seibert, John and Cath. Shwab, Jan. 21, 1798. Shaneberger, Peter and Susana Schmit, March 25, 1798. Sigmund, W". and Catharina Deal, April 4, 1798. Smith, Jacob and Mary Harnish, Jan. i, 1798. Simpson, Wm. and Jane Thorn, Nov. 11, 1794. Small, John and Sarah Reidenauer, Nov. 21, 1794. Snively, John and Nancy Heegy, Oct. 22, 1794. Startsman, Martin and Susanna Mostiller, April 25, 1794. Steward, Solomon and Keziah Bantam, Oct. 15, 1794. Watt, John and Susana White, Oct. 8, 1795. Whitenet, Philip and Coly Heckman, Dec. 26, 1797. Winders, John and Elizab. Shaver, Aug. 18, 1795. Zook, Jacob and Eliza Hammond, June 12, 1794. MARRIAGES 525 By Rev. George Schmucker, 1794-Nov. 1798 Pastor of the Lutheran Church, Hagerstown Arnold, Henry and Mary Bauman, Sept. 1798. Backer, Michel and Mollena Hose, March 17, 1795. Beard, Michel and Hanah Horse, Aug. 8, 1795. Beck, John and Cath. Biard, June 23, 1795. Beorson, John and Mary Miller, May 2, 1795. Byerly, Joh. and Barbara Brendel, August, 1798. Caywood, Thos. and Sarah Mastaller, Dec. 1797. Charls, Andrew and Marg. Fogelgesang, May, 1798. Clapper, Frid. and Sarah Backer, April, 1798. Clarck, Allen and Sus. Swals, July, 1798. Confair, George and Eve Nonse, July 2, 1795. Coock, Hannry and Mary Schutz, Feb. 1798. Crisap, Thomas and Mary Briscoe, March 23, 1795. Cunningham, Francis and Margt. Hughes, Nov. 1797. Cunninghan, Jams and Fanny Startzman, May, 1798. Davison, Robert and Sus. Bonket, Feb., 1798. Dusing, Adam and Cath. Buzzard, Aug., 1798. Eakenberger, Walter and Susana Snider, Aug. 2, 1794. Erhart, John and Cath. Brendle, March 29, 1795. Ferrell, John and Mary Carvy, May 29, 1795. Firy, Jacob and Sus. Hortzman, April, 1798. Fogelgesang, Christ, and Sus. Arnold, Dec. 1797. Frey, John and Eliz. Sley, Aug. 25, 1795. Funk, Jacob and Susannah Rank, Aug. 20, 1795. Hadley, Richard and Sarah Jobson, June, 1798. HefHich, Jos. and Mag-^. Alter, April, 1798. Heysone, Nicolaus and Eliz. Flenner, Nov. 1797. Hocker, Andrew and Sus. Caw, Jan. 1798. Haushalter, Adam and Cath. Davis, Mch., 1798. Hyberger, Conrad and Cath. Wolf, June 25, 1795. Jabson, Jonadan, and Charity Walter, May 13, 1794. Kuhn, Leonhard and Eliz. Alter, March 20, 1795. Lane, Seth and Cath. Waltz, Jan., 1798. Liter, Abrah. and Elisab. Dusinger, July, 1798. Littel, David and Eliz. Wolz, April 30, 1795. M'^Cormick, John and Elizab. M'^Cormick, Aug. 10, 1794. M-'Danel, Richd. and Mary Boward, Nov., 1798. Mongand, George and Katy Haur [Hawe?], June 6, 1795. Musear, Hennry and Marg. Coon, Mch., 1798. 526 MARYLAND RECORDS— WASHINGTON COUNTY Myer, Adam and Cath. Fritz, Nov., 1798. Oyer, Francis and Beggy Coock, Jan., 1798. Pender, George and Rebecca Alter, May 23, 1795. Pewagard, Robt. and Beggy Dowlor, June 4, 1795. Piwin, Isaac and Eliz. Pople, Oct. 1798. Reed, James and Cath. Ringer, April 17, 1794- Reynols, John and Mary Wolz, March 12, 1795. Riedenauer, Adam and Cath. Tice, March, 1798. Reidenauer, Danl. and Barbara Kershner, Mch. 1798. Scherch, Joseph and Eliz. Betzman, May 2, 1795. Scherrick, John and Ann Wayand, Feb., 1798. Schmelzer, Nedren and Cath. Cau, Dec. 2, 1794. Schock, Jacob and Eliz. Deal, March 20, 1795. Schwab, Michel and Polly Braun, Nov. 1797. Schupp, John and Eliz. Conrad, Nov. 1797. Sillinger, Andrew and Amelia Roberson (Berkly Co. Va.), May il, 1795. Smiser, Henry and Elizab. Weaver, Oct. 10, 1794. Snell, George and Rebecca Mallott, June 6, 1795. Spesserd, David and Eva Hoye, June, 1798. Startzman, Martin and Mally Keller, May, 1798. Strouse, Henry and Christena Clausbrenner, Oct. 6, 1794. Swingel, Benjn. and Eve Schmith, Nov. i, 1794. Tyse, John and Elizab. Kesecker, Nov. 16, 1794. Tyson, Benjn. and Margaret Morgan, Aug. 27, 1795. Waver, Frederick and Eliz. Maggin, Dec. 1797- Zimerman, Gottlib and Eva Hann, Feb. 1798. By Rev. Jacob Weimer, Sept. 13, 1777-OcT. 6, 1786 Adair, W"". and Elisabeth Graham, June 17, 1779- Ancony, Henry and Susanah Jones, Aug. 19, 1793. Baher, Morris and Mary AUender, Dec. 15, 1777. Barid, W". and Dorothy Camrey, Oct. 3, 1785. Boohman, George and Eve Breheri, Nov. 22, 1777. Brewar, Peter and Mary Brooe, Jan. 5, 1785. Camror, Donald and Elisabeth Saus, Oct. 27, 1779. Carty, Michael and Martha Hewston, Aug. 25, 1779. Chamberlain, Jacob and Margaretha Deal, July 12, 1793. Chrissey, Jacob and Catharina Paulter, March 18, 1793. Cinkle, Jacob and Ann Lewis, Aug. 5, 1778. Coldwell, Joseph and Elizabeth Patterson, Dec. 17, 1784- Crabiel, Jacob and Mary Link, Jan. 3, 1778. Creichbaum, Philip and Catharina Jolly, June 3, 1780. MARRIAGES 527 Cross, Peter and Susannah Cammerson, Sept. 8, 1778. Cross, Samuel and Ann Lewis, June 8, 1778. Curten, Peter and Mary Ward, April 3, 1778. Dougherty, Neal and Rachel Cross, March 3, 1778. Duml, Jacob and Elisabeth Hefleigh, Aug. 23, 1784. Elliss, Nicolous and Rebecca Karrick, Sept. 28, 1786. Ester, Peter and Elisabeth Kebber, July 31, 1779. Evans, Isaac and Mary Sboiwd, Sept. 13, 1777. Fervott, Peter and Dorathy Wales, June 15, 1779. Fields, George and Sarah Wade, Aug. 31, 1786. Finly, Willm. and Magdalena Borey, June 5, 1779. Gemtz, Willm. and Susannah Ross, March 16, 1778. Gole, Baker and Catharine Garehart, June i, 1784. Gripe, Saml. and Catharine Nesbitt, Nov. 22, 1782. Guin, Nicholas and Margaret Shoup, April 2, 1779. Hamilton, Robert and Mary Renwicks, Aug. 15, 1793. Hanch, James and Margareth M'^Carty, Sept. 27, 1784. Hartle, Peter and Elisabeth Reiter, Feb. 25, 1778. Hauser, Jacob and Mary W^ernerson, April 20, 1778. Haynes, John and Babera Baum, July 20, 1779. Hayse, Mosses and Sarah Daniel, Nov. 14, 1777. Hermitags, James and Elisabeth Lewis, July 6, 1780. Howher, Fridrick and Mary Tanner, April 17, 1786. Hyner, Henry and Catharine Divily, Sept. 27, 1784. Jamison, James and Sarah Ireland, May 3, 1784. Jolley, Thomas and Mary Deacock, Mch. 3, 1785. Kelly, William and Elisab. Wallace, Dec. 9, 1785. Kisinger, Devault and Catharine Weshenbaugh, Feb. 26, 1785. Lackland, Joseph and Ann M<^Koy, May 7, 1778. Lieter, Philip and Christinah Bower, Nov. 25, 1780. Lochman, Jacob and Magdalena Shneider, June 5, 1779. Long, Johnn. and Ann Bune, May 4, 1778. Long, Johnn. and Elisab. Shaver, Alarch 18, 1780. Long, Johnn. and Jane Helms, Nov. 19, 1782. Lower, David and Susannah Wiseheart, July 15, 1785. Lower, Johan and Catharina Shank, July 10, 1779. Lowrey, Andrew and Sarah Rippa, April 14, 1786. Lydey, Johan and Elisabeth Fortny, May 22, 1779. M'^Cray, George and Elisab. Brown, Dec. 3, 1793. M'^Croroly, Daniel and Sarah Reece, June 21, 1793. M'^Denal, Agness and Elisabeth Larr, Sept. 7, 1779. M'=Deneld, Alexander and Elisabeth Sinclair, June 6, 1779. 528 MARYLAND RECORDS— WASHINGTON COUNTY McDonald, Kenith and Marg't. Davis, March 20, 1780. M^Lane, Hector and Mary Collins, March 6, 1778. M^Multy, James and Sarah Garrard, Aug. 27, 1779. Mantle, Christopher and Elisab. Sogston, July 20, 1784. Marks, Johnn. and Mary Mitchell, Jan. 18, 1780. Meek, Thos. and Martha Davis, Jan. 15, 1780. Menach, Isaac and Elisabeth Scott, March 11, 1780. Meridith, James and Isbell Hardesty, March 3, 1779. Miller, Abraham and Elisabeth Clapper, April 28, 1793. Miller, Adam and Rosanah Kershner, Jan. 24, 1780. Miller, James and Margaret Lowrey, Aug. 21, 1780. Miller, Philix and Mary Brie, Dec. 7, 1784. Miller, William and Frances Hyner, April 4, 1780. Mires, Mattes and Mary Webster, Sept. 18, 1780. Moolespaugh, Philip and IVIary Swank, June 4, 1779. Neighbous, Johnn. and Mary Deninson, Aug. 2[j?2> 1793' Nellson, Moses and Margaretha Thornton, July 8, 1784. Nicolson, William and Ann Nicolson, Feb. 21, 1785. Nox, William and Ann Casterlin, March 5, 1778. Oldwine, Charles and Mary Wyand, Oct. 16, 1784. Owe, Johan and Susannah Windless, Oct. 24, 1777. Patterson, W". and Phebe Daniel, Nov. 13, 1777. Pennybaher, W". and Mary \^erdie, Sept. 9, 1785. Phumener, Johnn. and Elisabeth Clarke, Feb. 24, 1784. Powett, Michael and Elisabeth Wise, April 12, 1793. Prutsman, John and Mar>' Heflish, Aug. 19, 1780. Rafenrider, Henry and Margaretha Chilling, Aug. 12, 1780. Raymer, Frederick and Elisa'^'. Jones, Jan. 30, 1778. Rellare, Jacob and Elisab. Rentch, June 2, 1786. Renner, Philip and Christina Hinesifer, April 16, 1780. Resley, George and Christina Bowman, Aug. 21, 1780. Robinson, W". and Margt. Russell, June 3, 1779. Ross, James and Rachel Davis, April 13, 1779. Ross, Samuel and Ann Trainer, June 28, 1780. Shauh, Jacob and Mary Sailor, March 12, 1778. Shank, Michael and Christina Gross, May 19, 1780. Sharpe, Joseph and Ann Nicoleson, Oct. 3, 1793. Sheets, Jacob and Elisab. Ruler, Aug. 23, 1785. Shimer, John and Sarah Walling, Nov. 17, 1793. Shipley, Richard and Eve Christine Crechbaum, Jan. 27, 1785. Shipton, John and Ann Cahace, Jan. 22, 1785. Shnebly, Henry and Catharine Fackler, April 2, 1793. MARRIAGES 529 Shutt, Jacob and Elisabeth Miller, Jan. 4, 1793. Simpkins, W". and Ruth Wolling, March 20, 1780. Skinner, W". and Mary Montgomery, Feb. 20, 1778. Spears, Willm. and Sarah Miller, Sept. 10, 1778. Squire, George and Rebecca Queen, June 8, 1778. Stall, Henry and Rosanah Stample, April 14, 1780. Tizor, W"". and Elisab. Marten, Feb. 8, 1785. Traxler, Emanuel and Catharine Camerer, May 7, 1785. Tutwiler, Jacob and Cath. Cheney, Feb. i, 1780. Valentine, George and Mary Grove, May 15, 1786. Waggoner, John and Elisab. Litch, July 18, 1785. Walker, Peter and Elisab. Proce, Sept. 5, 1785. Wallace, John and Mary Alexander, June 7, 1779. Waters, George and Dorothy Bunn, May 4, 1778. Weis, George and Catharine Reiser, Sept. 25, 1779. Welch, James and Agness Lamson [Tamson?^, July 11, 1779. Welty, Christy and Catharina Yost, Sept. 8, 1778. Welty, Jacob and Elisabeth Shelter, Sept. 23, 1778. Werner, Henry and Susana Pragunier, May 28, 1779. Wharry, John and Jane Hanah, Oct. 9, 1780. Whitehair, Christian and Margretta Troy, Aug. 12, 1780. Wiler, Jacob and Elisab. Summer, Sept. 23, 1778. Williams, Alexr. and Deborah Cahles, May 4, 1780. Wise, John and Sarah Roberson, June 3, 1793. Wisnor, Jacob and Susannah Jolly, July i, 1780. Wotring, Abraham and Cath. Shnebly, Oct. 6, 1786. Wyond, Christian and Ann Mary Putnam, Mch. 12, 1778. Wyond, Youst and Mary Crebs, Dec. 7, 1778. By Rev. George Young, Aug. 15, 1777-DEC. 21, 1785 Allison, Hughe and Sarah Scott, Sept. 24, 1778. Archibald, Willm. and Margaret Thomson, Feb. 13, 1778. Armstrong, David and Sarah Harris, June 30, 1779. Armstrong, Robert and Mary Starret, March 16, 1779. Baird, Michael and Catharina Walhem, Sept. 30, 1784. Bare, Conrad and Mary Whilhair, June 18, 1783. Barnes, Silvanus and Sarah Phelps, June 21, 1779. Basford, John and Elizabeth Taylor, Oct. 21, 1779. Beard, W". and Margaret Reynolds, Sept. 22, 1785. Berand, Jacob and Elisabeth Snevely, Sept. 17, 1778. Biddle, Thomas and Sarah Watson, May 14, 1778. Blare, James and Barbara Eliot, Dec. 3, 1778. 35 530 MARYLAND RECORDS— WASHINGTON COUNTY Boumgartner, Adam and Cath. Kershman, Oct. ii, 1779. Bower, Mosies and Catharine Pretter, April 18, 1778. Boyd, Wm. and Cath. Creamer, Apr. 15, 1779. Brees, W"". and Mary M'^AUen, June 27, 1778. Bridenbach, John and Mary Eliz. Frey, Sept. 13, 1779. Broden, Elder and Margareth Accony, April 9, 1783. Brond, Richard and Kezeeah Wells, Dec. 12, 1785. Brooner, John and Sus°. Delaughter (Frederick Co.), Oct. 9, 1779. Brown, James and Margaret Echols, June 12, 1778. Bryant, Joseph and Mary Brantner, Jan. 24, 1779. Cain, Hugh and Ann Reynolds, Aug. 15, 1777. Caldwell, Henry and Jean M'^Kesson, June 23, 1784. Callie, Michael and Mary Parker, Nov. 25, 1779. Campbell, Willm. and Mary Scott, Oct. 14, 1778. Cannady, James and Jane Ganniel, Oct. 19, 1784. Carlisle, James and Lucy Bond, July 23, 1785. Carson, Richard and Margt. Colliflower, Oct. 14, 1778. Carter, Robert and Jane Lee, Oct. 19, 1785. Charles, George and Elizab. Linder, Feb. 14, 1783. Church, Abraham and Hannah Wilson, May 12, 1778. Clare, Thomas and Jane Brown, May 13, 1783. Clarke, James and Margahrett Tumble [Jumble?], Apr. 20, 1783. Clarke, Joseph and Elizabeth Irvin, Mch. 27, 1779. Clarke, Robert and Rebeccah Beal, Nov. 29, 1785. Cochran, Robert and Mary Allen, May 28, 1778. Cochran, Samuel and Sarah Stuart, July 10, 1778. Counce, Henry and Cath. Ramback, Sept. 3, 1779. Cox, Charles and Judy Welch, June 18, 1778. Craig, Andrew and Margaret Hughes, Oct. 27, 1779. Cresop, Danl. and Elizab. Swearngen, Dec. 10, 1778. Crumley, Henry and Margaret Knepper, Sept. 25, 1779. Cunning, Alexr. and Ruth Mercer, Sept. 25, 1779. Custer, Jacob and Charity Boyer, April 29, 1785. Demsy, John and Ellenor Harrington, Mch. 18, 1779. Doherthy, Patrick and Mary Maley, June 10, 1778. Dorr, Michael and Mary Frey, Nov. 14, 1778. Dorsey, Lacon and Ann Shmid, April 23, 1783. Dowsy, Lakan and Elizab. Ingraham, Sept. 7, 1779. Dreyton, Samuel and Martha Carswell, Oct. 13, 1778. Eakle, Harman and Regina Salady, May 26, 1784. Eaton, Joseph and Jane Ramsey, Nov. 30, 1779. Ebert, Theador and Elisab. Crabor, May 15, 1778. MARRIAGES 531 Eckels, W". and Mary Armstrong, July 6, 1779. Edmundson, Archibald and Blandey Sheen, Dec. 11, 1777. Edmundson, Archibald and Linda Barnes, Nov. 23, 1784. Ekel, Henry and Cath. Pavenberger, Nov. 22, 1779. Ekenberger, Jacob and Eve Croft, Nov. 26, 1778. Elder, W°. and Sarah Abraham, June 14, 1785. Emmerson, Thomas and Mary Downey, Nov. 12, 1779. Everet, John and Hannah Knockell, Oct. 27, 1778. Farmer, Henry- and Jean M'^Clan, April 17, 1778. Farrell, Thomas and Mary Nielly, Nov. 19, 1779. Fas, Joseph and Catharine Hargan, Nov. 3, 1778. Feichtner, Martin and Cath. Craft, May 25, 1779. Feigele, Peter and Cath. Flowd, May 23, 1779. Finney, John and Margaret Black, April 26, 1779. Foy, John and Rachel Fight, April 29, 1785. Frame, William and Elizab. Johnson, Nov. 24, 1779. Friend, Tobias and Margaret Harshberg, Nov. 2, 1778. Garvin, John and Jane Noble, Nov. 19, 1779. George, Joseph and Froney Miller, Jan. 10, 1778. Goodard, Valentine and Mary Basem Sneider, Oct. 6, 1779. Gordon, George and Mary Prathor, March 11, 1778. Grumm, Adam and Catharina Fleeger, Nov. 9, 1779. Hack, Jacob and Ann Mary Cramer, Nov. 10, 1778. Hammeslay, Garret and Comfort Simkins, Aug. 27, 1778. Handerson, Samuel and Jean Jordan, Oct. 30, 1778. Harre, John and Eliz. Saylor, July 4, 1783. Harriss, Nehemiah and Sarah Fletcher, Aug. 25, 1 777. Harriss, Richard and Mary Ann Strong, Nov. 24, 1785. Harvey, David and Margaret Bishop, June 8, 1778. Harvy, Henderson and Martha M'^Connell, Feb. 10, 1779. Harvey, Jacob and Mary Elizab. Saylor, Nov. 13, 1779. Harvey, Martin, Jr. and Susanna Saylor, Oct. 2, 1778. Hayes, Thomas and Rosannah Ransom, Jan. 12, 1778. Hefiflich, Valentine and Mary Ruker, Dec. 24, 1778. Heffner, Valentine and Barbara Miller, April 30, 1783. Hess, Henry and Mary Shaffer, Dec. 29, 1778. Hicks, Joshua and Jean Chambers, July 18, 1778. Hipsley, George and Margaret AUender, Mch. 21, 1785. Hoefiich, Peter and Margaret Geiger, June 25, 1785. Hogg, David and Mary Gibb, Mch. 4, 1778. Hogg, Michael and Elizabeth Woods, Dec. 2, 1778. Houser, Michael and Susannah Fritchie, Aug. 23, 1783. 532 MARYLAND RECORDS— WASHINGTON COUNTY Hornish, Philip and Ann Matkins, Oct. 29, 1779. Huston, John and Sarah Morris, Mch. 10, 1779. Hyshel, Adam and Margaret Upp, Jan. 30, 1778. IHot, Elisha and Mary Gaither, April 18, 1778. James, Thomas and Elizab. M'^Fall, April 18, 1778. Karn, Philip and Mary Heflebower, May 22, 1779. Kegg, Henry and Catharine Miller, May 24, 1783. King, Peter and Elizabeth Mantle, Nov. 8, 1778. Kinkead, Thomas and Mary Mackey, Oct. 27, 1778. Kirkpatrick, Samuel and Elizab. Tomson, April 2, 1779. Kirkpatrick, Willm. and Mary Reed, April 27, 1785. Kenegam, Richard and Sarah Flemon, Oct. i, 1778. KHnsmith, Andrew and Barbary Wead, Feb. 6, 1778. Lackland, Elisha and Martha Swearingin, June 11, 1785. Lahm, Michael and Cath. dinger, Oct. 29, 1779. Levenstone, Christian and Ann Spangler, July 19, 1778. Light, Peter and Elizab. Friend, March 31, 1783. Linn, John and Jane Fisher, May 3, 1779. Linn, Robert and Elisabeth London, Sept. 15, 1778. Little, Joseph and Ester Beard, June 29, 1785. Long, William and Mary Hughen, Oct. 22, 1778. M"^Caine, Willm. and Ann Fugate, July 31, 1779. M-^Cartney, Willm. and Ann Wallace, Jan. 28, 1785. MClachey, Robert and Mary Wilkison, Feb. 14, 1778. MClennen, Joseph and Sarah M<'Culloe, Nov. 21, 1778. M<^Cletch, Robert and Mary Disson, Aug. 4, 1778. M<^Cormicke, Patricke and Margaret Nelson, July 15, 1784. M'^Coy, John and Rebecca Malown, Aug. 28, 1779. MCoy, John and Sarah Clarck, Dec. 16, 1782. M'^Conagy, James and Isabel Kersy, Feb. 4, 1779. M'^Cray, John and Peggy Connelly, Sept. 28, 1778. MCudle, Patrick and Peggy Hale, July i, 1778. M-^Gran [M'Graw?], Morris and Bridget Magrun, July 2, 1778. M'^Kenly, John and Mary Bryan, Feb. 18, 1779. M'^Kibbins, Joseph and Sarah Graham, June 24, 1783. M<^Kurdy, Alexander and Elizab. Henderson, Oct. 20, 1778. Maritze, Metsker and Sophia Ropp, Feb. 17, 1784. Marshall, James and Elizab. Paul, Sept. 25, 1779. Martin, Joseph and Ann CulHns, Oct. 29, 1778. Martin, Peter and Elizab. Stanfort, Nov. 18, 1779. Marvel, Samuel and Margaret Kelly, Oct. 13, 1779. Meyer, Peter and Catherine Schwazell, Dec. 3, 1778. MARRIAGES 533 Miller, Henry and Mary Brady, March 8, 1779. MilHcan, Mark and Jane Campbell, Feb. 6, 1779. Minsher, Robert and Christina Hooper, Mch. 31, 1783. Moore, John and Ellener Moore, Nov. 3, 1778. Moore, Willm. and Mary Gafrey, Sept. 19, 1778. Moorhead, Alexander and Prudence Morrow, Nov. 20, 1779. Morgan, Nathal and Judith Leither, Sept. 27, 1785. Neeshton, James and Sara Steel, Feb. 9, 1779. Neigh, George and Mary Sailor, Nov. 15, 1777. Nisbett, Nathl and Elizab. Streight, Apr. 25, 1783. Nixon, Samuel and Catharine Bramann, Nov. 3, 1778. Oburn, William and Bethiah Cunningham, Jan. 13, 1778. Ott, Adam and Juliana Hidinger, Nov. 3, 1778. Pearce, John and Mary Bentley, Mch. 3, 1778. Persell, Abraham and Ann Ford, May 7, 1784. Points, John and Jean Slover, Aug. 27, 1777. Potter, John and Barbara Doreward, June 5, 1784. Potts, Richard and Elizab. Hugher, Apr. 15, 1779. Powel, George and Mary M'^Coy, Jan. 19, 1779. Prather, James and Ruth Crownover, Aug. 24, 1784. Prober, William and Mary Dyal, April i, 1779. Ray, Daniel and Elizab. Nicholson, March 25, 1778. Real, Joseph and Elizab. Newcomer, Feb. 4, 1785. Reece, Adam and Ann Margt. Neffe, Aug. 14, 1784. Reidenauer, Henry and Eve Ekenberger, Sept. 22, 1778. Reidenour, Nicholas and Catherine Tackier, Nov. 14, 1778. Rentch, John and Elizab. Caler, April i, 1784. Ricard, Peter and Mary Creamer, Sept. 2, 1779. Rice, John and Mary Johnson, June 7, 1784. Richard, George and Cath. Feltner, June 26, 1778. Richtels, Philip and Mary Cath Winyard, May 22, 1779. Rippa, Elisle and Elizab. Thomson, Feb. 20, 1784. Roach, Morris and Sidney Mackingty, Aug. 5, 1779. Roads, William and Elizabeth Fowler, July 3, 1778. Rodrock, Daniel and Elizab. Heflegh, Sept. 13, 1784. Rodrock, Daniel and Mary Norris, Dec. 2"], 1785. Rorer, Samuel and Cath. Cooper, May 17, 1784. Rutter, William and Anna Crumb, March 24, 1779. Ryan, Andrew and Elizabeth MCoy, Dec. 24, 1782. Salady, Melcher and Barbara Palmer, March 27, 1778. Salady, Philip and Christine Flikin, April 28, 1779. Savage, John and Mary Jackson, Jan. 29, 1778. 534 MARYLAND RECORDS— WASHINGTON COUNTY * Schmid, Michael and Regina Fruit, May 2, 1783. Schyler, Ephraim and Mary Guttery, Dec. 17, 1777. Schyler, Willm. and Ann Murphy, Nov. 16, 1778. Scott, Henry and Mary Jones, Nov. 24, 1779. Shall, George and Barbara Waggoner, May 15, 1779. Shawl, George and Mary Creps, Nov. 11, 1782. * Smith, Charles and Mary Ringer, April 21, 1779. Shoeman, Thomas and Susannah Bowman, Apr. 19, 1783. Shrader, Henry and Catharine Knote, Nov. 25, 1779. Smortz, Abraham and Mary Rorer, July i, 1784. Snyder, Daniel and Cath. Sukwald, April 30, 1785. Speedy, Allen and Margaret M'Amish, Mch. 16, 1785. Stumph, Charles and Elizab. Beall, Sept. 6, 1779. Swales, Robert and Mary Lyton, Oct. 29, 1785. Sweny, William and Christina Horbach, May 4, 1779. Swingle, George and Pristine Houesholder, Apr. 23, 1778. Syster, Daniel and Hannah Camrer, Aug. 6, 1778. Teeter, Peter and Margaret Kister, March 24, 1779. Thomson, Alexander and Mary Craber, May 28, 1778. Thomson, Allexander and Ruhamah Chapline, Sept. 12, 1785. Thomson, John and Deborah Chapline, April 3, 1783- Wadd, Henry and Ruth Mellott, March 5, 1779. Waggoner, Christopher and Elisabeth Rue, March 18, 1779- Waggoner, John and Sarah White, Dec. 29, 1783. Wallace, Samuel and Mary Duffee, June 11, 1778- Walwert, Frederic August and Sus». Secrest, Feb. 15, 1778. Weave, George and Mary Elizab. Ichelberger, Jan. 15, 1779. Wells, Enoch and Elizab Watt, Mch. 19, 1778. Wells, Robert and Mary Downing, Jan. 5, 1778. White, Samuel and Mary Diven, Feb. 28, 1779. Willson, John and Rachel Magee, Feb. 27, 1783. Willson, Robert and Jean Elliott, Nov. 4, 1777. Wise, William and EUenor Perry, May 17, 1785. Woster, Robert and Mary Gorman, July 19, 1778. Young, Jacob and Attila Mony, Oct. 23, 1784. Zinn, Peter and Jane M-'Kall, Nov. 22, 1779. MARRIAGES 535 St. Mary's County Marriages* By Rev. William Allen, of Georgetown, D. C. Davis, Alexander and Elizabeth Sedgwick, of Montgomery Co., July 7, 1802. By Rev. John Bolton (Probably Roman Catholic) Mattingly, Edward and Martha Sym, Sept. 17, 1779. By Rev. George Goldie Barber, Elias and Elizab: Wainwright, Dec. 14, 1777. Bond, Will", and Mary Nevison, Feb. 28, 1777. Brown, Rob*, and Mary Ireland, Dec. 26, 1777. Buckler, Robert and Anna Bullock, Jan. 10, 1778. Carpenter, George and Catharine Maddox, July 14, 1777. Cook, Robert and Susannah Watson, Jan. 7, 1778. Evans, William and Bull, Nov. 16, 1778. Gardiner, Thomas and Henrietta Goodrum, Sept. 27, 1777. Gibson, Joshua and Mary Ann Anderson, Feb. 10, 1778. Lang, John and Dorothy Williams, Feb. 14, 1778. Long, Peregrine and Rebecca Williams, Nov. 12, 1778. Murphey, Zekhaniah and Elianor Gray, Jan. 6, 1778. Watson, Hezekiah and Susannah Pratt, Feb. 11, 1778. By Rev. Joseph Messenger, Rector of St. Andrews Parish Sissill, John and Eleanor Combs, Aug. 26, 1777. By Rev. John Stephen, Rector of All Faith's Parish Barnes, James and Anne Grimes, Jan. 18, 1784. Booker, Joseph and Eleanor Plummer, Jan. 3, 1778. Brawdy, John and Elizab: Davis, April 8, 1778. Burroughs Richard and Barbara Wilson, Nov. 9, 1783. Burroughs, W". and Susanna Dent, Feb. 9, 1783. Compton, Stephen and Abigail French Moore, Apr. i, 1784. Ewing, Nathl. and Catharine Reeder, Feb. 24, 1784. Gates, Joseph and Elizab: Jones, Aug. 31, 1778. Glover, William and Phebe Hutchinson, Dec. 16, 1783. *From "Maryland Marriages, 1777-1804," pp. 223-225, Md. Historical Society, Courtesy of Mr. Charles Fickus. 536 MARYLAND RECORDS— ST. MARY'S COUNTY Harrison, George and Sarah Dent, Dec. i6, 1777. Harrison, Robert and Elizab: Douglas, Feb. 17, 1778. Herbert, James and Mary Marshall, Jan. 2, 1778. Hill, and Elizab: Miller, Sept. 2, 1778. Hill, Richard and Sarah King, Jan. 7, 1783. Key, Philip and Rebecca Sothoron, Mch. 4, 1778. Leach, Nehemiah and Elizab: Lyon, May i, 1783. Lippet, Notley and Ann Wood (Banns pub.), Dec. 2, 1783. Lyon, John and Sarah Thompson, Jan. 19, 1783. Mills, Charles Nathl. and Eliz''. Ryal, Jan. 17, 1778. Moran, Hezekiah and Rachel Lyon, Feb. 11, 1778. Moran, Peregrine and Eleanor Barber, Jan. 8, 1784. More, Thomas and Mary Burroughs, Feb. 23, 1783. Moreton, Joseph and Cath. Billingsley, Jan. 3, 1778. Murphy, Hezekiah and Mary Robinson, Feb. 13, 1778. Phillips, Henry and Elizab: Walker, Feb. 23, 1784. St. Clare, Bernard and Dorcas King, Dec. 24, 1778. Scott, James and Peggy Edwards, Nov. 18, 1783. Shamwell, Joseph and Nancy Billingsly, Nov. 20, 1783. Sothon, Samuel and Henrietta Bruce, Jan. 9, 1783. Suit, Walter and Susanna Davis (Charles Co.), Aug. 26, 1777. Swan, Henry and Ann Dyson, Dec. 29, 1777. Wood, Nathan and Elizab: W°. (Bann pub.), Feb. 23, 1783. Wyndham, George and Mary Cord, Dec. 11, 1783. MINISTERIAL RECORDS OF PRINCE GEORGE'S PARISH* * Rock Creek, pp. 370-409. " Register of Baptism 1792-1845. Prince George's Parish, Montgomery Co., Md. — with other Records — Mutilated Condition" Rev. Ch. M. Parkman wrote from Spottswood, N. J., Apr. 5, 1883, that he found this mutilated record, in 1883, in the garret of the Rectory. "My predecessor here was Rev. Lorenzo S. Russell and I believe he was once Rector of the Parish." " If you have examined it at all, you will see how valuable it really is, and also that in 'early days' there was a large work being done." The first 98 pp. are missing. Funerals, commencing on p. 99, Jan. 14, 1796, extend to Oct. 8, 1814, and p. 103. Rev. Thos. G. Allen moved from Va., July 30, 1820, and took charge of the Parish. His entries for funerals extend from p. 104 to 108, and for baptisms begin on p. 196. This record extends to p. 211, ending with Nov. 13. 1852. Rev. Levin I. Gilliss, Rector of P. G. Parish, gives his record of Funerals on p. Ill, extending from Apr. 7, 1830, to Aug. 26, 1832. Between p. iii and p. 112 a sheet of Marriages beginning Jan. 2, 1806, and ending 1813 has been inserted. These appear from an original record in the Md. Hist. Soc. to be residents of Anne Arundel Co. "Rockville, March 10, 1828. I hereby resign my charge of Prince George's Parish after having endeavoured faithfully to discharge the duties of Rector for seven and two third years. And may the richest blessings of Heaven descend upon the dear people: — May they thus be rewarded for all their kindness and affection towards me : — May they be led to select that faithful minister of the word who shall be the happy instru- ment of leading them in the way everlasting; and after all our wan- derings and trials here, may I be crowned with the great joy of meeting them all in that land of pure delight where Saints immortal reign. Amen. Amen. Thos. G. Allen." (Original Record, 1 792-1 845.) Prince George's Record, p. 416, contains this entry: "The first person baptized in the New Church at Rockville, Apr. 7, 1822. " Robert Henry Allen, son of Henry and Sarah. "Rachel, dau. of Jerry and Charity belonging to Dr. Bowie and Mrs. Middleton." (Orig. Rec, p. 199.) " In July following the above the Rev. Henry C. Knight of the Diocese of Mass. was elected to the rectorship which he held for one year." 539 540 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S PARISH "Account of Baptisms by the Revd. Henry Cogswell Knight, late of the Diocese of Mass., now Rector of Christ Church, Rockville, Prince George's Parish; and of St. Bartholomew's Church on Holland's River, Mont- gomery Co., Md." These records are upon pp. 212-214, Orig. Record. Knight, Henry Cogswell. This certifies that the subscriber, from the Diocese of Mass., came to Rockville about the middle of July, 1828, and was nominally appointed Rector of Christ Church, in Prince George's parish; and also of St. Bartholomew's parish, Montgomery county, Md. ; but that the choice of a Vestry having been neglected on the last Easter Monday, in both parishes, the election of the Rector could not be legally confirmed, in either parish, until some weeks afterwards, when, previous notification being given, the Vestry were chosen, qualified and confirmed the same according to law. Henry C. Knight." " I was ordained a Deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church, by the Right Rev. Alexander Vietts Griswold, D.D., of the Eastern Diocese, May 6, 1827. I was ordained a Priest in the Protestant Episcopal Church, by the Right Rev. Henry Ustick Onderdonk, D.D., Philadelphia, Diocese of Pennsylvania, Dec. 20, 1828, Orig. record, p. 136. Henry C. Knight. June 15, 1829. At the end of the Annual Convention in Baltimore, which is to meet on the 17"' of this month, I shall resign the Rectorship of Prince George's and St. Bartholomew's Parishes, into the hands of the Vestries, affectionately committing the people of my late charge, both in temporal and spiritual concerns, to the mercy and love of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Henry C. Knight." (Orig. Rec, p. 213.) " On the 24th of July, 1829, the Rev. Levin Irving Gilliss succeeded Mr. Knight and served the parish until April, 1844. The Rev. Edward Waylen of the Diocese of Pennsylvania was next elected rector of Prince George's parish and entered on his duties June i, 1844. In the same month the Rev. Orlando Hutlon, late rector of Westminster parish, near Annapolis, took charge of the adjoining parish of St. Barth- otomew's hitherto held conjointly with Prince George's." (Orig. Rec, 1 792-1 845.) Edward Waylen was Rector June i, 1844, and Geo. F. Worthington took charge of the Parish Oct. 6, 1845. Baptisms 1792 June 10, Spalding, John, of Elias and Agnes, b. Mch. 31, 1792. ID, Berynes, Eleanor, of Josiah and Rachel, b. Jan. 28, 1792. 10, Austin, James, of James and Nancy, b. Feb. 10, 1792. 10, Collyer, Ann, of Jno. and Mary, b. Apr. 19, 1792. 10, Soper, James, of John and Rebecca, b. May 16, 1792. 20, Brown, Eliz., of James and Ann, b. Mch. 31, 1792. 30, Herbert, Anna, of Elisha and Margaret, b. May 17, 1790. 30, Hall, Eliz., of Henry and Margaret, b. Aug. 23, 1790. July I, Brown, Airy, of Thos. and Sarah, b. May 4, 1792. 8, Davis, Ann., of Jno. and Easter, b. Oct. 19, 1789. 8, Do, Thos, of Do, b. Apr. 5, 1786. 15, Chappell, John, of Thos. and Eleanor, b. Mch. 3, 1792. 22, Long, Mary, of Saml. and Eliz., b. June 15, 1792. 29, Dickerson, Ann, of Serratt and Eliz., b. Dec. 13, 1791. 29, Warfield, Deborah, of Brice and Susanna, b. Feb. 18, 1792. Aug. 5, Beans, Noble Beall, of Jno. and Catherine, b. June 19, 1792. 19, Summers, Mary, of Zadok and Ann, b. June 23, 1792. 23, Ray, Lydia, of Joseph and Mary, b. May 27, 1792. 23, Barrot, Joseph, of Edward and Sarah, b. June 17, 1786. 30, Dowden, Zachariah, of Zachariah and Sarah, b. May 2, 1792. 30, Swearingen, Benjamin, of W". and Sarah, b. Aug. 16, 1792. 30, Harwood, Levin, of Jno. and Mary, b. July 3, 1792. 30, Judy, Martha, of Geo. Jacob and Priscilla, b. Mch. 30, 1792. 30, Lyles, Kitty, of Richd. and Eliz., b. June 8, 1792. 30, Clagget, Ruth, of Ninian and Euphem, b. July 14, 1792. 30, White, Nancy, of Walter and Susanna, b. — , 1790. 30, White, John, of do and do, b. Oct. 1791. Sept. 12, Page, Rachel, of Jesse and Mary, b. Sept. 30, 1791. 12, Warfield, Eliz., of Azel and Eliz., b. July 19, 1791. 26, Magruder, Othello, of Walter and Margaret, b. — , 1792. 26, Richards, Michael Letton, of W". and Tabitha, b. — , 1792. 26, Wootton, Richd., of Richd. and Martha, b. June 22, 1792. 15, Hardesty, Saml., of Robert and Eleanor, b. Aug. 12, 1792. 20, Nicholls, Tomsey, of Henry and Nancy, b. Aug. 9, 1792. 20, Greentree, Ehz., of Benj. and Mary, b. Aug. 11, 1792. Oct. 7, Orme, Eleanor, of Elly and Susanna, b. Jan. i, 1792. 10, Lyles, Emma, of John and Cassandra, b. Aug. 24, 1792. 541 542 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S PARISH Oct. Nov. 1793 Jan. Feb. Mch. Apr. Thompson, Jas., of Jas. and Ann, b. Aug. 28, 1792. Iglaheart, Mary, of Jereh. and Mary, b. Apr. 23, 1792. Gaither, Henry, of Daniel and Henrietta, b. July 17, 1792. Thompson, Eliz., of Jno. and Rachel, b. Aug. 27, 1792. West, Ann, of Richard and Cassandra, b. Mch. 23, 1792. Selby, Richard, of James and Sarah, b. July 15, 1792. Nickson, Anny (Amy?), of Jonathan and Eliz., b. Sept. 18, 1792. Waters, Margaret, of Cephas and Margaret, b. Feb. i, 1792. Orme, Ann, of Elly and Susanna, b. Apr. 26, 1789. Shaw, Osbourn, of Charles and Keziah, b. Apr. 21, 1792. Evans, Priscilla, of Samuel and Rachel, b. Mch. 10, 1792. Letton, Martha, of Caleb and Mary, b. Oct. 3, 1792. Wilcoxen, Lloyd, of John and Ruth, b. Oct. 4, 1792. Lowrey, Edward, of W". and Lucy, b. Sept. 10, 1792. Lucas, Barton, of James and Mary, b. Oct. 3, 1792. Duvall, James, of Samuel and Ann, b. Oct. 28, 1792. Lanham, Jesse, of Thos. and Mary, b. Oct. 14, 1792. Collyer, Charlotte, of Jas. and Eleanor, b. Oct. 19, 1792. TurnbuU, James, of John and Rebecca, b. Aug. 28, 1792. MuUican, John, of Thos. and Leatha, b. Nov. 9, 1792. Hinton, Leatha, of John and Susanna, b. Sept. 26, 1791. Gaither, Greenburg, of Zachh. and Sarah, b. Dec. 3, 1792. Ray, Rachel, of Jno. S. and Catherine, b. Jan. 9, 1793. Armsey, Benj. Burch, of Jno. and Easter, b. Feb. 6, 1793. Burgess, Nancy, of Michael and Sally, b. Mch. 31, 1792. Walker, Mary, of Richard and Mary, b. Nov. 7, 1792. Anchors, Edward, of Snowden and Deborah, b. Oct. 21, 1792. Thompson, Eleanor, of Samuel and Ann, b. Jan. 20, 1793. Scrivinor, "Henna," of Philemon and Amelia, b. May li, 1792. Fulks, Solomon, of W"". and Mary, b. May 27, 1792. Linginfelder, David, of Valentine and Peggy, b. Sept. 3, 1792. "Janes," Elizabeth, of Edward and Martha, b. Jan. 29, 1793. Saffield, Cassandra, of Chas. and Sophia, b. Jan. 24, 1793. Claghorn, James Maxwell, of Robt. and Eliz., b. Dec. 5, 1792. Veach, W"., of John and Nancy, b. Feb. 26, 1793. Fife, Eliz., of John and Rebecca, b. Feb. 19, 1793. Read, Levinna, of Geo. and Rosanna, b. Dec. 22, 1792. Smith, W-". Morris Veach, of Geo. and Eliz., b. Jan. i, 1793. Day, Polly, of John and Lilly, b. Feb. 7, 1793. Tylor, Eliz., of James and Eliz., b. June 24, 1792. Mobley, Archibald Johnson, of W"". and "Chanty" (Charity?) b. Jan. 21, 1793. BAPTISMS 543 Apr. 3, Wilson, Greenburg, of Ephraim and Mary, b. Oct. 23, 1793. 3, Brown, Robert, of Frederick and Sarah, b. Feb. 26, 1793. 3, Ellis, Joseph, of John and Mary, b. Sept. 29, 1792. 4, Dickerson, Sarah, of Serratt and Eliz., b. Mch. i, 1793. 4, Collins, Rebecca, of Elijah and Ann, b. Nov. 9, 1792. 4, Burgess, John, of Richd. and Eliz., b. Dec. 1792. 7, Prather, Ann, of Walter and Ann, b. Jan. 19, 1793. 12, Ricketts, Sarah, of Richd. and Eliz., b. Dec. 18, 1792. 12, Helt EHz., of Nicholas and Sarah, b. Oct. 19, 1792. 14, Pierce, Walter, of James and Henrietta, b. Jan. 17, 1793. May 3, Magruder, Mary Ann, of Jeffery and Susanna, b. Apr. 20, 1793. 5, Magruder, Susanna Talbot, of Geo. and Charity, b. Nov. 15, 1792. 19, Boyd, Eliz., of John and Ann, b. Mch. 14, 1793. June 20, Belt, W™. Joseph, of Joseph and Sarah, b. Apr. 7, 1793. 23, Rawlings, Robt. Gordon, of Geo. and Martha, b. Apr. 30, 1793. July 19, Jones, Eliz., of Edwd. and Eliz., b. May 17, 1792. 19, Beall, Thos. N., of Perry and Eliz., b. June i, 1793. 19, Nicholls, Cassandra, of Daniel and Amelia, b. June 5, 1793. 24, Beckwith, Eliz., of Geo. and "Leean," b. Jan. 31, 1793. 28, Burns, Zadok, of Chas. and Ruth, b. May 4, 1793. Nov. 3, Anderson, Juliet, of Richard and Ann, b. Aug. 24, 1793. 3, Martin, Juliet, of Honore and Sarah, b. — , 1792. 17, Hawkins, Eliz. of John and Eliz., b. Oct. 5, 1793. 17, Rawlins, John, of Thos. and Eliz., b. July 9, 1793. 17, RawHns, John Hambleton, of John and Anna, b. July 4, 1793. 1794 Jan. 5, Holmead, James Beanry, of Anthony and Sarah, b. Sept. 12, 1793- Feb. 2, Magruder, Jonathan Willson, of Zadok and Martha, b. Oct. 7, 1793- Apr. 21, Howard, Lucy, of Thos. and Eleanor, b. Nov. 15, 1793. May 25, Lucas, Martin and Luther, of James and Mary, b. Jan. 12, 1794. June 29, Letton, Fielder, of Caleb and Mary, b. May i, 1 794. 29, Swearingen, Benome Ray, of W"". and Sarah, b. May 28, 1794. July 20, Greentree, Mary, of Benj. and Mary, b. June 5, 1794. 20, Beans, Dawson, of Josias and Rachel, b. Oct. 12, 1793. Oct. 5, Boyd, Reubin Tylor, of Benj. and Eleanor, b. July 3, 1794. 1795 Mch. 8, Dixon, Howel, of James and Jane, b. Jan. 25, 1795. Apr. 9, Bowie, Allen, of Thos. and Margaret, b. — , 1795. 19, Summers, Mary Letton, of John L. and Anna Maria, b. Jan. 24, 1795- 544 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S PARISH May July Aug. 19 3 17 June 28 28 28 28 28 28 5 5 5 9 30 31 Sept. 20 Nov. I 15 15 1796 Mch. 20 20 27 31 Apr. 22 May I 8 29 Oct. 8 1797 Mch. 30 Apr. 2 2 30 30 June 25 25 25 25 25 25 Nicholls, Ann, of Simon and Barbary, b. Mch. Ii, 1795. Higgins, Mary, of Benj. and Matilda, b. Jan. 25, 1795. Wootton, Mary, of Richd. and Martha, b. Mch. 7, 1795. Redman, Aquila, of W". and Milly, b. Apr. 31, 1795. Butt, Azil Swearingen, of Proverbs and Rebecca, b. Apr. 24, 1795. Beckwith, Martha, of John and Martha, b. Feb. 27, 1795. Glaze, Anna, of W"". and Mary, b. Feb. 18, 1794. Glaze, Ruth, of W"". and Mary, b. May 17, 1795. Lanham, Cloe, of Hansy and Eleanor, b. Apr. 8, 1795. Shaw, James Pratt, of Robt. and Lucy, b. Apr. 12, 1795. Hardy, Sophia, of Baptist and Hester, b. Sept. 3, 1794. Magruder, Helin, of Walter and Margaret, b. — , 1795. Rawlins, Benj. Ray (Roy?), of John and Ann, b. June 30, 1795. Webb, Benj. Young, of Thos. and Mary, b. July 28, 1794. Wayman, Rebecca Ann, of Jno. and Cassandra, b. — , 1795. Hawkins, Nathaniel, of Jno. and EHz., b. Aug. 10, 1795. Pollard, Margaret, of Thos. and Rebecca, b. Sept. 28, 1795. Fish, Harriet, of Robt. and Elizth., b. Oct. 7, 1795. Beall, Cassandra and Talbot, of Perry and Eliz., b. - — , 1795. Beckwith, William, of Geo. and Anna, b. Jan. 22, 1796. Nicholls, Sarah, of Daniel and Amelia, b. Sept. 26, 1795. Holmead, Anthony, of Anthony, Junr. and Sarah, b. Dec. 25, 1795- Martin, Sophia, of Honore and Sarah, b. Dec. 6, 1793. Walker, Jonathan, of Thos. and Hester, b. Mch. 29, 1795. Anderson, Richard, of Richd. and Ann, b. Jan. 11, 1796. Lucas, Mahala, of James and Mary, b. Jan. 21, 1796. White, Harriet, of Joseph and Lucy, b. Jan. Ii, 1796. Long, Eliz. of Saml. and Eliz., b. Aug. 24, 1796. Willson, Eleanor, of William and Ann, b. Jan. 21, 1797. Glaze, Mary Magruder, of W"". and Mary, b. Dec. 14, 1796. Pollard, Eliza, of Thos. and Rebecca, b. Mch. 5, 1796. Ray, Macia, of Benj. and Eleanor, b. Dec. 6, 1796. Summers, Caleb Letton, of John and Anna, b. Feb. 27, 1797. Clagget, Samuel, of Samuel and Anna, b. Feb. 8, 1797. Allison, Elisha Offutt, of Joshua and Priscilla, b. Apr. 21, 1797. Magruder, Townsend, of Ninian and Grace, b. Mch. 18, 1797. Smith, Charles, of Benj. and Eliz., b. Dec. 27, 1796. Duley, Thomas, of Barton and Martha, b. Apr. 11, 1797. Lansdal, Charles Gates, of Henry and Minta, b. May 27, 1797. BAPTISMS 545 June 25 25 July 9 9 16 23 30 30 30 30 Aug. 20 20 27: 27: 28, Sept. 24 30 Oct. 29 29 29 Dec. 12 27: 27 27 31 1798 Mar. 18 18 18 18: Apr. I I I I I 15 May 9 9 24 24 36 Harry, William, of Richard and Rachel, b. May 10, 1797. Burress, Charles Wesley, of Thos. and Ann, b. Apr. 21, 1797. Beall, Alphe, of Basil M. and Eleanor Beall, b. May 21, 1797. Groom, Rebecca, of W". and Anna, b. Dec. 27, 1796. Ferrell, Delilah, of Zephemiah and Martha, b. June 13, 1797. Collyer, Othey Hambleton, of James and Eleanor, b. May 24, 1797. Yates, David, of Samuel and Maryann, b. June 11, 1797. Lovejoy, W"". Alexander, of Alexr. and Amelia, b. May 15, 1797. Lovejoy, Thos. Anderson, of Alexr. and AmeHa, b. May 15, 1797. Barber, Edward, of Edward and Sarah, b. June 16, 1797. Prather, VirHnder, of Walter and Ann, b. June 21, 1797. Mills, Joseph, of Jesse and Ann, b. Apr. 20, 1797. Trundle, Lethe, of Thos. and Leah, b. July 16, 1797. Cathoon, W""., of Chas. and Ann, b. July 9, 1797. Beans, Henrietta, of John and Catherine, b. July 18, 1797. Lucas, Mary, of James and Mary, b. Aug. 20, 1797. Selby, Wesley, of Thos. and Sarah, b. July 31, 1797. Burrast, Aquila, of Peter and Mary, b. July 22, 1797. Dixon, Jesse Downs, of James and Jane, b. Aug. 6, 1797. Oneal, Mary, of William and Eliz., b. May 17, 1797. Madden, Martha, of Hezekiah and Anney, b. Oct. 14, 1797. Dowden, Juliet, of Massey Dowden and Archibal Dunn, b. Oct. 20, 1797. Dowden, Lucy, of Zachariah and Sarah, b. Nov. 4, 1797. Lodge, Harriet Porter, of W". and Frances, b. Oct. 16, 1797. Deakins, Eliza, of Leonard and Deborah, b. Nov. 7, 1797. Taylor, Washington, of John and Ruth, b. Jan. 23, 1798. NichoUs, Dennis, of Thos. and Cassandra, b. Sept. 16, 1797. Gatton, Saml. Franklin, of Zachariah and Ann, b. Mch. 14, 1798. Rawlins, Mary Ray (Roy?), of John and Ann, b. Nov. 30, 1797. Allison, Lucinda Higgins, of John and Eliz., b. Jan. 22, 1798. Lanham, Thomas, of Henry and Eleanor, b. Nov. 14, 1797. Austin, Zachariah Offutt, of Zach. and Alarg., b. Nov. 30, 1797. Fisher, Thos. Lyles, of Benj. and Matilda, b. Jan. 14, 1795. Fish, Mary Jeanes, of Robt. and Eliz., b. — , 1798. Yost, Charity, of Philip and Melander, b. Aug. 17, 1797. Swearingen, Sarah, of Elemalech and Susanna, b. — , 1798. Clagett, Magruder, of John and Mary, b. Mch. 14, 1798. Magruder, W°. Willson, of Geo. and Charity, b. Aug. 25, 1797. Hawkins, James, of John and Eliz., b. Dec. 31, 1797. 546 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S PARISH June 10, Swearingen, Obed, of Obed and Rachel, b. May 5, 1798. 10, Hardy, W". West, of Henry and Frances, b. Dec. 23, 1797. July 7, Higgins, Ruth Wilcoxon, of James and VirHnder, b. June 12, 1798. 8, Beckwith, Ann, of Geo. and Leean, b. Mch. 24, 1798. Aug. 26, Sparrow, Harriet, of Henry and Anna, b. Apr. 12, 1798. Sept. 17, Jones, Henry, of Benj. and Margaret, b. — , 1798. Oct. 28, Anderson, Susanna, of Richd. and Ann, b. July 5, 1798. Nov. 18, West, Erasmus, of Thos. and Eleanor, b. July 27, 1798. 1799 Jan. II, Wade, Hilleary, of W". and Cassandra, b. Jan. 15, 1798. Feb. 12, West, Garey Davis, of Norman and Eliz., b. Sept. 25, 1798. 26, Wade, Ann, of John and Elizabeth, b. Jan. 10, 1796. 26, Wade, Jane, of John and Elizabeth, b. Feb. 12, 1797. 26, Wade, Martha, of John and Elizabeth, b. Mch. 8, 1798. Mch. 13, Allison, Nancy Mancaster, of Joshua and Priscilla, b. Oct. 14, 1798. 17, Barrott, Ruth, of Alexander and Eleanor, b. Nov. 19, 1798. 22, Linthecum, Sally, of Thos. and Ann, b. Sept. 13, 1798. 24, Thompson, Robert, of Thos. and Margaret, b. Jan. 8, 1799. 24, Robinson, Polly, of W". and Sally, b. Jan. i, 1799. 31, Traill, Sarah, Perry, of W". and Priscilla, b. Nov. 6, 1798. Apr. I, Waymann, Perry, of John and Cassandra, b. Nov. 23, 1790. I, Waymann, Rebecca Ann, of John and Cassandra, b. Apr. 17, 1794- I, Waymann, John War field, of John and Cassandra, b. INI ay 25, 1796. I, Waymann, Francis Deakins, of John and Cassandra, b. May 14, 1798. 7, Holmead, John Buckhannon, of Anthony and Sarah, b. Oct. 14, 1798. 7, Willson, Kitty Harris, of W". Alex, and Sally, b. Mch. 1799. 7, Parker, Augustin, of David and Ann, b. Feb. 7, 1799. 7, Allison, George, of Greenburg and Joannah, b. Nov. 28, 1798. 7, Collins, Harriot, of Joshua and Mary, b. Jan. 18, 1799. 10, Willett, Ann, of Edward and Eleanor, b. Aug. 31, 1798. 14, Ray, Alexander, of Benj. and Eleanor, b. Feb. i, 1799. 14, Wilcoxon, Eleanor, of Jesse Junr. and Ruth, b. Dec. 27, 1798. 14, Soper, Martha, of John and Rebecca, b. Feb. 20, 1799. 14, Landale, Eleanor, of Henry and Minta, b. Apr. 14, 1799. 14, Summers, Anna Maria, of John L. and Anna Maria, b. Feb. 8, 1799. BAPTISMS 547 Kelley, John Duke, of Thos. and Mary, b. Nov. 28, 1798. Hays, Eleanor, of John and Susanna, b. Feb. 4, 1799. Selby, Virhnder, of Thos. and Kezia, b. Jan. 12, 1799. Steward, Eliz. of W™. and Margaret, b. Jan. 8, 1799. Culver, Samuel, of Henry and Mary, b. Nov. 15, 1798. Beall, Virlinder Susanna, of James and Mary, b. Mch. 21, 1799. Anderson, Robert, of James and Eliz., b. Sept. 10, 1798. Summers, Sarah Garner, of Paul and Sarah, b. Apr. 12, 1798. Holt, Lawrence Owen, of Lawrence and Mary, b. Mch. 17, 1799. Hardy, Mary, of Noah and Mary, b. Aug. 6, 1798. Fryer, Horace, of Walter and Margery, b. Nov. 24, 1798. Owens, John Candler, of Joshua and Mary, b. Mch. 20, 1799. Dav-is, Richd. Wootton, of Ignatius and Margaret, b. Mch. 18, 1799. Lee, Amos, of James and Ruth, b. Mch. 31, 1799. Richards, Eleanor, of Jacob and Mary, b. June 25, 1795. Richards, Christiana, of Jacob and Mary, b. May 25, 1797. Richards, Mary Ann, of Jacob and Mary, b. Dec. 24, 1798. Magruder, John Willson, of Zadok and Martha, b. — , 1799. "Ran" (M<^Ran?), Eliz. Cartright M. of W». and Mary, b. Apr. 24, 1798. Williams, Matilda, of James and Jane, b. Oct. 25, 1798. Crager, John, of Michael and Rebecca, b. Oct. 18, 1798. Higgins, Martin Fisher, of John and EHz., b. Nov. 24, 1798. Shook, Peter, of John and xA^rrana, b. Apr. 10, 1798. Mills, EHz. of Elias and Ann, b. — , 1799. Allison, Noah, of John and Eliz., b. Mch. 21, 1799. Oneal, Eliz., of John and Mary, b. — , 1799. Summers, Mahala, of Walter and Ursula, b. July 28, 1798. Prather, Walter, of Walter and Ann, b. Mch. 29, 1799. Israel, Rachel, of Robert and Mary, b. Mch. 28, 1798. Dorsey, Richard, of Lloyd and Ann, b. Apr. 18, 1799. Leeke, Cassandra, of John and Cassandra, b. Sept. 26, 1798. Holland, Eliz. of Joseph and Morana, b. Jan. 4, 1799. Warfield, Henry, of Basil and Maryann, b. Feb. 22, 1799. Young, Julian, of Nathaniel and Priscilla, b. Nov. 15, 1798. Boswell, Geo., of Nicholas and Rachel, b. Mch. 29, 1799. Sipe, David, of Christopher and Eliz., b. Jan. 3, 1799. Nicholson, John, of John and Mary, b. May 17, 1798. Johnson, Sarah, of Thos. and Dasky, b. Nov. 10, 1798. Lanham, Margaret, of Notley and Mariana, b. Feb. 27, 1799. Burgess, Ann, of Richd. and Eliz., b. Nov. 28, 1798. 548 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S PARISH May 29 29 June 2 2 July 28 28 28 28 31 31 31 Aug. II II II II II II Walker, John, of Elisha and Eliz., b. Nov. 15, 1798. Grymes, Peggy, of Charles and Nancyann, b. June 9, 1798. Riddle, Matilda, of John and Susanna, b. Jan. 12, 1798. Lovejoy, Edward Horatio, of George and Rebecca, b. Dec. 30, 1798. Wellen, Mary, of Amos and Linney, b. Feb. 9, 1799. Lodge, Lavellin, of W". O., and Frances, b. Jan. 4, 1799. Fish, Matilda, of Robert and Eliz., b. Apr. 29, 1799. Castor, James Shelton, of Vinsant and Hannah, b. May 6, 1799. Williams, Barbary, of Walter and Christiana, b. Mch. 27, 1799. Fields, John Riley, of John and Mary, b. July i, 1798. Fish, Ruth, of Francis and EHz., b. Sept. 27, 1797. Traill, Frances, of James and Maryann, b. Dec. 11, 1798. Harper, Lloyd, of John and Phebe, b. Feb. 21, 1799. Buxton, Juliet, of W". and Eleanor, b. Mch. 21, 1799. GrifTith, Eleanor Ann, of Henry and Mary, b. Nov. 17, 1798. Crocket, Charles, of Henry and Ann, b. Jan. i, 1798. Shoals, Kitty, of Joshua and Nancy, b. Nov. 1796. Duvall, Rector, of W"". and Sarah, b. Oct. 20, 1798. Vigal, Polly, of Adam and Nancy, b. Jan. 14, 1799. Veirs, Saml. Clarke, of Hezekiah and Ann, b. Aug. i, 1798. Beard, John, of Anthony Beard and Ann Moore, b. July 24, 1798. Groomes, Sarah, of James and Sarah, b. Mch. 15, 1799. Trail, Wesley, of Osbourn and Frances, b. May 9, 1799. Cashill, Polly, of James and Jane, b. May 9, 1799. Williams, Nancy, of Richard and Eliz., b. Jan. 7, 1799. Clagett, Thos., and Maryann, of Saml. and Anna, b. Apr. 18, 1799. Cox, Eleanor, of Walter and Eliz., b. Sept. 21, 1798. Cool, Thomas, of Christopher and Sarah, b. June 8, 1799. Whalen, James, of John and Sarah, b. Oct. 27, 1798. Prather, Nancy O., of W". and Eliz., b. May 31, 1799. Hows, Clarissa, of Benj. and Mary, b. Dec. 15, 1798. Thompson, Milly, of John and Eleanor, b. June 18, 1799. Price, Hester, of Henry and Sarah, b. June 8, 1799. Gray, John, of Barney and Cassandra, b. June 5, 1799. Moore, Alexander, of Alexr. and Eliz., b. May 26, 1799. Stokes, Marsham, of John and Ruth, b. Mch. i, 1799. Willson, Thomas, "of Lancelot of Henry and Rachel," b. July 14, 1799. Lucas, James, of James and Mary, b. July i, 1799. Williams, Harriot, of Zadok and Sarah, b. — , 1799. BAPTISMS 549 Scott, Walter, of Amos and Ann, b. June 7, 1799. Richards, Ann, of W". and Tabitha, b. July 29, 1799. West, Susanna, of Richd. and Cassandra, b. Mch. 10, 1799. Thompson, Patsey, "of WilHam and his wife," b. Apr. 17, 1799. Groom, Benjamin, of W". and Maryann, b. Jan. 8, 1799. Wootton, William, of Richard and Martha, b. — , 1799. Gardner, Mary, of John and Cassandra, b. Sept. 24, 1798. Catro, Rebecca, of Joseph and Mary, b. June 20, 1799. Selby, Peter, of Zachariah and Polly, b. June 16, 1799. Windham, Sarah, of W™. and Eleanor, b. Mch. 3, 1799. Young, Charlotte, of Adam and Rosenna, b. May 10, 1794. Young, Jacob, of Adam and Rosenna, b. Nov. 29, 1795. Young, John, of Adam and Rosenna, b. Dec. 28, 1798. Farrell, John Dent, of Zepheniah and Martha, b. July 18, 1799. Cooke, John, of Nathan and Rachel, b. June 2, 1799. Bealmear, Susanna, of Lewis and Eliz., b. July 27, 1799. Ridgway, John, of Richard and Henrietta, b. July 8, 1799. Magruder, John Willson, of Geo. and Charity, b. June 14, 1799. Tewill, Rachel Offutt, of Horatio and Grace, b. June 20, 1799. Lewis, Maryann, of Absalom and Susanna, b. June 30, 1799. Machall, Margaretta, of Leonard and Catherine, b. Apr. 2, 1799. Hardisty, Johnson, of Robert and Eleanor, b. Jan. 20, 1799. Beall, Polly, of Robert and Ann, b. Jan. 9, 1799. Free, Sophia, of Charles and Ann, b. Feb. 13, 1786. Free, John Read, of Charles and Ann, b. Feb. 4, 1790. Wells, Richard, of Nathan and Sophia, b. Aug. 28, 1799. Groome, James, of Richard and Rosanna, b. Oct. 20, 1799. Anderson, Eleanor, of John and Mary, b. Jan. 5, 1799. Fisher, Mary, of W". and Drusilla, b. Aug. 21, 1799. Wade, Mordicai Burgess, of John and Eliz., b. May 28, 1799. Ricketts, Mary, of Zadok and Ann, b. Aug. 6, 1799. Maddin, John Baker, of Benj. and Eliz., b. Apr. 13, 1799. Ricketts, William, of Nathan and Mary, b. Aug. 15, 1799. Smith, Susanna Kelley, of Aquila and Eleanor, b. Apr. 14, 1799. Baker, Lucy Edminson, of James and Eliz., b. Apr. 8, 1799. Hurdle, John Valentine, of Robert and Sarah, b. Apr. 6, 1799. Smith, Sarah, of Isaac and Deborah, b. Mch. 4, 1799. Dickerson, Susanna, of Serratt and Eliz., b. July 27, 1799. Smith, Nathan H., of Daniel and Anna, b. Sept. 29, 1798. Linthicum, Maryann Magruder, of John and Priscilla, b. Aug. 28, 1799. Culp, Christiana, of George and Eleanor, b. May 10, 1799. 550 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S PARISH Nov. lo, Stiles, Horatio, of Thos. and Jane, b. July 9, 1799. 10, Perry, Priscilla Maria, of Erasmus and Eliz., b. July 23, 1799. 10, Shoals, Agatha, of Solomon Shoals and Ann Robinson, b. Feb. i, 1799- 10, Oneale, Hannah, of W". Junr. and EHz., b. July 16, 1799. 10, Glaze, W". Turner, of W". and Mary, b. May 30, 1799. 17, Roby, Nancy, of Zadok and Eleanor, b. Aug. 26, 1799. 17, Case, Eliz. of Israel and Margaret, b. Aug. 26, 1799. 21, Mackal, John Dawson, of John and Eliz., b. Oct. 29, 1799. 24, Cecil, Aiary Maria Ramsay, of W"". and Virlinder, b. Aug. 15, 1799. Dec. 5, Watson, Ann, of James and Ann, b. May 31, 1799. 5, Dorsey, Mortimer, of Richard and Ann, b. Jan. 24, 1797. 5, Dorsey, EHz. Ann, of Richard and Ann, b. May 24, 1798. 5, Dorsey, Caroline, of Richard and Ann, b. Dec. 3, 1799. 1800 Jan. 3, Plater, Thomas, of W". and Sarah, b. Sept. 23, 1799. 3, Nicholls, Keren Happuch Burgess, of Archibal and Sarah, b. July 12, 1799. 21, Roberts, Geo., of John and Eliz., b. June 13, 1799. 21, Riddle, Sophia Porter, of John and Susanna, b. — , 15, 1799. Mch. 16, Redman, Sandy, of W". and Amelia, b. Sept. 9, 1799. 25, Ricketts, Margery, of Robert and Kezia, b. Feb. 18, 1800. 30, Collins, William, of James and Ann, b. Feb. i, 1800. 30, Tucker, Sarah, of Levi and Susanna, b. Feb. 2, 1800. Apr. 6, West, Roger Nellson, of W"". and Ann, b. Nov. 2, 1799. 6, Swamley, Sarah, of Jacob and Eleanor, b. Oct. 21, 1799. 6, Fish, Francis, of Francis and Eliz., b. — , 1800. 10, Austin, Baruch Odle, of John and Cassandra, b. Nov. 17, 1799. 10, Austin, Enoch, of Zachariah and Margaret, b. Nov. 18, 1799. 13, Culp, Geo., of John and Ann, b. Mch. 8, 1799. 13, Fulks, Margaret, of W"". and Mary, b. Oct. 8, 1799. 13, Thompson, W"., of Clement and Sarah, b. Nov. 21, 1799. 13, Selby, Rebecca, of Thos. and Keziah, b. Feb. 28, 1800. 14, Dixon, Eliz. Moore, of James and Jane, b. Oct. 2^] , 1799. 14, Thompson, Anna, of Basil and Mary, b. Feb. 5, 1800. 14, Maddin, W". Davis, of Hezekiah and Anna, b. Oct. 12, 1799. 14, Deakins, W"". Francis, of Leonard and Deborah, b. Dec. 11, 1799. 20, Drane, Anthony, of Anthony and Ann, b. Dec. 19, 1799. 20, Willson, Mehala, of Lancelot and Amelia, b. Aug. 4, 1799. 20, Davis, Thomas Truman Cecil, of James and Anna, b. Mch. 10, 1800. BAPTISMS 551 Apr. 21, Osborn, Eliz., of Archibald and Eliz., b. Feb. 14, 1800. 27, Leach, EHz. L., of Jesse and Mary, b. Feb. 15, 1800. 27, Hardy, Rachel T. B. T., of Henry and Frances, b. Oct. 6, 1799. May 4, Pelly, John, of Benjn. and Ann, Ij. Mch. 31, 1799. 4, Carey, Benedick, of James and Lotty, b. Apr. 15, 1800. June 2, Austin, Margaret, of Hezekiah and Eliz., b. Nov. 17, 1799. 2, Magruder, Eleanor, of Ninian and Eleanor, b. Dec. 14, 1799. 2, Connell, John, of Philip and EHz., b. Jan. 10, 1800. 2, Swearengen, Elizabeth, of Elemelech and Eliz., b. Feb. 15, 1800. 15, Rawlins, Franklin, of John and Ann, b. Mch. 18, 1800. 15, Waters, W""., of Basil and Ann, b. Dec. 28, 1799. 15, Buxton, Britania, of Brooke and Sally, b. Feb. 18, 1800. 15, Ward — "Children of John Ward and Mary his wife baptized 25 Jany. 1800, Viz:" Eliz. Harriot Ward born 19 May 1777. Susanna Ward born 4 Feby. 1780. John Ward born 15 Mch. 1783. Edward Ward born 27 Augt. 1785. Daniel Morris Ward born 23 March 1788. Ulisses Ward born 3 Apl. 1792. 22, Trundle, Sarah Shaw, of Thomas and Leah, b. Mch. 10, 1800. 22, Trundle, Thomas Wood, of Thomas and Leah, b. Mch. 10, 1800. 22, Willson, Margaret, of Nathaniel and Eliz., b. May 3, 1800. 22, Sparrow, EHz., of Henry and Ann, b. Feb. 6, 1800. 22, Free, Harriot, of John and "Turicia," b. Apr. 22, 1800. 22, Moore, Juliet and Jason, of Barton and Priscilla, b. June 16, 1800. 29, Burress, Mary Prather, of Zadok and Ruth, b. Jan. 3, 1800. 29, Fray, Jerrard, of Joseph and Eliz., b. Nov. 26, 1799. 29, Wilcoxon, Jesse, of John and Ruth, b. Jan. 3, 1800. 29, Wilcoxon, Ely, of Thos. and Sarah, b. Feb. 15, 1800. 29, Higgins, Barbara Lyles, of Benj. and Matilda, b. Mch. 30, 1800. 29, Biggs, EHz., "of Ninian Mitchel and Sarah Biggs," b. Sept. 10, 1798. 29, Burress, James, of Thos. and Virlinder, b. Feb. 2, 1800. 29, Lanham, Mary, of Hansy and Eleanor, b. Mch. 8, 1800. 29, Wilcoxon, Ursula, of Jesse and Ruth, b. May 2, 1800. 29, China, Eliza, of Shadrick and Sarah, b. Sept. 25, 1796. 29, China, "Caty," of Shadrick and Sarah, b. Feb. 22, 1799. July 13, Selby, Eliz., of James and Sarah, b. Apr. 29, 1800. 13, Benton, James, of W". and Sarah, b. Apr. 2, 1800. 13, Ford, Eleanor, of John and Eliz., b. May 2, 1800. 17, Austin, Warren Burgess, of Thos. and Eliz., b. Mch. 7, 1800. 552 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S PARISH July 17, Morgan, Harriet Ridgway, of Richd. and Eleanor, b. Mch. 27, 1798. 17, Morgan, Aquila Ridgway Duval, of Richd. and Eleanor, b. June 14, 1800. 17, "MCoy," Thomas, of James and Eliz., b. Nov. 1799. 17, Steel, W""., of W". and Mary, b. Nov. 28, 1799. 17, Cox, Caty Catroe, of Walter and Eliz., b. Mch. 25, 1800. 17, Crown, Saml., of Gerrard and Dolly, b. Mch. 13, 1800. 17, Higgins, Matilda, of John and Eliz., b. May 17, 1800. 17, Adams, Sally, of John and Eleanor, b. Mch. 7, 1800. 27, Fife, John, of John and Rebecca, b. May 12, 1800. Aug. 3, Swan, W"., of Henry and Lementer, b. May 18, 1800. 3, Brown, Sarah, of Nehemiah and Mary, b. July 1800. 3, Beall, Washington, of Robt. B. and EHz., b. Mch. i, 1800. 10, Speats, Benj. Allison, of W". and Priscilla, b. June 26, 1800. 10, Harry, George, of Richard and Rachel, b. June 15, 1800. 10, Mills, Benj., of Elias and Ann, b. June 12, 1800. 31, Willson, W"". Murdock Beall, of Thos. and. Rebecca, b. Apr. 17, 1800. 31, Groomes, Thos. Selby, of Richd. and Rosetta, b. May 6, 1800. Sept. 7, Saffield, John Scager, of Charles and Sophia, b. Jan. 23, 1800. 7, Hartlove, Mary, of John and Eliz., b. Sept. 5, 1799. 7, Bryan, Ezekiel Orrick, of James and Ann, b. Aug. 16, 1799. 14, Talbot, Anna, of Charles and Mary, b. July 1800. 14, Ridgway, James, of James and Rebecca, b. June 4, 1800. 14, Osbourn, Harriot, of Leonard P. and Sarah, b. Feb. 12, 1800. Oct. 9, Harbin, W"., of EHas and Darcus, b. June 7, 1799. 31, Martin, Mary, of Honore and Sarah, b. July 23, 1799. Nov. 2, Golden, Susanna, of Saml. and Sarah, b. Apr. 11, 1800. 2, West, Caroline, of Ignatius and Ann, b. Sept. 18, 1800. 2, Linch, Patrick, of Patrick and Eliz. b. June 21, 1800. 2, Swearingen, Levy, of Thos. and Eliz., b. July 8, 1800. 2, Bolton, John Bailey, of James and Abnea, b. Aug. 28, 1800. 2, Grymes, Mary Eleanor, of George and Eliz., b. Oct. 12, 1799. 2, Steel, Mary, of Joseph and Ann, b. Oct. 9, 1799. 2, Right, Jane, of John and Eliz. b. June 15, 1800. 2, Right, Lurana, of John and Eliz., b. June 15, 1800. 2, Hurley, Obed, of John and Eliz., b. Aug. 24, 1800. 9, Summers, Aletha, of Alexr. and Mary, b. Feb. I, 1799. 9, Lord, Samuel, of Thos. and Rebecca, b. July 4, 1800. 9, Summers, Turesa, of Zadok and Ann, b. June 27, 1800. 9, Hempston, Nathaniel Thompson, of W"". and Susanna, b. July 24, 1800. BAPTISMS 553 Nov. 9, Windle, W"., of Caleb and Martha, b. Sept. 7, 1800. 9, M'^EUwaine, Joseph, of John Sampson and Frances, b. July 4, 1800. 23, Hardy, Essea, of Baptist and Essea, b. Oct. 30, 1800. 23, Swearingen, Martha, of Obed and Rachel, b. Sept. 22, 1800. 23, James, Henry and Eliza, of James and Ann, b. Nov. 9, 1800. 27, Hardy, Eleanor, of Noah and Mary, b. July 25, 1800. 30, Robinson, Benj., of Benj. and Sarah, b. Oct. 11, 1800. Dec. 7, Tracy, Thomas, of Philip and Mary, h. Aug. 12, 1800. 7, Lloyd, Samuel, of Saml. and Jane, b. Oct. 25, 1800. 7, Vermillion, Robert, of W". and Eliz., b. Sept. 4, 1800. 7, Ramsay, Eliz., of W"". and Margaret, b. Nov. 7, 1800. 7, Welling, Nelly, of Amasa and Virlinder, b. July 2, 1800. 16, Porter, Caty Heiter, of Edvvd. and Mary, b. Nov. 2, 1800. 16, Offutt, Rezin Ray (Roy?), of Saml. and Eliz., b. Sept. 2, 1800. 21, Chambers, Singleton, of John and Mary, b. May 23, 1800. 21, Traill, W™. Tomson, of Osbourn and Frances, b. Sept. 7, 1800. 30, Gardner, James, of John and Cassandra, b. Sept. 24, 1800. 1801 Jan. I, Lowry, James, of W"". and Rebecca, b. June 20, 1800. 18, CoUings, Thomas, of Zachariah and Darky, b. Nov. 2, 1800. Feb. 5, Lodge, Caroline, of W"". Junr. and Frances, b. June 27, 1800. 5, Porter, Washington, of Nathan and Pamelia, b. May 8, 1800. 8, Holmead, Geo., of Anthony and Sarah, b. Jan. 3, 1801. 8, Hughes, Harriot, of Henry and Rebecca, b. Dec. 3, 1800. 17, Oflfutt, Mordicai Burgess, of Baruch and Virlinder, b. Nov. 29, 1799. 17, Offutt, W". Magruder, of Baruch and Virlinder, b. Jan. 7, 1801. 17, Wade, Eliza, of John and EHz., b. June 8, 1800. 24, Beckwith, "Oratio," of George and Lean, b. Jany. 18, 1801. Mch. I, Chamberlan, Matthias, of Josias and Susanna, b. Dec. 12, 1800. I, Cecil, Maryann, of Thomas and Deborah, b. Dec. 7, 1800. 15, Stewart, W»., of W"^. and Margaret, b. Oct. 27, 1800. 15, Linthicum, Ruth, of Thos. and Ann, b. Oct. 27, 1800. 22, Talbot, Thos., of Levin and Minna, b. Oct. 25, 1800. 22, Collins, Isaac, of Joshua and Mary, b. Jan. 25, 1801. Apr. 5, Magruder, Rebecca, of James and Eliz., b. Dec. 26, 1800. 11, Gatton, Carleton Ray, of Thos. and Ruth, b. Jan. 24, 1801. 12, Godfrey, Francis Deakins, of W"". and Eliz., b. Feb. 7, 1801. May 3, Belt, Thos. Jefferson, of Benj. and Keziah, b. July 5, 1793. 3, Belt, Eliz., of Benj. and Keziah, b. May 30, 1796. 3, Lashly, Margaret, of John Jaquet and Eleanor, b. Sept. 25, 1800. 554 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S PARISH May 10, Prather, Washington Swearingen, of Baruch and Cassandra, b. Mch. 2, i8oi. lo. Cool, Mary, of Christopher and Sarah, b. Jan. 17, 1801. 10, Greentree, Asa, of Benj. and Mary, b. Feb. 8, 1801. 10, Allison, Luraner, of John and Eliz., b. Dec. 4, 1800. 10, Willett, Carleton, of Edwd. and Eleanor, b. Jan. 12, 1801. ID, Smith, Gerrard, of Aquila and Eleanor, b. Dec. 18, 1800. 10, Allison, Christian, of Joshua and Priscilla, b. Oct. 29, 1800. 10, Soper, Luraner, of John and Rebecca, b. Feb. 21, 1801. 17, Rawlins, Harriot, of Thos. and Eliz., b. Feb. 2, 1801. 17, Jones, Sarah Tompson, of Nathan and Britania, b. Nov. 7, 1800. 24, Mullican, Basil, of Basil and Hannah, b. Feb. 21, 1800. 24, Martling, Geo. Wash., of Jas. (L?) and Mary, b. Apr. 9, 1801. 24, Waggoner, Kitty, of Jacob Dawson and Susanna Waggoner, b. Dec. 1800. 24, Williams, Nancy, of Zadok and Sally, b. Oct. 25, 1800. 24, Ball, Maryann, of Richd. and Eleanor, b. Mch. 25, 1801. 24, Barner, Trase Ann, of Greenburg and Joanna, b. Feb. 12, 1801. 31, Perry, Caroline, of Erasmus and Eliza, b. Jan. 23, 1801. 31, Pollard, Priscilla Johns, of Thos. and Rebecca, b. Dec. 24, 1800. 31, Garrot, W"., of Thos. and Eliz., b. Mch. 11, 1801. 31, Oneal, Burgess Evins, of John and Mary, b. Dec. 26, 1800. 31, Griffith, Eliz. Ridgely, of Joshua and Eliz., b. Sept. 7, 1799. 31, Gaither, Maria, of Frederick and Jane, b. Feb. 27, 1801. 31, Carr, John, of Benj. and Priscilla, b. Sept. 20, 1800. 31, Gaither, Saml. Riggs, of Danl. and Henrietta, b. Jan. 2, 1800, 31, Gne (Gue?), Ruth, of Joseph and Anna, b. Jan. 5, 1800. 31, Dorsey, Anna, of Aquila and Nancy, b. Dec. 10, 1797. 31, Riggs, Saml., of Thos. and Mary, b. Aug. 20, 1800. 31, Gne (Gue?), Hezekiah, of Saml. and Rachel, b. Oct. 22, 1800. 31, Anderson, Mary, of David and Mary, b. Sept. 15, 1800. 31, Corcoran, Sarah, of Joshua and Sarah, b. May 15, 1799. 31, Summers, Samuel, of Paul and Sarah, b. Oct. 15, 1800. 31, Brown, John, of Jacob and Mary, b. Oct. 12, 1800. 31, Merich, Rachel Purnal, of Michael and Virlinder, b. Mch. 14, 1800. 31, Shekels, John, of John and Ruth, b. Oct. 4, 1800. 31, Griffith, Israel, of Samuel and Ruth, b. Aug. 17, 1799. 31, Griffith, Jefferson, of Samuel and Ruth, b. Mch. 16, 1801. 31, Dorsey, Richd. Stringer, of John and Eliz., b. Oct. 13, 1800. June 14, Willson, Susanna Maria, of Lancelot and Rachel, b. Dec. 19, 1800. BAPTISMS 555 June 14, Summers, Maryann, of John and Cloe, b. Feb. 5, 1801. 14, Johnson, Reubin, of Thos. and Darcus, b. Apr. 27, 1801. 14, Thompson, Mahala, of Thos. and Margaret, b. Mch. 18, 1801. 14, Castor, Vinson Warren, of Vinson and Hannah, b. Mch. 12, 1801. 14, Yost, Mary, of PhiHp and Melander, b. Feb. 20, 1801. 14, West, Henry, of Thos. and Eleanor, b. Mch. 29, 1801. 14, Hoskinson, Alfred, of Elisha and Rebecca, b. Jan. 9, 1801. 14, Lanham, Tabitha Wheat, of John and Lucy, b. Feb. 8, 1801. 14, Miers, Lawson, of Solomon and Charlotte, b. Aug. 20, 1800. 14, MuUican, John, of Walter and Eliza, b. Sept. 23, 1800. 14, Wright, Ann, of James and Eliz., b. Jan. 18, 1799. 14, Cecil, James, of Richard and Charlotte, b. Feb. 3, 1801. July 5, Deblois, Lewis, of Lewis and Ruth Hooper Deblois, b. May 22, 1801. 5, Garey, Amos, of Everard and Ann, b. Feb. 22, 1801. 9, Davis, Frances Rebecca, of Ignatius and Margaret, b. Dec. 14, 1800. 12, Anderson, Alfred, of Richd. and Ann, b. Sept. 2, 1801. 12, Darnall, Eleanor, of Thos. and Henrietta, b. May 31, 1801. 12, Orme, Bennet Brooke, of Nathan and Polly, b. Jan. 13, 1801. 12, Thompson, Eliz. Bain, of W". and Patsy, b. Feb. 18, 1801. 12, Williams, John Hugh, of Walter and Christianna, b. Apr. 27, 1801. 12, Lee, W™., of David and Anna, b. May 27, 1801. 12, Williams, Maria, of James and Jane, b. Apr. 23, 1801. Aug. 2, Fisher, Barbara, of W". and Drucilla, b. Apr. 24, 1801. 2, Austin, Helen, of John and Cassandra, b. Feb. 26, 1801. 9, Stewart, Thos. Hanson, of James and Grace, b. Oct. 6, 1799. 9, Roberts, Mahala, of John and Eliz., b. Feb. 7, 1801. 23, Easton, Polly, of Augustine and Sally, b. Mch. 29, 1801. 30, Downes, Alfred, of W". and Cassandra, b. May i, 1801. 30, Carey, John, of James and Charlotte, b. Apr. 28, 1801. Sept. 5, Belt, William, of James and Eleanor, b. May 19, 1801. 5, Arnold, Cassandra, of Thos. and Mary, b. May 22, 1801. 5, Shaw, Harriot, of Rezin and Amma, b. July 2, 1801. 6, Meran, Susanna Edwards, of W"". and Mary, b. Dec. 26, 1800. 13, Maddin, Zedekiah, of Hezekiah and Ammy, b. — , 1801. 20, Traill, W""., of W". and Priscilla, b. July 7, 1801. 27, Beall, Robert Berry, of Robert B. and Eliz., b. June 10, 1801. Oct. 10, Richards, Anna Maria, of W". and Tabitha, b. Aug. 16, 1801. 10, Osbourn, W"". Thrasher, of Leonard and Sarah, b. Aug. 15, 1801. 10, Cooke, Zadok Magruder, of Nathan and Rachel, b. July i, 1801. 556 MARYLAND RECORDS— PRINCE GEORGE'S PARISH Oct. 10, Summers, Reubin, of John L. and Anna Maria, b. Aug. ii, i8oi. lo, Cahell (Carhell?), Geo., of James and Jane, b. Apr. 24, 1801. 10, Magruder, Anna Eleanora, of Geo. and Charity, b. July 7, 1801. 10, Bealmeer, Caroline, of Lewis and Eliz., b. — , 1801. 10, Beall, James Wash., of James and Mary, b. Aug. 11, 1801. 10, Parker, Anna, of Thos. and Mary, b. Mch. 3, 1801. 10, Page, Alexander, of Francis and Cassandra, b. Dec. 23, 1800. 10, Deakins, Leonard Marbury, of Leonard and Deborah, b. July 5, 1801. 10, Davis, John, of John and Ann, b. Sept. 18, 1801. 10, Janes, Masham, of Edwd. and Martha, b. July 21, 1801. 10, Moran, W™., of Peregrine and Eleanor, b. Oct. 3, 1801. 27, Belt, Sarah Ann, of Cartlon and Eliz., b. June 3, 1801. Nov. I, Nicholls, W"". Mackay, of Thos. and Priscilla, b. Jan. 28, 1801. 15, West, Maria, of W". and Ann, b. Aug. 10, 1801. 15, Henderson, Richd., of John and Lydia, b. July 3, 1801. 15, Grainger, W"., of Jonathan and Ann, b. Aug. 9, 1801. 15, Maddin, Eliza, of Benj. and Eliz., b. May 15, 1801. 15, Anderson, Harriot, of John and Mary, b. May 4, 1801. 15, Wilcoxon, Ruth, of Thos. H. and Sarah, b. July 31, 1801. 15, "MCoy," Turner, of James and Eliz., b. May 2, 1801. 15, Beall, Edward Brooke, of Upton and Matilda, b. Mch. 19, 1801. Dec. 16, Walker, James Warren, of Elisha and Sarah, b. Sept. 30, 1799. 16, Shekells, Susanna, of John and Ruth, b. Oct. 19, 1798. 16, Cecil, Sabret Henry Willson, of W". and Virlinder, b. Sept. 27, 1801. 16, Thompson, Eliza, of Richd. and Eliz. b. May 28, 1801. RECORD OF MARRIAGES AND FUNERALS 557 Record of Marriages and Funerals — Rev. Thomas Read, 1796-1808* "One of the most historical of the early parishes is Prince George, commonly known as Rock Creek Parish. It was erected in 1726, and embraced within its limits all the territory lying between the Potomac and Patuxent Rivers, and the eastern branch and a line drawn from thence to the Patuxent and extending westward to the westerly bounds of the Province ; thus including not only a part of the District of Columbia, but Georgetown and all the Counties of Western Maryland ; and from it all the parishes now within that domain were originally carved, or are the result of subdivisions." "The first Rector of the parish was the Rev. George Murdoch, who was commissioned by Gov. Charles Calvert, in Dec, 1726, and who officiated for thirty-four years, and until his death, in 1761. He was followed by Rev. Alexander Williamson, who served fourteen years, and was succeeded by the Rev. Thomas Read, who had previously been Curate of the parish, and also Rector of St. Anne's, Annapolis. He was inducted in 1777, and continued to be Rector of the parish thirty-four years, when he resigned. During Mr. Read's pastorate of Rock Creek Parish, he kept a record of the marriages performed by him within the parish, and as well also a necrology covering the same period. A part of this record has been preserved — from 1796 to 1808 inclusive. After the death of Mr. Read it came into possession of his son, the late Robert Read, of Cumberland, after whose demise it was presented by his widow, Sarah Johns Read ^through James Walter Thomas] to the Md. Hist. Soc. This old record is singularly valuable, not only because of the large area covered by the parish, em- bracing, even at that date, nearly the whole of Montgomery County, but more especially by reason of the fact that the Montgomery records do not begin until 1798, and the necrology of the County being exceedingly meagre and limited. this marriage record is somewhat more comprehensive than the Montgomery records even after the latter were started, as it is not confined to marriges performed by license issued in that county, as are its records." * Quoted from "Chronicles oj Colonial Maryland; Thomas, pp. 208-217." The source of the marriage and funeral record of Rev. Thos. Read is the original volume from which Mr. Richard Henry Spencer, Cor. Secy. Md. Historical Society, kindly caused the entire records to be tran- scribed and compared. 558 MARYLAND RECORDS— MONTGOMERY COUNTY, 1796 Jan. 12, Feb. 2, 9- II, 18, 22, 28, Mar. 3. 6, 10, 22, 24- 28, Apr. 21, 21, May IS- IS. June 16, 17. July 24. Aug. 2, IS. 30, Sept. 22, 18, 27. Nov. 17. 24. Dec. I, 8, 15. 22, 25- 29, 1797 Jan. 17- 17. Marriages — Montgomery County, 1796/ Buxton, John to Macoy, Eleanor. . Roby, Theophilus to Willett, Ann. Stewart, James to Clarke, Grace. Medcalf, Edw. to Butt, Cloe. Bowman, George to Howse, Sarah. Dorsey, Richd. to Wayman, Anne. Cordingly, W"". Welsh to Moore, Ann. Campbell, J no. to Cratton, Polly. Thompson, Rich, to Pelly, Eliz. Nicholson, Jeremiah to Nicholson, Hester. Wilcoxen, Jesse to Wilcoxen, Ruth. Moody, Thomas to Berry, Mary. Henry Jones' Geo. to Charles Jones' Polly (Negroes). Wilson, W"". to White, Anne. Davis, Thomas to Worthington, Catherine. Mr. Crabb's James and Clary (Negroes). Mrs. Johns' Jerry and MoUie (Negroes). Lane, Rev. Nicholas to Selby, Esther. Sparrow, Jonathan to Smith, Priscilla. Groom, W". to Kelly, Maryann. Williams, Walter C. to Heugh, Christiana. Downes, Richd. to Rose, Eliz. Nicholls, Benj. to Culver, Drusilla. Lowry, William to Groome, Rebecca. Lowe, Henry to Macbee, Ann. Windel, Caleb to Parker, Martha. Riggs, Thomas to Riggs, Mary. Buxton, Thomas to Macbeey, Fanney. Riddle, Jno. to Porter, Susanna. Ray, James to Warfield, Eliz. Austin, Hezekiah to Odie, Eliz. Fish, Robert to Jeans, Eliz. Leach, John to Bowmen, Rachel. Hardey, Henry to West, Frances. Mudd, Andrew to Green, Eleanor. Lodge, William O. to Porter, Frances. * Chronicles of Colonial Maryland; Thomas, pp. 208-217, compared with originals owned by Md. Hist. Soc. MARRIAGES 559 Roberts, J no. to Heater, Eliz. Dorsey, Lloyd to Green, Anna. Riggs, Erasmus to Wilcoxen, Eleanor. Denoon, Ely to Sanders, Henny. M'^Coy, James to Brown, Eliz. Higgins, Clark to Thomas, Margaret. Ridgeway, James to Hurdle, Rebecca. Minstalled, Nicholas to Allison, Mary. Warfield, Beale to Ridgely, Amelia. Fuburiere, Nicholas to Tucker, Susan. Warfield, Brice to Collins, Sarah. Allison, Jno. B. to Higgins, Eliz. Fields, Jno. to Madden, Mary. Wight, Jno. to Boyd, Gary. Hurley, Jno. to Benton, EHz. Ricketts, Robt. to Ricketts, Kezia. Ricketts, Zadoc to Groome Ann. Higgins, James to Wilcoxen, Virlinda. Sullivan, Sylvester to Hawse, Rosanna. Lyon, Samuel to Davis, Linny. Bean, Richd. to Kelly, Prudence. Reeder, Benj. to Hungerford, Anne. Benson, William to Hensley, Rachel. Archey, Edw. to Allison, Eliz. Merriweather, Nicholas to Hood, Eliz. Gardner, John to Dowden, Cassandra. Higgins Jno. to Fisher, Eliz. Culver, Henry to Patterson, Mary. Bird, Charles to Barton, Margaret. Wellin, Amasa to Trundle, Linney. Hutchison Francis to Ball, Sarah. Trundle, Evan to Key, Anna. Love, Saml. to Jones, Sarah. Snowden, Richd. to Warfield, Eliza. Davis, Benj. to Thrasher, Eliz. Coal, Christopher A. to Claton, Sarah. David Crafford's Edward and Linny (Negroes). Wilcoxon, Thos. H. to Prather, Sarah. Davis, Ignatius to Wooten, Margaret. Scott, Amos to West, Annoe. Cash, Dawson to Beens, Jemima. 56o MARYLAND RECORDS— MONTGOMERY COUNTY, 1796 Oct. 12, Summers, Benjamin to Beckwith, Virlinder. 15, O'Neal, David to Lane, Rebecca. 30, Willoson, Robt. to Shekells, Eleanor. Nov. 15, Wells, Nathan to Duley, Sophia. Dec. 8, Crecraft, Benj. to Prather, Nelly. 18, Cox, J no. M. to Gray, Eleanor. 20, Ward, Geo. to Redman, Ann. 23, Cox, W". to Kelly, Liley. 30, Camobell, John to Oden, Priscilla. 1799 Jan. 3, Davis, Charles to Howse, Laurady. 3, Penn, Roby to Howse, Lucreta. 10, Turner, Richd. to Beall, Eliz. 10, Carroll, Daniel to Maccubbin, Ann. 19, Swavaley, Jacob to Fulks, Eleanor. 22, Adams, John to CoUyer, Eleanor. 22, Gratton, Thomas to Ray, Ruth. 24, Jones, Charles Offutt to Offutt, Rebecca. 26, Thompson, Benjamin to Haney, Eliz. 27, Parnnion, Henry to Sanders, Eliz.* Feb. 5, Groomes, James to King, Sarah. 14, Garrott, Thos. and Fee, Elizabeth. 15, Austin, John and Odle, Cassandra. 26, Ofutt, Barak and Offutt, Virlinder. Mch. 14, Crafford, James B. and Allison, Ann. 19, Waters, Basil and Magruder, Ann P. Apr. II, Nicholson, John and Oden, Tabitha. 18, Leatch, Jesse and Letten, Mary. May 23, Riggs, Edmund to Willson, Jane. Aug. 8, Pelly, Solomon and Holland, Massy. 29, Kirkman, Jacob and Hall, Susanna. Nov. 9, Magruder, Jno. and Linthicum, Mary. 24, Frey, Jno. and Lucas, Turecia. Dec. 5, Hood, Thos. and Wayman, Rachel. 10, Magruder, James and Linthicum, Eliz. Nov. 30, Parsley, Jonas and Clayton, Eleanor. * "License, Ann Arundel granted." "Mr. W"». H. Talbott is correct in his opinion tliat the words "License Granted — Anne Arundel County" [Chronicles of Colonial Md., Thomas, 1913, p. 212] were intended to be and should have been printed as a footnote to the Parnnion-Sanders marriage, and not as a caption to those marriages which follow. This footnote occurs at the bottom of p. 5, in the original entry made by Rev. Thomas Read in the following words: 'License, Ann Arundel granted.' Richard H. Spencer, Cor. Secy. Md. Hist. Soc." MARRIAGES 561 Dec. 1800 Jan. Apr. Dec. 2 14 16 21 21 21 23 25 30 15 15 May 22 22 June 26 July 17 Nov. 18 20 27 4 16 20 23 25 25 28 30 1801 Feb. I 10 17 24 27 Mch. 3 12 31 Apr. 5 14 May 24 37 Prather, Baruck and Swearingen, Casandra. Perry, Jno. and Alnutt, Jane. Stewart, Richd. and Renneton, Eliz. Ramsey, William and Herren, Margaret. Lanham, Jno. and Ray, Lucy. Riley, Camden and Ray, Anna. Jones, Nathan and Buxton, Anna. Porter, Edward and Heiter, Hary. Orme, Nathan and Beall, Polly. Holland, Solomon and Galton, Margaret. Redman, Jno. and Ward, Harriot. Beckwith, Benedict and White, Eliz. Harper, Edw. and Boswell, Sarah Ann. NichoUs, Thos. and Mackey, Priscilla. Merrick, Michael and Bowman, Virlinder. Gary, Everrard and Cloud, Ann. Riggs, John H. and Howard, Rebecca. Offutt, Thos. Odle and Benton, Charity. Orme, Doct. Richd. J. and Crabb, Ann. Daniel, Elias M. and Golden, Margaret. Inlose, Samuel and Stone, Eliz. Williams, Edwd. O. and Clagett, Eliz. Porter, Davad and Ray, Mar>'. Reintzel, Daniel and Robertson, Ann. Lashley, Arnold and Lee, Eliz. Lanham, Notley and Hopkins, Eliz. Kelley, Benj. and Moore, Eliz. Wallace, William and Brookes, Margaret. Mullican, W"". and Dowden, Eliz. Moore, Nathan and Hantz, Eliz. Johns, Leonard H. and Williams, Margaret. Clagett, David and Odle, Salley. Fish, Hatton and Benton, Sarah. Easton, Levin and Ricketts, Druzilla. Davis, Leonard Young and Worthington, Achsah. Magruder, Samuel and Hawkins, Eliz. Magruder, Geo. and Turner, Anna. Wiest, Jno. and Shuck, Lydia. Getty, John and Carey, Eleanor. Langford, Richd. and Soper, AmeHa. 562 MARYLAND RECORDS— MONTGOMERY COUNTY, 1796 July 9. Oct. 8, 8, 8, 25. 27. Nov. 19. Dec. I, 8, ID, 17. 22, 22, 31, 31. 1802 Jan. 7. 12, 12, 21, 28, 30, Feb. 9. Mch 21, Apr. 20, Aug. 3. Sept. 2, 12, 21, Nov. 9. 25. Dec. 7. 14. 21, 30, 1803 Jan. 18, 20, Mch ID, 31. Apr. 10, May 5 Beall, Lewis and Wootton, Eliza. Garrett, William and Higgins, Eleanor. Walker, Willson and Prather, Deborah. Selby, Brice and Marker, Cathrine. Bean, Josiah and Wilson, Eleanor. Linthicum, Ezekiah and Hickman, Mary. Madden, Joseph and Sparrow, Susanna. Linthicum, Fredrick and Macklefresh, Rachel. Dickerson, Nathan and TurnbuU, Margaret. Owings, Jesse and Hood, Hannah. Orr, WiUiam and Macklewain, Eliz. Trail, Nathan and Buxton, Susanna. Heater, George and Porter, Charlotte. Jones, W". R. and Richardson, EHz. L. Fowler, Henry to Lewis Beall's Mulatto Woman Nelly. Jones, Benj. W. and Willson, Margaret. Holt, Lawrence O. and Oden, Sarah. Clagett, Thos. and Offutt, Rachel. Davis, Thos. and Bowie, Eliza. Northcraft, James and Fr>-er, Rachel. Cooke, James and Beeding, Patsey. Harriss, Barton and Griffith, Mary. Sparrow, W"". and Campbell, Eliza. Offutt, Andrew and Warfield, Eliz. Astlin, Joseph and Beard, Mary. Madden, Walter and Mudd, Eliz. Groome, James and Fish, Eleanor. Cox, Joseph and Hogan, Susanna. Read, Dr. Jno. M. and Clark, Maryann. Bealmear, Saml. and Williams, Priscilla. Buxton, George and Trail, Maryann. Kindle, Azariah and Nicholson, Amelia. Elfresh, W". M. [M'^Elfresh?] and Linthicum, Sarah. Klay, Adam and Summers, Sabina. Riggs, Geo. W. and Robertson, Eliza. Brown, James and Leek, Ann. Jarvis, James and Linch, Eliz. Summers, Archibald and Pain, Margaret. Porter, Charles and Fry, Polly. , Browning, Jeremiah and Summers, Eliz. MARRIAGES 563 19, Forsythe, Isaac and Letton, Anna. 28, Candler, William and Ray, Rebecca. Magruder, Edward and Ay ton Jane. Lyon, Benjamine and Davis, Rachel. Smith, Richd. Brooke and Letton, Sarah. Haney, Nicholas, and Golden, Sarah. Letton, Brice and Moore, Hariot. Elville, Elias and Burress, Elizabeth. Linsted, Thos. and Summers, Anna Maria. Linthicum, Zachariah and Clagett, Ann. Magruder, Warren and Holmes, Harriott. Hammon, Lloyd and Merriweather, Elizabeth. Hilleary, Thos. and Wheeler, Sarah. Crown, John and Ball, Eliz. Trail, Ashford and Sanders, Anne. Butt, Hazil and Richards, Sarah. Beall, James Alex, and Culver, Eleanor. Perry, Benj. and Magruder, Eliz. Ketchen, Joel and Hurst, Sarah. Homer, Samuel and M°Farland, Mary. Burditt, William and Fitzgerald, Ruth. Dorsey, Joshua W. and Plummer, Lucetta. Moore, Peter Dent and Stanger, Louisa. O'Neal, William and Bell, Anna. Wheatley, W"". and Cashell, Mary. Cashell, George and Edmonstone, Eliz. B. Rawlings, James and Richardson, Sarah. Golden, Saml. and Haney, Dollie. Clagett, Ninian and Burgess, Margret. Saffell, Hezekiah and Davis, Lydia. Muncaster, Zachariah and Magruder, Harriott. Bailey, Walter and Ball, Sarah. Wade, Jesse and Fleming, Mary. Gatton, Aquila and Owen, Mary. Garlon, Philip and Willson, Sarah. Langville, W"". and Current, Naney. Sparrow, Thos. and Sparrow, Sarah. Riggs, Reubin and Thomas, Mary. Shook, Charles and Ball, Priscilla. Leemar, William and Roberson, Sarah. 564 MARYLAND RECORDS— MONTGOMERY COUNTY, 1796 Apr. 23, Mullican, Archibald and Mathews, Anna. 25, Summers, Walter and Swearingen, Sarah. 30, Gray, Abishai and Miller, Eleanor. May 9, Windsor, Robert and Thompson, Eliz. June 6, Rabbett, Henry and Wilburn, Anne. Oct. 15, Waters, Azel and Williams, Cassandra. Dec. 29, Beall, James and Benson, Margaret Smith. 1806 Jan. 2, Deselem, James and Fulks, Catherine. Feb. 4, Perry, Elbert and Magruder, Rebecca. II, Robertson, Daniel and Greenfield, Sarah. 13, Heater, J no. and Shook, Frances. Mch. 4, Porter, Denton and Heater, Kitty. Apr. 3, Gettings, Thos. and Perry, Christiana. May 13, Warfield, Dr. Peregrine and Sappington, Harriot. June 17, Wootton, Dr. John and Magruder, Betsy Lynn. Aug. 28, O'Neal, Lawrence and Galworth, Nancy. Sept. 18, Dickerson, John and Turnbull, Eliz. Dec. 4, Davis, Thos. S. and Swearingen, Greece. 25, Williams, J no. and Neritt, Sarah. 1807 Jan. I, Miller, Jacob and Ricketts, Naney. 13, Ward, John Wesley to Greentree, Eleanor. Feb. 26, Case, James and Bowman, Eliz. Mch. 5, Ray, George and Robertson, Sarah. 8, Grymer, Benj. and Lowery, Sarah. 26, Howard, Thos. W. and Crabb, Elizabeth. June 16, Dorsey, Henry Woodward and Cooke, Rachel. Oct. 13, Gassaway, Henry and Griffith, Rachel. 20, Sedgwick, Benj. and White, Eleanor. Nov. 12, Wilson, W"". Elson and Swearingen, Eleanor. Dec. I, Hammelton, David and Preston, Ann. 1808 Jan. 3, Hurley, John to Offutt, Milly. Feb. II, Jenkins, John to Sparrow, Charlotte. Apr. 18, Golding, Daniel and Harris, Eliz. June 5, Edmonson, Hosea and Orme, Mary. Oct. 8, Warfield, Allen and Dugan, Mary. Dec. 27, Fish, W". and Joy, Hellen. 1809 Jan. 12, Stewart, Walter and Gray, Eleanor. Feb. 12, Gittings, Joseph and Beans, Tabitha. FUNERALS 565 Funerals — Montgomery County, 1796* £ s d Jan"^. 14. Eliz. Welch 5 5 o 16. Susanna Allison 2 5 o 28. Mrs. Wilcoxen of Jn°. [Senr. J 2 5 o Feb. 9. Thomas Johnson I 17 6 II. Mrs. Anderson 3 o o Mar. 31. James Brown i 17 6 May 12. EHz. Butt 2 5 o 19. Jn°. Oden 2 — — June 14. Andrew Heugh 2 5 o July 12. Zadok Clagett 2 5 o Aug. 23. William West 2 5 o Sept. I. Catherine Heiter 2 5 o 6. M". Cecil of James 2 5 II. Wilford Cusick — — — II. Thomas Johnson — — — 27. Walter Worthington's child 2 o 10 Oct. 8. M". Macneugh of Basil 2 5 — Nov. I. Mrs. Darby of Sam' 2 5 — Nov. 3. Sarah Linthicum of Zach"" 2 5 o 15. Charity Fortnar 2 6 6 29. Eliz. Tucker 2 5 — Dec. 3. Polly Mackneugh of Basil 2 5 — 13. Mary Windsor — — — Funerals, 1797 March 12. Mrs. Garey i 10 — ■ 30. Cassandra Magruder — — — April 18. Cloe Pointer i 10 — May 4. Jn°. Prather 2 5 — June 5. Mrs. Howard of Leonard 3 15 o 6. M'. Beans, son of Josiah Beans i 10 o 6. Norman Beall & Sister 2 5 o July 15. W"°. Worthington of W" i 17 6 18. A child of Baptist Hardy's i 2 6 * These consecutive records are thus given, although in many instances the deaths appear in the alphabetically arranged data, as given in another record. The £-s-d entries doubtless refer to the sunis given to the Rector and to the sexton. 566 MARYLAND RECORDS— MONTGOMERY COUNTY, 1796 £ s d Aug. 2. M". ONeal of David 2 5 — 28. M'. Beans, P. George's 2 5 — Oct. 5. Joseph Perry 3 — — 19. Mrs. Redman of Joseph 2 5 — Nov. 9. Vernecia & Margaret Spurrier i 17 6 Dec. 12. A Son & Daughter of Sam'. Offutt's 2 5 — 23. Sarah Beall of Rich'^ 2 5 — 31 17 6 Funerals, 1798 Jan'y. 6. Ann Ricketts of Cap'. Benjamin 2 5 o 17. M". Sprigg at M'. Wootton's 2 5 o Mar. 5. Col. WiUiam Deakins 4 10 — 8. Charles Jones, Clean Drinking — — — March 18. Mrs. Thompson 9 o — 23. Elisha AlHson 2 5 April 10. Samuel White, Sen' 2 5 — 18. Linny Beckwith 2 5 — May 15. Robert Briscoe 2 5 — 24. Nathaniel Magruder 2 5 — 29. Anna CoUins — — — June 14. Richard Stevens — — — July 7. VirHnder Higgins, wife of James Jun' i 17 6 17. Lucy Whebber 2 5 — ■ Aug. 7. Ann Willson, wife of W-" 2 o 3^^ 9. M". Waters of Nathan 2 11 9 Oct. II. Benj. Machael's Son 2 5 — 15. Shadrick Beall's Son 2 5 — Nov. 22. M". Bulger 2 o 3 26 9 93/^ _9 35 9 93^ Funerals, 1799 Feby. 12. John Hawkins 2 5 o March 16. Sarah Groome, wife of Ja\ Groome 2 5 o May 2. James Traill Sen"' 2 i 3 5. Charles Beckwith — — — 14. Mrs. Perry Mother of Erasmus 2 5 — FUNERALS 567 £ s d May 16. Catherine Luell [Tuell?] — — — June 30. Mrs. Lowe 2 12 6 July 3. Jn°. Swamly 2 5 — 13 July 5. Susanna Anderson, a child of Col. Anderson. . — Aug. 6. W". Lowry & Zadok Case — II. Matilda Duncanson & Sam'. Lenman — 22. Mrs. Fletcher of Tho' 3 27. Mrs. Traill of Ja'., Sen'' 2 Sept. 5. W". Stewart's child — 30. Jn°. Wilcoxin 2 Oct. I. Mrs. Magruder of Edward 2 Oct. 21. Adam Vigal — 24. Sarah Holland, wife of Arnold 2 Nov. 21. M". Machael, wife of Benj., St. Pet 2 Dec. 18. M". Briscoe, wife of Robt 2 26. Daniel Richards, son of Jacob 2 15 5 — 5 — 5 — 5 5 5 — 5 — 19 10 13 13 33 3 9 Funerals, 1800 March 16. Horatio Thompson, son of William — — — 30. David Smith, R. C. Ch — — — April 8. Mrs. Smith 2 o o 10. Hanah Elder 2 o ^]/2 15. Mrs. Beall of Basil I 2 6 17. W". CoUyar, St. Peter's 3 15 o 21. Joseph Crown — 15 — 24. M". Oden i 17 6 May 8. Sarah Gatton 2 o 6 13 10 9 May 26. Mrs. Howlt of Lawrence, 2 5 o June 4. Polly Bowie 2 5 o Aug. 28. Eleanor Magruder, daughter of Allen of Ninian 2 5 — Sept. 7. Rebecca Fife, wife of James Fife i 10 — 11. Sarah Dorsey of Tho'. Beale Dorsey 3 — — 568 MARYLAND RECORDS— MONTGOMERY COUNTY, 1796 Oct. 9. 23- 23- 31- Nov. 8. 16. 22. Dec. 6. II. 26. Jan-^y. 27. Feb^. 5- 9- Mar. 31- April 6. May 26. May 27. Oct. 17- 25- Nov. 18. Dec. 5- 16. 26. Jan'''. 5. 28. Feb. 2. £ s Sarah Willson, Sister of Rob'., St. Peter's. . . 2 5 Mrs. Bealmear of Sam' 2 5 Samuel Clagett, who died Oct. 21=* 2 5 Mrs. Sarah Heugh, who died 29"'. Oct 2 9 Anna Jones, wife of Benj., died Nov. 7 2 5 Jn°. & Michael Crager, children of Michael Crager — — W"". Deakins, died 20 Nov., aged 81 3 — Ninian Magruder's Frank 2 5 Ruth Watkins, wife of Gassaway 3 15 William Thresher i 10 33 4 13 10 46 15 Funerals, 1801 M^ Littlemore i 8 Mrs. Porter 2 5 Mary Osbourn i 10 Rich<*. Bowie, son of Allen 2 5 Mrs. Sarah Collyar 2 5 George Ward's wife 2 5 II 18 John Evely 2 5 James Cecil 2 5 Gen'. Thos. B. Beall 2 i A Child of Jacob Swamley's, Eleanor — — Mrs. Ruth Glaze 2 5 Sarah Walker, wife of Elisha 2 5 Levin Magruder 2 5 II 18 25 4 Funerals, i 802 Solomon Holland's Child 2 5 Virlinder Williams 2 5 Nathan Clagett 2 5 March I II. 30. April 20. June 8. II. 14. 17- 17- 25- July 4- Oct. 16. 22. 29. Nov. 2. 4- 18. 25- 30. Jan"^. 25- Mar. 3- 5- 17- April 2. 12. 16. 24. May 22. June I. 28. July 3- 5- 17- 28. Aug. II. FUNERALS 569 £ s d Aaron Gartrell 3 — — Susanna Ward — — — Mrs. Howard at J. Le\vis 2 5 — Mrs. Baily of Leonard at J. Lewas — 10 — Polly Wootton x 17 6 Rob'. Fish, Sen"' — — — ■ Mrs. Beckwith of Charles 2 5 o John L. Summers 2 5 o Caroline Bealmear, dau^ of Lewis — — — 19 17 6 Thos. Darnall's & Basil Thompson's Children. — — — ■ Mrs. Welch of Rich'' 2 12 6 George Cashly 2 5 o Mrs. Clagett of Rich-* 2 5 Mrs. Wilson of Lancelot 2 5 — Mrs. Northcraft of James 2 5 — Mrs. Summers, wife of Dent Summers 2 5 — Harrison Pelly 2 5 — Daniel Veirs Jr 3 — — 19 2 6 19 17 6 39 Funerals, 1803 Joshua Owen 2 Edward Penn 2 Samuel Jones 4 Mrs. Crow 2 Mrs. Dorsey of Henry W 3 A child of Jacob Swamley's — Jn°. Dent . . . 3 Miss Pollard, Virginia 7 Allen Bowie 3 Mrs. Sarah Griffith 3 Thos. Nicholls 2 Nancy Linthicum 2 Philip Cecil 3 George Heater's Child 2 M^ Swain at Doct^ Warfield's 3 James Cooke — 5 5 2 6 12 6 7 6 10 5 5 43 17 570 MARYLAND RECORDS— MONTGOMERY COUNTY, 1796 £ s d 31. Thos. Kelly, Sen' 2 5 o Sept. 10. James Pierce 2 5 — Nov. 17. Philip Jenkins 2 5 o Dec. 8. Mrs. Dorsey, Mother of Col. Rich'*. Dorsey. . 7 10 — 16. Nathaniel Magruder 2 5 — 16 10 — 43 17 6 60 7 6 Funerals, 1804 May 22. Mrs. Price i 2 6 27. Alex'. Mason 2 5 — June 5. James Rawlings 3 15 — July 5. Lewis Alexander Pichon, son of the French Embassador 2 5 — Aug. 24. Margaret Davis, wife of Ignatius 2 5 — Oct. II. Eleanor Riggs, Daughter of Sam' 3 — — 14. John Holsey i 2 6 24. Cassandra Gatton 2 i 3 Dec. 18. Mrs. Magruder, Mother of J n°. Bowie, Maj. 25 — 20 I 3 Funerals, 1805 March 21. Thos. Clagett, son of Jn° 2 5 o April 15. Mrs. Selby of Thomas — — - 26. Ninian Magruder, Died 25 Ap' 2 5 o May 12. Joseph Tucker, R. C. Ch 4 10 o 16. Mrs. Ricketts at Rich-*. Rickett's — — — Mrs. Tnmdle, June 3, 1805, wife The'., Sen'. 250 Kelem Gray, June 20, 1805 2 5 o A. Child of Glzendanna's, July 25 2 5 o Mrs. Harper of Edward, Aug'. 19 2 5 o Rich"*. Lurner, Oct. 4*'' 2 5 — Nathan Cooke, Oct. 9 2 5 — D'. Jeffery Magruder, Oct. 31, 1805 242 Elias M^Daniel, Dec'. 21, 1805 — — — A Daughter of Benj. Gray's, Dec'. 26, 1805. — — — 15 14 2 4 10 — 20 4 2 FUNERALS 571 Feb^. II. Mar. 6, 16, 21. April 12. June 3. 10. July 30. Aug. 12. 21. 26. Sept. 10. Oct. 23- 27. Dec. 17- 27. March 30. April 6. 14. 27. June 25- July 2. 9- 21. Aug. 15- 26. Oct. 22. Nov. 15- 19- Dec. 3- Funerals, 1806 £ Benjamin Becraft 2 Eliz. Magruder, wife of James 2 Hugh Riley, died 14"". March 2 Zachariah Gatton, died 19"". March 2 Ruth Suter 2 Charles Greenfield — Mrs. Gray of Benjamin — Jn°. Wightt, died 29 July 2 i\nn Linthicum, wife of Zech'' 2 Mrs. Browning at Paul Summers 2 Francis Gartrell 2 William Magruder, son of Sam'. B 2 W""., Nancy & Nelly Jones 2 Hezekiah Magruder 2 Eleanor Riley 2 Rebecca Magruder, wife of Sam'. B i 31 Funerals, 1807 Rachel Gue 2 James Norrod 2 Henry Brookes, died 4 Ap'., 79 years old ... 2 John Suter, son of James 2 John Busey, Sen' 2 Zadok Robey , a child of Zadok — Mrs. Middleton, wife of Sam' 2 Rich''. Ball — Jn°. Cooke, son of Nathan 2 Elijah Collins — Priscilla Fish, wife of Rob'., died 3 Oct 2 Barbara Boyd, without sermon — Mareen Duvall 3 William Richards — Funl. 21 Mar. 26 s d 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 — 5 — 5 — 5 — 5 — 17 9 5 — 17 6 15 5 5 12 5 5 5 — 7 12 572 MARYLAND RECORDS— TRINITY CHURCH Feb'y. 2 March 24 25 April 5 7 24 31 8 22 10 May Aug. Sept. Funerals, 1808 £ Kitty Gatton 2 W". Dennis & wife 3 John Fletcher 3 John Candler of W"., a Child 2 Widow Cooke — Widow Jenkins at Jas. Traills — Greenbury Ridgley 3 Rezin Ferguson, died Aug. 6"" 2 Ninian, a son of Elbert Perry 2 Eliz. Warfield of D^ Charles 7 27 s 5 15 15 5 5 10 Tombstone Records, Trinity Church, St. Mary's City, St. Mary's River* Ashcome: In memory of /Nancy Brome Ashcome/Born/March 25, 1793/Died/ October 19, 1885. Bayne: William C. Bayne/Departed this life/March 9th, 1882/aged 70 years/ 1 month & 4 days. Mary Julia L. Bayne/Departed this life/Jan'y- 2d. 1880/aged 17 years/ 2 months & 24/days. Bean: A. H. Bean/died/March nth, i888/in the 63rd. year of his age. Jane L. Bean/wife of /A. H. Bean/Feb. 7, 1830/Feb. 17, 1896. Bemiett: Elizabeth L. Bennett/ 1 809-1 888. John White Bennett/1796-1875. Susan E. Bennett/1837-1864. Mary Bennett/1840-1897. Thomas J. Bennett/1843-1917. In Memory of /John White/son of John W. &/Elizabeth Bennett/who departed this life/Oct^ 4*''. 1836 aged 10 mo. * Near the mouth of the Potomac River, site of the first |State House of Md. there is a large monument to Lord Calvert. Copied in 1923 by Mrs. Carrie White Avery (1873-1925) and furnished for this publication by Mr. Herbert P. Gerald, Washington, D. C. TOMBSTONE RECORDS 573 Richard Mitchell/son of/John W. & Elizabeth Bennett/who departed this Hfe/Sept. 30th. 1836/aged 2 years/io mo. & 25 days. William Loker/son of /John W. & Elizabeth Bennett/who departed this life/Oct. 15th, 1835/aged 4 yrs. 6 mo. & 13 days. An infant/son of John W. and/Elizabeth Bennett/Nov. 4th. 1832. Binny: Sacred/to the memory of/Archibald Binny/who departed this life/ April 25th. 1838/in the 75th. year of his age. Bohanan: Charles Milburn/June 5, 1853/Sept. 12, 1917/His wife/Laura Pursel/ March 26, 1855/April 20, 191 7. Lucy Woodland/daughter of/Charles M. & Laura P./Bohanan/Born Feb. 15, 1895/Died Oct. 9, 1895. Sallie Anne Fish/wife of/J. Frank Bohanan/Born March 25, 1848/Died Oct. 20, 1917. J. Frank Bohanan/July 6, 1840-Feb. 17, 1922/ Johnathan/Born 1765/Died 1839/Mary Richardson/His wife. To/my husband/Dr. William T. Bohanan/Born/March 7th, 1843/ Died/Nov. 22d. 1882. Sacred/To/The Memory of/Permelia Bohanan/Bom/March 3, 1819, Died/May 16, 1891. Sacred/To/The Memory of/John Bohanan/Born Octr. 20, 1811/died/ June 16, 1871. Olive Bohanan/wife of S. West Russell/Oct. 18, 1873/June 20, 1920. Briscoe: Walter L. Briscoe/Born/Aug. 14, 1824/died /April 19, 1888. Ann M. P. Briscoe/who departed this Hfe/Oct. 31, 1848/In the 28th year of her age. Sarah Blanch/daughter of John O. &/Mary J. Lilburn/Died June 17th, 1852/aged 5 mos. In memory of /Sarah D. Briscoe/Born October 16, 1790/Died/April 16, 1880/aged 89 years & 6 mos. Brome: James Thomas Brome/Aug. 13, 1847 /June 11, 1910/ Margaret Somervill/daughter ofy'J. Thomas & Emma/Brome/died March 8, 1882/aged 2 yrs. & 5 mos. Emma Thomas/infant daughter of/J. T. & E. T. Brome/Died March 27, 1884/aged 6 wks. In memory of/Dr. John M. Brome/March 7, 1818/July 28, 1887. In memory of /Susan M. Brome/wife of/John M. Brome/Born Jan'y. 3, 1820/Died April 16, 1 88 1. In memory of/Sarah Ann Brome/Born Jan. 18, 1843/Died May 26, 574 MARYLAND RECORDS— TRINITY CHURCH Burroughs: S. G. M. Burroughs/Born July 24th, 1846/Died July i6th, 1863. Clocker: Jennette E. T. Clocker/Born Nov. 17, iBii/Died Jan. 8, 1898. William Clocker/Born/March 15, 1807/Died/March 4, 1883. Copley: Here Lyeth the Body/of/Lionel Copley of Wadworth Co. York, England/Born 1648 died Sept. 27, 1693/and of Anne Boteler, His wife, of Watton/WoodhuU Co. Herts, England/Died March 5, 1692/He was sometime/Lieutenant Governor of Kingston upon Hull/ 1689-1690/ Lieutenant Governor — Governor in chief and/Chief Admiral of Maryland in America/i69i-i693/His short tenure of life in this province/was marked by singular Fidelity /in troublous times to/His God, His King and Country /To Him, the First Royal Governor of Maryland /the /Maryland Society of Colonial Dames of America/has erected this memorial /September 27, 1922. Craddock: Rosa E./Beloved wife of /Joseph C. Craddock/died August 26, 1895. Crane: Sacred /To the memory of R. Kearney Crane/who died Feb. 17th, 1849, aged 24 years. George Crane/Born /July 28, 1798/died/Aug. 18, 1849. Sallie A./wife of/John A. Crane/Born March 10, 1833/Died Sept. 30, 1854. Crookshank: John Crookshank/Born/Sept. II*^ 1802/Died Nov. i6th, 1886. Rhoda L./wife of/John Crookshank/who departed this life/Jany. 21st. 1864/aged 57 years. Davis: In memory of /Thomas S. Davis/who departed this life/Feb^. 22d. 1816/ aged 25 years. In memory of/John Davis/who departed this life/April 28th, 1803/ aged 3 years. Dent: In memory of /Our Mother/Emma R. Dent/Born/May 23rd. 1837/ died/Nov. 12th, 1895. Joseph Dent/Died March 17, 188 1 /aged 46 years /& 4 days. Du?ibar: B. M. Dunbar/Born Oct. 15, 1849/Died July 27, 1905. Edwards: Sacred to the memory of/Jane R./Beloved wife of/George W. Edwards/ Bom Dec. 31, 1833/Died May 26, 1910. In memory of/George W. Edwards/Born Dec'r. 12, 1837/Died July 18, 1900. TOMBSTONE RECORDS 575 Fish: To our sister /Aggie E. Fish/Born Nov'r. 14, 1870/Died/March 12, 1887. To my Husband/George F. Fish/Born/Oct. 24th, 1854/Died/March 29th, 1880. To/our boy /George Fish/son of /J. Frank & Sallie A./Bohanan/Born Nov. i6th, 1875/Died Jan. 12th, 1883. Ford: Mark S. D. Ford/who died/Dec. 30th, 1816/aged 23 years. Mary Ford /who died/Dec. 30th, 1 841 /aged 46 years. William H. Ford /aged 58 years (No dates). Freeman: To my husband/F. V. Freeman/Born Aug. 18, 1849/Died May 4, 1877. Hilton: In memory of /Our dear mother/Catherine M. Hilton/Born/October 4, 1837/died Sept. 3, 1901. Carrie M. Hilton/Oct. 24, 1862/Mar. 7, 1915. In memory of/my husband/William M. Hilton/born/October 6, 1832/ died April 9,' 1888. Holmes: John H. Holmes/born August 16, 1817/died Nov'r. 26, 1871/aged 54 years 3 mo's./& 10 days. Maria Holmes/born/January 19, 1819/died/Aug. 23, 1884. Charles B. Holmes/born May 12, 1851/died Octr. 25, 1871/aged 20 yrs. 5 mos./& 13 days. Hunter: Catherine Hammond Hunter/Feb. 27, 1817-May 17, 1876. Jones: Caleb Morris J ones /died February 17, 1878. Elvira A./wife of James F. Ellicott/died Feby. 20, 1892. Emily Regina Jones/died/March 14, 1901. Alex. Jones, M.D./who died/Jan'y- 22nd. 1841 aged 23 years. Rebecca Jones/Consort of/0. M. Jones/died Mar. 5th, 1853/aged 59 years. J. Kemp Jones/born March 2, 1824/died Feby. 10, 1868. Kirk: In memory/of Henry N. Kirk/bom July 31st. 1805/died July 17th, 1849. Langley: William Alexander, son of/Walter & Rebecca Langley/born Jan. 4, 1823/died June 3, 1904. Alexander Beauregard/son of/James R. & Indiana/Langley/died May 15, 1885/aged 24 years. 576 MARYLAND RECORDS— TRINITY CHURCH James Clarence/son of/James R. & Indiana/Langley/died July 27, 1898/aged 27 years. James R. Langley/died Feb'y- 28, 1886/aged 62 years. Indiana/wife of James R. Langley/died October 19th, 191 1 in the 78th year of her age. Lilburn: John Gray Hopkins Lilbum/son of R. F. & E. V. H. Lilburn/Nov. 9, 1855-Aug. 29, 191 8. Emeline V. Lilburn/wife of/Robert F. Lilburn/born Octr. 2, 1828/ died July 26, 1889. Robert F. Lilburn/born/Feby. 14'*', 1820/died/Sept. 7*'', 1864. Sarah Blanch/daughter of John O. &/Mary J. Lilburn /died June 17th, 1852/aged 5 months. In memory of/Robert Lilburn/who died April loth, 1831/In the 68th year of his age. In memory of Mrs. Jane Lilburn/who departed this life/Dec". 1st, 1814/ aged 56 years. William M. Lilburn/who departed this life/March 20th, 1845/In the 27th year of his age. M'Kay: Laurel Ann M^Kay/Dec. 29, 1844/April 10, 1918. Martin: Alexander Martin/born/March 27, 1822/died June 20, 1886. Bettie/wife of Alexander Martin/born March 26, 1831/and died March nth, 1856. Milburn: In memory of Mortimer Milburn/who departed this life/March 30th, 1832/aged 9 years. In memory of/Clara Milburn/who departed this Hfe/Dec. 3rd, 1879. In memory of /Stephen Milburn/who departed this life/July 30th, 1829/ aged 30 years and/3 months. AdeHne/wife of /Alexander Milburn/who departed this life/Novr. 12, 1857/aged 41 yrs. 3 mos./& i day. In memory of /Susan A. Milburn/who departed this life /July 27th, 1835, aged/39 years, 2 months/& 22 days. In memory of Eliz"". Milburn/who departed this/life October 31/1831/ aged 52 years 9/months and 13 days. My Mother/Permelia Milburn/died Dec'r. 2, 1863/aged 72 years. Catherine A. H. Abell/Milburn/born Dec. 8, 1823/died April 4, 1895. James C. Milburn/born/Oct. 8th, 181 1 /died /J an. ist, 1887. Mary E. Milburn/died/July 31, 1854/aged 21 years, 6 mo. /and 6 days. Jane Milburn/died /June 28, 1854/aged 39 years, 5 mo. /and 22 days. TOMBSTONE RECORDS 577 Sacred/to the memory of/William P. Milburn/who departed this life/ Sept. 1 6th, 1837/aged 28 years, 2 mos./& 23 days. Robert N. Milburn /departed this Hfe/Aug. 14th, 1 861 /aged 54 years & 7 days. Susanna/widow of/Robert N. Milburn/died April 13, 1887/aged 81 years. Augusta Lavina/daughter of Robert N. & Susanna/Milbum/died Nov. 26, 1 893 /in the 51st year of her age. Virginia/daughter of/Robert N. & Susanna/Milbum/died Feb. 20, 1907/in the 72d. year of her age. In memory of/Sue G. daughter/of John and Susan A. Milburn/who departed this life /August 20, 1856/aged 21 years 2 mos. and/21 days. To the memory of/John Milburn/who departed this Hfe/Dec. 22, 1841/ aged 68 years 3 mos. /and 3 days. In memor}' of/Thomas H./son of John H./and Caroline Milburn/who departed this life/April 3rd, 1830/aged 2 years and 30 days. In memory of/Caroline E. B. Milburn/who departed this life/Feby. 22nd./i83i/aged i year 3 months/and 22 days. In memory of/Catherine H. Milburn/who departed this life/March 9th, 1832/aged 39 years, 7 months and 24 days. In memory of/John A. H. Milburn/who departed this life/October 2d, 1854/aged 5 months/and 5 days. James T. Milburn/April 3, 1838/Feby. 19, 1916. Eliza Susanna/Milburn/born Jany. 5, i84i/died August 28, 1914. Ann Glovener/Milburn/born June 12, 1841/died Sept. 23, 1913. Rebecca A. Milburn daughter of/John H. & Caroline/Milburn/born July I, 1839/died Dec. 3, 1909. Pembroke: Evalina A. Pembroke/who departed this life March 8, 1871. Benjamin Pembroke/who departed this life/Feby. 3, 1882/aged 68 years. Pursel: In memory of/Ida R./Beloved wife of/Chester F. Pursel/born April 6, 1856/died May 14, 1896. Willie F./son of/Chester F. & Ida R./Pursel/born July 22, 1889/died Sept. 27, 1890. Furman B./son of /Chester F. & Ida R./born Aug. 22, 1886/died Nov. 29, 1888. Sanner: In memory of/Samuel A. Sanner/bom Nov. 8th, 1819/died Feb. 22, 1854. In memory of/Mary Ann Sanner/who departed this life/June 8th, 1816/ aged 76 years. 38 578 MARYLAND RECORDS— TRINITY CHURCH Smith: Sacred/to the memory of/Oscar H. Smith/who departed this life/Oct. 9th, 1842/in the 19th year of his age. Sacred/to the memory of/Mary Smith/who departed this Hfe/De- cember ist, 1844/aged 58 years. Clement Briscoe/beloved husband of Leatha A. Smith/died Nov. 24, 1903/in his 83d. year. In memory' of /Ruth Smith /born/May 8th, 1856/died Nov. 17th, 1858. Peter P. Smith/born/May 12, 1809 /died/May 25, 1864. Margaret Smith/beloved Consort of/P. P. Smith/who departed this Hfe/ Dec. nth, 1856/aged 32 years 9 months/and 7 days. Leatha A./Beloved wife of/C. Briscoe Smith/bom May 10, 1836/died May 12, 1913/Mortimer/Beloved Grandson of/C. Briscoe & Leatha A. Smith/born Nov. 25, 1885/died June 24, 1896. In memory /of /Mortimer Smith/died/April 6th, 1885 aged 27 years/ 4 months and 21 days. Clement F./Smith/born/Oct. 12, 1880/died/July 5, 1882. Dudley M. Smith/Died/August 2nd, 1885/aged 2 years/2 months 2 weeks. Smoot: Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Ann/Relict of the/Rev. Charles Smoot/ late rector of this Pa/rish who died in the Spring of i8io/in the 39th year of his age. Stephenson: Rev. James Stephenson, S. T. D./For 17 years/Rector of St. Mary's Parish/Dean of the Convocation /of Cumberland/Rector of Linganore/ Parish, P. E. Church/bom in Co. Longford, Ireland/died Jan. 11, 1892/in New Market/In the/68th year of his age. Mary Clare Stephenson/wife of/Rev. James Stephenson, S. T. D./for sixteen years/Rector of this Parish/Died/March 20th, 1867. Mary Denniston, (Daughter of) Rev. James Stephenson S. T. D./and Mary Clare Stephenson/born March 8th, 1865/died May 3rd. 1867. Stone: Ida M. Stone/July 8, 1852/April 4, 1921. William F. Stone/Sept. 4, 1840/Dec. 28, 1917. Templenian: In memory of/Susanna Templeman/who departed this life/September 9th, 1848/in the 74th year of her age. Thomas: George Thomas/August 6, 1835/May 14, 1903. Ellen Ogle Thomas/wife of /Captain George Thomas/Oct. 21, 1841-Oct. 30, 1906. ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH RECORDS 579 On a window in the Chapel : "To the Glory of God /and in Loving Memory of /George Thomas, and/ Ellen Ogle, His Wife." In memory of/Mrs. Henrietta Thomas/who departed this life/Sept^ 13th, 1829/aged 67 years. Thompson: Robert Thompson /April 19, 1807/October 12, 1865. Mary/consort of/Robert Thompson/died/Jan'y. 4th, i85o/aged/32 years 10 mos. &/2 days. Wallace: In memory of Sarah Wallace /who departed this/life January 3, 1833/ aged 77 years. White: Samuel White/1814-1880. Zackery: Zacheriah Zackery /died/Feb'y- 4- 1842/aged 27 years, 9 mo./and 27 days. St. Martin's Protestant Episcopal Church Records, Worcester Parish, Worcester Co., Md.* The follow-ing men were under 25 years of age, 1756: John Ratliff. John Farrell. Andrew Irons. John Fasset. Thomas Robeson. James Andrews. James Dole. Solloman Hudson. George Glasco. Erasmus Harris. Robert M. Gray. Armel Showell. The following men under 2^ years of age, July ij, 1762: William Ironshire. John Miller. Ebenezer Campbell. Samuel Deal. Sollomon Timmons. William Robeson (or Roberson) John Postly. Moses Halloway. Ananias Hudson. Charles Collins. Beley Wolter. John Bratten. * Near Showell, Md. Records are preserved in the Exchange and Savings Bank, Berlin, Md. Sept. 17, 1886, from the latter place, Rev. John R. Joyner, Rector Worcester Parish, wrote an historical letter which is published with later newspaper records in Mi. Orig. Research Soc. of Baltimore, No. 3, pp. 20-21. Records here published were copied by the late George W. Hodges. 580 MARYLAND RECORDS— WORCESTER COUNTY Vincen Crapper. Laban Kismet. Obed Gault. William Collier. Thomas Milbourn. Joseph Smith. Zedekiah Whalley. Rubing Crapper. Sally Grumby, dau. Stoutten and Shady Adams, b. 1805, 5, 30. John Aydlot, m. Hannah, 1761, 12, 2. Issue: Tabitha, b. 1763, 3, 19. Morrison Ayres, m. Rachel Iron- shear, 1753, 8, 13. Issue: Isaac, b. 1754, 8, 20. Mary, b. 1756, 10, 15. Comfort, b. 1758, 10, 20. Absalom, son of Archibald and Anna Baker, b. 1806, 5, 7. Leven, son of John and Polly Baker, b. 1803, II, 13. Solomon, son of Jonathan and Polly Baker, b. 1805, 4, 18. William, son of Belitha and Nancy Baker, b. 1806, 8, 31. Solomon Baker, m. Mary Dale (ist. wife), 1 74 1, 6, 4. Issue: Ann, b. 1741, 2, 3-5. Betty Mills, b. 1746, 10, 21. Jon, b. 1749, 9, II. EHsha, b. 1752, 12, 7. Solomon Baker and Rachel Evans (2d wife), m. 1754, 12, 12. Issue: Leaven, b. 1755, 8, 35. Esther, b. 1758, 12, 31. Solomon, son of Solomon andRachel Baker, b. 1761, 2, 12. William Smith. John Larrance. John Bravard. Elisha Gray. John Massey. Joshua Roberson. Levin Dirickson. Zadock, son of William Baker, b. 1750, 9, 6. Richard Barker and Mary Wharton, m. 1761, 9, 24. Issue: Benjamin, b. 1762, 6, 15. Burton, b. 1764, 6, 24. Bailey, b. 1766, 7, 29. John, son of Elisha and Mary Baynum, b. 1800, 2, 21. Mary, daughter of James and Ann Bell, b. 1803, 8, 21. Isaac Bell and Anne, m. . Issue : Abigail, b. 1743, 5, 23. William, b. 1745, 7, 17. Isaac, b. 1751, 5, 13. Stephen, b. 1753, 2, 18. William Bell, m. Polly, . Issue : Hetty, b. — , — , — . James, b. — , — , — . Molley, b. 1803, 2, 20. Nancy, b. 1807, 5, 10. Betsy, b. 1808, 4, 29. Sally, b. 1 8 14, 6, 6. Matilda, daughter of John and Leah Benson, b. 1800, 8, 2. John, son of Absalom and Comfort Bessex, b. 1740, 9, 23. Elizabeth, daughter of Absalom and Comfort Bessex, b. 1748, 9, 20. — ariah [Zachariah?]] Bold, m. Rachel Worren 1 750, 11, 30. ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH RECORDS 581 Issue: 1751-8,8. 1754, 12, 26. 1758, 5, 17- 1760, 8, 18. John Bradford, m. Esther Smith 174- II. 3- Issue: Matthew, b. 174- 10, 21. Mary, b. 1750, 12, 4. Leah Breaddard, b. 173- 9, 25. Jerusha Breaddard, b. 173-, 10, 27. James Brittingham, m. Elizabeth Issue: Sally, b. 1799, 10, 20. Seth Harrison, b. 1801, 7, 23. Martha, b. 1803, 11, 11. Isaac, b. 1806, 2, 8. Daniel Williams, b. 1808, 5, 12. James S. son of Thomas and Char- lotte Buckmaster, b. 1805, 11, 18. McKinney Smith, son of Thomas and Charlotte Buckmaster, b. 1807, 9, 25. Children of John and Martha Camp- bell: Mary, b. 1746, 11,2. John Simson, b. 1748, 4, 28. William Collier, m. Nancy . Issue: John, b. 1805, ID, 8. William, b. 1808, i, 3. Matilda Richards, b. 1810, 5, 23- Kendell, son of Potter and Elizabeth Collins, m. Sarah, daughter of John and Mary Fassit, 1768, 4, 6. Issue : Potter, b. 1760, II, 7. Kendall, b. 1763, 4, i. James, b. 1765, 6, 10. Molly T. daughter of Belitha and Comfort Collins, b. 1805, i, 26. Peter CoUins, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Powell, b. 1805, 12, 26. , son of William and CoUings, b. 1740, i, 8. ias, son of William and CoUings, b. 1743, i, 21. , son of William and CoUings, b. 1745, 11, 12. John Cornell, m. Eda Holland 1751, 12, 7. Ananias, son of Thomas Covell, b. 1755, 10, 26. Jesse, son of Thomas Covell, b. 1757, 7, 6. _ Isaac Covington died 1762, 4, 27. John, son of John and Sarah Coving- ton, b. 1800, 3, 20. Milly Cropper, b. 1802, 3, 15. Benjamin Davis and Mary, 173-, 12, 26. Benjamin Dav-is died 1760, I, 26. Issue: Ann, b. 173- 12, 15. Matthias, b. 174-, 10, 25. Leah, b. 174-, 4, 10. Mary, b. 174- 3, 21. Abijah, b. 1752, 3, 8. Zipporah, b. 1753, 9, 12. Esther, b. 175-, 3, 12. Sophia, b. 17 — , 2, 28. Jesse, son of Elisha and Sally Davis, b. 1807, 4, 18. Elisha H., son of Elisha and Sally Davis, b. 1811, 3, 11. Eli, son of George and Sally Davis, b. 1804, I, 25. Joseph Miller, son of George and Sally Davis, b. 1807, 3(?), 12. Jesse Davis, m. Polly . Issue: 582 MARYLAND RECORDS— WORCESTER COUNTY Gatty, b. 1806, 3, 28. Rachel, b. 1808, 4, 24. Julia Ann, b. 1812, 9, 13. John Powell, b. 1813, 11, I. Matthias Davis, m. Martha Powell 1764, 12, 16. Issue: Benjamin, b. 1765, 11, 27. Mordecai, b. 1767, 10, 21. John Deal, m. Hannah Stevenson 17—, 2, 25. Issue : Josiah, b. 17 — , il, 29. Joshua, b. , 2, 9. James, b. , li, i. Comfort, b. — , 12, 16. William, b. , 9, 16. Matthew, b. 17 — , 10, 17. Benjamin Derickson, m. Lishe Whorton 1730, 2, 13. Issue: Sarah, b. 1730, 2, 13. George, b. 1732, 6, 4. Solomon, b. 1734, 4, 4. dwrease, b. 1736, 4, 11. Rhoda, b. 1737/8, i, 20. John, b. 1740, 9, 15. Benjamin, b. 1742/3, i, 10. , b. 1744/5. 2, II. Hannah, b. 174-, 2, i. , b. 17—, 4, 25. Joseph Derickson, m. Mary Waples, 1730, 10, 2y. Issue: Levin, b. 173-, — , — . Betty, b. . ichell, b. . Joseph, b. . Joseph Dirickson, m. Comfort Tun- nell, 1768, 2, 7. Issue: James, b. 1768, 12, 13. Mitchell, b. 1770, 3, 27. Levin, b. 1771, 10, 3. William Derickson, m. Arcada Haz- zard, 1754, 4, 7. Issue : Mary, b. 1755, 2, 18. Elizabeth, b. 1757, 8, 15. Rev. Edward Dingle, Rector of Worcester Parish, departed this Hfe, 1763, 7, I. Sally, daughter of James and Rachel Downs, b. 1802, 7, 5. Ann, daughter of Nathaniel Duitt [Dewitt?], b. 1739, 6, 18. Hannah, daughter of William and Catron Dimlap, h. 1755, 10, — . William, son of Edward and Polly Dymock, b. 1804, 3, 21. Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Stephen and Martha Ennis, h. 1815, 6, 10. Sarah Margaret, daughter of Ste- phen and Martha Ennis, b. 1824, 8, 10. Evans, m. Elizabeth , 17 — > 2, — . Issue: , b. 17—, 3, 6. , b. 17—, 3, 6. Gammay Evans, m. Rachel Lock- wood, 17 — , 10, 6. He died 1754. Issue: Moley, b. 17 — , 7, 12. Zelah, b. , 2, 25. Jussin (Jussier?), b. , i, 4. Elizabeth, b. , 6, 23. Rachel, b. , 6, 24. Gammay (Gammag?), b. , — . 27. John Evans, m. Sarah Campbell, 1727, 2, 22. Issue: Elisha. ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH RECORDS 583 John. Ebinezer. Sophia. Elizabeth. Edward. oe (daughter). David. John Evans Jr., m. Mary Collens, 1756, II, 16. Issue : Rhoda, b. 1757, 9, 23. Elizabeth, b. 1759, 8, 4. EHsha, b. 1762, 4, 13. Edward, b. 1765, 7, 27. Rufus, son of Nathaniel and Mary Evans, h. 1799, 9, 30. Jesse, son of Nathaniel and Mary Evans, h. 1802, 4, 14. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Mary Evans, b. 1807, 4, 25. Evans, m. Sarah Stock (or Hook), 17 — , II, 4. Issue : Hanner Stook (or Hook), b. , 4. 8. Herpowell, b. • , 6, 28. (Mar)y, b. 1742, 7, 22. Gammay (Gammag), b. 1744, II, 22. Walter Evans, m. Ann Truitt, 1748, 8,9. Issue : William, b. 1749, 5, 12. Leah, b. 1752, 11, 6. Ann, b. 1754, 2, 19. Rodah, b. 1756, 6, 29. William Fortner, m. Nelly Boming, 1759, II, 26. Francis, son of Thomas and Char- lotte Franklin, b. 1800, 5, 4. Moses Freeman, m. Luraner Evans, 17—, 6, 18. Issue: John, b. , II, 9. Sally, daughter of Archibald and Rachel Gaidt, b. 1800, i, — . Err Truitt, son of Betesha and Pearcy Gray, b. 1799, 3, 28. Hillary Pitts, son of John and Eliza- beth Gray, b. 1803, 7, 10. Sally Parker, daughter of John and Elizabeth Gray, b. 1805, i, 18. Johnson Gray, m. Martha . Issue: Thomas Simson, b. 1795, 11,21. Martha, b. 1800, i, 28. Robert Gray, son of Rouse and Catharine Hanson, b. 1807, 6, 22. Mary Ann Charlotte Catharine, dau. of Rouse and Catharine Hanson, b. 18 10, 5, 28. David Hazzard, m. Sarah . Issue : Neomy, b. 1734, 3, 2. Sarah, b. 1738, 4, 26. Neriah, b. 1740, 5, 14. Elihu, b. 1744, 9, 15. John Hill, m. Margaret . Issue: Mary, b. 1803, 9, 29. William, b. 1807, i, 25. Sally Pitts, b. 1817, 11, 5. William, Stephen and Rebeckah Hill, m. EHzabeth, daughter of Josiah and Sophia Mitchell, 1768, 9. 14- Nehemiah Hodder, m. Cade — — , 17 — , 6, 26. Issue: Worron, b. 17 — , 12, 8. John, b. , 2, 26. Elizabeth, b. , 6, 7. Samuel Holland, m. Tabitha Camp- bell, 1744. 584 MARYLAND RECORDS— WORCESTER COUNTY Issue : John, b. 1746, 4, 26. Elizabeth, b. 1747/8, i, 12. Mary, b. I749/50. 3- I3- Samuel, b. 1752, 2, 21. John Holloway, m. Frances Brad- ford, 173-, I, 27. Issue : Esther, b. 1734, 3, 13. John, b. 1736, 8, 8. Hasy, b. 1739/40, i, 12. Solomon, b. 1744, 3, 30. Rebecah, b. 1747, 1,1. Elijah, b. 1754, 3, 11. Benjamin Schofield, son of EH and Patty Hashes, h. 1803, 2, 24. Nehemiah Howard, m. Sarah Col- lingwood, 17 — , 10, 28. Issue : Arlanta, b. 17 — , 8, 28. Sarah, b. , i, 3. Tabitha, b. , 2, i. George, b. , 10, 12. Elizabeth, b. , 3, 6. Nehemiah, b. , 12, 22. Mahala, daughter of Ananias and Lunetta Hudson, b. 1801, 6, 3. John Hudson, m. Rhoda Tingle, 1751. 5. 26. Issue: Leah, b. 1754, 12, 29. John, b. 1756, 8, 22. John Hudson, m. Rachel . Issue : John, b. 1761, 7, 14. Catron, b. 1764, 2, 2. Caleb, b. 1766, 11,8. Joseph Ironshare, m. Esther Collins. Issue: Mary, b. 1754, 7, i. Elizabeth, b. 1756, 5, 25. Catty, daughter of Arcanias (An- anias?) and Rachel Jarman, b. 1803, 3, 31. Martha, daughter of George and Comfort Jarman, h. 1746, 12, 28. Molla, daughter of George and Comfort Jarman, h. 1750, 7, 30. Rachel, daughter of William and Rehodah Justis, b. 1806, 2, 20. W'illiam Kershaw, m. Betty Derick- son, 1756, II, 24. He d. 1758, i, II. Issue: Mitchell, b. 1757, 12, 24. Betty Kershaw (widow), m. Levin Vaughan 1760, 5, 23. William Killom, m. Rachel Han- Icock, 1741, 12, I. Issue: Thomas, b. 1742, 10, 15. Tabitha, b. 1743, 4, 28. Maryland Rec. — 33176 Gal. 173 Mary, b. 1747, 9, 4. Leah, b. 1750, 4, 22. John, b. 1758, 4, 14. Jesse, b. 1756, 7, 29. Eada, b. 1758, 5, 23. Nancy, daughter of Ezehal and Rhoda King, h. 1801, i, 7. Ebenezer Cannon, son of Ezehal and Rhoda King, b. 1804, 8, 22. James, son of Thomas and Martha King, h. 1804, 10, 30. Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Martha A'zwg, b. 1817, 11, 18. Presgrave, daughter of William and Sarah Kinnett, b. 1800, 5, 22. Dunken Farrell, son of Rebekah Farrell and Luke Lamb, b. 1755, 10, 21. Thomas Gray, son of John and Sally Lane, b. 1804, 10, 26. ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH RECORDS 585 Francis, son of John and Sally Lane, b. 1806, 12, 15. Thomas, son of John Kendal and Mary Latchem, b. 1804, 3, 9. Rebekah, daughter of John Kendal and Mary Latchem, b. 1806, 10, 30. Benjamin Lockwood, m. Rebekah Morris, 1746, 3, 24. Issue: , b. 1746, 12, 6. , b. 1748, 8, 25. ry [Mary?], b. 1750, 7, 20. nah [Hannah?], b. 1752, 4, 18. John Lockwood, m. Sarah Holland, 1748, I, 2. Issue: Mary, b. 1750, 8, 17. Elizabeth, b. 175-, 4, 15. Samuel Lockwood, m. Leah , 17 — , 12, 16. Issue: EHsha, b. 17 — , i, 17. Da\'id Louge, m. Ann Lockwood, 1 73- 5, 20. Issue: ry, b. 1 73- 2, 18. ■ b. 173- 5, 29. David, b. 1740, 12, 16. na, b. 1742, I, 12. Jesse, b. 1744, 12, i. chel, b. 1747, 6, 17. n, b. 1749, 2, 9. Mariam, b. 1750, i, 2. Purnell, b. 1754, 2, 17. • ne, daughter, b. 1756, 5, 19. Rev. [Wm.] Macclenachen, Rector of Worcester Parish, died 1766, 8, 3. [Became Rector Octr., 1765]. John Edward Henry Marshall, son of John and , b. 1807, — , — . Rachel Francher, daughter of John and Sary Massey, h. 1806, 5, 3. Louisa, daughter of John and Sary Massey, h. 1809, 3, 23. William Merrill, m. Susanne . Issue: Peter, b. 1772, 3, i. John, b. 1774, 6, 21. Kendell, b. 1777, 2, 21. Nancy, b. 1780, 6, 15. Zeno, b. 1782, 9, 8. Elizabeth Pitts, b. 1785, i, 28. Betsy Pitts, b. 1786, 10, 9. John, son of John and Sarah Miller, m. Nanny the daughter of Joseph and Mary Dirickson, 1762, 9, 2. Peggy Patey, daughter of Claray Mills, b. 1804, II, 30. John Pope Mitchell, m. Polly Purnall, 1773, 5, 3. Issue: Robert, b. 1774, i, 10. Josiah Mitchell, m. Sophia Hill, 1753- 3- 7- Issue: Elizabeth [see Hill, Wm.], b. 1754, 5, 22. Mitchell, b. 1755, 9, 4. Isaac, b. 1757, 9, 7. Robert, b. 1759, 7, 27. Levin, b. 1761, 6, 20. Mary, b. 1763, 4, 28. Sarah, b. 1766, 9, 7. Sophia, b. 1768, 12, 14. Ann, b. 1770, 10, 13. Levin Mitchell, m. Mary Murray, 1792, 8, 29. Issue: Robert, b. 1793, 9, 20. Josiah, b. 1795, 8, 16. 586 MARYLAND RECORDS— WORCESTER COUNTY Peggy, b. 1797, 3, 17. William Murrah, b. 1799, 3, 20. Joshua, b. 1801, 12, — . Sarah, wife of Robert Mitchell, died 1788, 9, 9. Bevins Morris, m. Elizabeth Truitt, 1722, 9, 8. [See Rodney's Diary P- 52]- Issue: ah, b. 1723, 5, I. , b. 1724/5- 2, 9. kah, b. 1726, 4, 22. , b. 1729, 2, 7. ah, b. 1732/3. 3- 17- ans, b. 1734, 6, 18. , b. 1736, 10, 23. > b. 1739, 9, 2. ey, b. 1 741, 9, 5. Jared Mumford, m. Elizabeth Free- man, 1782, 7, II. Issue: James, b. 1784, 12, 8. Isaac Murray, son of Robert and Sarah Mitchell was b. 1788, 3, 18, and died 1791, 11, 21. William Mumford, m. — moredy , 1 74- 8, 27. Issue: son, b. 1751, 12, 16. Robert Nelson, m. Elizabeth Mil- burn, 1746, 12, 29. Issue: Zeruiah, b. 1749, 3, 22. William, b. 1752, 4, 2. Thomas, b. 1754, 3, 20. John Onion, m. Susannah Person, 1 74- 6, 18. Issue: Selby, b. 1742, 5, 27. Betty, b. 1745, i, 23. Selby, b. 1745, 12, 8. John, b. 1747, 9, 2. Ayres, b. 1749, 2, i. Mary, b. 1753, 8, 23. Fanny, daughter of Kendall and Fanny Patty, b. 1805, 2, 27. Sally Richards, daughter of Kendall and Fanny Patty, b. 1807, 10, 9. John Franklin, son of Powell Pattey, b. 1741, 9, 16. Mary, daughter of Powell Pattey, b. 1744, 10, II. Susannah, daughter of Powell Pattey, b. 1746, 10, 20. Zeno, son of Powell Pattey, b. 1748, 2, 26. Kendal, son of Powell Pattey, b. 1753, 2, 24. Anna, daughter of Isaac E. and Rhody Penawell, b. 1804, 12, 7. Wm. Johnson, son of Wm. Johnson Penewell and Haner, his wife, b. 1804, 10, 4. Ann High, daughter of Jesse and Polly Petty, b. 1806, 9, 26. Hillary Pitts, m. Easther Powell, (l wife, died 1780, 8, 29), 1776, i, 5. Issue: Thomas Powell, b. 1777, 3, 8. Mary, b. 1778, 10, 21. William, b. 1780, 8, 16. Hillary Pitts, m. Sally Parker, (2d wife, died 1787, 6, 13), 1781, 7, 5. Issue: James, b. 1782, 4, 14. Ann Postley, b. 1784, 4, 14. Elizabeth, b. 1785, 11, 2. Hillary Pitts, m. Zipporah Hill, (3d wife, died 1790, 4, 24), 1788, 12, 15- No Issue. Hillary Pitts, m. Catherine Purnell, (4 wife), 1790, 12, 21. Issue: ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH RECORDS 587 John, b. 1793, 5, 14. Hillary, b. 1795, 10, 7. Catherine, b. 1798, li, 13. Robert, b. 1801, 7, 10. Hillary Pitts and Catharine Pitts were confirmed by Bishop Clag- gett, at St. Martin's, 1795, 7, 6. Polly Bratton, daughter of James and Margaret Pitts, b. 1803, 11, 14. Leah Da\as, daughter of Calleb and Patty Powell, b. 1806, 9, 21. Elisha, daughter Elisha and Martha Powell, b. 1799, 7, 27. Littleton, son of Handy and Hetty Powell, b. 1805, 6, 22. Martha, daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth Powell, b. 1788, 6, 4. Samuel Powell, m. Rachel Peary, 1746, 9- 3- Issue: Samuel, b. 1747, 12, 14. James, b. 1748, 10, 28. Sarah, b. 1750, 11, 19. Belisha, b. 1755, i, 24. Esther, b. 1757, 4, 7. John, b. 1761, 3, 27. Joseph Quillen, m. Elizabeth Lacham, 1735, 11, 9. Issue : Mary, b. 1738/9, 2, 18. oz, b. 1740, 9, 19. nah, b. 1742, 12, i. Benjamin, b. 1745, 9, 5. John, b. 1748/9, I, 29. Samuel, b. 1750, 2, 17. urse, b. 1752, 2, 14. Martha, b. 1754, 10, 15. William, son of Benjamin and Easter Quillen, b. 1744, 8, 10. Obadiah Quilling, m. Mutual . Issue: William, b. 1805, 8, 30. James, b. 1807, 11,5. John Henry, b. 1810, 5, 7. Peter Whaley, son of Edward and Hannah Revel, b. 1804, 2, 27. Elizabeth Aralanta [Asalanta?], daughter of James B. and Eliza- beth Robins, b. 1806, 5, 16. Littleton Robins, m. Martha . Issue: John Littleton Bowden, b. 1802, 6, 14. James Bowden, b. 1806, I, 13. Ritta Benson, daughter of Joseph and Margaret Seals, b. 1800, 10, Martha Mitchell, daughter of Joseph and Margaret Seals, b. 18—, — , — . Molly Davis, daughter of Ebze and Holland Smith, b. 1806, 9, 15. Samuel Steal, m. Elizabeth , 17 — , 4, 28. Issue : Nanne, b. 17 — , 5, 26. Elizabeth, b. • , 12, 13. Nathaniel, b. , 2, 18. Barshaba, b. , 3, 18. Daniel, b. , 4, 21. John Washington, son of John and Polly Stuart, b. 1806, 12, 23. Elijah and Elisha, sons of William and Athellia Taylor, b. 1806, 3, 17. William Hazzard Taylor, m. Sarah Issue: Peggy Hannanson, b. 1800, II, 23- Ann, b. 1803, 4, 5. Elizabeth Johnson, b. 1805, 4, 19- James Madison, b. 1807, 11, 20. MARYLAND RECORDS— WORCESTER COUNTY Joseph Timmons, m. Elizabeth Hammon, 1728, 5, 30. Issue : Solomon, b. 1729, 5, 23. James, b. 1732, 5, 13. Elijah, b. 1736, 7, 19. Nathaniel, b. 1738, i, 15. David, b. 1740, 8, 18. Joseph, b. 1743, 3, 22. Samuel, b. 1745, 9, 9. Caleb Tingle, m. Elizabeth . Issue: Hannah, b. 1759, 4, i. Daniel, b. 1761, 8, 5. James, b. 1764, 2, 27. Elizabeth, b. 1766, 2, 25. Caleb, b. 1768, 3, 7. Elijah, b. 1777, 12, 5. John, b. 1780, 4, 13. Caleb Tingle, m. Elizabeth Fosset (Fasset?), 17 — , 12, 11. Issue: Mary, b. 17 — , 12, 31. John, b. 17—, I, 15. Daniel Tingle, m. Katy . Issue: , b. 1799, 10, 30. Elizabeth Racliff, b. 1803, i, 10. Mariah, b. 1804, 3, 22. Truitt, m. . Issue: , b. 1745, 2, 13. , b. 1747, II, 28. , b. 1750, 4, 21. b. 1754.3. 17- Nehemiah, b. 1757, 2, 13. James Tubes, m. Sarah Diricksen, (died 1753, 6, 26), 1752, 10, 9. James Tubes, m. Levinah Farwell, 1754. 2, 17. Issue: Sarah, b. 1755, 4, 14. John, b. 1757, 2, I. EUzabeth, b. 1759, 10, 20. Joseph, b. 1762, 9, 27. Rebecca, b. 1766, 6, 25. Comfort, b. 1769, i, 4. William Tiinnell, m. Arlanter Howard, 1750, i, 13. Issue : Elizabeth, b. 1756, 10, 9. Scharbury, b. 1758, 11, i. Nehemiah, b. 1760, 12, 27. Levin Vaiighan, m. Betty Kershaw (widow), 1760, 5, 23. Elizabeth, daughter of William Walton, Jr. b. 1745, 10, 20. MoUe, daughter of William Walton, Jr. b. 1749, 6, 2. Isaac Warren, m. Sarah . Issue: Littleton Riley, b. 1805, 4, 2. Nancy Elizabeth Dale, b. 1807, 2, 22. Thomas Nathaniel Williams, b. 1809, 2, 2. Phillip Marsh, son of Selby and Sarah Warren, b. 1805, 10, 7. George Warrenton, m. Agnes Truitt 1739. 9. 29- Issue: Alexander, b. 1741, 4, 5. Anne, b. 1743, 9, 5. Agnes, b. 1747, n, 3. George, b. 1750, 7, 19. Esther, b. 1753, 7, 15. Francis Wharton, m. Ann Harne, 173- 4. 4- Issue: Joseph, b. 173-, 5, 30. John, b. 173-, 3, 16. Frances, b. 17 — , 12, 27. Harney, b. 174-, 2, 25. Ann, b. 174-, 10, 11. ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH RECORDS 589 Sarah, b. 175-, 3, 24. Caleb Williams, m. Hetty . Issue: Isaac, b. 1803, 4, i. Lambert Ishmael, b. 1805, 4, 22. Betsy, b. 1807, i, 9. Julian (daughter), b. 1808, 5, 15- Ephriam, b. 1810, 2, 25. John Edward, b. 1814, 10, 15. Peter William, b. 1816, 9, 25. Catharine Purnall, daughter of Price and Neheomy Williams, h. 1803, ID, 30. Esau Williams, m. Mary Jones, 1767. 4. 15- Issue: Rachel, b. 1768, 9, 8. Nathaniel, b. 1770, 6, 11. Comfort, b. 1772, 4, 2. EHzabeth, b. 1774, 12, 17. John Jones, b. 1777, i, 4. Martha, b. 1779, 8, 28. Essau, son of Esau and Mary Williams, b. 1781, 9, 4. Mary, daughter of Esau and Mary Williams, b. 1787, i, 3. Jane, daughter of Esau and Mary Williams, b. 1790, 7, i. Samuel Williams, m. Rachel , 17—. 2, 3. Issue: - 7. 31- , I, 3- — , 8, 14. -, I, 24. II, 25. Tamer, b. 17 Esau, b. Ishmael, b. - David, b. — - Ann, b. Rachel, b. , — , — . Samuel Williams, m. Eby . Issue: Gertrude, b. 1793, 3, 3. Peter, b. 1796, 3, 10. Janet, b. 1799, 6, 23. Zillah Smith, b. 1802, 6, 6. Joel Hemans Mills, b. 1805, li 20. Nucessa Ball (daughter), b 1807, 2, 4. Nuaron Bell (son), b. 18 10, 11 18. Samuel Hillary, b. 181 5, 12, 5 Nanny Elizabeth, b. 18 12, 6, 5 Jane, daughter of Thomas N. and Nancy Williams, h. 1806, 4, 18. Moses Wilson, m. Anne Wildgoose, 17—, 3, 10. Issue: John, b. 17 Mary, b, Isaac, b. Moses, b. 17 — , 12, I. Mary Ann, daughter of George and Hetty Woors (Moors?), b. 1806, i, 15- 590 MARYLAND RECORDS— WORCESTER COUNTY Worcester County (Md.) Marriage Licenses, 1795 to 1799 (208) David Adkins m. Mary Waller, 1798, 2, 19. John Allen m. Lucretia Brumbly, 1796, il, 30. Angela Atkinson m. Sarah Hudson, 1795, 11, 30. William Baker m. Martha Evans, 1795, 12, 19. William Baynum m. Betsy Carey, 1795, 11, 30. William Bell m. Polly Pitts, 1797, 2, i. Bamaby Bernard m. Mary R. Dickerson, 1797, 6, 14. Thomas Bird m. Anna Flemming, 1797, 12, 20. Nathaniel Bishop m. Nancy Freshwater, 1798, 5, 16. Samuel Bishop m. Mary Smith, 1796, 10, 18. John Bitts (or Betts) m. Sally Truitt, 1797, 9, 28. James Blades m. Sarah Mclvin, 1798, 6, 9. Samuel Blades m. Tabitha Jones, 1796, 8, 26. John Bosten m. Piercy Gray, 1795, 12, i. John Botham m. Polly Layfield, 1798, i, 5. John Bourn m. Polly Coudry, 1798, I, 23. Ananias Bradford m. Nancy Richards, 1796, 4, 18. John L. Bratten m. Polly Quinton, 1798, i, 31. Isaac Breathards m. Sally Richards, 1797, 12, 26. Hanson Brian m. Nancy Holland, 1797, 2, 22. Isaac Brittingham m. Betsy Townsend, 1796, 9, 29. William Brittingham m. Polly Gostes, 1796, 7, 30. William C. Brown m. Leah Wilson, 1797, i, 23. Jabez Brumby m. Martha Farr, 1796, 10, 25. Edward Burbage m. Mary Smock, 1796, 7, 3. Thomas Calhoon m. Nancy Taylor, 1795, — , — . John Cathell m. Priscilla Ward, 1796, 12, 9. William Caudry m. Sally Bowen, 1797, 11,8. Eli Christopher m. Litle Driskale, 1796, 5, 3. Layfield Collier m. Sally White, 1797, 8, 22. Isaac Collins m. Tabitha Stevenson, 1798, i, 3. James Collins m. Polly White, 1797, 2, 8. Walter Collins m. Martha Townsend, 1797, 7, 18. William Cordy m. Betsy Mitchell, 1797, 12, 8. Daniel Cottingham m. Polly Tilghman, 1796, 3, 18. Isaac Cottingham m. Susanna Lambdon, 1799, i, 29. Thomas Cottingham m. Rhoda Townsend, 1796, 6, 23. MARRIAGE LICENSES, 1795 TO 1799 591 Lazarus Cottman m. Betsy Bishop, 1797, i, 7. Abijah Davis m. Catherine Pointer, 1796, i, 4. Handy Davis m. Rhoda Burbage, 1797, 7, 6. James Davis m. Hannah Jenkins Adkins, 1797, 2, 21. James Davis m. Hannah Birch, 1797, 4, 17. Matthias Davis m. Betsy Handy, 1797, 6, 21. William Dixon m. Leah Dikes, 1797, 2, 17. Teague Donohoe m. Elizabeth Handy, 1797, 5, 19. Turner Dorris Jr. m. Mary Boun, 1796, 12, 21. Isaac Dreacken m. Mary Alexander, 1797, 9, 15. Elgate Drishale m. Anna Dykes, 1796, 4, 15. Stephen Dryden m. Catherine Dryden, 1796, i, 29. Josiah Duncan m. Martha M. Dale, 1795, 10, 20. Le\'i Duncan m. Leah Pumell, 1797, 5, 26. William Duncan m. Esther Holland, 1798, 3, 27. Cutten Ennis m. Polly Gladden, 1798, i, 12. Edmund Evans m. Rachel P. Milbum, 1797, II, 4. Joshua Evans m. Betsy Nelson, 1797, 5, 21. Peter Evans m. Nancy Hudson, 1796, 7, 26. Jesse Farlow m. Sarah Laws, 1797, 3, 7. William Ferguson m. Eunice Daxas, 1797, 8, 3. Alexander FrankHn m. Rachel Riley, 1797, 3, i. Thomas Franklin m. Charlotte Kirby, 1796, 6, 30. William Franklin m. Anna Riley, 1797, 7, 18. James Givans m. Betsy Lindzey, 1797, 3, 22. Robert Givans m. Rosanna Butler, 1795, 10, 22. Robert Givans m. Ruth Robertson, 1797, 10, 17. Levi Godfrey m. Ann T. Truitt, 1796, 5, 11. Henry Gomnell m. Mary P. Stevenson, 1798, i, 19. John Gowtes m. Polly Disharoon, 1796, 8, 17. Rouse Gray m. Bridgett Cathell, 1796, i, — . John Green m. Betsy Townsend, 1797, 3, 8. John Gunby (Grenby?) m. Amelia Chaille, 1798, i, 23. Benjamin Gurley m. Esther Sturgis, 1796, 7, 12. George Hall m. Hesse Bowen, 1796, 2, — . Benjamin Hammond m. Janet Cottingham, 1796, 7, 26. Bowden Hammond m. Amelia Jones, 1798, 5, 25. Edward Hammond m. Nancy Howard, 1796, 5, 19. William Hammond m. Betsy Gibbs, 1797, i, il. Charles Harris m. Esther Noble, 1796, 7, 15. Thomas Harris m. Sarah Mills, 1796, 3, 8. Ebenezer Hearn m. Betsy Roach, 1798, 2, 21. 592 MARYLAND RECORDS— WORCESTER COUNTY Barneby Henderson m. Margaret Knox, 1797, 10, 23. Ezekiel Henderson m. Hannah Timmons, 1795, 12, 20. Isaac Henderson m. Sally Davis, 1797, 2, 22. Joseph Hercourt m. Polly Williams, 1798, 6, 21. Josiah Hill m. Polly FrankHn, 1798, 2, 28. Levin Hill, Jr. m. Catherine Johnson, 1798, 4, 17. James Hinman m. Sarah Scarborough, 1798, i, 3. Nehemiah Holland m. Martha Richardson, 1796, 2, 12. William Hoskin m. Nancy Trader, 1797, 8, 29. Caleb Houston m. Betsy Mills, 1797, 12, 14. George Houston m. Rhoda Bratten, 1796, 12, 16. Warren Hudder m. Polly Johnson, 1796, 12, 21. Arthur Hudson m. Nancy Taylor, 1797, 2, 22. Benjamin Hudson m. Elizabeth Williams, 1796, 3, 25. McKimmey Hudson m. Hannah Dymock, 1795, 12, 26. Robert Hudson m. Mary Atkinson, 1796, 5, 31. William Hudson m. Comfort Knox, 1798, 3, 7. WiUiam Hughes m. Mary Houston, 1796, 12, 24. Timothy Irons m. Sarah Dorman, 1798, 6, 22. John Jackson m. Elizabeth Burbage, 1796, 10, 18. Benjamin Jarmin m. Elizabeth Timmons, 1796, 12, 13. Jacob Johnson m. Nancy Armstrong, 1798, 2, 17. James Johnson m. Patty Baker, 1797, i, 31. John Johnson m. Sally Crapper, 1796, 12, 21. Leonard Johnson m. Aralanta Brittingham, 1795, — , — . James Hall Jones m. Margaret Dale, 1797, 6, 6. Lewis Jones m. Rachel Long, 1795, 12, 20. Matthew Jones m. Joanna Johnson, 1798, 2, 16. William Jones m. Catherine Hodder, 1798, i, 9. James King m. Mary Kennett, 1797, 5, 10. Gray Knox m. Hetty Merrill, 1798, 4, 7. Edward Lambdin m. Polly Merrill, 1797, 12, 22. William Law m. Polly Miller, 1796, 4, 25. Levin Layfield m. Nancy Brittingham, 1798, i, 16. Isaac Long m. Charlotte Griffin, 1797, 12, 13. Zadock Long m. Leah Whittington, 1796, 10, 13. Alexander Low m. Nancy Brewington, 1797, 7, 10. Daniel McDaniel m. Elizabeth Carey, 1797, I, 10. Phillip Marsh m. Polly Selby, 1797, 5, 12. Israel Marshall m. Polly Collyer, 1798, 2, 5. Zadok Marshall m. Peggy Costen, 1796, 11, 25. Levi Merrill m. Elizabeth Stevenson, 1798, i, 23. MARRIAGE LICENSES, 1795 TO 1799 593 Jesse Mifford m. Betsy Richardson, 1797, 2, 10. Jonathan Miles m. Leah Tull, 1796, 12, 16. Robert Mitchell m. Elizabeth Mumford, 1797, 8, 18. Phillip Morris m. Nancy Mumford, 1795, 9, 18. Elijah Nelson m. Sophia Melvin, 1798, i, 4. Josiah Nelson m. Margaret Smith, 1796, 3, 15. Levi Nelson m. Hannah Mills, 1797, 12, 5. William Nelson m. Sally Sturgis, 1797, i, 31. William Nelson m. Sarah Brother^', 1797, 12, 20. Thomas Newbold m. Polly Taylor, 1798, 5, 22. Charles Parker m. Talitha Johnson, 1797, i, 10. John Parker m. Nancy Parker, 1796, 8, 4. John Pemell m. Patty Pernell, 1797, 11,8. McKenny Porter m. Nancy Parker, 1797, 7, 18. William Porter m. Naomi Sturges, 1796, i, 4. Caleb Powell m. Elizabeth Bethards, 1796, 2, — . Solomon K. Price m. Elizabeth Harris, 1797, 10, 10. EHjah Pruitt m. Betsy Bishop, 1797, 11, 24. Severn Pruitt m. Polly Merrill, 1797, 2, 16. John Purnell m. Dolly Bennett, 1797, i, 10. Milby Purnell m. Amelia Parker, 1795, 12, 8. John Readen m. Hesse Taylor, 1797, 11, 29. James Redden m. Sarah Bristor, 1798, 5, 21. James Reed m. Betsy Davis, 1797, 11, 24. Thomas Reynolds m. Dolly Boun, 1796, 12, 9. Jacob Richards m. Sarah Riggan, 1797, 6, 13. Benjamin Richardson m. Catharine Bratten, 1798, 6, 26. Littleton Riley m. Sally Townsend, 1796, 4, 23. Stephen Roach m. Mary Lambden, 1797, 8, 17. Sylvester Uriah Roberts m. Sarah Gillett, 1796, 10, i. John Rock m. Polly Mitchell, 1797, 6, 14. Edward Scarborough m. Nancy Selby, 1797, 5, 2. John Scarborough m. Elizabeth Smullen, 1796, 7, 8. Joseph Schoolfield m. Esther Grenby (Gunby?), 1797, 2, 28. William Schoolfield m. Rosanna Merrill, 1797, 9, 8. George Selby m. Betsy Curtis Sturges, 1797, 12, 20. Eli Shockley m. Betsy Colebum, 1798, 4, 27. Thomas Shockley m. Nancy Colebum, 1798, 4, 27. Andrew Simpson m. Patty Holland, 1797, 2, 28. John Slocomb m. Polly McCreddy, 1796, 10, 25. Archibald Smith m. Mar>' Hammond, 1795, 12, 18. John Smith m. Anna Smith, 1798, 2, 9. 39 594 MARYLAND RECORDS— WORCESTER COUNTY Robert Smith m. Sarah Martin, 1798, i, 2. Holland Smock m. Betsy Williams, 1798, i, 2. Jesse Smock m. Sally Truitt, 1797, 12, 19. George Staten m. Rachel Turner, 1797, 4, 17. Southey Sterling m. Rachel Dryden, 1797, 11, 24. Joseph Stevenson m. Elizabeth Stevenson, 1797, II, 30. John Sturges m. Tabitha Brumbly, 1797, i, 24. John Sturgis m. Nancy Bishop, 1797, i, 25. John Tarr m. Peggy Allen, 1797, I, 31. William Tarr m. Hannah Guthry, 1797, 9, 22. George Taylor m. Polly Timmons, 1796, 9, 5. James Taylor m. Peggy Aydlott, 1795, 12, 11. John Taylor m. Polly Powell, 1796, 5, 10. John Gibbs Taylor, jr. m. Hannah Aydlott, 1797, 10, 12. Samuel Taylor m. Sally Taylor, 1797, 4, 24. Jacob Teague m. Zipporah Rounds, 1796, 12, 21. Henry Thornton m. Euphame Tovvnsend, 1798, 3, 16. Ephraim Timmons m. Patty Holliday, 1796, 12, 16. Thomas Tindale m. Agnes MeKan, 1796, 12, 29. William Tingle m. Sarah Long, 1796, 2, 4. Stephen Townsend m. Esther Benson, 1796, 6, 20. James Tripp m. Jane Pumell, 1795, 12, 18. Benjamin Truitt m. Elener Johnson, 1798, 3, 26. George Truitt m. Sally Bishop, 1797, 10, 30. John K. Truitt m. Mary Teague, 1796, 3, i. John Tunnell m. Mary Selby, 1796, 10, 6. Lemuel Turner m. Sally Parker, 1797, 12, 19. Turpin m. Betsy Radcliffe, 1796, 5, 27. George Twilley m. Rosetta Taylor, 1796, 7, 3. Ephriam Townsend m. Rachel Custer (or Cutler?), 1796, 10, 20. John Walker m. Sebrina Crapper, 1798, 6, 25. Esom Waller m. Polly Elzey, 1797, 12, 18. David Walston m. Polly Moor, 1797, 11, 22. John Webb m. Mary Hancock, 1797, I, 4. Zadok Wheeler m. Martha B. Dickerson, 1796, 11, 28. Henry White m. Sally Lister, 1797, i, 30. Thomas White m. Sarah Nuton, 1796, 8, 20. William S. White, Jr. m. Betsy S. Waggaman, 1796, 4, 11. Eli Williams m. Euphamy Jones, 1798, 5, 22. Thomas Williams m. Nancy Parker, 1797, 2, 27. John Willson m. Sarah Ennis, 1796, 7, 25. Thomas Wilson m. Elizabeth Fisher, 1796, 11, 30. MARRIAGES IN MARYLAND AND DELAWARE 595 Hezekiah Wright m. Elizabeth Riley, 1796, 7, 11. Lot Wright m. Esther Evans, 1798, 2, 6. Absalom Wyatt m. Nancy Pennewill, 1795, 12, il. Record of Marriages in Maryland and Delaware, By Rev. George Moore, 1789-1810* (202 persons) Bamiby, Richard and Mary Allen, July 12, 1796. Beard, John and Rachel Mansfield, June 5, 1792. Boyles, Robert and EHzabeth Hammon, Jan. 9, 1801. Brown, W". and Elizabeth Etherington, July 28, 1796. Christfield, Gilbert and Mary Redgrave, Jan. 6, 1799. Clayton, John and Isabella Simmonds, Jan. 26, 1790. Colder [Colver?]], Nathaniel and Sarah Spearman, Feb. i, 1795. Comegys, Abraham and Ann Smith, Dec. 10, 1793. Conner, James and Elizabeth Campbell, Jan. 13, 1799. Cooper, Ephraim and Mary Sartain, May 5, 1792. Copper, Darius and Mary Watts, Nov. 24, 1799. Crouch, Thomas and Mary Sewell, June 25, 1795. Davidson, W"". and Ann Jury, Oct. 22, 1795. "Returned." Davis, John and Sarah Vansant, Feb. 23, 1797. Davis, W". and EHzabeth Cherrington, Dec. 9, 1799. Dawney, John and Marea Duyer, Jan. 5, 1804. Dill, John and Hanny Dill, June i, 1804. Duffey, John and Martha Hance, Aug. 19, 1790. Duyer, W". and Elizabeth Briscoe, Alay II, 1797. Eliason, Ebenezer and Rebecca Caman, June 12, 1798. Eliason, Elijah and Tobitha Bristow, Dec. 30, 1790. Elliott, Benjamin and Margaret Crouch, Jan. 26, 1795. Farmer, Thomas and Rachel Lasley, Sept. 9, 1795. Fletcher, James and Comfort Messeck, Jan. 11, 1793. Gears, John and Sarah Husler, Dec. 19, 1793. Glenn, Peregrine and Mary Ann Briscoe, June 26, 1795. Gonee, Rudolph and Elisabeth Heaver (Header), Oct. 27, 1796. "Re- turned." * From original record in Burton Historical Collection, Burton Library, Detroit, Mich, and published through "its courtesy. Published also in Manuscripts From The Burton Historical Collection No. 2," pp. 52-57. (Probably Kent, Cecil, &c. marriages?) 596 MARYLAND RECORDS— BY REV. GEORGE MOORE Grace, William and Elizabeth Moore, July 9, 1789. Grant, Jams and Catharine Reading, Jan. 31, 1802. Hackett, W". and Cornelia Pennington, Oct. 12, 1793. Haley, Jams and Mary Robinett, Oct. 12, 1789. Harmon, John and Arimantha Eliason, Mch. 22, 1810. Harper, Joseph and Martha Meeks, Aug. 30, 1804. Hewett, Thomas and Mary Shawn, Mch. 28, 1790. Hines, Edward and Elizabeth Copper, Dec. 30, 1802. Hines, John and Susan Russel, Sept. 24, 1800. Hinton, Jeremiah and Rebecca Melson, Dec. 29, 1799. Homey, W"". and Nelly M-^Carty, Sept. 22, 1798. "Returned this list. Howard, Benjamin and Rachel Greenwood, Feb. 5, 1801. Jackson, Tarbutt and Mary Rogers, Jan. 29, 1792. Jarvis, Joseph and Elizabeth Barnaby, Dec. 10, 1796. Jons, Simon Pryor and Sarah Galloway Thrift, Aug. 19, 1790. Kendall, W"". and Rebecca Johnson, May 27, 1800. Kerbey, Caleb and Maria Sharpless, Aug. 31, 1800. Kirk, John and Sarah Roberts, Dec. 27, 1789. Logue, W"*. and Ann Smith, Jan. i, 1795. M'^Daniel, W"". and Milicent Cornelius, Sept. 24, 1795. M'^Dowell, W"". and Jean Dougherty, Aug. 24, 1790. M'^Feely, John and Elizabeth Bateman, Dec. 28, 1800. M'^Neal, Archabald and Frances Allen, Sept. 12, 1795. Mahannah, John and Elizabeth Lasly, July 20, 1799. ManHy, Nicholas George and Millicent Kinkiy, Dec. 23, 1789. Manly, Jams and Lydia Liason, Mch. 13, 1790. Manly, John and Susannah Cox, Apr. 15, 1790. Meekes, Aquilla and Ann Cannell, Mch. 17, 1799. Miers, W"". and Jerusha Falconar, Aug. 18, 1791. Mussey, Francis and Milcha Ussleton, May 11, 1801. Oliver, Joseph and Rainey Gibbs, Feb. 4, 1792. Ozier, Joseph and Elizabeth Stuart, May i, 1798. Pennington, Joseph and Ann Pennington, Mch. 2, 1797. Pennington, Samuel and Sarah Etherington, Nov. 5, 1789. Pope, W". and Elizabeth Hopkins, Nov. 9, 1801. Read, Caleb and Polly Greenwood, Feb. 12, 1804. Reed, John and Elizabeth Jeffers, Mch. 18, 1800. Reed, Joseph and Elizabeth Hurtt, Aug. 30, 1797. "Returned this list. Rochester, Richard and Rebecca Pratt, Jan. i, 1795. Roggester, John and Sarah George, Feb. 4, 1792. Russel, Theophilus and Ann Tittle, Apr. i, 1804. Ruth, Christopher and Elizabeth Miers, Apr. 8, 1800. LIST OF MARRIAGES 597 Sappington, Lambert and Mary Wilson, Jan. 15, 1795. Sappington, Nathaniel and Hannah Meeks, May 26, 1799. Severson, Hance and Rebecca Price, Dec. 12, 1793. Shahawn, Charles and Mary Vansant, Mch. 28, 1790. Smith, W". and Ann Haward, Mch. 20, 1798. Spencer, Labert W. and Ann Spencer, Sept. 13, 1804. Stavely, John and Elizabeth Rayner, Jan. 26, 1802. Taylor, John and Sarah Gay, Feb. 14, 1796. Thompson, W"". and Hosanna Pennington, Dec. 26, 1794. Toenir, Moses and Elizabeth Cohee, Oct. 18, 1791. Tompson, John and Catherin Homer, Oct. 18, 1791. Vansant, Joshua and Ann Davis, May 10, 1798. Walmsley, Thomas and Rebecca James, Apr. 22, 1790. Watts, John and Elizabeth Ricketts, Nov. 30, 1800. Way, George and Ann Tuttle, Mch. 19, 1801. White, W™. and Ann Redgrove, Jan. 8, 1797. Young, Hugh and Elenor Durham, Dec. 23, 1790. (Harford Co.) * Watson, William and Catharine Riley, 21 Oct., 181 1. William Watson died Oct. 28, 1815, aged 34. Catharine Watson died Sept. 23, 1870. Mary Jane Watson b. May 19, 1813. William Geo. Watson b. Mch. 25, 1815. List of Marriages by Publication in the Delaware State by Rev. George Moore Fowler, Jesse and Lucretia ALCrackin "was married Delaware State, Susex Co., Dec. the 2o">, 1792." Herrington, John and Hannah Marshel, Feb. 7, 1791. "York Co. State of Pa." Ritch Peter and Rodey Hardinigth, May ye 3rd, 1789. * In the same book, but not in the handwriting of Rev. Geo. Moore. 598 MARRIAGES IN MARYLAND AND DELAWARE "List of Marriages by License in the State ot Del- laware in the Year 1788 by Me George Moore" Appleton, Robart and Line Read, Sept. i6, 1790. Bolton, W". and Mary Darling, Nov. 30, 1802. Caman, John and Rebecca Hynson, Dec. 13, 1798. Clark, W--. and Mary Mears, March 5, 1789. Griffith, Benjamin and Mary Moore, Jan. 26, 1790. Gutrey, Robard and Rachel Biddel, Feb. 22, 1790. Haindsley, Ambroius and Ann Herrington, Nov. 2, 1788. Kelley, W°. and Jane Ray, Jan. 16, 1790. Pollard, W". and Ann Egleson, June 18, 1790. Robards, Benjamin and Nessa Rothwell, Oct. 8, 1789. Wright, John and Maacha Low, Feb. 6, 1791. "York Co., State of Pa. INDEX* Abbington Manor, 3. Abbott, Geo., 314, 498— Mary Anne, 439 — Sarah, 466. Abell, Able, Anthony, 54, 58 — Elizabeth, 66 — Ignatius, 66 — John, 64, 65, 67, 498 — Lidia, 64 — Philip, 64 — Saml., 64, 66. Abet, Abett, Sarah and Thos., 89. Abraham, Sarah, 531. Abricks, Herman, — . AccoNY, Margareth, 530. Achilles, Peter, 311. Acker, Geo. B., 498. AcKMAN, Philip, 89. Acorn, Thos., 224. Acton, Henry, 265 (2) — Small- wood, 265. Act of Congress, Pensions, 314. Adair, Wm., 526. Adam, Adams, Addams, Adames, Aaron, 415 — Adam, 314 — Amelia, 489 — Andrew, 58 — Andrus, 53 — Antereus, 498 — Benj., 28 — Betty, 105 — Char- ity, 490 — Eleanor, 552, 560 — Elizabeth, 459 — Ephraim, 76, 77 — Geo., 308, 415 — Hance, 415— Henry, 53, 58, 498— James, 77, 290, 498 — ^John, 170, 251, 415, 498, 552, 560— John Rouse, 26 — Joseph, 266 — Joshua, 415 — Lodowick, 28 — Luke, 305 — McNamara, 89 — Magd., 509 — Martin, 53, 58— Mary, 53, 58, 77, 104, 451, 501 — Morrison, 580 — Moses, 415 — Peter, 98 — Re- becca, 76 — Richd., 26, 307 — Robt., 275 — Salathal, 98 — Sally, 552 — Sally Grumby, 580 — Saml., 489 — Sarah, 474 —Shady, 580 — Stoutten, 580 — Thos., 28, 98, 251, 415, 523 —Thos. McG., 251— Wm., 289. Adamson, Ruth, 520. Addison, Elianor, 513 — Freder- ick, 498 — John, — , 279 — Walter Dulany, — . Addlesberger, Adelsperger, etc., Geo. and Joshua, 498. Aderton, Joseph, 488. Adkey, Nathan, 197. Adkin, Adkins, Chas., 498 — David, 590 — Hannah Jenkins, 591 — Rachel, 89. Adley, Wm., 90. Adlum, John, 498, 499 — Mar- garet, 498. Ady, Wm., 234. Affirmation, 252, 261, 269, 275, 278. Ahalt, Henry, 499. Aider, Geo., 499. AiDiNGS, Ann, 453. Ailsworth, Robt., 415. AiREY, Thos. H., 109. AisQUiTH, Chas., 415 — Mary Jane, 486. Alaine, Geo., 499. Albach, An. M., 503 — Chris- tian, David, Moritz, Wm., 499. Albaugh, Albough, Ann, 55, 56, 60 — Edwd., Elias V., Geo., Isaac, 499 — John, 55, 60, 499 — Peter, 55, 60 — Susannah, 499 — Zacheriah, 55, 56, 60. Albee, John, 296. Albert, Jacob, 3 14. Albright, Henry, 499. Albritton, Chas., 491. Alcock, Robt., 315, 415. Alder, AUder, Geo., 267 — Geo. W. and John, 499. Alderdice, Hugh, 499. Aldridge, Evan J., Geo. W., and John, 499 — Jacob, 255. Aldmand, Sarah, 180. Aldren, Elizabeth, 227. Aleway, Thos., 207. Alexander, Christian, 76 — Davis, 535 — Ephraim, Frank- lin, Fred., Geo. W., Henry, Joseph, 499 — Jacob, 315 — James, 76, 236 — Jane, 500 — Marg., 50i^Mary, 315, 529, 591 — Robt., 76, 77 — Valen- tine, 499 — Wm., 106, 415. Alexson, Alexander, 90. * Names of slaves are omitted. Figures in parentheses, "265 (2)," mean that the name occurs that number of times on the indicated page, but it is well to run through the entire page as this practice applies only to a part of the book. The following imperfect records may assist some searchers: ■wes, 223 ilder, 229 , John, 303 ■orkston, John, 227 kril, 229 , Nathan, 304 -allehorn, 229 lets, 230 C , Matthew, "41, -ke, 229 arron, 230 Mc , Benja. 303 -k, 230 nes, 230 S , Tho». 304 -np, 229 599 6oo INDEX Alport, John, 499. All, Hannah, 179 — Jane, 433 — Margaret, 179. All Faith's Parish, 535. Allas, Elias John, 499. Alley, Wm., 307. Alldridge, John, 499. Allek, Alin, Adams, 415 — Ann, 80, 438 — Ann, 80, 438^ Austin, 272 — Azel, 415 — Bar- bara, 486 — Bartholomew, 492 — Benj., 21, 22, 415 — Chlaeh, 491 — Dorothey, 433 — Eleanor, 421 — Frances, 596 — Geo., 415, 499 — Harriet, 436 — Henry, 539 — Isaac H., 499 — Jacob, 315, 346 — James, 495, 499 — John, 234, 247, 415. 590— Joseph, 21, 261 — Joseph McCubbin, 415 — • Martha, 418 — Mary, 453, 479, S3°! S9S — Moses, 227 — Na- than, 315— Peggy, S94— Pres- seller, 82— Rachel, 452, 467 — Robt. Henry, 539 — Ruth, 487 — Sarah, 453, 539 — Steven, 315. 338— Susanna, 453— Thos., 311 — Wm., 296, 415, 535- Allender, John, 236 — Mar- garet, 531 — Mary, 526 — Thos., 235— Wm., 235. Alleway, Wm., 229. Alley, Ally, Shadrack, 490 — Wm., 212. Allham, Daniel, 172. Allison, Ale.xn., 246 — Ann, 560 — Chas., , Christian, 554 — EUia", 520 — Elisha Of- futt, 544 — Elisha, 566 — Eliza- beth, 521, 545, 547, 554. S59— Geo., 499, 546 — Greenburg, 546 — Henr>', 499 — Hughe, 529 — ^James, xiii, 74, 415 — Joanna, 546 — John, xiii, xiv, 74, 545, S47. 554— John B., 559— Joseph, xiii, 74 — ^Joshua, 544, 546, 554 — Lucinda Higgins, 545- — Luraner, 554 — Mary, S°9> 559 — Nancy Muncaster, 546— Noah, 547 — Prescilla, 544, 546, 554— Robt., , Ruth, 516 — Susanna, 565 — Thos., xiii, xiv, 74, 517 — Wm., 113. Almony, John, 241. Alnut, Allnut, Jane, 561— Nathan, 415 — Wm., 516. Allwell, John and Wm., 415. Alsop, Alsip, Alley, 472 — Holsey, 415 — John, 315. Alter, Eliz., 525 — Mag^-, 525 — Man.% 524 — Rebecca, 526. Althoff, Henry, 500. Altigh, Michael, 315. Alton, John, 238. Altried, Geo. M., 500. Altvvein, Chas., 500. Alvey, Elizabeth, 470 — Josias, 315- Alward, John, 311. Aman, Geo., 500 — John, 415. Amass, Wm. of Joshua, 246. Ambers, Geo. W., 500. Ambler, John, 415 — Thos., 293. Ambrose, Ambrosius, Chris- topher, Geo., Geo. H., Geo. W., Henry W., John, 500. Amelong, Fredk. M., 500. Ames, Margaret, 486. Amir, Wm., 287. Ammons, Ann, Margaret, Mary, Thos., 119. Amos, Amoss, Aquila, 238^ Benj., 238, 241 — Elizabeth, 315 — Geo., 238 — Hannah, 495 — Henry, 242 — James, 238, 241 — John, 165 — Joshua, 238, 241, 315, 331 — Maulden, 234 Mordacai, 238 — Nicholas, 241 — Robert, 241, 242 — Wm., 238 (2), 315, 331. Anchors, Deborah, 542 — Edwd., 542 — Snowden, 516, 542. Ancony, Henry, 526. Ancrum, Jacob, 500. Anders, Geo., Geo. J., Henry, 500. Anderson, Alfred, 555^Amous, 192 — Andrew, 415 — Ann, 456, 490, 514. 543. 544. 546, 555 — Ann Duckett, 440 — Annei 5 18 — Chas., 186, 192 — Col. (Richd?), 543, 567 — Daniel, 186, 192 — David, 554 — Ed- ward, 415 — Edwd. H., 500 — Eleanor, 549 — Elizabeth, 128, 416, 418, 419, 493, 547, 510— Francis, 500 — Geo., 113, 500 — Geo. H. and Geo. W., 500 — Gilbert, xiii — Grace, 192 — Harriot, 556 — Hugh, 500 — Jacob, 416 — James, 192, 197, 238, 416, 495, 547— Jane, 113 — Jemima, 519 — Jenny, 113 — John, 104, 128, 197, 315, 500, 549. 556 — -Jonathan M., 500 — Joseph, xiii (2), 25, 74, 416 — Joshua, 416 — Julia, 463 — Ju- liet, 543 — Lilly, 418 — Lucy, 511 — Lydia, 460 — Margaret, xiii, 186 — Mary, 113, 128, 186, 192, 549, 554, 556 — Mary Ann, 535 — Mrs.—, 565 — Mounts, 311 — Prissiller, 186 — Rebecca, 521 — Reb. Maria Harriet, 422 —Richd., 192, 315, 543, 544, 546, 555— Robt., 128, 547— Saml., 416 — Sarah, 186, 192 — Susanna, 546, 567 — Thos., 416 — Wm., 128, 192, 416. Andrews, Andros, Abraham, 239 — Eliza., 492 — Isaac, 100 — James, 579 — Joseph, 98 — Keziah, 100 — Lidia, 452 — Na- thal, 100 — Rubin, too — Susan- nah, 470 — Thos., 243, 500— Wm., 416. Angel, Angle, Henry, 523 — Isaac, 500 — Wm., 89. Angleberger, Geo. and Geo. David, 5CX5. Angler, Rachel, 464. Anglin, Atlanatious, 416 — Sarah, 469. Anleton, Peter, 311. Anly, Ann, 489. Annan, Isaac S., 500. Annapolis, 311, 335 — Artillery- Co., defense of, 405. Anne Arundel Co., 15 — Mar- INDEX 60 1 riages, vi, 413 to 487; Manour, 2, 17 — Militia, 405. Annes, Annis, Christian, 471 — Micajah, 315 — Sarah, 464. Ansherman, David, 500. Anst, Antes, Adam, 500 — Sarah, 499. Antel, Ann, 177 — Blanch, 176 — • Hannah, 177 — John, 176, 177 — Sarah, and Thos., 177. Anvard, Thos. L., 500. AooisTocK, Peter, 233. Apolo, Benj. M., 500. Apple, Mary Elizth., 503. Applebee, Appleby, Joseph, 500 — Rezin, 416. Applegirth, Geo., 220 — Robt., 218. Appler, Isaac, 500. Appleton, Appelton, Edwd., 242 — Robart, 598. Archer, John, 236, 242, 244. Archey, Edwd., 559. Archibald, Wm., 529. Arenson, Cornelius, 311. Arescott, Richd., 197. Armager, Armiger, Armaja, Ann, 464 — Benj., 416 — John, 416 — Leonard, 416 — Mary, 423, 445, 457, 484— Saml., 416 — Sarah, 481 — Thos., 416 — Wm., 416. Armand's Corps, 401. Armitage (Hermitage?) Hun- dred, 89. Armond, Elizabeth, Hanna, Isaac, Thos., Wm., 113. Armsey, Benj., Burch, John, Easter, 542. Armstrong, Alishea, 184 — Catharine, 72 — David, 159, 529 — Diana, 72 — Elizabeth, 458 — Ezebel, 172 — Ford, 184 — Hannah, 184 — Hellen, 72 — Jacob, 500 — James, 72, 243 — John, 172, 234, 240 — Joseph, 184, 500 — Josua, 184 — Mar- gret, 184 — Mary, 129, 159, 184, 531 — Nancy, 592 — Rob- ert, 159, 172, 529 — Sarah, 159 — Sheperd, 234 — Sollaman, 184 — Susanna, 147 — Wm., 172,514. Arndperger, John, 501. Arnett, Ann, 108 — Issabella, 155 — James, 108 — Wm., 155. Arnold, Arnhold, Aeda, 517 — Cassandra, 555 — Christopher, 307 — Croscil (?), 183 — Cum- fort, 183 — Daniel, 501 — Elin, 501 — Elizabeth, 119 — Eph- raim, 119, 183, 501 — Ezra, 501 — Frederick, 501 — Henry, 525 — Huldah,50i — John, 416, 501, 523 — Jonathan, 501 — Marah, 183 — Man,-, 448, 555 — Nancy, 448— Rachel, 498— Richd., Robt. and Saml., 416 — Sarah, 119 — Sus., 525 — Thos., 555— Wm., 119, 183. Ars, Artz, Edwin, 501 — James, 516 — John, 192. Arthur, Hiram and John, 501. Arvin, Thos., 31. AsGUR, John, 501. Ashan, Saml., 517. Ashcome, Nancy Brome, 572. AsHCRAFT, Thom'., 217. Ashford, Amelia, 513 — Sar., 514 — Thos., 513. Ashley, Greenbury, 416 — John, 416 — Luvany, 455 — ^Thos., 154, 197, 240- Ashman, Henry, 501 — Margaret, 499. Ashmead, John, 247 — Saml., 247 — Sarah, 438. AsHMUND, Hester, 444. AsHTEN, Ashton, Henry, 490 — John, 267 — Joseph, 241. Ashwood, Wm., 517. Ask, Asker, Jane, 173 — Thos., 248. Askew, Askue, John, Jonathan, Lyles, 416. AsKiN, Andra, Elizabeth, 31^ Geo., John, Rebecca, 31, 32. Astlin, Joseph, 562. Atchersin, Atchison, Ephraim, 516 — Wm., 269. Athein, Horatio, 501. Athey, Ebenezer, 268 — Heze- kiah, 268 — Joseph, 501 — Owen, 259 — Wilson, 287 — Winifred, 495. Atkin, Atkins, Geo., 501 — Thos., 306. Atkinson, Aaron, 224 — Angela, 590 — Ann, 145 — Catherine, 465 — Elizabeth, 146, 444, 458 — Frances, 146 — Greenberry, 146 — Joseph, 225 — Mary, 146, 466, 484, 592 — Nathan, 416 — Rachel, 448 — Thos., 42. Atsnel, Sarah, 434. Atterson, Arter, 90. Atwell, Anne, 457, 486 — Art- ridge, 450 — Augustine, 416 — Benj., 417 — Catherine, 435, 446 — Frances, 478 — John, 274, 417, 501 — Joseph, 417 — Mar- garet, 418, 460 — Mary, 443, 478 — Nancy, 478 — Rachel, 439 — Roger, 417 — Saml., 417 — Sarah, 464 — Susannah, 460 — Thos., 417 — Thompson, 462 — Wm., 417. AuB, John, 501. Auld — see Ould. Auman, Andrew, 501. Ausherman, Hanson, 501. Austin, Absalom, 197 — Ann, 224 — Baruch Odle, 550 — Cas- sandra, 550, 555 — Charity, 510 — Eleanor, 489 — Elizabeth, 551 — Enoch, 550 — Helen, 555 — Hezekiah, 551, 558 — Hil- leary, 501 — James, 541 — John, 417. 550. 555, 560— Jonas, 297 — Margeret, 545, 550, 551— Nancy, 541', — Thos., 551 — Warren Burgess, 551 — Wm., 224 — Zachariah, 545, 550 — Zachariah Offutt, 545. Avery, Carrie White, 572. Axline, David, 501. Aydlot, Hannah, 580, 594 — John, 580— Peggy, 594— Tabitha, 580. Ayers, Ayres, Abraham, 143 — 602 INDEX Betheah, 143 — Comfort, 580 — Elizabeth, 143, 316 — Isaac, 580 — Mary, 580 — Milbie, 143 —Morrison, 580 — Stephen, 241 — Thos., 143, 237, 246, 316. Ayton, Jane, 563. AzEL, Martha, 170. AzELip, Richd., 316. Babbs, Babes, Babe, Ann, I45, 436 — Eli, John, Thos., 417 — Mary, Patrick, Sarah Hall, 145- Babington, Elizabeth, 431. Bache, Geo., 501. Back, Nicholas, 501. Backer, Michel and Sarah, 525. Bacon, Geo., 107. Baden, Benj., 303, 417 — Jere- miah, 303 — John, 303 — John of Thos., 304 — Robert, 303. Badger, Chas., 316. Badley, Christopher, Ezekiel, Richd., 90 — Nathan, 104 — Wm., 103, 104. Baechtly, Martin, 501. Baer, Bare, Bear, Conrad, 529 — Geo., 279, 501 — Jacob, 417 — Jean, 515 — John, 501, 502^ Margaret, 501 — Wm., 501. Bager, Geo. Saml., 501. Baggerly, James, 516. Baggott, John and Saml., 33. Barer, Morris, 526. Baierle, Eliz., 502. Baightle, Bechtle, Geo., 502 — Jacob, 523. Bailey, Baillie, Bayley, Bayly, Andrew, 491 — Aquil- lea, Averilla, Bennidick, Chas., Ezekiel, 189 — Groombright, 43> 23s — Hezekiah, 517 — Jas. Francis, 235 — ^Joseph, 316, 501 — Josias, 189 — Leonard (w), 569 — Margret, 189 — Mount- joy, 316 — Nehemiah, 152 — Ruth, 521 — Saml. ,4 18 — Sarah, 189 — Thos., 316, 317 — Walter, 563 — Wm. 68, 371. Baird, Bayard, Michael, 529 — Peter, 311 — Wm. 526. Baker, Absalom, 580 — Agnes, 191 — Ann, Anna, Archibald, Belitha, Betty Mills, 580— Charity, 519 — Chas., 40, 233, 241 — Elisha, 580 — Elizabeth, xi, 522, 524, 549 — Enoch, 498 — Esther, 580 — Francis, 228 — Frederick, 51, 57 — Gedion, 234 — Henry, 501 — Henry Cleland, 317 — Isaac, 494 — James, 549 —Jenny Mary, 175 — John, Jonathan, 74, 90, 235, 236, 580 — John H., 317 — Josaway, 191 — Leven, 580 (2) — Lucy Ed- minson, 549 — Martha, 521 — Mary, 580 — Maurice, 235 — Morris, 74 — Morress, xi — Nancy, 580 — Nicoles, 191 — Patty, 592 — Polly, 580 — Ra- chel, 494, 580 — Solomon, 580 (2) — Theophilus, 233, 236 — Thos., vii, 72, 74, 317 — Wm., 236, 580, 590 — Zadock, 580. Baldwin, Edward, 417 — Elea- nor, 424 — Elizabeth, 434, 485, 487 — Francis, 417 — Henry, 317, 417 — Hesther, 425 — James, 254 — Jamima, 419 — John, 253, 274, 417- — Lavenia, 422 — Lydia, 469 — Maria, 436 — Mary (Gambrill), 3 17 — Rezin D., 417 — Saml., 3 17, 417 — Sarah Hall, 441 — Thos., xi, 253, 302 — Tyler, 253, 417 — Wm., 242 — Wm. H., 317, 417 — Wm. P., 417. Balitel, Saml, 523. Ball, Ann Maria, 421 — Benj., 90 — Eleanor, 554 — Elizabeth, 563 — Gerret, 501 — James, 220, 513— Jane, 440, 455— John, 417 — Joseph, 501 — Mary, 449, 455 — Maryann, 554 — Priscilla, 90, 563 — Richd., 417, 501, S54, 571 — Sarah, 559, 563 — Thos., 220, 417 — Wm., 220, 417, 501. Ballard, Jonathan, 317 — Levin, 377- Ballinger, Saml., 517. Balsar, Balser, Anthony, 317 — Marg., 513. Baltimore, Bounty, 30 — County, 233 — Election Dist., 401. Balton, Mary, 511. Baltrop, Mar>-, 492. Balzell, Baltzell, Balsel, Barb., 510 — Cath., 511 — Chas., 317, 501 — Danl. and Henry, joi — Jacob, 317, joi — John, 501 — Peter, 502. Bambaugh, Geo., 502. Bambergern, John, 501. Bajiihill. John, 236. Bancks, Banks, Andrew, 233 — Ann, 90. Banebach, John Hy., 502. Bangs, Danl., 417 — Lucy, 451. Bankhead, Hugh and Wm., 246. Banks, Ann, 469. Banning, Henrj', 227, 374 — James, 149 imeah, 227. Banninger, Francis, 517. Banon, John, 417. Bantam, Bantham, Keziah, 524 • — Peregrine, 317, 318. Banter, John, 299. Bantz, Anna Mary and Eliza- beth, 509 — Henry and Nim- rod, 502. Bar, Cath., 511. Barber, Ann, 545 — Catherine, 475 — Cornelius, 71 — Edward, 545 — Eleanor, 536 — Elias, 535 — Elijah, 502 — Hannah, 484 — John Thos., 417 — Luke W., 417 — Rachel, 449, 507 — Thos., 197 — Wm., 502. Barclay, Barkley, Eliz., 113 — Henry, 259 — James, 97 — John, 113, 236. Bard, Jacob, 502. Bare — see Baer. Barefort, Mary, 439. Barette, Isaac de, 311. Bargeit, M. Salome, 513. Barisood, Adeath, 226. Barker, Bailey, Benj. Burton, 580 — John, 418, 502 — Nancy, 464 — Richd., 580 — Susannah, 496 — Wm., 418. INDEX 603 Barly, Anna, 512. Barn, Clementia, 513. Barnaby, Barneby, Elizabeth, 596— Richd., 595. Barnard, James, Jane, Mark, Saml., Thos., 113. Barneclew, And", and John, 211. Barnee, Thos., 502. Barker, Greenburg, Joanna, Trase Ann, 554. Barnes, Barns, Annah, 184 — Asyl, 184 — Averilla, 189— Benj. 184 — Ben net, 184 — Bethid, 178 — Catherine, 418 — Elizabeth, 183, 184, 188— Ezekiel, 159 — "Fiariner," 189 —Ford, 183, 184, 188— Gri- gary, 188, 189 — Hannah, 159 — Henry, 266 — Hestor, 184 — • Hosea, 184 — James, 184, 221, 535— Job, 159— John, 183, 189, 498 — Joseph, 175 — ^Joshua, 124 — Josias, 513 — Leonard, 502 — Linda, 531 — Louisa, 504 — Margret, 183, 184 — Mary, 124, 159, 189 — Nehemiah, 153 — Priscilla, 515 — Rachel, 153, 159, 183, 188— Richard, 188, 343 — Ruth, 159, 184 — Sarah, 103, 159, 183, 184, 189, 516 — Silvanus, 529 — Thos., loi, 124, 207 — Wever, 517 — Wm., 183, 244 — Zachariah, 176, 418. Barnett, Chas., 206 — ^James, 236 — John, 239 — Nancy, 464 — Robert, 318, 502. Barney, John, 502 — Wm. 220. Barnfield, John, 276. Barnheiser, John, 318. Barnover, Geo., 318. Barrance, Mary, 515. Barrett, Barrott, Alexander, 514, 546 — Edward, 541 — Eleanor, 546 — Eleanor, 18 — Elizabeth, 224 — John, 18, — , ■ — Joseph, 541 — Joshua, 318 — Ruth, 546 — Sarah, 541 — Solomon, 318 — Wm., 18. Barron, Catherine, 515. Barrow, James, 218, 224 — Thos., 224. Barry, Caleb, 418 — Elisha, 418 — Elizabeth, 482 — Isaac, Ja- cob, John, Joshua, Phiiip and Wm., 418. Bart, Jacob, 502. Barthelma, Mary, 502. Bartlet, Bartlett, 227 — Ann, 513 — Jack, 156 — James, 210, 502 — John, 225 — Peter, 213 — Richd., 225. Bartly, Wm., 490. Barton, Absalom, 502 — Henri- etta, Jacob, 55, 60 — James, 241 — Margaret, 559. Barwick, James, 79, 84 — Joshua, 84 — Margrett, 83. Basford, Bassford, Ann, 485 — - Benj., 418 — Fanny, 445 — Henry, 418 — John, 529 — Rachel, 459, 479 — Richd., 418 — Susan, 470 — Thos., 418 — Willy, 462 — Zachariah, 418. Bash, Elizabeth, 471 — Sarah, 433- Basil, Henry, 468 — James, John, Joseph, Ralph and Robert, 418 — Rachel, 424. Bassett, Bast, Jacob, 502^ John, 238 — Richd., 306 — Thos., 107. Bate, Bates, James, 27 — Joseph, 132. Bateman, Elizabeth, 489, 490, 596 — Geo., 318 — Izreel, 492 — • James, 197 — John, 197, 494 — Levin, 494 — Margaret, 488 — Michael, 198— Richd., 488, 492 — Sarah G., 481. Batey — see Beatty, etc. Batsel, Batsil, Elizabeth, xiv, 74 — John, xiv, 74 — Thos., xiv. Batsey, Richd., 221. Batt, Moses, 253. Battee — see Beatty, etc. Battenfield, Jacob, 502. Batterson, Geo. and Wm., 318. Bauer, Conrad, 502 — see Bower. Baulus, Mary Magd., 502. Baum, Babera, 527. Bauman — see Bowman — Bow- man — Danl., John Jacob, 502 — Mary, 525. Bausman, Benj., 502. Baxter, Eliz., 517 — Thos., 208 — Wm., 208. Baxton, John, 498. Bay, Alexr., Elizabeth, Jennet, 122 — Hugh, 122, 234, 247 — Sarah, 122 — Wm., 122, 248. Bay Hundred, Talbott Co., 217. Bayer, Abraham, David, John and Peter, 502. Bayerle, Wm., 502. Bayles, Baylis, Ann, 183 — Augustus, 183 — Benj., 181, 243 — Danl., 242 — Debrow, 181 — Elis, F.lias, 181, 243 — Elisa- beth, 181— Feby, 181 (2)— Hannah, 181 — James, 183 — John, Mary, Mehetabet, 181 — Nache, 243 — Robt., 181, 243 — Saml., 181, 183, 242 — Sarah, 181, 183. Baynard, Gedion, 83 — Geo., 318 — John, 80 — Leavin, 83 (2) — Mary, 80— Thos. 85. Bayne, Geo., 514 — Hebsworth, 279 — Mary Julia L., 572 — Saml. H., 279 — Thos., 265 ^Wm. 279 — Wm. C, 572. Baynum, Elisha, John, Mary, 580 — Wm., 590. Bazell, Jacob, 502. Beacor, Geo., 174. Beale, Martha, 495— Thos., 190. Beall, Bell, etc. Abigail, 580 — Alphe, 545 — Andrew, 254, 283 — Ann, Anna, Anne, 446, 549, 563, 580 (2) — Arianna, 513 — Basil, 271, 513 — Basil M., 545, (w) 567— Betsy, 580 — Cassandra, 544 — Chris- topher, 318 — David, 246, 302 — Edwd. Brooke, 556 — Elea- nor, 545 — Elizabeth, 54, 58, 319, 348. S«3. 534. 543. 544. 552. 555. 560— Francis, 489— 6o4 INDEX Geo., 3'', 251 — Geo., 502, 513 — Gertrude, 504 — Harriet, 499 — Hetty, 580 — Isaac, 580 (2) — Jacob, 503 — James, 285, 547. 556. 564, 580 (2)— Jas. Alex., 563 — Jas. Wash., 556 — Jeremiah, 288 — John, S4. S8 238, 282, 283, 286 (2) — Josias 289, 302 — Joshua, 251 — Leven 513 — Lewis, 562 (2) — Lloyd 318— Mary, 520, 521, 547, 556, 580 — Matilda, 556 — Meason 251 — Molley, 580 — Nancy, 580 — Nathan, 285 — Nin. ye 3*, 285 — Ninian, 254, 302, 502 — Ning., 3 19 — Norman and sister, 565 — Patrick, 279 — Perry, 543, 544— Peter, 44, S03— Polly, 549, 561, 58c5— Ralph, 288— Reason (?), 251 — Rebeccah, 530 — Richd., 302, 306, 566 — Robert, 549, 561, 580 — Robert Berrj', 555 (2) — Roger Brook, 250 — Sally, 580 — Sarah, 465, 566 — Shadrach, Shadrick, 286, 566 — Stephen, 580 — Talbot, 544 — Thos. 254, 256, 285, 515 — Thos. B. (Gen.), 568 — Thos. N., 543 — Virlinder, 547 — Washington, 552 — Wm., 502, 580 (2), 590 — Wm. Dent, 319,521 — Zephaniah, 418, 516. Bealmear, Bealmeer, Bel- mere, etc., Absalom, 418 — Ann, 415 — Caroline, 556, 569 — Catharine, 479 — Eliz., 549, 556 — Francis, 419 — John, 419 — Lewis, 549, 556, 569 — Saml., 419, 562, (w) 568 — Sarah, 416 — Susannah, 549. Bean, Beans, Been, Beens, A. H., 572 — Benj"., 308 — Catherine, 541, 545 — Chris- tian, 283 — Colmore, 264 — Dawson, 543 — Geo. (Bear ?), 279 — Henrietta, 545 — Jacob, 523 — ^Jane L., 572 — Jemima, SS9— John, 293, 319, 541, S4S — Joseph, 284 — Josiah, 562, 565 — Josias, 543 — Leonard, 319 — Mr. (Pr. George's), 566 — Noble Beall, 541 — Rachel, 543 — Richard, 559 — Tabitha, 564 — Thos., 308 — Virlinda, 521 — Wm., Jr., 264. Bear — see Baer. Beard, Ann, 418 — Ann Moore, 548 — Anthony, 548 — Catha- rine, 465, 524, 525 — Elizabeth, 452 — Ester, 532 — Geo., 90 — Jane, 453— John, 53, 58, 90, 114, 418, 548, 595 — Jonathan, 418 — Joseph, 418 — Laurro, 474— Mary, 58, 430, 524, 562 — Mathew, 418 — Michel, 525 — Rachel, 433 — Rebecca, 430, 453 — Richd., 418 — Sarah, 474 — Stephen, 419 — Susannah, 474 (2) — Thos., 90, 242, 419 — Wm., 529. Beaten, 227. Beatty, Beaty, Battee, Batey, 230 — Agnes, 422 — Ann Caro- line, 474 — Archibald, 145, 240 — Benj., 90 — Elizabeth, 4:7 — Hannah, 145 — Henrietta, 442 —Jane, 145 — John, 19, 22, 418, 502 — Lucy, 442 — Mary, 509— Richd., Richd. H., 418— Sarah, 422 — Susannah, 511 — Thos., 319 — Wm., 145, 247, 319- Beaven, Beaver, Bever, Chas., 319 — Elizabeth, 134 — John L, 241 — Mary, 514. Beaverdam, Manor, 2, 63. Beb, John, 169. Becht, Jacob, 502. Bechtel, Baightle, Beichtle, Anne, 524 — Geo., 502 — Jacob, 523- Beck, Becks, Ann, 146, 168 — Anthony, 254, 419 — Beth- sheba, 168— Caleb, 146, 168, 240 — Daniel, 146 — Elisabeth, 184, 483 — Hannah, 168 — James, 168, 252, 256, 419 — John, 146, 237, 247, 525 — Joseph, 419 — Joshua, 168 — Martha, 146 — Nancy, 516 — Peter, 234 — Saml. Duvall, 254 — Sophia, 168 — Thos., 302 — Wm. 107, 146. Beckebach, Beckenbach, 499 — Eliz., 506 — Geo., 502 — Michael, 502. Becker, Baecker, Conrad, 502 — Elizabeth, 503 — Hannah, 5 1 1 — John Fredk., 502 — Peter, Philip, 503. Beckett, Benj., 274, 419 — Delilah, 424 — John, 262, 308 — Wm. Levin, 419. Beckwith, Ann, Anna, 544, 546 — Benedict, 561 — Chas., 566, (w) 569 — Eliz., 543 — Eman- uel, 108 — Geo., 543, 544, 546, 553— Oratio, 553— John, 544 — Leean, 543, 546, 553— Linny, 566 — Martha, 544 — Nehemiah, 3 19 — Virlinder, 560 — Wm., 544. Becraft, Becroft, Benj., 571 — John, 318, 319. Beddoe, James, 305. Bedelhall, John, 175. Bedford, Wm. Turner, 419. Beeden, Beeding, -Ann, 417 — John, 521. Beeler, Geo., 503. Beer, Bier, Henry, 503 — Philip, 503- Beesley, John, 4 — Mary, 4, 8. Beeson, Stephen, 311. Beford, Anne, 477. Begard, Barbara, 512. Beggerly, David, 515. Begood, James, 517. Behmer, Peter, 503. Beigler, Modelena, 499. Beiser, Beisser, John, 503 — Mary, 510. Belsh, Wm., 523. Belt, AUe, 446 — Ann, 21 — Basil, 276 — Benj., 253, 553^ Carlton, 556 — Edward, 302 — Eleanor, 555 — Elizabeth, 514, 553. 556— Higginton, 45— Horatio, 271 — Humphrey, 217 — James, 555 — Jeremiah, 302 INDEX 605 —John, 45— John Sprigg, 319, 349 — John Wright, 419 — Joseph, 543 — Josiah, 262 — Keziah, 553 — Lloyd, 503 — Lucy, 489 — Marshara, 274 — Mary, 440 — Midole, 254 — Osborn, 291, 419 — Rebecca, 515 — Robt. B., 419 — Sarah, 543 — Sarah Ann, 556 — Tobias, 306 — Thos., 21, 302 — Thos. Jeflferson, 553- Wm., 555— Wm. Joseph, 543. Belty, Beltz, Cath., 508 — Peter and Wm., 503. Bence, Bens, Adam, 523 — Geo. Sebastian, 258. Bendal, Joseph, 176. Bender, Ann, 445. Bendon, Joseph, 142. Benfield, David, 238. Benjamin, Joseph, 319. Bennett, Bennet, Abraham and Aquila, 172 — Benj., 171, 172, 240 — Cath. Marg., 510 — Chas., 319 — David, 503 — Dolly, 593 — Elizabeth L., 572 — Frederick, 319 — Jacob, 158 — James, 319 — James D., 211 — Jean, 198, " Gean ", 171— — John, 172, 319, 419 — John White, 572 — Joshua, 168 — Leaven, Levin, 172, 240 — Lloyd, 498 — Mary, 172, 572 — Patrick, 494 — Peter, 172, 240 — Richard Mitchell, 573 — Sayers James, 419 — Susan E. and Thos. J., 572 — Wm. 497, 517 — Wm. Loker, 573. Bennett's Bridge, 172. Benning, Alex"'., 419. Bennington, Henry and others, 113 — Nehemiah, 236 — Tom, 113 — Wm., 130. Benny, James, 213. Benson, Brig. Gen., 367 — Com- fort, 457 — Esther, 594 — John, 580 — Leah, 580 — Margaret Smith, 564 — Mary, 198, 320 — Matilda, 580 — Nancy, 480 — Nicholas, 217 — Perry, 217, 320 — Rachel, 425 — Wm., 559 — Wm. B., 419. Bentels, Sarah, 493. Bentley, Bently, Joshua, 241 —Levy, 503— Mary, 533. Benton, Edmund, 419 — Eliza- beth, 559 — Franson, 206 — Henry, 236 — James, 551 — ■ John, 197 — Mark, 205 — Nin- son, 197 — Sarah, 438, 55 1, 561 — Wm., 551. Bentz, Danl. Geo. and Jacob, 503. Beorson, John, 525. Beotpich, John and Jonathan, 107. Berand, Jacob, 529. Berck, Berg, Berge, Catherine, S3. 57, 503— Christian, 52, 53, 57 — Geo. and Henry, 503 — Handel, 54, 59 — John, 53 (2), 54-S7(2)>59>503— Judith, 53, 57— Peter, 53, 57, 58, 503— Sus., 508— Wm., 53, 54, 57, 59. Berger, Jacob, 503 — Sus., 508. Berien, Walter, 493. Beringer, Eva, 502. Bernard, Barnaby, 590 — Luke, 55> 59— Nathaniel, 55, 59. Berry, Ann Elizabeth, 147 — Benj., 257 — Edward, 320, 419 — Eleanor, 477 — Elizabeth, 147 — Elisha, 257 — Geo. 517 — John, 496 — Mary, 558 — Milly (of Va.), 491 — Philip, 271 — Ruth, 518 — Ryon, 496 — Sarah, 147 — Wm., 257, 259, 320, 374— Zach'., 257. Berts, Paul, 311. Berutheisel, Christopher, 503. Berwick, 230 Berynes, Eleanor, Josiah and Rachel, 541. Beshang, John, 235. Bess, Jacob, 503. Bessex, Absalom, Comfort, Elizabeth and John, 580. Bestpitch, Levin and Wm., 90. Bethards, Elizabeth, 593. Betherny, Wm. C, 419. Betts, Bitts, Hezekiah and Solomon, 197 — John, 590. Betzman, Eliz., 526. Bevans, Geo., 419. Bevard, Chas., 239. Bever — see Beaven, Beaver. Beveridge, Anne, 468. Beverly, Michael, 73. Bevin, Chas., 320. Bezerly, Hugh, 24s. Biards, Byard, Biars, Cas- ander, 193 — Ephraim, 191^ James, 192, 244 — Jane, 193 — Rachel, 193. Bibb, James, 235. BiBER, Mary Magd., 513. Bickford, Benj. S. C, 419. BicKNELL, Sarah, 486 — Thos., 419. Bidden, Richd., 307. BiDDLE, Biddel, Benj., 241^ John, 255 — Rachel, 598 — Richd., 320 — Thos., 529. BiDWELL, Rachel, 517 — Richd., 320. Bier — see Beer. BiGFORD, Comfort Eliz"., 444. Biggs, Benj., 51, 56 — Elizabeth, — , 551 — Henry, 307 — John 51, 56 — Ninion Mitchel and Sarah, 551 — Wm., 51, 56, 419. Billings, Wm., 105. Billingslea, Billingsley, Ar- sena, 129 — Cath., 536 — Clem- ent, 494 — Francis, 129, 233 — John, 494 — Mary, 496 — Nancy, 536 — Saml., Sarah, Sias and William, 129 — Walter 129, 245. BiLLis, Hannah, 6. Binny, Archibald, 573. Bins, Simm, 503. Birch, Hannah, 591. Birckhead, Nathaniel, 254 — Saml., 237. Bird, Anne, 459 — Chas., 559 — Elizabeth, 439, 459 — Francis, 253, 419 — Jacob, 419 — John, 419 — Magor, 106 — Martha, 425 — Mary, 460 — Sarah, 464 6o6 INDEX — Thos., 2S3, 308, 590 — Wm., 419. BiRKHEAD, Francis, John, John G., and Nehemiah, 419 — Mary, 421. Bishop, Betsy, 591, 593 — John, 503 — Margaret, 531 — Nancy, 594 — Nathaniel, 590 — Sally, 594 — Saml., 590 — Thos., 320. BissET, Mary, 498. BiSTPiTCH, John and Levin, 38. BiTTLE, Jacob, 503. BiTTS — See Betts. BixLER, Jacob, 503. Black, Margaret, 531 — Priscilla, 465 — Thos., 419. Blackburn, Blackbourn, Rob- ert, 244 — Wm., 152. Blackerstone, Richd., 419. Blackford, John, 503 — Thos., 178. Blackingham, Mary, 482. Blacklearr, John, 245. Blacklock, Nicholas, 298 — Thos. 297. Blackman, Thos., 63. Blackmore, Eliz., 518. Blackstock, Nancy, 493. Blackstone, Elizabeth, James, John and Thos., 169. Blackwell, Ann, 486 — John, 419. Blackwood, Thos. O., 503. Bladensburgh, 281. Blades, James, 590 — John, 217 —Saml., 590. Blair, John, 109, 321 (2). Blake, Jacob, John, Patsy, 321. Blakemstein, Wm., 311. Bland, Gilbert, 419 — Joseph, 81 — Mary, 426. Blaney, Lewis, 311. Blanford, John, 298 — Joseph and Richd., 299. Blare, James, 529. "Blays Range," 14. Bleany, Thos., 245. Blervet, Chas., 197. Blesset, Wm., 90. Blever, James, 321. Bley, John, 503. Bloodsworth, Bloodworth, John, 420 — Rebecca, 153 — Robert, 100 — Timothy, 153. Bloxam, Ann and Joseph, 70. Bluch, Wm., 109. Bluer, John, 321. Blummer, Allen, 510. Blunt, Edward, 420 — Elizabeth, 424 — Labin, 206 — Mary, 430, 445 — Penelopy, 425 — Washer, 521. Board, Elizab., 521. Boardman, Boardsman, Bourd- MAN, etc., Catherine, 487 — - James, 420 — Wm. 242. BoARMAN, Eleanor, 488 — Joseph, 289, 290 — Mary Anne, 493^ Thos., 32. Bob, John, 503. BocKLOP, Chas., 503. BocKY, Geo. and John, 503. Boden, Bodien, Henry, 5^ Saml., 503. Bodkin, Chas., James, Janey, John, Margaret, Molly, Nancy, Rachel, Richd., Robt. Thos. and Sally, 113. Body, 144. BoEHMER, Bohmer, Cath., 499 — Henry, 503. BoETELER, Henry, 503. BoGLER, John, 21. BoHANAN, Chas. Milburn, 573 — John, 503— J. Frank, 573, 575 — Jonathan and w., 573 — Laura Pursel, Lucy Woodland, Permelia, Sallie Anne Fish and Wm. T., 573 — Olive, 503. BoHRER, Marie (Forrest), 343. Bold, Rachel and Zachariah, 580. Bolton, Abnea, 552 — Geo., 197 — James, 552 — John, 236, 321, 488, S35— John Bailey, 552— Wm., 598. Bomgardner, Boumgartner, Adam, S30 — Margaret and Wm., 321. BoMiNG, Nelly (Fortner), 583. Bond, Amelia, 127 — Ann, 126, 132 — Buckler, 125, 236 — Charity, 125 — Charlotte, 132 — Daniel, 238 — Dennis, 132 — Elizabeth, 126, 132, 133 — Jacob, 132, 133 — James, 126, 236 — Jeremiah, 69 — John, 321, 420 — Joseph, 236 — Lucy, 530 — Martha, 125, 132, 133 — Mary Thompson, 493 — Peter, 234 — Priscilla, 132 — Ralph, 132 — Samuel, 69, 269 — Sarah, 125, 127 — Thos., 69, 133 — Wm., 69, 127, 236, 535 — Zachariah, 69, 71 — Zephaniah, 69. Bonersill, McKeel, 90. Bonewill, Geo., 90. Bonifant, Bonnifant, James. 267 — Sam., 285. BoNiFiELD, John, 259. Bonket, Sus., 525. Bonner, Bonar, Bouner, etc., Ann, Arthur, Barney, Chas., Christian, John, Martha, 186 — Cathran, David and Nathan, 184 — Brise, 189 — Elisabeth, 189 — John, 177 — Lydia O., 510 — Margret, 189 — Mary, 189— Robt., 189— Wm., 189, 243. Bookman, Geo., 526. Booker, Joseph, 535. Bookhardt, Geo. and Jos., 504 — Mary, 502. Boon, Boone, Alexius, Alesus, 297. 492> 497— Anne, 454, 476 — Betsey, 440 — Burle, 420 — Burley G., 420 — Charlotte, 420, 439 — Chas., 297, 420 — Elizabeth, 433, 456, 464, 475— Francis, 297 — Henry, 297 — Ignatious, 297 — James, 420 — John, etc., 32, 297, 321, 322, 420 — John T. Nicholas, 420 — Joseph, 391 — Margaret, 431 — Richd., 420 — Sarah, 447 — Stephen, 420 — Thos., 298, 420 — Walter, 298. Boose, Peter and Priscilla, 420. INDEX 607 Booth, Bothe, David, Rachel and Sarah, 128 — James, — — John, loi — Richd., 233. Boots, Jacob, Nathaniel and Saml., 197. BoovEY, Thos., 130. Booze, Booz, Geo. and Janjes, lOI. Borden, Eleann, 491. BoRDLEY, 230 — Beale, 7, 12 — Henry, 420 — J., 208, 214 — John W., 420 — Margaret, 7, 12. BoRDMAN, BoARDMAN, James, 420. Borer, Bohrer, Eliz., 505 — Peter, 504. BoREY, Magdalena, 527. Borger, Magd., 503. BoROMAN, Lenah, 502. BosHAR, John, 523. BosLEY, Wm., 248. BossERT, Catherine, 501 — David, 504. BosT, Henry, 504. BosTicK, Anne, 456 — James, 79. Boston, Anne, 475 — John, 590. BoswELL, Ann, 486 — David, 279 ■ — Elijah, 495 — Elizabeth, 495 — Eliza Smith, 468 — Geo., 547 — John Baptist, 290 — Nicho- las, 547 — Peter, 289 — Rachel, 547 — Sarah Ann, 561 — Walter, 491. BoTELER, Anne, 574 — Arthur, Elias and Thos., 504 — Benj., Chas., Edwd. and Henry, 303. BoTFiELD, Zadock, 225. BoTHAM, John, 590. BoTS, BoTTS, Ann, 190 — Charity, 183 — Elizabeth, 183, 190 — Geo., 183 — Isaac, 183, 190 — James, 190 — John, 183, 190— Joseph, 322 — Margret, Mary, Rachel and Ruth, 183 — Sarah, 183, 190. BoTTENBERG, Michl., 5O4. Boucher, Jno. Thos., 284. BouDLE, Henry and John, 105. BouDY, BowDY, Hannah, Ruth and Sophia, 145 — John, 160. BouFF, John, 218. BouMGARTNER, Adam, 530 — see Bomgardner. BouRDMAN — see Boardman. BoURKE — see Burk. Bourn, John, 590. BowARD, Mary, 525. Bowdel, Wm., 224. BowEN, BowENS, BouN, Dolly, 593 — Hesse, 590 — Jane T., 489 — John, 322, 504 — Mary, 591 — Sally, 590 — Somerset, 420 — Stephen Lewis, 322 — Thos., 504 — Wm., 322. Bower, Bowers — see Bauer — Christinah, 527 — Elizabeth, 415 — Geo., 322 — ^John, 420 — Moses, 530. Bowie, Allen, 420, 543, 568, 569 — Danl., 420 — Doctn, 539 — Eliza, 562 — Fielder, 303, 305 — John Eraser, 303 — Margaret, 438, 543— Polly, 567— Richd., 568 — Robt., 271 — Thos., 543 — Thos. H., 420 — Wm. ye 3''., 271. BowLASs, Bowles, Geo., 66 — Sus., 506. Bowlear, Peter, 179. Bowling, John, 33, 289 — Wm. I., 322 — Wm. Long, 265. BowsLAW, John, 45. Bowman, Boman — see Bauman, Affner, Christian, David, El- lener, Elles, Henry, John, Mary, Margret, 179 — Ann, 518 — Christina, 528 — Eliza- beth, 564 — Geo., 517, 558 — Jacob, 516 — Rachel, 558 — Susannah, 534 — Virlinder, 561. BoxwELL, Robt., 322. BoYCE, Boys, Cornelius, 311^ Roger, 239. Boyd, Boyde, Abra", 302 — Ann, 543 — Barbara, 571 — Benj., 27s. 322. 543— Gary, 559— Edwd., 504 — Eleanor, 543 — Eliz., 543 — Eliz. D., 440 — John, 420, 504, 543— Joseph, 275 (2), 420, 523 — Mary, 500 — Saml., 504 — Sarah, 440 — Thos., 260, 262, 302, 420 — Wm., 530. BoYER, Boayer, Charity, 530 — • Elizabeth, 172 — Louise, 501 — Michael, 322. Boyle, Boyles, Boyls, Ebeth, Jane, Mary, Mathew and Thos., 177 — Ann, 522 — James, 420, 504— John B., 354— Robt., 595 — ^Thos., 244. Bozman, Ballard, 322, 389. Bracher, Maria, 434. Brackonier, Bragonier, Geo., and Jacob, 523. Braddsetz, James, 220. Bradenbaugh, John, 420. Bradey — see Brady. Bradford, Ananias, 590 — Eliza- beth, 134, 155 — Esther, 581 — Frances (Hollo way), 584 — Geo., 134, 239, 420 — Henry, 283 — John, 581 — Martha, 134 — Mary, 134, 581 — Matthew, 581 — Saml. and Sarah, 134 — Wm., 134, 420. Bradley, Bradly, Dennis, 217 — Thos., 210. Bradock, John and Wm., 504. Bradshaw, Geo. H., 322. Brady, Bradey, Eliz., 502 — Hugh, 42 — Mary, 533 — Michael and Norren, 153 — Teresa, 493 — Thos. Gerard, 492. Bram, John, 504. Bramann, Catharine, 533. Bramble, Adam, loi — Aron, 105 — Bettey, loi — Edmon, 90 — John, 99, loi — Levina, 90 — Lewis, 99 — Thos., 105. Bramhall, Jane, 496. Brandenburg, Brandenbur- GER, Henry, Jacob, John, Math, and Wm., 504. Brandrick, Wm., 234. Branham, Mary, 522. Brannan, Brannon, Caleb, 154 — Darkes, Ellender, Jane, John, Joseph, Hannah, Pat- lick and Wm., 191 — Mary, 179. 454- 6o8 INDEX Brannock, Dorothy, 475. Branson, John, 70 — John B. and Man-, 322. Brant, Brandt, Christian, 504 ■ — Thos., 420. Brantner, Mary, 530. Brascup, Thos., 227. Brashears, Brashiers, Bra- sher, etc., Ann, 430 — Bene- dick, 255 — Chas., 276 — Druzilla, 483 — Elisha, 296 — Elizabeth, 452 — Francis, 420 — ^Humphrey, 296 — Ignatious, 322, 323 — Isaac, 295 — James, 420 — Jeremiah, 302 — Jesse, 420 — John, 21, 301, 302, 307 — Joseph, 302 — Joshua, 295, 420 — Levie, 420 — Marger>-, 466 — Mary, 437, 500 — Nacy, 302 — Nathan, 18 — Rachel, 464 — Rebecca, 466 — Robt., 239 — Ruth, 483 — Saml., 255 — Susanna, 437 — Thos., 296 — Wayman, 517 — Wilhemina, 443 — Wilkason, 255 — Zadock, 295. Bratcher, Charlotte, 476. Bratten, Catharine, 593 — John, 579 — John L., 590 — Rhoda, 592. Braum, Braun, Brawn, Aquila, 206 — John, 504 — Michael, 504 ■ — Polly, 526 — Rebecca, 506 — Stoffel, 504. Braund, Joseph, 490. Bravard, John, 580. Brawdy, John, 535. Brawner, Gizzel, 496. Brawney, Mary Ann, 492, 497. Bray, John and Joseph, 420 — Julia, 422. Brayfield, Saml., 504. Breaddard, Breathards, Isaac, 590 — Jerusha and Leah, 581. Breden, Breeden, James, 77^ Robert, 244 — Sarah, 76, 77. Bredge Town Hundred, 79. Bredinge, John, 82. Brees, Breisz, Adam and John, 504 — \Vm., 530. Breheri, Eve, 526. Bremont, Henry, 421. Brenckel, John, 504. Brendel, Brendle, Barbara and Cath., 525. Breneisen, Joseph, 523. Brengel, Brengle, etc., Alfred F., Jacob, Lohrentz, Peter and Louisa, 504 — Mary, 511. Brent, W'm. Chandler, 493. Brett, Damina, 79. Brewer, Brewar — see Bruer, Ann, 66 — Anne Odle, 455 — Brice, 421 — Elizabeth, 422, 465 — Enos, 421 — Geo., 66 — Henry, 421 — John, 66, 421 — John Hammond, Joseph, Jo- seph N. N. and Lloyd, 421 — Margaret, 457 — Mary, 426 — Mary Jane, 460 — Mary New- ton, 442 — Nicholas, 421 — Peter, 526 — Rachel, 434 — Sarah, 450 — Susanna, 66, 323, 437 — Thos., 421 — Thos. S., 323 — Wm., 421. Brewington, Nancy, 592. Breyley, Simon, 522. Brian, Hanson, 590 — see Bryan. Briant — see Brjant. Brice, Alice and Barnett, 113 — Edmund, 421 — Harriott, 458 James, 113, 421 — Julianna, 323 — Julianna J., 473 — Thos. 113. Bridenbach, John, 530. Bridge, Bridges, Danl., 220 — Elizabeth, 449 — James, 233 — VVm., 221. Brie, Mary, 528. Brierley, Geo., Henry and Robt., 238. Brierwood, John, 108. Brig Royal, 305. Brigdell, Danl., 421 — Eleanor, 472 — Polly, 446 — Rachel, 467 — Richd., 421 — Thos., 421. Briggs, Ann, 518 — Robert, 504. Bright, Brite, Ann, 207 — Be- linda, 437 — Fransis, 207 — Geo. and Jonis, 81 — James, John, Joseph and Nathan, 421 — Johanna, 460 — Rebecca, 465. Brightwell, John, 504 — John Lawson,305 — Richd. ,293, 504. Brink (Burk .'), James, 208. Brinsfield, James, 104. Brion, John, 206 — see Brj-an. Briscoe, Ann M P., 573 — Elizabeth, 595 — Geo., 70 — John, 71 — Leonard, 70 — Mary, 525 — Mary Ann, 595 — Philip, 68, 69, 70 — Ralph, 504 — Robert, 566, (w) 567 — Sarah D. and Walter L., 573., Bristol, Margaret, 440. Bristor, Bristow, Sarah, 593 — Tabitha, 595. Britchard, John, 244. Brittingham, Aralinta, 592 — Danl. Williams, 581 — Eliza- beth, 581 — Isaac, 581, 590— James, 581 — Martha, 581 — Nancy, 592 — Sally and Seth Harrison, 581 — Wm. 590. Britton, Joseph, 323, 410 — Wm., 241. Broad Creek Hundred, 113, 194 — Broad Creek Records, vi. Broadwater, Margaret, 519. Brockenborough, John C, 488. Broden, Elder, 530. Brodess, Edwd. and Tabitha, 107 — Thos., 106. Brodie, John, 258. Brogden, Elizabeth, 479 — John, 261 — Wm., 421. Bromajim, John^ 102. Brome, Broome, Elizabeth, 445 — Emma, Jas. Thos., John M., Margaret Somervill, Sarah Ann and Susan M., 573. Bromley, Bromly, Bartholo- mew, 272 — Joseph, 243. Bromwell, Mary, 217. Brond, Richd., 530. Bronnley, Arthur, 233. Bronnwood, John, 233. Brooe, Mary, 526. Brook, Brooke, Brookes, Brooks, Ann Maria Bowie, INDEX 609 42s — Basil, 25 — Clement, 513 — Elizabeth, 455 — Henry, 5, 297, 571 — John, 6, 10, 234 — John H., 421 — Leonard, 297 — Margaret, 561 — Mary, 5, 9 — Mathew, 492 — Nicholas, 298 — Philip, 10 — Richd., 305 — Sarah, 90 — Thos., 170 — Wm., 251. Brookover, Thos., 504. Brother, Bruder, Jacob, 505— Valentine, 323. Brothery, Sarah, 593. Broughton, Wm., 421. Brown, Browne, Browhon, etc., Abarilah, 171 — Achsah, 439 — Airy, 541 — Alexander, 68 — Althea, 443 — Amelia, 155 — Ann, 130, 169, 470, 541 — Ann E., 447 — Anne, 514 — Arthur Sullivan, vi — Basil, 421 — Benj., 284, 421 — Catherine, 426, 515 — Clark, 68 — Coaly, 513 — Dauzy, 421 — David, 247 — Derrick, 311 — Edward, 206, 237 — Elijah, 107 — Elisha, 293 — Elizabeth, 155 (2), 170, 179, 436, 441, 508, 527, 541, SS9— Fanny, 439 — Fielder, 504 — Frances, 416 — Francis, 421 — Frederick, 543 — Garrett, 239 — Geo., 90, 174, 421, 495 — Gideon, 421 — Gustus, 187 — Henrietta, 426 — Henry, 323 — Henry H., 421 — Jacob, 170, 183. 554— James, 67, 119, 143, 173. 176, 234, 286, 364, 494, 530, 541. 562, 565— Jane, 470, 530 — John, 21, 106, 155, 169, 171, 197, 235, 240, 241, 283, 307. 323. 374. 421, 504. 517, S54 — John of John, 283 — John (Planter), 285 — John Alex- ander, 521 — John Baptist, 67 — Joseph and Joseph G., 421 — Joshua, 235 — Julia Ann, 437 — Juliet, 415 — Kensey, 421 — Leonard, 67 — Letta, 461 — Lydia (Hill), 354 — Margaret, 463, 473 — Martha, 152, 155 — 40 Mary, 143, 170, 183, 552, 554 —Mary Ann, 471 — Milly, 519 — Nancy, 448 — Nehemiah, 552 — Patrick, 90, 323 — Peter, 218, 286 — Philemon, 422 — Rachel, 429— Rasha, 422 — Richd., 68, 422— Robt., 171, 237, 535, 542 — Saml., 197 — Sarah, 90, 130, 15s (2), 171, 178, 541, 543, 552 — Sarah Ann, 443, 508 — Susan, 436 — Susannah, 461, 492 — Thos., 143, 155, 170, 244, 541— Wm., 130, 197, 233, 253, 284, 422, 595 — Wm. C, 590 — Zach., 258— Zeph., 288. Browning, Geo., Martha, Mary, Milcah, Thos. and Wm., 153 — Delilah, 505 — Jeremiah, 562 — Mary, 505 — Mrs. 571 — Ver- linda, 515 — Zadock, 505. Brownton, Thos. and Wm. of John, 824. Brubacker, Saml., 505. Bruce, Ann, 159 — -Euphen, 475 — Henrietta, 536 — Jean Lud- well, 491 — John, 159, 422 — Patrick, 323 — -Robert, 159, 323 — Wm., 323, 324. Brucebanks, Abraham, Ben- nett, Blanch, Jackson, Jane and Mary, 153 — Ann, 142, 153 — Edward, 142, 152 — Frances, 142 — Issabella, 152 — Jane, 142 — John, 152 — Susanna, 152 — Wm., 142. Brucker, Sus., 510. Bruder, Jacob, 505 — see Brother. Bruer — see Brewer, Henry, 523 — Elisabeth, Jacob, James, John, Marah, Sarah and Wm., 184. Bruff, Bruffit, Garner, 107 — James, 324. Brukes, Susannah, 188. Brumbach ("Brembach"), Henry, 523. Brumby, Brumbly, Jabez and Lucretia, 590 — Tabitha, 594. Brunk (Plunk ?), Christ", 46. Bruner, Brunner, Brooner, etc., Cath., 513 — Elias, 505 — Henry, 505, 523— Jacob, 505— John, 505, 530 — Jonathan, Lewis, Peter and Valentine, 505 — Mary Elth. and Maria Elizah, 512. Bryan — see Brian, Brion, Abra- ham, 42 — Ann, 552 — Benj., 495 — Chas., 324^Diana, 42 — Elenor, 66 — Eliz*, 434, 468, 487 — Ezekiel Orrick, 552 — Fredk., 422 — Henry, 66 — Ig- natius, 65, 66 — James, 422, 552 —John, 274, 422 — Joseph, 422 —Mary, 42, 123, 465, 532— Mary Ann, 441 — Nancy, 509 — Rachel, 465 — Rebecca, 476 —Richd., 266— Ruth, 482— Sarah, 475 — Simkin, 274 — Thos., 505 — Wm., 42, 65. Bryant, Briant, James, 324 — Joseph, 530 — Richd., 271^ Saml., 422. BucEY, Rebecca, 518. Buchan, Buchanan, Buckan- NAN, etc., Cath., 524 — Elizab. and Mary, 519 — Robt., 258 — Spence, 517 — ^Thos., 422. BucHER, Barthol, 505. BUCKENHAM, BuCKINHAM, John, 498— Richd., 308. BucKLAND, Mary, 455 — Sarah, 423. Buckler, John, 255 — Robt., 535- Buckley, Henry 224 — James, 169 — John, 129, 169, 240 — Mary Ann, 491 — Mary E., 511 — Sarah and Wm., 169. BucKLUP, Chas., 324. BucKMAN, John, 245. Buckmaster, Charlotte, Jas. S., McKinney Smith and Thos., 581- BucKY, Geo., Michael and Valen- tine, 505. BucKNEY, Elizabeth, 487. BuDD, Geo., 240 — Sarah, 150. Buff, John, 422. 6io INDEX BuLEY, Beely, etc., 229 — Stephen, loi. BuLGAR, Richd., 286 — Mrs., 566, Bull, 535 — Bennet, 126 — Edwd., 126 — Edwd. of Jacob, 245 — Eli, Esther, Jesse, Jor- rett, Mary, Renus and Sarah, 126 — Jacob, Cacob, 126, 238, 242 — Jacob of Jacob, 245 — Jacob of John, 247 — John, 239 — \Vm., 126, 234. BuLLER, John, 517. Bullock, Anna, 535 — Jesse, 324, 408. Bunberry, John, 492. BuNE, Bunn, Ann, 527 — Doro- thy, 529. BuRBAGE, Edwd., 590 — Eliza- beth, 592 — Rhoda, 591. BuRCH, Benj., 152, 324 — Catha- rine, 26 — Edwd., 26, 27, 308 — Jessee, 26 — Jonathan, 268 — Mary, 26, 27 — Oliver, 264 — • Phillip, 290 — Tabatha, 493 — Thos., 307 — Walter, 71 — Zachariah, 290. Burchanall, Burchnell, etc., 4 — Jeremiah, 197 — Jeremiah, Luther, 8— Wm., 8. BuRCHARD, Thos., 5 1 7. Burchfield, Hannah, 173. Burd:n, Sarah, 463. BuRDiT, Wm., 422, 563. Burgan, Burgin, Burgee, Ailse, 107 — Anne, 457 — Benj., 4, 8 — Elijah, 422 — James, 4, 8 — John, 4 — John Morris, 9 — Rebecca, 462 — Sarah, 9. Burger, Ezekiel, 275 — John, John Morris, Sarah and Sui- tor, 5. Burgess, Anna, 547 — Barbara, 415 — Basil, 324, 345, 422 — Benj. and Caleb, 422 — Cas- sandra, 431 — Chas., 306 — Eliza, 490, 543, 547 — Enock M., 422— John, 345, 422, 543 — John Magruder, 271 — John West, 422 — Joseph, 323 — Joshua, 323, 324 — Josiah, 521 — Margaret, 563 — Michael, 422, 542 — Milly, 5 19 — Mordis, 306 — Nancy, 426 (2), 542 — Phebe W., 473— Richd., 271, 307, 542, 547— Ruth, 480, 517 — Sally, 542 — Saml., 422 — Sarah, 487 — Vachel, 324 — Wm., 224, 422. BuRK, Burke, Bourke, David, 197 — Elizabeth, 324, 433, 452, 456 — ^James, 208, 324 — Mary, 102, 420 — Nathaniel, 324, 325 — Thos., 325. Burkett, Burkit, Burkhart, Christopher and Geo., 325, 372 — Joshua, 497 — Nathan, 505. Burland, Deborah, 441. Burley, Joseph, 45. Burn, Burner, Adam, 517 — lac Young, 505 — Wm., 517. Burneston, Jos., 505. Burnet, John, 422. Burns, Burnes, Ann, 133 — Cath., 517 — Chas., 543 — David, 286 — Eliza, 466 — Geo., 133 — Henry, 422 — James, 259, 287 — John, 287, 293, 324 — Luke, 324 — Mary, 171, 510 — Mathews, 17 1 — Michael, 505 — Ruth, 543 — Thos., 422 — Zadock, 543. Burr, John, 235. BuRRELL, Alexander, 296 — Thos., 197. BuRRESS, BuRRASS, BuRRIS, etc., Ann, 545 — Aquila, 545 — Chas., 517 — Chas. Wesley, 545— Elizabeth, 563 — Henry, 516 — James, 551 — Mary, 545 — Mary Prather, 55 1 — Peter, 545 — Peter E., 422 — Richd., 123 — Ruth, 551 — Thos., 545, SSI — Virlinder, 551 — Wm., 517 — Zadok, 551. BuRRiDGE, Cath., 491 — Thos., 492. Burroughs, Esther Turner, 325 — Mary, 536 — Norman, 325 — Richd., 535— S. G. M., 574— Wm., S3S> BuRRUCKER, Clementine, 498. BuRTLES, Wm., 493. Burton, Ann, Anna, Anne, 433, 447 (2) — Edmund, 422 — ^Hen- rietta, 429 — Jacob, 515— Jane, 192 — John, 422 — Louisa, 454 — Mary, 192, 447 — Rachel, 448 — Richd., 242 — Sarah, 443. Burton Historical Collection, etc., 595. Busby, Christopher, 516. BusEY, BussEY, Airy, 423 — Ann, 400 — Benj., 422 — Edwd., 41, 42, 244 — Henry, 422, 423 — Jane, 461 — Jessie, 42 — ^John, 571 — Joseph, 423 — Larah, 462 — Mary, 464 (2) — Saml., 423 — Thos., 42 — Wm., 304. Bush, Geo., 423, 505 — Herebiah, 452 — John, 246 — Joseph, 325. Bush Mills, 172. Bush River Lower Hundred, 194. BusHOPE, BusHOOPE, Robt. and Wm., 83. Busker, Catharina, 523. Bustles, John, 198. Butcher, James, 4S^John, 325, 505 — Milla, 474. BuTERSBO, John, 241. Butler, Ann, 518 — Eleanor, 422 — Geo., 243 — James, 423 — Margt., 183, 520 — Richd., 423 — Rosanna, 590 — Sarah, 452 — Susannah, 511 — Thos., 42, 122, 198, 308, 505 — Tobias, 515 — Wm., 122, 505. Butt, Archabald, 254 — Aron, 274 — Azil Swearingen, 544 — Baruch and Edward, 302 — Cloe, 558 — Eliz., 565 — Hazil, 563 — Proverbs and Rebecca, 544 — Susan, 486 — Zach^, 302. BUTTERWORTH, Wm., SI5. Button, Wm., 109. Buxton, Anna, 561 — Britania and Brooke, 551 — Eleanor, 548 — Geo., 562 — John, 558 — Juliet, 548 — Sally, 551 — Su- sanna, 562 — Thos., 558 — Wm., S17, S48- INDEX 6ii Buzzard, Cath., 525. Byall, Sarah, 5 16. Byard — see Biards. Byas, Byus, Wm., 325. Byerly, Hugh, 248 — John, 525. Byfoot, Moses, 237. Byron, Byrn, Lamberth, 108 — • Mary, 197. C Cadegin, Cadigin, James, Mary and Sarah, 134. Cadger, Robt., 311. Cadle, Ann (Hall), 350 — Benj., 423 — Eleanor, 440 — Elizabeth, 434. 453— Martha, 434— Patsey, 453 — Priscilla, 453 — Rhoda, 470 — Saml., Thos., Wm. and Zachariah, 423. Cahace, Ann, 528. Cahill, Cahell, Geo., James and Jane, 556 — John, 81— Susanna, 514 — Wm., 81. Cahles, Deborah, 529. Cahoe, Kahoe, Robt., 285 — ■ Thos., 325. Cain, Caine, Cains, Cane, Dan!., 209 — Edwd., 172, 240, 326 — Eli, 209 — Hugh, 326, 530 — ^James, 234— John, 505 — Mary, 456 — Patrick, 326, 366 — Sarah, 90. Caiter, Chas., 423. Caldclough, Jane, 476. Calder, John, 236 — Wm., 423. Caldwell, Coldwell, Henry, 530 — John, 243 — Joseph, 526. Caldwire, Joseph, 505. Caler, Caley (Cater ?), Elizab., 533— Han., 495 — Wm., 298. Calhoon, Thos., 590. Callahan, Calihon, Callag- hane, Ann, 229 — Anne, 456 — B., 213 — Chas., 213— Danl., 128 — Harriet, 466 — John, 326, 423 — Juliet, 458 — Mary, 146 — Mical, 173 — Sarah, 326,442, Callender, Callinder, Ann, Jane, Robt., Thos. and Wm., 135 — Robt., 103, 233 — Wm., 90. Callicoe, Chloe, 488. Callie, Callis, Garland, 513 — Michael, 530. Callihorn, John, 268. Calvert, Geo., 423 — Lord, 572. Calvert Co. (Gantt), 305. Calverton Manor, 2, 25. Calwell, Saml., 234. Cambridge Hundred, 89. Cambrun, Andrew, 32. Camden, Elizabeth, 422 — John S., 423. Camerer, etc., Catharine, 529 — Donald, 526 — Hannah, 534. Cammerson, Camnerson, John, 178 — Susannah, 527. Camp, Geo., 159. Campbell, Cammel, etc., Alex- ander, 517 — Ann, Anna, Anne, 174, 502, 515. 518 — Archibel, 505 — Catherine, 145 — Colin, 522 — Daniel, 145, 244 — De- vault, 523 — Ebenezer, 579— Eleanor, 65 — Elizabeth, 562, 595 — Esther, 513 — Geo., 326 — James, 238, 304, 326, 423, 505— Jane, 533— John, 65, 241, 505 (2). 558. 560, 581— John Simson, 581 — Martha, 581 — Mary, 581 — Patrick, 135 — Sarah, 582— Tabitha (Hol- land), 583 — Wm., 308, 423, 530 — Zacharas, 90. Camper, Comper, Thos. and Wm., 221. Campfield, Sarah (Goldsmith), 347- Campton, "Richarg," 187. Camrey, Dorothy, 526. Camron, Anthony, 4, 8. Canady, Cannady, James, 530 —Judith, 514. Canberry, Stephen, 308. Candel, Candler, John, 572 — Mary, 503 — Wm., 563, 572. Canfield, Ann, 169. Cann, Thos., 505. Cannabal, Michael, 179. Cannell, Ann, 596. Cannon, Cannen, Bettey, Eliza- beth, James, Susannah and Wm., 99 — Sarah, 148 — Sophia, 502. Cantar, Canter, Isaac, 26, 90 — James and Jonathan, 27 — Sarah, 90 — Thos., 26 — True- man, 293 — Wm., 26, 27. Cantler, Cassander, Eliza- beth, Ellabellar, Mary and Wm., 184. Cantling, Elizabeth, Mary, Patrick and Thos., 127. Capbell, John, 246. Carbury, Peter, 326. Carby (Carbury, Corby ?), Richd., 259. Carcaud, Sarah A., 453. Cardeff, Ann, 228 — Robt., 221. Carey, Benedick, 551 — Betsy, 590 — Charlotte, 555 — Curtis, 449 — Eleanor, 561 — Elizabeth, 592— James, 551, 555— John, 243.SS5— Lotty, 551. Carier, Abraham, 326. Carl, David, 505 — John, 423. Carlan, Carlin, Geo., 235 — Mary and Wm., 326. Carlile, Carlisle, Adam, 326 — James, 530 — John, 155 — Lancelot, 239 — Margaret, 156 ■ — Robert, 241. Carlton, Joseph, 283 — Thos., SOS- Carman, Carmon, Carwan, Andrew, 242 — John, 97 — Nancy, 445 — Thos., loi — Wm., 198, 423. Carmichael, Walter and Wm., 198. Carnan, John, 598 — Rebecca, S9S- Carnegie (Carregie ?), John, 251. Carner, Martin, 44, 47. Carnes, Carns, Peter, 283 — Richd., 267. Carney, Daniel, 493 — Thos., 326. 6l2 INDEX Caroline Co., 79. Caroline Co., Census, 1776, 79. Carolina, 8, 40, 41, 52, 54, 57. Carpenter, Geo., 535 — Hum- phrey, 423 — John, 497. Carr and McDaniel, 18. Carr, Airy, 445 — Anne, 432 — Benj., 18, 19, 423, 554— Benj. P., 423 — Catharine, 423 — Elizabeth, 423, 439, 451 — Henry, 423 — Hezekiah, 326 — Ingram, 326 — Jacob, 423 — John, 326, 423, 505, 554— Margaret (Loney-Long), 326, 327 — Mary, 429, 450 — Ma- tilda, 474 — Molly, 498 — Pris- cilla, 554 — Rachel, 437 — Richd., Robt., and Saml., 423 — Thos., 505 — Verlin, 429 — Walter and Wm., 423. Carregie (Carnegie ?), John, 251- Carrent, James, 327. Carrick, Carick, Elizabeth, 420 — Hehry, 423, 424 — John, 274 — Mareen, 275. Carrington, Ann and Saml., 495- Carrol, Carroll, etc., Ann, 455 — Catherine, 442 — Chas., 369, 376, 399, 424 — Chas. of Carrolton, 376 — Daniel, 560 — Denny, 220 — Edmund, 424 — Elizabeth, 136 — Grace, 79 — James, 133, 220, 233, 237 — John, 177, 223, 491, 514— Joseph, 253 — Joshua, 424 — Margaret, 446 — Mary, 133, 424 — Mary Clare, 472^ Nicholas, 424 — Peter, 242 — Rachel, 443 — Saml., 424 — Wm., 133. Carson, John, 242, 506 — Mary, 198 — Richd., 530 — Robt., 198. Carswell, Martha, 530. Carter, Ann and Anne, 469, 483 — Arthur, 208- — Benj., 241 — Chas., 424 — Eleanor, 483 — Elizabeth, 489 — Evaline, 456 — Geo., 496 — Jacob, 424 — Joshua, 506 — Mary, 472, 484, 506 — Rachel, 459, 511 — Re- becca, 423, 519 — Richd., 46, 208 — Robt., 530 — Ruth, 477 — Saml., 424 — Sarah, 436, 438, 483 — Sparrow, 424 — ^Thos., 506. Cartin, John, 237. Cartle, Elizabeth, 418. Cartwright, Gustavus, 71 — Mathew, 311 — Thos., 71. Carty, Cartie, Ann, Hannah, Susanna and Wm., 145 — Marget, 174 — Michael, 526 — Saml., 156. Carver, John, 55, 59. Carvill, Elizabeth, 449. Carvy, Mary, 525. Case, Eliz., Israel and Margaret, 550 — James, 564 — Robt., 424 — Zadok, 567. Casedy, Allen, 245. Caselman, Mary, 512. Casey, Cassey, John, 279, 514 — Mar>-, 145. Cash, Clare, 489 — Dawson, 559 —John, 488, 522— Richd., 258 — Susannah, 518. Cashell, Cashill, Geo. and Mary, 563 — James, Jane and Polly, 548. Cashly, Geo., 569. Caslick, Edwd., 224. Casterlin, Ann, 528. Castle, Hannah, 510 — Thos., 506. Castledine, Alice, John, Luke, Mary and Sarah, 153. Castor, Hannah, 548, 555 — James Shelton, 548 — Vinsant, 548, 555 — Vinson Warren, 555. Cater (Caler }), Wm., 298. Cathell, Bridgett and John, 590. Cathoon, Ann, Chas. and Wm., 545- Cato, Caton, Geo., 327 — Mary Ann, 449, 461 — Rebecca, 477 — Richd. and Wm., 424. Catro, Joseph, Mary and Re- becca, 549. Cattonton, John, 424. Cau, Cath., 526. Caudry, Wm., 590. Caulty, Caultz, James, 218 — John, 220. Cave, Cavey, Anne, 450 — Saml. and Thos., 293 — Ste- phen, 515. Cavender, David and Thos., 105. Cavenough, Patrick, 517. Cavillare, Chas., 198. Cavinder, Nathl., 198. Caw, Sus., 525. Cawly, Wm., 424. Cawood, Caywood, Ann, 311 — Benj., 290 — Erasmus, 516 — Esther, 488— Jane, 488— Mary, 32 — Stephen, 32, 68— Thos., 32, 68, 290, 525 — Wm., 495- Ceastel, Elizabeth and Saml., 506. Cecil, Cecell, Cessell, etc., Aden, 506 — Ann, 65, 479 — Charlotte, 555 — Deborah, 553 — Eleanor, 430, 514 — Eliz., 501, 515 — Henry, 506 — ^James, 286, 555, (w) 565, 568 — John, 65, 258 — Mary Maria Ram- say, 550 — Mary Ann, 553 — Philip, 569 — Richd., 555 — Sabret Henry Willson, 556 — Sarah, 65— Thos., 65, 75, 283, 553— Virlinder and Wm., 550, 556. Cecil Co., 7 — Marriages, 595. Cellars, Mary, 507. Celly, Mary and Violinte, 169. Census of 1776, 79 to 230 — Caroline Co., 79 — Dorchester Co., 89 — Harford Co., 113 — Queen Anne's Co., 195 — Tal- bott Co., 2:5. Certain, Wm., 198. Cettig, Barb., 506. Chafinch, John, 82. Chaice, Frederick, 103. Chaille, Amelia, 590. Chain, John and Josia, 424. INDEX 613 Chalk, Chaulk, Geo., 234 — Margaret, 471 — Mary, 444— Rebecca, 435. Chalmus, Ann, 433 — Elizabeth, 462 — James, 424 — John, 497, 514, 522 — Margaret, 443 — Sarah, 433. Chamberlain, Chamberlaine, Clem'., 306 — Eleanor, 65 — Eliz., 39 — Jacob, 526 — John, 39, 40, 41 — Josias, 553 — Mar- garet, 40 — Mary, 39, 65 — Matthias and Susanna, 553 — Thos., 39, 40. Chambers, Edwd., 327 — Eliza., 518 — James, 327 — Jean, 531 — John, 517, 553 — Joshua, 424 — Mary, 516, 553 — Richd., 206 — Singleton, 553 — Thos., 424 — Wm., 144, 424. Champlin, Hugh, 424. Chance, Jeremiah, 42. Chandler, John, 496 — Walter S., 424. Chandley, Frances, 146 — ^James and Susannah, 189 — Wm., 146. Chanell, Eleey, 81. Chaney, Cheney, etc., Aaron, 80 — Ann, 415, 442, 466, 484 — Anne, 469 — Benj^, 19, 21, 22, 240, 424 — Comfort, 434 — Den- nis, 424 — Eleanor, 432, 445 — Elizabeth, 429 — Elizabeth H., 457 — Frenetta, 515 — Geo., 240 ■ — Henry, 424 — Jeremiah, 42, 43— John, 19, 239, 424, 495— Joseph, 424 — Levi, 424 — Mar- garet, 435, 462 — Mary, 19, 419, 43S. 45S— Mary Ann, 418, 430 — Phebe, 484 — Ra- chel, 426, 429 — Rebecca, 436, 469 — Rezin, 424 — Richd., 83, 424 — Ruth, 441 — Saml., 424 — Susanna, 415, 439, 484 — Thos., Wm. and Wm. W., 424. Chapline, Deborah and Ru- hamah, 534 — Rebecca, 486. Chapman, 223, 227 — Ann, 419 — Anne, 442 — Henry H., 328, 424 — Joanna, 492 — John, 267, 425, 490 — Mary, 328, 523 — Susannah, 4l8^Thos., 328, 425 — Wm., 161, 276, 425. Chappell, Chapple, Eleanor, 541 — James, 179 — John, 213, 541 — Mary, 179 — Thos., 541. Chaptico Manor, 2, 68. Chard, Cornelius and Oliver, 425. Charick, Rachel, 480. Charles, Andrew, 525 — Geo. 530 — County, 23, 245, 488- 497- Charlescraft, Charlescroft, John and Jonathan, 38 — Leven, 37, 38. Charlesworth, Solomon, 506. Chase, Frances T., 452 — Jere- miah T., John, Richd. M., and Thos., 425. Chatham, Chattan, Ann, 489, 493 — Elisabeth, 198. Chatlin, Wm., 328. Chauncey, Benj., l58 — Cathrin, Elizabeth and Susan, 170 — Geo., 168, 173 — Margret, 168, 170 — Martha, 173 — Mary, 170, 173 — Sarah and Wm., 173- Chavies, Cheavis, John, 229 — Thos., 198. Chelton, Geo., vii, xi— Mark, 513- Cheney, Cheny, Abraham, Benj., Elijah, James, John, Joseph, Richd., Sarah and Thos., 425— Cath., 528— Greenberry, 275 — Margaret, 446 — Mordecai, 275— Saml., 252 — Stephen, xi, xiii. Cherrington, Elizabeth, 595. Cheshire, Barbara, Benj. Burch and Tenison, 68 — Eliza, 520 — John, 109 — -Mary, 108. Chesley, Robt., 328. Chesney, Mary, Richd. and Wm., 179. Chew, Ann, 420, 442 — Job M., 238 — John, 425 — Margaret B., 449 — Nathaniel and Philemon, 425 — Richd., 163, 239, 425 — Saml. and Saml. Lloyd, 425 — Sarah, 160, 420 — Sarah S., 45 1 — Susannah and Thos., 160. Chezum, Danl., 217. Child, Childs, Ann, 471, 475 — Ann E., 434 — Anne, 445 — Barbara, 451 — Benj., 425 — Cassandra, 420 — Cephas, 425 — Eleanor, 463 — Elizabeth, 422, 461, 477, 478 — Henry, 18, 425 — Isaac, 425 — Jemima, 468 — John, 425 — Lewis, 425 — Lurana, 468 — Mary, 424, 429, 435. 438, 468 — Mary L., 443 — Sarah, 443, 444 — Susannah, 423, 478 — Thos., 435 — Wm., 426. Chilling, Margaretha, 528. Chilrood, John, 82. Chilton, Geo., 74 — ^James, 517 — Mary Ann, 421 — Rachel, 421 — Richd., 426 — Stephen, 74, 75- Chin, Christopher, 513. China, Caty, Eliza, Sarah and Shadrick, 551 — Richd. and Thos., 151. Chince, Hezek., 287. Chingan, John F., 506. Chisholm, Archibald, 426 — John, 176 — Julia, 476 — Mary, 438 — Thos., 176, 237. Chissell, Chiswell, Jos. New- ton, 5 17 — Robt., 243 — Sarah Newton, 518. Chocke, John, 242. Choislin, Thos., 176. Chrisp, John, 224. Chrissey, Jacob, 526. Christ, Crist, Charlotte, 501 — Christian, 523^Elizab., 510 — Henry, 428 — John, Michael and Peter, 506. Christ Church, Rockville, 536, 537- Christian, John, 173 — Law- rence, 311. Christie, Gabriel, 153, 237. Christfield, Gilbert, 595. 6i4 INDEX Christman, John, 506. Christopher, Eli, 590. "Chronicles of Colonial Md.," vi, 557, 558, 560- Chunk, Benj., Cath. and Re- becca, 71 — Chas., 489 — Lan- celot, 506 — Verlinda, 496. Church, Glebe, 7, 10, 14, 172, 174. 539. 572, 579. 595— Abraham, 90, 530 — ^Jona°. Montgomer>% 284. Churd, Elizabeth, 472. CnuRNiiAN, John, 153. "Cidwell" — see Kidwell — Heze- kiah, 308. CiNKLE, Jacob, 526. CiRBY, John Baptist, 259. CiSACH, Mar>', 474. Clackner, Adam, 328. Clagett, Claggett, Amelia, 453 — Ann, 563 — Anna, Annie, 328, 544, 548 — Bishop, 587 — Chas., 271 — David, 561 — Ed- ward, 304 — Elizabeth, 561 — Euphemia, 541 — ^James, 258 — ■ John, 271, 545, 570 — Joseph W., 271— Judson M., 426 — Magnider, 545 — Mar)-, 545 — ■ Mary Ann, 548 — Nathaniel, 268, 568 — Ninian, 541, 563 — Richd., 290, (w) 569 — Ruth, 54i^Saml., 328, 544, 548, 568 — Thos., 271, 308, 548, 562, 570 — Wm., 264, 426 — Wise- man, 272 — Zadok, 565. Claghorn', Eliz., Jas. Maxwell and Robt., 542. Clapbough, Frederick, John and Mar>-, 53, 57. Clapham, Jonas, 426. Clapper, Elizabeth, 528 — Fred., 525- Clar, Clare, Thos., 247, 530. Clarage, Claridge, Elizabeth, 107 — Matilda, 441. Clark, Clarke, Abram, Abra- ham, 66, 274, 302, 426 — Allen, 525 — Ann, 76 — Aquilla, 242 — Barbara (McMahon), 328 — Benj., 275, 426 — Benj. D., 426 — Caleb, 302 — Chas. Sothoron, 69 — Daniel, 271 — David, 235, 426 — Eleanor, 473 — Elijah, 517 — Elizabeth, 175, 426, 463, 464, 480, 500, 522, 528 — Fran- cis, 69 — Frederick, 291, 426 — • Gabriel, 291 — Capt. Geo., xiii — Grace, 558 — Henr>-, 274 — Henry A., 298 — Henrietta, 421 — Hezekiah, 426 — Ignatius, 491 — Jacob, 426 — James, 90, 236, 328, 530 — John, 146, 183, 239, 243, 246, 247, 426 — Joseph, 297, 426 — Joshua, 296 — Julia, 419 — Lawrence, 244 — Leonard, 69 — Margaret, 472 — Mar>-, 419, 514 — Mary Ann, 562 — Patrick, 172, 293 — Pru- dence, 471 — Richd., 213 — Robt., 66, 76, 103, 235(2), 238, 245 — 426, 530 — Sarah, 516, 532 — Satterlee, 426 — Su- sannah, 69 — Susanna G., 484 — Thos., 515 — Waller, 523 — Wm., 244, 253, 274, 426, 598 — Wm. F., 426 — Wm. (of Robt.), 245. Clarkinson. Joseph, loi. Clarkson, Edwd., 265, 266 — Henry, 266 — Joseph, 265 — Notley, 307 — Richd., 268 — Thos., 266 — Wm., 279. Clary, Ashford Dowden, 506 — Cath., 501 — Nathaniel, 506. Claude, Claud, Abraham, Cor- nelius and Dennis, 426. Clausbrenner, Christena, 526. Clayland, John, 228. Clayton, Eleanor, 560 — John, 517, 595 — Philip, 426 — Sarah, 559- "Clean Drinking," 566. Clem, Cath., 504. Clements, B. Hanson, Edwd., Eleanor, Geo., Hanson, Os- well and Wm., 28 — Elizabeth, Francis, Geo. and Thos., 29 — Cath., 520 — Christopher, Dorothy, 496 — Francis T., 426 • — Jenny, 491 — Walter, 496. Clemmer, Francis, 84. Clemmons, Christopher, 236 — Patrick, 246. Cleverly, Clev^ly, Joseph, 329 — Mary, 429. Cleyborn, Cleyburn, Ann, 491 — Capt. Wm., 3 1 1 — Wm. Dan- dridge, 491. Clifford, Jeremiah, 279 — John, 272. Clinger, Cath., 532. Clinton, Thos., 329. Clise, Ann, 500. Clocker, Jennette E. T. and Wm., 574. Cloe, Posey, 488. Close, Elizabeth, 421. Closson, Peter, 178. Cloud, Ann, 561. Clower, John, 306. Clowes, Clows, Clues, Cath- ron, Elisabeth, Geo. and John, 182 — Sarah, 450. Clubb, Saml., 308. Clues, Sarah, 450. Clymer, Peter, 521. Coal, Coale, Cole, 230 — Coale and Gott, 17 — Capt. (of Co.), 351— Ann, 72, 160, 479, 495— Broad, 42 — Cassandria, 160 — Christopher, 559 — Diamond, :oi — Edward, 20, 68 — Eliza- beth, 160, 177 — Ephram, 160 — Ezecal, 177 — Frances, 160 — Francis, 12 — Geo., 259 — Isaac, 160, 506 — James, 177(2), 427, 506 — Jane, 177 — John, 17, 177, 427 — Jonathan, 130 — Joseph, 259 — Judith, 72 — Margrett, 160 — Mar>-, 42, 74, 438, 495 — Phebe, 485— Philip, 160— Ra- chel, loi — Richd., 160 — Sa- milia, 177 — Samuel, 160, 426 — Sarah, 160, 418 — Sofiah and Sophra, 177 — Susannah, 72, 160, 422 — Thos., 177, 426, 427 — Vincent, 506 — Wm., 17, 42, 160, 161, 247, 426, 427. Coalter, Susan, 459 — see Coul- ter. INDEX 615 CoAP, Cope, John, Jonathan, Joseph and Mary, 90 — Sarah, 99. Coats, John, 426. CoBATH, Elizabeth, 454. Cobb, Wm., 426. CoBLENTZ, Peter and Philip, 506. CoBORN, CoBURN, Ann, 224 — Primus, 329. Cochran, Cockran, Cockrane, Ann Mary, 329 — Geo., 494 — James, 329 — Patrick, 426 — Robt. and Saml., 530. Cock, Martha, 511. Cockaril, Milley, 518. CocKEY, Anne, Frances and Susannah, 478 — Mary, 425. CocKLiN, Thos., 106. CoDDRiNGTON, Benj., 329. Codonia, Peter, 172. CoE, Geo., Geo. C. and Richd., 329 — Mary, 329, 330 — Elijah, 226 — Saml., 266, 426 — Wm., 268, 330, 427. CoER, Coon, John, 185. Coffee, Cloe, 516. CoFFiELD, Owen, 330. CoFFROTH, Conrad and Magda- lena, 330. CoGHLAN, Denniss, 271. Cohee, John, 198. Cohen, Cohon, Peter, 90. Coins, Dominick, 330. Colbert, Thos., 427. Colder, Nathaniel, 595. Cole, Mary, xiv. See Coal. CoLEBURN, Betsy and Nancy, 593- COLEGATE, Asaph, 33O. CoLEMAN, COLMAN, Cath., 495 — Chas., 127 — Derias, 198 — Geo., 241 — John, 127 — Mar- garet, 127, 415 — Michael, 156 ■ — Milton Francis, 427 — Roger, 198 — Rose, 127 — Wm., 198. CoLKE, Oliver, 311. CoLLARD, Saml., 259. Collear, Thos., 206. CoLLEMBER, Thos., 33O. COLLENER, John, 228. COLLERAGE, Wm., I8I. COLLESON, CoLSON, CoLSLON, Geo., 221 — ^James, 226 — ^John, 109. Collier, Collyer, Ann, 541 — Charlotte, 542 — Eleanor, 542, 545, 560— James, 542, 545— John, 541, 581 — Layfield, 590 — Mary, 541 — Matilda Rich- ards, 581 — Nancy, 581 — Othey Hambleton, 545 — Polly, 592 — Sarah, 568 — Wm., 517, 567, 580, 581 (2). CoLLiFLowER, Margt., 530. COLLILIS, Robt., 82. CoUington Manor, 2. CoLLiNGWooD, Sarah (Howard), 584. Collins, Collings, Cullins, CoLLENS, Ann, 145, 146, 430, 470, 532, 543, sso — Anna, 566 — Bannister, 427 — Belitha, 581 ■ — Cassandria, 144 — Catherine, 148, 472 — Charity, 454 — Chas., 579 — Comfort, 581 — Ebenezer, 581 — Edward, 145 — Elijah, 543, 571 — Elisha, 146 — Elizabeth, 145, 146, 581 (2) — Ellen, 466 — Esther, 584 — Frances, 145, 158 — Hannah, 145 — Harriot, 546 — Hum- phrey, 506 — Isaac, 553, 590 — Issabella, 158 — Jacob, 144 — Jimimah, 132 — John, 145, 158, 190 — John Babtist, 427 — ^John Patton, 148 — Joshua, 506, 515, 546. 553 — Kendall, 581 — Mary, 144, 146, 528, 546, 553, 583 — Mathew, 506 — Molly T.,581 — Moses, 144 — Nathan, 515 — Patience, 144 — Peter and Potter, 581 — Rebecca, 503, 543 — Robt., 132, 247 — Sarah, 160, 559, 581 — Susanna, 144 — • Thos., 427, 553 — Walter, 590 — Wm., 14s, 550, 581 — Zacha- riah, 553. CoLLisoN, CoLLiNSON, Charity, 436 — John, 427 — Mary, 460 — Sarah, 439 — Wm., 427. CoLLisTER, Else, 442. Colly, Wm., 506. Col. Dames of America, 574. Colston — see Tolston — Henry, 226 — John, 227. CoLviN, Wm., 198. CoMEGYE, Cornelius, etc., 311. CoMEGYS, Abraham, 595 — John and Sarah, 198. CoMBERFORD, Mary, 223. CoMBERT, Cassandra, Francis, Jacob, Mary and Sarah, 147 — Aquila, Charity, Israel, Jacob, Martha, Mary and Susanna, 143- Combes, Jacob, 240. CoMBEST, Elizabeth, John, Mary, Thos. and Utice, 144 — Utey, 239. Comer, Wm., 198. CoMEVE, Joseph, 246. Commissions, Original, 314. CoMPTON, CoMTON, Elianor, Elizabeth, James and John, 70 — Mathew, Rachel and Wm., 71 — Alex., 492 — ^John Bablis, Stephen, 71, 535 — Thos., 293. CoMRADY, Wm., 427. Condemned for mill, 64. Condon, James and Wm., 225. Conegocheague Manor, 2, 43-48. CoNFAiR, Geo., 525. Confiscated British property, I. Congress, Acts of. Pensions, 314, 335- Conn, Geo., 283 — James, 283, 288— John, 283— Mary, 518— Peter, 283 — Richd., 427 — Robt., 234— Wm., 288. Connant, Chas. and Sarah, 20. Connaught Manor, 3. Connaway, Connoway, Cona- way, etc., Airy, 482 — Ara, 467 — Catherine, 443 — Dennis, 109, 209 — Elizabeth, 476 — Lawrence, 234 — Mary, 440 — Michael, 239 — Providence, 437- Connecticut Line, 343, 346, 353, 396. 6i6 INDEX Connelly, Connally, Con- nolly, etc., Eliz., 551 — Hugh, 330 — ^Jane, 160 — ^Jesa, 82 — ■ John, 238, SSI — Joseph, 129 —Peggy, 532— Philip, 551— Priscilla, 33a— Sarah, 148 — Wm., 82, 330. Conner, David, 427 — Elizabeth, 425 — James, 427 — Marma- duke W., 427 — Richd. and Wm., 427. Conner, Connar, Achsah, 471 — Anne, 477 — Ariana, 449 — Gerrard T., 513 — Harriet, 436 — Henrietta, 43 s- — James, S95 — Jane, 143 — John, 515 — Joseph, 284 — Sech., 198 — Zadock, 285. Connicken, Jane, 154. Connoway, Conway, Addison, Geo. and Michael, 427 — Capt., 409. CoNNTON (?), Wm. of Geo., 286. Conover, Wm., 522. CoNRADT, Conrad, Cath., 524 — Eliz., 526 — Henry and Jacob, 506. Conry, Margaret, 163. Constable, Saml., 506. Contee, Benj., 298, 494 — John, 331 — Richd. Alex., 427. CooBEN, Wm., 84. CooDLE, "Aam" (Adam?), 46. Cook, Cooke, Coock, .\nn, 473 — Anna Maria, 460 — Beggy, 526 — Cassandria, IS9 — Cath- erine, 426 — Chas., 427 — Danl. and Easter, 159 — Eliner, 104 — Elizabeth, 90, 521 — Geo., 427 — Grace, 159 — Henr>-, 331, 427, 525 — Ignatius, 72^ James, 159, 562, 569 — John, 106, 159, 246, 274, 307, 498, S49, 571- Joseph, 307— Jo- siah, 72 — Mary, 103 — Mary Magdale, 52 — Nathan, S49> 555, S70, 571— Peter H., 427 —Rachel, 549, 555, 564- Richd., 52, 57, 69 — Richd. Donaldson, 52, 57 — Robt., 535 — Saml., 27s — Sarah, 481, 518 — Widow, 572 — Wm., 80 — Zadok Magruder, 555 — Zea- bulon, 103. Cooksey, Cookssy, Charity and Hezekiah, 490. Cool, Coole, Capt., 409 — Christopher, 548, 554 — Mary, 554 — Sarah, 548, 554 — ^Thos., 548. CooLEY, Coolley, John, 175, 244 — Joseph, 427 — Mary, 499 — Nancy, 445 — Richd., 247 — Wm., 247, 427. CooLiDGE, Judson, 271. Coombs, Cooms, Aden, 506 — Colding, 42 — Joseph, 286— Richd., 490 — Wm., 72. CooN (CoER.^), John, 185 — Marg., 525. Coop, Doratio, 247. Cooper, Coopper, Adam, 506 — Ann, 420, 449, 481 — Benj., 209, 219 — Calvin, 246 — Cath., 533 — Darius, 595 — Elizabeth, 475> 486, 596— Ephraim, 595 — Hannah, 503 — Henry, 245 — Hezekiah, 6, 10 — John, 84, 106, 221, 427 — John Clinton, 401 — Mark, 83 — Mary, 6, 510 — Milley, 432 — Owin, Peregrine, 6, 10 — Robt., 506 — Wm., 172, 229, 24s, 331. Coox, Thos., 79. CoPELAND, Coupland, Frances, 173 — Geo., 173, 239 — John, 173, 240 — Mary, 173 — Robt., 427. Copley, Anne and Lionel, 574. CopPAGE, Philemon, 198. Copper, Guitavus, 108. Corbert, Corbet, Corbitt, Isaac, 198 — James, 331 — John, 241, 331 — Joseph, 247 — Mar- garet, 147 — Wm., 244. Corbman, Christ, 506. CoRCARD, Wm. M., 427. Corcoran, Joshua and Sarah, (2)> 554- Cord, Abraham, 237 — Amos, 143 — Aquila, 143, 168 — Ash- berry, 141, 152, 158 — Elisa- beth, 188 — Greenberry, 143 — Hannah, 143 — Jacob, 188 — John, 169 — Mary, 152, 536 — Neomie, 188 — Roger, 177 — Sarah, 143 — Susanna, 143, 188. CoRDEA, Hester and Mark, 311. CoRDEL, Geo., 526. CoRDiNGLY, Wm. Welsh, 558. CoRDY, Wm., 590. Core, Thos., 278. Corker, Owen, 113 — Patrick, 157- Cormoway, Elizabeth and Mickael, 169. Cornegys, Alphonso, 6. Cornelius, Milicent, 596. Cornell, Eda and John, 581, Corner, Adam, 224 — Henry and Joseph G., 427. Cornish, John, 109 — Saml. Wm. Abierdiguic (.'), 259. Corry, Nancy, 493. Corse, Robert, 427. Corsins, John, 311. Corsly, Richd., 244. CoRTNY, Hollas, John, Jonas, Sarah, Semelia and Thos., 176. CossiN, Cousin, Asel, 198 — N. P., 397- CosTEN, CosTiN, Henry and James, 212 — Peggy, 592. CoTHELL, Thos., 27. CoTHLON, Hannah, John and Mary, 190. CoTSGRAVE, John, 160. Cotter, Edwd., 150. CoTTNER, er, 230. Gotten, John, 183. CoTTiNGHAM, Danl., Isaac, Janet and Thos., 590. CoTTMAN, Lazarus, 591. CouDEN, Mary, 474. CouDRY, Polly, 590. CouLSON, Mary, 172. Coulter, Coalter, Elizabeth, 466 — Henry, James and John, 427 — Sarah, 416 — Susan, 459. INDEX 617 CouNCE, CouNTZ, Henrv', 518, 530. Council of Safety, 337, 369, 406 — Kent Co., 344 — Baltimore, 376 — Annapolis, 405, etc. Coiintiee, 229. CouNTON, Mary, 82. Countryman, Kitty, 439. CouPLAND — see Copeland. CouRSEY, Thos., 198. Court, Courts, Eleanor C. and Richd. Hanley, 331 — Wm., 428. Courtney, Thos., 243. Cousin, Cossin, Asel, 198 — N. P., 397 — Cussana, John, 192. Cove, Cave, Geo., 306 — Eliza- beth, 4, 8 — Jeremiah, 8 — Job, 4, 6, 8— John, 4, 8— Rob'., 8. CovELL, Ananias, Jesse and Thos., 581 — Jonathan Freust, S06. Coventry, John, 506. Covey, John, 107. Covington, Isaac, John (2) and Sarah, 581 — Levin, 293. Cowan, Cowin, Cowen, Coun, John, Mark, Mary and Sarah, 152 — Stephen, Susan- nah, Thos. and Wm., 191 — Edwd., 191, 238 — Elisabeth, 179 — Isabella, 177— James, 428 — Judy, 191 — Mary, 153, 191 — Rachel, 191. Coward, John, 97. Cowing, Ann, 179. Cowley and Welsh, 18 — Chas., 428 — Elizabeth, Sarah and Thos., 153 — James, 18 — Mathew, 241 — Thos., 19. Cowman, Ann, 432 — Anne, 477 — Elizabeth, 459, 484 — Fran- ces, 451 — Henrietta, 440 — Hester, 454 — John, 428 — Jo- seph, 18, 22, 428 — Mary, 459 —Patty E., 418— Philip, 428— Sarah, 440 — Thos., 428. Cox, Abraham, 306, 522 — Ann, 43 — Caty, 552 — Chas., 150, 530 — Eleanor, 548 — Elizabeth, 43. 548, 552— Fanny, 427— Hugh, 257 — Israel, 178 — ^John, 187, 198, 428, 489 — John M., 560 — Joseph, 90, 562 — Josiah, 307 — Mary, 177, 186, 187— Mary Banes, 178 — Nathaniel, 109 — Rachel, 178, 186 — Richd., 43 — Rhoda, 210— Saml., 506 — Sarah, 187 — Su- sannah, 596 — Thos., 303 — Virlinda, 491 — Walter, 548, 552 — Walter B., 513 — Walter Brooke, 271 — Wm., 177, 186, 495. 560. Coy, Wm., 518. CoYLE, Andrew, 428 — Mark,33i. Crabb, 558 — Ann, 561 — Eliza- beth, 564 — Richd. I., 428. Crabiel, Crable. Jacob, 526 — Joseph, 46. Crabor, Craber, Elisab., 530 — Mary, 534. Cracraft, Ally, 461 — John Sly, 254 — Levin, 64 — Mary, 476, 482. Craddock, Joseph C, 574 — Mary, 520 — Rosa E., 574. Crafford, CRAUFORD^See Crawford. Craft, Aleas, 91 — Cath., 531 — Chas. John, 90, 91 — Chas. Levi, 90 — Edwd., 518 — John Chas., 38 — Jonathan, Sarah and Thos., 91. Crager, John, 547, 568 — Michael, 547, 568 — Rebecca, 547 — see Creager. Cragg, Craig, Craigs, Adam, 282 — Andrew, 530 — Elizabeth, 436 — ^John, 46 — Robt., 428 — Sarah, 484 — Wm., 428. Crain, Nancy, 461 — Peter W., 391. Cram, Saml., 428. Cramblick, Fredk., 428. Cramlet, Jacob, 518. Cramphin, Damond, 304 — Thos., 282. Crampton, Thos., 331. Crandell, Crandle, Abel, Adam, Francis, Geo., Henry, John, Joseph and Richd., 428 — Anne, 464 — Eleanor, 451 — Elizabeth, 439, 473 — Esther, 438 — Mary, 437 — Rachel, 445 —Thos. and Wm., 428— Withernina, 465. Crane, Caleb, 428 — Geo., 574 — John, 506 — John A., 574 — R. Kearney, 574 — Sallie A., 574 — Saml., 428 (2) — ^Thos., 428. Crapper, Cropper, Milly, 581 — Rubing, 580 — Sally, 592 — Sebrina, 594 — Vincen, 580. Crapster, Basil, 428. Craten, Cratton, Mary, 465 — Polly, 558. Crayton, Creighton, Isaac, 428 — James, 247. Craven, Andrew, 242, 331. Crawford, Crafford, Crau- FORD, Alexander, 240, 283 — Basil, 284 — David, 270, 272, 428, 559 — Elizab., 509 — James, 283, 331 — James B., 560 — John, 180 — Nehemiah, 331 — Rachel, 520— Robt. Beall, 518 ■ — Thos., 286. Craycroft, Bladen, 293. Creager, Crieger, Amalia, 507 — see Crager — Geo., 506. Crebs, Creps, Mary, 529, 534. Crechbaum, CREicHBAtrai, Eve Christine, 528 — Philip, 526. Crecraft, Benj., 560. Creek, Chas., 428. Creendell, Abel, 428. Creger, Cregar, Conrad, 56, 60 — Christian and Valentine, 53.58. Cremer, Creamer, Cramer, Ann Mary, 531 — Arnest, 44 — Cath., 530 — Jacob, 54 — Mary, 533 — Solomon, 506. Crentzer, Jacob, 506. Cresap, Crisap, Danl., 530 — Joseph, 331, 332 — Michael, 48 —Thos., 48, 525. 6i8 INDEX Cress, Cross, John, 54, 58. Creswell, Criswell, Matthew, 241 — Robt., 243 — Wm., 244. Cretin, James, 245 — John, 242 — Patrick, 243. Crick, Elizabeth, 208. Crocket, Crockett, Ann, Chas. and Henry, 548 — Gilbert and Saml., 235. Croft, Catharine and Wm., 332 — Eve, 531. Cromwell, Crumwell, Ann- 424, 454 — Anne, 441 — Eliza, beth, 462 — Frances, 485 — Hellen, 430 — Henrietta, 454 — John, 428, 506 — Joseph, 159, 494 — Mary, 420, 466 — • Michael, 428— Oliver, 507— Oneal, 428 — Sarah, 428, 448 — Susannah, 159 — Thos., 428 — • Vinisha, 159 — Wm., 507 — Zachariah, 428. Cron, Crons, Robt., 507 — Susannah, 514. Croney, James, 212 — Litt, 210. Croneisz, Jacob, 507. Crooks, Crook, Andrew, 114 — Chas., 293 — Elizabeth Kirby, 114 — Henry, 114, 235 — Jane, 114 — Margaret, 114 — Robt., 236 — Wm., 114. Crooker, James, 236. Crookshank, John and Rhoda L-, 574- Crop, James, 247. Crosby, Burton, 428 — Eliza- beth, 479 — James, 507 — John, Josias and Richd., 429 — Ra- chel, 430 — Sophia, 423. Croskey, Arthur, 41. Cross, Ann Sophia, 444 — Benj., 302 — Geo., 27s, 302 — Jere- miah, 296, 302 — John, 307, 429— Joseph, 302, 332, 429— Mary Ann, 421 — Patsy, 474 — Peter, 527— Rachel, 432, 527 — Richd., 246 — Saml., 527 — Thos., 302, 429 — Thos. R., 429 — Wm., 255, 257, 306. Crouch, Hannah, 332 — Joseph, 429 — Margaret, 595 — Robt., 332 — Stephen, 240 — Thos., 595- Crouder, Rachel, 439. Crouse, Catherine and Chris- tian, 54, 59 — Michael, 55, 60. Cbjw, Harriet, 456 — John, 255 — Mrs., 569 — Thos., 255. Croweis, Henry, 507. Crown, Dolly, 552 — Elisha, 284 — Gerrard, 258, 552 — Henry, 169 — John, 563 — Joseph, 567 — Saml., 552. Crownover, Ruth, 533. Crox, Joseph, 429. Croxall, Chas., 332. Crues, Cruse, Crusan, Catha- rine, 187 — Elizabeth, 187, 484 — John, Mary and Nicollous, 182— Richd., 187. Cruit, Cassandria, Elizabeth, John and Nathan, 143 — Fran- ces, 146. Crum, Crumb, Crume, Anna, 533 — Evan, Isaac, John and Nathan, 507 — Rebecca, 506 — Wm., 52, 57, 507. Crumley, Henry, 530. Crumwell, James, 144. Crusan, Elisabeth, Garrett, John, Mary and Michael, 182. Crush, Mary Dorothy, 503. Crutchley, Anne, 477 — Eliza- beth, 482 — Jesse, Josh, and Thos., 429 — Mary and Mary Ann, 460. Cryer (.'), John, 222. Cuddy, James, 244. CuLBART, Mary, 423. Culber, Levy, 192 — see Culver. CuLLiNER, Jeremiah, 145. CuLLiNS, Isaac, 107. CuLLisoN, Ignatius, Joseph and Wm., 73. CuLLON, Davied, 80. CuLP, Ann, 550 — Christiana, 549 — Eleanor, 549 — Geo., 549, 550— John, 550. CULTRAUGH, Wm., 244. Culver, Ann, 175 — Bemin. Benj., 175, 182, 244 — Drusilla 558 — Eleanor, 563 — Elizabeth, 416 — Francis Barnum, vi, vii - — Henrj-, 547, 559 — Johannah, 182 — Mary, 182, 547— Saml., 547 — Susy, 516. Culber, Levy, 192. Cumberland Forge, 160. Cumberledge, Geo., 507. CuMMiNGS, Cummins, Gum- ming, Andrew, Benj., Cas- sandra, John, Philip, Saml. and Sarah, 192 — Hannah, James and Paul, 175 — Elizabeth, 219 — Herman, 522 — Mary, 218 — Robt., 41, 42 — Thos., 218. Cunning, Alexr., 530 — Philip, 244. Cunningham, Ann, 495^ Bethea, 533 — Clothworth, — , — Edwd., 235 — Francis, 525 (2) — Geo., 237 — Hugh, 507 — Isaac, 114 — Jams, 525 — Jane, 485 — John, 114, 244 — Scurly, 114 — Thos., 114, 198, 234. Curd, Susannah, 490. CuRR, Ann, 444 — Elizabeth, 458 —John, 304. CuRRAN, CuRREN, Biddy, 498— Francis, 429 — James, 332 — Michael and Philip, 429. Current, Naney, 563. CuRREY, Curry, 230 — Ann, 424 — Brian, 169 — James, 241, 246 — John, 243 — Mary, 425 — Vionah, 171 — Wm., 80, 507. CuRSWELL, Esabeellah, James, Mary, Robt. and Wm., 181. Curtain, Curten, Edwd., 269, 429 — Peter, 527. Curtis, James, 332, 389 — John, 332. CusicK, Wilford, 565. Cussans, John, 192 — see Cousin. Custer (Cutler.?), Jacob, 530 — Rachel, 594. Cuthbert, Wm., 127. CuTiNG, Cuttong, Eliz., 455 — Peter, 429. Cypus, Mary Ann, 451. INDEX 619 D Dabler, Cath., 511 — Wm., 507. Dacon, Francis and Mary, 170. Dadds, Emanuel, 429 — Mary, 469. Dadisman, Sophia, 499. Daffin, Chas., 218 — ^Joseph, 91, 109. Dailey, Daley, Brynn, 283 — James and John, 199 — Joseph and Joseph Bryan, 429 — Mary, 496, 517 — Patrick, 516 — Wm., 236. Dailin, Elizah, 499. Dale, John, 241 — Margaret, 592 — Martha M., 591 — Mary, 580. Dall, Doll, Mary and Sophia, 505- Dallam, Elizabeth, 161 — Eliza- beth Smith, 150 — Frances, 161 — Francis, 161, 239 — John, 161, 240 — Josias, 150 — Josias Wm., 244 — Magrett, 160, 161 — R. 333, 366 — Richd., 161, 237. 243 — Saml., 161 — Sarah, 150 — Winston, 160. Dalley, Dally, Ebenezer, 507 — Jeremiah, 155 — John and Mary, 156. Dallis, Cath., 494. Daltzel, Dalzell, Margaret, 483 — Thos., 429. Dames, Saml., 429. Danford, Wm., 282. Daniel, Elias M., 561 — John, 91 — Phebe, 528 — Sarah, 527. Danner, Zachariah, 507. Dannison, Danison, Danieson, Aaron, 429 — Ann, 462 — Elijah, 429 — Lydia, 452 — Mary M., 422 — Susanna, 480. Dansichlor, Elizabeth, 173. Darbey, Darby, Caleb, 429 — John, 106 — Saml., 429, (w) 565. Darbyshire, Elizab., 515. Darcey, John, 307. Darley (Darby?), Saml., 429. Darling, Mary, 598. Darnall, Bennett, 21 — Edward, 31, 32 — Eleanor, 555 — Har- riett, 456 — Henrietta, 555 — Henry, 265, 429 — Lizzie, 32 — Nicholas L., 276 — Priscilla, 32, 429 — Ralph, 507 — Robt., 271 — Sarah, 31 — Susan, 444 — - Thos., 31, 555>S69- Darnelson, Thos., 429. Darrey, Balthasar, 507. Dars, Richd. Tootill, 237. Dashield, Capt. R., 409. Daub, Jacob and Valentine, 507. Daubt, Margaret, Robt. Roger and Saml., 114. Daugherty — see Dougherty, etc. Dauntrees, Jasper, 311. Daverson, Deverson, Agnis, Danl., Elisabeth, John and Sarah, 187 — Margaret, 463. David, Elizabeth, 430 — Reed, 188. Davidge, Azel, 429 — Elisab., 212 — Mary, 433 — Rebecca, 451 — Tomsey, 417. Davidson, Davison, Davisson, Ann, 429 — Eleanor, 442, 476 — Empy, 220 — Geo., 272 — Israel, 429 — James, 333, 429 — John, 241, 244, 267, 429, 507 — Mar>', 424, 448, 449 — Rebecca, 463 — Kichd., 429 — Robt., 525 — Thos., 102 — Wm., 429, 595. Davis, Abijah, 581, 591 — Allen, 26, 27 — Ambrose, 507— Ann, 446, 448, 493, 541, 556, s8i, 596 — Anna, 550 — Barbara, 462 ^Benj., 559, 581, 582 — Betsy, 593— Catherine, 458, 525— Chas., 560 — Cornelius, 429 — Danl., 429 — David, 247 — Easter, Esther, 541, 581 — Eli, 581 — Elisha and Elisha H., 581 — Elizabeth, 430, 473, 485, 49Si 535 — Eunice, 591 — Fran- ces, 421, 516 — Frances Re- becca, 555 — Francis, 507— Gatty, 582 — George, 429, 581 — ^Handy, 591 — Ignatius, 547, 555. 559, (w) S70— Isaac, 131 —James, 26, 27, 100, 429, 550, 591 — Jane, 131 — ^Jean, 223 — Jesse, 581 — John, 198, 209, 211, 212, 246, 247, 333, 430, 507,516, 541. 556 (2), 574. 595 —John Eberhard, 507 — ^John Powell, 582 — Jonathan, 27 — Joseph, 47, 581 — Julia Ann, 582 — Leah, 581 — Leonard Young, 561 — Linny, 559 — Lodowick, 518 — Luke, 507 — Lydia, 563 — Margaret, 105, 333, 465, 481. 528, 547, 555, 570 — Martha, 528, 582 — Mary, 171, 446, 448, 581 (2) — Mathias, 507, 581, 582, 591 — Mordecai, 582 — Nathanl., 212, 3o8^Naylor, 293 — Polly, 581 — Rachel, 162, 528, 563, 582 — Reuben, 507 — Richd., 253 — Richd. Wooton, 547 — Robt., 308, 430 — Sally, 581, 592— Saml., 127, 259, 333, 349, 430, 507, 518 — Sarah, 462, 468 — Sophia, 581 — Susanna, 416, 497> 536 — Thomas, 212, 247, 333. 430. 541. 558. 562— Thos. S., 564, 574 — Thos. Truman Cecil, 550 — Wm., 218, 334, 430, 595 — Willy Ann, 481 — Zachariah, 489 — Zipporah, 581. Davonport, Abraham, 518. Daw, Daws, Dawes, Elisha, 166 — Mordecai, 495 — Richd., 430 — Sarah, 520. Dawkins, Charles and Eliza- beth, 334. Dawley, Ann, 440. Dawney, John, 595. Dawson, Geo., 218 — Hugh, 220 ■ — James, 228, 430 — John, 105, 109, 226 — Jonas, 430 — Joseph, 109, 334, 430 — Margret, 221 — Marj', 482 — Pamelia, 429 — ■ Ralph, 227 — Rebecca, 417 — Richd., 290 — Robt., 220 — Robt. Doyne, 518 — Sarah, 155, 620 INDEX 221 — Thos., 198, 279 — Wm., 109, 221, 334, 430. Day, Ann, 437, 456 — Arima, 7 — Edwd., 23s, 430 — John, 235, 236, 286, 430 — Joshua, 134 — Lilly, 542 — Nancy, 451 — Nathaniel, 430 — Robt., 242 — Saml., 242 — Thos., 286. Dayle, Ephraim, 507. Deacock, Mary, 527. Deacon (Demon?), Wm., 156. Deaghee, Mary, 497. Deakin, Deakins, Deacons, Ambrose, 489 — Deborah, 545, 55°. 556 — Eliza, 545 — James, 518 — Leonard, 545, 550, 556 — Leonard Marbury, 556 — Mary, 490 — Wm., 334, 568 — Col. Wm., 566 — Wm. Francis, 550. Deal, Deale, Anne, 477 — Catharina, 524 — Comfort, 582 — Eliz., 425, 526 — Geo., 334, Hannah, 582 — James, 124, 430, 582 — John, 582 — Josiah, 582 — Joshua, 582 — ^Julia W., 505 — Margaretha, 526 — Mar- lin, 430 — Mary, 124, 472 — Matthew, 582 — Nathaniel, 430 — Rachel, 442, 463, 483 — Rachel G., 419 — Saml., 430, 579 — Sarah, 459 — Thos., 18 — Wra., 124, 430, 582. Dealy, John, 247. Dean, Deane, Deen, Aquilla, 334 — Bettey, loi — Charles, 91 — Christopher, 199 — Elizabeth, 100 — Henry, 91, 100 — ^James, 100 — John, 199 — Richd., 100 — Robt., 334 — Sarah, 507 — Saml., 206 — Uriah, loi — Wm., 507. Dearon, Francis, 231. Deason, John, Saml. and Wm., 40. Death, Charity, Geo. Simes, James, Soffiah and Wm., 1 80. Deaver, Deavour, Ann, 178 — Aquiller, 192, 334 — David, 178, 189 — Hannah, 142 — James, 142, 178— John, 142, 430 — Levi, 507 — Martha, 142 — Mary, 178 — Micajah, 142 — Miscal, 334 — Moses, 430 — Rachel, 431 — Rebecca, 178 — Saml., 189 — Sarah, 142, 189, 334 — Thos., 170 — Wm., 335. Deavinish, Elizabeth, 199. DE Barette, Isaac, 311. Debelley, Jacob, 522. Deblois, De Blois, Lewis, 555 (2), Ruth Hooper, 555 — Wm., 430. Deborough, John, 430. Debricks, Sarah, 423. Debruler, Debueler, An- thony, 240 — James, 236 — Wm., 236. Decloe, Magdaline, 498. DE Costa, Matthias, 311. Dederick, Bernard, 279. Deer Creek Militia, 402. Deer Creek, Lower Hundred, Upper Hundred, Census, 194. Deford, Benj., 430 — James, 199 — Maria 478. — Wm., 198, 199. Debts — see Dietz. Degenhardt, Christian, 507. Degrange, Margaret, 509. Dehaven, Andrew and Peter, 507. Dehay, Margaret, 462. Dehof, Nicholas, 507. Deimer, Diemer, John, 171, 237 — Johanna, 171 — Rachel, 172. Deingan, Danl., 236. DeKalb, Baron, 335. Delabrook Manor, 68. De La Grange, Arnoldus, 311. Delamaire, John, 311. Delany, Ann, Elizabeth, Isaac, John, Joshua, Mary and Sarah, 144. Delaplain, Delaplaine, Danl. and Joshua, 507. De La Roche, Chas., 311. Delashmutt, Sarah, 504 — Trammel, 507. Delater, Delaten, Delaugh- ter, Cath., 498, 512 — ^Jacob, 508 — Joh., 523 — Sus'., 530. Delaware Line, 373, 382. Delaware Marriages, 595, 598. Delemeter, Sarah, 455. De Ligney, Peter, 335. Delihay, James, 102. Dell, Lydia, 498. Delosier, Danl., 430 — Edwd., 268 — Phebe, 490. Demmit, Athaliah, Elizabeth, James and Wm., 41. Demoisne, Peter Maise, 311. Demouderer, Anthony, 311. Dempsey, Demsy, John, 33s, 530. Dempster, Demster, John, 198 — Rachel, 199. Denike, Saml., loi. Dening, Denning, Deming, etc., James and John, J, 9 — Mary, 5 — Stephen, 7, 10. Deninson, Mary, 528 — Saml., 258. Denney, Denny, Deney, James, 246 — James Earl, 217, 222, 227 — John, 107— Joseph, 220 — Margaret, 495 — Mary, 226 — Michael, 244 — Rebecca, 495 — Robt., 336, 430 — Simon, 235— Thos. S., 430— Walter, 246. Dennis, Ann, 518 — Edwd. and Jacob, 335 — Wm. and W., 572. Dennison, James, 148. Denoon, Ely, 559 — John, 336. Dent, 492, Aquilla, 508— Elea- nor, 336 — Emma R., 574 — Geo., 103, 336 — John, 336, 430, 569 — -Joseph, 574 — Mary, 490 — Richd., 290 — Sarah, 536 — Susanna, 535 — Tabitha, 63 — Thos., 264. Denton, Mary, 124, 423. Denune, Jacob, 291. Dereale, Michl., 246. Devachbrume, broom, etc., James, 430 — Lues, 206 — Wm., 430. Derickson, etc., Arcada, 582 — Benj., 582 (2)— Betty, 582, 584 — Elizabeth, Geo., Han- INDEX 621 nah, James and John, 582 — Joseph, 582 (3), 585 — Levin, 580, 582 (2)— Lishe, 582— Mary, 582 (3), 585 — Michel and Mitchell, 582 — Nanny (Miller), 585— Rhoda and Sarah, 582 — Sarah (Tubes), 588 — Solomon, 582 — Wm., 582. Dermott, Catherine, James, John and Mary, 122. Dern, Deru, Isaac, 508 — Mary and Sophia, 507. Deroch, Ann, 486. Derrow, John, 247. Derry, Doerry, Elizabeth, 422 —Peter, 508. Dertzbach, John, 508. Deselem, James, 564. Desjardins, John, 311. Deuthinger, Mary Sus., 512. Devilbiss, Develbliss, etc., Caspar, 56 — Catherine, 500 — Geo., 56, 57, 508 — ^John, 56, 508 — ^Joseph, 508 — Margaret, 500. Deven, Hugh and Mary, 180. Deviel, Devil, Casper and John, 51 — Geo., 51, 52 — ■ Rebecca, 488. Devinew, Mar)' Victoria, 477. Dever, Hugh, 243. Devi', Elizabeth, 456 — Lydia, 432 — Rachel, 457 — Thos., 430. Dewees, Saml., 336. Dewung, Joseph, 224. De Young, Jacob Clause, 311. Dhyniossa, Alexander, etc., 312. Diamond, Rachel, 458 — Sarah, 478. Dick, David, 247, 494 — ^John, 508. DlCKENOOR, Sus., 505. Dickerson, Dickeson, Dickin- son, Edwd., 336 — Eliz., 543, 549 — John, 107, 564 — Martha B., 594 — Mary R., 590 — Nathan, 562 — Sarah, 543 — Serratt, 543 — Susanna, 549 — Zadock, 518. Dicks, Isaac, 336. Dickson, Dixon, Benj., 84 — David, 243 — ^John, 80 — Oba- diah, 83— Robt., 85— Wm., 225. Diction, Drusilla, Frances, Han- nah, John, Morris and Susan, 168 — Johannah, Marget, Peter and Wm., 174 — Sarah, 168, 174- Didenoven, Dielenoven (?), Wm., 431. DiEDEMAN, Elizab., 503. Diebl, Diel, John, 508. DiER, Sarah, 5. DiETZ, Diz, Deets, Christian, 523 — John Adm., 508. DiFFENDAL, Kitty, 5OO. Diffenderffer, Thos., 431. DiFFEREN, Wm., 508. DiGGS, DiGGES, Edwd., 40, 271, 279 — Ignatius, 272 — John, 40 — Joseph, 271 — Philip, 40 — Thos., 272 — Wm., 30, 40, 264, 265. Digney, Lucy, 517. Dikes, Dykes, Anna and Leah, 591. DiLBUS, Barbara, 507. Dill, Hanny and John, 595. DiLLEHAY, Wm., 84. DiLLiAN, DiLLiON, Ann and Chas., 76 — John, 82. DiLLiNG, Catherine, Edwd., Geo., Hannah, John, Larrance, Martha and Robt., 191. DiLLMAN, Henry, 523. Dimmit, James and Wm., 42. DiMMOND, 230 — see Diamond. Dingle, Edwd., 582 — John, 109. DiNHAM, John, of Jesse, 236. DiNNEY, Oliver, 144. DiNSMOOR, Thos., 508. DisHARooN, Polly, 591. Disney, Christian (Christeen?), 447 — Elizabeth, 430 (2), 436, 459 — Edwd., 431 — Hannah, 444 — James, 43 1 — John T., 431 — Mary, 418, 462 — Mor- decai, 431 — Priscilla and Ra- chel, 431 — Rebecca, 469 — Richd., 431 — Sarah, 418, 459, 481 (2) — Sarah Lawrence, Snowden, Thos. and Wm., 431. DissoN, Mary, 532. District of Columbia, 318, 319, 328, 359. 377. 384. 390, 393. 397. 408. Ditty, Hannah, 486 — Roger, 431 — Sarah, 430. DivEN, Mar>', 534. Dives, Francis, 246. Divily, Catherine, 527. Dixon, Dixson, Elizabeth, 424 — Eliz. Moore, 550 — Henri- etta, 468 — Howel, 543 — Isaac, 227 — ^Jacob, 490 — James, 198, 518, 543, 545, 550— Jane, 543, 545. 55°— Jesse Downs, 545— John, 223 — Margaret, 440 — Mary Helen, 501 — Morris, 240 — Peter, 237 — Saml., 336, 389 — Sarah, 493 — Wm., 336, 591. Dobbins, Archibald, 431 — James, 233. DoBSTER, Rebecca, 506. Dockaty, Saml., 495 — see Dougherty. DocKETT, Pamelia, 479. DoDD, Geo. and John, 210 — James, 209 — Mark, 211 — • Thos., 213. Dodo, Joseph, 199. DoDORO, Davis, 508. DoDSON, Elijah, 508 — Esther, 510 — Geo., 106 — Henry and John, 43 1 — Marv', 504 — Thos., 217. DoERR, Dorr, Jacob and Thos., 508 — Michael, 530. DoERNER, John, 507. DoFLER, Geo. and Peter, 508. DoGiN, Thos., 75. DoLAND, John, 522. Dole, James, 579. DoLEM\N, DoALMAN, Sarah, 185 ■ — Thos., 149. Doll, Cath., 5 1 1— Conrad, Geo., Jacob and John, 508. Dolly, Rachel, 471. 622 INDEX DoLviN, Daniel, 213. Dome, Doane, Done, Saml. and Thos., 431 — Wm., 238. DoMMER, Anna M., 510. Donald, John M., 431 — Lydia M, 422. Donaldson, Donnaldson, Aaron, 431 — Amelia T., 513 — ■ Bayly, 518— Benj., 275, 513— Elijah, 413 — Elizabeth and John, 69 — Levy and Rezin, 43 1 — Richd., 253, 431 — ^Tebitha, 465 — Thos., 43 1 — Zachariah, 275- DoNN, John, 150. Donnally, Donnelly, Donoly, Elizabeth and Patrick, 336— James, 242 — Simon, 431. DoNOHUE, etc., Danl., 192 — Margaret, 187 — Teague, 591. DoNNOVAN, Donovan, Amos, 175 — Danl., Elisabeth, Eph- ram, Hanah, Jacob, John, Joseph and Martha, 183 — Judith, 432 — Rachel, 175 — Thos., 183 — Wm., 175. DooDEL, Geo., 508. DooF, DoRF, Geo., 508 — Mary, 502. Dooley, Dooly, Edwd., 237 — James, 336 — Mary, 124 — Saml., 153. DoRAN, Hugh, John and Patrick, 238. DoRBEY, Mitchell, 153. Dorchester Co. Census of 1776, 35 to 87 — Militia, 339 — Nanta- coake Hundred, 89 — Straight's Hundred, 97. DoREWARD, Barbara, 533. DoRGAN, John, 337. Dorley, John, 102. DoRMAN, Sarah, 592. DoRRis, Turner, 591. DoRROTY, Ezekial, 91. DoRSETT, Nancy, 494 — Sarah Susan, 432 — Theodore, Thos. and Wm. N., 304. DoRSEY, Achsah, 479 — Ann, 432, 547, 550 (3) — Anna and Aquil- la, 554 — Arey, 479 — Basil. — Benedict, 148, 431 — Caro- line, 484, 550 — Daniel, 431 — Dorcas, 470 — Eassard, 148 — Edward Hill, 431 — Eleanor, 422, 431— Ely, 337, 431— Eliz., 466, 480 (2), 554 — Eliz. Ann, 550 — Eliz. W., 417, 426, 432 — Evan, 508 — Frances, 148 — Frisby, 148, 240 — Green- berry, 148 — Harriet, 441 — Henry H., 43 1 — Henry Wood- ward, (w) 564, 569 — John, 63, 405, 431, 554— John Bell, 148 —John Hammond, 236 — John W., 431 — Joshua, 431, 508 — Joshua W., 563 — Lacon, 530 — Lloyd, 547, 559 — Margaret, 459 — Margaret Ann, 436 — Mary, 148, 151, 418, 472, 482 — Mary Ann, 418, 487 — Michael, 508— Milcah, 148 — Mortimer, 550 — Nancy, 554 — Philip, 431 — Pricilla, 441 — Rebecca, 422, 480 — Reuben N., 431— Richd., 337, 432, 547, 55° (3), 558, 570 (Mother of) 570 — Richd. Stringer, 554 — Ruth, 481 — Sally Frisby, 148 — Sarah, 417, 432, 464, 567 — Sarah M., 480 — Sophia, 148, 460 — Susannah, 450 — Thos. Beale, 431, 567 — Thos. H., 432 — Vachel, 432, 508. Dorter (?), Jonathan, 226. DoTROw, John, 337. DouDLE, Eleanor, 422. DouGALL, Jonas, 287. Dougherty, Doherty, Dock- ATY, Daugherty, etc., Bar- bara, 337 — Geo., 152 — James, 523— Jean, 596— John, 152, 226 — Letty, 495 — Margaret and Mary Ann, 152 — Neal, 527 — Patrick, 530 — Saml., 152, 240, 495. Douglass, Ann, 492 — Benjn., 492 — Elizab., 536 — Joanna, 494— Robt., 337 — Wm., 518. See Dugless. 508 Douther, Douthet, Solomon, S2. 57- Dove, Ann, 416, 431 — John and Joseph, 432 — Mary, 449, 450 — Richd., 274 — Saml., 432 — Sarah, 470 — Susanna, 450. Dovel, Chas., 432. Dovi', Mary, 444 — Michael, 518. Dowden, Archibal Dunn, 545 — Cassandra, 559 — Elizabeth, 561— Juliet, 545— Lucy, 545— Mary, 450 — Massey, 545 — Sarah, 541, 545 — Thos., 518 — Zachariah, 541 (2), 545. Dowdett, John, 518. DowDLE, Wm., 337. Dowell, Benj., 508 — Mary, 500 — Peter, 20 — Rebecca, 511 — Richd., 432 — Wm., 227. Dowling, Edwd., 508 — Eliza- beth, 485 — Wm., 224. DowLOR, Beggy, 526. Down, Downes, Downs, Alfred, 555— Benj., 30, 31, 285— Cassandra, 555 — Dennis, 129 — Elizabeth, 484 — Henry, 288, 337 — Hynson, 210 (2) — James, 582 — ^Jonathan, 209 — Levin, 212 — Margaret, 457 — Mary, 30, 31 — Rachel, 582 — Richd., 558— Sally, 582— Wm., 555— Wilson, 496. Downey, Alexander, 508 — Ma- omy, 518 — Mary, 531 — Pat- rick and Tabitha, 199 — ^Thos., 198 — Valentine, 199 — Wm., 207. Downing, Butler, Elizabeth and Nathaniel, 337 — Frances, Francis, John, Molley, Puck, Rebecca, Ruth, Saml., Susanna and Wm., 114 — Henry, 266 — James, 265 — Mary, 534 — Ra- chel, 522. DowsY, Lakan, 530. Doyle, Mary, 516. Drane, Drain, Draen, Ann, 437. 550— Anthony, 276, 550 (2) — Eleann, 420 — Elizabeth, 475 — Henrietta, 435 — James, INDEX 623 276 — Rachel, 468— Richd., 432 — Sarah, 98 — Thos., 432 — Waher, 276. Draper, Gudall, 80 — John, 142 — Nemiah, 81 — Saml., 79 — Wm., 81. Dreacken, Isaac, 591. Drenter, Elizab., 511. Drew, Ann, 169 — Anthony, 168, 169, 240 — Geo., 169, 240 — Henry, 168, 240 — James, 168, 240 — Letitisha, 169 — Mary, Sarah and Philip, 168 — Re- becca, 169. Dreyton, Saml., 530. Drishale, Driskale, Elgate, 591 — Litle, 590. Dkiskin, Ann and Mary, 128. Driver, Christopher and Math- hew, 83 — Martin, 108. Druce, Eleann, 487. Drum, Peter, 508. Druman, James, 508. Drummond, Thos., 235. Drury, Anne, 423 — Chas., 432 — Elizabeth, 479, 482 — Henry C, Irvinghan and Jerningham, 432james, Nich . and Peter, 65 — Margaret, 443 — Mary, 419, 471, 472 — Ruth, 483 — Saml., 432 — Sophia, 425 — Wm., 65, 432. Druse, Martha, 475. Dryden, Catherine and Stephen, 591 — Rachel, 594. Duall, Mary, 507 — see Duvall. Dublin, John Stewart, 241. Dubs, Susanna, 457. DucE, Saml., 306. Duck, Elizabeth, 434. DucKER, John and Wm., 288 — Nathl., S18. DucKETT, Allen Bowie, 432 — Anne, 436 — Baruch, 302 — Basel, 432 — J. and Jacob, 262 — John, 266 — Martha, 441 — • Mary, 436, 458 — Richd., 296, 432 — Rignal, 302 — Thos., 432. Dudderas, Benjn., 498. Dudley, Abner, 198 — Ann, 423 — Edwd., 432. Dudney, Aleas and Mary, 91. DuDow, John, 432. Due, Duer, Ann, 437 — James and Joshua, 338 — Saml., 306. DuFFEE, Duffey, Bridget, 338 — John, 59S — Mary, 534— Thos., 338. Dugan, Duggin, Mary, 564 — ■ Robt., 493. DuGLESs — see Douglass; Bennet, Danl., Lindy and Sarah, 132 — Wm., 80, 198. DuHATTOWAY, Jacob, 312. DuiTT (Dewitt ?), Ann and Nathaniel, 582. Duke, Jesse, 496 — Thos., 172. DuLANY, Danl., 2 — Loyd, 7, 9, 12 — Margaret, 9. DuLEY, Duly, Barton, 521, 544 ■ — Henry, 258 — James, 233 — Martha, 544 — Sophia, 560 — Thos., 490, 544— Wm., 288. Dulshier, James, 432. Dultyg, Henry, 508. DuME, Jacob, 527. Dumming, Wm., 508. Dunbar, B. M., 574. Duncan, Dunkin, Duncan, Benj., 239, 432 — James, 241, 494 — Josiah and Levi, 591 — Robt., 198 — Wm., 591. Duncanson, Matilda, 567. DuNGEE, Joseph, 432. Dun — a — , Thos. and Wm., 114. Dunlap, Hannah, Catron and Wm., 582. Dunn, Geo., 432 — John, 227, 266, 432 — ^Juliana, 429 — Mary, 468 — Patrick, 432 — Thos., 173 — Wm., 338. DuNNAHOE, Dent, 238. Dunning, Butler, 338. DuNNiNGTON, EHza and Heze- kiah, 490. DuNNY, Simon, 237. DUNSHEATH, Wm., 247. DuppELLE, DupPEL, Antoiene, 338— Benj., 509. Durben, Durbin, Amos, Ann, Elizabeth and Francis, 191 — Aviller, 175, 191 — Cassandra, 149 — Danl., 149, 243 — Delila, 175 — Henry, 92 — James, 509 — John, 149 — Mary, 149, 191 — Rebecca and Sarah, 149 — Thos., 176, 184. Durell, Dunell, Lawrence, 82. Durham, i, Alizanah, Benj., Clemency, Danl., Elizabeth, Joshua, Precilla and Sarah, 125 — Hannah, 125, J35 — John, 125, 233 — Ann, 132 — Aquila, 132, 135, 236 — David, 247 — Elenn, 597 — Elinor, 132, 135 — James, 135 — Lee, Loyd and Mary, 132 — Mordicai, 135 — Saml., 132, 236 — Susannah and Thos., 132. Durkins, Ann, 224. Durner, Thos., 246. DuRRMAN, Mary Dorothy, 502. Durst, Henry, 509. DusiNG, Adam, 525 — Eve Cra- del, 523. DusiNGER, Elisab., 525. DuTENHOFFER, Michael, 509. DuTTON, Ann, 133 — Eleanor, 491 — Mary, 488, 494. DuTTOR, John, 124. Duvall, Abraham, 432 — Alex- ander, 302 — ^Ann, 436, 463, 542 — Anne, 415 — Benj., 268, 274. 275. 302> 338— Benj. of Elisha, 338 — Charlotte, 416 — Chas., 302 — Colmore,4 32 — Danl., 252 — David, 255 — Den- nis and Enus, 432 — Elizabeth, Ephraim and Henry, 433 — ■ Fredk. P. L., 254 — Gabriel, 272 — Howard, 274, 432 — Ja- cob, 274, 291, 433 — Jacob of John, 302 — James, 275, 542 — Jeremiah, 291, 306 — Jesse, 274 — John, 274, 302, 433 — John W., 433 — Joseph, 302, 338 — Joseph H., 433 — Lewis, 252, 272, 433 — Mareen, 274, 306, 433. 571— Margaret, 433— Margery, 485 — Marsh M., 302 — Mary, 433, 448, 456 — Na- than and Noah, 433 — Rector, 548 — Richd., 433 — Robt., 274 624 INDEX — Sally, 445 — Sam!., 291, 433, 509, 542 — Saml. B., 433 — Sarah, 417, 461, 484, 548 — Sophia, 465 — Susanna, 433 — Thos., 274 — Wm., 264, 433, 548 — Zachariah, 433. DuYER, Marea and Wm., 595. DuzAN, Alexander, 158 — Abra- ham, Elizabeth, Ezekiel, Eze- kiah, John, Nathaniel, Peter, Rachel and Wm., 144. DwERicKS, Valentine, 198. DwiGiNG, Robt., 229. DwuR, Darby V — . Dyal, John, 78 — Mary, 533. DwYER, Dyer, Darbey, 136 — Edward, 289 — Francis Clem- ent, 264 — Geo., 267 — Giles Green, 265 — Henry Edilen, 267 — Jeremiah, 268 — ^John, 265 — Peter, 199 — Saml., 518 — Thos., 264, 290, 433 — Walter, 338. Dykus, Abraham, 433. Dymock, Edwd., 582 — Hannah, 592 — Polly and Wm., 582. Dyson, Ann, 536 — Bennet, 496. Eades, Eads, Claressa, 456 — Rebecca, 515. Eager, Mary, 494. Eagle, Eaglin, Anne, 433 — James, 170, 240 — Margaret, 435- Eagon, Samson, 242. Eakenberger, Walter, 525. Eakle, Harman, 530. Eareckson, James, 199 — see Errickson. Earhart, Mary, 523. Earidge, Ruth 515. Earle, Eaerl, Catherine, 454 — Eliza Ann, 430 — James, 339 — Richd., 209 — Thos., 433. Earley, John, 509 — Wm., 303, 304- Earvin, Emmillis, 83. Easley, Kemble, 488. Easom, Mary (Willin), 409. Easton, Augustine, 555 — John, 509 — Levi, 561 — Martha, 517 — Polly and Sally, 555 — Sarah, 352 — Sarah (Jordan), 361 — Samuel, 433. Eastwood, Benj. and John, 293- Eater, Ann, 500. Eaton, Chas. W., 433 — ^John, 226 — Joseph, 530 — Leonard, 509 — Richd., 226, 433 — Wm., 509. Eattry, Anne, 448. Eavins — see Evans. Eavs, Nah, 246. Ebbert, Ebert, Augustus F. and Michael, 509 — Theodor, 530- Ebbs, Emanuel, 339. Eberly, Christina, 503 — Valen- tine, 509. Eberz, Mathew, 509. Ebit, Susanna, 504. Ebthorp, Thos., 52, 57. Eby, John, 509 Ecclesto.m, Hugh, 107 — Thos. F., 108. Echols, Eckels, Ekel, Henry, 531 — Margaret, 530 — Wm., 531- Eckes, Susanna, 498. Eckhardt, Eckhard, Anthony, 509 — Mary, 508. Eckman, Michael, 509. EcKSEN, Nichas, 237. Edelen, Edelin, Benedict, 265 — Christopher, 267, 289 — Edwd., 265, 488 — Eliza, 492, 497 — Francis, 488 — Geo., 492 — Henry, 268 — James Rud., 267 — John, 267, 289 — Joseph of Christo., 267 — Joseph, Jr., 266 — Leonard, 267 — Oswald, 493 — Philip, 289 — Raphael C, 347^Richd., 267 — Richd. Ba- sil, 267 — Saml., 69 — Sarah, 492 — Thos., Sr., 264 — Thos. P., 279 — Thos. Henderson, 433 — Wm., 290. Eden, James, John and Town- send, 69 — Benj., Elizabeth, Jeremiah, Mary, Sarah and — Wm., 172. Eden Town, 248. Eden Hundred, 194. Eder, Abrah., 509. Edgar, Adam, 218 — James, loi, 339 — John, Mary and Wm., lOI. Edgerly, Edward, 433. Edgworth, Philodelia, 514. Edington, Agatha, 496. Edeton, Elinor, 132. Edmonston, Edmundson, Archi- bald. 530 — Eliz. B., 563 — Hosea, 564 — James, 284 — John, 433 — Joshua, 38 — Nine- an, 254 — Thos., 509. Edwards, Abraham, 509 — Ann, 227 — Benj., 433 — Geo. W., 574 — James, 179 — Jane R., 574— John, 73. 433. 49i. S^i— Joseph, 173, 179 — Margret and Mar}', 179 — Mar>' S., 520 — Peggy, 536 — Sarah, 504 — Thos., 179, 433. Eg (Ely ?), John Henry, 509. Egell, Zedekiah, 433. Egerton, Lady Diana, i. Egleson, Ann, 598. Ehrkardt, Eliz., 503. Eikelberger, John, 339. (See Ichelberger.) EiNCK, Anna Mary, 512. EiSELL, John, 339. Eisennagel, Thos., 509. Ekin, Delieca, Jane C, Jusch, Nelly and Saml., 114. Ekenberger, Eve, 533 — Jacob, 531- Ekhart, Adam, 509. Ekls, Mary, 522. Elaxandrio, Robt., 79. Elburd, Wm., 91. Elder, Elijah, 433 — Hannah, 567 — May, 148 — Robt., 242 — Wm., 531. Eldridge, Britainham, 433. Elean, Grace, 519. INDEX 625 Eleaner, Mary, 520. Elebin, Mary, 135. Election District, Baltimore, 401. Elett, John and Thos.,91 — see Elliott. Elexon, Elixon, Elickson, Anne, 416 — James, 433 — John, 312. Elgin, Wm., 490. Eliason, Arimantha, 596 — Ebe- nezer and Elijah, 595. Elizabethtown, Marriages, 523. Elk Battalion, Cecil Co., 370. Elk Manor, 3. Elk Ridge Battn., Anne Arundel Co., 345. Eller, Esther, 502 — Jacob, 509. Ellicott, Chas. T., Elias, Geo. Benj., James, John, Jonath, Robt. and Thos., 339. Elligan, Mary, 519. Elliott, Eliot, Elett, etc., Ann, — Barbara, 529 — Benj., 595 — Danl., 433 — Edwd., 221 — Eleanor, 449 — Elisha "Iliot," 532 — Elizabeth, 450, 471— Geo., 39, 509 — Howard, 433 — James, 43, 433. 434— Jean, 534— John, 91, 339> 433— ^lark, 518— Mar>', 448, 478 — Rebecca, 199, 462 — Richd. and Saml., 434 — Robt., 339, 434 — Sarah, 435, 507— Thos., 91, 238, 339, 434. Ellis, Elles, Cassandra, 513 — - Eleanor, 151 — Ellis, 161 — Elizabeth and Hezekiah, 518 —John, 237, 293, 543— Joseph and Mary, 543 — Michael, 340 — Nicholas, 527 — Sarah, 454 — Thos., 340. Elrod, Wm., 53, 58. Elson, Archebald, 278 — Mary, 446 — Sarah 432 Eltham, John, 434. Elville, Elias, 563. Ely, Caleb, 434 — Hannah, 161, 176 — Hugh, Joseph, Malin, Rachel, Ruth, Sarah, Thos. and Wm., 161. Elzey, Polly, 594. 41 Emmerich, Eliz., 502. Emerson, Emmerson, Geo., 307 — John, 213, 267 — Richd., 210, 289 — Thos., 53 1 — Vincent, 210 — Wm., 434. Emery, Emory, Arthur, 205 — Chas., 340 — John, 80 — Thos., 214 — Will, Cap"., 211. Emmit, Abe J. and Wm., 509. Engel, Geo., 509. England, xvi, 75 — York and Watton, 574. England, Caterine, 135 — Joseph and Margaret, 498. English, King, 515. Enloes, Enlows, Abraham, Benj. and Mary, 41, 42 — • Henry, 312. Ennales, Ennalls, 105 — An- drew, 109 — Barthow, 103 — Elizabeth, 108 — Henr)', 91, 103 — John, 107 — Joseph and Thos., 103, 109 — Wm., 103. Ennis, Cutten, 591 — Elizabeth, 443 — Elizabeth Ann, 582 — Geo., 509 — Leonard, 340 — Martha, 582 — Sarah, 594— Sarah Margaret, 582 — Ste- phen, 582. Ensey, Dennis, 509 — Eleanor, 501. Ensinger, Susannah Maria, 163. Ensor, Thos., 241. Epler, Mary, 512. Eratt, Wm., 244. Erhart, John, 525. Erring, Wm., 434. Errickson, Errixon, Eareck- son, James, 199 — Mathew, 312, 434— Wm., 434. Erter, Eter, Abraham and John, 509. Erwin, James, 245, 340. Eseldein, John, 237. Estep, Eastep, Alex''., 25, 26 — ■ Anne Lyles, 440 — Catherine, 496 — John, 25 — Joseph, 515 — Lucy and Mary, 25 — Rezin, 434 — Richd., 25, 26. Ester, Esther, James, 244 — ■ Peter, 527. Etchberger, Wm. and Wolf- gang, 340. Etherington, Elizabeth, 595^ Sarah, 596. Eubanks, .'\dam, 227 — John, 224 — Rebecah, 224 — Wm., 272. EuRY, Mary E., 499. Eostice, Mary, 517. EusTON, Jane, 495 EuTT, Seth Hill, 791 Evans, Evens, Evins, Eavins, Allison, 521 — Ann, 456, 583 (2) — Anna, 439 — Anne, 464 — Benj., 170, 239, 434 — Cabel, 509 — Danl.. 434 — David, 247 — Ebenezer, 583 — Edmund, 123, 591 — Edward, 583 — Eli- sha, 582, 583 — Elizabeth, 451, 582 (2), 583 (2)— Esther, 595 — Evan, 152, 241 — Fisher Henry, 91 — Gammgy, 582 (2), 583 — Griffith, 242, 246 — Guy, 513 — Hannah, 434 — Hannah Stook or Stock, 583 — Henry, 165, 264, 434 — Herpo- well, 583 — Hugh Wm., 434 — Isaac, 527 — Jane, 517 — Jesse, 583— John, 308, 509, 582, 583 (2) — John of Nicho., 409 — Jonathan, 199 — Joshua, 591 — Jussin (Jussier ?), 582 — Leah, 583 — Luraner (Freeman), 583 — Lydia, 434 — Margaret, 487 — Martha, 590 — Mary, 91, 109, 224, 583 (2)— Moley, 582 —Nathaniel, 583— Peter, 591 — Priscilla, 542 — Rachel, 542, 580, 582 (2) — Rebecca, 498 — Richard, 434 — Robert, 513 — Rodah, 583— Rufus, 583— Saml., 107, 434, 542 — Sarah, 582, 583— Thos., 340, 434— Walter, 251, 583 — Will, 210 — Wm., 144, 340. 535. 583— Zelah, 582 EvELANT, Peter, 51, 56 EvELY, John, 568. Everest, Benj., Cassandria, James, John and Richd., 146 — Joseph and Margaret, 146, 147 — Thos., 146, 158 — Chas. 626 INDEX Eleanor, Lydia and Mary, 147 — Elizabeth, 147, 158. Everett, Evett, James, 233, 234, 246 — John, 531 — Joseph, 81 — Margaret, 178 — Sam!., 234— Wm., 178, 179. EvERSFiELD, Barbara, 451 — Mar>', 432 — VVm. Marshall, 434- EvisoN, Richd., 434. Ewell, Jesse, 434. EwEN, Alexander, 234. Ewerly, Peter, 509. EwiNG, Alexander, Jane, John and Joseph, 133 — James, 133, 340— Nathl., 535. Even, Frederick, 340. Ezgate, Valentine, 199. Fabbs, Moses, Rev., 73. Fackler, Catharine, 528. Fagan, Wm., 518. Fah, Abraham, 509. Fahly, Geo., 509. Fairall, Farall, Benj., Ho- ratio, Jason, Levi and Thos., 434— Sarah, 435. Fairbairn, Fairborne, Mary, 430 — Wm., 268. Fairbanks, Anna, David and Phill""., 220 — Danl. and Mary, 221. Fairbrother, Francis, 340, 434 — Louisa, 466 — Patience, 340. Faire, Elizabeth, 435. Faivale, Danl., 307. Fakes, John, 258. Falconer, Falconar, Falkner, Eliza, 518 — Gilbert, 274, 302 — Jacob, 6 — ^Jerusha, 596 — Wm., 199. Faldo, Chas., 286. Fallin, Sarah, 515. Fanbel, David, 509. Faner, John, 509. Fannehill, Harriet, 506. Fanton, Cornelius, 434. Farbush, Jean, 199. Fardo, Margaret, 518. Farelong, Bridget, 514. Farguson — see Ferguson. Faris, Abigail, 449 — Ann, 463. Farlow, Jesse, 591. Farmer, Henry, 531 — John, 180 — Tamassina, 467 — Thos., 595. Farr, John, 491 — John B., 489 ^Martha, 590 — Mary, 488 — Nicholas, 304 — Richd., 225. Farrar, Sarah, 473. Farrell, Farroll, Farrill, John, 52, 57, 579 — John Dent, 549 — Kennedy, 52, 57 — Mar- tha, 549 — Mar}-, 451 — Sarah, 416 — Thos., 169, 531 — Zephe- niah, 549. Farthing, James, 77, 509 — Mar)-, 77. Farwell, Levinah (Tubes), 588. Fas, Joseph, 531. Fassit, Fasset, Elizabeth, 588 — John, Mary and Sarah, 581. Fauble, Mary, 509. Faulkner (see Fraulkner), Abraham, Isaac and Thos., 223 — Gilbert, 207. Faut, Philippina, 508 — Rebecca, 511 — Wm., 509. Favorite, Abrah., jio. Fawsett, Elizabeth, Frances and Jonathan, 142. Feagler, Cath., 508. Fearall, John, 274. Pearson, Ann, 492 — Joseph, 341. Feat, David, 247. Fedeman, Fedmon, Colo, 337 — Batt, 81. Fee, Elizabeth, 560. Feichtner, Martin, 531. Feigele, Peter, 531. Fein, Peter, 510. Feldman, Cath., 508. Fell, Wm., 172. "Felps," Robert, 307 — see Phelps. Feltner, Cath., 533. Felvey, Ann, 521. Fendall, Henry, 489 — John, 212 — Sabina, 495. Fender, Stephen, 254. Fennell, Fennall, Caleb, 434 — Dorcas, 454 — Eleanor, 458 — Patience, 453 — Stephen, 341 — Wm., 434. Fenwick, Athenatious, 343 — Bennett, 66, 67 — Cuthbert, 66 — Enoch, 63, 64 — Leo, 434 — Ignatius, 63, 64, 68 — ^James, 493— Richd., 434. Fenwick Manor, 68. Ferguson, Fergerson, Fargu- son, FuRGUsoN, Andrew, 244 — Ann, 483 — Bell, 426 — Bet- tey, 100 — Collen, 105 — Danl., 510 — Elizabeth, 419 — James, 284 — John, 259, 341 — Molley, loi — Rezin, 572 — Wm., 284, 591- Fernandis, Bennedicta, 496 — Sarah, 491. Ferrell, Ferrill, Delilah, 545 — Edmund, 199 — Ester, 481— John, 525 — Martha, 545 — Wm., 224, 510 — Zephemiah, S45- Fervott, Peter, 527. Few, Priscilla, 420. Fiarbrother, Elfreda, 449. Fickle, Benj., 341. FicKus, Charles, vi, 488, 497' 513, 522, 535- FiDDAMAN, Ann, 219. FiE, Baltus, John and Mary, 145. Fields, Abraham, 518 — Demus, 434 — Elizabeth, 146 — Geo., 341, 527— John, 548, 559— John Riley, 548 — Joseph, Sarah and Susannah, 146 — Luke, 513 — Mary, 548 — Wm., 146, 489. Fife, Eliz., 542 — James, 567 — John, 542, 552 — Rebecca, 542, 552, 567. FiFER, James, 518. Fight, Rachel, 531. Fightmaster, Sarah, 522. Fifth Battn., Queen Anne's Co., 407. Fifth Ind. Co. Reg. Troops, 398. INDEX 627 FiLius, John and Joseph, 510. FiLSON, Saml., 510. FiMSES, Mary Ann, 497. Finch, Thos., 258. FiNKBOHNER, John, 510. FiNLEY, Chas., 265 — Doctor, 127 — ^James and John, 246 — Joseph, 236 — VVm., 527. FiNLEYSON, Geo., 341. FiNNA, Alender, 173. FiNNAGON, Patrick, 233. Finney, John, 531. FiNNix, Andrew, 208. Firman, John, 308. FiRY, Jacob, 525. Fish, Aggie E., 575 — Eleanor, 562 — Elizabeth, 544, 545, 548, 550 — Francis, 548, 550 (2)^ Geo. and Geo. F., 575 — Harriet, 544 — Hatton, 561 — Marj- Jeanes, 545 — Matilda, 548 — Priscilla, 571 — Richd., 434— Robt., 544, 545, 548, 5SS> 569. (w) 571— Ruth, 548 — Sallie Ann (Bohanan), 573 — ^Wm., 564. Fishback, John, 510. Fisher, Abraham, 82, 307 — Amelia, 170 — Anne, 455 — Asll, 9 — Barbara, 555 — Benj., 545 — Delilah, 500 — Drusilla, 549, 555 — Eleanor, 485 — Elizabeth, 161, 426, 559, 594 — Isabella, 161 — James, 161 — Jane, 425, 532— John, 91, 161, 434, 435, 494i S'3 — Joseph, 341 — Lewis, 435 — Marlin, 435 — Martin, 496 — Mar)', 161, 549 — Ma- tilda, 545 — Philip, 341 — Sarah, 161, 447 — Susanna, 449 — Thos., 161, 170, 435 — Thos. Lyles, 545 — Wm., 159, 161, 167, 170, 435, 549, ;s5. Fishing Creek Hundred 89. Fitch Sophia 522. Fitchgarel Margret and Marj- 178. Fitsgarrell, James, 145 — Mary and Thos., 152. FiTsiMMONS, Patrick, 153, 169. Fitzgerald, Fitzjerrel, Benj., 341 — Catherine, 448 — Jere- miah, 512 — John, 490, 510 — Matthew, 515 — Nicholas, 341 — Rebecca, 220 — Richd., 129 — Ruth, 563. Fitzgiles, Elizabeth, 424. Fitzhugh, Danl. Dulany, 435 — VVm., 341. Fitzpatrick, Michael, 147 — Nathan, 341. Flaherti-, Mar)-, 477 — Patrick, 435- Flanagin, Elizabeth, 148. Flatt, John, 238. Flaxion, ."^nn, 491. Fleecer, Catharina, 531. Fleetwood, Ann and Hannah, 190 — Benj., 190, 435. Fleming, Flemming, etc., Anna, 590 — Caleb, 510 — Cath., 519 — David, 224 — Elizabeth, — — John, 518 — Mar)% 563 — Richd., 435 — Saml., 510 — Sarah, 532 — Wm., 435. Flenner, Eliz., 525. Fletcher, James, 595 — John, 572 — Philip, 342 — Priscilla, 521 — Sarah, 531 — ^Thos., 518, (w) 567. Fleury, Wm., 496. Flick, Andrew, 510 — Christina, 523 — Jacob, 510. Flikin, Christine, 533. Fling, James and James W., 342. Flinn, Judith, 516. Flonagan, Dennis, 342. Flood, Judah, 424. Flook, Fluck, Fluke, Henry, John, Peter and Mat., 510 — Sarah, 500. Flora, David, 510. Flowers, Mar)-, 421. Flowd, Floyd, Cath., 531 — Joseph, 227. Flueheart, Stephen, 510. Fly, Mar)-, 423. Flying Camp, 336, 363, 366, 371. 375- Foard — see Ford. Fogelgesang, Christ. and Marg., 525. Foggell, Foggett, Arthridge, 342 — Rebecca, 423 — Richd., 342. 435- Fogler, Mary E., 449 — Simon, 342. Foible, Casper, 435. Foister, Richd., 291. Folkner, Ann and Robt., 169. Folks, Catherine, 463 — Mary, 457 — Mar)- Anne, 459 — 01i\-ia, 485. Follen, Barnebay, 100 — Daniel, 99- FoNDERBURG, Cath., 507. Font (?), Peter, 156. Fooss, Elizth., 221. Forbes, James, 26, 47 — John, 492. Ford, Foard, Alexander, 147 — Althanasius, 65 — Ann, 533— .\nny, 491 — Benj., 147 — Blanch, 156 — Charity, 492 — Chas., 229 — Charlotte, 464— Constantania, 492 — Danl., 199,435 — Eleanor, 551 — Eliza- beth, 156, 491, 551 — Geo., 147 — Hannah, 156 — Hezekiah, 342 — Isaac, 199 — James, 156, 190— John, 65, 435, 495, SSI- Joseph, 147, 342, 435 — Mara- bel, 147— Mark S. D., 575— Mar)-, 147, 156, 575 — Nancy, 432 — Oleve, 190 — Penelope, 489 — Sarah, 147 — Susanna, 424 — Thos., 156 — Wm., 147, 265, 267, 435 — Wm. H., 575. Fore, Valentine, 523. Foreklan, Forman, .Ann, 421 — Anne, 463 — Araminta, 436— Arthur, 199 — Ellen, 439 — Henry, 435— John, 199, 435— Joseph and Leonard, 435 — Marian, 486 — Milley, 467 — Rachel, 458 — Saml. and Wm., 435- FoRGSON, Josias, 301. Forgerson, Abigill, 181 — An- drew, 181, 182 — Annah (Han- 628 INDEX nah?), 182— Benj., 182— Da- vid, 181 — Elisabeth and Saml. Smith, 182. FoRMAR, Wm., 107. FoRQUHAR, Robt., 510. FoRRAGE, Crister, 178. FoRRELL, James, 149. Forrest, Jonathan and Millie 497 — Rebecca, Thos., 66 — Urich, 343 — Zachariah, 66, 73. FoRRiSDALE, Stanford, 242. FoRRiSTER, FoRSTER, Basil, Benj., John (2) and Joseph, 435 — Mary Ann, 429 — Sarah, 463. FoRSYTHE, Isaac, 562. Fort, Dority, Franses, Marj', Naney and Peter, 176. Forth AR, Charity, 565. FoRTNER, Nelly (Boming) and Wm., 583. Fortney (Fortny), David, 510 — Elizabeth, 527. Forty, John, 435. Forward, Jacob, 153, 495. Forwood, Constance, Faithful, Gean and Jacob, 169. FossET (Fasset?), Elizabeth (Tingle), 588— James, 275. Foster, Foister, Basil, 275 — Betsey, 114 — Elizabeth, 37, 91 — Fedelivus, John, Keatty, Peggy, Phidelis and Rebecca, 114 — Henr>-, 238 — Jeremiah, 48 — Joseph, 82 — Saml., 238— Thos., 343. Fountains, Nichs., 312 — Sarah, 468. FouNTON, Andrew, 84 — John, 81 — Merey, 84 — Saml., 79 — • Thos., 79, 84— Wm., 81. Fourth Md. Reg., 365. FoUTHER, Elizabeth, 223. FowcATE, Peter, 312. Fowler, Abs., 211 — Ann Carey, 476 — Anne, 487 — Balack and Danl., 435— David, 188— Elie, 435 — Elizabeth, 188, 466, 467, 533— Frances, 155— Geo., 435 — Hannah, 480 — Henry, 562 — Isaac, 258 — James, 435 — Jere- miah, 258, 274 — Jesse, 597 — ■ John, 188, 435 — Joseph, 188, 258, 298 — Margaret, 465 — Mark, 435 — Martha, 155— Mary, 155, 156, 426, 450, 454, 457. 458 — Milcah, 485 — Pat- rick, 188 — Peregrine, 156 — Rachel, 155 — Rebecca, 450, 480 — Rebecca W., 420 — Rezin, 436 — Richd., 284 — Saml., 155 — Sarah, 462 — Sophia, 457 — Thos., 275— Thos. M., 343— Wm., 156, 188, 236. Fox, Anthony, 343 — Clara, 487 — Geo., 436, 460 — James, 436 — Mar>-, 455 — Rebecca, 125 — Richd., 238— Ruth, 441 — Sarah, 125 — Susanna, 517 — Uriah, 510. FoxcROFT, Saml. and Wm., 436. FoxwELL, Eliz^, John and Ra- chel, 97 — Isaac, 107 — Levi, 100 — Roger, 100. FoY, John, 531. Fraley, Catherine Ann, 498. Frame (Trame.'), John, 191— Wm., 531. France, 335. Frances, Elizab., 505. Francis, John, 285, 436. Franklin, Alexandria, 591 — Anne, 460 — Aitridge, 484 — Benj., 436 — Charlotte and Francis, 583 — Elizabeth, 432, 482 — Isabella, 171,436 — John, 436, 491— Mar>-, 430, 451— Polly, 592— Rachel, 418, 430 — Rebecca, 419 — Richd. and Robt., 436 — Thos., 343, 436, 583, 591— Wm., 436, 591— Franklin and Gott, 17. Frankling, Artridge, 463. Franks, John, 343. Eraser, Ale.x'., 301. Fraulkner, Robt., 237. Fray, Eliz., Jerrard and Joseph, 551- Frazier, Frasier, etc., Danl., 266, 436 — Elizabeth, 343 — Henrietta M., 344 — Henry' 306 — James, 343, 436 — John, 77, 251, 266, 305 — Levin, 343 — Lewis Jones, 268 — Mary, 499 — Penelope, Priscilla, Saml. and Solomon, 344 — Richd., 436 — Robt., 308 — Susan, 343 — Wm., 305, 344, 436. Frederick, Elizab., 523 — Sixth, Lord Baltimore, 1 to 78 — County, 43 to 60, 497 to 513 — Militia, 372, 410. Free, Ann, Chas., John Read and Sophia, 549 — Harriot, John and Turicia, 55 1 — Nich'., 283. Freeburgher, John, 436. Freeland, Francis, 255 — Mary, 483 — Sarah, 484. Freeman, Benj., 303 — Elizabeth (Mumford), 586— F. V., 575— Henry, 312 — John, Luraner (Evans) and Moses, 583 — Thos., 234 — Wm., 436. Freemen of Md., 373. French, Martin, 523 — Nicholas, 436 — Otho, 510. French Ambassador Pichon, 570. Freshwater, Nancy, 590. Frew, Alex''., James and Rose, 122 — John, 247. Frexund, Sus., 512. Frey — see Fr)-. Fridshey, John, ;io. Friend, Ann, 493 — Elizab., 532 — Tobias, 531. Friendship Co., Dorchester Co. Militia, 339. Frier, Isaac, 233. Fries, Michael, 510. Frigate Virginia, 365. Frisby, Hariot and Mary, 142 — James and Wm., 344 — Thos. Peregrine, 142, 240. Fritchie, Susannah, 531. Fritz, Cath., 526. Frizzie, Frizzel, Dolly, 523 — Eleanor, 473 — Lloyd T., 510 — Rachel, 498. Froehlich, John, 510. INDEX 629 Froschaner, Cath., 513. Froshauer, Cath., 502. Frost, Joseph and Mary, 39 — Rebecca, 440. Frout (Trout ?), Martin, 47. Fruit, Regina, 534. Fry, Frey, Danl., 510 — Eliza- beth, 479 — Geo., 44 — James, 266 — John, 47, 525, 560 — Leonard, 266 — Mary and Mary Elizab., 530 — Nicholas, 510 — Polly, 562. Fryer, Francis, 521 — Horace, 547 — Keziah, 516 — Margery, 547 — Rachel, 562 — Walter, Si8, 547- FucHS, Cath., Henry, John and Peter, 510. FuGATE, Ann, 532. FuLFET, John, 247. Fulford, John, 344, 376, 436. FuLK, Eve, 456 — Mary, 180. FuLKS, Catherine, 564 — Eleanor, 560 — Margaret, 550 — Mary, 542, 550 — Solomon, 542 — \Vm., 542, 550. Fuller, Henr>', John and Nehe- miah, 40 — Mary, Rebecca and Sophia, 472 — Robt., 286. Fulton, Alexis, Cassandra, Han- nah, James, Letitia, Pricilla, Rachel, Susannah and Wm., 123 — Elizab., 501 — Geo., 51° — John, 123, 239 — Robt., 54, S8> Sio- Fultz, Philip, 510. Funk, Jacob, 525. Furburiere, Nicholas and Su- san, 559. Furguson, Ann, 483 — see Fergu- son. Furlong, Thos., 436. FuRNivAL, Louisa Sophia, 500. Furrough, Jesse, 91. Fye, Godfrey, 245. Fyers, Joseph, 510. Gabard, John, 489. Gaber, David, 510. Gach, John, 510. Gadd, Thos., 344. Gafford, Chas., John, Sarah and Valentine, 199. Gaffrey, Mary, 533. Gainer, John, Joseph and Wm., 28. Gaither, Agnes, 436, 460 — Benj., 274, 345 — Constarine, 451 — Danl., 542, 554 — Der- mes, 436 — Edwd., 44 — Eliza- beth, 458 — Ephraim, 436 — Frederick, 554 — Greenbur>', 518, 542 — Henrietta, 542, 554 — Henry, 542 — Jane, 554 — Jerrard and John, 436 — John ^L, 345, 436 — Joshua and Juliet, 436 — Maria, 554 — Mar- gery, 422— Mar>', 437, 485, 532 — Nicholas, 518 — Otho S., 345 — Rachel, 423 — Ralph and Ruth, 436 — Saml. Riggs, 554 — Sarah, 459, 475, 542 — Seth and Vachel, 436 — Wm., 72, 436— Zach., 345, 436, 542. Gale, Elizabeth, 481 — Henry, 34S> 35° — Peter, 306 — Wm., 237- Galer (?), Thos., 286. Gallager, Gallaher, John, 345. 400- Gallaway, Galloway, James, 436 — Mary, 453 — Thos., 494. Gallen, John, 518. Gallion, Abarillar, 173 — Alex''., 161 — Betty, 177 — Christian, 173 — Cumfort, 177, 188— Elizabeth, 144, 161, 188 — Geo., 173— Gilbert, 177, 188— Gregory, 161 — Henrietter, 144 — James, 144, 161, 177, 188 — John, 147, 161, 192 — Jos., 161 — Martha, 144, 147, 173 — Mary, 144, 173, 188, 192 — Mathew, 192 — Nathan, Phebe and Priscilla, 173 — Rachel, 144, 173, 177, 188 — Ruth, 177, :88— Saml., 188— Sarah, 161, 173, 188— Thos., 177, 188— Wm., 144, 161. Galton Margaret, 561. Galwith, Galworth, Gabriel, 345 — John, 18, 299 — Jonas, 19 — Nancy, 564. Gambare, John, 345. Gambell, Gambrel, Gambrill, Abraham, 345 — Amos, 436 — Augustine, 436 — Elizabeth, 426, 437 — Geo., 437 — Gideon, 345— John, 91— Levina, 453— Margaret, 465 — Maria, 478— Mary, 447 — Mary (Baldwin), 317 — Rezin, Richd. and Ste- vens, 437 — Sarah, 91, 473, 481 — Thos. and Wm., 437. Gambia, Richd., 492. Games, Stephen, 200. Ganell, Ganniel, Henney, 431 —Jane, 53°- Ganetson, Freeborn and Richd., 237- Gannon, 230. Ganson, Eliza, 476. Gantt, Benj. L., 338, 389 — Edwd., 302 — Erasmus, 272 — Geo., 305 — Henry, 437 — James, 265 — Levi, 284 — Thos., 305. Gapes, Thos., 510. Gardif, Christopher, 91. Gardiner, Gardner, Abraham, Benj., Chas. and Edwd., 437 — Ann, 443, 487 — Bullet, 70 — Cassandra, 549, 553 — Elex- ander, 192 — Elizabeth, 432, 463 — Geo., 21, 272, 437 — Hezekiah, 496 — James, 437, 553— John, 70, 437, 549, 533, 559 — John Chunn, 488 — John McPherson, 437 — Margaret, 472. 477— Mary, 445-461, 549 — Obed, 437 — Rebecca, 443 — Richd., 221, 437 — Sally, 460 — Saml., 437 — Sarah, 444, 467, 492 — ^Thos., 437, 535 — Wm., 437 — Willy, 474 — Zachariah, 437- Garehart, Catherine, 527. Garey, Amos, Ann and Everard, 555— Mrs., 565. 630 INDEX Garland, Cathrin, 171 — Fran- cis, 152, 240 — Henry, 173. Garlon, Philip, 563. Garmnie, Andrew, 510. Garner, Benj., 437 — Joseph, 84 —Mary, 443 — Parrish, 80 — Phoebe, 504 — Wm., 497. Garnes, Margaret, 484. Garnett, Geo., 4, 8 — Thos., 8 — Wm., 200. Garr (.'), Richd., 225. Garrard, Sarah, 528. Garrets, Rutgerson, 312. Garrett, Amos, 148, 158, 243 — Francis, 148 — Hannah, 504 — Milcah, 148 — Nancy, 496 — Wm., 562. Garrettson, Garrison, Alley and Benj., 170 — Aquila, 152 — Bennett, 151 — Cornelius, 242, 437 — Elizabeth, 144, 152, 156, 495 — Frances, 149, 156 — Free- born, 152, 157 — Garrett, 144, 151, 170, 240 — James, 151 — ^John, 143, 241 — Martha, 143, 156 — Man^ 151 — Mary Golds*"., 156 — Richd., 152, 172 — Sarah and Susannah, 144. Garrot, Garrott, Elizth., 554 — John, 80 — Marv-, 520 — Thos., 554, 560 — Wm., 242, SS4- Garston, Ann, 440 — Elizabeth, 421 — Geo., 437 — Susannah, 483— Thos., 437. Garth, James, 345. Gartrell, Aaron, 5^9 — Chas., — , — Francis, 571 — Francis Rawlings, 516 — Jehosephat, 437— Stephen, 438. Garvin, John, 531. Gary, Everrad, 561 — Leonard and Lloyd, 438. Gashauer, Cath., 505. Gassaway, Elie, 438 — Elizabeth L., 346— Henry, 345, 438, 564 —John 346, 438, — Lavinia, 464 — Louis, 438 — Mary, 463 — Nicholas, 438 — Sophia, 437 — Susannah, 425. Gatchell, Saml. H., 346. Gates, Eliza, 490 — James, 496 —Joseph, 535— Wm., 346. Gatewood, Gat\vood, Eliza, 492 — Elizabeth, 416. Gath, Elizabeth, Hannah, Mar- tha, Mar>- and Thos., 157. Gatton, Ann, 545 — Aquila, 563 — Carleton Ray, 553 — Cas- sandra, 570 — Kitty, 572 — Mary, 519 — Ruth, 553 — Saml. Franklin, 545 — Sarah, 567 — Thos., 553 — Wm., 518 — Zach- ariah, 545, 571. Gattrell, Ann and Deborah, 516. Gaudy, Abraham, 511. Gault, Archibald, Rachel and Sally, 583— Obed., 580. Gaut, Danl., 511. Gavvett, John, 235. Gawley, Wm., 172. Gay, Sarah, 597. Gears, John, 595. Geber, Lydia, 503 — Mary, 505. Gebhard, Gebhardt, Eliz., 504 — Geo., John and Peter, 511 — Harriet, 507. Gebler, Gotlieb, 511. Gedon, Dan!., 511. Gehr, Margaret, 505. Gehret, John, 511. Geiger, Margaret, 53 1. Geiniz, John Wm., 511. Geissinger, David, 346 — Frantz, 511. Geister, Margaret, 505. Gelley, Wm., 240. Gelon, Gelor, James, 226. Gelsinger, Mathew, 523. Gelwicks, Geo. C, 511. Gemtz, Wm., 527. Gentle, Eleanor, 519 — Elizab. and Geo., 518 — Thos., 252. George, Bartlet, 199 — John, 511 — Joseph, 531 — Sarah, 596. Geoghegan, Denton and Rob- ert, 438 — Elizabeth, 459. Gerald, Herbert P., 572. Gerecht, Justiss, 511. Gerger, John, 511. Geringer, Eliz., 501. Germ.'^n, John, 495. German Regiment, 316, 330, 340, 341, 362, 363, 364, 391. Gerrish, Edwd., 346. Gerson, Cath., 512. Gess, Jonathan, 511. Gestes, Geo., 199. Gettings, Thos., 564. Getty, John, 561 — Robt., 438. Getzendanner, Gietzentan- NER, Goetzendanner, etc., Abraham, Adam, Balthaser (2), Christian, Eliz., Henry, Jacob (2), John and Thos., 511 — Cath., 500 — Mary, 512. Geyer, Danl. and Henry, 511. Ghant, Geo., 492. Ghislline, Catherine, 447— Deborah, 442, 447 — Reverdy, 438. Gibbons, John, 304 — Margaret, 440 — Thos., 308 — Walter, 304 — Wm., 308. Gibes, Betsey, 591 — Elizabeth, 426 — John, 247 — John Harris, 268 — Mary, 531 — Rainey, 596 — Thos., 438. GiBHART, Peter, 346. Gibson, Gipson, Francis, 238 — John, 228, 238, 438 — John Lee, 239 — Jo. S., 217, 228, 230 — ^Joshua, 538 — Maria E., 476 —Robt., 191 — Willey, 477 — Wollman, 228 — WoUman L, 397- GiEST, Sarah, 474. Giesy, John, 511. GiFFiN, James, 103 — Robt., 236. GiFFORD, GiFFERT, Hannah, 192 —Robt., 438. Gilbert, Amous, 192 — Ann, 7, 524 — Aquilla, 244 — Aquiller, 192 — Ara, 499 — Chas., 191, 193, 243, 244 — David, 511 — Elizabeth, 191, 192 — Fanny, 177 — Geo., 7 — Gidian, 192 — James, 177, 192 — John, 6, 7, 10 — Martha, 177, 191 — Mar- INDEX 631 tin and Maren Taylor, 191 — Mar>', 177, 179, 191, 192 — Mathew, 192 — Michael, 177, 179. 191. »92. 243. 244— Parker, 192, 243 — Peter, 511 • — Philip, 243 — Prissiller, 192 — Samuel, 179, 243 — Sarah, 177, 191, 192 — Taylor, 243 — Thos., 5, 6, 7, 10, 177 — \Vm., 192. GiLBORTHOP, Sarah, 509. Giles, Ann, 172 — Anne, 178 — Carolina, 165 — Edwd., 239 — Elizth., 165, 178 — Hannah, 165 — Henr>-, 172 — Jacob, 156, 172, 178, 179, 237 — Jacob W., 172 — James, 172, 241 — Jo- hanna, 172, 179 — Nathl. and Sarah, 165 — Susanna, 172 — Thos., 237. Gill, Gills, Anne, 514 — Eck- hardt, 511 — Elizabeth, 475 — James, 279 — John, 187 — Moses, 279 — Stephen, 438 — Thos., 267, 493. GiLLAN, Jacob, 438. GiLLETT, Sarah, 592. GiLLis, GiLLES, Arthur, 115 — Levin Irving, 539, 540 — Mar- garet, 463. GiLLisoN, Jane, Mary and Noble, 115 — John, 115, 438. GiLMAN, Joseph, 346. GiLMORE, Chas., 240. Gilpin, Edwd., 304 — Geo., 438 — Mar>', 489 — Wm., 346. GiNiNGS (see Jennings), Chas., V, 259. Gist, Sarah, 466. GiTTINGER, GiTTINGS, Azel, 40, 41 — James, 39, 40, 41 — Jane, 505 — John, 511 — Joseph, 564 — Sus., 39, 501 — Rebecca, 507 — Thos., 39, 40, 41. GiVANS, James and Robt., 591. Gladind, Gladden, Jacob, 247 — Polly, 591 — Robt., 27. Gladstone, Nathan, 81. Glain, Margret, 178. Glandin, Glanding, John, 104 — Nathan, 199 — VVm., 80. Glasco, Glasgow, Geo., 579 — Wm., 496. Glaze, Anna and Marg. Ma- gruder, 544— Mary, 544 (3), 550 — Ruth, 544, 568 — Wm., 544 (3)> 550— Wm. Turner, 550. Glazier, John, 346. Gleaves, John, 4, 6, 8. Glebe — see Church. Glen, Glenn, Gleen, 14 — Annas, ;, 6 — Joseph, 114 — Mary, 1 14, 457 — Peregrine, 595 — Robt., 114, 246. Glieve, Geo., 217. Glisson, James, 511. Gloglan, Patrick M., 171. Glover, Ann, 444 — Eleanor, 476 — Elizabeth, 433, 445— Mary, 177 — Sarah, 450 — Thos., 306 — Wm., 438, 535. Goatee, Fredk., 438. GoDDARD, Edwd. Barton, 346 — Elizabeth, 495 — Ignatius, 64 — John, 64, 346 — Mary and Mo"haca, 64. Godding, Elizabeth, 106. Godfrey, Godphrey, Eliz., 439, 553 — Francis Deakins, 553 — Levi, 591 — Wm., 302, 553. GoDMAN, Goodman, Chas., 133 — Edwd., 438 — Humphrey, 438 — Jemima, 424 — Saml., 347 — Sarah, 424 — Wm., 438. Gody, Matthew, 496. GoFFEY, Henry, 235. GoHACAN, Wm., 518. Going, Eleoner, 496. Golden, Golder, Archibald, 438 — Margaret, 561 — Saml. and Sarah, 552, 563 — Susanna, 552 — Walter, 347. GoLDiE, Geo., 535. GoLDiNG, Daniel, 564. GOLDSBERRY, ChaS., 347 Henry, Jane, John Baptist, Margaret and Robt., 63 — Nicholas Dowlin and Stephen Dowlin, XV. GoLDSBOROUGH, Ann, 347, 461 — Capt. (Talbot Co.), 369 — Chas., 347 — Howse, 225 — Nich'. Dowlin, 75 — Richd., 438 — Robt., 107, 225 — Sarah Eliz*., 436 — Stephen Dowlin, 75 — ^Thos. and Wm., 438. Goldsmith, Elizabeth, 437 — Rebecca, 476 — Rosannah, 127 — Thos. and heirs, 347 — Vincent, 127, 244. GoLE, Baker, 527. GoMBER, GoMER, Barb., 505 — Elizab., 503 — Jacob, 5 1 1 — John, 347. GoNEE, Rudolph, 595. GoNiNS, Geo., 170. GooDARD, Valentine, 531. Goodhand, James, Letitia and Marmaduke, 206 — Nathaniel, 207. Gooding, James, 199. Goodley, Polly, 499. Goodman, Sarah, 438. GooDRicK, Joseph, 488. Goodrum, Henrietta, 535. GooDvifiN, Anne, 449 — -Ary, 468 — Eleanor, 460 — Jacob, 518 — John, 438 — Mary, 442 — Pres- ton, 79, 81, 85 — Richd., 438 — Sarah, 448 — Wm., 233. Gootee, Andrew, loi — John, 100. Gooves, Thos., 220. Gordon, Gordin, Agnis, 115 — Alexander, 146, 240 — ^Archi- bald. 347 — Catherine, 146 — ■ Eleanor, 143 — Elizabeth, 115, 134. 347, 523— Geo-. 47. 288, 531 — Hannah, 134 — Henry, 114 — James, 91, 115, 143, 146 — Jane, 115 — John, 47, 114, 115, 252, 347— Joseph, 143, 511 — Josiah, 259 — Margaret, 115. 134— ^'lan-, 47, 114. "5. 146, 465, 508 — Mary Ann, 455 — Peter, 199 — Philip, 134 — Rebecca and Sarah, 114 — Wm., 134, 246. Gorman, Mar>-, 534. GoRMiLEY, Owen, 248. GoRNNELL, Henry, 591. GoRREL, GoRRELL, Abraham, 632 INDEX 193 — Esther, Hannah, Isa- bella, James, John, Joseph, Thos. and Wm., 190 — ^Thos., of Hannah, 347. GoRSUCH, Nicholas, 438 — Sarah, 494- GosEPH (Joseph ?), Barns, 192. GosLiN, Ambrose, 511. GosNELL, Mordecai, 438 — Peter, 511. GossAGE, Chas., 222 — John, 226. GossARD, Danl., 108. GosTES, GoTES, John, etc., 312 — Polly, 590. GoTT — see Coale and Gott, and Franklin and Gott, 17 — Eliza- beth, 43, 436, 445, 485— Ezekiel, 17, 438 — Jane, 442 — John, 17, 438 — Mary, 472 — Rachel, 430 — Richd., 43, 439 — Robert, 17, 43 — Saml., 439 — Walter, 17. GouGH, Hugh M., 236 — Wm., 439- Gould, Benj. and Richd., 199 — Sarah, 367 — Wm., 347. GouTE, GouTEE, Geo., Shadrick and Sophiah, 91 — Jabus, 107. GovER, Cassandria and Gittings, 161 — Elizabeth, 161, 187 — Garrat, Henry and Mar}', 187 — John, 285 — Phillip, 187, 237 — Prissilla, 161, 187 — Robt., 180, 187— Saml., 180, 187. GovES, Robt., 439. GovRicK, Elijah, 489. GowND, Edwd., 439. GowTES, John, 591. Grabiel, Cath., 510. Grace, 230, Aaron, 156, 239 — Ann, 156 — James, 226 — John, 156 — Mar>-, 226 — Matilda, 438 — Nathaniel, 217, 226 — Peter, 156 — Rebecca, 156 — Wm., 220, 596. Grafton, Graftin, Danl. and Wm., 245 — Saml., 348. Graham, Grayham, Andrew, 5, 9 — Ann, 489 — .\ugust, 511 — Chas., 97 — Elizabeth, 526 — James, 5, 6, 9, 10 — John, 5, 7, 9, 91, 272 — Mary, 10 — Reuben, 511 — Sarah, 442, 532. Grall, Elizab., 505. Grammer, Elizabeth, 485 — Gut- lop, 439 — Mar\', 456. Granger, Grainger, Ann, 556 — Edwd., 104 — Jonathan, 556 — Martin, 207 — Wm., 104. Grant, Ann, 188 — James, 187, 596 — John, 489. Grason, Ann Matilda, 474 — Anna Maria L., 429. Gratton, Thos., 560. Graves, Elener, Matthew and Thos., 199 — Lewis, 290 — Mar>', 517 — Richd., 348. Gravishitt, Mar)% 438. Gray, Grey, Abishai, 564 — Ann, 454, 456 — Anne, 481, 487 — Archable, 91 — Barney, 548 —Benj., 489, 570, (w) 571— Betesha, 583 — Cassandra, 548 — Chas., 439 — Edwd. R., 439 — Eleanor, 489, 535, 560, 564 — Elijah, 439 — Elisha, 580 — Elizabeth, 421, 446, 447, 477, 490, 583 — Err Truitt, 583^ Geo., 348 — Greenbury, 439 — Helen, 441 — Hillary P itts, 58 —John, 439, 523, 548, 583- Johnson, 583 — Kelem, 570 — Martha, 583 — Mar)-, 418, 452, S17 — Mat.hias, 439 — Pearce and Pierce, 583, 590 — Reuben and Richd., 439 — Robert, 152 — Robert M., 579 — Rouse, 591 — Ruth, 472 — Sally Parker, 583 — Sarah, 473 — Sophia, 441 — Susanna, 452 — Thos., 304, 439 — Thos. Simson, 583 — Wm., 200 — Wilson, 492 — Zachariah, 496, 511, 516. Grayer, Benj"., 293. Gre, Gue ?, Anna, Hezekiah, Joseph, Rachel, Ruth and Saml., 554. Greanwhich (Black), Beck, 206 — James and Rachel, 208 — Sheary, 207, 208. Great Choptank Hundred, 89. Greandland, Richd., 192. Green, Greene, Abel, 233 — Ann, 135, 490 — Amn (Forrest), 343 — Anna, 559 — Anne C, 442 — Augusta, 430 — Basil, 265 — Benj., 245 — Catherine, 429 — Chloe, 490 — Clare, 490 — De- borah, 457 — Edwd., 83 — Elea- nor, 558 — Elisha, 291 — Eliza- beth, 193, 348, 434, 475— Geo., 213 — Harvey, 135 — Henry, 245 (2), 312, 348— Jacob, 253, 439 — James, 245 — John, 13s, 244, 245, 435, 512, 591 — Joshua, 135 — Lancelot, 439 — Lawrence, 245 — Leon- ard, 514 — Lewis, 348 — Mary, 480, 517 — Matildia, 425 — Peter, 151 — Phil., 213 — Ralph, 107 — Richd., 20, 91 — Sarah, 438— Thos. Edelen, 266— Val., 210 — Wm., 151, 348, 439 — Wm. Sanders, 439 — Zariah, 81. Greenfield, Chas., 571 — Eleanor, 518 — Elizabeth, 147, 218 — Ger . Truman, 305 — Jacob and Mary, 168 — Sarah, — , 564 — Thos., 148 — Thos. Smith, Walter Truman and Wm. T., 305. Greenhout, 223. Greenlea, Rachel, Samuel and Susannah, 131. Greenlief, James, loi. Greentree, Asa, 554 — Benj., 348, S15. 541, 543, 554— Eleanor, 564 — Eliz., 541 — Mary, 348, 541, 543, 554. Greenwell, Elizabeth, 437. Greenwood, Fredk., 439 — James, 5 — Jane, 5, 9 — John, 4, 6, 107 — Joseph, 4 — Polly and Rachel, 596 — Wm., 200. Greer {!}, Elizabeth, 523 — Jacob, 253. Greg, Gregg, Nathan and Wm. 54, 58- Gregory, John, 439 — Richd., 268 — Wm., 200. INDEX 633 Greiner, Michael, 512. Gremel, Nicholas, 439. Grenholt, Johnathan, 83. Grenwell, Edmund, 65, 66, 67 — Eleanor, 65 — Henry and Ignatius, 65, 67 — James, 65, 283. Grevel, Barb., 503. Grieger, Geo. and Lewis, 512. Griffin, Griffen, Griffind, Ann, 478 — ^Averilla, 185 — Charlotte, 529 — Chas., 439 — Chloe, 495— John, 31, 83, 439 — Joseph, 91, 103 — Martha, 486 — Mar>-, 477 — Nathan, 348 — Richd., 439 — Rosse, 490 — Sarah, 441, 452 — Wm., 108. Griffie, Griffy, Benj., 491 — Sarah, 487. Griffith, Alley, 434, 439 — Ann, 129, 472, 473 — Averilla, 185 — Benj., 439, 598 — Dennis and Edwd., 439 — Eleanor, 422, 432, 480 — Eleanor Ann, 548 — Eliza, 185, 422, 518, 554 — Eliz. Ridgely, 554 — Evan, 161 — Fanney, 185 — Frances, 149 ^Frenettah, 149 — Hannah, 185 — Henrietta, 438 — Henr>', 548 — Hugh, 439 — Israel, 554 — James, 185 — Jefferson, 554 — Joseph, 439 — Joshua, 439, 554 — Lewes, 97 — Lewis, 439, 440 — Lilly, 443 — Luke, 153 — Lyddia, 519 — Margaret, 444 — Martha, 149 — Mar}-, 149, 185, 468, 548, 562 — Nicholas, 440 — Philemon, 348 — Rachel, 564 — Rebecca, 448 — Robert, 440 — Ruth, 348, 554 — Saml., 149. 239, 348> 349> 440- 518. 554— Sarah, 149, 477, 569— Sophia, 507 — Susannah, 425 — ^Thos., 246 — Wm., 185 — Zadock, 511. Grigg, Richd., 207. Grim, Danl., 512. Grimes, Grymes, Anne, 535 — Basil, 512 — Catherine, 511 — Chas., 304, 548 — Eliz., 552 — Fred R., 512 — Geo., 213, 308, 552 — John, 304 — Mary Elea- nor, 552 — Nancyann, 548 — Peggy, 548 — Richd., 440 — Wm., 440, 513. Grimwell, Monica, 458. Grinley, Elizabeth, 134. Grinnan, .Ann, 91. Gripe, Saml., 527. Grist, Chas., 440. Griswold, Alex. Vietts, 540. Grof, Groff, Barbara, 505 — Cath., 503 — Julianna, 505 — Sarah, 507. Groom, Groome, Grooms, Groomes, Anna, 545 — Benj., 549— James, 548, 549, 560, 562, (w) 566— Mary, 187— Marj-ann, 549 — Rebecca, 545, 558 — Richd., 549, 552 — Ros- anna, 549 — Rosetta, 555 — Saml., 5 — Sarah, 548, 566 — Thos. Selby, 552 — Wm., 545, 549, 558. Groshon, Margaret, 499. Gross, Christian, 56, 60 — Christenia, 528 — Geo., 512 — Jacob and Mary, 56, 60 — Maria Catharina Thurisia, 470 — Simon, 440. Grove, Catharine, 349, 524 — David, 349 — Jacob, 46 — Mar}-, 349, 529 — Philip, 522 — Solo- mon, 275 — Wm., 349. Grover, Elizabeth, 435 — John, 512 — Wm., 349. Groves, Eleanor, 145, 450 — Elizabeth, 467 — Geo., 145 — John, John Constantine Mar' Sollon and Joshua, 440 — Martha Boyd, 442 — Rachel, 460 — Sarah, 425 — Solomon, 440— Wm., 349, 495. Grows, John, 490. Gruber, David, 512. Grumm, Adam, 531 — Elizabeth, 503- Grund, John Ad., 512. Grundie, Wm., 306. Gruse, Isaac, 518. Gryer, John, 512. Grymer, Benj., 564. GuDDiNG, GuDDiNGS, -Ann, Mar- garet and Moses, 190. Gudgeon, Gudgeons, Benj., 349 — Mar}-, 43 — Wm., 349. GUDGINGTON, Wm., 333, 349. GuE, Elizabeth, 517 — Henr}-, 518 — Rachel, 571. Guff, James, 247. GuiBERT, Joshua, 312. GuiN, GuiNN, Elizabeth, 417 — Nicholas, 527. GuiST, Amelia, 178. GuiTON, Benj., 41, 42. GuLLOMANN, Magd., 501. GuNBY (Grenby .'), Esther, 592 — John, 591. Gunpowder, Lower and Upper Hundreds, 194 — Manor 2. Gunterman, Geo., 512. GuppEY, Henry, Jane, John and Mar\', 115 — Margrett, 114, 115. GuRLEY, Benj., 591. Gushwa, Jonathan, 523. GuTHRY, GuTREY, Hannah, 594 — Robard, 598. GuTTERY, Mar}-, 534. Guy, John, 5, 9 — Joseph, 491 — Penelope, 5, 9 — Robt., 5. GuYER, John, 440. GiJi-ON, John, 242. GWYN, Gw-Y'NN, GwiN, GwiNN, Benj., 306 — Bennet, 440 — Dolly, 435 — Elizabeth, 461, 474 — Esther, 462 — John, 349, 440, 491 — Julia, 349 — Mary, 464 — Sarah, 432 — Susannah, 456 — Thos., 298 — Violetta, 491. H Haas, Christina, 503 — Eliz., 511 — Hannah, 506 — Maria E liza- beth, 513. Hack, Anna, 312 — Jacob, 53 i. Hackett, Hacket, James, John and Thos., 200 — Saml., 440 — Will and Wm., 211, 596. 634 INDEX Haddan, Hadden, Agnis, 492 — Larance, 93. Haddaway, Hadaway, Capt. and Geo., 219 — James, 220 — John, 218, 219 — Richd. and Sarah, 193 — Robt., 220, 440 — Susannah, 219 — Thos., 221 — • Wm., 219, 220, 221 — Wm. Webb, 222. Hadley, Richard, 525. Hafley, Stephen, 349. Hager, Saml., 523. Hagerstown, Marriages, 523, 525. Hagner, Peter, 440. Hagon, Hagan, Cathran, 190— Henry, 243 — James, 299 — Patrick, 129 — Raphael, 481 — Thos., 266. Hague, John, 128. Hailey, Haley, Jams, 596 — Wm., 150. Haindsley, Ambrosius, 598. Hairs, Bathia, 495. Haislip, John, 489. Hajor, Dosha, 149. Halbertree, Rebecca, 426. Hale, 304, Haile, Elizabeth and Jene, 109 — Peggv, 532. Hales, Wm., 200. Halkerson Halkerstone, John, 491— Robert, 341, 350, 358. 369. 399- Hall, Ann, 458, 515 — Anne, 452, 463, 467 — Anne S., 445 — Aquila, 152, 173, 239, 240— Avarile and Barthia, 171 — Benedict, 173 — Benedict Edwd., 157, 239 — Benj., 262 (2), 273, 274, 276 — Bridget Ingen, 510 — Catherine D., 453 — Charlotta, 173 — Christo- pher, 162 — Cordelia, 151 — Cranberry, 239 — Danl., 440 — Edward, 171, 173, 239, 440 — Elisha, 440 — Elizabeth, 456, 466, 481 (2), 484, 491, 541 — Francis, 276 — Geo., 229, 440, 591 — Hannah, 150 — Harriet, 4SS— Henry, 17, 440, 521, 541 — Henry Augustus and Henry Sprigg, 440 — Herbert, 229 — I., 22 — Dr. I. Carvel, 154 — • Isaac, 17, 236 — ^J., 344, 396, 399 — James White, 239 — John, 171, 173, 218, 230, 269, 440 — John Beedle, 239 — John Ste- phen, 440 — Jonathan, 200 — • Joseph, 109, 440 — Joshua, 440 — ^Josias, 176-240 — Lydia, 487 — Margaret, 474, 541 — Mar- tha, 173 — Mary, 171, 173, 423. 471. 473. 483— Mary Anne, 441 — Nancy, 423 — Nathaniel, 306, 440 — Orasilla, 171 — Palmer, 513 — Parker, 151— Peggy H., 442— Philip, 306— Quilla, 186— Rachel, 438 — Rachel S., 472 — Rebecca, 151, 191 — Richd., 350, 440 — Richd. B., 276 — Sarah, 151 — Sophia, 173 — Susanna, 418, 560 — Thos., 153, 237, 446 — Thos. H., 440— Thos. W., 441 — Wm., 151, 173, 237, 240, 246, 274, 277, 440 — Wm. I., 441 — Wm. M., 276. Hallam, John, Mary and Wm., 46. Hallett, John, 174. Halley, John, Jr., 265. Hallrikall, Balthezer and Christian, 282. Halsall, Hallsall, John, 286 — Thos., 258. Hambleton, Hambelton, Edwd., 236 — Geo., 193 — ■ James, 82 — Lilley and Mary, 92 — Philip, 219 — Wm., 80, 218, 219. See Hamilton. Hamby, Delah, Fanny, Saml. and Sarah, 177 — James, 177, 299— Wm., 143, 177. Hamersley, Hammeslay, Gar- ret, 531 — Henry, 493. Hamilton, Hammelton, Alex- ander, Betsey, Jonathan, Peggj', Polly, Robin and Sally, 115 — Andrew, 255 — Catherine, 507 — David, 564 — Edwd., 125, 493 — Eliza, 491 — Francis, 299 — Geo., 257 — John, 107, 115, 275 — John A., 350 — Margaret, 125, 350 — Mary, 497 — Rachel, 516 — Rebecca, 506 — Robert, 527 — Thos., 254, 303 — Wm., 259. Hammel, Sarah, 492. Hammett, Hammitt, etc., Cart- wright and Elizabeth, xv, 75 — James, M. K., 368 — John, XV, 25, 75, 77 — Rebecca, 523 — Robt., 77. Hammon, Hamon, Hammond, Ariana, 453 — Belinda, 421 — Benj. and Bowden, 591 — - Denton, 441 — Edwd., 591 — Elizabeth, 200, 350, 454, 479, 524, 595 — Elizabeth (Tim- mons), 588 — Hannah, 445 — • Henrietta, 421 — Henry, Heze- kian and James, 441 — John, 237, 441— Ju'ia Ann, 441— Lloyd, 441, 563 — Lloyd T. and Martha, 441 — Mary, 422, 430, 441, 455, 593— Mary Ann, 431 — Peter, 350 — Philip and Rebecca, 441 — Sarah, 455, 484, 508 — Wm., 92, 591. Hampton, Ann and John, 176 — ■ David, 178 — Edwd., 441 — Thos., 206. Han, Hann, Catherine, Handell and Mary, 51, 57 — David, 350 — Eva, 526. Hanah, Jane, 529. Hance, Martha, 595. Hanch, James, 527. Hancock, Benj., Francis, Na- thaniel and Stephen, 441 — Eleanor, 435 — Elizabeth Eliza, 454 — Mary, 594 — Mary Ann, 492— Rachel (Killom), 584— Rhody, 473 — Sarah, 485 — Wm., 275. Hand, John, 207. Handage (Standage .'), Hez**., 307. Handel, John, 350 (Hantel, Sar., 512). INDEX 635 Handerson, Saml., 531 — see Henderson. Hands, Geo., 405 — Rebecca, 461 — Th. B., 376. Handshaw, Hanshaw, Hero and Rebecca, 465. Handley, Handy, 106 — James, 173 — Leavin, 104. Handy, Handey, Anne G., Elizabeth, Geo. and Isaac, 350 — Benedict, 264 — Betsy and Elizabeth, 591 — Levin, 345, 350, 351, 409 — Mary, 486 — Nancy, 351 — Priscilla (Wool- ford), 350 — Thos., 351. Haner, Cath., 501. Haney, DoUie, 563 — Eliz., 560 — Nicholas, 563 — Susanna, 381 — \Vm., 351. Hanford, John, 108 — Thos., 109. Hanlon, David, 441. Hanlope, Molly, 495. Hanna, Hannah, Hana, Alex- ander, 244 — Caleb, 241 — De- liverance, 131 — Hugh, 24 — James, 236, 243 — John, 243 — Mar>', 475, 510 — Nicholas, 441 — Robt., 246 — Sam., 247, 441 — Wm., 131, 245, 441. Hansey, Sarah, 508. Hanshaw, Benj., Chas., John, Lloyd and Nancy, 441 — Han- nah, 460. Hanskan, James, 441. Hansliff, Susanna, 437. Hanson, Hansen, Abbrilah, 171 171 — Alexander C, 441 — Benj., 171 — Catherine, 583 — Edwd., 234 — Elizabeth, 169, 171, 491 — Geo., 211 — HoUis, 169, 240 — Isaac, 351 — Jacob, 243 — John, 148, 169, 240, 441 — Keziah, 169 — Lake, 171 — Mary, 154, 171 — Mary Ann Char. Cath., Robt. Gray and Rouse, 583 — Saml., 154 — Sarah, 171 — Walter, 492 — Wm., 441, 512. Hanspan, Cutlip and John Codlep, 351. Hantel, Sar., 512 (Handel, John, 350). Hantz, Eliz., 561. Hapstone, Mar>', 178. Harbert — see Herbert. Harbet, Harbitt, Benj. and "Grase," 191 — Chas., 200. Harbin, Darcus and Elias, 552 — Edwd. Villers, 258 — Joshua, 518 — Rezin, 287 — Thos., 495 — Wm., 552. Hardacre, Wm., 305. Hardage, Wm., 518. Hardesty, Hardisty, Agnes, 471 — Benj. D., Edmund, 441 — Eleanor, 541, 549 — Eliza- beth, 443 — Frederick, 441 — Harriet, 459 — Henry and John, 441 — Isbell, 528 — Johnson, 549 — ^Joshua, 442 — Marj', 470 — Matthew, 442 — Rebecca, 451 — Robt., 275, 541, 549 — Saml., 541 — Sarah, 461 — Sophia, 467 — Thos., 442 — Wm. and Willie, 442, 430. Hardin, Marj', 105. Harding, Edwd., 258, 518^ Eliz., 516 — Esther, 477— Henry, 329, 342 — John, 442 — Margt. M., 502. Hardinigth, Rodey, 597. Hardy, Hardey, Harday, Ann, 520 — Anthony, 268 — Baptist, 307. S44. 553, 565— Eleanor and Essea (2), 553 — Elizab., Jii — Francis, 546, 551, 558 — • Geo., 264, 300, 308, 442 — Henrj-, 546, 551, 558 — Hester, 544 — Ignatius, 307 — John of Ign^, 304— Mary, 547, 553— Mary Gore, 521 — Noah, 547, SS3— Rachel T. B. T., 551— Sarah, 520 — Sophia, 544 — Susanna, 459 — Wm., 275 — - Wm. West, 546. Harding, Bishop Alfred, vi. Hare, Danl., Mary, Patience and Sarah, 174 — ^James and Robert, 191. Harford Co., 113 to 194, 231 to 248 — Hundreds, Census, 168, 194 — Militia, 315, 318, 331, 366, 402 — Oaths of Fidelity, 233- Hargadine, Edwd. and John, 210. Hargan, Catharine, 531. Hargishimer, Mar)- and Marg., 499- Hargrove, Cassandria, Rachel and Richd., 193 — Ruth, 162, 193. Harlan, Harland, Harlin, Cath., 506 — Eliz., 505 — Joel, 60 — John, 55, 60 — Sarah, 503. Harlow, Mar>-, 76. Harman, Harmon, Augustine, 312 — John, 596 — Lazarus, 350 — Rachel, 227. Harmer, Saml., 247. Harnish, Mar)', 524. Harp an, Andrew, 247. Harper, Bethula, 351 — David, 92, 93— Edwd., 561 (w), 570 — Elizabeth, 351 — Ezekial, 91 —Geo., 238 — John, 91, 548 — Joseph, 596 — Lloyd, 548— Mar)', 518 — Moses, 241 — Phebe, 548— Robt. G., 442— Saml., 208, 246, 442 — Saml. A., 351 — Susanna, 459 — Thos., 225 — Wm., 81, 351. Harrington, Alice, 219 — Elle- nor, 530 — Joseph and Mary, 219 — Richd., 217 — Thos., 244. (See Herrington.) Harriot, Ann, Mary and Richd., 43- Harris, Harress, etc., Ann, :62, 473 — Barton, 562 — Benj., 80, 162 — Betty, 474 — Chas., 200, 591 — Daniel, 163 — Ebe- nezer, 8 — Eleanor, 519 — Eliza- beth, 82, 162, 459, 487, 564, 591 — Erasmus, 579 — Geo., 162, 303 — Harriet, 508 — Hephsebe, 496 — Isaac Perkins, 8 — Jacob, 523 — ^James, 82, 180, 209, 213, 245, 304 — Jesse, 497 — John, 180, 226, 265, 518 — Joseph, 193 — Joshua, 442 — ■ Josias, 495 — Lucy, 467 — Mar- 636 INDEX grett, 162 — Martha, 494 — Mathias, 4, 8 — Nehemiah, 531 — Richd., 211, 531 — Robt., 248 — Saml., 351, 442 — Sarah, 162, 529 — Solomon, 351 — Thos., 162, 442, 59: — Wm., 83, 162, 290. Harrison, Ann V., 471 — Anne, 477 — Benj., 442, 522 — Cath- erine, 451 — Daniel, 523 — Dorothy, 425 — Eleanor, 467, 473 — Elisha, 271, 442 — Eliza- beth, 421, 454 — Geo., 536 — Hannah, 473 — James, 217, 219, 220, 442 — John, 303, 442 — John C, 96, 102, 108, no— — Jonothon, 221 — Joseph, 219, 221, 272 — Joseph G., 442 — Kinsey, 352 — Mary, 106 — Nathan, 515 — Rachel, 478 — Rebecca, 514 — Richd., 442 — Robert, 219, 221, 536 — Robert H., 352 — Saml., 442 — Sarah, 26 — Serena, 499 — Siller, 108 — Thos., 220 — Verlinda, 489 — W. H., 495— Walter H., 296, 489— Wm., 518. Harrod, Henry, 165. Harry, Harre, John, 531 — Geo., 552 — Nancy, 508 — Rachel and Richd., 545, 552 — Wm., 545. Harshberg, Margaret, 531. Hart, Hartt, Arthur, ICX3 — Chris''., 229 — Danl., 442 — Henr)% 100 — James, 9 — ^Jane, 149 — John, 242 — Levin, 97 — Naboth, 100 — Nicholas, 352 — Robt., 7. Harthey, Joseph, 241. Harthorn, Harthhorn, Agnis, Jane, John, Margret, Margery, Marj', Marthy and Robt., 183. Hartle, Peter, 527. Hartlove, Elizabeth, John and Mary, 552. Hartman, Catherine, 55, 59. Hartshoff, Cath., 523. Hartshorn, John and Nancy (Williams), 352. Harvey, Ale.xr., 296 — Artridge, 450 — David, 102, 531 — Hen- derson, Jacob and Martin, 531 — Henry, 306 — James, 304, 306, 442 — Newman, 308 — Rebecca, 459 — Richd., 133 — Salathal, 107 — Thos., 304 — Wm., 92 — Wm. G., 303 — Zadok, 352. Harvin, Clem'., 306. Harwood, Ann and Anne, 225, 469, 481 — Benj., 302, 442 — Eleann, 481 — Elizabeth Ann and Henry H., 442 — John, 442, 541 — Joseph, 442 — Levin, 541 — Louisa, 474 — Lucy, 418 — Margaret, 440, 481 — Mary, 225, 439, 442, 469, 541 — Noble and Osborne, 442 — PrisciUa, 482 — Pr"*., 442 — Rachel, 440— Richd. and Richd. H., 442 — Robt., 224, 442 — Saml., 225 — Sarah, 433 — Thos. and Wm., 442. Hasleitt, Wm., 84. Haslip, Haslup, Elizabeth, 483 • — John, 442 — Martha, 451 — Sally, 491. Hasselius, Charlotte, 447 — Elizabeth, 415. Hasset, Wm., 244. Hastings, Geo., 200. Haswell, Wm., 290. Hatfield, Francis, 285. Hathaly, John, 443 — Sarah Ann, 460. Hatton, Geo., Henry and Nathaniel, 267 — Joseph, 267, 289, 493 — Mary Ann, 492. Hauck, Marg., 511. Hauer, Barbara, 510 — Susanna, S12. Haukins, Averiller, Elisabeth, Joseph, Lidia, Margret, Nan- cy, Richd., Robert, Sarah and VVm., 180. Hawkins, Absalom, 162 — Archi- bald, 443 — Elizabeth, 162, 543, 544. 545. 561— Geo. P., 290— James, 266, 545 — John, 161, 162, 164, 543, 544, 545 (2), 566 — Lurana, 161 — Lydia, 162 — Mathew, 200 — Nathaniel, 544 — Priscilla, 449 — Richd., 161, 162 — Saml. and Sarah, 162 — Smith, 492 — Robt., 238 — Thos., 162, 352. Haunce, Mary, 153. Haur (Hawe ?), Katy, 525. Hauser, Jacob, 527. Haushalden, Susana, 523. Haushalter, Adam, 525. Hausser, Hausey, Mary, 504 — Susan, 503. Havenor, Dominic, 268. Haw, Christopher and Mary, 70. Haward, Ann, 597 — see Howard. Hawey, Wm., 238. Hawkins — see Haukins. Hawley, Absalom, John and Wm., 288. Hawman, Elizabeth, Frederick and Philip, 352. Hawse, Rosanna — see House. Hawthorn, John, 244. Hayard, Hayward, Haywood, Allen, loi — Francis and John, 103 — Leavin, 109 — Thos., 353 — Wm., 344. Haydon, Hayden, Clement and James, 493 — Elias, 443. Haye, Cephas, Sabrit and Thos., 303 — Dorsett, 304. Hayes, Hays, Anna, 507 — Archer, 244 — Chas., 443 — Delila, 497 — Eleanor, 547 — John, 133, 240, 244, 352, 547 — John Hawkins, 268, 352 — Levi and Solomon, 519 — Moses, 527 — Susanna, 547 — Teresa, 352 — Thos., 259, 53 1 — Wm., 272, 443 — Williamson, 68. Haynes, Hayns, Elizabeth, 523 — John, 527. Hazard, Arcada, 582 — David, Elihu, Neomy, Neriah and Sarah (2), 583. Hazelip, Richd., 353. Hazen's Regt., 316, 322,330, 338. INDEX 637 Hazle, Caleb and Edwd., 443 — Elizabeth, 453 — Jemima, 433 —John and Richd., 66. Hazlewood, Ruth, 523. Head, John, 353. Heague, Hannah, 504. Heard, James, 443. Hearn, Ebenezer, 591 — Hannah, James and Mary, 144 — John, 285. Heater, Geo., 519, 562, 569 — John and Kitty, 564. Heath, Edwd., Robt. and Wm., 443- Heaton, Elizabeth, 353 — James, 162, 353 — John, Margrett, Rebecca, Sarah and Thos., 162. Heaver (Header .'), Elizabeth, 595- Hebb, Hopewell, Precilla, Vie- non (Vernon ?) and Wm., xvi, 75. Heckedorn, Cath., 502 — Mag- dalen, 503. Heckman, Coly, 524. Hedes, Heed (?), Wm., 79, 443. Hedge, Chas. and Joseph, 52, 57 — Hannah, 504— rMargarte, 510 — Peter, 53, 58 — Susanna, SOI. Hedrick, Elizab., 523. Heegy, Nancy, 524. Hefflich, Hefleigh, Heflish, Elizabeth, 527, 533 — Jos., 525 — Mary, 528 — Valentine, 531. Heffner, Valentine, 531. Heflebower, Mar)-, 532. Heichler, Nicholas, 512. Hein, Mary Eva, 513. Heinkley, Barb., 507. Heinsman, Sus., 524. Heintz, Eliz., 508. Heiser, Catharine, 529 — Jacob, 524- Heiter, Catherine, 565 — Hary, S6i. Hellin, Jesse, 293. Helm, Thos., 524 — Helms, Jane, 527- Helmer, John Wm., 353. Helt, Eliz., Nicholas and Sarah, 543- Hempston, Nathanl, Thompson, Susanna and Wm., 353, 552. Hemrican, Matthew, 489. Hemsley, Wm., 209. Hemwood, Frances, 437. Hender, Elizabeth 424. Hendersides Frn., 246. Henderson, Andw., 246 — Barneby, 592 — Elizab., 532 — • Ezekiel, 592 — Frisby, 398 — Henry, 312 — Isaac, 592 — John and Lydia, 556 — Philip, 239 — Richd., 303, 556 — Saml., 531 — Thos., 170 — Wm., 278, 519. Hendle, Hendley, Joseph, 162 —Robt., 443. Henesch, Edwd., 47. Henlon, Patrick, 233. Henly, John, 30. Henn, Elizabeth, John and Sarah, 54, 58. Hennesy, Hanesey, Andrew, 209 — Patrick, 237. Henry, Hendry, Andrew, 172 — Elizabeth, Isaac, Mary, Robt., and Saml., 115 — John, 92, 115 — Michl., 249 — Rebecca, 438 — Thos., 258, 443. Henshaw, Amelia, 451 — Mary, 438. Hensley, Rachel, 559. Henson, Hinson, Alexander, 71 — Elizabeth, 496 — Jacob, 187 • — John, 443 — Mary, 418 — Walter, 496. Henwood, Ann, 422 — Chas., 443 — Mary, 467 — Nancy, 447 — Rachel, 422 — Sarah, 445, 447 — Vachel, 443 — Wm., 443. Hepburn, Sam!., 271. Herbert, Harbert, Anna, 541 — Chas., 234 — Edwd., 443 — ■ Elisha, 541 — Elizabeth, 63 — Francis, 63, 67 — James, 536 — • Margaret, 541 — Michael, 63. Hercourt, Joseph, 592. Hermitage, or Armitage, Hun- dred, 89. Hermitags, James, 527. Hernley, Darby and Mary, 40, 41 — Edmund, 40. Heron, Herron, Herren, Hearon, Elizabeth, 106 — James, 353- John, 285— Margaret, 561 — Rachel, 443. Herring, Herrings, Edwd., 200 — John, 519 — Thos., 170. Herrington, Ann, 598 — John, 597- Hershner, Eliza, 523. Hertzog, Margaret, Nicholas and Peter, 56, 60 — Sarah, 507. Hess, Henrj-, 531. Hesselius, Caroline, 426. Hesterly, Wm., 443. Heugh, Andrew, 565 — Chris- tiana, 558 — Sarah, 568. Hevens, Luke and Thos., 104. Hewett, Hewitt, Joseph, 239, 353 — Robt., 353 — Thos., 283, 443, 596. Hewston, Martha, 526. Heysone, Nicolaus, 525. HiCKEY, Francis, 304. Hickman, Eliz. and John, 5, 9 — Lydia, 494 — Mary, 520, 562 — Wm., 519. Hicks, Abraham, 494 — Den- ward, 104 — Geo., John and Wm., 73 — Jesse, 125 — Joseph, 105 — Joshua, 531 — Mary, 92, 449 — Tabitha and Thos., 92 — Zebedee, 247. Hidinger, Juliana, 533. Hiestand, Sarah, 511. Higdon, Higden, Benj., 265 — Ignatius, 490 — Mary, 521 — Trumen, 304 — Winefred, 493. HiGER (.'), Anthony, 48. Higgins, Higens, Higins, Ann, 522 — Anna, 454 — Barbara Lyles, Benj., 544, 551 — Clark, 559 — Diana, 104 — • Eleanor, 562 — Elizabeth, 459, 473. S47, SS2, 559 (2)— Geo. Wash., 443 — ^James, 546, 559, 566— John, 547, 552, 559— Joshua Clarke, 443 — Marg'., 638 INDEX 211 — Martin Fisher, 547 — Mar}% 454, 544 — Matilda, 544, SS^> 55- — Richd., 302 — Ruth Wilcoxon, 546 — Saml., 296 — Sarah, 92, 454 — Virlinder, 546, 566 — Wm., 255. HiGGiNSON, Jane, 463. HiGGS, Elizabeth, 70 — Henry, 443 — John, 69 — Jonathan, 491 — Saml., 69. HiGiNBOTHAM, Ann, 430 — Mary, 445- HiGLEY, James, 443. HiGNUTT, Danl., 82. Hill, Abell, 443 — Ann, 155, 356 — Aurilla, 187 — Clement, 3''., 251, 272 — Elizabeth, 187, 416, 475 — Elizabeth (Mitchell) 583 — Emma, 5 1 1 — Fran. Xare- rius, 488— Geo. O., 126— Harmin, 187 — Henrj-, 297, 298 — James, 162, 256 — Job, 305 — John, 187, 353, 516, 583— John of James, 256, 285 — Joseph, 17, 19, 266, 443— Josiah, 592 — Keziah, 469 — Leah, 515 — Levin, 592 — Mar- garet, 187, 583 — Martha, 162 — Mary, 162, 583 — Morgan, 443 — Moses, 155 — Nathan, 81 ^Rebecca, 583 — Richd., 287, 354. 443. 536— Sally Pitts, 583 — Saml., 187 — Sarah, 162,432, 459, 488 — Sealy, 507 — Shem, 162 — Solomon, 108 — Sophia (Mitchell), 585 — Stephen, 235, 583 — Susannah, 443 — Thos., 23s — Thos. Smith, 80 — Wm., 158, 162, 443, 583 (2), 585— Zapporah (Pitts), 586. HiLLEARY, HiLLERY, .•^nn, 458 Henr}-, 302 — John, 306 — Thos., 563 — Tilghman, 302 — Walter, 302 — Wm., 272. HiLMAN, HiLLMAN, Biddy, Sally and Wm., 354. Hills, Elizabeth, 218. Hilton, Ann, 491 — Benj., 443 — Carrie M. and Catherine M., S7S — Delilah, 466 — Eliz., 504 — Francis, 72, 76 — John, 76, 443 — Lucretia, 500 — Mar}-, 504 — Stephen, Thomas and Wm., 76 — Wm. M., 575. HiMES, Nathaniel, 148. HiNCKS, Thos., 92. HiNDLY, John and Ruth, — ?. HiNDMAN, HiNMAN, James, 592 — Wm., 227. Hinds, Danl., 84 — John, 200. HiNDSON, Chas., 83. HijjES, Edwd. and John, 596 — Rebecca, 475. HiNESiFER, Christina, 528. HiNEY, Nancy, 501. HiNNESS (Henness, Inness .?), John, 307, 30S — Saml., 554. Hinthorn, James, 46. HiNTON, Chas., 253 — Frances, 480 — Jeremiah, 596 — John, 253. 254. 542— Joseph, 302— Leatha, 542 — Lydia, 485 — Mary, 457 — Matilda, 471 — Osbom, 443 — Sarah, 506 — • Signa, 449 — Susanna, 542 — Thos., 27s, 443— Wm., 443. Hipsley, George, 531. HiRLEY, Wm., 354. HiRSCHMAN, Rosinack M., 513- His Lordships Favor, 29 — Manor, State of, i to 78. History of Dorchester Co., Jones, 89. Hitch, Christopher, 270. Hitchcock, Asael, 241 — Han- nah, 153, 494 — Henry, John and Josiah, 242 — Joshua, 241 — Wm., 242. HoBERTH, John, 443. HoBKiRK, Wm., 253. HoBBS, Hobs, Amelia, 463 — Austin, 272 — Chas. R., 444 — Deborah, 453 — John, 306 — Louisa -Ann, 440 — Mar>-, 477 — Noah, 444 — Sarah, 514 — Wm., 81, 444. HoBSON, Ann, 517. Hooker, Andrew, 525. Hodder, Cade, 583 — Catherine, 592 — Elizabeth, John, Nehe- miah and Worren, 583. Hodges, Hodge, Benj., 444 — Chas. Ramsey, 295 — Geo. W., vi, 415, 579 — Giles, 126 — Henry, 444 — James, 271 — John, 181 — John Ramsey, 276 — Joseph Ramsey, 296 — Nathan, 302 — Sarah, 435 — Thos. Ramsey, 270. Hodgins, Sarah, 517. Hodgken, Hodgkin, Hodgkins, Basil, John Allen and Ralph, 279 — Thos. and Thos. of Philip, 304 — Thos. Brooke, 398, 444. Hodgson, Hodson, Hudson, Ann, 92, 103 — Geo., 491 — Henry and Hooper, 106 — John, 38, 106 — Thos., 91. HoEFLiCH, Peter, 531. HoFLEY, Mary Magdalene and Stephen, 354. Hoffman, Huffman, Anna Bar- bara, 513 — Barbara, 51, 57 — Cath., 502 — Henry, 524 — Jacob, 444— John. 51, 57, 524 — Mary, 504 — Mary Appol. and M. Chr., 512 — Mary Elizab., 513 — Rudolph, 512. HoGAN, Hoggin, Edmd. or Edwd., 285— Peter, 266— Susanna, 562. Hogg, David and Michael, 531. HoHNE, Christopher, 444. Hoithley (Keithley ?), James, 217. HoLBROOK, Alaxandreo, 82. Holding, John and Richd., 200. Holdsworth, Saml., 312. HoLLAN, Connar and Michal, 92,93- Holland, Arnold (vv), 567 — Capt., 338 — Chas., 444 — Deborah, 497 — Eda, 581 — Edward, 354, 444 — Elizabeth, 453. 547. 584— Esther, 591— Francis, 145— Francis Utia, 145 — Hannah, 145 — Henry, Henry S. and Isaac, 444 — INDEX 639 Jacob, 354— James, 354, 444— John, 145, 272, 354, 444, 584 —John T., 354— Joseph, 355, 444- 547— Mary, 354- 444. 5*4 — Massy, 560 — Michael, 38 — Morana, 547 — Nancy, 590 — Nehemiah, 444, 592 — Patty, 593 — Rasmis, 92 — Ruth, 436 — Saml., 583, 584 — Sarah, 454, 47I> 585 — Sarah Ann, 453 — Solomon, 561, 568 — Tabitha (Campbell), 583 — Wm., 519. HOLLIDAY, HOLLYDAY, HoLLO- DAY, Ann, 435 — Anna B., 513 — Elizabeth, 480 — Henry, 224 — Hezekiah and John, 444 — Leonard, 303 — Marj', 176, 474 — Patty, 594 — Robt., 239 — Thos., 444 — Wm., 18. HOLLYDYOAK, HoLLYDAYOKE, Ann, 355— John, 355, 444— Mary, 460. HoLLiNGSwoRTH, Jas. and Wm., 200. HoLLis, Abirila, 168 — Amos, 168, 240 — Benj., Cathrin and James, 168 — Clark, 79, 174 — Sarah, 174 — Wm., 168, 174, 240. HoLLOWAY, Danl., Hezekiah, Nicholas and Wm., 444 — Elijah, Esther, Frances (Brad- ford), Hasy, John (2), Rebecah and Solomon, 584 — Moses, 579 — Rebecca, 536. Holly, Elizabeth, 513. HoLMEAD, Anthony and Sarah, 543, 544- 546, 553— Geo., 553 — James Beanry, 543 — John Buchannon, 546. Holmes, Holme, Anna, 505 — Chas. B., 575 — Else, 440 — Harriott, 563 — Henry, 524 — James, 129, 243 — John, 97, 514 —John H., 575— Maria, 575— Mar)', 129 — Westol Meek and Wm., 444. Holsey, John, 570. Holston, John, 444. Holt, Lawrence O., 562 — Law- rence Owen, Lawrence and Mary, 547. HoLTON, Sarah, 424. Hombleton, Wm., 225. Homer, Caherin, 597. Homes, Ann, 186 — Merear, 192. HoNNOLL, Wm., 244. HooBES, Elizabeth, 82 — Leblun, 83. Hood, Andrew, 115 — Anne, 470 — Benj., 444 — Edwd., 355 — Elizabeth, 456, 559 — Hannah, 562 — Isaiah, 355 — James, 115, 355 — Jennett, Margaret and Robt., 115 — Joshua, 444 — K^itty, 355— Saml., 514— Thos., 560. HooDWARD, Henry, 444. Hook, Joseph, 355 — Sarah (Evans), 583. Hooker, Jonas, 303. Hooper, Abraham, 355 — Ann, 37 — Anna, 478 — Charity, 58 — Christina, 533 — Colo., 37 — Henry, 37, 102, 105 — Johannes, 58 — John, 105, 107, 304, 444 — Mary, 58 — Nicho- las, ^'1 1 — Priscilla, 425 — Roger A., 105, 400 — Saml., no — Shadrach, 209 — Wm., 108. Hoops, Hopes, Adam, 355 — Richd. and Thos., 246. Hoover, Henry, 53, 58 — Mary, 475- Hopkins, Ann and Anne, 162, 449, 462, 469, 518 — Charles, 163 — David, 356 — Dennis, 225 — Eleanor, 424 — Elizabeth, 162, 450, 463, 561, 596— Ephron Gover, 162 — Francis, 225 — Geo., 445 — Gerrard, 20, 163, 445 — Hannah, 163 — Henrietta, 463 — Isaac H., 445 ■ — James, 219 — John, 92, 162, 163 — John Johnings, 217 — Jolinger, 445 — Joseph, 162, 219, 225, 445 — Lambath, 224 — Levan, 163 — Lidia, 470 — • Margaret, 437 — Mar)', 162, 436, 463 — Patience, 445 — Philip, 20, 162, 298, 445 — Rachel, 163, 417, 472 — Rezin, 445 — Richd., 19, 308, 445 — Saml., 162, 163, 237, 445 — Saml. G., 445 — Sarah, 163, 448, 462 — Susanna, 163 — Thos., 200, 219 — Thos. Saw- yer, 200 — Wm., 99, 163, 218, 245- 445- Hoppar, Hopper, Benj., 445 — Elizabeth, 417 — Henr)', 92 — Mary, 466 — Rachel, 417, 443 — Robt., 255. HoRBACH, Christina, 534. HoRHORN, HosHORN ?, Eliza- beth, 148. HoRMOTT, Andrew, 243. Horn, Elizabeth, 207. Horner, Casandrew and Elisa- beth, 175 — Frances and Gus- tavus, 356 — James, 175, 243 — John, 286 — Mary and Mary Gilbert, 175 — Moses, 99 — Robert, 71 — Samuel, 563 — Thos., 143, 175. Horney, James, 82 — Jiffer)', 83 — John, 218 — Thos., 219 — Wm., 356, 596. HoRNisH, Philip, 532. HoRON (.^), Edwd., 519. HoRROD, Wm., 241. Horse, Hose, Hanah and Mol- lena, 525. Horsley, Richd., 200. HoRSMAN, Henr)', John and Luke, 92 — Sarah, 452. HoRTON, Elizabeth, James, John, Mary, Ruth, Sarah and Wm., 175- HORTZMAN, SuS., 525. HosHAL, Jesse, 356. Hoshes, Benj. Schofield, Eli and Patty, 584. Hosier, John. 146. HosKiNS, Chas., 515 — Randall, "Randolph," 356 — Wm., 592. HosKiNSON, Alfred, Elisha, Rebecca, 555 — Geo., 277 — Jean, 5x5 — Ruth, 518. HosPER, Thos., 306. 640 INDEX HouLTON, Rebecca, 496. HouK, Adam, 373. House, Christiana and Michael, 356. See Hawse. House of Commons I. Houseger's G[er.] Reg., 365, 391, 402, 407, 410. Householder, Pristine, 534. HousER, Jacob, 44 — Michael, 531- Houston, Caleb, Geo. and Mar>-, 592 — Isaac, 356. Howard, Ann, 77, 451 — Aquila, 492 — Arlanta, 584, 588 — Baker, 492 — Beale, 445 — Benj., 124, 356, 491, 596— Betty, 504 — Burgess, 445 — Catherine, 461 — Dorsey, 124 • — Eleann, 43 1 — Eleanor, 543 — Elizabeth, 124, 432, 438, 584 — Geo., 584 — Hannah, 124 — Harriet, 429 — Hezekiah, 445 — J. Beale, 174, 193 — Jemima, 433— John, S5, 59> 179-357— John Eager, 357 — Joseph, 82 — Lemuel, 124 — Leonard (w), 565 — Louisa H., 476 — Lucy, 543— Marg'., 432, 489— Martha, 124 — Mary, 124, 521 — Mary Ann, 416 — Mrs., 569 — Nancy, 591 — Nehemiah, 584 — Nich'., 65 — Philip, 55, 59 — Rachel, 438 — Rebecca, 441, 561 — Ruth, 124 — Saml., 234 — Saml. H., 445 — Sarah, 77, 124, 520, 584 (2) — Susannah, 124, 433 — Tabitha, 584 — Thos., 65, 497, 543— Thos. W., 564— VVm., 65, 77. Howell, Abraham, Ann, Eliza- beth, Mary and Wm., 146 — John, 146, 306 — Paul, 29, 30 — Saml., 29, 179, 519 — Sarah, 29. HowENTON, Rebecca, 478. Howes, Elizabeth, 461 — James, 218 — Mary, 473. HowHER, Fridrich, 527. HowiNGTON, Nancy, 467. HowLAND, Joel and John, $$. HOWLETT, HOWLET, HoWLT, Andrews, 115, 235 — Ann, Elizabeth, John, Margaret and Mary, 115 — Mrs. of Ohio, 567 — James, 115, 235. HowN, Henr>', 304, 305. Hows, HowsE, Benj., Clarissa and Mary, 548 — Laurady and Lucreta, 560 — Sarah, 558 — Thos., 44;. HowsoN, Thos., 445. HoxTER, Ann and John, 208. HoxTON, Walter and Walter Hyde, 293. Hoy, Hoye, Alexander, 445^ Eva, 526 — Roger, 170. HoYLE, Geo., 445. Hubbard, Hubbart, Bettey, 106 — Geo., 166 — Humphra, 92 — John, 105 — Joseph, 211. HuBER, Eva Marg., 505. HucKMAN, Christina, 524. HuDDER, Warren, 592. Hudson, Ananias, 574, 584 — Arthur and Benj., 592 — Caleb and Catron, 584 — Elizabeth, 357— James, 5— John, 7, 81, 357> 5^4 — Leah and Lunetta, 584 — McKimmey, 592 — Ma- hala, 584 — Mary and Moses, 5, 9 — Nancy, 591 — Rachel and Rhoda (Tingle), 584— Robert, 592 — Ruth, 7 — Sarah, 5, 9, 522, 590 — Solloman, 579 — Susannah, 5 — Walter, 200 — Wm., 592. Huff, Abraham, 243 — John, 247. HuFFERD, Christian, 55, 56, 60. HuFFiNGTON, Gilbert, 37, 38 — ■ John, 93. HuGGiNS, James, 234 — Saml., 357- HUCHEN, HUGHER, HuGER, Elizab., 533 — Mary, 532 — Wm., 299. Hughes, Hughs, Hews, Hughe, Amea, 189 — Ann, 486, 487 — Ann Hall, 170 — Aram, 238 — Christopher 225 — Daniel, 79 — Eli, 192 — Everitt Hall, 170 — Harriot and Henrv-, 553 — I. H., 154 — James, 92, 97, 189, 445 — James H., 170 — Jane, 189 — Jeremiah, 445 — John, 92, 93, 189, 236, 524 — John Hall, 170, 239 — John Howling, 128 — Margt., 525, 530 — Nathan, 148 — Nathaniel, 189 — Patrick, 127 — Phillemon, 109 — Precilla, 92 — Rebecca, 553 — Rhoda, 504 — Scott H., 170 — Wm., 592- HuGHiNS, James, 84. Hughston, Alex"., 122 — John, 236. Hugins, Hezekiah, 92. Hugo, Saml. B., 315. Hull, Danl., 219. HuMBERSTONE, Richd., 271. Humbert, Fredk., 59 — Geo., 54, 59- Humblert, Margaret, 470. Humes, Susannah, 224. Humphrey, Humphreys, Henry, 265 — James, 445 — John, 265, 445 — Lewesa, 483 — Richd,. 163 — Thos., 265. Hundreds — see listed names. Hungerford, Anne, 559 — Eliza and Thos., 491. Hunham, Wm., 286. Hunt, James, 283, 44;, 514 — Peter, 221 — Robt., 236— Thos., 200. Hunter, Catherine Hammond, 575 — Eleanor, 457 — Elizabeth, 416 — Geo., 40, 41 — James and John, 445— Mary, 457— Richd., 261 — Sarah, 472. HuNTLY, Robt., 156. Hurd, Wm., 80. Hurdle, John Valentine, 549 — Lawrence, 357 — Leonard, 285 — Rebecca, 559 — Robert, 259, 357, 549— Sarah, 549. Hurley, Constantine, 93 — Dur- bey, Edwd., Elijah, Jacob, John ("Jan"), Mathew, Mo- ses, Sophiah and Thos., 92 — Elizabeth, 552 — John, 552, INDEX 641 559i 564 — Obed, 552 — Sab"., 300, 308 — Wm., 306. Hurst, Elizabeth, 470 — ^John, 445 — Saml., 357 — Sarah, 563. Hurtle, Robt., 77. HuRTT, Elizabeth, 596. Husband, Husbands, Hurs- BEND, Ann, Joseph, Joshua and Sarah, 180 — Edwd. and and heirs, 312 — Elizabeth, 162, 163 — Hannah, 162, 180 — James, 162 — Marj-, 162, 163, 180 — Meleson, Rachel and Wm., 162 — Susannah, 162, 163. Husk, Sarah, 434. HusKiNS, Thos., 248. HusLER, Sarah, 595. HusT, Archabel, James and Saml., 92 — Joseph, 93. HusTERFiELD, Chas., 179. Huston, Hugh, 245 — James, 244 —John, 532. Hutchenson, Hutchinson, Frances, 559 — Hutcheson, — — Phebe, 538— Rachel, 476— Saml., 307. Hutchens, Hutchins, Hutch- INGS, Jacob, 241 — James, 206 — Rebecca, 461 — Richd., 241 — Risden, 210 — ^Thos., 234 — Wm., 242, 270, 308, 495. Hutson, John, 357. See Hudson. HuTTON, Ann, 430, 470, 477 — Anne, 484 — Chas., Henrj- and James, 445 — Eliza, 464 — Jonathan, 445 — Margaret, 443, 470, 482 — Orlando, 538 — Richd. G., Saml. and Wm., 445- HuvER, Geo., 46. Hyatt, Abednego, 446 — Christo- pher, 275 — Linny, 505 — Mar- garet, 419 — Wm., 275. Hyberger, Conrad, 525. Hyde, Danl. Thos., John and Thos., 446 — Mar>' Ann, 425. Hyfield, Chas., 172. Hymon, John, 357. Hyner, Frances, 528 — Henrj-, 527- 42 Hynson, Andrew, Sarah and Thos., 5 — Rachel, 4 — Rebecca, 598. Hyshel, Adam, 532. Ice, Joseph, 446. Ichelberger, Mary Elizab., 534 (see Eikelberger). Igleheart, Iglehart, Idehart, etc., Anne S., 483 — Catherine, 434 — Dennis, 446 — Jacob, 275, 446 — James, 446 — Jerem., 288 — Jereh., 542 — John, 302, 446 — Leonard, 446 — Mar>', 542 (2) — Rezin, Richd., 446 — Wm., 255, 446. Ijams, Iiams, Jiams, Imes, Air>% 472 — ^Ann, Anne, 463, 468 — Gassaway and John, 446 — Margaret, 487 — Mary, 460 — Rebecca, 455 — Saml., Thos. and Wm., 446. Iliot, Elisha, 532. Imerson, John, 358. Indians, 205. Ingmore, Snowden, 446. Ingraham, Ingram, Ingrum, Eleanor, 465 — Elizab., 530— John, 80 — Saml., 134. Inlose, Saml., 561. Inness, Inniss, Inis, John, 307 — Sarah, 435 — Wm., 446. Insley, Andrew, 100 — Bettey, 98, 100 — Gabriel and Joseph, 100 — Jacob, 99 — Solomon, loi — Vallintine, 98. Irams, Ann, 432. Ireland, Eleanor, 434 — Elijah, 511 — Geo., 358 — John, 211 — Longford, 578— Mary, 535 — Sarah, 527 — Trasa, 469. Irons, Andrew, 579 — ^Timothy, 592. Ironshare, Ironshire, Eliza- beth, Esther (Collins), Joseph and Mary, 584 — Rachel., 580 — Wm., 579. Irvin, Irvine, Alexand., 228 — Elizabeth, 530. Irving, Thos., 358. Isaac, Isaacs, Eleanor, 420 — Jacob, 284 — James, 358 — Joseph, 446 — Lazarus, 522 — Mary, 449 — Richd., 255, 446 — Sutton, 446. Isenberg, Polly, 498. Isgate, Thos., 225. Israel, Amelia, 438 — Mar)-, Rachel and Robert, 547. IsSABELL, Elizabeth, 358. Ivery, Ivory, Chas. and Thos., 446 — Mar}', 461. J Jabson, Jonadan, 525. Jacbo (Jaibo ?), Clement, 75. Jackling, Andrew, 127. Jackson, Alex., 285 — Ann, 358 • — Araminta, 487 — Casandra, 134 — Catherine, 485 — Cor- delia, 169 — Elizabeth, 462 — Harriet, 423 — Henrietta, 467 — Isaac, 224 — ^James, 223, 446, 519 — Jane, 461 — John, 446, 592 — Lyddy, 438 — Mary, 515, 533 — Mary Ann, 426 — Nehe- miah, 304 — Priscilla, 344 — Robt., 46, 106 — Saml., 134, 200 — Sarah, 169, 454, 521 — Stafford, 200 — Susannah, 425 — Tarbutt, 596 — ^Thomas, 169 — Thomson, 240 — Wm., 228, 286, 307. Jacob, Jacobs, 489 — ^Ann, 439 — Anne, 426 — Ann M., 454 — Benj., 274 — Catherine, 506 — Chas., 271 — Edwd., 519 — Elizabeth, 467 — Ezekiel, 446 — Hanna, 456 — Henry, 200 — Isaac, 274 — James, 446 — Jamima, '487 — Jeremiah, 522 — Joel, 276 — John, 446— John I-, 358, 359— John J., 349, 358. 359— Joseph, 446, 447— Martha T., 461 — Man,-, 509 — Mord"., 302 — Nancy, 433 — Priscilla, 445 — Rebecca, 521 — Richd. and Robt., 446 — Ruth, 457 — Sam!., 447 — Sarah, 43 1, 642 INDEX 452 — Wm., 359 — Wm. D., 447 — ^Zachariah, 261, 519. Jacobson, Jeoffrey, 312. Jacques, Denton, 522. James, Jeames, Ann, 553 — Beni.,447 — Danl., 188 — Eliza- beth, 475, 553 — Esther, 244 — ■ Henr>-, 247, 553— James, 553 — Jemima, 443 — John, 40, 163, 279 — Joshua, 247 — Mar>', 163, 522 — Nathan, 447 — Philip, 288 — Rebecca, 597 — Robt. and Sarah, 163 — Sedgwick, 234 — Thos., 127. 163, 247, 494, 532 — Walter, 235 — Wm., 163, 241, 246, 447. Jameson, Jamison, Alexander, 242 — James, 527 — John, 243, 244 — Richd., 259. (See Jim- mison.) Janes, Jeans, Edwd., 285, 542, 556 — Elizabeth, 542, 558 — Joseph, 287 — Martha, 542, 556 — Masham, 556 — Wm., 287. Jaquet, John D., 359. Jarbo, Jarboe, John, 312 (2) — Joshua, 67, 68. Jarman, Jarmin, Arcanias, 584 — Benj., 592 — Caty, Comfort, Geo., Martha, Molla and Rachel, 584 — Stephen, 209. Jarnes, John, 234. Jarrett, Henr>-, 239 — ^Jesse, 242 —John, 447. Jarvins, Jawins .', Danl., 519. Jarvis — see Jervis— Ann, 438 — Jabez, 54, 59 — James, 562 — John, 447— Joseph, 596— Meade, 498 — Susanna, 520. Jay, Elizth., Hannah, Joseph, Saml., Stephen and Thos., 163 — Martha, 163 — Martha (Smith), 392. Jeamis, Air}', 465. Jeffers, Elizabeth, 596 — Geo., 209 — John, 210 — Wm., 206. Jefferson, Elizabeth, 456 — Francis and Geo., 221 — Luke, 279 — Priscilla, 504 — Thos., Jeffery, 206, Jeffry, Hugh, 244 — Robt., 243 — Thos. (Gorrell), 347— Wm., 153. Jeffries, Jeffriss, Jeffreys, AIe.xander, 272 — Jacob, 359 — John, 308 — Thos., 245. Jemison, And"., 4, 8. Jendes, Man,', 504 — Sybilla, 512. Jenifer, Dan., 28 — Danl. of St. Thomas, 344, 369, 376, 399. 405- Jenkins, Jinkins, Earth"., 259 — Carey, 521 — Christiana, 490 — Danl., 519 — Edwd., 32, 267 — Enoch, 283 — Fanny, 419 — Francis, 265 — Henrietta, 32 — Henry, 76 — John, 165, 283, 564 — Joseph, 72, 302 — Margt., 492— Martha, 146, 471 — Mar)', 146 — Michael, 40, 43 —Nancy, 491 — Philip, 359, 49l> 570 — Richd., 267 — Richd. L., 394 — Saml., 146, 235 — Sarah, 32, 359, 441 — Thos., 359, 498— Widow, 571 — Wm., 269, 307, 494, 515 — Zach., 285 — Zadock, 307. Jennings, Jenings, Ann, 424 — Candace, 467 — Chas. "Gin- nings," 259 — Elizabeth, 444, 520 — Eve, 486 — Julianna, 421 — Lucy, 514 — Mar>', 419, 468 — Mary Ann, 468 — Wm., 447. Jenninson, Thos., 514. Jerningham, Aloysia, 492, 497 — Eddie and Olivia, 493. Jervis, Elizabeth, Esther, Mary, Thos. and Wm., 128 — James, 128, 236 — John, 242 — Joseph, 128, 244. See Jarvis. Jewel, Jewell, Henry, 64 — Rebecca, 490 — Richd. and Wm., 125. Jewett, Chas., 245. Jewry, Richd., 168. JiAMS — see Ijams. JiBB, John, 243. JiMMisoN, EUexander, John, Martha, Mary, Sarah and Wm., 182 — see Jamison. JiODON, Richd., 242. JoBSON, J., 5 — Sarah, 525. John, Thomas, 359, 389. Johns, Ann and Casandrew, 179 — Elizabeth, 179, 476 — Fran- ces and Hannah, 163 — Hosea, 179 — Leonard H., 561 — Mar- garet, 561 — Mrs., 558 — Na- thaniel and Ruth, 179 — Skip- with, 163, 165 — Susanna, 442 — ^Thos., 137 — Wm., 179, 304. Johnson, Johnston, Adam, 152 — Albert, 312 — Amelian, 170 —Ann, 152, 423, 430, 472, 521 —Anne, 443, 446, 447, 474— Aquilla, 152 — Archibald, 15 1, 152. 359. 360— Aria, 447— Armstrong, 164 — Baker, 447 — Bamet, 346 — Benedict, 360 — Benj., 290 — Bernan, 312 — Catherine, 482, 592 — Cecelia, 425 — Chas., 447 — Charlotte, 440 — Christopher, 447 — Cor- nelises, 312 — Darcus, 555 — Dasky, 547 — Debora, 469 — Delilah, 485 — Eleanor, 476, 594 — Elizabeth, 116, 429, 490, 531 — Ezekie, 97 — Frances, 152 — Geo. and Hance, 200 — Henney, 453 — Henry, 80, 99, 447 — Isaac, 116, 235 — Jacob, 245, James, 97, 116, 210, 592 — Jane, 487 — Joanna, 592 — John, 80, 134, 312, 447, 519, 592 — Johnathan, 519 — John- sey, 447 — Joseph, 26, 152 — Josias, 152 — Kitty, 466 — ■ Lander, Landa, 447 — Leonard, 592 — Levi, 99 — Lloyd, 447 — Magdalen, 524 — Martha, 152 — Mary, 116, 152, 170, 421, 443. 478. 533— Mary Ann, 434, 448 — Moses, 242 — Nicho- las, 360, 447 — Oneal, 447 — Patience, 466 — Peter, 312— Polly, 592 — Prissilla, 152 — Rachel, 447 — Rebecca, 360, 415. 59^ — Reuben, 555 — Richd., 447 — Robert, 245, 447 — Ruth, 447 — Saml., 70, 152, INDEX 643 177, 447, 516 — Sarah, 116, 433. 452. 470, 547— Silas, 447 — Simon, 312 — Solomon, 447 — Sophia, 152 — Talitha, 593 — Thomas, 115, 116, 152, 235, 248, 320, 345, 351, 353, 356, 366, 369, 370, 371, 372, 385, 396, 405, 408, 409, 447, 448, 516. 547. 555. 565— Wm., 97, 152, 240, 246, 360, 408, 448 — Zachariah, 447. JoiCE, Joyce, Anne, 434 — Bar- bara, 447 — Elijah, 136, 236 — Elizabeth, 430, 441 — Geo., 448 — Man,', 456 — Richd., Ste- phen, Thos. and Wm., 448. JoLLEY, Ann, Cassandria, Edwd., Elizabeth, John, Sarah and Wm., 163 — Catharina, 526 — Susannah, 529 — Thos., 527. Jonas, John, 360. Jones, Aaron, 360 — Abner, 207 — Alexander, 360, 575 — Amelia, 590 — Ann, 229, 460, 514 — Ann Catherine, 501 — Anna, 568 — Anne, 469 — Anthony, 448 — Aquila, 115 — Awbray, 237 — Benj., 130, 448, 546, 568— Benj. W., 562— Britania, 554 — Caleb Morris, 575 — Cassandra, 130 — Chas., 267, 448, 515, 558, 566— Chas. Offutt, 560 — Cotter, 360 — Curvil, 130 — Daniel, 37 — David, 448 — Edwd., 543 — Edwd. of John, 268 — Eleanor, 518 — Elias, 89 — Eliza, 420— Elizabeth, 130, 507, 519, 522, 528 — Ellen, 509 — Elvira A., 535. 543. 575— Emily Regina, 575 — Euphemy, 594 — Ezekiel, 448 — Frances, 93 — Francis, 279 — Gilbert, 130, 234 — Grif- fith, 144 — Henry, 279, 448, 546, 558 — Isaac, 93, 130, 448, 522 — Jacob, 99, 130 — James, 10. 37. 38, 93, 210 — James F., 575 — James Hall, 591 — Jason, 448 — Jemima, 433 — ^Jeremiah, 448— J. Kemp, 575— John, 237, 266, 285, 448 — John Hardy, 270 — John O., 448 — John Taylor, 200 — Joseph, 93, 242, 360 — Josiah, 145, 163, 283, 410 — June, 145 — Levin, 93 — Lewis, 592 — Lillias M., 360 — Lurinah, 222 — Magde- line, 130 — Margaret, 484, 5 18, 546 — Martha, 440, 493 — Mary, 37, 93, 106, 163, 174, 480, 534, 589 — Matthew, 592 — Michael, 522 — Mima, 426 — Morgan, 106 — Nancy, 360, 571— Nathan, 93, 448, 554, 561 — Neale, 360 — Nelly, 571 — Notley, 284 — O. M., 575— Patience, 144, 163 — Peter, 10 — Philip, 267, 448 — Priscilla, 519 — Rachel, 163,480 — Ralph, 286 — Rebecca, 415, 575 — Rice, 144 — Richd., 448, 449, 516 — Richd. J., 449 — Robert, 170, 200, 221 — Ruben, 163 — Saml., 277. 360, 449. 515, 569— Sarah, 93, 436, 481, 493, 559 — Sarah Tompson, 554 — Sil- vester, 306 — Simon Pryor, 596 — Stephen, 130 — Susanna, 500, 526 — Tabitha, 590 — Thos., 275. 361. 389— Wm., 6, 37, 38, 93. 130. 144. 237, 239. 268, 361, 449, 571, 592 — Wm. Kirby, 212 — Wm. R., 562 — Zachariah, 271, 288. K Kady, John, 170. Kaempf, Mary, 512. Kahoe — see Cahoe. Kallings, Nancy Stor, 502. Kanode, Elizab., 503. See Knode. Kappel, Mary Clara, 509. Karn, Philip, 532. Karney, Thos., 449. Karr, Mary, 508 — Rachel, 116. Karrick, Rebecca, 527. Kast, Catherine, 511. Kaufer, Mary Barb., 505. Kay, John, 524 — Philip, 307. Keadle, James Gibson, 272. Kean, Edwd., 361 — ^Jos., 246 — see Keen. Kearnes, Arthur, 449 — Robt., 361. Keatinge, Geo., 449. Kebber, Elisabeth, 527. Keech, Keetch, Geo., 267 — James, John and John Smith, 29. Keed (?), Wm., 79. Keep, Thos., 449. Keeler, Noah B., 449. Keen, Keene, Ann, Aquillah, John, Rebekah, Sarah, Tim- mothy and Wm., 186 — Mary, 108 — Sarah Marlin, 460 — Thos., 108. Keener, Christian, 371. Keephart, Kephard, Elizabeth, 455 — Marg., 506 — Mary, 468. Keeps, Robert, 246. Keerstead, Luke, 449. Kees, Francis, 106 — ^James and John, 109. Keeting, John, 4 — Mary and Wm., 4, 8. Kegg, Henry, 532. Keith, Elizabeth, 482. Keithley (Hoithley ?), James, 217. Keller, Barb., 504 — Elizab., 502— Jacob, 52, 53, 57, 512— Mary, 53, 57, 505 — Susanna, 506 — Walley, 526. Kellow, Thomas, 495. Kellum, Edwd., 409. Kelly, Kelley, Ann, 150, 415 — Arthur, 241 — Batt, 83 — Benj., 561 — Edmund, 449 — Eliza S., 423 — Elizabeth, 458 — Hugh, 361 — -James, 142, 213 — John, 246 — John Duke, 547 — Liley, 560 — Margaret, 532 — Martha, 361 — Mary, 142, 519, 547— Maryann, 558— Matthew and Patrick, 449 — Prudence (Bean), 559 — Sarah, 142, 420 — Thomas, 519, 547, 570— Wm., 361, 527, 598. 644 INDEX KELTi', Sarah, 415. Kelvart, VVm., 519. Kembol, James, 234. Kemp, Kempf, Benj., 219 — Elizabeth, 459, 505 — Esther, 507 — John, 200, 219 — ^Joseph, 449 — Magdalain and Thos., 219. Kenard, Kennard, Ann, Geo., Hannah, James and Mary, 169 — Michael, 169, 240. Kendall, James, 44 — Wm., 596. Kenegam, Richd., 532. Kenn (Henn ?), John, 54. Kennedy, Kenady, Edmond P., 361 — Hester, 438— Hugh, 449 — ^James and Thos., 243. Kennett, Mar}-, 592. Kennon, Danl. M., 449. Kenny, Easter and Mary, 164. Kent, Christopher, 131 — Eman- uel, 200 — Isaac, 361 — Robert W., 449 — Rosannah, 131. Kent County, 4, 8, 11 — Island, Upper Hundred, 205 — Manor, 2 — Marriages, 595. Kentucky (Bean), 319 — (Bur- gess), 323— (Cooper), 331— (Deaver), 33; — (Fitzgerald), 341 — (Hoskins), 356 — (How- ard), 357 — (Pearce) and (Pin- dell), 381— (Smith), 392— (VVilmott), 323. Keough, Wm., 361. Kepler, Catherine, 507. Kerbairn, Mar}', 462. Kern, Kerne, John, 246 — Susan, 502. See Kims. Kerr, Archibald and John, 449. Kerrick, Francis and John, 449 — Walter, 29. Kersey, Kersy, Anne, 468 — Isabel, 532 — John, 219. Kershaw, Betty (Derickson), 584 (3), 588— Mitchell and Wm., 584. Kershman, Cath., 530. Kershner, Barbara, 526 — Elizab., 523 — John, 524 — Mary Ann, .' — Michael, 362 — Rosannah, 528. Kervan, Crissy, 483. Kesecker, Elizab., 526. Ketchen, Joel, 563. Ketchly, David, 255. Keth, James, 307. Key, Keys, Anna, 559 — Dorcas, 521 — Elizabeth, 455 — Francis, 3 1 — Francis Scott, 449 — James, 519 — Job, 244 — Mar- garet, 523 — Molly, 69 — Philip, 31, 68, 536 — Richd. Ward, 69 — Sarah, 492 — Wm., 362, 388. Keymer, Eliz., 516. Kickman, Wm., 200. KiDD, James and John, 248 — Mary, 462 — Sarah, 417. Kidwel, " CiDWELL," Alexander, 271 — Hez*"., 308— Matt, and S. M., 495. KiLGBAR, Thos., 449. Killander, Killener, John, 93 — Thos., 103. Killman, Kilman, Elizabeth, 430 — Else, 474 — Levena, 438 — Mary, 449 — Nancy, 463 — Suana, 462. KiLLOM, Eada, Jesse, John, Leah, Mar\-, Rachel Hancock, Tabitha, Wm. and Thos., 584. Kilty, John and Catharine, 362 — Wm., 449. Kilty's Laws, 311 to 41 1. Kimble, Eleanor, 143 — Frances, 143, 146 — Geo. and Giles, 143 —Harriet, 444 — James, 143, 146, 153 — Jamima, 153 — John, 142 — Josias, 145 — Margaret, 143 — Rowland, 146, 449 — Saml., i;3, 240 — Sarah, 146, 153 — Stephen, 143 — Susanna, 142, 153 — Wm. James, 143 — Zachariah, 153. KiMMEY, Kimey, Ann, 519 — Henr>', 93. Kimson, John M., 362, 396. Kindle, Azariah, 562 — Wm., 362. King, Ann, Anne, 421, 494 — Benj., 300, 308 — Cassandra Ann (Reston), 386 — Charles, 64 — Dorcas, 536 — Ebenezer Cannon, 584 — Elizabeth, 27, 514 — Elizabeth (Morress), xii — Ezehal, 584 — Francis, 449 — Geo., 362 — Henry, 76, 308, 362 — James, 64, 307, 584, 592 —John, xii, 27, 74, 293, 308, 449, 489 — ^John Peter and Josias Wilson, 449 — Leonard, 77 — Levin, 362 — Margaret, 362, 432, 473— Martha, 584— Mary, 129 — Mary Ann, 470 — Nancy, 584 — Peter, 532 — Rachel, 418 — Rebecca, 492 — Reuben (Rt. Rev.), 494 — Rhoda, 584 — Richd., 307 — Robt., 490 — Saml., 27— Sarah, 440, 459. 536, 560, 584— Sarah Ann, 462 — Thos., 276, 285, 297, 362, 363, 4S0, 584— Townley, 492 — Wm., 27, 64, 267, 298, 450, 495. KiNGROSE (Ringrose ?), Aaron, 218. Kingsbury, Anne, 484 — Gabriel, 207. KiNKEAD, Thos., 532. KiNKiY, Millicent, 596. KiNNETT, Presgrave, Sarah and Wm., 584. Kinord, Richd., 83. KiRBY, KiRBEY, Benj., 207 — Caleb, 596 — Charlotte, 591 — Christiana, 417 — Elizabeth, 225 — Francis, 76 — Geo., James and John, 450 — Jane, 417 — Lydia, 478 — Mary, 76, 227, 458 — Nancy, 439 — Richd. and V'achel, 450 — Sarah, 459 — Wm., 76, 450. Kirk, Henry N., 575 — John, 596. Kirkland, Edwd., 450 — Mary, 415, 464. Kirkman, Elisha, Geo. and Levin, 93 — Jacob, 560. KiRKPATRicK, Hugh, 243 — John, 363 — Saml. and Wm., 532. Kirkwood, Robt., 246. Kirns, Elisabeth, Margret, Mary and Matthew, i84.See"Kern' . KiRTiER, Fredk., 450. KiSBY, Richd., 363. INDEX 645 KisiNGER, Devault, 527. Kismet, Laban, 580. KiSTER, Margaret, 534. Kites (Thites ?), James, 301. KiTiLEY, Rachel, 136. Kitty (Kilty ?), John, 450. Klay, Adam, 562. Klee, Rebecca, 509. Klein, Kline, John, 363, 512 — Mary M., 363, 499. Klinsmith, Andrew, 532. Knapp, Anne, 469 — Deborah, 464 — Elizabeth, 484 — Mary, 431. Knauff, Knouff, Christina, 5o8^Elizab., 507. Knepper, Margaret, 530. Knight, Abraham, 115 — Aquil- lah, 115, 189 — Cassandra, 115 — David, 193 — Debrow, 189 — Elizabeth, 166, 188, 189— EUender, 176 — ^Ezekiel, 193 — Geo., 189, 288 — Hannah, 115, 189, 190 — Henry Cogswell, 539) 54° — Isaac, 190 — Jacob, 363 — James, 115, 190 — Jane, 190 — John, 193 — Jonathan, 176 — "Light," 188, 190 — Margaret, 188 — Martha, 189 — Mary, 181, 188, 190, 193 — Michael, ii; — Rachel, 190 — Sally, 115 — Sarah, 181, 190 — Susannah, 189, 498 — Thos., 115, 188, 236— Wm., 188, 190, 241, 450. Knighton, Artridge, 478 — Elea- nor, 420 — Elizabeth, 434 — Gassaway, John and Keesa, 450 — Margaret, 473 — Mary, 444 — Nicholas, 450 — Rachel, 425 — Rebecca, 448 — Richd. and Saml., 450 — Thomsee, 426 — Wm., 450. Knockell, Hannah, 531. Knode, Knote, Kanode, Cath- arine, 534 — Elizab., 503 — Mary, 524. Knott, John, 103 — Raphael, 514 — Thos., 450. Knox, Comfort, Gray and Margaret, 592. KoBLENTZ, Elizab., 501, 510. KoENiG, Esther, 507 — Susanna, 509 — see King. Kogenderfor, Kokendoffer, Fredlc. and Leonard, 514. Kohlenburg, Hanna, 507 — • Nancy, 499. Koine, Dominic, 363. Kooney, Thos., 450. KooNS, KooNTZ, Elizabeth, 498 — Margaret, 511. KooPER, Charity and Mary, 54 — Johannes, 53, 54. Kortz, Sus., 508. Kraft, Wm., 363. Krandle, James, 457. Krieger, Susanna, 505. Kroesen, John, Nicholas and Richd., 243. Krohmer, Marg., 503. Krum, Sarah, 502. KucKLAND, Elisha, 450. Kuhn, Kuhns, Leonard, 525 — Mary Ann, 511. Kyle, Wm., 235. Lacham, Elizabeth, 587. Lackland, Elisha, 532 — Jere- miah, 45 — Joseph, 527. Lacy, Amos, 522. Lafayette, General, 363. Laferer, John, 522. Lafever, Elizabeth, 504. Lahm, Michael, 532. Laidles, Eleanor, 492. Lairy, Mary, 467. Lake, Henry, 98. Lakin, Mary, 499. Lamar, Lammar, James, 226 — Nathan, 80 — Richd., 276 — Susanna, 516 — Wm. Bishop, 295. Lamb, Dunken Farrell, 584 — Francis, 6, 10 — Geo., 5, 7, 9 — John, s> 6, 9, 10, 102, 450 — Luke, 584 — Margaret (White), 407 — Peirce, 5 — Rebekah, 584 — Sarah, 486 — Thos., 6, 10. Lambden, Lambdin, Lambdon, Danl., 450 — Edwd., 592 — Eliz'"., 222 — Francis, 200 — Lusanna, 590 — Mary, 593 — Robt., 450 — Thos., 164 — Wrightson, 218. Lambert, Ann, 416 — Christo- pher, 363 — Mary Ann, 510 — Robt., 201. Lambath, Lambeth, Lumbeth, Anne, 420, 464, 473 — Benj. and Christopher, 450 — Elea- nor, 435 — Fanny, 420 — Henry, John and Joseph, 450 — Kitty, 422 — Lucy, 450 — Margaret, 441 — Mary, 432 — Nancy, 424 — Sarah, 441, 466, 474 — Thos., 450 — Wm., 451. Lamblin, Sarah, 421. Lambreth, Matilda, 423. Lambson, Robt., 219. Lamden, Artridge, 469 — Thos., 4SI. Lamford, James, 163. Lamond, John Christerson, 491. Lampley, Sarah, 452, 466 — Susannah, 421, Lampper, Charity, John, Mar- gret, Soffiah and Wm., 180. Lamson (Tamson ?),Agness,529. Lanagin, James, 170. Lanashe, John, 451. Lancaster, Catherine, 146 — Henrietta Mary, 493 — John, 492, 497 — Mary, 488, 490 — Sarah, 419, 480 — Susanna and Thomas, 146. Lanch, Saml., 206. Land Commissioner, I. Landale, Eleanor, Henry and Minta, 546. Landers, Elizabeth, 475 — Julia, 500. Landrum, Mary, 521. Lane, 230 — Laine, Frances Rebecca, 420 — Francis, 79, 584 — Harrison, 451 — John, 304, 584 — Joseph, 451 — Mary, 434 — Nathan, 451 — Nicholas, 558 — Rebecca, 560 — Richd., 451 — Sally, 584 — Sarah, 422, 464 — Seth, iis — Thos., 451, 584— Wm., 108. 646 INDEX 'Laug, Alexander, 38 — Ann, 459 — Cath., 503— John, 125, 535 — Wm., 201, 451. Langdon, John, 451. Lange, Lucretia, 435. Langfitt, Langfit, Frances, 93 — Francis, 106 — Jarvis, John, Levin and Wm., 93. Langford, Elijah, 364 — Eliza- beth, 469 — Richd., 561. Langhin, Peter, 243. Langley, Alexander Beauregard, 575— Indiana, 575, 576— James Clarence, 576 — James R-) S75. 576 — John Francis 266 — Joseph, 268, 488 — Joseph Acseveris, 268 — Rebecca, Wal- ter and Wm. Alexander, 575. Langurl, Lingurl, Wm., 93. Langville, Wm., 563. Lanham, Archibald, 258 — Cloe, 544 — Edwd., 266 — Eleanor, 544, 545, 551 — Elias and Elie, 268 — Elisha, 266 — Geo., 266 — Hansey, 544, 545, 551— Hezekiah, 290 — Jesse, 542 — John, S5S, 561— ^Josias, 265 — Lucy, 555 — Margaret and Mariana, 547 — Mar\-, 542, 551 — Moses and Nathan, 286 — Notley, 284, 547, 561 — Sam]., 251 — Shadrick, 259 — Tabitha Wheat, 555 — Thos., 542, 545. Lansdale, Charles, 266 — Chas. Gates, Henr>' and Minta, 544 — Cornelia, 364 — Isaac, 262 — John, 295, 296 — John H., 451 — Margaret, 420 — Richd., 255 — Thos., 364 — Wm., 253. Lantz, Jacob, 362 — Rosima, 504. Lany, Richd., 451. Lanyhill (Tanyhill .'), Leon- ard, 489. Lape, Henry, 524. Larance — see Lawrence. Laraton, Sarah, 439. Larimond, Sarah, 522. Larimore, Larramore, Anne, 415 — Cathrine and Jenny, 221 — Mary, 221, 450 — Wm., 451. Lark, Larke, Larkin, Elias, 304 — Elizab., 511 — Greenbur^', 451 — Mark, 482 — Stephen, 451. Lariiar, Amelia, 471 — John P., 451. Larr, Elisabeth, 527. Larue, Mar>-, 516. Lary, Laurence, 146 — Wm., 201. Lashier, John, Joseph and Thos., 46. Lashley, Lasley, Arnold, 561 — Eleanor, 553 — Elizabeth, 596 — Geo., 364 — John Jaquet and Margaret, 553 — Nancy, 364 — Rachel, 595. Latchem, John Kendal, Mar)-, Rebekah and Thos., 585. Latimer, Latimore, Lattimore, Ann, 488 — John, 122, 236 — Randolph B., 451. Laton, Lattin, Danl. and James, 93 — Eleanor, 424. Lauder, Ann, 156. Laughlin, Ann, 460 — Catherine, 426 — Elizabeth, Mar)-, Rachel, Sarah and Wm., 164 — Richd., 451. Laureith, James, 451. Laurent, Laurentz, Law- RENTZ, Ann, 364 — James, 451 — Vandel and Wendell, 364. Laurie, Gaven, 258. Lavely, Lavey, Elizabeth, 421 — Jacob. 364. Laverty, Jacob, 364. Laville, Laveale, Mar)', 471 — Priscilla, 443. Lavin, Elizabeth, 439 — Sarah, 474- Law, Laws, Ann, 481 — Sarah, 591 — Wm., 364, 592. Lawler, John, 452 — Wm., 490. Lawless, Benja., 492. Lawrence, Larrance, Lar- ance, Alexander, v — James, 451 — Elexander, 185 — John, 185, 209, 451, 580 — Margret, 185 — Mar)-, 220 — Rachel, 524 — Sus., 508 — Wm., 451. Laws, Kiltys — Digest of, 311 to 411. Lawson, Ann and Elizabeth, 42 — John, 42, 43, 305 — Moses, 43 — Saml., 108 — Thos., 21, 43, 297, 305- Lawton, Benson, 452 — Mary, 439- Layfield, Levin, 592 — Polly, 590. Layman, Leaman, John and Joseph, 45 — Wm., 364. Lay-ton, Mary, 105. Lazier, John, 364. Leach, Leatch, Elizabeth L., 551 — Jesse, 551, 560 — John, 558 — Joshua and Martha, 514 — Mar)-, 521, 551 — Nehemiah, 536 — Sarah, 494 — Thos., 451. Leadnenham, Edwd., 221. Leake, Henr)-, 364. Leakin, James, 238. Leaque, Aquila, 144. Leather, John, 365. Leatherberry, John, 39. Leaven, Hays, 497. Lecke, Nicholas, 365. Lecompt, Lecount, Anthoney, 225 — Chas., 84, 106 — Henr)-, 453 — James, 84, 106 — John, 106, 312 — Leavin, 106 — Saml., 105 — Thos., 81 — Wm., 105, 106. Ledenham, Nathaniel, 218. Lederer, John, 312. Lee, Alice, 494 — Amos, 547 — Ann, Anna, 143, 555 — Chas., 45 — David, 555 — Dorcas, 522 — Dudley, 365 — Edwd., 451 — Elizth., 164, 441, 477, 561 — Geo., 279, 280 — Harriet, 484 — Henrietta, 424 — Henry, 293 — James, 164, 182, 547 — ^Jane, 482, 530— John, 143, 247, 451 — Joseph, 451 — Margaret, 365 — Mary, 365 — Oinson, 200 — Parker, 365 — Philip, 451 — Rachel, 201 — Ruth, 547 — Sarah Rt., 494 — Stephen, 451 ■ — Susan, 417 — Susanna, 419 — INDEX 647 Thos. Simm, 353, 408 — Wm., 201, 555 — Wilson, 516. Lee's Legion, 3 19. Leech, Elizabeth, 472. Leeders, Henry and Wm., 451. Leeds, John, 222. Leek, Leeke, Ann, 562 — Cas- sandra, 547 — Frank, 271 — Henry, 365— John, S47— Mary, 452 — Nicholas, 451 — Wm., 201. Leeman, Leemar, Jacob, 512 — Wm., 563. Lefever, Lefevour, Wm., 365. Lefton, Richd., 451. Leftwich, Mary, 491. Leganfelder, Barbara, 522. Legat, Legett, Henry, 519 — John, 42. Legg, Ann, 516 — Clare, 442 — James, John, Mathew and Wm., 208. Legoe, Benedict, 239. Legrand, Claudius, 332. Legross, Henry, 451. Leidig, Gabriel, 512. Leiper, Geo. Gray, 451. Leitert, Elizabeth, 512. Leither, Judith, 533. Lemon, Lemmon, Lemmons, Elisabeth, 178 — James, 226 — Marshal, 160. Lenagin, James, 240. Lenard, Lenards, Lennard, Edwd., 238 — John, 227 — ■ Jonathan, 218 — Sarah, 219 — Thos., 225. Lenman, John, 522 — Saml., 567. Lenox, James, 365. Leonard, James, 365 — Mary, £22. Lerter, Norris, 237. Lester, Lister, Joshua, 82 — Norris, 152. Let, Leth, Cath., 502 — Mar}', 503- Letchworth, Joseph, 293. Letman, Ann, 441. Letsinger, Henry, 451. Letten, Letton, Anna and Brice, 563 — Caleb, 542, 543 — Fielder, 543 — Martha, 542 — Mary, 542, 543, 560 — Sarah, 563. Levell, Wm., 223. Levenstone, Christian, 532. Leventon, Mary, 81. Levering, Peter, 386. Levi, Levy, Ann Rebecca, 503 — Eliz., 507 — Sarah, 511. Lewcas, Adam — see Lucas. Lewis, Lewes, Absalom, 549 — Ann, Anne, 434, 501, 526, 527 — Chas., 77 — Clement, 239 — Danl., 522 — Eleanor, 77 — Elizabeth, 459, 461, 468, 510, 527 — Geo., 279 — Glod., 93 — J-. 569— Jesse, 234, 451— John, 77, 128, 452 — Joseph, 41 — Levin, 93 — Mary, 128, 366, 440, 451, 466, 514, 522— Mar>' Ann, 429, 549 — Neth., 343 — Rebecca, 128, 461 — Robert, 452 — Ruth, 452, 470 — Saml., 452 — Sarah, 77, 128, 430, 465 — Shadrick, 99 — Susannah, 519, 549 — Thos., 247, 307, 308, 523 — Thos. W. H., 452 — Virlinda, 520 — Walter, 128 — Wm., 107, 365, 366, 452. Liason, Lydia, 596. Librarj' of Congress, 3 14. LiDAY, Henry, 497. LiETER, Philip, 527. Liggat, Jane, 498. Light, Peter, 532. LiLBURN, Emeline V. H., Jane and John Gray Hopkins, 576 — John O. and Mary J., 573, 576 — Robt., Robt. F., 576 — Sarah Blanch, 573, 576 — Wm. M., 576. LiLLEY, Wm., 80, 164, 452. LiMBRECH, Margaret, 517. LiMMS (SiMMS ?), Eliza, 492. Linch, Danl., 174 — John, 161 — Mary, 174 — Wm., 164. See Lynch". LiNDER, Elizab., 530. Lindsay, Linsey, Lindzey, Betsey, 591 — Cassiah, 455 — Danl., 452 — Saml., 290 — Selina, 495. Linegar, Elizabeth, 497. Lines, Cornelius, 93. Lingan, Ann, 522 — Jannett, 366 — Nicholas, 452 — Thos., 366. Lingart, James, 93. Linge, Anne, 450. Linginfelder, David, Peggy and Valentine, 542. Link, Mary, 526. Linkin, Linkins, Abraham, 491 ■ — Henry, 491. LiNKOM, Linkem, John, 307 — Richd., 221. Linn, John and Robert, 532 — see Lynn. LiNNiNGHAM, Patrick, 105. Linstead, Linsted, John and Joseph, 452 — Sarah, 468 — Thos., 563. LiNSTOOL (LiNSTOD .'), Char- lotte, 467. Lintern, Lintem, Linkem, John, 307. Linthicum, Ann, 448, 465, 518, 546. 553, 571 — Archibald, Assael and Edwd., 452 — Eliz., 460, 560 — Ezekiel and Fredk., 562 — Hezekiah, 452 — • John, 452, 549 — Joseph and Joshua, 452 — Margaret, 458 — Mary, 560 — Mary Ann Ma- gruder, 549 — Nancy, 569 — Priscilla, 549 — Ruth, 553 — Sally, 546 — Sarah, 562, 565 — Slingsby, 5 16 — Thos., 452, 546, 553 — Wesley, 452 — Zachariah, 563, 565, 571 (w). Linton, Chas., 452 — Elizab., 499 — Isaac, 272. LiNZY, Edwd., 200. Lippet, Notley, 536. LippLER, Mar>', 498. Lipscombe, James, 366 — Spots- wood, 488. "LiSBY," Saml., 307 — see Lusby. Lister, Sally, 594. 648 INDEX LiTCH, Elisab., 529. Litchfield, Catherine, 437 — Eleanor, 484 — John, 452 — Sarah, 455. Liter, Abrah., 525. LiTTEN, Ann, Clemmency and Elisabeth, 180 — Hanah, John and John Lee, 116 — Mary, 116, 180 — Rebecca, 416 — • Ruth, Saml. and Susannah, 180. See "Litton", "Lyton". Little, Ann, 7, 168, 453, 467 — Anna, Anne, 415, 462 — Cath- rine, 168 — Dalinda, 447 — David, 525 — Frances, 46 — Geo., 7, :68, 239 — Jesse, 452 — John, 46 — Joseph, 532 — Julia, 462 — Mary, 7, 46, 43 1 — Nathan, 165 — Sarah, 429, 455. Little Choptank Hundred, 89. LiTTLEMORE, Henr>', 267 — Mr., 568. Littleton, Ann, 179 — Mark, Southy and Wm., 104. Litton, Lyton, Mary, 534 — Tabitha, 522. Litzinger, Henrj', 366. Lliver (Stiver ?), Elizabeth, 4S7- Lloyd, Loyd, Ann, 452 — — nnet, 230 — Edwd., 229, 452 —Eliza, 442— Jane, 553— Jos., 519 — Maria, 483 — Mary, 366 — Mary Taylor, 449 — Obe- diah, 452 — Saml., 553 (2) — Thos., 248, 366 — Wm., 452. LocHMAN, Jacob, 527. Lock, Jesse, xi — Mary, 491 — Thos., 496. LocKARD, Lockart, Saml., 236, 524. Locker, Patrick and Shadreck, 519 — Virlinda, 518. LocKERMAN, Jacob, 3 12 — Richd., 452. LocKwooD, Ann (Longe), 588 — Benj., Elisha, Elizabeth, Han- nah, John, Leah, Mary (2), Rebekah (Morris), Saml. and Sarah (Holland), 585— Rachel, 582. Lodge, Caroline, 553 — Frances, 545, 548, 553 — Harriet Porter, 545 — Lavellin, 548 — Wm., 545, 553— Wm. O., 548, 553, 558. Loftlin, Jonathan, 452. Logan, John N., 495. LoGUE, Logne, Cathran, Char- ity, Elisabeth and Mary, 186 — Wm., 186, 244, 596. LoHR, Baltzer, 366. LoMAX, John, 366, 495 — Zeth., 489. London, Elisabeth, 532. Loney, Amos, 152, 244^ Catherine, 500 — Frances and Moses, 152 — Mary, 156 — Wm., 152, 156, 240. Long, Christian, 524 — Chris- tina, 504 — Christopher, 130 — Daniel, 238 — Eleoner, 496— Elizabeth, 544 — Ellender, 182 —Henry, 524 — Isaac, 592 — John, 80, 107, 246, 247, 312, 366, 402— Johun, 527 (3)— Jonathan, 496 — Josias, 493 — Peregrine, 535 — Peter, 238 — Rachel, 592 — Robt., 452— Saml., 544 — Sarah, 594 — Thos., 80, 304 — Wm., 366, 532 — Zadock, 592. Longford, Eleann, 493. Lookket, John, 187. LooTON, Jacob, 312. LoovEL, John, 178. LoRANTZ, Elizabeth and Ferdi- nand, 367. LoR Beck, Christoph., 512. Lord, Andrew, Amelia and Henry, 367 — Rebecca, Saml. and Thos., 552. Lord Baltimore, I to 78 — Lords Baltimore and Maryland Pala- tinate, Hall, I. LossoN, Wm., 306. LOTTENBARGER, LoTTENBURG, Eliza, 524 — Valentine, 274. LouGE, Ann (Lockwood), David (2), Jesse, Mariana and Pur- nell, 585. LouTHik, Benj., 515. Love, Anne, 422 — Elizabeth, 71 — James, 164 — John, 244, 245 — Margaret, 164 — Saml., 559 — Stephen, 17 — Thos., 164, 217. LovEDAY, John, 452. LovEjoY, Alex, and Amelia, 545 ■ — Edwd. Horatio, Geo. and Rebecca, 548 — John, 304 — Thos. Anderson and Wm. Alexander, 545. LovELASS, Loveless, Lovelace, Alice, 493 — Bart™., 519 — Darkus, 518 — John, Luke and Saml., 31. LovELL, Elizabeth, Frances, John, Mary and Peter, 143. Lovely, Sarah, 485. Low, Lowe, Alexander, 592 — Anne, 451 — Basil, 279 — De- borah, 165 — Eleanor, 431 — Elias, 251 — Elizabeth, 485 — Henry, 68, 223, 279, 307, 558 — ^James, 221, 268, 452 — John, 279, 452 — John H., 279 — Maacha, 598 — Mrs., 567 — Nathan, 306 — Rachel, 225 — Rebecca, 515 — Richd., 259 — Solomon, 367 — Wm. and Za- dock, 251 — Zep*"., 307. Lower, Lowery, Lowrey, LowRY, Andrew, David and Johan, 527 — Catherine, 467 — Edwd., 542 — James, 553 — John, 367 — Joseph, 221 — Lucy, 542 — Margaret, 528 — Rebecca, 553 — Sarah, 564 — Thos., 221 — Wm., 542, 553, 558, 567. LowMAN, Elizabeth, 169, 415 — James, 522. Lowndes, Christopher, 277, 281, 288— Richd., 452. Lowney, Matilda, 445. LowsoN, Jennett, 524. Lucas, Lucass, Lucais, etc., Adam, 263 — Ann, 519 — Bar- ton, 542 — Basil, 367, 452^ Charles, 65 — Elizabeth, 44, 480 — Ignatius, 63 — Isabella M., 480 — James, 275, 452, 542, S43. 544. S4S. S48 (2)— John, INDEX 649 63, 84, 208, 367 — Joshua, 452 — Lindoras, 274 — Luther, 543 — Mahala, 544, 548 — Margt., 489 — Martin, 543 — Mary, 517, 542, S43> 544- 545 (2)— Michael, 84 — Morris Wm., 288— Rachel, 368, 418, 469, 522 — Richd., 44 — Saml., 44, 302 — Susannah, 426 — ^Thos., 63, 302, 307, 516 — Turecia, 560 — Wm., 65. LucKETT, Benj., 493 — Thos., 30. LucKLAND, Ann, 443. LuELL (TuELL ?), Catherine, 567. Luke, John, 453. LuNAN, Ormond, 153. Lurk, James, 247. LuRLV, John, 496. LuRNER, Richd., 570. LuSBY, Ann, Anne, 445, 453 — Baldwin and Benj., 453 — Delilah, 447 — Edwd., 453 — Eleanor and Eliza Ann, 465 — Elizabeth, 418, 458, 465 — Henrietta, 436 — Henry L., James and John, 453 — Mar- garet, 483 — Mary, 487 — Robt., 453— Saml., 307, 453— Saml. R., 453 — Susan, 429 — Sus- anna, 447, 456-^Vincent and Wm., 453. LusHODY, Francis, 239. Luther, Jeremiah, 4. LuTTER, Barb., 501. Lux, Robt., 453. Lybrant, Elizabeth, 464. Lydey, Johan, 527. Lyles, Cassandra, Eliz., Emma, John and Kitty, 541 — Ignatius P., Richd. L and Thos. H., 453 — Richd., 302, 541 — Sarah, 415 — Thos., 276 — Wm., 289, 290. Lynch, Linch, Catharine and Cornelius, 42 — Eliz., 552, 562 —Hugh, John and Thos., 368 — Patrick, 552 (2) — Susa., 489 — Winifred, 42. Lynn, Catherine, 500 — Danl., 453 — David, Eleanor, Eliza- beth, Jane, John and Mar}', 368. Lyon, Benj., 563 — Elizab., 536 — Henry, 27, 28 — James, 26 — John, 27, 238, 536 — Jonathan, 27, 241 — Mary, 27 — Rachel, 536— Saml., 559. Lytle, Nancy, 494 — Valentine, 44. Lyton, Litton, Mary, 534— Tabittia, 522. See "Litten", etc. M McAllen, Mary, 530. McAmish, Margaret, 534. McAtee, John, — . McBrayerta, Michael, 164. McBride, Alexander, ijo — Hugh, 94, 368, 369, 390— John, 243. Macbridge, Elizabeth, 445. McCabe, Mary, 476. McCahan, Duana, 498. McCaine, Wm., 532. McCallam, Elizab., 520. McCallester, McCallister, McCollester, Alceabeth, An- drew, Easter, John, Sarah, Tabtha and Wm., 94 — Athilda, Ezekiel and Jeremiah, 104 — James, 369 — Sutt., 211. McCallum, Wm., 369. McCann (McCam ?), Arthur, 164, 244 — Michael, 369. McCardell, Abby Gertrude, 498. McCarnon, Danl., 223. McCartee, McCarty, Archi- bald, 453 — Danl., 519 — Han- nah, 142 — James, 240 — Mar- gareth, 527 — Neely, 596 — Sarah, 142 — Thos., 519 — Timothy, 296 — Wm., 156. McCartney, Wm., 532. McCasley, MiUy, 495. McCastlin, Henrj', 43. McCatee, Chole, 496. McCauley, Maccauley, Ann, 419, 429, 446 — Ashsah, 426— Deborah, 448 — Delila, 452— Eleanor, 437 — Elihu, 452 — Elizabeth, 423 — Francis, 446, 453— John, 369, 453— Mary, 423, 475 — Sarah, 444, 520 — Sophia, 467 — Thos. and Wm., 453- McCay, Chas., 453 — John, 370. McCeney, Benj. and Joseph, 453 — Sarah, 460 — Wm., 453. McChan, John, 369. McClachey, Robt., 532. McClannahan, Eliz. and Saml., 201. McClane, McCan, McClean, etc., Betsey and James, 116 — Catherine, 152 — Jean, J31 — John, 201, 287 — Mary, 116, 152 — Patrick, 152. McClelan, Nathan, 242. McClemmy, Saml., 107. McClennen, Joseph, 532. McCletch, Macclesh, Mar- garet, 440 — Robt., 532. McClintock, Mathew, 242, 243. McCloskey, James and Joseph, 246. McCloster, Saml., 368, 369. McCloud, Cath., 520 — ^John, 453- McClung, Adam, 247. McClure, MClure, Ann, 163 — James, 244 — John, 246 — Robt., 243 — Wm., 242. McCoLLY, Zach*., 302. McColough, McColsgh, Ale.x''., 246 — David, 248 — James, 245. McCollister, Nathan, 109. McComas, Aaron, 137 — Alex- ander, 135, 172, 237 — Ann, 137 — Aquilla, 130, 135 — Benj., 172 — Catherine, 495 — Daniel, 233, 238 — Edward, 135 — Ed- ward D., 494 — Edward Day, 237 — Elizabeth, 134, 136 — Hannah, 133, 136, 137 — Hil- lian, 136 — James, 136, 233, 234— John, 130, 133, 233, 234, 238 — Josiah and Martha, 136 —Mary, 130, 135, 137, 172— 650 INDEX Nathaniel, 136 — Salinah, 133 —Solomon, 137, 233, 234— Susannah, 136 — ^Thos., 130 — Wm., 137, 233, 234, 247 — Wm. Joshua, 134. McCoMKiN, Sarah, 419. McCoNAGY, James, 532. McCoNCHiE, Wm., 489. McCoNNELL, Martha, 531 — Saml., 369. McCoNNER, Danl., 246. McCoRD, Arthur, 246 — James, 235. McCoRMicK, Elizab. and John, 525 — Patrick, 532 — Rachel, 524. McCouRTiE, James, 241. McCowN, Margaret, 129. McCoy, McKoy, Maccoy, Alice, 201 — Ann, 527 — Danl., 453 — Eleanor, 558 — Eliz., 533, 552, 556— James, 552, 556, S59— John, 271, 349, 369, 532 — Julianna, 416 — Mary, 417, 533 — Ruth, 467 — Sarah, 517 — Thos., 552 — Turner, 556. McCrackin, James and Mary, I53> 369 — Lucretia, 597. McCrary, McCreary, John, 369 — Sarah, 94. McCray, McCrea, Geo., 527 — John, 532 — Mary, 517 — Zephemiah, 519. McCreddy, Polly, 593. McCroroly, Daniel, 527. McCskiming, Enen, 201. McCuBBiN, Mackubin, Ann, 417 — Chas., 453 — Dorcus, 467 — Edward, 453 — Eleanor, 454 — Eliza, 436 — Elizabeth, 464 — Fredk., 453 — Geo., Henry, James, John, John H., and Joseph, 454 — Jane, 467 — Mary, 458 — Mary Clare, 455 — Moses, Nicholas (2), Re- becca, Richd. and Saml., 454 — Sarah, 421, 445, 476 — Susan, 420 — Susanna, Thos., 522 — Wm., 454. McCuDLE, Patrick, 532. McCuLLOE, McCuLLOCH, Mc- CuLLOUGH, Jane and Thos., 164— Margaret, 421 — Sarah, 532. McCurly, Jasper, 453. McDaniel, McDanel, Allen, 30 — Danl., 572 — Doratha, 449 — Drusila, 30 — Edwd., — , 22, 31 — Elias, 570 — Eliza, 484— Esther, 30 — John, 265 — Joseph, 245 — Leavin, 106 — Mary, 521 — Nancy, 113 — Richd., 525 — Thos., 30, 31, 454. 493 — Walter, 267 — Wm., 30, 106, 596. McDanieson, Mar>', 422. McDenal, McDeneld, Agness and Alexander, 527. McDonald, Cornelius and Hugh, 241 — James, 262 — John, 241, 304 — Jonathan, 496 — Keneth, 528 — Lydia, 422 — Mary, 474 — Milly, 495 — Patrick, 243 — Sarah, 505. McDoNOUGH, James, 516— Patrick, 454. McDowell, Wm., 596. McEgay, Robt., 240. McElfish, McElfresh, Mack- efresh, Henry, 453 — Philip, 519 — Wm., 562. McEllwaine, Frances, John Sampson and Joseph, 553. McElmary, Patrick, 236. McElroy, James, 370. McEntire, David, 370. McFaddin, Mackfaddin, Danl., 244 — Joseph, 186. McFall, Elizab., 532. McFarland, Mary, 563. McFeely, John, 596. McGanley, Mary, 132. McGaw, James, 234. McGee, Chas. and Wm., 370. McGill, Macgill, Eliz. Ann, 447— James, 454— John, 302 — Richd. and Robt., 454— Susan, 487 — Thos., 291, 454. McGiNNis, John, 201. McGloglan {?), Patrick, 171. McGomery, John and Wm., 116. McGonegill, James, 201. McGovron, Thos., 514. McGowN, Ann, 170. McGran, McGraw, John, loi — Morris, 532. McGruigen, 247. McGuiRE, Margaret, 476 — Peter, 454 — Phillip, 245. McHenry, Alexr., 106. McIlvik, Sarah, 590. McIntosh, Wismey, 496. McKall, Jane, 534. McKay, Alex., 515 — ^John, 370 — Laura Ann, 576. McKell, McKeel, James, 247 — Thos., 94, 370. McKellen, Eleanor, 438. McKenly, John, 532. McKenn, Michael, 127. McKenzie, McKensey, Dan!., 523 — James, 307 — Mary Ann, 444. McKenney, Joseph, 164. McKeown, Saml., 370. McKesson, Jean, 530. McKibbins, Joseph, 532. McKinley, Roger, 248. McKinsey, Eleanor, Mar>- and Patrick, 129 — Moses and Sarah, 370. McKissiCK, James, 370. McKissoN, Arthur, James, Jane, John and Sally, 116. McKness, Saml., 279. McKurdy, Alexander, 532. McLaland, James, xiii, xiv, 74. McLane, McLean, Arthur, 370 — Hector, 528. McLaughlin, Geo., 242 — James, 173 — John, 243, 253 — Peter, 295 — Robt., 243. McLurk, Danl., 307. McMahon, Peter, 370. McMannin, Levi Anna, 514. McMath, Wm., 161. McMechen, Chas., 370. McMelan, Hugh, 454. McMulty, James, 528. McMurphey, Archibald, 152. INDEX 651 McNabb, Alice, Elizabeth, James, June, Keatty and Rachell, 116. McNamara, M. Nemara, Darby, 370, 371 — John, 97, 100 — Levin and Timothy, 99. McNeal, Archabald, 225, 596 — James, 371. McNear, McNeer, McNier, Anne, 439 — Elizabeth, 469 — Geo., 454 — Jean, 521 — Thos., 454- McNesh, Benj., 371. McNew, Jane, 476. McNoRTON, Peter, 454. McNuLTY, John, 222. McPherson, Alexander, Danl. and Henry, 28 — John, 490, 495, 496 — Mack, 28, 371 — Mary H., 496 — Priscilla, 28 — Thos., 28, 454 — VVm., 496 — Wm. H., 4S4. McQuay, Cathrine, 222 — Pat- rick, 220. McQuilland, McQuilling, Mc- QuiLLEN, Elizabeth, 477 — James and Wm., 454. McQuiNNY, Thos., 371. McRan, Eliz. Cartright M., Mar>' and Wm., 547. McSwaine, Isaac, 145. McViCKER, Jane Elizab., 510 — Marj', 506. McWilliams, Christian and Elizabeth, 164. Mabberly, Darkey, 447 — Mary, 445- Mabra, John, 94. Macantraus, Macantrass, Feeby, Hugh and Mary, 175. Macbee, Macbeey, Ann and Fanney, 558. Maccauley, Mabel, 481. Macceney, Jacob, 20. Macclenachen, Wm., 585. Macconikin, Macconichin, Elias, 207 — Wm., 208. Maccubbin, Mackubin, etc., Ann, 560 — Charlotte, 474 — Jas., 454 — Nicholas, 2. Mace, Elizabeth, 462, 480 — Joseph, 454 — Lydia, 450 — Priscilla, 448 — Richd., 454 — Susanna, 470. Macgill, Catherine T., 478. Machall, Machael, Benj., 566 — Catherine, Leonard, Marga- retta, 549. Machubin, Man,- Ann, 449. Mack, Benj., 454. Mackal, Benj., 566 — Eliz., John, John Dawson, 550. Mackalheny, Matthew, 248. Mackbee, Macbee, Joseph, 259 — Zadock, 306. Mackee, Mackey, Mar)-, 532 — Priscilla, 561 — Wm., 519. Mackelmurray, etc.. Charity, John, Margt., Patrick and Starrat, 164. Mackeon, John, 371. Mackfail, Mackfiel, Ann, Daniel, Jane, John and Martha, 178. Mackingty, Sidney, 533. Mackintosh, Mackintach, James, 65 — John, 65, 286. Macklefresh, Rachel, 562. Macklewain, Eliz., 562. Macknew, Macneugh, Ann, 483— Basil (w), 565 (2)— Polly, 565. Macoy, Eleann, 558. Macky, Geo., 171 — James, 371. Macnew, Bazil, 288 — Eleanor, 419. Macolley, Geo., Sr., 254. Madden, Maddin, Ammy, 555 — Ann, 515 — Annea, 545, 550 — Benj. and Eliz., 549, 556— Hezekiah, 545, 550, 555— James, 514 — John, 519 — John Baker, 549 — Joseph, 562 — Martha, 545 — Mary, 559 — Walter, 562 — Wm. Davis, 550 — Zedekiah, — . Maddooke, James, 306. Madera, Magd., 512 — Sus., 511. Maddox, Benja., 496 — Caterine, Catharine, 136, 535 — Char- lotte, 136 — Emily, 490 — Elizabeth, 144 — Esther, 496 —John, 136, 491, 494— Martha, 136 — Saml., 490 — Sarah and Sarah Hatch, 492 — Susanna, 452. Madford, Wm., 237. Mading, Jonathan, 519. Maen, Magdalen, 504. Mafford, James, 116. Magee, Rachel, 534 — Sarah, 172, 371 — Wm., 371. Mager, Elizabeth, Rachel and Thos., 126. See "Major". Maggin, Eliz., 526. Maggottee, Abed°., Ann, Ed- mund, John, Mary and Thos., 29. Magill, Abell and Ann, 64 — Thos., 284. See "Megill". Magowan, Waller, 454. Magruder, Magriger, Aa, 490 — Alexander, 293 — Alexander How'^., 287, 292 — Allen, 567— Ann P., 560 — Anna Eleanna, 556 — Betsy Lynn, 564 — Cas- sandra, 565 — Charity, 543, 544, 549, 556 — Christiana, 487 — Dennis, 307 — Edward, 264, 563 (w), 567 — Eleanor, 551, 567— Eliz., 553, 563, S7I— Geo., 543, 544, 549, 556, 561— Geo. Fra^., 302 — Grace, 544 — Harriott, 563 — Helen, 544 — Henderson, 295, 371, 410 — Hezekiah, 293, 371, 571 — James, 271, 553, 571 (w), 560 — ^Jeffer>', 543, 570 — John, 560 — John Bowie, 570 — ^John Wilson, 547, 549 — Jonathan Wilson, 543 — Joseph, 519 — Levin, 568 — Loyde, 454 — Margaret, 541, 544 — Martha, 543. 547— Mary Ann, 543— Nathaniel, 496, 566, 570 — Nathaniel B., 371, 372^ Ninian, 544, 551, 567, 568, 570 — Othello, 541 — Rebecca, 553. 564, 571— Robert, 307— Saml., 561 — Saml. Briscoe, 652 INDEX 372, 408, 571 — Susanna and Susanna Talbot, 543 — Thos., 272 — Townsend, 544 — Walter, 515, 541, 544— Warren, 563— Wm., 571 — Wm. Wilson, 544 — Zadock, 543, 547. Magrun, Bridget, 532. Maguire, Eleanor, 431. Mahan, Mahn, Ann, 421 — Cath., 508 — Sus., 503. Mahannah, John, 596. Mahon, Fran'., 302 — Thos., 172. Mahony, Mahoney, Ma- HOONEY, Anthony, 222 — Clement, 372, 491 — Edward, 372 — Florence, 454 — John, 297 — Margaret, 445 — Mary, 496 — Mary Ann, 491. Maikmahn, Wm., 81. Maine, Anne, 470 — Augusta, 483— John, 44. Major, Jane and John, 149 — ■ Levin, 94. See "Mager". Makeby, Rachel, 498. Makinson, Andrew, 245. Males, Elizabeth, 461. Maley, Mary, 530. Mallahon, Mary, 511. Mallanee, John and Peter, 42 — Leonard, 454. Malone, Maloney, Mallonee, etc., Catharine, 515 — ^James, 285 — Jonathan, 212— Leo, 456 — Mary, 420 — Mich'., 212 — Rebecca, 532 — Sally, 483 — Thos., 519. Malott, Mallott, Benj. and Joseph, 47 — Peter, Sarah and Thos., 46 — Rebecca, 526. Manadier, Henry, 455. Mand, Danl., 148 — Wm., 201. Mang, Margaret, 506. Mangun, James, 298 — John Smith, 297. Manidier, Mary, 109. Manly, Manley, James, John and Nicholas Geo., 596 — Jonathan, Jr., 259. Mann, Geo. and Zachariah, 455— Mar>', 474. Mannaca, Philip, 455. Mannihan, Sarah, 511. Manning, Anthony, 106 — John, 108, 290 — Joseph, 490. Manors, i to 78. Mans, Rowland, 312. Mansfield, Rachel, 595^ Richd., 221 — Saml., 6, 10. Mantle, Christopher, 528 — Elizabeth, 453, 532 — Rebecca, 446. Mantz, Manz, Manns, Cath- arine, 372, 504 — Eva Mary, 512 — Harriet, 501 — Peter, 372. Manyard, Nathan, 372, 410. Maradeth, Benj., 206. See "Meredith." Marburg, Wm., 455. March, John, 7. Marchel, Ather, John and Joseph, 226 — [Jam]es, 227. Marcum, Wm., 169. Marcy, Mary, 94. Mardee, Helen, 523. Margress, Saml., 514. Marign, Angel, 94. Maritze, Metsker, 532. Marker, Cathrine, 562 — Ma- tilda, 500. Markham, Wm., 241. Markland, Alice and Edwd., 372. Marks, Johan, 528. Marlow, Amelia, 514 — John, 268— John H., Thos. D. and Wm., 279. Marmold, James, 235. Marr, Arra, 372 — Chas., 284 — Thos., 455 — Wm., 372. Marriott, Achsah H., 480 — Ann, 476 — Caleb, 455 — Cath- erine, 470 — Charlotte, 478 — Elizabeth, 437, 457, 480, 484 • — Ephraim and James, 455 — Jane, 473 — John, Joseph, Joshua, 455 — Mary, 425 — Rachel, 439, 446, 457, 480 — Rebecca, 431 — Ruth, 436, 478, 484 — Richd., Thos. and Wm., 45S- A-LiRROw, Geo. and Richd., 455. Marschand, Mary, 507. Marsh, Mash, Anne, 435, 480 — Catherine and Hannah, 142 — John, 242 — John G., 455 — Lloyd, 142, 240 — Mary, 142, 416 — Patience, 462 — Phillip, 592 — Richd., 455 — Sarah, 452 — Thos., 201 — Wm., 455. Marshall, Benj., 285, 372 — Christian, 477 — Edwd., 455 — Eliza, 492 — Feby and Henry, 178 — Hannah, 597 — Israel, 592 —James, 32, 33, 532— John, 104, 178, 373, 455- 585— John Edwd. Henry, 585 — Mary, 441, 536 — Richd., 219, 257 — • Robt., 455, 494 — Sarah, 492 — Thos., 257, 492 — Wm., 491 — Zadock, 592. Marsham, Lucretia, 474. Marson, John, 254. Marthers, Darby, 83. Martin, A'Iarten, Alexander, 190, 576 — Ann (Wykall), 411 — Athatius, 455 — Bettie, 576 — Catherine, 495 — Danl., 455 — Edwd., 187 — Elisab., 529 — Ennals, 373 — H. A., 495— Henry, 304, 373 — Honore, 543, 544, 552 — Isaac, 190 — Jacob, 308, 373— John, 308, 455, 494, 524 — John Elias, 283 — Joseph, 532— Juliet, 543— Lenox, 497 — Margret, 187 — Martha, 190 — Mary, 187, 552 — Peter, 532 - — Philip, 373 — Robina, 500 — Robt., 234— Saml., 519 — Sarah, 373, 543, 544, 552, 594 ■ — Sophia, 544 — Susan, 503 — Thos., 108, 268— Wm., 182. Martindale, Lucretia, 470. Martling, Geo. Wash., Jas. (L. ?) and Mary, 554. Marvel, Saml., 532. Md. Gazettt, 328, 332. Md. Hist. Soc, V, vi, vii, i, 497, 513.522. 557, 558. 560- Md. Line, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319,320 — Third Reg., 317. INDEX 653 "Md. Marriages, 1777-1804," 488,497,513, 522,535. Md. Orig. Research Soc. of Balto., 579. Mass. Diocese, 540. Mass. Line, 346, 381, 384, 406. Mashman, Susanna, 143. Mason, Abraham, 79 — Alex- ander, 570 — Burgess, 519 — Eliza, 471, 492 — Isaac, 213 — James, 455 — John, 80 — Leah, 452 — Lot and Susannah, 491 — Wm., 206 — \Vm. Temple, 4SS- Mass, Marr (.'), Elizabeth, 415. Massey, Anne, 518 — Frances, 495— Henry, 373, 455— Isaac, 165 — Jesse, 373 — John, 580, 585 — Louisa and Rachel Fran- cher, 585 — Robert, 492^Sarj', 585 — Wm. Clark, 201. Mastaller, Sarah, 525. Masters, Dorcas, 515. Mastin, Ann and Francis, 490 — Rose, 491. Mather, Mathers, James, v, 136, 239 — Jemimah, v, 136 — Jeremiah, v, 136 — John, — - — Man,-, V, 136 — Michael, v, 136, 233 — Rose, 82 — Thos., v, 136, 233. Mathews, Matthews, Ann, Anna, 143, 151, 564 — Anne, 455— Bennet, 149, 244, 373— Carvel, 149 — David, 225 — Elizabeth, 151 — Francis, 149 — Henr}', 312 — Ignatius, 248, 490 — Isaiah, 149 — James, 132, 239— John, 54, 59, 149, 240, 272, 456 — Leven and Mar\% 151 — Milcah and Neomy, 149 — Roger, 149, 240 — Saml., 54, 59 — Thos., xv'i, 75, 225 — Wm., 302. Matkins, Ann, 532. Matson, Andrew, 312. Mattingley, Clement, 304 — • Edwd., 535 — Raphael, 493. Mattocks, John, 234. Mattorn (.'), 229. Maus, Cath. Magd., 509. Maxwell, 230 — Alexander, 201 — Geo., 25, 26 — James, 235, 373 — John, 4, 5, 12 — Robt., 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13 — Wm., 4, 8,9. 10,373- May, John, 130 — Richd., 491. Mayburv, Beriah, 456 — Julia, 461 — Mar)-, 429. Mayer, Charlotte, 502 — Chas., 209 — Henry E., 456 — Marv-, 508 — Sarah, 499. Mayhew, Mayhugh, Eleanor L., 373, 374 — James and John, 259 — John Love Wm., 519 — Jonathan, 373 — Wm., 293. Maynadier, Capt., 396 — Marg*. Murray, 435 — Wm., 374. Maynard, Foster, 225 — James P., Nathan and Saml., 456 — Rachel, 507. Mayne, Henr>', 455. Mayo, Anne, 472 — Hannah, 435, 484 — Henrietta, 459 — Isaac, 374, 456 — James and Joseph, 456 — Margaret, 45 1 — Sarah, 485 — Susanna, 418 — Thos., 456. Meace, Moses, 456. Mead, Meade, Meads, Amey, 481 — Elizabeth, 463 — ^James, 238, 246 — John, 213 — Mary, 423 — Saml., 456. Meager, James, 456. Mear, Mears, Fisher, 94 — Mary, 598 — Saml., 456 — Wm., 302. Mecan, Chas., Danl., Elisabeth, John and Patrick, 183. Mecarty, Macarty, Elisabeth, Jacob, Marj' and Owing, 176 — Levy and Sarah, 177. Mecendlis, Elisabeth, Ester, John, Sarah and Wm., 186. Meck, Thomas, 528. Mecool, Mar>-, 190. Mecltdy, Archa, Ellender and Margret, 178. Medari, Chas. Fredk., 512. Medcalf, Edwd., 558 — Lidia, 416 — Geo., John D., Nathan, Richd. and Wm., 456. Meddagh, Frederick, 374. Meddis, Thos., 94. Medlar, Bostian, 374. Medley, Midley, Eleanor, 45 — John Baptis, 276. Medowel, Man-, 187. Meeds, Francis and Thos., 201. Meegan, James, 241. Meek, Meeke, Meeks, Meake, Aaron, 456 — Adam, Andrew, Esther, John and Martha, 185 — Alia, 447 — Ann, 419 — ■ Aquilla, 596 — David, 456 — Elizabeth, 472 — Hannah, 438, 597— John, 374, 456— Joseph, 456 — Martha, 596 — Mary, 478 —Rebecca, 425 — Ruth, 446. Meekins, Joseph Shinton, 456. Meekmoor, Robt., 246. Megay, Alee, Geo., Hugh, James, John, Robt., Sarah and Wm., 171. Meggs, John, 225. Megill, Elisabeth, John, Mary and Wm., 192. See "Magill". Meginis, Mar>-, 176. Mekeen, Joseph, 246. Mekemson, John, Thos. and Wm., 241. Mellott, Ruth, 534. Meloney — see Maloney. Melson, Rebecca, 596. Melvin, Agnes, 594 — Sophia, 593- Members, Peter, 57. Menace, Menach, Isaac, 528 — Robt., 496. Mensor, Michael, 524. Meran, Mary, Susanna Ed- wards and Wm., 555. Mercer, John Francis, 456 — Ruth, 530 — Susannah, 422. Merchant, Wm., 456. Merckel, Eliz., 507. Merideth, Meridith, James, 528 — John, Rebecca and Wm., 98 — Lydia, 498 — ^Thos., 201, 456. See "Maradeth". 654 INDEX Merrick, Merich, Isaac, 83 — Michael, 554, 561 — Rachel Purnel and V'irlinder, 554. Merriken, Merrikin, Ann, 437, 446, 477 — Eliza, 420 — Elizabeth, 430 — Jemima, 466 — John, John Richd., Joseph, Joshua, Richd., Robt., Wm. and Wm. D., 456 — Mary Ann, 454— Sarah, 457, 483. Merrill, Betsy Pitts, Elizabeth Pitts, John, Kendall, Nancy, Peter, Susanne and Wm., 585 — Hetty, Levi and Polly (2), 592 — Zeno, 585. Merritt, Merrit, Saml., 6, 9 — Wm., 4. Merriweather, Meriweather, Ann, 487 — Elizabeth, 441, 563 — Mar)-, 452 — Nicholas, 559 — Sarah D., 431. Merryman, Elizabeth and Luke, 374- Mesick, Messack, Comfort, S95— James, 94— John, 98. Messenger, Joseph, 535. Messerle, Eliz., 506. Messmor, Mary Marg., 500. Mew, Eleanor, 485. Mewshaw, Humulal, 480 — Joseph, 457 — Margaret, 433. Mey, Agnes, 512. Meyer — see Myer. Meyerer, John Joshua, 512. Mezier, Mary Cath., 513. Mezzek, Nehemiah, 339, 374. Miars, John, 94 — see Myers. Michael, Michel, Ann, 175 — Balshar, Belsher, 175, 240 — Benj. St. Peter (w), 567 — Bennet, 175 — Danl., 175, 512 — Elizab., 508 — Jacob, 175, 374 — ^James, John, Susannah and Wm., 175. Mickens, Phebe, 475. Middekauff, Mittelkauf, John, 512 — Sarah, 505. MiDDLETON, 539 — Ann, 443 — Christian, 470 — David 374 — Elisha 457 — Elizabeth 449 — Gilbert Nicholas and Sarah, 37S— Ig'-. James, 31, 493 — Joseph, 457 — Saml. (w), 571 — Smith, 30, 31, 279 — Thos., 522 — Wm., 228. MiERS — see Myers. Mifflin, Elizabeth, 482. MiFFORD, Jesse, 593. MiLBEY, John, 201. MiLBURN, Adeline and Alex- ander, 576 — Ann, 76, 77 — Ann Gloviner, Augusta, Caroline, Caroline E. B. and Catherine H., 577 — Catherine A. H. and Clara, 576 — Eliza Susanna, 577 — Elizabeth, 576, 586 — Jas. C. and Jane, 576 — ^Jas. T., 577— John, 76, 77, 577— John A. H. and John H., 577 — Joseph, 76 — Mar>', 76, 146 — Mar>- E., Mortimer and Permelia, 576 — Peter, 76 — Rachel P., 591 — Rebecca, 77 • — Rebecca A. and Robt. N., 577 — Sarah, 146 — Stephen, 76, 77— Susan A., 576, 577— Susanna, Sue G., Thos. H., Virginia and Wm. P., 577— Thos., 580 — Wm., 77, 201. Miles, Ann, Anne, 433, 447 — Aquila, 241 — Benj., 457 — Eleanor, 485, 495 — Elizabeth, 465 — Fred''., 302 — Henrietta, 438— Jane, 375— John, 64, 65, 261, 298 — Jonathan, 593 — Joshua, 375 — Josias, 64 — Mar- garet, 432 — Mary, 472, 479, 488, 493 — Morris and Nathan, 302 — Nicholas, 264 — Richd. and Robt., 457 — Sarah, 425 — Shadrick, 306 — Susanna, 430 — Thos., 514 — Wm., 457.' Miley (Riley ?), Jeremiah, 251. MiLHAUES, Rachel, 512. Mill, condemned for, 64 — Hun- dred, Talbott Co., 223 — Manor, 3, 72, 78. Millard, Wm., 296. Miller, Abraham, 528 — Adam, 45, 55, 59, 528 — Agnis, 186 — Andrew, 272 — Ann, Anne, 433, 453 — Barbara, 531 — C — , 56 — Catherine, 442, 532 — Chris- tian, 45, 51, 56, 60 — Christo- pher, 496 — David, 46, 51 — Eleanor, 523, 564 — Elizabeth, 434. 529. 536— Felix ("Phi- lix"), 528 — Froney, 531 — Geo., 51, 375 — Gerard, 74 — Hannah, 164 — Hans, 47 — Henry, 533 — Henrietta, 479 — Howard, 457 — ^Jacob, 564 — James, 213, 528 — Jesse, 457 — John, 40, 164, 258, 457, 497, 514. 579, 585 (2)— Joseph, 164, 457 — Larah, 457 — Mar- garet, 186 — Martha, 164 — Marj', 164, 186, 445, 448, 475, 507, 525 — Nancy, 512 — Nanny (Dirickson), — • — Nehemiah, 457 — Peter, Philip and Richd., 457 — Philix, 528 — Polly, 592 — Saml., 186, 457 — Sarah, 94, 186, 529, 585 — Stephen, 54, 59 — Susanna, 524 — Thos. and Thos. W., 457 — "Thomis- dike," 186 — Wm., 45, 46, 457, 528. MiLLicAN, Mark, 533. Millien, Patrick, 243. MiLLiNGTON, 229 — Nickson, 229. MiLLOSKiE, Stephen, 524. Mills, Ann, 545, 547, 552— Benj., 552 — Betsey, 592 — Chas. Nathl., 536 — Claray, 585— Cornelius H., 349, 375, 457 — Edwd., 108 — Elias, 547, 552— Eliz., 347, 432, 547— Fredk. and Geo. Wash., 457 — Hannah, 593 — Harriet, 347 —James, 102, 347— Jesse, 545 — John, 187, 261, 457 — Joseph, 545— Mary, 439— Peggy Patey, 585 — Peter, 3 12 Right, 108 — Robert, 187 — Sarah, 347, 437, 591 — Susan- nah, 187 — Thos., 347, 457 — Wm.,274 — Zachariah, 253,375. MiLSTEAD, Cath., 489 — Thos., 490. INDEX 655 MiLwooD, Wm., 224. MiNisH, Elesabeth, 94. MiNiTREE, Paul, 375, 492, 494. Minor, Thos., 519. MiNSHER, Robt., 533. MiNSKEY, Catharine, 469 — Saml., 457. MiNSTALLED, Nicholas, 559. Mire (de Mire ?), Mires — see Myers. MiscAR, Saml., 68. Misler, Abraham, 98. Missouri, 366. Mitchel, Mitchell, Alex., 457 — Ann, 185, 189, 518, 585 — Aquiller, 185 — Asel, 184 — Averillah, 186, 189 — Barker, 184 — Barnet, 189 — Benj., 271 Benj. Notley, 264 — Betsy, 590 — Chas., 302, 375 — Charlotte, V, 417 — Clemmency, 184 — David, 255 — Edmund, 457 — Edward, 185 — Elaxanders, 189 — Elizabeth, 134, 176, 184, 189 —Elizabeth (Hill), 583, 585— Fradrick and Gabril, 176 — Geo., 457, 522 — Hannah, 184 — Isaac, 585 — Isaac Murray, 586 — James, 183, 184, 189 — James Weaver and Jane, 189 — ^John, 134, 176, 255, 256, 302, 304, 457— John Pope, 585 — Joseph, 265, 267 — Joshua, 586— Josiah, 583, 585 (2)— Kent, 184, 188— Levin, 585 (2)— Martha, 184, 186— Mary, 176, 184^ 214, 528, 585— Mary (Murray), 585 — Mica- jah, 186 — Mordecau Miles, 272 — Peggy, 586 — Polly, 593 — Polly (Purnall), 585- Rachel, 176, 184, 185- Richd., 189, 298, 306 — Robert, 134, 585 (3). 586, S93— Sarah, 134, 184, 189. 455, 585, 586— Shadrick and Shurlotter, 184 — Sophia, 583, 585- Sophia (Hill), 585- Susannah, 486 — Theodore, 302 — ^Thomas, 184, 189, 307 — Wm., 134, 184, 271, 514 — Wm. Murrah, 586. MiTTAQ, Meddack, Frederick, 375- Moale, Moll, Molle, Eliza- beth, 425 — John, 218 — Mag- dalen, 503 — Saml., 457. Moaner, Timothy, 201. Mobberly, Moberly, Mobley, Mobly, Aaron, 83 — Archibald Johnson, 542 — Basil, 457 — "Chanty," 542 — Minah, 447 —Rachel, 422 — Rezin, 457, 458— Wm., 542. Mobsler, James, 240. Mock, James, 458. MocKBEE, Mocbee, Barie and Booth, 307 — James, 272 — Jemima, 455 — John, 272, 522 — Sarah, 458 — Wm., 306 — Wm. N., 307. MoDiN, Modding, Patrick, 235 — Richd., 519. MoDisiT, Susanna, 491. MoFFiTT, Saml., 370. Mohan, Mohon, Ann, Cathron and Jane, 193 — Edwd., Elisa- beth, James, Judy, Margret and Mary, 189 — John, 189, 193 — Martha, 193 — Wm., 189, 193- MoisNE — see De Moisne, 312. Mold, Molds, Danl., 207 — Judith, 513 — Walter, 201. Molix, Jimmimey, 105. MoLLEDAR, Elizab., 503. MoLLiNEUx, Rebecca, 458. Molten, Molton, John, 188 — Mathew, 175. Monday, James, 130. Money, Moone, Mooney, Jas. of Jno., 245 — Patrick, 201 — Rachel, 20 — Tranus, 38. Mongand, Geo., 525. Monk, Richd., 236 — Wm., 495. MoNococY, Manockacy, Man- or, 3. 51- 56, 317- Monohan, Monohon, Arthur, 242, 244 — John, 242. Monroe — see Munroe. Montgomery, Mary, 529 — Mary Ann, 488— Thos., 238, Montgomery Co. Marriages, etc., 5 13 to 522, 539 to 572— Funerals, 565 to 572 — Lower Battalion, Militia, 334, 360, 408. Montle, Mondle, Geo., 375. MoNY, Attila, 534. MooBERRY, Frances and Wm., 150. Moody, Moodie, Henry Hume, 272 — Thos., 558 — Wm., 306. MooKiN, Mookins, Ezekiel, 100 — Mark and Mary, 97. Moolespaugh, Philip, 528. Moore, Moor, More, Aaron, 43 — Abigail French, 535 — Alexander, 548 — Ann, 558 — Barton, 551 — Benj., 307 — Burton, 458 — Caroline V., 500 — Christopher, 107 — Ellenor, 67, 533 — Elijah, 94, 266, 304 — Eliz., 548, 561, 596 — Geo., 258 (2)— Geo. (Rev.), 595- Harlot, 563 — Hezekiah, 32 — James, 32 (2), 40, 41, 66, 201, 235, 243, 307 — Jas. of Benj., 307 — ^Jas. Francis, 41 — Jane, 434. S°9— Jason, 55 1— Jere- miah, 258 — John, 32, 67, 254, 304, 306, 333, 375, 458— John C, 375 — John Smith, 32, 268, 489 — Jona, 458 — Joseph, 307 — Juliet, 551 — Mary, 40, 213, 376, 463, 598 — Nathan, 561 — Nicholas, 66 — Nicholas Rux- ton, 41, 344, 376 — Peter Dent, 563- Polly, 594— Pris, 495, 551 — Rachel, 434 — Reuben, 376 — Rezin, 40, 41 — Robt., 458 — Saml. T. and Sarah, 376 — Susa, 512 — Susannah, 100 — Thos., 94, 99, 268, 536 — Wm., 66, 79, 258, 376, 458, 533— Zadock, 307. Moores, Moors, James, 338 — John, 236 — Saml., 100. Mooreland, Mary, 521. MoOREHEAD, Alexander, 533. MooRN, John, 243. MoRAN, Eleanor, 556 — Eliza- beth, Gabriel and John, 25 — 656 INDEX Hezekiah, 536 — Mary, 104— Moses, 103 — Peregrine, 536, 556 — \Vm., 556. MoRELAND, MoRLAND, Eleanor, 496 — Henry, 201 — Isaac, 495 — Jacob, 29 — John, 29, 30, 32 — Patrick, 30 — Philip, 32 — Wm., 29 — Zachariah, ■ Zepaniah, — . MoRETON, Joseph, 536. Morgan, Anne, 517 — Cassan- dria, 164 — Catharine, 501 — Aquila Ridgway Duval, 552 — Druzillah and Echsah, 159 — Edwd., 243 — Eleanor, 552 (2) — Elizabeth, 82, 164, 462 — Geo., 238 — Harriet Ridgway, 552 — Hugh, 159 — James, 81, 238 — Joel and John, 164 — Joseph, 116 — Lucy, v — Lydia and Marj', 164 — Margaret, 164, 526 — Marmaduke, 308 — ■ Nathal, 533 — Rachel, 164 — Richd., 552 (2) — Richd. John, 159 — Robt. and Ruth, 164 — Sarah, 159, 164, 443 — Solo- mon, 81 — ^Thos., 164, 458 — Thos. Sperry, 223 — Wm., 94, 164, 458. MoRiARTY, Marg. W., 507. MoRLEV, Joseph, 229. MoRLiNG, Francis, 227. MoRNDALLER, John, 44. MORRELL, John, 458. MoRRESS, Elizabeth (King) and Mary, xii — John, xi. Morris, 586 — Ann, 496 — Be- vins, 586 — Catherine Precilla, 500 — Edwd., 104 — Elizabeth, 25, 74, 521 — Elizabeth (Tru- itt), 586 — Giles, 145 — Griffin, 77— Henry, 71— Jane, 77, 145 — John, 242, 376 — Jonathan, 377 — Margaret, 476 — Martin, 458 — Mary, 73, 74 — Monaca, 77 — Moses, 144 — Phillis, 593 —Polly, 488— Rachel, 482— Rebekah (Lockwood), 585 — Richd., 14s — Sarah, 532 — Susanna, 145 — Thos., 71 — Ufam, 145. Morrison, Ann and John, 116 — Joseph, 133, 236 — Martha, 133 — Mary, 116, 133. Morrow, Benj., 234 — Prudence 533- Morse, Wm., 201. MoRSELL, MoRSAL, James, 218 — Kidd, 239. MoRSON, Wm., 270. Mortimer, James and John, 458. Morton, Richd., 306 — Saml. and Thos., 293 — Wm., 297. Moses, Wm., 103. Moss, Charlotte Eliza Ann, 421 — Elizabeth, 420, 452, 456 — Harriet, 441 — Humulal, 487 — James, John and Robt., 448 — Monica, 458 — Rachel, 485— Robt., 448 — Saml., 458 — Sarah, 474 — Willoughby, 458. Mossetter, Anna Mary, 502. MosTiLLER, Susanna, 524. MouBREY, James, Mary and Robt., 173. MouFY, Mary, 456. MouLAND, Jacob, John, Walter and Wm., 30. MouLSwoRTH, Joseph, 458. Mount, Sarah F., 500. MouNTSEER, Wm., 201. MoxLEY, MoxLY, Jacob, 458 — Job, John and Thos., 519 — Sibby, 515. MoYER, Elizabeth, 501. MuBERY, Wm., 237. MucKELRATH, Sarah, 178. MuDD, Andrew, 558 — Ann, Bar- bara and Bennett, 377 — Ely, 562 — Ezekiel, 492, 497 — Fran- cis, 298 — Hez""., 307 — Henry Lowe, 298 — Thos., 264. MuGENBROUGH, Martin, 312. MuGG, Elizab., 502 — John, Peter, Thos. and Walter, 65. MuiR, Chas., 38, 94, 368 — James, 94 — Thos., 109, 377. MuLANiA, James, 109. MuLES, Sarah, 466. MuLLER, John Geo., 512. MULLIKIN, MULLAKIN, MuLLI- CAN, Archd., 519, 564 — Basil, 554 (2)— Beal, Bell, 458— Carr, 477 — Charity, 468 — Eleanor, 471 — Eliza, 555 — Elizabeth, 452 — Hannah, 554 — James, 294, 458 — John, 283, 542. 555— Leatha, 542— Lewis, 520 — Margaret, 487^ Mary, 478 — Osborn, 458 — Saml., 304 — Sophia, 432— Thos., 283, 458, 542 — Walter, 555 — Wm., 258, 283, 561. MuLLiN, Sarah, 6. Mullock, Andrew, 312. MuLTON, Patrick, 233. MuMAW, Ann Maria, 501. MuMFORD, Elizabeth, 593 — Elizabeth (Freeman), James and Jared, 586 — John, 201 — Nancy, 593 — Wm., 586. MuNCASTER, Eliza, 489 — Zacha- riah, 563. MuNDLEY, John, 307. MUNNETT, Wm., 82. MuNROE, Monroe, Monrow, Danl., 458 — Elizabeth, 106, 171, 425, 463— John, 153, 171. 458 — Mary, 171 — Sarah, 424 — Thos., 171, 458 — Wm., 171, 235 — Wm. F., 171. MuRDOCK, Addison, 276 — Benj., 377 — Elizabeth, 469 — Geo., 557 — Gilbert, 458 — James, 490 — Jane (Clagett), 377 — Mar- garet, 487 — Wm., 377, 458. Murmet, Mich., 516. MURPHEY, MURFEY, MeRPHEY, Alea, 181 — Ann, 534 — Archa- bald, 233 — Edward, 244^ Elizabeth, 181 — Frances, 143, 181 — Hannah, 146 — Henry, 495 — Hezekiah, 536 — James, 181, 458, 520 — John, 100, 143, 181, 201, 27s, 458— Joseph, 150 — Mary, 143 — Matthew, 458 — Murphy, 248 — Patrick, 245 — Peter, 151^ Rebecca, 410 — Rosannah, 181 — Sarah, 143, 153, 518 — Susannah, 150 — Thos., 142, 247 — Timothy, 143, 148 — INDEX 657 \Vm., 150, 153, 248 — Zekha- niah, 535. Murray, Murrey, Mury, Ann Maria, 458 — Catherine Eliz*., 467 — Isaac, 586 — James, 458 — Jos., 109 — Mary (Mitchell), 585 — Rosalie Margaret, 440 — Sarah, 476 — Sarah Scott, 452 — Wm., 458. MuRRow, Cassuck, 426. Muse, Mus, Ann, 486 — John, 458 — Thos., 108, 109. Musear, Hennr)', 525.. MusELMAN, Cath., 523 MusGROVE, Axsah, 434 — Fran- ses, 180 — Lydia, 415 — Margt., 489. MussEY, Francis, 596. My Lady's Manor, 3. Myer, Meyer, Adam, 526 — An. Marg., 512 — Peter, 532. Myers, Miars, Mires, Miers, Catharine, 449, 478 — Char- lotte, 555 — Elizabeth, 596 — • Hannah, 168 — Hannah A., 499 — ^Jacob, 46 — James, 168 — John, 94, 168 — Lawson, 555 — Leamah, 168 — Margaret, 515 — Mar>-, 508 — Mary Ann, 448 ■ — Mattes, 528 — Solomon, 555 — Wm., 596. N Nabb, Sarah, 201. Nagle, Neagle, Richd., 377 — Sarah, 449. Nally, Aaron, 287 — Nathan Barton, 489 — Richd., 520. Manjony Parish, 495. Nantacoake Hundred, 89 — - Manor, 2, 37 — river, 39. Nash, Barnett and Elizabeth, 71— Eliza, 488— Thos., 71, 222. Natlzell (Baltzell .'), Cath., Sii. Natl. See. D. A. R., 498. Naturalizations, Early, 311. Naydin, Thos., 266. 43 Naylor, Nayler, Nailor, Bat- son, 304, 489 — Geo., 298, 303 • — Geo. (of Batson), 304 — Geo. (of Jas.), 293 — John Lawson, 303 — ^Joshua, 308 — ■ Saml., 272. Neal, Neale, Neel, Neil, Ann, 446 — Anthony and Ben- nett, 29 — Chas., 45, 47 — • Doras, 279 — Eleann, 377, 493 — Henr>', 377 — Hugh, 211 — James, 94, 313, 377, 458— John (Charles Co.), 245 — Ralph, 47 — Ruth, 446 — ^Thos., 288, 458, 515— Will, 212— Wm., 522 — Wm. Francis (Charles Co.), 245. Neave, Neaves, John, 129, 459 — Mar>', Sarah, Timothy and Wm., 129. Neavey, Nea\'y, John and Thos., 459. Needham, Wm. A., 378. Neeshton, James, 533. Neff, Neffe, Ann Margt., 533 — Benj. C, 459. Neigh, Geo., 533. Neighbony, Saml., 213. Neighbous, Johnn., 528 — Thos., 225. Neithsmith, John, 224. Nelson, Nellson, Archibald, 5 1 5 — Betsy, 59 1 — Bu rgess, 498 — David, 494 — Easter, 489 — Elijah, S93 — Eliza. 378, 497 — • Elizabeth (Milburn), 586— Frances, 513 — Hugh, 241 — Jannetta Russell, 479 — John, 237, 490 — Josiah, 593 — Levi, 593 — Margaret, 532 — Moses, 528 — Robert, 247, 586 — • Roger, 378 — Sarah, 432, 489 — ^Thos., 586 — Wm., 491, 586, 593 — Zeruiah, 586. Nerol, John, 20I. Neronam, Danl., John, Joseph and Wm., 201. Nesbitt, Nesbett, Catherine. 527— Nathl. 524, 533. Neth, Lewis, 459. Nettle, Nettles, Agnes, 441 — James, 459 — Muriel and Thos. Dutton, 491. Neuschw anger, Barb., 502. Nevel, Nevil, James, Sarah and Walter, 201 — John and Ruth, 171. Nevett, Nevit, Chas., 266 — John, 67, 264, 265 — John Baptist, 67 — ^Mary, 67, 473 — Sarah, 564. Nevison, Mar>-, 535. Newbold, Thos., 593. Newbon, Thos., 145. Newbury, Mar>-, 434. Newcom, Newcomer, Christian, 524 — Elizab., 533 — Robert, 226. Newhouse, John, 305. New Jersey Line, 335, 379, 381. Newland, Elizab., 523 — Thos., 148. Newman, Butler, 307 — John, 378. Newson, Mar>% 524. Newton, John, 378 — Nathaniel, 268. New York, 399 — Line, 350, 356, 381. Neyhearck, Abraham, 524. NiBLET, Wm., 378, 379. Nicholas, Nichols, Nicholls, NicoLS, Amelia, 543, 544 — Andrew, 459 — ."^nn, 426, 544 — Archibal, 550 — Barbar>-, 544 — Benj., 558 — Cassandra, 543, 545 — Danl., 543, 544 — Dennis, 545 — Edwd., 46, 271 — Hen- ney, 224 — ^Henr>-, 267, 541 — Isaac, 459 — Jenny, 549 — Jeremiah, 459 — John, 295, 494 — John B., 459 — Keren Hap- puch Burgess, 550 — Mahala. 473 — Mar>-, 68 — Nancy, 541 — Nelson, 459 — Philip, 275 — Polly, 516 — Priscilla, 556— Rachel, 446 — Rachel Ann, 459 — Richd., 274 — Robt., 459 — Ruth, 418 — Saml., 291, 459 —Sarah, 455, 544, 550— 658 INDEX Simon, 544 — Staly, 272 — Susannah, 68 — ^Thos., 68, 545, 556, 561, 569 — Tomsey, 541 — Wm., 262, 271, 29s, 459 — Win. (of Clark), 291— Wm. Mackay, 556. NicoL, Anna Mary, 503 — see also above, Nicols, etc. Nicholson, Amelia, 562 — Ann, 443, 528 (2)— Benj., 459— Danl., 228 — Elizabeth, 432, 437, 533— Hester, 459, 469, 558 — ^J., 396, 405 — Jeremiah, 558— John, 459, 547, 560— Joseph, 201, 212,459 — Mary, 547 — Nich'., 19, 299 — Re- becca, 487 — Richd., 514 — Sarah, 474 — Stephen, 459— Susan, 473 — Wm., 528. Nickers, 229. NicKLE, John, 379. NiCKSON, Anny (Amy ?), 542 — Eliz. and Jonathan, 542. NiELLY, Mary, 531. NiGHTON, Reiser, 269. Nix, Elizebeth, 226. NiXDORF, Mary, 511. Nixon, Catharine, 430 — -Isaac, 379 — ^John, 109, 459 — Saml., 533- Noble, Anthony, 459 — Esther, 591 — Jane, 531 — Mark, 106, 156 — Nehemiah, 209 — Wm., 103. Nobs, Joseph, 223. Noddy, Eliz., 519. NoDiNG, Alice, 517. Nohel, Catherine, 152. Nomers, John, 313. Nonlon, Thos., 153. Nonse, Eve, 525. Norfut, Ann, 520. Norman, Benj., 459 — Christo- pher, 94 — Eleann, 430 — Eliza- beth, 429, 486 — Ester, 105 — Jane, 461 (2) — Joseph, 290, 459 — Mary, 417 — Mary Ann, 478 — Rachel, 482 — Richd., 459 — Rizpah R., 483 — Saml., 459 — Sarah, 461, 488 — Theophi- lus, 459 — Thos., 108 — Walter and Wm., 459. NoRRis, Norres, Unnamed son, 128 — Abraham, 233 — Agl, Aql (of Edward), 239 — Alexander, 127, 234 — Ann, 430 — -Aquila, 234 — Artridge, 442 — Benedict, 127 — Benj. Bradford, 128 — Daniel, 134, 233 — Darkey, 497 — Edwd., 234, 246 — Elizabeth, 128, 430, 495, 505 — Hannah, 127 — ^Jacob, 130 — James, 233, 234, 242 — Jane, 127 — ^John, 17, 22, 77, 127, 233, 235, 238, 459— Joseph, 234, 459— Joseph (of Edwd.), 245 — Margaret, 127 — Martha, 128 — Martin, 459 — Mary, 127, 430, 442, 533 — Molilin, 109 — • Philip, 459 — R., 22 — Richd., 4, 8, 127, 234, 459 — Robt., 19, 22 — Sarah, 127, 128, 134 — Saml., 418 — Thos., 18, 128, 233, 459— Wm., 226, 241, 459. Norrod, James, 571. North, 230. North Carolina (Runnerl), 507. North East Manor, 3. NoRTHCRAFT, James, 562 — (w), 569. Norton, Robt., 279 — Sophia and Stephen, 164 — Wm., Sr., 266. Norwood, Ann, 219 — Bell, 459 — Edwd., 227 — Mary Ellen, 500 — Nancy, 494 — Robt., 224 — Wm., 225. NoTHERWoOD, Joseph, 107. NoTHEY, Nathan, 299. NoTT, Jane, Mary, Sarah and Wm., 165. NoviNTON, John, 247. Ann, 72 — Eleanor, 470 — Elizabeth, 445 — Gilbert, 460 — Henry, 72 — ^James, 379 — Margaret, 477 — Mary, 439, 460 — Susanna, 471. NoWER, Alexander, Ann, James, Jesse, Phebe, Rachel, 134. NowLAND, Mary, 164. Nox, Wm., 528. See "Knox." NuGEN, Ann, Elizabeth, Jane, Rebecca and Sarah, 129. NinJBERS, Peter, 52. NuoLS, Mary, 217. NussEY, Johanna, 223. Nusz, Mary, 512. Nltth, Moses, 237. NuTON, NuTTON, Nimrod, 105 — Richd., 104 — Sarah, 594 — Willis, 105. Nutterwell, Nutwell, Ben- net, 187 — Danl., 151, 187, 240 — Minty, 187. Oakley, Ann, 494 — John Scrog- gan and Sarah Ann, 491. Oaths of Fidelity and Allegiance, Harford Co., 233 — Prince George's Co., 251. O'Bryan, Obrien, Dennis, 379 —Roger, 145. Oburn, Wm., 553. OcHS, John Adam, 512. O'Conner, Michael, 379. Oden, Francis, 26 — John, 565 — Mary, 26 — Mrs., 567 — Nathan, 520 — Priscilla, 560 — • PrissiUa Packer and Rebecca, 26 — Sarah, 562 — Tabitha, 560 — Wm. (.'),26. Odillen, Lawrence, 244. Odle, Cassandra, 560 — Eliz., SS8- O'Donald, O'Donnell, Corne- lius, 460 — Michael, 244 — Saml., 248. Offley, Benton, John and Vinson, 202. O'Flaherty, Elizabeth, 445. OFFtrrr, Andrew, 562 — Barak, 560 — Baruch, 553 — Elizabeth, 521, 553— James, 515— Milly, 564 — Rebecca, 515, 560 — Rachel, 562 — Rezin Ray, 553 — Salley, 561 — Saml., 520, 553, 566 — Sarah, 521 — Thos. Odle, 561 — Virlinder, 553, 560 — INDEX 659 Wm., 520 — Wm. Magruder, 553 — Zephaniah, 520. Ogden, Cornelius, 520 — Francis (?), 26 — ^John, 299 — -Joseph, 520 — Mary, 26, 520 — Phili- mon, 26 — Robert, 299 — Wm., 26, 32. Ogg, Stocke, 169. Oggan, Peggy, 106. Ogle, Anne, 475 — Benj., 274, 460 — Mary, 419 — Sarah and Thos., 512. O'Hara, James, 460 — John and Susan, 379 — Wm., 460. Ohio, 333, 336, 341, 361, 363— (Howlt.), 567— (Price), 382— (Rigby), 385— (Smith), 394— (Spires), 395 — (Wolcott), 410. Oldborn, John F., 460. Oldham, Henry, 241. Oldson, Peter, 313 — Thos., 210. Oldwine, Barney, 379 — Chas., 379, 524. 528- Oliver, Cathrin, 171 — Esther, 158 — Hezekiah, 293 — Isaac and Jacob, 460 — ^James, 155, 171 — Joseph, 596 — Martha, 489 — Susanna, 158 — Thos., 460 — Wm., 493. Onderdonk, Henry Ustick, 540. Oneal, Oneale, Onell, ONeil, Burgess Evins, David, 560, (w) 566— Eliz., S45. S47, 55° — Hannah, 550 — John, 84, 516, S47, SS4 — Lawrence, 564 — Mary, 545, S47, 554— Nath., 299 — ^Thos., 84 — Wm., 279, 545, 550, 563- Onion, Ayres, 586 — Betty, 586 — ^Henry, 360 — John, 586 — Juliet (Pendergast), Mary and Selby, 586 — Stephen, 133 — Susannah (Person), 586 — Thos., 133. Onslov\', Arthur (Speaker), i. Oram, Orem, Levi, 94 — Rachel, 226 — Spedden, 379 — Wm., 226. Ore, Oure, John, Mary and Rebecca, 174. O'Reilly, Amelia, 439 — ^James A., 460. Orme, Ann, 542 — Bennet Brooke, 555 — Eleanor, 541 — Elly, 541, 542 — Hezekiah, 304 — Jesse, 460 — ^John, 252, 304 — Margaret, 515 — Mary, 564 — Moses, 293, 379, 495 — Nathan, 555, 561 — Patrick, 521— Polly, 555— Richd., 303 — Richd. J., 561 — Robt., 256 — Saml., 293 — Susanna, 541, 542 — Thos., 299 — Wm., 304. Orndorff, Christian, 379 — Jacob, 524. O'Roarke, Thos., 460. Orr, Jas. and John, 246 — Wm., 562. Orrell, Orrill, John, 84 — Thos., 79. Orusan, Mary, 182. Orsburn, Amous, Ann, Aquillah, Bennet, Elisabeth, John, Josias and Sarah, 177. OsBORN, Osborne, Osburn, Abariler, 169 — Ann, 151— Archibald, 551 — Benj., 168, 235 — Cath., 523 — Cordelia, 169 — Cyrus, 151, 169, 237 — David, 29 — Dennis, 306 — Elizabeth, 551 (2) — Gean, 169 • — Hannah, 487 — Harriot, 552 — Henry, 488 — James, 168, 169, 239 — John, 306 — Leonard P-, 552, 555 — Martha, 169— Mary, 169, 568 — Samelia, 168 — Saml. Groome, 237, 239 — Sarah, 552, 555 — Susannah, 151, 168— Walter, 488— Wm., 169, 240, 460, 494 — Wm. (of Benj.), 235 — Wm. Thrasher, 555- Ott, Otto, Adam, 379, 380, 533 • — Catharine, Jacob and Sus- anna, 524 — Julian, 379 — - Marg., 509, 523. Ould, Oulds (Aulds .''), Danl., 220, 3 16 — Hugh and John, 220 — Philip, 221 — Sarah, 316. Overstocks, Peter, 134. Owe, Johan, 528. Owen, Owens, Owings, Aimy, 437 — Alethia, 473 — ^Ann, 425, 496 — Benj., 252, 460 — Chas., 20, 151, 460 — Edward, 239 — Eleanor, 518 — Eliza, 416 — Eliz". Ann, 461 — Gassaway, 342 — Grace, 443 — Isaac, 18, 460 — Jacob, 460 — James, 20, 239, 460 — Jesse, 562 — ^John, 20, 106, 202, 460, 520 — Jhon Candler, 547 — ^Joseph, 31, 460 — Joshua, 547, 569 — Juliana, 456 — Lane (of R"*.), 460 — • Laurence, 520 — Margaret, 479 —Mary, 151, 451, 483, 547, 563 — Miranda, 509 — Nicholas, 460 — Owen, 105 — Priscilla, 422, 483 — Sarah, 151 — Sus- anna, 46 — Thos., 20, 29, 30, 31, 460, 520 — Wm., 79, 270 460 — Zachariah, 255. Oyer, Francis, 526. Ozeman, — n, 230. Ozier, Joseph, 596. Paca, Aquila, 155, 237, 240 — Henrietta, 416 — ^John, 239 — Wm., 157. Packer, Mary, 482. Padgett, Padgitt, Hezekiah, 299 — Lydia, 496. Page, Alexander, 556 — Anthony, 254 — Aquilla, 4, 6, 8, 10 — Cassandra, 556 — Daniel, 306 — Francis, 556 — Jesse, 541 — John, 4, 6, 380, 383 — Mary, 4, 6, 10, 178, 541 — Rachel, 541. Pain, Paine, Barnit, 247 — Elizabeth, John and Precilla, 126 — Isaac, 81 — Margret, 562. Painham, Ann, Francis and Mary, 71. Painter, Mary and Melchior, 380. Pairin, 27. Palmer, Pamer, 229 — Barbara, 533 — James, 108 — Mary, 509. 66o INDEX Pamphilion, Thos., 380. Pancoast, Jane, 504. Panden, John, 460. Panquaiah Manor, 28. Pargerson, Sarah, 480. Parker, Abraham, 27 — Amelia, 593 — Ann, 546 — Anna, 556 — Anne, 419 — Aquila, 241 — Augustin, 546 — Chas., 593 — Danl., 107 — David, 546 — Geo., 461 — John, 27, 173, 241, 284, 287, 461, 593 — ^Jonathan P., 461 — Martha, 437, 558^ Martin, 241 — Mar)-, 530, 556 — Nancy, 593 (2), 594 — Sally, 594— Sally (Pitts), 586— Susannah, 496, 516 — ^Thos., 514, 556 — Welimona, 437— Wm., 242. Parkerson, Parkeson, Abra- ham, Richd. and Wm., 461. Parkman, Ch. M., 539. Parks, James, Jane and Martha, 116 — John, 98. Parnion, Henr)', 560. Parran, Jane and Thos., 380. Parris, Paris, Parrish, Aaron, 460 — Clemmency, 380 — Com- fort, 94 — Edwd., 380 — Eliza- beth, 131 — Isaac, 460 — John, 94, 460 — Kisiah, 131 — Mary, 131, 488 — Matthew, 460 — Moses, 131 — Rachel, 131, 450 — Rebeccah Sabinah, Susan- nah, 131 — Sarah, 454 — Wm., 131, 233, 460. Parrott, Parret, Parot, Anne, 478 — Christopher, 380 — Dolly, 423 — Eleanor, 444 — Elizabeth, 437> 473 — John, Knighton, Richd., Thos., 461 — Letitia, 460 — Saml., 271. Parsley, Jonas, 560. Parslow, John, 253. Parson, Parsons, Danl., 380 — Edwd., 83— Isaac, 238 — John, 238, 247, 461 — Patience, 421 —Sarah, 433 — Wm., 461. Partridge, Isaac and Jonathan, 108. Pascault, Louis Chas., 461. Pasco, Wm., 491. Pasterfield, Philip, 316. Patapsco, Falls, 339. Patmore, Benj., 461. Patrick, Anne, 519 — Ann, Elizabeth, Hugh, John, Mary and Margaret, 165. Patten, 229. Patterson, Pattison, Althow, 108 — Eliz"., 479, 526 — Geo., 192, 240 — Jacob, 461 — John, 239 — James, 246 — John, 239 — Mary, 559 — Robt., 461 — Saml. , 246 — Sarah , 485 — Wm. , 241, 528. Pattinger, Caspar and Geo., 56 — Elizabeth, Danl. and John, 51, 56. Pattey, Patty, Patee, Eliza- beth, 128 — Fanny, John Franklin, Kendall (2), Mary, Powell, Sally Richards, Susan- nah and Zeno, 586 — Peter and Sarah (2), 128. Patuxent, John Lowe, 259 — River, "Further Neck," 313. Paul, Catherine, 380 — Chas., loi — Danl. Edwd., 103 — Elizab., 532 — Isaac, 461 — Jacob, 98 — James, 237 — Lewis G., loi — John, 237 — Mary, 98— Thos., 380. Paulson, John, 498. Paulter, Catherine, 526. Pavenberger, Cath., 531. Paydan, Thos., 187. Payne, John, 514. Peace, Drucilla, 513. Peach, Elizabeth, 432 — Martha, 437 — Richd., 275 — Wm., 256 — Wm. Elson, 461. Peacher, Sabina, 500. Peaco, Saml., 461. Peacock, Cassandra, 165 — ^John, 165, 202 — Margaret, 485 — Mary, 165 — Neale, 380 — Paul, 64 — Robt., 5, 9, 202 — Wm., 265. Peairs, John, 241. Peak, Benj., 520 — Thos., 516. Peale's Portrait, Gen. Washing- ton, 403. Peane, James, etc., 313. Pearce, Pearse, Peerce, Peirce, Ann, 446 — Benj., 461 — Cath., 514 — Eleanor, 443 — Elizabeth, 446, 484 — Ezekiel, 461 — Geo., 258, 381 — Henry Culver, 284 — Israel, James and Joseph, 461 — John, 533 — Joshua, 498 — Rachel, 457, 485— Richd., 461— Ruth, 487 — Shadrick, 308 — Thos., 258 • — Wm., 258, 461 — Wm. Gate, 520. See "Pierce". Pearl, Elizabeth, 462. Pearre, James, 283 — John, 282. Pearson, Pearsons, Abel, 177 — Edwd., 97 — Elizabeth, 177 • — John, 515 — Joseph, Mary and Saml., 177 — Rachel, 509. Peary, Howard, 306 — Rachel (Powell), 587— Saml., 306— Thos., 307. Peck, Hiel. 381— John, 518. Pecker (Becker .'), Geo., 461. Peckinson, Solomon, 515. Pegegram, Wm., 381. Peiket, Betsy, 512. Pelly, Pely, Ann, Benjn. and John, 551 — Elizabeth, 558^ Harrison, 569 — Solomon, 560 — ^Wm. , 94. Pembroke, Benj. and Evaline A.,577- Penawell, Pennewill, Anna, Haner, Isaac E., Rhody, Wm. Johnson (2), 586 — Nancy, 595. Pendell, Thos., 514. Pender, Geo., 526. Pendergast, Julia, 417 — Juliet (Onion), 381 — Wm., 381, 461. Pendleton, Eliza. Smith, 488. Penefield, Penefill, Hester and Thos. (2), 381. Penix, James, John, Keatty, Sarah, Susanna, 116. Penn, Cath. Ann, 494 — Edwd., 569 — Eliza, 489 — John, 81, INDEX 66 1 491 — Mar>-, 435 — Roby, 560 — Stephen, 516. Pennington, Ann, 596 — Chas., 461 — Cornelia, 596 — Elijah, 461 — Hosanna, 597 — John, 461 Joseph, 596 — Martha, 430 — Nathan and Nathaniel, 461 — Robt., 462 — Saml., 596. Pennith, Thos., 244. Penny, Thos., 489. Pennsylvania, 540 — (Beatty), 319— (Bryan), 324— (Cof- froth), 330 — (Heaton), 353 — (Lloyd), 366 — (Montle or Mondle), 375— (Nagle), 375— (Strider), 397 — (Wiery), 407 — Line, 314, 315, 317, 318, 322, 323, 327, 328, 331, 335, 336, 339, 343, 347, 35°, 353, 356, 362, 366, 369, 370, 371, 372, 379, 383, 38s, 387, 391, 396, 398, 399, 403, 405, 411— York Co., 597, 598- Pennybaher, Wm., 528. Penrose, Cassandra, Herriot and Isaac, 14S. Pensions disbursed, 381 — Revo- lutionary, 314 to 411. Pentenney, Joseph, 240. Perill, Clarissa, 502. Periman, Elizabeth, Isaac, John, Martha and Mary, 176. Perkins, Eben''., 10 — Isaac, 4, 6, 10 — John, 182, 243 — Lydia, 456 — Richd., 176 — Thos., 4, 6, 306 — Wm., 30, 254. Perkinson, Edwd., John and Thos., 55, 59. Permar, James, 202. Pernell, John and Patty, 593. Perraron, Perrarone, Geo. Hy. and Thos., 202. Perrey, Perry, Perrie, Benj., 563 — Caroline, 554 — Christi- ana, 564 — Edwd., 270 — El- bert, 564, 572 — Elizabeth, 550. 554 — EUenor, 534 — Erasmus, 516, 550, 554, 566 — Frances, 497 — Ignatius, 295 — James, 497 — Jane, 192 — John, 174, 293 — Joseph, 302, 561, 566 — Margaret, 192 — Mary, 82, 113 ^Mrs., 566 — Ninian, 572 — Peter, 192 — Priscilla Maria, 550 — Rebeckah, 518 — Robert, 301, 462 — Saml., 302 — Sarah, 192 — Wm., 176, 192 — Zadock, 272. Perrin, John, 524. Person, Susannah (Onion), 586. Pervail, Gidian, Margret and Mary, 180. Peteel, Thos., 238. Peterkin, James, 85. Peter, Peters, Jane, 438 — Jonathan H., 304 — Wm., 146, 462. Peterson, Cornelius, Hans and Mathias, 313 — Henry, 381. Pettibone, Pettiboon, Ann, 471 — Chas., 462 — Rachel, 485. Petty, Ann High, 586 — James, 520 — Jesse and Polly, 586. Pewagard, Robt., 526. Pfeifer, Cath., 505. Phelan, John, 381. Phelps, Absolute, 462 — Ally, 501 — Ann, 431 — Barbara, 479 — Basil, 562 — Dinah, 421 — Elijah, 462 — Elizabeth, 424 — • Ezekiel, Geo. and Joseph, 462 — Johanna, 426 — Marga- ret, 461 — Mary, 429, 452, 464, 510 — Rebecca, 424 — Robt., 307 — Ruth, 417 — Sarah, 433, 465, 471, 529— Susanna, 440, 442 — Walter, Wm. and Zachariah, 462. Philpers, Joseph, 495. Philips, Phillips, etc., Amelia, 506 — Ann, 492 — Bedder (Bel- der), 308 — Benj., 462 — Bethia, 178— Delila, 468— Eliza, 488 — Elizabeth, 173,467 — Henny, 415 — Henry, 536 — Humphrey, 462 — James, 173, 177, 178, 237 — ^Jeane, 100 — John, 94, 174 409, 462 — Julia, 420 — Kath- arine, 523 — Martha, 169, 173 —Mary, 415, 429, 471, 507— — Paul, 462 — Pegey, 106 — Philip, 462 — Rachel, 100, 416 — Rebecca, 416, 468 — Robt., 307 — Rubin, 462 — Saml., 169 — Sarah, 178, 415, 448 (2) — Stephen, 381 — Susannah, 173, 415 — Vachel, 462 — Wm., 94, 103, 462. Philpott, Philpot, Alice, 492 — Benj., 494 — Eleann, 418 — Martha, 458, 499. Phinlison, Geo., 462. Phips, Phipps, Ann, 462 — Art- ridge, 435, 462 — Benj., 462 — Crissy, 450 — Elizabeth, 435, 468 — John, 462 — Joseph, 439 — Margaret, 463 — Mary, 419 — Nathaniel, 462 — Priscilla, 433 — Roger, 462 — Sarah, 437, 444, 460, 474, 483 — Susanna, 450, 483, 484 — Thos., 463^ Tomsey, 459. Photostatic copies, v. Phumener, Johnn, 528. Piaesck (?), John, 259. Piccawa.\on Parish, 490. Pichon, Lewis Aexander, 570. PicKERELL, Pickrell, Ann, 491 — Elizabeth, 496 — Henr>', 515 — Richd., 514. PiCKERON, PiCKIRAN, 23O Elizabeth, 479. Pierce, Ann, 147 — Caleb, 520 — Delila, 484 — Eleanor, 437 — Emma, 462 — Henrietta, 543 — James, 543, 570 — Mar\', 429, 441 — Rachael and Richd., 147 — Sarah, 464 — Walter, 543. See 'Pearce". Pigeon, John and Mary, 30. PicMAN,Eliza,5i7 — Ignatius, 5 16. Pike, Aquila, 146 — Hutchins, 240 — John, 38 — Lewis, 103 — Rebecca, 146. Pile, Piles, Ann, 457 — Eleanor, 521 — Francis, 303 — Henry, 288, 493. Pillet, Thos., 247. Pindle, Pindell, Benj., Eleann and Elizabeth, 463 — Emmel- 662 INDEX line, 476 — Gassaway, 381, 463 — Margaret, 445, 471 — Mary, 457 — Nicholas, 381 — Philip, 18, 463 — Richd., 381, 463 — Rinaldo, 463 — Thos., 262, 463. Finder, Edwd. and Wm., 202. Finer, Bartus, 4, 5, 7, 8. FiNKNEY, Anthony, Jonathan and Ninian, 463 — Margaret, 445- FiPER,Thos., 463. FisciLL, Fhillip, 259. FiTMAN, Mary, 491. FiTNEY, Wm., 25. FiTT, Frances, 171 — Henrietta, 480 — Thos., 102, 463 — Wm., 463. PiTTEl,, Mary, 505. FiTTS, Anne, 473 — Ann Fostley, 586— Catherine (Furnell), 586, 587— Easther (Powell), 586— Elizabeth, 586— Hillary, 586 (4), 587— James, 586, 587— John, 587 — Magdalene, 467 — Margaret, 587 — Mary, 469, 586— Polly, S90— Polly Brat- ton, Robt., 587— Sally (Par- ker), Thos. Powell, W'm. and Zipporah (Hill), 586. PiwiN, Isaac, 525. Plain, Plane, Catherine, 381, 486 — Eliza, 445 — Jacob, 381. Plater, Geo., 63 — ^John, 463 — Sarah, Thos. and Wm., 550. Playne, Jacob, 463. Pleasants, Dr. J. Hall, vi. Ploughman, Plowman, Edwd., 157 — John, 222. Plug, Rose, 104. Plum, Jacob, 463. Plummer, Anne, 418 — Ebenezer, 261, 463 — Eleanor, 535 — ■ Elizabeth, 419, 451 — Gerrard, 463 — Henry, 18, 463 — Jerome, 463 — John, 212, 261 — Joseph, 261 — Lucetta, 563 — Rachel, 466 — Richd., 463 — Rizdon, 202 — Saml., 463 — Thos., 229, 29s — Yarnall, 229. Plunk (Brunk .'), Christ", and Jacob, 46. Flunkett, Eliza, 450 — Michael, 147. Poage, Sarah, 116. Foe, Captain and Elizabeth, 382. Pointer, Catherine, 591 — Cloe, 565. Points, John, 533. Poland, Christian, 133. Pollard, Margaret, 544 — Miss (of Va.), 569 — Pollard, S44 — Frescilla Johns, 554 — Rebecca and Thos., 544 (2), 554— Wm.,S98. Pollock, Elias, 382. FoLsoN, PouLSON, 312 — John, 242, 382 — ^Joseph, 236. FoLTON, Chas., 463 — Eleanor, 452— Mary, 443. Fomphrey — see Fumphrey. Ponder, John and Wm., 202. PoNSONBY, Richd., 282. FooLE, Anne, 462 — Burtavia, 455 — Edwd., 463 — Mary, 473. PooLLEY, Sarah, 202. Poor, Francis, 416. Pope, John, 382 — Joseph and Nathan, 287 — Saml., 202 — Wm., 596. PopHAM, Ann, 422 — Benj., 382, 463. FoPLE, Elizabeth, 422, 526 — John, 463. Porter, Agnes, 178 — Amelia and Ariana, 431 — Arthur, 108 — Caty Heiter, 553 — Chas., 233, 562 — Charlotte, 562 — David, 561 — Denton, 564 — Edwd., 553, 561 — Elizabeth, 185 — Ellender, 178 — Frances, 558 — Hewes, 218 — ^James, 108 —Jane, 218 — John, 178, 218, 219 — Joseph, 218 — Larnie, 81 — McKenny, 593 — Margaret, 178 — Mary, 553 — Mrs., 568 — Nathan, 382, 553 — Nathaniel, 463 — Pamelia, 553 — Robt., 81, 82 — Sarah, 178, 220 — Wm., 185,229,573- Poselwatte, Robt., 84. PosTLY, John, 579. Poteet, Jas. and Thos., 247. Pottenger, Robt., 296. Potter, Eleanor, 467 — John, 533- Pots, Potts, Cathran, Elisabeth, Jacob, John and Rynard, 188 — Richd., 533. PouLSON — see Poison. FouLTON, Mar>', 472. PowEL, Powell, Belisha, 587 — Brittian, 382, 389 — Calleb, 587, 593 — Easther (Pitts), 586 — Eleann, 461 — Elisha, 587 — Elizabeth, 581, 587 — Geo., 533 — ^Handy, 587 — Henny, 463 — Hetty, James and Jesse, 587 — John, 48, 229, 463, 587 — Joseph, 253 — Leah Davis and Littleton, 587 — Martha, 582, 587 — Mar>-, 468 — Nancy, 446 — Patty, 587 — Folly, 594 — Rachel (Peary-) and Saml. (2), 587 — Sarah, 422, 587 — ^Thos., 48 — Wm., 463. Power, Powar, Powers, Elisa- beth, 184 — Jesse and Milly, 382 — Nicholas, 243 — Nicoles, 188. PowETT, Michael, 528. FowNALL, Thos., 463. Pragunier, Susana, 529. Frather, Ann, 543, 545, 547— Baruch, 554, 561 — Benj., 286 — Cassandra, 554 — Deborah, 562 — Elizabeth, 44, 548 — James, 258, 533 — Jeremiah, 262 — ^John, 463, 565 — Mary, 531 — Nancy O., 548 — Nathan, 254 — Nelly, 560 — Rezin, 463 — Sam., 284 — Thos. and Thos. Clegett, 44 — Virlinder, Walter, 543, 545, 547 — Wash- ington Swearingen, 554 — Wm., 258, 548 — Zephaniah, 258. Pratt, Ann Welstead, 469 — Edwd., 68— Hen. Sr., 2U— Phil., 210 — Rebecca, 596 — Susannah, 535. Frendergast, Electhea and Thos., 129. Prentiss, Jno. Theophelas Beech Blecker, 463. INDEX 663 Presbury, Elisabeth, 179 — Geo. B., 239 — Hannah, 144. Preshell, Leonard, 464. Preston, Prieston, Ann, 564 — Barnard, 122 — Barnard (of Danl.), 24s — Danl., 244 — Elisabeth, 122, 183 — Grafton, 246 — James, 244 — Martin, 245 — Rachel, 202 — Rebecca, 465 — Sarah, 122 — Wm., 244 — Zachariah, 464. Pretter, Catharine, 530. Prewit, James, 168. Price, Prise, Ann, 71 — Anne, 447> 457 — Benj., 238 — Bennet, 464 — Benonie, 282 — Cather- ine, 71— Chas., 213 — Danl., 243 — Elizabeth, 71, 438, 456 — Geo., 382 — Hannah, 134 — Henry, 464, 548 — Hester, 548 — Ignatious, 254 — James, 134, 464 — Jane, 71 — John, 464 — Judah, 434 — Lubon, 464 — Margarett, 202 — Mary, 176, 420 — Mrs., 570 — Nancy, 443 — Rebecca, 597 — Robt., 134 — Sarah, 435, 458, 548 — Solomon K., 593 — Stephen R., 382 — Thos., 207 — Walter L., 464 — Walter Lane, 382 — Wm., 102, 176, 202. Priestley, Eliz*., 420 — ^Thos., 306. Prigg, L T. Augustus, 19 — Mary, 174. Priliman, Pryliman, Jacob, 44, 45- Primm, James, 383. Primrose, Geo. and John, 202. Prince George's Co., 249, 337 — Militia, 406, 408, 410 — Parish, 537 to 572. Princess Anne Battn. Somerset Co., 408. Pritchard, Pritchett, Ann and Artridge, 417 — Arthur, 100 — Benj. and Elisabeth, 188 — Harmon, 188 — Jabis, 99 — James, 188, 243 — John, 188, 244 — Mary, 175 — Obadiah, 193, 243 — Saml. and Sarah, 188 — Stephen, 193 — Thos. ,99, 145 , 243 — Wm. , 464 — Zebulon, 99. See Britchard, John, 244. Prober, Wm., 533. Proce, Elisab., 529. Proceer, Danl., 238. Proctor, Elizabeth, 452 — Richd., 165, 383 — Saml., 464 — "Town Land at Proctor's," 311 — Williams, 464. Proud, Catharine, 212. Prout, Ann and Hannah, 464 — Elizabeth, 477. Pruitt, Elijah and Severn, 593 — Walter, 383. Prutsman, John, 528. Pryne, Pryan, Danl., 464 — James and John, 238. Pryor, Wm., 202. Pryse, Harriet, 477. PuE, Eleanor, 431. PuESLY, Lidia, 180. Pulaski's Legion, 355. PUMPHREY, POMPHREV, Ann, 444 — Ann C, 476 — Aquela, 464 — Cordelia, 420, 447 — Elizabeth, 448, 453 — Gabriel and Isaiah, 464 — Providence, 420 — Rachel, 417, 449 — Sarah, 434 — Walter and Zachariah, 464. Punteny, Ann, Aquila, Geo. H., James, John, Joseph, Nelson, Prisela, Saml. and Sarah, 171. PURCELL, PURSEL, PeRSELL, Abraham, 533 — Biddy, 524 — Chester F., ? — Furman B., .' — Ida R., f — Laura, 573 — Willie F., ?. PuRDY, Ann, 424, 476 — Eleann, 434 — Elizabeth, 464 (2) — Henrj-, James, John, Lewis, Sandy and Wm., 464 — Mary, 434 — Sarah, 461— Susanna, 451,464. PuRNALL, PuRNELL, Catherine (Pitts), 586 — Jane, 594 — John, 593— Leah, 591— Milby, 593 —Polly (Mitchell), 585- Rachel, 423 — Sarah, 463- Walter and Zadock, 383. Purse, Gabriel, 202. Putnam, Ann Mary, 529. Quakers, 245. Queen, Anthony, Danl. and Paul, 464 — ^James, 284 — Joseph, 284, 493 — Marshall, 283 — Mary, 443, 464 — Mar- sham, 383 — Rainer Ann, 430 — Rebecca, 529 — Richd., 282 — Saml., 464 — Walter, 258. Queen Anne's Census of 1776, 197 to 214 — (Mabra), 94, 195 • — Manor, 2 — Co. Militia, 318. QuERRER, Oniah, 142. QuiLLEN, Quilling, Benj., Easter, Elizabeth Lacham, James, Hannah, John, John Henry, Joseph, Martha, Mary, Mutual, Obadiah, Saml. and Wm., 587 (2). QuiMBY, John, 202. QuiNNLiN, Philip, 234. QuiNNiLY, Richd., 80. QuiNNY, Thos. M., 383. QuiNTON, Polly, 590. QiTYNN, Catherine, 450 — Eliza- beth, 426 — Mary, 438. R R — EAUGH, John, 221. Rabbett, Henry, 564. Racom (Sharom .', Slacom .'), Geo. and Job, 100. Radcliffe, Ratliff, Betsy, 594 —John, 579. Rafenrider, Henry, 528. Ragg, Andrew, 94. Rain, Corn'., 6 — Joseph, 6, 8. Raines, Sally, 494. Raisin, Rasin, Thos., 380, 383 — Wm., 6— Wm. B., 383. Raley, Ann, 66 — Gabriel, 63, 67 — Henry, 66 — Jane, 63 — John, 63, 64, 66, 67 — ^John 664 INDEX Mitchel, 63 — John Michael, 75. See Raughley, Rawley. Ralph, Stephen, 203. Ramback, Cath., 530. Ramsay, Ramsey, Ramsy, Alisa- beth and Andrew, i8i — Eliz., 553 — Frances, 492 — Isabella, 502 — ^James, 181, 383 — Jane 181, 530 — Margaret, 553 — Mar>' and Thos., 181 — Wm., 181, 243, 553.561. Ramsburg, Remsburg, Amanda L., 500 — ^Ann Rebecca, 505 — Catherine, S°9 — Mary Ann, 500. Ran (McRan ?), Eliz. Cartright M., Marj- and Wm., 547. Randall, Randel, Anne, 450 — Artadge, 472 — Augustine, Beale, Christopher, Edwd. and John, 464 — Elizabeth, 417, 422, 510 — Frances and Jane, 440 — Laura, 438 — Mary, 512 — Ruth, 459 — Sarah, 417. Rank, Susannah, 525. Ranken, Rankin, Ann, 453, 475 — Elizabeth, 426 — Geo., 271 — Hannah, 472 — Mary, 479 — Marj- Walker, 469 — Robert, 265. Ransel, Lewis, 464. Ransom, Rosannah, 531. Rark, Mary, 450. Ratclif, Ratcliffe, Rack- liffe, etc., Ann, 488 — Char- lotte Winder, 458 — Chas. and Gilbert, 464 — Eliza, 490 — Isaiah, 126 — James, 383 — Mary, 446 — Rebecca, 488 — Sarah, 490. Rathell, Sam!., 209. Ratican, Peter, 129. Raughley, Rawley, James, 94, 95 — John, 94 — Walter, 400 — see Raley. Rawles, Temperance, 450. Rawling, Rawlin, Rawlings, Rowlings, Ann, 383, 475, S44. 545, 551— Anna, 543— Benj. Ray (Roy ?), 544— Eleann, 478 — Elizabeth, 415, 417, 468, 482, 493. 543. 554— Elizabeth W., 461 — Ellen, 468 — Franklin, 551 — Fredk. F. A., 465 — Geo., 543 — Harriot, 554 — Henrj-, 288 — James, 255, 563, 57t>— John, 465, 543, 544, 545. 551 — John Hambieton, 543 — ^Jonathan, Joseph and Joshua, 465 — Laurania, Lu- rana, 421, 477 — Martha, 543 — Mary, 454, 476 — Mary Ray (Roy ?), 545— Priscilla, 458— Rachel, 454 — Rebecca, 433 — Richd. and Richd. G., 465— Robt., 543 — Saml., 383 — Sarah, 417, 438, 468 — Solo- mon, 384 — Stephen, 465 — Susanna, 417, 419 — Thos., 465, 543. 554— Wm., 465. Raws, James, 82 — Sarah, 80. Ray, Ale-xander, 546 — Ann, 418 Anna, 561 — Benj., 253, 296, 544, 546 — Catherine, 542 — Cathron, 188 — Danl., 533 — Eleanor, 544, 546 — Elizabeth, 429, 448 — Elizabeth H., 420 — Esther, 491 — Frances, 447, 450 — Geo., 188, 564 — Honora, 481 — James, 278, 558 — Jane, 598 — John, 278, 465 — John S., 542 — Joseph, 384, 541 — Josias, 258 — Lotty, 418 — Lucy, 561 — Lydia, 541 — Macia, 544 — Margaret, 419 — Martha, 423 — Mary, 188, 541, 561 — Nancy, 444 — Philip, 307 — Priscilla, 423 — Rachel, 542 — Rebecca, 563 — Robert, 188 — Ruth, 560— Saml., 188— Sarah, 463 — ^Thos., 259. Raymer, Fredk., 528. Rayner, Elizabeth, 597. Ray Town, Raetown, 52, 57. Read, Reed (Rood ?), Caleb, 596 — Chas., 79 — Elizabeth, 170 — Francis, 202 — Geo., 542 — Henry, 53, 58 — Isaac, 339, 384— James, 53, 58, 465, 526, 593— John, 384, 465, 596— John M., 562 — Joseph, 596 — Joshua, 95 — Levinna, 542 — Line, 598 — Margaret, 484 — Mary, 53, 58, 449, 532— Milley, 429 — Priscilla, 422 — Rachel, 453 — Rebecca, 418 — Robt., 557 — Rosanna, 108, 542 — Saml., 202 — Sarah Johns, 557 — Wm., 79, 202. Readen, Redden, Reding, Reading, .\dam, Ann, Fran- ces, Milcah and Prisilla, 173 — Catherine, 596 — Elizabeth, 496 — Henr)-, 384 — James, 593 — John, 173, 593— Wm., 173, 240. Real. Joseph, 533. Reamer, Mary, 434. Reardon, Reardin, Danl., 135 — James, 237 — John, Mary and Osias, 143. Reason, James, 240 — John, 168 — Richd., 146. Reaves, Martha, 466. Record, Records, Marj', 479 — Sarah, 432. Reddish, Joseph, 220. Redenour, Jacob, 384. Redgrave, Ann, 597 — Mary, 595. Redman, Redmond, Ann, 560 — Aquila, 544 — Elijah, 465 — James, 149 — John, 289, 561 — Joseph (w), 566 — Margaret, 149 — Michael, 465 — Milly, 544, 550 — Rebecca, 416, 464 — Sandy, 550 — Thos., 465 — Wm., 544, 550. Reece, Reese, Rees, etc., Abraham, 186, 191 — Adam, 533 — Alexander, Ann and Hanna, 117 — Averilla, 188 — Cathron and James, 185^ Geo., 188 — Jane, 181 — Jesse, 117 — John, 165, 185, 1S8 — Joseph, 185, 191 — Margaret, 117, 165, 185, 188— Mary, 117, 165 — Nancey and Nelley, 117 — Robert, 178 — Sarah, 172, 188, 527 — Solomon, 165, 188 — Wm., 117, 186. INDEX 665 Reeder, Reider, Benj., 493, 559 — Catharine, 535 — Henry, 77 —John, 259, 490. Reeves, Reves, Rieves, Heze- kiah, 31, 32 — Josias, 236 — Mary, 471 — Noah, 242 — Rebecca, 452 — Thos., 490 — Thos. C, 488— Wm., 384, 465. Reewark, James, 384. Regin, Tabitha, 94. Reich, Cath., 509. Reichardt, An. Magd., 510. Reighlee, Chas., 498. Reigle, John Adam, 465. Reily, Barbara and Wm., 384 — Mary, 515. See Riley. Reimssperger, Geo., 512. Rein, Eliz., 504. Reiner, Cath., 499. Reintzel, Danl., 561. Reitenauer, Reudenaoer, Ridenour, Reidenauer, Adam, 526 — Anna, 507 — Danl., 526— Eliz., 509 — Henry, Joseph, Saml. and Sarah, 524 — Henry and Nicho- las, 533. Reiter, Elisabeth, 527. Rellare, Jacob, 528. Remsperger, Cath., 511 — Chart., 505. Rench, Rentch, Renst, An- drew, 384 — Daniel, 524 — Elisab., 528 — John, 533^ Joseph, 46 — Rebecca, 523. See Wrench. Renner, Philip, 528. Renneton, Eliz., 561. Renolls, 230 — see Reynolds. Renshaw, Casandra, Elizabeth, Jane, 130 — John, 247 — Joseph, 121, 130, 137, 245 — Philip and Saml., 130, 247 — Susannah, 130 — Thos., 130, 245. Renwicks, Mary, 527. Resley, Geo., 528. Reston — "Helmes' Reston Widows Mite," 48. Reston, Zachariah, 465. Retalaca, Retullick, Retol- LICK, Eliz. and Simon, 465. Returns — see Oaths of Fidelity and Census. Revel, Edwd., Hannah and Peter Whaley, 587. Rev. Records of Md., 303. Revolutionary War Pensions, 314 to 411 — War, I. Rex, 229. Reyner, Amelia, 6, 9 — Ebenezer, 6 — Emelia, 9 — Maynard, 6. Reynolds, Reynols (See Ren- olls), Alice, 507 — Ann, 212, 530 — Elizabeth, 436, 510 — Geo. and Harrison Pella, 465 — James, 385 — John, 523 — Margaret, 477, 529 — Mary, 456 — Nina, 498 — Ruth, 385 — Thos., 593 — Tobias, 385. Rhode Island Line, 352, 356. Rhodes, Rhoads, Roodes, Anne, 514 — Benj., 245 — Eze- kiel, 45 — Geo., 168 — Geo. Lerton, 237 — Hannah, 122 — Jeremiah, 75, 84 — John, 465 — Magdalene, 122 — Margaret, 431 — Martha and Mar>', 122 — Nicholas, 45 — Rachel, 476 — Susannah, 463 — Thos., 122 — Wm., 533. Ricard, Peter, 533. Rice, Reisz, Eva, 509 — John, 533 — Walter, 242. Rich, Peter, 83, 209, 214 — Wm., 84. Richard, Richards, Ann, 94, 549 — Anna Maria, 555 — Christiana, 547 — Clement, 465 — Daniel, 567 — Edwd., 465 — Eleanor, 547 — Frances, 449 — Geo., 262, 533 — Jacob, 547, 567, 593 — John, 171 — ^Johns, 179 — Mary, 385, 547 — Mary Ann, 547 — Michael Letton, 541 — Nancy, 590 — Paul, 385, 465 — Sally, 590 — Sarah, 563 — • Tabitha, 541, 549, 555 — Wm., 541. 549> SS5. S7I- Richardson, 227 — .4dam and Amos, 465 — .^nn, 449 — Ann Thomas, 457 — Benj., 206, 207, 238, 593 — Betsy, 593 — Chas., 38;— Danl., 218, 385— David, 368 — Eleanor, 439 — Elizabeth (Lyon), 368 — Eliz. L., 562 — Henry, 226, 234 — Hero, 467 — John, 83, 23s, 465 — Judith, 43 3 — Martha, 593 — Mary, 434. 435, 573— Nancy, 385— Peter, 220 — Rebecca, 481 — Richd., 18 — Robt., 220— Saml., 238 — Sarah, 563 — Sarah S., 452, 469 — ^Thos., 234, 235, 256, 465 — Vincent, 234 — Wm., 23s, 247, 465, 466, 496. Richtels, Philip, 533. Richter, Cath., 509. RicKETTS, Ann, 549, 559, 566 — Benj., 566 — Delilah, 440— Druzilla, 561 — Elizabeth, 597 — Elizabeth R., 487, 543 — John, 466 — Kezia, 550, 559— Margery, 550 — Mary, 549 (2) — Mrs., 570 — Naney, 564 — Nathan, 549 — Nicholas, 466 — Richd., 543, 570 — Robt., 550, 559 — Sarah, 543 — Wm., 549 — Zadok, 549, 559. RicKNER, Daniel, 385. Ricords, Rickcords, Chas. and Edmund, 466 — Wm., 202. Riddall, Riddell, Riddle, Eleanor, 152 — Jacob, 254, 466 — James, 278 — John, 152, 246, 255. 548, 550. 558— Mary, 152 — Matilda, 548 — Robert and Sarah, 152 — Sophia Porter, 550 — Susanna, 548, 550. RiDGELY, Achsah, 433 — Amelia, 559— Ann, 455, 463, 468— Anne, 440 — Chas., David and John, 466 — Elizabeth, 439 (2), 482 — Greenbury, 572 — Mary, 444 — Martha, 506 — Nicholas, 385, 466 — Mordecai, Pere- grine and Philemon and Richd., 466 — Sarah, 506 — Susanna, 458 — Wm., 378, 466. Ridgrave, Ridgrane, Danl., 4 — Elizabeth and Isaac, 4, 8. RiDGW.\Y, Ridgaway, Benj., 307 — Henrietta, 549 — James, 556 666 INDEX (2). 559— John, 276, 385, 411, 549 — Jonathan, 304 — Rebecca, 552 — Richd., 304, 549 — \Vm., 226. Ridley, Geo., 466. RiDOUT, Ann, 438 — ^Horatio, 466. RiEDENAUER, Adam, 526. RlGBY, RiGBEY, RiGBIE, etC, Ann, 165 — ^J., 116 — James, 165 — John, 202, 466 — Jonathan, 225 — Mary, 165 — Moses, 226 — Nathan, 165 — Philmon, 225 — Sarah and Susannah, 165 — Thos., 227 — Wm., 385. RiGDON, Chas., 175, 237 — James, 235 — Mary, 126 — Sarah, 175 — Thos., 514. RiGGiN, RiGGAN, Edward, 94 — Sarah, 593. RiGG, RiGGS, Chas., 492 — Ed- mund, 560 — Eleanor, 570 — Erasmus, 559 — Geo. W., 562 — ^James, 466 — John H., 561 — Mar\-, 554, 558 — Reubin, 563 — Saml., 554, 570 — Thos., 554. 558- Right, Eliz. and John, 552 (2) — ^Jane and Lurana, 552. Riley, Ryley — see Reily, Ann, Ann, 466— Anna, 591 — Cam- den, 561 — Catharine (Wat- son), 597 — Christian Berket, 283 — Eleanor, 571 — Elizabeth, 595— Hugh, 571— James, 287 — Jeremiah, 25 1 — -Johnson Mi- chael, 271 — Littleton, 593 — • Narmt., 237 — Rachel, 591. RiMMER, James, 218. RiNEY, James, 493. Ringer, Cath., 526 — Mary, 534. Ringgold, Jacob, 208 — ^James, 466 — Thos., 206. Ringrose (Kingrose f), Aaron, 218. RioN, Edwd., Jane and Mary, 69, 71 — see Ryon. RippA, Elisle, 533 — Sarah, 527. Rippeth, James, 202. Risen, Chandley, 497. RisTEAU, Susanna, 157. RisTON, Ann, 437 — Benj., 386 — Elisha, 307 — James, 466— Rachel, 478 — Zachariah, 466 — Zaddoclj, 307, 385, 386. RiTCH, Peter, 597. Ritchie, Ritchey, Isaac, 53 — James, 271. Roach, Betsy, 591 — Morris, 533 — Stephen, 593. Roachbram, Mary D., 453. Roads, Thos., 247. See Rhoades. RoARK, James, 466. RoBB, Mary, 439. RoBERSON, 230, Robeson, Abra- ham, 190 — Amelia, 187, 526— Ellender and Eseakel, 185 — Elisabeth, 190 — John, 94, 190 —Joshua, 580 — Sarah, 183, 190, 529 — ^Thos. and Wm., 579. Roberts, 229, 230 — Benj., 598 — Billingsley, 239 — Catherine, 443 — David, 402 — Eliz., 151, 474. 550. 555. 559— Evan, 303 — Geo., 550 — Hannah, 515 — Howard, 307 — James, 202, 386 — Jane, 386 — John, 238, 308, 466, 491, 550, 555, 559— Mahala, 555 — Margaret, 450, 466 — Mary, 425, 467 — Phebe, 457 — Richd., 466 — Sarah, 151, 424, 515, 596 — Sylvester Uri- ^h, 593 — Thos., 291, 466 — Wm., 241, 389, 466 — Zacha- riah, 386. Robertson, Ann, 561 — Anne, 493— Ary, 447— Danl., 564— Eleanor (Willin), 409 — Elea- nor, 468, 494 — Elizabeth, 453, 562 — John, 258 — Mary, 471 — Mitchel, 491 — Ruth, 591— Sarah, 459, 563, 564 — ^Thos., 466. Robinett, Mary, 596. Robins, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Aralanta, James B., James Bowden, John Littleton Bow- den, Littleton and Martha, 587— Job, 242 — ^John, 172, 386, 466. Robinson, Robosson, Andrew, 99, 225 — Ann, Anne, 123, 435, 438. 453 — Archa, 245 — Benj., 289, 308, 553 (2) — Charles, 241, 386, 466 — Comfort, 477 — David, 466 — Dennis, 466 — ■ Edwd., 241 — Eliza, 469 — Elizabeth. 123, 206, 434, 465 — Geo., 104 — Hero, 465 — Hezekiah, 466 — James, 47, 306, 307, 467 — Jamima, 448 — ^Jane, 117 — John, 225 — ^John A., 318 — John Baptist, 467^ John Crown, 295 — Joseph, 245, 467 — Lawrence, 467 — Luke, 99, 467 — Martha, 464 — • Mary, 117, 461, 462, 536 — Molley, 99 — Polly, 546 — Ra- chel, 439 — Rebecca, 386, 435, 437 — Rhody, 426 — Richd., 123, 245, 467 — Richd. (of Edwd.), 241 — Robt., 227 — Sally, 546 — Stanly, 386— Stephen, 306 — Thos., 123, 226, 467 — Vachel, 467 — Walter, 117 — Wm., 117, 123, 240, 241, 242, 491, 528, 546 — Zachariah, 467. Robey, Roby, Absalom, 287 — Ann, 30 — Aquila, 495 — Berry, 30 — Eleanor, 550 — Eliz., 29, 30 — Hines, 29 — John, 30, 287, 386 — John Nally, 30, 31— John Taylor, 29 — Leonard, 287 — Lucy, 495 — Mar)', 30 — Michael Hines, 29, 30 — Nancy, 550 — Owen, 31 — Peter, 30 — Pryor Smallwood, 31 — Ralph, 31 — Rhoda, 493 — Saml., 30 — Sarah, 30, 31 — Theophilus, 558 — Thos. Owens, 30 — Wm., 30, 31 — Zachariah, 496 — Zadok, 550, 571 (2). Rochester, Elizabeth, 202 — Francis, 203 — Mary, 202 — Richd., 596 — -Wm., 203. Rock, John, 593 — Wm., 490. Rock Creek Parish, vi, 537, 557. Rockhold, Area, 429 — Asel, 242 — Chas. and Elijah, 4^7 — INDEX 667 Elizabeth, 475— Jane, 478— John, 242 — Nancy, 464 — Sarah, 467, 477 — Selby, 465 — Thos. and Thos. C, 467. ROCKRUN, 178. RoDEBAUGH, Christian and Elizabeth, 52, 57. Rockville, 536, 539, etc. RoDGERS, Rogers, Billinda, 135 — Cassandria, Elizabeth, Jo- seph, Mary, Rachel, Saml., Susannah and Wm., 165 — • Geo. VV., 387— John, 80, 184, 467 — Margaret, 424 — Mary, 596 — Nathan, 202 — Robert, I3S> 234 — Owen, 246 — Ruth and Sarah, 135 — Thos., 103, 234 — Winnie, 490 — Wm., 80. RoDROCK, Daniel, 533. Rodwell, Ann, 462 — Elizabeth, 455, 486 — Sarah, 444. Roe, Michael, 387. Roggester, John, 596. Rohrer, Rorer, Rohner, Elisabeth, 524 — Fanny, 523^ Mary, 534— Saml., 533. Roland, Rolands, Geo., 306, 496 — Gordon, 288 — Mary, 496 — Thos., 467. Roles, Rolls, Benj. — Joseph, Mary and Matthew, 185. See "Rowles". Rolle (Molle .'), John, 218 — Robt., 387. RoLLiSTON, Richd., 105. RoNEY, John, 244. RoODES, Jeremiah, 84. See Rhodes. RooKE, Mary, 420 — Michael, 148 — Richd., 467. Root, Ann, Danl., James, Jean, John, Margret, Mary and Richd., 180 — Jacob, 524. Ropp, Catherine and Lovice, 499 — Sophia, 532. Roper, Edwd., 467. Rose, Aquila and Condant, 134 — Edwd., 32 — Elizabeth, 558 — Joseph, 134, 233 — Mantha Ann, 500 — Rebeccah, 134— Saml., 105 — Sarah, 474 — Thos., 262 — Wm., 467. Roseberry, James, 202. RosER, John, 203. Ross, Casandrew and Elenor, 133 — Elizabeth, 484 — Geo., 27. 43. 47— Helen, 474— James, 106, 528 — John, 67, 211, 467 — Lazarus, 64 — Mary, 133, 447 — Nathaniel and Peter, 467 — Robert, 98 — Saml., 528 — Sarah, 133 — Susannah, 527 — Thos., 98 — Wm., 27, 133, 259. RoswELL, Ann, 495 — ^John, 287. Roth, Onner, 430. RoTHERicK, RoTHROCK, Eliza- beth, Mary and Wm., 131^ Salome, 510 — Susan, 499. RoTHWELL, Nessa, 598. Roughton, Job, 305. Rounds, Zipporah, 594. RouRKE, James, 467. Rouse, Rowse, John, 203 — Sara, 206 — ^Thos., 387. Row, Rowe, John, 489 — Re- becca, 500 — Thos., 83. Rowan, Wm., 272. Rowlands, Robert, 313. Rowles, Nehemiah, 467 — Sarah, 436 — Susanna, 417. See "Roles". Rowley, John, 467. Rowlings — see Rawlings, Roy- lins. ROWNTREE, Thos., 243. Royal, Joseph, 218 — Royal, Brig., 305. Royley, Water, 103. RoYLiNS, Hodson, 104. Royson, James, 467. RoZER, H., 279. RuARK, RouARK, Barbara, 387 James, 387, 467. RuBEY, Mary, 506. Rue, Elizabeth, 534 — Jessey, 103. Ruff, Ann, 150 — Henry, 233 — John, 173, 240 — Richd., 239 — Sarah, 173. RuKER, Mary, 531. Ruler, Elisab., 528. Rumage, Geo., 117, 233 — Davis, Martha, Mary and Tom, 117. RuMBiRTS (.''), Frederick, 54. Rumble, John, 99. RuMBLY, Rumbley, Edgar and Jacob, 84 — Smith, 82. RuMMELLS, Elizabeth, 421 — Lucy, 442 — Stephen and Wm., 467. RtniiSEY, Benj., 369, 376 — Harritt, John, Martha and Mary, 179. Runner, Runnerl, Deborah, 507 — Philip, 512. RuRKE, Jane, 435. RuRSUM, Will, 213. Rush, Richd., 467. Russell, Abraham, 276 — Benj., 301 — Catherine, 502 — Debor- ah, 478 — Eliza., 424 — Henry, 496 — Jane, 423 — John, 301 — Lorenzo S., 539 — Margt., 528 — Philip, 301 — Providence, 437 — Robt., 387 — Sarah, 485 — Susan, 596 — Theophilus, 596 — Thos., 246 — Wm., 301. RussuM, Luke, 104. Ruth, Christopher, 596 — John (Smith) and John (of Thos.), 202 — Joseph, 233 — Moses, 234 — Thos., 202. Rutland, Ann, 481 — Catherine, 451 — Elizabeth, 487 — Eliza- beth Hall, 481 — Margaret, 419 — Thos., 467. Rutledge, Rutlage, Elizabeth (Brooks), 388 — John, 242 — Joshua, 387, 388. RuTTER, Ann, Esther, Richd. and Sarah, 191 — Jonathan, 305— Wm., 533. Ryal, Elizab., 536. Ryan, Ryon — see Rion, Andrew, 533 — Caroline, 457 — Charity, 446 — Clement, 306 — Darby, 303 — Eleanor, 508 — Elisha, 300, 308 — ^Henry, 424 — ^James, 276, 467 — James Brown, 307 668 INDEX — John, 267, 307, 467 — ^John (of Nat.), 304 — Kitty, 424^ Nathaniel, 303 — Philip, 300, 308 — Sarah, 443, 479 — Thos., 272. Rye, Warren, 489. Ryson, Lancelot, 489. Sacke, Sackel, John, 95 — Mary, 490. Sackman, Cath., 523. Sadler, Cath., 503 — James, 303 — Jas. Norris, 245 — John, 132 — Wm., 304. Saenghan, James, 520. Saffel, Saffle, Chas., 520 — Hezekiah, 563 — Joshua. 516. Saffield, Cassandra, 542 — Chas., 542, 552 — John Scager, 552 — Joshua, 467 — Sophia, 542, 552. Said, Rene, 521. Saider. John, 494. Sailor, Mary, 528, 533. Sain, 247. St. Andrew's Parish, 535. St. Barbara's Freehold, 73 — Manor, 3. St. Bartholomew's Parish, 540. St. Clair, St. Clare, Bernard, 536 — Robert, 279 — Wm., 234. St. George, Eliza, 492. St. John's Freehold, 73 — Manor, 3- St. Mar>''s City and Church, 572 — County, 47, 61 — Marri- ages, 53 s — Tombstones, 572. St. Tee, James E., 211. Salady, Melcher and Philip, 533— Regina, 530. Salisbury Battn., Somerset Co., 345. 380, 409. Salmon, Marg., 506. Saltkill, Elizabeth, 500. Sambling, Marj-, 436. Sampson, Jacob, 255 — Richd., 495 — Serena A., 498. Sandeford, Wm., 41. Sanders, Sandars, .\nne, 563 — Cath., 512 — Dinah, 415 — Eliz., 418, 463, 560 — Henry, 559 — Henrietta, 28 — ^James, 467 — ^John, 95, 307, 468 — Levin, 98 — Sarah and Thos. Mathew, 28 — Wm., 468. Sands, Anne, 444 — Benj., 219 — Dehlah, 444 — Elizabeth, 482 — John, Joseph and Saml., 468 — Mary, 439, 461. Sandsburry, Sansbury, etc., Francis, 307 — Henrietta, 439 —Isaac, 282— John, 388, 468 — Levy, 468 — Richd., 304 — Sarah, 388, 449 — Thos., 298, 307 — Wm., 285. Sank, Geo., 468. Sanner, Mary Ann and Saml. A., 577- Saporly, — , 490. Sappington, Caleb, 468 — Cas- sandra, 388 — Elizabeth, 421 — Francis B., 468 — Harriet, 483, 564 — John, 19, 468 — Lambert, 597 — Margaret, 457 — Mary, 415, 444 — Nathaniel, 468, 597 — Rebecca, 415 — Richd., 388 —Thos., 468— Wm., 468. Sargant, Sarjent, Mary Ann, 497 — Saml, 468 — see Sergant. Sartain, Mary, 595. Sasorson, Danl., 95. Sasscer, Wm., 297, 299. Saunders, Benedict and Cas- sandra, 136 — Chas., 211 — Charlotte, 136 — Elizabeth, 134 — Henry, 108 — James, 136 — Joseph, 134 — Mary, 136, 515 — Robt., 236 — Susanna, 458 — Thos., 108, 134, 233 — Wm., 105, 107, 134, 233, 468. Saus, Elizabeth, 526. Savage, Bartholomew, 123 — Geo., 191 — John, 533 — Robin- son, "Cricket legs," 320. Savoy, Philip, 388. Sax, Susanna, 513. Saylor, Eliz., Mary Elizab. and Susanna, 531. Sboivvd, Mary, 527. ScAGO, ScAGGS, John and Richd., 6,9. Scantlin, James, John and Rachel, 180. Scarff, Scarf, Benj., 235 — John, 132, 242. Scarlet, Stephen, 130. ScEAN, Seean, Elizabeth, 204. Scharbraugh, Scarborough, Edwd. and John, 593 — Euclid, Hanna, Jemmy, Mary, Re- becca, Sally, Sammy and Thos., 117 — Sarah, 592. ScHAUER, Martha, 501. ScHAUN, Mary, 501. Scheffy, Cath., 504 — Elizab., 5 1 1 Scheidegger, John, 512. ScHELLENBAUM, Christn., 512. ScHENCK, Mary, 502. ScHERCH, Scherrick, John and Joseph, 526. ScHERER, John, 512. Schenkmayer, Magd., 504. ScHiSLER, An. M., 508. Schley, Eva Cath., 503 — Geo., 512 — Marg., 501, 508 — Mary Anna, 513 — Lucky, 524. Schlicker, Eliz., 510. Schlosser, Mary, 503. Schmechter, Catherine, 510. ScHMELZER, Nedren, 526. Schmidt, Schmid, Schmit, An. Barb., 509 — Ann, 530 — Cath., 502, 508 — Christina, 500, 507 — Eliz., 502 — Eve, 526 — Magdalene, 503 — Mary, 502 — ■ Michael, 534 — Rosina, 509 — Susan, 524 — Wm., 512. See "Smith". Schmuck, Catharine, Ellen and Jacob, 388. Schmucker, Geo., 525. SCHEBEL, ScHNEEBELI, Schnebly, Henry, 524 — Leon- hardt, 512 — Veronica, 501. Schnelby, Barbara, 523. Schneider, Shneider, Geo. Michl., 512 — Magdalena, 505, 527. See "Snyder". INDEX 669 ScHNOOG, Eliza, 510. ScHOBER, Mary 512. ScHOCK, Jacob, 526. Scholar, John, 209. ScHOLES, Man-, 497. SCHONEFELD, John, 513. ScoFiELD, Wm., 242. ScHOOLFiELD, Benj., 388 — Geo., 388, 389 — Joseph, 593 — Wm., 361, 388, 389, 593. ScHRACH, Andrew, 389. ScHRAiER, Elizab., 508. SCHREIGER, Eliz., 510. SCHROEDER, Eliz., 5OO. ScHUCK, Catherine, 504. ScHUEMACHER, Danl., 513. ScHULTZ, .^bner, 468. ScHUPP, John, 526. ScHUR, Christn., 513. ScHUTZ, Mar}', 525. ScHWARAR, Geo., 468 — Marga- ret, 457. ScHWAZELL, Catherine, 532. ScHWEiNHARD, Marg., 513. ScHYLER, Ephraim and Wm., 534- SciSLAR, Philip, 389. ScoGELL, Elizabeth, 470. Scott, Absalom, 204 — Alexan- der, 123, 247 — Amos, 548, SS9— Ann, 71, 131, 548— Aquila (of Aquila), 122, 245 — Aquila, 13:, 492, 497 — Aquila (of James), 236 — Cato, 468 — Chas., 109 — Christian, 71 — Clemmency, 122 — Danl. (of Aquilla), 129 — Day, 351 — ■ Edwd., 400 — Eleanor, 71, 493 — Elizab., 515, 528 — Eliza- beth, 71, 122, 123, 389, — , 420, 470 — Gustavus, 389 — Henry, 534 — James, 84, 122, 123, 247, 536 (of Aquila) 122, 236 (of Jas.) 239 — John, 84, 104, 123, 492 — Leonard, 468 — Margarett, 123 — Martha, 131 — ^Mary, 104, 122, 123, 420- 474i 53° — Nathan, 244 — Oz, bel, 123 — Pamelia, 463 — Robert, 99, 520 — Saml., 389 — Sarah, 123, 161, 470, 529 — - Sukey, 179 — Walter, 548 — Wm., 71, 204, 389, 468. SCOTTER, SCOTTEN, Edwd., IO5 — Lucey, i8o. ScoviN, Francis, 171. ScRiBNER, ScRiBENOR, Eleanor, 516 — Sarah, 518. Scrivener, Scrivner, Scrivi- NOR, Amelia. 542 — Anne, 420 — Benj., 468 — Catherine, 430 — Delilah, 455 — Elizabeth, 478, 484 — Francis, Geo., John and Lewis, 468 — Henna, 542 — Heniietta, 486 — Mary, 423, 454. 47Si 48^> — Philemon, 542 — Sarah, 479 — Sarah (Whita- ker), 406 — Vincent, Walter and Wm., 468. ScROGGAN, ScROGiN, EHza, John and Mary, 490 — Philip, 468. Seaborn, Seaeurn, Benedict, 468 — John, 389 — Sarah, 453^ Zachariah, 275. Seale, Seall, Ann and Eliza- beth, 63 — Jonathan, 63, 72 — Lydia, 66, 72 — Mary, 66 — Monaca, 72. Seals, Joseph, Margaret, Mar- tha Mitchell and Ritta Benson, 587. Searce (Pearse .'), Shadrick, 308. Sears, Caleb, 468 — Elizabeth, 445 — ^James, 468 — John and Mary, 389 — Peter, 95 — Wm., 222, 469. Secill — see Cecell. Second, George, 389. Secrist, Sus*., 534. Sedgwick, Benj., 128, 564 — Elizabeth, 535 — Sarah, 128. Sedwith, Grace, 510. Seeders, Seaders, Bennett and Henry, 469 — Hannah, 457 — Martha, 482 — Mary, 466, 482 — Ruth, 469. Se.'ton, Elizabeth, 442 — John, 469 — Richd., 451. Segar, Sarah, 518 — Sophia, 520. Seibert, Seybert, Catharine, 429 — Elizabeth, 524 — Geo., 520 — ^John, 524 — John L, 469. Seidler (Sudler .'), Thos., 204. Selby, Ann, 473 — Brice, 562 — • Elizabeth, 467, 471, 551 — Esther, 558 — Geo., 593^ James, 542, 551 — James Wil- son, 288 — Jemima, 429, 441 — Jonathan, 469 — Joseph, 304, 469 — Joshua Wilson, 283 — Josiah Wilson, 258 — Keziah, 547. 550— Mary, 439, $94.— Mary Ann, 475 — Nancy, 593 — Nathan, 258 — Onner, 437 — Peter, 549— Polly, 549, 592— Quingan Wilson, 258 — Re- becca, 550 — Richd., 542 — Sarah, 494, 542, 545, 551— Thos., 545, 547, 550 (w), 570 — Virlinder, 547 — Wesley, 545 — Wm. Magruder, 258 — Wm. Wilson, 288 — Zachariah, 549. Self, Amey, 517 — Eliza, 519. Sellman, Selman, Althea, 501 • — Ann, 425, 446 — .Anne, 474 Elizabeth, 469 (2) — Harnett A., 440 — Jonathan, 469, 522 — Leonard, 469 — Margaret, 438 — Priscilla, 482— Rachel S., 472 — Sarah, 432 — Thos., 469. Semmes, Anne, 319, 493 — Eliza, 493 — Henrietta, 492, 497 — James, 389 — Mark and Re- becca, 493 — ^Thos., 492. Seney, John, 203, 390 — Nevil, 203 — Patrick, 235 — Wm., 204. Sergant, Benj"., 306. See Sar- gant. Serrell, Wm., 203. Seth, Jacob, 313. Settee, Peter, 45. Seventeenth Battn. Mil., Somer- set Co., 388, 389, 403, 404. Severson, Hance, 597. Sevier, Severe, Chas. and Vachel, 469. Seward, Danl., 469 — Margaret, 437— Thos., 204. Sewall, Sewell, Achsah, 454 — 670 INDEX Ann, 435 — Augustine, Benj. and Elijah, 469 — Clias. and Clement, 390 — Dianna, 226 — Elizabeth, 431 — ^Jam'., 220, 390 — John, 102, 239, 390, 469 — Julia, 487 — Marty, 220— Mary, 417, 521, 595 — Rachel, 436 — Rebecca, 390 — Sarah, 463. 505 — Tomsey, 429 — Vachel, 469 — Wm., 390, 469. Seybert, George, 520. Seymour, Henry and Joseph, 226 — John, 227. Shaker (Shoster ?), Shaffer, Shaaff, Anna, 511 — Cath., 510 — ^John T., 469 — Mary, S3I- Shahawn, Shahon (Thahon ?), Chas., 597 — Geo., 4. Shall, Shawl, Geo., 534. Shamwell, Joseph, 536. Shanahan, John, 219. Shane, Shean, Henry and Henry W., 390. Shaneberger, Peter, 524. Shank, Catharina, 527 — Mi- chael, 528. Shanks, Abner, 95 — Thos., 287. Sharadine, Moses, 204. Sharer, Maria, 506. Sharom (Racom .', Slacom ?), Geo. and Job, 100. Sharpe. Hor"., 2 — John, i — Joseph, 528. Sharpless, Maria, 596. Sharrett, Wm., 469. Sharswood, Wm., 244. Shaveley, Frederick, 45. Shaver, Elizab., 524, 527. Shaw, Shau, Amma, 555 — Angus, 287 — Ann and Ara" mintha, 165 — Basil, 285 — Chas., 285, 542— Edwd., 488— Eleanor, 494 — Elias, 469 — Eliza, 436, 494 — Geo., 469 — Harriot, 555 — Jacob, 528 — James, 95, 143, 369, 390, 469 — James Pratt, 544 — Jane, 143 — John, 469, 494 — Joseph, 265 — Josias, 302 — Joseph F., 352 — Keziah, 542 — Lucy, 544 — Nancy, 104 — Osborn, 542 — Rezin, 555 — Robt., 544 — • Saml.,488— Wm., 84. Shawhan, Shawhon, Elizabeth and John, 5, 8. Shawn, Mary, 596. Shea, David, Elizabeth, Isabel, Sarah, Thos. and Wm., 178. Sheanes, Henry, 246. Shearbert, Shearbutt, Mary, 469 — Sarah, 445. Sheaver, Wm., 157. Sheckell, Sheckells, Sheckels, Shekell, Abra- ham, 19 — Caleb, 469 — Cephas, 276 — Eleanor, 560 — Elizabeth, 418, 460, 481 — Enoch, 469 — Ezekias, 278 — Francis, 469 — John, 19, 469, 554 (2), 556— Mary and Rachel, 416 — Richd., 19, 276, 469 — Ruth, 509, 554, 556 — Sabret Henry Willson, 556 — Saml., 21, 283^ Susan, 454 — Thos., 469. Sheen, Blandey, 531. Sheers, Mary, 418. Sheets, Hannah, 391 — Jacob, 391, 528. Shekells, Mima, 465. Shell, Andrew and Mary, 128 — John, 246. Sheller, Elisabeth, 529. Shelman, Sus., 509. Shepard, Shepherd, Sheppard, Ann, 454 — Basil, 469 — Cath- erine, 437 — Chas., 470 — EIiz^, 431, 461 — Henry and James, 470 — John, 103, 228, 470 — • Juliet, 458 — Mary, 430, 436, 444, 520 — Nathaniel and Saml., 470 — Ruth, 420 — ■ Sarah, 479 — Wm., 245. Sherbird, Benj., 470. Sherbert, Sherbrett, Shear- butt, Sherbutt, Benj. and Wm., 18— Rachel, 17— Eliza- beth, 430 — Benj. Edwd., Geo., Rezin, Richd. and Thos., 470. Sherburn, Jane, 416. Sheredine, Sheridine, James, 244 — Mary, 171 — Nathl., 165 • — Thos., 129. Sheriff, John, 274 — Saml., 291. Sherman, Benj., 103. Sherwood, Sherrwood, David, 220 — Francis and Hugh, 80 — ■ Napn., 222 — Phillimon, 218, 470 — Prudence, 224 — Susanna, 451 — Thos., 219, 515. Shettleworth, Allen, 493. Shewbutt, Elizabeth, 483. Shickenhelm, Cath., 509. Shields, Benj. and Caleb, 470 — Lucretia, 455 — Mary, 445. Shilton, Thos., 254. Shimer, John, 528. Shinnee, Peter, 82. Shinton, John, 240 — Ann, Eliza- beth, John, Sarah and Wm., 131. Ship, Elizabeth, ;oo. Shipley, Benj., 470 — Elijah, 236 ^Elizabeth, 438 — ^Henry, 470 —Richd., 242, 528— Wm., 498. Ships, Baltimore, etc., 2 — Alli- ance, 382 — Defiance, 397 — Dolphin, 386 — Independence, 373 — Trumbull, 396 — Virginia, 365, 380. Shipton, John, 528. Shircliff, Melinda and Wm., 391. Shirley, Bennet and Susanna, 391. Shirtzer, Caspar, 391. Shively, Bernard, 493. Shnebly, Cath., 529 — Henry, 528. Shney (.'), Sara, 206. Shoals, Agatha and Ann Robin- son, 550 — Joshua, Kitty and Nancy, 548 — Solomon, 550. Shockley, Eli and Thos., 593 — John, 391. Shockney, Patrick, 391. Shoebrook, Edward, 391. Shoemaker, Ann, 458 — John Brown, 283 — Gideon and Saml. P., 470. INDEX 671 Shoeman, Thos., 534. Shook, Shuck, Arrana, John and Peter, 547 — Chas., 563^ Frances, 564 — Lydia, 561. Shores, Shors, Elizabeth, Mary and Richd., 117 — Sarah, 98. Short, Elizabeth, 423 — Geo., 285 — Isaac, 285 — Jacob and John, 470 — Mary, 485 — Saml., 224. Shorter, John, 470 — Wm., 98. Shortridge, Saml., 520. Shoster (Shafer ?), Cath., 510. Shoots, Shots, John, 391. Shoup, Margaret, 527. Shover, Adam and Peter, 51, 56 — Simon, 51, 52, 56, 57. Showell, Armel, 579. Shower, Marj-, 501. Shrader, Henry, 534. Shrieve, Eleanor, 424. Shrimps, John Martin, 470. Shriver, Cornelius, 470 — Mary, 467. Shroyack, Shryock, Eliz., 510 —John, 391. Shrupp, Henr)-, 391. Shryer, Mary C, 362. Shull, Elizabeth, 503. Shultz, Charlotte, 503. Shurbert, Shearbutt, Mary and Susannah, 460. Shurlock, Wm., 470. Shurm, Elizab., 506. Shutt, Jacob, 529. Shutter, Christian, 53. Shwab, Cath., 524 — Michel, 526. SiBELL, Henry and John Henrj-, 470. Sibbey, James, 517. SiDDEL, John, 227. SlEGMUND, SiGMUND, PoUy, 523 — Wm., 524. SiFTON, Edwd. and Wm., 470. SiLBY-, Deborah, 462. Silence, John, 73, 470 — Wm., 391. Silk, Elizabeth, 450 — Saml., 297. SiLLiNGER, Andrew, 526. SiLLORY, Jude, 125. SiLNER, Benj., 243. Silver, Silvers, Affey, Am- mons, Benj., David, Gashim and James, i8i — John. 54, 59, 181 — Margret, Mary, Melli- son, Rachel and Sarah, 181 — Susannah, 54, 59. Silveringer, Elizabeth, 504. SiMKiNS, Comfort, 531. SiMKSON, Sarah, 492. SiMM, Catherine, 505. SiMMONDS, Isabella, 595. Simmons, Aaron, 391, 496 — Abraham, 19, 470 — Achsah, 442 — Basil, 470 — Cath., 510 — Chapman, 470 — Dorcas, 459 — David, 470 — Delilah, 476 — Eleanor L., 486 — Elizabeth, 449, 471 — Ezekiel, 471 — Geo., 17 — Isaac, 19, 296, 471 — Isane, 471 — ^Jacob, 296 — James and Jeremiah C, 471 — • Jesse, 296 — John, 471 — Jona- than, 302 — Joseph, 471, 490 — Margaret, 419, 505 — Mary, 460, 473 — Rachel, 486 — Richd., 20, 254, 302, 471 — Robt., 302, 304 — Sam!., 296— Sarah, 391, 422, 432 — Susanna, 453— Thos. T., 471— Van, 283 — Wm., 391, 471 — Wm. W., 471. Sim, Sims, Simms, Alice, Ann and Ann Boyle, 117 — Anthony and Bennett, 69 — Bet.ey, 1 17 — Edwd., 268 — Eliza, 492 — Frances, 117 — Geo., 243 — James, 117, 492 — Jane, 69, 117 — Margrett, 117 — Marma- duke M., 266 — Mary, 117, 491 — Patrick, 271, 392 — Ralph, Robt. and Rol, 117 — Sarah, 29 — Wm., 29, 117 — Winfred, 520. Simon, John, 150 — Mary, 504. SiMPKiNS, Wm., 528. Simpson. Simson, Andrew, 593 — Ann, 494 — Basil, 471 — Catherine, Charity and Charles, 493 — Elijah, 80 — Eliza, 494 — Elizabeth, 487, 495 — Geo., 488 — Gilbert, 304 — John, 82, 471 — John (of Greer), 264 — ^Joseph, 266, 488 — Joshua, 471— Lawrence, 391 Margaret, 122 — Mary, 392, -1^^ — Naney, 436 — Peter, 98 — Rezin, 392 — Rose, 122 — • Ruth, 516 — Saml., 515 — Sophia, 425 — Thos., 267, 392, 493. 495— Wm., 241, 524. Sin, Jacob, 513. Sinclair, Sinclare, Sinclear, SiNCKLER, Elisabeth, 527 — James, 247 — Mord'., 300, 308 — Nath*., 304 — Sawney, 218 — Wm., 308. Singer, Geo., 522. Sinners, Chas., 2o6^James, 207. SiPE, Christopher, David and Eliz., 547. Sixth Regt. of Md., 345. Sizler, Philip, 392. Skinner, Catherine, 489 — Frances, 80 — Lucy, 424^ Mary, 154 — Mordica, 226 — Phillimon, — • — ^Truman, 297, 299 — Wm., 529. Skwington, James, 246. Skyles, Ephraim, 47. Slack — see Stack. Slacom (Racom .', Sharom .'), Geo. and Job, 100. Slade, Slaide, Ezekiel, Thos. and Wm., 238. Slater, Slator, Marta, 496 — Thos., 178, 236. Slaughter, Thos., 471. Slaughton, Eleanor, 493. Slee, Joseph, 109. Slemaker, Eliza, 466 — Jacob, 471. Slicer, Andrew, 471 — Margaret, 443- Slight, Joseph, 107. Slitchbury, Philip, 471. Slocomb, John, 593. Slond, Sarah, 180. Slone, Elizabeth, Henrj-, John, Mar>' and Saras, 181. 672 INDEX Slover, Jean, 533. Slye, Sley, Eliz., 525 — John, Mary and Robt., 71. Small, Anne, 420 — Elizabeth, 174 — Francis, 213 — Hellen, 482— John, 174, 244, 471, 524 — Mary, 517 — Ri, 262 — Robert, 174, 234 — Sarah, 451. Smallwood, Bayne and Chole, 496 — Eleanor and Sally, 491 — Wm., — . Smaltz, John H., 498. Smiser, Henry, 526. Smith, Abigail, 83 — Alexander Lawson, 392 — Andrew, 166 — Ann, 107, 165, 440, 446, 514, S'Si 596 — Ann Watkins, 421 Anna, 549, 593 — Anna Statia, 515— Anne, 423, 447 (2), 473 — Anthony, 253, 471 — Aquila, 392, 471, 549, 554 — Archabald, 224, 593 — Arthur, 100 — Bazil, 70, 236, 495— Benj., 192, 243, 392, 544 — C. Brisco, 578 — Cassey, 484 — Catherine, 517 — Cathron, 180 — Chas., 393, 406, 534, 544 — Chas. Saml., 25 — Christian, 393 — Clement F-. 578 — Clement Brisco, 578 — Danl., 203, 549 — David, 242, 567 — Deborah, 549 — Deborick, 134 — Dudley M., 578— Ebze., 587— Edwd., 80, 106, 210, 471 — Eleanor, 549, 554 — Elias, 27, 134 — Elijah, 393, 471 — Elisha, 226 — Eliza, 468 — Elizabeth, 182, 183, 354, 458, 480, 506, 516, 542, 544 — Ephraim, 393 — Esther, 581 — Fanny, 457 — Frances, 104, 107 — Fredk., 471 — Geo., 43, 183, 542 — Gerrard, 554 — Hannah, 182, 204, 504 — Harriet, 442 — Henr>', 177, 203, 285, 471 — Holland, 587 — Horatio, 471 — Hugh, 182, 243 — Isaac, 305, 549 — Isabel, 129 — Jabish, 179— Jacob, 157, 524 — James, 182, 203, 226, 234, 242, 306, 393, 471, 490, 492 — James Haddock, 271 — • Johannes, 56, 60 — John, 82, 100, 150, 163, 238, 241, 242, 256, 285, 308, 393, 394, 471, 472. 490, 493, 494, 593— John Christian, 52, 57 — Joseph, 204, 237, 270. 394. 472, 580— Joshua, 82 — Josiah, 203 — Josias, 236 — Lawrence, 275 — Leatha, 578 — Leaven, 83 — Leonard, 46 — Luis, 179 — Lydia Eliz., 499 — Margaret, 438. 478, 578, 593— Mana, 432 — Martha, 165, 166, 451, 455— Martha (Jay), 392— Martin, 54, 59 — Mary, 130, 179, 182, 188, 192, 435, 436, 445, 461, 468, 475, 480, 492, 497, 499. 501. 516, 578. 590— Michael, 394 — Middleton, 27 — Molly Davis, 587 — Morti- mer, 578 — Moses, 394 — Mrs., 567 — Nathan, 238 — Nathan H., 549 — Nathaniel, 182, 394, 472 — Nathe, 244 — Nicholas, 102— Oscar, 578— P. P., 578— Patrick, 183, 244 — Peter, 56, 60, 245 — Peter P., 578 — Philip, 56, 60, 472 — Priscilla, 393. 558— Rachel, 129, 432— Ralph, 165, 243 — Richd., 472 Richd. Brooke, 563 — Robert, 243, 246, 594 — Ruth, 165, 578 — Saml., 182, 242, 488 — Sarah, 166, 181, 192, 393, 394. 418, 469. 476. 489. 491. 549 — Sarah L. C, 422, 425 — Susan, 423 — Susanna, 157— Susanna Kelley, 549 — The- ophilus, 129 — Thos., 82, 182, 203, 221, 275, 243, 305, 394, 472, 515 — Vincent, 238 — Wm., 37, 52, 57, 84, 100, 129, 157, 178, 182, 237, 240, 243, 246, 271, 472, 580, 597 — Wm. Morris Veach, 542 — Winston, 179 — Zachariah, 235. See also "Schmidt", "Smyth". Smithers, Sarah, 438. Smithson, Arch and Casandra, 125 — Danl., 245 — David, 241 — Elisha, 472 — Elizabeth, Margaret and Marj-, 125 — Nathaniel, 125, 233 — ^Thos., 125, 236 — Wm., 125, 234, 23s — Wm. Eaton, 493. Smock, Holland and Jesse, 594 — Mary, 590. Smoot, Ann, 490, 578 — Chas. (Rev.), 578 — Eleanor, 446, 492 — Eliza, 494 — Heathy, 488 — - Henry, 492 — Horatio, 488 — Isaac, 491 — Jane, 451 — John, 491 — Joseph, 394 — Josiah, 492 — Mary, 496, 517 — Mary Ann, 491. Smortz, Abraham, 534. Smullen, Elizabeth, 593. Smyth, Anna Maria and Danl., 394 — Thos., 376, 394 — Wm., 206. Snail, James, 203. Sneed, Moses, 207 — Richd., 206. Sneider, Snider, Mary Basem, 531 — Susanna, 525. See "Schneidei", "Snyder". Snell, George, 526. Snelling, Sarah, 223 — Wm., 224. Snevely, Snively, Elisabeth, 529— John, 524. Snodgrass, Cathron, James, Margaret, Mary, Robt. and Wm., 181. Snowden, John and Nicholas, 472— Richd., 472, 559. Snow Hill Battn., Worcester Co., 338— Manor, 3, 73. Snyder, Sneider, Snider, Chas., 472 — Civil, 524 — Danl., 534 — Elizabeth, 458 — Mary Basem, 531 — Susanna, 525 — ■ Wm. Tayloe, vl. Soaper, Soper, Abm. John and Lea'., 306 — Jas. P., 472 — Jonathan, 304. SoGSTON, Elisab., 528. SoLLERS, Sollars, Ann, 434 — ■ Elizabeth, 453 — Sabrit, 304. SoLSBouRY, SoLSBOY, Ebcnezcr, INDEX 673 James and John, 82 — Nemiah, 81— Olie, 82. Somerset County, Princess Anne Militia, 408 — (Batey), 90 — (Moor), 94. Somervell, James, 395. SoMMERS, Solomon, 395. Sons of Amer. Revn., vi. Scott, Edwd., 203. SopER, Amelia, 561 — Chas., 302 — James, 541 — John, 541, 546, 554 — Luraner, 554 — Martha, 546 — Mary, 541 — Nathan, 296 — Rebecca, 546, SS4 — ^Thos., 259. SORDINGE, Edwd., 81. SoTHORN, Henry Greenfield, John, John Johnson and Rich"*., Rebecca and Saml., 536. South, Thos., 47. South Carolina, 43, 335. South River Battn., Anne Arundel, 399. SouTHEAN, Catherine and Richd., 496. Souther, Christopher, 274. SouTHERLiN, James, 104. Southern, Mary, 449. Southwell, Rebecca, 488. SowARD, SowARDS, Jamcs and Solomon, 472. Space, Cath., 519. Spain, Beaver, Elizabeth, Hana, Jacob, Nelly and Wm., 117. Spalding, Aaron, 395 — Agnes, 541 — Basil, Bennitt and Clement Joseph, 66 — Danl., 395 — Edmund, 66, 67 — Edwd., 67— Elias. 541 — Elections and Elizabeth, 66, 67 — James, 66, 67, 267 — John, 265, 541 — Michael, 67— Peter, Saml., 395 — Thos., 66, 67— Wm., 66, 68, 267. Spangler, Ann, 532. Spanseiler, Cath., 508 — Sus., 509- Sparks, Abner, Caleb, Edwd., James, Jas. F., John, John 44 T., Levi, Millenton, Nathan and Solomon, 203 — ^Jonas, Julyanna, Mary, Thos., Vin- son and Wm. (of B.), 204 — Wm., 203, 204. Sparrow, Anna. 546, 551 — Anthony, 472 — Charlotte, 564 — Danl., 472 — Dinah, 18 — Eliz., 551 — Harriet, 546 — Henry, 546, 551 — John, 472 — Jonathan, 558 — Joseph, 286, 515 — Mary, 477, 517 — Sarah, 563 — Solomon, 262, 472 — ■ Susanna, 562 — ^Thos., 301, 472, 563 — Wm., 520, 562. Speak, Speake, Ignatious, 520 — Jane, John and Thos., 33. Spearman, Sarah, 595. Spears, John, 472 — Wm., 529. Speats, Benj. Allison, PrisciUa and Wm., 552. Spedden, Ann and Edwd., 395. Speddy, Levin, 374 — Sarah, 452. Speedy, Allen, 534. Spence, Spencer, Spenser, Agnes, 193 — Ann, 597 — Cathron and Elisabeth, 193 — Henry, 6, 193 — ^James, 193, 472 — "Jare," 188, 193, 460 — Job, 122 — John, 193 — Joseph, 218 — Labert W., 597 — Leon- ard and Mary, 193 — Margaret, 151, 466 — Philemon, 218, 472 —Richd., 188— Richd. Henry, 557. 565 — Robt. Traill, 472 — Roland, Ji8, 234 — Ruth, Sarah and Thos., 193 — Wm., 193, 520 — Zachariah, 238. Spesserd, David, 526. Spesutia Lower and Upper Hundreds, 194. Spicer, Wm., 472. Spicknall, Spicknell, Cath- erine, 479 — John, 473. Spires, Richd., 395. Sprall, Ann, 432. Spratt, Sarah, 152. Sprigg, Ann, 472 — Catharine, 473 — Edwd., 271 — Elizabeth, 476 — Jacob, 473 — John, 306 — John Clark, 307 — Margaret, 25 — Mrs., 566 — Nancy, 439 — O., 300 — Osborn, 25, 306, 308 — Philip, 306 — Rebecca, 473 — Richd., 22 — Saml., 473 — Sophia, 456 — Thos., 514. Springer, Barb., 508 — Cather- ine, 499, 506 — Chas., 54, 58. Sprogel, Lewis, 473. Sproston, Saml., 473. Sproul, Mary, 364. Spry, Francis, 203 — John, 203, 225. Spurrier, Spuruer, Edwd., 473 — Margaret, 566 — Rebecca, 479 — Rezen, 473 — Ruth, 43 1 — Vernecia, 566. Spurry, John, 208. Squire, Geo., 529 — Mary, 494. Stack, Jacob and John, 242. Stacy, 229. Staford, John, 83. Stains, Moses, 219. Staintors, Thos., 95. Stall, Henry, 529. Stallings, Elizabeth, 431, 454 —James, 473— John, 473, 520 — Joseph, 473 — Mary, 465, 470 — Rebecca, 470— Saml., 299 — Thos., 473. Stallion, Stallions, Eleanor, 460 — Lancelot, 473 — Mary, 461 — Nancy, 494 — Thos., 304 —Thos. H., 306. Stample, Rosanah, 529. Standage, Elizab., 515 — Hez*"., 307 — Thos., 304. Standeford, Standiford, Standerford, Anila, 40 — • Aquila, 40, 127 — Eleanor, 515 — Geo., Hannah, Mary, Mil- key, Nathan and Sarah, 127 — James, 242— Saml., 234 — Wm., 40. Stanford, Constant D., 354 — Eliza, 532 — Nancy, 354. Standly, Standley, John, 240 — Margret and Wm., 185. Stanger, Louisa, 563. Stanley, Wm., 236. 674 INDEX Stansbury, Elizabeth, 426, 449 — Kezia, 494 — Rebecca, 482. Stanton, Benson, 79, 85 — Elezebeth, 225 — John, 395. Staples, John, 395, 396 — Margaret, 396. Stapleton, David, Joshua, Lydia and Susanh, 165 — Edwd., 165, 235. Stareman, Alisabeth, 191. Stark, Starks, Ann, 519 — Richd., 492. Starkey, John, 209. Starling, Elijah and Henry, 98 — Sarah, 508. Starr, James and Wm., 396. Starret, Mar>-, 529. Start, Jon^, 213 — John, 210. Startsman, Startzman, Fanny, 52; — Martin, 524, 526. Staten, Staton, George, 594 — Jacob, 95. Staub, Sarah, 512. Stauffer, Caroline, 508. Staunton, John, 396. Stavely, John, 597. Steal, Steel, Abraham, 176, 182 — Ann, 552 — Barshaba, 587 — Casandra, 177, 182 — Danl., 587 — Elizabeth, 169, 176, 177, 587 (2) — Henr;-, 95 — James, 128, 235, 396, 402, 473 — John, 176, 177, 248 — Joseph, 176, 552 — Joshua, 182 — Mar>', 552 (2) — Nathaniel, 587 — Rebec- ca, 176 — Saml., 587 — Sarah, 182, 533 — Wm., 552 (2). Steaverson, John, 182. Stecker, Cath., 503. Steddam, Elizabeth, 219. Steibart, John, 473. Steiner, Anna, 511 — Barbara, 508 — Elizab., 506 — ^Jacob, 513 — John Conrad, 498 — Mary A., 509. Stephens, Stephans, Edwd., 109 — Elizabeth, 495 — Geo., 203, 253 — John, 535 — Joseph, 70 — Wm., 269. See Stevens. Stephenson, James (Rev.), 578 — ^John, 165 — Jonas and Mary, 170 — Mary Clare and Marj' Denniston, 578 — Rebecca, 170 — Wm. B., 334. Sterling, Southey, 594. Steuart, Mary, 448. See "Stewart". Stevart, Ann, 446 — Marj', 442. Stevens — see Stephens, Ann, 212 — Azel, 82 — Benj., 396 — David, 396 — Dennis, 473 — Edwd., 374, 396 — Elizabeth, 462, 486, 520 — ^James, 206 — John, 84, 104, 473 — Levi, 396 —Mary, 443— Polly, 396, 447 — Rachel, 486 — Rebecca, 520 — Richd., 396, 520, 566 — Vachel, 473 — Wm., 83, 207, 265, 473 — Wm. W., 396. Stevenson, Arianna, 440 — Elizabeth, 592, 594 — Hannah, 582— John, 237, 396, 473— Jonas, 234 — Joseph, 594 — Mary P., 591 — Tabitha, 590. Steviderson, Elizabeth, 470. Stewart, Steward, Steuart, Ann, Anne, 424, 430, 494 — Caleb, David and Edward, 473 — Chas., 298, 473 — Dolly, 519 — Eleanor, 506 — Elizabeth, 144, 396, 478, 547 — Ezekiel, 473 — Geo., 17, 18 — Grace, 555 — Henry, 108 — ^James, 103, 144, 238, 240, 299, 473, 489, S5S. 558— Jane, 444— John, 241, 473 — ^John T., 109^ Julia, 421 — Julianna, 486 — Margaret, 456, 469, 547, 553 — Mary, 144, 419, 429, 442, 469, 479, 489 — Mordecai, 473 — Nicholas, 474 — Rebecca, 437 — Richd., 474, 561 — Sarah, 439, 467, 478, 514 — Solomon, 524— Stephen, 17, 18, 473, 474 — Susanna, 144 — Thos., 109 — Thos. Hansen, 555 — Walter, 564— Wm., 234, 474, 547, S53 (2), 567 — "Stewards Lotte," 17- Stier, Rosalia, 423. Stiles, Elisabeth, 187 — Horatio, Jane and Thos., 550 — ^Joseph, 239- Stille, Axell, 313. Stillings, Richd., 517. Stinchcomb, Stincheci™, Ann, 450 — Hanna, 421 — Henny, 441 — Nathan, 474 — Rebecca, 461 — Thos. and Wm., 474. Stinson, Saml., 95. Stiver (Lliver ?), Elizabeth, 457- Stoaks, Francis, 517 — VoUinton, 95- Stock, Stock, Sarah (Evans), 583. (Hook .?) Stocker, John, 474. Stockett, Ann, 453 — Helen, 454 — John, John Shaaff, Joseph Noble and Noble, 474^ Martha, 445 — Mary, 429 — Polly Harwood, 415 — Rachel, 453 — Rebecca, 418 — Richd. G., 474 — Sarah, 446 — Thos., 474 — Thos. Noble, 405 — Thos. Wm., 474— Wm., Wm. I. and Wm. Thos., 474. Stockley, Geo., 84. Stocksdale, Nancy, 498. Stockwell, James, 45. Stoddart, Stoddert, Stoddrt, John T., 474 — Mariamore Trueman, 491 — Mary, 495 — Mary Magdalen, 69. Stokes, Elijah, 225 — John, Marsham and Ruth, 548 — Robt., 155, 239 — Susannah, 226. Stoll, Christina, 502 — Mary, 504 — Philippina, 511. Stone, Catharine, 25 — David, 259 — Edwd., 66 — Eliz., 561 — Ida M., 578 — Ignatius and Ionia, 63 — John, 247, 397, 520 — ^John Hoskin, 474 — ^Jona- than, 25 — ^Joseph, 306 — Mar- shall, 474 — Mary, 25, 63 — Richd., 259 — Robt. Conden, 474 — Vict"'., 307 — Wm., 63 — Wm. F., 578. INDEX 675 Stonebracker, Catharine, 523. Stoner, Ann Elizabeth, 509 — David, 497 — Man-, 523. Stonestreet, Edwd., 287, 514 ■ — Henrj' and John, 265 — Joseph, 290 — Richd., 279 — Thos., 516. Stooksbery, Wm., 245. Stoops, David, 204. Storer, Dorothy, 352, 397. Strachan, Elizabeth, 455. Stradlee, Thos. Coox, 79. Strahan, Marj-, 519. Straight's Hundred, 89, 97. Straugbon, Wm., 474. Street, Thos., 106, 247. Streiger, Margaret, 523. Streight, Elizab., 533. Stremack, James, 474. Stricklin, Stricker, Eliz., 505 — John, 495 — Wendel, 513. Strider, Philip, 397. Stringer, Richd., 385, 397. Strode, Thos., 245. Strong, Abraham, 474 — Mar>- Anne, 531. Strouse, Henry, 526. STtTARD, Stuart, Alexander and Ann, 189 — Elizabeth, 397, 596 — ^Jane, 165— John, 286, 587 — John Washington, 587 — Margret and Mar>-, 189 — Polly, 587 — Sarah, 530 — Wm., 189. Stubbs, Mark, 474. Studer, Philip, 392, 397. Stijmp, Chas., 534 — Elisabeth, Esther, Hannah, Henr\', John, Mar)', Rachel, Rubin and Wm., 190. Sturd, James, 95. Sturgeon, Robert, 241. Sturges, Sturgis, Betsy Curtis, 593 — Esther, 591 — John, 136, 594 — Naomi, 593 — Sally, 593. Sturm, Sturno, Anna Mary and John, 513. Sudebothan (.'), Wm., 286. SuDLER, Seidler, Emor)", 207 — ■ John, 204 — Joseph. 203 — Sam!., 474 — Thos., 204 — Wm., 474- Suite, Suit, Jesse, 474 — ^Walter, 497. 536- Suiter, George, 520. SuKWALD, Cath., 534. SuLIVAN, SULLIVANE, SuLLIVEN, Ann, 457 — Charlotte, 417 — Danl., 104 — Elizabeth, 475 — James, 104, 175, 397 — Jane, 444 — John, 175, 474 — Lemuel H., 474 — Margret, 175 — Mor- gan, 474 — Nathaniel, 175 — Nichl., 95 — Sarah, 450 — Syl- vester, 559 — Thos., 107, 304 — Wm., 474. SuLZER, Catharine, 511. Sumberlin, Sumblin, Francis, 474— Mar>-, 430. SuMLAND, Ann, 485. SiTMMER, Summers, Aletha and Alexr., 552 — Ann, 541, S44. 552 — Anna Maria, 543, 546, 556, 563 — Archibald, 562 — Benj., 560 — Caleb, 520 — Caleb Letton, 544 — Cloe, 555 — Dent (w), 569 — Dorkus, 519 — Elizab., 529, 562 — ^John, 306, 515, 520, S44. SSS— John L., 543> 546, 556, 569— Josiah, 307 — Mahala, 547 — Mary, 225, 519 (2), 541, 552— Marv'ann, 555 — Mary Letton, 543 — Nathan, 307 — Parks, 107 — Paul, 547, 554, 571 — Reubin, 556 — Sabina, 562 — Saml., 554 — Sarah, 547, 554 — Sarah Gamer, 547 — Solomon, 397 — Thos., 497 — Turesa, 552 — Ursula, 547 — Walter, 547, 564 — Wm., 520 — Zadok, 541, 552. Sunderland, Benj., Benj. D., Elizabeth, Jesse, Zachariah, 475- SuNDERLiN, Eleanor, 445. SuNKSoiT, Mary, 229. SuoiT, Alexander, 234. SuRAT (Sweat .'), Edwd., 229. SuRcoM, Thos., 207. Surly, Sarah, 504. Susquehannah Hundred, 174, 194. Sussex Co., N. J., 597. SuTER, James, John and Ruth, 571- Sutler, Isaac, 239. Sutton, Sutten, Suttone, Elizabeth, Mar)', Rebecca, Reubin, Saml. and Solomon, 142 — ^Jacob, James, Jonathan, Mary, Oswin, Rachel, Sus- anna, Tabitha and Wm., 156 — Ann, Elizabeth, Hannah, Margaret, Mar)-, Robt., Saml., Sarah and Thos., 170 — Edwd., 183 — Jacob, 397 — John, 203 — Robt., 514 — Saml., 237 — Thos., 240. Swain, Bethia, 147 — Cassandria, 148 — Elizabeth, 147, 471 — Gabriel, 147 — Joshua, 253 — Mr., 569 — Nathan, 147, 148 — Theodore, 475— Wall''y., 256. Swales, Robt., 534 — Sus., 525. SwAMLEY, Eleanor, 550 — ^Jacob, 550, 568, 569 — ^John, 567 — Sarah, 550. Swan, Swann, Christian, 513 — Edwd., 305 — Elizabeth, 47 — Frederick, 247 — Henry, 536, 552 — James, 70, 305 — ^John, 47, 70 — Lemeter, 552 — Leon- ard, 290, 397 — Robt., 55, 59, 392 — Saml., 304 — Thos., 47— Wm., 552. Swank, Mary, 528. Sward, Peter, 95. SwARE, 230. SwARTH, Catherine, Christian, David, Geo., Isaac, Mary, Peter, Sarah and Saml., 182. SwAVELY, Jacob, 560. SwAWiN, Ann Margaret, 499. Swearer, Philip, 475. Swearengen, Swearingen, Benj., 541 — Benoni, 523 — Benome Ray, 543 — Casandra, 561 — Chas., 45 — Greece and Eleanor, 564 — Elemelech, 543, 545 — Elizabeth, 46, 530, 551 676 INDEX (2), SS2— John, 43, 44— Joseph, 43— Levy, 552— Martha, 532, 553 — Mary, 517 — Obed., 546, 553 — Rachel, 546, 553 — Saml., 45 — Sarah, S4I. S43. S4S. 564— Susanna, 545— Thos., 552— Van, 43, 44, 45, 46— Wm., 541, 543. See " Vansweringen ". SwEATTEN, Siney, 104. Sweeny, Sweny, Sweany, Ann, 465 — David, 117, 194, 236 — Henrietta, Mar\', Oliver, Richd. and Sarah, 117 — Mathew, 235 — VVm., 534 — Zachariah, 270. Sweeting, Richd., 95. SwEGATT, etc., Benj., 81 — - Henry, 83 — ^James, 82 — Thos., 81. SwETZER, Seth., 475. Swingle, Benj., 526 — Geo., 534. Swoop, Lawrence, 44. Swording, Sarah, 84. Syedes, Anna, 498. Syllavin, Sarah, 203, 204. Sylvester, 230. Syme, Sym, Martha, 535 — • Nicholas, 490. Symmer, Alexander, 271. Symonds, Symmonds, Elizabeth and Jonathan, 44. Synnapuxent Battn., Worcester Co., 383. Syphird, Matthias, 397. Syserson, Marcus, 313. Syster, Danl., 534. Syton, Mary, 419. Tackler, Catherine, 533. Taes, Andrew, 235. Taigger, Mar>', 484. Tailton, James and John, 73. Taitt, James, 253. Talbert, Talburt, Talbott, ToLBERT, Anna, 552 — Benj"., 308, 475 — Chas., 552 — Col., 3 — Edwd., 246 — Elizabeth, 475, 486 — ^James, 241 — ^John, 493 — John (of Paul), 267 — Joshua, 475— Levin, 553— Mary, 439, 552 — Matthew, 241 — Minna, 553 — Nathaniel, 304 — Paul, 307 — Sarah, 456 — Thos., 475, 553 — VVm. H., 560 — Zadock, 515- Talbott Co. Census of 1776, 215, 230 — Fourth Battn., 320. Talboy, Ann, 80. Talley, Cordelia, Edwd., Carvel and Martha, 157. Talor (Tabor), James, 95. Tammon, Henn.-, 475. Tamson (Lamson .'), Agness, 529. Tanar, Batson Vinson, 95. Taney, Tany, Catherine, 498 — James, 238 — Raphael and Thos., 68. Tannehill, Tannihill, Tany- HiLL, Agnes M., Cas- sandra, 473 — James, 259, 286 — Jer., 285 — Pheby, 425 — Thos., 475. Tanner, Tannar, Benj., 207 — Ig''. Nevett, 304 — Mary, 527 - — Phillemon, 206. Tapley, Capt., 305. Tarbert, James, Janey and Mar}', 1:8. Tare, Tarr (?), James, 237 — John, 594 — Richd., 225 — Wm., 594. Tarlton, John, 77. Tasker, Richd. R., 398. Tate, Ann and Doctor, 124. Taunie, Thos., 475. Tawlard, Benj., 246. Taylor, Abraham, 145, 179 — Ann, 126, 587 — Aquila, 145^ Asia, 143 — Ashberry, 145 — Athelia, 587 — Barbara, 466 — Benj., 290 — Caleb, 475 — Catherine, 417 — Chas., 241 — Charlotte, 145 — Clare, 425 — Cordelia, 145 — Danl. and Delia, 126 — Elijah, 587 — Elisha, 587 — Eliza, 490, 520 — Elizabeth, 125, 183, 204, 429 (2), 449, 465 — Elizabeth John- son, 587 — Ellen, 507 — Freder- ick, 126 — Gamaliel, 475 — Geo., 594 — Hannah, 145, 179 — Hesse, 593 — Hester, 443 — Hester L, 467 — Isabella, 152 — James, 95, 142, 143, 145, 152, 175, 594 — James Madison, 587 —Jane, 179, 513, 514— Jemima, 416, 456, 485 — Jessie, 143 — John, xiv, 74, 125, 127, 236, 240, 242, 306, 398, 475, 545. 594- 59*' — John (of Chas.), 241 — John Gibbs, 594 — ^John Hodges, 236 — Joseph, 152, 475 • — Laania, 143 — Lemuel, 475 — Levin, 398 — Lloyd, 475 — Mable, 435 — Martha, 145 — Marg., 508 — Mar}', 125, 145, 179, 468, 502 — Matthew and Nevil, 398 — Nancy, 590, 592 • — Ninian, 204 — Patsey, 429 — Peggy Hannanson, 587 — Polly, 593 — Prudence, xiv — Rachel, 142 — Rebecca, 4^ Richd., 176, 299, 398, 475 — Robt., 152 — Rosetta, 594 — Ruth, 118, 204, 545 — Sally, 594 — Saml., 594 — Sarah, 125, 143, 152, 418, 435, 461, 489, 587 — Sega Sydney, 398^ Snoden and Solomon, 475 — Sophia, 462 — Stephen, 142 — Susan, 419 — Susanna, 446, 475 — Thos., 204, 235 — Trisly, 487 — Walter, 244 — Warter, 176 — • Washington, 545 — Wm., xiv, XV, 19, 74, 75, 118, 298, 475, 587 — Wm. Hazzard, 587. Tayman, Elizabeth, 451 — Henry and John, 475 — Mary, 450 — Rebecca, 483 — Susannah, 465 — Thos., 475. Tayn, John Dealy, 246. Teague, Jacob and Mar}', 594. Teal, Jacob, 497. Team, Edwd., 475. Teasewell, John, 131. Teats, C. S., — . Tedyford, John, 339, 398. INDEX 677 Teeter, Peter, 534. Telby, Jane, 469. Templeman, Susanna, 578. Templeton, Hugh, 475. Tenant, Mable, 217— Thos., 258. Tennally, John, 266 — Josias, 264 — Wm., 266. Tennessee (Britton), 323. Tenssil, John, 132. Terry, Terrey, Denisha, 224 — Mary, 486 — Patrick, 245 — Wm., 276, 475. Tewill, Grace, Horatio and Rachel Offutt, 549. Thacker, Thackrill, Eliza- beth, 471 — John, 238 — Mary, 472 — Zachariah, 475. Thahon (Shahon ?), Dennis, 4. Thatcher, Ignatius, 490. Thear, Mary, 6, 9. Third Ind. Co. Reg. Troops, 404. Thites (Kites ?), James, 301. Thom, Mary Magd., 508. Thomas, Alexander, 305 — Alice, 47S — Ann, 17, 506 — Ann Cary, 435— Benj., 475— Betsy, 448— Cassandra, 506 — Cath., 508 — • Christena, 502 — Christopher, 513 — Danl., 234 — Ebenezer, 476 — Edward, 204 — El. Caus- let Met., 503 — Elizabeth, 95, 168, 471, 472, 474, 485— Eliz^ Snowden, 451 — Ellen Ogle, 578, 579 — Francis, 398 — Frances, 485 — Geo., 4, 578, 579 — Harrison, 193 — Henri- etta, 579 — Henry, 235 — Hester Ann, 460 — Hezekiah, 497 — Isaac, 118 — James, 288 — ^Jas. Walter, vi, 557 — ^Jeremiah, 476 John, 17, 95, 118, 123, 168, 170, 241, 476 — John Allen and John Jarman, 398 — John R. and John W., 476 — ^Joseph, 95, 168, 246, 398 — Levin and Luke, 476 — Margaret, 170, 559 — Maria, 438 — Martha, 118, 168 — Mary, 1 18, 448, 455, 501, 504, 563 — Matilda, 482 — Nan- cy, 118— Nich., 405 — Otho, 399 —Philip and Philip Wm., 476 — Prudence, 485 — Rachel, 118, 422 — Richd., 81, 334 — Robt., 476 — Saml., 189, 476 — Sarah, 498 — Thomas, 242, 246, 288 — Tomsey, 422. Thomason, Ezekiel, 398. Thomlinson, Thom'., 217. Thomm, Henry, 398. Thompson, Thomson, Alecia, 421 — Alexander, 130, 247, 476, 534 — Andrew, 123, 163, 245 — • Ann, 123, 130, 541, 542 — Anna, 550 — Barnard, 399 — ■ Basil, 550, 569 — Benj., 560 — Catherine, 132, 462 — Chas., 399 — Clement, 382, 550 — Danl., 130, 247 — David, 179 — Edward, 95, 175 — Eleanor, 542, 548 — Elexis, 288 — Elisa- beth, Elizabeth, 123, 130, 132, 179. 430. 448, 454. 494. 496. 533, 542. 556 (2), 558— Eliz. Bain, 555 — Francis and Geo., 476 — Hervine, 441 — Horatio, 567 — Hugh, 476 — James, 179, 245, 541 (2)— Jamime, 175— Jery, 178 — Jesse, 399 — ^John, 105, 130, 178, 204, 285, 306, 399, 476, 534, 541, 548. 597— Joseph, 95 — Mahala, 555 — ■ Mallon, 175 — Margaret, 130, 460, 483, 529, 546, 555— Martha, 123, 175 — Mary, 123, 130, 132, 175, 178, 399, 550, 579 — Milly, 548 — Mrs., 566 — Nathan, 146 — Nickels John, 95 — Patsey, 549, 555 — Rachel, 542 — Richd., 204, 556, 558 — Robt., 546, 579 — Saml., 204, 542 — Sarah, 123, 130, 496, 53°, 550 — Susannah, 433 — Thos., 123, 130, 132, 399, 476, 546, 555 — Wm., 175, 204, 297, 306, 476, 549, 550, 555, 567, 597- See " Tompson ". Thoritan, Elisabeth, 185. Thorn, Alice, 144 — Benj., 267 — Catherine, 144 — Ephraim and Henry, 284 — James, 268 — Jane, 524 — Thos., 251 — Zach- ariah, 267. Thornton, Henry, 594 — John, 399 — Margaretha, 528 — Mary E., 475 — Sarah, 456, 465 — Thos., 493 — Wm., 4. Thorp, Richd., 476 — Sarah, 425. Thrall, Rich"*., 285. Thrasher, Thresher, Eliz., 559 — Wm., 568. Thrawls, Mary, 417. Thrift, Lear, 459 — Sarah Gallo- way, 596. Thruston, Thurston, Ann and Barnet, 122 — Chas. M., 399 — Hannah, 129 — Martha and Milky, 122 — Thos., 122, 236 — Unity and Wm., 122. Thumbbert, Wm., 476. Tibbels, John, 224 — Thos., 223, 227, 228. TiCE, Cath., 526. Tick, Wm., 313. TicKEL, Fletcher David and Wm., 95. Tigner, Wm., 97. TiLBROOK, John, 129, 244. Tilden, John and "W — ," 5 — Wm. Blay, 5, 9, 13 — Wm. B., 476. TiLGHMAN, Edwd., 204 — Elijah, 95— Ja-, 369— James, 344, 399, 476 — John, 476 — Mathew, 222, 336, 337, 339, 358, 384, 390, 398, 404, 405, 407, 408, 410 — Richd., 204. TiLLARD, Edwd., 349, 399 — John H., 476 — Lt. Col., 399 — Martha, 20, 448 — Matilda, 471 — Sarah and Thomas, 399 — Wm., 476. Tillotson, Thos., 399. Tills, Saml., 269. Tilly, Tilley, Chas., 286 — John, 287 — Josper E., 476 — Thos., Jr., 284— Zach., 288. TiMMONS, TiMONS, David, 588 — Edwd., 476 (2)— Elijah, 588 — Elizabeth, 592 — Elizabeth 678 INDEX (Hammon), 588 — Ephraim, 594 — Hannah, 592 — James and Joseph, 588 — ^John, 237 — Lawrence, 171 — Mary Ann, 486— Nathaniel, 588— Polly, 594 — Saml., 588 — Solomon, 579, 588- Tims, Letitia, 418. Tinges, Chas., 476. Tingle, Caleb (3), Danl. (2), Elijah, Elizabeth (2), Eliza- beth (Fosset), Elizabeth (Rad- cliff), Hannah, John (2), Katy, Mariah and Mar>', 588 — Rhoda (Hudson), 584 — Wm., 594- Tinlan, Mary, 178. TippiNS, James, 204. TiTLow, Evelina, 499. Tittle, Ann, 596 — John, 204. Titus, James, 477. TizoR, Wm., 529. ToBERY, Elizabeth, 500. ToBiN, 477. Todd, Andrew, 234 — Anne, 439 — Benj., 98 — Chas., 272 — David, 98 — Elizabeth, 432, 452 — Geo., 143 — ^Jobis, loi — Job, 99 — ^John, 98, 477 — Jonathan and Michael, 99 — • Margaret, 481 — Nathan, 477 — Nancy, 502 — Rachel, 503 — Richd., 477 — Ruth, 453 — Thos., 477. ToENiR, Moses, 597. Toft, John and Thos., 477. ToLLE, ToLLEY, Edwd. Caroll, 239 — John, Jonathan and Roger, 73. ToLSON, ToLSTON, Alexander, 207 — Casandria, 160 — Jacob, 477 — Mary and Sarah, 160. Tombstone Records, St. Mary's City, 572. ToMBY, Thos., 245. ToMM, Henry, 400. Tompkins, John, 494 — Wm.,488. ToMPsoN, ToMSON, Ann, Baptist and Sarah, 588 — Elizabeth, 532. See " Thompson ". ToNG, Tongue, Elizabeth, 415 — Harriott, 481 — James, 477 — Mary, 454 — Thos., 477^ Wm., 267. ToNTE, Abram, 238. Tool, Sarah, 506, 515. TooMY, John, 40Q. TooTELL, Tootle, Elizabeth, 463 — John, 103 — Mary, 425 — Richd., 477. Tooweiler, Mary, 524. ToPHAM, Benj., 400. TopPEY, Wm., 233. Topping, Ann, 479 — Elizabeth, 157- ToRP, Eleanor, 434. ToRRESH, Wm., 223. TosSETT, Jonathan, 234. Touchstone, Mary, 179. TouLSON, Andrew, 313 — Eliza- beth, 145. Towell, Michael and Thos., 477. Towers, Towes, Elizabeth, 444 — James, 82. Town Hundred, Census of, 197. TowNLEY', John, 244. "Town Land at Proctor's," 311. TowNSELL, Cassandra, Charity, Hester and Wm., 142. TowNSEND, TowNSHEND, Allen, 400 — Betsy, Ephraim, 594 — Euphame, 594 — Gran- ville S., 364 — Leo"*., 306 — Martha, S9° — Mary, 432 — Rhoda, 590 — Sally, 593 — Saml., 272, 297 — Stephen, 594 — Thom'., 217, 400, 477. TowsoN, Nathan, 400. Toy, Joseph, 477. ToYNER, Absalum, 206. Tracey, Tracy, Eleanor Wal- lace, 515 — Mary, Philip and Thos., 553— Usher, 148— Wm., 477. Trader, Arthur, 1 — Nancy, 592. Traill, Ashford, 563 — Frances, 548. 553— James, 548, 566, 567, 572 — Mary Ann, 548, 562 — Nathan, 562 — Osbourn, 548, 553— Pr'scilla, 546. 555— Sarah, 546 — Wesley, 548 — Wm., 546, 552 (2) — Wm. Tomson, 553. Trainer, Ann, 528. Trame (Frame .'), John, 191. Trammel, Elizabeth, 513. Transquakin Hundred, Census, 89, 102. Trass, Hugh "mackan," 182. Travers, Traverse, Ann, 459 — Cath., 489 — Elizabeth, 483 — Hannah, 472 — Henry Hicks, 477 — Hicks John, 95 — Levin, 95, 107, 400 — Matthew, 95 — Rebecca, 447 — Thos., 477. Traxall, Troxall, Ann, 524 — Christian, 47. Traxler, Emanuel, 529. Treakle, Greenbury, 477. Treasdale, John, 515. Tredway, Edward, 129 — Eliza- beth, 171. Tregor, Nuton, 108. Trevis, John, 514. Trezare, John and Thos., 210. Tribble, John, 162. Trice, Vencent, 224. Trickert, Obadiah, 237. Trimble, Ann, Esther, Robt. and Wm., 125. Trinity Church, St. Mary's, 572 to 579. Tripe, Tripp, James, 220, 594 — Wm., 106. Trons, John, 234. Trott, Alse, 416 — Ann, 426 — Eleanor, 416, 422 — Elizabeth, 420, 439, 440 — Gabriel, 477 — Hessy, 445 — James and John, 477 — Juliet, 429 — Kessiah, 468 — Rebecca, 420 — Richd., Sa- bret, Saml. and Wm., 477. Trott (Frout ?), Martin, 47. Trowell, Wm., 302. Troy, Margretta, 529. Truck, John, 400. True, Lidia, 488. Trueborn, — , 144. Truelock, Elizabeth, Isaac, Moses and Sarbot, 151. INDEX 679 Truelove, Ann and Man-, 144. Trueman, Truman, Alexander, 477 — Edwd., Jr., 259 — Henry and James, 293 — ^John, 401. Truitt (5 ch.), 588— Agnes (Warrenton), 588 — Ann (Evans), 583— Ann T., 591— Benj., 594 — Elizabeth (Mor- ris), 586 — Geo. and John K., 594 — Nehemiah, 588 — Sally, 590, 594. Trundle, Evan and Linney, S59— Leah, 545, 551— Lethe, 545 — Sarah Shaw, 551 — Thos., S4S. 551 W. 570— Thos. Wood, 551. Truson, Robert, 491. Trutton, Lucinda, 419. Trux, Elizabeth and John, 401. Try (?), John, 47 — Paultis, 240. Tryer, Adam, 515. Tubes, Comfort, Elizabeth, James, John, Joseph, Levinah (Fanvell), Rebecca, Sarah, Sarah (Diricksen), 588. Tuck, Care Williams, 433 — Maria, 485 — Wash. G., and Wm. A., 477. Tuckahoe Hundred, Census, 228. Tucker, Abel, 477 — Ann, 424, 433. 449. 463. 477— Anne, 486 — Benj., 284 — Elizabeth, 477, 520, 565 — Geo., 401 — Honore, 417 — James, 207, 477 —John, 477, 495— Joseph, 570 — Levi, 550 — Lurana, Luvana, 467, 478 — Margaret, 426— Mar\-, 444, 449, 466, 508 — Millie, 424 — Rebecca, 419, 452 — Richd., 478— Roby, 287— Sarah, 423, 465, 515, 550 — Selea, 478 — Susan, 460, 559 — Susanna, 550 — Thos., 308, 478 — Wm. and Zachariah, 478. Tuder, John, 236. TuEDMAN, Allen, 495. Tuell, Tuile, Tull, Catherine (Luell ?), 567 — Henr>-, 252 — James, 213 — Leah, 593 — Wm., 286. Tumble (Jumble .'), "Margah- rett," 530. TuRGASON (FuRGASON ?), Abra- ham, 478. Tunnell, Arlanter (Howard), Elizabeth, Nehemiah, Schar- bur>'and Wm.,588 — John, 594. Turk, Esau, 123. Turnbull, Eliz., 564 — James, 542 — John, 282, 542 — Mar- garet, 562 — Mar>-, 487 — Re- becca, 542. Turnell, Thos., 246. Turner, Turnier, Andrew, 245 — Ann, Anna, 102, 443, 561 — Ann O., 458 — Benj., 307— Danl., 246— Edra"*., 284— Eleanor, 486 — Elisha, 299 — Elizabeth, 502 — Geo., 204 — • Jane, 467 — Jeremiah, 256 — John, 81, 241, 255, 256— Jonathan, 266 — Josiah, 256 — Lemuel, 594 — Margaret, 475 — Mar>-, 491, 514 — Patrick, 246 — Philip, 296, 478 — Rachel, 594 — Richd., 478, 560 — Robt., 238 — Sarah, 439, 441, 451 — Seeny, 510 — Thos., 239, 313, 401, 478— Thos. W., 478— Turner, 304 — Walter, 490 — • Wm., 204, 265, 478. TuRPiN, 594 — Capt. and Wm., 409. Tush, Rachel, 146. Tuttle, Ann, 597— Joseph, 478 — Wm., 219. TuTW'iLER, Tutwiller, Jacob, 529 — Jonathan, 379, 401. Twenty Second Battn. Militia, 405 — Twenty Fifth, 410. TwiLLEY, George, 594. TwiNCH, George, 478. Tydings, Ann, Anne, 465, 478, 479^Elizabeth, 419 — Horatio, John and Joseph, 478 — Keeley, 401, 478 — Kensey and Lewis, 478 — Mary, 477 — Margaret, 481 — Mar)' Ann, 421 — Rachel, 481 — Richd., 478 — Sarah, 471 — Susanna, 476. Tyler, Tylor, Anne, 456 — David, 97 — Eliz., 542 — Eliza Greenfield, 489 — Grafton, 478 — ^James, 542 — ^John, 97, 99, loi, 302 — Mary Ann, 515 — Robt., 255, 401, 410 — Robt. Bradley, 296 — Thos., 255 — Wm., 302, 491. T-i-MMER — see Symmer. Tyse, John, 526. Tyson, Benjn., 523. U Ulman, Elizabeth, 502. Ulmer, David, 513. Ulricks, Peter, 401. Umbel, Cathran, Isaac and Mar>', 183. Umford, Cath., 506. Uncles, Benj. and Rebecca, 401. Underwood, Elizabeth, 496. Unkefer, Lucy R., 499. Unsel, Judith, 512. Upp, Margaret, 532. Upper Battn. of Mil. Dorchester, 400. Upper Marlborough, 303. Ufperhizer, John, 45. Upton, Geo. and Thos., 300, 308. Urbach, Sophia Rosin, 512. Urguhart, Urquehart, Ann, 436 — Wm., 271, 478. Usher, James, 478 — Mar)', 500. UssLETON, Milcha, 596. V Vacant land exhausted, 358. Vadry, Vaudry, Jane, 69— Lydia, 71. Vain, Vaine, Vane, Henr)-, 9; — John, 401, 402 — Lucretia, 402. Valdenar, Francis, 364. Valentine, George, 529. Valiant, Valliant, Ann, Anne, 419, 475 — James and John, 478. Vallont, Bennet, John, Nicolas and Wm., 226. Vallean, Joseph, 478. Vallotte, Charlotte, 442. 68o INDEX Vance, David, 233 — John, 246 — Saml., 233. Vancleane, Vancleave, Eliza- beth and Mar>-, 164 — John, 239. Vandell, Chas., 478. Vanderfer, John, 214. Vandigrift, Vandergrift, Elizabeth, 182 — Geo., 182, 237 —Mary, 182— Richd., 187. Vanferson, Mar>', 497. Vanheeck, John, 313. Vanhorn, Vanhorne, Aaron, 245 — Eseacall, 180, 243 — G. P. G. R., 366, 402— — Gabriel, 366, etc. — Jessay, 180 — Peter, 171 — Richd., 187, 243 — Sary, 180 — Capt. Ga- briel's Co. Deer Creek Battn., 366, 396, 402. Van Nacruth, John, 514. Vansant, Joshua and Mary, 597— Sarah, 595. Vansickleton, Catherine, Eliza- beth, Francis and Henrj', 153. Vansukler, Henr)', 239. Vansweringen, Garret, etc. (1669), 313 — Van Swearingen, 43. See " Swearengen ". Varlow, Stephen, 402. Varnall, Varnel, Mary, 450— Susanna, 472. Varner, John, 45 — Martin, 47. Varney, James, 246. Vasner, Martin, 44. Vaughan, Betty (Kershaw), 588 — Elizabeth, 500 — Geo. and Geo. H., 402 — Levin, 584, 588 — Wm., 402. Vaulx, Ebenezer, 84. Veach, John, Nancy and Wm., 542- Vears, Veers, Veirs, Ann, 548 — Danl., 569 — Hezekiah, 548 — John, 478 — Mary, 419 — Saml. Clarke, 548. Veitch, John, 283. Venables, Ann, Chas., Geo. and Josias, 26. Vensieler, Alener, 171. Venus, Juith, 419. Verbrack, Nich., 313. Verdie, Mary, 528. Vermilion, Vermillion, Benja., 493 — Burch, 267 — Elizabeth, 553 — Howard, 306 — Robt., 290, 553 — Uriah, 496 — Wm., 553- Vernall, Sarah, 464. Vernon, Belinda, 446 — Saml., 478. Vessells, Louisa, 482 — Royal, 305- ViCKERS, ViCKARS, Chas., 218 — Solomon, 95. ViDLER, Edwd., 479. Vienna Mil. Co., 369. ViERS, John, 479. Vigel, Vigal, Adam, 548, 567 — Nancy and Polly, 548 — Valentine, 515. Vincent, Elizabeth, 33 — Joanna, 32 — John, 30, 32, 33 — John Pidgion, 32 — Mary Ann, 494 — Philip, 32 — Richd., 32, 33 — Sarah and Thos., 494 — Wm., 109. Vineyard, Clarissa, 471 — Eliza- beth, 460 — Hanna, 43 1 — Mary, 458 — Tomsey, 437. Vinson, John, 95 — Nehemiah, 107 — Stephen, 103 — Wm.,479. Vinton, Danl., 219 — Solomon, 217. Virginia, 40, 43, 74 — Frigate, 365- Line, 315, 335, 336, 342, 370, 383, 407— (Allen), 539— (Batsil), (xiv — Berry), 491 — (Bond), 321 — (Brown), 323 — (Campbell), 326 — (Crouch), 332 — (Gilpin), 346 — (Jacobs), 359 — (Keller), 502 — (Mess- mor), 500 — (O'Bryan), 379 — (Pollard), 569— (Pollock), 382 — (Silence), 391 — (Taylor), 398— (Wolff), 509— Stafford Co., 489. Virthworth, Sarah and Wm., 178. Vogel, Sus. Cath., 507. Voghan, Capt. Geo. — Co., 331, 402. Voice, Ezabela, 204. Von, John, 496. W Wachter, Elizabeth, 500. Wadd, Henry, 534. Wade, Ann and Cassandra, 546 — Elizabeth, 546 (3), 549, 553 (2) — Geo., 289 — Hilleary and Jane, 546 — Jenny, 522 — Jesse, 563— John, 546 (3), 549, 553 — Martha, 546 — Mordicai Burgess, 549 — Robt., 267, 289 — Sarah, 527 — Wm., 546 — Zachariah, 289 — Zachariah M., 268. Waderman, Henry, 479. Wadkins — see Watkins — Amos, Ann, John, Purify and Wm., 170 — Eleaner, 205. Wadlow, Francis, John, Moses and Ruth, 128. Waggaman, Betsy S., 594. Waggoner, Barbara and Chris- topher, 534 — ^Jacob Dawson, 554— John, 529, 534— Kitty and Susanna, 554. Wainwright, Elizab., 535 — Richd. and Wm., 70. Wakefield, Abel, 492 — Fawney, 493— Marg'., 488. Wakeland, John, 124. Wakeling, John, 248. Walckman, Michael, 402. Walcott, John, 240. Waldron, Richard, 244. Wale, John, 96. Wales, Wailes, Andrew, 283 — Benja., 293 — Dorathy, 527 — Robt., 218 — Saml. Perrie, 293. Walf, Cath., 505. Walgamot, 523. Walham, Walhem, Catharina, 529 — Wm., 479. Walker, Ann, 187 — Ann Cath- erine, 464 — Chas., 272, 479 — Chloe, 485— Elender, 187— Elisabeth, 187, 210, 442, 536 INDEX 68 1 — Elisha, 548, 556, 568— Eliz., 481, 548 — Francis, 266, 494 — Geo., 187 — Hester, 544 — Isaac, 256, 275, 479 — James, 187, 244, 479 — James Warren, 556 —Jane, 147, 519— John, 79, 147, 233, 402, 479, 548. 594— — Jonathan, 544 — Joseph, 256, 271 — Margaret, 147 — Mary, 402, 423, 542 (2) — Nathan, 516 — Peter, 529 — Rachel, 498 — Rebecca, 429 — Richd., 224, 256, 489, 542 — Sarah, 556, 568 — Thos., 479, 544 — Vachel, 479 — Wm., 479— Willson, 562 — Zephaniah, 44. Walkins, John, 239. Wall, Geo., 293 — Kitturah, 402 — Robt., 299 — Sarah, 426— Thos., 297, 479 — Wm., 402, 403. Wallace, Wallis, Catherine, 473 — Chas., 479 — Francis, 6, 10 — Grace, 167 — James, 4 — John, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 95 — John Hopkins, 163 — Mar}', 6 — "Phanney," 167 — Priscilla, 468— Richd., loi, 286— Rhode, loi — Saml., 160— Sarah, 579 — Thos., 167 — Wm., 26, 27, 95, 561. Waller, Esom, 594— Jennitta R-. 473— John, 4S— Mary, 45, 590 — Thos., 45 — Wm., 403, 479- Walling, Sarah, 528. Wallingford, Geo., 307. Walls, Alice, 28 — Elizabeth, 5, 27 — John, 8 — Joseph, 27 — Monaca, 28 — Rachel, 507— Saml., 5, 8 — Sarah, 27 — Wm., S- Wallsall (.'), Zach., 284. Walmsley, John, 479 — Thos., S97- Walston, David, 594. Walter, Charity, 525 — Danl., 96 — David and Levy, 521 — - Rosina, 504 — Sarah, 518 — Sus., 505. Waltham, Charlton, 239 — Thos., 235 — Wm., 236. Waltman, Mary and Michael, 403- Walton, Elizabeth, Molle and Wm., 588— Martha, 456. Walwert, Frederick August, 534- Wamigim, Ann, 179 — Geo., 243 — Thos., 179. Wann, John, 403. Waples, Marj', 582. War of 1812, 336, 343, 345, 346, 359, 374, 388, 394- Ward, Warde, Achsa, 470 — Andrew, 298 — Ann, Anne, 490, 495 — Ann Maria, 521 — Avis, 166 — Benj., 17, 479 — Cas- sandria, 166 — Danl. Morris, 551 — Edwd., 149, 166, 239, 551 — Eleann, 479 (2) — Elea- nor, 479 (3) — Elizabeth, 149, 435, 459, 461 — Eliz. Harriot, 551 — Geo., 560 (w), 568 — Harriot, 561 — Henry, 3 13, 479 — James, 479 — ^John, 149, 479, 551 (2) — John Wesley, 564 — Joseph, 18, 106, 479 — Jose- phus, 479 — Margret, 166— Mar>-, 83, 149, 313, 489, 527, 551 — Matthew, 313 — Nathan, 479 — Priscilla, 590 — Richd., 166, 479 — Robt., 479 — Saml., 20, 149, 479 — Sarah, 149, 486 — Summars, 107 — Susanna, 551, 569 — Talbott, 149 — Ulisses, 551 — Ward and Zach- ariah, 479. Warden, Wm., 480. Wardrop, Letice, 25. Ware, War, Ann, Anne, 420, 514 • — Francis, 403, 491 — James, 205 — John, 247 — Thos., 247. Warfield, Alexander, 479 — Allen, 564 — Amelia, 559— Ann, Anna, Anne, 432, 454, 471, 476, 481, 487 — Azel, 479, 541 — Bane, 479 — Basil, 479, 547 — Beale, 479, 559 — Benj., 479 — Brice, 541, 559 — Chas., 480, 572 — Deborah, 541 — Dinah, 447 — Doctor, 569 — Edward, 480 — Edwin, vi — Eleanor, 483 — Elisha, 480, 517 — Eliza, 424, 472, 572 — Elizabeth, 471, 541, 558, 559, 562 — Hamulal, 451 — Henri- etta, 422 — Henry, 147, 240, 547 — ^James, 480 — John, 303, 480 — Joseph, Joshua, Lancelot and Levin, 480 — Levina, 426 — Lydia, 444 — Martha, 475 — Mary, 147, 434, 460, 466 — Mary Ann, 547 — Meshack, 480 — Nancy, 451 — Peregrine, 564 — Philemon, 480 — Polly, 480 (2) — Rachel, 426, 431, 444 — Rebecca, 471 — Richd. and Richd. B., 480— Ruth, 448 — Sally and Saml., 480 — • Sarah, 419, 422, 423, 434, 436, 479, 497, 559 — Susanna, 541 — Thos., Thos. W., Vachel, Vachel H. and Wm., 480. Wargen, Lucey, 136. Warham, John and Rachel, 147. Warman, Benj., 307 — Joseph, 236 — J. H. and Thos. C, 306. Warmsley, Eleanor, 454. Warner, 230, Aaron, Agnes Crosdel, Amos, Asa, Aseph, Crosdale, Cuthbert, Hezekiah, James and Joseph, 166 — Lemuel, 209 — Ludwick, 169 — Mary, 166, 205 — Mordecai, 166 — Philip, 4, 6 — Ruth, Sarah and Silas, 166 — Wm., 224 — [ — ]bert, 229. Warren, Warron, Ann, 72 — Eleanor, 492, 494 — Isaac, 588 — Jane, 69 — John, 72, 494 — - Littleton Riley, 588— Martha, 457, 495 — Mar>-, 72 — Nancy Elizabeth Dale, 588— Notley, 69 — Phillip Marsh, Sarah Warren, Selby and Thos. Nathaniel Williams, 588— Sarah, 492, 588 — Solomon, 81— Thos., 72. 682 INDEX Warrenton, Agnes, Agnes (Truitt), Alexander, Anne, Esther and Geo., 588. Warring, Waring, Ann, 403 — Basil, 403, 480 — Basil, Jr., 251, 276 — Geo. Wash., 480 — James, 302 — James Haddock, 297 — John, 301 — Leonard, 297 — Marrham (.?), 286. Wartes, Wartus, Alexander, 208 — Godfrey, 182 — Johannes Giles, 179 — Rebecca, 476. Warwick, John and Wm., 238. Washington, Gen. Geo., 356, 403 — Guards, 398 — Thornton, 491 — County Marriages, 522 to 534. Wason, Abraham and Edmund, 480 — Eliza, 444 — Joseph, Levy, Richd., Ruth and Thos., 480 — Mary, 461. Wasteneys, Marj', 487. Wat, Robert, 247. See " Watts ". Wates, Jonathan, 481. Waters, Watters, Ann, Anne, 131, 418, 448, 455, SSI- Arnold, 275 — Azel, 564 — Basil, 551, 560 — Bazel, 131 — Benj., 207, 480 — Caroline, 431, 541^ Catherine, 454 — Cephas, 541 — Chas. L.,480 — Deborah, 135 — Edith, 455 — Edward, 480, 481— Edward E., 480— Ele- ann, 486 — Eleanor, 448, 486— Elizabeth, 136, 426 — Elizabeth J., 404 — Ephraim, 481 — Geo., 529 — Henritte, 131 — Jacob and Jacob F., 481 — Jacob H., 307 — ^John, 131, 207, 489 — Jonathan, 404, 481 — Joseph, 279 — Lucy, 451 — Margaret, 404, 541 (2) — Margery, 522 — Martha, 131 — Marj-, 135, 484 — M. Geo., 389, 404 — Mord'., 307 — Nacy, 481 — Nathan (w), 566 — Nathaniel, 481 — Plim- mer, 306 — Rachel, 431, 455 — Rebecca, 131, 419 — Richd., 274, 275, 404, 481 — Robt., 135, 208 — Sarah, 131, 448, 463, 470, 472— Spencer, 339— Susannah, 206 — Thos., 131, 234 — Weaver, 515 — Wm., 41, 291, 389, 404, 481, SSI- Wilson, 404, 481. Wathen, John B., Judith, Martin and Sarah, 493. W A T K I N s — see Wadkin s — Amelia, 474 — Ann, Anne, 465, 473, 482 — Benj. and Chas., 481 — Eleann, 450, 484 — Elea- nor, 463 — Elisabeth, Eliza- beth, 183, 449, 453, 459, 481— Gassaway, 18, 349, 404, 481 — Henrietta, 483 — Hester, 446 — Ignatus and Joseph, 481 — John, 404, 481 — Julian, 446 — • Leonard, 404, 405, 521 — Lucy, 415 — Margaret, 431, 441, 462 — Man-, 405, 418, 431, 463, 474, 476 — Naomi, 442 — Nich'., 18, 405, 481 — Nicholas G., Nicholas L and Rachel L., 481 — Rachel, 445 — Rezin, 48— Richd., 481— Ruth (of Gassaway), 568 — Sabine, 481 — Sam!., 42, 238, 481 — Solomon, 39 — Stephen, 481 — Thos., 405, 481, 489 — Thos. Gassaway, 255 — Wm., 160, 291, 481. Watson, Aleanah, 521 — Ann, 550 (2) — Archibald, 244 — Aza- riah, 70 — Catherine (Riley), 597 — Chas., 481 — Eliazer, 70 — Elizabeth, 454 — Geo., 481 — Hezekiah, 481, 535 — James, 70, 245, 293, 306, 550— John, 293 — Lucy, 519 — Mary, 70, 473. 478. 487— Mary Jane, 597 — Mary R., 482 — Robt., 481 — Sarah, 529 — Sarah Ann, 405 — Susannah, 535 — Wm., 247, 482, 597 — Wm. Geo., 597 — Wm. H., 405. Watts, Watt, Eliza''., 534 — Frances R., 466 — Geo., Henry and Isaac, 482 — ^James, 73, 405— John, 482, 524, 597— Ketura Ann, 468 — Mary, 75, 483, 491, 595 — Philip, 482 — Rachel, 441 — Richd. and Richd. B., 482 — Robert, 247 — Sarah, 425, 448 — Thos., 75 — Wm., 226. Waugh, Robert, 261. Way, George, 597. Wayand, Ann, 526. Wayford, John, 104. Waylen, Edward, 540. Wayman, Anne, 558 — Cassan- dra, 544, 546 (4) — Edmund and Hezekiah, 482 — John, 544, 546 (4) — Milea Fran'., 429 — Perry, 546 — Rachel, 560 — Rebecca Ann, 544, 546— Sally, - n-i — Sarah, 416 — Thom"., 220, 482. See Wey- man. Wayson, Mary, 459. Wead, Barbar}', 532. Weain, John, 248. Weakley, Charles, 482. Wear, James, 305. Weather, Elizabeth, 506. Weave, Weaver, Waver, Cas- per, 187 — Catherine, 501 — Elizab. and Fredk., 526 — Geo., 534 — Jacob, 307 — Lewis, 482 — Mary, 499 — Wm., 207. Webb, Augustus, 103 — Benj. Young, 544 — Harry, 207 — John, 103, 594 — Levi, 482 — Mary, 544 — Saml., 235, 261 — Thos., 254, 255, 544 — Wm., 167, 235- Weber, Webber, Catharine, 509 — John, 513 — Mary, 508 — Nathaniel, 405 — Whebber, Lucy, 566. Webster, Anna, 476 — Catron, 96 — Elizabeth, 150, 154 — Geo., 268 — Hannah, 148 — James, 160, 229, 290 — John, 154, 266 — John A., 405 — John Lee, 154 — Mary, 150, 528— Michael, 482— Philip, 290 — Saml., ( — ) — Thos., 268 — Wm., 268, 289. Wecomico Manor, 3. INDEX 683 Wedding, Sarah, 495 — Violetta, 496. VVedel, Eva, 509. Weeden, Weaden, Caroline, 441 — Eli, 482 — Elizabeth, 471, 476 — Hannah, 469 — Henry and James, 482 — Jane, 495 — ■ John and Jonathan, 482 — Joseph, 305 — Louisa, 475 — Richd., Robt. and Saml., 482 — Ruth, 451 — Sarah, 420, 482 — Susanna, 433 — Wm., 299. See Wheedon. Week, William, 306. Weekley, Elizabeth, 135. Weeks, Ann, 128, 474 — Eliza- beth, John, Mar>', Rachel, Ruth and Zachariah, 128. Weems, Ann, 466 — Jas. N., 482 • — John, 482, 494 — ^John Beal, 482 — Mar>', 43i^Rachel B., 434 — Richd., 482 — Sarah H., 437 — Sarah Marg., 476 — Wm., 482 — Wm. Locke, 301. Weight, John, 495 — Margen,-, 514. Weimer, Jacob, 526. Weiss, Weisz, Dorothy, 512 — Geo., 529 — Henn,-, John Va- lent and Sus. Marg., 513 — Margaret, 498, 512. Weiszman, Johanna, 511. Welch, Welsh (see Cowley and Welsh, 18), Aaron, 482 — Ann, 42s. 434. 477, 496— Anne, 446, 519 — Benj., 483 — Catherine, 423 — Edwd., 496 — Elizabeth, 415. 477. 565 — Francis, 483 — Hannah, 185 — ^James, 206, 529 — ^John, 18, 483 — Judy, 530 — Kitty, 454— Mar>-, 432, 453, 465, 470 — Mar)^ Anne, 457 — Mordecai, 483 — Polly, 431, 453 — Rachel, 451, 460 — Re- becca, 433, 482 — Richd., 283 —Richd. (w), 569— Robt., 18, 483— Ruth, 185— Sarah, 456, 485 — Susan, 433 — Susan Ann, 461 — Susanna, 419 — Thos., 185, 258, 483— Wm., 177. Weller, Catherine S., 499. Welling, Wellen, Wellin, Amasa, 553, 559 — Amos, Lin- ney and Mary, 548 — Eliza- beth, 479 — Nelly, 553 — Vir- linder, 553. Wells, Ann, 458, 469 — Benj., 204, 483 — Cassandra, 166 — Danl., 483 — Drusillah, 166 — Eleanor, 470 — Elizabeth, 166, 481 — Enoch, 534 — Geo., 296, 483 — ^Jacob, 262 — James, 243 — Jane, 166 — Jeremiah, 483 — John, 97, 253, 483— John Duckett, 274 — ^Joseph, 44, 261 — Kezeah, 530 — Martha, 405 — Marj', 166, 417, 424 — Na- than, 483, 549, 560 — Oura, 478 — Rebecca, 417 — Rhody, 418 — Richd., 20, 22, 166, 405, 406, 483, 549 — Robert, 534 — Saml., 166, 305, 307, 483, 489 — Sarah, 416, 446, 470 — Sophia, 549, 560 — Susannah, 166, 456— Thos. (of Red Pond), 302 — Tobias, 206 — Wm., 235, 29s, 387, 483— Zadok, 483. Welman, John and Thos., 75. Welts-, Christy and Jacob, 529. Werner, Wener, Henry, 529 — ■ Marj' Ann, 501. Wernerson, Mary, 527. Weshenbaugh, Catherine, 527. West, Ann, 176, 190, 193, 542, 550, 552, 556— Benj., 190, 406 — Bethiah, 148 — Caroline, 552 — Cassandra, 542, 549 — Cor- nelius, 483 — David, 249 — Eleanor, 546, 555 — Elisabeth, 176, 185, 190, 546 — Enock, 185 — Ephram, 190 — Erasmus, 546 — Frances, 558 — Garey Davis, 546 — Geo. Wm., 172 — ■ Hannah, 122, 190 — ^Henrj', 193. 555— Ignatius, 552— Isaac, 176 — Jacob, 122 — James, 118, 176, 193, 483 — John, 118, 190 — Jonathan, 122, 244, 245 — Lidia, 118 — Loten, 109 — Margrett, 118, 172 — Maria, 118, 190 — Mar- tha, 190 — Mar>-, 103, 176, 190, 193, 226 — Michael, 190 — Nathan, 245 — Nathaniel, 122, 244 — Norman, 546 — • Osbom, 521 — Phebe, 122 — Richd., 542, 549 — Robt., 189 — Roger Nelson, 550 — Ruth, 122 — Saml., 176 — Sarah, 118, 176, 193 — Sibyl, 172 — Solo- mon, 104 — Susanna, 118, 172, 177. 549 — Thos., 161, 176, 546, 555— Wm., 118, 155, 172, 185, 222, 240, 244, 550, 556, 565. Westenhaven, Eliz., 505. Westlick, Philis, 415. West River Battn., Anne Arun- del, 405. West St. Mary's Manor, 2, 74. Westminster Parish, 538. Weston, Elizabeth, 462 — Lewis, 483 — Rebecca, 473. West\vood, Susanna, 39. Wetherall, Henry, 236. Wethered, Withered, John, 5. 9. 13 — Wm., 9, 13. Weyman, Ann, 519 — Darcus, 518. See Way man. Whalen, James, John and Sarah, 548. Whalend, Whaland, Wh eland, John (Jan), 96 — ^Joseph, 99 — Wm., 38. Whalley, Zedekiah, 580. Wharry, John, 529. Wharton, Warton, Ann, Ann (Harne), Frances, Francis, Harney, John and Joseph, 588 — Mary, 580 — Sarah, 473, 588. Wheat, Elizabeth, 477 — Jesse, 483. VV'heatley, Wheatly, Bennet, 488 — James, 72 — John, 25, 26, 27 — Joseph and Martha, 72^ Rhoda, 406 — Thos., 483 — Wm., 85, 406, 563 — Winifred, 72. 684 INDEX Whebber, Lucy, 566. See Webber. Wheedon, Whedon. See Wee- don. Ann, Anne, 416 — ^Jona- than, 483 — Louisa, 485 — Lydia, 462 — Thos., 484. Wheeler, Wheelar, Whaler, Aquilla, 251 — Benedict, 489 — Bennett, 245 — Chas., 109 — Clem, 287— Elizabeth, 433, 483 — Hezekiah, 264, 406 — Ignatius, 268, 496 — Jacob, 247, 253, 274— James, 133, 234 — John, 37, 95 — Lydia, 426 — Margaret, 455 — Mar>', 102, 406 — Nancy, 443 — Na- thaniel, 406, 484 — Odel and Richd., 484 — Robt., 274, 484 — Sarah, 133, 426, 468, 563— Solomon, 105 — Thos., 105, 247, 484 — Wm., 109, 484 — Zadok, 594. Wheeling, Mariah, 501. Whefing (.'), Nath., 207. Whelan, Wheland, Maria, 435 — Mary, 329. Whetcroft, Whitcroft, Bar- ton, Henr>', Kitty, Letitia and Sarah, 484 — Frances, 458^ Frances E., 426. Whiles, Richard, 255. Whilhair, Mary, 529. Whipple, William, 406. Whips, George, 484. Whitaker, Whitacre, White- AKER, Abraham, 245, 248 — Benj. and Elizabeth, 123^ Hezekiah, 170 — Isaac, 123, 170, 233, 240 — John, 108, 170, 240 — ^John Sweynard and Joshua, 123 — Lydia, 467 — Margaret, 483 — Martha, 123 — Mary, 191, 429 — Robert, 271 — Saml., 123 — Sarah (Scrivner) and Wm., 406. Whitchits, Ezekiel, 105. White, Abednego, 282 — .^nn, Anne, 191, 415, 558 — Benj., 274, 29s — Bewly, 507 — Bur- gess, 286 — Caleb, 484 — Cath- erine, 84 — Chas., 144 — De- borah, 480 — Dinah, 426 — Edward, 38, 484 — Eleann, 144, 455 — Eleanor, 517, 564 — Elias, 484 — Elisha, 269 — Elizabeth, 452, 466, 561 — • Esther, 5 1 1 — Geo., 306 — Gideon, 484 — Grafton, 495— Graston, 234— Griffith, 484 — Harriet, 544 — Henry, 594 — Isaac, 144 — James, 239, 286, 406, 484 — Jane, 497 — John, 80, 96, 105, 144, 205, 271, 496, 541 — John Cole and Jonas, 484 — Jonathan, 144, 298, 407, 484 — Joseph, 484, 515, 521, 544— Lucy, 544— Margaret, 144, 191, 407, 450 — Mar>-, 96, 144, 435, 444, 446 — Mary D., 455 — Mary Griffith, 442 — Mary Smith, 458 — Matthew, Nancy, 541 — Nathan Smith, 262 — Os- borne, 484 — Polly, 590 — Priscilla, 407 — Reuben, 484 — Richd., 191, 239, 269, 407, 484 —Robt., 523— Sally, 590 — Saml., 84, 271, 534, 566, 579— Saml. B., 401 — Sarah, 96, 191, 407, 480, 534 — Stephen, 233 — Susan, 424 — Susanna, 524, 541 (2) — Thos., 96, 105, 239, 306, 407, 594 — Thos. T., 303 — Thomsin, 479 — Walter, 541 (2)— Wm., 144, 271, 597— Wm. S., 594. Whiteford, Hugh, 241 — ^John, 246. White Haven, 73. White Plains Manor, 3. Whitehair, Christian, 529. Whitehead, Edwd., 484 — Eliza- beth, 479 — Hezekiah, 484— Mary, 459 — Richd., 484 — Saml. and Thos., 274. Whitenet, Philip, 524. Whitley, Bridget, 98 — David, loi— Thos., 98. Whitlow, Will George, 134. Whitnall, Robt., 51, 57. WHrrriNG, Whiting, Ann, Eliza- beth, Hannah, Sarah and Thos., 126 — James, 296. Whittington, Ann, 418 — Benj., 484 — Eleanor, 442 — Elizabeth, 417, 436, 479, 486 — Francis and James, 484 — Jane, 416 — John, 205, 484 — John A., 484, 485 — Joseph, 485 — Leah, 592 —Mary, 425 — Rachel S. 477, — Saml., 485 — Sarah, 420 — Stephen, 103 — Thos. and Wm., 485 — Williama, 416. Whittle, Eleann, 486 — Richd., 485. Whittmore, Whitmore, Elizab., 515 — Stephen, 407. Whitwright, Jacob and Philip, 484. Whorfe, James, 485. Whorten, Whorton, Henry, 227 — Lishe, 582. Whyle, James, Jane, John, Kathrine, Mary, Nathl., Philip and Sarah, 1 18. Wickfield, Mathew, 251. Wickham, John, Nathaniel and Saml., 55, 59. Wicks, Wickes, Joseph, 204 — Matthew, 205 — Mr., 10 — Saml., 407 — Simon, 205. WiDDON, Sarah, 474. Wieley, Wiley, Ephraim, 205 — Pasafy, 472. Wienberger, Barbara, 514. Wiery, Elizabeth and Michael, 407. Wiest, John, 561. Wiett, Joseph, 485. WiGFiELD, Joseph, 307-Thos., 306. Wiggendern, Wigginton, Eliz., 517 — Henry and Wm., 521. WiGGONS, Wiggins, Wigings, Benj., 204 — Bezleel, 166 — Cassandra, 145 — Chas., 204 — Cuthbert, 166 — Ebenezer and Elizabeth, 205 — Hannah, 166 — James, 145 — Joseph, 166 — Mary, 145 — Saml., 233 — Sarah and Tarace, 166. INDEX 685 Wight, John, 258, 284, 559, 571 — Jonathan, 277 — Truman, 253- WiLBURN, WiLBORN, Anne, 564 — Robt., 299. WiLLCox, WiLcocK, John, 188 — Michal, 95. VViLcoxEN, WiLcoxoN, Eleanor, S46> 559 — Elizabeth and Ely, 551 — Geo., 517 — ^Jesse, 408, 546, SSI (2), 558— John, 542, 55'. 56?' — John, Sr. (wife), 565 — Josiah, 279 — ^Josias, 515 — ^Joseph, 551 — Levin, 259 — Lloyd, 542 — Ruth, 542, 546, 551. 556. 558 — Sarah and Thos. H., 556, 559 — Virlinda, 559- Wild, John, 234. Wilder, Eliza, 494 — John Brown, 491. WiLDEY, MoUey, 98. WiLDGOosE, Anne (Wilson), 589. WiLDMAN, Sarah, 503. WiLER, Jacob, 529. Wiley, Wieley, Ephraim, — — Pasafy, 472. See " Willee ". Wilfree, Eve, 520. WiLHEiD, Wilhide, Fredk., 407 — Harriet, Jr., 500. WiLLIGHBOEY, WiLLIOWBEE, Absolom, 80 — Richd., 79 — Solomon, 80. WiLiNS, Henry A., 485. WiLKENS, Rachel, 509. WiLKERSOK, Richd. and Young, 407. Wilkinson, AquiUa and David, 66 — Geo., 307 — James, 66, 408 — John, 172 — ^Joseph, 495 — Mary, 532 — Nathan, 2X1 — Thos., 205 — Wm., 66. WiLKS, Ann, 464. Wilkson, Hener>', 80. Willee, Wille, Willey, Cath- erine, 456 — Ezekiel, Indey, Jeane, Jeane and Nelley, 100 — ^John, 483 — Pritch, 96— Wm., 100. See " Wiley ". WiLLEN, Levi, 99. WiLLETT, Ann, 546, 558 — Carle- ton, 554 — Edward, 271, 435, 546, 554— Eleanor, 546, 554— Elizabeth, 416, 496 — Ninian, 272, 485 — Saml., 272 — Wm., 254. William, Elizabeth, 536 — Levin, 95- William and Mar)- Parish, 448, 490, 494. Williams, Abigail, 126 — ^Abra- ham, 485 — Alexr., 529 — An- drew, 485 — Ann, 190, 419, 446, 451, 452, 464, 587 — Anne, 452 — Barbary, 548 — Bamet, 185 — Betsy, 589, 594 — Caleb, 589 — Caroline, 417 — Cassan- dra, 564 — Cassey, 476 — Cath- erine Pumall, 589 — Chas., 408 • — Christiana, 548, 555 — Com- fort, 589 — Curtis, 521 — Danl., 43, 156 — David, 241, 408, 589 — Deborah, 212, 431 — Delilah, 440 — Dorothy, 535 — Eby, 589 — Edwd. O., 561— Eli, 105, 172, 184, 229, 230, 485, 594 — Elijah, 485 — Eliza, 519 — Elizabeth, 135, 417, 424, 442, 484, 548, 589, 592 — Elisha, 302, 408 — Else, 444 — Ephraim, 185, 589 — Esau, 589 (2) — Eseakel, 185 — Esther, 518^ Frances, 185, 234, 421, 518 — Geo., 521 — Gertrude, 589 — Harriet, 408, 548 — Hazael, 521 — Henrietta M., 462 — Henr>% 485 — Hetty, Isaac and Ish- mael, 589 — ^Jacob, 498— James, 185, 209, 547, 555— Jane, 547, 555, 573, 589— Janet, 589 — Jeremiah, 485 — • Joel Herman Mills, 589 — John, 75, 185, 190, 212, 275, 388, 408, 409, 485, 514, 564 — John Edward, 589 — John H., 585— John Hugh, 555— John Jones, 589 — John Wilson, 485 — Joseph, 43, 409, 485 — Julian, 589 — Lambert, Lusanna, 452 — Margaret, 185, 429, 561 — Maria, 555 — Maron Bell, 589 — Martha, 185, 190, 589 — Mar>', 170, 185, 190, 425, 440, 467, 471, 5x6, 589 — Matilda, 547 — Morras, 190 — Nancy, 548, 554, 589 — Nancy Eliza- beth, 589 — Nancy Hartshorne, 352 — Nathaniel and Neheomy, 589 — Nelia, 437 — Nucessa Ball, 589 — Osborn, 409 — Pamelia, 506 — Peter, 589 — Peter Wm., 589 — Philip, 105, 485 — Polly, 592 — Price, 589 — Priscilla, X90, 562 — Rachel, 465, 589 — Rebecca, 440, 535 — Richd., 548— Robt., 96— Saml., 589 (2) — Saml. Hillar)-, 589— Sarah, 185, 447, 450, 495, 548, 554 — Thos., 96, X72, 205, 257, 302. 351. 4°8. 485. 594— Thos. N., 589— Virlinder, 568 — Walter, 302, 548, 555 — Walter C, 558— Wm., 164, 184, 185, 190, 485 — Zadock, 548, 554 — Zillah Smith, 589. Williamson, Alexander, 521, 557 — Ann, 151, 521 — Benj., 70 — Deborah, 472 — Eleanor, 5x4 — Elijah, 8x — Geo., 15X, 204 — Henry, 70 — James, 485 — Nathan, Rachel and Sarah, 70 — Wm., 134. WiLLiCE, William, 5x4. WiLLIGHBOUY, WiLLOWBEEY, Edwd., 8x — Saml., 84. WiLLiGMAN, Chas. H., 485. Willjard, Mar)', 509. WiLLiN, Chas., Eleanor (Robert- son), Evans and Levin, 409. WiLLiNER, Miriam and Thos., 74- Willis, Williss, 229 — Andrew, 409 — Danl., 485 — Esther (Wheatley), 406 — John Van- kirk, 485 — Leavin, 108 — - Lettie, 409 — Mary, 205. WiLLMOTH, WiLLNOTH, Godfrey, 247 — Thos., 279. Wills, John, 4x0. WiLMONTON, Joseph, 190. 686 INDEX WiLMOTT, WiLMOT, WiLMET, Ann, 127 — Dinah, 432 — Eliza- beth, 421, 456 — Margaret, 438 — Richd., 244 — Robert, 323, 410 — Saml., 127 — Thos., 514. Wilson, Willson, Abraham, 25 — Agnes, 118, 516 — Alex- ander, 485 — Alianna, 187^ Amelia, 550 — Andrew, 174, 244 — Ann, Anne, 444, 487, 506, 544, 551, 566— Anne (Wildgoose), 589 — Archable, 118 — Arsbel, 236 — Barbara, 535 — Basil, 44, 285 — Benj., 166, 174 — Benj. Thidd, 43 — Betsey, 118 — Black, 207— Casandra, 123, 186 — Cath- erine, 25, 174 — Christopher, 84, 187— Clem (of Hugh), 278 — Clement, 254 — Danl., 485 — David, 288, 410 — Edmond, 302 — Eleanor, 544, 562 — Elizabeth, 166, 458 — Ephraim, 543 — Geo., 204, 259, 278 — Greenburj', 543 — Hannah, 167, 530— Henry, 123, 124, 235, 245. 458. 548, 551— Hilleary, 302 — Hugh, 155, 278 — Isaac, , 187, 589 — Isabel, 118 — James, 118, 174, 187, 259, 277, 278, 293, 302, 521 — James (of Hugh), 258 — James ("of Hugh — should be Joseph"), 287^ Jane, 118, 560 — ^Jemima, 475 Job, 100 — John, 84, 118, 166, 187, 205, 236, 259, 288, 302, S34. 589. 594— John P., 485— John Glade, 118 — Jonathan, 25, 84 — Joseph, 167, 259, 265 — Josias Sprig, 283 — Kitty Harris, 546 — Lancelot, 548, 55°. 554 W, 569— Leah, 590 — Lidiea, 174 — Lingan, 272 — Margaret, 118, 124, 155, 166, 187, 551, 562 — Maria, 449 — ■ Martha, 167 — Mary, 118, 166, 167, 186, 425, 494, 517, 543, 589, 597 — Mehala, 550 — Moses, 589 (2) — Nackey, 422 — Nath"., 304 — Nehemiah, 25 — Peter, 187 — Pricilla, 123 — Prudence, 449 — Rachel, 55, 186, 452, 498, 548, 554— Rebecca, 206, 552 — Richd., 410, 521 — Robt., 81, 118, 485, 534, 560, 568 — Ruth, 186 — Sally, 546 — Saml., 124, 167, 186, 237, 396, 486 — Sarah, 86, 166, 167, 187, 515, 563, 568— Spedden, 486 — Stephen, 251 — Susan ., 25 — Susanna Mariah, 554— Thos., 51, 57, 486, 548, 552. 594— Wm., 26, 43, 51, 57, 124, 135, 186, 237, 258, 544, 558, 566 (w) — Wm. A\ex., 546 — Wm. Elson, 564 — Wm. Murdock Beall, 552 — Zach^, 306. Wiltshire, Elizabeth and Jona- than, 486 — Sarah, 468. WiMBER, Thomas, 410. WiMSATT, Henry and Ignatius, 67 — James, 67, 68 — Richd., Robt., Tenison and Wm., 67. WiNBROUGH, Thos. P. and Leah, 410. Winchester, Mar\-, 433. WiNDEL, Caleb, 558. Winders, John, 524. WiNDERSON, Mar)', 470. Windfield, Richd., 20, 22. Windham, Eleanor, Sarah and Wm., 549 — Thos., 486. Windle, Caleb, Martha and Wm., 553. Windless, Susannah, 528. Windon, Windows, Chas., 95 — Thos., 103. WiNDPIEGLER, SuS., 5O4. WiNECUP, WiSECUP, 52, 57. Windsor, Marj', 565 — Robt., 564. WiNEGARDENER, Anne, 505. WiNGATE, WiNGET, Angelo, 98 ■ — James and John (2), loi^ Molley, Robert and Wm., 99 — Zebulon, 96. Wings, Arthur O., 181. Wink, Jacob, 410. WiNMAN, John, 118. WiNRiT, James, 521. Winroad, Mary, 502. WiNSOR, Windsor, Ann, 519 — Isaac, 521 — Rebeccah, 517 — Sarah, 522. Winter, Chas. Bruce, 492 — Jude, 500 — Margt., 503. WiNTERBOTTOM, John and Robt., 221. Winters, Jonathan, 218. Winterson, Anne, 426 — Benj., 486 — Elizabeth, 477 — Sarah, 433- Wintz, Marg., 508. Winwright, Evins, 96. Winyard, Mary Cath., 533. Wirt, James, 284. Wise, .^dam and Diana, 77 — Elisabeth and John, 528 — Mary Ann, 519 — Mathew, 76, 77 — Richd., 77 — ^Thos., 259 — Wm., 534. WisEHAM, Anne, 457 — John, 486. WiSEHEART, Susannah, 527. Wiseman, Wiszman, Christian, 457 — Juliana, 509 — Mar}', 468 —Robt., 488. WiSNOR, Jacob, 529. WiTHERiNGTON, Anne and James, 493. Withers, Aaron and Solomon, 83- Witter, Geo., Mary and Wm., 71- Wolcott, Wm., 410. Wolff, Cath., 525 — Mary, 509. WoLLiNG, Ruth, 529. Wollyhand, Fransis, 206. WoLTER, Beley, 579. Wolz, Eliz., 525 — Mary, 526. Wood, Ann, Anne, 422, 440, 461, 475, 487, 536 — Anne L., 424 — Cassandra, 482 — Chas., 275, 486 — Dorothy, 485 — Dorsey and Edwd., 486 — Elisabeth, Elizabeth, 165, 185, 190, 442, 531 — Elisha, 291 — Geo., 182 — ^Henrietta, 474 — Henry, 246, 486 — ^Hopewell, 486 — Isaac, 190 — ^Jack, 486 — INDEX 687 James, 71, 185, 265, 514 — Jephemiah, 517 — John, 148, 185, 240, 307, 486, 496 — Joseph, 55, 60, 486 — Joshua, 148, 183 — Judith, 490 — Leon- ard, 287— Lilly, 486— Mar- garet, 435— Mary, 148, 415, 435, 472, 482, 484 — Matilda B., 442 — Nacky, 422 — Na- than, 536 — Philip, 71 — Posu- arus, 185 — Rebecca, 148, 515 —Robert, 55, 56, 59, 60, 486 — Robt. Slye, 70 — Saml., 486 —Sarah, 148, 469, 479— Susanna, Susannah, 148, 185, 485 — Thos., 287, 307, 410, 486, 515— Tochua, 185— Zachariah, 486. Woods, Elizah, 511. WOODARD, WOODARDS, Benj., xii, 74, 95 — Elizabeth, 104— Thos., 293 — Wm., xii. WooDBURN, Jonathan, 410 — Judah, 435. WooDFiELD, Anne, 480 — An- thony and Christian, 486 — Dianna, 461 — John, 486 — Julia Maria, 466 — Marj', 435, 436 — Priscilla, 440 — Sarah, 454 — Thos., 486. Woodland, Jonathan, 236. WooDLiNG, John, 97, 98 — Richd., 97, loi — Solomon, 98. Woodward, Abraham, 253 — Ann, 148 — Bennett, 515 — Elcy, 481 — Elizabeth, 479 — ■ Harriott, 421 — Henry and Isaac, 486 — James H., 487 — Jane, 481 — Jane Maria, 417 — • Jo°. Henr>-, 486 — Joseph, 514 — Maria, 417, 421 — Mary, 148 — Nancy, 466 — Nicholas, 487 — Samuel, 489 — Thos. and Wm., 148, 487. Woolcote Manor, 3. WooLCOTT, Methias, 224. WooLF, John, 372, 410. WooLFiT, John, 487. Woolford, Priscilla (Handy), 350 — Roger, 108. WooLLiN, Woolen, Leavin, 108 — Major and Richd., 236. WooLSEY, Joseph, 240 — Manor, 3.75.78. WooLVERTON, Sarah, 501. WooRS (Moors .'), Geo., Hetty and Mary Ann, 589. WooTTON, WooTTEN, Ann, 484 — Aquiloe, lOl — Eliz., 562 — • Hager, 98 — John, 564 — Mar- garet, 559— Martha, 541, 544, 549 — Mary, 98, 444 — Mr., 566 — Paul, loi — Polly, 569 — Prissilla, 98 — Rebecca, 464 — Richd., 410, 487, 541 (2), 544, 549 — Singleton, 253, 410 — Thos., 98, 487— Wm., 487, 549. Worcester Co., Marriages, vi, 590 to 595 — Wicomico Bat- talion, 320, 356. Worker (Workes .'), Geo., Jane, Rachel and Ruth, 154. WoRLAND, Chas. and Henry, 268 — John, Sr., 266 — ^John Roby, 259. WoRNALL, Robey, 268. WoRNER, 223. Worrell, Richd., 245. WoRREN, Rachel, 580. Worry, Samuel, 496. WoRSBY, Geo. H., 246. WoRSLEY, Geo. H., 494. WoRSTER, Robert, 244 — Woster Robt., 534. WoRTHiNGTON, Achsiah, 156 — • Ann, 166, 453 — Beale M., 487 — Brice, 396 — Catherine, 430, 447. 558 — Chas., 166 — Chas. G., 487 — Eliz., 454 — Geo. F., 540 — Henrj', 166 — John, 166, 487 — ^Joseph, Margret and Mary, 166 — Mary Tyler, 480 — Nackey, 438 — Nicholas, 487 • — Prissila and Saml., 166 — Sarah, 166, 431, 438, 471 — Thos. and Wm., 487— Walter, 565 — Wm. of Wm., 565. WoTHERED, John and Wm., 6. WoTHERS, Elijah, 80 — John and Rubin, 81. WoTRiNG, Abraham, 529. WoULDS, James, 217. Wrain, Ann and Wm., 143. Wrench, 230, Wrenst (.'), James, 230. See Rench. Wriggel, John, 487. Wright, Abraham, 42, 43 — • Amelia, 445 — Ann, Anne, 129, 411, 434, 480, 555 — Catherine, 434 — Chas., 178 — Edwd., 204, 411 — Elizabeth, 439, 441, 555 ■ — Ezekiel, 39 — Greenbutt, 208 — Henry, 105, 487 — Hezekiah, 595 — Jacob, 39 — James, 206, 487, 555 — Jesse, 411 — John, 156, 598 — Joshua, 487 — Lot, 595 — Mary, 431 — Nathaniel, 2og — Robt., 295 — Saml. T., 411 — Sarah, 39, 105, 489 — Solomon, 211 — Thos., 129^ Turbutt, 205, 211 — Wm., 238. Wrightson, James, 220 — Jona- than, 218. WuRTENBECHER, John Beruh, 513- Wyand, Wyond, Christian, 529 — Mary, 528 — Youst, 529. Wyatt, Absalom, 595 — ^Thos., 487. Wygle (Wylie .'), Valentine, 283. Wye Hundred, 209 to 214. Wykall, Wycall, Adam and Ann (Martin), 411. Wyndham, Geo., 536 — Sarah, 411. Wynn, Hezekiah, 265 — John, 268, 269 — Wm., 267 — Wm. Smallwood, 265. Wysham, Julia, 419. Wyth, Daniel, 79. Wyvill, Ann, 470 — Elizabeth, 440 — Walter and Wm., 487. Yates, Yeates, David, 545 — Edwd., 65 — Eliz., 510 — Henry D., 487 — Joseph, 21, 22 — 688 INDEX Martin, 65 — Mary, 460 — Maryann and Saml., 545 — Sarah, 160 — Vachel, 487. Yeakill, Jacob, 46. Yerling, Thomas, 307. Yewell, Anne, 484 — Frances and Ruth, 482. YiELDHALL, YiELDELL, YeLDELL, Ann, 447, 473 — Anne, 472 — Benj., Chas. and John, 487 — Elizabeth, 448 (2) — Mary, 421 — Rebecca, 436 — Saml., 487 •^Sarah, 426. YoE, Aaron, 209 — ^James, Nicho- las and Robt., 26 — Stephen, 411. Yofler, Peter, 513. YoKELY, Elizabeth, John and Mary, 143. York, Edward, 495 — County, Pa. (Herrington), (Wright), 597, 598. Yost, Youst, Catharina, 529 — Charity, S4S— Geo., 55, 59— Mary, 555 — Melander and Philip, 545, 555 — Susanna, 514. Young — see De Young (1671), 313. Young, Jung, Adam, 549 (3) — Agness, 174 — Anna Mar)-, 512 — Benj., 411 — Cath., 508, 509, 510 — Charlotte, 549 — Eleanor, 472, 496 — Eliza, 450 — Geo., 174, 529 — Henrietta C, 499 — Henry, 411 — Hugh, Jacob, 534, 549— John, 487, 521, 549— Julian, 547— Ma- hala, 487 — Margaret, 145^ Martha, 443 — Mar)', 467 — Nathaniel, 547 — Nehemiah, 487 — Notley, 279 — Peter, 487, 512 — Priscilla, 547 — Rebecca, 450 — Rosenna, 549 (3) — Saml., 239 — Sarah, 145 — Susan, 509 — ^Thos., 176, 266 — Wm., 174, 205, 251, 299, 487. Younger, Nehemiah, 487. Zachariah Manor, 2, 29. Zacharias and Co., 38. Zackery, Zacheriah, 579. Zayer, Mary, 507. ZiEHLER, Elizabeth, 504. Zimmerman, Christena, 499 — Elizabeth, 506 — Gottlib, 526 — Leah, 510. Zinn, Peter, 534. ZooK, Jacob, 524. ^0^ University of Connecticut Libraries