NEW HAVEN Part I Please handle this volume with care. The University of Connecticut Libraries, Storrs <> » » ^ » ^ VITAL RECORDS OF NEW HAVEN 1649-185O PART I HARTFORD THE CONNECTICUT SOCIETY OF THK ORDER OF THE FOUNDERS AND PATRIOTS OF AMERICA 1917 PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Arthur Adams Lucius Barnes Barbour Charles Lewis Nichols Camp George Robbins VITAL RECORDS OF CONNECTICUT SERIES I TOWNS IV PART I f/ y.5 PREFACE These volumes have been prepared and published by a Com- mittee of the Connecticut Society of the Order of Founders and Patriots. This Committee was appointed at a meeting of the Society held in New Haven, October 23, 1914, with instruc- tions to submit to the Society a definite recommendation for publishing some of the ancient vital records of the State. At a meeting held in New Haven, January 30, 191 5, the Committee recommended that the Society undertake the publication of the vital records of the Town of New Haven as those of one of the most ancient, as well as perhaps the most important, of the municipalities of the State. The recommendation was approved by the Society, financial provision for the work was made, a«d the Committee instructed to carry out the project. In the execution of its work the Committee has endeavored to secure the utmost accuracy of reproduction in spelling, punctuation and completeness of record, so as to put the reader in complete possession of all that could be gleaned from the original. These volumes are designed to continue the series of Connecticut Vital Records begun by the Connecticut Historical Society with the records of Bolton and Vernon. The series includes, besides this, the Vital Records of Norwich (two volumes) issued in 1913 by the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Connecticut, and the Vital Records of Woodstock published by The Case, Lockwood and Brainard Company in 19 1 5. It is hoped that other patriotic societies will be moved to carry on the work by publishing the vital records of other Connecticut towns. The State is peculiarly fortunate in the unusual antiquity and completeness of its vital records ; con- sequently it is eminently desirable that the State itself should assume the task of the preservation and publication of these most valuable and interesting records. The purpose of these volumes is to present everything con- tained in the town records of New Haven in the nature of vital viii NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS records previous to the time when these records began to be kept under the more careful and elaborate system now employed. The vital records of Nev/ Haven herewith reproduced are con- tained in six volumes. Copies of the early volumes have been made for ordinary use. These volumes have, however, been printed from the original records. The Committee desires to express its gratitude to Mr. Robert E. Lee of New Haven, Registrar of Vital Statistics, for his help- fulness, courtesy and assistance during the course of the work. lABLK OF CONTENTS Part I Preface . . . . . . . . vii Prefatory Note ........ ix Births, Marriages & Deaths, Vol. I . . . . 1 Marriages, Births, Deaths, Book II ... , 332 Births, Marriages, Deaths, Book III . . . 448 Indices in Part II NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS PART I PREFATORY NOTE For all matters relating to the general history of the early days of the Town and Colony of New Haven, the reader is referred to Atwater's admirable History of the Colony of New Haven (second edition, Meriden, 1902). New Haven was settled in 1638, and was named in 1640. The original town was much larger than at present. Wallingford was set off in 1670; Branford in 1685; Woodbridge in 1784; East Haven in 1785; Hamden in 1786; North Haven in 1786; and Orange in 1822. Naturally the vital records of these towns, formed wholly or in part from the old Town of New Haven, will be found in the New Haven records up to the time of their separate in- corporation. The population of New Haven at the several censuses during the last century and a half has been as follows: 1756 5,085 1774 8,295 1782 7,966 1790 4,484 1800 5.157 I8IO 6,967 1820 8,327 T830 10,678 1840 14.390 1850 20,345 i860 • 39,267 1870 50,840 1880 . 62,882 1890 86,045 1900 108,027 I9IO 133.605 The decrease in population between 1782 and 1790 is, of course, accounted for by the setting off of Woodbridge, East Haven, North Haven and Hamden within that period. X NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS A Historical Catalogue of the Members of the First Church of Christ, 1639-1914, has been published under the direction of Professor Frankhn Bowditch Dexter. This will be found useful in supplementing the vital records of the town, as will also the records of the other ancient parishes of New Haven, Such as those of the United Church, which dates from 1742, and of Trinity Church, which was organized about 1752. T Births, Marriages & Deaths VOL. I. 1649-1750 [This volume consists of a number of record books, quarto in size, with several different paginations. These books have been bound in one and renumbered. The following record follows the probable original chronological arrangement but the present pagination. The sequence in which the book is at present arranged is not in all cases followed. The information supplied in brackets is taken from an alphabetically arranged copy of this volume now in constant use.] [i] The names and times of thefe [that was] borne at New haven Elizabeth winfton the daughter of John winfton [was] borne y® ii"^** of December 1649 Damaris Daughter of David Atwater November 2^ [1649] Benjamin Beckly the fonn of Richard Beckly was borne the 27*^ of January 1649 Rebeckah Briftoll the daughter of Henry [Briftoll] was borne the 4^^ of feburary 1649 Samuel Marfh the fonn of Samuel Marfh was borne y® 12"^ of feburary 1649 Elizabeth Pecke y® daughter of Henry [Pecke] was borne y® 16*'' day of march 1649 Joseph Ambery the fonn of Robert Amfbury was borne y® 24**^ day of march 1649 Eliezer Thorp the fonn of William Thorp was borne the 12^'' day of January 1649 Mary Bafset the Daughter of Robert Bafset was borne the 8'*' of march 1649 Benjamin Meaker the fonn of William Meaker was Borne the 17*^ of march 1649 Rebeca Mallary the daughter of Peter Mallary was Borne y® II*'' of march 1649 Ruth Janes the daughter of William [ ] was borne y® i^^^ day of feburary 1649 [Mercy] Daughter of David Atwater borne ffeb: 29'^ [1649] [2] [Cloe] The Daughter of Adam Nickols was borne the 8'"* of march 1649 1 2 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [Mary] Rotherford the daughter of Henry Rotherford borne the 23''^ of feburary 1649 [Abrajham Dowlitle the fonn of Abraham DowHtle was Borne the 12"' of feburary 1649 [Josepjh Langdon the fonn of Thomas Langdon [was] borne the 23''' of march 1649 [Jo]hn Sperry the fonn of Richard Sperry was borne the 9*'' of January 1649 [Mat]thew Camfeild The fonn of Mathew Camfeild was borne the 9*^'' day of may 1650 [hopil] Parker the Daughter of Edward Parker was borne the 28"^ of April 1650 [EHJzabeth Barnes the Daughter of Thorn barnes was borne y* 28'^ of may 1650 [EHzaJbeth Alfop the daughter of Jofeph Alfop was borne the 22''' of June 1650 Thom North y® fonn of Thom North was borne the 30"* of June 1650 Samuel Galpin the fonn of Phillip Galpin was borne y® 17'^'' of July 1650 [John] Nafh the fonn of Jofeph Nafh was [borne] the 12^'' day of July 1650 [Mercy] Tuttill y* Daughter of [William Tuttle] was borne [April 27 1750] [3] The names and Time of Perfons marryed in Newhaven Edward Perkins and Elizabeth Butcher were ma[rried] by m' Goodyer the 20''' of march 1649 Owen Morgan and Widow Joan Bryan wer marrie by The Gouernor The 9'^'' of Aprill 1650 William Andrewes And mary Chandler were Marryed by M' John Evanc the 31*^ of January 1649 George Pardy and Martha Miles were Married by the Gouer- ner the 20**^ of October 1650 William Wooden and Sarah Olard were married by m"" Good- yer y^ 25'" of October 1650 Samuell Blakfly and Hannah Potter were married by m"" Evance y^ 3^* of December 1650 John Tompfon and Ellen Harrifon were married by m*" Good- year the 25^*^ of february 1650 Luke Atkinfon and mary Plott was married at Milford by Captaine Afhwood the firft of may 165 1 M"" Jofhua Atwatter and Mary Blackman were Married by m*" Ludlow at Stratford y^ 6^^ of may 165 1 Martin Tichennor and mary Charles were married by the Gouernor the 16"" day of may 1651 Robert Mekar and Sufan Turberfeeld were married by m' Goodyeare the 16''' day of September 165 1 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 3 John Hudfon and Abigale Turner were married by The Gouer- nor the 2"" of September 165 1 Henry Hummerfton and Joan Walker were married by The Gouerner the 28'^'' of August 1651 : Stephen Daniels and Hanah Gregfon was married by m"" Goodyear The 1651 [4] The names of p'"fons that haue bine maried John Sacket and Agnes Tincome were maried by the Gouer- ner the 20'*^ of May 1652 Nicolas Campe of Millford and Kathern Tompfon of New hauen widdow were married by the Gouerner the 14^'' of July 1652 John Allen and EUing Bradly were married by ffrancis New- man The 14^'' of Octobr 1652 Edwa: Watfon and Grace Walker were Maried by ffra: New- man y® firft July 1652 John Tuttill and Kattern Lane was maried by the Gouerne' the 8'^^ of Nouem 1653 John Jack f on and Mary Hull was maried by ffrancis New- man the first march 1653 4 m"" Jonathan Jnc & mary miles were married by m'' Sam : Eaton ye j2^^ december 1654 Daniel Solevant and Eliza : Lamberton were Married by ff ran : Newman y^ 17''' October 1654 M"" Sam : Eaton and M" Mabel Haynes were Married by ffrancis Newman y® 17'^ nouembr 1654 John Benham and Widdow Sarah Willfon was Married by m"" Stephen Goodyer the S^^ of februay 1654 William Pringle and mary Dif burrow was married by m' Goodyeare the 7'*" of december 1655 Henry Briftole and Lydia Browne was Maried by m*" Good- yeare y® 29'^ of 11*^ m°: 1656 Samuell Kitchell and Elizabeth Wakeman were Married by m"" Goodyeare the 11*'' of V^ m° 1656 [5] The names of Perfons who have dyed in New haven fince ye J 2th q{ nouember 1649 Mary Cheever y^ wife of Ezekiel Cheever dyed The 20'*^ of January 1649: Eliazer Thorpe the fonn of William Thorpe dyed the 10'^ of february 1649 Mary Bafset the daughter of Robert bafset dyed y® 17^^* of march 1649 ffrancis Bradfhaw fervant to m"" Malbon dyed y* 25 of April! 1650 Mary Evanc y® daughter of m"" John Evanc dyed y* 7'*^ of Aprill 1650 4 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Grace Newman the Daughter of m'' Robert Newman dyed y* 26^^ of Auguft 1650: Mary Chidfy the Daughter of John Chidfy Dyed the 9*^ day of October 1650 Elizabeth row y^ Daughter of Mathew Row dyed the 2.^'^ of January 1650 Benjamin WiHmott dyed the 8"' of Aprill 165 1 Abigale Clouer the daughter of Henry Glouer Dyed y® 20^^ of Auguft 165 1 John Merriman the fonn of Nathaniell Merriman dyed the 26"* day of September 165 1 Ephraim Moris the fonn of Thomas Moris dyed the 6^'' of October 165 1 Nathaniell Tichennor the fonn of Martin Tichennor Dyed the 27'^ of february 165 1 [6] The names of perfons that haue dyed in New hauen Jeremiah Ofborn the fonn of Jeremiah Of born Dyed the 16"' of may 1652 : Daniell Row the fonn of Mathew Row dyed the 3"^ of Septem- ber 1652 John Pardy the fonn of Georg Pardy dyed about the 28"^ of June 1653 Mary Whithead the Daughter of Jfack Whithead dyed the 14"^ of December 1654 Anthony Tompfon y® fonn of Anthony Tompfon deceafed dyed at millford y® 29'** of December 1654 Mary Nafh the wife of Jofeph Nafh Dyed the 25''' of Decem- ber 1654 Nafh The Daughter of Jofeph Nafh Dyed The 18^^ of January 1654 Patience Bifhop the wife of Hon. Bifhop dyed The 24''' of July 1655 John Benham The fonn of John Benham Jun' Dyed y* 12"" nouem: 1655 John Line the fonn of Henry Line dyed 14"^ decem 1656 Theophilus Eaton Efq"" The Hono'"'^ Gouerno'" of New hauen Colony dyed The 7^V8 of 11*'' m° in y® night and was buried the ii'*' of y® fame aboute two in y* afternoone Sarah Kitchell y« Daughter of Samuel Kitchell dyed the s"' of January 1657 Tho : Nafh died May the 12 1658 Jo fonne of w™ Gibbard died Aprill 30 59 Jofeph fon of Mathew Rowe died Alice wife to Tho Kimberly died Octob' lo*** 1659 Samuell the fonne of Henry Lines died Aprill 1660 Elizabeth Godman died Octob. 9. 1660: Mehitabell daughter of John Jackfon died NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 5 [7] The namef of Chilldren Borne in New hauen Martha Wakefeild the Daughter of J""" Wakefeild was borne 19^^ of Aprill 1650 Mary Bunill the Daughter of WiUiam Bunill was borne the 4'^^ of may 1650 Anna Ruffell the Daughter of WiUiam Ruffell was born y^ 29''' day of July 1650 Edward Camp the fonn of Edward Camp was borne y® 8'*^ of July 1650 Elizabeth Row y® Daughter of Mathew Row was borne ye 10'^ of Auguft 1650 Jfacke Beecher the fonn of Jfack Beecher was borne the 18'*" of Auguft 1650 Samuel Higginfon y® fonn of Theophilus Higginfon was borne y® 26'^ of Auguft 1650 Sufana whithead y® Daughter of Jfacke Whithead was borne y* 5^ of Auguft 1650 Hanah Baffet y® Daughter of william Baffet was borne y® 13*^ of feptem 1650 Wilhelmus Wefterhoufen the fonn of William Wefterhoufen was borne y® 13*^ of June 1650 Thomas Talmage y^ fonn of Robert Talmage was borne the 17'^ of October 1650 John mofs y® fonn of John mofs was borne The 12^^ of Octo- ber 1650 Jeremiah How y® fonn of Jeremiah How was borne The 8'** July 1650 [8] mary Chidfy the Daughter of John Chidfy was borne the 22*'' day of September 1650 Mary yale y^ Daughter of Thorn yale was borne the 16^^ of October 1650 Hanah Lindale the Daughter of Henry Lindale was borne the 7*^ of January 1650 Jn° Hill the fonn of Robert Hill was borne the 10'*^ of January 1650 mar>' Andrews the Daughter of William Andrews was borne y® 14*'' of January 1650 Jonathan ffowler the fonn of william fifowler was borne y® 8*'' of february 1650 Sarah Caffinch y^ Daughter of Jn° Cafifinch was borne y* 4*'' of march 1650/51 Rebeca Gibbard the daughter of William Gibbard was borne the 26*'' of february 1650 Jonathan Hall the fonn of John Hall was borne the ^^^ of Aprill 165 1 Jafper Crane y^ fonn of Jafper Crane was borne the 2'^ of Aprill 165 1 6 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS John Goodyeer the fonn of m"" Stephen Goodyeere was borne the 8"' of march 1650/51 EHphalet Ball the fonn of Allen Ball was Borne the 11''' day of february 1650 mary Spery the Daughter of Richard Spery was borne the 14^*^ day of March 1650 Abraham Bradly the fonn of William Bradly was borne y* 24'^ of October 1650 [9] Eliazer Holt the fonn of William Holt was Borne the 5'^^ of Aprill 165 1 Sarah Morrell the daughter of Henry Morrell was borne the 17th Qf Nouember 1650 Grace Todd the daughter of Chriftopher Todd was borne about the 15''' of December 1650 Abigaile Glouer the daughter of Henry Glouer was borne the 29*'' of Aprill 1651 Hanah Bifhopp the daughter of James Byfhopp was borne the 29''' of may 165 1 Hanah Merriman the Daughter of Nathaniell Merriman was borne the 16''' of May 165 1 Elizabeth Hitchcock the Daughter of Mathias Hitchcocke was borne the 4*^^ of June 165 1 Hanah Camfeild the daughter of Mathew Camfeild was borne the 21^*^ of June 165 1 Mary Gilbert the daughter of Mathew Gilbert was borne the 11''' of June 1651 John Perkins y® fonn of Edward Perkins was borne the 18''' of Auguft 165 1 John Pardy the fonn of Geo Pardy was borne y^ 20"^ day of Auguft 1651^ Samuell Thomas the Sonn of John Thomas was borne the 5''' of September 165 1 Nathaniell Meekes the fonn of Thomas Meekes was borne the 14'^ of September 1651 Thom and Ephrahim Moris fonns of Thom Moris were borne the 3''' of October 165 1 John Chidfy the fonn of John Chidfy was borne The 21'' of October 165 1 Mary Leeke the Daughter of Phillip Leeke was borne the 16*'' of June 1652 [10] William Wooden y^ fonn of William Wooden was borne the 16'^ of Nouember 165 1 Jofeph John f on the fonn of Thom John f on was borne the 30*'' of Nouember 165 1 Samuel Briftow the fonn of Henry Briftow was borne the 3* of December 165 1 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 7 Ebenezier Clarke the fonn of James Clarke was borne the 29'^'' of Nouember 165 1 Samuell Smith the fonn of Geo Smith was borne the 4''' of December 1651 Samuel Brockit the fonn of John Brocket was borne the 14"' of January 165 i Abigaile and Rebecka Tompfo the daughters of John Tom- fon both borne the 26''' of January 165 1 John Greene the fonn of John Greene was borne the 26"" of December 165 1 Daniell Row the fonn of Mathew Row was borne The 4*^ of January 165 1 Jofhua Hodgkins the fonn of Samuell Hodgkins was borne the 16*'' of Septem 165 1 Hanah Nafh the Daughter of Jofeph Nafh was borne the 21^^ of January 1651 Hefter Winfton the Daughter of John Winfton was borne the 25**" of January 165 1 Elizabeth Mitchell the Daughter of Thomas Mitchell was borne the 6*'' of feburary 165 1 Mary Seaward the daughter of William Seaward was borne the 28''' of february 165 1 John North the fonn of Thomas North was borne the 13*^ of March 165 1 David Atwater the fonn of David Atwater was borne y® 13*'' of July 165 1 [11] Children Borne John Baker the fonn of Lancelot Baker was borne the 31^*^ of december 165 1 Thomas Wickam the fonn of Thomas Wickam was borne the 14*^ of October 165 1 Nathaniell Tichennor the fonn of Martin Tichennor was borne the 25*^ of february 165 1 Lydia Nickoles the Daughter of Adam Nickoles was borne the 28''' or fTebruary 165 1 Mary Tompfon The daughter of John Tompfon was borne the 24*'* of April! 1652 Lydia Parker the Daughter of Edward Parker was Borne the 14*'' day of Aprill 1652 Mary Atkinfon the daughter of Luke Atkinfon was borne y® 14*'' of May 1652 Thomas Wheeler the fonn of Thomas Wheeler was borne the 21^* oi Aprill 1652 Stephen Evance the fonn of m"" John Evance was borne the S^^ day of may 1652 Jeremiah Ofborn the fonn of Jeremiah Ofborn was borne the 3* day of may 1652 8 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Mary Camp the daughter of Edward Campe was borne the 21"^ of Aprill 1652 Jofeph Galpin the fonn of Phillip Galpin was borne the 17'*' of June 1652 Elizabeth Rotherford the Daughter of Henry Rotherford was borne the 19^^ of June 1652 Rachell Camfeild the daughter of Mathew Camfeld was borne the 2(f^ of July 1652 Abigaile Glouer y° daughter of Hen: Glouer was borne y® 31" of July 1652 Ralphe Lines the fonn of Ralph Lines was borne the iS'*' of July 1652 [12] Sarah Alfop the Daughter of Jofeph Alfop was borne the 8^^' of feptem"" 1652 Joanna Daniels the Daughter Stephen Daniels was borne the firft of September 1652 Sarah Talmage the Daughter of Robert Talmage was borne the 19'^ of Septem 1652 Mehetabel Perkins the Daughter of Edward Perkins was borne the 21^' of September 1652 Comfort Marfh the daughter of Samuell Marfh was borne the 22^'^ of Auguft 1652 Nathaniel Beckley the fonn of Richard Beckley was borne the 13th (j^y Qf October 1652 Elizabeth Mofs the Daughter of Jn° Mofs was borne the 3*'* of October 1652 Samuell Beecher the fonn of Jfack Beecher was borne the 17*'' of October 1652 Jfacke Whitehead the fonn of Jfacke Whithead was borne the 20^'' of Nouember 1652 Nathaneill yale the fonn Thom yale was borne the 3*^ of Janu- ary 1652 Mary Nafh the daughter of John Nafh was born the 13**^ day of decern 1652 Jofhua Atwater the fonn of David Atwater was borne the 11*'' day of January 1652 Richard Spery the fonn of Richard Spery was borne the 20''' of January 1652 A child of William Andrewes borne aboute the 10'*' of Jan: 1652 but dyed quickly after Grace Bifhop the Daughter of James Bifhop was borne the 17**^ of January 1652 Hanah Hill the daughter of Robert Hill was borne the 18"* of January 1652 [13] Jeremiah Wooden the fonn of William Wooden was borne the 17"^ of february 1652 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 9 John Baffett the fonn of Wilham Baffet was borne the 24''' day of December 1652 Nathaniell Tuttill the fonn of William Tuttill was borne the 24.^^ of Februry 1652 David Hall the fonn of John Hall was borne the iS'*" of march 1652 Mary Bradly the daughter of William Bradly was borne ye ^o'h ^^y Qf Aprill 1653 John Tichenner the fonn of Martin Tichennor was borne the 14*'' of Aprill 1653 Elizabeth Dowlitle the Daughter of Abraham Dowlitle was borne the 12"^ of Aprill 1652 it should have bine entered laft yeere Samuel Gibbard the fonn of William Gibbard was borne the 7^^ of may 1653 Hefter Powel the daughter of Thomas Powell was borne the 6^'' of June 1653 . Michaell Todd the fonn of Chriftopner Todd was borne The 18''' day of June 1653 John Sacket the fonn of John Sacket was borne the 30'^ of Aprill 1653 Peter Mallary y^ fonn of Peter Mallary was borne the 27*'^ of July 1653 Thom Holt y® fonn of william Holt was borne the 31^*^ of July 1653 Samuell Hummerfton y® fonn of Henry Hummerfton was borne the y^^ of Auguft 1653 Ebenezer Bunill the fonn of William Bunill was borne the 28^'' of Auguft 1653 Ephraim How the fonn of Ephraim How was borne the 3'^ of Aprill 1653 [14] Birthes 1653 Daniell Meekes the fonn of Thomas Meekes was borne the 8'^ the 14'^ of Septem 1653 Elizabeth Allen the daughter of John Allen was borne the 11*'^ of Septem 1653 Hanah Prefton the Daughter of Edward Prefton was borne the 14*'' of Septem 1653 Jofeph Camp the fonn of Nicolas Camp late of millford was borne the 11''' of Auguft 1653 Rebeca Lindon y® daughter of Henry Lindon was borne the 20'^'' day of October 1653 Elizabeth Allerton The daughter of Jfacke Allerton Jun was borne the 27^^ of fept 1653 Chidfy the daughter of John Chidfy was borne the 12*'' of October 1653 John Ruffell the fonn of William Ruffell was borne the 20*'' day of Nouembr 1653 lO NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Jonathan Perkins the fonn of Edward Perkins was borne y® 12^'' of nouembr 1653 Hanah Atkinfon the Daughter of Luke Atkinfon was borne the 9th of December 1653 Ebenezer Smith the Sonn of George Smith was borne the 15''' of Nouember 1653 John Pardy the fonn of Georg Pardy was borne the 2**" of December 16^3 Tabitha Thomas y® Daughter of John Thomas was borne the 18'^'' of December 1653 Jofeph How the fonn of Jeremiah How was borne the 22'^ of October 1653 mercy Briftow the Daughter of Henry Briftow was borne the 17'*^ day of Nouember 1653 Ephraim How y^ fonn of Ephram How was borne^ [15] Hefter Mofs the Daughter of John mofs was borne y® 2'^ January 1653 Sarah Meaker y® Daughter of wilHam meaker was borne the 7"^ of february 1653 Sarah Beech the Daughter of Thom Beech was borne the firft of march 1653/4 Mary Dowlitle the Daughter of Abraham DowHtle was borne the 22*^*^ of feburary 1653 Abigale Hodfhon the Daughter of John Hodfhon was borne ye 25111 of march 1654 Thom Barnes y^ fonn of Thom Barnes was borne The 26'^ of Auguft 1653 Abigail Merriman The Daughter of Nathaniell merriman was borne 18"' of Aprill 1654 John Johnfon the fonn of Thomas Johnfon was borne the 27*'' of Apriil 1654 Sarah Tompfon the daughter of John Tompfon was borne the 30*^ of Aprill 1654 John Row the fonn of Mathew Row was borne the 30*^ of Aprill 1654 Grace Winflow the Daughter of John Winflow was borne The 21^' of Aprill 1654 Samuell Atwater the fonn of m"" Jofhua Atwater was borne the 20''' of June 1654 Thomas Hodgkis The fonn of Samuell Hodgkis was borne the 31'* of Auguft 1654 John Talmag y^ fonn of Robert' Talmage was borne y* 11"^ of Septem 1654 Anna Tompfon the daughter of John Tompfon was borne the 22*'' of Septem 1654 2 Entry crosserl out. 'First written " Thomas." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS II Samuell Johnfon The fonn of John Johnfon was borne the 25"* of february 1653 [16] Hefter Spery the Daughter of Richard Sperry was borne the *" of Septembr 1654 Sarah Wooden the Daughter of WilHam wooden was borne y^ 13*^^ fept 1654 Mary Alfop the daughter of Jofeph Alfop was borne the 3"^ of October 1654 John Atwater the fonn of David Atwater was borne firft nouem 1654 Jabez Brocket the fonn of John Brocket was borne the 24"^ octobr 1654 A child Daughter of John Jackfon was borne the 8'^ of Nouem"" 1654 and dyed the 16''' of the fame month Mary Brookes the Daughter of John Brookes was borne the 5*^ Septemr 1654 Mary Whithead the Daughter of Jfack Whithead was borne the 20*^ of nouem 1654 , Elizabeth Ofborn the daughter of Jeremiah Ofborne was borne 7**^ January 1654 Nathaniel Humerfton the fonn of Henry Hummerfton was borne y^ 13'^ January 1654 Abigale Tichennor y® Daughter of Martin Tichennor was borne y® firft of februay 1654 Samuell Bafset The fonn of William Bafset was Borne The 15'^ of february 1654 Jofeph Holt the fonn of William Holt was borne The 2^ of Aprill 1655 Sarah How The Daughter of Ephraim How was borne y^ 25**^ of Jan: 1654 [17] Birth of Chilldren Martha yale the daughter of Thomas yale was borne The 6'^^ of May 1655 Jonathan Sacket The fonn of John Sacket was borne the 6*'' of June 1655 Eliazer Beecher the fonn of Jfack Beecher was borne the 8^^ of Aprill 1655 Bathfhua North the daughter of Thom: & mary North was borne the 25**^ of December 1654 Sarah Bifhop the daughter of James Bifhop was borne the 28''' of July 1655 Hanah Marfh the daughter of Samuell Marfh was borne y® 22*^ of July 1655 Hanah Nafh the daughter of John Nafh was borne the 24'*^ of July 1655 John Dowlitle the fonn of Araham Dowlitle was borne the 14*'' of June 1655 12 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Jfack AUerton the fonn of Jfack Allerton Jun'" was borne the 11^'' day of June 1655 A Child of John Aliens was borne the 2^ of Auguft and dyed ye 23th: 1655 Thomas Meekes the fonn of Thomas Meekes was borne the 30^'' of Auguft 1655 Elizabeth Pre f ton the daughter of Edward Prefton was borne the 29'^ of feptember 1655 Elizabeth Daniel the Daughter of Stephen Daniel was borne the firft of October 1655 [18] John Benham the fon of John Benham Jun"" was Borne the 4'^ of Nouemb'' 1655 John fonne of Ralph Lines Novemb"" 1655 Mary Mallary The Daughter of Peter Mallary was borne The 28"^ October 1655 Sarah Atkinfon The Daughter of Luke Atkinfon was borne the 18"' of Nouemb'' 1655 Jfack Mofs the fonn of Jn° Mofs was borne The 27'^ of Nouember 1655 Timothy Gibbard The fonn of William Gibbard was borne the 2^ October 1655 Jofeph Smith The fonn of Georg Smith was borne the 14^'' Auguft 1655 A Child of Jn° Jackfons was Borne the 14''' of December and Dyed the 19"' of y^ fame 1655 Sufan wooden The Daughter of William Wooden was borne the S''" of decembr 1655 Jofeph Chidfy The fonn of Jn° Chidfy was borne y^ 5'^ of Decembr 1655 Sarah Glouer the Daughter of Henry Glouer was borne the 3^ decembr 1655 Hanah Tuttill The Daughter of John Tuttill was borne The 2* of Nouember 1655 Georg Pardy The fonn of George Pardy was borne the 15'^ January 1655 Sarah Whithead the Daughter of Jfack Whithead was borne y* 3-^ Jan: 1655 Hanah Kimberly The Daughter of Abraham Kimberly was borne y" ii'*^ Jan. 55 [ig] Birthes Mary Todd the Daughter of Chriftopher Todd was borne the 18"" of ffebruary 1655 Sarah Camp the Daughter of Edwa : Camp was borne the 25"" of Nouember 1655 Grace Lindon The Daughter of Henry Lindon was borne y* 31*'' of march 1656 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 13 Jofeph Morris y^ fonn of Thomas Morris was borne y® 25'*" of march 1656 Martha Mullenner the Daughter of Thom : and Martha Mullen- ner was borne 4^^ July 1656 Jonathan Atwater the fonn of Dauid Atwater was borne the 12'*^ of July 1656 Samuell Newman y^ fonn of Richard Newman was borne y® firft of July 1656 John and Ebenezer How the fonns of Jeremiah How were borne the 26'*^ of June 1656 Allen Ball y^ fonn of Allen Ball was borne The 27'^ of June 1656 Jn° Line The fonn of Henry Line was borne The y^'^ of Auguft 1656: Nathaniell Sperry the fonn of Richard Sperry was borne the j^th 5th j^o J 5^5 Sarah Benham The Daughter of John Benham Jun"" was borne the 17*'' 7'^ m° 1656 Elizabeth Brookes The Daughter of John Brookes was borne John watson The fonn of Edwa : watfon was borne The 22''' of 7*'' m° : 1656 [20] Mary Meaker The Daughter of William Meaker was borne y« 6'*^ 8^*^ m° : 1656 Hannah Row The Daughter of mathew Row was borne the 6'^^ of y« 8'^ m° : 1656 Enos Talmage The fonn of Robert Talmage was borne The 4**^ of S''' m° : 1656 Daniell Tichennor y^ fonn of Martin Tichennor was borne 9*"^ day of y^ 8"^ m° : 1656 Thomas Hummerfton The fonn of Henry Humerftone was borne The 19*'' 8**^ m° 1656 Abigale Alfop The Daughter of Joseph Alfop was borne The ^th ^th j^o J 5^5 Hanah Beckly The Daughter of Richard Beckly borne y^ 14''^ S'** m° 1656 Dauid Perkins the fonn of Edward Perkins was borne the 3'' of October 1656 Lidia Allen The Daughter of John Allen was borne y® 26^^ 10*^ m°: 1656 Mary Mallary The Daughter of Peter Mallary was borne y* 28'^ 9'^ m° 1656 Mary Church The Daughter of Edward Church was borne y* j^th Qf -pi^g ^th j^o. 1656: Jeremiah Ofborne y® fonn of Jeremiah Ofborne was borne y® 2^'^ of The 9'^ m° 1656 14 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Nathan Smith the fonn of George Smith was borne the 27*'' lo"' m°: 1656 [21] Perfons w'^'' haue bine Married in New hauen* Nicolas Campe of Millford and Kattern Tompfon of New hauen widdow were married by the Gouerner the 14^'* of July 1652* Chilldren borne Hannah John f on y^ Daughter of John John f on was borne the Jofeph wooden y® fonn of william Wooden was borne y* 16^'' of the 11'*^ m°: 1656 Mary How The Daughter of Ephraim How was borne the 17*'* day of y^ 11"' m°: 1656 Benja: Holt the fonn of william Holt was borne the 6'*' day of y^ firft m° 1656/57 Phebe Pringle the Daughter of William Pringle was borne the 16^^ day of the firft m° : 1656/57 Abygale Barnes the daughter of Thomas Barnes was borne the 11*^ of firft m° 1656/57 Benj amine Bradley the fonn of William Bradley was borne the 3th Qf ye 2 of V* fame NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 27 John fonne of John Tompfon junio"" Auguft 6^^ 67 Daniell fonne of Jofeph Alfup Auguft 13'^ 67 Mary daughter of John Butler Septemb : 9"' 67 of John Tompfon marriner Sept: daughter of Bartholomew Jacob Sept Samuell fonne of James Heaton borne October 4'^'' 67 Hannah Daughter of Richard Little: October 21^'^ 67 John fonne of M'' W" Jones borne octob'' 4'^" 67 of John Hall junio"" Thomas fonne of Thomas Tuttell octob'': 27"^: 1667: Jofeph fonne of Jeremiah of borne Decemb"" 15''' 1667 fonnes of Nathan" Merriman of Nathan"^ Kemberlye January 4"' 1667 John fonne of Edmund Dorman borne January 8"^ 1667 John fonne of John Miles borne January 9'^ 1667 John fonne of Zachariah How Decemb'' 21^*^ 1667 Rebeckah Daughter of Benjamin Bunnill January 19"^ 1667 [40] Children Borne in New Haven John fonne of William Wilmot January 20"^ 1667 Elifabeth daughter of M"" Thomas yale January 29'^ 1667 Efther daughter of Thomas Wheeden January 26'^ 67 Hannah daughter of Ebenezer Browne ffeb: i^^ 67 Sarah daughter of George Pardee ffeb : 2*^ 67 Mary daughter of Nathaniell Thorpe ffeb : i®' 67 John fonne of mathew moulthrop Junio"" ffeb: 5'*^ 1667 Samuell fonne of Samuell Cooke March 3"^ 1667/8 John fonne of Samuell ff ernes march 3*^ 1667/8 fonne of Jofeph Potter march 67/8 John fonne of M"" Samuell Vangoodenhoufen march 18''^ 67/8 Jofeph fonne of Jofeph Tuttell march 18"' 67/8 Ruth daughter of Abraham Dickerman Aprill 5"^ 68 Samuell fonne of William Pringle April 15*^ 1668 Samuell fonne of Robert ffoote may. 14'^ 1668 John fonne of John ffrost may 26^'' 1668 ^ Samuell fonne of Edward Prefton June 68 Mary daughter of Samuell Hemingway July 5*'^ 1668 Hannah daughter of william Trowbridge : July 6*^^ : 68 Jofeph fonne of Richard Sperry July 24*^ 1668 Hannah daughter of George Rofse Auguft 14**^ 68 John fonne of Eliakim Hitchcocke Auguft 12^^ 68 Daniell fonne of Daniell Shearman Septemb'" 3*^ 68 Maud daughter of m"" William Rofewell Auguft 21^' 68 Mercy daughter of James Dennifon July 26''' 68 Waite-Samuell fonne of m"" Samuell Hopkins Auguft 30*'' 1668 Samuell fonne of Thomas Sanford Septemb*" 13''' 68 28 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS John fonne of John Gilbert borne 3** of Octob'' 1668 Sarah daughter of Jofeph Benham [41] Children borne in Newhaven Elifabeth daughter of John Peck Sarah daughter of Henry Bristow Elifabeth Daughter of Bartholomew Jacob octob' 19^** 1668 Abigaile daughter of Thomas Adams Septemb"" 29*'' 1668 Samuell fonne of Samuell Ailing octob'' 16''' 68 John fonne of Jeremiah Hull Novemb"" 13*'' 68 David fonne of John Tuttell Novemb"" 14^'' 68 Daughter of John Cooper junio'' Novemb' 19*^ 68 Jofeph fonne of John Clarke October 27'*" 68 Efther daughter of Thomas meekes Novemb"" 30^^ 68 Comfort daughter of Jofeph Manffield Decemb' 6''' 68 Samuell fonne of Nicholas Elfey December 12'^ 68 Elifabeth Daughter of John Chid fey Decemb' 16^'' 68 Daughter of John Brookes Decemb"" 68 Daniell fonne of Eliezar Browne January 16''" 1668 Samuell fonne of Samuell Miles 1668 Benjamin fonne of Peter Mallery January 4*^ 1668 Rebeckah daughter of Benjamin Bunnill fifeb' 11"^ 1668 Abigaile Daughter of Abraham Dowlittell ffeb : 26''' 1668 John fonne of Willm Chatterton ft'eb: 21*'' 1668 Samuell fonne of Samuell Munfon fifeb: 28"^ 1668 Elifabeth daughter of Samuell Thorpe ffeb: 15'^'' 1668 Jonathan fonne of Samuell Blakely march 3^ 1668/9 Abraham fonne of W™ John f on march 10'^ 1668/9 Hannah daughter of Mofes Manffield march 11*'' 1668/9 Mary daughter of James Bifhop march 14*^ 1668/9 Jonathan fonne of Jonathan Tuttell Aprill 6'^ 69 [42] Children Borne in Newhaven Daniell fonne of Nathan Andrewes Aprill 13''' 1669 Deliverance fonne & Elifabeth daughter of John downe Aprill 19^^ 1669 John fonne of John Auftin Aprill 23''' 1669 Abigaile daughter of Ephraim How Aprill 23*^ 69 A daughter of Jofeph Bradly borne Aprill 25''' 69 and dyed the lo"" of may 69 Samuell fonne of John Tompfon marriner May 12''' 69 daughter of John Butler Eleazer fonne of Willm Pringle June y^'^ 69 Jfaack & Nathaniell fonnes of Jfaack Turner July 3*^ 69 John Smith fonne of Thomas Smith June 14^'' 69 Hannah daughter of Thomas yale junio"" the 27^'' of July 1669 Samuell fonne of John Potter July 23^ 69 Mary daughter of Richard Little July 28*'' 69 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 29 Hannah daughter of John Browne Auguft y^^ 69 Sarah daughter of Anthony Elcocke Septemb'" 12''': 69 fonne of Nathaniell How Septemb'': 20''' 69 fonne of Ebenezer Browne octob"" 4''^ 69 Sarah daughter of Eliakim Hitchcocke octob"" 16''' 69 daughter of John Tompfon borne about octob"" 17'^'' 69 and dyed about the 27"^ of y*^ fame EHfabeth daughter of Nathan" Merriman Sept 14'^'': 69 daughter of Jofeph Benham Mary daughter of John Cooper junior Novemb'' 15^*^ 69 John fonne of John Jves Novemb'" 14''' 69 John fonne of Samuell Cooke Decemb' 3*^ 69 John fonne of Thomas Tuttell Decemb'' 5'^'^ 69 Jofeph fonne of Edmund Dorman Decemb'" 13"^ 69 [43] Children Borne in Newhaven Abigaile daughter of Samuell Miles January 3*^ 1669 James fonne of James Heaton ffeb'": 13*^'^ 69 Mary Daughter of John Miles March lo'*" 1669/70 Abigaile daughter of Sam" Browne March 11'^ 69/70 of John Rufsell march 1669/70 Anne daughter of W" Wilmott fleb'": 26^^ 1669/70 Diadat Jones fonne of m*" W" Jones borne the 15'*^ of march 1669/70 John Pecke fonne of John Pecke march 16^'' 69/70 Samuell fonne of John Ailing march 24'*^ 1669/70 Abigaile daughter of John John f on Aprill 9''' 1670 Zechariah fonne of Zachariah How March 31^'': 1670 Mary daughter of m*" John Hodfhon: Aprill 17''' 1670 Hannah daughter of M"" Samuell Hopkins: May 2^ 1670 William fonne of Nathaniel Thorpe Aprill 30"" 1670 daughter of W°' Collins June 1670 EHfabeth daughter of James Redfield May 31''' 1670 William fonne of m"" W" Rofewell June 16^'' 1670 daughter of John Morris June 19''' 1670 Jofeph fonne of John Benham June 9'^ 1670 Samuell fonne of Jofeph Tuttell July 15^*^ 1670 Mathew fonne of Mathew Moulthrop July iS'*" 1670 Nathaniell fonne of Samuell Andrewes Auguft 2^ 1670 Sarah daughter of John Tod Auguft 27'^ 1670 EHfabeth daughter of John Hall junio"" Auguft ii"" 1670 Mary daughter of M"" Sam" : Streete Sept : 6^"^ 1670 Hannah daughter of Samuell Hemingway Sept: 14'** 1670 Abigaile daughter of Abraham Dickerman Sept 26^*" 1670 Mary daughter of Ephraim Sanford born [Sept] 18 1670 Abigaile daughter of John ffroft octoly 8'*" 1670 30 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [44] Marriages in Newhaven John Jves & Hannah Merriman were maryed by M"" Mathew Gilbert Novemb"" 12'^ 1668 John Tod & Sarah Gilbert were maryed by m"" W™ Jones Novemb'' 26'^ 1668 Samuell Tod & Mary Bradly were maryed by M-" W" Jones Novemb'' 26'" 1668 Richard Mattocke & Grace Tod were Maryed by M'' Gilbert March 2<^ 1668/9 Benjamin Brocket & Elifabeth Barnes married march 24*^ 1668/9 John Benham & Mercy Smith were Maryed by M'' Mathew Gilbert March 3'^ 1668/9 James Redfield & Elifabeth How were maryed by M"" Mathew Gilbert may 1669 John Morris & Hannah Bifhop were maryed by n/ W"" Jones Auguft 12^^ 1669 John Barnes & mercy Betts were maryed by M"" Mathew Gil- bert Novemb"" 16''' 1669 John Hall of Gilford & Elifabeth Smith were marryed by m"" Mathew Gilbert novem^'" 17"^ 1669 Ephraim Sanford of Milford & Mary Powell were marryed by Tjf W"" Jones novemb'" 18''' 1669 Daniell Thomas & Rebeckah Tompfon were marryed by m"" Mathew Gilbert flFeb^'y : 3"^ 1669 Benjamin Pecke & mary Sperry were marryed by m"" mathew Gilbert march 29^^ 1670 [45] Marriages in Newhaven M"" William Leet & m'^ Sarah Rotherford were marryed by James Bifhop Aprill f^ 1670 John Rofe junio'" & Phebe Potter widdow were marryed by m"" mathew Gilbert Auguft 1670 John Gibbs & Hannah Punderfon were marryed before James Bifhop octob'" 27"^ 1670 John Parker & Hannah Baffett were marryed by M"" Mathew Gilbert Novemb"" 8'^ 1670 M"" Daniell Hall & Mary Rotherford were marryed by m' Mathew Gilbert Novemb"" 11^*" 1670 Samuell Potter & Annah Rufsell were marryed by m"" mathew Gilbert Novemb"" 21^' 1670 Zacheus Kambee & Rebeckah Briftow were marryed by m' Gilbert Decemb"" 1670 Nathaniell Plitchcock & Elifabeth Mofs were marryed by m' Gilbert Janua'"^ iS'*" 1670 John Hitchcock & Abigaile Merriman were marryed by m' Gilbert Jan"^^: iS**^ 1670 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 3 1 m' Bellamy & Bithya fford were marryed by m'' mathew Gilbert 1671 Eleazer Peck & Mary»Bunnill were marryed by James Bifhop octob'" 3i'''^ 1 67 1 John Glover & Joanna Daniell were marryed by m"" w"* Jones Decemb"" y^^ 167 1 John Ailing & Sufannah Coe were marryed by m"" w™ Jones J^j^ry jjth J 5-7 J John Thomas & Lydia Parker were marryed by m' W" Jones Jan'^y 12*'^ 167 1 [46] Marriages in Newhaven John Smith and Grace Win f ton were marryed by m'' W™ Jones octob"" 24'^: 1672 Samuell Clarke & Hanna Tuttell were married by James Bifhop Novemb"" 7'^ 1672 Jofeph Alfup junior & Abigaile Tompfon were married by m"" w"" Leete novemb'" 25'^ 1672 Jofeph Pecke & Sarah Ailing were marryed by James Bifhop novemb'" 28"' 1672 John Hotchfkis & Elifabeth Pecke were marryed by James Bifhop Decemb"" 4"" 1672 Philip Alcott & Elifabeth Mitchell were married by James Bifhop Decemb"" 5"' 1672 Jofhua Culver & Elifabeth fford were marryed by m'" w™ Jones Decemb"" 23'^ 1672 Jofeph Jves & Mary Yale were marryed by m"" W"^ Jones Jan'''' 2^ 1672 Anthony Howde & Elifabeth Hitchcocke were marryed by m"" w™ Leete Jan'"'' : 1672 Eliphalett Ball & Hannah Nafh were Marryed by m"" W" Leete ffeb-"": 13*'^ 1672 Jofeph Parker of Saybrooke & Hannah Guilbert of Newhaven were marryed by James Bifhop 1672 m"" John Whiting of Hartford & m*"^ Phebe Grigfon of N- haven were married by m'" W™ Jones 1673 m^ James Davids & m""^ Joanna Ling were marryed by James Bifhop y^ 3'^ of November 1673 Robert Auger & Mary Guilbert were marryed by m"" W™ Jones y® 20'^'^ of November 1673 [47] Perfons dyed in Newhaven Hannah Prefton daughter of Edward Prefton May 69 Hannah daughter of Robert Hill June 69 Jonathan fonne of Samuell Blakelye July y^^ 69 Hannah daughter of Samuell Blakeley July 8*'' '69 Sarah daughter of John Tompfon fenio'" 69 Elifabeth daughter of Jofeph Benham Auguft i^' 69 32 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Jofeph Potter dyed Auguft i;^*" 1669 old Benjamin wilmott dyed Auguft iS"* 69 Hannah daughter of Richard Little y%uguft 69 Samuell fonne of John Potter dyed Novemb"" 16'-'' 69 Matthias Hitchcocke dyed Novemb'" 69 Gillian fifield dyed January 20*'' 69 Daniell Harris dyed fit'eb'"^ 69 John fonne of John Pecke dyed March 22"" 1669/70 Diadet fonne of m'" w"' Jones dyed Aprill 5"^ 1670 W™ Harber dyed at N-haven iron works Aprill 70 Andrew Low dyed Aprill 14"' 1670 Mary daughter of John Cooper junio"" dyed Aprill 22'^'': 1670 Abigaile daughter of Samuell Browne dyed Aprill 28''' 1670 fonne of Daniell Thomas dyed 1670 daughter of John morris dyed 1670 Sarah daughter of John Tod Septemb"" 1670 Edward Pattifon dyed octob"" 31'^'' 1670 Samuell 2^ fonne of John Potter dyed January i^*^ 1670 John fonne of Jofeph Benham dyed Novemb' 1670 Martha yale daughter of m'' Thomas yale fenio"" dyed the 15*'^ of January 1670 Efther meekes daughter of Thomas meekes dyed 1670 [48] The names of pfons y* have dyed in Newhaven Roger Pritchet dyed January 26'^'' 1670 James fonne of James Heaton dyed March i*' 1670/1 Rebeckah Gilbert daughter of m' mathew Gilbert dyed the 16''' of March 1 670/1 Elifabeth daughter of Jeremiah Hull dyed the 16"" of march I 670/ I Mary Hodfhon daughter of m' John Hodfhon dyed the of march 1 670/1 Edward fifrencham dyed y® of march 1670/1 Henry Carter dyed the of 167 fonne of Edmund Dorman dyed the of Auguft 1671 John Thomas fenio*" dyed Decemb"^ i^^^^ 1671 Daughter of Nathan" Thorpe dyed y® of Jan'' 1671 James 2^ fonne of James Heaton dyed the of January 1671 fonne of John Potter dyed the of ffeb'"^ 1671 fonne of Samuell Blakely dyed the of Aprill 1671 widdow Moulthrop dyed the of May 1672 Sarah wife of John Tod dyed the of Aprill 1672 Samuell Blakelye dyed may 17'*' 1672 Deborah wife of Nathan Andrewes dyed Decemb*" 1672 Thomas fonne of Thomas Smith dyed Jan'"'^ 14"* 1672 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 33 [49] Children borne in Newhaven Samuell fonne & Abigaile daughter of William Trowbridge was borne October 7'^'' 1670 Caleb fonne of m'" Thomas Trowbridge was borne the 28''' of octob'" 1670 Mary daughter of Daniell Shearman was borne the 28^^ of October 1670 Ebenezer fonne of Ebenezer Browne was borne the 12^^ of novemb'" 1670 Samuell Potter fonne of John Potter was borne the 25*^^ of Decemb"" 1670 fonne of Dan" : Thomas was borne the of 1670 John Hall fonne of Sam" : Hall was borne the 22^'' of Decemb' 1670 Abigaile daughter of w™ Johnfon was borne the 6"^ of Decemb^: 1670 Benjamin fonne of Benjamin Pecke was borne the 4''^ of January 1670 Hannah Barnes daughter of John Barnes was borne the 23^*' of December 1670 Hannah daughter of John Downes was borne the ig^^ of January 1670 David fonne of John Auftin was borne the 23'^ of ffebruary 1670 Mathew fonne of John Gilbert was borne the 24'*^ of ffebruary 1670 daughter of Jofeph Alfup* [50] The names of Children borne in Newhaven Jemima daughter of Jofeph Alfup was borne the 10'^ of ffeb'"'' 1670 John fonne of John Cooper junio'" was borne the 23*^ of iifebruary 1670 Elifabeth daughter of Jeremiah Hull was borne the 27''' of ffeb'"y 1670 Samuell fonne of Jeremiah Johnfon was borne the 8'^ of march 1670/1 Samuell fonne of Samuell Tharpe was borne the 8'^ : of March I 670/ I Thomas fonne of Samuell Munfon was borne the 12**" of March 1 670/1 Simon fonne of Jonathan Tuttell was borne the 1 1*'^ of March I 670/ I John fonne of Samuell Ailing was borne the 2y^'^ of march 1671 8 Crossed out. 3 34 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Hannah daughter of w™ Pringle was borne the lo'^ of March 1 670/1 John fonne of Jofeph Manffield was borne the 8"" of Aprill 1671 Kemberlye daughter of Nathan" : Kemberlye was borne y® of Aprill 1671 : Sarah daughter of James Dennifon was borne the 12"" of Aprill 1671 : Daniell fonne of Henry Briftow was borne the 4^*^ of may 1671 Samuell fonne of William Chattcrton was borne the 10''' of June I 67 I A daughter of Benjamin Brockett borne about y® 6'^'* of may & dyed y® fame day 1671 [51] The names of children borne in Newhaven Jfaack Jones fonne of m"" W™ Jones was borne the 21^^ of June I 67 I fonne of Nathaniell How was borne the of July 1671 James Bifhop fonne of James Bifhop was borne the 27'^ of July 1 67 1 Thomas fonne of Thomas Smith was borne y® firft of Auguft 1671 Prifcilla daughter of John Tompfon farmer was borne the 7*^ of Auguft 1671 fonne of Edmund Dorman was borne the of Auguft 1 67 1 Samuell fonne of Bartholomew Jacobs was borne the g^^ of Auguft 1 67 1 Hannah daughter of John Morris was borne the 10'^ of Auguft 1671 Hannah : daughter of John Parker was borne the 20"" of Auguft 1 67 1 John Pecke 2^ fonne of John Peck was borne the of Auguft of Jn° Rofe junio"" John and James fonnes of John Butler were borne the 6'^ of Septemb"" 1671 Abigaile daughter of Jofeph Bradly was borne the 9'*" of Septemb"" 1671 Abigaile daughter of Jn° Punderfon Jun"" was borne y® is'** of Septemb' 1671 [52] The names of children borne in Newhaven Elifabeth daughter of Thomas Sanford was borne the of Septemb"" 1671 Rebeckah daughter of Thomas yale junio' was borne y® 2^ of October 1671 John fonne of John Beecher was borne y® 9**" of October 1671 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 35 Sarah daughter of John Clarke was borne the 24^'' of October 1671 daughters of John Hitchcocke were borne y® of October 1671 Efther daughter of Ephraim How was borne y® 18'^'^. of Novemb' 1671 Samuell fonne of John Benham was borne y® 16'^^ of Novemb' 1671 Hannah daughter of Richard Little was borne y® 30^*^ of November 1671 Samuell fonne of Mofes Manffield was borne y® 31*'' of Decemb"" 1671 James fonne of James Heaton was borne y® 14*^ of January 1671 daughter of Nathan" : Tharpe was borne y® 14*'' of January 1671 Sarah daughter of John Thompfon marriner was borne y® 16^^ of Jan"^ 1671 Rebeckah daughter of Zacheus Kembee was borne y® 29'^ of December 1671 fonne of John Potter was borne y® firft of ffeb^'^: 1671 [53] The names of children borne in Newhaven Anna daughter of m'" John Hodfhon was borne the of fJeb^: 1671 Daniell fonne of John John f on was borne the 21*^ of fifebruary 1671 Elifabeth daughter of Nathan" : Hitchcock was borne y® 17^'' of March 167 1/2 daughter of Samuell Cooke was borne y® 3*^ of March 167 1/2 Richard fonne of John Miles was borne the 21**" of March 1671/2 Hannah daughter of Eliakim Hitchcocke was borne the 19*^ of march 1671/2 Judith daughter of Benjamin Bunnill was borne the 13*'' of Apr ill 1672 fonne of Samuell Blakelye was borne the of Aprill 1672 Rebeckah daughter of Ebenezer Browne was borne the 20*'' of Aprill 1672 Efther daughter of Thomas Tuttell was borne the 9*'' of Aprill 1672 John fonne of Benjamin Brockett was borne the 3^ of June 1672 36 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Samuell fonne of Samuell Miles was borne the iS'** of July 1672 Mary daughter of m'' W" Maltbye was borne y*' of may 1672 [54] Children Borne in Newhaven Samuell fonne of Samuell Tod was borne the i^' of July 1672 Hannah daughter of George Pardee was borne the 7"^ of July 1672 Daniell fonne of m"" Daniell Hall was borne the 9"^ of Auguft 1672 Jofeph fonne of Jeremiah Hull was borne the 11''' of Auguft 1672 Sarah daughter of Samuell Browne was borne y® S^^ of Auguft 1672 Mary daughter of Benjamin Pecke was borne y® 2^^^ of Septemb^ 1672 Hannah daughter of John Glover was borne the lo**" of octob"" 1672 Stephen fonne of Thomas Meekes was borne the firft of Novemb'" 1672 Jfaac fonne of W"" John f on was borne the 27'^' of October 1672 Mary Daughter of W™ Trowbridge was borne the 12^*" of October 1672 Jofeph fonne of Haac Turner was borne the is"" of November 1672 Alexander fonne of William Willmot was borne the 13''' of december 1672 Daniell fonne of m"" Thomas Trowbridge was borne y® S**" of January 1672 John Downe fon of John Downe was borne y® 25 of Nouember 1672 [55] Children borne in Newhaven John, fonne of John Barnes was borne the 13''' of January 1672 Grace daughter of John Browne was borne y® g^^ of January 1672 fonne of Zachariah How was borne y® of January 1672 Elifabeth daughter of w'" Math ewes was borne y® 27''' of December 1672 John fonne of Samuel Munfon was borne y® 28'^ of January 1672 Sarah daughter of John Thomas was borne the 13^" of december 1672 Joanna daughter of W" Pringle was borne y® 2^ of ffeb'y 1672 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 37 Elifabeth daughter of Samuell Heminway was borne y® 16*'' of ffebruary 1672 Sam" : fonne of John Hitchcock was borne y® of 1672 John fonne of William Collins was borne the lo*^^ of March 1672/3 Mary daughter of John Potter was borne the: 16''^: of March 1672/3 Samuell fonne of Peter Alallery was borne the lo''^ of march 1672/3 Mary Daughter of John Beecher was borne y® 23*'' of fifeb"^ 1672 Sarah Daughter of Jn° Cooper junio"" was borne the 26'** of Aprill 1673 Elifabeth daughter of John ffroft was borne the of 1673 [56] Children borne in Newhaven Stephen fonne of Jofeph Tuttell was borne y® 20*^^ of May 1673 William fonne of Jonathan Tuttell was borne y® 25"^ of May 1673 Abraham fonne of Abraham Dickerman was borne y^ 14'^'^ of June 1673 John fonne of m"" Jn° Maltbye was borne the of Jiine 1673 Martha daughter of John Ailing fenio"" was borne y® of June 1673 Rebeckah daughter of Jeremiah Of borne was borne y" 11"^ of July 1673 daughter of Thomas yale junio"" was borne y" of July 1673 James fonne of Samuell Ailing was borne the 29*"^ of July 1673 of Mathew Moulthrop was borne ye of 1673 1673 Samuell fonne of Sam" Clarke was borne y^ 7*"^ of Auguft 1673 Thomas fonne of John Guilbert was borne the 14*'^ of Auguft 1673 John fonne of John Smith was borne the 3'^ of September 1673 Jofhua fonne of John Auftin was borne the 3"^ of September 1673 Mary daughter of John Morris was borne the 9**^ of September 1673 Sarah daughter of Jofeph Pecke was borne the 11''' of September 1673 [57] Children borne in Newhaven Mercy daughter of John Benham was borne the 2.^ of October 1673 John fonne of John Hotchis was borne the 11*^ of October 1673 38 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Benjamin fonne of Edmund Dorman was borne the 15''' of October 1673 Jofeph fonne of Jofeph Jves was borne y® 17''' of October 1673 Elifabeth daughter of Jofhua Culver was borne the 7''' of October 1673 Thomas fonne of Thomas Sanford was borne y** 13'^ of October 1673 Abigaile daughter of John AlHng junio'" was borne y^ 23''* of November 1673 John fonne of Daniell Shearman was borne y® of November 1673 Mary daughter of W"^ Chatterton was borne y® 29^*^ of November 1673 Abigaile & Rebeckah daughters of m"" W™ Jones was borne the lo"" of November 1673 Hannah Daughter of Zacheas Kambee was borne y® 14''' of November 1673 Rebeckah Bifhop daughter of James Bifhop was borne y® 10''' of December 1673 Jofeph fonne of Jofeph Manffield was borne y® 2']^'^ of December 1673 Daniell 2'^ fonne of m"" Daniell Hall was borne y^ 4*'' of Jan''^ 1673 [58] The names of pfons y' have dyed in Newhaven old Thomas Wheeler dyed y*^ 22*'' of Jan""^ 1672 Anna daughter of m"" Jn° Hodshon dyed ffeb''^ 20''' 1672 M"" William Tuttell dyed M*" Benjamin Ling dyed y® 27*'' of Aprill 1673 Ehphelett Ball dyed y« ii'*^ of July 1673 I Thomas Morris dyed y^ 21"^ of July 1673 Martha daughter of Jn° Ailing fen"" dyed July 1673 Joanna daughter of W" pringle dyed July 23^*" 1673 Samuell Gibbard dyed the 1673 John fonne of W" Wooden dyed y® 23''' of Sept: 1673 Samuel fonne of m"" Jn° Hodfhon dyed 1673 Thomas fonne of Thomas Sanford dyed the 13*'' of November 1673 morning. Abigaile daughter of m"" w™ Jones dyed novem : 15 1673 evening. Rebeckah daughter of m'' w™ Jones Novem"" 15 1673 M'"s Joanna davids wife to m"" James Davids dyed 1673 John Guilbert dyed y^ 26'^ of November 1673 widdow Boykin dyed 1673 Daniell fonne of m"" Daniell Hall dyed the 13^'' of Jan''^ : 1673 Mary Talmage dyed Decemb*" 1673 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 39 m"' James Rufsell dyed Jan""^ 21''' 1673 Roger Tyler Jun'" dyed Jan''^ 27''' 1673 M'^ Sarah Leete dyed ffeb""^ 3*^ 1673 Jofeph fonne of Sam" Todd dyed March 1673/4 Mary Ruf fell y^ widdow of James Ruf fell dyed y® 25 of Auguft 1674 John fon of John Brockett dyed y® 29 of Nouem"" 1676 [59] The names of perfons y' have dyed in Newhaven M"" Nicholas Streete Teacher of the church of chrift at New- haven dyed y" 22"' of Apr ill 1674 Mathew fon of Sarah Guilbert widdow dyed the tenth of May 1674 James Ruf fell feruant to Jn° : Tom fon of Southend dyed y* 27 of July 1674. This Ruffell latly came from Jreland w'^ Danyell Hall m'' of Sarah Huchins Sarah wife of Jn" Clarke dyed y^ 25 of July 1674 Roger Ailing Deacon of y® church of chrift in Newhauen dyed y® 27*^ of September 1674 Jn° Tomfon on y*" other fied of y^ creek dyed the 14 of De- cember 1674 Hannah wife of Jn° Potter dyed the 15''" of June 1675 Benjamin Lapen lined w'*" mathew moulthroup and there dyed y® 20''* of Auguft 1675 Daughter of Jn° clarke dyed y® 22 of feptember 1675 Elizabeth y° wife of John miells dyed y^ third day of December 1675 Jacob Joens dyed y^ 28 of October 1675 Tabitha Willmot daughter of Willia Willmot dyed y° 15 of December 1675 Benjamin fon of Beniamin Bunell dyed y® S^'^ of January 1675 William fon of Eleazer Holte dyed y^ 28 Nouember 1675 William Andrews dyed y^ 4"" of march 1675/6 S* Jeremiah Ofborn dyed y^ 26'^ of Aprill 1676 Samuell fon of Jofeph Moff dyed 26 Aprill 1676 [60] Children borne in N-haven John fonne of John Punderfon junior was borne y^ 10'^ of Decemb"" 1673 Hannah Daughter of James Dennifon was borne y^ 14*'' of Jan"^ 1673 Abigaile daughter of James Heaton was borne y® of Jan*^ 1673 Samuell fonne of John Tompfon farm'" was borne y^ 29**^ of ]an^ 1673 Thomas fon of Thomas Smith was borne y^ 31 of January 1673 40 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Jofeph fonne of Sam" Tod was borne y^ 4''' of ffeb""^ : 1673 Edward fonne of Ralph Rufsell was borne y"* 25*^^ of ffeb"^ 1673 Samuell fon of John Miles was borne y" 6"^ of Aprill 1674 Abigaile daughter of Jn° Hitchcocke was borne y® 10''' of Aprill 1674 Elizabeth daughter of Henry Briftow was borne y® 20'^ of may 1674 Mary & Abigail daughters of Jn° clarke was borne y® 19 of July 1674 Mary daughter of Ebenezer Browne was borne y® 6 of Auguft 1674 mofes fon of mofes manffield was borne the 15 of auguft 1674 of ]n° Ruffell was borne the g^^ of auguft 1674 [6i"| Children borne in Newhauen Lydia daughter of mathew moulthrop was borne y® 8^^ of Auguft 1674 Caleb fon of Thomas Tuttle was borne y® 29 of Auguft 1674 Elizabeth daughter of John Holte was borne y^ 28'^ of Septem- ber 1674 Jacob fon of william John fon was borne y" 25 of feptember 1674 John fon of John Paine was borne the i^^^ of October 1674 John fon of Abraham Bradlye was borne y® 12*'^ of October 1674 Mercy daughter of Bartholomew Jacobs was borne Septem y« 8'^ 1674 Steuen fon of Sammuell miells was borne y* S^^ of December 1674 John fon of John Glouer was borne the 20*^ of Nouember 1674 Mary daughter of Jfaac Turner was borne y^ 9"" of December 1674 Mary daughter of Jofeph Bradlye was borne y® 6 of December 1674 Danyell Downe fon of John Downe was borne the 29 of Auguft 1674 William fon of John Tomfon was borne y* 17"' of January 1674 Mary daughter of Ephraim How was borne y" 8"* of December 1674 [62] Manages in Newhauen Sam : Loins & mary Tomson wer marryed Nouember 1674 Elcazer Holte & Tabitha Tomas were marryed by m' W"" Joens y* 5 of No : 1674 John Leuins and Elizabeth Pre f ton wer marryed by m"" W" Joens y® 23^ Nouember 1674 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 41 Mathew ford and Mary Brooks were marryed by m^ W"" Joens y^ 12 of January 1674 Nathaneell Potter & Elizabeth Howes wer Marryed by m'^ W™ Joens y^ i of Aprill 1675 John Clarke and mary Walker were marryed by m"" Jno moff y« 28 of May 1675 John Dauis & mary Leeke wer marryed by m"" Will : Joens y® 9 of march 1674/5 Ephraim Boothe and mary Ofborne wer marryed by Jn°: Nafh the 9 of June 1675 Thomas Barns and mary Hubberd wer married by m"" Jn° : moff as by him certified y® 26 of June 1675 Beniamin Starr and Elizabeth Allerton were marryed y° 23 of December by Jn° Nafh Nathan Andrews & Phebe Gibberd wer married y® 6 of January by ]n° Nafh 1675 Georg Pardee and Mary Ball wer married the 10'^ of february by m"" Joens 1675 Samuell Smith and Obedience Lamberton were marryed y® 13 of January by Jn° Nafh 1675 Samuell whithead and Sarah Guilbert was marryed y*= 9 of May by Jn° Nafh 1676 John Sperry & Elizabeth Poft wer marryed y® i of September 1676 Henry Steuens & Joannah leek were married by m'' Bifhop y* 6 of february 1677 [63] Chilldren borne in Newhauen Abigaill daughter of John Tomas was borne y* 21 of Nouember 1674 Anna daughter of Thomas Sanford was borne the 19 of february 1674 Mary daughter of Samuell Tod was borne y® 12^'' day of february 1674 Mary daughter of Jn° : Brocket was borne the 18'^ day of february 1674 William fon of William Collins was borne y® 4*'' of march 1674/5 Sarah daughter of Jeremiah Hull was borne y® 4 of march 1674/5 Daniell fon of sammuell clarke was born y® 6 of march 1674/5 John Parker fon of John Parker was borne y® 26 of march 1675 Mary y« daughter of Jofeph Jones was Borne y® 18**^ of march 1674/5 Mary daughter of Beniamin Brockett was borne y* 6"* of may 1675 V 42 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Rotherford Hall fon of Daniell Hall was borne y® 20'^ of Aprill 1675 Sammuell fon of John Potter was borne y® 2 of June 1675 Samuell fon of John Cooper was borne y^ 20^*' of June 1675 John: fon of Samuell Hemingway was borne y^ 29 day of may 1675 John : fon of Phillip Allcock was borne y® 14 day of July 1675 Theophilus fon of Samuell Munfon was borne y® i of September 1675 [64] Births of Chilldren Sarah Daughter of John fro ft was borne the 3 of September 1675 William y^ fon of Eleazer Holte was borne y® 25 of September 1675. Elizabeth daughter of John morris was borne y" 1675 William y® fon of Peter Mallery was borne y® 2 of feptember 1675 matthew fon of matthew ford was borne y® 31 of October 1675 Elizabeth y® daughter of Jn° Smith was borne y® firft of Auguft 1675 Jofeph fon of Jofeph Peck was borne y® 9*^ of October 1675 Johanna daughter of Jofeph Tuttle was borne y° 13 day of December 1675 Sufannah daughter of m"" W™ Joens was borne y® 18 day of Auguft 1675 Tabitha willmot daughter of W'" Willmot was borne y® 12 Nouember 1675 Roger fon of Samuell Ailing was borne y® 9''' of December 1675 Zacheus Canbee fon of Zacheus Canbee was borne y^ 5 of January 1675 Beniamin fon of Beniamin Bunell was borne y® 4''' of January 1675 Sammuell fon of Jofeph Moff was borne y® 27 of January 1675 John fon of Jn" Tomas was borne 4 march 1675 Nathaniell fon of Nathaneell Potter borne y® 20 of february 1675 [65] The names of pfons y' have beene marryed in New- haven Abraham Bradlye & Hannah Thompfon were marryed by m"" W" Jones December 25^'' 1673 John Holt & Elifabeth Thomas were marryed by m"" w° Leete Jan'^ 1673 John Payne & Abigaile Brockett were marryed by James Bifhop Jan"^ 22^'' 1673 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 43 Samuell fford & Elifabeth Hipkins were marry ed by m'' W" Leete Jan"^ 27"^ 1673 Cap*^ Aron Cooke & Elizabeth Nafh wer Marryed y® 2 of Decern: by Jn° Nafh 1676 Henry Brooke & Hannah Blackly wer married by m'' Joans y® 21 of December 1676 John Perkins & wer married 16 may 1677 Sammuell Baffett & mary Dickerman were marryed y^ 21 of June: by Jn° Nafh 1677 Sammuell Hummerfon & Hannah Johnfon wer marryed y® 21 of June by Jn° Nafh 1677 hitherto Co. dark Ebenezer Hill & mary Brooke wer marryed before m"" Joens y® 24 of October 1677 Ebenezer Beecher & Phebe Pringle wer married y^ 5'^ of Nouember 1677 certify ed by maior Robbert Treat Deputy Gouer- ner Thomas Hodgfkins & Sarah willmot wer marryed y® 27 of Nouember by Jn° Nafh 1677 Beiamin Bradly & Elizabeth Tomfon wer married y^ 29 of October by Jn° Nafh 1677 John Tod and Sarah Blackman wer married y® 20''^ of Augiift as certifide M'' Gilbert 1677 Ebenezer Hill & Mercy Brooks were married by m"" W" Joens 24 of October 1677 ^'^ [66] Births of Chilldren Abigale daughter of Jn° Paine was borne y^ ly^^ of march 1675/6 Sufanna daughter of John Ailing Ju"" was borne y® 16 of march 1675/6 Nathaneell Tuttle fon of Jona Tuttle 25 february 1675 Mary daughter of Jofeph Jones was borne y^ 17 of march 1675/6 John fon of Samuell Loins was borne y® iS'^' of Aprill 1676 Theophilus fon of Jams Heaton was borne y® 25 of march 1676 Matthias Hitchcock fon of Eliakim Hitchcock was borne y® I of Aprill 1676 Abigail daughter of Nathaneell Thorp was borne y® 15**' of May 1676 Elizabeth Smith daughter of Thomas Smith was borne y® 11'*' of June 1676 Jofeph fon of William Chatterton was borne y® i of June 1676 ^f' Entry crossed out. 44 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Samuell Harriman fon of m"" John Harriman was borne y* 25'^ of June 1676 Elizabeth daughter unto m"" Thomas Trowbridg was borne y' 30 of June 1676 John Blacksley fon of John Blackfly was borne y^ 15 of July 1676 Hannah daughter to Jn° punderfon born the 29 July 1676 Mary daughter of Sammuell Ford was borne y® ii'*' of feptem- ber 1676 Efther daughter of Henry Briftow was borne y® 3 of October 1676 [67] Births of Chilldren in Newhauen W": Ruffell fon of Jn° Ruffell was born y« 2 Sep'' 1676 John fon of John Brockett was borne y® 23 October 1670 Abigail: daughter of John Culluer was born 13 None"" 1676 Elizabeth daughter of Daniell Sherman y^ 20 feptem 1676 Sarah daughter of Will Johnfon was borne 6 Noue"" 1676 Thomas y*^ fon of Eleazer Holte was born nouember 4*^ 1676 John : mixx fon of John mixx was borne y® 25 Auguft 1676 Sarah daughter of Nathan Andrews was borne ^j octob'" 1676 Mercy daughter of John Baffett was Borne y° 15 Decem"" 1676 Jofhua Tuttle fon of Tho: Tuttle was born: 19 Decemb'' 1676 Mercy Pardee daughter of Georg Pardee was born 16 January 1676 Nathaneell fon of John Downe was borne y" 2^^'^'' of Decem'" 1676 Sarah daughter of Samuell Tod was born 3 of feb"" 1676 Jofeph fon of Beniamin Pecke was borne y® 26 feb"": 1676 Elizabeth daughter of Jn° Glouer was borne y^ 23 february 1676 Theophilus fon of Samuell IMiels was born 17 march 1676/7 John fon of Samuell Clarke was Borne 23 of febru^ 1676 Abiah daughter of Jn° Parker was borne y" 26 march 1677 Mary daughter of Will Willmot borne y® 7 January 1676 Hanah daughter of Edmund Dormen borne i march 1676/7 Jofeph fon of Edward Granis was borne y* 12 march 1676/7 Martha daughter to Richard Little was borne 29 march 1677 Rachell daughter of Samuell Brown was borne 14 Aprill 1677 Samuell fon of Jn° Tom fon was borne i of may 1677 Annah daughter of Jofhua Culluer born 15*'' may 1677 Hannah daughter of Beniamin Bouden borne 6'*" may 1677 Thomas fon of Thomas Sanford was borne y* 25*'' may 1677 Sarah daughter of Mofes Manffield was borne y® 14 of June 1677 Allerto ftarr fon of Beniamin ftarr was born y® 6 day of January 1676 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 45 [68] The Names of perfons y' haue dyed in Newhauen Samuell fon of Jofeph Moff dyed 28 Aprill 1676 ^^ Sarah Trowbridg dyed y^ 20''' of March 1675/6 Elizabeth Nafh wife unto Jn° Nafh dyed y*" i of May 1676 mary wife of Jfaac Turner dyed y® 3 of May 1676 Rebecca Tuttle wife unto Jonathan Tuttle dyed y** 2 May 1676 Mary wife unto Tho barnes dyed y® Aprill 1676 Nicolas Pinion dyed Aprill 1676 Philip Leek dyed May 1676 Rog"" Ailing fon of famuell Ailing dyed 2' of May 1676 Elizabeth daughter of Jofhua Culuer dyed y® 2 of May 1676 Jn° Auftin fon of Jn^ Auftin dyed y^ 10 of february in y* 7'^ year of his age 1675 Entered 15 June 76 ^^ Mercy Auftin daughter to Jn° Auftin dyed y® 23 of January 1675 Johannah Joens Widdow dyed the fifth of Nouember 1675 Jofeph fon of william chatterton was borne the i of June 1676 '' Thomas Holte fon of William Holte dyed y^ 3 of June 1676 hither to Co : dark Eliza: Rofe widdow dyed 28 of July 1677 Sammuell fon 'of matthew moultrop [Dyed] 14'^ octob'" 1677 Annah daughter of Jofhua Culuer 8''' of Sep : 1677 John Gower dyed y® 8"^ of february 1677 Leonard Auftin dyed y^ 8 of march 1677/8 Sarah daughter of John Tod dyed 19 octo"": 1678 [69] The Names & time of birth of children in : N haven Daniell fon of Daniell Tomas was borne 14**^ february 1676 Daniell fon of will Collins borne 28 may 1677 Samuell fon of matthew moultrop was borne y^ 24 June 1677 Johannah daughter of John Beecher was borne y® 21 of July 1677 Daniell fon of John clarke borne y® 28 of June 1677 Hitherto to y® county clerk ^* Roger fon of Samuell Ailing y® 28 of July 1677 Ebenezer froft fon of Jn° fro ft y® 15 of Auguft 1677 Mary daughter of Jn°: Cooper y** 4: of Septemb"" 1677 Elizabeth daughter of Natha: Potter y* 30*^ Auguft: 1677 Elizabeth daughter of John Paine y® 2 of octo"": 1677 Efther Auger daughter of Robbert Augur y® 19 octo' 1677 11 Marginal note. ^2 Marginal note. 18 Entry crossed out. 1* Marginal note. 46 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS John fon of John Auftin was borne y^ 14^'^ of octo"" 1677 Thomas fon of Bartholemevv Jacobs 2 Nouem'" : 1677 Jofeph fon of Thomas Tallmadge y^ 2 Decem"" 1677 Nathaneell fon of John barnes y** 7^^ Nouem'" 1677 Samuell fon of Jofeph Jones y^ 6''' Nouem"" 1677 Abraham fon of Samuell Hemingway Decem"" 3 1677 Martha daughter to Jeremiah Hull y*" 25 Nouem"" 1677 Elizabeth daughter of Jn" Brockett 26 Nouem"" 1677 Jfaac fon of Abraham Dickerman y^ 7 Nouem"" 1677 Samuell fon of Jofeph Pecke was borne 29 Decem"" 1677 Mary daughter of Jn° Dauis was borne i January 1677 Annah daughter of Beniamin Bunnell 8 January 1677 Ebenezer* fon of Jofeph Manffield was borne 6 february 1677 Jn° fon of James Denifon was borne y*^ 6: of february 1677 Jofeph fon of Jofeph Bradly was borne y® 15 of february 1677 Samuell fon of Eliakim Hitchcocke borne y^^ march 1677/8 [70] The Names & Time of chilldren borne in Newhauen Hannah daughter of Beniamin Brocket born 19 march 1677/8 Hanah daughter of Jn° Thomas Junior born 20 Aprill 1678 Jedediah the fon of Nathan Andrews borne 14 May 1678 Sammuell fon of Samuell Smith borne y® 14'^ of May 1678 Hannah daughter of Jn° : Ailing Ju"" was born : 23 may 1678 John: Son of Jn° Perkins was borne y® 3 of June 1678 Jofeph fon of John Hafkins was borne 8^^ of June 1678 Samuel fon of Samuel whithead borne y* 9 of June 1678 The Name Jcabod blotted on y^ other fide was don upon y^ father Jofeph manffield his defyer who would haue him now recorded Ebenezer having changed y" name June 1678 Ann Harriman daughter of M"" John Harriman was borne v® 6 of July 1678 Sarah daughter of John Tod was borne 13 may 1678 Elizabeth daughter of Jofhua Culluer borne y® 21 Auguft 1678 Samuell fon of Zacheus Canbee borne y^ 24 of July 1678 Nathaneell fon of Nathaneell Hitchcock born 28 of July 1678 Samuell fon of William Johnfon was borne y* 3 Sepf 1678 Elizabeth daughter of Beniamin Bradly 11 Sep"" 1678 Sufannah daughter of Willia chatterton 17 Sep"" 1678 Mary daughter of Jn°: Tomfon fe"": was borne 16 of may 1678 Timothy fon of Jofeph Tuttle borne y* 30 of September 1678 John fon of m"" Joseph Tailor borne y^ 5"" f Octo"" 1678 Jofeph fon of Samuell Clarke borne y* 20'^ of octo"" 1678 Mary daughter of matthew ford born y^ 9 of Auguft 1678 John fon of Robbert Auger born y® 25 Noue"" 1678 Hannah daughter of Ebenezer Hill Sep' 1678 • First written "Jcabod." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 47 [71] Elizabeth Daughter of Henry Steuens was borne y® 10^'' of Decern'" 1678 Efther Daughter of John mixer was borne y^ 25 day of Decem- ber 1678 Dinah daughter of Daniell Tomas borne 26 Decern'' 1678 Jofeph fon of Samuell Tod borne 29'*^ of January 1678 Johana daughter of Thomas Smith borne: 17 Decem"" 1678 Thomas fon of Jn°: Punderfon born 15 January 1678 Mary Daughter of Sam" Baffett borne y® 14 february 1678 Ehphalet fon of Georg Pardy borne y® 26 Decem'' 1678 Martha daughter of Jofeph Jeuse born y** 5 of march 1678/9 Sarah daughter of Eleazer Holte y® 2 of Aprill 1679 Jofeph fon of Jofeph moff borne y^ 7"" of Aprill 1679 John fon of John Holt was borne y^ 23*'^ march 1678/9 Peter fon of Peter mallery borne y® 22 April 1679 Enos fon of Thomas Tallmadge borne 13 Aprill 1679 Mary Daughter of Jofhua Hodgkins borne y® 30 Aprill 1679 Thomas fon of John morris borne y^ 2 day of Aprill 1679 Mehitabell daughter of John Glouer i may 1679 Elizabeth daughter of Ebenezer Browne y® 13 of may 1679 John fon of John Tod borne y® 11'^ of may 1679 Efther daughter of Beniamin Peck born 1679 Martha daughter of Thomas Tuttle borne y® 23 of may 1679 Mary Daughter of m"" James Dauids y® 9*** of June 1679 Hannah daughter of Eliezer Beecher y® 23 of June 1679 Mary Daughter of Jn° froft born y® 27 July 1679 Nathan fon of John Benham borne y® 10 of July 1679 James fon of Jn° Culuer borne y^ 13 of June 1679 Sarah Daughter of Allen Baoll Ju'" y® 26 of Auguft 1679 Ruth Daughter of Jn° Downe borne y® 5*^ of July 1679 [72] The Names & time of pfons married in Newhauen Henry Steuens & Johanna Leeke were married by m"" Bifhop y® 6 of february 1677 Jofhua Ho f kins & mary Pardee wer marryed by Jn° Nafh y® 29 of Nouember 1677 Peter Mallery Ju'" and Elizabeth Trowbridge wer married y* 28 of may by De: good 1678 Allen Balle & Sarah Tomfon wer marryed by Jn° Nafh y® 24 of Nouem' 1678 John Balle & Sarah Glouer wer marryed y® 11'^ of Decem"" by Jn° Nafh 1678 Daniell Burr & Abigail Glouer were marryed y* 11*'' of Decern"" by Jn° Nafh 1678 Samuell Hodgkins and Sarah Tallmadge were marryed y* : 18 : March by Jn° Nafh 1678/9 M"" James Dauid & Bathfhua How were marryed the 23 of October before m' James Bifhop afst 1667 48 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Simon Heyers & Elizabeth Starr wer marryed y® 22^*^ of July before Jn° Nafh Afist 1679 Phillip Paine & Mary Nafh wer marryed y^ i of January before mee Jn° Nafh 1679 Jn° Potter & mary Ruffell wer married by M"" W" Joens y* 29''' Decem" 1679 hither to y® County Clerk^* Jofeph morris & Efther Winfton marryed the 2 of June before m"" James Bifhop 1680 [73] The Names of pfons and y® time of theyer manage in N-hauen Enfigne Jn° miels & mary All f up the 2 day of Nouember before Jn" : Nafh 1680 Richard Sperry and Martha Manffield the 16^'^ day of Decern' before m"" James Bifhop 1680 John Hill & Hannah Grannis wer marryed by m"" William Jones y* 13'^ of January 1680 Jofeph Smith & Lydia Briftow wer marryed y^ 6 of May 1680 before Jn° Nafh 1680 Ralph Loines & Abiah Baf fett were marryed the ^'/^'^ of Aprill before Jn° Nafh 1681 Jonathan Atwater & Ruth Peck wer marryed y^ i day of June by m"" Richard Law of Stamford 1681 John Row & Abigale Allsup were married y® 14 of July before Jn° Nafh 1681 Jn° Watfon & Elizabeth Hudfon wer marr^^ed y® 30'^'' day of march by m"" James Bifhop 1681 Jn° Prout & mary Hall wer marryed the 23'^ of Auguft before Jn° Nafh 1681 Miels Maruin & Hannah Miles wer marryed y® 20^*^ of Sep- tem'" before m'' Will Jones 1681 hitherto to County Clerke Nouem"" 1681 John fon of John Row borne y® 23*^ October 1681 ^^ Georg fon of Samuell Smith borne y® 4 octo"" 1681*^ [74] The time and Names of perfons that haue dyed in New hauen L' Sammuell mieles y® 24 Decern'" 1678 old Richard Johnfon y® 25 of march 1679 Jofeph fon of Samuell Tod y® 22 march 1678/9 Benia : Brockett dyed y® 22 may 1679 y® Wife of William Gibbons June 1679 Timothy Tuttle fon of Jofeph Tuttle dyed y® 21"" of Nouem"^ Anno 1678 Jn° Glouer dyed y® 29 of January 1679 1* Marginal note. 1' Entry crossed out. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 49 hither to y® County Clerk^® Ephraim How dyed y^ 8"" of Septem'" 1680 Jofiah foil of Jn" Paine dyed y® 16"^ of Septem"" 1680 EHzabeth y® wife of Jn° Harriman dyed y^ lo'** January 1680 Jn°: Punderfon dyed y® ii^*" day of february 1680 y^ wife of Timothy ford dyed y^ 2$^^ of July 1681 Richard fon of Mofes Manffeild dyed y^^ of Auguft 1681 Martha daughter [of] Phillip paine 15 Nouemb"" 168 1 Thomas Powell dyed y*" 3 of October 1681 hitherto to y** County Clark Nouem"" 1681 Jeremiah Whitnell dyed y*' ii*^^ of march 1681/2 Jofhua fon of Jonathan Atwater dyed 16"^ of march 1681/2 Sarah Daughter of Jn° Tod dyed 26 of June 1682 Elizabeth wife of Samu" Ailing dyed y® 8'^ Decem"" 1682 hitherto giuen to County Clerk [75] The time and Names of Perfons that haue died in New hauen Mercy wife of Jn" Austin Buried y*" 14"' day of Aprill 1683 William Thomfon dyed y® 24'^'^ day of Aprill 1683 A child of Jn° Auftins dyed y® 18 Aprill 1683 Caleb fon of Nathan Andrews dyed y° 3^^ of July 1683 Mary Ailing widdow dyed y'' 16^^ of Auguft 1683 Mary daughter of Thomas Tuttle dyed y^ 12"^ August 1683 fufanna daughter of Jn° Ailing Junior dyed y® of October 1683 Sarali Daughter of Sam" Todd dyed y® i of Nouemb*" 1683 John Harriman fe"" dyed y® 21"^ Nouem'' 1683 Mercy daughter of Jn" Auftin dyed 27*^ octob"" 1683 Mary Daughter of Jfaac Turner y® 12'*" Decemb"" 1683 Elizabeth Whitnell widdow dyed y® 6^'' of octob"" 1683 hitherto giuen into y® County Clerk y® 4 of march 83/4 Elizabeth daughter of W" Johnfon dyed 27 february 1683 Lidia Daughter of Samuel Loines dyed 28 of May 1683 Edward Ruffell fon of Mary Ruffell alias Potter being about 10 years old dyed y® 3*^ of Auguft 1684 Hannah daughter of Ralph Loines Ju"" was borne y^ 28*'" July 1684^^ Timothy ford dyed y® 28'^ of Auguft 1684 John Sackett fenio'' dyed 3 feptember 1684 W-" Baffett dyed y« 29 Auguft 1684 Mary daughter of m"" Jn° Harriman dyed y® 23'^ of Septem' 1684 Mercy wife of George Pardee dyed y® 13'^* of Auguft 1684 Elizabeth Tuttle widdow dyed y® 30''* day of Decemb"" 1684 16 Marginal note. 1^ Entry crossed out. 4 go NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Mathew fon of Mathew Gilbert dyed y^ lo^'' of February 1684 Abigail Daughter [of] Th" fanford dyed 8 march befor i m" old 1684/5 hitherto to y^ county clerk June lo^*" 1685 [76] The time and y^ Names of perfons that haue been borne in New hauen Mary Daughter of Ely Robbert y^ 2 of Sep"": 1679 Jofiah fon of Jn° Paine born y® 21 Sep'. 1679 frauncis fon of famuell brown y" 7 octo"" 1679 Hannah Daughter of Jn°: Baffett borne y® 2<^ octo"" 1679 Eliphalet fon of Henry Briftow born y^ 2 of octo"" 1679 Samuell fon of Nathanell potter was borne y^ 3 of October 1679 Abigail daughter of Jn° Cooper Ju"" was borne y® 3 of Octo** 1679 Thomas fon of Henry Brooks borne y® 2.']^'^ day of march 1679 Beniamin fon of Beniamin Bunnell borne 29 Nouem"" 1679 Samuell y® fon of matthew moultrop y^ 13 Aprill 1679 Willia fon of Thomas sanford y® 29 of Nouem"" 1679 Thomas son of william willmot y* 21 of feptem'' 1679 Mary Daughter of Thomas Barns borne 21 of Nouem"" 1679 Sarah daughter of Will: Collins borne y® 31 Decem"" 1679 Elizabeth Daughter of Jn° Clark borne 8 January 1679 Mary Hodgkins Daughter of Sam" Hodgkins was borne y' I of January 1679 Mary Daughter of John Sperry was borne 16*^ January 1679 Elizabeth daughter of Sam" ford borne y® 19 of februar}^ 1679 Samuell fon of Daniell Sherman IxDrn y^ 27 Jan'"y 1679 James fon of Jofeph Pecke borne y^ 17*^^ of february 1679 Jofia fon of Jn° Tomas borne y* 15 of January 1679 Mary Daughter of Sam" Loins borne 29 of January 1679 [77] The time and Names of children borne in N hauen Theophilus fon of Samu" Ailing born y* 17*'' febru'^y 1679 Auftin fon of Jn° Smith borne y® 14 of february 1679 Hannah: Daughter of Sam" Tod borne 17''' februa'^ 1679 Elizabeth Daughter of Phillip Allcocke y* 6*'' of febua'"^' 1679 Sufanna Daughter of Jofeph Tuttle borne y® 20'^^ february 1679 A'bigale Daughter of Jn°: Tomfon borne y® 24 februry 1679 Rebecca Daughter of Abraham Dickerman was borne y^ 27'^ of february 1679 Gideon fon of Nathan Andrews borne y® 9*'' of march 1679/80 Steuen fon of Jn° Perkins borne y® 7**^ Aprill 1680 hither to y® county dark Mofes fon of Jn°: Brockett borne y® 23*'' of Aprill 1680 Mary Daughter of will : John fon borne y® i Aprill 1680 Mercy Auftin Daugh : of Jn° Auftin born y« 17''^ Aprill 1680 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 51 Jfraell fon of Jn° Barns borne y^ 22"^ of Aprill 1680 James Heton had a fon Recorded formerly borne y^ 25'** of march as may bee feene in looking backe in y** Records of 1676: which for reafons mouing him thereunto he after Named Seth and now doth record his name Seth 1676 Theophilus fon of James Heton & Sufana daughter of James Heton born y^ 12'^ Aprill 1680 Mary Daughter of Edmund Dorman born y® 12*^ of may 1680 Eliphalett fon of Jn°: Ball borne y^ 2unio'' was borne y^ 3'^ of march 1686/7 Samuell fon of Samuell Baf fett born y^ 16'^'' march 1686/7 John fon of Jofeph Jues born y® 18''' January 1686 Steuen fon of John Mix born y^ 24'^^ of march 1686/7 Daniel fon of Sam" Tod was born y^ 14"' march 1686/7 Defyer daughter of John Morris borne y® 29"^ of march 1687 James Paine fon of Jn° Paine borne y® 6'^ of Aprill 1687 Jnt hith"" ^th ^^jgt J 53-7 Birth entred Since Daniell Loines borne y® 24^"^ of December 1686 being y® Son of Sam" Loines Elizabeth Mallary borne y® 27"^ of Aprill 1687 being y° daugh- ter of Peeter Malary Jun"" Phebe Loines daughter of Ralph Loynes, Jun'' borne y® 18^^ of June 1687 [93] Births in Newhaven Thomas y® son of Thomas Barns waf born July 26^^ 1687 Hannah Jones daughter of Nath" Jones borne the Six of May 1687 Experience Thomas daughter of Daniell Thomas Borne y® 17'^ of Aprill 1687 Mary Thompson daughter of W™ Thompson Borne Tuesday y® 13 of Sepf 1687 Joseph y® fon of Thomas Kernes was borne the 4*'^ of Aug' 1687 Anne y® Daughter of John Talmage borne the 15*^^ day of Auguft 1687 Desire y® daughter of Benjamin Peck borne the 26''' day of Auguft 1687 John y® fon of John Mallary borne the Sixt day of September 1687 Joseph Sperry y® fon of Richard fperry Jun' was borne y® 2(f°- day of October 1687 [ ] Rufsell y® fon of Joseph Rufsell was borne y® iS'*" day of Novemb*" 1687 Sarah y® Daughter of Serg" John Ball waf born Sep*^ 26 1687 Thomas Mix y® Son of Caleb Mix borne the 18'^ day of December 1685 Caleb Mix y« Son of Caleb Mix borne the 2'j'^'^ of September 1687 62 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Abigail y^ daughter of John Mix was borne y® 17'** day of Aprill 1687 Entred hither [94] Births in Newhauen Hannah y" Daughter of fam" ffoord was born the 16'^*' of September 1687 Mary y" daughter of Benjamin Bradley was borne the is''' of Aprill 1687 Lydia the daughter of M"" Richard Rof swell was Borne the 21'^'' day of Auguft 1687 Daniell y*^ fon of Thomas Mallary was borne on the fecond day of January 1687 Joseph y*' fon of Jofeph Rufsell was borne the of 1687 Steeven y" fon of John Roe was borne on the Sixt day of June 1687 Thankfull Trowbridge daughter of W"" Trowbridge Jun"" was borne the 25"^ of Sepf 1687 Ebenezer y*" Son of Searg'^ John Allin was Borne y® 22'^ of November 1687 Elizabeth y*' Daughter of Nathaniell Thorp Jun"" was borne the Sixt day of March 1687/8 Abigaile y^ daughter of John Bafset was borne y® 15''' day of March 1687/8 fufanna y® Daughter of M"" John Prout was borne the 8'*^ day of May 1688 Mathew the fon of m"" mathew gilbert waf borne 15 of march 1688 [95] Births in New haven Miriam y" daughter of Samuell Blaxley was borne y® Second day of May Anno 1688 Jemima y® Daughter of Serg' Thomas Talmage was borne y^ 11''' of fifebruary 1686 Keziah the daughter of Serg*^ Thomas Talmage was borne y® 27'^ of Aprill 1688 Ebenezer y® Son of W"* Johnson was borne the i5'*' of Aprill Anno 1688 Mehitabell y® Daughter of John BriftoU was borne y® 29'^ of June 1688 W™ Luddingtton was borne the 25"^ day of Sepf 1686 Steeven y*^ Son of M'' Thomas Trowbridge Junio"" was borne y® y^^ day of Septemb'' 1688 Marv the daughter of John Thomas Jun'" was borne May the <^'^ 1687 Anne y° daughter of M"" John Trowbridge was borne the 20*'' day of July 1688 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 63 Nathaniell y^ Son of Samuell Humerfton was Borne the 2i''» of September 1688 James y* fon of Nath" Bradley was Borne the 12^^ of October 1688 Anna the Daughter of Daniell Barnes was Borne the 15'^ of Aprill 1688 Anne y" Daughter of w'" Robberts was Bom febuary 2'^ 1688 [96] Mariages The names of Perfons & time of their marriage Daniell Barnes & mary Tapen were marry ed the 13'^ of January 1686 Certified by m'' Giles Hamlin Afist" 1686 Benjamin Robins & Sarah Brooks were lawfully maryed the 29^^^ day of Aug^ 1687 by W"' Jones Afsift^ Andrew Morrison & Sarah Jones were lawfully maryed togethe the 21'" day of October 1687: By & before W™ Jones Afsift^ 1687 John Rufsell & Hannah Molthrop were lawfully maryed together the 17'*^ of Aug' 1687 by & before W™ Jones Afs'. 1687 Jofeph Rufsell & Jane Blackman were lawfully maryed the 12"^ of June 1687: by & before me W"' Jones. Benjamin Jones & Hannah Browne were maryed the 30''* of Nov"" 1687. before me W™ Jones Juftice of peace Nath" Woodden & Martha facket Maryed before y^ Juftices in fefion the of December 1687 Nath" Bradley & Ruth Dickerman were maryed the of 1687/8 before & by me W"" Jones Sam" Newman & Elizabeth Rofe were Maryed the 15'^ day of ffebr"^ 1687/8 before & by me V^^ Jones Joseph Thomas & Abigaile Pre f ton were Maryed the 21''' day of March 1687/8 by & before me W" Jones W™ Baldwin & Ruth Brooks were lawfully Maryed the fecond day of July 1688 by & before me W'" Jones Jofeph Pardy & Elizabeth Yale maryed y® 30''' day of Jan^ 1688/9 By "^6 me W"*' Jones Juftice of Peace and Court [97] Mariages Caleb Chidsey & Anne Thompson were maryed the 10*'' day of May 1688 by & before M"" James Bifhop Juftice of peace M"" jchobod Stow And Mary Attwater were maryed the 22**" day of October 1688 by me W™ Jones Juftice of peace James Trowbridge & Lydia Alfop were maried the Eight day of Nov'" 1688 by Mr James Bifhop Juftice of peace Enfigne Yale of Wallingford & Sarah Nafh were mar}'ed by M"" James Bifhop Juftice of peace the 8^^ of fifebru- ary 1688/9 John Allen Jun"": & Abigaile Crannis were maryed y® 20'^ day of March 1688/9 By M"" James Bifhop Jufice of [peace] 64 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS M"" Thomas Trowbridge fen"" & M" Hannah Ball were Maryed ye 2^ day of Aprill 1689 by M"" James Bifhop Jufict of peace M"" Patrick ffalconer & m^ Hannah Jones were maryed according to law by M"" James Bifhop Dep Gov'' the 2d day of October 1689 Ebenezer Sperry & Abigaile Dickerman were maryed accord- ing to law by & before W"" Jones Afsift The 21''' day of January 1689/90 [98] Manages John Parker & Jane Malby were maryed the 4'^'' of March 1689/90 by me W" Jones Afsiff^ John Chatterton & Mary Clements were maryed the laft of Aprill 1690 by W" Jones Affift' Nath'^ Bifhop & Sarah Grannis were maried y^ 28''' day of Aprill 1690 by me W" Jones Afsift' John Makey & Mary Thorp were maryed the 6"^ of May 1691 by m W"^ Jones Afsift' Samuell Attwater & Sarah Allin were maryed the 7''' day of July 169 1 by me W™ Jones Afsift Samuel Downe & Christian Pinion were maryed y® firft of July 169 1 by M"" W"^ Malby Commifsion"" The Reverend M"" James Pierpont & M" Abigaile Davenport were maryed y® 27"" of October 1691 By me W"" Jones Dep' C James Trowbridge & Hefter How were maryed by M'" W"* Malby Comifs"" y® 29'*^ of fepf 1691 Nath" Thorp Sen'' & farah Robins were maried y^ lo"" of December 1691 by me W Jones D G Jofeph Tuttle & Elizabeth famford were maried att Milford by y^ Gov"" lo"* of Novemb*" 1691 Jchn Gilbert & Mary Jves were maried the 21"^ of January 1691/2 by me W"" Jones D: G Ebenezer Attwater & Abigaile Heaton Maried by me W J D G in December y* 1691 Sam" Clark & Rebecka Browne were maried the 23"* of fTfeb' 1 69 1/2 by W"" Jones D G John Potter Jun'' & Elizabeth Hall were maried the 23"^ of febr: 1691/2 by me W Jones D G"" M"" Sampfon & Betty Jo'* Yales negroes maried 2 of febr 1691 [99] P Contra'^ Cr'= by Alination paffed To Samuell Hodgeis i houfe and home Lott at a Court March 2'^: 1651/52 for 11 acres i^' divifsio to Ed Parker & Jeremiah How May 4''' : 52 for 6 acres land i^' divifion to Tho : Wheeler pafsed may 4*'' 1652 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 65 [100] Samuel Hodgies Folio ffor I houfe and home lott bought of John Tompfon pa f fed at a Court the 2.^ of March 165 1 152 [97a] John y^ fon of John Humberfton waf born October 24, 1686 Lidiah y* Daughter of John Humberfton waf born aprill i^* 1689 Sarah & Mary y'' daughter of John Humberfton waf born aprill 8: 1693 James y'' fon of John Humberfton waf born May 7'*^ 1696 [98a] See first part of book. The Honara*^' William Jones esquire Deceased October 17*'^: 1706: M" Hannah Jonef (y** Daughter of the Honara'^' Theophilus €aton) Deceafed may 4^'' 1707 & the wife of y*^ Honar^' william Jonef esqur m'" John potter deceafed December 24 1706 M'' John Thomson Deceased June 2.^ anno 1707 M" Hannah Trowbridge widow Relict of Thomas Trow- bridg esqur Deceased feb^ : 3*^ 1707/8 Lidiah y'' Daughter of m'' Jonathan Atwater deceafed march 30^'' anno 1708 John y'' Son of Sam" Atwater deceased aprill 29'^* 1707 M"" Samuell gaskell Deceased att newhauen December 22*^ 1706 [99a] Manages John ffroft Jun'" & Abigaile Barnes Maried the 20''' of Aug' 1691 by me W. J. Dep*^ 1691 M"" John Paine & Jemima Alfop maryed y^ 24*'' day of March 1691/2 by me W" Jones Dep* G"" 1691/2 Joseph Lynes & Abigaile John fon were maryed the 30'^ day of March 1692 by me W J Dep*^ G'' John Moulthrop & Abigaile Bradley were maryed the 29''' of June 1692 by me W Jones D. G. 1692 Thomas Tuttle Jun*" & Mary Samford were maried the 28'^'' day of June 1692 by Gov"" Treat 1692 Nath" Kimberly Jun"" of Hannah Downes were Maryed the 22'^ of Sepf 1692 before me W. J. D. G"" 1692 Nath" yale & Ruth Bishop were maryed the 11*'' day of October 1692 by M*" John Mofs 1692 Jsaack Jones & Deborah Clark were maryed at ftratford the 21*^ of Nov"" 1692 by W" Jones Dp Gov*" 1692 W" Willmot & Mary Chid fey both of Newhaven were Maryed by M"- W" Malby Comifs'" the 20''' of Octob'' 1692 Henry Toles & Dorothy Thomas were maried y® 13*** day of Aprill 1693 by me W'" Jones Dp Gov"" 1693 66 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Caleb Chidfey & Hannah Dickerman were maryed by Cap* Manffield Afsift' y° 6*^ of July 1693 John Gilbert & Mary Jones were maried the 20'^ of Jan''^ 1691/2 ^* John Munfon & Sarah Cooper were Married the lo'*' day of November by M"" John Mofs 1692 Jofeph Clark & Elizabeth Lane were maried by M"" John Mofs Comifs"" in May 1693 Jnt hith' [looa] Marriages See first end John Tuttle & Mary Burroughs were maryed the 29"^ of May 1689 at New London by Cap' Mory Comifsion*" 1689 M"" Nath" Waad & M" Mary Davenport were maryed the 21''' day of May 1694 by W™ Jones Dp Gov'" 1694 The Rev** M"" James Peirpont & M" farah Haynes were maryed at Hartford by L*. Col. Allen Afsift' y^ 30"^ of May 1694 Thomas Hum^'fton & Elizabeth Samford were maried at Wallingford by M' Jo° Mofs Com^ y« 31*'^ of May 1694 Entred hith"" Joseph Dorman & Mary Willmot were lawfully Maryed by Eliezer ftone Com'' Aug' 24'^ 1693 entred 31. July '94 Daniell Sperry & Deborah Peck were maried at Lime by m*" V^"" Eely Com' y« 3*^ day of Aprill 1694 Ebenezer Downes & Mary Vmberfeild were maryed by Majo"" Manffeild on y^ 28'^ day of Novemb"" 1694 M' John Hud f on & M" Elizabeth Trowbridge were maried the fift of Aprill 1691 by M"" W" Jones D. G 1691 Entred hith"" in y® County Records will wooden and Jane hollin ware maryed y® 26 of June by m"" John moss comisomer': 1695 Sam" Bifhop and hanah Talma dg widdow were maryed by m' Jones Dep gov november 14'^ 1695 Sam" Thompson and Rebecka Bifhope were maryed y® fame day by m"" Jonef Dp gov november 14: 1695 given to y® County Recorder [loi] Births att Newhaven Thomas y® fon of Enos Talmadge was Borne the 7"^ of Decem- ber 1688 Ruth y® daughf of Jonathan Attwater was born the la ft day of December 1688 Daniell the fon of Nathinell Potter was Borne the firft day of January 1688/9 18 Entrr crossed out and the words "Entered before" written above it. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 67 Thankfull y^ daughter of Eliezer Beecher was borne the 10*^ day of March 1688/9 Ebenezer the Son of Nathaniell Hitchcock was borne att New haven y^ 9^*" day of Aprill 1689 Sufanna y^ daughter of Ebenez Blakeley was borne the 21" of May 1689 James y^ fon of John Talmage was borne on tuesday y® ii^'' of June 1689 Sarah y*" daughter of Andrew Morrifon was borne on Sabeth day y^ 7*'' of July 1689 Jofeph y® Son of John Briftow was Borne y® 9*'' day of Aug' 1689 Phineas y® fon of Sam" Clark was borne the 2']'^'^ day of June 1687 Abigaile y® Daughter of Sam" Clark was borne the fixt day of Sept^ 1689 John y« Son of Jofeph Pardy 20"" of Octob"" 1681 Thomas fon of John Johnfon borne 12"^ Jan^ 1689/90 [102] Births in Newhaven Mary the daughter of Jofeph Peck was borne On ffryday y* Sixt day of October 1689 Mary daughter to John Perkins borne y® 9^** of Octob' 1689 Alice y® daughter of Ralfe Lines Jun' borne y® 27**^ of February 1688/9 Benjamin a pofthume Child of Benjamin Lines Deced Borne y« 8"^ of Nov"" 1689 Ebenezer the Son of Abraham Bradley was borne y® 9'^^ day of November 1689 John Y Son of John Hill borne y® 5' of Nov"" 1687 [9?] Mehitabell y® daughter of John Woolcot was borne y® 30*^ of November 1689 John y^ Son of M' John Prout was borne at Newhaven the 19''' of November 1689 James y® Son of James Trowbridg was borne y^ 13*** day of Sept' 1689 Abigaile y® daughter of John Allen Jun' was borne y® 9*'^ of January 1689/90 Rebecka y^ daughter of John Cooper was borne y® day of Sarah y® Daughter of Jeremy Osbourne was Borne y* 19'^ of May 1689 Abigaile y® daughter of Sam" Tod was Borne the 27'^^ day of January 1689/90 Abigaill y® Daughter of Zachrus Cande waf bom aprill 1689 [103] Births in Newhaven Theophilus y® Son of Nathaniell Jones was borne on tuefday the 18 of y« i" Moneth or March 1690 68 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Obadiah y® fon of Daniel Hofkifs was borne on thurfday the 20th of y* i'' Month or March 1690 Prisilla y^ daughtor of Joshua Hofkifs was borne the 10*^ day of December 1688 Hannah y° daughter of M'' Thomas Trowbridge fen"" was borne Sabath day y'' 30"" of March 1690 George y^ Son of Georg Pardy Jun"" was borne the day of Abraham y^ Son of John Charles borne y** 8'*^ day of Aprill 1690 Aaron y® Son of Thomas Mallary was borne y*" 10^^ day of March 1689/90 laft pa ft Anne the daughter of Samuell Burwell was borne y® 19^'' of June 1689/90 Jsraell y'' fon of Benjamin Bunnell was borne the 12'^'' day of March 1689/90 Ruth y^ Daughter of Samuell Lines was borne y® 27 of ffebru- ary 1689/90 John y® fon of Sam" Bafset was borne on Munday y^ 3^ day of March 1690 Experience y'' Daughter of W"" Trowbridge Jun'" was born on Sabath day y* 25*^ of May 1690 Mary y*' Daughter of John Winfton Jun"" borne 12''' of March: 1688 Steeven & Daniell The Twin fons of John Winfton Jun"" borne the 18'^ of Auguft 1690 Anne y® Daughter of Jonathan pirkins waf born nouem*^"" 5 1690 mary y" Daugter of L' John Sacket waf born march i 1690 [104] Births in Newhaven Elizabeth the daughter of M"" Richard Rofewell was Borne y* 5' day of September 1690 Joseph y® fon of Cap* John Miles was borne the 25"^ day of Octob'' 1690 Josiah Son of m'' will Thomson born december y" last 1689 Abigaile y® Daughter of Ebenezer fperry borne the 9'^'^ day of December 1690 Jonathan y® fon of Jonathan Attwater borne y® 4*^*^ of Nov"" 1690 John y® fon of Allen Ball was borne Aprill y® 1^^^ 1649 Hannah y® daughter of John Ball was borne Jan''^ y* 12*'' 1689/90 Steeven the fon of Serg* John Allin was borne y® fourth day of March 1689/90 Robert y*^ fon of Duncan Garnock was borne in Jan'' 1690/91 Benjamin y^ fon of Thomas Smith was borne y® 21^' of Novem- ber 1690 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 69 Ruth y* Daughter of Nathaniell Bradley was borne y^ 23"" of January 1690/91 Sarah y^ daughter of Nath" Mix was borne the 12*'' of Janu- ary 1690 /91 Jonathan the Son of Sam" Blakeley was borne the Sixt day of January 1690/91 Elizabeth y*" Daughtor of Michaell Tod was borne the 12^^ of ffebruary 1690/91 Silence y^ daugher of Sam" Hummorfton was borne about ye ^th Qf ffebr'"^ 1690/91 Mary the daughter of M'" Thomas Trowbridge Jun"" was borne the 9*'' of Aprill 1691 Jofeph y^ Son of m"" mathew gilbert waf born May 21^' 1691 [105] Burialls The names of pfons y* have Died in New haven John Chidfey Deacon of y® Church of Chrift in New haven died y^ 31''' of December 1688 Sarah Tod y® wife of John Tod died in Child bed the 16 day of December (& y^ Infant a daughf died fom day before) 1688 Ralph Lines Sen"" Deced y^ 7^*" of Sepf 1689 Alice y" Daughter of Ralph Lines Jun"" died ye 18'*" of Nov"" 1689 Benjamin Lines died y® 26'*^ of July 1689 John Cooper Sen"" Dyed y** 23'^ of November 1689 John y® fon of Jofeph Pardy dyed about y® 27'*^ of Octob"" 1689 Helena Thomson wid died y® 8'^^ of Aprill 1690 Tabitha Thomas wid died about Aprill y® i^' 1690 Sam" Whited Dyed Sepf 1690 John Auftin dyed 1690 Jofeph Tuttle died fepf 1690 John Osbill dyed 1690 M"" John Hodfon dyed Octob"" 1690 John Gibbs dyed 1690 Edw*^ Keely dyed Novemb"" 1690 John Man f field dyed Decemb' 22"^ 1690 Mary Mallary dyed Decemb'" 1690 Sam" Benham dyed Novemb"" 1690 W'" Trowbridge Dyed Nov*" 1690 Sam" Heaton Dyed Decemb"" 1690 Nicholas Elfye dyed 20**^ of December 1690 The wife of Edward Prefton dyed 28'^ of December 1690 [106] The names of pfons y^ have Dyed in Newhaven Sarah Trowbridge Dyed y® 29*'' of Dec"" 1690 Benjamin Jones Dyed y® 30^"^ of December 1690 Eliezer Beecher Child dyed y^ 31 lo'^'" 1690 r NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Sam" Johnfons Child dyed y^ i^' of Jan"' 1690 John Charles Dyed Novemb"" 1690 John ffrofts Child dyed 1690 John ffrofts oth"" Child dyed 1690 Jofeph Jves Child dyed 1690 Martha y^ daughter of Thomas Tuttle dye y® 21^*' of Jan'' 1690 Sam" Hmnmerfton dyed y® 26 of Jan"^^ 1690 Jeremy How dyed y^ 6''' of Jan'"^ 1690 Jofeph Alfop Jun"" dyed y« 12^'' of Jan''^ 1690 John Beechers daughf dyed 1690 Allin Ball fon of AUin Ball died at Newhaven the 21 of Sept^ 1689 Dorothy Ball his wife died y^ 22''' of february 1689/90 Hefter y^ wife of Nathan fmith died y^ 9^^" of febr'' 1690/91 Lydia the wife of James Trowbridge dyed y® ^^^ day of May 1690 Mathew Molthrop dyed y^ 1°' day of ffebruary 1690/91 Thomas Mallary dyed y^ 15^^ of ffebr^ 1690/91 Robrt y** fon of duncan Garnock dyed 15''' ffebr' 1690/91 M"" James Bishop died y® 24''' of June 1691 M""^ Hefter Cofter died the 5^^ day of Aprill 1691 M'' Henry glouer died September y^ 2^ 1689 M""^ Hannah glouer died March y'^ i'^ 1697/8 [107] Newhaven Births entred from May 6''' 1691 Abigaile y'' daughter of John Watfon was borne at Newhaven the ^^^ of June 1687 Hannah y^ daughter of John Wattfon was borne att Newhaven the II''' of fifebr 1689/90 Nathaniell y** Son of John Bishop was borne y® iS'** March 1691 John y® Son of John Bafset was borne y^ 11*'' day of July 1691 Margaret y® daughter of M"" Andrew Morrifon was borne the 16'^'' of Aug* 169 1 famuell y® fon of Deacon Jo*" Penderson was borne the 20**' of September 169 1 Defire y" Daughter of Benjamin Bradley was borne y® 19''' of Aprill 1690 John y® fon of John Sperry borne the third day of December 1691 Ralph y« Son of Ralph Lines was borne the 23*'' day of Septem- ber 1690 John y® Son of Jacob Robinfon was borne on the third of December 1691 Samuell y^ fon of John Bracket was borne y® S'** of Novemb' 1691 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 71 John y" fon of John Humerfton borne y® 24}-^ of Octob"" 1686 Lidya y® daughter of John Humerfton borne Aprill y^ i" 1689 Daniell y® Sonne of Daniell Barnes was borne y*" 25^^ day of January 169 1/2 Elizabeth y® Daughter of Sam" Allen fen^ was born the day of November 1691 Abigaile the pofthume daughter of Nath" Jones Deced was borne y^ 26^'' of March 1692 [108] Births Abigaile y^ Daughter of Sam" Tuttle was borne the 4*^ of Aprill 1692 Mercy y** Daugher of John Ball was borne the 5'*^ of Aprill 1692 John y® fon of Thomas Talmage was borne the ii^*^ day of Aprill 1692 Mercy y^ daughter of John Mix was borne the 16'*^ of Aprill 1692 Mary y® Daughter of John Chatterton was borne the y^ 28"^ of Aprill 1692 Rebecka y® daughter of Samuell Burwell was borne y® 13'*^ of May 1692 Abigaile y^ Daughter of John Bifhop was borne the of 1692 Samuell y^ fon of Sam" Attwater was borne y® 14**^ of July 1692 Judith y^ Daughter of Peeter Mallary Jun'" borne the 2^ of Sepf 1689 Benjamin y^ fun of Peeter Mallar>^ borne y^ 3*^ day of Aprill 1692 John y® fon of Serg* Thomas Talmage was borne the lo^*^ day of Aprill 1692 Patrick y^ pofthume son of M"" Patrick ffalconar late of Newark New Eaft Jerfy desed was borne in New haven in New England the 12^^ of Aug* 1692 Thomas the fon of Jofeph Ofbourne was borne the 23*^ of July 1692 Jonathan y® fon of Jeremy Ofbourne was borne the 29*'' of March 1692 John y® fon of peter Carrington waf born July 10 1692 [109] Births Benjamin y^ Son of John Barnes was borne on y^ 24"^ day of Auguft 1693 Nath" Kimberly Jun'' & Hannah downes^ Benjamin y« fon of Benjamin Bradley was borne the firft of October 1692 1 Entry crossed out. 72 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Mary the daughter of Nath" : Hitchcock was borne the twenti- eth of July 1692 Abram y° fon of Samuell Bafset was borne the 9"' day of november 1692 Mercy the daughtor of Samuell Tod was borne the 25''' of November 1692 Jonathan y" fon of John fmith was borne y® 27''' day of October 1692 John y'= fon of John Thompfon farn/ Jun"" was borne the ii"" day of October 1692 Rebecka y^ daughter of famuell Clark Jun"" was borne the y^'^ of December 1692 Jofeph y® Son of Jofeph Tuttle was borne the lo'*' of Nov' 1692 Elizabeth y® Daughter of M"" Thomas Trowbridge Jun'' was borne the 29'^ day of March 1693 Lydia y" Daughter of Jonathan Attwater was borne the iS'*' day of April! 1693 Ebenezer the fon of Joseph Peck was borne in New haven y® 2'^ day of May 1693 Joseph y^ fon of Joseph Pardy was borne y^ 9th of Aug* 1693 Ebenezer y^ Son of Ebenezer f perry was borne the 18'^ day of ffebruary 1692/3 Thomas y® Son of Charles Plodge was born at Lyme July 12*'' 1692 [no] Births in Newhaven Sarah y® Daughtor of Nathaniell f perry was borne the 17*"^ of Janu^ 1685 Rachell y® Daughf of Nath" Sperry was borne y® 2'' of Octob"" 1688 Rebecka the daughter of Nath" fperry was borne y® 28'' of March 1690 Samuell y® fon of Isaack Jones was borne on Wednesday or 4**" day y^ 20''' of September 1693 David y® fon of Nath" Yale was born y^ 21^' of feptemb"" 1693 Anna y® Daughter of m"" Andrew Morrifon was borne y® fourth of November 1693 John y" fon of John Bifhop was borne y^ i^' of Novem'^'" 1693 Abigaile y® daughter of W" Trowbridge was borne y^ 4''' of Novemb"" 1693 Lydia y® daughter of Eleazer Holt was borne the of 1693 Thefe 4 wer baptized toguth"" Nov"" y® 5*^^ 1693 W" y® fon of W™ Willmot was borne y® 24**^ of July 1693 Elizabeth y® Daughter of Sam" Downes was borne y° 28*^ day of Auguft 1693 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 73 John y® Son of John Gilbert was borne y** 9"" of October 1692 Benjamin y*" fon of Michaell Tod was borne the y® 19''' of Nov"" 1693 farah the daughter of Ebenezer Chidfey was borne y® 8'^ of Dec"" 1659 John y** fon of Eben'" Chedfey borne y® 6^^ of Nov'' 1691 EHzabath y'' daughter of Ebenezer Chidfey borne y® 6''' of febr^ 1692/3 Daniell y® fon of nath" finch was Borne may y*" 19'^'^ 1694 [hi] Births in Newhaven Samuell y® Son of Jofeph Prindle borne y® 11^^ of Novemb' 1693 Sarah y^ Daughter of L' John Sackett was borne august i 1693 Steeven y® Son of Serg* John Alhn borne y® 4^^ of March 1690 Sufanna the daughter of Serg* Jo° Allen borne y® 3'^ of Octob"" Abigaile & Abiah the twin daughters of Hack Beecher were borne y® 24'^ of feptemb'" 1693 Daniell y^ fon of John Holt borne y° 30"" of March 1689 Benjamin y® Son of Ralph Lines was borne the firft of January 1693/4 Grace y® Daughter of Ebenezer Blakely was borne y® i^' of January 1693/4 Ephraim Morris fon of Jofeph Morris was Born Jan"" 1694 Hannah y® daughter of Joseph Clark was borne the 21^' of fYebruary 1693/4 Ephraim y® fon of John Tuttle was borne the 2^ of Aprill 1690 John the fon of John Tuttle was borne y® 5*"^ of Septemb"" 1692 famuell y® Son of Samuell Clark of weft fide was borne the 2^^^ of March 1694 Joseph y® Son of John Bafsett was Borne y® 19"' day of Aprill 1694 Thomas the fon of Jacob Robinson was borne y* 5' of Decem- ber 1693 John y® fon of John Munfon was borne y® y^^ of July 1693 Eunice y® daughter of Sam" Allen Jun"" was borne y® 8**" of March 1694 John y^ Son of M"" John Yale was borne the third of June 1694 Abraham y® fon of Deacon Abraham Bradly was Borne y® 9 of aprill 1693 [112] Births in New haven Abigaile y^ daughter of Joseph Lines borne y® 14*^ of January 1692/3 Daniel the son of samuell Attwater borne the 29 of sept 1694 74 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Steeven y® fon of Peeter Mallary was borne the 12"' day of October 1694 Ebenezer y" fon of Deacon John Punderfen was borne the iS*^*^ day of October 1694 Noah the fon of Joseph Tuttle borne the day of November 1694 Sarah y^ daughter of John Gilbert was borne the laft of July 1694 elizabeth y® Daughter of M'' Math gilbert was born may 14^'' 1694 Jofeph the fon of Jonathan Attwater was borne the Ninth day of December 1694 Daniell Hodge y° fon of Thomas Hodge was borne the 28"^ day of Janu"^ 1693/4 Abraham y® fon of John Johnfon Jun"" was borne Aprill 7'^ 1694 Deborah y® Daughter of Daniell Sperry was borne the 20'^ of January 1694/5 Deborah y^ Daughter of Dan" abbit waf born aprill 22 1694 John y^ fon of John W^atfon was borne y^ 22"^ day of Aprill 1694 Jonathan fon of Jonathan pirkins Waf born May 6^"^ 1694 W™ the fon of Kaack Jones was borne on y® fabath day being the 20*'' of January 1694/5 Caleb y^ Son of Serg*^ Sam" AUin was borne y® 7"^ day of Sepf 1694 Dinah y^ Daughter of fam" Burwell was borne the 28'*^ day of October laft 1694 Sarah y® Daughter of Jofeph Dorman was born aprill 14 1694 [113] Births in N Haven John y^ fon of M"" John Hudfon was borne the 5'^ day of febru- ary 1693 John y^ fon of M'' John Hudfon was borne the ^^ day of feb^ on Sabath night 1694/5 Timothy y^ Son of Sam" Clark the i of Jan'"^ 1694/5 Hefter y^ Daughtor of Thomas Tuttle Jun"" was borne y® 19 of fifebr^ 1694/5 Ebenezer the fon of Joseph Jves was borne the Sixt day of Aprill 1692 Daniell the fon of Caleb Chidfey borne y® 25''' of March 1694/5 The Daughter of W"* Reynolds was borne the 25*'' of March 1695. . Rejoice y^ daughter of Jofeph Goodwin was borne the firft day of Aprill 1695 Mary the daughter of W"" Reynolds was borne the 24''* day of March 1695 I NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 75 Sarah the daughter of Sam" Vmberfeild was borne y® 2^ of Aprill 1695 Hefter the daughter of fam" Clark was borne the 2^ of Jan""^ 1692/3 'Timothy the fon of Sam" Clark was borne the 5' of January 1694/5 deborah the daughter of nath" potter was born the i day of march 1694/5 Rebecah the daughter of John Basset was born y^ 14 day of march 1694/5 [114] Births in New haven John Son of ebenezer chidsey born y® 4*'' day of march 1694/5 Steven Son of eliezer Becher born y® 18 day of may 1695. John fon of John potter Jun"" born y® 14 day of June 1695 Steven Son of mr will Thompfon Born July 12. 1695 Abigaill Daughter of Tho Trowbridg born aprill 8 1695 Ruth daughter of ebenezer sper)^ born May 30 1695 Comfort daughter of John Benham born agust 15 1692 John son of John Benham v,'as born aprill 8 1695 ebenezer Son of Sam" Clark Ju"" born august 5 1695 Thomas y® fon of Jofeph pardee waf born October 26 1695 James Son of nath Yale was born July 31 1695 Daniell fon of Daniell barns was Born auguft 9"' 1694 Hanah daughter of John Russell was born febr ly^^ 1689 Lidiah daughter of John Russell was born Sep^ 18'^ 1692 John fon of John Russell was born June i^^^ 1695 elizabeth daughter of John malery was born may i^' 1691 Rebecka daughter of John malery was born Sep' 15 1693 ebenezer son of Thomas Humerston was born march 14 1694/5 elizabeth y® daughter of Richard miles was born Sept lo*** 1695 Abigaill y® daughter of M"" Nath" Wade was born September 22 1695 Sarah Heaton daughter of nath" Heaton born October 3 1695 william Sone of John pain was born novem'' ^^'^ 1695 Mary y® daughter of Serg°' John Ball waf born October 22*" 1694 Mary y^ daughter of John Ailing Jun"" waf born auguft 26 1693 Thomas Barnes Debto'* for ^ i ac"" % of Land of y" firft Deviffion of Thomas welch pafsed at a Court Aprill 6*'' 1652 for halfe m"" Roes meddow being 25 ac" for halfe m"" Roes 2^ divifsion of upland : to6 ac" for I houfe & lott of widow Banifter pafsed Aprill 6*^: 52: fiiSl Ma rages Jn new Haven Sam" Ruffell & efther tuttle were marved febua"^ 27 1694/5 by Mofes Manffield afiftant • On a small sheet between pages 114 and US. 76 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS ebenezer brown & eliner Lane was maryed by M' will Cheny Corns'" feb ii"' 1695/6 brether to y^ County Clerk James Bifhop & abigaill Bennit was maryed December y* 11 by m"" Chancey 1695 Samuell Tuttle & Sarah Hart was maryed December ii^*" by Thomas Hart Comis"" 1695 Joseph Thompson & Elizabeth Smith was Maryed febrary 2"> by Mofes Manffield affift 1695 M"" Ebenezer Collins & M" Anne Trowbridg was maried May 9^^ 1696 Abram Dickerman & Elizabeth glouer was married by maj"" manffield Jan^' 6 1697/8 Jofeph Lines & Abigaell John f on was maried by M"" Jones march 31 1692 Thomas gilbert & Sarah peck was maried by maj"" manffield march 31^' 1698 Benjamin Dorman & Ruth Johnson was maried October y® 10 by mr w malber Juftice 1698 m"" william Rhods & mrs Sarah manffield was maried June i^* by John Ailing Juftice 1698 Sam" Todd & Sufanah Tolle was maried Sept 16"^ 1698 by mr [116] Births in new haven Anne y^ Daughter of peter Carrington was born Deem"" 28 1696 Jonathan y^ Son of Rich*^ Spery Jun"" born July 7"^ 1696 Stephen y'' Son of Jonathan attwater born decern"" 4"^: 1696 Elizabeth y'' Daughter of James Bishop born Decem"" 6 1696 Daniell y*^ son of Isaac Bradly v/as born Decem 20 1696 Jemimah y^ Daughter of Haac Becher was born Decem'' 12: 1696 Sarah y^ Daughter of Jonathan pirkins waf born Decem*"" 6'*" 1696 Ebenezer Smith son of ebenezer Smith born novem^ 21 1688 Sarah y® Davghter of Ebenezer smith born July 26 1691 James Son of Sam" attwater was born December 23*^ 1696 Mary Davghter of John Tuttle was born December 26''' 1696 [ ]athan Son of John Tuttell was born Janvary 20^^ 1694 Ebenezer Son of peter Malery was born november 29 1696 [ ]efter y® Davghter of John Chatterton born novem'' 23 1696 [ Jamuell y^ Son of Samuell tuttell Jun"" was born Janu""^ 19 1696/7 Mary y^ Davghter of Joseph osborne born June 18 1696 Efther the Davghter of Joseph smith born May 28 1689 Danell y^ fon of Jofeph Smith born July 4"^ 1693 Sarah y° Davghter of Ebenezer Attwater born aprill 6*'' 1693 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 'j'j Marah y^ Davghter of Ebenezer attwater born March 12"^ 1694/5 Abigaill y*" Davghter of W"" Robberts born Janvary 29'^ 1696/7 Hannah y® Davghter of Ebenezer Brown born y® Laft day of Janvary 1696/7 John y® Son of Jofeph Smith Jun'' was born June 3 1693 Sarah ye Daughter of Jofeph Smith was born Jan"^' 17 1695 [115 (2)] Births in new haven Abigaell y" daughter of ferg"' Jofhua Hotchkis was born October 12'^ 1695 Jefse y® fon of Thomas hodg was born november 17 1695 Elizabeth daughter of will John fon Junior waf born march \^^^ 1692 william y® fon of william John fon Junior waf born Auguft 5'^ 1695 Abigaill y® Daughter of John John fon Jun was borne Sept 28 1695 Anna y^ daughter of Benj Bunnill was born October ii^*^ 1695 Thomas y® fon of m'" Tho Trowbridg Jun was born y*^ 20"" day of december 1695 Sarah Robin fon y^ daughter of Jacob Robin fon was born december 24'^^ 1695 Gerfhom y® fon of micaell Todd was born October 12 1695 Mehetabell y® daughter of John malery was Born Decem 19^^ 1695 Theophilus y^ fon of m"" Andrew morison was born January 6'^ 1695/6 Martha y® daughter of Sam". Baffett was born y® 8"^ day of feptember 1695 Jofeph y® fon of Jofeph dorman was born January y® 11*'' 1695/6 Allif V® Daughter of Jofeph Becher was borne 28 of Janvary 1695 Katharine Davghter of M"" Rich Rofewell was born december 26 1695^* [116 (2)] Dan y® fon of peter Carrington was Borne Sept 26 1694 efter davghter of ebenezer Down(?) was born Sebtember ^^^ 1695 Rebecka y® Davghter of Thomas painter was Borne Jan 28: 1695 Katherine y® Davghter of M'" Rich Rofewell was born decem- ber 26 1695 Joell y® Son of Jofeph pringle was born Janvary 28 1695/6 Jofeph y® Son of Jofeph Clark was born febr 15: 1695/6 ^9 Crossed out. 78 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS John y^ fon of John hotchkif was borne June 27 1694 Abraham y** fon of ebenezer Blakly was born Decern 15"^. 1695 Sarah y® davghter of John willmott was born febuary 2.0-^ 1695/6 Nathan y® fon of Sam" AlHng Jun'' was born march S'*" 1695/6 Abigaill y® davghter of John moltroup was born aguft 12^'* 1693 John y^ fon of John moltrop was born march 17''' 1695/6 hither to y® County Clerk Abner y® fon of Benjamin Bradly born march 6*^ 1695/6 Abiah y® Davghter of Ralph Loins born february 7'*" 1695/6 Jeremiah y® fon of Jerimiah wooden born June 2**^ 1696 John y® fon of John Johnfon Jun"" was borne novem** 13 1696 James y^ Son of Samuell Todd was born June 10"^ 1696 John y® fon of John wolcott was Born December 15"^ 1696 Elizabeth y® Davghter of John munson born may \^^'^ 1695 Samuell y^ Son of Samuell Down was born July 23*^^ 1696 nathaniell y® Son of nath" Spery was born march 8'^ 1695/6 Hannah y^ Davghter of m'" Sam" Bifhop born fep^ 3 : 1696 Samuell y^ ffon of fam" Chaterton was born fep* 15 1696 John y^ fon of John Thompfon waf born October 15 1696 Abigaill y* Davghter of y^ Rev"*^ M"" Jamef peirpont was Born Sept^"" 19 1696 Efther y® Davghter of Abraham Bradly was born march 14: 1696 [117] Deaths Nathaniell Jones Dyed the 2.1^"^ day of Auguft 1691 Margaret an Jnfant daughter of M"" Andrew Morrefon dyed the 5*^ of November 1691 Anna y® wife of Caleb Chidfey Dyed y® 15'^ of January 1691/2 Wooden widow dyed y® fecond day of febr"^ 169 1/2 M"" Abigaile Peirpont died the third day of february 169 1/2 Rebecka y" wife of Benjamin Bunill dyed y® 12''' of March 1691 Anna Bunnell died the 23^^^ ffebr''^ 1690/1 Damaris Attwater died y® i^' of Aprill 1691 John Steephens Jun"": Died a violent death by his fall from a tree as attefted by a Jury of Inqueft appointed to make y® inquiry upon oath Nov"" y* 2^ 1692 Jonathan y« fon of John fmith was b^" David Attwater fen"" died y® 5**^ of October 1692 John fperry dyed y® Enfigne Sam" Munfon Died Bradley widow died John Thompfon farm"" dyed y^ 13''' of ffebruary 1692/3 John Chidfey dyed 20 Crossed out. ' NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 79 W™ fon of W"' Willmot died y" 29*'^ of Auguft 1693 The Widow Paine Died y« y^^ of Decemb'" 1693 The widow Roe Died y® y^^ of December 1693 Child of Ralph Lines died y"^ 7^^ of Dec"" 1693 Jnt hith"" [118] Death^ Hannah y® wife of Caleb Mix Died 11 of December 1693 John y"* fon of Ebenezer Chid fey died y^ 13'^'' of December 1689 Ralfe y'' fon of Ralph Lines died 7^^ of Decern*"" 1693 Jnt hith in County Records Lidiah y*' Daughter of Jonathan Attwater dyed the fecond day of Aug' 1694 " Deacon W™ Peck dyed y® 4"" of October aged 90 as s*^ 1694 Math ffoord — Mathew ffoord dyed Novemb"" y® 3*^ 1694 Joseph Jves Died Nevember y^ 17"^ 1694 Thomas John fon dye y® 4'^ of Jan''^ 1694/5 Dinah y® Daughter of fam" Burwell was borne^^ John y^ fon of M"" John Hudon dyed y® of 1693 Entred hith"" in County Record grace y® wife of John smith dyed October 22^^ 1695 widdow eliz^ How dyed Janvary 23-1695/6 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of Sam" dark Jun' dyed Decem'^'" 29 : 1696 M"" Thomas yale Deceafed march 27 1683 M"" James Dauids alias John Dixwell esquir formerly of the priory of ffalkistone in Kent Late of N Hauen in N : England departed this Life on march y® iS'"^ anno Domini 1689 AEtat 82 [119] Births in new haven Hanah y® Daughter of Jofeph chid fey Born Janvary 28 1696 Samuell Son of Samuell Thompson borne December y® 2^ 1696 John y® fon of Jofeph pardee waf born february 6 1697 Jane y® Daughter of math moltroop was born December 13 1694 Mathew y® Son of math moltroop was born September i'*^ 1696 Caleb y® Son of Caleb Chidcey was born may 9*^ 1697 Mehitabell y® Daughter of M'^ anna Collins was Born may 29^'' 1697 Caleb y® son of Serg°' John Ball was Born June 6'^ 1697 Annah y® Davghter of John winston was Born may 23*^ 1697 Anne y® Davghter of Daniell Spery waf Born Sep' 3*^ 1696 Joseph y® fon of Edward Scott was Born July y® 28''' 1697 *i Entry crossed out. 8o NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Stephen y^ Son of Samuell Burwell was Born Janvary 17'*^ 1696 Beniamin y*" son of John Brockett was Born may y*" 28 1697 Dennis y® Davghter of Ebenezer Spery was Born July 2 1697 Anne y^ Daughter of nath" yale was born aguft 21^*^ 1697 Thomas y® fon of Thomaf parker waf born aguft 31 1696 [120] Deaths in Newhaven Sarah y® wife of y" Rever^' M"" James pierpont Deceased October y^ y^^ 1696 Anne y^ Davgter of John pain Deceafed febvary 24'^ 1697 M"" Jofeph Allfup senior deceafed november S^"" 1698 Daniel Alfup Deceafed Janvary ii*^^ 1698/9 Sarah Alfup Deceafed Janvary 24^^ 1698/9 M'' Jsack Turner Deceafed march 27 1699 Sarai y^ Davghter of Sam" Atwater Deceafd July y® 2 1699: Samuell y® fon of nathanell Heaton Deceafed June lo*^*^ 1700 James y^ fon of m"" nath" yale deceafed Janvary 28^^" 1700 Abiah y*^ wife of Jofeph Kerbee Deceased apriU 28 1704 Cap' John milef Deceafed nouember 7'^ 1704 M" Mary miles Deceafed October 16 1705 Stephen whitehead Deceafed March 4'-'' 1706 phenias y^ Son of John pirkins Jun"" Deceafed October: 1705 Sarah y® wife of John pirkins Jun'' Deceafed march 11 : 1706 Mary y® Daughter of John Todd Deceased auguft 8"^ 1706 Benjamin y'' son of y® Reuerent m'" Jamef pierpont Deceased December 17'^ 1706 Hannah y® Daughter of m"" Jsack Jones deceafed Jan 30 1707/8 [121] Births in newhaven Jofeph y'' fon of Sam" Rufell was borne aprill 23 1697 Eliazer son of gershom Brown was born Janvary 22 1696/7 Samuell y^ Son of nathanel finch was born febuary 17"^ 1691 Hanah y^ Daughter of John How Jun'" was born febuary 9**^ 1693 Sarah y^ Davghter of John How Jun"" was Born november 20^'' 1695 Hannah y^ Davghter of Richard miles was Born October 27'^ 1697 Esther y® davghter of Samuell Ailing was Born June 10*^ 1697 Jofeph y^ fon of John Baffet was born December y® 14*'' 1697 Elizabeth y® Daughter of Th° munfon born Sep': 26 1697 Lidiah y® Davghter of Thomas trowbridg at y® weft farm was born December 16 1697 Daniell y® fon of m"" math gilbert was born nouem*"" 15 : 1697 I NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 8l Sarah y^ Davghter of John chatterton was Born Janvary 24^^ 1697/8 Efther y^ Davghter of Danell Briftoll was born febvary 6 1697 Anne y^ Davghter of John pain was born february 16 1697 Hanah ye Davghter of Jacob Robmfon was Born 24 of febrary 1697/8 Zuball y® fon of Thomaf parker waf born aprill 23 1697 [122] Births Amos y® fon of Samvell Baffet was Born febuary y® 19*'' 1697/8 Rebeckah y® Davghter of Ralph Lines was born febuary 1697/8 Abigaell y® Davghter of Jofeph Lines was born 14^'' Janvary 1692 Sarah y® Davghter of Jofeph Lines was Born 26 of October 1694 Lidiah y® Davghter of Jofeph Lines was born 14 December 1696 Sarah y® Davghter of will woodden was Born 5*^^ day of aprill 1696 John y® fon of Ely Robberts was born agust 6'^ 1688 Alexander y® fon of Ely Robberts was born march 5"" 1689/90 Ely y® fon of Ely Robbertf was born febuary 14'^'' 1691 Abiell y® fon of ely Robberts was born December 10 1693 John y" fon of John willmott waf born may y^ 4*^^ 1696 [123] Births Sarah y® Davghter of Alexander willmott was born Janvary 12"^ 1695/6 Jsaac y" Son of Eliazir Becher was Born aprill y^'^ 1698 Mary y® Daughter of John How waf born march 9'''^ 1697/8 Mary v® Davghter of Jofeph goodwin was born march 24 1697/8 James y® fon of Ebenezer attwater was Born March 15 1697/8 Elizabeth y® Davghter of Sam" Ailing Jun"" was born Decem- ber 19''' 1691 Jofeph y® Son of Sam" Ailing Junior was born march 29*'' 1694 Hannah y® Davghter of John munson was Born febuary 9'*^ 1697/8 mehetable y^ Daughter of Sam" Clark Sen"" born may: 10^'' 1698 John y" Son of John Blakly Jun"" was Born aprill 17 1696 Samuell y® Son of Samuell Gilbert was Borne november 18 1697 Mary y® Daughter of James Bifhop was Born June y® 11 1698 82 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Enos y® Son of Ebenezer Smith was born november y® 20*^ 1697 John y" Son of Sam" Ailing was born January 20**^ 1697/8 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of Sam" Clark Junior was Born may 27 1698 [124] Lidiah y* Daughter of John hotchkif was borne aprill 31 1697 Samuell y'' fon of M"" famuell Bifhop was born July iS'*' 1698 mary y® Daughter of thomas Tuttle Jun was born 6 of may 1693 Martha y® daughter of thomas Tuttle Jun was born aprill 21 1697 Sarah y® Daughter of Jofeph Clark was born Aguft 17''' 1698 Judith y® Daughter of Thomas Hodge was born October 8'** 1697 Jofeph y® fon of Jofeph Chidcey was born aguft: 15^*^ 1698 Damaris y^ daughter of Jonathan Atwater was Born October 9*'^ 1698 Jofeph y® fon of Jirimiah wooden was Born October 16: 1698 Sarah y® Daughter of Sam" Chatterton was born november 6^'' 1698 Benjamin y" fon of m'''»william Thompson was born July 12'*^: 1698 Hope y® Daughter of Ebenezer Downe was born march 11 1698 Silence y^ Daughter of John malery was born October 13 1698 Timothy y'' fon of m"" Jfaac Jones was born October 30 1696 Mary y® Daughter of n/ Jsaac Jones was born October 6''' 1698 Abram y® fon of abram Dickerman was born octo'ber 19'*^ 1698 Sarah y® Daughter of michael Todd was born november 2 : 1698 Sarah y^ Daughter of fam" Atwater was Borne Janu'' 21 : 1698/9 Sarah y^ Daughter of fam" tuttle Jun"" was Borne Jan'' 17 1698/9 Joseph y® fon of niathew moultroop waf born October 12 1698 Abigaill y" Daughter of Thomas gilbert was Born December 27 1698 Thomas y® fon of Thomas Ruffell waf borne October 2. 1698 Japhett the y® fon of John Benham was born Decbr 1697 Daniell Spery y® fon of Daniell Sperry waf born auguft 10: 1698 Tofcph y^ Son of Jofeph Becher was Borne november 22: 1698 [125] Births in new haven Rebeckah y* Daughter of Simon tuttle waf born aprill 30 1698 Zebulon y® fon of peter Carrington was bom march 6 1698/9 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 83 Stephen y® fon of Richard Spery was Born february 15 1698/9 ^ Mary y* Davghter of Jofeph Dorman was Borne October 15'^ 1698 Hepzibah y*" Davghter of Jofeph pringle was Born may 15 1698 Anne y® Daughter of wilHam Johnfon Jun"" was Born aguft 5: 1697 Sarah y® Daughter of nath" potter was Borne march i^*^ 1698/9 Stephen y^ fon of Rich''^ Sperry waf borne febuary 17 1698/9 James y° fon of Jofeph Smith was born July 13'^ 1698 EHzabeth y® Davghter of John potter Jun was born fepf 24 1697 Aaron y® fon of wilHam tuttle was borne november y® 25 1698 mary y® Daughter of Dan" Barnef waf borne may y® 15'^ 1698 Samuell y® fon of nath" Heaton was born march 29: 1699 Jofeph y^ fon of M"" Thomas trowbridge Jun was born on Aprill y« fir ft 1699 Nathaniell y® fon of John pain was borne may 4'^ 1699 Mary y^ Davghter of John moltroop was borne aprill 5"^ 1699 Abigaill y® Davghter of David Auftin waf born aprill c^^^ 1699 Thomas y® fon of Sam" Downe was borne June 7^^ 1699 James y® fon of Sam" thompfon waf borne June 5^"^ 1699 Abram y® fon of Caleb Chidcey waf borne march 31 1699 Zacheus y® fon of peter malary waf borne may 22 : 1699 Samuell y^ fon of Ebenezer Chidcey waf Born June 6'^^ 1699 Lidiah y® Davghter of Sam" Todd Jun"" born July 28'^ 1699 Elizabeth y® Davghter of Sam" Burwell waf borne 15 Day of July 1699 Abigaell y^ Davghter of Sam" Stevens waf born September 15 1699 [126] Births Jn new hauen Thomaf y® fon of Jonathan pirkins waf born auguft 11'''' 1699 Samuell y® fon of fam" Browne was born October 2"/^^ 1699 James y® Son of y® Reven"' m"" James pierpont was borne may 21^' 1699 Helina y® Davghter of Ebenezer Browne was Borne march r' 1698/9 Mary y® Davghter of Ebenezer Smith was borne august I" 1699 Benjamin y^ fon of Beniamin Dorman was borne Auguft 9^'' 1699 Thomas y® Son of Thomas humberston was born may 3'' 1699 margrett y® Davghter of m"" Andrew morifon was Borne August 12^^ 1699 22 Crossed out. • 84 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Hannah y^ Daughter of John woolcott was Borne november 19 1699 EHzabeth y® Daughter of Daniell Briftoll was Borne Auguft 13'^ 1699 Daniell y® fon of Daniell Collins was borne July 13'^ 1699 Hannah y^ Daughter of Dan" abbot waf born January 8'** 1698: Jerimiah y® fon of Jofeph Of borne was Born Aprill 8'^ 1699 Lidiah y® Daughter of John Sherman waf borne December 20*" 1699 Katharine y"" Davghter of Jofeph Tuttle was borne november 25 1699 Nathan y® fon of mathew ford was born January 12 1699 Enos ye Son of John Bradly was borne y^ 28'^ of December 1699 [127] Births Jn newhaven Mary y® Davghter of Jofeph goodwin waf born Jan"^ 14"*: 1699 Lidiah y^ Davghter of John chatterton was born aprill 3*^ 1699 Lidiah y* Daughter of Sam" Ailing waf borne Jan"^' 23'*^ 1699 Esther y* Daughter of Sam" Ruffell waf borne may 4"" 1699 Sarai y® Daughter of gerfhom Browne waf born march: 1699 Hannah y® Daughter of nath" Kimberly Jun born aprill 13^^^ 1694 Abigaill y® Daughter of nath" Kimberly Jun: born July 28"" 1696 1 Mary y* Daughter of nath" Kimberly Jun"" borne July 24^'' 1698 Edward y® fon of John Ruffell waf borne aprill y* 19'^'' 1698 Mary y^ Daughter of Tho panther was borne nouem'"" i^': 1699 Efther y® Daughter of Theoph^ niunfon born nouem*^"" 8'*" 1699 mabell y^ Daughter of Sam" Cooper was Born nouem*^"" 13 1700 Lidiah y® Daughter of John Blaksly Jun*" borne march 25 1700 Sam" y® Son of Samuell Mix was borne May 20*^^ 1700 Anne y® Daughter of Sam" umberfield was borne aprill 28"* 1700 Damaris y^ Daughter of Sam" Atwater waf borne may 21*'* 1700 Ebinezer y® fon of Sam" Bassett was borne may 12''' 1700 Caleb y® fon of Benjamin Bradly was born 1700 William y^ fon of Thomas Trowbridge was born aprill 14'** 1700 William y® son of william maltby was borne may y® 26**^ 1700 Ebinezer y® fon of ebenezer Downe was borne June y* 9*** 1700 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 85 Sarah y® Daughter of John Benham was borne July y® ii*** 1700 Rebecka y® Daughter of Jsaac John f on was borne July y® y^^ 1700 Anne y® Daughter of m'' Sam" Bifhop was borne June 25^"^ 1700 Abigaill y^ Daughter of m'" ebenezer Atwater waf borne June 1700 [128] Marges Jn New haven 1699 Samuell mix & Rebeckah pardee waf maryed July 26 1699 by John Allyn Juftice John ponderfon & Abigaell Ailing waf maryed Auguft 3*^ 1699 By Mofef manffield Affistant Samuell Cooper & Elizabeth Smith ware maryed november y* i^^^ 1699 by moses Manffield afsistant John Bradly & Sarah Hoolt was maried y® 22 of fep' by major moses manffield afistant John Dunbar &' elizabeth Becher was maried y^ 24 Day of July 1700 by John Ailing Juftice Jsaac Johnson & Abigail Cooper was maryed Aprill y® 25^'' 1699 by mofes manffield asfistant Edmund Dorman & elizabeth Bunnell were maryed Sept: 19*'' 1700 by John Ailing Justice: M"" John glover & mr^ margery Hubbard was maried novem*"" y® 27 1700 by M"" Jsarell Chancey Stephen perkins & Elizabeth ford were maried Aguft y® 27*^ 1700 By major mofes manffield affift The Reverent m"" James pierpont & m" mary Hooker was Maryed July y® 26 1698 by m"" John hayns Juftice Benjamin willmott & mary Becher was maryed febuary y® i^th 1 700/ 1 by John Ailing Juftice John pirkins & farai warner waf maried may y* 15 1701 by John Ailing Juftice [129] Births in Newhaven 1700 Deborah y^ Daughter of m"" Jsaac Jones waf born fept 25 1700 Anthony y^ fon of John Thompson was borne fept 22: 1700 Jemimah y® Daughter of nathan Benham waf born Sept: 21 1700 James y® fon of James Bifhop was born octo'^'": 4*^ 1700 Jonathan y® fon of John gilbert was born auguft S^^ 1700 Samuell y® fon of Richard Hall waf borne aguft 2* 1700 Abigaill y® Daughter of John punderson was born Decem*" 3^ 1700 Jofeph y® fon of Dan" abbot waf born January y* 16 1696 James y® fon of Thomas gilbert was born fep* 18 1700 Anna y® Daughter of Sam" Tuttle Jun"" waf borne Decem*"" 23 : 1700 86 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Abigaill y* Daughter of Dan" Collins was borne Sep^"" 14 1700 Sarah y** Daughter of Jofeph Chidcey was borne may 13*'' 1700 Abell y^ fon of Daniell Sperry was borne novem^"" y® 15"^ 1700 Ann y^ Daughter of John pain was borne Janua"^' y** 6"" 1700 Samuell y*-' fon of y® Reuer"*^ m"" James pierpont : was born December y® 30^'' 1700 Dinah y® Daughter of Benj peck Jun"" was born november y^ 30: 1700 Caleb & Jofhua twin fons of nathaniell fperry waf born march 22 1700 John fon of John How waf born fept""" 13*^^ 1700 Hannah & Rebeckah twin Daughters of fam" gilbert waf born Janu'"^ 19 1700 Mary y® Daughter of fam" Rufsell was borne January 13'*' 1700 Caleb y^ fon of Sam" Todd Jun waf born febuary y^ 2.^ 1700 Ebenezer y® fon of Ebenezer Browne Jun waf borne feb"^ y^ 25 1700 [130] Births in newhauen 1700 Gidion y® fon of John potter Jun"" was borne June y® 3 1700 Lidiah y^ Daughter of Jofeph Becher waf home febuary 15 1700 Sarai y® Daughter of fam" fteuenf waf born Jan"^ 23 1700 Micaell y® fon of micaell Todd waf born Jan""^ 26: 1700 Mary y® Daughter of Jofeph pardee waf born aprill 9'^: 1700 Ann y® Daughter of Dan" Briftoll was born feb''^ y^ 12 1700 Dauid y^ fon of m'" math gilbert waf born July y® 4*^^ 1700 Nathaniell y® fon of nath" Bradly waf born may y® 16 1701 miriam y® Daughter of nath Bradly waf born July 4'^^ 1698 1701 Elizabeth y® Daughter of John Dunbar borne march 27 1700 James y° fon of Danell Barnef waf borne march y^ 9^*^ 1 700/1 John y® fon of John malary waf borne march i^' 1 700/1 nathaniell y^ fon of nath" Kimberly Jun waf borne march ii**^ I 700/ I Daniell y® fon of Benjamin Dorman waf born May y® i^' 1701 Abigaill y® Daughter of John Ruffell waf born May 19'^*': 1701 Abigaill y® Daughter of peter malary waf born auguft y^ 5''': 1701 Lidiah y® Daughter of Jonathan atwater born July 31 : 1901 famuell y® fon of Richard miles was born auguft 4**^ 1701 phinias y® fon of nath^^ wilfon waf borne auguft y^ 28'*" 1701 Abigaill y^ Daughter of nath" potter was borne fep* i*' 1701 Silene y® Daughter of Richard fperry waf born June 15 :i70i Sarah y® Daughter of John moultroup was born octo*"": 10 1701 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 87 Elizabeth y® Daughter of fam" Chaterton waf born aprill 6 1701 Mary y® Daughter of Nath" Heaton was born fep*: 17: 1701 [131] The names of persons y*^ Dyed in new haven & y® time when Beniamin y® fon of John Brockett Dyed June y® 28^^ 1700 M" Hannah Elsey Deceafed aprill 'Z^ Day 1702 phineas y^ fon of Nath'^ wilfon Deceafed January y® 19 Day 1 70 1/2 M"" Richard Rofewell Deceafed march 1702 M""^ Jane grexon Deceafed June y*^ fourth Day 1702 Thomas Trowbridge Esquir Deceafed auguft 22"^ 1702 Ebenezer y** fon of Deacon John punderfon Deceased nouem*"" 21 : 1702 Jeremiah hull Deceafed June 13 1700 Defire y* Daughter of enfign Hotchkif Deceafed October 1702 Elizabeth y^ wife of Jofeph pardee Deceafed feptember 19 1702 Mary y® Daughter of Sam" Rufsell Deceafed nou ember i 1 701 another child of fam" Ruffell Deceafed auguft 17 1702 experenc y® Daughter of Dauid pirkinf Deceafed aprill 24 1 691 Rebecka'h y® Daughter of Dauid pirkinf Deceafed march 9*'' 1693 Mary y^ Daughter of John payne Deceafed October 6'^ 1703 maior mofes manffield efquir Deceased October: 3*^ 1703 Mary y® Daughter of Thom^ elcock Deceafed October 2^ 1702 Hannah y® wife of caleb chidsey Deceased Decem^'' 25 1703 M''^ elizabeth Bifhop widow Deceased October 25 1703 Thomas Tuttle Junior Deceased June 30''^ 1703 Stephen y® fon of m'" Jonathan Atwater Deceased octo'"" 28 1704 M" Mary yale Deceased October 15*^^^ 1704 Ralph Rufell y^ fon of Sam" Rufell Deceafed October 5*^ 1704 Jofeph the fon of fam" Rufsell Deceafed December 7'^ 1704 [132] Births in new hauen 1701 Andrew y® fon of m"" Andrew morrifon born octo'^'' i^* 1701 Hannah y® Daughter of Jofeph Dorman waf born Sept'': 9: 1 701 Mary y^ Daughter of Caleb Chidcey waf born octo'' 13 1701 Lidiah y^ Daughter of eliphalet Briftoll born nouem'': i^* 1701 Abram y® fon of Ebenezer Sperry waf born octo'"" y® 5 1701 Lamberton y« fon of fam" fmith Jun" waf born June 23 1701 on y® 2"^ Day of y® weke about 10 of y® clock in y^ evening clear weather Mehitabell y® daughter of Joseph dark waf born July 17: 1701 John Y fon of Abram Dickerman waf born march 24: 1701 88 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS John y'^ fon of John glouer waf born December 30 1701 Thankfull y® Daughter of Jofhua hotchkif Junior waf borne June y^ 15"" 1701 Ruth y** Daughter of John Lines waf born October 27 1701 Ebenezer y^ Ton of Ebenezer Chidcey born Decern'^ 6: 1701 Jonathan y® fon of fimon tuttle waf born feptember 18: 1701 Thomas y® fon of Thomas hodge born march 28 1701 Joseph y* Son of Stephen pirkinf waf born September iS''' 1701 Mary y^ Daughter of Jofeph manffield born aprill 1701 Mary y® Daughter of Ebenezer Downe waf born Jan""^ 22 : 1701 Deliuerance y** fon of Thomaf panther waf born may 31 1701 Anna y® Daughter of Jofeph Bradly Jun"" born Janu'^ 10: 1701 phinias y® fon of John pirkins waf born february 25: 1701 Jfraell y® fon of theophi munfon born Decem'' 11: 1701 Daniell y® fon of Ebenezer fmith waf born feb"^ i^' 170 1/2 [133] 1701 Births in newhauen Rebeckah y^ Daughter of Benjamin Bunell waf born march S'*" 1701 Bathfhua y® Daughter of Sam" Burwell waf born octob*" 18: 1701 Zadok y^ fon of fam" dark Junior waf born february 5^^ 1701/2 Mary y** Daughter of Jofeph pringle was born febru"^ i^' 1 701/2 Rachell y^ Daughter of James Steuenf waf born febu"^ 3 1701 mary y^ Daughter of John Hotchkins was born aprill i^' 1701 Dann" y® fon of John potter was born January y* 15 1701 Dan" y® fon of Daniell Abbet was born September y^ 12 1701 Jsaac y® fon of Jsaac turner waf born aprill y® 4^** 1701 Jsaac y® fon of enfign Jofhua Hotchkif waf born June 1701 Sarah y® Daughter of Caleb Tuttle waf born nouember: 1699 Caleb y^ fon of Caleb Tuttle waf born December 1701 1702 AUis y® Daughter of Ralph Lines waf born march i^* 1702 Elizabeth y° Daughter of John Blakley Jun"" born march i" 1702 Job y® fon of m"" fam" Bifhop was born march 6'*^ 1702 andrew y® fon of Thomaf tuttle Jun born aprill 3^ 1702 Hannah y® Daughter of Benjamin Bunell born aprill ii'^ 1702 John y® fon of fam" umberfield was born march IS*'^: 1702 Amos y^ fon of fam" Thomfon was borne march y® 3*^ 1702 Jofeph y® fon of Jofeph potter waf born march y^ 15'^'' 1702 Abigaill y^ Daughter of Jofeph chidse waf born aprill 28''' 1702 Hannah y® Daughter of John Tuttle Jun"" waf born July 31" 1702 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 89 Ebinezer y^ fon of Thomaf Trowbridge Junior born July 25 : 1702 Mofes y® fon of mofes Blacksley was Borne fept*"" 5 1702 nathaniell y*' fon of fam" Downe waf borne July 17 1702 Lidiah y® ]3aughter of Jofeph manffield waf born Decern'''' 25 1702 [134] Births 1702 Sarai y® Daughter of mathew ford born nou'^'" 15 1702 John y® fon of John Bradly was born September 10*'' 1702 Caleb y® fon of Sam" atwater waf born October 16"^ 1702 William y^ fon of Dan" Sperry waf born feptember 21 : 1702 Mary y° Daughter of y® Reuer°* m' Jamef pierpont waf born nouember 23 1702 george y* fon of fam" mix waf born march 24 1702 Joell y® fon of enfigne John munfon born august 18''' 1702 thank full y® Daughter of Sam" Bafset born octo*"" lo"" 1702 Dinah y" Daughter of John Sherman waf born octo 27^** 1702 Abell y** fon of Dan" collins was born august y* 4^^ 1702 Elizabeth y* Daughter of John How waf born Decem*"" 19 1702 Sarah y^ Daughter of fam" Ailing Jun'" was born aprill 25 : 1702 Sarah y® Daughter of Jofeph of borne was born May y^ 1702 Stephen y^ fon of Sam" Todd Jun"" was born Decem"": 4''' 1702 Stephen y^ fon of Danniell Bradly waf born January: 2^ 1702 anna y® Daughter of Jofeph Thompfon was born feb 17 1697 hannah y® Daughter of nath" Sperry waf born Decern^"" 19: 1702 Sarah y® Daughter of Thomaf gutsell waf born feptember 20*^ 1688 Lidiah y" Daughter of Thomas gutsell waf born may 4**^ 1691 Deborah y® Daughter of Thomas gutsell waf born Decem*''' 29^*^ 1694 abigaill y® Daughter of Thomas gutsell waf born October 4^** 1697 & Deceafed auguft y^ fourth 1699 abigaill y" Daughter of Thomaf gutfell was born febu''^ 28 1699 Thomaf y® fon of Thomaf gutfell waf born January 4*^^ 1702 Jacob y** fon of Jsaac turner waf born Jannu''^ 20 1702 [135] Births Lidiah y® Daughter of John Hull was born fept'^'' 26 1696 Mary y® Daugter of John Hull Avas born fep* 8 1698 Hannah y® Daughter of John Hull was born aprill 11 1701 Danill y® fon of Dan" Briftoll was borne October 15'^^ 1702 Mercy y^ Daughter of Rich'' f perry was born Jan''^ 9'^^ 1702 Ellihu y** fon of m'" John yale waf born march 30''' 1696 abigaill y^ Dauther of m"" John yale waf born nouem*^"" 16 1697 Dauid y^ fon of M"" John yale was born October 8*'' 1699 90 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS abigaill y^ Daughter of fam" Johnfon was born nouem^'' i" 1687 elizabeth y® Daughter of Sam" Johnson was born June 17"' 1692 mary y® Daughter of Sam" Johnfon was born January i^' 1694 Jsaac y^ fon of m'" Jsaac Jonef was bom December 23^^ 1702 Mercy y^ Daughter of John mix was born aprill 16 1691 Mary y^ Daughter of Will Tutle was born august: 1702 Lidiah y'^ Daughter of Thorn munfon waf born may 5"^ 1696 Thomaf y^ fon of Thom^ munfon waf born auguft 18: 1698 Mary y® Daugter of Thom^ munfon waf born augft 25 1700 Mercy y^ Daughter of John willmott was born feb 3 1698 Sam" y® fon of fam" farrand was born feptem^'' i 1702 Hanah y® Daughter of Benja Willmott waf born Deem*"" 9: 1701 Thom^ y® fon of John Jon fon fen"" waf born January 12 1689 Anne y*' Daugter of John Johnfon fen"" waf born feb''^ 1691 Sarah y^ Daughter of John Johnfon sen"" was born aprill 9*^ 1694 Daniel! y® fon of John Johnfon sen"" waf born aprill 22 1696 Jofeph y® fon of John Johnfon sen*" waf born Decern*"" 2^ 1698 Benjamin y^ fon of John Johnfon Jun"" waf born march 9"^ 1701 John y® fon of L*^ John Sackett was born may y® i^' 1699 [136] Mary y** Daughter of Sam" Sanford waf borne may 31 1696 Lidiah y*' Daughter of Sam" Sanford waf born July 22 : 1698 fam" y® fon of fam" fanford was born January 22 1701 Benjamin y® fon of m"" fimon eyer was born June 19'^'^ 1688 Sarai y" Daughter of Thom^ Leek was born nouember 9'*^ 1679 abigaill y'' Daughter of Thom^ Leek was born October 27 1683 Mary y** Daughter of Thom^ Leek was born October 9''' 1685 Thomas y^ fon of Thom^ Leek was born march 22"^ 1688 John y® fon of Thom^ Leek was born aprill 14'''^ 1692 Elizabeth y® Daughter of Thom^ Leek waf born febru^ 11 1694 Lidiah y® Daughter of Thom^ Leek waf born July 5 1699 Henry y® fon of Henry Steuenf waf born the 14*'' of february 1683 Joannah y® daughter of Henry Steuens was born febru 9 1685 anne y® IDaughter of Henry Steuens was born feb: 15 1687 Caleb y® fon of Thomas Biggs was born march 16 1701 abigaill y* Daughter of John Row was born auguft 13*'' 1689 hannah y^ Daughter of John Row was born february 11 1691 Sarah y® Daughter of John Row was born October 15 1700 Abigaill y^ Daughter of m"" John Bifhop waf born June 5"^ 1692 John y^ fon of John Bifhop Waf born nouem'^'" i^' 1693 Nathaniell y^ fon of M"" John Bifhop Waf born October 5 1695 Willet y^ fon of M"" John Bifhop Waf bom October 17 1697 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 91 Jamef y^ fon of m"" John Bifhop Was born feb"^ 17 1699 Thomas y*^ fon of m'' John Bifhop Waf born Decern'^'' 10: 1701 Hannah y'' Daughter of m'" Rich*^ Hall Was born Janua"^ 31^' 1702 abigaill y'' Daughter of Seth Heaton was born Janua"^' 4*^^ 1702 mehitabell y"^ Daughter of Thom^ gilbert was born feb : 28''' 1702 Sam" y" fon of L' John facket was born march 7"^ 1702 [136 (2)] Maraiges Jn new hauen Henry Ludinton & Sarah Collins was maried august 20. 1700 by Mofes manffield afsiftant. Paul Cornill & fufanah Bouton was maried aguft 1701 by John Ailing Juftice Daniell Collins & abigaell Thomfon was maried Sepf y® 8'*^ 1698 by major manffield afsiftant John Lines & Hannah Cooper were maried Decem^'' y^ 27 1700 ^ major mofef manffield afsiftant M"" warham mather & m" elizabeth Dauenport were married December 1700 ^ Major manffield afsiftant 1700 Thomas Brooks & martha Hotchkif were Maried march 25 1702 ^ John Ailing Juftice Arther Rexford & elizabeth fteuens waf maried feptember y® 3* 1702 ^ John Ailing Juftice Zacheus Cande & Sarai Lane was maried nouem*"" 19 1702 ^ John Ailing Juftice Stephen Clark & sarah hill were maried nouember 26 1702 ^ m"" William maltbie Juftice Daniell Thomaf & eunice browne waf maried December y® 10 1702 ^ John Ailing Juftice Jofeph fmith & annah Hale were maried December 30 1702 ^ John Ailing Juftice Jofeph granif & Hannah Rufsell were maried nouem'"" 3'^ 1702 ^ M"- William maltby Juftice [137] Maraiges Jn new hauen M"" mofes manffield & m" margrett prout waf maried nouem- ber the third 1702 p'" m'" mofes manffield afsiftant John mix & Sarah Thompfon was maried nouember 25 1702 ^ major mofes manffield afsiftant John Buttler & mary Humerfton was maried January 14 1702 ^ John Ailing Juftice John Hull & mercy Jacobs waf maried January i : 1695 ^ m"" John mofs Comifoner Caleb tutle & mary Hotchkif waf maried march i^* 1699 ^ M' ebenezer John fon Juftice Nath" Hitchcock & Rebeckah morrif waf maried December 23 1702 ^ Mr Jerimiah ofborn Juftice Thomaf munfon & mary Wilcockf were maried fept 15 1694 ^ M"" Henry crane Comifoner 92 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Sam" fmith & mary Cooper Waf maried auguft 14 1700 ^ M*" Jerimiah ofborn Juftice Caleb mathews & elizabeth Hotchkif Waf maried Janu"^ 13 1702 %^ M"" Jerimiah ofborn Juftice Daniell fherman & mary Bafset was maried January 21 1702 ^ major mofes man f field afsiftant Daniell Bradly & Sarai Bafset was maried January 16 1702 by m"" Jerimiah ofborne Juftice of y^ peace Japhet manffield & Hannah Bradly was maried January 14 1703 by major mofes manffield af fistant peter Robbins & Lidiah Smith waf maried aprill 5 1703 by John Ailing Juftice of y® peace [138] Birthes in 1702 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of nath" Tharp Jun"" waf born may 10''' 1690 Hannah y® Daughter of nath" Tharp Jun was born June "j^^ 1692 Nathaneell y^ fon of nath" Tharp Jun"" was born march y^'^ 1695 Jsaac y® fon of nath" Tharp Jun"" Waf born October 8'** 1697 fam" y® fon of nath" Tharp Jun*" Waf born feptember 6^^^ 1702 nathaniell y* fon of nath" yale was Born December 31 1702 Martha y^ Daughter of fam" Tuttle sen"" born march 18 1684 [or 1694 ?] Jofiah y® fon of Sam" Tuttle senor waf born aprill 7 1696 Sarah y® Daughter of Sam" Tuttle Jun' born fep' 8'^ 1699 Dannell y® fon of Sam" Tuttle waf born auguft 23 1702 Sarai y® Daughter of nath" Tharp fen'" waf born Decem*"" 10 1692 Hanah y® Daughter of nath" Tharp fen' waf born may y® 12 1695 experienc y® Daughter of nath" Tharp sen' waf born march 14: 1698 Lidiah y^ Daughter of nath" Tharp sen' was born fept^' 12 : 1702 Hannah y® Daughter of micaell Todd was born february 20*^^ 1702 Abigaill y^ Daughter of John Thorn fon Jun' was born octob' 6 1694 Mercy y^ Daughter of John Thomfon Jun' was born febr 21 1696 Mofes y® fon of John Thomfon Jun' was born nouem*" i 1699 Ellinah y^ Daughter of John Thomfon was born aprill 28 1702 Allis y^ Daughter of Dan" Clark waf born fep* 6 1702 mehitabell y® Daughter of John Himingway waf born may 30'^ 1702 Eliner y® Daughter of Jonathan pirkinf waf born march 7 : 1702 Dorathy y® Daughter of Jofeph morrif was born fept*" 1695 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 93 Benjamin y® fon of Jofeph morrif i^af born aprll 1699 mary y** Daughter of Jofeph morrif waf born June 1702 Timothy y® fon of famuell Cooper was born aprill 5"" 1702 Hannah y® Daughter of gerfhom Brown waf born June i^' 1702 [139] Births Jn newhauen 1703 Jofeph y^ fon of Jofeph Thompfon waf born march 5'^ 1703 obadiah y® son of Thomas munson waf born aprill 3*^ 1703 Hannah y^ Daughter of John payne was born aprill 2^ 1703 Rebeckah y" Dautghter of Dauid pirkinf born June 9 1686 Danniell y** fon of Dauid pirkinf waf born aprill 4 1689 experienc y*^ Daughter of Dauid pirkinf was born Janu'' 31 1690 mehitabell y* Daughter of Dauid pirkinf waf born octo 29 1692 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Dauid pirkins waf born novem'^'" 28 1694 fam" y® fon of Dauid pirkins was born may y** 16 : may 1698 experienc y® Daughter of Dauid pirkinf was born Decern^'' 5 1699 Robbert y® fon of John John fon sen"" waf born June 5 1703 mary y® Daughter of m'" natha" wade was born august 14: 1703 James & Jofeph twins fons of John Dumbar was born June 28 1703 elizabeth y® Daughter of Stephen pirkinf waf born nouem'^'' 10 1703 Hezikiah y'' fon of Jofeph Becher was born June 14''' 1703 Sufanah y® Daughter of John punderfon waf born July 29'^ 1703 Job y® fon of Jofeph fmith waf born aprill 1703 John y® fon of fam" fteuens waf born auguft i^' 1703 ebenezer y® fon of John Benham was born may 17"^ 1703 Jfaac y® fon of ebenezer Blackly waf born July 21^' 1703 elizabeth y® Daughter of Jofeph Linef waf born June 16 1703 Ralph y® fon of fam" Ruffell was borne august y® 12^"^ 1703 Elizabeth y® Daugter of John cooper Jun born feb'"^ 18 : 1694 John y® fon of John cooper Jun waf born July lo^"^ 1699 Mary y^ Daughter of John cooper Jun"" waf born Jan'"'' 20 1701 mehitabell y^ Daughter of John Hil waf born auguft 1690 [140] obadiah y® fon of John Hill was born : octo*"" 1697 Stephen y® fon of John Hill waf born aprill i^' 1700 Hannah y® Daughter of John Hill was born Decem^'" 1702 John y® fon of John Hull was born October 22 Day 1703 Mary y® Daughter of Jofeph malary waf born 1699 thankfull y® Daughter of Jofeph malary waf born auguft 1694 abigaill y® Daughter of Jofeph malary waf born auguft 1696 Jofeph y^ fon of Jofeph malary waf born nouem^"" 5 1698 Benjamin y® fon of Jofeph malary waf born nouem^'' 5 1701 94 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Daniell y® fon of Daniell Hotchkif was born auguft: 1687 Esther y*' Daughter of Dan" Hotchkif was born nouem*"' 25 1693 Rebeckah y*" Daughter of Dan" Hotchkif was born feb""^ 14 1697 Jemimah y^ Daughter of Dan" Hotchkif waf born nouem'"' 26 1702 EHzabeth y° Daughter of Dan" barnes waf born octo*"" 17 1703 Daniell y^ fon of ni"" Thom^ Trow^bridge waf born octo^"" 25 1703 Arther y^ fon of arther Rexford was born July 13: 1703 John y^ fon of Thomas Alcock was born auguft 12 1703 martha y^ Daughter of Thorn* elcock waf bom July 1693 farai y^ Daugter of Thorns elcock waf born feb"""' 24 1695 Lidiah y^ Daughter of Thorns elcock was born Decem*"" 17 1700 Abigail! y** Daughter of Benj Dorman was born noum'"' 28 1703 Daniell y^ fon of John Maltroup was born Deem'"'' i*' 1703 mary y^ Daughter of nathan Andrewef Jun waf born march 12*'' 1697 ' Jonathan y" fon of nathan Andrewef Jun"" was born 30''^ of October 1701 abigaell y^ Daughter of nathan Andrewef Jun was born Decern 26^^ 1703 Daniell y" fon of Dan" Brown was born aprill 26"^ 1698 [141] Elizabeth y® Daughter of John willmot was born aprill 20*** Beniamin y® son of Benjamin willmot was boni December i 1703 Jofeph y^ fon of Daniell Brown waf born Decern*"" i*' 1701 Lidiah y® Daughter of gidion andrews waf born Jan'"^ 14: 1699 gidion y^ fon of gidion Andrews was bom nouem*"" 9**^ 1703 John y^ Son of Sam" Horton was born nouem*"" 2/ 1700 mar}' y® Daughter of Sam" Horton was bom f eb""-' : 24 1703 Stephen y® Son of Sam" Tuttle Jun was born Sep' 5"* 1703 mehitabell v'' Dau2:hler of nath'^ Smith was born aprill 16'^ 1698 Andrew y^ fon of nathan Smith was born nouember 15'*^ 1701 Timothy y® fon of Rich^ miles was born December 24"^ 1703 will™ y® son of Henry Ludington was born Sep': 6'*^ 1703 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of Jamef Bifhop was bom nouem*"" 29''': 1703 James y^ fon of nath" Hitchcock was born Decem^"" ^^^ 1703 Caleb y* son of Joshua hotchkis Jun"" was bom July 2"/^^ 1703 Dauid y^ fon of Dauid Austin was born October 25'^ 1703 Thankful! y* Daughter of Caleb mix was bom October 3"^ 1695 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 95 Rachell y*' Daughter of Caleb mix was born Decern*"" 15"" 1697 patienc y" Daughter of Caleb mix was born march 23 1699 esther y^ Daughter of Caleb mix was born Decern*"" 31^' 1702 Rebecka y° Daughter of ebene"" Brown Jun waf born October 1703 elizabeth y® Daughter of Will wooden was born Decern*"" 11 1698 Jane y® Daughter of will"" wooden was born february 6 1700 Hesther y^ Daughter of Will"" Wooden was born Jan''^ 29 1702 Mary y® Daughter of Abram Dickerman Jun"" waf born 1703 Mercy y^ Daughter of Mathew benham was born august 6: 1703 Benj™ y® fon of Thomas Beck was born Janu""^ 29 1703/4 Jsaac fon of ebenezer f perry was born nouem*"" 27 1703 7 John y" fon of Sam'* dark at westfide waf born Janu: 16 1703 Jofeph y® fon of Sam'* farren was born nouem*''" 28 1703 [142] Sarah y® Daughter of Thom^ Biggs was born October 5 : 1703 Hannah y® Daughter of Japhet manffield waf born Jan^ 6 : 1703/4 elizabeth y® Daughter of Jofeph Dorman waf Born febru 17 1703/4 Sarah y® Daughter of Benjamin englifh waf born february 5**^ 1703/4 .John y® fon of Sam" dark Jun waf bom 1703/4^^ mercy y® Daughter of Thom^ panther waf born auguft 1703 eunice y® Daughter of Jsaac Johnfon waf born may i^' 1703 Thomas y® fon of John Cooper was born feb: 18 1703 Hannah y^ Daughter of Sam** Candee was Born 1703 Caleb y^ fon of caleb Mathews was born Decern*"": 18. 1703 1704 Mary y*' Daughter of m"" John gilbert was born march 2** 1704: Jerimiah y*' fon of John Bifhop was born nouember 7'** 1703 nathaniell y® fon of nathaniell Heaton was borne march: 19 1704 Aaron y® fon of mofes Blacksly was born aprill 25 1704 Jofeph y® fon of Jofeph prindle waf born march 7: 1704 Rogger y® fon of John pirkins Jun"" waf born march 25*** 1704 John y® Son of Sam'* Burwell was born nouem*"" 4*** 1703 meriam y® Daughter of Thom^ Hodge was born auguft 18 1703 elizabeth y® Daughter of m"" Sam*' Bifhop waf born aprill 16. 1704 Epharim y® Son of Sam" Sanford waf born march 24 1704 Silenc y® Daughter of Joseph dark was born October 31^' 1703 obedienc y® Daughter of John mallary was born aprill 11 : 1704 23 Entry crossed out. 96 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS mehitabell y® Daughter of Thom^ Tuttle Jun was born June 14 : 1699 Rachell y° Daughter of Jofeph chidsey was born march 17. 1704 wilHam y^ fon of Sam" chatterton was born august: 5 1704 Samuell y® fon of Sam" AlHng Jun: was born august 18 1704 nathaniell y*' fon of nath" wooden was born aprill 13 1692 Martha y® Daughter of nath" wooden waf born Decern 29 1693 famuell y® fon of nath" wooden was born may 29 1696 John y® fon of nath" Wooden was born august 13 1696 [143] Marrages Jn newhauen William punfhard & Hannah Browne were maried aprill: 21 1703 Benjamin englifh & Rebeckah Browne were maried the fame Day ^ John Ailing Juftice Samuell Cande & abigaill pinion was maried aprill 28 1703 ^ John Ailing Juftice M"" Jofeph mofs & m""^ mary barker was maried nouem'^'" 19 1 701 ^ y'' Reuerent m"" fam" Rufsell at branford John Hill & mary tarhan waf married august 1703 ^ M"" Henry crane Juftice Jofeph pardee & elizabeth payne was maried Decem*^"" 23** 1703 ^ John Ailing Juftice Sam" peck & abigaill Hitchcock was maried Decem*"" 30''^ 1703 ^ John Ailing Juftice p Thomas fan ford & mary chub was maried January 13"^ 1703/4 ^ John Ailing Juftice. Thomas Bech & Sarah Sanford was married febru"^ 19'^ 1702/3 ^ M"" Street of Wallingford Thomas punderson & Lidiah Bradly was maried fept*"" 21 1704 -^ John Ailing afsistant Steuen Hotchkif & elizabeth Sperry waf maried Decern'"' 12"^ 1704 ^ John Ailing Assistant francifs Brown & hanah Ailing & Stephen Whithead & mary Ailing waf maried aprill 11 day 1705 ?■" Jerimiah ofborne Juftice Nathaniell Turner of New hauen & Ruth Buckinham of milford were married aprill 25 1705 ^ Robbert Treat Deputy gouerner Jofeph Kerbee & mary plum waf maried October: 17''' 1704 ^ Jerimiah ofborne Juftice [144] M'' Benjamin Conry of Stratford & mehetabell glouer of new hauen waf maried decem*"" iS"" 1705 ^ John Ailing afsistant Mofes f perry & Anna Blackley waf maried Jan'^^ i 1705 ^ John Ailing Afsistant NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 97 Samuell Jacobs & margeret old waf maried Decern''^ 6 1705 ^ John Hall Juftice Sam" Jues & Ruth attwater waf maried Jan^ s'l 1705 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Sam" Bradly & abigaill Atwater waf maried Decem'^'" 25 1705 ^ Nathan Andrews Juftice: p: Sam" Hotchkif & Sarah bradly waf maried Janu"^ 10^^ 1705 ^ John Ailing Afsistant M"" Jofeph Chapman of newport & M"'^ Bathshua manffield of N. H. waf maried Jan. 22"^ 1705 ^ John Ailing assistant James peck & abigaill Morrif waf maried feb''^ 14 1705/6 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Thomas willfheir & Sarah ebenatha waf maried nouem*"" 8 1705 ^ M"" Jerimiah ofborne Juftice Samuell Tharp & hannah Thomfon waf maried March i*' 1705/6 f]5 M'' william maltbe Juftice: Thomaf Willmott & Mary Linef waf maryed June 27 1705 ^ Major Eben"" Johnfon Juftice Joseph holt & abigaell Heminway waf maried february 28*^^ 1705/6 ^ M"" W" maltbee Justice P Nathaniell potter & Lidiah Thomaf waf married December 19 1706 ^ John Ailing Afsistant [145] Births 1704 Mary y® Daughter of nath" wooden was born may 10*'^ 1701 Hannah y^ Daughter of nath" wooden was born Decem*"" 30 1703 Barshua y® Daughter of nath" Kimberly was born febru'^ 28 1703 Mary y'^ Daughter of John Hemingway was born auguft 28 1704 Jofeph y^ fon of y® Reuer"' m"" James peirpont waf bom October 21^' 1704 obedienc y^ Daughter of Dan". Bristoll was born October 7*'' 1704 Daniell y*" fon of feth Heaton was born October 13 1704 Seth y*' fon of ebenezer Down was born august 16^^ 1704 Jofeph y® fon of John Dunbar was born October 9'^'' 1704 John y^ fon of Jsaac Turner was born august 4 1704 Abigaell y'' Daughter of Sam" Down waf born nouem^"" 4"" 1704 Amme y"" Daughter of L^ John munfon was born fep*: 18 1704 Benjamin y« fon of Benjamin Bunnill was born Aprill 30 1704 elizabeth y® Daughter of Thomas Sanford was born y^^ nouem- ber 1704 Elizabeth y^ Daughter of Jofeph potter was born fep* 2^ 1704 Steuen y^ fon of fteuen munfon waf born nouember: 15*^ 1704 Dorcas y^ Daughter of John Bradly was born nouember 4*'' 1704 7 98 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS John y^ foil of M"" Rich"^ Hall was born January 17 1704 James y" fon of Ebinezer Chedsey waf born august 23'' 1704 Defire y** Daughter of Benj™ warner waf born 23^ October 1704 eunice y** Daughter of Daniell Sherman was born Jan''^ 3^^ 1704 Mofes y*" fon of nathaniell Tuttle waf born may S'-^ 1704 Hannah y^ Daughter of John punderfon waf born Decern i : 1704 Amos y^ fon of John Hotchkif was born June 27 1704 [146] Amos y® fon of Danniell Collins was born October 19 1704 Hannah y« Daughter of M"" Jsaac Jonef was born feb'"^ is"' 1704 Samuell y® fon of John fherman waf born f eb'"^ : i^^ 1704 Thomas y^ fon of Sam" umberfield waf born feb'^ 8^" 1704 Ruth y^ Daughter of John Tuttle waf born octo'^'' 24 1704 gidion y^ fon of Samuell Thompfon waf born Decem 25"^ 1704 Jacob y^ fon of Jofhua Hotchkif sen"" was born feb''^ 1704 Mehitabell y'^ Daughter of fam" Todd was born January 29''' 1704 wilHam y® fon of will™: punshard waf born auguft: i^"- 1704 Roger y^ fon of Jofeph Kerbee waf born aprill 14 1705 Samuell y"* Son of Sam" Cooper was born may 5 1704 Jonathan y*" fon of nath" Tuttle Jun waf born march 1701 Silenc y" Daughter of nath" Tuttle waf born 1703 elizabeth y'' Daughter of Jofeph pardee was born fep' 16 1704 Sarah y^ Daughter of eliphalet Briftoll waf born nouem*''" 15 1703 Jsaiah y« Son of Simon Tuttle waf born July 10^" 1704 Samuell y'' fon of Serg' John Thomfon waf born Sep*^ 30 1704 John y® fon of Joseph manffield waf born January 2"^ 1704 March 1705 Joseph y® Son of Thomas Humerston waf born nouem^"" 14*^ 1705 Sarah y^ Daughter of famuell peck was born march 21^' 1705 Lidiah y® Daughter of Jerimiah wooden waf born march 18 1705 ebenezer y® fon of fam" farran was born aprill 23 1705 william y^ fon of william Wooden was born march 28 1705 gidion y® fon of micaell Todd waf born May 6**^ 1705 Obedienc y^ Daughter of fam" fmith Jun was born may 19"* 1705 mehitabell Daughter of Sam" fteuens was born July 6'*^ 1705 Jofeph y® fon of Jofeph Kerbee was born may 14"^ 1705 elisabeth y^ Daughter of Jofeph Tuttle was born July 27*" 1705 Samuell y® fon of Jofeph morris was born may 1705 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 99 [147] 1705 ^ ^ Jsaac y® son of Jsaac Johnson wal bom October 24 1705 Jane y^ Daughter of Thomas gilbert waf born July 26 1705 Stephen y'' fon of Sam" mix was borne auguft 12"' 1705 elisabeth y^ Daughter of math ford was born aprill 27: 1705 Samuell the fon of m*" mofes manffield was born auguft 23 1705 ebenezer the fon of Thom^ punderfon was born fept. 12^'' 1705 James y® fon of John Johnson senior was born fep' 3*^ 1705 Nathan y® fon of Sam" Burwell was born July 28"" 1705 Sarai y® Daughter of m"" John Bifhop waf born nouem^"" 19*^ 1705 Lidiah y® Daughter of Stephen pirkinf waf born nouember 24*'' 1705 Jonas y^ fon of Samuell Tuttle Jun"" waf born nouem'''" 20^^ 1705 Solomon y® fon of Benjamin Bunnell was born October 27^**: 1705 James y^ fon of John Hall was born nouember 27 1705 Jacob y® fon of ebenezer Sperry waf bom nouem*^"" 19 1705 elizabeth y® Daughter of James Brown waf bom nouem*"" 1705 Steuen y° fon of Jofeph Thomfon waf born December 3*^ 1705 Steuen y® fon of Sam" Atwater was born Decem^'' 5 1705 Jsarell y^ fon of Joseph Smith Junior: waf bom auguft 15 1705 ebenezer y^ fon of william Hulburd was born July 15 1705 Abigaill y^ Daughter of Joseph pardee waf born fep* i^' 1705 John y^ fon of Joseph Dorman waf born Decem*"" 12*^ 1705 Dinah y® Daughter of eliphalet BriftoU waf born July 31 1705 Mary y® Daughter of Daniell Brown waf born nouem'^'' 29 1705 Jofhua y^ fon of Stephen Hotchkif waf born auguft 26 1705 Samuell y® fon of Sam" Cande was born December 25 1705 Mary y^ Daughter of John payne waf bom Jan'^ 31 1705 elizabeth y® Daughter of Simon Tuttle waf born nouem*"" 8'** 1705 Zipporah y® Daughter of peter mallary waf born Decern 15*'" 1705 Joannah y® daughter of Thom^ munson waf born Sep* 27 1705 [148] 1705 Sarah y® Daughter of John pirkins Jun waf born nouem*"" 27: 1705 Abner y^ fon of mofes Blackely waf born January 25 1705 Hellanah y^ Daughter of John Linef waf born febm 1705^* Sarah ye Daughter of Daniel Barnf waf born Jan"^ 20*'' 1705 Japhet y® fon of Rich*^ Sperry waf born 23 feb 1705/6 & De- ceafed 17 day of march next 1705 Abigaill y® Daughter of John Dennifon waf born nouem*' 13 1705 ^ Entry crossed out. 100 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Anne y® Daughter of Joseph Smith Jun waf borne October ii''' 1703 Joseph y® fon of Joseph smith Jun" waf born January 23 1705 Sarah y^ Daughter of arther Rexford waf born fep^"" 6 1705 eUzabeth y** Daughter of Thom' Trowbridg fen"" : waf born aprill: 23 1705 Mary y® Daughter of nath" Turner was born feb''^ 3*^ 1705 Hannah y" Daughter of John Thomaf Jun waf born Jan: g,^^ ^705 Benjamin y® fon of Benjamin englifh waf born October S^^ 1705 Susanah y^ Daughter of Thomas Hodge was born Sep*"" 7'" 1705 Stephen y^ Son of Dauid austen waf born Jan''^ i 1705 John y^ Son of John Allcock was born January 14: 1705 1706 HeHna, y® Daughter of John Linef waf born march 3'^ 1706 Theophil eaton y'' fon of M"" John Jonef born march 20 1706 Mary y^ Daughter of ebenezer Brown waf born march 17 : 1706 Annah y^ Daugliter of fam" Clarke y^ 2'^: was born march 17: 1706 ehakim y^ fon of Jacob Robinson waf born aprill 1706 Joseph y® fon of Joseph goodwin waf born may 17'^'^ 1706 John Son of francis Brown waf born may 14'^'^ 1706 John Son of John Briftoll waf born June i^^^ 1706 Joseph y*" Son of John willmott waf born may 28: 1706 [149] 1796 William y^ Son of Thomaf willmot waf born may 4*'' 1706 Hannah & Thankfull Twin Daughterf of Joseph Linef was born May y^ 8'^ 1706 Jsarell y® fon of John moltrop was born June 7"^ 1706 Sarah y^ Daughter of Sam" Moltrop was born feb: 24. 1704/5 Stephen y® Son of Stephen Whitehead 1)orn June 5 : 1706, three months & one day after hif fatherf deceas Daniell y^ Son of Daniell Bradly was born auguft 5'^ 1706 Samuell y® Son of Nathan Benhani was born July 27'*^ 1706 Benjamin y*^ Son of y® Reue°' M*" James pierpont was born July 18''^ 1706 Sam" y® Son of Dan" Briftoll was born august y" S^^ 1706 John the Son of Jofeph Holt waf born august 26'*" 1706 Mehetabell y® Daughter of John mix Jun'' was born auguft IQ^** 1706 Mary y^ Daughter of Sam" Jues waf born December 5**" 1706 Daniell y® Son of Sam" Jacobs was born Decem^"": 4"^ 1706 Lidiah y^ Daughter of Benjamin Dorman waf born august 2^ 1706 John the Son of John Sanford was born Sep* 17'^ 1706 Dan" y® Son of Joseph pardee was bom nouem*''" 28'** 1706 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS loi thankfull y® Daughter of Seth Heaton was born Jan 21" 1706/7 Mary y® Daughter of Sam" Ailing Jun'" waf born feb'"^ : 6'*' 1706/7 Ebenezer y'' son of James peck waf born Jan'"^ 20 1706/7 • Joseph y® son of Sam" Russell was bom Decem'''" 19 1706 Samuell y'' Son of eliphalet pardee waf bom: Jan*^ 7'** 1705/6 thankfull y^ Daughter of John Blackley Jun'". was born Jan 17: 1706/7 [150] James y^ Son of nath" Heaton was Born february 16 1706/7 Zuriall y^ Son of nath" Kimberly waf born noum'''' 25 1706 Thomas y^ Son of Joseph osborne waf born august 27 1706 Samuell y^ Son of peter pirkins was born July 4''' 1706 elizabeth y® Daughter of abram Dickerman waf born June 12'^ 1706 Mary y« Daughter of m"" mofes man f field was born feb'^ : 23 1706/7 enos y^ son of John potter Jun'" was born December : 12 1706 Hannah y® Daughter of ebenezer frost was born June 1706 Nathaniell y® son of Joseph Becher was born march 7'^ 1706 elisabeth y*" Daughter of Thomaf painter was born may 23* 1706 1707 ebenezer y® son of Benjamin willmott was born march lo'** 1707 Mary y^ Daugter of Samuell Smith Jun was born march 7*** 1707 Samuell y^ Son of Samuell Bradly was born march 21" 1707 Dinah y^ Daughter of Joseph chedsey waf born may 14*^ 1707 Mary y® Daughter of Richard miles was born march 19**" 1707 Jane y® Daughter of Sam" Steuens was born June 2^^^^ 1707 Joseph y® Son of Sam" Chatterton was born aprill 18*^ 1707 Sam" y® Son of Sam" Tharp was born march 24 1707 ephraim y® son of Thomas Bech was born June 1707 Lidiah y® Daughter of John Tuttle was bom march \^^^ 1707 Abigaill y® Daughter of John Buttler waf born august 23 : 1707 Ebenezer y® son of Ebenezer Down was born march 28 1707 Mathew y® son of ebenezer Blakly Jun'" was born octo^"" 25 1707 gershom y^ son of Benjamin Bunell was Born may i®* 1707 at Elizabethtown in eaft Jersey [151] Mehetabell y® Daughter of Thom^ Sanford waf bom march 20**" 1707 James y® son of Thomas Allcock was born October 7*'' 1707 Christopher y® Son of Sam" Todd Jun'" was born may 2* 1707 Abigaill y^ Daughter of James Bifhop was born Sep* i^*^ 1707 Jsaac y® Son of Sam" Cooper was born Decern*"" 4*** 1707 I02 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Eleazer y® son of michaell Todd was born octobr 12''^ 1707 Eunice y" Daughter of James Browne waf born octo*"" i" 1707 Abiah y® Daughter of Dan" Sherman was born October 28 1707 E)efire y® Daughter of Henry Bristol! waf born nouem*"" 5 1707 Lidiah y^ Daughter of Stephen munson waf born nouem*"" 2^ 1707 John y^ son of Sam" Atwater waf born nouem^'' 28 1707 Mary y® Daughter of Stephen Hotchkis waf born Jan"^. i^': 1707/8 Annah y® Daughter of will™ Hubbert was born aprill 6'^ 1707 Desire y° Daughter of John Heminway was born march 2^ 1707 Joseph y^ Son of John peck was born Janu""^ : 27*^*^ 1707/8 Benjamin y^ Son of Benjamin warner waf born June 16'*^ 1707 Dorcas y^ Daughter of Jsaac Johnson waf born august 10*^ 1707 enos y^ Son of nath" Sperry was born feb 19 1705/6 Sarah y^ Daughter of John Hall waf Born Janu"^ 26: 1707/8 Jacob y® son of m"" Jsaac Jones waf born march 20 1707/8 Mehetibell y^ Daughter of John Johnfon sen'' waf born feb: 29 1707/8 Names of pfon Deceafed at Milford^^ James flough y" fonn of william Slough dyed y® 10^** 0/ ffeburary 1649 Simon Potter Dyed y® y^^ of may 1650 John Benton y^ fonn of Andrew Benton dyed y® 24^^ of may 1650 [152] Henry Bristoll & Defire Smith were married January 23^^ 1706/7 ^ John Ailing Afsistant John peck & Esther morris were maried January 30''' 1706/7 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Caleb Mallary & meriam Blackely were married feb 13 1706/7 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Ebenezer ffrost & mary Tuttle was married October 4'^*' 1704 ^ Nathan Andrews Justice Dauid arnall & elizabeth Clark were maried October 29 1707 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Thom^ Allcock & mary gedney were maried aprill 17*^^ 1706 ^ major John Chester Afsistant Joseph Clark of new haun & marah parker of wallingford were maried nouember 27 1707: ^ John Hall Juftice M"" John: Ruffell of Branford & m" Sarah Trowbridge at new hauen were maried decem^"" 17 1707 p"^ John Ailing afsistant John mofs of [ ?] & Jane Thompson of new hauen were maried Decem"' 22* 1707 ^ John Ailing Afsistant 25 The entries on the remainder of the page are inverted and crossed out. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 103 Names of pfonf Maried at Milford^^ John Stream and Martha beard were married by Capt Aftwood ye 20*^^ of December 1649 all entred in a booke for y^ purpofe Thomas Beazly and Elizabeth Heruey were married by Capt Aftwood y® 20'^ of march 1649 Sonthhold Richard Terry and Abigale Linef were married The 22"^ of may 1650 Milford Jofeph Pecke & widdow Burrill was married by Cap* Aftwood the 12^^ of feptember 1650 % [153] An Inventory of the goodes of Lawranc watts Taken and apprifed y® 31*'^ of January 1644:" James page Thomas Gregson m' Evance had ye originall Inventory and faith he cannot finde it : [162] The names of Children brought in from other Townes^* Mary fwaine y^ daughter of Samuel fwaine was born y'' firft of march 1649 Dorathe Norton y^ Daughter of Jn° Norton was borne y® i^^^ of march 1649 Mofes Blachly y^ fon of Thom Blachly was borne y® 25'*^ of march 1650 Obadiah Palmer y^ fonn of William Palmer was borne y^ Laft of march 1650 Milford Rogger Terrill y® fonn of Rogger Terrill was borne y® 20*^^ of January 1649 James Slough y^ fonn of William flough was borne y^ 28''* of January 1649 26 The entries on the remainder of the pagre are inverted and crossed out. 27 The inventory is recorded in full and then follows probate records excerpts only of which are piven herewith. The vital records beg-in again with page 162 of the text. "Edward Tench planter in Quinypiack .... haveing my deare wife Sarah Tench lyeing in the howes wtl» mee dangeroufly fick , . . make . . my Laft will and Tefta- ment .... to my forenamed deare wife the one halfe of ye remaynder of my whole Estate whether it be here or in old England, if God be pleafed to . . . preferve her life. The other halfe of my Eftate, I give and bequeath to my only fonn Nathaniell Tench, now about five yeare of age. . . If my wife dye and her sifter come over intothefe parts and should defire to take my fon backe into old England yet my Exprefsed will and mynd is, that he returne not but continew with & be brought up by the . . . Church of Christ at Quinnypiacke, whereunto m' davenport is pastor. . . Lastly if it should Pleafe God by death to take my fonn out of this world before he hath attayned the full age of one and Twenty yeares then. . . . one halfe of my estate to the Treafurie of y* Church to whose care I had Intrusted my fonn e , , . And the other halfe ... to my Brother ffrancis Tench and to his children . . . this ISt^i day of february. 1639. In the presence of us. Hen: Brunwin, Will™ Jeanes, Thos ffugill. The Inventorie of all the Goods and chattells of Edward Tench deceafed . . . Taken by Thom Gregfon. Robert Newman and Mathew Gilbert the 19th ffeb 1639 . _ _ £409:03:06 28 Entries on this page crossed out. I04 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Jonathan Baldwin y** fonn of Jofeph Baldwin was borne the 15*'' of february 1649 John Benton y" fonn of Andrew Benton was borne y*' 9^*^ of Aprill 1650 Sarah Prudden y* Daughter of m"" Peter Prudden was borne y' 9^*^ of may 1650 Mary Bryan y^ Daughter of Richard bryan was borne y'' 15'^ of feburary 1649 Southhold Abigale Cooppr y® Daughter of Thomas Cooppr was Borne firft day of January 1649 James Benidick the fonn of Thomas Benidict was borne y® 6"" of feburary 1649 [163] Milford Sarah Browne the Daughter of Jn° Browne was borne the 6"^ of Auguft 1650^^ [164] An Inventory of will™ Ives .... Prised by us . . . . John Clarke, Antha: Tomson^" [186] Mariages Jn newhauen M'' John Collin f of midletown & m" mary dixwell were maried Decern 23 1707 p'" John Ailing Afsistant Jsarell Barns & mary wise were maried Decem^"" 31*' 1707 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Daniell Stone of guilford & elizabeth Talmadge of new hauen were maried Janu"^ 1707/8 p"" John Ailing afsistant Roger Ailing & susanah holt were maried ^ m"" Jeremiah osborn Justice feb: 5'^ 1707/8 Stephen Howell & Desire morris were maried ^ John Ailing Afsistant march: 4^^ 1707/8 William Russell & Mary Sperry were maried ^ John Ailing Afsistant March ii''^ 1707/8 Jonathan Man f field & Sarai Ailing were maried ^ Nathan 29This entry erased. 3" The vital records begin on page 186. Probate items and entries relating to strays are recorded. "The will of William Preston made July 9, 1647. I, william Preston, a member of the church of Newhaven doe make . . . this my Laft will it Teftaraent . . . To Jofeph Alfops, wife my daughter ... To my fonn Edward ... To my fonn Danyell . . . To ray daughter Mary ... to be paid when she is nineteene years of age, . . . .'\s for W"" Meeks wife for that upon her Marriadge fince I have given her is more then I can give to any of her- Brothers or Sisters yet I give her five shillings . . , Rest of my eftate . . . in Newhaven . . . to my wife for the bringing up of my children . . . by her. In confideration she was a means to bring mee the reft to New England. I have an Estate in old-England . . . given by my father to my Elder Brother and myfelf . . , Left in ye hands of ... m' William Lawfon and M' W'" Bankes to be kept in truft ... in Yorkefhire in a Towne called Gigleweke In Craven . . . to be devided amongst the chil- dren I had by my former wife, as Daniell Edward and John prefton and my daughter Eliza" beth Sarah & Mary and to my wife . . . and for my fon John I leave in the hands of Brother Roger Allen, And Brother Thomas Munfon to place where they two shall thinke Good." Inventory taken ye 30<1> day of ye 6'h month 1647 of ye Goods of W'» Preston of New haven, in New Kngland, late Deceafed . . . £65:15: . . , appraysed ^ us Mathew Gilbert. Joshuah Atwatter, NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 105 Andrews Juftice June i*' 1708 Theophilus Ailing & Lidiah fmith were maried ^ John Ailing Afsistant June 17*^ 1708 John pirkins & elizabeth Howard were maried feb'"'' 3*^ 1707/8 ^ Ebenezer Johnson Juftice of peace Samuell Smith «& annah morris were maried Decern^'' 30 1708 ^ John Ailing Afsistant M"" Samuell Cook & m" anne Trowbridge were married nouem- ber 31^' 1708 ^ nathan Andrews Juftice of y® peace [187] Thomas morris & Sarah gilbert were maried May 25*** 1708 ^ Nathan Andrews Juftice of peace Joseph Turner & Sarah Hotchkis were maried feb"^ 3^ 1708/9 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Thomas Steuens & amme Smith were maried feb""^ 15''' 1708/9 ^ John Ailing Afsistant John Todd & Hanah Buttler were maried feb 9*'' 1708/9 ^ m"" Nathan Andrews Juftice peac: Richard Sperry & elisabeth willmott were maried may 19**^ 1709 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Jonah Todd & hannah dark were maried aprill ao'*" 1709 ^ m"" abraham Bradly Juftice: John grannis & elizabeth [torn]cket were maried October 12 1704 ^ y® Reuerent m"" Sam" Street of wallingford Joseph mix & Hannah Ball were maried March 24 1709 ^ m"" Abraham Bradly Justice Nathan Clark & phebe Lines were maried may 27 1709 ^ Samuell whitehead & Tabatha Holt were maried June 30 1709 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Jsaac Dickerman & mary atwater were maried June 30 1709 ^ John Ailing Afsistant John Hitchcock & Mary Thomson were maried March 4''' 1707/8 ^ Jeremiah osborn Justice Joseph Jues & Sarah Ball were maried January y^'^ 1700 ^ Major moses manffield Afsistant [188] Caleb Hotchkis & mehetable crutenden were maried 14*^ feb: 1 705/6 ^ y« Reuerent m"" Thomas Ruggles : Joseph Lines & Hannah Bradly were maried feb"^ 3*^ 1708/9 ^ Abraham Bradly Juftice of peac Sam" Humerston & mary clenton was maried Janu'"'' 1708 ^ Nathan Andrews Juftice of peac Ebenezer peck & Hannah Hotchkif were maried May y® 10*'* 1709 ^ Abraham Bradly Juftice of peac Nathan" Bunnell & desire peck were maried May 10 1709 ^ Abraham Bradly Justice of peac Ebenezer Blakly & mary ford were maried december y^ 5*** 1706 ^ Nathan Andrews Justice Jsaac Dayton & Elizabeth Todd were maried Decern'"" 29 1708 ^ Nathan Andrews Justice peac I06 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Thomas Jacob & Jemimah Tuttle were maried aprill 1707 ^ John Hall Justice of peac Moses Bracket & anue grannis were maried January 8*^^ 1706 ^ John Hall Justice p Ebenezer smith & hannah smith were maried May 31" 1709 ^ Samuell Elees Assistant Thomas Barnes & mary Leek were maried may y^ 18^*^ 1709 ^ Nathan Andrews Justice p Seth Heaton & Hannah Todd were maried June 3'^ 1701 ^ Major moses manf field Afsistant [189] Theophilus Heaton & Sarah earll were maried Decem*"^ 21" 1709 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Sam" Blackly & Helena Brown were maried Janu"^ 2.^ 1709/10 ^ M"" Jonathan Law Justice of peac Benjamin fox of N: London & azubah Tuttle of N: haven were married aprill 13"^ 17 10 ^ Nathan andrews Justice of peac Ebenezer manffield & Hannah Bafsett were maried aprill 20^^ 1710 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Joseph sacket & Sarah Dennison were married May 18'^ 1710 ^ Nathan Andrews Justice Sam" Bafset & Mary Hitchcock were maried august i^' 1710 by John Ailing Afsistant John miles & Sarai Ball were maried august 2^ 1710 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Dan" Johnson & widow Tuttle were Maried Decern'^'" 23 1707 ^ Jeremiah osborn Juftice Mathew Roe & Rebecka mix were maried feb'^ i^' 1710/11 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Sam" Clark & mary Brown were maried nouem'"' 15 1698 ^ moses manffield afsistant william Ludenton & anne Hodge were maried feb 28"^ 1710/11 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Thomas Jues & anne thomson were maried may y® 4**^ 171 1 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Jonathan Todd & Sarah morrison were maried aprill 19''' 171 1 ^ M"" warham mather Justice of peac [190] M"" Joseph whiting & M" Hannah Trowbridge were maried January : 30 1709/10 ^ Jeremiah osborn Efq"" Juftice of y^ peac John Hitchcock & abiah Basset were maried May 29''' 171 1 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Ebenezer Hitchcock & Anne perkins were maried June 25 1711 ^ John Ailing Afsistant M"" John Trowbridge & M" Rebeckah Eliott were maried October 26 17 10 by y^ Reuerent M"" Thomas Rugels of guilford M"" John Dixwell and m" mary prout were maried sep* i^' 1708 ^ Capt Nathan Andrews Justice of y® peace NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 107 Joseph Becher & Sarah morris were maried august 3*^ 17 10 ^ M"" Abraham Bradly Justice of peac M"" Christopher Christophers & M" Sarah prout were maried Janu''^ : 22 1711/12 ^ Nathan Andrews esquir Justice of peac James Brown & ehsabeth Kerbe were maried octo'''" y^ 31 ^ Jeremiah osborn esquir :' 1 704 : Stephen Munson & Lidiah Bafset were maried Decern*"" 23 1703 ^ Jeremiah of borne Juftice p Sam" potter & abigaill hill were maried January lO*** 1710 ^ Abraham Bradly Juftice of peac Ephariem osborn & mary osborne were maried October 171 1 ^ M' Abraham Bradly Justice of peac [191] Births Sarah y® Daughter of Sam" Blackly waf born Sep^ 6 1692 anna y® Daughter of Sam" Blackly waf born Septem'^'" 2^ 1694 Mary y^ Daughter of Sam" Blackly was born Sep*^ 16"' 1696 James y® son of Sam" Blackly was born aprill 27 : 1699 Mehetable y® Daughter of Sam" Blackly was born auguft 31 1702 Tilla y® son of Sam" Blackly was born march 18 1705 Elizabeth y® Daughter of Math"^ ford was born aprill 2j 1705 Lidiah y® Daughter of Math"^' ford was born nouem'''' 13'** 1707 Joshua y® Son of Jofhua Hotchkif was born Decem'"" 22 1707 Barshua y® Daughter of John Thomson at y® South End was born June 24 1707 John y® Son of Joseph potter was born august 1706 Enock y® son of John Thomas waf born may i^' 1698 abram y® son of John Thomas waf born June 18*^ 1700 Ephraim y® son of John Thomas was born f eb : 19'** 1701 Rebeckah y® Daughter of John Thomaf waf born Jan 10: 1704 Mary y® Daughter of John Thomas was born aprill 19: 1707 Recompenc y® Son of John Thomaf waf born nouem*"" 2: 1709 Moses y® Son of Nath" Tharp was born octo*"" 3 1707 Aron y® Son of nath" Tharp was born Janu""^ 20 1709 Thomas y® Son of Caleb Tuttle waf born nouem^'" 24 1705 James y® Son of Caleb Tuttle was born nouem'^'" 30 1707 Nathan" y* Son of Nathan" Hitchcock born Decem'"" 16 1705 Elizabeth y® Daughter of Caleb mathews waf born octo*"" 6: 1705 Sarah y® Daughter of Japhet man f field born aprill 8 1706 [192] Births Elizabeth y® Daughter of Joseph man f field was born October 23 1706 Elizabeth y® Daughter of John Sherman waf born 25''' 1707/8 I08 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Sarah y® Daughter of Sam" Thomas was born Jan 31*': 1692 Dorathy y^ Daughter of Sam" Thomas was born auguft 6: 1694 Sam" y^ Son of Sam" Thomas was born October lo^'' 1699 Lidiah y^ Daughter of will™ Johnson waf born auguft 1701 Stephen y® Son of will™ Johnson was born auguft 28 1704 amos y" Son of will™ Johnson was born march 29 1708 Thankfull y^ Daughter of Joseph bradly born march 17 1704 Joseph y® Son of Joseph Bradly waf born march 8 1707 Ezekiell y" Son of Thomas willmot waf born feb: 15 1707 Sarah y® daughter of John Thomaf Jun was born Sep' 30 1709 Thomas y*' Son of Thomas Jacobs was born auguft 9''' 1708 Dan y" Son of peter carrinton waf born Decem*"" 9 1701 Elizabeth y*^ Daughter of peter carrinton born nouem^"" 16 1704 Noahdiah y*' Son of peter Carinton was born decem^"" 12^^ 1706 Sarah y" Daughter of peter Carrinton born 4*^^ Decem'^'' 1708 anne y® Daughter of moses Brocket waf born Sep* 27 1707 Dinah y* Daughter of eliphalet Briftoll born June 10"* 1705 Stephen y^ Son of Eliphalet Bristoll was born august 12''' 1707 peter y" son of Joseph smith was born July 11 1708 Dinah y^ Daughter of m'' John Bifhop born march 1708 Ebenezer y" son of Eben"" frost waf born feb"^ 11 1707 philip y® Son of arthur Rexford was born June 19 1708 Daniell y® Son of nathan" Hitchcock was born april 17 1708 Japhet y® son of Japhet man f field was born Janu"^ s**" 1708 [193] Births Rebecka y* Daughter of Tho"" Barnf born march 12 1691 Abigaill y^ Daughter of Thomaf Barnf waf born June lo**^ 1694 Elizabeth y** Daughter of Thom^ Barns waf born nouember lo'** 1695 Deborah y® Daughter of Thom^ Barns waf born feb^ i^' 1698 Hannah y" Daugter of Thom^ Barns waf born may 31^* 1702 Samuell y® Son of Thom'' Barnf waf born aprill ii'*' 1705 Nathan" y® Son of Thom^ Barnf waf born Janu''^ : 11*^ 1707 Kathine y® Daughter of Eben"" Smith waf born Janu''^ 10''' 1705 Ruth y® Daughter of U John munson wat bom Janu""^ 30: 1707/8 phoebe y'' Daughter of Joseph cooper was born June 8 1707 Abraham y® Son of Sam" Clark Jun"" born at east new Jersey on y° 11'^ October 1699 Mary y" Daughter of Sam" Clark Jun"" waf born may 8"': 1703 Hannah y*' Daughter of Sam" Clark Jun"; was born august 9*''' 1704 Dauid y** Son of Sam" Clark Jun"" was born Sep* s^^ 1705 Silas y® Son of Sam" Clark Jun was born October 18*^ 1706 Jsaac y® Son of Sam" Clark Jun waf born June 2^ 1708 Desire y* Daughter of John sanford was born feb'"'' 12 1707/8 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 109 Desire y** Daughter of John grannis was born Decern*"' 14 1705 Lidiah y® Daughter of Dan" Clark was born may 4'*" 1706: Benjamin y" Son of Benjamin Jones was born October 14 1706 John y® Son of Joseph Jues waf born nouem'"' 6 1701 Joseph the Son of Joseph Jues waf born nouem'''" 9 1703 alHn y^ Son of Joseph Jues waf born febru'^y 23 1705/6 Mehetabell y" Daughter of caleb hotchkis was born no*"" 20 1706 James y" son of nath" potter was born Sep' 6 1707 [194] Births Stephen y^ Son of Stephen dark waf born aprill 20: 1703 Moses y^ Son of Stephen dark was born march 7'*" 1705 Sarah y® Daughter of Stephen Clark waf born auguft 28 1707 Annah y^ Daughter of Sam" farran waf born January 10 1707 Benjamin y® son of y*' Reuerent m"" James pierpont waf bom October 15 1707 Rebecka y*^ Daughter of Sam" Thomson waf born feb 23^ 1707/8 James y® son of James Steuenf waf born July 4''' 1707 Rachell y^ Daughter of Joseph Dorman waf born: feb'' i^^^ 1707/8 1708: 1708. Peter y^ Son of peter mallary waf born march 5 1708 Lidiah y® Daughter of Thomaf punderson born march i^^: 1708 James y® Son of John Dumbar was born aprill 30 1708 Jedidiah y® son of gidion andrews was born aprill 26 1708 John & Sarah twins Son & daughter of John Denison was born may 10'*^ 1708 Stephen Son of M'' John gilbert waf born aprill: 26 1708 Sarai y® Daughter of Moses Blackley waf bom march 31^' 1708 Meriam y^ Daughter of caleb mallary waf born may 23 1708 Richard y^ Son of Dan" Bristoll was born October 18 1708 amos y*" Son of Sam" Tuttle Jun'" waf born may 30*^*" 1708 Hannah y® Daughter of M"" John Jones was born June i^^^ 1708 Deborah y® daughter of Sam" dark was born aprill 22'' 1708 mary y^ Daughter of Thorn'' Hodge was born nouem*"" 5''' 1707 Samuell y^ Son of francis Browne was borne octo*"" 6**^ 1708 elizabeth y^ Daughter of John Allcock was born July 31 1708 Samuell y^ Son of Samuell peck was born October g^^ 1708: abigaill y« daughter of Eben"" Smith was born June 2'^ 1708 Miriam y® daughter of John perkins waf born nouem*"" 2. [1708] [195] abigaill y« Daughter of will'" punchard born July 20 1708 Thankful! y° Daughter of Stephen pirkins was born aprill 17*'' 1708 no NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Margrett y*' Daughter of m'" mofcs manffield waf born October 7"^ 1708 Elizabeth y*' Daughter of Sam" umfreeuile born octo'"" 27 1708 Nathaneell y*" Son of nath" Turner was born august 4"" 1708 Joannah y*" Daughter of John payn waf born nouem^"" 10''' 1708 . Jason y° Son of John Bradly was born august 10'^ 1708 thank full y« Daughter of nath" Sperry waf born august 6^^ 1708 John y^ Son of John Smith Jun"" waf born Jan'"^ 3 1708 Moses y^ Son of moses Sperry was born nouem""" 13'^ 1708 James y^ Son of James peck was born august 4'^ 1708 Roger y^ Son of Roger Ailing waf born Decern'"'' 3*^ 1708 Desire y^ Daughter of eben"" blackly waf born noum*"" 1708 Ezekiell y** Son of Samuell Sanford was born march 4^^^ 1707/8 Rachell y* Daughter of Thomas panther waf born July 19*^ 1708 Thankfull y^ Daughter of Sam" candee was born June 1708 Mary y"^ Daughter of John moss waf born Decem'"'" ^^^ 1708 Samuell y^ Son of John Lines was born Jana''^ 17 1708 Lidiah y® Daughter of Joseph cooper waf born Jan 15'" 1708 abigaill y^ Daughter of Sam" Bradly waf born nouem""" 18 1708 Sufanah y^ Daughter of will"" Tuttle waf born nouem^"" 10 1708 Nicholas y^ Son of will™ Rufsell waf born Decem^"" 20''' 1708 Hannah y^ Daughter of peter perkinf waf born July 22 1708 Lidiah y^ Daughter of Sam" Jacobs was born October 1708 Samuell y*' Son of John Blakly was born Jan""^ 31**^ 1708/9 amos y^ Son of eben"" Sperry was born Sep^ 11"^ 1708 [196] annah y^ Daughter of Joseph osborne waf bom Jan 6 1709 anna and Rebecah twins daughters of John willmot was born feb: 11'^ 1708/9 Elizabeth y*^ Daughter of John grannis was born Sep* i^' 1708 Elizabeth y® Daughter of Dauid arnall waf born Decern 19*'' 1708 Daniell y® Son of Dan" Clark was born feb: 3'^ 1708/9 Caleb y** Son of will Thomson Jun"" waf born sep^ 15"^ 1708 John y" Son of John Hitchcock was born Janu""^ i^' 1708/9 Stephen Jues son of Joseph Jues was born June 2^^^ 1708 Thomas y*" Son of Thomas gilbert was born feb^: 14 1708/9 Jsaac y^ Son of Sam" Cooper was born Dcember 4''' 1707 Sarah y^ Daughter of Thomas bech was born sep*: 1708 John y® Son of Daniell miles was borne may 2'^ 1708: oliue y® Daughter of gershom Brown was born feb 22'^: 1708 Joseph y® Son of Joseph manffeld was born auguft 17"^ 1708 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 1 1 1 March 1709 amme Daughter of Sam" Smith Jun-" was born march 10*^ 1709 Dorathy y^ Daughter of John Tuttle was born march 22: 1709 Moses y*" fon of Jonathan manftield was born may 5"" 1709 James y*" Son of M'" Jsaac Jones was born may 16 1709 Esther y« Daughter of Seth Heaton was born aprill : 27 1709 Jonathan y^ Son of Joseph Thomson was born aprill 3: 1709 Hannah y^ Daughter of Benjamin Jones was born march 14^'' 1709 Lidiah y^ Daughter of Sam" Jues was borne march J^^ 1709 John y^ Son of Stephen Howell was born may %^^ 1709 Hannah y^ Daughter of abram Dickerman was born may 9"^^ 1709 Ruth y^ Daughter of m"" James Bishop was born may 19"^ 1709 gidion y® Son of Theophilus Ailing was born June 26 1709 James y® Son of Serg"*^ Rich*^ miles was born aprill 20^^" 1709 John y*" Son of John punderson waf born July 25 1709 Jsarell y*" Son of Jsarell Barns was born July 19 1709 [197] Births 1709 Deborah y^ Daughter of Simon Tuttle was born Jan""^ i^* 1709 Jsaac y^ Son of Dan" Browne was born march 20"^ 1709 James y^ Son of James Browne was born June 5'^ 1709 Thomas y® Son of M^ Sam" Cook was born Sepf: if^ 1709 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Jsaac Dayton was born may i^' 1709 Daniell y® Son of Daniel! miles was born July 12"'. 1709 John y® Son of Samuell atwater was born august 4*^^ 1709 gidion y® Son of ensigne Sam" Burwell was born July 31^' 1709 Lidiah y® Daughter of nath" potter waf born July is*'' 1709 Sarah y® Daughter of Joseph Bradly was born Sep' 24 1709 Wait y® Son of Sam" Chatterton was born Sep* 18 1709 Samuell y® Son of Sam" Humerston wa.s born octo"^"" 27 1709 Mary y® Daughter of Thomas Sanford was born Sept'"" i^^'^ 1709 Lidiah y® Daughter of John Thomas was born Sep* 28 1709 Sllenc y® Daughter of Moses Brocket waf born nouem'^'" 3 1709 abigaill y® Daughter of eliphalet Briftoll was born august ii**^ 1709 Rachell y® Daughter of caleb Hotchkif was born octo*"" 26^'^ 1709 John y® Son of John Todd was born none*"" 13 1709 Hannah y® Daughter of Sam" Ailing waf born octob' 20 1709 Joseph y® son of Joseph dark was born July 27*'' 1709 Mehetabell y® Daughter of Eben"" Down was born august 23 1709 Ebenezer y® fon of Benja° Dorman waf born nouem 5 1709 patisson y' fon of Sam" Smith Jun"" was bom octo*"" 17 1709 112 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Mehetable y*" Daughter of Cap' John munson was born October 17 1709 Sarah y" Daughter of y® Reuer"' M" James pierpont born Janu^ 9 1709/10 esther y® Daughter of Joseph Dorman was born Decern*"" 4 1709 [198J Births 1709 phebe y° Daughter of Stephen munson waf born feb^ s^^ 1709/10 mehetabell y*" Daughter of John Smith Jun was born august 28 1709 abigaill y® Daughter of Jsaac Johnson waf born feb""^' 9'*" 1709/10 Jonathan y'' Son of Sam" Brown was born august 6^'' 1709 Martha y" Daughter of James Steuens was born nouem*"" 1 1 1709 Martha y^ Daughter of Stephen Clark was born Sept 23 1709 Sam" y® Son of nathan" Heaton was born Decem*"" 9*^ 1709 Mercy y® Daughter of John Hull was born feb 17"' 1709/10 Abraham y® son of Jonah Todd was born f eb""^ : 18: 1709/10 Rachell y*^ Daughter of Thomas munson was born nouem'"" 18"^ 1709 Henry y® son of Henry Bristoll was born nouember 1709 Hannah y^ Daughter of John Heminway born decem*"" ii^'* 1709 Ruth y" Daughter of Sam" dark y^ 3*^ was born June 2^ 1709 Mary y** Daughter of Eben'' frost waf bora sept : 30 1709 & de- ceased October 21 1709 Joseph y® son of Dan" Sperry was born Decem*"" 30 1709 Defire y** Daughter of Sam" Cooper waf born feb 5 1709 abrham y® son of nathan" Kimberly was born march 22 : 1709 March 17 10 Martha y" daughter of Stephen Clark born Sept*' 23 1709 Ebenezer son of Ebenezer peck waf born march 12 17 10 Benjamin son of will™ Hulbyrt was born march 13'*^ 1710 Daniell y^ Son of Ebenezer Smith Jun was born march 8'** : 1710 Deborah y® Daughter of Caleb : mallary waf born may 11**' 1710 Sarai y^ Dau.j>"hter of Dan" Bradly was born may i^' 1710 Jesse y® son of mos's Blackly was born march 30 1710 Eliphalet y^ son of John peck was born march 4 1710 Hannah y® Daughter of John Johnson sen"" was born may 2;^ 1710 Rachell y® Daughter of Sam" Sanford was born may i^* 1710 Samuell y® Son of Sam" Whitehead waf born may 2^ 1710 [igg] Births 1710 Elizabeth y* daughter of Roger Ailing was born June 19: 1710 Caleb y* son of Thorn' Barns Jun was born July 22 17 10 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 113 Lidiah y® Daughter of Dan" Johnson born augu^' 10 1710 Mary y^ Daughter of Jeremiah wooden was born aug^' 14 1710 Ehzabeth y® Daughter of Sam" clark y® 2** was born march 14 1710 Sarai y^ Daughter of Joseph Turner was born auguft y^^ 171 o Esther y® Daughter of Sam" vmfreuile was born Sep^: 12 1710 John y^ Son of John pirkins was born June 21 anno: 1710 Esther y^ Daughter of Math''' ford was born march 30'^ 17 10 Lidiah y® Daughter of Joseph clark was born nouem*^"" 9^'' 1710 Hezekiah y^ son of Sam" clark y^ 3^ was born July 31^'- 1710 Stephen y'' Son of Thomas Jacobs was born Decern*"" 2: 1710 Joseph y® Son of Joseph Cooper waf born noum'''" 21 1710 Daniell y° Son of Thomas willmott was born may 26 1710 John y** Son of nathanell Collins waf born octo^"" 3 1710 Hannah y^ Daughter of James peck born auguft 10''' 17 10 Joseph y® Son of John Thomson at s : end waf born march 9''' 1710 John y^ Son of william Rufsell was born noum*"" 6'^ 1710 Jonathan y® Son of Jonathan manffield waf born Janu""^ 27 : 1710/11 Jehiell y** Son of John Bradly was born Sep*^ 19''' 1710 Mary y® Daughter of Joseph potter was born may 19: 1710 Ebenezer y* Son of M"" John Bifhop waf born July 29: 1710 Martha y* Daughter of Thom^ Hodge waf born feb: 18 1709 Thankfull y® Daughter of Sam" Jacob was born feb"^ 2^ 1710 John y® Son of John grannis was born nouem*"" 26 1710 John Son of John Sanford was born nouem*"" 7 1710 [200] 1710 Births Stephen Son of Theophilus Heaton born nouem'"" 30 1710 Elizabeth y® Daughter of John Denison was born august 26: 1710 Sam^* y® Son of ebenezer manffield was born Janu'"'' 28 1710/11 Mary y^ Daughter of Eben"" frost was born feb 25 1710/11 John y® Son of John Benham waf born feb 16 1710/11 Rachell y« Daughter of Nathan Clark born f eb"^ : 11 1710/11 Lidiah y« daughter of Will'" Tuttle was born feb"^ 22 1710/11 Hannah y® daughter of M'' John Jones was born July 29 1710 Joseph y® son of Joseph Chidcey waf born auguft 8'*' 1710 Rich'' y^ son of Rich^ Sperry fen was bom august: 12 1710 Dinah y® Daughter of peter perkinf born august 3^ 1710 ambrofe y* son of Dan" Bristoll waf born august 3* 1710 171 1 Births Hannah v® Daughter of will™ punshard was born octob 2: 171 1 Sarah y* Daughter of gidion Andrews waf born Sep': 9: 171 1 Hannah y^ Daughter of Stephen Howel was born may 25 171 1 8 114 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Defire y* Daughter of Stephen Howel was born July 12 1713 Stephen y* fon of Stephen Howell was born fept 3 1714 James y" fon of Stephen Howel was born June firft 1717 Thomas y^ fon of Stephen Howel was Born April 30^*" 17 19 Sam": y'' fon of Stephen Howel Was Born april 23"^: 1721 [201] March 171 1 Births Jsaac y* Son of Jsaac Dickerman waf born march 3**: 1711 Desire y** Daughter of Nathan" Bunell born march 16 1711 Nathan" y^ Son of John Buttler waf born march 31 1711 Jemimah y^ daughter of Joseph smith sen""" was born march 3 : 1711 Mehetabell y^ Daughter of f ranciff Browne waf born aprill 9^" 1711 Timothy y" Son of Sam" peck was born aprill 6'^'' 171 1 Daniell y^ son of Robert Talmadge born march 30 171 1 Sarah y" Daughter of Nathan" Turner born march 25 171 1 Seth y® Son of Sam" Atwater was born may 16''' 171 1 Ebenezer y® Son of Ebenezer Blackly born may 12 171 1 Austine y*" Son of John Smith Jun was born aprill 4"^ 171 1 Samuell y" Son of M"" Sam" Cooke waf born July 22"^ 171 1 annah y** Daughter of moses Sperry born June iq"" 171 i Daniell y** Son of M"" Moses manffield waf born march 23 : 171 1 Mary y" Daughter of Sam" Baffet Jun born June 23'^ 171 1 Bafil the son of M"" John & m""^ mary Dixwell was born July y® seuenth 171 i enos y® son of Sam" Clark y* 3* was born Sep' 10 171 1 Judah y® Son of L' Sam" Thomson was born June lo"* 171 1 Sam" y^ Son of Sam" Jues was born Sep' 16''' 171 1 Dan" y® Son of Dan" Sherman Jun born march 6 171 1 Mathew y® Son of Thom^ gilbert waf born October 28: 171 1 esther y*^ Daughter of Joseph Smith Jun was born febu""^: 16 1711 Joy y® Son of m"" James Bishop was born may 28"^ 171 1 mindweell y' Daughter of M"" John Jones was born octo^' 22 1711 abiah y® Daughter of John Barns Jun'" was born July 16: 171 1 [202] Timothy the son of Joseph mix waf born Sep' 24 171 1 Eliphalet y*^ Son of Joseph Becher was born may 31. 171 1 ' Samuell y" Son of Jsaac Dickerman born Janu^^ 12 1711/12 Austin y® Son of Henry Bristoll was born nouem'"" 26 171 1 Dinah y* Daughter of Moses Blackly waf born Jan"' : 22* 1711/12 Ebenezer y® Son of John Tuttle waf born July 23 171 1 Elizabeth y® Daugter of Jsaac Dayton was born Sept*"" 25 171 1 Hannah y* Daughter of eben"": Smith Jun was born Janu 9''' 1711 Sarai y® Daughter of James Browne waf born nouem*"" 9 171 1 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 115 Anne y® Daughter of John perkins waf born nouem'"'" 12 171 1 Ruben y® Son of Rich^ Sperry Jun"" was born nouem'^'" 22: 171 1 Mary y^ Daughter of Mathew Row was born Janu''^' 27 171 1 Elisabeth y" Daugter of Sam" Steuens was born Janu'^ 17 1711 Sarah y'' Daughter of John Allcock born august 12: 171 1 Lidiah y^ Daughter of Seth Heaton was born Janu""^ i^^ 171 1 Samuell y® Son of Sam" potter was born Sep*^ 18 171 1 Mary y* Daughter of Dan" Clark waf born June 11: 171 1 Enos y® son of Caleb Tuttle was born nouem^"" 11 171 1 Mary y« Daughter of Joshua Tuttle waf born feb 12 171 1 Daniell y* Son of arther Rexford was born may 27: 171 1 Jonathan y^ Son of Sam" Bradly was born may: 13 171 1 Hannah y^ Daughter: of Ebenezer peck waf born f eb^^^ : 15'^ 1711 William y^ Son of Thomas Sanford was born feb. 23 171 1 Mary y® Daughter of Jofeph Dorman was born octo*"" 24: 1711 Sarai y^ Daugter of Joseph Bristoll was born march 3: 171 1 Margrett y® Daughter of Sam" Smith born June 12 171 1 [203] Mercy y® Daughter of Japhet manffield born nouem*" 18 1711 March 1712 Births Mary y« Daughter of M"" Rich"^ Hall was born march 19''' 1712 Joseph y® Son of Joseph dark was born aprill : 4*^^ 1712 Ruth y® Daughter of Joshua Hotchkif was born March 16 1712 abell y® Son of Sam" Smith y® 3"^ was born nouember 4: 171 1 amos y® Son of Daniell Bradly was born may y® 12^^ 1712 Joseph y® Son of L* Rich'^ miles waf born aprill 24'^ 1712 Caleb y^ Son of Caleb Hotchkif waf born: June 6'^ 1712 Meriam y® Daughter of m"" John gilbert was born aprill 14 1712 Sarah y® Daughter of Nathan" Heaton was born June 14*"^ 1712 Stephen y® Son of Jonat" ford was born may y^^ 1712 Hezekiah y° Son of y*^ Reuerend M"" James pierpont was borne may 26^^ 17 12 Dauid y"" son of Thomas Barns Jun*" was born July 16 1712 Obedienc y^ Daughter of Sam" Cooper was born July 25 1712 Deborah y® Daughter of John payne was born June 24 1712 Susanah y® Daughter of paull Cornwell was born July: 2'^ 1712 Meriam y® Daughter of Thom^ Hodge was born march 2^ 1712 Daniell y® Son of John Lines was born may 6'^'^ 1712 Caleb y® Son of Caleb mallary was born august 3* 1712 Ebenezer y® son of Joseph Thomson was born June 21^' 1712 Mehitabell y^ daughter of Joseph Bristoll July 4*'^ 1712 John y« Son of John peck was born august 30 1712 Joseph y® Son of L* Joseph Sacket was born October 27*^* 1712 Thomas y® Son of Thomas willmott was born august 25 1712 Il6 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [204] Defire & Thankfull twins dauters of Sam" Smith Jun was born Sep': 30 1712 Susanah y*^ Daughter of Jonat" manffield born Decern'^'' 9''^ 1712 Mabell y*" Daughter of peter perkinf born Sep'^ 21 1712 Ruth y® Daughter of Jsaac Dickerman born Decem*^"" 13 17 12 Ebenezer y® son of Sam" gilbert waf born July i^*^ 1712 Enos y® Son of Robert Talmadge born Janu''^' 24 17 12 John y® Son of Sam" Browne was born nouem'^'" 27 171 1 amos y" son of Sam" peck was born Janu""^ 29 1712 Ezra y® son of Jsaac Johnson waf born march 29: 1712 Sarah y*" Daughter of Eben"" Sperry waf born may 26 1712 Ebenezer y® son of M"" Jsaac Jonef waf born feb^ 25 1712 Stephen y^ Son of Joseph Cooper was borne Decem^'' 29 1712 Ebinezer y® son of Sam" Ailing was born nouem*"" 28 1712 Joseph y® Son of John Todd Jun was born nouem'^'" i 171 1 Jemimah y*" Daughter of w™ Tuttle born feb: 13 1712 Jthamer y° son of michaell Todd was born October 25 1712 Dorcas y^ Daughter of John ford was born nouem'"'" 5 171 2 John y® Son of M'" John Jones was born f ebru""^ : 7 1712 James y® Son of Joseph Dorman was born Janu"^ : 23 1712 See 2 pages forward 3 children Recorded amongft the deaths which was born 1712 Dan" y® Son of mathew ford was born Decem'"" 31^* 1712 Caleb y^ Son of Nathan" Hitchcock was born Sep* 2^ 1712 Hannah y® Daughter of m"" Joseph whiting born feb''^ 21 1712 abigaill y® Daughter of Sam" Clark y® 3*^ born febru^ 15 1712 [205] Births phebe y^ Daughter of Thomas Barns sen*" was bom august i'* 1712 Sarah y® Daughter of Eben"" frost was born feb""^ 22 17 12 Sarah y^ Daugter of Sam" Horton was born may 17 1712 Timothy y^ Son of Dan" Ailing was born aprill 14 1712 John y® fon of John fperry was born 14*'' of Jan'"'' 1718 Dauid the fon of John fperry Born 10*'' of april 1722 John y® fon of Jofeph Clark was Born ii'*' of March 1722/3 Jofeph y* fon of Jofeph Hull waf Born fTeb"' 2^ 1722/3 Jofhua y® fon of Thomas Barns Jun' Born ii"' of Jan'^^ 1722/3 Timothy the fon of Jonathan Todd was Born march 3*^ 1722/3 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Thomas Jues Born y* firft of Jan"' 1722/3 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Jofeph pardee Born y« 16 of fep*"" 1704 Abigail y® Daughter of Tos : pardee Bom y* firft of fep'"" 1705 Dan": the fon of Jof:'pardey Born y" 28*'^ Nou'"": 1706 Rebeckah Daughter of Jof : pardee Born 26^ of March 1708 Jofiah fon of Jof pardee Born y^ 14*'' of feptember 171 1 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 117 Ebenezer fon of Jof: pardee born y® 4*'^ of Nouember 1714 Dorathy y^ Daughte of Jos' pardee Born 14*'' of Oct^'': 1715 Sam" Son of Jof: Pardee Born 3*^ of Auguft 1718 Hannah Daughter of Jof pardee Born 29'^ of October 1719 Sarah Daughter of Jof pardee Born 21^' of auguft 1721 [206] Deaths in new-hauen Mary y^ Daughter of nath" Heaton Deceased feb"^ 25*^ 1707/8 Sarah y® Daughter of nath" Heaton Deceased feb''^ 27 1707/8 Hannah y® wife of Sam" Clark Deceased Decern'"" 21 1708 Hannah y® Daughter of M"" John Jones Deceased feb""^ 16: 1708/9 M" abigaill man f field Deceased febru'"^ 28'^ 1708/9 M" annah Daniell Deceased may y® 3*^ anno 1709 Abell y^ son of Joseph Chidsey was born march y^^ anno 1708/9 & deceased about y® 14''' of y® fame month & year Elizabeth y® wife of Dauid arnall Deceased feb: 3 1708/9 Mary y® wife of John Hitchcock Deceased feb: 27^^.1708/9 Serg°' Samuell Ailing Deceased august 28 1709 Samuell Lines Deceased October 22 1709 Mathew y® son of Ebenezer Blakly Jun"" deceasd January 26 1707/8 Dan y® Son of peter Carrinton Deceased June 26 1700 John y® Son of John Brocket Deceased nouem^"" 17^^ 1709 John y® Son of Sam" atwater Deceased Decem'^'' 20 1709 Joseph y® Son of John Todd Deceased march 7*^ 1709/10 Mary y® wife of will"* Hubbart Deceased march 17: 1710 Nathanell Prichett Deceased nouem"^"" 11 1710 Joseph y® Son of Joseph dark was drowned in a well July 17*^ 1711 Edmond Dorman Deceased May i®* 171 1 M"" Thomas Trowbridge Jun Deceased Sept*"" 15 171 1 [207] Deaths L* Abram Dickerman Deceased nouem'"' 2^ 171 1 Damaris y® wife of Deacon John punderson Deceased Decem- ber 14*'' 171 1 Sarah y® wife of John mix Jun Deceased nouem'*'" 21 171 1 M*" John yale Deceased Decern'''" 16 171 1 John Son of M"" John yale Deceased decem^*" 10 171 1 Seth y® fon of Sam" Atwater deceafed feb"" 4*^ 1711/12 M' John mix Deceased January 21^* 1711/12 M""^ Elisabeth mix Deceased august 20*^ 171 1 Rebecka y® Daughter of Jsaac Dayton Deceafd December lo"* 1711 : John Hancock Deceased march lo**' 1711/12 Deborah y® wife of Dan" Sperry Deceased Decem*'" 16 171 1 Lidiah y® Daughter of Joseph dark Deceafed aprill 18*'' 1712 Thomas Tuttle deceased October 19^ 1710 Il8 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Hannah y' wife of Thomas tuttle deceased octo'' 15 1710 Christopher y* Son of Sam" Todd Jun Deceafed may : 12"^ 1712 Mary y" wife of M'' John gilbert Deceased aprill: 14''': 1712 EHsabeth y" wife of John grannis Deceased Nouem'"' 30''' 171 1 ggj-gnt Joseph Thomson Deceased Decem^"" 14 171 1 Mary y*^ Daughter of Joseph Dorman Deceased June ii^*^: 171 1 Samuell ford Deceased June 2^ 1712 Mary y" wife of John Thomas at Chestnut hill deceaft June Elisabeth y*" Daughter of Roger Ailing deceafd march 17 12 Susanah y^ wife of Roger ailing Deceased June 4 1712 Serg"^*^ Thomas Hotchkif Deceased December 27 171 1 [208] M"" John Hodson Deceased Nouem^"" 2 171 1 M'^ Elisabeth Hodson Deceased Decem*"" i 171 1 M'' James Heaton Deceased octoher 16 1712 Judah y® fon of L* Sam" thomson Deceased august i** 1712 Serg""' Daniell Hotchkis Deceased march 10'^*' 1712 Jeremiah osborn esquir Deceased January 4'^'^ 1712 Ezrah y^ Son of Jsaac Johnson born march 29 1712 Thomas gilbert Deceas"^ Decern^"" 23*^ 171 1 John Blacksley Deceased march 12*^^ 1712 James y® Son of James Steuens was bom octo**"" 4 1712 Mary y^ Daughter of Stephen perkins born march 31 1712 Joseph y® fon of Joseph Turner was born aprill: 14 1712 John gilbert Jun"" deceased July y® 8'** 1713 Joseph Dorman Deceased: July 27*'': 1712 Ebenezer y® Son of m"" Jsaac Jones Deceas"* Sep* 22*'': 1713 Sam" y« Son of Sam" Atwater deceased Sep' 19*'' 1713 Mary y* Daughter of Decon John punderson dec^ Sep* 17"' 1713 abigaill y" Daughter of Sam" Clark y^ 3"* was born'^ Cap* John Bafset Deceased february 8*'' 1713/ 4 the Reuerend m"" James pierpont pastour of the Church of New: hauen Deceased nouem"'' 22'* 1714 Hannah Kimberly dece'afd nouem*"" 28 1714 Mary y^ Daughter of Benja english Deceasd nouem'"": 5 1713 Mary y® wife of Thomas alcock dececd May 23 17 14 Serg°* William Willmott Deceas'' January 25 1713/14 Sarah Willmott Widow Deceas'^ Decern'"" 29 171 1 M**' Hannah Slason widow deca^*^ January 18*'' 171 5/6 [209] Deaths in N Hauen & y* time when M" Mary moss wife of m"" Joseph moss deed march 18*'' 1715/6 Elizabeth y* wife of John mix Deceas"* may y® 9*'' 1716 William Thomson Jun"": Deceafd March 13*'' 1716/7 John Ailing Efq' Deceafed March 25**' 1717 31 Crossed out. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 119 Lidiah the daughter of Benj : fford died march 21 : 171 7 M" mercy Bafet died aprill 8"^: 1717 Abraham the fon of Abraham Hemenway decefed ffeb'"^ 5'" 1714/5 Ruth the Wife of Dauid Atwater Dec"^ the 12^^ day of July 171 7 M''^ Abigail Dauenport Dec*^ the 20*'' day of July 1717 on fat- erday about noon 171 7 Defire y'* daughter of Stephen Howel dec'' aug*: 12 1713 Abigail y*" Daughter of James payne dec*^ Ifeb: 21 1717/8 Joel y^ fon of Jonathan fford dec^ ffeb: 5'^ 1717/8 Enos Talmadge fon of Leiu' Thomas Talmadge loft at fea May 9"" anno Dom 17 12 Elifabeth Stone Daughter to Liue*^ Thomas Talmadge died March 17''' anno Dom 1715/6 Elizabeth y® Daughter of Enf° Holt died april 21 1718 Elisabeth wife of Thomas Sperry died april 22 1718 Joseph Hayns y^ fon of the Reu*^ M"": Jofeph Noyes Deceaf** on Munday y^ 6 of October 17 18 Abraham Bradly Efq'" Deceaf"^, October 19"' 1718 Joanna Beacher Dec*, y^ 21^' of October 17 18 M" Hannah Bradly the wife of M"": Abraham Bradly Dec^, October 26"^ 1718 [210] Marages jn n: Hauen Joshua tuttle & mary mix were maried feb""^ 26 17 10 ^ Abraham Bradly Juftice of peac: John gilbert & abigaill Todd were maried May 28*'' ^ Abraham Bradly Juftice of peac John Munson & Esther Clark were maried Janu'^ 28 1711/12 ^ M"" Abraham Bradly Juftice Dauid Atwater & Ruth Bradly were maried June 25: 1712 ^ Abraham Bradly Efquire Juftice Jonathan ford & mary Blackly were maryed July ii'*^ 171 1 ^ Abraham Bradly esquier Juftice M' John mix & M" Elizabeth Booth were maried nouem"" 12 1712 p Joseph Curtifs Afsistant James payne & Martha Humerston were maried Decem*"" lo*** 1712 ^ John Ailing Afsistant John gilbert & Abigaill Atwater were maried nouem^"" 27'^'' 1712 ^ Nathan Andrews Juftice P M'" Jeremiah Atwater & M" Lidiah Rofewell were Maried aprill g^^ 17 13 p Nathan Andrews Justice P Ebenezer Bryan of milford & Esther goodyeare of N : Hauen were married July 15 1713 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Henry neals & abigaill Hodg were maried July 29 1713 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Jonathan Ailing & Sarah Sackitt were maried October i" 1713 ^ John Ailing Afsistant I20 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [211] March 1713 Births in N Hauen Samuell y^ Son of John Heminway was born march 12''' 171 3 Rebecka y" daughter of Jsaac Dayton was born aprill 12 1713 Deborah y° Daughter of John Black f ley was born march 15 Jonathan y** Son of Jonathan fodd was born march 20 1713 Sarah y" Daughter of M"" Sam" Cooke waf born June 8: 1713 Sarah y^ Daughter of nathan" Collinf waf born aprill i^* 1713 Samuell y'' Son of John munson Jun was born June 7: 1713 Abigaill y'^ Daughter of James peck was born July: i^' 1713 phebe y*" Daughter of Sam" Bafset Jun"" waf born may 12 : 1713 Stephen y*' Son of francif Browne was born august lo'*^: 1713 mary y*' Daughter of John Buttler was born ^august 2'^ 1713 Mary y° Daughter of Dauid Atwater Jun born august 19: 1713 Timothy y'' Son of Eben"". Hitchcock was born august 20: 1713 John y^ Son of M"" John prout Jun"" was born July y® 8"" 1713 Nathan y° Son of Joseph Smith Jun"" was born march i^^: 1713 Judah y^ Son of Cap' Sam" Thomson was born octo*"" 5 1713 Sarah y® daughter of Cap*^ John munson was born Sep^ 27'^'^: 1713 John y*' Son of Sam" Chaterton was born nouem^"" 11'^'^ 1713 John the Son of Joseph mix was born nouem'^'" 15 1713 Elisabeth y® Daughter of John mix was born nouem*"" 9"^ 1713 Thomas y'' Son of Thomas punderson was born august 24^"* 1713 Job y® Son of Mofef Blackly was born Decern*"" 8 1713 Thomas y® Son of Thom^ Steuens born nouem*"". i^*^: 1713 Rebeckah y*^ Daughter of Stephen munson born Decem"'' 9: ^713 Ualintine y® son of John willmot was born Decem""" 14 1713 John y^ Son of John Humerston was born aprill y« 8'*^ 1713 [212] elisabeth y^ Daughter of John perkins Jun was bom auguft 12*'' 1713 Hannah y^ Daughter of John Smith was born Sep^ 15. 1713 efther y*' Daughter of Nathan" Sherman waf borrf Sep* 25: 1713 John Son of Serg"^ John gilbert was born Sep*^ i^^ 1713 amos y** Son of Dan" Sherman was born Janu'"^: 9*'' 1713 Daniel y^ Son of nathan" Turner was born feb""^ 10''' 1713 Joseph y" Son of Joseph Bristoll was born nouem*"" 8"* 1713 James y* Son of Sam" Smith at s :end was born Jan''^ 14''' 1713 Timothy y^ Son of Caleb Tuttle was bom febu'"^ 21 1713 Martha y« Daughter of will™ Rufsell waf born Decern*"" 25*" 1713 Dauid y® Son of Simon Tuttle was born april 25**' 1713 Mosef y^ Son of John Sanford was born Janu'"'' y® 9''» 1713 Lidia y® Daughter of Joseph Clark was born nouem*" 3* 1713 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 12 1 Susanah y® Daughter of m"" moses manffield waf born feb"^: 16 1713 Jsaac y^ Son of Benjamin Bunnell was born auguft 30''' 1713 Moses y« Son of Sam" potter was born nouem*''" 10'" 1713 John y^ Son of John Thomas was born Decern" 6 1713 Mary y® Daughter of Jonathan ford waf born Decern"'" 5*" 171 3 Susanah y^ Daughter of paul cornwell waf born Janu""^. 20 1713 Mehetable y® Daughter of John Denison waf born octo""" 2^ 1713 Thomas y^ Son of Roger Ailing was born January 19 1713/14 Joseph y^ Son of Thomas Jacobs was born march 9*^" 1713 Jonathan y^ Son of Eben"" blackly Jun"" was born Sept 1713 Look back 2 Leaves & there is three children entred amongst ye deaths that was born anno 17 12 Christopher y® Son of Sam" Todd Jun was born aprill 27'" 1713 Joseph y® Son of Benj English was born October 29*" 1713 Timothy y® Son of gidion Andrews was born aprill i^' 1713 Dorcas y® Daughter of Rich*^ Sperry Jun'" was born July 22'^ 1713 [213] Manages The Reuer""^ m"" Joseph mofs & M" Dorcas Rofewell were maried feb""^ 10'" 17 14/ 15 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Ebenezer Jues & mary atwater were maried Janu'"^ 17: 1714/15 ^ Sam" Bifhop Juftice of peace James morrif & abigaill Roe were maried feb'"^ 24. 17 14/ 15 ^ John Ailing afsistant phenihas Clark & abigaill Bafset were maried may y® 9**^ 1715 ^ waram mather Juftice of peace John white & susanah ailing were maried October y® 6"^ 171 5 ^ abraham bradly Juftice of peac Stephen Ailing & mary Trowbridge were maried October 27 1715 ^ abraham Bradly Justice of peace Ebenezer Ailing & Mercy mix were maried Janu"^ : ^^^: 1715/6 ^ John Ailing afsistant Thom^ Lupton & elizabeth were maryed Janu'"^ y® 23 171 5/6 ^ John Ailing Afsistant John Bafsett & Elizabeth Thomson were maryed Janu'"^ : 31^* 171 5/6 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Thomas Alcock & abigaill austen were maryed Jan"^ 11'^ 1715/6 ^ y« Reu'' M"" Jacob Heminway at Eaft Hauen Abraham Johnson & Sarah gilbert were maryed Janu""^ 24 171 5/6 ^ Sam" Bifhop Esquir Juftice George Smith & mary burn were maried aprill y« 3^: 1716 ^ abraham Bradly Juftice of peac Josiah Todd & Elizabeth gilbert were maried y® 28 of february 1715/6 ^ Sam" Bifhop Justice of peac 122 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [214] Marages Thomas Carnes & Mary Down were maried nouem'"' 3** 17 13 ^ John Ailing Afsistant John pease & Abigaill Lines were maried June ii'** 1713 ^ Abraham Bradly Justice of y^ peac Jonathan Atwaters & abigaill Bradly were maried Decern''' 15"' 1713 ^ Abraham Badly Justice of peac John morris & Elizabeth Ailing were maried Decem""" 24''' 1713 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Thom° Barnes & Joannah farnam were maried Jully i: 171 1 ^ y^ Reuerend M"" Jared Eliott at Kellingworth Daniell potter & mary Ray were maried March 30''' 17 14 ^ Warham mather Esquir Juftice Daniell perkins & martha Elcock were maried may 5"" 1714 ^ Nathan Andrews esquir Justice of y® peac John How & Lidiah Seward were maried the S^^ of aprill 1714 ^ Abraham Bradly Esqu"" Justice of peac Sam" Becher & Hannah farinton were maried octo"'" 22** October 17 13 ^ y® Reue^ m'' Sam" Rufsell James Talmadge & Hannah Harison were maried at Branford ^ M-- Sam" Rufell July 1'' 1713 Ebenezer Lines & Rebecka Sperry were maried July 30*'' 171 3 ^ Nathan Andrews Juftice of peac John Humerston & Hannah Ray were maried June 23'' 171 1 ^ Thomas yale Justice of peac the Reuer""^ M"" Joseph noyes & M" abigaill pierpont were maried nouem*"" y® 6''': 1716 ^ John Ailing Afsistant [215] Births in n: hauen March 1714 Ruth y^ Daughter of Sam" Jues was born aprill 17: 1714 Eliphalet y® Son of Caleb Hotchkis waf born June 28: 1714 Joseph y® Son of Benjamin warner waf born march 16 1714 Magdiell y® Son of Sam" Brown was born June 20 1714 John y^ Son of Jonathan Ailing was born augus* 30 1714 Abiah y^ Daughter of Joseph Bradly waf born Sep^ 30: 1714 phinehas y^ Son of John Bradly was born Sep*^ 28 1714 Samuell y® Son of Sam" Becher was born auguft 30''' 1714 Hannah y® daughter of John Todd was born august ii^*" 1714 Mary y« Daughter of Ebene"" peck was born nouem^' 2^ 1714 Elizabeth y® Daughter of Sam" peck was born octo'"" 27"* 17 14 Abigaill y® Daughter of Mofes Sperry was bom apr" i"' 1714 Abigaill y® Daughter of James Talmadge born aug* 14: 1714 Sarah y® Daughter of Eben"" Lines was born aprill 28 17 14 phebe y* Daughter of Jona° Atwater waf born octo''' 9: 1714 Sam" y^ Son of John ford was born octo*"" 17 1714 Hannah y* Daughter of Thom^ Barns born Sept*"" 27 17 14 Rachell y* Daughter of Japhet manffield born aprill 3 1714 Abigaill y® Daughter of Sam" Horton was born July: 4: 1714 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 123 Jsaac y° Son of enfign Jsaac Dickerman waf born Janu^^ 31" 1714 Jabesh y® Son of Rich"^ Sperry Jun"" was born Janu"^ : 31 1714 John y^ Son of John How was born Decern'"' 24 1714 Ebenezer y® Son of Eben"* Becher waf born Jan''^ 15 1714 Seth y® Son of Seth Heaton was born October 29 1714 obed y^ Son of Jsaac Johnson waf born July 2'] 17 14 mary y® Daughter of m"" Jos whiting born f eb""^ : ^'^ 1714 [216] James y® Son of Jamef payne waf born feb"^ 28*^^ 1714 peter y® Son of peter perkins was born June 19'^ 1714 Caleb y® Son of Thom^ Barns Jun"" waf born nouem'^'" 5'^ 17 14 Lidiah y® Daughter of Moses Brocket waf born auguft 28 : 1713 Moses y® Son of moses Brocket waf born Janua''^: 17 1714 Job y® Son of moses Blackley was born Decern'''" 18: 1714 Aaron y® Son of Eliphalet Bristoll was born auguft 31 : 1714 Amos y® Son of Henry Bristoll was born febru""^: 22: 1713 Esther y® Daughter of Dan" Clark was born Jan^'y 21 1713 philip alcock Son of Thom^ allcock waf born March 3 17 14 Mary y^ Daughter of Sam" umfreeuile born Aug* 28 17 14 aaron y® Son of M"" John gilbert was born feb^ 17 17 14 Nathaniell y® Son of Natha" Tuttle was born may 29 1714 Lidya y^ Daughter of John pease was born Decem*"" 16 1714 Thomaf y® Son of Thom° morris waf born march 1712 Mary y® Daughter of Thom^ Sanford Jun born Janu""^ 17 14 alexsander y® fon of Joseph Turner waf born may i^' 1714 Mabel y® Daughter of Dan" Ailing was born august 4**^ 1714 obedienc y® Daughter of L* Sam" Smith Jun waf born Sep* 19 : 1714 Esther y® daughter of Stephen Clark waf born march 17: 1712 Dan" y« Son of Stephen dark was born June y® S''* 1715 Moses y* Son of James Bradly was born may 16 1715'^ [217] births in N :Ha March: 1715 and time when John Son of m"" Samuel & m""^ anne Cooke was born march 30"" 1715 John Son of Caleb mallary waf born aprill 7''' 171 5 Keziah y® daughter of John Lines waf born aprill 5'^'' 171 5 Joell y® Son of Sam" Cooper was born march 1715 Margret y® Daughter of Thom^ panter born may 4*'': 1715 Sarah y^ Daughter of Jona* Manffield was born may 2* 1715 Mary y« Daughter of Dan" perkins was born June 12*'^ 171 5 Moses y^ Son of John Tuttle was born June 2.^'^ 171 5 Lois y® Daughter of John perkins Jun'" was born may 1°' 1715 amos y® Son of Jonathan Todd was born may is*** 171 5 Deborah y^ daughter of Joseph Clark was born may 23: 1715 Daniell y* Son of Thom' morris waf born aprill 1715 82 Here follows a record of the sale by Satn" Atwater of a stray heifer. 124 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Robert y® Son of Robert Talmadge born Sep^ 20*'' 171 5 John y*' Son of John Heminway waf born octo'^'' y® 3*^ 1715 Joseph y^ Son of Joseph mix was born octo**"" 29 171 5 Lidia y*" Daughter of M"" Jere*" atwater born October 18^^ 171 5 Mathew y** Son of Eben"" Blackley Jun"" born Decern*"" 10 171 5 Mindwell y® daughter of m"" John Jones born Sept 14 1715 Jsraell y** Son of Jsraell Bunnell waf born nouem'"' 7^"^ 1715 abigaill y° Daughter of Sam" Humerston born Decem""" 3*^ 1715 Stephen y^ Son of m"" Dauid atwater Jun"" born nouem'^'" 15: 1715 Mary y® Daughter of Benja" Englefh waf born Dece"'' 29 1715 Hannah y® daughter of will™ Tuttle born nouem'"' 10: 1715 paul y^ Son of paul Cornwell was born nouem^'' 25 171 5 Timothy y® Son of math'' ford waf born Decem^"" 31 1715 [218] James y® Son of James Talmadge waf born feb^ 10'^ 1715/6 Sam" y'' Son of Roger ailing waf born Janu""^ 1715/6 Lidya y® daughter of Sam" Bradly waf born march 26'*^ 1715 Ebenezer y** son of John Hull was born October 18 171 5 Sarah y^ Daughter of Sam" Chaterton waf born feb 17 1715 Mary y" Daughter of Sam" peck was born feb""^ 2^ 171 5 Lazarus y® Son of Ebene"" Jues was born October 19 171 5 Susanah y® Daughter of Enos pardee born nouem^"" 12 1715 anna y^ Daughter of Sam" Brown waf born nouem*"" 12^'' 1715 Thomas y^ Son of Joseph Turner born febu""^ 25 1715 Esther y° Daughter of Thom^ Steuens born may 17: 1715 Joseph y'' Son of Nathan Benham was born Janu""^ 20 171 5 Jsarell y^ Son of Jsaac Dayton was born march 12 1715 Jemimah y® Daughter of James morris born Decern 27 1715 Margaret y*^ Daughter of Thomas Sperry born aug*^ 15 1685 Jofeph y® fon of Thomas Sperry was born Sep^ 17 1687 Tho: the fon of Tho: Sperry was born Nouem'*'". 16 1689 Twins the daughters of Tho : Sperry born aug^* : 16 : 1691 Sam" y® fon of Tho: Sperry was Born ffeb : 9 1692 Elizabeth y" Daughter of Tho : Sperry born Nou''^ 25 1695 Defire y® Daughter of Tho: Sperry born July 10: 1698 Obedience y® daughter of Tho: Sperry born Jan""^. 23: 1700 Benj": y^ fon of Thomas Sperry born aug^M 25 1703 Patience y^ Daughter of Tho: Sperry was Born July 31 1706 [219] the names of Children Born Jn N: Hauen & the time when anno. 1716 march Jonathan y® Son of Sam" Jues was born march 14*'*: 1716 Mary y^ Daughter of M'' John prout Jun born March 17"" 17 16 Timothy y^ Son of francif brown was born aprill 10^^ 1716 phenias y^ Son of phinias Clark waf born aprill ii"': 1716 Ebenezer y^ Son of John mix was born aprill 18'^ 17 16 Jonathan y* Son of Jonathan Ailing was born may 26"*: 1716 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 125 Stephen y« Son of Stephen perkins born June 14*'' 1716 Hannah y* Daughter of Dan^' Bradly born may 19'*" 1716 Daniell y® Son of Dan" Smith was born may 17"^: 1716 Abigaill y'' Daughter of Dan'' mallary born may 29"^: 1716 Sarai y^ Daughter of Jsarell Thomas born march 28 1716 Asa y*" Son of Thomas wiUmot waf born aprill: 11: 1716 Caleb y® Son of gideon andrews was born July 29"" 1716 Benjamin y® Son of Benjamin wooden born nouem*"" 13 1716 elizabeth y^ Daughter of John Smith was born July 21 : 1716 Elce y° Daugter of Stephen munson was born July 12 17 16 Susanah y® Daughter of Ebene"" ailing born octob"" 2* 1716 Elizabeth y^ Daughter of Rich*^ Sperry Jun"" born nouem*"" ii'-'' 1716 Hannah y^ daughter of Joseph Clark born July 11''' 1716 Stephen y*' Son of Stephen Roe was born Sep' y^'^ 17 16 Abram y® Son of Jonathan At water born nouem'"' lo''' 17 16 mary y^ daughter of Thom^ punderfon born octo*"" 8'*^ 1716 dauid y** Son of Sam" umfreuile was born august 16 1716 thankfull y® Daughter of Nathan Benham was born July ii'** 1716 [220] 1716 Sarah y® Daughter of Abram Dickerman was born December 22 1716 Stephen^^ y® Son of Stephen Ailing born Dece""" 16 1716 the change of the Name by the mothers order the ffather being Dead Sarah y^ daughter of Isaac Dayton born July 16 1716 Rachell y® daughter of Jsaac Johnson born Aprill 13*^: 1716 Stephen y^ Son of Jonat° Manffield waf born nouem'^'" 14 1716 Ruth y® Daughter of James Bradly born feb: s'*" 1716 Lidiah y^ Daughter of Benj ford was born January 13 1716/7 Joel the fon of Caleb Hotchkis was born March 18. 1716/7 Mary y^ Daughter of John Denifon was born March: 29: 1716 Hannah y® daughter of James Sperry was born Jan''^ : 2* 1716/7 Sarah y® Daughter of Sam" Copper was born octo*"": 13''' 1716 Sam" : y® Son of Enf°. Jsaac Dickerman was born march 4*''. 1716/7 Lydea y® Daughter of Seth Heaton was born ffeb"^ 16 1717 John y* fon of John Bafet was born iTeb'^ 1^^ 1717 Lidia y* Daughter of Thomas Barns Jun"" born Def*"" 10*'' 1716 unice y* Daughter of Thomas Munson waf born Jan"^ 28''' 1712/13 Thankfull y^ Daughter of Thomaf Munfon waf born ffeb*^. 3*: 1714/5 Stephen y^ fon of Stephen Smith waf born Jan'"'' 8'** 1715/16 33 First written " C harts." 126 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Sam" the fon of Dan" Perkins was bom Jan'^ t.^P' 1715/16 Lydia the daughter of John How was born march 28''' 1716 Obediance y* daughter of Dan" Clark was bom Jan"^ : 9 171 6/7 Abraham y^ fon of Abraham Heminway was born Jan""^ 12'*^: 1714/5 Elizabeth the daughter of Abraham Hemenway was born Oct*"" 3"^ 1 7 16 Sarah y® the daughter of Abraham Johnfon was born Nouem- ber I"' 1716 [221] The Names of Children Born in New hauen the year when 1 71 7 Mofes y^ fon of Eliphelet Briftoll was Born IT eb : ii*'' 1716/7 Mary y^ Daughter of Dan" Brown was born Dec'"" 16*^^: 1716 James y" fon of Dan" fherman was born Jan""^: 24'^* 1716/7 Mary y® daughter of Jofeph Gilbart was born: Jan""^ I5'**: 1716/7 Martha y* Daughter of Eben: Jues was born may i^^: 1717 Abigail y* Daughter of John Blakly was bom may 14''' 1717 William the fon of william Rufell was born ffeb"": i^' 1717 Thank full y* daughter of John Todd was born July 18''' 17 17 Jonathan y® fon of Jonathan Smith was born Jan""^ 7*'' 17 16/7 JoeP* y'' fon of Jonathan fford was born y" 8'*^ of July 1717 Lidia y* daughter of Eben: Smith born y* 26 Nouember 1716 George the fon of George Smith was born auguft i^"^ ^7 '^7 Joseph the fon of James Brown was born fep': ^o'*^ 1716 Dinah y^ Daughter of Mofes Spery was born June 24*'* 1717 Eben: y^ fon of Thomas Munson born June 16*^ 1717 Elizabeth y^ Daughter of Robert Talmadge born Nou"': 4''' 1717 James y^ fon of John Grannis born octo'"" 21^' 1717 Mofes y® fon of Sam" peck was born None'"": 19*^ 1717 Enos y® Son of Cap' Thompson was born Aug^*: 18*^ 1717 Sam", y^ fon of m'" Mofes Mansfield was born Nou'"": 23"^ 1717 Mary y^ Daughter of Serg' Jonathan Ailing born Dececember 28''^ 1717 Joel y® fon of Jofeph Copper born July 5'** 1717 Ann y^ Daughter of Dan" Thomson born nouem*"": 4'*^: 1717 John y® Son of John pees was born may y® 5'^ 1717 John y* Son of John fford was born Nouember: 27''' 1716 Abigail y^ daughter of James payne born Defem'"": 11''^: 1717* [222] Births in Newhauen Elizabeth the Daughter of Cap* Jofeph Whiting born June the S''' 1717 Martha y^ Daughter of Stephen Smith was born y® 6*'' day of October 171 7 8* First written " Aron." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 127 Ann ye Daughter of Thomas Jues was born april 14^^ 1717 Mary y° Daughter of John Alcock was born Auguft 10''' 1717 Hannah y« Daughter of John Sanford was born the 23^ of October 1717 Abigail y^ Daughter of m'" John Jones was born y® 25'*" day of January 17 14/ 15 Jofeph y'' Son of Jofeph Gilbart was born y® 27^'' day of January 17 17/8 John y" fon of Elnathan Balden was born July 6''' 1717 Hannah y® Daughter of John Sanford was born y^ 23"^ day of October 1717 Sufanah y*" Daughter of M'': John prout Jun"". was born April y^ firft 1718 Efther y^ Daughter of John Mix was born y« 14'*^: of April Annoqe Dom 17 18 Dinah y® Daughter of Jofeph Clark was born y® 23** day of March 171 7/8 Dan" y^ fon of Thomas Leek born y® firft of april 1717 Abigail y« Daughter of Phineas Clark born feb"^ 27 1717/8 [223] Mariages Dauid punderson & Sarah Ailing were maried Decern*"" 27 17 16 ^ John Ailing Afsistant Caleb mix & Rebecka Thomson were maried Decem*"" y* 20'^ 1716 ^ Sam" Bifhop Justice of peac Elnathan Baldwin & Elizabeth Watson were maried October 15'^ 17 16 ^ abraham Bradly Justice P James Bradly & Sarah Humerston were Maried May 26"* 1714 Benja ford & Sarah Elcock were Maried august 25 17 15 ^ Abraham Bradly Justice of peac Sam" Clark and mary Hitchcock ware married aprill 18^^^ 1717 ^ m' Abraham Bradly Juftice of peace Stephen Smith of Newhauen and Martha Williams of Middle- town ware married ffehvP^ 2 1714/15 ^ Capt Thomas Ward Juftice of y^ Peace Jonathan Griffin & Mehetable Malory ware Maried May 16^'' 1717 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of y« Peace Abraham Hemenway and Sarah Talmadge ware Married Nou*"" jjth j^j^ p j„r Thomas Yale Juftice of y« Peace John Mix and Efter Peck ware married fifeb'^y the 14*'' 1 716/7 ^ Sam" Bifhop Juftice of Peace John Pringle & Hannah Clark ware married to each othere may 28'^ 1717 By m'' Abraham Bradly Juftice of the peace Mr: Jofeph Mofs and M'■^ Sarah Gilbart ware Married to Each other July 11^'' 1717 ^ Sam" Bifhop Juftice of Peace [224] Marriages Dan" Atwater and Abigaill Tuttle ware Maried to Each other July 23^ 1717 ^ Sam" Bifhop Juftice of Peace 128 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS m'" Jfaac Gorum of New Briftoll and Hannah Milles of New hauen ware married to Each other auguft the fixth 1717 c^ me Sam" Bifhop Juftice of Peace W" Punchard and mehitable perkins ware Married to Each other the 23*^ day of may 1717 ^ Sam" Bifhop Juftice of y^ Peace M"" Benjamin DooHttle and Lydia Todd ware Married to Each other October 24"' 1717 ^} Sam" Bishop Juftice of y* Peace Nathaniel Goodyear and Sarah wooden ware married to Each other on the 14'^ day of Nouember 1717 By m"" Abraham Bradly Juftice of peace Dan" Thomson and Mary Ball ware married to Each other January 16'*" 1716/7 ^ M"" Abraham Bradly Juftice of peace John Smith and Martha Tuttle were married to Each other ffeh- ruary 5'^ 171 7/8 ^9 Sam" Bishop Juftice of y*" Peace Leiu' Jofeph Sackett and Hannah Smith were Married to Each other ffeb 26''' 1717/8 ^ Sam" Bifhop Juftice of Peac [225] Marrages Jonathan Sackett and Ruth Hotchkis ware Maried to Each other March 12'^ 1717/8 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of Peace Sam" Prindle and Mary Smith were Married to Each other April 24 1 718 ^ me Sam" Bishop Juftice of Peace Thomas Leek and Mary winfton ware Married to Each other June the firft 1716 ^ m"" Abraham Bradly Juftice of Peace Moses Blackly of Newhauen and Sarah Benton of Hartford ware Married to Each other the firft day of Jan''^ Anno: Dom: 1701/2 By John Hayns Efq"" Affiftant Epharim Morris and Ruth Sperry ware Married to Each other : January 24'^ 1716/7 ^9 M"": Abraham Bradly Juftice of peace Thomas Clenton and hope Dows were Married to Each other Auguft 7"* 1718 ^ M"": Abraham Bradly Juftice of peace [226] Manages Sam" Tuttle and Sarah Numan were Maryed to Each other in June 1684 by m"" John Mofe Commisioner Seth perkins and Elizabeth Munfon ware Maryed to Each other ffeb'^ 28*** 17 16/7 ^ m"" Abraham Bradly Juftice of peace Joel Prindle and Jemima Benham were Married to Each other October 1$^^ 1718 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of Peace Dauid Atwater and Tabatha Whithead ware married to Each other December 2* 1718 ^ me Sam" Bishop Juftice of Peace Ebenezer Humberfton and Grace Blackly were married to Each other Octo"'": 13''^ 1718 ^9 Cap*: John Hall Juftice of y" Peace , Jofiah Todd and Abigaill ffredarick were Married to Each other December 18''' 1718 ^9 Sam" Bishop Juftice of y« Peace Jofhua Ray and Abigail Barns were married to Each other NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 129 on y^ 2(f°^ day of March 1716 ^ Cap*^ Nathan" Harrifon Juftice of Peace [227] Marriages Benjamin Todd and Lydia Ailing were married to Each other January 7''' 1718/9 %^ Sam'' Bishop Juftice of Peace Sam" Thomfon and Hefter Ailing were Married to Each other January y'' 20''' 17 18/9 %^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of y^ peace Job Dawson and Sarah Thomas were Married to Each other fifeb: 12''' 1718/9 %) Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Dauid Yale and Martha Bafsett were Married to Each other ffeb: 25'*^: 1718/9 ^ y« Reu"^. M"". James Wettmore John Munson and Efther Clark were Married to Each other Jan''^: 28^'' 1711/12 Tj^ m'". Abraham Bradly Juftice of Peace Caleb Ailing and Hannah Bishop were Married to Each other y^ 19*'' day of March 1718/9 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of y'' peace Nathan perkins and Abigaill Hill were Married to Each other May y** 13'^'' 1718 ^ m"" Abraham Bradly Juftice of peace ferg^: Benjamin Bradly and mary fackitt were married to Each other Auguft 12^"^ 1719 %^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace [228] Marriages Ebenezer Bradly and Joanna Atwater were married to Each other Aug^' 19"" 1719 ^ M'' Warham Mather Juftice of Peace Aaron Perkins and Silence Humberston were Joyned together in wedlock October y® fecond 17 19 ^ M"" Warham Mather Juftice of y'' peace Jofeph Sperry and Lydia munson were maried to Each other ye 27th Qf April 1 717 ^ m"" Abraham Bradly Juftice of y® Peace Enf"^: Jofhua Hotchkis of Newhauen and Mary Afhhon of Milford were Married to Each other ^ Maj"" Sam" Eells Affiftant Abraham Bradly of Newhauen and Sarah wilmott of Bridg- hamton were Married: October: 15: 1719 ^ y^ Rev*: m'": Ebenezer White Min^ : of Bridghampton Stephen Becher and Sufanah Hale were marryed to Each other y^ 25^*^ day of ffeb : 1719/20 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Jofiah Tuttle and Deborah Barns both of Newhauen were married to Each other y^ 11''' day of Jan''^ : 1719/20 ^ y® Reu*^ m"" : James Wettmore Jofeph Dorman and Sarah Lines both of Newhauen were Marryed to Each other the 24''' of ffeb: 1719/20 ^ M*": War- ham Mather Juftice of y® Peace [229] manages Daniel Gilbert and Sarah Todd Both of Newhauen were maried to Each other the Twentyeth and firft day of Dec^"" 17 19 ^ Cap*^: John Hall Juftice of y® peace Jofeph Miles and Elifabeth Trowbridge both of Newhauen 9 130 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS were married to Each other March the 20''' 171 7/18 ^ m'" Abraham Bradly Juftice of peace WiUitt Ranney of Middletown and Anne Johnfon of New hauen were married to Each other aprill the 20^^ 1720 ^ Sam'' : Bishop Juftice of peace John pardee and Abigail Brockitt of New hauen were Married to Each other the 9^" day of July 17 12 ^ Deacon John Hall Juftice of peace Sam" : Brockett and Mehitable Hill were Married to Each other the 5"' day of Auguft 17 12 ^ the Reu'' Jacob Heminway John Talmadge and Efter Munfon were married to Each other y® 21^' day of July 1720, ^ Sam": Bishop Juftice of peace [230] Marriages Nathaniell Sperry Jun"" and Sarah Wilmott both of New hauen were married to Each other December y® 2^^^ 17 19 by m'' warham Mather Juftice of peace Benjamine Lines and Dorcas Thomas were married to Each other y'' 2^ day of ffebruary annoqe Dom: 1719/20 ^ M'": Warham Mather Juftice of peace John Leek and Hannah Row were married to Each other the firft day of feptember 1720 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of peace William payne and Efther Cams were married to Each other feptember y® 21^'^ 1720. ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Sam" : Elwell of Branford and Mary Jones of Newhauen were married to Each other October 12*^^ 1720 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Caleb Ball and Abigail Afhbun were married to Each other ye 12"' day of October 1720 ^ y'' Reu'': m"": Sam": Andrew of Mil ford [231] Manages Benjamin Brockett of walingford and Lydia Elcock of New hauen were Married to Each other December y® 15^'' 1720. ^ me Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Dauid fely of Bedford in the prouince of New York and Abigail Becher of New hauen were married to Each other the 28''" day of December 1720 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Stephen Curtice of walingford and Elifabeth Bishop of New- hauen were maried to Each other January the 25''' 1720/1 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Jasper Gun and Ann thomas were married to Each other the 27"' of January 1719/20 ^ m"' Warham Mather Juftice of peace William Diodate and Sarah Dumbar were married to Each other ffebruary y** 16''' 1720/1 ^ me Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Nathaniel Jofling and Abigail Abbitt were married to Each other March i^^^ 1719:20 ^ M"" Nathaniell Harrifon Juftice of peace NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 131 John Ball and mary Tuttle were married to Each other June 6'*^ 17 16 ^ m'" Abraham Bradly Juftice of peace [232] Marriages Matthew Belemy and mary Johnfon were maried to Each other may 30"" 1721 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Daniel Todd and Defire Tuttle were maried to Each other Aprill 20'*" 1 72 1 ^ the Reu'' m'" Jacob Heminway Jofhua Atwater and Anna Bradly were maried to Each other Nouember 22*^ 1721 ^ me Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace John Sackitt and Hannah Smith were Maried to Each other Nouember 29'*^ 1721 ^ me Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace John Robin f on and Mary Barnes both of New Haven were maried to Each other Nouember y® 23*^ anno Dom: 1720 ^ the Reu'^ M"" James Wetmore John Becher and Mehitable Tuttle both of New hauen were married to Each other December 7"" 1721 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Enos Bradly and Elen Skidmore were married to Each other the 21^'^ day of December 1721 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace William Johnfon Jun'" & Elifabeth Sperry were married to Each other December 27**^ 1721 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace [233] (Marriages) Dan" Winfton and Abigail Hotchkis were married to Each other Jan'"^ 2.^ iy2i/2 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Jofeph Baffett and Meriam Bradly were Married to Each other January y® 18'^'^ 1721/2 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Jofiah Thomas and Elifabeth Johnfon were married to Each other the firft day of March 1 720/1 ^ m"" Warham Mather Juftice of peace ' Abram Baffett of Newhauen and Mehitable Street of Waling- ford were Married to Each other y^ fecond day of ffebruary Anno Dom 1 720/1 ^ the Reu"^ m"" James Wetmore Sam" : Down and Mary Blackfly were married to Each other y« 29**^ day of Oct^"" 1717 ^ m' Abraham Bradly Juftice of peace Caleb Ailing and thankfull Mix were Married to Each other ffebruary y« 8'*^ 172 1/2 ^ Sam" Bishop Justice of peace [234] (Marriages) Samuel Hail of Milford or a Refident therein and Judah Hodge of New hauen were Joyned in Marriage the 29*^ of June 1720 ^ M'" Warham Mather Juftice of peace James Todd and Lydia Sherman both of New Hauen were Maried to Each other the fixth day of December 1721 ^ M' Warham Mather Juftice of peace James Brown and Elifabeth Kerbee were married to Each y* 31^^ day of October 1704 ^ m"": Jeremiah Ofborne Juftice of peace 132 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Nathan" Hubell of ftratfield and Efther Mix of N: hauen were Married to Each other March y® 5'*" 172 1/2 ^ me Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Timothy Miles and Mable Coopper both of New hauen were married to Each other march 13"' 172 1/2 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Sam" Wooden and Deborah Sperry both of New hauen were married to Each other March 20"" 172 1/2 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace [235] (Marriages) Abner Bradly and Abigail Gilbert were Married to Each other March 29"' 1722 ^ Sam" Bifhop Juftice of peace Abraham Blacksly and Elifabeth Coopper both of Newhauen were Married the 15'" day of March 172 1/2 %^ the Reu'^. m"" James Wetmore Thomas Holt and Abigail Johnfon both of New Hauen were Married to Each other may 9*"^ 1722 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace James Parker & Lydia Trowbridge both of New Hauen were married to Each other on the 4''' day of January 172 1/2 ^ the Rev*^ m"" Sam" Johnfon John Johnfon and Charity Hill were Married to Each other June y^ 20"' 1722. ^ Sam": Bishop Juftice of peace Enof Smith and Ann Umphreuile were Married to Each other June 25'^ 1722 ^ Sam": Bishop Juftice of-peace James Atwater and Dinah Sherman were married to Each other the 12'^ day of July 1722 ^ Sam": Bishop Juftice of peace [236] (Marriges) Jofepli Hall and Lydia Blaksley were Maried to Each other y« 12"' day of July 1722 ^ m"": Warham Mather Juftice of peace Jofeph Atwater of New haven and Hannah Doolitle of Wal- ingford were Married to Each other f ep* : 10'^ 1722 ^ Cap*- John Hall Afsiftant Benjamin Wooden and Mary Dornian both of New Haven were Married together April 22* 1718 ?fi9 M"" Abraham Bradly Juftice of peace Jofeph Ruggles and Rachel Toles were married to Each other Nouember 15"' 1722 Before me Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace m"" John platt of Norwalk and m" Mary Smith of New Hauen were married to Each other Nou*^"": 20''^ 1722 Before Sam": Bishop Juftice of peace m"": Nathaniell peck of Greenwich and M" Mary pardee of New Hauen were married to Each other December 4*"^ 1722 Before me Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Sam" Bishop and Abigail Atwater were married to Each other December 13''' 1722 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 133 [237] (Manages) Thomas Down and Mehitable Clark were married to Each other December 26'^ 1722 Before me Sam": Bishop Juftice of peace Nathan Ailing and Hannah Todd were maried to Each other January 3*^ 1722/3 Before Sam": Bishop Juftice of peace Benjamin Dorman and Sarah Tuttle were Maried to Each other January the 10''' 1722/3 ^ Sam" : Bishop Juftice of peace Thomas Humberftone and Mary Bishop were Married to Each other January iG^*" 1722/3 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Sam" Hall and Hannah Brown both of New Hauen were married to Each other December 20*'' 1722 ^ the Reu*^ m"": Jacob Heminway James Thompfon and Hannah Willmott both of New Hauen were married to Each other May the 30**^ 1723 ^ or before Sam" : Bishop Juftice of peace L*: Richard Milef of New Hauen and M'"^ Abigail Treadwell of Stratfield were married to Each other y^ 22* day of Nouember 1 72 1 ^ the Reu"^ m'' Sam" Cook [238] (Marriages) Jfaac Johnfon of Wallingford and Sarah Ofborn of New hauen were Married to Each other Nouember 27*^ 1723 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Nathan" Maltbei of Saybrook and Deborah Jones of New Hauen were Married to Each other December 4"^ 1723 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace James Crowfoot of Danbury and Lydia Briftoll of New hauen were Marryed to Each other Dec'''" 4*^^ 1723 ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace John Woolcutt Jun'". and Ann f perry both of New hauen were married to Each other December y® iS'*" 1722 ^ M"" War- ham Mather Juftice of peace Sam" Baffett and Elifabeth Humerfton were Married to Each other December 17'^ 1723 ^ Cap* John Hall Affiftant Japhet Benham and Ann Smith were Joyned in Marrige to Each other January 22^ 1723/4 ^ Sam": Bishop Juftice of peace Stephen Burwell of New Hauen and Anne fherman of ftrat- ford were Joyned in Marriage on the 26*^^ day of December Anno Dom: 1723 ^ Jofeph Curtifs Efq"": Juftice of peace John Ailing and patience Mix both of Newhauen were Joyned in Marriage to Each other December 26*^ 1723/4 ^ the Reu^: m"" Jofeph Noyes [239] Marriages Timothy Clark and Elifabeth Potter both of New Hauen were Joyned in Marriage to Each other January 31^* 1723/4 ^ M' Warham Mather Juftice of peace 134 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS John Umberfield and Rebeckah Clark both of New Hauen were Joyned in Marriage to Each other ffebruary the 12*'' 1723/4 ^ Sam" Bifhop Juftice of peace Aaron Tiittle and Mary Munfon both of New Hauen were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the fixth day of ffebruary 1723/4 ^ m"" Warham Mather Juftice of peace M'' W™ Maltbie of New Hauen and m""^ Sarah Dauenport of Stanford were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 12''' day of ffebruary 1723/4 ^ the Reu*^ m"" John Dauenport Sam" Gilbert and Hannah Dorman both of New hauen were Married to Each other the 24*'' day of feptember 1722 ^ m"^ Warham Mather Juftice of peace Natha" Kimberly and Hannah Candee Both of New hauen were married to Each other April! y® 22"^ 1724 ^ Sam" Bifhop Juftice of peace Daniel Dorman and Defire Sperry both of New hauen were Joyned in Marriage to Each other April 23"^ 1724 <^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace Jofiah Lounfbary and Ruth Loyns were married to Each other May the y^^ 1724: ^ Sam" Bishop Juftice of peace [240] (Births) Jofeph y® fon of Ebenezer Peck was Born March. 28'** Anno Dom 1718 Aron y® fon of Sam" potter was born march firft 1715/16 Dauid y^ fon of Sam" potter was Born Nouember 26'^'' 1717 Benjamin y^ fon of Sam" Smith at s: end was Born y® 20''': of feptember 17 16 Amos y^ fon of Thomas Morris was Born ffeb: 20**" 1717/8 John the fon of John Barns was Born June y® 24*'' 1714 Timothy y® fon of John Barns was Born april y® 19*^ 1716 John y* fon of James Talmadge was Born may 25'''-i7i8 Sam" y® Son of Sam" Horton was Born Auguft 21^^ 1716 Sarah y® Daughter of Sam" Horton was Born April y® 4'*" 1718 Jofiah the fon of Elifabeth Tharp waf Born March 1716 [241] Beirths Mary y® Daughter of Stephen Trobridge was Born Jan''^ 28''' 1714/5 Caleb the fon of ftephen Trobridge was Born Jan''^ y® 8'** 1716/7 Mary y® Daughter of Eben: Blackly Jun"" was Born June 1$^^ 1718 Damaris y* Daughter of Sam" Jues was Born July 6'^^ 1718 Aron y° fon of Mofes Blackly was Born ffeb'" 18'" 1716/7 Martha y^ Daughter of Stephen Clark was Born fep* 23'^ 1709 Efther y" daughter of Stephen Clark was Born march 17*'* 1711/12 Dan" y® Son of Stephen Clark was Born June 8*^ 1714 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 135 Anne y® Daughter of Stephen Clark was Born June 17'^'' 1717 Abigail y*' Daughter of Epharim Morris was born the 31^' of October 17 17 [242] (Beirths) Sarah the Daughter of William Punchard was Born fTfeb'"^ 19^^ 1717/8 John y® fon of Jfrael Bunel was Born fept^"": 4"' 1717 Lydia the daughter of Benjamin ford was Born March 17*'' 1717/8 Mary the daughter of Henry Briftoll was Born fTeb'"y 7"" 1717/8 Thomas the Son of Seth perkins was Born Defember 20"" 1717 Sarah y^ Daughter of w'" Thomfon was born October y® fir ft 1717 Sarah the Daughter of John Smith was Born Auguft 27'^ 1718 Sam" y« Son of Jofeph Parde was born Auguft 3*^ 1718 Azariah y" fon of John Perkins was Born April 2'^ 1718 Elizabeth y*' Daughter of Mofef Brockett born May 9'^ 1718 Martha y*" Daughter of Sam" Baf fett was Born Nouember 25*^^ 1716 [243] Beirths Hannah y® Daughter of Nathan" Goodyear was Born Auguft y® 14'*^ 1718 John and Morris the fons of James Peck was Born June 30''' 1718 Nathan y« fon of m'" Jonathan Manf field was Born Nou*"" IS'** 1718 Marah y^ Daughter of Dan" Murry was born Nou'"'. 19 1716 William y^ Son of y^ Reu*^ m"" John Woodward was Born y" 18'^ of October 17 18 Sarah y^ Daughter of Jonathan Todd was Born y® 16"' of June 1718 William y« fon of John Bafet was born Nouember 17"" 1718 Mary y** Daughter of Caleb Tuttle was Born March 171 5/6 Eliphilet y^ fon of Caleb Tuttle was born Dec*"" 2'^ 17 18 Jofeph y*' fon of Stephen Row was Born October y° 7'^ 1718 Hannah y^ daughter of Eben: Beacher born Dec*"": 23: 1716 Jofeph y" fon of Eben: Beacher born Nou'"": 26: 1718 [244] (Beirths) Joseph Hayes y® fon of Reu'^ M"" Joseph Noyes was Born y® 6*^ day of Auguft on wedenfday about 2 of y** Clock in y® after noon ano dom: 1718 Sarah y^ Daughter of the Reu*^, m"" Jofeph Noyes was Born y^ 19'^ day of March on Munday about 2 of the Clock in y^ morn- ing Annqe Dom 172 1/2 Abigail y** Daughter of y® Reu'^ M"" Jofeph Noyes was Born on 136 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS fry day the 20''' of March about 8 of the clock at Night Annoqe Dom: 1723/4 James y^ fon of Ebenezer Jues was born y^ Nineteenth of October 17 18 Thomas y® fon of Jofhua Ray was Born January 5'*" 1717/8 Mary y" daughter of Samuel Bradly was Born October 8"' 171 7 Dauid y** Son of Dauid punderfon was Born y** 29''' of June 1718 Jsaac the Son of Jonathan Atwater Jun"": was Born October 21^' 1718 [245] Births William the fon of William Tuttle was Born Auguft the fir ft 1718 Eliphelet the Son of Abraham Johnfon was Born January y® 8'*^ 1 718/9 Ebenezer y® Son of John Dumbar was Born y** 9''^ day of Nouember 17 18 Doratha y^ Daughter of John Munfon Jun"" was Born the 7*"^ of June 1715 Dauid y*' fon of John Munfon Jun"" was Born October v® 8''' 1718 Benjamin y" fon of Enos Parde was Born January 5"^ 17 18/9 Amos y® fon of John Thomas was Born auguft y'' 10''' 1717 Benjamin y® fon of Anna Barns was born the 15"^ day of October 171 5 John the Son of Thomas Jacobs was Born y® 9''' day of December 171 5 Dauid y*^ fon of Thomas Jacobs was born the 19'^^ day of December 17 18 Sarah y® Daughter of Abraham Heminway was Born April 12*'' 1712 Abigail y® Daughter of Abraham Heminway was Born March 17'^ 1718/9 [246] Beirths Benjamin the fon of paul Cornnell was Born December 26"* 1717 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Jonathan Smith was Born 12^"^ day of January i 718/9 Enoch the fon of Cap*. Jofeph Jues was Born ffebruary 12^^ 1711/12 Elifha y^ fon of Cap* Jofeph Jues was Born fanuarv 31** 1715/16 Sarah y^ Daughter of Cap' Jofeph Jues was Born fTebruary 14*" 1718/9 Amos y® Son of Stephen Munfon was Born April y* 9*^^ 1719 Daniel y® Son of Daniel Perkins was Born April y® 8'^ 1719 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 137 Mercy y® Daughter of M"" Mofes Mansfild was Born march y« 3-^ 1 718/9 James y® son of Jofeph Turner was Born 26''^ of fifebruary 1717/8 Samuel y^ Son of Daniel Atwater was Born June y® firft 1718 phebe y" Daughter of Jofeph Bradly was born October 25*'* 1717 William y'' fon of John Pringle was born June 27''' 1718 James the fon of Mingo a Negrow man and fue an Jndian woman was Born the 24^^ day of November 1718^^ [247] Bierths in New hauen Nathan y^ fon of Nathan perkins was Born ffeb: 23*^ 1718/9 Rebeckah the daughter of Sam" Beacher was Born y® 15"* day of December 1718 James y*^ fon of James Sperry was born y*^ 26*'' day of October 1718 Nehemiah y° fon of Caleb Hotchkis was born y" 20'^ day of April! 1719 Mary y® Daughter of Dan": Sherman was Born march y*' 19^^^ 1718/9 Abigail y*^ Daughter of Jofeph Copper was Born May y" 22'' 1719 Hester y® Daughter of Sam" Prindle was Born fifeb: firft I 7 18/9 Ruth y® Daughter of Epharim Morris was Born y" 27'^^ of Nouember 1718 Jonathan y*^ Son of Ens" Jfaac Dickerman was Born July 4^** 1719 Matthew y® fon of Matthew fford was Born y^ 25''' of June 1719 Hannah y^ Daughter of Mofes Blackley was born 25"^: March 1718/9 [248] Beirths in Newhauen Benjamin y" fon of Benjamin Bradly Jun"". was Born y® 29*^^ of July 1 719 Damaras y*^ Daughter of Thomas Punderson was Born y® 12^^ of July 1 7 19 Stephen y® fon of Jofeph Mix was Born y® 2^ day of Decem- ber 1717 Stephen the fon of Jofeph mix was Born y® 4**^ day of Decem- ber 1718 Sam" y^ Son of Sam" Todd was Born March y^ 6''' 1716/7 Susanna y® Daughter of Sam" Todd was Born Decem^®"" y^ 7'^ 1718 Abraham y* Son of Sam" Copper was Born Septemby y® 8'^ 1719 34 Marginal entry written lengthwise of the page. 138 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Deliueranc y® Son of George Smith was Born y^ 24"* day of Auguft 1 7 19 Efther y^ Daughter of Dan" Mallery was born the 18^'' day of June 1718 Dan" y® Son of William Ruffell was Born the 6^" day of July 1719 Mehi table y® Daughter of Mofes Sperry was Born y^ 2.2^ of June 1719 [249] (Births) Jonah y" Son of Elnathan Baldwin was Born y® 12"' day of October 1719 Thomas y" Son of Rebeckah Tharpe and the Reputed fon of Thomas warner was Born auguft y® 6"^ 1714 Dan" : y** fon of Abram Dickerman was Born y® 16*^'' day of feptember 17 19 Rebeckah y*' Daughter of Thomas Jues was Born y** 14^^ of ffebruary 17 18/9 Jofeph y'' fon of Jofeph Sperry was Born y® 26'^'^ of April 1718 Abigail y® Daughter of Serg^ Sam" : Peck was born Nouember y® fecond 1719 Abigail y® Daughter of James payne was Born y® 8"^ day of feptember 17 19 Elisabeth y" Daughter of Sam" : Thomfon Jun' was born the 17''' day of October 1719 William y® fon of William Punchard was Born y® 29"^ of October 17 19 Lydia y'' Daughter of John Dumbar was Born y® firft day of October 17 14 Ebenezer y" Son of John Dumbar was Born y® 9*^^ day of Nou- ember 1719^^ this laft Child Recorded before therefore crofed here [250] Births Efther v® Daughter of Eliphilet Briftoll was born y® 11'^'' day of ffeb^y 1 718/9 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Serg': John Bradly was Born y® 12*^ day of October 17 19 Sam" : y® fon of Caleb Ailing was Born y® firft day of Decem- ber 1719 William y® fon of Joel prindle was born the fecond day of October 1719 Doratha y® Daughter of Caleb Mix was Born y® 27'*^ day of October 1718 Sybil y® Daughter of m''. John prout was Born y® 13''* day of October 17 19 3^ Crossed out. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 139 Sarah y® Daughter of Nathan" Sherman was Born y® 23*^ of July 1715 Rebeckah y« Daughter of Nathan" Sherman was Born y® iS'*" day of may 1718 Thomas y*^ fon of Henry Briftoll was Born December y^ 29^'' 1719 Abigail y^ Daughter of Sam" : Potter was Born the 28'^'' day of Auguft 1719 Ruth y® Daughter of Dauid Atwater Jun"" was Born fept : y® 20*'' 1719 John y® fon of Daniel Thomfon was Born may y'^ 16 1719 Hannah y^ Daughter of James Talmadge was Born ffeb : y® 7'*^ 1719/20 [251] (Bierth) Hannah y® Daughter of feth Heaton was Born the 3*^ day of July 1719 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Enf° Samuel Brown was Born y® 29^*" day of feptember 17 18 Timlothy y® fon of Daniel Smith was Born the 15"^ day of June 1719 Tabathy y® Daughter of Jofeph Clerk was Born the 27'*^ of ffebruary 1719/20 Enos the fon of Elifabeth wooden was Born y® 23*^ of april 1719 Enos y'' fon of m"": Ebenezer Ailing was Born y® 6^'' day of April 1719 Abigail y® Daughter of Matthew^® Row was Born the 17^** day of January 171 2/1 3 John the fon of Matthew Row was Born the 5'^'^ day of may 1715 Sarah y® Daughter of Matthew Row was Born y^ 20'^ of Octo- ber 1716 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of Matthew Row was Born y® 22*^ of October 17 18 John y® fon of John Mix was Born march y^ 30'^ 1720 John y® fon of Nathan" : Goodyear was Born y^ 20'^'' of Sep* : 1719 [252] (Births) Ephraim y^ fon of Jonathan Todd was Born y® y^^ day of March 1719/20 Mary y® Daughter of Jofeph Miles was Born December y® 18''' 1719 Caleb y® fon of W"" Thomfon Jun"": was Born fep*^: 1708 Martha y® Daughter of W" Thomfon was Born fifeb: 1709/10 Abraham y® fon of W" Thomfon was Born June 171 1 36 First written " ftephen ". I40 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Dan" : the fon of Daniell mallery was Born the 4''' day of ffeb: 1719/20 Dan": y'' fon of James Morrifs was Born June y^ 4*^^ 1718 Abigail y** Daughter of James Morris was Born Janu"^ lo**^ 1719/20 Mary y^ Daughter of Mofes Brockett was Born January y^ 26*'' 1719/20 Jfraell y" fon of Jofeph Sperry was Born y'^ 13"' of ffebruary 1719/20 Mary y® Daughter of John Blackley was Born y® 5'** of Aprill 1720 Daniel y® fon of Daniel perkins was Born the 8'^ day of April 1719 [253] Beirths Abigail y" Daughter of Jfrael Barns was Born the firft of Aug^': 1 71 5 Henry y*^ fon of Jfrael Barns was Born y'^ 8'^ day of aprill 1718 Elisabeth the Daughter of Sam" : Baf fett was Born the fecond day of June 1719 Mary the Daughter of Samuel Humerfton was Born y^ 8*^'^ of October 1719 Gilead the fon of Richard Sperry, Jun'" was Born the 20'^' day of ffebruary 1719/20 John y^ fon of John pardee was Born the 2"]^"^ day of June 1713. Abigail y* Daughter of John pardee was Born the 15"^ day of Aprill 1717 \ Ebenezer y'' fon of Eiiphilet pardee was Born the 5*'^ of aprill 1710 Eiiphilet the fon of Eiiphilet pardee was Born the 13'*' day of feptember 17 12 Benjamin y'' fon of Eiiphilet pardee was Born y*' 9"^ day of December 1714 Hannah y® Daughter of Eiiphilet pardee was Born the 5th day of March 1 716/17 Sarah y® Daughter of Eiiphilet pardee was Born y® 5'^ day of Nou ember 17 19 Mary the Daughter of John Thomas was Born y® 21^' day of May 1719 [254] Births John the fon of Sam" : Brockett was Born the 29**^ day of may 1714 Sam" y® fon of Sam" : Brockett was Born the 23*'* of of Nouember 1716 Enos y° fon of Sam". Brockett was Born the 28*'' of December 1718 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 141 Ruth the Daughter of Sam": Bradly was Born the firft day of March 1719/20 Lois y** Daughter of Serg*^ Jfaac Johnfon was Born y^ 3^ day of December 1719 Hannah y® Daughter of Jofeph pardee was Born y® 2 day of Auguft 1733 Rebeckah the Daughter of Samuel Barnf waf Born the 28"" day of aprill 1733 Anna the Daughter of Jacob Blakflee waf Born the 6'^ day of October 1733 Jfaac the fon of Jfaac John fon Jun"^ waf Born the s^^ day of October 1729 Abraham the fon of Wait Chatterton Waf Born the 26''' day of Auguft 1733 Rachel the Daughter of Jofeph Ruggles waf Born the 7^^ day of July Annoqe Dom 1732 Ebenezer the fon of Daniel Smith fen' waf Born the 4'^'^ day of Aprill Anno Dom 1730 [383] (Births) Edward the fon of Daniel fmith fen"" waf Born the 8^^ day of ffebruary Anno: Dom: 1731/2 Eliphalet the fon of Eliphalet Beecher waf Bom the 29'*^: of feptember anno Dom: 1733 Eunice the Daughter of Liue*: Andrew Tuttle waf Born the 22'^ day of November 1733 Hannah the Daughter of John Smith waf Born the 26"^ : day of December 1718 Martha the Daughter of John Smith waf Born the 17"' day of auguft 1 72 1 Job the fon of John Smith waf Born the 10*'': day of Novem- ber 1722 John the fon of John Smith waf Born the 30'^: day of June 1724 Mehitabell the Daughter of John Smith waf Born the 17'^ day of aprill 1726 Jofiah the fon of John Smith waf Born the 17*'': day of July 1728 James the fon of John Smith waf Born the 4'^ day of Aprill 1730 lois the Daughter of John Smith waf Born the 30'^'': day of September 1732 [384] (Births) James the fon of the Rev'': m"": Jofeph Noyef waf Born the 13**": Day of December Anno Dom 1733 Jabez the fon of Daniel Bradly waf Bom the 13**^ day of auguft anno Dom 1733 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 185 Sarah the Daughter of Amof Tuttle waf Born the 7^^ day of June Anno Dom: 1733 Sam": the fon of Nathan Benham waf Born the $^^ day of January 1719/20 Dan the fon of Jofeph Manffield Jun"". waf Born the 29'^ of January anno: Dom 1732/3 Lois the Daughter of islathaniel Hitchcock waf Born the 28''' day of Auguft 1732 Hannah the Daughter of Nathaniel Hitchcock waf Born the 6^'' day of Dec"". 1733 Sarah the Daughter of Nathaniel payne waf Born the 9^*^ day of October 1733 Mofes the fon of Caleb Ball waf Born the 28^^^ day of Auguft Anno : Dom 1732 Lydia the Daughter of Ebenezer Jues waf Born the 2^ day of October 1733 Titus the fon of Ebenezer Lines waf Born Auguft 6*'': 1731 [385] (Births) Jeffe the fon of Jfaac Johnfon waf Born January 12 day annoqe Dom: 1733/4 Thomas the fon of Deliverance painter waf Born the 2^ day of May 1733 David the fon of John willmott waf Born the feventh day of may 1731 Jofeph the fon of Jofeph perkins waf Born the 23*^ day of feptember 1733 Hannah the Daughter of Theophileton Jonef waf Born the fir ft day of feptember 1731 John the fon of Jonathan Gilbert waf Born the 9^^ day of November 1731 Hannah the Daughter of Jonathan Gilbert waf Born the 4^^ of feptember 1733 Meriam the Daughter of William Sanford waf Born the 5'^ of January anno: Dom 1733/4 John and Sarah Twins fon and Daughter of Caleb Hotchkifs Jun'". waf Born y® 12''' of Nou^': 1731 Jofhua & Sufanna Twins fon and Daughter of Caleb Hotch- kifs Jun"" waf Born 12'* of ffeb"^ 1733/4 Martha the Daughter of Abner Bradly waf Born the 20^^ day of fifebruary 1733/4 Nathan the fon of Sam" : Brown waf Born the 20''' day of may anno Dom 1733 [386] (Deaths) Joel the fon of Jofeph Coopper Deceafed the 7*^ day of Janu- ary 1722/23 W* Hannah Brooks Deceafed y® 7*^ of Nov"": 1723 l86 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Sam": Wliithead fon in law to Dauid Atwater Jun"" Deceafed the 12"^ day of March 1722/3 EHphalet the fon of John Ball Jun'' Deceafed the 18"' day of feptember 1721 The Reu*^ : ni"" Sam": pierpont Deceafed the 15^'' day of March 1722/3 Katharine the Daughter of Dan" : Todd Deceafed april y® 4"' 1724 Ephraim the fon of Jonathan Todd Deceafed the 9^*^ day of June 1724 Amof the fon of Ebenezer ffroft Deceafed the 14'^'' day of January 1723/4 M""^: Mary Todd widdow Deceafed the 26'^ day of feptember 1724 Lydia the wife of John Blakfley Deceafed October the 12^^ 1723 Ann the Daughter of John Blakfley Deceafed the 10"^ day of Nouember 1723 [387] (Deaths) John the fon of John Blakfley Defeaced the 26''^ day of Nouem- ber 1723 Daniel Todd Deceafed July 2g^^ 1724 John Leek Deceafed Auguft y^ 16''^ 1724 John Becher Deceafed the la ft day of fifebruary 1723/4 Stephen Row Deceafed the 15"^ day of Nouember 1724 M""^: Ruth Bradly the wife of m"" Nathan": Bradly Deceafed may y'' 15'^ 1725 Benjamin the fon of the Reu"*: m"": James pierpont Deceafed December y'' 17"' 1706 Elifabeth the Daughter of m"": Henry Caner Deceafed October ye j^th 1725 Sam" Gilbert Jun"": Deceafed October 25'^'' 1724 M""^: Hannah Brown the wife of m*": iifrances Brown Deceafed the 9'^ day of December Amoqe Dom: 1725 Doratha the Daughter of Mofes Sperry^* Joel prindle Deceafed the 23 day of fTebruary 1725/6 James y® fon of Jofeph Turner Deceafed y® 13'^ of fifebruary 1725/6 John Woolcutt Dec'^: ye iS"" day of October 1725 Sarah Gilbert Deceafed October 1724 [388] (Deaths) Defire the Daughter of Stephen Howel Dec*^: 10*'^ of Aprill 1726 Aaron the fon of Mofes Sperry Dec^ 14"* of Aprill 1726 Eliphalet the fon of EHphalet pardee Deceafed the 4'^ day of December anno Dom: 1725 <8 Crossed out NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 187 Rebeckah Clark VViddow Deceafed the 22^ day of January annoqe Domini 1724/ 5 Mary the Daughter of Eben: Blaksly Jun'' Deceafed December the 7*"^ Anno Dom 1725 Seth the fon of Eben: Blakfly Jun"" Dec*^ Aprill y'': 13"^ 1725 Sam" : the fon of DeHuerance painter*^ Mary Tuttle the wife of Caleb Tuttle Deceafed November the 12"" annoqe Dom: 1723 Caleb Tuttle y® fon of Caleb Tuttle Deceafed December 27'^ 1725 John Sperry Jun"": Deceafed the lo'*^ day of march 1725/6 M"": Jonathan Atwater Deceafed y*' 3*^ of June 1726 Sarah the wife of Stephen Bradley Dec*^ y® 5'^^ of June 1726 Eliezer Becher Deceafed 2'' of March 1725/6 Damaref the Daughter of Enf" Sam" Jues Dec*^. October 22^"^ : 1725 Enf° Sam": Jues Deceafed Nouember 24''' 1726 A fon of George Mix Dec'^ the 7"' of fep'. 1725 [389] (Deaths) M""^ Anna Morrifs (widow of Eliazer Morris) Deceafed December the 10"' 1726 Abner the fon of ferj' Mofes Blaksley Deceafed the 2\^^ day of November 1726 Mofes the fon of ferj"- Mofes Blaksley Deceafed the 28"' of Nouember 1726 John the fon of Jofeph Clark Deceafed the 19"' day of Decem- ber 1726 Thomas Barns fen'" y*" fon of John Barns Deceafed the ii"" day of July 1726 Sam": y^ fon of ftephen Burwell Deceafed March 30**^ 1727 Sarah the wife of ftephen Clark Dec*^: 20"' Dec'"'' 1726 Martha y® Daughter of ftephen Clark Dec"^: 23^ Dec'''" 1726 M"": Thomas Smith Dec''. November 16 1724 M""^ Elifabeth Smith Dec'' December 24''' 1727 Nathaniell Hitchcock Dec'': the 5"' day of Dec"". 1726 Mabel the Daughter of Lamberton Smith Dec'' : 29''' Jan'"^ 1727/8 Jofeph y" fon of the Rev'': m"" Jof: Noyes Dec'': Jan'": 29*'' 1726/7 Thomas morrifs Dec'' aprill 17"^ 1726 Andrew Morriffon Dec^ by Drowning about the 24"^ of aprill 1728 Arthur Rexford Dec'' fifebruary the firft 1727/8 [390] (Deaths) Jofeph the fon of fer': John Thomfon of fouth end Deceafed the 9*'' day of June 1728 *9 Crossed out. l88 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Daniel the fon of Daniel Thomfon Dec'' the ii^'' day of Decem- ber 1727 Martha the wife of Thomas Elcock Deceafed the 24''' day of Aprill 1728 M*" John Sherman Deceafed the 24'*^ of ffeb'': 1727/8 James the fon of Stephen Curtifs Dec'': November 27^'' 1728 Thank full the Daughter of Nathan Clark Deceafed the 14*'' day of October 1728 Samuel Chid fey Deceafed the 8''' day of October 1726 Jofeph Beecher Deceafed the 2.^: of October 1728 M"": Dan": Briftoll Deceafed May the 15"^ 1728 Hannah the wife of Ebenezer peck Deceafed on the 3^ day of Auguft 1723 Stephen Whitehead Deceafed the 4*'' day of Nou"": 1729 Mary Payne the Daughter of m'': John Payne Deceafed the S''' day of October 1727 M"": John payne Deceafed the 4*'' day of June 1729 Mary Mix the wife of Nathan": Mix Ded : march 1724 m"" Nathan": mix Deceafed 14*'' of October 1725 [391] (Deaths) M"": Samuel Clark Deceafed ffebruary 22'' 1729/30 Benjamin Bradly Jun"" Dec'' the 5"^** day of Dec'''" 1726 Parnel the Daughter of Lamberton fmith Deceafed the 13^'' day of aprill 1730 Sarah the wife of Thomaf Umberfield Deceafed the 28'^'* day of may 1730 Serj" Jonah Todd Deceafed auguft 30^'' 1730 Sarah Leek Deceafed the 11"^ day of may 1729 Elifabeth Leek Deceafed the 2'' day of Nouember 1729 John the fon of John Matthews Born June lo*^ 1728^" Lydia the Daughter of John Matthews Born Ocf 25*'' 1730^" Charity y^ Daughter of John Matthews Born 29^'' of ^^ the Rafeing above were births put in the place of deaths therefore Razed and Entered where they ought to be among the Births M"": Samuel Mix Deceafed the 10*'^ day of Aprill 1730 Lydia the Daughter of Jofeph Borrows Dec'': 17"* of fifeb'' 1728/9 Ann the Daughter of Abraham Heminway Deceafed the 23'* day of May 1730 Deacon John punderfon Dec^: January 23^: 1729/30 Caleb Todd Deceafed July the ^'°-'. day 1731 [392] (Deaths) M" Phebe Ruffell Deceafed fep^: 19''^ anno Dom: 1730 Enfign John Ball Deceafed the 22^ day of Jan'^' 1 730/1 *" Crossed out. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 189 M"": Nathaniel Yale Deceafed the 2 1739 Diana the Daughter of Jof: Sperry 3^: waf Born July 13^" 1742 Abell the fon of Abell Smith waf Born the 24'"^ of June 1742- Sam" : the fon of Sam" Holt waf Born the 24^'' day of March I 740/ I Titus the Son of Timothy Peck waf Born the 7''' day of Aprill 1742 Ann the Daughter of Eliazer Todd waf Born the 16^^ day of Auguft Anno Domini 1742 Jfrael the fon of Enf Thomfon waf Born the 7^'^ day of March Annoqe Domini 174 1/2 Sufanna the Daughter of Thomas Jues Jun"" was Born the 26*'^ day of Aprill Anno Domini 1742 Rachel the Daughter of Aaron Tuttle waf the 14"^ day of July Anno Dom 1742 Eliphaz the fon of Jofeph Clinton waf Born the 17*^ day of July Anno Domini 1739 [481] Births Efther the Daughter of Wait Chatterton waf Born the 14*'' day of June Anno Domini 1742 Samuel the fon of Enf° Gideon Andrews waf Born the 15*^ day of feptember A D 1742 Abigail the Daughter of Stephen Atwater waf Born the 2^: day of Auguft Anno Dom 1742 Peter the fon of Peter Perkins waf Born the 11^^ day of No- vember Anno Domini 1741 Mehitabel the Daughter of Caleb Hotchkif the third waf Born the 20^^ day of March 174 1/2 Timothy the fon of m"" James Atwater waf Bom the 21^* day of October Anno Dom 1742 Thanfull the Daughter of Thomas Down was Born the 2^ : day of June Anno Dom 1742 William the fon of Daniel Talmadge waf Born the Eleventh day of March Anno Domini 1 740/1 Thomaf William the fon of Daniel Tallmadge waf Born the Eleventh day of Aprill A: D. 1742 Hannah the Daughter of Jfaac Blakflee waf Born the 29*^ day of Auguft Anno Dom 1741 Abigail the Daughter of Nathaniel Tuttle waf Born the 20*'' day of Auguft Anno Domini 1741 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 221 Silence the Daughter of Enof Tuttle Jun'" was Born the iS'*' day of December Anno Domini 1741 [482] Births Elihu the Son of Joel Hotchkis was Born the 16"^ Day of Auguft anno Domini 1742 Rachel the Daughter of Stephen Bristoll Born December 11*^ 1739 David the fon of Stephen Briftoll Born the 13'^ of June 1742 Phebe the Daughter of Daniel Ludinton waf Born the 19'^'' day of November Ann Dom 1742 Levy the fon of Benjamin Pardee waf Born the 14*"^ day of January Anno Dom 1 741/2 Sarah the Daughter of Caleb Cooper waf Born the 20-^ day of January Anno Domini 1742 Lois the Daughter of Amos Bradly waf Born th 28''' day of feptember A D 1742 Joel the fon of Stephen fford was Bom October y® 16*^ 1742 Abigail the Daughter of Amof Peck waf Born ocf: 30'^ 1742 Aeneaf the fon of Benj"^: Munfon waf Born June the 13"^ I734 Abigail the Daughter of Benj'' Munfon waf Born fep* 28'^ 1735 Benj° the fon of Benj°: Munfon waf Born ffeb'^^ 28'*^ 1738/9 Sufannah the Daughter of Benj° Munfon waf Born fTeb"^ 28'^'*: 1741 Lois the Daughter of Caleb Atwater waf Born Aprill the 2^ 1742 Stephen the fon of m"" Jn° Brown waf Born October 14*^ Anno Dom: 1739 Hannah the Daughter of m'' Jn°: Brown waf Born Octo^"": 23^: 1741 [483] (Births) Martha the Daugghter of Jofiah Tuttle waf Born the firft day of Auguft Annoqe Domini 1736 Deborah the Daughter of Jofiah Tuttle waf Born the 20*^ of ffebruary anno Domini 1 740/1 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of Stephen Hill waf Born June 22*^ 1740 Abell the fon of Mofes Bradly waf Born the 7''' day of Aprill 1742 Abner the fon of Aaron Blackflee waf Born the 24"^ day of May 1741 Patience the Daughter of Aaron Blakflee waf Born y« 25*^ of Dec': 1742 Lydia the Daughter of Samuel Munfon waf Born March 8"^ 1742/3 Jofeph the fon of Stephen Jues waf Born October 26*'' 1740 Stephen the fon of Stephen Jues waf Born March 16*'' 1741/2 222 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Elifabeth the Daughter of John Thompfon waf Born the fifth day of July Anno Domini 1742 Meeke the fon of Dani" Potter fen"", waf Born June 14"" 1742 Ambros the fon of Peter Smith waf Born the 14'^: day of Auguft Anno Dom : 1742 Jfaiah the fon of M"" Jfaiah Tuttle waf Born the 29'^'^ day of November Anno Dom: 1742 John y® Son of Jedidiah Andros was born the 20'^ Day of may anno Dom: 1731 mary the Daughter of Jedidiah andros waf born y^ ic^^^ Day of June anno Dom: 1733 [484] (Births) Lydia y® Daughter of Jedidiah andros was born y^ 16'^ Day of Jan"^: anno Dom: 1735 Gidion the Son of Jedidiah andros waf born 2^ Day of March anno Dom: 1737 Jedidiah the Son of Jedidah andros was born i^' Day of may anno Dom: 1741 Abigail the Daughter of William Rogers waf Born the 2'^ : day of Jan"^ Anno: Dom: 1742/3 Lawrana the Daughter of Nathan Smith Jun"": waf Born fep* 16'^ 1740 Jefse the fon of Thomas Stevens Jun"" waf Born the 9'** day of January Anno Domini 174 1/2 Joel the fon of Jthamer Todd waf Born the Twenty fourth day of May Anno Domini 1742 Jofeph the fon of Jofeph Bradly Jun'. was Born March 20*'' 1742/3 Anne the Daughter of m"" Timothy Mix waf Born the 13"^ day of May Annoq* Domini 1743 Samuel the fon of Ebenezer fifroft Jun'. waf Born the lo'*' day of October Annoq Domini 1741 Thomas the fon of Lieu*. Barnabus Baldwin waf Born the lo'** day of July Anno: Dom 1742 [485] (Births) Hannah the Daughter of Timothy Milef waf Born the 10'^ day of May Annoqe Domini 1722 Timothy the fon of Jofhua Hotchkifs waf Born the 16''' day of March Annoqe Domini 1741/2 Samuel the fon of Samuel Plumerfon waf Born the 5'^ day of May Annoq® Domini 1743 Abigail the Daughter of M"" Jofeph pierpont waf Born the 6*^ day of June Anno Dom 1743 Timothy the fon of Ebenezer Humerftone Jun' Waf Borne the fecond day of July A: D: 1743 James the fon of Jehiel And Mary Thomaf Waf Born the 2* day of June Anno Dom 1742 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 223 Hannah the Daughter of Jfaac Johnfon Jun'": Waf Born the 12'*^ day of June Anno Domini 1741 Mary Lucas the Daughter of M"" Auguftus and M" Mary Lucas waf Born December 8"^ 1735 Phila the Daughter of m"" James Sherman Waf Born the 11'^'' day of March Anno Dom 1742/3 Mofef the fon of Stephen AlHng waf Born the 16'^'': day of June And Born without Earf 1741 Jfrael the fon of Samuel Bifhop Jun"" Waf Born the 27'*^ day of Auguft 1743 [486] (Birth) Nathaniel the fon of Jfaac Tharp waf Born the 20'^'^ day of March Anno Dom 1733/4 Jonathan the fon of Jfaac Tharp waf Born the 20*'' day of Aprill Anno Dom 1736 Titus the fon of Jfaac Tharp waf Born the fecond Day of May 1739 Dinah the Daughter of Nathan" Tharp Waf Born the 2* : Day of ffebruary 1742/3 Jfaac the fon of Abell Curtif Was Born the 13''^ day of June Annoq® Domini 1743 Jofeph the fon of Jofeph Todd waf Born the 20'^'^ day of Auguft anno Dom 1743 Stephen the fon of Stephen Auftin waf Born the 7**^ day of may anno Dom: 1743 Amof the fon of Jofeph Beecher fen"" waf Born the Tenth Day of June 1743 Mary the Daughter of Daniel Sanford Born the 9*^ day of may 1743 And Sarah the Daughter of f*^ Daniel Sanford waf Born the 12^^ day of faid May twinf Anno Domini 1743 Hannah the Daughter of Jfaac Sperry Waf Born the 27"" day of May Anno Dom 1743 [A87] (Births) Abigail the Daughter of Jeffe and Abigail Denifon waf Born the 23"^: day of November Anno Dom 1741 Jofiah the fon of Zebulon Bradly waf Born the 17'^ day of September Anno: Domini 1743 Mary the Daughter of m"" John and m""^ Mary Ball waf Born the 24*"^ of feptember 1743 Benjamin the fon of Benjamin Englifh waf Born the 16*^ day of December Anno Dom: 1742 Efther the Daughter of Thomaf Punderfon waf Bom the 24*^ day of September Anno Dom 1743 Nathaniel And Eliaf Twins fons of Benjamin Beech Waf Born ffebruary 14*^ Anno Domini 1 741/2 224 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Matthew the fon of Matthew Blakflee Waf Born the ii'^ day of Auguft Anno Dom. 1743 Jofeph Barns the fon of Benjamin Barnf Waf Born the 5'^^ day of March Anno Dom 1 720/1 Jabez the fon of Samuel Hitchcock Waf Born the 21^' day of December Anno Dom. 1741 Samuel the fon of Samuel Hitchcock Waf Born the 2^ day of ffebruary Anno Domini 1745/6 ^ the Rev^: m"" Jfaac Stiles John Ailing Jun"": And Sarah Alcock both of New Haven Ware Joyned in marriage June 23'' : 1746 ^ the Rev"* : m*": Jofeph Noyes [548] Marriages M'" Aaron Day of New Haven and M" Sufanah Stanly of Hartford ware Joyned in Marriage y® iS'**: Day of Septembar Anno'J: Domini 1745 by y" Rev'': M' Elnathan Whitman Minifter in Hartford L^ Caleb Ailing and Hannah Ailing both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to Each other y^ 30^'' Day of January annoq Domini 1744/5 by Isaac Dickerman Efq"": Justice of peace Stephen Morrifs And Efther Robinfon were Joyned in Mar- riage to Each other the 18''' day of June Anno Dom 1721 ^ the Rev'' m"" Jacob Heminway Minifter of Eaft Haven James Lines And Thankfull Sperry both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage on the feventh day of January 1745/6 ^ the Rev" m"- Nathan Birdfey Minifter of E Haven M"" Henry Tolef and m""^ Mary Hotchkifs were Joyned in Mar- riage the 26*'> day of October 1745 ^ the Rev" m-" Jacob Heminway NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 249 Joel Potter and Susannah Stacy ware Joyned in marriage to Each other: (being both of New Haven) October 13^^^: annoq Domini 1746 by y^ Rev*^ m"" phileman Robbins Minfter of Braford [549] Marriges Thomas Beecher of New Haven And EHfabeth Averill Of Mil- ford were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the Twenty fifth Day of December Anno Dom : 1745 ^ the Rev"^ : m"" Benj° V^ood- bridge minifter of Amity Samuel Dorman and Sarah Woodin both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to Each other y« 14*'' Day of may annoq Domini 1746 by y® Rev"^: m'" Isaac Stiles Minister of North Haven M"" Chauncey Whittlelfey and m''^ Elisabeth Whiting Both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to Each other Sep*^: 23^ annoq Domini 1745 by Jofeph Whiting Efq'' Afs^ Jedediah Andrews And EHfabeth Baldwin were Joyned in Marriage on the 15*^ day of October 1746 ^ the Rev*^ m"" Timothy Woodbridge Minifter of Amity Thomas Howell and Mary White Both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to each other March fir ft 1743/4 by the Rev*^ m"" Joseph Noyes John ffroft and Martha pardee were Joyned in Marriage the IS^'' day of January 1745/6 ^ the Rev<^ m'" Jfaac Stiles Minifter of North Haven [550] (marriages) Samuel Woodin and Sarah Gilbort both of New Haven ware Joyed in Marriage to Each other on 20''' Day of Novembar annoq Domini 1746 by y® Rev^ m"" Isaac Stiles minifter of North Haven John Catlin and Margret Painter both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to each other on y« 2.ff^ Day of Auguft Anno: Domin : 1744 by y« Rev'^: M"" Nathan Burdfey minifter of Weft Haven David Atwater and Elisabeth Bafset both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to each other y" 25*'' : Day of Novem"" annoq Domin 1746 by y« Rev* m'" Jos Noyes minifter of y*' firft Society in New Haven Jonathan Smith Jun' of New Haven And Mary Cattleing of Deerfield were Married to Each Other the 7 day of May Anno Domini 1746 ^ Samuel Williams Efq' Juftice of peace of f^ Deerfield Robert Tallmadge Jun"" And Phebe Ailing Both of New Haven Were Joyned in Marriage to Each Other the 22* day of June 1747 ^ the Rev* m' Benj° woodbridge minifter of Amity 250 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [551] (Marriages) Thomas Vergifon And Abigail Allcock were Joyned in Mar- riage the 31'' day of November 1743 ^ the Rev"* m"- Benjamin Woodbridge Samuel Perkins and Hannah Leek Both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to Each other y« 17'^ Day of February Anno Domini: 1742/3 by John Hubbard Efq"": Juftice of peace Dan": Ruffel And Abigail Collins were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 4"^ day of Auguft 1743 ^ Cap' Jsaac Dickerman Juftice of Peace David Jacobs And Hannah Turner both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other on the Eleventh day of Aprill Anno Domini 1745 ^ the Rev'^ m"" Jsaac Stiles minifter of North Haven John Wolcot and Sybil Mix both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to Each other y® 10'^: Day of august anno Domini 1744 By y^ Rev'^ m"" Jsaac Stiles Minfter of North Haven John pardee Jun'' And Sarah fifroft were Joyned in mariage the 12'^ Day of December 1744 ^ the Rev"^ m"" Jsaac Stiles Minifter of North Haven [552] (Marriges) Jacob Turner and Abigail Manffield Were Joyned in Marriage to Each Other the 20'^ day of Jan"^ 1733/4 ^ the Rev"^ m'" Jfaac Stiles minifter of North Haven M"" Lemuel Carrinton Of New Haven And m" Efther Riggs of Derby were Joyned in Marriage on the lo^'' day of July 1746 ^ the Rev*^ m'' Humphrey minifter of Derby Jacob Goodfell of New Haven And Sarah Beckwith of Branford Were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 16''' day of March Anno Domini 1745/6 ^ the Rev"^: m'" Jacob Hemin- way minifter of E : Haven Timothy Bradly of New Haven and Marcy Baldwin of Milford ware Joyned in Marriage to Each other y® 13''' Day of Feb'"'' annoq Domini 1744/5, by y® Rev*^: m"". Benj" Woodbridge minif- ter of Amity Moses Sanford & Mary Robinson both of New Plaven ware Joyned in marriage to Each other on y® Twenty ninth Day of Sep- tembar annoq Domini: 1746 by the Rev^: m' Merrick minifter of North Braford [553] (marriages) Jude Cooper and mehetiball Bracket both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriages to Each other on the firft Day of may anno Domini 1746 by y® Rev"^ m' Isaac Stiles minifter of North Haven Jonathan Ailing Jun"" And Ame Beecher both of -New Haven were Joyned in Marriage the 1$^^ of January 1745/6 ^ Jfaac Dickerman Efq"" Juftice of Peace NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 25 1 Jos : Peck and Ame Perkins both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to each other on y*" 12'^ day of January Annoq Domini 1743/4 by y^ Rev"^ m'" Benjamin Woodbridge minester of Amity Cap* David Woofter And M" Mary Clap were Joyned in Marriage to Each other on the fixth day of March Annoq® Domini 1745/6 ^ the Rev"^ m"" Jofeph Noyef Timothy Thomas and fufanah Hale were Joyned in Marriage to Each other October the 20''' 1746 ^ M'" Lyon Church Minifter Sam" Stephens And Rhoda Clinton Were Joyned in Marriage to Each other Ocf y^^ 1746 ^ Doc' Sam" Johnfon Church Min- ifter of Stradford [554] (Marriages) Sam" : Brockitt Jun"" And Eunic Todd both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each Other the 27'*^ day of March Anno Dom 1745 ^ the Rev*^. m'" Jfaac Stiles Minifter of North Haven John Gorham and Lydia Dorman Both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to Each other on y® 25**^ Day of Decembar anno Domini 1745 by Isaac Dickerman Efq"" Juftice of peace John Blackflee and Lydia Bradly both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage on y® ^^^ day of March 1746/7 by y® Rev*^: m"" Isaac Stiles Minifter of North haven Wait Chatterton of New Haven & Joanna Beech of Walingford were Joyned in Marriage to Each other About the 25'^ day of Aprill Annoq® Domini 1744 ^ the Rev"^ m"" Sam" Hall minifter of Chefhire Amos Hitchcock of New Haven and Darcos Foot of Branford ware Joyned in Marriage to Each other January 9''': 1745/6 ^ y8 Rgyd ^r phileman Robbins minifter of Branford [555] (Births) Daniel the fon of Daniel Tallmadge waf Born the Twenty Third Day of December 1746 Sarah y® Daughter of Amos Tuttle was Bom y^^ Day of June anno Domini 1733 Susanah y® Daughter of Amos Tuttle was Born march 19''^: annoq Domini 1736/7 Lydia y® Daughter of amos Tuttle was Born July 20"^ : annoq Domini 1741 Mary y® Daughter of Amos Tuttle was Born y® 16 day of Novembar anno'': Dom 1743 Samuel y® Son of Amos Tuttle was Born auguft 25''': annoq Domini 1745 Ebenezar the Son of Ebenezar Bifhop Born Noembar 23"^: Annoque Domini 1746 Samuel Fofter Son of Daniell Rufsel was Born Aprill 21^' Annoq Domin 1746 252 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Enos y" Son of Enos Thomson was Born the 26''' day of July anno'': Domini 1746 Israel the Son of Abraham Bradly Jun"": was Born y® 15^^: day of Auguft 1746 [556] (Birth) Amof the fon of Amos Bradly waf Born the 26*'' of Novem- ber Anno Dom 1746 Benjamin the fon of m"" Ebenezer Peck was Born the 10'^'' day of March Anno Domini 1746/7 Stephen the fon of m"" Ebenezer Peck waf Born the 5^^ day of Auguft Anno Dom 1742 Eunice the Daughter of m"" Ebenezer Peck waf Born the 28''' day of feptember Anno Dom 1744 Patience y® Daughter of Jos Bradly Jun"" was Born y« 18'^ Day of march 1746/7 John the fon of John Sanford Jun"" Waf Born the feventh day of October 1746 Jofeph the fon of Wait Chatterton was Born the firft day of March 1744/5 Hannah the Daughter of waite Chatterton was Born the 31^* day of January 1746/7 phebe the Daughter of Benjamin Wentwood Jun"" waf Born the firft day of June 1745 Lazarus y® Son of Lazarus Jues was Born y® 21^': Day of Aprill annoq Dom 1747 Timothy y® Son of Tim° Tuttle was Born y® 14*'': Day of December 1746 William the Son of L* Israel Munfon was Born y® 20'^'': Day of May annoq Dom 1747 [557] (Births) Darcos y® Daughter of Amos Hitchcock was Born y® 10*^ : Day of Novembar 1746 Huldah the Daughter of Ebenezer Beecher Jun'" Waf Born the 27*'' day of May Anno Dom 1747 Caleb y*' Son of Cap* Caleb Ailing was Born y^ 17**^: Day of Sep*': 1746 Jared and Afa Twins fons of Zebulon Bradly waf Born the Third day of May Anno Dom 1746 Eunice the Daughter of Obediah Hill Waf Born the 25"" day of March 1731 Sarah the Daughter of Obediah Hill Waf Born the 20*'' day of May 1732 Mary the Daughter of Obediah Hill Waf Born the 5*** day of October 1733 Jared the fon of Obediah Hill Waf Bom the lo"* day of Auguft 1736 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 253 Sarah the Daughter of m*" Jofeph peirpont waf Born the 31^' day of July 1747 Edward the fon of Daniel fford Waf Born the S^^ day of June 1745 Susanah y^ 'Daughter of John Fro ft was Born y® 24^^ Day of May 1746 [558] (Births) Ezekiel the fon of Ezekiel Tuttle waf Born the the 3*^ day of December anno Domini 1745 Lois the Daughter of Ezekiel Tuttle V/af Born the 14*'* day of ffebruary Ano Dom 1737/8 Ruben the fon of Ezekiel Tuttle waf Born the 3*^ day of March Anno Dom 1739/40 Mamry the Daughter of Ezekiel Tuttle Waf Born the 4'^ day of March Anno Dom 1 741/2 fufannah the Daughter of Ezekiel Tuttle Waf Born the 17''' day of June Anno Dom 1744 Jemima the Daughter of Ezekiel Tuttle waf Born the 13''' day of January 1746/7 Rachel the Daughter of Daniell Rufsel was Born the 30^^: Day of June 1747 Titus the fon of Daniel Ludington waf Born the 13*'' day of feptember Anno Dom: 1747 Mary and Jeffe Twins Daughter and fon of Samuel Johnfon were Born the g^^ day of Auguft 1747 Mary the Daughter of Matthew Blakflee Waf Born the 6'^ Day of feptember 1747 Elizabeth the Daughter of Thomas Punderfon was Born the Second Day of Septembar anno : Dom 1747 [559] (Births) Mary the Daughter of Mathew Gilbert was Born the 15"" Day of October annoq Domini 1746 Rachel the Daughter of Aaron Gilbert was Born the 22^: day of June Annoq Domini 1746 Titus the Son of John Perkins Jun"" was Born the 27**^: Day of Auguft annoq Domini 1747 Elihu the Son of Elihu Sperry was Born March 10^^: 1746/7 Defire the Daughter of m"" Mofes Thomson was Born July 5*^^ annoq Domini 1745 Lydia the Daughter of Dan" Pardee was Born y® 27'^'' day of October 1736 Dan" : the Son of Dan" : Pardee was Born the 30*'* : day of Decembar 1738 David the Son of Dan": Pardee was Born the 17*^^ Day of may 1741 Jonathan the Son of Dan": Pardee was Born the 8''': day of May 1744 254 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Step*^ the Son of Dan" : Pardee was Born the 4*^ Day of July 1747 John the Son of Patefon Smith was Born the 28'^ day of May 1745 [560] (Births) Levi the fon of John Baffett Jun*" Waf Born the firft day of July Anno Dom 1747 Hanah the Daughter of Benjamin Hulls Born y® Eight of June 1746 John y*' fon of Benj" Hulls was Born y® 17''^ day of October 1747 Phebe the Daughter of Enos Tuttle was Born the 22^: Day of Novembar Anno Domini 1747 Rachel the Daughter of Dan" : Of born was Born the Sixth Day of Oct*"" anno Domini 1746 Rachel the Daughter of Stephen fford waf Born the 12'^'' day of July Anno Domini 1747 Lemuel the fon of Aaron potter waf Born July 8'^ 1747 Jemima the Daughter of Daniell Morris was Born the 25^^ Day of Auguft ano Dom 1747 Epherom the Son of Dan" : Hotchkis was Born the 16"^ Day of Auguft anno Domini 1747 Hannah the Daughter of m"" Timothy Brown was Born the 2^^ Day of Auguft Anno Dom 1747 Phebe the Daughter of James Atwater was Born the 24 Day of Nov"": Anno Domini 1747 [563]^ (Deaths) Juftis the fon of m"" Lamberton Smith Deceased the 23'^ day of July 1743 M" Hannah Townfend y® Wife of M"" Jeremiah Townfend Dec^ : y^ 30*^ Day of July 1 744 John y® Son of M"": Jeremah Townfend Dec*^ y® 30*^ Day of November 1739 Hannah Tharp Dec^: October 6''^: anno: Domini 1745 Abigail the wife of Jacob Turner Dec'' fep* 1740 Abigail the Daughter of Jacob Turner Deceafed the 14*'' day of feptember Anno Domini 1742 Juftif the fon of m' Lamberton Smith Deceafed the 23** day of fi'ebruary 1745/6 Mary the Daughter of Jofiah Piatt Deceafed on the 18"* day of July 1743 Mary the Wife of Jofiah Piatt Deceafed the fifth day of January Anno Dom 1745/6 Jofeph Hull Deceafed the 25*^ day of flfebruary 1745/6 Nathaniel Bradly Deceafed the 19*^ day of March 1745/6 83 Pages 561 and 562 contain records of cattle marks. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 255 M" Efther Munfon the Wife of Cap^ Theophilus Munfon Deceafed the fixteenth day of September 1746 [564] (Deaths) Martha the Daughter of Cap* : Samuel Sherman Deceafed the 27**^ day of June Anno Domini 1746 Lucy the Daughter of John CatHn Deceafed on y^ 14*^ Day of march Anno Domini 1745/6 punderson y® Son of m"" David Austin Dec*^: Feb'"^ 21^* 1742/3 Mary Humbersen y® Daughter of Thomas Humberson and mary humbersons Deceased y®: 11'^ Day of March Annoq Domini 1746/7 M"" John Bradly Deceafed y^ 13*^: Day of Auguft annoq Domini 1747 Hannah the Daughter of Benjamin Hulls Dec^ 26*^ of Ocf 1746 [57i]«* (Deaths) Eafter the wife of Wait Chatterton Dec** Aprill 1743 Jared the fon of Zebulon Bradly Dec*^: 21^' of May 1746 [572] (Marriages) Ebenezar Atwater and Mehetebel Ailing of New Haven was Joyned in Marriage to Each other on y® g^^ Day of Aprill anno Domini: 1747 by y® Rev*^: m'" Phileman Robbins minefter of Branford Benjamin Hulls And Ame Hill both of New Haven Were Joyned in Marriage to Each other March 1746 ^ the Rev** m"" Jfaac Stiles Minifter of North Haven [574]^° (Marriages) M"" Timothy Mix of New Haven and m" Mary Cooper of S*. Georges Manner on Long Jfland were Joyned in Marriage to Each other on the 19*^ day of July annoqe Domini 1733 ^ the Rev*^ m'": Jofeph Lamb minifter of fouth hold on Long Jfland Jofhua Hotchkis Jun"" and Obediance Cooper were Joyned in Marriage the iS**^ day of December 1732 ^ the Rev^: m"" Jofeph Noyes Jofeph Manffield Jun*": and Phebee Baffatt were Joyned in Marriage the 10"^ day of October 1732 ^ the Reverand m"" Jfaac Stilef Ebenezer ffroft of New Haven and Elifabeth Andruf of fifarmington were Joyned in Married on the Nineteenth day of ffebruary annoqe Domini 1734/5 ^ the Reven^ m' Curtifs Min- ifter of Southentown a village in fd ffarminton Caleb Andrews and Mary Hodges of New Haven were Joyned 6* Pagres 565-570 contain records of cattle marks. fifiPage 573 blank. 256 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS in marriage on the 4^'* day of may 1735 ^ Sam" : Bifhop Juftice of peace Thomas Of born and EHfabtth Smith were Joyned in Marriage June 12^'* 1735 c^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of peace [575] (Marriages) Ebenezer Gilbert and Rebeckah Daton were Joyned in Marriage Each to other the 4'^'' day of Auguft Annoqe Dom: 1735 ^ the Rev*^: m"" Jfaac Stiles Enoch Jues and Lydia Cooper both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 31^' Day of July annoqe Domini 1735 ^ the Rev*^: m"" Jfaac Stiles Abell Matthews of New Haven and Mary Holt of Wallingford were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 17*'^ day of June annoqe Domini 1735 ^ the Rev*^: m"" Samuel Hull of Walling- ford Jfaac Sperry and Hannah perkins of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 5'^ day of July 1733 ^ the Rev^: M'" Jofeph Noyfe M'" Samuel Cooke and M*"^ fufannah Manffield both of New Haven were Joyned to Each other in Mariage November 5'''* annoqe Domini 1735 ^ Jofeph Whiting Efq'' Affiftant M"": Jfaac Jones and m" Abigail Chatterton both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the firft day of October annoqe Domini 1735 ^ Cap': Jfaac Dickerman Juftice of peace [576] (Marriages) John Hall and Abiah Macomber both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 19'^ day of ffebruary annoqe Domini 1734/5 ^ the Rev"^ : m"" Humphrif minifter of Derby Joy Bifhop and Meriam perkins Both of New Haven were Joyned to Each other in marriage ffeb*"^ 5"^ 1735/6 ^ me Sam" Bifhop Juftice of peace Jofeph Humerftone and Annah Sperry Both of New Haven were Joyned in married the 2y^^ day of March 1734 ^ the Rev**: m"" Jfaac Stilef Andrew Goodyear and Jane Gilbert were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 14*'' of March 1732/3 ^ the Rev^ m"" Jofeph Noyef Daniel fford and mary perkinf were Joyned in Marriage to Each other may 13"" 1736 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of peace John Rufscll and Ann Hitchcock were Joyned in Marriage to Each other may 13''' 1736 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of peace [577] (Marriages) Timothy Ailing and Mary Humfreuile were Joyned in married to Each other may 20*'' 1736 ^ the Rev^ m"": Jofeph Noyef NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 257 Benjamin Beech and Lydia Potter Both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 31^*^ day of July annoqe Domini 1736 ^ the Rev*^: m'' Jfaac Stilef Timothy peck and Lydia Lines were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 23*^ day of feptember 1736 ^ the Rev"^ : m"" Jofeph Noyes Jfrael munfon of New Haven and Mary Brinfmead of Strat- ford were Joyned together in Marriage October 28"^ 1736 ^ the Rev*^ m'" Richard Minor Minifter in the Town of Stratford David Barns of New Haven and Sarah Parker of WaHngford were Joyned in marriage to Each other Auguft 26"^ 1735 ^ the Rev^ : m"" : Jsaac Stiles Daniel Lines and Mary Allcock Both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other on the Eleventh Day of Novem- ber annoqe Domini 1736 ^ Cap': Jfaac Dickerman Juftice of peace [578] (Marriages) Caleb Cooper & Defire Sanford were Joyned in marrige the 13''' day of March 1735/6 ^ the Rev'': m"" Jfaac Stiles Caleb Thomas and Abigail Allcock Both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other January 6"' 1736 ^ me Sam": Bifhop Juftice of peace John Benham & Doratha pardee Both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 7'^ day of Aprill 1736 ^ the Rev*^: m'': Jofeph Noyes Nathaniel Brown and Olive Brown both of New Haven Were Joyned in marriage to Each other March 20: 1728/9 ^ the Rev"^: m'': Samuel Johnfon Stephen Jues and Abigail Row both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 13''^ day of May 1736 ^ the Rev*^: m^. Jacob Heminway Ezra Johnfon and Sarah Lines were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 13*'' day of fifebruary 1734/5 ^ the Rev'^: m"": Jofeph Noyes Daniel Ofborne and Obediance Smith both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each Other the 12"^ : day of January Annoqe Domini 1736/7 q^ Cap* Jsaac Dickerman Juftice of Peace [579] (Marriages) Stephen Allcock and Abigail Humerftone were Joyned in Mar- riage to Each other the 16''' day of January 1736/7 ^ the Rev"^ : M' Jofeph Noyes Caleb Hotchkif Jun"* Jun'. and Phebee Atwater both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other on th 6*^ day of January annoqe Domini 1736/7 ^ Cap* Jfaac Dickerman Juftice of peace 17 258 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS M"" John Brown and phe^e Munfon both of New Haven Were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 25^^ day of December annoqe Domini 1734 "^ the ReV^ : M"": Jfaac Stilef Samuel Man f field and fufanna Man f field were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 23*^ day of December Annoq" Domini 1736 ^ the Rev*^: Jofeph Noyes Jfrael Daton and Dinah Clark both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other June 27^*^ 1737 ^ Sam" : Bifhop Juftice of Peace Sam" : Humerftone and Elifabeth Allcock Both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 21^' Day of July anno : Domini 1737 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of peace [580] (Marriages) Stephen Cooper and Sarah Jues both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage the firft day of Aprill Annoqe Domini 1735 ^ the Rev"^: m'" Jfaac Stiles Jofiah Pardee and Abigail Briftoll both of New Haven Were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 13'^' day of feptember annoqe Domini 1737 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of Peace Sam" : fford and Hannah Bradly both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 14''' day of fep': Annoqe Domini 1737 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of Peace George Clenton and Ann Hodge both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other November the 8"' day of 1737 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of peace Enof Tuttle and Deborah payne both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 16^'^ day of December Annoqe Domini 1736 ^ the Rev'': M"": Jofeph Noyes Daniel Smith Jun"" of New Haven and Ann Newton of Mil- ford were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 27''' day of July annoqe Domini 1737 ^ Roger Newton Efq"" Afsiftant [581] (Marriages) M"" Hezekiah peirpont and m""^ Lydia Heminway were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 9'*^ day of ffeb''^ Annoqe Domini ^73^/7 ^ the Rev'': m"" Jacob Heminway Stephen Thomas and the widdow Lydia Thomas were Joyned in Marriage to Each other ffeb"^ 20^"^ 1737/8 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of Peace Mofes Thorp and Lydia Ludinton both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 5"^ day of December annoqe Domini 1732 ^9l the Rev^. M"" Jfaac Stiles Japhet Manffield Jun"". And Ruth Tuttle were Joyned in Mar- riage to Each other the iS''* of January 1737/8 ^ the Rev'^: m*" Jofeph Noyes Jfaac Beecher and Thank full Blakflee Both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the Eleventh day of Januai-y Annoqe Domini 1737/8 ^ the Rev'': m"" Jofeph Noyes NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 259 John Ball and Mary Blakflee Both of New Haven Were Joyned in marriage the 8"" day of fifebruary Annoqe Domini 1737/8 ^ the Rev'': m' Jofeph Noyef [582] (Marriages) Daniel Thomas Jun"" of New Haven and Sarah Brown of Waterbury were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 25'*^ day of December annoqe Domini 1735 : ^ the Rev'': M"" Samuel John f on Matthew Gilbert and Ruth Sackitt, both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other Aprill 2^°- 1738 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of Peace Samuel Sanf ord Jun"" : and Deborah Clark both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other on the 3'' day of Novem- ber annoqe Domini 1737 ^ the Rev'': M"" Jfaac Stiles Chritopher Todd and Hannah Tuttle Both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage the 9'*^ day of ffebruary Anno Dom ^7Z^/7 ^ the Rev'': m'' Jfaac Stiles Aaron Gilbert and Rachel Lines were Joyned in marriage to Each other the y^^ day of June annoqe Dom: 1738 ^ the Rev^: m*" Jofeph Noyes Danniel Tallmadge and Mary Thomfon were Joyned in mar- riage to Each other the 24"^ day of Auguft 1738 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of peace Jofeph Miles and Elfe Munfon were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 12"" day of January 1737/8 ^ the Rev'': m"" Jofeph Noyef [583] (Marriages) Sam" : Holt and Mercy Auftin Both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 13*'' day of October Anno Domini 1737 ^ the Rev'': m"" Jacob Heminway Abel Smith and Lydiah Ball Both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage the 17^'' day of March 1736/7 ^ the Rev'': m"" Jacob Heminway Caleb Barns and Hannah Sanford were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 3'': day of May Anno Dom: 1738 ^ the Rev'': M"": Jfaac Stiles Hezekiah Beecher and Hannah punchard were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 23^: day of March 1737/8 ^ the Rev'' : m'" Jofeph Noyef Jafon Bradly and Sarah Thomaf were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the Laft Day of fifebruary Anno Dom: 1733/4 ^ the Rev*: m"" Jofeph Noyef Ebenezer Peck Jun"": and Mary John f on were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 20"* day of January Anno Dom: 1736/7 ^ Cap*: Jfaac Dickerman Juftice of peace M"" John Row and Hannah Carrinton both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 22'': day of June 1736 ^ the Rev"*: M"" Jofeph Noyes 26o NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Abraham Gilbert the ear mark for his cattle is a flitt in the end of the near ear Entered 21"^ Aprill 1741 [584] (Marriages) Zachariah Sanford and Sarah Curtice were Joyned in Mar- riage to Each other the 16'^ day of ffeb^^ 1737/8 1^ the ReV^: M^ Jfaac Stilef Stephen fford and Sarah Potter both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the S'^ day of January annoq® Domini 1738/9 ^ Ifaac Dickerman Efq"" Juftice of peace John Perkins and Ruth Bifhop Both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other may 17"' 1739 ^ Sam'' : Bifhop Juftice of Peace Jfaac Beecher and Mable Hotchkif both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other Aprill 6^'^ 1738 ^ the Rev": m'" Jofeph Noyes M"" Timthy Bontecou of New Haven and M'"^ Mary Goodrich of Wetherffield were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 29^*" day of feptember Anno Dom: 1736 ^ Colonel David Goodrich Efcf Juftice of Peace John Grannif Jun"": and Mary Bradly were Joyned in Mar- riage to Each other the 8''' day of December 1737 ^ Jfaac Dick- erman Efquir Juftice of Peace Theophiluf Munfon Jun'' and Abigail Talmadge were Joyned in Marriage to Each other feptember 27^'' 1739 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of peace John Ailing and Abiah Hitchcock were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 22'': Day of ffebruary Anno Dom: 1737/8 ^ Jfaac Dickerman Juftice of peace [593]" (Births) Jude the fon of Abraham Blakflee waf Born the 31^*^ day of March annoqe Domini 1735 Obed the fon of Jamef Bradly waf Born 21^*^ day of Jan"^: 1733/4 Tabatha the Daughter of Stephen Perkinf waf Born the 12"^ day of Aprill Anno Dom 1736 Sufanna the Daughter of Abram Baffatt waf Born the iS*** day of May Anno Dom 1737 Rachel the Daughter of James Atwater waf Born the 26^'^ day of Aprill Anno: Dom 1737 Hodges the fon of Caleb Andrews was Born the 29''' day of June annoqe Domini 1736 Sarah the Daughter of Stephen Cooper waf Born the 16''' day of December 1737 Lemuel the fon of John Umphrevile Waf Born the 25^*^ day of June Anno Dom: 1737 Pases 585-592 contain a record of cattle marks. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 261 Efther the Daughter of Wait Chatterton waf Born the 16''' day of May Anno Dom 1737 Wallter the fon of Obediah Munfon V^af Born the 25"' day December 1733 [594] Births Dorcaf the Daughter of John Bradly Jun^ waf Born the 16'''. day of December Anno Dom: 1734 AUatheah the Daughter of John Bradly Jun^^ Waf Born the 20'** day of feptember Anno Dom 1737 Mary the Daughter of Amof Bradly waf Born the 31'' day of July Annoqe Domini 1737 William Abdiel the fon of m'": Jn°: Hubbard Waf Born the 15'*^ day of December 1736 Sarah the Daughter of Stephen Auftin waf Born the 13^" day of Auguft 1737 Abell the fon of Stephen Gilbert waf Born the 27''' day of Auguft Anno Domini 1737 Jacob the fon of Daniel Bradly of Eaft Haven Waf Born the y^^ day of July Anno Domini 1734 Elifabeth the Daughter of Thomas Downs Waf Born the 30*^ day of May Anno Dom 1737 Daniel the fon of Daniel Thomaf Jun*" waf Born the 6*'' day of October Anno Dom 1737 Abraham the fon of Daniel Of born waf Born the 5'*^ day of feptember Anno Dom 1737 [595] Births Mary the Daughter of Stephen Jues waf Born the 13"^ of July annoqe Domini 1737 Mary the Daughter of John Potter waf Born the 2^ Day of March Anno Dom 17 2)^/7 Ruth the Daughter of Amof Sperry waf Born the 30^'' Day of feptember Annoqe Domini 1734 Amof the fon of Amof Sperry waf Born the 23^: day of June annoqe Domini 1736 Eunice the Daughter of Samuel Bradly Jun"". Jun'' waf Born the 28'^^ day of June Annoqe Domini 1737 Timothy the fon of Timothy Peck waf Born the 5"" day of July annoqe Domini 1737 Mary the Daughter of Samuel Heminway waf Born the 13*'' day of May Annoqe Domini 1734 Jacob the fon of Samuel Heminway waf Born the 19*^ day of Aprill Anno Dom 1737 Noadiah the fon of Noadiah Carrinton waf Bom the Eleventh day of January 17 Z^/ 7 Elifabeth the Daughter of James Tuttle waf Bom the 9*'' day of May Anno Dom 1736 262 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [596] (Births) Sarah the Daughter of Abell Parmele waf Born the 28''* day of November Anno Dom 1732 Mary the Daughter of Abell Parmele waf Born the 21^' day of October Anno Dom: 1734 Jeremiah the fon of Abell Parmele waf Born the 5'** day of feptember Anno Dom : 1736 Achfah the Daughter of Abell parmele waf Born the 23'' day of feptember Anno Dom 1737 Allexander the fon of Abraham Bradly was Born the 16^*^ day of March 1736/7 Allexander the fon of M"": Allexander Wolcott was Born the 17''' day of fifebruary Ann Dom 1735/6 Lydia the Daughter of M"" Allexander Wolcott waf Born the 4th day of November Anno Dom 1737 Nathaniel the fon of Zuriel Kimberly waf Born the 21®' day of January 1734/5 Jfaac the fon of Jfaac Cooper was Born the Tenth day of January Annoq® Domini 1735/6 Benjamin the fon of Benjamin Beech waf Born the 15'*^ day of April Annoq® Domini 1737 Afahel the fon of Jofeph prindle Jun"" waf Born the 2.']^'^ day of October 1736 [597] (Births) Mary the Daughter of M"": Michael Todd waf Born the 18'*^ day of December 1737 Titus the fon of Daniel Barns waf Born the fecond Day of October Anno Dom: 1737 Titus the fon of Samuel Barns waf Born the 5"" day of Jan- uary annoqe Domini 1737/8 Benjamin the fon of Edward Ruffell waf Born the 2.^\ day of fifebruary 1735/6 Jacob the fon of M"" Hezekiah peirpont waf Born the 11^'' day of ffebruary 1737/8 Rhoda the Daughter of Cap': Jonathan Ailing waf Born the 20'^ day of November 1737 Gideon the fon of Gideon Todd Waf Born the third day of November 1737 Experiance the Daughter of Thomas Ofborn waf Born the 15"* day of October 1737 Mary the Daughter of Auftin Smith waf Born the 2o"» day of ffebruary 1737 Sarah the Daughter of Eliphalet Beecher Waf Born the 10*'' day of December 1737 David the fon of Mofes Tharp waf Born the 22"^: day of December Anno Dom 1734 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 263 [598] (Births) Mofef the fon of Mofes Tharp waf Born the 4'** day of July aniioqe Domini 1736 Benjamin the fon of fon Ebenezer Peck waf Born the 14'^'^ Day of Auguft Annoqe Domini 1737 Jfaac the fon of Jfaac Sppery waf Born the 9^** day of Janu- ary Annoqe Domini 1737/8 Hannah the Daughter of L': Ebenezer Beecher was Born the 29"" day of Aprill 1737 Rhoda the Daughter of Jn° Woodin Jun'' Waf Born the 23^^ : day of December Anno: Dom: 1733 John the fon of John woodin Jun"" waf Born the 14'^'' day of March annoqe Domini 1735/6 Enof the fon of Enof Tuttle waf Born the 4'^ day of March Annoqe Domini 1737/8 Stephen the fon of Caleb Hotchkifs Jun"" Jun"" Waf Born the 4*^^ day of ffebruary anno Dom 1737/8 Mary the Daughter of Thomas Punderfon Jun"" waf Born the 28"' day of January Anno Dom 1737/8 Rebeckah the Daughter of Caleb Thomaf waf Born the i^^^ day of October Annoqe Domini 1737 Joel the fon of Abraham Blakflee waf Born the 11"* day of December Anno: Dom 1737 [599] . (Birthf) Hezekiah the fon of Theophi Eaton Jones Waf Born the 28"* day of January Anno Dom: 1737/8 David the fon of Nathaniel Beecher Jun'' Waf Born the 25'^ day of Aprill Anno Domini 1738 Jfaac the fon of Sam" : Bifhop Jun"" Waf Born the 18*^^ day of Aprill Annoqe Domini 1738 Ruth the Daughter of Thomaf Humerftone Waf Born the 27"* day of March Annoqe Domini 1738 Lydia the Daughter of Abel Smith Waf Born the 27'^ day of January Ann: Dom 1737/8 Abigail the Daughter of Samuel Baldwin Waf Born the 6'^* day of Aprill A :D 1738 Sufannah the Daughter of Chriftopher Todd Waf Born the 19"^ day of ffebruary Anno Dom 1737/8 Afher the fon of Jacob Blakflee waf Born the 23'^ day of May Anno Domini 1738 Loif the Daughter of Daniel Potter of E : H waf Born the 15''' day of December 1737 Dinah the Daughter of M"' Sam" : Sherman Waf Born the S^^ day of ffebruary Anno Dom 1737/8 Rebekah the Daughter of Nathanael Yale Waf Born the 4'^ day of October 1737 264 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [600] (Birthf) Sarah the Daughter of Barnabaf Baldwin Waf Born march 16''' Anno Domini 1737/8 OHver the fon of Enof Bradly waf Born the firft day of November Anno Domini 1736 Samuel the fon of Lamberton Smith waf Born the 31^' day of March Annoqe Domini 1738 Katharine the Daughter of m'' William Greenough waf Born the 3*^ day of Aprill 1738 Jofeph the fon of Samuel Holt waf Born the 8"" day of Auguft Anno Domini 1738 Stephen the fon of Stephen Cooper waf Born the 6'*' day of July Anno Dom : 1738 Sarah the Daughter of Jfaac Blakslee waf Born the 13''' day of ]\Iay Anno Dom : 1738 Jofiah the fon of Jofiah pardee waf Born the firft day of July Anno Dom: 1738 Sarah the Daughter of Enf" Jfaiah Tuttle Waf Born the 13"^ day of July Anno: Dom 1738 ffrancif the fon of Henry Tolles Jun'' waf Born the 30"' day of December Anno Dom: 1733 Henry the fon of Henry Tolles Jun"": waf Born the 8"" day of Auguft Anno Dom 1736 Mabel the Daughter of Henry Tolls Jun"" waf Born the 21^* day Auguft Anno Dom 1738 [601] (Births) David the fon of David Barns waf Born y® 9*^ day of Octo*"" 1738 Stephen the fon of Stephen Allcock was Born y*" 2.2^ day of Augu^* 1738 Sarah the Daughter of Benjamin Englifh Waf Born the 27'^ of Auguft Anno Dom 1738 Eliphalet the fon of Thomaf Umphreuile waf Born the 20*'' day of Aprill Anno Dom 1738 Hannah the Daughter of Ebenezer Peck Jun"" waf Born the iS"' day of January Anno Dom 1737/8 John' the fon of Allin Nifbett waf Born October 4*"^ 1731 Mary the Daughter of m"" Jofeph pierpont waf Born the 20'" day of October Anno Dom 1738 Hannah the Daughter of Daniel Lines waf Born the ii^** day of January Anno Dom 1737/8 jfaac the the fon of Jofeph Chatterton waf Born the 13*'' day of Auguft Annoqe Domini 1738 Elifabeth the Daughter of John Rufsell waf Born the 9** day of flfebruary Anno Domini 1736/7 Mary the Daughter of Julin Rufsell waf Born the day of feptember Annoqe Dom : 1738 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 265 Benjamin the fon of Daniel Briftoll waf Born the 26*^ day of Aprill Anno Domini 1736 Timothy the fon of Daniel Briftoll waf Born the 12^*^ day of June Anno Dom 1738 [602] (Births) Hezekiah the fon of Ebenezer Gilbert waf Born the 16'^^ day of October Annoq® Domini 1735 Elifha the fon of Ebenezer Gilbert waf Born the 4''' day of May Annoqe Domini 1738 John the fon of m'' John Row waf Born the firft day of July annoqe Domini 1737 Sarah the Daughter of James potter waf Born the iq''' day of November anno Domini 1736 Abell the fon of Jofeph Beecher waf Born the 17''' day of November Annoqe Domini 1737 Joel the fon of Enf"^ Daniel Thomfon waf Born the 23*^ : day of November Anno Dom 1737 Nathanael the fon of Nathanael Bradly Jun"" Waf Born the 28'^ of feptember Anno Dom 1738 Naboth the fon of Samuell Candee Jun'" Waf Born the 25'^'* day of March Anno Dom 1734 Noah the fon of Samuel Candee Jun"" Was Born the 20**" day of May Anno Dom 1736 Samuel the fon of Sam": Candee Jun"" Waf Born the is^^ day of feptember 1738 Joel the fon of Nathan Ailing Waf Born the 24'*^ day of November 1738 phileman the fon of Zachariah Sanford waf Born the 4'^ day of fTebruary 1738/9 [603] (Births) Aaron the fon of Aaron Tuttle waf Born Nov"" 30^^: 1738 Amof the fon of m'': Jonathan Atwater Waf Born the Oct^"" 3'' 1738 Jotham the fon of Ebenezer Blakflee Jun'' waf Born the 4*^ day of July Anno Dom: 1736 Seth the fon of Ebenezer Blakflee Jun"" Waf Born the 10"^ day of December Anno: Dom 1738 Defire the Daughter of Julin* Sperry waf Born the 3*^ day of Auguft Anno Dom: 1732 Phebe the Daughter of Jofeph Cooper Jun'" waf Born the 12*^ day of November 1733 Jemima the Daughter of Jofeph Coop Jun'" waf Born the 27"" day of January 1735/6 Jofeph the fon of Jofeph Cooper Jun"" waf Born the 26*'' day of October 1738 'Perhaps "John." 266 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Elifabeth the Daughter of Matthew Gilbert waf Born the i^^^ day of January Anno Dom 1738/9 Lucy the Daughter of Nathan Smith waf Born the 16''' day of November Anno Dom 1737 Loif the Daughter of WilHam Sanford waf Born the 3** day of June Anno Dom 1737 Luce the Daughter of Jofeph Milef Jun"" was Born the 26^^ day of ffebruary 1738/9 [604] (Births) Efther the Daughter of Abel matthews waf Born the 27^*^ day of December Anno Domini 1738 Mary the Daughter of Jehiel Thomaf waf Born may the 13"^ annoqe Domini 1735 Hannah the Daughter of Jehiel Thomaf waf Born the 2'' : day of Aprill Anno Dom 1737 Ury the fon of Nathanael Tuttle waf Born the 11^^ day of feptember Anno Dom 1738 Timothy the fon of Edward Cannady waf Born the y^^ day of March Anno Domini 1737/8 Cloe the Daughter of Cap' Andrew Tuttel waf Born the 23*^ day of March 1738/9 John the fon of m'" John Brown waf Born the fixth day of October Annoqe Domini 1737 Stephen the fon of John Ailing waf Born the 16"^ day of ffebruary Annoqe Domini 1738/9 Robert the fon of m'' Nathanael Brown waf Born the 8*^^ day of March Anno: Dom 1736/7 Mary the Daughter of M"": Nathanael Brown waf Born the 3*^ Day of March Anno Dom. 1738/9 Ezra the fon of Ebenezer Dorman.waf Born January the 21^' day Anno Dom : 1738/9 Abner the fon of Stephen Briftoll waf Born the 8"^ day of March Anno Dom 1737/8 [605] (Births) James the fon of David Auftin waf Born the 20'*^ of Aprill Annoqe Domini 1738/9 Benjamin the fon of Joy Bifhop waf Born the 27"' day of June Anno: Dom: 1738 Jonathan the fon of Thomaf Tuttle waf Born the 22*^ : day of march 1738/8 Abigail the Daughter of Stephen Curtice waf Born the 22'^. day of Aprill 1739 Jeffe the fon of Abner Bradly waf Born the 5"^ Day of ffeb- ruary 1737/8 Eunic the Daughter of Jfaac Beecher waf Born the 19"* day of march 1738/9 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 267 ffebee the Daughter of Andrew Goodyear waf Born the 7^" day of October 1737 Jafon the fon of Caleb Cooper waf Born the 18'^ day of Aprill Anno Dom 1739 Jamef the fon of Jamef Tuttle waf Born the 28''' day of October 1738 Chriftopher the fon of John and Patience AlHng waf Born the 29'^ day of Auguft Anno Dom: 1735 Elifabeth the Daughter of Abram Dickerman Jun"" waf Born the S^^ day of Aprill Anno: Dom 1739 Stephen the fon of Stephen and Rebeckah Hill waf Born the 2^: day of Aprill Anno Dom: 1733 [606] Births Jamef the fon of Stephen and Rebeckah Hill waf Born the 27*** day of march Anno Dom 1736 Nathanael the fon of Stephen and Rebeckah Hill waf Born the 8'^ day of October Anno Dom 1738 Meriam the Daughter of Daniel Blakflee Waf Born the 9'*^ day of June Anno: Dom: 1738 Hezekiah the fon of Stephen Tuttle waf Born the 5"^ day of May Anno Dom 1738 Eunic the Daughter of Daniel Tallmadge waf Born the 13'^ day of June Anno Dom 1739 Hannah the Daughter of Sam": Manffield fen"" Waf Born the 16''' day of May Anno Dom 1739 Mary the Daughter of Samuel Humerfton waf Born the fixth day of July Anno Dom 1739 Mary the Daughter of Timothy Tuttle waf Born the 29"" day of July Anno Dom: 1739 Elifabeth the Daughter of Jfrael Munfon Waf Born the 12^'' day of Auguft 1739 Timothy the fon of Stephen Atwater waf Born the 9"^ day of Auguft annoqe Domini 1739 Titus the fon of Jofeph Potter Jun"" waf Born the firft day of Aprill anno Domini 1734 [607] (Births) philemon the fon of Jofeph potter Jun'" was Born the La ft day of March Anno Dom 1737 John the fon of John Grannifs Jun"" waf Born the 18'^ day of feptember Anno Domini 1739 Ephraim the fon of Benjamin Beech waf Born the firft Day of January anno Dom 1738/9 Eli the fon of Jofeph Bradly Jun"" waf Born the fecond day of January anno Dom 1738/9 Rebecca the Daughter of Stephen Jues Waf Born the 27*'' day of ffebruary 1738/9 268 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Mofes the fon of Nathan" : Turner Jun"" waf Born the 27''' day of May Anno Dom 1739 Oliver the fon of Chriftipher Todd waf Born the fecond day of October Anno Domini 1739 Sam" : the fon of m'' James Sherman waf Born the fixth Day of December Annoqe Dom: 1738 Seth the fon of Ehezer Todd waf Born the 16''' day of fteb- ruary Annoqe Domini 1738/9 Lawrence the fon of Lawrence CHnton waf Born the fir ft day of January Anno Dom 1737/8 Lydia the Daughter of Timothy Peck waf Born the 13''' day of March Anno Dom: 1738/9 Abel the fon of Jofeph Mix Jun'': was Born the 17"^ day of January Annoqe Domini 1737/8 [608] (Births) Joel the fon of Daniel Bradly waf Born the Eighth Day of December Annoqe Domini 1738 Dorcos the Daughter of Richard Sperry Jun"": Waf Born the 8'^ day of January Annoq" Domini 1738/9 James the fon of Caleb Bradly waf Born the Ninth day of November Annoqe Domini 1739 Elifha the fon of Stephen perkinf waf Born the Eighth day of October Anno Domini 1739 Ebenezer Munfon the fon of Ebenezer Munfon Waf Born the 19"' of Auguft Anno Domini 1738 Abigail the Daughter of Ebenezer Munfon Waf Born the 6^*' day of November Anno Dom 1739 Abner the fon of Ithamar Todd Waf Born the 4*^ day of November Anno Dom 1738 Thomaf the fon of Thomaf Cooper Waf Born the Eighth day of feptember Annoqe Domini 1737 Caleb the fon of Jofhua Sperry waf Born the 10'^ day of march Anno Domini 1728 Rebeckah the Daughter of Jofhua Sperry waf Born the lo^*^ of June Anno Domini 1730 Ame the Daughter of Jofhua Sperry was Bom the 10"^ of June Anno Domini_J732 Jofhua the fon of Jofhua Sperry waf Born the 4*"^ day of flfebruary Anno Dom 1734 [609] Births Phebee the Daughter of Jofhua Sperry waf Born the 18"^ of ffebruary anno Dom 1735 Bette the Daughter of Jofhua Sperry waf Born the 18''' of march anno Domini 1737 Sarah the Daughter of Jofhua Sperry waf Born the 13*^ day of April! Anno Dom 1739 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 269 Jofeph the fon of Jofeph Hotchkif waf Born the 21^'^ day of May Anno Dom 1739 Sufanah the Daughter of Jehiel Thomaf waf Born the Ninth day of feptember Anno Dom 1739 Phebee the Daughter of Caleb Hotchkif Jun"" Jun'' Waf Born the 12''' day of October Anno Dom 1739 Anna the Daughter of Nathanael mix waf Born the fecond day of Aprill Anno Domini 1735 Stephen the fon of Nathanael mix waf Born the iS*^*^ day of Aprill Anno Dom 1739 Mehitabel the Daughter of Samuel Thorpe Waf Born the 17''' day of Aprill Anno Dom 1739 Elener the Daughter of ferj': Benjamin Todd waf Born the 10*'^ day of feptember Anno Dom 1738 Macock the fon of Matthew Blakflee was Born November Ezra the fon of Ezekiel Sanford Waf Born the 22'' day of feptember anno Domini 1735 [610] (Births) Hannah the Daughter of Ezekiel Sanford waf Born the 6^'' day of January Anno Domini 1738/9 Jacob the fon of Caleb Hitchcock waf Born the 4"" day of July Annoqe Domin 1739 Samuel the fon of Samuel Heminway waf Born the 26''' day of January annoqe Domini 1738/9 John the fon of John Heminway waf Born the 6''' day of Auguft Annoqe Domini 1739 Jofeph the fon of Thomaf Punderfon Jun'" Waf Born the 30*'' day of January Anno Dom 1739/40 Titus the fon of Samuel Barnf waf Born the 21^^ day of Decem- ber Anno Domini 1739 Efther the Daughter of Theophilus Goodyear waf Born the 8*** day of July Anno Domini 1737 Daniel the fon of Theophilus Goodyear waf Born the 8"' day of Auguft Anno Domini 1739 Jonah the fon of Stephen Jacobs waf Born the ^o^^ day of November Anno Domini 1739 Abiah the Daughter of John Barns Jun"" waf Born the 14^'' day of march Anno Dom 1739/40 Daniel the fon of M'" : Timothy Bunticue and M""^ mary Bunticue waf Born the 4 day of fep"^ 1739 Abigail the Daughter of M*" John Punderfon Jun^ waf Born the 21^'^ day of Aprill 1739 [611] (Births) William the fon of Eliphalet Stevenf waf Born the 9'^^ day of march anno Domini 1737/8 270 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Eliphalet the fon of Eliphalet Stephenf waf Born the 24^^ day of December Anno Dom 1739 Timothy the fon of John wolcott waf Born the 20"' day of November Anno Dom 1739 Ann the Daughter of jofeph Colhnf waf Born the 26'*^ of Auguft Anno Domini 1737 Samuel the fon of Abell Smith waf Born the lo'*' day of Octo- ber 1739 Hannah the Daughter of m"". Abram Bafsatt waf Born the 26"' day of December Anno Dom 1739 Jefse the fon of Joy Bifhop waf Born the 21"^ day of March Annoqe Domini 1739/40 Hannah the Daughter of Amof Bradly waf Born the 5"^ day of Jan'"^ annoqe Domini 1739/40 Allin the fon of Stephen and Sarah Cooper waf Born the 8^^ day of January Anno Domini 1739/40 Deborah the Daughter of Enof Tuttle waf Born the Eighth day of Aprill Annoqe Domini 1740 Stephen the fon of George Mix waf Born the Eleventh day of May Annoqe Domini 1739 Sarah the Daughter of Thomas Down waf Born the feventh day of may annoqe Domini 1739 [612] (Births) Anna the Daughter of Jofeph Humerftone waf Born the 24**^ Day of fifebruary Anno Domini 1739/40 Ruben the fon of Rubin Batchelder waf Born the lo**" of ffebruary anno Domin 1736/7 Lydia the Daughte of Ruben Batcheld Waf Born the 14'^ of Aprill Anno Dom 1739 Samuel the fon of M^ Samuel Sherman Waf Born the S^^ day of Aprill Anno Dom: 1740 John the fon of m"": Hezekiah Pierpont waf Born the Twenty fir ft day of May Anno Dom 1740 Aaron the fon of Aaron Gilbert waf Born October 9*'' 1739 Joel the fon of Abraham Blakflee waf Born the 30*'" day of June Annoqe Dom 1739 Mabel the Daughter of Daniel fford waf Born the 27''' day of October Annoqe Domini 1739 Caleb the fon of Caleb Ball waf Born the 28*'' of January 1739/40 Mary the Daughter of Stephen fiford waf Born the 12*'' day of November Anno Domini 1739 Charlf the fon of Gideon Todd waf Born the lo**" day of Aprill Anno Domini 1740 Timothy the fon of m"" Timothy Mix waf Born the 20*'' day of January Anno, Domin 1739/40 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 271 phebee the Daughter of John Potter waf Born the 8^*^ day of October Anno Domini 1739 [613] (Births) phebee the Daughter of Mofes Thorp waf Born the 8^*^ day of November Anno Dom 1739 Lois the Daughter of John Hull waf Born the 21^' day of January annoqe Domini 1739/40 Meriam the Daughter of John Robin f on waf Born the fir ft day of December 1731 Thomaf the fon of Danniel Tallmadge waf Born the 20*^^ day of June Anno Domini 1740 Keran the Daughter of m'' Stephen perkins waf Born the 8^** day of October 1740 Jamef the fon of Jamef Vandermark waf Born the firft day of December Annoqe Domini 1732 John the fon of Lawrence Clinton waf Born the Ninth Day of Aprill Annoqe Domini 1740 Jfaac the fon of Samuel Dickerman Waf Born the 16^'' day of feptember anno Domini 1740 Dauid the fon of Nathan fiord waf Born the 17*'' day of Aprill Annoqe Domini 1740 Gad the fon of Auftin Smith was Born July 29"^ 1740 Ebenezer the fon of Amof Sperry waf Born the 19*^ July 1739 Sufanna the Daughter of m"" Simon Tuttle waf Born the i^^^ day of Auguft Anno Domini 1740 Timothy the fon of Jofeph IDickerman waf Born the ffifteenth day of July Anno Domini 1740 [614] (Births) Jacob the fon of Seth Heaton waf Born the firft day of Ocf: 1740 Jabish the fon of Richard Sperry waf Born the 24*^ day of October annoq^ Domini 1740 Abigail the Daughter of Ebenezer ffox waf Born the 22'' : day of March anno Domini 1737/8 Ebenezer the fon of Ebenezer fifox waf Born the Tenth day of Auguft Anno Domini 1740 Hannah the Daughter of M"" John Row Waf Born the 27*'' day of feptember Anno Domini 1739 Thomaf & william Twinf the fons of William Sanford were Born the 26^^ day of July Anno Domini 1739 Mehitabell the Daughter of Joel Munfon waf Born the 14*'' day of November Anno Dom 1739 fifreelove the Daughter of William Rogerf Waf Born the 18"* day of November Annoqe Domini 1737 Abigail the Daughter of William Rogerf waf Born the 30*^ day of July Annoqe Domini 1740 272 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Lydia the Daughter of Benjamin Beech was Born the fir ft day of Auguft Anno Domini 1740 EHfabeth the Daughter of m"" John Hall waf Born the 9"" day of October Anno Dom : 1738 William the fon of Jofeph Todd Waf Born the 27"' day of December Anno Dom 1740 Jafon the fon of Jofeph Bradly Jun"" waf Born the firft day of January Anno: Dom: 1 740/1 [615] (Births) Charlf the fon of Jofhua Hotchkifs Jun"" waf Born the 8''' day of July Anno Domini 1736 Ebenezer the fon of Ebenezer Blakfly Jun'" waf Born the 17'-'^ day of ffebruary Anno Dom 1740/1 Defire the Daughter of Jofeph warner waf Born the 1^^^ day of March Anno Dom: 1737/8 John the fon of Jofeph warner waf Born towards the Latter End of March Anno Domini 1740 Jeftus the fon of Lamberton Smith waf Born the 28*^ day of November Anno Domini Benjamin the*fon of Jamef Payne Jun"": Waf Born the 17"* day of January anno: Domini 1740/1 Hannah the Daughter of m'" John White Waf Born the 9*^ day of October Anno Domini 1740 Eliezer the fon of Aaron Tuttle waf Born the 21^' day of feptember Anno Domini 1740 Sarah the Daughter of Enoch Jues waf Born the 19"' day of Aprill Anno Domini 1738 Phebee the Daughter of Enoch Jues waf Born the 4**^ day of June Anno Domini 1740 Mary the Daughter of Stephen Auftin waf Born the 25"' day of January Annoqe Domini 1739/40 Mary the Daughter of Ebenezer fifrost Jun"" waf Born the 5'** day of march anno Domini 1739/40 [616] (Birthf) Daniel the fon of Daniel Ofborn waf Born the 13^'' day of May Annoqe Domini 1739 Obediance the Daughter of Daniel Ofborn waf Born the 7"^ day of November Anno Dom 1740 Stephen the fon of Stephen Howell Jun"" Waf Born the 6"^ day of feptember Anno Domini 1737 Sufanna the Daughter of Stephen Howell Jun"" Waf Born the y^^ day of Jan"'^ Anno Domini 1738/9 Nathan the fon of Stephen Howell Jun"" Waf Born the firft day of January Anno Domini 1 740/1 Jofeph the fon of Jofeph Mix Jun"": Waf Born the Twenty Eight day of July Annoqe Domini 1740 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 273 John the fon of Ebenezer Humerftone Jun"" Waf Born the fecond day of Aprill Annoqe Domini 1741 Bulah the Daughter of Jfaac Turner Jun"" waf Born the 31^* day of January Anno Domini 1 740/1 Ebenezer the fon of John AUing waf Born the Tenth day of March Annoqe Domini 1740/41 Sufanna the Daughter of Samuel Humerfon waf Born the S**" day of May Anno Domini 1741 Benjamin the fon of Benjamin Willmott waf Born the 27*'* day of December Anno Dom : 1739 [617] (Births) fufanna the Daughter of Danniel Linef waf Born Jan'"'' 2^ day 1739/40 Sarah the Daughter of Caleb Atwater waf Born the Nineteenth day of June Anno Domini 1739 Hannah the Daughter of Jthamer Todd waf Born the Eleventh day of Auguft Anno Domini 1740 Ebenezer the fon of M"": Ezenezer Thompfon Waf Born the IS*"" day of January Anno Dom 1734/5 John the fon of m"" Ebenezer Thompfon Waf Born the 18*'' day of fifeb""^ Anno Dom 1736/7 Ame the Daughter of M"" Ebenezer Thompfon Waf Born the 28'^^ day of July Anno Domini 1739 •Sarah the Daughter of Stephen Thompfon Waf Born the 15'^ day of Aprill Anno Dom 1731 Jonathan the fon of Stephen Thomfon waf Born the ii*^*^ day of ffebruary Anno Dom 1732/3 Elifabeth the Daughter of Stephen Thomfon Waf Born the 9*'^ day of October Anno Dom 1737 Stephen the fon of Stephen Thomfon waf Born the 3*^ day of Aprill Annjo Dom 1739 [618] (Births) John the fon of John Bradly Jun"" waf Born the 15*'' day of August Anno Domini 1739 Hannah the Daughter of Stephen Brown waf Born the 26*'' day of ffebruary Anno Dom 1740/41 Jfaac the fon of Jfaac Goodfell waf Born the fixteenth day of January Anno Domini 1737/8 Hannah the Daughter of Jfaac Goodfell waf Born the firft day of flfebruary Anno Domin 1739/40 Giles the fon of m"": Jofeph Pierpont waf Born the 4*^ day of June Anno Domini 1741 Martha the Daughter of Matthew Gilbert waf .Born the 3^ day of Aprill Annoq® Domini: 1741 Oliver the fon of Matthew Blakflee waf Born the i^'^^ day of Auguft Anno Domini 1741 18 274 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Hannah the Daughter of Dauid Auftin Waf Born the 21" day of Auguft Anno Dom 1741 Eunif the Daughter of Ebenezer AlHng Waf Born the 2(f' Day of March Anno Dom: 1741 Gideon the fon of M"". Gideon Thompfon waf Born the 5"" day of Aprill Anno Dom 1739 Hannah the Daughter of Wilham Sanford was Born the 20'*^ day of Auguft 1741 [619] (Births) Stephen the fon of Stephen Tuttle waf Born the 7^'' day of June Anno Dom 1740 Peninah the Daughter of Timothy Peck waf Born the 5"" day of Auguft Anno Dom 1740 Lydia the Daughter of David Barnf Waf Born the 13'" day of June Anno Dom 1741 Jeremiah the fon of Jonathan Jues waf Born the 19"' day of November Annoqe Domini 1738 Ruth the Daughter of Jonathan Jues waf Born the 28''' day of July Anno Domini 1740 Elifabeth the Daughter of Samuel Bifhop Jun"" Waf Born the 16"' day of October Anno Dom 1741 Jehiel the fon of Jfraell Dayton waf Born December 22'' Anno Domini 1737 Abigail the Daughter of Jfrael Dayton waf Born the 16''' day of July Anno Dom 1741 'Hopestill the fon of M' Hopestill Cruttenden Waf Born the 11'^ day of fepteinber 1741 Mary the Daughter of Jofeph Beecher Jun*" waf Born the 20'" day of December Anno Dom 1740 Samuel the fon of Jofeph Hotchkifs waf Born the 19"' day of June Anno Dom: 1741 Lydia the Daughter of Thomas Punderfon Jun"" w^af Born the 2* day of November Anno Dom: 1741 [620] (Birthf) Mofef the fon of Jofiah pardee waf Born the fixteenth day of July Anno Domini 1741 Jef fe the fon of Jfaac Beecher waf Born the 20*"^ day of Aprill Annoqe Dominy 1741 Lawrana the Daughter of Timothy fford waf Born the 22'' : day of May Anno Dom 1737 Timothy the fon of Timothy fford waf Born the 21^' day of January Annoqe Domini 1739/40 Mofef the fon of Timothy fford waf Born the 13"' Day of Nov*": Annoqe Domini 1741 Mary the Daughter of Jfrael Munfon waf Born the 21^' day of Auguft Anno Dom: 1741 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 275 Sarah the Daughter of Daniel Sperry Jun"" waf Born the 26''' of December Anno Dom: 1738 David the fon of Daniel Sperry Jun*". waf Born the firft Day of November 1741 Abraham the fon of Wait Charterton waf Born the 31^' day of December Anno Dom 1739 Enof the fon of Samuel Candee Jun'" Waf Born the 10'^ day of December Anno Dm 1730 Hannah the Daughter of Zuriel Kimberly Waf Born the 8'^ day of May 1741 [621] (Births) John the fon of Zuriel Kimberly waf Born the 6'*' day of feptember 1738 Bethell the fon of Lydia Clark Waf Born the 21^' day of Auguft Anno Dom 1738 Mofef the fon of Aaron Potter waf Born the 8'^ day of Janu- ary Anno Dom 1740/41 Sarah the Daughter of Samuel Dickerman Waf Born the 29*^*^ day of December 1741 Rebecah Abigail the Daughter of M"" Samuel Mix waf Born the fecond day of October Annoqe Domini 1741 Simry the fon of Daniel Blakslee waf Born the Tenth day of fTebruary Anno Domini 1739/40 David the fon of Daniel Blakslee waf Born the 30*'' day of Aprill Anno Domini 1741 Anna the Daughter of M'' Timothy Mix Born the Twenty firft day of feptember Anno Dom 1741 Mary the Daughter of Daniel fiford waf Born the 28'^ day of May Annoqe: Domminy 1741 Jonah the fon of Enof Tallmadge waf Born the 25'^ day of feptember Anno Dom: 1741 Dan" : the fon of m"" : Nathan" : Brown waf Born fep* : y^ 2^ 1741 Sam": the fon of Tho: Manffield Born Auguft 1740 [622] (Births) Mofef the fon of Nathan Ailing waf Born the fourth day of December Anno Domini 1741 Benjamin the fon of John Clark waf Born Jan"^ 24*** 1740/1 Ame the Daughter of Tho^: Steuenf Jun"": waf Born fep' y® Efther the Daughter of Tho^: Stephens Jun"" waf Born Nov**' firft 1739 Jefse the fon of Tho^: Stevenf Jun"" waf Bom the 9^^ day of Jan"^ 1 74 1/2 Nathanael the fon of Nathanael yale waf Born the 16'^ day of feptember Anno Domin 1741 276 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Sam": the fou of Chriftopher Todd waf Born the fourth day of January Annoqe Dommi 174 1/2 Titus the fon of Thomaf Turner waf Born the 30''' day of May Anno Domini 1741 Abigail the Daughter of Benjamin EngHfh waf Born the 8^^ day Of April Anno Domini 1741 Mary the Daughter of John Potter waf Born fep*: 23*^: 1741 Elifabeth the Daughter of John Granifs Born Dec"": 20"^ 1741 Elam the fon of Daniel Potter Jun"" waf Born the firft of Jan''y 1741/2^* Abel the fon of Abell Curtif waf Born the 2^ of fep^ 1741 Sarah the Daughter of James Barns Born Aprill lo'*^ 1741 Mofef the fon of George Wood V/af Born Jan"^ Ninth: 1741/2 Eunice the Daughter of Mofef Brocket Jun'": Born 19**^ of Ocf 1740 W" the fon of W"" Manfor waf Born the i'* day of ffeb'^ 1739/40 John the fon of W" Manfor waf Born Jan"^ 8^^ 1741/2 [623] (Deathf) Mehitabel the Daughter of Mofefef Sperry Deceafed the i^^^ day of Auguft Annoqe Domini 1739 Abigail the Daughter of M"" Samuel Mix Deceafed the 7^^ day of Auguft Annoqe Domini 1739 William the fon of m"": Samuel Mix Deceafed the 12^^ day of Auguft Anno Domini 1739 Elifabeth the Daughter of m"" Samuel Mix Deceafed the i^^^ day of Auguft Anno Dom: 1739 Rebecca the Daughter of m'" Samuel Mix Deceafed the 17'^ day of Auguft Anno: Dom: 1739 Mary the Daughter of M"" Samuel Mix Deceafed the 17*'* day of Auguft Anno Dom: 1739 Hannah the wife of Daniel Ludinton Dec*^ the 17^^ day of fep': 1739 M""^ Abigail Punderfon the wife of M"" John Punderfon Dec*^: the 8"^ day of March Anno Dom 1738/9 Abram the fon of Abram Dickerman Jun"" Deceafed the 30**^ day of October Anno Dominy 1739 Ezekiel the fon of Ezekiel Sanford Deceafed the 16"^ day of January Anno Domini 1738/9 Jofeph the fon of Ezekiel Sanford Deceafed the 22*^ day of January Anno Domini 1738/9 Abigail the Daughter of M"" John Punderfon Jun"": Deceafed the 23'': day of May Anno Dom 1739 [624] (Deaths) M" Dinah Atwater the wife of m"": Jamef Atwater Deceafed the 29'^ day of December Anno Dom: 1739 68 First written "2^ of Sept." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 277 Ann the wife of Stephen Bradly Deceafed the 26**^ day of Jannuary Anno Domini 1739/40 Hannah the wife of Samuel Barnf Deceafed the 29^^ day of December Anno Dom 1739 Hannah the Daughter of M"": John Bafsatt Deceafed the 31" day of January Anno Domini 1739/40 M" Ann Punderfon the wife of m' John Punderfon Jun' Deceafed October the 18''' 1739 Jfaac the fon of George Mix Dec^ : the 30**^ day of Nouember 1739 Elifabeth the wife of Sam": Baffatt Dec*^ May 3^: 1740 Ruben Batchelder Dec*^ : the 26*^^ day of Aprill 1739 Ann the Daughter of Nathanael Turner Jun"" Deceafed the 12^^ day of March annoqe Domini 1739/40 Mofef the fon of Nathanael Turner Jun'' Defeafed march the 26*^ day annoqe Domini 1740 Mabel the Daughter of Daniel fTord Deceafed the 29*^ day of March Annoqe Domini 1740 M"" Jofeph Man f field Deceafed the S^^ day of October 1739 Sam'^: Potter Deceafed the 25^*^ of July Annoqe Domini 1739 [625] (Deathf) Thomaf the fon of Daniel Tallmadge Deceafed the 30*'' day of June Annoqe Domini 1740 M""^ Mary pirepont Relect of the Rev*^: m"" James Pierpont Deceafed on the firft day of November Anno Domini 1740 Stephen Bradly Dec*^: feptember the 12*^^ day Anno Dom 1740 M""" Elifabeth Eyers Dec*^: Nov"": the 17*^ day Anno Dom 1740 Eliezer the fon of Aaron Tuttle Deceafed Aprill 1739 Danniel the fon of Jafper Gunn Deceafed the 4''' day of Aprill 1 74 1 Anna the wife of Mofef Sperry Deceafed the 2^ day of June I 74 I Cloe the Daughter of John Bradly Jun"": Dec* fep* firft 1739 Alletheah the Daughter of John Bradly Jun'" Dec*^ : feptember 3^ 1739 Nicholaf the fon of John Bradly Jun"" Dec*: fep*^ 9'^ 1739 Hezekiah the fon of m"". John Baffatt Dec*: the 20*^ of July 1741 Simry the fon of Daniel Blakflee Deceafed fiFeb*^ 27*'' 1739/40 Dan": the fon of m': Nathan": Brown Dec*: Ocf: 15*^ 1741 Abel the fon of Abell Curtifs waf Born the 2* of fepM 1741^^ Elam the fon of Daniel Potter Jun"" waf Born the firft day of Jan"^ 1741/2^^ Jchabod perkins Dec* the 15'^ day of January Anno Dom 1741/2 M"": flfrancif Brown Dec* the 22*: Day of fep* Anno Dom: 1741 69 Crossed out. 278 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS M"^ Seth lieaton Dec'' Aprill 8'*^ Anno Domini 1741 Meriara the wife of m^ Jofeph Baffatt Dec'': June 23'' Anno Dom; 1 74 1 [626] (Deaths) M"" John Blakflee Deceafed the ^o^^ day of Aprill 1742 Timothy the fon of Stephen Atwater Dec'': the 16^*^ day of Aug' 1742 Stephen the fon of Stephen Atwater Deceafed the 16"' day of fep' 1742 m"" Samuel Atwater Deceafed the 17'^ day of feptember 1742 M""^ Sarah Atwater the wife of M"" Samuel Atwater Deceafed the 26^'' day of feptember Anno Domini 1742 William the fon of Daniel Tallmadge Deceafed March 21^* I 740/ I Mary the Daughter of m"" Michael Todd Dec" : October 14''^ : 1742 M-"': Sybill Day the wife of M'" Aaron Day Deceafed the 31'' day of October Annoq*' Domini 1742 M"" Thomaf punderfon Dec"^: July 29"^ Anno Dom 1742 M"" John punderfon Dec": the 3": day of July 1742 Cap* John punderfon Dec*^: the 26''' day of November 1742 Mary Munfon the wife of Enf" Jfrael Munfon Deceafed on the 30*'' day of October Anno Dom 1742 Mary the Daughter of Enf°. Jfrael Munfon DeC 17'^: Dec"" 1742 M""^ Elifabeth Dickerman the Wife of L': Abram Dickerman Deceafed the 22'': day of October Anno Dom 1742 M"": Nathaniel Bradly Dec'': Auguft 17"^: Anno Domini 1743 Enof the fon of Enos Tuttle Dec*^ : Auguft 28"' Anno Dom 1743 Stephen the fon of Stephen Auftin Dec'': y" 8"" day of Dec"": 1742 Abigail Denifon the wife of Jefse Denifon Deceafed the 21^' day of Auguft Anno Dom 1743 [627] (Marriages) Ebenezer ffroft Jun^ and Damirif Jues were Joyned in mar- riage to Each other the 19"^ Day of Aprill 1739 ^ the ReV m*" Jfaac Stilef Jofeph Hotchkif and Patience Collings were Joyned in Mar- riage to Each other the 15*'' day of October 1738 ^ the Rev^: M^ Jedediah Millf Jofeph Mix and Damarif punderfon both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the Ninth day of June 1737 ^ the Rev'' : m"" Jofeph Noyef Richard Sperry Jun"" and Elifabeth Bradly Both of New Haven were Toyned in marriage to Each other on the firft day of June 1738 ^ the Rev": M"" Jfaac Stiles Minifter of the North Parifh in f" New Haven NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 279 Ebenezer Munfon and Abigail Hotchkifs both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 20"^ day of feptember Anno Domini 1737 ^ John Prout Efq'" Juftice of peace M' Samuel Todd fen^ of New Haven and M""^ Efther maltbie of Branford were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 10*'' day of June Annoqe' Domini 1739 ^ the Rev*^ m'' Philemon Robins minifter of Branford Nehemiah Hotchkifs and Mary Rexford both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 8"" day of November Annoqe Domini 1739 ^ the Rev"^ : m': Jofeph Noyef [628] (Marriages) Caleb Hitchcock and Jfabel Goodfell were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 16"" day of fifebruary Anno Dom: 1738/9 ^ the Rev*^ : m"" Jacob Heminway John Heminway and Mary Tuttle were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 9^^ day of November Anno Dom 1738 ^ the Rev'' : m"": Jacob Heminway Daniel Sherman and Hannah Howell were Joyed in Marriage to Each other the 6^'' day of March annoqe Domini 1739/40 ^ Sam'^ : Bifhop Juftice of peace M"": Allexander Wolcott and M""" Mary Allyn both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other on the 17'^ day of March Annoqe Domini 1739/40 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of Peace Stephen Jacobs and Hannah Dayton were Joyned in marriage to Each other the ii'*" day of January 1738/9 ^ the Rev'': m'": Jfaac Stiles John Barns Jun'' and Abiah Bradly both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to each other the 19''' day of Aprill 1739 ^ the Rev'': m': Jfaac Stiles M"". John punderfon Jun'": and m""^ Ann Munfon Were Joyned in Marriage to Each other Aprill 27'^'' 1738 ^ the Rev'': m"" Jofeph Noyes [629] (Marriages) EHphalet Steven f and Elifabeth Clinton were Joyned in Mar- riage to Each other in June 1737 ^ the Rev'': m"" Jonathan Arnold Jofeph Todd and Sarah punchard of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 27*'' of fTeb"^ 1739/40 ^ the Rev'' : m' Jfaac Stiles Daniel Clark and ffebee Bradly were Joyned in marriage to Each other May 14"" Annoqe Domini 1740 ^ Sam": Bishop Juftice of peace Timothy Tuttle and Mary Humerftone were married to Each other the ly^^ day of may Anno Domini 1739 ^ the Rev'': m"" Jfaac f tiles 28o NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS M"": John Piinderfon and m""^ Mary Ball both of New Haven Were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 6"' day of march Annoqe Domini 1739/40 ^ the Rev*^: m"" Jofeph Noyes Stephen fford and Sarah Potter were Joyned in Marriage to Each other January 3"^ Anno Domini 1738/9 ^ Jsaac Dicker- man Efq"" Justice of Peace Aaron Potter and Dorcaf Munfon both of New Haven werp Joyned in marriage to Each Other the Third day of Aprill 1740 ^ the Rev^ : m"" Jofeph Npyes [630] (Marriages) David Munfon and Abigail Potter Both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the Third day of Aprill 1740 ^ the Rev"^ : m'' Jofeph Noyes Thomaf Jues Jun"": and Ann Heaton both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 21^'^ of May 1740 ^ the Rev'^ : m'" Jfaac Stiles Stephen Brown and Mabel Bradly both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage the 2^]^^ day of feptember 1739 ^ the Rev"^: m'' Jfaac Stilef David Punderfon and Thankfull Todd were Joyned in Mar- riage to Each other the 20'^'' day of December Anno Dom: 1739 ^ the Rev"^: m"" Jofeph Noyef John Hull and Jane Johnfon both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage the 14'*^ day of march 1738/9 ^ the Rev*^: m*" Jofeph Noyef Samuel Dickerman And Mary Ailing both of New Haven Were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 6''^ day of Decern"" Annoqe Domini 1739 ^ Jfaac Dickerman Efq"" Juftice of peace M"" Ebenezer ffifk'^'* and m""^ Rebeckah Trowbridge were Joyned in Marriage November 11''' i74[o?] : ^ Sam" Bifhop Juftice of Peace Peter Perkins And Mary Peck both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 5'*' day of June Anno Dom; 1740 ^ John Prout Efq"" Juftice of peace [631] (Marriages) Jofeph Dickerman and Lois Perkins both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 8"^ day of November 1739 ^ Jfaac Dickerman Efq"" Juftice of Peace Seth Heaton and Sarah Morrif Both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each Other the 19^^ day of Dec"": 1739 ^ the Rev'' : m"" Jacob Heminway Samuel Barns and Elifabeth Tuttle both of New Haven were Joyned together in Marriage the 25"^ day of feptember 1740 ^ the Rev'': m"" Jfaac Stiles Enos Tallmadge and Thankfull Potter both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other on the Tenth day of ™ Perhaps "ffifh." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 281 Defember Annoqe Domini 1740 ^ the Rev'^ : m'" Jofeph Noyes Abraham Tuttle and Lydia Humerftone both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other January 2.2^ 1 740/1 ^ Sam" : Bifhop Juftice of Peace The Rev"^: m"" Thomas Clap Rector of Yale Colledge in New Haven and Madam Mary Saltonftall of Branford were Lawfully Married to Each other the fifth day of ffeb'^ Annoqe Domini 1740/41 ^ the Rev"^: m"": Phile° Robbins Pa f tor &c [632] (Marriages) Thomaf Turner and Sarah Humerfton both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 19'^^ day of Novem- ber 1740 ^ Sam": Hall Efq': Juftice of peace James Payne Jun"" : of New Haven and Lydia fford of Walling- ford were Joyned in Marriage to Each other March 2Qf^ 1739/40 ^ the Rev'^: m"- Jfaac Stiles Stephen Howell Jun"" of New Haven and Sufanna Cooper of fouth Hampton on Long J f land were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 23^: day of feptember Anno: Dom: 1736 ^ the Rev*^ m'': Siluanus White minifter of f"^ Hampton Ebenezer Humerftone and Mary Buttler both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 9^*^ day of June 1740 ^ the ReV^: M"- Jfaac Stiles Timothy Andrews & Elifabeth Thomfon Both of New Haven Were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the Twenty third day of November Annoqe Domini 1740 ^ the Rev*^: m"" Jfaac Stiles Daniel Hitchcock And Abigail Chidfey both of New Haven Were Joyned in Marriage to Each Other the 12'^ day of March 1728/9 ^ the Rev"^: M"": Jacob Heminway Abel Curtice of New Haven [and] free Love Batholomew of Branford were Joyned in marriage to Each other on the 26^^ day of March Annoqe Domini 1741 ^ Cap' Samuel Hall Efq"" Juftice of peace [633] ( Marriage f) Samuel Munfon of New Haven And Abigail Holinworth of Milford were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 21^' day of May Anno Domini 1741 ^ Samuel Gunn Efq'": Juftice of Peace Jfaac Good fell and Elifabeth Penfield both Of New Haven Were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 31^' day of Auguft Anno Domini 1737 ^ the Rev"^: m' Jacob Heminway M"" Aaron Day and m""^ Sybel Munfon both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 3"^ day of feptember Annoqe Domini 1741 ^ the Rev"^ : m"" Jofeph Noyef Daniel Ludinton of New Haven and Sufanna Clark of Walling- ford were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 14"" day of October Annoqe Domini 1741 ^ the Rev"^ m"" Samuel Hall Gidion Cande And Sarah Smith both of New Haven Were 282 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Joyned in Marriage on the Nintii day of March 1740/41 ^ the Rev'^: m"": Samuel Johnfon of Stratford Jonathan Jues and Thankfull Cooper both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage on the 19"^ of ffebniary Annoqe Domini 1737/8 p the Rev'i m^ Jfaac Stilef^ [634] (Marriagef) William Ruffell and Thankfull Collins Both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the feventh day of May Annoqe Domini 1741 ^ Jfaac Dickerman Efq"" Juftice of Peace Jofeph Beecher Jun"" and Elifabeth Ailing both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other the 10"' day of January Anno Dom: 1739/40 ^ the Rev'^ m"" Jofeph Noyef John Thomfon and Elifabeth Bradly both of New ?Iaven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other on the fifth day of Nouem- ber annoqe Dom: 1741 %3 the Rev*^ : m'" Jacob Heminway James Stephens and Rachell ffiller were Joyned in marriage to Each other the fir ft day of December Anno Dom 1741 ^ the Rev*^ m-" Biffell Minifter of willinton( ?) M"" James At water of New Haven and m''^ Elifabeth Ailing of Wallingford were Joyned in marriage to Each other on the 4*^ day of March 1740/1 qfli the Rev'': m'" Jofeph Noyef Benjamin Bradly and Mabel Sperry Both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage the firft day of fifebruary 1741/2 ^ Sam'': Bifhop Juftice of peace [635] (Marriages) Amof Sherman and Elifabeth Rexford both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage ffeb"'*' 11"^ 1741/2 c|3 Sam": Bifhop Juftice of peace Jchabod perkins and Sarah fiford both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage on the 9"" day of October 1741 ^ the Rev*^: m'' Jfaac Stiles Minifter of North Haven Thomaf Manffield and Hannah Goodyear were married Dec"": Anno Domini 1738 ^ the Rev'' m"" Jfaac Stiles Benjamin Englifh And Sarah Daton both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 25"^ day of fep*: 1735 ^ Jfaac Dickerman Juftice of Peace Daniel Potter Jun"" : And Martha Jues were Joyned in Mar- riage to Each Other the 11"* day of March Anno Dom 1740/1 ^ the Rev": m'' Jfaac Stilef Samuel Baffatt And the widdow Mary Humerftone both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to Each other the 4''* day of March annoqe Domini 1741/2 ^ the Rev'': m"" Jfaac Stilef Jamef Barnf and Phebee Batchelder were Joyned in Mar- riage the 10"' day of Aprill 1740 ^ the Rev'' m"" Jfaac Stilef Mofef Brocket Jun"" and Prifilah Grannif were Joyned in mar- riage June 14"" 1739: ^ Sam" Hall Efq"" Juftice of Peace NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 283 [636] (Marriages) Cefar a negro man and Sybel a negro woman were Joyned in Marriage December 2^: 1740 ^ Sam" Bifhop Juftice of peace Alexander a negro man and Margret a negro woman were Joyned in marriage to Each other December 2^ 1740 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of peace Tobiah a Negro man and PhilHf a Negro woman were Joyned in marriage march 24^^^ 1741/2 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of Peace Perow a Negro man and Diana a Negro w woman were Joyned in marriage May 2qP^ 1742 ^ Sam": Bifhop Juftice of peace [637] (Births) Mabel the Daughter of John Thomfon was Born y*^ 5'^: Day of Novembar 1745 Joel the Son of John Thomfon was Born the Sixth Day of May A D 1747 Aaron the Son of Peter Smith was Born y® 3*^ : Day of Ocf: Annoq Domini 1745 Sarah the Daughter of Amos Peck was Born Sep' : 30'^ : Annoq Domini 1747 Timothy the Son of John White Jun"" was Born the 21^' Day of October Anno"^: Dom 1747 Sarah y® Daughter of Isaac Doolittle was Bom the 29"" : Day of June Anno'' Domini 1747 James the Son of William Crowfoot was Born y*^ 27"': Day of Dec"" 1747 Sam" : y® Son of Cap* Sam" : Barns was Born Aprill 24*'' : Anno Domini 174 [3] Elifabeth y*' Daughter of Cap' Sam" Barns was Born y" firft Day of March 1745 Isaiah y^ Son of Cap' Sam" Barns was Born January y® Second Anno Domini [1747] [638] Births Efther y« Daughter of Hezekiah Tallmadge was Born y® 25^ Day of June Anno Domini 1747 Jason y^ Son of Dan" : Blackslee was Bom y^ 26'^ : Day of march Anno'' Domini 1747 David y^ Son of James Thomfon was Born y® 28"* Day of may annoq Domini 1747 Elifha the Son of David Atwater Jun'' was Born y® 4"^: day of December 1747 Sarah y® Daughter of Thomas Willmoth was Born y® 6'^ : Day of Feb"^: anno'': Domini 1746/7 Tarhan y® Son of Henry Barns was Bom y^ 21^': Day of Septembar 1745 Noah y® Son of Henry Barns was Born y® 12'^: Day of Jan'' 1746/7 284 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Dinah y^ Daughter of M"" Ralph Lines was Born y® 16 Day of Jan'^: 1746/7 Hannah y^ Daughter of Peter Perkins was born y'' firft Day of Feb"^': 1746/7 Mary y® Daughter of Dan" Lines was Born [May 8'^] anno D[omini] 1742 [639] (Births) Sarah y® Daughter of Daniell Lines was Born Aprill 29***: anno Domini 1747 Kezia y^ Daughter of Dan" Lines was Born Nov"": 30''': anno Domini 1747 Thomas y^ Son of Jonathan Atwater Ju' : was Born Decembar 16 1747 Mehetible y® Daughter of David Sperry was Born y® 19^^: Day of Aprill An°. Domi 1747 Hannah y® Daughter of m"" Hez"" : Sabin was Born Jan^ : 15'^: anno Dom. 1747/8 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of Cap' Sam" : Barns was Born y® 27''* Day of July Anno Domi 1741 Jonathan the Son of Jonathan Dickerman was Born y® 13*'' Day of Jan"^ 1746/7 Giles y® Son of James Heaton Ju"". was Born y** 11*'': Day of Nov"". 1747 Caleb y^ Son of M"" : Jos : Trowbridge was Born y^ 7'^ Day of Auguft 1747 [640] Births Rachel y® Daughter of Caleb Grannis was Born y® 20*^ : Day of Auguft A D 174 [6] Mary y^ Daughter of Caleb Grannis was Born y® y^^: Day of Feb-^: A D 1747/8 Mehetibel y® Daughter of Timothy Gorham was Born Dec*": 21 A D 1747 Joel y® Son of William Tuttle was Born y® firft Day of May 1746 Mary y® Daughter of Simon Tuttle was Born y® 8 Day of Jany. 1746/7 Benjamin y® Son of Ebenezer Atwater was Born y® firft Day of Feb^ 1747/8 Richard y® Son of Jehiel Bradley was Born y® 16"': Day of January 1747/8 Nathaniell y® Son of m"" Jeremiah Townsend was Born Ocf: 9 1747 William y® Son of m' William Lyon was Born y®: 23^ Day of Feb"^ 1747/8 [641] Births Ebenezar y® Son of Benjamin Warner was Bom 14***: Day of Dec"": 1732 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 285 Mary y^ Daughter of Benj : Warner was Born y'' 22^ : Day of October 1736 Rachel y® Daughter of Benj Warner was Born y® 18^*^ Day of Sep^^ 1738 Hez'': y^ Son of Benj": Warner was Born y* 9'*^: Day of march 1 740/1 Hannah y® Daughter of Benj : Warner y^ 17*'' July was Born 1743 Hannah the Daughter of Yale Bifhop was Born y® 2^ Day of march A D 1747/8 This name from Mary to hannah by reafon of y® Death of one Child Named Hannah was altered Jabez y® Son of Dan^ : Perkins Jun"" was Born y® 17^'': Day of may''^ 1746 Pehebe y® Daughter of Benj : Wantwood Ju'" was Born march 30'^: 1745 Benj : the Son of Benj : Wantwood Ju"" was Born y^ s'*^ Day of Novembar 1747 [642] Births Amos y® Son of Step°: Thomfon was Born y® 5^"^ Day of march A D 1746/7 Stephen Whitehead y® Son of m'" Leverett & m" Sarah Hubbard was Born June 16'*^ 1747 Phebe y" Daughter of Benj": Wantwood was Born March 30'^ 1744/5 Benj": y® Son of Benj Wantwood was Born y® 5^*^: Day of Novem"" 1747 Jared y® Son of m"" : Jared Ingerfoll and m" : Hannah Inger- foll: was Born Aprill 21^' 1748 about noon Elizabeth the Daughter of David and Eliz : Atwater was Born January 30'*^ 1747/8 Jonathan y® Son of Elifha Booth was Born y« \(f°-: Day of June 1747 mary y® Daughter of Thomas Walter was Born aprill 20''' : 1747 Ezra y® Son of Jn°: Hull was Born Auguft 12^"^ ly^j [643] Births Rhoda y^ Daughter of Joshua Barns was Born y® 4*'' : Day of November 1746 Joel y^ Son of Joshua Barns was Born y® 21^': Day of March Anno Domini 1747/8 Phylomela y® Daughter of Griffen Bradly was Born y® 27*'' Day of may anno Domini 1747 Daniel y^ Son of Thomas Downs was Born Feb"^: 13*^: ann: Dom 1746/7 Meriam y* Daughter of William Sanf ord was Born June 18"* : 1747 71 First written " Aprill." 286 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Dinah y® Daughter of Aaron Sperry was Born march 3^^ 1747/8 Wilham y^ Son of m'' Aaron Day and m"" Sufannah Day was Born y® 25"*: Day of may Anno: Domin. 1748 Jos y* Son of Abram Gilbert Born 31^' Day of July 1747 Thomas Son of Sam": Holt Born march 12''^ 1747/8 [644] (Births) Sam': y* Son of Caleb Hichcock Born Auguft 28"^ 1746 Phileman y® Son of Lamberton Smith was Born Dec"": 8'^: Annon Domini 1747 Step": Son of John Gorham Born Feb^ : fir ft 1747/8 Martha y*' Daughter of Dan" Rufsel was Born Auguft 20'^ 1746 David y^ Son of Sam"^: Sanford was Born y^ 29''': of October 1738 Mary y® Daughter of Sam' Sanford was Born y® 2.^ : Day of January 1739/40 David y^ Son of Sam' Sanford was Born y^ 28"*: Day of may 1742 Ezekiel y** Son of Sam' Sanford was Born y® firft Day of Dec"": 1746 Richard y® Son of John Hall was Born July: 11*'': 1746 [645] Births: Mary y® Daughter of Sam' Johnfon was Born y® 5"^: Day of December 1742 Noah y^ Son of Ebenezar Peck Jun"" : was Born y^ 3"^ Day of Dec"-: 1743 Hannah y® Daughter of Eben'': Peck Jun"": was y® y^^ Day of Dec--: 1745 Rachel y^ Daughter of Eben'': Peck Ju"": was Born y*' 10^'^ of June 1748 Sufanah Born Aprill y® 15"^: 1748 The Daughter of Sam' Atwater Hannah y® Daughter of Mofes Sanford was [Born] y^ y^^: Day of July 1747 Mary- y'' Daughter of Joel Hotchkis was Born y® 25"^: Day of January 1747/8 Seth y® Son of Jos Peck was Born Nov*": ii*'' 1747 Rachel y® Daughter of Thomas Perkins was Born y® 11*^: Day of Nov' 1741 Rachel y® Daughter of Thomas Perkins was Born y® 26''*: Day of Sep*"": 1742 [646] Births Mary the Daughter of Thomas Perkins was Born y^ 20*'': Day of Auguft 1744 Thomas y" Son of Thomas Perkins was Born y® 8 Day of may 1746 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 287 Jonathan y® Son of Thomas Perkins was Born y« 28''' : Day of aprill 1747 Benjamin: y^ Son of Jos: Hotchkis Born June 2^. 1748 Knock y^ Son of Thomas Ray was Born y^ 4''' : Day of Septem- ber A D 1746 Silas the fon of Tim°: Bradly Born July 27 1748 Sarah the Daughter of Sam' : and Hannah Perkins was Born Auguft 21^': 1746 Jacob y^ Son of m"" Abram Thomson was Born Ocf : y^^ : Anno Dom 1745 Mary y^ Daughter of m"" Abram Thomfon was Born may 3' 1748 Elijah y® Son of Azariah Perkins was Born: y® 19'^: Day of Aprill 1748 [647] Births Twins Eunice y® Daughter of Caleb Atwater was Born y^ 21^': Day of July 1748 Stephen y® fon of Caleb Atwater was Born on y® s'^ 21^': Day of July 1748 John : Prout y® Son of m"" Tim° : & m" Susannah Bountecu was Born Auguft 20'^: 1748 Mabel y® Daughter of Step" Browne Born may 26^^ 1743 Sybill y^ Daughter of Step" Browne Born Dec"" 28'^^ 1745 Solomon y^ Son of David Jacobs was born y® 22'': Day of march 1747/8 Lois the Daughter of Sam' Jues was born y* 27''' : Day of Auguft 1747 Rebeckah y« Daughter of Dan" Finch Jun"": Born y® 27'^'*: Day of Feb''y 1745/6 EHeazer the Son of Dan": Finch Ju"": Born f eb"^ : 17''': 1747/8 [648] Births Silas the Son of Thomas Tuttle Born''^ Silence y® Daughter of Thomas Tuttle Born July firft Anno Dom 1748 Sibel y^ Daughter of John Potter Born Nov"": 4''' 1747 Sarah y® Daughter of Sam" Bellomy was Born the lo**": day of May 1746 Sibell y® Daughter of Sam'. Bellomy Born y® 21®* Day of april 1748 David y® Son of Jos : Dickerman was Born y® 2^ day of Ocf 1747 Eben"": y® Son of Eben"": Blackslee Ju"" was Born f eb"^ : 27"" 1745/6 72 Crossed out. 288 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Jemima y° Daughter of Eben'" Blackslee Jun"" Born 25'*^ June 1748 Eben': y^ Son of Jos: Row was Born Sep*"" 2^ 1748 [649] Births EHphaz y« Son of Phinhas Perkins was Born Dec"": 7"' 1746 Solomon y® Son of Cap': Sam' Sacket was Born April 28''': A D 1748 Richard Son of Jos: Miles Bom 25"^: Nov^ A D 1748 Titus y« Son of Eben'" : Froft Jun"" Born June 18'*^: A: D: 1748 Epherom y^ Son of Eden Sperry Born Nov"" 17'^ A D 1748 Abigail y® Daughter of Sam' Munfon was Born Feb""^: 23* 1748 Mary the Daughter of Jos: Weeks born July y® 9''' Anno: Dom: 1748 Nathan the Son of Josiah Piatt was Born y® 22'^ : day of March A: D: 1748 [650] Births Sarah Daughter Jos: Ball Born 2^\ Feb""^ 1747/8 Samuel y® Son of Sam' : Brocket Ju"" Born June 26"" : Anno Dom: 1748 Efther y« Daughter of Nath": Tuttle was Born October 21'*: A D 1748 Sarah y® Daughter of Sam' : Downs Jun"" : was Born Nov"" : 29*'': Anno Dom 1747 Elizabeth Mary y« Daughter of M"": Sam': & M""^: Abigaill Mix (being their Seventh Child) : Born Sep'"" 30"^: A D 1746 James y® Son of Sam" : Dickerman was Born January 28'*^ 1747 Rhode y® Daughter of Sam' : Dickerman was Born Nov'' : 24''' 1748 Mary Daug"" of Jn" : Ailing Born January 6 anno Dom: 1748 Bede y® Daughter of Thomas manffield was Born 21^*^ Nov*" 1746 [651] Births Abigail y^ Daughter of Elifha Perkins was born June 13"" 1746 Mofes y° Son of Elifha Perkins Born Sep'"" 16"': 1747 Elifha y« Son of Elifha Perkins Born Nov: 8*'^ 1748 Sam' : y® Son of Sam' : Woodin was Born July 2^\ A : D : 1747 Afa y^ Son of Amos Bradly was Born Dec"": 3: A D: 1748 Mary y® Daughter of Israel Thomas Jun'": Born 21^* Nov"" 1747 Silas y** Son of Barnabas Baldwin Jun"" was Born y® 19'^'^ day of October Anno Dom 1748 Mercy y^ Daughter of John Perkins y® 3'': was Born January: 7"^: A: D: 1747/8 [652] Births Sufannah y® Daughter of m'" Thomas Darling & M""^ Abigail Darling was Born Nov"": 27"": 1748 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 289 Ruben y« Son of Benj°: Bradly was Born Nov"": 28''' A D 1741 Charles y« fon of Benj'': Bradly was Born March 8'*": A D: 1743/4 Hannah y® Daughter of Benj": Bradly was Born Aprill 13^*^: A D 1746 Abner ye Son of Benj Bradly was Born Nov"": 15"^: A D 1748 Defire y® Daughter of David Sperry was Born Dec"": 16'^ 1748 Lydia y*' Daughter of Jn° : Bl'ackslee was Born y® 19'*^ : Day of Feb'"'' 1747/8 Dan' : Clark y® Son of Dan' : Clark was born y® 26"' Day of Auguft 1748 [653] Births Elijah Son of Jacob Hotchkis Born may 13''' Ann" Domini 1733 Martha Daughter of Jacob Hotckis Born June 26"^: 1735 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Jacob Hotchkis Born Aprill 9^'' 1738 Hannah Daughter of Jacob Hotchkis Born aprill 18"" 1740 Abra™ y^ Son of Jacob Hotchkis born feb"' y« 9*'' 1743 Mary y^ Daughter of Jacob Hotchkis born march 30'^'' born 1745 Jacob y^ Son of Jacob Hotckis Born June 2.^ ly^y [654] Births John y« Son of Will'": Scott was Born feb'"^ 2'^: Anno Dom 1748/9 Isaac y® Son of Abram Heminway Jun"": Born feb'"^ 23*^: A D 1746/7 Sarah y® Daughter of Abram Heminway Jun'": Born feb'"^ 17*'': A D: 1748/9 Elifabeth Daughter of Sam' Parddee Born July 24'^'' A D 1746 Philena y® Daughter of Sam" : Parddee Born Jan'^^ 6^'' Ad 1747/8 Lowle y^ Daughter of Benj'^: Pardee was Born Nov*"": firft A D 1748 Sam', y® Son of Sam' Heminway was born may 9**^: Ad 1748 John y® fon of m"": Mofes manffield [was Born] on y® iS"': Day of Auguft 1734 [655] (Births) Sarah y^ Daughter of M'' Mofes Manffield [was born] on y« 7*'' Day of July 1736 Jonathan y® Son of M"": Mofes manffield was Born march 8*'' 1739 Daniel y® Son of Amos and Hannah Perkins was Born on y® firft Day of March about 8 of y« Clock in y« morning 1748/9 Sarah y« Daughter of M"" Dan' : Lyman & m""^ : Sarah Lyman was born on y« 17'" Day of March 1748/9 Enos y« Son of Sam': Candee Jun"" was Born Feb'"'' firft A D 1745/6 I ^ 19 290 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Dinah y« Daughter of Sam': Candee Jun': Born Nov*"" 2^^: A D 1748 Mary the Daughter of David Barns was Born March 13''' 1748/9 [656] (Births) Naomi y° Daughter of Nehemiah Hotchkis was Born march 15"^ 1740:41 Nehemiah y*' Son of Nehemiah Hotchkis was Born Jan^ 11*'' 1744/5 Mary y^ Daughter of Nehemiah Hotchkis was Born Jan"^ 20''' 1746/7 Thankfull y*= Daughter of Enos Tuttle was Born 17*'^ of Nov"" 1748 Phebe y** Daughter of Enos Bafsat Bon Jan-^^ : 24'*^ 1748/9 Linus y'^ Son of Mofes Sanford Born March the 25'*^: 1748/9 Sarah y^ Daughter of m"": Tim° Mix was Born October 11"': A D 1748 Sarah y^ Daughter of Abram Tuttle was born Sep*': 21^* Ann Dom 1748 Mabel y^ Daughter of Jacob Atwater was born Dec*"": ii'*' 1748 [657] births Mary y^ Daughter of m"" : Benj : & m""^ Mary Woodbridge was born y^ 4*'': Day of Feb^'^ Ann Dom 1747/8 Mary y® Daughter of James Smith was born Dec*""": 22"^: Anno Dom: 1747 Benjamin y® Son of Dan' Bradly Jun'': was Born Sep"": 8''': A D 1748 Lois y*" Daughter of James Turner Born 12"" day of Oct*""" 1748 Sarah y'^ Daughter of John Bafsat Jun"". was born may 20"': 1749 Rachel y*" Daughter of Israel & Elif"': Sperry born 16*'': of Feb"^: 1747/8 * John y® Son of Dan' Rufsel Born April 24*'' 1749 [658] births Efther"^ Daughter of Aaron Potter was Born may 13''' 1749 y^ name of this child from Abig' : to Efther was altered by y® Earneft Defire of the parrants James y® Son of James Barns Born Nov"" 28"" 1746 Meriam y® Daughter of James Barns Born January 18"* 1748/9 Rufus y^ Son of Mathew Blackslee Born april 19''' 1749 Rachel y® Daughter of Richard Sperry was Born y® 23'' day of Nov"". 1748 Mary y" Daughter of David Atwater Ju"" was Born march 3"^: 1748/9 '3 First written " Abigrail." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 291 Jared y® Son of David Munfon Born June 25'^: 1749 Elifabeth y*' Daughter of Asa Todd was Born 13"^: day of April 1749 Lois y« Daughter of Amos Clerk Born May 13"^ A D 1748 [659] Births Samuel Joseph y® Son of M"" Chauncy Whitelfey was Born July 13"": A D: 1749 Sam' : y* Son of Sam' : Perkins Ju' : was Born October 10*^ : A D: 1748 Eunice y® Daughter of Phinias Perkins was born the 27''': day of Nov"": A D 1748 Simeon y® Son of Benj°: Perkins was Born y® 25'^'^: day of June A D: 1749 Hanah y® Daughter of James Grannis was Bom Auguft 6'^ 1739 Mary y® Daughter of James Granis was Born Jan^ 24^*": 1742 Mabel the Daughter of James Granis was Born December y® 28''': 1743 Sarah y® Daughter of James Granis was Born January i^^^ 1746 Bazel y^ Son of James Grannis was Born may 8*^^ 1748 [660] Births Thankfull y« Daughter of Will'" Rufsel was Born y« 11*^ of January 1742 Anne y'' Daughter of Will™ Rufel was Born March 26"^ 1744 Caleb y® Son of Caleb Thomas Born June 3*^ 1740 Thankfull y® Daughter of Enos Tallmadge was Born May ii*^^ 1749 Eleazer y® Son of Dan' Morris was Born y® 25"*: day of May 1749 Leverett y« Son of M"": Leverett Hubbard & M" Sarah Hub- bard was Born y® 7'^: day of Sep*"": Anno Dom 1749 Neamiah y^ Son of John & Mary Storer was Born y^ 21^' day of Jan": 1748/9 [661] Births Abigail y^ Daughter of Noah Tuttle was Born y® 12*^: day of Septem"": 1740 Daniel y^ Son of Dan": Rufsel was Born y^ 17**^: day of may 1749 Mary y** Daughter of Dan" Todd was Born July 19'*^: A D 1749 Lydia y® Daughter of James Todd Jun*": was born y^ 26*^: Day of may A D 1749 John y^ Son of David Punderfon was Born y** firft Day of January 1747/8 David y^ Son of David Punderfon was Born y« 9**^: day of Sep"": A D 1749 292 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Sarah y« Daughter of John Woolcut was Born April 30''': A D 1749 Jared y« Son of Zebulon Bradly was Born May 30''': Anno Dom 1749 [662] births Daniel y® Son of Joel Tuttle was Born September 29*^: A D 1749 Hezekiah y« Son of Jude Tuttle was born y® 20''' day of may A D 1749 Mary y® Daughter of Mathew Gilbert Jun"": was born y^ 3"^ day of June 1748 Richard y^ Son of William Cable was born y® y^^: day of December 1747 Hannah y® Daughter^^ John y® Son of Zurial Kimberly was born y^ 6*'': day of September 1738 Hannah y® Daughter of Zurial Kimberly was Born y® 8'*^ day of May 1 74 1 Nath": y^ Son of Zurial Kimberly was Bom May 12''': 1743 Sufannah y^ Daughter of Zurial Kimberly was Born Sep*"": 9*'^: 1746 [663] births Sarah y® Daughter of David Leavitt Jun"": was Born Febru- ary 27^^: A D 1748/9 Abigail y® Daughter of Isaac & Sarah Doolittle was born Ocf : 3" 1749 David y® Son of Thomas Allcock Ju"": was born y® firft Day of September 1749 Jefse y® Son of Thomas Turner was born Ocf : 7"" : A : D : 1746 Sarah y^ Daughter of Thomas Turner was born July 21^*^ 1749 Oliver y® Son of Abel Smith was born f eb'"'' 21^^ : A : D : 1748/9 Darcos y® Duaghter of Obed Johnfon was born y® 27^^: day of Nov: 1738 [664] (births) Abigail y'' Daughter of Obed Johnfon was born y® 13'^'^: day of September 1741 Obed y® Son of Obed Johnfon was born y^ 16^*^ : day of October A D 1744 Ame y® Daughter of Obed Johnfon was born y^ 26"': day of October 1746 Eunice y® Daughter of Obed Johnfon was born y« 27**^: Day of April 1749 Mary y^ Daughter of Samuel Hitchcock was born feb"^ y® 6'*' 1747 David y® Son of Sam' Hitchcock was bom December y® 31"*^: 1748 ?■* Crossed out. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 293 Abel y® Son of David Potter born June 15^^ 1749 Jefse y® Son of Eben"". Atwater born June 22^ 1749 Hannah y^ Daughter of Thomas Punderfon born Auguft 18'** 1749 [665] (births) Isaac Son of Isaac Beecher born 3*^ December 1748 Lois y® Daughter of Abram Bradly Jun"" bom March 3*^ : 1747/8 Javen y® Son of Benj": Woodin was born y® 12''^: Day of September A: D: 1749 John y^ Son of John Perkins was born Auguft 30'^ 1749 Lois y® Daughter of Jonathan Ailing Ju"" : was born f eb^' : 22^: 1747/8 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Jonathan Ailing Ju' : was born Octo- ber 9*'': 1749 Giles y* Son of James Heaton Jun"" : was born y^ 20'^ : Day of april 1749 Tim° y® Son of James Atwater Born Nov'': 2^ Anno Dom 1749 [666] births Mary y® Daughter of Jonathan Ives Born y® 24'^: Day of April 1744 Thank full y^ Daughter of Jonathan Ives born y® 14''': Day of March 1746/7 Joel y® Son of Jona*'' Ives bom y^ 19^'': Day of may 1747 Abigail y® Daughter of John Froft was Born the 14*^ day of Sep*"": 1749 Stephen y® Son of Stephen Foard was Born y® 11*^ Day of May 1749 John y* son of John Potter was Born y^ 29^^ Day of Septem' 1749 Mofes y® Son of Mofes Manffield was Born September 25''' 1749 [667] Births Timothy y^ Son of M' Timothy Jones was Born Ocf fir ft 1737 Isaac y^ Son of Timothy Jones was Born Dec"": 21^*: 1738 Jane y® Daughter of Tim°: Jones was Born Ocf: 31^^ 1740 Mary y® Daughter of Tim°: Jones was Born Dec'': 12^'^ 1743 William Bom y^ Son of Tim° Jones y® 27*^ January 1745/6 Abiah y® Daughter of L^ James Peck Jun'' was Bom 22*^ of November 1738 Thankfull y® Daughter of L* Peck Born april 6 1741 James y® Son of L* Peck was Born January 14^^^ A D 1742/3 Mary y* Daughter of L* Peck was Bom Feb'' 25*** 1744/5 [668] (Births) Hannah y® Daughter of James Peck was Born february \^^^ 1746/7 _ Abigail y* Daughter of L* James Peck was Born March 6*^ 1748/9 294 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS William y® Son of Jonathan Mix was Born Nov"": A D 1749 Jared y^ Son of William Bafsat was Born y® 20''' : of June A D 1749 Ebenezar y® Son of Peter Perkins was Born April 11"': A D 1749 Edmond y° Son of Christopher Todd was Born January 6''' 1748/9 Naomy y® Daughter of Sam Plorton was Born Sep^"" 23"^ 1738 Sam y® Son of Sam Horton was Born July 26''' 1743 [669] Births Elifha y® Son of Sam Horton was Born December 2^ 1745 Sarah y® Daughter of Samuel Horton was Born November 3^ 1747 Timothy y^ Son of Samuel Horton was Born December 26 1749 Thomas y® Son of Charles Thomas was [Born] March 13''': Annoq Domini 1747/8 Sarah y® Daughter of Benj° Humpervile Was Born September y« 14"": A D 1749 Amos y^ Son of Isaac Atwater was Born January Second 1749/50 Hannah y® Daughter of John White Jun"" : was Born November -^f 1749 Titus y^ Son of Benj" Doolittle was Born June 8"^ : Ann° Dom 1749 Abigail y^ Daughter of Sam' Atwater was Born Nov'': 17*^ A D 1749 [670] Births Jefse y® Son of Enos Thompfon Born Nov"" : 14*'' : Anno Domini 1749 Hannah y^ Daughter of Benj" Englifh was Born y® 29"": Day of November 1749 Eli y^ Son of Isaac Bradly was Born October 6"" : Anno Dom 1747 Anne y" Daughter of Isaac Bradly was Born December 2(r' 1749 Either y® Daughter of Cap*^: Andrew Tuttle was Born July y« 8^'^ 1742 Mary y^ Daughter of Capt Andrew Tuttle born f eb''^' : 5***: Anno Dom 1744/5 Elifha y« Son of Cap^ Andrew Tuttle was Born feb'^^' i5'» A D 1747/8 Amos y® Son of Amos Bradly was born November 26''* 1746 [671] Births Lydia y® Daughter of Daniel Hotchkis was born y® 9''' : Day of march 1748/9 Eber y® Son of Samuel Downs Jun"" was Born September 30*** Anno Domini 1749 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 295 Elifabeth the Daughter of Peter Smith was Born y® ii***: Day of May 1748 Hannah the Daughter of Amos Hitchcock was Born 31^': of Decern"" 1748 Elener y® Daughter of M"" Tim" : Bonteou was Born December 25'»^: 1749/50 Abram y^ Son of Stephen Auftin was Born y*' 25"^ : Day of May A D 1749 Efther y® Daughter of Jonathan Blackslee was Born y^ 26*'' Day of Ocf 1748 John y® Son of M"" Jeremiah Townfend & Rebeckah Town- fend was Born Auguft firft A: D 1749 [672] births Jared y® Son of M"": Jared & M" Hannah Ingerfoll was born Ocf: 27''' 1749 Margret y® Daughter of Leui*: Isreal Munfon was born March 10"^ 1749/50 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of Step" : Hitchcock was born December 3^ 1749 Sarah y® Daughter of Job Clark was Born Feb"': 13*'': 1746/7 John y*^ Son of Job Clark was born June 23*^ 1748 Mofes & Aaron Twins y'' Sons of Azariah Perkins was born Nov"": 30'^'' 1749 Efther y® Daughter of Israel Kimberly was born y** 24*** Day of Nov"": 1744 Amos y® Son of Lazarus Ives was born March 14"^ A : D : 1749/50 [673] (births) Silas y^ Son of M"" Jonathan Atwater Jun"": was born march 20^^: A: D: 1749/50 Sarah y® Daughter of Joseph Miles y^ 3*^: was born Nov"": 19*'' 1749 Benj° y® Son of Benj : Willmot was born December 27**^ 1738 Abijah y'' Son of Benj Willmot was born April y® 30**': 1742 Ruben y^ Son of Benj Willmot was born July y® 24.^^ 1745 Samuel y® Son of Daniel Smith was born December 14*^^: 1749 Caleb y^ Son of Caleb Hitchcock was born March 3*^. A D 1748/9 [674] births Lucreasa y® Daughter of Tim°: Ailing was born y" iS^^'- Day of may 1738 Eunice y^ Daughter of Tim° Ailing was born y^ 18"^ : Day of Auguft 1740 David y® Son of Tim° Ailing was bom y® 9*'' Day of December 1742 Rhodae y^ Daughter of Tim°: Ailing was born September 11''': 1744 296 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Mary y® Daughter of Tim° : Ailing was born y^ 2.2.^ : Day of November 1746 Arckebas y® Son of Tim°: Ailing was born y* 21^' Day of Dec"": 1748 Rachel y® Daughter of Jehial Bradly was born May 6"^ A D 1750 [675] births Martha y® Daughter of Joseph Jacobs was born July 3^ A :D : 1749 Daniel y® Son of Mathew Gilbert Jun'": Born y^ 3** Day of April 1750 Eunice y^ Daughter of Joy Bifhop was born y^ i^^'^ Day of march 1747/8 Asa y® Son of Joy Bifhop was born y® firft day of June Ann D 1750 Hezekiah y^ Son of Hezekiah Sabin was born april 15''': A D 1750 Jafon y® Son of James Warren was born y^ 20*^^ Day of February 1744/5 Sarah y* Daughter of James Warren was born y^ firft Day of February 1746/7 Rachel y® Daughter of James Warren was born y^ 4"' : Day July 1749 [676] births Enos Son of Jacob Atwater was born on y^ 10''' Day of April A: D: 1750 Mofes y® Son of Stephen Gilbert was born y® 9'^ Day of September A: D: 1743 Betty y^ Daughter of Stephen Gilbert was born y® 3^ Day of July 1745 Abigail y^ Daughter of Ebenezar Beecher Jun'": was bom march 10^^ A. D: 1749/50 Annah y® Daughter of Sam' Johnfon Jun"": was born June 8^^ 1750 Ebenezer y® Son of Israel & Elifabeth Sperry waf born November 25*'* 1749 : Hannah y® Daughter of David Atwater Jun"": was born may 24*^^: 1750 [677] births Ketherine y® Daughter of Thomas Walter was born June 26*'* Anno Dom 1750 Mary y® Daughter of Timothy Bradly was born Auguft s^'* 1750 Joel y^ Son of John Perkins Jun"" was born march firft 1749/50 Joshua y« Son of Tim° : Tuttle was born Auguft S''^ : A. D. 1750 Abigail y° Daughter of Jacob Hotchkis was born may f^ 1750 Abraham y« Son of Enos Brocket was born Feb"^ 23"^ 1745/6 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 297 Abigail y** Daughter of Enos Brocket was born January 21'* 1747/8 [678] Births Enos y® Son of Enos Brocket was bom y^ 17'^: Day of September 1750 Ezra the Son of M"": Nathan and M'■^ Doratha Bardfey was born y^ 28"^ Day of January AD: 1748/9 Sarah y^ Daughter of M'" Dan^: Lyman & M' Sarah Lyman Born May 3*^: Anno Dom 1750 John y^ Son of Enos Tuttle was born Sep^"": ii^"^: Anno Dom 1750 Joseph y® Son of Nathaniel Joyslen was born on y® 31®': Day of May 1727 Joseph y® Son of Daniel Finch was Born March i®' or 2'' day 1728/9 [679] Births Sarah y® Daughter of M' Joshua Chandler was born July lo'*^: Anno Dom 1748 John y^ Son of m"" Joshua Chandler was born July 10*^: 1749 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of M"" Joshua Chandler was born Auguft 7"" 1750 Ezra y® Son of Afa Ailing born May firft Anno Domini 1750 James y® Son of James Smith was born Auguft 30*'' 1750 Mary y^ Daughter of Jude Cooper was born may ii'*" 1748 Mehetibel y® Daughter of Jude Cooper was born July 12^^ 1750 [680] Births Hezekiah y® Son of Isaac Sperry was born Auguft La ft Day 1746 _ Abigail y® Daughter of Heizekiah Gorham was born Nov': 15*^ 1750 Jonathan y" Son of Stephen Johnson was born Sep"": 12'*^ 1725 Stephen y" Son of Stephen Johnfon was born July 28**^: 1727 Phinehas y^ Son of Stephen Johnfon born Jan""^ y'' lo**^ 1729/30 Eunice y® Daughter of Stephen Johnfon was born March 7*'' 1732 Jabez y* Son of Stephen Johnfon was born June 2^ 1734 Anne y® Daughter of Stephen Johnfon was born May 5'^ 1736 [681] births Eben'" the Son of Stephen Johnfon was born March 26*^^ 1738 Lydia y® Daughter of Step" Johnfon was born feb*"^ 11''^ 1740 Mercy the Daughter of Step" Johnfon was born June 24*^^ 1741 Sarah the Daughter of Step" Johnfon was born Dec"": 30*^^ 1742 Lois y^ Daughter of Step" Johnfon was born may y® 15*^^ 1745 Stephen y® Son of Stephen Trowbridge was born June 16**' 1748 Amos y" Son of Stephen Trowbridge was born Nov' 30*^^ 1750 298 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [682] births Abel y® Son of Abel Batcheder was born July 24"* A D 1750 Lois y® Daughter of Joseph Dickerman was born March 22.^ 1749/50 Daniel y® Son of Dan" Rufsel Jun"" was born December 4^'' 1750 Sufanah y® Daughter of David Sperry was Born May lo''^ 1750 Sarah y*' Daughter of John Ailing Jun"" was born Ocf 30 1747 Michael y^ Son of M"" Michael Todd was born June y® ii*'^ 1750 Ame the Daughter of Amos Morris was born feb""^ 19 1747/8 Amos y® Son of Amos Morris was born March 13'^ 1749/50 [683] births David y^ Son of Dan': Ofborn was born Sep*'" iS'*" 1748 Martha the Daughter of Dan' : Osborn was born Sep*"" 13^'' 1750 Samuel y^ Son of Levi Bradly was born y^ 5 Day of April 1750 David y® Son of David Perkins was born y® 30"^ Day of Dec"": 1749 John y^ Son of Timothy Tuttle Jun"": was born Nov"" s^*" 1749 Rebeckah y*^ Daughter of Sam' Munfon was born October 3*^ 1750 Mary y® Daughter of Dan' Tallmadge was born feb""^ 21^'^ 1748/9 [684] (Births) Amos y° Son of Caleb Hotchkis y^ 3''. was born may 22*^ 1750 Eunice y® Daughter of Hez*^ Tallmadge was born Nov'" 17"* 1750 Timothy the Son of David Humphervile was born Sep"" 17*'^ 1746 Pernal y" Daughter of David Humphervel was born Dec'". 24*'' 1748 Lydia y® Daughter of David Humphervil was born Nov'". 25"^ : 1750 Hannah y® Daughter of Hezekiah Beecher was born March 20*" 1746/7 Hannah y® Daughter of Joseph Ball was born may 25"' 1750 [685] Births Mary y® Daughter of Nathan Manffield was born Dec"": 14^'' 1745 . Lois y^ Daughter of Nathan Manffield was born April 13''^. 1747 Nathan y® Son of Nathan Manffield was born Nov^ 30"": 1748 William y® Son of Nathan Manffield was born March 21** 1749/50 Glover y® Son of John Ball was born January 11"^ A D. 1748 Hannah y® Daughter of John Ball was born March 11"^ 1750 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 299 [686] Births Cloe y® Daughter of David Johnfon was born Nov"". 25'*^ 1744 Kezeiah y^ Daughter of David Johnfon was born March 29*'' : 1747 Jemima y® Daughter of David Johnfon was born March 30''' 1749 Jemima y® Daughter of David Johnfon was born Jan^ 14''^: 1749/50 Mary y^ Daughter of John Gills was Born y^ 19''': Day of feb'-y 1749/50 John y*' Son of John Thomas was born May ii*^^ 1743 Sibill y® Daughter of John Thomas was born Nov"" 27"* 1745 James y® Son of John Thomas Born March 3*^ i7[4]6/7 [687] (Births) Aaron the Son of John Thomas was born May 16"^ 1749 Mathew y® Son of John Row Jun"" was born Feb^ 20**^ 1741/2 Mary y® Daughter of John Row was born march 22*^ 1744 Lois y*' Daughter of John Row was born y^ 21^' Day of March 1746 Mathew y® Son of John Row was born March iS''^ 1748 Hannah y*^ Daughter of John Row was born June 6"' 1749 Ebenezar y** Son of David Ailing was born Ocf: 16"^ I749 [688] births Hannah y® Daughter of John Gorham was born July 25"^ 1750 Richard y® Son of Tim°: Gorham was born January 13"": 1750/1 Phebe y^ Daughter of Mathew Black flee was born y® 22"^: Day of February 1 750/1 Lawrana the Daughter of Nathan Smith was born 16'^ of Sep^"" 1740 Chester y® Son of Nathan Smith was born Auguft firft 1743 Rachel y® Daughter of Nathan Smith was born Auguft firft 1746 Elihu the Son of Nathan Smith was born may 9"* 1749 [689] Births Mabel y® Daughter of Benj Bristoll was born Nov"": 11*^ 1747 Benjamin y^ Son of Benj": Bristoll was born June 24"^ 1750 Abel y^ Son of Jos Woolcut was Born Sep^"" 21^' 1750 Caleb y® Son of Timothy Ford was born January 22*^ 1743/4 Sarah y® Daughter of Tim° Ford was born may 22^ 1747 Esther the Daughter of Tim° Ford was born march 17*** 1749/50 Mary y^ Daughter of Thomas Dodd was born September 2'j^'^ 1749 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Thomas Dodd was born march 2^^"^ 175 1 3CX) NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [690] births Mary the Daughter of William Punchard was born y® 10''' day of may 1749 Martha the Daughter of John Hall was born April 25''' 1749 Stephen y*" Son of Tim° Barns was born January 26^^ 1 750/1 Amos y^ Son of Amos Peck was born July 29^*" 1749 Doritha the Daughter of Aaron Potter was born Nov^ : 29''' : 1750 Lois y^ Daughter of Amos Bradly was born Nov"". 2^ Ann D : 1750 Joseph y® Son of Josiah Pardee was born January 2^ : ly/i^y/^ [691] births Timothy y^ Son of Dan' Thomas was born May 22*^: AD 1723 Timothy y® Son of Timothy Thomas was born June 22^ 1747 Epheram y® Son of Timothy Thomas was born Feb"^ 22*^ 1748/9 Eldad & Medad Twins Sons of David Atwater was born March 2f: 1 750/1 Anne the Daughter of Caleb Beecher was born July \2^^ AD: 1747 Elifabeth y'^ Daughter of Caleb Beecher was born y® 16'^ Day of Sep*^: 1749 John y'^ Son of M"". John Hubbard Jun'' was born Jan''^ 3^ I 750/ I [692] Births Lem.ual y® Son of William Woodin was born June 3^ : Anno : Dom 1744 Jeremiah y® Son of Will™. Woodin was born Auguft 12^'' 1746 Joel y"" Son of Will™: Woodin was born Sep*^'' 20"^ 1748 Hezekiah y® Son of Will™: Woodin was born October 23*^ 1750 Lydia y*' Daughter of John Gills was Born may 29*'' 1751 Nathaniel Mix y^ Son of Nath" : Mix Jun^ was born Nov'' 17'^: 1749 Efther y^ Daughter of Mofes Thomas was born Jan""^ 8**^ 1750/51 [693] Births Obed y^ Son of Jefse Blackslee was Born December 5*'' 1748 Dinah y® Daughter of Jefse Blackflee was born Auguft 14*'' 1750 Elijah y^ Son of Benj Hull was born October 13^'' 1750 John y® Son of Jonathan Mix was born June 19*'' : Anno Dom 175 1 Mary y® Daughter of Jn° Brockett Jun"" was born September 6*'* 1750 Eunice Lucy y^ Daughter of Isaac & Mabell Stiles was Bom July 12*'' AD 1 75 1 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 301 Efther y® Daughter of Daniel Hotchkis was born y® 23*^ Day of Septem''. 1750 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Stephen Chatterton was born May g'^ 1 75 1 [694] Births Ann y^ Daughter of Stephen Bradly was Born December Q**' 1748 Sarah y" Daughter of Stephen Bradly was Born march 3'*: 1750/51 Samuel y® Son of Samuel Atwater was born January 20**^: Anno Dom 1750/1 Elizabeth y® Daughter of Solomon Hotchkis was born December 5*'' 1749 Jonathan y® Son of M'' Jared & M''® Hannah Ingersoll was born June 17*'': 1 75 1 Epheram y® Son of Amos Clark was born October 28'*^ A D 1749. Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Joseph Dorman was born April 6'^ 1751 [695] Births Samuel y® Son of M"" Thomas & M" Abigail Darling was born the 30*^ Day of January A D 1750/51 Chauncy y*^ Son of Samuel Dickerman was born September 28'^ 1750 Ebenezer y^ Son of Cap' James Peck was born January 14*'^ Anno Dom 1 750/1 James y® Son of James Ives was born auguft 11'^'' A: D: 1751 Abigail y® Daughter of Eben'' Finch was born June 18'^: Anno Dom 1747 Eben"" The Son of Eben"" Finch was born in January 1748/9 Caleb y® Son of Eben"" Finch was born January 11*^ 1750/1 [696] Births Sarah y® Daughter of Benj Barns Ju"" was born July 13'^: 1750 Israel y® Son of Isaac Bradly was born y® 9*'^ Day of July Anno Dom 1 75 1 John y^ Son of Nath" Barns was born y® 28''' Day of January Anno Dom 1745/6 Abram y® San of Nath" Barns was bom y® 11*'' Day of Nov': 1747 Isaac y® Son of Nath" Barns was born Dec"" 9'^'' 1749 Nathaniel y® Son of Nath" Barns was bom auguft 28*'' 1751 David y® Son of Enf"' Jere** Ofborn was born april 2&-^ 1746 Benj° Son of Jere*^ Ofborn born april 9 1747 Thomas Son of Jere^ ofborn born may 14*^ 1748 [697] births Elizabeth y® Daughter of Jere** ofborn was born april 29*"^ 1750 302 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Elifha y® Son of Jonathan Ailing Ju"" was born September Anno Dom 1751 Martha y® Daughter of Mofes Brooks was born auguft 2^ 1749 Mary y*^ Daughter of Mofes Brooks was born September ^^^ 1751 Abigail y° Daughter of James Ailing was born Sep^"" 6"" 1751 Defire y® Daughter of William Rogers was born March 20"* 1747/8 Ruth y® Daughter of John Perkins was born July 4^^ : Anno Dom 1 75 1 Levi y^ Son of Stephen Hitchcock was born y® 30"^ : Day of July Anno Dom 1751 [698] births Anne y^ Daughter of Jehiel Ofborn was born March 4*'* I 750/ I Thomas, y'' Son of Stephen Jacobs was born april 2.^: A : D : 1741 Stephen y^ Son of Stephen Jacob was born May 17**' Anno Domini 1743 Enoch y" Son of Stephen Jacobs was born December 7''' 1747 Isaac y^ Son of Stephen Jacobs was born January ii*"^ 1745/6 Daniel y® Son of Stephen Jacobs was born y® 12"^: Day of february 1749/50 Isaiah y® Son of Ebenezer Blackslee Ju"": was born y® 26'*^ Day of auguft 1 75 1 Richard y® Son of Abram Tuttle was born Ocf. 20^'' 1751 [699] births Thomas y** Son of Cap': David & M""^ Mary Woo Iter was born July 30*^ 1 75 1 Jonah y^ Son of John Blackslee was born y^ S''' Day of Sep*"" 1750 Hannah y® Daughter of Eben"": Bifhop was born Auguft 15*^: 1748 Benjamin y® Son of Benjamin Woodin was born Sep"" 18*'' 1751 Samuel y® Son of Samuel Gilbert was born January 14''^ I 750/ I Mary y® Daughter of John Storer was born September ^^^ 1751 John y® Son of John & Mary Atwater was born y® 21^' Day of Nov"" 1 75 1 [700] births Timothy y^ Son of Ebenezer Hitchcock was born Nov^ 8"* 1748 Eben"". y® Son of Eben"": Hitchcock was born July 23^: 1750 Hannah y« Daughter of Gorfhom Browne was born auguft 27'^: 1 75 1 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 303 Samuel y** Son of Israel Dayton was born Dec'' : ig'*' : Ann. Dom 1750 Mary y** Daughter of M"" Eben''. Bafset was born Auguft 15^*^ 175 1 '' Daniel y® Son of Daniel Bradly Ju"" was born July 15'^'' 1750 Joseph y® Son of Joseph Miles was born June 28'^'^ A Dom 1751 [701] births Isabel y® Daughter of Caleb & Isabel Hitchcock was born y® 3"^ Day of May 1751 Ebenezar y^ Son of Amos Hitchcock was born March 4**^ Anno Dom 1 750/1 Sarah y® Daughter of Thomas Alcock Jun"" Born auguft 28**^: 1751 Enos y® Son of Ezekiel Hotchkis was born June 6''' 1751 Meriam y" Daughter of William Sanford was born y® 4"* : Day of June 1747 Rachel y'^ Daughter of Dan' Blackslee was born Ocf 4*** Anno Dom 1 75 1 Ezra y^ Son of Stephen Ford was born y® 20*^ Day of July 1751 [702] births Sarah y® Daughter of Simon Tuttle was born Ocf: 12'^: 1748 Rebeckah & Bede Daughters of Simon Tuttle was born Dec*"" 31'' 1751 Levi y® Son of John Thompson was born Dec*"" 26'^ 175 1 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Jeremiah Townsend was born Dec*"": 14*'': 1 75 1 Mary y" Daughter of M"" Nathan & M" Mary whiting was born June 6 1751 Mary y® Daughter of M"" Medad Lyman and M" Mary Lyman was born December i6''' Anno Dom 1751 Mofes Turner, y® Son of John & Efther Munfon was born Oct*"": 2^ 1749 [703] births Eunice y^ Daughter of Jude Tuttle was born July iq'*^: Anno Dom 1 75 1 David y^ Son of David Potter was born y® lo'*^: Day of June ^751 Daniel y® Son of Mathew Gilbert Jun"" was born April 3^. 1750 Bethual y® Son of James Turner Born December 27*^ 1751 Amos y® Son of William Bafset was born Auguft 7*^ 1751 Noah y® Son of Jacob Atwater was born January 3^ 1752 Jefse y® Son of James Payne was born Feb'"'' 14*'^ 1748 Lydia y^ Daughter of James Payne was born March 4*'' 1751 " First written "' January 24th 1749/50." 304 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [704] births Timothy y® Son of John Grannis was born May 14*'* Anno Dom 1750 EHzabeth y® Daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Thompson was born Feb""^: 21^' 1740 Samuel y® Son of Samuel & Eliz*'' Thompfon was born may 8 1743 John y^ Son of Samuel & Elizabeth Thompson was born May 11*^ 1746 Sarah y^ Daughter of Sam' & Eliz*'' Thompfon was born May Hephzibah y® Daughter of Amos Sherman was born y'' 28*^^ Day of Feb'"^ Anno Dom 1742 Ebenezer y® Son of Amos Sherman was born y® 27*'' Day of March 1745 Amos y® Son of Amos Sherman waf born July 17*^*^ 1747 [705] births Jefse y® Son of Amos Sherman was born October 18''' 1748 Elizabeth y® Daughter of Amos Sherman was born y® 6*'' Day of Nov"" 1751 Solomon y® Son of Mofes Sanford was born y® 15'*": Day of april AD 1751 Titus y® Son of Jonathan Blackslee was born January 31^' 1750/1 Mehetibel y® Daughter of Chriftopher Todd was born Nov"": 1751 Mary y^ Daughter of Enos Baffet was born September 4"": Anno Dom 175 1 Job y® Son of John Potter was born November 20*'': Anno Dom 1 75 1 Samuel Ailing, y® Son of Benjamin Humphervile was born y® 28''^: Day of Sep^--: 1751 [706] births James Kierstead y« Son of M^ : Mofes & m" Rachel Manffield was born February IS**" 1 750/1 ' Eliphalet y^ Son of Joel Hotchkis was born April 14*'' 1750 Mehetebel y® Daughter of Josiah & Mary Piatt was born Sep^ Ann y® Daughter of Josiah & Mary Piatt born October f^ 1751 Eden y® Son of Eden Sperry was born December 29*'' 1749 Isaac y® Son of Isaac lives was born y® 20*'' Day of april 1747 william y® Son of Enos & Abigail Potter was born Nov"" 21^^ 1750 Jarius y® Son of John Lounsbury was born Jan"^ 14''' 1752 76 First written " Sep' 7th 1749." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 305 [707] births Lois the Daughter of Wait Chatterton was born January 19''' Anno Domini 1752 Defire y'' Daughter of Stephen Howell Jun'" & Sufanah Howell was born February " 7^^ Anno Domini 1749/50 James y® Son of James Todd was bom Auguft 14"* Anno Dom 1751 Timothy the Son of James & Mary Sperry was born May 11*^ 1747 Elijah y° Son of James & Mary Sperry was born y® 25"^ Day of april 1750 Patience y** Daughter of Jos : & Annah Sperry was born Feb"^ 4*^^ 1738/9 WilHam y® Son of Jos : & Annah Sperry was born March 8"* 1740/1 [708] births Annah y® Daughter of Jos : & Annah Sperry was born July 4*^ Anno Dom 1744 Lydia y° Daughter of James & Sarah Heaton was born December 28*'': 1751 Jonathan y® Son of Benjamin Barns was born September 26"^ 1720 Jonathan y® Son of Jonathan Barns was born y® 26*** Day of March 1750 Martha y^ Daughter of Jonathan Barns was born y^ 28*** Day of Ocf: 1 75 1 Lydia the Daughter of James Atwater was born april lo'** 1752 Thomas y® Son of Thomas Walter was born March 6''* 1752 [709] births Lydia y^ Daughter of David Barns was born March 23"^ 1752 Anna y® Daughter of Dan' Finch was born march 3^: 1727/8 Lydia y® Daughter of Dan' Finch was born april fir ft 1736 Anna y® Daughter of Elem & Anna Ludinton was born Ocf 6 1751 • Martha y'^ Daughter of John Pardee Jun*" was born July 6*'* 1747 John y® Son of John Pardee Jun"" : was born December lo'** : 1750 Lucy y® Daughter of Abel Smith was born Auguft 16"* 1751 [710] births Ezra y® Son of Enos & Abigail Potter was born may lo**^ 1752 Jabez y® Son of John Sherman was born March i^^^ 1746 Silas y® Son of John Sherman was born March 20'*^ I747 Darcos y® Daughter of John Sherman was born July 22'' 1749 Samuel y® Son of Samuel Lines was born Sep*"": 20^^* 1733 7 First written " March." 20 306 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Clotillda y^ Daughter of John Sherman was born Jan''^ : 31^' I 750/ I Mary y® Daughter of Isaac & Sarah Doohttle was born march 12"^ 1752 [711] births Thaddeus y^ Son of Azariah Perkins was born march 6'*' ano Dom 1752 Nathan y® Son of Cap' Samuel Sherman was born July 29'^: 1751 Enos the Son of Enos Talhiiadge was born October 2^^'^: 1751 Sarah the Daughter of Jona"^ Atwater Ju"": was born June 21^* 1752 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of Sam': Munfon was born June 22^: 1752 Mary the Daughter of Jeremiah Osborn was born Jan'^^ : 24 1752 Justus y^ Son of John Browne was born Feb""^ 7"" 1743/4 [712] births Susannah y*^ Daughter of John Browne was born march 29*** : 1746 Jabez y® Son of John Browne was born January 14"^ 1748/9 Samuel the Son of Samuel Downes Jun'": was born April 16*'' 1752 Hannah the Daughter of Jos. Miles Sen"" '* was born Sep"" 2^ 1752 Abigail y® Daughter of Jsaac Blackflee was born Oct*"": 13"^: 1746 Bulah y® Daughter of Jsaac Blackflee was born Nov"": 19''' 1748 Job y® Son of David John f on was born may '^ 24''' 1752 [713] births Rhoade y"* Daughter of David Munfon, was born October 9 1751 Martha the Daughter of Phineas & Martha Bradly was bom Ocf. 26'^ 1750 Elias y^ Son of Joel & Mary Hotchkis was born March iS'** 1752 Caleb y*' Son of Caleb & Mary Sperry was born auguft 28*^ 1749 Ame y® Daughter of Caleb & Mary Sperry was born December 8"^ 1 75 1 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Samuel And Abigail Munfon was born the 22*^ Day of June 1752 Jefse y® Son of Samuel Dickerman was born June 16*'' 1752 78 First written "Junr." 79 First written " April." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 307 [714] births Sarah y® Daughter of Jonathan Downes was born y® 11"' Day of March 1747 Willmot y^ Son of Andrew Bradly was born December 25^'' Hannah & Thankfull Daughters of James & Lydia wilHams was born October 3*^ 1751 Martha y*" Daughter of Abner & Ruth Smith was born March 21®*: 1751 Abner y® Son of Abner and Ruth Smith was born april 20'" 1752 Levi y® Son of Samuel Ives was born y^ 24^*^ Day of may 1750 Edward y^ Son of John granis was born Nov^ 14''' : 1752 [715] births Daniel y® Son of David & Thankfull Punderfon was born Dec"" 15"^ 1752 John y® Son of Patefon & Sarah Smith was born y® 28"' Day of May 1745 Sarah y^ Daughter of Patefon & Sarah Smith was born Jan""^ 31^' 1747/8 Jacob y*^ Son of Patefon & Sarah Smith was born July 6'^^ 1751 Joseph y* Son of Joseph Merwin was born y® 16"^ Day of april 1751 Samuel y^ Son of Samuel Johnson Ju'" was born Dec"" 16"^ 1752 Eunice y® Daughter of Jofhua Hotchkis was born July ii^*" 1745 Lois y® Daughter of Jofhua Hotchkis was born y^ 16'^ Day of auguft 1749 [716] Births Michael y® Son of Michael & Eunice Todd was born Sep'^'' : 24^'' An Do 1752 Mary the Daughter of Joseph & Hannah Hitchcock was born Dec"" 4^'' 1 75 1 John y® Son of John Gorham was born y^ Seventh Day of July 1752 Mix y^ Son of Gerfhom Todd was born December 21^' 1752 Mary the Daughter of Eben"": Froft was born Feb'"'': 12^^: 1752 Sarah y^ Daughter of Daniel Tallmadge born Ocf: 17''': 1751 Anne y® Daughter of Daniel Holt was born March 14''^ 1752 David y"^ Son of Daniel Holt was born y® 24*'' Day of Ocf. 1751 the reft of the Children Entered in this book is at y^ Latter end. [717] births Martha the Daughter of Step" Austin was born Feb''^ : 13^^ 1750/1 Jordon y® Son of Mathew Blackslee was born October 23"^ Anno Dom 1752 3o8 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS John the Son of John & Efther Munfon was born January 30^'' 1752 Obed Edom y® Son of Jos : Bradly Ju"" was born May fir ft 1752 Levi y^ Son of Benjamin Pardee Jun'": was born May 25'^: AD 1752 Samuel the Son of Samuel Bafset was born Feb'"'' 25*'' 1752 Lydia the Daughter of David Perkins was born March 16*'' 1750/51 Sarah the Daughter of David Perkins was born Ocf: 24*^ 1752 David y^ Son of Tim° : Bradly was bom the 16*^ : Day of Feb""^ : 1753 [718] Deaths Deacon Sam": Bifhop Efq"": Deceafed on y® 12''': Day of march About five of y® Clock in y^ morning Anno'' : Domini 1747/8 Aged Eighty one years three months & Twenty one Days Entered by me Sam' Bifhop now Jun"" Clerk [719] Deaths David the Son of James Thomfon was Deceafed y® third Day of July Anno Dom: 1747 Giles y*^ Son of James Heaton Jun"" : Deceafed y® 26''' : Day of November AD 1747 Lydia y** Daughter of James Atwater Deceafed y® 19***: Day of January 1747/8 Cap': Theop'"': Munfon Deceafed Nov'": 28 1747 M"^ Sam': Umberfield Dec"^: March 30*1^ 1748 Abel Son of Dan' : Atwater Dec'' aprill 2" 1744 David Son of Sam' Sanford Dec": y® 23'': Dec': 1741 Rachel y^ Daughter of of Thomas Perkins Dec*^ : y® ii^'' : Day of Nov"": 1 74 1 Thomas Son of Tho^: Perkins Dec"^: May 9*'' 1746 Jefse y« Son of Thomas Tuttle Dec": Feb'"^ 6 1745/6 Ame y® Daughter of Jofhua Sperry Dec": Ocf: 16"' 1748 Rachel y^ Daughter of Jofhua Sperry Dec": November 9'^'' 1748 [720] Deaths Mehetibel Wife of Josiah Piatt Dec": Feb'"^: 11*'' Anno'' : Dom 1746/7 M"" Will™ Punchard Dec" December: 16*'': 1748 M-"^ Ann: Mary wife to m"" Mofes Manffield Dec": on y^ 5*"^: Day of July An Dom : 1742 Hannah Daughter of Yale Bifhop Dec": Feb'^^: 13*'' AD 1748/9 Co": Jos: Whiting Efq' Dec": April 4'^: 1748 M""^ Hannah Whiting Dec" Auguft: 9*'': 1748 Sarah y« Daughter of L* : Dan' Lyman Dec" : Aprill 18*^ : AD 1749 Rebeckah y® Wife of John Humphervile Dec" : y® 28*'' : Day of September 1749 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 309 Tim°: y^ Son of James Atwater Dec*^: Auguft 22'' Anno Dom 1748 [721] Deaths Sarah Bradly y® Dauhter of Step" Bradly Dec*^ on y^ 19**^ : Day of December 1749 Abigail Turner y® Wife of Isaac Turner Deceafed on y® 10*'^ Day of Feb""^ 1749/50 Mehetibal Smith y"* wife of John Smith Dec*^: Auguft y^^: 1750 Lole y^ Daughter of Benj'^: Pardee Jun"": Dec*^ January 15^*^: AD 1749/50 Mercy y'' Daughter of John Perkins Ju"": Dec^ October 6''' 1750 Sarah y« Daughter of M'": Joshua Chandler Dec<*. July 18*'' 1748 John y^ Son of M^ Joshua Chandler Dec'': July lo"": 1749 James Son of James Smith was born Auguft 30'*': 1750 Entered in a wrong place*" [722] Deaths Michael y® Son of M"" Michael Todd Dec^: Nov^ 3^ 1750 Lydia y® Daughter of David Humphervil Deceafed Jan''^. 12**^. 1750/1 Jemima y® Daughter of David Johnfon Dec^: March 30*'' 1749 Mathew the Son of John Row Jun"" Dec^ Sep*"" 20*^* 1743 Mathew Row y^ Son of John Row Dec'' : April 28**^ 1748 Phebe the Daughter of Mathew Blackslee Dec'': October 2G^ 1750 Nath' Mix Jun'" Dec^: Sep*"" 20*'' 1749 [723] Deaths Lydiah Hull Daughter of Jos & Lydia Hull Dec"': Sep*--: 4*'^: 1750 M" Elifabeth Minor Dec^. auguft 19*'': Anno Domini 1751 M" Sarah Lyman Wife of L*. Dan' : Lyman Dec^ : Auguft firft 1751 Sarah y* Daughter of M"" Dan': & M'^: Sarah Lyman Dec^: aug'. 16*'' 1 75 1 Nath Sperry Dec^ : Sep*"": S*'^ 1751 Jonah y® Son of Stephen Jacobs Dec''. October 12*'^: 1750 Daniel y® Son of Stephen Jacobs Dec'' *^ October 19*'': 1750 Dan'. Jsaac y^ Son of Stephen Jacobs Dec'': October 25*'* 1750 [724] Deaths Mary y^ Daughter of Cap* David Woofter Dec**: October 20*** 1748 Deacon Isaac Johnson Dec^: Ocf: 23^. 1750 Hezekiah y® Son of Jonathan Dickerman Dec^ : auguft 30*'' 1751 *" Crossed out. 81 The words "was born " have been crossed out. 310 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Rebeckah y® Daughter of Jonathan Dickerman Dec*^ : Sep*"" 5*^ 1751 Joel y'' Son of Jonathan Dickerman Dec*^: September 9"" 1751 Dinah y^ wife of Israel Dayton Dec'^: Ocf"": 4"' 1751 Abigail Daughter of Israel Dayton Dec*^: September 25^^: 1751 [725] Deaths Mabell y'' Daughter of Caleb Ball & Abigail his wife Dec'' : September 16"' 1750 Abel y« Son of Caleb & Abigail Ball Dec"* : September 18"^ 1751 Lois Beecher y® wife *^ of Eben^ Beecher Jun'' : Dec'' : June 23** 1750 Abigail y^ Daughter of Eben"". Beecher Jun"" : Deceafed September 27'^''. 1751 Nathaniel Turner Dec'': Feb""^ : 27''': 1750/1 Silas y^ Son of Jonathan Atwater Jun' Dec": July 24"': 1751 Bethiah y^ wife of Mathew Gilbert Jun"': Dec" : July 21^': 1750 Mabel the Daughter of Jacob Atwater Deceafed September 4'^ 1 75 1 [726] Deaths James Payne Dec'': September 25^^": 1751 John y® Son of John Atwater Dec'': January 4*'': 1752 Mehetibel y® Daughter of Chriftopher Todd was Nov'''': 17'^ 1751 '' Entered wrong Eben'": y^ Son of Amos Sherman Dec": Auguft 29^'' 1751 Jefse y® Son of Amos Sherman Dec'': auguft 29"': 1751 Susanah y® Daughter of Sam' Atwater Deceased*^ Jan'"^ : y^^ : 1752 Elizabeth y® Daughter of Caleb Beecher Deceafed Auguft 28^'* 1751 Lydia y" Daughter of David Barns Dec** : October 22'' : Anno Dom 1750 [727] Deaths Abraham y® Son of David Barns Dec'' *l October 5"" : Anno Dom 1750 Anne the Daughter of Caleb Beecher Dec": april 17"^: 1752 Jabez y« Son of John Sherman Dec": Feb^: 17^*^: 1748 Clolillda y*" Daughter of John Sherman Dec": December 30*'': 1751 Thankfull y^ Daughter of Isaac & Sarah Doolittle Dec" : may Thaddeus y^ Son of Azariah Perkins was born March 1752*® Entered wrong 82 First written " Daughter." 83 Entry crossed out. 8< First written " was born." 85 First written " was born." 86 Entry crossed out. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 311 Kezeiah y^ Daughter of David Johnfon Dec*^ auguft 9''^: 1751 Jemima y^ Daughter of David Johnfon Dec*^^^ November 8"^ 1751 [728] Deaths Rebeckah y® Daughter of Samuel & Abigail Munfon Dec"* : auguft 2g^^. 1 75 1 Mary y'' Daughter of Eben^ Fro ft Dec*^ ^^ Sep*'': 2f^ 1750 Eliz^'^: y^ Daughter of Stephen Chatterton Dec'': May 21^': 1752 David the Son of Daniel Holt Dec^ : Ocf: 31''': 1751 Anne y^ Daughter of Daniel Holt Dec*^: September 22*^ : 1751 Cloe y® Daughter of David Johnfon Dec*^ : January 13"^ Anno Dom 1753 Elifha y^ Son of Joy Bifhop Dec"^: May firft 1751 Jefse y** Son of Joy Bifhop Dec'': May S^^ 1751 Ruth y'^ Daughter of Joy Bifhop Dec** : April 20*'' 1751 [729] Deaths Sam': Son of Sam': Atwater Dec'': July i^' 1753 Sarah Hotchkis wife of Hez** Hotchkis Dec'^: Sep*"": 3'' 1753 Macock y^ Son of Mathew Blackslee Deceafed^^ y® 21^' Day of aug' 1753 M""^: Sarah Pierpoint wife to m^ James Pierpoint Dec"*: Sep"": 28*'^ 1753 Thankfull y^ Daughter of Enos Tuttle Dec'' : November 9**^ Anno Dom 1750 Thomas Jacobs Dec'': april 2'' 1740 Jemima Jacobs wife to Tho^ Jacob Dec'' March 23'' 1753 Amos Son to W" Bafset Dec'' Sep*"" 29*" 1753 Jabez y^ Son of Sam': Hitchcock Dec'' Auguft 12''^. 1751 [730] '' Deaths Damaras Mix wife to Jos. Mix Dec'' September 9*"^ 1742 Anna Mix wife to Jos. Mix Dec" Nov"" 6*'' 1751 Patience y® wife of Jos. Hotchkis Dec'' January 8"^ anno Dom 1754 Titus y® Son of John Perkins Dec''. Jan'"^ 12^^ 1752 David y*" Son of Tho^ Allcock Ju"". Dec'': July 21^*: 1751 Jane y® wife of John Hull Ju"". Dec'': March 29*'' 1751 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Step". Chatterton Dec''. April 6''' 1754 Eliphalet y® Son of Ebenezer Pardee Deceafed Auguft 15*"^ 1752 [731] Marriages Hezekiah Tallmadge and Thankfull Prout of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to each other the 17''^ Day of Decembar 87 First written " was born." 88 First written "was born." 89 Two blank leaves follow page 730. 312 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Anno^ Domini 1745 by the Rev'': M"" Jacob Heminway miniefter of Eaft Haven. James Thomfon and Sarah Punderfon both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to each other y® 6"': Day of Feb""^ : anno Domini 1744/5 by Isaac Dickerman Juft. of peace Dan' : Bradly ^]uxf of New Haven & Abigail Hitchcock of V^alHngford ware Joyned in Marriage to each other on y*' 9**^ Day of Decembar anno Domini: 1747 by the Rev'': M"" Sam'. Hall Minifter of Chefhire Jacob Sperry and Lydia Tuttle of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to each other y^ 9"" Day of January Anno" : Domini 1744/5 by Isaac Dickerman Efq'' Juft. of peace Thomas Allcock Ju'. and Sarah Ingreham of New Haven ware Joyned in Harriage to each other Jan"^ 14*'': 1747/8 by y^ Rev^ m'" Jos : Noyes Minifter of [Christ] in New Haven [732] Marriages David Perkins and Lydia Bradly both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to each other y® 19"^ : Day of November anno Domini 1747 ^ Jsaac Dickerman Efq"" Juftice of peace David Sperry and Abigail perkins both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to each other y^ 13*'^ Day: of Novembar Anno Domin: 1746 ^ the Rev" M'' Benj : Woodbridge Minifter of amity Caleb Grannis of New Haven and Patience Bunnill of Walling- ford ware Joyned in marriage to each other on y^ 27"^ Day of Nov'' Anno" : Domini : 1745 by the Rev" : M*" Isaac Stiles Miniefter of North Haven in New Haven Tim°: Gerham & Mary Punchard both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to Each other y® 12''': Day of march AD: 1746/7 by y^ Rev": m"" Nathan Burdfey (of Weft Haven) Minister [733] Marriages M"" William Lyon and Elizabeth Maltbe both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marrige to Each other October 9*'*: anno" Domini 1746 by y^ Rev": M"" Nathan burdfey Miniefter of Weft Haven Step: Thomfon and Hannah Row both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to each other on y° 16^'' Day of January Ann Domini 1745/6 by y'' Rev": m*". Jacob Heminway Miniefter of Eaft Haven in s" New Haven Afa ^" Todd and Mary Ailing both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to each other on y® 19*'' : Day of Aprill Anno" Domini 1748 ^ Isaac Dickirman Efq"" Juft of peace Jacob Atwater and Merriam Ives both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to each other on y® 10*'': Day of Feb^ Anno'* *First written " Mary." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 313 Dim : 1747/8 by y® Rev*^ : m'" Isaac Stiles mini iter of north Haven in s*^ New Haven [734] Marriages Enos Bafset and mary Heaton of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to each other Apr ill 21^': 1748 by y® Rev'': m"" Joseph Noyes Miniefter in New Haven firft Society Joshua Barns and Deborah Woodin of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to each other on y® 26'*^ Day of December Anno** Domini 1745 by y® Rev*^ : M"" Isaac Stiles minifter of North Haven in S'^ New Haven Aaron Sperry and Abigail Bifhop of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to each other on y^ 9"* Day of aprill 1747 by y® Rev*^: M"" Isaac Stiles miniefter of North Haven Dan' : Todd And Sybill Carrinton of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to each other on the third Day of October Anno** Domini: 1748 by the Rev*^ m'" Isaac Stiles minifter of North Haven in S*^ New Haven [735] Marriages M"" : Dan' Lyman and M""^ Sarah Whiting both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to each other on the 6^'*: Day of June Annoq Dom: 1748 ^ The Rev"^ m"" Jofeph Noyes minifter in S*^: S*^ New Haven Mr: Tim°: Bountecu and M" "Sufannah^^ Prout ware Joyned in Marriage to each other Nov"": s^^ I747 (being Both of New Haven) by the Rev*^: M*" Joseph Noyes minifter in New Haven Eden Sperry of New Have^ and Freelove Gillet of derby ware Joyned in Marriage July 6*'" 1748 by y^ Rev"* : M"": Benj° Wood- bridge minifter of amity in New Haven Josiah Piatt of New Haven : & Mary Newton of Milford ware Joyned in Marriage to Each other on y® 14*'' : day of May Anno** Dom 1747 by y® Rev**: M"" Sam' Whittelsey minifter of Milford [736] Marriages Samuel Downs Jun"": and Sarah Humphervile both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to Each other on the 10*'^: Day of December Anno*' : Dom: 1746 by the Rev*^: m"": Nathan Burdsey miniefter of Weft Haven Thomas Manffield & Hannah Goodyear both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to each on y® Nov"": Ano** Dom': 1739 by y® Rev*^: M"": Isaac Stiles minifter of North Haven in S** : New Haven Elifha Perkins & Dinah Sperry both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to each other on y® 9"^ day of Sep""^^ A:D: 1745 by y« Rev^: M"": Binj°: Woodbridge minifter of Amity 91 First written "Sibell." 92 First written "Deer." 314 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [737] Marriage Eli f ha Perkins & Deborah Cooke both of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to each other on y® 20'^'' : Day of January A :D : 1747/8 by y^ Rev^ ; M^ : Sam' : Hall minifter of Chef hire Barnabas Baldwin Jun"": of New Haven and Marry Turrel of Mil ford ware Joyned in marriage to each other on y*^ 10"^ Day of March Ann*' Domini 1748 by the Rev"" : M"" Benj" woodbridge minifter of amity in S'' New Haven John Perkins y^ 3'' : of New Haven and Darcos Brooks of Deerfield ware Joyned in Marriage to each other on y® 19'^ day of May Anno^: Doni 1746 by y« Rev'' M'": Jonathan Afhlee minifer in S'^: Deerfield [738] marriages Benj : Bradly & Mabel Bradly both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to each other on Feb^ Ann: Dom: 1 741/2 by Sam': Bifhop Efq"": Juft: of Peace Hez** : Gorham and Abigail Dickerman both of y^ Town of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to each other on y® ig^^: day of Jan""^ : Anno Dom: 1748/9 by Isaac Dickerman Efq"": Juf: of Peace Israel Thomas Jun"" : of New Haven and martha Hine of Mil- ford ware Joyned in marriage to each other on y® 24"* : Day of June Anno*" Dom: 1746/7 by y** Rev'': M'': Benj": Woodbridge (of Amity) minifter Joseph Miles and Ann Bifhop both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to each Other on y® 24'*^ day of Jan''^: 1748/9 by y^ Rev'': m"': Jos: Noyes Minifter in New Haven [739] marriages John Atwater of New Haven & Mary Ailing of Wallingford ware Joyned in Marrige to Each other on y® 25"^ : Day of Jan""^ 1748/9 by Cap': Rice Juftice of peace Abram Heminway and Mercy Tuttle of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to each other April 24*^^: 1746: by y® Rev": M"": Jacob Heminway Minifter Sam' : Pardee & Rachel Umberfield of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to each other on y® 7 Day of Nov"". AD : 1745 by y® Rev": M'": Jos Noyes Minifter Benj": Pardee & Hannah Beecher of New Haven ware married to Each other Dec'''": 24''^: 1747 by Isaac Dickerman Juf of Peace Thomas Mix and Hannah Miles of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage to each other on y® 18"^ Day of January A :D: 1748/9 by y® Rev'' M"": Jos: Noyes miniefter in S'' N :H. [740] Marriages M"": Mofes Manffield & M" Ann Mary Kireftead both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to Each other on y^ 17"': NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 315 Day of may Anno*^ : Domini 1734 by y*^ Rev*^: M'': Jos Noyes Minifter in New Haven M-- Mofes Manffield and M''^ Rachel Ward both of New Haven ware Joyned in marriage to Each other on y*^ 17*^*^: Day of Feb""^ Anno°: Dom: 1748 by Isaac Dickerman Efq"": Juft of Peace Benj°: Woodin and Rachel Gilort both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto Each other on y^ firft Day of December Anno'^: Dom: 1748 by Isaac Dickerman Efq"": Juft of Peace [741] Marriages Stephen Hitchcock And Sarah Leek both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to Each other on y'' 9"^ Day of Feb'"^ A D : 1748/9 by Isaac Dickerman Efq'' Juft of Peace William Peck and Dorothy Tuttle ^^ of New Haven were married Feb^ 9^"^ I749 by John Hitchcock Efq"" Juft of Peace Solomon Hotchkis & Eloner Perkins of New Haven were Joyned in marriage on y*' 16'^' Day of December A Dom 1748 by y® Rev^ M"": Benj°: Woodbridge minifter of Amity in S*^ New Haven James Smith and Lydia Todd both of New Haven were Joyed in marriage to each other on y^ 26*'^ Day of march Anno Domini: 1747 by y® Rev"^: m"": Isaac Stiles minifter of North Haven in S*^ New Haven [742] marriages Eben"" : Todd & Elifabeth Ives both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to each other Feb'"^ : Anno'' Domini: 1745/6 by y^ Rev*^. M'' Isaac Stiles minifter of North Haven in S*^: New Haven James Todd Jun"" : and Martha Yale both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to each other on y^ 30'*^ : Day of June Anno^ : Dom : 1748 by Isaac Dickerman Efq"" : Juft : of Peace Andrew Bradly and Dennis Willmott of New Haven were married Nov"" : 24*'': Anno Dom 1748. by y^ Rev^ : M"": Benj : Woodbridge Minifter of Amity [743] Marriages James Turner & Lois Todd of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage on y® 2^ day of Auguft 1748 by y® Rev*^ : M"" Isaac Stiles minifter David Potter & Sarah Gilbert of New Haven were married Nov"": 17''^: 1748 by y^ Rev<^: M"": Isaac Stiles Miniefter John Gills and Mary Cooper both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to each other on y® 28"^: day of March A D 1749 by y« Rev"^: M'": Isaac Stiles Minifter of North Haven Eben"": Bradly and Phebe Payne both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to each other on y® 28'** : day of June AD 1749 by y^ Rev*^: M"": Isaac Stiles Minifter of North Haven 93 First written "Peck." 3i6 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [744] Marriages James Granis and Mabel Potter of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to each other on y*" 8'^'' Day of Jan"^ A: D: 1738/9 by y*" Rev'*: M"" Isaac Stiles minifter of North Haven Amos Clark & Deborah Tuttle both of New Haven were Married October 28^'' : 1747 by y" Rev"^ : M"" : Isaac Stiles Minefter M"" Michael Todd & M" Eunice Peck both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to each other on y® lo^'' Day of Auguft Anno Dom 1749 by y^ Rev*^: M"" Jos Noyes Minifter [745] Marriages Mathew Gilbert Jun'' & Bethieah Todd both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to each other in July Anno" Domini 1747 by y® Rev**: M'': Isaac Stiles minifter David Leavitt Jun"" : & Rebeckah Camp of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to each other on y^ 27*'': Day of Aprill Anno" Dom: 1748 by y" Rev"^ : M"" Phileman Robbins minifter of Branford Obed Johnfon and Ame Willmot of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other on y^ 5*^^: day of January Anno Dom: 1737/8 by y^ Rev^: M"" Joseph Noyes Minifter in S"*: New Haven [746] Marriages John Brocket & Thankfull Froft of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to each other December 14'**: 1749 by the Rev^ : M' Isaac Stiles Minifter Jonathan Mix & Mary Peck of New Haven were married Dec"": 8**^: 1748 by John Prout Efq-*: Juft: of Peace Benj°: Doolittle & Either Tuttle of New Haven was married on y'' 10*'' Day of Nov"" : Anno Dom 1748 by Cap' Sam* Hall of Wallingford Juft of Peace Ezekiel Hotchkis & Hannah Ailing both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to each other on y^ 25*'': day of Jan''^ 1749/50 by y^ Rev*^: M"" Jos: Noyes minifter [747] Marriages Ebner Smith of Wallingford and Ruth Smith of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage on y® 18*'': Day of Jan'"^ 1749/50 by ye Rev**: M"" Nathan Burdfey minifter David Gilbert & Elifabeth Gorham of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to each other Ocf 25'^ 1749 by y^ Rev*^ M*" Nathan Burdfey Minifter Joseph Hitchcock & Hannah Ball of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to each other Decemb"": I4*'': 1749 by John Hitch- cod': Juft of Peace Job Clark and Efther Goodyear of New Haven were married ggptr j^th. j-;^5 i^y g^jT^i Hall Efq'' Juftice of Peace NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 317 [748] marriages Israel Kimberly & Efther Smith of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to each other on y^ 10'^'' Day of September 1744 by y« Rev'': M"": Nathan Burdfey Minifter Israel Kimberly & Mary Toles of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to each other on y® 7'^ : Day of December Anno : Dom 1749 by y^ Rev'': M"" Nathan Burdfey Minifter Mofes Thomas & Efther Humpervile of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to each other on y*' firft Day of March Anno Domini 1749/50 by y^ Rev*': M"" Nathan Burdfey Minifter [749] marriages Daniel Smith & Hannah Atwater both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage to each other on y® 22^ : Day of February Anno Dom 1748/9 by y' Rev*': M"": Isaac Stiles Minifter Job Down and Hannah Benham of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to each other on y" 18"": Day of april Anno Domini 1750 by y® Rev'': M"": Nathan Burdsey minifter of Weft Haven in S'': New haven Tim°: Ailing & Mary Humphervile of New Haven were Joyned in marriage on y° 20''': Day of may Anno Dom 1736 by ye Rev*^; m'": Joseph Noyes Minifter [750] Marriages James Warren & Abigail Thomas of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to each other in July Anno Dom 1744 by y" Rev^. M"": Benjamin Woodbridge Minifter of Amity in S^. New Haven Enos Brocket & Merriam Bradly both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage on the 15"' Day of May Anno Dom 1745 by the Rev'': M'" Isaac Stiles minifter Daniel Hubbard & Martha Woodin of N : H : were Joyned in Marriage to each other on y® 13''' Day of Sep'^'" 1750 by John Hubbard Juft of Peace [751] marriages M'" Jofhua Chandler & M" Sarah Miles of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other September 21^' Anno Dom 1747 by John Rufsel Efq'": Juftice of Peace M'" Enos Ailing and M" Phebe Whiting both of New Haven were Married feb'^: S^^: 1749/50. by y« Rev^ : M"": Richard Manffield Minifter Asa Ailing and Ann Potter both of New Haven were joyned in marriage to each other on y° y^'^ Day of Sep*'" 1749 by Isaac Dickerman Efq"" Juftice of Peace Stephen Trowbridge & Lydia Burroughs of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other January 31^' 1747/8 by Isaac Dickerman Efq"" Juft of Peace [752] Marriages Dan' : Rufsel and Rebeckah Fofter of New Haven were Joyned 3i8 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS in marriage to each other on y*^ 15"^: Day of Nov"": 1744 by y® Rev"^: M"": Phileman Robbins Levi Bradly & Hannah Chidfey of Eaft Haven were Joyned in Marrige unto each other on y® 30^*^ Day of Nov^ 1748 by y® Rev^: M"" Jacob Heminway Minifter in S''. Eaft Haven Joseph Hitchcock & Abigael Bifhop of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other July 5**^ 1750 by the Rev*^ M"" Jos Noyes Minifter in S** New Haven [753] Marriages Timothy Tuttle of New Haven & Ann Wafhbon of Derby were Joyned in marriage unto Each other y® 112"^ Day of January 1748/9 by y® Rev*^ ]\P Jacob Heminway Minifter in S"* New Haven Enos Sperry & Rachel Warner of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y'' 8'*^: Day of Nov"": 1750 by the Rev"^ M"" Jsaac Stiles minefter David John f on & Rachel Sperry of New Haven were Joyed in marriage unto each other upon y*' 14*^^ Day of May Anno Domini 1744 by y® Rev''. M"" Benj° Woodbridge minifter [754] Marriges John Thomas & Sibill Smith of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other Nov^ 7''' 1742 by y^ Rev''. M"" Morris Minifter John Row & Hannah Smith of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other on y® 9''^ Day of July 1741 by y® Rev"^ M'" Jacob Heminway Minifter David Ailing & Rhoda Ailing of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y^ 12''' Day of January Anno Dom 1748/9 by Isaac Dickeraman Efq^ Juft: of Peace [755] . (Marriages) Nathaniel Sperry and Deborah Toles of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other January 3'' 1 750/1 by Jsaac Dickerman Efq'" Juft of Peace Timothy Gorham & Sarah Browne of New Haven were Joyned in ]\Iarriage unto each other on y® fourth Day of January Anno*" Domini 1749/50 by the Rev^: M"": Joseph Noyes Minifter Benj". Briftoll and Thankfull Trowbridge of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y® 19^^ : Day of March A: D: 1745/6 by the Rev''. M^ Nathan Burdsey minifter [755a] Marriages Joseph Woolcut & Content Blackslee of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y^ 14^*^ Day of January Anno Domini 1749/50 by the Rev^ : M'": Isaac Stiles minifter Thomas Dodd & Efther Bifhop of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto Each other upon y^ 9'^^ Day of Feb'"'' 1748/9 by John Prout Efq'': Juftice of Peace NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 319 William Ptmchard and Mary Gorham of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Unto each other Feb''^: 12^**: 1746/7 by John Hubbard Efq"" Jtiftice of Peace [755c] Marriages M-- Nathan Whiting & M""^ Mary Sollftontall of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto Each other upon y'' 12''' Day of July Anno Dom 1750 by the Rev'': M"". Joseph Noyes ^* minifter Caleb Beecher & Abigail Wheeler of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto Each other upon the 18'^'' Day of September Anno Dom: 1746 by the Rev'': M"": Benj°: Woodbridge minifter of Amity M"" : John Hubbard & M-"^ Rebeckah Dickerman of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto Each other upon y® 25'"^ Day of January 1749/50 ^ John Hubbard Efq"": Juftice of Peace [756] Marriages William Woodin and Katherine Carrinton both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y^ 15"^ Day of December Anno Dom: 1743: by the Rev'': M"": Benjamin Woodbridge IMinifter of Amity Nathaniel Mix & Sarah Bradly of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y" 9''' Day of Feb""^ : 1748/9 by the Rev" M"" Jos Noyes Minifter Isaac Stiles & Mabell Clark both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y" 31^' Day of May Anno Dom 1750 by y® Rev" M"": [757] Marriages Medad Lyman & Mary Bafsat both of New Haven were Joyned •in marriage unto each other upon y® 8**^ : Day of January 1 750/1 by the Rev": M"" Joseph Noyes Minifter Joseph Dorman & Phebe Dorman of New Haven wer Joyned in marriage Nov"" : 23": Anno Domini 1749 by Isaac Dickerman Juftice of Peace James Ives and Damaras Atwater both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y^ 20'*^ Day of November Anno Domi 1750 by y® Rev'': M'": Joseph Noyes Minifter in S'' New Haven [758] Marriages Ebenezer Finch and Avis Batchelder of New Haven were Joyned in marrige unto each other in January 1745/6 by Deo- date Davenport Efq"" Juftice of Peace Nath" Barns and Abigail Howell of New Haven were Joyned in marriage march 22'': 1744/5 by y® Rev'' M"" Jacob Hemiinway minifter Jeremiah Ofborn & Elizabeth Sperry of New Haven were ** First written " Whiting." 320 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Joyned in marriage april iS"" 1745 by y^ Rev*^. M"" Benj Wood- bridge Minifter Mofes Brooks & Martha Perkins of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other September 15''': 1748 by y* Rev* M' Benj Woodbridge Minister [759] Marriages James Ailing and Mabell Bradly of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y^ 27''' Day of September 1750 by y^ Rev'^: M"" Nathan Burdfey Minifter Mathew Ford and Olive Thomas of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other September 5^^^ 1750 by John Hitch- cock Efq"" Juftice of Peace Jonathan Dayton and Mary Yale of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon the 16*^ Day of May Anno Domini 1751 by y^ Rev"^: M"" Isaac Stiles Minifter [760] Marriages Samuel Bafsat and Abigail Bradly of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon the 14^*^ Day of february Anno Domini 1 750/1 by the Rev*^ : M"" Isaac Stiles minifter Jehiel Osborn and Rebeckah Sperry of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto Each other in Feb''^ Anno Dom 1749/50 by the Rev*^. M"" Benj"^. Woodbridge Minifter Samuel Gilbert & Sarah Sacket of New Haven were Joyned in marriage upon y® Second Day of July 1750 by John Prout Efq"" Juftice of Peace [761] Marriages M"" John Whiting of New Haven and M" Sarah Ingersoll of Milford were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 7'^ Day of November Anno Dom 1751. by the Rev^ : M"" Samuel Whittlefey Minifter of S"^ Milford Nathan Tayler and Lydia Thomas both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y® 23'' Day of October Anno Dom 175 1 by Isaiah Tuttle Efq'' Juft of Peace Eben"" Hitchcock & Rebeckah Thomas of New Haven were Joyned in marriage upon y^ 23*^ Day of March 1747/8 by y® Rev*: M"" Benj: Woodbridge Minifter [762] Marriages Cap* Stephen Manffield of New Haven and Hannah Beech of Wallingford were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y^ 31^' Day of December Anno Dom 1746 by y® Rev:* M"": Samuel Hall Minifter Gerfhom Browne And Hannah Hollebird of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y^ 15"^ Day of October Anno Dom 1750 by y® Rev*: M"" Rufsel minifter M"" Ebenezer Bafset & M'■^ Susanah White of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y^ 24*'' Day of NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 321 January Anno Dom 1749/50 by y® Rev'^. M'' Joseph Noyes Minifter in S*^ New Haven [763] Marriages Mofes Sanford of Milford and Hannah Gun of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y^ 28"^ Day of Dec*"" 1749 by y® Rev'': M"": Benj Woodbridge Minifter WilHam Bradly of New Haven And Lois Beech of WalHngford were Joyned in marriage unto Each other upon the 27'^'' Day of Nov"": Anno Dom 1751 by y^ Rev'': M''. Samuel Hall Minifter in S'' Wallingford John Lounsbury & Ruth Perkins of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other April 4"': 1751 by the Rev''. M"". Benj Woodbridge Minifter [764] Marriages Ebenezer Beecher and Lois Johnson of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y'' 26"" Day of May 1743 by y® Rev"^. M''. Benj : Woodbridge Minifter of Amity in f'' New Haven Ebenezer Beecher of New Haven and Sarah Nicholes of Strat- ford were Joyned in Marrige unto each other Nov'''": 13''^: 1751 by y® Rev'': M'": James Bebe Minifter John Munfon & Efther Turner of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y*' 2" Day of Feb'"^ : 1748/9 by John Prout Efq"": Juftice of Peace Amos Sharp and Elifabeth Man f field of New Haven were Joyned in marriage April 24"' 1754 ^ the Rev'': M'" Isaac Stiles [765] Marriages Nathaniel Humberfon and Defire Tayler of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y" y^^ Day of January Anno Dom 1752 by Isiaih Tuttle Efq'" Juftice of Peace Samuel Thompson and Elizabeth Dennifon of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y® 18'*^: Day of September Anno Domini 1738 by y" Rev'': M"": Jacob Heminway Minifter in Said New Haven Daniel Leek & Rebeckah Hitchcock of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y® 23'' : Day of January Anno Dom 1750/1 by y® Rev'': M"". Philiman Robins Minifter in branford [766] Marriages Ebenezer Bradly of New Haven & Rebecca Scone of Milford were Joyned in marriage unto each other Some time in the Spring Anno Dom 1751 by the Rev'': M'": Isaac Stiles Minifter in North Haven &c James Sperry and Mary Sperry both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y" 19^''. Day of June 21 322 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Anno Dom 1746 by y^ Rev*^ : M"": Nathan Burdsey Minifter in S*^ New Haven Jonathan Barns & Martha Fro ft of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other the 17"': Day of March Anno Dom 1748/49 by the Rev'^: M"": Isaac Stiles minifter [767] marriages Epheram AlHng & Hannah Humberfon both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other april 6'*' 1752 by Isaac Dickerman Juft: of Peace Elem Ludinton & Anna Finch of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other May s*^*". 1748 by Deodate Davenport Efq"" Juft of Peace Joseph Hull & Hannah Woodin of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto Each other June 6''': 1751 by the Rev"^ : M"": Isaac Stiles Minifter Enos Potter & Abigail Browne of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon the 12*^: Day of april 1750 by y" Rev'^: M"": Nathan Burdfey Minifter [768] Marriages John Sherman & Darcos Lines of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage March 28"': 1745 by y^ Rev"^: M"": Benj": Woodbridge Minifter in f*^ New Haven Enos Pardee & Hannah Beecher of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage upon the y^"^: Day of May 1752 by the Rev^: M*": Nathan Burdfey Minifter in Said New Haven Gershom Todd & Katherine Mix both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon the 24*'' Day of January 1750/1 by y® Rev*^: M"" Isaac Stiles Minifter in Said New Haven [769] Marriages Dan Carrinton & Philena Cillam of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 16"" Day of January Annoqe Dom 1752 by the Rev'^: M"": Benjamin Woodbury Minifter of Amity in S*^ New Haven Jehiel Tuttle & Charity Dayton of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y° 14"^: Day of May 1752 by the Rev^: M"": Sam": Bird minifter in s"^ New Haven Phinehas Beech of New Haven & Hannah Doolittle of Walling- ford were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon the Nineth Day of april 1752 by the Rev^ : M"" Samuel Hall minifter of Chefhire in S'^ Wallingford [770] Marriages Abram Johnson & Mary Woolcut both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage July S^^ 1752 by the Rev'': M"". Nathan Birdsey Minifter M"" Daniel Lyman & M" Sarah Miles of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y® 25'*^ Day of June anno Dom 1752 by the ReV' : M*" Jos Noyes Minifter NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 323 Stephen Hanniwell & Hannah Perkins of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 2.^ Day of July 175 1 by John Prout Efq*" Juftice of peace [771] Marriages Daniel Humberfon & Defire Dorman both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon the 19'^'' Day of March 1752 by the Rev"^ M"" Isaac Stiles Minifter Dan Barns & Sarah Sacket of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other June 25"': 1752 by the Rev*^ M"" Isaac Stiles Minifter Stephen Dickerman & Eunice Tuttle both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon the 26''' Day of September Anno Dom 1752 by Isaac Dickerman Efq'" Juftice of Peace [772] Marriages Caleb Sperry and Mary Downs of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 22^^, Day of December 1748 by the Rev^ M-". Benj". Woodbridge Minifter Stephen Chatterton & Sarah Payne of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other June 10''': 1750 by John Hubbard Efq"". Juftice of Peace Daniel Hull & Eunice Hill of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y® 28"" Day of December Anno Dom 1752 by y® Rev*^: M"": Jsaac Stiles minifter in North Haven [773] marriages Cap' : Samuel Sacket & M"" : Hannah Pierpont of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon the 5'^: Day of auguft Anno Dom 1752 by the Rev*^: M"" Isaac Stiles minifter in North Haven Charles Ailing & Hannah Dorman of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y® 17''' Day of January anno Dom 1753 by Jsaac Dickerman Efq'' Juft of Peace James Thompson & Mehetabel Baldwin of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y® 6'*' : Day of march anno Dom 1751 by y^ Rev^: M"": Benj": Woodbridge [774] marriages Elifha Bradly of New Haven and Mary Ives of Wallingford were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y« 24''': Day of January Anno Dom 1753 by the Rev^^: M"" Samuel Hall minifter Jos Jacobs and Elifabeth Curtifs of New Haven were Joyned in marriage June fir ft 1748 by Deodate Davenport Efq"" Juftice of Peace John Jacobs & Mary Brockett of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage July 18'^: 1749 by the ReV^: M"" Jsaac Stiles minifter Bazel Munfon and Kezia Stiles of New Haven were Joyned in 324 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS marriage unto each other upon y^ 2'^ Day of May anno Dom 1751 by y® Rev"^: M"": Jfaac Stiles Minifter [775] Marriages Stephen Ball and Abigail Atwater both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 26^'': Day of Sep- tember Anno Domini 1752 by Jsaac Dickerman Efq"": Juft: of Peace Henry Freeman Hufe & Lydiah Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y® 19'^ Day of July Anno Dom 1749 by the Rev'^: M"" Jacob Heminway Minifter Joseph Joyslin & Sarah Parmale of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other april 3*^. 1753 by m'" Samuel Bird Minifter. Abel Jves & Martha Sperry of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage march 26''' 1753 ^ Isaac Dickerman Efq"" Juftice of Peace [776] Marriages Seth Downs and Sarah Willmot of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon the 25'^ Day of December Anno Domini 175 1 by the Rev*^: M"": Benjamin Woodbridge Ebenezer Ives & Mary Atwater of New Haven were Joyned in marriage* unto each other upon y^ 17''' Day of May Anno Dom 1753 by the Rev"^. M"". Jos Noyes Minifter John Willmot & Rebeckah Perkins of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y*' 13"': Day of March 1752 by y^ Rev*^: M''. Benj". Woodbridge minifter Abel Tuttle & Darcos Thomas of New Haven Avere Joyned in marriage april 28''': 1752 ^ Jsaiah Tuttle Juftice of Peace [777] Marriages Hezekiah Hotchkis & Sarah Bradly both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon the 12'" : Day of Decem- ber Anno Dom 1751 ^ Isaac Dickerman Juftice of Peace Jude Tuttle & Lydia Atwater of New Haven were Joyned in marriage July 14"': 1748 by y® Rev*^: M"". Isaac Stiles John Joyslin & Defire Humberfon of New Haven were Joyned in marriage October 11*^: Anno Domini 1753 ^ Isaac Dicker- man Efq"" Juftice of peace James Hitchcock and Phebe Leek of New Haven Joyned in marriage upon y® 11*'' Day of October. Anno Domini 1753 ^ Chauncy Whittelfey Efq"". Juftice of Peace [778] Marriages Hezekiah Todd & Lydia Froft of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage January 17*'': 1753 ^ the Rev*^: M"": Isaac Stiles John Ives and Lois Bares of New Haven were married Sep- tember 12^'^: 1751 ^ y® Rev^: M"": Isaac Stiles NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 325 James Humaston & Darcos Atwater of New Haven were Jo3med in Marriage July 19'''. 1753 ^ y® Rev"^: M"". Isaac Stiles Jsaac Beecher & Either Hodge of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb^ 14'^ 1751 ^ y« Rev"^. M"" Nathan Burdfey Samuel Ailing and Mary Leek of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y® 17"^: Day of June Annoq Domini 1752 by the Rev*^: M"": Samuel Bird [779] Marriages Joseph Mix & Anna Alcock of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Dec'"': 15**^: 1743 Joseph Mix & Sarah Morris of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage May 21*^: 1752 Jonah Atwater & Lydia Holebrook of New Haven were Married 25"^ of Dec''"' 1753 ^ y® Rev*^. M"" Jacob Heminway Stephen Goodyear & Either Barns of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage July 5^*^ 1753 by the Rev*^. M^ Jsaac Stiles John Hatch of New Haven & Ruth Nichoals of Stratford were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y® 19"^ Day of October 1752 by the Rev<^. M"": Mills [780] Marriages Seth Sperry & Lydia Thomas both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y® 8'*" Day of March 1748/9 by y*^ Rev<^ : M"" : Benj : Woodbridge Nicholas Peck and Abigail Atwater of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y® 12''' Day of November Anno Domini 1753 ^ the Rev"^: M"": Jos. Noyes Phillip Roxford and Anna Beecher of New Haven were Joyned in Marrige unto each ther upon y« 15'^^ Day of April Anno Dom 1734 by y« ReV^: M"": Joieph Noyes Joseph Sperry Jun"": & Sarah Turner of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other December 12^^ 1753 by y® Rev'' : M"" Isaac Stiles [808] »5 Births Jemima y® Daughter of Jos : Jacobs was born July lo^** : Anno Dom 1750 Joseph y^ Son of Joseph Jacobs was born Feb'^^. 27''' 1752 Lydia the Daughter of John Jacobs was born November 30*'' 1750 John y® Son of Nathan Tayler was born Dec"": S*'^: A D: 1752 Thanicfull y® Daughter of John Brocket Jun"". was bom April 25*1^ 1752 Rebeckah y® Daughter of John Perkins Jun"". was born July 28'^^: 1752 Job Lushanes y® Son of Bazel & Kezia Munion was born Sep^': 1752 John y^ Son of Nathan Tayler was born Dec"": 8^^: A D: 1752 95 Pages 781-807 contain records of cattle marks. 326 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [809] Births Anne y® Daughter of Caleb <& Abigail Beecher was born the y^^: Day of Feb'"^ i^® 1753 Elizabeth the Daughter of Caleb & Abigail Beecher was born Feb'"^: 9^^: 1753 Henry y® Son of Henry & Lydia Freeman Hufe was born July 7'"^: 1751 Sarah the Daughter of Tim°: & Ann Tuttle was born y® 9'*^. Day of March 1752 Ruben y* Son of Aaron & Abigail Briftoll was born, Septem- ber 21 1734 Merriam y® Daughter of Aaron & Abigail Briftoll was born November 20 1739 Aaron the Son of Aaron & Abigail Briftoll was born Alay^'^ 7"^: 1743 Jsrael y^ Son of Aaron & Abigail Briftoll was born Sep'"" 3*^. 1745 Abigail y^ Daughter of Aaron & Abigail Briftoll was born Sep*' 19"^: 1747 [810] Births Eliphalet y^ Son of Aaron & Abigail Briftoll was born April /!>: 1751 Abram y^ Son of Amos' & Hannah Perkins was born June 6"^: 1752 Joseph y® Son of Joseph & Ann Miles was born October 19'''. 1752 Lydia y® Daughter of David & Parnel Humphervile was- bom January 12*'': 1752 Martin y^ Son of Mathew Ford & Olive Ford was born January 10''' 1752 Ruth the Daughter of Joy Bifhop was born June firft Anno Dom 1752 Daniel y® Son of John Smith was born June 21^' 1752 Phebe y® Daughter of Amos Peck was born May 13*'' 175 1 [811] Births Abiah y® Daughter of Seth and Sarah Downs was born Novem- ber 3^ : A : D : 1752 Stephen y^ Son of Samuel Atwater was born Dec*": 29*'^ 1752 Hannah the Daughter of Stephen Jacobs was born March 4'^* 1752 Mercy y® Daughter of Samuel Hitchcock was born July 12*'': 1750 Ann y^ Daughter of Eben'". Todd was born Auguft 31'' 1752 John y« Son of Nath' : Joyslin was bom May 22'' 1733 3* First written " March." 9' First written " Sep'." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 327 Dan the Son of Dan Carrinton was born April ii'*': Annoq Dom 1753 Daniel y^ Son of Daniel Todd was born y® 9'*^: Day of Sep- tember 1 75 1 [812] Births Thomas the Son of M"": Thomas & M" Abigail Darling was bom December 9'^'': Anno Dom 1752 Abigail y^ Daughter of Dan> : Osborn was born auguft 26^^: 1752 Phinehas y® Son of Phinehas Perkins was born y^ 4"" Day of Sep*"" 175 o Susannah y® Daughter of Phinehas Perkins was born May 22*^ 1752 Lois the Daughter of Thomas Ray was born auguft 29''': 175 1 John y« Son of John Willmot Jun"": was born Feb^'^ : 9'*^: 1753 Mary the Daughter of Cap^: David & M""^: Mary Woofter was born June 2^ 1753 Benjamin y^ Son of Benj Hull was born May 22'^ 1753 [813] Births Charles y^ Son of Jehial & Hannah Tuttle was born January 26*^: Anno Domini 1753 Joel y® Son of Jos. Dorman was born april 9*'': 1753 Sarah y'' Daughter of Cap*^ : Jos : Trowbridge was born Jan'"^ : 5th J 723 Eliphalet y« Son of M"". Nathan & M". Mary Whiting was born June 17'^'^: 1753 Daniel the Son of Lieu' Dan' & M""^ Sarah Lyman was born July 13''^: A Dom 1753 Lydia the Daughter of Elihu Sperry was born April 21^': I75[3] Isaiah y® Son of Jehiel Tuttle was born May 25''': 1753 Eli y® Son of Samuel Heminway was born y® 7"^ : Day of Auguft anno Domini 1753 Icobed y® Son of Eben"". Blackslee Jun*" was born Sep*'": 2^ Anno Dom 1753 [814] Births Hezekiah y® Son of Hez^ : & Sarah Hotchkis was born Decem- ber 25'^: 1752 Abigail y*' Daughter of Nathaniel Barnes was born Feb"' : 4'^ : Anno Domini 1753 Mary y® Daughter of Ezekiel & Hannah Hotchkis was born May H^i^: 1753 Mabel y® Daughter of Jacob Atwater was born auguft 31^*^: Anno Dom 1753 Joshua y® Son of David Atwater was born May 13''*: Anno Domini 1753 328 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Ruth y® Daughter of Jude Tuttle born Ocf 24*^ 1753 Daniel y® Son of David Punderfon was born December 15*^ 1753 Thankfull y® Daughter of Enos Tuttle was born March 22'^. 1751 Sibel y*" Daughter of Enos Tuttle was born auguft firft Anno Dom 1753 [815] Births Susanah y^ Daughter of Samuel Tuttle was born Eber y® Son of Richard Sperry was born June 23*^ : Anno Dom [1751] Jabin y® Son of Richard Sperry was born July 23*^ : Anno Dom [1753] Hannah y® Daughter of Enos Pardee Jun"" was born June 5*'^: AD [1753] Mabel y® Daughter of Simon Tuttle was born March 28'^: [1753] Benjamin y® Son of James Smith was Born auguft 11'^ Anno Dom [1753] Stephen y® Son of Stephen Dickerman was born July 26*'' I75[3] Benj°: y*' Son of Benj°: woodin was born May 31^*^ I7[53] [816] Births [ ] Allsop the Son of Hez'' Tallmadge [was] born November 25th. 1723 An[na] y® Daughter of Tho^ & Sarah Alcock [was] born on Tuefday y*" 2'j^'^ Day of November 1753 Ed[mond] y® Son of Dan' Clark was born [the] 11'^ Day of October 1750 Sufanah y^ Daughter of Daniel Clark was bom the 10^^: Day of March 1752 Clemont y® Son of Daniel Clark was born upon the Seven- teenth Day of Nov"" 1753 Lydia y® Daughter of Dan' Hull was [bor]n November 15''': Anno Dom 1753 [Tijmothy y® Son of Abram Johnfon Ju'": was born April 24^*^: 1753 [He]z'': the Son of Nath" : Beecher Ju"": was [born] January firft Anno: Dom. 1753 [Hannah Daughter of Cap]* Caleb Ailing [was born Oct 23 1752] [817] Births Susannah y« Daughter of John Ailing Ju*" & Sarah Ailing was born Oct'"". 28**^. [1753] Stephen y® Son of Daniel & Rebeckah Rufsel was born Oct"": 17'': [1753] NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 329 Theophilus y® Son of John Bafset Ju"". was born June 20"^ [1753] Anna y^ Daughter of Nath' : Bradly was born April 4**^: Anno Dom [1734] Silas y® Son of Caleb Sperry was born November 6'^ Anno Dom 175 [3] Aner y^ Son of Phinehas Bradly & Martha Bradly was born March 5^^: Anno Dom 175 [3] Efther y® Daughter of Jsaac Beecher Ju"" was born March 7 Anno Dom [1752] Sarah y® Daughter of Jsaac Beecher Ju"" [was] Born September 29'^^ [1753] [818] Births David y® Son of Jos & Anna Mix was born Sep* 25"^ 1744 Anna y® Daughter of Jos & Anna Mix was born Ocf 28'^' 1751 Ezra y® Son of Jos & Sarah Mix was born March 21^' 1753 Joel y® Son of Joseph Hotchkis was Born March 19''^ 175 1/2 Ezekiel y® Son of Jos Hotchkis was born January 5"^. Anno Dom 1754 John Nichoals y^ Son of John & Ruth Hatch was born Novem- ber 23^ 1753 Elizabeth y® Daughter of John Perkins was Jdohi Nov"". 8"^. 1753 Ruth y® Daughter of Samuel Dickerman was born March 9*^. A. D: 1754 Martha y® Daughter of Benjamin Hotch[kis] was born [Dec 27 1752] [819] Births Mabel y® Daughter of Isaac & Mabel Stiles was born Feb^'^ 25*''. Anno Dom 1753 Mehitabel y^ Daughter of John & Lois Ives was born Janu- ary 2I^^ anno Dom 175 [4] Thankfull y^ Daughter of Jonathan & Mar>' Dayton was born December 6**^ I7[53] Jefse y® Son of Jefse Blackslee w^as born June 30*'' [i753] Elijah y^ Son of James & Mehetabel Thompfon was born December 16'^ [1751] Hannah y® Daughter of James & Mehetabel Thompfon was born January 15"^ [i754] Eunice y*" Daughter of John Blackslee was born Nov'": 12*^ [1753] Bathshaba y® Daughter of Seth Sperry was born Nov"": 20*'^: [1749] John y® Son of Seth Sperry was born april 7'^^ [1752] [Ebenezer] y^ Son of John Stor[er was born Dec i^*^ 1753] [820] Births [Rachel] y® Daughter of John Barns was born March 31^' 1748 330 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS John y^ Son of John Barns was born January iq'*^ 1753 Isaiah y® Son of John & Thankfull Brocket! was born December 4'': 1753 [Martha] y® Daughter of John & Martha [Fro] ft was bom December 25'^: 1753 [Eunjice y® Daughter of James & Sarah [Potjter was born November 13*'': 1742 [Eh]fha y® Son of PhiHp & Anna Raxford [was] born Janu- ary 9'*^ 1735 [EHshJa y® Son of PhilHp & Anna Raxford was born October 24'*^: 1737 [Heze]kiah y® Son of PhilHp & Anna [Rex] ford was born October 9'^: 1742 [821] Births [EHzabeth the Daughter of Steph]° Chatterton [was born March 2^] 1754 [EHzabeth y* Daughter of] Stephen and [Hannah Humfrevihe] was born May 23*^. 1753 [Mary] y® Daughter of James Turner was born april 7^^ Anno Dom 1754 [Mary] y® Daughter of Mofes Sanford [was] born april 18'^'^: 1753 [Enos the] Son of Enos & Mary Bafet [was bor]n March 22'^ 1754 [Mamey y® Daugh]ter of Daniel Hotch[kis was born] July 15'^ 1752 [Robert y®] Son of Daniel Hotchkis [was born] april 4**^ A D 1754 [Justus y® Son] of Abel Tuttle was born Sep"", y^^: 1753 [Samuel y®] Son of Sam' Sanford [was bom Nov 6** 1753] [822] Births Sarah y® Daughter of [torn] was born July 31^' [torn] Elijah y® Son of James [Ailing was] born Feb"^ 21^' 1754 Eliphalet y® Son of Abram Johnfon was born January 8'*^ [1718/9] Abraham y® Son of Abram Johnson was born FeV^ 15'*^ [1721] Mary y® Daughter of Abram Johnson was born aug [i^*^ 1723 1 Enos y® fon of Abram Joh[nson was born] Feb"': 21^': [1725] Sybel y® Daughter of A [torn] [823] Births Cornelous & Kezeiah Twins Son and Daughter of Sam' Ailing was born November 26"^ [1748] Eloner & Hannah Twins Daughters of Samuel Ailing was born November 27^'': 1751 Gideon y® Son of Samuel Ailing was bom March 16"^ I754 Hannah the Daughter of William Tuttle was born January 22^ 1748 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 331 Abigail the Daughter of WilHam Tuttle was born June 7***: ^749 . Patience y^ Daughter of WilHam Tuttle was born May firft 1752 Maryambra the. Daughter of Will"^ Tuttle was born March 21^' i7[54] [824] Births Abigail y^ Daughter of Abr" John f on was born Nov'" firft 1729 John y® Son of Abraham Johnfon was born May ly^^ 1732 Eunice y® Daughter of Abr™ : Johnson was born Aug^ : 19*'* 1734 Eben"" y^ Son of Abr™. Johnfon was born may 24*^*: 1737 Lemuel y® Son of Mathew Gilbert was born Nov"": 19"" 1749 Asa y^ Son of Mathew Gilbert was born Nov 2^ 1752 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Abram Tuttle was born Feb''^ 15''^ 1754 [825] Births [Ru]th y^ Daughter of Eben'': Pardee was born Feb''^ 14"^ Anno Dom: 1753 Jane the Daughter of Eben"": Peck Jun"". was born april 22"^: ^753 Benjamin y^ Son of John Lounsbuiy was born april ii"" 1753 Lucrefia y^ Daughter of David & Parnel Humphervile was born November 25"': 1753 Timothy y® Son of Tho®. & Mary Howel was born auguft 29^^ A D. 1753 Benjamin y® Son of Samuel Bafset was born auguft 4'^^ 1753 Martha the Daughter of Abel Ives was born December 29^^ 1753 [826] Births Here followeth the children of James Negro Thomas Born June S'**: 1737 Benjamin Born Jan^: 19^*^: 1738/9 Abigail Born March i^': 1743/4 Bette Born Sep'"": 20*'': 1746 William Born april 15*^: 1751 Marriages - Births - Deaths BOOK II. 1753-1790 [On the title pagre of this volume is written " This is a Book to Enter Births Marriages and Deaths in — begun December 1753." Besides these entries it contains one leaf of strays preceding page 1 and several of earmarks following page 246.] [i] Births Abram Son of Abram Heminway was born April lo^*^ 1751 Abigail y® Daughter of Abram Heminway was born Alay 17^** 1753 Enos y® Son of Abram Heminway was born Sepf: 17*^: 1755 Eunice y^ Daughter of Sam' & Mary Hitchcock was born upon ye J 5th ]3^y Qf ^^^gt lyc^^ Afenath y'' Daughter of Phinehas & Martha Bradly was born upon y® 15"' Day of September A D: 1755 Defire the Daughter of Mofes & Mary Sanford was born april 30''' Anno Domini 1755 Sibel y'' Daughter of Stephen Brown & Mabel Browne was born Dec"": 28''' 1745 Stephen y® Son of Stephen & Mabel Browne was born upon y^ 4"* Day of January 1750 Olive y® Daughter of Stephen & Mabel Browne was bom aug^: 25^*^ 1753 Dameras y® Daughter of Thomas & mary Punderfon born may I4'\i75[4] Timothy y® Son of Jeremiah Town fend born Nov'": V^ I75[.^l Sarah the Daughter of Samuel and Abigail Munfon was born upon the 8"': Day of Oct^ I75[3l Sarah the Daughter of Nathan Tayler was born upon the 8'^: Day of June 175 [3] Joseph y" Son of Joseph and Hannah Hull was born upon the 2^. Day of May 1754 Sufannah y® Daughter of Sam": Brocket Ju"": was born IMay®' e^ 175 [ ] [2] Births Elifabeth y® Daughter of John & Henrittee IMiles was born June i^': Anno Dom 1755 ^8 First written " June." 332 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 333 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Stephen Jacobs was born Nov"" 18"* 1754 Hannah y^ Daughter of Ezekiel and Hannah Hotchkis was born upon the Xineth Day of Jan"^' 1755 Jared y^ Son of Alexander Booth was born upon the 4^^" : Day of November Anno Dom 175 [3] EHfha y® Son of Alexander Booth was born upon the 29"': Day of Ocf Anno Dom 175 [5] Job y® Son of Jabez and Efther Bradly was born Aug': 24'^ Anno Dom 175 [5] Ur}^ y® Son of William and Lois Bradly was born Ocf: i Anno Dom 1755 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Daniel and Sarah Smith was born November 8"^ 173 [8] Sarah y® Daughter of Daniel and Sarah Smith was born October 11'^ I74[i] Sufannah the Daughter of Daniel and Sarah Smith was born Nov^: s'"" 174 [3] Patience the Daughter of Daniel and Sarah Smith was born March 2j^^ 1745 Thankful! y* Daughter of Daniel and Sarah Smith was born Sep'"" 30'*^ 1746 Hezekiah y^ Son of Daniel and Sarah Smith was born May 15^" i74[8] [3] Births Samuel the Son of Samuel & Mehetabel Bifhop was born upon thirsday the 2g^^: Day of November at 42 minuts after Twelve of the Clock in y® Day Anno Dom 1753 Abigail the Daughter of Joseph and Abigail Hitchcock was born upon f ryday y® 24'^'^ : Day of November at Six of the Clock in the Morning Anno Domini 1752 Mary the Daughter of Hezekiah & Abigail Gorham was born April 24'^ Anno Dom 1753 Stephen the Son of Stephen Manf field was born July 31** Anno Domini 1753 Samuel Joseph y^ Son of M^ : Chauncey & M" :Eliz'*' : Whittel- sey was born July 13'^: Anno Dom 1749 Elisha the Son of M'": Chauncy & M'^: Elizabeth Whittelsey was born October 14*'': AD. 1751 Sarah y^ Daughter of M"": Joshua & M" Sarah Chandler was born March 29*'': An Dom 1752 John the Son of M^ Joshua & M": Sarah Chandler was born Feb^: fir ft AD 1754 John y« Son of M"". John & M": Sarah Whiting was born December 25*^: Anno Dom 1753 Efther y^ Daughter of M'': Samuel & M": Efther Manffield was born January 6 i74[3/4] 334 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [4] Births Margret Daughter to Samuel & Efther Manffield was Born april 24"" 1745 Esther y^ Daughter of Sam' & Efther manffield born nov"" 2^ day 1746 jMary y® Daughter of Samuel & Efther Manffield born July 3" 1748 Elifabeth y« Daughter of Sam' & Efther Manffield born Feh^^^i 26: 1749/50 Alofes Samuel y« Son of Sam' & Efther Manffield Dec"-; 6'^^ 1751 Giles Daniel y^ Son of Sam' & Efther Manffield was born Nov--: 14 1753 William B Dorman son of Lyman & Lucy Hubbell was born June 19*" 1839 Charles L Dorman son of above was born April 30 1841 Theodore F. Dorman son of above was born April 25 1843 Louisa C Dorman son of above was born March 4''' 1845 Cornelia S. Dorman son of above was born Nov. 26 1847 [5] Births Lydia the Daughter of Sam" : 81 Lydia Mix was born April 23** : Anno Dom 1753 Sarah y^ Daughter of Elifha & Mary Bradly was born Feb^r 25^'': A Dom 1754 Medad the son of Medad & Mary Lyman was born May fourth Anno Dom 1754 Mary the Daughter of James & Darcos Humberfon was born May 19"^ A Dom 1754 Abigail y® Daughter of Thomas & Abigail Humberfon was born 21^' of March^^ A D 1753 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Amos & Mary Bradly was born April 28"^ A D 1754 Sarah y^ Daughter of James and Hannah Searl was born Nov"" : 22^: 1753 Nathan y° Son of Aaron & Abigail Sperry was born November 5"" 1750 Tamer y^ Daughter of Aaron & Abig" Sperry was born June 17th J723 William y^ Son of Daniel and Abigail Rufsel was born Septem- ber 25"^ 1753 Annah y^ Daughter of Azariah Perkins & Annah Perkins was born Feb'T': 28"^: 1754 Abigail Potter y^ Daughter of Enos & Abigail Potter was Born June 23^ Anno Dom 1754 99 First written "October," NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 335 [6] Births Phebe y® Daughter of Joseph & Lois Dickerman was born upon the Seventh Day of May 1754 Sarah y- Daughter of Daniel & Ruth Heaton was born the 31^' Day of January anno Dom 1754 Yale y® Son of James & Martha Todd was born auguft 25'*^: Anno Dom 1754 Eunice y^ Daughter of James Granis was born Decem*"" S''' 1753 John y^ Son of John & Kenrittee Miles was born September firft A:D: 1752 Will™ the Son of John & Henrittee Miles was bom December 22"^: 1753 John y" Son of Abram & Rebeckah Sele was born Sep"" 10'^: Anno Dom 1751 Rebeckah y** Daughter of Abram & Rebeckah Sele was born auguft^*^" 10*'' Anno Dom 1753 William y® Son of Joshua Apleton was born Ocf: 2^ 1751 Mary the Daughter of Jofhua Apleton was born September 23*^ Anno Dom 1753 Josiah y^ Son of Chriftopher & Hannah Todd was born ocf: 17''': Anno Dom 1753 Susannah the Daughter of Samuel & Sarah Tuttle was born april 17"": Anno Dom 1753 Nehemiah y^ Son of Jeremiah Osborn was born upon the 5'"^: Day of March Anno Dom 1754 [7] Births Oliver y® Son of Griffen & Mabel Bradly was born July 3d: Anno Dom 1749 Rachel y^ Daughter of Griffin & Mabel Bradly was born Dec- ember 3*^. Anno Dom 1751 Sibel y® Daughter of Griffin & Mabel Bradly was bom Decem- ber 23^: Anno Dom 1753 Jared y® Son of Samuel Downs Ju'". was born the 6**^ Day of September 1754 John y® Son of Stephen & Efther Goodyear was born March 26*^ 1754 Lois y^ Daughter of Stephen & Jonanna Potter was born Jan- uary 2.:i752 Enos y® Son of Enos and Merriam Brocket was born January 4''^ 1755 Titus y^ Son of Bafset & Keziah Munfon was born Jan""^ : 31^' Anno Dom 1755 Experience the Daughter of David Gilbert Ju"": and Elifabeth Gilbert was born September 15'^'': 1750 Amos the Son of David Gilbert Ju'" ; and Elffabeth Gilbert was born June 12*'' 1752 Rebeckah y® Daughter of David Gilbert Ju'' : & Elifabeth Gilbert was born May 29"^ 1754 Lydia the Daughter of Eben' Brardly Ju'" & Phebe Bradly was bom April 14^ .1750 Eunice y® Daughter of Eben"": Bradly Ju"": & Phebe Bradly was born April 2.^ : AD 1752 Phebe y® Daughter of Eben'': Bradly Ju"": & Phebe Bradly was born Oct"^: 2^ 1754 Damaras y® Daughter of John & Lydia Mitchel, was born December 16''^: Anno Dom 1754 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 339 Ruth y® Daughter of Thomas Hamafton was born January 21^': Anno Dom 1755 Nathaniel"^ y® Son of Stephen & Sarah Chatterton was born april27'^: 1755 Abigail y** Daughter of Nicholas Peck and Abigail Peck was born Dec'". 13"" 1754 Elijah y® Son of Amos & Hannah Perkins was born y^ 28 Day of January Anno Dom 1755 [13] Births Abram the Son of Samuel and Mehetabel Bifhop was born on Sabbath Day morning 24 minutes after 5 of y® Clock upon y^ 20**^ Day of april Anno Dom 1755 Eunice y® Daughter of Dan^ & Ruth Heaton was born on y® Second Day of May 1755 Amos y® Son of Jabez & Eunice Munfon was born upon y^ 18"^: Day of Feb-^y 1753 Jabez- y^ Son of Jabez & Eunice Munfon was born the 20*^ : Day ofJan^^:i755 Abigail y^ Daughter of Sam" & Abigail woodward was born July 11^'^: 1752 Mary y® Daughter of Sam' & Abigail woodward was born Sept- 1 5'*^ 1754 John y® Son of John and Mary Parker was born Ocf: 23*^ 1750 John y^ Son of John and Mary Parker was born November 29*'': 1 75 1 Edmon y® Son of John & Mary Parker was born March 21^* 1753 Mary y^ Daughter of John and Mary Parker was born upon Rob': y® Son of Joseph & Sarah Tallmadge was born april 29*^: 1755 Anna y® Daughter of David & Elifabeth Atwater was born May 3"^: Anno Dom 1755 Mary y^ Daughter of Hezekiah and Abigail Gorham was [born] upon y® 28"^: Day of Feb^'^ 1755 [14] Births Ruben y^ Son of Enos Sperry was born aug' 26'^ 1735 Abigail y^ Daughter of Enos Sperry was born aug' 24*^ 1738 Eunice y^ Daughter of Enos Sperry was born aug'. 6 1742 Enos y® Son of Enos Sperry was born Sep''">8 1744 Hannah y° Daughter of Enos Sperry was born November 28*'' 1748. Elijah y® Son of Enos Sperry was born Sep'"" 8"^: 1751 William y® Son of John Perkins Ju"". was born Jan""^: 6 1755 1"^ First written " Joseph." 340 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Sarah y« Daughter of Benj° : & Sarah Warner was born March 12*'^ 1755 Daniel y® Son of Hezekiah & Mary Hotchkis was born April fir ft Anno Dom 1755 Eunice the Daughter of John and Lydia Manffield was born april fir ft Anno Dom 1740 David the Son of John and Lydia Manffield was born July 3*^ Anno Dom 1741 Rebecca the Daughter of John and Lydia Manffield was born May 17''' Anno Dom 1745 Rofwell y^ Son of M"": Daniel Lyman & M""^: Sarah Lyman was born upon the Ninth Day of July 1755 Timothy Son of Tim°: & Sarah Gorham born aug^ i^^: 1754 Jefse y® Son of Lazarus Ives was Born May 27''' : 1755 Ruben Son of Eben'': & Mary Humafton was born March 22'^ 1747 Abram Son of Eben"": & Mary Humafton born May 13 1749 Abigail Martha Daughter of Eben"" & Mary Humafton was born July 28''': 1751 [Mary] Daughter of Eben'": & Mary Humafon was born March 4''': 1754 [15] Births Joseph y^ Son of Nehemiah & Lois Lewis was born the 20^^^ day of auguft Anno Domini 1755 Stephen y® Son of Nathan & Trj'^phenne Dumer was born aug*: 10"" 1755 Sam": y® Son of Thomas and Lydia Trickey was born Jan'"^: iS''^ 1754 Jared y^ Son of Thomas & Lydia Trickey was born Dec"": 19*'^: 1755 Mofes y® Son of John & Defire Josling was born upon the 16^^^: day of Jan""^ Anno Dom 1756 Efther y® Daughter of Nath" : and Defire Humberfon was born upon y® 2.^ day of Nov"": 1755 Mary y® Daughter of Cap': David & M". Mary woofter was born Ocf 21^'^ 1755 Bele y® Daughter of Lennard Lewis & Hannah Lewis was born July 31'' 1754 Hannah y* Daughter of Lennard & Hannah Lewis was born Peltry, ^th. J 7^5 Samuel y® Son of. Samuel Brocket Ju"" was born upon y® 5'** Day of Feb"^': 1756 Rebeccah y® Daughter of Benjamin & Rachel Woodin was born upon y® 17'^: Day of May 1755 [16] Births Mofes y® Son of Mofes & Martha Brooks was born March 12'^ Anno Dom 1754 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 341 Stephen y® Son of Stephen & Eunice Dickerman was born December 10'^'': Anno Dom 1755 Thomas y^ Son of Thomas & Hannah Mix was born May 3*^ : Anno Dom 1755 Hannah y^ Daughter of Jos : & Jemima Cooper was born Sep^ : y^^ 1740 Mary y^ Daughter of Jos. & Jemima Cooper was born April 11'^ 1745 Thankfull y^ Daughter of Jos. & Jemima Cooper was born May 3^^: 1748 Eunice y® Daughter of Jos Cooper & Jemmima Cooper was born July 9^'^: 1753 Lucy y^ Daughter of Stephen & Efther Goodyear was born 26*^ Dec"" 1755 Stephen y« Son of Stephen & Sarah Ailing was born Aug* 19*'' : Anno Dom 1752 Sarah the Daughter of Stephen & Sarah Ailing was born June 24''' Anno Dom 1755 William y^ Son of Thomas Walter born March 6*^': 1752 Mary the Daughter of Thomas Walter was born 23^ Day of april 1754 [17] Births Enos y® Son of Sam' Candee was born Feb'"^ : i®': 1746 Dinah the Daughter of Sam' Candee was born November 2y^^ Anno Dom 1748 Mehetabel y^ Daughter of Sam' Candee was born May 11*'': 1752 Janfes y® Son of James & Darcos Humefton was born y® 23*^: Day of Feb""^: Anno Dom 1756 Isaac y® Son of Jonathan Ailing Ju"". was born Dec"": 21^* 1755 Jonathan y® Son of Jonathan & Thankfull lues was born March 26*'' Anno Dom 1751 Ailing Ives the Son of Jonathan & Thankfull Ives was bom Nov"": 13''': Anno Dom 1753 Sarah y« Daughter of Samuel & Sarah Gilbert was born January 26"^ Anno Dom 1753/4 Thaddeas y^ Son of Samuel and Sarah Gilbert was born april 4*'*: Anno Dom 1755 Abigail y« Daughter of James and Sarah Bafset was born December 2^ : Anno Dom 1755 Jonathan y® Son of M"": John Whiting & M": Sarah whiting was born upon the 12"": Day of april 1756 Hannah y® Daughter of Jos : & Sarah Mix was born Sep*' : 19*'' : 1754 [18] Births Jacob Son of Jacob & Lydia Sperry born June 29*'': 1748 342 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Lemuel y® Son of Jacob & Lydia Sperry was born Aug^ 21^* 1751 Lydia y® Daughter of Jacob & Lydia Sperry was born Nov"": 16'*^ 1754 Lydia y® Daughter of Jacob Atwater was born Feb''^: ii'**: anno Dom 1756 Jonathan Son of Jonathan & Mary Daton was born March 10^'' 1756 Ann y® Daughter of Epheram and Rachel Turner was born April 29''^: 1755 Mercy y® Daughter of Seth Downs Ju"": & Sarah Downs was born January S'*" : 1755 Sarah Daughter of John Storer was born May 28 1756 Abigail y® Daughter of Dan" Bradly y® 3"^ was bom y® 28"^ Day of april Anno Dom 1755 Thomas y® Son of Peter & Rhoade Cavalee was born auguft y^ gth.ioi £)ay J ^^2 Mary y'' Daughter of Peter and Rhoade Cavalee was born Nov"": 20''' 1755 John Todd ye Son of Isaac & Sarah Doolittle was born the 20*'* : Day of May 1756 [19] Births Elifabeth y*' Daughter of Sam": and Elifabeth Pierpoint was born July 3"^: 1752 Hannah y® Daughter of Sam" & Elifabeth Pierpoint was born June 16 1754 Samuel y** Son of Sam" : and Elifabeth Pierpoint was born May 16: 1756 Policy y^ Daughter of Thomas Manffield was born June 14*" Anno Dom 1756 Ruben y*' Son of Jos Joslin was born aug' 9'*^: 1755 Zealus y® Son of mathew Blackslee was born aug' 9 1756 Sufannah y® Daughter of Samuel Dickerman was born the firft Day of Feb'^ Anno Dom 1756 Simeon y® Son of Amos & Phebe Bifhop was born Aug^: 17*'' Anno Dom 1755 Hannah Daughter of Jos Hull was born Ocf 17"^ 1756 Zopher y® Son of Dan^' & Sarah Atwater was born June 28*** Anno Dom 1756 Lucy y® Daughter of Sam' : and Deborah Sanford was born Sep"": 16''': Anno Dom 1755 Elijah y® Son of Azariah Perkins was born July 17"^ 1756 Ezekiel y® Son of John Jacobs was born June 20*^ 1755 Mary y® Daughter of John Robinfon Ju"" was Born aug^: 8'^'' 1755 «0l First written " Nov' 20th." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 343 [20] Births Efther y^ Daughter of Step" : and Either Peck was born July I®* anno Dom 1753 Elenry y® Son of Stephen & Efther Peck was born aug' : 20"^ 1755 Abram y^ Son of Abram Gilbert was born april 15''^ : 1754 Afa y^ Son of Gerfhom & Katherine Todd was born June 28^*^ : 1756 Lent y® Son of Eli f ha and mary Bradly was born upon the 14"^ : Day of June Anno Dom 1756 John Nichoals y® Son of John Hatch was born april 17*'^: 1756 Isaac y® Son of M"". John & M""^ Rebecca Hubbard was born Nov"". 22,^: Anno Dom 1752 Lydia y^ Daughter of Enos Tuttle Ju'' : & Martha Tuttle was born upon y^ 10"' Day of June Anno Dom 1756 Darcos y^ Daughter of James & Lois Turner was Born y® 30*'' : Day of Sep*'": Anno Dom 1756 Juftus y'' Son of Jos : & Meriam Bradly was born June 28"* : 1756 Samuel y^ Son of Thomas and Mar}^ Punderfon was born Ocf : 4"": 1756 Hannah y® Daughter of Stephen & Joanna Potter was born July 29"^ 1745 Stephen y® Son of Stephen & Joanna Potter was born March 20*"^ 1748 [21] Births Levi y^ Son of Stephen & Joanna Potter was born March 17*^^ 1751 Amos y^ Son of Stephen & Joanna Potter was born June 14*^ 1754 Anna y" Daughter of James & Anna Blackfslee was born upon the 25'^: Day of aug*: 1756 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of Jos : & Abigail Row was Born June 29'^: 1750 Mary y^ Daughter of Jos : & Abigail Row was born Jan'" : 28"^ 1753 Eunice y^ Daughter of Jos : & Abigail Row was born June 29 1755 Timothy the Son of Samuel & Sarah Atwater was born april 7'^ 1756 Daniel y^ Son of M"" : Daniel & M""^ : Martha Hubbard was born upon y® 26"^ of may 1756 Martha Daughter of Jos : Merwin was born may 26 1754 John y® Son of John and Martha Fro ft was born may 18*^ Anno Dom 1756 Efther y® Daughter of Benj : & Sarah Humphervile was born may 7*^ Anno Dom 1755 344 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS David y* Son of David & Elifabeth Atwater was born December S^^: Anno Dom 1756 Martha y" Daughter of Job & Lydia Smith was born may 15^^: Anno Dom 1756 [22] Births Simon y® Son of Simon and Sarah Tuttle was born may 5'^: Anno Dom 1756 Amos y"* Son of Stephen & Hannah Thompfon was born aug* 2^ Anno Dom 1751 Mofes y® Son of Step": & Hannah Thompfon was born Dec"": 28^'' Anno Dom 1754 Abigail y® Daughter of James & Lydia Payne was born Novem- ber 8^^ Anno Dom 1752 Sarah y^ Daughter of James & Lydia Payne was born Decem- ber 4"" Anno Dom 1754 Sibel y^ Daughter of Epheram Andrews was born Jan^: 18^*^: Anno Dom 1757 Jabez y® Son of Abraham Turner was born upon the 31^'^ Day of January Anno Dom 1756 Aaron y® Son of Daniel Heaton and Ruth Heaton was born Feb^': 10'^ Anno Dom 1757 Candace y® Daughter of Jos : and Phebe Downs was born No- vember 6^^^: Anno Domini 1756 Elijah y® Son of Amos Peck and Elifabeth Peck was born y° 12 Day of april Anno Dom 1755 Efther y*" Daughter of John & Lydia Gilbert was born March 6*^: 1756 Bette y® Daughter of Asa & Mehetabel goodyear was born January 2^: 1756 [23] Births Tamer y® Daughter of Aaron Sperry & Abigail Sperry was born June 17*'' 1753 Abigail y^ Daughter of Aaron & Abig^ Sperry was born y^ 15^"^ Day of may 1756 Mary y® Daughter of Ithamer & Hannah Todd was born april 11'^ 1755 Phileman y® Son of Dan' : and Elifabeth Auger was born may 20'^ 1754 Rebecca y® Daughter of Samuel & Eunice Humphervile was born upon the 2^: Day of april 1756 Solomon y® Son of Solomon & Eloner Hotchkis was bom upon ye 20^1. £)ay Qf March A:D: 1752 David y^ Son of Solomon & Eloner Hotchkis was born upon the 26''' : Day of ocf. A D : 1754 Eunice y® Daughter of Jabez and Eunice Munfon was bom upon y^ ID**': Day of april 1757 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 345 Lydia y^ Daughter of Thomas & Sarah Alcock was born upon y^ 8'^^: Day of May 1756 Abraham y^ Son of Jacob and Thankfull Pinto was born upon y^ 8"^: Day of March 1757 Wait y^ Son of Wait & Joanna Chatterton was born upon y^ Second Day of March 1757 Timothy y« Son of Tim° : & Efther Potter was born Ocf : 30*^ : Anno Dom 1756 [24] Births Joel y® Son of Jonathan & Rebecca Dickerman was born upon y^ Second Day of Jan^: 1757 Hannah y^ Daughter of Abel & Hannah Brockett was born upon y« 18'^ Day of April 1756 Eben"". y^ Son of Eben'". Fro ft was born Nov''. 15'*" Anno Dom 1756 James y® Son of Timothy & Sarah Howell was born upon the fir ft Day of June 1756 Ruth y® Daughter of Isaac & Mary Blackflee was born y® 8^*^: Day of Feb'^y; Anno Dom 1757 Amos y^ Son of Enos & Mary Bafset was born upon y® 13*^: Day of Feb'^y : Anno Dom 1757 Sarah & Eber Twins Daughter & Son of James & Sarah lues was born on y® 16 Day of Sep*"" 1756 Joseph y^ Son of Israel Dorman was born on y® 28''': Day of May 1757 Eldad y® Son of Joel & Mary Hotchkis was born upon the 21^': Day of april Anno Dom 1756 Timothy y^ Son of Timothy & Mercy Bradly was born Feb'': 25*^: Anno Dom 1757 Solomon y^ Son of Dan Barns was born Feb"": ii'"': 1757 Eunice y® Daughter of Joseph Dorman was born upon y® 20*^ : Day of Feb^: Anno Dom 1757 [25] Births Eunic y® Daughter of James & Martha Todd was born June 9'^ 1757 Robert y® Son of m^ James Pierpoint & m". Ann Pierpoint was born on y® 13^^: Day of June A:D: 1757 Ezra Son of John Row was born april 5 1752 John Son of John Row was born may 31 1757 Mathew Son of John Row was bom Nov"": 28'^" 1756 Ebenezer Son of Eben"": Todd was born June 13*'': 1757 Mary y^ Daughter of John & Lydia Eliot was born Jan'^y : 19*^: Anno Dom 1742/3 John y^ Son of John & Lydia Eliot was born april 22'' 1745 Sarah y® Daughter of John & Lydia Eliot was born Nov' : 30*^ 1750 346 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Richard Rofewell Son of John & Lydia Eliot was born ocf S^^ 1752 Hannah y'' Daughter of John & Lydia EHot was born aug*: 25*" 1755 William y^ Son of John & Lydia Eliot was born July 29*'': 1757 Ezra y® Son of Jos. & Lydia Pierpoint was born July 11-1757 Levi Son of Alven & martha Bradly was born aug': 19 1757: Sarah y^ Daughter of Eben"". & Sarah Brockett was born Dec'' : 28^^: 1756 Jofeph y^ Son of Rich*^ : & Mary Brockett was born Jan''^ : 18 1757 [26] Births Amos y® Son of Amos & Deborah Clark was bom March 6'^: Anno Dom 1756 Mary y^ Daughter of Amos & Deborah Clark was born Nov'". 2^. Anno Domini 1753 Lois y^ Daughter of David & Mary Whitney was born upon y« 25"^: Day of December Anno Dom 1756 Mehetabel y® Daughter of Afa & Mehetabel Goodyear was born aug': 26*^: Anno Domo 1757 Ickobad y^ Son of Timothy & Mary Ailing was born October 24*^*^: Anno Domini 1756 Lois y® Daughter of James Payne was born May 20"^: Anno • Dom 1757 Abigail y® Daughter of Daniel & Eunice Hull was born y^ 20*'' Day of Feb'"^: Anno Dom 1757 Efther y^ Daughter of Ruben & Mary Batcheler was born October 6"^: Anno Dom 1757 Sufannah y® Daughter of Eben"". & Sufannah Bafset was born april 3" 1754 Sarah y*' Daughter of Eben"". & Sufannah Bafset was born Feb'-y; 8 1757 Efther of the Daughter of Stephen & Efther Goodyear was born aug* 7'^ 1757 Cloa y® Daughter of David & Rachel John f on was born may 6^^ 1757 [27] Births Elifha y® Son of Stephen & Efther Peck was born ocf: 11''': Anno Dom 1757 Flecher y^ Son of Jos : & Martha Merwin was born upon y® 13'^: Day of aug*: Anno Domini 1757 Riverus y^ Son of Nicholas and Mary Rufsel was born upon ye 2o^b. j)ay of march Anno Dom 1756 John y'^ Son of James and Lydia Smith was born June 14''': Anno Dom 1756 ^ NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 347 John Son of John and Lois Ives was born Feb^: 5"^: 1757 Mary y^ Daughter of Jonathan Smith Jun"" was born December 30'^: Anno Dom 1755 Jotham y® Son of Jacob Atwater was born Nov"": 17 1757 Lois y^ Daughter of John & Mehetabel osborn was born Jan- uary ig^^ 1757 Jos: Eafon y® Son of Stephen & Lydia Trowbridge was born June 14^'': Anno Dom 1752 Lydia y® Daughter of Stephen & Lydia Trowbridge was born Dec"": 23*^: 1757 Mary y® Daughter of Joseph and Sarah Munfon was born upon y^ 23^ Day of Nov"" 1757 Defire y® Daughter of Mofes & mary Sanford was born upon ye 27th. D^y Qf Jyjy J^^*^ Rachel y*" Daughter of Ezekiel & Hannah Hotchkis was born upon y^ firft Day of Jan^" : 1757 [28] Births Wheeler y^ Son of Caleb and Abigail Beecher was born Sep*^"". 29th Anno Dom 1755 Burr y® Son of Caleb & Abigail Beecher was born October 5'^ : Anno Dom 1757 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Thomas & xA.big' : Humafton was born april 9'"^: Anno Dom 1757 . Dimon y^ Son of David & Elifabeth Bradly was born Feb'': 28'*": Anno Dom 1757 Sarah y^ Daughter of Nathan & Tryphena Dumer was born Jan^ lo'*^ 1758 Anna y® Daughter of Jos: and Ann Miles was born march 8"" Anno Dom 1757 Thaddeus y® Son of Jos: & mabel Ailing was Born Nov'': 9**^ Anno Dom 1757 Ezra y« Son of Ezra & Elifabeth Candee was born Aug*^ firft anno Dom 1757 Sarah y« Daughter of M"": John & M": Sarah whiting was Born on Saturday y^ 21^': Day of Jan^ 1758 James y^ Son of James and Mabel Ailing was Born on y« ii**^: Day of march Anno Dom 1756 Jared y« Son of Hez^: & Mary Hotchkis was born march 15 1757 John y® Son of Samuel and Sarah Atwater was Born Dec"": 24^^: Anno Dom 1757 Jacob y^ Son of Thomas waiter was born april 5 1756 [29] Births Ezra y® Son of Dan' : Tallmadge was bom Sep"". 21 1757 Salle y® Daughter of Amos & Phebe Bifhop was born Dec*": 23'* Anno Dom 1757 348 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS James y*" Son of James and Sarah Bafset was born may 30'"^ : John y^ Son of John & Thankfull Cotter was born July 11''': Anno Domini 1755 Elifabeth y® Daughter of John and Thankfull Cotter was born Sep"". 19"* Anno Dom 1757 Chauncy y® Son of Eden & freelove Sperry was born October 2^: Anno Domini 1752 Philo y® Son of Eden and freelove Sperry was born Sep"": y^^: Anno Dom 1754 Army y^ Son of Eden & freelove Sperry was bom Sep"" 29^"^: Anno Domini 1756 Dorothy y« Daughter of M"". Thomas & M""' Abigail Darling was born Feb^'^: 15''': 1757 Huldah y® Daughter of Phin^: & martha Bradly was born Nov"": 13th. J7^7 Sarah y® Daughter of M': DanM & M": Sarah Lyman was born Dec"". 21 1757 Ahimaer y^ Son of David & Thankfull Punderfon was Born y® 26 Day of auguft 1757 [30] Births Efther Daughter of Jonathan Sperry Ju^ & Mehetabel Sperry was bom Sep"". 19**^ 1749 Alexander y^ Son of Jonathan Sperry Ju^ and Mehetabel Sperry was born Nov"". 17"^ 1752 Ambros y'' Son of Jonathan Sperry Ju"" and Mehetabel Sperry was born May 6 1755 Zinee y® Son of Jonathan Sperry Ju'" & Mehetabel Sperry was bom Jan''^. 12 1758 Eunice y® Daughter of Jos. Collins was bom December 8'^ 1747 Joel y® Son of Jos. Collins was born March 16'^ 1750 Alehetabel y^ Daughter of Jos. Collins was born July 14'^ 1752 Amos y® Son of Jos. Collins was born June i^' 1755 Anna y^ Daughter of Jos. Collins was born april 25"^: 1757 Martha y® Daughter of David & Lydia Perkins was born oct^ 10*'': 1757 Henry y® Son of Elie^ Browne Ju"". & Sibel Brown was born Feb^: iS'^ 1755 Araunah y^ Daughter of Mathew Blackslee was born april 17'^ 1758 Mary y® Daughter of Jos. & Fife Miles was born June i^' 1757 Sarah y® Daughter of will". & Sarah Plryrhert was born October 28'^: 1757 '02 First written " 1758." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 349 [31] Births Avis y^ Daughter of Eben'". Finch was born oct^ 26''': 1755 Anna y^ Daughter of Eben'". Finch was born oct^ 26. 1757 Patience y^ Daughter of Step". Jacobs was born aug*^ 18: 1757 Ebenezer y« Son of Titus and Mabel Manffield was born July 16*'': Anno Dom 1757 Sarah y^ Daughter of Timothy & Efther Thompfon was born auguft firft Anno Dom 1750 John y« Son of Timothy & Efther Thompfon was born on y« 27'^'': Day of april 1753 Defire y^ Daughter of Timothy & Efther Thompfon was born march 26^'' 1756 Elihu y« Son of Timothy & Sarah Howell was born upon y* 20"^: Day of april 1758 Martha y® Daughter of Job Smith was born may 15*'': Anno Dom 1756 John y« Son of Simon Tuttle was born Feb^: 12'^^: 1758 Jabez y^ Son of Jeremiah Osborn was born on y® 23** Day of June 1757 ,00 Afa Son of Laz"". & mabel Ives was born march 8 1758 * [32] Births Ithamer y^ Son of Aaron and Efther Blackslee was born Feb^ : 23': 1745 Lydia y® Daughter of Aaron & Efther Blackslee was born april 24''': 1747 Hannah y® Daughter of Aaron & Efther Blackslee was born July 17^'": 1749 Phebe y® Daughter of Aaron & Efther Blackslee was bom may 8'^ 1751 Jonah y^ Son of Aaron & Efther Blackslee was born may 3 1753 Efther v® Daughter of Aaron & Efther Blackslee was born Sep- 8^"^ 1755 Gideon Andrews and Mofes Aaron Twins Sons of Aaron & Efther Blackslee was born Jan^: 13''': 1758 Caleb y® Son of James & Darcos Humafton was born upon y^ 16^^: Day of may A:D: 1758 Abigail y® Daughter of Solomon & Sarah Gilbert was born July 28"^ 1758 Obediah y^ Son of Daniel Hotchkis was born april 9'^: 1731 Eli y® Son of Obed*^ : & mercy Hotchkis was born Sep*": 18 1758 Mary y® Daughter of Elifha & Mary Bradly Born June 9**^: 1758 John y^ Son of Jos: & Hannah Hitchcock was born May 8"^ Anno Dom 1754 [33] Births Efther y* Daughter of Jefse & mamry Bradly was born No- vember 17''': Anno Dom 1758 350 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Ame y® Daughter of Benj": & Ame Hull was Born aug^ 3*^ Anno Dom 1757 Sarah y*" Daughter of Hezekiah & Abigail Gorham was born upon y^ 2f^\ Day of Nov'". 1757 Eunice y^ Daughter of John & Lydia man f field was born april I 1740 David y® Son of John & Lydia manffield was born July 3*^ 1741 Rebecca y^ Daughter of John & Lydia manffield was born may 17th 1745 Mercy y^ Daughter of Hez^ Sabin was born July 29''' 1758 Timothy y® Son of James and Sarah Bafset was born Decem- ber 24''' Anno Dom 1758 Enos y® Son of Jotham & Hannah Blackslee was born September 8''': Anno Dom 1758 Mehetabel y® Daughter of Jabez & Efther Bradly was Born March 3"^ 1757 Hannah y^ Daughter of Jabez & Efther Bradly was Born December 21 Anno Dom 1758 Abigail y® Daughter of Stephen & Abigail Ball was born December 29'^'^ Anno Dom 1758 [34] Births Enos y® Son of Dan'^ Atwater Ju'" was born Nov'". 22"^. 1758 Samuel y® Son of Aaron & Darcos Potter was born y'' 13"^^ Day of December Anno Dom 1758 Experience y'' Daughter of Alexander & Sibel Booth was fiorn Nov"". 3'^ Anno Dom 1758 Timothy Clark y^ Son of Isaac Stiles Ju"". & Mabel Stiles was born Feb'"^. fir ft 1758 Gideon y® Son of Phin^: Perkins was Born Feb"": 17 1754 Jafon y* Son of Phin^. Perkins was born aug* 31 1756 Patience y® Daughter of Phin^: Perkins may 16 1758 Denis y® Daughter of And"". Bradly was born Dec'" 13'^ : 1753 Abigail y® Daughter of James warren was born June 3^: 1752 Nathaniel y® Son of James warren was born Jan""^ : 15''': 1755 Jemima y® Daughter of James warren was born Ocf: 1758 Bette y® Daughter of Nicholas Rufsel was born april 6'*^: 1758 Ruth y® Daughter of John Perkins was born Sep*" 7'*^ 1758 Hannah y® Daughter of James Thompfon Ju*" was born January 14'^ 1754 James y^ Son of James Thompfon Ju"" was born Aug': 2^ 1756 [35] Births Sarah y® Daughter of John & Eunice Gilbert was Born aug': 26'^: Anno Dom 1758 Mabel y® Daughter of Seth and Abigail Barns was born may 29'" 1758 James y® Son of James & Sarah Heaton was born June 23'' Anno Dom 1758 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 351 Mary y® Daughter of John & Mary Turner was born January 17'^ Anno Domini 1759 Lucy y® Daughter of Ebenezer & mary Beech was born October 29**": Anno Dom 1758 Jerusha y^ Daughter of Benj : & Martha Hotchkis was born March 10 1756 Defire y^ Daughter of Benj & Martha Hotchkis was born June lo^-^: 1758 Sam": Bellamy Son of Sam' Bellamy was Born aug*^ 8'^^ 1755 Anne y® Daughter of Sam' Ballamy was Born December 8^^ 1757 Joel y® Son of And"". Ives was born may. 7"^ 1751 william y® Son of Andrew Ives was born July 4'^^ 1753 Lent y^ Son of Andrew Ives was born June 27 1758 Isaac y^ Son of Giles Dayton was born aug*: 24 1758 Jefse y® Son of Sam" : Brockett Ju'' & Eunice Brocket was born may f^ 1758 [36] Births Stephen y^ Son of Jeremiah & Anna Atwater was born July 27*'' Anno Dom 1758 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Jos. & Abigail Row was born June 29'*^ 1750 Mary the Daughter of Joseph and Abig'.: Row was born Jan""^: 28*'^: 1753 Eunice the Daughter of Jos : and Abigail Row was born June 29^*^:1755 Stephen y® Son of Joseph and Abigail Row was born January 31 1758 Amos y® Son of Isaac Blackslee Ju'': was born Nov"": 6: 1758 Lydia the Daughter of Enos Tuttle Ju"". was born Sep"": 13 1758 Sarah y® Daughter of M'": Jonathan & M''^: Sarah Fitch was Born June 22"^ 1758 Holebrook y^ Son of Jonah & Lydia Atwater was born the 20**^ : Day of aug^: 1758 Martha y" Daughter of Abram Turner was born March 10*'': Anno Dom 1758 Luc y® Daughter of Enoch Turner was born June 22"^ : Anno Dom 1758 Mary y® Daughter of Jonathan & Mary Smith was Born Dec': 30'^^: 1755 Jonathan y® Son of Jonathan & Mary Smith was Born Feb"": le^'^ 1758 [37] Births Elifha y® Son of Jonathan Atwater Ju"". was Born Dec"": 20''^ 1758 Jefse y® Son of Elip*: & mary Pardee was born June 3'^ 1757 352 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Efther y® Daughter of John & Thankfull Brockett was born th aur 7'" 1755 John y® Son of John & Thankfull Brocket was born July S^^ anno Dom 1757 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of John & Elifabeth Hill was born December 15"* 1757 Sufanah y® Daughter of Amos & Elifabeth Thorp was born January 20"^ I754 Afhbel y'' Son of Jerufha Barns was born march i6'*': 1757 Hannah y® Daughter of Amos Peck was born may 20^^: 1757 Elifabeth Ann y^ Daughter of Silas Ailing was born March 17'^: 1758 Jafon y^ Son of Jacob Atwater was Bom may s*'*: anno: Domini 1759 Sarah y^ Daughter of John & Phebe Melone was born January Anno Dom 1757 Daniel y® Son of John and Phebe melone was Born November 23^ Anno Dom 1758 [38] Births Lowrana y® Daughter of Dan^ Heaton was born June 18'^ 1759 Sarah y® Daughter of Step" : & Sarah Chatterton was Born July 14^^ 1759 Hila y® Daughter of James Bifhop was born July 20 1737 Dinah y^ Daughter of James Bifhop was born Ocf 7 1739 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of James Bifhop was born June 12 1741 James y*^ Son of James Bifhop was born July 12 1744 Sibel y^ Daughter of David & Hila Tharp was born aug* : i 1757 Mary y^ Daughter of Stephen & Eunice Dickerman was Born January 17'^^: anno Dom 1758 Eunice y® Daughter of James & Sarah Ives was born aug*. 18^** 1758 Silas y® Son of Amos & Hannah Perkins was Born april 4'^ 1758 Lucreafea y® Daughter of Enos Todd was born aug^ 26''' I759 Joseph y® Son of m"". Tho^ : & M""^. Abigail Darling was born on y« fir ft Day of July 1759 Aaron y® Son of Dan" Bradly y^ 3''. was born aug' 3'': 1757 Obedience y® Daughter of Dan": Clark was born Nov"": 7*^: 1756 Amilia y® Daughter of Dan" Clark was born Jan'"^: y^^: 1759 [39] Births Jared y® Son of David Atwater was born Sep'': 24'^ 1758 Jefse y^ fon of John Ives was born aug': 16'^ I759 Lucy y® Daughter of Sam": Beecher Ju'": was born January y* 8: 1740 Molley y^ Daughter of Sam" Beecher Ju"" was born October 29 1741 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 353 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of Sam' Beecher Jif was born Dec"": 24*^^: 1743 Tryphene"^ y^ Daughter of Sam' Beecher Ju"" was born Feb"^ : 5*'' 1745 Rachel y^ Daughter of Sam" : Beecher Ju"". was born apnl y® S'^: 1749 Medad y^ Son of Sam" : Beecher Ju"" : was born January y^ 13''' : 1750 Amos y^ Son of Sam". Beecher Ju'": was born may 26"' 1753 Afhbell y'^ Son of Sam": Beecher Ju'" was born april 5"^'' 1755 Jonathan y® Son of Samuel Beecher Ju"": was born april 8^^ 1757 Samuel y^ Son of Samuel & Mehetabel Bifhop was Born Feb^°* i^: 1758 [40] Births Isaac y^ Son of Isaac Beecher Ju"". ^was born Aug': 18"": 1757 Isaac y® Son of Isaac Beecher Ju"". was born Nov"" 3*^: 1748 Sam" Son of S"^. Beecher was born Nov"": 15 1750 Mabel y® Daughter of S'^. Beecher was born March 9: 1753 Hezekiah y^ Son of S**. Beecher was born July 29 1755 , Hannah y® Daughter of S''. Beecher was born Ocf 22*^ I757 Aaron y^ Son of Dan" : Bradly y*' 3*^. was born aug*^ 3'': 1757 Obedience y® Daughter of Dan" Clark was born Nov'", y^^: 1756 Amilia y® Daughter of Dan' Clark was born Jan'"^: j^^: 1759 Enos y® Son of Titus man f field was born December 12"* 1758 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Jos: and Sarah Munfon was born aug': 7, between 2 & 3 of y^ Clock in y® morning 1759 Lucy y^ Daughter of Sam" : Dickemian was born June firft 1759 Katherine the Daughter of Tho^ Walter born July 18''': 1758 Stephen y® Son of John Row born may 6 1759 Elijah y^ Son of Job Smith born aug*: 2y^^: 1758 John y^ Son of Epheram & Sufanna Humafton was born October 3"*: 1758 [41] Births Phebe y® Daughter of Sam": Bafset was born Nov'". 22* 1759 William y® Son of arch"^. & Sarah McNiel of New Haven was born may 13*'^ 1759 Mary y® Daughter of Jude Tuttle was born July 20''' 1758 Eunice y® Daughter of Mofes & Martha Brooks was born april 17 1757 Deborah y^ Daughter of Henry and Deborah Toles was born ye 27th. ]3^y q£ Jyjy J ^2 I 103 First written " Rachel." IC^ First written " Nov." 23 354 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Phileman y® Son of Henry and Deborah Toles was born may 8'»: 1753 Hannah y® Daughter of Mabel Toles was born June 14^^ Anno Dom 1755 Rachel y^ Daughter of Henry and Deb*" Toles was born De- cember fir ft 1745 Isaac y^ Son of Isaac and Sarah Doolittle was born Feb^: 13*^: Anno Dom 1759 Ithamer y^ Son of Ithamer and Hannah Todd was born Nov': 15*'': Anno Dom 1757 Patience ^^ Daughter of Ithamer and Hannah Todd was born Jan'": 23'': Alino Dom 1759 Lowle y® Daughter of Step": Goodyear was born June 12'^ 1759 [42] Births John y^ Son of Step", and Efther Peck was born Dec"": 12'^: 1759 Mary y® Daughter of Benjamin & Hannah Pardee was born July 10 1759 Sarah y® Daughter of Jos. Beecher y® 3*^ and Efther Beecher was born Nov'". 25 1754 John y® Son of Jos. Beecher y^ 3*^. & Efther Beecher was born Jan'". 30 1756 Walter y® Son of Jos. Beecher y® 3*^ : & Efther Beecher was born Nov"". 21 1757 Medad y^ Son of Joel and Mary Hotchkiss was born april 21 Anno Dom 1758 Abraham y^ Son of Titus and Efther Todd was born april 19 1759 Rebecca y® Daughter of David and Mary Auftin was born DeC": 16 1753 Mary y® Daughter of David and Mary Auftin was born Ocf: 24 1755 David y® Son of David & Mary Austin was born March 19''' 1759 Jacob y® Son of Jacob and Lydia Sperry was born June 29*'' 1748 Lemuel y® Son of Jacob and Lydia Sperry was born aug' 21 1751 [43] Births Lydia the Daughter of Jacob and Lydia Sperry was born Nov"". 16 1754 Lufene y'' Daughter of Jacob and Lydia Sperry was born March 24^^ 1757 Sarah y® Daughter of Jos and Sarah Tallmadge was born Jan: 23 1760 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 355 Joseph y® Son of Tho^ : and Lydia Trickey was Born Feb"" : 7"^ : Anno Dom 1760 Rebecca y® Daughter of m"": John & m": mary Noyes was born Nov"": 22*^: 10 minutes after Eleven o Clock in y® Evening 1759 Jefse y^ Son of Nath' & Abigail Tuttle was born Jan^. 26 1759 David y'' Son of David Bradly was born March 28 Anno Dom 1759 Anna y*' Daughter of David & Thankfull Punderfon was born Feb 17: 1760 Solomon y^ Son of Dan'' Hotchkis was born June 20*'' 1756 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Dan' Hotchkis was born December 4*^ 1757 Tirzah y® Daughter of Dan' Hotchkis was born y* 14 Day of aug*: 1759 [44] Births Abner y^ Son of Hez'^: and Martha Tuttle was born Feb: 27 1760 Samuel y^ Son of Peter & Mary Perkins was born Sep'': 11 1756 Rachel y® Daughter of John & Efther Dickerman was born Feb: 23: 1753 Abram y® Son of John & Efther Dickerman was Born ocf: 25'^ 1754 Efther y® Daughter of John & Efther Dickerman was Born July 8 1759 Andrew y^ Son of And"" & Denis Bradly was born July 12^^ 1759 Abner y® Son of Daniel Hull was born may 4^'' 1759 Samuel y^ Son of Mathew Blackslee was born may 22'' 1760 Isaac y^ Son of Joseph & Ann Miles was born November 21 1759 Eunice the Daughter of the Rev"^ M'" Nicholas Street & m""^. Kezia Street was bom ocf: 27 1759 Caleb y^ Son of Sam'. & Sarah Atwater was Born upon the 28''': Day of December Anno Dom 1759 Rebecca y® Daughter of Judah & Sarah Thompfon was born January 3'' 1760 [45] Births Mary y® Daugther of Jos : & Hannah Hull was Born June 13*'^ : 1760 Job y® Son of Caleb Sperry was born July 19 1756 Mercy the Daughter of Caleb Sperry was Born January 23^. 1759 Hannah y^ Daughter of Nath" : & Difire Humafton was bom June 16 1757 356 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Ruth y® Daughter of Nath'>: & Defire Humaston was born y« lo^^ Day of DeC: 1759 Eloner y° Daughter of Tho^: & Mehetabel Walter was born march 14^'' 1760 Mary y® Daughter of Asa Goodyear was born march 22^ 1760 Sarah y^ Daughter of mofes Brooks was born april 29 1760 Efther y® Daughter of Gerfhom & Katherine Todd was born aug': 28^'' 1759 Mamare y^ Daughter of Thomas CHnton was Born y^ 11^'': of Sep'-. 1747 Thomas y^ Son of Thomas CHnton was born May 13^'' 1750 Ebenezer y« Son of Thomas CHnton was born Feb'": 20 1755 [46] Births Benjamin y^ Son of Benj & Hannah Ally was born December 24*'' 1756 Richard y® Son of Benj : & Hannah Ally was born March 5*^^ 1759 Stephen y® Son of Jabez & Eunice munfon was Born 1759 Eunic y^^Daughter of Obed Johnfon was born March \2^'°- 1754 Joseph y"" Son of Jos & Lydia Peck' was Born Feb"". 4 1759 Afa y® Son of Afa Morris was born June 1760 Mofes y® Son of Jacob Robinfon was born July 14 1754 Ade y" Daughter of Jacob Robinfon was born aug^ 18 1760 Rachel y^ Daughter of John & Rachel Bifhop was born Oct' 28"^ 1752 Sarah y^ Daughter of John & Rachel Bifhop was born Dec"": 17 1754 John y^ Son of John & Rachel Bifhop was born Feb 27''' 1757 Ruly y® Daughter of John & Rachel Bifhop was born June 17 1759 Jo Heaton y^ Son of Enos & Mary Bafset was born y^ 16 Day of June 1760 Mary y® Daughter of M'". Jabez mix & Jemima Mix was born June 17 1760 [47] Births Ann y® Daughter of Samuel Chatterton was born Feb 16 1754 Samuel y^ Son of Sam" Chatterton was born march 13 1755 Sufannah y® Daughter of Sam' Chatterton was born aug*- 29 1757 John y® Son of Sam" Chatterton was born march 11 1759 William Joseph y^ Son of m"". John Whiting & M""^: Sarah Whiting was born ocf. is"': 1760 Jefse y° Son of John Gilbert Ju''. was born march 19 1758 Lydia y® Daughter of John Gilbert Ju"" was born march 4*^ 1760 Hannah y^ Daughter of Joy Humaston was born Dec"": 11^'' 1758 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 357 Darias y® Son of Richard Sperry was born Nov^ 29 1758 John y® Son of Jonah Baldwin was born Sep"" 10 1743 Anna y® Daughter of Jonah Baldwin was born July 14: 1753 Silas y® Son of Jonah Baldwin was born March 9: 1757 Miles y® Son of Joseph Merwin w^as born may 9 1760 Archibald y^ Son of Nathan Sanford was born april 14^'' 1759 [48] Births Efther y^ Daughter of Tim°: Thompfon was born aug': 12^^ 1759 Reuben y® Son of Titus Hitchcock was born Dec' 28: 1759 Clark y^ Son of Henry & Hannah Toles was born aug' : 25'** : 1758 David y® Son of Henry & Hannah Toles was Born aug^ 5'^ 1750 David y^ Son of Elip*. Pardee was bom aug^^°^ 8 1759 Amos y^ Son of Amos & Darcos Hitchcock was born June 9 Anno Dom 1753 Sarah y® Daughter of Amos and Dorcos Hitchcock was bom aug*^ 20"" 1754 Abigail y® Daughter of Amos & Darcos Hitchcock was born Jan^^' I 1756 Mary y® Daughter of Amos & Darcos Hitchcock was born March 6 1758 Abiah y® Daughter of Amos & Daros Hitchcock was born Jan": 5 1760 Stephen y® Son of Step°. & Abigail Ball was born Feb"": 22 1760 Lucy y® Daughter of Step". & Lucy munfon was Born Ocf: 16 1756 Stephen y^ Son of Stephen & Lucy Munfon was born Feb : 20 1758 [49] Births Sufannah y® Daughter of Stephen & Lucy munfon was bom Nov^ 3^ 1759 Solomon y^ Son of Jacob & Thankful! Pinto was born Dec': 29 1758 William y® Son of Jacob and Thankful! Pinto was born Decem- ber 16'^ 1760 Ulary y® Daughter of James Ives was born march 10 1760 Joanna y® Daughter of wait Catterton was born may 2y 1753 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of Daniel & Elifabeth Tuttle was born may 10*'': 1760 Samuel y* Son of Samuel & Lydia Austin was born ocf. 7. 1760 Rhoade y^ Daughter of Ezekiel & Hannah Hotchkis was bom Feb^: 10 1759 106 First written "July." 358 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Calvin y® Son of Theophilus Heaton was born aug*: 14. 1755 Lydia y® Daughter of Thomas & Abigail Humafton was born March 2*^ 1760 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of John & Mehetabel Johnfon was born Feb: 6'*' 1760 David y® Son of Seth Downs Ju'". & Sarah Downs was born September 4 1760 Timothy y® Son of Sam" : & Mehetabel Bifhop was Born march 28 1759 [50] Births Ebenezer y^ Son of Ebenezer Beecher Ju"": and Sarah Beecher was born June 22*^: 1757 Joseph Nicholes y*' Son of Eben"": Beecher Ju"": and Sarah Beecher was born Sep"": 9*^*^: 1760 Noah y^ Son of Jonathan Ailing Ju"". and Ame Ailing was bom Dec"": 20*^^ 1757 Ame y® Daughter of Jonathan Ailing Ju"". & Ame Ailing was born Ocf: 28 1760 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of David & Elifabeth Atwater was born april 27"" 1760 Chauncy y® Son of Tim": & Eunice Howel was born ocf. 9^^: 1759 Samuel y® Son of Solomon and Rhoade Lewis was born april lo"" 1760 Medad y® Son of Cap*: Joel Hotchkis and Mary Hotchkis was born 7'^ of Ocf 1760 Laben y® Son of Jos. Downs & Phebe Downs was born Sep'. 19 1758 Zepheniah y®. Son of Jos. & Phebe Downs was born July ic,^^ 1760 Hannah y^ Daughter of Titus and Mabel Manffield was born Feb 12*'" 1 76 1 Abigail y® Daughter of Jonathan Osborn was born Sep''. 28*'*: 1758 Mehetabel y® Daughter of Jonathan Osborn was born Ocf: i®' 1760 [51] Births Sarah y« Daughter of M' : Lev" : Hubbard & M" : Sarah Hub- bard was bom may 31 : 1758 Hezekiah y® Son of Hez'^: & Mary Brockett was born January 6*'' 1 76 1 Joseph y^ Son of M"" John Noyes & M" : Mary Noyes was born y® 14'^: Day of Feb: at one Quarter of an hour before 2 of y* Clock in y^ morning 1761 Ithamer y® Son of Ithamer Todd & Hannah Todd was born oct^: 4"" 1760 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS • 359 Elihu y« Son of M^ Dan" Lyman & M". Sarah Lyman was Born aug' 24 1760 Either y« Daughter of Lawrence Clenton was born aug' S*'^ 1760 Eldad y® Son of Jonathan & Patience mix was born may 23"^ : 1757- Mary y^ Daughter of Jonathan & Patience Mix was born Nov''. 20^*" 1759 Mabel y^ Daughter of Abram & Elifabeth Cooper was bom Nov"". 22"^ 1 741 Cloe y^ Daughter of Abram & EHfabeth Cooper was born march 9 1744 Mary y^ Daughter of Abram & EHfabeth Cooper was born Feb: 22^. 1747 Mabel y^ Daughter of Abram & Elifabeth Cooper was born Dec*" 12. 1750 [52] Births Abraham y^ Son of Abram & Elifabeth Cooper was Born July 31 1753 Isaac y® Son of David Bifhop was born Feb. 21 1759 Jonah y® Son of David Bifhop was born Feb: 20 1761 Mary the Daughter of Samuel and Mehetabel Bifhop was born on thirfday y^ 10^'': Day of July 1760 Phebe y® Daughter of Dan": & Eunice Hull was born Dec"": 3'^ 1760 Jared y® Son of Jefse Bradly was born aug*^: 25 1760 Ichabod y^ Son of Daniel & Sarah Atwater was Born Feb^'^: 11*^ 1 761 Nathaniel y® Son of James & Anna Blackslee was born april 11*^ 1760 Jofeph y® Son of Thomas & Lois Pardee was born July ii"": 1755 Sufannah & Joel, Twins Daughter of Son of Thomas and Lois Pardee was Born Feb: 11 1760 Lydia y® Daughter of Andrew & Sarah Ives was Born aug*^ y^^ 1759 Archibald y® Son of Azariah & Anna Perkins was born 31 Day of Dec''. 1758 [53] Births Nathan Hanes y^ Son of Col: Nathan & M""^ Mary Whiting was born Nov''. 6 1759 Lois y® Daughter of David & Sarah Bifhop was Born Nov'. 21 1759 Phebe y® Daughter of Jos & Phebe Woodin was born Nov''. 19 1755 Phebe y^ Daughter of Jos. & Phebe woodin was born Septem- ber 23'^. 1756 36o • NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Calvin y® Son of Jos. and Phebe woodin was born aug^ 14 1758 Aner y^ Son ^''' of Jos. & Phebe Woodin was born Nov"". 4"^ 1760 Lydia y® Daughter of Obediah & Mercy Hotchkis was born January 26''^ 1761 Jared y® Son of Hez'': and mary Hotchkis was born March 6 1761 Elifabeth y® Daughter of John Brocket Ju"". was born ocf. 13 1760 Bulah y® Daughter of Abraham Turner was born June lo^"^ 1760 Sam' Son of Sam" Dorman was born Nov"" 1749 Mary y® Daughter of Sam' Dorman was born Ocf. 26. 1753 James y® Son of Sam' Dornian was born Nov"". 18 1755 David y® Son of Sam' Dorman was born June 15 1757 Sarah y^ Daughter of Sam Dorman was born Nov'": i : 1760 [54] Births Warham y® Son of Jonathan Smith was born Dec*". 2. 1760 Edward y® Son of James warren was born Sep"": 18: 1761 Jofiah y® Son of EHfha Bradly was born Nov"". 23*^: 1760 John y® Son of John Blackslee was born March 15 1756 Mary y® Daughter of Dennis Bradly was born Sep''. 8^'': 1760 Aaron y® Son of Jude Tuttle was born ocf. 4 1760 Dan" : y® Son of Henry freeman & Lydia Hufe was born June 17'*^ 1759 Abram y® Son of Zop"". Blackslee was born March 2^ 1761 Elihu y® Son of James and mehitabel Thompfon was bom Jan^: 15 i759 Enos y® Son of Alvan & martha Bradly was born June 14 1759 Eben''. y® Son of Lazarus Ives was born Feb: 21 1761 Thomas y® Son of John Munfon was born January 31 1758 Anna y* Daughter of John Munfon was born Oct^ 2^ 1760 [55] Births Major y® Son of Eben'. ■& Mabel morris was born ocf: 16 1751 Efther y® Daughter of Eben'". & mabel morris was born Feb: 28 1753 Abigail y® Daughter of Eben"". & mabel morns was bom Sep' : I 1754 Sarah y® Daughter of Eben'. and mabel morris was born may 17 1756 Lydia y® Daughter of Eben'. & mabel morris was born June I 1757 Amos y® Son of Eben'. & mabel morris was born Oct': 7 1759 Thedofha y® Daughter of Sam": Pierpoint was born Feb: 22^: 1758 Mehetabel y® Daughter of Sam" : Pierpoint was born June 28 1760 107 First written " Daughter." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 361 Medady^ Son of Jos Potter was born Feb: 4 1760 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Jos. Potter was bom y^ 5'^ of april 1761 Ebenezer y® Son of John Pardee was born y^ 27 Day of January 1755 Mary y® Daughter of Joel & Abigail Bradly was born Nov"". II 1760 [56] Births Rebecca y® Daughter of Benj : & Ame Hull was born may 12*'' 1 76 1 Mofes y® Son of Mofes and mary Sanford was born Feb: 17 1761 John y® Son of Walter and Mabel Munfon was born March I 1761 Reuben y® Son of Reuben Batcheler was born Ocf: 28 1760 Richard Newman the Son of Samuel and Sarah Atwater was born april 26"" 1761 Thomas Richmond y® Son of Tho^ and mary Purcel was born may 13^^^ 1753 Daniel y^ Son of Benj Dorman Ju"" and May Dorman was born march 3^^ 1761 Samuel Dennis y® Son of Dennis & Efther Covert was born april 4 1760 Ebenezer y® Son of Deacon David Auftin and m" : mary Auftin was born June 18 1761 Jeremiah y® Son of Jeremiah Townfend Ju"". and Abigail Town- fend was born June 27 1761 Joel y^ Son of James Heaton Ju''. & Sarah Heaton was born June 24*'' 1 76 1 Sarah Elifabeth y® Daughter of M"". Jonathan & m'■^ Sarah Fitch was born aug^: 9 1760 [57] Births John y® Son of John & Sarah Danielfon was born July 13, 1759 Sarah y® Daughter of John & Sarah Danielfon was born Sep'". 13 1760 • Dameras y® Daughter of Daniel Bradly y® 3*^ & Abigail Bradly was born march 21 1760 Sarah y^ Daughter of Jabez Bradly & Efther Bradly was bom Nov"". 29: 1760 Zebulon y« Son of Zeb: & Elifabeth Bradly Ocf: 30*^: 1754 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Zeb : & Elifabeth Bradly was born Dec"": 15^^ 1756 Elijah y" Son of Zeb & Elif" Bradly was born Ocf: 10'^ 1759 Defire y® Daughter of M*". Nicholas Street and m". Defire Street was born Aug*: i^^^'- 1761 John y® Son of John and Lydia winftone was born Sep': 12 1761 362 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Joel y® Son of Eben"": & Sarah Brocket as born aug': ii'*^ 1760 Elifha y° Son of Jacob Atwater was born July S'-^ 1761 James y® Son of M"". James Pierpoint & m" : Ann Pierpoint was born July 27"": 1761 Elijah y^ Son of will"". Hubbard born Sep^ 14: 1761 [58] Births Hannah y® Daughter of Tilley and Hannah Blackslee was born Sep"". 24"^. 1 76 1 Lois y® Daughter of Ezekiel and Hannah Hotchkis was born July 17^^ 1 76 1 Sarah y® Daughter of Nath': & Sibel Heaton was born Nov"": 23^ 1755 Thankfull y® Daughter of Nath' : & Sibel Heaton was born Feb : 4 1757 Sibel y® Daughter of Nath' : & Sibel Heaton was bom March 17 1759 . Patience y® Daughter of Nath" & Sibel Heaton was born January 21 1761 Jefse y® Son of Amos and mary Leek was born Sep''. 29 1760 William Fredrick y® Son of Isaac and Sarah Doolittle was born april 14 Anno Dom 1761 James y® Son of Eben"": & Lydia Hull was born June 16'^ 1745 Joseph y® Son of Eben"". & Lydia Hull was born aug': 8^'' 1747 Lydia y® Daughter of Eben'' : and Lydia Hull was born april 6'^ 1749 David y® Son of Eben"". & Lydia Hull was born September 17'*^ 175 1 [59] Births Samuel y® Son of Eben"": & Lydia Hull was born Feb 9*'': 1754 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Eben"" : & Lydia Hull was born aug' : S'"" 1756 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Titus Todd was born July 14''' 1761 Tryphena y® Daughter of Nathan & Tryphena Dumer was born Sep"": 16 1761 Phileman y^ Son of Isaac Blackslee Ju'': was born ocf 1760 Lucy y® Daughter of John Ives was born ocf: 15. 1761 Stephen y® Son of Stephen Goodyear was born June 16 1761 Mary y® Daughter of Eben'' Beech was born Sep'" 15 1761 Ame y® Daughter of James Thompfon was born may 18: 1761 Nathan y® Son of Abr™: Thompfon Ju"": was born Jan''^ : 17: 1759 Martha y® Daughter of Abr™ Thompfon was born Feb: 11: 1761 Mary y® Daughter of Richard and mary Brocket was born march '13: 1759 Giles y® Son of Richard & mary Brockett was born april 30 1761 Richard y® Son of Richard wood was born Jan''. 22'^ 1761 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 363 Bette y^ Daughter of Nicholas & mary Rufsel was born April 61758 [60] Births Elmer y^ Son of Nicholas & Mary Rufsel was Born Feb^ : 14 1761 Edward and John Sons of Edw*^ & Mary Meloy was born april 27 1760 Rofsanner y^ Daughter of Edw'^. & mary Meloy was born Feb: 6 1761 Josephus Bennoni y® Son of Sam' Bellamy was born aug* 25 1760 Sarah y^ Daughter of Epheram and Sufanna Humaston was born Nov"". 16 1760 Jane y® Daughter of Tim° : & Ruth Goodyear was born May 24 1761 Sarah y® Daughter of Amos morris was born march 18: 1752 John y^ Son of Amos Morris was born July 22*^: 1754 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Amos morris was born March 6: 1757 John y® Son of Amos Morris was born Sep"". 2.^. 1759 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Amos Morris was born Ocf 13: 1761 Andrew the Son of Hezekiah & Martha Tuttle was born January 4*'' 1762 Eunice y® Daughter of John & Elif"' Thompfon was born april 14: 1749 Levi y^ Son of John & Elis*'* Thompfon was born Nov'". 26 1751 Mary the Daughter of John & Elis"^: Thompfon was born Nov^ 5 1754 Phebe y^ Daughter of John & Elis*^. Thompfon was born april 15 1756 [61] Births Hannah y^ Daughter of John & Elif'^ Thompfon was born June 4: 1758 Experiance the Daughter of John and Elifabeth Thompfon was born July 25*^ 1761 William y® Son of John wife was born ocf 15 1761 Lydia the Daughter of Tim°: Bradly was born Feb i^* 1762 Nancy the Daughter of Enos and Sarah Todd was born oct': 6 1 761 Joseph y® Son of Joseph and Lydia Pierpoint was born april 28^^^ 1760 Isaac y® Son of Abram and Lydia Bafset was born Februar}'- 6'^ Anno Dom 1762 Rhoada Catherine y® Daughter of Dinis & Esther Covert was born November ^"^ 3^ 1761 Elisha y® Son of Jos. & Sarah munfon was Bom april 7 1761 108 First written " March," 364 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Efther Stiles y® Daughter of Lemuel & Efther Bradly was born July 14 1761 David the Son of the Rev*^. m"": Benj : Trumble and M": Martha Trumble was born March lo"" 1762 Content y*' Daughter of Ambros & Sarah Ward was born Sep'' : 19 1761 John y® Son of James and Sarah Bafset was born oct^ 5 1761 [62] Births Jared y® Son of Jotham Blackslee was born July 26: 1760 Eli y° Son of Nathan Tayler was born Sep"". 13 1760 Abigail y*' Daughter of Dan'' Pardee was born July 3: 1750 Isaac y" Son of Dan": Pardee was born aug'. 17: 1755 Mary y® Daughter of Dan^ Pardee was born Dec"": 22 1761 Samuel y^ Son of Sam" : & Dinah Smith was born Jan''^ : 23 1760 Dinah y^ Daughter of Sam" : & Dinath Smith was born Ocf : 31^': 1760 Mehetabel y® Daughter of Zadock & Defire Ailing was born Dec"". 9^'^ 1 76 1 Deborah y* Daughter of Josiah and Deborah Tuttle was born Feb^^: 18 1742 Efther y" Daughter of Thomas & Abigail Humaston was born March 11 1762 Thomas y® Son of M"" Jonathan & M'■^ Sarah Fitch was born Feb: 13 1762 Elem y® Son of James lues was born December 16"^ Anno Dom 1 76 1 Efther y® Daughter of Nathan & mary Ailing was Born Decem- ber I 1755 Ely y° Son of Nathan & mary Ailing was born June 20 1757 Nathan y® Son of Nathan & mary Ailing was born October 2 1 1759 [63] Births Abigail y® Daughter of Jacob Plitchcock was born Nov"". 8 176 1 Afal y® Son of William Bradly was born January y® ^^: 1758 Jude y® Son of William Bradly was born December 2^: 1760 Isaac y® Son of Isaac & Martha Ford was born Dec'". 25 1757 Ellard y® Son of Isaac and niartha Ford was born Dec"". 17 1759 Flavel y* Son of Isaac & Martha Ford was born October 15'^^ 1761 Mary y^ Daughter of Jos. and Ann Miles was born May 6. 1762 Stephen y* Son of Stephen Thompfon was born January ii**" 1760 Sarah y® Daughter of Daniel Atwater Ju"": and Lois Atwater was born June 10 1762 Mabel y® Daughter of Joy Humaston was Born June 19''' 1761 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 365 Sarah y^ Daughter of David EHfabeth Bradly was born March fir ft 1762 Sarah y® Daughter of John & Martha Fro ft was born July 17'*^ 1762 [64] Births Thomas y® Son of James & Lydia Smith was Born y® firft Day of October 1761 Mary y" Daughter of Benj Dorman Ju''. & Mary Dorman was born aug*: 11 1762 Rachel & Hannah Twins Daughters of Seth & Hannah Plumb was born aug*. 19: 1743 Jemima y^ Daughter of Seth and Hannah Plumb was born Nov"". 14 1745 Lucy y® Daughter of Seth & Hannah Plumb was born June 15 1748 Deborah y^ Daughter of Seth & Hannah Plumb was born Nov"" : 2^ 1749 Hannah the Daughter of John Row was born June 9: 1762 Ely y^ Son of Jefse & mamre Bradly was born may 3 1762 Eunice the Daughter of John & Gilbert was born Feb : 20 1762 William y^ Son of Sam': and Lydia Auftin was born Sep'': 8"^ 1762 Eben"". y^ Son of Eben"" & Efther Humphervile was born Dec"" 24- 1754 John y^ Son of Eben''. & Efther Humphervile was born aug'. 13: 1756 Joseph y*' Son of Eben'". & Efther Humphervile was born Nov'' 27 1759 [65] Births Abram y® Son of Abram Turner was born april 11 1762 John y« Son of M'" John & M""': Mary Noyes was born aug': 2^th J -752 Medad y^ Son of Jehiel & Rebecca Osborn was born may 31 1753 Rachel y« Daughter of Jehiel & Rebecca Osborn was born ocf. 14'^ 1755 Lucy y^ Daughter of Jehiel & Rebecca Osborn was born March 4*'' 1758 Elisha the Son of Jehiel & Rebecca Osborn was born June 22"^ : 1761 Jefse y« Son of Lawrence & Elifabeth Clenton was bom aug*. 9*'' 1762 Experience y® Daughter of Step". & Sarah Chatterton was born ocf. 12 1762 Asa y® Son of Asa and Mehetabel Goodyear was born Feb''^ 14 1762 366 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Caleb y® Son of James and Abigail Humaston was born May 2^^^'. 1762 ]\Iedad the Son of David & Patience Ailing was born June 28*^^ 1762 Mary y^ Daughter of Jacob Atwater was born Feb: 7'^ 1763 [66] Births Hannah y® Daughter of Dan' Lyman Efq"". & m" Sarah Lyman was born Ocf: 9 1762 Lydia y^ Daughter of Jeremiah & Anna Atwater was born april 14 1761 Lydia y^ Daughter of Jeremiah & Anna Atwater was born aug^ Q**" 1762 Isaac the Son of Stephen & Eunice Dickerman was born april 1^^"^ 1760 Efther y^ Daughter of Sam^ Downs Ju"". & Sarah Downs was born Sep^ 18''' 1757 Felix y® Son of Sam' Downs Ju"". & Sarah Downs was born April 17*'^ 1762 Afael Ives y® Son of Elifha Bradly was born Dec'. 2.^'. i'/62 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Thomas & Mary Bills was born July I 1754 Mary the Daughter of Thomas & Mary Bills was born January 18 1756 Sufannah y® Daughter of Tho^ & mary Bills was born ocf. 14*'' 1757 Thomas y^ Son of Thomas & Mary Bills was born January firft 1760 Tenty y^ Daughter of Tho^ and Mary Bills was born Feb'"^ : 24''' 1762 Hannah y^ Daughter of Step°. & Lucy Munfon was born Dec'' 7 1762 [67] Births Mathew y® Son of Mathew & Rhoade Blackslee was born July 16*'' Anno Dom 1762 Josiah Son of John & Ruth Hatch was born July 17 1758 Mary Daughter of John & Ruth Hatch was born Feb: 22*^ 1761 Mary the Daughter of Jsaac & Lydia Blackslee was born ocf 10 1762 Sarah y® Daughter of John Thompson was born Feb: 13''' 1763 Anna the Daughter of Thomas & Defire Green was born Sep"". 21 1762 Caleb y^ Son of Seth and Phebe Blackslee was born april 25 1762 Anna Daughter of Jonathan osborn was born Sep"". 4 1762. Joshua y* Son of Jos. & Phebe Downs was born December i^* 1762 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS . 367 Lucy y^ Daughter of Ezekiel & Sarah Tuttle was born January 10*'' 1 761 Solomon y® Son of Zopher & Eunic Blackslee was born the 9*'' Day of Nov"" 1762 John Son of Jos Dorman was born Dec"". 2^ 1762 Sam" Son of Sam" & EHfabeth White was born June 25 1757 [68] Births Nathan Hains Son of Col : Nathan Whiting & m'■^ Mary Whit- ing was born Nov'". 6 1759 Elizabeth M&ry Daughter of Col: Nathan Whiting & \1'\ Mary Whiting was born Ocf. 14 1763 Louifa y« Daughter of M"". M"". John & M■'^ Sufannah Hotchkis was born March 3*^ 1756 Gabriel Son of M"" John & M". Sufannah Hotchkis was born Sep--: is'"^: 1757 Sufannah Augusta Daughter of m'". John & M" Sufannah Hotchkis was born aug': 6 1759 Sophia Charlotte Daughter of M"": John & M""": Sufannah Hotchkis was born march 3'* 1761 Fredrick William Son of M'". John & M""^: Sufannah Hotchkis was born Oct^ 30 1762 Rhoade y® Daughter Ezra & Ruth Sperry was born Feb 20*'* 1760 Ruth y® Daughter of Ezra & Ruth Sperry was born aug': 22^ 1762 John y^ Son of Eben'". Todd was born Dec"". 29 1762 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Giles Dayton was born aug*. 28 1762 Sarah y® Daughter of Step'^ : & Sarah Burrell was born may 22*^. 1758 Martha y^ Daughter of Step*". & Sarah Burrell was born March II 1761 [69] Births Jude y® Son of Jude and Lydia Tuttle was born march 7^'^ 1763 Chriftopher y® Son of Cap^ Christopher Kilby & m""^. mary Kilby was born May 7 1762 Naomi y^ Daughter of David & Sarah Bishop was born June 16 1762 Phineas y® Son of Elip*^ Stevens was born Feb : 10 1746/7 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Elip* Stevens was Born may 3^ 1748 Stephen y® Son of Elip*^: Stevens was born May 23'^ 1750 Shubal y^ Son of Elip"^ Stevens was born June y® 28''' 1753 Amelia y^ Daughter of Flip* Stevens was born Sep"": i 1759 Eben^ y® Son of John & Ruth Hatch was born March 26 1763 Charles y® Son of Jos. & Hannah Manffield was born Decem- ber 14 1762 368 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Richard Newman the Son of Samuel & Sarah Atwater was born May 3** 1763 Rufsel y® Son of M"" : Joseph Pierpoint and M" Lydia Pierpoint was born May 17 1763 [70] Births Isaac y® Son of Mofes and Mary Sanford was born March 22*^ 1763 Ruth y® Daughter of Zuar Bradly was born Nov^ 9^*^ 1762 Rhoade y^ Daughter of OHver Blackslee was born april 16 1763 Timothy y® Son of David Gilbert Ju"". & Elifabeth Gilbert was born March 15 1763 Mary y® Daughter of Jos. & Elifabeth Ives was born July 4th 1763 Benjamin y^ Son of Benj : & Hannah Pardee was born March 23^ 1763 Samuel Pabody Son of John wife was born June 10 1763 Chauncy y® Son of Nathan Ailing Ju"": was born May 25''' 1763 Hannah Seath y® Daughter of Benjamin and Hannah Alley was born April 5 1761 Joseph y'' Son of Benjamin & Hannah Alley was born March • 2^ 1763 Thomas y® Son of John munfon was born Nov. i 1763 Hannah y'' Daughter of Dan'^ Tallmadge was born april 30'^^: 1 761 [71] Births John y« Son of Docf. John Rhoads & M''^ Rhoads was born march 4"": 1757 Freadrick y^ Son of Docf. John Rhoads & M''^ Rhoads was bom Jan^. 14 1759 Thomas y" Son of Docf: John Rhoads and M". Rhoads was born Sep"". 10 1760 Simon y^ Son of Dan'. Atwater Ju"". was born Sep"": 11 1763 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Jos. & Eunice Smith was born Janu- ary 29 1756 Jefse y^ Son of Jos. & Eunice Smith was born aug*: 26 1757 Katurah y® Daughter of Jos. & Eunice Smith was born Dec''. 3^' 1759 Eunice y® Daughter of Jos. and Eunice Smith was born Sep"". 25^^ 1 76 1 Cornlus y® Son of Jonathan & Mary Dayton was born Feb 25 1763 Jeremiah y® Son of Zadoch Ailing was born July 27^'' 1763 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Step": Brown was born may 28 1756 [72] Births Phebe y« Daughter of Step". Brown was born July 4"^ 1759 Ely y^ Son of Sam' Pierpoint was born aug' 5 1763 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 369 Efther y® Daughter of Reuben Batcheler was born March 5 1763 Sarah y® Daughter of Thomas & Mary Ailing was born april 22^ 1760 Roger y« Son of Thomas & Mary Ailing was born March 12^"°- 1762 Sarah y« Daughter of Deacon David Auftin & M". Mary Auftin was born July 24 1763 Thomas y^ Son of Thomas Leek was born may 29 1762 Emelia & Cloife Twins Daughters of David Whitney was born Feb: 18 1759 David y® Son of David Whitney was born Nov"" 22"^ 1762 Joseph y® Son of Amos Peck was born July 5 1762 Sarah y® Daughter of Jos. & Lois Dickerman was born aug*. 31 1757 Hezekiah y® Son of Jos. & Lois Dickerman was born January 31 1760 [73] Births Amifa y® Son of Elifha Mallery was born Feb^ 20 1763 Sarah y^ Daughter of Hez & Eunice Bradly^"^ June 18 1757 Alexander y® Son of Hez & Funic Bradly was born Dec"". 29 [1758] . Hezekiah y® Son of Hez^ & Eunice Bradly was born January 12 1760 Elijah y® Son of Hez^ & Eunice Bradly was born may 27 1762 Amos y^ Son of Eben"". Warner was born November 8'^ 1761 Efther the Daughter of Eben"". Warner was born July 19^*^ 1763 IMeriam y^ Daughter of Dearing & Phebe Phipps was born Nov^ 8 1759 Elifabeth & Phebe Daughters of Dearing & Phebe Phipps was born Feb. 18 1763 Benjamin y® Son of Dan & Sarah Bradly was born Feb'' 18 1753 Anil y« Son of Dan & Sarah Bradly was born Sep"". 9 1755 [74] Births Edmon y® Son of Dan & Sarah Bradly was born Sep"". 24 1757 Sarah y^ Daughter of Dan & Sarah Bradly was born Nov"". 27 1759 Nehemiah y® Son of Dan & Sarah Bradly was born April 13 1762 Zerah y® Son of Joel and Elifabeth Blackslee was born aug' 26 1763 Jefse y^ Son of Jefse & Mamre Bradly was born December 9'^ Anno Dom 1763 Israel y^ Son of Israel Dorman was born Nov"". 23: 1761 lO^First written " Johnfon." 24 370 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Stephen y^ Son of Israel Dorman was born Nov'': 7: 1763 Nathan y* Son of Joseph & Efther Beecher was born may 30'^ 1760 Sibel & Joseph Daughter & Son of Joseph & Efther Beecher was born June 23"^ 1763 Anna and Thankfull Daughters of David and Thankfull Pun- derfon was born ocf ^^^: 1763 Jarias y® Son of Tho^ Sanford was born Nov"". 21 1762 [75] Births Sarah y® Daughter of Samuel Horton was born Sep'". 13 1751 Naomi y® Daughter of Sam' Horton was born Nov"". 14 1753 Mary y® Daughter of Samuel Horton was born aug*: 22*^. 1755 Mehetabel y® Daughter of Sam' Horton was born april 2^ 1757 Abigail y® Daughter of Sam' Horton was born Feb 2^. 1759 Caty y^ Daughter of Isaac Smith was born march 20 1755 Alen y® Son of Isaac Smith was born March 11 1758 Abraham y® Son of Isaac Smith was born may 30 1760 Israel y^ Son of Isaac Smith was born april 29''' 1762 Samuel y® Son of Phineas Clark Ju'": was born June 19 1747 Abigail y® Daughter of Phineas Clark Ju"" was born July 29*"^ 1749 Rachel y^ Daughter of Phin^ Clark Ju'. was born July i 1752 [76] Births Joseph y^ Son of Phin^ Clark Ju'. was born Ocf. 6 1754 Durias y® Son of Phin^: Clark Ju"": was born aug*^ i 1756 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Phin^: Clark Ju"". was born June 24 1760 Rebecca y® Daughter of Roger Sherman Efq"". and M" Rebecca Sherman was born Feb^: 22"^: 1764 Josiah Stanley y® Son of Joel Tharp was born March 13 1764 Richard y® Son of Titus Mansfield was born May 24 1763 Salle y® Daughter of Hopeftill & Abigail Crittondon was born april 16 1762 David y® Son of David Potter was born may 28 1762 Obediah y® Son of Obediah and Mercy Hotchkis was born Sep"". 4^^ 1762 Rebeckah y® Daughter of James and Sarah Bafset was born Sep"" 27 1763 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of John Gills was born April 23** 1763 Eli Bradly and Efther Goodyear of New Haven were Joyned in marriage March 8 1763 ^"^ Hannah y® Daughter of Eli & Efther Bradly w^as born Nov"". 19 1763 [77] Births Lydia y® Daughter of Joseph & Cloe Bafset was born Sep*". 21 1 761 109 Entry crossed out. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 371 Zopher y« Son of Jos: & Cloe Bafset was born april 11 1763 Luther y® Son of Peter & mary Mallery was born Sep^ 25 1756 Daniel y^ Son of Peter & Mary Mallery was bom June 25*'': 1758 Efther y^ Daughter of Peter & Mary Mallery was born aug*. 4 1760 Calvin y^ Son of Peter & Mary Mallery was born aug*^ 13 1762 Caleb y® Son of Jonah & Rachel Bradly was born July 20 1760 Lydia y^ Daughter of Jonah and Rachel Bradly was born Dec"" 29 1 76 1 Phebee y® Daughter of Jonah & Rachel Bradly was born Jan^ 9'^ 1764 Titus y® Son of Dan": Bradly y® 3*^. was born ocf: 12 1762 Sufanah & Rof saner, Twins Daughters of John and Sarah Pardee was born ocf: 13*'': 1762 Ruth y® Daughter of Benj & Ame Hull was born Nov"". 27 1763 [78] Births Samuel y® Son of Josiah & Sibel Pardee was born July 26 1762 Edward y® Son of Seth Downs Ju': was born Feb'": 19 1764 Eri y® Son of Jos. Woodin was born July ii**^ 1763 Solomon y*' Son"" of David Jacobs was born July i^' 1759 Hannah y'' Daughter of David Jacobs was born Sep"": 1$^^ 1762 Giles y® Son of Dan' : & Rebeckah Doolittle was born Decem- ber"' 28''' 1763 Lucy y® Daughter of Tho^ Green was born March 24 1764 Willmot Son of Walter Munfon was born July 4 1764 John the Son of Stephen manffield was bom april 11 : 1756 Jared y® Son of Step"". Manffield was born May 23^: 1759 Henry y® Son of Step'' manffield was born Feb'i^*^: 1762 David y^ Son of M"". James Pierpoint & M'■^ Anna Pierpoint was born July 26 1764 Efther y® Daughter of Jabez & Efther Bradly was born July 3^ 1762 [79] Births Isaac y^ Son of Joel and Elifabeth Gilbert was bom Nov''. 8*'' 1756 Eli f ha y^ Son of Joel and Elifabeth Gilbert was born July 3* 1758 Israel y^ Son of Joel and Elifabeth Gilbert was born Sep"". 20*": 1760 Sarah y« Daughter of Joel & Elifabeth Gilbert was born Feb:"^ 7^^ 1764 "" First written " Sarah y* Daughter." 11' First written " July." 1^2 First written " Sep^." 372 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS James y® Son of M^ John Noyes and M": Mary Noyes was born aug*: 4^*': 1764 Anna y^ Daughter of Dan'. & Hannah Smith was born aug*. 25 1751 Joseph y^ Son of Dan" & Hannah Smith was born November 4'^ 1754 Benjamin y® Son of Dan" & Hannah Smith was born Aug': 12''': 1757 Darcos y® Daughter of Dan' & Hannah Smith was born Feb : 25 1760 Daniel y^ Son of Dan" & Hannah Smith was born Sep^ 23*^ 1762 William y^ Son of Mofes & Mary Vinters was bom June 18 1761 Mofes Samuel y^ Son of Mofes and mary Vinters was born June 19"": 1763 [80] Births Anna y" Daughter of Jeremiah & Anna Atwater was born Sep"". 28''» 1764 Eunice y^ Daughter of David and Elifabeth Atwater was born June 2^. 1762 Phebe y* Daughter of David and Elifabeth Atwater was born May s^^ 1764 Phebe y® Daughter of Jonathan Ives was born Feb'': S'*" 1757 Alatheah y® Daughter of John Bradly Ju"". and Deborah Bradly was born July 11 1763 Nathan y® Son of Nathan Tayler was born april 6'^'* 1763 Daniel y® Son of Joel and Rebecca Tuttle was born Sep"". 29 Anno Dom 1749 Abraham y" Son of Joel and Rebecca Tuttle was born Nov"". Mary y® Daughter of Joel and Rebecca Tuttle Avas born april ye jgth jy^2 Rebecca y® Daughter of Joel and Rebecca Tuttle was born December y^ 20"" 1755 Chriftopher y® Son of Joel and Rebecca Tuttle was born September 26 1759 Mary y® Daughter of Joel and Rebecca Tuttle was born april II"'. 1764 [81] Births William y« Son of M"". Adam & M" : Abigail Babcock was born Nov"" 1764 Isaac y® Son of Giles and Mary Dayton was born Nov"". 23^. 1764 Jo Heaton y^ Son of Enos Bafset was born Sep'" 2^ 1764 Caleb y« Son of Tim°. & Mary Ford was born Feb: 21 1744 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 373 Sarah y® Daughter of Tim", and Mary Ford was born May 17 1746 Efther y« Daughter of Tim°: & Mary Ford was born march 17th 1750 Ezra y® Son of Joy Humaston was born aug': 13''^: 1763 Katurah y^ Daughter of Jo^ Smith was born april 12'^'' 1764 Eber y*^ Son of Ezekiel & Hannah Hotchkis was born November 26**^ 1764 David Merriman y'' Son of Enos Todd born the 9*^ Day of Feb 1765 Stateira y® Daughter of Benj Hotchkis was born Nov"": 16 1765 Abi y^ Daughter of Isaac Blackslee Ju"" & Lydia Blackslee was [born] Jan^ 11 1765 [82] Births Sarah y® Daughter of Isaac & Lois Bradly was born Jan'"^ 2.^. 1764 Amela y® Daughter of Zop'". Blackslee was born Dec'. 4^^ 1764 Sibel y® Daughter of David & Hila Tharp was born aug*: i^': 1757 Mofes y® Son of David & Hila Tharp was born Ocf. 22*^ 1760 Sarah y® Daugher of David and Hila Tharp was born Nov' 4*'' 1762 Merriam y^ Daughter of James and Phebe Barns was born Feb : 12*^ 1753 Reuben y® Son of James and Phebe Barns was born april 23^ 1755 Phebe y® Daughter of James and Phebe Barns was born Dec'. 6 1758 Mamre y® Daughter of Elifha & mary Bradly was born March 5 1765 John y® Son of John Pardee was born Oct' 24 1764 Sufanah y® Daughter of Epheram and Sufanah Humaston was born October 5"^ 1763 Mehetabel y® Daughter of Cap* Joel Hotckis & Mary Hotchkis was born July 14: 1764 Lydia y® Daughter of David Bradly born March 17 1765 [83] Births Charles y® Son of Charles & Sufanah Sabin was born July 5 1763 Sufanah y^ Daughter of Charles and Sufanah Sabin was born March 4 1765 James Munfon y^ Son of Charles & Sibel Cook was born June II 1765 Rebecca y® Daughter of Sam": Bishop Ju'. and Mehetabel Bifhop was born on monday the 21 Day of January at 10 of y« Clock at Night 1765 374 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Samuel y® Son of Daniel & Ruth Heaton was born July i 1765 Mary the Daughter of the Rev". M"" Benj Trumble & M'"^ Martha Trumble was born May 30"' 1765 Nathaniel y® Son of Jn°. & Hannah Storer was born Ocf. 25 1762 John y® Son of Jn°. & Hannah Storer was born July 27 1764 Hannah y® Daughter of Ezra Sperry was born Nov"", i 1764 Lydia y® Daughter of Benj. Bishop was born May 3*^. 1765 Elifabeth y® Daughter of James Bishop y^ 3*^. was born ocf: 16 1759 Mary y® Daughter of James Bishop 3*^. born October 25 1761 [84] Births Sarah y® Daughter of James Bishop 3*^ : was born March ^*-^ 1764 John y« Son of Jn°. & Sarah Mix was born Ocf 22'^ 1761 Samuel y® Son of Jn°. & Sarah Mix was born aug' 22^^ 1763 Diodate y^ Son of Jn°. & Sarah Mix was born July 31 : 1765 Lucy y® Daughter of Jos. Woodin was born July 11 : 1765 Stephen y" Son of Jonathan Sperry was bom Nov"": 6'-'^ 1744 Sam" y® Son of Jonathan Sperry was born Dec"". 7^*^ 1747 Fanny y® Daughter of John & Mary Lothrop was born July 24 1765 Samuel y® Son of Dan & Sarah Barns was born Feb""^'. 5 1765 Cloa y® Daughter of Joel Bradly was born June 15 1764 Phebe y® Daughter of Tho^. Humaston was born Dec"" 7 1764 Abigail the Daughter of Dan' Hull was born Jan'^' : 16 1765 James y*" Son of James Bishop y* 3*^. was born Ocf: 16.1765 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Deacon David Auftin and M'■^ Mary Auftin was born June fir ft 1765 [85] Births Christopher y^ Son of Christopher Killby was born May 7 1762 William Ailing y® Son of Chris"" Kilby was born Decebmer 25 1763 Thomas Tyler y" Son of Chris"" Kilby was born Oct^ 14 1765 Sam' y® Son of John Hatch was born may 25 1765 Cornelia y® Daughter of Adonijah Sherman was born March 25 1763 William y^ Son of Adonijah Sherman was born July 27 1765 David y^ Son of David Gilbert Ju"" and Elifabeth Gilbert was born Feb 7^^ 1765 Efther y® Daughter of Hez & Abigail Gorham was born July 26 1764 Enos y« Son of John Bradly Ju"" & Deborah Bradly was born March 13 1765 Polly Agusta y® Daughter of Peter & Sufanah Bonticou was born aug\ 13 1763 David y® Son of Lawrence Clenton was born aug* 27 lyt^. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 375 [86] Births Samuel y^ Son of Eli f ha Mallery was born May i 1765 Thaddeus y^ Son of Lemuel & Mary Hotchkis was born Sep"" 24 1757 Plepsiba^^^ y^ Daughter of Lemuel & Mary Hotchkis was born March 14'^ 1760 Mary & Amrilus Twins Children of Lemuel and Mary Hotch- kis was born april 3 1762 Ruel y® Son of Job & martha Todd was born Ocf. 30"": AD 1765. Eli y® Son of Abram & Lydia Bafset was born January 5^^ 1766 Anie y^ Daughter of Benjamin Pardee J'": was born December 30 1765 Israel y® Son of Ezra Dodge born Sep"". 23*^. 1755 Ruth the Daughter of Ezra Dodge born January 29. 1756 Ira the Son of Ezra Dodge born September 29: 1758 Israel y® Son of Ezra Dodge born Sep'". 22 1760 Sufanah y® Daughter of Ezra Dodge born aug'. 4 1762 Ezra y® Son of Ezra Dodge born July 13^'^: 1764 Sarah y® Daughter of Sam" Atwater born ocf. 31 : 1765 Mamry y® Daughter of Jefse & Mamry Bradly was born Dec'" 22"* 1765 [87] Births Abel y® Son of Sam' & Mary Smith was born January 7 1766 Defire y® Daughter of John Robinfon was born January 2^ 1758 John y® Son of Jn° Robinson born Nov*": 12: 1760 Juftin^^* y® Son of John Robinson was born Dec'. 6''^ 1765 Mary y® Daughter of Sam" & Elifabeth White was born June 19 1764 Thomas y® Son of Sam". & Elifabeth White was born May 2^ 1766 Mary Deforestt the Daughter of the Rev'^ Stephen Hawley & M'"^ Mary Hawley was born aug*: 30**^: 1765 Cearfull y® Daughter of Mathew Blackflee was born may 4*^^* 1764 Abigail y® Daughter of John & Abigail Brown was born March iS"' 1765 Huldah y® Daughter of Tim°: Thompson was born June 25 1762 David y® Son of James and Anna Blackslee was born Feb : Y^ Anno Dom 1766 [88] Births Cloe y® Daughter of Abel & Mary Bifhop was born april 29*'* 1764 113 First written " Mary." 11'' First written " Jacob." 376 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Abraham y® Son of Abel & mary Bifhop was born June 5*^^ 1765 Stephen y° Son of Step" : & Lucy Peck was born Feb 2^ 1765 Sarah y^ Daughter of Step". & Lucy Peck was born April 24 1766 Gerfhom y^ Son of Eliez^ Brown J^ was born Jan'"^'. 13: 1759 Sarah y® Daughter of Eliez"" Brown Ju''. was born Nov"". 13*'^. 1760 William y® Son of Eliez"" Brown J"", was born Feb: 17^'' 1763 Sibel y** Daughter of Eliez" Brown Ju"". was born Feb: 2'^. 1765 Laben the Son of Dan' Smith was born aug'. 14 1765 Mary the Daughter of M^ John Noyes and M" Mary Noyes was born June 21 1766 Rhoade the Daughter of David & Elifabeth Atwater was born May"" 13''' 1766 Mary y^ Daughter of Ruben Batcheler was born May i^^^ 1765 Efther y® Daughter of Noah & Abigail Ives was born aug^ 22*^. 1765 Tilotfon y® Son of Tiley & Hannah Blackslee was born July^' 25 1766 [89] Births Elifabeth the Daughter of Thankfull and Elif'' : Peck was born January 25 1763 Sarah y® Daughter of James and Sarah Bafset was bom July 25 1765 Bennit y® Son of Joy Humaston was born July 8''^ : Anno Dom 1766 Mofes & Aaron Sons of Jos. Sperry J'" was born Sep"": 21 1765 Mary Ann y® Daughter of Will'": & Eloner more was bom Sep^ 13 1764 Elifabeth y® Daughter of John & Henritte Miles was born June jst 1755 m Minor the Son of John & Henrittee Miles was born January 10^'' 1757 Elnathan y* Son of John & Henritte Miles was born Dec"". 22''. 1758 Stephen y® Son of John & Henritte Miles was born Nov"". 2^ 1761 Stephen y® Son of John & Henritte Miles was born Ocf. 23*^ 1763 Elifabeth y® Daughter of John and Henritte Miles was bom June I 1766 Edward the Son of Abraham & Abigail Blackslee was born June 21 1766 Mary the Daughter of Jonathan & mary Dayton was born Sep"". 4'^'' 1765 lis First written " June." 116 First written " Aur;*." 11" The words " Duplicate. See page 2 " have been written in the margin. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 377 [go] Births Rebecca y^ Daughter of Azariah Perkins was born Sep"". 24 1765 Sacket y^ Son of Joel Blackslee was born April 15*^^ 1766 Anna the Daughter of John Clenton was born april 9^'' 1766 Gurdon Saltonftall y'' Son of Col: Nathan Whiting and M". Mary Whiting was born Sep'" 10 1766 Hannah the Daughter of Epheram Goldsmith and Sarah Gold- smith was born aug*^ 23^^. 1766 John the Son of John & Efther Row was born December 13*^ 1765 John the Son of Edward Meloy and Mary Meloy was born December ^^^ Anno Dom 1766 Simeon y^ Son of Isaac Dickerman was born July 20 1766 Rachel y® Daughter of John Lewis born May 19 1763 Mary y® Daughter of John Lewis born Nov"" y^^ 1765 Cloe y^ Daughter of Sam^ Brockat J'' was born ocf 20 1766 Timothy y^ Son of Tim° Leek was born Sep"" 24 1762 Elifha y® Son of Tim° Leek was born Oct"" 14 1764 Silas y® Son of Obediah & Mercy Hotchkis was born March 16 1765 [91] Births Anna y^ Daughter of John and Phebe Warner was born June 7th 1753 John the Son of John and Phebe Warner was born June 16 1764 Phebe y® Daughter of John & Phebe Warner was born Sep"". 3^ 1766 Rebeckah y® Daughter of Ruben & Joanna Tuttle was born Nov^ s^^ 1766 Hannah y« Daughter of the Rev^ Nich" Street and M". Hannah Street was born March 7^^. Anno Dom 1767 Sarah y® Daughter of Isaac & Lois Bradly was born January 2'*. 1764 Isaac y® Son of Isaac & Lois Bradly was born May 5 1765 Lewis y® Son of Isaac & Lois Bradly was born January 14*^ 1767 Tim°. y^ Son of Tim°: & Mary Ball was born Nov''. 6'^ 1751 Hannah y® Daughter of Tim°: & Mary Ball was born Dec"": Amos y® Son of Tim°. & Hannah Ball was born Dec'": 10*'^ 1755 Chloranna y^ Daughter of Oliver Blackslee was born Nov"". 27 1764 Sufanna y® Daughter of Oliver Blackslee was born January 2y^^ 1767 [92] Births Abiah y** Daughter of Joel & Abiah Atwater was born October 6*^ 1764 378 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Rebecca y® Daughter of Joel & Abiah Atwater was born March 21 1766 Joseph y^ Son of Zadock Ailing was bom March 5"": 1765 Elifabeth y" Daughter of Zadoch Ailing was born December 15*'' 1766 Thomas y® Son of Eben"" Todd was born Jan""^'. 28 1766 Noah y® Son of Eben"" Darrin was born Feb: 8 1767 Joshua y® Son of Ithamer Tuttle was born March 3'^ 1764 Jude y® Son of Ithamer Tuttle was born June 27"^ 1765 Lydia y® Daughter of Joseph & Lydia Pierpoint was born November 18'^'' 1766 Samuel y« Son of M"" John Whiting & M" Sarah Whiting was born Sep"". 9'^ 1762 Hannah y^ Daughter of M"". John Whiting & M". Sarah Whiting was born Auguft 15^ 1765 Bettee y® Daughter of Walter & mabel Munfon was born Nov"" f^ 1765 Dan the Son of Jabez and Efther Bradly was born June 10^'' 1767 [93] Births Hannah y® Daughter of Jefse Goodyear was born aug* 10 1763 Jefse the Son of Jefse Goodyear was born Septem"" 29 1765 Obedience y® Daughter of Dan Carrinton was born Dece"" y^'^ 1753 Comfort y^ Daughter of Dan Carrinton was born July 31 : 1756 Philena y® Daughter of Dan Carrinton was born Feb : 10 1758 Jafon the Son of Dan Carrinton was born Sep"". 12 1759 Sibel the Daughter of Dan Carrinton was born aug' 26. 1761 Mary Ann y® Daughter of Dan Carrinton was bom Sep'" 17**": 1763 Merrit y® Son of Dan Carrinton was born Ocf 10*^ 1765 Johnson y® Son of Daniel Doolittle and Rebecca Doolittle was born Nov"" 10 1765 Sarah y® Daughter of Daniel Doolittle and Rebecca Doolittle was born march 26 1767 Stephen y^ Son of Stephen & Sarah Ingerham was bom april 15 1766 Elijah y® Son of Nicholas & Abigail Peck was born March 14 ^765 Benjamin y® Son of Phin^: Curtis & Hannah Curtis was bom July 19*^ 1763 Phin^ the Son of Phin^ : & Hannah Curtis was born Nov"". 8'*^ 1765 John y^ Son of John & Deborah Bradly was bom Jan*^: 20*'' 1767 Clerana y^ Daughter of Jonathan & Elifabeth Bradly was bom aug* i" 1766 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 379 [94] Births Caleb y® Son of Joshua & Martha Ray was born aug^: 12: 1758 Martha y^ Daughter of Joshua & Martha Ray was born June 16 1760 Richard fon of Joshua & Martha Ray was born March i^': 1762 Abigail y^ Daughter of Joshua & Martha Ray was born July 20 1763 Beckah y® Daughter of Joshua & Martha Ray was born aug' iQt'^: 1765 Efther y® Daughter of Joshua & Martha Ray was born april 16 1767 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Caleb & Lois Ailing was born April 17^''. 1767 Eunice y® Daughter of Z6pher & Eunice Blackslee was born april 25 1767 Tome y'' Son of Benj Bifhop was born Jar^'^ 3*^: 1764 Mary the Daughter of Ruben Batcheler was born may 15**^ 1765 Timothy y^ Son of John Hatch was born June 13: 1767 Policy y^ Daughter of John & Mary Lothrop was Born March 25 1767 Sarah y^ Daughter of Silvanus & Sarah Bifhop was born Ocf. 16 1763 Elihu y® Son of Silvanus & Sarah Bifhop was born Sep"". 23*^ 1765 [95] Births Malley y® Daughter of Silvanus & Sarah Bifhop was born aug"^ 12th 1767 John y^ Son of Samuel & Mehetabel Bifhop was born June 26 1767 Samuel y® Son of M'". Joseph Ruggels was born Sep''. 18"' 1750 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Joseph Ruggles was born March 22*^ 1753 Mary y^ Daughter of Jos. Ruggels was born aug*. 22"^ 1757 Molle y^ Daughter of Phineas and Martha Bradley was born april 28"^ 1767 Sufanna y® Daughter of Samuel and Sarah Atwater was Dec"". 29'^. 1766 Hannah y^ Daughter of Amos and Hannah Perkins was born March 24 1765 James y® Son of James Lines was born Nov"". 30 1748 Afhbel y® Son of James Lines was born april 9 175 1 Pamela y® Son of James Lines was born april 15 1756 Ezra y® Son of James Lines was born Sep"". 24 1760 Benj'^. y® Son of James Lines was born aug^ 16. 1762 38o NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Sarah y® Daughter of James Lines was born Dec''. 31. 1764 Ebenezer y* Son of James Lines was bom June 25 1767 [96] Births Silas Y« Son of Tim° Bradly was July 20 1767 Phebe" y® Daughter of Ezekiel & Hannah Hotchkis was born Nov^ 6"' 1766 Sarah y® Daughter of Charles Cook was born Dec"". 22^^ 1766 Epheram y« Son of Eliez''. Brown J"", was born Feb 23: 1767 Lydia the Daughter of Isaac Blackslee was born Feb: 4''' 1767 Levi y^ Son of Daniel & Sarah Sperry was born Nov'". 15*^ 1767 Mary y^ Daughter of Caleb & Alary Sperry was born aug' 14 1761 Martha y® Daughter of Caleb & Mary Sperry was born Ocf. 14*^ 1763 Betty y® Daughter of Caleb & Mary Sperry was born June S"' 1767 Ira y^ Son of Zuar Bradly was born June 8*'' 1767 Abigail y® Daughter of Henry Freeman Hufe was born Ocf. 2^ 1761 Patience y® Daughter of Jos. Bafset was born Nov'", 8'^: 1764 Efther y^ Daughter of Jos. Bafset was born Ocf": 11*^ 1766 [97] Births Samuel Mix the Son of M'". Jonathan & M^^ Elifabeth Fitch was born Sep"". 8^" 1767 Stephen y^ Son of John Abigail Sava was born Nov'": 6 1762 Mary y^ Daughter of John and Abigail Sava was born ocf": 9*^ 1764 Abigail y® Daughter of John & Abigail Sava was born aug* 23"^ 1766 Ezra y® Son of Ezra Sperry was born March 2.^ 1767 ]\Iary y^ Daughter of Aaron & Mary Potter was born Nov'. 28 1767 Israel y® Son of Israel munfon was born Feb. 3^ 1767 Leemale y® Son of Thomas Humphervile was born 25 February 1760 Thomas y® Son of Thomas Humphervile was born Feb'"^ : 25*^ 1762 Elijah y^ Son of Thomas Humphervile was born March 2.^ 1764 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Tho^. Humphervile was born Nov"". 10 1766 Hannah y^ Daughter of Deacon David Auftin & M'■^ Mary Auftin was born ocf: 26 1767 Guy y^ Son of Thomas & Efther Dodd was born Feb'": 2'j'^'^: 1763 Mercy y® Daughter of Caleb Tuttle was born March 12*^ 1767 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 381 [98] Births Deborah y^ Daughter of Obed Bradly was born Feb: 8^*^ 1766 Jefse y" Son of Obed Bradly was born Ocf 10 1767 Polley y^ Daughter of Samuel and Mary Smith was born March 8'^ 1767 Elifabeth Mary y^ Daughter of Isaac and Sarah Doolittle was born March 16 1765 Joel y^ Son of Joel & Elifabeth Gilbert was born the 15*^^ Day of april 1766 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Joel and Elifabeth Gilbert was born y« 2<^ of Feb': 1768 Mary Dinah y® Daughter of Nicholas and Abigail Peck was born Ocf 31 1767 James y® Son of Peter Bontecou & Sufanna Bontecou was born aug'. 6 1766 Thomas y® Son of Thomas Humaston was born Ocf 21 1767 Abigail y" Daughter of Jeremiah & Abigail Parmale was born November 3*^ 1767 Rehoda y*^ Daughter of David Ailing was born Feb 14*'^: 1764 Patience the Daughter of David Ailing was born July 21 1766 Juftus y^ Son of Nathan Ailing J"" & Mary Ailing was born June 8*'^ 1766 [99] Births Samuel y^ Son of Col : Nathan Whiting & M". Mary Whiting was born Feb^. 22*^. 1768 Josiah y® Son of Chriftopher Todd was born ocf. 28 1753 Abigail y® Daughter of Christopher Todd was born ocf 22*^ 1755 John y® Son of John Kimberly was born Auguft 24'^ 1762 Sarah y® Daughter of John Kimberly was born Feb: 10 1765 Jabez y« Son of David Gilbert Ju'". was born Sep"". 15'^ 1767 Amos y® Son of Nathan Tayler was born March 24'^'^ 1767 Peter y^ Son of Peter Perkins was born Sep''. 22"^ 1766 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Peter Perkins was born November 14 1767 Silas y® Son of Stephen & Eunice Peck was born May 23"^ 1765 Hezekiah y® Son of Stephen & Eunice Peck was born July 7*^ 1767 Sarah y® Daughter of Abraham Bafset was born y® 16'^ Dav of Feb^ 1768 [100] Births Lydia y^ Daughter of Nath.'^ : Penfield was born aug*^ 19*'' 1758 Nathaniel the Son of Nath". Penfield was born Nov'". 14^'^ 1760 Rebecca Rena y® Daughter of Nath" Penfield May lo^'^ 1763 382 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Amelia y"* Daughter of Nath" Penfield \Yas born ]\Iay 26 1766 Amarila y^ Daughter of EHfha Bradly was born ]\Iarch 8^^ 1767 Lyman y* Son of Lemuel & Parthene Hotchkis was born Jan- uary 9'^ 1766 Jeremiah y® Son of Jeremiah and Anna Atwater was born February 15*''. A Dom 1767 Millecent y® Daughter of Joseph & Abigail Hitchcock was born June 6♦^ 1768 Sarah the Daughter of Jos. & Sarah Trowbridge was born Sep''. 5'^ 1767 Israel the Son of Israel Dorman was born april 23*^ 1761 Stephen the Son of Israel Dorman was born Nov'". 7''' 1763 Adah y^ Daughter of Israel Dorman was born april 11*'' 1766 [loi] Births Sufanah y® Daughter of Tim°: Goodyear was born auguft 19*^ 1762 Ruth y® Daughter of Timothy Goodyear was born July 11*^ 1764 Mabel y® Daughter of Timothy Goodyear was born July 25*'' 1766 Joseph y'' Son of Tim° : Goodyear was born auguft 3'' 1768 Fanny y^ Daughter of Stephen & Lucy Munfon w^as born ocf. 31'' 1765" Roger y^ Son of Roger Sherman Efq"" : & M'■^ Rebecca Sherman was born July 16 1768 William y^ Son of Samuel & Lydia Auftin was born Sep*". 8*^ , 1762 Lydia the Daughter of Samuel & Lydia Auftin was born December 9*^^ 1764 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Hezekiah and Abigail Gorham was born Jan^: 18 1768 Lucy the Daughter of Stephen & Lucy Peck was born July 20 1768 Eunice y® Daughter of Caleb & Eunice Gilbert was born Sep': II*'' 1767 Lydia the Daughter of Joel & Elifabeth Blackslee was born July 2^ 1768 Lydia y® Daughter of Reuben & MaiT Batcheler was born March 29"*^ 1768 [102] Bezaleel y® Son of Jonathan & mary Daj'ton was born, march 15*'' 1768 Jared y® Son of Jehiel Tuttle was born Nov"", i 1754 . Clement y® Son of Jehiel Tuttle was born June 29 1756 Efther y® Daughter of Jehiel Tuttle was born Sep"" 14 1758 Jared y® Son of Jehiel Tuttle was born June 2^ 1760 Charles y® Son of Jehiel Tuttle was born Jan"^ 30 1762 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 383 Sarah y^ Son of Jehiel Tuttle was born Sep"". 10'^ 1763 Sarah y® Daughter of Daniel Atwater was born January 18^'' 1767 Lowle y® Daughter of EHfha mallery was born Nov"". 20 1767 Sibel y^ Daughter of Joel & Thankfull Ford was born may y® 22"^ 1764 Mary the Daughter of Joel & Thankfull Ford was born aug* 3' 1767 Lydia the Daughter of John Pardee was born July 22"^ 1766 Stephen y® Son of Stephen & Abigail Ball was born Feb^. 17'*^ 1762 Anna y^ Daughter of Stephen and Abigail Ball was born March 28"^ 1764 Sarah the Daughter of Stephen and Abigail Ball was born October 19'^ 1765 [103] Mary the Daughter of Stephen & Abigail Ball was born Sep"" 6*'' 1767 Elias y® Son of Joseph Woodin was born Dec"". 30 1767 Meriam y^ Daughter of Cap' Jacob Atwater and Meriam Atwater was born Sep"" 2^ 1768 Amaryllis y^ Daughter of Henry Toles J"", was born January 14*'' 1764 John y® Son of Henry Toles J"", was born July 7"" 1766 Henry y^ Son of Henry Toles J"", was born aug*^ 29 1768 Edmond y® Son of Benj Dorman J"" was born may 31 1764 Ami fa y® Son of Benj Dorman J"", was bom aug' 7 1766 Mabel y® Daughter of Benj Dorman J"", was born Sep*" 7*^ 1768 Jofhua y^ Son of Jos Downs was born Dec"^ i 1762 Phebe y® Daughter of Jos Downes was born may i : 1765 Seth y« Son of Joseph Downes was born Ocf 28 1767 Ezra y^ Son of David & Elifabeth Atwater was born November 23*^ 1768 Mary y« Daughter of Daniel & Elifabeth Tuttle was born November 29 1762 Isaac Tuttle Son of Dan'^ & Elifabeth Tuttle was born Nov' 21 1764 [104] Births Ashael y^ Son of Dan" : & Elifabeth Tuttle was born January 17 1767 Ezra y^ Son of Dan" & Elifabeth Tuttle was born Feb: i 1769 Sufanah y® Daughter of Eben"". Blackslee was born December r* 1768 AlDigail y^ Daughter of David & Ame Ford was born Sep'": 24 1767 Meriam y^ Daughter of Noah & Abigail Ives was born aug* 15''' 1768 384 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Sarah y^ Daughter of GamaHel & Hannah Bradly was born March 8 1760 Sufanah y® Daughter of Gam". & Hannah Bradly was born Sep''. 9 1762 Molle y^ Daughter of gan'. and Hannah Bradly was born June 4"^ 1765 Jason y® Son of Can". & Hannah Bradly was born June 11 1767 Roger y^ Son of Jos Dorman was born Ocf 4 1765 Isaac y® Son of Jos Dorman was born Nov"" 21 1768 Titus y® Son of David & Eloner Bishop was born May 19 1763 Jefse y® Son of David & Eloner Bishop was born april 15 1765 David y® Son of David & Eloner Bishop was born march 13'^'' 1768 [105] Births Efther y® Daughter of Abel & mary Bishop was born april 2^ 1767 Stephen y® Son of Mofes and Cloe Gilbert was born November 16 1767 Sarah y'' Daughter of Sam' Culver was born y® 12 Day of Nov"" 1768 Eunice y^ Daughter of Benj Doolittle was born Ocf 4'^ 1758 Sarah the Daughter of Benj Doolittle was born July 20 1761 Abigail y® Daughter of Benj Doolittle was born October 10"* 1763 Elias y® Son of Hez*^ & Elifabeth Parmale was born Sep"" 26 1765 Salla Bette y® Daughter of Hez'' & Elif'^'' Parmale was born DeC. 21 1766 David the Son of Solomon & Eunice Tuttle was born Ocf. 22*^ 1768 Lois y^ Daughter of Isaac & Lois Bradly was born Sep"". 20'*^ 1768 Abigail y® Daughter of Abram & Abigail Blackslee was born July 13 1768 Nehemiah y® Son of Ezra Dodge was born March 18''^ 1768 Afa y^ Son of Jacob & Merriam Atwater was born aug'. S*^*^ 1764 [106] Births Zopher y.® Son of Zop"": & Eunice Blackslee was born Feb s'** 1769 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Sam' & Elifabeth white was bom Dec-- 8''^ 1768 Efther y® Daughter of Jonah & Rachel Atwater was born Sep^ 81765 Huldah y® Daughter of Jonah and Rachel Atwater was born Ocf 20 1768 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 385 Thank full y^ Daughter of Benj & Thankfull Peck was born april 24 1768 Mary the Daughter of M*" Adam & M". Abigail Babcock was born Sep'' 30 1768 Lois y*" Daughter of John and Lois Ives was born Sep"". 10*'^ 1764 William Trowbridge y« Son of M-" Isaac & M'•^ Elifabeth Jones Was born Feb 25^'' 1769 Rebeckah y^ Daughter of Caleb & Lois Ailing was born Feb"^ i«' 1769 David Lyman y® Son of David & Hannah Beecher was born Jan""^': 14 1769 Asenah y^ Daughter of Jefse and Abigail Beecher was born Nov"": 4 1767 • Irelan y^ Son of Seth Todd was born Jan'"''. 29 1766 Mary y® Daughter of Seth Todd was born Dec"" 13: 1767 Sarah y^ Daughter of Seth Todd was born July 17 1769 [107] Births Hermon y® Son of John Robinson was born July 7"^ Anno Dom 1768 Isaac y® Son of Tim° & Sarah woodin was born april 26 1765 Benjamin y^ Son of the Rev*^: M"" Benjamin & M""^ Martha Trumble was born Sep'". 24 1769 Elijah y^ Son of Abram Turner was born Nov"" 2*^ 1766 Judath y® Daughter of x\bram Turner was born Sep'": 17^*^ 1768 Timothy y® Son of Timothy Thompson was born Dec"": 7^^. 1766 Joseph y® Son of-Nath'. Heaton J"", was born July 13 1764 William y® Son of Nath'. Heaton Ju'" was born Feb 2^ 1768 A Daughter of Col : Nathan & M""^ Mary whiting was born ocf" 14 1754 A Son of Col : Nathan whiting & m'"^ mary whiting was born Dec^ 27 1756 Elifabeth mary y^ Daughter of Col Nath" & m'"^ mary whiting was born July 21 1761 Isaac y^ Son of Isaac Dickerman was born September 20'^ 1769 Ezekiel the Son of Ezekiel and Hannah Hotchkis was born November 6"" 1768 [108] Births Ezra y® Son of Zopher & Hannah Tuttle was born march 20 1768 Abiather y^ Son of Zopher & Hannah Tuttle was born aug*^ 29 1769 Jonathan y« Son of M"" Jonathan Fitch and M'"^ Elifabeth Mary Fitch was born Ocf 30 1769 25 386 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Ame y® Daughter of Enos Dickerman was born IMarch 26 1769 Ezra y® Son of Bazel & Kazia Miinfon was born may 15 1757 Isaac Stiles y® Son of Bazel & Kazia munfon was born Sep'' 13 iy6i Kazia y® Daughter of Bazil & Kazia munfon was born march fir ft 1763 Samuel Dickerman y'' Son of Joel Munfon J"", and Sarah mun- fon was born Jan''^. 29 1763 Mary the Daughter of Joel munfon J'' and Sarah munfon was • born Sep'" 30'^ 1766 Joel y® Son of Joel Munfon J"" and Sarah Munfon was born January 25^^ 1769 Sarah the Daughter of David and Sarah Bishop was born July 3"^ 1768 Erastus y® Son of Jos. & Efther Beecher was born Feb: 25 1766 [log] Births Anna y® Daughter of Caleb and Eunice Gilbert was born april 24 1769 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Stephen & Elifabeth Browne was born Sep"" s^^ ^7^7 Phebe the Daughter of Stephen and Elifabeth Browne was born July 13 1769 Cloe y* Daughter of Titus Todd was born June 26 1763 Titus y'' Son of Titus Todd was born auguft 13^*^ 1767 Efther y® Daughter of Titus Todd was born may 15'^ 1767 Eunice y® Daughter of Lawrence & Elifabeth Clenton was born Dec"" 13 1768 Mary the Daughter of Nathan & Tryphena Dumer was born Dec'" 27 1768 Joy y® Son of Joy and Hannah Humaston was born Ocf": 28 Anno Dom 1768 EHfha y® Son of Elifha Bradly was born Jan^ i 1770 Molley y® Daughter of Abraham and Lydia Bafset was born March 24 1770 Lydia y® Daughter of Caleb Tuttle was born 19 of march 1769 Elifha y® Son of Deacon David Auftin and m""^ mary Auftin was born march"* 23^: 1770 [no] Births Armela y® Daughter of Lemuel woodin was born Feb 22^ 1767 Katherina y® Daughter of Lemuel woodin was born Jan"^. 6'^ 1769 Stephen Samuel y*' Son of the Rev^. Stephen Hawley and M'■^ Mary Hawley was born aug^-. 11**^. Anno Dom 1767 118 First written " April." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 387 Joel y^ Son of william & Lydia Sanford was Born Feb: 22.^ 1764 Mofes Y Son of william and Lydia Sanford was born July 31 1766 Elam y® Son of william and Lydia Sanford was born Nov'". 4 1768 Titus y^ Son of William & Lydia Sanford was born may i 1770 John the Son of Abram Norton was born Nov"", f^ anno Dom 1769 Abigail y^ Daughter of Nath" : Barns was born Feb 4^*^: 1753 Difire the Daughter of Nath": Barns was born Feb^ 2^ 1755 Hannah y'' Daughter of Nath". Barns was born ocf. 2.^ 1757 [ill] Births Jacob y® Son of Nath": Barns was born Nov"": 11 : 1759 Levi y® Son of Nath": Barns was born may 9: 1762 Jude y'' Son of Abel Smith was born may 22*^ 1768 Sufannah y® Daughter of David and Patience Ailing was born Sep"": 10 1769 Efther the Daughter of John Row was born March 7 1768 Benjamin the Son of Benjamin Hotchkifs was born Dec"". 17 1765 David Brooks y® Son of Benjamin Hotchkifs was born aug* f^ 1769 Eldad y® Son of Cap*. Tim°: Bradly was born may 6 1770 Policy y® Daughter of Step"^ & Lucy munfon was born Feb 23^ 1770 Mary the Daughter of Jeremiah & Sufannah Parmale was born march 28 1769 Enos y^ Son of Japhet Benham Ju"". was born aug* 23^: 1755 Jabez y® Son of Nath": & Abigail Spencer was born March 18 1764 Abigail y® Daughter of Nath" and Abigail Spencer was born January 29 1766 _^ , [112] Births '^'! Elihu y® Son of Nath", and Abigail Spencer was born Dec^. 9*^ 1767 william y® Son of Nath" : and Abigail Spencer was born Sep'. 4*'' 1769 Defire y® Daughter of will™ & Anna Stiles was born Nov': 2^ 1769 ]\'Iartha the Daughter of Hezekiah & Martha Tuttle was born July f^ 1764 Hezekiah y® Son of Hez'' and Martha Tuttle was born Nov"" IS'*' 1766 Lucy the Daughter of Hez'^ & Martha Tuttle was born Sep'. 7'^ 1770 388 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Mabel y^ Daughter of James & Lydia Smith was born January 20 1769 Thankful! y® Daughter of Elihu & Elifabeth Rogers was born aug' 30 1770 Daniel y® Son of Daniel and Rebecca Doolittle was born Octo- ber 27 1768 Michael y® Son of Daniel and Rebecca Doolittle was born april Hannah y® Daughter of Zuar Bradly was born January 23"^ 1770 [113] Births James y® Son of Job Smith was born the firft Day of Noveni- ber 1760 Job y® Son of Job Smith was born aug': ii'*' Anno Dom 1763 Lydia the Daughter of Jefse & mamry Bradly was born Sep*" 4 1769, Benjamin y® Son of Henry Toles Ju"". was born aug* 30 1770 Silva y® Daughter of Zopher and Eunice BFackslee was born Sep"". 28 A:D: 1770 Sarah the Daughter of Nicholas & Abigail Peck was bom March 10 1770 John Smith y^ Son of Caleb Beecher Efq"": and Hannah Beecher was born Jan"": 15 1770 Efther y® Daughter of James Hill was born June 13"^ 1765 Ezra y^ Son of James Hill was born December 29 1767 Stephen y*^ Son of James Hill was born June 17^*^ 1770 Israel y*' Son* of Jason Bradly was born June 23*^: 1767 Lyman y® Son of Jason Bradly was born June 14 1769 [114] Births Levi y^ Son of Nathan Ailing Ju'". was born March 17''' 1770 Lyman y® Son of Hez^ & Lois Tuttle was born June 3"^ 1770 Isaac y® Son of Jabez & Eunice Munfon was born Nov"" 24''' 1761 Levi y^ Son of Jabez & Eunice Munfon was born May i 1764 Joshua y® Son of Jabez & Eunice munfon was born aug\ 17 1765 Jared y® Son of Jabez and Eunice Munfon was born March 13 1769 Joseph y® Son of Jeremiah and Hannah Ives was born Feb^ : 2^ 1771 Levi y^ Son of Daniel and Hannah Clark was born Sep"". 8 1764 Sarah y® Daughter of Dan". & Hannah Clark was born March 12 1768 Patience y® Daughter of Enos Todd was bom June 9 1768 Synthe y® Daughter of Enos Todd was born Feb: 12*'' 1771 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 389 Abram y® Son of Epheram and Sufanna Humaston was bom Feb f 1766 Joel y® Son of Epheram and Sufanna Humaston was born aug'^ 15 1768 Sufanna y^ Daughter of Peter and Sufanna Bontecou was born Ocf. 15 1769 [115] Births Moley y® Daughter of wilHam and Mary Scott was born July 15^*^ 1768 Sarah y® Daughter of william and Mary Scott was born Octo- ber 25 1769 Herman y® Son of Jos. woodin was born may 30 1770 Betty y^ Daughter of Isaac and Katherine Smith was born march 20 1755 Allen y® Son of Isaac and Katherine Smith was born march 11^^ 1758' Abraham the Son of Isaac and Katherine Smith was born may 30''': 1760 Israel y^ Son of Isaac and Katherine Smith was born april 29 1762 Deborah y® Daughter of Isaac & Katherine Smith was born June 10"' 1764 Katherine y® Daughter of Isaac & Katherine Smith was born may 16 1766 Isaac y^ Son of Isaac & Katherine Smith was born September 28'^ 1767 Sibel y^ Daughter of Jotham & Sarah Ailing was born Sep*". II 1770 Purlina y« Daughter of Walter & Mabel Munfon was born April 2^ 1770 Stephen y^ Son of Abraham and Abigail Blackslee was born april 12'^ 1770 [116] Births Mehetabel the Daughter of Pheneas & Mary Caftle was born January y® 24 1768 Mary the Daughter of Phineas and Mary Caftle was born Feb^ 24 1770 Sufanna the Daughter of Deacon Isaiah Tuttle and m''^ Deborah Tuttle was born march 12 1762 Rachel the Daughter of Deacon Isaaiah Tuttle and m" Deb^ Tuttle was born Jan'' 9"^ 1764 EHfabeth Sarah the Daughter of Deacon Isaiah Tuttle & m". Deb"" Tuttle was born may 30 1766 Joseph y^ Son of Deacon Isaiah Tuttle and m". Deb"" Tuttle was born June 2^ 1770 Elizabeth y« [Daughter of] Jos. Trowbridge J"" and Sarah Trowbridge was born aug* 2^ ^77^ 390 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Elifabeth y* Daughter of Solomon and Eunice Tuttle was born Nov'". 8''' Anno Dom 1770 Jared the Son of Tim°. & Sufanna Potter was born July ii''^ 1769 Ailing the Son of Tim°. & Sufanna Potter was born June 2* 1771 Benjamin y® Son of Benj & Abigail Englifh was born January S'*": 1770 [117] Births Frances Newman the Son of Azariah & Elif*^ Perkins was born ocf 24 1770 Jefse the Son of Hezekiah and Mary Tuttle was born march 8^^ 1771 Giles the Son of Richard and mary Brocket was born april 30 anno Dom 1761 Lydia the Daughter of Richard and Mary Brocket was born Nov'. 29 1763 Richard the Son of Richard and Mary Brocket was born January 9*^ 1768 Lois the Daughter of Theop. Goodyear was born Nov"" 20 1770 A Daughter of Enos Dickerman was born December 14'*^ 1770 Daniel y® Son of Abraham Chatterton was born Sep"". 21 1766 Dinah y® Daughter of Abraham Chatterton was born march 17'^ 1768 David y^ Son of Abr™. Chatterton was born Dec': 26 1769 Daniel y® Son of David Sperry of M* Carmell was Born January 18"" 1 771 [118] Births Munfon the Son of Jacob and Sarah Brocket was [born] October 5'^ 1761 Benajah the Son of Jacob and Sarah Brocket was born aug\ ^th 1753 Asael the Son of Jacob and Sarah Brocket was born Nov'. /»> 1765 Uri the Son of Jacob and Sarah Brocket was born aug* 21^' 1768 Eli the Son of Jacob and Sarah Brocket was born July 7^^ 1770 Sarah y^ Daughter of Sam' Hitchcock J' & Hannah Hitchcock was bom Jan^. 3'' 1771 Sarah Mary the Daughter of Thomas & mary Leek was born June 18''' 1765 Amasia y® Son of Isaac & Sibel Dickerman was born Oct': 17 1771 Josepheus william the Son of william and Jemima Tyler was born may 13*^ 1771 Jefse y^ Son of Elip* & mary Pardee was born april 12"* 1771 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 391 Phebe the Daughter of John & Mabel McCleave was born aug' 10'^: 1767 Policy the Daughter of John & mabel McCleave was born June 26 1770 Elifabeth y« Daughter of m^ Benj Douglafs & M^^ Elifabeth Douglafs was born may 18 1770 [119] Births Darcos y^ Daughter of Jonathan Bradly was bom ocf. 25*'' 1768 Elifabeth y« Daughter of Jonathan Bradly was born March 31 1771 Defire y^ Daughter of Zadock Ailing was born June 24 1769 • Mary the Daughter of Zadock Ailing was born Feb: 27 1771 Abigail y« Daughter of Usual mansfield and Rachel mansfield was born aug^ y^^. 1771 Jefse y® Son of David & Sarah Beech was born Sep"" 17 1771 Jefse y^ Son of Joel munfon J"", was born may : 30 1771 Lydia the Daughter of Nathan Tayler was born Nov'' 18''' 1771 Molley the Daughter of Sam' Humaston J"" and Mary Humas- ton was born aug' 16 1768 Bede the Daughter of Sam' Humaston J'": & mary Humaston was born april 10 1770 Walter y« Son of the Rev^ Jonathan Edwards & M". Mary Edwards was born January ^^^ 1772 Abraham son of Samuel Bishop Jun"" and Mehetabel Bishop was born on the s**" day of February Anno Domini N: 1763 [120] Births Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Stephen and Hannah Hunnwell was born may 12**^ 1753 Hannah y® Daughter of Stephen & Hannah Hunnewell was born March 2^ 1758 Mary y^ Daughter of Stephen & Hannah Hunnewell was born Pg^ry 25th 1760 Stephen y® Son of Stephen & Hannah Hunnewell was born Jan^. 23*^: 1762 Levi y® Son of Ebenezer and Hannah Johnson was born Feb"" 19*'' 1762 Amelia y® Daughter of Ebenezer and Hannah Johnson was born Ocf. 19^" 1763 Ebenezer y® Son of Ebenezer and Hannah Johnson was born June 18"^ 1765 .; Hannah y^ Daughter of Ebenezer & Hannah Johnson was born January 24 1768 Isaac y® Son of Daniel and Hannah Browne was born Feb^ : 24''' 1 77 1 392 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Rebecca the Daughter of Daniel Doolittle was born Nov"" 7'*^ 1771 Efther y^ Daughter of. Eli and Efther Bradly was born Feb. 21"" 1765 Eli y^ Son of Eli & Efther Bradly was born Jan^. 2.2^. 1767 [121] Births Heman y® Son of Eli and Efther Bradly was born may i^"^ 1769 Medad y® Son of Eli and Efther Bradly was born June 9^^ 1771 Efther the Daughter of Caleb Ailing was born June ii''' 1771 Mehetabel y** Daughter of Thomas & Elifabeth Humphervile was born ocf 2^ 1770 Joshua y® Son of Thomas Humerston was born march 26 1771 Anna y^ Daughter of Peter & Cloe Johnson was born Sep"". 22*^ Benjamin y® Son of Benjamin and Sarah Pierpoint was born Sep'" 4 1766 Lucy y^ Daughter of Cap* Joseph Pierpoint & M''^ Lydia Pier- point was born ocf 21 1771 Efther the Daughter of Job and Martha Todd was born Ocf: 1767 Amafa y® Son of Job and Martha Todd was born aug* 1769 Ruel y® Son of Job and martha Todd was born Sep"" 1771 Simeon y® Son of Nath". Tuttle J"" and Elifabeth Tuttle was born april 18 1769 [122] Births Efther y« Daughter of Nath". Tuttle Ju"" and Elifabeth Tuttle was born Feb 6 1771 William y® Son of James and Anna Blackflee was born Feb: Nehemiah y® Son of David and Mary Osborn was born aug* 25'^ 1770 William y^ Son of M*". James Pierpoint & M". Anna Pier- point was born January 11 1772 Elifabeth y® Daughter of M"" Solomon Pinto and m" Anna Pinto was born Feb^ 9'^. 1772 William y« Son of Jefse & Mamre Bradly was born Aug': i^* 1771 Richard Hall y® Son of william"^ & martha Munfon was born January 16'^ 1771 , ^0^0 Abigail y® Daughter of Joel Atwater was born Feb''. 8"^ 1768 Joel y^ Son of Joel Atwater was born Nov"^. i"' 1769 Mary y« Daughter of Joel Atwater was born Feb'' 9''' 1772 Sarah the Daughter of Joel Bradly was born Nov"- 7'^ 1765 Betfy y^ Daughter of Joel Bradly w^as born Feb'': 15*^ 1769 119 First written " Israel." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 393 [123] Births Efther y^^ Daughter of Joel Bradly was born march 30"" 1771 Benedict y^ Son of Benedict Arnold was Born Feb"". 22'' 1768 Richard y^ Son of Benedict Arnold was born auguft 15*^ 1769 Mehetabel y® Daughter of Rog"" Sherman Efq'" and M""^ Rebecca Sherman was born Feb'": 20'"^ 1772 Sarah Melia y^ Daughter of Jeremiah Parmale J"": and Sufanna Parmelee was born Sep"". 3"* 1770 Jair y*^ Son of william and Anna Stiles was born Feb""-'' 13'^ 1772 Elifabeth Polly y® Daughter of David and Elifabeth mix was born Dec'" 23*^ 1771 Joel y® Son of Joseph Dorman was born march 4''' 1772 ■ Philomelia y® Daughter of Eliakim Mallery was born may 31 1772 Hannah y® Daughter of David and Sarah Bishop was born march 13 1771 Belah y® Son of M"". Michael & M""^. Theodore Balwin was born March 3"^ 1772 [124] Births Bede the Daughter of James Ives was born may 14'^^ 1770 Lydia the Daughter of Jabez Johnson was born ocf 4*'^ 1765 Mercy the Daughter of Jabez Johnson was born aug*^ 28''': 1767 Abigail y® Daughter of Jabez Johnson was born aug* 8"' 1770 Hannah y® Daughter of Noah & Abigail Ives was bom aug* iS''^: 1772 Mary Ann the Daughter of John and Sarah Daniel f on was born July 5 1762 James the Son of John and Sarah Daniel f on was born april 13^*^ 1764 Martha the Daughter of John and Sarah Daniel f on was born Jan-'y 2^ 1766 Martha the Daughter of John and Sarah Daniel f on was born aug' 12 1767 Elifabath y® Daughter of John & Sarah Danielfon was born July 2^ 1770 Sufanah y® Daughter of Tohn and Sarah Danielfon was born Feb. 6*" 1772 [125] Births Samuel y® Son of Paul Noyes was born Ocf". 6*'' 1772 Mary the Daughter of Jonathan Mansfield Ju"" was born June 22^ 1762 John the Son of Jonathan Mansfield Ju"" was born December 28 1764 Reuben y® Son of Caleb Doolittle was born may 30*'' 1771 120 First written " March." 394 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Lowle y® Daughter of Sam^ Humaston J^ and Mary Humaston was born July 14 1772 Abigail Bafset y^ Daughter of Bazel and Abigail munfon was born July 20 1772 Ame y^ Daughter of David and Ame Ford was born may ^^^ 1771 Anna Daughter of Jabez & Eunice Munfon was bom March 14'^'' 1772 Polley the Daughter of David and Mary Osborn was born Dec iS^'^ 1772 Sufanna the Daughter of Reuben Batcheler was born Jan. 14*^ 1770 Lois y® Daughter of Jabez Bradly was born Feb. 12''' 1769 [126] Births William y® Son of John & Mary Culver was Born March 27 1770 Molley y® Daughter of John & Mary Culver was born March j2tli 1772 Efther the Daughter of Peter and Cloe Johnson was born y® 30'^ of Sep'' 1772 John y^ Son of Cap*^ Amos & M". Lydia morris was born Sep^ 2^ 1759 Easther y^ Daughter of Cap* Amos & m" Lydia morris was born Ocf 13'*" 1761 Esther y^ Daughter of Cap* Amos & m" Lydia morris was born Oct.'' 24*^ 1763 Afael y® Son of Cap* Amos & M" Lydia morris was born Feb. 14*'^ 1766 Lorindia y® Daughter of Cap* Amos & M". Lydia morris was born June 4*^* 1768 Sarah y^ Daughter of Chauncy Dickerman was born aug* Seventh 1772 Mabel y^ Daughter of Seth Todd was born September 13*** William y^ Son of william and Martha Munfon was born July: 26*'' 1772 [127] Births Tabatha y® Daughter of Phineas and Mary Caftle was born march 19*'' 1772 Jason y^ Son of Jason and mary Bradly was born march 22^ 1772 Mary y® Daughter of James Dickerman was born Sep'' 8*'' 1768 Jane y^ Daughter of Sam' & Elifabeth White was born July Solomon the Son of Hez'' Tuttle y'' 3'' and Lois Tuttle was bom march 24 1772 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 395 Sarah y® Daughter of David Sperry Ju"": was born Feb 5'^: 1773 Mary y® Daughter of Sam". Hitchcock J"", and Hannah Hitchcock was born aug* 9'*^ 1772 Charles y® Son of Abram and Lydia Bafset was born May Lucy y® Daughter of James and Lucy Plant was born May 14 1773 IMary y® Daughter of Cap* David Phips & mary Phips was born aug* 21 1772 Polly the Daughter of Stephen and Sibel Brocket was born January 10''^ 1772 [128] Births John woofter y^ Son of william & Jemima Tyler was born May 10*^ 1773 Polley y^ Daughter of Cap* Elijah Forbs & m" May Forbs was bom April 9 1771 Jeremiah y^ Son of Titus & Lydia Bradly was born Sep"" 15"^ 1770 Solomon the Son of Titus and Lydia Bradly was born may 9*'' 1773 Afa y® Son of James & Lois Dickerman v/as born June 8'^ 1773 Mary y^ Daughter of David ^^^ Beecher was born Dec'". 2^ : 1770 Beri y® Son of David^^ Beecher was born October 11*'': 1772 Abraham y^ Son of Titus Todd was born Sep'" i 1773 Lois the Daughter of Enos Brooks was born May i^* 1771 Amos the Son of Jared & Sarah Bafset was born may 10*'' 1770 Jared y« Son of Jared & Sarah Bafset was born Nov^ 12*'^ 1772 [129] Births Andrew y^ Son of Andrew and Denis Bradly was born July 14*^ 1759 Martha y* Daughter of Andrew and Denis Bradly was born ocf" 9*'^ 1763 Jared y« Son of Nathan Ailing J"" was born Sep"" 4*^ 1773 Sarah y® Daughter of Jonathan and ]\Iary Dayton was born march 19*'' 1773 Reuhel y^ Son of Abram Blackslee and Abigail Blackslee was born Jan 31=' 1773 Joel y^ Son of Joel Bradly J"": and Abigail Bradly was born april 15 1769 Elam the Son of Joel Bradly J"". & Abigail Bradly was born Nov*": 15*^ 1 77 1 Elnathan y^ Son of Thomas Atwater was born January 31^* 1773 >" First written "Jefse." 396 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS William y'' Son of M"" Seth Coleman and M'"^ Sarah Coleman was born Sep"" y^^ 1766 Jared y° Son of Dan^ Rexford J"", and Martha Rexford was born Nov''. 7"" 1767 Joel y® Son of Dan" Rexford J"", and Martha Rexford was born Feb^. 5*'' 1770 [130] Births Milla y® Daughter of Dan^ Rexford J"" and Martha Rexford was born march 5'^ 1772 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of Samuel and Elifabeth Horton was bom 22'^ of march 1769 Patience y^ Daughter of Abner and Mary Todd was born December 6"^ 1762 Mary the Daughter of Abner and Mary Todd was born Dec"". IS"" 1764 Ury y'' Son of Abner and Mary Todd was born December y^"^ 1766 Abner y® Son of Abner and Mar}' Todd was born april 6 1769 Cloe the Daughter of Abner & mary Todd was born aug^ 21 1771 Medad the Son of Abner and mary Todd was born Nov"". 27*^ 1773 Street y^ Son of Epheram and Sufanna Humaston was born June 28'*^ 1 77 1 Eunice y^ Daughter of David & Sarah Beech was born October 20 Anno Dmo 1773 Rebecca the Daughter of Paul & Rebecca Noyes was born October 17 1773 [131] Births Job y® Son of David and Patience Ailing was born april 12*^ 1773 Adna y® Son of Eben"". Sperry was born July 21^' anno Domini 1770 Lyman y^ Son of Eben"": Sperry was born may 3''. anno Dom 1772 Augustus y® Son of Pember & Eilfabeth Joulin was bom FeV. 18 1772 William y® Son of Pember and Elifabeth Joulin was born Feb 4 1774 Caleb y® Son ,of Caleb Doolittle was born Jan''^ 5 1773 Ezra y® Son of Hez'' & Sarah Bafset was born Feb: 15^^ 1771 Alabei the Daughter of Hez & Sarah Bafset was born July 7 ^772 Efther y* Daughter of Joseph & Cloe Bafset was born oct"^: ii'i^ 1766 Tefse y® Son of Joseph & Cloe Bafset was born December 12*'' 1768 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 397 Cloe y*' Daughter of Joseph & Cloe Bafset was born Feb. 25"^ 1773 ■[132] Births John the Son of Richard & mary Tuttle was born March z*** 1772 Joel y® Son of Joel and Thankfull Ford was born July 24 1773 Mehetabel y^ Daughter of Roger Sherman Efq'" & M". Rebecca Sherman was born Jan""^ I774 John y'' Son of John Sherman J"'. & Rebecca Sherman was born June 30 1772 Jeremiah y® Son of Amos Peck J"", and Lois Peck was born December 18^'' 1773 Uri y^ Son of ufual & Rachel Mansfield was born May 30''' 1773 Anna y^ Daughter of Abraham [&] Abig^ Ailing was born Dec^ 4^'' 1773 Mehetabel y® Daughter of Abel & Hannah Bradly was born may i^*^ 1768 Sarah y^ Daughter of Abel & Hannah Bradly was born May jst iyy2 Lydia y^ Daughter of Caleb & Lois Ailing was born June 14''^ Samuel y® Son of Elifha Horton was born Dec'". 4"^ 1773 Amos y^ Son of Ebenezer Johnson was born Feb^ 9'^. 1772 [133] Births Sarah the Daughter of Sam^ : & Elifabeth white was born July ^th 1773 Eldad y^ Son of John and Deborah Bradly was born Ocf. 16^^1773 PoUey y® Daughter of Titus Tharp was born May 11 1772 Hezekiah y^ Son of Hez^ & Sarah Bafset was born april 26 1774 Naomi the Daughter of David and Eloner Bishop was born July 17"" 1770 Hannah the Daughter of David and Eloner Bishop was born Feb: 27^'^ 1773 Sarah y® Daughter of Eliakim and Sarah Mallery was born may 17'-'' 1774 Michael y® Son of M^ Michael Baldwin and M" Theadore Baldwin was bom aUg* 26''': 1774 Thomas the Son of M"^. Jonathan Fitch and m'■^ Elifabeth mary Fitch was born Sep"". 9^^ 1774 [134] Births Elijah y** Son of Afa & Sarah willmot was born December 17 1742 Sarah the Daughter of Afa & Sarah willmot was born april 10 1745 398 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Thomas the Son of Afa and Sarah wiUmot was born January 6 1750 Afa y^ Son of Afa & Sarah wilbnot was born aug* 6 1752 Amos y® Son of Afa & Sarah willmot was born Feb, 29. 1756 Joel y^ Son of Afa & Sarah willmot was born March S^^ 1759 Eli f ha the Son of Afa & Sarah willmot was born march 12 1763 James the Son of Jeremiah and Lois Atwater was born June Jeremiah the Son of Jeremiah & Lois Atwater was born Dec"" Giles y® Son of Noah Ives was born April 25*^ 1774 Elifabeth y^ Daughter of John Lewis was born may 27'^ 1768 [135] The Rev*^ : M"" : Napthali Daggett & M""^ : Sarah Smith of Smith Town on Long Island were married December 19"^: 1753 by y® Rev*^ : m"" : Ebene'". Prime Here followeth an account of y® Births of the Children of the above s^ : M"" : & M'■^ Daggett Henry Daggett born Ocf: 14'^ 1754 at Said Smith Town, & Died may 8 1755 Sarah Daggett was born april 17: 1756 at S*^ Smith Town Henry Daggett was born Feb: 2^ 1758 Ebenezer Daggett was born December 21 : 1760 John Daggett was born March fir ft 1763 Ezra Daggett was born April 18*^: 1765 Joel the fon of W™. & Theodosia Walter was born May 28'''. 1778 Lovicy Walter daughter of W"^ & Theodosia Walter was born May 22'^. 1780 Lovina Daughter of W"^ & Theodosia Walter was born May 4'*^. 1782 Jery Walter fon of W™ & Theodosia Walter was born March 23"- 1784 W" fon of W"" & Theodosia Walter was born Ocf 10*^ 1786 [136] Prife the Daughter of Ceafer & Rofe two free Negros was born Sep"" 14^'' 1770 Cato the Son of Ceafer & Rose two free negros was born Sep^ 12*^ 1775 An account of the Births of the Children of Tim" and Cloa Negros Hila was born Ocf 24 1765 Gad was born Feb 2^ 1769 Liliee was born July 5 1771 Luke was born march 25 1774 Timothy was born may 3^ 1777 Titus May 13 1779 Fhileman was born July 18 1781 Abraham was born march 16 1785 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 399 The following are the Children of Thomas Burrill & Sarah his wife 1767. James was born March iS"'. 1768 James was born April 9*^^ 1769 Thomas was born Feb^ 14'^ 1771 W" was born January 25^*^ 1773 Samuel was born Jan"^ 23 1775 John f on was born Dec"", i^' I777 Eben"". was born Sepf. 12*'' 1781 Martha was born July 12'^ 1783 Sarah was bom Jan^ s^^ 17^6 Martha Bethiah was born Sep"", i^' 1788 Lucy Munfon Daughter of Samuel & Lucy Rufsel was born Sepf. 5"^ 1785 [137] Marriages Samuel Bifhop and Mehetabel Bafset of New Haven were Joyned in Alarriage unto Each other upon the Nineth Day of November Anno Domini 1752 ^ the Rev"^: M'": Isaac Stiles Enos Ailing and Hannah Miles of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y® 26'^^ Day of July Anno Dom 1753 ^ y® Rev'*: M"" Samuel Johnson M'": Chauncy Whittelsey of New Haven and M""^ Martha New- ton of Milford were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon ye j^th. Day Qf August Anno Dom 1753 ^ the Rev'*. M'": Samuel Whittelfey M'": Samuel Manffield of New Haven & M--^: Efther Hall of Middletown were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 4'^^: Day of Oct*"": 1742 ^: the Rev<*: M"". Rufsel Minifter in Middletown Samuel Mix and Lydia Todd of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon the third Day of January Anno Dom: 1753 ^ Isaiah Tuttle Efq'": Juftice of Peace Thomas Humberfon & Abigail Ray of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 19'*^: Day of October Anno Dom 1752 by y° Rev"*: M'": Isaac Stiles minifter [138] Marriages James Searl & Hannah Blin of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb'"^: 16'*": 1754 Isaac Smith of New Haven & Katherine Cook of WalHngford were Joyned in marriage May 20''': 1754 by y® Rev*^: M"" Samuel Hall Daniel Heaton of New Haven arid Ruth Harrifon of Branford were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y^ 13''' Day of Sep"": 1753 by the Rev<*: M'": Warham Williams John Miles & Henrittee Minor of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Jan^. firft 1752 by y® Rev^: M', Joseph Noyes 400 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Samuel Tuttle & Sarah Turner (alias Humberfon) of New- Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 14'^'' Day of Man Anno Dom 1752 by Jsaiah Tuttle Efq'' Juftice of Peace Stephen Potter and Joanna Fox of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y^ 25'^ Day of may Anno Dom 1737 ^: John Prout Juftice of Peace Ebenezer Humphervile and Efther Thompson of New Haven were Joyned in marriage urtto each other upon y^ 25"" : Day of July Anno Dom 1754 by John Plubbard Efq'',. Juftice of Peace [139] Marriages Hezekiah Hotchkis and Mary Woodin of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 19"^: Day of June Anno Dom 1754 ^ the Rey^: W: Samuel Bird Nehemiah Smith & Eunice Smith of New^ Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other on the 29'^ Day of November Anno Dom 1753 by the Rev*^: M"": Nathan Burdfey James Ives and Sarah Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 6^'^ Day of November Anno Dom 1753 by the Rev'^: M'" Isaac Stiles Job Smith and Lydia Row of New Haven w^ere Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 5**" Day of auguft Anno Dom 1747 by y® Rev*^: M'": Jacob Heminway Nathan Dummer and Tryphena Auftin of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y^ 24'^ : Day of October Anno Dom 1754 by y^ Rev'': M'" Samuel Bird Jacob Brockett & Mary Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other Jan^: 17'^: 1755 M"". James Pierpoint & M""^: Anna Sherman both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto Each other upon the 28*^: Day of March Anno Dom 1754 by the Rev^: M"": Benj°: Wood- bridge Minifter in S*^. New Haven [140] Marriages Eben"". Wolcut & Rhoade Todd of New^ Haven w^ere Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 22^ Day of Feb""^ : Anno Dom 1753 by Isaiah Tuttle Efq'": Juftice of Peace Joseph Tallmadge & Sarah Parmale of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Nov''. 2^: 1752 James Bafset and Sarah Bafset of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec'": 25'^: 1754 by y^ Rev*^ : M'": Joseph Noyes Thomas Pardee & Lois Bradly of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y^ Day of Anno Dom by y^ Rev^: M'": Warham Williams Sam" : Woodward of New Haven & Abigail Lampfon of Sims- bury were Joyned in marriage November 22'': 1750 by Jos: Wilcocks Juftice of Peace NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 401 John Parker and Mary Tharp of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb'^: 8"^ 1749 ^ the Rev^: M^ Isaac Stiles Epheram Turner of New Haven & Rachel Wheeler of Walling- ford were Joyned in Marriage Ocf 2^. 1754 ^ the Rev: M"". Sam" Hall [141] Marriages Benjamin Warner & Sarah Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other 060"" 26*'': 175 1 ^ the Rev*^ M"". Stiles James Blackslee Jun"" of Waterbury, and Anna Bradly of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto Each other upon the 14'^ Day of July Anno Dom 1755 ^ the Rev'*: M'" Samuel Bird Benjamin Todd Ju"": and Lois Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other Sep''' 3** : 1755 ^ Isaiah Tuttle Juftice of Peace Alexander Booth of New Haven and Sibel Baldwin of Milford were Joyned in marriage upon y^ 4'*" Day of November Anno Dom 1748 by y® Rev**: M"": Benjamin Woodbridge Jabez Bradly of New Haven and Efther Beech of wallingford were Joyned in Marriage unto each other November 13"^: Anno Dom 1754 by Cap*: Elihu Hall Juft: of Peace Lennard Lewis & Hannah Gorham of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other ocf: 10''': 1753 by Chauncy Whit- telfey Efq"": Juftice of Peace Caleb Ball & Hannah Hull of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov"": 4*'' Anno Dom 1754 by Chauncy Whittelfey Juft: of Peace [142] Marriages Cap' Stephen Ailing of New Haven & M'"^ Sarah Andrew of Milford were Joyned in marriage Ocf: 22*^ 1751 by y® Rev: M"": Sam" Whittelfey Jsaac Johnfon Ju"": & Efther Sanford of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other Jan""^: 15''': 1756 ^^ y^ Rev''. M^ Jsaac Stiles Jsrael Dorman & Efther Dorman of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage March 11"^: 1756 ^ Jsaac Dickerman Efq"": Jus' Peac Peter Cavalee and Rhoade Dorfon were Joyned in marriage unto each other Ocf: 8"': 1752 %9 John Hitchcock Juft: of Peace Samuel Pierpoint and Elifabeth Froft of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov'": 5'^: 1751 David Bifhop and Eloner Todd of New Haven were Joyned in marrige ocf: i^' 1756 ^ Isaiah Tuttle Juft of Peace Daniel Atv/ater & Sarah Harris of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb'': 26"^: 1756 ^ Jsaiah Tuttle Juft: of Peace 26 402 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [143] Marriages John Turner and Mary Cornwell of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the Seventh Day of October Anno Dom 1756 %^ the Rev"^: M"": Joseph Noyes John Robinfon Ju'", and Lois Sanford of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage March 8*'': 1755 ^ Deodate Davenport Juft of Peace Stephen Peck and Efther Munfon of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage april 3'', 1753 ^ Jsaac Dickerman Juftice of Peace Isaac Ford and Martha Benham^^^ of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 9'*^ Day of Sep- tember Anno Dom 1755 by the Rev'': M"": Nathan Birdfey Minifter in weft Haven Parrifh Epheram Andrews and Todd of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage March 28'^: 1755 Joseph Downs and Phebe Sperry of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Jan^: 29^^: Anno Dom 1756 by y® Rev'': M"": Benj* Woodbridge Timothy Potter & Efther mix of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto Each other Feb^: 1$^^: 1756 ^ Isaac Dicker- man Juft. of Peace [144] Marriages John Gilbert and Lydia Ives of New Haven were Joyned in marriage May 22^: 1755 ^ John Hubbard Efq'" Just of Peace Asa Goodyear and Mehetable Sacket of New Haven ware Joyned in Marriage Sep"". 11'^ 1755 ^ Chauncy Whittelfey Esq"": Jus*^ of Peace Dennis Covert and Rhoade Potter of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Feb: ii**': 1756 ^ y" ReV M^ Sam" Bird Samuel Humphervile and Eunice Sherman of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 12*^ Day of June Anno Domini 1755 by the Rev^: M"": Nathan Burdfey Ruben Bacheler and Mary Hill of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage j\Iarch 2y^'^ 1757 ^ m"" Isaac Stiles Abel Brocket and Hannah Pierpoint of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 24''' Day of July Anno Domini 1755 by y'' Rev^: M'': Isaac Stiles John Cooper and Meriam Todd of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y® 10''': Day of March Anno Domini 1756 by y* Rev^: M"": Isaac Stiles [145] Marriages James Atwater of y® Nine partners and y® widdow Lois Todd of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other upon y^ Nineth Day of December Anno Dom 1756 by Isaiah Tuttle Efq*": Juftice of Peace 122 First written " Trowbridge." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 403 Joseph Pierpoint & Lydia Bafset of New Haven were Joyned in marriage ocf: 21^'- 1756 by Isaiah Ttittle Efq'' Justice of Peace Richard Brockett & Mary Pierpoint of New Haven were Joyned in marriage March 31^^: 1756 'ij^ y^ Rev^: M'': Isaac Stiles Eben'": Brocket and Sarah Brockett of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage May 8^*^: 1756 by Isaiah Tuttle Juft. of Peace Nicholas Rufsel and Mary Perkins of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage July 26'*^: 1757 John Osborn of New Haven & Mehetabel Malbe of Walling- ford were Joyned in Marriage January 30'^: 1755 by Sam' Hall Juftice of Peace Titus Dayton and Mary Bifhop of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other June 14**^: 1757 by Isaiah Tuttle Efq' Jus*^ of Peace [146] Marriages Joseph Munfon and Sarah Bifhop of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the Second Day of Feb^ : Anno Dom 1757 by Isaac Dickerman Efq"": Juftice of Peace David Bradly and Elifabeth Sperry of New Haven wer^ Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y® 27"^: Day of may Anno Dom 1756 by y^ Rev*^: M"" Samuel Hall Joseph Ailing and Mabel Gilbert of New Haven were Joyned in marriage upon y'' 16"' of Feb^: 1757 by John Hubbard Efq"" Juf Peace Ezra Candee and Elifabeth Trowbridge of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov"": 3*^ : 1756 by y^ Rev*^. M''. Punderfon Afa morris and Hannah Brown of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage March firft Anno Dom 1758 by y^ ReV*: M^ Eben'" Punderfon Isaac Blackslee Ju'" of New Haven and Lydia Alcock of water- bury were Joyned in marriage Nov"". 23"^. 1757 by Tho^: Brunfon Efq"" Juft of Peace William Playmert & Sarah English of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage June 4'^: 1757 by y** Rev^. M"". Eben"". Pun- derfon [147] Marriages William Danfhe Ju' & Sarah Dorman of New Haven was Joyned in Marriage March 23*^ 1758 by y« Rev^. M^ Sam": Bird Ebenezer Beech & Mary Bradly of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the firft Day of Feb^'^ : Anno Dom 1758 by y^ Rev^: M"" Isaac Stiles Solomon Gilbert & Sarah Alcock of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon y® ii**^ Day of October Anno Dom 1757 by Isaiah Tuttle Efq^ Juftice of Peace Obediah Hotchkis & Mercy Perkins of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Nov"": 16''': 1758 404 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Jefe Bradly of New Haven & Mamry Ives of Wallingford were Joyned in Marriage January 19"': 1758 by the Rev"^ : M"": Samuel Hall Joy Humaston and Hannah Granis of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage aug': lo"'. 1758 by Deodate Davenport Juftice of Peace Timothy Leek and Martha Hotchkis of New Haven were Joyned in marriage ocf: 18'^: 1758 by John Hubbard Efq-". Jus': Peace [148] Marriages Seth Barns & Abigail Man f field of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage June 2.2^. 1757 by Isaiah Tuttle Jus* of Peace Jabez Mix and Jemima Brown of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb: 12"^: 1759 by y^ Rev^ : m'" Chauncy Whittelfey M"". Jonathan Fitch and M". Sarah Saltonftall of New Haven were Joyned in marriage upon the fir ft Day of September 1757 by the Rev'': M*": Noyes minifter in S*^. New Haven Jeremiah Atwater and Annah Mix of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage upon y® 20''' Day of april Anno Dom 1757 by y® Rev'' : m"". Joseph Noyes Elip* : Pardee and Mary Blackslee of New Haven were Joyned in marriage april 8"": 1756 by y® Rev'': M"": Isaac Stiles John Hill Ju"". and Elifabeth Tharp of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other march 15''': 1757 by Isaiah Tuttle Juft of Peace William Abdial Hubbard and Sarah Gilbert of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb 14"^. 1759 by John Hubbard Juft of Peace [149] * Marriages M'". John Noyes of New Haven & M": Mary Fifh of Stoning- ton were Joyned together in marriage Nov'': 16''^: 1759 bv y® Rev". Jos: Fifh Past-- of a C:C: Enos Todd & Sarah Blackslee of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Jan''^': 24 1759 by Caleb merriman Juft of peace Epheram Humaston & Sufanna Bafset of New Haven were Joyned in marriage unto each other December firft anno Dom 1757 by the Rev'':"M''. Isaac Stiles Arch'' : McNiel of New Haven & Sarah Clark of Darby were Jovned in marriage unto each other Mav 2'' : 1758 by y® Rev''. ]\P: Sam" : Bird Jefse John f on and Sarah Sperry of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov"": 29*'': 1759 by m'" Isaac Stiles Joseph Beecher y^ 3'' and Efther Potter of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb'" 28''': anno Dom 1754 by y® Rev". M*" Sam' Bird Titus Todd of New Haven & Efther Barns of wallingford were Joyned in marriage June 7 1758 by y^ Rev'' M"" Sam' Hall NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 405 [150] Marriages David Auftin and Mary Mix of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec*": 14*^"^: Anno Dom 1752 by y® Rev*^. M'" Sam' Bird Ezekiel Tuttle and Sarah Rexford of New Haven were Joyned in marriage January 10'^: 1760 by Caleb merriman Jus. Peace David Ailing & Patience Sanford of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Jan^: 3 1760 by y® Rev''. M"" Sam' Bird Hez'^ Tuttle & Martha Bradly of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Sep"". 3'^ 1750 by y® Rev''. M'" Chauncy Whittelfey John Dickerman and Efther Sperry of New Haven were Joyned in marriage June 8 1752 by Isaac Dickerman Jus. of Peace Jotham Blackslee and Hannah Todd of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Jan: 18 1758 by Caleb merriman Jus Peace Demas Bradly and Lydia Blackslee of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Nov'". 6: 1759 by Caleb Merriman Jus. Peace Benjamin Dorman Ju'": & Mary ^2- Ball of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Sep'': 20"^: 1759 by y'' Rev''. M^: Chauncy Whitelfey [151] Marriages M"". James Norton and Rebecca Sherman of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Jan: 11 1743 by Isaac Dickerman Juft of Peace Joel Bradly and Abigail Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage upon y® 10 Day of January 1760 by y® Rev'': Mr Isaac Stiles Joseph Painter & Ame Stevens of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec'": 25 1755 by Sam' Sherman Jus. of Peace Benjamin Alley and Hannah Stacy of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Ocf: 2'': 1755 by y^ Rev'': M'": Joseph Noyes Jos Peck and Lydia Pardee of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb 27"^: 1758 by y® Rev". M"" Sam' Bird Jacob Robin f on & Elifabeth Brockett of New Haven were Joyned in marriage July 14'^'': 1747 by the Rev''. M"" Isaac Stiles John Bifhop and Rachel Ruggels of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Jan^ i : 1752 by y® Rev^. M"". Sam' Bird Obed Johnson of New Haven & Rebecca Clark of Milford were Joyned in marriage april 16 1752 by y" Rev''. M"". Benj wood- bridge [152] Marriages Henry Toles of New Haven and Hannah Clark of Milford were Joyned in Marriage Nov"". 25 1757 by y® Rev"*, m^ Sam^ Whittelfey Stephen Munfon of New Haven & Lucy Rily of weathersfield 122 First written " Abigail." 4o6 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS were Joyned in Marriage Ocf: i6: 1756 by y^ Rev'^: James Lock- wood. Daniel Tuttle and Elifabeth Smith of New Haven were Joyned in marriage april 25: 1759 by the Rev"^: JVP: Benj : woodbridge Samuel Austin and Lydia Woolcut of New Haven were Joyned in marriage December 6'^: 1759 by y° Rev*^ : M"": Sam": Bird John John f on and Mehetabel Sperry of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Sep'': 11: 1759 by Col: John Hubbard Jus. Peace Tim°: Howell and Sarah Peck of New Haven were Joyned in marriage aug*^ 7 1755 by John Prout Jus Peace Tim": Howell & Eunice Toles of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov"". 9 1758 by John Hubbard Jus Pac. Solomon Lewis and Rhoade woodin of New Haven were Joyned in marriage ocf: 29''': 1759 by y*' Rev*^. M"" Sam": Bird [153] Marriages Ambros Ward of New Haven & Sarah Chamberlin Lately be- longing to Wallingford formerly of Northfield were Joyned in marriage y° 27"' Day of Nov"". 1760 by y*" Rev'*. M"". James Dana Hezekiah Br.ockett of Wallingford & Mary Beecher of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb: 22'*: 1760 by Sam": Sherman Jus of Peace Lawrince Clenton & Elifabeth Todd of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov"". 15 1759 by y*^ Rev**: M"". Isaac Stiles Jonathan Mix & Patience Ailing of New Haven were Joyned in marriage april 22'*. 1756 by Col: John Hubbard Juft of Peace Jacob Hitchcock of New Haven & Phebe Ives of Branford were Joyned in marriage October 9'^^ : 1760 by Jofiah Rogers Juft of peace Abram Cooper and Elifabeth Thomas of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov"": 5 1740 by Isaac Dickerman Efq"". Juft of Peace Reuben Sperry & Eunice Beecher of New Haven was Joyned in marriage Feb: 6. 1760 by y® Rev**. M"" Benj woodbridge David Bifhop and Sarah Auftin of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov^ 9'^^ 1758 by y« Rev'*. M"" Nich^: Street [154] Marriages James Humafton & Abigail Bifhop of New Haven were Joyned in marriage December 11 1760 by John Hall Ju''. Juft of peace Joseph Woodin & Phebe Perkins of New Haven was married Jan"": 10 1754 by Jsaac Dickerman Juft: Peace Abraham Bafset and Lydia Smith of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb: 12 1761 by the Rev'*: Benjamin Trumble Amos Sperry and Bette Sperry of New Haven were Joyned in marriage april 30 1760 by y" Rev**. M"": Benj woodbridge Joseph Bafset and Cloe Sanford of New Haven were Joyned in marriage December 24**" 1760 by y® Rev^ : m''. Benj Trumble NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 407 Alvan Bradly & martha Gilbert of New Haven v/ere Joyned in marriage may 9'^^: 1757 by Isaiah Tuttle Juft of Peace Noah Wolcut Ju"". & Thankfull Hitchcock of New Haven were Joyned in marriage March 4''': 1760 by y" Rev*^: M"" Benj°. T rumble Ebenezer Morris & Mabel Carrinton of New Haven were married Nov"": 28*^: 1750 by y^ Rev"^. M'. Benj": Woodbridge [155] Marriages Timothy Woodin^^ and Sarah Ford both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage unto each other upon the 4^"^ Day of Feb : anno Domini 1761 by the Rev*^: M"": Sam" Bird Walter Munfon and Mabel Man f field were Joyned in marriage June 19"^ 1760 by Sam' Sacket Juft. of Peace Thomas Purcell and mary Newel were Joyned in marriage march 20"': 1752 by y® Rev"^. Sam': Bird Zadock Ailing and Defire Warner of New Haven were Joyned in marriage march 19"^: 1761 by y® Rev''. M"" Sam' Bird Daniel Atwater Ju''. and Lois Man f field of New Haven were Joyned in marriage aug': 13''^: 1761 by y® Rev"^. M'' Chauncy Whittelfey Jeremiah Townfend Ju"" : of New Haven and Abigail Wood- bridge of Stockbridge were Joyned in marriage Nov"" : 20'^'^ : 1760 by y^ Rev"^. m-" Whittelfey John Danielfon & Sarah Manffield of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Sep"". 19 1758 by y® Rev'^ : m'' Eben"". Punderfon [156] Marriages Thomas Leek and Mary Johnfon of New Haven were Joyned in marriage april 22 1761 Joseph Ives and Elifabeth Granis of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Nov"". 5. 1761 by y® Rev*^. Sam' Hall Jefse Goodyear and Hannah Bradly of New Haven were Joyned in marriage June 25 1761 by y® Rev'' M"" Trumble Edward Meloy and Mary Parmale of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Feb: 7 1758 Tim'' : Goodyear and Mary Ives of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage May 29 1760 by y« Rev*^ M"". Whittelfey Zuar Bradly of New Haven & Mary Matune of Wallingford were Joyned in Marriage Jan'"^ 13: 1762 by y® Rev'': M"" Danna Silvanus Bishop and Sarah Beecher of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Nov'": 16 1761 by the Rev'': M"" Sam' Bird Aaron Gilbert and mary Ford of New Haven were Joyned in marriage May 12 1760 by John Prout Jus: Peace Reuben Blackslee & Rhoade Griswold of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Jan^' : 20 1762 by the Rev": Sam' Bird 123 First written " Cooper." 4o8 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [157] Marriages Sam' Smith & Dinah Sherman of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage March 29 1759 by Sam": Sherman Jus. of peace Nathan AlHng Ju^ and Mary Hitchcock of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Feb""^ : 12: 1755 Isaac Bishop and Sarah Macomber of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Jan''^ : 21 : 1762 by the Revf. M"". Chauncy Whittelfey EHfha Mallery and Efther Chatterton of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Januaiy 13 1762 M'" Solomon Pinto and Anna Green of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage October 4"": 1762 by the Rev^ : M"": Chauncy Whittelfey M'' Richard Wood Hull and M'■^ Rebecca Mix of New Haven were Joyned in marriage May 2^. 1762. by the Rev'^ : M"" Chauncy Whittelfey Ithamer Tuttle & Rhoade Barns of New Haven were Joyned in marriage July 28 1762 by y® Rev'^. M"". Benj Trumble Thomas Bills & Mary Thomas were Joyned in marriage July 24 1752 Sam' Hotchkis of Milford & Lydia Peck of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec'". 23'^. 1762 by M"". Woodbridge [158] Marriages John Cornwell and Lydia Auftin of New Haven were Joyned in marriage June 29 1762 by the Rev*^. Sam" Bird Thomas Green and Defire Sanford of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Sep"": 30 1761 by y® Rev^. Chauncy whittelfey Seth Blackslee and Phebe Todd of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Sep'". 7 1761 by y® Rev^. M'' Benj Trumble Gideon Todd Ju"". and Prudence Tuttle of New Plaven were Joyned in marriage Dec'' 31 1762 by y® Rev*^. M"" Waterman Col : Nathan Whiting & M""^ : Mary Saltonftall of New Haven were Joyned in marriage July 12 1750 by the Rev*^ M"". Jos Noyes M"" John Hotchkis & M'"^ Sufannah Jones of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Auguft 28 1755 by y® Rev*^ M"" Sam" Bird Jos. Gilbert and Dorathy Munfon of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Aug^ 27 1761 by the Rev"^ Sam' Bird Tho^ Sanford & Kezia Brockett of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec'". 26 1762 by Sam' Sacket Efq*". Sam" White & Elifabeth Chatterton were Joyned in marriage Dec^ 25 1755 by y® Rev*^. M^ Camp [159] Marriages Roger Sherman Efq"" of New Haven and M''^ Rebeckah Pref- cott of Danvers in y® Mafsachufetts Bay were Joyned together in marriage on y® 12'"; Day of May Anno Domini 1763 by Benj. Prefcott Jus. of Peace NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 409 Joseph Man f field and Hannah Punderfon of New Haven were Joyned in marriage May 27^'^: 1761 by y® Rev*^. Sam'' Bird Docf : John Rhoade of New Haven & M""^: Tyler of Middle- town were Joyned in Marriage Sep"": 23"^. 1756 '^ y® Rev"^. M"". Rufsel Jos. Smith and Eunice Thomas of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage aug^ 18: 1755 Obed Bradly of New Haven and Mary Alcock of waterbury were Joyned in Marriage June 28 1763 by y® Rev*^ M"" Trumble Noah Ives and Abigail Pierpoint of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec"". 23: 1762 by the Rev"^: M"" Trumble Hezekiah Bradly and Eunice Johnfon of New Haven were Joyned in marriage aug*^: 12 1756 [160] Marriages Bearing Phipps and Phebe Brown of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Ocf: 12"^: 1758 Dan Bradly of New Haven and Sarah Judd were Joyned in Marriage Nov"": 20: 1751 Joel Blackslee and Elifabeth Sacket of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage May 3*^. 1762 by Sam^ Sacket Jus Peace Col : John Hubbard of New Haven & M'■^ Mary Stevens were Joyned in Marriage Nov"". 10 1761 by y® Rev'^. Chauncy Whittelfey Titus Tharp and Merriam Bishop of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Feb: 16: 1764 Joel Tharp & Mary Stanly of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Dec'". 29 1762 by y^ Rev'^ M"" Benj Trumble Hopeftill Crittendon and Abigail Heaton of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage May 6 1762 by John Prout Jus Peace Eli Bradly and Efther Goodyear of New Haven were Joyned in marriage March 8 1763 by y^ Rev"^ : M"". Trumble Peter Mallery and Mary Munfon of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb: 17 1756 [161] Marriages Jonah Bradly and Rachel Atwater of New Haven were Joyned in marriage aug': 12 1759 by Sam* Sherman Jus Peace John Pardee and Sarah Rufsel of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb'': 18 1761 by y^ Rev*^. M"" Street Stephen Peck & Lucy Miles of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Jan"": 26 1764 by the Rev'^. Chauncy Whittelfey Joel Gilbert and Elifabeth Bradly of New Haven were Joyned in marriage to each other July 12''': 1756 by the Rev"^ : M': Chauncy Whittelfey Mofes Venteres of New Haven and Mary Parrifh of Branford were Joyned in Marriage March i^^^: 1759 by the Rev*^: M'' Robins 4IO NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS John Bradly Ju"". and Deborah Tuttle^'* of New Haven were Joyned in marriage October 22^ : 1761 by the Rev*^ : M"" Sam" Bird David Beecher and Mary Auftin of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Ocf 18 1764 by the Rev'\ Sam' Bird Stephen Mix of New Haven & Zerviah Miles of Derby were Joyned in Marriage May 30 1764 by the Rev'^: M"": Man f field [162] Marriages John Clenton and Ann Tharp of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage June 7 1764 by Caleb Merriman Jus Pea'^ : David Thorp and Hila Bifhop of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage ]\Iarch 2^. 1757 James Hill and Rachel Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in marriage may 23"^. 1764 by the Rev'^. M'". Benj Trumble Abraham Chatterton and Anna Sperry of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb^: 6^'': 1765 by y^ Rev^. M'". Benj Trumble Charles Cook and Sibell Munfon of New Haven were Joyned in marriage aug^ i. 1764 by y® Rev'^. Sam": Bird John Storer Ju"". & Hannah Brown of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Nov'': 11. 1761 M"": John Lothrop and M''^: Mary Jones of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Ocf: 31 1764 by the Rev"^ Sam' Bird Adonijah Sherman & Abigail Munfon of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage June 3*^ 1763 by the Rev*^. M"". Whittelfey [163] Marriages Peter Bunticou and Sufanah Thomas of New Haven were Joyned in marriage November 14"^ 1762 by the Rev"^. M"" Whit- telfey Lemuel Hotchkis of New Haven & Mary Mollery of Strat- ford^-^ were Joyned in marriage January 2^ 1757 by Sam" Sacket Jus Pac Lemuel Hotchkis of New Haven & Parthany Murry of New Milford were Joyned in marriage March 6 1765 by y® Rev*^. M"" Sam" Brooks Job Todd and Martha Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in marriage april 11 1765 by Caleb merriman Jus Peace Sam^ Smith & Mary Smith of New Haven were Joyned in marriage April 11 1765 by y® Rev'^. M'' Street The Rev'' : M"". Stephen Hawley & M""^ : Mary Bellamy of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Nov''. 3''. 1762 John Brown & Abigail Hitchcock of New Haven were Joyned in marriage March i 1764 by y^ Rev*^: M^ Whittelfey [164] Marriages Peter Perkins and Elifabeth Perkins of New Haven were Joyned in marriage December 12*'': 1765 by the Rev*^. M^ Hawley 12'» First written " Bradly." , *2* First written "New Haven." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 411 Benj Peck and Thankfull Rufsel of New Haven were Joyned in marriage July 23 1761 by the Rev*^. IV'P. woodbridge John Miller and Eloner More were Joyned in Marriage July 7"^: 1766 by the Rev"^. M"". Solomon Palmer Epheram Goldsmith and Sarah Atwater of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec''. 19: 1765 by Dan" Lyman Jus Peace Jefse Beecher and Abigail Sperry of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov"". 27 1766 by the Rev*^. M"" Stephen Hawley Michael Todd and Mary Row of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Sep''. 15 1766 by the Rev'^: M'' Street Israel Bishop and Hannah Peck of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Sep'', 15"^: 1766 by the Rev^ M'' Street John Warner and Phebe Bafset of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Sep'". 2^ 1762 by y® Rev*^. Sam* Bird [165] Marriages Caleb Gilbert and Eunice Bafset of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage ocf. 18'^ 1764 by y^ Rev"^. Sam* Bird Ruben Tuttle of New Haven and Joanna Tyler of Branford were Joyned in Marriage Jan^. 20 1766 by the Rev*^. M"" Robbins Tim°. Ball of New Haven and Mary Hine of Milford were Joyned in marriage July 4 1750 by the Rev'^. M'' Woodbridge Zurial Kimberly and Martha Hitchcock of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec"^. 17 1766 by the Rev*^. M"". Sam^ Bird Joel Atwater of New Haven and Abiah Baldwin of Milford were Joyned in Marriage December 28'^*' 1763 by the ReV^ M''. Woodbridge Joseph Trowbridge and Elifabeth Bishop of New Haven were Joyned in marriage ocf: 20"": 1762 by the Rev*^ : M'' Whittelfey Jonathan Bradly of New Haven and Elifabeth Hurd of New- bury were Joyned in marriage March 6 1765 by the Rev*^: M"". Tho^ Brooks Joshua Ray and Martha Minor of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Ocf. 4 1757 by y® Rev**. Eben''. Punderfon [166] Marriages David Sperry J"". & Sarah Peck of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec'' 3 1766 by y® Rev*^ M'' Trumble Enos Dickerman and Lois Ailing of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Ocf. 22^ 1767 by the Rev"^. M'" Trumble M"": Jonathan Fitch and M^' Elifabeth Mix of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage May 15'^'': 1766 by the Rev'^. M'" Whittelfey Benjamin Ailing and Lydia Tuttle both of New Haven vv'ere Joyned in marriage unto each other March 7"^. 1764 by the Rev^ : Sam* Bird Caleb Tuttle and Zurviah Sperry of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage June 16 1762 by the Rev^. M'' woodbridge 412 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Israel munfon and Anna Griswold of New Haven were Joyned in marriage april ii 1765 by the Rev"* AP Bird Jeremiah Parmale J"". & Abigail Rufsel of New Haven were Joyned in marriage January 14 1767 Stephen Peck J'" and Eunice Bradly of New Haven were Joyned in marriage December 29*^: 1763 Ebenezer Blackslee J"" : & Martha Beech of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage april 13 1768 by the Rev*^. M^ Trumble [167] Marriages Joseph Trowbridge J"", and Sarah Sabin of New Haven were Joyned in marriage December 10"': 1766 by y^ Rev*^. Sam' Bird Joel Ford and Thankful Potter of New Haven were Joyned in Alarriage March 15 1764 Jeremiah Ives and Hannah Bafset of New Haven were Joyned in marriage June y^^ 1768 by the Rev'^. M'' Trumble Solomon Sacket Gamaliel Bradly and Hannah Dean of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage March 8 1759 by the Rev'^ Isaac Stiles Peter Johnson and Cloe Tuttle of New Haven was Joyned in marriage January 26 1769 by the Rev^. M"" Chauncy Whittelfey Hez^\ Parmale and Elifabeth Cook of New Haven v;ere Joy- ned in Marriage Dec"". 6 1764 by the Rev^ M"" Bird Solomon Tuttle and Eunice Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov"". 11 1767 by y® Rev''. Benj Trumble [168] Marriages Caleb Ailing and Lois Dorman of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec"". 5. 1765 by the Rev'': Chauncy whittelfey Aaron Potter & Mary Ailing of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Feb s'*" 1767 by the Rev"^ Sam' Bird Israel munfon & Anna Griswold of New Haven were Joyned in marriage april 11*'' 1765 by y® Rev''. M"" Bird M"". Isaac Jones and M''^ Elifabeth Trowbridge of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage June 5'^'': 1768 by the Rev^. Chauncy Whittelfey David Beecher of Bethany in New Haven and Hannah Per- kins of S*^. Bethany were Joyned in Marriage Feb: 18 1769 by the Rev^. M"" Hawley Zopher Tuttle of New Haven and Hannah Doolittle of wal- lingford were Joyned in Marriage June 11 1767 Joel Munfon p. and Sarah Dickernian of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb: 4 1761 by the Rev'^: Sam' Bird Stephen Browne & Elifabeth Phipps of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage December 3". 1766 by y^ Rev^. Sam" Bird [169] Marriages Daniel Willmot and Hannah woodin of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec"". 21 1768 by Sam' Bishop J"". Jus* of Peace NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 413 Sam" Woodin J"" and Rachel Ford of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb 16 1770 by Samuel Bishop J"" Jus* of Peace Alex"" Turner & Merriam Bafset of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Sep"". 18 1769 by the Rev*^ M^ Trumble William Sanford and Lydia Brocket of New Flaven was Joyned in marriage Dec"": 12: 1763 by Sam'': Sacket Jus* of Peace David Osborn and Mary Tallmadge of New Haven were Joyned in marriage October 14 1769 by the Rev"^: M"": Whittel- sey Abel Smith and Lydia Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in marriage June 25 1767 by the Rev"^: M"" Benj Trumble Hezekiah Tuttle and Lois Clark of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Dec'" 7 1769 by the Rev'^. M'' Trumble [170] Marriages Jeremiah Parmale J"": and Sufannah Humaston of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage april 14 1768 by the Rev*^. M''. Whit- telfey Nath'' : Spencer and Abigail Englifh of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec'". 30 1762 by the Rev^ M"" Whittelfey William Stiles and Anna Rexford of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb 9*'': 1768 by the Rev''. M"" Sam' Hall M"" : Caleb Beecher and M'"® : Hannah Clenton of New Haven were Joyned in marriage march 22'^ 1769 by the Rev*^. M"". willifton William Scott and Mary Bafset of New Haven were Joyned in m^arriage Nov"": 17 1767 by the Rev'^. M'". Street Jotham Ailing and Sarah Wolcot of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Jan"". 8 1770 by Sam' Sacket Juf* of Peace Phineas Caftle and Mary Dickerman of New Flaven were Joyned in Marriage Feb""^ 12: 1767 Tim°: Potter and Sufanna Punderfon of Nev/ Haven were Joyned in Marriage Aug* 2^: 1768 by the Rev'^. M"". Sherman Benjamin Englifh J^ and Abigail Doolittle of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov"": 17: 1768 by the Rev'^: M"" Whittelfey [171] Marriages Azariah Perkins J"" of New Haven and Elifabeth Mofs of wallingford were Joyned in marriage Dec'" 28 1769 by the Rev*^. Sam' Andrews Hezekiah Tuttle and mary Turner^-^ of New Haven were Joyned in marriage March 19*'': 1770 by Joshua Chandler Efq/ Jus* of Peace M"" Stephen Whitehead Hubbard of New Haven and M""^ Eunice White of Windham were Joyned in A-Iarriage on the 15*'' Day of May 1771 by the Rev''. M"".' Stephen White isi^ First written "Todd." 414 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Jacob Brocket and Sarah Munfon of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov'' 13: 1760 by Sam' Sacket Jus' of Peace Samuel Hitchcock J"" : and Hannah Bafset of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Nov"" 29 1769 by the Rev** M"": Sherman David Mix and Ehfabeth Atwater both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage March 7*'': 1771 by the Rev**. M"" Chauncy Whittelfey WilHam Tylar of Branford and Jemima Cooper of New Haven were Joyned in marriage March 15 1770 by Joshua Chandler Efq"" Jus*^ of Peace David Phipps and Mary Englif^' of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage June 13 1771 by the Rev"*. M"". whittelfey [172] Marriages Eliakim Alallery and Sarah Bradly oi New Haven were Joyned in marriage October 13'*^ 1771 by Simeon Bristoll Jus* of Peace Ufual Mansfield and Rachel Sperry of New Haven were Joy- ned in marriage ocf i 1770 by the Rev**. M"" Trumble Bazel Munfon and Abigail Bafset of New Haven were Joyned Ocf: 22^ 1771 by Simeon Bristoll Jus' of Peace David Beech and Sarah Pardee of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage aug' 29 1770 by the Rev<*. AP Sherman Samuel Humaston J"", and Mary Gills of New Haven were Joyned in marriage December 15 1767 by the Rev** M"" Whit- telfey The Rev*^: M"". Jonathan Edward of New Plaven and M'"^. Mary Porter of Hadley were Joyned in marriage the fourth Day of October 1770 by the Rev'': ]\P Sam' Hopkins Daniel Browne and Hannah Englifh of New Haven were Joyned in marriage upon the 24 Day of april 1770 by the Rev'': M"": Whittelfey [173] Marriages Benjamin Pierpoint and Sarah Blackslee of New Haven were Joyned in marriage oct^ 17'''. 1765 by the Rev"* M"" Trumbell Josiah manffield & Hannah Cooper of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb 7"': 1769 by the Rev^. M"" Trumbell Barnabas Mulford & Mehetabel Gorham of New Haven were Joyned in marriage November 10"': 1771 by the Rev'': M*": Chauncy Whittelfey Nath" Tuttle J'" and Elifabeth Bafset of New Haven were Joyned in marriage aug' 24 1768 by the Rev"* M"" Sherman William Munfon and Martha Hall of New Haven were Joyned in marriage ]\Iay 8 1770 by Elihu Hall Jus* of Peace John Daniel f on and Sarah Mansfield both of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage July 13"^: 1758 by the ReV: M"": Richard Mansfield NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 415 John Culver and Mary Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in Marriag-e April 4''': 1768 by the Rev"^. M"" woodbridge [174] Marriages Jabez Tuttle of wallingford and Mary Todd of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb^. 10 1773 by Joshua Chandler Jus' of Peace James Dickerman and Lois Bradly of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Dec"". 24''' 1767 by the Rev'^ : M"" Trumble Jonathan mansfield Jun"". Son to M'' Mofes Mansfield was Joyned in Marriage to Mary Dorchester, (they being both of New Haven) November 10''^: 1761 by the Rev*^ Sam'. Bird James Plant and Lucy Judd of New Haven were Joyned in marriage January 9''': 1772 by the Rev*^. Jonathan Edwards Stephen Brocket and Sibel Barns of New Haven were Joyned in marriage March 27'^^ 1771 by the Rev**. M"" Trumble Jared Bafset and Sarah Goodyear of New Haven were Joyned in marriage July S*-^ : 1770 [175] Marriages Thomas Atwater and Margret Macomber of New Haven were Joyned in marriage may 28"^ : 1772 by the Rev*^. M"" Whit- telfey Samuel Dickerman and Lowle Pardee of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb^ ii*'^: 1773 by Simeon Bristoll Jus*^ of Peace Daniel Rexford J"" and Martha Hitchcock of New Haven were Joyned in marriage September ^^® 9''' 1766 by the Rev*^. M"" Chauncy Whittelfey Eben"" Sperry and Bathshaba Sperry of New Haven were Joyned in mariage Ocf 5*^^^ : 1769 by the Rev*^ Benj woodbridge Pember Joselin of New Haven and Elifabeth Dudley of Guil- ford were Joyned in marriage Feb. 6''^. 1771 by the Rev'^. M"" Jonathan Todd Enos Atwater and Lois Ailing of New Haven were Joyned in mariage Dec'". 29 1773 by Joshua Chandler Jus' of Peace Hez"^ Bafset and Sarah Ives of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb 15 1770 by the Rev^. M"" Benj Trumbull [176] Marriages Jonathan Ranney of New Haven and Hannah Tiley of Say- brook were Joyned in marriage November 25'^ 1773 by Benjamin Williams Jus' of Peace Amos Peck J"": and Lois Chatterton of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage January 2^. 1772 by Simeon BriftoU Jus' of Peace Abraham Ailing and Abigail Dorman of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec"". 16 1772 by the Rev^ m'' Whittelfey 126 First written " Novr." 4i6 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Abel Bradly and Hannah Todd of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb 19 1767 by the Rev"^. M"" Trumbull Afa willmot and Sarah Johnson of New Haven were Joyned in marriage 20'^ 1740 by the Rev'^. m"" Noyes Jeremiah Atwater J^ and Lois Hurd of New Haven were Joyned in marriage aug*^ 14^'' 1771 by M"" Sam' Bird [177] Marriages AP. John Cofens Ogden Late of Elifabeth Town in the County of Efsex in the Province of New Jersey, Now of New Haven and M""^. Mary woofter of Said New Haven, were Joyned in marriage upon the Sixth Day of October Anno Dom 1774 by the A Rev'^: M*". Jonathan Edwards minifter in Said New Haven Oliver Smith and Thankfull Brockett of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov"" 17^'' 1774 by the Rev*^ M"" Benj Trum- bell Hezekiah Tuttle J"", and Dorathy Ball of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Nov^ ^o'^: 1768 by the Rev<^ M' Whittelfey Eben"" Ailing J"" and Mary Wolcot of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Sep^ 15"^ 1774 by the Rev"^ M"": Whittelfey Zina Denifon and Martha Auftin of New Haven were Joyned in marriage may 2^ 1774 by the Rev*^ AP Edwards [178] Marriages Phineas Bradly J^ of New Haven and Hannah Buel of Kil- lingworth were Joyned in marriage Feb"^: i^' 1769 by the Rev*^. M"". Huntington John whiting Efq"": and i\P^ Sarah Trowbridge Daughter of Lieu'. Stephen Trowbridge DeC^ both of New Haven were Joy- ned in marriage the 24"" Day of may Anno Dom 1770 by the Rev^: M^ Chauncy Whittle fey Cap^ Ezekiel Hays and M''^ Abigail Brown of New Haven were Joyned in marriage the 5'*^ Day of may 1774 Elijah Osborn and Phebe Tuttle both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Fel/: 2*^: 1773 by the Rev"^: M"". Mather Jonathan Ailing and Hannah Bradly both of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov"". 3'^. 1774 by the Rev"^. Chauncy Whit- telfey Dan" Bafset and Eunice Turner of New Haven were Joyned in marriage January 6''': 1774 by the Rev'^ M"" Trumbull [179] Marriages Stephen Atwater and Eunice Granis of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Nov^ 15"': 1775 by Simeon Bristoll Jus' of Peace Justus J Fitch & Sufanna Turner of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Sep^ 29 1774 by the Rev*^ Benj Trumbell Seth Blackslee and Jemima Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in marriage December 8'^ 1772 by Joshua Chandler jus' of Peace NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 417 Jonathan Ford and Phebe Bafset of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec'". 21^*^ 1769 by the Rev*^. M'' Whittelfey Lemuel Sperry and Mercy Bradly of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage January 12 1775 by the Rev"^ M'' Woodbridge John Miles J"" of New Haven and Mehetable Brooks of Wal- lingford were Joyned in Marriage March 24'^ 1768 by the Ben- jamin Hall Jus"^ of Peace Ebenezer Warner and Sufanna Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in marriage January 27 1761 by the Rev'^. M^ Bird [180] Marriages Israel Bradly & Mary Hotchkis of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Nov"". 9"": 1774 by the Rev"^. Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Ives J"" : and Sarah Bafset of New Haven were Joy- ned in marriage may i^^ 1777 by the Rev*^. M'" Whittelfey James Lines J"", and Sufanna Ailing of New Haven were Joyned in marriage y*" i^' Day of January 1772 by the Rev*^ Benj Woodbridge Glover Ball and Hannah Hotchkifs of Newhaven were married the 22*^. day of January 1778 by the Rev^ M'". Edwards Stephen Ives and Mary Hotchkifs of Newhaven were married to each other on the i^' day of July 1773 by the Reverend Stephen Hawley Charles Chauncy and Abigail Darling of Newhaven were married on the 2^: Day of February, 1763 by the Reverend Chauncy Whittlesey Benj'^. Bafsett and Hannah Tuttle. both of Newhaven were married on the 15'*^. day of January. 1777 by the Rev""*^ M"" Trumbull [181] Marriages Amos mansfield and Mary Clark of New Haven were Joyned in marriage July 5**^ 1776 by the Rev*^ M"" Hawley Joshua Atwater and Betsy Goodyear of Newhaven were joined in Marriage January 20^''. 1778 p"" the Rev'^. M*". Whittlesey Jefse Dickerman & Dameras Ives of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Sep"" 21 1775 by Sim.eon Bristoll Jus. Peace John Perkins J"", and Jerufha Turner of New Haven were Joyned in marriage 24 of July 1776 by the Rev*^ M*" Hawley Medad Atwater and Rhoade Dickerman of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Sep"". 9'^: 1778 by the Rev"^ M"" Whittelfey John Hubbard and Martha Bradly of New Haven were Joy- ned in marriage May 13"" 1780 by the Rev*^. ]\P Street Stephen Goodyear and mary Peck of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Dec^ 3 1777 by Rev*^ M"". whittelfey Jonathan Dickerman J"" and Merriam Bradly of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov'". 16: 1770 by the Rev"*, m"" Sher- man ^ 27 4l8 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [182] Marriages David Atwater J"" of New Haven and Eunice Thompson of Stratford were Joyned in marriage Nov'. 15'" 1770 John Goodrich and Eunice Atwater of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage July 10''^: 1779 EHfha AlHng & Abigail Pardee of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb 19 1776 by the Rev*^. Williston 'Daniel Bishop and Louifa Hotchkis of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage January 12'^: 1777 Richard Cutler and Hannah Howel of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage July 29 1767 Thomas Darling J"" of New Haven and J\Iary Dibble of Milford were Joyned in Marriage Nov"" 28 1781 by the Rev"*. M"" Wood- bridge M'" Jeremiah Atwater of New Haven and M'"^ Katherine Gale of Killingworth were Joyned in Marriage april 6'^ 1780 by the Rev'^ M-- Mansfield Sam^ Huggins and Sarah miles of New Haven were Joyned in marriage april 11 1775 [183] Marriages Sam' Huggins of New Haven and mary Collins of wallingford were Joyned in marriage march 23'' 1774 She Died Jan^' 1775^^^ Mathew Gilbert and Phebe Dorman of New Haven were Joyned in marriage January 3'^ 1782 by the Rev'^. M"". Mather M"": Rufsel Clark and Mifs'•^ Content Ward of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage June 14"^: 1783: by the Rev*^ Bela Hubbard Mifsionary Joshua Barns J"" : and Mercy Tuttle of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb"" 15*'' 1781 by the Rev*^ M"". Street The Rev"^: Jonathan Edwards and M'"^ Mercy Sabin of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Dec"", 18"^: Anno Dom: 1783 by the Rev'': M"". Whittelfey Charles Todd and Penina Peck of New Haven were married aug': 16. 1764 Isaac Dickerman and Hannah Ball of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Feb"" 8^*": 1781 by the Rev''. M"". Edwards [184] Marriages Amos Ailing and Mabel Hitchcock of New Haven were married Dec'". 28 1770 by the Rev*^ M"". Whittelfey M"" Benjamin Sanford and M". Mary Brown both of New Haven were Joyned in IMarriage to each other upon the firft Day of January Anno Dom 1756 by the Rev"^. M"". Eben^ Punderfon M"": John Pierpoint and M". Sarah Beers of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec"". 1767 26 by the Rev'^. M"" Sam^ Bird 127 Written in pencil. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 419 Stephen Hotchkis & Abigail Scot of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Dec'', g^^ 1767 by the Rev"^. M"" Whittelfey Daniel Bradly of M*^ Carmel and Mary Gilbert of y® i^' Society in New Haven were Joyned together in Marriage June 24 1784 by the Rev*^ Jona" Edwards Enos Tuttle J"" of New Haven and Candara Hotchkis of Cheshire was Married May s^^: 1783 by the Rev*^. M"". Hawley [185] Marriages Hartham Ramsdale and Catherine Burn of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Jan'' i 1784 by the ReV^. M'' Mather Joseph Jacobs and Lydia Jacobs of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage June 21 1775 by the Rev''. M''. Williams Joseph Hull and Abiah Ailing of New Haven was Joyned in marriage March 1773 by y'' Rev''. M'' Whittelfey Nathaniel Mix and Thankfull Ailing were married Feb 9 1773 by the Rev'' M'' Whittelfey M"". Walter King and M" Sarah Austin of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage Feb: 17*''. AD 1784 by the Rev'' Jonathan Edwards Abraham Pinto of New Flaven and Mary Gault of Boston were Joyned in Marriage Dec"". 30 1779 by the Rev''. M"". Sam' Bird Nath". Fitch and Mary Thompson of New Haven were Joyned in Marriage april 26 1770 by the Rev''. M' Edwards [186] Marriages John Sherman and Rebecca Austin of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Aug*^. 28 1771 by the Rev'' Jonathan Edwards Benj° Harrington and Hannah Upson of New Haven were Joyned in marriage april 14 1786 by the Rev''. M"" Hubbard M'" Peter Tollon and M''^. Grace Mansfield of New Haven Were Joyned together in marriage Ocf. 15 1785 by the Rev''. Bela Hubbard Thomas Burrell & Sarah John f on were married June the 9*'^ at Lynn by the Rev''. Jn". Tredwell Step" Atwater and Rebecca Gorham of New Haven were Joyned in marriage aug* 3''. I7[ ] M'" Edward Dummer & Mifs Polly Stillwell of New Haven were Joined together in Marriage November 30*"^. 1789 By the Rev''. Sam' Austin Israel Bishop and Hannah Peck of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Sep"" 14*'^: 1766 by y® Hez'' Sabin & Sarah munfon of New Haven were Joyned in marriage Nov*" 4*^^ 1776 [187] Marriages Lemuel Benham and Mary Atwater of New Haven were joined in Marriage by Rev^. M^ Whittelsey, January 2^ 1769 420 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Lemuel Benham and Margaret Green of New Haven were Joined in Marriage by Rev*^ M"". Whittelsey april 14 1774 Jonathan Ingersoll of New Haven and Grace Isaacs of Bran- ford were married by Rev*^. Nicolas Street april i^' 1786 David Daggett and Wealthian Munson of New Haven were Married by Rev*^. Chauncey Whittelsey Sept^ 10 1786. Simeon Baldwin of Norwich & Rebecca Sherman of New Haven were joined in Marriage July 27: by Rev<^. Doct. Edwards 1787. Abraham Bishop of New Haven and Nancy Dexter of New- bury Port, (Mafsachufs*^ State) were Married at Newburyport by the Rev"^ Doctor Bafs March 11 1792 Simeon Jocelin of New Haven and Luceanah Smith of South- ington wxre Married by Rev^. William Robinson June 17: 1789 [188] Births of Negros Cap*^ Thomas Rice gave an account of his negro which was born Aug^ 6 1785 whofe name is Venice Recorded Jan"": 23^ 1789 . Cap* Tho^ Rice gave an ace*, of his negro Jack Son of his negro woman Jude who was born Dec"". 2^ 1789 Recorded march 9 1790 James Hillhoufe is in the pofsefsion of a negro Girl named Hager who was born on y® 17**^ day of March 1786 as alfo of a negro boy Named Jupiter born y® 22^ day of June A D 1789 which Children will by Law be free at y® age of Twenty-five years s*^ hillhoufe Sworn to y® Truth of y® above ace* before Sam' Bishop Jus* of Peace Cap* Thomas Rice gave an account of a negro Child named Hebe Daughter of his negro woman named Silvia which was born in his houfe may 30**" 1792 — Recorded Nov'": 16. 1792 [189] Births Elifabeth the Daughter of Isaac Thompson was born oct'. 18*'' 1766 Sufanna the Daughter of Isaac Thompson was born July 11*^ 1768 Amelia the Daughter of Isaac Thompson was born ocf. 18 1771 Mary the Daughter of Isaac Thompson was born may 8*'' 1773 Lyman y® Son of Isaac & Sibel Dickerman was born may 12 1774 John Dixwell the Son of m"". Solomon & M" : Anna Pmto was born Ocf 12 1774 Elifabeth y® Son of Abel & Eunice Burret was born aug* 7*'' 1769 Eunice y® Daughter of Amos Perkins J"": & Abiah Perkins was born may 19*'' 1773 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 421 Sarah the Daughter of Amos Perkins p. and Abiah Perkins was ocf 14'^'^ 1774 Allen y^ Son of Jason & mary Cooper was born Dec"". 10 1760 Abigail y^ Daughter of Jason & Mary Cooper was born Nov"": 19 1762 [igo] Births Simeon the Son of Jason and Mary Cooper was born april 15 1765 Enoch Ives y^ Son of Jason & Mary Cooper was born June 8*^ 1768 Policy the Daughter of Jason and Mary Cooper was born may 23"^ 1771 Lucy the Daughter of Jason and Mary Cooper was born april 20 1774 David Todd the Son of Jabez Tuttle was born December 28^^ 1774 Eunice y^ Daughter of Jabez & Abigail Johnson was born april I 1774 Rhoade y® Daughter of Hez*^ and Dorathy Tuttle was born Sep"": II*'' 1769 Hezekiah the Son of Hez^ & Dorathy Tuttle was born aug': jjth j^73 Nathan the Son of Daniel and Rebecca Doolittle was born Feb'-. 16*^. 1774 Auftin the Son of Zina & Martha Denifon was born January 12*^ 1775 . Cloe y® Daughter of Jonah and Elifabeth Blackflee was born DeC": 28* 1770 Cooper y® Son of Jonah and Elifabeth Blackflee was born ocf: 30*^. 1772 [191] Births Electa y^ Daughter of Phin^ Bradly J"" and Hannah Bradly was born ocf. 21 1769 Luther the Son of Phin^: Bradly J"" and Hannah Bradly was born March 10*'' 1772 Bird the Son of Phin^ Bradly J"" & Hannah Bradly was born Dec'' 16*'' 1774 Samuel y® Son of Ichabod & Rebecca Hitchcock was born Sep^ 30*" 1774 John Morris y® Son of Sam' : & Elifabeth watkins was born aug* 20 1773 Ellas v^ Son of Gurdon Turner was born may s*'' 1772 Abigail y® Daughter of Gurdon Turner was born april 25*'' 1774 Elifha the Son of Allen Cooper was born april 16*'': 1771 422 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Jared the Son of Stephen Cooper J"", and Obed'=^ Cooper was born Jan^: 30 1768 Mary the Daughter of Joel and Abiah Atwater was born July 10 1774 Daniel the Son of Cap'. Joseph Pierpoint and M" Lydia Pierpoint was born May 16"^ 1775 [192] Births Dinah the Daughter of David Sperry Ju"". and Sarah Sperry was born April 20"" 1775 Abigail the Daughter of Cap' Ez'. Hays & M". Abigail Hays was born June 12'^ 1775 Samuel y^ Son of Will'" and Abigail Day was born May 20 1773 Mary the Daughter of william & Abig^ Day was born July 25'^ 1775 Eli y® Son of Elijah and Phebe Osborn was born November 24'^ 1773 Mary y^ Daughter of Denis Covert was born march 2.^ 1764 Jeremiah y® Son of Denis Covert was born July 12 1766 David y® Son of Denis Covert was born July 12 1768 William Jones y^ Son of Denis Covert was born aug' 18'** 1771 Elifabeth y® Daughter of the Rev"": Benjamin Trumbull and M'"^ Martha Trumbull was [born] upon the 19"^ Day of Decem- ber 1774 * Luc y® Daughter of Jabez and Efther Bradly was born april 7 1774 Jefse y® Son of Caleb & Hannah Doolittle was born April 16''* 1775 [193] Births Rebecca y® Daughter of Abram Turner was born December 27th J^^Q Rhoda y® Daughter of Abram Turner was born June 30'^ 1773 Rachel the Daughter of Abram Turner was born may ii**^ 1775 . Chriftopher y^ Son of John and Patience Ailing was born aug* 29'^ 1735 Defire y® Daughter of Paul Noyes was born Sep"" 23^ 1775 Daniel y® Son of Stephen & Eunice Atwater was born ocf. Phebe y® Daughter of Israel & Lydia woodin was born aug* 19'*" 1758 Eli y^ Son of Israel & Lydia woodin was born ocf. 17'^ 1761 Mary the Daughter of Israel & Lydia woodin was born may 17'^ 1764 Amos the Son of Israel & Lydia woodin was born april 23* 1768 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 423 Lydia y® Daughter of Israel & Lydia woodin was born aug* jQth ^yy2 Lois y^ Daughter of Enos & Lois Dickerman was born aug' 2^^ 1772 Enos y^ Son of Enos & Lois Dickerman was born Jan^ 15''^ 1775 [194] Births Harriot the Daughter of Justus J Fitch & Sufanna Fitch was born Sep''. 8''' 1775 James the Son of Ambros Barns and Bulah Barns was born april 16"' 1772 Leverett y® Son of Leverett & Efther Stevens was born July 4 1773 Earl y^ Son of Leverett & Efther Stevens was born ocf 3*^ 1775 Caleb y^ Son of Abr™. & Lydia Bafset was born Sep"". 7*'' 1775 Jefse y® Son of Jason and Mary Bradly was born July 7''' 1774 Joseph y^ Son of Dan' Abbot and Mary Abbot was born May 20th 1773 Philenda the Daughter of Joseph & Mary Abott was born March 21 1775 Eldad the Son of John & Deborah Bradly was born October le-"" 1773 Lucy the Daughter of John & Deborah Bradly was born Nov"" 7th 1775 Lucy the Daughter of Jeremiah Parmale y was born Dec'" 13''^ 1775 [195] , Births Mary^^^ the Daughter of the Rev*^ Jonathan Edwards and M". Mary Edwards was born June 23"^ 1773 Jonathan the Son of the Rev*^ Jonathan Edwards and M". Mary Edwards was born Feb^ 20'*^ 1775 Jem f ha y® Daughter of the Rev*^ Jonathan Edwards & M" Mary Edwards was born Jan''. 30. 1776 Phebe y® Daughter of Seth and Jemmima Blackslee was born Feb S''' 1774 Patience y^ Daughter of Seth and Jemima Blackslee was born aug' 14^*^ 1775 Salone y® Daughter of william and Jemima Tyler was born Dec"" 27 1775 william y^ Son of Jonathan and Phebe Ford was born Dec"" I 1770 John the Son of Jonathan & Phebe Ford was born Jan''^ 26'^^ 1773 128 First written "Jonathan." 424 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Enos y® Son of Jonathan and Phebe Ford was born 2\Iarch 8"^ 1775 Obed the Son of David & Am^ Ford was born June firft 1773 Trneman y^ Son of Lemuel & Mercy Sperry was born Decem- ber 17"^ 1775 Rhoade y^ Daughter of Enos & Lois Atwater was born Ocf 16 1774 [196] Births EHakim y^ Son of Azariah Perkins J"": and Elifabeth Perkins was born march 8"^: 1773 Amos mix y^ Son of Azariah Perkins J"", and EHfabeth Perkins was born march 10"^ 1775 Philomile y® Daughter of John miles J"" & Mehitabel Miles was born march 2.^ 1769 Marcus y® Son of John Miles J'". & Mehitabel Miles was born may 21^' 1771 Enos Brooks y^ Son of John Miles J'" and Mehetabel Miles was born July 20''' 1773 Patty y® Daughter of John and Mabel McChive was born January 26 1773 Eli the Son of Hez Tuttle y® 3*^ and Mary Tuttle was born March i 1775 Lyman the Son of Stephen and Eunice Atwater was born Nov"" 14 1775 Joseph y® Son of James & Lucy Plant was born March y® 26 1775 Jonah y^ Son of Ebenezer & Sufanna Warner was born Feb: 18 1765 Hannah the Daughter of Eben"" & Sufanna warner was born March 14 1766 Ebenezer y® Son of Eben'. & Sufanna Warner was born July 16 1768 [197] Births Sufanna y® Daughter of Eben"". & Sufanna Warner was born april i^* 1770 Isaac y^ Son of Eben'". & Sufanna warner was born January 6'-'' 1772 Lydia y® Daughter of Eben'" & Sufanna Warner was bom may 5 1773 Sarah the Daughter of David & Mary Phipps was born Nov"". 26 1774 Elifabeth y« Daughter of David & Mary Phipps was born april 8*^ 1776 Chid fey y^ Son of Dan' & Hannah Clark was born June 10 1771 Mix the Son of Israel & Mary Bradly was born aug' 2i«* 1775 Israel the Son of Edward Perkins was born Dec'. 30^*^ 1767 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 425 Edward the Son of Edward Perkins was born Feb"": 7 1769 Mary the Daughter of Edward Perkins was born January Electa the Daughter of Edward Perkins was born ocf 31 1775 Noah y« Son of Noah & Abigail Ives was born Sep'": 18 1776 [198] Births Abigail y® Daughter of Benjamin Dorman J"" & Mary Dorman was born March 4^^ 1771 Edmond y® Son of Benjamin Dorman J"" and Mary Dorman was born July 16 1773 Elihu y*' Son of Benjamin Dorman J"" and Mary Dorman was born Nov"" 26 1775 Caleb y^ Son of Caleb and Lois Ailing was born Sep"". 19 1775 Rhoade y® Daughter of David & Sarah Sperry was born Dec"". 20 1776 Amzi- y® Son of Enos & Lois Atwater was born May 23'' 1776 Hannah the Daughter of Dan'. & Hannah Brown was born Noy^ 18 1772 Daniel the Son of Daniel & Hannah Browne was born Sep"". II 1774 Sarah the Daughter of Daniel & Hannah Brown was born april 23"^ 1776 Lucy y'' Daughter of Chauncy Dickerman & Rebecca Dicker- man^^^ was born June S^^ '^71^ Mary the Daughter of Jonathan Ailing was born april 22"^ 1776 Rachel y® Daughter of Caleb Ives was born may 17'^ 1775 [199] Births Elijah & Elisha Twin Sons of Dan^ Aboott & Mary Abbott, were born March 14''^ lyy] Rhoda y® Daughter of David Hitchcock was born Sep"". 12 1772 David the Son of David Hitchcock was born Nov'" 17 1773 Lydia the Daughter of Isaac Hitchcock was born aug' 21^' 1776 Amos y^ Son of Anthony Thompson J"" was born June 4*'^ 1774 Lowly y® Daughter of Anthony Thompson J"", was born July 21 1776 Mabel y^ Daughter of Cap* Jefse Goodyear was born aug'. 27 1776 Mary the Daughter of Abr". & Phebe Hotchkis was born Nov*". 13 1770 129 First written " Bradly." 426 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Elias the Son of Abr"\ & Phebe Hotchkis was born aug': 13 1772 Hulda y^ Daughter of Abr"' & Phebe Hotchkis was born July 22 1774 [200] Births Abraham the son of Ephraim & Susanna Humaston was born on the 3*^ Day of February Anno Domini 1766 Lydia the Daughter of EH Sackett was born May 9'^^ 1772 Bede the Daughter of Eli Sackett was born February i^' 1774 Eli son of Eli Sackett was born October 8"^ 1775 Daniel son of Eli Sackett was born Ocf. 8"\ Anno Domini 1777 Anna the Daughter of Abner and Obedience Austin was born July 31 Anno Domini 1774 Mary Ann the Daughter of Eliakim Mallery was born June 25 1776 Eliakim y® Son of Eliakim Mallery was born Feb. 24 1778 Leverett y® Son of Jonathan Ives Ju'". and Sarah Ives was born april 25 1778 Lois y® Daughter of Caleb and Lois Ailing was born Jan'" 12 1778 David y® Son of Cap^ David Phipps & mary Phipps was born Jan^ 16 1778 [201] Births Oliver y® Son of Rog Sherman Esq"", and M'"^ Mehetabel Sherman was born January 1777 Benjamin y® Son of Cap*. Abel Burril and M". Eunice Burril was born april 24 1778 Sarah y^ Daughter of James Lines J"", and Sufanna Lines^^" was born Feb 4 1775 John the Son of James Lines J"" and Sufanna Lines was born april 31^* 1777 Mary Daughter of Stephen and Mary Ives was born march 23^: Anno Domini 1774 Hannah Daughter of Stephen and Mary Ives was born Dec"". 3"* 1776 Edward Morris Son of William and Jemima Tyler was born Nov--. 27'^ 1778 Elisabeth Daughter of James Bishop 3'^ and Patience Bishop was born Ocf. I6'^ 1759 Mary Daughter of James Bishop 3'^. and Patience Bishop was born Ocf. 23^1761 Sarah Daughter of James Bishop f. and Patience Bishop was born March 5*^ 1769 180 First written " Ailing." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 427 [202] Births Justus son of James Bishop 3"^ and Patience Bishop was born January y^'^ ly 66 AUing son of James Bishop 3'^. and Patience Bishop was born February 2y^^. 1768 Lydia Daughter of James Bishop 3*^. and Patience Bishop was born February 2o"\ 1770 Levi Son of James Bishop 3*^. and Patience Bishop was born June 10^'' 1772 Patience Daughter of James Bishop 3*^ and Patience Bishop was born July lo''^. 1779 Charles son of Charles and Abigail Chauncy was bora August 17"^ :_ 1777 Elihu son of Charles and Abigail Chauncy was born January IS""- 1779 Chloe Daughter of Benj". and Hannah Bafsett was born Nov"". 12"^: 1777 Epheram the Son of Amos and mary Mansfield was born aug' 3' 1778 David Son of David and Sarah Sperry was born Dec"", y^'^ iyy% David Son of David and Ame Ford was born Dec'". 8'^ I777 [203] Births Eli Son of Solomon and Sarah Gilbert was born may 5'^ 1762 Sarah Daughter of Solomon and Sarah Gilbert was born may 24*1^ 1768 Lyman Son of Oliver Smith and Thankful Smith was born July 17"^ 1778 Anna Daughter of William Scott was born July 2^ 1771 Sarah Daughter of William Scott was born March 2^. iyy\ William Son of William Scott was born August i^' 1777 Sarah Daughter of William Scott was born Ocf. ^^^\ 1769 Benj". Son of Benj". Peck Ju"". and Lois Peck was born 30'^ Day of march 1776 Eldad the Son of Caleb and Eunice Gilbert was born Jan^. 6 1773 Anna the Daughter of Caleb and Eunice Gilbert was born July Lucinda Daughter of Hezekiah Ju'". and Lois Tuttle was born May 6*^. 1775 , Lowly Daughter of Hez^. Tuttle Ju"". and Lois Tuttle was born Nov^ 16*^ 1777 [204] Births Eli Son of Abner and Obedience Austin was born Ocf. 21^* 1778 Ezra Son of Joshua and Betsy Atwater was born Dec^ 14*'* 1778 428 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Esther Daughter of John and Esther Row was born ]\[arch 7^'^ 1768 i\lille Daughter of Pero and Betty Sumes was born April 11*^ 1774 Benjamin Son of Pero and Betty Sumes was born 9'^ Day of December^^^ '^TIJ Harmon Son of John and Lois Robinson was born 6'^ of July 1767 Medad son of John and Lois Robinson was born July 19^*^ Linas Son of John and Lois Robinson was born February 14"^: 1774 Lois Daughter of John and Lois Robinson was born 19'^ march 1776 Abigail Bradley Daughter of Justus Bradley & Desire Robin- son was born January 2^^ 1777 Defire Daughter of Jeduthun Thompson was born Feb 18 1771 Thankfull the Daughter of Jeduthun Thompson was born July 25 1772 Eunice the Daughter of Jeduthun Thompson was born June 26 1776 [205] Births Joseph y® Son of Jeduthun Thompson was born Nov''. 12*^ 1778 Bettfey y® Daughter of Jefse & Damaras Dickerman was born Sep". 29 1778 Merriam the Daughter of Cap*^ Noah Ives & Abigail Ives was born Jan*". 3''. 1779 Eunice y^ Daughter of John Perkins J"", and Jerufha Perkins"^ was born June 25 1777 Abigail Daughter of Jeremiah and Hannah Ives was born February 17"^: A D 1780 Low^ly the Daughter of Aledad and Rhoade Atwater was born July 9*'' 1779 Huda y^ Daughter of Glover Ball and Haiyiah Ball was born april 29 1779 Binoni the Son of Enos Dickerman was born march 11'^: 1777 Jotham the Son of Enos Atwater and Lois Atwater was bom j^th Ocf. 1779 Isaac the Son of David Bishop was born ocf. 14 1776 Eloner the Daughter of David Bishop was born March 2^ 1779 '31 First written " May." 132 First written " Turner." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 429 [206] Births Amos Son of Benjamin and Sarah Hotchkifs was born Feb- ruary 6'^ 1777 Sally Daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Hotchkifs was born August 16"^ 177S Jared the Son of Jos. & Sarah Doolittle was born aug^ 29 1780 Isaac Son of Isaac and Sarah Bishop was born Dec''. 26^'' 1764 Sarah the Daughter of Isaac and Sarah Bishop was born ocf. 23"^ 1766 Samuel y^ Son of Isaac & Sarah Bishop was born Nov^ Esther y® Daughter of Isaac & Sarah Bishop was born aug*^ 2^ 1772 Isaac the Son of Isaac & Sarah Bishop was born Sep"". 7 1774 Sarah the Daughter of Isaac and Sarah Bishop was born Feb z'' ^777 Jeremiah Son of Isaac and Sarah Bishop was born april 9*^^ 1779 Lyman y^ Son of David & Sarah Sperry was born Ocf. 13 1780 JMerriam the Daughter of Job & Mary Potter was born May 26 1780 [207] Birth«; Ebenezer Peck y^ Son of Ebenezer and mercy Perkins was born april 13 1776 Mercyf ena y'' Daughter of Eben'' : and Mercy Perkins was born June 25"" 1778 Jos Son of W"" Day was born Dec"" 29 1777 William the Son of w™ Day was born march 27 1780 Sam' y® Son of Stephen and Mary Goodyear was born aug' 6'^ 1778 Merriam y® Daughter of Jonathan and Alerriam Dickerman was born June 2p- 1772 Jonathan y® Son of Jonathan & Merriam Dickerman was born June 2^ 1775 Eli y® Son of Jonathan and merriam Dickerman was born June 3'' 1776 Abigail y® Daughter of Jonathan & Merriam Dickerman was born Sep"" 30 1777 Milla y^ Daughter of Jonathan & Merriam Dickerman was born May 13 1779 Lois y^ Daughter of Caleb and Lois Ailing was born Jan^'. 12: 1778 Eunice y^ Daughter of Caleb and Lois Ailing was born Ocf. 12 1779 430 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [208] Births Sarah the Daughter of Samuel Davenport was born January Rofwell y® Son of Sam' Davenport was born april 28'^^ 1768 Hezekiah y^ Son of Samuel Davenport was born Dec"": 11"^: 1769 Mary & Martha Daughters of Sam' : Davenport was born DeC: 16: 1771 Street y*^ Son of Sam' Davenport was born January 28'*^: 1775 Rebecca Daughter of Abel & Rebecca Frisbie was born August 3" 1774 John Son of Abel & Rebecca Frisbie was born February 10*'' 1772 Chester y® Son of David and Eunice Atwater was born DeC 21 1772 Chefter y^ Son of David & Eunice Atwater was born april 14 ^774 Silvester the Son of David & Eunice Atwater was born Feb. 1776 David y" Son of David & Eunice Atwater was born 1777 David the Son of David & Eunice Atwater was born Died Fanny y® Daughter of John & Eunice Goodrich was born Dec"". 19^*^ 1780 [209] Births Jared the Son of Samuel Atwater J"", was born January 4''' 1780 Mary y® Daughter of Mofes and Mary Ventres was born June 20 1769 william y® Son of Mofes and Mary Ventres was born Dec"". 4th 1 77 1 Ailing y^ Son of Isaac Dickerman and Sibel Dickerman was born January 14^'' 1781 Merel y^ Daughter of Benj° Gaylord J"", and Phebe Gaylord was born Jan 27 1777 Ailing the Son of Benj Gaylord J'" and Phebe Gaylord was born Nov'". 5 1778 Grace the Daughter of John and Elifabeth Hunt was born may 20''' 1 776 Anna Maria the Daughter of John and Elifabeth Hunt was born Dec"". 5*'' 1777 Sarah the Daughter of John & Elifabeth Hunt was born Dec"". 16"^ 1779 Emely the Daughter of John & Elifabeth Hunt was born Dec^ 18''' 1780 David y* Son of Elifha and Abigail Ailing was born Jan 25 Milla y® Daughter of Elifha & Abigail Ailing was born Dec^ 18 1778 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 431 Abigail y® Daughter of Elifha and Abig* Ailing was born Dec'". 22 1780 [210] Births Tim°. y*" Son of Dan^ and Louifa Bishop was born Ocf 29 1777 Daniel y® Son of Dan\ and Louifa Bishop was born June 7 1779 John the Son of Dan" and Louifa Bishop was born Ocf. 30"" 1780 Lucy the Daughter of Medad & Rhoade Atwater was born January 31^*^ 1781 William y'^ Son of Rich^ ^^^ and Hannah Cutler was born may 21 1768 jMary the Daughter of Richard ^^^ & Hannah Cutler was born June 15 1770 Elisabeth y** Daughter of Richard ^^^ and Hannah Cutler was born Sep''. 17 1772 william y® Son of Richard "^ and Hannah Cutler was born Nov'" 16 1774 Hannah y® Daughter of Richard "^ & Hannah Cutler was born april 6''' 1777 Richard y® Son of Richard & Hannah Cutler was born Nov"^. 2.^ 1779 Eunice y® Daughter of Jabez Johnson was born april 1774 Amos the Son of Jabez Johnson was born aug*^ 25 1777 [211] Births Ury y® Son of Usual and Rachel mansfield was born may 30*^ 1773 Timothy y® Son of Usual and Rachel Mansfield was born may Mabel y® Daughter of usual and Rachel Mansfield was born June I 1777 Elisabeth y® Daughter of Usual and Rachel mansfield was born June 24 1779 Josiah the Son of usual and Rachel mansfield was born Ocf 20 1781 Noyes the Son of Thomas Darling J'', and Mary Darling was born Sep"". 19*'' 1782 Henry y° Son of Amasiah & Eliz*^. Jocelin was born march 20 1782 William y*" Son of M'" Jeremiah Atwater and M". Katherine Atwater was born June 14 1782 Rhoade y® Daughter of Asa Goodyear J"" & Efther Goodyear was born ocf. 22* 1782 John y® Son of David & Huldah Munfon was born Jan'"^ 22^ 1782 133 First written '" willm." 432 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Becka y" Daughter of John & Jerufha Perkins was born Sep"". i8 1780 Jerusha y® Daughter of John & Jerusha Perkins born Oct"^. 29 1782 [212] Births Ebenezer the Son of Eben"". Humiphervile J'", and Esther Humphervile was born april 11''' 1781 Esther & Polley Daughters of Job and Mary Potter was born march 18'^ Anno Dom 1782 Ranfom y® Son of Jos and Eliz*^ Benham was born aug' 3^^ 1782 Rufsel y" Son of John and Martha Hubbard was born March i^' 1780 John the Son of John Hubbard was born Jan 14''' 1778 Mary the Daughter of Ez* & Mary Hays was born on the 19^'' Day of may 1776 Sarah the daughter of Ez' & Mary Hays was born Dec"" 28 1777 Rebecca the Daughter of Ez* and Mary Hays was born Nov''. 6^'^ 1779 Ezekiel y** Son of Ezekiel & Mary Hays was born March 14'*^ 1782 Elam y^ Son of Jefse and Dameras Dickerman was born March 21 1782 Harvey the Son of Joel Hough was born June 26 1781 Ira y^ Son of Joel Hough was born march 7"^ 1783 [213] Births Cloe y^ Daughter of Sam^ Atwater J"", and Ruth Atwater was born July 24 1781 Ruth the Daughter of Sam'' Atwater Ju"". and Ruth Atwater was born march 19'*^ 1783 Hannah y^ Daughter of Reuben Bradly was born Feb. 17 1780 Amarila y^ Daughter of Reuben Bradly was born July 5 1782 Rufsel y^ Son of Benj". Gaylord Ju'' was born Nov'' 4''' 1782 Amos y^ Son of Amos and olive Bradly was born Nov'" 14 1781 Lucena y^ Daughter of Jareb and Candasa Downs was born aug^ 25*" 1778 Jareb Lyman y® Son of Jareb and Candasa Downs was born april I 1780 Electa y® Daughter of Jareb and Candasa Downs was born July 2^ 1 78 1 Thankfull Daughter of Jacob Pinto was born Dec"" 22*^ 1769 Samuel Son of Jacob Pinto was born aug' 18 1771 Isaac Son of Jacob Pinto was born Dec'' 21 1777 Sarah Daughter of Jacob Pinto was born Feb. 3**. 1780 [214] Births Abigail Daughter of Seth Blackslee was born Feb 4**' 1778 Polley y® Daughter of Seth Blackslee was born Feb 26 1780 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 433 Seth y« Son of Seth Blackslee was born Aug* 5 1782 Heaton y" [Son] of Samuel Huggins was born June 14*'': 1768 Sarah y® Daughter of Sam' Huggins was born Dec"" 12^*^ 1770 Samuel Son of Samuel Huggins was born march 8"^ 1773 Mary the Daughter of Sam' Huggins was born Dec"". 12^^ 1774 Abigail y^ Daughter of Daniel & Abigail Doolittle was born april z" 1775 Rhoda y^ Daughter of Daniel and Abigail Doolittle was born Jan'y 17*'' 1777 Isaac y^ Son of Daniel & Abigail Doolittle was born may i^^^'- 1779 Mary the Daughter of Dan" & Abigail Doolittle was born march 30''' 1781 [215] Births Joshua y^ Son of Joshua Barns J"" and Mercy Barns was born Dec"". 27 1 781 Samuel Son of Josaph & Lydia Smith was born November 4'^^ 1778 , Lydia Daugher of Joseph & Lydia Smith was born April 5 1781 Sibel y® Daughter of Isaac & Sibel Dickerman was born aug* : 15'' 1783 Policy y® Daughter of David osborn and Mary osborn was born Dec"" 18''' 1772 David y*^ Son of David and mary osborn was born april 6 1775 Eli y*" Son of David and mary osborn was born Nov"". 4'^^ 1777 Leverett y^ Son of David and mary Osborn was born Feb"". 4 1780 Sarah y® Daughter of David and mary Osborn was born July 27*'' 1783 Mary the Daughter of Joseph and Sarah Doolittle was born aug*^ 2g^^ 1783 Mehetabel y^ Daughter of Step" Dumer was born ocf 10"^ 1780 George y^ Son of Stephen Dumer was born Feb 5 1782 [216] Births Rhoade y® Daughter of Charles Todd was born June 20 1765 Charles y** Son of Charles Todd was born ocf- 12"' 1767 Amos the Son of Charles Todd was born Nov"" 15"' 1769 Dan the Son of Charles Todd was born Sep"". 23*^ 1771 Content the Daughter of M"" Rufsel Clark & m""^ Content Clark was born april 1784 Talcott y® Son of Noah & Abigail Ives was born July 24 1781 Lucy y® Daughter of Isaac and Hannah Dickerman was born May 20 1782 Eunice the Daughter of Isaac and Hannah Dickerman was born Jan 16 1784 28 434 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Glover y^ Son of Glover Ball was born Dec''. 14'^'^ 1780 Ezekiel y® Son of Glover Ball was born Dec^ 16*'' 1782 [217] Births Lois the Daughter of Enos and Lois Atwater was born June 2t 1784 Sarah the Daughter of John FitzGeralcl and Sarah his wife was born Nov'""'* 25 1775 Nathan y® Son of Stephen Dumer was born may 16"^ 1784 Amos Son of Amos Ailing was born Nov"" 19"' 1771 Mabel y® Daughter of Amos Ailing was born Jan 13 1773 Amos Son of Amos Ailing was born Sep"" 17'^'^ 1775 Lois the Daughter of Amos Ailing was born Sep"" i 1777 Thomas the Son of Eben"" and Lois Clenton was born Feb 8"^ 1779 Hezekiah y® Son of John & Sarah Pierpoint was born Nov"" 3^ 1768 Sarah the Daughter of John and Sarah Pierpoint was born april 3' 1774 Hannah y® Daughter of John & Sarah Pierpoint was born Feb, 13 1776 Polley the Daughter of John & Sarah Pierpoint was born april 3' 1778 [218] Births John the Son of John & Sarah Pierpoint was born aug*. 8*"^ 1780 Nathan the Son of John & Sarah Pierpoint was born Ocf 18 1782 Henry the Son of John & Sarah Pierpoint was born January iS''^ 1785 Lucy the Daughter of Stephen and Abig' Hotchkis was born Sep"" ^^"^ 1769 William Scot the Son of Stephen and Abigail Hotchkis was born Jan 29 1772 Phebe y® Daughter of Stephen and Abigail Hotchkis was born July II 1773 Stephen the Son of Stephen and Abig'. Hotchkis was born Sep"": 22^ 1777 George y® Son of Stephen & Abigail Hotchkis was born march 6**^ 1780 Wyllys the Son of Stephen and Abig' Hotchkis was born Dec' 20 1782 John Talcott y® Son of John & Eunice Goodrich was born March 24 1785 Martha the Daughter of Roger Sherman Efq'' and M": Rebecca Sherman was born Sep"" 24 1779 Sarah the Daughter of Roger Sherman Esq*" & m". Rebecca Sherman was born January 11 1783 '84 First written '" Sepf." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 435 [219] Births Richard Son of John and Anna Wilson was born July 21^' 1766 John Son of John and Anna Wilson was born February 8 1770 William Son of John and Anna Wilson w^as born August 30 1772 Elisabeth Daughter of John and Anna Wilson was born June 15 1774 Hubbard y® Son of Stephen & Defire Osborn was born July 19 1785 Eben'' Peck the Son of David and Rebecca Sperry was born June 3^ 1785 Darias the Son of Enos Tuttle J'" was born the 18"^'' Day of Ocf 1785 Joel the Son of Hezekiah and Hannah Dickerman was born May 25^^ 1785 William y*' Son of Hartham Ramsdale & Katherine his wife was born aug* 22^ 1784 Charles v® Son of Abrani and Abigail AlHng was born march Roade y^ Daughter of Abram and Abigail Ailing was born Jan''^ 19'^ 1779 [220] Births Mehetabel y® Daughter of Asa Goodyear J'', and Efther Good- year was born Sep"" 22 1784 Nancy the Daughter of Asa Goodyear J'' and Efther Goodyear was born March 18 1786 Sarah Perfons the Second Daughter of M'' Rufsel Clerk and M" Content Clark was born June 16^^ 1786 Hannah Daughter of Simeon & Hannah Jocelin was born July 6 1786 Mary the Daughter of Jos. & Lvdia Jacobs was born Jan 9'^ 1776 Bede y® Daughter of Joseph & Lydia Jacobs was born July 2^ 1779 ' Zopher the Son of Joseph & Lvdia Jacobs was born June 14 1782 Joseph the Son of Joseph and Lydia Peck was born Feb''. 4**^ AD 1759 Augustus Peck y® Son of Joseph & Lydia Peck was born Dec^ 9**^: A D 1760 Ward the Son of Joseph and Lydia Peck was born Ocf. y'^ A D 1762 Mary the Daughter of Joseph and Lydia Peck was born april 22^. AD 1765 [221] Births Deborah the Daughter of Jos. and Lydia Peck was born Aug*. 31 AD 1767 436 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Lydia the Daughter of Joseph & Lydia Peck was born Feb 15 AD 1770 Sarah the Daughter of Joseph and Lydia Peck was born Jan 3"^ AD 1773 Patience y^ Daughter of Joseph and Lydia Peck was born Feb 25 1775 Jefse Bradly y® Son of Nath" : mix was Born Dec^ 23"* 1774 Lois the Daughter of Nath' mix was born aug^ 2.2^ 1776 EH the Son of Nath' mix was born Sep'". 7 1778 Sarah the Daughter of Nath'. Mix was born Dec'" 23 1770 WilHam y* Son of Jos Hull was born april 11 1774 Abiah the Daughter of Joseph Hull was born Jan 3'' 1779 Anna the Daughter of M"" John & M". Martha Hubbard was bom June 15 1782 Rufsell y'' Son of Mr. John & M". Martha Hubbard was born Ocf. 18*'' 1784 [222] Birth Walter y« Son of M"". Walter & M". Sarah King was born January 6 A D 1785 Nath". Son of Nath". & mary Fitch was born Feb 11 1771 will"": Son of Nath". & mary Fitch was born April 2.^ 1772 Mary Daughter of Nath". & mary Fitch was born July 20 1774 will"" Son of Nath" & mary Fitch was born april 4 1776 Nath" Son of Nath": and mary Fitch was born July 7 1778 John Son of Nath". and mary Fitch was born Oct"" 9 1780 Betfey y® Daughter of Nath". & mary Fitch was born Feb 14: 1783 Ailing y^ Son of Nath'. & mary Fitch was born Dec"". 22'' 1785 John the son of Daniel & Abigail Doolittle born Dec^ 20"^ AD 1783 Stephen the son of Daniel & Abigail Doolittle born November 22^ 1785 Sally Amelia y^ Daughter of Benj". and Hannah Harrinton was born July 5 1787 Chid fey y^ Son of Daniel and Hannah Clark was born June jQth J -7^,2 Hennessey Bromfield the Son of Rufsel and Content Clark was 'born July 11 1788 Sufannah Maria the Daughter of M^ Peter Totten and M". Grace Totten was born Sep"". 21 1786 Joseph Gilbert y® Son of Peter Totten & m". Grace Totten was born aug'. 2-^^. 1788 [223] Births Adah y° Daughter of Job and Mary Potter was born april 4 1784 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 437 Heman y® Son of Job and Mary Potter was born January 8'^ 1786 William Son of William Miles was was born July 12 1779 Mary Daughter of W" Miles was born Sep"" i 1780 Polley^^* Daughter of w™ miles was born Dec' 17 1781 Henrietia Daugher of w°^ miles was born Jan 6*'^ 1784 Harriot Daughter of w"" miles was born Sep' 13: 1785 Elnathan Son of w™ miles was born July 15 1787 Sam^ Son of w™ Miles was born april 6 1789 Molly y^ Daughter of Israel & Hannah Bishop was born aug* 17 1767 Polly y® Daughter of Israel & Hannah Bishop was born may II 1770 Bet fey y^ Daughter of Israel & Hannah Bishop was born Ocf 29 1773 Eli y" Son of Israel & Hannah Bishop was born Nov'. 4*^^^ 1775 Eunice y® Daughter of Israel & Hannah Bishop was born may 6*^ 1778 Patty V® Daughter of Israel & Hannah Bishop was born may 18^'' 1784 [224] Births Leveret y® Son of Israel & Hannah Bishop was born Jan'' 18 1787 Mary y® Daughter of Lemuel & mary Benham was born Sep' Sarah y^ Daughter of Lemuel & mary Benham was born Jan^ 20 1773 Lemuel y® Son of Lemuel & margret Benham was born Dec': Lucy y® Daughter of Lemuel & margret Benham was born Nov' 7'^ 1776 Silas y® Son of Lemuel & Margret Benham was born January 3^ 1779 Betfey y® Daughter of Lem" & marg* Benham was born Ocf. II 1781 Betfey y® Daughter of Lemuel & Margret Benham was born Nov'. 19*'' 1784 Sam" y^ Son of Lem" & Mergret Benham was born may 12*^ 1787 Nancy y^ Daughter of Lemuel & Margret Benham was born Dec' 17 1789 Nancy daughter of Timothy & Elisabeth Dexter of Newbury- port was born aug*. 6^^. 1775 [225] Rebecca the daughter of Samul and Mehetabel Bishop was born March 4'^ 1770 134" Patty " written in pencil. 438 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Mary Anne Daughter of Abraham & Nancy Bishop was born May lo"' 1793 The following Children of Jonathan & Grace Ingersoll were born viz Grace born February 20 1787 Ralph February 8 1789 Mary March 2y 1791 William Isaacs May 25 1793 The following Children of David & Wealthian Daggett were born Viz Susan Edwards born June 30 1788 Leonard Augustus April 30 1790 David Lewis February 8 1792 Simeon Baldwin of Norwich was born December 14*^^: 1761 Rebecca Sherman was born at New Haven Feb^. 22**: 1764 The following Children of S*^. Simeon and Rebecca were born Rebecca May 30 1788 Ebenezer May 20 1790 Roger Sherman Jan^ 4 1793 Simeon June i^' 1794 [226] Births Sally y® Daughter of John warner was born Ocf 7"^: 1777 Nathaniel Son of Simeon and Luceanah Jocelin was born in New Haven January 31^*^ 1796 , Samuel, Son of Abr". & Nancy Bishop was born in New Haven ocf. 2"^ 1795 Hariot y® Daughter of Jos: Ball was born June 22^ 1793 Joseph Son of Joseph Ball was born may 13^^ 1793 Henry Stephen Son of Henry and mary mansfield was born May 26 1786 John Fenno Son of Henry and mary mansfield was born Jan'' Q***: 1788 Mary Caroline Grace Daughter of Henry & mary mansfield was born June 4**^: 1793 Mary Barker Daughter of John will'" Chapman and Sarah Chapman was born June 16 1799 Sam^ Barker Son of John W"". Chapman and Sarah Chapman was born Jan''^ 18 1801 Philip Embanef fervant of Pamphile Roudey was born in New Haven on the 13 day of aug*. 1797 Philip Enough servant of the same was born in New Haven february 11. 1799 each will be free at 25 years of age [227] Deaths M": Elizabeth Whittelsey wife of M"": Chauncy Whittelsey Died October 17*^: Anno Dom 1751 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 439 Samuel Joseph y^ Son of M"" : Chauncy & M" : Eliz^'^ : Whittel- fey Died October 9'^: A:D: 1751 Elisha y"^ Son of W: Chauncy & M^^ EUfabeth Whittelsey Died Ocf: 23^: Anno Dom 1751 Samuel y^ Son of Samuel & Mehetabel Bilhop Deceafed february fir ft anno Dom 1754 Mary y^ Daughter of Cap\ David & M". Mary Woofter DeC^: January 16'^^: Anno Dom 1754 Solomon the Son of David Jacobs Dec*^ upon the 8"^: Day of September 1750 David the Son of David Jacobs Dec^: September 28"^: 1750 Edward y^ Son of Daniel Ford Dec"*: the 30''': Day of September Anno Dom 1751 Silas y'' Son of Jonathan iVtwater Ju": Dec^: the lo"': Day of January Anno Dom 1755 ]\P Robert Tallmadge Dec*^: upon the 20^'' Day of February Anno Dom 1755 Mehetabel Sherman Dec"^: Feb'^ : 24^^: 1755 Abram y'' Son of Enos & Merriam Brocket Dec'': September 9'^: 175 1 Abigail y'' Daughter of Enos & Merriam Brocket Dec'': Sep- tember 17'^'' 1 75 1 Enos y« Son of Enos & Merriam Brocket Dec'' : Sept^: ii^'^ 1751 [228] Deaths Sarah y^ Daughter of James Searl Dec": May 4^^: 1755 M"": Abram Bafset DeC: April 10*'^: 1755 John y® Son of John and Mary Parker, Dec'': upon y^ 15'**: Day of Sepember 1751 Abner Hull Dec'' upon the 18"^: Day of Oct^ 1755 M"": Samuel Mix DeC: Ocf: 15"^ 1755 John y^ Son of James and Sarah Heaton was bom upon the 13'*^: Day of Sep^"": 1755 Nathaniel y^ Son of John and Efther Munfon was born on y® 17^^: Day of March 1755 Bete Daughter of Lennard Lewis & Hannah Lewis Dec'' : aug' : 2o"> 1754: Stephen y^ Son of Stephen & Eunice Dickerman Deteafed July iS"- 1755 Benjamin Todd Jun'": Dec''. Nov'": Anno Dom 1755 Efther Daughter of Sam' & Efther Manffield Dec" upon y® 14*'^ of Jan^ 1743/4 Mofes Sperry Dec''. March i Anno Dom 1754 Eunice y^ Daughter of Sam' Hitchcock Dec": Feb"^: 2y: 1757 Darcos Perkins y^ wife of John Perkins Ju'" : Dec" : april 9*'' Anno Dom 1757 EHfabeth y® Daughter of Caleb & Abig' : Beecher Dec" : aug' : 28 1751 440 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Anna Daughter of Caleb & Abig' : Beecher Dec'': april : i8: 1752 [229] Deaths Jared y" Son of Hez*^: & Alary Hotchkis Dec'': Feb^ : 20^*^: 1758 Mary y® Daughter of David & Sufanah Todd was born may 5'': 1757 David y® Son of Thomas Alcock was born april 21^': 1758 Gideon Andrews y^ Son of Aaron & Efther Blackslee Dec'': march i^^^ 1758 Hannah y^ wife of James Searl Dec": Ocf. f^: 1758 Stephen Row Dec" Nov"": 16"^: 175 1 Lydia y*' Daughter of Enos Tuttle Ju'' Dec'': aug^ 3: 1757 Ebenezer Finch Dec" Nov"" i'^ 1758 Abram Blackslee Dec" march 6^'' 1759 Isaac y® Son of Isaac Beecher Ju*". Dec" Jan^ : 18 1748 Darcos y® wife of James Humaston Dec": Sep"", i^^^ I759 Caleb y^ Son of James Humaston Dec": Sep*" 25"': 1759 Jos Turner Dec": October 11''' 1759 Stephen Atwater Dec": Jan: 3": 1759 Hannah y^ Daughter of Jos Hull Dec" : July 22" : 7160 Nathan y® Son of Josiah & Mary Piatt Dec" Ocf. 11 1760 ' [230] Deaths Mary y^ wife of Eben"": Blackslee Dec": aug^ 13 1760 Thomas Clenton Dec": December 26 1759 M''. Anthony Carpenter Dec": June 29 1760 M'■^ Abigail y^ wife of M"" Anthony Carpenter Dec": July 23" 1760 Mary Carpenter y" Daughter s" Anthony & Abigail Carpenter Dec": Nov*". 12 1760 John Hitchcock Efq'": Dec", oct^ 14*'': 1753 M""^: Abiah Hitchcock y« wife of John Hitchcock Efq"": Dec": ocf. 27 1760 M''^ Mary Hubbard wife of Col: John Hubbard Dec". Nov"" 2" 1760 M''^ Rebecca wife of Jonathan Dickerman Dec": Nov'": 26 1760 Stephen y® Son of Stephen & Lucy Munfon Dec": aug^: 16 1759 Stephen y^ Son of Stephen & Abigail Ball Dec": march i 1760 M"" Nath" mix Dec": ocf". 24'^^ 1756 Amos y^ Son of Amos & Darcos Hitchcock Dec". Sep^ 19''* 1753 Eunice y® Daughter of wait Chatterton Dec": aug*^ 8: 1756 James the fon of Thomas & Sarah Burrill Dec". May 19"" aged 9 Months 1768 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS - 441 [231] Deaths Rebeckah y'' Daughter of M"" : John & M'"^ Mary Noyes Dec^ : may 14*'^: Anno Dom 1760 M''^ Anna Atwater y^ wife of ]\P. Jofhua Atwater Deceafed September S''^ 1760 Rhoade y® wife of Solomon Lewis Dec"^ : May 28 1760 Mary & Ithamer Son and Daughter of Ithamer & Hannah Todd Dec^: Sep--. 28^^ 1760 Patience y'' Daughter of Ithamer & Hannah Todd Dec'^: Oct'. 6: 1760 Amos y® Son of Amos Hitchcock Dec^, Sep"". 9 1753 Mary y^ Daughter of Joathar & Patience mix Dec** : July 25*^ 1760 Jonathan Bradly Dec*^ : Nov'": 17 1760 Sarah Turner Dec^. Nov"". 25 1760 Samuel y'^ Son of Samuel & Mehetabel Bifhop Dec^ : Feb: 21: 1758 Timothy y^ Son of Sam'^ & Mehetabel Bifhop Dec'^ : april 14 1759 Abram y® Son of Samuel & Mehetabel Bifhop Dec*^ : Sep"": 2.^ 1759 Sarah y® wife^^* of Dan^ : Atwater Ju"". Dec^ : Feb: 24*^ 1761 Mathew Son of Mathew Blackslee Dec^ : 2*^ Jan^: 1761 [232] Deaths Phebe Daughter of Jos. & Phebe woodin Dec"^ : JMarch 12 : 1756 Jofiah Bradly Dec*^ : Ocf. 30 1760 Daniel Sperry Jun"": Dec*^- april 3^. 1760 Elihu y® Son of Jams and Mehetabel Thompfon Dec"^. May 24*'' 1760 Nath'^ Turner Dec*^: Jan^: 26 1759 Thomas y® Son of John Munfon Dec*^. Ocf 3 1759 I Stephen Potter Ju"". Dec*^: aug^: 30 1759 John y® Son of waiter & Mabel Munfon ^^^ Dec*^: march 3*^: 1 761 The Rev"^: M"": Joseph Noyes Dec"^ : June 14 1761 John y® Son of John & Sarah Danielfon Dec'': July 27 1759 Thomas Leek Dec'': aug' 9 1752 Jofhua Sperry Jun'" Dec''. Sep''. 15 1759 Mary the Daughter of Isaac & Sarah Doolittle Dec**: aug* 6 1760 Edward and John Sons of Ed''''' Aleloy Dec'' april. 29 1760 Sam": Bellamy Dec^: may 8 1760 Abigail Bifhop Dec". Nov''. 8 1761 John y® Son of Amos Morris Dec''. Sep"". 21 1756 Elifabeth y® Daughter of Amos morris Dec''. July 25 1760 135 First written "Daughter." 136 First written " Manlfield." 442 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [233] Deaths Darcos Potter y® wife of Aaron Potter Dec*^: Sep"". 22 1761 M": Mary Mix y« wife of M"" Tini° mix Dec'^: Dec"": 15 1761 Sam" y^ Son of Samuel & Dinah Smith Dec*^ : January 23"^. 1760 Dinah y^ Daughter of Samuel & Dinah Smith Dec*^: Ocf. 31 1760 David y'' Son of y« Rev^^ M"". Benj : Trumble & M": Martha Trumble Dec*^ : December 26''^ 1762 Elifabeth y« Daughter of M"" Roger & M'"^: Elifabeth Sher- man "^ Dec*^ Dec"". 4 1762 Lydia y® Daughter of Jeremiah & Anna Atwater Dec**, april 14"^ 1761 Richard Newman Son of Sam' & Sarah Atwater Dec'' 10 auguft 1762 Lydia wife of John Cornwell Dec**: Feb: 14 1763 Samuel Perkins Dec'', april 15 1762 Sufannah Augusta Daughter of M"". John & M""^ Sufannah Hotchkis Dec**. Sep^ 2^ 1759 Isaac y® Son of Giles Dayton Dec'': March 4 1761 Jude Tuttle Dec'': Dec"": 13 1762 Joseph Beecher Dec'': December 10'^'^: 1763 David y® Son of David Potter Dec'' april 22'' 1761 [234] Deaths Joseph Bafset Dec''. October 31 1761 Willmot y^ Son of Walter Munfon DeC. July f^\ 1764 John Hull Dec'': april 22^ 1760 William y® Son of Mofes & Mary venters Deceafed aug*^: 2'' 1764 Lydia y® Daughter of Jeremiah and Anna Atwater Dec'' : Sep"". 28''' 1763 John y® Son of John & Hannah Storer Dec'': may 21 1765 Mary the wife of Lemuel Hotchkis Dec'', april 19 1762 Israel y® Son of Era Dodge Dec'': Sep'". 8 1759 Daniel Atwater Dec'': april 30"^ 1765 Stephen y® Son of John & Henritte Miles Dec'' may 30 1762 Elifabeth y« Daughter of Jn'' & Henritte Miles Dec". Nov"". 30. 1756 Lydia y^ Daughter of Benj Bifhop Dec^: aug*^ 31 1766 Aaron y® Son of Jos: Sperry J"": Dec'': 27 of ocf: 1766 Sarah y® wife of Cap' Jonathan Ailing Dec'': Nov*". 13 1766 Amos y® Son of Tim°: & mary Ball Dec'': January 27''' 1756 Job y® Son y® Son of Jabez & Efther Bradly Dec'' : June 22'^ 1767 [235] Deaths Rebecca y® Daughter of Sam^ & Mehetabel Bishop Dec'' : Oct' 7"-^ 17^5 13" First written " Atwater." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 443 Fanney y® Daughter of John & Mary Lothrop Dec*^ : July 6'^'' 1767 Sam". Mix Son of Jonathan & E\ii'^ Fitch Dec^ Sep'" 1767 Mary Wife of xA.bel Parmale Dec"^: may 22'^: 1766 Abigail y^ wife of Jeremiah Parmale Ju"". Dec"^: Nov''. 24"" 1767 CearfuU y^ Daughter of Mathew Blackslee DeC^. December 17 1767 Jared y® Son of Jehiel Tuttle Dec"^. June 10 1758 , Seth Downs Dec'^. y® 27 Day of Dec"" 1767 M"". John Noyes Dec"^. Nov'". 5^^^ 1767 M''^ Sarah whiting wife of nf. John whiting Dec^. July 4^^^ 1769 M""^ Mary Clap Dec*^: Sep"": 23^^ Anno Dom : 1769 M''^ Abigail Noyes wid°. & Relict of the Rev"^ Joseph Noyes Dec^- She Died Ocf" 10 1768 A Daughter of Col: Nathan & M'"^ Mary whiting Dec^ : oct": 26 1754 A Son of Col : Nathan & m''^ mary whiting Dec*^ : Dec"" 28 1756 Elifabeth mary Daughter of Col : Nathan & m". mary whiting Dec"^. aug* i 1761 [236] Deaths Thomas y® Son of M'" Jonathan Fitch Dec*^ : Auguft 6'^'': 1769 M'". David Gilbert Dec*^: December 9''' Anno Domini 1769 Jabez y*' Son of David Gilbert J'". & Elifabeth Gilbert Deceafed July 16 1769 Kazia y'' wife of Bazel munfon Dec*^ : oct"" : 16'''': Anno Dom 1768 Mofes y® Son of w*": & Lydia Sanford Dec*^. Sep"": 23^* 1766 M""^. Abigail Atwater wife of M"" Dan^' : Atwater Dec"^ : Januar) 9 1769 Isaac Smith Dec*^ Feb 28 1771 Ruel y® Son of Job and Martha Todd Dec"^: april i 1770 M"": Abigail munfon y® wife of M"". Bazel Munfon Dec*^ : July 20*11. J ^^2 Stephen y"" Son of Abraham & Abigail Blackslee Dec*^: December 19"' 1772 M'"^ Rebecca Hays wife of Cap^ Ezekiel Hays Dec'M Alav Joseph Hitchcock Dec*^. July 19''' 1773 [237] Deaths Elam y® Son of Joel Bradly J'", and Abigail Bradly Dec\ Feb^' jSt 1773 Mary y® Daughter of James & Darcos Humaston Dec*^. Nov"" 21 1773 M'" Nathaniel Brown of New Haven Dec*^: on the 21^' day of ocf. An Do 1 75 1 in the 50^'' year of his age Elifabeth y^ Daughter of the Rev"^. Benjamin Trumbull & M'■^ Martha Trumbull Dec^. Sep"" lo*** 1775 444 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS M'■^ Elifabeth Blackslee who was wife to AP Abr"' Blackslee Dec^. January 2^ Anno Dom 1776 Ame the Daughter of David and Ame Ford Dec'': May 11 1773 Mary Daughter of Ezekiel Hays Dec*^ aug' 30 1775 Alary ^^^ the wife of Cap' John McChive Dec** Dec"". 29"^ 1775 Anna Hitchcock Dec**- July 13''' 1771 Daniel the Son of Stephen and Eunice Atwater Dec** • march 2^ 1776 Mary the Daughter of Benjamin & mary Dorman Dec**. Feb. 22"^ 1773 Edniond the Son of Benj & mary Dorman Dec'*, march 5 1773 [238] Deaths A daughter of Enos Dickerman Dec^: December 30 1770 Mary the wife of Jacob Brocket Dec^. June 20'^'^ 1760 Afael y^ Son of Jacob and Sarah Brocket Dec**, april 17'*^ 1771 John the Son of Cap^ James Tallmadge Dec** January 7"^ 1770 Mehetabel y^ Daughter of Roger Sherman Efq"". & M''^ Rebecca Sherman DeC*. Nov'". 18 1772 Jonathan mansfield J'': Dec^: Sep"". 2.^ 1769 Deacon Daniel Bradly Dec"* Feb^ 9'*^: 1773 M". Sarah whiting wife of John whiting Efq"". Dec**. July 4 1769 Deacon Sam'. Downs Dec"*. Ocf 9 1776 Mary the Daughter of Abr™. & Phebe Hotchkis was born Nov^ 13 1770^^^ Elias the Son of ^^^ Abigail y'' Daughter of Cap* Abr™: & M". Abigail Blackslee Dec^. april 26 1777 Rachel y'' Daughter of Cap* Abr™. & M'■^ Abigail Blackslee Dec**: april 16 1777 [239] Deaths Sarah Daughter of William and Mary Scott died Nov"" 9*'' 1772 John the Son of John Hubbard was born January 14*'^ 1778 Rufsel the Son of John & Martha Hubbard was born march i^* 1780 Mary the wife of Deacon Josiah Piatt Dec"*: Sep'". 13''' 1780 M"". Phineas Bradly Dec"*. Dec"": 30 1780 will"" y^ Son of Richard Cutler Dec**, ocf. 22^ 1769 Jared Ingerfoll Esq'": of New Haven Deceafed upon the 25**^ Day of aug'. AD 1781 Ab ;ail the wife of Daniel Bradly of M* Carmel Dec**. Nov'" 5 178- David y® Son of Daniel Bradly Dec"*. June i'* 1778 138' Mabel " wr'ttcn in pencil. 139 Entry crossed out. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 445 Hannah the Wife of Simeon Jocelin Died July 20 1786 Hannah Daughter of Simeon & Hannah Jocehn died July 15 1786 Lois y^ Daughter of Stephen Row Dec"^: Feb''. 3*^ 1788 [240] Deaths Chefter y'^ Son of David & Eunice Atwater Dec^ : March 31^': 1773 Silvester y® Son of David & Eunice Atwater Dec"^. Sep"". 9 1776 Doct^. David Atwater Dec*^. april 28 1777 M''^. Anna Atwater wife of M"" Jeremiah Atwater Dec^ : Decem- ber 23'^. 1778 Elifabeth wife of Sam' Huggins Dec*^ march 17 1773 Mary wife of Sam' Huggins Dec''. Jan^ 23'' 1775 Mary Daughter of Sam' Huggins Dec''. Feb 22'' 1776 M"■^ Mary Edwards wife to the Rev''. Jonathan Edwards Dec^: June 24^1^: A D 1782 Charles Todd Dec''. June 15 1772 Charles y® Son of Charles [Todd] Dec^. Dec"" 1773 Amos Ailing Dec''. July 14 1784 Amos Son of Amos Ailing Dec'^ Dec"" 2'' 1771 Mabel Daughter of Amos Ailing Dec". January 28 1773 M"" Nathaniel Brown Dec'': 21^' Day of October 1751 ' M'■^ Olive Brown wife of M'" Nath". Brown Dec". Ocf. 10 1743 Solomon Mudge Dec". June 30^*^ i794 [241] Deaths Aaron Gilbert Dec". Nov"" 5"^ 1782 Joseph Peck Dec". April 7 1775 Deborah y^ Daughter of Joseph Peck & Lydia Peck Dec" Sep'. 81775 Nath". y^ Son of Nath". and mary Fitch Dec". Feb 20 1771 william y® Son of Nath". and Mary Fitch Dec", ocf 8"" 1773 Betfey y^ Daughter of Nath' and Mary Fitch Dec". Sep"" 23"^ 1784 Births John y® Son of John & Rebeca Sherman was born June 30 1772 Polly y® Daughter of John & Rebeca Sherman was born Sep'". 30 1774 Harriot the Daughter of John & Rebecca Sherman was born Sep'". 30 1776 Betfy y^ Daughter of John and Rebecca Sherman was born Sep"" 10 1778 David Austin y® Son of John & Rebeca Sherman was born Dec'" 10 1 78 1 Charles y^ Son of John and Rebecca Sherman was born Nov' 28 1783 446 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Henry y^ Son of John & Rebecca Sherman was born Ocf. i6 1785 [242] Births Benj". the Son of Richard Cutler was born March 27 1782 Timothy Cutler Son of Richard Cutler was born Feb. 7 1785 Harriot y® Daughter of Richard Cutler was born July 29 1787 Mathew Gilbert y® Son of Jotham & Mary Blackslee was born Ocf 9 1 78 1 Bethiah y^ Daughter of Jotham & Mary Blackslee was born Feb: 28 1785 Peter y** Son of Jothafn & Mary Blackslee was born Aug'. 15*^ 1786 Lucy Daughter of Daniel & Sarah Gilbert was born Dec"". 8*^ Anna Daughter of Dan'. & Sarah Gilbert was born Ocf 8'^. 1775 Betsy Daughter of Dan' & Sarah Gilbert was born Nov'', i^' 1777 John Son of Dan"". & Sarah Gilbert was born March 9'^. 1779 Daniel fon of Daniel & Sarah Gilbert was bom April 16''' 1781 Jared fon of Dan' & Sarah Gilbert was born Feb'". 25"' 1783 Jabez fon of Daniel & Sarah Gilbert was born August 17"" 1786 [243] Births Seabury y^ Son of Joseph and Lydia Jacobs was born Sep"", 17 1789 Betsey Daughter of Step", ^nd Rebecca Atwater was born Dec' 21 1780 Thaddeus y^ Son of Step". & Rebecca Atwater was born July 5 1782 Lucius y® Son of Step". & Rebecca Atwater was born Nov"" 15 1784 Catherine y^ Daughter of Step" and Rebecca Atwater was bom march 14 1787 Anna Mix y® Daughter of Step" and Rebecca Atwater was born Jan 2^ 1789 Maning y® Son of Jonathan and Cloa Bull was born Sep'" 5 1764 Caroline Daughter of Edward & Polly Dummer was born Aug^ 20''' 1790 William Chambelin Son of Rufsel and Content Clark was born Oct"": 28 1790 Hez'' Son of Hez'' Sabin was born april 15 1750 Sarah y^ daughter of Sam' & Abig' munfon was born Ocf" S*'^ 1755"' Hez'' Son of Hez'' & Sarah Sabin was born aug^ 4"* 1778 '■'O The note " On page 1 " appears in the margin. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 447 Sam" Son of Hez'' & Sarah Sabin was born aug' 27 1780 James Son of Hez^^ & Sarah Sabin was born Oct 26 1782 Thomas son of Hez^^ & Sarah Sabin was born March 11 1786 Sally y^ Daughter of Hez^ & Sarah Sabin was born Jan 23** 1790 [244] Births Amos y® Son of New Hall & Anna Breed was born June 18 1789 Lines y^ Son of Tim°: and Rebecca Clark was born upon y® 5*^. Day of auguft A:D 1774 Gennet Broom y^ Daughter of Solomon and Sarah Mudge was Jan^. 28*^^ 1795 Amos Son of Benj°. Osborn bom July 28 1787 Stephen y® Son of Step°. Row was born Dec''. 6"^ 1782 Lois y® Daughter of Step" Row was born October 17 1783 John y® Son of Stephen Row was born Nov"". 11 1785 Lydia y'' Daughter of Stephen Row was born Dec'". 14^^ 1786 Esther y® Daughter of Stephen Row was born Dec"". 14. 1795 Luc^*' ye Daughter of Stephen Row was born Nov"" 11 1793 Eliada y® Son of Stephen Row was born aug^ 12 1798 Simeon Smith y® of Simeon & Luceannh Jocelin was born Nov' 21 1799 [245] Births Enos y® Son of Eijah & Phebe Osborn was born July 12*'' : 1779 Aneah a molatto boy was born in New Haven in the State of Connecticut, of a slave of M"". Laugol on the 6*'' day of July 1796 & will be free on the 6'*^ of July 1821 Top a molatto boy was born in New Haven in the State of Connecticut of a slave of Mr. Laugol on the 15^'' of September 1798 & will be free on the 15'^ of Sept: 1823 Reuben Freeman Son of Primus and Sibel Freeman was born February 1$^^ 1784 Enoch the son of Daniel and Elizabeth Pirkins was born on the 20*'' day of October 1774 Mabel Ives born Feb 9 1767 • Rhoda " " Jan. 22 1770 Betsey " " May 26 1772 Jesse " " June 29 1774 Ezra " " March 18 1776 Lucy " " Sept 23 1778 Tared " " Aug 19 1781 Russell " " Jan 4 1785 Children of Ezra Ives [246] Abram y® Son of Newport Freeman was born Jan^. 12*'': 1784 "> First written " Esther." Births, Marriages, Deaths BOOK III 1785-1821 [2] Births The following Children of Daniel and Jerusha Read were born, viz George Frederick Handel May 21^' 1788 Nathan Sherman Jan^ 31'' 1792 Eliza Dec^ 12^^ 1799. Mary White June 30''' 1802. The Children of Moses & Bartholomew were born as follows viz : Hiram Sherry April 4^^ 1790 Caroline Temple Ocf 14''' 1793 Linda Mira Ocf ii^*^ 1791 Samuel Wales the son of Seth P. and Catharine Staples was born Jan''. 4'^'^ 1803. Elizabeth, the daughter of Mathew and Lydia Read was born October 24"" 1802 Mathew Henry was born Sepf 2*^ 1804. Afa How the Son of Asa and King was born April e^*-^ 1798 The Children of John & Elizabeth Hunt were born James Richard March 29''' 1785. Samuel Bradley Horatius Dec'' 4"^ 1793 William Henry Sepf 13^'' 1782 Aaron N. Ogden was born Dec*" 12''' 1781 David Stanley Sharry was born April 14. 1792 Joseph Sharry was born Sepf 25*^^ 1794 [3] Births The Children of Gad and Asenath Peck were born as follows viz. William Ward June 23*^ 1791 Charles August lo^*^ 1793 Amelia August 24 1798 Carroline August 7"* 1802 Robert x\pril s'^ 1806 448 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 449 The Children of Isaac and Desire DooHttle were born as follows viz. December 9"^ 1782 October 13"^ 1784 October i^' 1786 August 3"^ 1789 Hariet ^saac Julia Elizabeth Sarah John November 29^^ 1791 June 18^'' 1795 The Children of Elizur and Anne Goodrich were born as follows viz Elizur October 3 1787 Chauncey Allen October 23 1790 Nancy Allen January i 1793 William the son of Abraham Bradley Jun'" and Mary Bradley was born December 18'^'^ I795- Ezekiel the son of Stephen and Lois Pardee was born Septem'. 2^ 1770 Moses Wells the son of Moses & Lucretia Wells was bom Nov'". 12 1772 [4] Births of Nath' & Polly Augusta Storers Children March i^* 1782 October 28"^ 1783 March 5'*^ 1786 May ii''^ 1787 July i^' 1789 August 6^'' 1 79 1 January 28"" 1794 January 31 1797 May 12^'' 1799 Robert Talmadge the Son of Daniel and Thankfull Talmadge was born March 12''^ 1784 Henry the son of David Smith Jun'" and Sally Smith was born March 30'^ 1805 The Children of Ebenezer and Rebecca Peck were born as follows, viz*. Ebenezer James Rebecca Mary Martha Grace Emeline Samuel was born Susannah D'' Nathaniel D° Samuel 2*^ D° Polly D° Peter D° Nathaniel 2"^ D° Augusta D" Lydia D° August 23*^ 1 79 1 March 6*'" 1793 January 5*^^ 1795 January 30*^^ 1797 September 15'" 1799 September i^^ 1801 October 24'^'' 1803 January 14"^ 1806 [5] Lovisa Pettibone Thompson daughter of Giles & Polly Thompson was boni Dec^ 17 1805 29 450 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Giles Pettibone Son of Giles & Polly Thompson was born April lo"^ 1808 The Children of Joseph and Nancy Nichols were born as follows viz Charles was born July 17 1796 John was born Sepf. 17. 1798 Robert was born Nov'". 27 1803 Edward was born October 24 1805 Jane was born April 29"* 181 1 Stephen Thompson the son of Timothy & Lydia Thompson was born Dec"". 30''' 1772 Births of Hezekiah & Sally Howes Children Ebenezer Howe was born September 11"" 1801 Clarifsa Howe was born July 23"^ 1803 Sally Howe was born January 24^^ 1807 Jane Howe was born December 14"" 1807 The Children of Abel & Mary Denifon were born as follows Charles i^' Child Apl sixth 1803 Zina 2*^ d° Aug*^ twenty first 1804 Zina 3*^ d° Mar*' seventeenth 1807 Births of Joseph & Hannah Munsons Children Lucius was bom December 15"^ 1796 Amos March 13"' 1799 William Giles Februar}^ 28^'' 1801 Harvey April 9"' 1803 Samuel Bishop May 29''' 1806 Joseph Sepf i'^ 1808 Children of Seth P. & Catharine Staples were born as follows viz Catharine Susan Staples i^' Jan^'. 1801 Harriot Brown Staples 11*'' Jan'"^. 1805 John Bethune Staples 23"^ Jan^ 1807 [6] The Children of Edward J. and Mary O'brien were born viz Henry Edward O'Brien October 15"^ 1797 Eliza Mary O Brien Nov"". 25*'^ 1799 Mary Ann The daughter of Eleazer & Mary Foster was born October 24**^ 1806 The following Children of Stephen and Almira Twining were born viz Alexander Catlin Twining July 5'** 1801 Almira Twining Decem'" 31®'^ 1802 William Twining Decem"" 9"^ 1805 Mary Pierce Twining July 26 1809 Helen Almira Twining April 4*'' 1812 D° Sepf 12^^ 1 77 1 D" Sepf 21^^ 1773 D° Sepf 22 1775 D" Sepf 22 1775 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 451 Elisha Peck the son of Henry and Hannah Peck was born May 5^^ 1790 Sarah the daughter of Isaac & Sarah Thomas was born Nov"". 16^*^ 1767 Dorcas D° of D° Silas the Son of D° Richard the Son of D° Susannah the daughter of D° Isaac the son of Isaac and Sarah Thomas was born Ocf 10'*^ 1777 Benjamin the Son of Isaac &. Sarah Thomas was born Feb^ ly*-^ 1779 Asa D° of D° D° Aug' i^' 1781 Mary the daughter D° D° April 17''^ 1784 Isaac the son of Leverit & Esther Stevens was born Aug^ 17*^. 1793 John The son of Leverit & Esther Stevens was born Feb''. 16'^ 1783 Edward William Foster the second child of Eleazer and Mary Foster was born June 12'^ 1808 and died August 9'^'' 1808 [7] The Children of Samuel and Philomela Hughes were born as follows, viz. Mehittabel (i^"^ Child) was born Sepf: 30''' 1793 John Miles (2 do ) was born Ocf. 2^ 1795 Enos Brooks Miles (3*^ d°) was born March 17"^ 1797 Grace (4'^ D°) was born Jan^ 23*^ 1800 The Children of Noah Webster Jun"" and Rebecca his Wife were born as follows viz Emily Schulten Webster was born in Hartford August 4*'' 1790 Frances Juliana Webster was born in Hartford February 5^^ 1793 Harriet Webster was born in New York April 6"" 1797 Mar}^ Webster was born in New Haven Jan^. y^^. 1799 William Greenleaf Webster was born in New Haven Sept^ 15'^ 1801 Eliza Steel Webster was born in New Haven Dec"". 21^' 1803. Henry Bradford Webster was born in New Haven Nov"". 20*^^ & Died Jan"^. 28'^ 1807. Louisa Webster was born in New Haven April 12^^ 1808 Lucy Hendrick Mills the Daughter of Frederick and Susan Mills was born Dec"" 16*^ 1807 Gad the son of Daniel Phelps Jun"" and Statira Phelps was born on the eighth day of December 1807 Elizur Burdine Read the Son of Mathew & Lydia Read was born September 12'^'' A D. iT 452 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [8] Frances Elizabeth the daughter of John and EHzabeth Spalding was born Sepf 6*^^ AD i8o6 Ebenezer Daggett the son of Henry and Anna Daggett was born May i^' 1787 Pierpoint Beers 3"^ Child of Eleazer and Mary Foster was born September 8'^ 1809 The Children of George and Hannah Hepburn were born as follows viz* Henry was born May 16'^ 1794 Charles was born Aug' 10''' 1797 Burton was born May y^^ 1801 George was born Dec''. 30**^ 1804 Harriot Jane was born April 22 1809 John Thompson, the son of Thompson and Rhoda Blois was born Sepf 22^^ 1809. The Children of Zadock and Sally Mack were born as follows viz* Maria was born Dec"". 14*'' 1802. George was born Aug* 1805 Sally "» July 18*'^ 18 10 Samuel Fitch the son of Samuel and Mary Merriman was born on the 3"^ day of July AD. 1796 [9] Jabez Dibble Armstrong son of William and Mary Arm- strong was born September 7*^ 1795 Francis the son of Hezekiah and Sally Howe was born on the 8*'' day of January 181 1 Charles the son of Eli Mix Jun"" and Grace Mix his wife was born February 4*'' 1809 or 1810 Jane Newell 4'*^ Child of Eleazer and Mar}^ Foster was born August 16*'' 181 1 Jane Bradley the Daughter of Zebul & Dorcus Bradley was born the 9*^ day of August 1805 Edward the Son of Zebul and Dorcas Bradley was born May ly^^ 1809 Gustavus Clarke the son of Zebul & Dorcas Bradley was born Aug* i8*^ 181 1 Samuel the son of Samuel and Elizabeth Whiting was born on the 10*'' day of Nov''. 1790 Catharine and Mary Ann the two twin daughters of William and Elizabeth Powers were born on the 16*'' day of July 1794 Elizabeth the daughter of Will"^ & Elizabeth Powers was born Feb'^y. 3"^ 1 801 [10] Rebeckah the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Huggins was born on the first day of March 1761 143 Written in pencil. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 453 Melifsent the daughter of Samuel and Ehzabeth Huggins was born September 24'*^ 1763 Samuel the daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Huggins was born November the 19"' 1765 Heaton the son of Samuel and Elizabeth Huggins was born on the 14''' day of June 1768 Sarah the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Huggins was born Dec'' 12'^'' 1770 Samuel the son of Samuel and Elizabeth Huggins was born on the S^^ day of March 1773 Mary the daughter of Samuel and Mary Huggins was born Decem'" 12''' 1774 William Frederck the son of Isaac and Catharine English was born Decem'" 12*'' 1809 Nathaniel Spencer the son of Isaac and Catharine English was born December 10'^ 181 1. [11] Elizabeth the daughter of Elijah and Mary Crane was born Dec"" 21^' 1780 Harriet Ann the daughter of Alson B. and Elizabeth Crane was born Ocf. 14*^ 1805 Elijah the son of Alson B. and Elizabeth Crane was born August 18"" 1807. Samuel the son of Alson B. & Elizabeth Crane was born April 2^ AD 1809. Elizabeth the daughter of Alson B & Elizabeth Crane was born February 23*^. AD. 181 1 and died on the 28'^ day of February 1811 Lovinia Sarah the daughter of Ebenezer & Mary Haws was born October 10'^ 1810 The Children of Bela and Mary Higgins were born as follows viz Mary Olive November 11*^ 1805. Charles Snow July i^^ 1807. Jane Charlotte July 28*'' 1809. Joseph Bela April 17*'' 181 1 Elisha Peck Mix the Son of Eli Mix Jun'". and Grace his wife was born Nov"" 19*'' 181 1 Charles Prindle the son of Daniel Brown 2^. and Ruth his wife was born Sepf. 29*^. 1809. Martha Jane the daughter of Daniel Brown 2^. and Ruth his wife w^as born October 3*^ 181 1 [12] The Children of and Anna Sears were born as follows viz Joseph was born March 12*'' 1784 John was born March 10*^ 1786 454 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Betsy was born Febru^ 22 1788 Isaac was born December 21 1789 Anna was born August 31 1791 William was born February 11"^ 1793 Miles was born April 12 1794 Harriet the Daughter of Earl and Rhoda Stevens was born May 12^^ A D: 1796 Leverit the son of Earl & Rhoda Stevens was born October ii^'^ 1800 Charles the Son of Earl & Rhoda Stevens was born March 23^ 1804 Henry the Son of Earl & Rhoda Stevens was born Septem- ber 22"^ 1806 Jane Catharine the daughter of Earl and Rhoda Stevens was born March 23'^ 1809 [13] Eli Osborn the Son of David and Mary Osborn was born on the 4*^ day of Nov"" 1777 Elizabeth Augur the daughter of Hezekiah and Lydia Augur was born on the 4"' day of Ocf 1799. Walter the Son of the above named Eli Osborn and Elizabeth his wife was born December 21^^ 1805 Elizabeth Susan the daughter of Eli and Elizabeth Osborn was born on the 8''' day of Jan^, 1809 Minot Augur the Son of Eli and Elizabeth Osborn was born on the 28'^'' day of April 181 1. Edgar the son of Jared and Anna Doolittle was born on the 19*'' day of Ocf. 1810 William the son of Henry and Esther Hartley was born March 4*^ 1805 Barnard the son of Henry and Esther Hartley was born Sept'. IS**^ 1806. Esther the daughter of Henry and Esther Hartley was born Oct^ 3^ 1808 Grace the daughter of Henry and Esther Hartley was born June 30*^ 181 1. [14] James Higgins the 7'^ son of Joseph & Hannah Munson was born October 3*^ 18 12 Harriet Wheeler the daughter of Wheeler anjd Lucretia W Brown was born on the 19"^ day of March 1803 Eleazer Kingsbury Foster the 5**^ Child of Eleazer and Mary Foster was born May 20^*^ 1813 Hannah Hull the daughter of William and Naomi Hannah Brown was born Sepf. 29**^ 1804 William Andrew the son of William and Naomi Hannah Brown was born August 22'^ 1806 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 455 Benjamin the son of Elijah and Mary Forbes was born November 20"" 1777 Thomas Charles the Son of Benjamin and Sally Forbes was born Novem"" 12''' 1803 Eli Edward the Son of Eli and Elizabeth Osborn was born July 26"^ 1813 & died Sept^ 181 5 Eli Edward the son of Eli and Elizabeth Osborn was born Jan^ lo''^ 1817 [15] Emily Ann the Daughter of Jared and Anna Doolittle was born on the 13''' day of July 1813 Julia Webster the daughter of Stephen and Almira Twining was born Feb^. 11^'' 1814 Isaac Hotchkifs Sanford the Son of Titus & Lydia Sanford was born on the 3*^ day of March 1796 born in North Haven John Taylor the son of Thaddeus and Eliza Sherman was born June 13*'' 1814 Henry A. Munson the 8'** son of Joseph and Hannah Munson was born on the 13"' day of September 1814 Anne Howe daughter of Hezekiah and Sarah Howe was born on the 14 day of May 1813 The children of Aaron & Esther Cady were born as follows viz Sally March 15 1802 / William April 18 1804 Henry April 15 1806 [16] Harriet Smith Foster the 6*'' Child of Eleazer and Mary Foster was born March 4^"^ 1815 The Children of EInathan and Rutha Caroline Attwater were born as follows viz George June 8*'' 1797 Rutha C. April 29"^ 1799 Rebecca Shipman Jan^^ 7*"^ 1 80 1 Rebecca October i'^ 1802 Margarett March 2<^'-^ 1805 Thomas March 24 1807 Margarett May 17 1809 Rhesa Howard Sherman the second Son of Thaddeus and Eliza Sherman was born September 2'' 18 15 The Children of Isaac Townsend Jun"" and Rhoda Townsend were born as follows viz William Kneeland June 3"^ 1796 Elizabeth Mary February 18 1798 Isaac Atwater December 2 1799 Charles Henry June 26 1801 Isaac Henry April 25 1803 Jane Maria May i 1805 456 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS George Atwater October 28 1807 Emily Augusta Sepf 28 1810 The Children of Ezekiel Hotchkifs & Sarah his wife was born as follows Enos Thompson March 8"' 181 1 Leonard Larabee December 9"^ 18 12 Richard Bradley September 10"' 1814 [17] Joseph the son of Joseph & Patience Mix was born Jan^ 24^^^ 1779 Sally the Daughter of Nehemah and Polly Higgins was born June 20^^ 1780 The children of Joseph and Sally Mix were born as follows Elias Howard was born March 27"' 1800 Died July 2^'^'^ 1800 Rebecca was born August 19 1802 Horace July 29 1804 Jeremiah Townsend Nov 12 1806 John Joseph Sept 8 1809 The Children of Simeon and Susan Marble were born as follows viz^ Adeline was born August 25''^ 1804 Susan Bishop was born January 31. 1807 Jane Louisa was born Nov"" 6''* 1809 Edwm was born January 28'^'' 1812 Mary Hayden was born May 28''' 1816 Caroline Hooker Foster the 7"^ child of Eleazer and Mary Foster was born April 2.^ 18 17 Edward William Foster the Son of Eleazer and Mary Foster was born March 28''^ A D 1819 [18] Lydia daughter of Erastus and Lydia Bradley was born January 19'^ A D. 1775 Erastus son of Erastus and Lydia Bradley was born July 30*'' A D 1777 Anne daughter of Erastus and Lydia Bradley was born Novem- ber 14^'' A D. 1779 Josiah Boothe Morse of was born September 21 1775 Nancy Tomlinson of was born August 22'^ 1783 The children of Josiah B. ajid Nancy Morse were born as follows Sally Elizabeth was born August 18"" 1800 Agur Tomlinson October 3'' 1801 An infant born and died 1803 Nancy Maria was born Sepf 12 1804 Sophia Rees " " June 2(i 1806 John Kell " " June 23 1808 George " " April 8 1810 Charles Denison " " March 4 1812 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 457 Amelia Prentice " " Jan^' 12 18 14 Charles " " May 28 1816 James Andrews the son of John & Esther Bell was born on the 12^1^ day of May 1816 [19] Daniel Barnes son of Daniel & Mehittabel Barnes was born on the eleventh day of March 1797 Mary Evarts daughter of Jeremiah and Mehittabel Evarts was born on the 2 day of december A D. 1806 Martha Sherman Evarts daughter of Mehittabel and Jeremiah Evarts was born July 31^' A D. 1809 Thaddeus the third child of Thaddeus & Eliza Sherman was born March 15^'^ 181 7 ' Elizabeth Ann Pickard the daughter of William Henry and Submit Pickard was born feb^ 28"' 1795 Henry Augustus Pickard the Son of William Henry and Sub- mit Pickard was born Jan"^ 22*^ A D. 1800 The children of Eli & Martha Hall were born as follows viz John Augustus was born February 26"' 1807 Hannah Ann Clark " " June 4"' 18 13 Martha Elizabeth " " June 25*^ 181 5 Truman Bishop " " August 2^ 181 7 Mary Ann the ninth child of Joseph & Hannah Munson was born September 30"' 18 17 [20] Timothy the son of Mathew and Lydia Read was born May 19''^ 1817 Frederick Isaac Atwater the son of Joel and Sarah Atwater was born on the S^^ day of July 1799 N B said Frederick Isaac has a scar occasioned by a wound on the inside of his right arm just below the elbow Also a scar on the left arm just below the elbow occasioned by a burn Samuel William the son of William & Lucretia Stebbins was born on the 13'^ day of July 1818 Sophia Eunecia was born on the 11'^ of August 1821 William Henry the first son of William and Betsy Way was born on the 29^^' day of Ocf. 1816 Lyman the second son of William & Betsy Way was born in New Haven on the i^*^ day of Nov'" 1818 Sarah Rebecca the daughter of was born on the 3"^ day of March (3 o Clock A M) 1817 Jonah Gorham the son of Richard and Lucy Gorham was born on the seventh day of January in the year one thousand eight and four 1804 [21] The Children of Daniel and Fanny Collins were born as follows John Walker Collins was born 11"^ March 1804 458 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS I* John Walker Collins was born 13^'' Ocf 1805 Mary Tufts Collins was born 17"^ Feb^'. 1807 Frances Collins was born 26"^ Ocf. 1808 David Stanley Sherry the son of Sherry was born on the 14*'' day of April A D. 1792 Joseph was born on the 25*'' day of Sepf. 1794 Sarah R. Hunt the daughter of Samuel B.H. and Hunt was born on Monday morning at 3 oClock on the 3*^ day of March AD. 1817 The Children of Grindley and Harrison were born as follows viz' Wealthy Ann was born Nov^ 47*^^. 1807. Susan Maria was born July 12. 1809 Charles Grindley was born Apr'. 15. 181 1 Elizabeth Jackson was born Jan^. 2y 181 3 William White was born Jan'^y 7'^ 181 5 Mary Gordin Bell the daughter of John and Esther Bell was born on the 19''^ day of September 1819 Mary Ann Cook the daughter of Elizabeth and Randall Cook was born March i^"^ 1819. [22] The Children of Timothy P. and Caroline Beers were born as follows viz* Mary Elizabeth was born May 25*^^ 1817 Abigail Phelps was born Septem"". 15"^ 181 8 Isaac Mills was born May 12"^ 1822 Emila the daughter of George and Emila Bradley was born on the twenty-fifth day of June 18 16 George Franklin the son of George and Lovisa Bradley was born on the 16"* day of May 1819 Frederick the son of George & Lovisa Bradley was born on the 17''' day may 1821 Nathan J. the son of Nathan J. & Ann Maria Stiles was born June 22'^ 1821 Maria Letitia the daughter of Chauncey and Letitia Bunce was born on the 15'^ day of feb''^' 1821 George Boardman son of Ezra S. & Eliza Hubbard was born on the sixteenth day of February 1822 Flarriot Eliza the daughter of James B. Ramsdell and Phebe Ramsdell was born on the twenty-sixth day of May 1821 Sarah Rebecca the daughter of Amos and Martha Munson was born January the second 1821 [23] Lewis Munson the ninth son of Joseph and Hannah Munson was born on the second day of February 1821 Samuel Abraham the son of Elias & Sarah Hotchkiss was born Jan*^. 4'^ 1822 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 459 Rufus the son of John & Anna Fisk was born October the fourth 1822 Charles Cleavland the son of David and Julia Breed was born on the lo"" day of August 181 5 David the son of David & Julia Breed was born on the 15'^ of July 1822 George the son of Samuel J. and Laura Hitchcock was born on the i^^ day of June 1819 Laura the Daughter of Samuel J. & Laura Hitchcock was born June 2"^. 1 82 1 Asahel Tuttle the son of was born on the 17'^ day of January 1767 The Children of Asahel and Sally Tuttle was born as follows viz^ James Sherman Tuttle was born and the 16"^ day of October 1797 Lucy Tuttle was born on the 21^* day of January 1804 Daniel Tuttle was born on the 23*^ day of September 1806 ]\Iargaret Tuttle was born on the 18^^ day of August 1809 [24] Edward the son of Roger S. Baldwin and Emily Bald- win was born on the i day of Ocf. 1822 Augustus Ezra the son of Augustus & Lucy Ann Lines was born November 4*'' 1822 Julia Sanford the daughter of Thomas F. & Julia Davies was born March 29^*^ AD. 1821 Lemuel Sanford son of Thomas F. & Julia Davies was born February 28'*" 1823. Julia Rebecca and Mary Louisa twin daughters of Cleav- land Jarman,. & Susan Clarinda Salter were born feb^'. 24*'' 1819 Mary the daughter of John W. & Harriet E. Barber was born on the 30"" day of August 1823 Lewis Frederick Albrecht the son of Lewis F. and Betsey Albrecht was born May 15'^ 1814 George F. D. the son of Lewis F. and Betsev Albrecht was born feb^^. 28'^ 18 16 Maria Eleonore A. the daughter of Lewis F & Betsy Albrecht was born Decern'" 9**^ 1821 Philip Frederick A. the son of Lewis F and Betsy Albrecht was born Nov'" i^' 1824 [25] The children orf Robert & Teresa Sutton were born as follows Robert Benjamin was bom August 23^ 1822 Amos Lines was born April 4*^^ 1824 James Hayes was born June 23'^ 1825 460 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS The children of Oliver and Phebe Bryan were born as follows viz\ William Daggett Bryan was born Alay 13*^ 1819 Jane Maria Bryan was born May 19^^ 1821 Oliver Bryan was born Nov"". 21^' 1822 The Children of Bethel and Julia Tuttle were Born as follows viz^: Charles Tuttle w^as born Dec"". &^. 1808. Isaac Henry Tuttle was born Feb^'. 4'^ 181 1. Elizabeth Ailing Peck the daughter of Wyllys & Jennet H. Peck was born September 25'*^ 1821. Harriet Eliza the daughter of Said Wyllys & Jennett H. Peck was born on the 5"^ day of Sept^. 1823 Jennett Augusta the daughter of said Wyllys & Jennett H. Peck was born on the 14'^^ day of January 1826 Jane Rebecca Norie w^as born on the twenty-fifth day of February 181 8 [26] George Philip the son of Augustus & Lucy Ann Lines was born on the 2t,^ day of Nov"". 1824 Harriet Eliza the daughter of Jennett H & Wyllys Peck was born feb"^. 27"^ 1829 The Children of Nathaniel Jocelyn & Sarah A Jocelyn his wife was born as follows, viz* , Sarah Ann was born i/'*" Aug' 18 19 Margaret Plant was born 14 Dec''. 1820 Elizabeth Hannah wa^ born 30"". Dec^ 1824 Frances Maria was born 17 Nov'". 1826 Charles Constantine the son of Henry and Sally M. Bacon was born on the fifth day of March 1830 The Children of Caleb Brintnall and Louisa Brintnall husband and wife were born as follows, namely Charles B. Brintnall was born March 21^' AD 1802 Henry W. Brintnall was born October eighth AD. 1805 Elihu ]\L Brintnall was born August ninth AD- 1807 The children of Frances Bulkley and Content Bulkley husband and wife were born as follows, namely Sarah [27] Sarah R Bulkley was born November twentv eighth 1813 Francis H. Bulkley w^as born September twenty-fourth 1816 The Children of Edmon Blakeslee and Laury Blakeslee his wife were born as follows Viz' Nathan was born September i*' 1827 Isaac was born March 16*'' 1829 Henry Clay w^as born Jan'^y. 21 1831 * NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 461 The Children of Willard Lyon & Amanda Lyon his Wife were born as follows Viz' James Willard Lyon was born June 16"^ 1824 Richard Fitch was born Ocf. ^^ 1826 Ruth Amanda was born July 27 1832 William W. Ramsdell a son of William B. and Betsy Ramsdell was born April 4'^' 1830 The Children of John Douglass and Ann Douglass his wife were born as follows viz' William Kirtland w^as born May 29"^. 1827 Emily Elizabeth was born Ocf. 18. 1828 Rebecca Taylor Bacon daughter of Leonard Bacon & wife was born Ap'. 28, 1826. Benjamin Wisner Bacon son of Leonard Bacon & wife was born Nov"". 25 1827 Leonard Woolsey Bacon son of Leonard Bacon & wife was born Jan^ first 1830 Francis Bacon son of Leonard Bacon and wife was born Ocf 6 1831 [28] Mary Louisa Daughter of Clement and Eunice L. Beers bom July 16"^ 1831 Sarah Lane born July 3'' 1833 Elizabeth Ann Phelps daughter of John G. & Malinda Phelps born Sep' 30"" 1820 James Charles Phelps son of John G. & Malinda Phelps born April f^ 1822 Harriet Lydia Daughter of John G. & Elizabeth Evelina Phelps born 16'^' October 1831 A Julia Chastina Bacon Daughter of Henry & Sally Maria Bacon Born Feb'"^. 15 1832 Francis Philagathus Son of Henry & Betsey Bacon born January 30'^ 1835 Mary Elon Daughter of Elmon Blakeslee was born April lo"' 1834 Andrew born May 23"^ 1836 Elizabeth E Harrison born 11'^ October 181 o Frederick Henry " " 26'^ October 1815 George Justus " " 22^ March 1823 Francis Edwin " " 27'^ November 1830 Children of Justus & Harriet Harrison The children of Claudius & Hannah Herrick were born as follows : viz Henry was born in Woodbridge Ct. March 5. 1S03 JoTin Pierpont " d" Feb'' 10 1805 462 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Sarah Maria " in this city March 5, 1809 Edward Claudius Do February 24 181 1 Jane Elizabeth the daughter of Augustus & Lucy Ann Lines born August 2^ 1830 [29] Edward Lord & Cornelia Twin Children of Rev*^ Elisha Lord Cleaveland and Cornelia Cleavland Born Feb^' 27"^ 1837 Elford Jarman Lines bom November iq'** 1829 Ellsworth Augustus " " May 7"^ 1832 Elizabeth Chatterton " " September 9'^ 1833 Edward C Delevan " " May 9"^ 1836 Children of Charles B. & Maria Lines Theodore Son of Leonard Bacon was born 5*^ May 1834 George Blagden Son of Leonard Bacon was born 22"* May 1836 The Children of Alexander C. & Harriet A Twining were born as follows viz Kinsley born July 18''' 1832 Harriet Anna " December 27^'' 1833 Theodore Woolsey & Southerland Douglas Twins born Sept. 4, 1835 A daughter (Sarah Julia) born Nov"" 9 1837 William Bristol Son of William B Bristol and Mary W. B. Bristol born September 19''' 1837 Henry Cornelius Son of Zebul & Dorcas Bradley Born in New Haven August i^' 1820 Andrew Jackson Ellis Son of W™ H & Susan Ellis was born April 29*^ (in New Haven) 1836 Jane Augusta born March 25'^ 1826 Cornelia Caroline born April 22*^ 1835 both Children of Edgar Hubbell & wife [30] Children of Philip & Mary Saunders^^* Philip Saunders born May 15 1789^*^ Nancy Smith " August 3*^ 1794 now wife of P. Saunders"* The following is a true List of the birth of the Children of Philip and Nancy Saunders namely Martha Maria born Wednesday Jan^ 29 1817 Emily Amanda " Friday June 19 181 8 Eliza Nancy " Monday March 6 1820 Charles Augustus " Monday January 14 1822 Marietta " Wednesday November 19 1823 Jane Angeline " Sunday October 9 1825 Sarah Adelia " Thursday Aug"^ 30 1827 Louisa Smith " Sunday July 5 1829 Virginia Isabella " Wednesday Dec"" 5'*^ 1831 Josephine " Friday July 11 1834 Philip Edward " Friday May 5 1837 !•'■* Marginal entry written lens^thwise of the pape. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 463 Laura Cecilia Daughter of Elman & Laura Blakeslee born December 19^'' 1838 Children of Riley Nott & his wife Almira This Record was made at 8 o'clock A. M. July 14^'' 1840 by J. Scarritt Town Clerk "^ Almira E Nott born December 11 1823 Charles W. Nott " July 13 1826 Maria Collins Nott " 1828 She Died 7 Sep^ 1829 Georg Riley Nott born March 15 1830 Sarah Ann Nott " November 19 1832 Robert Atwater Nott " 21"^ October 1835 Almira Nott departed this life on the 20^"^ day of September 1835 The following is a true list of the births of the Children of W™ A. Reynalds and Jane D. Reynolds namely William Augustus born August 22"^ 1833 Charlotte Augusta Justine Eliza Elizabeth Lynde George Albert Charles Edward March 12^*^ 1836 November 12^^ 1838 August 31 1 84 1 October 23"^ 1846 October 9 1850 [31] Crawnidge H. Finch, Son of Harvey and Betsey N. Finch born November 9*^^^ 1837 Frederick Merwin Son of John M. & Cynthia M Reynohls his wife was bom January 25 1841 Children of James H & Sarah C. Hickcox Julian J was born August 4 181 7 April 11^^ 1820 November 19^*^ 1821 September 21^*^ 1823 July 24*^^ 1826 Nov"" 7'^ 1828 September 27'^ 1830 Dec 28'^^ 1832 Sarah C James B Samuel L Elizabeth S Reuben W Mary Ann Martha L Hickox George Bradley and Louisa Bradleys Children Albert Bradley born March 20 1823 Charles Leman Bradley " March 27''' 1825 Walter Henry Bradley " January 24 1829 Lee Hart Bradley " January i^^^ 1834 Martha Lewis Beckwith, daughter of George & Phebe Ann Beckwith bom December y^^ 1841 William Charnley Atwater Son of Henry & Martha A. S. C. Atwater born April 8*^ 1842 1^5 Marginal entry. 464 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Harriet Montgomery Atwater daughter of Charles Atwater J"" & Mary M. Atwater was born December 25^'' 1843 Recorded by Alfred Terry Town Clerk William Forbes Rice, Son of George Rice & Sarah Cornelia Rice was born February 6"^ 1843 Recorded by Alfred Terry, Town Clerk The birth of Children of Demas P. and Mary J Tucker is as follows, namely Charles Wesley Tucker born May 1$^^ 1832 James Wis well Tucker born November y^^ 1834 Benjamin Winans Tucker born February 20''' 1839 Mary Ogden Tucker born August 13^*^ 1842 [32] George Trowbridge Seagrave Son of George N. Seagrave and Martha Seagrave was born Nov"" 16''' 1843 Lucius A. Thomas Son of Lucius A. & Emeline P. Thomas, was born January 19"' 1843 Henry Atwater Son of Henry & Martha A. S. C. Atwater, born September 14"^ 1843 James Atwater son of William and Catharine A. Atwater, was bom in New Haven April 20''' 1843 Theodore Atwater, son of Plenry Atwater and Martha A. S. C. Atwater was born March 17"^ 1845, i" New Haven Harriet Deming Strong, daughter of Edward and Margaret S. Strong, was born April 25"^ 1844, in New Haven Ct Attest Edward Strong Children of Henry White and Martha White of New Haven, Connecticut, viz Henry Dyer White Born September 24''' 1830 Charles Atward White " November 11"' 1833 Willard Wetmore White " February 7"^ 1836 Roger Sherman White " December 26"^ 1837 Thomas Howell White " February 4"' 1840 Oliver Sherman White " November 2^ 1842 George Edward White " March 17'^ 1845 Robert Eltisley Son of Horace Day & Sarah Seaver his wife born October 2^ 1845 Joseph Curtifs Son of Joseph Curtifs Piatt & Catherine S. S. Piatt, was born January 9''' 1845 [33] Children of Alfred and Clarifsa Terry Clara Henrietta born at Hartford 8"' Sept 1826 Alfred Flowe Harriet Wadsworth Adrian Jeremiah Wadsworth Clara Henrietta Robert Goldsborou^h 10*'^ Nov 1827 22 Feb^ 1830 12 Sept 1831 New Haven 25 May 1833 21 Feb-' 1835 27 Sept 1837 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 465 Eliza Howe " " " " 29 Jan^^ 1840 Frances " " " " 20 Jan^ 1843 Frederick " " " " 15 Apr 1845 Jane " " " " 4 DecM846 Children of Daniel H & Caroline E Moore Ebenezer was born October 22'* 1834 Henry Davis " February 10''' 1838 Caroline Eliza Gaston " May 15 1841 Lucy Cornelia Peck daughter of Wyllys & Jennett H. Peck was born October 25'*^ 1832 Children of Leonard L & Louisa Hotchkifs Levi Hubbard Hotchkifs born January 28 1834 A'bijah Hubbard Hotchkifs born January ii*^*^ 1836 Frances Louisa Hotchkifs born January 17"^ 1838 Juliet Eliza daughter of Lucius G. Peck & Julia E. Peck born September 2P- 1846 Children of Charles and Sarah B. Ball New Plaven Connecticut Mary Ann Ball born May 14''' 1843 Eliza Burr Ball " Jan f^ 1846 Children of Joseph Angell and Elizabeth Angell born in the town of New Plaven State of Connecticut, United States of America, viz ; Joseph Phillips Angell born August 21^^ 1838 Albert Henry Angell born August 3*^ 1840 George Edward Day, son of Horace & Sarah Rice Day born August i^' 1847 [34] Mary Hutton daughter of George & Sarah C. Rice born 4^'^ December 1846 . Lucius Francis Brown, Son of Lucius J. & Julia E. Peck, Born March i^' 1849 Confederation Suifse [Seal] Extrait du Registre des Actes de Naissance de la Commune des Eaux Vives Canton de Geneve. L'an mil huit cent trente Sept, et le premier du rnois d'Aout, a dix heures avant mide, est ne au pre TEvique, ]\i|aison Wolff, dans cette Commune, Marie Phillips Salisbury, fille de Edoward Elbridge Salisbury sans etat de Boston Amerique, age de vingt- trois ans et de Abby Phillips Salisbury, agee de vingt deux ans son epouse, tous deux demeurant dans cette Commune — En foi de quoi, Nous Soussigne Maire, remplissant les fonctions d'officier de I'Etat Civil de le Commune des Eaux Vives Cantons de Geneve, avous dresse le present acte sur la declaration de Edoward Elbridge Salisbury, pere de I'enfant, en presence des sieurs Albert Henry Wolff proprietaire age de cinquante neuf ans, Francois Louis Senn Docteur en Chirurgie age de trent sept ans, tous demeurant dans cette Commune, lesquels ont signe le dit 30 466 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS acte avec nous, apres qu'il letir en a ete donne lecture. Fait aux Eaux Vives, le deux du Mois d'Aout mil huit cent trente sept, a onze heures avant Midi signe Ed. E. Salisbury, Wolff Hanloch Louis Senn et A De Morsier, Maire — Collationne au susdit Registre par nous Maire Officier de I'Etat Civil la Commune des Eaux Vives, et expedie le vingt-cinqe Aout mil huit cent trent Sept [Seal] A. De Morsier, Mo. Nous Conseillee secretaire de Etat de la Republique et Canton de Geneve certifions veritable la signature ci-dessus de M. De Morsier Officier de TEtat Civil de la Commune des Eaux Vives. En temoignage de quoi [35] nous avont signe les presentes apres y avoir fait apposer le sceau de la Chancellerie Fait a Geneve le dix huit September mit huit cent Sept. De I'Fochis Rec'^ for Record November 3'' 185 1 and recorded by Alfred Terry Town Clerk Born New Haven June 25'*^ 1848 Frances Harriette daughter of W" De Loss & Matilda W. Love Born at New Haven Jan 19*^^ 1850 Edward Gurley son of W™ De Loss & Matilda W. Love New Haven Nov 12'^ 1851 W™ De Lofs Love Mary Blandina Curtiss daughter of Cyrus L & Mary H. Curtifs of New York was born in this town August 3"^ 185 1 Children of Josiah W. Gibbs and Mary Anna Gibbs his wife 1 Anna Louise born at New Haven Conn June 18 1831 2 Eliza Phillips born at New Haven Conn Aug 31 1834 3 Julia born at New Haven November 20 1836 4 Josiah Willard born at New Haven Feb 11 1839 5 Emily born at New Haven Nov 15 1841 Children of Wyllys Warner and Elizabeth H Warner his wife 1 Wyllys Hart born July 29. 1834 2 Elizabeth Mather " August 9. 1837 3 Louise Elvira " Dec 17. 1838 4 Harriet Williams " Sept 10. 1840 5 I Helen Virginia " Aug 11. 1842 6 George Lyman " Feb 19 1851 [36] Children of Judah S. & Jane B. Thompson were born on the respective dates following William Ezra Thompson born May 19 1836 Sarah Ann " " " Dec 22 1837 Ezra V/illiam " " Feb 4 1840 Henry Isaac " " April 22 1842 Enos Anthony " " July 7 1844 Addlphus J " " April 26 1849 Agnes Eliz'^ " " March 26 1852 Alvahretta J " " Nov 13 1857 Lottie J '♦ . " Nov 23 i860 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 467 Recorded by W™ E Thompson Registrar Mch 28: 1878 Daniel Collins was married to Mifs Fanny Walker May 8"^ 1803 by Rev"^ Bela Hubbard John Walker Collins Born Mar. 11''' 1804 John Walker Collins Born Oct' i^'^ 1805 John Walker Collins died Ocf. 29*^ 1805 Mary Tufts Collins born Feb^' 17"^ 1807 Frances Collins born Ocf 26^'^ 1808 Francis Collins died April 15''^ 1809 M" Fanny Collins died May is^'^ 1809 Married Mifs Sophia Walker July S'^ 1812 fees paid 45 cents [37] Names and Birth of the Children of Bethel Tuttle and Hannah Rebecca his Wife William Tuttle Born April 5'*^ 1800 John Todd Tuttle Born Sep' 29'''' 1801 George Tuttle Born Ocf lo^'" 1804 Names and Birth of the Children of Bethel Tuttle and Julia [Doolittle*] his wife [joined in Marriage by the Rev"* Bela Hubbard Jan^ 10'^ 1808*] Charles Tuttle Born Dec'''" 11*'^ 1808 Isaac Henry Tuttle Born Feb^ 4*'' 181 1 Affidavit of Martha Chapman, Mother dated New Haven this 4^^ day of February 1891 of the birth of John Graves Chapman at New Haven on August 22"*^ 1836 son and 3"^ Child of Jedidiah Chapman of New Haven, Shipmaster, born Westbrook, Conn and Alartha Farnham, born Clinton, Conn. [38] Blank [39] Children of Chas Peterson & Jennette Denslow born Martha Elizabeth Peterson born Nov 23 1833 Chas Wallace " " Nov 3 1835 Emily Rebecca " " June 11 1837 Jennette Fitch " " July 9 1839 George " " Aug 31 1841 Emma Frances " " Oct 5 1846 James J Carr May 31 1904 Charles Peterson born in New Haven Nov i 1810 Jennette Denslow born in New Haven Feb. 8 181 1 [40] Ann Stebbins Piatt daughter of Joseph R. Piatt & Mari- etta Smith was born Sept i 1834 Joseph E Piatt son of above born Feb 22 1837 Henry Bradford Piatt born March 20 1840 son of above Marietta Adela Piatt born Dec 26. 1842 daughter of above Henrietta A. N. Piatt bom May i 1845 daughter of above * Written in pencil. 468 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [41] Affidavit of Carolyn Gorham Dickerman dated New Haven tJiis 6^^ day of April, 1912, of the birth of George White- field Gorham at York Street, New Haven on October 18"' 1820, son and only child of Eleazer Gorham of New Haven, boot and shoe merchant, born in New Haven, Conn., a)id Mary Ailing age 28 yrs., born West Haven, Conn. Affidavit of Thimothy B. Beers, dated New Haven, Conn., this 1^^^ day of February, 1905, of the birth of Alice Isabel MacDonald at Park Street, New Haven, on October 2^^^, 1846, daughter and fifth child of James MacDonald age 32 yrs. of New Haven, Fresco Painter, born in Elgin Moreshire, Scotland and Cathrine Read age 26, born Wallingford, Conn. [42] Thomas Carroll son of Patrick tS: Mary Carroll was born July 12 1845 Copied from baptismal record J P Buckley Edward Leete Weld son of John & Abigail W. Leete Weld was born April 8 1846 [43] Affidavit of John R. Booth dated New Haven this 28'^ day of June, 1906, of the birth of James Walter Booth at New Haven, Conn., on June 3"^, 1836, son and first child of Rufus Booth of New Haven, Conn., Joiner and Carpenter, born Strat- ford, Conn., 072^ Mary L. De Martin born New Haven, Conn. [44] Children of Edwin Beach Munson born Oct 30'^'' 1817 and Amelia Catherine Sperry born June 13'^'' 1822 Albert Leroy Born Mar 24"^ 1842 Henry Theodore " Mar 26''' 1844 Mary Gertrude " April 18'"^ 1846 Katie Amelia " Aug is^'^ 1848 Sarah Augusta " April 18''' 1852 Edward Benjamin " June 12"' 1854 [45] Acording to the records at St. Paul's Church, New Haven, Connecticut Anne Caroline Soule was baptized March 31^', 1847, born June 29*^, 1846. Parents H. S. Soule and Lydia L. Soule Sponsors, E. Cutler, Mrs E. Cutler Ploward S. Wilkinson, Minister-in-charge. [46] gilbert Henry Ward Gilbert son of Thomas S. & Mary A. Ward born Aug 14 1846 Anna May Gilbert born Feb 17 1849 Inez Henrietta " " " 27 185 1 Hattie Smith " " July 4 1866 [47] Cooper Theodore Almerun Cooper born April 6 1836 Gertrude Neal Cooper " May i 1838 Julia Alice Cooper " July 31 1840 Children of Eliphalet Cooper & Julia A Tuttle NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 469 James W" Cooper born Jan 27 1843 Edward Neal Cooper " July 13 1844 Edward Francis Cooper " Feb 10 1846 Gertrude Louise " Aug 20 1847 Chas. Eugene Cooper " Sept 21 1849 Adeline Charletta Cooper " Sept 20 185 1 Sarah Maria " March 11 1854 Geo Irving " Jan 8 1864 Children of Eliphalet Cooper & Adeline Folliotte [48] Bradley De witt V. Bradley son of Justus H. Bradley & Mary V Ward was born Dec 4-1843 Isabela G. Bradley daug. of Justus H. & Mary V. born Oct 28-1841 [49] Theodore Blakeslee son of Walter and Charlotte Weber was born March 25, 1844 [71]"^ Marriages Gad Peck & Asenath Osborn were married by Rev'^. Chauncey Whittlesey February 6*'' 1787 Isaac Doolittle of New Haven and Desire Bellamy of Chefhire, Married Dec"", y^^ 1780 Elizur Goodrich and Anne Allen were married by the Rev^ Jonathan Edwards Sepf. i^' 1785. Nathaniel Storer and Polly Augusta Bonticou were Married July 22"^. 1 78 1 Ebenezer Peck & Rebecca Dickerman were married by Rev''. J. Dana, D.D. Novem"" 20**^ 1790 Charles Denifon, & Hannah French were joined in marriage by the ReV^ Bela Hubbard May 4^^ AD 1806 Jospeh Nichol & Nancy Ward were joined in Marriage by the Rev'' Payson Williston June 23'' AD. 1796 ■ Hezekiah Howe & Sally Townsend were joined in Marriage by the Rev'' John Gemmil April 21^*^ AD. 1800 Moses Wells & Hannah Brown were joined in Marriage August 28''^ 1798 Joseph Munson & Hannah Higgins were joined in Marriage February 19*'' 1796 Alathew Read and Lydia Hotchkifs were joined in Marriage November 28'^ AD 1801. [72] Edward T Obrien and Mary Pierpoint were joined in Marriage November 11"' 1796 Eleazer Foster Esq"" and Mary Obrien daughter of John Pierpoint were joined in Mariage by the Rev'' Tim'' Dwight D.D. Jan^. 12*'^ 1806 "G Pages 50-70 are blank. 4/0 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Stephen Twining of New Haven and Almira Catlin of Litch- field were joined in marriage at Litchfield by the Rev*^ Dan Huntington Oct^ 2"^. 1800 John Howe of New Haven and Polly Fenn of Plymouth were joined in marriage Ocf 31^^ 1803. John Howe of New Haven & Sally M. Kingsley of Becket in Alafsachtisetts were joined in Marriage Dec''. 7"" 1807 Samuel Plughes and Philomela Miles were joined in Marriage Nov"" lo"" 1792 Frederick Mills and Susan Davis of i\ew Haven were joined in Marriage by the Rev'^. Bela Hubbard on the first day of March 1807 This Certifies that John Spalding D"". M. and Elizabeth Scribner were lawfully United in Marriage on the twentieth day of May A D 1804 at Norwalk by me John J. Carle V. D. M. [73] George Hepburn and Hannah Thompson were joined in Marriage on the 28''' day of July AD. 1793. Thompson Blois and Rhoda Howe were joined in Marriage on the 21^' day of February, 1808 Zadock Mack and Sally Read were Joined in marriage July iS''' 1801 Eli Mix Jun''. & Grace Peck were joined in Marriage June 5*^ 1808. Zebul Bradley and Dorcas Trowbridge were joined in mar- riage October thirteenth 1804 by James Dana D.D. Samuel Whiting and Elizabeth Carrington were joined in Marriage August 22^ 1786 William Powers and Elizabeth Whiting were joined in marriage September 6'^^ 1793 Alson Belden Crane and Elizabeth Crane were joined in marriage 1805 "S '3 Simeon Hoadly and Polly Harrison were joined in Marriage by the Rev'^. Mathew Noyes of Northford October 7^^ 1810 [74] Ebenezer Haws & Mary Trowbridge were joined in Marriage December 20*^*^. 1809 Bela Higgins and Mary Bruce were joined in marriage August 28''' 1803 Daniel Brown 2^ and Ruthe Prindle were joined in Marriage on the 22*^ day of Nov"". 1809 Eli Osborn the son of David and Mary Osborn and Elizabeth Augur the Daughter of Hezekiah and Lydia Augur were joined in marriage by the Rev'* Samuel Merwin on the 18"^ day of March 1805 Jared Doolittle and Anna Jones were joined in Marriage (in Wallingford) October 29*^ 1809. Henry Hartley and Esther Smith were joined in marriage by the Rev"*. Benjamin Trumbull on the 28''' day of May AD. 1804 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 471 Wheeler Brown and Lucretia W Scott were joined in Marriage on the ii"» day of October 1801 in Middletown [75] Nathan Sage Angell and Sophia Herrick Powers were joined in marriage Dec"", i^*^ 18 14 Elnathan Attwater son of Thomas & Margerett Attwater was married to Rutha Caroline Parmela daughter of Ebenezer and Rebecca Parmela by the Rev'^ Bela Hubbard on the 21^' day of May 1796 Ezekiel Hotchkifs & Sarah Larabee were joined in marriage by the Rev*^ Bela Hubbard November 30"" 1809 Joseph Mix & Sally Higgins were joined in marriage on the 30^'' day of October 1799 Caleb Mix & Ann Sophia Pinto were joined in mai"riage by the Rev*^ Samuel Merwin on the 21^^ day of September A.D. 1815 Josiah Boothe Morse and Nancy Tomlinson were married December i^' -798 Daniel Barnes and Mehittabel Sherntian (daughter of the hon*^'". Roger & Rebecca Sherman) were joined in marriage in the month of March AD. 1793. [76] Jeremiah Evarts and Mehittabel Barnes (widow of Daniel Barnes) were joined in Marriage on the tenth day of September AD. 1804 William Henry Pickard and Submit Hand were joined in Marriage on the 7^^ day of June AD. 1792 Abraham Pinto of New Haven and Mary Gualt of Boston were joined in ]\Iarriage on the 30'^'^ day of December 1779 as appears by the records of the Rev*^ Sam^ Bird dec*^. William Way and Betsy Bartholomew were joined in marriage in New Haven by the Rev*^. Truman Bishop on the 3*^ day of Aug' 18 14 Daniel Collins and Fanny Walker were joined in Marriage on the 8'^ day of May 1803 by the Rev<^ Bela Hubbard Daniel Collins and Sophia Walker were joined in Marriage on the 8"^ day of July 18 12 George Bradley and Lovisa Bunce were joined in Marriage on the day of 1818 [77] Chauncey Bunce & Letitia Lockwood were joined in Marriage by the Rev'^ Calvin White of the town of Derby in said town on the 3"^ day of Jan^. 18 19 Asahel Tuttle and Sally Sherman were joined in Marriage on the 12'^ day of September 1797 New Haven July 22^ 1822 This certifiies that Robert Sutton & Teresa Lines of New Haven were joined in lawfull marriage at Woodbridge on the eighteenth day of November 1821 by me Jeremiah Atwater Minister of the Gospel 472 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Bethel Tuttle and Julia Doolittle were joined in Marriage by the Rev"*. Bela Hubbard on the lo^'' day of Jan'"^ 1808. Moses Perkins and Mary Harrison were united in Marriage the 21^'^ day of October 1818 by the Rev*^ Harry Croswell D.D. Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Ct Copied from the Trinity Church Records by W E Thompson Reg [143]"^ Deaths Charles the son of Gad & Asenath Peck died Aug 23'^ 1795 Samuel the Son of Nathaniel and Polly Augusta Storer drowned June 22*^ 1787 Nathaniel (son of the above) died Dec"" 18'' 1793 Samuel (Ditto) drowned Aug 29'^'' 1798 Susanna the Wife of Peter Bonticou Died September 29**^ AD 1799. John Pierpoint died October 8'^ 1805. Eliza Read died September 16"^ 1800 the daughter of Daniel and Jerusha Read Zina the 2*^ child of Abel & Mary Denifon died the fifth day of September 1805 Edward T. O.Brien died May 18^^ 1799 Polly the wife of John Howe died September 21^*^ AD. 1805 John Miles Hughes the Son of Samuel & Philomelia Hughes died Ocf. 21, 1799. Edward WilHam Foster son of Eleazer & Mary Foster died Aug^ g'\ 1808. Eliza'^ the Daughter of Mathew & Lydia Read died August 21^* 1808. Thompson Blois the husband of Rhoda Blois died December 17^1^ AD. 1809 [144] Samuel the son of Samuel and Elizabeth Huggins died on the twenty eighth day of August 1768 Elizabeth the wife of Samuel Huggins died March 17"^ 1773 in the 34"^ year of her age Mary the Wife of Samuel Huggins died January 23*^. 1775 aged 27 years one Month & 3 days Mary the daughter of Samuel Huggins died feb'^. 22*^ 1776 aged 14 Months and 10 days Heaton the son of Samuel Huggins died October 6'^ 1794 The Mother of Samuel Huggins died on the 27"^ day of Sepf. 1799 in the 88"" year of her age Alson B. Crane died August 29 aged 2y year and 3 months 1810 Anna the daughter of and Anna Sears died April 10*^ 1792 Miles the son of and Anna Sears died Sepf y^^ 1794 "6 Pages 78-142 are blank. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 473 Almira Twining the daughter of Stephen & Almira Twining died on the 19^^ day of Dec"". 1809 [145] Rebecca Shipman the daughter of Elnathan & Rutha C. Atwater died on the 15'^ day of December 1802 Margaret the 5"' child of Ehiathan & Rutha C. Atwater died October 2.^ 1806 Isaac Atwater the 3*^ child of Isaac & Rhoda Townsend died on the 31^' day of June 1803 Charles Henry the 4"^ child of Isaac & Rhoda Townsend died on the first day of July 1803 Jane Maria the 6"" child of Isaac & Rhoda Townsend, died on the 15"' day of December 1814 Solomon Townsend the son of Ebenezer & Elizabeth Townsend died on the 2^ day of March 18 14 Eli Edward Osborn the Son of Eli & Elizabeth Osborn died Sepf 30 1815 Elizabeth the wife of Eli Osborn died Jan""^ 18'^ 18 17 Amelia Prentice Morse the daughter of Josiah B. and Nancy Morse died August 26 1815 Charles Denison Morse the Son of Josiah B. & Nancy Morfe died September i^*^ 181 5 Joseph Mix died on the nineteenth of February 1814 [146] John Walker Collins the son of Daniel & Fanny Collins died 29"^ Ocf. 1805. Frances Collins the daughter of Daniel and Fanny Collins died IS**^ Apri 1809 Fanny Collins the wife of Daniel Collins died the 15'^ of May 1809 James Sherman Tuttle the son of Asahel and Sally Tuttle died on the 3^^ day of March 1810 Daniel Tuttle the Son of Asahel and Sally Tuttle died on the 27^11 day of March 1807 Amos Lines Sutton the Son of Robert & Teresa Sutton died on the 22"^ day of April 1824 Henry Daggett Esq died Sept. AD. 183 1 in the 90"^ year of his age Malinda Wife of John G. Phelps died the 4*^^ day of October AD 1830 John W. Phelps Son of J. G. Phelps died MarcH 27'^ AD 183 1 Elizabeth Eueline Wife of John G. Phelps died March 5*^^ AD 1832 Rev'^. Claudius Herrick died in this town on the 26'^ day of May, 183 1, aged 56 years and '/J days j\Irs. Sarah Pierpont, relict of John Pierpont died in this town, on the 15"^ day of April, 1835 in the 91^*^ year of her age 474 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [147] John Pierpont, son of John & Sarah Pierpont died in this town on the 12"' day of April 1836 in the 57"^ year of his age Ellsworth Augustus Lines Son of Charles B. & Maria Lines died May 28 1837 in the 5"' year of his age Mary Mix Widow of Eldad Mix died at New Haven Septem- ber 5"^ 1837 Phillip Edward Schmall, said to be a German, was drowned in New Haven Harbour March 3'^ 1838 M" Eunice Scarritt wife of John Scarritt departed this life November 21^' 1836 in the 66^*^ Year of her age Justine Eliza daughter of Willam A. and Jane D. Reynalds, departed this life September 16"^ 1841 in the 3*^ Year of her age Charles Edward died February i^*^ 185 1 Robinson S. Hinman died in New Haven November 10"^ 1843 Clara Henrietta daughter of Alfred Terry & Clarifsa Terry, died at Hartford, February 4'^ 183 1 Nathaniel Terry of Hartford died in New Haven June i^^^ 1844 Caroline Eliza Gaston Moore daughter of Daniel H. & Caroline E. Moore died September 26^*^ 1843 [Six pages of strays and rai8cellaneous records are recorded with the volume reversed.! Marriages Book IV 1820-1839 [i] 1820 An Act for the due and orderly celebrating of Marriage was passed by the General Afsembly at their May Sefsion 1820. See Statutes Vol 2'^ page 389. Married on the 11"' of June, 1820. Amos Munson to Martha Martin, both of New Haven, Connecticut. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy from the parish Register of Trinity Church, New Haven Connecticut and that the above marriage was duly solemnized by me according to the laws of this State and ordinances of the Gospel. Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Recorded by Elisha Munson town Clerk Married June 13'^ 1820. Jonathan Budington to Sarah Peck both of New Haven, by me (Published at West Haven.) Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn Recorded by Elisha Munson town clerk July 2/"^ 1820 Married M"^ Richard E. Sanford of Roxbury to Mifs Elizabeth Toworthy of this City The above is a true copy from the records kept by me Henry Lines Pastor of the Baptist Ch. New Haven Recorded by Elisha Munson town clerk Married June 25''' Edward Potter [&] Betsy Bear both of New Haven published at New Haven. Henr}' Lines pastor of the Baptist Chu'' New Haven Conn Recorded by Elisha Munson town clerk Married August 14''' 1820. Henr}^ B Bills of this City & Harriet Bartholomew of Northford they were published at North- ford by William Thacher Recorded by Elisha Munson town clerk [2] Married August 20*^" 1820. M*" Trueman Allen to Miss Clarissa Ann Hendrick both of this City. The above is a true copy from records kept by me Henr}' Lines Pastor of the Baptist Church New Haven Recorded by Elisha Munson town clerk I hereby certify that June 11*^ 1820 I married Amos Smith to Louisa Hill both of this town, Samuel Merwin 475 476 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Recorded for record August 23'' 1820 and recorded by Elisha Munson town clerk I hereby certify that June 25"' 1820 I married William J Piatt of Saybrook of Phebe Chylme of this town Samuel ]\Ierwin Rec*^ for record August 23'' 1820 and recorded by E. Alunson town clerk I hereby certify that July 27''^ 1820. I married William M. Ailing of Derby to Mary Munson of this town Samuel Merwin Rec'' for record August 23'^ 1820, and recorded by E. Munson town clerk Married August 8"' 1820 Edward Henry Parcell of Charles- ton S. C. to Eliza Ann Smith of New Haven. I certify that the above is a true extract from my Parish Register H. Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Connecticut Married August 20^'' George Downs to Sarah Pool both both of New Haven. I certify that the above is a true extract from my Parish Register. PI. Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn' [3] Married August 24 1830 Richard P. T. Mongin of Beau- fort S. C. to Adeline Cornelia Lewis of New Haven. I certify that the above is a true extract from my Parish Register. H. Crofwell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn Married September 6"* 1820 James Mongin Smith of Beau- fort S. C. to Lucy Miller Chew of New Haven. I certify that the above is a true extract from my Parish Register. H. Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn Married New Haven September 13"' 1820 Jared Foot of North Haven to Rebecca Beecher of New Haven October 8"^ 1820. I certify that the above is a true copy of my Parish Register New Haven Conn* H. Croswell Rector Married New Haven September 1820. James Thompson to Eliza Seymour both of New Haven (people of colour.) I certify that the above is a true copy from the Parish Register of Trinity Church New Haven Conn H. Croswell Rector Married New Haven October 18'^ 1820. Joseph Palmer Jun"". M. D. of Afhford to Julia M Gilbert of New Haven. I certify that the above is a true copy from the Parish Register of Trinity Church, New Haven. H. Croswell Rector Married, November 7"^ (1820) William Beetman of New Haven to Matilda Fergerson of Boston (people of color). I certify that the above is a true copy from the Parish Register of Trinity Church New Haven H. Croswell Rector [4] Married Nov'" 13*^ (1820) Orrin Hull of North Haven to Hannah Botchford of Derby. I certify that the above is a true NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 477 copy from the Parish Register of Trinity Church New Haven H. Croswell Rector Married Nov'" S'^ 1820 (by the Rev"^ S. H Turner D D) Isaac Bradley to Louisa xAnn Hervey both of New Haven Married Nov"" 20'*^ 1820 John Wilhams of Boston to Jane Mansfield of New Haven (people of color) Married Nov*" 26, James F. Barnes to Jane D Hervey both of New Haven. The two last by Rev'^ H. Croswell. I certify that the above is a true copy from the parish Register of Trinity Church New Haven H. Croswell Rector Married New Haven Dec'' 27*'' 1820. Joseph Fairchild to Celina Amelia Cande, both of New Haven Married, New Haven Jan 24^^^ 182 1 Avery Brown of Simsbur}'-, to Hannah Wells of New Haven. I certify that the above is a true copy from the Parish Register of Trinity Church New Haven H. Croswell Rector Married December 31®'^ 1820 by William Thacher Miles Mun- son of North Haven and Lois Roberson of New Haven N B They were previously published in the Methodist Church in New Haven. William Thacher I hereby certify that October 30"' 1820 I married Roger Newton of Woodbridge to Lucy Ailing of New Haven. Stephen W. Stebbins. [5] Married on the 3*^ of April 1820. Elisha Dummer to Sarah Spencer, by the Rev*^. Nath^ W. Taylor Married, on the 11'^'' of June 1820. Augustus Lines to Lucy Ann Ritter by the Rev^ Nath^. W. Taylor. Married on the 27"" of June 1820 Chauncey Treat to Polly R. Hayes by the Rev*^. IJath\ W. Taylor Married on the i^* of August 1820 Wyllyfs Peck to Jeanette H. Ailing, by ReV^. Nath'. W. Taylor Married on the 6'^ of August Joseph C. Stiles to Caroline Peck, by the Rev^ Nath'. W. Taylor Married, Thaddeus Beecher Jun'' to Maria Woodward, Sepf 28"^ 1820, by the Rev'^. Nath^ W. Taylor Married on the 13^^ Ocf. 1820. Elisha Dickerman to Ady Ailing by the Rev^ Nath'. W. Taylor Married, October 22*^ 1820. Abel Burritt Jun^: to Nancy Hotchkifs by the Rev"^. Nath^. W. Taylor. Married, December 13*'' 1820, Ezra S. Hubbard to Eliza Church by the ReV^. Nath> W. Taylor. Married, on the 15"' Dec"" 1820 Charles Willowby to Laury Baldwin, by the Rev*^. Nath'. W. Taylor Married on the 15^^ Dec"" 1820 Orison Humiston to Belinda Bunnell by the Rev*^. Nath'. Taylor 478 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS I hereby certify that Dec"" 13"' 1820. I Married Philemon Smith Jun^ of Oxford to Betsy M*=Coy of New Haven. Stephen \V. Stebbins [6] April 17"^ 182 1, Married M"" Isaac Judson of Huntington to Mifs Sarah Gorham of this City November 7"^ 1820, married M"". George J. Kelsey of Stamford to Sharlot Taylor of this City. The above is a true copy of records kept by me Henry Lines Pastor of Bap. Ch. N. Haven By William Thacher married William Jackson of New York and Jane Hoyt of New Haven on the 29"^ of April 182 1. They were previously published by me in the Methodist E. Church according to law. William Thacher New Haven May 21^' 1821. This may certify that M'" Alfred Blakeslee and Alifs Electa Dorman of this town were lawfully married last evening By Zebulon Ely Minister of the Gospel I hereby certify that I joined in marriage Cornelius Hogeboom of Ghent, New York State to Martha M. Peck of New Haven in the State of Connecticut. New Haven June 14'^ 182 1 ' Nath' W. Taylor Married New Plaven May 29"^ 1821, George Younglove Cutler of Watertown to Mary Ann Monson of New Haven. Married June 21^' 1821 Enoch Benjamin Jacobs to Sarah Brown both of New Haven. I certify that the above is a true copy from the Parish Register of Trinity Church H. Croswell Rector May 31^' 182 1 married Joseph H Wire of Mil ford and Dencey Booth o"f Durham Published by M"" Pinio in Milford. By ^ W. Thacher [7] June 17"^ 1 82 1. Married Jacob C. Thompson and Char- lette AVilliams of New Haven (published in New Haven) by W. Thacher July 10'^ 182 1 Married James Butler of Burlington and Mary Meriam of New Haven, (published by Rev^ H. Croswell in N H.) • W". Thacher July 12'^ Married Benjamin Bradley & Harriet Hitchcock of Hotchkifstown. published by W" Thacher in M. Congrega- tion W" Thacher This may certify that M'" Nathaniel L. Fisher of Mafs*' and Mifs Lydia Edwards of Watertown Con^ were regularlv married by me this day. Benj™ M. Hill New Haven July 9*'' 1821. New Haven July 14"" 182 1. Married Caleb Brintnall to Con- tent Buckley both of New Haven. I certify that the above is a true copy of the Parish Register of Trinity Church Conn. Harry Croswell Rector NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 479 Married New Haven July 25'^ 182 1. Samuel Warren Chilson to Frances Ann Downs both of New Haven. David Tomlinson to Rhoda Alderman both of New Haven. A true extract from the Parish Register of Trinity Church New Haven Conn^ H Croswell Rector Married, New Haven August 30'^ 182 1. Isaac Applewhite of New Haven to Thankfull Peters of Westerly R. I. (people of colour) A true copy from the Parish Register of Trinity Church New Haven Conn H. Croswell Rector This is to certify that John Scuyler of New York and Maria Nicholl (blacks) were regularly married by me on the 27*^ ins*. New Haven Septem' 28^1^. 1821. Benj^ M. Hill [8] This may certify that Mr William Hastings and Mifs Eliza Derrick were regularly married by me on the 28'^^ ins*. New Haven Sept 2' 14'^ 1828. This may certify that James Parker of Great Egg Harbour of Glouster County of the State of New Jersey and Susan Yale of New Hartford were joined in marriage on the 13'^'^ day of March 1827 By me John Hunt 2'^ Justice of Peace New Haven Conn* March 13''' 1828. This certifies that Marvin Jeffrey and Jane Freeman were married by me October 12*'' 1827. Nath' W. Taylor This certifies that Ailing Townsend and Phebe Pratt both of this City were united in Holy Matrimony on the evening of March ig^^ 1828. by me Tobias Spicer Minister of the Gospel New Haven March 20'^^. 1828. This certifies that Daniel Greenleaf and Anna Carrington both of Hartford (Con'.) were united in holy Matrimony on the evening of March 24"^ 1828. in the City of New Haven by me Tobias Spicer New Haven March 25"" 1828. Minister of the Gospel [62] This certifies that Elias Carey and Grace Ann x^mes both of this City were united in holy matrimony on the evening of March 31^' 1828. in the City of New Haven By me New Haven April i^' 1828. T. Spicer Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Jonathan D. Richardson of Hartford and Martha Way of New Haven were united in holy matrimony on the evening of April 3'' in the town of Hamden By me T. Spicer IMinister of the Gospel Married New Haven May 7'^ 1827. D"" John Taylor of Lan- singburgh N. Y. to Grace Ann Totten of New Haven By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn^ ]Married New Haven May g^^ 1827. Samuel Dikeman to Mary Lowndes Gorham, both of New Haven By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn*. 510 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married New Haven May 27'^ 1827. Isaac Bradley to Abigail K. Harvey, both of New Haven By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven, Conn Married, New Haven June 10 1827, William B. Baldwin to Jennett F. Taylor both of New Haven By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn'. [63] Married New Haven July 5, 1827 Stiles Stevens to Sarah Smith both of New Haven By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn, Married New Haven, July 22. 1827. Johan Bergstron of New York to Elizabeth Hill of New Haven. By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven, Conn Married New Haven August 9, 1827 Benjamin Hoods to Susan Bonticou both of New Haven By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Married, New Haven Sept 10*'' 1827, Edward M. Smith to Harriet Tuttle, both of New Haven By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven, Conn Married New Haven Sept ii**^ 1827 Levi Huntington Young of Norwich, to Elizabeth Bradley Gillet of New Haven By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven, Conn Married New Haven, Sept. 18*'* 1827, John Wight of Rich- mond Virginia to Augusta M. Huggins of New Haven By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven, Conn Married, New Haven, Sept. 30 1827 Lonheon ( ?) Dade of Virginia to Harriet E. Trowbridge of New Elaven By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven, Conn [64] ]\Iarried New Haven October 11 1827 Alexander Dun- can of Canandaigua. N. Y., to Sarah Butler of Providence R. I. By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Married New Haven, Oct. 21, 1827 D"" Elijah ^lonson to Grace Thompson both of New Haven By Harrv Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Married, New Haven, November 19*^ 1827 Abel Sperry of Oxford to Julia Rebecca Atwater of New Haven. By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Married New Haven, Jan. i, 1828, Norris E. Candee to Sarah Maria Fowler, both of New Haven By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Alarried New Haven, Jan. 8 1828 Benjamin Webster Jun"". of Lansingburgh N. Y. to Susan Augusta Butler of New Haven By Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Married. New Haven, Ocf. 3^. 1827. Dver Ball, of Shutesbury Mafs. to Lucy F. Mills of New Haven By me Harrv Croswell Rector of Trinitv Church New Haven Conn. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 51 1 [65] JMarried Feb. 2^^^ 1828. George De Forest of Woodbury to Pueila E. Tallman of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Connecticut. Married, New Haven April 3"^ 1828. Henry Headon of Groton to Eliza Benjamin of New Haven (people of Colour) By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Ne\y Haven Conn^ Married New Haven April 6'^ 1828. Charles Nicoll to Caroline Bishop, both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn*. Married New Haven, April 23'' 1828 Robert H. Taylor to Sarah E. Hood of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Married, New Haven, April 29"^ 1828. Edward Rockwell of Youngstown Ohio to Matilda D. P. Salter of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. I certify that on the 30"" day of April 1828 Lewis J. Sinclair and Jane Talmadge, were married by me at New Haven. Fran^ F. Hawks Assistant Minister Trinity Church This may certify that M"" Joseph Sperry and Mifs Hannah Lin- coln both of this City were regularly married by me this day. Benjamin M. Hill Pastor of the Baptist Church New Haven April 13"' 1828, This may certify that M"" Warren Potter and Mifs Emily Dorothy were married by me this day Benjamin ]\I. Hill New Haven April 30**^ 1828. Pastor of the Baptist Church This certifies that Edward Bulkley and Lucy Mansfield of this City were married by me Feb^ 18*'' 1828, N. W. Taylor [66] This may certify that M'' Lemuel King and M'"^ Dancey Wise, both of this City were married by me this day. Benjamin M. Hill New Haven May 7*^^ 1828 Pastor of the Baptist Church Married, New Haven May 11*^ 1828. George W. Farnham to Caroline Thompson both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Married New Haven May 12^^ 1828. James Cyprian Bronson of Granville Mafs. to Elizabeth Dixon of New Haven By me Harrj'- Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Married New Haven May 31^* 1828 Thomas Lines of _Wood- bury to Betsy Baldwin of New Haven By me Anthony P. Sanford Justice of the Peace This may certify that Henry Wilson of New Haven and Catharine Bunnell of Cheshire were married by me this day. Benjamin M'. Hill New Haven June i^' 1828 Pastor of the Baptist Church = 12 • NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS This certifies that Augustus Harrison and Harriet Augusta Pinto of this City were married by me on the 25"^ day of Feb''. 1828. Nath' W. Taylor This certifies that Stephen Lewis & Hannah Alderman were married by me on the 10'^'' day of March 1828 Nath' W. Taylor This may certify that M"" Henry P. Dougall of New Haven and Mifs Dothy Edwards of Watertown were Married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill New Haven June 22*^ 1828 Pastor of the Baptist Church [67] This may certify that M"" James Smith of Hartford and Miss Augusta A. Taylor of this City were married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill New Haven July 3'' 1828. Pastor of the Baptist Church This may Certify that M'" Benjamin Wait and Lucy Parcells both of this City were married by me this day I3enjamin M. Hill New Haven July 6'^ 1828. Pastor of the Baptist Church This may certify that M"" John Potter and Mifs Clarissa Parke fs both of this City were married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill New Haven Aug*^ lo*^*^ 1828. Pastor of the Baptist Church This may certify that AP Staunton Pendleton of this City and Mifs Lucy Ann Stanton of Richmond Mafs were married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill New Haven Aug* 14*'': 1828. Pastor of the Baptist Church This may certify that M'" John C. Stanton of Wilmington and ]\Iiss Clarissa Story of this City were married by me this day : Benjamin M. Plill New Haven Aug' 18*'' 1828 Pastor of the Baptist Church This certifies that Daniel Sherer of Baltimore and Harriet Dawson of this City were joined in holy matrimony on the evening of Aug*^ 17"' 1828. By me T. Spicer New Haven Aug\ 19*'' 1828. INIinister of the Gospel This certifies that Sacket Moulthrop of North Haven and Charlotte Barns of Northford were Joined in marriage in New Haven by me this twenty fifth day of Sepf. 1828 Jeremiah Atwater Minister of the Gospel [68] This certifies that Allen A. Dorman and Eliza Dorman both of this City were joined together in holy Matrimony on the evening of Sepf ii*'' 1828. By me T. Spicer This certifies that Thomas C. Tuttle and Mary Ann Dorman both of this City were united in holy matrimony on the evening of September 29"' 1828. by me T. Spicer New Haven Ocf 3"^ 1828 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 513 This Certifies that I have this day married John A. Foot to Frances A. Hitchcock both of the town of Cheshire New Haven October 6^^ 1828 Joseph Whiting pastor of Congregational Church Cheshire Conn*^ This day Wilham A Hooker (Farmington) and Enieline Peck, (Bristoll) Also Lawson C. Ives and Harriet Thorp both of Bristoll were by me lawfully joined in marriage New Haven Oct^ 28*'^- 1828 Jonathan Cone V. D. M. This may certify that Stephen S. Hawley of Hamden and Amanda Potter of this City were married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill New Haven October 5^'' 1828. Pastor of the Baptist Church This may certify that M"" Henry Stow and Mifs Lydia Good- rich both of New Haven were Married by me this day. Benjamin M. Hill New Haven December i^^ 1828. Pastor of the Baptist Church [69] This may certify that Jesse Prince of Orange and Roxalla Martin of Woodbridge were joined together in Matri- mony on the 26*'' day of May 1827. By me Henry Lines Pastor of tlje Baptist Church New Haven This certifies that Erastus Strong of Branford and Sally Thompson of East Haven were joined together in matrimony on the 28"" day of May 1827. By me Henry Lines Pastor in the Baptist Church New Haven This is to certify that John Bishop and M""^. Brown both 01 this City were joined together in Matrimony on the lo'*^ day of february 1828. By me Henry Lines pastor in the Bap' Church New Haven This is to certify that Theoron Scott of Hamden and Miss Rebecca Robberts of JMeriden were joined together in matrimony on the 4'^ July 1828. by me Henry Lines Pastor in the Bap* Church New Haven This may certify that W"* Gray and Miss Betsy Brown both of this City were joined together in matrimony on the i^' of Sepf: 1828. By me Henry Lines pastor in the Bap* Church in New Haven This may certify that Hezekiah H. Gear of Middletown and Miss Sabrina Reed, of this City were united were joined to- gether in Matrimony September 28*''. 1828. By me Henry Lines Pastor in the Bap' Church New Haven This certifies that M"" Guy C. Hotchkifs and Mifs Mary Ann Punderford both of this City were united in holy Matrimony on the evening of Nov"". 26"^ 1828. by me ' T. Spicer New Haven Dec'" 2^. 1828. 33 514 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [70] This may certify that J\P Leverit Hotchkifs of Hamden and Miss Lydia Mix of North Haven were married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill New Haven Dec'. 14''' 1828. Pastor of the Baptist Church This may certify that M"". Wilham Jennings of Wihnington & Mifs Ann Main of this City were Married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill New Haven Dec*" 15'^. 1828 Pastor of the Baptist Church This certifies that David Saunderson and Sarah Tiffin were married by me Jan^ 4''' 1828. N. W. Taylor This certifies that Ezra Hitchcock and Esther Yemmons were married Oct^ 5'^ 1828 By me Nath^ W. Taylor. This may certify that M"" Samuel Woodruff and Mifs Wealthy Ann Hoadley were married by me this day. Benjamin M. Hill New Haven Decem 31*' 1828. Pastor of the i^*^ Baptist Church This may certify that AP Nelson Whitmore and Mifs Carojine Stephens were married by me this day. Benjamin M. Hill New Haven Jan^. 18*''. 1829. Pastor of the i^' Baptist Church This may certify that M"" Joseph Yemmans and Mifs Mary Lego both of this City were regularly married by me this day. Benjamin M. Hill New Haven feb''. 2.^ 1829. Pastor of the Baptist Church [71] This may certify that Egbert H. Tryon and Mifs Mary Ann Brown both of New Haven were regularly married by me this day. Benjamin M. Hill New Haven Jan^ 28*^. 1829. Pastor of the i^* Baptist Church This may certify that M"" John Woodruff of Orange and Mifs Rebecca Hoadley of this City were married by me this day. Benjamin M. Hill New Haven Feb^. 12*'' 1829. Pastor of the Baptist Church This may certify that on the evening of January 17''^ 1829 Charles P. Delavan of New Haven and Jane C. Clark of Milford were joined in holy Matrimony by me Tobias Spicer New Haven January 19*'' 1829. Minister of the Gospel This Certifies that M'" John Tilton of Philidelphia Pennsyl- vania and Ann Maria Mestager of Baltimore, Maryland were United in holy Matrimony on the 21^' day of January 1829. By me Tobias Spicer New Haven June 22^ 1829. Minister of the Gospel This may certify that M'' John Canfield and Jennett Palmer both of New Haven were regularly married by me this dav Anth'' P. Sanford New Haven feb'' 4*'' 1829. Jusf^ Peace NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 515 This certifies that George Biooth of Woodbury and Jane E. Downs of New Haven were united in holy Matrimony on the evening of feb^. 12"^. 1829. By me Tobias Spicer Minister of the Gospel • [72] This certifies that Charles Carrington and Mary Ann Bartlett both of this City were united in holy matrimony on the evening of feb^ 18"" 1829. By me Tobias Spicer Minister of the Gospel New Haven feb^. 20^^ 1829 This Certifies that Bennett Sunus of New Haven and Clarissa Judson of Woodbridge (both persons of Colour) were united in holy Matrimony on the evening of March 29"^ 1829. By me New Haven April i^' 1829. T. Spicer This may certify that M"" Alexander H. Beecher and Mifs Phebe Ward both of New Haven were regularly married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill New Haven March 15*'' 1829 Pastor of the i^*^ Baptist Church This may certify that I married Jerry Alurphy of Cork Ire- land to Maria Goodrich of this City on the 22*^ ins^ Benjamin M. Hill New Haven March 23"^ 1829 Pastor of the Baptist Church This may certify that I married John De Groot of Livingstone N. J. to Betsey Shultz of New Haven on the 22"^ inst Benjamin M. Hill New Haven March 23"^ 1829 Pastor of the Baptist Church This may certify that M'" Jefsee Ludington & Mifs Julia Ann Storey both of this City w.ere regularly married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill New Haven May 3"^. 1829 Pastor of the Baptist Church [73] Married on the 12''' June 1828. at Ne\v Haven Erastus Graves of Sunderland Mass to Lucy Starr of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector Trinity Church New Haven Con^ Married on the 24'^'^ of June 1828, in Trinity Church New Haven Isaac Plumb to Esther Rogers both of New Haven^ by me, Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con^ Married on the 29*^ June 1828. at New Haven Eneas Wolcott to Susan Ann Fuller both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con* Married on the 2^ of June, 1828 at New Haven William F. Linch of the U. S. Navy, to Virginia Shaw of New Haven by . Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con^ 5l6 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married on the 4'^'' of May i82g. at New Haven, George Stevens, of New Haven to Leonora Heartt of North Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con\ Married on the 26"" of April 1829 in Trinity Church at New Haven Hiram E. Curtiss to Matilda Rogers, both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn Married on the 16*'' of July 1828. at New Haven John K. Atwater to Charlotte Atwater, both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Connecticut [74] Married on the 23"^ of July 1828. at the house of M' Woodward in New Haven, Charles Milton Pope of Alabama [and] E Howel of Philadelphia by me Fran^ S. Hawks Afsistant Minister of Trinity Church N. Haven Married on the 17'^ of August 1828. at New Haven, James Bowen to Sarah Hubble, both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con Married on the 25'^ August 1828. at New Haven James Weems to Nancy Wiley, both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con. Married on the s^^ of October 1828, at New Haven Norman Taylor of Newtown to Susan Ann Mallett of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con*. Married on the 19*^ of Octo'ber 1828, at New Haven, George P. Munson to Mary Ann Stevens both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con\ Married on the 14'^ of September 1828, at New Haven, D"". Justus Sherwood of Mill River to Henrietta J. Butler of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Connecticut Married on the 19*'' of October 1828 at New Haven Alanson Bryan of Oxford to Rhoda Curtiss of Guilford, both residing in New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con [75] Married on the thirtieth of October 1828 at Hamden Plains, Henry Gunn to Susan Hill both of Hamden Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Connecticut Married on the 2^ of November 1828, at New Haven Nathaniel Downs to Hannah Thompson Anderson both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 517 Married, on the 16*^ of December 1828, in Trinity Church, New Haven Rev^ Francis S. Hawks afsistant minister of said Church to Olivia Hunt of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con. Married on the 22.^ of January 1829, at New Taven, Samuel Lloyd to Marietta Bacon Perry both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con Married on the 8'^ february 1829 in Trinity Church New Haven, John Beecher to Jennett Thompson both of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con. Married on the 22*^ of March 1829,, at New Haven, Stephen D. Pardee, to Jane C. Stevens both of New Haven Con by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Con. This certifies that Lyman Ives and Jane Gorham of New Haven were married May 26^*^ 1829, by me, Nath'^ W. Taylor [76] New Haven June 14*^ 1829. Alfred Howarth and Elizabeth Bartlett were married by me James Youngs This may certify that Norman Coley of Glastenbury & Francis Bristol of New Haven were regularly married by me on the 31** day of May Benjamin M. Hill New Haven June 2.^. 1829 Pastor of the Baptist Church This may certify that M"" James Eaton and Mifs Huldah John- son both of New Haven were regularly married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill New Haven June 29*'' 1829 Pastor of the Baptist Church This may certify that Norman Coley of Glastenbury & Francis Leffingwell were married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill New Haven July 4*'' 1829 Pastor of the Baptist Church William Gillett of Derby and Amy R. Johnson of Oxford were married by me on the 25*^^ of April 1829. Eli Barnett Elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church This may certify that M^. Nelson Bradley of North *-Haven and Mifs Laury Eells of Millford were regularly married by me this day Benjamin W. Hill Pastor of the Baptist Church New Haven August Sixteenth 1829. [77] This may certify that Julius Tyler and Delia Ventris were regularly married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill New Haven Sepf. 14*^ 1829 Pastor of the Baptist Church This may certify that M"" Elias Sperry and Miss Polly Bidwell both of this City were regularly married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill Pastor New Haven Sep^"" 17*''. 1829 of the Baptist Church 5i8 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS This may certify that William Taylor and Elizabeth Ann Clark both of this City were married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill Pastor New Haven Sepf. 21^*. 1829. of the Baptist Church. This may certify that Edward Dickerman and Laura Hotch- kiss both of Hamden were married by me this day. Benjamin M. Hill New Haven Sepf. 27'^. 1829. Pastor of the Baptist Church This certifies that on the second day of September 1829, M' Aaron Summers and Miss Anne Maria Winton both of Bridge- port were joined in marriage by me Stephen W. Stebbins Clerk New Haven October 13'^ 1829. This certifies that on the S^^ of Ocf. instant Philemon Blakesley of North Haven was married by the subscriber in this City to Sally Jones of Northford Society (Branford) Jeremiah Atwater V. D. M. This certifies that Timothy Bradley Jun"" of Branford and Grace Ann Barker of New Haven were married by me on 4*'' of October 1829. Nath'. W. Taylor [78] This certifies that Garret Myres and Amelia Darling both of New Haven Con^ were joined in holy matrimony August 23"^. 1829. by me James Youngs minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven This certifies that Lewis Woodburn of Albany New York and Frances T. Youngs of New Haven Conn, were joined in holy matrimony Sepf y^^ 1829 by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven This certifies that James Williams and Delia Roberson both of New Haven were joined in holy matrimony Sepf. 5"^ 1829. by me James Youngs Minister of the Metho- dist E. Church in New Haven This certifies that Alfred Daggett of New Haven Conn and Laura Gilbert of New Haven Conn were United in holy matri- mony on the 25'*' of Nov"". 1829, by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist Church in New Haven This certifies that Benjamin Warner of New Haven Conn and Emeline Atwater of New Haven Conn were united in holy matri- mony November 29^^^ 1829, by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven • This certifies that John H. Gorham and Sarah E. Smith both of New Haven Conn were joined in holy matrimony November i*' 1829. by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 519 [79] New Haven December 25**^ 1829. This certifies that Zopher Blakesley and Sarah Brackett both of North Haven were this day joined in marriage in this place by Jer*^ Atwater Jun'". Minister of the Gospel Married May 19"' 1829. Samuel Savage of Charleston, S. C. to Dorcas Oson of New Haven, people of Colour. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn, Married New Haven May 20"^ 1829. Henry Bacon of Litch- field to Sarah Edwards of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn, Married New Haven June 21^' 1829. Park Brown of South- bury to Sally Buck of New Haven by me. Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn, Married New Haven July 5"^ 1829. James Lansing of Lansing- burgh N. Y. to Frances C. Trowbridge of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn Married New Haven July 19''' 1829. John Riley to Bridget Megur both resident in New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn, Married New Haven July 26'*^ 1829. George Burbank of Enfield to Martha Jane Hopkinson of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn, [80] This may certify that Luzerne Durand of Hamden and Julia Turner of this City were married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill Pastor New Haven Dec"" 30'" 1829. of the Baptist Church This may certify that Amos Warner of this City and Adah W. Austin of Hamden were married by me this day By me Benjamin M. Hill Pastor New Haven Dec"". 31^'. 1819 of the Baptist Church This may Certify that William Davis and Minerva Jones both of this City were married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill Minister New Haven Jan^ 10'^. 1830 of the Baptist Church This may certify that George Foster and Sophia Karr both of New Haven were married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill Minister New Haven Jan^. 17'''. 1830. of the Baptist Church Married New Haven January 12''* 1830. Albert Converse to Maria Yale both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn* This certifies that John C. Hayden and Caroline Green both of New Haven Conn were joined in holy matrimony Feb 7'^ 1830 by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church New Haven Conn 520 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS This certifies that Curtis Prince and Hannah West both of Milford, Conn, were joined in holy matrimony March ii^'' 1830 by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven Conn. [81] This Certifies that James Read and Frances Bartholo- mew both of New Haven Conn were joined in holy matrimony April ii'*" 1830. by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church New Haven Conn This certifies that I Married John Ingersoll to Catharine Jennings Persons of color both of this City on the lo'*" of Sepf. 1829. Simeon S. Jocelyn This certifies that I married John Prince of this City to Maria Borling of Norwalk on 30*'' September 1829. Simeon S Jocelyn Minister of the United Affrican Society This certifies that I married Thomas Williams to Eliza Free- man persons of color both of this City, on the 14'^ of October 1829. Simeon S Jocelyn Minister of the United African Society This certifies that I married Ira Bostwick to Sylvia A. E. Dowry persons of color both of this City, on the 31^^ of Ocf. 1829. Simeon S Jocelyn Minister of the United African Society This certifies that I married Francis Russell to Antha Sunuy persons of color, both of this City, on the 21^^ of March 1830. Simeon S Jocelyn Minister of the United African Society This certifies that I married William Johnson to Jane Free- man, persons of color both of this City on the 31^' of March 1830. Simeon S. Jocelyn [82] This may certify that John Green and Ann Newman both of this City were married by me this day Benjamin M. Hill Minister in the Baptist Church New Haven Feb". 2i«' 1830. This may certify that Thomas Macumber and Assenath Mason both of New Haven were joined in Marriage by me May 6'^ 1830. Anth^. P. Sanford Justice of the Peace New Haven July 19'^ 1830. I certify that on the 18"^ ins*. I solemnized a marriage betv^een Jacob Cones of this City and Harriet Morse of Orange John Pratt Pastor of the Baptist Church & Society in New Haven. New Haven August 22* 1830. The Subscriber Pastor of the Baptist Church in this City married John M. Somers to Mary Wedmore. John Pratt. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 521 New Haven September 15*^ 1830. I hereby certify that on Wednesday the 15*^ Day of Sep"" 1830. I solemnized the right of Matrimony between William Francis Henrietta & Elizabeth Carrington, of the Town of Derby, and State of Connecticut. John S. Stone Associate Rector of Trinity Church New Haven I do hereby certify that on Tuesday September 19*^^ 1830, I solemnized the rite of Matrimony between James Kein and Laura Brown both of New Haven in the State of Connecticut Chauncey A. Goodrich, V. D. M. [83] This certifies that Elias Warner of Hamden Con, and .Nancy Short of Derby Con were joined in holy matrimony July 4^^^ 1830 by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church New Haven Con. This certifies that Leonard Atwater and Rosalia Blakesley both of New Haven Conn were joined in holy matrimony August 22** 1830. By me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church in New Haven This certifies that Nathaniel Pirkins of Boston Massachusetts and Mary J. Cook of New Haven Conn were joined in holy matrimony October 24*^^ 1830 by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven This certifies that Lewis Nell of New London Conn and Ann Frisbee of New Haven Conn were joined in holy Matrimony October 27"^ 1830. by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven Married, New Haven March 8''' 1830. Henry Monson to Alvira Botsford both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Married March 10'^ 1830. Charles C. Clinton to Maria Barnett both of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn Married New Haven April 18'^ 1830. Elias Potter of Hamden to Sally F. Curtis of Orange By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn, [84] Married, New Haven May 12"". 1830 Edward Dickenson to Rebecca Davis both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn, Married New Haven May 26'^ 1830. Elizur Thompson to Elizabeth M. Bradley both of East Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Married, New Haven June g^^ 1830. Rev<^ W" T Potter of New Haven, to Henrietta R. Hamilton of South Caroline. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. 522 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married, New Haven August 19^^ 1830. Clement Beers to Eunice Louisa Scarritt both of New Haven By nie Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Married New Haven October 10''^ 1830. John B. Robinson of Charleston, S. C. to Mary W. Denison of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Married New Haven October 13''' 1830. Thomas Ward of New Haven to Mabel Richard of Orange By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. On the 8^^ ins^ I married Adonijah T. Parrot to Louisa M. Stephens. John Pratt Pastor of the Baptist Church New Haven Nov"" 9*''. 1830. On the 25''' 1830, Tyler Bronson & Rebecca Welton both of Waterbury were Married by me in New Haven. John M. Garfield Rector of Grace Church Hamden [85] This certifies that I married Josephus Silliman of Phila- delphia to Anna G. Bartis of this City, persons of colour on the 28'^ of September last Simeon S. Jocelyn Minister to New Haven Ocf. 26^'' 1830. the African United Society This certifies that I married Rev*^. Jehiel C. Bemun of Middle- town to Nancy Scott persons of colour of this City on the 17^^ ins^ Simeon S. Jocelyn Minister to the New Haven Ocf. 26*^^ 1830. African United Society This certifies that I married Bela Bunnell of Fair Haven to Miss Emily Jacobs of North Haven on the 7**^ ins*. Simeon S. Jocelyn Minister New Haven December 23*^. 1830 of the Affrican United Society This certifies that I married M"" Alexander Luca to Miss Luzetta Lewis (persons of Colour) on the 21" ins' New Haven Dec"". 23^*. 1830 Simeon S. Jocelyn minister to the United African Society. This certifies that John E Beers and Abigail T. Potter both of New Haven Conn were joined in holy matrimony Nov"", 14*'' 1820. by me James Young Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven Conn This certifies that Mason C. Shepard of Hartford Conn and Sarah A. Hine of Mil ford Con were joined in holy matrimony Nov"". 25'^ 1830. by me New Haven Nov^ 26*'' 1830 James Young minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven [86] This certifies that Marcus Plumb and Julia Ann Pardee both of New Haven Conn were joined in holy matrimony Decem'" 7'-^ 1830, by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven Conn NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 523 This certifies that John G. Phelps of M'^Intosh County Georgia and Elizabeth E. Baldwin of New Haven Conn were Joined in holy matrimony Dec'' 12'^ 1830. by me James Youngs minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven Conn This certifies that ]\Iack Ball and Laura L. Colburn both of New Haven Conn were joined in holy Matrimony Dec*". 23'^. 1830, by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven Conn This certifies that Thomas Hull of Orange Connecticut, and Mar}' Ann Mason formerly of Barbadoes were joined in holy Matrimony Dec"". 27'^ 1830, by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven Conn This certifies that Ira B. Blakeman of Bridgeport and Anne Butler of Branford were joined in marriage in New Haven on the 29''' day of Dec. 1830. by the Subscriber New Haven Dec"" 30'^ 1830 C. A. Boardman Pastor of the 3'^ Congregatio' Church in New Haven New Haven Jan^' 6'^ 1831. The Subscriber as Minister of the Gospel Married Rice Hotch- kifs to Fanny Duncan John Pratt [87] New Haven January 29'^ 183 1. I hereby certify that on the first of November one thousand eight hundred and thirty I solemnized the rite of Matrimony between George Bradley and Esther Sabins both of this City. John S. Stone Associate Rector of Trinity Church N. Haven New Haven Jan'' 29*^ 1831. I hereby certify that on the sixth day of Nov"". 1830, I solemnized the rite of matrimony between Nathan Smith Jun'". & Cornelia Bishop, both of this City John S. Stone associate Rector of Trinity Church New Haven New Haven January 29^^ 183 1. I hereby certify that on the 19'^^ of October 1830, I solemnized the rite of Matrimony between John Millar & Lavinia Smith both of this City. John Stone Associate Rector of Trinity Church New Haven I hereby certify that on the 6*'' day of March 1831. I solemnized the rite of Matrimony between between Cunningham and Sarah Butler both of the City of New Haven Anth^ P. Sanford Justice of Peace This certifies that the Rev'^. Nathaniel Kellogg of the Hamanif- sic Mission and Jennett E. Thompson of New Haven Conn were joined in holy matrimony March 24^^ 183 1. by me James Young Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven Conn 524 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS This certifies that Enoch L. Smith and Elizabeth Gilbert both of New Haven Conn were joined in holy mattrrimony March 27^*" 183 1. James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven Conn [88] This certifies that Levi Judson and Zilpha Harrison both of New Haven Conn were joined in holy matrimony Jan^ 26"^ 183 1, by me James Youngs Minister of the Alethodist E. Church in New Haven Conn. I certify that Henry N. Quiner and Charlotte W. Tucker were lawfully joined in marriage at New Haven April 2^. 1831. Attest Elisha Cushman I certify that Truman Castle and Mable Norton were lawfully joined in marriage at New Haven April 3*^. 183 1. Attest Elisha Cushman I certify that Samuel L. Johnson and Eliza Ann Tuttle were lawfully joined in marriage at New Haven April i/*"^ 183 1 Attest Elisha Cushman This certifies that Philander Cathcart of Providence Rhode Island and Lucinda Shelley of Guilford Conn', were joined in holy matrimony April 10''' 1831. by me, James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven Conn*. This certifies that Sylvester Colburn of New Haven Conn' and Elizabeth Hull Orange Conn^ were joined in holy matri- mony April 25'*^ 1 83 1, by me James Youngs Minister of the Methodist E. Church in New Haven Conn'. This certifies that, Ira Merwin & Elizabeth Taylor both of New Haven were united in marriage on the lo*"^ May 183 1 by the subscriber C. A. Boardman Pastor of the 3'^ Cong^ Chch New Haven New Haven May 11''' 1831. [89] This certifies that George Jones and Lucy Cooper both of New Haven were joined in marriage on the 14"^ May 1831. by the subscriber C. A. Boardman Pastor of the 3'^ Cong'^' Chch New Haven New Haven May 14'^. 1831. I certify that M"" Justin Pierce and Miss Urania Sturges were before me lawfully joined in marriage May 26*''. 1831. Attest Elisha Cushman This certifies that M"". Reuben Barnes and Miss Eliza Plubbell were joined in marriage by me in this City (New Haven) on the 19''' day of May A. D. 183 1 Laban C. Cheney Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Charles Williams of Newburgh and Lucy Tomlinson of New Haven were joined in Marriage on the iS^'' NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 525 day of April 1831. by me C. A. Boardman Pastor of New Haven 3"^ May 183 1 the 3*^ Congrega*^^' Chch N Haven This certifies that Shubael E. Gains of Hartford and Mary Ann Hempsted were joined in marriage on the 3'^ day of May 183 1, by the subscriber C. A. Boardman Pastor of the New Haven May 3*^ 1831 3*^ Cong" Chch N. Haven On the 12'^ day of May 1831. John Boyd, Esq'", and Emily Beers were joined in marriage by me Stephen W. Stebbins Clerk I certify that M"" Major Moulthrop & Mifs Emily L. Brown were before me lawfully joined in Marriage June 19''^ 183 1. Attest Elisha Cushman [90] I certify that William M'^Neal and Betsy Page were before me lawfully joined in Marriage at New Haven July 4'^ 183 1, Attest Elisha Cushman This certifies that Henry Pamerlee and Wealthy Ann Dunning both of this City were joined in marriage on the 26''' June 1831. By me C. A. Boardman Pastor of the 3^ Congregation' Chch N. Haven New Haven 27*^ June 183 1. Married, New Haven June i^' 1831. Baxter Mason of New Haven (Conn) and Eliza Ann Meadows of New Haven Conn. By me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New JIaven July 3*^ 183 1. John Plempsted of New Haven Conn to Carroline Mix of New Haven Conn, By me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New Haven July 3*^ 183 1, Alva Dorman of Hamden Conn^. to Harriett Carrington of Maddison (Conn) By me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church This certifies that Walter Shepherd of Hartford and Harriet Franklin of New Haven were legally joined in marriage on the 14^^ day of August 183 1. by the Subscriber New Haven August 15'^ 1831 Ch. A. Boardman Pastor of 3^ Cong. Chch. N. Haven [91] Married New Haven July 12"" 1831. Isaac H. Scott of New Haven to Harriet Wade of New Haven By me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church I hereby certify that M"" John N. Braddock and Miss Sarah J. Fuller were before me lawfully joined in marriaee August 21^' 183 1 Attest Elisha Cushman 526 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS I hereby certify that George B. Rich and Catharine E. Brown were before me lawfully joined in marriage August 29''^ 1831. Attest Elisha Cushnian I hereby certify that M^ Joel Hosford and M''^ Sarah Brown were by me lawfully joined in Marriage Sepf. 4''' 1831. Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that M"" George Thompson and Miss Haimah Beers were by me lawfuly joined in marriage Sepf. ii^'' 1831. Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Jacob Gould and Jacob C. Candee were before me lawfuly joined in Marriage October i^' 1831, Elisha Cushman Married New Haven September 25"^ 1831 William Phillips of Woodbury to Lydia Williams, of Colchester by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married, New Haven September 2^^^ 1831. Samuel Scott of New Jersey to Betsy -Davis of Fair Haven by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church [92] Married New Haven September 28"* 1831. M"" Charles P. Hubbell of Charleston, S. C. and Mifs Martha M. Morton of New Haven Conn by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church I hereby certify that Jervis P. Bume and Emma E. Woodin were by me lawfully joined in Marriage October 2^. 183 1 Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that M"" Hervey Clark and Miss Jane Andrew were by me lawfully joined in marriage October 19^'' 1831. Attest Elisha Cushman New Haven Conn April 26*^^ 1831 I hereby certify that Wil- liam Northedge and Maria Atwater of New Haven were married by me Rev. J. N. Moffitt Revivalist New Haven August 16'*^ 1826. joined in Marriage William C. Hall (Wallingford) Lucinda Allen (Woodbridge) Samuel Merwin New Haven August 30^^ 1826 joined in marriage John T. Hull and Louisa Ailing of Orange. Samuel Merwin New Haven November 5'*^ 1826 Joined in Marriage Reuben Skinner (Granville, N. Y.) & M". Clarissa Hotchkiss Samuel ^Nlerwin New Haven Nov"". 16*^ 1826, joined in marriage James Steven- son N. Y. & Sarah Olivia Pardee (Orange) Samuel ISIerwin New Haven Nov^ 19'^^ 1826. joined in Marriage Israel Baldwin (Branford) & M" Elizabeth Gorhani Samuel Merwin NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 527 New Haven Nov"". 22^ 1826, joined in ]Marriage Jesse Ball & Louisa Goodsell. Samuel Alerwin [93] New Haven Nov"". 22*^ 1826. Joined in Marriage Daniel Merrills and Sophronia Hotchkifs Samuel Merwm New Haven November 29"' 1826 joined in Marriage Lucius Stanes & Elizabeth Ward (Orange) Samuel Merwin New Haven Dec'" i^*^ 1826. joined in Marriage Miles Hotchkiss Jun' and Eliza D. Cadwell. Samuel Merwin New Haven feb^ i^'^ 1827, joined in Marriage James Webster Hale (Boston) & Elmira Howe Davenport. Samuel Merwin New Haven Feb^. 4*^^. 1827. joined in Marriage Lewis Sperry and Fanny M. Hoadly Branford. Samuel Merwin New Haven February 18'^ 1827. joined in Marriage Lucius Maltby & Sarah T. Parks (East Haven) Samuel Merwin New Haven April i^^^ 1827 Joined in Marriage John Piatt Ailing & Susanna Howel Munson. Samuel Merwin New Haven May lo''^ 1827. joined in Marriage Henry Love and Sarah Hicks Samuel Merwin New Haven May 2^ 1827 Joined in Marriage Orson Osborn (Mendon Ontario County, N. Y.) & Alaria Gilbert (Hamden) Samuel j\Ierwin New Haven June 10*'' 1827. joined in Marriage Noble L. Catlin (Albany) & Philomela Edwards (Watertown) Samuel Merwin [94] New Haven June 13''' 1827 joined in marriage Albert Davis & Sophia Aggett Samuel Merwin New Haven June 22*^ 1827. joined in Marriage Abijah Frisbee (N.Y.) & M'■^ ^lary Atwater Branford Samuel Alerwin New Haven July 5"^ 1827. joined in Marriage Nathan Butrick (Orange) & Nancy Foote (Milford) Samuel Merwin New Haven August 8^'^ 1827. joined in Marriage Noah Wooden and Abigail Cooke Samuel Merwin New Haven August 26^^ 1827. joined in Marriage Noyes Clark & Mary A. Clark (Woodbridge) Samuel Merwin New Haven Sepf. 2^. 1827. joined in Marriage Horatio Phelps Prince & Emeline Bradley (East Haven) Samuel Merwin New Haven September 11^'' 1827. joined in marriage John Ball (Orange) & Minerva Bassett, Hamden, Samuel Merwin New Haven September 30'^ 1827. joined in Marriage Robert Covert & M". Rebecca Hewens Samuel Merwin New Haven October 4*'' 1827 joined in Alarriage Hervey Ailing and Mary Hull, (Orange) Samuel IMerwin New Haven October 8'^^ 1827, joined in marriage Horace Mix & Catharine Aggett Samuel Merwin 528 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [95] New Haven October 14"^ 1827 joined in Marriage Stephen Rowe (East Haven) and Charlotte Tuttle Samuel Merwin New Haven October 15'^ 1827. joined in marriage William Landcraft and Amanda Frost (North Haven) Samuel Alerwin New Haven October 15''^ 1827. joined in Marriage David H. Carr & Jane Maria Lines Samuel INlerwin New Haven Oct'' 16'" 1827 joined in Alarriage John Merri- man & Jane E. Daggett Samuel Merwin New Haven November 19"^ 1827 joined in marriage Atwater Treat & Betsey M. Beecher Samuel Merwin New Haven Nov"". 25*'^ 1827 joined in Marriage Henry Bracket (North Haven) & Jane Bradley (East Haven) Samuel jNIerwin New Haven Dec"" 2'^ 1827 joined in Marriage Rufsell Leek (Hamden) & Nancy Beecher (Woodbridge) Samuel Merwin New Haven Dec"" 25'^ 1827. joined in Marriage Mileden Isbel (Woodbury) & Sarah M. Tuttle Samuel iMerwin 1828. New Haven Feb^ 3'"'^ 1828. joined in Marriage Benjamin Haskill (Providence) & Charity Vanscoit Samuel Merwin [96] New Haven February 7"" 1828 joined in Marriage Isaac Moulthrop (East Haven) & M"-^ Bethiah Mallory Samuel Merwin New Haven February 13'^^ 1828 joined in Marriage Phineas Beers & Hannah Bostwick Samuel Merwin New Haven February 21*'^ 1828 joined in Marriage Charles H. Dougal & Grace M. Ball Samuel Merwin New Haven February 26'^ 1828 joined in Marriage Laban S. Beecher & Frances A. Lines Samuel Merwin New Haven March 9"" 1828 joined in Marriage Miles Sperry jun"". & Emeline Sperry. Samuel Merwin New Haven March 16"^ 1828 joined in Marriage Henry Ward & Rebecca Johnson (Orange) Samuel Merwin New Haven May y^^ 1828 joined in Marriage George Warner (Bristol) & Julia Riggs Sarnuel Merwin New Haven May ii"'. 1828 joined in Marriage George Fitch & Susan Denslow Samuel Merwin New Haven May 11'^'' 1828 joined in Marriage George W. Hotchkifs & Julia E. Gilbert Samuel Merwin New Haven May 21^'. 1828 joined in Marriage William At- water & Eliza Ford (Hamden) Samuel Merwin [97] New Haven May 25'*^ 1828 joined in Marriage Henry Austin & Harriett M Hooker Samuel Merwin NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 529 New Haven May 25"^'' 1828 joined in Marriage Charles B. Whittlesey & Jane B. Mulford Samuel Merwin New Haven June 2"*^ 1828 joined in Marriage Chauncy Pom- eroy (Amherst Mafs) & Mary Ives (East Haven) Samuel Merwin New Haven June 4"' 1828 joined in marriage David B. Kingsley (Becket Mafs) & Julia B. Fitch Samuel Merwin New Haven June 9'" 1828 joined in Marriage George A. Smith (Hartford) & Mary Slate (Manchester) Samuel Merwin New Haven July ly^^ 1828, joined in Marriage George Munger & Mary Merwin (Orange) Samuel Merwin New Haven July 22,^^ 1828 joined in Marriage Henry Wooster ( Humphrey sville) & Harriet Riggs Samuel Merwin New Haven July 23'''* 1828, joined in Marriage John H. John- stone & Betsey Ann Butler Samuel Merwin New Haven July 27''' 1828 joined in Marriage Enos B. M. Hughes & Louisa H. Bishop Samuel Merwin New Haven August 17"' 1828. joined in Marriage Moses Chandler jun"" (Elizabethtown, N. J.) & Betsey Kennedy Samuel Merwin [98] New Haven August 18''' 1828 joined in Marriage Charles T. Shepherd & Louisa M. Beach Samuel Merwin. New Haven August 28"" 1828 joined in Marriage Samuel H. Hine (Woodbridge) & Mary Ball Samuel Merwin. New Haven September 7'*^ 1828 joined in Marriage Elisha Abernethy (Waterbury) & Charlotte M. Huggins Samuel Merwin New Haven September 21^' 1828 joined in Marriage James N. Cole (Providence) & Harriett Brown Samuel Merwin New Haven September 30''' 1828. joined in Marriage T. C. Landon (Rochester N. Y.) & Hannah Beers Samuel Merwin New Haven October (f°- 1828 joined in Marriage Charles B. Isbel & Harriet Woodruff (at Orange) Samuel Merwin New Haven October 19'^ 1828 joined in Marriage Luther Potter (Hamden) & Elizabeth Smith Samuel Merwin New Haven October 19*^ 1828 joined in Marriage Eliada Rowe & M" Elizabeth Broughton (East Haven) New Haven November 18"" 1828. joined in Marriage Davis Clark & Atlanta Hotchkifs Samuel Merwin New Haven November 25'^ 1828 joined in Marriage Miles Tuttle & Mehitabel Howel. Samuel Merwin [gg] New Haven November 27*^ 1828 joined in Marriage Austin Dickerman (Hamden) & Abigail Burwell Samuel Merwin 34 530 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS New Haven December 7"' 1828 joined in Marriage William B. Penfield & Jane Beecher Samuel Merwin 1829 New Haven January 10'^ 1829. joined in Marriage Nehemiah Bradley & Rachel Ford (Hamden) Samuel Merwin New Haven January 18'" 1829 joined in Marriage Thomas D, Vorce & Caroline Beecher Samuel Merwin New Haven January 18"" 1829. joined in Marriage Charles B. Lines & Maria Wooding Samuel Merwin New_ Haven January 18"" i829._joined in Marriage Smith Tuttle & M""" Amarylla Gillett Samuel Merwin New Haven January 25^*" 1829 joined in Marriage Henry E. Sanger & Grace E. Hawley (Hamden) Samuel Merwin New Haven March 8"" 1829 joined in Marriage Harlow L. Street (Cincinnati Ohio) & Mary Sumner Samuel Merwin New Haven April 26'^ 1829 joined in Marriage S. Porter Rhodes (Skeneateles N. Y.) & Lucy A. Beach Samuel Merwin New Haven April 29''' 1829 joined in Marriage Nathan B. Ives & Sarah G. Badger. (Philadelphia) Samuel Merwin [100] New Haven June 18''' 1829 joined in Marriage Samuel J. Bacton (Woodbridge) & Catharine Munson Samuel Merwin New Haven June 21^' 1829 joined in Marriage Orin Fields (Cheshire) & Olive Todd (East Haven) Samuel Merwin New Haven August 30*'' 1829 joined in Marriage Norvill Williams (Tolland) & Phebe Alley Samuel Merwin New Haven September i^' 1829 joined in Marriage Peter Anderson Cowdrey (N. Y.) & Maria Burritt Samuel Merwin New Haven September 3^ 1829 joined in Marriage Alfred N. Hough (Remsen N. Y.) & Ann M. Way Samuel Merwin New Haven September 6'*^ 1829 joined in Marriage George Goodsell (Bridgeport) & Harriett Hotchkifs (Hamden) Samuel Merwin New Haven September ij^^ 1829 joined in Marriage Asa D. Howard (Tolland) & Margaret A. Robinson (Durham) Samuel Merwin New Haven September 20''' 1829 joined in Marriage Charles W. M. Buckley (East Windsor) & Betsey Johnson Samuel Merwin New Haven September 23*^ 1829 joined in Marriage Lewis Todd & Charlotte Bradly (Hamden) Samuel Merwin [loi] New Haven October 20^*^ 1829 joined in Marriage Lewis Xavier Huger (Mobile Alabama) & Mary Huggins Bishop Samuel Merwin NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 531 New Haven October 22''. 1829 joined in Marriage Edwin Lockwood (Norwalk) & Emily Ives (Hamden) Samuel Merwin New Haven November 17'*^ 1829 joined in Marriage John Ellsworth (Torringford) & M". Ruth Ailing. Samuel Merwin New Haven January 7'^ 1830 joined in Marriage Henry White & Martha Sherman. Samuel Merwin New Haven January 27^^ 1830 joined in Marriage John Riggs (Woodbridge) & Maria Pardee (Orange) Samuel Merwin New Haven Feb^ i^'^^ 1830 joined in Marriage Henry Smith (N. Y.) & Sarah Bostwick Samuel Merwin New Haven Feb^'. 28"^ 1830 joined in Marriage James Law & Adeline Butler (people of colour) Samuel Merwin New Haven March 16'^ 1830 joined in Marriage David L. Bunnell & Wealthy A. Potter Samuel Merwin New Haven April 4*'^. 1830. joined in Marriage Aaron B. Dickerman (Hamden) & Catharine Allen (Wallingford) Samuel Merwin New Haven April 4*^ 1830 joined in Marriage Benjamin Thompson & M""^ Harriet Brigden Samuel Merwin [102] New Haven April y^^ 1830 joined in Marriage James M. Mitchell (Maine) & Harriett Sanford Samuel Merwin New Haven xA-pril 13^^ 1830 joined in Marriage (at Norwalk) John Cameron & Rachel Baker Samuel Merwin New Haven April 15'^ 1830 joined in Marriage Joel Ives & Jennett Bradley. Samuel Merwin New Haven April 18'^ 1830 joined in Marriage Miles Sperry Jun"". & Sarah Johnson. Samuel Merwin New Haven April 25^*^ 1830. joined in Marriage Lucius K. Dow & Julia Ann Townsend Samuel Merwin New Haven April 28*^ 1830 joined in Marriage, Obadiah H. Pease & Mary Brewster Samuel Merwin New Haven June 14*"^. 1830 joined in Marriage (at West Haven Orange) Howard Smith & Lucena D. Smith Samuel Merwin New Haven July 11'^ 1830 joined in Marriage Voleny Pierce (Perce Mafs) & Charlotte Goodsel. Samuel Merwin New Haven August 15*^ 1830 joined in Marriage Charles Meek & Maria Leffingwell Samuel Merwin New Haven Aug^ 29*'' 1830 joined in Marriage George E. Thompson & Wealhy Ann Barnes Samuel Alerwin [103] New Haven Sepf I5''^..i830 joined in Marriage Samuel Lindsley & Sarah M Ames Samuel Merwin 532 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS New Haven September 19'^ 1830 joined in Marriage Hilaire Bayard & M" Esther Of born Samuel Merwin New Haven Sepf 19'^ 1830 joined in Marriage Johua Atwater & Dorcas Bronson Samuel Merwin New Haven Sept 22^ 1830 joined in Marriage Horace Land- fear & Esther Sanford Samuel Merwin New Haven Ocf 10^^ 1830 joined in Marriage Dennes Barnes & Henrietta Farren. Samuel Merwin New Haven Nov"" 2^ 1830 Joined in Marriage Charles B. Grannifs & Adeline Hotchkifs Samuel Merwin New Haven Nov'" 2^ 1830 joined in Marriage Isaac S. Perkins (Woodb ridge) & Sarah M. Barnes Samuel Merwin New Haven Nov"" 16'''. 1830 joined in Marriage Evelyn Ball & Hannah Barnes Samuel Merwin New Haven Nov"" 25"" 1830 joined in Marriage Miles P. Barber & Mary E. Kimberly Samuel Merwin New Haven Nov"" 28'^ 1830 joined in Marriage Giles R. Hallam Gunn (Stonington) & Betsy Storer Samuel Merwin [104] New Haven Dec"" 14^''. 1830 joined in Marriage Isaac S. Twitchel, & Charolette M. Benham. Samuel Merwin 183 1 New Haven Jan'' lo"" 183 1 joined in Marriage Ezra Austin & Jennett Jones (Hamden) Samuel Merwin New Haven Jan^ 18''' 183 1 Joined in Marriage Benjamin English & Frances M. Lines. Samuel Merwin New Haven Febr^'. 2^. 183 1 joined in Marriage Miner L. Ray & Julia Ann Smith, Samuel Merwin New Haven Feb'' 13'^. 1831 joined in Marriage Albert L Bab- cock & M'■^ Annis M. Rigby (Waterbury) Samuel Merwin New Haven Feb^ 20^'^ 1831 John L. Hull (Killingworth) & Sarah Stent Samuel Merwin New Haven March 6'^ 183 1 joined in Marriage Timothy Dwight 2"^ & Hannah A. Prescott Samuel Merwin New Haven April 4*'' 1831 joined in Marriage Zimri H. Ward & Maria S. Duntze Samuel Merwin New Haven April 11''' 1831 joined in Marriage Henry A. Murray & Clarifsa Hotchkifs. Samuel Merwin New Haven May i^' 1831 joined in Marriage John C. Palmer (East Haven) & Mary Ann Hoadley Samuel Merwin [105] New Haven June i*' 1831 joined in Marriage Henry G. Blakesley (N. Y.) & Ann Thompson. Samuel Merwin New Haven July 3** 1831 joined in Marriage Christopher B. Casey & Elizabeth A Warner (Waterbury) Samuel Merwin NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 533 New Haven July 6'*^. 1831 joined in Marriage Sherman John- son & Louisa Thompson (Orange) Samuel Merwin I hereby certify that Curtis A Squire and Mary A. Salter were by me lawfully joined in marriage November 13'^ 1831 Elisha Cushman Willis Mallary and Betsey Rowe of Fair Haven were married by me January 30^'' 1831. John Mitchell Pastor of the Church at Fair Haven Charles Seeley & Almira D. Thompson of the Village of Fair Haven were married by me May i^^^ 1832 John Mitchll Pastor of the Church at Fair Haven Charles Wedmore and Esther Kingsbury of Fair Haven were married by me Sepf 25*'' 183 1. John Mitchell Pastor of the Church at Fair Haven Evelyn P. Goodsell and Harriett E. Talmadge of the Village of Fair Haven were married by me Oct 2*^. 1831 J. Mitchell Pastor of the Church Fair Haven [106] John Turner & Mary Holt of Fair Haven, were mar- ried by me Oct"". 23^. 183 1. J. Mitchell Pastor of the Church at Fair Haven Dan Smith and Julia Barnes of the Village of Fair Haven, were married by me Ocf 31^* 1831. John Mitchell Pastor of the Church Fair Haven This certifies that Charles A. Nettleton of Milford & Eliza Bishop of East Haven, were lawfully married at New Haven on the 25"^ Ocf. 1 83 1 by the subscriber C. A. Boardman New Haven Oct 26 1831 Pastor of 3*^ Cong. Chch New Haven Married New Haven Ocf 26^^ 183 1. Thomas S. Pratt of Saybrook State of Connecticut to Mary Lintergreen of New Haven State of Connecticut By me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church I hereby certify that Curtis A. Squire and Mary A. Stalker, were by me lawfully joined in Marriage, Nov I3*\ 1831. Attest Elisha Cushman Married New Haven Nov"". 13*^^ 183 1 : Charles L. Butler of New Haven Conn, to Sarah M. Bradley of New Haven Conn. By me Noah Levings Minister of the gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New Haven Nov"". 24*^. 1831, George W. Atwater of New Haven, Conn, to Emeline Dorman of New Haven Conn*. By me Noah Levings Minister of the gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church 534 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [107] Married New Haven. Nov"" 24}^ 1831. Lewis Dorman of Hamden, Conn, and Hannah Crampton of Madison, Conn^ By me Noah Levings Minister of the gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church This certifies that Lester Keep and Harriet E. Hotchkifs of this City were married by me on the 4'^ September 1831 New Haven 5'" Sepf. 1831 N. W. Taylor I certify that M^ Orrin Gully and Miss Grace Jacobs were by me lawfully joined in marriage December 7"^ 1831. Attest Elisha Cushman This may certify that on the 20^'' day of December 1831, S. Leonard Pitkin & ]\Iaria Ann Lewis were joined in marriage by me Stephen W. Stebbins Clerk This certifies that Otis Newton of Hartford and Nancy L. Hine of New Haven were lawfully joined in marriage on the 24^^ of Nov'', 1 83 1, by C. A. Boardman Pastor New Haven Nov"". 25^''. 183 1. 3^ Cong Chch New Haven This certifies that John F. Woodruff of Avon and Catharine Wheadon of New Haven were lawfully joined in marriage on the i^* day of dec"". 183 1 C. A. Boardman Pastor of 3*^ Cong Chch. New Haven This certifies that Sidney W^ells of Cambridge New York and Hannah Reed of this City were lawfully joined in marriage on the 18''' december 1831 by C. A. Boardman Pastor New Haven Dec*" 19''' 183 1 of 3*^ Cong Chch. New Haven [108] Married New Haven Nov"". 27''' 183 1 Merrick Breckett of New Haven Conn, and Harriet L. Beecher of New Haven Conn, by Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New Haven Dec*" 25*'' 183 1. George Cooper of New Haven Conn and Harriet Brown of Southbury Conn by Noah Levings minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New Haven Dec'" 25^'' 1831. Isaac M. Stephens of New Haven Conn and Emily A. Starks of New Haven Conn, by Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New Haven January i^' 1832 William H. Beecher of New Haven Conn to Caroline Canfield of Derby Conn. By Noah Levings minister of the Gospel of the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New Haven June 6^*^ 183 1 Henry Williams to Sarah Williams, both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 535 Married June 13*^ 1831. in New Haven William M. Smith to Jane C. Huggins both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven June 14"" 183 1 EHsha Peck of U. S. Navy to Grace Bunticou both of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven August 18"^ 1831. Peter Cornelius De Wint of New York to Mary Pynchon Cadwell of New Haven By me ' Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church [log] Married New Haven, Sept 26'^ 183 1, WilHam Lloyd of New Haven to Elizabeth Galleiant of Georgetown, S. C. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Sept 28"" 1831 ; Elias Pierpont of New Haven to Sophronia L. Gill of North Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Oct 5"^ 183 1. Joseph Desire Aldolpha Le Moyne of New York to Henrietta Mitchel of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven, Oct 29'^ 1831. Thomas Bason, of Buck- ingham, England, to Ann Maria Clark, of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven, Nov. 2.^, 183 1. William Pardee to Jane Tolles both of Orange. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Nov. 3*^, 183 1. Charles Peterson to Jennett Denslow both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married Nov 8"^ 1831. Joseph Albert Smith of Hamden to Charlotte Richards of Orange By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Nov'". 10''', 183 1, George C. Mix to Hannah F. Beach both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church [no] Married New Haven Nov 13^'', 1831, Murray L. Bald- win to Sarah Abigail Hughes both of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Nov. 13, 1831 Robert Wilson to Elizabeth M'^Hoggen both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Nov 30. 1831, George M. Brown to Matha E. Chapman, both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Dec 25 1831 William A. Reynolds to Jane D. Lynde both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church 536 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married, Orange May 2t,^ 1831 Eaton Bassett of Hamden to Eunice Richards of Orange By me Harry Croswell Pastor of Trinity Church New Haven Conn^ Married, New Haven Nov"". 7"'; 1830 Chauncey Peck to Try- phena Smith, both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. Married Dec"" 3*^. 1830. John Thompson to Frances Augusta Beardsley, people of Colour By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn^ Married, New Haven Dec 12^'' 1830 Austin Williams of Rich- mond Virginia to Mary O. Buck of New Haven, By me, Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn^ [ill] Married New Haven May 15'^ 1831 George Thompson to Jane Ann Davis both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn'. Married New Haven Jan^. 13^''. 1831. James Higgins to Mary Ann Odell both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn^ Married March 31^'^ 183 1. Henry Ives of Northumberland Penn. to Margarette Mix of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn Married, 8'^ May 183 1 Isaac Gilbert Thomas to Betsy Whaples of Berlin By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn. New Haven Sepf. 26*^^. 1831 : joined in Marriage Edward ]. Daeken & Frances L. Bailey Samuel Merwin New Haven Ocf 5*^. 1831. joined in Marriage David Sanford (of New Town) & Emily A. Townsend Samuel Merwin New Haven Ocf. 3o'^^ 1831 : joined in Marriage William Grant & Martha A. Miles Samuel Merwin New Haven Nov''. 6, 1831 ; joined in Marriage John H. Heagle & Caroline Potter Samuel Merwin New Haven Nov^ 7^*^. 1831. joined in Marriage William D. Comes & Elizabeth S. Osborn Samuel Merwin [112] New Haven Nov'". 15*^. 1831 joined in Marriage Levi_ Polland, (Lancaster Mafs) & Lydia Bragge Samuel Merwin* New Haven Nov"" 24*'>.'i83i. joined in Marriage Obed Squires & Mary M. Ford. Samuel Merwin New Haven Dec"" 20 183 1 joined in Marriage Henry A. Phelps, (Hebron) & Harriet M. Nodings Samuel Merwin NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 537 New Haven Dec"" 21^' 1831 joined in Marriage Andrew L. Mason & Grace G. Hudson. Samuel Merwin New Haven Dec''. 29'^. 1831. joined in Marriage Charles Perry (Fairfield) & Sarah F. Chidsey. Samuel Merwin This certifies that Elford E. Jarman & Marana N. Baldwin both of this City were lawfully joined in marriage on the 26^^ Dec'. 183 1, by the subscriber C. A. Boardman Pastor New Haven 27"^ Dec'' 1831. 3^^ Cong. Chch. New Haven. This Certifies that Joel M. Hartson and Sarah M^Niel, both of New Haven were lawfully joined in Marriage on the i^' Jan^ 1832 by me C. A. Boardman Pastor New Haven Jan^ 2.^. 1832 3^^ Cong. Chch. New Haven New Haven Jan''. 18"". 1832. I hereby certify that on the 28'-'' day of May 1831 I duly solemnized the rite of matrimony between George Wyatt of Livington, Columbia County state of New York, & M" Ann V. Northorp of New Haven Connecticut. John S. Stone Afsociate Rector of Trinity Church New Haven [113] New Haven. Jan^' 18^''. 1832. I hereby certify that on the 25''' day of July, 183 1, I duly solemnized the rite of matri- mony between Noble Towner & Jane Kingsley both of New Haven, John S. Stone Afsociate Rector of Trinity Church New Haven New Plaven Jan^ 18'''. 1832. I hereby certify that on the 24^^ day of September, 183 1, I duly solemnized the rite of matrimony between Garnett Duncan Esq'' of Louisville, Ky. & Caroline E, Shipman of New Haven, Ct. John S. Stone Afsociate Rector of Trinity church New Haven New Haven, Jan. 18, 1832. I hereby certify that on the 30^*^ day of September I duly solemnized the rite of matrimony [be- tween] Hector M<=Neil of Mifsifsippi & Caroline. A. Frere, of Louisiana, John S. Stone Afsociate Rector of Trinity Church New Haven New Haven Jan. 18*'' 1832. I hereby certify that on the 30^*" day of September 183 1. I duly solemnized the rite of matrimony between Frederick Benjamin of New Haven & Sarah Peters of Mafsachusetts (colored persons) John S. Stone associate Rector of Trinity Church New Haven I hereby certify that Samuel P. Coggeshall and Eliza Smith were by me lawfully joined in Marriage January 17^^ 1832. attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that B. H. Beach and Mariette Clark were by me lawfully joined in marriage January 26''' 1832. Attest Elisha Cushman 538 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [114] I hereby certify that Edwin Roberts and AdeHne Potter were by me lawfully joined in Marriage feb^' 6'^'^ 1832. Attest Elisha Cushman This certifies that John B. Church of Angelica New York, and Maria T. Silliman of New Haven were married by me Octo"". 4^** 1 83 1. Nathaniel W. Taylor This certifies that Ebenezer Fairchild of Trumbull & Betsy A. Nichols of New Haven were Married by me Feb^' 5''^ 1832. Nath"' W. Taylor I hereby certify that Israel Lindsley and Hannah E. V/inchester were by me lawfully joined in marriage feb^. 2'^. 1832 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Abraham Southern and Martha W. Burns were by me lawfuly joined in Marriage March 11"^ 1832. attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that James N. Harrison and Sarah M Beecher were by me lawfully joined in Marriage March iS"' AD 1832 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby Certify that Elijah Stevans and Elizabeth R. Turner were by me lawfully joined in marriage April 22'^. 1832 , attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Enoch Rider and Niobe D. Franklin were by me lawfully joined in marriage May 6''' 1832 attest Elisha Cushman [115] Married by the subscriber on the 18^'' May 1832 Major Bradley of Branford to Reviller Baker of New Haven Charles Sherman New Haven May 19*^^ 1832 Minister of the Gospel I hereby Certify that Philander Miller and Mary Ann Robin- son were by me lawfully joined in marriage May 27'^ 1832 Attest Elisha Cushman Isaac Lanson was married to Harriet Johnson May 3'^ 1832. by me Smith Dayton Elder of the M. E. Church Forrest Shepherd & Sophia Storrer were Joined in Marriage April 30^^" 1832 test Stephen W. Stebbens Clerk Smith Merwin & Emelia Rich were by me joined in Marriage May 30*'' 1832 test Stephen W. Stebbins Clerk On the 4*'' of June 1832,, Edward Chidsey & Abigail Miner were by me Joined in Marriage Test Stephen W. Stebbins, Clefk This certifies that Abel K. Merrill of Haverhill of New Hamp- shire and Mary Leverett of New Haven were married by me April 30*" 1832. Nathi W. Taylor NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 539 This certifies that James Burton and Sophronia Sheldon of New Haven were married by me on 2^, May 1832, Nath' W. Taylor. This certifies that Henry lies & Esther Batricks were married by me May 13''' 1832 Nath^ W. Taylor. [116] Robert Plum and Arula Hulse both of New Haven were married July i/^^ 1825. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven William C. Butler of Savannah Geo. and Grace Peck of New Haven were married Sepf 12**^ 1825. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Ch in New Haven tharles D. Shoemaker of Wilkesbarre Penn and Mar}' Deni- son of New Haven were married Ocf. 4*^^ 1825. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Ezra Hotchkifs and Nancy Ives both of New Haven were married October 30'*^ 1825 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven John J. Barnard and Harriet Bacon both of New Haven were Married Nov"" 30*^'^ 1825. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Silas Beckley and Amelia Atwater both of Hamden were Married Nov'" 30*^ 1825. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Nath'. A Bacon and Almira Shelden both of New Haven were Married June 28^*^ 1826 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Ch in New Haven John Smith and Maria Pool both of New Haven were married September 7'^ 1826 by me ' Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Richard M. Treadway and Susan Stillman both of New Haven were married September 10*^ 1826. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Ch. in New Haven [117] Roswell Jacobs and Chloe Hotchkifs both of Hamden were married September 13'^'^. 1826, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Ch. in New Haven William Wetmore of Stow Ohio and Jerusha Ogden of New Haven were married September 17'*^ 1826 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the i^* Ch. in New Haven George Gabriel and Charlotte Deming both of New Haven were married Sepf 8^^ 1826. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the i^' Church in New Haven 540 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Anson G. Bodwell and Betsey Ives both of New Haven were married October i^' 1826 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Charles Adams and Jane C. Hinman both of New Haven were married Feb^. 12^^ 1827 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Francis T. Jarman and Catherine W. Townsend both of New Haven, were married April 23'"'^ 1827. by me L. Bacon Pastor of the First Ch. in New Haven George Treadway of Litchfield and Mary Wise of New Haven were married June 18"^. 1827 by me L. Bacon Pastor of the 1°' Ch. in New Haven Sheldon Hitchcock and Caroline Augur both of New Haven were married August 12^''. 1827. by me Leo'^ Bacon Pastor of the i^^ Ch. in New Haven [118] Daniel C. Hotchkifs and Elizabeth Hotchkifs both of New Haven were married Sepf. 19"^ 1827 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of i^ Church in New Haven Charles F. Hotchkifs of Rochester New York & Olivia E. Trowbridge of New Haven were married Oct". 30*'', 1827. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the i^' Ch. in New Haven Leighton Richardson and Eliza Culver of New Haven were married Dec'' 16'^'^ 1827 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven 1828 Cyrus Manvel and Hannah Cutler both of New Haven, were married January 15'^. 1828 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the i^' Ch. in New Plaven Charles Bostwick Jr and Mary T. Stone both of New Haven were married February 12*'^ 1828. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the i^' Ch. in New Haven. George Lewis and Susan K. Atwater both of New Haven, were married February 13'^^. 1828, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Giles Cooper and Lorinda Fowler of New Haven were married March 10^^ 1828. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Silas J. Baldwin of New Haven and Eliza E. Newton of Wood- bridge were married March 27*''. 1828. by me L. Bacon Pastor of the i" Ch. in New Haven. Milton Badger of Andover Mass and Clarissa Munger of New Haven, were Married May y^^, 1828 by me, Leonard Bacon Pastor of the i^*^ Ch in New Haven NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 541 [119] Henry Bolles of Cleveland ohio and Nancy Hitchcock of New Haven, were married May 8**^ 1828, by me Leo*^ Bacon Pastor of the first Ch'^ in New Haven John B. Yale and Sarah M. Ritter both of New Haven, were married May 12**^ 1828 by me Leonard Bacon, Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Benjamin R. Hitchcock and Rachel Ann Pinto both of New Haven were married May 20^*^ 1828 by me Leo'^. Bacon, Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Rodolphus E. Northrop and Harriet P. Wells both of New Haven were married May 28"" 1828 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Dennis Piatt of Windham and Caroline Dwight of New Haven were married June 16^'^ 1828. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Charles W. Peckham and Elizabeth P. Coggshall both of New Haven, were married June 15'*^. 1828 by me Leo*^ Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Ammi Munson of Hamden and Abigail Warner of New Haven were married Aug^*^ 24^*^ 1828 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of i^' Church in New Haven Thomas H. Bond of Endfield Mafs and Elizabeth A. Goodrich of New Haven were married Sepf. 14"^, 1828, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the i^' Ch^. in New Haven George Bradley and Lucy Dummer both of New Haven were married Nov"" 17 1828 By me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the i^ Ch*^. in New Haven [120] Ebenezer D. Barney and Phebe H. Dummer of New Haven were Married Dec"" i^* 1828 by me Leo*^ Bacon Pastor of the i^' Ch'^. in New Haven H. Willard Brintnall and Louisa A. Forbes both of New Haven were married Dec"" 10*'^ 1828, by me Leo*^ Bacon, Pastor of the first Church in New Haven 1829 Albert Wilcox of New Haven, and Betsey TomTinson of Derby, were married March 22'^ 1829 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven James H. Moore of Bridgeport and Elizabeth Brooks of New Haven were Married May 9^**. 1829 by me Leo*^ Bacon Pastor of the first Ch^ in New Haven. Aaron N, Skinner and Harriet B. Whiting both of New Haven, were married May 24*^. 1829, by me Leo*^ Bacon Pastor of the first Ch'^ in New Haven. 542 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS William Woodruff and ]\Iary Stone of New Haven were Married June 29'^ 1829 by me Leo*^ Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven William H. Fowler of Trenton N. Y, and Mary Ives of New Haven were Married August 17'^ 1829, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Ch^ in New Haven, Daniel Burritt and Caroline Mansfield both of New Haven, were married Sepf. 29'^ 1829, by me Leonard Bacon, Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Nathaniel T. Cook of Northford and Mary Hotchkifs of New Haven were married October 21®' 1829 by me Leonard Bacon, Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Jason F. Williams and Clarissa Brockway both of New^ Haven were married Nov 8^*". 1829 by me Leo^ Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven [121] David Hoadley Jr. of New York and Mary Hotchkifs of New Haven were married Dec'' 23^. 1829 by me Leo*^ Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven 1830 George At water & Julia M. Leek both of New Haven were married January 2i^^ 1830. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Charles Adams and Julia AL Flinman both of New Haven were married feb'' 14^^ 1830. by me Leo*^ Bacon Pastor of the first church in New Haven Stephen Innefs and Elizabeth Ritter both of New Haven were married feb'' ly^^ 1830. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Henry E. Potter and Eliza Crosier both of New Haven, were married March 3'' 1830. by me Leo'' Bacon Pastor of the first church in New Haven John Smith of Milford and Lucretia A. Benjamin of New Haven were married mar^ 22'*. 1830 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Ch*^ in New Haven. Jonathan B. Morrell of Albany and Jennett Pardee of New Haven, were married April 27''' 1830 by me Leo'^ Bacon Pastor of the First church in New Haven of the first Church in New Haven James Wheeler of New York and Eunice Dickerman of New Haven were married May 3"^ 1830 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first church in New Haven Henry Linsley and Nancy Hemingway both of New Haven were married May 10*'' 1830, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 543 Silas H. Wells of New Haven, and Wealthy Wetmore of east Haven were married May lo'^'^ 1830 by me Leo*^ Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven [122] Edward Sheskeon and Caroline Ells both of New Haven were married May 16"^ 1830 by me Leo*^ Bacon Pastor of the first Ch*^ in New Haven Edwin ]\Iead of New Milford and Jane C. Blackman of New Haven were Married August i^^^ 1830, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Jeremiah F. Denison of East Windsor and Euretta Roosevelt of New Haven, were married Sepf. y^'^ 1830 by me Leonard Bacon, Pastor of the first Church in New Haven William R. Hayes of Brattleborough Vt and Harriet Emily Trowbridge of New Haven were Married Ocf ii^*^ 1830 by me Leonard Bacon, Pastor of the first Church in New Haven John W Creed and Vashti E. Duplex both of New Haven were married Nov'" 14*'' 1830 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven William Walsworth J"", of Hartford and Mary Brown of New Haven were Married Nov"" 28*^^. 1830. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Dennis Carrington and Eliza R. Hoadley both of New Haven were Married Dec'". 5*^^ 1830 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Henry Pardee and Charlotte M. Hayes both of New Haven were married Dec"" 15^^ 1830 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Curtis Peck of Southbury & Lucy Sommers of New Haven were married Dec'" 19^^ 1830 by me Leonard Bacon . Pastor of the First church in New Haven 1831 Paul Carrington of Woodbridge and Emeline Monson of Hamden were married May 15''' 183 1 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven [123] Lorenzo T. Bennett of the U. S. Navy and Jane C. Prindle of New Haven were married June 6'^. 1831. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven William M. Tallman and Emeline Dexter both of New Haven were Married July 19'^''. 1831. George Tuttle and Miria N. Trowbridge both of New Haven were Married July 11*^ 1831, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven 544 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Samuel G. Hayes and Mary Carrington both of New Haven were married Aug^K 21" 1831, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Lucien B. Hawks of Hartford and Mary Dexter of New Haven were m-arried Aug^' 23'' 1831, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Samuel Hutchings of Cleaveland, Ohio and Elizabeth C. Lathrop of New Haven were married Sepf. 18''' 183 1 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven John Anketell of Missisippi and Augusta A Mills of New Haven were married Ocf 19"" 183 1 by me Leo"* Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven 1832 William Goodell and Hannah Maria Sperry both of New Haven were married January 29^'' 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Ch^ in New Haven. Edward A. Hall of Cheraw S. C. and Mary A. Mix of New Haven were married by me Sepf. 7'^ 183 1 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Jason Warner of New Haven and Jane Pardee of orange were married March 7'^ 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven [124] William Moore and Sally Hotchkin both of New Haven were [married] March ii**" 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in NewHaven Wilman Palmer of Branford and Susan C. Bradley of New Haven were married by me April 15*^ 1832. Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Ch^ in New Haven This certifies that Henry A. Hurlbut and Susan R. Kennedy of New Haven were married by me June 3*^ 1832 Nath^ W Taylor I hereby certify that Henry A. Read and Caroline Kindley were by me lawfully joined in Marriage June 5"* 1832. Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Charles B. Moulthrop and Selinda M Clark were by me lawfully joined in Marriage June 7^'^ 1832. Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby Certify that Calvin Demining, and Lucy Ann Powers were by me lawfully joined in Marriage June lo**^ 1832. Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby Certify that William W. Ward and Sarah Burrell were by me lawfully joined in marriage June lo'*^ 1832 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Timothy Cook and Lucy Farry were by me lawfully joined in marriage June 10"^. 1832. Attest Elisha Cushman NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 545 I hereby certify that John Edgland and Salome Ann Babcock were by me lawfully joined in marriage June 24'^ 1832 Attest Elisha Cushman [125] Richard Glover from Sheffield, England and Maria E. Bradley of New Haven were Married by me May 31^' 1832 Leonard Bacon, Pastor of the first Church in New Haven William W. Hoppin of Providence R. I. and Francis A. Street of New Haven were married June 26^^^ 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven' Christopher S. Babcock and Jane M. Rose both of New Haven were married by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven I hereby Certify that W"^ Mitchell of Baltimore and Miss Amelia Osborn of this City were Joined in Marriage by me December 29'^ 1828. Henry Lines Pastor in Bap : Church I hereby certify that Richard Wilson, and Mary Ann Long both of Orange were by me lawfully married, March i^' 1829. Henry Lines Pastor in Bap : Church I hereby certify [that] Alfred A. Bradley & Sarah Daniels both of New Haven were by me lawfully married Agust, 11'^ 1829 Henry Lines, Pastor in Bap : Church I hereby certify that Miles Camp, & Maria Lines both of Wood- bridge were by me lawfully married May 2^. 1830 Henry Lines Pastor in Bap Church I hereby certify that Gipsom Lum, & Harriet Benham both of Humphrey sville were by me lawfully married Jan'' 17'^. 1830, Henry Lines Pastor in Bap : Church I hereby certify that George Livingston and Nancy Mason both of New Haven were by me lawfully married Jan""^. 24*'' 1830 Henry Lines Pastor in Bap : Church I hereby certify that Geremia Gaudofo & Maria Gaheano both of Italy were by me Lawfully married April 12^^ 1830 Henry Lines Pastor in Bap : Church [126] I hereby certify that James Wilson and Rachel Comer both of New Haven were by me lawfully married June 22*^ 1830 Henry Lines Pastor in Bap: Church I hereby certify that W. Kidney and Lydia Baldwin both of Derby were by me lawfully married August 29**^ 1830 Henry Lines Pastor in Bap : Church I hereby certify that Isaac Wllkins & Peggy Applewhite both of New Haven, were by me lawfully married Nov*". 7"^ 1830 Henry Lines Pastor in Bap\ Church I hereby certify that Eli Humiston & L. Jacobs both of New Haven were by me lawfully married Dec'' 12*** 1830. Henry Lines, Pastor in Bap : Church 35 546 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS I hereby certify that HeH Hoadley of New Haven & M""^ White of Middletown were by me lawfully married December 25"^ 1830 Henry Lines Pastor in Bap: Church I hereby certify that George Coe and Ann Maria Peck both of New Haven were by me lawfully married May 1^^^ 1831 Henry Lines Pastor in Bap : Church I hereby certify that Henry Avis & Henrietta Humiston both of New Haven, were by me, lawfully married Nov"" 24*-^ 1831 Henry Lines, Pastor in Bap : Church I hereby certify that Anson Clinton and Lucy Johnson both of Orange were by me lawfully married December 18"" 1831 Henry Lines Pastor in Bap : Church I hereby certify that George Augur of North Branford & Sibyl Beach of North Haven were by me lawfully married Jan"^'. ii''^ 1832 Henry Lines, Pastor in Bap: Church I hereby certify that John Jarvis and Mary Dudley both of New Haven, were by me lawfully married May 10"^ 1832 Henry Lines Pastor in Bap^ Church [127] I hereby certify that W'" Freeman & Elizabeth Ann Wilson both of New Haven were by me lawfully married Aug*. jst 1832 Henry Lines Pastor in Bap^ Church Married New Haven March 29"^ 1832 Sidney S. Benham of Hamden in the State of Conn* and Eliza Humiston of Hamden Conn, By me Noah Levings, Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcal Church. Married New Haven March 29"^ 1832 M'' John M. Merrick of Wilbraham Mass, and Mary Jane Thompson of New Haven Con, By Me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Married New Haven July 8"' 1832 M'" Henry Shipley of New York, in the State of New York to Harriet Daggett of New Haven in the State of Connecticut by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel, in the Methodist Episcal Church. Married New Haven July 9*^ 1832 Jobamah Gunn of New Haven State of Connecticut & Roxana Lord of New Haven State of Connecticut by me Noah Levings, Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcop. Church. Married New Haven August 13*'' 1832, Church Philips of Newark N. J. & Frances Richards of New Haven Conn., by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel, in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New Haven Sep' 9*'' 1832 Moses Briggs of Dartmouth Mass, and Mary Ann Wells of Munroe Conn, by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 547 Married New Haven Sep^ 15"' 1832 James Cargill of Winton- bury Conn to Agnes A Meecham of Windsor Conn, by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church, Married New Haven Sep* 23^ 1832 Sylvester Potter of New Haven Conn., to Mary Ann Campbell of New Haven Conn., by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church. [128] Married New Haven Jan. 5'^ 1832 William Goings to Sally Freeman People of Colour, both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Jan. '^22'^. 1832, Abraham Jarvis of New- town to Amelia Downs of New Haven by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Jan'". 2(f'. 1832, Thomas Webster of Spring Division Anguilla Island to Bulah Merriman of Orange, People of Colour By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Feb 26'^ 1832 Benjamin L. Hall to Lydia Ann Baldwin both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married at Orange Feb 26'^ 1832 Peter R Forbes of Utica N. Y. to Cynthia M. Downs of Orange, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church New Haven Conn^ Married New Haven March 11*'' 1832, William Townsend to Rebecca Trowbridge both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven March 25*'' 1832, Asa Jeffrey of Middle- town to Lois Tritten of New Haven, People of Color by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven, April ^ 1832, Rodolphus E. Northrop to Martha Jane Brown both of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven April 10*'' 1832, George W. Barker to Sarah Ann Phelps both of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell, Rector Trinity Ch, Married New Haven April 26. 1832, Merit W. Barnes of Oswego N. Y. To Martha F. Kimberly of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven May 17''' 1832 John R Smith from England, to Louisa Mason of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven June 1°' 1832, Thomas Lawrence Evans of Natchez, to Miss Anna Cecelia De Neuville Lingre, of New Haven by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church 548 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [129] Married New Haven June 9"^ 1832 John Bay Van Nefs of Claverack N. Y. to Francisca Tomasa Isabel De Forest of New Haven by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven June g^^ 1832, Charles B. Taylor of Buffalo N. Y. to Maria Fitch of New Haven by me Harry Croswell, Rector Trinity Church Married New Haven June i/^^ 1832 Julius Decatur to Caroline Hall, People of Colour, both of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven June 2V^ 1832, Timothy McCarthy of Richmond, Vir. to Mary L. Pardee of New Haven by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven, July 10*'' 1832, Dan Alonzo Booth of New York, to Susan M. Hunt of New Haven by me. Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven Sep^ g^^ 1832 Austin Hurlburt of New Haven to Emeline H. Brockett of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven Sep*^ 10''' 1832, Cephas Clark, to Betsey Sackett, both of North Haven, by me : Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Sep*. 11"^ 1832, EHzur Hart, of Berlin, to Sophronia H. Jerome of Bristol by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Sep^ 12*'' 1832 Thomas M'^Cauley to Lucinda Botsford, both of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven, Sep*^ i^^^ 1832, William Brown of New Haven to Rachel Gibson of Glasgow Scotland, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Sep' 19''' 1832, Doc"" John Newton Hetzell of Harrisburgh Penn. to Abigain Greene Forbes of New Haven by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Sep* 20*'' 1832 Charles Bradley, to Eliza- beth S. Clarke both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church [130] Married New Haven September 16'^ 1832 Enos Ailing to Amy Beckwith both of New Haven by me Anth^. P. Sanford Justice of Peace I hereby certify that George F. Carter & Maria E. Alley were by me lawfully Joined in marriage October 7"" A.D. 1832 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby Certify that Lewis E. Thompson & Sarah Stevens were by me lawfully joined in marriage October 28"". A.D. 1832 Attest Elisha Cushman NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 549 1 hereby certify that George Benham, and Abigail E Johnson, were lawfully joined in marriage November 18'^ A D. 1832 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Gilbert Smith and Hannah Gibson were by me lawfully joined in Marriage November 29"^ AD. 1832 Attest Elisha Cushman « This certifies that R Evans of New Haven & Eliza A. Thomp- son of Orange were lawfully joined in marriage on the 8'** April. 1832 by the Subscriber. New Haven April 23"^. 1832 C. A. Boardman Pastor of the 3*^ Church New Haven This certifies that Ichabod Goodrich of Hartford & Grace Palmer of New Haven were lawfully joined in marriage on the 22*^ day of April 1832 by New Haven April 23*^ 1832 C. A. Boardman Pastor of 3^ Church New Haven This certifies that Orrin J. Lines of Wallingford & Grace Ann Sabin of New Haven were lawfully joined in marriage on the 2^^^ Ap'. 1832 by C. A. Boardman Pastor of New Haven Ap'. 30^^^ 1832 3*^ Church New Haven This certifies that Alfred Walker & Eunice Miner both of New Haven were lawfully joined in marriage on the 30**^ Apl. 1832 by C. A. Boardman New Haven May i^*^ 1832 Pastor 3^ Chch New Haven [131] This certifies that George Hoadley of New Haven & Charlotte Amanda Jacobs of North Haven were lawfully joined in marriage on the 13*^^ ]\Iay 1832 by the subscriber, C. A. Boardman New Haven 14"^ May 1832 Pastor 3^ Chch. New Haven This certifies that Lewis S. Clark & Clarifsa D. Ferran both of New Haven were lawfully joined in marriage on the 17'^^ June 1832 by the Subscriber; C. A. Boardman New Haven June 17*** 1832 Pastor, 3^ Cong'. Chch. New Haven This certifies that Thomas Davis & Harriet N Rich both of New Haven were lawfully joined in Marriage on the 25'^ July 1832 by the Subscriber C. A. Boardman Pastor New Haven 26''' July 1832 of 3"* Cong'. Chch, New Haven I certify that Henry Jones and Maria Foster were by me law- fully Joined in Marriage January 2.^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Charles F. Comstock and Eliza Graham were by me lawfully joined in marriage Jan'' 6*'' 1833, Attest Elisha Cushman New Haven County fs. New Haven. This is to certify that on the 12'^^ day of March 1827 I married William P. Gager of Bozrah 550 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS New London County to Emeline Roberts of Farmington Hart- ford County she being then Pregnant John Hunt, Justice of the Peace I certify that Bartlett Stone, & Sarah G. Hemingway were by me lawfully joined in marriage Feb"^'. 14"' 1833. Attest Elisha Cushman INIarried New Haven Nov"" 25, 1832, John B. Magie of Elizabeth Town (N. J.) to Jane Bartholomew of New Haven Conn by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcal Church [132] Married New Haven Nov"" 29^^ 1832. James A. Gor- ham of New Haven Conn, to Mary Ann Smith of Derby by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church IMarried New Haven Dec"" 16^^ 1832 Lester Dickinson of Middletown Conn to Louisa IMorse of New Haven Conn by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New Haven Dec"" 16'^ 1832 Albert Danks of Fairfield Mass. to E Bunnell of Fair Haven Conn by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New Haven Dec"" 30'*'. 1832 George Shumway of Hartford Conn, to Lucretia P. Johnson of New Haven Conn by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New Haven Dec"" 30 1832. Ephraim Short of New Haven Conn to Eliza Johnson of New Haven Conn, by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New Haven Feb^ 17*'' 1833. Francis Holt of Bridge- port England, to Hannah L. Hawkes of Charlemont Mass. by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New Haven Feb''. 17th 1833. Charles Taylor of New Bedford Mass to Elizabeth H. Baldwin of New Haven Conn. by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church Married New Haven March 3"^ 1833, Alsop Kelsey of New Haven Conn, to Susan C. Gorham of Huntington Conn by me Noah Levings Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church [133] This may certify that on the 24'^ day of February 1833 Lisle Lloyd to Nancy Ball both of New Haven were joined together in Marriage by me Attest John E. Bray Minister of the Gospel NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 551 I hereby certify that Samuel D. Buel, and Delilah Hall, were by me lawfully joined in Marriage March 31^' 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Gideon M. Buckingham and Adeline Fuller, were by me, lawfully Joined in Marriage April 7'^ A. D. 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Luzerne Blakesley and Jane C. Brown were by me lawfully joined in Marriage April 14^^^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman Thomas Saunders, was married to Sarah Harris May 7'*" 1833, by Smith Dayton Elder in the M E. Church This certifies that I an ordained Minister of the Gospel have this day married M"" Asher Hall of Dorchester Mafs to Mifs Delia Hall of Wallingford Conn* Jairus Wilcox New Haven May 12"^ 1833 I certify that James Williams and Julia Ann Armsted were by me lawfully joined in Marriage May 8'*' A D 1833. Attest Elisha Cushman On the third of May 1833 Frederick H. Lefergu & Mary Thomas were joined in Marriage, test, Stephen W. Stebbins, Clerk On the 19*^ of May 1833 John B. Chidsey & Harriet Stevens were joined in Marriage, Test, Stephen W. Stebbins, Clerk I hereby certify that Miran Gaylord and Emily Russell were by me lawfully joined in marriage June 30**^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman [134] This may certify that on the 26"" day of May 1833 Horace Martin of New Haven (Westville) & Polly Gaylord of Bristol"^ were joined together in marriage by me John E. Bray Minister of the Gospel I certify that Alonzo Tuttle and Susan Northrop were by me lawfully Joined in marriage July 14*** 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman This Certifies that Albert More of Salisbury' & Jane W. Hub- bard of New Haven were Married by me on the 24'^ June 1833. N. W. Taylor This certifies that Leonard Hotchkiss and Louisa Hubbard of New Haven were married by me on the 27**^ June 1833 N. W. Taylor This certifies that Isaac Davidson of Milford & Lydia Brintnall of New Haven v/ere married by me on the 30'** June 1833 "N. W. Taylor '^8 First written " Berlin." 552 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS This certifies that Charles D. Cobb of New York & Margaret White of this City were married by me July 31^' 1833 N. W. Taylor I hereby certify that Norman L. Evarts and Mary Hubbell were by me lawfully Joined in Marriage July 25'^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman On this 14''' day of August A. D. 1833. at New Haven George Ward and Charlotte Tuttle both of the City of New Haven I duly Joined in Marriage and pronounced them husband and wife, a true Copy of my Record Silas Mix Justice of the Peace I certify that Robert Robinson, and Sally Smith were by me lawfully joined in Marriage, August 25*^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman I certify that Harry Bishop, and Mary Clark were by me lawfully joined in marriage August 25'^ 1833, Attest Elisha Cushman [135] I certify that Phinehas Stow, and Emily Smith were by me lawfully Joined in Marriage Sept. i'^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman I certify that William Waterbury and Julia A. French were by me lawfully joined in Marriage Sep^ i^^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman I certify that Leveret Hall, & Almira Buel were by me lawfully joined in Marriage Sep'^ 8"" 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman This may certify whom it may concern that on the tenth day of September one thousand eight hundred and thirty three William Winans Reynolds of Poughkeepsie and Phebe Amanda Thacher of New Haven were duly joined in marriage by me Luman Andrus Minister of the Gospel New Haven September lo"' 1833 This is to certify, That Daniel Newell Finch and Lorenda Maria Way, were joined together in holy Matrimony, on the 6''^ day of Oct., in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight Hun- dred and thirty three, by me Smith Dayton Minister of the Gospel Dan Foote of Fair Haven, and Mary Potter of North Branford were married by me June 16*^ 1833 John Mitchell Pastor of the Cong. Church, Fair Haven Anthony de Fontaine and Laura D. Allen were married by me June 26^^ 1833. John Mitchell Pastor of the Cong. Church Fair Haven Henry W. Jarvis of Newtown, and Sarah Daniel of New Haven were united in marriage Sept 17'*" 1833 by me John Mitchell Pastor of the Congf. Church Fair Haven NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 553 [136] Jacob P. Augur & Harriet Tuttle were married by me Jan^>- 15. 183 1 John Mitchell, Pastor of the Cong'. Church Fair Haven Edwin Barnes & Louisa Lamfair were married by me March 4*'' 1832. J. Mitchell Pastor of the Cong Chh Fair Haven Thomas Brown and Mary Ann Tuttle were married by me March 6"' 1832 J. Mitchell Pastor of the Cong. Church Fair Haven Henry M. Rowe & Susan Tuttle were married by me March li^'' 1832 John Mitchell Pastor of the Cong Church Fair Haven Lewis Row^e & Ann L. Ferrin were joined in marriage April 8"^ 1832 by me John Mitchell Pastor of the Cong. Church at Fair Haven Asa B. Ross & Mary Prime, were married by me Sept 12"" 1832 John Mitchell Pastor of Cong. Church Fair Haven Calvin Russell & Mary L. Smith were married March 3^ 1833, by me John Mitchell Pastor of Cong. Chh. Fair Haven Lewis Ludington & Mary Ann Rowe were married October 14*'' 1833 by me John Mitchell Pastor of the Cong. Chh. Fair Haven I hereby certify that Erwin Shelly and Mary Ann Hanson were by me lawfully joined in marriage Sep*^ is''' 1833. Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Lewis Bradley and Elizabeth Wilson were by me lawfully joined in Marriage Sep*. 23*^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman [137] I hereby certify that James M. Weaver, and Maria Bartholomew were by me lawfully joined in marriage Sep*. 25*^^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman I certify that Benjamin L Somers, and Susan C. Brown were by me, lawfully joined in Marriage Sep*. 29 1833. Attest Elisha Cushman I certify that Edward Goodsell, and Jane A Munson were by me lawfully joined in Marriage Sep*. 29*'' 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Lucius Royce, and Anna Doolittle, were by me, lawfully joined in Marriage, October 16*'' 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Montgomery Stogdill and Grace Ann Kelly were by me lawfully joined in Marriage October 24**^ 1833. Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Alanson Bryan, and Charlotte Shelly were by me lawfully joined in marriage October 2']^'^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman 554 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS I hereby certify that WilHam Whitmore and Harriet Daniels were by me lawfully joined in marriage October 24"' 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman This may certify that John Williams & Mary Ann Clark of New Haven were lawfully joined in marriage by me August 20*'' 1832 Henry Lines Pastor in the Baptist Church This may certify that Jacob Mallary, and Mary Brockway both of East Haven were lawfully joined in Marriage by me December 2^ 1832 Henry Lines, Pastor in the Baptist Church This may certify that Jacob Walden & Sarah Francis both of New Haven (Colored People) were lawfully married December 2.^ 1832 by me Henry Lines Pastor in the Baptist Church [138] This may certify that Lewis Avis & Betsey Tuttle, both of New Haven, were lawfully married August 25^*^ 1833 by me Henry Lines Pastor in Baptist Church This may Certify that Peter Nicoll, and Dinah Williams (Colo^ Persons) both of New Haven were lawfully joined in marriage on the 10'^'' Nov" 1833 by me Henry Lines Pastor in Baptist Church I hereby certify that Alfred Wilson, and Louisa Gould were by me lawfully joined in marriage November 4'^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby Certify that John A Wilson and Mary Wilson were by me lawfully joined in marriage November 4^'' 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Leveret Hotchkiss and Ruth D. Atwater were by me lawfully joined in marriage November lo**^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Charles Davidson, and Maria L. Baldwin were by me lawfully joined in marriage November 13'^^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman This is to certify that Joseph Williams and Violet Brown were joined together in Holy Matrimony on the fourth day of Nov*". in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty three by me Smith Dayton Minister of the Gospel The following names from W™ Thacher May 26"^ 1833. Sherman Stratten of Bridgeport to Cynthia Thompson of New Haven May 22^ 1833 Sidney A Hubbell to Emeline Forbes of New Haven June 23 1833 Jesse Gilbert to Mary Ann Hooker of New Haven July ii"" 1833 Peter Arbuckle to Jerusha Holcomb of New Haven July 22^ 1833 Zerah Barnes, to Abigail Downs of New Haven NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 555 [139] Ji-ily 25, 1833, William Chenery to Lucy Johnson of New Haven Aug^ 4^^ 1833 George W Averst to Mary Ann Dorman of New Haven " Woolsey Tuttle to Almira Dorman of New Haven " " " Darius J. Beecher to Eliza E. Ball of Orange (supposed) Sep"" 3'^ 1833, James Punderford Esq"" of New Haven to Eliza- beth Hallam of Richmond Virginia Sep"" S^^ 1833 William Wilcox to Mary Johnson of New Haven " 22^ 1833 James G Hotchkiss, to Abigail Dickerman of Hotchkisstown " 23*^ " Sherman B. Chipman to Mary Ann Granniss New Haven " 2g^^ " Lucius Atwater to Julia M Downs of New Haven Oct 10*^ William Boyd to Mary Armstrong of New Haven I certify that all these marriages were solemnized at the times above dated, by me, William Thacher Stationed Miinister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the City of New Haven State of Connecticut, N. B. all these were regularly Published according to law as certified by W™ Thacher I hereby certify that Erastus Rowley and Charlotte Taylor were by me lawfully joined in Marriage Nov"" 28"^ 1833 Attest Elisha Cushman Married New Haven Oct. ii^*" 1832 Henry Berrian of New Haven to Phebe Carpenter of New Milford, People of Color By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven Oct. 14*^^ 1832 Joseph Glover to Eliza Gillard, both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven, Oct, 15''' 1832 Alexander O. Coburn to Lucy Mallett both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Parish [140] Married New Haven Nov"" 6"" 1832 William Lawrence of New York to Cornilia Benjamin of New Haven, People of Color, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Parish Married at Orange, Dec"". 3"*. 1832, George P. Thomas of Watertown, to Cynthia Richards of Orange by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven Dec' 9*^ 1832, Isaac Jones to Lucy C. Brockett both of Orange by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Parish 556 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married New Haven Dec"" 23'^ 1832, Andrew M. Babcock to Elizabeth Ann Thompson, both of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven Dec"" 31^' 1832 Lemuel Camp to Laura H. Babcock both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven January i^"^ 1833 Edward R. Lambert of Milford to Eliza Booth of Wallingford'« By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven Jan: 7*^ 1833, Henry E Harrison to Henrietta Hoods both of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven March 10"^ 1833 George J. Walker of Guilford to Minerva Ford of Orange by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven March 20 1833, Cyrus E. Tharp of North Haven to Mary Ann Williams of New Haven By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven March 25. 1833 Jared Pierpont to Anna Louisa Todd both of North Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven March 26"" 1833, George Starr to Jennett Bradley both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven March 27. 1833, Edward E. Ward, of Hartford, to Adelia M Bartlett of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven, April 16*'' 1833. Charles O Neil to Eunice B. Jacobs both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish [141] Married, New Haven, April 22, 1833. Theophilus Smith to Eliza L. Beecher both of Bethany, By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven April 26''' 1833. John W. Davis, of New Haven, to Sarah Bailey of North Branford. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven April 29. 1833. James F. Babcock, to Catharine Ann Mills both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven, May ist 1833 James Loomis of Sauga- tuck, to Eliza C. Mitchell of New Haven, By Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven May 5, 1833, Lewis Francis Hart of St Bartholomew W. L to Mary Walston of Say Brook By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish i''^ First written " both of Milford." NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 557 Married, New Haven May 5, 1833, Joseph M'^Carthy of New York to Emily Davis of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven, May 7, 1833 James Hodges of Antigua, W, I. to Catharine Reed of New Haven, People of Color. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven, May 14, 1833, Michael M'Carty to Mahala Cadwell both of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven May 17. 1833 John Trowbridge, of New Haven to Betsey Tomlinson of Derby, By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven, May 19 1833, Frederick Wohlrabe of New York to Betsey Smith of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven May 22, 1833 Joseph B. Baldwin to Cynthia E. Bradley both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven, June 5 1833. John Davis to Susan Stowe both of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven June 9^*" 1833 Chauncey Barns to Hannah Forbes both of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish [142] Married New Haven June 30 1833. Thomas Strong to Hannah A. Mason both of New Plaven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven, July 30*"^" 1833, Elisha T. Stanley of Cleaveland, Ohio to Margaretta Tuttle, of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven, August 15. 1833 Frederick J. Betts of New York to Mary W Scoville of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven August 29 1833. George Clinton Tallman of New York to Julia Wilcox, of New Haven By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven, Sep"". 30 1833 Charles Brown of Jamaica, Ann B. Campbell of New Haven, People of Color By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married, New Haven, Nov'" 9, 1833. Richard R. Crawford of District of Columbia to Harriet A. Jones of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven Nov^ 18 1833, Charles P. Bishop of New York to Jane Bonticou of New Haven, by me, Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish 150 First written " August 15." 558 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married New Haven Nov. i8. 1833 Rufus Booth, to Mary L. G. DeMartin both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven Nov 21^' 1833. Elmer Townsend of Boston to Wealthy Ann Beecher of Nev/ Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married New Haven Dec'' 24 1833 Allen N. Smith to Puella E. DeForest both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish Married. New Haven, Dec'" 25 1833. Russell Hotchkiss Jun'. to Catharine E. Wadsworth both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Parish I hereby certify that Ralph Whiting and Adaline L. Duplex were by me lawfully joined in marriage January 8 1834 Attest Elisha Cushman [143] I hereby certify that John G. Phelps, and Eliza Ann Hodges were by me lawfully joined in marriage Jan'' 12 1834. Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Martin Goodhead and Sarah Sturges were by me lawfully joined in Marriage Feb''^ 9'*^ 1834 Attest Elisha Cushman New Haven Jany 23^ 1834 This certifies that I have this day joined Charles Parker and Harriet Sherman of Wallingford, in marriage A B Chapin Jus^ Peace I hereby certify that Thomas Daniels & Margaret Salone were by me lawfully joined in Marriage February ii''' 1834 Attest Elisha Cushman New Haven March y^^ 1834 On the 11^'' Feb last William Lewis & Polly Bassett were joined in Marriage by the Subscriber, as a Minister of the Gospel Jeremiah Atwater, J^ I certify, that on the Tenth day of March 1834, (One Thou- sand eight hundred and thirty-four) appeared before me the Subscriber, Alfred S. Purdy M.D. of the City of New York, in the State of New York, and Ann S. Martindale, of the City of New Haven in the State of Connecticut, and were joined together in holy Matrimony. Given under my hand, this 13'^'' day of Marcli in the year aforesaid Stephen Martindale, Minister of the Gospel Done in the City of New Haven Conn. This may certify whom it may concern that on the sixteenth day of March one thousand eight and thirty four, Zina Mallery and Susan Tuttle (both of Fair Haven) were duly joined in marriage by me Luman Andrews, Minister of the Gospel Fair Haven March 16 1834 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 559 I hereby certify that Northrop C. Hawley and Phebe Wilmot were by me lawfully joined in Marriage March ii^'" 1834 Attest Elisha Cushman [144] I hereby certify that Lewis Royce and Caroline A. Prescott were by me lawfully joined in Marriage March 13^'^ 1834 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Barton Ives and Betsey Royce were by me lawfully joined in Marriage April 13'^ 1834, Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that Eder B. Andrews and Wealthy Miller were by me lawfully joined in Marriage April 20'^'* 1834. Attest Elisha Cushman I certify that Samuel M. Smith & Mary Main were by me lawfully Married April 14. 1834 Rollin H. Neale, Minister of the Gospel 1834 May 21^^ I hereby certify that the Rev^ William Thacher, left at this office as certificates of marriage performed by him to be entered on Record but his name was not signed to the Paper as having performed them, the following List of names Viz John Scarrit Town Clerk Married Dec"" 11^^ 1833. W" Williamson, Newark N. J. to Miss Jennett Smith of Derby Dec"" 29 W". B. Hovey & Charlotte Turner N. Haven 1834 Jan^. i^*^ John Hosery & Margaret Franklin N. Haven " Jany i®' Henry Cadney & Susan Florence N. Haven " 27'*^ Charles Anderson & Harriet Kidder N. Haven " March 16*'' Charles P. Branen N. York to Louisa Kay N. Haven " May 6'^ Asa Boardman & Nancy Follett " " 17'^ Louis P. Morehouse, to Harriet A Brown N. Haven I certify that on the evening of the eighteenth of May 1834. appeared before me the Subscriber, M"" James C. Denman of Elizabeth Town, New Jersey, and Miss Mary Storer of New Haven, and were lawfully joined together in holy Matriny. Given under my hand this day & date above S. Martindale, Minister of Gospel [145] I certify that on the twenty Seventh of May 1834 ap- peared before me, the Subscriber; M"" Augustus D. Norton, and Miss Julia Perau, both of the City of New Haven, and were joined together in Matrimony Stephen Martindale, Minister of the Gospel I hereby certify that Samuel Hemingway and Bedy Beach were by me lawfully joined in Marriage May 30^** 1834 Attest Elisha Cushman 560 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS This is to certify that Lewis Fisk and DeHnda Morris were joined together in Holy Matrimony on the sixth day of May in the Year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and thirty four by me Smith Dayton, Minister of the Gospel This may certify that on the eleventh day of May Eighteen hundred & thirty four Sebra Peck of Woodbridge & Julia B. Johnson of New Haven were joined together in marriage by me John E Bray Minister of the Gospel This may certify that on the twenty fifth day of May Eighteen hundred & thirty four Warren Goodnow of Boston & Esther E. Hopkins of New Haven, were joined together in Marriage by me, John E. Bray, Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Seagrave W. Magill & Helen A. Twining were married by me, on thursday the Twelfth, day of June Eighteen hundred & thirty four, in the City of New Haven New Haven June 17"^'^ 1834- William Twinning This is to certify that Charles Beers and Elizabeth Ann Jocelyn both of the City and County of New Haven, in the State of Connecticut, were duly Joined together in holy Matri- mony, on the fourth day of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand, eight hundred and thirty four by me Robert Seney Minister of the Gospel Martin R. Church of the Town of Mansfield in the County of Tolland & State of Connecticut, & Betsey B. Armistead of the City & County of New Haven and State of Connecticut, were joined together in Matrimony on the 26'^'' day of June 1834 by me Robert Seney Minister of the Gospel [146] I hereby certify that Thomas Macumber and Sarah Kiffe were by me lawfully joined in marriage June 23*^ 1834 Attest Elisha Cushman I hereby certify that John Roberts, and Sarah F Hickox were by me, lawfully joined in marriage June 23*^ 1834 Attest Elisha Cushman Simeon Smith, and Alpha Maria Burt, both of Orange were married August 26^*^ 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Daniel H. Moore and Caroline E. Gaston, both of New Haven were married 3*^ September 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Harry Prescott and Mary Ann P. Wilcox, both of New Haven were married 5**^ September 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Merit P. Gillett of New Haven, and Abigail Bassett of Derby were Married 12*'^ September 1832, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven •NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 561 Charles Jones and Mary Bridge both of New Haven were were married I2*'» September 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Benjamin W. Stone and Elizabeth J. Harrison both of New Haven were married 24*^ September 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Charles Griffing of Long Island, and Almira Gorham of New Haven were married y^^ October 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven E. H. Bishop of Pittsburg Pa. and Maria H. Lewis of New Haven were married 15^'' October 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Eli C. Burnett and Eliza Chapman, both of New Haven were Married 21^* October 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Wooster Hotchkiss and Jennett Tyler both of New Haven were Married 25^^ November 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven [147] Luther Manser and Susan Chatterton, both of New Haven were married 2^ December 1832 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Leverett Ives and Sarah Maria Wolcott, both, of New Haven were Married 9*^^^ December 1832, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Loring D. Dewey of New York, and Ann Darling of New Haven were Married 18'^ December 1832, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven William L. Mansfield and Elizabeth R. Bradley, both of New Haven were Married 3"^ March 1833, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Gardiner Morse and Julia Ann Austin both of New Haven were married, 3*^ March 1833 by Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven William A. Bristol and Mary Dodd both of New Haven, were married 31^' March 1833, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven George H. Dorman of Hamden and Jane E. Cooper of New Haven were married 7"^ April 1833 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Samuel F. Perkins of Woodbridge, and Mehetabel Stow of Milford were Married y^^ April 1833 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Jason Stoddard of Middlebury, and Desire Ball of New Haven were married 5"^ May 1833. by me Leonard Bacon, Pastor of the first Church in New Haven 36 562 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Watson Adams of Wethersfield, and Grace Ritter of New Haven, were Married 6*^ May 1833 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven William Cutler, and Susan M. Bradley both of New Haven were married 13'^'' May 1833 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven John Hale of Guilford, and Abigail M. Spencer of New Haven were married 29"' May 1833 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Charles William Hinman and Rhoda Ann Hills, both of New Haven were married 18'^ June 1833 by Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven [148] Theodore D. Read and Mary B Atwater both of New Haven were married 24*^ June 1833 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Elisha M. Curtiss of Hartford, and Jane Summers of New Haven were married 6^^ October 1833 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven William M. Jones of Madison, and Angeline Gould of New Haven were married 28'^ October 1833 by Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Jesse Potter and Sophia Frances Augustus both of New Haven were Married 4'*^ November 1833 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Marvin Evarts and Jane M. Wilkins both of New Haven were Married ist January 1834, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Henry Slade and Eliza Long both of New Haven were Mar- ried 3*^ Mar. 1834, by me, Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Noah Wheadon of North Branford and Amelia Ball of New Haven were Married 16*'^ Mar. 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first church in New Haven Joseph H. Crampton of Madison, and Emily Dowd of New Haven were married 26^^ Mar. 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Hervey E Fowler of Guilford, and Jennett Johnson of New Haven were married 17''^ Apr. 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Benjamin J. Redman and Eleanor Smith, both of New Haven were married 21®' April 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Isaac Mix of Albany New York, and Clarissa Ames of New Haven were Married 7"^ Ma}'' 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven ■ NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 563 Lewis R. Kimberly and Asenath Brigden, both of New Haven, were married, 20^^ May 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven [149] Michael Shonahan and Rebecca Johnson, both of New Haven, were married 20*^ May 1834, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven John E. V. Alley and Julia Ann Bateman, both of New Haven were married 5'^ June 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Henry Mitchell and Sarah Butler, both of New Haven, were Married 25'^ June 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven This certifies that on the eleventh day of June eighteen hundred & thirty four Sampson Warren Parker, of New Haven, and Laura Allis Palmer of Hamden were joined together in Marriage by me John E. Bray Minister of the Gospel This certifies that on the eleventh day of July Eighteen hundred & thirty four William Illes and Amanda Neal both of New Haven were joined together in marriage by me John E. Bray Minister of the Gospel I hereby certify that James Rich and Elizabeth Barnes were by me lawfully joined in Marriage, July 22"^ 1834 Attest Elisha Cushman Horace Barnes 2.^ and Harriet Thompson were married by me Jan^ 9^*^ 1834 " John Mitchell Pastor of the Congr. Church in Fair Haven This certifies the marriage of Bennett C. Fowler & Ann M. Babcock March 17*^ 1834 by me John Mitchell Pastor of the Church at Fair Haven Henry Blair and Ann M. Tallmadge were married by me April 2f^ 1834 John Mitchell Pastor of the Cong' Ch^'' Fair Haven Leonard Chamberlain and Eliza Dorothy were married by me April 24*^ 1834 John Mitchell Pastor of the Cong Ch'^ Fair Haven Richard Wilson & Laura Barnes were married April 24'*" 1834 by me John Mitchell Pastor of the Congregational Ch'' in Fair Haven Ansel Beebee and Rebecca Smith were married by me June 20'^ 1834 John Mitchell Pastor of the Congregational Church in Fair Haven Joseph Moore & Mary Walston were married by me August 10*'' 1834 John Mitchell Pastor of the Congregational Church in Fair Haven 564 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [150] I hereby certify that Andrew M. Gates, and Charlotte Robinson, were by me lawfully joined in Marriage August 21*' 1834 Attest Elisha Cushman Hugh M'^Millan was married to Maria M. Armstead Sep* i^"^ 1834, by me Smith Dayton Minister of the Gospel Married, New Haven, Jan. 12*^ 1834. George A. Kimberly, to Louisa Jones both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Jan. 29, 1834 Henry Bacon to Betsey Jones both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married Whitneyville Jan. 30 1834 Major Smith of Hamden to Mary Hart of Middletown by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven Feb. 2. 1834 Charles B. Shepherd of Hartford to Hannah Myers of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Feb. 4^^ 1834. Isaac M. Hall of New York to Caroline Thompson of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, March 25, 1834 Joseph C. Potts of Trenton N. J. to Elizabeth P. Sherman, of New Haven by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, March 26, 1834, William T. Truman o-f Cincinnati Ohio to Elizabeth D. Hotchkiss of New Haven by me, Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven March 30 1834. Charles H. Morris to Mary Brockett both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven, April 6, 1834, Edward Cooper, to Susan Augur both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven April 13. 1834 Mark Goodyear to Eliza Hodges both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven April ly^^ 1834. John Lewis of New Haven to Polly M. Barns of Milford by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church [151] Married New Haven May 8, 1834 John W. Fisher to Rebecca S. Clarke both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven, May 10, 1834, Charles P. Brown, to Eliza T. Scranton both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 565 Married, New Haven, May 13. 1834. D"". John P. Meltouer, of Prince Edwards County Virginia, to Louisa Mansfield of New Haven by me ^ Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven, May 21" 1834, Ebenezer Seeley, to Alice Glover both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven May 29'^ 1834 D' David R. Hibbard, of New Yqrk to Susan C. Scott of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, June 5'^ 1834. Elisha M Atwater, of Chittenango N. Y. to Elizabeth Budington, of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, June 10'^" 1834 Samuel K. Kip of Albany, to Elizabeth Totten, of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, June 16'^'' 1834. Benjamin Amesdam to Maria Wilson, both of New Haven (blacks) by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, June 25. 1834 Charles Smith, to Parmelia Richards both of Orange by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, July 14'^ 1834. George William Howd of Branford, to Margaret Abigail Kirtland of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, July 23"^. 1834. Daniel P. Clarke, to Elizabeth Thompson, both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven August 7*^ 1834 David Braun of New Haven to Elizabeth Ogbine of Scotland By me Stephen Jewett Married, New Haven August 25 1834 Ransom Lum to Mary Johnson both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church [152] Married, New Haven Sep' ii^'' 1834 Joseph J. Wilson, to Martha Wilson both of New Haven (blacks) by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Sep* 13. 1834. Charles Bradley to Sarah A. Stanley both of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Sep* 14. 1834. Abraham A. Thompson, to Grace Ann Short both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Sep* 22^ 1834. TheadonC. Denecke, from Brunswick, Gurnsey to Hannah Jones of New Haven by me ,^ Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church 566 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married New Haven Sep* 23*^ 1834 George P. Stillman to Elizabeth Trowbridge both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Sep^ 23^ [1834] James Smith, to Eunice Peck both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Sep* 23"^ 1834, William Miller of York- town to Mehitable Smith, of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Sep*. 23 1834. Isaac H. Brown of New York to Sarah M. Stow of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Sept 29*^ 1834. Chauncey Wells, to Lois P. Sage both of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven June 29**^ 1834. David Mix of Water- bury, to Louisa Blackman of Huntington by me Rollin H. Neale Pastor of the Baptist Church Married at New Haven, August 21^* 1834, Wyllys Churchill of Hamden to Amelia Bradley of New Haven l3y Rollin H. Neale, Pastor of the Baptist Church Married at New Haven August 24*'' 1834 Robert Johnson of Boston to Clarissa West of New Haven by me Rollin H. Neale Pastor of the Baptist Church Married at New Haven Ocf 5, 1834 John T. Jones of Hart- ford, to Mary E. Lounsbury of New Haven, by me Rollin H. Neale Pastor of the Baptist Church [153] I hereby certify that Samuel Tryon, and Huldah Johnson were by me-lawfully joined in marriage, October 15 1834. Attest Elisha Cushman Married, New Haven August 20*'' 1834. Daniel E. Sabin of Providence Rhode Island & Marietta Potter of New Haven by me R. Seney Minister of the Gospel Married, New- Haven September 21. 1834. Peter E. Kilbourn of Killingworth and Ann C. Grannis of New Haven by me R. Seney Minister of the Gospel Married New Haven Oct. 8 1834. James Foote of Wallingford & Emeline Stead of New Haven by me R. Seney Minister of the Gospel Married New Haven Oct 9*''. 1834. Joseph P. Clarke & Lydia E. Lord both of New Haven by me R. Seney Minister of the Gospel Married, New Haven Oct 12*'' 1834. Hosmer Sperry & Desire Smith both of New Haven by me R. Seney NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 567 Married, New Haven Oct, ic,^^ 1834 Samuel M. Bassett & Hannah Lees both of New Haven by me R. Seney Married, New Haven Oct 19*^'' 1834 William W. Blanner- hassett of England & Charlotte Harvey of New Jersey by me. R. Seney Married New Haven Oct. 23** 1834. Samuel E. Brown of Munroe & Emily C. Jones of New Haven by me R. Seney This may certify that on the thirteenth day of October, Eighteen hundred & thirty four, Garry Peck & Deborah Sperry, both of Woodbridge were joined together in Marriage, by me John E. Bray Minister of the Gospel, This may certify that on the twenty fifth day of November eighteen hundred & thirty four, Samuel W. Bushnell of Saybrook, & Abigail Goodell of New Haven were joined together in mar- riage by me John E. Bray Minister of the Gospel Married, New Haven Sep' 23*^. 1833 Morgan G. Fowler & Jane E. Pinto, both of New Haven, by me, Elisha L. Cleaveland Pastor of the third Congregational Church New Haven [154] Married, New Haven Sep* 30'*" 1833. Horace W. Bull of Danbury and Anna C. Stockwell of New Haven by me. Elisha L. Cleaveland Pastor of the third Church Married, New Haven Dec"" i^' 1833. William Tucker & Hannah Smith both of New Haven, by me; Elisha L. Cleaveland Pastor of the third Church Married, New Haven, August 6*'' 1834 Jeremiah D. G. Manny & Francis Merriman, both of New Haven, by me ; Elisha L. Cleaveland Pastor of the third Church Married, New Haven Aug.26''' 1834. John H. Chatterton of New Haven, & Mary C. Beach of Newark, New Jersey by me Elisha L. Cleaveland Pastor of the third Church Married, New Haven Sept. lo**" 1834 Abijah Bradley & Eliza C. Townsend both of New Haven, by me, Elisha L. Cleaveland Pastor of the third Chutch Married, New Haven, Sep\ ii*'' 1834. William B. Peck and Elizabeth Mix both of New Haven by me Elisha L. Cleaveland Pastor of the third Church Married New Haven Sep' 17''' 1834 Luman Brockett of New Haven & Phebe Cooper of North Haven by me Elisha L. Cleaveland Pastor of y® third Church. Married New Haven, Sep' 29"^ 1834. Edwin Street and Jen- nette Atwater, both of New Haven, by me Elisha L. Cleaveland Pastor of the third Church Married, New Haven, Ocf 22"^ 1834 Matthew G. Elliott and Mary Ann Brintnall both of New Haven, by me Elisha L. Cleaveland Pastor of the third Church 568 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married, New Haven Oct 26 1834. John Rowe and Harriet Bishop both of New Haven, by me Elisha L. Cleaveland Pastor of the third Church Married, New Haven, Nov^ 26*^^ 1834. WilHam Sanderson of New Haven & Susan Wedmore of East Haven by Me EHsha L. Cleaveland Pastor of the third Church' I hereby certify that Charles Roberts, and Elizabeth A. Sanger were by me lawfully joined in Marriage December 25'^ 1834. Attest Elisha Cushman [155] This certifies that Minot A. Osborne & Caroline McNiel were marrifed by me on the 5*'* Nov"". 1834 Nath' W Taylor This certifies that William B. Lewis of Brooklyn N. York and Charlotte L. Tappan of New Haven, were married by me on the 18*^^ December 1834. Nath'. W Taylor John C. Percival and Martha Newell were married March 22*^. 1835 by me John Mitchell Pastor of the Cong. Church Fair Haven Married, New Haven Nov''. 2^. 1834. Lewis W. Chatfield & Sarah Goff both of New Haven Connecticut, by me R. Seney Minister of the Gospel Married Nov"", g^^ 1834, John Peter of Blanford & Jane John- son of New Haven by me R. Seney Minister of the Gospel Also the fourteen following certificates were handed in by M'" Seney Viz. Married; New Haven Dec'". 3"^ 1834. Lyman Smith of Tyring- ham Massachusetts & Charlotte Miles of Goshen Connecticut. Dec"" f^ 1834, Robert Davis & Julia Ann Sandford both of New Haven Connecticut. Dec'". 2i^t 1834 Job Munson & Grace Gilbert both of New Haven Conn* Dec'' 22"^ 1834, Richard Story, and Harriet Benedict, both of New Haven Connecticut. Jan" r' 1835, Jacob Wolf, of Cincinnati Ohio & Pamelia Ufford of New Haven Connecticut January 12^^ 1835, William S. Barnes, & Sarah R. Hunt both of New Haven Connecticut. Feb^ 19^'' 1835, Edward Blackman of Huntington & Malinda Barnes of New Haven Connecticut Feb"". 22^ 1835, Sherman Way & Susan Barnes, both of New Haven Connecticut March i^' 1835, Frederick Grannis, & Emily Bailey both of New Haven Connecticut March 29''^ 1835, James W. Stone & Clarissa Prime both of New Haven Connecticut NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 569 April 5, 1835, Alfred Braun of Berlin, & Lima Warner of Hamden Connecticut, April 13''' 1835. David Thorp of North Haven & Ann Clark of New Haven Connecticut April 20'^ 1835, Edwin Sperry of New Milford, and Sarah M. Tucker of Oxford Connecticut April 27*^^ 1835. James Barnett, of New Haven & Mary E. Tucker of Oxford Connecticut all by me R. Seney Minister of the Gospel [156] Harvey Norten was united in Matrimony to M". Rebecca Potter April 26*^ 1835, by me Smith Dayton Elder in the M. E. Church Thomas Johnson and Mary Ann Freeman were united in Matrimony, May 3'^. 1835, by me Smith Dayton Elder in the M. E. Church This certifies that Albert Bailey of Middletown, & Rebecca Allen of Hamden, Conn, were joined together in Holy Matrimony on the y^^ day of June A D 1835 by me Heman Bangs Minister of the Methodist E. Church This certifies that the Rev*^. Horace Bartlett of Sing Sing N Y. & Miss Henrietta Munson of this City, were joined together in Holy Matrimony on the 21^' day of June A t). 1835 by me Heman Bangs Minister of the Methodist E. Church William Peck of Weston, was married to Widow Elizabeth Anne Smith of this City July 5'^ 1835, by me Smith Dayton This is to certify that M'" Robert Carrington of the State of Con. & Miss Sarah Ann Bradley of the State of Con. were joined together in Holy Matrimony on the 19*'' day of July 1835 by me Heman Bangs Minister of the Methodist E. Church This Certifies that M'" Burr Frost of Waterbury & Elizabeth M. Potter of New Haven, Connecticut, were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this 16'^ day of August in the Year of our Lord 1835. by me Heman Bangs Minister of the Methodist E. Church. This certifies that on the 9'^'^ day of August 1835 Eli M. Kirkum of Guilford, & Henrietta Tuttle of New Haven were Joined in Matrimony by me O. V. Amerman Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church This is to certify that Wilmot Beecher and Laura B. More- house both of this City were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this 23*^ day of August 1835 by me Heman Bangs Minister of the Gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church [157] New Haven County fs New Haven City Sep* 11'^ 1835. This is to certify that James Ives, and Sarah Rebecca Whitehead, 570 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS both of the City and County of New Haven, were this day law- fully joined in Matrimony, and married by and before me. Silas Mix Justice of the Peace for New Haven County Darius Whitehead, father of Sarah being present This certifies that jM"". Eber Downs & Miss Almira Johnson, both of New Haven, Con. were Joined together in holy Matrimony on this 15"' day of September 1835 by me O. V. Amerman Minister of the M. E. Church This certifies that M'". Nathaniel Lancraft and M''^ Mary Ann Maria Curtiss both of East Haven Con. were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this 4'^^ day of Ocf. 1835 by me O. V. Amerman Minister of the M. E. Church This may certify that Henry Finch of Stamford & Betsey M. Lounsbury of New Haven Conn' were joined together in Holy Matrimony on the 20''' day of Sep* 1835, by me Heman Bangs Mlinster of the M. E. Church This certifies that M'". John Bishop of Bath Maine & Mary Sweet of New Haven Conn were joined together in Holy Matri- mony on this 23"^ day of Sep' 1835 by me Heman Bangs Minister of the Methodist E. Church This Certifies that Charles Tucker & Maria L. Browne both of this City were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this 12"^ day of Ocf 1835 by me Heman Bangs Minister of the M. E. Church George Todd and Betsey Peirpont, both of North Haven were married August 28''' 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven William Dickerman and Ellen E. Palmer, both of New Haven, were married, August 31®' 1834, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Thomas R. Trowbridge and Caroline Hoadley, both of New Haven, were married September 17"^ 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven [158] Lucius Hotchkiss of New Haven, and Catharine L. Street of East Haven were married September 28'^^ 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Robert M Peck of New Haven and Frances Boardman of New York were married October 7''' 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Samuel Wright and Sarah Freeman both of New Haven were Married October 23*^ 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Luther C. White of Calais, Maine, and Harriet Dyer of New Haven were Married November 7"" 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 571 George Myers and Susan Sanford both of New Haven were married December 18'^ 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Jacob S. Saunders and Betsey Maria Lewis both of New Haven were Married December 25**^ 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Charles Mansfield of Oxford, and Harriet Sperry of Wood- bridge were married December 29*'' 1834 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Asa Hoyt of Worcester Mass. and Elizabeth Merwin of New Haven were married January 5"' 1835 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Caspar Frederick Uhlhorn and Sarah Maria Goodrich, both of New Haven were married June 3*^ 1835 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Alexander Dubois of New Haven and Mary Emily Jacklyn of Milford were Married July 19^'' 1835 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven S. R. Wynkoop of Princeton N. J. and Aurelia Mills of New Haven were Married August 24*'' 1835 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Newell C. Hall and Elizabeth Mansfield both of New Haven were married September 14'^'' 1835 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven James Gorham and Eliza Ann Benham both of Hamden were married October 5'^ 1835, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven [159] Lyman H. Atwater of Fairfield, and Susan Sanford of New Haven were married, October y^^ 1835 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven James Turner and Emily Dewey both of New Haven were married October ii*** 1835 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Samuel B. Morell of Albany, N York and Harriet Somers of New Haven were married October 18"^ 1835 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Sherman A. Barrows of Mansfield, and Lucina Hitchcock of New Haven, were married November 26*^^ 1835 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Married, New Haven Oct. 6*'' 1834. Samuel Bunting from England, to Catharine Shay of New Haven By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Oct 7'^ 1834 Henry Vincent Podmera to Mary Ann Cockson both from England by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church 572 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married at New Haven, Oct 8"' 1834, William F. Bradley of Madison to Susan A Bradley of New Haven, by me, Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven, Oct g'^ 1834, William F. Stanley, to Julia Gorham both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Nov"" 6, 1834, Jacob Farren of East Haven to Harriet Glowson of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven, Nov 19^^ 1834, David W. Butler from New York to Mary Bowers of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven DeC" 7"^ 1834 Doc'". W"^ S. Wight of Tuckaher Virginia to Grace Hughes of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Dec"" 25 1834. Hezekiah P. Glenny to Grace Ann Wheeler, both of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Jan''^ 7'^ 1835 George Robinson to Harriet Whiting Bradley both of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church [160] Married at New Haven January 13^^ 1835, Laban Smith to Anne M. Beach both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Feb^. 8"' 1835 James Shehann of Chatham to Maria Frost of Middletown. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Feb^ g^^ 1835. Frederick Jones to Mary A. Cutler both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Feb^. 10. 1835, Thomas Horsfall of Yorkshire, England, to Sarah G. Brown of New Haven by me, Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Feb^ 19. 1835, Lewis S. Bennett of Frankfort N. Y. to Jane Ann Budington of New Haven, By me; Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven March 18, 1835, Albert B. Mallery to Grace E. Sherwood both of New Haven (Westville) by me; Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven, April 19"' 1835 William Granger to Fanny Reynolds both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven April 20"' 1835, Benjamin D. Harris of Skenactadee N. Y. to Mary T. Collins of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 573 Married at New Haven April 21=' 1835, Rev^ Simeon North of Clinton N Y. to Frances Harriet Hubbard of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven May 21^^ 1835 Amos Hill to Cecilia West both of New Haven (Blacks) by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven May 28''' 1835 Philemon Pierpont to Beda Brockett both of North Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven June 9*^^ 1835 Russell Hotchkiss, to Elizabeth Ann Hubbard both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven June 25, 1835 Charles S. Thomas, to Emily S. Bradley, both of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church [161] Married at New Haven July 12 1835 William Josiah Hubbard, to Betsey Eliza Watson both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Sep*. 14 1835 Stephen M. Culver, of Waterbury, to Emeline Smith of Bethany By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Sep* 14*'' 1835, Joseph G. Tuttle of Derby to Ann Ailing of Bethany, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Sep' 14 1835, Benjamin W. Hubbard to Mary Prince both of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Sep* 23"^, 1835. Henry W. Reynolds of South East N. Y. to Sarah E. Cooper of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Sep*. 27, 1835, Ephraim Butler to Harriet Coe both of New Haven (blacks) by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Sep* 28 1835 Alexander S. Collins of Cleveland Ohio to Sarah H. Huggins of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven October 6, 1835, Judah S. Thompson to Jane B. Hubbard both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Oct. 7 1835 Charles Willoughby to Amelia Branley both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Oct 7**" 1835 Thomas Price to Thankful Charles both of New Haven (blacks) By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church 574 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married at New Haven Nov 2. 1835, Lucius Foot of Durham to Lois Hubbard of North Guilford by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Nov'" 4"' 1835 James WilHam Frazer of Jamaica W. L to JNIargaret Panten Codington of New Haven By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married at New Haven Nov" 11. 1835, William E. Vibberts to Mary E. Cook both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church [162] Married at New Haven Dec'' 23. 1835 John Hoadley to Jennett Tyler both of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church I certify that Thomas Baggett of Bristol (England) was married to Susan Otis of New Haven May 24*'' 1835 by me, Lorenzo T. Bennett Afsistant Minister Trinity Parish I certify that Nathaniel Whiting of Stratford, was married to Rhoda Mary Babcock of New Haven August 18'^ 1835, by me, Lorenzo T. Bennett Assistant Minister of Trinity Parish I certify that Algernon S. Hull of New Haven was married to Jennett A. Scranton of New Haven August 24'^ 1835, by me Lorenzo T. Bennett Assistant Minister, Trinity Parish I certify that Edwin L. Trowbridge of New Haven was mar- ried to Alida Bulford of New Haven September 3'' 1835 by me Lorenzo T. Bennett Assistant Minister Trinity Parish I certify that Harpin Lindley of New Haven, was married to Mary Ann Lines of New Haven October 22*^ 1835, by me Lorenzo T. Bennett Assistant Minister Trinity Parish Joseph Eaton & Sarah Benjamin of New Haven were Married May 28'^ 1835 by me Austin Putnam Minister of the Gospel Lemuel Truesdale & Abigail Atkins of New Haven, were married August 21^^ 1835 by me Austin Putnam, Minister of the Gospel Andrew Sturges, and Mary Ann Combs of New Haven were married Sepf. 13*'' 1835, by me Austin Putnam Minister of the Gospel Certifies that Thomas W. Ball & Elizabeth Goslin both of New Haven were joined together in Matrimony on the 13''' of March 1836 by me O. V. Ammerman Minister of the Methodist E. Church NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 575 This Certifies that William S. Hoyt, of New York, and Frances O. Edwards of this City were married by me on the 2'^ March 1836 Nath'. W. Taylor This certifies that Enos S. Hurlburt of Berlin, & Clarifsa Gorham of New Haven were married by me on the 19'^'^ of March 1836 Nath'. W. Taylor [163] This certifies that W. C. Pettibone of Hartford & Emily A. Fenton of Mansfield were married by me on the 28'"^ March 1836 Nath'. W. Taylor This certifies that Noah Porter of Farmington & Mary Taylor of New Haven were married by me on the 13^'' of April. 1836 Nath'. W. Taylor This certifies that Smith Beecher of New Haven & Mary E. Short of Derby were married by me on the 15"" May 1836 Nath'. W. Taylor The following thirty two marriages were left for record by the Rev''. AP Neale of the Baptist Church in New Haven, to wit — Ransley Culver to Harriet M. Smith Nov"" 10''^ 1834 Henry Ailing Asa Budington W- Wells David Sturges Henry Towner Robert Peck Alpheus B Clarke Friend D. Collins Joseph Gorham Eliphalet Cooper Junius F Deming Ransom B. Dyer Joel G. Dorman John Wilson W"^ P. Benedict Joseph Mix Robert Williams Erastus H Booth Stephen M Wier Jacob C. Smith JamiCS Hicks George Baldwin John Troop Frederick Dodd John M. Wilson to Susan De Wolfe Oct 19*'' 1834 M'-^ Mary Childs Nov"" Jennett Little Jan'' Hannah M. Bristol " Sarah Ann Wiles " Candis Law " 16^'^ 1834 I" 1835 11"^ 1835 I2"> 1835 15 1835 Elizabeth C. Little March 22". 1835 25 April 14 14 1835 Mary E. Munson Lauinia Dauis Julia Tuttle Celia Watrous Jan^ 20**^ 1835 Mary A. Tuttle May 31" 1835 Grace A. Parkis August 2'' 1835 '"^ 1835 1835 Jane Williams 4''^ 1835 Abigail R. Grannis July 12*^ 1835 Rachel Williams Aug* 2^ 1835 Harriet Piatt " " " Eliza Rufsell Aug*^ 5 1835 Mifs Betsey Sturges Sep' 13*'' 1835 Mifs Mary Palmer Phebe Payne 13''^ 1835 1835 20^ ]\Iaria Sherman Oct 8*'' 1835 Sarah C. Sperry Nov"" 15''' 1835 Mifs Lois Lamfeer " ig'^'^ 1835 Tane H. Potter " 23"^ 1835 [164] Nathan Smith and M""^ Mary Spellman DeC" 6**^ Albert Derrick " Laura Munger Aug* 13*'' 18^5 W"^ H Cadwell " ' ' " " Elisha Stone 1835 Amanda Murray Feb'"''. 7*'' 1836 Priscilla Miner Feb'^^ 16 1836 576 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS William Frazier " Maria Rufsell Feb''^ 25''^ 1836 William Stowe " Mifs Emeline Thomas March 21^' 1836 The foregoing thirty two Marriages were Celebrated by Me R. H. Neale This certifies that Stephen R. Russell, of this City, & Cornelia Beach of Woodbridge were married by me on the 22** May 1836 New Haven 24"^ May 1836 Nath', W. Taylor This certifies that John C. Percival, & Martha Newell were married by me March 22*^ 1835 John Mitchell Pastor of Cong. Church Fair Haven O. Benjamin Pardee & Emily Hunt were married by me August 29^^ 1835 John Mitchell Pastor of Cong. Church Fair Haven C. James Wedmore & Lucina C. Sanford were married Nov 10'^ 1835 by me John Mitchell Pastor of Cong. Chh Fair Haven Horace F. Mallery & Jane A Collins were married by me Dec"" 3*^ 1835 John Mitchell Pastor of the Congregational Church Fair Haven Orrin Hull, & Eliza Palmer were married by me Dec"". 28''' 1835 John Mitchell Pastor of Cong. Chch Fair Haven Burr Hotchkifs & Amanda Gould were married by me Jan""^' iS''^ 1836 John Mitchell Pastor of Cong: Ch.h. Fair Haven Orrin Mallory & Harriet A. Tallmadge were married by me Pe^ry 2jst 13^6 John Mitchell Pastor of Cong Chch Fair Haven [165] This certifies, that John Warner of Middletown, Con. & Jane M. Terrill of New Haven, Con. were joined together in holy Matrimony on this ii'*^ day of July 1836, by me Heman Bangs Minister of the M. E. Church This certifies that Edward Cutler & Mary E. Tuttle both of New Haven Con. were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this 24"^ day of July 1836. by me Heman Bangs Minister of the M. E. Church This certifies that Bradley Keeler of Bridgeport Con. & Betsey Sanford of Hamden Con, were joined together in Holy Matri- mony on this 30'*^ day of July 1836 by me Heman Bangs Minister of the M. E. Church Charles Morris was married to Rebecca Blakeslee August ii''^ 1836 by me Smith Dayton Elder in the M. E. Church William H. Carrol was married to Hannah Porter Aug. 14"* 1836 by me Smith Dayton Elder in the M. E. Church NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 577 This is to certify that James Baniett of, New Haven Con. & Harriet Ann Terrell of Bethany Con. were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this ly^^ day of Aug. A D 1836 by me Heman Bangs Minister of the M. E. Church This certifies that James H. Hamilton of the City of Bufifaloe N. Y. & Grace Baker of the City of New Haven Con, were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this 30'^^ day of August A D 1836 by me Heman Bangs Minister of the M. E. Church This certifies that Nathan N. Beers, to Mary Maria Lewis, both of the City of New Haven, & State of Connecticut were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this 4'*^ day of September in the Year of our Lord 1836 by me Heman Bangs Minister of the M. E. Church This certifies J. A. Lindsley of the Town of Livonia & State of New York and Amelia Bishop of the City of New Haven & State of Connecticut were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this 5'^ day of September in the Year of our Lord 1836 by me Heman Bangs Minister of the M. E. Church [166] Married at New Haven 13*'' Sep"" 1836, John R. Jewitt of Middletown to Julia Ann Richards of New Haven by me J. Atwater Ordained Minister of the Gospel This certifies, that Hiram C Blackeslee and Elizabeth Ann Atwater of New Haven, were married by me on the 18"^ Sep'^ 1836 Nath'. W. Taylor This certifies, that on the evening of the 28"^ of Sept. 1836 appeared before the Subscriber, M"" Edward Holt of Fair Haven Conn^ & Mifs Mehitable Clark of Milford Con. & were lawfully joined together in Matrimony H. T. Pease Minister of the Gospel (Fair Haven Oct. 3'^ 1836) in the Methodist E. Church This certifies that on the evening of the 2^ of Oct, 1836 ap- peared before me the Subscriber, M"" Charles E. Gorham & Mifs Grace H. Dougal both of New Haven, Conn^ & were lawfully joined together in Matrimony H. T. Pease, Minister of the Gospel in (Fair Haven 3^ Oct. 1836) the Methodist E. Church Abraham Murdock & Grace Atwater both of New Haven were Married by me June 22*^ 1835 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. William W. Thomas of Orange and Martha C. Bristol of New Haven were married by me August 10^'' 1835 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. Benjamin J. Stow of Charleston, Mafs. and Harriet Peck of Haven were married by me August lo*^^ 1835 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. 37 578 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS William H Chidsey of Mobile Alabama and Sarah Ann Peters of New York were married by me Sep' 3*^ 1835 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. Lewis Foster of Killingworth & Elizabeth E. Harrison of New Haven were married by me Sept 8'*^ 1835 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. Isaac Hopkins and Caroline Love both of New Haven were married by me Sept 27'^^ 1835 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. Frederick W. Gilbert and Charlotte Lines both of New Haven were married by me, Oct. 5 1835 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. [167] Stephen V. Ingham of Fabius New York and Lydia Dibbly of New Haven married by me Oct 14''' 1835 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. Isaac Hull and Susan Bradley both of New Haven were Mar- ried by me, Nov' g^^ 1835 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. John Francis & Elizabeth Hickox both of New Haven were Married by me Febr"'. lo^'' 1836 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. John Piatt of Wallingford & Harriet W. Trowbridge of New Haven were married by me Feb. 21^* 1836 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. Francis S. Collins & Grace Ann Lines both of New Haven were married by me March 2'^ 1836 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. Brooks Hotchkiss, of Prospect & Laura L. Smith of New Haven were married by me, March 3*^ 1836 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. William Abbott of Charlestown Mafs. & Amelia Hall of New Haven were married by me April 4''' 1836 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. James A. Williams, and Polly Turney both of New Haven were married by me April 10''^ 1836 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. Henry N. Day of New Preston, and Jane L. Marble of New Haven, were married by me April 2"/^^ 1836 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. Edward A. Lambert, of New York, and Mary Jane Shelton of New Haven were married by me Sep"". 3*^ 1836 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. Merit Piatt of Milford & Abigail A. Merwin of Orange were married by me Sep* 13"' 1836 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 579 Henry F. Sperry of Westville and Charlotte Love of New Haven were married by me Oct g^^ 1836 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. John H. Sperry & Lucinda Barnes both of New Haven were married by me Oct 9'^ 1836 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. [168] EHzur Reed & Rebecca Gorham both of New Haven were married by me Oct 9*'' 1836 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the U. S. M'" John A. Pardee of New Haven & Genet Hotchkifs of West- ville were married by me Oct 12''^ 1836 Leicester A. Sawyer Pastor of the United Society New Haven This certifies that on the evening of the 20*'' of October 1836 appeared before me the Subscriber, and were lawfully joined together in Matrimony Gerard Forbes of New Haven City & Mary Ann Hitchcock of Fair Haven Village, O. Fair Haven Ocf 29'*^ 1836 H. F. Pease Minister of the Gospel, of the M. E. Church This certifies that W" C. Whipple of Hamden & Elizabeth Fayt of New Haven were Joined in marriage on the i^' Nov''. 1836 by me Newel Johnson Justice of Peace November ..25'^ 1836 M'" Leverett Barnes and Mifs Charlotte Cooper were married by me Rollin H Neale This certifies that the 27'-^ of Nov"". 1836 appeared before me the Subscriber Mifs Mary Ann Parmelee & M'" Stephen Rause( ?) and were lawfully joined in Holy Matrimony H. F. Pease Minister of the Gospel Fair Haven Dec"" 5* 1836 in the M. E. Church This certifies that on the 17'^ of Nov"". 1836, John A Myers & Naomi Grace Canfield were joined in marriage West Haven in Orange Test Stephen W. Stebbins Clerk Nov"- 18''' 1836 This may certify that M"" Charles Carlisle and Miss Julia Ann Brown were by me lawfully joined in Marriage on Monday Morning, November 14"" 1836, at New Haven Conn* witnefs my hand John H. Gibson Pastor of V^ Univ*. Church Norwich [169] I certify to the marriage of William Beach to Sarah M. Sperry both of Woodbridge April 3 : 1836 Lorenzo T. Bennett Afsistant Minister Trinity Parish I certify to the marriage of Joseph Downs of New Haven to Clara Townsend of Middlebury Sept 7. 1836 Lorenzo T. Bennett Afsistant Minister Trinity Parish 58o NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS I certify to the Marriage of Timothy A. Hunt of the United States Navy to Abigail M. Bradley of New Haven November i^' 1836 Lorenzo T. Bennett Afsistant Minister Trinity Parish I certify to the Marriage of Major L. Clarke to Elizabeth x\nn Bradley both of New Haven Nov"". 3"^. 1836 Lorenzo T. Bennett Afsistant Minister Trinity Parish I certify to the Marrige of Lauren Osborn of Naugatuck to Lois E. Osborn of Middlebury Nov^ 9: 1836 Lorenzo T. Bennett Afsistant Minister Trinity Parish I certify to the Marriage of Ambrose Coe of New Haven to Jane S. Townsend of Orange (Colored Persons) Nov"" 14^'' 1836 Lorenzo T. Bennett Afsistant Minister Trinity Parish Married, New Haven, Jan, 3"^ 1836, John Peckham to Ann Louisa Thomas, both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Jan. 10, 1836 Ambrose Stevens to Patty Eliza Fowler, both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven Jan. 11 1836 Peter Conine of Albany N. Y. to Nancy L. Perkins, of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven March 2f^ 1836 John Daley to Ellen Fingar both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, April i']'^^ 1836,, James Hayes to Catha- rine Laigh both of New Haven by me, Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church [170] Married, New Haven, May 3, 1836, EU Morris of Norwalk to Anna C. Sherman of New Haven by me, Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven, May 4'^'' 1836 John B Murphy of New York to Susan P. Mattoon, of New Haven Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, May 15. 1836, Alanson Meon (?) of Guilford to Loretta Fairchild of New Haven (Blacks) by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven May 19 1836. William McClintock of Newark N. J. to Eliza Eccles of New Haven, by me, Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 581 Married New Haven, June 2^ 1836, Charles Meritt of New York, to Amelia Porter of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven June 6'^'^ 1836. Nathan Smith to Grace Caroline Bradley, both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, June 14"' 1836. Henry Field of New York to Sarah A. Bulkley of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, June 22''' 1836. Edward Alexander Mitchell to Elizabeth Mary Gorham both of New Haven, by me ; Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven June 22*^ 1836. Thomas Barlow Jewett to Phebe Maria Wallace, both of New Haven, by me, Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Sep' 6"^ 1836. John Smith of Boston to Charlotte Brennan of Philadelphia, by me, Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Sep*^ 7. 1836. Loring Bradley to Eliza Janus, both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven Sep* 10*'' 1836. Owen McGill to Maria Dailey both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Ha.ven, Sep' 14''' 1836. Rev^. Edward Ingersoll, of Westport to Catharine Seymour of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church [171] Married New Haven, Sep' 15, 1836. Samuel Cheselin, of England, to Phebe Seeley of New Haven by me Plarry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven Sept, 20'^ 1836, George Sherman, to Mary A. Flagg both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven Oct. 3*^ 1836, Russell Jacobs of Bristol, to Elizabeth L. Wilds of Hamden, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Alarried New Haven, Oct 8'*" 1836. Daniel H. Porter, to Emily A. Barber both of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Oct 8"^ 1836. Elisha T. Wilson, of Buffalo to Cecilia L. Porter of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Oct. 9'*^ 1836. David O. Twitchell of Oxford to Charlotte Twitchell of New Haven. By me, Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church 582 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married New Haven, Oct 23"^ 1836. John Laroque of Canada to Mabel Kennedy of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Record of Trinity Chucrh Married, New Haven, Oct. 26'^ 1836. Frederick Hill, of Cats- kill to Julia N. DeForest of New Haven, by me, Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Alarried, New Haven, Oct. 26*^^ 1836. Charles A. Griffin of New York, to Pastora J. DeForest, of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Oct. 2'j^^ 1836. James Harrison of Augusta Georgia to Charlotte N. Lynde of New Haven. By me, Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven Dec"". 25**^ 1836. Franklin Bidwell, to Mary Fairchild both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven Jan. 9**^ 1837. Isaac Mix Jun'". of New York to Lucy Bradley of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church [172] This certifies that on the 22'^ of Jan'' 1837 appeared before me the Subscriber M"" Henry Law of Fladam Con. and Mifs Louisa Cook of New Haven & were lawfully joined together in Matrimony H. F. Pease, Minister Fair Haven Jan^ 23"^ 1837 of the M. E. Church This certifies that William S. Harrimount was married to Jane H. Morgan, by me at New Haven Irenus Atkins Janu'"'' 2(f^ 1837 Pastor Baptist Church Southington This certifies that I Joined in Marriage on Sabbath evening 29^*^ of January 1837, Samuel Farren and Sarah McNeil both of this City Simeon S. Jocelyn Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Thomas Dixon was married to Eliza Gaings ■ in this City on the sixth day of April 1837, by the Subscriber New Haven April 6"' 1837. Jeremiah Atwater Minister of the Gospel This certifies that I have this Evening married Luke Lathrop and Ellen Currier New Haven May 11''' 1837 E. G. Smith Minister of the Gospel Married New Haven January 14'*^ 1836, Jauis McDuffie of Rochester, New Hampshire, to Hannah Mason of New Haven by me Anth^. P. Sanford, Justice of Peace This Certifies that John Pardee of New Haven Conn' & Char- lotte Smith of the same place were married on the 18'*^ day of June 1837, their intention of Marriage having been previously proclaimed in the Church B. B. Hallock Pastor of the first New Haven July 14"' 1837 Universalist Society in New Haven NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 583 This certifies that M"". William Mills of Albany N. York & Mifs Susannah Markland of New Haven Conn, were married by me on the 16''' day of July 1837. B. B. Hallock Pastor of the first Universalist New Haven July 25 1837. Society of New Haven [173] Andrew H. Foote, and Polly Frances Hoadley both of New Haven, were Married by me Sept. 13''' 1830 Leonard Bacon, Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Henry Thompson and Betsey Johnson both of New Haven, were Married by me January 28''' 1836 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven William D. Thorp of North Haven and Rebecca B. Hanover of New Haven, were married by me February 2^ 1836 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven James A. Nott, and Kittaline Lewis both of New Haven, were married by me, April 10''' 1836, Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Sackett Gilbert, and Fidelia Thompson both of New Haven were married by me May 18''' 1836. Leonard Bacon, Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Henry Bushnell of Saybrook, and Susan A. Piatt of Bethany were married by me May 23*^. 1836. Leonard Bacon, Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Lorenzo L. Langstroth of Andover Mafs and Anne M. Tucker of New Haven, were married by me August 22'' 1836 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven John L. Johnson of Newbury North Carolina, and Charlotte A. Rowe of New Haven were married, by me Sep"" 26^'' 1836 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven James Bishop and Mary A. Fairchild both of New Haven were married by me Oct 4*'' 1836 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Hubbard M Smith and Sarah A. Lambert both of New Haven were married by me Oct 6^'^ 1836 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven WilHam Paul Peterson of Hartford, and Harriet Miller of New Haven were married Oct 8"" 1836 by the Rev"^ Lyman H. Atwater Pastor of the First Church in Fairfield, acting in my behalf Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven 584 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS [174] Thomas Brainard of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Mary- Whiting of New Haven were married by me Oct 29, 1836 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Chase Hill of Limerick Maine, and Laura F. Lines of New Haven, were married by me, October 31^*^ 1836 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Ezra C. Rowe and Frances J. Atwater both of New Haven were Married by me Nov"". 6^^ 1836 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Charles Baldwin and Sarah Moore both of New Haven were married by me Jan. 2^ 1837 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Hiram A. Graves of Springfield, Mafs, and Mary Hinman of New Flaven, were married by me, January 19''' 1837 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Oliver Mitchell of Southbury and Mary Ann Griffin of Hamden were married by me February 22^ 1837 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Charles Maloy and Mary Parker both of New Haven were married by me February 22*^ 1837. Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven David Camp of Woodbridge, and Lucy Blake of Washington, were married by me March 30'^^ 1837 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Oliver Graves of Whateby Mass, and Eliza Warner of Northampton Mafs were married by me April 27'^ 1837 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven [175] Rufus P. Bunce of Southington, and Mary Ann Carvin of New Haven, were married by me. May 14"^ 1837 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Thomas P. Dickerman and Sarah Parkus both of New Haven were married by me May 21^' 1837 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Joseph Monson and Salome Hill, both of New Haven were married by me May 28'^^ 1837 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Flaven NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 585 Charles Linsley and Mary M. Keiiney, both of New Haven, were married by me July 23'^ 1837 Leonard Bacon Pastor of the First Church in New Haven Married In this City on the Evening of the 10^'' Ins' by the Rev*^ James Salmon, M"" Samuel Storer, (Cap' of the Brig Richard) to Mifs Susan Wescott all of this City James Salman Minister of the second Sepf 10. 1837 Baptist Church in New Haven This certifies that Owen S. Monson & Marietta Deming were married by me on the 3*^ Sep' 1837 Nath^ W. Taylor New Haven 4"" Sep'. 1837 Frederick Brace of New Hartford and Mifs Martha L. Wood- ruff of New Haven were married by me, Oct. 27, 1836 Leicester A. Sawyei John Townsend and Rebecca Hull of New Haven were mar ried by me Feb^ 5'^ 1837 Leicester A. Sawyer Ambrose L. Piatt of Saybrook and Jane P. Gorham of New Haven were married by me April 25"" 1837. Leicester A. Sawyer David Gilbert Jun'". & Mifs Emily R. Bidwell both of New Haven were married by me May 15'^ 1837 Leicester A. Sawyer [176] Charles A. Ells of Milledgeville, Geo. & Mifs Susan M. Augur New Haven, were married by me, July 10"^ 1837, Leicester A. Sawyer John Brown of New York & Mifs Jane Johnson of Kingston N. Y. were married by me Aug' 20'^ 1837. Leicester A. Sawyer Dexter Alden of Richmond O. & Mifs Eliza Griswold of New Haven, were married by me, Aug'. 30"^ 1837 Leicester A. Sawyer John S. Rawell of New York and Mifs Emily A. Rofs of New Haven were married by me Sisp'. i®' 1837. Leicester A. Sawyer Anthony Thompson, of Newark and Mifs Jane H. Bartiss of New Haven were Married by me Sep' 3^. 1837 Leicester A. Sawyer John Best of Ridgefield Con. & Mifs Catharine Harvey of New Haven were married by me Oct 5"^. 1837. Leicester A. Sawyer George Sellage of New York & Miss Lydia A. Thompson of New Haven were married by me Nov'" 13 1837. Leicester A. Sawyer Joseph Bartifs, of New Haven & Miss. Lucy Ann Wilson of New Haven were married by me Nov. 15"^. 1837. Leicester A. Sawyer Charles B. Gilbert & Mifs Mary Culver both of Westville were married by me Nov. 26"^. 1837 Leicester A. Sawyer, Pastor of the Church of Christ, in the United Society 586 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Thomas T. May & Laura Bristol both of New Haven were married by me January i'" 1838 Leicester A. Sawyer I certify to the marriage of Timothy Fowler to Sarah Gray both of this City March 12"^ 1837. Lorenzo T. Bennett I certify to the marriage of George Slater of England, to Mary Jane Watson of Ireland March 18"^ 1837. Lorenzo T. Bennett I certify to the marriage of William Baldwin, to Harriet E. Fuller both of this City, March 30'^^ 1837. Lorenzo T. Bennett [177] I certify to the marriage of Thomas Merrick of England to Ann Hayes of this City, June 18''' 1837. Lorenzo T. Bennett I certify to the marriage of Horatio D. Smith, to Caroline G. Gorham both of this City, July 9^'' 1837. Lorenzo T. Bennett I certify to the Marriage of James H. Huggins of this City to Sarah Jane Nichols of Sturbridge (Mafs) Sepf 28''^ 1837. Lorenzo T. Bennett I certify to the marriage of Roger S. Prescott, to Rebecca Carrington both of this City Ocf 12''' 1837. Lorenzo T. Bennett I certify to the marriage of Richard D. Coan, to Flora Gran- niss both of this City Ocf. 18"" 1837. Lorenzo T. Bennett Married, New Haven, Jan. 9'^ 1837. Isaac Mix Jun"". of New York to Lucy Bradley of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven Jan. 25''' 1837. James Edward English, to Caroline Augusta Fowler both of New Haven by me. Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Feb. 7 1837. Lewis E. Thompson of New Haven to Mary Rockwell of Oxford, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven, April 2^ 1837 Herschell Stevens of Orange to Mehitable Hodge of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Married New Haven, May 3*^ 1837. James M. Mason, to Eliza J. Isbel both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, May 4th 1837. Benjamin W. Field of Madison, to Elizabeth B. Robinson of Durham, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church [178] Married New Haven, May 4"' 1837. Nathan B. Hill of Madison, to Sarah Robinson of Durham. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 587 Married, New Haven, May 22.^ [1837] Henry Austin to Jane Hempsted both of New Haven. By me, Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven May 28'^ 1837 Benjamin F. Tarbox of Granby, Mafs to Louisa Tomhnson of Derby. By me, Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, June 5"' 1837. William Webster, to Emma Brown, both from England, By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, June 6''' 1837. Charles Henry Cotton of Windsor Conn*, to Mary P. Beecher of New Haven. Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, June 28'^ 1837. Thomas E. Clarke of Vicksburg Mifs, to Elizabeth M. Hunt of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven July 3'^. 1837. Henry T. Huggins to Elizabeth C. Lynde both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, July 27'*" 1837. John Pierce of Phila- delphia, to Eliza M. Sanderson of New Haven. By me, Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, August 13"' 1837, Charles E. Thompson, to Mary Foot, both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Sep'. 6''' 1837. Allen Curtifs of South- ington to Laura Hitchcock of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church [179] Married, New Haven, Sep*^ 24'^^ 1837. William A. Goodwin to Julia Ann P. Manson, both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Oct^ 9*^ 1837. Frederick H. Stow of Charleston S. C. to Sarah B. Fairchild of Stratford By me ■ Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Nov"' i^' 1837. Edward Eugene Hawley to Mary Ann Fowler, both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Nov'" 2^ 1837. Calvin Merrill, to Louisa Storer, both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Nov^ 5*'' 1837. Ammi Clarke to Nancy Elizabeth Clark both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven Nov"". 13*^^ 1837. D'" Jacob Norcrofs Keeler of Pemberton, N. J. to Mary Sabin Chew of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church 588 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married, New Haven, Nov"" 27"' 1837. Peter Monaghan to Maria Crittenden, both residing in New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Dec'". 11, 1837. William Elihu Sanford to Margaret Louisa Craney both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven Dec^ 13^'' i837- John Scarritt, of New Haven to Lydia Barker of Branford, By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married 'New Haven, Dec'" 13^'' 1837. Levi B. Hubbell of Bridgeport, to Catharine Mallett of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church [180] Married, New Haven, Dec'" 23"^ 1837. Edward M. Broadhead of New York to Maryaretta C. Fletcher, of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, Dec"" 24"" 1837. Anthony Smith of Woodbridge to Abbe Alby of New Haven. By me Harry Cromwell, Rector of Trinity Church Thomas Steele of Hartford, and Mary Ritter of New Haven, "were married August 29'^ 1837. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Plaven Amos PL Trowbridge and Julia Atwater both of New Haven were married August 29''' 1837 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Nathan Ritter and Elizabeth M. Hotchkifs both of New Haven were married Nov"" 2.^. 1837, by me Leonard Bacon. Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Oliver B. Butterfield of Southbury, and Clarissa Atwater of New Haven, were married Nov'" 28 1837. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Henry N. Whittlesey and Elizabeth A. Wilson both of New Haven were married Nov"" 30 1837. by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Plaven John McAuliff and Esther Shepherd both of New Haven were wiarried 7^^ January 1838 by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Sylvester Norton of Troy N. Y. and Eliza M. Woodruff of New Haven, were married 21^' January 1838, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven Lewis Augustus Johnson, & Mary Ann Doolittle, both of Wallingford were married 3'' December 1837, by me Leonard Bacon Pastor of the first Church in New Haven [181] This certifies, that Robert Lenox Taylor of New York, and Sophia Sherman of this City, were married bv me, on 22** March 1838. Nathaniel W. Taylor NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 589 This certifies that William F. Tolls and Grace Ann Gregory were Joined together in Matrimony on this 30*^ day of July Eighteen hundred and thirty seven by me. E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel. This certifies that Peter Edwards and Harriet Smith, both of this City, were joined together in Matrimony this 4*^ day of August Eighteen hundred and thirty seven by me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This certifies that George Bartholomew and Lydia Chappell both of this City were joined together in Matrimony on this 22'^ day of Oct. Eighteen hundred and thirty seven by nie E. E. Griswold, Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Samuel Larabee of this City and Caroline French of Salem, were joined together in Matrimony on this 23"^ day of Oct., Eighteen hundred and thirty seven, by me E. E. Griswold, Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Francis Williams and Eliza Williams, both of this City were joined together in Matrimony on this 28"^ of Jan^ Eighteen hundred and thirty Eight by me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Alexander Brock and Hannah Morigan both of this City were joined together in Matrimony on this 8'^ day of April Eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, by me E. E. Griswold, Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Samuel H. Baldwin and Mary Ann Averst both of this City were joined together in Matrimony this 25"^ day of April Eighteen hundred and thirty eight by me E. E. Griswold, Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Harvey Seward and Harriet E. Ramsdale both of this City were joined together in Matrimony on this 29*'' day of April Eighteen hundred & thirty eight By me E. E. Griswold, Minister of the Gospel This certifies that John G. Kenny and Mary Heaton both of this City were joined together in Matrimony on this 30'^'' day of April, Eighteen Hundred and thirty eight. By me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel [182] This certifies that John C. Kline and Esther Ives both of this City were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this 8^^ day of May Eighteen hundred and thirty Eight E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Lyman Dorman of this City, and Lucy Ann Hubbell of Huntington, were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this 13'^ day of May eighteen hundred and thirty 'eight, by me. E. E. Griswold, Minister of the Gospel 590 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Orrin Miller, & Mary Ann Sherman of New Haven were mar- ried by me July 13''' 1837. H. G. Ludlow Also Henry Simson & Mary Ann T. Cady Sept 3"*. 1837 H. G. Ludlow Also Edgar Ketchum of New Vork & Elizabeth Phoenix of New Haven May g'^ 1838. H. G. Ludlow Also Gustavus Bradley & Caroline W. Hotchkiss both of New Haven, Aug. i^' 1838. Henry G .Ludlow Pastor of the Free Church in New Haven William Freeman & Elizabeth Brigden were united in Mar- riage on Sunday the 8'"^ day of October 1838 by me Henry G. Ludlow Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Medad Atwater of New Haven, and Harriet Warren were married by me, on the 27'^ Sep'. 1838. Nathi W. Taylor This certifies that Alfred E. Ives of Colebrook, Conn*^ & Harriet P. Stone of this City were married by me on the 6'^ Nov. 1838 Nath'. W. Taylor Henry Wheeler of Derby & Nancy Hotchkiss of New Haven were united in Marriage by me on the 6"^ Nov*" 1838 H. G. Ludlow Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven, May 16''^ 1838, M"" James M. Vedder to Mary M. Allen both of New Haven, by me Israel Robards Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven, June 2^ 1838, M"" Davis Summers of Milford to M""^ Mary Somers of East Haven, by me Israel Robards Minister of the Gospel [183] Married at New Haven July 24''' 1838, M"" Joseph Lane, to Martha Hoadley both of New Haven, by me Israel Robards Minister of the Gospel Married September 1838, M"" Franklin B. Hurlburt, to Betsey Gabriel, both of New Haven, by me Israel Robards, Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven Ocf i^' 1838, M"" Edmund B. Barnum to Mary A. Thomas both of New Haven, by me Israel Robards Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven Ocf. 11^^ 1838, M'' William B. Bristol of Charleston, S. C .to Susan B. Merrick of New Haven, by me, Israel Robards, Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven Ocf. 30"^ 1838, M"". Elihu Smith, to Clarissa H. Roberts, both of New Haven by me Israel Roberts, Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven Nov"" 26*'^ 1838 M"" Isaac Anderson to Mifs Elizabeth Ailing both of New Haven by me Israel Robards Minister of the Gospel NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 591 Married at New Haven, Nov"- 27'^ 1838, M^ Stephen Page of Guilford, to Mifs Margaret Crooks of New Haven by me. Israel Robards Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven Nov"" 29''^ 1838, M"". Moses Seward to Mifs Clarifsa E. Colburn, both of New Haven, by me Israel Robards, Minister of the Gospel Jabez Munson and Ruth Peabody both of Orange were married by me, March 30"^ 1838 Liecester A. Sawyer, Minister of the Gospel George H. Morgan and Miss Harriet A. Austin both of New Haven were by me April 1838 Liecester A. Sawyer, Minister of the Gospel Ellsworth Sanford & Mifs Jane Bassett, both of New Haven, were Married by me April 29''' 1838. Leicester A. Sawyer Charles Brewster and M''^ Maria Young both of New Haven were married by me May 17'^ 1838. Liecester A. Sawyer Edward Smith and Mifs Elizabeth Aggett, both of New Haven were married by me May 20^^^ 1838, Liecester A. Sawyer [184] Married at New Haven Dec' 16*'^ 1838, M"" James Williamson of New York City to Mifs Esther Maria Brockway of New Haven by me Israel Robards Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven Dec"" 23"^ 1838, M'" Charles Gears of Middletown Conn, to M'"^ Salina Gears of New Haven Conn, by me Israel Robards, Minister of the Gospel I hereby certify that the Rev^ Nathaniel Stone Richardson of Watertown, and Mifs Lydia Ann Murdock of New Haven, were legally joined in marriage, by me, on the 16''^ day of October A D 1838, Certified at New Haven Jan'' i^*^ 1839. James Murdock Minister of the Gospel Married New Haven, December 31^' 1837. Burton Smith to Sarah Luke both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven, January 2^ 1838, Eleazer Kingsbury Foster, to Mary Codrington, both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, January 13''' 1838, Leveret Philips, to Nancy Johnson (People of Color) both residing in New Haven, Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, February i^*^ 1838, Charles Heyland to Hannah Nichols both residing in New Haven, by me, Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, March 29*^ 1838, Ishmael Duffell, to Elizabeth Wilson both of New Haven (People of Color) by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church 592 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married, New Haven May 29'^ 1838, Rev'^ Henry Fitch to Abigail Sherman, both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, July 11'^'' 1838 Doc"" John B. Robertson, to Mabel Maria Heaton, both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven August 15'^ 1838, Daniel Green Whitney, of Quincy Illinois, to Mary Ann Cutler of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell, Rector of Trinity Church [185] Married New Haven August 30*'' 1838, John Thomas to Antoinette Simons (People of Color) both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, October 14'^ 1838, Isaac Freeman to Martha Wilson (People of Color) both of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven October 24^^ 1838, Stephen Lawton, of Manchester England to Caroline Treadway of Middletown, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven November 7"^ 1838, Samuel Higby to Harriet Thomas both of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, November 27*^ 1838, Malachi Linsley of Branford to Lydia Crampton of New Haven by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven, November 29"" 1838, Elias B. Bishop of East Haven to Grace C. Atwater of New Haven. By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven, November 29'^ 1838, Alexander Ryliski from Canada to Maria Louisa Antoinette Mathelot of New Haven, By me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married New Haven November 29^'^ 1838, Aaron Ogden Hunt, to Cornelia Ann Cooke both of New Haven, by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church Married, New Haven, December 5'^ 1838, James C. Townsend M. D. to Margaret E. Townsend, both of Long Island ; by me Harry Croswell Rector of Trinity Church I certify to the marriage of M"" George Rowland of New Haven, to Mifs Jane Cooper of Hamden September 13''^ 1838, Lorenzo T. Bennett Afsistant Minister, Trinity Church I certify to the Marriage of M"". Thomas Webster to Widow Harriet Duffel (Colored) both of New Haven, September 16"^ 1838. Lorenzo T. Bennett, Afsistant Minister, Trinity Church NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 593 I certify to the marriage of M"" Robert Ives of Bridgeport to Mifs Sarah L. Gilbert of New Haven October i^' 1838 Lorenzo T. Bennett Afsistant Minister, Trinity Church [186] Robert Hamilton and Mifs Mary C. Fuller both of New Haven were married by me Sept 16'^'^ 1838, Liecester A. Sawyer Elias Carrington and Mifs Nancy Crooks, both of New Haven were married by me July 8. 1838. Liecester A. Sawyer Alanson Robinson, of Wallingford, and Rachel Thomas of New Haven were married by me Sept 16*^^ 1838, Liecester A. Sawyer Pastor of the Park Street Church, N. H. Joseph N. Stoddard of Humphreysville, and Sophia J. Buding'- ton of Westville were married by me, Dec"" 10"^ 1838, Licester A. Sayer Pastor of the Park Street Church, New Haven, Married at New Haven Jan^"^. 9*^ 1839. M"" Hiram B. Newton of Woodbridge, Conn, to Mifs Margaret McHoggan of New Haven Conn, by me Israel Robards Minister of the Gospel To all to whom it may concern, this certifies ; That M'" Dennis Dorothy of the Town of New Haven in the State of Conn* and Mifs Rebecca S. Benedict of the Town of New Haven in the State of Conn* were joined together in Holy Matrimony on the 4*^ day of Nov'". A. D. 1838, by me John M. Pease Minister of the Gospel Fair Haven New Haven O- To all whom it may concern ; this certifies ; That M"" Miles Ball of the Town of New Haven in the State of Conn, and Mifs Lowly Mallory of the Town of New Haven in the State of Conn, were joined together in Holy Matrimony on the i^^^ day of Nov"". A. D. 1838 by me John M. Pease Minister of the Gospel Fair Haven To all whom it may concern this certifies, That M'" John C. Goodridge of the City of Boston in the State of Mafs. and Mifs Sarah Fowler of the Town of Milford in the State of Conn* were joined together in Holy Matrimony on the 23^ day of Dec' A. D. 1838 by me John M. Pease Minister of the Gospel Fair Haven Married at New Haven (Fair Haven Society) Lucius Walker of New Haven to Henrietta E. Davenport of New Haven on Monday January 9*'' 1837 by me Benj°. L. Swan, Minister of the Gospel in Fair Haven Society [187] Married at New Haven (Fair Haven Society) Monday Feb-'y. 6. 1837 Seth T. Benton of Watertown, Conn, to M''^ Eliza 38 594 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Seeley of New Haven, (Fair Haven Village) by me Benj°. L. Swan Minister of the Gospel in Fair Haven Society Married at New Haven (Fair Haven Society) Monday March 26 1838, George Edwin Thomson of Fair Haven Village (in New Haven) to Sophia Strickland of Palmer Mafs. The above were married by me Benj'^. L. Swan Minister of the Gospel in Fair Haven Society Married at New Haven (Fair Haven Society) Wednesday August 29. 1838. Ebenezer Clark J"", of Haddam Conn, to Almira Hervey of Middletown Conn. The above were married by me. Benj°. L. Swan Minister of the Gospel in Fair Haven Society Married at New Haven (Fair Haven Society) Monday Septem- ber 30^^^ 1838 Horatio Lee Scranton of Madison, Conn, to Harriet Ann Grannis of Fair Haven Village (in New Haven). The above were married by me. Benjamin L. Swan Minister of the Gospel in Fair Haven Society Married at New Haven (Fair Haven Society) Monday Feb- ruary II*'' 1839, Willett Rowe of East Flaven Conn, to Lucretia Parmelee of Durham Conn. The above were married by mc Benjamin I... Swan Minister of the Gospel in Fair Haven Society Calvin Tuttle of Southbury & Asenath O. Hubbard of New Haven were united in Marriage by me on the 9"" day of Dec'' 1838 H. G. Ludlow Philo Lewis of Terrysville & Mary S. Sanford of Saybrook were united in Marriage by me on the 19*'' day of March 1839 H. G. Ludlow Married at New Flaven, March 21'* 1839, M' Abijah Austin of Hamden Conn, to M''^ Sarah Ann Hobart of New Haven Conn*^, by me Israel Robards, Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven April f^ 1839 ^^ David B. Sanger to Mifs Delia B. Denslow both of New Haven Conn' by me Israel Robards, Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven April y^^ 1839 M'^- George M. Brannin to Mifs Cornelia J. Chipman both of New Haven, Conn*^ by me Israel Robards, Minister of the Gospel [188] New Haven April 17*^^ 1839. This certifies that Edward P. Camp & Harriet Babcock were united in Marriage by me April 16''' 1839 Dwight M. Seward Pastor of the Cong. Chch New Britain Conn. This certifies that Walter Stickney of this City and Julia Ann Parsons of Lyme were married by me on the 21^' Ap^ 1839. Nath'. W. Taylor This certifies, that Moses H. Baldwin & Martha N. Whittelsey were married by me 23*^ Apr' 1839. Nath' W. Taylor NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 595 This may certify that I have married M"" EHjah Frisbie to Mifs Lydia A. Sperry both of New Haven this 7^^ day of April 1839 Sylvester Smith This certifies that Lockwood Smith and Delia Grace Smith were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this thirteenth day of June A D One thousand eight hundred and thirty eight by me E. E. Griswold minister of the Gospel This certifies, That Balizar W. Umberfield, and Betsey Wood- ruff were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this twenty fifth day of June AD. one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight by me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel. This certifies that Heniy Rolph and Lucy Sophia Smith were joined together in Holy Matrimony on the second day of July AD. one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight By me E. E. Griswold, Minister of the Gospel This certifies That Marcus B. Foster and Sarah Macumber were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this fifteenth day of July A D. One Thousand eight hundred and thirty eight. By me E. E. Griswold, Minister of the Gospel This certifies That Christopher D. Smith and Martha Andrews were joined together in Holy Matrimony on ths twelfth day of Aug' A D One Thousand and eight Hundred and thirty eight. By me E. E. Griswold, Minister of the Gospel This certifies That James W. Barnett, and Mary Ann Shatton were joined together in Holy Matrimony in this tenth day of October, A D One thousand, eight hundred and thirty eight. By me E. E. Griswold, Minister of the Gospel [189] This certifies That James Howe and Elizabeth Gammell were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this twenty first day of October A D One Thousand eight hundred and thirty eight. By me. E, E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Luther Denman and Cynthia Allen were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this twenty eighth day of November A D. one thousand eight Hundred and thirty eight. By me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This certifies That Thomas W. Beecher and Jane Bassett were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this ninth day of Decem- ber A D One Thousand eight hundred and thirty eight. By me E. E. Griswold Minister of this Gospel This Certifies That Lewis Allen and Louisa Munson were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this Eighteenth day of September A D One Thousand eight hundred and thirty eight. By me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This Certifies, That Noah Randall and Julia Ann Myers were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this Eleventh day of 596 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS September A D One Thousand eight Hundred and thirty eight. By me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This certifies That Moses Stevens and Sarah Miles were joined together in Holy Matrimony this twenty sixth day of December A D. One Thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, By me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This Certifies That Isaac Taylor and Hannah Maria Towner were joined in Holy Matrimony on the first day of Jan^ A D. One Thousand eight hundred and thirty nine by me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This certifies That David Clarke and Frances M. Forbes were joined together in Holy Matrimony this fourteenth day of Janu- ary A D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and thirty nine. By me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Joshua L. Rider and Philomela N. Eddy were joined in Holy Matrimony this sixteenth day of January A D one Thousand eight Hundred & thirty nine. By me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel [190] This Certifies That Jesse Bradley and Jane Wolcott were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this third day of February A D one thousand eight Hundred and thirty nine, By me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This certifies That Elias Moore and Caroline Boardman were joined together in Holy Matrimony this twenty fourth day of February A D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine. By me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This certifies That Darius Sanford, and Betsey Brown were joined together in Holy Matrimony this twenty eighth day of February A D One thousand eight hundred and thirty nine. By me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This certifies That George W. Benedict, and Mary Landcraft were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this seventh day of April A D one Thousand eight hundred and thirty nine. By me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel This Certifies That Josiah A. Doan and Amanda A. Dibble were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this fourteenth day of April A D. one Thousand eight hundred and thirty nine E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven May 30*'' 1839 M"" Peter Ennis of Newark N. J. to Mifs Mary A. Page of New Haven by me Israel Robards, Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Henry J. Davidson and Harriet Thomas were joined together in Holy Matrimony on this 13"' day of May, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine by me E. E. Griswold Minister of the Gospel NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 597 Married on the 14'^ of April 1839. at Fair Haven, M'" George E. Oviatt to Mifs Ann Jane Johnson both of New Haven, by J. M. Pease Minister of the Gospel Married on the 21^' of April 1839, ^^ Fair Haven M"" Alfred A. Upson, to Mifs Maria Bunnell, both of New Haven by J. M. Pease Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven, on the 2.^ of June 1839, M'" Minot Thompson to Mifs Susanna Johnson both of New Haven by J. M. Pease Minister of the Gospel [igi] This certifies that M"" James W. Denton of New York & Mifs Martha Warren of New Haven were joined in Marriage by the Subscriber, June 2^ 1839. L. C. Cheney Minister of the Gospel This certifies that Moses H. Baldwin and Hannah N. Whittle- sey of New York were married by me on the 23*^ day of Apr' 1839. Nath' W. Taylor. This certifies that Thomas Elmes of Philadelphia & Lucy R. Atwater of New Haven were married by me on the 19*^ June 1839 Nath' W. Taylor Married at New Haven, June 22'' 1839. Lyman Hitchcock of Cheshire to Emily Gaylord of New Haven, by me Newton Wheeler Justice of the Peace Married at New Haven July 9**" 1839 ^"^ Richard Knight, to Susan Gafney both of New Haven by me Israel Robards Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven on the 10*'' day of July 1839, Carvine Farnum to Harriet Elizabeth Russell both of New Haven by me Newton Wheeler Justice of the Peace Married at New Haven August 7"' 1839 M'" William Freeland of Newark New Jersey to Mifs Maria A. Williams of Litch- field C° Con^. by me Israel Robords Minister of the Gospel New Haven 13**^ August 1839. Married at New Haven William W. Sackett and Minerva Drian both of the Town of Bethany Newton Wheeler Justice of the Peace This certifies that Lucius E. Clark and Abigail C. Rich of this City were married by me on the 22'' August 1839 New Haven, Aug. 22, 1839 Nath* W. Taylor This certifies, that Leander C. Burnham of this City, and Hannah Clapp of Hartford were married by me on the 4*^^ of SepS 1839. Nath' W. Taylor New Haven Sepf. 4*'' 1839. [192] Married July 16. 1839 Henry H. Bromley of New Haven to Jane A. Kimball of Bethlehem By me O. V. Amerman Minister of Methodist Episcopal Church 598 NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS Married Aug. ii"' 1839, Jabez M. Gilbert of Ridgefield, to Abigail Tuttle of New Haven, by me O. V. Amerman Married Sep. i^* 1839, Nathan Thompson of Sarotoga N. Y. to Jerusha H. Plumb of New Haven by me O. V. Amerman Married Sep. 16''' 1839. Lucius E. Peck to Mary E Smith both of Bethany by me. O. V Amerman Married Sep. 16"^ 1839, Nathan C. Sperry to Fanny L. Peck both of Bethany By me O. V. Amerman Married Sep. 22. 1839 John Galehen of Portsmouth (Eng- land) to Elizabeth Caine of New Haven, By me O. V. Amerman Married Sep. 29''' 1839. Henry Baldwin to Martha A. Wol- cott both of New Haven, By me O V. Amerman Married Sep. 30*'' 1839. George W. Smith to Sibyl Andrews both of New Haven, by me O. V. Amerman Minister of the Gospel Jairus Sanford and Widow Elizabeth Rowe both of New Haven Town were married by me the undersigned Minister of the Gospel in Fair Haven Village on Wednesday October 2^ 1839. Benjamin L. Swan Married at New Haven Oct. 13''^ 1839. M'' Daniel S. Glenny to Miss Adeline L. Richards both of New Haven. By me Israel Robards, Minister of the Gospel Married at New Haven Nov"" 28'^ 1839, M'' Edwin Merwin of Woodbridge 0-. by me to Miss Mary E. Benjamin of New Haven Israel Robards, Minister of the Gospel Married at Milford C'. Nov"". 28''^ 1839, M"" Horace Burwell of New Haven to Miss Mary Beach of Milford C^ by me Israel Robards, Minister of the Gospel [193] Chauncey L. Davis, and Miss Mary Aggett both of New Haven were married by me Feb. 3*^ 1839 Lester A. Sawyer Pastor of Park S^ Church L. V. H. Crosby of Springfield Mafs, and Miss Elmina C. Cooper of New Haven, were married by me. May 9"^ 1839. Lester A. Sawyer Pastor of the Park S*. Church Daniel J. Nichols, of Rutland V^ and Miss Flora M. Blackeslee of Plymouth C. were married by me June 4*^^^ 1839. Lester A. Sawyer Pastor of Park S*. Church Henry J. Johnson of Southbury C. & Miss Lucinda Clark of New Haven were married by me, Sept. I'j^^ 1839. Lester A. Sawyer Pastor of Park S^ Church Samuel S. Stone of New Haven C^ and Miss Jane H. Richards of Troy N. Y. were married by me Nov. 3^ 1839 Lester A. Sawyer Pastor of Park S*. Church NEW HAVEN VITAL RECORDS 599 James Smith, to Mifs Sarah Jeffrey both of New Haven, were married by me Dec'". 24.^^ 1839. Lester A. Sawyer Pastor of the Park S^ Church I certify to the Marriage of M'' Henry C. Babcock to Miss Sarah M. Warner, both of New Haven, Feb''^ 6*"^. 1839, Lorenzo T. Bennett, Assistant Minister, Trinity Church Parish I certify to the Marriage of William T. Bradley, to Miss Mary Ann Canfield, both of New Haven, April 10'^ 1839. Lorenzo T. Bennett Assistant Minister Trinity Church Parish I certify to the Marriage of Francis Hdwards of Bridgeport, to Sarah Peck of New Haven May 30*'' 1839. (Colo*^ persons), Lorenzo T. Bennett Assistant Minister, Trinity Church Parish I certify to the Marriage of Benjamin L. Wood to Mary Barns, both of New Haven Sep*^. 3*^ 1839 Lorenzo T. Bennett, Assistant Minister Trinity Church Parish I certify to the marriage of Benjamin Carrier to Alice Kain both of New Plaven Oct. 20"^ 1839 Lorenzo T. Bennett Assistant Minister Trinity Church Parish I certify to the Marriage of Dennis Bunnell to Eliza Ward both of New Haven Oct. 21, 1839 Lorenzo T. Bennett Assistant Minister Trinity Church Parish I certify to the marriage of Richard T. Merwin to Charlotte Clark both of New Haven, Dec"" 22*^ 1839 Lorenzo T. Bennett Assistant Minister Trinity Church Parish [The remainder of this volume contains miscellaneous records beginning with the book reversed.] University of Connecticut Libraries