LIBRARY Connecticut Agricultural College Vol l±±dA, Class 5 8i -1 C ost g. ^ Dafe ^r st: 193 3- •3 5.^ BOOK 58], 27 ST? . , SS^^T UlS F lllllllllllliriin.,^, S A C .yUSETTS ANQ Vlc 3 ^iS3 oomae^s ? This Book may be kept out TWO WEEKS only and is subject to a fine of TWO GENTS a day thereafter. It will be due on the day indicated below. mt z s 'so MAY 3 '5^ JAN 2 ™ INGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. BULLETIN NO. 2. i guv %.<*jtk'ii. it 11 Vic, iznx cC M ss-f.x. sf, s INSECT GALLS OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS, AND VICINITY. BY FANNIE A. STEBBINS, Supervisor of Nature Study in the Public Schools of Springfield. With 32 Platks. SPRINGFIELD, MASS.: I'UBLISHED BY THE MUSEUM. 1909. INSECT GALLS OF SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS, AND VICINITY. BY Fannie A. Stebbins, of Springfield, Mass. A gall has been variously defined by different authors, but apparently all agree in considering it a deformation or malformation of some part of a plant due to injury inflicted. This injury may be chemical or mechan- ical, and is brought about by the action of fungus, arachnid, insect, character of the soil or fertilizer or cause or causes unknown. The present list includes only those galls caused by insects and the closely allied mites. Altho this list is the result of several seasons' collecting, there are undoubtedly many galls which should be found here which have escaped observation, and it seems probable that there are many, especially upon herbaceous plants, which have never been collected and described. No part of the plant is free from the presence of galls, they being found upon stem, branch, bud, leaf, flower, fruit and root. They vary in color, size, shape, surface and especially in structure. The simplest consist of little more than a folding or wrinkling of a leaf with an unusual growth of plant hairs and a slight change of size and shape of the cells. At the other extreme may be found such an elaborate structure as the common "oak apple." But they agree in this, that there is always present a portion from which the maker gets food, known as the nutritive section, and another portion which serves as a protection to the maker, the protective zone. The effect upon the plant has not been definitely studied in most cases. In many instances no apparent detriment results owing to the comparatively small amount of tissue affected. Some cases are commonly observed in which the persistence upon a plant from year to year of a large number of galls renders it unsightly ; an illustration of this is the gall of Callirhytis punctata on the black and other oaks. But that the 4 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. development of a large number of galls upon a plant is injurious to that plant is evidenced by the effect of the grape phylloxera, Phylloxera viti- foliae, generally known as Phylloxera vastatrix. In the eastern United States, where it is native, little injury results, but when it was carried to France it multiplied to such extent as to cause very great loss in the vine- yards through which it spread. This is an illustration of the the greater damage done by a pest in a new habitat. Some galls are so noticeable that they have attracted attention from earliest times, but it was not until 1686 that any systematic work was published upon the subject, when Malpighi issued "De gallis," whilfc gave descriptions of those known in Sicily and Italy. Among modern European writers Adler's name is especially note- worthy because he established the theory, advanced by Bassett, of the alternation of generations among certain of the Cynipidae. Bassett was able to verify his thought in one case, while Adler worked out a series of cases, but found that alternation of generations was not universal among Cynipidae, as Bassett had thought probable. Howard, in Psyche, 1882, v. 3, p. 329, says :— "America may justly claim the credit for the discovery of this most interesting fact of alter- nation of generations among cynipids." Continuing, he says of Bassett : "With Cynips q. operator he had observed the females of the vernal brood ovipositing in acorn cups and producing the gall q. operatola of Riley's MS. ; but he failed to rear the flies from these galls and so missed the complete proof. In the case of C. q. batatus Bass., he had bred the sexual forms from leaf galls, and the agamic females from twig galls; but had not actually observed the females of the former in the act of oviposit- ing in the twigs, thus again missing the proof. Riley, however, as he, tells us in his published note, succeeded in breeding the agamic females of (/. operator from the acorn galls, thus, in connection with Bassett's obser- vation of the oviposition, completely establishing the fact of alternation. So the credit should be joint." Much was contributed to our knowledge of galls by Osten Sacken, Bassett, Fitch, Harris, Shinier, Riley and Walsh among the earlier workers in America. While several names should be noted among recent workers, Pergande, by patient observation of the gall-makers upon the witch hazel, has dis- closed the identity of two sets of insects previously supposed to be four species, and established the fact of their migration from one host-plant to another and buck again. And Cook has given us the results of careful study of the abnormal development of the plant tissues and their cell- changes under the stimulus of the gall maker. Galls have been collected in this section which owe their origin to six orders : Acarina (Family, Eriophyidae). Insect Galls. 5 Hemiptera (Families, Aphididae, Psyllidae). Coleoptera (Family, Cerambycidae) . Diptera (Families, Agromyzidae, Trypetidae, Cecldomyidae). Lepidoptera (Families, Tineidae,Elachistidae,Gelechiidae, Tortricidae ) Hymmoplera, (Families, Tenthredinidae, Cynipidae). (For a more complete list of the species under each family mentioned above see the list serving as index of the gall-insects near the end of this Bulletin.) In general the more highly organized insect produces the more complex gall. There may be apparent exceptions to this rule, as in the case of the bark louse, Adelges abietis, producing a gall at the base of needles of the spruce which is very similar to one produced on the needles of the pitch pine by a two-winged fly, Diplosis pini-rigidae. Order, AC A R IN A. Family, Eriophyidas, Gall-mites. These mites are of minute size, and are to be found among the hairs or grains with which the concave surface of the gall is lined. There are several generations during the summer, the newly hatched mites moving out over the plant and producing new galls. The adults hibernate under the scales of buds or in crevices in the bark. A few species are found in such numbers on the leaves of cultivated fruit trees or shrubs as to cause much damage, the aborted leaves not being able to provide sufficient food for the development of the fruit. The galls are usually very simple in structure, and always have an opening by which the maker can pass out Order, HEMIPTERA. Family, Aphididae, Plant-lice. These insects are soft-bodied, with sucking mouth-parts There are winged and wingless forms, the latter reproducing parthenogenetically. There are several generations in a season. The galls are usually quite simple in structure and contain many insects. There is an opening for their egress, altho in a few cases this remains closed until the gall matures and dries slightly. Family, Psyllidae. These are much like the aphids, but have hind legs fitted for jumping. The galls are similar in general structure, altho possibly a little more complex. Order, COLEOPTERA. Family, Cerambycidae, Longicorn beetles. Most cerambycid larvae are borers in the wood of ti-ees and shrubs, a few in herbaceous plants, but the larvae of a few species produce galls. Order, DIPTERA. Family, Agromyzidae . The production of galls b} r the larvae of agromyzids is very exceptional ; most of these larvae mine in the leaves or stems of plants. 6 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. Family, Trypetidae. These flies are most of them nearly as large as a house-fly. There are few that produce galls. The galls are comparatively complex. Family, Cecidomyidae, Gall-gnats. These are small two-winged flies which are seldom noticed. The eggs are laid on a surface of the plant. The larvae either feed from the surface, making an open gall, or gnaw into the tissues of the plant, making a closed gall which opens on maturity at the place where the larva entered, altho during the growth no opening may be evident. The larvae can generally be identified by the color, yellow, orange, or reddish, and by the structure of an organ near the anterior end, which has been designated the "breast-plate" or "breast-bone." These gall-makers are numerous both in species and individuals. Their galls are sometimes quite complex in structure. Order, LEPIDOPTERA. Families, Tineidae, Elachistidae, Gelechiidae, Tortricidae. The adults are very small moths. There are very few gall makers among them. The eggs are laid on the surface of the plant, the larvae enter the tissues and either leave an opening, as in the gall of Ecdytolopha insiticiana on the locust, or just before pupation gnaw almost through the wall, leaving a place for the emergence of the adult, which, of course, having no organs for boring or biting, could not otherwise escape. Order, HYMENOPTERA. Family, Tenthredinidae, Saw-flies. The members of this and the following family are four-winged insects. The adult tenthredinid is distinguished by the structure of the ovipositor, which consist of several toothed blades, by which the insect cuts or saws into the plant tissue, and there deposits the eggs. AVhether a gall-maker deposits also some irritating liquid which causes the gall is a much dis- cussed question. However that may be, it is true that the only cases so far directly observed in which a gall is formed before or without the hatch- ing of the egg have been in this family, among the Nematinae. The larvae somewhat resemble caterpillars. Several species make galls on willows. Family, Cynipidae, Gall-wasps. In the adult the abdomen is usually compressed. The ovipositor is long and slender, and can well bury the egg within the plant-tissue, leaving no mark. The larvae pupate in the closed gall, and the insects when mature cut their way out of it. Alternation of generations is one of the most interest ins: features in the life of these highest of gall-makers. The galls are, without exception, complex in structure, with several distinct divisions of the walls, and many interesting adaptations for the protection of the inmate. Insect Galls. 7 Within galls may sometimes be found parasites or inquiliues. The former, preying directly upon the gall-maker, causes its death, but not until its growth is nearly or quite complete. The inquilines are merely guests within the gall, profiting by the food supply and by the protection. Aside from the collection of the galls of different localities, and the sub- sequent summary of their distribution, two very interesting questions suggest themselves for investigation. First, are these malformations the result of chemical or of mechanical action ? Second, of which of the American gall-makers is it true that there is alternation of generations? The classification of gall-insects will undoubtedly be somewhat altered when this question is answered. Either line suggests a fascinating series of observations and experiments for the one undertaking it. My thanks are especially due to George Dimmock, Ph. D., for sug- gestions in preparing this paper, for use of publications not otherwise available and for reading the manuscript. Also assistance has been rendered by Mrs. Anna D. Nash in preparing some of the photographs. PLANT LIST. A list of the plants upon which the galls described in this bulletin are found. The plant names are in accordance with Britton's Manual of the Flora of the Northern States and Canada . . . . 1907. See Systematic index for family to which gall-insect belongs. PIN ALES. PINACEAB. Pinus rigida. Diplosis rigidae Packard. Pitch-pine needle-gall. Diplosis pini-rigidae Packard, 10th ann. rept. U. S. geog. and geol. surv. terr. f. 1876, 1878, p. 527, fig.; 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. 798-800, fig. 271. Cecidomyia resinicola Aldrich, Cat. N. A. dipt., 1905, p. 160 (following KertOsz ) This gall consists of an enlargement at base of cluster of needles. The base of each is widened and curved so as to form one spherical chamber within which are several smaller ones, apparently in pitch. The diameter of the galls is about 5 mm. The needles, stunted in growth, are from 1 to 2 cm. long. On pitch pine, Pinus rigida. 8 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. Picea canadensis. Adelges abietis Linn. Spruce gall. Fig. 1. Cherme8 abietis Linnaeus, Syst n:tt., 1767, v. 1, pt. 2, p. 738. Cholodkow9ky, Zool. unzeiger, 1894, jatarg. 17, p. 434 437; 1896, band 19, p. 37 -40. Fernald, 9ih aim. rept. Hatch exp. sta., 1897, p. 85-86; 34th aim. rept. Mass. agr. coll f. 1896, [Mass.— Pub. doc, no. 31, 1896], 1897, p. 89- 100, pi. 1-2 Gillette, Bull. 47, Col. agr. exp. sta., 1898. p. £6-37. Lochhead, 30th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1899, p. 60-6!, fig. 8. Gillette, Bull. 31, Div. ent., U. S. dept. agr., 1902, p. 52-53. Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, ]y06, p. 63. Adelges abietis, Pnckard, Bull. 7, U. S. ent. comm., 18S1, p. 235; 5th rept. U. S. ent- coirini., 1890, p. 853 Kieffer, Ann. Soc ent. France, 1902, v. 10, p. 377, 554. These galls are swellings of the base of the needles. Poly thai anions. In July the galls- dry, the cavities open and the insects escape. On white and black spruce, Picea canadensis and P. inariana. Picea inariana. Adelges abietis Linn. See above. S A LI C ALES. SALICACEAE. Populus. Pemphigus populicaidis Fitch. Poplar stem-gall. Pemphigus populicaidis Fitch, 5th rept. ins. X. Y. for 1858, 1859, p. 845. Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1862, v. 1, p. 305. Walsh and Riley, Amer. ent., 1869, v. 1, p. 57, 245. LeBaron, 3d rept. ins. 111., 1873, p. 193. Thomas, Trans. Dept. agr. 111. f. 1878, 1879, n. s., v. 8 (Thomas, 3d rept. ins. 111.), p. 149. Henry, Amer. ent., 1880, v. 3 (s. 2, v. 1), p. 205-206, fig. 110. (The figure by Riley) Oestlund, Bull. 4, Geol. and nat. hist. surv. Minn., 1S87, p. 21. Packard, 5tl) rept. U. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. 471. Cook, Ohio nat., 1903, v. 3, p. 425-426, fig. 57-58; 1904, v. 4, p. 118. 124; 29th ann. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana f. 1904, 1905, p. 849, fig. 41. Jarvis, 87th ann. rept. Ent soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 64, pi. C, fig. 3. An irregularly spherical gall at union of blade and petiole. The open- ing is closed by a twisting of the leaf. Common on several poplars. The insects emerge when the gall dries somewhat and opens, usually about the middle of the summer. Pemphigus transversus Riley, Poplar petiole gall. Pemphigus populi-transversus Riley, Bull. U. S. geol. and geog. surv. terr., 1879, v. 5, p. 15-16, pi. 2, fig. 5. Oestlund, Bull. 4, Geol. and nat. hist. surv. Minn., 1887, p. 21. Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. 43-1. Cook, Ohio nat., 1903, v. 3, p. 425426, fig. 65 56; 1904, v. 4, p. 118, 124: 29th. ann. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana f. 1904, 1905, p. 850, fig. 42. This oval gall is formed midway of the petiole, on one side, with the opening opposite the petiole and transverse. Not common. On poplar, Populus. Insect Galls. V Populus deltoides. Pemphigus vagabundus Walsh. Byrsocrypta vagabunda Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1862, v. 1, p. 306307; 1864, v. 2, p. 462. Pemphigus vagabundus Walsh and Riley, Amer. ent., 1868, v. 1, p. 57; 1869, v. 1, p. 107108. fig. 87-88. Packard, Guide study ins., I860, p. 524, fig. 522,525. Oestlund, Bull. 4. Geol. and nat. hist. surv. Minn., 1887, p. 22. Cook, Ohio nat., 1904, v. 4, p. 118,140, fig. 112; 29th aim. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana 1". 1904, 19 5, p. 850-851, fig. 43, Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 63. A deformation of the terminal bud with the leaves so changed as to lose all appearance of leaves, each becoming bag-like, sonic like cock's combs. Yellow-green, becoming nearly black in winter. Persistent. Very common. On poplar, Populus deltoides. Populus grandidentata. Mecas inornata Say. Poplar twig gall. Fig. 2. Saperda inornata Say, Journ. Acad. nat. sci. Phil., Is23, v. 3, p. 407. Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1867, v. 6, p. 264. Mecas momata Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. comra., 1S9(), p. 427-42S, fig. 156. Irregularly spherical swelling of the twig, 1-3 cm. in diameter. At first smooth, pithy, in second season becomes cracked without and hollow within. Beetle bores its way out in May. On Popxdus grandidentata and P. tremuloides. Cecidomyia? irregularis, n. s. > Irregular, monothalamous, blister-galls, between veins. Usually more than one on a leaf. Projecting above mainly, presence indicated below by a light-colored, roughened space. On large-toothed aspen, Populus grand- identata. Not rare. Populus tremuloides. Pemphigus? rileyi n. s. Poplar cluster-gall. Fig. 3. A spherical, red and yellow gall occurring in clusters, usually on the under side of the leaf, near the petiole. Above there is a conical projec- tion at the top of which is the opening. Thin-walled. About 5 mm. in diameter. On aspen, Populus tremuloides. Rather common. Mecas inornata Say. See above. Agromyza simplex Loew. Agromyza simplex Loew, Dipt. Amer. septentr. indig., centur. viii, p. 84. (Berl. ent. zeitschr., 1869.) An irregularly oval, rough gall occuring singly or two in line on the twig. Color of the bark. About 8 mm. long, 4 mm. wide. Polythala- mous. On American aspen, Populus tremuloides. (This is apparently the same gall as is attributed to Agromyza aeneiventris Fallen by Jarvis (38th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1907, p. 85-86, pi. A, fig. 8), but the imago reared from a Springfield gall answer- ing the same description has been pronounced by Mr. C. W. Johnson, of Boston, to be Agromyza simplex.) 10 Bulletin 2: Spkixgfield Museum. Ectoedemia populella Busck. Ectoedemia populella Busck, I'roc. Ent.soc. Washington, 1907, v, 8, p. 97-99. This subglobular, one-celled gall is found on the petiole at its union with the blade of the leaf. There are distinct longitudinal ridges. Color like that of the petiole. About 5-7 mm. in diameter. The cell-walls are 1-2 mm. thick. Very abundant on American aspen, Populus tremuloides. In October the larvae go down to pupate in the ground. The moth emerges in May. Salix. Eriophyes aenigma Walsh. Willow mite gall. Fig. 8. Cecidomyia salicis-aenigma Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1864, v. 3, p. 608-610. Acarus salicis-aenigma Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1866, v. 6, p. 227. Deformation of leaf or flower bud. Polythalamous, irregular mass both in size and shape. 1-3 cm. long. Like a woolly tangle of aborted flower parts. Silvery to ash gray in color. Appears in early summer (June). On willow, Salix. Eriophyes semen Walsh. Willow seed gall. Cecidomyia solids -semen Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1864, v. 3, p. 606 60S. Acarus solids-semen Walsh, I'roc Ent. soc. Phil., 1S66, v. 6, p. 226-227. Cook, 29th ann. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana f. 1904, 1905, p. 858. A small, monothalamous, sac-like, rounded gall. About 1 mm. in diameter. Usually on upper side of the leaf with the opening below. Found in large numbers on the leaf affected. Begins in early summer, matures with the leaf. On willow, Salix. Cecidomyia verruca Walsh. Cecidomyia salicis-verruca Walsh, I'roc Ent. soc. Phil., 1864, v. 3, p. 606; 1866, v. 6, p. 226. Monothalamous, subspherical gall on midrib or veins of leaf. Projects very slightly on upper surface, much more on under surface where the insect emerges, apparently, from a neat round hole. (This latter char- acteristic, so distinct from Walsh's description, has made me mistrust my identification.) On two species of willow, Salix. Late summer. Mayetiola riyidae Osten Sacken. Willow club-gall. Fig. 9. Cecidomyia salicis Fitch, Airier, quart journ. agr. and sci., 1845, v. 1, p. 263. (Nomen praeoc.) Cecidomyia rigidae Osten Sacken, Mon. X. A. dipt., 1862, pt. 1, p. 189. Walsh, I'roc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1864, v. 3, p. 594-597, Riley, Amer. ent. and hot., 1870, v. 2, p. 214, tig. 133. Cook, Ohio nat., 1903, v. 3, p. 422, tig. 42. Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 68. Mayetiola ri Tliis gall is a folding of the Leaf along the midrih with the opening below, guarded by a hair-like growth. On white-heart hickory, Hicoria alba. Not common. Phylloxera pilosula Pergande. Phylloxera pilosula Pergande, Proc. Davenport acad. sei., linn, v. !», p. 203-205, Ulc. 17, 49. Convex on upper side of the leaf, prolonged below into a long and slender point, which splits into five or six parts. Covered above and below with yellowish shiny hairs. 3-6 mm. in diameter, 2-3 mm. thick. Not r ire on white-heart hickory, Hicoria alba. Hicoria glabra. Phylloxera semen Walsh. Xerophylla caryae-semen Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1867, v. 6, p. 2*3. Dactylospliaera caryae-semen Walsh, 1st rept. ins. 111., 1868, p. 23. Shinier, Trans. Amrr. cut. soc, 1869, v. 2, p. 392-393. Phylloxera caryae-semen Riley, 7th rept. ins. Mo., 1875, p. 117. Packard, 5th rept. 17. S. rut. comm., 1890, p. 322. Pergande, Proc. Davenport acad. sci., 1904, v. 9, p. 211-213, fig. 50-51. A small seed-like gall found by hundreds on upper side of leaf of pig- nut, Hicoria glabra, Jul}'. FAG ALES. BBTULACBAE. Carpinus caroliniana. Cecidomyia pudibunda Osten Sackeu. Cecidomyia pudibunda Osten Sacken, in Loew's Mon. dipt. N. A., 1862, pt. 1, p. 202. Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 66, pi. 1), fig. 6. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1907, v. 23, p. 389, pi. 13, fig. s. This gall consists of a fold between the larger veins of the leaf, pro- jecting above, open beneath. Green becoming brown or red, 7-11 mm. long, 1-3 mm. high, tapering to the surface of the leaf. On American hornbeam, Carpinus caroliniana. Collected by Dr. Geo. Dimmock, Aug. and Sept. 1908. This gall seems to be the same as Cecid. pudibunda. It is called Contarinia carpini and is found on Carpinus betulus of Europe. See C. Houard, Les zoocecidies des Plants d'Europe, 1908, p. 187. Corylus americana. Eriophyes avellanae Jarvis. Hazelnut bud-gall. Eriophyes avellanae, Jarvis, 39th aim. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1908, p. 83. This gall is an abortion of the terminal bud and sometimes the lateral bud or buds. The stem does not develop, and the leaves become scarcely more than scales. Subspherical, about 1 cm. in diameter. On hazelnut, Corylus americana. Rather common. Similar to Phytoptus coryligallarum Targ. of Europe. Eriophyes coryli n. s. Mite gall of hazelnut. A deformity of the leaf brought about by the excessive shortening and thickening of midrib and some of the main veins, producing puckering of 16 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. the blade tissues. The thickened sac-like veins are really the galls, opening by slits above. Pubescent. On leaves of hazelnut, Corylus americana. One specimen. September. Cecidomyia? squamulicola, n. s. Hazel catkin gall. Fig. 14. A gall which deforms the base of the sterile catkins, increasing the size of the scale, so the diameter of the catkin is twice or thrice the normal. Not uncommon on hazelnut, Corylus americana. September. Betula lenta. Hamamelistes spinosus Shimer. See account of this species under Hamamelis virginiana, further on. Betula lutea. Eriophyes betulae n. s. Bud gall of birch. Fig. 15. Without scientific name, Hagen, Can. ent., 1885, v. 17, p. "25. Eriophyes, sp., Jarvis, 37th ami. rept. Ent. sqc. Ontario 1906, p. 59, pi. A, tig. 6. An abnormal growth of the buds, the terminal growth being checked, forming considerable masses of undeveloped buds. On yellow birch, Betula lutea. Common. Alnus rugosa. Dasyneura serrulatae Osten Sacken. Alder bud-gall. Fig. 16. Cecidomyia serrulatae Osten Sacken, in Loew's Mon. dipt. X. A., 1st:.', pt. 1, p. 198. Beutemmiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 1, p. 264, pi. 13, fig. -I: Ins. galls vicin. X. V., 1904, p. '21, fig. Jarvis, 37th aim. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 68. Dasyneura serrulatae Felt, ■.'.'id rept. ins. N. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 336, ^">l . A deformation of the terminal bud. Rounded, very pubescent, brown, 10-15 mm. in diameter. Not common. On Alnus rugosa. Galls collected in October, kept on moist earth, gave a fly the following April. FAGACEAE. Pagus americana. Eriophyes? ferruginea Farlow. Beech mite-gall. Erineum ferrugineum Farlow, Hagen, Can. cut.. 1885, v. 17. p. 26. Without scientific name. Garman, Psyche, 1892, v. 6, p. 246. Eriophyes, sp., Jarvis, 37th aim. rept. Ent. soe. Ontario 1906, p. 62. The upper side of the leaf is discolored and somewhat depressed above the clusters of granules which on the under side are very numerous. The mites feed among these granules. At first white, "frosty," later brown. On beech, Fagus americana. Castanea dentata. Eriophyes dentaiae n. s. Chestnut leaf gall. Fig. 17. Eriophyes, sp., Jan i^. 38th aim. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1907, p. '.»•'!. A small, rough, monothalamous gall on the leaf. Woody, circular, projecting more above, 2-:'. mm. in diameter, usually surrounded by a light ling. Larval cell held in place by radiating libers. Usually several on a leaf of chestnut, Castanea denta la . Insect Galls. 17 Cecidomyia^ castaneae, n. s. Fig. 18. An ellipsoidal, monothalamous gall found singly or in small groups near the base of leaves of chestnut, Castanea dentata, projecting from under side of the principal veins, occasionally from the midrib, seeming to be an enlargement of the vein. It opens by a slit above, extending the length of the gall, the lips tightly (dosed. The surface is smooth like the surface of the leaf. The walls are succulent, from 0.6 to 1.5 mm. thick at hack. Galls 6-12 mm. long, 3-6 mm. wide, 4-8 mm. deep, tap- ering to union with the leaf at the ends. Light yellow-green, a few tinged with red. Collected from very young trees, on short sprout from base of tree, in dune, when the galls seemed well grown. A gall which seems to lie identical is described by C. "Houard, in Les Zoocecidies des Plantes d'Europe. p. 210. This occurs on Castanea vulgaris. Quercus. Cecidomyia nioeipila Osten Sacken. Oak fold-gall. Cecidomyia niveipila Osten Sacken, in Loew's Mon. dipt. N. A., 1862, pt. 1, p. 199-200. BeutenmHller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. J71 ; Ins. nulls vicin. N. Y.. 1904, p. 31, fig. Jarvis, :i~th ann. r<']>t. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 06. Irregular in size and shape, consists of a fold or cavity from the upper side of the leaf. The fold is lined with white pubescence which is also conspicuous on the under side. Sometimes the whole leaf is deformed, sometimes only the midrib. In a large gall several larvae are found ; these go into the ground to pupate. Common early on leaves of several kinds of oaks, Quercus. Quercus, black oak group. Andricus excavatus Ashmead. Excavated gall. Andricus excauatus Ashmead, Proe. V. S. nut. inns., 1896, v. 19, p. 121. Rounded, woody galls, looking as if they had been forced out of slits in the twigs. Varying much in shape anci size, from 3-6 mm. in diameter. Brown, monothalamous. Collected in fall, insects emerge in following spring. On black oak group, Quercus. Quercus rubra. Cecidomyia majalis Bassett. Vein gall of oak. Fig. 32. Cecidomyia quercus-majalis Bassett, Proe. Ent. sue. Phil., 1864, v. :i, p. 682-683. Cecidomyia majalis Osten Sacken, Proe. Ent. soc, Phil., 1865, v. i. p. 340,353; Trans. Amer. ent. sue. 1870, v. :>, p. 53. Packard, 5th rept. V. s. ent. comm., 1890, p. 207. Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 68, pi. D, fig. 5. An oblong blister-like gall along the principal veins, usually on the under side of the leaf. It opens by a slit on the opposite side which may be opened by pulling the leaf. Green becoming brown. Sometimes veins show on the gall. Thin- walled. The larva drops to the ground to trans- js Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. form. Common on scarlet oak, black oak, red o:ik and pin oak, Quercus coccinea, Q. velutina, Q. rubra and Q. palustris. Cincticornia pilulae 'Walsh. Oak pill-gall. Cynips quercus-pilulat Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1864, v. 2, p. 481-482. Cecidomyia quercus-inlulae Walsh and RUey, Amer. cut.. 1869, v. -2, p. 29. Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm., L890, p. 206-207. Cecidomyia pilulae, Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 269, pi. 15, fig. 3; [ns, galls vioin. N. V.. 1904, p. 30, fig. ( ook, Ohio nat., 1902, v. 2. p. 267, fig. •_';;; 29th, ann. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana 1. 1904, 1905, p. 841. Cincticornia pilulae Felt, 23(3 rept. ins. N. V. 1. 1907, 1908, p. 374,381. A solid, rounded, irregular polythalamous gall on upper side of leaf. Differs from C. symmetrica Osten Sacken in having a small green projec- tion on under side of leaf instead of being same above and below. Frequently several coalesce. Brown becoming reddish. Surface much cracked, later the covering bursting and standing up ragged and irregular. Common on several species of red oak group. Matures in September. Amphibolips coelebs Osten Sacken. Oak spindle-gall. Fig. 26-29. Cynips quercus-coelebs Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1861, v. 1. p, 60-61; 1865, v. 4, p. 340. Amphibolips coelebs Packard, 5th rept. I'. S. ent. comm., 1890, p 105. Beutentn tiller, Ins. galls vicin. N. V., 1904, p. 1-2. tin-. A smooth, spindle-shaped gall, attached to the midrib or to a large vein, sometimes very little of the leaf developed, Stem long, the gall tapering very gradually, especially at the base, tip pointed. Light brown. 3-4 cm. long, 4-15 mm. wide. Monothalamous, thin-walled, the larval cell supported mainly by longitudinal fibers, a few radiating transverse fibers. On red oak, Quercus rubra, and on scarlet oak, Q. coccinea. Not rare. Amphibolips confluentus Harris. 0:dv apple. Cynips confluentus Harris, Kept. ins. Mass. inj. veg., 1841, p. 397; Treat, ins. N. !•'. inj. veg., 1842, p. 397. Cynips confluens Harris, Treat, ms. N. E. inj. veg., 1852, p. 433; Treat, ins. inj. veg. (Flint ed.), 1862, p. .">!<;. Cynips quercus-spongiflca Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1862, y. l, p. 244-249; L865, \ . 4, p. 340-341, 354. Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1864, v. 2, p. 443-500, ti#. Walsh and Riley, Amer. ent., 1869, v. 1, p. 103, fitf. 78. Walsh, Amer. ent. and hotan., 1870, v. •-', p. 330-335, titf. :>. Cynips quercus-aciculata Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1862, v. 1, p. 56-57 note, 245; 1865, v. 4, p. 345. Cynips quercus-coccineae Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1862, v. I, p. 243, 248. Amphibolips coccineat Ashmead, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1885, v. 12, p. 294. Packard, .">th rept. V . S. ent. connn., 1890, p. Int. Imphibolips spongiflca Ashmead, Trans. Amer. ent. soc. 1885, v. 12, p. 294; Psyche, 1903, v. Id, p. 154. Gillette, Psyche, 1889, v. 5, p. 1st. Amphibolips confluentus Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 250, pi. 10, fig. 4. Cook. ( >hio nat., 1904, v. I, p. 119, 126, 131, 111. fig. in.-). 121. A globular gull found attached to leaf by small portion. Monothala- mous; larval cell surrounded by brown spongy mass, and that by :i rather smooth thickened wall. Pale green and SOi't while fresh, turning brown and brittle. 2-1 cm. in diameter. Common on Mack, red and scarlet oaks, Quercus velutiva, (J. rubra :ind (J. cot-duett. Begins growth about [nsect Galls. 19 May. Males and females emerge in June. Sonic females remain until October (0. acicnlata Os ten Sacken.) A good example of dimorphism. Amphibolips inanis Osten Sacken. Empty oak-apple. Callaspidia confluenta Fitch (non Harris), 5th rept. ins. N. Y. f. 1858, 1859, p. 817. Cynips quercus i nun is Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Tin I.. 1861, v. 1, p. 58, 242; 1865, v. 4, p. :<:><.. Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc Phil., 1864, v. •_', |>. 157 460; 1864, \ . ::. p. 408-430 \\ alsh and Riley, imer. ent., 1869, v. l, p. 104, fig. Ti). Walsh, Aiiiit. ent., 1870, v.j. p. 330-335, flg. 6. Amphibolips inanis Ashmead, Trans. Ann-r. cut. soc. 1885, v. 12, p. 294. Gillette, Psyche, 1889, v. 5, p. 184. Packard, 5th rept. 17. S. ent. eomm., 1890, p. 105. Beutenmuller, Hull. Amei. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. I. p. 251, pi. 10, fig. 5. Cook, Ohio mil., 1902, v. -J, p. 268, fig. Js; L904, v. 4. p. 1 l'.t. 126, 131, flg. 79, 104. This is a spherical gall with thin walls from which many fibers extend towards the center, these holding in place the cell in which the larva develops. The gall is between 15 and :J0 mm. in diameter, light yellow- green changing to light brown. Common on leaves of scarlet and red oak, Quercus coccinea and Q. rubra. Matures in June. Amphibolips nubilipennis Harris. Transparent oak-gall. Fig. 23. Cynips nubilipennis Harris, Rept. ins. Mass. inj. veg., 1841, p. ttis; Treat, ins. N. E. inj. veg., 184-2, p. 398; smiu, 1852, p. 434; Treat, ins. inj. tfeg. {Flint ed), 1862, p. ;>4s. Cynips quercus-sculptus Bassett, Proc. Ent. soc Phil., 1863, v. 2, p. 324. Cynips sculpta <>stcn Sacken, Proc Ent. soc Phil., 1865, v. 4, p. .Tit;. Cynips quercus-sculpta Packard, 5tb rept. U. S. cut. comm., 1890, p. 114. Amphibolips sculpta Gillette, Psyche, 1889, v. 5, p. 184. Packard, 5th rept. V . s. ent. comm., 1890, p. 105. Cook, Ohio nat., 1904. v. 4, p. 142, fiy:. 123. Amphibolips nubilipennis Beutenmuller, Psyche, 11)08, v. 1."), p. In. A smooth, globular, fleshy, monothalamous gall, looking like a green grape, translucent. 8-15 mm. in diameter. Difficult to preserve. Found on red oak, Quercus rubra, scarlet oak, Q. coccinea and black oak, Q. velutiua. Insects appear in June. Amphibolips primus Walsh. Acorn plum-gall. Fig. .">*--]<) Cynips quercus-prunus Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc Phil., ism, v. 3, p. 639. Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc Phil., 1865, v. 4, p. 360. Walsh ami Riley, Amer. cut., 1869, v. 1, p. Kit, fig. 80-81. Amphibolips prunus Gillette, Psyche, 1889, v. 5, p. 1st. Packard, 5th rept. U. S. cut. comm.; 1890, p. 105, 115. Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. inns. nat. hist., 1892, v, 4, p. 252. Cook, Ohio nat., 1904, \ . 4, p. 142, fig. 122. A subspherical, fleshy, solid, monothalamous gall. Smooth. Bright red shading to yellow within. About 15-30 mm. in diameter. On the cup of acorn of red oak, Quercus rubra, and scrub oak, Q. nana. Fairly common. Falls readily from the acorn, so it may be frequently found on the ground. The insect remains two years in the gall; emerges in the spring. When the gall grows to large size the acorn remains small. Andricus piperoides Bassett. Andricus piperoides Bassett, Trans. Amer. cut. soc. 1900, v. 26, p. 314-31."). These galls are found in clusters of one to live dozen along the midrib, looking as if they had burst out from the inside of the leaf or vein. Fach 20 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. is smooth, spherical, attached by a small stein, 3-8 mm. in diameter, monothalamous, grayish or tinged with red. They fall to the ground, where the larva completes its metamorphosis, which sometimes requires two years. Insects in second summer. Leaves of red oak, Quercus rubra. Not rare. Andricus singularis Bassett. Small oak apple. Cynips quercus-singularis Bassett, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., isc>3, v. 2, p. 326. Cynips singularis Osten Sacken, Proc. Km. soc. Phil., 1865, v. 4. p. 355. Cynips nubilipennis Fitch (non Harris). Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. sue. Phil., 1865, v. 4. p. 340, 348. Andricus singularis Bassett, Amer. nut.. 1882, v. 16, p. 346. Ashmead, Trans. Amer. cut. sue.. 1885, v. 12, p. 295. Gillette, I'syche, 18-9, v. 5, p. 186. Packard, 5th rcpt. V . S. cut. comm.. 1890, p. 105. Hi ■ ii t en miiller, Bull. Amer. inns. uat. Inst.. 1892, v. 4. p. 256; pi. II, fig. 4. Spherical, smooth, thin-walled gall, projecting on both sides of the leaf. About 1 em. in diameter. The larval cell held in place by radiating fibers. Green becoming brown and brittle. Common on red oak, Quercus rubra. Insects in July. ( 'allirhytis punctata Bassett. Knot oak-gall. Cynips quercus-punctatq Bassett, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., lsr>3, v. 2, p. 324. ( ynips quercus-podagrae Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1864, v. 2, p. 492. ( ynips punctata, Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1865, v. 4, p. 341, 358. Andricus (Callirhytis) punctata Bassett, Amer. nat., 1882, v. 16, p. 246. Ashmead, Trans. Amer. cut. soc. 1885, v. 12, p. 294. Packard, 5th rcpt. I '. s. cut. comm., 1890, p. 105. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. t. p. 253-254. Jarvis, 38th aim. rcpt. Ent. SOC. Ontario, 1907, p. 91, fig. . Ind/ricus punctatus Gillette, Psyche, 1889, v. '<. p. 185. An irregularly spherical, rough, woody gall, constricted at its union with the branch which it usually surrounds. Polythalamous. Color of the branch, but turning almost black with age. Varying greatly in size ; sometimes several are united and masses the size of the fist are formed which impair the appearance of the tree. On black oak, Quercus velutina, and red oak, Q. rubra. Common. Reported on scarlet oak, Q. coccinea. Cynips? constricta, n. s. Fig. 24. A smooth, fleshy, one-celled gall occurring scattered on the under side of the leaf, along midrib or larger veins. Urn-shaped. Green with red tips, shiny. 4-0 mm. tall, 3-4 mm. wide. On red oak, Quercus rubra. September. Cynips decidva Bassett. Fig. 54. Cynips quercus-decidua Bassett, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1864, \ . 3. p. 689. Riley, Amer. ent., 1880, v. 3, p. 27s. Packard, 5th rcpt. U. S. cut. comm., 1890, p. 115. Clusters of seed-like galls, often thirty or more, growing 1 on the mid- rib of leaves. Smool h, monothalamous, larger at tip where there is a slight riii".'. About 6 mm. long. Greenish-white, looking as if they had burst the covering. Full grown in October, but apparently the larvae grow after the galls have fallen to the ground. On red oak, Quercus rubra. [nsect Galls. 21 Dryoplianta lanata Gillette. Fig. 2.~>. Dryophanta lanata Gillette, Bull. 111. stale lab. rial . hist., 1891, v. 3, p. 198, pi. 9, fig. 5. A cluster of several lighl In-own. wooly galls, sometimes pink-tinted, found on the under side of the leaf. Individual galls cone-shaped, mono- thalamous, attached by tip of cone to common center. About 5 nun. wide. ")-7 mm. high. The galls fall from the leaf in early autumn. The flies emerge the following spring. Common on scarlet oak, Quercus coffined. Figured on red oak, Q. rubra. Holcaspis fasciata Bassett. Fig. 43. Holcaspis fasciata Bassett, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1900, v. 26, p. 328-329. Spherical, smooth galls arranged in lines near the tips of the year's growth. In the fall full of a fleshy mass with no distinct organism. 5-15 mm. in diameter. Banded with irregular red and green spots. Turning dark and falling to the ground, where, during the next summer, the larva develops and emerges the succeeding fall. Common on scrub oak, Quercus nana; also found on Q. coccinea, (J. velutina -and Q. rubra. Quercus palustris. Cecidomyia foliora Russell and Hooker. Fig. 30. Cecidomyia foliora Russell and Hooker. Ent. news, 1908, v. 19, p. 349-352, pi. 14. Kelt, 23d rept. ins. N. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 384, 415. Cecidomyia erubescens <>sten Sacken, who described the gall only, in Loew'sMon. dipt. X. A., 1862, pt. 1, p. 200. This gall consists of a rolling of the edge of the leaf over to the upper surface. Occasionally the larva begins eating at a hole in the leaf, caus- ing the roll at that place. Color more or less red. One or more larvae. May. Common on scarlet oak, Quercus coccinea. Sometimes on black oak, (J. velutina, and pin oak, (J. palustris. Cecidomyia majalis Bassett. See. p. 17. Callirhytis cornigera Osten Sacken. Horned-knot oak-gall. Cynips quercus-cornigera Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 180'.', v. 1, p. 251. Cynips cornigera Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil.. 1865, v. 4, p. 358. Andricus (Callirhytis) cornigera Bassett, Amer. nat., 1882, v. It;, p. 246. Ashmead, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1885, v. 12, p. 294. Gillette, Psyche, 1889, v. 5, p. 185, 221. Packard, 5th rept. r. s. ent. comm., 1890, p. 10.">. Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. urns. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 253, pi. 10, lig. 3. Cook, Ohio nat., 1904, v. 4, p. 122-123, 143-144, tig. 130. Irregularly spherical, indented at union with stem, rough with protub- erances from which the insect emerges. Polythalamous. Hard, woody, 2-5 cm. in diameter. Color of the branch of pin oak, Quercus palustris, on which it is found. Not common. Insects emerge in September; two sexes. Callirhytis palustris Osten Sacken. Succulent oak gall. Fig. 37. c>/iiil>x quercus palustris Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1861, v. 1, p. 51, 62-63; lSti."), v. 4, p. 359; Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1870, v. 3, p. 54-55. Bassett, Croc Ent. soc. Phil., 1863, v. 2, p. 329. Walsh, Proc. Eut. soc. Phil., 1864, v. 2, p. 488. 22 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. Andricus (Callirhytis) palustris Bassett, Amer. nat., L882, v. 16, p. 246. Ashmead, Trans. .A mer. ent. soc, 1885, v. 12, p. 294. Packard, r> 1 1 » rept. U. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. In;,. 113. # Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. liiit. liist., 1892, v. 4. p -.'."it;. Dryophanta palustris Cresson, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1887, v. 1 !, suppl., p. 17'.). Bassett, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, L890, v. 17, p. 74. Andricus palustris Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc Ontario, 1906, p. 71. Westwood (quoting Bosc), Intr. mod. classif. ms., 1840, \. 2, p. 131, probably refers to this species. Spherical, fleshy, smooth, hollow gall on young leaves. Monothala- nious. The larval cell spherical, rolling about, unattached. Green, becoming brown. About 1 cm. in diameter. Rather common on pin oak, Quercus palustris. Abundant on aments and leaves of scarlet oak, (J. coccinea, and scrub oak. Quercus nana. Insects in May. Quercus coccinea. Cecidomyia foliora Russell and Hooker. See p. 21. Cecidomyia majalis Osten Sacken. See p. 17. Cecidomyia pustuloides Beutenmiiller. Fig. 36. Cecidomyia pustuloides Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist.. 1907, v. 23, p. 390. Irregular, blister-like, hard galls projecting from either or both sides of the leaf. Many on the edge, others scattered within the blade. One- celled to several-celled ( ! ). Opening above or below. Leaf somewhat puckered. Galls 1.5-4 mm. in diameter, about 1 mm. thick. Walls rather thick, woody. Red, of color of surrounding parts of leaf when found, Oct. 11. On scarlet oak, Quercus coccinea, and black oak, (J. velutina. AmpJiibolips coelebs Osten Sacken. See p. IS. Amphibolips conjiuentus Harris. See p. 18. Ampliibojijis i mini* Osten Sacken. See p. 19. Amphibolips nubilipennis Harris. See p. 19. Amphibolips tinctoriae Ashmead. Fig. 19-20, 31. Amphibolips tinctoriae Ashmead, Proc. t". s. nat. inns.. 1896, v. 19, p. 125. Thin-walled, smooth, monothalamous galls, sometimes several together, on tip of young twigs. Irregularly triangular in outline, much inflated on one side, with a distinctly sharp edge. The brown larval cell held in place by radiating filters. Has a thin but hard wall; 6-20 mm. long. 1-1 1 mm. wide. Green with dark spots when young, brown when mature. Very abundant on one tree, from which many had fallen. Scarlet oak, ( \> a e r<- n .s- coccinea, and black oak, (J. velutina. Near Port Jefferson, bong Island, N. Y., in October, 190*, the ground under several oaks examined was literally strewn with these galls, which there averaged considerably larger. .Many had their larval chambers emptied, apparently by birds. Insect Galls. 23 Andricus ¥ gallaestriatae, n. s. Striate oak-gall. Fig. 34. A spindle-shaped gal] developed from a very small bud near the base of last season's twig, projecting from the tip of the laid. Top lilnnt wit 1 1 inserted tip. Comparatively thick-walled, the one larval cell fi 1 1 i n u" the space, with a mere suggestion of supporting fillers at either end. Stem longer than remainder of the gall. (Jail about 2 cm. long, 2 nun. wide. Green yellow with each of the 7-10 longitudinal ridges tinned with red. more strongly on one side of the gall than on the other. On scarlet oak, Quercus coccinea. September. This gall resembles Andricus callidoma G fraud and A. giraudi W'aclitl of Europe in situation and general shape, but is smooth instead of hairy. See C. Houard's Les zoocecidies des plantes d'Europe, 1908, p. 2o<> and 2 1 3 . Callirhytis fruticola Ashmead. Fig. 33. Callirhytis fruticola Riley .Ms., Ens. life, 1893, v. 5, p. 196; Murtfeldt, Ins. life L894, v. 6, p. *2-J. Ashmead, I'roc. 1'. S. nat. urns., 1896, v. 19, p. 131. Small galls, several (7 or more) completely filling the shell of acorns. So massed as to give irregular shapes. Walls pithy, inner wall firm, rather thick, filled by white larva. Size varying with size of acorn. Brown without, white within. On scarlet oak, Quercus coccinea. May be quite common, but the acorns give no ex ernal indication of their presence, so it is seldom noticed. Callirhytis palustris Osten Sacken. See p. 21-22. Callirhytis punctata Bassett. See p. 20. Callirhytis pusulatoides Bassett. Andricus {Callirhytis) pusulatoides Bassett, Trans. Amer. ent. soc., 1890, v. 17. p. 74. "Blister-like galls on the points of the acute lobes of the leaves of Quercus coccinea, each tipped with the long hair-like point that terminates each lobe. They are ovate-acuminate, and look as if a bubble of air had separated the upper and under lamina of the leaf. They are about one- third by one-fifth of an inch in diameter, sometime a little depressed verti- cally. The walls are very thin, the color the same as the leaf. Each con- tains a free, oblong-oval, thin-walled larval cell, whose length is fully twice its diameter." Callirhytis saccularius Bassett. Callirhytis saccularius Bassett, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1890, v. 17, p. 70. An irregularly hemispherical gall projecting from the under side of the leaf, showing above a brown circle in which is usually the opening through which the adult emerges. Green becoming brown, surface with rather long, scattered hairs. Monothalamous with thin walls, 3-4 mm. in diam- eter, 2-3 mm. deep. On scarlet oak, Quercus coccinea, usually, sometimes on black oak, Q. velutina. 24 Bulletin 2: Sjpringkield Museum. Cynips? crislata, n. s. Oak tufted gall. Fig. 41. A polythalarnous gall on the upper side of the leaf, usually on a vein. About 1 mm. in diameter. .Covered with a dense mass of silky hairs about 0.5 mm. long. Red when voting, soon becoming brown. On scarlel oak, Quercus coccinea, and scrub oak, Q. nana. Cynips? obovata, a. s. Obovate oak-gall. Fig. 21. 35. A deformation of the bud, terminal or near the tip. Obovate, slightly pointed, smooth, with thin shell to which the single larval chamber is attached by radiating fibers. About 12 mm. long, 8 mm. wide. Dull yellow-green becoming light brown, thickly sprinkled with dots of violet- red, these sometimes so running together as to make one side nearly all red. fairly common on scarlet oak, Quercus coccinea. September. Cynips f sera, n. s. A smooth, fleshy, subglobular gall, on the under side of the leaf, slightly attached to the blade or very small vein. A slight depression at the top. White, with tinge of pink, to deep red of autumn color of the leaf. 2-4 mm. in diameter. Monothalamous. Quite abundant on scarlet oak, Quercus coccinea, in September and October. Quercus velutina. Cecidomyia foliqra Russell and Hooker. Seep. 21. Cecidomyia majalis Osten Sacken. See p. 17. Cecidomyia pustuloides Beutennhiller. See. p. 22. Amphibolips confluentus Harris. See p. 18. Amphibolips nubilipennis Harris. Seep. 19. Amphibolips tinctoriae Ashmead. See p. 22. Callirhytis 'punctata Bassett. See p. 20. Callirhytis saccularius Bassett. See p. 23. Holcaspis fasciata Bassett. See p. 21. Quercus nana. Eriophyes . <;si 6s-j. Cynips ilicifoliae Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc Phil., L865, \ . 4. p. 340, 3.5.4 Amphibolips ilicifoliae Ashmead, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1885, v. 12, p. 294! Packard, 5th rept. I*. S, ent. comm., 1890, p. 105. Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, i>. 252, pi. n». li- 6 ((ink, Ohio nat.. 1904, v. 4, p. 14"2. A rather rough fusiform gall, tapering at either end, especially at tip. Thin-walled, the larval chamber in the center, held in place by radiating fibers. About 40 mm. long, half as broad in broadest part. Light green changing to light brown in autumn. Very common on leaves of scrub oak, Quercus nana. Amj)hibolips prunus W alsh. Seep. 19. Andricus jlocci Walsh. Oak wool-gall. Fig. 46. Cynips quercus-flocci Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1864, v. •_», p. 482-483, Andricus flocci Gillette, Psyche, 188!), v. 5, p. 185-186, 221. The following references are to Syivergus lama Fitch, an inquiline in the Kail made by Andricus flocci, but the gall should he designated by the name of its maker. Cynips quercus-lana Fitch, 5th rept. ins. N. Y. for 1858, 1859, p. 814. Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1865, v. 4, p. 359. Andricus lain/ Ashmead, Trans. Amer. ent. soc., 1885, v. 12, p. 295. Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. ]<)d. Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 18U2, v. 4, p. 257, pi. 11, fig. 5. Jarvis, 37th aim. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 71, pi. D, fig. 1. Synergus lana Cresson, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1887, v. 14, suppl., p. 180. Numerous small seed-like galls grouped on a large vein of the leaf, covered with a woolly white or a light brown mass. About 15 mm. long. On the under side of leaves of white oak, (Juercus alba, and scrub oak, Q. nana. Common. Amlricus imbricariae Ashmead. Andricus imbricariae Ashmead, Proc. U. S. nat. mus., \8'.W>, v. 19, p. 122. "A brownish, hard, globular gall, from 7 to 10 mm. in diameter, issuing, usually several together, from a fissure in a twig of Quercus imbricaria and Q. nana. The larval cell is nearly always closely cemented to the thick, hard, outer rind, but in a single instance there are a few fibers separating it." "Reared Sept. and Oct." Found here on scrub oak, Q. nana. Andricus ventricosus Bassett. Fig. 49-50. ('//n/jix quercus-ventricosa Bassett, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1S64, v. 3, p. 681. Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent.comm., 1890, p. 114. (Op. cit., p. in,"), as Andricus ventricosus.) Conical, rough, woody galls, the point sometimes prolonged into a recurved tip. In clusters, sometimes a dozen about the twig. When closely pressed together the shape is somewhat changed. 7-12 mm. long, 3-7 mm. wide. Slightly pubescent. Deep red, becoming nearly black. One free, larval cell at the base. Galls collected in June, insect developed in October but does not emerge until spring. On scrub oak, Quercus nana. Cdllirhytis operator Osten Sacken. Fig. 47-48. Cynips quercus-operator Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1862, v. 1, p. 256-257; 1865, v. 4, p, 341, 357. 2C» Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. Bassett, Proc. Ent . soc. Phil., 1.-63, v. 2, p. 332-333; Can. ent., 7873, v. 5, p. 91-94; 1S77, v. 9, p. 121. Riley, Amer. nut., 1H73. v. 7, p. 519, note. Howard, Psyche, 188-2, v. 3. p. 328-329. Packard, 5tli r«i>r. V. s. ent. comm., 1890, p. 11. Andricus (Callirhytis) operator Bassett. Amer. nat., 1X82, v. 16, p. 246. Ashmead, Trans. Amer. ent. soc., 1885, v. 12, p. 294. Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. 105. This species was the one from which the combined observations of Bassett and Riley proved the interesting fact of alternating generations in Cynipidae. The spring form consists of a woolly mass on the staminate aments, 2-4 cm. in diameter, dull yellow in color, from which emerge numerous insects of both sexes. The second form, producing an agamic female, consists of a monothalamous, irregular gall growing out from the cup and pressed close to the side of the acorn. Smooth, light brown, the larval cell nearly filling the gall. About 8 mm. long, 5 mm, wide. On scrub oak, Quercus nana. Spring form abundant and noticeable. Callirhytis palustr is Osten Sacken. See p. 21-22. Oallirhytis similis Bassett. Scrub-oak club-gall. Fig. 45. Ci/nipx i/in rcus-similis Bassett, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1864, v. 3, p. 685. Cyrvips similis Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1865, v. 4, p. 341. Andricus {Callirhytis) similis Bassett, Amer. nat., 1882, v. 16, p. 246. Ashmead, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1885, v. 12, p. 294. Packard, 5th rept. IT. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. 105. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 255, pi. 11, fig. 2. Club-shaped, woody gall at end of twig. Rather blunter than gall of Callirhytis clavula. Polythalamous. A few leaves grow from it. Green, turning brown ; surface looks as if covered with dust. 2-4 cm. long. Rather common on scrub oak, Quercus nana. Callirhytis tuberosa Bassett. Andricus (Callirhytis) tuberosa Bassett, Trans. Amer. ent, soc, 1900, v. 26, p. 311. A tuberous gall on one side or surrounding a young shoot near the tip. Smooth at first, but wrinkling and roughening later. The same color as the twig, quite green early in the season. 8-15 mm. long, 7-12 mm. wide ; rising abruptly from the twig. Monothalamous, the cell-walls 2-3 mm. thick ; corky, the bark showing distinctly. The white larvae have par- tially buried themselves in the wall in places. September. On scrub oak, Quercus nana, Cynips? aspera, n. s. Fig. 22, 42. An ovate, roughened, one-celled bud-gall, usually terminal and solitary, occasionally lateral, or in pairs. From the slightly prolonged tip run down two ridges nearly to the base of the slightly flattened, asymmetrical gall. About 12 mm. long, 7 nun. wide. Green, sometimes dotted with red. The larval cell is lield in place by radiating fillers. On seruli oak. Quercus nana. September. [nsect Galls. 27 Cynips? cristata, n. s. See p. 24. Holcaspis fascial a .Bassett; Seep. 21. Quercus alba Eriophyes querci Garnian. See p. 24. Cecidomyia? poculum Osten Sacken. Oak spangles. Cecidomyia poculum Osten Sacken, in Loew's Mon. dipt., N. A., 1862, pt. 1, p. -201. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat., 1892, v. 4, p. 271, pi. 15, llfi'. 4; Ins. galls vicin. N. V., 1904, p. 30, fitf- Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 69. Small, saucer-shaped galls on under side of leaf. 2-3 nun. in diameter. Red or violet with white bloom. On white oak, Quercus alba. Common. August and September. Andricus fiocci Walsh. See p. 25. Andricus petiolicola Bassett. Oak petiole-gall. Fig. 55. Cynips quercus-petiolicola Bassett, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1863, v. 2, p. 325. Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1864, v. 2, p. 487. Cynips petiolicola Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 186.5, v. 4, p. 339, 351, 379. Andricus petiolicola Bassett, Amer. nat., 1882, v. 16, p. 246. Ashmead, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1885, v. 12, p. 295. Gillette, Psyche, 1889, v. 5, p. 186. Packard, 5th rept. D". S. ent. coinin., 1890, p. 105. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 257, pi. 13, fig. 2. Cook, Ohio nat., 1904, v. 4, p. 120, 126, 142, fig. 83, 103, 124. Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 70. A woody, club-shaped gall on petiole or midrib of leaf. Polythala- mous. About 15 mm. in diameter. Green becoming brown. Common on white oak, Quercus alba, chestnut oak, Q. prinus and dwarf chestnut oak, Q. prinoides. CaUirhyUs clavula Osten Sacken. White-oak club-gall. Cynips quercus-tuber Bassett, Proc. Ent. soc Phil., 1864, v. 3, p 685-687; 1885, v. 4, p. 351. Cynips clavula Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1865, v. 4, p. 351, 379. Andricus (Callirhyiis) clavula Bassett, Amer. nat., 1882, v. 16, p. 246. Ashmead, Trans. Amer. ent. soc , 1885, v. 12, p. 294. Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. 105, 113. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 255-256, pi. 11, fig. 3. Cook, Ohio nat., 1902, v. 2, p. 272, fig. 33; 1903, v. 3, p. 419. Jarvis, 38th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1907, p, 91, pi. C, fig. 3. Club-shaped woody gall at end of twigs. Sometimes leaves develop from the bud of which this gall is a malformation. Polythalamous, 2-4 cm. long. Green occasionally faintly marked with red, turning brown. Common on white oak, Quercus alba. Insects from April to July. Callirhytis futilis Osten Sacken. Oak wart-gall. Cynips guercus-futilis Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1861, v. 1, p. 63-64. Cynips futilis Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1865, v. 4, p. 339, 352. Andricus futilis Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1865, v. 4, p. 379. Andricus (Callirhytis) futilis Bassett, Amer. nat., 1882, v. 16, p. 246. Ashmead, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1885, v. 12, p. 294. Gillette, Psyche, 1889, v. 5, p. 185. Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. 105. 28 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. urns. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 254; 1,1. 11, fig. 1. Jarvis, 38th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1907, p. 89-90, pi. I'., fig. 4. Callirhytisfutilis Bassett, Psyche, 1889, v. 5, p. 235-238. Rounded, projecting on both sides of the leaf. Thin-walled. Two or more larval cells held in center by radiating fibers. Light green. About 7 mm. in diameter. Very common on white oak, Que reus alba. Insects emerge in June. Oallirkytis seminator Harris. Oak seed-gall. Cynips seminator Harris. Rept. ins. Mass. inj. veg., 1841, p. 399; Treat, ins. X. E. inj. veg., 1842, ]>. 399; same, 1852, p. 484; Treat, ins. inj. veg. (Flint ed.), 1862, p. 548. Fitch, 5th rept. ins. X. Y. tor 1858, 1859, p. 813. Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1861, v. 1, p. 69; 1865, v. 4, p. 339,351. Walsh and Riley, Amer. ent., 1869, v. 1, p. 250, fig. 1ST; 1870, v. 2, p. 71, fig. 45. Andricus seminator < >sten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1m;.".. v. 4, p. 379. Cook, Ohio nat., 1903, v. 3. p. 420, liar. :i;>-:V\; 19114, v. 4, p. 144, fig. 131. Andricus (CaUirhytis} seminator Bassett, Amer. nat., 1882, v. 16, p. '_»16. Ashinead, Trans. Amer. nit. soc, 1885, v. 12. p. 294. Packard, 5th rept 0". S. cut. eomm., 1890, p. 105, 112. Gillette, Psyche, 1889, v. 5, p. 185. Callirhytis seminator Beutenmuller, Psyche, L908, v. 15, p. 10. These small seed-like monothal anions galls are massed together on the twig and covered with fibers forming a mass 15-45 mm. in diameter. White dotted with red when young, turning brown in the fall. On white oak, Quercus alba. Common. Insect in early summer. Cynips sirobilana Osten Sacken. Pine-cone oak-gall. Cynips quercus-strobilana Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1862, v. 1, p. 254. Cynips strobilana Beutemniiller, Ins. galls vicin. X. Y.. 1904, p. 18, tiij. 33. A cluster of monothalamous galls so crowded together as to become pointed below, forming a subglobular mass, about a common center on the twig. Woody, corky within. Brown. Rare. On white oak, Quercus alba. Reported from Q. platanoides. September. Aeraspis pezomaehoides Osten Sacken. Oak pea-gall. Cynips pezomaehoides Osten Sacken, I'roc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1862, v. 1. p. 250; 1865, v. 4. p. 352. Acraspis pezomaehoides Ashmead, Trails. Amer. ent. soc-.. 1885, v. 12. p. 303. Cynips pi sum Fitch is a guest-fly of Acraspis pezomaehoides, and Fitch described the gall under the name of the guest-fly: 5th rept. ins. N. Y. tor ls5s. 1859, p. sis. To this the follow ing references may be added : Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1861, v. 1, p. 59; 1865, v 4. p 352. Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. mus nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 258-259; [ns. galls vio. X. Y.. 1904, p. 18. fig. ( look, 29th ann. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. [ndiana f. 19H4, I9(i5. p. 840. Spherical gall with rough or netted surface, with slight elevations. Usually two-celled, sometimes as many :is six or even eight cells (Ash- mead). From 3 to mm. in diameter. Green becoming light brown. Easily separated from the leaf. Common on under, sometimes on upper, side of leaf of white oak. Quercus alba. Xanthoteras forticornis Walsh. Oak fig-gall. Cynips quercus- forticornis Walsh, Proc. lint . soc. Phil.. 1864, v. 2, p. 490. Cynips forticornis Walsh and Riley, Amer, ent., 1869, \. 1. p. 251. Teras forticornis Osten Sacken, I'roc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1865, v. i, p. 879. Cynips quercua-ficus Packard (not Fitch), Packard. 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. ill. Insect Galls. 29 Biorhizaforticornis Baeaett, A r. oat., 1882, v. 16, i>. 246. Ashmead, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1885, v. 12, p. 296. Gillette, Psj che, 1889*, v. 5, p. L86. Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. 106. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 259, pi. 13, fi«. 3. Cook, Ohio nat., 1904, v. 4, p. 142, fig. 126. Jan is. :{stli ann. re pi. Ent. soe. Ontario, 1907, p. 90, fig. Xanthoteras forticomis Ashmead, Psyche, 1903, \. 10, p. 149. Many of these galls are pressed together so closely on the twig as to lose all normal form, becoming flattened. Thin-walled, one-celled, the larval cell held in place by radiating fibers. Yellow, sometimes with red sides, turning brown. Common on white oak, Quercus alba. Insects emerged from July 1 to 13. Holcaspis globulus Fitch. Bullet gall. Cailaspidia globulus Fitch, 5th rept. ins. N. V., for 1858, 1859, p. 811. Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. lot;, 111. Cynips quercus-globulus Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1861, v. 1, p. 67. Bassett, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1863, v. 2, p. 328. Cynips hitliix Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent soc. Phil., 1865, v. 4, p. :».», 350. Holcaspis globulus Bassett, Amer. nat., IS82, v. 16, p. 246. Gillette. Psyche, 1889, v. 5, p. 187. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist , 1K)2, v. 4, p. 260, pi. 12, fijj. 4. Ashmead, I'syche, 1903, v. 10, p. 153. Cook, Ohio nat., 1903, v. 3, p. 419, fig. 34; L904, v. 4, p. 127, fig. 109; p. 148, fig. 12s; 29th ann. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana f. 1904, 1905, p. 835, fig. 27. Cynips oneratus Harris (now known as Synergus oneratus) is :i guest-fly of Holcaspis globulus, and Harris described the gall under the name of the guesl H.\ 1,'cpt. ins. Mass. inj. veg., 1841, p. 398; Treat, ins. N. E. inj. veg., 1842, p. 39S; same, 1852, p. 434; Treat, ins. in}, veg. (Flint ed.), 1862, p. 548. Spherical, smooth, corky, monothalamous galls on twigs. Two or three in a cluster, 10-15 mm. in diameter. Yellow with red tints, turning brown when mature. Larval cell oval with thin shell. Common on white oak, Quercus alba. Insects emerge in November. Neuroterus batatas Fitch. Oak potato-gall. Cynips quercus-batatus Fitch, 5th rept. ins. N. Y. for 1858, 1859, p. 810. Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. I'liil., Is6l, v. 1, p. 71; 1864, v. 4, p. 840, 353. Bassett, Proc. Ent. soc. I'hil., 1864, v. 3, p. 684. \< uroterus batatus Bassett, Amer. nat., 1882, v. 16, p. 246. Ashmead, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1885, v. 12, p. 296. I'aekard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. 11, 107, 111, 113. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 262, pi. 13, fig. 1. Irregular, "potato-shape," hard, woody, polythalamous gall, some- times 6 or 7 cm. long by 2-3 cm. thick. Reddish brown with pale blue bloom. Common on twigs of white oak, Quercus alba. Insects emerge in May or June. Neuroterus exiguissimus Bassett. Fig. 51. Neuroterus exiguissimus Bassett, Trails, Amer. Ent. soc., 1900, v. 26, p. 332-333. A hairy gall on under side of leaf along the veins with a slight eleva- tion above. Monothalamous. Leaves usually deformed. About 2 mm. Much like the gall of Neuroterus floccosus on Quercus platanoides. On white oak, Quercus alba. August. 30 Bulletin 2 : Springfield Musecm. Neuroterus vesiculus Bassett. Cynips vesiculus Bassett, Can. ent., 1881, v. 13, p. 97-95. Neuroterus vesicula Bassett, Amer. nat., 1882, v. 16, p. 246. \ , urott rus vesiculus Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. 107, 109. A monotholamous, subglobular gall appearing late in the fall in the center of a bud at or near the tip of the twig. Slightly corrugated, with a small projecting tip. Of the color of the bud. Cell comparatively large. Develops rapidly in the following spring. On white oak, Quercus a Ilia. Rare. Cynips? sp. A monothalamous cynipid gall is common on the under side of the leaves of the white oak, occurring singly. It is spherical, covered with dense pubescence. Color yellow, often with a rosy tinge. Diameter 3-8 mm. Falls to the ground during the last half of September. (This gall resembles closely that of Cynips priuoides Beutenmuller, which occurs on Quercus prinoides, but the latter usually is on the upper surface of the leaf.) Quercus platanoides. Cynips strobilana Osten Sacken. See p. 28. Halcaspis duricoria Bassett. Pointed bullet-gall. Fig. 53. Holcaspis dumcoria Bassett, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1890, v. 17, p. 64-65. Bassett, Amer. nat., 1882, v. 16, p. 246. Gillette, Psyche, 1889, v. 5, p. 1ST. Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 261, pi. 12, fig. 5. Jarvis, 37th aun. rept. Ent. soc' Ontario, 1906, p. 71. Globular with short point at apex. Somewhat rough, woody, mono- thalamous galls. Larval cell oval with rather thin shell. 10-15 mm. in diameter. Yellow with tint of red, turning brown when mature. Singly, or in groups, on twigs of swamp white oak, Qxiercus jrfatanoides. Insects emerge in November. Neuroterus Jloccosus Bassett. Oak flake-gall. Cynips floccosa Bassett, Can. ent., 1881, v. 13, p. HI. Xeuroterus fiocrnxii s Bassett, Amer. nat., 1882, v. 16, p. 246. Ashmead, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1885, v. 12, p. 296. Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 262, pi. 12, flg. 2; Ins. galls vicin. N. V., 1904, p. 22, flg. Jarvis, 37th aim. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 71. Hemispherical, hairy monothalamous galls on under side of leaf. Found in numbers. Upper side of leaf reveals their presence by smooth blister-like projections. About 3 mm. in diameter including hairs. Hairs white. On swamp white oak, Quercus platanoides. Insects emerge in the succeeding spring. Neuroterus noxiosus Bassett. Noxious oak-gall. Cynips noxiosa Bassett, Can. ent., 1881, \ . 13. p. 108. Neuroterus noxiosus Bassett, Amer. nat., 1882, a-. 16, p. 246. \shinratl, Trans. Amer. ent. SOC, 1885, v. 12, p. 296. Gillette, Psyche, 18S9, v. 5, p. 187. Packard, 5th rept. V . 8. ent. comm., 1890, p. 107. Beutenmuller, Ins. galls vicin. N. v., 1904, p. 21, li^. 42. Insect Galls. ill Irregular, rounded, woody, polythalamous twig gall. Sometimes quite small, sometimes almost 10 em. long. Common on swamp white oak, Quercus platanoides. Bassett says that only females emerge before leaves appear in the succeeding spring. These females produce a vernal crop of green, smooth grape-like galls on leaves of same oak. From these galls about June 20 emerge great numbers of male and female ilies the bisexual generation. Quercus prinus. EHophyes (juerci Garman. See p. 24. Andricus petiolicola Bassett. See p. 27. Callirhytis papillata Osten Sacken. Oak nipple-gall. Cynips quercus-papillata Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1801, v. 1, p. 04-05. Cynips papillata < >sten Sacken, Proc. Ent. .soc. Phil., 1865, v. 4, p. 352. Andricus papillata Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1865, v. 4, p. 379. Andricus (Callirhytis ) papillata Ashmead, Trans. Ainer. cut. soc., 1885, v. 12, \>. 295. • Packard, 5th rept. IT. S. ent. comm. 1890, p. 105. Beutenniiillcr, Bull. Arner. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v 4, p. 255; Ins. galls vicin. X. Y., 1904, p. 14. fig. Callirhytis papillatus Cook, Ohio nat., 1902, v. 2, p. 269, tig. 30; 1903, v. 3, p. 427, li -»- - 64; 1904, v. 4, p. 119, 120, 124, 126-127, 141, tig. 81, 107-108. Rounded, highest at middle, projecting on both sides of the leaf. Light green, surrounded on the under side by a reddish ring. Two or more larval cells are held in place by radiating fibers. Rather common on chestnut oak, Quercus prinus. Insect in June. Quercus prinoides. Eriophyes querci Garman. See p. 24. Andricus petiolicola Bassett. See p. 27. Cynips caducus. Fig. 58. Cynips caducus Walsh, according to Packard, 5th rept. IT. S. ent. comm., 1890, p. 115. A spherical gall occurring in clusters on midrib on under side of the leaf. 2-5 mm. in diameter. Sometimes so crowded as to lose their shape. One- celled. Falling from the leaf, the larvae change on the ground. On dwarf chestnut oak, Quercus prinoides. Cited from other oaks. August. Cynips frondosa Bassett. Leafy oak-gall. Fig. 57. ('l/iiijin quercus-frondosa Bassett, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1864, v. 3, p. 688-689. Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc Phil., 1865, v. 4, p. 350, 361. Walsh and Riley, Aincr. cut., 1869, v. 2, p. 25, fig. 20; p. 7273, tig. 46. This gall is formed by the development of a leaf bud, in the fall instead of the following spring. The leaves grow in a crowded mass and attain about one fifth their normal length and breadth. Monothalamous. Color the same as normal leaves. On dwarf chestnut oak, Quercus prinoides. Cynips prinoides Beutenmuller. Spring oak-gall. Fig. 59. ( 'ynips prinoides BeutemmiUer, Bull. Ainer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 257, pi. 11. tig. 6; Jus galls vicin. N. Y., 1904, p. 17, fig. 32 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. A rough, globular gall on the upper side of the leaf. Hard, woody, one-celled. Green with red tint, becoming brown. About 1 cm. in diameter. On dwarf chestnut oak, Quercus prinoides. Holcaspis rugosa Bassett. Fig. 56. Cynips rugosa Bassett, Can. ent., 1881, v. 13, p. 100. ffolcaspis rtilii<> nat., 1902, v. ->, p. 265, fig. II; L903, \ . 3, p. 425, fig. 49; 29th ann rept. Dept. geol. and nat. its. [ndiana E. 1904, 1905, p. 849. A spindle-shaped, hollow gall on the upper side of the leaf with the opening below. Varying in size, about 15 mm. long. Not common. On slippery elm, Ulmus fulva. Summer. Celtis occidentalis. Pachypsylla cucurbita Riley. Haekberry melon-gall. PachypsyUa celtidis-cucurbita Riley, 5th rept. U. S. ent. eomm., 1890, p. 621-622. Beutenmiil ler, Bull. Amer .-mus. nat. hist., 1 s'.»^, \ . i. p. 276, pi. 1»;, fig. -'. An oval gall with truncated apex and concave above with a .small nipple. Usually on under side of the leaf. About 2 mm. in diameter at base, 4 mm. in height. On the upper side of the leaf there is a cup-shaped depression. Color yellow green. On the haekberry, Celtis occidentalis. Pachypsylla mamma Riley. PachypsyUa celtidis-mamma Riley, Johnson's universal cyclop., 1876, p. 425; Proc. Biol, soc, Wash., 1884, v. •_', p. 73-75: 5th rept. r. s. cut. comm., 1890, p. 619-620, 1iii. 202-203. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, i>. •>l-~>; Ins. Kails vicin. N. Y., 1904, p. 35-36, fig. Cook, Ohio nat.. 1903, v. 3, p. 426, fig.59-60; 29th ann. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana 1. 1904, 1905, p. 845, fig. .*!7. Jarvis, 37th aim. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. «'>•"). A nearly cylindrical gall on the under side of the leaf, with the apex rounded. A cup-shaped depression on the upper side shows presence of the gall. Varying considerably in size, about 7 mm. high, 5 mm. in diameter. Color yellow green. Very abundant on haekberry, Celtis occidentalis. Pachypsylla vesiculum Riley. Haekberry blister-gall. PachypsyUa csttidis-vesiculum Riley, 5th rept. V . s. cut. comm., 1890, p. <',is. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer mus. nat. hist.. ls;t-2. v. 4. p. 275; Ins- Kails vicin. N. V., 1904, p. 35, fig. Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. < totario, 1906, p, 65. A circular, blister-like gall. Slightly rounded above, beneath convex with a small central projection. Green. About 4-6 mm. in diameter. Numerous on the leaves of haekberry, Celtis occidentalis. MAGNOLIACBAE. Liriodendron tulipifera. Contarinia liriodendri Osten Sacken. Tulip-tree spot-gall. Cecidomyia liriodendri. Osten Sacken, in Loew's Mon. dipt. X. A. 1862, pt. -2. p. 202. Hagen, Can. ent.. 1886, v. IS. p. 159. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist.. L892, v. 4, p. 265; Ins. galls \ icin. X. V., 1904, p. 25, fig. Contarinia liriodendri Felt, -23d rept. ins X. V. f. 1907, 1908, p. 383, 393. Circular brown spots with surrounding circle of yellow or light green, .showing on both sides of the leaf, 1-3 mm. in diameter. Not uncommon on leaf of tulip tree, Liriodendron tulipifera. 34 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. RANALES. BANUNCULACBAE . ' Clematis virginiana. ?Dasyneura clematidis Felt. Fig. 62. Dasyneura clematidis Felt, 23d rept. ins. N. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 336, 344, 34:,. This gall (possibly of the above species) consists of an elliptical enlargement of the stem, between the nodes, about twice the normal diameter. The inside, pithy and much roughened, looks in places as if eaten or gnawed thin. A round hole is evidently an exit. On wild clematis, Clematis virginiana. RO SALES. GROSSULARIACBAE. Ribes rubrum. Myzas ribis Linne. Currant leaf gall. Fig. 63. Aphis ribis Linne, Syst. naturae, 17(17. 12th ed., v. ■!, p. 733. Walsh and Riley, Araer. ent., 1869, v. 1, p. 249. Myzus ribis < >estlund, Bull. 4, Geol. ami nat. hist. surv. Minn., 1887, p. 74. Lintner, 9th rept. ins. X. Y., 1893, p. 370-371. This gall consists merely of a wrinkling and pouching of the leaf. The insect acts on the under side of the leaf surrounded by the induced pubescence and the tissues increase so rapidly as to make the gall rise above. On currant, Ribes rubrum. Common, sometimes causing damage. HAMAMBLIDACEAB. Hamamelis Virginiana. Hamamelisles spinosus Shinier. Spiny witch-hazel gall. Hamamelistes spinosus Shimer, Trans. Amer. cut. soe., 1867, v. 1, p. 284-285. Pergande, Bull. 9, tech. scries, Div. ent., U. S. dept. agr., 1901, p. 25-44, fig. 12-23. Hormaphis apiitosus Riley, Hull. ('. s. geol. ami geog. surv. terr., 1879, \ , 5, p. 14-15, pi. "2, ri^\ 4. Thomas, 'trans. Dept. 'agr. 111., f. 1878,1879, n. s., v. 8, (Thomas. 3.1 rept. ins. 111.), p. -207. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mns. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 276, pi. 16, rig. 4; Ins. galls viein. X. Y., 1004, p. 37, fig. Cook, 29th aim. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana f. 1004, 1905, p, 847, litf . 30. Jarvis, 37th aim. rept. Ent. soe. Ontario, 1906, p. 64, pi. (', fig. 1. Hormaphis papyraceae Oestlund, Bull. 4, Geol. and nat. hist. surv. Minn., 1887, p. 19. A monothalamous, globular, spiny gall, which is a deformed fruit bud. The opening below, funnel-shaped. Spines long. Green, becoming nearly black. Common on witch hazel, Hamamelis virginiana. Pergande gives a full account of the life history, with the generations found on the birch leaf, in this region on black birch, Betula lento. Hormaphis hamamelidis Fitch. AYitch-hazel cone-gall. Byrsocrypta hamamelidis Pitch, 4th ann. rept. regents Univ. state of N. V. on state cabinet mil. hist.. 1851, p. 69. Hormaphis hdmamelidis Oetert Sack en, Stettin ent. ztg., 1861, p. 422. (Translation bj Walsh, l'roc. Ent. soe. Phil., 1866-1867, v. 6, p. 281.) Insect ( i alls. 35 Thomas, Trans. Dept. agr. III., f. 1878, 1879, Q, S., V. 8, (Thomas, :',d rept. ins. III.), p. L99. Beuteniniiller, Bull. Amer. mus. oat. lust., 1892, p. -J7t;, pi. 16, fig. 5; Ins. Kails vicin. N. V., L904, p. 36, fig. Pergande, Bull. 9, tech. series, Div. ent., (7. S. dept. agr., 1901, p. 7-25, fig. ill. Cook, 29th anil. rept. Dept geol. and nat. hisl. res. Indiana I. 1904, L905, p. 845-846, fig. 38. Jarvis, :>7t li ann. repl . Enl . sue. Ontario, l'.tnn, p, 64, pi. ( . fig. 2. Hamamelistes cornu shinier. Trans. A.mer. <-nt. soc, 1867, v. 1, p. 283. A conical, monothalamous gall on the upper side of the leaf with 1 1n- opening underneath. Very common on witch hazel, Hamamelis virginiana. ROSACEAE. Spiraea salicifolia. Cecidomyia? lappa, n. s. Terminal mass of brown or, when quite young, green, mossy in appearance, strongly resembling Rhodites rosae, but coarser. Each gall consists of an undeveloped bud, the leaves of which have the tips much elongated. The central cavity is enclosed by the overlapping leaves. Not rare. On meadow-sweet, Spiraea salicifolia. Cecidomyia salicifoliae Osten Sacken. Meadow-sweet pod-gall. Fig. 64. Cecidomyia salicifoliae Oaten Sacken, Proc. Knt. soc. Phil., 1866, v. 6, i>. 220. Jarvis, 37th aim. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 68; 38th ann. rept. . 1907, p. 88. A pod-like gall formed by folding of the leaf along the midrib, lower side out, the edges united and the blade bulging out, the sac curving usually with midrib on convex side. 7-8 mm. long. Brown, with the pubescence of the under side of the leaf. On hard hack, Spiraea tomentosa. Not rare. Summer. Same on Spiraea salicifolia, from which it was first described. Smooth instead of pubescent. Spiraea tomentosa. Cecidomyia salicifoliae Osten Sacken. See above. Rubus nigrobaccus. Cecidomyia? muscosa n. s. Mossy leafy-gall of blackberry. Fig. 66. A subglobular gall, covered densely with filaments, making a mass about 1 cm. in diameter. Green turning light brown. Polythalamous. Found in Aug. 1900 on blackberry, Rubus nigrobaccus, some at union of leaflets, some on midvein. Lasioptera farinosa Osten Sacken. Fig. 65. Las ioptera farinosa Osten Sacken, in Loew'9 Mon. dipt. N. A.. L862, pt. 1, p. '2u4 Smith, Insect life, 1891, v. 4, p. 30. Beuten mailer, Bull. Amer. mus. nut. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 273;op. cit., 1907, v 23, p. 397-398, pi. 15, fig. 12-13. Felt, 23d rept. ins. N. V. f. 1907, 1908, p. 321, 323, 325. Irregular, rounded, roughened galls on midrib or at base of leaflets. Woody, polythalamous. Sometimes several apparently confluent. About 36 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. 7 min. in diameter. Green, becoming brown early. On high blackberry, Rubus nigrobaccus. Lasioptera nodulosa Beutenmuller. Ltisioptera uodttlosa Bout.. Hull. Amcr. inns. nat. hist . 1907, v. 23, p.397, pi. 15, fitf. 5-6. Felt. 23d rept. ins. N. V. f. 1907, 1908, p. 321, 325. "Knot-like or gouty, elongate or rounded swelling on terminal branches of blackberry, Ricbns nigrobaccus. Often several galls on a single twig. Elongate chamber inhabited by a single larva which transforms in the gall, and emerges in May or June." Diastrophus cuscntaeformis Osten Sacken. Blackberry seed-gall. Fig. 68. Diastrophus cuscutaeformis < >sten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1863, v. 2. p. 33-34, 39-40. Walsh ami Riley, Amcr. cut., 1869, v.l. p. 188. Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. mns. nat. hist., ls;<2, v. 4. p. 249, pi. 10, flg.l. Jarvis, 38th ami. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1907, p. 89. ' Small subglobular galls, many crowded together along and around the stem of the blackberry. Monothalamous, Same color as stem. Each bears one (or sometimes more) spines, some rather stiff, others filamen- tous. On high blackberry, Rubus nigrobaccus. Rather common. Diastrophus nebnlosus Osten Sacken. Blackberry knot-gall. Fig. 67. Diastrophus nebulosus ( >sten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1863, v. 2, p. 36-39. Riley, Pract. cut.. 1867, v. •_'. p. 83, 84. Walsh ami Riley, Amcr. cut., lso<>, v. 1, p. 188. Riley, Amer. cut.. l*7n. v. 2. p 159-160, tiy;. 103. Beutenmuller, Bull. Amcr. inns. nat. hist.. 1892, v. 4. p.-'V.h pi. 10. ti^-. 2. Conk. Ohio nat., 1904, v. 4. p. 119, 143, tig. 129. k A large oblong pithy gall on stem, furrowed lengthwise, abrupt from union with stem. Polythalamous. Green, changing more or less com- pletely to red-brown when old. On stems of high blackberry, Rubus nigrobaccus. Common. Insects emerge the following spring. Rubus procumbens. Diastrophus iiussctiii Beutenmuller. Bassett's blackberry gall. Fig. 69-70. Diastrophus l>iixxstt'ii Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1865, v. I. p. 361. Cook, Ohio nut., 1904, v. 4, p. 120, fig. 87. Jarvis, 38th aim. rept. Ent. soc < Intario, 1907, p. 88, pi. B, liy. 5. Gonaspis potentillae Ashmead, Psyche, 1897, v. 8, p. 68. A subspherical gall in axil of leaf of Potent ilia canadensis. 8-1 1 mm. in diameter. Monothalamous. Green with sometimes m tinge of red, turning brown in autumn. Common. Insect emerges the following spring Rosa. Rhodites bicolor Harris. ^pi'iy rose-gall. Cynips bicolor Harris, Rept. ins. Mass. inj, veg., 1841, p. 399; Treat, ins. N. E. Lnj. veg., 1*42, p. 399; same, 1852. p. 435; Treat, ins. inj. veg. (Flint ed.), 1862, p. 548-549. Rhodites bicolor Osten Sacken, Croc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1863, v. -2, p. 43, 48 19. Riley, Amer. ent., 1870, v. 2, p. 246, 309, fig. 192. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., ls'.)2, v. 4, p. 246, pi. 9, fig. I. Townsend, Psyche, 1895, v. 7, p. 272, 307. Cook, Ohio nat., Unit, v. 4, p. 123, 141, fig. 120. Jarvis, 37th aim. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 70, pi. E, tig 2. Spherical, 10-14 mm. in diameter, covered with long spines. Mono- thalamous. In summer green with tinge of red usually, brown later. Frequently deforms the whole leaf of wild roses, Rosa, several species. Common. Insect emerges in late summer. Rhodites dichlocerus Harris. Long rose-gall. Cynips dichlocerus Harris. Rept. ins. Mass. inj. veg., 1841, p. 399400; Treat, ins N. E. inj \ ■ g 1S42, p. 399-400; same, 1S.V2, p. 485; Treat, ins. inj. veg. (Flint ed 1862, p. 549, pi. 8, lis. 6-8. Rhodites dichlocerus Osten Sacken, Proc Ent. soc. Phil., 1863, v. 2, p. 41, 4t;. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 247. pi. 9, fig. •"). Diastrophus dichlocerus Beutenmiiller, Psyche, 1908, v. 15, p. in. Woody, elongated, roughened gall, tapering to union with stem. Polythalamous. About 2-3 cm. long; 1 cm. wide. On stem of several species of wild rose, Rosa. Rhodites ignota Osten Sacken. Mealy rose-gall. Fig. 73. Rhodites ignota Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1863, v. 2, p. 43, 49. Beutenniiiller, Bull, Amer. mus. nat. hist., lsa2, v. 4, p. 246, pi. '.». fig. 2. A spherical woody gall covered with white mealy substance. From 5-8 mm. in diameter. Sometimes two or more galls grow together. One or several on leaves of wild roses. Common. Rhodites lenticularis Bassett. Rose lentil-gall. Fig. 77. Rhodites lenticularis Bassett, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1890, v. 17, p. 59-60. Beutenmiiller, Ins. galls vie. N. Y., 1904, p. 8, tig. Jarvis, 38th aim. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1907, p. 89. 38 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. A disc-shaped gall of the color of the leaf in which it is found ; some- times lighter colored. About 6 mm. in diameter and 2 mm. in thickness. Monothalamous. Abundant in some localities. On several species of rose, Rosa. Rhodites multispinosus Gillette. Large spiny rose-gall. Fig. 76. Rhodites multispinosus Gillette, Bull. 7, Iowa agr. exp. sta., 1889, p. 284. Jarvis, 38th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1907, p. 88, pi. B, fig. 3. Oblong or ovate, on stem. 25-50 mm. long; 16-25 mm. thick, and clothed with numerous prickles about 8 mm. long. Light brown, becoming- gray later. Surface sometimes rough, with depressions and elevations. In emergence the insects make 30-50 round holes about 1.5 mm. in diame- ter. Polythalamous. On wild rose, Rosa. Rhodites radicum Osten Sacken. Rose root-gall. Rhodites radicum < >sten Sacken, Proc. Ent. aoc. Phil., 1863, v. 2, p. 42, 46-47. Walsh, Pract. ent., 1866, v. 1, p. 114. Beutenmuller, Bull, Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 246, pi. 9, fig. 3. Cook, Ohio nat., 1904, v. 4, p. 123. Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 70. A large, irregular, red-brown gall with smooth surface. Polythalamous. 5-8 cm. in diameter. With deep indentation where it is attached to the root of wild roses. May be common, as some report, but not frequently seen, from its position. On Rosa, several species. Insects emerged April 28. From a single specimen in my collection insects emerged about a year after it was sent to me. Rhodites verna Osten Sacken. Knotty rose-gall. Fig. 74. Rhodites verna Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil.. 1863, v. 2. p. 41, 47-48. Beuteinniiller. Bull. Amer. inns. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 248, pi. 9, fig. 6. Usually several rounded galls, running together, forming an elongated, knotty mass along the stem. Woody, tinged with red. Polythalamous. On several species of wild rose, Rosa. Rosa Carolina. Rhodites globulus Beutenmuller. Globular rose-gall. Without name, Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1863, v. 2, p. 42. Rhodites globulus Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 247, pi. 9, fig. 4. Cook, Ohio nat., 1904, v. 4, p. 123. Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 70, pi. E, fig. 4. A smooth, irregularly rounded, brown gall, sharply contracted at its union with the stem. Pithy, polythalamous. About 2 by 3 cm. On swamp rose, Rosa Carolina. Rhodites sj>haericus, n. s. Fig. 75. A spherical hard gall attached to either side of the leaflet by a single point. Rough, veiny surface. About 5 mm. in diameter. Filled by a dozen or more larval cells, each with Avoody walls. Brown. On swamp rose, Rosa Carolina. September. Ins kit Galls. 39 Rosa rubiginosa. Rkodites rosae Linnaeus. Mossy rose-gall. Bedeguar gall. Cynips rosae Linnaeus, Syst. nut., 12th ed. i7i;T, \ . 'J, p. ;»17. Rhodites roscn Osten Sacken, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil. lst;:j, v. 2, p. it. Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, L906, p. 70, pi. l>. Bg. 4. There are numerous references to this gall in European publications, as it occurs in Europe. A conspicuous mass formed by several hard cells around the stem, and covered with long filaments, mostly green but frequently strongly tinged with red. Brown and persistent in winter. Common on sweetbrier rose. Rosa rubiginosa. Insects emerge in .lime. Amelanchier canadensis. Eriophyes amelanchier i n. s. June-berry mite-gall. Fig. 78. These rounded galls occur in great numbers upon the leaves. On the upper side they are globular, below they open by a prolonged tube which on maturity splits in two at the end, allowing the insect to emerge. Usually red above, light yellow-green below. About- 2 mm. above, 1-JS mm. below. On June-beny, Ameianchier canadensis, June. Crataegus. Cecidomyia bedeguar Walsh. Tufted thorn-gall. Fig. 80. Cecidomyia crataegi-hedeguar Walsh, Can. ent., 1869, v. 1, p. 79-80. Cecidomyia bedeguar, Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. sot-. Ontario, 1906, p. 67. A polythalamous gall found along the veins, several on a leaf. Below hemispherical, opening above. The upper side more conspicuous, as the opening is surrounded by dense tufts of finely branched projections brown- er than the leaf. Under side light green-yellow. Pithy, about 4 mm. in diameter below, 6-10 mm. above. Not rare. On leaves of Crataegus sp. June. Cecidomyia? venae, n. s. Fig. 79. An irregularly oval fleshy gall on midribs or chief veins, above or below, opening by a slit on opposite side, retaining marks of vein along length; contracted towards ends so running out to substance of vein. 5-8 mm. long. Color yellow, sometimes with red tinge. Slightly to densely pubescent. June and later. Several on one leaf. Two or more larvae in a cell. On thorn, Crataegus. Undetermined gall. An irregular rounded polythalamous gall at base of thorns, 5-10 mm. long, color of bark. Spongy within, dark red-brown, with libers at righl angles to surface. Several on thorn, Crataegus sp. DRUPACBAE. Prunus virginiana. Cecidomyia? racemi, n. s. Fig. 81. An elliptical, polythalamous gall, consisting of a swelling of the axis of raceme of choke-cherry, Prunus virginiana, 27 mm. long, 10 mm. wide 40 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. in widest part, tapering gradually to either end. Green, turning brown upon maturity. No distinct larval cells, but inside pithy with borings in various directions. July. Oontarinia virginiana Felt. Cherry pocket-gall. Fig. 82. Cecidomyia virginiana Felt. -21st rept. ins. X. Y. f. 1905, 1906, p. 130-131. Gecidomyid larva, Lintner, Bull. 6, n. s., Div. ent. IT. S. Dept. agr., 1896, p. 57-58; mnu 12th rept. ins. N. V.. 1. 1896, 1897, p. 313. Cecidomyia sp., Cook, Ohio nat., 1904, v. 4, p. lie, liy;. 75. Cecidomyia virginiana Jarvls, 37th ami. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario. 1906, p. <',7. Contarinia virginianwe Felt, 23 rept. ins. X. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 383, 392. A malformation of the fruit. The stone is absent and the fruit en- la l'ged and elongated. 1 cm. long, 5 mm. wide; walls 1.5 mm. thick. Monothalamous. Larvae leave the gall in June or July. On Prunus virginiana, choke cherry, common. In every one of large numbers examined the hole by which the insect left the gall was very close to the insertion of the stem. Prunus serotina. Eriophyes serotinae Beutenmiiller. Wild cherry pouch-gall. Acarus st rotinae Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. inns. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 27s. pi. 16, tiy. 7: Ins. galls vicin. X. V.. 1904, p. 38, fig. 87. Cook, 29th aim. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana t. Unit. 1905, p. s."is. 1iu'. 49. Without scientific name, Buekhout, Proc. Amer. assoc. adv. sci. I. 1882, lss:{, v. 31. p. 475. Bagen, Can. ent., 1885, v. 17, p. 27. Eriophyes s< rotinae Jarvis, 37th ami. rept. Ent. sue. < Ontario, 1906, p. t',1 ; probably as Eriophyes, sp., 7.">. v. 25, p. 266. Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. eomm., 1890, p. 359-360. Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, L906, p. 65, pi. K, fig. 2. Swellings of twig, somewhat sticky on surface, with hole at base, through which castings fall. About 2 cm. long, 7-8 nun. thick. Larvae leave the gall about Oct. 1, spin thin cocoons among leaves on the ground : the moth emerges late in October. On common locust, Robinia pseudacacia. SAPINDALES. ANACARDIACEAE. Rhus hirta. Pemphigus rhois Fitch. Sumac tomato-gall. Fig. 87. Byrsocrypta rhois Fitch, Monti), journ. N. Y. agr. so.-, t. Aug., 1866, p. T:i. Melaphis rhois Walsh, Proc. Ent. sot-. Phil., 1867, v. 6, i>. 282. Pemphigus rhois Walsh and Riley, Amer. ent., 1869, \ . I, p. ins, fig. 89. Packard, Guide study ins., 1869, p. 524, fig. 523. Oestlund, Bull. 4, Geol. and nat. hist. suit. Minn., lss;. p. ■>:;. Beutenmiiller, Pull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1802, v. 4, p. -277, pi. lti, tig. <>; Ins galls vicin. X. Y.,1904, p. 37-38, fig. 84. Lmtner, 12th rept. ins. X. Y. f. 1896, 1897, p. 290-292, pi. II. fig. 1. Cook, Ohio nat., 1904, v. 4, p. 140, rig. 113. Jarvis, 37th aim. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario. 1906, p. 65. A smooth, rounded hollow gall on the under side of the leaf, varying greatly in size. Color yellow-green with orange and much red. Insects fully grown in September. Not very common. On smooth sumac, Rims glabra. Reported on Rhus hirta. Rhus glabra. Pemphigus rhois Fitch. See above. Rhus radicans. Eriophyes rhois, n. s. Poison ivy mite-gall. Fig. 88. Phytoptus, sp., Garmau, 12th rept. state ent. 111., lss:;. p 138. Eriophyes, sp., Cook, 29th ami. rept. Dept. geoi. and nat. res. Indiana f. 1904, 1905, p. 862. Jarvis. 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 60, pi. A. fig. .">. Without scientific name, Buckhout, Proc. Amer. assoc. adv. sci. f. 1882, 1883, v. 31, p. 476 Eagen, Can. ent., lss;,, \ . IT, p. 28. Corrugations upon the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf of poison ivy, Rhus radicans. These are pubescent with whitish hairs similar to those upon other parts of the leaf, but more plentiful upon the upper sur- face, and extremely so on the under side. The projections above are raised more and somewhat constricted at the point of attachment, some- what like the gall of Colopha ulmicola. CBLASTRACEAB. Celastrus scandens. Cecidomyia? celastri, n. s. Bittersweet root-gall. Irregular enlargement of roots of bittersweet, Celastrus scandens, some- what pear-shaped. Polythalamous. 25 mm. long, 10 mm. greatest diam- 42 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. eter. Color as of the root, orange with traces of green. Pithy, soft. Contained small white larvae Sept. 1907. Cells well filled. ACERACBAE. Acer saccharinum. Eriophyes quadripedes Shimer. Silver maple mite-gall. Vasates quadripedes Shimer, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1869, v. 2, p. 319. Phytoptus quadripes Garman, 12th rept. state, ent. 111., 1883, p. 135; Psyche, 1892, v. 6, p. 243. Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. conim., 1890, p. 422-423, tig. 154-155. Cook, Ohio, nat. 1902, v. 2, fig. 10; 1903, v. 3, p. 423, fig. 43. Eriophyes quadripes Cook, 29th ann. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana f . 1904, 1905, p. 860. Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 59, pi. F, fig. 1. A small gall, pouch-like with constricted neck, on upper side of the leaf. Green, becoming dark violet and black. Common on silver maple, Acer saccharinum. Acer rubrum. Cecidomyia ocellaris Osten Sacken. Maple spot-gall. Cecidomyia ocellaris Osten Sacken in Loew's Mon. dipt. N. A., 1862, pt. 1, p. 199. Sciara ocellaris Comstock, Kept. Conim. agric. f. 1881 and 1882, (1883). p. 202-204, pi. 17. Packard, 5th rept. IT. S. ent. comni. 1890, p. 411-412, pi. 38. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 273. Cook, Ohio nat., 1904, v. 4, p. 141, fig. 119; 29th ann. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana f. 1904, 1905, p. 843, fig. 35. Sciara ocellata Beutenmiiller, Ins. galls vicin. N. Y., 1904, p. 33, fig. Cecidomyia ocellata Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 66, pi. E, fig. 6. An eye-like spot, red center surrounded by yellow or green and this by red, 7 mm. in diameter, more or less. Larva probably drops to the ground to transform. Very common on leaves of red maple, Acer rubrum. Acer saccharum. Eriophyes crumena Riley. .Icarus accris-cruiueiia Riley, Amer. ent., 1870, v. 2, p. 339. Phytoptus acericola Garman, 12th Kept, state ent. 111., 1883, p. 135. Packard, 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm. 1890, p. 424. Cook, Ohio nat., 1902, v. 2, fig. 11 ; 1903, v. 3, p. 423, fig. 45; 1904, v. 4, p. 118. Without scientific name, Buekhout, Proc. Amer. assoc. adv. sci. f. 1882, 1883, v. 31, p. 475. Eriophyes acericola Cook, 29th ann. rept. Dept. geol. aud nat. res. Indiana f. 1904, 1905, p. 860. Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 59. A tapering small gall on the upper side of the leaf. About 5 mm. long. Green or red. On sugar maple, Acer saccharum. Eriophyes rosea. Schult. Eed frost gall of maple. Eriophyes, sp., Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 61, pi. B, rig. 1. These galls look like red frost on the upper side of the leaf, where they form clusters extending in the general direction of the smaller veins. An occasional solitary one shows a distinct pouch shape, somewhat constricted at the base. On sugar maple, Acer saccharum. Common. I fndelermined gall. This gall consists of enlargement of the veins, swollen and fleshy below, opening by a slit above. Of very irregular length. Gaping widely when old. Not common. On sugar maple, Acer saccharum. Insect Galls. 4:? Acer spicatum. Eriophyes spicati, n. s. White frost gall of mountain maple. Without scientific name, Garman, Psyche, L892, v. 6, p. 242. Eriophyes, sp., Jarvis, 37th ami. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 62. The clusters of these galls are formed commonly in the angles of the veins on the under side of the leaf. Small, white. On mountain maple, Acer spicatum. Common. Russell and Mt. Holyoke, Mass. BALSAMINACEAB. Impatiens biflora. Cecidomyia impatientis Osten Sacken. Touch-me-not gall. Fig. 85. Cecidomyia impatientis Osten Sacken, in Loew's Mon. dipt. N. A. 1862, pt. 1, p. 204. Walsh and Riley, Amer. ent., 1869, v. 2, p. 63, fig. 42. Beutenmiiller, Ins. galls vicin. N". Y., 1904, p. 30, fig.; Bull. Amer, mus. nat, hist., 1907, v. 23, p. 392, pi. 16, fig. 7-8. Polythalamous, spherical, smooth, juicy galls, apparently formed at base of flower. P^xtremely perishable. 5-8 mm. in. diameter. Green, with darker markings occasionally. August on Impatiens }>ijh>rn. Abundant but local. Larvae leave galls to pupate about September 1. Lasioptera impaUentifolia Felt. Midrib gall on touch-me-not. Fig. 86. Without scientific name, Jarvis, 37th aim. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 69. Lasioptera impatientifolia Felt, 22nd rept. ins. X. Y. f. 1906, 1907, p. 105-106; 23d rept. ins. X. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 320, 323, 324, 327. Cecidomyia impatientis Cook, Ohio nat., 1904, v. 4, p. 140, fig. 115. On petiole or midrib, on both sides. 1 cm. long, 4 mm. wide. Green, smooth, monothalamous, containing several larvae. On Impatiens biflora. Common. RHAMNALES. VITACBAE. Vitis. Phylloxera vitifoliae Fitch. Grape phylloxera gall. Pemphigus vitifoliae Fitch, Trans. N. Y. state agr. soc. f. 1854, 1855, v. 14, p. 862. (l*t rept. ins. N. Y., 1855) Byrsocrypta vitifoliae Walsh, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1862, v. 1, p. 305. Phylloxera vastatrix Planehon, Compt. rend. Acad. sci. Paris, 14 Sepr-. 1868. Walsh and Riley, Amer. ent., 1869, v. 1, p. 248, fig. 184; v. 2, p. 61. Phylloxera vitifoliae Riley, 3d rept. ins. Mo., 1871, p. 84-116, fig. 39-40. Phylloxera vastatrix Riley, Repts. ins. Mo.: 4th, 1872, p. 55-70; 5th, 1873, p. 57-73; 6th, 1S74, p. 30- 86; 7th, 1875, p. 90-121; 8th, 1876, p. 157-168. Numerous figures. Phylloxera vastatrix Saunders, Can. ent., 1882, v. 14, p. 121-128, fig. 14-19. Smith, Econ. ent,, 1896, p. 128-130, fig. Cook, 29th ann. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana f. 1904, 1905, p. 855 856, fig. 46-47. Jarvis, 37th aim. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 65. (The foregoing eites tout few of the accounts of this insect so very destructive to the vineyards of southern Europe. The European bibliography would itself fill a good-sized volume.) A small rough gall on either side of the leaf, usually, when present, in vast numbers. Another generation forms galls on the roots, causing con- siderable damage, especially in Europe. Common on wild and some cultivated grapes. 44 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. Lasioptera vitis Osten Sacken. Grape-vine tomato-gall. Lasioptera vitis Osten Sacken, in Loew's Mon. dipt. X. A., 1862, pt. 1, p. 202. Walsh and Riley, Amer. ent., 1869, v. 1, p. 247, fig. 183. Riley, 5th rept. ins. Mo., 1873, p. 117, fig. Williams, 8th aim. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1877, p. 50, li^. 4a. Reed, 13th ami. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1882, p. 49, rig. 33. Saunders, Ins. inj. fruit, 1883, p. 294-295, fig. 306. Lintner, 4th rept- ins. X. Y., 1888, p. 63-67, fig. 29. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer, mus. nat. hist., 1892-, v. 4, p. -272. Felt, 23d rept. ins. X. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 322, 323, 324. This gall consists of a bunch of swellings, very irregular as to size and shape, on new growth. Soft and juicy. Surface smooth, green with red tinge or all red. Polythalamous. May and early June. Common on wild grapes. Larvae enter ground to pupate. Fly late in June. Vitis labrusca. Schizomyia pomum Walsh and Riley. Grape-vine apple-gall. Fig. 89. ( 'ecidomyia vitis-pomum Walsh and Riley, Amer. ent., 1869, v. 1, p. 106, fig. 85. Williams, Ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1877, p. 48-49, fig. 38. Schi.omyia pomum Felt, 23d rept, ins. X. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 374, 379. An irregular gall, apparently the deformation of a bud. Somewhat pointed at apex, flattened at base where attached. Ribbed slight^. Wooly pubescent. Polythalamous with larval cells arranged lengthwise in two "stories," pithy. About 2 cm. in diameter. Green, turning brown when mature. On northern fox-grape, Vitis labrusca. Vitis cordifolia. Schizomyia coryloides Walsh and Riley. Grape-vine filbert-gall. Fig. 90. Cecidomyia vitis-coryloides Walsh and Riley, Amer. ent., 1869, v. 1, p. 106-107, fig. 86. Riley, 5th rept. ins. Mo., 1873, p. 116-117, fig. Williams, Ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1877, p. 49, fig. 39. Schizomyia coryloides Felt, 23d rept. ins. X. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 374, 379. Irregular, fusiform, monothalamous galls, occurring in clusters of from 10 to 50, apparently deformation of a bud. Within they are pithy, the larval cell long, with woody shell, lying lengthwise in gall. Green when young, brown when mature, covered, especially towards the tip, with wooly pubescence. 15-20 mm. long, 6-10 mm. wide. On stem of frost grape, Vitis cordifolia. Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Cecidomyia? parthenocissi, n. s. Midrib gall of Virginia creeper. Fig. 91. Without scientific name,. I ur vis, 37th anu. rept. Ent. soc, Ontario, 1906, p. 68-69, pi. O, fig. 7. On under side of midrib of woodbine Parthenocissus quinquefolia, open- ing by slit on upper side of leaf. About 9 mm. long, 6 mm. wide, others about 5 cm. X 7 mm. Highest in middle. Red and green. MALVALES. TILIACBAE. Tilia americana. Eriophyes abnormis Garman. Linden pouch-gall. Phytoptu8 abnormis Garman, 12th rept. state ent. 111.. 1883, p. 134. Packard, 5th rept., r. s. cut. comm, 1890, p. 480. Cook, Ohio oat., 1902, v. 2, lis- '■'; 1903, v. 3. p. 423, tig. 44. Insect < Jai.i.s. i,~> Withoul scientific name, Buckbout, Proc. Amer, assoc. adv. sci. f. L882, 1888, v. 31, p. 4T.">. Hagen. Can. cut., L885, v. IT, p. 28, Eriophyes abnormis Cook, 29th ann. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana r. 1904,1905, d. 860- 861, flg. 51. Jarvis, 37tli ann rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, i>. 59, pi. C, titf. 6. A pouch-like gall usually on upper side of the leaf with the opening below, neck constricted. The upper end of the gall folded into notches. Common on basswood, Tilia americana. Cecidomyia? citrina Osten Sacken. Cecidomyia citrina Osten Sacken, Trans. Amer, ent. soc, 1870, v. A, p. 58. Irregular, fleshy galls on terminal buds of young shoots. Polythala- mous. Color of bark. Sometimes with leaves growing out. 5- t . 1. p. 199. Cook, Ohio, nut., 1904, v. 4. p. 140, litf. 114; 29th mm. rept. Dept. geol. and nat. res. Indiana f. 1904, L905, p. 838-839, tij,'. 31. Beutenmiiller, Ins. Ralls vicin. X. Y., 1904, p. 26, tig. Jarvis, 37th ami. rept. Knt. SOC. Ontario, 1906, p. 07, pi. E, li^. .">. Consists of the swollen midrib of the leaflet. One or several leaflets may be deformed. Renifonn, smooth, juicy, mainly on under side of the leaflet, 15-30 mm. long. Pale green, frequently with much red. Rather common on white ash, Fraxinus americana. May and June. POLEMONIA L ES . CONVOLVULACEAE. Convolvulus sepium. Lasioptera convolvuli Felt. Fig. 94. Lasioptera convolvuli Felt, 22d rept. ius. N. Y. f. 1906, 1907, p. 149-150; '23d rept. ins. X. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 318, 3'26. An elliptical swelling of the main stem. About 1 cm. long and two and one-half times the diameter of the stem. The outer portions are pithy with some longitudinal spaces. The orange larva apparently occupies the pith-cavity, surrounded by the unchanged walls. September. On upright bindweed, Convolvulus spithamaeus, and on hedge bindweed, C. sepium. Convolvulus spithamaeus. Lasioptera convolvuli Felt. See above. LABIATAE. Trichostema dichotomum. Stagmatophora sexnotella Chambers. Blue-curls stem-gall. Fig. 95-96. Gelechin sextioMln Chambers, "Bull. U. S. geol.-geogr. surv., 1878, v. 4, p. 88. Mompha sexnotella Busek, Journ. N. Y. ent. soc., 1902, v. 10, p. 97-98, pi. 12, tig. 7. Dyar, List N. A. lepid. (Bull. 52, IT. S. nat. mus.) 1902, p. 543, no. 6168. Stagmatophora sexnotella Walsingham, Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1907, v. 33, p. 219-220. This monothalamous gall is an enlargement of the stem, often just be- low the flowering branches of blue-curls, Trichostema dichotomum. It is irregularly reniform, tapering somewhat above, ending bluntly below. They average about 18 by 6 mm. The surface and coloring are similar to •those of the stem. The thick spongy walls enclose a cavity following the general curl of the gall, extending below however, through the wall to a projection at the base of the concave side, where it is separated from the exterior by the epidermis of the stem only, thus providing for the escape of the adult which could not eat its way out, having no mandibles. Abundant. 48 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. RUBIALES. CAPRIFOLIACBAB. Sambucus canadensis. Cecidomyia umbellicola Osten Sacken. Fig. 98. Cecidomyia sambuci-umbellicola Osten Sacken, Trans. Amer. ent. sot-., 1870, v. 3, p. 52, 347. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. uat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 269; 1907, v. -23. p 393, pi. 16, fig. 9. Galls existing as a deformity of the flower buds of common elder. Round, monothalamous, white when young, turning dark. About five times the diameter of the bud. Abundant where found. On common elder, Sambucus canadensis. Found in June. Described as on Sambucus pubens by Osten Sacken. Neolasioptera sambuci Felt. Fig. 97. ( v cidomyia sambuci Felt, 21st rept. ins. N. Y. f. 1905, 1906, p. 181, fig. 46-48. Lasioptera sambuci Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus.nat. hist., 1907, v. 23, p. 396. Neolasioptera sambuci Felt, 23d rept. ins. X. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 321, 331. An irregular elliptical swelling of the main stem and side shoots. About three times the normal diameter of the stem. Roughened, corru- gated. Within brown and pithy about woody part. On common elder, Sambucus canadensis. The larvae remain in the gall over winter, trans- forming and emerging in May or June. Sambucus pubens. Cecidomyia umbellicola Osten Sacken. See above. Viburnum dentatum. Eriophyes viburni, n. s. Mite gall of viburnum. Corrugations of leaf causing entire change of appearance. Apparently caused by action of insect on under side, as the upper side arches over abnormally. Both within and without densely clothed with short white hairs. Similar in appearance to galls of Schizoneura americana of the elm. On Viburnum dentatum. Viburnum nudum? Undetermined gall. Oval enlargement of stem, mainly below but including the node. Monothalamous, woody, thick-walled. Cavity brown-lined, curved out above a side branch and opening through a side-swelling. Castings noticeable. Color slightly redder than normal stem. One specimen. August. On Viburnum ?nudum. Diervilla diervilla. Cecidomyia? inaequalis, n. s. The enlarged fruit of Diervilla diervilla. Most arc larger on one side causing a bending in other direction, some almost sickle-shaped. Color same as fruit. Mt. Holyoke, Mass. Insect Galls. 49 CAMPANULALES. CICHORIACEAE. Lactuca canadensis. Aulax tumidus Bassett. Lettuce tumor-gall. Aulax tumidus Bassett, Trans. Arner. ent. soc, 1890, v. 17. p. -i-i. Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer, mus. nat. hist., 1892, \ . I. p. itv.i. Jarvis, 37th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 72. This gall consists of an irregular, rough, knotty enlargement of the main stem. Sometimes 5-7 cm. long, 2-."> cm. thick, sometimes smaller. Poly- thalamous. Common on wild lettuce, Lactuca canadensis. AMBROSIACEAE. Ambrosia artemisiaefolia. Undetermined lepidopterous gall. A spindle-shaped woody gall on the main stem or side shoots, below the raceme. Same color as the stem. 15-20 mm. long, 5-7 mm. wide. Monothalamous, cell-walls about 2 mm. thick, rough within. v\n opening near the top provided for emergence. Lepidopterous larva, full-grown in late September. Not rare on rag-weed, Ambrosia artemisiaefolia. COMPOSITAE. Eupatorium perfoliatum. Neolasioptera perfoliata Felt. Boneset stem-gall. Fig. 99. Choristoneura perfoliata Felt, 22d rept. ins. N. Y. f. 1906, 1907, p. 156-157. •Jiii-vis, 38th ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1907, p. 88, pi. A, tiK- 5. Veolasioptera perfoliata Felt, 23d rept. ins. X. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 319, 332. A monothalamous, elliptical swelling of the stem, varying much in size, usually twice the diameter of the stem. Walls about natural thickness. Cavity contains a brown cellular mass. Late summer, common. On thoroughwort, Eupatorium perfoliatum. Eupatorium ageratoides. Ceridomyia? eupatoriflorae Beutenmiiller! Fig. 100. Cecidomyiat eupatoriflorae Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mns. nat. hist.. 1907, v. 23, p. 391, pi. 16, fig. 4-5. An irregularly spherical gall, sometimes indented at the top. A de- formation of a flower-head, some portions of which are to be seen. Fleshy, downy, green. Diameter 1-2 cm. Singly or in groups on white snake- root, Eupatorium ageratoides. September. Springfield, ."Mass. and Suffield, Conn. Solidago. Cecidomyia? bifolia, n. s. A small, monothalamous gall, binding together two leaves. Hounded, showing a little more above. The leaves grow together. The insect emerges in early summer. Not common. On goldenrod Solidago. oO Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. Rhopalomyia anthophila Osten Sacken. Downy flower-gall of goldenrod. Fig. 104. , ( 'ecidomyia anthophila < >sten Sacken, Trims. Amer. en't. sot-., 1869, v. 2, p. 30-2-303. Beuteimiiiller, Bull. Amer. mas. nut. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 272. Cook, Ohio nat., 1901, v. 4, p. 116, fig. 73. Rhopalomyia anthophila Felt, 23d rept. ins. N. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 358, 364, 365; Ottawa nut., 1909, v. 22, p. 246. These down} 7 galls are deformations of flowers. Conical, with blunt tip, as if truncated. Mpnothalamous, 7-8 mm. long. Green covered with pale hairs. Abundant in heads of goldenrod, Solidago, several species. Insects emerge about the first of September. Rhopalomyia racemicola Osten Sacken. Beaked goldenrod -gall. Fig. 109. Cecidomyia racemicola Osten Sacken, in Loew's Mon. dipt. N. A., 1862, pt. 1, p. 196. Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. mils. nat. hist., 1907, v. 23, p.393, pi. 17, fig. 14. Rhopalomyia racemicola Felt, 22d rept. ins. N. Y. f. l!)06, 1907, p. 120-121; 23d rept. ins. N. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 358, 364, 366; Ottawa nat., 1909, v. 22, p. 246. Globular, smooth, beaked gall, deformation of a flower, 2-3 mm. in diameter. Monothalamous. Green, becoming brown. Insects emerge in early September. On goldenrod, Solidago. Dasyneura solidaginis Loew. Goldenrod bunch-gall. Fig. 108. Cecidomyia solidaginis Osten Sacken, in Loew's Mon. dipt. X. A., 186.2, pt. 1, p. 194-195, pi. I. fig. 4-7. Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. nans. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 271; Ins. galls vicin. N. Y., 1904, p. 31, tig. Cook, Ohio nat., 1902, v. 2, p. 272, fig. 37. Jarvis, 37th unn. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1906, p. 68. This gall is a deformation of terminal buds producing a mass of hundreds of leaves, the outer ones little changed, the inner ones success- ively more and more narrow, a single small gall at the tip of each branch. On goldenrod, Solidago, several species. Very common. Baldratia carbonifera Osten Sacken. Goldenrod leaf-gall. ( '< cidomyia carbonifera Osten Sacken, in Loew's Mon. dipt. N. A., 1862, pt. 1, p. 195. Trelease, Psyche, 1884, v. 4, p. 196-200. Baldratia carbonifera Felt, 23d rept. ins. N. Y. f. 1907, 1908, p. 321, 328; Ottawa nat., 1909, v. 22, p. 248. Pale, circular spots in leaf surrounded by a dark ring. Several larvae in each gall. 4-6 mm. in diameter. Some of the galls contain a substance like powdered charcoal. On goldenrods, Solidago. Very common. Eutreta sparsa Wiedemann. Trypeta sparsa Wiedemann, Aussereur. zwcifl. ins., 1830. v. 2, p. 492. Loew, Mon. dipt. N. A., 1862, pt. 1, p. 78, pi. 2, tig. 13. Trypeta caliptera Say, -lourn. Acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1830, v. 6, p. 187. Platy stoma latipennis Macquart, Mem. soc sci. Lille, 1842 (1843), p. 355; Dipt, exotiqnes, 1843, v.3, p. 200, pi. 26, fig. 8. Acinia novaeboracensis Fitch, 1st rept. ins. N. Y., 1855, p. 67. Eutreta sparsa Thompson, Psyche, 1907, v. 14, p. 72, 74, fig. 2. Gall on growing shoot of Solidago, above ground; full size in April. Larva grew in May, pupated in June, flies emerged about 20th of June. Enrosta comma Wiedemann. Trypeta comma Wiedemann, Aussereur. zweifl. ins., 1830, v. 2, p. 478. Loew, Mon. dipt. N. A., 1862, pt. 1, p. 93-94, pi. 2, fig. 28. .iciuia comma Macquart, Mem. Soc. sci. Lille, 1842, (1843), p. 386; Dipt, exotiqnes, 1843, v.3, p. 229. [nsect ( i alls. 51 Rather irregular, more or less spherical galls at base of stems of Solid- ago, 15 by 10 mm., when fresh somewhat green and plump : later dry and wrinkled, brown. Produced a large ny, some smaller galls produced no insects. July. Eurosta solidaginis Fitch. Goldenrod ball-gall. Acinia solidaginis Fitch, 1st rept. ins. N. V., f. L854, 1855, p. 771. Tephritis asteris Harris, Rept. ins. Mass. inj. veg., 1841, p. 417; Trent ins. V K. raj. veg., 1842, p. 417; same L852, p. 497-498; Treat, ins. inj. veg. (Flint <■ttawa nat., 1909, v. 22, p.249. This is an irregular, rounded or kidney-shaped gall at the base of the stem. Sometimes at one side of the stem, sometimes encircling it. Leathery outside, pithy within. Many celled, with orange-colored larvae. About 10 by 15 mm., although varying considerably in size. When young green, becoming brown. On goldenrod, Solidago rvgosa. Solidago juncea. Eurosta reticulata Snow. Fig. 106. Ewrosta reticulata Snow, Ivans, nniv. quart., 1894, v. •-', p. 170, pi. 7, fig. 6. Thompson. Psyche, 1907, v. 14, p. 71-72, fig. 1. An ovate, monotbalamous gall growing on the underground stem. It is evidently a deformed bud. About 3 cm. long, 1 cm. wide. Overlapping scales show some green. Walls fleshy, rather thick. The insect emerges from the tip in May or June. Galls found in the fall. Common. On goldenrod, Solidago jmtcea. Rhopalomyia fhirtipes Osten Sacken. Fig. 101. Cecidomyia hirtipes Osten Sacken, Mon. dipt., N. A., 1862, pt. I, p. 195. Dasy.neura hirtipes Aldrich, Catal. X. A. , p. 246, 247, '-Ms. This is a conical gall on the tip of the stem, 1-2 cm. Long. There are many leaves, with thickened buses, clustered together. The Larvae, yellowish or orange, live between the bases of the leaves. ( )n goldenrod, Solidago canadensis. Common. Baldratia Jlavolunata Felt. Lunate marginal gall. Fig. 102. Choristoneura flavoluiiata Kelt, 22d rept. bis. N. Y. f. Hint;, 1:107, p. 154-165, Jarvis, 38th aim . rept. Ent. soc. Ontario, 1907, p. 88, pi. A, fig. 1;. Baldratia Jlavolunata Pelt, 23d rept. ins. N. V. f. 1907, l90K,p.321, 330; Ottawa aat., L909, v. 22, p.248. This blister-like gall projects equally from the two sides of the leaf. 4-8 mm. in diameter. Smooth. The central portion yellow surrounded by a ring, which is usually dark violet, sometimes black. Monothalamous. On goldenrod, Solidago canadensis. June. Euthamia graminifolia. Cecidomyia? evthamiae, n. s. A curved, fusiform, striate gall found usually among the flower heads, infrequently in the axils of the upper leaves or branchlets. Deep violet- red, a few showing some green. Stem 1 cm. ; gall 10-13 mm. long, 1 mm. wide. Thin-walled, one-celled. Rather common about Springfield, Mass. on fragrant goldenrod, Euthamia graminifolia. August to September. Very abundant at Southport, Maine. Aster. Lasioptera asterifoliae Beutenmuller. Lasioptera asterifoliae Beutenmiiller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1907, v. -2.'!, p. 395, pi. 14, fig. 1."). A circular, blister-like gall, showing about equally on the two sides of the leaf. Monothalamous. 3-4 mm. in diameter. Black surrounded by a red ring, a few with black dot at center with red ring, then a black ring, then a red ring, the surrounding portions of the leaf a very deep red ; color beneath similar but lighter. Larva white or very light yellow ; full-grown, Oct. 17. Several on each leaf of aster, Aster, Mt. Tom, Mass. Aster ericoides. Cecidomyia? gemmaria, n. s. Fig. 110. The deformed bud of an aster constitutes this gall. It is one-celled, ovate, pointed and in some cases mucronate, green with a dense white pubescence. Length 4-7 mm., width 3-5 mm. Walls of the conical cell 1 mm. thick. Abundant on Aster ericoides. Collected by Dr. Geo. Dimmock, Aug. and Sept. 1908. Found in October in great abundance when it had turned dark gray. Cecidomyia? strobili gemma n. s. Fig. 111. This ovate gall is the result of the arrest of development of a side branch near the top of the stem. One to several may be found on one plant. The leaves are closely lapped over the one cell. Green. 8-10 mm. long, 6-8 mm. wide. On white heath aster, Aster ericoides. September. 54 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. Aster dumoBus. Vecidomyia ? ramsysoula Beutenmuller. Ceeidomyiaf ramuscula Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 19t)7, v. 23, p. 392, pi. 17, tig. 7-9. " This is a fusiform swelling on the branches of Asters, Aster dumosus and A. patens. Inside is an elongate, narrow chamber inhabited by a single larva, which remains in the gall to pupate. 10-20 mm. by 5-8 mm. N. C. Adult unknown." Aster patens. Cecidomyia? ramuscula Beutenmuller. See above. Rudbeckia laciniata. Asphondylia conspicua Osten Sacken. Fig. 112. Asphondylia rudbecbiae-conspicua, Osten Sackeu, Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1870. v. 3, p. r>l-52. Beutenmuller, Bull. Amer. mus. nat. hist., 1892, v. 4, p. 272; 1907, v. 23, p. 387, pi. 16, fig. 6. A very irregularly spherical fleshy gall found on flower heads of golden glow, Rudbeckia laciniata, in late summer. Green. Varying in size, 1-4 cm. in diameter. LIST OF REFERENCES. Adler, Hermann. '94. Alternating generations ; a biological study of oak galls and gall flies. Trans, and ed. by Charles R. Stratton. Oxford, 1894. 43 + 198 p., 3 pi. and wood cuts. Aldrich, J. M. '05. A catalogue of North American diptera (or two-winged flies). (Smithsonian misc. coll. no. 1444.) Wash., 1905, 680 p. Ashmead, W. H. '85. A bibliographical and synonymical catalogue of the North Amer- ican cynipidae, with descriptions of new species. Trans. Amer. ent. soc, v. 12, p. 291-304. '87. On the cynipidous galls of Florida, with descriptions of new species and synopses of the described species of North America. Trans. Amer. ent. soc, v. 14, p. 125-158. '96. Descriptions of new cynipidous galls and gall wasps in the United States national museum. Proc U. S. nat. mus., v. 19, p. 113-136. "J7. Description of some new genera in the family cynipidae. Psyche, v. 8, p. 67-68. '03. Classification of the gall-wasps and the parasitic eynipoids, or the superf amily cynipoidea. Psyche, v. 10, p. 7-13, 59-73, 140-155, 210-218. Insect (Iai.i.s. 5&> I \\ Baker, Carl F. '95. Biological notes on some Colorado dipter^?pi p. I N'SEIT ( I M.l.S. 57 Felt, Ephraim P. '07. New species of cecidomyiidae. From N. Y. state mns. bull. 110, 2 2d rept. of the State entomologisl f. 1906. 53 p. '07. New species of cecidomyiidae. II. Published in advance of the 23d rept. of the State entomologist f. 1907. 23 p. '08. Studies in cecidomyiidae. II. Bull. 124, N. Y. state mns., 23d rept. State ent. f. 1907, p. 307-422, pi. 33-44. '09. Gall midges of the goldenrod. Ottawa nat., v. 22, p. 245-249. Fern aid, C. H. '97. Report of the entomologist. Ninth aim. rept. Hatch exp. sta., p. 85-87. '97. The spruce gall-louse. ( Chermes abietis Linn. ) 34th aim. rept. Mass. agr. coll. f. 1896 (Mass.— Pub. doc. no. 31, 1896), p. 89-100, pi. 1-2. Fitch, Asa '45. Insects injurious to vegetation. — No. 2. Insects of the genus cecidomyia, including the Hessian fly and wheat fly. Amer. quart, journ. agr. and science, v. 1, p. 255-269, 1 pi. '51. Catalogue of the known homoptera of the state of New York in 1851. Fourth ami. rept. regents Univ. state N. Y. on the state cab- inet of nat. hist., p. 45-G9. Reprint in Lintner's 9th rept. ins. N. Y. f. 1892, 1893, p. 382-413. '55-'72. Reports on the noxious, beneficial and other insects of the state of New York. In Trans. N. Y. state agr. soc, and as separates. First rept. f. 1854, published 1855. Third rept. f. 1856, published 1856. Fifth rept. f. 1858, published 1859. Fyles, Thomas W. '94. Trypeta solidaginis, Fitch, and its parasites. Can. ent., v. 26. p. 120-122. G arm an, H. '83. The phytopti and other injurious plant mites. Trans. Dept. agr. 111. f. 1882, n. s., v. 12, p. 123-143. (Is part of S. A. Forbes 12th report as State entomologist of 111. ) '92. American phytoptocecidii. Psyche, v. 6, p. 241-246, pi. 6. Gillette, C. P. '89. Notes on certain cynipidae with descriptions of new species. Psyche, v. 5, p. 183-188, 214-221, 6 fig. '91. Descriptions of new cynipidae in the collection of the Illinois state laboratory of natural history. Bull. 111. state lab. nat. hist., v. 3, p 191-206, pi. 9. 58 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. '02. Notes on some Colorado insects. Bull. 31, Div. ent., U. S. Dept. agr., p. 51-55. Hagen, Hermann A. '85. The collection of pliytoptocecidia, or mite galls, in the Cambridge museum. Can. ent., v. 17, p. 21-29. '86. On cecidomyia Kriodendri. Can. ent., v. 18, p. 159. Harrington, W. Hague '95. Occupants of the galls of eurosta solidaginis, Fitch. Can. ent., v. 27, p. 197-198. Harris, T. W. ' 1 1-'62. A report on the insects of Massachusetts, injurious to vegeta- tion . . . Cambridge, Mass. 8 -+- 459 p. (Under slightly different titles are cited the reprint of 1842, the revised reprint of 1852, and the illustrated Flint edition of 1862.) Henry, W. A. '80. Poplar stem gall-lice fed on by squirrels. Amer. ent., v. 3 (s. 2, v. 1), p. 205-206, fig. 110. Hooker, C. W, See Russell, H. M., and C. W. Hooker. '08. Houard, C. '08. Les zoocecidies des plantes d'Europe et du bassin de la Mediter- ranee. T. 1. 569 p. *24 fig. Howard, L. O. (See also Riley, C. V. '93) '79. LeBaron, \V. '7.">. Third annual report on the noxious insects of the state of Illinois. (Report to the General assembly, v. I.) Separate, p. 167-202 + p. l-.">7, 7 fig. von Liiine, ( !arl. 1767. Systcina naturae . . . ed. 12. v. 2, p. 553-1327. Insect Galls. 59 Lintner, .J. A. '88-'97. Reports on the injurious and other insects of the state of New York. Fourth rept. published L888, 238 p. 67. fig. Ninth rept. f. 1892, 1893, 494 p., .".1 fig. and 1 pi. Twelfth rept. 1896, 1897, 399 p., 10 fig. and 15 pi. Loew, Hermann. '62. Monographs of the diptera of North America. Prepared for tin- Smithsonian Institution. By H. Loew. Part I. Edited by R. Ostensacken. 246 p., 3 fig. and 2 pi. (Smithsonian misc. coll.. v. 6, no. 141.) Macquart, Jean. '43. Dipteres exotkpies ou pen connus. Mem. Soc. sci. Lille, 1N42, p. 162-460, 30 pi. Separate, 1843, v. 3, 304 p., 3G pi. Monell, Joseph. (See also Riley, C. V. '79.) '77. A new genus of aphidae. Can. ent., v. 9, p. 102-103. Reprint, Valley naturalist, 1878, v. 1, p. 2. Murtfeldt, Mary E. ' ( J4. Acorn insects, primary and secondary. Insect life, v. 6, p. 318- 324. Norton, Edward. '67-'69. Catalogue of the described leiithredinidae and uroceridae of North America. Trans. Amer. ent. soc, 1867, v. 1, p. ;> 1 _.S4 , 193- 280; 1868, v. 2, p. 211-242; 1869, v. 2, p. 321-368. Oestlund, (). \V. '87. Synopsis of the aphididae of Minnesota. Bull. 4. Geol. and nat. hist. surv. Minn. 4 + 100 p. Osten Sack en, C. R. '61. Ueber die gallen und andere durch insecten hervorgebrachte pflanzendeformation in Nord America. Stett. ent. zeitung, 1x1. 22. p. 405-423. '61. On the cynipidae of the North American oaks and their galls. Proc. Ent. soc. Phil. v. 1, p. 47-72. '62. On the North American cecidomyidae. In Loew's Mon. dipt. N. A., pt. 1, p. 173-205, pi. and several fig. (See Loew.) '62. Additions and corrections to the paper entitled : "On the cynipidae of the North American oaks and their galls." Proc. Ent. soc. Phil.. v. 1, p. 241-259. '63. Contributions to the natural history of the cynipidae of the United States and of their galls. Article 3rd, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., v. 2. p. 33-49. 60 Bulletin '2: Springfield Museum. '65. Contributions to the natural history of the cynipidae of the United States and of their galls. Article 4th. Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., v. 4, p. 331-380. '70. Contributions to the natural history of the cynipidae of the United States and their galls. — (Article 5th). Trans. Amer. ent. soc, v. 3, p. 54-64. '66. Two new North American cecidomyidae. Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., v. 6, p. 219-220. '69. Biological notes on diptera. (Galls on solidago.) Trans. Amer. ent. soc, v. 2, p. 299-303. '70.. Biological notes on diptera. — (Article 2nd.) Trans. Amer. ent. soc, v. 3, p. 51-54. '71. Biological notes on diptera, (Article 3d). Trans. Amer. ent. soc, v. 3, p. 345-347. '75. Three new galls of cecidomyiae. Can. ent., v. 7, p. 201-202. Packard, A. S. '69. Guide to the study of insects. . . Salem, Mass., 1869, 8 + 702 p., 11 pi., 650 wood cuts. '78. Insects affecting the cranberry, with remarks on other injurious insects. Tenth ami. rept. U. S. geog. and geol. surv. terr. f. 1876, p. 521-531, fig. '81. Insects injurious to forest and shade trees. Bull. 7, U. S. ent. conim., 275 p., 100 fig. (Superseded by the next.) '90. Fifth report of the United States entomological commission. . . . on insects injurious to forest and shade trees. Washington, 1890. 8 + 957 p., 38 pi. and many wood-cuts. Pe rga nde, Theodore . '01. The life history of two species of plant-lice inhabiting both the witch-hazel and birch. Bull. 9, tech. series, Div. ent., U. S. dept. agr., 44 p. il. '04. North American phylloxerinae affecting hicoria (carya) and other trees. Proc. Davenport acad. nat. sci., v. 9, p. 185-271, 21 pi. Reed, E. B. 'X'2. Diptera. — Two-winged Hies. L3th ann. rept. Ent. soc Ontario, p. 15-53, fig. 1 7-51. Riley. C. V. (See also Walsh, B. I)., and C. V. Riley.) '69-'76. Annual reports on the noxious, beneficial, and other insects of the state of Missouri. (Ann. rept. Mo. state board of agr.) First rept. f. 1868, L869, 180 p. 2 pi. and 98 fig. Second rept. f. 1869, L870, L36 p.. '.»!) fig. Third rept. f. 1870, L871, 176 -f- 7 p., 73 fig. Insect Galls. <>1 Fourth rept. f. 1871, 1872, 146 + 6 p., 66 fig. Fifth rept. f. 1872, L873, 160 + 8 p., 75 fig. Sixth rept. f. 1873, 1874, 169 + 12 p., 55 fig. Seventh rept. f. 1874, 1875, 7 + 196 + 4 p., 40 fig. Eighth rept, f. 1875, 1876, 185 + 4 p., 55 fig. '70. Pithy blackberry gull. Amer. ent., v. 2, p. 159-160, fig. 103. '70. The pod-like willow gall. Amer. ent., v. 2, p. 214, fig. 133. '70. Prickly rose gall. Amer. ent., v. 2, p. 246. '70. Prickly rose gall. Amer. ent., v. 2, p. 309, fig. 192. '70. Mite gall on sugar maple. Amer. ent., v. 2, p. 339. '73. Controlling sex in butterflies. Amer. nat., v. 7, p. 513-521. '76. (Tall-insects. Johnson's new universal cyclopaedia, v. 2, p. 412- 416, 16 tig. '79. The nervous system and salivary glands of phylloxera. Psyche, v. 2, p. 225-226. '79. Biological notes on the gall-making pemphiginae. Proc. Amer. assoc. advanc. sci. f. 1878, v. 27, 288-289. '79. (With Joseph Monell.) Notes on the aphididae of the United States, with descriptions of species occurring west of the Mississippi. Bull. U. S. geol. and geog. surv. terr., v. 5, p. 1-32, 2 pi. '80. Gall on solidago leaves. Amer. ent,, v. 3 (s. 2, v. 1), p. 278. '84. Notes on North American psyllidae. Proc. Biol. soc. Wash., v. 2, p. 67-79. '90. Insects injurious to the hackberry. 5th rept. U. S. ent. comm., p. 601-622, fig, 196-203. '93. (With L. O. Howard.) The stony acorn gall. Insect life, v. 5, p. 196 Kohwer, S. A. '09. The sawrly genus crytocampus in boreal North America. Journ. N. Y. ent. soc, v. 17, p. 7-25. (On cryptocampus.) Russell, H. M., and C. W. Hooker. '08. A new cecidomyid on oak. Ent. news, v. 19, p. 349-352, pi. 14. Saunders, William. '82. The grape phylloxera — phylloxera vastatrix. Can. ent., v. 14, p. 121-128, fig. 14-19. '88. Insects injurious to fruit. Philadelphia, 1883. 436 p. 440 fig. Say, Thomas. '23-24. Descriptions of coleopterous insects collected in the expedition to the Rocky Mountains. Journ. Acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1823, v. 3, p. 139-216, 238-282, 298-331, 403-462; 1824, v. 4, p. 83-99. 3SA1 (52 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. '2'.»-'30. Description of North American dipterous insects. Journ. Acad. nat. sei. Phil., v. 6, p. 14 9-1 7i>7. Trelease, William. '•si. Notes on the relations of two cecidomyians to fungi. Psyche, v. 4, p. 195-200. Walsh, P». 1). '1)2. On the genera of /ii found in the United States. Proc. Ent. soc Phil., v. l, p. 29-1-3 1 1. s fig.' Ixskct Galls. <>.". '64. On dimorphism in the hymenopterous genus cynips; with an ap- pendix, containing hints for a new classification of cynipidae and a list of cynipidae, including descriptions of several new species inhab- iting the o:ik galls of Illinois. Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., v. 2, p. 443-500, 6 fig. '64. On phytophagic varieties and phytophagic species. Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., v. 3, p. 403-430. '64-'67. On the insects, coleopterous, hymenopterous and dipterous. inhabiting the gulls of certain species of willow. Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., 1864, v. 3, p. 543-644; 1866-1867, v. 6, p. 223-288, 2 fig. '66. [Galls.] Pract. Ent., v. 1, p. 114. '67. [Galls on blackberry.] Pract. ent., v. 2, p. 83-84. '67. [Notes on insect galls.] Pract. ent., v. 2, p. 102-103. '68. First annual report on the noxious insects of the state of Illinois. Trans. 111. state hort. soc. f. 1867, n. s., v. 1, Appendix. 103 p., fig. 1-3. '("•'.I. Mr. Couper's thorn-leaf gall. Can. ent., v. 1, p. 79-80. '70. On the group eurytomides of the hymenopterous family chalcididae : . . . Amer. ent., v. 2, p. 297-301, 329-335, 367-370, fig. 1-10. Walsh, B. D., and C. V. Riley. '68. Unsightly galls on the Cottonwood. Amer. ent., v. 1, p. 57. '69-'70. Galls and their architects. Amer. ent., 1869, v. 1, p. 101- 110, fig. 78-90; v. 2, p. 45-50, iig. 30-32 ; 1870, v. 2, p. 70-74, fig. 45-47; p. 103-106, fig. 68-71. '69. Fuzzy galls on blackberry twigs. Amer. ent., v. 1, p. 188. '6!). Hickory-stem gall-louse. Amer. ent., v. 1, p. 227. '6'.). Cottonwood leaf -galls. Amer. ent., v. 1, p. 245. '69. Large compound gall on grape-vine. Amer. ent., v. 1, p. 247. '69. Grape-vine leaf-gall. Amer. ent., v. 1, p. 248, fig. 184. '69. Miscellaneous. Amer. ent., v. 1, p. 249. '69. Wooly gall on white oak. Amer. ent., v. 1, p. 250, fig. 187. '69. Oak-leaf gall. Amer. ent., v. 2, p. 29. '69. Grape-vine leaf-galls. Amer. ent., v. 2, p. 61. '69. Gall on spotted touch-me-not. Amer. ent., v. 2, p. 63, fig. 42. Walsingham, Lord. '07. Descriptions of new North American tineid moths, with a generic table of the family blastobasidae . Proc. U. S. nat. mus., v. 33, p. 197-228. 64 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. Wiedemann, C. R. W. Aussereuropiiische zweifliiglicbe insecten, als fortsetzung des Meigenschen werkes. Hamm, 1830, v. 2, 12 + 684 p. 5 pi. Williams, Joseph '77 On grape vine galls. Ann. rept. Ent. soc. Ontario f. 1877, p. 48-51, fig- 37-41. Zeller, P. C. '75. Beitriige zur kenntniss nordaraerikanischen nachtfalter. Verh. Zool.-bot. ges. Wien, v. 25, p. 207-354, pi. 8-10. PLATE 1. Fig. I. Adelges abietis, black spruce. — 2. Mecas inoritata, aspen. — 3. Pemphigus? rileyi, aspen. — 4. Rhabdophaya gnaphalioides, willow { 66 > SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 1 4 3 PlCEA, POPULUS, SALIX. PLATE ■>. Fig. 5. Rhabdophaga strobiloides, willow. — 6. Rhabdophaga brassicoides, willow. — 7. Rhabdophaga, batatas, willows. Exterior and section. — 8. Eriophes aenigma, willow. ( 68) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2 PL. 2 Salix. PLATE 3. Fig. 9. Mayetiola rigirtae, willow. — 10. Cryptocampus cooperae, willow. Section. — 11. Cryptocampus cooperae, willow. — 12. Euura ovum, willow. - — 13. Cecidomyia caryaecola, hickory. (70) r SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 3 10 11 12 13 Salix, Hicoria. PLATE 4. Fig. 14. Cecidomyia? squamulicola, hazelnut. — 15. Eriophyes betulae, yellow birch. — 16. Dasyneura serrvlatae, alder. (72) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 4 14 lf> 15 Corylus, Betula, Alnus. PLATE 5. Fig. 17. Eriophyes dentatae, chestnut. — 18. Cecidomyia? castaneae, chestnut. — 10-20. Sections of Amphibolips tinctoriae, scarlet oak. 1.9 X — 21. Section of Cynips'f obovata, scarlet oak. 1.9 X 22. Section of Cynipsf aspera, scrub oak. 1.9 X — 23. Amphibolips nubilipennis, black oak. (7-1) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 5 18 19 20 23 21 22 Castanea, Quercus. PLATE 6. Fig. 24. Cynips? constricta, red oak. - 25. Dryophanta lanata, red oak. (76) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 6 24 PLATE 7. Fig. 26-2D. Amphibolips coelebs, scarlet oak. — 26. Ordinary size, on midrib. — 27. Ordinary size, at end of vein. — 28. Unusual size. — 29. Opened to show larval cell and radiating fibers. (78) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 7 26 28 29 QUERCUS. PLATE 8. Fig. 30. Cecldomyia foliora, scarlet oak. — 31. AmpJiibolips tinctoriae, scarlet oak. (80) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 8 30 31 QUERCUS. PLATE 9. Fig. 32. Cecidomyia majalis, scarlet oak. — 33. Section of acorn to show Callirhytis fruticola, scarlet oak. — 34. Andricus? gallaestriatae, scarlet oak. ( 82 ) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 9 32 33 :;i Quercus. PLATE 10. Fig. 35. Cynips? obovafa, scarlet oak. — 36. Cecidomyia pustuloidets, Mack oak. — 37. Callirliytis palustris, amenta of scrub oak. of pin oak and of scarlet oak. Also found on leaves (84) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 10 35 36 QUERCUS 37 PLATE 11. Fig. 38-40. Amphibolips primus, scrub oak. Shows that the larger the gall the less the development of the acorn. — 41. Cynips? cristata, scrub oak. ( 86 ) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL 11 38 39 40 41 QUERCUS. PLATE 12. Fig. 42. Cynips? aspera, scrub oak. — 4o. Holcaspia fasciata, scrub oak. — 44. Amphibolips ilicifoliae, scrub oak. (88) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 12 42 4:5 J 4 QUERCUS. PLATE 13. Fig. 45. CalUrhytis similis, scrub oak. — 46. Apparently Andncus flocci, scrub oak. Usually occurs on white oak. (90) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 13 L5 46 QUERCUS. PLATE 14. Fig. 47-4*. CalUrJiylis operator, scrub oak. — 47. Spring form on aments. — 4 ) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 29 100 101 102 EUPATORIUM, SOLIDAGO PLATE 30. Fig. 103. Aspliondylia. moiiachu, golden rod. — 104:. Rhopalomyia an'huphila, goldenroi — 105. Undetermined gall from goldenrod — 10(>. Euroxta re'icnlata, 2,olde«rod, ( 124) SPRINGFIED MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL 30 1 03 104 |, ! ■Eba : UL ^v >^8 *' r ' .. 4 ^mi ■f'v^. ni wt^UT' ■I 105 106 SOLIDAGO. PLATE 31. Fig. 107. Lasioptera tumifica, goldenrod. — 108. Dasyneura solidaginis, goldenrod. — 109. Rhopalomyia? racemicola, goldenrod. — 110. Cecidomyia? gemmaria, heath aster. ( 126 ) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 31 107 108 109 110 Solidago Aster. PLATE 32. Fig. 111. Cecidomyia? strobiligemma, heath aster, — 112. Asphondylia conspicua, golden glow. 128) SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BULLETIN 2. PL. 32 111 112 Aster, Rudbeckia. SYSTEMATIC INDEX OF GALL-INSECTS. (This index will also serve as list of plants inhabited by the gall- insects ; the figures indicate the page on which the gall is described or mentioned. ) GALL-PRODUCING ACARINA. The nomenclature of the gall-mites is, as far possible, in accordance with Bank's Catalogue of the Acarina, or mites, of the United States. (Proc. U. S. nat. mns., 1907, v. 32, p. 595-625.) They all belong to the family Eriophyidae, and those mentioned below to the genns Eriophyes. Eriophyes abnormis (Tilia americana), 44-45. crnmena ( Acer saccharnm), 42. aenigma (Salix), 10, 08. amelanchieri (Amelanchier canadensis), 39, 108. avellanae (Corylns americana), 15. betulae (Betnla lntea), 10, 72. coryli (Corylns americana), 15-16. dentatae (Castanea dentata), 16, 74. ferruginea (Fagus americana), 16. padi (Primus), 40. quadripedes (Acer saccharum), 42. querci (Quercus nana, (^. alba, Q. prinus, Q. prinoides), 24, 94. rhois (Rhus radicans), 41, 114. rosea (Acer saccharum), 42. semen ( Salix), 10. serotinae (Primus serotina), 40. spicati (Acer spicatum), 43. ulmi (Ulmus americana), 32, 100. viburni (Viburnum dentatum), 48. GALL-PRODVCING IIEMIPTERA. APHIDIDAB. Myzus ribis (Ribes rubrum), 34, 100. Schizoneura americana (Ulmus americana), 32. 132 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. Colopha ulmicola (Ulmus americana), 32. Pemphigus fusus (Ulmus fulva), 33, 100. populicaulis (Populus), 8. rhois (Rhus hirta, R. glabra), 41, 114. rileyi (Populus tremuloides) , 9, 66. transversus (Populus), 8. vagabundus (Populus deltoides), 9. Hamamelistes spinosus (Hamamelis virginiana), 16, 34. Hormaphis hamamelidis (Hamamelis virginiana), 34-35. Adelges abietis (Picea canadensis, P. mariana), 5, 8, Gti. Phylloxera caryaecaulis (Hicoria), 12-13. fallax (Hieoria alba), 14. fraxini (Fraxinus americana), 46. globuli (Hicoria), 13. pilosula (Hicoria alba), 15. semen (Hicoria glabra), 15. caryaevenae (Hicoria alba), 14-15. vitifoliae (Vitis), 4, 43. PSYLLIDAB. Pachypsylla cucurbita (Celtis occidentalis), 33. mamma (Celtis occidentalis), 33. vesieulum (Celtis occidentalis), 33. GALL-PRODUCING COLEOPTERA. CERAMBYCIDAE. Mecas inornata (Populus grandidentata, P. tremuloides), 9, 66. GALL-PRODUCING DIPTERA. AGROMYZIDAE. Agromyza simplex (Populus tremuloides, 9. sparsa (Solidago), 50. Insect Galls. TRYPETIDAE. Eutreta Eurosta comma (Solidago), 50-51. reticulata (Solidago juDCea), 52, 124. solidaginis (Solidago), 51. Oedaspis polita (Solidago rugosa), 52. CECIDOMYIDAE. Cecidomyia (Under this genus are arranged many species which have been de- scribed as galls only, hence their assignment to the genus is provisional.) bedeguar (Crataegus), 39, 10s. bifolia (Solidago), 49: caryaecola (Hicoria), 13, 70. castaneae (Castanea dentata), 17, 74. celastri (Celastrus scandens), 41-42. citrina (Tilia americana), 45. crotalariae (Crotalaria sagittalis), 40, 110. erubescens, see foliora. eupatoriflorae (Eupatorium ageratoides), 49, 122. euthamiae (Euthamia gramini folia), 53. foliora (Quercus palustris, Q. coccinea, Q. velutina), 21, SO. gem m aria ( Aster ericoides), 53, 126. impatientis (Impatiens biflora, 43, 112. inaequalis (Diervilla diervilla), 48. irregularis (Populus grandidentata), 9. lappa (Spiraea salicifolia), 35. majalis (Quercus rubra, Q. palustris, Q. coccinea, Q. velutina), 17-18, 82. muscosa (Rubus nigrobaccus), 35, 102. niveipila (Quercus), 17. ocellaris (Acer rubrum), 42. parthenocissi (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), 44, 116. pellex (Fraxinus americana) 47. persicoides (Hicoria), 13. poculum (Quercus alba), 27. potentillaecaulis (Potentilla canadensis), 37. pudibunda (Carpinus caroliniana), 15. pustuloides (Quercus coccinea, Q. velutina). 22, 84. racemi (Prunus virginiaua), 39-40, 110. 134 Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. ramuscula ( Aster dumosus, A. patens), 54. reniformis (Fragaria virginiana), 36, 104. salicifoliae (Spiraea salleifolia, S. tomentosa), 35, 102. sanguinolenta (Hicoria), 13. semenivora (Viola cucullata, V. sagittata), 45, 116. serotinae (Primus serotma), 40. squamulicola (Corylus americana), 16, 72. strobiligemma (Aster ericoides), 53, 12.S. tuba (Cornus ainomum), 46. urnbellicola (Sambucus canadensis, S. pubens), 48, 120. vaccinii (Polycodium stamineum), 46, 116. venae (Crataegus), 39, 108. verruca (Salix), 10. verrucicola (Tilia americana), 45. Diplosis rigidae (Pinus rigida), 5, 7. Contarinia liriodendri ( Liriodendron tulipifera), 33. virginiana (Primus virginiana), 40, 110. Hormomyia caryae (Hicoria ovata), 14. holotricha (Hicoria), 13-14. tubicola (Hicoria), 14. Cincticornia pilulae (Quercus rubra), 18. Schizornyia coryloides (Vitis cordifolia), 44, 114. pomutn (Vitis labrusca), 44, 114. Asphondylia conspicua (Rudbeckia laciniata), 54, 128. monacha (Solidago canadensis), 52-53. 124. Mayetiola rigidae (Salix), 10, 70. Rhopalomyia anthophila (Solidago), 50, 124. ?hirtipes (Solidago juncea), 52, 122. racemicola (Solidago), 50, 126. Rhabdophaga batatas (Salix, 11, 68. brassicoides (Salix), 11, 68. gnaphalioides (Salix), 11, 66. strobiloides (Salix), 11, 68. Inski -r < rALL8. 135 Dasyneura clematidis (Clematis virginiana) , 34, 100. serrulatae (Alnus rugosa), 16, 72. solidaginis (Solidago), 50, 126. Neolasioptera perfoliata (Eupatorium perfoliatum) , 49, 120. sambuci (Sambucus canadensis), 48, 118. Baldratia carbonifera (Solidago), 50. flavolnnata (Solidago canadensis), 53, 122. Lasioptera asterifoliae (Aster), 53. clavula (Cornns florida), 45-46. convolvuli (Convolvulus sepium, C. spithamaeus), 47, lit"), corni (Cornus candidissima), 46. farinosa (Rubus nigrobaccus), 35-36, 102. impatientifolia (Impatiens biflora), 43, 112. nodulosa (Rubus nigrobaccus), 36. tumifica (Solidago rugosa), 52, 126. vitis (Vitis), 44. GALL-PR OB UCING LEPID OPTERA . TINEIDAE. Ectoedemia populella (Populus tremuloides), 10. ELACHISTIDAE. Stagmatophora sexnotella (Trichostema dicbotomum), 47, 118. GELECHIIDAE. Gnorimoschema gallaesolidaginis (Solidago), 51. TORTRICIDAE. Ecdytolopha insiticiana (Robinia pseudacacia), 41, 110. Eucosma scudderiana (Solidago), 51-52. l.'lii Bulletin 2: Springfield Museum. GA LL-PR OD UCING H YMENOPTEHA . TBNTHRB DINID AE. Cryptocampus eooperae (Salix), 11-12, 70. nodus (Salix), 12. ovum (Salix), 12, 70. Nematus pomum (Salix cordata), 12. INQUILINE CYNIPIDAE. (These species have been mistaken for gall-makers.) Synergus lana (see Andricus flocci), 25. oneratus (see Holcaspis globulus), 29. Cynips pisum (see Acraspis pezomachoides), 28. GALL-MAKING CYNIPIDAE. Rhodites bicolor (Rosa), 37. dichlocerus (Rosa), 37. globulus (Rosa Carolina), 38. ignota (Rosa), 37, 106. lenticularis (Rosa), 37-38, 106. multispinosus (Rosa), 38, 106. radicum (Rosa), 38. rosae (Rosa rubiginosa), 39. sphaericus (Rosa Carolina), 3. coceinea, Q. velutina), 18-19. Llicifoliae (Quercus nana), 25, 88. i minis (Quercus rubra, :!. Hamamelis, :!4-.">5. Hardhack, 35, 102. Hazel, 15-16, 72. Hickory, 12-15, 70. Hicoria, 12-15, 70. Hornbeam, 15. Impatiens, 43, 112. June-berry, 39, 108. Lactuca, 49. Lettuce, 49. Linden, 44-45. Liriodendron, ;'>:'>. Locust, 41, 110. Maple, 42-43. Meadow-sweet, 35. Oak, 17-32, 74-98. Parthenocissus, 44, 116. Picea, 8, 66. Pine, 7. Pinus, 7. Poison ivy, 41, 114. Polycodium, 46. Poplar, 8-10, 66. Populus, 8-10, 66. Potentilla, 37. Prunus, 39-40, 110. Quercus, 17-32, 74-98. Ragweed, 49. Rattlebox, 40, 110. Rhus, 41, 114. Ribes, 34, 100. Robinia, 41, 110. Rosa, 37-39, 106. Rose, 37-39, 106. Rubus, 35-36, 102-104. Rudbeckia, 54, 128. Salix, 10-12, 66-70. Sambucus, 48, 118-120. Solidago, 49-53, 122-126. Spiraea, 35, 102. Spruce, 8, 66. Strawberry, 36, 104. Sumac, 41, 114. Thorn, 39, 10S. Thoroughwort, 49, 120. Tilia, 44-45. Touch-me-not, 4M, 112. Trichostema, 47, 118. Tulip-tree, 33. Ulmus, 32-33, 100, Vaccinium, 46, 116. Viburnum, 48. Viola, 45, 116. Violet, 45, 116. Vitis, 43-44, 114. White snake-root, 49, 122. Willow, 10-12, 66-70. Witch-hazel, 34-35. Woodbine, 44, 116. ( 139 )