jrsity of Connecticut libraries art.stx NK 7112.C8 Early silver of Connecticut and it 3 =1153 DDSTMMD7 1 ! » -0 H CI EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS By GEORGE MUNSON CURTIS INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO. MERIDEN, CONN. 1913 (Yv UK Copyright, 1913 By the International Silver Co. The B&rta Press Boston — New York EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS. O those who are lovers of old plate, -*- and have become familiar with the various shapes and designs characteristic of Colonial days, it is interesting to note the slow evolution and gradual change in church and domestic silver from the simple and yet beautiful vessels of the seventeenth century to the more elaborate forms and greater variety of articles of the eighteenth century, which the growing luxury and more complex life of the later period demanded. Judging by the examples that have sur- J vived, silver utensils of the seventeenth century were limited to spoons, the caudle- cup, the beaker, the chalice, or standing cup, the tankard, the flagon, and what are called to-day wine- tasters. The orna- mentation on the earliest of these pieces suggests the conventional flower designs found on oak furniture of the same period. The old inventories and wills, however, give us a list of articles once in common use which are doubtless no longer in exist- ence. [5] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Dr. Gershom Bulkeley died in 1713 in Glastonbury. He was a man of consider- able distinction and wealth. By the terms of his will he bequeathed to a son a silver retort and to a daughter a silver cucurbit, a species of retort, shaped like a gourd, used, perhaps, to distil perfumes and essences, once the duty of an accomplished housewife. In various inventories frequent mention is made of silver dram-cups, always lower in value than spoons. They were minia- ture bowls with an ear-shaped handle on each side, and called dram-cups because they comfortably held a dram, or spoonful, and were used for taking medicine. Some- times they were of pewter. Modern col- lectors have called them wine-tasters, which is clearly a misnomer. Our ancestors were not wine -tasters : they drank from beakers, caudle-cups, and tankards. Other articles mentioned are silver plat- ters and punch-bowls, whistles, hair-pegs, seals, bodkins, thimbles, clasps with glass centres, chains or chatelaines with scissors and other articles attached, shoe and knee buckles, and last, but not least, silver hat- [6] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS bands,* worn only by those who affected the highest type of fashionable attire. Articles of gold were toothpicks, cuff-links, stay- pins, rings, brooches, buttons, and beads ad libitum. Doubtless a search through other inventories would reveal many other articles of silver and gold. In the eighteenth century the colonist had greater wealth, and life had become more formal, and luxury more common. As a result, the silversmith had increased the variety of his manufactures, and used more elaborate designs, although he still clung to a simplicity of line and form that was characteristic of all early industrial art in America. Although the earliest known silversmiths / in New England had either learned their craft in England or been taught the trade by English workmen, there was no attempt to adopt later the elaborate baronial de- signs of the mother country. Simpler forms were more in keeping with the simple life of this country. * Captain Giles Hamlin of Middletown (died in 1689 ae. 67) was a prominent figure in the early days of the Colony; he was the owner of a silver hat-band which he bequeathed to his daughter. The portrait of Pocahontas dated 1616 depicts her crowned with a mannish headgear, encircled by a golden hat-band. [7] Seventeenth Century Plate Caudle Cup Early Flagon [8] Seventeenth Century Plate Earliest Shape of Chalice Later Style of Chalice Early Beaker Early Tankard with Flat Lid [9] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS As early as 1715, the man who had amassed a fortune could purchase coffee and chocolate pots, braziers (the fore- runners of the modern chafing-dish), elab- orate urn-shaped loving-cups, porringers, — in a form which seems to have been peculiar to this country, — patch-boxes and snuff- boxes, toddy-strainers, and many trinkets dear to the feminine heart. By 1736, when tea had so far dropped in price that it had become a necessity, beautifully chased tea-pots had come into vogue, in delicate and pure designs, in forms now known as bell and pear. The silversmiths were also making grace- ful sauce and gravy boats, quaint steeple- topped pepper-casters, beakers with single and double handles, cans with double scroll handles, three-legged cream-pitchers, candle- sticks and salvers shaped like patens, and in other forms. Later in the century beautiful tea-sets and punch-bowls became popular, as grace- ful in shape and line as the Heppelwhite, Adam, and Sheraton furniture of that period. One of the most frequent of mo- tives was the classical urn, which became [10] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS as common in silver as in architecture. Meantime the tankard had increased in height, the flat lid had been replaced by a domed cover with a finial, and a band had been moulded around the middle of the body. It should be remembered that no tankard was made with a spout. It was a drinking-vessel pure and simple. The spout now so frequently found on these old pieces is quite a modern addition, — an attempt to make a pitcher. Spoons in the seventeenth century werev invariably rat - tailed. From the handle down the back of the bowl to about the middle ran a ridge, shaped like a rat-tail. This is sometimes thought to have been an attempt to strengthen the spoon, but its use must have been purely ornamental, for it adds little strength to these strongly made spoons. Sometimes the rat-tail was shaped like a long "V," and grooved, while on each side were elaborate scrolls. The bowl was perfectly oval in shape, while the end of the handle was notched, or trifld. This style of spoon was continued, with modifications, through the first third of the eighteenth century. Then the bowl became [ill Early Eighteenth Century Plate Snuff Box Porringer 12 Early Eighteenth Century Plate Brazier or Chafing Dish [13] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS ovoid, or egg-shaped, and the end of the handle was rounded, without the notch. The rat-tail was gradually replaced by what is known as the drop, or double drop, frequently terminating in a conventional- ized flower or shell, or anthemion, while down the front of the handle ran a rib. Later the bowl became more pointed, the drop was replaced by a tongue, and the handle about 1760, instead of slightly curv- ing to the front at the end, reversed the position. A little later the handle became pointed, and was engraved with bright cut ornaments and a cartouche at the end, in which were engraved the initials of the owner. During the first ten years of the nine- teenth century a popular style was the so-called coffin-shaped handle, succeeded probably about 18 10 by a handle with a shoulder just above the junction with the bowl, while the end became fiddle-shaped, or of a style now known as tipped, — shapes produced to this day. Up to about 1770 spoons were of three sizes, — the teaspoon, as small as an after- dinner coffee-spoon ; the porringer-spoon, [14] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS a little smaller than our present dessert size; and the tablespoon, with a handle some- what shorter than that of to-day/ So few forks have been found in collec- tions of old silver that it forces the belief that they were generally made of steel, with bone handles. There seems no reason why, if in general use, silver forks should not now be as common as spoons. In the great silver exhibition recently held in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, of more than one thousand pieces, there were only two forks to be found, and they were of course two-tined. In the manufacture of silverware, as in every other form of industry, modern meth- ods have worked a revolution. Now pow- erful lathes and presses accomplish in sec- onds the work of days under old conditions. Nevertheless, we can produce no better silverware than could the old craftsman working with his primitive tools. The sil- versmith of Colonial days knew thoroughly every branch of his trade. He was de- signer, die-sinker, forger, solderer, bur- nisher, chaser, and engraver. He was a many-sided man, and he did thorough work. [15] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Let no one fancy him as other than a man of might, for muscle and sinew were as needful in fashioning plate as in the trade of blacksmithing. With his hammers, anvils, beak irons, testers, swages, punches, planishing ham- mers, and stakes and drawing benches, he skilfully shaped the beautiful white metal, putting a feeling into his work that is gen- erally missing in modern silver. He used a lathe, probably worked by foot-power, not for spinning, but for sha- ping and truing a porringer, a beaker, or a bowl after the hammers and anvils had done their work. This is plainly shown by the mark left by the lathe in the centre of these vessels. The metal was hammered while cold, and many times during the operation was annealed; that is, heated in a charcoal fire, to prevent brittleness and to make it tough. With the planishing hammers and anvils, rotten stone and burnishers, a uniform and beautiful surface was produced that can never be attained by a modern workman using a buffing wheel. [16] 4 H Plate Plate ii. Plate Plate iv £ C U 'So o c c u c J* OS u - rt as ^ o O — u = u S*J5 ^ .2 w ooZ s C O O a CO - o a, S-H b£ O O Oh Plate v. lustrations showing transition in the bend of Spoon Handles in the third quarter of the eighteenth century Showing bend of handle previous to decade 1760-70 Showing bend of handle after decade 1760-70 Plate vi. EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Ornaments on the back of spoon bowls and handles were impressed by dies forced together by drop presses or under screw pressure. This is absolutely proven by the exact duplication of the pattern on sets of spoons. Accurate measurements show that these ornaments were not hand-work, for there is not the slightest deviation in dimensions. The silversmith carried little manufac- tured stock. It was the general practice to take to the smith the coin which it was desired to have fashioned into plate. These coins were melted in a crucible and poured into a skillet to form an ingot, which was then hammered into sheets of the correct gauge. This explains the usual practice at that time of valuing a porringer or a tankard, or other plate, by saying that it contained so many Spanish dollars or English coins. Probably most of the early plate was fashioned from Spanish dollars, once so generally in circulation in this country. They were not up to sterling standard, being only .900 parts fine, while sterling is .925 fine. Nevertheless, early plate seems [17] Mid-Eighteenth Century Plate Bell Shaped Tea Pot Pear Shaped Tea Pot [18] Mid-Eighteenth Century Plate Sauce Boat Candlestick Tankard with Domed Top [19] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS to be whiter in color than that manufac- tured to-day. Perhaps this is the explanation: hand- hammered or forged silver must be annealed very frequently, and in the old days this was done with the aid of a bellows in the open air, instead of in a furnace, as is done to-day. As a result, a film of oxide of copper was formed, which was removed by plunging the article into what is called the pickling bath, — a hot diluted solution of sulphuric acid. This operation continued often enough would tend to make the sur- face almost fine silver; hence the white color. Most smiths impressed the plate they fashioned with their trade-mark. The ear- liest marks were initials in a shaped shield or in a heart, with some emblem above or below. Later marks were initials or the name in a plain or shaped or engrailed rectangle or oval. In the early part of the last century the word "Coin" * was added, and about 1865 the word "Sterling" was employed to denote the correct standard. *When the United States Mint was established in 1792, the standard of silver coinage was fixed at .892 T % fine. In 1837 the standard was raised to .900 fine. Therefore, "Coin" stamped on plate does not indicate .925, or "Sterling" fine. [20] Silversmith Shop of Lewis Curtis, Farmington. Formerly stood at the head of the main street, one hundred and fifty feet west of Elm Tree Inn. Now located in the meadow two or three hundred feet north of the Country Club Silversmith Shop of Joseph Carpenter, Norwich Plate vii. EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Undoubtedly, the shops of the gold and silversmiths were small affairs, with no cellars or substantial foundations, being similar in that respect to those of black- smiths. They were frequently built on leased or rented land, and could with little difficulty be moved to other sites. When Captain Robert Fairchild, of Strat- ford, sold his homestead in 1768, he re- served the right to remove from the prem- ises a goldsmith shop. Such reservations were not unusual. They were easily broken into by bur- glars, and "stop thief" advertisements in the local press were quite common. The shops of Joseph and Stephen Hopkins, of Waterbury, were entered in this way some eight or ten times in the decade from 1765 to 1775. The writer well remembers a visit in 1875 to the smithy of one of these artisans in East Hartford. There, busily engaged, was an old man forging spoons for a Hart- ford jeweler. The building could not have been more than fifteen by thirty feet, and yet there was ample room for every emer- gency. The smith had learned the trade, [211 Mid-Eighteenth Century Plate Three types of Pepper Caster Examples of Cream Jugs ^F ^ eyr^ i Beaker Mid-Eighteenth Century Plate Pepper Box Two Handled Cup Early 18th Century Early 18th Century Later and usual type of 18th Century [23] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS just as his predecessors of earlier days had done, and perhaps was the last of the fraternity. The knowledge that America had silver- smiths during the Colonial period came as a complete surprise and revelation to most of those who were so fortunate as to see the splendid examples of their work exhib- ited at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston in 1906. That these craftsmen were equal in skill to their English rivals cannot perhaps be claimed in every respect on account of the lack of demand for highly florid ornamen- tation, but it may be safely stated that American silversmiths produced wares that for beauty of shape, sense of proportion, and purity of line were not surpassed in England; and, if occasion demanded, elab- orate ornamentation in most decorative designs was fully within the grasp of Ameri- can workmen. Working in silver was a most respectable craft, and many of the men who followed the trade were of excellent social standing, particularly in Boston. One can say with- out fear of contradiction that the best silver- [24] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS work in this country was done in that town. The earliest American silversmiths of whom record has been found were Captain John Hull, coiner of the Pine Tree Shilling, mint-master of Massachusetts, and mer- chant prince, and his partner, Robert San- derson, both of Boston, and working in the middle of the seventeenth century. They were succeeded by men who were also past masters of the craft, such as David Jesse, who is thought to have been born in Hartford; Jeremiah Dummer; John Coney; John Dixwell, son of the regicide of that name who resided in New Haven for so many years; the Edwardses; Edward Wins- low; William Co well; the three Burts; the Hurds; and last, but not least of this very incomplete list, Paul Revere, father and son, the last the hero of Longfellow's famous poem. These men were craftsmen of the great- est skill, and the many examples of their work still extant show that they upheld the standards and traditions of their trade in a manner worthy of the highest praise. The work of a number is to be found in [25] Later Eighteenth Century Type This and the following page illustrate a tea service of the urn type, popular at the end of the 18th century Later Eighteenth Century Type [«7] Later Eighteenth Century Types Punch Bowl by Paul Revere Tea Pot made about 1795 [28] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Connecticut to-day, particularly in the churches. In fact, a considerable part of the early communion silver in this State was made by Boston silversmiths. Jeremiah Dummer (1645-1718) is rep- resented by thirteen silver vessels in our churches, one more than John Dixwell has to his credit, although the latter was born in New Haven, and must have known many men in the Colony. But Dummer is of interest to us in another way. When the government of Connecti- cut decided in 1709 to issue paper cur- rency, or Bills of Exchange, the agents of the Colony apparently selected him to do the mechanical part of the work; that is, the engraving of the plates and the printing of the bills. Journals of the Council for 1710 show transactions with Dummer relating to this currency, and in 171 2 Governor Saltonstall laid before the Council Board the bill of Jeremiah Dummer for printing 6,550 sheets of this paper currency. The inference seems clear that Dummer not only printed, but engraved, the first paper currency of Connecticut. His one- EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS time apprentice, John Coney, had the dis- tinction of engraving the plates for the first paper money issued by Massachusetts some years previously, the first issued on this continent. Part of the trade of a silversmith was to engrave on the metal coats-of-arms, orna- mentations, or the initials of the owners, and, of course, the transition to engraving on copper was easy and natural. Several of the early engravers did their first work on silver, Paul Revere and our own Amos Doolittle among the number. The early church silver is of very great interest not only on account of its beauty and quaintness, but also because of its as- sociation and history. Nothing else brings us into such intimate touch with the life of our forefathers. Generation after gen- eration of the sturdy Connecticut stock have hallowed it by the most religious act of their lives. The beakers, caudle-cups, and tankards were frequently in domestic use before they were presented to the churches, the offering of devout Christian men and women. This plate is nearly all in precisely the same con- [301 EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS dition as when first dedicated to God's service. Too many of our churches have banished these sacred memorials to safety deposit vaults in our cities and to boxes and baskets stored in attics in our country districts. The substitution of the individual cups is, of course, the cause of this change. Would it not be most fitting if these dis- carded memorials were deposited in some central place where the protection would be ample, and yet where their historical and religious significance would not be hidden and their beauty and workmanship could be studied and admired? While not so likely, when silver is stored in a safety deposit vault in the name of a church, there is always, when placed in the custody of an individual, the danger not only of fire and burglary, but that it may be utterly forgotten, and thus, through carelessness or dishonesty, finally drift into alien hands and be lost to the church for- ever. The silver of more than one Con- necticut church has been destroyed by fire, and in one case the writer's visit resulted in the locating of church silver that had [311 EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS been completely forgotten. Fifty-seven Connecticut churches still preserve their ancient silver. Much of it is of great his- torical interest, and some of it of very great beauty. The oldest piece of communion plate in this State belongs to the Congregational Church in Guilford. It is a quaint old beaker with flaring lip, and is marked in pounced engraving "H. K." on the side. It was the gift of Henry Kingsnorth, one of the first settlers of that town and a man of substance and worth. He died at the age of fifty in 1668 during the great sick- ness, as it was called, and his will reads: "I give and bequeath unto y e church here fifteen pounds to buy any such uten- sills for the sacrament withall as they shall see cause." The beaker was made by William Rouse, of Boston, a contemporary of Captain John Hull, the mint-master. One of the beakers belonging to the Con- gregational Church in Groton bears the engraved inscription, "The Gift of S r John Davie to the Chh. of Christ at Groton." It was made by Samuel Vernon, a silver- smith of Newport, R. I. The story of the [32] Earliest Piece of Church Plate in Connecticut Beaker belonging to Congregational Church, Guilford. Pre- sented by Henry Kingsnorth, 1668. Made by William Rouse of Boston. Height 4Vi inches Plate EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS beaker is this: John, who was a son of Humphrey Davie, of Hartford, and cousin of Sir William Davie, of Creedy in Devon, England, graduated at Harvard in 1681, and became one of the first settlers of Groton and its first town clerk. In 1707 his cousin, Sir William, died without male issue, and John of Groton succeeded to the baronetcy. Barefooted and in his shirt- sleeves, he was hoeing corn on his farm when the messenger arrived to tell him of his good fortune and to salute him as Sir John Davie. He soon left for England, and the beaker was his parting gift. Belonging to the ancient Congregational Society of Norwichtown is a two-handled cup made by John Dixwell, and bearing the inscription in quaintly engraved letters, "The Gift of Sarah Knight to the Chh. of Christ in Norwich, April 20, 1722." She was Madam Knight, who wrote a diary of her trip from Boston to New York in 1704. For a number of years she was a resident of Norwich, and lies buried in the old grave- yard in New London. There are sixteen silver beakers owned by the First Congregational Church, New [33] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS London, and two of them bear the inscrip- tion, "The Gift of the Owners of the Ship Adventure of London, 1699." They were made by two Boston silversmiths working in partnership, John Edwards and John Allen. A ship named "Adventure" and built in London was owned at that time by Adam Pickett and Christopher Christo- phers, of New London. It does not seem a wild flight of the imagination to conjecture that these beakers were presented to the church as a thank-offering either for a profitable mercantile venture or for a for- tunate escape from some harrowing expe- rience at sea. In 1725 Governor Gurdon Saltonstall gave by will a silver tankard to this church, and in 1726 his widow made a like gift. In 1793 the church by vote had these two vessels made into three beakers by J. P. Trott, a New London silversmith, but care was used to preserve the old inscriptions. The Congregational Church at North Haven owns a large baptismal basin on which is inscribed, "The Gift of the Rev. Ezra Stiles, D.D., LL.D., President Yale College, to the Congregational Church in [34] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS North Haven, 1794." He was one of the most distinguished men of his time, and a native of North Haven. There was a time when the First Con- gregational Church, Hartford, could boast of an array of plate made by these early silversmiths. This fact is revealed by the ancient Court of Probate records. In the early part of the last century a pinch of poverty was felt, or else it was thought that the style of these vessels was too old- fashioned. Whatever the cause, the plate was sold. In the collection was a fine old mug made by William Cowell, of Boston, and presented by Mrs. Abigail, the wife of Rev. Timothy Woodbridge, pastor of the church from 1683 to 1732. On the mug is the in- scription, "Ex dono A. W. to the First Church of Christ in Hartford, 1727." In 1883 William R. Cone, of Hartford, found the mug in the possession of J. K. Bradford, of Peru, 111., whose grand- father, Dr. Jeremiah Bradford, had bought it of the church in 1803 for £15. Mr. Cone was able to buy it for #75, and re-presented it to the church. [35] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS In 1840 the Second Congregational Church, Hartford, procured a new commun- ion service, made from its ancient silver, melted down. The old inscriptions were faithfully copied, and tell of the following gifts: a tankard, given by John Ellery in 1746; two cups, engraved "The Dying Gift of Mr. Richard Lord to the Second Church of Christ in Hartford"; two cups, engraved "The Gift of J. R. to the South Church in Hartford"; and two cups, en- graved "S. C." The church now owns only one piece of ancient silver, a beautiful tankard given by William Stanley in 1787. Hartford is not the only town which has lost its ancient church silver. The Congre- gational Church in Saybrook sold its plate in 18 1 5 (but fortunately it is still in exist- ence), and the Congregational Church in Wallingford remodeled its ancient plate in 1849, in a style popular at that period, while the Congregational Churches in Wethers- field and Cheshire lost their communion silver by fire a number of years ago. The East Hartford Church plate nearly met a like fate only a few months ago. The Congregational Church in South [361 Plate ix. EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Windsor owns two beautiful beakers made by John Potwine, a silversmith of that vicinity, and presented by Governor Roger Wolcott in 1756. The Congregational Church in Fairfield has a beautiful collection of plate: two handsome tankards, dated 1753 and 1757; two fine chalices presented by Captain John Silliman in 1752; three beakers and a cup with a handle. On Saturday evening, May 1, 1779, this silver was in the home of a deacon, General Silliman, and for convenience it had been placed in a corner of his bedroom. That night a company of British soldiers landed on the shore of Fairfield, and stealthily made their way to the good deacon's home, and made him a prisoner. The noise of the entering soldiers awakened Mrs. Silli- man, who hastily threw some bed-clothes over the silver and, although the house was ransacked, the communion plate was not discovered. The First Congregational Church, Bridge- port, has a large collection of ancient silver; but its most noteworthy piece is a tankard made about 1738 by Peter Van Dyke, of [37] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS New York. It is a small one, only six inches high, and has been disfigured by the addition of a spout in modern times; but the ornamentation on the handle in most elaborate arabesque scrolls and masks, and around the base in acanthus foliage, is the most beautiful ornamentation that has been found on any ancient silver in America. One of the most interesting collections of communion silver in the State belongs to the Centre Congregational Church, New Haven. It consists of thirteen beautiful caudle-cups and a large baptismal basin. The latter was made by Kneeland, of Boston, and was presented to the church by the will of Jeremiah Atwater in 1735. Its history is quite interesting. Early in the eighteenth century Mr. Atwater, a wealthy merchant, made a pur- chase in Boston of a cargo of nails. In one of the kegs, beneath a layer of nails, he found a quantity of silver money. He wrote to the Boston merchant, and told him of the money found in the keg, and asked how it could be returned to its right- ful owner. The reply stated that the keg was bought for nails and sold for nails, and [38] Plate x. EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS had passed through many hands, and it would be impossible to trace the original owner, and that Mr. Atwater must dispose of the money as he saw fit. He finally concluded that he would give the money to the church, and had it wrought into a baptismal basin. This was the traditional story as told to Dr. Leonard Bacon by the two eldest children of a Jeremiah Atwater, who was a nephew of the original Jeremiah. On the following facts we can absolutely rely. Mr. Atwater made his will in 1732, and died the same year. The will says, "I give and bequeath unto the First Church of Christ in New Haven the sum of fifty pounds to be improved for plate or other- wise, as the pastor and deacons shall di- rect." This story in full was told by Dr. Bacon in the Journal and Courier, July 15, 1853. During the British invasion of New Haven in 1779, all the communion silver was hidden in a chimney in the house of Deacon Stephen Ball at the corner of Chapel and High Streets, .where Yale Art School now stands. In the Congregational Church, Columbia, [39] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS is a beaker presented by Captain Samuel Buckingham in 1756. When the centenary of the founding of Dartmouth College was observed a few years ago, this beaker was taken to Hanover for the occasion because of its intimate association with Dr. Eleazer Wheelock. When Canterbury was settled about 1690, a number of the pioneers were from Barnstable. The interest of the older town apparently did not wane, for by the church records we find that in 17 16 the church in Barnstable presented to its daughter more than two pounds sterling, which was in- vested in a silver beaker still in use in the Canterbury Church, and inscribed, "The Gift of Barnstable Church, 1716." Belonging to the Congregational Church, Windham, are three ancient silver beakers, inscribed, "John Cates legacy to the Church in Windham." Cates was a mysterious individual, and probably the earliest settler in Windham. Barber, in his Historical Collections, says he served in the wars in England, holding a commission under Cromwell. On the restoration of Charles II. to the throne, [40] Plate belonging to Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown. Cup made by John Gardiner. Height 5 ] s inches. Paten made by an unknown maker. Mark: J. Gardner in rectangle Beakers made by John Potvvine and presented to East Windsor Church by Gov. Roger Wolcott in 1756. Height 4% inches Mark : I. Potwine (script) in cartouche Plate xi EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Cates fled to this country for safety, and, in order to avoid his pursuers, finally settled in the wilderness of what is now Windham. He died there in 1697. Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, possesses two ancient and interesting pieces of communion silver: a beautiful cup or chalice, made by John Gardiner, a silver- smith of New London, and a paten. The tradition is that they were originally owned by Rt. Rev. Samuel Seabury, first bishop of Connecticut, and presented by him respectively to St. James Church, New London, and Calvary Church, Stonington. Around the chalice runs the inscription, "Given by Dr. Yeldall towards making this chalice 4 oz. 7 dwts. 1773." Who Dr. Yeldall was, is not known, but in an adver- tisement in a New London newspaper in 1775 it is stated, "Dr. YeldalPs medicines may be had of Joseph Knight, Post Rider." Presumably, therefore, he was well known in that vicinity. Some fifty years ago, at Bishop Williams's request, these memorials of .Bishop Seabury were presented to the Divinity School. This brief account of the ancient silver [41] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS belonging to the churches of Connecticut by no means exhausts the subject, either historically or from other points of view. One might continue describing in detail the display of ten beakers and massive baptismal basin belonging to the First Church in Middletown, the fine array be- longing to the Congregational Church in Stratford, and the seven very ancient and beautiful caudle-cups owned by the old church in Farmington. Not less worthy of mention is the silver of the First Church in Milford (two of the pieces having been made by a Connecticut silversmith), and the fine silver of quaint design belonging to the Congregational Church in Guilford. The United Church and Trinity Church, New Haven; St. John's Church, Stamford; The Congregational Church, Durham; Cen- ter Church, Meriden; First Congregational Church, Derby; Congregational Church, North Haven; and many others, — have beautiful collections of silver of great in- terest, most of it made by the silversmiths of Connecticut. In private hands, among the old families of the State, a considerable quantity of old [42] u Plate xii. Plate xiii. EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS plate remains, but the great bulk of it has disappeared forever, — most of it consigned to the melting-pot, to issue thence in mod- ern forms of nondescript styles or no style at all. The temperance movement in the early part of the last century is responsible for the disappearance of quantities of old plate. Many of the old porringers, tank- ards, beakers, mugs, and cans were trans- formed into spoons and forks by our local craftsmen, of whom Hartford and New Haven had so many. What stories of this iconoclasm could have been told by Beach, Ward, Sargeant, Pitkin, and Rogers, of Hartford, and Merri- man, Chittenden, and Bradley, of New Haven ! Indeed, one begins to believe that every town of any importance in this State had its local spoon -maker, whose trade was nearly as familiar to the inhabitants as that of the village blacksmith. But, of all causes for the disappearance of old plate, none was equal to the feeling that the good old silver, utensils of the forefathers were old-fashioned. It is the same subtle influence which banished to [43] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS garrets and outhouses the beautiful fur- niture of the same period, and gave us in exchange the Empire styles and the mid- century products of the so-called furniture butchers. It is surprising to find what quantities of plate were owned by some of the rich men of the Colony. To give a few illustrations : Rev. Samuel Whittlesey, of Wallingford, who died in 1752, had silver to the amount of 108 ounces, consisting of tankards, por- ringers, beakers, salt-cellars, spoons, etc. Captain Joseph Trowbridge, of New Haven, who died in 1765, owned 234 ounces of plate. In March, 1774, the home of Hon. Thad- deus Burr, of Fairfield, was entered by burglars, and plate was taken which must have amounted to several hundred ounces. In a list published in a newspaper at the time are such articles as chafing-dishes, tea- pots, porringers, tankards, silver- hiked sword, beakers, cans, sugar-dish, and spoons ad libitum. Governor Theophilus Eaton, who died in 1657, left plate valued at 107 pounds sterling. [44] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS The greater part of the early domestic silver found in Connecticut was made by the silversmiths of Boston, New York, and Newport. This was but natural, for Con- necticut had no large commercial ports where merchants grew rich through for- eign trade and accumulated wealth in suf- ficient quantities to invest very large sums in the productions of the silversmith's art. In one respect the conditions in Con- necticut one hundred and fifty years ago were much like those of to-day. If a man of wealth desired to purchase an article of exceptional quality and worth, he was quite likely to patronize the merchants and crafts- men of those far-away cities, Boston and New York, where styles were sure to be of the latest fashion and workmanship of unusual merit, while a man of slender re- sources naturally depended on near-by shopkeepers and artisans. However, Connecticut had many silver- smiths, and a number of them did most creditable work when their services were demanded, although, owing to the influ- ence just stated, their products seem to have been distributed almost wholly in their own f45l EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS localities, — one might indeed say among their fellow-townsmen. One never finds in Hartford the work of a New Haven smith, or in New Haven the product of a man who was working in New London, except when recent migra- tion has carried the ware from home. As a result, these silversmiths, in order to eke out a living in communities that were not lavish in accumulating their work, were obliged to turn their attention to various other trades. Some were clock and cabi- net makers; others were blacksmiths and innkeepers; and others, to use a homely phrase, were jacks-of-all-trades. Many of them advertised extensively in the weekly press, and these appeals for custom vividly illuminate the social and domestic demands and requirements of their patrons, and present striking pictures of the times. The earliest silversmith of Connecticut of whom record has been found was Job Prince, of Milford. Very little relating to him has been discovered. Apparently, he was born in Hull, Mass., in 1680. He died evidently in 1703, for the inventory [46] Work of Cornelius Kierstead Baptismal Basin and two-handled Beaker belonging to First Congregational Church, Milford. Made by Cornelius Kierstead. Diameter of basin 10 inches. Height of beaker 5% inches Mark: C. K. in rectangle Plate Cup made by Ren£ Grignon. Height 2%e inches. Owned by Mrs. Carl J. Viets, New London. Mark R. G. crowned, stag passant below, in a shaped shield Plate xv. EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS of his estate is on file in the Probate Court, New Haven, dated January 24, 1703-04. It includes a set of silversmith's tools, a pair of small bellows, a pair of silver buckles, tobacco-box, tankard, porringer, and six spoons. The Princes were evidently a sea- faring family, and even Job owned a Gun- ter's scale and a book on practical navigation. The next silversmith in Connecticut was Rene Grignon, a Huguenot, who had lived in various parts of New England and finally settled in Norwich about 1708, for in that year he presented a bell to the First Church there. He attained considerable impor- tance during his brief residence, and, judg- ing by the two pieces of silver still extant, which it is safe to ascribe to him, was an ex- pert craftsman. He stamped his work with the letters "R. G.," crowned, a stag (?) passant below, in a shaped shield. He died in 1715? and his inventory con- tained the usual stock in trade of a gold and silver smith. His tools he left to his ap- prentice, Daniel Deshon, who was after- wards a silversmith in New London and ancestor of the family of that name once quite prominent in that town. [47] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Grignon did a considerable business, for debts were due his estate from persons in Windham, Colchester, Lebanon, New Lon- don, and Derby. Next in chronological order was Corne- lius Kierstead, a Dutchman by descent, baptized in New York in 1675. He fol- lowed his trade in that city until about 1722, when he appeared in New Haven with two other New York men and leased land in Mount Carmel and in Wallingford for the purpose of mining copper. They were not the first men to search for the red metal in that region, for Governor Jonathan Belcher and other Boston men had sunk thousands of pounds in copper mines in Wallingford, and the net results or profits, so far as can be learned, were the holes in the ground. It is perhaps needless to say that Kier- stead's venture was not successful, but the incident apparently settled him as a per- manent resident of New Haven. On the map of New Haven, dated 1724, his home is indicated as on the west side of Church Street, a short distance below Wall Street, and just north of the home of Moses Mans- [48] ■S^.sc-g a 5 Ls.KI 00 rt 5 "C • u o % 2 c u 'fa-* o"^ * » J> ■ B "a Plate EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS field, the school-teacher, whose father-in- law he was. He was still living in New Haven in 1753, for in that year the select- men placed him in charge of a conservator, giving as a reason that, "on account of his advanced age and infirmities, he is become impotent and unable to take care of him- self." In a few Connecticut churches we find examples of his work: a caudle-cup in the Congregational Church, North Haven; a baptismal basin and a two-handled beaker in the First Congregational Church, Mil- ford; and a tankard belonging to Trinity Church, New Haven. There are also two other pieces extant made by Kierstead, — a fine punch-bowl and a large candlestick. He was certainly a most skilful craftsman. The next to record is John Potwine, who was born in Boston in 1698, and fol- lowed his trade there until about 1737, when he moved to Hartford. For a time he seems to have continued as a silversmith, for three beakers made by him are owned by the Congregational Church, Durham, and two by the church in South Windsor. A fine silver-hiked sword is owned in Hart- [491 EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS ford, which was doubtless made by him, and probably once belonged to Governor Wol- cott. In the recent silver exhibition held in Boston were several examples of his work, which prove that he was a silversmith of very high order. He was apparently for a while in partner- ship in Hartford with a man named Whit- ing, and later was a merchant in Coventry and East Windsor, dying in the latter place in 1792. Shortly after Potwine's advent appeared another silversmith, not of Connecticut lin- eage, — Pierre, or Peter, Quintard, who was of Huguenot extraction and was born in 1700. He was registered as a silversmith in New York in 173 1, but in 1737 moved to what is now South Norwalk and there passed the rest of his life, dying in 1762. There is a caudle-cup made by him belonging to the Congregational Church, Stamford; and in the Metropolitan Museum, New York, are two fine beakers bearing his mark. His inventory shows that he also made gold and silver jewelry, rings, beads, and knee and shoe buckles. New Haven, the richest town in the Col- [50] Made by Timothy Bontecou. Height SY2 inches. Owned by Mrs. Oliver Swan, Meriden. Mark: T. B. incised Plate of the First Congregational Church, Derby Flagon, height 17 :! i<> inches. Made by Ebenezer Chittenden. Chalices, height 5% inches. Made by Miles Gorham, 1804 v. . \ E. Chittenden in rectangle I M. G. in rectangle Plate xvii. EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS ony, was evidently quite a centre of silver- smithing. The map of 1748 shows that Timothy Bontecou, also of Huguenot de- scent, was located on the west side of Fleet Street, which ran from State Street to the wharf. He was born in New York in* 1693, but learned his trade in France, and was certainly living in New Haven as early as 1735. He was the victim of an outrage by a mob of British soldiers at the time of the invasion in 1779, and died in 1784. From 1770 to 1800 the junction of Church and Chapel Streets was a favorite stand for silversmiths. On the southwest corner were located the following men in the order named: Captain Robert Fairchild, Abel Buel, and Ebenezer Chittenden. Captain Fairchild was born in Stratford in 1703. Shortly afterwards the family moved to Durham, and there the young man first followed his trade. He became prominent, representing the town in the General Assembly from 1739 to 1745; was an auditor of the Colony in 1740 and re- ceived the title of captain in 1745. He removed to Stratford about 1747, and in 1772 to New Haven, and, when a very old [51] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS man, to New York. It is probable that, while in Stratford, John Benjamin was his apprentice. He was certainly a silver- smith, but only one or two pieces of his silver-work are known to be in existence. It is said that he made the brass weather- cock still capping the spire of the Episcopal Church, which was used as a target by a battalion of British soldiers quartered in Stratford during the winter of 1757-58. Captain Fairchild was an excellent silver- smith, and a number of pieces of his work are still in existence, including two tankards, several beakers, an alms-basin, two braziers, and many spoons. While located at the corner of Church and Chapel Streets, New Haven, on land leased of Trinity Church, he must have been quite active in his trade. We find him advertising in April, 1774, that "he carries on the goldsmith's and jeweller's business at his shop adjoining his house near the south-east corner of the green, where he will do all sorts of large work, such as making of tankards, cans, porrin- gers, tea-pots, coffee-pots, and other kinds of work. Those who please to favor him with their custom may depend on having [52] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS their work well done and on reasonable terms." In 1779, to vary the monotony of trade, he advertises a few hogsheads of choice West India rum for cash, and in 1784 he tells us that he has opened a house of en- tertainment, and has provided a new and convenient stable. The same newspaper announces, under date of November 26, 1794, that Captain Robert Fairchild, late of this city, has just died in New York. His next-door neighbor on the west, and separated from him by a narrow lane now known as Gregson Street, was Abel Buel. He was a man of singular versatility and inventive genius. He was born in 1742 in that part of Killingworth now known as Clinton. He learned the silversmith's trade of Ebenezer Chittenden in East Guil- ford, now Madison. Before he had attained his majority, he was convicted of counterfeiting, and con- fined in New London jail. On account of his youth he was soon released, but to the day of his death he bore the scars of cropped ear and branded forehead. Like other Connecticut silversmiths, his [53] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS activities were not confined to his trade. He must have moved to New Haven about 1770, and he was soon appealing for custom in the local press. He had already in- vented a machine for grinding and polish- ing precious stones, which had attracted considerable attention, and in recognition of this service his civil disabilities were removed by the General Assembly In his shop, the old Sandemanian meeting-house, he had established a type foundry, for which he received a grant from the General Assembly. In 1775 he was in some trouble with the Rivingtons, printers of New York, and had apparently absconded; but he soon re- turned and again made his appeals to the public. In 1778 he established a public vendue. In 1784 he advertised his map of the United States, which, he said, is the first engraved by one man in America. His ad- vertisement of 1796, perhaps better than any other, gives an idea of his activities: "Mariners' and surveyors' compasses and other instruments cleaned and rectified, en- graving, seal and die sinking, seal presses, enameled hair worked mourning rings and [54] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS lockets, fashionable gold rings, earrings and beads, silver, silver plated, gilt and pol- ished steel buttons, button and other cast- ing moulds, plating mills, printers blacks, coach and sign painting, gilding and var- nishing, patterns and models of any sort of cast work; mills and working models for grinding paints as used in Europe; working models of canal locks, drawings on parch- ment, paper, silk, etc., by Abel Buel, Col- lege Street, New Haven, where there is a decent furnished front chamber to let by the week." The same year he advertised that "he has on exhibition the wonderful negro who is turning white," the authenticity of which phenomenon was vouched for by no less a person than Timothy Dwight, President of Yale College. In 1798 he advertised a use- ful machine for planting onions and corn which he had invented. In 1795 he estab- lished a cotton manufactory, which Presi- dent Ezra Stiles, of Yale, stated in his diary would prove a success. He was the coiner of the. first authorized Connecticut coppers, produced in a ma- chine of his own invention. His roving [55] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS disposition carried him to various parts of the world, and, like other rolling-stones, he gathered no moss, but died in great poverty about 1825. There are still extant various pieces of silver made by Buel, notably four two- handled cups belonging to the Congrega- tional Church, North Haven. The following story, gathered from the Colonial Records of Connecticut, shows that he did important work and was considered a skilled silversmith: In 1771 the General Assembly, desiring to show its grateful sense of the many im- portant services rendered by Richard Jack- son, Esq., of London, who for some time had acted as the agent of the Colony at the Court of Great Britain, manifested its appreciation by adopting a vote of thanks, and appropriating a sum not to exceed £250 to procure some proper and elegant piece or pieces of plate to be presented to him. It was to be engraved with the arms of the Colony, and inscribed with some proper motto expressive of respect. The commission for this work was given to Abel Buel, and he forthwith began to [56] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS fashion the plate; but some months later, because of the certainty that there would be large duties to pay when the plate entered England and the fear that Buel would not be able to complete the work in time, the commission was withdrawn from him and given to a silversmith in England. Just west of Bud's stand were the house and shop of Ebenezer Chittenden. He was born in Madison in 1726, and for a number of years worked at his trade in that place, removing to New Haven about 1770, pos- sibly in company with his son-in-law and apprentice, Abel Buel. Thirteen beakers, and a flagon 17M inches high, made by him, have been located in Connecticut churches. He was a man of excellent connections. His mother was a sister of Rev. Dr. Samuel Johnson, of Stratford, father of Episcopacy in Con- necticut, as he is called, and first president of King's College, now Columbia Univer- sity, New York, and his brother Thomas was the first governor of Vermont. He was quite intimately associated as a skilled mechanic and friend with Eli Whitney, in- ventor of the cotton-gin, and for many years [57] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS he was either warden or vestryman of Trinity Church, New Haven. He died in 1812. On the other side of Church Street from Robert Fairchild was located the silver- smith shop of Richard Cutler, while on Court Street were the home and shop of Captain Phineas Bradley, who was a skilled workman and saw service in the Revolu- tion. His brother, Colonel Aner Bradley, was also a silversmith. He was born in New Haven in 1753, learned his trade there, and served in the Revolutionary War at Crown Point and Ticonderoga, and was wounded in the Danbury raid, 1777. He retired as colonel of militia. After the war he settled in Watertown and followed his trade until his death in 1824. Marcus Merriman, who was born in Cheshire in 1762, came to New Haven when a boy. He saw naval and military service in the Revolution, part of the time in the company of Captain Bradley. His first advertisement appeared in 1787, and thereafter he was constantly asking for custom. He apparently did a large busi- ness for the times in his shop on State Street. [58] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Thirteen of his beakers and a caudle- cup have been found in Connecticut churches, and his spoons are not uncom- mon in New Haven County. It is probable that he produced more silver than any other early Connecticut silversmith. He died in 1850. Amos Doolittle, born in Cheshire in 1754, certainly began his business career as a silversmith, having learned his trade of Eliakim Hitchcock, of that place. He ad- vertised several times that he worked in silver, but the greater number of his an- nouncements had relation to engraving, and are of interest. He successively ad- vised the public that he has published a mezzotint of the Hon. John Hancock in colors; Mr. Law's Collection of Music; that he does printing on calico; that he engraves ciphers, coats-of-arms, and de- vices for books, or book-plates, and maps, plans, and charts; that he has published the Chorister's Companion, and that he does painting and gilding; and in 1790 that he is publishing an elegant print of Federal Hall, the seat of Congress, with a view of the Chancellor of State administering the [59] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS oath of office to the President. He died in 1832. Other silversmiths of the period in New Haven might be mentioned, such as John and Miles Gorham, Charles Hequemburg, and Samuel Merriman, who all did credit- able work. In Hartford, after Potwine's day, per- haps the most skilled craftsman was Colonel Miles Beach, who was born in Goshen in 1742, and followed his trade in Litchfield until 1785, when he moved to Hartford and opened a shop about ten rods south of the bridge on Main Street. His first partner was Isaac Sanford, and later he was in business with his former apprentice, James Ward. Spoons bearing his mark are found in Hartford and vicinity, and there are four interesting chalices, made by him in 1794, belonging to the Congregational Church in Kensington, Berlin. He saw active service in the Revolution, and he was chief engi- neer of the Hartford Fire Department from its organization in 1789 to 1805. He died in 1828. James Ward, just mentioned, was one of a family of silversmiths. His father, [60] ♦ iJVfi&hJif* ..•^. Business Card of Beach & Ward. Found in the back of an old watch Si ' jm - : is he «>"?«^ra i ®iii4!i'i.y,. ^ ■ 9 Card of Joseph Carpenter Plate EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS brother, and probably grandfather, all fol- lowed the trade in Guilford. He was born in Guilford in 1768 and, as already stated, was apprenticed to Colonel Beach. After the firm of Beach & Ward was dissolved in 1798, Ward for a time continued alone at a shop about ten rods north of the bridge at the "Sign of the Golden Kettle." A num- ber of silver pieces made by him have been found in Connecticut churches, as well as spoons in private hands. He was a good craftsman and, like other Connecticut smiths, did not strictly confine himself to his trade, for we later find him making and dealing in pewter worms for stills, dyer's, hatter's, and kitchen coppers, and various sorts of brass and copper goods, and casting church bells. He became quite prominent and influential in Hartford, and died in 1856. No early Hartford silversmith ever used the advertising columns of the local press to a greater extent than did James Tiley, born in 1740. His first announcement was in 1765, which states that "he still does gold and silversmith's work at his shop on King Street, Hartford." This was the old name for State Street. Another notice says that [61] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS his shop was a little east of the Court-house on the street leading to the ferry. When the brick school-house which stood on the site of the present American Hotel in State Street was blown up by a gunpowder explo- sion in May, 1766, Tiley was among the number of those seriously injured. For many years he pursued his calling until financial difficulties overtook him in 1785. Later he advertised that he had opened a house of entertainment in Front Street at the sign of the "Free Mason's Arms." He was a charter member of St. John's Lodge of Free Masons in 1763, and he was also a charter member of the Governor's Guard, now First Company of Governor's Foot- guard, at its organization in 177 1. He died in the South in 1792. Next door to Tiley in 1774 was Thomas Hilldrup, watch-maker, jeweler, and silver- smith, from London, whose motive it was to "settle in Hartford if health permits and the business answers." He therefore re- quested the candid public to make a trial of his abilities, assuring them he was regu- larly bred to the finishing branch in London. He later returns his unfeigned thanks to [62] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS those who favored him with their custom or interest since his commencing business here, their favors having exceeded his most sanguine expectations. Somewhat later his shop was situated south of the Court-house at the sign of the "Taylor's Shears." In 1777 he was appointed postmaster and began a series of migrations to various locations. While occupying this position, it is related that Sheriff Williams drove up to the office one day and was informed that it had been removed. He replied, "Hill- drup moves so often he will have moved again before I get there." Hilldrup was evidently blessed with a vein of humor. In one of his announce- ments he states " he has silver watches which will perform to a punctilio, and others that will go if carried, and he has a few watches on hand upwards of one year which he is willing to exchange with the owners for what the repairs amount to." He died about 1794, and, judging by the amount of his inventory, he did not find later that the favors of a discriminating public exceeded his most sanguine expecta- tions. [63] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Other silversmiths of the period in Hart- ford were Ebenezer Austin, whose shop was on the west side of Main Street, a few doors south of Pearl Street; and Caleb Bull and Norman Morrison, the latter a grandson of Dr. Norman Morrison. Bull and Morrison worked in partnership, although one sus- pects Morrison was the silversmith of the firm. He was reared in the family of Captain Tiley. He was lost at sea in 1783, and shortly after Caleb Bull, who had mar- ried his widow, advertised the silversmith's tools for sale, and says they are the most complete in the State. Captain Bull was a member of Hartford's first City Council, and was one of the first board of directors of the Hartford Bank. At a somewhat later date Jacob Sargeant was working in a shop next door to the United States Hotel. His spoons are still found in Hartford County. Middletown's earliest silversmith was apparently Timothy Ward, the son of Cap- tain James, and born there in 1742. Little is known concerning him, and that little in- dicates that he was lost at sea in 1767 or '68. In November, 1766, he made a will in [64] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS which he says he is "bound on a long sea voyage, and may never see land again." The Boston commissioners' records on July 10, 1767, announce the arrival of the sloop "Patty" from Connecticut, Peter Boyd, master, with Timothy Ward on board, a goldsmith from Middletown. Less than a year later, on May 2, 1768, his will was proved in court, and his inventory was filed, containing a list of silversmith's tools, which tell us that he was a craftsman of merit. Apparently, the most skilful of Middle- town's silversmiths was Major Jonathan Otis. He was born in Sandwich, Mass., in 1723, and began business in Newport, R.I., where he continued until 1778. As he was an ardent patriot, and the town was in the hands of the British at that time, he moved to Middletown, and died there in 179 1. Eleven of his beakers and cups have been found in Connecticut churches, — six in Mid- dletown, four in SufBeld, and one in Durham. Antipas Woodward, born in Waterbury in 1763, began business in Middletown in May, 1 79 1, taking the shop under the print- ing-office vacated by Timothy Peck, an- [651 EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS other smith, who was moving to Litchfield. Moses, the brother of Antipas Woodward, was running this printing-office overhead at that time; but the building was soon de- stroyed by fire, and Antipas then moved to the shop formerly occupied by Major Otis. He must have been an excellent silver- smith, judging from a fine porringer made by him which is owned in Boston. Other smiths of the period were: Samuel Canfield (i 780-1801), who also was sheriff, and whose shop in 1792 was ten rods south of the town-house, and in 1796 a few rods north of the printing-office. His one time apprentice, William Johonnot, whose shop was south of the corner of Court and Main Streets (perhaps the site now occupied by the Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank), opposite Mrs. Bigelow's tavern, and who about 1792 moved to Vermont. Joseph King, whose shop in 1776 was at the northwest corner of Main Street and Henshaw Lane, now known as College Street. Apparently, his business was not a profitable one, for it devolved on Samuel Canfield, in his official position as sheriff, to make a number of calls on his brother [66] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS craftsman during a period of years which must have been unhappy ones for Joseph. In November, 1785, David Aird, with true British pride, announced in the local press that he was a watchmaker from London, and that he carried on the busi- ness in all its branches two doors north of the printing-office; whereupon Daniel Walworth, with due and becoming humility, informed the public that, while he was not from London, he was a goldsmith and brass- founder, and that he performed all kinds of gold, silver, copper, and brass work in a shop nearly opposite the printing-office. About 1800, Judah Hart and Charles Brewer were working at the silversmith's business in a shop which stood at the north- east corner of Main and Court Streets. Two or three years later Hart moved to Norwich, and Brewer took as a partner Alexander Mann. In a year or two Mann left him, and began to manufacture guns. Brewer continued to do business at the same old stand, in later years as a jeweler only, and died in i860. Spoons bearing his mark are common in Middlesex and New Haven Counties, and in the Congregational [67] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Church in Durham are three beakers made by him and presented in 1821. It has been stated that some of the Con- necticut workmen turned their attention to various pursuits; in fact, were jacks-of-all- trades. Abel Buel has been cited in illus- tration of this statement, and the activities of Joel Allen, who was born in Southington in 1755, deserve equal prominence. He was a spoon-maker, engraver, brass-worker, carpenter, general storekeeper, and tinker, and yet he did excellent work. Opportu- nity has been given to examine his day book, running from 1787 to 1792. In his shop he sold everything from pinch- beck * jewelry to castor hats, including spelling-books, Bibles, dry goods, groceries, drugs, meats, and hardware. In 1790 he moved to Middletown, and began to en- grave for the silversmiths, working princi- pally for Samuel Canfield. In 1790 he ren- dered a bill to the Congregational Church in Middletown for taking down the organ, adjusting and mending the pipes, putting *Chr. Pinchbeck, London watchmaker, eighteenth century, invented an alloy of three or four parts of copper with one of zinc, much used in cheap jewelry. [68] Work of Connecticut Silversmiths Two upper cans, height 4% inches, made by Jonathan Otis. Lower can, height 5Vi» inches, by S. Parmele ; porringer, diameter 4% inches, by J. Gardiner, and pepper box, height 3 inches, by J. Benjamin. f S. Parmele (script) in cartouche J. Gardner in rectangle Marks ^ Otis I. B. script) in rectangle in oval " Silver Belonging to Congregational Church, Guilford Basin, diameter 9 1 !' inches; middle beaker, height 4^ inches. Made by Samuel Parmele. Former given by Mrs. Deborah Spinning, 1768; the latter by Mrs. Ruth Naughty, 1773. The end beakers, height 4% inches. Made by B. Benjamin and given by Lydia Fowler, 1825 Marks ^ ^' P arme ' e (script) in cartouche I B. Benjamin in rectangle Plate xix. Chalices belonging to Congregational Church, Parish of Ken- sington, Town of Berlin. Made by Col. Miles Beach in 1793. Height 5% inches. Mark: Beach in rectangle PI; EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS in new ones, mending the bellows, and charged £9 for all this work. He engraved the map of Connecticut published by William Blodgett in 1792, — an excellent piece of work. He made book- plates, engraved seals and coats-of-arms; he painted and gilded chairs and mirrors; and, when Major Jonathan Otis, silversmith, died in 1791, he lettered his coffin. During this busy career he found time to make silver spoons and jewelry. He died in 1825. Guilford was the home of two excellent silversmiths, Billious Ward and Captain Samuel Parmele. Ward, the son of William Ward, who was probably a silversmith, was born in 1729. Two patens, five beakers, and a number of spoons have been found in Connecticut marked "B. W.," and doubtless made by him. He died in Wallingford in 1777 of small-pox, whither he had gone to visit his intimate friend, Rev. Samuel Andrews, rec- tor of the Episcopal Church, who at that time was in dire disgrace, owing to his sym- pathies with the British side of the Revo- lutionary quarrel, and was confined to his own premises. (691 EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Captain Samuel Parmele, who received his title in 1775 and saw active service in the Revolution, was born in 1737. He was prominent in Guilford, and was an excel- lent workman. In the Congregational Church in that town are a baptismal basin and a beaker made by him, and spoons marked "S. P." and "S. Parmele" are not uncommon among the older families of that vicinity. Norwich, which, as every one knows, was at an early date one of the most important and wealthy towns in the Colony, had a number of skilled smiths. Perhaps the most important was Thomas Harland, who was born in England in 1735 and came to Norwich in 1773, where he died in 1809. In addition to the trade of silversmithing he was an expert watch and clock maker. In 1790 he had twelve workmen in his employ, his annual output being two hun- dred watches and forty clocks. He also produced quantities of jewelry, which is described in his advertisements as "Bril- liant, garnet and plain gold rings, broaches, hair sprigs, ear jewels, and gold and silver [70] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS buttons." His assortment of plate con- sisted of "Tea pots, sugar baskets, cream- ieures, tea tongs and spoons." Among his apprentices afterwards in business in Norwich were David Greenleaf, Nathaniel Shipman, and William Cleve- land, grandfather of President Grover Cleve- land. Eli Terry, inventor of the Connecti- cut shelf clock, also learned his trade of Harland, as did Daniel Burnap, the ex- pert clock-maker and silversmith of East Windsor. Joseph Carpenter, born in 1747, was an- other enterprising silversmith whose shop still stands fronting on the old town green. In it was lately found an engraved copper plate from which his business cards were printed. His name is surrounded by a graceful grouping of silver tea-set, cake-basket, mug, spoons, tongs, buckles, watches, rings, a clock, and a knife-box, illustrating the articles in which he dealt. At the top ap- pear the words "Arts and Sciences" on a ribbon scroll, while cherubs floating in clouds hover over these treasures. Other silversmiths working in Norwich [71] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS were William Adgate, Samuel Noyes, Gur- don Tracy, Charles Whiting, Philip and Roswell Huntington in the eighteenth cen- tury, and Judah Hart and Alvan Willcox of the firm Hart & Willcox, Thomas C. Coit and Elisha H. Mansfield of firm Coit & Mansfield, and William Gurley in the early part of the nineteenth century. New London, another enterprising and wealthy town, had its quota of silversmiths. Mention has already been made of Daniel Deshon (1697-1781). John Gray (1 692-1 720) and Samuel Gray (1684-17 1 3), both born in Boston, followed their trade in New London at an early date. Two interesting pieces made by the latter, a can and a snuff-box, were in the recent silver exhibition in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Captain Pygan Adams was the son of Rev. Eliphalet Adams, pastor of the Con- gregational Church, New London, succeed- ing the Hon. Gurdon Saltonstall when the latter became governor of Connecticut. Captain Pygan (171 2-1 776) was a promi- nent man, and represented the town in the General Assembly at most of the sessions [721 Porringer with a cover, diameter 4 ; ;i inches. Made by Thomas Harland ; the property of Mrs. Thomas Harland, Norwich Mark: Harland in rectangle between profile and eagle displayed Plate xx In the successful siege of Louisbourg in the island of Cape Breton in 1745, Capt. Andrew Ward of Guilford commanded one of the Con- necticut Companies. He was a teetotaler and in- stead of spending his grog money for rum, saved it, and when he returned to his home, had the money wrought into four spoons and his initials A. W. and Louisbourg engraved on the backs by his kinsman, BilliousWard. One of these spoons is shown in the accompanying illustration Paten made by Billious Ward. Diameter 8% inches, height 2% inches. Johnson crest engraved on the top. Owned by Mrs. Susan Johnson Hudson, Stratford, formerly owned by her ancestor, Rev. Dr. Samuel Johnson, first President of Kings College, now Columbia University Mark: B. W. in rectangle, engrailed at one end Plate xxii. EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS from 1753 to 1765. He was appointed by the Assembly to many responsible positions, as auditor, overseer of the Mohegan In- dians, and one of the builders of the light- house at New London in 1760. He was also deacon of his father's church. He is called a merchant in the History of New London; but his father, in a deed of gift to Pygan in 1736, calls him a goldsmith, and Joshua Hempstead in his diary has three entries which show that, when he needed anything in the goldsmith's line, he patronized Captain Pygan. In 1735 he bought of him a pair of gold sleeve-buttons, in 1738 some plated buttons, and in 1744 Pygan replaced the broken mainspring of his watch. Additional evidence puts him in the class of the best silversmiths Connecticut has produced. In 1910 a fine porringer bear- ing the mark "P. A." was sold in Guilford. A rat-tailed spoon and tankard owned in Lyme, and several fine spoons owned on the eastern end of Long Island, are also so marked. No other known silversmith had these initials. John Champlin (1 745-1 800) also worked [73] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS in New London, and evidently did a good business. In 1779 his shop was entered by burglars, and the list of stolen articles gives one an excellent idea of the contents of a gold and silversmith's shop of that period: "12 strings of gold beads; 40 pairs of silver shoe buckles and a parcel of silver knee buckles; 3 or 4 silver .plated and pinchbeck knee buckles; 6 silver table spoons; 3 dozen tea spoons ; 10 silver watches ; a large quan- tity of watch chains, keys, main springs, stock buckles, stone rings, jewels, broaches, etc." On November 30, 1781, he notified his old customers and others that, since the destruction of his shop by the enemy,* "he has erected a new one by his dwelling in Main Street." John Hallam (175 2-1 800) was another enterprising silversmith. In 1773 he ad- vertised, "At his shop near the signpost, makes and sells all kinds of goldsmiths and jewellers work as cheap as can be had in this Colony." He engraved the plates for the bills of credit issued by the Colony in I77S- *The burning of New London by a British force under com- mand of Benedict Arnold. [74] m ) Beaker, height 3 1: V46 inches, made by J. P. Trott, owned by Mrs. Carl J. Viets, New London Mark: J. P. T. in rectangle Plate xxiii EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS His inventory on file in the Probate Court contained the following plate: two tank- ards, a can, a cup, two porringers, milk- pot, pepper-box, sugar-bowl, punch-ladle, and many spoons. John Gardiner (1734-1776), one of the family associated with Gardiner's Island, who fashioned the beautiful chalice belong- ing to Berkeley Divinity School, must have been a smith of exceptional skill. Jonathan Trott, a Boston silversmith, was a skilful craftsman, and in that town are still preserved a number of pieces of plate made by him. He went to Norwich in 1772, and there kept the Peck Tavern for a short time. He moved thence to New London, where he died in 1815. His two sons, Jonathan, Jr., and John Proctor, were also silversmiths, and there is in Lyme a tea-set of the style popular about 18 10 marked "I. T.," and probably made by Jonathan, Jr. John Proctor did a large business for the times, and much plate, both hollow and flat, bears his trade- mark. Belonging to the Congregational Church in Middlebury are two old cups, or beakers, [75] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS presented by Isaac Bronson and Josiah Bronson in the year 1800. They do not bear the marks of the maker. These interesting vessels were probably made by some near-by silversmith, and the only man of that vicinity whose rec- ord makes it safe to assume that he was the craftsman in question is Israel Holmes, who was born in Greenwich in 1768, and came to Waterbury in 1793. His house stood on the site of the present St. John's rectory. In 1802 he was en- gaged to go to South America by a silver mining company, and died on the voyage. His inventory, filed in August that year in the local Probate Court, contains a list of silversmith's tools, which shows that he was a smith of considerable practice and experience. There ought to be many spoons in that vicinity made by Holmes. Joseph, Jesse, and Stephen Hopkins, and Edmund Tomp- kins at an earlier date than Holmes, were goldsmiths in Waterbury; but it is prob- able that their work was confined to the making of jewelry. Joseph Hopkins's peculiar claim to dis- [76] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS tinction was in the number of times his shop was visited by burglars. Five times between 1766 and 1772 was he the victim of these outrages, either because his stock was of more than ordinary value or because of the enmity of some neighbor, and in 1780 his shop was destroyed by an incendiary fire, — a record of misfortune unique among Connecticut silversmiths. Although there is no evidence that many of Connecticut's silversmiths fashioned arti- cles more pretentious than spoons, it was probably due not to lack of ability, but to absence of demand. Captain Elias Pelletreau, of Southamp- ton, L.I., was a smith of excellent reputa- tion, who fashioned many pieces of plate. His day book shows that he was called on to produce tankards, porringers, tea-pots, silver-hilted swords; in fact, everything that a full purse could demand. At the outbreak of the Revolution he removed to Simsbury, Conn., where he resided for a few years. An examination of his day book shows that not once was he called upon during that period to fashion hollow-ware plate. His work was con- mi EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS fined to spoons and the jewelry and trink- ets in demand in that region. This list of early Connecticut silversmiths is by no means complete. There were many others who did excellent and credit- able work, and were successful and capa- ble men; but a sufficient number have been mentioned to show that Connecticut has reason to be proud of the record, especially considering the limited field in which these men were obliged to work and the strong competition from larger and wealthier towns than were to be found in this Colony. The question of high prices, about which we hear so much nowadays, was evidently as troublesome one hundred and fifty years ago. In the issue of the Connecticut Cou- rant for August 17, 1767, a two-column arti- cle appeared, discussing exports, imports, and home manufactures, urging lower prices on all articles made in this Colony by arti- ficers and mechanics, and complaining that they are eager to raise prices when prices rise, but are very slow to reduce them when prices fall. Two enterprising gold and silversmiths, Joseph Hopkins, of Waterbury (whose shop [781 EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS had so many times been broken into by- thieves), and Martin Bull, of Farmington, considered that this complaint gave an ex- cellent opportunity to gain a little patriotic publicity and at the same time to advertise their wares. In the issue of August 24, 1767, the following letter was printed: "We, the subscribers, goldsmiths of Wa- terbury and Farmington, being convinced of the truth of the sentiments expressed in this paper No. 138, and sensible of the obligation that lies upon every person in this popular Colony to conduct so as will have a natural tendency to advance the good of the whole; hereby inform the public that (notwithstanding we have the vanity to believe that our demands have ever been short of any goldsmith in this Colony) we are determined to serve all our customers for the future, demanding only seven-eighths of our usual acquire- ments for labour; excepting in making silver spoons and silver buttons, which has ever been lower than the wages of most other tradesmen. Joseph Hopkins. Martin Bull." [79] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS It has long been a current tradition that many of the silversmiths were also black- smiths, and the following reply to the letter by Hopkins and Bull shows that the tra- dition is based on fact, although it is certain both these gentlemen were skilled artisans and of good standing in their respective communities. In the issue of August 31, 1767, we read the following letter: "Mr. Green: In your last, two persons calling themselves Goldsmiths 'Inform the Public that they have the vanity to believe their demands have ever been short of any Goldsmith's in this Colony.' Vanity in- deed, with great propriety! When in the article of Gold Necklaces (in which they have been so celebrated) they have had a price equal to any one, reckoning the Labour and the advance on the Gold; — and it is surprising those gentlemen did not see into what a dilemma their expressive vanity leads them; for they 'Are determined to serve all their Customers for the future' at a rate short of the former — viz: 'Demand- ing only seven-eighths of their usual ac- quirements for Labour.' Why this alter- ation? Is it because they are determined [80 1 EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS to engross the business by representing to the Public that they sell cheaper than any- body else — Vanity! — Or is it not rather because they are conscious to themselves of having injured their customers by over- rating Labour done by Blacksmiths and Tinkers, and mean to make restitution that way; for they seriously express a sense of the obligation that lies upon 'Every person in this popular Colony to conduct so as will have a natural tendency to advance the good of the Whole.' "But for men to set up themselves for Standards for others, that have acquired their skill by hire of journeymen — it is to be wished the Legislative Body would pass an act that no man should set himself up at any trade without having served a reg- ular Apprenticeship of seven years, and have a Certificate from his master. Then we should not see every Blacksmith and Tinker turn Goldsmith. " [81] EARLY CONNECTICUT SILVER- SMITHS. THIS list does not include the names of those who began to work at the trade after 1830. Probably the majority of these men made only spoons and jewelry. How- ever, many of them made articles of more importance than spoons, for now and then some unexpected evidence of this fact comes to light, proving that the ability to fashion silver into various shapes and utensils was not uncommon. That the number of examples still extant is so small is due to two causes: first, the lack of demand and consequent limited production ; second, the melting-pot, — that final receptacle, until recently, of old plate, exchanged for new or sold because of the desire to realize its money value. Many of these men advertised as silver- smiths and jewelers and sometimes as watchmakers. This latter term undoubt- edly generally meant what its use to-day indicates: that they mended, repaired, and regulated watches. But they should not all be classed under this head. The inven- tories and advertisements of Thomas Har- land and Joseph Keeler prove conclusively [82] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS that they made watches. Harland is said to have had an annual output of two hun- dred; but the first considerable attempt to manufacture watches took place in the Pitkin shop in East Hartford, — a venture from which indirectly grew the American Waltham Watch Company. Born Died Adgate, William Norwich 1744—1779 Adams, Pygan New London 1712—1776 Son of Rev. Eliphalet Adams. For further notes see page 72. Allen, Joel Southington and Middletown 1755—1825 His shop and store were located in that part of Southing- ton called Plantsville. Moved to Middletown about 1790. See page 68. Austin, Ebenezer Hartford 1733 — Born in Charlestown, Mass. Moved to Hartford in 1764. Served in the Revolution. Advertised in 1768, 1780, 1788. About the latter date moved to New York. In 1818 was listed among the pensioners of Revolution living in New York. Avery, John Preston 1732—1794 Was a farmer and self-taught silversmith. Made clocks, shoe and knee buckles, spoons and beads. He was jus- tice of the peace and held court. Four of his sons were silversmiths. Avery, John, Jr. Preston 1755-1815 Son of John above. Avery, Robert Staunton Preston 1771—1846 Son of John. Captain of Militia: When his father died, he abandoned the trade. Avery, Samuel Preston 1760-1836 See John Avery. [83] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Avery, William Preston 1765—1798 See John Avery. Babcock, Samuel Middletown and Saybrook 1788 — 1857 Born in Saybrook. Collector of customs there. Moved to Middletown, and advertised in 1812. His shop was a few doors north of the Episcopal Church. Balch, Ebenezer Hartford and Wethersfield 1723—1808 Born in Boston, and learned his trade there. When he became of age, he moved to Hartford, and in 1756 to Wethersfield. Goldsmith and clockmaker. A number of early spoons have been found marked E. BALCH. Barrows, James Madison Tolland 1809 — Working at his trade in 1828 in Tolland. Born in Mans- field. Bartholomew, Roswell Hartford 1781—1830 Born in Harwinton. In 1804 he became a member of the firm Ward & Bartholomew, in 1809 Ward, Bartholomew & Brainard. Beach, Isaac New Milford His name appears signed to a subscription paper dated 1788. Whence he came is not known. In 1791 he bought a plot of ground on which a shop was standing, occupied by himself and Noadiah Mygatt, saddler. In 1794 he sold the shop and apparently left the town. Beach, Miles Litchfield and Hartford 1742—1828 Son of Adna Beach. Selectman, 1777; grand juror, 1773. Major in the Revolution, later Colonel of Mili- tia. See page 60. Beecher, Clement Berlin and Cheshire 1778—1869 In 1801 advertised in Connecticut Courant that he was in the "Gold and silversmithing business: likewise brass founding, in Berlin, opposite the Academy." He was a clever workman, but very eccentric and peculiar, due, it was believed, to an unfortunate love affair in his youth. In 1818 he was living in Cheshire on a farm on the road leading to Milldale. At one time he conducted his business in that town under the name Clement Beecher & Co. He once made the remark that he "hated to sell things because it broke the assortment." He called his shop and farm the "New Jerusalem." To the prod- uce which he raised and the spoons and gold beads which [841 ■jmamtmm Barzillai Benjamin 1774-1844 Bridgeport and New Haven From an oil portrait Plate xxiv. EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS he made he gave the same name, and his New Jeru- salem apples, vegetables, and spoons were in demand among the people of Cheshire, Meriden, and Berlin. He was at times an itinerant silversmith, and traveled about the region, carrying in his cart forge and anvils and the various tools of his craft. Many specimens of his work have been found marked C. B., particularly among the older families of the district. He was also an inventor and patented a number of articles, among others a washing-machine which he trundled about in a wheelbarrow, to exhibit its merits to his customers. In his old age he grew morose and lived the life of a hermit. In front of his house was hung a great belU possibly of his own founding, which he rang when in need of assistance. Born Died Benjamin, Barzillai 1774—1844 Bridgeport and New Haven He was born in Milford. For many years he lived at what is now 262 East Main Street, Bridgeport, and his silversmith shop adjoined his house. George Kippen was his partner for a while. In New Haven his shop stood at the southwest corner of Church and Chapel Streets, where Robert Fairchild had once been located. For a few years he did business in New York also. He was a skilful smith, and many examples of his work are still to be found. Belonging to the First Church, Guilford, are two beakers made by him, and a fine tea-set and back hair comb made about 1815 are owned in Union City, and are examples of his skill as a craftsman. His inventory filed in the Probate Court, Bridgeport, con- tains a long list of silversmith's tools. His son, Everard Benjamin, was his successor in 1829 in New Haven. The George H. Ford Company, successor of Everard, is therefore successor of Barzillai. Benjamin, Everard New Haven 1807 — 1874 Began business in 1829. See above. For many years he was associated with George H. Ford. Firm was known as Benjamin & Ford. Benjamin, John Stratford 1730—1796 Was probably an apprentice of Robert Fairchild. Al- though a member of the Church of England, he was an active patriot during the Revolution. He took part in the battle of Ridgefield, was wounded in the shoulder, and carried the bullet to the day of his death. In May, [85] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS 1782, he was promoted from Captain to Major, and later to Colonel. A beautiful pepper caster and several spoons made by him are still extant. See page 52. Born Died Benjamin, Samuel C. New Haven 1801 — 1831 Son of Barzillai, for whom he was working when he advertised in 1819 that he was located a few rods south- east of the Public Green, and nearly opposite J. Buck's City Hotel. He made jewelry and silverware. Later he was a teacher in a school for young ladies. Billings, Daniel Preston, New London Co. He was located in Poquetannock Village, Preston, and advertised in 1795. Blackman, John Starr Danbury 1777—1851 He was a clockmaker as well as silversmith. His shop was south of the Court House and on same side of the street. His sons, John Clark Blackman, 1808—1872, and Frederick Starr Blackman, 1811 — 1898, were his apprentices. The former moved to Bridgeport and established a business, and the latter succeeded to his father's business in Danbury. Levi Clark, 1801 — , was also his apprentice, and located in Norwalk. Blakslee, William Newtown 1795—1879 Son of Ziba Blakslee, the silversmith. Desiring to perfect himself in his trade, when twenty-one years old, he journeyed to St. Louis, Mo., and worked with French artisans, intending to remain there. He resided in the home of Madame Bouye, a lady of culture. He worked hard, studied nights, learned to speak French fluently, and became an expert silversmith and engraver. He also learned the clockmaking art. At the end of four years he returned to Newtown for a visit. While there, he fell in love and married, and decided to remain in Newtown, and went into business with his father. He was prominent and did a good business. Blakslee, Ziba Newtown 1768—1825 Born in Plymouth. Came to Newtown when a young man. His house and shop stood at the head of Newtown Street on the road leading to Brookfield. He worked at the gold and silversmith's business, cast church bells, made surveyors' instruments, clocks, and watches. Wil- liam Blakslee was his son. [86] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Bontecou, Timothy New Haven 1693—1784 Born in New York City, and learned his trade in France. Married his second wife in New Haven in 1736. He sold his shop in 1775. He was a member of the Church of England, and was registered as one of the Congregation in Stratford in 1735, and, when the new church was built in 1743/4, he contributed £15. When Trinity Church, New Haven, was organized in 1765, he became a member and was its first recorded warden. He was buried in the crypt beneath Trinity Church, which at that time stood on Church Street. An illustration is shown of two candlesticks, doubtless made by him. See page 51. Bontecou, Timothy, Jr. New Haven 1723—1789 Son of Timothy, of whom he learned his trade. Botsford, Gideon B. Woodbury 1776—1866 His home and shop were in what is now known as Glebe House, now owned by the Episcopal diocese of Con- necticut, and in which Rev. Samuel Seabury was elected first bishop of Connecticut and of the United States, by the clergy there assembled in 1783. Examples of silver made by Botsford are not uncommon in that locality. Bradley, Aner New Haven and Watertown 1753—1824 Brother of Phineas, the silversmith. For additional notes see page 58. Bradley, Phineas New Haven 1745—1797 His shop and house stood on Court Street. Brother of Colonel Aner Bradley. Phineas served in the Revo- lution and was Captain of a company of New Haven men. At the British invasion of New Haven, July, 1779, he did valiant service with his men at the bridge on the road leading to Milford. Bradley, Richard Hartford 1787—1867 Born in Hartford. The Directory 1825-28 gives his location as Morgan Street, near the bridge. Met death at the hands of a burglar on Thanksgiving night. For many years was a member of the firm. Bradley & Bunce Hartford Bradley, Zebul New Haven 1780—1859 From 1806 to 1817 he was a member of the firm Marcus Merriman & Co. and Merriman & Bradley. About [87] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS the year 1826 he formed a partnership with Marcus Merriman, Jr., under the name of Bradley & Merriman. In the year 1847 the Directory of New Haven contains the advertisement of the firm. Bradley, Zebul, & Son Consisting of Zebul Bradley and Gustavus Bradley. Born Died Brainard, Charles Hartford 1787—1850 A native of Wethersfield. Member of the firm Ward, Bartholomew & Brainard, afterwards C. Brainard & Son (Charles H.). Breed, John Colchester 1752—1803 Born in Stonington. His relative, Gershom Breed, had dealings in Colchester, and this influence probably induced John to move to that town. He located on Town Street, or Governors Road, the main highway leading from New London to Hartford. He married in 1773 Lucy Bulkley, a member of an influential family there. His inventory contains a considerable list of silversmith's tools as well as farming implements. To agriculture he probably devoted the last few years of his life. His widow, who died in 1821, left the sum of $500 to be ap- plied toward building a home for the poor of the town. Brewer, Charles Middletown 1778—1860 Born in Springfield, Mass. Learned his trade of Jacob Sargeant, of Hartford. He located in Middletown, October, 1800, and on October 16, that year, Judah Hart and Charles Brewer advertised that they had taken a shop a few rods north of the printing-office, where they would carry on clockmaking, watch repairing, and gold and silversmithing in all its branches. In December, 1801, they had removed to a shop opposite the new meet- ing-house. This partnership was dissolved on Septem- ber 21, 1803, and on October 28, that year, Brewer formed a partnership with Alexander Mann under name of Brewer & Mann, which lasted until April, 1805. There- after Brewer continued alone. The jewels belonging to St. John's Lodge, F. & A. Masons, and two beakers of the communion vessels of the Congregational Church, Durham, were made by Brewer, and spoons bearing his mark are found in Middletown and near-by towns. Brewer & Mann Middletown See above. [88] Charles Brewer 1778-1860 Middletown Sketched from life by his nephew, William S. Stearns Plate EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Brewster, Abel Canterbury and Norwich 1775 — Advertised in Canterbury in 1797, and in 1804 gave notice that he had moved to Norwich, and in 1805 that he was selling his place of business to Judah Hart and Alvan Willcox, because of poor health. Buel, Abel New Haven 1742—1825 In 1799 he was located in Hartford on Main Street, opposite the North Meeting-house, making silver, plated, gilt, steel, brass, and iron hiked swords and dirks, pikes, and military flags. For full particulars re- lating to his life see page 53. Buel, John New Haven and Derby 1744—1783 Brother of Abel Buel. Advertised in New Haven, 1779, and in Derby Neck, 1780-82. Died in New Haven. Buel, Samuel Middletown and Hartford Advertised in former place, 1777, and in Hartford, 1779. A Samuel Buel was born in Killingworth, 1742; died in Westfield, Mass., 1819. A beaker belonging to Center Congregational Church, Meriden, bears his mark, S.B. Bull, Caleb Hartford 1746—1797 Served in the Revolution, and was commissioned Captain, January 1, 1777, in Colonel Samuel B. Webb's regiment. A member of the Society of the Cincinnati. See page 64. Bull, Martin Farmington 1744—1825 He was a gold and silversmith and maker of silver buttons and spoons. He also made saltpeter for the army when needed during the Revolution. He was a deacon of the Congregational Church, a conductor of church music, town treasurer for eight years, clerk of the Probate Court for thirty-nine years. A strong patriot and a writer of long letters — appallingly solemn — to the youth of the village when at college. He made a book-plate for the "Library of the First Society in Farmington," founded in 1795, and later executed a more ornamental plate. See Vol. III., p. 187, Ex Libris Society. Burdick, William S. New Haven Advertised in 1814 that the firm of Ufford & Burdick had been dissolved. [89] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Burnap, Daniel Coventry and East Windsor 1760 — 1838 Learned his trade of Thomas Harland, of Norwich. Began business in Coventry. About 1785 moved to East Windsor, and twelve years later settled in what is now known as Andover. Made spoons, buckles and repaired watches and jewelry. Advertised in 1791 as follows: — "Brass Wheel'd Clocks." "The subscriber having for a number of years applied himself principally to the business of Clock making and having met with considerable encouragement in the business, takes this method to inform the publick that although he works in many other branches common for those in the silversmith line as also surveyor's Com- passes, watch repairing &c, yet notwithstanding clockmaking is intended as the governing business of his shop and is determined that no pains shall be want- ing to merit the approbation of his Customers. Clocks of various kinds may be had at his shop in East Windsor on short notice on the most reasonable terms (war- ranted). Those parishes that may be in want of publick clocks may be supplied at the above shop and may depend on a faithful performance by the publick's ser- vant, Daniel Burnap." The tools with which he en- graved the silvered dials of his clocks are owned by Albert H. Pitkin, Hartford. Experts consider that Burnap made as fine clocks as were ever produced in New England. A few examples of his silver-work are still extant. Burrill, Theophilus New London —1739 Under date January 1, 1738/9, Joshua Hempstead wrote in his diary, "I was at the Town Meeting & y e choice of Taverners & Theophilus Burrill a goldsmith, aged about — . Died with Convulsion fitts: he be- longed to Boston but hath sojourned in Town 2 or 3 years." Bushnell, Phineas Saybrook and Guilford 1741—1836 Born in Saybrook. Moved to Guilford about 1795. Died in Branford. Tradition says that he did some silversmithing. Candee, Lewis Burton Woodbury 1806—1861 Born in Oxford. He was in partnership with Daniel Curtiss, and the firm was known as Curtiss & Candee and Curtiss, Candee & Stiles. [90] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Canfield, Samuel Middletown He was living in Middletown in 1780. He advertised 1792-97. During the years 1790-92 Joel Allen, en- graver and silversmith, did more or less work on silver for Canfield. In 1787 he was sheriff, and served a num- ber of writs of attachment on his brother silversmith, Joseph King, to recover debts. For a time he was in partnership with a man named Foot (probably William Foot). In 1801 he was living in Lansingburg, N.Y., and in 1807 in Scanticoke, N.Y. Canfield & Foot Middletown See above. Born r>i e d Carpenter, Joseph Norwich 1747 — 1804 As early as 1769 he was in business in a shop belonging to his stepfather. This shop has never been altered, and retains to-day all its old features. His son Charles, who settled in business in Boston, learned his trade of his father, as did also, probably, Rufus and Henry Far- num, prominent silversmiths of Boston. See also page 71. Case, George East Hartford Advertised in 1779. Champlin, John New London 1745—1800 Advertised from 1768 to 1780. See page 73. Chapin, Aaron Hartford 1753—1838 Born in Windsor. His name appears in Hartford Directory for 1825. He is put down as a cabinet-maker and jeweler at the head of Trumbull Street. He was deacon in First Church. Spoons bearing his name as silversmith are found in Hartford and vicinity. Chittenden, Beriah New Haven 1751—1827 He was son of Ebenezer, and probably learned his trade of him. In 1787 he advertised that his shop was next door to the printing-office of New > Haven Gazette and Connecticut Magazine. Later he lived in Durham, Milford, Salisbury, Kinderhook, N.Y., and Middle- bury, Ohio. Chittenden, Ebenezer New Haven and Madison 1726 — 1812 See page 57. Church, Joseph Hartford 1794—1876 Born in East Hartford. His father moved his family to Lee, Mass., when Joseph was quite young, and estab- lished the first paper-mill in Western Massachusetts. [91] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Joseph returned to Hartford when a youth and learned the silversmith's trade, and established his business on Ferry Street, after having been with Jacob Sargeant and Horace Goodwin. Later he moved to Main Street. William Rogers, C. C. Strong, and L. T. Wells were among his apprentices, and in 1840 he sold his business to the latter two and became an official and director of the JEtna. Fire Insurance Company, and was a director of the Connecticut River Bank and vice-president of Society for Savings. Frederick E. Church, the land- scape painter, was his son. Bom Died Clark, Joseph Danbury —1821 In 1791 he advertised that he carried on the clock and watch making and gold and silversmith business in all its branches at his shop near the printing-office. He was living in Danbury in 1/77, and bore arms in the Danbury raid of that year. Prior to April 1, 1811, he moved to Newburg, N.Y., and later to Alabama, where he died about 1821. Clark, Levi Norwalk 1801—1875 Born in Danbury, and learned his trade of his father- in-law, John Starr Blackman. Settled in business in Norwalk. Clark, Peter Q. New Haven Advertised in 1810. Clark, William New Milford 1750—1798 Born in Colchester. Settled in New Milford about 1775. He built a house soon after, in which he kept tavern and carried on silversmith's business. He adver- tised in 1774 and 1777. His inventory shows a large number of silversmith's tools. When the Union Li- brary was established in 1796, the first meeting was held at his house. He seems to have been a public-spirited man. Cleveland, William Norwich 1770—1837 Son of Rev. Aaron Cleveland. Born in Norwich. After a residence of some years in New London and New York, returned to Norwich. Made a deacon of First Congregational Church there in 1812. While in New London, he was in partnership with John P. Trott under firm name Trott & Cleveland. Married, 1793, Margaret Falley. His son, Richard Falley, was the father of the late President, Grover Cleveland. Deacon William [92] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS lived in later years in Worthington and Salem, Mass., and Zanesville, Ohio. He died at Black Rock, N.Y. Born Died Coit, Thomas Chester Norwich 1791—1841 Born in Norwich. His family moved to Pomfret and then to Canterbury. He was apprenticed at the age of fourteen. Followed the trade fourteen years in Norwich, part of the time in partnership with Elisha H. Mans- field (1816 — ). Later moved to Natchez, Miss., and died in New York. Coit & Mansfield Norwich See above. Copp, Joseph New London Married Rachel Denison, 1757. Advertised in 1776 that his shop had been robbed. Curtiss, Daniel Woodbury 1801—1878 He established a manufactory of silver articles about 1825, making spoons, thimbles, spectacles, etc., asso- ciating with him Lewis Burton Candee and, later, Benjamin Stiles under firm names of Curtiss & Candee, and Curtiss, Candee & Stiles, and Curtiss & Stiles. Spoons made by these firms are frequently found in Connecticut. Gave up the business in 1840. Curtiss & Candee Woodbury See above. Curtiss, Candee & Stiles Woodbury See above. Curtiss & Stiles Woodbury See above. Curtis, Joel Wolcott, Conn., and Cairo, N.Y. 1786— Silversmith and clockmaker. Curtis, Lewis 1774—1845 Farmington, Conn., and Hazel Green, Wis. His little red shop with prominent show windows still stands in Farmington a few hundred feet north of the Country Club. It was originally located on the main street, a hundred or more feet west of what is now known as Elm Tree Inn. Silversmith and clockmaker. In 1797 he advertised that his shop had been entered by burglars and a number of silver articles stolen. In 1799 he advertised that he made chime clocks that played [93] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS a number of tunes and clocks that showed the moon's age, etc. He probably learned his trade of Daniel Burnap. In 1820 he moved to St. Charles, Mo., and later to Hazel Green, Wis., where he died. Born Died Cutler, Richard New Haven 1736—1810 Born in Fairfield. Settled in New Haven in 1760, where he purchased a large lot at the southeast corner of Church and Chapel Streets, and erected a dwelling and a shop. The locality is still known as Cutler's Corner. He was long engaged in the gold and silversmith's trade. He was a Tory in his sympathies during the Revolution. He formed a partnership about 1767 with Hezekiah Silliman and Ambrose Ward. See Silliman. In 1800 he took his sons into partnership. Cutler, Richard, Jr. New Haven 1774—1811 See above. Cutler, Richard & Sons New Haven See above. Cutler, William New Haven 1785—1817 See above. Cutler, Silliman, Ward & Co. New Haven See above. Dagget, Henry New Haven 1741—1830 A merchant, magistrate, and alderman (Tuttle Geneal- ogy). His shop or store burned January 27, 1800. Caught fire from goldsmith's forge in back room. At one time was in partnership with Isaac Beers. Davison, Barzillai Norwich 1740—1828 Born in Pomfret. In business in Norwich. Dennis, Ebenezer Hartford 1753 — Advertised in Connecticut Courant, 1782-85. His shop was opposite Dr. Solomon Smith's office. His shop was robbed March 9, 1785. Brother of George, Jr. Dennis, George, Jr. Norwich 1749 — Advertised in 1778. Deshon, Daniel New London 1697—1781 He was of Huguenot descent. Apprenticed to Captain Rene Grignon. When Captain Grignon died in 1715, he bequeathed to Daniel his goldsmith's tools, and his [94] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS will reads: "I desire he may be bound out to some suit- able person in Boston 'till he arrive at the age of twenty- one years to learn the trade of goldsmith." It is sup- posed that he was bound out to John Gray, of Boston, and later of New London. Deshon, having learned his trade, settled in New London, and became a well-known citizen, and married Ruth, the daughter of Christopher Christophers, Esq. Bora Died Dexter, Minerva Middletown 1785 — On March 28, 1810, she advertised for an apprentice to silversmith's business. Connecticut's only woman silver- smith. But it is not probable that she did the manual labor of the craft. Dodge, Ezra New London 1766—1798 He died in the epidemic of yellow fever which raged in New London in 1798. In the list of deaths is mentioned "Ezra Dodge, watchmaker, clockmaker, gold and silver- smith, brass founder, gun smith, locksmith, grocer, etc. An ingenious mechanick, good man, and valuable citi- zen." Doolittle, Amos New Haven 1754—1832 Born in Cheshire. See page 59. Doolittle, Enos Hartford Advertised as clockmaker and silversmith, 1781-82. Stated that he was casting church bells and was a brass founder on west side of Main Street in 1799. He disappears from Hartford records about 1804. Oppo- site page 260 of Lyon's "Colonial Furniture of New England" is an illustration of a fine clock made by Doolittle. Douglas, Robert New London 1740—1776 In 1766 he advertised that his silversmith's shop was next door to Captain Titus Hurlbut's, and that he made shoe and knee buckles, chapes and tongues, buttons, stones, crystal rings, sparks, and cyphered earrings. Died during Revolution at Canterbury, on his way home from Boston to New London, in the service of his country. Elderkin, Alfred Windham 1759—1833 He was youngest son of Colonel Jedediah Elderkin. He was for a time in business with his neighbor, John Stam- ford. Advertised in 1792. [95] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Elderkin, Elisha Killingworth 1753—1822 Went to New Haven before 1777, and has a record as a Revolutionary soldier. After the war he settled in his home town, Killingworth. Elliott, John Aaron Sharon 1788 — He was first a printer and then learned the trade of watch- maker and silversmith. He also, for a time, resided in Red Hook, N.Y., and in Michigan, but returned to Sharon. His name appears in Business Directory of Connecticut, published in 1857. Ellsworth, David Windsor 1742—1821 He advertised in 1772 and again in 1792. P Fairchild, Robert 1703—1794 Durham, Stratford, and New Haven See page 51. Fairchild, Joseph New Haven In business there in 1824. Fitch, Allen New Haven 1785 — He was the son of Nathaniel and Mary Fitch. In 1811 he bought land on south side of Crown Street, with a frontage of 18 feet, and built a shop on it. He advertised in 1808. In 1813 an advertisement announced that the firm of Fitch & Hobart New Haven is dissolved. Foote, William East Haddam 1772— Born in Colchester. He lived at various times in Col- chester, Glastonbury, and East Haddam. Later moved to Michigan. Advertised in East Haddam in 1796 — 97. See Canfield & Foote. Francis, Julius C. Middletown 1785—1862 Was member of firm Hughes & Francis, 1807-09. Gallup, Christopher 1764—1849 North Groton, now Ledyard The house where he lived is still standing, in good repair, and the room in which Christopher used to carry on his trade is still shown by his descendants. Spoons made by him are in use among Ledyard families. It is probable that he made other articles. EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Gardiner, John New London 1734—1776 He was a descendant of the Gardiner family of Gar- diner's Island, and was a son of Jonathan and Mary (Adams) Gardiner. Jonathan was a physician, and was lost at sea, 1735 or 1736. She was a daughter of Rev. Eliphalet Adams. John, the silversmith, was an excel- lent craftsman, and his silver is still found in New London, Conn. He made the silver cup belonging to Berkeley Divinity School. His. inventory filed in 1777 gives a long list of silversmith's tools, including two stamps for impressing his trade-marks. Gilbert, Samuel Hebron He advertised in 1798. Spoons bearing his mark are frequently found in Hebron and vicinity. Goodwin, Allyn Hartford 1797—1869 In business with his brother under firm name H. & A. Goodwin. Is mentioned in Hartford Directory, 1825. Goodwin, Horace Hartford 1787—1864 He learned the trade of jeweler and silversmith, and first located in New Britain and soon moved to Vermont. In 1811 he returned to Hartford, and went into business with his brother Allyn. Their store and shop stood on ground now occupied by Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. In 1852 he engaged in the music business. Goodwin, H. & A. Hartford See above. Goodwin, Ralph Hartford 1793—1866 Mentioned in Directory in 1828. Goodwin & Dodd Hartford Advertised in 1812. Gorham, John New Haven Born probably in Hamden. Estate of John Gorham of that town was administered in Probate Court, 1790. John was his youngest son, and was probably the silver- smith. He advertised in 1814. His spoons are still found in New Haven County. Gorham, Miles New Haven 1757—1847 The six cups belonging to the First Congregational Church, Derby, were made by him. His spoons are still found in vicinity of New Haven. [97] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Gorham, Richard 1775—1841 In 1806 Isaac Townsend leased land on High Street to Samuel Shethar and Richard Gorham. The partners sold the lease in 1809. Spoons marked S & G have been found in the vicinity of New Haven. See Samuel Shethar. Graham, Daniel West Suffield 1764— He advertised in 1789. Married in Wethersfield, 1790. Gray, John New London 1692—1720 Born in Boston. Came to New London about 1713 to administer his brother's estate, Samuel Gray. Daniel Deshon was probably apprenticed to him. He mar- ried, 1714, Mary Christophers, of New London. He lies in the old cemetery in New London. Gray, Samuel New London 1684 — 1713 Born in Boston. He married in 1707 Mrs. Lucy Palmes, of New London. He came to the town before 1712. Joshua Hempstead, in recording his death in his diary, says, "had been sick a long time." The most elaborate of the ancient tombstones in the cemetery in New Lon- don is the one erected to his memory. Brother of John Gray. His inventory gives evidence that he was an expert silversmith. Among other items are mentioned 99 ounces of plate in 3 tankards, 3 cups and spoons and forks; 20| ounces of plate in buckles and buttons; 76 ounces of plate in silver chafing dishes, etc. Greenleaf, David Norwich 1737—1800 Born probably in Bolton, Mass., where his father was a physician. Learned his trade of Thomas Harland. Served in the Revolutionary War. He advertised in Norwich, 1769. He was in Bolton, Mass., 1769-72. In Coventry, 1778, where he spent the rest of his life. David Greenleaf, of Hartford, was his son. Greenleaf, David, Jr. Hartford 1765—1835 Advertised in Hartford, 1788-94. Son of David, of Norwich. Greenleaf, Joseph New London 1778—1798 Died of yellow fever there, 1798, aged twenty. Grignon, Rene Norwich — 1715 He came to this country in the latter part of seven- teenth century, and joined French settlement at East Greenwich, R.I. Driven from there by persecution. He went in 1691 to Oxford, Mass., and about 1696 to EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Boston, where he was at one time elder of the French Church. In 1699 he was again living in Oxford, but the Deerfield massacre, 1704, drove the inhabitants away, and he probably then settled in Norwich. See page 47. Griswold, Gilbert Middletown and Portland Early part of last century was practising his trade. Born Died Gunn, Enos Waterbury 1770 — Was born in what is known as Gunntown on the edge of present Middlebury and Naugatuck. Spoons are still found in that vicinity marked E. GUNN. Gurley, William Norwich 1764 — Born in Mansfield. Advertised in 1804 in Norwich. Hallam, John New London 1752—1800 See page 74. Hamlin, William 1772— Born in Providence, R.I. Apprenticed in Middletown. Hanks, Benjamin 1738—1810 Windham, Litchfield, and Ashford Born in Plymouth, Mass. He advertised in Windham, 1777-79; in Ashford, 1790. At the October session of the 1783 General Assembly he asked for the exclusive right to manufacture air clocks, which was granted. The me- morial he presented stated that he had "invented and ex- ecuted a clock which winds itself by the effects of air and will continue so to do without any other assistance until the parts thereof are destroyed by friction." At that time he was living in Litchfield. (See Kilbourne's Chron- icles of Litchfield, 1859, p. 266.) He sold to Amherst, Mass., in 1793, its first church bell. Harland, Thomas Norwich 1735—1807 After serving his apprenticeship in England, he journeyed from place to place, wandering as far East as Warsaw, probably practising his craft and learning foreign methods. He was evidently a man of education, for the inventory of his library shows an unusual collection for that period of works of the best historical and phil- osophical writers, and the large number of French works would imply a familiarity with that tongue. He came to America in 1773 — a year of great excitement in the political life of America — in one of the ships which brought the taxed tea to the port of Boston. He did not tarry there, but settled immediately in Norwich. In his first advertisement in 1773 he states that "he makes [991 EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS in the neatest manner and on the most approved prin- ciples, horizontal, repeating and plain watches in gold, silver, metal or covered cases: spring, musical and plain clocks; church clocks and regulators: he also cuts and finishes watch-wheels and fuzees of all sorts and dimensions, neat as in London and at the same price." In 1774 he says, "he has now compleated an assortment of warranted watches viz. Horizontal, Showing Sec- onds from the Centre, Day of Month, Skeleton and Eight Day Watches in gilt, tortoise shell and plain silver Cases." His mechanical ingenuity was unusual, for in 1788 he made for Norwich Landing a fire-engine which was long in use. The homestead which he built in 1779 is still in the possession of his descendants. In front of it, and surrounded by the piazza, are two large elm-trees said to have been planted by his apprentice, Nathaniel Shipman, in 1781. See page 70. Born Died Harland, Thomas, Jr. Norwich 1781—1806 Son of Thomas, Sr. Although he died so young, he had accumulated a large inventory in his business. He had for sale 117 silver and gold watches. Hart, Eliphaz New Britain and Norwich 1789 — 1866 Born in New Britain. Learned trade of his brother Judah. He settled in Greenville in Norwich and died there. Hart, Judah Middletown and Norwich 1777—1824 Born in New Britain. Began business in Middletown in 1800, in partnership with Charles Brewer. Formed partnership with Jonathan Bliss in 1803. In 1805 removed to Norwich, and formed partnership with Alvan Willcox. In 1807 in business alone. In 1816 removed to Griswold, and in 1822 to Brownsville, Ohio. Hart & Bliss Middletown 1803—1804. See above. Hart & Brewer Middletown 1800—1803. See above. Hart & Willcox Norwich 1805—1807. See above. Spoons marked H. & W. with an index hand preceding are common in Norwich. Hequembourg, Charles, Jr. New Haven 1760 — 1851 Born in France. He was a soldier of the Revolution in France. He first appeared in New Haven in 1804, [1001 EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS when he bought land. He advertised 1809-20. His shop was on Church Street, opposite the site of Trinity Church at that time. Spoons made by him are fre- quently found in New Haven County. His daughter mar- ried in 1810 James Brewster, father of carriage industry in New Haven. Bom Died Hilldrup, Thomas Hartford —1804 See page 62. Hitchcock, Eliakim Cheshire and New Haven 1726—1788 He maintained shops in Cheshire and New Haven. Advertised in New Haven, 1776. It is said that Amos Doolittle was his apprentice. Spoons made by him are found in Cheshire. He was one of the charter members of the Second Company, Governor's Foot Guard, or- ganized 1774. His shop in New Haven was on Union Street, near Fair. Hobart, Joshua New Haven See Fitch & Hobart Holmes, Israel Greenwich and Waterbury 1768 — 1802 See page 76. Hopkins, Jesse Waterbury 1766 — Hopkins, Joseph Waterbury 1730—1801 Late in life became Judge of Probate, and gave up silver- smithing. Hopkins, Stephen Waterbury 1721—1796 Hotchkiss, Hezekiah (?) New Haven — 1761 Clockmaker, but his inventory shows he owned silver- smith's tools. Hughes, Edmund Middletown In 1804 was located in Hampton. In 1806 the partner- ship of Ward & Hughes, Middletown, was dissolved. Same year partnership of Hughes & Bliss was formed, and in the following year that of Hughes & Francis. Hughes & Bliss Middletown 1806. See above. Hughes & Francis Middletown 1807—1809. See above. Huntington, Philip Norwich 1770—1825 He was town clerk from 1801 to 1825. [101] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Huntington, Roswell Norwich 1763 — Learned his trade of Joseph Carpenter. In 1784 he ad- vertised as goldsmith and jeweler in a shop opposite the store of Jedediah Huntington. Finally moved to Hills- borough, N.C. Jarvis, Munson Stamford 1742—1825 His father, Samuel, was a blacksmith, and the inventory of the confiscated estate of Munson shows that he owned a like shop. It is probable that he worked in both silver and iron. Two silver mugs owned by the Congregational Church, Green's Farms, bear the maker's mark M. J., and were probably made by him. He was a Loyalist, and left the country in 1783 and settled in St. John, N.B., where he passed the rest of his life. He was a member of the Provincial Assembly in New Brunswick, and a man of prominence. Jennings, Jacob Norwalk 1729—1817 The inventory of his estate mentions a number of silver- smith's tools. Jennings, Jacob, Jr. Norwalk 1779 — He learned his trade of his father. His nephew, Isaac Marquand, was apprenticed to him to learn the trade. Frederick Marquand, the well-known New York jeweler and benefactor of Yale College, was Isaac's son. Johonnot, William Middletown 1766—1849 In 1782 he was apprenticed to Samuel Canfield for five years. Began business in 1787. He advertised in 1787—88, and stated that his shop was opposite Mrs. Bigelow's tavern. In 1792 he moved to Windsor, Vt., where he carried on his business of jeweler and silversmith. Keeler, Joseph Norwalk 1786—1824 Silversmith and watchmaker. His inventory shows such items as pivot lathe, fusee cutting tool, main-spring tool, small brass files, four watch-case stakes, together with silversmith's tools, proving that, like Harland, he actually made watches. Spoons bearing his mark are found in Norwalk and vicinity. Kierstead, Cornelius New Haven 1674— 1753 (?) See page 48. King, Joseph Middletown His name and shop appear on map of Middletown, made about the period of the Revolution. Still living there as late as 1807. [102] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Kinney, Thomas Norwich Was located there first half nineteenth century on She- tucket Street. Born Died Kippen, George Middletown and Bridgeport 1790 — He was born in Middletown. Probably learned his trade of Charles Brewer. In 1825 George Kippen and Elias Camp, both of Bridgeport, leased a shop there. Later Kippen was in business with Geo. A. Hoyt. Spoons are found in Bridgeport and vicinity marked G. Kippen and G. Kippen & Hoyt. The First Congregational Church, Bridgeport, possesses three beakers made by Kippen. Map of Bridgeport, made in 1824, shows that his shop was located at the corner of Beaver Street (now Fairfield Avenue) and Broad Street. Kippen was also in partnership with Barzillai Benjamin for a time. Kirtland, Joseph P. Middletown 1770 — Born in Norwich. He advertised as a silversmith in 1796 in Middletown. Lathrop, Rufus Norwich 1731—1805 Lewis, Isaac Huntington and Ridgefield 1773 — 1860 Born in the former place. In Ridgefield as early as 1809. His shop was probably on west side of Main Street, immediately below where the Episcopal Church stands. Loud, Asa Hartford 1765—1823 Advertised in 1792 as a silversmith. In 1793 sold his shop on Main Street to James Spencer. Was reported in 1807 to have absconded. Main, David Stonington 1752—1843 Mann, Alexander Middletown 1777 — Born in Hebron. In business a short time with Charles Brewer. Later a gun-maker. Mansfield, Elisha Hyde Norwich 1795 — See Coit & Mansfield. Marble, Simeon New Haven 1777—1856 About 1801 the firm of Sibley & Marble was formed. They were located at first on Chapel Street, and later on State Street, south of Chapel Street. The firm adver- tised from 1801 to 1806. Marble then continued alone. Later he was located on Church Street. At his death he left a considerable estate of bank and railroad stocks and houses. [103] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Merriman, Marcus New Haven 1762 — 1850 Born in Cheshire. He was active in the Revolution. Served on a privateer, and had many adventures. Mem- ber during the British invasion of New Haven in 1779 of the company of Captain Phineas Bradley. He was present at the defense of West Bridge, and contracted a cold at the time, from which he never fully recovered, although he lived to an advanced age. After the war he began to practise his trade of silversmithing. His first advertisement appeared in 1787. Much plate has been found in New Haven County bearing his trade- mark. In 1802 Bethuel Tuttle became his partner, and they worked under the name of Merriman & Tuttle. The same year Zebul Bradley was admitted, and firm became Marcus Merriman & Co. In 1817 the firm be- came Merriman & Bradley. See page 58. Merriman, Marcus, Jr. New Haven Son of Marcus Merriman. About 1826 he went into partnership with Zebul Bradley. Firm was known as Bradley & Merriman. Merriman, Marcus, & Co. New Haven See above. Merriman & Bradley New Haven See above. Merriman & Tuttle New Haven See above. Merriman, Reuben Litchfield 1783 — 1866 Probably came to Litchfield in 1827, for at that time his name first appears on the land records. Merriman, Samuel New Haven 1769 — 1805 Brother of Marcus and born in Cheshire. First adver- tised in 1794. At that time his shop was two doors west of the New College, Chapel Street. In 1800 he advertised that his shop had been destroyed by a fire, and that he was then located with his father on State Street. He next leased a shop on Church Street, south of Richard Cutler's shop. Merriman, Silas New Haven 1734—1805 He moved from Cheshire to New Haven about 1769, and established his home and shop on State Street. He not only made silverware, but was also a clockmaker. He was father of Marcus and Samuel. [104] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Merrow, Nathan East Hartford 1758—1825 His name appears on tax list as goldsmith in 1783. Moss, Isaac Nichols Derby 1760—1840 Some of his tools are preserved by a descendant living in. Thomaston. Munson, Amos New Haven 1753—1785 He advertised in 1776. Munson, Cornelius Wallingford 1742 — A Tory. Died in British army. Mygatt, Comfort Starr Danbury 1763—1823 He was a gold and silver smith, and also made clocks and watches. He was in partnership with his brother David. In 1804 he advertised for one or two boys to serve as apprentices to the gold and silver smith's clock and watch making business. He was a member of the General Assembly in 1800 and 1802. In 1807 he moved to Canfield, Ohio, where he passed the rest of his life. Mygatt, David Danbury 1777—1822 He was in partnership with his brother, Comfort Starr. He finally moved to South East, N.Y. Mygatt, Eli Danbury 1742—1807 Father of Comfort Starr and David. Was first in gen- eral store and drug business with Dr. Daniel Noble Carrington as partner. They advertised in 1793 that they had gone into the silversmith's business with Najah Taylor. The shop and store were on Main Street, nearly opposite where the Hotel Green now stands. Mygatt served in the Revolution, and was made Lieu- tenant-Colonel in 1778. He was very prominent in Danbury, and represented the town in the General As- sembly in 1777, and many times subsequently, dying while attending the May session, 1807. Newberry, Edwin C. Brooklyn He was born in Mansfield. Served his apprenticeship in Hartford. Began business in Brooklyn about 1828. Norton, Andrew Goshen 1765—1838 Tavern-keeper and silversmith. A descendant living in Goshen has some of his smith's tools. [105] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Norton, Thomas Farmington 1773 — 1834 Advertised in Farmington, 1796 — 1806. He moved to Albion, N.Y., where he passed the rest of his life. Noyes, Samuel Norwich 1747 — 1781 Born in Groton. Established his business at Norwich Landing. Oakes, Frederick Hartford In 1814 the firm of Oakes & Spencer advertised. Prob- ably James Spencer. Directory of 1825 shows that Oakes was located three doors north of Marshall's tavern, which was at northwest corner of State House Square. Oakes & Spencer Hartford See above. Olmsted, Nathaniel 1785—1860 Farmington and New Haven Born in East Hartford. He learned his trade of Daniel Burnap, of East Windsor. He built a house in Farming- ton in 1808, and began business there. He married Phidelia Burnap, a niece of Burnap, the silversmith. In 1826 he moved to New Haven, to be near his brother, Professor Denison Olmsted, of Yale. His shop was then on north side of Chapel Street, four doors east of the bank at No. 127. In 1847 the Directory gives the location of N. Olmsted & Son, jewelers and silversmiths, as 37 Olive Street. Otis, Jonathan 1723—1791 Newport, R.I., and Middletown Commander of the militia in Newport, and bore the title of Major. See page 65. Parmele, James Durham 1763 — 1828 Silverware and gold beads made by him are found in Durham, and his tools are preserved by his great-grand- daughter, who lives in Parmele's homestead. Parmele, Samuel Guilford 1737—1803 See page 70. Peabody, John Enfield Advertised in 1779. [106] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Peck, Timothy Middletown and Litchfield 1765—1818 Born in Litchfield. In 1791 he advertised that he was about to leave Middletown, and recommended to the public Antipas Woodward, who had purchased his shop under the printing-office. About that date he settled in Litchfield, and his shop was immediately west of the Court House, in a brick building he had erected or pur- chased. He carried on the silversmith business there, and was also interested in a paper-mill and a saw-mill located in that town. Pitkin, John O. East Hartford 1803—1891 Born in East Hartford, son of Captain John. With his brother Walter began the manufacture of silverware in 1826 in a shop west of his father's house. In 1834 this business was extended, and a branch was established in Vicksburg, Tenn., which was successful until the financial panic of 1837. Shortly afterwards it was aban- doned. In 1834 their brothers, Henry and James F., began to manufacture the "American Lever Watch" in a shop erected for the purpose, north of their father's dwelling. The silver business of John 0. and Walter was soon moved to the same shop. Forty workmen were employed, and the products were sold principally at the store of the Pitkins, near Exchange Corner in Hart- ford. The watch business was later moved to New York. Nelson Pitkin Stratton, who learned the trade of making watches in this factory, went to Waltham, Mass., and was one of the organizers of the Waltham Watch Com- pany. The manufacture of silverware was continued in the building in East Hartford until it was destroyed by fire in 1880, although John O. retired from the business in 1840, which was continued by his brother Walter. Of another branch of the family, also of East Hartford origin, were Horace E. and William L. Pitkin. They were of much later date, and manufactured silverware in Hartford. Pitkin, Walter East Hartford 1808—1885 See John O. Pitkin. Post, Samuel New London 1736 — Advertised 1783-84. Went South at the end of the eighteenth century and not heard of again. Perhaps was a partner of William Cleveland for a time. Silver is found in New London marked C & P. [107] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Potwine, John 1698—1792 Boston, Hartford, East Windsor, and Coventry. Born in Boston, and followed his trade there until 1737. His shop was in Newbury Street. He followed his trade for a while in Hartford after 1737, and later ran a general merchandise store there and in East Windsor and Coventry. A great-great-grandson lives in Scantic, and preserves his account book and a number of relics connected with the old smith. His account book, dated principally in 1752, shows dealings with Daniel Hench- man, the silversmith of Boston. He died in Scantic, where for many years his son was pastor of the Congre- gational Church. See page 49. Pratt, Nathan Essex 1772—1842 Son of Phineas Pratt, the silversmith. The Masonic jewels in the lodge-room in Essex were made by Nathan about the year 1811. Pratt, Nathan, Jr. Essex 1802— Son of Nathan Pratt, silversmith, of whom he learned the trade. Later devoted himself to the ivory comb business. Pratt, Phineas Westbrook and Lyme 1747—1813 Born in Westbrook. Served in the Revolution. In 1772 he advertised that his silversmith shop in Lyme was for sale. He was associated with David Bushnell, inventor of the "American Turtle," or first torpedo boat, giving him material assistance. The house in which Bushnell carried on his experiments is still stand- ing on Corban Point, Old Saybrook. In 1799 Pratt took out a patent for a machine he had invented for making ivory combs, the first invention of the kind, and the business resulting from it grew into a large industry. He had great mechanical talent. He was deacon of the Congregational Church in Westbrook. Pratt, Seth Lyme 1741—1802 Served in the Revolution. Prince, Job Milford Born probably in Hull, Mass., about 1680. Died in Milford, c. 1703. See page 46. [108] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Quintard, Peter New York and Norwalk 1699—1762 Son of Isaac Quintard and born in New York. He was registered there as freeman and goldsmith, 1731. Land was transferred to him in 1722 on south side of Maiden Lane, with a frontage of 21 feet. Moved to Norwalk about 1737. His inventory taken at his death gives the following items: all the goldsmith's tools, £35; 2 necklaces of gold beads, £5-12; 7 gold rings, £3-3; 2 pairs gold jewels, £1-2; 2 pairs silver buckles, £2-10; 6 silver spoons, £1-3; 2 sleeve buttons, £0-11; 1 silver tongs, £0-3-9; 6 large silver spoons, £4-0-0; 4 gold stone rings, £2-13-4; house lot, barn, and shop, £230-3. See page 50. Reed, Isaac Stamford 1746 — Born in New Canaan. He was living in Stamford in 1776, and was making clocks, silverware, and jewelry. He was a Tory and was obliged to migrate to Nova Scotia during the war. Returned to Stamford about 1790. Roath, Roswell Walsten Norwich 1805— In business in 1826, in which year advertised his shop as at the corner of Main and Shetucket Streets. Later moved to Denver, Col., where he died. Rockwell, Thomas Norwalk — 1795 Inventory of his estate shows he was watchmaker and silversmith. Rogers, Joseph Newport, R.I., and Hartford — 1825 Brother of Daniel Rogers, silversmith, of Newport: both ap- prentices and later partners of John Tanner of Newport. In 1803 Joseph moved to Hartford. House and shop corner of Trumbull and Pratt Streets. Silver marked I R and J R has been found in Newport. Rogers, William Hartford 1801—1873 Was apprenticed to Joseph Church. Became a partner in 1825. In 1828 was in business alone. About 1847 began to manufacture plated spoons and forks. This venture grew into a large business, and with his brothers he later established the well-known trade- mark, 1847 Rogers Bros. Russell, Jonathan Ashford 1770 — Advertised in 1804 that he was carrying on his business in the East Society of Ashford. [109] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Sadd, Hervey New Hartford 1776—1840 Born in East Windsor. His old red house is still stand- ing. North of it, and situated near a brook whence he had water power, he built his shop. Here he made silver spoons and other articles, and later he established an iron foundry where he made stoves, pots, and kettles. In 1829 he moved to Austinburg, Ohio, where he spent the remainder of his life. One of the silver communion cups belonging to the Congregational Church in East Hart- ford was made by Sadd. Sanford, Isaac Hartford An advertisement in 1785 states that the firm of Beach & Sanford has moved from Litchfield to Hartford, and proposes to carry on engraving, clock and watch making, and silversmithing. As early as 1783 and as late as 1822 an Isaac Sanford was living in Hartford who was a miniature painter and engraver, and possibly the same man as the silversmith. In 1812 he was in England, where he was granted a patent for making tile. In 1824 he was living in Providence, R.I. Sargeant, Jacob Mansfield and Hartford 1761 — 1843 Born in Mansfield. About 1785 he moved to Hartford, and was successful in his business. It is said that Joseph Church learned his trade of Sargeant. His store and shop were at No. 10 State Street, next door to the old United States Hotel. The Directory of 1838 shows that he was located at 229 Main Street. He left a consider- able estate for the times. Clocks bearing his name are found in Connecticut. Shethar, Samuel Litchfield and New Haven In 1801 he was in business with Isaac Thomson in Litch- field. In 1806 he was in business in New Haven with Richard Gorham. He was probably living in Litchfield in 1810. Shethar & Gorham New Haven See above. Shethar & Thomson Litchfield See above. Shipman, Nathaniel Norwich 1764 — 1853 Learned his trade of Thomas Harland. In 1790 he advertised for sale watches, clocks, and a general assort- ment of goldsmith's work. He was a representative from Norwich to the General Assembly many times, and was judge of the County Court and Probate Court. The late Judge Nathaniel Shipman was his grandson. [110] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Sibley, Clark New Haven 1778—1808 Member of firm Sibley & Marble, 1801-06, situated on Church Street, next north of the location of Trinity Church at that time. Sibley & Marble New Haven See above. Silliman, Hezekiah New Haven 1738 — In 1767 Richard Cutler, Hezekiah Silliman & Ambrose Ward & Company advertised that "they are gold- smiths and jewellers in New Haven and beg leave to inform the publick that at their respective shops in said New Haven, they severally continue to do all sorts of Gold and Silver Work both large and small: likewise the Jewelling Business in all its Branches." Skinner, Elizer Hartford — 1858 In 1826 advertised that his shop was at the head of Ferry Street. Smith, Ebenezer Brookfield Latter half of eighteenth century was working at his trade on Whiscomer Hill. Spencer, George Essex 1787—1878 In 1801 he was apprenticed to Nathan Pratt "to learn the art and mystery of the trade of goldsmithing." After a time he gave up the trade and began to manufacture ivory combs in Deep River, in which he did a successful business. Spencer, James Hartford In 1793 bought the silversmith shop of Asa Loud. Prob- ably partner later of Frederick Oakes. Staniford, John Windham In business there late in the eighteenth century. Stanton, Daniel Stonington 1755—1781 He served for a time during the Revolution on the priva- teer "Minerva," which captured the British merchant ship "Hannah." In his share of the prize was a beau- ful brocaded silk dress, which, on his return, he presented to his affianced bride as a wedding gift. They were expecting soon to be marriedj but death prevented. He was killed in the defense of Fort Griswold at Groton. Stanton, Enoch Stonington 1745—1781 Killed in the defense of Fort Griswold at Groton. [HI] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Stanton, Zebulon Stonington 1753—1828 Brother of Enoch. His house, with shop in adjoining ell, is still standing. Stiles, Benjamin Woodbury See Curtiss, Candee & Stiles. Sutton, Robert New Haven In business early part of nineteenth century. Terry, Geer Enfield 1775—1858 He was quite prominent in Enfield, being postmaster for a time and filling many offices of trust. For a while he lived in Worcester, Mass., where he continued to prac- tise his trade of silversmithing. He advertised in En- field in 1814. Thomson, Isaac Litchfield In February, 1801, he bought a house and lot sixty rods north of the Court House. 1801 — 1805 was in part- nership with Samuel Shethar. Tiley, James Hartford 1740—1792 See page 61. Tompkins, Edmund Waterbury 1757 — Advertised in 1779. Tracy, Erastus Norwich and New London 1768 — 1795 Advertised in Norwich in 1790. After 1792 moved to New London. Brother of Gurdon Tracy. Tracy, Gurdon New London 1767 — 1792 Born in Norwich. Advertised there in 1787. In 1791 he bought a plot of ground in New London, 20 x 14 feet, on which his shop stood. The inventory of his estate lists a number of silversmith's tools. He was brother of Erastus. Trott, John Proctor New London 1769—1852 Son of Jonathan Trott. He was a man of prominence in the community. The output of his shop was con- siderable. Silver bearing his mark is frequently found in New London and vicinity, both hollow and flat ware. His house stood on the site of the present Mohican Hotel. His shop was on State Street, between No. 138 and Bank Street. See page 75. [112] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Trott, Jonathan 1730—1815 Boston, Norwich, and New London The Connecticut Gazette, under date of January 2, 1784, has the following: "Jonathan Trott, Innholder, Norwich, gives notice of the meeting of the New London County Medical Society, December 18th, 1783: meeting postponed by adjournment to January, 1784." For further notes on his life see page 75. Trott, Jonathan, Jr. New London 1771—1813 Son of Jonathan Trott. In an advertisement in 1800 he "informs the publick that he carries on the business of a Gold and Silversmith at his shop two doors north of J. & A. Woodward's, Beach Street." See page 75. Trott & Brooks New London Advertised in 1798. See John Proctor Trott. Trott & Cleveland New London Advertised in 1792. See John Proctor Trott and Wil- liam Cleveland. Tuttle, Bethuel New Haven 1779—1813 Member of firm Merriman & Tuttle, 1802-1806. 1806-1813, member of firm Marcus Merriman & Co. Tuttle, William New Haven and Suffield 1800—1849 Son of Bethuel. Some time before his death he moved to Suffield. Ufford & Burdick New Haven Advertised in 1814. See William S. Burdick. Walworth, Daniel Middletown 1760—1830 Born in Groton. He advertised in 1785 and subse- quently. Ward, Ambrose New Haven 1735—1808 See Hezekiah Silliman. Ward, Billious Guilford 1729—1777 See page 69. Ward, James Hartford 1768—1856 See page 60. Ward & Bartholomew Hartford 1804-09. See James Ward and Roswell Bartholomew. [113] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Ward, Bartholomew & Brainard Hartford 1809-1830. See above and Charles Brainard. Ward, John Middletown Advertised in 1805 that he had "taken the shop formerly- occupied by Judah Hart where he will carry on gold and silversmithing in all its branches." Later formed a partnership with Edmund Hughes under name of Ward & Hughes Dissolved 1806. Born Died Ward, Timothy Middletown 1742—1768 Son of Captain James Ward. See page 64. Ward, William Litchfield 1736—1826 Born in New Haven. Ward, William Guilford 1705—1761 Father of Billious Ward. Blacksmith and silversmith. The inventory of his estate shows that he owned tools for working in iron and other metals. Rat-tailed spoons have been found in Guilford and vicinity marked W. W. and W. WARD. Wardin, Daniel Bridgeport Advertised in 1811. Welles, Andrew Hebron 1783—1860 He bore the title of General. The writer owns a number of his silversmith's tools. Wells, William Hartford 1766— His name appears as silversmith in Directory for 1828. White, Amos East Haddam and Meriden 1745—1825 Silversmith and sea-captain. Served in the Revolution. The latter part of his life was spent in Meriden. White, Peregrine Woodstock 1747—1834 Bought land in Woodstock in 1774 for purposes of clock- making. He also made silver spoons. A number of fine clocks bearing his name as maker have been found in southern New England. White, Peter Norwalk 1718—1803 Built a silversmith shop in 1738. Whiting, Charles Norwich 1725—1865 He built a shop in Norwich about 1750. [114] EARLY SILVER OF CONNECTICUT AND ITS MAKERS Born Died Willcox, Alvan Norwich and New Haven 1783—1865 Born in Berlin. For two or three years, viz., 1805-07, he was a member of firm Hart & Willcox. For a while he lived in New Jersey. In 1824 he was living in New Haven, and his shop was at southwest corner of Church and Chapel Streets, where a number of early silver- smiths were located before him and E. Benjamin sub- sequently. His name appears in New Haven Directory for 1841 — first issued — as silver-worker, in 1850 as gold and silver thimble and spectacle maker, and in 1857 he is called a "silver-plater." Willcox, Cyprian New Haven 1795—1875 Brother of Alvan. Born in Berlin. In 1827 he was a silversmith in New Haven. Later he was an iron founder, at one time at the foot of Whitney Avenue and later on North State Street, not far from East Rock. The late H. B. Bigelow succeeded to his iron business. For several years he was First Selectman of New Haven, and during the years 1855-56-57 he was Judge of Pro- bate. He died in Ithaca, N.Y. Williams, Deodat Hartford —1781 In 1776 he advertised "has set up his business in a room under the Printing Office where he makes and sells Ladies' Necklaces, Lockets, Ear Rings and Hair Sprigs, Silver Shoe and Kneebuckles, Stock Buckles, Stone Shoe But- tons, Stone and Silver Broaches and a variety of other articles. Officers Silver Mounted Hangers with either lions, eagles, painters or plain heads, etc.'* Wilmot, Samuel New Haven 1777—1846 He advertised in 1808. In 1800 an advertisement states he is a member of the firm. Wilmot & Stillman New Haven Woodward, Antipas Middletown 1763 — See page 65. Yeomans, Elijah Hartford 1738—1794 Born in Tolland. Advertised in Hartford, 1794. Young, Ebenezer Hebron He advertised in 1778-80. Young, Levi Bridgeport He advertised in 1827 as opposite the shop of Peck & Porter on Water Street. [1151 u NOTE The writer wishes to express his appreciation to those who have sent him the names of many early Con- necticut silversmiths in the alphabet- ical list. His thanks are particularly due to Mrs. ElishaEdgerton Rogers, of Norwich, and Mrs. C. H. Brush, of Danbury, who have ren- dered great help in discovering the names of early craftsmen in the eastern and western parts of the state respectively. - .ffi.S o h u q rt t,_ K ^•1^1 J-, *h os O J-J %&•££ O oj +j ~P wc*- « Q § 2 ^ p e* °39«a 2 +> © K. be." rt •a ^ ^ G C 3 P X c fi J= ~* v — v~- 13 o ° u _L^ ^ u « fc rt *£* * s v ^ c " £ 2^ o-£^ * > C M „ ^ u u -i£ O oo „c 3 a, a,.S * 3-> -C „ ^ > ~ 3^£ c a £^_2 O O 5 * Si m ^ OJ ■ — i 3 b £-•- ^ P -O «T3 Plate I E * 7.: c . - J pq : ... i «3 Plate xxvii c # o ■(— I OS fcuo T3 U -a Plate < 2 ^ 2 SI li 6 « ■si - c O 0> ,— i O Plate xxxi. c > PS u J- u c >> -o C o u — « pq Plate xxxii. Jewels owned by St. John's Lodge, F. & A. Masons, Middle- town. Made by Charles Brewer about 1812 4 4$<§>i Jewels owned by St. John's Lodge, F. & A. Masons, Hartford. Made by Samuel Rockwell and James Tiley Jewels owned by Mt. Olive Lodge, F. & A. Masons, Essex. Made by Nathan Pratt about 1811 Plate xxxiii. University of Connecticut Libraries 39153021051976