Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/reportoninspecti1925bail2 Bulletin 270 October, 1925 dntmrrttrut Arjnotltitrai Experiment Station Report on Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers for 1925 E. M. BAILEY, Chemist in Charge of the Analytical Laboratory. CONTENTS. The Fertilizer Law 3 Registrations 6 Inspection of 1925 17 Raw Materials Containing Nitrogen 18 Raw Materials Containing Phosphoric Acid 27 Raw Materials Containing Potash 31 Raw Materials Containing Nitrogen and Potash 35 Raw Materials Containing Nitrogen and Phosphoric Acid 35 Mixed Fertilizers : Containing Nitrogen and Phosphoric Acid 43 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash 43 Special and Home Mixtures 67 Miscellaneous Fertilizers, Amendments, etc. : Wood Ashes 71 Sheep Manure, etc 74 Lime, etc ,. 75 Submitted by Tobacco Station 79 Index 81 OoNN ft Cx ^rhp The Bulletins of this Station are mailed free to citizens of Connecticut who apply for them, and to other applicants as far as the editions permit. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OFFICERS AND STAFF October, 1925 BOARD OF CONTROL. His Excellency, John H. Trumbull, ex-officio, President. Charles R. Treat, Vice-President Orange George A. Hopson, Secretary Mount Carmel Wm. L. Slate, Jr., Director and Treasurer New Haven Joseph W. Alsop Avon Elijah Rogers Southington Edward C. Schneider Middletown Francis F. Lincoln Cheshire STAFF. E. H. Jenkins, Director Emeritus. Administration. Wm. L. Slate, Jr., B.Sc, Director and Treasurer. Miss L. M. Brautleci-it, Bookkeeper and Librarian. Miss J. V. Bergee, Stenographer and Bookkeeper. Miss Mary Bradley, Secretary. G. E. Graham, In charge of Buildings and Grounds. Chemistry. E. M. Bailey, Ph.D., Chemist in Charge. Analytical Laboratory.R. E. Andrew, M.A. C. E. Shepard ~| Owen L. Nolan [_ Harry J. Fisher, A.B. f W. T. Mathis J Frank C. Sheldon, Laboratory Assistant. V. L. Churchill, Sampling Agent. Miss Mabel Bacon, Stenographer. Biochemical Laboratory. Botany. Entomology. Assistant Chemists. Forestry. Plant Breeding. Soil Research. Tobacco Sub-station at Windsor. T. B. Osborne, Ph.D., Chemist in Charge. G. P. Clinton, Sc.D., Botanist in Charge. E. M. Stoddard, B.S., Pomologist. Miss Florence A. McCormick, Ph.D., Pathologist. Willis R. Hunt, Ph.D., Assistant in Botany. A. D. McDonnell, General Assistant. Mrs. W. W. Kelsey, Secretary. W. E. Britton, Ph.D., Entomologist in Charge; State Ento- mologist. B. H. Walden, B.Age. M. P. Zappe, B.S. Assistant Entomologists. Philip Gaeman, Ph.D. Rogee B. Friend, B.S., Graduate Assistant. John T. Ashworth, Deputy in Charge of Gipsy Moth Work. R. C. Botsford, Deputy in Charge of Mosquito Elimination. Miss Gladys M. Finley, Stenographer. Walter O. Filley, Forester in Charge. H. W. Hicock, M.F., Assistant Forester. Miss Pauline A. Merchant, Stenographer. Donald F. Jones, S.D., Geneticist in Charge. P. C. Mangelsdorf, S.D., Assistant Geneticist. M. F. Morgan, M.S., Investigator. George D. Scarseth, B.S., Graduate Assistant. Paul J. Anderson, Ph.D., Pathologist in Charge. N. T. Nelson, Ph.D., Assistant Physiologist. THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR COMPANY Report on Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers, 1925 E. M. Bailey, Chemist in Cliarge, Analytical Laboratory. THE FERTILIZER LAW. The provisions of the fertilizer law have been discussed in previous reports but for more ready reference the essential features may be repeated. Significance of the Term "Commercial Fertilizers" Explaining what is meant by the term "commercial fertilizers" the law says : "The term 'commercial fertilizers' shall be construed to mean any and every substance imported, manufactured, prepared or sold for fertilizing or manuring or soil amendment purposes, except barnyard manure and stable manure which have not been artificially treated or manipulated, marl and lime. Cottonseed meal, rapeseed meal, castor pomace and all other vege- table products used as fertilizers, including the ashes of cotton hulls and wood ashes, shall be included as fertilizers within the meaning of this act and separate analysis fees shall be paid on each different grade which is sold or offered for sale in the state. The person responsible for paying the fees above prescribed may deduct from the total tonnage sold such sales of cottonseed meal or other vegetable products as are made to anyone who gives a written certificate on a form supplied by the Connecticut Agricul- tural Experiment Station stating that the material bought by him was to be used exclusively for feed and not for fertilizer." Concerning Cottonseed Meal. Cottonseed meal is a fertilizer within the meaning of the Statute but it is provided that when this product is sold for feeding purposes only, it shall be exempt from the tonnage tax. The status of cottonseed meal under the fertilizer law has been clearly stated in a bulletin 1 from this Station from which the following may be quoted: Registration and analysis fees. "Each brand of cottonseed meal must be registered on forms provided by this Station and an analysis fee of ten dollars paid on it before it is sold, offered or exposed for sale, and on the first day of January annually thereafter." 1 Bull, of Information No. 9, 1919. 4 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2J0 "A distinctive name constitutes a distinct brand. If shipments have different guaranties of composition they are held to be different brands." Branding or tagging. "Since nitrogen is the only fertilizer ingredient con- sidered in the trade in cottonseed meal no guaranty of phosphoric acid or potash is required. If either is guaranteed by the manufacturer, however, an additional fee of ten dollars must be paid on each element. The state- ment of composition now legal for feeds may be used hereafter if the per- centage of nitrogen is stated. "Note that the law regarding feeding stuffs forbids the use of metal in attaching tags and requires that each package shall be branded or tagged with the statement required by law." Duties of shippers. "It is assumed from correspondence with shippers outside the state that they will register the brands which they sell in Connecticut, will pay analysis fees as has been done in the past by manu- facturers of commercial fertilizers, and will semi-annually thereafter pay the tonnage fees. "They will report to this Station their total sales and if they wish, may report what part has been sold for feed exclusively. From the reports of dealers within the state it will be possible to determine quite closely the amounts of each brand actually used as feed. "In the case the jobber outside the state neglects or refuses to register a brand, the dealer who sells it within the state is responsible under the law." Duties of dealers. "Dealers are required to file with the director of the Station on July first of each year and semi-annually thereafter a sworn statement of their total sales of each brand of cottonseed meal and the amount of each sold exclusively for feed, during the preceding six months." Requirements to be Complied with by Sellers of Commer- cial Fertilizers. The seller is responsible for the proper labeling of each pack- age, for the registration at the Station of every brand sold by him and for the payment of the analysis fee, before offering for sale, and annually thereafter on January ist. The law specifies the information which shall be given on the label as follows : i. Weight of each package in pounds. 2. Brand name or trade mark. 3. Analysis: (a) Available phosphoric acid, per cent. (b) Total phosphoric acid, per cent. (c) Nitrogen, per cent. (d) Equivalent ammonia, per cent. (e) Potash soluble in water, per cent. 4. Name and address of the manufacturer or of the person who is responsible for the statement of the guaranty. In the case of bone meal, tankage or other organic products, '<. in basic slag and mineral phosphates in which a large percent;, of the phosphoric acid is not available by laboratory methods, t THE FERTILIZER LAW 5 phosphoric acid shall be claimed as total phosphoric acid unless it is desired to claim available phosphoric acid instead, in which case the guaranty shall take the form set forth above. The label may be a tag attached to the package or a statement printed thereon. Percentages shall be minimum percentages only. The presence of leather in its various forms, wool waste, hair, or any inert nitrogenous material shall be declared on the label unless, by processing, the activity of these materials has been rendered satisfactory as determined by official methods. When potash is derived from sulphate or carbonate of potash it may be so claimed. No claim or guaranty for less than 0.82 per cent of nitrogen or for less than 1 per cent of phosphoric acid, or for less than 1 per cent of potash shall be regarded in the registration or analysis of any commercial fertilizer. The seller must also, on the 1st of January and July, report the tonnage of fertilizer sold within the preceding six months and pay to the director of the Station a tonnage fee of 6 cents per ton. On request, copies of the law and blanks for registration and for tonnage reports will be supplied by the Station. //, however, proper labeling, registration and payments have been provided for by the manufacturer of the brands or by another responsible person all sellers of such brands are released from the above mentioned requirements. The retailer, therefore, should assure himself that the requirements of the law have been met by the manufacturers of the brands which he handles, or himself be prepared to meet all these requirements. Precautions to be Observed in Drawing Samples for Analysis. The analysis of a fertilizer is of no value unless the sample analyzed represents as nearly as possible the stock from which the sample was drawn. The law prescribes the procedure to be followed by authorized agents of this Station when taking official samples for analysis as follows : "When samples are taken from fertilizers in bags, a tube shall be used, and it shall be inserted at one end of the bag and shall pass substantially the entire length of the bag, so as to take a core of the material being sampled from substantially the entire length of the bag. Samples thus taken from individual bags shall be thoroughly mixed, and the official samples shall be taken from the mixture so drawn by the method known 'quartering.' Samples of fertilizers taken as herein provided shall be •'en from at least five per centum of the separate original unopened kages in the lot, for the mixture from which the official samples shall ";aken. If less than one hundred bags are in the lot, at least five bags ll be sampled ; if less than five bags, all shall be sampled. Broken :kages shall not be sampled." 6 connecticut experiment station bulletin 270 Gratuitous Analyses. Under the fertilizer law the Station is charged only with the analysis of samples drawn by its own agents. It does, however, each year analyze a considerable number of samples drawn by individuals, representing stock purchased by them for their own use. The object of the purchaser is to satisfy himself as to whether he has obtained goods of the grade represented and, perhaps, to obtain evidence upon which to base a claim for short- age should the materials not meet their guaranties. The Station assumes no responsibility for the sampling in case of such un- official samples and can only vouch for the accuracy of the results obtained on the materials as submitted. Since a representative sample is as essential as an accurate analysis in judging the quality of a shipment of fertilizer, it is evident that a satisfactory adjust- ment will seldom be effected on the basis of an unofficial sample. Notwithstanding certain objections which may be raised to the practice of analyzing samples submitted by individuals, the Station is disposed to continue such work so long as there is evidence that it constitutes a useful service; it cannot, however, undertake for any one individual or group, work in such volume or with such frequency that it becomes a systematic control over current purchases. This clearly invades the field of the commercial laboratory. REGISTRATIONS. For 1925, 61 individuals and firms registered at this Station for sale in this State 437 brands of fertilizers. As required by Statute the brands so registered are listed as follows : American Agricultural Chemical Co., 40 West St., New York, N. Y. Castor Pomace Complete Potato Mixture Crescent Complete Manure Double A Tobacco Fertilizer Dry Ground Fish Farm Favorite Fine Ground Bone Fish and Potash Grass and Lawn Top Dressing Ground Tankage High Grade Acid Phosphate Hi-Grade Tobacco Manure Nitrate of Soda 7% Potash Fertilizer Pulverized Sheep Manure Sulphate of Potash Universal Phosphate Bowker's Lawn and Garden Dressing Bradley's Complete Manure for Potatoes and Vegetables Bradley's Complete Tobacco Manure REGISTRATIONS Bradley's Corn Phosphate Bradley's New Method Fertilizer Bradley's Northland Potato Grower Bradley's Potato Fertilizer Bradley's Potato Manure Bradley's Superior Tobacco Compound Bradley's XL Superphosphate of Lime National Complete Tobacco Fertilizer National Eureka Potato Fertilizer National Market Garden Fertilizer National Potato and Corn Phosphate National Premier Truck Manure National White Ash Tobacco Grower National XXX Fish and Potash Quinnipiac Corn Manure Quinnipiac Fish and Potash Phosphate Quinnipiac Market Garden Manure Quinnipiac Potato Phosphate Quinnipiac Prime Tobacco Manure Quinnipiac Seed Leaf Tobacco Manure American Cyanamid Co., 511 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Ammo-Phos Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury, Conn. Acid Phosphate Animal Tankage Bone Bone and Meat Tankage Bone Meal Carbonate Potash Castor Pomace Cottonseed Meal 41% Double Sulphate Potash and Magnesia Dry Ground Fish Nitrate Soda Nitrate Soda and' Potash Potash Muriate Potash Sulphate Precipitated Bone Sulphate Ammonia Liberty Corn and All Crops 2-8-2 Liberty Corn and Vegetable 3-6-10 Liberty Corn, Fruit and All Crops 2-12-4 Liberty Fish, Bone and Potash 3-iO;-4 Liberty High Grade Market Gardeners 5-8-7 Liberty High Grade Tobacco Manure 7.5-4-7.5 Liberty Market Gardeners Special 4-8-4 Liberty Tobacco Special 5-4-5 Liberty Top Dresser for Grass and Grain 10-3.5-8 Armour Fertilizer Works, 50 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Armour's Big Crop Acid Phosphate 16% Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 8-6-6 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 5-8-7 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 5-8-5 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 4-16-4 8 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 4-6-10 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 4-8-4 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 3-8-4 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 2-12-2 Armour's Big Crop Tobacco Special 5-4-5 Armour's Corn Grower 2-8-2 Bone. Meal 3-48 Ground Tankage 9-15 Muriate of Potash 48% Nitrate of Soda 18% Sheep Manure 1.5-1-2 Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co., Trust Co. of Georgia Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Helmet Brand Prime Cottonseed Meal Monarch Brand Prime Cottonseed Meal Paramount Brand Good Cottonseed Meal Atlantic Packing Co., New Haven, Conn. Atlantic 5-8-7 Atlantic Corn and Grain Fertilizer 2-8-2 Atlantic Market Garden 4-8-6 Atlantic Special 3-8-4 Atlantic Special Tobacco Fertilizer 5-4-16 Atlantic Special Vegetable and Potato Grower 4-8-4 Atlantic Tobacco Grower 5-4-5 Atlantic Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 Baker Castor Oil Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Castor Pomace Barrett Co., 40 Rector St., New York, N. Y. Arcadian Sulphate of Ammonia F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Co., Stamford, Conn. Bartlett's Green Tree Food Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Berkshire Castor Pomace Berkshire Complete Fertilizer Berkshire Complete Tobacco Berkshire Dry Ground Fish Berkshire Economical Grass Fertilizer Berkshire Fine Ground Bone Berkshire Grass Special Berkshire Long Island Special Berkshire Market Garden Berkshire Potato and Vegetable Phosphate Berkshire Tobacco Special Berkshire Sheep Manure Acid Phosphate Double Manure Salt Ground Tankage High Grade Sulphate Potash Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Precipitated Bone Phosphate REGISTRATIONS F. E. Boardman, Middletown, Conn. Boardman's Fertilizer for Potatoes and General Crops Boardman's Tobacco Fertilizer Bowker Fertilizer Co., 60 Trinity Place, New York, N. Y. Bowker's All Round Fertilizer Bowker's Fisherman's Brand Fish and Potash Bowker's Hill and Drill Phosphate Bowker's Market Garden Fertilizer Bowker's Potato and Vegetable Phosphate Bowker's Square Brand Farm and Garden Phosphate Bowker's Sure Crop Phosphate Stockbridge Early Crop Manure Stockbridge Potato and Vegetable Manure Stockbridge Premier Tobacco Grower Stockbridge Tobacco Manure Stockbridge Top Dressing and Forcing Manure Stockbridge Truck Manure Bridge's Sons, Inc., Amos D., Hazardville, Conn. Corn, Onion and Potato and General Purpose Special Tobacco Fertilizer Buckeye Cotton Oil Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. "Buckeye" 36% Protein Cottonseed Meal "Buckeye" 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal A. H. Case & Co., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. Case's Brand of Pulverized Sheep Manure Chittenden Co., E. D., Bridgeport, Conn. Chittenden's Castor Pomace Chittenden's Complete Grain Chittenden's Dry Ground Fish Chittenden's Fine Ground Bone Chittenden's High Grade Acid Phosphate Chittenden's High Grade Muriate Potash Chittenden's High Grade Potato Chittenden's High Grade Sulphate Potash Chittenden's High Grade Tobacco Chittenden's Nitrate of Soda Chittenden's Potato Special 4-8-4 Chittenden's Potato Special 4-8-6 Chittenden's Tobacco Special Chittenden's Top Dresser 5-8-4 Clark Seed Co., Everett B., Milford, Conn. Clark's Special Mixture for General Use Clark's Special Mixture with 6% Potash Clark's Superphosphate Clark's Tip Top Brand Acid Phosphate Bone Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Tankage IO CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 Connecticut Fat Rendering & Fertilizer Corporation, West Haven, Conn. Tankage Consolidated Rendering Co., 40 North Market St., Boston (9), Mass. Acid Phosphate 16% Castor Pomace Dry Ground Fish Ground Bone (2.5-25.18) Ground Bone (2.46-3) Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Tankage 9-20 Tankage 6-30 Sulphate of Ammonia Sulphate of Potash Davey Tree Expert Co., Kent, Ohio. Davey Tree Food Davis, S. P., 207 Southern Trust Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Beauty Brand Cottonseed Meal Goodluck Brand Cottonseed Meal and Cracked Screened Cottonseed Cake Steerboy Brand Cottonseed Meal and Cracked Screened Cake Eastern Cotton Oil Co., Norfolk, Va. Superior Cottonseed Meal Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, 33 Lyman St., Springfield, Mass. Eastern States 8-6-6 Eastern States 5-10-5 Eastern States 5-8-7 Eastern States 4-8-10 Eastern States 4-8-4 Eastern States 3-12-3 Eastern States Acid Phosphate Eastern States Fine Ground Bone Eastern States Formula "A" Tobacco Fertilizer Eastern States Formula "B" Tobacco Fertilizer Eastern States Formula "C" Tobacco Fertilizer Eastern States Ground Animal Tankage Eastern States Kainit Eastern States Muriate of Potash Eastern States Nitrate of Soda Eastern States Sulphate of Ammonia Sulphate of Potash Essex Fertilizer Co., 39 North Market St., Boston, Mass. Essex 2-8-2 for Farm and Garden Essex Fish Fertilizer for All Crops 3-8-4 Essex Market Garden for Potatoes, Roots and Vegetables 4-8-4 Essex Potato Phosphate 4-8-7 for Potatoes and Vegetables Essex Special Tobacco 5-4-5 Essex Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 REGISTRATIONS Frisbie Co., L. T.. New Haven, Conn. Frisbie s 5-8-7 Frisbie s Corn and Grain Fertilizer 2-8 -2 Frisbie s Fine Bone Meal Frisbie s 3/50 Bone Meal Frisbie s 12/10 Ground Tankage Frisbie s Market Garden 4-8-6 Frisbie s Special 3-8-4 Frisbie s Special Vegetable and Po .ato Grower 4-8-4 Frisbie s Tobacco Grower 5-4-5 Frisbie s Manure 5-8-6 Frisbie s Top Dresser 7-5-4 Precipitated Bone Higgins, Inc., A. W., South Deerfield, Mass. Old Deerfield Acid Phosphate Old Deerfield Castor Pomace Old Deerfield 5-8-7 Complete Fertilizer Old Deerfield 4-8-4 Complete Fertilizer Od Deerfield Manure Salts Old Deerfield Muriate of Potash Old Deerfield Tankage Humphreys-Godwin Co., Inc., Memphis, Tenn. Bull Brand Cottonseed Meal 43% Danish Brand Cottonseed Meal 36% Dixie Brand Cottonseed Meal 41.12% International Agricultural Corporation, 126 State St., Boston ; Mass. International Acid Phosphate International Connecticut Valley Special International Crop Grower International Economy International General Favorite International High Grade Manure International Ideal International Multiple-Strength International New England Special International Phosphate and Potash International Tobacco Grower International Tobacco Producer International Tobacco Special Bone Meal Castor Pomace Cotton Seed Meal Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Sulphate of Ammonia Sulphate of Potash Tankage Joynt, John, Lucknow, Ontario, Canada. The Joynt Brand Unleached Hardwood Ashes Kellogg & Sons, Inc., Spencer, Buffalo, N. Y. Castor Pomace 12 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2J0 Lovitt & Co., L. B., Memphis, Tenn. Lovit Brand Cottonseed Meal 36% Lovit Brand Cottonseed Meal 41% Lovit Brand Cottonseed Meal 43% Lowell Fertilizer Co., 40 North Market St., Boston, Mass. Lowell Animal Brand, A High Grade Manure for All Crops 3-8-4 Lowell Bone Fertilizer, for Corn, Grain, Grass and Vegetables 2-8-2 Lowell Potato Phosphate for Potatoes and Vegetables 4-8-7 Lowell Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 Lowell Tobacco 5-4-5 Tobacco, Fruits and Vines Lowell Top Dressing 7-5-2 Lowell 5-8-7 for Potatoes and Vegetables Lowell 4-8-4 for Potatoes, Corn and Vegetables Lowell 4-6-10 for Potatoes and Vegetables Mapes Formula & Peruvian Guano Co., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. The Mapes Connecticut Valley Special The Mapes Corn Manure The Mapes General Tobacco Manure The Mapes General Truck Manure The Mapes General Use Manure The Mapes Grain Brand The Mapes Onion Manure The Mapes Potato Manure The Mapes Tobacco Ash Constituents The Mapes Tobacco Manure, Wrapper Brand The Mapes Tobacco Starter Improved The Mapes Top Dresser The Mapes Special Formula Tobacco Manure Memphis Cottonseed Products Co., 1015 Falls Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. Durham Brand 36% Cottonseed Meal Durham Forty Three Cottonseed Meal National Cottonseed Products Corp., Memphis, Tenn. Sun Brand Cottonseed Meal Natural Guano Company, Aurora, 111. "Sheep's Head" Pulverized Sheep Manure New England By-Products Corp., 20 West St., Lawrence, Mass. Pure Bone Meal Ground Steam Bone New England Fertilizer Co., 40A North Market St., Boston, Mass. New England 5-8-7 for Potatoes and Market Gardens New England 4-8-4 for Potatoes, Vegetables and Grass New England Corn Phosphate for Grain and Vegetables 2-8-2 New England Potato Phosphate 4-8-7 for Potatoes and Vegetables New England Superphosphate, A High Grade Fertilizer for All* Crops 3-8-4 New England Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 New England Tobacco 5-4-5 REGISTRATIONS 1 3 Nitrate Agencies Co., Baltimore, Md. Naco Brand Acid Phosphate Naco Brand Dry Ground Fish Naco Brand Muriate of Potash Naco Brand Nitrapo Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford, Conn. O & W Acid Phosphate O & W Blue Label Tobacco Fertilizer O & W Castor Pomace O & W Complete Corn, Potato and Onion Fertilizer O & W Complete Tobacco Fertilizer O & W Dry Ground Fish O & W High Grade Potato Fertilizer O & W H. G. Starter and Potash Compound O & W High Grade Tobacco Starter O & W Precipitated Bone O & W Pure Bone Meal O & W Special Comp. Corn, Onion and Potato Fertilizer O & W Top Dressing for Grass Double Manure Salts H. G. Sulphate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Pacific Manure & Fertilizer Co., 429 Davis St., San Francisco, Cal. Groz-It Brand Pulverized Sheep Manure Parmenter & Polsey Fertilizer Co., 41 North Market St., Boston, Mass. Parmenter & Polsey 5-8-7 for Potatoes and Market Gardens Parmenter & Polsey 4-8-4 for Potatoes, Corn and Vegetables "P & P" 2-8-2 for Farm and Garden "P & P" Plymouth Brand for All Crops 3-8-4 Piedmont Mt. Airy Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. Piedmont Bone Meal Harvest Brand 16% Acid Phosphate Harvest Brand 8-6-6 Harvest Brand 6-8-6 Harvest Brand 5-8-7 Harvest Brand 5-8-5 Harvest .Brand 4-8-4 Harvest Brand 4-6-10 Harvest Brand 3-8-4 Harvest Brand 2-8-2 g% Tankage Muriate of PotasX. Nitrate of Soda Sulphate of Ammonia Piatt Co., Frank S., 450 State St., New Haven, Conn. Platco Special Potash Marl, Inc., 13 East 40th St., New York, N. Y. Potash-Marl 14 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2jO Premier Poultry Manure Co., 431 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Premier Brand Pulverized Poultry Manure Premier Brand Pulverized Sheep Manure Pulverized Manure Co., 828 Exchange Ave., Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Wizard Brand Manure Wizard Brand Sheep Manure Rackliffe Bros. Co., Inc., New Britain, Conn. 4-8-4 Fertilizer Nitrate of Soda "M. F. E." Brand Nitrate of Soda Rogers & Hubbard Co., The, Portland, Conn. Rogers & Hubbard's All Soils-All Crops Fertilizer Rogers & Hubbard's Climax Tobacco Brand Rogers & Hubbard's Corn and Grain Fertilizer Rogers & Hubbard's High Potash Fertilizer Rogers & Hubbard's Potato Fertilizer Rogers & Hubbard's Tobacco Grower, Vegetable Formula Hubbard's "Bone Base" Fertilizer for Oats and Top Dressing Hubbard's "Bone Base" Fertilizer for Seeding Down Hubbard's "Bone Base" Soluble Corn and General Crops Manure Hubbard's "Bone Base" Soluble Potato Manure Hubbard's "Bone Base" Soluble Tobacco Manure Hubbard's Pure Raw Knuckle Bone Flour Hubbard's Strictly Pure Fine Bone 5-8-7 4-8-4 Acid Phosphate Castor Pomace Cottonseed Meal Garden Fertilizer Ground Fish Nitrate of Soda Precipitated Bone 48% Sulphate of Potash Royster Guano Co., F. S., 1606 Munsey Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Royster's 16% Acid Phosphate Royster's Bully Guano Royster's Fine Ground Bone Meal Royster's Quality Trucker Royster's Top Dresser Royster's Triumph Guano Royster's Truckers Delight Royster's Valley Tobacco Formula Royster's Verbena Guano Royster's Wrapper Brand Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Sulphate of Ammonia Sanderson Fertilizer & Chemical Co., New Haven, Conn. Sanderson's Acid Phosphate Sanderson's Atlantic Coast Bone, Fish and Potash Sanderson's Castor Pomace REGISTRATIONS 1 5 Sanderson's Complete Tobacco Grower Sanderson's Corn Superphosphate Sanderson's Dry Ground Fish , Sanderson's Fine Ground Bone Sanderson's Formula A Sanderson's Formula B Sanderson's Nitrate of Soda Sanderson's Potato Manure Sanderson's South American Sheep and Goat Manure Sanderson's Top Dressing for Grass and Grain Shoemaker & Co., Inc., M. L. Venango St. and Delaware Ave., Phila- delphia, Pa. "Swift-Sure" Bone Meal 5.5-45 "Swift-Sure" Crop Grower "Swift-Sure" Special Tobacco' Formula "Swift Sure" Tobacco and General Use "Swift Sure" Tobacco Starter Acid Phosphate Bone Meal 3-50 Springfield Rendering Co., Springfield, Mass. Springfield Animal Brand 3-8-4 Springfield Market Garden Grower and Top Dresser 5-8-7 Springfield Special Potato, Onion and Vegetable 4-8-4 Springfield Tobacco Special 5-4-5 Thomas & Sons Co., I. P., Philadelphia, Pa. I. P. Thomas 5-8-7 16% Acid Phosphate Improved Trucker's Fertilizer 5-10-5 Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Pure Ground Bone Tankage Truckers' High Grade Guano 4-8-4 Triton Oil & Fertilizer Co., 101 Beekman St., New York, N. Y. Triton 5-8-7 Fertilizer Triton 4-8-7 Fertilizer Triton 4-8-4 Fertilizer Triton 3-IO-2 Fertilizer Acid Phosphate United States Guano Co., c/o Standard Wholesale Phosphate Acid Works, Baltimore, Md. Standard United States 16% Acid Phosphate Standard United States Bone Meal Standard United States Evergreen Fish Guano Standard United States Farmers Formula Standard United States Fish, Bone and Potash Standard United States Muriate of Potash Standard United States Nitrate of Soda 1 6 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2J0 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. (of Delaware), Equitable Bldg., 120 Broadway (Room 2249), New York, N. Y. V-C Aroostook Potato Grower V-C Champion Brand V-C Double Owl Brand V-C Good Luck Brand V-C Indian Chief Brand V-C National Brand V-C Tip Top-Top Dresser Vitogro Chemical Co., 38 Middle St., Lowell, Mass. Vitogro for Flowers, Shrubs and Vegetables Wilcox Fertilizer Works, 56 Main St., Mystic, Conn. Wilcox 5-10-5 Fertilizer Wilcox 5-8-7 Fertilizer Wilcox 4-8-4 Fertilizer Wilcox Corn Special Wilcox Dry Ground Fish Wilcox Fish and Potash Wilcox Grass and Truck Fertilizer Wilcox Potato and Vegetable Phosphate Wilcox Top Dresser Wilcox Tobacco Special Acid Phosphate Nitrate of Soda Steamed Bone Meal Woodruff & Sons, S. D., Orange, Conn. Woodruff's Home Mixed Fertilizer Worcester Rendering Co., Auburn, Mass. Prosperity Brand Complete Dressing Prosperity Brand Corn and Grain Fertilizer Prosperity Brand Ground Tankage Prosperity Brand Market Garden Fertilizer Prosperity Brand Potato and Vegetable Fertilizer Prosperity Brand Superior Top Dressing INSPECTION 17 INSPECTION OF 1925. During - the season our agent has visited 97 towns and drawn 601 official samples of mixed fertilizers and raw materials, which number includes all the registered brands which were found on sale. These together with samples submitted by purchasers and others may be classified as follows : Classification of Fertilizers Examined. I. Containing Nitrogen as the chief active ingredient: Samples* Page Nitrate of Soda 23 18 Sulphate of Ammonia 5 20 Castor Pomace 30 20 Cottonseed Meal 53 24 II. Containing Phosphoric Acid as the chief active ingredient: Precipitated Bone Phosphate 10 27 Dissolved Rock Phosphate or Acid Phosphate.. 24 28 III. Containing Potash as the chief ingredient: Carbonate of Potash 7 31 Muriate of Potash : 15 31 Sulphate of Potash 14 31 Double Sulphate of Potash and Magnesia 3 31 Kainit 1 31 IV. Containing Nitrogen and Potash: Nitrate of Potash and Soda 1 35 Nitrapo 1 35 V. Containing Nitrogen and Phosphoric Acid: Dry Ground Fish 26 35 Tankage 16 38 Ground Bone 26 40 VI. Mixed Fertilizers: Containing Nitrogen and Phosphoric Acid 4 43 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash 269 43 Special and Home Mixtures 46 67 VII. Miscllaneous fertilisers, amendments, waste products, etc.: Wood Ashes 12 71 Sheep Manure, etc 11 74 Lime, etc 17 75 Miscellaneous 7& 78 Total 690 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2J0 I. RAW MATERIALS CHIEFLY VALUABLE FOR NITROGEN. NITRATE OF SODA This salt in a pure state contains 16.47 P er cent -of nitrogen. Commercial grades usually contain from 15 to 16 per cent of nitrogen which is equivalent to 18.2 to 19.5 per cent of ammonia or 91 to 97 per cent of nitrate of soda. Twenty-three samples have been analyzed and the results are given in Table I. So far as nitrogen guaranties were given no deficiencies were found. The average nitrogen content was 15.43 per cent which is equivalent to 18.76 per cent of ammonia. At prices quoted, $60.00 to $85.00, nitrogen has cost from 19.2 to 27.2 cents per pound. Excluding the single high quotation, the range is 19.2 to about 25 cents. The average last year was found to be 23.3 cents. NITRATE OF SODA Table I. Analysis of Nitrate of Soda. x 9 Manufacturer or Jobber. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen. 1561 American Agricultural Chemi- cal Co., New York 1558 . Apothecaries Hall Co., Water- bury 2052 Armour Fertilizer Works, New York 1517 Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport . . .-. 1862 E. D. Chittenden Co., Bridge- port 1685 Everett B. Clark Seed Co., Milford 1583 Consolidated Rendering Co., Boston 1848 Consolidated Rendering Co., Boston 1643 Eastern States Farmers' Ex- change, Springfield 2440 International Agricultural Corp., Woburn 1681 Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hart- ford " ■ 1527 Piedmont Mt. Airy Guano Co., Baltimore 2453 Rackliffe Bros., New Britain 2460 ; Rackliffe Bros., New Britain 1551 The Rogers & Hubbard Co., Portland 1749 F. S. Royster Guano Co., Baltimore 1741 Sanderson Fertilizer and Chemical Co., New Haven. 1456 . I. P. Thomas & Son, Phila- delphia 1808 United States Guano Co., Baltimore 1814 j Wilcox Fertilizer Works, Mystic 1029 j W. R. Grace Co., New York. 1368 ! W. R. Grace & Co., New York 1247 Station agent. Stock of F. S. Bid- well Co., Windsor Locks Station agent. Stock of R. W. Hine, Cheshire Station agent. Stock of F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Co., Stam- ford Station agent. Stock of T. W. Ryan, Stratford Station agent. Stock of E. J. Bantle, Glastonbury Station agent. Stock of Jos. Adams, Southport Station agent. Stock of L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven Station agent. Stock of A. E. Shedd, Norwich Station agent. Stock of Edge- wood Farm, North Haven .... Station agent. Stock of Geo. Adams, West Suffield Station agent at factory Station agent. Stock of Light- bourn & Pond Co., New Haven Station agent. Stock of The Meriden Farmers' Exchange, Meriden Station agent at factory Station agent at factory Station agent. Stock of W. S. Brown, Trumbull Station agent at factory Station agent. Stock of High- wood Vegt. Growers' Associa- tion, Highwood Station agent. Stock of Knowles- Lombard Co., Guilford Station agent. Stock of Jordan Hardware Co., Willimantic American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield T. J. Conine, Stratford 15.48 15-66 15-30 15.46 15.02 15.12 15-32 15-50 14.96 15.40 15-58 15-38 15.60 15.20 15-52 15.40 15.90 15-52 15.46 15-14 15.16 15-68 14.76 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. Pure sulphate of ammonia contains 21.2 per cent of nitrogen but the commercial grades contain about 20.5 per cent which is equivalent to about 25 per cent of ammonia or about 97 per cent of ammonium sulphate. Five samples were examined and results are given in Table II. All substantially met or exceeded the guaranties for nitrogen. Prices were not quoted but 77.5 cents per pound may be taken as a fair valuation for nitrogen from this source this year. Table II. Sulphate of Ammonia. Manufacturer or Jobber. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen. tn a T3 CD CJ a CO u a O 2345 1521 1847 1582 1905 Apothecaries Hall Co., Water- bury The Barrett Co., New York. . Consolidated Rendering Co., Consolidated Rendering Co., Eastern States Farmers' Ex- Station agent at factory Station agent. Stock of T. W. Station agent. Stock of A. E. Station agent. Stock of L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven ..... .•. Station agent. Stock of Henry 20.94 20.96 20.46 20.44 20.80 20.56 20.75 20.50 20.50 20.55 CASTOR POMACE. Castor pomace is the residue left after removing the oil from the castor bean. Because of its poisonous constituents it should be stored where farm animals cannot have access to it. While chiefly valuable for its nitrogen, it contains also about one per cent of potash and two per cent of phosphoric acid. It is used chiefly with cottonseed meal in tobacco mixtures. Thirty samples were examined and are summarized in Table III. Thirteen were sampled by the station ag'ent and the remainder were submitted by purchasers. Sample 1680 fell somewhat below its guaranty as did 1797. In the latter case, however, while the purchaser stated 5.50 per cent of nitrogen as CASTOR POMACE 2 1 the guaranty, the registration made by the dealer claimed only 5 per cent, according to which there was no deficiency. The average guaranty was 4.61 per cent of nitrogen and the average found was 5.02 per cent. Ton prices, where quoted, ranged from $23.00 to $36.00 and nitrogen therefore cost from 2 3-3 t° 39-7 cents per pound. If allowance is made for potash and phosphoric acid at 4 cents per pound each the cost of nitrogen is 2 to 3 cents less. 2 2 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2"J0 Table III. Analyses of Castor Pomace. Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. The American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York City. 59085 Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury, Conn. Baker Castor Oil Co., New York, N. Y. 10602 45io 83732 156521 28228 I.333I I7I3S •■•■ Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport, Conn. E. D. Chittenden Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Consolidated Rendering Co. Boston, Mass. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by R. H. Daly, Broad Brook Station agent, from stock of C. F. Allen, Warehouse Pt Station agent, from stock of J. P. Norton, Broad Brook American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield Station agent, from stock of Al- bert Wetstone, Ellington Station agent at factory Station agent, from stock of E. N. Austin, Suffield Station agent, from stock of Frank Bantle, Glastonbury . . . .• Station agent, from stock of L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven Per cent. Nitrogen. 4-54 5-05 4-95 4.62 5.00 5-17 5-39 5-04 5.10 5-29 4.94 4-73 4-39 5-io 4-74 CASTOR POMACE Table III. Analyses of Castor Pomace — Concluded. 2 3 Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or .Mark. Purchased. Sampled or Sent by A. W. Higgins, South Deerfield, Mass. 1835 N. Y. C. 243157 Spencer Bros., Suffield 2360 N. Y. 215118 Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield 2 637 Station agent, from stock of Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield . . . 1917 1680 1797 1805 2033 2034 2059 1555 2166 International Agricultural Corp., Woburn, Mass. Olds & Whipple, Hartford, Conn. Thum. 50176 Thum Thum The Rogers & Hubbard Co. Portland, Conn. Sanderson Fertilizer & Chemical Co., New Haven, Conn. Spencer Kellogg & Sons, Inc. Buffalo, N. Y. 1594 Kellogg Brand 1897 Wilcox Fertilizer Works, Mystic, Conn. 1547 Station agent, from stock of John Adams, East Granby Station agent at factory L. Wetstone & Sons, Inc., Hart- ford Huntting Bros., East Hartford . . H. E. Wells, Warehouse Point . . H. E. Wells, Warehouse Point . . E. Handel, Glastonbury Station agent at factory Station agent, from stock of Geo. M. Hatch, New Milford John S. Leonard, Burnside Station agent, from stock of Frank Manner, Burnside Station agent, from stock of E. N. Austin, Suffield Per cent. Nitrogen. 4-79 5.06 5-i7 5-0O 4.70 5.06 4.62 5-47 5-43 6.14 5-34 4.94 5-41 4.92 24 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 COTTONSEED MEAL. Fifty-three samples of cottonseed meal have been analyzed and are summarized in Table V. The grades represented are the 36, 41 and 43 per cent protein meals. Eleven samples were sub- mitted with no statement of guaranty but analyses show them to be of the 41 or 43 per cent grade. Of the fifty-three samples only three were deficient by more than 0.1 per cent of nitrogen; and in only two, 1109 Dixie, and 1831 Bull, would the deficiencies exceed $1.00 per ton reckoning nitrogen at 35 cents per pound. The average nitrogen found was 6.63 per cent and the average guaranty was 6.53 per cent. A similar computation last year showed an average of 0.15 per cent ,of nitrogen found over the average guaranteeed. Ninety-six per cent of samples substantially met or exceeded their guaranties. The cost per pound of nitrogen in cottonseed meal has ranged from 38.1 cents in the 36 per cent protein grade to about S5-5 cents in the higher grades. The average for all samples is 35.9 cents as compared with 39.1 cents last year. Table IV. Summary of Data on Cottonseed Meal. Grade. Number of Samples. Average Nitrogen. % Average Cost per Ton. Average Cost of Nitrogen, Cents per Pound. 36 per cent (5.76 N) 41 per cent (6.58 N) 43 per cent (6.88 N) No guaranty 7 24 11 11 5.87 6.65 6.87 6.76 44.OO 1 47.24 a 45-53 S 47-2Q 4 38.1 35-9 35-6 35-2 Total and averag :s 53 IS. 6.63 47-7S 5 35^9 1 Based on 4 quotatioi 2 « » H 3 « « „ 4 « « 6 5 « « 32 COTTONSEED MEAL Table V. Analyses of Cottonseed Meal. 25 Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. 2645 2458 1829 1830 1834 2451 2452 1832 2456 2457 1107 II08 1 109 1199 1212 1213 1214 1215 I2l6 1217 I2l8 I2ig 1220 1445 I446 1447 Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury, Conn. Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co., Atlanta, Ga. 87085, 262241, 33852, 23612, 97292, 265348, 896992, 14638 and 31842 Helmet Helmet, N. Y. C. 50088 Helmet, B & A 32917 Monarch, So. 134029 Monarch Station agent at the factory Paramount S. P. Davis, Littlerock, Ark. Steerboy Steerboy Good Luck Humphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Tenn. Dixie, 47145 Dixie, 80395 Dixie, 27787 Bull S. A. L. 85210 M. P. 20636 S. P. 87711 Miss. Pac. 22431 N. Y., N. H. & H. 91693 .... M. P. 28373 S. S. W. 13406 S. L. & S. F. 30325 A. C. L. 37142 Dixie, 13027, 10619 Dixie, 36850, 45278, 39714. 19054, 95856, 76941, S116417 Dixie, 82527, 84734, 37842, 15272, 271004, 156387, 29750, 152365, 79712, 49180 American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield Station agent, from stock of E. J. Bantle, Glastonbury Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield ..... Station agent, from stock of Spencer Bros, Inc., Suffield .... Station agent, from stock of Geo. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Station agent, from stock of Geo. T. Soule, New Milford Station agent, from stock of Amos D. Bridges Sons, Hazardville . . L. B. Haas & Co., Hartford L. B. Haas & Co., Hartford L. B. Haas & Co., Hartford E. N. & C. C. Austin, Suffield . . . Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield 6.67 6.50 6.69 6.65 7.07 6.99 6.00 6.92 6.88 7.00 6.88 6.64 6.50 6.62 6.58 6.77 6.58 6.30 6.58 6.76 6.88 6.58 6.58 6.71 6.58 6.60 6.58 6.55 6.58 6.03 6.58 6.78 6.58 6.94 6.58 6.53 6.58 6-57 6.58 6.91 6.58 6.81 6.58 6.82 6.58 26 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2.^0, Table V. Analyses of Cottonseed Meal — Concluded. Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Humphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Term. 28185, 12506, 32287, 97041, 49893, 29624, 31547, 128616, 43198 Dixie, 89628 Bull Dixie Dixie, R. & N. 12505 Dixie Bull, 9493, Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fe Danish Dixie, 31978 Dixie, 40896 Bull, L. & N. 98374 Bull, S. S. & W. 30432 Bull, M. O. P. 36420 Dixie Dixie, W. & W. 67902 Bull, So. R. R. 164838 Dixie, S. S. W. 24342 Dixie, 79107 Bull, So. R. R. 134354 Danish, M. C. 99380 Danish, C. Ga. 50124 Danish, Cottonseed Feed International Agricultural Corp., Woburn, Mass. Olds & Whipple, Hartford, Conn. 514937 195396 The Rogers & Hubbard Co., Portland, Conn. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Bloomfield Huntington Bros., Windsor Station agent, from stock of E. N. Austin, Suffield Station agent, from stock of J. P. Norton, Broad Brook L. B. Haas Co., Hartford L. B. Haas Co., Hartford H. C. Nelson, West Suffield C. Michel, West Suffield L. Wetstone & Sons, Inc., Hartford L. Wetstone & Sons, Inc., Hartford Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Station agent, from stock of Glas- tonbury Farmers' Exchange, So. Glastonbury Geo. S. Phelps & Co., Thompson- ville Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Huntington Bros., Windsor Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Station agent, from stock of A. E. Hall, Wallingford Station agent, from stock of How- ard Barriesford, West Suffield.. Huntting Bros., East Hartford Huntting Bros., East Hartford Station agent at factory Per cent. Nitrogen. 6.62 6.87 6.78 6.56 6.64 6.83 6.01 6.82 6.81 6.79 6.60 7.08 6.58 5-71 6.83 6.47 6.78 6.65 5-75 5-8o 5-75 6.81 6-55 6.62 5-95 BONE PHOSPHATE 27 II. RAW MATERIALS CHIEFLY VALUABLE FOR PHOSPHORIC ACID. PRECIPITATED BONE PHOSPHATE. Commercial bone phosphate, obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of gelatin, consists largely of dicalcium phosphate, and the phosphorus is practically all in so-called "available" form. Ten samples were analyzed, five of which were sampled by the station agent. Samples 2128 and 2521 did not meet the guaranty of 38 per cent total phosphoric acid although they averaged 36 per cent of available phosphoric acid. So far as prices were quoted available phosphoric acid cost about 7 cents per pound. Table VI. Analyses of Precipitated Bone Phosphate. Manufacturer or Wholesale Dealer. Sampled by Station: 1611 Apothecaries Hall Co., Wa- terbury J 577 Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport 2128 L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven 2521 L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven 1677 j Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hart- ford J 553 J The Rogers & Hubbard Co., Portland Sampled by Purchaser: 1245 82715, 93520 1448 91048 1449 90373 1803 Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hart- ford Place of Sampling J. P. Norton, Broad Brook At factory At factory At factory At factory At factory American Sumatra To- bacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra To- bacco Co., Bloomfield American Sumatra To- bacco Co., Bloomfield Huntting Bros., East Hartford Phosphoric Acid. i ° u.S % LIS i-45 LIS O.65 % 38.70 41.70 36.48 37-30 0-55 I 38.95 I 0.70 37.20 0.41 1. 201 1. 14 1.05 39-78 43-3^ 43-70 38.50 "Available.' 37-55 40.25 35-33 1 36.65 1 38.40 30-50 3937 42.16 42.56 37-45 36.00 38.00 38.00 36.00 Guaranty, 38 per cent total. 28 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 DISSOLVED ROCK PHOSPHATE OR ACID PHOSPHATE. Acid phosphate is made by treating raw rock phosphate with sulphuric acid which converts the phosphorus into available forms, chiefly, of the type which is soluble in water. Twenty-four samples were analyzed all but three of which sub- stantially equalled or exceeded their guaranties. Sample 1588 was about 0.5 per cent low; but two other samples of the same brand were well over the guaranty of 16 per cent. Sample 1453 was considerably under 16 per cent and no other sample of the same brand could be found. Sample 2736 was low but 1813, of the same manufacture, substantially met the guaranty. On the basis of eleven price quotations, available phosphoric acid in this raw material has cost about 7 cents per pound. Analyses are given in Table VII. ACID PHOSPHATE 29 •OJy[ UOIJB^S 00 00 vo M to 00 H en 00 i>»oo 01N miflH 00000 *d- »*■ vo O VOVO VO lOOO VO HNHHHHMH 01 00 M 0» 73 '5 < 'u J= nl > < •p9a;uEjEn£) g vd h-l 8 vo h-l O O M OQOOOQOO 5 O 5 q q vb VC i vo vo vo vo vo vo l-lhHMhHh-thHh-lhH O O vd h-l O O vd h-t 8 vd •punojj 00 h-t •3- h-l tS ts t-H covo CO tsOO 10 COCO o\ h m « q H . vd vo' vd vo' IN. tsvd vd hHh-ih-thHMhHh-lh-l 00 vd 04 ts vd h-i vd h-l Ph ' "P^oj, co h-l ts vo vd h-t 00 co -^-co innfOHM ts co oj inq q q\ ON ix vd vd tsoci 00 txvd vo 00 vd h-l O hH ts hH O O ts •siqniosu; -31EJ4J3 ^3 co CO O 10 00 voco vooo 00 O 00 m i-i m . ts q>oq 00 d 0' m m CO ts O CO CO O CO ts .C J3 H H O U U <# °3 en en «4 Uh o > Ong ^15 CO CO *T3 o3 .El pis pq-£ £ Ph* .E O O hJ g* cd^ -5 O CO O cd • ;pqHO^hJ fflWW * • CD ' ' bfl c c c o o g tn en cj °^ « P3MW 06- CD .5.5 £ 'Hurt CD_CD [jj c c , ^^ m > 13 'O ii i^co rt rci C C en O O rt UUW !fe o 1—! bo a! -d" rt 'd'-i CJCO too c c h CD .g as _- CD V £ h « h5 ^ •o^r uopBiS Ol O 00 I>»00 O OlN miflH 00000 "*•«* 10 O vovO vo iOOO VO 3° CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 3 M lO O VD O CO CO ts. covo •ojy[ uot;b}§ 00 co in ft- u->vo w co VO N")H ts» H H H N HI HI N M HI CM Q OOO O OOOOO O OOO O OOOOO 12 a; 2 •pgaiuBJBnQ vd vd^ovo vd vd^dvd kn 1— I 1— t 1 — * 1 — 1 hH hH HH t-H HH 1— 1 < rt 'rt > CO OOO is. oooc^ ts,co .=1 a ?! •punojj sP vq hi co o 10 00 0*000 h b vd vd tsvo ix tj- tsvd vd vd 1— 1 H 1- 1 HH H- 1 h-f |— | l-< h- 1 I— 1 co 000 in co m m o vo Pj vg vq m m coco gs. Ov h q > co ^ : rt in < : "en 3*3 c *3 O JH 3±J 3 O^P "3 (rt -a 6 U In 3 Ph ii > j- c "rt 08 1 d U rt C O rt rS'H d 1— 1 u O '- , rt £ 2 .a « d ^ "'O ■Ph • 6 :u • £ 0.2.2 U « t/J . 1-1 O i-i |h rt r ) »Q O M 5 «.a 3 • CO O ^ CD "^ hi rt. -3 • ,w . i_ rt ^! Vh . CD 3 ^§ fc tS 3* | ^3 „g>££EJS - 08 « t; t! • V3 43 tin Llj :Oco ■ 3 J=i .2^ « J3 .a! -iE^ 1 -* N 10 OlO O co cots, cOVO •on uotjbis 00CO V)0 * ""> lO O hi CO lOts. 10 H ts st" HOOM t> H M h < « H M « H >■ < c ) POTASH SALTS 3 1 III. RAW MATERIALS CONTAINING POTASH. CARBONATE OF POTASH. Pure carbonate of potash contains 68.2 per cent of actual potash (K 2 0), but commercial grades will usually contain from 60 to 65 per cent. All of the samples examined, six in number, were submitted by the purchaser and the only guaranty given was 96 per cent mrbonate of potash which is equivalent to about 65.5 per cent of ICO. The samples examined ranged from 58.5 to 67.6 per cent. Another sample, 1569, was submitted by the American Sumatra Tobacco Co. as carbonate of potash, but there was apparently an error in sampling. The material contained only 24 per cent of potash with much phosphoric acid and was evidently a mixture of carbonate of potash and precipitated bone. Analyses are given in Table VIII. MURIATE OF POTASH. The grade of this salt chiefly used for fertilizer is about 80 per cent pure and is generally guaranteed to contain from 48 to 50 per cent of actual potash (K 2 0). Fourteen samples were drawn by the station agent and one was submitted by a purchaser. Three samples, 1584, 1687 and 1809 failed to equal their guaranties but second samples of two of these, 1846 and 2122, were not found deficient. No second sample of 1687 was found. On the basis of prices quoted potash from this source cost 5 cents per pound. Analyses are given in Table VIII. HIGH GRADE SULPHATE OF POTASH. This material is about 90 per cent pure sulphate of potash which is equivalent to about 48 per cent of actual potash (K 2 0). Eight samples were drawn by the station agent and six were examined for purchasers. All substantially equalled or exceeded their guaranties. Potash from this source cost, at the prices quoted, about 6 cents per pound. Analyses are given in Table VIII. DOUBLE SULPHATE OF POTASH AND MAGNESIA. (Double Manure Salts.) Only three samples were analyzed this season. All satisfied the requirement of 26 per cent of potash and contained from 10 to 14.5 per cent of magnesia. Analyses are given in Table VIII. KAINIT. The one sample of kainit examined fully satisfied the guaranty. The analysis is given in Table VIII. 32 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 •oj£ uojmg iovo 00 o m « O OO t>> r-» «>. -S(- Tj- IO VO IO IO w CO CTlOO VD "d- t^ t> CM >0 H O tJ-00 00 O vc o mvo 00 iovo <*■ H S M H H M H W •pgaiuBJBnj) •punoj e>, CM w m N Tl-VO vg Q\ in 10 -^-vo Q IN. co co PQ U' 2 C/3 < u b^ 8 ^ H w .- Clj +-> en £ tl J5 ft 2 §£^ JS'-S rt PhCo^^ - s-, 3 s«- ft »h to en 45 OJ o o o — m*c o o : • ffl tUU.O O be bo oj w -o -a ^ — © OJ PQWUUH W u 03 •0|^ UOUBJS J^ t~> rl- «^- irj in 10 IO •H M H H H H h co a\oo id >!*■ i>> t-^ o CTi 10 m o 'd-OO 00 o 01 m O lOlO C» iOi) 01 01 M •p33}u«.ienQ ^ o o o O o " °. ° °. co od d d d *t -rf m m m O m © o od od in ■* -sf •punoj p 0\\0 00 o 01 ^ l-l IT) ON O O CO odd in to m 5 < ffl C c\) o o ~J *-• t? < o o £ ~>oo u r; u £ gS-o-o t/3-p a) X> ja -- is g> g g «^ u 2 « « ^H O O CD CD to: •O re '■ '■ ^•"•3 c S3 O ^ re ' S '" a & PP _, ni cS •C^O ^0 QJ -M , r, tn t" « 'on « g re re "^ O J2 c/5 t72 i^H-o-o CS • ■. o 15 o m r tjJS o fe . © •O rt , U ^>pq fc "a ., • I ^ O dPn' >>ffi % re U «"re gas to S .u «.5 G CoU t^co^ _>>k o CO «3 & - n! i? ofl 6 > m 2U 1-*" ~ u - 6CQ bo 6CJ -.5 U 6 s - Ih,1 u — N ri < « S^'^i5-2 !Pn ffi ,^«j£ I- J2 CO 03" . • O o^Qg & vo iooo in ^ ^j-vo W l-l M H 01 01 l-l 34 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 <*■ O M co «s 01 01 00 H 1 initio «oo m ts. i> °N U0 !+ B }S IH Tf >tf-Q0 "d-oo CO IT) 10 t-. N H W M H M N M H w O IO IO IO IO O 00 00 co 00 00 co OOO •paa^uEJBnQ q vd\d ^d oi J5 O Ph ■* -* tt -^f ■* ^r 6 d 00 d\ d\ oo'odvD 00 CO t— 1 t: u 3 u - ; > ra .3 St w Ih O ' a -8 < j: "c3 ^5 i> * 3 >> > J-l O P 5 ni -[? l •- u 5= < c ^ rt- - O -. <- a 1 ' rt rt n cS o3 to ttj •r; i-c * " "+j -i j 'cL'Hh a, § Mar Ame Hun Hun Sam Sam Sam Edg 1 . , bo .5 . u : 'u . Ph u » CO • Deale Sulphate of Potash — Conclud Sampled by Purchaser: shire Fertilizer Co., Bridgepor & Whipple, Inc., Hartford . . << (1 it ■M Q H »■ 3 bo . V 1) *o O u- ■- a rt <+H P C CO Double Manure Sal Sampled by Station hecaries Hall Co., Water shire Fertilizer Works, B: ' S 03 J x h ~$? • g ?"> i_ 3 JS p \ ^ ' J-i »r DRY GROUND FISH 35 IV. RAW MATERIALS CONTAINING NITROGEN AND POTASH. Only two samples of this group of materials have been examined, both taken by the station agent. 1592. Nitrate of Soda and Potash. Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury. Sampled at the factory. ' 2088. Naco Brand, Nitrapo. Nitrate Agencies Co., New York. Sampled from stock of E. N. Austin, Suffield. Sample 2088 was deficient in both essential ingredients. Table IX. Analyses of Nitrate of Soda and Potash. Station No. 1592 2088 Nitrogen : found 14.84 14.12 guaranteed 14.80 15.00 Equivalent to ammonia : found 18.04 17-17 guaranteed 18.00 18.25 Potash : found 1348 14.77 guaranteed 12.00 i5-°o V. RAW MATERIALS CONTAINING NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORIC ACID. DRY GROUND FISH. Twenty-six samples of dry ground fish were analyzed, ten of which were official samples drawn by the station agent. All of the official samples equalled or exceeded their guaranties except 1554 which was 0.32 per cent low in nitrogen and 2090 which was deficient in phosphoric acid. In the official samples the average nitrogen found was 8.80 per cent and the average phosphoric acid 7.59 per cent. On the .basis of the prices quoted to our agent, allowing 4 cents per pound for phosphoric acid, nitrogen in this material cost about 37.7 cents per pound. A similar calculation last year showed the cost per pound to be 37.9 cents. Analyses are given in Table X. 3& CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2/0 •o^i uoims lO >* N t-00 O O* OtH CM VO O ON t^ lO oo vo m co «* o vo m vo oo H 00 Oi w CO tH"»00 OI00 O w •5j-^-vrsvom« coco OMJiOlOOlO O O •paajire-tEnS {Bjox ^ . o o o o • q ■* q q ; vd vo" ts. in •punoj [ejoj, ^ in O co in m cooo .vd ts. in. d in Rod h N *0 WW h N rf-vq o\h co O in q oo oo t-Coo" oo oo oo oo ^najBAinba Eiuouiui-y ^ tNfON tN co On O CO ■* O NH00OO H d d d d d m d « d c\ d on d\ d ©' d\ H to M fa o M o •psaiuBJBnS jejoj, ^ cooNQcvimcom to? NNNONON^f MO oo oo oo" oo' od dvod d\ oo oS •punoj ibjox & o m in m M mvo co vo Q> invq oi oq ^ n q> h in q oo oo od oo oo' d\o6 on od on oo Koo oo oo oo oo oo < 55 < X u cfe) .a fa a a fee ^2 CO c\sT.8-S &£ 5 3 So;^^!? O h^H W ^ W u u o o o o cd rt fafa Ph Oh S 6 COCO ^o" U. faco o U £: cHE: )~ *3 >>o ^ l< ftl. J3 Mo, a o "5! J^ *0 ." ,XJ JH*J V_L ■m ci CO _ o v-> ^U -c- Ih s C/. < <0 C 6 & Ih ^ o &H U fa CO o t-.' rt H aS en 02 O s = 5 1 C3 _Q 2 H J3 H i-. ca o la o -o N i — 1 1— i it «J ts3 a c o 22 ^£ ££ 3 2 CO u pq c3c3 OO M CO *tf- lovo co "tf- O O COM KK d to vd\d to> 1-1 JJ • S-. • o CU CU t^vG en cu 3 i-i O • cu :0 cu w a 3 6 en .o Cu Jd „_ o £ ■i > ! tn . oS cd CS o3 cu ■ r-| ; in u H u 3 o « a C n) Sampled by Station: ecaries Hall Co., Waterbury ecaries Hall Co., Waterbury ur Fertilizer Works, New lr hire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport tt B. Clark Seed Co., Milford tt B. Clark Seed Co., Milford Fat Rendering and Fertilizer Fat Rendering and Fertilizer lidated Rendering Co., B.oston Frisbie Co., New Haven .... ational Agricultural Corp., ' cd '. ■ 15 • : p-. • • d :u : c . o • m en^ en cd co ^ SP- g" 2 gH-2 J3 •? t- G . J3 • G • < : d • u : bO • .5 : t-i '. +j S c o O g s, »M 1- i- C u cu cu G cu > > O O C O en r. J- rj CM G " « O O . "G U UJh G O en en <<< wwwu u uu O O to O ^1-vO <* CM O VO O \r> oo 00 CM CM "Oft UOTJEJS VO ON CM CM CO00 o CM VO l-l O tO M HI ON CO UO) to CO lO H VO VO lO 00 VO ON *i- 00 hi 00 o M M CM M M HI M CM H H hH H HI HI M CM 4-0 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2JO GROUND BONE. Twenty-six samples have been examined, all but two of which were official samples. Sample 1593 was deficient in nitrogen (0.2 per cent), and 2496 was considerably below guaranty in phosphoric acid. In the other samples guaranties were substantially met and in most cases there were liberal overag'es in both of the elements of plant food. GROUND BONE 41 •O^J UOjmS i£> t-- crius co co co tj- oo 10 *a- 1~- co«d o cr> m io o iohoo iooo MH 01 H 01 H H HI o o ~5 •qom 0S-1 UBI{} JSSJBOQ ^ q o CO Tf o o o q o q in Tj- 01 00 HCO ^t- ^C in ^-\o io IT) O oi vd IOVO •qoui oS-i UBq} J3UT j •paa^uBJenQ •punoj O O MO IT) o o q q q o in\6 od oi d\ oi io m ^f "5 to ■* in o ■* CO o q CO M ^ sis o co o oo o q o oq © w o\ oi 6 oi oi in oi 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 o oi oi 01 01 ^ o o VD 01 ^d co oi oi in © o o o in co^q co covo invd oi vd t^. co 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 •uaScujiu jb}0} o} }U31BAinb3 Biuoiuuiy ^ in co q co CO rj- 01 co fO co 01 CO w !? o pq c O 3 < < X •pSSJUEJBriQ ^ ■5J- ^t- T T °. "* oi oi oi oi oi oi •punojj 01 co ■O COM3 CO ■sfr- IOOO w M •3-vo ^ moo hh \o co oi oi fo oi m co oi "* ^ 01 oo oi o Sis s ^ ; „ -G G M - rt •G .-do - "U H O O J5 m . 22 o 5.^3^ G°3 c3 C °* as cj tt, bid ^ o 3 £ E P csos •oSc O pq .£3 O Q j- 6 § K.G tin ro u &H »a o c C0h-1 Pnfc ►-! ■U Co 3 o d^ U J 1-1 *- ' ' ^i OtO --: bcu3 u' • G C cT •£°b/i *J oi i« C *? o o rt - - x uu. PQ bnbDu c c H ' O ^ ""I « G G > > KM > HWWUU o o £ hW J? -m-^ |£g c sI £ ^ o -t-i o c a o.S •C c3 ojpq •0^ UOlJBlg VD l>- CT\ IO CO CO CO 'l-VO oo in ^- t>~ co«d oi oio uo in o in m oo inoo *3- M H (1 H011HMH01 IO U5 00 42 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 pq a £> o « pq M H O O in en 00 ^o ■*■ t^ CTl •0^[ UOIJE^S n cq in «* 10 a\co O H H VO in t^ t^ 0\ rj- vt t-i *tf- CO M M « H H M MMtM H M q 000 q q "S M •vpm 0S-1 *S. 00 co p Tt-i-n co d 06 d in rt M co^-vo m"tt ■4 CO UBIJJ J9SJB03 in ti- 8.S •qoui 0S-1 000 O O *§. ci pi 6 ^ oS t>s 6 pi d - P-. •pimoj vd >n CN P) •usSojjiu ;b;oj oj >n m In. -3- 1-1 ix co fC. i-i m * cocococopivo'picopi tx 00 pi Pi * "co ■ 1-1 .S-H d cu u & pqj U u . -O 1- OO u 3 0, (h O u each, Branford Jones, Hartfor Factorv vn, Trumbull . rpe, West Ches ipple, Inc., Har Vegetable ( n, Highwood . Iros. Co., New dware Co., Wi -0 H C3 s p C H rt a en +; ^ ^ bws W - -g pq H ^g.2£ ffi *«3 *«3 .§!.§! c £ & W ^ .«J3 °3^ c3 -o B . "^ *o M< ^^ w cS c3 ►> • "L3 ^ U-, u co ^ OB #£, U O •"" O Vn 03 o£J fe^ § rt S U^ 12 S. fi -en ^ u • u C<] 00 -bo O O CO Ih • CD • be O jP^-t: 5 ■ ;>> j 1 ^ : cu .- J cu O x . b CO C cu CO I^H cu r TD O CO m m motoovo'tf- t^ o> •OJNJ UOT}BJS n .t-»CTi^t - 'd-M H «^- 00 cq W D 2.° §3 B° Pho > phoric Acid. Potash. "2 .2 '£ E 1 4) s 1 £ V 'z'Z fco£ "rt "o "rt x)3 "ca'rt > .2 3 B "c« 6 c e i— i 1— 1 u ce O & u a O £ U c^ < O w % % % % % % % % . % % % 1. 14 0-35 O.62 O.46 2.57 3-12 0.83 9.06 8.23 3-93 3-93 2020 0.13 O.71 0.55 O.58 1.97 2.40 O.88 9.15 8.27 3.01 3-0i 2029 0.3S O.71 O.I7 2-95 4.21 5.12 0.28 4.4O 4.12 O.44 5.08 2028 0.14 1. 00 O.48 O.36 1.98 2.41 0.6l 10.55 9.94 2.80 2.80 2024 0.36 1.09 0-45 0-55 2.45 2.98 0.82 10.50 9.68 3.20 3-20 2027 1. 68 2.56 O.23 0-57 5-04 6.13 0.33 6.70 6-37 3-99 3-99 2022 0.43 1.67 0.6l 0.52 3-23 3-93 1. 10 8.90 7.80 6.66 6.66 2025 0.06 0.43 O.63 O.62 1.74 2. 11 0.90 9.00 8.IO 2.07 2.07 20l8 0.42 0.26 0-33 i-57 2.58 3-H 1-54 11.30 9.76 2.06 2.06 2331 0.42 1.73 0.6l o.53 3-29 4.00 0.94 8.66 7.72 6.90 6.90 2306 0.40 0.69 0.07 2.98 4.14 5-03 0.26 4.21 3-95 0.47 5-49 2311 0.05 0.84 0.57 o.34 1.80 2.19 0.63 10.58 9-95 2.33 2-33 2021 0.16 0.36 0-39 o.39 1.30 1.58 0.80 8.92 8.12 2.25 2.25 2019 0.41 1.26 O.SO 1. 00 3.17 3.85 0.61 8.46 7-85 4-05 4-05 2315 0.07 0.69 O.48 0.60 1.84 2.24 0.78 8.65 7.87 3-o6 3.06 2026 0.18 i-3S O.42 0.52 2.47 3-oo 0.79 8.69 7.90 3-79. 3-79 2304 0.15 1.48 O.49 0.44 2.56 3-n 0.72 10.55 9.83 3.85 3-85 1624 0.12 1-43 0.55 o.43 2.53 3-o8 0.70 10.80 10.10 3-63 3-63 2500 0.44 0.70 O.lS 2.82 4.14 5-03 0.26 4-53 4.27 0.41 5-44 2314 0-54 1.67 O.47 0.55 3-23 3-93 0.66 8.57 7.91 4.24 4.24 2307 0.52 1. 00 0.32 0.60 2.44 2.97 0,66 9.06 8.40 3-66 3-66 2312 0.15 0.66 0.54 0.58 i-93 2-35 0.68 8.46 7.78 3.05 3-05 2308 o.54 1.70 0.57 o.55 3-36 4.09 0.99 8.93 7-94 7.12 7.12 2310 0-55 0.71 0.43 4.29 5-98 7.27 0.29 3-88 3-59 0.69 7-50 2309 0.32 1-25 0.27 0.66 2.50 3-04 0.58 10.67 10.09 3.38 3.38 2313 0.04 0.76 0.5I 0-35 1.66 2.02 0.63 10.62 9.99 2.04 .2.04 2321 0.81 1.83 O.I I 0.61 3-36 4.09 o.39 8.59 8.20 6.65 6.65 2327 0.14 0.57 0.45 0.56 1.72 2.09 0.49 8.41 7.92 2.78 2.78 2326 0.58 0.64 0.23 4-47 5-92 7.20 0.31 4.08 3-77 0.69 7.61 2329 0.51 0.69 0.00 2.93 4-13 5.02 0.20 4-53 4-33 0.52 5-36 2330 1. 11 0.27 0.22 0.52 2.12 2.58 1.56 1 0.1 1 8.55 3.3i 3-31 1619 0.03 1.24 0.41 0.14 1.82 2.21 1.32 13.70 12.38 4.16 4.16 l6l8 0.83 i-55 0.14 0.32 2.84 3-45 0.64 7.22 6.58 10.82 10.82 2322 0.04 1.56 0.79 0.21 2.60 3.16 0.90 11. 15 10.25 4.02 4.02 1609 0.89 2.02 0.21 0.30 3-42 4.16 1.20 9.40 8.20 4-35 4-35 1622 0.92 2.84 0.22 0.14 4.12 5.01 0.88 9.08 8.20 | 6.85 6.85 1623 0.97 2.83 0.23 0.13 4.16 5-o6 0.90 9.15 8.25 6.78 6.78 2492 5° CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2/0 Table XIII. Analyses of Mixed Fertilizers Manufacturer and Brand. Sampled by Station: Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury — Con. Liberty High Grade Tobacco Manure . . . Liberty Tobacco Special, 5-4-5 Liberty Top Dresser Grass and Grain, 10-3-5-8 Liberty Top Dresser Armour Fertilizer Works, New York. Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer, 3-8-4 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer, 4-6-10 Armour's Big Crop, 4-8-4 Armour's Big Crop, 5-8-5 Armour's Big Crop Tobacco Special Armour's Corn Grower, 2-8-2 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer, 5-8-7 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer, 5-8-7 Atlantic Packing Co., New Haven. Atlantic, 5-4-16 Atlantic Corn and Grain Fertilizer, 2-8-2.. Atlantic Market Garden, 4-8-6 Atlantic Special Vegetable and Potato Grower, 4-8-4 Atlantic Tobacco Grower, 5-4-5 Atlantic Tobacco Manure, 5-8-6 Atlantic Special, 3-8-4 F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Co., Stamford. Bartlett's Green Tree Food Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport. Berkshire Complete Fertilizer Berkshire Complete Tobacco Berkshire Economical Grass Fertilizer . . Berkshire Grass Special Berkshire Long Island Special Berkshire Market Garden Berkshire Potato and Vegetable Phos- phate Berkshire Tobacco Special F. E. Boardman, Middletown. Boardman's Fertilizer for Potatoes and General Crops Boardman's Tobacco Fertilizer Grade. Place of Sampling. 7.5-4-7.5 5-4-5 10-3.5-8 7-8-3 3-8-4 4-6-10 4-8-4 5-8-5 5-4-5 2-8-2 5-8-7 5-8-7 5-4-16 2-8-2 4-8-6 4-8-4 5-4-5 5-8-6 3-8-4 6-8-4 3-8-3 5-4-5 10-3-8 7-2-4 5-8-7 4-8-4 2-8-4 7-4-7 4-7-4 4-7-4 East Windsor Middletown . . East Windsor Broad Brook . Thompsonville Ansonia Milford Milford Thompsonville Danbury Ansonia Wallingford . . Glastonbury Waterbury . . . Silver Lane . . Waterbury . . . Glastonbury Silver Lane . . Waterbury . . . Sampled at Factory Waterbury Suffield .. Suffield .. Waterbury Suffield .. Milford ... Southport Suffield .. Sampled at Factory Sampled at Factory MIXED FERTILIZERS 51 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash — Continued. Nitrogen. le. ,0 ■a 3 O O a C U 5 ^ bo" l-i rt u ci O £ Q S % % O.56 3.82 0.32 2.82 Phosphoric Acid. Potash. 6<; H Ifll % % 5.84 5.58 6-45 6.15 % 0.50 0.08 7.19 1.89 0.04 1. 10 0.72 0.40 0.60 0.04 0.99 0.92 1.49 0.02 0.88 0.69 1.05 1.27 o-54 0.08 0.00 1-97 4-49 1.40 I.OI 0.07 0.27 0.70 0.48 % 1. 18 1.22 0.00 3-/1 I.69 1.27 1-34 1.76 0.16 I-I3 1.68 1.72 I.OI 0.89 1.04 1.36 o.75 i-39 1. 00 4-50 1-74 o.75 3-73 0.56 i-74 1.31 0.87 2.03 1.32 1.22 0.25 0.01 0.38 0.28 0.33 0.96 0.02 0.33 0.38 0.62 0.30 0.20 0.36 0.43 0.62 0.50 o.34 0.17 o.59 0.38 0.00 0.04 0.19 0.21 0.20 0.23 0.21 1.08 0.15 o.53 0.61 0.86 0.81 3-33 0.62 0.80 0.60 1.49 0.56 0.89 0.80 i-75 0.81 0.70 0.72 0.9S 3.S6 2. 11 1. 11 1.32 0-95 0.61 3-94 1.42 1.83 6.06 4.44 8.52 5.76 2.64 3.26 3.25 3-93 4.11 2.12 3.85 3-86 4.29 1.67 3-17 3-28 4.17 3-97 2.58 5-66 2.97 4.90 8.19 6.16 4-50 3-46 1.76 6.44 3-6> 3-74 7-37 5.40 10.36 7.00 3.21 3-96 3-95 4.78 5.00 2.58 4.68 4.69 5.22 2.03 3.85 3-99 5.07 4-83 3.14 6.88 3-6i 5-96 9.96 7-49 5-47 4.21 2.14 7.83 4.46 4-55 0.26 0.30 3-07 0.63 0.78 o.43 0.28 0.55 0.45 0.61 0.83 0.48 348 0.65 0.46 0.70 o.33 0.83 0.75 3.07 0.60 0.38 4.83 1.78 0.63 1.03 1.15 0.15 0-73 0.25 7.95 4.88 8.90 8.27 9.13 6.85 8.40 8.70 5.10 8.60 8,88 8.25 9-85 8,65 9.05 8-95 5-45 9-33 9-45 9-65 9.20 4.68 978 6.00 9.00 9.08 9.40 4.90 8.65 7.90 8.35 6.42 8.12 8.15 4-65 7.99 8.05 7-77 6.37 8.00 8.59 8.25 5-12 8.50 8.70 6.58 8.60 4-3o 4-95 4.22 8.37 8.05 8.25 4-75 7.92 7.65 % 1.44 1 8.65 2323 0.93 1 4.61 1617 8.88 , 8.88 2324 3-50 ; 3.50 1613 3-86 10.07 4.48 4.98 0.47 3.06 6.68 7.29 2.19 6.08 4.27 0-37 0.66 4.01 4.67 3.82 0.66 9-30 4-25 8.84 4.89 4-57 I.OI 4-43 1-34 3.86 1625 10.07 2055 4.48 2047 4.98 2048 5.T8 2058 3.06 2054 6.68 2495 7.29 1773 16.71 2355 2.19 2056 6.08 2328 4.27 2057 5-52 2356 6.17 2352 4.01 2639 4.67 1842 3.82 2351 5-43 1843 9-30 1844 4-25 2350 8.84 2348 4.89 184c 4-57 1841 6-75 2347 4-43 5-12 2354 2353 5 2 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2.*]Q Table XIII. Analyses of Mixed Fertilizers Manufacturer and Brand. Place of Sampling. Market Garden Fertilizer Market Garden Fertilizer and Vegetable Phos- Sampled by Station: Bowker Fertilizer Co., New York. Bowker's All Round Fertilizer Bowker's Hill and Drill Phosphate Bowker's Fisherman's Brand Fish and Potash Bowker's Bowker's Bowker's Potato phate Bowker's Square Brand Farm and Garden Phosphate Bowker's Sure Crop Phosphate Stockbridge Potato and Vegetable Manure Stockbridge Premier Tobacco Grower . . . Stockbridge Tobacco Manure Stockbridge Top Dressing and Forcing Manure Stockbridge Truck Manure Stockbridge Truck Manure Amos D. Bridge's Sons, Inc., Hazardville. Corn, Onion, Potato and General Purpose Fertilizer Special Tobacco Fertilizer E. D. Chittenden Co., Bridgeport. Chittenden's Complete Grain, 3% Potash Chittenden's High Grade Potato Chittenden's High Grade Tobacco . . . Chittenden's Potato Special, 4% Potash Chittenden's Potato Special, 6% Potash Chittenden's Potato Special, 6% Potash Chittenden's Tobacco Special, 5% Potash Chittenden's Top Dresser, 4% Potash ... Everett B. Clark Seed Co., Milford. Clark's Special Mixture for General Use. Clark's Special Mixture with 6% Potash.. Clark's Super Phosphate Clark's Tip Top Brand Clark's Tip Top Brand Davey Tree Expert Co., Kent, Ohio. Davey Tree Food 3-8-4 3-10-4 3-10-3 4-8-4 4-8-4 2-8-3 New Canaan Hazardville Yalesville Yalesville New Canaan Meriden 2-10-2 1-8-2 4-6-10 7-3-7 5-4-5 6-6-4 Willimantic Willimantic Willimantic West Suffield Thompsonville . . . Meriden 4-8-7 4-8-7 Yalesville Milldale 4-8-4 5-4-5 2-8-3 5-8-7 6-3-7-5 4-8-4 4-8-6 4-8-6 5-4-5 6-8-4 4-8-4 4-8-6 5-8-7 5-io-5 5-10-5 7-8-3 Sampled at Factory Sampled at Factory Rockville Glastonbury Glastonbury Bloomfield Bloomfield Abington Glastonbury Glastonbury Branford Branford Sampled at Factory Orange Allingtown Greenwich • MIXED FERTILIZERS 53 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acii and Potash- -Continued. Nitrogen. > V •- bo C 1-1 Phosphoric Acid. Potash. nj u 's T)3 ni'tS V > a °i3 a M C O £ O !S U &f < Eh w % % % % % % % % % % % 0.23 I.2I 0.44 0.58 2.46 2.99 O.85 9.0O 8.15 4.27 4.27 2365 0.58 1.03 0.22 0.77 2.6o 3-i6 O.85 10.93 10.08 3.06 4-15 2375 0-55 0.83 O.42 O06 2.36 2.87 0.70 IO.46 9.76 2.Q9 2.99 1645 0.44 1. 71 O.48 0.52 3-15 3.83 0-93 8.93 8.00 4.87 4.87 1644 0-39 1.72 0.57 0.51 3.19 3-88 O.78 8.98 8.20 3.98 3.98 2494 O.08 O.72 0.49 0.56 1.85 2.25 0.72 8.60 7.88 3-II 3-n 1858 O.31 O.72 0.1 1 0.52 1.66 2.02 0.53 II. 18 10.65 2-54 2-54 2349 O.OO 0.32 0.28 0.28 0.88 1.07 0.50 8.SO 8.00 2.12 2.12 1867 0.62 i-55 0.41 0.52 3.10 3-77 0.50 6.70 6.20 IO.25 10.25 2370 0.17 0.83 0.61 4-33 5-94 7.22 0-35 4.10 3-75 O.72 7.24 2376 O.49 0.69 0.00 2.90 4.08 .4.96 0.33 4-^3 4-30 O.31 5-30 1626 I.8l 2.50 0.22 o.55 5.08 6.18 O.43 6.55 6.12 3-79 3-79 2366 O.47 1.64 0.56 0.51 3.18 3.87 0.93 9.10 8.17 6.04 6.04 1857 O.48 1.68 0.67 0-53 3.36 4.09 1. 14 8.96 7.82 6.75 6-75 2493 1.23 1. 14 0.17 0.96 3-50 4.26 1.28 10.10 8.82 0.90 4-54 1859 0.14 1. 10 0.78 2.24 4.26 5.18 O.60 5.85 5-25 0.98 6.10 2640 O.IO 0.74 0.3s 0.40 1-59 1-93 O.78 8.76 7.98 3.i8 3.18 1636 0.72 2.39 0.21 o.59 3-91 4-75 0.4S 9.40 8-95 6.70 6.70 2369 0.14 2.73 0.44 2.07 5.38 6.54 0.15 4.25 4.10 O.44 8.36 2368 0.84 i-S4 0.03 0.72 3-13 3.81 0.73 8.73 8.00 4-51 4-5i 2372 0.69 1-45 0.13 o.57 2.84 3-45 0.65 9.08 8.43 5.38 5-38 2371 0.67 1-53 0.76 0.64 2.96 3.60 0.65 8.85 8.20 5.38 5-38 2526 0.25 2.55 0.14 1.28 4.22 5.13 0.35 5.13 4.78 2.23 5-47 2374 0.57 2.85 0.13 o.59 4.14 5.03 0.50 9.00 8.50 4.71 4.71 2411 0.06 1.99 0.22 1.23 3-50 4.26 2.40 10.70 8.30 1.70 4.19 1638 0.06 1.92 0.37 1.05 340 4-13 i-35 9.85 8.50 6.42 6.74 1637 0.75 2.14 0.38 0.72 3-99 4-85 1.05 9.48 8.43 6.48 6.48 1865 0.82 2.22 0-37 0.86 4.27 5.19 1.22 10.63 9.41 2-54 4.81 1864 4-03 4.90 0.90 10.84 9.94 5.89 1868 0.03 2-37 0.81. 2.13 5-34 6.49 4-15 12.85 ! 8.70 3.56 3.56 2416 54 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2*]0 Table XIII. Analyses of Mixed Fertilizers Manufacturer and Brand. Sampled by Station: Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Springfield, Mass. Eastern States 3-12-3 Eastern States 3-12-3 ". Eastern States 4-8-10 Eastern States 5-8-7 Eastern States 5-8-7 ' Eastern States 5-10-5 Eastern States 8-6-6 Eastern States Formula A Tobacco Fer- tilizer Eastern States Formula B Eastern States Formula C Tobacco Fer- tilizer Essex Fertilizer Co., Boston. Essex 2-8-2 Farm and Garden Essex Fish Fertilizer for All Crops, 3-8-4 Essex Market Garden for Potatoes, Roots and Vegetables, 4-8-4 Essex Special Tobacco, 5-4-5 L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Frisbie's 5-8-7 Frisbie's 5-8-7 , Frisbie's Corn and Grain Fertilizer. 2-8-2. Frisbie's Market Garden, 4-8-6 Frisbie's Special, 3-8-4 Frisbie's Special Vegetable and Potato Grower, 4-8-4 Frisbie's Tobacco Grower, 5-4-5 Frisbie's Tobacco Manure, 5-8-6 Frisbie's Top Dresser, 7-5-4 A .W. Higgins, South Deerfield, Mass. Old Deerfield 4-8-4 Complete Fertilizer . . Old Deerfield 5-8-7 Complete Fertilizer . . International Agricultural Corp., Woburn, Mass. International Conn. Valley Special International Conn. Valley Special International Economy International General Favorite Grade. 3-12-3 3-12-3 4-8-10 5-8-7 5-8-7 5-10-5 8-6-6 Place of Sampling. Newtown South Windsor Danbury ...... North Haven . Woodstock . . . Woodstock . . . Danbury 6.5-4.2-5.5 s Ellington 6-4-5.2 6.5-4-2-5.5 2-8-2 3-8-4 4-8-4 5-4-5 5-8-7 5-8-7 2-8-2 4-8-6 3-8-4 4-8-4 5-4-5 5-8-6 7-5-4 4-8-4 5-8-7 7-6-5 7-6-5 2-8-2 3-8-6 Warehouse Point Glastonbury Wallingford Wallingford Wallingford Rockville . . Danbury . . . Wethersfield Danbury . . . Winsted . . . New Britain Wethersfield Thompsonville . . . Windsor Locks . . Sampled at Factory Madison . . . Madison . . . Glastonbury Manchester Guilford . . . Cromwell . . MIXED FERTILIZERS 55 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash- -Continued. Nitrogen. « d > 3 B "c3 t, rt u cS o< M M O £ O £ Eh < 2 U H [fl; < H C/3 70 % % % % % % % % % % 0-37 I.48 O.4I 0.28 2.54 3-09 O.70 12.78 12.08 3.62 3-62 I706 0-55 1. 41 O.36 0.56 2.88 3.5o O.23 12.83 I2.60 3-37 3-37 1775 0.53 2.12 0.6l 0.65 3-9i 4-75 0.75 9.60 8-95 8.29 8.29 1705 0.8l 2.09 0.29 0.66 3.8S 4.68 O.40 8.70 8.30 7.12 7.12 164I 3-49 4.24 o.S3 8.83 8.30 6.56 6.56 1903 O.O6 2.87 0.75 o.43 4.11 5.00 0.88 11.05 IO.I7 5-30 5-30 1902 O.IO 4-65 0.86 0.71 6.32 7.68 0.35 6.9O 6.55 6.80 6.80 2405 0.74 0-59 0.60 3.38 5-31 6.46 0.28 6.83 6-55 1. 14 5-92 2413 0.52 O.98 0.52 3.00 5. 02 6.10 0.23 5.38 5-15 1.42 6.66 2415 0.19 1.08 1.28 2.90 5-45 6.63 2.30 6.88 4-58 0.49 5-59 2414 0.08 O.S4 0.26 o.54 1.72 2.09 0.77 8.84 8.07 2.18 2.18 1700 0.06 I.48 0.32 0.72 2.58 3-i4 0.88 9.00 8.12 4.61 4.61 I639 0.38 1. 48 0.58 0.91 3-35 4.07 0.78 9.13 8-35 4.3i 4.3i 164O 1. 48 0.l6 0.22 1.88 3-74 4-55 0.65 5-7o 5.05 1.65 5-55 2412 0.64 I.9I 0.67 0.80 4.02 4.89 0.70 9-63 8.93 6-93 6.93 1703 0.69 1.97 0.56 0.80 4.02 4.89 0.78 9-43 8.65 6.88 6.88 2124 0.04 O.83 0.27 0-54 1.68 2.04 0.63 8.65 8.02 1.99 1.99 1704 1.05 0.95 0.53 0.77 3.30 4.01 0.65 9.23 8.58 6.02 6.02 2130 0.50 1.03 0.42 0.73 2.68 3-26 o.7S 9.48 8.73 4-37 4-37 2126 0.19 1.91 o.53 0.63 3.26 3.96 0.60 9.13 8.53 4.24 4.24 2125 0.50 1-25 0.63 T-75 4-13 5.02 0.25 5-23 4.98 0.36 5.6i 2132 1.27 i-39 0.77 0.79 4.22 5.13 0.68 9.25 8.57 0.62 6.08 2131 1.67 2-73 0.52 0.72 5.64 6.86 0.40 6.00 5-6o 4.48 448 2127 0.69 1.40 0.30 1. 00 3-39 4.12 1.56 9-05 7-49 5-32 5-32 2145 0.78 1.47 o.73 1. 19 4-17 5-07 2.43 10.15 7.72 6.81 6.81 2144 O.IO 2.40 0.21 3.06 5-77 7.02 0.83 7.00 6.17 0-57 5.58 2409 0.00 2.51 0.29 2.90 5-70 6.93 0.20 6.28 6.08 0.52 5.27 1684 0.07 1.26 0.16 0.44 1-93 2.35 0.25 8.28 8.03 2-53 2.53 2436 0.08 1.42 0-53 0.42 2.45 2.98 0.30 8.58 8.28 6.24 6.24 2437 5 6 . CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2.^0 Table XIII. Analyses of Mixed Fertilizers d to a o Manufacturer and Brand. Grade. Place of Sampling. 1659 2503 2410 1658 1635 2502 2442 2678 1634 1657 1707 1708 2087 I7IO Sampled by Station: International Agricultural Corp., Woburn, Mass. — Continued. International High Grade Manure International High Grade Manure International Multiple Strength, 10-8-10.. International New England Special International Tobacco Grower 4-6-IO 4-6-IO 10-8-10 2-12-4 5-6-7 5-6-7 5-4-5 5-4-5 7-3-7 3-8-4 2-8-2 4-8-7 4-6-10 4-8-4 5-8-7 5-4-5 7-5-2 7-5-2 6-4-7 3-8-3 5-4-5 5-8-5 3-6-4 4-6-4 4-7-5 1-4-15 6-4-3 7.5-2-10.5 5-6-1 10-4-2 Manchester Warehouse Point . Glastonbury Manchester Warehouse Point . International Tobacco Producer Lowell Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Lowell Animal Brand, A High Grade Manure for All Crops, 3-8-4 Lowell Bone Fertilizer for Corn, Grain, Lowell Potato Phosphate for Potatoes Lowell 4-6-10, Potatoes and Vegetables .. Lowell 4-8-4 for Potatos, Corn and Suffield Mbosup Warehouse Point . 2082 2084 Lowell 5-8-7 for Potatoes and Vegetables Lowell Tobacco 5-4-5 for Tobacco, Fruits Warehouse Point . 2083 2498 1655 1653 I699 I654 l662 Mapes Formula and Peruvian Guano Co., New York. The Mapes Connecticut Valley Special ... The Mapes Corn Manure Hartford Hartford The Mapes General Tobacco Manure . . . The Mapes General Truck Manure The Mapes General Use Manure The Mapes Potato Manure Hartford Meriden 2435 Hartford Meriden I9l8 2441 The Mapes Tobacco, Ash Constituents . . The Mapes Special Formula Tobacco Manure East Granby 1702 I656 2434 The Mapes Tobacco Manure Wrapper The Mapes Tobacco Starter, Improved . . The Mapes Top Dresser Windsor Locks . . Hartford MIXED FERTILIZERS Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash- 57 Nitrogen. Is 1° E° S <2 Pho >phoric Acid. Potash. HI rt u c rt' "5 s E rt u 3 s ^ rt i) 1- rt O £ 0) 3 *o g 'S'S ho" J-. rt O £ *rt O H *o .3 ii rt u U "rt H V ■o!5 > V 3 a < "rt H 6 in % ^0 % % % % % % % % % 0.00 1.76 O.88 O.SO 3.14 3.82 0-43 7.15 6.72 9.10 9.10 1659 0.06 1.86 O.48 O.67 3-07 3-73 0.40 7-53 7.13 9.52 9-52 2503 0.20 5-19 0.09 2.78 8.26 10.04 O.4O 8.35 7-95 1.18 10.34 2410 O.36 0.62 O.24 O.36 1.58 1.92 0-45 12.50 12.05 4.18 4.18 1658 O.06 1.98 0.19 2.20 4-43 5-39 0.20 5.69 549 0.74 7.08 1635 0.10 1.86 O.I4 2.04 4.14 5-03 0.31 6.04 5-73 1.69 7-5i 2502 O.II 1.84 O.I3 1.66 3-74 4-55 0.15 3-99 3.84 1.30 5-42 2442 4.10 4.98 0.23 4.25 4.02 5.05 2678 0.10 2.48 0.29 2.91 578 7-03 0.28 3.78 3-50 0.56 6.86 1634 0.00 i-39 0.34 0.74 2-47 3-oo 0.85 8.97 8.12 438 4-38 1657 0.19 0.66 O.49 0.57 1.91 2.32 0-7S 8.64 7.89 2.13 2.13 1707 0.84 1. 14 0.77 0.81 3-56 4-33 1.24 9.00 7.76 7.78 7.78 1708 0.13 2.02 0.6l 0.66 3.42 4.16 0.78 7.23 6.45 10.81 10.81 2087 0.73 1.02 O.62 0.87 3-24 3-94 1. 00 9.18 8.18 4.40 4.40 1710 0.80 i-75 0.85 1.03 4-43 5-39 1-33 9-33 8.00 7.00 7.00 2082 i-S5 0.10 0.35 2. 11 4.11 5-oo 0.70 5-73 5-o3 1. 14 5-59 2084 0.00 5.28 O.OO 0.08 5-36 6.52 0.10 5-74 5.64 2.46 2.46 2083 0.00 5.81 0.00 O.II 5-92 7.20 0.53 5-21 4.68 2.07 2.07 2498 2.14 0.33 0.72 1.76 4-95 6.02 0.63 5.T5 4-52 0.78 9-30 1655 0.12 0.70 0.38 1.04 2.24 2.72 i-75 10.70 8-95 2.88 3-52 1653 i-93 0-39 0.7s 1.46 4-53 5-5i i.54 5.26 3-72 0.54 5.69 1699 1. 14 1. 17 0.33 1.20 3-84 4.67 o.75 8.78 8.03 4-13 5-50 1654 0.77 0.90 0.23 0.92 2.82 3-43 o.73 8.68 7-95 0-35 4.90 1662 1.29 1. 18 0.22 0-95 3-64 4-43 1.38 8.48 7.10 0.07 5.19 2435 I.I3 1. 10 0.23 0.96 3-42 4.16 1. 00 9-33 8.33 4-65 5.36 1661 0.09 0.18 0.25 0.50 1.02 1.24 1.23 6.00 4-77 0.88 15-15 1918 1.80 0.37 0.86 1.61 4.64 5-64 1.68 5-75 4.07 0.62 5.85 2441 2.14 0.39 1.22 2-45 6.20 7-54 1.90 5-io 3.20 0.78 11.46 1702 i-33 1.23 0.28 1.31 4-15 5-05 1.98 9.60 7.62 1.18 2.55 1656 4.90 1.84 0.48 1.03 8.25 10.03 0.93 6.20. 5.27 0.35 3-!3 2434 5 8 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN "2J0 Table XIII. Analyses of Mixed Fertilizers Manufacturer and Brand. Grade. Place of Sampling. Sampled by Station: New England Fertilizer Co., Boston. New England Corn Phosphate for Grain and Vegetables, 2-8-2 New England Corn Phosphate for Grain and Vegetables, 2-8-2 New England 5-8-7 for Potatoes and Market Garden New England 5-8-7 for Potatoes and Market Garden New England 4-8-4 for Potatoes, Vege- tables and Grass New England Potato Phosphate 4-8-7 for Potatoes and Vegetables New England Superphosphate, A High Grade Fertilizer for All Crops, 3-8-4 • ■ . New England Tobacco, 5-4-5 New England Tobacco Manure, 5-8-6 .... Olds & Whipple, Inc., Hartford. O & W Blue Label Brand Tobacco Fer- tilizer O & W Complete Corn, Potato and Onion Fertilizer O & W Complete Tobacco Fertilizer .... O & W High Grade Potato Fertilizer . . . O & W High Grade Starter and Potash Compound . O & W Special Complete Corn, Onion and Potato Fertilizer Parmenter & Polsey, Boston, Mass. P & P Farm and Garden, 2-8-2 P & P Plymouth Rock Brand for All Crops, 3-8-4 P & P Potato and Market Garden, 5-8-7- • Piedmont Mt. Airy Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. Harvest Brand, 2-8-2 Harvest Brand, 3-8-4 Harvest Brand, 4-8-4 Harvest Brand, 4-8-4 Harvest Brand, 4-6-10 Harvest Brand, 5-8-5 2-8-2 2-8-2 5-8-7 5-8-7 4-8-4 5-8-6 6-3-6 4-8-4 5-4-5 5-8-7 5-4-15 3-8-2 2-8-2 3-8-4 5-8-7 2-8-2 3-8-4 4-8-4 4-8-4 l-6-io 5-8-5 Rockville Meriden Meriden Rockville Meriden 4-8-7 j Plainville 3-8-4 ' Plainville 5-4-5 j Warehouse Point Warehouse Point Glastonbury South Manchester South Manchester Silver Lane South Windsor . . . South Manchester Stafford Springs . . Stafford Springs . . Stafford Springs . . Guilford . . . New Haven Seymour . . . Guilford . . . New Haven New Haven MIXED FERTILIZERS 59 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash— Continued. Nitrogen. > i-< m' .2 'u E *c3 Eh d la Of % % % % ■% % % % % % 0.13 1.09 0.32 O.44 1.98 2.41 0.70 7.98 7.28 2.10 2.10 1660 0.09 0.78 0.28 O.64 1.79 2.18 0.72 8.57 7.85 2.37 2.37 208l 0.77 I.S5 0.26 O.96 3.84 4.67 0.80 8.95 8.15 7-34 7.34 1913 0.83 LSI O.89 O.92 4.15 5-05 L59 8.83 7.24 7-43 7-43 2509 0.31 I.48 0.6l 0.92 3-32 4.04 0.93 9.23 8.30 4-23 4.23 1709 0.79 0.95 0.73 0.70 3-17 3-85 1. 10 9.58 8.48 7.14 7.14 1912 0.23 1.66 1.58 1. 21 O.IO O.I4 0.32 0.34 0.55 O.64 2.18 2.10 2.40 4.28 4-37 2.92 5-20 5.31 0.68 0.63 i-43 8.58 5.50 9.83 7.90 4.87 8.40 3-97 1.62 1.82 3-97 5-37 6.18 1663 2444 2443 1. 11 0.02 0.24 4.02 5-39 6.55 0.38 3.9o 3.52 0.58 7.36 I909 1.24 1.09 0.51 I.24 0.04 2.08 0.00 0.26 0.65 0.88 2.94 1. 18 3-36 4-33 4.42 4.09 5-26 5-37 0.93 o.4S 1.20 9-55 5.40 10.18 8.62 4-95 8.98 4.72 0.49 0.66 4.72 5-95 7.80 1910 1730 1732 1.47 O.80 0.17 1.82 4.26 5.18 0.60 548 4.88 1.30 16.12 1914 1.58 0.00 0.20 0.94 2.72 3-3i 1.23 11.20 9-97 2.60 2.60 igil 0.38 0.33 0-53 0.76 2.00 2-43 0.63 8.78 8.15 2.02 2.02 2643 0.22 0.84 1. 19 1.68 0.26 0.81 0.70 0.94 2-37 4.27 2.88 5-19 0.75 L35 8.89 9.08 8.14 7-73 4-32 7.50 4-32 7.50 2146 2642 0.05 0.14 0.00 0.07 0.08 0.12 0.97 2.12 2.34 2.25 2.06 2.38 0-59 0.50 0.64 0.52 0.67 0.75 0.39 0.42 0.36 0.46 0.36 0.83 2.00 3.18 3-34 3-3o 3-17 4.08 2.43 3-87 4.06 4.01 3.85 4.96 0.70 0.50 0.82 1 02 0.50 0.98 8.85 9.00 8.18 8.25 7.00 9.70 8.15 8.50 7.36 7.23 6.50 8.72 3.93 4.00 3-90 ■ 3-94 9-77 5.19 3-93 4.00 3-9° 3-94 9-77 5-19 2097 1528 1736 2510 1771 1526 60 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 Table XIII. Analyses of Mixed Fertilizers Manufacturer and Brand. Grade. Place of Sampling. Sampled by Station: Piedmont Mt. Airy Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. Harvest Brand, 5-8-7 Harvest Brand, 8-6-6 Harvest Brand, 8-6-6 Harvest Brand, 6-8-6 Frank S. Piatt Co., New Haven. Platco Special Rackliffe Bros. Co., New Britain. Rackliffe 4-8-4 Fertilizer The Rogers & Hubbard Co., Portland. 4-8-4 5-8-7 Garden Fertilizer Hubbard's "Bone Base" Fertilizer for Oats and Top Dressing Hubbard's "Bone Base" Fertilizer for Seeding Down - Hubbard's "Bone Base" Fertilizer for Seeding Down Hubbard's "Bone Base" Soluble Corn and General Crops Manure Hubbard's "Bone Base" Soluble Potato Manure Rogers & Hubbard's All Soils, All Crops Rogers & Hubbard's Climax Tobacco Brand Rogers & Hubbard's Corn and Grain Fer- tilizer Rogers & Hubbard's High Potash Fertil- izer Rogers & Hubbard's Potato Fertilizer . . . Rogers & Hubbard's Tobacco Grower Vegetable Formula F. S. Royster Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. Royster's Bully Guano Royster's Quality Trucker Royster's Triumph Guano Royster's Trucker's Delight Royster's Trucker's Delight Royster's Valley Tobacco Formula Royster's Wrapper Brand 5-8-7 8-6-6 8-6-6 6-8-6 4-8-6 4-8-4 4-8-4 5-8-7 2-8-4 10-3-8 3-5-6 3-5-6 3-8-6 6-8-5 4-10-4 5-4-5 1-10-3 3-8-10 2-10-4 6-4-4 2-8-5 4-8-7 3-8-3 4-8-4 4-8-4 5-4-5 7-3-7 Torrington Seymour . . Guilford . . Rockville . Sampled at Factory Southington Hartford Wethersfield Hartford Talcottville Sampled at Factory Sampled at Factory Norwich Cromwell Ellington Granby Willimantic Branford New Britain Burnside Trumbull Waterbury Thompsonville . . . Plainville Granby Granby Granby MIXED FERTILIZERS 61 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash— -Continued. Nitrogen. Ammonia equivalent to total nitrogen. Phosphoric Acid. Potash. 6< COS 0" 5 a < d c % % % % % % % % % % % O.II 2.86 0.55 O.38 3-90 4-74 1. 10 8.94 7.84 7.71 7.71 2142 0.14 5.32 0.58 0.54 6.58 8.00 0.70 7.10 6.40 5.48 548 213c 0.00 4.00 O.68 0.59 5-27 6.41 0.90 6.83 5-93 10.14 IO.I4 2511 0.14 3-97 0.56 0.35 5-02 6.10 o.75 9-35 8.60 0.76 4.91 264] 1.62 0.12 0-73 O.78 3-25 3-95 1.38 9.65 8.27 2.33 6.I7 1732 1.71 O.II O.48 I. II 3-4i 4.14 1.53 9.70 8.17 4-5i 4-5i 245c 0.18 1.90 0.59 O.62 3-29 4.00 2.64 10.85 8.21 4-33 4-33 1745 2.26 1.06 0.52 O.58 4.42 5-37 2.28 10.60 8.32 6.75 6-75 2142 0.10 0.90 0.43 O.46 1.89 2.30 2.65 11.20 8-55 4-54 4-54 1742 8.29 0.00 O.OO O.4I 8.70 10.58 2.48 8.00 5.52 7-35 8.58 1627 0.43 0.18 0.50 I.7I 2.82 3-43 4-05 11.60 7-55 7.14 7.14 162c 0.61 0.06 0.21 I.67 2-55 3-io 6-33 13.05 6.72 6.01 6.01 251c 1.23 0.07 O.38 O.81 2.49 3-03 2.55 10.83 8.28 5.84 5.84 208* 2.17 1. 18 O.98 O.63 4.96 6.03 1.88 10.80 8.92 0.47 5.00 2086 0.26 2.00 0.6l O.61 348 4-23 3.13 12.88 9-75 4.58 4.58 2103 1.20 0.14 0.27 2.55 4.16 5.06 0.60 6.00 5-40 0.86 5.65 2147 0.02 0.13 0-33 O.44 0.92 1. 12 1.23 11.60 10.37 3.21 3.21 2104 0.04 1.31 O.69 O.60 2.64 3-21 3.25 11.25 8.00 10.67 10.67 2101 0.09 o.S5 O.64 0.54 1.82 2.21 2.97 12.91 9.94 4-50 .4.50 2107 1-25 0.09 0.19 3-56 5-09 6.I9 0.90 5-33 4-43 0.35 4.21 2095 0.15 0.92 O.OO 0-54 1.61 I.96 1.33 9.70 8-37 4.66 4.66 209c 0.08 2.07 O.07 O.96 3.18 3.87 0.90 9-55 8.65 7.17 7.17 210; O.II 1-47 O.II O.79 2.48 3-02 1.40 9.60 8.20 3.17 3.17 2I0C O.II 2.04 0.l6 O.70 3-01 3-66 1.05 9.40 8-35 3-99 3-99 209? 0.12 1.83 O.23 1.02 3.20 3.89 1.60 9-59 7.99 4.14 4.14 2512 0.35 0.87 O.06 2.47 3-75 4-56 0.23 4-30 4.07 0.44 5.21 214C 0.38 1.47 O.JO 3-56 6.1 1 7-43 0.30 3.8o 3-50 0.56 7.92 2148 62 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 Table XIII. Analyses of Mixed Fertilizers Manufacturer and Brand. Grade. Place of Sampling. Sampled by Station: Sanderson Fertilizer and Chemical Co., New Haven. Sanderson's Atlantic Coast Bone, Fish and Potash Sanderson's Complete Tobacco Grower.. Sanderson's Corn Superphosphate Sanderson's Formula A Sanderson's Formula B Sanderson's Potato Manure Sanderson's Top Dressing Grass and Grain M. L. Shoemaker & Co., Philadelphia. Shoemaker's "Swift-Sure" Special Tobacco Formula Shoemaker's "Swift-Sure" Tobacco and General Use Springfield Rendering Co., Springfield, Mass. Springfield Animal Brand, 3-8-4 Springfield Market Garden Grower and Top Dresser, 5-8-7 Springfield Tobacco Special, 5-4-5 Springfield Spec. Potato,' Onion and Vege- table, 4-8-4 I. P. Thomas & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. I. P. Thomas, 5-8-7 Truckers' High Grade Guano, 4-8-4 Improved Truckers' Fertilizer Improved Truckers' Fertilizer Triton Oil and Fertilizer Co., New York City. Triton 3-10-2 Fertilizer Triton 4-8-4 Fertilizer Triton 4-8-7 Fertilizer Triton 5-8-7 Fertilizer U. S. Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. Standard United States Evergreen Fish Guano Standard United States Farmers' Formula Standard United States Fish, Bone and Potash 3-10-3 5-4-5 2-8-3 4-8-4 4-8-6 3-8-4 6-6-4 4-8-5 3-10-3 3-8-4 5-8-7 5-4-5 4-8-4 5-8-7 4-8-4 5-10-5 5-10-5 3-10-2 4-8-4 4-8-7 5-8-7 4-8-4 8-6-6 5-8-7 Guilford Manchester . Hamden Guilford Bloomfield . . Hamden Unionville . . New Milford New Milford Thompsonville Hazardville . . Thompsonville Hazardville . . Highwood . . . Highwood . . . Highwood . . . Highwood . . . New London . New London . New London . New London . Plantsville . . . New Britain . Plantsville . . . MIXED FERTILIZERS 63 Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and POTASH- -Continued. Nitrogen. s > tu Phosphoric Acid. Potash. V V •- bo 3 O XI 6 .a • O* *-. j3 • .2 3 3 3 O 0) C ts3 "t* i) rt 0.14 0.19 0.10 0.12 0.23 0.00 0.13 1.83 1.95 2.01 1.26 0.84 1.46 1. 18 1.65 1.05 3-31 % 2.92 2.17 2.66 1.60 0.63 2.78 4.19 0.19 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.60 0.18 2.02 0.09 0.22 O.08 2.36 0.12 0.54 0.88 1.06 1.50 0.86 1.38 0.65 1.47 2.09 0.17 % 0.52 0.46 0.53 0.57 0.19 0.43 0.45 0.66 0.80 0.76 0.38 0.50 0.60 0.10 0.67 0.49 1. 10 % 0.26 0.2s 0.19 0.21 2.86 0.22 0.29 0.75 1.40 1. 12 0.71 0.70 O.84 0.87 O.76 4.48 2.53 1. 16 0.02 ; 0.03 ; 1.86 % 3.84 3-07 3.48 2.50 3-91 3-43 5-o6 3-43 4.24 3-99 2.47 2.64 3.08 4-17 3-17 6.24 7.02 3-07 1.09 , 1.37 4.94 6.01 0.36 0.52 2.30 2.80 0.77 0.88 4.21 5-12 0.51 0.84 3-59 4-36 0.33 0.78 3-23 3-93 2.46 1.74 6.46 7.85 2192 2193 1817 1815 1845 2185 66 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 Table XIII. Analyses of Mixed Fertilizers 2043 2044 2045 2046 1718 1649 641 642 2557 2065 2424 1595 923 1795 Manufacturer and Brand. Grade. Sampled by Purchaser : American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York City Double A Tobacco Fertilizer, 173339 •• Double A Tobacco Fertilizer, 75,100 . . . Double A Tobacco Fertilizer, 7,301 .... Double A Tobacco Fertilizer, 571,689 . . Quinnipiac Seed Leaf Tobacco Manure Quinnipiac Prime Tobacco Manure, 63$ Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury. Fertilizer, 8-4-5 (Light) Fertilizer, 8-4-5 (Dark) •4-5 ■4-5 ■4-5 •4-5 7-3-7 8-4-5 8-4-5 Granby Granby Granby Granby Broad Brook Hartford . . . Buckland Buckland Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Springfield, Mass. 5-10-5 Fertilizer Eastern States, 5-8-7 L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Frisbie's 5-8-7 5-10-5 Saybrook . 5-8-7 Farmington 5-8-7 Manchester The Rogers & Hubbard Co., Portland. Rogers & Hubbard Tobacco Grower Vegetable Formula Seeding Down Fertilizer 6-4-4 Burnside .... Sent from Factory i Hartford MIXED FERTILIZERS Containing Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash — Concluded 6 7 Nitrogen. a 0) « C > 13 E° Is Phosphoric Acid. Potash. o 1 E a o & u O o g "S'E o § o H 3 "3 w a it a u U "c5 H V "rt'rt V > o< COS V rt 'u 3 a < H d a 7 9 9 5 7 D % 4-24 436 4.13 4-23 4.14 5.9i 6.70 6.32 3.30 4.78 3-92 5-II 5-05 % 5.15 5.30 5.02 5-14 5.03 7.19 8.15 7.68 4.01 5.8i 4.90 6.21 6.14 % 0.35 0.43 0.45 0.40 O.27 O.38 0.35 0.75 O.92 5-68 0.45 % 4.9O 5-68 4.63 4-43 4-23 370 11. 16 7.89 9-6o 5-30 12.60 6.25 % 4-55 5.25 4.18 4-°3 3.96 3-32 7-54 8.85 4.38 6.92 5-8o % 0.40 0.54 % 4.62 4-65 4.99 5.03 4.84 6.80 5.0O 7.98 7-05 4.32 6.83 2043 2044 2045 2046 I7l8 I649 64I 642 2557 2065 2424 1595 923 1795 SPECIAL MIXTURES AND HOME MIXTURES. Forty-six samples of home mixed goods and fertilizers mixed by manufacturers according to special formulas required by the purchasers have been analyzed and are reported in Table XVI. Only three of these were sampled by the station agent. 68 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 ■«- co «s- « ffl^ CO 1- CO c co CO O H CO C5 * * r^io ^ ! •o^ uotjb;s t^NN «OlNmONONf~NMr^irst^t^cOO!Ol r-»io«o NcoTj"co*N^t-^-vo^-^-*t , ^-i«^- vrno 10 (OH Ol N00HO\«'O(«)ONN*Nin00OlONN - f;ox vP vq i>- q n q h q m a q s vo q 01 no * h « q 06 i>-vo vd id vd m m vo i>.vd id id ■*■ «o «>. iovd i>- tAoo •J) O co ■ VO • f) C\ ■ m -00 KO^O O ^f^N .u-)Tt" •kP m ■ m -con • w • n n n m ^-lOTrn • « * •ajEijnm sy ^ M • 0' :6c : d :dddd6o'©'d ;6ci vooo u-> m 10 »o « »n co vooo 00 10 10 010100 u-s i> (( *3jqEJl12AB,, jo h nis t>. coiq «*■ up « -oo s> 00 q> °? "? <>■ *t" •■; °^ id i>. a\ q\ "J ""T p p m vO_ m m 1000 ts. ^t- O. O ' , i"'^" , ^' r Oco'^f u: )" : > invd vd Tt 10 "1 '^■'O 10 10 lO 10 CO COOO COOOOO <^0\0 N 00 VO OOO ThCO 1000 s s^> ^VO ON NHMftnHHtiiNMMNMMMfiN •3iqn[0SUT-3}BJ}T3 ^ GOO 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 m m . d d ddo'd 0*10 H N MOH COOO O U"5 OMO « M *H «oio o> uaSojjiu jb}o} 0} vO « 00 C up co up ^- up qtoq m * *co h 00 co^-o « up 4U3] EAinbs Biuouituy 5 id id id 00* 00° id id id i>. id id i>. «o id id »>. i>. id O .upq m coojoooq m qoo o\ ^f •uaSojjiu [bjoj^ vO OO0 H ^ vd ^t-<3 in in uSvO tN. 10 in in\6 ininir)-*finininir)in I-l -a O a rtf ^3 • O ^ s- H "3. s a w °£ in -m * 03 152 <+H j^t/jc/: V to > rt re 5 >>> s £^& £££ v 6 Jhh < "en >rt 1- — . v .. 4) 4) ^ 8 § e 5 £ bo -« ■S ctf C flNt>n0101 ■J u 4 H 1 4 1 •<; C C 1 ^ 1- 1- ^ 1- 1- 1- u t- 1 1 1- >; i- 1- 1- ^ >- 1- u 1 ^ ■>ic 1C MIXED FERTILIZERS 69 00 M 10 r~ 00 *j- lO t>. 00 M ^- VO 00 cn vo •on uotmg 01 H M M H H Ol Oi VO vo oi M M vo vo MM MOO M M CO CO M CO CO CT M l-l W « « N « « « « « « « N M O J^ vo m co m n 0\ «*• t-> w 01 q 00 <«■ M "m°£ tS CO O ** M 4 VO »»• 01 cj t>. *? "? °. !>. t>. CO .a a t> ■* vd co co N * * oS t> >o CO (ti t^ • . ... vo vo •ajeunui sy ^ : Tf • ... 0* : : : : VO M J ^ VO : d N O ■nm t> t~» VO O^ 00 m in O ^ ^'^jqBJIBAB,, >£ M . *? q» « "<*■ m t^. r« in * q up « up IS "3 p3l[3o-og »*■ «£ uioo * CO «>. 00* 10 ^* * «n 00 IT) O 00 co in O 10 in vo vo 00 00 in O 'j-t Tnoj, ^ rj-in m in mvO no *> N . HH O ^r in ^j- "in m in "* 00 o\ in •* in vd d p. CO O •a 1-1 CO O cooo m coco CO O Q> d d w O 00 CO in ? P-i ■aiqniosuT-s^BaiiQ ^ do . ^i- if VO* t> in vd uH vS? O00 VQ O CO O N in tj- in m' -4 m ts. ^f m cn O 3- CO "u3Soa;iu Jbjojl CN CO CO vo' co co vq q in \o ■4 CO O • ! . CO 1 ... . - . CO • O Oh — a ■ ■ ■ • *~~; M > CO • 4) : ■0 bo a S a O H rt O Sh' ompson Thomp llinsvill llinsvill ington ington Supply ampson ington •a •a 3 O u O «-, OQ .c - • ° ° — s J3 S CO !5 ■S2 H g : uu W W-£ H W JS 00 MM O 1) O Sum >omfie ostick gess, Burge rphy, rphy, man, man, Masoi d ... CO O 3 to 1 O O CO G O fc V U ^O s American Co., Blc George B sonville W. J. Bur James T. '. ville . . O. W. Mu 0. W. Mu Fred Hofl Fred Hofif Stamford Stamfor O u O -1 w. J. Fred CO "3 O G "*3 00 G < . *•.«.- - . - ■*o • O • 0" : : : • d O • « U :u :u :u :u :u U • CO ;to. Q ! M .' 1- M .« S ■ S3 . ~ . ^ . v . « CU U <-> rt . cti . cts . rt . N . N N - V 8 K :K :ffi :ffi "55 "HS r5 B &H 1- 1- 'D*o n s c a Z° 1 CO In c3 >. CO >. CO >. CO >., .oo ^- m t^ 00 M *- vo 00 o> vo •0^1 nopBJS CT O M MM M M CT\ Ol VO vo CT M M VO VO M MM O O M M CO CO M CO CO Ol M H IN CO lO VO t^ ■0 VO e> )H 3 •OJvJ UOIJBJS cti CO 00 CO CO 00 O CO 00 00 CO CO 00 00 M H M « « a « « N M H N CO O • CTl t-» w CTl Acid, p3[[B0-0S "*■ 00 «* "3- 1- 00 00 00 i ^ CO O ■ in CO m co tJ- £ J? O 'Piox ^ o\ \d c\ 0\ 10 VO vo in hospho in Cf\ 10 in 10 0> On 0\ CO 0^ O w ID O CO 00 CO 00 CO in Ph •3iqniosui-3}-Bj;;3 t— 1 01 00 6 00 t^ 6 q q 1-! M in d 00 en Ti- CTl VN t> !>. VO CO 10 uaSoajiu ie;oj oj .^O VO VO ^ 4 «d to «o O CTl CO co N }U3] BAinba Bjuouiujy VO lO VO ■O VO **- « VO 10 00 O «0 1-1 "d- ■t M rf- •uaSojjiu lE}ox v5p 00 10 ^ CO in CO 10 4 4 0\ C^_ ■* 10 CO CO c ^ in u +-> -M *J "O T3 X3 cu S C .5 u u c« O O *+* >-w Hi nche se P Pm en P-l u co Hart Hart X5 H H a CO 3 3 S O c a a O 0, S O J3 CD J3 O CO CO C3 ll tl ^ O cO CO fl cu c| cu CO S CO S S3 O cu 0) d s co cO cO cO a a, O O O O •0 C cu cu cu cu cu fc pq ^ £ £ £ x; -a co co com com Pm • « w w W £ fc 5 Ameri Co., Ameri Co., U ffi ffi ffi < < < w . £ 6 O •*t3 T3 ■T3 =3 £ 03 g • o r 1—1 a M c M 1 • cO • J3 CO j3 • cO ■ J3 u£ v,^ u § ;ja x> ;xi CU co co !> ^5 J O O O H H H CO 10 VO t-. VO VO t~- OHO °Otf UOTJEJS CTl CO CO 00 O O CO O 00 00 CO CO 00 CO d N M 00 00 m M cs M cm « (N M M M N MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZERS, ETC. 71 VII. MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZERS, AMENDMENTS x\ND WASTE PRODUCTS. WOOD ASHES. Twelve samples of wood ashes, chiefly Canadian products, have been analyzed. All were of good quality. Nine contained over 6 per cent of potash and eleven contained over 5 per cent. Besides potash, wood ashes contain from 1.5 to 2.5 per cent of phosphoric acid and probably 30 per cent or more of lime which contribute to their value as a fertilizer and a soil amendment, but as a source of potash at $5.00 per unit they are expensive. Analyses are gfiven in Table XVII. Table XVII. Analyses of Wood Ashes. J3 rt •O Manufacturer. Purchaser. J3 £ "o c u, 1776 1901 1633 1722 1907 1908 1675 1598 1599 1669 2317 1796 Sampled by Station: John Joynt. Lucknow, Canada Gordon Point Scholes, Warehouse Sampled by Purchaser: John Joynt, Lucknow, Canada Harry Zera, Sufneld The Allied Tobacco Company, Hartford F. R. & R. M. Goodrich, Port- land Hatheway & Steane, Inc., Hartford L. Wetstone & Sons, Hartford % 1.68 2.10 1-73 2.15 1-75 2.38 2.15 2.50 2.25 2.20 2.13 1.98 % 6.25 6.22 6.41 4-79 6.16 6.65 5.60 6.75 6.50 6.18 5-26 5-97 7 2 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION Table XVIII. Analyses of BULLETIN 2/0 Manufacturer or Brand. Place of Sampling. 2305 2051 2123 1866 1652 1728 1725 1726 1729 1734 1744 Sampled by Station: American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York City Armour Fertilizer Works, New York City Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridge- port Case's Brand. A. H. Case & Co., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y Sheep's Head. Natural Guano Co., Aurora, Illinois Groz-It. Pacific Manure & Fer- tilizer Co., San Francisco, Cal. Premier Poultry Manure. Pre- mier Poultry Manure Co., Chi- cago, Illinois Premier Sheep Manure. Premier Poultry Manure Co., Chicago, Illinois Wizard Brand Manure. The Pulverized Manure Co., Chi- cago, Illinois Wizard Brand Sheep Manure. The Pulverized Manure Co., Chicago, Illinois So. American Sheep and Goat Manure. Sanderson Fertilizer & Chemical Co., New Haven.. Morrison & Dunham, Bethel F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Co., Stamford . . . Factory W. L. Thorpe, North Haven Cadwell & Jones, Hartford Meech & Stoddard. Inc., Middletown Lightbourn & Pond, New Haven Lightbourn & Pond, New Haven W. W. Hunt & Co., Hart- ford F. H. Liggett & Co., Stam- ford G. W. Thorpe, West Ches- hire MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZERS, ETC. Sheep Manure, Etc. Ammonia equivalent to total nitrogen. O Phosphoric Acid. Potash. Available. Total. O 13* up up . 00 ■si- ^J-CO ioKo ■ ■* ^6 Koo' ; oj vd oi o\ t<. c\ m ; in. Tf CO « tfl *t3 a; +-> -»-" O 03 O >- O O O U> m Oh P4 cu aj ' rt .d r-C/3 be C i- rt 0(j. •* E 7 -S. c rt 5 G c >> 3 O 9J a; aj C >i O Lh u, ^ ^ J3 .3 «■> U > ^ «? > o 03 c On a! f g00 >> JO 03 S ioOP oJ> S-, O > CJ — -r. rt V ^ >> c rt i) cc , 'SO coJCC 8o CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2/0 1727. Potash Marl. Potash Marl, Inc., New York. Sampled by station agent, stock of Lightbourn and Pond, New Haven. Analysis : Available phosphoric acid 0.45 per cent; total phosphoric acid 1.33 per cent. The material was guaranteed 0.25 and 1 per cent of available and total phosphoric acid respectively. Only phosphoric acid is guaranteed. The material contains, or ( may contain, 6 per cent or more of potash but it is largely or entirely insoluble in water. The product was quoted at $43.00 per ton but the plant food in it cannot be valued at over $5.00. We have no information that its worth as an amendment justifies the extra cost. 922. Tobacco Stems, unground, submitted by W. A. Henry & Sons, Wallingford. 933. Tobacco Dust, ground, submitted by Edw. Eggert, Hartford. 2555, 2556. Tobacco Dust, submitted by S. D. Woodruff Sons, Orange. 955. Tobacco Stems, ground, submitted by the Everett B. Clark Seed Co., Milford. 2558. Tobacco Butts, 2559 Tips, 2560 Tips, 2561 Middle leaf, 2562 Middle leaf, 2563 Tips, 2564 Butts, 2565 Middle leaf. Sub- mitted by Dr. Anderson, Tobacco Station, Windsor, for deter- minations of moisture only. Analyses of these tobaccos are given in the following tabulation. Sta. No. Moisture % 922 30.50 933 2555 2556 955 2558 27.29 2559 24.91 2560 23.71 2561 26.99 2562 28.27 2563 20.01 2564 2347 2565 21.24 Analyses of Tobacco. Nitrogen. Phosphoric. % I.4I 2.71 I.96 I.84 I.48 % O.38 0-43 Potash. % 5.82 2.83 2.14 I.6l 6.01 Nicotine. % 1.03 INDEX Page Acid Phosphate 28 analyses of 29, 30 American Agricultural Chemical Co. : Castor Pomace 6, 22 Complete Potato Mixture 6, 48 Crescent Complete Manure 6, 48 Double A Tobacco Fertilizer 6, 48, 66 Dry Ground Fish 6, 36 Farm Favorite 6, 48 Fine Ground Bone 6, 41 Fish and Potash 6, 48 Grass and Lawn Top Dressing 6, 48 Ground Tankage 6, 38, 39 High Grade Acid Phosphate 6, 28, 29 Hi-Grade Tobacco Manure 6 Nitrate of Soda 6, 19 7% Potash Fertilizer 6, 48 Pulverized Sheep Manure 6, 72 Sulphate of Potash 6, 33 Universal Phosphate 6, 48 Bowker's Lawn and Garden Dressing 6, 48 Bradley's Complete Manure for Potatoes and Vegetables ... 6, 48 Complete Tobacco Manure 6, 48 Corn Phosphate 7, 48 New Method Fertilizer 7, 48 Northland Potato Grower 7, 48 Potato Fertilizer 7, 48 Potato Manure 7, 48 Superior Tobacco Compound 7 XL Superphosphate of Lime 7, 48 National Complete Tobacco Fertilizer 7, 48 Eureka Potato Fertilizer 7, 48 Market Garden Fertilizer 7, 48 Potato and Corn Phosphate 7, 48 Premier Truck Manure 7, 48 White Ash Tobacco Grower 7, 48 XXX Fish and Potash 7, 48 Quinnipiac Corn Manure 7, 48 Fish and Potash Phosphate 7 Market Garden Manure 7, 48 Potato Phosphate 7, 48 Prime Tobacco Manure 7, 48, 66 Seed Leaf Tobacco Manure 7, 48 American Cyanamid Co. : Ammo-Phos 7 43 Apothecaries Hall Co. : Acid Phosphate 7,2Q Animal Tankage 7] 30 Bone ' 7 Bone and Meat Tankage 7 ->q Bone Meal ...!!!!!! 7, 41 Carbonate Potash ][][ ' 7 Castor Pomace 7 22 Cottonseed Meal 41% 7,' 25 Double Sulphate Potash and Magnesia " y\ 34 Dry Ground Fish . # . . 7' 35 Nitrate Soda 7' 19 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 Page Apothecaries Hall Co. — cont'd: Nitrate Soda and Potash 7, 35 Potash Muriate 7, 32, 33 Potash Sulphate 7. 33 Precipitated Bone 7j 2 7 Sulphate Ammonia 7 Liberty Corn and All Crops 2-8-2 7, 48 Corn and Vegetable 3-6-10 7, 48 Corn, Fruit and All Crops 2-12-4 7, 48 Fish, Bone and Potash 3-10-4 7, 48 High Grade Market Gardeners 5-8-7 7, 48 High Grade Tobacco Manure 7.5-4-7.5 7, 50 Market Gardeners Special 4-8-4 7, 48 Tobacco Special 5-4-5 7, 50 Top Dresser for Grass and Grain 10-3.5-8 7, 50 Armour Fertilizer Works : Armour's Big Crop Acid Phosphate 16% 7, 29 Big Crop Fertilizer 8-6-6 7 Big Crop Fertilizer 5-8-7 7, 45, 50 Big Crop Fertilizer 5-8-5 7, 50 Big Crop Fertilizer 4-16-4 7 Big Crop Fertilizer 4-6-10 8, 50 Big Crop Fertilizer 4-8-4 8, 50 Big Crop Fertilizer 3-8-4 8, 50 Big Crop Fertilizer 2-12-2 8 Big Crop Tobacco Special 5-4-5 8, 50 Corn Grower 2-8-2 8, 50 Bone Meal 3-48 8, 41 Ground Tankage 9-15 8, 39 Muriate of Potash 48% ■ 8, 32 Nitrate of Soda 18% 8, 19 Sheep Manure 1. 5-1-2 8, 72 Ashcraft- Wilkinson Co. : Helmet Brand Prime Cottonseed Meal 8, 25 Monarch Brand Prime Cottonseed Meal 8, 25 Paramount Brand Good Cottonseed Meal 8, 25 Ashes, analyses of 71 Atlantic Packing Co. : Atlantic 5-8-7 8 Corn and Grain Fertilizer 2-8-2 8, 50 Market Garden 4-8-6 8, 50 Special 3-8-4 8, 50 Special Tobacco Fertilizer 5-4-16 8, 50 Special Vegetable and Potato Grower 4-8-4 8, 50 Tobacco Grower 5-4-5 8, 50 Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 8, 50 Baker Castor Oil Co. : Castor Pomace 8, 22 Barrett Co. : Arcadian Sulphate of Ammonia 8 F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Co. : Bartlett's Green Tree Food 8, 50 Berkshire Fertilizer Co. : Acid Phosphate 8, 29 Berkshire Castor Pomace 8, 22 Complete Fertilizer 8, 50 Complete Tobacco 8, 50 Dry Ground Fish 8, 36, 37 INDEX. 83 Page Berkshire Fertilizer Co. — cont'd: Berkshire Economical Grass Fertilizer 8, 50 Fine Ground Bone 8, 41 Grass Special 8, 50 Long Island Special 8, 50 Market Garden 8, 50 Potato and Vegetable Phosphate 8, 50 Tobacco Special 8, 50 Sheep Manure 8, 72 Double Manure Salt 8, 34 Ground Tankage 8, 39 High Grade Sulphate Potash 8, 33, 34 Muriate of Potash 8, 32 Nitrate of Soda 8, 19 Precipitated Bone Phosphate 8, 27 F. E. Boardman : Boardman's Fertilizer for Potatoes and General Crops 9, 50 Tobacco Fertilizer 9, SO Bowker Fertilizer Co. : Bowker's All Round Fertilizer 9, 52 Fisherman's Brand Fish and Potash 9, 52 Hill and Drill Phosphate 9, 52 Market Garden Fertilizer 9, 52 Potato and Vegetable Phosphate 9, 52 Square Brand Farm and Garden Phosphate 9, 52 Sure Crop Phosphate 9, 52 Stockbridge Early Crop Manure 9 Potato and Vegetable Manure 9, 52 Premier Tobacco Grower 9, 52 Tobacco Manure 9, 52 Top Dressing and Forcing Manure 9, 52 Truck Manure 9, 45, 52 Bridge's Sons, Inc., Amos D. : Corn, Onion and Potato and General Purpose 9, 52 Special Tobacco Fertilizer 9, 52 Buckeye Cotton Oil Company: "Buckeye" 36% Protein Cottonseed Meal 9 "Buckeye" 41% Protein Cottonseed Meal 9 Carbonate of potash 31 Case & Co., Inc., A. H. : Case's Brand of Pulverized Sheep Manure 9, 72 Castor Pomace, analyses of 21, 22, 23 Chittenden Co., E. D. : Chittenden's Castor Pomace 9, 22 Complete Grain 9, 52 Dry Ground Fish 9, 36 Fine Ground Bone 9, 41 High Grade Acid Phosphate 9, 29 High Grade Muriate Potash 9, 32 High Grade Potato • 9, 52 High Grade Sulphate Potash 9, 33 High Grade Tobacco 9, 52 Nitrate of Soda q, 19 Potato Special 4-8-4 9, 52 Potato Special 4-8-6 9, 45, 52 Tobacco Special 9, 52 Top Dresser 5-8-4 9, 4s! 52 84 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2"]0 Page Clark Seed Co., Everett B. : Acid Phosphate 9, 29 Bone 9, 41 Clark's Special Mixture for General Use 9, 52 Special Mixture with 6% Potash 9, 52 Superphosphate 9, 52 Tip Top Brand 9,52 Muriate of Potash 9, 31, 32 Nitrate of Soda 9, 19 Tankage . . . . . 9, 39 Commercial Fertilizers, requirements of sellers of 4 Connecticut Fat Rendering & Fertilizer Corporation : Tankage 10, 39 Consolidated Rendering Co. : Acid Phosphate 16% 10, 29 Castor Pomace 10, 22 Dry Ground Fish 10, 36 Ground Bone (2.5-25.18) 10, 41 Ground Bone (2.46-22.90) 10, 40, 41 Muriate of Potash 10, 31, 32 Nitrate of Soda 10, 19 Sulphate of Ammonia ; 10 Sulphate of Potash 10, 33 Tankage 9-20 10, 39 Tankage 6-30 10, 38, 39 Cottonseed Meal, analyses of 3 Davey Tree Expert Co. : Davey Tree Food 10, 45, 52 Davis, S. P. : Beauty Brand Cottonseed Meal 10 Goodluck Brand Cottonseed Meal and Cracked Screened Cot- tonseed Cake 10, 25 Steerboy Brand Cottonseed Meal and Cracked Screened Cake 10, 25 Dissolved Rock Phosphate 28 Double Sulphate of Potash and Magnesia 31 Dry Ground Fish 35 analyses of 36, 37 Eastern Cotton Oil Co. : Superior Cottonseed Meal 10 Eastern States Farmers' Exchange : Eastern States 8-6-6 10, 54 5-10-5 10, 54, 66 5-8-7 10, 45, 54, 66 4-8-10 10, 54 4-8-4 10 3-12-3 10, 54 Acid Phosphate 10, 29 Fine Ground Bone 10, 41 Formula "A" Tobacco Fertilizer 10, 54 Formula "B" Tobacco Fertilizer 10, 54 Formula "C" Tobacco Fertilizer 10, 54 Ground Animal Tankage 10 Kainit 10, 34 Muriate of Potash 10, 32 Nitrate of Soda 10, 19 Sulphate of Ammonia 10 Sulphate of Potash 10 INDEX. 85 Page Essex Fertilizer Co. : Essex 2-8-2 for Farm and Garden 10, 54 Fish Fertilizer for All Crops 3-8-4 10, 54 Market Garden for Potatoes, Roots and Vegetables 4-8-4 10, 54 Potato Phosphate 4-8-7 for Potatoes and Vegetables . . 10 Special Tobacco 5-4-5 10, 54 Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 10 Fertilizer check samples, analyses of 78 law of Connecticut, provisions of 3 Fertilizers, analyses of mixed 48, 67 classification of samples analyzed 17 containing nitrogen and phosphoric acid, analyses of 35, 43 containing nitrogen and potash 35 ammonia, phosphoric acid and potash, analyses of 43, 44 gratuitous analyses of 6 1925 inspection of 17 precautions to be observed in drawing samples of 5 Frisbie Co., L. T. : Frisbie's 5-8-7 11, 54, 66 Corn and Grain Fertilizer 2-8-2 11, 54 Fine Bone Meal 11, 41 3/50 Bone Meal 11, 41 12/10 Ground Tankage 11, 38, 39 Market Garden 4-8-6 1 1, 54 Special 3-8-4 1 1, 54 Special Vegetable and Potato Grower 4-8-4 ........ 11, 54 Tobacco Grower 5-4-5 11, 54 Manure 5-8-6 1 1, 54 Top. Dresser 7-5-4 11,54 Precipitated Bone 11, 27 Ground Bone 40 analyses of 41, 42 Higgins, Inc., A. W. : Old Deerfield Acid Phosphate 11 Castor Pomace n, 23 5-8-7 Complete Fertilizer n, 54 4-8-4 Complete Fertilizer n f 54 Manure Salts . . 1 1 Muriate of Potash 11 Tankage n Home Mixtures 67 analyses of 68, 70 Humphreys-Godwin Co., Inc. : Bull Brand Cottonseed Meal 43% 11, 24,25, 26 Danish Brand Cottonseed Meal 36% 1 1, 26 Dixie Brand Cottonseed Meal 41.12% 11, 24, 25,' 26 International Agricultural Corporation: Bone Meal 11, 41 Castor Pomace 1 1' 23 Cotton Seed Meal [[[ 1 1' 26 International Acid Phosphate ° 11', 29 Connecticut Valley Special n,' 54 Crop Grower n Economy x j ca General Favorite 1 1] 54 High Grade Manure n! 56 86 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 Page International Agricultural Corp.— cont'd: International Ideal n Multiple-Strength 11,56 New England Special 11, 56 Phosphate and Potash n Tobacco Grower 1 1, 56 Tobacco Producer 1 1, 45, 56 Tobacco Special 1 1, 56 Muriate of Potash 11,32 Nitrate of Soda n, 19 Sulphate of Ammonia n Sulphate of Potash n, 33 Tankage n, 39 Joynt, John : The Joynt Brand Unleached Hardwood Ashes 11, 71 Kainit 31 Kellogg & Sons, Inc., Spencer, Buffalo, N. Y. : Castor Pomace 1 1, 23 Lime 75 Limestone, analyses of 7^,77 Lovitt & Co., L. B. : Lovit Brand Cottonseed Meal 36% 12 Cottonseed Meal 41% 12 Cottonseed Meal 43% 12 Lowell Fertilizer Co. : Lowell Animal Brand, A High Grade Manure for All Crops 3-8-4 12, 56 Bone Fertilizer, for Corn, Grain, Grass and Vegeta- bles 2-8-2 12, 56 Potato Phosphate for Potatoes and Vegetables 4-8-7 12, 56 Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 12 Tobacco 5-4-5 Tobacco, Fruits and Vines 12, 56 Top Dressing 7-5-2 12, 45, 56 5-8-7 for Potatoes and Vegetables 12, 56 4-8-4 for Potatoes, Corn and Vegetables 12, 56 4-6-10 for Potatoes and Vegetables 12, 56 Mapes Formula & Peruvian Guano Co. : The Mapes Connecticut Valley Special 12, 56 Corn Manure 12, 56 General Tobacco Manure 12, 56 General Truck Manure 12, 56 General Use Manure 12, 56 Grain Brand 12 Onion Manure 12, 56 Potato Manure 12, 56 Tobacco Ash Constituents 12, 56 Tobacco Manure, Wrapper Brand 12, 56 Tobacco Starter Improved 12, 56 Top Dresser 12, 56 Special Formula Tobacco Manure 12, 56 Memphis Cottonseed Products Co. : Durham Brand 36% Cottonseed Meal 12 Durham Forty Three Cottonseed Meal 12 Miscellaneous Fertilizers 7^,7& Mixed Fertilizers 43 analyses of 48, 67 Muriate of Potash 31 INDEX. 87 Page National Cottonseed Products Corp.: Sun Brand Cottonseed Meal I2 National Guano Company: "Sheep's Head" Pulverized Sheep Manure 12, 72 New England By-Products Corp. : Pure Bone Meal 12, 41 Ground Steam Bone I2 New England Fertilizer Co. : New England 5-8-7 for Potatoes and Market Gardens 12, 58 4-8-4 for Potatoes, Vegetables and Grass ... 12, 58 Corn Phosphate for Grain and Vegetables 2-8-2 12, 58 Potato Phosphate 4-8-7 for Potatoes and Vege- tables 12, 58 Superphosphate, A High Grade Fertilizer for All Crops 3-8-4 I2 > 58 Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 12, 58 Tobacco 5-4-5 12,58 "New England Standard Nine" 46 Nitrate Agencies Co. : Naco Brand Acid Phosphate 13, 29 Dry Ground Fish 13. 35, 36 Muriate of Potash 13, 33 Nitrapo 13, 35 Nitrate of Soda, analyses of 18 Olds & Whipple, Inc. : Double Manure Salts 13, 34 H. G. Sulphate of Potash 13, 33, 34 Nitrate of Soda 13, 19 O & W Acid Phosphate 13, 30 Blue Label Tobacco Fertilizer 13, 58 Castor Pomace 13, 20, 23 Complete Corn, Potato and Onion Fertilizer 13, 58 Complete Tobacco Fertilizer 13, 58 Dry Ground Fish 13, 36, 37 High Grade Potato Fertilizer 13, 58 H. G. Starter and Potash Compound 13, 58 High Grade Tobacco Starter 13, 43 Precipitated Bone 13, 27 Pure Bone Meal 13, 41 Special Comp. Corn, Onion and Potato Fertilizer . . 13, 58 Top Dressing for Grass 13, 43 Pacific Manure & Fertilizer Co. : Groz-It Brand Pulverized Sheep Manure 13, 72 Parmenter & Polsey Fertilizer Co. : Parmenter & Polsey 5-8-7 for Potatoes and Market Gardens . . 13, 58 4-8-4 for Potatoes, Corn and Vegetables. . 13 "P & P" 2-8-2 for Farm and Garden 13, 58 Plymouth Brand for All Crops 3-8-4 13, 58 Precipitated Bone Phosphate 27 Piedmont Mt. Airy Guano Co. : Harvest Brand 16% Acid Phosphate 13, 30 8-6-6 13, 45, 60 6-8-6 : 13, 60 5-8-7 13, 60 5-8-5 13, 58 4-8-4 13, 58 4-6-10 13, 58 88 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 2.*]0 Page Piedmont Mt, Airy Guano Co. — cont'd: Harvest Brand 3-8-4 13, 58 2-8-2 13, 58 Muriate of Potash .,,. 13 Nitrate of Soda •...." 13, 19 Piedmont Bone Meal 13, 41 Sulphate of Ammonia 13 9% Tankage 13 Piatt Co., Frank S. : Platco Special .. . 13, 60 Potash Marl, Inc. : Potash-Marl -. .:: .\ 13 Potash Salts, analyses of ., c 33, 34, 80 Premier Poultry Manure Co.: '; , Premier Brand Pulverized Poultry Manure 14, 72 Pulverized Sheep Manure 14, 72 Pulverized Manure Co. : Wizard Brand Manure 14, 72 Sheep Manure ..-. 14, 72 Rackliffe Bros. Co., Inc. : 4-8-4 Fertilizer 14, 60 "M. F. E." Brand Nitrate of Soda 1 14 Nitrate of Soda 14, 19 Rogers & Hubbard Co. : Acid Phosphate 14, 30 Castor Pomace ' 14, 23 Cottonseed Meal 14, 26 Garden Fertilizer .:■ 14, 60 Ground Fish 14, 35, 36 Hubbard's "Bone Base" Fertilizer for Oats and Top Dressing 14, 60 Fertilizer for Seeding Down 14, 60, 66 Soluble Corn and General Crops Manure 14, 60 Soluble Potato Manure 14, 60 Soluble Tobacco Manure 14 Hubbard's Pure Raw Knuckle Bone Flour 14, 42 Strictly Pure Fine Bone 14, 42 5-8-7 • 14, 60 4-8-4 14, 60 Nitrate of Soda 14, 19 Precipitated Bone 14, 27 Rogers & Hubbard's All Soils-All Crops Fertilizer 14, 60 Climax Tobacco Brand 14, 60 Corn and Grain Fertilizer 14, 60 High Potash Fertilizer 14, 60 Potato Fertilizer .". 14, 60 Tobacco Grower, Vegetable Formula . . 14, 60, 66 48% Sulphate of Potash 14, 33 Royster Guano Co., F. S. : Muriate of Potash 14, 33 Nitrate of Soda 14, 19 Royster's 16% Acid Phosphate • 14, 30 Bully Guano 14, 60 Fine Ground Bone Meal 14, 42 Quality Trucker 14, 60 Top Dresser 14 INDEX. 89 Page Royster Guano Co., F. S. — cont'd: Royster's Triumph Guano 14, 60 Truckers Delight 14, 60 Valley Tobacco Formula 14, 45, 60 Verbena Guano 14 Wrapper Brand 14, 60 Sulphate of Ammonia 14 Sanderson Fertilizer & Chemical Co. : Sanderson's Acid Phosphate 14, 30 Atlantic Coast Bone, Fish and Potash 14, 62 Castor Pomace 14, 23 Complete Tobacco Grower 15, 62 Corn Superphosphate 15, 62 Dry Ground Fish 15, 36 Fine Ground Bone 15, 42 Formula A IS, 62 Formula B 15, 62 Nitrate of Soda 15, 19 Potato Manure 15, 62 South American Sheep and Goat Manure 15, 72 Top Dressing for Grass and Grain 15, 62 Sheep Manure 74 analyses of 72 Shoemaker & Co., Inc. : Acid Phosphate 15 Bone Meal 3-50 15, 42 "Swift-Sure" Bone Meal 5.5-45 15 Crop Grower 15 Special Tobacco Formula 15, 62 Tobacco and General Use 15, 62 Tobacco Starter 15, 43 Soda, Nitrate of 18 Special Fertilizer Mixtures 67 analyses of 68, 70 Springfield Rendering Co. : Springfield Animal Brand 3-8-4 15, 62 Market Garden Grower and Top Dresser 5-8-7 . . 15, 62 Special Potato, Onion and Vegetable 4-8-4 15, 62 Tobacco Special 5-4-5 15, 62 Sulphate of Ammonia, analyses of 20 Tankage 38 analyses of 39 Thomas & Sons Co., I. P. : 16% Acid Phosphate 15, 28, 30 I. P. Thomas 5-8-7 15, 62 Improved Trucker's Fertilizer 5-10-5 15, 62 Muriate of Potash 15, 33 Nitrate of Soda 15, 19 Pure Ground Bone 15, 42 Tankage 15, 39 Truckers' High Grade Guano 4-8-4 15, 62 Tobacco, analyses of 80 Butts 80 Dust 80 Stems 80 90 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 270 Page Triton Oil & Fertilizer Co. : Acid Phosphate 15. 30 Triton 5-8-7 Fertilizer IS, 62 4-8-7 Fertilizer 15, 62 4-8-4 Fertilizer 15, 62 3-10-2 Fertilizer IS, 62 United States Guano Co. : Standard United States 16% Acid Phosphate IS, 30 Bone Meal 15, 40, 42 Evergreen Fish Guano 15, 62 Farmers Formula 15, 45, 62 Fish, Bone and Potash 15, 62 Muriate of Potash 15, 31, 33 Nitrate of Soda 15, 19 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. : V-C Aroostook Potato Grower 16, 64 Champion Brand 16, 64 Double Owl Brand 16, 64 Good Luck Brand 16, 64 Indian Chief Brand 16, 64 National Brand 16, 64 Tip Top-Top Dresser 16, 64 Vitogro Chemical Co. : Vitogro for Flowers, Shrubs and Vegetable; 16 Wilcox Fertilizer Works : Acid Phosphate 16, 28, 30 Nitrate of Soda 16, 19 Steamed Bone Meal 16, 42 Wilcox 5-10-5 Fertilizer 16, 64 5-8-7 Fertilizer 16, 64 4-8-4 Fertilizer 16, 64 Corn Special 16, 64 Dry Ground Fish 16, 36 Fish and Potash 16, 64 Grass and Truck Fertilizer 16, 64 Potato and Vegetable Phosphate 16, 64 Top Dresser 16, 64 Tobacco Special 16, 64 Wood Ashes 71 Woodruff & Sons, S. D. : Woodruff's Home Mixed Fertilizer 16, 64 Worcester Rendering Co. : Prosperity Brand Complete Dressing 16, 64 Corn and Grain Fertilizer 16, 64 Ground Tankage 16, 39 Market Garden Fertilizer 16, 64 Potato and Vegetable Fertilizer 16, 64 Superior Top Dressing 16, 64 w © h u r „ cs 0">0 ro O ; , h cs ro • fT HM ION Ol • ^1 M CS CS . h| ts, <*■ w oo • w cs cs : £1 ID COO N ' M CS CS '. H m CS OilO • m m cs : si HMC^ w no n^h w m cs ro w n w > ,„ vo ro O r^ 1 M M (N rv, m > no N't >; M M M ;_ I CS OMO ro O ; 1 m in ro . « i-i oo in : « M (N CS 1 . M CS CS ■ w u " J | M M CS . . r , ro O r>. «3- m ; '-'I m m cs ro . in o>io ro o ^ m cs co • > h oo m n ai • > h in « : . ; N-tHOO • ^1 ■ M M M . w o h ; 10 co O ts ; « 1 . H f) fl w | : m cs cnio : " J | . 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