(Connecticut State Boarb of agriculture. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF Farms in Connecticut for Sale. By T. S. GOLD, Secretary of the State Board .of Agriculture. August, 1899. [SECOND EDITION.] Hartford, Conn. Press of The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company 1899 LEASE HANDLE WITH CARE University cf Connecticut Libraries 3 =1153 D13bM3ME b GAYLORD RG ^«|. Connecticut State Boarb of agriculture. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE ^^' Farms in Connecticut for Sale. By T. S. GOLD, Secret a7-y of the State Board of Agriculture. August, 1899. [SECOND EDITION.] The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company. 1899 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/descriptivecatalOOconn djyut^i. iHtj, ..«•.>«#. Sj58«fe''^<. p \% '; CONNECTICUT 4^ STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION OF FARMS FOR SALE IN CONNECTICUT. At the annual meeting of the Board held at Hartford, January 20, 1892, the Secretary presented the subject of " Abandoned Farms," stating that he had received numerous applications for a list of such farms. After discussion, it was Voted, That the Secretary be instructed to collect and publish at his discretion a list of farms for sale in the state. In accord with this instruction, the following circular and blank for replies were published and widely distributed : , State of Connecticut, Board of Agriculture. FARMS FOR SALE IN CONNECTICUT. Frequent inquiries have been received by me for lists of " aban- doned farms " in Connecticut. While this name is a misnomer as applicable to any considerable extent to any lands in Connecticut, yet it is true that in most of the rural districts there are farms for sale at very low prices, taking into account the buildings and other improvements upon them; and to meet the Avants of those who are looking for homes in Connecticut, and in the interest of those who have farms to sell, the Board of Agriculture undertakes the work of collecting and publishing a list of farms for sale in Connecticut, with brief description and price. To secure this list this circular is sent to officials of towns, agri- cultural societies, farmers' clubs, granges, and private individuals, with request to make pro.mpt return to me, by them or the owners, on accompanj'ing blanks, of all farms for sale in their respective townships. No compensation is provided for furnishing this information, but all interested in the welfare of Connecticut are invited to assist in making the list as complete as possible. To all those replying to this circular a copy of list will be sent as soon as published. T. S. GOLD, Secretary. West Cornwall, Conn., Jan. 29, 1892. j 4 FARMS FOR SALE. ' State of Connecticut, Board of Agriculture. Farm for sale in the town of Number of acres of farm, mowing, pasture, " " woodland, " " suitable for cultivation, House — Size, Size of L, No. of rooms Condition, Barns — Size, Condition Other Buildings, Fences — Kind, Condition, Water Supply, Fruit Trees — Number, Kind, Railroad Station, Name, Distance, Post-office, " " Church, " " School, " " Peculiarities of location, as hill, valley, proximity to streams, rivers, or lakes, historical memories, Character of soil, as sandy, loamy, etc., General condition of the property, , Price, Terms of Sale, Address of the owner, or of Persons authorized to sell the property, _ Note. — Every one must see the necessity of a fair account of the property to secure a purchaser. Additional blanks furnished on re- quest. T. S. GOLD, Secretary. West Cornwall, Conn. The question of " abandoned farms " has been so widely discussed that it has been hard for many persons to see that it was not in that class of property alone that our interest was enlisted. Some farms have been abandoned because, from location or otherwise, they ought to be abandoned ; their legitimate use was for growing wood and timber, rather than for general farming. The diversion of travel and the removal of small business centers and small manufacturing industries have caused some property once occupied to be no longer in demand. In other cases the owners have preferred to let houses and lands remain unoccupied — " abandoned " as far as occupancy is concerned — rather than to be at the expense of repairs to fit the place for a tenant, or even to persuade themselves to a sale to some chance customer who might offer. Our expressed opinion, that such cases arc rare of " aban- doned farms " in Connecticut has been confirmed bv the re- REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 5 ports returned to this office. Many read, " No abandoned farms in this town " ; others, " No farms for sale in this town." But, when we set aside these two classes — the " abandoned farms " and the townships where there are none, or where there are no farms for sale — we find that there are a large number of farms in every degree of desirability and condi- tion of culture and buildings which are for sale at very low prices, in proportion to the cost of the buildings and fences, expended even in a very few years. Death of the owner, cr other family circumstances, place on the miarket much very valuable property. There are in some sections small farms very desirable as residences, where the owner used to follow some trade, now removed to the village or city, gaining only a part of his support from his farm. In some towns these places, as they came on the market during the last fifty years — for that period covers about the time of this change — ■ were bought up and absorbed by the larger farms, used for pasturage or the growth of wood ; in others they remain as separate hold- ings, and are ofifered at very low prices. As Secretary of the State Board, I wish it to be plainly understood that my con- nection with the business will end when I have published and distributed this list, and that intending purchasers must deal directly with the owners, and not through this office. We have undertaken this work because we believed that many were seeking rural homes in Connecticut, and from our strong faith that Connecticut offers to all such a climate unsurpassed in healthfulness ; a soil of great variety and pro- ductiveness, yielding to good culture " all manner of fruits " ; in her hills and valleys most varied and attractive scenery ; furnishing in her rocks study for the geologist, in her high- ways and fields flowers for the botanist, or merely for the admirers of these glories of nature, with field and forest full of wild fruits and nuts in their season, while brook and lake fur- nish sport for the angler ; facility of travel ; dotted with cities of our own, and easy of access from all the great cities of the East ; blessed with the purest air and water that heaven or earth afif ords ; with mail, telegraph, and telephone reaching every hamlet; with churches, schools, and libraries within easy reach — what more shall we claim for Connecticut as the best place to live in the whole United States? The exact language of the descriptions has been retained, O FARMS FOR SALE. but necessarily abbreviated by the omission of '' about " as applied to figures, and some details and reasons for selling. Among the farms offered are some of the best in the State, and the person looking- for a farm or country residence must be hard to suit who cannot find a place adapted to his wants among those which are here offered. T. S. GOLD, Secretary. West Cornwall. March i, 1892. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION OF " FARMS FOR SALE." The first edition is nearly exhausted, and a very large number of the farms registered in the list of 1892 have found pur- chasers. The truth of the statements there made of the con- ditions and circumstances under which these farms are offered for sale is confirmed by experience. Also the desire of the people in the cities to secure a summer home of their own in the country is very apparent from numerous letters of inquiry in that direction. Again we repeat with emphasis our previous statement that Connecticut offers in its soil and climate, air and water, scenery, wild or cultured, facilities of travel, where education, character, and refined tastes are not confined to the few but are enjoyed by the many — so that Connecticut is not surpassed by any other- section of the country to live in. We complain of our climate. It is not perpetual spring with the bursting buds and hopes of May, or continual summer ; nor does the fruitage of autumn always continue to fill our laps with a store of nuts and fruits — yet the golden pumpkin yellows in the sun, a reminder of thanksgiving — a feast so' adapted to the season of the year, that the Yankee will keep it, even in distant and diverse climes. Letters of inquiry from all New England seek the milder climate of Connecticut. We have just enough of winter to tone up our systems, to give a taste of its pleasures and to prepare us for the activities of spring. Though the weather is a perpetual source of com- plaint, who would trust his most esteemed friend to control REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 7 it? The succession of the seasons with varied heat and cold, dust and mud, are essential elements of happiness. We should tire of a life where there were no disappointments. If all fruits were equally good and perfect, and dropped into our baskets, where would be the delights of horticulture? Climbing hills is tiresome, but the reward of the view at the hilltop is sure. Those who have gone from Connecticut bear in affectionate remembrance these scenes of their youth. To others we say, in the language of one of our correspondents, " Come and see for yourself." The pure water from our gushing springs continues to flow as refreshing as ever. I preserved the applications for the " List of Farms " for a considerable period that I might know whence they came. Of course, they were most numerous from Connecticut, but New York numbered 231, Massachusetts, 121, while almost every state in the Union, with Canada and the Bermudas, called for lesser numbers, from Maine to Florida, and West to California. The wanderers wish to return. EXTRACTS FROM CORRESPONDENCE. North Carolina: " I wish to locate in the North, and establish a permanent home, and embark in the cattle business to raise fat beeves for the market. Would prefer to be right on the coast or in a tp mountain section." Maryland: "I wish for a small farm, land of not so much con- sequence; four or five acres would do. I want to start in chicken rais- ing (mother and daughter), not too far from town, and price reason- able. Connecticut is .my native state, and I have always cherished a love for her, although she is stony and hilly. Massachusetts: " I have in mind to change my location, and pur- chase a farm somewhere in your state. I want a farm adapted to milk production, and also good orchard land, as I purpose to set a large winter apple orchard, with some pears, plums, and peaches. Healthy location, moderate elevation, pure water, and within moderate distance of market or railroad, schools, churches, etc., required." Michigan: " I have been in Connecticut and like it very well " — has a good farm of 80 acres — and " would like to exchange for one in Connecticut." Bermuda Island: "What I want is a summer home for about three months, July, August, and September, in a picturesque part of Connecticut." Long Island : "If you know of any low-priced farms not occupied I would like to know of them." 8 FARMS FOR SALE. New York City: " Is looking for a small farm in a good location for the purpose of engaging in fruit culture." Wisconsin: "I intend to go back to New England next fall and buy a small farm. I formerly lived in Vermont." Michigan: " Please send me your list of farms in Connecticut, as I am thinking of locating somewhere in the East. I also have two friends who are thinking of making a change." Ohio: "Now I am desirous of going East on account of the markets. And as I have a fine herd of A. J. C. C, have thought best to write you, and if you have a catalogue of farms please mail me one." . Pennsylvania: Wants to get a farm in Connecticut to raise poultrj^, fruit, and vegetables. " If we go to Stonington, what do you think it will cost us to take a team, cow, a few tools, wagon, buggy, cutter, and just enough household goods with two little children to get along with? We haven't sold out yet, but expect to soon. We want to get a place we can pay for in a little while. We're poor on account of sickness." New York City: " Both my wife and myself have an idea of buying from 50 to loo acres where a decent income can be derived from poultry and the raising of vegetables. Any way, my health will not stand very much more confinement in an office." Chicago, III. : " Being desirous of locating on a farm before long, and hearing that such lands can be bought as cheap as in the West, I ask you for your Catalogue of Farms for Sale." California: "As I am desirous of removing to a cooler locality, I shall be greatly obliged if you will send me a list of the different farms you have for sale." Boston, Massachusetts: "As an artist, I ask your advice about the best location, where scenery is the finest, viz. : fine, old trees, by brooks, or stream, or lake, or meadows, where a landscape painter could find plenty of material and a pleasant home — not too far from Boston, free from malaria and fevers." Toronto, Ont. : " I am looking for an abandoned farm somewhere in New England. I want 25 to 50 acres — perhaps between New Haven and Stonington, with some — even if very little — of the land on the shore. I prefer not to be near a town." Washington, D. C. : "I am a Yankee, bred and born on a farm, and have always thought I should like to end my days on one — a farm in the country. I have only a part of a month for a vacation this year; but if you will send me a copy of your pamphlet I think I will take my vacation in a tramp through Connecticut with a view to purchasing some old place, farm, or homestead, if I can find one to suit mc." LIST OF FARMS FOR SALE IN CONNECTICUT. ABBREVIATIONS. a. — Acres. T. — Trees, m. — mowing. F. — Fruit, p. — pasture. A. — Apple, w. — woodland. ' R. S. — Railroad Station. Cult. — Suitable for Cultivation. P. O. — Post Office, m. — mile. C. — Church. H. — House. S. — School. B. — Barn. Cong. — Congregational, c. — condition. Meth. — JMethodist. g. — good. Epis. - — Episcopal. F. — Fences. Bap. — Baptist. W. — Water. Cath. — Catholic. r. — rooms. HARTFORD COUNTY. Avon. 65 a. — 15 m., 16 p., 10 w., 24 S. Cult.; H., 24x40, L, 14 X 24, II r., c. g., painted and blinds, large glass windows, 2 verandas. B., one 34 x 36, one 14 x 34, c. g., painted, matched boards; shop and woodshed, 14x34; wagon house, 15x32; icehouse, 14x14; cornhouse, 12x20; 4 large henhouses, 4 large hen yards, 6 feet w. fence; henhouses covered with matched boards and painted, steel roofs. F., wire and rail, two-thirds wire, c. g. W., 2 wells, i cistern, good trout brook in pasture. F. T., 100 A., pears, peaches, and plums. R. S., Unionville, i^ m. P. O., West Avon, I m. C, Cong., i^ m. S., dist., y^ m. Level, some hills; 260 feet brick walks around house and yard; yard with fine shade trees; good neighbor- hood; some sandy loam, some good lowland. General con- dition of property good, roofs and barn painted. Price, $3,000, Yz mortgage. F. S. Hart, West Avon. Berlin. 30 a. — 8 m., 22 p., 10 S. Cult. H., none. B., none. F., wire, c. g. W., plenty. F. T., 50 grafted. R. S., BerHn, 2^ m. P. O., Berhn, i m. C, Berlin, i m. S., Berlin. 10 . FAR^ilS FOR SALE. ■y m. Small stream running through it; land nearly level, can drive all over it. Soil, loamy, no stone to speak of. General condition of the property good, and room for much improve- ment; there are dwelling-houses near by and one could be purchased. Price, $600. Oliver H. Bidwell, Berlin. Bloomfield. 36 a. — H., Frame and stone, 8 r., c. g. B., large, 4 stalls, c. g. F., wood, c. g. W., pump and well. F. T., A. R. S., Bloomfield. P. O., Bloomfield. C, Cong. Condition of the property, g. Price, $2,500; mortgage, $500. F. M. Lincoln, P. O. box 761, Hartford. Bristol. 100 a. — Majority of land suitable for tillage, with pasture; small amount of woodland, enough for farm use. H., large farm-house and ell, rather old, c. fair. B., very large, nearly new, c. g. F., rail and wire, c. fair. W., well, cistern. F. T., A. R. S., Pequabuck, i-^- m. P. O., Pequabuck, i^ m. C, several, within 2 m. S., dist., f m. Hill land, lies sloping toward the south and west; pond near. Soil, rich loam; land in fair shape, barns excellent; one of the best farms about here. Price, $3,500, Yt, cash. Bristol Savings Bank, Bristol. Bristol. 100 a. — 10 m., 10 p., 20 w., 20 S. Cult. H., 9 r., c. g. B., c. g. F., wood and wire, c. g. W., well, brook in pasture. F. T., large, A., pears, peaches. R. S., Bristol, i-i m. P. O. Bristol, i^ m. C, Bristol, i^ m. S., close by, 1,000 feet. On Fall Mountain, near reservoir. Soil, loamy, c. g. Price, $1,600, mortgaged for $600 to savings bank. C. V. Mason & Co., Bristol. Bristol. 65 a. — 25 m., 15 p., 10 w., 15 S. Cult. H., large, 13 r., c. g. B., large, c. g. ; cornhouse, henhouse, and wagon- sheds. F., wire, c. new. W., fine well and pump in L. F. T., peach, 150; pear, 18; plum, i doz.; A., large orchard; quince^ 2 doz.; cherry, 4; also 4 doz. grape vines 4 years old. R. S., Bristol, 2 m. P. O., Bristol, 2 m. C, Bap., nearest, any kind within '2 m. S., within a stone's throw. Situated on Fall Mountain, excellent view, f m. from Cedar Lake; rich dark soil; property in good condition; must be sold on account of death; sacrifice price. Mrs. Julia Whitman, 66 Prospect St., Bristol; C. V. Mason. Real Estate Agent. Bristol. HARTFORD COUNTY. II Burlington. 24 a. — 12 m., 8p., 4 w. H., 22 x 24; L., 30; 7 v., c. new. B., 21 x 30, newly painted. F., wire, new. W., well in L. F. T., 60 Baldwins and Greenings. R. S., Burlington, 2 m. P. O., Burlington, -J m. C, Burlington, ^ m. S., I m. Very pleasantly situated, 5 m. from Unionville and Collinsville, and 7 from Bristol; good light loam; H. painted and blinds, B. painted. Price, $1,000, ^ cash. John D. Luby, Burlington. East Granby. 2t, a. — 5 m., prime grass, 9 p., 3^ w., S. Cult., 5. H., 27x35, L, 20x25; II r. and 2 large halls, c. g. B., 25x50, c. g. Shop and a shed, c. fair, new roofed; ice- house (filled), c. g. F., wire and rail, mostly wire, wire fences all g., rail fence needs repairs. W., 2 wells, i at H. and i at B., large cemented cistern. F. T., 32, mostly Greening and Bald- win A., some summer Golden Sweet and Sweet Russet, 2 cherry trees and a few; plum and peach in bearing. R. S., Tariffville, 3-J th., new station being built i^ m. P. O., Tariff- ville, I m. C., Cong., i m. S., i m. Situated in the Con- necticut Valley, 2 m. from Farmington River, within 3 m. of old Newgate Prison and copper mines of Revolutionary times. Rich loam mostly; 2 a. of p. (sandy soil), has and will raise ex- cellent tobacco; many improvements late made. Price, $2,600, cash preferred. Mrs. A. L. Hoff, box 74, East Granby. Farmington. 50 a. — 20 m., 24 p., 6 w., 40 S. Cult. H., 4 r. B., 9 stalls, c. g.; creamery, icehouse, hennery. F., wood. W., well. R. S.. Farmington. P. O., Farmington. C, Cong, and Epis. S., yes. General condition of the property, good. Price, $3,300, mortgage, $1,325. F. M. Lincoln, P. O. box 761, Hartford. Farmington. 50 a. — 25 m., 25 p., allS. Cult. .H., 2^ stories, 9 r., c. g. B., wants new sills. W., spring, brook, or river. F. T., A. R. S., Farmington, 2 m. P. O., Farming- ton, 2 m. C, Farmington, 2 m. Nine m. from Hartford, good elevation. Price, cash, $3,000, will take mortgage back for $2,000. E. G. Hart, 18 State St., Hartford. Granby. 85 a. — 20 m., 30 p., 35 w., 18 S. Cult. H., 24 x 34, L, 20 X 30, 9 r., c. fair. B., 30 x 36, c. fair; tobacco build- 12 FARMS FOR SALE. ing and sheds. F., wire and rail, c. fair, some poor in pastures. W., good well and never failing spring. F. T., A., pears, and plums. R. S., Cherry Brook, 6 m. P. O., North Canton, i-| m. C, North Canton, i-J m. S., West Granby, -J m. On a hill, but land lies level; cream route past the house, and ice pond on place. Soil, loamy, fair condition. Price, $i,ooo, ^ can remain on mortgage. Rollin Church, Station A, Winsted. Hartland. 50 a. — 15 m., 15 p., 15 w., 5 S. Cult. H., 20x30, L, 12x20, 8 r., c. poor. B., 20x20 and 20x30, c. fair; horse and carriage barn. F., walls, c. fair. W., good well in L, and flowing spring. F. T., 100 A., mostly grafted. R. S., Winsted and New Plartford, 10 m. P. O., West Hart- land, ^ m. C, Cong, and M. E., ^ m. S., dist., ^ m. On a hill about 1,300 feet above sea level; soil stony; condition poor, having been rented 10 years. Price, $750, $200 down and bal- ance on mortgage if desired. Horace .Gates, Medford. Mass. Hartland. 90 a. — 30 m., 30 p., 30 w., 50 S. Cult. H., 10 r. (brick), c. fair. B., 24x30, c. fair; woodhouse and poultry-house. F., stone walls, c. fair. W., well and springs, large lake, east side. F. T., 200, A., pear,- peaches, principally A., extra quality, young, and productive. R. S., Winsted, 9 m. P. O., Colebrook River, 2 m. C, Hartland, 2 m. S., crossroads, ^ m. High ground, adjoining Hartland Lake, very healthy and valuable for summer residence, fishing, hunt- ing; rich heavy loam. Property is in fair condition, known as the Gillette Homestead. Price, $1,000; terms, $200 cash, bal- ance $100 per year. George A. Isbell, 708 Chapel St., New Plaven. Manchester. 40 a. — H., none. B., none. \A'., brook through farm, never dry. R. S., Buckland, i m. P. O., Buck- land. C, Manchester. S., Manchester. Six m. from Hart- ford, near trolley line. Soil, good for peaches, chickeais. pigs. Price, $T,ooo. E. G. Plart, 18 State St., Hartford. Manchester. 36 a. — 20 m., 13 p., 3 w., all S. Cult. H., 16x36, L, 12x27, 9 r., c. No. I. B., 30x42, c. first-class; wagon and icehouse, tobacco and wagon sheds. F., post and rail and wire, 0. g. W. in H. and B., alsd brook running HARTFORD COUNTY. 1 3 through place. F. T., 36, A., phims, pears, and cherries, also small fruits. R. S., Talcottville, -J m. P. O., Talcottville, ^ m. C, Talcottville, |- m. S., Oakland, ^ m. Situated on the line of the Hartford, Manchester and Rockville Tramway, cars go past the door. Soil, sandy, loamy. Is in first-class shape, and will be sold on easy terms to the right party. Price $4,000. A. B. Pierce, box 148, Manchester. Manchester. 75 a. — 20 m., 30 p., 7 w., 50 S. Cult. H., No. I, 34 X 34, 4 r.; No. 2, 25 x 28, 6 r., c. A No. i ; L, 16 x 30. B., No. I, 32 x 40; No. 2, 34 X 26, c. A No. i ; slaughter-house, 20 X 24. F., mostly wire, c. g. W., No. i running water to H. and B. F. T., 50 A., 75 peach, cherry, pear, quince, grape vines, plums. R. S., Buckland, ^ m. . P. O., Buckland, -J m. C, I m. S., Buckland, -| m. Buckland red sandstone quarry is on above farm, and is a valuable property; mostly light loam, with yellow clay sub-soil; No. i condition. Price, farm, $7,000, and quarry, $2,000, or together, at $8,000. C. O. Wol- cott, Buckland. Manchester. 23 a. — H., frame, 7 r. B., 8 stalls. W., well, trout brook. R. S., Manchester trolley and N. Y. & N. E. R. R. P. O., Burnside. General condition of the property good. Price, $5,000, mortgage, $1,300, savings bank; 2d mortgage, $1,200 — $2,500. F. M. Lincoln, P. O. box 761, Hartford. Marlboro. 200 a. — 50 m., 75 p., 75 w. H., 14 r. R. S., East Hampton, 5 m. Fine trout stream. General condition of property, good. Price, $3,000, -J cash, balance mortgage. E. G. Hart, 18 State St., Hartford. New Britain. 28 a. — 4 m., 18 p., 6 w., 10 S. Cult. H., large, 9 r., c. g. B., 20x35, c. g. F., picket and rail, c. g. W., springs, water is piped to H. and B. F. T., small orchard A. and pear. R. S., New Britain, i| m. P. O., New Britain, i-| m. C, New Britain, i^ m. S., New Britain, ^ m. Elec- tric cars ^ m. from house. On a southern slope; especially adapted for poultry or vineyard, c. g. Price, $3,800; $800 cash, balance on installment mortgage. William L. Hatch, Agent, 21 West Main St., New Britain. 14 FARMS FOR SALE. Plainville. 250 a. — 35 m., 50 p., 50 w., 100 S. Cult.' H., 9 r., c. g. B., 3 large, c. 2 fair, i g. ; old farm H. which rents for $5 per month, woodshed, cider mill. F., various, c. g. W., several springs and good well, water is piped to H. from spring. F. T., large number A., pear, and various. R. S., New Britain, 3 m., or Plainville, 2 m. P. O., New Britain, 3 m., or Plainville, 2 m. C, New Britain, 3 m., or Plainville, 2 m. S., Plainville, ^ m. On line of trolley between New Britain and Plainville. Soil, part loam and part sandy. General c. of the property, g. Price, $4,500; $1,000 cash, balance on mortgage; property is worth $6,000 at least. William L. Hatch, Agent, 21 West Main St., New Britain. SiMSBURY. 81 a. — Keeps 7 cows and 2 horses; enough w. for family use. 40 or more S. Cult. H., 34 x 30, 7 r., L, 16 x 18, new, c. fair. B., one 39 x 32, with basement, c. new, just painted; one 40x36, with basement, c. new; tobacco B., one 30 X 45, one 14 X 18 for sorting and packing tobacco. F., wire mostly. W., 2 wells. F. T., 60 five years old, 10 kinds, early and late; many natives to be grafted. R. S. and P. O., Weatogue, y^ m. C, 2 Cong, and Meth., 2 m. S., Yz m. A brook runs through farm, and river on the east; is all in one piece; the Tal- cott Mountains are beautiful; soil in variety, adapted to to- bacco, etc. General c. of the property, better than average, ought to keep 10 or 12 cows. Price, with 5 cows and some other things, $2,800, $500 cash, the rest can remain on uTort- gage for long term. John B. Stacy, Weatogue. SouTHiNGTON. io-| a. — 8 m., \ w., 2 cultivated, more could be. H., large, i6 r., c. g. Two B., icehouse, and carriage- house. W., spring, well, running water in B. F. T., abund- ance, pears. A., etc., berries. R. S., New Britain, 3 m. P. O., New Britain, 3 m. C New Britain, 3 m. S., New Britain, 2 m. S., Southington, i m. Near New Britain reservoir, called Shuttlemeadow Lake. General c. of the property, g., desirable as a summer home; land and part of house could be rented to pay all expenses. Price, $1,600; cash $1,100. lialance on mortgage. William L. Hatch, Agent. 2\ West Main St., New Britain. HARTFORD COUNTY. 1 5 West Hartford, io a. — 9 m., ^ w., 8 or more by drain- ing S. Cult. H., 40 X 35, 7 r., L, (woodshed) about 20 x 20, old house repaired 15 years ago. B., 40x40, c. fair; shop, 25 X 20. F., slat and Page wire, c. g. so far as fenced. W., well, cistern, millpond, and good spring. F. T., 55, 25 A., 30 pear. R. S., Hartford, 4 m. P. O., West Hartford, Yz m. C, West Hartford, 3 denom., ^ m. S., West Hartford, graded and high, Yz m.. 10 minute trolley cars to Hartford run within Yi in- Gentle slope from front on Main St. to millpond about 700 or 800 feet in the rear; good gravel loam front, clay rear; condition of the property, fair; a good front on Main St., valuable for building lots. Price, $6,000. Mrs. C. W. Flag Yonkers, N. Y. M. A. Flagg, West Hartford, Agent. &' Windsor. 100 a. — 35 m., 55 p., 10 w., 90 S. Cult. H., 6 r., L, 20 X 15, c. fair. Three B., quite large, c. fair; i tobacco shed, 60 X 30, and lot small buildings. F., all right, c. g. W., plenty and g. F. T., lot. A., currants. R. S., Windsor, i-J m. P. O., Windsor, i^ m. C, Windsor, i^ m. S., Windsor, i:^ m. Situated back of Windsor Heights, and is beautiful soil; I m. from trolley, 7 m. from Hartford Court House; c. of prop- erty, g. Price, with 16 cows and bull, pair horses, and tools, wagons, all implements and farm tools such as on farm, $4,500 M. D. Murphy, Windsor. Windsor. 8^ a. — F., c. fair. W., g. R. S., Windsor, \\ m. P. O., Windsor, i^ m. C, i\ m. S., i^ m. Price, $400. M. D. Murphy, Windsor. Windsor. 15 a. — H., new, 2 story, Avith basement. B., new, and tobacco shed. W., Indian spring. R. S., Wind- sor, i-| m. P. O., Windsor, i^ m. C, Windsor, \\ m. S., Windsor, i^ m. Situated on east slope of Cook Hill, fine view of the Conn. Valley. Soil, best for tobacco. General c. of property, g. Price $2,600. M. D. Murphy, Windsor. l6 FARMS FOR SALE. NEW HAVEN COUNTY. Cheshire. 8o a. — 25 m., 45 p., 10 w., 50 S. Cult. H., 35 X 35, L, 18 X 12, II r., c. g. Two B., main B., 40 x 40, ex- tension, 50x20, c. g. ; horse B., 18x28; all necessary other buildings. F., rail and wire, c. g. W., abundant at H. and in the fields. F. T., 250, A., pear, peach, and plum, also a variety of small fruits. R. S., Cheshire, f m. Two P. O., Cheshire, f m. Five C, f m. S., academy, high school, and public school, f m. On a low ridge of land; one of the finest locations in the town; brook runs through farm; neighborhood, A i; 15 m. from New Haven; red rock and sandy loam. General c, fair to g. Price, $5,000; terms to suit. Henry S. Frost, Cheshire. Cheshire. 52 a. — 18 m., 14 p., 7 w., 12 S. Cult. H., 24 x 30, L, 17 X 12, 12 r., c. g. B., 46 X 26; carriage-house, 20 x 32; shed and stable, 17 x 12, c. g. All other necessary buildings. F., rail, stone, and wire, c. g. W., well never dry and the best, spring on farm never dry. F. T., A. in variety. R. S., South- ington Road, -J m. P. O., Cheshire, 2^ m. C, Cong., Bap., Meth., Epis., and Cath., 2^ m. S., i m. Located on main road from Cheshire to Southington; land lies nearly level, slightly facing the south and west. Soil loamy. General c. of the property, good. Owing to infirmity and age I ofifer my farm for sale for $3,000, without stock or tools; ^ cash down, the re- mainder on mortgage, interest at 5 per cent. I have lived on my farm and worked it for 38 years, and it is not an abandoned farm. Call and see for yourself. I can keep 8 cows and 2 horses. Creamery within f m. J. H. French, box 58, Cheshire. Cheshire. 52 a. — 18 m., 12 p., 7 w., 15 S. Cult; location fine. H., 24x30, L, 12 x 14, 12 r., c. good. B., 26x36, an- other 20x32 and 14 x 17, c. good; henhouse, corncrib, wood- house attached to house. F., stone, wire, rail, c. g. W., never failing at house, barn, and pasture. F. T., A. in variety. R. S., Southington Road Station, ^ m. P. O., 2^ m. C, 2| m. S., I m. Bushes cleaned up. Soil, loamy; good to cultivate or to mow. General condition of the property, good. Price. $3,000; half cash, remainder on mortgage at 5 per cent.. J. H. French, Cheshire. l)()x 58. T offer stock and tools at a reason- able price. NEW HAVEN COUNTY. 1 7 East Haven. io8 a. — 50 m., 40 p., 15 w., -/t, S. Cult. Two H., 30 X 40, L, 15 X 25, 10 r.; 30 x 40, 7 r., c. g. B., 60 x 75, carriage-house attached, 20x25, c. almost new; icehouse. F., wire, c. g. W., well by H., well under B., small lake near, and river. F. T., 100, A., peach, pear, plum, cherry. R. S., New Haven, 5 m. P. O., Station A., New Haven, mail de- livered by stage. C, about 2 minutes walk from H. S., about 4 minutes walk on the same street. In a valley named Foxon, after an old Indian chief, who made the locality his tenting grounds; Saltonstall Lake near, and a small fishing stream going through property. Soil, sandy, loamy. Prop- erty in fair condition, being rated the best farm in the locality, as to fertility, location, etc. Price, $6,000. Mrs. A. V. Haight, Station A, New Haven. Guilford. 16 a. — 6 m., 10 p., all of it S. Cult. H., 24 x 34, L, 12 X 36, kitchen, etc., 6 r., c. fair. B., 30 x 40, c. fair. Two cowhouses and wagon-house, cornhouse. W., 2 wells. F. T., A. and pears; 10 or 15 A. trees, young, good bearing. R. S., Guilford, i^ m. P. O., Guilford, i m. C, Guilford, i m. S., Guilford, |- m. Fine view of Long Island Sound, .about I m. to shore. On main road to New London; on Clap- board Hill. Soil, loam, good, strong; condition, fair to good. Price, $2,500, all cash. E. H. Griswold, Adm., Guilford. John S. Cannon, Agent, 792 Chapel St., New Haven. Guilford. 75 a. — 25 m., 15 p., 25W., S. Cult., 30 and more for mowing and cultivating. H., 30 x 40, 10 r., c. very g. B., 30 X 40, c. new; horse B., 2 wagon-houses, cornhouse, icehouse, all new. F., wire and rail, c. very g. W., g. well. F. T., 150, 50 A. set out in '76, young peach orchard, pear, plum, currant. R. S., Guilford, 8 m. P. O., North Guilford, i^ m. C, North Guilford, i:^ m. S., North Guilford, I5 m. Near Lake Ouine- baug; a brook fed by a spring runs through the pasture, suitable for a dam for trout; 50 years ago it was a trout brook. It is also suitable for game, partridge, quail, and rabbits. Land in good condition. Price, $2,500; $500 can remain on mortgage. Amelia E. Ward, North Guilford. Guilford. 12 a. — 8 m., 3 p., i w., 10 S. Cult. H., 30 x 40, L, 20x30, 12 r., c. fair. B., 20x24, c. fair; shed*:;. F., 1 8 FARMS FOR SALE. some walls, c. poor. W., well. F. T., 25, A., plum, peach, grapes. R. S., Guilford, i m. P. O., Guilford, i^ m. C., Guilford, i| m. S., Guilford. ^ m. This lies on Long Island Sound, and one of the best places for sea food, clams, oysters, lobsters, fish, in Conn. Soil, sandy, loamy. General condi- tion, fair. Price, $3,500; $500, balance $500 per year. Geo. A. Isbell. 708 Chapel St., New Haven. Guilford. About 200 a. — 80 w., oak and chestnut. H., 10 r., built in 1723; L, 3 r., built in 1861, c. fair. B., one large 40x80, hay, c. fair; one horse barn, one corncrib, woodhouse, etc. F., fair repair. W., well and a spring. F. T., few A. R. S., Guilford, i^ m. P. O., Guilford, i m. C, Cong., Meth., Epis., Cath., i m. S., Guilford, i m. Close to Long Island Sound; farm is on and beside granite ledges, which outcrop in places. Naturally a strong productive soil, yielding large hay crops, and remarkably good pasture; 40 head of cattle formerly pastured there, and large hay crops also cut. Formerly owned by Jared Elliot, the agricultural writer and experimenter. Guilford is 16 m. from New Haven. The farm is part of a tongue of land bounded on the north by the Shore Line R. R., on the south by the sea, east by a small stream, and west by a cove or salt marsh. On the sea beach at some seasons quan- tities of small shells are cast up, gathered, and sold for poultry, and large quantities of seaweed used as a fertilizer. Price, $5,000. E. H. Jenkins, Adm., New Haven. Hamden. 250 a. — 125 m., 125 p., including woodland, 100 w., more or less, 100 S. Cult. H., 9 r., newly painted. B., 3 large, and outbuildings, c. g. W., well, spring, and brook. F. T., plenty and variety. R. S., Mount Carmel, 3 m. P. O., Mount Carmel, 3 m. C, Mount Carmel, 3 m. S., Mount Carmel, 3 m. Hill and valley called " Allen Doolittle Farm," 10 m. from New Haven. Soil, usual upland. General con- dition of the property, good. Price $3,000, ^ down. Mrs. Albert Beardsley, Morse St., Highwood. Negotiation for sale of this farm should be made through Charles wS. Scoville, 840 Chapel St., New Haven. Hamden. 12 a. — S. Cult., all except one acre, which is marshy. H., 9 r., c. fair. B., 20x35, c. fair, new 1 ■ NEW HAVEN COUNTY. 1 9 roof. W., well and cistern. F. T., 80, A. trees mostly. R. S., New Haven, 4 m. P. O., Whitney ville, i-| m. C, Whit- neyville, i-J m. S., Whitneyville, i-| m. Land slopes from road toward west; place located about ^ m. from Whitney Lake, which is crossed by electric car line; land excellent, buildings and fences need some repairs. Price, $3,500, terms easy. Chas. D. Nicoll & Co., Agents, 82 Church St., Room 15, New Haven. MiLFORD. 20 a. — 5 m., 5 p., 10 w., 10 S. Cult. H., 20 x 30, 6 r., new. B., 20 x 10 and 20 x 18, c. g. F., stone, c. g. W., g. F. T., 25, A. R. S., Milford, i^ m. P. O., Milford, 4 m. C, Milford, i-J m. S., Milford, i-J m. This land is all high, good healthy location, on road from Milford to Orange; loam, inclined to sandy, in good condition, except 10 acres wants to be broken up. Price, $2,500. J. F. Noble, 48 Middle St., Bridgeport. Naugatuck. 70 a. - — 20 m., 20 p., 30 w., S. Cult, all meadow and half of p. H., 35x26, L, 35x20, 12 r., c. very g. B., 41x30 and 22x30, c. g.; open sheds, 70x18 and 40x14; closed sheds, 45x25; carriage-house, 34x15; and stone smokehouse. F., rail, stone, and wire, c. very g. W., spring, and well, also brook. F. T., about 75, A., also grape and quince. R. S., Naugatuck, 2 m. P. O., Naugatuck, 2 m. C, Cong., Epis., Meth., Lutheran, and Cath., 2 m. S., dist., ^ m. from house. On main road, with daily stage between Naugatuck and New Haven; ^ m. from Beacon Hill Brook, and f m. from Naugatuck River. Soil, loamy and excellent for market gardening. General c. of the property, g. Price, $5,000; I down, balance, interest at 5 per cent, on mortgage. F. W. Tolles, Naugatuck. Also have 75 acres, with two large barns, meadow, pasture, and wood, one mile from above, for $1,500. Naugatuck and Oxford. 80 a. — 30 m., 30 p., 20 w., 30 S. Cult. H., 20X 30, 6 r., c. g. B., 24x32, c. g. B., 14 x 20, 2 sheds enclosed, 10 x 10. F., rail and wire, c. g. W., excel- lent. F. T., several of each — cherries, plum, pears, peach,, A., grape vine, currants (wh^te and red). R. S., Bradley Flag- Station, f m. P. O., Naugatuck, 3 m. C, Naugatuck, 3 m. 20 FARMS FOR SALE. S., adjoining the farm. On main road from Nangatuck to Oxford, good road, near Naugatnck, which is one of the best markets in the United States. Soil, good, and general condi- tion of the property, good. Price, $2,500, terms easy. G. W. Andrew, Naugatuck. Oxford. 70 a. — 30 m., 25 p., 15 w., 50 S. Cult. H., 24 x 40, L, 12 X 16, 9 v., c. g. B., one 24x30, one 30x40, c. g. Sheds, chicken-house, wagon-house. F., stone and rail, c. g. W., well, springs, running water at the house; trout brook. F. T., 100, all varieties. R. S., Seymour, 5 m. P. O., Oxford, i; m. C, Oxford, J m. S., joins the farm. High healthy loca- tion, main street, house is now occupied as hotel. Soil, heavy loam. General condition, good. Price, $2,500; $500 down, balance $200 per year. Geo. A. Isbell, 708 Chapel St., New Haven. Oxford. 171 a. — 30 m., 40 p., 60 w., 41 S. Cult. H., 30x3.6, 2 stories, 12 r., c. fair. B., 24x36, c. fair; cow and wagon-house, 14x48, 12-foot post. F., rail and stone, c. fair. W., good well and 5 springs, never fail. F. T., 200, A., pear, plum, and cherries. R. S., Stephenson, 4 m. ; Southford, 4 m.; Seymour, 6 m. P. Q., Quaker Farms, 5 m. C, Quaker Farms, f m. S., Quaker Farms, f m. On a hill, healthy, two rivers, each one mile either side. Soil, loamy, fair condi- tion. Price, $3,500; half down, remainder on mortgage. Wooster B. McEwen, W. H. McEwen, Seymour. Oxford. 75 a. — 25 m., 25 p., 25 w. H., 32 x 36, L, 16 x 20, 9 r., c. g. B., 30 X 28, c. fair; cowhouse, wagon-house. F., rail and stone, c. fair. W., well, and never-failing- stream of water through land. F. T., 50, A. R. S., Seymour, 4 m. P. O., Oxford, 2^2 ^'^- C., Oxford, Cong, and Epis., 2^ m. S., Chestnut Hill, ^ m. On a hill, though not the highest point, a fine view, good place to spend the summer. Soil, loamy. Property in fair condition. Price, $2,500; half cash, rest can remain on mortgage. Mrs. C. S. Riggs, Oxford. Oxford, t 12 a. — 15 m., 15 p., 47 w., 45 S. Cult. H., 9 r., c. fair. B., 20 x 20, horse stable, 3, c. fair; wagon-shed, cowshed. F., stone wall, rail. wire. c. fair. \V., good. F. T., cherry. A., NEW HAVEN COUNTY. 21 and pear, 12 large maples front of the house. R. S., Beacon Falls, 3 m. P. O., Oxford, i^ m. C, Oxford, i^ m. S., ^ m. On a hill called Chestnut Tree Hill, i m. from the Naugatuck River; a few rods south of the house with a glass can see Long Island Sound. Soil, sandy, loamy; fair condition. Price, $2,500 cash. E. W. Sperry, Oxford. SouTHBURY. 120 a. — 30 m., 70 p., 20 w., 50 S. Cult. H., 40 X 30, L, 10 X 30, 14 r., c. g. B., 30 X 40, c. g.; cow stables, wagon-house, etc. F., stone and wire, c. fair. W., wells and springs. F. T., 100, A., cherry, quince, etc. R. S., Pomper- aug Valley, 2^ m. P. O., South Britain, 2 m. C, South Britain, 2 m. S., dist., ^ m. On a hill; soil loamy. General condition, fair. Price, $2,500; ^ cash, balance on mortgage. T. E. Piatt, Newtown. WooDBRiDGE. 140 a. — 40 m., 98 p., 2 w., 40 S. Cult. H., 9 r., c. fair. Four B., for 12 horses, 50 cows, hennery, etc., c. fair. W., spring water in house and barns. F. T., large num- ber in variety. P. O., Woodbridge. C, Woodbridge. S., Woodbridge. Called the "Round Hill Farm"; a sugar-loaf mountain on farm, the highest point in this section of the State; electric road fo be extended to base of the mountain, desirable for summer hotel. Soil, loamy. General c. of property, good. Price asked is $12,000. Nathan P. Merwin, box 155, Milford. Negotiations for sale of above should be made through Charles S. Scoville, 840 Chapel St., New Haven. 22 FARMS FOR SALE. NEW LONDON COUNTY. BozRAH (near Norwich line). 330 a. — 50 m., 100 p., 180 w., 40 S. Cult. H., 26 X 30, L. 18 X 247 8 r., c. g. B., 30 x 40, and 22x28, c. fair; sheds, icehouse, cider mill, corncrib, carriage- houses, etc. F., wall and rail, c. fair. W., wells, spring's, and brooks in abundance. F. T., A., pears, peaches, etc. R. S., Norwich, 4^ m. P. O., Norwich and East Great Plain. C, Lefifingwell, i^ m. S., Leffingwell, i-J m. Pleasant location, somewhat retired, mowing land smooth, pasture and wood hilly and stony. Soil, loamy. Property in good thrifty condition, and enriched 2 owners, now retired in old age, and wood and timber enough to enrich another owner. Price, $2,500; $1,000 cash, balance on mortgage, at 5 per cent. H. F. Palmer, 45 Main St., Norwich. BozRAH. 125 a. — 40 m., 30 p., 10 w., 75 S. Cult. H., 2 story, L, small, 5 r. on first floor, c. fair. B., 25x30, c. g.; wood- house and cornhouse. F., sfone and rail, c. fair. W., well for house, springs for cattle. F. T., A. mostly. R. S., Yantic, 3 m. P. O., Fitchville, ii m. C, Fitchville, Bozrah Center, i^ m. S., dist., I m. Hill location. Soil, loamy; condition fair for rented property. Price has been $2,800. Mrs. Lucian Smith, North Franklin, care of Clayton Lathrop. BozRAH. 125 a. — 35 m., 85 p., 5 w., 40 S. Cult. H., 30 x 40, L, 10 X 18, 14 r., c. fair. B., 36 x 24, c. g. ; shed containing granary, toolroom, carriage-room, woodhouse. F., stone wall, c. fair. W., never failing. F. T., 15, pear, small A. orchard. R. S., Franklin, 2 m. P. O., Fitchville, 2 m. C, Cong., Bap., and Cath., 2 m. each. S., i m. Hill, 7 m. from Norwich. Soil, loamy and very productive; condition of the property, fair. Price, $2,300; half mortgage. Mrs. Jane B. Smith, North Franklin. . CoLCHE.STER. 105 a. — 25 m., 45 p., 15 w., 20 S. Cult. H., 20 X 16, L, 20 X 14, 6 r., c. g. B., 54 x 18, c. g. ; horse barn, i6x-24, henhouse, 14 x 18, c. g. F., rail and stone, c. g. W., 2 wells, stream through the farm, and several springs. F. T., 300 to 400, A., pear, and cherry, all thrifty. R. S., Colchester, NEW LONDON COUNTY. 23 2^ m. P. O., Colchester, 2^ m. Five C, Colchester, 2-| m. S., Bacon Academy, 2^ m.; dist. S., less than -J m. Farm lies well, little rolling. Soil, loamy. General condition, very good. Price, $1,050; $450 cash, balance on mortgage. Colchester Savings Bank, Colchester. Colchester. 127 a. — 60 m., 67 p., w. in pasture for family, 60 S. Cult. H., 28 x 32, 9 r., c. comfortable. B., 84 x 42, L, 50x20, with additions, c. first-class; woodhouse, hen- houses. F., principally walls, c. fair. W., running water, never fails. F, T., 125, A. R. S., Colchester, i m. P. O., Colchester, i m. Five C, i m. S., Bacon Academy, free, i m. This has been a milk farm for 20 years, and is under a high state of cultivation. Soil, black loam. First-class creamery and canning factory near. Price, $3,500; half cash, half mort- gage. H. W. Morgan, Colchester. East Lyme. 100 a. — 40 m., 25 p., 30 w., 5 salt meadow, 55 S. Cult. (15 of p. level, free of rocks). H., 25 x 35 and 25 x 25, L, 20x40, kitchen, woodroom, etc., 12 r., c. painted white, green blinds, first-class. B., 36x36, leanto (horse), 12x14, c. fair; corn- house, 12 x 16, henhouse, 10 x 18, shop and toolhouse, 10 x 14. F., mostly rail, c. g. W., never failing in each pasture, well near house, and in house cistern. F. T., 200; 100 A., 50 peach, balance plum, quince, pear, and cherry. R. S., East Lyme and Crescent Beach, 2-| m. P. O., Niantic, 2^ m. C, Bap., Meth., Cong., 2^ m. S., in sight of farm. Farm nearly all level, including woods, and no rocks; i m. from Long Island Sound, where are oysters, clams, and seaweed. A sandy loam, with 10 loads manure will make 50 bush, shelled corn. Con- dition above the average. Price, $4,000, cash. J. P. Morgan, Niantic. Hebron. 200 a. — 80 m., 80 to 90 p., 30 to 40 w., 80 S. Cult. H., large 2-story, L, medium i-story, 12 r., c. fair. B., 60 x 40, L, 20 X 40 and 30 x 46, basements under each, c. g. ; wood- sheds, wagon shed, granary, and icehouse. F., mostly stone wall, c. fair. W., good, with running water in both yards, enough for all purposes for a family. F. T., in good variety. R. S., Turnerville, 3-I m. P. O., Hebron, f m. C, Cong, and Epis., f m. S., Hebron, | m. Slightly rolling, mowing and 24 FARMS FOR SALE. tillage each side of highway, and near barns, and very free from stones; very strong loam; very good condition. Price, $3,500; •J down, the rest on mortgage. F. Burnham, 52 Church St., Willimantic. Lebanon. 108 a. — m. originally a grass farm; 10 years ago we kept i yoke of oxen, 3 cows, 2 horses, and 210 sheep, and had hay to sell. There is a good deal of p. and meadow. Enough w. for the use of the farm. S. Cult., depends upon how much the man wants to plow. H., i story, L, large kitchens, backroom, 2 pantries, 6 r., c. moderate. B., 2, hay and horse, c. rather poor; good granary, new 16 years ago, other outbuildings poor. F., stone, wire, and chestnut rail, c. g. mostly. W., unfailing well, running stream, and spring. F. T., old-fashioned orchard, greenings, sweet boughs, etc., 4 large cherry trees, black, red, and white oxheart, pear trees. R. S., Leonard's Bridge, 3I m. P. O., Lebanon, Colchester, and Bozrahville, about 5 m. C, Exeter or Goshen, Cong., 2^ m. S., Goshen Hill, about 2 m. Hills plenty, valleys, streams, stones. Lebanon is birthplace of the Trumbulls, Clarks, Wil- liam Williams, etc. The house is some distance from road, in center of farm. Soil, loam, with plenty of stones. Farm somewhat run down; house not occupied in last 8 years. Price, $1,500 is the lowest possible; it cost me $2,000; should prefer cash. Mrs. Sarah Thomas Miller, Lebanon. Of per- sons authorized to sell the property, James S. Thomas can tell more about it than I can, as he rents the land, Lebanon. Salem. 75 a. — 25 m., 50 p. and w., 30 S. Cult. H., 40 x 30, 2 story, blinds, 13 r., c. g. B., two 24 x 33, c. i g., i fair; wagon shop, 20 X 40, hoghouse and henhouse. F., stone wall and rail, c. g. to fair. W., wells, brook, and springs. F. T., about 75, A. (winter mostly), pears. R. S., Colchester, 6 m. P. O., ^ m. C, three-fifths m. S., three-fifths m. High land; soil, sandy loam; fair condition. Price, $1,500; cost over $4,000; f cash. Charles A. Williams, Salem. Sprague. 60 a. — 10 m., 20 p., 30 w., 30 S. Cult. H., 28 X 30, i^- stories, 10 r., c. g., lately shingled and painted out- side and in, and rooms all papered. B., 15x25, c. g. ; farm rented for $50 a year to a good tenant. F., wire, c. g. W., well at house, spring in pasture. F. T., 25, A., pear, and peach. NEW LONDON COUNTY. 2$ Fine location, good neighbors, healthy locality. R. S., Baltic, 2 m, P. O., Baltic, 2 m. C, Baltic, 2 m. S., Potopogue, ^ m. Location fine, slopes towards the Shetucket River, which runs past the lower end of farm, where there is good boating and fishing; can sail or row to Baltic; 9 m. from Norwich, 11 from Willimantic. Soil, loamy. Condition of the property, fair, land needs turning over, 4 a. planted. Price, $1,000; ^ remain on mortgage at 5 per cent. Nathan R. Gardner, Baltic. Stonington. 130 a. — 50 m., 55 p., 25 w., 100 S. Cult. H., 30 X 22, 2 story with piazza, L, 27 x 22, story and one-half, 2d L, 18 X 12, 12 r., c. g. Horse B., 20 x 48, stock B., 46 x 36, c. g.; carriage, corn, tool, henhouse, open sheds, woodhouse, etc. F., stone wall, c. very g. W., the very best, fine well, trout-brook running through farm, never failing. F. T., 200, 100 A., selected fruit, peaches, pears, quinces, plums, grapes, currants, gooseberries, etc. R. S., Westerly, R. I., 2 m. P. O., Westerly, R. I., 2 m. C, Westerly, R. I., 2 m. S., dist., I m. Situated in a valley, on public highway, a great deal of travel, plenty of shade trees ; land level, can have a mile trotting course if desired. A fine granite quarry on the premises. . Soil deep and loamy; condition first-class. Price, $5,000; -J could remain on mortgage. Gideon P. Chesebrough, box 445, Westerly, R. I. VoLUNTOWN. 150 a. — 20 m., 30 p., 75 w., 50 S. Cult., lake, 25. H., 36x30, L, 10 X 12, 9 r., c. comfortable. B., 30x40, c. fair; carriage-house, henhouse, c. good. F., mostly stone, c. good. W., well and several springs, also lake. F. T., 60, A., peach and pear, nice grapes. R. S., Plainfield, 5 m. P. O., Ekonk, Windham County, i^ m. C, Ekonk or Line Meet- inghouse, I m. S., Ekonk, i^ m. Situated in a valley, lake of 25 acres, from quantity of pond lilies by many called Lily Lake. Soil, loamy. General condition, comfortable to very good. Price, $1,000; one-half cash or at least $350. Address of the owner, Gilbert B. Reynolds, Ekonk, 26 FARMS FOR SALE. FAIRFIELD COUNTY. Daxbury and Redding. 185 a. — 60 m., 60 p., 25 w., 25 sprouts, 25 swamp, 15 S. Cult. H., 30x50, 14 r., c. g. B., 24x40 and 28x48, c. fair; poultry and cornhouse. F., stone and wood, c. poor. W., wells and springs. F. T., peach, few A. and pears. R. S., Danbury or Redding, 5 and 3 m. P. O., Danbury or Redding, 5 and 3 m. C, Danbury, also chapel, ys m. S. This is a fine country residence; house cost over $5,000, with improvements; situated midway between Danbury and Ridgefield; good roads; land has been run for several years. Price, $4,000; 5 cash, balance mortgage. E. S. Fairchild, 8 Locust Ave., Danbury. Huntington. 10 to 13 a. — i w., 9 S. Cult. H., 5 r., attic and cellar, L, 30 x 26, c. fair. Shed B., c. g. F., stone and rail, c. moderate. W., brook through one corner of farm, well, chain pump. F. T., 2 or 3 A. A farm the same size opposite, the owner, Henry Smith, has got up in a few years to an ex- cellent state of cultivation. R. S., Stepney, Monroe, 2^ m. P. O., Nichols, Trumbull stage by door. C, Nichols or Huntington Center, 2 m. S., close by Trap Fall dist., Hunt- ington. Six and one-half m. to Bridgeport, 5 m. to Derby. Soil, chocolate loam; house wants painting, new shingles. Price, $1,000; $200 down. J. F. Noble, 48 Middle St., Bridge- port. New Canaan. 68 a. — 10 m., 30 p., 20 w., 25 S. Cult. H., 45 ^ 30.' 12 r., c. g. B., 20 x 30, c. medium. F., stone and rail, c. fair. W., river through center. F. T., 5 A. R. S., P. O., C, and S., New Canaan, i^ m. Soil, loamy. General condition of the property, fair. Price, $3,000; ^ cash. New Canaan Savings Bank. Newtown (on Berkshire division of Consolidated R. R.. formerly Housatonic, 17 m. from Bridgeport, north). 35 a. — 10 m., 10 p., 15 w., 20 S. Cult. H., 40x46, 9 r., c. poor. B. 17 X TO, c. fair. F., stone and rail, c. poor. W., g. F. T., few. R. S., Botsford, i^ m. P. O., Botsford, U m. C, Botsford and Newtown Center, 4 m. S., near by. Land is easily worked, the roughest is timber; soil inclined to sandy, near FAIRFIELD COUNTY. 2/ Stream; buildings have not been kept up. Price, $800; $500 down. J. F. Noble, 48 Middle St., Bridgeport. Newtown. 175 a. — 70 m., 75 p., 15 w., all S. Cult. H., 30 X 36, L, 20 X 24 (5 r.), 9 large r. with large hall, closets, etc., c. g. B., 30 X 36 and 34 x 28; cowhouse, 50 x 18, c. g. (build- ings cost over $6,000). F., good, mostly stone wall, c. g. W., running water at house and barn, with never-failing springs on farm. F. T., in plenty, mostly A. R. S., Newtown, 2 m., and Hawleyville, i^ m. P. O., Newtown, 2 m. C, Newtown, 2 m. S., Newtown, 2 m. Within i m. of Taunton Lake, 7 m. from Danbury, 4 m. from Bethel. Clay soil, good. Condition of the property, good, all line fences good 'Stone walls. Price, $6,500. Wm. Fairchild. Newtown. Authorized to sell the property, Aaron Sanford, Newtown. NoRWALK. 8 a. — 8 m., 8 S. Cult. H., 25x18, 7 v., c. good. B., 22 X 24, c. fair. F., stone, c. fair. W., fine well, never dry. F. T., 32, A., pear, cherry. R. S., Norwalk, 1^ m. P. O., Cranbury, ^ m. C, union chapel, ^ m. S., district. ^ m. 130 feet above sea level, ^ m. to macadam road, i m. to trolley, good road. Soil, gravelly loam, c. fair. Price, $1,600. Per- son authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurl- butt, Conn. Weston. 8 a. — 4 m., 2 p., 2 w. (fine summer building lot). H., 12 X 24, one and one-half story, 6 v., c. fair. Woodhouse, c. poor. F., stone, c. good. W., large cistern, a right to lay pipe to line spring. F. T., 15, 10 A., 4 cherry, i pear. R. S., Wilton or Cannon's, 4 m. P. O., Weston, ^ m. C, Cong., ^ m. S., dist., 5 m. 280 feet above tide water, on a hill, nice view^, good garden, 7 large maples in front. Soil, gravelly loam, c. fair. Price, $600; Installment plan, $100 and $10 per month. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Weston. 14 a. — 6 m., 5 p., 3 w. H., good size, two story, c. good. Barn and cowhouse, good size, c. poor; wash-house. F., stone, c. good. W., good; fine well, springs. F. T., A., pear, and peach. R. S., Saugatuck, 4^ m. P. O., Lyons Plains, i^ m. C, Cong., i m., Epis., i^ m. S., dist., i m. 280 28 FARMS FOR SALE. feet above sea level, on a hill, fine view, near Aspetuck River, near axe factory. Soil, loamy, c. fair. Price, $900; $700 cash, $200 mortgage. Person authorized to sell the property. D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Weston. 50 a. — 25 m., 25 p. H., large, 11 r., c. fine, hot water heat, bath room, running water. B., large, c. good. Nearly new carriage-house, new cowhouse, blacksmith shop, rents $4 per month, old stand. F., stone, c. good. W., in house and barn, brook running through. Plenty of fruit of all kinds. R. S., Saugatuck, 2^ m. P. O., Westport, i^ m. C, Cong., I m. S., dist., i m. On a hill, fine view, good road, I m. from trolley, near Westport River, and fine dam for boat- ing; variety of soil. General condition of the property, fine. Price, $3,500. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Westport. 17 a. — 4 m., 3 p., 10 S. Cult. H., 30 x 40, L, 28x24, 15 r-) c. fair. B., 30x40, c. g.; stables. F., stone, c. fair. W., g. well, 2 cisterns. F. T., 30, A., pears, and cherries. R. S., Greens Farms, i m. P. O., Westport, i m. C, Epis., Cong., Meth., i m. High S., free, i m. On a hill overlooking Long Island Sound, and a splendid view of the surrounding country. Soil loamy ; first-class, under a high state of cultiva- tion. General condition of the property, fair to good. Price, $9,000; $5,000 down, balance can remain at 5 per cent. Charles S. Wakeman. Authorized to sell the property, Rufus Wake- man, Saugatuck, has the management of this place. Wilton. 70 a. — 40 m., 25 p., 5 w., 30 S. Cult. H., 30x36, L, 12 X 19, II r., c. g. Horse B., 24x48, cattle B., 30 x 44 ; 2 storesheds, 1 1 x 40, shop, granary, ice-house, 18 x 40. F., stone, some rail, c. g. W., 2 wells, springs, never-failing stream. F. T., 120 A., also pear and c[uinces; good soil for peaches. R. S., Wilton, 2 m. P. O., North Wilton, -?y m. C, Meth., i^: m., Cong., 2 m, Epis., 2^ m. S., dist., ■} m. Fligh ground, no malaria ; 4 m. from Ridgefield, a noted summer resort; 8 m. from Norwalk, a thriving city on Long Island Sound. Soil, loamy, productive; good average condition, pleasant surroundings, good neighborhood. Price, $4,000; half cash, half mortgage. F. D. Benedict, A\'ilton. FAIRFIELD COUNTY. 29 Wilton. i6 a. — i m., lo p., 5 w. F., stone, c. fair. W., fine spring, place for duck pond or icehouse. F. T., few apple. R. S., Wilton, 2 m. P. O., Hurlbutt, -J m. C, Epis., i^ m. S., dist., ^ m. On its front (bounded by highway) a beautiful high peak for building summer house, good road, good poultry farm. Soil, gravelly loam, c. fair. Price, $250; cash. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 7 a. — i^ m., 3^ p., 2 w. H., small, i^ story, 5 r., c. fair. F., stone, c. good. W., fair. F. T., few apple trees. R. S., Wilton, ii m. P. O., Hurlbutt, i m. Chapel, Union, ^ m. S., dist., J m. High ground, good road, i m. to gravel road. Soil, gravelly loam, c. fair. Price, $750; half cash. Per- son authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurl- butt, Conn. Wilton. 65 a. — 40 m., 25 p. H., two story, large, painted, 11 r., c. good. B., 30x44, one cemented cellar, c. good. Icehouse and creamery, poultry house. F., stone, c. good. W., well, cistern, and springs. F. T., 152, 25 18-year- old A., 100 young, 7 pear, 20 peach. R. S., Wilton, 2 m. P. O. and store, North Wilton, ^ m. C, Cong., i^ m. S., dist., I m. 500 feet above tide water. Soil, sandy loam, c. good. Price, $5,200. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 20 a. and undivided ^ of a wood lot. — 7 m. H., large, two story, c. poor. F., stone, c. fair. W., trout stream running through the property. F. T., few A., etc. R. S., Wilton or South Wilton, -| m. P. O., Wilton or South Wil'ton, f m. C, M. E., im.; Epis., -I m.; Cong., I m. S., dist., ^ m.; boarding, ^ m. On main, graveled, level road to Norwalk, 5 m.; on a dry, sandy elevation, back from road, with driveway; fine lawn, large elms; a memorial house. Soil, sandy loam, c. poor. Price, $700. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 2I a. — 2^ m., 2 S. Cult. H., 25 x 30 x 16, two story, painted, 6 r., c. good. B., 20x20x10, c. good. F., 30 FARMS FOR SALE. Stone, c. good. W., good. F. T., 6, good A. trees. R. S., Wilton, 3 m. P. O., North Wilton, i m. C, M. E., ^ m. S., dist., ^ m. 460 feet above tide water, good road to Ridgefield or Wilton. Soil, loamy, c. good. Price, $700; $350 cash, $350 mortgage. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 46 a. — 4 p., 7 w. (timber and i a. hickory trees), 35 S. Cult. H., large, old-fashioned, L, small, c. fair. B., good size and repair; cow barn newly covered; woodhouse and wagon-house poor. F., stone, c. fair. W., good. F. T., small orchard, good fruit. R. S., Wilton, 4 m. P. O., North Wilton, 1^ m. C, M. E., I m. S., dist., i:^ m. 470 feet above sea level, fine large lawn. Soil, gravelly loam (no clay), c. fair. Price, $1,400; cash. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 90 a. — 50 m. (fine land nearly free from rocks), 30 p., 10 w. B., 40x100, c. new. Carriage-house, 24x28, good. F., stone, c. fair. W., springs and wells. F. T., 2 a. A. and pear. R. S., Wilton, 2f m. P. O., Hurlbutt, i m. C, Epis., 2-| m.; Cong., 3 m. S., dist., -J m. On a fine emi- nence, good road, beautiful Sound view, etc., 340 feet high, on a fine street. Soil, gravelly loam (no clay), c. good. Price, $3,700; $1,850 may be left on mortgage. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 7 a. — 7 m., p., and w. ; or 2-3 a. more, add $250. H., 20 X 34, one and one-half story, 7 r., c. fair. F., stone, c. good. W., well never fails. F. T., 31, 25 A., 6 peach. R. S., Wilton or Cannon's, | m. P. O., Wilton or Cannon's, -i m. C, M. E. and Cong., f m. S., dist., ^ m. 200 feet above tide water, on a beautiful plain near Norwalk River, and | m. of trout brook; fine level road. Soil, gravelly loam, condition of the property, fair. Price, $1,100; $550 on mortgage. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 14 a. — 10 m. H., two story, painted, 9 r., c. fine, modern lighted. Barn, large, and cellar basement, c. first- class. F., stone, c. good. Good water. Good fruit. R. S., FAIRFIELD COUNTY. 31 Stepney, 3-J m. C, i^ m. Maple trees in front, main road upper Stepney to Redding Ridge, 2^ m. east of Redding Ridge. Price, $1,200. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. |- a. — H., good size, two story, veranda, 7 r. and attic, c. painted, good. Woodhouse. F., stone, c. good. W., from next neighbor and cistern. F. T., a few. R. S., Ridge- field, 3^ m.; Wilton 3^ m. P. O., North Wilton, i^ m. C, M. E., I m. S., dist., ^ m. 460 feet above tide water, main street, Ridgeiield road. Soil, loamy, c. fair. Price $500; cash. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 7 a. — 4 m., 3 w. H., medium two story, veranda, 6 r., c. fine. B., small, new, painted, c. fine. F., stone, board in front, c. good. W., fine well. F. T., A., pear, and peach. R. S., Wilton, 2^ m. P. O., Hurlbutt, | m. C, Epis., 2 m.; Cong., i| m. S., dist., f m. On a hill, bounded on two sides by highway, sheltered in winter, fine garden and onion ground, 280 feet high. Soil, sandy loam. General condition of the property, fine. Price, $1,100. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 50 a. (embracing an opened granite quarry, 2 a.) — 24 m., 9 p., 15 w. H., 27 X 30 X 16, two story, L, 16x34 X 16, 13 r., c. good. Two B., one with basement 24x36, c. new; one 24x35x14. Cornhouse, woodhouse, etc. F., stone, c. good. W., Norwalk River runs through it, fine well. F. T., 30 A., 5 pear, 12 peach. R. S., Wilton, -J m. P. O., Wilton, ^ m. C, Epis., ^ m.; Cong., f m. S., dist. and board- ing, ^ and I m. Beautiful valley, yet on an eminence; main road to Ridgefield or Danbury; fine driveway. Soil, sandy loam (no clay). General condition of the property, good. Price, $5,700. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 5 a. — 5 m. H., large, painted, L, small, 7 r., c. good. B., large, c. good. F., stone, c. good. W., well, fine water. F. T., A., pear, plum, and peach; young trees. R. S., Cannon's, f m. P. O., Cannon's, f m. C, M. E., i m. S., 32 FARMS FOR SALE. dist., f m. High ground. Soil, gravelly loam. General con- dition of the property, good. Price, $1,400. Person author- ized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 30 a. (9 lots). — 30 m. H., good size, with ell, 9 r., c. good. Two B., good size, c. good. Icehouse, carriage barn, workshop, cornhouse, and hennery. F., stone, c. good. W., bounded west by Norwalk River. F. T., plenty of A., sev- eral pear, etc. R. S., Cannon's, ^ m. P. O., Cannon, ^ m. C, M. E., -J m. S., dist., ^ m. 310 feet above tide water, fine scenery, good road, fine water, maples in front; has been a dairy farm. Soil, sandy loam, free of rocks. General condition of the property, good. Price, $3,200. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 30 a. (12 lots). — 29 m. (no rocks), i p., ^ w., 29 S. Cult. H., good two story, 9 r., c. good. B., large (fitted for dairy), c. fair. Corn and carriage-house, poor; milk house. F., stone, c. good. W., fine brook through it, bounded west by river. F. T., fine orchard. A., cherry, etc. R. S., Can- non's, i m. P. O., Cannon, ^ m. C, M. E., ^ m. S., dist., ■J m. High ground, 300 feet above tide w^ater, bounded by trout stream, maples in front. Soil, sandy loam (no clay). General condition of property, good. Price, $3,200. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 68 a. — 35 m., 15 p., 18 w. H., large, old-fash- ioned, painted, 8 r., c. good. B., 24 x 28, c. good. Corn- house, 20 X 18, painted, c. good. F., stone, c. fair. W., wells and springs. F. T., A., pear, cherry. R. S., Wilton, 2 m. P. O., Hurlbutt, I m. C, Epis., if m. S., dist., i m.; private ladies', i m. 280 feet above sea level. Revolutionary house, entered by Tryon's men in raid of Danbury, on their return through Wilton. Soil, loam, c. fair. Price $2,200; $1,100 cash, balance mortgage, 6 per cent. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 75 a. — 40 m., 30 p., 5 w. H., large two story, high ceiling, L, good size, 14 r., c. new. Woodhouse, etc. F., stone, c. fair. W., springs, well. F. T.. ap\)\c orchard, etc. FAIRFIELD COUNTY. 33 R. S., Wilton, p. O., Weston. C, Cong., ^ m. S., dist., ^ m. 340 feet above tide water, on a hill, good Sound view. Soil, loamy, c. fair. Price, $3,000; $1,500 cash. Person au- thorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. WiLTOx. 8 a. — 7I m. (gocd land), ^ p. H., 18 x 18 x 10, 5 r., c. fair. B., 32x20x14. Wash and workhouse. P., stone, c. fair. W.. water from spring, made to flow over the house, and well. F. T., 13, 12 A., i pear. R. S., Wilton, 2^ m. P. O., Hurlbutt, f m. C, Cong., i^ m. S., dist., f m". 200 feet above tide water, near river and dam. Soil, gravelly loam, c. fair. Price, $775. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 3 a. — 3 m., all but the house and barn site S. Cult. H., 26 X 38 X 12, 8 r., c. good. B., 20 x 16 x 12, c. good. Small hot-house, henhouse. F., stone, c. good. W., cis- tern. F. T., 16, A., pear, cherry. R. S., Wilton, f m. P. O., Wilton, ^ m. C, Epis., ^ m.; Cong., f m. S., dist., ^ m.; boarding, | m. Near a fine trout stream, 180 feet above sea level, near fine, gravel, level road to Norwalk. Soil, sandy, c. good. Price, $1,100, cash. Person authorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Flurlbutt, Conn. Wilton. 90 a. — 50 m. (nearly level, nearly free of rocks), 20^ p., 10^ w. (timber). H., 27 x 36 x 16, L, 15 x 11 x 10, 13 r., c. fine. No. i B., 25 x 49 x 16; No. 2, 22 x 59 x 14; No. 3, 14x36x12; c. good (No. 2 new). Carriage-house, 14x18 X 12, fine wood, milk, corn, and washhouse. F., stone, c. good. W., trout stream, carp pond, never failing springs, two cisterns. F. T., A., pear, plum, 72 peach, 2 English walnut, 3 paragon chestnut. R. S., Wilton or Cannon's, 2 m. P. O., Hurlbutt, ^ m. C, M. E., 2-| m.; Epis., 2 m.; Cong., 2^ m. S., dist., -J m. High ground, fine Sound view, good neighbor- hood, 380 feet above sea level. Soil, gravelly loam (no clay). General condition of the property, fine. Price, $8,000; $6,000 cash, $2,000 mortgage. Person authorized to sell the prop- erty, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. 34 FARMS FOR SALE. Wilton. 2 a. — Fine meadow, 2 S. Cult. H., large, two story, old style, 30 x 32 x 16, 11 r., c. g. B., small, 20 x 20, c. g. F., stone, c. g. W., good. F. T., 42, 16 A., i pear, 25 plums. R. S., Wilton, i m. P. O., Wilton, i m. C, Cong., I m. S., dist., "I m. 380 feet above tide water, on a hill, good road to Norwalk city; fine garden, large lawn, good neighbor- hood; soil, sandy loam. General condition of the property, fair. Price, $1,150; cash $575, $575 mortgage. Person au- thorized to sell the property, D. H. Van Hoosear, Hurlbutt, Conn. WINDHAM COUNTY. 35 WINDHAM COUNTY. AsHFORD. 53 a. — one-third m., one-third p., one-third w., 20 S. Cult. H., 36 X 26, 7 r., c. g., painted and blinds. Wood- house attached, 20 x 16. B., 25x30, c. g.; 2 henhouses, new wagon-house. F., stone wall and rail, c. fair. W., well at house and barn, spring in pasture. F. T., 50, A., pears, peaches, and cherry, grapes, currants, and strawberries. R. S., Hamp- ton, 5 m. P. O., Warrenville and Ashford, i m. C, Warren- ville and Ashford, i m. S., dist., ^ m. On main traveled road, slight elevation, sloping to south and east; i m. from stores, telephone, saw and gristmill, blacksmith shop, etc; soil loaTmy; house surrounded with shade trees; soil strong and productive, fine place, in good order. Price, $1,000; $600 cash, will take mortgage for balance. Thomas J. Peck, Warrenville. Brooklyn. 100 a. — 40 m., 40 p., 20 w., 50 S. Cult. H., 25 X 20, 4 r. and attic, c. new. B., 20 x 24, c. fair; 6 henhouses. F., stone, c. poor. W., well. R. S., EHiotts, 2^ m. P. O., Brooklyn, 3 m. C, Brooklyn, 3 m. S., ^ m. The house in valley, the farm extends back to and on a hill; soil, sandy loam; condition fair. Price, $800 cash. Joseph B. Stetson, Trustee, Brooklyn; it is an assigned estate. PoMFRET. 200 a. — 90 m., 75 p., 35 w., 160 S. Cult. H., 40 X 50, L, 20 X 30, 25 r., c. g. B., 38 X 100 and 30 x 40, c. g. F., stone wall and wire, c. g. W., fine spring W. in house and barn. F. T., 75, A. and pear. R. S., Pomfret and Putnam, 3 and 4 m. P. O., Pomfret, i m. C, Cong., Epis., and Cath., I and i^ m. S., dist., ^ m. Rolling, with stream running through center of farm; soil sandy and good loam; in good condition, free from stone; keeps 25 cows and 6 horses; has a fine milk route, and house suitable for summer boarders; one of the best farms in Pomfret. Price, $15,000; terms ^ down, and mortgage on property for -|. Chas. W. Grosvenor, Pom- fret. Pomfret, three minutes' walk from Elliott Station. 40 a. — 20 m. (most of it by machine), 17 p., a small grove, 3 a. now cultivated. H., 24x32, heated by furnace, 4 fireplaces; L, 32 X 32, 10 r., besides undivided attic and bathroom, 10 feet 36 FARMS FOR SALE. wide piazza three sides, c. excellent. B., one 30x40 with smaller addition, c. excellent, lately covered, cellar. A new addition connected with ell contains washroom, sink, wood- house, toolroom, grainroom. Icehouse. F., stone, wire, c. many of the walls recently built. W., the very best, piped from spring to house and barnyard, faucet in kitchen, another spring supphes two trout ponds. F. T., 450, A., peach, pear, cherry, quince, plum, grapes, and strawberries in abundance; shade trees. R. S., Elliott, a few rods. P. O., EUiott, store and post- office. C, Cong., Epis., Advent at Abington, 2 m. S., Elliott, ^ m. On sidehill, land sloping south and east, i^ m. from the General Putnam " Wolf Den," lately purchased and soon to be dedicated by D. A. R. as " Wolf Den Park," 4 m. from Pom- fret station, 5 m. from the " Street," 5 m. from beautiful village of Brooklyn, soon to be connected with Providence, R. I., by trolley. Character of soil, deep loam in high state of cultiva- tion. General condition of the property, very good. Price, no reasonable offer refused: ought to have $3,000. Terms of sale, prefer cash, but part may remain on mortgage; will ex- change for paying property. James H. Rickard, Elliott, Conn. Putnam. 40 a. — ^13 m., 12 p., 15 w., all S. Cult., except woodland. H., 30 x 40, L, 20 x 30, 8 r., c. g. B., c. g. ; sheds and henhouse. F., walls and rail fence, c. g. W., 3 wells. F. T., 25, pear and A. R. S., Putnam, i m. P. O., Putnam, i m. C, Putnam, i m. S., Putnam, i m. Elevated farm, stream runs through pasture, plenty of wood for family use; sandy loam and clay bottom. General condition of the property, good. Price, $2,000; | down. E. M. Wheaton, Putnam. Putnam. 125 a. — 45 m., 40 p., 40 w., 20-years growth. H., i^ story, painted white, L, 30 x 25, 14 r., c. very fair. B., g. size, c. very fair; woodhouse. F., stone, c. fair. W., good W. at house and barn. F. T., 100, A., pear, plum, and peach. R. S., Putnam, 3 m. P. O., Putnam, 3 m. C, Putnam, 3 m. S., Sawyer, ^ m. Located on elevated ground; soil both sandy and loamy; all in fair condition. Price, $2,800; allow $1,000 to remain on mortgage. J. R. Cogswell, Putnam, Real Estate Agent. Thompson (part in Putnam). 165 a. — t,^ m.. 68 p., 62 w., 5 or 6 heavy, balance sprouts, 45 S. Cult. II., 28x38, L, WINDHAM COUNTY. 37 i6 X 36, 12 v., c. g. B., 38 X 72, c. excellent; woodshed, 20 x 20, wagon-shed, granary, and shop, 20 x 70. F., stone wall, c. some g., some bad. W., 2 never-failing wells, also aqueduct at buildings. F. T., 32 A., 4 pears; not a fruit farm, but a dairy farm. R. S., Putnam, 2^ m. P. O., Putnam, 2^ m. C, Putnam, 2^ m., or Thompson, i^ m. S., Thompson, i^ m. Location pleasant and healthful, surface broken; soil dark loam, very productive; a dairy farm, will keep 25 cows. General condition of the property, very good. Price, $6,500, with ^ cash; 10 per cent, discount for cash down, or will exchange. D. G. Arnold, box 698, Putnam. Windham. 35 a. — 16 m., 19 p. and w., 16 S. Cult. H., 38x30, L, 32x20, II r., c. g. B., 38x30, c. g.; horse B., 30x24; shed, 24x12; shop, 12x24; henhouse, 60x12 and 10 X 10. F., walls, c. g. W., well, running spring water in house and cow barn. F. T., 19, A., cherries, pears, 500 currant bushes, ^ a. raspberries, f a. vineyard, strawberries ; from vine- yard I have gathered and sold in Willimantic, our market, over 3 tons of grapes in a season. R. S., Willimantic, 2^ m. P.O., Windham, ^ m. C., Cong, and Epis., Ys m. S., Windham, graded, Ys m. Land level, near ponds; refer to history of Windham; sandy loam. General condition of the property, good. Price, $3,800; $1,100 can remain on mortgage at 4I per cent. G. W. Peabody, Windham. Woodstock. 100 a. — 60 m., 20 p., 20 w., 80 S. Cult. H., 40x40, L, 20x40, c. g. B., 65x40, c. g. ; horse barn, etc. F., stone, c. g. W., springs. F. T., plenty, A., pears, etc. R. S., Quinebaug and Putnam, 4 and 6 m. P. O., North Woodstock. C, North Woodstock. S., North Woodstock. High land, good location, soil loamy. General condition of the property, good. Price, $3,000. F. H. Blackman, North Woodstock. Woodstock. 80 a. — 30 m., 33 p., 17 w., 60 S. Cult. H., 35 ft. front, 2 L's, 13 x 12, 13 r., c. g. B., 36x45, c. g. ; piggery and hennery, and 2 good sheds for tools and wagons. F., stone, rail, and wire, c. fair. W., wells and springs. F. T., 150, variety of both fall and winter fruit. R. S., Quinebaug, 5 m. P. O., West Woodstock, i^ m. C, West Woodstock, i^ m. S., at the door. Situated on high land near 3 beautiful lakes, also the 38 FARMS FOR SALE. famous Roseland Park; 3 good markets, Putnam, Webster, and Southbridge, equally distant; deep loamy soil, fine grass land, will keep 20 cows and team, besides sheep. General con- dition of the property good. Price, $3,500; $2,000 can remain on mortgage. W. A. Weaver, South Woodstock. LITCHFIELD COUNTY. 39 LITCHFIELD COUNTY. Barkhamsted. 125 a. — 40 m., 75 p., 10 w., 20 S. Cult. H., 26 X 36, L., 20 X 40, 12 r., c. g-., with exception of roof and underpinning. B., 30 x 40, c. g. ; horse B., cowhouse, 20 x 40, and hoghouse. F., stone, rail, and wire, c. poor. W., g. F. T., A. in moderate supply. R. S., New Hartford, 4^ m. P. O., Barkhamsted, 2^ nr. C, Barkhamsted Center, i^ m. S., I m. Located on Center Hill, high, with a southern frontage, suitable for a large dairy. Soil, loam and clay, generally strong ; somewhat run down by neglect. Price, $2,500, buildings cost upward of $10,000, built less than 40 years. Mrs. T. C. Barnes, Collinsville. CoLEBROOK. 100 a. — 30 m., 20 p., 50 w., 30 S. Cult., all mowings can be cultivated. H., 24 x 30, 6 r., c. g. B., 18 x 30, with shed 9X 15, c. g. ; corncrib, icehouse, smokehouse, hen- house, pigpen. F., barbwire and stone walls, c. g. W., five springs and i well. F. T., 30 or more, A. and pears, also grapes, currants, strawberries, etc. R. S., Winsted, 4^ m. P. O., Robertsville, ^ m. C, Robertsville, -J m. S., Robertsville, ^ m. On a hill facing southeast, ^ m. from Sandy Brook, ^ m. from Farmington River. Soil, sandy loam; buildings good, and land in excellent state of cultivation. Price, $1,300 cash. Mrs. Frances E. Emmons, Robertsville, or J. K. Smith, Station A, lock box 1043, Winsted. Cornwall. 70 a. — 25 m., 10 p., 35 w., 15 or 20 S. Cult. H., small, c. poor. B., 25 x 35, c. medium. F., stone and rail, c. medium. W., well, springs, and brook. R. S., Cornwall Bridge, 5^ m. P. O., Cornwall, 2^ m. C, Cong., 2I m. S., ^ m. Woodland on side of mountain, meadows nearly level, can be mowed with machine, no swamp. Soil, loamy. Gen- eral condition of the property, fair. Price, $500. Mrs. W. L. Rogers, West Cornwall, Conn. Cornwall, 250 a. — 100 m., 100 p., 50 w., 200 S. Cult. H., 28 X 38, L, 60, 1 1 r., c. good. B., one stock barn, 70 x 40, c. new ; one horse barn, one carriage barn, one tobacco barn, icehouse, and creamery. F., all stone walls, c. good. W., 42 FARMS FOR SALE. • rods. On the sloping side of Chestnut Hill; mowing-ground, nearly level. Soil, loamy. Condition of farm good; house poor; other building reasonably good. This farm keeps 25 cows, and sells the product to the Echo Farm Company, i m. distant, at New York, prices. Price, $5,000. Orlando Per- kins, Litchfield. New Hartford. 185 a. — 25 m., 30 p., 130 w., 2,000 cords of wood and 2,000 railroad ties standing; 20 S. Cult. H., 26x28, L, 16x25, 10 r., c. g. B., 30x70, with basement, c. very fair; silo, 100 tons capacity; wagon-shed, 20x30. F., rail and wire, c. very fair. W., excellent spring near house. F. T., 50, A., pear, plum, peach, cherry, grapes, small fruit a specialty, 2 a. of berries. R. S., Collinsville and New Hartford, 3^ m. P. O., Nepaug, i m. C, Nepaug, i m. S., Hender- son dist., -J m. Land under.cultivation mostly level ; woodland hilly; never-failing streams of water running" through. Soil, about ^ heavy, and remainder sandy loam. General condition of the property, in high state of cultivation. Price, $2,500; ^ can remain on mortgage. G. C. Beckwith, Nepaug. New Hartford. 125 a. — 25 m., 60 p., 40 w., 25 S. Cult. H., 25 X 30, 6 r., 2 halls, and attic; L, 30 x 15, 3 r., 2 porches, c. g. B., 40x40 and 36x24, c. fairly g. ; 2 cowhouses, hen- house, icehouse. F., stone, wire, and rail, c. fair. W., 2 wells, small stream running water. F. T., A., pears, cherry, plum, peach, grape vines, currants, and small fruit. R. S., New Hart- ford, 3^ m. P. O., Nepaug, i^ m. C, Nepaug, i^ m. S., Town Hill, -J m. Situated on Town Hill; quite a summer re- sort; there are several summer homes here. Soil, loamy, with clay sub-soil. General condition, fairly good. Price, $2,000, cash. Riley Merrill, Nepaug. New Hartford. 60 a. — 25 m., 20 p., 15 w., 25 S. Cult. H., 24 X 30, L, 14 X 14, 10 r., c. g., except paint. B., 30 x 30, c. g., except shingles; cowshed, 15x20. F., stone wall, rail, and wire, c. poor. W., brought by pipe to H. and B. F. T., 12 or 15 small A., peaches, plums, grapes. R. S., New Hart- ford, U- m. P. O., New Hartford, i-\ m. C, New Hartford, i^ m. S., Town Hill, i m. On a hill; the summer resort of city people; has a number of summer homes. Heavy loam and fertile. General condition of the ])roperty, somewhat run ddwn. Price, $1,200; $400 down. G. C. Beckwith, Nepaug. LITCHFIELD COUNTY. 43 New Hartford. 30 a. — 10 m., 10 p., 10 w., 8 S. Cult. H., 28x30, L, 48 X 15, with woodhouse, 7 r., and 4 r. in L. $100 needed for repairs. B., 28 x 38, c. roof good, but covering poor; hogpen and henhouse. F., wire and rail, c. very fair. W., spring. F. T., A., grapes, pears, plums, and quinces. R. S., Collinsville or New Hartford, 3^ m. each. P. O., Nepaug, G. C. BECKWITH, NEI'AUG. 1 m. C, Nepaug, Cong., i m. S., Nepaug, ^ m. Located near " Mineral Spring "; never-failing stream of water running through; somewhat hilly; mostly of sandy loam; in high state of cultivation. Price, $1,200, of which $800 could remain on mortgage. G. C. Beckwith, Nepaug. New Hartford. 90 a. — 20 to 25 m., 50 to 60 p., 10 w., 25 S. Cult. H., 2^ story and basement, 16 r., c. g. B., 40x20, c. g. F., stone and rail, c. fair. W., wells and springs. F. T., A. and grapes. R. S., New Hartford, ^ m. P. O., New Hart- ford, ^ m. C, Cong., Bap., Cath., Epis., ^ m. S., common and high, ^ m. On hill commanding view of villages of New Hartford and Pine Meadow, and N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., and Central N. E. Railroad, and of Farmington River; soil loamy; all in good condition. Price, $5,500; ^ can remain on mort- _gage. W. H. Holcomb of Southington, and H. B. Holcomb, New Hartford. 44 FARMS FOR SALE. New Hartford. 185 a. — 45 m., 100 p., 40 w., 100 S. Cult. H., 2 story, 8 r.. L, large enough, c. g. B., 40 x 80, and base- ment, c. g.; horse B.. 2 tobacco B.. hoghouse. henhouse. F., largely wire. c. fair. W., never-failing spring at house and barn, running. F. T.. all needed. A., pears, plums. R. S., Pine Meadow. i| m. P. O.. Pine Meadow, i^ m. C, Epis., Pine Meadow, i| m. S.. 40 rods. Beautiful valley almost surrounded by hills, with Farmington River on the west line of farm; beautiful grove of heavy pine 80 rods north of house on high peak; a splendid trout brook through center of farm; no better tobacco land in the State ; the buildings are in good sound condition, but need painting. Price, $4,000; will sell any portion to suit customer; ^ cash or approved paper, balance to suit purchaser. J. Nelson Brown, lock box 316. New Hartford. New Hartford. 60 a. — 15 m.. by machine, 22 p., 18 w., 5 S. Cult., the meadows can be cultivated. H., 30 x 24. L, 18 x 24, 10 r., c. new and best of repair. B.. 32 x 28, c. fair; other buildings, e.g.; barn needs undersilling. F.. stone walls and rail, c. nearly all in good order. W.. the best and convenient, well in H. F. T.. young orchard, peach, plums, and all the late, also modern, kind of A. R. S. (2), New Hartford, i-| m. P. O., Nev\' Hartford, i^ m. C, New Hartford and Nepaug, i^ m. S., Town Hill, ^ m. Edward F. Marsh place, located in center of town, near the city summer residences; -i m. east of the his- torical Town Hill Church, and very desirable place for city summer residence, or for a farmer that wishes to enter into poultry business; soil loamy. General condition of the prop- erty, the house has been unoccupied for 2 years; 2 years ago the above-described property was in the best of cultivation. Price, $1,200. The owner's name is Mrs. Eliza Ann Marsh, who re- sides with name given below. Riley M. Olmsted, post-office. Bakerville. Plymouth. to8 a. — 45 m., 33 p., 30 w., 45 S. Cult. H., 28x30, L, 15x30, II r., c. g. P>., 40x56, c. g. ; 3 smaller barns. F.. rail, c. fair. W., well. V. T., 50. largely A. R. S., Terry ville. 2-!, m. P. ().. Terryville. i-^ m. C, Cong., i^ ni. .S., graded, i-\ m. Location high; soil Kiamy: \ery good condition. IVicc, $3,250; $1,000 (lown, l)alaiice mcirtgage on property. William Rnliinson, Adniiiiistratdr. LITCHFIELD COUNTY. 45 Salisbury. 250 a. — Perhaps 50 m., 50 p., 150 w., con- siderable saw timber, 100 S. Cult. 2 H., no g. 2 B., I g., other not much value. F., wire and wall, i outside fence, fair. W., springs and small stream, i mineral spring. F. T., 50 g. trees. R. S., Salisbury, i^ m. P. O., Salisbury, i| m. C, Salisbury, i^ m. S., Salisbury, i^ m. High plateau, about 1,000 feet above sea level, southern exposure; a picturesque mountain farm. General condition of the property, been used for pas- ture almost exclusively last 10 years. Price, $2,500; $1,250 cash, balance on mortgage, 5 per cent. George H. Clark and Donald T. Warner, Salisbury. Thomaston. 96 a. — 23 m., 40 p., 12 w., 25 S. Cult. H., 25 X 40, L, large, 14 r., c. fair. B., large, c. fair; horse barn and pigpen. F., rail and stone, c. not extra. W., good springs. F. T., 50, A. and pear. R. S., Reynolds Bridge, 2| m. P. O., Thomaston, 3 m. C, Thomaston, 3 m. S., Watertown, i-| m. Near reservoir for city of Waterbury; so-me side hill; well watered; a little isolated; soil clay or loam. General condition of the property, come and see. Daniel rl. Stevens, Thomaston. (Sent by Henry T. Dayton, Watertown.) ToRRiNGTON. lOO a. — 25 m., 50 p., 25 w. H., 7 r., c. g. Three B., large, c. g. ; hogpen, woodhouse, etc. F., stone wall, c. g. W., well at house, cistern. R. S., Burrville, i^ m. P. O., Burrville, i| m. C, Burrville, i^ m., Torringford, short i m. S., Burrville, i:| m. On hill less than i m. from Torring- ford church (2d Cong, of Torrington) ; soil, loam, with sub-soil of clay; condition of the property, good. Price, $3,500; half cash. D. D. Miner, Burrville. Winchester (village of Winsted). 8 lots, 50 x 150 feet. — W., supplied by spring. R. S.', Winsted, i m. P. O., Winsted, Station B., i m. C, Cong, and Epis., i m. S., i m. Trolley road runs past the lots. Price, $150 each; half cash. C. B. Hallett, Winsted. Winchester. 115 a. — 40 m., 65 p., 10 w., 35 S. Cult. H., 25 X 36, L, 18 X 30, 8 r., c. fair. B., 26 x 36 and 25 x 33, c. fair; woodhouse, 17x22; hoghouse, 12 x 19. F., walls, wire, rails, c. g. W., running spring and well at buildings, springs in 46 FARMS FOR SALE. pastures. F. T., A., pears, and peaches. R. S., Winsted, 2 m, P. O., Station A, Winsted, 2 m. C, Cong., Meth., etc., 2 m. S., graded and Gilbert High School, 2 m. Best of location, with stream across farm; variety of soil; all in fair condition. Price, $3,000. John P. Gillett, Station A, Winsted. Winchester. 120 a. — 50 m., 50 p., 20 w., 100 S. Cult, H., 30x40 and 20x40, L, 18x24, 9 and 7 r., c. g. B. (3), 24x30, 24x36, 20x50, c. g. ; sheds, henhouse, springhouse, windmill. F., mostly stone walls, c. fair. W., springs, finest in the Avorld, also trout-brook. F. T., 200, mostlv A., some pear, plum, peach, cherry. R. S., Winsted, 3 m. P. O., Win- chester, I m. C, Winchester, i m. S., dist., ^ m. Located on Piatt Hill, highest cultivated point in the State, 1,460 feet above sea level, magnificent views; heavy clay loam. General condition of the property, good. Price, $2,500; terms, $500- down, balance can remain on mortgage. Geo. A. Isbell, 708 Chapel St.. New Haven. Woodbury (Minortown). 166 a. — 10 meadows, 10 pas- tures, somiC of them quite large, about 50 \y., most any of the open land S. Cult. H., 31 x 2"], L, 27 x 9, 13 r., with hall and pantry, c. g. Carriage and horse B., 38x25, c. g. ; 2 wood- houses, cowhouse, 2 story pigsty, 3 field barns. F., stone, rail, and wire, c. mostly g. W., numerous living springs at house,, barns, and nearly every field. F. T.. all leading varieties A.,, pears, and cherry, walnut, and butternut. R. S., Watertown, 4 m. P. 0., Minortown, i m.. C. Woodbury. 4 churches, 3^ m., Bethlehem, 2\ m. S.. \ m. Unsurpassed as to location, southerly slope, plenty of brooks and springs; soil fine for farm- ing purposes. General condition of the property, very good; descended from, father to child for six generations; house — the third built on the same site. About 20 years ago this farm took first premium from Watertown Society, known as " The Nelson Judson Place," also " Garden of Eden." Price, $5,000; at least half down, remainder on mortgage if desired. Miss S. M. Judson. Margaret Peck, Susan L. Judson, heirs. Minor- town. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. " 4/ MIDDLESEX COUNTY. Chester. 35 a. — 20 m., 15 p., 25 S. Cult. H., 20x45, L, 20 X 18, 4 r., c. fair. B., 30 x 50, c. fair. F., rail and wire, c. good. W., good well at house. F. T., 30 to 40. R. S., Hadlyme, -J m. P. O., Chester, 2^ m.; Tylerville, 2 m. C, Bap., Cong., and Cath., Chester, 2^ m. S., North dist., Ches- ter, i^ m. Bounded east by Connecticut River, and west by Hartford and Saybrook turnpike, Hartford & Connecticut Val- ley Railroad runs through center of farm. Soil, loamy. Price, $1,000, cash. Albert E. Southworth, Tylerville, Conn. Per- son authorized to sell the property, J. H. Morton, East Had- dam. Durham. 100 a. — 30 m., 45 p. and bushes, 25 w., 10 S. Cult. H., 28 x 40, L, woodshed, 10 x 14, 8 r., c. g., one store- room. B., 27 X 37, c. needs some repairs; small cornhouse. F., brush, wire, board, rail. W., g., never-failing well at house. F. T., few A. and cherry. R. S., East Walhngford, Middlefield, 6 m. P. O., 4 m. C, 4 m. S., i^m. Between two hills, yet on high ground; stream of water running through the valley near by; loamy clay sub-soil; somewhat run down, not having proper care for a few years. .$2,500; terms of sale easy. Wm, Maltby, Northford. East Haddam. 128 a. — 25 m., 100 p. and w., 20 S. Cult. H., 16 X 24, bedroom and buttery, 10 x 16, L, 13 x 16, 6 r., c. fair. B., 24x30, c. fair; wagon-house, 12x12; tool shop, 14 x 24. F., rail and wall, c. fair. W., g. F. T., 24, baldwin and russet, and plenty of common fruit. R. S., Colchester, 5 m. P. O., Millington, i m. C, Millingtou, i m. S., Mil- lington. I m. Soil, loamy. General condition of the property, fair. Price, $800 cash, or $900, Yz down, and balance on mort- gage. J. Hobert Baker, Millington. J. H. Morton. East Haddam. 40 a. — 7 m., free from stone, 33 p., some wood, 25 S. Cult. H., i^ stories, L, 2 r., 6 r., c. g. B., 24 x 30, c. g. ; woodshed and henhouse. F., stone wall and wire, c. fair. W., 2 wells near house, and never-failing spring in pas- ture. F. T., 25 in variety. R. S., Goodspeeds, 4 m. P. O., Moodus, 2 m. C, Moodus, 2 m. S. and factory, f m. On a 48 FARMS FOR SALE. good road, near neighbors, and within a few rods of Bashan Lake, one of the prettiest lakes in the State, good tisliing; soil loamy, stands drouth well ; condition fair, is rented at present. ■ Price, $600 cash, or easy terms if desired. C. E. Gleason, Aubiirndale, Florida. Person authorized to sell the property, J. H. Morton. East Haddam. 200 a. — 50 m., 100 p. and w\, 50 S. Cult. H., 28x40, 12 r., c. g. B., 32x40, c. g.; horse barn and 2 sheds attached to main barn. F., wall, rail, and wire, c. fair. W., brooks, springs, and 2 wells. F. T., 125, 25 A., 80 peach, and the rest plum, pear, and cherry. R. S., Hadlyme, i^ m. P. O., Hadlyme, ^ m. C, Cong.. ^ m. S., -J- m. House located on hill, with view of Connecticut River, abotit i m. from steamboat landing; soil, some light and some loamy; con- dition good. Price $2,300. Address of the owner, D. C. ]\Iiller. Authorized to sell the property, James H. Morton. East Haddam. 14 a. - — 5 m., 9 p., 5 S. Cult. H., 25 x 35, L, 15 X 18, 7 r., c. g. B., 30 X 40, c. fair. F., rail and wire, c. fair. W., g. F. T., 5 or 6 A. R. S., Hadlyme, i^ m. P. O., Hadlyme, i^ m. C, Hadlyme. i^ m. S.. Hadlyme. i^ m. About one-half mile from Connecticut River, and one mile from landing of the Hartford and New York steamers; soil loamy; in fairly good repair. Price, $1,000. Deep River Sav- ings Bank, Deep River. Haddam (Beaver Meadow). 80 a. w. — R. S., Haddam. 2 m. Price, $600. The Middletown Savings Bank, Middle- town. KiLLiNGWORTH. I20 a. — 25 m.. 25 p., /O w., 40 S. Cult. H., 46x26, modern style, 12 r., c. very g. B., 40x28 and 36 X 16, c. g. ; other buildings, three. F., wall and rail. c. very g. W., 2 wells, large living stream. F. T.. 40. A., pear, and plum. R. S., Clinton, Chester, Higganum, 8 to 9 m. V. ( )., Killingworth, 2-J- m. C, Killingworth. Cong.. 2-I m. S.. dist., ^ m. High ground, fairly level; scenery fine; lake and stream; sawmill on place in running order; soil loamy, condition very good. Price, $2,500; $1,000 may remain on mortgage. Elias S. Isbell. Killingworth. Authorized to sell the iiropertw Davifl M. Kelsev. Saratoga, N. Y. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. 49 Haddam. 240 a. — 20 a. upland, 30 a. fine meadow, 100 p., 60 w., 30 S. Cult. H., 35 X 40, L, 12 X 20, 12 r., c. g. Two B., 30x40 each, c. g. ; cidermill, 20x40; wagon-house, icehouse. F., stone wall, wire lines, c. g. W., 2 good wells. F. T., 200 WILLIAM F. BRAINERD, HADDAM NECK. all grafted. R. S., Air Line and Valley, 2^ m. P. O., Haddam Neck, I m. C, Cong., ^ m. S., dist., ^ m. High ground, grand view, steamboat landing f m.; soil loamy; condition good. Price, $4,500. Wm. F. Brainerd, Haddam Neck. KiLLiNGWORTH. 75 a. — lo m., 25 p., 40 w., 25 S. Cult. H., 20x24, 5 r., c. poor. B., 20x30, c. poor; other buildings, c. poor. F., mostly stone wall, c. poor. W., well. F. T., A. R. S., Madison, 5 m. P. O., Killingworth, 2 m. C, Killing- worth, 2 m. S., Killingworth, 2 m. Fair soil; property run down. Price, $500; terms, $100 down, balance $100 per year. Geo. A. Isbell, 708 Chapel St., New Haven. Killingworth. 47 a. — 20 m., 27 p., scattering w., 18 S. Cult. H., 18x24, L, 12x12, 6 r., c. good. B., 28x38, c. good. Henhouse 13 x 26, woodhouse 12 x 14. F., stone wall and wire. W., good. F. T., peach, pear. A., most young trees. 4 50 FARMS FOR SALE. R. S., Clinton, 6 m. P. O., Killingworth, 60 rods. C, Killing- worth, 80 rods. S., 60 rods. On a hill, splendid view of L. I. Sound. Soil, loamy. General condition of the property, fair. Price, $1,200; cash $700. William Bristol, Conservator. For reference, inquire of David K. Stevens, Judge of Probate. MiDDLEFiELD. 6o a. — 30 m., 20 p., 10 w., nearly all of m. and part of the p. S. Cult. ' H., 31 x 25, L, 21 x 16, 12 r. and pantry, c. g., and nearly new; with basements and cement floors. B., 53x33 and 44x21, c. g., nearly new; henery, icehouse, etc. F., rail, stone, wire, and slat, c. fairly g. W., never-failing well at the door, water in the kitchen, also in barnyard for stock. JAMES T. INGLIS, MIDDLEFIELD. also in pasture. F. T., 180, A., pear, cherry, peach, quince. R. S., Middlefield Center and Rock Falls, i m'. P. O., Middle- field and Rock Falls, i m. C, Cong., M. E., Epis., and Cath., I m. S., east dist., in front of farm ; about 4 m. to Wesleyan University. On corner, public highway on two sides, close to hill and valley; stream j m. known as West River, 3 reser- voirs, and I natural lake; soil loamy, high state of cultivation. Price, $3,300; about ^ cash. James T. Inglis. Middlefield. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. 51 Old Saybrook. 24 a. — Good m., most of it S, Cult. H., 22 X 28, L, 15 X 16, 7 r., c. first-class. B., 22 x 28, c. g. ; wagon- house and cornhouse. F., wood, c. g. W., good well 20 ft. deep. F. T., pears, peaches, A. R. S., Saybrook Junction, i m. P. O., Saybrook, -J m. C, Cong., Epis., Meth, Cath. S., graded, ^ m. Near Long Island Sound and Oyster River; soil good; condition first-class. Price, $3,600. H. F. Ingham, Agent. Old Saybrook. 56 a. — 22 m., 12 p., 8 w. H., 30x40, II r., c. g. B., 26x74, c. g. ; storehouse, 18x24; cornhouse, 14x20; henhouse, 7x30; smokehouse, etc.; 2 packing sheds to pack berries. F., c. g. W., never-failing spring, well, and cistern. F. T., 2 a. strawberries, 2 a. raspberries, i a. blue- berries, 40 A. trees, and pear, cherry, grape, and quince. R. S., Saybrook and Westbrook, 2-J m. P. O., Saybrook, i^ m. C, Saybrook, i-| m. S., graded, i^ m. House 'old-fashioned, on rising ground, co^mmanding fine view of Long Island Sound distant ^ m. ; southern part of farm on highway to Sound, and suitable for building lots; soil, loamy. General condition of the property, good, in high cultivation. Price, $3,500; $2,000 cash down, balance on m.ortgage at 5 per cent. Richard H. Tucker, Saybrook. Saybrook. 372 a. — large amount w., 60 S. Cult. H., large, storehouse 52 x 24, 14 r., c. g. B., 85 x 30, 24-foot posts, and basement, c. g. 2 sheds, 50 x 30, one storage barn, 25 tons capacity, with all other necessary buildings, c. first-, class. W., running spring water at house and barn, two streams run through farm, a large pond stocked with fish ad- joining the farm. F. T., abundant. R. S., Deep River, 3 m. P. O., Deep River, 2^ m. C, 4 in Deep River, 2 in Ivoryton, 2^ m. S., consolidated; run townwise. Three miles from Connecticut River, seven miles from Long Island Sound. All in first-class condition, an old homestead, having been in the 52 FARMS FOR SALE. family over one hundred years, now offered on account of in- creasing years. Soil, loamy, productive. Price, $10,000; stock L. J. TLATTS, DEKP RIVER. and tools will be sold at low appraisal. Address of the owner, L. J. Platts, Deep River, Conn. Person authorized to sell the property, E. Shelton, Courant Building, Hartford. TOLLAND COUNTY. 53 TOLLAND COUNTY. Andover. i6o a. — 40 m., 80 p. and w., 40 S. Cult. H., 40 X 30, L, 20 X 30, 13 v., c. excellent. B., 40 x 60 and 30 x 40, c. very g. ; henhouses, icehouse, corncrib, wagon-house, and woodhouse. F., stone and wire, c. g. W., 3 wells, with never- failing streams. F. T., 12 a., A. orchard of the best standard varieties. R. S., Andover, i m. P. O., Andover, i m. C, Cong, and Bap., i m. S., consolidated, i m. Location is good, being on a hill; our A. orchards are the principal feature; A. brought me $700 last season; farm is all under good cultivation; an icepond near the barns furnishes plenty of ice. Price, $4,000; part of which might remain on mortgage. Charles H. Baker, Andover. Bolton. 80 a. — 20 m., 60 p., w. in abundance for use, 25 S. Cult. I^., 10 r., c. g. B., 43 x 33, c. g.; shed, 24 X 44, wood- shed, henhouse. F., stone wall and rail, c. g. W., brook across pasture, wells lat house and barn. F. T., 15, A. and pear. R. S., Bolton and Andover, either 3 m. P. O., Bolton, f m. C, Cong., f m. S., f m. Located on Bolton Hill, 2^ m. from Willimantic reservoir; highest ground in State east Conn. River; soil loamy, condition good. Price, $1,700; ^ cash. Geo. L. Dewey, Bolton. Bolton. 40 a. — 20 m., 10 good p. in w. lot, 10 w., 80,000 ft. timber, 200 cords wood, 20 S. Cult. H., 20 x 38, L, 18 x 21, 1 1 r., c. fair. B., 30 x 50, c. fair; shed, 12 x 20. F., stone wall, wire, c. g. W., well at house and barn, spring in pasture. F. T., 60, A., pears, cherry, plum, peaches, quinces, grapes. R. S., Bolton Notch, 2^ m. P. O., 50 rods. C, 50 rods. S., 50 rods. All hay can be cut with machine; wood and timber on side of road; good loamy soil, good state of cultivation; a rare chance to get a good farm cheap; timber, white oak, hickory, very choice. Price, $1,100; terms of sale easy. O. C. John- son, Willimantic. Authorized to sell the property. Dr. James D. Bailey, Bolton. Columbia. 60 a. — 15 m., 20 p., w. second growth, esti- mated 200 cords. 12 S. Cult. H., 22 x 36, L, 10 x 10, 9 r., c. g. B., 30 x 40, c. fair; woodshed and wagon-shed, 3 large hen- 54 FARMS FOR SALE, houses. F., walls, rail, and wire, c. fair. W., running water to barn, well at house. F. T., 175, A., pear, plum, peach, rasp- berry, blackberry, and strawberry beds. R. S., Chestnut Hill, i-| m.; Willimantic, 3 m. P. O., Chestnut Hill. C. S., dist., I m. Side hill, south slope, near river; soil, lig-ht loam. Gen- eral condition of the property, fair. Price, $850, cash. Milo S. Davoll, Chestnut Hill. Columbia. 40 a. — 15 m., 25 p. and w., 25 S. Cult. H., 10 r., c. g. B., cost $400, c. new. R. S., Leonard's Bridge, i^ m.; Hop River, 3^ m. P. O., C, and stores, 2 m. S., 2 m. Price, $800. E. G. Hart, 18 State St., Hartford. Columbia. 84 a. — 20 m., 36 p., 20 w., 28 S. Cult. H., 28x38, L, one 24x24, one 12x15, ^7 ^-^ besides halls and pantry, c. No, i. B., 36 x 50 and 18 x 24, c. No. i ; cornhouse, 12x18; woodhouse, 16x30; 2 henhouses, pigpen, etc. F., mostly stone walls, barbed wire, and rail, c. g. W?, wells and springs. F. T., 80, A., mostly winter fruit, pears, grapes, etc. R. S., Chestnut Hill and Hop River, about 3 m. P. O., Colum- bia, f m. C, Cong., f m. S., dist., f m. Remarkably pleas- ant, on top of a hill, land mostly level, slightly rolling; about i-J m. from Columbia reservoir; surveyors say the highest land between New York and Boston is in Columbia, about i^ m. west of farm; soil, a rich loam. General condition of the property good. Price, $3,000, but would shade that price a little to the right purchaser; with ^ on mortgage. James P. Little, Columbia. Coventry. Name of farm " Fountain Spray." 57 a. — 4 to 5 m., 25 p., 27 w., any of the mowing land S. Cult. H., 30 X 25, 2^ story front, i-| story rear, basement in front, 10 r., c. medium to g. B., 42 x 17, c. fair; woodhouse and wagon-shed, hennery, c. g. F., barbed wire, rail, and stone wall, c. g. W., running spring at house and barn and pasture, by well and brooks. F. T., 54, A., 40, pear, peach, plum, and cherry. R, S., Bolton, 3 m. P. O., Quarryville, i^ m. C, M. E., Quarry- ville, i^ m. ; Cong., Coventry, 3 m. S., i m. Some part nearly level, other westward sloping; i m. from Bolton reservoir, good boating and fishing; soil, clay. General condition of the prop- erty good. Price, $1,500. E. B. Turncy, Quarryville. TOLLAND COUNTY. 55 Coventry. 85 a. — 50 m., 35 p. and w., 40 S. Cult. H., 30x40, I story, L, 16x23, new, 7 r., c. g. B., 40x45 and 44x24, c. g. ; icehouse, cowshed, woodshed, henhouse. F., stone wall, c. fair. W., good running water at barn year round. F. T., all kinds, plenty O'f fruit. R. S., Andover, 2^ m. P. O., Coventry, i m. C, Cong., i m. S., dist., ^ m. Hills and valleys; river runs the length of farm; two brooks; self-support- ing meadows; soil, all kinds; good location, near sawmill and gristmill. The place is known as Wright's Mills; one of the best farms in town; will keep 20 head of stock. Price, $2,000; $900 can remain on mortgage at 6 per cent. M. E. Aspinwall, Coventry. Coventry. 100 a. — 20 m., p. g., two streams of running water, w. g., and young timber growing, 25 S. Cult. H., large, L, good size, 8 large and airy r., c. fair. B., 50x24, c. fair; icehouse, new; wagon-house, woodshed. F., stone wall,, c. fair. W., never failing. F. T., A. and quinces. R. S., An- dover, 2^ m. P. O., Andover, 2 m. C, Andover, 2 m. S., f m. In the valley i m. west of Nathan Hale place; soil varied, property in fair condition. Price, $1,500. F. N. Wright, Coventry. Coventry. 100 a. — 30 m., 40 p., 30 w.-f 60 S. Cult. H., 30 x 45, L, 25 x 40, 20 x 20, 9 r., c. fair. B., 60 x 42, with base- ment 18 X 30, c. good. Wagon-house, 20 x 30. F., wall and Virginia, c. ordinary. W., 4 wells (3 unfailing), springs, and brook from Bolton reservoirs. F. T., 100 A., pears, peaches, plums, quinces. R. S., Bolton, if m. P. O., Ouarryville, -J m. C, Ouarryville, ^ m. (Meth.); Coventry, 2 m. (Cong.). S., Coventry, ^ m. Slopes gently toward south and west, well adapted to raising hay, corn, oats, rye, and ordinary vegetables and fruits. Soil, gravelly loam, hard pan bottom. General con- dition of the property, good, has been in the family for over 100 years and always well kept ; to be sold to close the estate. Price, $4,000; terms cash. L. H. Gager, Administra- tor, Palmer, Mass. Mansfield (Spring Hill). 140 a. — 25 m., 30 S. Cult. H., 30x40, L, 16x28, 14 r., c. very good. B., 30x52, c. very good. Shed, 50 x 20, icehouse, henhouse, wagon and wood- 56 FARMS FOR SALE. house, 50 X 20. F., stone wall and rail, c. very good. W., living springs in pastures. F. T., 100 Greenings, Baldwins, Russets. R. S., Eagleville, 3 m. P. O., Spring Hill, near by. C, Bap., near by. S., close by. Surroundings quite level. Soil, good. Property in very good condition. Price, $4,000; half down, mortgage of the rest. J. G. Freeman, Spring Hill. Mansfield. 30 a. — 2 m., 10 p., 18 w. (400 to 500 cords of wood), 4 S. Cult., well situated for poultry farm. H., 30x45, L, 30x45, 15 r., c. good. Woodshed attached with room overhead for tools, etc. F., stone, c. good. W., a small brook and excellent well. F. T., an old apple orchard of 15 or 20 CHARLES FENTON, MANSFIELD CENTER, CONN. trees. R. S., Willimantic, 4-^- m. P. O., Mansfield Center, ^ m. C, Cong., 25 rods. S., dist., 20 rods. Excellent bird shooting and some of the best trout streams in State near. Soil, sandy loam. Price, $1,500; the larger part can remain on mortgage. Charles Fenton, Willimantic, Conn. Mansfield. 64 a. — 30 m., 36 p. and w., 25 S. Cult. H., 30x40, L, 16x20, 9 r., c. almost new. B., 30x40, c. g. ; other buildings, fair. F., stone wall, rail, barbed wire, c. fair. W., ample. F. T., 40. R. S., Eagleville and Willimantic, 2| TOLLAND COUNTY. 5/ m. and 5 m. P. O., Spring Hill, ^ m. C, Spring Hill, -J m. S., Spring Hill, -J m. Spring Hill near Connecticut Agricul- tural College; soil loamy, clay sub-soil. General condition, good. Price, $1,400; terms of sale to suit convenience of pur- chaser. A. A. Bosworth, Spring Hill. SoMERS. 120 a. — 44 m., 40 p., well watered, 13 w., 16 S. Cult. H., 30 X 40, L, 18 X 27, 14 r., c. g. B., 40 x 60 and 40 x 50, c. fair to g. ; woodshed, c. poor. F., wire and rail, c. comfortable. W., well and cistern. F. T., cherry, plums, pears, and A. R. S., Hazardville, 3^ m. P. O., Somers, i m. C, Somers, i m. S., dist., 12 rods. House on hill ; Scantic bounds part of land on the west; it was the home of Judge Strong's father; soil sandy, loamy, some stony, in fair state of cultivation. Price, $3,500; $2,500 down, rest mortgage. Ran- dolph Fuller, Somers. Per M. H. Fuller. Stafford. 250 a. — Well divided, estimated to be 1,000 cords of wood, 100,000 feet of timber, S. Cult., enough for three men to work. H., i^ story, 8 r., c. needs some repairs. B., 36 X 50, 28 X 43, c. needs little repairing. Horse barn, cow barn, 2 henhouses, hoghouse. F., rail, stone wall, and wire, c. moderate. W., well water, 2 beautiful springs on the farm. F. T., a good many apple trees, a few pear and peach trees. R. S., Stafford Springs, 4 m. P. O., Staffordville, little more than -J m. C, Meth., Cong., Cath. It is up from the village of Staffordville a little more than ^ m.; there are three factories; can sell a good deal of wood at the village; good fishing above the village. Soil, good and strong, good for hay crops, c. very fair. Price, $3,500; would like half down. The wood and timber will nearly pay for the farm. Mrs. L. G. Goodell, Staf- ford Hollow. Tolland. 300 a. — 100 m., 50 p., 200 w., 100 S. Cult. H., 20 X 45, L, 10 X 12, 9 r., c. fair. B., 30 x 40 and 20 x 30, c. fair; sheds. F., mostly stone walls, c. g. W., running water from spring, brooks. F. T., 100, mostly A., some cherry, pears, grapes, worlds of chestnuts. R, S., Rockville, 3 m. P. O., Tolland, i m. C, Tolland, i m. S., dist., ^ m. This is largely a wood farm, about 200 acres, 30-years growth, largely chest- nut ; nice place to raise young stock ; soil sandy loam ; general 58 FARMS FOR SALE. condition, fair. Price, $2,500; terms, $500 cash, balance as the wood is cut; 5.000 railroad ties now ready to cut, telegraph poles not numbered. Geo, A. Isbell, 708 Chapel St., New Haven. Tolland. 60 a. — :20 m., 40 p., 30 S. Cult. H., 2 stories, 9 r., c. fair. B., 50 x 38, horse barn, c. g. ; icehouse, piggery, wagon- sheds. F., wall, c. g. W., spring to house and barns. F. T., plenty. A., cherries, pears, quinces, grapes, etc. R. S., Rock- ville, 2 m. P. O., Rockville, 2 m. C, Rockville, 2 m. S., 75 rods. Located on turnpike from Rockville to Tolland (county seat), a view of Snipsic Lake, the water power of Rock- ville; soil loamy. General condition of the property, fair. Price, $2,500; $1,000 down, remainder on mortgage if desired. Bradley M. Sears, Spring Hill. Tolland. 150 a. — 25 m., 50 p., 75 w., 35 S. Cult. H., large, about 8 r., c. g. B., 30x40, c. fair; horse barn, wood- house, and wagon-house, g. repair. F., mostly stone walls, c. quite g. W., spring water, never-failing all about place. F. T., A., pear, peach, plum. R. S., Rockville, 4 m. P. O., Rock- • ville, 4 m., or Crystal Lake, i-| m. C, Tolland, M. E., Cong. ; Crystal Lake, i^ m., M. E. S., dist. This farm is in a very picturesque location in a little valley surrounded by hills that rise to quite high peaks; varied from light sandy loam to heavy black soil; somewhat neglected, but capable of being quickly brought into condition. Joseph Boucar, Rockville. Union. 140 a. — 20 m., 30 p., 90 w., 25 S. Cult. H., 30 X 40, 8 r. F., stone wall. W., g. F. T., few. R. S., Staf- ford Springs, 9 m. P. O., Union, 2^ m. C, Union, 2-J m. S., ^4 m. On high ground in the north part of Union, and has a large quantity of wood and timber; soil loamy; condition of the property good. Price, $1,000. L. M. Reed, Union. WiLLiNGTON. 150 a. — 25 m., 50 p., 75 w., 20 S. Cult. H., 25 X 30, 7 r., c. g. B., 30 X 40, c. g. F., stone and wire, c. fair. W., well and stream. F. T., 50, various kinds. R. S., West Willington, 4 m. P. O., East Willington, i m. C, Cong, and Bap., 2 m. S., East Willington, i m. Tillage land level, wood land hilly; Fenton River runs through farm; soil loamy. Gen- eral condition of the property very good. Price, $1,600; ^ cash. F. A. Pierson, Hartford. TOLLAND COUNTY. 59 WiLLiNGTON. 150 a. — 18 m., all machine but 2; 60 p.; 80 w., from 10 to 40-years growth; 40 S. Cult. H., 40 x 30, 9 r. on ground floor, 3 upstairs, c. excellent. B., cow, 60x25; horse, 25 x 12, c. g.; icehouse, new woodshed, henhouses, new wagon-shed, all in g. repair. F., stone, wire, and rail, stone and wire g., rail poor. W., never-failing well, running water in house and barn, forced by ram, two trout-brooks, ice pond, and trout pond, and location for several trout ponds. F. T., A., pears, plums. R. S., So. Willington, i m. P. O., So. Willington, i m. C, Bap. and Cong, on Hill, i-J m., and Bap. Hall at So. Willington; Meth., 3 m. S., So. Willington, i m. Goodly number of shade trees near house and barns; -| m. from Lake Beauty; good market for produce at thread mill, So. Willington; soil sandy loam, A i for potatoes and grass; prop- erty in good condition. Price, $2,000; ^ cash, remainder on mortgage. A. H. Eldredge, Willington. SUPPLEMENT. Coventry. 50 a. — 20 m. (^ river meadow, fair quality), 20 p., 2 w., 20 (part in mowing, now), S. Cult. H., 25 x 35, L, 18 X 40 (cellar under all), 1 1 r., c, g. B., 30 x 70 (8 feet cellar under all but 12 feet), c. g; shed, 15 x 50. F., stone, wire, and rail, c. g. W., very best, running in house and barn, also well at house, if wanted can carry water up stairs. F. T., 25, mostly A. R. S., Merrow or Mansfield depot, 2I m. each. P. O., Coventry, 2^ m., mail brought within 1 m. C, Cong., 2 m. S., dist., -| m. Lies in valley, quite a stream through length, also 3 small brooks, ice pond. Beautiful place for summer residence ; mostly light, sandy loam, good ; general condition, good, 7 acres in cul. this year. Price, $3,000, in- cluding all stock, tools, and wagons, etc. ; terms of sale, on application. Wood land can be bought adjoining this place for $4 or $5 per acre. H. R. Hoisington, Jr., Coventry. Lebanon. 160 a. — m., p., suitably divided, a good wood lot. H., two stories, L, two stories, 15 r., c. g. B., 4, c. g. F., stone wall, c. fair. W., 2 wells, and springs in pastures. F. T., good supply. A., some pears. R. S., Lebanon, 5 m. P. O., Lebanon, 3 m. C, Goshen Society, Cong., f m. S., Goshen Hill, i^ m. Farm lies on elevated ground, free from early frosts; early land, good soil. Price, $2,500; terms, cash. Address of the owners, Mrs. E. R. Randall, Lebanon ; Mrs. M. A. Pettis, 22 Pearl St., Willimantic. Person authorized to sell the property, E. R. Randall, Lebanon. Goshen. 75 a. — 30 m., 30 p., 15 w. H., good size, L, small and large, 7 r., c. g. B., large, c. g. F., fair. W., good. P. O., Goshen, i^ m. C, Goshen, i^ m. S., ^ m. Known as John D. Barton farm; general condition of the property, good. Price $3,000. S. B. Williams, Waterbury. NOTE. 6l Note. — Statistics of the condition and products of certain branches of industry in Connecticut for the year ending Octo- ber I, 1845, prepared from the returns of the assessors by Daniel P. Tyler, Secretary of State. A volume of 242 pages under the above title has recently come into my possession. The changes that have taken place in the productive in- dustries of Connecticut in this half century are very remarkable, and are beyond the memory of most who are in active life. The relative prices are as remarkable in many cases as the quantities produced. While I cannot here attempt even a summary of these changes, I note a few. Sheep husbandry has suffered the greatest decline in agri- culture. In 1845, Litchfield County, alone, is credited with 88,741, nearly three times the number at present in the whole state. Cheese-making has yielded to the demand for market milk. A more notable change has taken place in our manufactures. Then they were very evenly distribued over the state. Change in methods of transportation have caused the rural districts not provided with -these facilities to be deserted by them, to become more strictly rural. In manufactures this is most evident in tanneries, which were then very numerous in all parts of the state, 187 in all, Litchfield County having 49, and one of buckskin. These maintained a demand for hides, giving full market price, or even more in some localities. In this connection, the item of bark furnished employment at certain seasons for a large number of men, and a considerable revenue to the landowner. I am not aware that there has been any effort to collect these statistics since 1845. These were necessarily somewhat imperfect. Few towns report any poultry. Apples were almost the only fruit reported, and these were usually prized at ten cents a bushel, showing the cider-mill as their destiny. The general cause of these changes, affecting the population, gathering them intO' cities and villages, at the loss to the rural districts, is very apparent. To give in detail those affecting each particular town or district, or any individual industry, will exceed my present purpose, but with the design of pre- paring a more complete review of the case, I would like to have any one who remembers back 50 years or more, or young 62 FARMS FOR SALE. persons interested, to give me disappearance or growth of any particular industry, agricultural or manufacturing, that I may have something besides my personal observations. Any communications on this question will be thankfully received, and help to solve the much-agitated question of so-called " Abandoned Farms." T. S. GOLD, Secretary. West Cornwall, Conn., Sept. 8, 1899. AN ANCIENT ELM Stands on a hill in Cornwall 1,300 feet above sea level, where it has withstood the blasts of a hundred years since it arrived at maturity. I am very desirous to make a list with description and cuts of re- markable trees in Connecticut, forest or fruit trees, and I solicit from all parts of the State notices of trees remarkable for size or productiveness or quality of fruit or nuts, or of historic or memorial trees, in country or city. Negatives are better than photos to make plates for illustrations. Please send in your notes to make the list as complete as possible. Connecticut is full of such trees. T. S. GOLD, West Cornwall, Conn.