ill hbl, stx CS 71.S793 1911 Staples. Wealths Staples; 3 T1S3 0DM3fl3St, D CS 71 S793 1911 STAPLES WEALTHA STAPLES Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries WILLIAM BARNEY WEALTHA (STAPLES) BARNEY EVERETT HOSMER BARNEY GEORGE MURRAY BARNEY ^/ihluM' M^/m-^^ jSoM^^^ Al cjg^^- - ^ 14/^7 li c^ rA VopA^'T \ g. k STAPLES WEALTHA STAPLES With records relating to some of the Berkley-Taunton, Massachusetts families Illustrated Privately Printed Springfield, Massachusetts 1911 Copyright 191 1 by William Frederick Adams Note. — These few records were gathered while in search for material relating to one line of the Barney family. V. Contents Staples Genealogical Notes "Revolutionary War and War of 1812" A few records from the Staples-Street Cemetery, Berkley-Taunton, Mass. Entry in the old Register of the Abbey Church, Bath, England Index Illustrations Everett Hosmer Barney, Portrait Frontispiece Staples Tree, Mendon, Massachusetts "Sacred Ground" Mendon's First Meeting House, 1668, Tablet Tablet erected in Memory of the Founders of Mendon, Massachusetts Monument erected to the Memory of Abraham Staples, one of the first settlers of Mendon, Massachusetts View of Central part of Mendon, 1839 Mendon, Massachusetts, 1831, Map In Memory of Mrs. Joshua Staples A part of the original house built by Robert Thornton Panel from the original house built by Robert Thornton Ebenezer Staples, Portrait Original Home lot of Ebenezer Staples Burial lot of William Barney "The Elder" and others Burial lot of Wealtha (Barney) Paull Burial Stone of Polly (Barney) Caswell George Murray Barney, Portrait "Spirit of '76" Central part of Taunton, Massachusetts, 1839 Map of Taunton, Massachusetts, 1728 Barney Bronze Tablet Staples-Street Cemetery Old Colony Historical Society Building Staples A number of persons are mentioned of the name Staples who belonged to the nobility of England, and the different coats-of-arms which they bore are de- scribed. The family in Ireland had a coat-of-arms which indicates that the name originated in the idea of a staple, a stanchion, or fastening. Thomas Staples was created a baronet of Ireland in July, 1628. The crest of his coat-of-arms is described as "a demi-negro holding a bolt-staple." A branch of the family in England has upon its coat-of-arms four staples, and another three staples, all showing pretty conclusively the supposed origin of the name. Staples The coat-of-arms of one branch of the Staples family in England bore the motto in French, "Sans Dieu rien." "Nothing without God." As the mottoes of Enghsh families were generally in Latin, if not in their own tongue, it is probable that this motto in French indicates the French origin of those who bore it. STAPLES Staples I John, 1636, Weymouth, Massachusetts II Abraham III Jacob IV Noah V Noah VI Wealtha (Married William Barney) VII Jairus Sidney Barney VIII Everett Hosmer Barney IX George Murray Barney 27 Staples I John Weymouth, Massachusetts (now known as New Weymouth), about 1636. (Where he came from is not known) Born Married- Died In a division of lands made in Wey- mouth apparently under date 1636, John Staples had "six acres assigned him in the plain and three acres in the East field." Children (all born in Weymouth) : 1. John 2. Rebecca 3. Abraham 4. Joseph Born 1637 Married Samuel Sumner Born October 20, 1638 Born February 19, 1641 Died in infancy WW N PK H.1I ii^ place (l«Ne{4n|Hl IM r • m |H#i: . < -=^^^^1 1 '-■ 1 1 1 5. Joseph (another) Born 1647 6. Sarah Married Increase Sumner Will dated March 18, 1681 and proved August 2, 1683. 29 Tablet Erected in Memory of the Founders of Mendon Massachusetts Abraham Staples, Ancestor of Everett Hosmer Barney II Abraham^ First son of JohnS one of the original proprietors and settlers of Men- don, Massachusetts Born Weymouth, October 20, 1638, was living in Dorchester in 1658, and returned to Weymouth 1660 Married Mary Randall, daughter of Robert Randall, September 19, 1660, Weymouth, born March 20, 1642, died March 9, 1712, Mendon Died October 20, 1703 The Randalls came from Berks County, England. Will of Robert Randall was made in 1691. In it he says: "I give my daughter Mary, now the wife of Abraham Staples of Mendon," etc Abraham made will November 22, 1698, and it was proved December 21, 1703. Petition to the General Court by Abraham and others was granted in 1662, to plant a new town (Mendon). Abraham with eleven others purchased the estate where the village now stands. The exact date of beginning of the settlement has never been fixed, but in 1662 or 1663, as son Abraham was born here June 14, 1662. It was incorporated May 15, 1667. During King Philip's War the families were driven off and the houses all burned. Abraham took an active part in all that related to the establishment of the church and town. He is one of the committee who signed the agreement with the first 31 minister; he is appointed on the committee who selects a site for a new bridge across Muddy Brook; to take a draft out of the town book of all the records which in- terfere, one with another, and present it to the town to rectify. He is chosen one of the selectmen, and is ap- pointed one of the men to take a new deed of the town from the Indians. Six years before his death he seems to have removed to Taunton; a deed of certain parcels of real estate in 1698 and his will made the same year, are dated at Taunton. His son Jacob had removed to that town soon after his marriage, about 1696. Abraham's name disappears from the tax list in Mendon in 1697 and is restored in 1700, showing an absence of three years; but that he never intended to lose his residence here is shown from the fact that though his will was made in Taunton, he speaks of his "now dwelling house" in Mendon. The will is in the probate office, Suffolk County, bearing date November 22, 1698, proved on December 21, 1703. The will gave Jacob "five shillings and lands passed to him by deed of gift. Children : 1. Abraham Born June 14, 1663, Mendon, Massa- chusetts. (The first known birth of a white child within the bounds of the original Mendon). Died 1706, Uxbridge 2. John Born 1667, probably never married Died after 1725 32 3. Mary 4. Jacob 5. Ebenezer Born April 11, 1668, Mendon Died June 29, 1669 Bora November 10, 1669, Mendon Married (1) Abigail, daughter of Timothy Winter, 1690, Mendon Timothy Winter gave a portion of his house lot to Abigail on which Jacob built a house. The Winter home lot was just east of Mendon Village (2) Mary Briggs (widow of Remem- ber Briggs) September 15, 1696, by Thomas Leonard Died 1724 Born 1677 Married (1) Huldah Aldrich (2) Mehitable Barron, 1727, Concord (3) Mary Davis, 1745, Bed- ford 6. Ephraim Born September 2, 1678, Mendon, Massachusetts Married Webster or Wellster, Taunton, Massachusetts 33 7. Mary (another) Bom February 8, 1681 8. Benjamin Born December 27, 1682, Mendon Died in infancy 9. Hannah Born May 13, 1686 Married John Darling, 1708 34 Ill Jacob^ * Children: 1. Abigail 2. Hannah 3. Jacob Son of Abraham^ and Mary (Randall) Staples Born November 10, 1669 Married (1) Abigail, daughter of Timothy Winter, March 28, 1690, Men- don Born September 23, 1691 Died in infancy Born August 15, 1692 Married (2) Mary Briggs (widow of Remember Briggs) September 15, 1696, by Thomas Leonard Born about 1697, son of Mary 4. Noah, son of Mary Born about 1699 Married Abigail - 5. Hannah, daughter of Mary Married S. Briggs 6. Abigail Died young 35 7. Mary Married T. Harvey Moved to Taunton about 1696 He died 1724 *A roster of the first military com- pany of Taunton, 1700. A list follows and among the names is that of Jacob Staples. 36 ^"iew of Central part of Mention 1839 IV NoAH^ Son of Jacobs and Mary (Briggs) Staples Born about 1699 Married Abigail (intention August 20, 1737) Died Children: 1. Noah* Born 2. John Married Died — *NoTE. — ' 'The Taunton companies of Third Eegiment who performed service at the alarm in Rhode Island on the 8th of December, 1776." A list follows and among the names is that of Noah Staples (Noah Staples was great-grandfather to Everett Hosmer Barney.) Born Married Died — 37 Mendon, Massachusetts 1831 In Memory of Mrs. Joshua Staples Staples-Street Cemetery Berkley-Taunton, Massachusetts V NOAH« Son of Noah^ and Abigail ( Staples Born Married Rachel Shaw She died February 21, 1787 Died Children: 1. Joshua* Born March 15, 1757 Married Died January 20, 1840, age 81 years *Note.— "Captain Joshua Wil- bore's company, 1776, enlisted by order of the Council to march to Dorchester Heights from Colonel Williams' Regiment, in the County of Bristol, August 8, 1776." A list follows and among the names is that of Joshua Staples (Joshua Staples was great-uncle to Everett Hosmer Barney.) 2. Wealtha Born March 22, 1759 Married (1) William Barney Married (2) Seth Keith, Middlebor- ough, Massachusetts, December 27, 1826 She died Berkley, Massachusetts, July 23, 1854 3. Elizabeth Born June 8, 1761 4. Ebenezer* Born November 25, 1763 Married Charity She died May 23, 1821, aged 51 Died April 19, 1856 (War 1812) Born August 5, 1766 5. Rachel *NoTE. — "October 5, 1814. Joseph Reed's Company of Taunton, stationed at New Bedford for the defense of that place and vicinity." A Kst follows and among the names is that of Ebenezer Staples (Ebenezer Staples was great-uncle to Everett Hos- mer Barney.) 40 A part of the original house built by Robert Thorn- ton, one of the first settlers of Taunton, and in which the ancestors of Everett Hosmer Barney lived for generations. Jairus Sidney Barney, father of Everett Hosmer Barney, was born here. Panel from the original house built by Robert Thornton and in which William Barney lived and where Jairus Sidney Barney, father of Everett Hosmer Barney, was born. The decorations were restored under the directions of Mr. Everett Hosmer Barney and the panel is now in his possession. The original house which Robert Thornton built and in which WilKam Barney lived till the time of his death is one of the oldest houses, if not the oldest house in Berkley-Taunton, Massachusetts. Generations have come and gone, but part of this old house still stands built with its quaint old wood work fashioned by patient hands in days when the execution by modern machinery was not dreamed of, when *nails were carefully wrought by hand, by younger members of the family, and too, when rough boards were fastened to the sides of the room, from which nails projected from the surface of the boards about an inch to hold the ponderous plaster with the decorations in color executed by hand which the elements during these years have failed to destroy. Wall papers were un- known to these early settlers. But few houses in New England can boast of such decorations. It is the intention of Everett Hosmer Barnej^ to restore as far as possible the quaint room — the only part remaining of the old William Barney homestead. The house is located on Staples street in Berkley- Taunton, Massachusetts. Undoubtedly William, the Elder, was a frequent visitor at this home of his son William. Jairus Sidney Barney, father of Everett Hosmer Barney, was born here. *NoTE. — Nails were made in the homes by hand and families took in the work of making nails as in later days it was the custom, of parts of shoes, straw hats and other articles. 41 VI Wealtha^ Daughter of Noah^ and Rachel (Shaw) Staples, Taunton, Massachusetts Born March m, 1759, Taunton, Massachusetts Married William Barney, Taunton, Massachusetts (For first wife and children of Wil- liam Barney, see Barney family record) Children of William and Wealtha (Staples) Barney : 1. Polly Born February 17, 1798 Married Philip Caswell, Novem- ber 29, 1818, Taunton, Massa- chusetts Died December 5, 1859 2. Jairus Sidney Born February 4, 1799, Taunton (Father of Everett Hosmer Barney) Married Harriet Hosmer, daughter of Joel Hosmer, Acton, Massa- chusetts, October 14, 1827 Died December 27, 1859, Saxon ville- Framingham, Massachusetts 42 Ebenezer Staples The Original Home Lot of Ebenezer Staples Berkley-Taunton, Massachusetts The old well is the only spot familiar to Mr. Everett Hosnier Barney 1910 Burial Lot of William Barney "The Elder" Ann Williams, his wife William Barney Margaret Sanford, his (1) wife Wealtha Staples, his (2) wife Ebenezer Staples Charity, his wife Some years ago the City of Taunton changed the grade of Staples Street, removing the stone w^all along the highway abutting the cemetery encroaching upon the cemetery, and rebuilt the wall upon the graves of the above. In 1910 Mr. Everett Hosmer Barney had made a careful examination of the grounds in which his ancestors were buried and has since placed a mem- orial tablet to mark the location. 3. Wealtha Born- Married William Paull, Lakeville, Massachusetts He died May 22, 1878, Lakeville, Massachusetts 43 Vn Barney Jairus^ Sidney Son of William^ and Wealtha® (Staples) Barney Born February 4, 1799, Taunton, Massachusetts Married Harriet, daughter of Joel Hosmer, Acton, Massachusetts, October 14, 1827 Died December 27, 1859, Saxonville- Framingham, Massachusetts She was born Acton, Massa- chusetts, February 5, 1805; died Saxonville-Framingham, August 16, 1847 Children : 1. Edmund H. 2. Susan A. Born Saxonville-Framingham, Massachusetts, September 13, 1828 Died June 16, 1829 Born Saxonville-Framingham, May 14, 1830 Married D. H. Byrnes Died December 3, 1860 44 "^W^P ^_^ __P ^^- T^~«~ f -"^^^^mTmi -tJ""" — W^l ^>r^-l^--^~-rP IPis^na -^^^^^^^^:-''^ "^^^^^^ f ^ '^mBs' al^'i^iwWi n^^^s.. .:,:,; : ;"^^ij>s«f -4.^5^ Burial Lot of Wealtha (Barney) Paull April ^6, 1892 Staples-Street Cemetery Berklev-Taunton, Massachusetts (Indicated by *) Burial Stone of Polly (Barney) Caswell Staples-Street Cemetery Berkley-Taunton, Massachusetts 3. William H. Born Saxonville-Framingham, December 28, 1831 Died April 4, 1857 4. Edward A. Born Saxonville-Framingham, November 24, 1833 Died May 3, 1836 5. Everett Hosmer Born Saxonville-Framingham, Massachusetts, December 7, 1835 6. George W. Born Saxonville-Framingham, January 26, 1838 7. Eugene H. Born Saxonville-Framingham, August 11, 1840 Died January 27, 1861 8. Helen C. Born Saxonville-Framingham, October 30, 1842 Died June 2, 1861 9. Adel V. Born Saxonville-Framingham, May 7, 1845 45 VIII Barney Everett^ Hosmer Springfield, Massachusetts. Son of Jairus^ Sidney and Harriet (Hosmer) Barney his wife, of Saxonville-Framingham, Massa- chusetts Born December 7, 1835, Saxonville- Framingham, Massachusetts Married Eliza Jane Knowles, born Belfast, Maine, June 30, 1830; died April 29, 1905 46 J^ycMY^t^ Ht . u^ .e^ IX Barney George^ Murray Son of Everett^ Hosmer Barney Born March 27, 1863 Died May 29, 1889 47 REVOLUTIONARY WAR AND WAR OF 1812" Captain Joshua Wilbore's Company 1776 A pay roll due to Captain Joshua Wilbore's Com- pany in Colonel Francis' Regiment, being for travel into camp and home, the said Company being draughted from the several towns in Bristol County. From Taunton A list follows and among the names is that of Joshua Staples Captain Joshua Wilbore's Company, 1776, enlisted by order of the Council to march to Dorchester Heights from Colonel Williams' Regiment in the County of Bristol, August 8, 1776. A list follows and among the names is that of Joshua Staples The Taunton Companies of Third Regiment who performed service at the alarm in Rhode Island on the 8th of December, 1776. A list follows and among the names is that of Joshua Staples 51 Captain Josiah King's Company 1777 A muster roll due to Captain King's Company in Colonel George Williams' Regiment of men in the County of Bristol for their wages and travel into Warren and home again. A list follows and among the names are George Staples Joseph Staples 62 REVOLUTIONARY WAR Captain Ebenezer Dean's Company A muster roll due to Captain Ebenezer Dean's Com- pany, which marched from Taunton, County of Bristol, Massachusetts to Rehoboth, from thence to Bristol, from thence to Providence and from thence home November 5, 1777. A list follows and among the names is that of William Barney (Grandfather of Everett Hosmer Barney) 53 Taunton Soldiers in the Continental Service 1778 Men mustered for the Continental service for nine months from the time they shall appear at Fishkill on Hudson's River from Colonel George Williams' Regi- ment in the County of Bristol. A list follows and among the names is that of William Barney (Grandfather of Everett Hosmer Barney) 54 Captain Josiah King's Company 1780 A muster roll of Captain Josiah King's Company who marched from Taunton to Tiverton at the alarm August, 1780. A list follows and among the names is that of Joshua Staples 55 Revolutionary Pensioners Taunton, Massachusetts A list follows and among the names is that of Joshua Staples (Great-uncle to Everett Hosmer Barney) 56 WAR OF 1812 Captain Edward Grossman's Company Under command of Captain Edward Grossman of Third Regiment there was detached a company under provisions of division orders for six months on inspec- tion roll is given. A list follows and among the names is that of Ebenezer Staples 57 Regimental Orders July 10, 1814 Captain Silas Shepard: — You will march your Company to Clark's Cove: put them on guard duty, to guard from Smoking Rocks around Clark's Point to Clark's Cove to bring too all boats and examine them, also all suspicious persons, and communicate to me all important discoveries. A list follows and among the names is that of Ebenezer Staples 58 WAR OF 1812 October 5, 1814. Joseph Reed's Company of Taunton, stationed at New Bedford for the defense of that place and vicinity. A Hst follows and among the names is that of Ebenezer Staples (Ebenezer Staples was great-uncle to Everett Hosmer Barney) 59 ^ CO ^ X Massachusetts ^,.^/<., J Z^' C-^ BARNEY Bronze Tablet Staples-Street Cemetery Berkley-Taunton, Massachusetts T^^TO^^S^-v. .