university of Connecticut ibraries Ti- ok ^v b( MERRY'S teOOK OF PUZZLES. i44J EDITED BY ROBERT MERRY. NEW YORK: THOMAS O'KANE, PUBLISHER, .130 NASSAU STREET. f 1^1 ill PEEFAOE. ri^HE innumerable readers of Merry's Museum will here meet "^ with many familiar faces, lighted up by pleasant smiles, and hear the same old jovial laughter that greeted them in the olden time. Our motto is that of our noble State — " Excelsior I" Our readers will see that we have not buried the talents of our contributors ia napkins — but seek to bring them out into the bright day : For Genius — like the lamp ef Aladdin — needs constant polishing to bring out its lustre and full effect. Our object has been to instruct by smiles — not frowns; to cheer the dear hearts of the young girlhood and boyhood ; to strew flowers among the necessary thorns of existence. In a word, we try in these pages to make the sad happy — ^the happy still happier. Hence, pure fun will be found as beautiful in these pages, as hoa* ey amid the flowers of Hybla. Robert Merry. Robert Merry to his friends A kindly greeting sends, With a general assortment of questional Conundrums, Charades, Puzzles, Riddles of all shades. And Rebuses, as aids To intellectual and social digestion. If the young Merry host Acquaintance should boast. Or kindred, or authorship pat. With some of our jokes. We confess — ('tis no hoax)— To amuse other folks, We have riddled the Museum "Chat.** Now we beg you will show. If you happen to know. Why the Editor, painstaking soul ? Is like the cold storm Which, in climates bright and warm. Where gallinippers swarm. Come shivering down from the pole t MERRY'S HOOK OF PUZZLES. VSHORT memmom I i 6 merey's book of puzzles. 3. Who prolongs his work to as great a length as pod- Bible, and still completes it in time ? 4. Why are young ladies like arrows 1 5. Why is a philanthropist like an old horse ? * 6. How can five persons divide five eggs, so that each man shall receive one, and still one remain in the dish! 7. How many soft-boiled eggs could the giant Goliah eat upon an empty stomach ? 8. What fishes have their eyes nearest together ? 9. Two fathers have each a square of land. One father divides his so as to reserve to himself one-fourth in tho form of a square ; thus — Tr:e other father divides his so as to reserve to himself, one-fourth in the form of a triangle ; thus — ] They each have four sons, and each divides the remainder among his sons in such a way that each son will share equally with his brother, and in similar shape. How were the two farms divided ? MEERr's BOOK OF PITZZLES. 8 merry's book of puzzles. i 12. TVhat is that wliich is often brought to table, often cut, but never eaten ? f 13. Mv first is four-sixths of a step that is long, My second is a person of state ; My whole is a thing that is known to be wrong, And is a strong symptom of hate. 14. Why are your nose and chin always at variance? 15. "Without my first you can not stand, My second beauteous fair command ; Together I attend your will, And am your humble servant still. 16. "Why ought a fisherman to be very wealthy? 17. Why is a man in debt like a misty morning ? 18. Who was the first that bore arms ? 19. There is a word of seven letters ; the first two re- fers to man, the first three refers to woman, the first four signifies a great man, the seven a great woman. 20. I am a word of five letters. Take away my first^ and I am the name of what adorns the estate of many of the nobility of England. Take away my first and second, and I am tlie name of a place where all the world was once congregated. Take away my last, and I am the name of a bear.rifrJ mineral. Take away my two last, and I am the name of a fashionable place of resort. I am small in stature, but capable of doing a great deal of mischief, as I once did in London in the year 1666. 21. Spell eye-water four letters. 22. Why is swearing like an old coat ? 23. Why is a thump like a hat ? 24. Why is an inn like a burial-ground I merry's book of puzzles pmM iCOMES THEYGAVEiyVE jira.'.lr'rt)\lihhiflifcA^r!!!:m!taiT mmm^i 10 meeby's book of puzzles. 27. If a fender cost six dollars, what will a ton of coal come to ? 28. What word is that to which if yoa add a syllable, it will make it shorter ? 29. My first is a very uncomfortable state, In cold weather it mostly abounds. My second's an instrument formed of hard steel, That will cause the stout foe to stagger and reel, And when used, is a symptom of hate. My whole is an author of greatest renown, Whose fame to the last day of time will go down. 80. What is the longest and yet the shortest thing in the world ; the swiftest and yet the slowest ; the most divisible and the most extended ; the least valued and the most regretted ; without which nothing can be done ; which devours every thing, however small, and yet gives life and spirits to every object, however great? 31, My first is found in every house. From wintry winds it guards. My second is the highest found — In every pack of cards. My whole, a Scottish chief, is praised By ballad, bard, and storv, Who for his country gave his life, And, dying, fell with glory. 32. Why are handsome women like bread ? 83. Why is an avaricious man like one with a short memory? 34. What river in Bavaria answers the question. Who is there ? 85. Why is a man with wooden legs like one who haa an even bargain ? hobby's book of pi/zzles. 11 Id 38. Why is a parish bell like a good story f 39. What belongs to yourself, yet is used by others more tliau yourself ? 40. In camps about the centre I appear ; In smiling meadows seen throughout the year; The silent angler views me in the streams, And all must trace me in their morning dreams y First in the mob conspicuous I stand. Proud of the lead, and ever in command. 41. The head of a whale is six feet long ; his tail is as long as his head and half his body, and his body is half of his whole length. How long is the whale ? 42. A hundred stones are placed, in a straight line, a yard distant from each other. How many yards must a person walk, who undertakes to pick them up, and place them in a basket stationed one yard from the lirst stone 1 43. My first is a part of the day, My last a conductor of light. My whole to take measure of time, Is useful by day and by night. 44. I am a word of three syllables, each of which is a word ; my first is an article in common use ; my second, an animal of uncommon intelligence ; my third, though not an animal, is used in carrying burdens. My whole is a useful art. 45. There was a man who was not born, His father was not born before him, He did not live, he did not die. And his epitaph is not o'er him. 46. Why is a nail, fast in the wall, like an old man ? 47. Why dees a miller wear a white hat? MEBBT 8 BOOK OF PUZZLES, 13 40. miiHi 14 meeet's book of puzzles. 60. My first is a letter commanding to wed, Or to lift your sole till it reaches your head ; Nothing worth as a whole, it is plain to all men That divided in halves, it is equal to ten ; My second, though nothing, compared to the other, Is worth more as a partner than its double-faced brother; It moans and it sighs, and when joined to my first, Pronounces the doom of the sinner accursed. My third, you will find his whole value depends On the worth and position of neighbors and friends, And, when both the other two following fair, Changes doom to desire, and a curse to a prayer. My fourth, though it formeth no part of a hundred, Shows where it can justly and evenly be sundered; 'Tis found in the elements everywhere present, 'Tis found in all seasons, unploisant or pleasant, 'Tis the chief of all lands, and yet can not wait On continent, hemisphere, empire, or state. Though ne'er in Great Britain suspected to lower^ 'Tis the heart of each quarter of that mighty power ; It always belonged to the animal race. In the mineral kingdom they gave it a place, A.nd, being impartial, they could not deny, The vegetable order its virtue to try ; And yet, since creation, it never was known In beast, bird, or fish, root, branch, stem, or stone. My whole you'll find growing in pasture and barns, ' Or grown in coats, carpets,warm blankets, and yarns. In England, in Saxony, France, and old Wales, And in sundry more places it always prevails. Of quadrupedal origin — still it is known In bipedal families oft to be shown ; [tions .' But the strangest of all its strange forms and condi- \ Is seen in the covering of sage politicians. MEERT S BOOK OF PUZZLES, 15 51. ^ JENNY] mm iMPuLiitf'S^ m I ^B^iiilliiitiliiii! 1 1 I iKiili iili!il!!li!!l II ilfii 16 mekky's book of puzzles. 53. What is that which is invisible, but never out of Bight ? 54:. When is a boat like a knife ? .< 65. What part of London is in France i 56. How many black beans will make five white ones? 67. Why is a dandy like a haunch of venison ? 58. What kin is that child to its father who is not its father's own son ? 59. Why is a rose-bud like a promissory note ? 60. What biblical name is there which expresses a father calling his son by name, and his son replying ? 61. Why is an orange not like a church bell ? 62. Why is the largest city in Ireland likely to be the largest city in the world ? 63. Three-fourths of a cross, and a circle complete, An upright where two semicircles meet, A rectangle triangle standing on feet, Two semicircles, and a circle complete. 64. What smells most in a drug shop ? 65. Why should doctors attend to window-sashes ? eQ. G. a. ^ 67. What is that which every one can divide, but no one can see where it has been divided ? 68. Spell hard water with three letters. 69. What letters of the alphabet come too late for) supper ? MERBY 8 BOOK OF PUZZLES. 17 18 merry's book of puzzles. 72. Pronounced as one letter, and written with three, Two letters there are, and two only in me ; I'm double, I'm single, I'm black, blue, and gray, I am read from both ends, and the same either way, I am restless and wandering, steady and fixed, And you know not one hour what I may be the next. I melt, and I kindle — beseech, and defy, I am watery and moist, I am fi«ry and dry. I am scornful and scowling, compassionate, meek ; I am light, I am dark, I am strong, I am weak. I'm piercing and clean, I an?, heavy and dull ; Expressive and languid, contracted and full. I'm a globe and a mirror, a window, a door, An index, an organ, and fifty things more. I belong to all animals under the sun. And to those who were long understood to have none. My language is plain, though it can not be heard, And I speak without even pronouncing a word. Some call me a diamond — some say I am jet ; Others talk of my water, or how I am set. I'm a borough in England, in Scotland a stream. And an isle of the sea in the Irishman's dream. The earth without me would no loveliness wear, And sun, moon, and stars at my wish disappear. Yet so frail is my tenure, so brittle my joy. That a speck gives me pain, and a drop can destroy. 73. "What vessel is that which is always asking leave to move ? 74:. Translate the following into Latin — 42, 8 rocks, e e e e e e e e e e, 46. 2. 14. 8. 0. 75. How is it that you can work with an awl, but not with a forceps ; while I can work with a forceps, and not with an awl ? Sierrt's book of puzzles, 19 30 merbt's book of puzzles. 77. Add^ was the word the master gave to Dick, Dick scratched his head, and looking rather thick, Eeplied, '-''Hereafter it would make it stickP *^Dick," cried the master, *' rudeness is a sin ; Behold the stocks, FU surely put you inP ** That," answered Dick, " won't alter it a feather, Hereafter it would make it hold togetJierP " Dick," said the man, *' if you insult me so, Your shoulders and my rod I'll put in CoP " 'Tis all the same," said Dick, *' my worthy master, Hereafter it would make it stick tJie f aster, '^^ 78. Why is France like a skeleton ? 79. "Why is a woodman like a stage actor ? 80. Why is the hour of noon on the dial-plate like a pair of spectacles ? 81. Why is the best baker most in want of bread ? 82. Whether old Homer tippled wine or beer, Julep or cider, history is not clear ; But plain it is — the bard, though wont to roani, But for one liquid, never had left home. 83. Why is a coward like a mouse-trap ? 84. Why is green grass like a mouse ? 85. What two reasons why whispering in company is not proper ? 86. My first is found on the ocean wave. In the spring, the pit, and the mine ; My second below earth's surface you have, Where seldom the sun can shine. My whole your dinner-table must grace, And seldom fails to obtain a place. 87. Why is a gooseberry pie like counterfeit money ! MEEEY 8 BOOK OF PUZZLES. 21 88. 89. Why does a fisherman blow his horn ? 90. Why is there no danger of starving in a desert ? 91. Take half of the needle By which sailors steer Their ship through the water, Be it cloudy or clear ; Do not really break it — This of all things were worst — But in your mind take it, And this makes my first. At thanksgiving or Christmas, My second you see ; With care well compounded, From grain, shrub, and tree. My whole like some people Who make great pretense, Of words have a plenty, But no great stock of sense. 92. How is it that Methuselah was the oldest man, when he died before his father ? 93. My first is a negative greatly in use, By which people begin when they mean to refuse; My second is Fashion, or so called in France, But, like other whims, is the servant of chance. An article always in use is my whole. With texture and form under fashion's control ; But, alas ! not a thing can it see which goes by, Although many have four sights, and all have one eye. 94. What is that which, supposing its greatest breadth to be four inches, length nine inches, and depth three inches, contains a solid foot ? MEBEY S BOOK OF FUZZLE8. d3 95. 24 mekrt'b book of puzzles. 96. My tongue is long, my breath is strong, And yet I breed no strife ; My voice you hear both far and near, And yet I have no life. 97. A waterman rows a given distance, a, and back again in h hours, and finds that he can row c miles with the current, for d miles against it. Required, the time of rowing down, the time of rowing up, the rate of '^urrftnty and the rate of rowing. 98. As I was beating on the far east grounds, Up starts a hare before my two greyhounds ; The dogs, being light of foot, did fairly run, To her fifteen rods, just twenty-one ; And the distance that she started up before, Was six-and-ninety rods, just and no more ; Now, I would have you Merry boys declare How far they ran, before they caught the hare. 99. Is it possible to put twelve pieces of money in six rows, and have four in a row ? 100. A gentleman sent a servant with a present of nine ducks, with this direction — " To Alderman Gobble, with ix. ducks." The servant took out three, and contrived it so that the direction corresponded with the number of the ducks. Hs neither erased uor altered a letter. How did he do it I 101. Four letters form me quite complete, As all who breathe do show ; Reversed, you'll find I am the seat Of infamy and woe. Transposed, you'll see I'm base and mean, Again of Jewish race ; Transposed once more, I oft am seen To hide a lovely face. MEKKY'S BOOK OF PUZZLES. 25 102. fJO mebkt's book of puzzles. 103. My first is the name to an article given For ladies and dandies to put on their linen ; It comes from the forest, I've heard people say. And is made from the skin of an animal gay. My second is a fruit that comes from the South, The juice of it is sour, and 'twill pucker your mouth ; 'Tis foHind in candy shops all over the town, And, stranger to say, it is almost round. My whole is an article that is often seen In the gardens and fields almost covered with green; It is very sweet, and also pleasant to eat, And in hot summer days affords a rich treat. 104. My first is half of what implies good-humor; my second makes sense of my first ; my third sounds like the cry of a kitten ; my fourth is a consonant and vowel com- bined ; my fifth, with the addition of the initial of my third, would imply silence ; and my whole is what many boys and girls prize liighly. 105. I am composed of twelve letters. My 2, 8, 9, is a substance dug out of the earth. " 6, 11, 12, 8, is a numeral *' 4, 2, 3, is an ancient instrument of war. " 12, 8, 1, is a vessel used in former times. " 5, is a vowel. " 4, 7, 1, 9, is a hard substance. " 10, 9, is a pronoun. My whole is now before you. 106. My first is appropriate, my second 'tis nine to one if you guess it. ^[y whole elevates the sole above the earth. 107. "Why is a conundrum like a monkey ? 108. What do we all do when we first ^et into bed ? MEERT S BOOK OF PUZZLES. 27 109. 110. 28 merkt's book of puzzles. 111. There is one word in the English language which is universally considered a preventive of harm ; change a certain letter in it, and you make it "an act of cruelty. 112. My first may be fashioned of iron or wood, And at window or door for safety is placed ; In village or town it does more harm than good, Leading people their health, time, and money to waste. My second's a lady, bewitching and fair, And for love of her people will labor and strive ; Will rise before dawn, and be wearied with care, And pursue her with ardor as long as they live. My whole is what ladies admire and approve. The shopkeeper's boast — the purchaser's prize ; 'Tis a ninepenny chintz — 'tis a one-shilling glove — It is something which makes people open their eyes. 113. At what distance must a body have fallen to ac- quire the velocity of 1,600 feet per second ? 114. Of w^hat trade is the sun in May? 115. Why is a small horse like a young rausk-melon ? 116- My first must grace a legal deed. With its companion, firm and red ; Its help in marriage, too, they need, Before the blessing can be said. My second half a hundred is. If in the shortest way you spell ; You soon must guess me after this, I may as well the secret tell. My whole, by his celestial strains Bears the rapt soul to worlds above ; The Great Creator's power proclaims, And tells of the Kedeemer's love. MEBBY S BOOK OF PUZZLES. 29 117. 118. "^-^msi^!^ ^<" BRIGHT II Bt-ut m^ ^^mmmmmmm mmm ^ 30 merry's book of puzzles. 119. My first is a boy's nickname ; my second is meant for defense; my third is a preposition ; my fourth is one of the articles; my fifth is one of the United States. My whole is a large city in Europe. 120. My first is stationed near your heart, And serves to brace the mortal frame ; Of young and old it forms a part, And to fair woman gives a name. Who builds a ship must it employ, To give it strength to stem the fl.ood, And Adam felt no real joy Till in ne\F form by him it stood. My second may be long or short, Or tight or loose, or wet or dry. Of cotton, silk, or woolen wrought, Of any texture, strength, or dye- Be made of iron, gold, or steel, Of love or hate, of good or ill, May gently bind, or heavy feel, May give support, or rudely kill. My whole is formed by fashion, skill, and care, And what few ladies from their dress can spare. 121. How long would a ball be falling, from the top of a tower that was 400 feet high, to the earth ? 122. Why are chairs like men ? 123. The foot of a ladder 60 feet long remaining in the Bame place, the top will just reach a window 40 feet high on one side of the street, and another 30 feet high on the other side. How wide is the street ? 124. There is a pile of cannon-balls, the ground tier of which contains 289 balls, and the top tier one ball. Re- quire the whole number of balls in a pile. mekby's book of puzzles. 31 125. Jt BAD ^^^^ 32 merry's book of puzzles. 127. What skillful housewife does not know When, where to place my first ? When nicely done, it will not show ; Conspicuous, it is worst. My second all the world must do, Either with head or hand, In different ways the same pursue, On water, or on land. My whole a picture is of life, Varied with good or ill. With bright or dull, with light or dark, Arrano^ed with art and skill. 128. What is that which will make you catch cold-^ cure the cold — and pay the doctor's bill? 129. Why is a joke like a cocoa-nut ? 130. When did Esau, the hairy man, lose his whiskers! 131. Why do postmasters deserve the execration of all true Americans ? 132. Just equal are my head and tail, My middle slender as can be, Whether I stand on head or heel, 'Tis all the same to you or me. But if my head should be cut off. The matter's true, although 'tis strange, My head and body, severed thus. Immediately to nothing change 133. If a loafer, smoking a cigar, sets fire to the brush on his upper lip, is it a case of spontaneous combustion? 134r. liv sin transgre procur damn A ing ers ssion ed ation. dy Kedeem pa purchas salv MERBT S BOOK OF PUZZLES, 83 135. ^^ 3 MAKES E&W 136. 137. What sailors dread. 2* 34: MEKEY S BOOK OF PUZZLES, 138. I. Go wide o'er the world, And everj^ where seek me — In earth, sea, or air, Thou never shalt meet me ! Go w-ide o'er the world — I always am there — "Wherever thou roamest, In earth, sea, or air ! ir. Go speak to the woodland, And question of me — Oh ne'er shall thou lind me, With forest or tree ! Go, speak to the woodland, I ever am there. And live in its wliispers, Though lighter than air ! ni. Go, winnow the wave, And seek for my breath — Ah, ocean and river. Reveal but my death ! Go, winnow the wave, Tho' with winter it shiver — There — there shalt thou find 'Mid ocean and river ! [me, IV. In whirlwinds I revel, Yet in zephyrs expire — I flourish in warmth. And I perish in fire ! The winter I cherish. Yet each season I shun ; Half living in harvest, In summer, undone ! V. I come with the warlock — I go with the ghoul — I shriek w^ith the wizard — ■ I hoot with the owl I I ride on the hazel Which witches have rent — I fly on the wing Which the eagle hath bent. VI. I come and I go — Oft unseen and unsought ; I live but in words — I perish in thought. So to all and to each, I bid you adieu ; Yet to all and to each, I stay double with you ! 139. Why is the boy that disturbs a hive like a true Christian 1 140. What is that which has eyes and sees not, ears and hears not, nose and smells not, yet is often regarded as the heau-ideal of a human being. 141. Why is the elephant his own servant ? JfEKRY S BOOK OF PUZZLES. 39 LEAP FROG 159. This is a most excellent pastime. It should be played in a spacious place, out of doors, if possible, and the more there are en- gaged in it, provided they be of the same height and agility, the better is the sport. We will suppose a dozen at play : — Let eleven of them stand in a row, about six yards apart, with all their faces in one direction, arms folded, or their hands resting on their thighs, their elbows in, and their heads bent for- ward, so that the chin of each rests on his breast, the right foot advanced, the back a little bent, the shoulders rounded, and the body firm. The last begins the sport by taking a short run, placing his hands on the shoulders of the nearest player, and leaping with their assistance — of course, springing with his feet at the same time — over his head, as represented in the cut. Having cleared the first, he goes on to the second, third, fourth, fifth, etc., in succession, and as speedily as possible. When he has gone over the last, he goes to the proper distance, and places himself in position for all the players to leap over him in their turn. The first over whom he passed, follows him over the second, third, fourth, etc. ; and when he has gone over, the one who begun the game places him- self in like maaner for the others to jump over him. The third follows the second, and so on until the parties are tired. iO merry's book of puzzles. 160. His heart was sad, and his foot was sore, When a stranger knocked at the cottager's door; With travel faint, as the night fell down, He had missed his wa-y to the nearest town, And he prayed for water to quench his thirst, And he showed his purse as he asked for my first, The cotter was moved by the stranger's tale. He spread the board, and he poured the ale: " The river," he said, " flows darkly down Betwixt your path and the lighted town. And far from hence its stream is crossed By the bridge on the road that you have lost ; Gold may not buy, till your weary feet Have traversed the river and reached the street. The thing you ask ; but the wandering moon Will be out in the sky with her lantern soon ; Then cross o'er the meadow, and look to the right, And you'll find my second by her light." My second shone like a silver floor, When the traveler passed from the cotter's door; He saw the town on its distant ridge. Yet he sighed no more for the far-off bridge; And his wish of the night soon gained its goal, For he found mj first when he reached my whole. 161. What two letters of the alphabet make a prophet f 162. I 8 ^fy_ 163. Plant an orchard of twenty-one trees, so that there shall be nine straight rows, with five trees in each row, the outline a regular geometrical figure, and the trees all at unequal distances from each other. nor 164. B yy-^ for U c what a fool u b. •'•' nice mebbt's book of puzzles. 4:1 165. "What part of the liorse resembles you 1 166. Why is a horse like the prophet Elijah ? 167. Why is a new married man like a horse f 168. Why is it profitable to keep fowl ? 169. My first is a collection of water ; my second is used when speaking of myself; mj third is a fruit; my whole is a town in Hindostan. 170. *' Thomas," said Charles, " you are good at fig- ures, please give me o. figurative answer to this question: — What ought one to do who arrives at a friend's hous<^ too late for dinner?" Thomas, after thinking a little, wrote the following— 1028,40. What was his meaning ? 4^ BOOK OF PUZZLES. 171. A teacher, having fifteen young ladies under Kei care, wished them to take a walk each day of the week. They were to walk in five divisions of three ladies each, but no two ladies were to be allowed to walk together twice during the week. How could they be arranged to suit the above conditions ? 172. My first is a letter, an insect, a word, That means to exist ; it moves like a bird. My next is a letter, a small part of man, 'Tis found in all climes ; search where you oan. My third is a something seen in all brawls. My next you will find in elegant halls. My last is the first of the last part of day, Is ever in earnest, yet never in play. My whole gives a light, by some men abhorred, The blessings from which no pen can record. 173. What number is that, which, added separately to 100 and 164, shall make them perfect squares ? 174. Why is the letter F like death ? 175. Why are mortgages like burglars ? 176. Fm composed of letters four, A turkey, cock, or hen ; Behead me, and I upward soar. Put on my head again. Transpose me, then a beast I am, Both bloodthirsty and wild. That preys on many a helpless lamb, And oft devours a child. 177. I am a word of three letters, signifying to spoil or injure. Transposed, I am an animal. Transposed again, I am a part of the human frame. mekby's book of puzzles, 43 178. "Why is a grist-mill like the court-martial which cashiered Fremont? 179. I have wings, yet never fly — I have sails, yet never go— I can't keep still, if I try, Yet forever stand just so. 180. Why is a grist-mill like an orange-tree ? 181. What Scripture character was a stupid sheep ? 182. What animal that always has a cold chin is used to keep the ladies' chins warm ? 183. What two reasons why a young lady going to the altar is certainly going wrong ? 184. Why is it dangerous for a teetotaler to have moro than two reasons for the faith that is in him i 185. What is the most cheerful part of an arsenal? 44 meeby's book of puzzles. 186. "Wheu does the tougue assume the functious of the teeth ? 187. My first is company, my second is without com- pany, and my third calls company. 188. An emblem of stupidity, My first in forests found ; Up in air oft rises high, Though fastened to the ground, But by sharp means it is removed, And managed various ways ; By art or skill may be improved, Or, perhaps, it makes a blaze. My second is of every kind, Is good, or bad, or gay ; Is dull or bright, to suit all minds. By night as well as day. The patient seaman keeps with care my whole, And well it knows his secrets night and day; And though it has no tongue, nor heart, nor soul, It tells the story of the ship's long way. 189. There is a word of six letters. Take oft three letters at either end, and add another letter, and it will make one of the most useful members of the body. 190. Tell me why is it, if you lend But forty dollars to a friend. It does your kindness more commend Than if five hundred you should send ? 191. What is that which is less tired the longer it runs? 192. Why is a tailor finishing your pants like a polite host serving his guests with water-fowl ? 193. What was a month old at Cain's birth, that is not five weeks old now ? meeet'b book of puzzles 45 194. What looks worse on a lady's foot than a darned stocking ? 195. Which of the girls can answer questions best! 196. What is the shape of a kiss ? 197. My first is a busy industrious thing, Without which no bundle your porter can bring ; My second is nothing to speak of, yet stands For thousands and millions, in money or lands ; My third is a question we meet every day, Relating to things we do, think, or say ; My whole is the questioner — once it was yon, If not, 'twas your brother, or cousin, or — whew I It was somebody else whom your grandmother knew. 46 ICEBBY 8 BOOK OF PUZZLES. 198. I am composed of four letters. We do not 4 2 3, 1 4 2 3, 2 3, 3 4: 2. 199. Mj first is a preposition. " second implies more than one. " third is a pronoun. " fourth some people do not pay. " whole is not consistent. 200. I am a word of four letters often used in prayer. Transposed, I become what every one professes. Transposed agaiu, I become an adjective, the qual- ities of which every one despises. Transposed again, I am part of a horse, SOL My first is poison, slow yet sure, That preys on many frames ; Compounded oft of things impure, And called by many names. My first and second form my whole, That's one of Satan's dens ; Many a man has lost his soul, Through meeting there with friends. 202. I am a word of four letters — the name of a Gape. Transposed, I am a portion of the earth's surface. Transposed again, I am a kind of meat. Transposed again, I become a verb signifying to wash. 803. I prove 2 = 1, thus : — X = a ; then x' = ax x' — a' = ax — a' (x -h a) (x — a) = a (x — a) X -f- a = a 2 a = a 2 = 1 Who will detect the fallacy ! MEBBY S BOOK OF PUZZLES, 47 '- ffOffTON. 204. In wliat sliip, and in what capacity, do young ladies like to engage ? > 305. Ethereal thing, on unseen wing, Through space my first is wandering ; It nothing sees, it nothing knows, Yet all that's known and seen it shows. Brick, iron, mnd, stone, reed, or wood, My second in all climes has stood — A lodge, a nest, where love may rest. Or a prison, gloomy, dark, unblest. Away on the bleak and desolate peak Where the rude tempests howl and shriek, Like a friendly eye, looking out from the sky. My whole to the wanderer gleams on high. 206. What kind of a ship did Solomon object to t 48 207. There are two numbers whose product added to the sum of their squares is 109, and the difference of who&e squares is 24r. 208. In every hedge my second is, As well as every tree, And when poor school-boys act amiss, It often is their fee. My first likewise is always wicked, Yet ne'er committed sin, My total for my first is fitted. Composed of brass or tin. 209. My first is a pronoun ; my second is not high ; my third we must all do ; my fourth is a pronoun of mul- titude ; my whole is musical. 210. What is the difference between a grandmother and her infant grandchild ? 211. Add one to nine and make it twenty. 212. What is that which the dead and living do at the same time ? 213. When winter months have passed away, And summer suns shine bright. You ope the coffer where I lay. And bring my first to light. My second is a valiant knight, Who wears his crest and spur, And when he's challenged to a fight. He does not long demur. My whole, as ancient fables say. Was once a friend of Juno, In dress he makes a great display — His name by this time you know. 814. Why is a bullet like a tender glance? 215. When innocence first had its dwelling on earth, In my first's lovely form it alighted ; And still to this time, from the hour of its birth. In my first it has greatly delighted. My second's a part of a smart lady's dress, Yet on age it may also be found ; Again, 'tis a garb when the heart feels distress — And my whole does with pleasure abound. 216. Why are children at play like a bird in hernest? 3 50 meeky's booe: of pttzzles. 217. My first is male or female, young or old, 'Tis very sad if you are forced to doubt one; Much must we pity the false heart or cold, "Who is so selfish as to live without one. My second is a noble work of art, Which brings together distant shores and lands; Though neither feet it has, nor head, nor heart, 'Tis often furnished with a hundred hands. My whole in youth or age, sickness or health, In joy or sorrow, charms to life can give; Without it, all in vain are hoards of wealth,^ By it unblest in solitude we live. 218. What spice are the Hindoos fond of? 219. Why is a dog like a tanner ? 220. Why are A B's successors seedy? 221. What is nothing good for ? 222. I am composed of four letters — the initials of four of the principal personages in Europe — the name of a river in Russia ; transposed, I am a part of the Crystal Palace ; transposed again, I am not proud^ although ele- vated above the heads of most people. 223. My first is when the summer wind Sweeps rustlingly through the trees, When the jasmine spray and the eglantine Are swayed by the whispering breeze ; My second, a weapon of bloody strife, Of steel, so cruel and cold, Which ruthlessly takes the soldier's life. The cowardly, and the bold; My whole is a Poet, by every one known, So wide is his renown. 824:. Why is the letter y like a young spendthrift? mebey's book of puzzles, 51 225. Why is memory like the peacock ? 226. My first in the garden luxuriantly grows, Delicious and sweet, as every one knows ; My second a noisy, vain, garrulous tiling, The lord of a harem, as proud as a king ; My whole is still prouder, and seems to rejoice As much in his tail as he does in his voice. 227. One man said to another, " Give me one of your eheep, and I shall have twice as many as you." The other replied, " No, give me one of yours, and I shall have as many as you." How many had each ? 228. Where were potatoes first found? 229. Where did cherries come from ? 230. Why is a ship under full sail like Niagara? 52 merry's book of ptjzzleb. 231. O'er a mighty pasture go Sheep in thousands, silver white ; As to-day we see them, so In the oldest grandsire's sight. They drink — never waning old — Life from an unfailing brook ; There's a shepherd to their fold, "With a silver-horned crook. From a gate of gold let out, Night by night he counts them over; Wide the field they rove about, Never hath he lost a rover : True the dog that helps to lead them, One gay ram in front we sec ; What the flock, and who doth lead them, Sheep and shepherd, tell to me ? 232. I am a word of four letters. Take off my hat, and you have something which you do every day. Take off my head, and yon have a preposition. Leave off my head and put on ray hat, and you have something used before a door. Entire, and taken backward, with my two middle letters transposed, I am a very convenient thing. I, myself, am often eaten. 233. What part of a ship was Cain ? 234. What animal resembles the sea, and why ? 235. What animal is the most windy, and why? 236. What animal is like an apothecary ? 237. What animal is like a stone-breaker? 238. A man had a bar of lead that weighed 40 lbs., and he divided it into four pieces in such a way as to allow him to weigh any number of pounds from one to forty How did he manage the matter ? 239. What is the best key to a good dinner ? 240. Why is a farm-yard like a hotel ? 241. If a woman stands behind a tree, how does the tree stand ? 242. Wherein does a turkey-cock differ from a lady ? 243. Three men buy a grindstone, 40 inches in diame- ter, on equal shares. Each one is to use it until he has worn away his share. How many inches in diameter must each one use? 244. What two letters of the alphabet do children like best? 245. Why are Cashmere shawls like deaf persons ? 64 MERRY S BOOK OF PUZZLES. 246. Ye mortals — wonder ! I'm an elf, A strange, mysterious thing; More ])owerful than all the sprites Within a magic ring. I speak — although I have no tongue — I speak, and thrill the soul ; I sing — and many a song IVe sung Resounds, while ages roll. I am a weapon, strong and keen, All made of glittering steel ; But human souls — not senseless flesh^ My sharp two-edges feel. The greatest writer e'er was born — But, ah ! — a thievish elf; For what I write is not, alas ! Original with myself. I often take a cooling bath ; But, like the Ethiop's skin, Wlien I have bathed, I'm blacker still Than when I did begin ! Most kind am I; I glad the heart Of many a wretched wight, And many a suflerer is by me Transported with delight. Most cruel I ; I've pierced the soul With cutting, burning darts ; I've dashed the fondest hopes to earth, I've crushed the lightest hearts. Yet wise and powerful as I am, A very slave am I ; I'm forced the mandates to obey Of both the low and high. Now, witty brains, tell who this is, Who blesses and who curses ; Who has no hands, yet still who is The writer of these verses. MEREY S BOOK OF PUZZLES 55 247. Wiy is an Indian like a flirt? 248. "W by is an Indian like a scholar ? 249. How much silk is required to make a spherical balloon, 16 inches in diameter, without allowing lor seams ? 250. All children love to go to sea, and why? 251. That gentle picture dost thou know. Itself, its hues, and splendor gaining? Some change each moment can bestow, Itself as perfect still remaining ; It lies within the smallest space. The smallest framework forms its girth, And yet that picture can embrace The mightiest objects known on earth : Canst thou to me that crystal name (No gem can with its worth compare) Which gives all light, and knows no flame ? Absorbed is all creation there ! That ring can in itself inclose The loveliest hues that light the heaven, Yet from its light more lovely goes Than all which to it can be given I 56 MERRY 8 BOOK OF PUZZLES. 252. From 6 take nine, from 9 take 10; From 40 take 50, and 6 remain. 253. Why is marriage like truth ? 254. Eequired to divide 45 in four parts, so that the first part with two added, the second with two subtracted, the third divided by two, the fourth 'multiplied by two, shall equal each other. 255. Where was Major Andre going when lie was captured 2 256. There is a mansion, vast and fair, That doth on unseen pillars rest ; ^o wanderer leaves the portals there, Yet each how brief a guest I The craft by which that mansion rose, No thought can picture to the soul ; 'Tis lighted by a lamp which throws Its stately shimmer through the whole. As crystal clear, it rears aloof The single gem which forms its roof, And never hath the eye surveyed The master who that mansion made. 257. Why is a sculptor like a man who "splits his sides with laughter ?" 258. Why were the Scribes and Pharisees like a great conflagration ? 259. My first is a collection of water, my second is used when fc-peaking of myself, my third is a fruit, my whole is a town in Hindostan. 260. X U R, X U B, X, 2 X U E 2 me. 261. Why was Daniel like ^Nebuchadnezzar's image ? MEKRY 8 BOOK OF PUZZLES, 57 SEE-SAW. 262. Several things are riCcessary to make this sport safe and pleasant. First^ a strong bar on. which to balance your board or plank. Secondly^ a strong, straight-grained board or plank, which will not crack nor twist. Thirdly^ an equal weight at each end, or nearly so. Fourthly^ a clear head, and a steady hand, or foot, to keep up an even motion. With these all right, you will go up and down as easily and smoothly as men of business do, or political parties; — but, hallo there, boys, John has tumbled off, and you will have a smash at the other end, which will leave John's partner in doubt whether he is up or down. 263. What island in the Pacific is always at this sport? 264. What is there at the same time philosophical and ungrammatical in this sport? 265. Why is an elephant like a lady's veil ? 3* • 58 merry's book of pitzzlbs, 266. I was before the world begun, Before the earth, before the sun ; Before the moon was made, to light With brighter beams the starry nigU 5 I'm at the bottom of the sea, * And I am in immensity; The daily motion of the earth Dispels me, and to me gives birth ; Yon can not see me if you try, Although I'm oft before your eye ; Such is my whole. But, for one part, You'll find in taste I'm rather tart ; Kow I become the abode of men — And now, for groveling beasts, a pen ; I am a man who lives by drinking ; Anon I keep a weight from sinking ; To take me, folks go far and near ; I am what children like to hear ; I am a shining star on high ; And now, its pathway through the sky; My strength o'erpowers botli iron and steel; Yet oft I'm left behind the wlieel ; I'm made to represent a head ; Am f6und in every loaf of bread ; Such are the many forms I take. You can not count all I can make ; Yet, after all, so strange am I, Soon as you know me, then I die. 267. Henry is four feet high and William is five. Tlie sum of their heights multiplied by five is equal to their father's age, plus fifteen. How old was their father? 268. My first is the name of a river, my second is a pleasant beverage, my third is what we are too apt to do, and my whole is the name of an ancient city. MERRT8 BOOK OF PUZZLES. 59 DEAF AND DUMB ALPHABET. ^ J ! SINGLE HANDKD ALPHABET. £G9. The deaf and dumb converse with each other, and with their teachers, by signs made with their hands. There are two ways of making the letters with the fingers; in one, both hands are nsed; in the other, only one. Above, you see how the letters are made with one hand. 2T0. When are the letters like the keys of a piano ? 60 MEEKYS BOOK OF PUZZLES. 271. Up and down two buckets ply A single well within ; Wliile the one comes full on high, One the deeps must win. Pull or empty, never ending, Ivising now, and now descending, A^lways while you quaff from this. That one lost in the abyss, From that well the waters living Never both together giving. 272. Come from my first — ay, come ! the battle dawn IB nigh, And the screaming trump and thundering drum are call- ing thee to die ! Fight as thy father fought, fall as thy father fell ; Thy task is taught, thy shroud is wrought, so forward, and farewell ! Toll ye, my second, toll 1 Fill high the flambeau's light. And sing thej hymn of a parted soul beneath the silent night ,- The wreath upon his head, the cross upon his breast. Let the prayer be said, and the tear be shed — so take him to his rest. Call ye my whole — ay^ call the lord of lute and lay. And let him greet the sable pall with a noble song to- day; Go, call him by his name ! no fitter hand may crave To liojht the flame of a soldier's fame on the turf of a soldier's grave. 273. Once in a minute, twice in a moment, once in a man's life ? 274. A man said. "I lie." Did he lie, or did he tell the truth ? MERRY S BOOK OF P U Z Z L li S . 61 275. Why is the butcher's dog in the parlor like your mother receiving strange company ? 276. Why should a hound never be admitted into the house ? 277. Why is your favorite puppy like a doll ? 278. How can a person live eighty years, and see only twenty birthdays? 62 meeey's book of puzzles. 279. What is the dilference between twenty four quart bottles, and four and twenty quart bottles ? 280. How will you arrange four 9's so as to make one hundred? 281. Amid the serpent race is one That earth did never bear ; In speed and fury there be none That can with it compare. With fearful hiss — its prey to grasp- It darts its dazzling course, And locks in one destroying clasp The horseman and the horse. It loves the loftiest heights to haunt — No bolt its prey secures ; In vain its mail may valor vaunt, For steel its fury lures ! As slightest straw whirled by the wind, It snaps the starkest tree ; It can the might of metal grind. How hard soe'er it be ! Yet ne'er but once tlie monster tries The prey it threats to gain : In its own wrath consumed it dies, And while it slays is slain. 282. A went to a shoemaker, B, and ordered a pair of boots. At the time appointed for their completion, A called for his boots. The price was $5. A gave B a 20 dollar note, which, not being able to change, he went to C, who gave him four $5 notes. B gave A three of the notes, and kept one. The next day C came to B and told him his $20 note was a counterfeit. B gave C four $5 notes, three of which he borrowed from D. How much did B lose by the operation ? merry's book of puzzles. 63 283. When a boy falls, what does he fall against? 284. When he is caught stealing, what does he catch? 285. How many feet onght a thief to have? 286. Why is Tom Tumbledown like Adam when he saw the applets 64 287. A friend asserted to me a day or two since, that forty horses only had eighty-four legs. How did if come ? A RIDDLE WITHIN A RIDDLE. 288. Moce ye inngeison nose hist dilerd suesg Ti si ton cufidiift oiiy liwl socfens, Thaw si hatt burrnen — hiwhc fi oiiy ivdedi, Ouy hent liwl hington veale no theire dies? 280. Our family is large, but not much more than one third as large as that of Jacob when he went to live in Egypt. But, like the family of that ancient patriarch, we often migrate to other countries. We do not keep together, whether at home or abroad ; we are scattered about in every direction, — at once masters, servants, and slaves to forty-four millions of people. Not a book is printed without our aid ; and, what is stranger still, we are all found at the same time in every book in every library and country wliere the English language is spoken ; and on almost every page. Sometimes, though rarely, two of us stand side by side. It is still more rare for us all to appear together arranged in the same order. Nothing is more common with peo])le than to place us in rows or ylatoons j but whether in militia, army, or navy — for some of us are employed in all these — we are seldom arranged twice alike. Sometimes one of us stands first; some- times another. Sometimes a row or platoon consists of only two or three of us ; at others of many more ; and occasionally of twelve, fifteen, or twenty ; and, strangest to relate of all, we can be so placed as to make out about 50,000 rows, no two of which will be exactly alike. Must we not, then, be a useful family? And what, think you, is OMY family name ? 290. I I I I 1 I . Add five more marks to these six, so as to make nine. MEHEYS BOOK OF PUZZLES. 291. What tree is that, which has twelve branch- es, thirty leaves on each branch, and each leaf white on one side, and black the other ? on 292. 1. What is the sociable tree? 2. And the dancing tree? 8. And the tree which is nearest the sea? 4. And the busiest tree? ^- The most yielding tree? 6. And the tree where ships ma}^ be ? 7. The languishing tree? 8. The least selfish tree? 9- And the tree that bears a curse ? 10. The chronologist tree ? H- The fisherman's tree ? 12. And the tree like an Irish nurse? 13. What's the traitor's tree ? 14. And the tell-tale tree? 15. And the tree that is warmest clad? 16 The layman's tree? 17. The housewife's tree? 18 And the tree that makes one sad? 19. What the tree that in death will benight you ? And the tree that your wants will supply? And the tree that to travel invites you ? And the tree that forbids you to die? What tree do the hunters resound to the skies? What brightens your house, and your mansion sus- tains? What tree urs^ed the Grecians in veno^eance to rise? And fight for the victims by tyranny slain ? [you ? 26. The tree that will fight ? 27. And the tree that obeys 6Q MEKEY's BOOJi OF PUZZLES. 28. And the tree that never stands still ? 29. And the tree that got up? so. And the tree that was lazy ? 81- And the tree neither up nor down hill ? 82. The tree to be kissed? 33. And the dandiest tree? **• And what guides the ships to go forth ? 8^- The unhealthiest tree? 36. And the tree of the people ? 87. And the tree whose wood faces the north? 88. The emulous tree? 89. The industrious tree? 40. And the tree that warms mutton when cold? 41. The reddish-brown tree? 42. The reddish-blue tree? 43 And what each must become ere he's old ? 44. The tree in a bottle? 45. And the tree in a fog? 46. And the tree that gives the bones pain ? 47. The terrible tree when schoolmasters flog ? 48. And what mother and child have the name ? 49. The treacherous tree ? ^0. The contemptible tree ? ^1. And that to which wives are inclined ? ^2. The tree that causes each townsman to flee ? fi8. And what round fair ankles they bind? ^- The tree that's entire? ^^- And the tree that is split? ^- The tree half given to doctors when ill ? ^7. The tree we offer to friends when we meet? ^8. And the tree we may use as a quill ? 59 The tree that's immortal? 60. The trees that are not? 61 And the trees that must pass through the fire ? 62. The tree that in Latin can ne'er be forgot, And in England we all must admire ? 63. The Egyptian plague tree ? 64. And the tree that is dear? 65. And what round itself doth intwine? 66 The tree that in billiards must ever be near? 67. And the tree that by cockneys is turned into wine? MEEEYS BOOK OF PUZZLES. 67 293. Which of the planets would the tortoise like best to live in ? 29-i. Why is a picture surrounded by books like a happy man ? 295. Mother sent Mary for an evergreen. The gar- dener brought a holly. Mary pointed to the sky, and the gardener brought what she wanted. What did Mary mean? 296. When the day breaks, what becomes of the frag- ments ? 297. ISTovus vir bonus vir ivit ad caudam vel habere saam vesteni homines mortuos. 298. EE Marriage ee. 299. What bird is that which has no wings ? 300. Add something to 9 to make it less. 68 merry's book of puzzles. 301. Why is Satan on a shed like a bankrupt? 302. How is it that trees put on their summer dresses, without opening their trunks? 303. Of three words make one, by the insertion of a single letter. 304. Of a word of one syllable, make a word of throe syllables, by the addition of a single letter. . 305. Ages ago, when Greece was young, And Homer, blind and wandering, sung; Where'er he roamed, through street or field, My first the noble bard upheld'; Look to the new moon for my next, You'll see it there, but if perplexed, Go ask the huntsman, he can show My name — he gives it many a blow ; My whole, as you will quickly see, Is a large town in Tuscany, Which ladies soon will recognize — A favorite head-dress it supplies. 306. Why is an elephant like a chair ? 307. Mr. — wood being at the . of king of terrors, 10 mills for his quakers, and who, which and what. They odor for Dr. Juvenile Humanity, [who | ^ to Dr. Hay preservers, and little devil behold scarlet his assistance ; but, B 4: he arrived, the not legally good changed color, J taker , o and -:^ was ct lor. 308. Given the street and the hour, to find at once the number of children in the street. 309. Given the section of the city, to find at once the number of loafers and vagabonds that infest it. MEBKY S BOOK OF PUZZLES, CHRISTMAS TREE. 310. This is a very curious and interesting kind of a tree. It is found, loaded with every variety of strange fruity on tables, bare floors, or carpets. It has no roots, but is most wonderful for its yielding powers, though it bears only once a year, and that always on Christmas Eve. The last one that I saw was at Uncle Iliram Hatch- et's. Cousin Hannah thus describes it : *' At last, when none of us expected it, he (Uncle H.) threw open the folding doors, and let us into the little parlor. There was displayed the Christmas tree, in all its glory. Every little twig bore some present; dolls 70 and doll furniture, pins, ear-rings, bracelets, slippers, watch-guards and purses, ships, windmills, and beautiful books, besides all sorts of fruits and bon-bons, and all blazing with light from the numberless candles that Beemed to grow out of the branches." A tree that, without life or root, Without a blossom, bud, or flower, Bears various and most precious fruit. That comes and goes in one short hour. 311. My first is an adjective, short and dry. Which an absence of moisture seems to imply, Or, in reference to mind, that kind of wit. Which is slack on the rein, and sharp on the bit. My second is a sort of hole, or den, Unfit for the resort of timid men. Whence once the righteous came safely out, While the wicked were wholly put to rout. My whole is an author of classic fame. If you know the man, please tell me his name. 312. What poet do miners value most ? 313. What poet is least distinguished for brevity ? 314. Which of the English poets would be most likely to make a lion feel at home ? 315. Why were the Amalekites never allowed to speak ? 316. Which of the reptiles is a mathematician ? 317. What Scripture character would have made Buitable husband for a tall laundress ? 318. What two syllables of the marriage ceremony most interesting to the priest ? KERKT S BOOK OF PUZZLES, 71 319. What part of a house measures about two quarts! 320 When is a door not a door? 821 Why are ladies sitting on the stoop, like an unfin- ished house ? 322. What stone opens and shuts at your convenience! 323. Read see how me Down will I love And you love you p Up and you if itb , Why is a thing purchased like a shoe ? 72 merky's book of puzzles. 325. "Why is a man who makes a wager of a cent, like a person recovering from illness ? 326. Why is an unpaid bill like the moisture in the morning? 327. Why is a sanguinary epistle like a surgeon ? 828. Ere from the east arose the lamp of day, Or Cynthia gilt the night with paler ray — Ere earth was form'd, or ocean knew its place, Long, long anterior to the human race I did exist. In chaos I was found, When awful darkness shed its gloom around. In heaven I dwell, in those bright realms above, And in the radiant ranks of angels move. But when th' Almighty, by his powerful call, Made out of nothing this stupendous ball, I did appear, and still upon this earth Am daily seen, and every day have birth. With Adam I in Paradise was seen. When the vile serpent tempted Eve to sin ; And, since the fall, I with the human race Partake their shame and manifest disgrace. In the dark caverns of old ocean drear I ever was, and ever shall appear. In every battle firmly I have stood, [blood. When plains seem lav'd, whole oceans dy'd with But, hold — no more ! It now remains with you To find me out and bring me forth to view. 329. Why is a lost child like you ? 330. Why is Fremont equal to eight honest politicians? 331. IIow did Jonah feel when the whale swallowed him? 332. Why were the Hebrews called sheep? meeby's book of puzzles 73 833. Why 5s it dangerous to flirt in a hay-field ? 334:. Under what tree is it most proper to make love? 335. Under what shade can you dance best? 336. Why is a dashing young buck a favorite with the ladies ? 337. 1. I am constantly in the midst of money. 2. I am contiiinally putting people in possession of property. 3. I increase the number of most things that come in my way. 4. 1 am no friend to the distressed needlewomen, for I render needles unnecessary. 5. Yet whenever 1 undertake a dress, I infallibly make it sit. 6. I am quar- 74 merry's book of puzzles. relsome, for a word and a blow is my maxim. 7. In fact, with rae a word becomes a weapon. 8. And merriment becomes slaughter. 9. It is commonly remarked that drink converts men into swine, but I transform wine itself mto the same animals. 10. Deprived of me, certain railway speculations come out in their true character 11. A team can draw a wagon well without rae, still, when I am in front, the speed is wonderfully increased. 12. Marvelous products may be obtained from peat, but when I am extracted from earth, pure oil alone remains. 13. Let me go before, and a story is sure to be stale. 14. And if I am left out, it will be political. 15. I am strongly attached to pluralities. 16. With respect to free trade, I turn corn itself into contempt. 17. I am in the midst of Kussia and Prussia, and abundant among the Swiss. 18. Were I withdrawn from that unhappy country, Spain, nothing would be left but grief. 19. Af- ter sport, when I take my departure, the evening is often finished with wliat remains. 20. At a soiree I am always in good time. 2i. In person I am much bent, though I was formerly more upright. 22. As to my education, I was always head of the school. 23. Though invariably at the bottom of my class. 24. With me age looks wise. 25. But a gentleman is better without me, as accompa- nied by me he appears feminine. 26. On the contrary, a lady ought not to part witli me, for if she loses me she seems masculine. 27. I am an unwelcome visitor, for with me sorrow begins and happiness ends. 28. Sadness commences, and, 29. Bliss terminates. 30. Yet it is in my power to transform cares into what is delightful. 33S. Nebuchadnezzar's lions were very undevout when Daniel was with tliem, and very poetical with his ene- mies. Please explain. 339. Why is a hunter like an omnibus pickpocket? MEERYS BOG^ OF PUZZLES. 76 yf. hand-organ. 309. Get up a brawl, or an alarm of fire. 310. (Christmas tree.) 3U. Dry-den. 312. A Cole-ridge. 313. Long-fellow. 314. A Dry-den. 315. Their king was A-gag. 316. The adder. 317. A-hi-tub. 318. The last two (money). 319. The stoop. 320. When it is a-jar. 321. They are without dooML 322. A-gate. 323. Read down and up. And you will see How I love you. If you love me. 324. It \a sold. 825. He is a little better, 326. It is due 327. It is a letter of blood. 328. The letter A. 329. He gives it up 96 ANSWERS TO PUZZLES. 880. They are the candid 8 (can- didate) of their party. 331. Down in the mouth. 332. Descended from A-ram. 333. There are more rakes than beaux there. 334. Under a pear (pair) tree. S3o. Under a hop- vine. 836. Because he is a deer. 337. The letters. 338. First, they were not inclined to prey, and afierwards they were Tovtii-owa. 339. He rifles the deer (dear). 840. One child from two parents makes 3. Two children from two pa- Tents make 4. 341. Cab-in. 342. 2 and 2 343. The ploughshare. 344. When he «' gives it up." 345. A reel. 346. The shade on the dial. 347. They are the grub that makes the butter fly. 348. It is his heir (air). 349. They are more airy. 350. The boy can see his shadow, The shadow can't see him. 851. It has breathed into it the breath of life. 352. A soap-bubble. 353. A clock. 354. He gets wet. S55. It would make if. a lie. It would make Italy. 356. He carries his reins (heart) in bis hand. 357. He may keep a watch, but he can't tell the time of day. 358. The gong makes a din. The cook makes a dinner. 869. One-sided, sir. Once I did, sir. 860. Cloak — oak— coal — lock. 361. Wood. 362. 301. 363. In the Eastern wars, when elephants were employed. 364. Hat — hate — hatch. 365. Chair. 366. A step farther. 367. The one close their eyes. The other eye their clothes 368. A-dri-atic. 369. The letter B. Of ell, it makes bell. " ill, " biU. " end " bend. ♦' in « bin. " rags " brags. " old « bold. " one " bone. 370. He is always on the spot, 371. The dog worries hina. The groom curries him; The dog bites him, The groom bits him. 372. The letter A. / It changed Job to Joab. 1 made Ner - near. ! " her - hear. ' " cot - coat *' gin - gain. « cub - Cuba. 373. Give him Merry's Museum. 374. Let him subscribe for Merry*i Museum, and always pay in advance. 375. It is always expected with interest. y 876. The " lap" is the place where infanii^ repose. And " tea" is a plant that we use ; To " Parley" 's to treat by word, I suppoe* And " pear" is a fruit we all choose. Many youth like " to eat," I'm afraid, ' yond measure. And part of the head is the " ear," And what is more common than, when feel pleasure. Or grief, to give vent to a " tear." " Peter Parley" 's distinguished I'm sure i a writer. And welcom'd by all with a smile ; And surely no book is a greater exciter Than this, which goes many a mile. 377. It is cheap at any price. 378. Merry's Museum. 379. It instructs and amuses chU dren. ^ 380. The one suffered wantonly, The other from want only. 381. Her-ring. 382. Because it contains valuaU articles, wood-cuts, etc. ' ROBERT MERRY'S SECOND BOOK OF PUZZLES. ^ EDITED BY ROBERT MERRY. NEW YORK: THOMAS O'KANE, PUBLISHED, 130 NASSAU STKEET. PREFACE. In presenting to the public tliis 'New Book of Puzzi.e8, I must present my thanks for the many kind expression? received in regard to those already published. It has been compiled during my leisure moments of the pas^ season, for the benefit of the numerous readers of Merry's Museum, and contains, in a compact form, many of the Puzzles, Enigmas, Hieroglyphics, etc., which have ap- peared in the Museum, together with many new ones • and is presented with the hope that it may be the means of interesting the young folks around their own fireside homes, rather than seek amusement elsewhere. . ROBERT IVIERRY, ROBERT MERRY'S SECOND BOOK OF PUZZLES. 5 ROBEBT 3. My first is (in sonnd) what my second often does ; my whole is a turning-point. 4. My first is found in every country of the globe ; my second is what we all should be ; my whole is the same as my first. 5. The XLKt FX of a 100150500 |^^— H X500er 104i5lty K l?ab50. 6. Entire, I am a period of time ; behead me, I am an article of food ; again behead me, and I am used for food. / 7. Entire, I am an emblem of beauty ; behead me, and U am a powerful liquid ; curtail me, and I am a preposi- tion ; replace my head, and I am a useful article. ' KUIL P E aS 9. "Why was !N'oah saved without a Pope ? 10. What is the only word in the English language that can be written without pen, pencil, chalk, or any other pigment ? 11. I am composed of 9 letters. In me may be found : 1, a title ; 2, a metal ; 3, a weight ; 4, a coin ; 5, one of ^ Merry cousins ; 6, part of a wheel ; 7, neat ; 8, an ad- j ; 9 and 10, two prepositions. My whole is a plac , New York State. 12. Entire, I am a country ; curtail me, and I am an in- habitant of the same ; behead and transpose, and I am to prevent. ^ ; 13. My first is seen in pillared halls, Where kings and princes dwell ; 'Tis found in every woodland vale, In every sunny dell. Upon the yellow sandy beach, The ocean billows roar, My next — you'll find it in the foam, Rippling upon the shore. Within the dark and gloomy cave, Hid from the sun's bright glare, Precious jewels line the walls, And my third is always there. My fourth and last is found in France, But never seen in Spain ; It has always been in England's clime, In every monarch's reign. My whole from Jupiter's court on high, Descends to cheer the earth ; Without his presence there would be Of happiness a dearth. 14. I am composed of 14 letters : My 1, 4, 3, 1, 9, 6 is a handsome kind of cloth. My 2, 5, 11 is a conjunction. My 8, T, 5, 9 is a number. My 10, 3, 12, 13 is to kill. My whole is a celebrated day. 16. Entire, I am a sentence; behead me, and I am a fortress; curtailed, I am to strive violently; now trans- pose, and I am inexperienced. 17. Behead a slipping, and leave the slip. 18. ^ O ^^ BOOK OF PUZZLES, 19. A fox, 90 rods due south of a greyhound, is pur- sued by the hound at the rate of 5 rods to 4 of the fox, the fox running a due east course. How far will the hound run to overtake the fox ? 20. What kind of morals are most easily put on and off? 21. My first is a female. My second the same. My whole is much dreaded — Pray what is its name ? 22. I am composed of four syllables, and am very pop- ular just now ; my first and second form a Latin verb ; my third is a species of animal ; my first, second, and third form a kind of rule ; my fourth, reversed, is thin and nar- row ; and my third and fourth, without my final, is intel- lectual. 10 ROBERT MERRY 9 23. "Why are unprotected hearth-fires like insolent beg*- gars? 24. I am composed of 14 letters. My 13, 11, 7, 3, 1, 12 is a dream. My 8, 14, 10, 9 is a net. My 1, 6, 8, 4, 13, 14, 2, 5 is a balance. My whole is a celebrated man. 25. Entire, I am a noun ; behead and transpose, and 1 am lean ; replace my head, curtail me, and I am necessa- ry to the accomplishment of any great object ; curtail me again, transpose, and I am sometimes used as a seat. 26. RNO 27. "Why are most of the heroes and heroines in novels like the letter O ? 28. What poet is like a sly piece of bacon ? 29. I cheer the pilgrim's lonely way. As toils he on from day to day ; Curtail me, and I then am found What students do on college ground ; Curtail once more, and by inspection You'll find I am an interjection. 30. What kind of a diary is productive of mischief? BOOB. OF PUZZLES. 11 31. Entire, I am a murmur ; curtail me, and I signify to produce ; omit my first and last, and I am a disturb- ance ; and without my first two I am a bird. 32. My first speeds proudly through our land ; My next is what my first doth do ; My whole is one of that noble band Who signed the freedom of our land, And struggled bravely through. 33. Transpose a wrong way of treating another's regard into the most foolish manner of doing it. 34. My second, which, by the way, I hope you have, took my first after using my whole at dinner. 35. Behead an animal, transpose, and find a flower. 12 EOBEET MERRY'S w ED 37. I am a word of five letters ; in my normal condition I have a tendency to heal. Transposed. I still have a ten- dency to heel^ and have been known to take to them when opportunity offered. Less one fifth, I bathe; again trans- posed, I am good to eat. Four fifths transposed, form an article much used as an ornament ; the same again trans- posed, is to preserve. Three fifths, properly arranged, will intoxicate. Tliree fifths, in right order, make a prayer. x®®mm,^<:m 39. When did Job call nicknames ? 40. Did Jonah cry when the w^hale swallowed him ? 41. Curtail a ruler ; transpose, and leave a fastening. 42. Curtail a coin, and transpose it into a country. 43. When is roast beef most valuable? BOOK OF PUZZLES, 13 44. Fair Bessy promised to bestow My first upon her lover. And mncli I hope that no dark clouds Around the pair may hover. Sweet Bessy's age is just eighteen, Of gold she has my second ; On bearing oiF the lovely prize How mauy beaus bad reckon'd I And now my riddle I'll conclude, And hope you'll not me quiz, For what I say is very true — My whole fair Bessy is. 14 KOBEET MEEEY 8 45. What is that which every one likes to have, and to get rid of as soon as possible after he gets it ? 46. My first is found on a ship ; my second is a vowel ; my third is a title ; my wiiole is the name of an animal. 47. Entire, I'm a man's name ; behead me, and I'm a Turkish coin ; behead me again, and I'm too close ; -again, and I'm a prefix. 48. !nt ?r— ^ 49. My second is a useful appendage to my first, and my whole is to abridge. 50. I am composed of 21 letters. My 4, 9, 12 is a Greek preposition. My 7, 5, 8, 14 a vessel used in the Scotch sea. My 17, 13, 21 is entity. My 18, 19, 3,* 10 is a bed formed by birds. My 1, 11, 15 is to dip. My 20, 6, 2, 16 is to tarnish. My whole is want of symmetry. BOOK OF PUZZLES. 15 61. A squirrel, finding nine ears of corn in a box, took from it, daily, three ears ; how many days was he in re- moving the corn from the box ? 52. My first is found in an oyster ; my second is possess- ed by the nobility ; every house contains my third ; my whole no one applies to himself. 53. "What word is that, of three letters, which, read back- ward, indicates the quality of many who participate in it ? 64. In my first, relations most g'enerally find An interest of a peculiar kind ; My second, an adverb of humble degree. Combined with my first names a beautiful tree. 16 ROBERT merry's TOWNS IN NEW YORK. 65. A color and a mineral. 56. An element and a game. 67. Part of a gun and a liquor. 58. An animal. 59. A color and part of a house. 60. A hole and a heap. SHRUBS, FLOWERS, ETC. 61. A vehicle, and where it takes you. 62. A traitor, and the place where he died. 63. To hurt, a nickname, and an engine of war. 64r. Take a (1) life preserver ; (2) decapitate it and show a mode of using it ; (3) again transpose and show how it has been used ; (4) transpose and sliow what is used with it; (5) transpose and give a Greek letter; (6) transpose the original word and make a famous rock ; (7) transpose and make a locomotiv^e power; (8) transpose and make it dull ; (9) transpose and it will utter a war-cry to dogs ; (10) transpose it now into a girl's name; (11) curtail it and express a concurrence ; (12) again curtail, and see what you may call yourself. BOOK OF PUZZLES n 66 'Twas night — a stormy, tempestuous night, All wakeful and anxious the crew, As they watched my first in its wild, mad flight, "While over the waves it flew. And now, in the midst of these wild alarms, My second is dashed on the shore. Till Ocean opens her treacherous arms. And gathers it home once more. Let us turn from these dreary scenes away, So solemn and filled with gloom. And in meadows or pleasant gardens stray, "Where in beauty my whole doth bloom. 18 BOBEKT MERRY 8 67. I am composed of 12 letters : My 1, 9, 11 is an animal. My 3, 9, 10, 11 is a grain. My 4, 5, 7 is part of a barn. My 12, 2, 6, 8 is a stone. My whole is a body politic. 68. Beliead an article of apparel, and leave one who sometimes wears it. D #COM r THEIRS \_:' }"'i 70. l^ot theory glides not towards rule of action twice too a Koman com indefinite article original sinner revolves ideas use of the needle pronoun boy's nickname theatrical performance. 71. If you should lose your nose, what kind of one would you get ? BOOK OF PUZZLES. 19 72. Find a word of six letters, something that many people laugh at ; subtract one letter, and leave what many worship. CHARADE. 73. A preposition my first ; My second's a number ; My third a brisk motion That drives away slumber ; My whole is a service For which dearly we pay ; At least, 'tis charged so In hotel bills they say. DUTCH PUZZLE. 74. Add 2 strokes to 1 1 1 I and make nothing. 75. What bird most resembles a peddler? so KOBEKT MERRY 8 76. 77. My 1st is in pie, but not in cake. My 2d is in hoe, but not in rake. My 3d is in house, but not in barn. My 4th is in wool, but not in yarn My 5th is in take, but not in give. My 6th is in strainer, but not in sieve. My 7th is in rye, but not in wheat. And my whole is sometimes good to eat 78. "Why is a weathercock like ambition ? 79. Why is a Turk like a violin belonging to an inn ? 80. "Wliy is a used-up horse like a bad play ? 81. Why is a sick Jew like a diamond ring ? 82. Why is a printer like a postman ? BOOK OF PUZZLE8 21 83. Entire I am a bird ; cut off my tail, and I shall be a surname ; now transpose, and I shall be something sin- gular. 84. Why are fovvls the most economical things farmers keep ? 85. Why is a cricket on the hearth like a soldier in battle ? 86. Entire, I am of bloody mien, And spread destruction all around; Beheaded — cheerfully I'm seen Where pleasure's votaries are found. 87. Why should a brigadier-general, with his troops, be able to cross any river ? 88. Join a verb and conjunction, and make a noun. 89. Join a conjunction and a noun, and form an adverb. 90. Join a noun and adjective, and make a verb. 22 EGBERT MERRY 8 91. I am a word of three syllables ; my first member ia one of the family of fruits ; my second component part is an article in very common use, at once a receptacle for the most valuable and the most useless things ; ray last member is an interjection. Entire, I am a substance em- ployed in writing and drawing. 92. BBE ERE UST SCRIPTURAL ENIGMA. 93. Who cowardly a prince did kill ? 94. Who built a city on a hill ? 95. Whose son profane his life did lose ? 96. What Persian queen preserved the Jews ? 97. What Jewish king a leper died ? 98. Whose wicked mother "Treason" cried? 99. The initial letters, joined aright, A famous Jew will bring to light. BOOK OF PUZZLES. 23 HOW TO MAKE ANAGRAMS. "!N'ow that's too bad!" exclaimed little Bess, striking her pencil down quickly on the slate, which had for five minutes been shaded by her brown curls, as she bent earn- estly over it. " I do say it's too bad." " What is too bad, Bess ?" asked her oldest sister, Mary, who, apparently occuj)ied with her history, had been stealing occasional glances at the animated face over the slate, and watching with pleasing interest the busy fingers putting down letters, and tripping back and forth among tliem with her pencil-point. " ^Yhat is too bad, Bess ? I thought something was pleasing you very much." 24 ROBERT " Oh ! did you ? Well, I was jnst ready to have such a good one — these anagrams, you know. I surely thought I had extra axes, and just because of an r, it's all spoiled !" " What were you going to make your extra axes out of?" asked Mary, with a curious smile. " Now, don't make fun of me, please. Artaxerxes was my word." "Well, I should think that would just make it," said Mary, thoughtfully. " Are you sure it will not ?" "Don't you see that rf^ asked Bess, holding up her elate and giving a bayonet thrust to the offending letter. " Yes ; but what has that r, all alone by itself, to do with it ?" " Why, it's my proof. You see I write down my word, and rub out each letter of it as I use it in picking out my new words, so if none are left, my anagram is complete." " So you found an extra r, instead of an extra axe, in your way ? Well, that is rather trying ; but then there are plenty of more words, and it isn't much work to get them out. You have a capital way. Besides, that wouldn't have been so very good a one. You know * Aunt Sue' says the word and the sentence should bear some relation to each other. Is"ow, if Artaxerxes had been a famous wood-cutter instead of a Persian king, it might have been too bad." "But wasn't he a warriorj too and mightn't they be battle-axes ?" Mary admitted the force of this, with a smile, as she went on to say : "When we see such anagrams as * astronomers — no more stars,' and 'parishioners — I hire parsons,' there is a certain sense of fitness that produces all the pleasure I can find in an anagram." " I know they're better ; but, then, not half of them do mean anything, /never could make such ones." BOOK OF PUZZLES. 25 " I should try, if I made them out at all, to have them just right. You must remember it takes some patience to get them, as well as to make them. You want the satisfaction of feeling paid when you're through." " Patience ! I should think it did !" said Bess, laugh- ing and repeating, " Oh, Sam, cut my pen !" in a very comical manner. " If that didn't take the patience of Job ! And what did it mean^ after all ? I'm sure Web- ster don't know ! I think they ought to be fair^ at least!" " So do I," said Mary, laughing at Bessie's earnestness. " ]S"ow try the word homestead^ Bess, and see what you can make of that." " Why, is it one ?" " I'm not quite sure ; I was running it over in my mind to-day ; but I had no slate to prove my canceling correct." "What did you thinh it made?" " Do-eat-hams." " Oh, so it will," said Bess, hastily putting down the letters ; " and you know they do eat hams at homesteads !" Then Bess began drawing the tip of her forefinger slowly through each letter, repeating slowly, "do e-a-t-h There^ now^ that's worse than Artaxerxes ! If that e was only an a .^" Mary looked on the slate a moment, and then said, pleasantly, " But you see it isn't !" " How easy you do take things, Mary ! I^ow, that would be so good, and it comes so near !" " That's the lest way to take things^ isn't it, Bess ?" said Mary, gently lifting Bessie's face by the little fat chin, and looking into her large blue eyes lovingly. Ana- grams, you see, may teach us a lesson." ^'Almost anagrams, you should say," said Bess. " Well, let's try something else. Shall we try ' Aunt Sue V " " Yes, put it down." 2 26 BOBEET merry's " I can get — let me see — ^yes, * use-a-nut ;' but that don't mean anything like ' Aunt Sue.' " " Oh, yes, that will do as well as your ' battle-axes.' You know, she keeps * nuts' for the 20,000 to crack in her * drawer? " " Oh, that's it !— let me send it." '' Yery well ; and if 1 get time, we will try and have two or three more ready by the next number, and every one with a meaning." When Bess gave Mary her good-night kiss, she said to herself, " I like to get out puzzles ; but I'd rather have Mary's patience than all the anagrams in the world. I wonder if I should try very hard^ if I ever could be like her !" ANAGRAMS. 100. Tom can pet lions. 111. Ira, run, go get it. 101. Main race. 112. Cid is a common toad 102. Amy's purple net. 113. Care on lip. 103. Lo! a slop. 11-1. Sal I run. 104. O! hark! 115. A lion ; capture it 105. I harm the Chat. 116. Bind sure. 106. Hen, I am he. 117. Priest tied guitar. 107. Mid nice rains. 118, Accord I try not. 108. I sent one part. 119. Mend it in a tree. 109. Tore a limb. 120. O ! if I can sit so. 110. Test Mars. 121. Is it anger ? no. 122. Fi rwods locdu fiatsys het rhtea, Eht threa gimth nidf sles earc ; XJtb oswrd eilk rumsem isbdr padret, Dan veale tub typem rai. A itleti dsai — nad yrtul isda — ^NTac peeder yoj tarpim, Naht shots fo dowrs ch'wih chear teh dahe Tbu venre chout het ahetr. BOOK OF PUZZLES. THE PUZZLE IS, TO GET FEOM THE ENTEANOE, A, TO THE CENTRE, B9 "WITHOUT OEOSSING ANY OF THE WHITE LINES. 28 KOBEKT MEEBT 8 123. 124. Transpose a Persian monarcli into a part of the human frame 125. Transpose an article of food into a verb signifying to abate. 126. To what port was Henry YIII. bound when he Bought a divorce from his wife ? 127. He was who came to Express a truth tauglit in Scripture by the above, tilling the two blanks witli tlie same word taken first forward, and in the second blank backward. 128. Wliy would it be sure to be better ? 129. My whole, T lightly swim The smooth lake's sparkling brim, Or down the river skim. Transpose me, all around The wide world's endless bound, In every clime I'm found. BOOK OF PUZZLES. 130. My first, you hear its sullen roar When wandering by the ocean's shore ; My second in the gambler's art Hath played no mean or paltry part, But, fired with sordid thirst to win, It often aids liim in his sin. My whole is something that is found Upon the face of all around. Yet if you take from me my face, I am a title commonplace. 131. If the earth were annihilated, why would it be a pleasant pastime to make it again ? 132. My first describes a person, add an adjective and show that person's condition. 30 133. "What is it you must keep after giving it to another J loi. How would you express in one word having met, a doctor of medicine? 135. What is that which makes every person sick except the one who swallows it ? 136. Why is a person who never lays a wager as bad as a regular gambler ? 137. What is the dijQTerence between a sun-bonnet and a Sunday bonnet ? 138. If I shoot at three pigeons on a tree, and kill one, how many will remain ? 139. My first means more than one? my second means a solitary one ; my third is highly popular now (with boys more than with their parents. — A. S.), and my whole you are to guess. 140. . TgEoolSTdT 5a50ue500 ^^ stoo500 I ' but lOOOis * 141. Transpose an animal into a bird. 142. Transpose part of our flag into spirits. BOOK OF PUZZLES, 31 143. In a word of eight letters, the first three and the last three (transposed) name the same animal. The re- maining two (transposed), with the last letter, name anoth- er animal. What is the word ? 144. I am composed of 12 letters : Mj 11, T, 2, 6, 1 is a place of trade. Mj 9, 12, 3 is a locality where a certain individual passed the night. My 5, 4, 10, 8 is a useful animal. My whole is a well-known personage. 145. What town in Asia is a fit residence for a wild beast ? 146. When does the weather show a good disposition ? 32 ROBERT merry's 14:7. Behead a crime and leave common sense. FLOWERS. 148. A raised floor and a letter of the alphabet. 149. An article made by farmers, and an article made bj mechanics. 150. An animal, and what he possesses, unless he haa been very unfortunate. 151. 152. My second will be better as my first, if careful and energetic as my whole. 153. Why is a drummer the greatest person of the times? 154. "When is a sewing-machine a very great comfort? 155. My first is a preposition ; my second an animal ; my third, in Saxon, means a meadow ; my whole we all should be. 156. Three men — A, B, and C — traveling with their wives, come to a river which they must cross. The only boat they can have will carry but two persons at once. How can they all get to the opposite side, no lady being left without her husband in company with the other gen- tlemen ? 157. Straight as an arrow, swift as the lightning, and bright as a sunbeam, I take my flight to the uttermost parts of the earth. Book OF PUZZLES 33 158. My first is a color ; my second an agreeable exer- cise ; my third an article of clothing ; and my whole a cel- ebrated character. 159. What two female names express a chemist ? 2* 34 ROBERT MERRY 8 160. Fm pretty, I'm useful in various ways, But if often you kiss me, 'twill shorten jonv days ; I part with one letter, and then I appear "What young men are fond of all days in the year; I part with two letters, and then without doubt, I'm just what you are if you can't find me out. {2^1,11 the Ma7iks in each with the same word^ differently accented^ 161. The — to Fingal's cave would — a stranger. 162. Men sometimes — travelers fainting in a — 163. To select — often — a writer to annoyance. 164. As an excuse for illiberality, persons sometimes— to the — 165. COMETS, CONSTELLATIONS, AND FEOID STARS ENIGMATICALLY EXPRESSED. 166. Obstinacy and deceit. 167. A nickname, an epistle, and a laborer. 168. Swifter, a forest, and an affix. 169. A precious stone. 170. Past tense of a regular verb, and a security. 171. A prophetess and a color. BOOK OF PUZZLES 85 172. Find five letters capable of being transposed into five difierent words: two nouns, two adjectives, and a verb. 173. Three circles have their centers npon the same right line. The first has twice the area of the second, and is externally tangent to it. The third, of which the diam- ter is one foot, circumscribes the first and second. Re- quired the radius of the greatest circle which can be in- scribed within one of the two equal curvilinear triangles thus formed. 174:. When does the weather resemble a lawyer? 36 175. My first, in sound, is a bird's nickname ; my second and third are pronouns; my fourth is three-quarters of what fashionable ladies like to do ; my whole is an adjec- tive that has been sadly perverted. 176. My first is a verb, my second a nickname or verb, and my whole is to circulate. 177. ^ruce n U B Uc 178. "Wliy is a passenger by the 12.50 train very likely to be too late ? 179. IS'ine less ten, With fifty twice told, Is what many feel When they'are growing old. 180. What two letters give a word meaning to debate ? 181. Behead an animal, transpose, and leave another animal. BOOK OF PUZZLES 37 182. What does the boj, in his first surprise, say to his water-wheel f 183. What is the political character of a water-wheel? 184. In what coin is its financial value estimated % 185. What is the water-wheel paradox? 186. I am a word of four letters : in me may be found, 1 a verb, 2 an animal, 3 a viscid liquid, 4 a science, 5 a conjunction, 6 a preposition. ds KOBEET merry's PL^JS'TS, FLOWERS, ETC. 187. Part of every animal and part of every vegetable. 188. A beast of burden and a poison. 189. A sweet substance and a cluster. 190. A weapon and part of the body. 191. A household article and what often forms part of it 193. Dear friends, your notice now I crave, For I'm a king, a queen, a slave ; Each human being claims my name, And rightly, too, so where's the blame ? Although I'm never more than one, Just cross me once, you'll find I'm S07ne ! Whate'er my state of toil or rest, I always love myself the best. I may be greater, never less. So now, young Merrys, please to guess. BOOK OF PUZZLES. 194. My first is a kind of tippet, my second a Latin preposition, my third is exact, my fourth is a conjunction, and my whole is what my first was named after. 195. a My first (in sound), second, and whole are birds. I My first, second, and whole are plants. 196. Both my first and second (in sound) are found in the scale. Entire, I am a term of praise. 197. Transpose a coin into some bonds of union. 198. Transpose a bird into an animal. 199. Transpose another animal into a bird. 200. Transpose what we often see on a creek into what we often see (on warm summer days) in a creek. iO EGBERT MEKEy's 2<01. Transpose part of onr flag into spirits. 202. Transpose an animal into a vegetable. 203. Transpose the inhabitants of a country into a covered vehicle. 204. Transpose a part of day into a stick. ses. 206. My second is the same as my first, and my whole is a shrub. 207. My first is a bird ; my second an insect ; my whole is " daddy-long-legs." 208. I am a beautiful tree ; curtail and transpose me into another tree ; transpose the latter into a useful article ; replace the last letter, behead and transpose, and you have a boundary line. Curtail the entire word twice, and yo.i have a picture ; take the second and third letters away from the entire word, transpose the remainder, and you have another tree. 209. Behead a hod, and leave a kind of cloth. 210. Entire, I am something funny ; beheaded, an en- trance ; beheaded again, I am a fragment. 211. ElOlOOOlOOOlOOOUmiOOATXK BOOK OF PtrZZLES, 41 212. Deep in the wood of spreading oaks, Beneath the tangled bonghs, "Where Nature dwells untouched by man, My first in luxury grows. My next in gorgeous robes arrayed, Is queen of all her kind. Where IsTature's touch is most displayed In beauty undefined : My whole a lovely garden treasure, Emblem of love, of joy, and pleasure. 213. "WTiy is the hottest country the best ? id ROBERT MERRYS With the letters of the words in italics form the original words to fill the hlanks : 214. / tnet a gunner his game. 215. Roh, I came not to apply the - 216. lie was so that he did me an evil turn, 217. 1 mob seven cats owing to my . 218. A has often to mind his map. 219. My first is a body of water, my second a relative, my whole a time. 220. Which are the most entertaining of bats ? 221. 222. Change my head several times, and make (1) a color, (2) a regard, (3) a nickname, (4) to harden, (5) to excite, (6) a mate, (7) an implement, (8) a fish, (9) to form in mass, (10) a part of a coil, (11) to catch. 223. I am composed of 8 letters : My 7, 4, 6 is a tumor. My 5, 3, 1, 8 is a fiuid. My 2, 6 is a pronoun. [man. My whole is sometimes worn by a lady or gentle- BOOK OF PFZZLEB. 43 SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC ILLUSTRATED SO AS TO BE EASILY LEARNED. Aries tbe Ram, is a man ramming down a gun. Cancer the Crab, is a boy with a crab biting bis toe. Libra the Scales, is an old woman weighing Capricornus the Goal, is a aierry boy mounted oa a goat. Taurus the Bui!, is a fat John Bull, reading a paper. Leo, is a Pope who lived in Italy, by that name. Scorpio the Scorpion, ia a fierce woman beating her hu.\Q cc — rm: 288. In northern regions cold and wild, Mj first you see, a mountain child, In grandeur rise from its bed of snow, And smile on the iron-bound coast below. My second is loved by the school-boy bright, With his rosy cheek and eye of light, And to gain it oft he will truant play, And leave master and lessons far away. In sunny lands, where the fire-flies glow, And fragrant breezes softly blow, My whole you may find so fresh and fair, And who would not wish in that treat to share ? 2S9. Express with four letters a sentence containing four words and fourteen letters. 290. Transpose a dependent into a large party 3* 68 291. Fm found in every mountain, In every running vale, Though never in the breezes found, I'm found in every gale. You'll find me in the dark, But never in the liglit; You'll always find me in the day, But never in the night. About your form, dear little one, You'll vainly look for me, And yet in head, and hand, and arm I'm always sure to be. I'm not in nose, or eye, or lips. Yet I'm in every feature. In boys and girls I'm never found. Yet I'm in every creature. I'm found in Mekky's Magazine — In Uncle Merry's face ; And everywhere Aunt Sue appears, I claim an honest place. 292. Behead a noun and leave a piece of furniture ; behead again and transpose, and you will find a character spoken of in the Bible; curtail me and leave the nick- name of a distinguished person. 293. Transpose some animals into part of an imple- ment. 294. Transpose something bright into bulky. 295. Transpose a measure into a carriage. 296. Transpose a prop into a source of amusement. 297. Transpose a sudden roll into a clown. BOOK OF PXrzZLES. 59 298. Transpose what a bear miglit give a cat into what the cat would consider it. CHARADE. 299. My first gave us early support; My next a virtuous lass ; To the fields, if at eve you resort, My whole "you will probably pass. 300, Entire, I belong to the United States; remove one eye, and I belong to a horse ; curtail me, and I belong to the human race ; curtail again, and I am the child's best &iend ; curtail again, and I am best known to the printer, curtail again, and I become invisible. 60 KOBEKT merry's ENIGMA. 30 J.. Thongh for years I had lived, I was unknown to fame, Till I rescued a slave, and I gave him my name. Though then Abolitionist — still I enthrall, And unless I imprison — of no nse at all. 'Tis strange I should be both a boon and a blow, But when you discern me, this fact you will know. Doctors' stuff I convey and small matters unfold, Yet rare gems I preserve and great nuggets of gold. In form I am round or three-cornered or square. And at once I am known as both common and rare. If you wish to be safe wlien you look at a show. You must pay for, and take me, and sit in a row. Clothed in crimson, and purple, and black I am seen, Yet in gardens in winter I'm constantly green. I am valued and dear, tliough 'tis equally clear, I am scorned and am hated when placed on the ear* Both of light goods and heavy I carry the trade, Yet in gold I'm oft clothed and in jewels arrayed. If bad passion disturb, or should ill-will excite, I become the forerunner of many a fight. Yet stranger than all these remarkable things, I'm a gift oft bestowed by princes and kings. N.B. — As I find it impossible to display all my qualities and peculiarities in verse, I will endeavor to describe myself more minutely in plain prose. I am either animal, vegetable, or mineral, and though sometimes no big- ger than a bright copper penny or a silver sixpence, yet I am at times as large as a room — indeed, I am a room, and can contain several people ; and then, too, I am made narrow, and can only contain one horse ! In sum- mer and winter I flourish as a vegetable, and am often cut, but never served at table. I am most valued at the end of the year, when I am oflcn given and often taken. Though, unlearned I have given name to a science — a very striking quality you will acknowledge, when you know me. If you discover me, you deserve me as a reward. If you are dull of com- prehension, you deserve me as a punishment I May you have your deserts [ BOOK OF PUZZLES 61 302. My first you are when over the ground You lightly trip to the rivers bank, Where my second may always be found ; Beware my whole, 'tis cold and dank. And fatal, too, to many a one Who will not its danger carefully shun. 303. I am composed of 13 letters : My 9, 10, 7, 1 was a good man. My 4, 5, 13, 2, 8 is an unhappy wretch. My 11, 12, 3. 6 is an adjective. My whole is an extraordinary tale. 62 E B E E, T M E E. R X ' S CHARADE. 304. My first in cities is well know And by me many live, Obtain their freedom in tlie town, And then a vote can give ; Ty second we can never see, Whether on the land or sea ; My whole the sailor often braves. When he plows the briny waves. 305. Why may muslin and flour be considered safe articles in market ? 306. Of what trade are we when we walk in the snow? 307. Take away the bees from something we frequently eat, and make it read and speak. 308. An animal before a mountain, with the right kind of article, makes a tree. 09. Transpose some animals into a salutation. 310 Why strains my first his wearied sight, Across the silent main, And loiters on the lonely beacn ? He looks, alas ! in vain. For the chilly hand of Death has passed My second's stately side, BOOK OF PUZZLES. 63 And its gallant crew are sunk beneath. Tlie ocean's briny tide. ^J^s^^^:^?.':^ Though time may pass with silent step, And years go quickly by, Yet My whole shall feed the vital flame And its power shall never die. 311. Entire, I am a companion; beheaded, a verb; re- place my head, curtail me, and I am found in nearly every house; curtail again, I am a nickname; reversed, a verb. 312. My first is ''for;" my second and fourth are pro- nouns ; my third is an article ; my whole is a god. 313. I am composed of 15 letters: My 9, 7, 8 is what wicked children often do. My 14, 7, 3, 8 afibrds amusement to boys. My 7, 13 is a preposition. My 11, 2, 3, 4 is often pleasant in summer. My 5, 1, 6, 12 is a girl's name. My 15, 12, 10 is often taken from trees. My whole is the name of one of our generals. ENIGMA. 314. I am not found on any ground, But always in the air ; Though charged each cloud with thunder loud, You can not find me there. Now, if from France you choose to dance Your way just into Spam, I there am seen, and near the queen, In hail, in mist, and rain. FRUITS, FLOWEKS, AND PLANTS. 315. A boy's nickname and a fruit. 316. A bird and a branch. 317. Add what we all love to what we all have. 318. The nicknames of two popular peioons. 319. To deplore. 320. Curtail one of the fair sex, and leave one of the unfair sex. BOOK OF PUZZLES 65 321. My first, in distant lands Full many a temple stands, Once builded by his hands; The marble from the mine, . His hand hath cansed to shiuo In beauty half divine ; My next in tropic lands Grows where the roving bands Eoam o'er the desert sands ; 66 ROBERT MEREY''S My whole went forth — the world, From chaos rudely hurled, Along its orbit whirled. 322. Take a letter from a piece of kitchen furniture, and make something furious. 323. Divide a sensibility, and leave a reward and a fish. 324. Divide a measure, and leave something much worn and to desire. 325. Divide something enormous, and leave a plant and to rave. 326. Curtail an unenviable state of mind to be in, and leave a path. 27. Why is a hog just purchased like 120 pounds 0f steel ? NAMES OF PLACES. 28. The name of a race of men, a vowel, and a Greek word signifying a city, 329. A state of equality and a verb. 330. A letter on a title. 331. Behead part of a vesse., and leave a fish; cuitail, and leave tranquility. BOOK OF PUZZLES. 67 332. 333. My first is a domestic animal. My second is a very useful article. My third in sound is a Hebrew measure of liquids. My whole is a list of names or things. Resolve what made Jackson a President into household article. 334. My first is a nickname; my second, in sound, asks a question; my third is an article; my fourth is an adverb, and my whole is a flower. 335. My first is a verb ; my second is seen in a hat ; my third is often used for a signal ; my fourth is the same as my second, and my whole is the given name of the writer. 336. I am composed of 10 letters : My 7, 5, 10 is a medicine. My 6, 9, 1 is an adverb. My 4, 2,. 8, 3 may always be seen on Broadway. My whole is a city. 337. Transpose a tree into a hollow vessel. 338. D written off for air, hinge learn a channel. 339. XAIOOT. 63 ROBERT MERRY S Explain the sentences in italics in the folloiving jpuzzle : 340. I knew a man, not many years gone by, Who had a hloch of tiviber in each eye, Without impairing, in the least, his sight, Or filling those who saw him with affright. And what was more amazing, free to roam. Fur-covered thousands made his head their home; Two heavy huildmgs also rested there, By them unnoticed, and no less his care. A curse upon his meals he often had. And saw with joy it made another glad. Strangest of all, for every house he let, A half a score of insects did beset. At length he did become a seasoned dish^ To grace a throne, which suited well his wish ; And all this while an arrow^ mind^ was in him, Which to the things he loved did firmly pin him, t34:l. My first's a maiden's Scripture name, My second's less than me, My whole — ah ! so unmerciful I hope I ne'er shall be. 342. Change my head several times, and make (1) the cause for some things, (2) to debate, (3) a foundation, (^4) that which often covers it, (5 and 6) two different noibes, and (7) part of the soil of America. BOOK OF PUZZLEl 343. My first is half of what you do "When you are wildly dreaming ; My second our two horses drew One day when Jack was teaming. My whole the wolves eat when they can, 'Tis said they love me dearly ; And when I'm stripped to cover man, I run about quite barely. 344. What beverage will surely change our pain ^ ANAGRAMS. Fill the Hanks with the wards in italics^ transposed* 345. Pray^ Simon^ that I may be cured oi . 346. A certain used green soap. 347. Cleon paints not in . 348. Dire loss is often sustained by . 349. can stand carlon pretty well. 350. Prejudice runs even through , 351. Transpose a taker into a keeper. 70 ROBERT MERRY S 352. Curtail a coin and xoave a bird. 853. Entire, I am a mixture ; transposed, I am false ; behead me, I am a tree ; replace my head, curtail and re- verse me, I am a nickname; take out my third letter and reverse me, I am part of the body ; replace the third letter, behead and transpose, I am a verb. 354. Why is a very large man always sober ? 355. Transpose an aimy into what they use. 356. What flowers are always under a person's nose ? 357. Entire I am a dog; behead and transpose, and I am used in almost every house. 358. A planet and a plant. 359. Two girls' names. 360. A certain man's instrument of torture. BOOK or PUZZLES. 71 361. If you pull a rabbit's ears, wbat will he say ? 362. How does it appear that rabbit's ears are just long enough. 368. Why is a rabbit like a tailor ? 364. Why is a rabbit not required to take the temperance pledge ? A LATIN" IN^JUNCTIOIS-. 365. Me ! men ? Tom or I ? 72 366. I am composed of 12 letters : Mj 3, 6, 11, 2 is ^ piiss-animalous noise. My 8, 1, 9, 5 can make one very comfortable at some seasons of the year. My 4, 10, 12, 7 is a pronoun. My whole is the name of a humorous writer. 367. I am composed of 19 letters : My 6, 7, is an animal. My 8, 19, 2 is a boy's nickname. My 13, 14, 5 is an eatable. My 18, 1, 4, 9 is government. My 15, 17, 11, 12 are very painful. My 16, 10, 1, 3, 17, 4, 9, 2, 11 is ferocious. My whole is what we all -wish for. 368. I am composed of 14 letters : My 1, 5, 7, 14 is a companion. My 4, 8 is an interjection. My 10, 11, 13, 12, 2, 11, 3 is a scoundrel. My 6, 11, 9 is in very common use in the kitchen. My whole is a village on the Hudson. 369. My first is an article of clothing ; my first and second combined form a trade ; my third is a conjunction ; my whole is the name of a cape. BOOK OF PUZZLES. viJimssc^ajj^jk^ 370. What species of cat has more than one tail ? 371. What species of cat is most to be avoided ? 372. What kind of cat is most valued in Sunday-school ? 373. Which of the cats does a young man show the most affection for? 374. With a hairy animal and an instrument for the hair, construct a burial-place. 375. I am composed of 19 letters: my 3, 7, 5 — 13, 8, 18, 12—15, 14, 10, 2—17, 11, 19, 5—1, 7, 17, 16, 7, 2— 6, 2, 7, 18—4, 15, 11, 9, 18— and 4, 7, 8, 17, 18, 13 are birds ; my whole is the name of a bird. 4 74 876. Entire, I am. useful to tlie student; deprived of ray first letter, I am behind time ; transposed, a bird in the West ; deprived of my first two letters, I am vrhat you all have done ; transposed, what you all do ; again trans- posed, a beverage; my whole, deprived of the first three letters, is a Latin pronoun in the accusative case. This last reversed is a Latin conjunction. , My Avhole, deprived of the first four letters, is a Latin preposition; my whole transposed is a crime ; again transposed, I am very little ; without my last letter, I am used in building houses ; trans- posed, I am used in cooking ; again transposed, I am used by shoemakers. As an enigma, I am composed of five letters: My 1, 5, 3 is a body of water. My 3, 2, 5 is a liquor. My 5, 3, 1, 4 is a point of the compass. My 1, 5, 3, 4 is a place to rest. My 3, 4 is a preposition. My 1, 3, 2, 5 occurs every day. 377. What stream of water contains, (1) a chart, (2) an animal, (S) a toy, (4) two kitchen utensils, (5) three nick- names, (6) an article of clothing, (7) two articles of fur- niture, (8) a river, (9) a bird, (10) a ditch, (11) a preposi- tion, (12) to strike, (13) quick, (14) a resting-place for troops. BOOK or PUZZLES, 75 878. How near does a boy straddling a rail come to the President of the United States ? 879. When is an Indian like a railroad engine ? 880. When are children in danger of forming bad habits ? 881. Why is a boy crying to be helped over a rail fence like a lawyer ? 882. I am in the men, but not in the boys. I am in the playthings, but not in the toys, I am in the north, but not in the south. I am in the nose, but not in the mouth. I am in the minister, but not in his hat. I am in the kitten, but not in the cat. I am in the barn, but not in the floor. I am in the window, but not in the door, I am in the county, but not in the state. I am in the pencil, but not in the slate. 76 ROBERT merry's 383. How far is the President of the United States from the first man that ever died ? 384. If a tough beef-steak could speak, what poet's Dame would it pronounce ? 385. Why is a side-saddle like a four-quart measure ? 386. What is that without which a wagon can not be made, and can not go, and yet is of no use to it ? 387. What does a frigate weigh when ready for sea ? 388. Why do pioneers march at the head of the regi- ment? 389. Why is " i" the happiest of the vowels ? 390. Supposing two ships of war, the San Jacinto and Ironsides, to be 2,417 yards apart, at an unknown distance from a fort having a base of 666| yards. The angle from the San Jacinto to the nearest corner of the fort is 71 1°, to the center of the fort 62^° ; the angle from the Iron- sides to the nearest corner of the fort is 56|°, to the center of the fort 49|-°. Required the distance from each ship to the corner and center of the fort — also the distance from a point equidistant between the ships and the center of the fort. 391. With what three letters can you express a sen- tence comprising ten letters ? 392. My first, though originally an animal, now-a-days often goes by steam ; though commonly used for eating, is now much used to punch holes with ; though hitherto considered rather sheepish than otherwise, in these times goes to war. My second lies before you; waits to do your bidding ; is both black and white at the same time ; can draw tears or provoke laughter ; carry messages and 78 ROBERT MERUT S convey instruction. Entire, I imply a disturbed state of mind, Avliich. has extended itself to tlie body,- leading a looker-on to indulge great expectations that something is going to happen. CHARADE. 393. On this green grassy ball of a structure called earth, I have dwelt unregarded for innumerable years, And none more attached to the land of their birth, More deep in its pleasures, its grief and its fears ; I sport 'mid the waves of the ocean and sea, Or rest on the bank of some flowery glade. Or join the fairies who dance on the lea, Or play in the checkers of sunshine and shade, But still I'm intent in my welfare I trust, And not to vain empty frivolity given. When I come to the end of all time, as I must, Tm safe in the hope of dwelling in heaven. 394. Add a letter to a pronoun, and make a preposition; another, and make a noun ; add another at either end, and make a verb ; another, and make another noun. 395. Add a letter to a man, and make a pearl. 396. Add a letter to a Scripture character, and make a flower. BOOK or PUZZLES 79 80 397. A and B set out from the same place, in the same direction ; A travels uniformly 18 miles per day, and, after 9 days, turns and goes as far as B has traveled during those 9 days; he then turns again, and, pursuing his jour- ney, overtakes B 22J days after the time they first set out. Required the rate at which B uniformly traveled. 398. To a word of consent join the first half of fright, ]^ext subjoin what you never beheld in the night ; !N'ow, these rightly connected, we quickly obtain "What numbers have seen, but will ne'er see again. 399. My first it is a curious thing, Of ^Nature's own produce. And many who have lost a limb Have found it of great use. By my second's wondrous power Ships are made with ease, To stem against both wind and tide Across the boundless seas. My whole is very often found Together with my first. And comes in very handy When you would quench your thirst. 400. Add a letter to a crime, and make meditation. BOOK OF PUZZLES 81 401. How is it that a hen knows no night ? 4:02. Which class of democrats does a hen show mosi regard for ? 403. "Why is a large fresh egg like a virtuous deed ? 404. Add a letter to a heart, and make a number. 405. What is flatter than a flat? 406. I802500A. 407. Entire, 1 am a kind of rock ; beheaded, I am con* Bidered very healthy ; again beheaded, I am a beverage ; then transposed, I am a meadow. 4* 82 ENIGMA. 408. Tis found in our troubles, 'tis mixed with our pleasures, 'Tis laid up above with our lieavenly treasures ; "'Tis whispered in heaven, and 'tis muttered in hell," And it findeth a place in each sybilline spell ; In Paradise nestled, 'mid Eden's fair flowers. It has sported with Eve in rose-perfumed bowers ; 'Tis muttered in curses, yet breathed in our- prayers ; From the path of our duty it tempts us in snares. Deep, deep in our hearts you will find it en- graved; Though in misery sunk, yet from sin it is saved. 'Tis found in the stream that flows on to the ocean ; Though in bustle forever, 'tis ne'er in commotion. 'Tis wafted afar o'er the land in each breath ; In the grave 'tis decaying — you'll find it in death. It is floating away on the broad stream of time, Yet it findeth a place in eternity's clime. In the legends of nations it holdeth a place ; There's no charm without it to the beautiful face. In thunder you'll hear it, if closely you listen ; In moonbeam and sunbeam forever 'twill glisten. In the dew-drop it sparkles; 'tis found in the forest ; It whispers in peace when our need is the sorest. 409. My first is a drink; my second is feminine; my third is the cry of an animal; and my whole is a city in Scripture, 410. Behead something irritating, and leave something soothing. BOOKOF PUZZLES. 83 411. My first is not so often doled To beggar sad and urcliin bold, As when the full amount in gold Was paid for paper one might hold, My second is a rank extolled As beings of superior mold, With virtues rare and manifold, When they by toadies are cajoled — A rank not made through ballots polled By freemen legally enrolled. My whole, a fragrant plant, is sold In parcels small to grannies old, Vv^ho in their early life were told '' "Twill check a fever — cure a cold." 84 EOBEET MERRY'S 412. Take the first syllable (whicli is sometimes used as an interjection to express contempt) from a warlike in- strument, then transpose the remainder, and leave some ends. 413. Entire, I am found in Brooklyn; with my first two letters changed, I am a very strong and pretty kind of crockery- ware ; when entire, my first is a kind of mountain ; my second is found all over the world. 414. My first is annoying, my second (under certain cir- cumstances), alarming ; my whole is something frightful. 415. My first is a nickname; my second, a pronoun; my third, a conjunction ; and my whole, a fish. 416. Transpose a ruler into a river. 417. "Why is silver currency like Caesar's army by the Rubicon ? 418. What boat is found in every ocean? 419. 10050065K 420. Eehead an animal, transpose, and leave a coin. BOOK OF PUZZLES. ANSWERS TO PUZZLES 1. W HA.IR over each eye (i) n gander or a bound will p over t and V ice beef hound. (Where over- reaching and error abound, will pov- erty and vice be found.) 2. A little patients over a parent wr on g spree vents great miss under stand in-g-s between men. (A little patience over apparent wrongs, pre- vents great misunderstandings be- tween men.) 3. Crisis. 4. Mankind. 5. The excellent effects of a mild and (hand less h) tender civility are im questionable. 6. Trice, rice, ice. 7. Pink, ink, in, pin. 8. Think tv/ice before you speak once. 9. He had no need of a Hierarch (higher ark) . 10. " Written." 11. Princeton, Prince, tin, ton, cent, Nip, tire, nice, not, in, to. 12. ^raby. 13 Love. 14. Valentme'spDay.^ 15. Wise in one's own conceit. 16. Award, ward, war, raw. 17 » Elapse, lapse. 18. A chin well rounded is a charming feature. 19. 250 rods. 20. Bal-morals. 21. Malady. 22. Regimentals. 23. Because they are destitute of-fenders. 24. "A celebrated man." 25. Plane, lean, plan, lap. 2G. Fin e words r no t all wais t he m ark s of a k in d heai-t. (Fine words are not always the marks of a kind heart.) 27. They are always in love. 28. Cunningham. 29. Hope, hop, ho! 30. Incendiary. 31. Scowl, grow, row, owl. 32. Carroll. 33. Trifling, flirting. 34. Napkin. 35. Horse, rose. 36. T hay W hoe ark wick limb maid 2 DO ill S hood beak on T in ULE watch ED. (They who are quickly made to do ill, should be continually watched.) 88 ANSWERS TO PUZZLES 37. Salve, slave, lave, veal, vase, save, ale, Ave. 38. Curtail in g x pence swill lad in Co me. (Curtailing expenses will add income.) 39. When he said "Bildad." 40. He thought he was going to Uubler, but he didn't. 41. Pasha, hasp. 42. Rupee, Peru. 43. When it is very rare. 44. Hand-some. 45. A good appetite. 46. Maatodon. 47. Casper, asper, sper, per. 48. When there is a will there is a way. 49. Curtail. 50. Disproportionableness. 51 . Nine — he took his own ears and me ear of corn out each day. 52. YOU. 53. War, raw. 54. Willow. 55. Black Rock. 56. Waterloo. 57. Lockport. 58. Buffalo. 59. Whitehall. 60. Pitcaun. 61. Caraway 62. Judas tree. 63. Marjoram. 64. Meat, eat, ate, tea, Eta, Etam, team, tame, at' em, meta, met, me. 65. Hew hop lace S C on F I dents in awl purse on swill short L y C on F I D E in no body. (He who places confidence in all persons will shortly confide in nobody.) 66. Snow-drop. 67. Commonwealth. 68. Brogue, rogue. 69. A people intent on being over- ruled by a king, need not complain if monarchs arrogate their ability to over-rule opinions. 70. Practice flows from principle, for as a man thinks, so he will act. 71. The first that turned up. 72. Monkey, money. 73. At-ten-dance. 74. NIX. 75. A hawk. 76. My son, hear the instruction of thy father. 77. P-o-u-l-t-r-y. 78. Because it is often vain (vane) to aspire (a spire). 79. He is an infidel (inn fiddle). 80. He is not likely to have a good run. 81. He is a Jew ill (Jewel) 82. He distributes letters. 83. Dodo. 84. They are sure to bring him full crops. 85. He faces the fire. 86- Slaughter, laughter. ANSWEE8 TO PUZZLES. 89 87. Because there is a bridge in every brigade. 88. Donor. 89. Astray. 90. Impeach. 91. Plumbago. 92. Peace to be sure requires justice. 93. Joab — 2 Samuel xviii. 14. 94. Omri — 1 Kings xvi. 24. 95. Shelomith — Levit. xxiv. 11. 96. Hadaosoh — Esther viii. 7. 97. Uzziah— 2 Chron. xxvi. 21. 98. Ahaziah's mother — 2 Chron. xxiii. VS. 99. Joshua. 100. Contemplation. 101. American. 103. Supplementary, J 02. Apollos. 104. Korah. 105. Hiram Hatchet, 106. Nehemiah. 107. Incendiarism. 108. Presentation. 109. Baltimore. 110. Smartest. 111. Regurgitation, 112. Disaccomniodation. 113. Porcelain, 114. Insular, 115. Recapitulation, 116. Burnside. 117. Prestidigitateur. 118. Contradictory. 119. Indeterminate. 120. Ossification. 121. Resignation. 122. If words could satisfy the heart, The heart might feel less care; But words, like summer birds, depart. And leave but empty air. A little said, at! d truly 8a,id, Can deeper joy impart, Than hosts of words which reach the head, But never touch the heart 123. Watch o\er your heart to keep out all vice. 124. Darius, radius. 125. Sausage, assuage. 126. He was bound to Havanna (Have Anna). 127. He was rev i/cd who came to deliver. 128. It would be reformed, 129. Canoe, ocean. 130. Surface. 131. It would be recreation. 132. Miserable. 133. Your word. 134. Met-a- physician. 135. Flattery. 136. He is no better. 137. A day's difference. 90 ANSWERS TO PFZZLES. 138. Only the dead one; the others would fly away. 139. Conundrum. 140. A good intention, hut un- dervalued and misunderstood. 141. Wolf, fowl. 142. Stripes, sprites. 143. Cataract. 144. "Honest Old Abe." 145. Aden. 146. When I'ts mild (it smiled.) 147. Treason, reason. 148. Daisy. 149. Buttercup. 150. Hound-tongue. 151. Mode sty i s one oft he chief or name nt sof youth. (Modesty is one of the chief orna- ments of youth.) 152. Husbandman. 153. Because Time beats all men, and a drummer beats time, 154. When it is used to sow lace (solace). 155. Forbearing. 156. (1) Mr. and Mrs. A. cross the river together, Mr. A brings the boat back. (2) Mrs. B. and Mrs. C. cross, Mrs. A. returns. (3) Mr. B. and Mr. C. cress, Mr. and Mrs. B. return. (4) Mr. A. and Mr. B. cross, Mrs. C. returns. (5) Mrs. C. and Mr. B. go over, and Mr. A. returns for his wife. 157. Light. 158. Red-riding-hood. 159. Ann Eliza (analyzer). 160. Glass. 161. Entrance." 162. Desert. 163. Subjects. 164. Object. 165. Piece of mind being secured we maze mile at miss fortunes. (Peace of mind being secured, we may smile at misfortunes. ) 166. Wilful lie (Wilforley). 167. Willie H. Coleman. 168. Fleta Forrester. 169. Jasper. 170. Had anchor (H. A. Danker). 171. Sibyl Grey. 1 72 . Slate, tales, least, stale, steal. 173. The required radius, feet 1.922257 inches. 174. When it is a raining (ar- raigning) . 175. Political. 176. Issue. 177. Be not too wise nor over nice For if you be, you little see, How like an idiot you be. ] 78. It will be ten to ono if he catches it. 179. HI. 180. B and Y (bandy.) 181. Zebra, bear. 182. What a wheel I 183. Revolutionary. 184. In mills. ANSWERS TO PUZZLES, 91 1 85. While it can not move with- out a head of water, it never gets ahead of the water, and yet is always moving. 186. Star, sat, rat, tar, art, as, at 187. Blood-root. 188. Ox-bane. 189. Candy-tuft. 190. Arrow-head. 191. Bed-straw. 192. Patience and perseverance will perform wonders. 193. I, — crossed makes X etc. 194. Boa-constrictor. 195. a. Rock pigeon. h. Ruse mallow. 196. Selah! 197. Stiver, rivets. 198. Kite, tike. 199. Wolf, fowl. 200. Scows, cows. 201. Stripes, sprites. 202. Ape, pea. 203. Danes, sedan. 204. Dawn, wand. 205. All is not gold that glitters. 206. Pawpaw. 207. Crane-fly. 208. Maple. 209. Trug, rug. 210. Sport. 211. Excommunication. 212. MoBS-Tosti. 213. Because it hears the pa'tti. 214. Enumerating. 215. Embrocation. 216. Virulent. 217. Combativeness. 218. Midshipman. 219. Season. 220. Acrobats 221. First be sure you are rigl^ then go ahead. 222. Lake, sake, Jake, bake, wab % make, rake, hake, cake, fake, taki; , 223. Amethyst. 224. Direction (die-wreck-shun). 225. Warlock. 226. They have always agreed. 227. Flake, lake. 228. Book-Case. Baltic, Odessa, Olympus, Killanaule. 229. Liquorice. 230. Lover, cover, hover, mover, rover. 231. Oliver, Olive, Levi 232. Time and tide wait for uo man. 233. Bug-bear. 234. Philosophy. 235. Turks, sturk. 236. Owe nothing. 237. Arm-chair. 238. RUATT. (Are you a tease ?; 239. Once upon a time a horrid, cross, overbearing man undertook to beat his wife upon a very small 92 ANSWERS TO PUZZLES. provocation indeed ; but slie under- stood and overcame his evil inten- tion, for before he could injure her, she demolished him in a little time with a cudgeL 240. Tennessee (10 A C). 241. Ounce, cat, pig, horse, seal, cow. 242. Heah-less. 243. Weed, need, meed, feed, deed, heed, reed, seed. 244. Patapsco. 245. Level. 246. Fund. 247. Mum, Abba, Dad, Anna, Minim — I^Iadam. 248. Eebecca, rebec. 249. C low shoe r heart against awl vice, butt open the door to wall t root h. (Close your heart against all vice, but open the door to all truth.) 250. When they are candidates (candied dates) . 251. Because it is ink-lined (in- clined) . 252. When he declines a drink. 253. Loops, spool. 254. Animal, lamina. 255. Em-bark. 256. When it is a perch. 257. (Often read) ink. 258. A clock. 259. Each has his own bark. 260 One is an analyzer (Ann Eliza), the other a charlatan (Charlotte Ann). 261 . It has many boughs (bows). 262. Because the cat 'ill eat it. 263. They are tumblers. 264. A bushel of com. 265. Sealing-wax. 266. Because his works are wick- ed, and aU his wicked works come to light. 267. He is a-mending the publie ways. 268. Because he is dog-matical. 269. Hfi axes it. 270 Independence. (Inn, deep, pendants.) 271. Because they leave every spring. 272. Yes, when he is tired of one place he can go to another. 273. Clouds. 274. Sable, stable. 275. Elm, Lem. 276. Lama, Alma. 277. Ash, has. 278. Flea, leaf. 279. Brag, garb. 280. Jehoshaphat. 281. Because he has- no shoes on. 282. Long or short, he only geti ahead one foot at a time. 283. Frill, rUl, ill. 284. Fare-well. 285. Rebellion. ANSWEES TO PUZZLES 9S To remove the shears. — Take the loop end of the string; put it through the right handle, and carry the loop around to a, as shown by the dotted line here given. Let the loop be carried still further toward b, until it has passed entirely around the whole shoars, and you can then remove them, as they will slip out through the handles. 287. Wasp. 288. Pine apple. 289 . I O U (I owe you nothing) . 290. Eleve, levee. 291. The letter A. 292. Stable, table, Able, Abe. 293. Hares, share. 294. Glare, large. 295. Yard, dray. 296. Stake, skate. 297. Lurch, churl. 298. One hug enough. 299. Milk-maid. 300. Maine. SOI. Box. 802. Quicksand. 303. Les Miserables. 304. Trade Winds. 305. One may be barred and the other bolted. 306. Printers. 307. Bread and butter — read and utter. 308. Catalpa. 309. Lamas, salam. 310. Friend-ship. 311. Mate, ate, mat, ma, am. 312. Prometheus. 313. Nathaniel P. Banks. 314. The letter L 315. Bilberry. 316. Larkspur. 317. Heartseaso. 318. Sumac. 319. Rue. 320. Lady, lad. 321. Mandate. 322. Range, rage, 323. Feeling. 324. Furlong. 325. Flagrant. 326. Apathy. 327. It is a pig-got. 328. Indianapolif. 329. Paris. 330. London. 331. Keel, eel, 11 E (ease). 94 ANSWEES TO PUZZLES 333. Cat-a-logue. 833. Votes, stoves. 3i4. Polyanthus. 335. Isabella. 33*). "Wasliingtoii. 337. Gum, mug. 338. Depend not on fortune, but conduct. 339. Tenacity. 340. Beam, hairs (hares), temples a cur sup on his meals, tenants, eggs Baited (exalted), a narrow mind. 341. Ruthless. 343 Root, moot, foot, boot, hoot, toot, soot. 343. Mutton. 344. A little (t) will change pain into paint. 345. Parsimony. 346. Personage. 347. Constantinople. 348. Soldiers. 349. Contrabands. 350. Jurisprudence. 351. Drawer, warder. 352. Crown, crow. 353. March, sham, ash, Sam, has. 354. He is a man of great gravity. 355. Host, shot. 356. Tulips (two lips.) 357. Tyke, key. 358. Sun-flower. 359. Rosemary, 360. Aaron's rod. 3C1. Nothing. 363. He does not want them made shorter. 363. He is fond of cabbage. 364. He never drinks. 365. Memento mori. 366. Orpheus C. Kerr. 367. Uncle Robert's Picture. 368. Manhattan ville. 369. Hatteras. 370. Cat-o-nine-tails. 371. Catastrophe. 372. Catechism. 373. Catechist, (cat ho kissed). 374. Cat-a-comb. 375. Blackburnian "Warbler. 376. Slate. 377. Potomac. 378. One is a rail-sitter, the other a rail-splitter. 379. When he travels on a trail (T rail). 383. When they linger round the bars. 381. He pleads at the bar. 382. The letter N. 383. A yard and a quarter. Abe — Abe-L. 384. Chaucer. 385. It holds a gal on. 386. Noise. 387. It weighs anchor. ANSWERS TO PUZZLES. 95 388. To axe the way. 389. Because " i" is in the midst of bliss, " e" is in hell, and all the others in purgatory. 390. From San Jacinto to corner of the fort, 1,843 66-100 yards. From San Jacinto to center of the fort, 1,971 10-100 yards. From Ironsides to corner of the fort, 2,096 53-100 yards. From Ironsides to center of the fort, 2,304 75-100 yards. From point equidistant to center of the fort, 1,763 47-100 yards. 391. R U L. (Are you well?) 392. Rampage. 893. The letter E. 894. I, in, pin, spin or pine, spine. 895. Earl, pearl. 896. Iri, iris. 897. B travels ten miles a day. 898. Yesterday. 899. Corkscrew. 400. Peculation, speculation. 401. Her son never sets. 402. The hard shell. 403. It is a good egg sample, 404. Core, score, 405. A flatterer. 406. I ate nothing to-day. 407. Shale, hale, ale. 408. The letter E. 409. Beersheba. 410. Teasing, easing. 411. Penny-royal. 412. Balista, tails. 413. Ridgewood. 414. Bug-bear. 415. HaUbut. 416. Bashaw, "Wabash. 417. Because the die is cast before they pass it. 418. Canoe (transposed. f«)nne "ocean"). 419. CLOWN. 420. Deer, ree, [8a Pa8b 12.] ROBERT MERRY'S BOOK OF RHYMES PREFACE. Mbbbt nephews, meorry nieoefl^ ITerry cousins all, Mary aunts, Trith merry faoea. Merry uncles, take your places Round tlie merry hall. Here's a book of merry jinglei^ Made for merry times; Merry here with Merry miugles, Merry groups, and Merrys single, " Merry's Book of Rhymes.*' Aunt Sue glowing, Fleta flashing, TJnele Joe in smUes, Mattie warbling, Buckeye dashing, Older crowing. Hatchet slaahujg, Each in his own style. VI PREFACE. Meiry nephs and nieces, meeting Wheresoe'er yon may, Robert Merry sendeth greeting, Hoping he may have a seat in All your merry play. "When in merry circles chatting Round the merry hearth, Merry wit with wit combatting. Merry's Rhymes will come quite pat in To help on the mirth. ^^ THE NEST BUILDERS, Oh ! beautiful, beautiful things I How tliey range at will tbrougb the sky! Dear Mary, if I could have wings, Ob! wouldn't I, wouldn't I fly? meeey's illxjsteated I would float far away on the cloud, All vailed in the silver mist ; And perhaps I should feel so proud, I shouldn't come back to be kissed. But see, sis^ the «weet little creature* Have each a straw in his beak ; A lesson of duty to teach ns, As plainly as birds can speak. "We think they are only playing, As they roam to and fro in the sky; But these busy fellows are saying, " Tis not all for pleasure we fly. *^ "We're building a snug little nest In the crotch of the old elm-tree "We mean it for one of the best, And busy enough are we, « We would not live only for play ; And when for a song we take leistme^ We would show, in our caroling way. How duty is wedded to pleasure." BOOK OF RHYMES. KODITESS. A ROSE was faint, and hung its head, One sultry summer's day*, "WTien a Zephyr kindly fann'd its cheek, Then sped upon its way. That Zephyr now, where'er it roams, Delicious perfume brings. So kindness gathers, as it goes, A fragrance for its wings. Aunt Sub. 1* 10 meekt's illustkated --^^ J, -^^'■^^■^/f^.--^A/- BOOK OF RHYMES. 11 SlfOW-FLAKES. Abe the snow-flakes pearly flowers That in the skies have hirth, And gently fall in gleaming showers Upon this barren earth? Or, are they fleecy locks of wool, From sheep that wander by The silver streams, that, singing, roll Through valleys in the sky ? Or, are they downy feathers, cast By little birds above. And hurried earthward by the blast, Bright messengers of love? No, they are pearly blossoms, flung From heaven's airy bowers, To recompense us for the loss Of summer's blooming flowers. Mattie Beix, 12 MEERY*8 ILLUSTEATED SPRING FLOWERS. With what a lavish h£«id God heautifies the earth, When everywhere, all o'er the land, Sweet flowers are peeping forth I Down by the babbling brook, Up in the silent hills, The glen, the bower, the shady noci, Their breath with fragrance fills. They creep along the hedge. They climb the mgged height, And, leaning o'er the water's edge^ Blush in their own sweet light. They seem to breathe and talk ; They pour into my ear, Where'er I look, where'er I walk, A masic soft and clear. They have no pride of birth, No choice of regal bower ; The humblest, lowliest spot on earth May claim the fairest flower. BOOK OF BHYME8. IS TOP PHILOSOPHY. Childeen mnst be busy, Always sometbing learning ; Toys and trinkets, for their secs^ Inside-outward turning. While the top is spinning, Boys are wondering all, How it stands erect unaided, Why it does not fall. While the top is humming, StiU the wonder grows, By what art the httle spinner Whistles as it goes. Children learn while playing; Children play while learning; Pastimes, often more than lessona, Into knowledge taming. 14: MEERT S ILLUSTEATED ■^-e^^T^ BOOK OF EIITMES. 15 BY THE LAKE. Moonlight gleams upon the lake ; Noiselessly the waters break On the white and pebbly shore, Then return, to break once more. Yonder moon, the sky's bright green, Glitters in its depths serene, And the stars, above that glow, Seem another heaven below. On the white lake shore I stand, "Where the waters meet the land, Shadows all around me lie, Shutting out the starry sky — Shutting out the world around, In their close and narrow bound, And the past awhile doth seem, But a haif-forgotten dream. In the starry night, alone, Earthly cares and thoughts are gone. In this silence, deep and still, "Who could harbor thought of ill? 16 MKRET S ILLUSTRATED Far from all tlie care and strife, AH the agony of life. Who worud deem the sun could rise On earth's thousand miseries ? One "by one my thoughts come hack To the old, familiar track, And I turn me from the shore, To the busy world once more. Adelbebt Oldeb. BOOK OF BHTMES. 17 GENTLE WORDS. Kind words revive the weary soal, And cheer its saddest honrs, As dew. refreshes drooping leaves, And brightens fading flowers. They fall, like sunshine, round the path Of those who weary roam. And are the " open sesame" To every heart and home. "We know the spring will soon appear, When round us flies the swallow, So kind words should be harbingers Of gentle deeds which follow. TJpon the brow of want and care The joys of life they fling, And change the soul's dark night to-day, Its winter into spring. Then let your deeds be gentle deeds, Tour words be words of love ; They are the brightest gems which shine In angels' crowns above. Mattie Bblu 18 merey'8 illustrated THE FROST The Frost looked forth one still, clear night, And whispered, "Now I shall be out of sight; 80 through the valley and over the height In silence I'll take my waj. I will not go on like that blustering train- - The wind and the snow, the hail and the rain, Who make so much bustle and noise in vain; But I'll bo SB busy as they," BOOK OF RHYMES. 19 Then he flew to the mountam, and powdered its crest; He lit on the trees, and their boughs he dress'd In diamond beads ; and over the breast Of the quivering lake he spread A coat of mail, that it need not fear The downward point of many a spear, That he hung on its margin, far and near, "Where a rock could rear its head. He went to the windows of those who slept, And over each pane, like a fairy, crept ; "Wherever he breathed, wherever he stepp'd, By the light of the morn were seen Most beautiful things; there were flowers and trees; There were bevies of birds, and swarms of bees ; There were cities with temples and towers ; and these All pictured in silver sheen! But he did one thing that was hardly fair — He peeped in the cupboard, and finding there That all had forgotten for him to prepare — " Now, just to set them a- thinking, I'll bite this basket of fruit," said he, *' This costly pitcher I'll burst in three ; And the glass of water they've left for me Shall *tchickl' to tell them I'm drinking!" Miss H. F. Gotjld. 20 MEEEy's ILLUSTEATED BOOK OF RHYMES. 2l SKATING-WOMAN'S RIGHTS. Why may not a woman skate ? She can walk, and ran, and ride — In dance, or hop, she's always great— Prithee why not skate or slide ? Skating is a nsefal art, Full of dignity and grace ; Exercises Hmb and heart, Gives the blood a healthful pace. "Why may not a woman skate ? Swan-like grace and queenly sway Mark the vigorous, blooming Kate, Sailing down yon glittering way. Look 1 what conscious grace and power In those broad, out-sweeping strides, As down the silver-gleaming floor, "With still inisreasing speed she glides Why may not a woman skate ? Often on the frozen Scheldt, Buxom Dutch girls, early, late, For the prize of speed have dealt. 22 MERRY'S ILLTJSTRATED BOOK OF EHTMES. Sometimes from tlie inland town To the city mart, or fair, They in merry hands glide down, And their precious hurdens hear. "VThy may not a woman skate ? To a friend's, long miles away, Oft they sail, with heart elate. To make a call, or pass the day. Often so do lovers meet, Whispering, wooing, hilling, cooing, "While npon their iron feet, Miles and miles of talk they're doing. Why may not a woman skate ? What though ankles she reveal I Skater's ankles, critics state. Are not over-much genteel. What of that ! — a trifling charge ! There's a right for every wrongs If the ankle's somewhat large, May he 'tis well set and strong. Why may not a woman skate ? Six times we have put the question ; Ko one rising in debate, No one offering a suggestion, 24 merry's ILLUSTRA.TED Silence gives consent. So, then. Pretty girls, and women, too, No less than rude boys and men, May put on the iron shoe. Try it, girls — ay, trj the skate — Good for service, i^ldom tired. Able to sustain its weight, iN'ever weak, nor loosely wired — The well-tried ankle you will find In your need-hour just the one; Bind your skates on — ^never mind!— You will find it right good fun. BOOK OF RHYMES SCHOOL SOIIET. Spell, spell, spell! A dozen words or more ; To your task and learn it well — School days will soon be o'er. "Write, write, write! A page all bright and clean ; Seize the moments in their flight, Kg lost one fall between. Learn, learn, learn! Some nseM inmg eacn day • From early morn vui nigiic returns, "Waste not your time in play. 26 MEERT S ILLUSTRATED ^^^■^^.7 .l*^ 1 \.^ BOOK OF RHYMES. 27 THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. It is said that the flowers, as well as the birds, Have a language peculiar, with phrases and words ; And that oft, in the hush of a warm summer day, You may hear, if you listen, whatever they say. I have doubted till lately, and thought it was all The whim of some dreamer, whom poet they call ; But since the sweet seventh of June, fifty-one, My doubts have all vanished, like mists in the sun. As I walked in the garden I saw a sweet rose, Such as seldom on this side of Paradise grows. With a deep, deepening blush overspreading its cheek, Leaning down to a lily, as if it would speak. Behind a tall orange in bloom, as it spread Its rich fragrant shadow all over the bed, Unperceived by the parties, I paused in my walk And, ia truth, overheard an intelligent talk. First, a low, distant murmur arrested my ear, Like the memory of tones which in dreaming we hear; Then, clear and distinct, though subtile as thought, Their simple, articulate language I caught. 28 MEEET S rLLUSTRATED " Thon fairest of gems," said the rose, bending down, *' Too sweet for the earth and too chaste for a crown, I would thou wert taller, that here, in my p'ace, The world might appreciate thj sweetness and grace/' "Nay, nay, lovely rose," the fair lily replied, " It is safer in humble retirement to hide ; Earth's praises I court not ; my graces were given To eidiale, in their careless redundance, to heaven,'* A 3 the rest of their talk was of love, and as I Was acting the part of an eaves-dropping spy, I will not report it ; but this T have told, As conveying a lesson for young and for old. BOOK OF KHYMES. THE SONG OF THE EXILE Blow, blow, ye winds, from the wide blue seal Oh, cool the heat of this fevered brow, And still this heart with such melody As yonr fluttering wing;8 are wafting now ! Bear on, bear on, from that distant shore. The loving tones ot a household band Whose cherished forms 1 see no more, Ye voices dim from my fatherland! Such sad, sweet thoughts to me ye bring Of my own far home with its ivied walls, Of the vine-wreathed porch, where the zephyr sings Through the rustling leaves, and the sunbeam fal^' Of the threshold stone, and the open door, Of the kindred forms that gathered there. At the stilly eve fall hearts to pour, In a gush of song on the listening air — Of the noisy flow of the little brook, Whose mossy banks our footsteps haunted; Of winds which half their sweetness took From fragr&at bowers our hands had planted. Fleta Foeresteb. 30 MEERY'S ILLUSTKA.TED BOOK OF RHYTIES. 31 THE HAEYEST. TETjsTrsTG in the patient earth For the coming need, Went the hopeful sower forth, Bearing precious seed. Precious seed and full of hope, Scattered far and wide, O'er the plain — along the slope — And by the river side. Softened by the vernal rain, Quickened by the sun, Every little planted grain Peep'd forth, one by one. Nourished by the rain and dew, And the genial light, Blade by blade it upward grew, Growing day and night. Wavii^g in the summer gales, Bowing to the blast. O'er the teeming intervales, Ripening to the last. 82 Duly to the harvest white, Goldenly it glows, As with grateful heart, and lights Forth the reaper goes. Brightly as the sickle swings, Flashing in the sun. Merrily the reaper sings, "While the moments run. Onward as the strong man goes, Fall the golden heads, Till the grain, in beauteous row% All the field o'erspreads. Gather, gather now with care, Binding up your sheaves. Save what holy thrift and prayer For the gleaner leaves. Now, upon the groaning wain, Pile your treasures high, Thankfol for the gentle rain, And the genial sky. Grateful for the bounteous earth, Trusting all to come, ITow with songs of cheerfnl mirth, Bring the harvest home. BOOK OF RHYMES. 33 Dance and sing in joyous ring, Ere the day grows dim ; Rejoice, rejoice, with heart and voice, Shont, shout the Harvest Hymn. 34 merry's illustrated BOOK OF RHYMES. 35 THE SNOW-HOUSE. See, Charlie, out there, by the elm tree, The snow has been eddying round, And has made, for our winter snow-hQUse, A broad and beautiful mound. Come, Charlie, bring out your shovel, And soon we will let them see How nice, how snug, and how cosy, Our winter palace can be. The door shall be arched and lofty, * The room within shall be round ; And we'll have a fireplace and chimney, And a carpet of straw for the ground. Then we'll have a magnificent party, And all our friends receive, "With chestnuts, popped corn, and candy, On Christmas or New Year's eve. The Merrys all shall be invited, Around our board to sit ; They with our house will be delighted, And we'll enjoy their wit. 86 MEKKT S ILLUSTRATED COLD WATEK. Cold water, pure, sparkling, and bright, Cold water forever for me ; Cold water yo% too, must drink to-night, Who have come to our apple spree. BOOK OF RHYMES. 37 ffop nothing else you will get to drink, Of that most sure you may be ; No wine^ no 'brandy will we allow At our red-apple spree. No cider^ no rwm, no lager Mer^ Or any such stuff will you see ; But pure cold water, fresh from the pump, "We will have at our apple spree. Drink as much as you will, good friends and true^ For nothing it costs, you see. And in these hard times it is best to have An economical spree. So a spree we will have, and a jolly one too, And none the worse shall we be To-morrow, for having joined to-night In a real red-apple spree. 1S,WSL 38 MEKET S ILLUSTRATED ii*:'*^^' li fi O; .]:| BOOK OF EHTMES. 89 THE GOOD OLD PLOW. Let them laud the notes that in music float Through the bright and glittering hall, While the amorous whirl of the hair's bright curl Bound the shoulders of beauty fall ; But dearest to me is the song of the tree, And the rich and the blossoming bough — Oh ! these are the sweets which the rustic greets, As he follows the good old plow. All honor be, then, to those gray old men, When at last they are bowed with toil ; Their warfare then o'er, they battle no more, For they've conquered the stubborn soil; And the chaplet he wears is his silver hairs, And ne'er shall the victor's brow With a laurel crown in his grave go down. Like the sons of the good old plow. 40 MERRY S ILLIJSTEATED WINTEE. "Who does not love the Winter, When all on earth below, The houses, streams, the trees, and rooka, Are covered o'er with snow — When all is fair which once was bare, And all is bright and gaj, When down the hillside rush the sleds, jSTot stop till far awsgr ! BOOK OF IIHTMES. 41 And then the noise of all the bojs, When snow-balls flj around — The snow-king in the meadow-field. With icy jewels crowned — And sparkling as the purest gold, The scepter in his hand, While icy courtiers, grim and still, Await hifl high command. And then when evening closes in Around the household hearth. We love to sit while jokes pass round, And all is joy and mirth. And then recount with ready tongues The mishaps of the day. Of plunges in the deep snow-drifts When at oui- joyous play. And though the Spring may boast its flowers, And all its green-clad trees ; Though Summer, with its healthy showers, Brings many a cooling breeze ; And though in Ar.taznn with the crops Of grain and fruit we're blest, Yet still I can not heln but s/}y, I love the "W' 'be^;. T 42 MERRY'S ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF RHYMES JUNE 43 Tis a truth that earnest students, "With hooks and nature who commune, Are in thought and feeling quickened By the skies and breath of June. "While in boyhood, what could match it? Schoolmates call so opportune ; " Come with me and range the forest— Kecreate, this day of June." Sister-schoolmates, gathering posies, Stop to hear the red-breast's tune, Ajid laugh at pretty squirrels running Up the trees, in leafy June. After-life, for prizes striving. The student toils for lengthened rune- Spirit (so success) is wafted To him by the breath of June. Month of months— let's sing its praises! MusEUM-readers, join the tune — The freshest leaves, the brightest flowers, All are thine, Bweet month of June. 44 MERRY 8 ILLUSTRATED WOllK AND PLAY. "With mamma for a teacher, 'Tis easy to learn ; Her eye gives her boy com'age, As hard pages turn. Bhe says, " Now, my dear Fred^ Learn every word right ; If you're patient, the hard spots Will vanish from sight. * When this task is well finished, Your worJc wiH he done ; TTien the time comes for playing^ Says every one. BOOK OF EHTMES. 45 " Your fleet rock-horse is waiting, And babj shall see." Freddy learned well his lessons, And rides full of glee. -♦♦V Don't tell me of to-morrow, There is much to do to-day. That can never be accomplished. If we throw the hours away. Every moment has its duty — Who the future can foretell ? Then why put off till to-morrow, "What to-day can do as well ? 46 MEKKY'S ILLUSTRATED THE BUTTERFLY. "Don't kill me," — caterpillar said, As Clar6 raised her heel, Upon the humble worm to tread, As though it could not feeh ** Don't kill me — I will crawl away, And hide me from your sight. And when I come, some other day, You'll view me with delight." BOOK OF RHYMES. 47 The caterpillar went and hid In some dark, quiet place, Where none could look on what he did, To change his form and face. And then, one day, as Clara read Within a shady nook, A butterfly, superbly dressed, Alighted on her book. ->,',^.j^:^^ ,/vtC . - ;^"^ nis shining wings were dotted o'er With gold, and blue, and green, And Clara owned she naught before So beautiful had seen. 48 COLD WATER. You may boast of your brandy and wine as yon please^ Gin, cider, and all the rest ; Cold water transcends them in all the degrees, It is good — ^it is betteb — 'tis BEST. It is good to warm you wben you are cold, Good to cool you when you are hot ; It is good for the young — it is good for the old, Whatever their outward lot. It is better than brandy to quicken the blood. It is better than gin for the colic ; It is better than wine for the generous mood, Than whisky or rum for a frolic. Tis th<% best of all drinks for quenching your thirst, 'Twill revive you for work or for play ; In sickness or health, 'tis the best and the first — Ohl try it — you'll find it w 01 pay. BOOK OF RHYMES. 49 THE TELEGEAPH-ITS SECRET. Looking up in musing wonder At the silent wires above him, And profoundly meditating, Suddenly says Mike — that's Michael — Suddenly says Pat — that's Patrick — " Can you show me, can you tell me, How it is that news and letters, How it is that big newspapers, Full of news, and fun, and wisdom, Travel ever back and forward, Travel with the speed of lightning — Always going, always coming, And yet never interfering ; While we, sitting under, watching, Can not see them, can not hear them, Can not draw their secret from them ; Can not tell how 'tis they do it. Can not quite believe they do it, Though we all the while do know it?'* 3 50 " Should you ask me, Mike" — that's Michael ■ ** Should you ask," says Pat — that's Patrick — " How these silent wires above us Talk, and write, and carry letters — Carry news, and carry orders, Though we can not see nor hear them. Sitting under, watching, listening — Can not see them, can not hear them, Can not catch the smallest whisper Of the messages they carry — I should answer, I should tell you, That those little wires are hollow, "With a passage running through them From the one end to the other ; And they send, not papers through them. And they send, not written letters ; But they send — ^these strange magicians — Through those passages so narrow, Whispering spirits, living fairies, Flying ever back and forward, Message-bearing, hither, thither — Faithful messengers, that tell not You, nor me, though watching, listening, "What the messages they carry.' " Och! indade," says Mike — ^that's Michael— "Do you know it, Pat"— that's Patrick— " Do you know it, Pat, for certain? BOOK OF EHTMES. 51 Have you seen the whispering spirits ? Have you seen these living fairies ? Have you heard them shooting by ust Have you heard their fairy whisper? Tell me, do you know it, surely ? Tell me, is it only blarney ?" Then in anger, Pat — ^that's Patrick — Proudly answered, "Mike" — that's Michael— " Sure you know I'm Pat" — that's Patrick — " Sure you know I was in College ; Four long years in F ^m College — Hewing wood and bearing water. Kindling fires, and chores achieving, For the great and learned scholars Of the mighty F m College. So you needn't, Mike" — that's Michaet-- " Set me down for a Know-Kothing ; Keedn't reckon me a Hindoo ; Needn't doubt that what I tell you Is as true as if a lawyer Should have told it to a jury ; Or as if a man in Congress Or in caucus said and swore it On his everlasting honor, On his faith and on his conscience ; This, I trust, will satisfy you," 62 MEKEY S ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF RHYMES. 63 THE UMBRELLA, AND THE APRIL SHOWER. Keep close — we'll crowd the closer, The harder it shall pour; 'Tis seldom one umhTella Is called to shelter four ; But ours is large and generous, And has a heart for more. Yet faster, and yet faster, The pelting sheets arrive, And our one good umbrella Is bound to shelter five, For we are packed as snugly As bees within a hive. Now let it come in torrents — We're snug as snug can be ; What cares our brave umbrella For five, or four, or three ? On every side 'tis shedding The rain in careless glee. The clouds are very leaky, The bottom must be out, 54 But, with onr good umbrella, "We have no fear nor doubt, Though every stick above us Rains like a tiny spout. Heigho! 'tl<» coming faster, The bottles 'ure have burst ; But hark ! the brave umbrella Says, " Clouds, do now your wont^ If you would wet these children, You must destroy me first." They must have thrown wide open The windows of the sky ; But, with our good umbrella, I think we'll get home dry ; Or, if we do get sprinkled, "We'll neither fret nor cry. Step lightly, bonnie sister. Keep close, sweet little pet, With such a brave umbrella, We shall not be much wet ; But Prink will have a drenching^ On that I'll make a bet. How like a river torrent It pours along the street} BOOK OF KHTMES, Prink cares not for umbrellas, To him a bath's a treat, And our good India-rubbers Are umbrellas for our feet. What's that you saj, dear Nellie! 'Tis dropping on your arm? Indeed, our kind umbrella Didn't mean you any harm ; And soon the good snug parlor Will make all dry and warm. $5 Ha ! ha I the wind is rising, But we are almost there. What if our good umbrella Should fly away in air I Run, Prink, and say we're coming, And open the gate — do you hear 1 56 MEEEY 8 ILLTTSTRATED THE OSTRICH. Let the fur-clad Laplander hoast Of the reindeer's bird-like speed ; Let the Arab, for riding post, Bet high on his mettlesome steed ; Let the Briton talk lond of the chase With the fox, or the hare, or the stag; Let the Yankee, stark mad in the race. Count miles by the minutes, and brag ; BOOK OF RHYMES. lh% bird of the desert is ours — Competitors all we defy — A bird of such wonderful powers — "We scarce know if we ride or we fly. You have all of the hippogriff heard, For mettle and speed a rare thing, Half-breed betwixt courser and bird, Keeping pace with foot and with wing. The bird of the desert is he, The ostrich of beautiful plume, Skimming earth, as a swallow the sea, Or an eagle the lofty blue dome. He laughs at the speed of the hind. For pursuers he feels no concern. He travels ahead of the wind. And leaves the dull lightning astern. 57 3* 58 merry's illustrated THE PLOWMAN. TuEN up the generous soil — 'Tis rich in hidden wealth, And well repays your earnest t-oU With plenty, peace, and health,. Plow with a bold, strong hand^ Drive deep the glittering share : Ko surface-scratching will command Earth's treasures rich and rare. Then, if you'd heeij reap. With bounteous freedom sow — And while you wake, and while you sleep, The precious grain will grow. BOOK OF EHTME9. 69 ON A GOOD HOUSE-DOG CALLED "WATCH." PooB faithful Watch! thy watch of life is o'er, And mute and senseless near the kitchen door Thou lay'st, a breathless corpse, where thou stood to guard before ; Thy pliant temper, known and praised by all, Thy prompt obedience to thy master's call ; Whether to climb the hill, or scour the plain, Or drive encroaching hogs from out the lane ; Thy quick return, on motion of his hand, To guard the door, or wait a fresh command; Thy joy to meet at eve, with fawning play. Domestic faces, absent but a day ; Thy bark, that might the boldest thief affright, And patient watch through many a dreary night — All speak thy worth, but none could save thy breathy For what is merit 'gainst the shafts of Death ? Sleep, then, my dog ! thy tour of duty o'er, Where thief and trav'ler can disturb no more ; Content t' have gained all that thou now canst ha^e— Thy master's plaudit and a peaceful grave I 60 MEKKT S ILLUSTEATED BOOK OF KHYMES. 61 GONE-ALL GOls^E! Bt the bubbling fount 'mid the greenwood shades, In the leafy world of the forest glades, Ko more the birds, at the blush of mom, Trill their sweet notes ; they are gone — all gone I Yoices of summer, I've listed long For the witching strains of your matin song ; Through the woodland dim, o'er the rustling lawn, I have sought you oft ; but you're gone — all gone? No more do you start in your still retreat At the thundering tramp of the horses' feet, Or the wandering note of the bugle horn ; But the woods are mute, for you're gone — all gone ! 'Mid the wild wood's haunts, through your lonely nests^ The rude winds play, and the snow-wreath rests In their yielding curve, while in jeering scorn The cold blast whistles, "Gone — all gone !" They say that ye sing 'neath a sunnier arch Of the azure skies, where the seasons' march , Brings but one endless vernal dawn ; But my heart is sad, for you're gone — all gone ! 62 MERRY S ILLUSTRATED THE CHEJSTMAS TREE. The Christmas tree I The Christmas tree 1 O gather around it now ; Its fruits are free For you and for me, And they hang from every bough. BOOK OF EHYMEa. 6S> Its flowers are bright, And they grew in a nijjlgl. yiar yesterday it was bare Did ever you see An evergreen tree So fruitful and so fair? Look! here is a rose I And who would suppose An orange and a pear "Would grow by the side Of the garden's pride ? But here, you see, they are. And, stranger yet, Here's a bon-bon, set On the same identical stem, With two plums, so big That a neighT)oring fig Beet ns lost in the t-hadow of t\ £BL And here,'s this? As I live, 'tis a kiss, And just where a kiss should :)e; A tulip full blown. Hard by it is shown — Indeed, 'tis a wonderful tree. 64 Here, bravo ! I've found Meeby's Museum, bound — This must be the Tree of Knowledge; Besides wMcli, behold 1 All lettered in gold, A poem fresh out from the college. Hold I hold I my good sirs, Here's a nice set of furs — 'Tis a fir-tree, you all must agree ; And here, not incog.. Is a sweet sugar-hog — Does that make a mahogany-tree? Oh ! who would have guessed ? Here's a nice little chest. Of course 'tis a chestnut-tree ; Not so fast, cousin Knox, Here's a beautiful box — A box-tree it surely must be. Your proof something lacks, For here is an ax. You must own 'tis an axle-tree now ; Hallo ! here's a whip, For your horsemanship — Tis a whipple-tree, then, you'll allow. BOOK OF RHYMES. 65 What now shall be said ? Here are needles and thread — Let's see — shall we call it tre-mend(o)us? Oh, pshaw ! praj do stop, I'm ready to drop — Your pnns are absurdly stupendous. 04 merry's illitstrated MY MOTHER'S BIRTHPLACE, It was just outside of the village, In a cool, sequestered nook, On the right was the murmuring foreS-i^ On the left was the babbling brook. Behind, the o'ershadowing mountain Eeared its gray old head to the sky, While before it, the widening valley Stretched out like a sea to the ey^ 'Twas a rare, sweet spot, and a lov&y As ever this fair world knew ; There spring came earliest always, And summer the latest withdrew. Day reluctantly left it at evening, And hastened to greet it at dawn, And stars, birds, and flowers loved to visit The place wheee my motheb was bobst. BOOK OF RHYMES. 67 THE SONG OF BOB LINCOLN. BY UNCLE TIM. It was a beaatifdl morning, quite early in May, The fathers all plowing, the children all play ; The mothers all spinning, as busy as bees, And the birds quite as busy all round in the trees; While some were singing songs over and over, Sometimes in the tree-tops, then down in the clover, Young Robert was trying his very best notes, And the strength of his song by the length of his throat. Choeus — ^Envy me, envy me, Cordially, cordially. Fiddlesticks, fiddlesticks ! Just act your pleasure, sir. Sometimes he was singing to Jemmy the farmer, And then to Miss Alice, and trying to charm her ; Kext moment he'd light on the top of a thistle. And either be singing or trying to whistle : Miss Alice, Miss Alice ! it will give me much pleasure To sing you a sonnet while I am at leisure. I will sing you a good one, and very explicit, And stop when I choose, or whenever you wish it. Ohoeus — Certainly, certainly, etc. While Jemmy is plowing and learning to whistle, My wife is at home, in the shade of a thistle, In a neat little nest, with a wild rose behind it. You need not look for it, for you never can find it. The farmer is plowing, and soon will be mowing ; "While he's cutting the daisies his corn will be growing. "When the heads on the barley are ripe, and the cherry, Mary Lincoln and I will be singing so merry. Choeus — Cordially, cordially, Envy me, envy me. Fiddlesticks, fiddlesticks I Just act your pleasure, sir. "When the leaves on the trees and the flowers on the clover Are withered and faded, and Summer is over ; "When the grass on the meadows is leveled and gone, "We will sing our last sonnet and leave you alone. "We will fly far away to the rice and the cotton ; But let not our thistle and rose be forgotten. "We are certain to come again early in Spring, And bring some choice music, which we promise to sing. Choeijs — Cordially, cordially, Envy me, envy me. Fiddlesticks, fiddlesticks I Just act your pleasm*e, sir. BOOK OF KHTME8. A WILL AND A WAY. A Lapland merchant mnst needs, one day, To a distant market go ; Bnt he had no horse, and he had no sleigh, To carry him over the snow. " Yet go I must," said the sturdy man — " There is a way for every will — Each new necessity has its plan, For the earnest mind to fulfill." So he drew, from the ice-hound river, a scow, And lined it with furs and moss. Then harnessed a reindeer to its prow, With a rope his horns across. 70 MERRY 8 ILLUSTRATED No track was there — but the traveler knew The way over valley and plain ; Like a well-trained steed, the reindeer flew, And brought him safe back again. The fashion he set is in fashion now, Among the fur-clad Norse ; They use for a sleigh a flat-bottomed scow, And a reindeer for a horse. Said the resolute man, " They shall serve my turn ; "Whatever we must, we may, And sooner or later each man will learn, That where there^a a will there's a way." BOOK OF RHYMES BLOWING BUBBLES. The boys -were blowing bubbles, Bright red, and green, and blue, And every changing color That ever mortal knew. Thoy floated in the "windo-w, And glided past my chair, Bi*t in a moment perished, And faded in the air. MERRY S ILLUSTRATBD The boys, with shouts and laughter, Blew till quite out of breath, While high in the leafy maple The bubbles gleamed till death. Too much like earthly pleasure Seemed the bubbles, bright and gay ; They charm a fleeting moment, Then vanish, away — away. Sweet love's ecstatic potion Our spirits long to sip. But Death may dash the nectar From the unsullied lip. And he who quaffs the longest, Whose heart divinely glows. Finds clouds will gather round him, For earthly joys must close. Some grasp at wealth's bright beacon. And follow where it leads — Sometimes to fairest honor. Sometimes to foulest deeds And often proves a bubble, A floating thing of air — Eludes the weary victim, And leaves him starving there. BOOK OF RHYMES. J^love's so frail a treasure, And wealth may fade away ; If earthly joys are changing, And fame lives but a day ; Then where are shining jewels That will not break at last, And leave us, eager viewers, All mourning for the past? High in the holy heavens, A pearl of price untold 6hines brighter far than rubies, More precious than fine gold. It can not fade or perish. Can never pass away; It is a hope in Jesus, A trust in God alway I M. A. L *■- meeey's illusteated BOOK OF KHTMES. AFTER SCHOOL. JirsT look upon that group of boys, Brim full of frolic, spunk, and noise, When, at the word, " The school is done," They rush to liberty and fun. Pell-mell, they run, and jump, and leap. Tumbling in one promiscuous heap, Until you wonder by what token They 'scape with heads and limbs unbroken. Bold, reckless, cunning, cool, or sly, What won't they do? what won't they try? They're up to every kind of scheme. To test their strength, and let off steam. 'Tis an epitome of life. Without its shades of care and strife ; Each has his private joke, and cracks it, Regardless how the other takes it. And there's the point — boys take rough jokes More pleasantly than older folks, Kot heeding much what's said or done. So they can have their fill of fun. THE NIGHTOGALE. Sweet bird 1 that throngh the shadows Of the night, so sad and lone, "Warblest thy notes of gladness, With softly thrilling tone. 'Tis when the gloom is deepest, And all is hushed in fear, Save that night- winds are moaning Through the stiUness dark and drear; 'Tis then thy voice is sweetest, And seems wafted from above, As to the sad and sorrowing Oome words of hope and love/ Thou'rt heard within the casement, Through the weary night of pain ; And thy warble is an earnest That the day will come again. Methinks thou art a spirit-bird. Sent from a holier sphere ; Such spirits do not linger Amidst the sorrowing here. BOOK OF EHTMES. LEAP-FEOG. That's right, Benny, go it strong, Go it high, and go it long. Swiftly run, and boldly leap. Froggy Charles is quite a heap. Charley Frog, now take your jump; Benny, make yourself a lump ; 'Tis a wnolesome sport and rare — Best and toil an equal share. Now you're down, and now you're np; Now you leap, and now you stoop ; Now you rest, and now you run ; Any way, 'tis right good fan. 5^^ A WORLD OF LOVE AT HOME The earth hath treasures fair and brigbt; Deep buried in her caves, And ocean hideth many a gem "With his blue, curling waves ; Yet not within her bosom dark, Or 'neath the dashing foam, Lives there a treasure equaling A world of love at home! True, sterling happiness and joy Are not with gold allied, Kor can it yield a pleasure like A merry fireside. I envy not the man who dwells In stately hall or dome, I^ 'mid his splendor, he hath not A world of love at home. The friends whom time hath proved sincere, 'lis they alone can bring A sure relief to hearts that droop 'Neath sorrow's heavy wing. Though care and trouble may be mine, As down life's path I roam, I'll heed them not while still I have A world of love at home. BOOK OF RHYMES. I MUST HASTEN HOME. I MUST hasten home, said a rosy child, Who had gaylj roamed for hours ; I must hasten home to my mother dear — She will seek me amid the bowers. If she chides, I will seal h«r lips with a kiss, And offer her all my flowers. I must hasten home, said a beggar girl, As she carried the pdtiful store 5 Of crumbs and scraps of crusted bread, She had gathered from door to door ; I must hasten home to my mother dear — She is feeble, and old, and poor I I must hasten home, said the ball-room belle, As day began to dawn ; And the glittering jewels her dark hair decked. Shone bright as the dews of morn ; I'll forsake the joys of this changing world, "Which leave in the heart but a thorn. I must hasten home, said a dying youth, Who had vainly sought for fame — "Who had vowed to win a laurel wreath. And immortalize his name ; But, a stranger, he died on a foreign shore- AU the hopes he had cherished w^re vain* I am hastening home, said an aged man, As he gazed on the grassy sod, "Wliere oft, ere age had silvered his hairs. His feet had lightly trod ; Farewell ! farewell to this lovely earth— I am hastening home to God I BOOK OF KHYME3. THE EVENING PKAYER, With meek and simple faith, A child's confiding love, The infant cherub kneels to breathe His prayer to God above. And all the host of heaven is there, To listen to that infant prayer. *' God, bring dear father home, God, make dear mother well, God, make me good, and let us come All in Thy house to dwell." Then, while their watch good angels " God giveth His beloved sleep." ACROSTIC. Roses and tulips, with all their gay train, O'er garden and landscape cause beauty to reign. By the brook, or the hUlside, or light woody grove, Enchanted — delighted — on, smiling, we rove ; 'Rapt np in fond thoughts of the verdure and bloom, 'Till autumn's cold frost sweeps the whole to the tomb. My emotions, when life seems thus passing and vain, Even wisdom and prudence can hardly restrain. Rude winter now comes, and with sleet, hail, and snow, Right and left sends his arrows, as shivering we go. Yet I see there's a chance, even now^ to be cheery, Sitting snug by the fire, with old Robert Merry. My cosy old friend, no winter is found Unfurled in thy pages the whole season round ! Still birds sing their songs in some warm, sunny clime, Ever speaking in music and talking in rhyme ; Unless you may tell us some odd tale that's true, Making all of ns merry. Old Merry ^ with you I B. BOOK OF RHYMES. Stjee I am, I do not know "Why we love our Nebbj so ; But I am sure, as sure can be, Nebby knows why he loves me. Mattie feeds Neb every day, And 'tis as good as any play, Just to see his pranks and freaks, When to ITebby Mattie speaks. "When I go home from the store, Nebby meets me at the door, And says, most eloquently dumb, " Nebby 's glad that you have come." Nebby is a little pet ; Kebby don't know how to fret ; But he knows the tenderest part Of our Mattie's tender heart. THE NEW SONG. "Whence that sweet, inspiring strain, Pealing on my ravished ear? Hark ! its thrilling notes again From the courts of heaven I hear — "Hallelujah to the Lamb, Tfho hath bought us with His blood I Honor, glory to His name, "We through Him are sons of God." Angels fain their notes would join "With that vast, triumphant song ; But their harps, though all divine, Ne'er can reach that wondrous song: Learned on earth, and new in heaven, Only they its chords can know "Who to God by grace are given, Ransomed from the depths of wo. Angels can not know or tell, In their pure, unfallen bliss, How a soul, redeemed from hell, Sings the mystery of grace ! They the chosen, countless throng, Ever round the throne above, In their new and endless song, Celebrate redeeming lov«. BOOK OF EHTMES. THE CHINAMAi(. The Chinaman his life consumes, On opium regaling — The Yankee his tobacco fumes With equal zest inhaling — Though trembling nerves and fitful glooma Warn them that health is failing. For almost everything that's done Some reason wit supposes, But for the smoker's faith, not one The keenest wit discloses ; 'Tis filthy, vulgar, costly fun, Hateful to all good noses. meeey's illusteated A^ INDIAN DANDY. "Well, isn't that a funny dress ? You think he must be cruel, "With human bones set round his crown, And skulls in place of jewels. BOOK OF RHYMES. Yet in hU countenance you see Nothing severe or savage, As if, with cannibal intent, Our whole domain he'd ravage. There's no accounting for our tastea^ (" De gusti'bus^'''' and so forth ;) Some dote on very slender waists, Some like hooped cisterns go forth. Sneer not at Indian or Malay, Nor get into a passion ; He does as you do day by day — Follows the latest fashion. "White dandies strut in stove-pipe hati^ White women go bare-headed ; Which is most proper, red or white, We leave in doubt deep shaded. HEEKT S ILLUSTRATED THE SHADOW. OxB sunny day a child -went Maying — When lo, while 'mid the zephyrs playing, He saw his shadow at his back 1 He turned and fled, but on his track The seeming goblin came apace, And step for step gave deadly chase ! Weary at last, with desperate might The urchin paused and faced the fright, When lo, the demon, thin and gray, Faded amid the grass away I 'Tis thus in Hfe — when shadows chase, If we but meet them face to face, What seemed a fiend in fear arrayed. Sinks at our feet a harmless shade. Peter Paelei; CONTENTS. 1401 The Nest Builden T Kindness 9 Snow Flakes 11 Spring Flowers 12 Top Philosophy , 18 BylheLake 16 Gentle Words IT The Frost 18 Skating— "Woman's Eights 21 School Sonnet 25 The Language of Flowers 2T The Song of the Exile 29 The Harvest 81 The Snow House 85 Cold Water 86 The Good Old Plow 89 Winter 40 June 43 Work and Play 44 The Butterfly 46 Cold Water , 48 The Telegraph— its Secret 49 The April Shower 58 The Ostrich 56 The Plowman 68 Tb« Hoa8«>Dog ** Watch^ 69 rAra Gone— an Gone 61 The Chriatmas Tree 62 My Mother's Birthplace 66 The Song of Bob Lincoln 6T A WiUandaWay 69 ,-'•*■' ■■"•'■