1^A^S'.5'^ O. E. S. Library. Cop. 2. jie l^onnecficui Igriculliirat pperimcni .Station. BULLETIN ]Sro. 80. SEPTEMBER, 1884. OBSERVANCE OF THE P^EKTILIZEK LAW. Manufacturers who have paid Analysis Fees as required hy the Fer- tilizer Law, since the issue of the last Bidletin, and Fertilizers for lohich the Fees have thus been paid. H. J. Baker & Bro., 215 Pearl St., New York, .Special Oat Manure; Special To- ; bacco Manure ; Spegial Grass Manure I Russell Coc, Linden. N. J., Special Favorite; Potato Manure,. Peter Cooper's Glue Factory, 17 Burling Slip, New York, . . Bone Dust, Lombard & Matthewson, "Warren- ville, Ct , Ground Bone, _. .. Geo. "\V. Miles Co., Milford, Ct.,... L X. L. Bone Superphosphate. Fish and Potash Fertilizer. Kational Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport,, Ct.. — Cooke's Dissolved Ground Bone July 17 -Aug. 12 Aug. 27 Aug. 23 Juiv :; FERTILIZER ANALYSES. Fertilizing Chemicals. 1244. Nitrate of Soda. Stock of H. J. Baker & Bro., N. Y. From lot purchased by J. M. Milbaiik, Greenfield Hill. Sampled and sent by J. M. Milbank. . .Analysis. Xitrogeu. 16.1H Equivalent nitrate of soda, .. 97.93 Cost 3 cents per lb. in N. Y., or $61.50 per ton in Southport. Nitrogen in this fertilizer costs 19.1 cents per lb. 1257. Sulphate of Ammonia. From stock purchased of Na- tional Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport, by the Conn. Valley Orchard Co. of New Britain. Sampled and sent by R. A. Moore, Ken- sington. Analysis. Nitrogen guaranteed, - — ..- 1 9-20.6 Nitrogen found, 20.63 Equivalent sulphate of ammonia, 97.3 Cost 165.00 per ton in Bridgeport, $67.00 in New Britain. Nitrogen in this fertilizer costs 16.2 cents pei- lb. 1247. Kainit. Stock of H, J. Baker & Bro., N. Y. From stock purchased by J. M. Milbank, Greenfield Hill. Sampled and sent by J. M. Milbank. 1255. Muriate of Potash, From stock purchased of National Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport, by the Conn. Valley Orchard Co. of New Britain. Sampled and sent by R. A. Moore, Kensington. Analyses. 124T 1255 Potash guaranteed, 50.50 Potash found, 12.47 47.65 Equivalent sulphate of potash, 23.06 Equivalent muriate of potash, 75.47 Cost per ton. with freight added, $12.00 $39.00 Potash costs per lb. .-- 4.8 cts. 4.1 cts. Potash Fertilizers. Six samples of " Potash Fertilizers," in one ,case " said to be ashes of Cotton Seed Hulls," and in another called " Sulphate of potash," have been analyzed for parties in Suffield and Ware- house Point. All of them were bought of R. E. Pinney, Suffield. The results are as follows : A Soluble Phosphoric acid, . Reverted " " Insoluble " " . Potash soluble in water, - . Potash insoluble in water, Cost per ton, $39.00,39.00 \ |39.00 39.00 Valuation, --Ii50.07 55.34 58.08,40.59 36.54 42.70 1112 1.34 5.59 3.13 1147 2.14 4.72 2.77 23.80 27.73 1.19, .. 1081 1088 1125 1268 1.47 4.18 .52 .25 4.40 .51 .94 4.69 .45 .73 5.88 3.34 32.52 21.87 17.81 19.13 i 2.78 V This material, as the analyses show, is not uniform in composi- tion. The phosphoric acid varies from 5.2 per cent, to 3 0.0, and the potash from 1 J.8 to 32.5 per cent. The samples which are dark in color, 1088_, 1125 and 1268, are inferior to those which are light gray. The water-soluble potash is valued at 7^ cents per lb. since chlorine is not present in any considerable quantity. The potash insoluble in water is disregarded in the valuation. Phosphoric acid is valued at 10, 9 and 4^ cents, as in super- phosphates. These articles furnish potash in a cheap and desir- able form for tobacco, and we understand they were used chiefly on tobacco land. GrEOUND Bone. 1219. Darling's Fine Ground Bone. Made by L. B. Darling & Co., Pawtucket, R. I. From stock of J. B. Barstow & Co., Norwich. Sample drawn by Station Agent. 1273. Forrester's Pure Ground Bone. Made by G. B. Forres- ter, N. Y. From stock purchased by S. B. Wakeman, Saugatuck, and sampled and sent by him, 1265. Ground Bone. 3Ianufacturer'' s Sample. Made by G. W. Miller, JMiddlefield. Sampled and sent by him. 1266. Slade's Ground Bone. Made by F. C. Slade, Oakville. Sample drawn by Station Agent. Mechanical Analyses. 1219 Finer than o'-y- inch, 77 '■' is " - ---- IC It u 1_ II f; \t • II u .1. li Coarser than ^ " 100 100 100 100 Chemical Analyses and Valuation. 1219 12T3 1265 1266 Nitrogen, 3.51 3.97 4.17 4.15 Phosphoric acid, 22.98 22.99 21.10 21.59 Costperton, $42.00 39.00 36.00* 35.00* Valuation per ton, 39.10 41.10 34.90 35.57 * At the milL 12T3 1265 1266 80 26 29 20 23 36 32 14 19 10 11 H fe >, .J2 *■' 'O .2 ^ "a a a> 60 a o 00 - - - ; - - - - _a CD ^ n^ "S. d r^ a _aj ^ T3 d 'TS r2 a O 03 '3 'a t-T 0) H o % 3 W § CB w ■ft 3 CD •c :^ CO 3 M 3 3 '^ h' 03 1 O d !2i d CS 3" pp bD d d - d <<-. o -^ c 3 o ;- - > «-i ^ ^ o -ti "d (B O ^ CD u 05 1^ m o s 5 _CB a G t/T S ^ to q '5 II < •paa'jnBJBno ; : ^ : i : BO ^ ; •puno^ • to -4 to 2- ^4 So PPV "sond iu}ox ; to' t^ <^ to ^o to BO •pnno.^ PPV -soud: imox to to to to 2^ 00 to oo to o6 to •ainniosni CO 1:- iO 00 o> 00 CO CO 00 00 o CO -luv ui aiqnios 00 o CD r- CO OS © o o o CO •431 «AV n{ amnios o o o 00 05 CO to o CO ■puno^ uoSoJiiN iB}ox •J9n«iv: •tjiaoininv uioaj{ ^ IX> r-l ^ 'C "k O O r- O C3 >. .a; J?' S Ph ^ fl. O) [XH li< ^ tn fl o 13 pq D-, o- ^4 t» >ft o e<9 »» e> -« — »♦ %. o o Q C3 cc H P^ p- a ;0 oT ^* « QC «» ?0 •2 o O'MOO*-- — '*0e««50»»'^ ^* — ei9 _g I^ e.» o» e>» (M i»* e* —< -" — »»»» '-' «« «» ■, o _g ^ rJl a -C! m 5 a r - :: a 550 .. - a* a CO < W ^a a ^ CS _o CS ^■2 3 „ a — a; . =3 - n -t^ o CO 1-5 Ph5 S (ij _^i . S ^ _o 'a "p. a CO S a o p "> "^ a' a' OS K a' o O) d a o CO JH 5 > Si '3 d" 1." - d ■ , a ' cc ' 1 i CS a W;2 oKcq CB II .2^ 1 o CO Xfl t-j 3 « 2 Ot3 - a ^ C3 cz ■> ■> 0-, I '5 a -^a © 1 ^ ■c • P-, :-4 CL, ho 1 c > a> I 5 6 o o 'a o r? ^ ^^ o W a t, Ol CI q3 a> a 4^ £ d "^ o cc a C3 -> 1.S u: . C3 , .CO I '-^ 1 a , 1 9 ^ -' .S co" 'E _g - a ^§ W CO n K ;3s S u 6 O 05 l^ st! % a ^ "cL CO N ■S^ CO ■io a 6 a .2 o = :a CO -2 a a « © C3 o V Cl, 3 S d oj S .5 d CO CS 'a -^ 2 _CS 'a |l a> 1— ( 5 CO G rr K-2 ¥| ^ a TS tl e 6 '73 a -w O S a © 'S^ a ^ PS S S 6 Cu Ph C't^ < ^S a o . o •^oo « M « CS »« »» M -* »^ v3 o (?( »* «» ■^ -< Bo ^* ^ 'is »Q ■punoj: 2.83 2 66 3.00 2.82 1.66 2.32 2.29 2.08 1.32 Co i^ Co "2) 10 i^ vi-Bo H Bo ^"4 P o < o M K o n Hi o H S ■ •5 •Pj^UBJEIlt) ":£ e* ^ Oo uj f~; oq oi csi oj QO 06 oi "i t^ •punoi 10.30 10.17 8.53 8.12 10.16 8.59 9.06 9.92 7.97 »( "^) lO Ci 10 10 ^ <3^ ^' "CJ "^ ^ l-^ >-H >^ •pnno^ PPV "soUcI li^iox 10.85 10.67 10.95 8.89 9.45 15.36 9.55 12.58 12.80 10.17 f^ Oi -<^?^ ■"*©* "to Bo Oi "^ >-K Co Oo Cl oi ^ ^ c^ s >-^ >^ •aiqniosux in 03 00 CO CO o xo -* t- cc CO eq .96 3.52 2.88 2.20 CO OS 00 03 t- Cl i-< 05 00 ^_ ^ in •*_ ci rt ci co' -^ J>^ oo' •pa^jaAaa r— ic cq CO (M (M o 00 co_ "^. '^ in r-<" ■ t-i ' - lO" .97 1.75 1.39 .91 ^H -:t" ci in c 00 02 .CO CQ ^ rt CO in t- ■ rt' rt rt' rt CD CD •jaiTJM at aiqtiios 05 CO lO O O -* ca CO 00 c- CO CO 03 CI> co' 00 i-^ ^ 7.62 7.31 8.53 7.06 6.60 7.76 7.73 5.54 4.85 .67 .75 IB o w •paajuB >^ "J^ ^O "3i CO ^ Qi 1^ |5-; ^ >^ ®;i "Sci Si 2.26 2.31 2.32 3.40 Ci 1-1 t^ »-1 Bo 01 >H i-H <3S '~^ ^_ ?^ Bo OJ Bo "^i ^' S^ ^ Bo Bo •SJaw'EM otubSjo tnojj <3 CD CD lO (M -* Oi C] ^ CD -^_ i-H - i-i - ' i-i rH 1.47 2.31 2.32 3.08 f- r- rt( CD ■— 1 ^^ ir- rt_ CI CD co' rt ci ci -^ CO CO •BinoinuiY raoj^ 1.63 1.62 1.98 1.54 1.00 i:- CO CD CT) in CO •S3:HJj:)iii uiojj; 00 1:- lO o ri ■ g o Baker's A. A. Superphosph. II 11 H. J. Baker's Pelican Bone Fertilizer Baker's Dissolved Bone Bosworth's Superphosphate Bowker's Hill and Drill Phosphate Original Coe's Superphosph. phate Buffalo Fertilizer Company's Superphosphate Potato, Hop and Tobacco Phosphate Bay State Fertilizer E. F. Coe's Superphosphate Russell Coe's Superphosph. Cooke's Blood G iiano Darling's Animal Fertilizer Darling's Animal Fertilizer •OKI lOJlB^S ?e lo «* j>. »» oo ~i <^i '~t '^H »X3 fsl ^ Ci t^ QJ ci e^ ^ — CO cc o 'S< en o CO (D -* o J^ CO o — . CO CO CO «5 CO 00 «D -f '^ '"' !M " ^ "^ ^ co' Ol c^ o -* 00 lO -* Tt( •* Tj< J31BM. m aiqnios I-' C*J OS ". «5 lO o 1-1 \a o> 03 00 (N oc 00 o CO ■ CO S ; c3 a ra t; c: 1 ,a a ^ ox; n n m Of o — O ft ^ 9» > r3 lo S 2 'I' -S a o <3> = o a Mja g 10 M CO ^ ^ ^ O o O D _g 3 Is c« cS 60 bo bp t>. 3 cS C3 CS ri^ CO CO CO T3 ^ ^ a> d" d d" n C3 -4^ OS a en a <1 ^ a P be = 3 d bo -A a d ^ d t= d ^ _o .9 o ca - m CS - m C3 m -u DS CO CO CO 35 CO ^ (D ^ a 'P d 0) t> 'p d' a d a> 1 o <4-l O o 'S CS ^ o: fe w ^ w t2i a 2 2 g -2 C3 "8 CO > V 'P O S "S' P S s ,^' S M t>i d" o CM d" o P- ,^. O ^ o ^>^ o >H T! r-i 0) ^' to t5 w 13 O t- o pq d 03 . o d bn C3 '^ p 6 o i3 d fe; 03 O) 3^ CD ai a r -2 CO |5 CO £■ 03 O o O o o m ^ ® M pR ^ d pR - d Pq 1^ O M &0 o fQ P5 g-Cb PP W d ^ dj r^ d 6 1 pq o , o n P d d i 03 d d d CS o o a d bo O cc a o S 3 s ^ CD o o "S ft bo o a o fM o M rs (D o rH s fin CO ^ .iS m M j: CO 00 03 r!^ ?" 03 M £ « (U o m Sh -2 xn. 1 1 d o (N «» ■^ ^^ « »« QO ^ •^ o W5 t« *» «o t- Ml t- ^ i^i e» «» »i ©» 1—1 i-« OQ 11 ?5 O Q Ed ►J •nox J3(I UOpBtllBA If: CO CD CO CO tr" CO cd' 00 o •aox -lad }8oo ; o o O d o o o o o o lO O o * o oc •auuomo C-1 o <35 iri o CO CD o CO id 05 00 en < b ■ Pi •paa^uB.TBtif) <2> =0 -4- 00 ^ ^>: ^ CO •panoj ^1 CO ^ '^i ^ ^ 1§ <3i Oo CO ' 3 1 -J! ■paaju'EJBno "4 ^ >i5 ■to ; 00 '' •punoj 2? 00 oo 00 o •pgajuiuBiiQ piov -souj IBIOX . ! i^ ; ^ ; ; 00 ; o M o a ta 1 i 1 •pnno^ ppv "soua iBjox So oo o6 Co •aiqnioBni if) CO (M t- CO o 00 CO CO • •paiasAaa r-4 O CO lO 00 r- o co' © •aiqmos OS 00 CO JC- 00 o CO co' CO o t-' U3 00 id in o 05 ■paaiQB *4 •|>nnoj[ Oo i^ CO ^ ■■I311BK oiqbSjo tUOJ^ Bmoraniv tuoaj in — m jt- .-^ Tl< ,— •sajBjjix uioa^ rt iS — »« C^ 1-^ O O In the preceding tables the manufacturer's minimum guaran- tee has in all • cases been given. The " cost ])er ton " is tliat quoted by the retail dealer at the point where the sample was taken, unless otherwise stated. Trade Values in Superphosphates, Special Manures, and Mixed Fbutilizers of High Gradp:s. - The Organic Nitrogen in these classes of goods has been reck- oned at the highest figure laid down in the Ti-ade- Values of Fertilizing Ingredients in Raw Materials, namely, 20 cents ])er pound. Insoluble Phosphoric acid has been reckoned at 4-| cents, and Potash at 4^ cents if sufficient chlorine was present in the fertilizer to combine with it. If there was more Potash present than would combine with the chlorine, then this excess of Potash has been reckoned as sulphate. In most cases the calculated value of Superphosphates and Specials falls considerably below the retail price. The difference between the two represents the manufacturer's expenses in con- verting raw materials into the manufactured, articles. These expenses include grinding and mixing, bagging or barreling, storage and transi^ortation ; commission to agents or dealers ; long credits, interest on investment, bad debts, and finally profits. In the season of 1883 the selling price of superphosphates and specials in Connecticut was on the average 18 per cent, greater than the Station valuations, or 38 per cent, in advance of the wholesale cost of the fertilizing elements in the raw materials. S. W. JOHNSON, Director. TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR, PRINTERS. University of Connecticut Libraries