CONN S 43 .E22 no.238 Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2011 witii funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation Lwrary. \"^ Connecticut Agricultural no. ^5 Experiment Station NEW HAVEN, CONN. BULLETIN 238 FEBRUARY, 1922 BEING THE Report on Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1921 By E. M. BAILEY CONTENTS Page Provisions of the Statutes Relating to Feeding Stuffs 329 Classification of Samples 329 Standards for Wheat Mill Feeds 330 Significance of the Nutrient Groups 330 Coefificients of Digestibility, etc 331 Ether Extract in Molasses Feeds 332 Inspection of 1921 332 Summary of Deficiencies 336 Analyses of Official Samples 338 Analyses of Miscellaneous Samples 360 The Bulletins of this Station are mailed free to citizens of Connecticut who apply for them, and to other applicants as far as the editions permit. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OFFICERS AND STAFF February, 1922. BOARD OF CONTROL. His Excellency, Everett J. Lake, ex-officio, President. James H. Webb, Vice President Hamden George A. Hopson, Secretary New Haven E. H. Jenkins, Director and Treasurer New Haven Joseph W. Alsop Avon Charles R. Treat Orange Elijah Rogers Southington STAFF. Administration. E. H. Jenkins, Ph.D., Director and Treasurer. Miss V. E. Cole, Librarian and Stenographer. Miss L. M. Brautlecht, Bookkeeper and Stenographer. Miss J. V. Berger, Stenographer. William Vbitch, In charge of Buildings and Grounds. Chemistry, Analytical Laboratory. E. M. Bailey, Ph.D., Chemist in Charge. R. E. Andrew, M.A., C. E. Shepard, "j H. D. Edmond, B.S., Owen L. Nolan, • Assistant Chemists. R. T. Merwin, H. J. Fisher, B.A. I Frank Sheldon, Laboratory Assistant. V. L. Churchill, Sampling Agent. Miss Alta H. Moss, Clerk. Biochemical Laboratory. T. B. Osborne, Ph.D., Sc.D., Chemist in Charge. Botany. G. P. Clinton, Sc.D., Botanist in Charge. E. M. Stoddard, B.S., Pomologist. Miss Florence A. McCormick, Ph.D., Pathologist. G. E. Grahau, General Assistant. Mrs. W. W. Kelsey, Stenographer. Entomology, W. E. Britton, Ph.D., Entomologist; State Entomologist. B. H. Walden, B.Agr., M. P. Zappe, B.S., '.Assistant Philip Garman, Ph.D., • Entomologists. John T. Ashworth, Deputy in Charge of Gipsy Moth IVork. Samuel T. Sealy, Deputy in Charge of Mosquito Control. Miss Gladys M. Finley, Stenographer. Forestry. Walter O. Filley, Forester in charge. A. E. Moss, M.F., j . . XT ,,r IT 1111- } Assistant torcstcrs. H. W. HicocK, M.F., 5 Miss Pauline A. Merchant, Stenographer. Plant Breeding. Donald F. Jones, Plant Breeder in charge. P. C. Mangelsdorf, B.S., Assistant. Tobacco Station. G. H. Chapman, Ph.D., Windsor, Conn. Commercial Feeding Stuffs, By E. M. Bailey.* PROVISIONS OF THE STATUTES RELATING TO FEEDING STUFFS. Under the Connecticut statutes the term "concentrated com- mercial feeding- stuffs" covers practically all feeds excepting hay and straw, whole seed, unmixed meal made directly from any of the cereals or from buckwheat, and feed ground from whole grain and sold directly from manufacturer to consumer. Under the new fertilizer law cottonseed meal is classed as a commercial fertilizer and, as such, is subject to analysis fees and tonnage tax. Provision is made, however, to exempt meal sold exclusively for feeding purposes.^ Section 4775 requires that every lot or parcel of concentrated commercial feeding stuff shall bear a statement giving the name and address of the manufacturer or importer, the number of net pounds in the package, the name of the article, and the percentage of protein and fat contained in it. The law forbids the use of any metal in affixing tags. No registration of feed or payment of analysis or license fees is required. The penalty for violation of the statute is not more than $100 fine for the first oft'ense and not more than $200 for each subse- quent oft"ense. The law authorizes this station to take samples from any manufacturer or dealer, in a prescribed manner, and requires the station to analyze annually at least one sample of each brand which it has collected, and to publish these analyses "together with such additional information in relation to the character, composition and use thereof as may be of importance." CLASSIFICATION OF SAMPLES. The classification and summary of commercial feeding stuffs and other materials requiring fodder analysis which have been examined during the past year are as follows : * Analyses are by Messrs. Nolan, Merwin and Fisher; inspection and sampling are by Mr. Churchill ; and the compilation of results for publica- tion is largely due to Miss Moss. ' Chapt. 204, Public Acts, 1919. 33° CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 238. Official samples taken by the Station Agent 159 Samples submitted by individuals 57 Samples examined in connection with field experiments at Storrs .... 267 Samples examined in connection with field experiments at this station 52 Total 535 Only the results of the official inspection and samples submitted by individuals are included in this report. Other data are dis- cussed elsewhere. Official samples taken by this station are classified as follows: Cottonseed Meal 14 Maize Products 17 Linseed Meal 6 Distillers' Products 2 Wheat Bran 19 Brewers' Products 2 Wheat Middlings 14 Dried Beet Pulp 7 Red Dog Flour 3 Dried Buttermilk i Wheat Mixed Feed 6 Proprietary Stock Feeds 51 Rye Products 2 Poultry Feeds 15 Total 159 STANDARDS FOR WHEAT .AIILL FEEDS. Tentative standards for wheat mill feeds, with or without screening's, have been adopted by the Association of Feed Control Officials. The figures which refer to crude fiber and represent the maximum in each case, are as follows : Standard Middlings 9-5% Flour Middlings 6.0 Red Dog Flour 4.0 Brown Shorts 6.5 Gray Shorts 5.5 White Shorts 3.5 Wheat Mixed Feed 8.^ SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUTRIENT GROUPS. The significance of the several nutrient groups as shown by the conventional proximate analysis has been discussed in previous bulletins.^ Occasional inquiries contintie to be received as to the distinction between the terms "nitrogen-free extract" and "carbo- hydrates" appearing- upon commercial feed tags. The sense of the Association of Feed Control Officials upon this point is embodied in resolutions adopted by them as follows : "Resolved that it is the sense of this Association that wc understand the term 'Nitrogen-free Extract' to cover the product indicated by the percen- tage obtained by subtracting from 100 per cent, the sum of the percentages of ash, moisture, protein, fat and fiber. "Resolved tiiat tbc term 'Carbohydrates' be interpreted to cover the ^ Conn. Exp. Sta. Bull. 206, 1918; Bull. 212. 1919. COEFFICIENTS OF DIGESTIBILITY AND NET ENERGY VALUES. 33 1 product indicated by the percentage obtained by the addition of the per- centages of crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract." In practice tag's often bear declarations of both "fiber" and "carbohydrates" and in such cases the term "carbohydrates" must be regarded in the sense of "nitrogen- free extract." The Association has adopted further resolutions to the effect that the practice of packing feeds in bags containing 99 lbs. and selling the same for 100 lbs. net is condemned; and that a ton of feed is 2000 lbs. net. COEFFICIENTS OF DIGESTIBILITY AND NET ENERGY VALUES. The question of digestion coefficients and energy values of feeding stufifs has been discussed in previous reports.^ These factors for most of the types of feed reported herein are given in Table I, and for others the reader is referred to the authorities cited. Table I — Coefficients of Digestibility and Net Energy Values OF Feeding Stuffs. ^ Feed. < Coefficient of digestibility. Carbohy Protein. Fiber, drates. Fat. H43 Cottonseed Meal Cottonseed Feed Linseed Meal (old process).. . Linseed Meal (new process) . . Wheat Bran Wheat Feed Wheat Middlings Red Dog Flour Rye Flour Barley, ground Barley Bran Corn Gluten Meal; Corn Gluten Feed Hominy Feed Brewer's Grains Malt Sprouts Distillers' Grains, Corn Distillers' Grains, Rye Beet Pulp, dried Peanut Cake, without shells. . Soybean Meal, fat extracted.. Cocoanut Cake 92.2 90.0 90.4 89.9 1.6 90.7 90.9 913 89.9 92.5 92.4 93-4 92.8 91.8 89-3 88.2 90.4 58 89 86 76 77 77 85 85 85 66 81 77 73 59 52 90 92 90 37 45 57 73 43 36 30 36 70 20 55 76 76 49 87 95 9 99 23 75 [61 78 87 74 76 78 93 86 90 88 90 57 81 67 83 84 100 87 95 90 89 95 62 87 88 86 90 86 87 93 85 91 89 85 95 84 90 68 100 90.0 88 .'9 85.1 530 59- 1 84.2 80.7 81.3 53-4 72.7 85-1 56.0 75-9 93-6 99-7 83-5 'Henry and Morrison, 15th Ed., pp. 118-119; Armsby and Putney, Penn. Exp. Sta , Bull, 142, 1916. 1 Conn. Exp. Sta. Bull. 212, p. 357, 1918; Bull. 221, pp. 347-351, 1919. 332 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 238. ETHER EXTRACT IN MOLASSES FEEDS. Our experience with the determination of fat in feeds containing molasses or other saccharine material was summarized in our report last year.^ Over a period of seven years nearly one half (42 per cent.) of the samples examined gave lower results for ether extract when the procedure of washing out saccharine sub- stances with water before extracting with ether was followed ; in the remaining cases the results were higher. The official direct method now prescribes extracting with water before extracting with ether in cases where large amounts of soluble carbohydrates are present. We have followed this plan in cases where the ether extract was below guaranty by direct extraction with ether. INSPECTION OF 1921. Remarks on Analyses. (Analyses on pages 33S-357-) The definitions of the various feeding stuffs here given' are those adopted by the Association of Feed Control Ofiicials revised to October, 1921. Cottonseed ]\Ieal. 41.12 Per cent. Protein Cottonseed Meal, Choice Quality, must be finely ground, not necessarily bolted, perfectly sound and sweet in odor, j'ellow, free from excess of lint, and by analysis must contain at least 41.12 per cent, crude protein, equivalent to 8 per cent, of ammonia. Cotton seed meal not fulfilling the above requirements as to color, odor or texture, shall be branded Off Quality. 38.56 Per cent. Protein Cottonseed Meal, Prime Quality, must be finely ground, not necessarily bolted, of sweet odor, reasonably bright in color, yellow, not brown or reddish, free from excess of lint, and by analysis must contain at least 38.56 per cent, crude protein, equivalent to 7.5 per cent, of ammonia. Cottonseed meal not fulfilling the above requirements as to color, odor or texture, shall be branded Off Quality. 36 Per cent. Protein Cottonseed Meal, Good Quality, must be finely ground, not necessarily bolted, of sweet odor, reasonably bright in color, and by analysis must contain at least 36 per cent, crude protein equivalent to 7 per cent, of ammonia. Cottonseed meal not fulfilling the above requirements as to color, odor or texture shall be branded Off Quality. Of fourteen samples examined all satisfied their guaranties with the single exception that 18067, Surety, was 2.62 per cent, low in protein. The average composition of samples examined this year is protein 39.1, fiber 10.9 and fat 7.4 per cent. This is substantially better than the average for the same constituents for the previous six years which shows protein 37.1, fiber 11. 9 and fat 6.9 per cent. The average price has been $40.30 per ton. The " Conn. Exp. Sta., Bull. 229, p. 296, 1920. INSPECTION OF I92I. 333 average for the six-year period just mentioned was $58.80 but this figure reflects the abnormal prices which prevailed at the close of the war when cottonseed meal sold for over $80 per ton. Linseed Meal, Linseed Meal is the ground product obtained after extraction of part of the oil from ground flaxseed screened and cleaned of weed seeds and other foreign materials by the most improved commercial processes, pro- vided that the final product shall not contain over six per cent, of weed seeds and other foreign materials and provided further that no portion of the stated six per cent, of weed seeds and other foreign materials shall be deliberately added. Old Process Oil Meal is the ground product obtained after extraction of part of the oil by crushing, cooking and hydraulic pressure from seeds screened and cleaned of weed seeds and other foreign materials by the most improved commercial processes. When used alone the term "Old Process Oil Meal" shall be understood to designate linseed meal as defined, made by the old process. When used to coA'er any other product the name of the seed from which it is obtained shall be prefixed to "old process oil meal." Six samples, all old process meals, substantially met their guaranties in all respects. Wheat Bran. Wheat Bran is the coarse outer coating of the wheat kernel as separated from cleaned and scoured wheat in the usual process of commercial milling. All of the samples examined satisfied their guaranties as to protein and fat. So far as fiber guaranties were given or known they were not exceeded. The average composition, viz., protein 16.6, fiber 9.5 and fat 5.3 per cent, is substantially better than the average for the previous six years, viz., protein 15.7, fiber 10. i and fat 5.0 per cent. Wheat Middlings. Standard Middlings (Red Shorts or Brovm Shorts) consists mostly of the fine particles of bran, germ and very little of the fibrous offal obtained from the "tail of the mill." This product must be obtained in the usual commercial process of milling. Gray Shorts {Gray Middlings or Total Shorts) consists of the fine particles of the outer bran, the inner bran or bee-wing bran, the germ, and the oflfal or fibrous material obtained from the "tail of the mill." This product must be obtained in the usual process of commercial milling. White Shorts or White Middlings consists of a small portion of the fine bran particles and the germ and a large portion of the fibrous offal obtained from the "tail of the mill." This product must be obtained in the usual process of flour milling. One sample, 17986, exceeded the maximum fiber guaranty by 2.04 per cent, and exceeded also the tentative limit of fiber pre- 334 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 238. scribed for standard middlings'^ by i .04 per cent. Xo deficiencies were found in protein or fat. The average composition of feeds classed as middlings without further qualification has been, for the previous six years, protein 16.7, fiber 6.9 and fat 5.2 per cent. ; the average shown by analyses this year is protein 17.5, fiber 6.9 and fat 5.2 per cent. Red Dog Flour. Red Dog Flour consists of a mixture of low-grade flour, fine particles of bran and the fibrous offal from the "tail of the mill." Only three samples of this material have been examined this year. The guaranties of protein and fat were met, or reasonably substantiated, and the average fiber content did not exceed the ten- tative standard set for this product, viz., 4 per cent. One sample, 18046, contained 4.27 per cent, of fiber. Mixed Feed. Wheat Mixed Feed (Mill Run Wheat Feed) consists of pure wheat bran and the gray or total shorts or flour middlings combined in the proportions obtained in the usual process of commercial milling. Six samples were examined and all satisfied their guaranties of protein and fat. One sample, 17972, exceeded the fiber content fixed for wheat feed^ but the average was well below the tentative standard. The average for protein, fiber and fat as shown by analyses this year is 17.06, 7.68 and 5.13 per cent, respectively while the average for the same ingredients for the previous six years is 16.3, 7.8 and 5.0 per cent, respectively. It is apparent that protein content has increased while the other constituents have maintained the average. Rye Products. Rye Middlings or Rye Feed is the bj'-product obtained from tlie manu- facture of ordinary "100 per cent" rye flour from cleaned and scoured rye grain. The two samples of rye feed examined conformed to their guaranties for protein and fat. Corn Gluten Feed. Corn Glutoi Feed is that portion of commercial shelled corn that remains after the separation of the larger part of the starch and tlie germs by the processes employed in the manufacture of cornstarch and glucose. It may or maj'- not contain corn solubles. ^ Bv the As.sociation of Feed Control Ofticials. 1921. - Ibid. INSPECTION OF I92I. 335 Four samples were examined which satisfied their guaranties of protein and fat except in case of 15724 where a deficiency of 1.41 per cent, in fat was found. Corn Gluten Meal. Corn Gluten Meal is that part of commercial shelled com that remains after the separation of the larger part of the starch, the germ and the bran, by the processes employed in the manufacture of cornstarch and glucose. It may or may not contain corn solubles. Only one sample was examined. It exceeded its guaranty in both protein and fat. Hominy Feed. Hominy Fee'd, Hominy Meal or Hominy Chop is the kiln-dried mixture of the mill run bran coating, the mill run germ, with or without a partial extraction of the oil and a part of the starchy portion of the Avhite corn kernel obtained in the manufacture of hominy, hominy grits and corn meal by the degerminating process. Eleven samples were examined. Three, 15752, 18060 and 18022 were deficient in fat and one. 17983, contained an excess of fiber. Corn Meal. Only one sample was examined. It was of normal composition and quality. Distillery and Brewery Products. Two samples each of distillers' and brewers' dried grains were examined. They satisfied their respective guaranties except in case of 15755 which was 1.44 per cent, low in protein. Dried Beet Pulp. Dried Beet Pulp is the dried residue from sugar beets which have been cleaned and freed from crowns, leaves and sand, and which have been extracted in the process of manufacturing sugar. Seven samples were examined. The guaranties of protein and fat were satisfactorily met and generally exceeded. No signifi- cant excess of fiber M^as found. Proprietary Mixed Feeds. The variety of sources from which these mixtures derive their nutrients results in a supplementing of nutritive qualities which is in harmony with modern ideas of efficient feeding. When compounded with materials of approved feeding value free from excess of hulls, screenings, etc., they are desirable feeds. As to 336 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 238. the economy of their use we are unable to discover any logical relation between selling price and composition. The ingredients of which these feeds are composed are generally stated on the tags and this information, although not required by law in this state, is valuable to the feeder. Of fifty-one samples examined only live failed to satisfy their guaranties, and in only two of these were the deficiencies con- spicuous. There was a deficiency in protein of 2.06 per cent, in 18023 and deficiencies in both protein and fat in 18047, the amounts being 1.37 and 0.91 per cent, respectively. Poultry Feeds. Fifteen samples were analyzed. A deficiency in protein of 5.75 per cent, was found in 18008. SUMMARY OF DEFICIENCIES Variations from guaranty greater than one per cent, in protein and in fiber and one-fourth of one per cent, in fat are summarized in Table II. SUMMARY OF DEFICIENCIES. 337 Table II. — Feeds not Conforming To Guaranties or Otherwise Illegal. Station No. Manufacturer and Brand. Protein Defici- ency. Fat Defici- ency. Fiber Excess. Remarks. 18067 17989 15728 17998 17986 15722 15724 15752 17983 18060 18022 15755 18002 18023 18026 18047 18008 Cottonseed Meal Surety. American Cotton Oil Co., Memphis, Tenn Danish. Humphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Tenn Sun. A. C. Westervelt & Co., Mem- phis, Tenn 2.62 Linseed Meal Oil Meal. Kelloggs & Miller, Amster- dam, N. Y Wheat Middlings Hecker-Jones-Jewell Milling N. Y Co. Wheat Feed {Mixed Feed) Wirthmore. St. Albans Grain St. Albans, Vt Co. Corn Gluten Feed Success. U. S. Food Products Corp, Peoria, 111 Hominy Feed Illinois Snowflake. Illinois Feed & Elevator Co., Bloomington, 111. . White. Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake Co., Battle Creek, Mich Plymouth. Plymouth Milling Co., Lemars, Iowa Sparr Cereal Co., Marchfield, Wis. Brewers^ Products Dried Brewers' Grains. Atlantic Ex- port Co., N. Y 1.44 Proprietary Mixed Feeds. Blatchford's Calf Meal, Blatchford Calf Meal Co., Wauregan, 111. . . Vitality Milk Ration. Rosenbaum Bros., Chicago, 111 Nobotheration Stock Feed. C. W. Campbell Co., Westerly, R. I... Delaware. Delaware Mills, Deposite, N. Y Poultry Feeds Wirthmore. St. Albans Grain Co., St. Albans, Vt 2.06 1-37 5-75 Wire tags, illegal. Wire tags, illegal. Wire tags, illegal. 0.47 1. 41 2.00 0.55 2.04 2.27 0.39 1.09 0.91 2,^8 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 238. Table III. — Analyses of Commercl\l Feeds, Manufacturer and Brand. Retail Dealer. Oil Seed Products. Cottonseed Meal. Longhorn. American Cotton Oil Co., Memphis, Tenn Surety. American Cotton Oil Co., Memphis, Tenn Monarch. Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co., Atlanta, Ga Paramount. Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co., Atlanta, Ga St. Clair. East St. Louis Cotton Oil Co., National Stock Yards, 111. Bull. Humphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Tenn. Danish. Humphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Tenn Dixie. Humphrevs-Godwin Co., Memphis, Tenn \ Forfat. Humphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Tenn Economy. Lyle & Lyle, Huntsville, Ala Syragold. Syracuse Milling Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Taylor Commission Co., Atlanta, Ga Planet. A. C. Westervelt & Co., Memphis, Tenn Sun. A. C. Westervelt & Co., Mempliis, Tenn. Amco. Linseed Meal, Old Process. American Milling Co., Peoria, 111. Ground Oil Cake. Archer-Daniels Linseed Co., Buffalo, N. Y Guaranty Middlelown: Meech & Stod- dard, Inc Guaranty Middletown: Meech & Stod- dard, Inc Guaranty Hartford: Garber-Northam Grain Co Guaranty West Cheshire: G. W. Thorpe. Guarantv Westerly': C. W. Campbell Co. Guaranty Willimantic: W i 1 1 i m a n t i c Grain Co Guarantv Wallingford: A. E. Hall Guarantv Rockville: Rockville ^Milling Co Guaranty Torriugton: D. L. Talcott .... Guarantv Plantsville: C. A. Cowles Guaranty Somers: W. C. Everett Guaranty Aliddletown: Meech & Stod- dard, Inc Guarant\- So. Coventry: So. Coventry. Grain Elevator Guarantv Willimantic: E. A. Buck Co. . Guaranty Average guaranty Average of analyses Average digestible New Haven: R. G. Davis l' Mills, Minneapolis, Minn. Quaker City Flour Mills Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Washburn Mills, Minneapolis, Minn Washburn-Crosby Co., Minneapolis, Minn Pioneer. Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Canada Atkinson's. Made in Minneapolis, Minn Wheat Middlings. Bay State. Bay State Milling Co., Winona, Minn Dairy Maid. Federal Mill & Elev. Co., Lock- port, N. Y Hecker-J ones-Jewell Milling Co., New York. . . . Rex. Maple Leaf Milling Co., Toronto, Canada Niagara. Niagara Falls Milling Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y PiUsbury's B. Pillsbury Mills, IMinneapolis, Minn ' Quaker City. Quaker City Flour Mills Co., Philadelphia, Pa Alta. Russell Miller Milling Co., MinneapoHs, Minn .^ Snowball. Shane Bros. & Wilson Co., Minne- apolis, Minn Angelus. Thompson Milling Co., Lockport, N. Y Geo. Urban Milling Co., Buflfalo, N. Y Meriden: August Grulich Est. Guarant}- Ansonia: Ansonia Flour & Grain Co Guarant}- North Haven: W. L. Thorpe. . Guarant}.' Rockville: Rockville Milling Co. Guaranty Middletoum: Meech & Stod- dard, Inc.. Guaranty Jewett City: Jewett Citv Grain Co : Guaranty Soiithport: C. Buckingham & Co Guaranty Average guaranty Average of analyses Average digestible Ansonia: Ansonia Flour & Grain Co Guaranty ye-w London: P. Swartz Co.. . Guaranty Stamford: W. L. Crabb Guaranty Hamden: I. W. Beers Guaranty Meriden: August Grulich Est. Guaranty Plainville: Eaton Bros Guaranty North Haven: W. L. Thorpe. . Guaranty Norwich: Yantic Grain & Products Co Guaranty Guilford: Fred C. Morse Guaranty New Britain: C. W. Lines Co. Guaranty Bran ford: S. V. Osborn Guaranty With screenings. Analyses. Inspection of 192 i — Continued. 343 Pounds per Hundred. Station Price No. Nitrogen-free Ether per Water. Ash. Protein Fiber. Extract Extract ton. (Nx 6.25). (Starch, gum, etc.). (Crude Fat). 17992 8.46 6.29 17.19 9-15 53.82 509 $29 . 00 16.00 3 50 1 797 1 8 77 5 98 16.50 13.00 9.91 53 70 5 4 14 00 28 00 17969 8 85 6 33 15.38 13.00 8^54 56 17 4 3 73 00 27 00 15766 9 18 6 36 16.50 13.00 9.89 53 00 5 4 07 00 25 00 18068 8 84 6 65 1563 13.00 10.09 54 39 4 4 40 00 18024 9 29 5 94 16.56 14-50 9.13 53 44 5 3 64 50 29 00 17976 7 13 6 52 16.25 13.00 14 15 9.78 10.50 54 97 5 4 3 35 00 64 30 00 8 36 6 31 16.60 9 51 53 92 5 30 28 27 12.6 4.0 40.1 3 3 17973 II .24 2.85 17.38 2.61 61 .92 4.00 40.00 14.00 2 00 18010 8 25 4 72 16.38 13.00 6^36 59 25 5 3 04 00 30 00 17986 6 85 5 29 17.50 15.50 10.54 8.50 53 54 96 24 5 4 86 50 28 00 15745 8 72 4 47 17.63 16.00 7-93 55 42 5 5 83 50 28 00 1 799 1 8 13 4 80 18.13 16.50 7-98 55 42 5 3 54 50 30 00 18033 9 09 5 35 16.88 14.00 8^56 55 58 4 4 54 00 33 00 17966 8 62 3 78 16.69 14.00 4-47 61 33 5 4 II 00 36 00 18021 7 99 5 10 19.00 15.00 8.01 53 50 6 4 40 50 34 00 15742 9 16 4 37 18.75 16.00 5^36 57 59 4 4 77 00 34 00 18005 8 38 4 76 16.94 II .00 7:16 57 85 4 3 91 00 32 00 15740 8 39 5 40 16.06 "7-95 56 99 5 21 30 00 15.00 9.50 4.00 344 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 238. Table III. — Analyses of Commercial Feeds, Manufacturer and Brand. Wheat Products — Concluded Wheat Middlings — Concluded Victor. Victor Flour Mills, Victor, N. Y. Standard. Washburn-Crosby Co., Minneapolis. Minn Atkinson's. Made in Minneapolis, Minn Red Dog Flour. Marshall Milling Co., Marshall, ]Minn. Komo. St. Paul Milling Co., St. Paul, Minn. . . Adrian. Washburn-Crosby Co., Minneapolis, Minn Wheat Feed {Mixed Feed). Grafton. Grafton Roller Mill Co., Grafton, No. Dakota Pillsbury's Fancy. Pillsbury Mills, Minne- apolis, Minn Occident. Russell Miller Milling Co., Minne- apolis, Minn Wirthmore. St. Albans Grain Co., St. Albans, Vt Gold Mine. Sheffield King Milling Co., Minne- apolis, Minn Kent. Williams Bros. Co., Kent, Ohio Retail Dealer. Wins ted: Sons. . . Guaranty . E. Manchester & Stafford Springs: Dennis Grain Mill Guaranty Southport: C. Buckingham & Co Guaranty Average guaranty Average of analyses Average digestible Danbury: F. C. Benjamin .... Guaranty Hartford: Meech Grain Co. . . Guaranty New Haven: R. G. Davis & Sons . . . .' Guaranty Average guaranty Average cf analyses Average digestible Tho7npsonville: Geo. S. Phelps & Co Guaranty : . . . . Danbury: H. E. Meeker Guaranty Guilford: Fred C. Morse Guaranty South Coventry: South Coven- try Grain Elev Guaranty Afisojiia: Ansonia Flour & Grain Co Guaranty Whistcd: E. Manchester & Sons Guaranty Average guaranty Average of analyses Average digestible *With screenings. Analyses. Inspection of 1921 — Continued. 345 Pounds per Hundred. Station No. Water. Ash. Protein (N. X 6.25). Fiber. Nitrogen-free Extract (Starch, gum, etc.). Ether Extract (Crude Fat). Price per ton. 18061 15720 17974 18046 18062 1 804 1 15754 18045 1574I 15722 17972 18057 8.56 9.61 9.46 8^74 9.88 8 '87 9.68 9-47 17 •53 '87 .68 •74 :84 5-37 5-03 4-13 4.67 3.60 4^63 63 62 62 59 72 43 34 27 16 17-50 17-50 17.69 14.00 18.25 15.00 14 75 17.48 13-5 18.06 15.00 19 50 16.00 16.75 16.00 15.66 18.10 15 93 17.13 14.00 17.94 14.00 19.00 16.00 16.75 15.00 16.44 15.00 15-13 16.00 15 00 17.06 13 14 7-38 7-67 5.08 6.93 2.1 27 61 99 62 30 25 49 41 40 39 18 55-29 54 71 58 14 56.95 44-4 59 85 57 74 64 18 60 53 60 32 55 57 52 59 54 59 56 42 5-29 4.00 4-94 5.00 4.00 5 23 4-6 34 00 65 00 77 00 00 59 95 5.60 2.70 5-24 4.00 5-96 4-50 4.20 4-50 5-30 4-50 4-48 3-50 3 95 5 13 4 44 $33-00 26.00 30.00 31-71 44.00 54-00 43.00 47.00 29.00 36.00 28.00 38.00 30.00 38.00 33-16 ;46 COXXECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 238. Table III. — Analyses of Commercial Feeds, Manufacturer and Brand. Retail Dealer. Rye Products. Feed. Boutwell Milling Co., Troy, N. Y. Irving Mills Feed. Van Vechting Milling Co., Rochester, N. Y Maize Products. Corn Gluten Feed. Buffalo. Corn Products Refining Co., N. Y Douglas. Penick & Ford., Inc., Chicago, 111. . . . Staley's. A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., Decatur, 111. . . Success. U. S. Food Products Corp., Peoria, 111. Com Gluten Meal. Diamond. Corn Products Refining Co., N. Y. Hominy Feed. Homco. American Hominy Co., Indianapolis, Ind Emco. Evans Milling Co., Indianapolis, Ind. . . Illinois Snowflake. Illinois Feed & Elevator Co., Bloomington, 111 White. Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake Co., Battle Creek, Mich Badger. Chas. A. Krause Milling Co., Mil- waukee, Wis Choice Steam Cooked. Miner-Hillard Milling Co., Wilkes-Barre, Pa Mystic. Mystic Mills, Sioux City, Iowa New Haven: R. G. Davis & Sons Guaranty Torrington: D. L. Talcott. . . . Guaranty East Have?i: F. A. Forbes. . . . Guaranty Middletown: Meech & Stod- dard, Inc Guaranty Ansonia: Ansonia Flour & Grain Co Guaranty Williniantic: W i 1 1 i m a n t i c Grain Co Guaranty Average guaranty Average of analyses Average digestible Westerly: C. W. Campbell Co Guaranty Norwalk: C. E. Slauson Co. . Guaranty Branford: S. V. Osborn Guaranty Thorn psotiville: Geo. S. Phelps & Co Guarantv Stamford: W. L. Crabb Guarantv Middletown: Meech & Stod- dard, Inc Guaranty Guilford: Fred C. Morse Guaranty Hartford: Garber-Northam . . Grain Co Guaranty Analyses. Inspection of 1921 — Continued. !47 Pounds per Hundred. Station No. Water. Ash. Protein (Nx 6.25), Fiber. Nitrogen-free Extract (Starch, gum, etc.). Ether Extract (Crude Fat). Price per ton. 18040 18055 15733 18000 17970 15724 18030 17978 15737 15752 17983 18003 15743 18066 •79 '64 ■50 •83 •50 •63 7-79 .67 •49 94 57 .08 •55 8.24 3-81 3-28 13 31 60 08 28 1.56 .72 •99 25 51 01 13 2.31 15^44 13 50 16.50 13.00 25^50 23.00 23 25 23.00 24.44 23.00 23^75 23.00 23.00 24.23 20.6 45-25 40.00 10.94 10.00 11-75 10.00 9-50 9-50 II .00 10.00 12.25 10.00 10.81 10.00 10.56 8.50 4.29 3-95 15 II .61 5-07 6.00 497 7.00 1 .90 3.00 7.27 5.00 3-46 5.00 4.68 5.00 4. 10 5-00 64.49 64-33 30-73 66 62 55 13 00 73 39 65 55 62 00 65 78 68 19 68 65 07 .00 3-18 3.00 3-30 2.00 3-20 1 .00 2.14 1 .00 2.41 1 .00 3-59 5.00 2.00 2.83 2.6 3.06 1 .00 8.01 6.00 9.67 750 4.02 4-50 7-03 5.00 7.42 5.00 5^64 4.00 6.72 4.00 VS32 . 00 29.00 38. 38, 40 38 38. 50 62 54.00 35 • 34- 30 37 31 31 00 00 00 00 32.00 34^ CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 238. Table III. — Analyses of Commercl\l Feeds, Manufacturer and Brand. Maize Products — Coticluded. Hominy Feed — Concluded The Patent Cereal Co., Geneva, N. Y Plymouth. Plymouth Milling Co., Lemars, Iowa Plymouth. Plymouth Milling Co., Lemars, Iowa Sparr Cereal Co., Marchfield, Wis Corn Meal. Meech & Stoddard, Inc., Middletown Distillers' Products. Com Distillers' Dried Grains. American Mill- ing Co., Peoria, 111 Rossville Distillers' Dried Grains. The Ross- ville Co., Lawrenceburg, Ind Brewers' Products. Dried Brewers' Grains. Atlantic Export Co., N. Y Fleischmann's Dried Grains. Fleischmann Co., Peekskill, N. Y Dried Beet Pulp. Dried Beet Pulp. Clover Leaf Milling Co., Buffalo, N. Y Dried Molasses-Beet Pulp. Larrowe Milling Co., Detroit, Mich Dried Beet Pulp. Larrowe Milling Co., Detroit, Michigan Dried Beet Pulp. Larrowe Milling Co., Detroit, Mich Dried Beet Pulp. Larrowe Milling Co., Detroit, Mich Dried Beet Pulp. Michigan Sugar Co., Saginaw, Mich Retail Dealer. West Cheshire: G. W. Thorpe . Guaranty Yantic: Yantic Grain & Prod- ucts Co Guaranty Winsted: E. Manchester & Sons Guaranty Yantic: Yantic Grain & Prod- ucts Co Guaranty Average guaranty Average of analyses Average digestible Middletown: Meech & Stod- dard, Inc New Haven: R. G. Davis & Sons Guaranty Winsted: E. Manchester & Sons Guaranty Thorn psonville: Geo. S. Phelps & Co Guaranty East Haven: F. A. Forbes. . . . Guaranty NrcV Britain: Stanlej- Svea Grain & Coal Co Guarantv Westerly': C. W. Campbell . . . Guaranty Hamden: I. W. Beers Guaranty Norwalk': C. E. Slauson Co. . . Guarantv WalUnsford: A. E. Hall Guarantv North Haven : W. L. Thorpe . . Guaranty Analyses. Inspection of igii^Continued. 349 Station No. 15750 18017 18060 18022 18069 18042 18059 15755 15732 18004 18027 15744 17980 17987 17964 Water. 6.97 6.84 28 76 85 9.82 5-31 5-34 5.85 5-03 Pounds per Hundred. Ash. 2.78 2.62 2.00 2 . 16 2.40 I .40 1-54 3-15 3-45 2.45 7 69 3- 6 39 6. 6. 6 21 3- 6 39 3- 5 83 2. 6 32 3 19 .00 .09 • 50 '67 •53 Protein (N, X 6.25). 11.38 10.00 II. 31 10.00 10.13 10.00 10.25 10.00 9.81 10.89 7-2 938 29.69 28.00 31-13 30.00 23 56 25.00 19.94 17.00 38 00 63 00 93 00 13 00 88 00 69 00 Fiber. 5 15 5 00 4 22 3 52 4 10 9 00 5 55 4 40 3 3 2.06 II .72 15.00 12. 17 13.00 12.28 14.00 16.33 21 .00 19-45 20.00 15-29 20.00 20.13 18.37 20.00 20.09 20.00 19-95 Nitrogen-free Extract (Starch, gum, etc.). 67 60 66 69 68 58 67 60 97 00 40 57 28 44 48 7 73 29 37-77 30.00 35-40 47-55 48.46 58 81 58 00 61 77 54 00 60 98 61 67 58 00 60 59 58 00 59 63 Ether Extract (Crude Fat). 5-75 5-00 8.61 8.50 6.50 8.50 7-45 8.00 6.00 6.98 6.4 4-05 13-97 8.00 12.81 10.00 7-31 6.00 7-79 6.00 1 .46 0.50 0.73 0.66 0.50 0.94 0.50 0.94 0.50 0.88 0.50 Price per ton. $30.00 34-00 37-00 34.00 33^18 38.00 53-00 39.00 25.00 37.00 31.00 35 00 35-00 32.00 350 ■ CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 238. Table III. — Analyses of Commercl\l Feeds, Manufacturer and Brand. Retail Dealer. Dried Beet Pulp — Concluded Dried Beet Pulp. The Ubiko Milling Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio Proprietary Mixed Feeds. Horse, Dairy and Stock Feeds. Blatchford's Calf Meal. Blatchford Calf Meal Co., Wauregan, 111 Schumacher Calf Meal. Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, 111 Portage Horse Feed. Akron Feed & Milling Co., Akron, Ohio Armour's Horse Feed. Armour Grain Co., Chicago, 111 Big 4 Horse Feed. Clover Leaf Milling Co., Buffalo, N. Y Morhaste Horse Feed. Curtiss Grain Corp., Buffalo, N. Y Kingfalfa Horse Feed. Hales & Hunter Co., Chicago, 111 Hamlin's Quality Feed. Dwight Hamlin, Pitts- burgh, Pa Besco Heavy Grain Horse Feed. G. C. Haste, Inc., New York Algrane Horse Feed. H-O Co.'s Mills, Buffalo, N. Y Chelsea Horse Feed. Park & Pollard Co., Bos- ton, Mass Peters Arab Horse Feed. M. C. Peters Mills Co., Omaha, Neb Green Cross Horse Mixed Feed. Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, 111 Mogul Mixed Feed. Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, 111 Wirthmore Pig Feed. C. M. Cox, Boston, Mass. Larrowe Hog Feed. Larrowe Milling Co., Detroit, Mich Mystic: Mystic Grain Co Guaranty Average guaranty Average of analyses Average digestible Middletown: Meech & Stod- dard, Inc Guaranty New Miiford: Geo. T. Soule . . Guaranty New London: Conn. Grain Corp Guaranty Stamford: W. L. Crabb Guaranty New Haven: Crittenden-Ben- ham Co Guaranty- Branford: S. V. Osbom Guaranty Manchester: Little & McKin- ney Guaranty Hazardville: A. D. Bridges Sons Guaranty North Haven: W. L. Thorpe. . Guaranty Westerly: C. W. Campbell Co. Guaranty Waterbury: Spencer Grain Co. Guaranty Bristol: Goodsell Bros Guaranty Thompsonville: Geo. S. Phelps & Co Guaranty Manchester: Little & McKin- ney Guaranty Neiv Miiford: Geo. T. Soule. . Guaranty Rockville: Rockville Grain & Coal Co Guaranty Analyses. Inspection of 1921 — Continued. 351 Station No. 18002 18049 18006 17982 18038 1 5739 15762 IS759 17967 18025 18037 1 803 1 15756 15763 18048 17963 Water. 5-81 6.37 8.58 7.24 5-43 6.50 4.40 6'48 5-49 4.88 5-27 7.70 4. II 5 64 5-93 5-16 8^43 8.14 Pounds per Hundred. Ash. 2.96 3 59 41 53 75 86 93 14 II 44 33 30 27 36 15 99 Protein (N. X6.25). 10.06 8.00 8.00 9 52 50 24.56 24.00 20.63 18.00 11.63 10.00 12.13 II .00 9.00 9.00 9 63 7.00 11.56 10.00 9.00 10.81 9.00 10.81 II .00 8.63 9.00 II .00 10.00 12.13 10.00 9 25 10.00 20.25 18.00 23 13 18.00 Fiber. 1973 20.00 20.00 19.00 15.8 7 02 2 42 9 66 10 64 II 13 8.85 14.00 12.04 I3I3 '8'28 10.31 9-75 10.86 10 73 II 33 16 80 8 10 7 60 Nitrogen-free Extract (Starch, gum, etc.) 60.34 60.00 57.60 60.57 50.2 49.42 54 48 65.29 61.30 65 -79 65-45 61 .60 64.77 67.61 61^82 66.22 63.64 61.77 58.99 47.22 48.46 Ether Extract (Crude Fat). I . 10 0.50 0.50 0.95 4.61 5.00 9.01 8.00 2.58 2.00 4.90 4.00 3-93 2 .00 3-73 3.00 2.38 2.00 2.20 1.50 3 92 2.00 3 92 4.00 2.85 2.00 2.69 2.00 2.57 2.50 2.44 2.50 5-85 5.00 6.68 5.00 $32 ■ 00 Price per ton. 33.66 87.00 98.00 38.00 44.00 33.00 35.00 42.00 39.00 42 .00 34,00 37.00 43.00 38.00 42.00 49,00 58.00 352 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 238. Table III. — Analyses of Commerclvl Feeds, Proprietary Mixed Feeds — Conlintied. Horse, Dairy and Stock Feeds — Continued. Nobotheration. C. W. Campbell Co., Westerly, R. I. Unicom Dairy Ration. Chapin & Co., Ham- mond, Ind Eshelman's 25 Dairy Ration. John W. Eshel- man & Son, Lancaster, Pa Grandin's Twin-Six Dairy Feed. D. H. Grandin, Milling Co., Jamestown, N. J Read The Tag Dairy Feed. H-0 Cereal Co., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y Larro Dairy Feed. Larrowe Milling Co., Detroit, Mich Red Star Dairy Feed. E. Manchester & Sons, Winsted Barford's Balanced Ration. Meech & Stoddard, Inc., Middletown Experimental Dairy Ration. Meech & Stod- dard, Inc., Middletown Stevens 44 Dairy Ration. Park & Pollard Co., Boston, Mass Pillsbury's Dairy Ration. Pillsbury Flour Mills Co., Minneapolis, Minn Protena Dairy Feed. Purina Mills Co., Ralston Purina Cow Chow. Purina Mills, St. Louis .... Big Q Dairy Ration. Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, 111 Vitality Milk Ration. Rosenbaum Bros., Chi- cago, 111 Syragold Dairy Feed. Syracuse Milling Co., Syracuse, N. Y Red Brand Ti-O-Ga Dairy Feed. Tioga Mill and Elev. Co., Waverly, N. Y Mystic: J. L. Manning Co Guaranty Hazardville: A. D. Bridge's Sons Guaranty West Cheshire: G. W. Thorpe. Guaranty Willimantic: Willimantic Grain Co Guaranty Plantsville: C. A. Cowles Guaranty Rockville: Rockville Grain & Coal Co Guaranty Winsted: E. Manchester & Sons Guaranty Meriden: Meriden Grain & Coal Co Guaranty Middletown: Meech & Stod- dard, Inc Guaranty Waterbury: Spencer Grain Co. Guaranty North Haven: W. L. Thorpe. . Guaranty Nonvalk: C. E. Slauson Co. . . Guaranty New Haven: Crittenden-B en- ham Co Guaranty Stafford Springs: Dennis Grain Mill Guaranty Jewett City: Jewett Cit\- Grain Co....: .' Guaranty Willimantic: Boston Grain Co Guaranty West Cheshire: G. W. Thorpe. Guaranty Analyses. Inspection of i()2i— Continued. 353 Pounds per Hundred. Station No. Water. Ash. 18013 15760 15748 15727 17996 17962 18058 17990 18070 18036 17965 17979 18039 15719 18023 15730 15749 •25 72 22 04 98 42 36 35 ,60 16 .0.-; .28 ■47 .04 .02 ^82 .57 ,27 94 17 60 '■5 2f 7-56 7 Protein (N. X 6.25). 20.44 20.00 25-25 24.00 27-75 25.00 24.44 22.00 23-63 20.00 21.50 20.00 23-25 23.00 20.06 19.00 17-38 23-38 24.00 19-75 19.00 19-56 16.50 26.56 24.00 20.56 21 .00 22.94 25.00 25-50 24.00 27.88 23.00 Fiber. 6 9 8 10 00 23 9 46 9 12 7 9 II 01 00 26 50 72 10 40 8 84 8 09 13 63 9 75 9-51 11.47 10.33 9-44 9.14 10^38 II .00 Nitrogen-free Extract (Starch, gum, etc.). 56.36 45-76 45-52 48.10 52.62 49-05 46.23 51-83 56.36 42-45 50.21 53-86 46.33 49-69 48-53 44-23 42.36 Ether Extract (Crude Fat). Price per ton. 4.81 4.00 6.02 4-50 5-23 5.00 5-84 5.00 5-24 5.00 4-43 3-50 6.82 4.00 6.75 5-50 4-97 6^13 5.00 4-99 4.00 4-65 3-50 5-25 4-30 6.36 4-50 4.92 4-50 8.08 4-50 5-76 3-50 $37-00 47-00 41 .00 41 .00 40.00 45.00 48.00 44.00 44.00 45.00 35-00 ; 51.00 48.00 48.00 43.00 42.00 354 COXXECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATIOX BULLETIN 238. Table III. — Analyses of Commercl\l Feeds, Manufacturer and Brand. Retail Dealer. Proprietary Mixed Feeds— Conchided. Horse, Dairy and Stock Feeds — Concluded. Biles Ready Dairy Ration. Ubiko Milling Co., Cincinnati, Ohio Hi-Lo Dairy Ration. U. S. Food Products Co., Peoria, 111 Tes-Ted Dairy Feed. U. S. Food Products Co., Peoria, 111 Iroquois Stock Feed. Armour Grain Co., Chi- cago, 111 Pennant Brand Stock Feed. E. W. Bailey & & Co., Swanton, Vt Nobotheration Stock Feed. C. W. Campbell Co., Westerly, R. I Delaware. Delaware Mills, Deposite, N. Y. . . . New England Stock Feed. H-0 Co.'s Mills, Buffalo, N. Y Homestead Stock Feed. Illinois Feed & Eleva- tor Co., Bloomington, 111 Bull Brand Stock Feed. Maritime Milling Co., Buffalo, N. Y M. & S. Stock Feed. Meech & Stoddard, Inc., Middletown Stock Feed. Park & Pollard Co., Boston, Mass. Iowa Stock Feed. Purity Oats Co., Davenport, Iowa Schumacher Sugured Feed. Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, 111 White Diamond Stock Feed. Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, 111 Charlestock Feed. St. Albans Grain Co., St. Albans, Vt Wirthmore Stock Feed. St. Albans Grain Co., St. Albans, Vt Syragold Stock Feed. Syracuse Milling Co., Syracuse, N. Y Yantic: Yantic Grain & Prod- ucts Co Guarant}' Willimantic : Willimantic Grain Co Guaranty New Haven: R. G. Davis & Son.s Guaranty New Lotidon: P. Swartz Co. . . Guaranty Mystic: Mystic Grain Co Guaranty Westerly: C. W. Campbell Co. Guaranty Brookfield: C. R. Dubia Guaranty Mystic: j. L. Manning Co. . . . Guaranty Yantic: Yantic Grain & Prod- ucts Co Guaranty New Miiford: Geo. E. Ackley Co. . . : Guaranty' New Miiford: Geo. E. Acklev t:o...." Guaranty Waterbury: Spencer Grain Co. Guarant}'- North Haven: W. L. Thorpe. . Guaranty Hamden: I. W. Beers Guaranty Manchester: Little & McKin- ney Guaranty Willimantic: Boston Grain Co Guaranty South Cm'cnlry: South Cov- entry Grain Elev Guaranty Souihport: C. Buckingham & Co Guaranty Analyses. Inspection of 1921^ — Continued. 355 Pounds per Hundred. Station No. Water. Ash. Protein (N. X 6.25) Fiber. Nitrogen-free Extract (Starch, gum, etc.) Ether Extract (Crude Fat). Price per ton. 18018 15725 18044 18009 18012 18026 18047 18014 1801S 18052 18051 18035 17968 15746 15764 1 573 1 15723 17975 •30 .89 ,04 46 ,04 06 74 33 .78 47 67 61 92 95 76 12 .06 .82 ■51 71 51 03 24 46 71 •58 .76 51 02 26 98 77 56 .96 23.06 24.00 23 -94 22.00 26.13 24.00 11.38 10.00 913 9.00 II .00 10.00 8.63 10.00 9-44 950 8.75 9.00 11.56 II .00 963 9.00 8.38 9.00 9.69 10.00 11.38 10.00 8.56 8.00 10.00 10.00 931 9.00 II .00 9.00 8.91 10.00 8.63 9.00 8.97 9.00 12.51 10.62 10.00 11.63 12 ,00 8.52 II 40 8 20 II 12 9 27 9 74 12 12 II II 75 95 II . 16 14.00 971 14.00 590 11.68 44.76 50.00 49.16 44.18 57-07 63.00 60.16 65-56 62^82 68.44 61 .26 64.69 65.11 62.34 60.59 66.06 60.00 64.79 50.00 69.30 59-71 8.15 5-00 4.87 4.00 4-97 5-00 6.07 4.00 6.18 5.00 3-91 5.00 309 4.00 4-30 4.00 3-25 3-00 4.18 4.00 4-43 3.00 3.08 2.50 3-99 4.00 4.18 3-25 3-50 3.00 59 00 $47 • 00 39.00 43-00 28^50 32.00 31.00 36.00 36.00 34.00 33-00 33-00 32.00 34.00 34-00 32.00 31.00 32.00 32.00 356 COXXECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATIOX BULLETIN 238. Table III. — Analyses of Commercl^l Feeds, 17984 17985 17977 18029 18034 15761 18032 18064 17997 18063 1 798 1 17993 15718 18008 15735 15736 Poultry Feeds Cak-Cak Laying Mash. Armour Grain Co., Chicago, 111 Iroquois Poultry Mash. Armour Grain Co., Chicago, 111 Blatchford's Fill the Basket Egg Mash. Blatch- ford's Calf Meal Co., Wauregan, 111 Nobotheration Dry Mash. C. W. Campbell Co., Westerly, R. I Eshelman's Laying Mash. John W. Eshelman & Son, Lancaster, Pa Red Comb Egg Mash. Hales & Hunter Co., Chicago, 111 Laying Mash. H-0 Cereal Co., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y Blue Top Laying Mash. Chas. A. Krause Mill- ing Co., Milwaukee, Wis M. & S. Dry Mash. Meech & Stoddard, Inc., Middletown M. & S. Dry Mash. Meech & Stoddard, Inc., Middletown Lay or Bust. Park & Pollard Co., Boston, Mass Purina Chicken Chowder. Purina Mills, St. Louis Ful-0-Pep Dry Mash. Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, 111 Chic-Chuck Concentrated Poultry Food. Russia Cement Co., Gloucester, Mass Wirthmore Buttermilk Mash Feed. C. M. Cox Co., Boston, Mass Dried Buttermilk. Buttermilk Sales Co., Chicago, 111 Stamford: W. L. Crabb Guaranty Stamford: W. L. Crabb Guaranty Noni'alk: C. E. Slauson Co. . . Guaranty Westerly: C. W. Campbell Co. Guaranty Plainville: F. B. Newtown Est Guaranty Manchester: Little & McKin- ney Guaranty Bristol: GoodseU Bros Guaranty Hartford: Garber-Northam Grain Co Guaranty Middlefield: Middlefield Grain & Coal Co Guaranty Hartford: Meech Grain Co. . . Guarant}'- Nor-ivalk: C. E. Slauson Cb. . . Guaranty Meriden: August Grulick Est. Guaranty Stafford Springs: DennisGrain Mill Guaranty New London: P. Swartz Co. . . Guaranty East Haven: F. A. Forbes Guarant},- East Haven: F. A. Forbes. . . . AIlSCELLAXEOUS SAMPLES. Partial or complete analyses of feeding- stuffs submitted by • individuals during the past year are given in Table IV. This station is not responsible for the sampling of these materials but only for the accuracy of the analyses of the samples as received by us. We are justified in making such examinations only insofar MISCELLANEOUS SAMPLES. Inspection of 1921 — Concluded. 357 Station No. Pounds per Hundred. Water. Ash. Protein (N. X6.2S). Fiber. Nitrogen-free Extract (Starch, gum, etc.). Ether Extract (Crude Fat). Price per ton. 17984 17985 17977 18029 18034 15761 18032 18064 17997 18063 17981 17993 15718 18008 15735 15736 7.07 8.07 ID 81 59 07 45 83 86 09 72 01 58 27 67 39 05 71 21.75 20.00 16.69 15.00 20.63 19.00 18.88 18.00 23-50 20.00 16.13 16.00 17-56 17.00 20.38 20.00 18.13 12.00 19-31 12.00 20.56 18.00 19-75 19.00 21.75 20.00 39-25 45.00 19-75 20.00 33- 00 8.01 20.22 '8.'67 7-54 5-70 5.00 4-50 6.00 7-03 6.81 8.00 6.87 5 79 8 58 7 54 I 17 6 15 50.18 43-58 45-19 48-43 47.08 57-31 60. 10 51.98 54-64 53-38 52.92 51-42 47-32 3.26 56.12 38; 86 5-84 3.00 7.02 4.00 5.06 4.00 5-93 2.00 7-03 5.00 5-66 4-50 5-53 4-50 5-24 5.00 4-93 3.00 4.96 3.00 4-55 1.50 5-42 4.00 5-63 4.00 1 .62 2.00 4.60 4.00 9-42 $54.00 51.00 75.00 47.00 53-00 63.00 47.00 60.00 56.00 58.00 53-00 60.00 68.00 72.00 52.00 165.00 as they may be of public interest and concern and to this end as complete information as may be given should accompany samples thus submitted ; that is to say, brand, name, manufacturer and guaranty should be stated if known. Most of the samples thus examined were for the purpose of checking guaranties or for information to be used in the compounding of rations. ;58 CON^NECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 238. Table IV. — Analyses of Feeding Stuffs, Material. Submitted by Hay, Ensilage, etc. Hay Silage Silage Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Meal Wheat Products. Wheat Feed Red Dog Corn Products. Farmer Jones Gluten Feed Stowell's Evergreen Sweet Corn Seed. . . . Cottonseed Products. Cottonseed Feed Oat Products. Ground Oats. . * Ground Oats Ground Oats Beet Pulp. Beet Pulp Beet Pulp Distillers' Grains. Distillers' Grains Distillers' Grains Stock Feed, Poultry Feeds, ktc. Delaware Dairy Feed Dairy Ration Mule and Horse Feed Mule and Horse Feed Horse Feed Horse Feed Arrow Head Mule Feed Badger Stock Feed Badger Stock Feed Orange: Fairlea Farm Fairlea Farm Fairlea Farm Fairlea Farm Fairlea Farm Fairlea Farm Middletown: Meech & Stod- dard, Inc j\Ieech & Stoddard, Inc.. . . Newtown: E. S. Lovell Middletown: F. C. Hubbard. . Wallingford: W. S. Fushey . . . Rockville: H. B. Pomeroy. . . . H. B. Pomeroy Colchester: L. Broder Orange: Fairlea Farm Suffield: Hill Top Farm Bridgeport: C. L. Bill Fairfield: R. H. Holcomb Brook field: C. R. Dubia. . . . ._. Farmington: Winchell Smith's Grist Mill Hartford: American Sumatra Tobacco Co American Sumatra Tobacco Co American Sumatra Tobacco Co American Sumatra Tobacco Co American Sumatra Tobacco Co Garber-Northam Grain Co. Garber Northam Grain Co. MISCELLANEOUS SAMPLES. Submitted by Individuals. 359 Pounds per Hundred. Station No. Water. Ash. Protein (Nx6.25) Fiber. Nitrogen-free Extract (Starch, gum, etc.). Ether Extract (Crude Fat). Remarks. 16576 18589 16574 18573 16575 16572 15-35 66.05 82.14 8.95 14-85 7.66 5.16 1.68 1 .12 5-71 10.21 7.92 8.90 2.25 1.72 12.64 21.66 12.75 13-31 9-98 5-72 36.64 31-94 33-45 53 - 53 19.26 8.85 34-29 19.76 36.50 3-75 0.78 0.45 1.77 1-58 1.72 18250 18251 7.04 7.67 17-25 17-50 7-51 1.77 7.00 4-31 Guaranty, Protein 13, Fiber 12, Fat 3. Guaranty, Protein 15, Fiber 10, Fat 4. 17003 16467 15.22 25-75 Guaranty, Protein 23. 18668 35-94 18477 18478 16606 13.00 12.75 12.38 • - • - » 16573 17408 8.34 3-58 4.26 9-38 9-50 18. II 59-57 1.02 Ash insol. in acid . 83. 17820 16653 91.6 78.04 0.99 1.60 4.22 1.46 13.96 1-33 17787 24-13 18562 7.68 22.50 5-49 16969 12.38 16970 II. 31 16728 10.63 16727 10.50 16980 18475 18476 9-73 8.75 8.69 360 COXXECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 238. Table IV. — Analyses of Feeding Stuffs 17625 17626 18523 18524 17406 17405 17407 17894 18637 18647 16571 16570 18568 18567 17907 18141 18179 18252 1 764 1 17642 17643 17657 17867 18235 18711 16719 16368 16369 16370 16526 Stock Peed, Poultry Feeds, etc. — Concluded Stock Feed Stock Feed . Stock Feed! Special Dairy Feed Four All Stock Feed Smith's Balanced Ration Vitex Dairy Ration Hog Feed Meat Scrap Dried Buttermilk Dairy Ration Stock Feed Stock Feed Dairy Ration Crosby's Ready Ration Chick Feed Beef Scrap Miscellaneous. Stock Molasses Feed Molasses Feed Molasses Feed Molasses Corn Juice from Silo Silo Liquid Low Grade Flour Bean Meal Feed Nears Mixture Stock Food Gold Medal Stock Food Carpenter Stock Food Gold Medal Stock Food Middletown: State Hospital for Insane State Hospital for Insane. . State Hospital for Insane. . The Coles Co . Milwaukee: Wis., Smith Mill- ing Co Smith Milling Co Smith Milling Co New Milford: W. B. Hatch. . . Herman F. Engleman Norwich: H. OjjTcrman Orange: Fairlea Farm Fairlea Farm Fairlea Farm Fairlea Farm Shelton: J. H. Loverin West Hartford: G. L. Ells- worth Yantic: Yantic Grain Co West Cornwall: S. R. Scoville . Lakeville: H. F. Hamlin H. F. Hamlin H. F. Hamlin Hartford: Thos. Holt Guilford: Wilcox Bros Storrs: Conn. Agr. College . . . Middletown: John H. Fay .... Cromwell: A. N. Pierson Kent: F. B. Segar F. B. Segar F. B. Segar Washington: Dodge Farm MISCELLANEOUS SAMPLES. ' Submitted by Individuals — Concluded. 361 Pounds per Hundred. Nitrogen-free Ether station Protein Extract Extract No. Water. Ash. (Nx6.25). Fiber. (Starch, gum, etc.). (Crude Fat). Remarks. 17625 10.76 15-25 4.80 17626 10.76 15-25 4.88 18523 6.57 5-89 22.75 9-43 47-78 7-58 18524 22.81 17406 10.04 15.13 12.01 4-30 Guaranty, Protein 12, Fiber 12, Fat 4. 17405 10.29 18.25 10.39 509 17407 9-73 27.13 12.56 6.17 17894 55-88 Guaranty, Protein 55-65. 18637 5 30 22.41 39-95 18647 8.02 10.. 70 34-89 36.59 9.80 Guar. , Moisture 6, Ash 8 . 7 Protein 36.1, Fat 7.2. 16571 8.54 6.58 21.25 10.33 47-48 5-82 16570 905 4.01 14-50 7.28 59-31 5-85 18568 6.85 5-24 19-38 8.28 54-87 5-38 18567 7-31 5.18 19-63 8.09 54-41 5.38 17907 26.88 18141 17.06 18179 45-13 Guaranty, Protein 45. 18252 19.41 9.02 4.19 58.58 Sugar, calc.asinvert, 58.58 17641 18.37 2.74 62 . 72 " " " " 62.72 17642 24.62 4-13 58.93 " " " " 58.93 17643 24.69 4-25 55.94 " " " " 55-94 17657 92.40 1-37 I-31 0.72 " " " " 0.72; alcohol 1. 10. 17867 Alcohol 1.22. 18235 15-75 17811 4.88 Probably carob bean and pod meal. 16719 12.25 16368 1 16369 2 16370 3 16526 17.23 16.25 4 Contains charcoal, sulphur, salt, carbonates, Epsom salt, vegetable bitters; probably also fenugreek. 2 Substantially same as 16368. 3 Contains charcoal, sulphur, salt; probably also flaxseed meal and fenugreek. ^ Substantially same as 16368. 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