--a^^F^ C>^ WINDHAM CJ 3 ?•" 00="''»'' ° ^2S HIST R Y A^^CIENT WINDHAE CT. C3r:^isnii.^jTjic:^€2k-'^. WNTAIN^XG A GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF ALL THE EARLY FAM- ILIES OF ANCIENT WINDHAM, EMBRACING THE PRESENT TOWNS OF WJNDHAJI, M.VNSFIELD, HAMPTON, CHAPLIN AND SCOTLAND. A.— DIL. rr W IJ.IjI An I. . WE A Y E I£ , HlITf>tt 'I).- TiJK ■«lIX!>IA.\nC .JOLT,> Wir>r-1MANTIC: W E A V E II k C U R T I ^ g .1.864. ^iFortunately Weaver's .es on hdham families (a • j scarce (nphlet) stops at the Bingham fam- < as he was unable to go any fur- '^r- The Wood family of eastern Con- jCticut is a mysterious as the Woods .. western C^onnecticut, Long Island '. :nd New Jersey, and we would give a ood deal to straighten it all out. — [Ed. T^zrf-zre-^f^^^ TO THE READER. Most of the genealogies herewith published appeared in the Williman- tic Journal in 1862 and 1863. They have been re-arranged, carefullj revised and corrected, and contain much additional matter. The/ con- stitute a portion of the History of Windham, which the compiler has been many years in collectins and arranging. The entire work would proba- bly have been given to the public before this, had not the times been un- iavorable for such enterprises, and the writer engaged in conducting the Journal. As the publication of the History is necessarily postponed — perhaps indefinitely — it was decided to publish an abstract of the gene- alogies, which were commenced in the Willimantic Journal Ociober 10th, 1862, and have been continued since. As some des'red these rec- ords in a more permanent form, we concluded to publish one installment of them in pamphlet, as an experiment. Should this moderate ed'tion be readily disposed of, other numbers will probably follow, and perhaps the entire work be published in this manner. Otherwise the genealogies will only be continued in the Journal As the work progressed it was found that the families beginning with B could not all be included without so increasing the size o^ the pam- phlet that it would be necessary to raise the price. As most persona would purchase the work on account of their own family, it was thought they would rather pay fifty cents for the portion that coniained their •wn genealogy, than a dollar for it with the additional families in which they were not directly interested. This part carries the genealogies to the Bingham far-Jy. Very exten- ftire and valuable additions have been made to the Bingham genealogy, principally through the efforts of D. H. Bingham, Esq., of Washington, P. C. Further additions are solicited. Although we do net give all the TV TO THE READKR. families promised, we give more matter and a larger pamphlet than we can well afford for tlie price. As we could not include all without loss to ourselves we trust this will be satisfactory. These genealogies are of course incomplete. The principal object has been to give all the records found in the town of every family named. In regard to the more numerous families we have endeavored to trace them back to their earliest ancestors in this country ; and, in addition, have given much information respecting the later generations, obtained from pri- vate sources. Altogether, it is believed that these facts and records will materially aid those who desire to further trace their families, and con- struct more perfect genealogies. We do not suppose the work is free from ei'rors. We have examined many genealogical works, and have discovered errors in them all. Errors in copying early records, errors in deciphering manuscripts and letters, and typographical errors, with the utmost care and vigilance, will creep in. But it is hoped that they will neither be found so numerous or im- portant as to materially lessen the value of the work. All we can say is, that we have labored hard, spent much time, and taken great pains to have the work accurate and reliable. We much regret the delay in is- suing this number ; but, as it has been unavoidable, we trust the sub^- 8cribers will excuse it. PLAN. We have arranged the genealogies on a simple plan, and, to save space, have dispensed with some of the accessories usually employed. It is not the best plan for a complete genealogy, but for these partial records' we think it answers very well. The family names are given in alphabetical order. We only number the sons whose families follow in genealogical order. For instance, take the Arnold family, on page 42. John Arnold, the settler, is numbered 1, as we can trace the family back no farther. John, being probably the oldest son, has a family to follow, and is numbered (2). Samuel, the next son, we find no account of, and is not numbered. Bow- let/''s birth and marriage are given, but as he had no children recorded, and left the country, we say nothing more of him. We give all we find oi Stephen, but as he early disappears he needs no number, the birth of his son being included under the head ot his father's family. Mary mar- TO THE r.EXIlER. V ried John Angell, and tbat is all we say in regard to her. as it woul i' in most cases, be a repetition to give the records in the female line. Robert, the next son, having a family, is numbered (3), and his record follows after that of John. The names of the children are in italics, with the numbers of those numbered in parentheses, thus : (2) Joh7i. But when the family of John is to be given, the number is placed at the be- ginning of the paragraph with the name following in smai.l CAPixAt-s., thus : 2. John. If the marriage of one of the children is given under the head of the family (as is sometimes the case), the names of his children (being of a later generation) are given in the ordinary Roman letter. By bearing ^u mind that the numbers are applied only to those who have families that follow in regular genealogical order, the plan will be r^eadily un- derstood. ABBREVIATIONS. We use b. for born, m, for married, d. for died, chil. for child of child- ren, dau. for daughter, and other abbreviations, such as the names of the months, &c., which need no explanation. OLD AND NEW STYLE. In 1752, by act of Parliarnent, the New Style, so-called, was adopted. Eleven days were stricken from September, calling the 3d the 14th, and beginning the year on the 1st day of January instead of the 25th of March, as in Old Style. Some nations had changed to New Style before 1752, and this will explain dorihle dating, often noticed in records made before that time. Thus : Feb. 8, 1720-21, for Feb. 8, 1721. The latter is the true year as we now reckon. These double dates only occur be- tween January 1st and March 25th, before 1752. Double dating was not Biuch practiced before the year 1700. We give the lecords as copied from the original, and the reader will bear in mind that the dates before 1752 are in Old Style, and those since in New Style. INDEXES. Besides the Table of Contents, we give an index to the wives, and also one to the husbands of the widows and daughters. These will enable VI TO THE READE«. any one to readily trace the intermarriages and lind the names of botb tlie males and females connected with the families given. We add an index to some other names incidentally mentioned. To the many friends who have kindly aided us, we render our mo^t grateful and hearty thanks. AViLi.iMANTir, July 1, 1864. CONTENTS. ABBE, JOHN SEN., OF WENHAM, - ♦ . . .JOHN THE WINDHAM SKTTI ER. SAMUEL. THE WINDHAM SETTLER, THOMAS, THE ENFiELD SETTLER. ABBOTT, ADAMS, - AGARO, ....... ALLEN, JOSHUA. - ♦ . . . , . WILLIAM. - . ...... SAMUEL OFDRAINTREE. .... TIMO- HY, OF NORWICH, WINDHAM AND MANSFIELD. JOt:EPH. OF WINDHAM, (SCOTLAND). - JAMES, - - - ... ALLEUTO.\, - - - - - AMES, -♦...-. ANDEdSON, ...... ANDREWS, -..--. ARMSTRO.Va ARNOLD, -.-.-. ASHLEY, -.-.--- ASPEN WALL, ....-- ATWUOD, AUSTIN, ...... AVERILL, BABOOCK, JONATHAN ... JAMES, .,-... BACKUS, WILLIAM, .... JOHN, . • . ... BADGER, - - .... BAKER, r Afi K o ") lOo 10 IJ - 17 . 25 - 2G 29 - no 30. lo;! - 30 - 31 a.i 34 - 3ti •M - lu.s "''.* - 4L io;r - 41 ■1-N 104 - -'4 47 - 48 41) - 50 50 11)4 61 64 58 1(»4 . 58 (.1) - t>2 05 ftll rONTENTS, ttc.t P.ALCAM. - r 6S nVLCH, - 7a BALDWIN, -.--.. '70, 1U4 DANIEL; . .• . . .... 71 nALLARI), -----.-- 7.:> J! A UK Ell, --..--- 73 ii ARROWS, 74,104 KOBERT. ..... . .74 ROBERT, TIIK MANSl'IKLT) SETTLER. . . . .74 T1I0M.\S. tup: MANSFIELD SETTLER, . . . . 83 SYLVENL'S, (WINDHAM), . . ... . 88 BASS, - - - 90 IIASSRTT, ....... 93 iJEAL'.MOXT, - - - - - - .104 BEMTS, - - - - ... . 04 BENNETT, 94 WILLIAM . . . . . . . 94 NATHANIEL, ... , .... ifo BIBB INS, .--.-.. 9rt BIDLACK, 99 BILL, - - - . - . . ' . 102 BILLINGS, - - ' - - - . . - 103 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDHAM. GENEALOGY. ABBE. The name is varioiisly written, thus : Abba, Abbe, AbB£E, Abbey, AsrT, Abbie, Abie, Abbeve, Abbv. Abdv* and ALBvf, witli their variations in spelling, are different names, though perhaps sometimes used interchangeably with Abbe. Abby or Abbey is considered 'the correct method of spelling the name, and some of the descendants of the Enfield family write it thus; but the Windham family have, from t!ie first, written it Abbe. The name is an ancient one, and appears to be identical with that applied to monasteries It is found in EngiishJ and French!! works, relating to the nobility and to heraldry. Abbe coat of arms : Gules, (rf.l) five tusils in fesse hetvreen thr^je scallop shells. Argent (white) Cre.st. On a wreath of the colors of the shield, (which are red and white,) an eagle's head, erased (torn off), col., gold. Motto — Confida Conquesco. Tlie tVsse is a belt of honor, given for participating in a victory gained in the field ; the scallop shells vveve given to thojo who had made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. [The above wa? famished Hon. S. C Fessenden by an English friend. Of course it is not known that it belongs to the Amei'ican family, or that they are authorized to use it.] It is probable that tlie first settler or settlers in this country came from England — one tradition says Norwich — and the early names would * Matthew Abdy, Boston, came in the Abigail, 1633. from London, and was a fisherman. His son M ittiiew followed the same trade, and was so i^oorthat liis petty bequests were the siihjent of a humorous poem, by Rev. John Sec- combe, entitled ■• Father Abby's Will." t A Benmamix Alby was of Bn.intree, 1641. freeman. May 18, 1642, and Jonir Alby. of Salem. 1637. freeman May 10. 1643; d. 1690. It is possible that the last was the same with John Abbe, sen., of Wenham. I Burks Gereral Armonj, contains the coats of arms of Albey, Abbisp. Ab- EES, Abbh. (A^o/ybZ,t), Abry Abys, {Djrbjshire). Hi Sims' /< , to (he Fedigrees, die, is. Abbis. (Bedfordshire). II Jouffrey, Dictionaire de la X'oblessc. L Abbe en Bretagne, du clos en Bre- tagne. de coursey en Lorraine ; Abbe en Champagne, en Normandie ; Abbey de la Roque en Normandie. 2 10 HISTORY OF AJJCIENT WINDHAM. indicate tbe county of Xorfolk* as their pla?e of origin ; but nothing is known on the Fubject. The Abbes (John and Samuel) were among the very early settlers of Windham,and the name has been a somewhat prominent, influential and re- spected one in the history of the town. Through the male and female branches, the blood has been widely dis.-^erainated, and is diffused through almost the entire range of Windham families. JOHN ABBE, SEX., OF WENHAM. 1. John Aebe, of Wcnham, was, without doubt,the common ancestor of the Windham and Enfield Abbes, as we shall endeavor to show. At what time he came over is not known. Jo: Abb3% aged 22, wa» a passenger to Virginia in the ship Boneventura, 1635, but as .Jo: in other cases is used as an abbreviation of Joseph, and not John, and as the des- tination was Virginia, it is not very probable that this was John Ab- be, the Salem and Wenham settler. John Abbe was '-received for an inhabitant," of Salem, "ye second of ye 11th mo. 1G3G," (Jan. 1037,) "and is to have one acre lott for an bouse next be^-ond ye gunsmiths and 3 acres of plantingground where ye town hath appoynted beyond Castle Hill." On t'.ie " 23of yell mouthe 1642, Granted to John Abby 10 acres nere to brother Kings.' The above are from Salem Bock of Grants. The last grant immedi- ately follows others in Enon, now Wenham. " Brother King," named above, had his portion at the "head of Bass Riuer," in a tract supposed to belong to Enon or Wenham, "nere by" which was John Abby's grant. On the 13, 6 mo. 1G43, "agreed that John Abby shall have all thatwaist ground which lyeth between 3'e end of ye lott which M|||iues upon on ye meadow which belongs to ye town. . Leav- ing a poles bredth most convenient far a highwa3^" [Wenham Town Rec.J This is believed tobe the first mention of -John Abbe in Wenham rec- ords. In 1G57 and 1G59, -John Abby's minister rates are stated in Wenham town records. "Granted to John Abbey, sen., and Edward Waldron," land, &c., in Wenham, 6, 11 mo. 16G1. This is the first time * In An Easay toward a TopoqrapMcal Hiatorii of the CouvUj of Norfolk, dtc, [Ens'.] by Francis Blonicfiold. '[Ist ed. was in "l736.] 2d ed.. London. 1805. Vol, I., p. 203. Hundred of Dickleburgh. Jlantelake s JManor, wo hnve the fol- lowing: " I know nothing more of it till the lotli century; and then Thomas Abbes held it of the Duke of Norfolk as ofliis manor of Forncet." VoL VI.. p. 442. Hundred of lUixton. [Among the Vicars of Buxton is}. James Aeees. 1422; he resigned 1455; [footno.e] •• ,Jon\ Abbes. of Buxton, senr., buried in 1505 in the church yard and gave an altar i loth to our Lady's altar in the church, and to every "saint graven i.i the chuich. a wax candle to be burned at the mass of my burial, aild a legacy to St. John's gild. The Abbea were an ancient family here." Vol. VI.. p. 445. Hundred of Buxton. JIanor of Laveshagh. " About 1480, John Abets, senior, was lord, and after liim Tho:mas. Ins son." &c. The names above at least are suggestive. iMrs S. C. I-essendeu, of RocldaBd Me.,a descendant, says. "The family of Abbe arc originally from the county of Chester, England." 'This is probably family tradition. GENEALOGY. 11 Jobn Abby is called sen., and probably Lis son John had then become of legal age. In 1600 John Abbey, sen., was constable of "Wenham. In the Essex Registrj' of Deeds, under date of JMarch £9, 1G75, is tho following : " I John Abbey senr. of ye town of Vv'enham, . . do by these presents confirm unto mj' son Samuel Abbe}', ten acres of land lying with- in his field bounded by ye above John Abbe)-, his meadow, . .. south by goodman Waldron, his land,. .. and so much land as to set his frame or house upon ouer and aboueye ten acres above named, . . in case said Sam- uel shall sell or lease said land, he shall lett his father or brethren have je Refusall. Wit. Thomas x Abby. John x Abb)', Mary Alby."' We give below " .John Abbey's Disposalc of his estate," in 1683, which in the account published in the Journal, was called a will. Know all men By these presents That I John Abbey (Senjr) of wenham in the County of Essex being sensible of my ovvne and my wives ina) ility to carry on my affaires So as to j i-ouid for our Comfortable Liuel)hood by reason of our age and weaknese of Body attending us by reason whereof Doe make choice of & Request my Son John Abbey as my fltiofe in trust to take into his liands my house & all niy Lands in ^venlj;ini together witli tho right I have in that Land which was Soiiit'time Richard Uoldsmiths: to oc- quipie & improae for ntyn and liis muttuall Benitit tjo long as my ^^if^* <^ I or uyther of us shall line : & for his incouriagnient to maniage my allaires as abonesaid & to j rouide Comfortably for my owne & my wives maintainance I doe iiereby Giue & Bequeth to liiui my ail'oresaid lleoifeall my houses & Lands flforever exce})t wt I doe hereby Giue out of it to tliQ rest of my Children viz Samuell Sarah Marah Rebeca oi;adia & Thomas & to each of them as tioUow- *th viz to Samuel Ihaveing alridy Giuen him a jirceil ('f Liaid 1 give him one shilling more & to all the rest of my chiklren abovementioned viz Sarah ma- rah Rebeca obadia & Thomas ten shillings aj.iece or to So many of them as shall Siruiue at the dtacease of u.v Selfe & wife : & in Case God Shall take awaye my Son John abovesaid before the Decease of iny selte & wife if his Heirs shall Continue to maniag & carry on my affaires as my abouesv.id Ifeioffe ought to do thi'U they Shall have the houses & Lands abouesaid as their re- ward & in Confirmation of what is uboue Avrittn 1 have heri^ito Set to my hand & Seale — «^ ^Signd Seald & Delivered agust the 3 : 1633 in the presence of his Thos ffiske Senr John X Abbey Senj martha rfiske marke John Abbey senjr ded acknowledg this writing abone writen to he his act & deed August ye 3: 1G83 before me Samuel apjjletou Assistant. As we have been unable to find the first marriage of John Abbe, sen., or the birth or baptism of any of his children, the above document is very important, giving, as it does, the names of Iiis children at that date. Mr. Savage says, the -Jolin x\bby of Salem, 1637, was of Reading later, and freeman, May 7, 1685, when he is called sen. A careful search of the Reading records does not reveal the name of John Abbe, sen., or anyone of the name. The name is the fosiJ on the list of Reading names of those made freemen, according to the Massachusetts records, and tho ver)/ next name is a Wenham one. It seems probable that John Abby, sen., should have commenced the Wenham list and not ended that of Reading*. We have supposed ^hat it might have been John the son who * On expressing surprise to Mr. Savage that John Abbe, sen., should be made 12 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDHAM. was made freeman, May 7, 1G85, and that the sen., was a mistake. It does not appear that John Abb}', sen., was a church member; and, if he was, it is a little singular that he should become a freeman at so late a period of his life ; while his son -lohn was a church member, and there is as good reason whj' he should have been made a freeman as his brother Samuel, who became one in 1G80.* Still we give the record as found. John Abbe, sen., had certainly two wives. Mary, who was probably the mother of his children, d. Sept. 9, 1G72. John Abbiem. Mary Gold- smith Nov. 25, 1674. We are inclined to believe this was John Abbe, sen., though not so designated, for he had wife, Mary, INIarch 29, 1G75, who signed with him the confirmation of grant to his son Samuel at that date. Mary, the widow of Richard Goldsmith, who was killed by light- ning May 18, 1673, mentioned by Increase Mather in " Remarkable Prov- idences," was executrix of her husband's will, and we think it probable she married John Abbe, sen., as above. John Abbe, sen., d. at Wenham about 1690, quite advanced in years. If he was 21 in 1637, (and he was probably older), he was at least 74 at his death. He died intestate, notwithstanding the " disposale," in form and substance like a will, as will be seen by the following Inventory of his estate, which gives some additional particulars of interest and proves conclusively that Thomas Abbe, then of Enfield, was the son of John, sen. : This Inuen'ory of the estate of John Abei^ senor formerly of Wenham de- sesed aoout tliirteen yers since intestate we wlios nains are hereunto sub- scribed on this twenty fourth of fijbruary in tlie j'earof our Lord 1702-3 did at the Request of thomas Abee one of the sons of the desesed and administrator of his fathers ellect or hy liis order valine and aprise the said desesed his house and land in wenham on whiehto our certin knowleg he lived for many yer."! and dyed seased of the same as hisowne estat of Inheritanc as we euer under- stod we being his nere neighbors for many vers the sayd desesed his hom- stuad being about twenty and three acres of upland and medovv together with the liousing and fences ther on the apertenances ther unto belonging tog.?ther with liis Rights the comou all which we valleued at ninety and two pounds £92 00s OJ(l we also l^ing Informed tliat the s;iyd desesed in his lifetime did to acomodate his son obadiah acording lo his desier with atrad for his futer benifitt when the sayd oliadiali was eigliteen yers old give to Ricliard fiold- smith three yers servitof his saia son obadiah and untill he was one and twen- ty yers ould to learn him to be a shoemaker and all the sayd time liis sayd a freeman in 16S3. some two years after he had made his will, (disposed of his estate) and was then quite aged, lie replies : " Such is the record, and to the suggestion, that two years earlier he had made ]iis will. I must beg you to remember, that, after 1631. nobody could be admitted to the privilege, unless he were ac/onr/i member; and the Jiumber was enunialhj diminishing ti^/bris the tyrany of Andros, so that when his yoke was broken off the rtf?f was alter- ed in 1689. and Uiirty or forty fold more came in to sTear the freeman's oath in one year." We do not find that John Abby. sen. was a member of the cliurch at Salem or Wenham either befoie or after 1685 ; still it is possible he was a member. * Samitel Abbv, of Wenham, was made freeman Oct. 13, 1680. and Sam- uel Abbie. of Salem Village. March 22. 1689-90. Samuel Abbe, the Windham settler, was at Wenham at the former and at Salem Village at the latter date. His son Samuel was not then of ago, and as we can find no trace of any other Samuel Abbe at either place, we'suggeet whether the records do not rtfer to the same person. GENEALOGT. IS father did find liis sayd son meet and drink and clothes washing and lodging which w« doe judg to be worth thirtey pounds ^30 00s 'OOd the acoiint was settled betwen tliouias abce and iiis farthers estat by the chil- dren of the sayd desesed in our presents as wittues our hands thisi24th of the 12th mouth 1702-3 his Eichard X H uttoa mark Joseph tfowlf-r Af)riser3 the estate debtor to his sonu thomas abee for sundrall things for wliich our saidfatlier John flbee senor was Indebted to his son thomas abee before tho death of our sayd fatlier John aliee senor the acoaut wher of was settled and Rloweil by us uiiderwritti'U whiclxdebt is tliirty and two T^ounds £32 00s OOd 3 wittnes our hand this 24 february 1702-3 Iiis Richard X kirarall for himself and Rebeca his wif« mark liis her Thomas X abea Mary X Killam mark mark may, iSth: 1703 Then ye above sd Thomas Abbe made oath to this Inuentory Before John Appletoa JoHxS Abbe, SEN., of Wenhani, had chil. : (2) Jolm, who settled in "Windham; (2,) S'lmud, who ii\ho settled in "Windham ; Sarah; Marah, {Marii)m. Killam ; Rebecca^ m. Richard Kimball, May 13, 1667; Ohadinh, who probabl3' settled in Enfield, and ra. there, Sarah, wid. of Joseph Wariiner, to whom she was 2d wife; had no cliii. to be named in hii will, 1752, the year he d.; (4) Tliurnas^ settled at Enfield. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN ADBE, THE WINDIIA-M SETTLEIL 2. John Abbe, who settled at Windham, was, without reasonable doubt, son of John Abbe, sen., of Wenham. John Abbe, of Wenham, yeoman, sells to Francis Wainwright, of Ips- wich, for £60, " all that my land and meadow with ye houses on said land with orchard trees, Timber Trees, mines, with ye comonage lying in Wenhara," March 9, 1694-5. And, Oct. 19, 1600, John Abbe, lyr £130, eold to Nathaniel Waklron, of Wenham, '•'■ dwelling house, barn, 30 acres of upland and meadow, on a part of which land and upland said dwelling house and barn standeth," &c. The deed was signad by John and Han- nah Abbey. John and Hannah Abby were aduiitted to full communion of the W^enham church before 1692, but the date of admission is not given in Wentjam church records. They were dismissed Oct. 28. 1700. By tho disposal of the estate, 1683, it seems that Jolm Abbe, sen., had a son John whom he made the trustee of his property ; by the Yrenbam land records we find that he sold houses and lauds in Wenham in 1095 and 1096; and that he had a wife Hannah, and that they were members of the church in Wenham. As we have no account of any other John Abbe of Wenham cotemporary with John, sen., we conclude he was the son of tha 14 HISTORY or A^•CIE.^'T WINDHAM. latter; and the sale of land in Wenliam, tlie name of wife, their dismissal from the church, all make it quite certain that he was the Windham settler. John Aeee, of AVenham, for £70, in silver, purchased of Lt. Exercise Conant,of Windham, the 7th home lot at Windham Center, with house on the west side of town street, with the "thousand acre right," belonging to the same, July 3, 169G. John Abbe was admitted an inhabitant of Windham, Dec. 9, 1696. So it appears he settled in Windham during the latter part of that year. John and Hannah Abbe were dimissed from Wenham church to unite with others in forming a church at Windham, Oct. 28, 17C0. Their names are both found in the list of original members of the Windham chnrch, which was organized Dec. 10, 1700. John Abbe died the next day, Dec. 11, 1700. It is probable that he died suddenly. Ilis estate was settled in Hart- ford Probate Court. The following is a copy of his will : V/indham the lOtli of Dec. 1700. The will of John Abbey. That his wifs should enjoy tJie house and homestead & the meadows that are already laid, with the moveable during her life to dispose of it to th^-m of her childran as she shall see cause, & the rest of the unlaid out land to be divided equally, to be divided amongs: his children and not to be sold.away from mj family, not any of the land. & the 30 acres adjoining to goodman 'Bingham & goodman Larrabees land to be at my wifes dispose, & to give deed & to make sale of ac- cording to law. Witiies our hands Robert Hebard senior & John Reed senior Loth of the name town. Proved before Josliua Ripley .April 8, 1701. The explanation of the will was as follows: We Robert Hebard & John Reed being witnesses to the will of John Abbey of Windliam. do testify that wliertas tis said in tlie Avill, the lands & meadows that are already laid out shall be at his v.dfe's disi.ose, to s;ive to them of her children as she shall have cause. That they did understand it. & are fully persuaded that said Abbey did mean the children she had by him & further that the entailment extend no further than to the lands that are yet to be laid out to the best of their judgment &c. Taken on oath in Windham IN'ov. 6, 1701, before Joshua Ripley. John Abbe, the Windham settler, had certainly two wives and per- haps three, but no particulars have been found of anj- except his wife Hannah, who, after her husband's death, m. Jonathan Jennings, one of the earliest settlers of Windham, Nov. 10. 1703, and d. March 8, 1724-5, Hannah, dan. of Richard Goldsmith, of Wenham, was born March 4, 1657, and as the families were connected, perhaps she was the wife of John Abbe above. That John Abbe had children by a former wife is proved by the will of Richard Abbe, 1737, who calls Joseph, Obr.diah and Abigail broth- ers and sister "of the half blood." The following were probably children of John Abbe the Windham settler [Wenham Records] : John, "son of John Abye," b. May 5, 1665, d. May 15, 1665 ; Thomas, ■"son of John Abbey," b. 5, 12 mo., 1667. If th« latter was the son of OENEALOOV. 16 ouf John Abbe, he died young ; Joseph, b,, 'probably, Aug. 18, 1G73, m Abigail Severance, Aug. 30, 1706, and had an only dau. Joanna, who m. Jonathan Brown, of Hampton, N. II. She is mentioned in the will of her uncle Eicliard Abbe, of Windham, in 1737. Joseph Abbe d. and his •wid. Abigail, m. Phillip Greeley, Dec. 11, 1707, [Joseph, son of Joseph Abbo, b. Aug. 18, 1673, (WenhamList in Clerk of Court's Office, Salem). We cannot but think that the above sLould be Joseph, son of John Ab- be.] (5) ObacUah ; Abigail, m. Daniel Sabin, of Windham, March 18, 1701 : Chi!, by wife Hannah : (6) Richard, h. Feb. 1 or 9, (both dates found in Windham records) 1682— 3 ; Mary, b. Sept. 10, 1684, m. James Pease, of Enfield, and was living in 1737 ; Mercy, b. March 5, 1689, m. Nathaniel Flint, of Windham, his third wife, no chil. ; (7) Julin, b. April 20, 1691 ; ILtunah, b. Aug. 13, 1693, m. Thomas Welch, ancestor of the Windham families of that name; Lydia, b. May 21, 1(396, m. Benjamin Bidlack ; Sirah, b. in Windham, March 11, 1699, m. John Welch, proba- bly a brother of Thomas. 5. Obadiaii Abbe, (probably this one) m. Elizabeth Wilkinson at Mai- den, Dec. 26, 1701. He settled at Windham; and after 1719 removed to Ashford, Ot., where he was living in 1737. Chil. b. at Windham ; Mercy, b. Oct. 15, 1702 ; Obadiah, b. April 10, 1704, probably m. and lived in Ashford, as we find an Obadiah xibbe there, wife Zerviah, who had son John, b. Sept. 14, 1759, Hannah b. Aug. 27, 1761, and other chil. ; Eliz' a6ei/i, b. April 1, 1700 ; Hannah, b. i>ec. 5, 1707; Abigail, b. Oct. 25, 1709 ; Ruth, b. Sept. 15, 1712 ; Joseph, 1st, b. May 28, 1714, d. Jan. 7, 1717-18; Richard, b- May 14, 1716; Joseph, 2d, b. Jan. 16, 1718-19. We have no further information of this family. There Avas a Jeremiah Abbe at Ashford, who m. Ann Strong, June 18, 1760, and had chil., who may have been a grand-son of Obadiah above. 6. Richard Abbe was one of the prominent, influential and substantial men of Windham in his day. He was a man of considerable property, and among his legacies, was one of £50, to the Eev. Thomas Clap, and one of £20 to the First Church of Windham. He was one of the earliest slave- holders in the town after Gates. He gave his negro girl Jenne, prized at £75, to his wife, with one-half of his estate, and liberal legacies to his brothers and sisters. He especially enjoined upon his executors to take no unjust advantage of his debtors, and to give those against whom he held mortga,ges reasonable time to redeem them, even if their legal right to do so had been forfeited. He was constable, sheriff. Justice of the Peace, Judge of the County Court, and represented Windham in the Legislature every year from 1726 to 1737, with one exception, and was influential in church affairs. He was a warm friend of the Rev. Mr. Clap, and was one of Prince's sub- scribers. He m. Mary Jennings, dau. of Jonathan, Nov. 16, 1703, and d. July 10, 1737, aged 54. She d. Aug. 25, 1759, aged 77. They had no 18 HISTORY OF AKCIENT UlNDHAM. ehil. His will is dated June 27, 1737. Her will bears date July 12, 1758. The following is tlie inscription on his tombstone : Here lyes Buried ye body of RICHARD ABBE. ESQ.. One of his MagistiVs Justices of ye County of Windham. Who after he had Faithfully Served his Generation 'Acording to the will of GOD Fell Asleep July 10, 1737, in ye 65th year of his Age. Mar}', his wife, appears to have been a pious and benevoTcnt woman, a worthy companion of her respected husband. She Was the eldest dau. of Jonathan Jennings, the first settler in Windham after Gates. In her will she gives £4 to the First Church in Windham, " To purchase a Flag on For the Convenience of Furnishiu^ the communion Table in said Church." She gives " unto Ginna ray Negro woman her time & Freedom From hence Forward not to be Inslaved held or Gontroled by me or any under me as a slave or servant Fur Time or Life and T do hereby jrive & bequeath unto sd Ginna a good Bible & the best Featherbed I have sav- ing one with good bediiing viz. Bolster, Pillows, one pare good sheets, one pare woolen Blankets & a good coverlid & a Foot wheel and Farthermore I give unto said Ginna a good Iron Pott and Kittle with my every day clothe-s & a good silk crape gown & Two Pewter Platters which I give unto ye sd Ginna For the good service she hath done me." With regard to her other slaves she says: " And I do here by order & desire that those of my negro children as shall be sold & disposed of as that they may have Christian Education and by their Maysters not be used with cruelty & hardship." There were four negro children named in her in- Tentory, viz. : Sampson, valued at £45, Peter, at £40, Reuben at £35, p.nd Tamer, a girl, at £28. The following is the inscription on hertomb- Btone : In Memory of Mrs. Mary Ab be widow to Richard Abbe Esq. who died Aua;ust 25th 1759 in yo 78lh year of her Ago, them also yt sleep in Jesus will God bring with him, 1 Thes. 4 and 14. 7. John Abbe, m. 1st, Mary, dau. of Dea. Abel Bingham, of Windham, Nov. 7, 1717 ; she d. July 23, 1722 ; m. 2d, Mary Palmer, dau. of Samuel, March 12, 1723 ; she d. Nov. 30, 1750 ; m. 3d, Abigail llipley, wid. of Jere- miah, and dau. of dea. Eleazer Gary, April 23, 1751 ; she d. Oct. 16, 176G ; m, 4th, Sarah Dodge, April 8, 17G7 ; he d. Jan. 16, 1770 ; shed. April 11,1776. His will is dated June 6, 1767. Inventory £1067 12s 3d. To Rev. Steph- en White he gave his '-silver headed cane." His only chil. by 1st wife was: (8) Jului, b. July 4, 1722; chil. by 2d wife: Hannah, b. Sept. 17, 1724, ra. Joshua Webb; Mtri/, b. Sept. 10, 1725, perhipsm. Elisha Walesj Elizabeth, h. Sept. 16, 1728, m. Jesse Ward, of Union, May 22. 1754; Richard, b. July 1, 1730, m. Mary Huntington, dau. of David, and had 6on Mexari, b. in Windham, Dec. 4, 1752, besides other chil., who d. in in- fancy. His father gave him a farm of 90 acres on Beaver HiU. Heprob- GEXEOLOGY. 17 aKly d. Feb. 17, 1794; Emnce. h. Aug. £0, 1732, in. probably Jcmathan Jen- nings, his IIJ Wife; T^ihajiu, h. Sept.. IG, 17G0, in. Charles Kr.jley. 8. John- Abbe, jr., m. 1st, Lo!.s Munson ; m. 2d, Smith ; he d.JuIy 4, 178Sassd03; only child by 1st wife: /j/ift, b. Jan. 10,1755. d. sorae thirty or forty years since, somewhere m Windham Count}-, (one informant says Cjaplin) unm., ani with him th3 mile line of this particular branch of the Abbes became extinct. The original homestead of John Abbe was on lot No. 7, at Windham Center. DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL ABBE, THE WINDHAM SETTLER. 3. Samuel Abbe, the son of John Abbe, sen., was, -we are fully sat- isfioi, the Windham settler. John, sei., of Wenham, had a son Samuel, to whom he deeded ten acres of land in Wenham, ^larch 29, 1675. In 1676, Samuel Abei was Surveyor, according to Wenham records. In 1682, Samuel Abbe, of Wenham, bought of Lot Kilhain, land, &c., in Salem Village (now Danvers). Samuel Abbe and wife were dismissed from Wenham church to form church in Salem Village, Nov. 15, 1089. In 16Sl,S.imueI Abbe, of '-Salem," bought of James Stimpson, of Reading, land within the precints and boun Is of Salem. On the 3d of April, 1697, Sam^^ uel Abbe, of Salem, sold " all his messuage in Salem," to Zachariah White, of Lynn. The deed was signed by Samuel and Mary Abbe. Samuel Abbe was not taxed in Salem Village after 1695. Nov. 4, 1697, Samuel Abbe, " of Salem," bought of Benjamin Howard, of Windham, for £22 lOi, current money, half an allotment of land (500 acres), being No. 2, at the " Center," (then at or near '• Bricktop,") with half the house, &c. Samuel Abbe removed to Windham probably about the time of the above purchase, for he was admitted an inhabitant of the town, Dec. 21, 1697. lie was the ancestor of the most numerous branch of the Wind- ham Abbes, and all of the name now living in Windham or vicinity aro descended from him. Samuel Abbe m. at Wenham, Mar}^ Knowlton, Oct. 12, 1672. He d. in Windham, in March, 1G97, according to the probate records, which •WM 1698, as we now reckon. His wid. m. Abraham Mitchell, an early Windham settler, x\pril 27, 1699, and had by him a son Daniel, b. Dec. 10, 1700, d. same day. The estate of Samuel Abbe was settled in Hart- ford Probate Court. The following children are all named in the rec- ords of the court. Those b. before 1682, were probably b. at Wenham, and the others at Salem Village (now Danvers,) : Manj, b. about 1674, tvas living single in Windham after 1700 ; Simuel^ b. about 1676, was one of the original members of the First Church of Windham. Hem. Hannah Silsby, March 15, 1710, and d. Jan. 15, 1736-7, aged about 61 ; she d. about 1759. Tliey had one chil. : Simuel, b. O^t. 12, 1712, d. Mirch 15 1714; ThomaSjh. about 1679, d.at Windham, April 1, 1700,unra. ; Elizabeth^ b. about 1681, m. William Slate, of Windham, ancestor of the Mansfield 3 18 MISTORt OF ANCIENT WINDMAM. Slate families. [The last name is Eleazer on probate records, but from the Windham land records we are satisfied it is a mistake, and that it should be Elizabeth.] (9) Ebenczer, b. at Salem Village, July 31, 1G8S; Mercy, b. March 1, lG8i--5, m. Jonathan Onnsby, of Windham; Scrah^h. July 4 or 6, IGSG, m. John Fowler, of Lebanon, and iiad family ; Hepsi- bah, b. Feb. 14, 1G8S-9, m. Samuel Palmer, and wa;; tlie ancestress of the largest branch of the Scotland Palmers; Abigail, b. Nov. 19, 1690, m. probably, Joseph Ormsby, of Rehoboth ; Johv, b. June 4, 1C92, is called of Hartford, 1723. It is said he settled in Eist Hartford and left many descendants, but we have been unable to find any records or particulars of his fomily. lie d. in 1790, aged about 98, but according to Ilinraan and others, 109, which is evidentlj'a mistake ; Benjamin, b. June 4, 1694, settled in Glastenbur}', and there m. Mary TiTon, dau. of" Dr. Joseph, Jan. 4, 1716, and had chii.: Agnes, Hannah, Mary and Samuel; Jonathan, b. about 1G97, probably settled in Willington, where he d. in 1760, and left chil.: Anne, Mary, Jonathan, Samuel and Rebecca. 9. Ebenezer Abbe was "of Norwich," Nov. 1705, when he purchased of his brother Samuel, 55 acres of land at " New Found Meadow," in Windham. Ebenczei.' sold to his brother about the same time, land on Bushneli Plain and at Willimantic. He was at Windliarr., July 8, 1706. Ebenezer Abbe lived near what is now North Windham, perhaps dur- ing the latter part of his life in Mansfield. He was a member of the Hampton church in 1725. lie married !Mary Alh'n, dau. of Joshua, one of the early Fcttlers of Mansfield, Oct. 28, 1707; he d. Dec. 5j 1758; she d. 1766. His will is dated June 3, 1750. In it he names ten of his thirteen children. IIis chil. were: (10") Ehenfzer, b. July 27, 1708 ; Elizaheth. b. Sept. 11, 1709, m. Daniel Cross, of Mansfield, had family ; (11) Joshua, b. Jan. 20, 1710-11 ; 717a?-?,', b. Sept. 21, 1712, m. Jonathan Bingham, jr. ; Nathan, b. May 6, 1714, settled in Mansfield, and m. 1st, Silence Ames, dau. of William, Dec. 4. 1746 ; she d. Feb. 6, 1776 ; m. 2d, Lucy Ilovey, dau. of Samuel, of Windham, Oct. 17, 1776 ; no chil. recorded; (12) Gideon,h. Feb. 13, 1715-16; Samml, 1st, b. Oct. SO, 1717, d. March 1, 1718; Sawwe/, 2d, b. April 24,1719, living 1750 ; [A Sam- uel Abbe,ofMansfield, m. Temperance Lincoln, dau. of Thomas, July 8,1766, and had: Shadrach, b. March 6, 1767 , Anne, b. June 13, 17C9 , Lucy, b. May 22, 1771, Mary, b. Feb. 9, 1774, Amelia, b. July 14,1776, Azubab, b. Dec. 21, 1778, Ebenezer, b. June 9, 1781. The above was either the Eon of Ebenezer Abbe, sen., or Ebenezer, jr. If the former he was about 47 at his marriage, if the latter was about 20. We are unable to deter- mine which.] Zerviah, b. March, 17, 1720--21, m. Eliliu Marsh ; Jervsha^ b: Oct. 22, 1722, m. Samuel Wood, of Mansfield ; Abigail, b. Aug. 1, 1724, probably m. Benjamin Corey ; Mirixm, b. Aug. 31, 1726, m. William Cross, and d. Nov. or Dec. 2, 1823, aged 97 ; (13) Solomon, b. Maj 29, 1730. OEM KA LOOT. 19 10, Ebexezer Abbe, jR.;m. Abigail , Feb. 22. 1729--30 ; chil.: Mary, b. March 2G, 1731 ; (14) Isaar^ b. July 25, 1733 ; Mner, b. Aug. 26, 1737; Ewiezer, b. Juno 10, 1739; Jacob, b. Aug. 23, 1741; John, b. Aug. 23, 1743, settled in JNIansfield, m. Dorotlnr Bngbee, April 27, 1768, and bad John, b. April 4, 1709 ; Samael, b. June 21, 1747. 11. JosnL'.\ Abbe deserves ninre than a brief notice — all we are able to give, llis homes lead was near the present village of North Windham, just within the bounds of what is now Chaplin, near the residence and on the farm of Hon. P. B. Peck. The house long since disajipeared, but the cellar place still marks the location. He was at one time a largo land owner, and possessed considerable property in live stock, &c. His extensive domains at North Windham and vicinity he called his " King- dom" ; and owing to the infljence he exerted, he was often called " King Abbe." lie was not without his failings, nor was he without virtues, some of a noble and redeeming character. He was a man of medium size, bat ofgre.it physical and mental vigor. He was a match for any one in shrewdaiss anJ ready wit, and could make a very sharp tr.ide. Ic is said he was more than a match in a bargain for Dea. Chaplin (for whom the town of Chaplin was named), who was very successful in his trades and in accumulating property, lie had strong rcligior.s impulses, but his faith was not cf the orthodox kind; and perhaps in those days he was considered somewhat fanatical. Among the guests at his hospitable board at one time, was " Mother" Ann Lees, the founder of the sect of "Shakers." He appears to have been a man of strong social faculties, very hopitable, generous to his friends and kind to the poor. When one of his neigiiboi's, a poor man, had lost his only cow, a subscription paper was started to buy hini another. His neighbors put .lown a dollar or so each, and the man presented the paper to " King Abbe." On showing it to him, Mr. Abbe said, "Away with your subscription paper; go into my herd and take your pick among my cows, and be sure you get a good one." Jo3HUA Abbe, sen., m. Mary Ripley, dau. of Joshua, jr., of Willimantic, April 14, 17dG. His wiled. Oct., 1769; he d. Jan. 13 or 14, 1807, aged 96. His blooi is widely diffused through many respectable and talented families. T i^ir c.iil. w.iL'vj: Zi,')si,%Ii, b. Juue 11,1737, m. Jonathan Wales ; Rachel, h. Feb. 6, 1733-9, m. Gen. Samuel McClellan *, of Woodstock, * Gen. Samuel McClellan, of Woodstock, was of Scotch descent, and a, promiiit^nt ui.iu in Hiat town, lie served for a time in the war of thn Revolu- tion. Hem. 1st, Jemima Chandler, of Woodstock, Nov. 16, 1757, wlio d. April 13, 1764; m. id, Rachel Abbe. duu. of Josliua. ot Windham, March 5. 17(,6; ehed. June 22. I7y5 ; cliil. by 1st wife; tiarniitl. b. Feb. 11, 176U ; W'iliiam. b. March 6. 1762 ; I-id/nuel ChanUkr. h. April 3. 1764 ; ciiil. by 2d wife, Rachel Abbe: John. b. Jan. 4, 1767 ; Kancy, b. May 7, 1768; James, b. Sept 20, 1769. He Avas the father of Dr. (Jeovgi McClellan, a distinguished surgeuu and medical pro- fessor 01 I'hiladelphia, wlio was father of Gen. George lirinton McCiellan; A'a- thaniel 1st, b. Dec. 17, 1770. d. y. , Lua-ttia, b. May 15, 1773 ; AUizabclh, b. Nov. 20, 1775 ; Nathxakl, 2d, b. Jan. 16, 1777, d. iu Norwich, Sept, 1863, JudahAld^, b. May 26, 1780 20 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDHAM. March 5, 17CG, Lis 2a wife, and had chiL. Among her descendants is Gen. Geo. B. McCIellan. A correspondent saj-s, she was a woman great- ly respected and beloved bj' all who knew her; Alari/, b. Dec. 21, 1740, ni. Nathaniel Ilebard, of Windham. Among her descendants is Hon. Learned Ilebard, of Lebanon ; Zerviah, b. Jan. 7, 1743, m. Capt. Nathan- iel "Webb, of Windham. Among her descendants were Sheriff Henry Webb and his son, the late Dr. Wm. Webb, Windham ; (15) Shubael, b. Nov. 9, 1744; (IG) Phineas, h. ^ov. 22, 1740; Lvcr etia, h. Mixrch 10, 1749, m. Edmund Badger, of Windham. Among her descendants are Hon, Samuel Badger, of Philadelphia, and lion. Geo. E. Badger, of North Car- olina, formerly U. S, Senator from that State ; (17) Joshua, b. Jan. 9, 1751 ; (18) Elisha, b. May 15, 1753; Elizaheth, b. Dec. G, 1758, d. Jan. 20, 1759. 12. Gideon Abbr, settled first in Windham, but after 1745 removed to Mansfield, then to Ash ford, and back to Mansfield, where he d. He m. 1st, Mary Wood, dan. of Samuel, of Mansfield, March 15, 1735 : she d. Oct. 1742 ; m. 2d, Keziah Walker, Dec. 8, 1742; she d. Jan., 1746-7 ; m. 3d, Bathsheba Smith, dau. of William, of Ashford, March, 1747. He d. in 1784 ; his wifesurvivedhiin. His will is dated May — , 1779, proved 1784; thil. by 1st wife : Man/, 1st, b. in Windham, March 24, 1738, d.y. ; Hannah, h. in Windham, June 28, 1739, m. Josiah Hall, of Mansfield; Gideon, b. Oct. 12, 1741, not named in will, 1779; chil, by wife Keziah: Miry, 21, b. Oct. 10, 1744, m. John Hunt, jr.. of Mansfield ; (19) SjIoviuu, b. April 12, 1746 ; by wife Bathsheba : John, b. March 8, 1747-8, m. Dorothy Bugbee, April 27, 1768, and had John, b. April 4, 1769, probably m. Lydia Walcott, of Windham, Feb. 3, 1791, and had Timothy, b. Oct. 14, 1771; Samuel, 1st, b, Oct. 2, 1749, d. y. ; Bathsheba, b. Feb. 22, 1750-51, not named in will; Elijah,h. inAshfoi'd, July 7, 1753, m, Ruth Balch,dau. of Jonathan, Nov. 4, 1772, and had child b. Dec. 15, 1773, d. next day ; S:im- uel, 2d, b, Jan, 7, 1755, m, probably Miriam Hall, dau, of Ephraim, April 11, 1775, and had Uachael, b. Feb. 10, 1776, Shubael, b. Feb. 20,1778, m. Polly Hartshorn, Sept. 17, 1797, (had Daniel, b. July 14, 1798, Charles, b, June 16, 1800, m. and lives in Mansfield, Emily, b. Nov. 5, 1806,) Hannah, b. Feb. 22, 1780; Nathan, b. Nov. 21, 1756; iVilUam,, h. April 14, 1758, m. Lydia Hall, dau. of Thomas, June 5, 1777, and had Elijah, b, Feb. 20, 1779 ; Jcrusha, b. Jan. 3, 17G1 ; Eanice, b. May 12, 1705 ; Ezra, named in will as infirm, not able to take care of himself. 13. Solomon Aeee settled first in Windham, but after 1700, removed to Mansfield, where he died. He m, 1st, Sarah Knight, June 17, 1751 ; she d. July 25, 1797; m. 2d, wid. Elizabeth Burnham, May 3, 1798. He d, 1799; his wife survived him. Chil. by 1st wife : Joseph b. x\pril 6, 1752; d. Sept. 6, 1754; Sxrah., 1st, b. Jan. 26, 1754 ; d. Sept. 12, 1754; Sirah, 2d, b. Aug. 9, 1755, m, Andrew Hartshorn ; Lydia, b. July 6, 1757, m. David Allen ; male child, b, Aug. 29, 1759; d. Aug. 30, 1759; male child, b, Aug. 12, 1760, d, same day; Phehe, b, in Mansfield, Oct. 1, 1701, in. GE.NF.ALOGY. 1^1 Uriah Smith; Esthtr^ b. Jinic £0, 1764, m. Leonard Sessions; Ahd^h. Aug. 7, 17GG, 111. Miriam Bingham, Jul}', 1700, and had: Lura, b. Jan. 20, 1791, Keiia, b. Aug. 31, 17!:)2, Linda, b. July 5, 1791, Origin, b. April 23, 1796, Charles, b. May 3, 1798, William, b. Aiiril 6, 1800, Phcbe, b. Feb. 11, 1802. and probably removed from Mansfield. 14. Isaac Abbe lived at or near North Windham. lie m. Eunice Church, March, 1753, and d. April, 1788 ; his wife survived him. Chil. : hanc^ b. Oct. 31, 1753; Eunice, b. April 12, 1755, m. Jonah Lincoln, sen., his 2d wife; -i4««ff, b. March 14, 1757 ; Ahricr, b. Nov. 5, 1758; Susannah, b. Nov. 15, 1760; Zerviah, b. April 10, 1762; Joseph b. June 5, 1763; Na- thauiel, b. July 13, 1765 ; Luq/, b. Feb. 4, 1769 ; Sarah,h. March 4, 1771. 15. Shubael Abbe resided at Windham Center, and was an esteemed and highly respected citizen, active and useful in town, church and State affairs. He graduated at Yale College in 1764, and held many offi- ces of trust, among them, sheriff of Windham County, a comnn.ssioner of the School Fund, often a representative toth e Legislature, &c. Mr. Abbe was sheriff at the time Caleb Adams, a young man aged 19, was hmig at Windham, Nov. 19, 1803, and it was his painful duty to officiate at the execution. There was much in the history of j'oung Adams that called for deep commiseration. Mr. Abbe was a man of very ttndtr feelings, and it was a sore trial to him to perform this most unpleasant dut}-. Hem. Lucy Chester, Jan. 26, 1774; he d. suddeniv, April 16, 1804; she d. June 21, 1818, aged 66. The Rev. Elijah Waterman, his son-in-law, makes the following entry in the "Windham Church records respecting his death : '• April 16, 1804, Shubael Abbe, aged 59, of an apoplectic fit, between the hours of nine and ten in the morning. He had made every preparation and arranged all his business for the purpose of going to Hart- ford as a manager of the School Fund. He went out at the door to see that his horse was ready, and as he was. returning in to take leave of his familj', as usual, he was suddenly struck with apoplexy, and sallied down in the arms of his wife speechless; and, though immediately let blood, he died in a few minutes. The house, where domestic felicity ever reigned, was in an instant changed into a house of the deepest distress. Our life is a vapor that appeareth a little while and vanishetliaway. If the Lord will I shall live and do this or that; what God does is well done." The following epitaph from the old Windham burying-ground, contains a just tribute to his worth : In memory of Shubael Abbe, Esq., who died suddenly April 16, 1 804, aged 59. He graduated at Yale College iu 1764. lie was several .years in the busi- ness of Merchandise, and by his own exertions Became largely engaged in hus- bandry. In 1783 he was appointed sheriff of the County" of Windliani and continued in the Most punctual and unexcei;tionable manner to^^Discharge the duties of that office till his deatli. lie was often ciiosen representative of the town. In 1798 he was appointed by thei'resident One of the <"oinmission- ers of the L:ind Tax And by the Assemblyjme of the committee To manage the School Funds. In domestic life he was mdulgent and decisive. In public business, active, punctual and correct. In'his attachment to civil and religious 82 HISTOKT OF ANCIENT WINDHAM. Institutions he was exemplar}' and to the Poor and afflicted Immane and gener- ous. His ability and integrity secured to him the Entetm and confidence of his fellow citizens "And his death ^vas extensively and deeply Regretted. He left a widow three sons and five daughters To mourn an irreparable loss. Tears flow nor cease where Abbe's ashes sleep. For him a wife and tenderest children weep Andjustly— for few shall evei transcend. As husband, parent and a faithful friend. The chil. of Shubacl and Lucy Abbe were: Lucy, b. May 21, 1778 ; m. Rev. Elijah Waterman, minister at Windham, and was the mother of the Rev. Thomas T. Waterman, a Congregational clergyman, who has been settled at Providence, Killingly and other places ; Nancy, b. Feb. 24, 1780, m. Darling, of New Haven, d. in New York ; Lucretia, b. Jan. 12, 1782, m. Zephaniah Ripley, of Windham, d. in the State of New- York ; Chester, twin of Lucretia, b. Jan. 12, 1782, d. at Windham, aged about 50, unm. ; Freelove, b. Oct. 21, 1784, m. David Y'oung, Esq., a law- yer of Windham, and was the mother of Gen. David Young, of Norwich ; Lricius, 1st, b. Oct. 6, 1786, d. Dec. 6, 1786 ; Betsey, h. Jan. 25, 1787,* d. unm. at Bridgeport, Sept. 22, 1809 ; Christopher, h. Oct. 9, 1789, d. a few, years since in Coventry, unm.; Lucius, 2d, b. April 3, 1792, called "up town Lucius," m. Mrs. Mary B. Young, wid. of Edward, of Philadelphia, April 18, 1813. Her maiden name was Viol, of Newport, R. 1.; he d. Nov. 5, 1841. \l!hil.: Antoinette C, b. Nov. 11, 1814, m. Augustus Storrs, of Mansfield, Sept. 11, 18o9, has two dans., Harriet Fitch and Maria An- toinette, resides in New Y'ork, Ann W., b. at Windham, Sept. 15, 1817, d. March IG, 1819, Harriet Fitch, b. July 27, 1822, m. Samuel S. Hovey, of Mansfield, has one dau., Katie L., Mary B., b. April 17, 1826, m. Frank- lin Dunham, of Mansfield, Jan. 2. 1853. 16. Phineas Abbk was a respected and prosperous farmer of Windham. His homestead was south of Windham Center, owned a few years since by his son, the late George Abbe, and now by the Lynches. Phineas Abbk m. 1st, Mary Bingham, dau. of Gideon, sen., Dec. 7, 1767; shed. July 29, 1777 ; m. 2d, Susanna Brown, probably dau. of Thomas, of Windham, Dec. 2, 1778 ; he d. June 18, 1800, aged 54; she d. April 26, 1804. His inventory amount-^'d to 159919.40, and he owned 325 acres of land. Chil. by 1st wife : Lxicy, b. Oct. 16, 1768, d. Dec. 13, 1774 ; Betsey, b. Nov. 2, 1771, d. Dec. 21, 1774 ; Mary, b. March 29, 1773, m. Charles Taintor, of Windliam; (20) Jo&htia, b. Feb. 15, 1775 : Lucy, 2d, b. Dec. 30, 1776, m. Gen. Jedediah Johnson, of Canterbury ; chil. by 2d wife : Thomas, h. Oct. 22, 1779, was mate of a vessel from Norfolk, •went to St. Christopher, W. 1., and probably d. there ; (21) George, b. May 17, 1781 ; Charles, b. Jan. 17, 1783, m. Mary Welch and d. in the State of New York; Phineas, b. Dec. 6, 1784, d. aged 6 weeks; Susanna, twin of Phineas, b. Dec. 6. 1784, d. aged 9 weeks; (22) Moses Cleveland, b. Nov. * There is some discrepancy m these dates, which are copied exactly from the town records, that we ure unable to reconcile. OENEALOOT. 23 16,1785; Lucius, twin of Moses C, b. Nov. 16, 1785, m. Jilartlia Johnson, dau. of Oliver, of Franklin, about 1811. lie removed about 1846 to Lak« Mills, Jefferson Co., Wis., where he d. about 1856. Ilis wid. was living in 1860. They had: Edward, who is m. and resided at Lake Milks, 1860, Frances, m. James Pain, of Pomfret, and d. in Wisconsin about 1841, Caroline, b. April 1, 1819, m. Marvin Spafibrd, d. about 1840, Hen- ry lives in Wisconsin ; Henry, b. Sept. 6, 1787, was killed in battle in South America ; Samuel, b. June 7, 1789, was a physician, m., and was in the war of 1812. He shot himself. 17. Rev.Ioshua Aebf, jr.,lived near North Windham,inwhatis now Chap lin. He was a preacher of the Christian denomination, and was very ac- tive among the •' Separatists" and " Come-outers" of his day. From what we have learned, we judge he was a man of strong religious impulses, of a somewhat excitable temperament, and " down" on the orthodox preach- ers. Ilo ir, well remembered by many ^citizens of this^^and neighboring towns, who have often heard him preach. He ra. 1st, Tryphena Bass, dau. of Henry, of Windham, Nov. 19, 1771, she d.inChaj^ i'vi, July 29, 1815, aged 63 ; m. 2d, a wid. Rogers; he emigra- ted late in life ic L eroy, N. Y., where he d. Chil., all by 1st wife : Sarah, b. Feb. 13, 1772, m. Elisha Whipple, Feb. 23, 1800; Alice, b. Nov. 21, 1773, • d. y. ; EUzabsth, b. Dec. 26, 1775, m. Judah Back, Nov. 22, 1801, 3 chil. living; Hinrij, b. Dec, 18, 1777, d. num., was a sea faring man; Li/dia, b. Oct. 21, 1779, m. John Clark, of Windham, his 2d wife, and was the mother of L. H. Clark, Esq., of AVillimantic, she d. at W^illimantic, July 25, 1854;. Jesse, b. Feb. 14, 1783, emigrated to Ohio, rn. Lorinda Dorman, and had family, from there wertt to Van Buren, Mich., kepthotel,d. about 1859 ; Sf/bil, b. March 15, 1785, m. Lucius Fitch, 1805, settled in Ohio and had family ; George Wyllys, b. Feb. 10, 1787, resides in Windham ; m. 1st, Freeloie Phillips, of Mansfield, 1818; m. 2d, Eunice Huntington, dau. of Roger, of Windham, she d. April 5, 1:^30, aged about 44; m. 3d, — Woodvrorth ; child by 1st wife, b. 1818, d. an infant, John Taintor, b. 1819, was in U. S. army, last heard from at Alexandria, La., unm., supposed dead, Freelove, b. Feb. 1820, m. about 1839, Mr. Carpenter, d. about 1841 ; Eunice, b. April 10, 1789, m. Charles Champlin, of Windham, Sept. 28, 1809, removed to Ohio, had 2 chil. living there ; Sophia, b. Sept. 6, 1791, m. Moore, living in Ohio; Eliiha,h. June 25, 1794, went with his brother Jesse to Ohio and d. there about 1815 ; Lucy, b. July 3, 1797, m. Moore, living in Springfield, Mass. 18. Elisha Abbe lived in Windham Center. He m. Jerusha Webb, dau. of Samuel, of Windham, Oct. 27, 1774; he d. Aug. 16, 1829. aged 75 ; she d. Dec. 29, 1829, aged 80. Chil.: Betsey, h. Dec. 13, 1775, m. Abner Lathrop ; Beta, h. Dec. 18. 1777, d. aged 25, unm, ; Alfred,h. Aug. 19, 1779, d. April 13, 1781; male child, twin of Alfred, d. same day; Jc- rusha^ b. Nov. 14, 1781, m. Oapt. John McGouty, a sea captain, fh)ra 24 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDHAM. Yiriiiniii, of Scctcli descent. lie cl. in North Carolina and left a faittily in Windham; NatJuiiiuLh. Oct. 21, 17^3, d. aged about 14; Eiiima, b. April 18,1785, m. 1st, Elisha Kinne, ni. 2d, ^Matthew Smith, of Chaplin. She resides in Windham a widow; Manj, b. Oct. 9, 1787, m. Huntington Fitch, hed. at Buffalo, N. Y., she resides in China, Mich. 19. Solomon Abbe, jr., of Mansfield, m. Lucy Johnson, dau. of John, of Lebanon, March 10, 17G8. He d. July 29, 1840, aged 94, though the rec- ords say 97. He resided in Mansfield and had chil.: Gideon., b. April 0, 1769, ra. probably Sybil Campbell, dau. of Zuriel, Dec. 10, 1789, and had Lorey,b. May 12, 1791, and Abel,b. Aug. 1792, went to Vermont ; Sarah, b. Feb. 18, 1771 ; Solomo7i, b. Feb. 9, 1774; [A Solomon Abbe, jr., m. Fan- ny Learned, March 20, 1820 ;] OUve, b. May 10, 1776 ; Eleazer, b. Dec. 16, 1778, m. Lydia Agard, of Stafford, Feb. 16, 1802, and had Lucius, b. Dec. 19, 1802, Philomela, b. Dec. 19, 1804, George, b. Dec. 12, 1806, and Leonard, b. Jan, 9, 1813 ; Rhoda, h. March 2, 1781, ra. Jesse Crane, and was mother of the late Dea. Millen Crane of Mansfield ; Hiddah, b. May 16, 1783; (23) Simeon, b. July 16 or 17, 1785. 20. Joshua Abbk, at the age of fourteen was clerk to Mr. Woodbridge in Norwich, where he probably staid until he was twentj'-one, and then went to New London. He went to New Gioiteester, Maine, in 1802 or 3, with Mr. Godfry Grosvenor. He was ra. at Hudson, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1815, by Rev. Dr. John Chester, to Marcia Grosvenor, at the house of Hon. Elisha Williams, her brother-in-law. Removed to Bangor, Me., 1832, lived there eight yeswrs, then having retired from busine.ss, wont to live with his only child, Mrs. S. C. FessonJen, at Rockland, Me., (then East Thomaston) where he d. Jan. 20, 1849, aged 74. He was a successful merchant, and a man of fine presence and gentlemanl}^ deportment. His wife, Marcia Grosvenor, was dau. of Seth and Abigail (Kej^es) Grosven- or, and was b. at Pomfret, Ct., Oct. 23, 1780 ; she d. Dec. 20, 1857, aged 87. Their only child was: 3Iary Abigail Grosvenor, b. Atig. 17, 1816, m.- Hon. and Rev. Samuel Chandler Fessenden (nephew of Senator Fessen- den) Aug. 30, 1838, and has had twelve children, eleven of which were Fecentl}' living. 21. George Abbe, m. Charlotte Ilackstaft', of New York city, was in business in New York many years, and successful. Some years since he purchased his father's homestead and returned to Windham, where hed. Sept. 1851, aged 71. Their chil. were: S:cnmel, ra. Abby Fuller; /ose- pldne, ra. George Fuller, of Minnesota, x4pril 4, 1860; George, m. Martha A:in Youle ; Ann, m. James M. Johnson, of Windham ; Mary TainLor \ William Hackstaff. 22. Mo3E3 Cleveland ABBsm. Talitha Waldo, dau. of Zacheus (she b. March 10, 1789) Feb. 1, 1809, by Rjv. Mr. Andrews. They are living two miles south of Win iham Center. Their chil. are: Susavk Brown, \>. April 15, 1810, m. Andrew Frink, jr., of Windham; (24) George Waldo, b. GENEALOGY. 25 Oct, 2G, 1811 ; Eliza Tcdntor, b. Sept. 2.3, 1814, m. Henry S. Walcott, of Windham ; J\lanj or Maridte, b. Aug. 24, 181G, m. Charles Smith, of .South Windliam; Joshua Grosvenor^ b. June 26, 1827, m. Sarah E. Fuller, ofWindham, June 17, 1802, resides in New York city ; John Randolph^ b. July 12, 1833, m. 1st, Lucy Avery, she d. May 27, 18G0; m. 2d, Jose- phine L. Robbins, of Windham, Dec. 28, 18G1, resides in Providsnce. 23. Simeon Abbe, m. Ist, Anna Crane, dau. of Ilezekiah, jr. ; she d» Oct. .5, 1822 ; m. 2d, Lydia Nichols, Nov. 28, 1822; she d. July 17, 1851 ; ha is still living in Mansfield. Cuil. by 1st wife: Lncij, b. June 25, 1810, resides with her father; Fearing, b. Nov. 8, 1811, m. Julia A* Thompson, no chil., living in Hartford ; Aastin, h. May 4 or 5, 1813, ni. Clarissa Gordon, of Aslifonl, she d. 1859, and left chil. Luther A., Fearing W., Adeline C. Amanda J. ; Ltici/ Ann, b. Julj^ 2G, 1820, m. Joseph Woodward, of Mansfield Hollow, resides in Mansfield, 3 chil. Chil. by 2d wife: Louisa I., b. Oct. 2G, 1823, m. Samuel D. Thomson, has family, living in Illinois ; Elisha, b. Nov. 17, 1825, d. Nov. 18, 1825 ; Clark Crainf b. Oct. 12, 182G, m. 1st, Mrs. Sarah Young, March 1, 1852, she d. in Ke- nosha, Wis., March 5, 1859, m. 2d, Adaline A. Hughes, of Ashford, Dec. IG, 18G0, living in Mass. ; Albert, b. May 23, 1829, m. Amelia M. Philips, of Mansfield, dau. of Abel, 3 chil., living in Illinois; Anna Maria, b. Sept. 4, 1831, m. Lester AVhite, 3 chil., living in Ashford ; Lydia Sophia, b. June 1, 1833, m. Samuel Bailey, 3 chil., living in Illinois ; Mariette, b. Oct. 15, 1834, m. Henry White, she d. April 4, 185G, no chil.; Martha Lucina, b. Aug. 29, 1837, m. Henry C. Thompson, May 1, 185G, had one child, Ella L., b. March 9, 18G2, d. Sept. .30, 18G3, living in Leeds, Mass. 24. George Waldo Abbe m. Charlotte Colgate, (she b. March 23, 1817,) Jan. 19, 1837, in New York citj^, where they reside. Their chil. are : Cleveland, b. Dec. 3, 1838. He is connected with the U. S. Coast Survey, and at present resides in old Cambridge, ]Mass. We are under manj'^ obligations to him for facts and records respecting the Abbes. He very generously paid the expense of a thorough search of the early rec- ords of Salem and Wenham, and all the descendants of John Abbe, sen., of Wenham, are under lasting obligations to him for his contributions to their genealogy; Walter, b. June 20, 1841; William Colgate, b. June y, 1843 ; Charles Colgate, b. Feb. 12, 1849 ; Robert, b. April 13, 1851 ; Hele7i, b. Jmie 15, 1853 ; Harriet Colgate, b. June 17, 1855. THOMAS ABBE, THE ENFIELD SETTLER. 4. Thomas ABBE,who was an original proprietor and early settler of En- field, was the son of John, sen., of Wenham,as Ls proved by the Essex Pro- bate Records, where administration of " estate of John Abbey, sen., of Wenham, deceased, intestate," granted to " Thomas Abbe, of Enfield, in the county of Hampshire," " son to John Abbey, sen.," Dec. 12, 1702. He was probably the same Thomas Abbe who witnessed the deed of John Ab- 4 26 1II: unm. 4. Phillip Abbot, came to Windham (Hampton Society) about 1722. He was a member of the church in that Society, He m. Abigail Bick- ford, Oct. 20, 1723, d. about 1748. Chil.: John, 1st, b. July 12, 1724, d. July 18, 1740 : (6) Abiel, b. March 3, 172G ; SlAqjhen, b. April 21, 1728, m. Freelove Burgess, settled in Ashford, had family ; Hannah, b. March 16, 1730, m. Samuel Utley ; 3iar;/,h. July G, 1732, m. Stephen Fuller, re- moved to AVjoming, Pa., and were involved in the teirible massacre at that place; Zebadiah, b. , d. Dec. 2, 1736; Josejih, b. Feb. 14, 1735, resided at Ellington, Ct., colonel of Militia in Kevolution, was a wealthy farmer, highly respected for his patriotism, understanding and moral character. He m. Elizabeth Stedman, had family, d. Jan. 5,1814 ; (7) John, b. Sept. 27, 1741. 5. Benjamin Abbot resided in Canterbury and Hampton until about 1793, when he removed to Brookfield, Vt. Hem. Ist, Mary Ann An- 28 . TIFSTORY OF AXfTENT WIN'PHAM. (Irews, Jan. 28, 174G; slie d. Dae. 8, 1788; m. 2(1, wid. Hannah Brown, of Canterbury, June 30, 1793. Chil.by 1st wife: Henri/, 1st, b. Nov. 12, 1740, d. Jan. 27, 1749; Henry, 2d, h. Jan. 4, 1749, m. Sarah Greenslit, dau. of John, April 7, 1772, had Stephen, b. Aug. 21, 1775, Levina, b, Oct. 13, 1777, Iriel, b. Jan. 17, 1780, Sally, b. May 20, 1782, d. Sept. 25, 1815, Betsey, b. Oct. 8, 1784, Hardhi, b. May 3, 1787, Eunice, b. July 2, 1791, Assenath, b. Oct. 9, 1793, after which went to Brookfield, Yt. ; S/ephen, b. May 23, 1751, d. Aug. 21, 1754 ; Benjamin, b. Jan. 21, 1753, d. Aug. 21, 1754; Marij, b. Aug. 4, 1754, m. Thomas Adams at Brook- field, Yt. ; (8) Asa, b. May 25, 1750; hahel, ra. Samuel Preston ; Han- nah, b. Feb. 10, 1759, m. Joseph Collins ; Tryphena, b. Sept. 22, 1700, m. Abner Ashley, of Tolland ; Louisa, b. Dec. 24, 1702, d. March 10, 1800, at N. Y. ; Benjamin, b. Oct. 2, 1704, m. Lucy Flint, lived in Brookfield> Yt, d. Sept. 12, 1829. G. Abiel Abbot, of Hampton, was a farmer, much respected for his good sense, moral and religious character and usefulness. He ra. Ab- igail Fenton, June 5, 1750 ; he was found dead in a field. May 21, 1772, supposed d. in a fit; his wid. m. John Chamberlain, of Amenia Precinct, N. Y. Chil.: Phiin.j>,h. March 23, 1751, m. 1st, Anna Hewet, July, 1775, and had Amasa, b. April 27, 1770, Aurelia, b. July 1, 1777, Phillip b. April 14, 1781; m. 2d, Mabel Merrit. He emigrated to Kingston, Pa., d. 1834, aged 83; James, h. March 9, 1753, m. Hannah Denison, dau. of Dan- iel, jr., Jan. 1, 1778; she d. Jan. 17, 1784, had Daniel and Elijah, and em- igrated to Alleghany Co., N. Y., where hed. 1830; Abiel, b. Nov. 28, 1754, m. Iluth Hovey, Nov. 13, 1777, had family, lived in East Windsor and Willington, 1832; AbigaU,h. Feb. 21, 1703, m. Col. Joseph Utley, of Hartford, d. 1843; Anna, b. Sept. 18, 1705, ra. Seth Lathrop, M. D., d. in Armada, Mich., 1840. 7. John Abbot emigrated to Wyoming, Pa., was in the battle there 1778, and escaped, but was soon after taken, killed and scalped by the Indians, while attempting to save a portion of his harvest. His house, barn and furniture were burned and his cattle lost. His widow, in a state of utter destitution, and nine children, the eldest son nine years old, beg- ged their way to their friends in Hampton. He m. Alice Fuller, dau. of Stephen, 1st b., Nov. 4, 1702, and had chil. ; Alice, b. April 17, 1704, d. ; Abigail, 1st, Dec. 15, 1705, d. y. ; Stephen, 1st, b. Dec. 0, 1707, d. June 10, 1770 ; Charles, b. June 3, 1709 ; Stephen, 2d, b. April 29, 1771; Abi- g'fti/, 2d, d. unm.; Reuben; Li/dia; Sdenda; Mctri/ and Hannah, U\ins ; Sarah, b. Feb. 28, 1778. 8. Asa Abbot, of Hampton, m. Sarah (Bidlack) Fuller, wid. of Ste- phen, Feb. 7, 1782. [Stephen Fuller was killed by Indians at Wyoming, Pa., at or about the time of the massacre there, July 3, 1778, leaving an only dau., Polly, by Sarah Bidlack above, who came with her mother to Hampton, and afterwards m. Ebenezer Oriffin, Esq.) Asa Abbot b. GENKALOOV. 1\) Aug. 10, 1834; Sarah, bis wid., d. Jaii.31, 18o7, aged 81. Chil. : Patti/^ 1st, b. Nov. 13, 1783, d. aged 3 years ; (9) James, b. Oct. 28, 1785 ; Patfi/, 2d, b. June 13, 1787, m. Dorancc Knox, of Plainfield ; Olive, b. IMarch 28, 1790, m. Marvin Tngalls, d. aged 53, no cliil. ; SfZ/y, b. July 31, 1792, m. Ebenezer Grcenslit, liad Himily ; (10) Chaunrei/, b. May 8, 1794; (in Wa)-re7i,h. Oct. 3, 1796. 9. Capt. James Abbot, farmor,of Hampton, m. Assenatli Burnet, dau. of James, Esq., Jan. 20, 1814. He perished near his residence when re- turning from mill late in the evening in a severe snow storm, Dec. 17, 1839. Their chil. were : Caroline Elizabeth, b. Jan. 28, 1815, m. Thomas Farnham, of Brooklyn, Ct., d. May, 1842 ; Harriet, b. Oct. 14, 1810, m. Frederick L. Kisley ; James Bar net, h. Dec. 3, 1818, m. Amanda Atwood ; L'>ra Hammond, b. May 21, 1821 ; Sjn, b. Aug. 23, 1823, d. same day; C/ifoe Eliza, b. Oct. 11, 1824, m. Thomas Farnham ; William Asa, b. Feb. 0, 1827 ; Elwi,i, h. Sept. 30, 1829, d. Nov. 27, 1830; M.iria dcelia, h. Sept. 12, 1831. 10. Chauncey Abbot, Hampton, shoemaker, m. Mary Ann Fuller, dau. of Rufus, March 11, 1821. Chil. : Georr/e Prentiss, b. Oct. 25, 1821 ; Charlet Fuller, h. Aug. 13, 1823, d. Jan. 21. 1850 ; David Edioard, b. Feb. 13, 1825 ; Tlioraas H, b. March 17, 1827 ; Lucius, b. Feb. 25, 1829, d. July 10, 1851; Jolia Francis, b. Feb. 7, 1833; 3Iari/ Ann, b. Jan. 24,1835; Sirah, b. March 13, 1837, d. Aug. 21, 1857; Henrietta P., b. Feb. 26, 1839. 11. "Warren Abbot, Hampton, joiner, m. Maria E. Franklin, of Brook- lyn, Feb. 22, 1823. Chil. : Sarah Ann Bidlacl; b. Jan. 23, 1824, d. Aug. 5, 1825; Hnri/ Warrai, b. Oct. 18, 1820; ElwinHall, b. May 30, 1830. ADAMS. Doer. David Adams, from Canterbury, practiced medicine in Scotland Society, and removed to Mansfield, where he d., 1790. He m. Lucy Fitch, Oct. 29, 1761, and had chil.: Lacy, b. Aug. 7, 1762; David Angus- tus,h.Ja,n., 1764, not named in will, 1790; Lydia, b. Oct. 16,1768; Ma- ry, b. Dec. 10, 1771. Doct. David Adams, was uncle, we believe, to Dr. Jabez Adams named below. DocT. Jabez Adajis, who was for many years a prominent physician in Mansfield, was the son of Phiueas Adams, of Canterbury, was b. Aug. 23, 1768. He m. Lucy Swift, dau. of Barzillai Swift, Esq., of Mansfield, for 1st wife, April 10, 1793; she d. Jan. 11, 1S14. Their chil. were : Harriet, b. Aug. 25, 1794, m. James Brown, of Springfield, Oct. 1826, d. Dec. 18, 1844; /Z'^Mz-y, 1). March 30, 1796, m. Frances Bliss, Springfield, Nov. 10, 1825, d. April 29, 1858 ; Ahigail L., h. Feb. 28, 1798, d. Oct. 1, 1813 ; 30 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDHAM. Lnoy S., b. Dec. 13, 1799, m. Dea. Reuben Bishop, of Lisbon, Dec. 3, 1828 ; Jabez, h. Jan. 11, 1802, d. Feb. 11, 1802 ; Washington S., b. Jan. G, 1803, (1. Oct. 3, 1813; Eliza, b. April 23, 1805, m. Ezra Bingham, of Lisbon, Sept. 29, 1830; David A.,h. Feb. 0,1807, m. Harriet, dau. of Dr. Swift, of Mansfield, Dec, 1834; Sarah F., b. March 20, 1809 ; Alice JR., h. Feb. 10, 1811, m. Col. E. S. Fitch, of WilJimantic, Sept. G, 1836 ; Fitch, b. Feb. 25, 1813, d. March 18,1814 ; Li/dia, b. Feb. 25,1813, d, same day ; m. 2d, Lucy Ensworth, dau. of Dr. Jedediah, of Pomfret, April 12, 1815. Chil. by 2d wife: Abigail A., h. A])vi\ 15, ISU, d. July 2, l8iS; Jabez F.,h. Sept. 10, 1820, d. July 4, 1851. He d. May 29, 1848 ; his wid. is still living. AGAHD. John Agaku was the son of wid. Esther Agard or Egard, who became the 2d wife of the 1st Samuel Storrs of Mansfield. The name of his father or the maiden name of his mother we have not been able to find. He came with his mother and father-in-law to Mansfield after 1691. He was b. before 1G85. Hem. jNlehitable — — , June 8, 1709, and had chil.: James, h. April 1, 1710, m. Abigail Leach, Jan. 24, 1734, and had Amos, b. June 23, 1735, James, b. May 24, 1736, Mehitable, b. Aug. 28, 1737, Ab- igail, b. July 9, 1738 ; Juhii, b. April 11, 1712 ; Joshua, b. July 24, 1714, m. Sarah Preston, dau. of David, of Windham, Nov. 11, 1748, and had Joseph, b. April 29, 1750; Benjamin, h. J\x\j 13,1716; by wife Eliza- beth, had: Benjamin, b. Oct. 20, 1750, Nathan, b. April 29, 1754. Caleb »nd Joshua, twins, b. Dec, 1754; fa dea. Joshua AgM'd d. at "Willington, Jan. 31, 1830, aged 77. who may have been the same as the latter not- withstanding the discrepancy of dates,] ; John, 1st, b. Aug., 17G0'd. May 31, 1761, John, 2d. b. April 11, 1762, Mehitable, I). June 8, 1770; Mehit- aUe, b. Oct. 14, 171>! ; Hezekiah, b. ]\Iay 10, 17;22 ; Judah, b. July 28, 1724, m. tvid. Experience Crosby, Nov. 18, 175G. ALLEN. There were many Aliens in New England at an early period of ite eet- tlcment, and branches of at least three families found their way to "Wind- ham at an early date. JOSHUA ALLEN. Joshua Allen was an early settler of Windham, at the "Ponds," now Mansfield. He purchased, June 25, 1695, a 1,000 acre right there (No. 18) of Daniel Wetherell, of New London, an original proprietor. GENEALOGY. 31 His home lot was probably near tlie " Hollow." He, with his son John, were admitted inhabitants of the town in 1G95, where he came from to "Windham is not ascertained. Savage sa3's there was a Joshua Allen of Yarmouth, who had son John, b. Sept. 20, 1672, and this may have been the same as our settler. The name of his wife was Mary. He d. Dec. 27, 1699 ; his wid. m. William More or Moore, July 17, 1700, his 3d wife, and d. Sept. 18, 1727. Their chiL, according to inscription on her grave- stone at Windham, were : Juhn, m. Mary Fargo, June 20, 1700, had son John, b. Nov. 23, 1701, when his record disappears; Joshua, was living in 1706, when he signed a deed — no further account ; Gideon^ was of New- port, R. I., Nov. 29, 1707; Yelverton- Samuel, perhaps settled in Coven- try, living in 1734 ; George, was of Windham, Nov. 8, 1731, wlien Joshua Allen, of Groton, calls him his uncle ; Elcazer, m. Mercy Case, resided at Windham Center, and owned lot No. 3, (the original Gates Homestead), which he sold to Benjamin Lothrop, of Barnstable, for £o00, Aug. 26, 1731. His will is dated Jan. 26, 1733-4, and proved Feb. 26, same year. No chil named. He was a man of considerable wealth and standing; Miriam, m. Jonathan Simons, the ancestor of the Windham and ^lans- field families of that name ; Mary, m. Ebenezer Abbe, the ancestor of the most numerous branch of Windham and Mansfield Abbes ; Sarah. WILLIAM ALLEN. 1. William Allen, from Salem, Mass., was the ancestor of the South Windham Allen family. In company with Samuel Hutchinson, also of Salem, he purchased of Rev. Samuel Whiting, for £120, May 30, 1709, 150 acres of land partly in Windham and partly in Lebanon, near " Pigeon Swamp." This tract probably included the homestead* of the late Amos 1). Allen, a short distance west of South Windham village, where his father also lived. William Allen, the settler, wan a cooper. We have not been able to trace out the progenitors of William Allen ■with certainty. It would seem probable that he might have been a grandson of William Allen, the settler at Salem 1626, who was a com- panion of Roger Conant. Joseph Allen, of Newport, had a son William, b. in 1673, (about the time of birth of our William) and if he was of Sa- lem, (Mr. Savage says perhaps he owned land there 1661,) it may bo that he was the father of our settler, whose eldest son was named Joseph. William Allen, the settler, d. Dec. 15, 1747, aged74or75. His will is dated Nov. 6, 1739- In it he names wife Mary, who d. 1666, and the following chil.: Joseph, named in the will of his brother WiUiam, June 26, 1782. [A Joseph Allen, of Windham, m. Mary Utley, Jan., 1723-4, and had Sarah, b. Aug. 21, 1726, EUzabeth, b. Aug. 21, 1728, Phineas, b. , April 17, 1730, Samuel, b. April 4, 1732, William, b. May 9, 1735. This * The location of the house built by William Allen the settler, was in a lot I not far from the Erastus Babcock farm, ou laud uo\r owned, we believe, by I Klisha H. Holmes, Esq. It was on or near one of th» old roads from Windham \i to Lebanon. 32 History of ancijcnt windham. may have been the son of William, but we have no proof] ; (2) Amos J Elizabeth, b. about 17U9, m. Joseph Warner, June 4, 1722, had family, d. Feb. 26, 17G7, aged 08 ; William, b. about 1700. d. in Lebanon, Sept. 19, 1785, aged 85, unm. ; Swah^ living, unm., 1782; Lijdla. 2. Amos Allen, ra. Ann Denison, Nov. 8, 1739; he d. about 1770; his wid. m. Simeon Spalding, of Killingly. Chil.: (3) Amos, jr., b. Nov. 8^ 1744-5 ; (4) Ahner, b. Dec. 30, 1757. 3. Amos Allen, jr., m. 1st, Anna Babcock, dau. of Joseph, July 13,1704 ; she d. Oct., 1775 ; m. 2d, Jerusha Frink, dan. of Elias, of Windham, Nov. 14, 1770; he d. March 28,1778. Chil. by 1st wife: Amelia,h. June 10, 1765, ni. John Crocker, of Lebanon, removed to Columbia, Ohio, d. there ; Bela,j b. May 20, 1707, m. Naomi Phelps, May 9, 1793, and had Eunice, b* Aug. 8, 1796, when he removed to Whites-town, N. Y., where he died ; Lara, b. Feb. 8, 1770, m. Joshua Smith; Anna, b. Feb. 10, 1772, m. 1st, Chandler, m. 2d, Joshua Smith, above named, his 2d wife ; (5) Amos Denison, b. March 13, 1774. Chil. by 2d wife: Oliver, b. Dec. 7, 1777, d. March 22, 1797, aged 20, unm. ; Lucy, b. Jan. 2, 1780, m. Alfred Smith, went to N. Y. State, d. there; John, b. Jan. 25, 1782, d. Jan. 30y 1801, aged 19 ; Sally, b. Feb. 3, 1784, m. Eliphalet Huntington, of Leb- anon, his 2d wife ; Jerusha, b. Jan. 10, 1780, d. March 21, 1805, aged 19 ; Chester, b. May 30, 1788, m. Lydia AYelch, of Windham, and d. in Whites- town, N. Y. 4. Abner Allen ra. Roxalana Ilebard, dau. of Joseph, June 17, 1778, chil: Vine, b. Oct. 4, 1779, a lawyer, settled in Newbern, N. C. and was a prominent man and politician, m. Lydia Cutting, had 3 chil.: Ahner Harvey, b. April, 1783, m. Cynthia Palmer, Oct. 18, 1807, and had Wm. Fftch, b. July 28, 1808, removed to Mansfield, and had Yine Albert, b. Aug. 21, 1810, C3-uthia Ann, b. Nov. 13, 1812, when the record dissap- pears ; Fanny, b. April 25, 1785, m. John French, of Colchester, went to Ohio. Abner Allen and son Abner II., it is said,, emigrated to Cherry Valley, N. Y. 5, Amos Denison Allen was a respected citizen of the town, living on the old homestead near South Windham. He established the Cabinet business in 1800, and carried it on somewhat extensively ibr many years. He m. Lydia Trac3% dau. of Col. Ebenezer, of Lisbon, Aug. 18, 1796 ; she d. Sept. 20, 1850, aged 70 ; he d. x\iig. 19, 18-55, Chil. : Oliver, 1st, b. Jan. 28, 1798, d. Sept 12, 1800; Frederick, b. Sept. 11, 1799, d. Jan. 19, 1830 aged 30; Lydia, b. Dec. 10, 1801, m. Elisha H. Holmes, resides In South Windham ; Oliver, 2d, b. Jan. 29, 1804^ resides in Califorijia, has two sons, Giles and Charles; Lucy, b. Jan. 17, 1806, d. Sep. 12,1855, unm.; Henry, b. Oct. 31, 1807, resides in Norwich, Ct., has family ; Mary, b. April 30, 1809, m. ■ Denison ; Edward, b. March 27, 1811, m. 1st, Abigail Segar, m. 2d Maria Bliven, d. at South Windham, Feb. 9, 1863 ; Edwin, twin of Edward, b. March 27, 1811, m. 1st, Ruth Noyes, by whom he CENEALOGT. 33 had 3 sons ; m. 2tl, Sarah Chillcoat, and resides in Newark, N. J. He ie a very ingenious mechanic, and for some time carried on the business of making wood type at the homestead near South Windham. He invent- ed many curious machines for cutting the type and greatly improved the process of their manufacture. He also invented the Education Tables, used in schools, and is the author of many other inventions and improve- ments.* SAMUEL ALLEN, OF BRAINTREE. • 1. Samuel Allen, the common ancestor of one branch of the Wind- ham Aliens, was an early settler of Braintree, perhaps as early as 1632, was freeman May 6, 1635. lie m. 1st, Ann ; she d. Sept. 29, 1641 m. 2d, Margaret, wid. of Edward Lamb ; he d., 1669. By 1st wife had (2) Samuel, b. about 1633 ; Man/, b. . m. Nathaniel Greenwood Sarah, b. March 30, 1639, m. Josiah Standish, of Duxbury, his 2d wife. Chil. by 2d wife : James ; Abigail, m. John Carj^, 2d, and was the mother of Dea. Elcazer Gary, the Windham settler; Joseph, b. May 15, 1650. 2. Samuel Allen was an early settler of Bridgewater, of which he was the careful town clerk and representative, 1693. He m. Sarah, dau. of George Patridge about 1658 ; he d. 1703, aged 71. Chil : (3) Samuel, b., 1660 ; Essiel or Asahel, b. 1663 ; MrhitaUe, b. 1665 ; Sarah, b. 1667 ; Belhia, b. 1669 ; Nathaniel, b. 1672 ; Ehenezer, b. 1674 ; Josiah, b. 1677, the ancestor of Prof Geo. N. Allen, of Oberlia College, Ohio; Elisha, b. 1679; Nehemiah, b. 1681. 3. Samuel Allen, ra. 1st, Rebecca Gary, dau. of John, 1685; she d. 1697 ; m. 2d, Mary Pratt ; his will is dated 1736. Chil. by 1st wife : Samuel, b. 1686 ; Ephraim, b. 1689 ; (4) Timothy, b. 1691 ; Josejjh, h. 1693, d. y. Chil. by 2d wife : f (5) Joseph, b. 1701 ; Benjamin, b. 1702, perhaps settled in Connecticut ; Marij, b. 1704, m. Henry Kingsman, 1726 ; Rebecca, h. 1706, m. John Kingsman ; Matthew, b. 1708 ; Seth, b. 1710; Abigail, b. , m. Shubael Waldo, of Windham. * Since the above was in type we have received the result of an investiga- tion at Salem, respecting William Allen and his ancestry. We have not been able to connect our William with William Allen the settler, 1626, or either of the early Allen families. But we get his family record from Salem records, ■which we give below. He was, it appears, twice married, and Mary, his last ■wife, who survived him, was not the mother of liis children . William Allen m. Elizabeth Small, dau. of Joseph, March 13, 1695. Their chil. were : Joseph, b. Dec. 14, 1696 ; Etizaheth, b. Feb. 18, 1697--8 ; William, h, Nov. 4, 1700 ; Sarah, b. Dec. 14, 1702 ; Lyclia, b. April 6, 1705 ; Amos, probably the youngest son, not on record. William Allen, of Salem, Cooper, sells land, &c., "having married the daugh- ter of Joseph Small." Signed, William Allen, Elizabeth Allen. Nov. 1, 1701 , ack. Oct. 3, 1709. [Salem Records.] 5 34 HISTORY or ANCIENT WINDHAM. TIMOTHY ALLEN, OF NORWICH, WINDHAM AND MANSFIELD. 4. Timothy Allen, son of Samuel No. 3, of Bridgewater, settled in Norwich, and was living in that part of the town which is now Lisbon (Newent Society) when he first purchased in Windham (west part of Joseph Walden's farm, now in Scotland), Dec. 19, 1727. He united with the first church in Windham, Dec. 22, 1732, and was one of the original members of the Scotland church, Oct. 22, 1735. _ It appears that he resided in Windham for some years, when he removed to Mansfield, where he d. about 1755. He m. Rachel Bushnell, dau. of Joseph, of Nor- wich, Oct. 11, 1714, who survived him. They had chil.: (6) Timothy^ b. at Norwich, Aug. 31, 1715 ; (7) Daniel, b. Aug. 2, 1717 ; Rachel, b. June 10, 1719, m. Tracy, living, 1755 ; Rebecca, b. Oct. 10, 1721, m. John Elderkin, of Norwich ; (8) Seth, b. Nov. 26, 1723; (9) Ebenezer,h. March 4, 1726 ; Thankful, h. Jan. 8, 1727--8, m. Jonathan Curtis, jr., of Mans- field; (10) Hezeklah, h. Aug. 2i, 1729, baptized at Windham, Oct. 5, 1729 ; (11) Phineas, b. July 24, 1731, baptized at Windham, Aug. 29, 1731. 6. Timothy Allen. We are not certain in regard to the history of this son of Timothy, sen. He united with the Windham church 1729, at the age of 15, and was one of the original members of the Scotland church, but removed from there. He is named in his father's will, 1755. A Tim- othy Allen m. Mary Allen, dau. of the first Joseph, of Scotland, but whether this one is not certain, though it appears probable. If so, he was about 58 and she about 36 at the time of marriage, Oct. 6, 1772. They had one son : Ephraim, b. Nov. 7, 1770. 7. Daniel Allen settled first in Coventry, but after 1746 removed to Mansfield, and perhaps removed from there. He m. Azubah Ladd, of Coventry, Oct. 0, 1741, and had chil. b. in Coventry : Daniel, b. July 28, 1742 ; Hepsa, b. Aug. 15, 1744 ; Racliael, b. July 21, 1746. Chil. b. in Mansfield : Timothy, b. Nov. 4, 1748 ; David, b. Aug. 24, 1750 ; John, b. Feb. 20. 1753 ; Samuel, b. July 6, 1758 ; Lemuel, b. Nov. 5, 1761, d Jan. 13, 1762. [There was a Daniel Allen in Windham, of what family we know not, who m. Sarah Allen, Oct. 6, 1731 ; she d. May 15, 1787 ; he d. Nov. 11, 1791, aged 90. They were members of the Windham church. They had : Daniel, b. April 21, 1732, Sarah, b. Dec. 24, 1734, John, b. March 23, 1737, Solomon, b. Sept. 14, 1739, Jerusha, b. July 22, 1742.] 8. Seth Allen settled in Mansfield, and m. Hannah Ladd, dau. of David, Nov. 9, 1749, and had: Bathsheba, b. July 30, 1752; Seth, b. Oct. 13, 1754, d. June 27, 1757 ; Hannah, b. Aug. 4,'1756 ; Comfort, b. July 4, 1758, when the record ceases. 9. Ebenezer Allen settled in Mansfield, and m. Mary Hay ward, dau. of Nathaniel, Dec. 30, 1756, and had ; Assenath, b. Feb. 18 1758, m. Eli- jah Baldwin ; Stephen, b. Juno 11, 1760 : Hayward, b. Jan. 19, 1762 ; MoUy^ b. Sept. 8, 1764 ; Rachael, b. Jan. 1, 1767 ; Eunice, b. June 7, •lESEALOfiT. 55 1769; CVa/'/^a, b. Sept. 20, 1771 ; Abigail, h. March 19, 1774 ; Eleneztr, b. Aug. 8, 1776 ; Persis, h. March 18, 1779 ; Patli/, b. March 15, 1781 ; Christiana, b. Sept. 23, 1785. 10. Hezekiah Allen settled in Mansfield, m. Sarah Cushman, Nov. 15, 1752, and had : Abigail, b. Nov. 12, 1753 ; Hezekiah, b. Dec. 8, 1754 ; Mnetriphanthem , a dau., b. Nov. 20, 1756, m. Amasa Church, and had family ; Sarah, b. Nov. 20, 1758, d. July 23, 1759 ; Hezekiah, b. June 15, 1760 ; Hezekiah, 2d, b. Oct. 30, 1762 ; Sarah, b. April 3, 1765 ; Irena^ b. Feb. 23, 1768; Abigail, b. , d. Sept. 8, 1771 ; (12) Consider, b. Feb. 22, 1772; Joseph, b. Jan. 5, 1774. 11. Phineas Allen also settled in Mansfield. He m. 1st, Alice Cady, dau. of David, Oct. 18, 1753; shed. May 13, 1764; m. 2d, Elizabeth Johnson, wid. of Experience, dau. of Isaac Sargeant, Feb. 5, 1765 ; he d. Dec. 21, 1776; she d. Dec. 28, 1776. Chil. : Cady, b. May 22, 1754, m. Parthenia Goodwin, of Lebanon, Feb. 13, 1777, and had Ozias, b. July 5, 1778,who was of Chelsea, Vt., m. and has son Henry,who has son George in the army, he d. about 1838, Parthenia, b. May 6, 1780, recorded in Mansfield, probably removed to Vermont; Asher, b. May 22, 1756, m. Elizabeth Palmer, probably dau. of Joshua, April 29, 1777, removed in 1816 to Morgan Co., Ohio, d. aged 96, they had Jehiel, b. Dec. 3, 1780, and Phineas, b. July 9, 1782, and Asher, who also had son Asher ; Phin- eas, b. Oct. 28, 1758, lived in Jamestown, N. Y., and d. at the age of 96, leaving a large family, was a soldier of the Revolution; (13) Diarca, b. April 2, 1761 ; Comfort, b. Nov. 4, 1763, lived and d. in Canada, leaving 9 chil. Chil. by 2d wife: ^Z ice, b. March 13,1767; Elizabeth; and two sons named Exjjerience, d. in infancy ; Epenetus, son, b. Aug. 25, 1775, lived and d. in Woodstock, Yt., leaving one child, Mary B., who has been a teacher in Rochester, Yt., many years ; Elizabeth, m. Mr. Royce, of Woodstock, and had family. 12. Consider Allen lived in Mansfield, and m. Polly Ross, dau. of Ebenezer, Oct. 16, 1794, and had chil: Lora, b. Nov. 13, 1795; Lucia, h. Sept. 9, 1797 ; 31aria. b. July 31, 1799; Diarca, son, b. March 14, 1801 ; John Clark, b. Oct. 21, 1802. 13. Diarca Allen, of Mansfield, m. Rebecca Howe, of Mansfield, a na- tive of Brookfield, Mass., was a soldier in the Revolution. Chil. : Abner, b. in Lebanon, N. IL, and is the father of Julia, wife of Rev. Dr. Swain, of Providence, R. I., Susan, wife of Prof. Blaisdell, of Beloit College ; Ira, b. 1791, settled at Middlebury, Yt., and has RoUin, settled at Terryville, Ct.. and Myron, New York city; Sophronia, b. 1794, m. Isaac Allen, of Lebanon, N. H. ; Lucius, h. 1796, settled at Waterville, Me., has a sou Lucius in. Boston; i/e?zrz/ and Harriet, twins, b. 1798, he settled in Monroe Co., N. Y., she m. Rev. Geo. Freeman, had chil., d. 1850 at Parma, N. Y. ; Abbe Cady, b. 1804, settled in Monroe Co., N. Y. ; Diarca /fott' A.VCIK.NT WINDHAM. 1756; Bridget, b. May 8, 1758; Jason, b. Aug. 25, 1760; Alice, b. April 18, 1762, m. Betliuel Hall ; (7) Isaac, b. May 20, 176-. 7. Isaac Arnold m. Sally Howe, Sept. 11, 1788. Cbil. : Sophia, b. Oct. 9, 1789; (8) Charles, h. July 24, 1792; Maria, b. Sept. 4, 1795; Jalia, b. Nov. 12, 1797; John, h. Dec. 4, 1800; Fanni/, b. June 4, 1803 ; Delia, b. Dec. 3, 1805, m. George B. Armstrong. 8. Charles Arnold is a respected citizen of Manstield. He is a car- penter and master builder, and formerly did considerable bnsines in his line. He represented Mansfield in the Legislature in 18C2. He m. Nab- by Bingham, dau. of Oliver, Feb. 28, 181G, and has chil. : Amelia S., b. March 13, 1817, m. Gardiner Barrows, by whom she had chil., he d. and ahe resides in Mansfield ; Elizabeth M., b. !March 1, 1819, m. Robei't P. Barrows, of Mansfield Center ; John H., b. Aug. 9, 1825, is an architect. ASHLEY. 1. Robert Ashley, an eirly settler of Springfield, was the ancestor of the "Windham (Hampton) Ashleys. He was, perhaps, of Roxbury, for a short time after he first came over, but was at Springfield, 1G39. He d. Not. 29, 1682; Mary, his wife, d. Sept. 19, 1683. Their chil. were: Da- vid, b. June 8, 1642, m. Hannah Glover, of New Haven, settled in West- field and left descendants. From him descended Rev. Jonathan Ashley, 2d ordained minister of Deerfield, a celebrated divine, who m. Dorothy, dau. of Rev. "William Williams, of Hatfield. Their dau. Clarissa m. Rev. Moses C. "Welch, of Mansfield ; Mary,h. April 6, 1G44, m. the 2d John Root, of Farmington, afterwards of "Westfield ; (2) Jonathan, h.'FQh. 25, 1646; Sarah, b. Aug. 23, 1648; Joseph, b. July 6, 1652, m. Mary Parsons, of Northampton, settled in "Wethersfield, and had family. 2. Jonathan Ashley, of Springfield, ra. Sarah Wadsworth, dau. of WiUiam, of Hartford, Nov. 10, 1669, removed to Hartford, 1682, and d. there 1705, leaving a large estate and the following chil.: Jonathan; Jo- seph; (3) Samuel, b. about 1689; Sarah; Rebecca. 3. Samuel Ashley settled, it is said, first in Canterbury, and then in that part of "Windham which is now Hampton, where he passed the re- mainder of his days. His first purchase in "Windham was in April, 1717, when he bought of John Fitch 200 acres in the north-east part of "Wind- ham, on both sides of Little river, for which he paid £180. This home- stead farm is in the North Bigelow District in Hampton, and has remain- ed in the family ever since, being now owned by Mr. "Walter Ashley. Samuel Ashley, the settler, was a member of the First "Windham Church and one of the* original members of the 2d church, (Hampton). He was h man of substance, and evidently one of the leading men in ^H ttNKALOOT. 4-& •ection of the town in which he lived. He m., according to the Lobanoa records, Elizabeth Kingsbury, Aug. 19. 1717. She was perhaps the dau. of Joseph Kingsbury, from Ilaverhill, who settled ia that part of Norwich which is now Franlvlin. lie had a dau. Elizabeth, and very likely the parents were members of the Lebanon Church, as it w''as nearer than Norwich. She d. Aug. 21, 1751 ; he d. Feb. 12, 1771, aged 82. Their chil. were: Elizabeth, b. perhaps in Canterbury, before the parents set- tled in Windham, m. James Bemis ; Samuel, h. in Windham, Nov. 27, 1720, m. Ruth Crese}', Nov. 23. 1746, lived and d. in Hampton, no chil. ; (4) Abncr, h. May 10, 1722; Susannah,h. June 5, 1724, m. John Ilovcy; (5) Joseph, b. June 1, 1728; Love, a dau., b. July 19, 1731, probably d. y. ; Jonathan, b. Aug. 4, 1737, d. June 13, 1740. 4. Abner Ashley, of Hampton, m. Mary Cresey, March 5, 1745-6 ; he d. Feb. 14, 1801, aged 78. Chil. : {(j)Jonathan, b. March 2, 1747 ; Mary, b. Aug. 7, 1748, m. Samuel Humphrey, had a family, d. in Tolland ; Elizabeth, b. May 18, 1750, probabiy d. y. ; Ruth^ b. Jan. 21, 1752, m. John Griggs, of Pomfret, lived in Hampton; (7) Abner, b. Jan. 19, 1754; (8) Simuel, b. Jan. 25, 1756; (9) Daniel, b. Jan. 28, 1758; Hannah, b. Dec. 29, 1760, m. Joseph Cresey, settled in Gorham, Me. ; Lucy, b. April 13, 1762, m. David Spencer, of Hampton. 5. Joseph Ashley lived on the homestead in Hampton until late in life, when he removed to'Pomfret, where he d. He m. Ist, Sarah Cresey, sister of the wife of Abner, Nov. 5, 1751 ; she d. Sept. 11, 17G2; m. 2d, Zerviah Lyon, of Ashford, of the same family from which the late Gen. Lyon descended, April 25, 1704; she d. May 5, 1781 ; m. 3d, Ilachel Al- len, of Pomfret, April 10, 1783, who survived him ; he d. in Pomfret, 1787. Chil. by 1st wife: Sarcth, b. Nov. 2,1752, m. Peter Ingalls, of Pomfret ; Anna, b. July 13, 1754, m. John Butts, of Hampton ; (10) Jo- seph, b. Jul}- 21, 1756 ; Love, a dau., b. March 3, 1758, m. Daniel Davi- son, of Brooklyn, no chil. Chil. by 2d wife: Thomas, h. Oct. 25,1765, settled in Batavia, N. Y., m. Sarah Allen, had son Alfred, m. 2d, , went west ; Chloe, b. Oct., 1768, d. in Hampton, past mi Idle life, unm. ; Ebenezer, h. Feb. 17, 1775, removed to Batavia, N. Y., and d. unm.; Su- sanna, h. Dec. 31, 1776, m. Elislia Smith, removed io Rodman, Jefferson Co., N. Y., had family. 6. Jonathan Ashley lived in the northern part of Windham, near Par- ish Hill. He m. Lydia Humphrey, June 13,1773; he and his wife d. in Chaplin, but dates not found. Chil.: S-illi/, 1st, b. Feb. 22, 1775, d. Oct. 24, 1778: 5.i%, 2d, b. May 11, 1779, d. in middle life unm.; (11) Luther, b. June 14, 1781 ; (12) James, b. Aug. 13, 1783 , Rozana, b. April 11, 1788, m. Abel Ross, of Chaplin, removed to Mass. ; Lydia, b. June 18, 1790, m. Erastus Martin ; Jonathan Hamphrey, b. Feb. 15, 1794, m. Peggy Durkee, had family, and d. in Chaplin, June 24, 1836, aged 42. His only son. Earl, was killed in the battle of Winchester, June 15, 1863^ aged 39. His wid. and daus. reside in Chaplin. 48 HISTOKT or ANCIENT fTINDHAK, 7. Abner Ashley lived some years in Hampton, but. removed to Tol-' land where bed. lie m. Trypliena Abbot, May 24, 1781, and had: Ab- ner, b. May 2, 1782, d. unm., aged about 50; Elijah, b. July 28, 1784, removed to State of New York, m. there; Benjamin, was twice married, lived in Tolland and Vernon, had family; Tryphena, m., went to New York State and d. early in life ; Lorinda, m. Alfred Benton, of Tolland ; Maria, m. Levi Benton, of Tolland. 8. Samuel Ashley, of Hampton, ni. Lucy Nye^ of Tolland, July 2, 1789 ; he d. May 21, 1835, aged 79 ; she d. Sept. 23, 1839. Chil. : AH- gail, b. March 1, 1790 ; Samuel, b. July 27, 1791, m. Mary Olney, resides in Providence ; Assenath, b. Dec. 2, 1794, m. Marvin Lyon, of Providence ; Lucy, b. Sept. 3, 1796, m. Asa Litchfield, of Hampton. 9. Daniel Ashley lived in Windham and Hampton, m. 1st, Elizabeth Smith; she d. Dec. 28, 1834; m. 2d, wid. Sarah Huntington, Jan. 11, 1836 ; he d. Dec. 16, 1848, aged 92. Chil. : Btnny, b. Feb. 11,1784, m. Bet- sey Bobbins, of Hampton, emigrated to the west; Betsey, b. Aug. 25, 1785, m. 1st, Leonard Ormsby, had family, he d. ; m. 2d, Loomis, she living in Hampton a widow ; (13) Rainsford, b, Oct. 4, 1787 ; Billey^ b. Aug, 25, 1789, m. 1st, Mary Cresey, m. a 2d time, settled in Gorham, Me. living in Newark, N, J. ; Polly, b, May 18, 1792, resides in Hamp- ton ; Daniel, b. Feb. 25, 1794, d. unm., 1814 ; Sarah, m. Benjamin Safibrd, of Canterbury, living in Hanipton, 10. Joseph Ashley, of Hampton, lived on the old Ashlej' homestead' He was a soldier of the Revolution. He m. Elizabeth Rickard, of Pom- fret, June 30, 1785 ; he d. Sept. 26, 1846, aged 90; she d. April 12, 1823, aged 61. Chil.: (14) Erastus, b. Feb. 19, 1786; Joseph, b. Aug. 28, 1787, settled in Pawtucket, R. I., was a merchant, m. Ist, Mary Jencks, m. 2d, Lydia Ma.son, of Newport, had 3 chil. by 1st wife and 2 by 2d, re- sides in Providence ; Sophia, b. Dec. 15, 1789, resides in Westford, Ct. ; Walter, b. Nov. 7, 1791, d. March 14, 1795 ; Lavra, b. May 17, 1794, m. George Lincoln, removed to Westford where they reside and have a fam- ily; (15) irrtZto-, b. May 17, 1796; J9c/sf!/,b. Oct. 16, 1799, d. 1850, unm.; Orrin, b. Jan. ,31, 1802, m. Laura Badger, of Killingly, no issue ; Caroline, b. April 13, 1805, m. Milton Walker, of Westford, living there. 11. Luther Ashley lived mostly in Chaplin, but removed to Scotland where he died a few years since. He m. 1st, Elizabeth Humphrey, Sept. 20, 1809 ; she d. and he m. 2d, Sally Smith, who d. deranged ; m. 3d, wid. Lucy Washburn, who isstill living, Chil. : Eliza, b. Feb. 27, 1811, d, unm. ; Roxana, b. Oct. 2, 1812, m. Chaplin Martin, lives in Northamp- ton, Mass. ; Lydia Diana, b. Aug. 18, 1814, m. Enoch Pond, jr., she d. in Brooklyn, Ct., about 1846; John Humphrey, b. Jan. 28, 1817, d. unm., aged about 21 ; George, b. March 20, 1819, m. Eliza Forward, of Massa- chusetts, she d., he lives in Chaplin, had 2 chil., a dau. Lydia A., and an infant who d. ; Sarah A., m. Martin, resides in Barrington, R. I. ; Gi/bjfiiah,h. Aug. 24, 172-1; John, h. Juno 22, 172G, m. Joanna Dimock, dau. of Timothy, Jan. 19, 1748-9, and had John, Joanna, Thankful, Jonathan, Sarah, Ebenezer and Silveuus ; Mar- tha, b. May 10, 1728, m. Daniel llobertson, of Coventry. Chil. bv 2i wife: Nat/tankl,]).^lxvch. 13, 1730; Jonatlutn (posthumous), b. Dec. 10, 1731. C. RociiKT B\BcocK lived in Coventry, lie m. Jediilah Tiiruer, Nor, 15, 1753. Chi!.: (8) Gideon, b.pct. 13, 1754; (9} J/w^v, b. Aug, .s, 175G.; Robert, b. Aug. 17, 1758, m. Ilauuah Arnold, Dec. 5, 1782, and had Uau- nah, h. Oct. 9, 1783; Merlhe, b. June 2, 17G0 ; MehUahle, b. July 5, 17G2; Ratk^h. Sept. 11, 1704 ; Hannml, b. Dec. 29, 17G7 ; Abraham, b. Aug. 12, 1769 ; Eunice, b. Jan. iiO, 1773, 7. JosiAU Babcock lived in Coventry and Mansfield. He in. Mary MeiTough, Feb. 27, 1745-6^ he d. 1797. Chil.: John, b. Aug. 17, 174G, lived in Coventiy, ra. 1st, Hannah Brown, dau. of Ephraim, Dec, 1773, who d. March 10, 1779, and he m. 2d, Lydia Woodward, dau. of Nathan- iel, and had Hannah, b. June 2(), 1779, Lydia, b. March 5, 1782, Diantha, b. Aug. 12, 1784, John, b. April 19, 1789, "born with a natural marJi, like a half-penny, on the left ear," Deodat, b. June IG, 1790, and Betsey, b. June, 1792; Irena, b. June 20, 1748, m. LadJ ; Jusinh, b. April4, 1750, m. Dorcas Ladd, of Coventry ; Eunice, b, Jan. 7, 1751-2, unm, 1797 ; Daniel, b. Sept. 24, 1753, m. Tfyphena Scripture, Nov. IG. 1775; Ddivtr- nace, b. July 13, 1755, ra. Nathan Parker, Oct. 2G, 1780; Betty, b. March 29, 1757, in. Jonathan Diiuham ; Mary, b. May 8, 1758, ra. Ladd ; Jesse, b. March 29, 17G1, ra. Dorotliy Turner; Il/ddah, b. June 18. 17G3, m. Wood ; Ri'-hard, b. Feb, 14, 17G5 ; Sinmel, b. July, 24, 17G7 ; Justus, b. July 31, 17G9, 8. GiDKox Babcock, of Coventry, m. Trypliena Babcock, daa.of Elishx, Nov. 11, 1783. Chil.: A.sa,h. March 19, 1787; CylituU, b. March 25, 1789 ; Desire, b. Sept. 11, 1791 ; Diadanui, b. Nov. 17, 1793 ; (10) Dxvid, b. Aug. 3, 1795; (11) Elijah, b. Dec. 14, 1798 ; Lucy, b. March 29, 1801 ; Leonard, b. Feb. 10, 1804, m. Juliette Strong, Mai'Gh22, 1827 ; Sophroina, b. Sept. 7, 1806. 9. Amos Babcock, of Coventry, m. Mary Williams, Sept. 24, 1777. Chil. : EUas, b. Aug. 9, 1779 ; Timothy, b. Feb. 17, 1781 ; Theody, a dau., b. April 7, 1783 ; EvangeUy, a dau., b. Feb. 17, 1785 ; Robert, b. July 25, 1787 ; Polly, h. July 25, 1789 ; Eunice, b. June 28, 1791. 10. David Babcock lived in South Coventiy, in the " Flanders" Dis- trict. He m. Mary Barrows, dau. of Samuel, of ^lansfield. Not. 11, 1821 ; lie d. some years, since, and his wid. m. Justin Eilgerton, who d., she is 54 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDHAM. Still living. Chil. : Nancy Bella, b. Nov. 24, 1822, m. Charles Thompson, jr., of Mansfield, have had chil., have lived in Willimantic and Windham, he is a prisoner in Richmond, captured last summer near Fortress Monroe, while engaged in private business,she is living in South Windham; Wealthy Amanda, b. Nov. 7, 1824, m. William Curtiss, of South Coventry, has family; Lora Ann, b. Aug. 20, 1828, d. Feb. 3, 1862; David Barroics, b. June 14, 1830, m, Jennie Dodge, of New York, resides in New York. ■[Justin Edgerton, who m. the wid. of David Babcock, had by her, a son, Leonard Pember, who m. Eliza Flower, of Hartford, resides in New York.] 11. Elijah Babcock resides in South Coventry, near where his broth- er David lived. He m. Mary Ann Strong, March 26, 1822. Chil.: Nor- man Leander, resides in Coventry, m. 1st, Sarah Spencer, of Mansfield, m. 2d, Elizabeth Bliven, of Willimantic; Charles, h. March 13, 1826, m. Eli- za Lathrop, then of Willimantic, went to Pike's Peak some j^ears since; Julia, b. Feb. 10, 1828, m. Henry Crandall, resides in Providence ; Alonzo, b. Feb. 20, 1835, went to Pike's Peak; Francis Leroj/ enlisted in the 21at Connecticut regiment. Simeon Babcock, of Coventry, of what family not known, m. Abigail Hudson, Oct. 5, 1736; he d. Nov. 30, 1751, aged 39. Chil. : Lydla, b. Oct. 11, 1737; Ahijail, b. April 1.3, 1739 ; John, b. Nov. 20, 1740 ; Lydia, b. Aug. 20, 1742 ; Hudson, b. July 20, 1744, m. Mary , had son Hud- son, b. Nov. 12, 1767 ; Ellsha, h. July 19, 1746, m. Elizabeth Preston, July 3, 1763, and had Ephraim, b. Sept. 3, 1763, Trypheua, b. Jan. 24, 1765, m. Gideon Babcock, Elizabeth, b. Dec. 30, 1766, Timothy, b. Aug. 9, 1768, Mary, b- Feb. 12, 1770, Anna, b. May 4, 1772, Jehicl. b. May 8, 1774; Simeon, h. Feb. 20, 1748; Abigail, b. June 1, 1750. JAMES BABCOCK. 1. Jamks Babcock, of Milton, Mass., the ancestor of the Windham " Babcock Hill" family, was the earliest settler of the name in Wind- ham. His first purchase was Oct. 7, 1702. Although the boundaries of this tract were somewhat indefinite, yet it was probably on or near " Bab- cock Hill," near the present village of South Windham. This land was not originally in Windham, but was included in this town when the boundary was established between Windham and Lebanon. The num- ber of acres was not given, but as the consideration was £70, the tract probably contained several hundred acres. The first purchase was o f John Mason, and additions were afterwards made to it. In 1711, James Babcock purchased a farm of 500 acres, partly in Windham and partly in Lebanon, on the south side of Willimantic river, of Thomas and Dan- iel Buckingham, of Saybrook. This, we judge from its boundaries, was the Buckingham place, or one near it, now in Columbia, owned by the Potters, In 1713, James Babcock bought a farm of 250 acres in Coven- try, near Hop river. He was evidently a man of means, and his various CKNEALOCT, 55 purchases must liave comprised over a thousand acres. He was admitted an inhabitant of Windham, Dec. 18, 1707, and resided in the town until after 1713, when he removed to Coventry, where he was settled as early as 1716. We have no certain knowledge of his parentage or ancestry. We think it quite probable that ho was a descendant of Robert, of Dor- chester and Milton. It is possible he was a son of Jonathan, but not yery probable. That there was a connection between the families, and that they were of the same race we have little doubt. James Babcock, the Windham settler, m. Mary , and his two eld- est children were born before he came to Windham. His wife probably died before he did, as she is not mentioned in his will, which is dated June G, 1787, and was proved Dec. 9, 1740. He d. in Coventry, about 1740. In his will he gives to his son Joseph " all that of my land lying in and being in Windham, Norwich and Lebanon," being the extensive " Babcock Hill" farm. To Benjamin he gave lands adjoining. To Zebu- Ion his house and land he then lived on in Coventr}'- and Lebanon. He estimates there are about 400 acres in each tract. He gives these lands to his sons during their natural lives, then to descend to their eldest male heirs. In failure of male heirs to descend to the other brothers' children, to be entailed perpetually. He says his son James is non compos mentis^ unable to take care of himself, and his three brothers are enjoined to take care of and provide for him. His chil. were: (2) Benjamin, b. about 1698 ; Anna. ra. Joseph Pain, Feb. 26, 1723-4,- and had family ; Zer- viah, b. in Windham, June 28, 1705, m. Samuel Buckingham ; J^larij, b. March 8, 1707-8, living unm. 1737; (3) Joi^ej^h, b. July 24, 1711; Zeb- ulon, b. Dec. 19, 1713, m. and had family, but we have no records or par- ticulars, except that he had a son Samuel Avho m. Hannah Dow, of Cov- entry, Oct. 22, 1778, and had Satnuel, b. Aug. 9, 1779, and Sophia, b. April 26, 1781, found m Coventry records. A correspondent says he had other sons and daughters. Samuel above named settled in the State of New York. Tradition says Zebulon lived on the old Harry Brown farm near the Safford Factory, by Hop river, lately burned down, where it is cer- tain his father owned land ; £fo>a?;e^/i, b. in Coventry, July 8, 1716, m. Elisha Warner ; James, b. Sept. 27,1719, d. Sept. 10, 1807, unm. He was most of his life harmlessly insane. Tradition saj's he was a young man of fine talents and promise, and was intended for the ministry. While pursuing his studies he met with a disaiipoiutment, which was the cause ot his insanity. 2. Benjamin Babcock settled in Coventry, ni. Mary Long, Feb. 10, 1729-30 ; he d. Jan. 28, 1751, aged 53. Chil. : (4^ Ebenezer, b. Jan. 17, 1730-31 ; William^ b. May 1, 1732 ; Sarah, b. May 7, 1734 ; Hannah, b. Oct. 8, 1736 ; Mary, b. Oct. 19, 1737. 3. Joseph Babcock lived on the Babcock Hill farm, and inherited the lands thereabouts. He m. Auua Crane, dau. of the tii-st Isaac and Ruth 56 HISTORY OF ANCIKNT WINDHAM. (AValdo) Crane, Nov. 8, 1744 ; he d. Dec. 22, 17^7 ; she d. Jan. 10, 1805. Their chil. were: Ainif, b. Nov. 27, 174."), m. Amos Allen, jr.; (5) Abijali, b. Jan. IS, 1740 ; (C.) Elijnli^h. April 28, 1750 ; (7) Joseph.h. May 20,1752; Willlnm, b. June 30, 1754, d. Sept. 21, 1775 ; Abigail, b. July 18, 175G, d. Sept. 7, 1775 : (S) Xafhan, b. Jimc 31 , 1 7G0 ; (9) Danieiy April 7, 17G2 j Jeriixha, b. May 10, 1704, m. Jonathan "Wales; Sarah, b. May 0, 1768, m. Cogswell Ttinne, of Plamfield. 4. Ebenezkr Babcock, called 2d, lived in Coventry. lie m. Hannah Preston, Aug. 20, 1754, and had chil. : Benjamin, b. June 22, 1755 ; Dan- iel, b. Oct. 9, 1750 ; Jo-seph, b. March 7, 1758, d. May 11, 1759; Joseph, 2d, b. Nov. 24, 1759 ; Ilodolphns, b. March 3, 1701 ; Hannah, b. March 3, 17G3 ; Nathaniel, b. March 20, 1705 ; Ehenezer, b. June 1, 1767 ; Manj, twin of Ebenezer, b. June 1, 1767 ; Tahalhi/,h. March 13,1770; Elizabeth, b. April, 1772 ; DjcUa, b. Jan. 27, 1774; E^^ther, b. Feb. 23, 1776. 5. Abijah Babcock lived in Lebanon. He m. Isfc, Mary Loomis, May 18, 1771 ; she d. Oct. 22, 1777 ; m. 2d, wid. Lydia Ladd, April 11, 1780; she d. Jan. 6, 1821, aged 71 ; he d. Oct. 10, 1832. Chil. by 1st wife : Wralthy, b. May 21, 1775, m. Ephrailn Tisdale, lived in Warren, N. Y. ; Abgail,m. ■ -Webster; Thomas, b. Oct. 6, 1777, m. Sophia Johnson, dan. of John, had Lester and -Justin, he d. Feb. 3, 1804, aged 86. Chil. b. 2d wife: il/a?'//, b. Jan. 28, 1781, d. July, 1863; Nathaniel, h. Dec. 20, 1784, d. 1860, unm.; Lydia, h. Oct. 8, 1786, d. 1836, unm. ; Harriet, h. Jan. 2, 1789, m. Henry ■\Vllliams, both living in Lebanon, have son and dan. 6. Elijah Babcock, of Lebanon, m. Hannah Johnson, dau. of John, of licbanon ; he d. about 1827, aged 87 ; she d. Jan. 1, 1835. Chil.: Wil- liam, m. Sylvia West, lived in Tolland, no chil., he d. Oct. 4, 1863; Ame- lia d. 1860, unm. ; Ros^rell, m. Sarah Kinne, dau. of Nathan, and had Emeline, Lucy, who m. >Stillman Putnam, of East Hartford, Abby, John, who m. Sarah AVoodward, in Lebanon, has chil.; Hannah, m. Gideon Browning, lived in New York State, he d. ; John, d. aged 21 ; Sophia, m. J. Douglas Branch, lives in Springfield, N. Y. 7. Joseph Babcocx, jr., lived on Babcock Hill, m. Molly McCali, dau. of Archippus, of Lebanon, May 1, 1782; he d. Nov. 23, 1821; she d. March 21, 1829. Chil.: Anne, b. Jan. 18, 1784, d. Feb. 4, 1804, aged 80, unm.; Henrietta, b. Jan. 31, 1780, m. Ichabod Spencer, had family, d. ; Afsenalh, h. Feb. 9, 1788, m. Aaron Gager, no issue, she d. 1840 ; Di/er, b. April 8, 1790, d. 1802, unm.; Betsei/, h. Oct. 12, 1792, ra. Henry Leffing- well, his 2d wife, both d., no issue. 8. Nathan Babcock m. Susanna Wales, dun. of Nathaniel, ; he d. Aug. 10, 1810; she d. 1825, Chil.: Ralph, m. Nancy Armstrong, emigrated; Sumner, d. unm., about 1815 ; Walclo, d., 1812, in Pennsylvania; Joseph, m, 1st, Lucretia Gardner, of Norwich, m. 2d, Lucinda Loomis, lives in He- bron, has two sons, Sumner and Chailes, and two daus. ; Abigail, m. Jo- OENEALOGT. ^' Sdpli fl. Cheney, of Norwich, who d. in WillLmantic, they kad family, she is living ; Ckade.^, m. Julia Swift, dau. of Judge Swift, of AYindham. 9. Daniel Babcock lived on Babcock Hill, m. 1st, Jerusha Wales, dau. of Nathaniel, of Windham ; she d. Dec. 1, 1790 ; m. 2d, Charlotte Lord, dau. of Solomon, of Windham; he d. Aug, 11. 1818 ; she d. June 12, 1851. Chil. by 1st wife; Alpheus, m. Chloe Welch, both d., leaving chil.: <5eorge, m. Jane Myres, Saratoga, N. Y., Lucius, m. Clarissa Kinne, Mc- Growville, N. Y., Chester, m. Laverne Merril, McGrowville, N. Y., who has John, Alpheus, and a dau., Arlone E. ; Joseph, d. y. ; Beujamiii, twin of Joseph, m. Lydia Blake, both d., no chil. ; Jerusha, m. Elijah A. Fen- ton, of Mansfield, removed to Ohio, both d., leaving 8 chil. Chil. by 2d wife ; Olive, m. John R. Weaver, both living in South Windham, have had three sons, Horatio B., Alpheus H. and Fenno B., who are all m. and reside in Hartford; Fenno, d. 1815, aged 21; Erastus, m. Harriet Avery, dau. of Samuel ; Julia, m. Jesse Wilson, ofKillingly, have a fam- ily, both living in Willimantic ; Sarah, resides in Willimantic, unm. ; Zadoc, m. Elizabeth Spencer, dau. of Ichabod, have one dau., Ellen Eliz^ abeth ; Nathan, m. Mary Woodworth, of Willimantic, have one son, Ed- win P. who is m. and resides in New Haven. Nathan was in Bichmond at work as a machinist when the rebellion broke out, and was, at last ac- counts, still in the South ; Albert R. m. Mafy Page, of North Branford, and has chil. : George A. and Sarah L., lives in Branford. Simon Babcock, who lived in Columbia and was well known in this vicinity, was not a c.-scendant of either ef the Windham settlers. He was the sonof Jaraes, of Westerly, R. L, and was born in 1758, and serv- ed in the war of the Revolution. His grandfather was Joshua, and he was undoubtedly descended from the James Babcock, who settled in Westerly about 200 ye ars ago. SiMCN Babcock m. Hannah ChampHn, of Westerly, and had 14 chiL; he d. in Columbia April, 1851 ; she d. Dec. 19, 1831. Chil. : Simon, b. April 28, 1781 ; John €., b. Sept. 13, 1782; James, b. June 20, 1784, m. Mary Champlin, of Windham, settled in South Coventry, had Mary Ann, James S., who graduated at Yale College, was a teacher at the South some years, a man of fine talents and acquirements, and d. at the age of 33, Charles J., Lucy D., and Sally F. This family is extinct. The fath- er and mother and all the chil. dying of consumption. None of the chil. were m., and the family are all buried in the family burying-ground, near where they lived in '• Flanders" District, Coventry ; Hannah, h. Dec. 13, 1785; Salbj, b. Dec. 20, 1787; Aurelia, b. Sept. 3, 1789; Thankful, b. June 6, 1791 ; Stanton, h. Dec. 20, 1793, settled first in Coventry, but removed to Mansfield, where he d., May 29, 182G. He m. 1st, Mira Rob- ertson, by her had 4 chil., Janes M., b. Feb. 14, 1820, has been twice m., resides in Tolland, Gurdon Y., b. June 19, 1822, d. in Lebanon, Aug. 30, 1846, Horatio B., b. Feb. 6, 1824, resides in Cambridgeport, Mass., Dan- 58 MlSTORT or ASCIENT WINDHAM. iel R., b. in Mansfield, Aug. 27, 1825, d. in Columbia, June 29, 1829 ; ta, 2d, Almira Barrows, of Mansfield, March 14, 182G, and had Mariah L.^ whom. John Perkins, and is living in Willimantic, a wid. ; iV«?icy, b. Sept. 27, 1795 ; William, h. July SO, 1797 ; George W., b. March 29, 1799 ; Christopher G., b. March 3, 1801 ; Alarietle, b. Sept. 30, 1805. Some of the above chil. were born in Westerly, others in Stonington, Preston, Franklin, and the youngest in Lebanon. The late Hezekiah Babcock, and Elisha Babcock, who lived in Willi- mantic, were of the Rhode Island family. BACKUS. 1. William Backus, of Saybrook, 1G38, was the common ancestor of the Norwich and Windham Backus families. lie removed to Norwich, 1660, was one of the original proprietors of that town, freeman there, 1663, and d. June,lG64,leaving a 2d wife,Ann, who the Norwich records call the mother of Thomas Bingham, sen., (she was probably his step-moth- er,)whod. May, 1670. Chil. of William Backus,sen. : (2) William', Steph- en^ who m. Sarah Gardiner, dau. of Lion, settled in Norwich, and had a family, 2. Lieut. William Backus was an original proprietor of Norwich and one of i^s most enterprising settlers. He was also an original proprietor of Windham, being one of the sixteen Norwich legatees of Joshua Uncas. In apportioning the land among the legatees, he received three shares of 1000 acres each. He m. Elizabeth Pratt, probably eldest dau. of Wil- liam, of Saybrook, who d. 1730, aged 87 ; he.d. about 1720. Chil.: (3) William, b. 1660, settled in Windham ; (4) Johi, h. 1661, also settled in Windham ; Sarah, b. 1663, m. Edward Culver, one of the proprietors of Lebanon, 1695, had 5 chil. recorded in Lebanon, removed to Litchfield before 1728 ; Samuel, b. 1765 ; Joseph, b. Sept. 6, 1667 ; Nathaniel, b. 1669. DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM BACKUS, THE WINDHAM SET- TLER. 3. William Backus settled in Windham as early as 1693, for his name is found in the first list of (22) inhabitants made in that year. Previous to this, Jan. 28, 1691-2, his father gave him one of his 1000 acre rights, the " Home lot," of which was No. 7, at Windham Center. It was in the center of the village of Windham as it now is. One acre of the front part of this lot, 8 x 20 rods, was purchased Jan. 30, 1700, by Rev. Samuel Whiting and Ensign Jonathan Crane, and presented by them to the town for a " Meeting Plot or Common." This was the original "■ Windham Green." SKNEALOUr. 59 "William Backis was not, it would eeem, prospered like many of the early settlers, for in April, 1730, " The proprietors of the town, consider- ing that "William Backus was one of the ancient inhabitants of the town and now attained to old age and reduced to poverty, give him and his wife Mary, one and a half acres of land and to his son Ephraim after him," &c. "\7iLLiAM Backus, the Windham settler, m. Mary Dunton,* Aug. 31, 1692; he d. Jan. 25, 1742; shed. Dec. 16, 1757. Their chil. were: (5) Samuel^ b. July 5, 1693; Abigail, twin of Samuel, b. July 5, 1693, d. Sept. 26, 1693; Mary,h. Dec. 27, 1694; Daniel, b. Oct. 17, 1696 ; Hannah, b. Nov. 1, 1699 ; Peter, b. April 25, 1701, m. Mary Arnold, Feb. 27, 1728-9 ; (6) William, b. April 4, 1702; Stej^ken, b. March 12, 1704. A Stephen Backus d. in "Windham, Aug. 9, 1783, and may have been this or Steph- en son of "William, jr., or Stephen son of Demetrius; (7) Ephraim, b. May 25, 1708. 5. Samuel Backus, of AFindham, m. Sarah Gard, Dec. 2, 1719. Chil.: Mary, b. Oct. 7, 1720, d. May 27, 1737 ; Lemuel, b. Sept. 22, 1722, " died by a shot from ye Indians atKinderhook Fort June ye 11 day 1748," says the town record ; Andonijah, b. July 11, 1725, was living in Windham, 1748 ; (8) Nathaniel b. Jan. 13, 1728 ; Abigail, b. June 18, 1731, m. Samuel Huntington, of Mansfield ; Ann, b. Oct. 14, 1735, m. (probably) John .Jennings. 6. "William Backus, jr., m. 1st, Sarah Bennett, March 24, 1728 ; m. 2d, Mary Dimock, Nov. 3, 1742 ; he d. March 5, 1776 ; she d. Nov. 1793. Chil. by 1st wife: Ann, b. June 1, 1732 ; Stephen, h. May 27, 1734 Sarah, b. Aug. 15, 1736. By 2d wife had, Lijclia, b. March 28, 1745. 7. Ephraim Backus lived m "^Vindham. He m. Colaty , Oct. 10, 1734 ; he d. Feb. 28, 1785 ; she d. Jan. 22, 1801, aged 92. Chil. : Colaty, b. June 8, 1736, d. Sept., 1796 ; Zerviah, b. May 17, 1738, m. John Rouse ; Mary, b. Sept. 4, 1740, d. Dec. 15, 1741 ; jRvfus, b. Oct. 15, 1742, d. May 4, 1774; Demetrius, b. May 31, 1745, lived in "Windham, m. Lydia Back- uSj perhaps dau. of "William, jr., April 30, 1767, and had Stephen, b. March 10, 1768, and Shubael, b. Dec. 1, 1779; Mary, b. Feb. 19, 1747-8, d. March 14, 1798, unm. ; Hannah, b. Nov. 16, 1750, lived for many years in the family of the late Peter "Webb, of Windham, d. Dec. 13, 1839, unm. 8. Nathaniel Backus, of "Windham, m. Elizabeth Hebard, dau. of Rob- ert, Oct. 7, 1753 ; she d. July 19, 1813, aged 83 ; he d. Dec. 14, 1815, aged 87. Chil. : a dau., b. Aug. 14, 1754, d. next day ; Elijah, b. July 23, 1755, m. Tryphena Cross, April 21, 1786, had a family, emigrated to Vermont; Huldah,h. March 14, 1757, probably m. Joseph "West, Jan. 9, 1777 ; (9) Calvin; (10) Luther, b. about 1772; and perhaps others. ♦ There is a little obscurity in this name, owing to the capital letter begin- ing it, which might pass for a rough pen printed B, and the next letter, which may have been intended for u or a, though it appears more like u. As we find no Bunton or Banton we are inclined to think the first letter was intend* «d for a D. Samuel Duntou, of Reading, had a dau. Mary, b. March 6, 1662. .<&) tinvTOHY or ANCiPKM? WINDHAM. 9. Calvin Backus lived in the north part of Chaplin, lie m. a dau. of Daniel Cross, of Mansfield, and liad chil. : (11) DeLucma; Charlotte^ m. Morgan; Fanny^xa. Erastus Canada; (12) Chester^ b. Nov. 17, 1794; FhUomcla^m. Ourtiss ; Miriam; Sophia, n\. Lucius "WelcTi. is living a widow. 10. Luther Backus, of Windham, had throe wives and 20 chil., the largest family, it is believed, ever raised in Windham. Most of the chil. are now living. He m. 1st, Zerviah Clark, 1795; shed. May 3, 1825; m. 2d, Betsey Lyman ; she d. June 2, 1827 ; m. 2d, Melinda Lyman; he d. Nov. 19, 1855; his wid. m. Daniel K. Larkham. Chil.: (l?j) Harry \ Harriet^va. Charles Fitch, of Windham, ; Maria, m. James Page, lives in Willimantic, a wid. ; Laura, m. Eleazer Webb ; Jerusha; Freelove; Charles Clark, d. a young man, unm. ; 31ary ; Nancy, m. Henry Kenyon, resides in Willimantic; Charlotte, m. Isaac S. Wilson, resides in Willimantic, has a dau. Charlotte, who m. Melancthon Turner ; Elizaheth, m. 1st, Leander Armstrong, has been m. a second if not a third time; Sanford, m. wid, Loomis, resides in Windham. By 2d wife had, Betsey Melinda, m. George M. Chamberlain. By 3d wife had^ Luther Edwin ; and Joel TVhite, who m. Lois A. Coburn, resides in Willimantic. The above imperfect record includes the names of all the chil. of Luther Backus found in the town records. The others, it is said, d. in infancy. 11. DeLucena Backus lived in Chaplin. He m. Olive Simons; he d. about 1863 ; she d. Jan. 4, 1864. Chil. : Zalmon, engaged in business some years since in North Carohna, in company with John Goodell, where he m., returned, resides in Ashford and has family ; Charles, m. Lucy Snow, lives in Chaplin. and has family; Calvin, m. Sophia Russell, and removed to the west ; Frederick Plwinmer, -went to North Carolina, m., resides there and has family ; Joseph S., m. Mary J. Clark, dau. of Newman, of Ashford, has family and lives in Chaplin; Jirah, m., lives in Chaplin, has family; Olive Jane, m. J. R. Bolls, d. in Willimantic some years since ; Ann SojMa, d. 12. Chester Backl's lived in Hampton, m. Sarah Holt, dau. of Thom- as, Dec. 13, 1818; he d. May 30, 1830. Chil. : Clark, b. May 7, 1819, settled in Bridgewater, Williams Co., Ohio, 1838, m. there Susan Herit- age (who was b. in England), March 19, 1842, and has family. 13. Harry Backus lives in Windham, m. Susan D. Sawyer, daai. of Dan, Jan. 3, 1819 ; she d. April 15, 1841. Chil.: Julia Ann-, Albert Hen- ry; John C. Avery; Huldah Main ; Eliza Elizabeth ; Luther F. ; Mmy.M.; Chester H. ; Geoi-ge Abbe. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN BACKUS, THE WINDHAM SETTLER. 4. John Backus was an early settler of Windham. His father gave him a 1000 acre right, May 30, 1691, the home lot of which was No. 14, at the Center, near the north end of town street. He was one tiF.NE.M.nor. 61 oJ'the 22 accepted inhabitants ot Winilliam, Ki'J,'). He was a member of the B'ii-st Church, was considerably employed in town busioesa, and tyri- dcntly respected and influential among the planters. The followiog- is the inscription on his tombstone : In Memory of Mr. Jolin Backus, who was one of the first settlers of this Town of Windham, and served liis Greneration in a steady course of Probity and Piety, and being satisfied with Long life was received to see the salva- tion of the Lord, March, the 27tli 1744, in the 83rd year of his age. He m. Mary Bingham, dau. of Dea. Thomas, Feb. 17, 1G92 ; he d. i\rarch 27, 1744, aged 82; she d. Feb. 19, 1747. Chil.: Mary, b. Nov. 8, 1002, ra. Joshiua Pupley, jr., who, for a time, resided in Wi)limantic as a pro- prietor of the Iron AVorks. Their dau. Mary m. Joshua Abbe, sen., and was the ancestress of numerous Abbes, "\Vebbs, Hebards, Waleses, Badg- ers, McClellans, &c. [See Abbe family] ; Lydia, b. Jan. 15, 1695, m. Col, Thomas Dyer, the ftrst of Windham, and was the motber of Col. Elipha- let Dyer, the distinguished lawyer, judge and statesman; John, 1st, b. May 20, 1G07, d. same day ; (11) John, 2d, b. Aug. 17, 1698 ; Abigail, b. July 3, 1701, m. Elijah Ilurlbut ; Jervsha, b. Sept. 29, 1704, m. Daniel Stoughton ; Zervial), b. Aug. 10, 1709, m. Hezekiah Lord, of Preston ; Nathaniel, b. June 10, 1712, d. Aug. 15, 1720. 14. John B.\ckus, jr., m. Sybil Whiting, dau. of EeT. Samuel, the first minister of Windham, Jan. 12, 1725 ; she d. Aug. 7, 1755; he d. June, 1769. Chil. : Nathaniel, b. Feb. 5, 1720, d. Nov. 29, 1727 ; John, b. March 23, 1728 [Inventor}^ of John Backus, dated June, 1770. This may refer to the liither or son] ; Syhil, b. March 1, 1728-30, m. Benjamin Lothrop, jr., the preacher, and was the ancestress of the Windham Lathrop family ; Elizabeth, b. Feb. 17, 1731-2, d. Oct. 21, 1747; Lucretia, b. Feb., 1733-4, m. John Benjamin, of Stratford ; Lydia, b. July 15, 1736, m. Aaron Fish, of Lebanon; (12) Syhaaus,h. 3 \x\-^ 5, 1738; (13) Ebenezer^h.lslAxcliol, 1740 ; Mary, b. April 5, 1742, d. May 8, 1744 ; IhLuceaa, b. Oct. 2, 1744, m. 1st, Electa Mallory, m, 2d, Temple Waters; Whiting^ b. Dec. 38, 1747, ra. Sarah Bingham, in Hebron, Feb. 15, 1769, and had Celinda, b. Nov. 10, 1769, Sophia, b. July 10, 1771, Lydia, b. June 22, 1773,. and Fanny, b. May 19, 1775, when the record disappears ; Charles, b. Aug. 15, 1753, d. (probably this one) Sept. 7, 1776. 15. Sylvanus Backus m. Elizabeth Gamble, April 12, 1758, and had : John, b. Feb. 25, 1759; Simoji, b. Oct. 20, 1761; Sybil, b. June 14, 1764, d. June 13, 1766; Elizabeth, b. Nov. 25, 1765 ; Sybil, 2d, b. June 13, 1766, ^ d. ; Eunice, b. Jan. 16, 1769, when the record disappears, and he proba- bly removed frcjn Windham. 16. Maj. Ebexezer Backus lived on the Charles Taintor place, now Col. Baker's residence, in Windham, for many years. He was a merchant and much esteemed. For a time he resided in New York, and furnished goods which his wife sold in Windham. He m. 1st, Mercy Edwards, Nov. 62 HIJTORY or AKCIKNT WINDHAM. 25, 1760; she was divorced, and m.a Mr. Fish, it is said, at Rutland, Vt.. survived him, and d. with her dau. Polly in New York State; he m.2d, wid. Maria Ketchum. Major Backus d., according to one record (pre- sumed to mean him), at Cazenovia, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1828, aged 87. . Chil. by 1st wife : Gurdon, b. Feb. 12, 1702, m. Amanda Ann Hunt- ington, dau. of Capt. Jabez, of Windham. He settled in Richmond, Va., his wife d. there, leaving two sons, Ebenezer and Gurdon H., ■which were brought to Windham. Ebenezer d. 1790, Gurdon H. lived for a time with his great uncle, Alfred Elderkin, graduated at Williams College, 1806, studied law with his uncle, Hon. Joseph Kirtland, of Utica, N. Y., went to Richmond, his native place, where he became quite eminent and wealthy, and where he d. unm. ; Beki, m. Fanny Fitch, da,u. of Col. Eleazer, Aug. 29, 17S2, and had William Fitch, Bela, who, our in- formant says, was a minister, Lucretia, who m., lived in Ohio, and Nancy, where the family went to we are not informed; Lucretia, h. Feb. 20, 1765, d. Jan. 4, 1768 ; Foil;/, b. March 18, 1767, m. 1st, Samuel Coggs- well, who was accidentally shot soon after, m. 2d, Rev. Ebenezer Fitch, President of Williams College ; Samuel, b. Jan., 1769, d. Feb., 1769; Al- fred, b. March 12, 1770, d. Feb. 3, 1773 ; DeLucena, b. July 30, 1773, en- tered college, was feeble, went to sea, and d. at Marseilles, in France, unm. ; Sarah, b. July 29, 1777, m. Gen. Joseph Kirtland, a distinguished lawyer of Utica, N. Y. One of her sons is Charles P. Kirtland, a lawyer in New York, another son, William, m. Miss Stansbury, who is the well known writer, Mrs. Kirtland. Ebenezer Backus, of Norwich, m. Elizabeth Fitch, dau. of Col. Eleaz- er, Jan. 7, 1767, b'ltwehave no further account. An Ebenezer Backus d. in Windham, March 8, 1797, aged about 50. BADGER. 1. Gii.es Badger, of Newbury, 1635, was the immigrant ancestor of the Windham, Coventry and Mansfield Badgers. He m. Elizabeth Green- leaf, dau. of Edmund; he d. July 10, 1647 ; his wid. m. Richard Brown, Feb. 16, 1648. Chil. : (2) John, b. June 30^ 1643. 2. John Badger m. 1st, Elizabeth ; she d. April 8, 1669 ; m. 2d, Hannah Swett, dau. of Stephen, Feb. 23, 1671 ; he d. March 31, 1691, and his wife about the same time, both of small pox. Chil. by Ist wife : John, b. April 4, 1664, d. July 20, 1664; (3) John, 2d, b. April 26, 1065; Sarah, b. Jan. 25, 1607, m. Wheeler; James, h. March 19, 1669, d. 1093, leaving his property to his brother John and sister Sarah. Chil. by 2d wife: Stephen, b. Dec. 13, 1671 ; Hannah, b. Dec. 3, 1673 ; (4) Na- thaniel, b. Jan. 16, 1676; Marj/, b. May 28, 1678 ; Elizabeth, b. April 30, tiKSEALOQT. 1680; Ridh, b. Feb. 10, 1683 ; a son, b. MaVch 9, 1685, d. soon; Abigail, b. June 29, 1687 ; Lpdia, b. April 30, 1690; (5) Dajiiel ; Joseph settled in Haverhill, was a merchant there, m. Hannah Peaslee, dau. of Nathan- iel, of Haverhill, had 6 chil., among them Joseph, who lived in Gilman- ton, N. H., was General of Militia, Judge of Probate, Member of the Council of Safety, &c., and was father of Hon. Joseph Badger, jr., of Gil- manton, and grandfather of the late "William Badger, Governor of New- Hampshire. 3. John Badger was a merchant, and we presume lived in Newbury. Hem. Rebecca Brown, Oct. 5, 1691. Chil.: John,h. Jan. 20, 1692; James, h. Jun. 10, 1693, was a merchant ; Elizabeth, h. Feb. 5, 1694;. Stephen, h. 1697 ; Joseph, b. 1698; Benjamin, b. June 15, 1700 ; Dorothy, b. June 5, 1709. 4. Nathaniel Badger settled first at Newbury, but after 1714 remov- ed to Norwich and from there to Coventry. He m. Mary Lunt, March. 27, 1693; he d. at Coventry, Feb. 7, 1752: she d. Aug. 29, 1763, aged 86. Chil. : John, b. Jan. 3, 1694, probably m. Sarah IMorse at Norwich, May 12, 1724, had Elizabeth, b. Feb. 20, 1724-5, Sarah, b. Sept. 26, 1726, Besalal, b. Aug. 13, 1728, and removed to Coventry, where he d. July 28, 1762 ; a son, name not known, b. Nov. 27, 1698 ; Mehitahle, b, , 1700 ; Edmund, b. April 2, 1703; Mary, b. May 13, 1708 ; (6) Sctm- uel, b. Aug. 14, 1710, settled in Windham ; Anne, b. June 25, 1712 ; (7) Enoch, b. — , 1714, settled in Coventry ; Henry, b. at Norwich, March 23, 1717. 5. Daniel Badger settled first at Norwich, but from there removed to Coventry. He was a millwright, and built the first dam across the Willimantic river at " Sliding Falls," for the " Iron Works" Co., in which he was interested, in 1727, at the same place where the old Jillson dam stood, now the premises of the Linen Company. He m. 1st, at Norwich, Sarah Wrath (perhaps Worth), Oct. 22, 1719'; m. 2d, Patience Durkee, June 28, 1727. Chil. by 1st wife : Da.niel, b. July 14, 1720. [A Daniel Badger m. Mary Weld at Coventry, Dec. 31, 1735. unless there is an er- ror in dates this could hardly be the one.] ; Gideon, b. March 22, 1722-3 ; David, b. Jan. 8, 1724-5. Chil. by 2& wife : Jonathan, h. Dec. 4, 1729;; Sarah, b. April 9, 1730; Patience, b. Jan. 17, 1731-2; Mannah, b. Sept, 3, 1734. The above records of Daniel Badger are found in Norwich rec- ords. It is not certain that both marriages are of the same person, though probable. If so, his residence at Coventry was brief, and he soon return- ed to Norwich. No family record is found of him at Coventry, but it is certain that he resided there, when he built the Willimantic dam, 6. Samuel Badger, settled first in Norwich, but removed to Windham. He m. Abigail Bingham, dau. of Joseph, of Windham, Oct. 31, 1734 ; he d. in Windham, April 9, 1797, aged 86; she d. Oct. 13, 1775. Chil. all b. IB Norwich: AhigaU, b. July 1, 1735, m, Armstrong; (S) Ed- iB4 iilSTOAY OF ANCIENT WINDHiM, mtc7id, b. Feb. 25, 1737-8 ; Li'dia, b. Nov. 12, 1745 ; Ruth, b. Jan. ^H; 1745-6, m. Asa Brewster, of Windham ; Samuel, b. Sept. 2, 1748, m-. Louisa Rachel ElderkiUj Sept. 26, 1776; Joseph, b. May 9, 1751, m. Pru- dence Flint, dau. of Gideon, Sept. 24, 1774-, and had Jedediah, b. Feb. 19, 1777, Gideon Flint, b. Ang. 1, 1778, Jerusha, b. Oct. 11, 1785, he d. Nov; 7, 1841, aged 90 ; 'Sarah, h. Nov. 28. 1753, m. Roswell Lathrop, of Wind- ham ; Celinda, b. July 23, 1757, d. Nov. 27, 1761. 7. Enoch Badger settled in Coventry before 1748, and by vrife Mary has the following chil. recorded there: Ahner, b. June 9, 1748; (9) Enoch; b. July 5, 1750; Mar)/, b. March 9, 1752. Enoch Badger sen., d. Septi 4, 1793, aged 79. 8. Edmusd Badgkr lived in Windham. He m. Lucretia Abbe, daUi of Joshua, sen., Dec. 15, 1765 ; he d. at Bristol, PenUi, Sept. 8, 1825, aged 88. Chil.: Thomas, h. June 28, 1766. A correspondent "well versed in the history of many Windham families says : " He was perhaps the most talented man ever born in Windham. His poetic talents were exorcised for the amusement and often castigation of his friends. lie left some specimens of his iminting in oil, without the aid of a teacher, which are still preserved in the family of the late Judge Swift. He went to North Carolina, married there, and in a few years was considered at the head of the bar." The Hon. George E. Badger, formerly a Senator in Con- gress, from North Carolina, is his son; Bsla, b. Feb. 6,1768, settled ia Philadelphia, was, it is said, a famous sportsman^ and acquired much wealth ; George, b. March 24, 1770, lived in the South ; Lucretia, b- May 5, 1772, d. y. ; Elizabeth, b. Feb., 11, 1774, d. April 24, 1789; Aima^ b. Oct. 29, 1776; (10) Edmund, h. Feb. 1779; Lucretia, 2d,^ h. Marcb 17, 1784; Fannij, b. Feb. 12, 1785; Samuel, b. Dec. 6, 1786, settled in Philadelphia, where he is still living a prominent and respected citizen. 9. Enoch Badger, jr., of Coventry, m. Mary Lamphear, Feb. 11, 1773i Chil.: Enoch, b. June 5, 1774; FoUi/, b. March 20, 1776; Lydia, b. May 8, 1778 ; Edmund, b. April, 30, 1780 ; Tersa, b. May 12, 1782; Willard, b. Jan. 1, 1785 ; Walter, b. Jan. 18, 1787 ; Sehra, b. Nov. 3, 1788 ; Beta, b. March 26, 1791 ; Barber, b. J\irfe2i, 1793; Louisa, b. March 27, 1796 ; Milton (Rev.), b. May 6, 1800, is the well known and eflBcient senior Sec- retary of th^Vmerican Home Missionary Society at New York. 10. Edmund Badger, jr., resided, during the early part of his life, in Windham, but removed to Pennsylvania, and d. at Bristol in that State about 1860. He m. Amelia Dyer, dau. of Col. Thomas, Aug. 20, 1798 ; she d. Aug. 21, 1823, aged 44. Chil. : Thomas Dyer, b. Oct. 14, 1799, d. Oct. 8, 1818 ; Albert Allen, b. Jan. 16, 1801, m. Assenath Crosby, of Mans- field, Jan. 16, 1821, and had son Albert Murray, recorded in that town ; V/illiam, b. Sept. 10, 1802, is a lawyer, and resides in Philadelphia; Fran- tes Amelia, b. Aug. 7, 1804, is m. and resides in Minnesota ; Edmund, b. July 20, 1806, d. Aug. 3, 1806; George Dyer, b. Nov. 23, 1807 ; Henry eSNKALOOT. 65 Di/er,h. March 18, ISfO, d, 1827; Wallace, h. March 18, 1812",. m the army ; Elizabeth M., b. Nov. 10, 1815, resides m Bristol,Penn. ; Edmund,2d, b. Aug. 16, 1817, in the army; Charles Taintor, b. Sept. 14, 1819,. in tho army; Lucretia Ami, b. Oct. 11, 1821, d. Capt. Edmund Badger, of what family we know not, found recorded in Jonathan Clark's records, presumed to have been resident of Hampton. By wife Mary had chil. : Olive and Mary, twins, b. April 12, 1796; Mary d. May 4, 1790; Jared, b. Aug. 12, 1799; Leiois, b. Feb. 1, 1801 ; Laura, h. Jan. 5, 1806. Capt. E^Jmund Badger, above nam^d, was killed on the railroad by the cars, in Killingl}', about 1845. James Badger, of Mansfield, no connection found with the Windham families, but probably of the same race, m. Rebecca Karley, in Brooklyn, March 2, 1803, and had chil. : Julia, b. Sept. 17, 1804; Eliza, b. Jan. 18, 1807, d. Dec. 19, 1813 ; JoJm Loring, b. Mareb21^ 1809 ; Mar]f, b. Sept. 21, 1811 ; Edmund, b. March 25, 1814 ; Laura Davis^ b. July 11, 1816 ; Hen- ry S'orrs, b. March 20, IS'l^; Adaliza Jane,- b, Dec. 17, 1821 ; Elizabeth^ b, Jan. 16, 1826; James Cornelius, b. Jan. 16, 1829, d. July 29, 1831. BAKER. 1. Hev. Nicholas Baker, b. about 1611, of Hingham, 1635, freeman, 1636, representative, IQW and 1638, removed to Scituate, there was or- dained 1660, third minister of the First Church in that town, and was of such good temper as to Feconcile the two churches, which had a quarrel for thirty years. He was a graduate of St. John's College, Cambridge,. Eng., and had his A. B. 1631-2, and A. M. 1635. He first came to Rox- bury, -where he stopped a short time. Hiis wife, that was probably moth- er of all his chil. (name not known), d. 1S61, and he ra, Grace in 1662, who survived him ; he d. Aug. 23, 1G78, aged 67. In his will he names the following chil. : (2) Saviiiel ; Nicholas; Elizabeth, m. John Vinal, 1664 ; Sarah, m. Josiah Litchfield, 1671 ; Deborah, m. Israel Chit- tenden, 1678 ; Mary, m. Stephen Vinal, Feb. 26, 1662. 2. Samuel Baker, of Hull and Barnstable, ra. Fear, the dau. of Isaac Robinson, who was son of Rev. John, of Leyden. Of this family we have no record, but that Dea. John, the Windham settler, was his son there is, perhaps, no reason to doubt, and this is the opinion of Amos Otis, Esq., the distinguished genealogist, of Yarmouth Port, Mass. (3) John, b. (according to records preserved in the family of Col. R. L. Baker, of Windham,) at Martha's Vineyard, Oct., 1672. 3. Dea. John Baker, m. Anna Annable,dau. of Samuel, of Barnstable, Oct. 4, 1696 ; she d. March 21, 1732-3, '♦aged near 57 years." He came to Windham, probably with his sons Samuel and John before 1746, and located in the south part of the parish, (now town) of Scotland. When the descendants had become somewhat numerous, the place where the 66 B1>IT0RI or ANCIENT WINDHAM, families settled was called " Baker Town." John Baker, of Barnstable, (probably Dea. John) purchased, of Joshua Lasell, two farms in Scotland Society, Windham, one of 160 and the other of 100 acres, with dwellings, Ac, near Samuel Bingham's for £2400, March 24, 1742-3, Dea. John Baker united with the church in Scotland, then the Third Church in Windham, Dec. 14, 174G: he d. Jan. 27, 1703, aged 90. The following is the inscription on his grave-stone: In memory of Dn. John Baker who having Served God & his Generation Faithfully, Fell on Sleep. Jan. 27th. 1763. in ye 91st year of his Age. he waa for Many Years Deacon of ye west Church in Barnstable blessed with distin- guished natural & Acquired endowments, & both adorned with an exemplary Christian temper & walk. Ye memory of ye just is Precious. Their chil. were: Annah or Hannah^ b. Sept. 8, 1G97 ; Mercy ^ b. Aug. 18, 1699, m. Benjamin Lothrop, who settled in Windham, and was the ancestor of the Lathrops of that town ; John, 1st, b. June 14,1701, d. y. ; Rebecca, b. Sept. 8, 1704; (4) Samuel, h. Sept. 7, 1706, settled in Wind- ham, (Scotland Society) ; Mary, b. March 25, 1710, m. Lemuel Hodge, of Yarmouth, 1733; Mehitable, h. May 7, 1712, m. Ebenezer Crosby, of Yarmouth, Jan. 10, 1734; Abigail^ b. Feb. 1, 1713, m. Ichabod Lothrop, of Tolland, Nov. 9, 1732; (5) John, b. Dec. 1, 1716, settled in Windham (Scotland) ; Hannah, b. March 24, 1718, perhaps was 3d wife of Capt, Joseph Jennings. 4. Dea. Samuel Baker came to Windham probably with his father between 1743 and 1746. He was a member of the Scotland church, and ■was chosen deacon of the same, April 10, 1777. He m. Prudence Jenk- ins, of Barnstable, May 30, 1732; he d. Dec. 9, 1791, aged 85 ; she d. July, 1793. Chil. b. in Barnstable : Martha, b. Jan. 24, 1732-3, m. Na- thaniel Bingham, of Windham ; Anna, b. May 12, 1735, d. y. ; Bethia, b. Juno 12, 1737, m. John Perkins, of Lisbon and had family. [A Bethia Baker m. Adonijah Kingsley, Sept. 23, 1756, and had a son James, and probably Mr. Perkins was her 2d husband.]; (G) Samuel, b, Sept. 30, 1740 ; Mercy, b. May 30, 1743, d. March 17, 1766. Chil. b. in Wind- ham: Anna, b. May 20, 1746, d. aged over 70, unm. ; (7) Joseph, b. Dec, 17, 1748 ; Benjamin, b. June 15, 1751, m. Lucy Bottom, Nov. 25, 1773, had Ralph, baptized April 3, 1791, Mille, baptized Aug. 19, 1793, David, baptized Feb. 7, 1796 ; ho probably had other chil. He lived for a time in Norwich, and, it is said, removed to Ashford; Prudence, b. Jan. 4, 1755, m. Abner Webb and had family. 5. John Baker, jr., came to Windham with his father, Dea. John. He m. Mercy Gary, dau, of John, Dec. 7, 1744 ; she d. March 22, 1814, aged 88 ; he d. Feb. 26, 1815, aged 98. Chil. : Susanna, b. Feb. 17, 1746, m. Elisha Kingsley, had family, and d. Dec. 16, 1846, aged 100 years, 9 months and 29 days ; (8) John, b. Sept. 27, 1747 ; Mary, b. Oct. 15, 1749, m. Cyrus Manning ; (9) lValter,h. Sept. 28, 1752; Enoch,h. June 30, 1754, m. 1st, Anna Oaulkins", of Lisbon, m. 2d, Bailey, of Lebanon, SENKALOCT. 67 lived and died in Jewett City ; Elijah, Ist, twin of Enoch, b. June 30, 1754, d. June 25, 1755 or 1756 ; (10) Elijah, 2d, b. Oct. 9, 1755 or 1756 ; Phebe, b. June 21, 1759, m. James Burnet; Hannah, b. July 4, 1763, d. Jan. 11, 1830, unm. ; Elizabeth, b. Jan. 10, 1766, d. Sept. 27, 1827, unm. 6. Dea. Samuel Baker was deacon of the Separatist Church at " Bruns- wick," in Scotland. He m. 1st, Lydia Smith, dan. of Josiah, Dec. 8, 1763 ; she d. Sept. 24, 1771, aged 28; m. 2d, Chloe Silsby, dau. of John, Sept. 27, 1774; she d. Sept. 29, 1788, aged 40; m. 3d, Sarah Farnham, Dec. 29, 1794 ; he d. May 6, 1812, aged 71. Chil. by 1st wife : Erastus, b. Doc. 9, 1764; Ephraim, b. Dec. 3, 1766 ; EtMbert, b. Nov. 4, 1768 ; Anson, b. Sept. 12, 1771, d. Sept. 13, 1771. Chil. by 2d wife : Samuel, b. July 17, 1775, d. Oct. 8, 1802, aged 27 ; Adonijah, b. April 29, 1777 ; Sepiimitis, b. Dec. 28, 1778, m. Mary Baldwin, of Canterbury, March 30, 1811, and had Juliette, Samuel, Lydia, Caroline who d. y., and Mary ; Lyd- ia, b. March 17, 1781, d. Jan. 30, 1814 ; Levi, b. Oct. 3, 1783 ; Chloe, h. March 31, 1786, m. John P. Gager. The sons of the above Samuel Ba- ker removed from Scotland. 7. DocT. Joseph Baker was a physician, and settled in Brooklyn, Ct., where he continued in the practice of his profession until his death. Ho m. Lucy Devotion, dau. of Rev. Ebenezer, minister of Scotland, Feb., 1779 ; he d. May 16, 1804 ; ehe d. April 13, 1842, aged 88. Chil. : Elizabeth, b. Feb. 19, 1780, m. P. P. Tyler, d. Oct. 9, 1862, was the mother of Daniel P. Tyler, Esq., of Brooklyn, Ct. ; Deborah, b. Sept. 23, 1781, m. Thadde- us Clark, of Lebanon. Their dau. Sarah Jane is the well-known writer, *' Grace Greenwood," now the wife of Mr. Leander K. Lippincott, of Phil- adelphia, and editress of tho Little Pilgrim ; Ebenezer, b. July 22, 1783, m. Elizabeth Williams, succeeded his father as physician at Brooklyn, d. Dec. 11, 1820 ; Martha, b. June 7, 1786, m. Solomon W. Williams, of Leb- anon; James, b. Sept. 11, 1788, was a lieutenant in the U.S. Army, 1813. d. at Savannah, Ga. ; (11) Rt(fus Laihrop, b. Dec. 6, 1790; Lucy Maria, b. March 23, 1793, m. Rev. Willard Preston, late of Savannah, Ga., where his wid. and family reside ; Mary, b. July 17, 1796, m. Jonathan A. Welch, Esq.. of Brooklyn, where she d. ; Joseph, twin of Mary, d. in in- fancy. 8. Capt. John Baker, of Scotland, m. Elizabeth Manning, dau. of Hot- kiah, Dec. 14, 1775 ; he d. Feb. 13, 1828, aged 80 ; she d. Dec. 5, 1828, aged 73. Chil.: Charles, b. Oct. 26, 1776, graduated at Dartmouth, 1798, studied law, m. Catherine Lindsey, of Montgomery, N.Y., d. in Newburg, N. Y,, May, 1841 ; Oliver, b. Aug. 1, 1778, received an injury in his spine at the age of 20, which made him decrepid for life, d. Sept. 11, 1847, aged 69 ; Andrew, b. June 28, 1780, m. Diantha Gary, dau. of Ezekiel, lived at Willimantic, d. Nov. 3, 1826, aged 46, leaving no issue ; Eunice, b. June 18, 1782, m. Luther Kingsley, is living in Mansfield a wid. ; Hezekiah, Ist, b. June 14, 1784, d. Feb. 5, 1790; Elisha, b. Aug. 3, 1786, m, Ist, wid. ■*68 H19T0KT fflr ANCIENT WINUKi^. Elizabeth Hurley, of Boston, Mass., in. 2d, wid. Margaret Loomis, of New York, has had 2 chil. by each wife, resides in Bridgeport, Ct., and is a dentist ; Fanny, 1st, b. Dec. 14, 1788, d. July 29, 1781 ; Sally, b. March 23, 1791, resides in Mansfield ; Hezekiah Manning, b. July 1, 1793^, an. Anna Smith, dau. of Eleazer, of Canterbur}', she d. July, 1845, he d. 1862, several chil.; Fanny, 2^, h. Aug. 31, 179S, ra. Benjamin Hovey, Hiyes in Scotland. 9. Walter Baker, of ScotlacRd, tn. Rebecca . William Ave/y, of Franklin ; Jezome, in the army ; Emma. Lieut. Thomas Baldwin, probably of the Billerica hmily, was, accord- ing to the records, the first of the name who settled in Mansfield. He d. Feb. 23, 1749-50 and Lis wid. Dorothy, in. Simon Crosby, of Mansfield. Chil. recorded in Mansfield: William^ b. Sept. 5, 1737, d. Aug. 1, 1739 ; Benjamin, d. July 21, 1739; Rachel, d. July 27,- 1739; Sarah, b. Nov. 3, 1739, was at Billerica about 1760 ; Benjamin 2d, b. Oct. 5,. 1743 ; and j>erhaps others before he settled in Mansfield. Thomas Baldwin, Jr., perhaps son of Lieut. Thomas, above, m. Debor- ah Paddock, dau. of Zachariah, Nov. 16, 1748. Chil.: Deborah, b. Nov. 12, 1749 ; Bethiah, b. Nov. 12, 1749 ; Elizabeth, b. June 29, 1754; Thomas b. Jan- 17, 1758, Eleazer B'aldwin. of Mans field,- his parentage not ascertained, m. Eliz- abeth Wright, dau. of Ebenezer, April 8, 1751, and had chil.: Thomas, b. Jan. 23, 1752 ; Zerviah, b. Aug. 23, 1754, m. Amos Field, of Mansfield ; Eleazer, b. Nov. 6, 1756 ; BJioda, b. Dec. 25, 1758, m. Jonas Huntington, of Mansfield, and had family;, Sarah, b. Nov. 26, 1761 ; Asa, b. Jan. 25, 1764 ; Olive, h. Feb. 15, 1766, d.May 9, 1767 ; Olive 2d, b. Feb. 28, 1770 ; Elizabeth, b. Sept-;28. 1772, d. Jane 17, 1777. Joseph Baldwin, of Mansfield, of what family we know not, m. Eliza- beth Porter, dau. of Lieut. John, Nov. 16, 1757. Chil. : Silas, b. Sept. 6, 1758; Elizabeth, b. April 13, 1761 ; Amia, b. Jan. 14, 1764; Joseph, h. July 4, 1766; Katurah, b. Feb, 5, 1772; Thomas, b. March 19, 1774, m. Polly . and had Joseph Porter, b. June 8, 1808, John Harris, b. July 29, 1810, George, b. Feb. 3, 1812, Miranda, b. July 12, 1814; John, twin of Thomas, b. March 19, 1774. GENKALOGY. lo fiPHRAiM Baldwin, of MaiLsQeld, m. Sunili Bingham, dan. of Natbauiel, Jan. 4, 1757, and bad Sarah, b. April 13, 1759. RuFus Baldwin, of Mansfield, m. Eunice Leffingwcll, dau. of Samuel, of Norwich, June 7, 1759, and had Rtifus, b. June 27, 17C0. Elijah Baldwin m. Assenath Allen, dau. of Ebenezer, Sept, 28, 1780, and had Elijah, b. Sept. 24, 1782. Dorothy Baldwin, of Mansfield, m. John Farwell June 7, 1739. Since the above was hi print we have obtained some additional particulars of Ebenezer Baldwin (3) and fomily as follows : 3. Ebenezek Baldwin, d. aged 98. His son Ebenezer and dau. Ilaunah in-db- ably d. y.; Jfc'/7«.s/t«, m. Zalmon McKinster, of Stafford, both d. leaving large families, four of which are now living in Wisconsin.- Clark, one of the sons, 111. Harmy or Harmon^' Baldwin, dau. of Eleazer ; Ilolhj, m. Rufus Butler, had three chil., their oldest dau.. .Jeru.sha, m. Chester Lamphere, of Chaplin. Samuel Baldwin, son of Ebenezer (3) m. Sally Clark, dau. of James, of Mansfield, lived in Sturbridge, Mass. : he d., and his wid. is living in New York. Their chil. were : Alvin, m. had family, now living in Chicago ; James (7., and Danford, are residents of New York city, have been in the cabinet bus- iness a number of years, and botli have families ; John, d. 18fi2, leaving a fam- ily in New Jersey ; Sarah, m. Hiram Chase, both d., no family ; Daniel, lives' in Stafford, has been twice m., and has family ; Lather lives in Tolland, has family ; Fhilander is in the army. Thomas Baldwin, the youngest son and child of Ebenezer (3), not on record, nor in the above list, ni. Zerviali Crane, of Mansfield, had a large family, and about 1825 removed to the State of New York. His oldest dan., Anna, m. Wil- liam V. Johnson, of Mansfield. BARKER. Nathaniel Barker d. in Windham, Aug. 27, 1727. 3Iari/, his dau., by wife Elizabeth, b. March 29, 1728. Elizabeth, his wid., became the 2d wife of John Babcock. There was an Ephraim Barker, whose wife Hannah, d. in Windham Jan. 29, 1765. 10 V BALLARD. Humphrey Ballard, son of Joseph, of Audover, Mass., bought 100 acres of land in the east part of Windham, by Merrick's Brook, .June 17, 1717. He m. Hannah Broughton, probably dau. of John, Nov. 6, 1717 ; ^ he d. May 22, 1735. His family probably removed from Windham. '^^ Chil. : Zebulon, h. Nov. 5, 1718 ; John, b. June 17, 1720 ; David, b. April 1, 1723 J Jose2)h, b. Aug. 20,- 1727 ; Abner, b. June 9, 1731, d, Jan. 22, 1741-2 ; Jeremiah, b. Jan. 19, 1733-4. 74 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDHAM. BARROWS. Barrow or Barrows is an English name, and it is presumed tte earfi" est settlers in New England were English Puritans. It appears that twa of the name came over at an early day and settled in Plymouth. A James Barrows was taxed at Dover, 1670, but no more is known of hitn. John Barrows came to Plymouth, had wife Deborah and chil. : jRo6- ert,, Benajah^ Joshua and Ebenezer, besides two daughters ; he d. Jan. 12^ 1672. ROBERT BARROWS. 1. Robert Barrows, the common ancestor of the Mansfield fatailies, was perhaps a brother of John above named, though Mr. Savage, in his recent Genealogical Dictionary, calls him his son. He m. 1st, Ruth Bo- num, dau. of George, Nov. 28, 1G66, and had EUza. b. Sept. 16,1669, who d. soon, and Mr. Savage says no more is known of him. But Mr. Arad Barrows, of Philadelphia, has ascertained from records that Robert Bar- rows, who m. Ruth Bonumj had other chil. by her, and m. 2d, Lydia Dun- ham, and had the following chil. by her: EHsha, b. March 17, 1686, d. Jan. 19, 1689; {^2) Robert, b. Nov. 8, 1689, settled in Mansfield; Thankful^ b. Dec. 8, 1692 ; Elisha, 2d,b. June 16, 1695 ; (3) Thomas, b. Feb. 14, 1697, settled in Mansfield ; Lydia, b. March 19, 1699. DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT BARROWS, THE MANSFIELD SET- TLER. 2. Robert Barrows appears in Mansfield about 1720. He m. at Plym- outh, Bethia Ford, who d. at Mansfield, Nov, 12, 1773, aged 82 ; he d. at Mansfield, Aug. 17, 1779, aged 89. Their chil. b. at Plymouth were : (4) Jahez, b. Oct. 11, 1711 ; Lemuel, b. March 25, 1714; (5) Thomas, b. Sept. 13, 1716. Chil. b. in Mansfield: Amos, b. Dec. 16, 1722; Lydia, b. July 6, 1726 ; David, b. Aug. 11, 1728 ; (6) Elisha, b. April 13, 1730. 4. Jabez Barrows settled in that part of Mansfield known as the *' city," a little north of the present residence of Ralph Storrs. He m . Ist, Sibbel Hall, dau. of Isaac, May 20, 1736 ; she d. July 20, 1769 ; m. 2d, Abigail Hovey, of Lebanon, wid. of Thomas, of Mansfield, and dau. of Jedediah Phelps, of Lebanon. Chil. : (7) Jabez, b. July 27, 1737 ; (8) Robert, b. May 8, 1739 ; Samtiel, b. Feb. 18, 1741, d. April 2, 1769 ; (9) Isaac, b. Dec. 30, 1742 ; Sibbel, b. Dec. 13, 1744, m. John Brown, sen., of Willimantic, had family, and d., 1837, aged 93; Lydia, h. Feb. 21,1746-7, m. Zuriel Campbell ; Eunice, b. Dec. 12, 1748, m. Nathaniel Hunt, of Mansfield; a child, b. June 14, 1751, d. ; Stephen, b. July 9, 1752, m. 1st, Dolly Turner, dau. of Phillip, Nov. 4, 1773, she d. May 30, 1792, m. 2d, «ENEAL06T. 1 5 Eunice Williams, of Brooklya, Jan. 23, 1793, had by 2d wife, Maria Wil- liams, b. Oct. 13, 1793, who m. 1st, Warner Stowell, and had family, m. 2d, Jesse Bingham, living in Mansfield ; Martha, b. Sept. 4, 1755, proba- bly m. Nathaniel Palmer, of Coventry; (10) David, b. Dec. 22, 1758. 5. Lieut. Thomas Barrows, called 2d, m. 1st, Mehitable Porter, dau. of Dea. Experience, April 30, 1741; she d- March 25, 1742; m. 2d, Abi- gail Crane, dau. of John, Feb. 2d, 1743-4; she d. Aug. '9, 1750; m. 3d, Elizabeth Turner, dau. of Phillip, Jan. 9, 1751-2. Chil. by 1st wife: i:;z;j3me)iCf, b. March 5, 1741-2, d. Feb. 17, 1746-7. Chil. by 2d wife: Abigail, b. Nov. •§, 1744. m. Nathan Palmer, and had family; Mehitable, b. Jan. 7, 1745-6, m. Thomas Swift, jr., and had large family ; Thomas, 1st, b. May 24, 1748, d. March 15, 1749; (11) Thomas, 2d, b. July 27, 1750. Chil. by 3d wife : (12) Solomon, b. Sept. 13, 1752; Mary, b. Oct. 28, 1754, m. Asa Bennett ; Experience, 2d, a son, h. Dec. 2, 1756, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, d. at Stamford, Oct. 23, 1776 ; Eliz- abeth, b. Dec. 2, 1758, d., aged 78, unm. ; (13) Philiip, b.Nov. 29, 1760 ; (14) Eleazer , b. Sept. 4, 1763 ; Lydia, b. Aug. 10, 1765, m. Joseph Southworth ; Lemuel^ b. June 2, 1769, m. Hannah Moore Storrs, eldest dau. of Rev. John, by his first wife, he d. Nov., 1852, and his wid. m. Jeptha Fitch, of Mansfield, 1830. Chil, by 1st wife : Sophronia, m. H. Uollister, Harriet, m. Alpheus Marcy, Sally, m. Charles Gouge, Storrs , fo. Oct. 5, 1802, ra. , 1829, (had Emily, b. 1830, m. Prof. Bar- rett, Lemuel Fitch, b. 1832, d. 1851), Hannah, b. 1;807, d. 1830; CaM Turner, b. Jan. 25, 1772, ra. Lucy Turner, March 29, 1798, and removed to western New York where he d., they had Luc}^, b. Nov. 18,1799, Ca- leb Turner, b. March 28, 1802, d. 1816, Lucy, b. 1804, Otis, b. 1807, Jarvis, h. 1810, Eliza, d., Palmer, b. 1816. 6. Eliska Barrows, m. Hannah Mayo, dau. of John, Nov. 20, 1752. Chil.: 5e^;,ta, b. Oct. 29, 1753, d. May 30, 1761; Wathan,h. March 14, 1755, drowned July 10, 1773; John, b. June 18,1757, d. at Stamford, Oct. 22, 1776; (15) Elisha, b. Feb. 19, 1761; Beihia, b. May 4, 1764; (16) ■Samuel, b. Aug. 5, 1768. 7. JabezBarrows, jr., lived on" Chestnut Hill," La Mansfield. He m. Martha Stow, July 28, 1763; she d. Oct. 12, 1825, aged 82; he d. pre- viously, but date of death not found. Chil. : Rhoda, h. March 12, 1764, m. William Cummings ; (17) William, b. April 17, 1765 ; Asahel, h. Dec. 29, 1766, d. April 27, 1772; (18) Aaron, b. Dec. 15, 1769 ; Martha, h. July 14, 1773, m. Jcseph H. Brown ; Jabez, b. July 28, 1776, m. Abigail Palmer, he d., his wid. is still living. They had Abigail, who is living, •and Amasa Palmer, who m. Maria Williams, dau. of Elisha, of Williman- tic. He d. a few years since, leaving a son Everett, she is living. 8. Capt. Robert Barrows lived on " Spring Hill," in Mansfield. His «on, the late Dan Barrows, lived on the homestead. He m. Joanna Porter, dau. of Experience, jr., April 4, 1765 ; she d. Jan. 28, 1822; he d. July /6 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDHAM. 6, 1820, Their oliil. were : a dau., h. ]May 11, 176G, d. next day ; Elijah Porter, b. Feb. 3, 17G8. He settled in TSaltimore, Md., engaged in the provision business, and was quite successful. His partner was killed in the attack by the British on Baltimore in 1S14. lie was for several years City Inspector of provisiops,an(.l liis brand came to be regarded as sufficient proof of the excellence of an article. lie d. about 185"), leaving the bulk of his property to his neplievv and fojter-son, Prof. Elijah Porter Barrows, of Andover, Mass.; Joanna, h. June 11, 1770, m. Nathan Palmer, jr.; (19) Rohert,h. Dec. 8, 1772 ; (20) Na/ Jin a, h.A\sr\] 14,1775 ; Abigail, b. July 21, 1777, m. David Porter, no issue : (21) I)aa, b. June 29, 1780; 31ari/, b. May 7, 1783, ra. Stedman "Wiight; Tddinda, b. June 7, 1787, ni. Oli- ver Stearns, Uis 2d wife. « 9. Isaac Bar rows was a farmer and lived, says an informant, about a mile and a half north-west of the '• Four Corners," in Mansfield. He m. Rebecca Turner, dau. of John, July 13, 17(14 ; Le d. aged about 95. Chil.: Roger, b. Jan. 5, 17G5, was a miller, went to Vermont, butreturn,ed, lived In Asliford and Willington, was twice m., and liad family, but we have no records; Jjhn, b. Aug. 30, 1707^ settled in New York State; Jesse, h. Oct. 2S, 1770, d. y. ; Stjhil, b. April 5, 1773, ,d. y.; Jnlez, b. July 14, 1775, probably d. y. ; Si/hil, 2d, b. April 2G, 1778; Jesse, 2d, b. Oct. 24, 1780, m. and had famil}';, lived in North Mansfield. [A Jesse Barrows, by wife Almira, had Harriet Jane, b. Jan. 29, 1824, and George Franklin, b. March 18, 1826, but wlietur the above or Jesse son of Solomon, or some other Jesse, we know not.] ; Juliana, b. Feb. 11, 1783, probably m, Hopkins ; Lucinda, b. Dec. 28, 1785, d. unm. ; (22) Sleohen, b. Nov. 24, 1789; Py%, b. April 26, 1792, lives in Jewett C ity. 10. David Barrows lived in various places, but we understand d. in Vermont. He m. 1st, Mary Walker, Nov. 26, 1778; she d. ; m. 2d, Ra- chel Parker, -Tune 10, 178G. Chil. by 1st wife ; Alfred, b. Sept. 8, 1779 ; David, h. June 15, 1781; Mari/, b. in Coventry, May 15, 1783; Origin, h. in Willington, Feb. 3.1785. Chil. by 2d wife : CharhUe,h. in Ashford,Dec- 30, 1786 ; Radiel, b. July 17, 1788 ; Frederick, b. April 25, 1790 ; Rorjal, b- in Epson^ April 5, 1792 ; AsaM, b. in Thetford, Vt., Oct. 9, 1794 ; Eher, b. at Thetford, Nov. 3, 1796 ; Clarissa, b. in Thetford, Sept. 17, 1798 • Sarah, b. at Ilenniker, Dec. 3., 1801 ; Jasper, b. at Heuniker, Dec. 3, 1803 ; James l\irker, b. in Mansfleld, Jan. 17, 1807. 11. Thomas Barrows. We have few particulars of this Thomas Bar- rows. An informant thinks he d. with his son Samuel S., in Vermont. He m. Martha Hall, May 9, 177G. Chil. : Ru-tli, b. Dec. 31, 177C ; yf6?- 9'ai/, b. April 8, 1779; AndreiL;h. Dec. 31, 1780, m. Cummings, re- moved to the State of New York, where he was^iving in 18G3 ; Samtiel Storrs, b. Aug.2, 178-3, went to Vermont; Shepard,h. Aug. 14, 1786, m, Storrs, lives in Sherburne, N. Y. ; Silas, b. Nov. 25, 1787 ; Martha^ >. May 15, 1790 ; Thomas, b. March 28, 1792; Patfr/, b. Jan. 8, 1795. GENEALOGY. i^ 12. Solomon Barrows, of Mansfield, m. 1st, Lydia Babcock, of Ston- ■nington, dau. of James, Nov. 24, 1774; she d. Oct. 22, 1780; m. 2d, wid. P rudence Moulton, of Windham, April 4, 1787. Chil. by 1st wife : Aar&n, b. Sept. 28, 1775 ; Experience, son, b. Oct. 4, 1777 ; Jesse, b. Sept. 21, 1779, m. "Wealthy Hai-ris, April 5, 1807, and had Lydia, b. Jan. 3il, 1808 ; Am, b. April 26, 1782 ; L>/dia, b. July 15, 1784. Chil. by 2d wife : Nathaniel Wales, b. June IG. 1788, m. Mary Bennett, Feb. 2, 1817, and 'had Blake Wales, b. Nov. 20, 1817 ; Orrin, b. Oct. 5, 1790, m. Sarah 'Hartshorn, of Franklin, Oct. 5, 1815, had Orrin Lanman, b. July 31, 1817, and emigrated to Ohio; Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1792. 13. Phillip Barrows lived on his father's homestead, which was near Chestnut Hill,. in Mansfield. He m. wid. Sarah -^isk, dau. of Joshua Par- -ker, March 29, 1787; he d. Aug. 16, 1809, aged 49; she d. Nov. 29, 1835, aged 72. [By her 1st husband, Steplien Fisk of Stafford, she hadonedau. Philomela, who m. Nathan Ilall and had 12 chil, a number of which, among them Mr. GardKcr Hall, Superintendent of the Thread Mill, re- side in Williraantic.J Chil. : Sarah, b. Oct. 29, 1788^ m. Ira Bennett, of Mansfield, is living, has been an invalid 50 years ; (23) Phillip, b. June 2, 1792 ; Harmony, b. June 6, 1794, d. Feb. 26, 1796 ; (24) Phares, b. May 20, 1797; Stephen Fisk, (Dea.) b. Jan. 21^1799, went toMiadIebury,Vt., m. there Loray Stowell, Jan. 22, 1824,removed to Groton, N. Y.,had famih',d. there Dec. 31, 1854, aged 56 ; Amasa-,, (Dea.) b. Nov. 25, 1800, ra. Wealthy Coleman, of Coventry, Oct. 20, 1823, has a family and lives in Groton, N, Y. ; Celia, b. Oct. 23, 1803, m. Asa Lyon, of Abington, Conn., Jan. 25, 1825, had chil., d. in Fredericksburg, Va., Aug. 26, 1839, aged 35, ho d. in Maysville, Ky., Aug. 26, 1847, aged 45 ; Thomas Adams, b. Sept. 23, 1805, m. Olive R. White, of Coventry, Ct, 'Oct. 4, 1827, and had Char- lotte, b. Feb. 3, 1830, and Louisa, b. Aug. 29, 1831, both d., he d. Ja^i. 17, 1834, aged 29, she m. 2d, Freeman Rindge, and d. in Homer, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1859, aged 51. 14. Eleazkr Barrows, removed to ^liddlebur}-, Yt., after the birth of his chil. recorded below. One of his sons was a clergynaan. He m. Mary Hall, April 1, 1781. Chil.: Elea~er,h. Jan. 18,1790; Adna, b. Sept. 13, 1791 ; Lucius, b. June 14, 1793, 15. Elisha Barrows, jr., m. Mary Hall, dau. of Barnabas, May 23, 1782; she d. Jan. 23, 1809; m. 2d, Hannah Walker, Dec. 24, 1809. Chjl,. by 2d wife: Austin .§., b. Aug. 25, 1810; Bushrod Washington, b. Juue 14, 1812; Mary Hall, b. April 10, 1814; Almira, b. July 21, 1810, A. Apri,! 4, 1819; Almira, 2d, b. Nov. 17, 1818, m. Origin Hall. 10. Samuel Barrows m. Sally Slate, dau. of Ezekiel, April 2, 1789, and had chil. : Nathan, b. Oct. 26, 1790; John, b. Dec. 5, 17S2, d. April 5, 1796 ; (32) Samuel, b. Oct. 17, 1795; Sdlli/, b. Aug. 25., 1797, m, Ebenezer Bennett; Mar)/, b. Jan. 21, 1803, m. 1st, David Babcock, m. 2d, Justin Edgerton, both of Coventry, had chil., is living a wid. ; James Madison, h. Oct. 19, 1809. 78 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDHAM. 17. "William Barrows, of South Mansfield, m. Elizabeth Jacobs, dau. of Samuel, May 12, 1791 ; he d. Feb., 1814 ; she d. about 1844. Chil. : Hannah^ b. Feb. 19, 1792, ra. Jabez Brown, his 2d wife, no issue, resides in Verona, Oneida Co., N. Y. ; Epaphras, b. July 3, 1795, was a physi- cian, resided in Alabama for a time, was last heard of in Texas ; Martha^ b. Aug. 24, 1797, m. Apollos Perkins, had family, is living a widow; Har- riet, b. May 2, 1800, d. y. ; Elizabeth, b. April, 1802, m. Ralph Williams, resides in Willimantic, has family; (25) William, b. March 2, 1804;. (26) Jabez, b. March 28, 1800 ; Rhoda, b. Aug., 1808, m. Bradley Braman, had family, d. in New York State ; Mary Ann, b. March, 1811, m. Nel- son Clark, resided in 1860 at Crowningsport, Potter Co., Penn. 18. Aaron Barrows, of South Mansfield, m. Mary Jacobs, dau. of Capt. Samuel, Nov. 13, 1792. Chil. : Qiarles, b. Sept.Jll, 1793, is a suc- cessful physician and surgeon, received an honorary degree from Geneva College, resides in Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y., he m. Abigail Palmer, dau. of Nathan, who d. Aug, 15, 1861, and had Frederick, is m., is a physician and practices with his father, Mary Ann, m., d. at Chicago about 1857, Austin, is a physician, m. and settled in Oneida Co., N. Y., Heman d. Dec. 22, 1862, aged about 30, Louisa, unm., lives with her father; (27) Gicrdon, b. Feb. 26, 1796 ; Maria, b. April 17, 1798, m. Park A. Bill, both living at Saquoit, Oneida Co., N. Y., no issue ; Almira, twin of Maria, b. April 17, 1798, m. 1st, Stanton Babcock, and had by her one dau., Maria, now the wid. of John Perkins, who resides in Willimantic, m. 2d, Amos Crippin, Esq., and had 7 chil., the eldest, Gurdon B., is a Methodist min- ister. Amos Crippin and Almira, his wife, both d. in Albany [in 1847 j Amanda, b. Sept. 5, 1804, d. 1806 ; Ueman Austin, b. Aug. 3,1810,m. Eliz- abeth Wolf, of Philadelphia, had one son who d. aged about 20, and 4 daus., who, with his wid., now live in Muscatine City, Iowa. He d. at Saquoit, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1848. 19. Robert Barrows, jr., m. Clara Wright, Nov. 28, 1799. Chil.: Selina, b. Sept. 23, 1800, m. Burnham Hebard, removed to Utica, N. Y., had family ; Fhila Palmer, b. Nov. 11, 1801, m. Uriah B. Gur- l«y, settled in Deansville, Oneida Co., N. Y., d. Aug. 5, 1863, leaving family ; Manj, b. Aug. 30, 1803, m., settled in Mexico, N. Y.; Joseph Marshy (Col.)b. Nov. 30, 1805, m. Lucia Hinckley, settled in Mexico, N. Y., where they both d., leaving 4 chil., Robert, Henry, Lucia and Ellen ; (28) Ek- perience Storrs, b. Jan. 22, 1807 ; Abigail Porter, b. Nov. 26, 1809, m. J. Leonard Booth, of East Windsor, Nov. 6, 1830, settled in Mexico, N. Y., where they are now living, and have family ; (29) Robert Austin, b. Jan. 19, 1812; Eleazer Wright, b, June 11, 1813, resides in Paw- tucket, R, I., and does business as a wholesale merchant in Provi- dence. He m. Rebecca Arnold, and has one dau. Clara W., who is the wife of James Bullard; (30) Fai/ette, b. Jan. 23, 1816; Clarissa, b. Not. 29, 1818, d. March 24, 1840. GENEALOCr. 79 20. Nathan Barrows, of "Spring Hill," in Mansfield, m. Sopliia Hanks, Nov. 26, 1801 ; be d. a number of years since ; sbe d. March, 1801. She was an excellent woman, of superior mental and moral endowments. Chil. : Julia, b. June 19, 1802, m. Rev. Sylvester BarroM^s, of Brooklyn; Caroline, b. Sept. 23, 1803, living in Andover, Mass., unm.; (31) Elijah Porter (Prof), b. Jan. 5, 1805; Joanna, b. April 22, 1806, m. Samuel A. Lincoln, of North Windham, and has family; Sophia Malvina, b. Sept. 13, 1808, d. y. 21. Dan Barrows lived on the homestead at Spring Hill, Mansfield, and was a farmer. He was a man of sterling qualities, highly esteemed and respected in all the relations of life, ol high-toned moral and religious qualities, and especially honored and beloved by his family. Hera. 1st, Abigail Freeman, dau. of Frederick, Esq., Feb. 8, 1807 ; she d. Oct. 22, 1853 ; m. 2d, , wid. of the late Roger Southworth ; he d. Feb. 11, 1863, aged 82 ; she is living. Chil. : child, d. in infancy ; Solomon Sajford, b. Oct. 12, 1809, m. 1st, Lydia B. Hyde, who d. Feb., 1853, m. 2d, Abby Jackson, of Norwich, Sept. 12, 1853, had four chil. by 1st wife, all d. in infancy, is a clerk, resides in Norwich ; Samuel Freeman, b. Aug. 10, 1811, m. Eliza Maria Copeland, Jan. 2,1837, has had chil. : Daniel Copeland, d., Cornelia Maria, Helen Eliza, Freeman D. He is engaged as bookkeeper at the West Point Foundery at Cold Spring, N. Y., where the celebrated Parrott guns are manufactured ; Lucius Barrows, b. March 3, 1813, m. Mary Dunlap, of Cedarville, N. J., July, 1847, and has had chil. : Fred- erick Freeman, d., William, d., Mary Porter, Franklin Fisk,[d. He is Princi- pal of Rittenhouse Academy Philadelphia. We are much indebted to him for information in regard to the Barrows family, in the genealogy of which he is much interested ; Robert Porter, b. April 5, 1815,resides in South Mansfield,is a teacher and deacon of the Congregational church, m. Eliza- beth Maria Arnold, dau. of Capt. Charles, of Mansfield, and has Arthur Arnold,! ^^^^^ ^^ 1865, Yale College, Catharine Amelia, Elizabeth Porter ; OUve,h. Jan. 24, 1817, m. Stedman W. Storrs, of Mansfield, Nov. 24, 1836 has chil. : Clarissa M., Ellen H., Walter S., Edwin, resides in Fall River, Mass. ; Melenda, b. Nov. 28, 1818, m. Eleazer M. Cushman Nov. 19,1844, she d. July 25, 1863, at Willimantic, leaving chil. : Mary E., and Fred- erick D. He has been engaged in teaching, was seven years Principal of the Providence Reform School, is now (1864) a clerk in the Treasury De- partment, Washington ; Frederick Freeman, b. Sept. 4, 1821, m. Harriet HarriSj'dau. of Martin, of Willimantic, and has had chil. : Maria, Harriet F., Frederick, Frank, d., Edward H., d. Clayton, d., Benjamin. He resides in Hartford, is a teacher, was engaged several years in the 2d District Willimantic, has been for thirteen years Principal of the^Center School in Hartford, and is deacon of the 4th Congregational church in that city ; Cynthia, b. May 16, 1823, m. 1st, Doct. William Witter, of Willimantic, his 2d wife, no chil., he d. April 9, 1851, m. 2d, Rev. Samuel G. Willard, 80 HISTORY OV ANCIENT WINDHAM'. of "Willimantic, March 20, 1854, his 2d wife, and has chil.: Samilel Por- ter, Abby Gregory and Mary ; Dan Williaius,h. Aug. 17, 1825, m. Augusta- Reed, of South AVeymouth, June, 1850, and has had chil.: Abbie^ Freder- ick, d., JohnJRead, Dan Rorter, resides in South Weymouth, Mass. ; Ab- igail G., b. May 12, 1831', m. James Barrows, of Mansfield, Nov. 29, 1855, d. Oct. 25,1858, no chil. 22. Stephen Barrows has lived many years in Jewett City, Ct. He m. 1st, Phebe Ifolt ; she d. ; m. a second wife. Chil. by 1st wife, b. in Mansfield : William Norton^ b. Dec. 19, 181-9 ; Rufu\i Clark, b. May 7, 1822 ; Charles Holt, b. Sept. 15, 1827. 23. Phillip Barrows resides in South Mansfield, was formerly engaged in trade and business there. Hem. Sophia Stowell, Nov. 11, 1813. Chil, • Delia,h. Sept. 13, 1814, m. John Tracy,has a farQily,resides in Willimantic ; Sallij Maria, b. Nov. 4, 1816, d. unra. ; Elizabeth SojAia, b. Dec. 12, 1818, m. Ansel Arnold, resides in Somersville, Ct. ; Theodore Austin, b. Dec, 10, 1821, d. y. 24. Phares Barrows resides in South Mansfield; He m. 1st, Alma- Parrrott, of Pomfret, May 20, 1820 ; she d. April 21, 1851, agted 51 ; m. 2d,- Sarah D. Armstrong, of Windham, April 20, 1852 ; she d. March IG, 1861, aged 55. Chil. by 1st wife : Edwin Augustus, b. March 28,^821, m. 1st, Anna J. Hanks, Feb. 19,1845,she d. Jan. 18,1850,aged 27, m. 2d,Em- ily Ashley, of Chaplm, May 21, 1851, and had by 2d wife, Daniel Cliflbrd, b.- April 10, 1853, Edwin and Emily, twins, b. Dec. IS, 1857, d. same day, Anna Maria, b. Dec. 23, 1858 ; Harriet Sophia, b. -Jan. 7, 1823, m. Joseph B. Spencer, of South Windham, March 27, 1819, and has chil.: Alma Parrott and Clara Williams ; Elizabeth Gyles, b. May 5, 1824, ro. Nathan Griggs, of Chaphn, .June 26, 1851, he d. Sept. 22, 1862, has two chil. Mary Elizabeth and Phares Barrows; iSaraAiiicijicZa, b. July 10,1829, m. David A. Griggs, of Cbaplia, Feb. 1, 1855 ; Mary Aelaliza, b. May 12, 1832, m. Milo SI. Hibbard, .of East Homer, N. Y., has a dau. Delia Maria; Iklia Maria, b. Sept. 5, 1836, m-. Dea. Waldo Bass, of Scotland, Nov. 18, 1857. 25. William Barrows formerl}'- of Mansfield, now a resident of Willi- mantic, m- Betsey Williams, of Groton, May 11, 1823. Chil. : Julia Ann, b. April 25, 1824, m. John Atwood, of Mansfield, now of Willimantic, Get. 11, 1840, and has had 12 chil., as follows : a son, b. Nov. 26, 1841, d. same day, Juha Estella, b. April 21, 1843, d. Sept. 29, 1844. Ruth Ann Elizabeth, b. Nov. 6, 1844, John Randolph, b. Sept, 1, 1846, a son, b. Feb. 17, 1848, d. Feb. 21, 1848, William Barrows, b, Aug. 18,1849, d. Sept. 26, 1857, a son, b. Sept. 16^ 1851, d. same day, Dwight Mini, b. Aaig. 22, 1852, d, Dec. 23, T857, Charles Sawyer, b, July 13, 1854, Ber- thia Maria, b. July 6^ 1856, d. Sept, 2, 1857, a son, b. Jan. 17, 1861, d. same day. Bessie Adalaide, b. April 6, 1862. [The above record belongs aaore properly with the Atwood family, but as we did not obtain it until GENEALOGT. 81 that was printed we insert it liere.J William X);';?;;/^/, b. April 28, l!826,' resides in Willimantic, is a mason by trade, bas recently been somewhat engaged in the real estate business, m. Sarah Jane Seagrave, of Coventry, Feb. 6, 1854, and has chil.: Ai'thur Dwight, b. Jan. 9, 1855, Emma Car- oline, b. Dec. 11,1857; Mary Jane,h. June 4, 1829 m. Asa W. Whitney, oi Stafford, Feb. 3, 1848, he went to California some years since, is now a volunteer in the 4th Regt. Cal. Vols., and is stationed in New Mexico, she resides in Willimantic and has had chil. : William Henry, b. Dec. 11, 1;848, d. March 10, 1849, George Waters, b. Dec. 11, 1850; Maria Betsey, lol April 16, 1836, m. Charles Clinton Tobey, of Monson,- Mass., June 3, 1858, who is a tanner and currier there, has chil. : Henry Clinton, b. April 23, 1859, Herbert Emerson, b. Dec. 31, 1862; Charles Henry, h. Feb. 25, 1841, m. Mary Jane Iveigwin, of Franklin, Ct., March 4, 1860, h6 is now at the new settlement at Vineland, N. J., wife in WiUimantic. 26. eth Eam.s, May 26, 1731 ; she d. (propably) Feb., 1768 ; he d. Feb., 1788, aged 102. The Windbam church record says 108 and other accounts give- his age at death as 107. He is represented to have been a man of great vigor and health, never »ick a day until after he was one hundred, when he was thrown from a lorse and injured, after which he was confined until his death. Tradi- tion says he was a shoemaker, and after the death of his last wife resided! with his grandson Elijah. It is a little singular that there should be such a discrepancy with regard to his age at the time of his death, but we feel pretty confident that it was only about 102. (Jhil. by 1st wife : (3) Ar- thur, b. before the family came to Windham ; (4} Ebenezer, b. Feb. 1, 1714- 15; Jjcob, b. Oct. 2, 1717; Experience,h. April 6, 1722, d. Nov. 12, 1720, Chil. by 2d wife : Experience, 2d, b. June 10, 1732 ; Elizabeth, b. Nov. 20, 1733, d. Feb. 6, 1768, unm.; Amos, b. May 14, 1736, d. July 16, 1757, at Fort Edward; Ann, b. March 2, 1737-8; Rebecca, b. April 17, 1740; Eunice, b. Dec. 24, 1742; Thankful, b. March 24^ 1746, d. Dec. 9, 1756. 3. Arthur Bibbins, jR.,m. Abigail FoUett, dau. of Benjamin, of Wind- ham', Nov. 8, 1732 ; he d. at Ashford, but date of death not found, at the age of 40 ; she d. March 19, 1784. Their chil. vrere: Patience , b. Oct, 23, 1733, m. Manasseh Farnham, of Ashford ; ^CTi/a7?im, b. July 3, 1736, d Dec. 27, 1756 ; Abigail, b. July 8, 1738, m. Moses Spaffbrd, and was the mother of the late Jesse Spafibrd, of Windham ; (5) Elijah, b. Sept. 18, 1740 ; (6) Samuel, b. Dec. 12, 1742 ; (7^ William, b. Nov. 23, 1745 ; Is- rael, b. Jan. 18, 1747-8, settled in Fairfield, Ct., m. Silliman, and it is said had Elijah, William, Silliman, Hannah, Betsey, Abigail and Sarah. Descendants are still found in Fairfield; Arthur, h. June 14, 1750, d Nov. 1, 1754. 4. Ebenezer Bibbins, m. Susanna ; he d. Nov. 19, 1761 aged 46. Chil.: Timothy, (probably) m. 1st Eunice Brewster, Sept. 25, 1760, she d. April 18, 1773, m. 2d Anne Hovey, dau. of Daniel, Aug. 18, 1773, liyed lo va HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDHAM, in Mansfield ; Sasanna, (probably) m. Caleb Conant, Jr., of MansfieM and had family. [We have no record of the m. of Ebenczer Bibbins, of of the birth of his chil. above, but from the lact that Timothy Bibbins was administrator on the estate of Ebenezer Bibbins and from other cir- cumstances it is pretty certain that both Timothy and Susanna were the older chil. of Ebenezer] ; Jacob, h. April 26,1742; Molly, \>. Jan. 30, 1745, m. Robert t'oburn, his 2d wife ; Ebenezer, b. Feb. 11, 1747 ; John, b. March 16, 1750 ; Sarah, b. May 24, 1754 ; Phebe, b. Oct. 25, 1756 ; Eliza- heth, b. Aug. 1, 1758. As we find no descendants ot the above family perhaps they removed from Windham. A Thankful Bibbins m. Benjamin Follet, Jr., March 8, 1769. As we can find no place for her elsewhere, perhaps she was a dao. of Ebenezer. 5. Dea. Elijah Bibbins, of Windham, was for many years Deacon of the First Baptist church formed in Windham, under the care of Elder Benjamin Lathrop. He m. 1st Amy Hill, of Preston, Oct., 1762; she d. March 4, 1799; m. 2d Silence French, Nov. 3, 1799; she d. Aug. 15, 1818 ; m. 3d Margaret Wells of Colchester, Aug. 16, 1819; he d. March 28, 1820, aged 79. Chil. by 1st wife : TnjjAena, b. Aug. 16, 1763, d. Dec. 15, 1764 ; (8) Benjamin, b. May 10, 1765 ; Elijah, b. April 7, 1767, d. same day ; Alathenh, b. May 1, 1768, m. Orrin Ormsby, of Windham, set- tled in Oswego, N. Y.; Patience, b. June 13, 1770, m. Oliver Smith, of Randolph, Vt; San/ord b. June 20, 1773, m. Anne Welch, Oct. 27, 1796, had Jerusha, b. April 1, 1797, recorded in Windham, who m. William' Lathrop, after which he removed with his fiimil}- to Oswego, N. Y., and had Harriet, Mary, who it is said m. Marvin Ormsby, Edmund, who is living in Oswego, Lucian, and perhaps others ; Samuel b. July 23, 1775, d. Bame day. 6. Samuel Bibbins settled in Hampton, Washington Co., N. Y., m. and had 11 chil., as follows: WUliam, Sanmel, Luther, Calvin, Susannah, Alvi- rah, Arthur, Elijah, Amaziah,- Saraantha and Elisha. All are d. except Al- ▼irah and Amaziah. Elisha, the youngest son of Samuel above, had five sons : Edward Paine, Joseph Slocum, Robert Kendall, who is m., has fam- ily, is a Methodist preacher, and is now located at Wilmington, Will Co., 111., Andrew Tracy Lathrop d., and Tracy Lathrop. We expected a full record of this branch of the family from Rev. Robert Iv. above, who is in- terested in the genealogy of the family, but it has not reached us. 7. William Bibbins, of Windham, m. Louisa Simons, dau. of Nathan^ April 23, 1769; he d. Jan 31, or Feb. 1, 1805, aged 59; she d. Dec. 27, 1805, aged 61. Chil.: Ckmsa, b. Nov., 1769, d. Jan. 2, 1848, aged 78, unm. ; Abigail, b. Jan. 16, 1771 ; (9) Erastus, bajjt. April 18, 1773; Bela, bapt. Nov. 12, 1775; Israel, bapt. Nov. 2, 1777, m. Mary Robinson, Sept. 12, 1799 ; Septer ; (10) Elijah, bapt. Oct. 17, 1784 ; TnjpJiena, b. June 10, 1787, d. in Hartford Jan. 15, 1860; Amy. An infant child of Wil- liam Bibbins d. Dec. 22, 1780. 8. Benjamin Bibbins, of Windham, at the age of 16, enlisted in the GENEALOGY. 99 Army of the Revolution, where he served six months. He m. Clarissa Gary, dau. of Nathaniel, Dec. 31, 1789 ; he d. May, 1858, aged 92 ; she d. Jan. 19, 1860, aged 93. Chil. : Zerviah, b. Jan. 10, 1791, d. May 12> 1791 ; Clarissa, b. Sept. 12, 1792, m. Henry Huntington, Esq., and is lir- ing a wid. at Colchester. Ct. ; Lticia., h. April 1, 1795, m. Thomas Bald- win ; Marcia. b. Aug. 18, 1798, living in East Hartford ; Nathaniel Ckry, b. May 7, 1800, m. Esther Williams, he d. Jan. 20, 1847, his wid. m. Mr. Buell, who d. ; she resides in Windham ; Lucretia, b. 1803, d. June, 1806 ; Laura, b. 1806, m. Samuel Tripp, of East Hartford, d. there 1838 ; 31aria, b. Nov., 1811, d. Aug., 1853. 9. Erastus Bibbins, of Windham, m. 1st, Phila Kingsbxiry, Jan. 1, 1799 ; she d. Feb. 3, 1804 ; m. 2d, Berthia Ford, March 21, 1806 ; he d. Feb. 28, 1843, aged 79. Chil. by 1st wife: Slowell, b. April 26, 1800, was killed by being blown up in a powder mill at Manchester, aged about 30; Phila^ b. Aug. 25, 1803, m. Royal Lincoln. Chil. by 2d wife; William^ b. Dec. 13, 1806, d. Sept. 9, 1808 ; Lj/dia Davison, b. May 3, 1808, m. Lucius H. Denison, lives in Illinois ; William Henry, m. Miranda (Ful- ler) Ross, no family, lives in AVinnebago county. 111.; Lucius, b. March 27, 1815, m. Lydia Caroline Ewing. April 14, 1843, no chil., lives iu Windham,' Backroad District ; .SwsaH, b. May 26, 1820,lives in Illinois,unm^ 10. Elijah Bibbins, of Windham m. Lydia Parish, Sept. 23, 1810, (she b. July 8, 1793) ; he d. Nov. 13, 1831. Chil. : Jane E., b. July 13, 1S13, m. Daniel Studley, Dec. 19, 1832, has family and resides in Hart- ford, Ct. We are much obliged to her for records and information in re- gard to some branches of the flimily ; William W., b. Oct. 18, 1815, m. Julia A. Alvord, May 2, 1836, and has dau. Frances E., b. Aug. 23, 1840 ; Edwin S., b. March 23, 1818 ; Sarah W., b. April 3, 1821, m. Donald Woodhouse, Dec. 2, 1842, he d. Feb. 2, 1861, 1 chil., d. ; Louisa A., h. ApriJ 28, 1823, m. Robinson Randall, and had chil,., he d. ; Martha C, b March 1, 1828, m. Edward Norton, of Guilford, has chil. ; Thomas A., b. July 16, 1829, d. same month ; Alary E., b. July 13, 1831, m. George Redway. BIDLACK. The name is first written in Windham records Bidlake, afterwards BiDLACK. We have but few fragmentary records, and very little knowl- edge of the family, a branch of which early emigrated to the Susquehan- na lands in Pennsylvania, (then claimed by Connecticut.) some of whom were involved in the AVyoming massacre, and whose names, in connection with the terrible scenes enacted in that settlement, have become histor- ical. 1. Christopher Bidlack, the common ancestor of the Windham fam- »W HISTORY OT ANCIENT WINDHAM, •ily, appeared in that part of tli« town which is now Hampton, on or be- iore 1722, and was one of the early settlers in that section. He was a married man, somewhat advanced in years when he came to Windham. We find no account cf his first purchase, and perhaps he inherited the land from some of the earlier proprietors who were non-residents. W« Lave been unable to learn from whence he came, or any particulars re- specting his origin. Oct. 29, 1722, he gave to his son Benjamin his homo farm situated in the north-east part of Windham. Sarah, his wife, d. Nov. 25, 1739, aged 74 ; he d. Feb. 23, 1740-41, aged 80. Chil. : (2) B< njamin ; .and (probably) Mary, who ra. Ebenezer Jennings, the first male child b. in Windham, and had a dau. Mary, who m. the first Thomas Snell, of Windham, and was the ancestress of the Ashford and Union Snell families. 2. Benjamin Bidlack was a merchant, and perhaps the first one in the Hampton part of the town. He m. Lj'dia Abbe, dau. of the first John of Windham, Sept. 4, 1722 ;- he d. Feb. 3, 1740-41. Their chil. were : Sa- raA, b. Nov. 24, 1723, m. Nathaniel Flint ; (3) Benjamin^ b. July 10, 1725 ; James, 1st, b. Jan. 3, 1726-7, d. March 29, 1728 ; (4) James, 2d, b. Oct. 28, 1728 J John, b. Oct. 28, 1730, m. Mary , had John, who d. Aag. 8, 1776, and Amos,!). May 19, 1754, d. Aug. 23, 1777 ; Mary, 1st, b. July 29, 1732, d. Feb. 27, 1732-3 ; Marj^,.2d, b. Dec. 4, 1733 ; Lydia, b. Jan. 8, 1736-7, m. Asa Farnham, settled in Ashford ; BetMa^ b. May 22, 1738, m. Christopher Davison ; Hannah, b. Aug. 26, 1741. 3. Benjamin Bidlack, Jr., m. Edeth Spaulding, Nov. 11, 1742, and had the following chil. recorded in Windham : (5) JonalJian, b. Nov. 19, 1744 ; Ruth, b. Feb. 14, 1746-7, d. Jan., 1751 ; Sarah, b. Nov. 29, 1748, d. Jan. 15, 1751. 4. Capt. James Bidlack, sen. We do not find the record of his family in Windham records, and incline to the opinion that he lived in one of the adjoining towns before he emigrated, perhaps Canterbury.* He settled in the beautiful Wyoming valley, but at what period we know not. He participated in the eventful scenes that have rendered this locality ever memorable in our annals. On the day of the massacre, July 3, 1778, he "commanded a company of aged men and kept garrison in the fort at Plymouth," says Miner. He was taken prisoner the next year by the Indians, and was not released until peace, in 1783. Who he m. we kaow aot, and how many chil. he had is not ascertained. He had certainly : (6) James ; (7) Benjamin, and another son, name not found, who was taken prisoner at the battle of Long Island in the Revolutionary war and starved to death in prison ; Sarah, who m. Stephen Fullerf who was killed by the Indians was probably the dau. of Capt. James Bidlack, sen. * Since the above was written we find, by referpnce to our notes on Wind- ham land records, that James and Mehitable Bidlack were of Caiiierbury,1758. This, of course, was James Bidlack, sen. t Stephen Fuller, according to the account in the " Abbot Family," p. 65, was, with others, taken by the Indians in the Wycming battle, July 3, 1778, GENEALOGY. 101 5. Jonathan Bidlack, of Windham, m. Hannah Cutler, April 22, 1767 ; the d. 1785. Chil.: Eunice, b. Feb. 9, 1768 ^ Olive, b. Dec. 1, 17^9 ; Asa, b. Oct. 9, 1771 ; Mary, b. April 27, 1773 ; Ralph, b. Oct. 2, 1774 ; Jona- ihan, b. Sept. 19, 1776 ; Oliver, b. April 29, 1778 ; Edeth, b. Jan. 22, 1780. 6. Capt. James Bidlack, jr., commanded a company in the Wyoming battle, and was, according to the most reliable accounts, killed at the head of his men.* Hem. Abigail Fuller, dau. of Stephen, of Windham (Hampton), and had two chil. : Benjamin and SMibael, according to Hon. Stewart Pearce, of Wilksbarre, if w-e rightly understand him in a private Bote to the writer. This Benjamin he says was the father of Hon. Benj. Alden Bidkck, which does not seem to agree with other accounts. 7. Rev. Benjamin Bidlack figures quite prominently in the history of Wyoming. Peck says he " came to Wyoming at an early period with his father, mother and several brothers. He served his country under Gen. Washington through nearly the entire period of the Revolutionary war ; finally became a Methodist preacher ; was for many years a most labori- ous and successful minister of the gospeL" Miner, in his history of Wyoming, after speaking of the Rev. Benjamin Bidlack in a note, says: " May, 1845. The worthy old patriot still lireB, blessed with abundance, and the evening of his life is cheered by the well- led to a wheat field, where tlie Ladians piled around them sheaves of wheat and burned them to death. The aocount continues : "The fort was surrounded and taken, the men cut to pieces^nd the women and children perished in the flames of the barracks. A few escaped by flight. Mrs. Fuller, with some others, went in qoats aown tht^Susquel anna toNorthumberland.and in about fourteen days re- turned to the battle field to seek the body of her husband. She found the heads of the men scalped and theu: bodies so cut.bruised,torn and altered by the sum- mer heat,thatshe could not recognize an individual. From this distressing scene she went to her home, hoping to obtain some clothing and provision ; buttha Indians and tories had been there. The feathers of her bed were emptied on the floor, and her bedding, clothes, furniture and provision all taken away. About the evening twilight she went to the river, and called to the boatmen to take her across ; but Ihey, fearing there might be Indians or tories lying in wait to kill them would net go for her. She therefore passed alone the anx- ious, fearful night. Soon after she returned to Hampton, Ct., on horseback, accompanied by her only daughter. Polly, two or three years old, who after* wards married Judge Ebenezer Griflin." She m. for her 2d husband, Asa Ab- bott. The above account is not considered wholly reliable by those who have investigated the matter caiefullj. A correspondent, who has given much at- tention to the subject, says : "The sentence tliat mentions the surrounding and taking of the fort, and the perishing of the women and children in the flames of the barracks, I am fully satisfied is entirely untrue ; and I also sus- pect that the burning of Stephen Fuller, jr., in the wheat field was an error, for the third of July is an exceedingly early date for wheat harvest in that re- gion." That Stephen Fuller was killed aliout that time, however, is quite certain. * In the history of the Abbot family it is stated (p. 55) that James Bidlack with " Robert Durkee and Samuel Ransom were taken by the Indians March 21. 1779." '-They stripped him, tied him to a tree, stuck him full of sharp splints of pine knots, and, having piled pine knots around him, set the whole on fire ; put the others on the fire, and held them down with pitchforks, and tortured them till they expired." The above statement is of doubtful auth«n- ticity, and it is more probable that Capt. Bidlack wag killed in th« battle. The date is wrong, as these men were slain, July 3, 1778. 102 HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDHAM. merited fortune of liis son, the Hon. Benjamin Alden Bidlack." Miner> previous to 1845, calls him over four score years old. Rev. Benjamin Bidlack m. Lydia Alden, dau. of Maj. Prence, who \ra,H a descendant of John Alden, of the Mayflower. They had three chil. • (8) Benjamin Alden, h. in Wyoming about 1808 ; SImbael, d. y. ; Lydia, dy. 8. Hon. Benjamin Alden Bidlack, was a good lawyer, and represent- ed Luzerne Co., in the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1834 and 1835. In 1840 was elected to Congress and served nntil 1844. In 1845 he was appointed by President Polk, minister to New Granada and d. at Bogo- ta in 1848. He was a man of very fine personal appearance, being six feet in hight, well formed, with black flowing hair and black eyes. He m. 1st Frances Stewart, had one child which with the mother died soon after its birth ; m. 2d Matilda Wallace and had eijrht chil : Wallace, is a surveyor, U. S. Army; James, is in California; Benjamin, is in the army ; Mary, m. a Philadelphia merchant named Reed ; Pet, ra. a Reed ; Blanch, and another dau, name not given, live with their mother in Philadelphia. Shubael Bidlack, whom Mr. Pearce calls son of James Bidlack, jr., m. and had a son, name unknown, who was a lawyer in New York city ; m. 2d Abigail (Alden) Jameson, dau. of Maj. Prence Alden and wid. of John Jameson, and by her had three chil.: John, m. Martha Hicks, and had three chil : John who d. single, Jameson, who m. has a large family, lives in Luzerne, Co., Penn., and Maria, who m. Lockhart, is a wid. has three chil., two sons, both Captains m the army ; Shuhael, d. y. ; Lydia, d. y. BILL, Roswell Bill, m. Rebeckah Burge or Burgess, Nov. 20, 1777. He d. in Chaplin, Oct. 13, 1830, aged 77 ; she d. in Braintree, Vt.. Jan. 17, 1834, aged 77. Chil: Eunice, b. Jan. 17, 1779 ; Elisha, b. Jan. 31, 1782, m. Bet- eey Trowbridge, Dec. 24, 1801, d. Dec. 17, 1857 aged, 75, she d. April 22, 1843, aged 70 ; Amanda, b. Jan. 21, 1784 ; Esther, b. March 24, 1791. « BILLINGS. Rev. William Billings, son William and Prudence Billings, b. in Preston, Ct., Feb. 15, 1697, graduated at Yale College, 1720, m. Bethia Otis, dau. of Joseph Otis, Esq., of Massachusetts, about 1724, and had eWl: WiUiam,h. March 18,1725, d. Dec. 7, 1732; Bethia, b. Nov. 4, KfiNEALOGY. 108 1727 ; Hannah, b. Nov. 8, 1729 ; Patience, b. June 3, 1731, d. Dec. 17, 1732 ; Patience, ^d, bapt. Aug. 8, 1733. The Rey. William Billings, was ordained first pastor of tbe Second Church in Windham (now Hampton) June 5, 1723, and was pastor about 10 years until his death, May 20, 1733, at the age of 30. His wid. m. Rev. Samuel Mosely, the second pastor of the {same church. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. We inadvertently say that John Abbe, son of Ebenezer, jr,, (No. 10, p. 19), and John, son of Gideon, (No 12, p, 20,) both m. Dorothy Bugbee. Though we cannot determine positively which, yet we consider it more probable that it was the former who m. her. Jacob Abbe, probably son of Ebenezer. jr., with his wife Sarah, dan. of John Richardson, of Windham (Hampton Society), were at Westminster, West- chester Co., N. Y., Nov. 23, 1767. Shubael Abbe (No. 15, p. 21) was, it seems, a pretty early abolitionist. On the 14th of August, 1779, " in consideration of a late act of the General Assem- bly, enabling masters to free and discharge their slaves," "makes free and fully emancipates two certain negro slaves, with their issue, viz : one called Primus, and one called Jude, which I purchased of Joshua Abbe." Emma, dau. of Elisha Abbe (No, 18, p. 24), d. in Windham, Jan. 9, 1864,aged nearly 79. Mr. Clevelajjd Abbe furnished us partial ref^ords of the descendants of Thomas, of Enfield, but they were so incomplete and fragmentary we decided not to include them. Mary, wife of William Allen (No, 1, p. 31), d. 1776, not 1666. Isaac Allerton', a descendant of Isaac, of the Mayflower .lived in the north- east corner of Windham (now Hampton), near Appaquag, where, by wife Lu- cy, he had dau. Alice, b. May 23, 1765. Mead Alkrton, Esq., of Newark, N. Y., is collecting a history of his family. Luther Anderson^, pi'obably son of George (No. 2, p. 41), by wife Sally had 5arepto,b. July 7, 1804 ; Salome,h. Aug. 25, 1805; Luther Clark, b. May 16, 1807 ; Samuel Dwight, b. June 22, 1810. Thomas Andrews, of Windham, by wife Mary had Thomas, b. March 1, 1723-4. Isaac Andrews or A^^)R^s, from Norwich , had Jeremiah, b. in Windham, Jan. 15, 1656. Also Joseph, b. in Norwich, May 16, 1754, and Abia, b. in Nor- wich, May 7, 1758. l04 HISTORY or ANCIENT WINDHABf. The following additioual particulars respecting the Arnold family were re* eeired too late to be insert d in their proper place. Mizdbeth Arnold, dau. of John, (No. 1, p; 43) m. Tho-zeas Huntington, 2d, of Mansfield, Sept. 6. 1711. John Arnold (No. 6, p. 43) , d. 1807. Bridget, his wife, d. in Vermont, about 1810. Eleanor, their dau., m. Huntington, perhaps David, and lived in Bethel,Vt; John, their son, m. in New Jersey, didbusines&in New York.went to London, Eng. ; Bridget, m. Arad Simons, lived in Lebanon, N, H., had 13 chil., lived to the age of 94 ; Jason, probably d. y. ; Alice, m. Richard Hall, not Bei- thuel, settled in New Haven, Vt., d. there. Isaac Arnold (No.7,p.44),b. May 27, 1764 ; he d. Jan. 30,1841 ; Sally,his wife, d, Aug. 16, 1839. Sophia, their dau., m. Experience Storrs, had family, lived iff Mansfield, on " Chestnut Hill" ; Maria, m. Simeon Woodworth, had 2 chil. ; Julia, m. Maj. Isaac Church, of Woodstock, Vt., where they now reside, has 2 chil. ; John,xa. 1st, Emma Whiting, of Lisle, N. Y., m. 2d, Deborah Turner, of Owego, N. Y., is ajjracticing physician, had one dau, ; Fanny, living in Mans- field, unm. Amelia S. Arnold, dau. of Capt. Charles, m. John G. Barrows, settled m Crown Point, N. Y., he d. leaving 3 chil. Last line,, page 46, Francis should be Francea. Nathaniel Babcock, son of John (No. 5, p. 53),was atWoodstock.March 29;175I.- Jotiathan, Babcock, probably brother of the above, w;>.- at Pomfret in 7153, AustaniaBahcooik, dau. of Elijah, of Coventry, (No. 11, p. 54), omitted from? the proper place, was b. Oct. 13, 1833, was a teacher in Providence in 1863. The dau- of Isaac &: and Charlotte (Backus) Wilson, who m. Melancthoiy Turner, should be Eliza A., and not Charlotte. See the family of Luther Backus (No. 10, p. 60). John Ba«kus, son of John, jr., (No. 14, p. 61,) was at Stratford, 1751 and 1752. The 2d wife of DeLit^ena Backus, son of Johm, jr., (No. 14, p. 61,) was Tempe- Waters, not Temple. /erMsAorBadger, dau. of Joseph, (p. 64.) who m. Elliott, d. April 9, 1864. The name of Raymond Baldwin's youngest sen is Jerome. See No. 7, p. 72. Miezur, not Eliza, is the name of the first child of Robert and Ruth (Bonum) Barrows, p. 74. Lemuel Barrows, son of Lieut. Thomas (No. 5p.75),whom. Hannah More (not Moore) Storrs, settled in Vermont, we believe. He m. for his 2d wife the wid. of Jeptha Fitch, 1830, not his wid. m. Jeptha Fitch, as in the text. Pkakez Barrows (No. 24, p. 80) was first m. May 8, 1820. Dan Barrows, son of Dan (No. 21, p. 80), was m. June, 1851, not 1850. William Beacmont, of Windham, m. Sarah Everit, Dec. 29, 1747. IN0EX. INDEX TO WIVES. TIGS. Abbe Hannah (wid.) 14 Abbe, Abigail (wid.) 15 Abbe, Rachel 19 Abbe, Lucretia, 64 Abbe, Lydia 100 Abbot, Tryphena 46 Adams, Anna 36 Agard, Lydia 24 Alden, Ruth 90 Aldeu.Lvdia 102 Allen, Alary 18 ,34 Allen. Mary (wid.) 31 Allen, Sarah 34, 4£ ,52 Allen, Rachel 45 Allen, Assenath 73 Allen, Desire 92 Allen, Waity 92 Alvora, Julia A. 99 Ames, Silence 18 Ame.s, Desire 37 Andrews, Mary Ann 27,28 Andrew, Susan A. 8'i Annable, Anna 66 Armstrong, Nancy, 56 Armstrong, Sarah D. 80 Arnold, Delia 42 Arnold, Hannah 48, 53 Arnold, Mary 6^ Arnold, Sarah 7U Arnold, Rebecca 78 Arnold, Elizabeth M. 79 Arnold, Amelia S. 85 Ashley, Emily 80 Atwood, Amanda 29 Avery, Lucy 25 Avery. Harriet 57 Babcock, Anna 32 Babcock, Achsah 48 Babcock, Tryphena 53 Babcock, Lydia 77 Babcock, Nancy 81 Babcock, Sallinda 96 Backus, Lydia 59 Badger, Laura 46 14 Baily, Balch. Ruth Balch, Mary Baldwin, Harriet Baldwin. Mary Barker, Sarah Barker, Eli'beth BarLS. Julia A. Barrows, Julia Barrows, Mary Bavrows, Almira Barrows. Abigail Barrows. Julia Barrows, Delia Barrows, Sally Barrows. Sarah Barton, Emily M. Bass. Tryphena Bemis, Ruth Bennet, Mary 26, Bennet, Sarah ckford, Abigail ngham, Mary 16, ngham, Miriam ngham, Ruth ngham, Nabby ngham. Sarah ngham, Abigail ngham, Amie ngham, Polly Blake, Lydia B 1 anchard,Susanna Bliss, Frances Bliven, Maria! Bliven, Elizabeth Blossom, Ruth BoDum. Ruth Borden, Joanna Botton, Abigail Bottom, Lucy Bowen. Henrietta Bragg, Belinda Brefd, MeJenda Brewster, Eunice FAGR.T PACB. 66'Brown. Susanna 32 20 Brown, Hannah (wid ) 28 41,85 63 63 87 96 73 69 19,20 94'Bro\vn, Abigail 48'Brown, Hannah 67iBrown, Rebecca 26,27 1 Brown, Mary K. 53, 73 Brown, Marina 89 Broughton. Hannah 49 Browning, Ellen 53, 95'Bugbee. Dorothy 68 Bui-bank. Mary (wid) 87|Burgess, Freelove 88 Burgess. Mary 92^Burge. Rebeckah 95:Burnet, Assenath 95 Burnham. Elizabeth 96 Burnham, Achsah 23 Burnham. Lora Ann 50 Burt, Mehitable 77, 89Bushnell. Rachel 59 Cady, Alice 27 Cadv. Bridget 22, 6] Cady, Sarah 21 Campbell, Sybil 37 Carver, Susannah 44 Carter. — — 61, 73 Cary. Mercy 63 Cary.Dianthy 69 Cary, Rebecca 87 Cary, Mary 57 Cary. Clarissa (wi)90 Case, Mercy 29 Case, Jerusha 32 Case, Sarah Jane 64 Caulkins, Anna 88 Champlin, Hannah 74 Champlin. Mary 93 Chandler, Jemima 38 Chandler. Hannah 66 Chester, Lucy 84 Chillcoat. Sarah 85 Church, Eunice 84 Church. Mary 97lChurch, Elizabeth 49 27 62 102 S9 20 47 47 62 34 35 43 94 S4 37 93 66 67 33,68 92 99 31 48 81 66 57 67 19 26 21 33 21 48 91 106 IHDVL TAon 60 60 73 81 36 86 92 60 84 77 25 47 (Jopelaiid. Eliza Maria 79 91 Clark, Zerriah Clark, Mary Jane Clark, Sally Clark, Eineline J. Cleveland, Mary Cleveland, Lydia Clift, Nancy Coburn, Lois A. Cogshall, Nancy Coleman. Wealthy Colgate, Charlotte Collins, Hannah 25,55 73 75, 92 45 45 45.46 Cook, Phebe Crane, Anna Crane, Zerviah Crane. Abigail Crandall, Cresey, Ruth Cresey. SanUi CresHy. Mary Crosby,Experience(wd)30 Crosby, Assenath Cross, Elizabeth Cross, Trypheua Cross, Mary Cross. Eleanor Grossman, Eunice Cummings Cushman, Sarah Cutler, Hannah Cutting. Lydia Davis. Ruth Delany, Betsey Denison, Han>iah Denison, Aiiu Denison, Sarah Denison, Katie Denison. Prudence Devotion, Lucy Dimock, Mary Dimock, Joanna Dimock. Sally Dodge, Sarah Dodge, Jennie Dorman, Lorinda Dow. Hannah Drownes, Frances Dunham. Dunham, Lydia Dunham. Hannah Dunham, Elizabeth Dunlap, Mary Dunton, Mary Durkee, Peggy Durkee, Patience Dwight. Anna B. Dyer, Amelia Earns, Elizabeth Edgerton, Lydia Edwards, Mercy Elderkin, Louisa R. Eldredge, Abigail Eldredge. Jemima Eldredge, Polly Ensworth, Lucy Everit, Sarah Ewing, Lydia C. Fargo, Mary Farnham, Sarah Fenton, Abigail Fentou , Lydia Field, Susan Fisher.Laura(Faine)(wi)92 Fisk, Sarah (wid.) 77 Fitch , Lucy 29, 37 Fitch, Fanny 62 Fitch, Elizabeth Fitch, Lydia (wid.) Flint, Lu.-y Flint, Laura Flint, Prudence Flower, Eliza Follett, Abigail Parker, Rachel Ford, Bethia 64 Ford, Berthia 43 Foster, Miranda A. 69| Foster, Phebe 83J Forward, J^iza 84 Franklin. Maria E. 96 Freeman, Abigail 76 Freeman, Sarah 35 Freeman, Anna lOllFreeman, Temperance 96 Heirick, TAOV 87 Greenslit, Sarah 30 Grosvenor, Marcia 104 Grow, Chloe 99 Guild, Maria 31 Gurley, Julia M. 27, 63 Gurley, Maria 2 • Hackstati; Charlotte 84 Hall, Miriam 69 Hall, Lydia Hall, Elizabeth Hall, Sibbel Hall, Martha Hall, Mary 62JHall, Esther 69' Hall. Abigail 28 Hall, Delia 38 Hall, Deborah 64 Hamilton, Eunice 54 Hanks, Sophia 97 Hanks, Anna J. 76 Harris, Weadhy 74'Harris, Harriet 99 Hartshorn, Polly 38 Hartshorn, Anna 69l Hartshorn, .Sarah 46 Hay ward, Mary 29 Heoard Roxalana 79iHebard, Mary (wid) 86 Hebard, Elizabeth 86'Hendee, Sarah 32 French, Caroline E 70 French. Silence 87 Frink, Jerusha 28 Frink, Anna 32 Frink. Abby Eleanor 38 Fuller, Abby 38 Fuller, Sarah E. 43 Fuller. Alice 67 Fuller. Sarah (wid.) 59 Fuller, Mary Ann 53, 86 Fuller, Rebecca 87 Fuller, Charlotte 16 Fuller, Elizabeth 54j Fuller, Anna 23|FuUer, Abigail 55 Gager, Lucy 46|Gainble, Elizabeth 39 Gard, Sarah Gardner, Lucretia Gardiner, Sarah Gates, Mary Geary, Elizabeth Gillett, Mary Glover, Hannah Glover, Susannah G< Idsmith, Mary Goodwin, Parthenia Gordon, Clarissa Granniss, Eliza Graves, Dorcas Graves, Hannah' '^ray, Hannah. Greenleaf, Elizabeth 86:Herritage, Susan 98 Hewett, Anna 32 Hibbert,, Dorcas 72 Hicks, Martha 72' Hi II, Amy 24 Hinckley, Abigail 25!Hinckl(fy, Lucia 28|Holt, Mary 28 Holt. Sarah 29' Holt, Phebe 36 Hopkins, Sophia 38 Hovey, Lucy 36, 83 Hovey, Ruth 95 Hovey, Mary 101 1 Hovey, Abigail (wid.) 74 not. 38 24 95 49 38 85 24 20 20 70 74 76 77 83 85 86 96 70 79 80 77 79 20 48 77 34 32 62 59 60 37 60 28 27 103 98 40 78 27 60 80 29 18 28 49 92 Hovfy, Dinah 85 61 Hovey, Almira 96 69 Hovey. Anna 97 56 Howard, Mary 90 58 Howe. Rebecca 36 52 Howe, Sally 44 27 Hudson, Abigail 64 68 Hughes, Adeline 2i 44 Humphrey, Lydia 46 52 Humphrky, Elizabeth 46 12 Hunt' Anna 95 35 HuiUington, Mary 16 25 Huntington, Eunice 3S 89 Huntington, Sarah (wi) 46 26 Huntington, Amanda A 63 27 Huntington, Deborah 69 27 Huntington, Polly 71 63,UuQtiugtoa, Mehitable 9S INDEX. 107 Hurley,Elizabeth (wid) 68 Hyde, Lydia B Ingalls, Esther (wid) Jacobs, Diantha Jacobs. Elizabeth Jacobs, Mary Jackson, Abby Jameson, Abigail (wid)102 Jeucks, Mary 46 Jenkins, Prudence 66 Jennings, Mary 15 Johnson, Martha 23 Johnson, Lucy 24 Johuson,Elizabeth(wid)35 Johnson, Sophuv Johnson, Hannah Johnson, Sally Karley, Rebecca Kasson, Olive Kee. Meribah Keigwin, Mary Jane Ketchum, Maria (wid-) 62 Kimball, Elizabeth 70 King, Agues 49 King, Mary 69 Kingsbury, Elizabeth 45 Kingsbury. Phila 99 Kinue> Sarah 56 Kinne, Clarissa 57 Knight, Sarah 20 Knight. Eleanor 52 Ku'giit.Anua orllannahTl Knoas, Ellen A. 88 Knovrlton, Mary 17 Ladd, Azubab 34 Ladd, Hannah 34 Ladd, Dorcas 53 Ladd. Lydia (wid) 56 Lamb, Margaret (wid) 33 Lamphere, .tlary 64 Lansing, Mary Jane 81 Larabee, Mary By Lasell. Susan 38 Lathrop, Elizabeth 42 Lathrop. Eliza. 54 Lathrop, Eunice 69 Leach. Abigail 30 Learned, Fanny 24 Lee. Maria 82 Leffingwell. Eunice 73 Lillie, Charlotte 38 Lincoln, Temperance 18 Lincoln. Hannah 84 Lindsey, Catherine 67 Little, hdnar 95 Lonsc, Mary 56 Loomis, Mary 56 Loomis, Lucinda 56 Loomis. Margaret (wid) 63 Loid, Charlotte 57 Lull, Amanda 72 Lunt, Mary 63 Lymaa, Betsey 60 Lyman, Melenda Lyon, Zerviah Mallory, Electa Manning. Elizabeth Marsh, Eunice 79 85 69 78 78 Martin, Betsey A. (wid.) 92 79 Mason. Lydia 46 Mayo, Hannah 76 McCall. Molly 56 McCall. Martha 94 McCurdy, Sarah 92 McDougal, Margaret 82 McGouty, Enmia 69 McGouty, Betsey 72 Meach. Lucetta 3& Mer. ill. Lavenne 57 Merrit, Mabel 56 56 85 65 Merrick,Elizabeth(wid)9 68" 93 81 Moiison, Lois Merrough. Mary Moore, Abigail Morey, Eunice (wid) Morse, Sarah Mosely.i'hila --^ , ^ Moulton. Mary A.(wid.)72 Root. Lora Ann Moulton.Prudence(widj77JRoss. Polly Porter, Joanna 7B Pratt, Mary 88 Pratt, Sarah -42 Pratt. Elizabeth 68 Preston, Sarah 30 Preston Elizabeth 64 Preston, Hannah 66 Reed. Augusta 80 Reynolds, Sarah 82 Richardson, Sarah 103 Rickards, Elizabeth 46 Ripley, Abigail (wid) 16 Ripley, Mary 19 RisJpy. Elizabeth P. 86 Robbins, Josephine L 26 Robbins. Betsey 46 Robertson, Mira 67 Robertson, Harriet 71 Robinson, Rebeckah 36 Robinson. Fear 65 Robin.'ion, Jerusha 84 Robinson. Mary 98 f 3 Rogers. Wealthy Ann 42 92! Root, Sarah Myers. Jane Nwile, Elizabeth JNichols. Lydia Noyes, Ruth jNye. Lucy jOlney. Mary Or'^it. Sarah Otis, Bethia Paddock, Deborah Page, Mary Pain, Hannah Pain, Mary Pain, Margaret Fahner, Mary Palmer, Cynthia 57jRoss, Mir.anda 90 Royce, Almira 25jRussel, Sophia 32, Sargent. Mary i 46: Sawyer. Polly 46!Sawyer. Susan D. 43|Scripture. irena, 102|Scripture, Tryphcna VJ Seagrave. Sarah J. 57!Segar, Abigail 91 Severonce, Abigail 91 Shay. Anna 94 Shepard. Louisa Q. 16 Silsbv, Hannah 32'Silsb>, Chloe Paliner.Elizabeth 35,83.85 Silliman. Palmer, Abigail Palmer. Emma Parker, Eiizabelh Parker, Lora Parish, Dorothy Parish, Lydia Parrott, Alma Partons. Mary Piirsons, Aurelia C. Patridge, Sarah Pease, Mary Peaslee, Hann.ah Perry, Lydia Perry, Martha Phelps, Naomi Phelps, Esther (wid) Phillips, Freelove Phillips, Amelia M. Place Selina Maria Porter, Elizabeth Porter, MehiUbla M. 26 84 35 99 87 66 43 48 60 39 63 81 32 15 38 83 17 67 97 62 60 98 84 77 83 83 95 76, 78 Simons. Miriam (wid) 83, Simons. O.ive 41 Simons. Louisa 82 Skinner. Julia 91 Slate, Sally 99 Slate, Mary J. 80 Slate, Angeline 44 Slate. Mary 81 Small. Elizabeth (note) 33 33 Smith, 17 26 Smith. B;tthsheba 20 63 Smith. Julia E. 39 37 Smith. Eizabeth 46 47 Smith, Sally 46 32 Smith ,;Fanny 47 47|Smith, Marcia 47 23 Smith, Lydia (57,87 25 Smith. Anna 68 88 Smith, Elmira 92 72 Smith. Esther 9« 75|Snow, Lucy 60 108 Southworth. Anna Spaulding. Edeth Spencer, Sarah Bpencer. Elizabeth Squire, Hannah. Stannard, Stead. Jauc R. Stedman, Elizabeth Stewart. Prances Storrs, Rebecca Storrs, Martha Storrs, Hannah More Storrs, Storrs. Sarah Storrs. Mary Stow. Martha Stowell, Jerusha Stowell. Mary (wid) Stowell. Loray Stowell, Sophia Strong, Ann Strong, Juliette Strong. Mary Ann pir.E 93 100 Try on, Mary 54 Turner, Lucy 57 Turner, Elizabeth 85 Turner. Jedidah 92 Turner, Dorothy 89 Turner, Dolly 27 Turner, Rebecca 102 Turner, Anna 47 Turner, Laura V 53 Turner. Hannah ■75 Turner, Debordh 76TuttIe. Ada 86 Utiey, Mary 96 Utley. Clarissa 75 Utley. Assenath 27jVetts, Margaret 40 Wadswortii, Sarah 77iWa!cott. Lydia 80, Wales. Susanna 15 Wales. Jt-rusha 53 Wal den. Lydia 54 Waldo, Taiitha Sweatland,SophroniaE.81 Waldo. Ruth Swett, Hannah Swift, Lucy Swift. Harriit Swift, Julia Swift. Ruth Swift, Cornelia S. Taintor, Eliza Taylor, Sarah PjiBBl Truesdell.Floretta(wid) 81 18 49,75 50, 75 53 53 74 76 84 85 96 104 82 31 85 95 49 44 20 66 57 37 24 91 20 76 77 102 72 62 /;ilker. Keziah 29 Walker, Mary 30 Walker. Hannah 57iW^llace. Matilda 71 1 Ward. Nancy 87 Ward. Eliza F. Terry, Penelope (wid) 26 Thomas Catherine 70 Thomas, Lydia 94 Thompson, Julia A. 25 Toplilf, Sarah 8- Tracy, Lydia 3L Tracy. Lovisa Sf Tracy, Eunice 9i Trowbridge, Betsey lOi Warriner. Sarah (wid) 13 Washburne, Lucy (wid)46 Waters, Temi)e 61 Waterman, Patty 42 Webb. Jerusha 23 Webster. Trvphena (wi)89 Welch, Mary 22 Welch. Lydia 32 Welch. Chloe 57 Welch, Sophia 85 Welch, Anna 98 not 63 98 66 37 81 83 77 61 104 15 53 67 75 75 80 89 99 40 86 88 37 37 78 20 41 70 90 53 66 91 47 87 Wrath or Worth Sarah 63 Wright. Elizabeth 72 Wright, Clara 78 Wright. Amanda M.; 88 Youie, Martha Ann 24 Young. Mary B.(wid.) 22 Young, Sar.ah (wid.) 25 Young, Elizabeth (wid.)71 Weld, Mary Wells. Viargaret West. Sylvia Wheeler, Bridget Whipple, Sabnna Whipple. Mary White.' Olive R. Whiting. Sybil Whiting. Emma Wilkinson. Elizabeth Williams, Mary Williams. Elizabeth Williams, Eunice Williams. Maria Williams, Betsey Williams, Nancy Williams. Esther Willi^ Sarah Willis. Lucinda Wilson. Charlotte E. Witter. Rhoda Witter. Betsey Wolf. Elizabeth M^ood, Mary Wood. Ruth Wood. Mary Wood. Sarah Woodward, Lydia Woodward Sarah Woodward, Hannah Woodworth, Lucy Woolfskill. Juana INDEX TO HUSBANDS OF WIDOWS AND DAUGHTERS. Abfee, Ebenezer Abbe, Nathan Abbe, Joshua sen. Abbe. Joshua, Jr. Adams. Thomas Adams, Asa Allen, David Allen. Isaac, Allen, Timothy Allen, Amos, Jr. Angell, John Armstrong. Geo. B. Armstrong, Leander Armstrong, — - Arnold, Ansel Ashley, Abuer PAGE. P.\r,Fj 81 'Ashley. Samuel 931 40 Aspenwall 941 6rAtwood. Jonathan 431 91 Atwood, Warren 72| 28 Atwood. John 80' 36' Averill. William 94 20 Avery William 72 35 Ayers, Nathan 72 36'Babcock, Gideon 54 56|Babcock John 73 43 iBabcock, David 77 44!Babcock. Stanton 78 60;Back. Judah 23 63iBacon. Darius 92 80'Badger. Edmund 20 2SJBaker, John 83 >AGK Bailey, Samnel 25 Balch, Israel 43 Baldwin, PUijah 34 Baldwin, Thomas 99 Barrows' Pharez 42 Barrows. Gardiner 44 Barrows, Robert P. 44 Barrows. Rev. Sylvester 79 Barrows. James Barrows. Asa Barrows. John G. Barrett. Professor Bass, Eleazer Bass, Dea. Waldo Bassett; Nathan Beach, Walter W. 80 84 104 75 37 80 70 S8 i>}»EX. 10'9 Seckwith, Charles W Bemis, Jaines Benjamiu, John Benuett, Asa Bennett, Ira Bennett, Ebeneaer Benton, Alfred Benton, Levi Bidlack, Benjamin Bill, Park A. Bingham, JonathanJr. Bingham, Ezra Bingham, Nathaniel Bingham. Jesse Bishop, Dea. Reuben Bhusdell, Professor BoUes, J. R. Booth, J. Leonard Boynton, Bradford, Benjamin Brainard, Martin Bramin, Bradley. Branch, Levi Branch, Wm. H. Branch, J. Douglas Brewster, Asa Brown, Jonathan Brown, James Brown, Richard Brown, John, sen. Brown, Joseph H. Brown, Jabe-^ Browning, Gideon Buckingham, Samuel Bullard, James Bumpa-, Levi Bundy — ^ Burnap, Jonathan Burnett, James Burnham. Rufus Burnham, William Burnham, Joseph Burnham, Andrew Butler, Rufus Butts, John Campbel Zuriel 74 Campbell. Andrew Canada, Krastus Capen, Elder John Cary, John 2d Cary, Waldo Cary, D wight Chamberlain, John Chamberlain, Geo. M. ('hampion, Rcmick W. Champliu, Charles Chandler, John Chandler, — - Charter, Lemuel A. Chase, Hiram (Cheney, Joseph 56, 'vhittenden, Israel Church, Amasa Church, Jeremiah 15 P.4GB 92' Church, Maj. I^aac 45 Clark, John 61 Clark, Nathaniel 75 Clark, James M. 77, Clark, Thaddeus 77 Clark, Nelson 46 Clark, Daniel 46 Coburn, Robert 15 Coggshall, Rescom 78 Coggswell, Samuel 18 Coiiant, Nelson 30 Conant, Caleb, Jr. 66 Congdon, John 75 Converse, A. T. 30 Corey, Benjamin 35 Crane, Jesse 60 Crane, Eleazer B. 78 Crane, Jonathan 95 Crane, Harry 36 Crandall, Henry 72 Cresey, Joseph 78 Crippin. Amos 37|Crocker. John 49 Crosby, Ebenezer 66 Crosby, Simon 64j Cross, Daniel IslCross, William 29 Cross, Isham 62 Culver, Edward 74 Cummings, William 76 Curtis, Jonathan, Jr. 78 Cnrtiss, William 66jCurtiss. - 65|cushman, E. M. 78|Cutler. Seth 83 Dane, Rev. Francis 39, Davis, Hezekiah 50;Davison, Daniel 67| Davison, Geoige 92; Davison, Chester 93 Davison, Christopher 100 94 Denison, 32 94 Denisou, Lucius IL 99 73:Dimock, Elijah 48 45 Doggett. Rev. Thomas 82 , 84jDom, William B. 82 84 Dunham, Franklin 22 60 Dunham, Dan 39 90 Dunham, 39 33 Dunham, Ebenezer 48 43 Dunham, Jonathan 53 92iDunham, .James 84 28, Dunham, Jabez 84 60 Dyer, Col. Thom.is 61 90 Eaton, Chauncey 89 23 Edgerton, Ju.stin /53, 77 28 Edgerton, Abel 71 32 Edwards, J. 0. S3 38,Elderkin, John 34 73 Estabrook. Samuel 47 57 Farnham, Thomas 29 65 Farnham, Fuller L, 38 35 Farnham, Manasseh 97 47 Farnham, Asa 100 PAOK PAOK 104 Far well, John' 73 23 Fenton, Elijah A. 57 36 Fessenden, Rev. S. C. 24 38 Field, Capt. John 40 67 Field, Daniel 40 78 Field, Amos 72 95 Fish, Aaron 61 98 Fitch, Lucius 23 84'Fit^h. Huntington 24 62 Fitch, Col. E. S. 30 85 Fitch, Charles 60 98 Fitch, Rev. Ebenezer 62 72 Fitch, Jeptha 75 69 Fitch, Dea. Joseph 89 18 Fitch, Eleazer 91 24'Fletcher, John 43 82:i'''lint, Nathaniel 15, 10« 85 Follett, Benjamin, Jr. 98 85 Fowler, John 18 54 Fowler, 71 45 Freeman, Rev. George 35 78 Freeman, Skiff 47 32 Freeman, Samuel 85 66 French, John 35i 72 French, James 72 18 Frink, Andrew, Jr. 24 18 Frink, Jonathan S. 42 72 Fuller, George 24 58 Fuller, Stephen 27, 100 75,Gager, Aaron 66 34 Gager, John P. 67 54 Gager, William S. 92 60 Gardner, Rowland H, 89 79 Grady, John G. 89 53 Grady, Frank F. 89 26 Gray, John 72 86 Greeley, Phillip 15 45, 52 Greenslit, Ebenezer 29 47 Greenwood, Nathaniel 33 69 Gritiin, Ebenezer 28, 101 Griggs. John 45 Griggs. Nathan 80 Griggs, David A. 80 Grow, Thomas 95 Gurley, Ebenezer 69 Gur'eV, Uriah B. 78 Hall,Josiah 20 Hall, Bethuel 44 Hall, Natlian 77 Hall. Theophilus 83 Hall, Richard 104 Hanks, Richard White 83 Hartshorn. Andrew 20, 71 Ua\ den, John 40 Hayues, Elias P, 87 Haywood. Thomas 40 He bard, Nathaniel 20 Hebard, Andrew F. 37 Hebard, Burnham 78 Hebard. Zebulon 91 Hil)bavd, Milo M. 80 Hitchcock, Charles H. 82 Hodge, Lemuel &i Holland, Benjamin 89 110 Holmes, Elislia II. Holt, Joshua Jr. Holt, Charles A, Hopkins, Hosmer, Eleazer Hosmer, Houghton, Amasa H Hovey. Samuel S. 22 Horey, John 45 HoTey, Benjamin 68 HoTcy, Franklin Storrs87 Hovey, David 93 Hovey, George 93 Hovey, James 93 Howard, John Jr. 9-) Humphrey, Samuel 45 Hunt John Jr. 20 Hunt. Nathaniel 14 Huntington, Eiiphalet 32 Huntington. Samuel 6^ Huntington Jonas 72 Huntington, Rufus 93 Huntington, William 93 Huntington, Henry Esq 99 Huntington. Thomas 103 Huntington,Thomas2d 104 Hurlbut, Elijah 61 Hnrlbut, William 89 Ingalls, Joseph 27 Ingalls, Marvin 29 Ingalls, Peter 45 Jacobs, Frank 81 32 Lathrop, Icbabod 27JLathrop, William 96iLeflingwell, Henry 76 Lincoln, Jonah, Sen, 43 Liincolu, Levi J. 48 Lincoln, George 86l Lincoln, Nathaniel ■ Lincoln, Samuel Jr Lincoln, Samuel A. Lincoln, Allen Lincoln, Royal Lippincott, L K. Litchfield, Asa Litchfield, Josiah Loomis, Alonzo Louniis, Lord, llezekiah Lothrop, Benjamin Jr. Lothrou, Benjamin Lyon, Marvin Lyon, Asa Maine, John .Vlanley, John Manning, Cyrus Marcy, Aiplieus Marsh, Elihu Marsh, Joseph Martin, Erastus Martin, Chaplin Martin, TXatr ^ PAOB 66; Palmer, Nathan, Jr. 76 98'Parker, Samuel 2d 52 SeiParlver, Nathan 53 21, Pease, James 13 38'Perkins, John 58, 66 78 46|Perkins. Nathaniel. 72 49 Perkins, Apollos 49'Phelps, Joseph 79 Plumbley, Isaac 96 Pond, Enoch Jr. 99lPorter, John P7iPorter, Thomas 46'Porter. David 66 Preston. Samuel 38iPreston, 46 Pre.ston. Rev. Willard erPutnam, Stillman , 61 jRand.iU, Robinson 66jReade, Daniel 46 Redway, George 77 j Reed, 84|Rider, Charles D. 43|Riuge, Freeman 66 Riiisom, Robert 76 Ripley, diaries 18'Ripley. Zephaniah 94|Ripley, William 45; Ripley, Joshua Jr. 46 Robertson, Daniel 46!Robiuson, Reuben 97iRobbiiis, Lemuel Messenger, Return Moseley Rev. Samuel 103|Root, Jolm Jennings, Jonathan 14, nJMcCall, Elijali 43|Ross, Abel Jennings , John 59|McCall, Eleazcr 43!Roundy, Jennings, Capt. Joseph 66 McClellan, Gen. Samuell9 Rouse, 'John Jennings. Ebenezer lOOlMcDonald. Michael 82 Royce, James Johnson,Gen. Jedediali2-2lMcGonty, Capt John 23 Ru^ ce. Phillip Johnson, James M. 24'McKinster. Clark Johnson, William V. 73 McKinster. Zahuon 8y[Mitchell, Abraham 60; Moore, 13, Moore, William 13 Moore, Joshua 95|Morse, Benjamin 66jMorse, Nelson 66JMorse, Nathan 67jMoulton. James 91 Norton, Edward Johnson, Joseph Kenyon, Henry KiUam, Kimball, Richard King, Samuel Kingsley, Adonijah Kingsley, Elisha KiHgsley, Luther Kingsley, John Kingsley. Eldad Kingsley, Kingsman, Henry Kingsman, John Kinney, Elisha Kinney, Coggswell Kirtland, Hon. Joseph 62 Kisley. Frederick L. 29 Knowlton, Jolin 84 Knox, Dorrance 29 Ladd, 53 Larkham. Daniel K. 60 Lamphear, Chester 73 Lftthrop, Abner 23 Lathrop, Seth 28 Lathrop, Roswell 64 Ogsbury, Francis Ormsby, Jonathan Ormsby, Joseph Ormsby, Leonard Ormsby, Orrin Ormsby, Marvin Osborn, William Packard, David Paddock, Seth Pain, Janios Page, James Palue, Joseph Paine, Stepiien Palmer, Samuel Palmer, Nathaniel Palmer, Nathan 72 Sabiii. Daniel 73 Sailord, B>-iijamin 17 Salford, J'lpaphras 23 Sargent, bauaiel 31|Sai-gent, l^aac 52 Sessions Leonard 36 Sliallies, Francis 92 Shew, Miiton 93 Six um way. 84 .- iinons, Jonatlian 99 Simons Joshua 82 Simons. Arad 18 Slate. William 18 Smith, Uriah 46 Smith, Matthew 9SSmitii, Charles 98 Smith, Joshua 84'Smith, Ait'rrd 40|Smith, lihabod 43JSmith, Elisha 28!Smith. Solomon 60 Smith. Oliver 65 SiK'll. Thomas 9o'Snow, William ISJSnow. Albert 76!Southwcrtli, Samuel 75 Southworth, Joseph 73 2T 84 46 43 52 76 28 50 67 56 99 84 99 102 87 77 92 17 22 39 61 63 Si 91 44 45 91 59 43 84 15 46 92 'il 71 21 89 47 48 31 52 104 17 21 24 26 32 32 37 45 94 . 98 100 4« 87 47 75 in Hpaffonl, Marvin Kpatford, Moses Spalding. Simeon Spencer. David Spencer, Ichabod Spencer, Joseph B. Spragne, John Standish, Josiah Stark, Geo. W. Stearn.s, Oliver Stevens. Ephraiui Stepliens. Nathan Storrs, Augustus Storrs, Samuel Storrs, Jehiel Storrs. Charles, G. Storrs. Steduian W. Storrs, Experience Stoughton, Daniel Stowell, Edson Stowell, Warner Studley. Daniel Swain, lie v. Dr. Sweatlanil, .Joseph. Swift, Thomas, Jr, Taintor. Charles Tarbox, Asaliel Thom|>son, Samuel D. Thompson, Henry C. Thompson, Cliarfe- Jr Thompson. Levi Titfany, David W. TLsdale, Ephraim Tobey, Charles C. Tracy, 23 Trncy, John 97; Tripp, Samuel 32i Turner, Prince 46 Turner, Phineaa 5f) Turner, Selah 80 Turner, Melancthon 62iTurner, Phillip, Jr. 33 Turner, Phillip 38|Tyler, P. P. 76:Utley, Samuel 27|Utley, Cul. Joseph 27JVinal, John 22'Viual, Stephen 30!Vint'n, Dea. David 43 VValcott, Henry S. 75 Wales, Eli.slia 79 Wales, Johnathan 104 Waldo Shubael 61 [Walker, Milton 49 Walter, Kev. John H 75 Walton. Joseph 90 Ward, Jesse 35 Warner. Joseph 6-2 Warner, Elisha 75 Waterman, liev. 22 Weaver. John K 71 Webb, Joshua 25' Webb, Capt. Nathaniel 20 •25 Webb, El'-azer 60 54 Webb, Abner 66 90 Webster. 56 84 Welch, Thoxnas 15 56 Welch, John 15 81 Welch, Moses C. 44 34 Welch, Lucius 60 PAOBi 80 Welch, Jonathan A. 99 [West, Joseph 39 Wheeler, — TACl M 67 59 63 23 26 25 93 81 87 Whipple, Elisha Wliite, Lester White, Henry White, Peregrine Whitney, Asa W. 67jWhitner, Edwin 27:Willard,Rev. Samuel G.79 28jWilliams, MerrittB. 37 66 Williams, Henry 66 65, Williams, Solomon W. 67 86 Williams, Ralph 78 25, Willis, John 36 16[ Willis, William 95 19 56!Wilson, Jesse 57 33; Wilson, Isaac S. 60 46 (Witter, Dr. William 7S» 36[Witter, Ebenezer 92 SejWood, Samuel 18 16 Wood, Augustus 36 Wood, 63 Woodburne, Dr. Allen 82 Woodhouse, Donald 99 Woodward, Joseph 25 Woodward, Amos 94 Woodworth, John 42 Woodworth, Ichabod 91 Woodworth, Simeon 104 Work, Asa B. 73 Wright, Stedman 76 Yeomans, 84 Young, David 22 32 65 Elijah 22 57 16 INDEX TO OTHER NAMES MENTIONED. Abdy, Matthew 9 Adams, Caleli 21 Adams. Phineas 29 Alby. Benjamin 9 Allen, James 51 AUerton. Mead 103 Ames. Rev. Bern ice D. 39 Aiues. Nathaniel 40 Ames. Hon. Fisher 40 Andre ws.Kev.(William)24 Andros. (Sir Edmond) 12 Appleton. Samnel 11 Appleton, John 13 Appleton. Major 26 A-ihley, Rev. Jonathan 44 At wood Rer. Anson 48! Averill. Perry 60 Badger, (ieorge E. 20, 64' Badger, Hon. Samuel 27 Jiadger. Hon. Josepli Jr.(>.'i' Badgttr.fGov.) William 6.3 j Barrovcs. Arad 74 j Baiis, Rev. Benjamin 90 Ba.'js. J. Lawr«uc« 90 r;lGK. Bingham, Tlios. sen 14 68 Bingham. Samuel 66 Blomelield. Francis 10 Brown, Harry 55 Buckingham, Thomas 54 Buckingham. Daniel 54 Cates(j"ohn) 15,31 Cliaplin, Dea. (Benj.) 19 Chester, Rev. Dr. Joh .24 ^ Clap Rev. Thomas 15i Clark, Jonathan 661 Coiiant. Lieut. ExerciseHJ Conant. Roger 31 Crane, Dea. Millen 24 j Crane. Ensign Jonathan68; Crane, Jesse 82 1 Dunton, Samuel 59| Durkee, (Capt.)RobertlOl Dver, Col. Elijihalet 61 Eiderkin, Alfred 62 Fessenden, llon.S. C. 9 24 Fesseiiden, Senator 24 Fessenden, Mrs. S. C. 10 Fibk, Thomas, sen. 11 rxtm Fisk. Martha 11 Fitch, John 44 Fowler, Josepli 13 Goldsmith.Rich'd 11,12,14 Goodell. John 60 Grosvenor, Godfrey 24 Hall, Gardner 77 Hebard, Robert, sen. 14 Hebard, Hon. Learned 20 Hinman, (Hon. R, R.) 17 Howard, Benjamin 17 Huntington, Dr. Jon'n 43 Hutchinson, Samuel 31 Hutton, Richard 13 Kilham, Lot 17 King, Brother 10 Kingsbury. Joseph 45 Kirtland. Charles P. 62 Kirtland, Mrs. (C. M.) 62 Larrabee, (John) 14 Lasell, Joshua 66 Lathrop, Elder Benj. 98 Lees, Mother Ann 19 Lillie, GeorgQ .51 112 Luicoln, Nathaniel fid 49 Lothrop. Benjamin 31 Mather, Increase 12 Mason, Capt. John 51, 64 McClellan, Doct. Geo. 19 McClellan, Gen. Geo.B. 19 Miner, 101 Otis, Amos, Esq. 65 Palmer, Elder John 36 Peck, Hon. P. B. 19 Pearce. Hon. Stewart lOl Polk, Pr6sident(Jas.K.)102 Potter, Niles 61 Ransom, Samuel 101; Reed, John, sen. 14 Ripley, Joshna 14 r fancis jj JHDtx. Riplej, Jeremiah 16 Wainwrig): Rooinson, Rev. John 66 Washingtoii,Gen.(Geo)10| Russ, Lewis 61 Waterman, Rev. Elijah 2| Savage, (Hon.Jas.)l 1,31,74 Waterman,Rev. Thos.T.jj Seccombe. Rev. John 9 Webb. Samuel jj Simons, R. (Robert) 94 Webb, Sheriff Henry 20 17 Welch, Rev. Moses C. 44 83 Wetherell, Daniel so 92 Williams, Hon. Elisha 24 Stimpson, James Storrs, Ralph .Sumner, Doct Swilt, Judge (Zeph'h) 64 Williams, Rev.Williain44 Taintor. Charles Turner, C. W. Uncas, Joshua Walden, Joseph Waldron, Edward Waldron, Nathaniel 61 White. Rev, Stephen ig 39 White, Zachariah 17 68 Woodbridge. Mr. have been given, and a part of those commencing wi'th' C. The genealo- gies will be continued weekly in the Jol'iixal; At present (July, 1864,) the history of the Conant family, of Wind- ham and Mansfield, (descendants of Lieut. Exercise Conant. son of Roger Conant, the first settler of Salem,) is Iseing published. The JocRNAL is published every Thursday, and is furnished to sub- scribers at §2.00 per annum, §1.00 for six months, and 50 cents for throe months. I ^J ^ 34 -A All orders should be addressed to the Publisher^r, WEAVER & CURTIS WlLLIMANTIf, C University of Connecticut Libraries