■ w {WW f ippppiiiifiiii];^^^ mMM HISTORY ,jyi.!;^Jt!,,LU./!iJ)^ UUiJNAlir ANCiKNTAND MODERN, V /' ILLUSTRATED HISTORY United States Mint WITH A (OMPLETE DKSCItll'TK IN OF AN4ERICAN COINAOE, From the earliest period to the present time. Tiie process of Melting, Refining and Assaying Gold and Silver fully described: WITH ISIi)(tRA1'IIICAI> .SKI-TCIIES OF Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, John Jav Knox, James P, Kimball, Daniel M. Fox, and the Mint Officers from its foundation to the present. TO WHICH ARK ADDED A QLOSSARY OK IVIINX TKR\4:S AND THE LATEST OFFICIAL TABLES Annual Products of Gold and Silver In die different States, and Foreign Countries, with Monetary- Statistics of all Nations. ILLUSTRATED with PHOTOTYPES, STEEL PORTRAITS and WOOD ENGRAVINGS, with NUMEROUS PLATES of Photographic Reproductions of RARE AMERICAN COINS, and Price List of their numismatic value. JVew Revised Editio7i, Edited by the Publisher. PHILADELPHIA: GEORGE G. EVANS, Publisher. 1885. Copyrighted l»y George G. Evans. 1885. DUNLAP & CLARKE, POINTERS AND BOOK BINDERS, S19-'2\ FiLBEET Street, Philadelphia. INDEX PAGE Adjustiug room 32 American coius in Hawaii 141 ■' gold coius 129 ■' silver cuius 12S) Amount coined in li^S4 (fiscal year) 135 " of Coin in the United States 136 Ancient coining 2 " Greek coins 44 " Persian coins 45 " rtoiuan coins 4(> Annealing furnaces 29 Architecture indebted to coins 5 Assa}-, annual 137 " jirocessof 23 Assayers of Mint, list of .* 112 Assaying gold 24 " silver 2.> " rooms 24 Barber, Charles E., ISIiut Engraver 11(> " William, " 116 Bars manufactured at Mints during fiscal year ending June 30, 1884 128 Bland dollar, history of 62 Bond of indemnity signed by employees of first mint, 1799 17 Booth, James C, Melter and" Refiner 112 Boudinot, Ellias 102 Bosbyshell, Col. O. C, Coiner Ill Boyd, N. B., Assistant Melter and Refiner 113 Brazilian coius -58 Bullion deposit and purchase of (table) 132 " of domestic production deposited 132 " on hand at the Mints 135 " wasted in operation 133 Brief explanation of terms commonly used in treating of bullion, Mint coinage, and money, isee summary) 150 Cabinet of coins and relics 41 Cashiers of the Mint 117, 118 Childs, George H., Coiner Ill Chinese coins 51 Circulation of gold and silver in the United States 130-132, 136 " of silver dollars : 137 (loud, Joseph 112 Cobb. Mark H, Cashier 117 Ci linage 121 Act of 1873 99,100 " and medal designs manufactured 147 " and milling rooms 35 " for Foreign States at the Mint of the United States 141 " of first silver dollar 15 " of standard dollars 137 " of the United States in 1884 135 " of various countries, (see table) 139 Coiners of Mint 109-112 Coins classification of. 48-68 •' English, of the Commonwealth and Cromwell 56,57 •' issued at the U. S. Mint at Philadelphia, from its establishment in 1792, to 1885 81-89 " of Athens 47 " of China 51 " of Egypt 45 " of Ferdinand and Isabella 67 " of Kalakaua 141 " ofSiam 50 " prices current 1.55-161 " Switzerland -55 '• Svrian 46 PAGE Colonial coins 59 " paper money 122 " pine tree money 59 Coiupaiisou of expressing the fineness of gold in thousandtlis, and in Carats 162 Confederate (C. S. A.) coins 63 Copy of paper laid in corner stone of the Mint 18 " " old pay roll 12 Costumes ou coins 5 Cox, Albion 117 Curator of the Mint 118 Curiosities and minerals 43 Currency of the United States, (table of) 14fi " " " world, " 140 Deposits of gold of domestic production at Mints, for year ending June, 1884 133 " melting room , 23 " weighing room 21 DeSaussure, Henry William, Director 101 Dies and medals 147 " " made in 1884 147 Dimes and half dimes 130 Directors and Superintendents of Mints. 101-109 Distribution of currency of the ['nited States 146 Dollar of 1804, history of 64 " standard " 62 " trade " 61 Donations of old coins 69 Double eagle of 1849, history of 66 Du Bois, Patterson, Assistant Assayer..; 112 Du Bois, William E., Assayer 128-125 Earnings and expenditures of Philadelphia Mint 135,136 Earnings of Mint and assay offices in 1884 138 Eckfekit, Adam, Coiner 110 " George N., M. D., Director 103 " Jacob B., Assayer 112, 125-127 English coins 55,56 " silver tokens 57 " " of the Commonwealth and Cromwell 57 Engravers and die-sinkers at the Mint 113-116 Engraving dies 34 Egyptian coins 54 Establishment of the Mint 13 Estimated value of foreign coins (official, table of) 144 Extract from Constitution of the United States 120 " " report of the Director of the Mint 120 " " Resolution of Congress relating to ^lint 19 Family coins, (Grecian) 47 First silver dollar coined 14 " U. S. money " 15 Foreign coins, value of in I'nited States money, (table of) 144, 145 Fox, Hon. Daniel M., Superintendent 105-109 French coins, Marie Antoinette, etc 54 German coins 5"i Glossary of Mint terms 150 Gobreciit, Christian '. 115 Gold "and silver bullion purchased and deposited during year ending June 30, 1884 132 " and silver productions of the world 139 " bars exchanged for coin, (table of) 134 " bullion bars made in 1884, " 128 " coins of Oliver Cromwell 57 " coins of the United States 146 " fluctuations of, from 1862 to 1878 143 " medallic ducat, head of Luther 55 " silver, and bronze medals made in 1884 147 Golden darie, of Persia 45 Grecian coins 44 Greek Republic 46 Gun money of James II 57 Hamilton, Alexander 92 Head of Jupiter Ammon, (a specimen of) 47 " Minerva, with (ireek helmet 55 Heraldic emljlems , 5 Historical sketch of first U. S. Mint 7-10 History of coinage, ancient and modern l-ti " " of present U. S. Mint 17 Humor pictured in medals and coins 5 PAGE Imports, 1882 to 1884, comparative stateiueut 142 Incidents of liistory on coins 4 Introduction 1, 2 Japanese coins 53 Jetferson, Thomas 90,91 "Joe" and half "Joe." W Kalakaua, coins of 141 Kimball, James Putnam 93, 94 Key, William H., Assistant Engravei llfi Kneass, William, Engraver 114 Knox, John Jay 95-98 Language upon coins and medals <> Linderman, Henry Richard, M. D., Superintendent 104 Longacre, James B., Engraver 115 Mcf'lure, R. A., Curator 118 McCullough, Richard S 112 Medals and Cabinet coins 154 " and dies made at the Philadelphia Mint 147 " and proof sets sold at the Mint 147 " partial list of, for sale at the Mint 151-153 Melter and refiner's office 23 Melters and refiners of the Mint 112, 113 Melting rooms 26 Metallic money in Colonial times 60 Mexican coins 58 Mint earnings and expenditures 135 " engravers 113-116 " officers /. 123 Money of (Jreat Britain 55 " of the Chinese Empire 51 " " French " 54 " " German " 55 " " Grecian " 46 " " past and present 1 " " Roman Empire 46 " " Time of Moses 46 " " Turkish Empire 54 ' " " United States 61 Moore, Samuel, M. I>., Director 102 Morgan, George T., Assistant Engraver 116 Morris, Robert, diary of 7 National medals 151-153 New York doubloon 61 Note to visitors of the Philadelphia Mint 163 Notes on the early history of the Mint 7-10 Number of ounces of standard silver purchased for fiscal year of 1884 134 Oak tree raouev 60 Officers of Mint 123 Oliver Cromwell, cast of. 42 Oriental coins 50,67 Pacific coast coins 62 Paper money, aggregate issue in war times 146 Parting and refining 26 Patterson, Robert, LL. D., Director 102 Robert M., " 102 Pay roll of first Mint 12 Peale, Franklin, Coiner and Assayer 110 Penny of William the Conqueror 56 Persian coins 43 "Peter," the Eagle (Mint l)ird) 43 Pettit, Thomas M., Director 103 Philadelphia Mint, operations of 138 Pine tree monev 59 Pollock, James,"A.M. LL. D., Director 103 Portraiture upon coins 3 Portuguese and Spanish coins 58 Pound sterling, Charles First 56 Precious metals, production of, from 1493 to 1875 (table of) 142 Presidential medals 1.52 Profits on silver coinage, (table of) 138 Progress in coining 33 Proof sets and medals sold, (table of) 147 VI I'AOK Rare luin.s, price li^l, (apiiroxiniate value) lo5-161 Relics ; 42 Resolution of Congress, establishing tlie Mint 11 Richardsou, John, Assayer 11>» " Josejih, " US Rittenhouse, David, first T)irector 101 Rolling gold and silver 2',i Rolling room 2S Roman coins, imperial -lij Rules and regulations of first mint M-lii Rush, Benjamin, Treasurer 116 Russian coins .")5 " double rouble, head of Peter the Great o-> Ryal or royal, of Queen Elizabeth 56 Scot, Robert, Engraver 114 Scotch groai, of Robert Bruce 'n " pennies 57 Selections of rare coins (Ui, 67 Separating room 26 Silver bullion purchased and coined, (see table) i:!2 " '• on hand at the Mint 128 " dollars, coinage and circulation of, (see table) 129 Siamese coins 50 Silver, coins of the United States, (see table) 121 " first American 14 " production of, 1883, by States, (see table) K<6 Snowden, Col. A. Loudon, Coiner, Superintendent 104 " Jauies Ross, LL. D., Superintendent 103 Sovereign of Oliver Cromwell 57 Specie and paper circulation ol the United Slates, table of 140 " World, (see table) 140 " circulation 148, U'J " coinage at the Philadelphia Mint, fiscal year 1884, (table of i 129 " " from the organization of Mint, " 129 Standard weights 118-120 Statement by months, of fine gold bars exchanged for coin, (see table) lo4 " of coinage from organization to June 30, 1884, (see tables) 129, 130 " of gold and silver bullion purchased, and silver dollars coined for year ending June, 1884, (see table) 135 Steel, William S., Coiner Ill Subsidary coinage 128 Summarv of Annual Report of the Director of all the Mints, for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1885 162 Summary of specie imports 142 Summary, terms used in treating of bullion, mints, coinage, and money 150 Table of circulation of gold and silver 14s, 149 " coinage in the United States 135 '• showing the circulation of paper money, and gold and silver in the United States 140 " " where the precious metals come from 136 Table for the whole world " 140 The Mint Engravers 113-116 "The temple sweepers," Grecian coin 49 Total coinage of the U. S. Mints to June 30, 1884 ' 135 Trade dollar, history of 62 Twenty dollar gold piece of 1849 63 Turkish coins..! 54 United States, circulation of coin in. (table of) 116 United States coins 61 " " Mint first established 7 U. S. Mint test for gold and silver 150 Valuable and rare coins, price-li.st of 155-161 Value, in United States money, of one ounce Troy of gold, at different degrees of fineness 162 Visiting the Mint 20 Voigt, Henry, Coiner 109 AVashington coins and medals 151 Wastage and loss on sale of sweeps 13:^ "Widow's mite," history of 6.s World's coinage, (table "of ) 140 " production of gold and silver, (table of) 139 Wright, Joseph, Engraver '. 114 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Ancient coining press 33 Automatic weighing scales 22 Coining room 38 Continental currency (fac-simile i>l)oto reproduction) 122 Cutting macliiue 31 Counting board 40 Dies 34 Drawing bencli 3i) First steam coining press 34 Frontispiece profile likeness of Washington, Irom plaster cast, taken I'roni him at Mount Vernon, Octolier, ITSo, (phototype by Gutekunst). Ingots and ingot casting 27 Milling machine 36 Original Resolution ol' Congress establishing a mint, (photo-engraving by Levy- type Company) 11 Perfected coining press 37 Phototype portrait of Dr. James P. Kimball, Director of all the U. S. Mints, (by Gutekunst) 93 Picture of first U. S. Mint I3 Portrait of Hon. Daniel M. Fox, (phototype by Gutekinistj $ Piolling machine 29 Scales for weighing bullion 21 Standard troy pound weight (fae-siniile, exact size) 120 Steel portrait of Robert Morris 7 '• '• " David Rittenhouse gi) " " " Benjamin Rush Hi; " " " Elias Boudinot iio " " " Thomas Jettierson " " " Alexander Hamilton 92 " " " John Jay Knox 95 Steel plate engraving of the present U. S. Mint at Philadelphia 13 Strip from which planchets are cut 31 Ten full page plates of rare Colonial coins (photo reproduction by Levytype process) G9-S1 Ten plates, full pages of rare American coins issued at mint, from 1702 to 188"), (photo reproduction by the Levytype process) 69-81 Test scales 32 Transfer lathe 3.-, Two plates, full pages of rare foreign coins (Levytype process) 69-81 Two full page photos of rare Grecian, Roman and Hebrew coins (Levytype process) 69-81 INTRODUCTION MONEY OF THl' PAST AND PRESENT. The need of a circulating medium of exchange has been acknowledged since the earliest ages of man. In the primeval days, bartering was the foundation of commercial intercourse between the various races ; but this gave way in time, as ex- changes increased. In the different ages many commodities have been made to serve as money, — tin Avas used in an- cient Syracuse and Britain ; iron, in Sparta ; cattle, in Rome and Germany ; platinum, in Russia ; lead, in Burmah ; nails, in Scotland ; silk, in China ; cu))es of pressed tea, in Tar- tary ; salt, in Abyssinio ; slaves, amongst the Anglo Saxons ; tobacco, in the earliest settlements of Virginia ; codfish, in New Foundland ; bullets and Avampum, in Massachusetts ; logwood, in Campeachy ; sugar, in the West Indies ; and soap, in Mexico. Money of leather and wood was in cir- culation in the early days of Rome ; and the natives of Siam, Bengal, and some parts of Africa use