Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/fertilizerreport1921jenk s 4-3 Connecticut yac^bs Agricultural Experiment Station NEW HAVEN, CONN. BULLETIN 233 NOVEMBER, 1921 Fertilizer Report for 1921 By E. H. JENKINS, Director, and E. M. BAILEY, Chemist in Charge of the Analytical Laboratory. The Bulletins of this Station are mailed free to citizens of Connecticut who apply for them, and to other applicants as far as the editions permit. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OFFICERS AND STAFF October, 1921. BOARD OF CONTROL. His Excellency, Everett J. Lake, ex-officio, President. James H. Webb, Vice President Hamden George A. Hopson, Secretary Mount Carmel E. H. Jenkins, Director and Treasurer New Haven Joseph W. Alsop Avon Charles R. Treat Orange Elijah Rogers Southington William H. Hall South Willington STAFF. Administration. E. H. Jenkins, Ph.D., Director and Treasurer. Miss V. E. Cole, Librarian and Stenographer. Miss L. M. Brautlecht, Bookkeeper and Stenographer. Miss J. V. Bergee, Stenographer. William Veitch, In charge of Buildings and Grounds. Chemistry, Analytical Laboratory. E. M. Bailey, Ph.D., Chemist in Charge. R. E. Andrew, M.A., . C. E. Shepard, I H. D. Edmond, B.S., Owen L. Nolan, j- Assistant Chemists. R. T. Merwin, H. J. Fisher, B.A. ) Frank Sheldon, Laboratory Assistant. V. L. Churchill, Sampling Agent. Miss Alta H. Moss, Clerk. Nutrition Laboratory. T. B. Osborne, Ph.D., D.Sc, Chemist in Charge. Botany. G. P. Clinton, Sc.D., Botanist. E. M. Stoddard, B.S., Pomologist. Miss Florence A. McCormick, Ph.D., Pathologist. G. E. Graham, General Assistant. Mrs. W. W. Kelsey, Stenographer. Entomology. W. E. Britton, Ph.D., Entomologist; State Entomologist. B. H. Walden, B.Agr., M. P. Zappe, B.S., (Assistant Philip Garman, Ph.D., • ' Ef^tomol agists. John T. Ashworth, Deputy in Charge of Gipsy Moth Work. Samuel T. Sealy, Deputy in Charge of Mosquito Control. Miss Gladys M. Finley, Stenographer. Forestry. Walter O. Filley, Forester. A. E. Moss, M.F., Assistant. H. W. HicocK, M.F., Assistant. Miss Pauline A. Merchant, Stenographer. Plant Breeding. Donald F. Jones, S.D., Plant Breeder. P. C. Mangelsdoef, B.S., Assistant. In charge of the Tobacco Station. G. H. Chapman, Ph.D., Windsor, Conn. Report on Commercial Fertilizers, 1921 By E. H. Jenkins, Director, and E. M. Bailey, Chemist in Charge of the Analytical Laboratory. We desire here to emphasize certain points regarding the law and the gratuitous analysis of fertilizers, which do not seem to be fully understood by those concerned. Complete understanding of these points will greatly increase the effectiveness of our work and its value, both to sellers and users of fertilizers. What is required of all who sell commercial fertilizers in this state? The seller is responsible for the proper labeling of each pack- age, as provided in Section i of the law, for the registration at the Station of every brand sold by him and for the payment of the analysis fee, before offering for sale, and annually thereafter on January ist. The seller must also, on the ist of January and July, report the tonnage of fertilizer sold within the preceding six months and pay to the director of the Station a tonnage fee of 6 cents per ton. On request, copies of the law and blanks for registration and for tonnage reports will be supplied by the Station. //_, however, proper labeling, registration and payments have been provided for by the manufacturer of the brands or by another responsible person, all sellers of such brands are released from the above mentioned requirements. The retailer, therefore, should assure himself that the requirements of the law have been met by the manufacturers of the brands zvhich he handles, or liim- self be prepared to meet all these requirements. What is required of persons draiving samples for analysis? The Station every year analyzes a large number of samples sent by individuals, representing fertilizers bought b}' them for their own use. The object of the sender is to learn whether the ferti- lizer contains all that is guaranteed, and, if it does not. to provide evidence for a claim against the seller. It is absolutely necessary that, the sample should be taken essentially in the way prescribed by the law and in tlie presence of a witness. If this is not done, it will be difficult to prove the fairness of the sample, the Station will have been put to useless expense and the analysis of the sample will not be of any value to the sender. Therefore, the Station will supply to any applicant a form which describes the method of sampling and on which the sample should be fully described. This description should be sent to the Station with 2 2 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. (not in) the sample. It thus makes the analysis of public interest and value, which is the only justification for doing the work at state expense, and it is the only way by which it is possible for the sender to learn the true composition of the stock sampled and to prove its composition if a claim for rebate is made. The Station desires to know the retail cash ton price of each fer- tilizer but, if so requested, will not publish the information. In 1921, 76 individuals and firms registered for sale in this state 544 brands of commercial fertilizers, classified as follows : Nitrogenous superphosphates 330 Cotton seed meal and castor pomace 61 Other chemicals and unmixed materials 153 Total 544 To meet the legal requirements, the following list of registered brands has been prepared : American Agricultural Chemical Co., 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. Basic Lime Phosphate Bone-Phosphate and Potash Castor Pomace Complete Potato Mixture Cotton Seed Meal Double A Tobacco Fertilizer Dry Ground Fish Fine Ground Bone Fish and Potash Grass and Lawn Top Dressing Grass and Oats Fertilizer Ground Tankage High Grade Acid Phosphate High Grade Ground Bone High Grade Sulphate of Potash Kainit Monarch Potato Manure Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Pulverized Sheep Manure 16% Acid Phosphate Special Ground Bone Sulphate of Ammonia Tobacco Mixer Tobacco Special Universal Phosphate Bradley's Complete Manure for Top Dressing Grass and Grain Bradley's Corn Phosphate Bradley's New Method Fertilizer Bradley's Northland Potato Grower Bradley's Potato Fertilizer Bradley's Potato Manure Bradley's Reliable 6% Potash Fertilizer REGISTERED BRANDS OF FERTILIZERS. 23 Bradley's Valley Tobacco Fertilizer Bradley's XL Superphosphate of Lime Great Eastern General 1921 Great Eastern Northern Corn Special 1920 Great Eastern Potato Manure 1920 Packers' Union Animal Corn Fertilizer Packers' Union Potato Manure 1921 Packers' Universal Fertilizer 1920 Quinnipiac Climax Phosphate Quinnipiac Corn Manure Quinnipiac Phosphate Quinnipiac Potato Phosphate Quinnipiac Potato Manure Quinnipiac Wrapper Leaf Brand Tobacco Manure Revised Wheeler's Corn Fertilizer Wheeler's Cuban Tobacco Grower Wheeler's Potato Manure 1920 Williams & Clark's Americus Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate Williams & Clark's Americus Corn Phosphate Williams & Clark's Americus Potato Alanure Williams & Clark's Potato Phosphate Williams & Clark's Prolific Fertilizer Williams & Clark's Seed Leaf Tobacco Manure American Agricultural Chemical Co. of New Jersey, Newark, N. J. Listers Balancer for Cotton Seed Meal Listers Bone Meal 1916 Listers Celebrated Ground Bone and Tankage Acidulated Listers Celebrated Tobacco Fertilizer Listers Complete Tobacco Fertilizer without Potash Listers Complete Tobacco Manure Listers Corn and Potato Fertilizer Listers Eastern Pride- Fertilizer Listers Fish and Potash Fertilizer Listers 4-8-4 Fertilizer Listers High Grade Acid Phosphate Listers Standard Pure Superphosphate of Lime Listers Success Fertilizer Listers Tobacco Fertilizer Nitrate of Soda American Cotton Oil Co.. 65 Broadway, New York, N. Y. "Acco" Brand Cotton Seed Meal "Surety" Brand Cotton Seed Meal American Milling Co., Peoria, 111. 43% Amco Cottonseed Meal Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury, Conn, Acid Phosphate Bone and Meat Tankage Bone Meal Castor Pomace Fish Ground Animal Tankage Liberty Corn, Fruit and All Crops * . Liberty Market Gardeners' Special Liberty Market Gardeners' Special (potash) Liberty Potato and Vegetable Special Liberty 3-8-4 Liberty Tobacco Special Liberty Tobacco Special (potash) 24 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Sheep Manure Sulphate of Ammonia Sulphate of Potash Armour Fertilizer Works, 305 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Armour's Big Crop Acid Phosphate Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 0-10-5 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 3-8-4 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 4-10-0 Armour's Big Crop Fertilizer 5-8-5 Armour's Big Crop Potato & Onion 4-8-4 Armour's Big Crop Tobacco Special 5-4-5 Armour's Corn Grower 2-8-2 Armour's Fertilizer 5-4-3 Armour's General Crop 1-7-1 Armour's Nitrate of Soda Armour's Sheep Manure Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co., 1309 Candler Building, Atlanta, Ga. Helmet Brand Prime Cotton Seed Meal Monarch Brand , Paramount Brand Good Cotton Seed Meal Atlantic Packing Co., New Haven, Conn. Atlantic Acid Phosphate Atlantic Cotton Seed Meal Atlantic Dry Ground Fish Atlantic 5-8 Atlantic 4-8-6 Atlantic Grain Fertilizer Atlantic Potato Phosphate Atlantic Special Vegetable Atlantic Superphosphate - Atlantic Tankage Atlantic Tobacco Atlantic Tobacco Grower Atlantic Tobacco Manure Atlantic Tobacco Special Baker Castor Oil Co., 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y Pure Castor Pomace Barrett Company, 17 Battery Place, New York, N. Y. Arcadian Sulphate of Ammonia Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Acid Phosphate Berkshire Ammoniated Bone Phosphate Berkshire Complete Fertilizer Berkshire Complete Tobacco Berkshire Grass Special Berkshire Long Island Special Berkshire Market Garden Fertilizer Berkshire Potato and Vegetable Phosphate Berkshire Tobacco Grower Berkshire Tobacco Starter Castor Pomace Dry Ground Fish Fine Ground Bone 43% Protein Cotton Seed Meal Ground Sheep Manure REGISTERED BRANDS OF FERTILIZERS. 25 Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Precipitated Bone Phosphate Sulphate of Potash Tankage 7.5-10 Tankage 5-18 Vegetable Potash Boardman, F. E., Middletown, Conn. Boardrnan's Complete Fertilizer for Potatoes and General Crops Boardman's Complete Fertilizer for Tobacco Bowker Fertilizer Co., 60 Trinity Place, New York, N. Y. Bowker's 16% Acid Phosphate Bowker's All Round Fertilizer Bowker's Conn. Valley Tobacco Fertilizer Bowker's Corn, Grain and Grass Phosphate Bowker's Fisherman's Brand Fish and Potash Bowker's Fresh Ground Bone Bowker's Hill and Drill Phosphate Bowker's Lawn and Garden Dressing Revised Bowker's Nitrate of Soda Bowker's Potato and Vegetable Phosphate Bowker's Square Brand Farm and Garden Phosphate Bowker's Superphosphate with Ammonia 4% Bowker's Sure Crop Phosphate Revised Bowker's Tobacco Elements Bowker's Tobacco Grower Maryland Corn Phosphate Maryland Standard Fertilizer Maryland Truck Garden Fertilizer Stockbridge "B" General Crop Manure Stockbridge Early Crop Manure Stockbridge Market Garden Manure Stockbridge Tobacco Manure Stockbridge Top Dressing and Forcing Manure Bridge's Sons, Amos D., Inc., Hazardville, Conn. Corn, Potato and General Purpose Fertilizer Special Tobacco Fertilizer Brode, F. W., Corporation, 119 Madison Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Owl Brand 43 Cotton Seed Meal Owl Brand 41 Cotton Seed Meal Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., Gwynn Building, 6th and Main Sts., Cincin- nati, Ohio. "Buckeye" Good Cotton Seed Meal "Buco" Cotton Seed Feed Chittenden, E. D., Co., Bridgeport, Corm. Chittenden's Complete Tobacco and Onion Grower with 4% Potash Chittenden's Complete Tobacco and Onion Grower with 6% Potash Chittenden's Complete Tobacco and Onion Grower without Potash Chittenden's Dry Ground Fish Chittenden's High Grade Potato with 4% Potash Chittenden's Tobacco Special with 5% Potash Chittenden's Tobacco Special without Potash Chittenden's Vegetable and Onion Grower with 3% Potash Chittenden's Vegetable and Onion Grower without Potash Ground Castor Pomace Clark, Everett B., Seed Co., MiMord, Conn. Clark's Special Mixture for General Use 26 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Clark's Special Mixture with Potash (4-10-4) Clark's Special Mixture with Potash (4-8-6) 16% Acid Phosphate Coe-Mortimer Co., Inc., 51 Chambers St., New York, N. Y. E. Frank Coe's Basic Fruit and Legume Phosphate (Basic Lime Phos- phate) (Key-Plow Brand) E. Frank Coe's Celebrated Special Potato Fertilizer Revised E. Frank Coe's Columbian Corn and Potato Fertilizer E. Frank Coe's Connecticut Wrapper Grower E. Frank Coe's Cotton Seed Supplement E. Frank Coe's Gold Brand Excelsior Guano Revised E. Frank Coe's New Englander Special E. Frank Coe's 16% Superphosphate E. Frank Coe's Special Grass Top Dressing E. Frank Coe's Tobacco Leaf Fertilizer Fine Ground Bone Nitrate of Soda Connecticut Fat Rendering & Fertilizing Corporation, New Haven, Conn. Tankage Cornwall, H. B., Meriden, Conn. Cornwall's Potato and General Use Cornwall's Tobacco Grower Davis, S. P., Little Rock, Ark. Beauty Brand Cotton Seed Meal Good Luck 41% Protein Cotton Seed Meal and Cracked Screened Cake Steerboy 43% Protein Cotton Seed Meal and Cracked Screened Cake Dold, Jacob, Packing Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Dold Quality Bone Meal Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, 292 Worthington St., Springfield, Mass. Bone Meal Castor Pomace Dried Ground Fish Eastern States 16% Acid Phosphate Eastern States 2-8-2 Eastern States 3-8-4 Eastern States 4-8-4 Eastern States 4-10 Eastern States 4-8-7 Eastern States 5-4-3 Eastern States 5-4-5 Eastern States 5-8-5 Ground Bone Ground Tankage Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Precipitated Bone Sulphate of Ammonia Sulphate of Potash Essex Fertilizer Co., 39 North Market St., Boston, Mass. Essex i-io-i for Grain and Grass Essex 2-8-2 for Farm and Garden Essex 2-8-3 for All Crops Essex 4-8-4 for Potatoes, Roots and Vegetables Essex Fish Fertilizer 3-8-3 for All Crops Essex 5-8-6 REGISTERED BRANDS OF FERTILIZERS. 27 Essex Ground Bone Essex Market Garden 3-8-4 for Vegetables and Grass Essex Special Tobacco 5-5-4 Essex Tobacco Manure 5-7-2 Frisbie, L. T., Co., New Haven, Conn. Castor Pomace Cotton Seed Meal Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie Frisbie s Acid Phosphate s Bone Meal s Corn and Grain Fertilizer s Dry Ground Fish s 2-10 s 4-10 s 5-8 s 5-8-7 High s Mign Grade Sulphate of Potash s Market Garden s Special 4-10-6 s Special (3-8-4) s Special (S-8.5-5) s Special Vegetable and Potato Grower s Sulphate of Ammonia s Superphosphate s Tankage (5-14) s Tankage (9-6.40) s 3-8-6 s Tobacco s Tobacco Grower s Tobacco Special Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda Tobacco Manure 5-8-6 Hailey, John H., Co., Houston, Texas. Texas Brand (Cotton Seed Cake or Meal) Hall, W. D., Co., Atlanta, G4. Hall Brand Good Cotton Seed Meal Hayes Grain & Commission Co., Little Rock, Ark. Hayes Brand Cotton Seed Meal and Cake Nutrine Brand Cotton Seed Meal and Cake Head & Co., Dallas, Texas. Rabbitfoot Brand Cotton Seed (Cake and) Meal Humphreys-Godwin Co., (Not Inc.), Memphis, Tenn. Bull Brand Cotton Seed Meal Danish Brand Cotton Seed Meal Dixie Brand Cotton Seed Meal Unit— I Unit— 2 Unit— 3 Industrial Cotton Oil Properties, 65 Broadway, New York, N, Y. Longhorn Brand Prime Cotton Seed Meal International Agricultural Corporation, Buffalo Fertilizer Works, 126 State St., Boston, Mass. Bone Meal Buffalo Economy Buffalo Farmers' Choice Buffalo General Favorite Buffalo High Grade Manure 28 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Buffalo New England Special Buffalo Onion Special Buffalo Phosphate and Potash Buffalo 16% Buffalo 10-8 Buffalo Tobacco Grower Buffalo Tobacco Producer Buffalo Tobacco Special Buffalo Top Dresser and Starter Buffalo Vegetable and Potato Dry Ground Fish I. A. C. Complete I. A. C. Complete Tobacco I. A. C. Early Harvest Nitrate of Soda Jennings-Brown Co., Inc., Shreveport, La. Robin Brand Good Cotton Seed Meal Joynt, John, Lucknow, Ontario, Canada. The Joynt Brand Unleached Hardwood Ashes Lovitt, L. B., & Co., Memphis, Tenn. "Lovit" "Memphis" "Neal's Choice" "Thirty Six" Lowell Fertilizer Co., 40 North Market St., Boston, Mass. Dry Ground Fish Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe: Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Lowe Nitra' Acid Phosphate 16% Animal Brand 3-8-4 for All Crops Bone Fertilizer 2-8-2 for Corn, Grain, Grass and Vegetables Empress i-io-i for Grain and Vegetables 2-8-3 for Vegetables and Grain 3-8-3 for Corn, Grain and Vegetables 4-8-4 for Potatoes, Corn and Vegetables 5-8-0 for Grass, Grain and Vegetables 5-8-4 for Vegetables and Grass Ground Bone 4-10 Lawn and Garden Dressing 4-7-2 5-8-6 Tobacco 5-5-4 for Tobacco, Fruits and Vines Tobacco 5-6-0 for Tobacco, Fruit and Vines Tobacco 5-7-2 of Soda Lyle & Lyle, Huntsville, Ala. Economy Cotton Seed Feed Lyle's Best Cotton Seed Meal Mapes Formula & Peruvian Guano Co., 143 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Mapes Connecticut Valley Special Mapes Corn Manure Mapes Cotton Seed Tobacco Manure Mapes General Tobacco Manure Mapes General Truck Manure Mapes General Use Manure Mapes Grain Brand Mapes Potato Manure Mapes Pure Ground Bone REGISTERED BRANDS OF FERTILIZERS. 29 Mapes Tobacco Ash Constituents Mapes Tobacco Starter Improved Mapes Top Dresser Meech & Stoddard, Inc., Middletown, Conn. Connecticut Cotton Seed Meal Pure Raw Bone Meal Middlesex Fertilizer Co., Middletown, Conn. White Star Fertilizer Miller Fertilizer Co., Maryland Life Bldg., 10 South St., Baltimore, Md. Acid Phosphate Miller's Clermont •Miller's 5-8-7 No. I Potato and Vegetable Grower Standard Phosphate Mitchell, W. L., 699 Forest St., New Haven, Conn. Mitchell's Raw Phosphate Float National Fertilizer Ct., 60 Trinity Place, New York, N. Y. National Complete Grass Fertilizer National Complete Tobacco Fertilizer National Eureka Potato Fertilizer National 5-4 Tobacco Manure National Market Garden Fertilizer Revised National Nitrogen Phosphate Mixture No. 2 National Nitrogen Phosphate Mixture No. 4 National Potato Phosphate National 16% Plain Superphosphate National Special Tobacco Revised National Tobacco Foundation National Universal Phosphate National XXX Fish and Potash Natural Guano Co., Aurora, 111. '"Sheep's Head" Pulverized Sheep Manure New England Fertilizer Co., 40A North Market St., Boston, Mass. N. E. Corn Phosphate 2-8-2 for Grain and Vegetables N. E. 2-8-3 for Vegetables and Grain N. E. 3-8-3 for Corn, Grain and Vegetables N. E. Superphosphate 3-8-4 for All Crops* N. E. 4-8-6 for Potatoes and Vegetables N. E. 5-8-7 for Potatoes and Market Gardens N. E. Tobacco 5-6-0 N. E. Tobacco Manure 5-5-4 N. E. 5-8-6 Nitrate Agencies Co., 85 Water St., New York, N. Y. Naco Brand Acid Phosphate Naco Brand Fish Naco Brand Muriate of Potash Naco Brand NitraPo Naco Brand Nitrate Soda Naco Brand Sulphate of Ammonia Naco Brand Sulphate of Potash Naco Brand Tankage Naco Brand 2-8-2 Formula Naco Brand 3-8-4 Formula Naco Brand 4-8-4 Formula Naco Brand 4-8-7 Formula Naco Brand 5-8-5 Formula 30 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Nothern, W. C, Box 414, Memphis, Tenn. Bee Brand Cotton Seed Meal Queen Bee Brand Cotton Seed Meal Standard Cotton Seed Meal Olds & Whipple, Hartford, Conn. Acid Phosphate Cotton Hull Ashes High Grade Sulphate of Potash Nitrate of Soda O & W Bone Phosphate and Potash Compound O & W Castor Pomace O & W Complete Corn, Onion and Potato Fertilizer O & W Complete Tobacco Fertilizer O & W Dry Ground Fish O & W H. G. Starter and Potash Compound O & W H. G. Tobacco Starter O & W Special Complete Corn, Onion and Potato Fertilizer O & W Special Grass Fertilizer O & W Tobacco Special Fertilizer Precipitated Bone Phosphate Pacific Manure & Fertilizer Co., 429 Davis St., San Francisco, Cal. "Groz-It" Brand Pulverized Sheep Manure Park & Pollard Co., 131 State St., Boston, Mass. Cloverland Cotton Seed Meal Highland Cotton Seed Meal Upland Cotton Seed Meal Parmenter & Polsey Fertilizer Co., 41 North Market St., Boston, Mass. P & P i-io-i for Grain and Grass P & P Plymouth Rock Brand 3-8-4 for All Crops P & P 4-8-4 for Potatoes, Corn and Vegetables P & P 2-8-2 for Farm and Garden P & P 2-8-3 for Corn, Fruits and Vegetables Pentecost & Martin, Inc., 15 East 40th St., New York, N. Y. Potash Marl Piedmont-Mt. Airy Guano Co., 707 Keyser Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Brown's Corn and Grain Fertilizer Brown's Fish, Bone and Potash Brown's 5-8-7 Fertilizer Brown's Market Garden Fertilizer Brown's Potato Phosphate Brown's Special for Tobacco Brown's Top Dresser Home Mixture Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda 8% Tankage Sulphate of Ammonia Piedmont 16% Acid Phosphate 10% Fish (Dry Ground) 3 50 Bone Meal Proto-Feed & Guano Co., 4121 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Master Brand Pulverized Sheep Manure Providence Farmers' Exchange, Inc., 16 South Water St., Providence. R. I. Exchange Brand 2-8-2 Fertilizer Exchange 3-8-4 Fertilizer REGISTERED BRANDS OF FERTILIZERS. 31 Exchange 4-8-4 Fertilizer Exchange 4-10-0 FertiHzer Exchange 5-8-5 FertiHzer 16% Acid Phosphate Muriate of Potash Nitrate of Soda 9-15 Tankage Pulverized Manure Co., 828 Exchange Ave., Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Wizard Brand Manure Quality Seed & Fertilizer Co., Stamford, Conn. All Crop Fertilizer Bartlett Brand Special Tree Fertilizer Grain Fertilizer Potato Fertilizer Sheep Manure Tankage Robinson, Geo. B., Jr., 18 Broadway, New York, N. Y, "Robin" Cotton Seed Meal Rogers & Hubbard Co., Middletown, Conn. Ground Fish (Dried) Hubbard's "Bone Base" Fertilizer for Seeding Down Hubbard's "Bone Base" Oats and Top Dressing Borax .40 Hubbard's "Bone Base" Soluble Corn and General Crops Manure Hubbard's "Bone Base" Soluble Potato Manure Hubbard's Pure Raw Knuckle Bone Flour Hubbard's Strictly Pure Fine Bone Nebraska Potash Nitrate of Soda Rogers & Hubbard's All Soils-All Crops Phosphate Rogers & Hubbard's Climax Tobacco Brand Rogers & Hubbard's Complete Phosphate Rogers & Hubbard's Soluble Tobacco ]\Ianure Rogers & Hubbard's Tobacco Grower, Vegetable Formula The R & H Brand Cotton Seed Meal Royster, F. S., Guano Co., 1603 Munsey Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Castor Pomace Dry Ground Fish Nitrate of Soda Royster's Arrowhead Tobacco Formula Royster's Bully Guano Royster's Fine Ground Bone Meal Royster's Fish and Potash Royster's Fish, Flesh and Fowl Royster's Landmark Brand Royster's Perfecto Tobacco Formula Royster's Prime Fish Brand Royster's Quality Trucker Royster's 16% Acid Phosphate Royster's Trucker's Delight Royster's Valley Tobacco Formula Sanderson Fertilizer & Chemical Co., New Haven, Conn. Sanderson's Acid Phosphate Sanderson's Atlantic Coast Bone. Fish and Potash Sanderson's Complete Tobacco Grower Sanderson's Corn Superphosphate Sanderson's Fine Ground Bone Sanderson's Formula A 32 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233, Sanderson's Formula B Sanderson's High Grade Ammoniated Phosphate Sanderson's Kelsey's Bone, Fish and Potash Sanderson's Nitrate of Soda Sanderson's Phosphate without Potash Sanderson's Potato Manure Sanderson's South American Sheep and Goat Manure Sanderson's Tobacco Grower Sanderson's Top Dressing for Grass and Grain Shoemaker, M. L., & Co., Venango St. and Delaware Ave., Philadel- phia, Pa. Swift-Sure Bone Meal Swift-Sure Superphosphate Tobacco and General Use Swift-Sure Superphosphate Tobacco Starter Soper, J. E., Co., 206 Chamber of Commerce, Boston, Mass. Pioneer Cotton Seed Meal Priscilla Cotton Seed Meal Puritan Cotton Seed Meal Southland Cotton Oil Co., Paris, Texas. Climax Brand Cotton Seed Meal Springfield Rendering Co., Springfield, Mass. Springfield Animal Brand Springfield Ground Bone Springfield Special Potato, Onion and Vegetable Springfield 2-8-2 Fertilizer Talfa Company, 43 Commercial St., Boston, Mass. Nature's Plant Food Texas Cake & Linter Co., Dallas, Texas. "Texoma Brand" Prime Cotton Seed Meal Van Iderstine Co., Long Island City, N. Y. Van Iderstine's Pure Ground Bone Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. (of Delaware), Equitable Bldg., 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Bone Meal V-C Beaver Brand V-C Callenge Brand V-C Champion Brand V-C Cherokee Brand V-C Comet Brand V-C Fish Phosphate and Potash Brand V-C Indian Chief Brand V-C Marvel Brand V-C Nitrate of Soda V-C Owl Brand V-C Pawnee Brand V-C Perfection Brand V-C Plant Bed Brand V-C Plow Brand V-C Star Brand V-C Universal Brand Westervelt, A. C, & Co., Memphis, Tenn. Planet Brand Cotton Seed Meal Star Brand Cotton Seed Meal Sun Brand Cotton Seed Meal What Cheer Chemical Co., Inc., 188 Grotto Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Shay's Corn Shay's Potato CLASSIFICATION OF FERTILIZERS. 33 Shay's Special Superior Brand What Cheer Brand What Cheer Special Wilcox Fertilizer Co., Mystic, Conn. Acid Phosphate Eldredge High Grade Fish and Potash Nitrate of Soda Precipitated Bone Wilcox Corn Special Wilcox Dry Ground Fish Wilcox Fish and Potash Wilcox Grass Fertilizer Wilcox Potato and Vegetable Phosphate Wilcox Potato Fertilizer Wilcox Tobacco Special Witherbee, Sherman & Co., 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. Barium-Phosphate Grade A Ground Phosphate Rock Nitrate of Potash Woodruff, S. D., & Sons, Orange, Conn. Woodruff's Home Mixed Worcester Rendering Co., Auburn, Mass. Royal Worcester Corn and Grain 2-8-2 Royal Worcester Ground Steam Bone Royal Worcester Potato and Vegetable 4-8-4 During the year, V. L. Churchill, the station sampHng agent, has visited 95 towns and villages and drawn 636 samples for analy- sis. These include all of the registered brands which could be found on sale. Classification of Fertilizers Analyzed. Containing nitrogen as the chief active ingredient : Nitrate of soda 30 Sulphate of ammonia 9 Cotton seed meal 318 Castor pomace 19 Containing phosphoric acid as the chief active ingredient: Barium-Phosphate i Ground rock phosphate 3 Precipitated bone phosphate 20 Dissolved rock phosphate or acid phosphate 28 Containing potash as the chief active ingredient : Muriate of potash 9 Sulphate of potash 28 Nebraska potash 2 Cotton hull ashes i Vegetable potash i Kainit i 34 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. 4. Raw materials containing nitrogen and potash: NitraPo 2 Nitrate of potash 2 5. Raw materials containing nitrogen and phosphoric acid: Fish manures 48 Slaughterhouse tankage 20 Garbage tankage i Bone manures 33 Bone and tankage 3 6. Mixed fertilisers: Phosphate and potash compounds 9 Nitrogenous superphosphates without potash 38 Nitrogenous superphosphates with potash : Sampled by station 286 Sampled by purchasers 22 Home mixtures : Sampled by station 16 Sampled by purchasers 15 7. Miscellaneous fertilisers, amendments and waste products: Tobacco stems 2 Tobacco ashes 1 Sheep manure 13 Wood ashes iS Lime 4 Peat or muck 6 Dried sludge 4 Miscellaneous wastes 16 1,026 Fungicides and insecticides . . : 13 Total 1,039 A review of the analyses which follow shows these facts regarding the cost to consumers of the plant food bought in fertilizer chemicals and raw materials. Ammonium sulphate has been the cheapest source of fertilizer nitrogen this year; the cost of nitrogen per pound ranging from 22.3 to 17.2 cents per pound, the average cost being 19 cents. Nitrate of soda has come next, its nitrogen in the samples examined ranging in price from 28.1 to ig.i cents per pound, the average being 23.4 cents. In cotton seed meal nitrogen has cost about 36 cents per pound but the cost has varied very greatly. In castor pomace nitrogen has cost 45.1 cents per pound. In fish scrap, if 10 cents per unit is allowed for bone phosphate, nitrogen has cost 38.6 cents per pound as the average, the cost ranging from 46.3 to 24 cents. Phosphoric acid in ground raw rock has cost 3 cents per pound. In precipitated bone, available phosphoric acid has cost 8.5 cents per pound as an average, prices ranging from 9.5 to 7.5 cents. In acid phosphate available phosphoric acid has cost 9.5 cents per pound as an average, prices ranging from 11.7 cents to 6.9 cents. Water-soluble potash in both muriate and sulphate has cost about 11 cents per pound. NITRATE OF SODA. 35 I. RAW MATERIALS CHIEFLY VALUABLE FOR NITROGEN. NITRATE OF SODA. Thirty samples were analyzed as follows : 16508. Sold by Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury. Stock of Connecticut Sumatra Tobacco Co., Hartford. 16658. Sold by Sanderson Fertilizer and Chemical Co., New Haven. Sampled at the factory. 17876. Sold by L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Sent by H. F. Johnson, County Agent, Norwich. 17338. Sold by Coe-Mortimer Co., New York. Stock of W. R. Holcomb, Somerville. 17409. Sold by Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Spring- field, Mass. Stock of A. R. Carpenter, Bloomfield. 17245. Sold by The Rogers & Hubbard Co., ^liddletown. Sampled at the factory : 16901. Sold by Olds & Whipple, Hartford. Stock of The Haviland Tobacco Co., East Windsor Hill. 17308. Sold by Armour Fertilizer Works, New York. Stock of Rockville Grain & Coal Co., Rockville. 16769. Sold by American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York. Stock of J. A. Glasnapp, West Cheshire. 16655. Sold by Olds & Whipple, Hartford. Sampled at the factory. 16937. Sold by Piedmont-]\It. Airy Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. Stock of Windsor Clark, Putnam. 17230. Sold b}' Providence Farmers' Exchange, Inc., Provi- dence, R. I. Stock of Walter Scott, Niantic. 16881. Sold by Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Spring- field, Mass. Stock of John M. Herr, Burnside. 17374. Sold by International Agricultural Corp., Boston, Mass. Stock of P. Schwartz Co., New London. 16764. Sold by Lowell Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. Stock of Geo. S. Jennings, Southport. 16772. Sold by Piedmont-Mt. Airy Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. Stock of Joseph Adams, Green's Farms. 16849. Sold by Apothecaries Hall Co.. Waterbury. Stock of Connecticut State School for Boys, Meriden. 16776. Sold by Wilcox Fertilizer Co., Mystic. Stock of Geo. R. Stannard, Branford. 16413. Sold by Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport. Stock of J. E. Shepard, South Windsor. 16768. Sold by Bowker Fertilizer Co., New York. Stock of Goodsell Bros., Bristol. 36 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. 17387. Sold by Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., New York. Stock of J. R. Reinhard, West Cheshire. 17244. Sold by Nitrate Agencies Co., New York. Stock of E. N. Austin, SufHeld. 17390. Sold by F. S. Royster Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. Stock of Silliman Hardware Co., New Canaan. 15796, 15797 and 15798. Sold by Wesel-Duval Co., New York. Stock of Griffin- Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield. 16647. Sold by L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Sampled at the factory. 16732. Sold by L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Stock of H. Dudek, Talcottville. 17368. Manufacturer unknown. Sent by County Agent, F. L. Davis, Putnam. 17115. Manufacturer unknown. Sent by Hackett Bros., Buckland. Table I. Analyses of Nitrate of Soda. Per cent. of Nitrogen Nitrogen costs cents Station No. Guaranteed. Found. Cost per ton. per pound. 16508 15.00 15.72 $60.00 19.I 16658 I5-00 15.79 63.00 19.9 17873 15.54 66.00 21.2 17338 iS-oo 15.12 65.00 21.5 17409 14.80 15.54 68.00 21.9 17245 15.80 14.84 65.00 21.9 16901 15.00 15.86 70.00 22.1 17308 14.81 1 5. 28 68.00 22.3 16769 15.00 15.60 70.00 22.4 16655 15-00 15.56 70.00 22.5 16937 15-23 15.42 70.00 22.7 17230 14.81 15.20 70.00 23.0 1 688 1 14-80 14.76 68.75 23.3 17374 15-00 15.04 70.00 23.3 16764 15-00 14.83 70.00 23.6 16772 15-23 13.88 66.00 23.8 16849 15-00 15.04 72.00 23.9 16776 15.00 15.77 80.00 25-4 16413 13.98 15.08 77.00 25-5 16768 15.00 15.20 78.00 25.7 17387 14.80 15.12 80.00 26.5 17244 15.00 15.00 80.00 26.7 17390 15-00 15.12 85.00 28.1 15796 15.10 15797 15.16 17598 15.52 16647 14.80 15.56 16732 14.80 15.84 17368 15.40 17115 15.70 The costs of nitrate of soda here reported have ranged from $85.00 to $60.00 per ton, but it has been bought in the late spring SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. 37 at considerably lower prices. Since the beginning of the year the wholesale New York price fell from $65.00 to $40.00 per ton. With the exception of sulphate of ammonia, nitrate of soda has been the cheapest and most profitable form of nitrogen in our market. The average cost of nitrogen in the samples here reported has been 23.4 cents per pound, ranging from 19. i to 28.1 cents. One sample, 16772, sold by the Piedmont-Mt. Airy Guano Co., failed to meet the guaranty of 15.23 per cent, of nitrogen. It contained only 13.88 per cent. SULPHATE OF AAIMONIA. Nine samples were analyzed as follows : 17872. Sold by L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Sampled by H. F. Johnson, County Agent, Norwich. 17419. Sold by Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Spring- field, Mass. Stock of H. H. McKnight, Ellington. 16773. Sold by Piedmont-Mt. Airy Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. Stock of Joseph Adams, Green's Farms. 16770. Sold by American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York. Stock of J. A. Glasnapp, West Cheshire. 16842. Sold by Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury. Sampled at factory. 16414. Sold by Berkshire Fertilizer Co., New York. Stock of J. E. Shepard, South Windsor. 16736. Sold by L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Stock of H. Dudek. Talcottville. 17264. Sold by Nitrate Agencies Co., New York. Stock of J. McAllister, Farmers' Exchange, Cromwell. 17463. Sold by L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Sampled at the factory. Table II. Analyses of Sulphate of Ammonia. Per cent, of Nitrog-en Nitrogen costs cents Station No. Guaranteed. Found. Cost per ton. per pound. 17872 20.66 $62.00 15.0 17419 20.56 20.66 71.00 17.2 16773 20.51 20.20 70.75 17.5 16770 20.16 20.20 75.00 18.6 16842 20.56 20.76 80.00 19.3 16414 20.75 20.94 93-30 22.3 16736 20.56 20.98 17264 20.56 20.56 17463 20.56 20.42 This has been the cheapest form of nitrogen in our market this year, the average cost of nitrogen being about 19 cents per pound. 38 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. . From January to August the wholesale price fell about 33 per cent. Here again the only sample below guaranty, 16773, was sold by the Piedmont-Mt. Airy Guano Co. and had 0.3 per cent, less nitrogen than was guaranteed. COTTON SEED MEAL. In a following table are analyses of 318 samples, the larger part of which represented car lots. The amount of cotton seed meal bought and used as a fertilizer in this state during the year cannot be far from fifteen thousand tons. Guaranties. Of 267 samples in which the guaranty is known, 32 failed to meet their guaranties, but 14 of these were deficient by less than 0.2 per cent. Those samples which had a larger deficiency are the following: No. Seller. Nitrogen deficiency. 17277 Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co 0.71 16091 F. W. Erode & Co 0.35 16564 J. H. Hailey Co 0.30 16565 J. H. Hailey Co 0.39 16028 Humphreys-Godwin Co 0.38 16459 Humphreys-Godwin Co 0.23 16784 Humphreys-Godwin Co 0.20 16287 Humphreys-Godwin Co 0.25 16561 Humphreys-Godwin Co 0.43 16280 Humphreys-Godwin Co 0.27 17127 Humphreys-Godwin Co 0.28 17248 Humphreys-Godwin Co. 0.32 16707 Humphreys-Godwin Co ' 0.25 16462 L. B. Lovitt & Co 0.37 16559 L. B. Lovitt & Co 0.67 15896 McGregor Cotton Oil Co 0.21 17455 W. C. Nothern 0.24 16490 G. B. Robinson, .Jr 0.34 In considering the larger number of deficiencies in meal sold by Humphreys-Godwin Co., it must be noted that the number of samples of their goods is very much larger than that of others and that the percentage of deficiencies is a little less than the average. Composition. The percentage of nitrogen has ranged from 5.5 to 8.1 1 and the average of 193 samples, in which the nitrogen found, nitrogen guaranteed and cost are all given, is 6.3, which is slightly lower than the average last year. cotton seed meal. 39 Cost. The price of cotton seed meal, in common with that of all ferti- lizers, has fluctuated wildly since the summer of 1920. It was quoted in car lots f.o.b. factory at $30.00 in January, 1921, at $26.00 in May and $35.00 in September. The wholesale prices prior to January were much higher. In the late spring, cut-prices prevailed. The car-lot prices to Connecticut buyers have ranged from $70.00 to $36.00. The average cost per ton of 193 lots in this state was $44.32 and the average cost per pound of nitrogen was 36 cents. 40 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Table III. Analyses of Cotton Seed Meal. Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen. •6 2 7-14 590 6.88 5-76 7-38 6.91 6.88 6.88 6.80 6.88 7-13 6.88 6.83 6.88 7.00 6.88 7.16 5.85 6.56 7.07 6.80 6.88 6.88 7.04 7.08 6.88 6.88 5-98 5-76 5-85 5-75 6.99 7.00 7.00 6.88 6.56 6.56 6.96 6.88 6.53 6.88 7.12 6.88 6.90 6.88 16040 1 71 64 16398 16486 17498 16375 16377 16399 1 6471 17277 16588 1 672 1 16853 16882 16774 15975 16528 1 663 1 16634 16957 I609I 16283 16295 American Cotton Oil Co., New York City. Longhorn, 84265 Surety, 160194 Southern.. . American Milling Co., Peoria, 111. Amco Brand Amco, 42562 Pa Amco C. S. M. 14681 Pa C. S. M., T. P. W., 2353.. C. S. M., 20456 Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury, Conn. C. S. M Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co., Atlanta, Ga. Helmet Monarch Monarch, 192371 Monarch Monarch Paramount F. W. Erode Co., Memphis, Tenn. Jay, J. E., 47778 Owl, J. L Owl, M. &St. P Owl, C. B. &Q., 99150.... Owl C. S. M., N. Y. C, 240346 C. S. M.,C.B.&Q.,io7io8 C. S. M., 1312103 Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield The Coles Co., Middletown B. M. Rosenberg, Ellington The Coles Co., Middletown Station Agent, from J. W. McAllis- ter, Farmers' Exchange, Crom- well Broad Brook Lumber and Coal Co., Broad Brook Broad Brook Lumber and Coal Co., Broad Brook Broad Brook Lumber and Coal Co., Broad Brook Huntington Bros., Windsor Jeremiah McGrath, Broad Brook. Station Agent, from A. D. Bridge Sons Co., Hazardville The Coles Co., Middletown Station Agent, from Arthur Man- ning, South Manchester Manning & Kahn, Manchester. . . Station Agent, from F. C. Morse, Guilford Geo. E. Phelps & Co., Thomsonville Garber-Northam Grain Co., Hart- ford E. H. Rollins, Granby E. H. Rollins, Granby Station Agent, from A. W. Shepard & Son, Hartford Broad Brook Lumber & Coal Co., Broad Brook Broad Brook Lumber & Coal Co., Broad Brook Broad Brook Lumber & Coal Co., Broad Brook 50.00 41.50 55 00 45.00 45.00 41 .00 44.00 47.00 38.00 38.00 39.00 38.00 44.00 66.50 66.50 42.75 45-50 55-50 COTTON SEED MEAL 41 Table III. Analyses of Cotton Seed Meal — {Continued). Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen 16236 16156 16220 I5914 1 602 1 16406 16628 16632 17499 16635 16418 16630 16780 16786 16453 Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Buckeye Cotton Seed Products Co., Louisville, Ky. Prime, M. K. &T. 81653.. E. Crosby & Co., Brattleboro, Vt. C. S. M., N. Y. C, 258423 Dallas Peanut Feed Mfrs., Dallas, Texas. Besf eed, 47735 Besfeed, 89549. 16898 S. P. Davis, Little Rock, Ark. Beauty Good Luck, 45225 Good Luck, M. P., 8492. Good Luck Good Luck, Wab., 78139. . Steerboy Steerboy, N. Y. C., 218987 Steerboy Steerboy, S. S. W., 14062. . Dixie Cotton Oil Co., Little Rock, Ark. C. S. M., 170589 Eastern States Farmers' Exch, Springfield, Mass. C. S. M Ennis Cotton Oil & Mfg. Co. Ennis, Texas. 158841 C. S. M., N. H., 71436 J. B. Cannon, Granby Broad Brook Lumber & Coal Co., Broad Brook Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Station Agent, from A. D. Bridge Sons Co., Hazardville E. H. Rollins, Granby E. H. Rollins, Granby Station Agent, from Geo. Ackley, New Milford E. H. RolHns, Granby Herbert Cotton, East Granby. . . . E. H. Rollins, Granby Station Agent, from C. F. Allen, Warehouse Pt Geo. T. Soule, New Milford Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Station Agent, from C. B. Sikes, Ellington Geo. T. Soule, New Milford 5-76: 7.16 5.83 7.41 703 5-69 6.98 5-75 6. 6. 50.00 5-75 56 56 6.48 7.24 6.81 6.716 7.08 7.04 7.01 7.10 7-43 6.50 56 6.1 6.87 52.00 65.00 64.50 42.50 65.00 47 50 45.00 43 50 43.00 43.00 6.1 42 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Table III. Analyses of Cotton" Seed Meal — (Continued). Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen 1 633 1 16378 16494 16629 16648 16734 16566 16609 17500 16564 16565 15977 17574 16897 15903 16407 Fidelity Products Co., Houston, Texas. C. S. M.,L.E. &W.,ii9o6. C. S. M., Southern, 26935. C. S. M C. S. M., S. S.W., 29178. L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven, Conn. C. S. M C. S. M John H. Hailey Co., Houston, Texas. Texas Texas Texas C. S. M.,P. R. R.,44433. C. S. M., N. P., 39582 . . . W. D. Hall Co., Atlanta, Ga. Good, 21727 Good Hayes Grain & Comm. Co., Little Rock, Ark. Hayes Hill County Cotton Oil Co., Hillsboro, Texas. C. S. M., 51344 Honey Grove Cotton Oil Co., Honey Grove, Texas. C. S. M Broad Brook Lumber & Coal Co., Broad Brook Broad Brook Lumber & Coal Co., Broad Brook Fred Lyman, Manchester E. H. Rollins, Granby Station Agent, from factory H. Dudek, Talcottville F. R. & R. M. Goodrich, Portland . The AUied Tobacco Co., Hartford . Station Agent, from W. J. Norton, Broad Brook F. R. & R. M. Goodrich, Portland F. R. & R. M. Goodrich, Portland Olin H. Osborn, Warehouse Point Station Agent, from Leonard Grain Co., Winsted Station Agent, from Patrick Col- bert, South Windsor Griffin-Neubergar Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Station Agent, from John Klaus, Scitico 6.57 6.72 7. 16 7.2i 6.8( 7.06 7.2 7.04 6.76 7.04 5-94 6.21 6.92 7.43 7.00 6 6.56: 6.56 6.1 6.1 6.58 6. J 6.i 6.87 7.06 43 5-76 5-76 6.87 H8.00 50.00 48.00 41-25 42.50 46.00 1 51-50 45.00 45-00 59.00 1 $4.90 per unit ammonia. COTTON SEED MEAL, 43 Table III. Analyses of Cotton Seed Meal — (Continued). Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen. Humphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Tenn. Bull, 8188 Bull, 29846 Bull, 79034 Bull, 44808 Bull, 124146 Bull, 22196 Bull, 48876 Bull, 120688 Bull, 121600 Bull, 18122 Bull, 36929 Bull, 104154 Bull, 49245 Bull, 41425 Bull, T6803 Bull, 122422 Bull, 34384 Bull, 76636 Bull, 29907 Bull, 28372 Bull, 24207 G. N Bull, N. C, 62601 Bull, W. A. B., 67886 Bull, Southern, 131666 . . . . Bull, 10127, C. B Bull, M. K. &T., 81176... Bull, 5156 Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield GrijHin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield ' Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville E. F. Miller, Ellington G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford 7.00 7-43 6.99 6.92 7.40 6.79 7.00 6.71 6.90 7.17 6.88 6.90 6.83 6.50 6.82 7.46 6.94 7.10 6.84 7-30 7.24 7.29 6.94 6.70 7-30 6.82 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6.88 6.i 6.! 6.( 6.i 6.1 6.{ 6A e.i 6.1 6.i 6.i 6A 6. J $48.50 48.50 42.75 44.00 42.50 44.00 44 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Table III. Analyses of Cotton Seed Meal — {Continued). Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen. 16448 16449 16450 16452 16459 16460 1 6461 16586 16595 16596 16598 16662 16669 16737 16738 16760 16761 16762 16763 16784 16880 16906 16912 16913 16914 16944 17007 17008 17009 17010 17011 17122 16284 16285 16286 16287 16288 Hximphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Term, ( Continued) . Bull, 34316 Bull, 130389 Bull, 36563 Bull, 37771 Bull, 14442 Bull, 29328 Bull, 26576 Bull Bull, I. C, 49448 Bull, C. & E„ 60806 Bull, M. O. P., 32542 Bull Bull, N.Y.,N.H.& H.,74070 Bull, C. of G., 51046 Bull, A. C. L., 31464 Bull, M. P., 6298 Bull, 35548 Bull, 1 306 1 7, Southern. . . . Bull, S. A. L., 27205 Bull Bull , Bull Bull, 37492 Bull, 7304 Bull, 8514 Bull, 7129 Bull, 30683 Bull, 140962 Bull, 107113 Bull, 22127 Bull, 33001 Bull, B. &0., 195707 Danish, D. & R. S., 67092. Danish, C. N. W., 27414.. . Danish, A. C. L., 4171 1 . . . Danish, Southern, 12 1499.. Danish, N. Y. C, 225933. • American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford Station Agent, from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville E. F. Miller, Ellington Station Agent from Fassler & Sil- berman, Hartford G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville C. R. Dubia, Brookfield John M. Herr, Burnside Station Agent, from Haviland To- bacco Co., EastV/indsor Hill. . . G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford Steane, Hartman & Co., Hartford Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield 7. II 6.99 7.04 7-23 6.65 6.1 6.i 7-14 6 7-49 7-14 6. 7.20 7.06 6.92 6.92 6.78 6.76 7.00 6.68 7-30 7-30 6.94 7.22 6.86 6.98 7-13 7.18 7.08 7.16 7.28 7.18 83 75 5.85 5-50 6.07 6. J 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.88 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.; 6A 6.i 6.88 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.88 5-75 5-75 5-75 5-75 5-75 COTTON SEED MEAL. 45 Table III. Analyses of Cotton Seed Meal — (Continued). Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Piirchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen Humphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Temi. ( Continued) Danish, N. S., 21467 Danish, T. O. C, 141 76.. . Danish, Penn., 517571 Danish, Penn., 501 71 7 Danish, N. & W., 62319. . . Danish, R. I., 45718 Danish, N. Y. C, 260294. • Danish Danish Danish, R. I., 54548 Danish, G. N., 24206 Danish, S.S.W., 19460.... Danish, C. B. & Q., 107422 Danish Danish, C. V., 62735 Danish, Southern, 335756. . Danish, Southern, 15 1673.. Danish, N. Y. C, 161229.. Danish, B. & O., 171756. . . Danish, 302510 Danish, L. & N., 103046.. . Danish, Southern, 134287.. Danish, S. S. W., 13750. . . Danish, C. B. & Q., 133067 Danish, St.L.&S.F., 124872 Danish, 8152 Danish Dixie, 107142 Dixie, 12158 Dixie Dixie Dixie Dixie, G. N., 24780 Dixie, P. &R., 4578 Dixie, D., 130621-71673. . . Dixie, 45619 Dixie Dixie Dixie Dixie, C. M. & St.P., 503721 Dixie, 66622 Dixie, 22148 Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Stiffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield G. S. Phelps & Co., ThompsonviUe Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield S. J. Orr, West Suffield S. J. Orr, West Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield G. S. Phelps & Co., ThompsonviUe G. S. Phelps & Co., ThompsonviUe E. S. Lovell, Newtown Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield The Coles Co., ISIiddletown The Coles Co., Middletown Station Agent, from Geo. S. Phelps & Co., ThompsonviUe Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield L. B. Haas & Co., Hartford L. B. Haas & Co., Hartford L. B. Haas & Co., Hartford H. C. Nelson, West Suffield G. S. Phelps & Co., ThompsonviUe Garber-Northam Co., Hartford.. . Olds & Whipple, Hartford G. S. Phelps & Co., ThompsonviUe Station Agent, from Chas. Ott, Bumside John Ewald, Cromwell G. S. Phelps & Co., ThompsonviUe E. S. Seymour, Suffield E. S. Seymour, Suffield 6.27 5-76 5-85 6.14 590 5-8o 5-67 5-81 5-82 5-74 5-32 5.58 598 6.18 6.30 6.00 6.08 5-94 5.98 5.76 6.90 6.24 6.02 6.18 5.78 5-66 0-68 6.90 7. II 6.29 6.41 6.37 6.46 6.56 6.58 6.64 6.68 08 74 6.63 6.72 6.76 $50 . 00 50.00 50.00 50.00 41 .00 42.00 46.00 61.50 61 .60 40.00 50.00 41 .00 41.00 44.00 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 36.00 38.50 38.50 48.50 38.50 50.00 52.00 38.00 56.00 56.00 56.00 47.00 42-75 50.50 40.00 54.00 43.50 42.50 43.00 39-75 39.75 46 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Table III. Analyses of Cotton Seed Meal — (Continued). Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen. Humphreys- Godwin Co., Memphis, Tenn. (Continued) 17127 Dixie 17248 Dixie 15777 C. S. M., 102781 15894 C. S. M., 99958 15895 C. S. M., 13932 15897 C.S.M., 30695 15898 C. S. M., 17005 15899 C.S.M., 35613 15900 C. S. M., 241740 15901 C. S. M., 132692 15906 C. S. M., 1 1741 15907 C. S. M., 44729 15908 C. S. M., 55878 15909 C. S. M., 57284 15910 C. S. M., 87500 15913 C. S. M., 90104 15915 C. S. M., 101182 15916 C. S. M., 208711 15917 C. S. M., 4378 15918 C. S. M., 20196 15920 C. S. M., 13752 15921 C. S. M., 45886 15922 C. S. M., 2530 15923 C. S. M., 17239 Station Agent, from A. Manning, Manchester G. A. Peckham, Suffield The Coles Co., Middletown Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield. Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co. , North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co. , North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield 6.28 6.24 6.02 6.94 7-31 6.82 7 05 7-30 6.96 6.74 6.63 6.64 7.27 6.71 7-25 6.68 6.39 6.69 6.33 6.68 6.86 6.89 7.01 $42 . 00 COTTON SEED MEAL. 47 Table III. Analyses of Cotton Seed Meal — {Continued). Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen Hximphreys-Godwiii Co., Memphis, Tenn. (Contitiued.) C. S. M.. 15598 C. S. M. C S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. C. S. M. 46131.. 30406.. 90489.. 234420. 25507- ■ 54644■• 126125. 63348.. 241750. 93742.. 61573.. 102829. 21763.. 14891. . S. F., 27712 N. Y. C, 1 15279 C.G.R., 84555.. Southern, 152676 C. H. D., 40299. C. S. M C. S. M., 1 1359. C. S. M., 84487. C. S. M., Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co. , North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Station Agent, from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor Station Agent, from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor Station Agent, from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor Station Agent, from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford 6.55 7.04 7.22 7. 16 . 7.13 6.96 6.92 7-05 7.10 7-13 6.88 6.90 7.00 6 7 118 7.14 $50 50 50 50. 50 00 00 00 00 00 41 95 06 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Table III. Analyses of Cotton Seed Meal — {Continued). Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen. 16470 16524 16582 16583 16589 16702 16703 16704 16705 16706 16707 16708 16709 16710 16711 16712 16713 16886 16887 16888 16889 16890 1 689 1 16892 16893 16894 16972 16973 16974 16975 Humphreys-Godwin Co., Memphis, Teim. {Continued). C. S. M., N. Y. C, 238827 C. S. M C. S. M., 34105 C.S.M., 36005 C. S. M . M., G. A., 8658 M., S. A. L., 24838. . M.,A.T.&S.F.,27477 M., Southern, 133553 C. S. c. s. c. s. c. s. c! s! M., G. A., S106 C. S. M., A. C. L., 39760 C. S 16665 15892 15905 16004 16016 c. s. c.s. c. s. c. s. c. s. c. s. c. s. c. s. c. s. c. s. c. s. c. s. c. s. c. s. 0. s. c. s. c. s. c. s. M. M. M. M. Penn., 22004. P. R. R., 14879.. Penn., 52944 M. K. T., 88132. M., Frisco, 32235. M., G. A., 1005 M., G. T., 12821 M., U. P., 10455 M., A. C.L., 35742.. M., St.L.&B.&M.,i646 M., St.L.&S.F., 125280 M., A. C. L., 32300.. M., N. S., 4023 M., A. C. L., 39956.. M., N.C.&St.L.245i6 M., N. Y. C., 255668 M., 4067 M., 14707 M., R. I., 155248.... Industrial Cotton Oil Prop't's, Houston, Texas. Longhorn Jayton Cotton Oil Co., Jayton, Texas. Ordinary, 1 6803 Ordinary, 180965. Ordinary, 52844. . Ordinary, 2400 . . . Huntington Bros. , Windsor Huntington Bros., Windsor Station Agent, from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor Station Agent, from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor Station Agent, from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield Fassler & Silberman, Hartford Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield 7.24 7.06 7-1' 7.0! 7-K 6. 10 7-30 5-70 7 6.09 5-50 6.20 5-95 5-58 6.15 6. 12 6.03 6.02 5.82 6.06 5-73 5-74 5-56 6.08 5-90 5-88 5-97 5-74 5-78 6.01 7. 12 6.99 6.97 6.90 7.07 $42 . 49 07 6.88 6.88 6.88 6.88 1 $4.90 per unit ammonia. COTTON SEED MEAL. 49 Table III. Analyses of Cotton Seed Meal — (Continued). Maimfacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen. Jefferson Oil Co., Jefferson, Texas Ordinary, 248755 Jefferson, 130396 Kasco Mills, Waverly, N. Y. C. S. M., 30916, D. W. P.. C. S. M., Erie 72823 L. B. Lovitt & Co., Memphis, Tenn. Lovit Memphis Neal's Choice 36 Brand C. S. M C, S. M C. S. M C. S. M., G. T., 23273 C. S. M C. S. M Lyle & Lyle Huntsville, Ala. Economy Lyle's Best Lyle's Best Lyle's Best C. S. M., 15698 C. S. M., 36464 C. S. M., 133187, Southern Mart Cotton Oil Co., Mart, Texas. C. S. M., 8207 Grifi&n-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford The Coles Co., Middletown The Coles Co., Middletown Station Agent, from T. J. Colemen, Warehouse Point Station Agent, from W. C. Everett, Bloomfield Station Agent, from A. N. Shepard & Son, Hartford Station Agent, from A. R. Carpen- ter, Bloomfield Thomas Connor, Poquonock John B. Parker, Poquonock John B. Parker, Poquonock A. R. Fairbanks, Windsor I. Meyer & Co., Windsor Locks. . . L Meyer & Co., Windsor Locks. . Station Agent, from Meech & Stod- dard, Middletown Station Agent, from H. C. Vibert, South Windsor Station Agent, from R. E. Hyde, Ellington H. P. Johnson, Co. Agent, Norwich The Coles Co., Middletown The Coles Co., Middletown Station Agent, from A. N. Shepard & Son, Hartford 6.70 6.79 7.26 6.91 6. 7. 12 6.04 6.94 6.96 6.88 5-87 590 7.04 Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., I North Bloomfield 7-32 6.88 6.16 6.56 6.16 6.88 5-75 7.38 6.69 5-76 5-76 5-76 6.88 6.88 6.88 5-76 576 6.! S50.00 47-50 50.00 44.00 47-50 46.00 1 ' . . ! 2 ' " 2 69.19 41 .00 41 .00 39.00 40.50 43.00 45-00 70.00 45-00 42-75 3.50 per unit ammonia. 8.8s per unit ammonia. 50 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Table III. Analyses of Cotton Seed Meal — {Continued). Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen "d 13 a 3 1 6.67 6.88 6.20 5-76 7.29 6.88 7-23 6.88 7-50 6.88 7.40 6.88 6.68 6.56 6.98 6.88 6.64 6.88 6. 10 5-75 6.92 6.88 7.07 6.88 7.27 6.88 7.28 6.88 7.28 6.88 15896 16777 16447 15904 16005 I60I5 17496 16852 17455 16408 16456 16458 1 6041 16044 16454 McGregor Cotton Oil Co., McGregor, Texas. C. S. M., 24044 Meech & Stoddard, Inc., Middletown. Connecticut Morrilton Cotton Oil Co., Morrilton, Ark. Big Four, 31055 Munger Oil & Cotton Co., Teague, Texas. C. S. M., 24480 C. S. M., 59617 C. S. M., 84008 W. C. Nothem, Memphis, Tenn. Bee Queen Bee, P. R. R., 32149 Queen Bee Standard Osage Cotton Oil Co., Kansas City, Mo. Special Quality, 3427 Special Quality, 17678 C. S. M., 78632 C. S. M., 102643 C. S. M., 18926 Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Station Agent, from manufacturer American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Station Agent, from Wm. Reeves, Windsorville Station Agent, from D. E. and R. C. Neelans, Hazardville Station Agent, from E. N. Austin, Suffield Station Agent, from Jos. Klaus, Scitico American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford $39-00 45.00 48.00 43.00 57.00 COTTON SEEP MEAL. 51 Table III. Analyses of Cotton Seed Meal — {Continued). Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark. Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen. ■d 3 5-66 5-75 6.88 5-75 6.73 705 6.56 6.88 6.83 6.88 7.12 6.88 6.89 6.88 6.74 6.88 6.90 6.88 6.60 6.16 6.50 6.50 7-13 6.88 6.61 6.58 6.44 6.44 6.17 6.08 6.58 6.58 6.64 6.96 6.58 6.58 16767 17005 16474 16633 16027 15893 I59II I60I7 16026 16489 16490 16827 16602 16907 17092 I7I26 I7I28 172 1 1 Park & Pollard Co., Boston, Mass. Upland Upland, 49459 C. S. M., Southern, 40217. C. S. M., R. I., 36847 Planters Cotton Oil Co., Bonham, Texas. C. S. M., 38766 Riverside Cotton Oil Co., Fort Worth, Texas. C. S. M., 552825 C. S. M., 98181 C. S. M., 33252 C. S. M., 42455 G. B. Robinson, Jr., New York City. Robin, P. R. R., 49566.... Robin, P. R. R., 40419. . . . C. S. M., 125145 The Rogers & Hubbard Co., Middletown, Conn. C. S. M.,N.Y.,N.H. &H., 89549 C. S. M C. S. M C. S. M C. S. M C. S. M Station Agent, from F. B. Newton Estate, Plain ville Broad Brook Lumber and Coal Co., Broad Brook Broad Brook Lumber and Coal Co., Broad Brook E. H. Rollins, Granby Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield A. E. Potwine, East Windsor A. E. Potwine, East Windsor Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Fred. E. Lord, Warehouse Point. . Station Agent, from Arthur Man- ning, South Manchester W. E. Harve}^ Windsor Station Agent, from Arthur Man- nmg, South Manchester Station Agent, from Arthur Man- ning, South Manchester F. A. Hamilton, Warehouse Point . $56.00 40.00 52.00 59.00 39.80 39.80 40-75 43 50 42.00 42.00 42.00 ^2.50 52 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Table III. Analyses of Cotton Seed Meal — {Conclvded) . Manufacturer or Jobber, Car No. or Mark Purchased, Sampled or Sent by Per cent. Nitrogen. J. E. Soper Co., Boston, Mass. 16182 Priscilla 16484 Priscilla 16781 Puritan , Southland Cotton Oil Co., Paris, Texas. 16457 Climax, 172063 16584 Climax, 84562 16585 Climax, iq^'&i A. C. Westervelt & Co. Memphis, Tenn. 16689 Planet, Southern, 150019. 16963 Planet, 16965 Planet. 16860 Sun. West Cotton Oil Mill, "West, Texas. 16610 C. S. M E. H. Young Co., Inc., Fort Worth, Texas. 16014 Young's 43, 50109, Unknown. 16299 C. S. M 16510 C. S. M., 36285, 16805 C. S. M 17111 C. S. M 17114 C. S. M, E. N. Austin, Suffield Arthur E. Pascoe,Warehouse Point Station Agent, from R. F. Harvey, Burnside American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford Station Agent, from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor Station Agent, from J. E. Shepard, South Windsor Martin E. Noone, Suffield Station Agent, from A. N. Shepard & Son, Hartford Station Agent, from A. N . Shepard & Son, Hartford Fred D. Weed, Danbury Richard & Cooley, East Hartford . Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield A. N. Farnham, Westville Conn. Sumatra Tobacco Co.,Buck- land Geo. C. Eno, Simsbury Hackett Brothers, Buckland Hackatt I^rothers, Buckland 7-23 7.08 6.12 6.82 7.ii 7.20 7.10 7.14 7.08 5-93 6-75' 6.75 5-75 6.i 6.i 6.i 6.; 6.i 6A 5-75 H9 • 00 52.50 48.50 7.086 715 .T.6o 6.66 6.90 7.08 6.88 6.58 42.53 42.53 41.00 55.50 55.50 47.00 46.00 40.00 42.50 CASTOR POMACE. 53 CASTOR POMACE. Nineteen samples were analyzed as follows : 17288. Sold by Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Spring- field, Mass. Stock of Robert Gregg, West Sufifield. 16516. Sold by Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury. Stock of Conn. Sumatra Tobacco Co., Buckland. 16604. Sold by Independent Trading Co., Inc., New York. Stock of J. H. Lynch, Ellington. 16976. Sold by Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Spring- field, Mass. Stock of Spencer Bros., Inc., Suffield. 16443. Sold by Baker Castor Oil Co., New York. Stock of American Sumatra- Tobacco Co., East Hartford. 17329. Sold by E. D. Chittenden Co., Bridgeport. Stock of W. J. Norton, Broad Brook. 16445. Sold by Baker Castor Oil Co., New York. Stock of American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford. 16660. Sold by Olds & Whipple, Hartford. Sampled at factory. 16843. Sold by Apothecaries Hall Co., \\'aterbury. Sampled at factory. 16444. Sold by Baker Castor Oil Co., New York. Stock of American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford. 16744. Sold by Baker Castor Oil Co., New York. Stock of Olds & Whipple, Hartford. 16904. Sold by Baker Castor Oil Co., New York. Stock of Haviland Tobacco Co., East Windsor. 16680. Sold by Berkshire Fertilizer Co.. Bridgeport. Sam- pled at factory. 16806. Sold by Olds & Whipple. Hartford. Stock of Geo. Eno, Simsbury. 17497. Sold by Apothecaries Hall Co., ^^'aterbury. Stock of O. S. Olmsted, Hazardville. 15928. Sold by Baker Castor Oil Co., New York. Stock of Griffin- Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield. 15929. Sold by Baker Castor Oil Co., New York. Stock of Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield. 16472. Sold by Olds & Whipple, Hartford. Stock of Hunt- ington Bros., Windsor. 16651. Sold by L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Sampled at factory. 54 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Table IV. Analyses of Castor Pomace. Per cent of Nitrogen Cost per Nitrogen costs Station No. Found Guaranteed. ton. cents per pound 17288 6.18 ^.^6 $51.50 41.7 1 65 1 6 6.00 4.52 50.00 41.7 16604 5-96 50.00 41.9 16976 6.02 5.76 51.50 42.8 16443' 5-19 4.50 45.00 43.4 17329 570 4.52 50.00 43.9 16445' 5.IO 4.50 45.00 44.1 16660 6.60 5.00 58.90 44.6 16843 5.58 4.52 50.00 44.8 16444' 4.99 4.50 45.00 45.1 16744 5.58 4-So 52.00 46.6 16904' S.36 4.50 51.00 47.6 16680 S.18 4.52 50.00 48.3 16806 6.30 62.00 49.2 17497 5-40 4.53 55.00 50.9 15928 S.36 15929 6.39 16472 5-53 16651 S.87 5-35 ' Guaranty of I to 3 per cent. potash and 1-3 per cent. phosphoric acid. In ten of the samples about 5 per cent, nitrogen is guaranteed. 5.76 is the highest guaranty. The average cost o£ nitrogen in castor pomace has been 45.1 cents per pound. The usual amounts of phosphoric acid and potash found in castor pomace are shown in the following five analyses : Table V. Nitrogen, Phosphoric Actd and Potash in Castor Pomace. Station No 16443 16445 16444 16744 16904 Average Percentage of Nitrogen ; 5.19 5.10 4.99 5.58 5.36 5.24 Water-and citrate-soluble phosphoric acid 1.78 1.78 1.76 1.79 1.72 1.77 Total phosphoric acid . . 1.79 1.82 1.79 1.87 1.80 1.81 Total potash 1.12 1.17 1.09 i.oo 1.06 1.09- II. RAW MATERIALS CHIEFLY VALUABLE FOR PHOSPHORIC ACID. BARIUM-PHOSPHATE. 17391. Grade A. Sold by Witherbee, Sherman & Co., New York, N. Y. Stock of Chas. O. Eldredge, Mystic. Guaranteed 28 per cent, phosphoric acid. PRECIPITATED PHOSPHATE. 55 Analysis of Barium-Phosphate. Station No i739i Percentage of Water-soluble phosphoric acid 0.04 Citrate-soluble phosphoric acid 5. 17 Insoluble phosphoric acid 25.34 Total phosphoric acid 30.55 RAW ROCK PHOSPHATE. Three samples were analyzed as follows : 16883. Mitchell's Raw Phosphate Float. Sold by Walter Mitchell, New Haven. Sent by F. E. Prentice, North Haven. 17414. Mitchell's Raw Phosphate Float. Sold by Walter Mitchell, New Haven. Stock of Louis Schwartz, Mt. Carmel. 16577. Tetraphosphate, submitted by Herbert Myrick, Spring- field, Mass. Table VI. Analyses of Raw Rock Phosphate. Station No 16883 I74i4 i6577 Percentage of Water-soluble phosphoric acid Citrate-soluble phosphoric acid.... 4.33 1.75 Citrate-'insoluble 26.35 22.90 Total phosphoric acid 30.68 30.47 24.65 "Available" phosphoric acid 4.33 1.75 Cost per ton $19.00 $20.00 PRECIPITATED BONE PHOSPHATE. This is a manufacturing by-product, in fine mechanical condi- tion, containing from 30 to 40 per cent, of phosphoric acid, most of it in "available'" form. The analyses of twenty samples are given in the table. There appear to be three distinct grades ; four samples contained 38 per cent, or more of available phosphoric acid, ten contained from 33 to 38 per cent., four from 30 to 32, and two under 30 per cent. Most of this phosphate was sold at a stated price "per unit" of available phosphoric acid, as shown by analysis, a "unit" being 20 pounds or one per cent. In these samples the price has ranged from 7^/2 to g]/^ cents per pound for available phosphoric acid. 15784 is of inferior quality selling at a high price, unless the quotation is at retail for small amounts. 17446 was found by a trade chemist to contain 39.92 per cent, of available phosphoric acid and a somewhat larger percentage of total phosphoric acid than this Station found. The difference probably is explained by a difference in the method of extraction, the method used here being prescribed by the fertilizer law. 56 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. vn 04 ol •UO^ J3d ?SOf) ■ VO • VD ■ COO . l^ . . . ..MO . vn t^ ■ XTi ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ »OvO Tf «>^ i-H i-c r<0»O 00 (N ^ CO t^ r^ ^ t^ 10 ►- -^ -+ 10 ic 10 .,-8|qBIIEAV,, ^« ON CM CO 00 CO - 10 ooNcot^ •2 •siqnjosui ^ t-.\0 OS CO 00 10 10 CO OJID ■* 00 rj- I^IDIDO) CO CO »o 10 10 t^ VO ^ 00 On OnnO l-^ 10 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO coco CO 01 0) OlOJCOOl ^Q >0 CO (^ N 00 vO CO CO ■d- 1-1 ID 00 CO cooo 0) ■3iqtnos-j9;Bj^ ^ Onoo t^t^ w 00 On t-» ^ t^ t^ OOnO 00 t^ 10 OnOnOC 0000 0) w 00 1-H M 1-C WWOO) K 03 . M . o3 . o3 . o3 . in o3 m 03 .r; -^ -^ -^ 1-1 ■ U .1-1 . ■« 13 0.0. '^ ■ ij . '^ ■ '^ ■ y w G .0 .0 . C In U3 ^ -^ ■ ^ -^ -z -z ^ «... ■ • ■ ■ - . - . r . - s 'd • • ( ) • ( ) • ! ) • t ) • i ) t ) 6-6 ■ • d m u OS C ceo C ceo C • • • oi - • • • 03 • • • • o3 • • • ■ o3 • a 03 8 o3 ceo C ceo C ceo C ceo C >: s oi ■ rt • ^ • Xi • ^0 J^ ■ ^ ^ 8'c'H t-l .0 ■ J3 ■ ■ ■ • ■ U X ■ Xi ■ x ■ x 3 W;= ■ ; H ■ H • H • H • H H „; • • ■ ^Sh :h :h :h Ph >>>^ r^^ H :h : cs : cd : c^ : ^ '. 03 03 1-1 Vh u u u 1-1 . on c s • s • rj (U ■ ■ ^a^a S° go o3 m i A .ii^ •ii^ .i:i^ • i^r 4- Samp Samp Havil riffi Blc riffi Blc $£ M §tS i« 1^ C'^n t.^*^ s-i'^ u*^ u*^ ^ S < < < < <: w in m m xn m m in 13 ■ t/i m in m t^ r-i ,• • &, rt 03 cS o3 o3 03 ni tS c > .s s S S § S s oston, M , Springfi ield. Ma ield. Ma eld, Mas ield, Mas p "a yo > chaser oston, oston. m m C m G m 1- c ■ ■ i aCQ PQ m fQ m m m pq _^::3 ::3 yi; ^ ^ 'S '■ dby lizer e, H e, H by P Co., Co., 6 6 6 d 6 r ^ ^ m ^ iTllTl • 6 m^-^ & ^ *4: 4> tl1:1:il 5 >^ i>. i> t^ u>ioi> t^OvO J ^ 10 in vO vO NO VO VO vo vom 10 in inooin H I- ■1 1- -(MM M M M M M M •■ '' DISSOLVED ROCK PHOSPHATE. 57 DISSOLVED ROCK PHOSPHATE OR ACID PHOSPHATE. The analyses of 28 samples are given in table VIII. The guaranty is the same in all cases, except 17186, sold by the Virginia-^Carolina Chemical Co., in which 20 per cent, "available" was guaranteed and 18.87 P^r cent, was found. Two other samples, 17051, from the American Agricultural Chemical Co., and 17019, from the Coe-Mortimer Co., did not meet their guaranties. The cost of available phosphoric acid to the farmer in 21 samples ranged from 6.9 to 11. 7 cents per pound and averaged 9.4 cents. During the last year the price of acid phosphate has been very high and almost prohibitive until the market broke and forced sales reduced the price from $30.00 or more to less than $20.00. The wholesale price of acid phosphate in bulk, f.o.b. N. Y., was $16.00 in Januar}^ and $12.50 in the following September. Sampled by Station: 17240. Sold by Nitrate Agencies Co., New York. Stock of J. McAllister, Farmers' Exchange, Cromwell. 17101. Sold by Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Spring- field, Mass. Stock of A. R. Carpenter, Bloomfield. 16765. Sold by Everett B. Clark Seed Co., Milford. Sampled at factory. 16771. Sold by Piedmont-Mt. Airy Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. Stock of Joseph Adams, Green's Farms. 16656. Sold by Olds & Whipple, Hartford. Sampled at factory. 16775. Sold by Wilcox Fertilizer Co., ^lystic. Stock of G. R. Stannard, Branford. 17134. Sold by Providence Farmers' Exchange. Providence, R. I. Stock of Walter Scott, Niantic. 17451. Sold by Nitrate Agencies Co., New York. Stock of E. N. Austin, Suffield. 17146. Sold by Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., New York. Stock of J. R. Reinhard, West Cheshire. 16678. Sold by Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport. Stock of D. L. Clark & Sons, Milford. 17186. Sold by Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., New York. Stock of J. D. Kelsey, Madison. 17373. Sold by International Agricultural Corp., Woburn, Mass. Stock of P. Schwartz Co., New London. 16845. Sold by Armour Fertilizer Works, New York. Stock of Rockville Grain & Coal Co., Rockville. 16766. Sold by Bowker Fertilizer Co., New York. Stock of W. T. McKenzie, Yalesville. 17198. Sold by F. S. Royster Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. Stock of Silliman Hardware Co., New Canaan. 58 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Table VIII. Analyses of Acid Phosphate. Ph( jsphoric Acid. 3 6 3 ■2-83 d _3 "o 3 "o .S 3 u a 3 a. OT H :: t % % % % % 17240 14-59 2.78 0.04 17.41 17-37 $24.00 6.9 I7IOI 12.31 3-74 0.63 16.68 16.05 33.00 7-5 16765 14.12 1.79 0.29 16.20 15-91 24.50 7-7 I677I 13-30 2.59 0.61 16.50 15-89 25.75 8.1 16656 14.50 2.64 0.22 17-36 17.14 29-45 8.6 16775 15.21 3-04 0.15 18.40 18.25 31-50 8.6 I7I34 13-57 2.70 0.90 17-17 16.27 28.00 8.6 I745I 14.69 2.10 0.05 16.84 16.79 30.00 8.9 I7I46 14.09 2.21 I. II 17.41 16.30 30.00 9.2 16678 14.99 1.64 I.6I 18.24 16.63 31.00 9-3 I7186 15-81 3-o6 1. 19 20.06 18.87 33.00 9-3 17373 II. II 4-94 1.23 17.28 16.05 30.00 9.3 16845 14.11 2.70 0.93 17-74 16.81 33.00 9.8 16657 13-57 3-23 1. 01 17.81 16.80 34.75 10.3 I7I98 13-26 4.01 0.36 17.63 17.27 36.00 10.4 16683 11.97 4-84 0.7s 17.56 16.81 36.00 10.7 17576 10.18 4-71 0.67 15-56 14.89 32.00 10.7 17023 12.24 4-40 0.63 17.27 16.64 36.00 10.8 I 705 1 10.00 4-83 0.84 15.67 14.83 33-00 II. I I7OI9 10.73 4.46 0.87 16.06 15.19 35.50 11.7 16766 II. 15 5-04 1. 14 17-33 16.19 38.00 II. 7 16649 13-18 3.76 0.28 17.22 16.94 16650 13-54 3-88 0.31 17.73 17.42 I685I 14.28 2.39 0.70 17.37 16.67 16900 10.14 5-96 1. 00 17.10 16.10 17332' 15.44 0.96 0.12 16.52 16.40 I7II7 17-33 17875 14.27 3-27 0.52 18.06 17.54 24.00 '6:9 ' Old Stock 16683. Sold by Miller Fertilizer Co., Baltimore, Md. Stock of Ansonia Flour & Grain Co., Ansonia. 17576. Sold by Miller Fertilizer Co., Baltimore, Md. Stock of Laden Bros., Inc., Wallingford. 17023. Sold by American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York. Stock of Frank Upham, Stafford. 17051. Sold by American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York. Stock of Fred Appel, Riverton. 17019. Sold by Coe-Mortimer Co., New York. Stock of Gunther Bros., Rockville. 16657. Sold by Sanderson Fertilizer & Chemical Co., New Flaven. Sampled at factory. POTASH SALTS. 59 16649. Sold by L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Sampled at factory. 16650. Sold by Atlantic Packing Co., New Haven. Sampled at factory. 16851. Sold by Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury. Stock of Connecticut School for Boys, Meriden. 16900. Sold by National Fertilizer Co., New York. Stock of F. O. Williams, Silver Lane. 17332.^ Stock of J. F. Brown, North Stonington. Sampled by Purchaser: 17117. Stock of Hackett Bros., Buckland. 17875. Sold by L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Stock of Norwich Coop. Exchange, Norwich. HI. RAW MATERIALS CONTAINING POTASH. In table IX are given analyses of 9 samples of muriate, 28 of high grade sulphate, 2 of Nebraska potash, and one each of kainit, "vegetable potash" and cotton hull ashes. Six of these failed to meet their guaranties. These were — Deficiencj- per cenl. 17410 Eastern States Farmers' Exchange 4.75 17231 Providence Farmers' Exchange 3.30 16733 L. T. Frisbie Co 0.40 17210 The Rogers & Hubbard Co 0.25 16473 Olds & Whipple 0.80 16509 ; 3.00 Every sample of potash salts analyzed was tested for borax with negative result. The average cost per pound of potash as muriate in 5 samples drawn by the Station was 11.3 cents. The average cost per pound of potash as sulphate in 7 samples drawn in the same way was 11. i cents. Muriate of Potash. Sampled by Station Agent. 16848. Sold by Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury. Stock of Connecticut School for Boys, iMeriden. 16934. Sold by Piedmont-Mt. Airy Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. Stock of Farmers' Exchange, Putnam. 16681. Sold by Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport. Sam- pled at factory. 17410. Sold by Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Spring- field, Mass. Stock of A. R. Carpenter, Bloomfield. * Old stock. 6o CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. 17231. Sold by Providence Farmers' Exchange, Providence, R. I. Stock of Walter Scott, Niantic. 16401. Sold by Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury. Stock of Highwood Fruit Growers' Association, Highwood. 16646. Sold by L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Sampled at factory. 17479. Sold by American Agricultural Chemical Co., New York. Stock of J. E. Stoddard, Abington, Muriate of Potash. Sampled by Purchaser. 15960. Dealer unknown. Sent by S. G. McLean, South Glastonbury. Sulphate of Potash. Sampled by Station Agent. 17871. Sold by L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Stock of Norwich Cooperative Association. 16061. Sold by L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Stock of A. N. Shepard & Son, Hartford. 16679. Sold by Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport. Sam- pled at factory. 16661. Sold by Olds & Whipple, Hartford. Sampled at factory. 17412. Sold by Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Spring- field, Mass. Stock of C. B. Sikes, Ellington. 17449. Sold by Nitrate Agencies Co., New York. Stock of E. N. Austin, Suffield. 16902. Sold by Olds & Whipple, Hartford. Stock of Havi- land Tobacco Co., East Windsor Hill. 16932. Sold by Nitrate Agencies Co., New York. Stock of W. R. Holcomb, Somerville. 16850. Sold by Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury. Stock of Connecticut School for Boys, Meriden. Sulphate of Potash. Sampled by Purchaser. 16555. Sold by Grace & Co., Montreal, Canada. Stock of I. Meyer & Co., Windsor Locks. 16879. Sold by Eastern States Farmers' Exchange, Spring- field, Mass. Stock of John M. Herr, Burnside. 16509. Seller unknown. Stock of Conn. Sumatra Tobacco Co., Broad Brook. 15799 to 15811 were sold by G. F. Taylor, New York, and sam- pled bv the Grifhn-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield. 16473. Sold by Olds & Whipple, Hartford. Stock of Hunt- ington Bros., Windsor. 16733. Sold by L. T. Frisbie Co., New Haven. Stock of H. Dudek, Talcottville. 16858. Seller unknown. Sent by Department of Agronomy, Connecticut Agricultural College. POTASH SALTS. 6i Table IX. Analyses of Potash Salts. Potash. (1. 3 0, in % % 16848 57-04 48.00 $110.00 9.6 16934 49.96 50.00 97.00 9.7 I668I 49.96 50.00 100.00 [O.O I74IO 43.28 48.00 96.00 II. I I723I 44-36 48.00 100.00 II.3 I 6401 56.60 16646 50.24 48.00 17479 50.32 48.00 15960 56-76 92.00 9.2 I787I 50.24 I606I 49-32 48.00 85.00 8.6 16679 52.36 48.00 110.00 [0.5 17449 51.16 47.00 120.00 CI. 7 I666I 53.08 48.00 120.00 [1-3 I74I2 48.16 48.00 110.00 [I.4 17449 51-16 47.00 120.00 [1. 7 16902 49.40 48.65 118.00 [1.9 16932 48.80 47.00 125.00 [2.8 16850 50.60 48.00 16555 50.64 50.32 110.00 0.9 16879 48.68 48.00 T 10.00 ] fi-3 16509 46.32 49.37 115.00 [2.4 15799 49.40 15800 49.92 I58OI 49-32 15802 49.04 15803 50.00 15804 50.36 15805 50.44 15806 49.16 15807 49.16 15808 50.12 15809 49.20 I58IO 50.68 I58II 50.12 16473 49.92 50.73 16733 49.56 50.00 16858 50.00 17332 27.74 27.50 49.00 8.8 16682 37.00 3700 90.00 I 2.2 I72IO 27.24 27.50 42.50 7-8 15479 20.42 17572 14.82 15.00 16.30 5-5 62 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Miscellaneous Potash Materials. Sampled by Station Agent. 17332. Nebraska Potash. Sold by Rogers & Hubbard Co., Middletown. Sampled at factory. 16682. Vegetable Potash. Sold by Berkshire Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport. Sampled at factory. Miscellaneous Potash Materials. Sampled by Purchaser. 17210. Nebraska Potash. Sold by Rogers & Hubbard Co. Stock of F. A. Hamilton, Warehouse Point. 15479. Cotton FIull Ashes. . Sold by Olds & Whipple, Hart- ford. Stock of Windsor Tobacco Growers' Corporation. 17572. Kainit. Sold by Rogers & Hubbard Co., Middletown. Stock of the Lyman Farm, Middlefield. IV. MATERIALS CONTAINING NITROGEN AND POTASH. NITRAPO. 16475. Sold by Nitrate Agencies Co., New York. Sent by S. R. MacDonald, Atlantic City, N. J. Found to contain 14.88 per cent, nitrogen and 16.01 per cent, potash. 17270. Sold by Nitrate Agencies Co., New York. Stock of E. N. Austin, Suffield. Found to contain 9.96 per cent, nitrogen and 18.24 per cent, potash; guaranteed 14.80 nitrogen, 15 potash. Sold for $107.00 per ton. One sample of NitraPo meets its guaranty, the other is far below it in nitrogen. One sample contained 0.18 per cent, of borax, the other 0.39 per cent. NitraPo is said to be a by-product in the refining of nitrate of soda and should be an excellent source of both nitrogen and potash, if the amount of borax present is inconsiderable. NITRATE OF POTASH. 16884. Sent by J. L. Watrous, Middlefield. Found to contain 12.56 per cent, of nitrogen and 42.92 per cent, of potash. 17386. Sold by Witherbee, Sherman & Co., New York. Sam- pled from stock of M. L. Coleman, Cheshire. Found to contain 12.47 psi" cent, of nitrogen and 43.40 per cent, of potash. V. MATERIALS CONTAINING NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORIC ACID. FISH MANURES. In table X are analyses of 48 samples, 18 of them taken by the Station agent and 30 by other individuals. FISH MANURES. 63 Guaranties. Six samples contained considerably less nitrogen than was guaranteed. They are — ■ Per cent, deficiency. 17411 Eastern States Farmers' Exchange 0.58 17581 John Meehan & Son 0.49 16729 John Meehan & Son 0.96 16335 Apothecaries Hall Co 0.34 17265 Nitrate Agencies Co 0.42 17448 Nitrate Agencies Co 0.34 Cost. As with other fertilizer chemicals, the price of fish to the farmer has varied widely. In the samples received here the highest price was $91.00 and the lowest $48.33. The usual fluctuations in the regular market have been increased by "resales," "forced sales," etc. Allowing ID cents per unit of bone phosphate, the cost of nitrogen has ranged from 46.3 cents to 24 cents per pound. The average is 38.6 cents. The fish scrap has been of higher grade than it was last year, the average percentages of nitrogen and phosphoric acid being 9.11 and 7.78 respectively, as against 8.33 and 6.01 last year. 64 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Table X. Analyses of Manufacturer or Wholesale Dealer. Dealer or Purchaser. 16864 17015 16587 1 641 5 17330 17411 16410 16959 17359 16844 17581 17265 17448 16903 16804 17246 16838 16809 16049 16050 1 605 1 16052 16053 16335 16511 17175 16227 16527 16877 16735 16729 16603 17125 Sampled by Station Agent: American Agricultural Chemical Co Apothecaries Hall Co Atlantic Packing Co Berkshire Fertilizer Co E. D. Chittenden Co Eastern States Farmers' Exchange. . L. T. Frisbie Co L. T. Frisbie Co International Agric. Corp Lowell Fertilizer Co , John Meehan & Son , Nitrate Agencies Co , Nitrate Agencies Co Olds & Whipple Piedmont-Mt. Airy Guano Co Rogers & Hubbard Co Wilcox Fertilizer Co F. S. Royster Guano Co Sampled by Purchaser: American Glue Co American Glue Co American Glue Co American Glue Co American Glue Co Apothecaries Hall Co Apothecaries Hall Co Atlantic Packing Co Atlantic Packing Co Atlantic Packing Co Eastern States Farmers' Exchange. . L. T. Frisbie Co John Meehan & Son John Meehan & Son New England Fertilizer Co F. S. Bidwell & Co., Windsor Locks Sampled at factory Ellsworth Sperry, East Windsor Hill . . . J. E. Shepard, South Windsor Frank Dowd, ElHngton C. B. Sikes, Ellington J. E. Shepard, South Windsor A. N. Shepard & Son, Hartford Fred BogH, Glastonbury T. J. Coleman, Warehouse Point W. J. Norton, Broad Brook J. McAllister, Farmers' Exchange, . Cromwell E. N. Austin, Sufifield Haviland Tobacco Co., East Windsor Hill Joseph Adams, Green's Farms Sampled at factory Spencer Bros., Suffield Geo. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville. . , Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield C. A. Huntington, Windsor Conn. Sumatra Tobacco Co., Buckland F. Howard Ensign, East Hartford Ellsworth Sperry, East Windsor Hill . . John Leonard, Burnside John M. Herr, Biarnside H. Dudek, Talcottville Aaron Dobkin, Ellington J. H. Lynch, Ellington J. McGrath, East Windsor Hill FISH MANURES. Fish Manures. 65 Nitrogen. Phosphoric Acid. • •d oi •0" OJ 6 3 v i •d 2 3 3 ■3 ■d a c* t-i i u a d •3 u 0) 3 'a 3 ■3 "o t-. g u 3 ■3 u (« 3 M u Hi a < < H H ^ H H ■z % % % % % % % % % - 0.18 8.74 8.92 8.23 0.69 6.03 1-34 8.06 6.00 ?8i.oo 44-4 0.40 8.40 8.80 8.20 1.03 6.04 1.65 8.72 550 0.24 9.42 9.66 8.22 7.96 6.40 78.00 39-5 0. 10 8.04 8.14 8.23 0.54 5-31 I 19 7.04 6.00 77-00 46-3 0.20 9.18 938 8.22 7 • 52 6.00 80.00 41.8 0.13 7.64 8.22 5-25 4-58 52.00 33-3 0.17 9.00 9.17 8.24 0.58 6.'ii 1. 61 8.30 6.40 77-00 40.9 0.24 9.28 9-52 8.22 0.57 5.65 1.24 7.46 6.40 87.90 45-3 0.16 7.96 8.12 8.00 3-57 3 70 75-00 45-7 0.20 9.40 9.60 8.61 8.22 9.10 0.59 5.62 1.24 7-45 7-54 6.40 75-00 63 ■ 50 38.2 35-9 0.12 7.18 7.80 8.22 0.50 4.10 0.84 5-44 4-57 0.12 7-76 7.88 8.22 0.61 4-77 0.68 6.06 4-58 62.00 38 -'5 0.30 8.66 8.96 8.23 0.79 598 0.87 7.64 5-50 70.00 38-1 0.08 8.54 8.62 8.23 0.81 5-39 1.85 8.05 51.40 28.8 0.18 8.60 8.78 8.25 0.38 12.09 1.06 13 -53 12.50 65.00 35-3 0.16 936 952 8.24 0.53 6.37 1.27 8.17 5-00 80.00 41.0 0.20 9.04 9.24 8.24 0.62 6.08 1. 91 8.61 5.00 87.00 46.0 0.15 8.88 903 0.57 7.62 1.28 9-47 0.09 9.86 9-95 0.50 6.64 1.05 8.19 0.89 8.55 9-44 I. 12 5-92 0.88 7.92 O.II 10.01 10. 12 0.51 6.21 1. 01 7-73 0.16 9.42 958 0.37 6.60 1.22 8.19 O.IO 9-43 9-53 9.87 0.62 4.80 1-54 6.96 5 50 56 ."552 28." 8 9.16 0.70 4.90 2.81 8.41 7-51 52.00 27.7 9.82 8.22 7.64 6.86 90-99 45-5 0.17 9.18 9-35 9-50 0.50 703 0.90 8.43 7.87 78.00 40.7 9.66 8.22 0.56 5-49 1.38 7-43 6.40 70.00 35-4 8.40 8.22 5-62 4-58 52.00 0.18 9.46 9.64 8.22 0.54 5-18 1.89 7.61 6.40 0.48 8.84 932 10.28 0.88 5-24 1-39 751 83.00 43-6 0.42 8.28 8.70 0.83 4-54 1.87 7.24 82.00 46.2 0.14 8.62 8.76 0.54 7.40 0.64 8.58 70.00 38-8 ' Allowing IOC. per unit of bone phosphate. 2 Cost $4.75 per unit ammonia + S.io per unit bone phosphate. 66 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Table X. Analyses of d (3 W Manufacturer or Wholesale Dealer. Dealer or Purchaser. I643I 16557 17209 15793 15794 15795 15927 16432 16433 16400 I65OI 16502 I65I3 16520 I7II6 Sampled by Purchaser — (Continued) : Piedmont-Mt. Airy Guano Co Piedmont- Mt. Airy Guano Co Rogers & Hubbard Co American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford I. Meyer & Co., Windsor Locks F. A. Hamilton, Warehouse Point ..... Wilcox Fertilizer Co Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield Griffin-Neuberger Tobacco Co., North Bloomfield American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Wilcox Fertilizer Co Wilcox Fertilizer Co Wilcox Fertilizer Co Wilcox Fertilizer Co Wilcox Fertilizer Co Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Hartford American Sumatra Tobacco Co., East Hartford L. Wetstone, Hartford Farnham Tobacco Corp., Hartford Farnham Tobacco Corp., Hartford Conn. Sumatra Tobacco Co., Buckland Conn. Sumatra Tobacco Co., Buckland Hackett Bros., Buckland SLAUGHTER HOUSE TANKAGE. Analyses of 20 samples appear in table XI. The mechanical analyses show that some of these tankages are very coarse and, therefore, not so readily available to crops as they would be if more finely ground. FISH MANURES. Fish Manures — {Concluded). 67 Nitrogen. Phosphoric Acid. •d 6 ■o n .2 +j 2 2 B ^ .y ^ a a> 0) C c *n c fl 'a S c5 ■a a 2 3 1) 2 I "0 a 3 2 a 3 •d c 3 2 a 3 3 B < 2 3 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % 0.98 0.74 0.05 0.75 2.52 2.46 1.36 7-43 0.59 9-38 10.00 8.79 8.00 4.08 4.08 4.00 16927 2. 10 0.68 0.51 0.81 4.10 4. II 0.21 8.39 0.74 9 34 10.00 8 60 8.00 1.20 5.89 6.00 17067 1.28 0.50 0.08 0.43 2.29 2.46 none 8.50 I-I3 9 63 9-50 8 50 8.00 0.90 5-72 6.00 17138 2.36 0.12 0.52 0.30 3-30 3-29 3-13 4.90 1. 91 9 94 9.00 8 03 8.00 3-86 3-86 4.00 17184 1.08 6.22 0.39 2.61 4-30 4. II 0.09 6.43 1-37 7 89 5.00 6 52 4.00 0.53 3 04 3.00 17189 0. 16 0.16 0.36 0.28 0.96 0.82 3-89 4-31 2.02 10 22 9.00 8 20 8.00 1-95 1-95 2.00 17066 0.92 0.18 0.25 0.37 1.72 1.64 4-47 4.88 1.74 II 09 9.00 9 35 8.00 3.60 3.60 4.00 17182 2.16 1.36 0.46 0.64 4.62 4-13 4.72 4-93 1.77 7.28 0.70 1. 19 0.49 9 7 5 75 73 83 10.00 9 6 05 54 34 8.00 0.66 0.51 1.09 3.60 3-18 4-05 4.00 17105 17140 17068 1. 12 0.14 0.39 3-07 4-93 0.33 5.01 5.00 5 4.00 4.00 0.48 0.82 none 2.74 4.04 4. II 2.73 1.74 0.14 4.61 4-50 4-47 4.00 0.15 2.79 3.00 17203 0.08 0.98 0.02 0.54 1.62 1.65 2 73 5-76 1-34 9 83 8 50 8 49 8.00 4 64 4.64 5.00 16811 0.13 1 .00 none 0.53 1.66 1.65 2 41 5-77 1.52 9 70 8 50 8 18 8.00 4 64 4.64 5.00 17489 0. 14 0.84 none 0.62 1 .60 1.65 3 73 4.41 1. 01 u 15 8 50 8 14 8.00 3 12 3.12 3.00 17222 0. 16 0.92 none 0.57 1.65 1.65 5 62 2.71 0.69 9 02 8 50 8 33 8.00 I II I. II 1. 00 16748 O.IO 1.68 none 1.26 3-04 3.29 5 58 2.76 0.47 8 81 8 50 8 34 8.00 3 95 3-95 4.00 17197 0. 10 1.68 none 1. 16 2.94 329 5 83 2.15 0.40 8 38 8 50 7 98 8.00 7 04 7.04 7.00 17087 0.53 0.82 0.05 2.63 4-03 4. II 2 48 1-73 0.14 4 35 4 50 4 21 4.00 31 5-08 5-00 17385 0.12 0.52 0.28 0.88 1.80 1.65 3-75 5-59 1.25 10.59 9.00 9-34 8.00 3-54 3-54 3.00 17223 0.82 0.08 none 2.94 3-84 4. II I 10 4-73 0.20 6.03 5.00 5 83 4.00 I 40 5 06 5.00 17069 0.56 0.20 0.41 0.67 1.84 1.65 3 56 5-71 0.99 10.26 9.00 9 27 8.00 I 16 2 35 2.00 17225 0.86 r .04 0.32 1. 16 3.38 329 6 34 2.38 0.73 9-45 9.00 8 72 8.00 3 92 3 92 4.00 16819 0.82 1.62 0.26 0.84 3-54 3-29 73 8.23 2.16 II. 12 9.00 8 96 8.00 I 79 5 60 6.00 17076 0.62 1.28 0.17 0.43 2.50 2.47 5 50 3-13 0.88 951 9.00 8 63 8.00 3 92 3 92 4.00 16832 2.72 0.86 0.66 0.88 5-12 4-94 4 37 2.92 0.45 7-74 7.00 7 29 6.00 3 91 3 91 4.00 17389 0.16 0.96 0.44 0.79 2.35 2.47 6 83 430 1. 01 12.14 11.00 II 13 10.00 3 07 3 07 3.00 17075 1 .40 O.IO 0.50 1.64 364 2.46 6.37 4.12 1.78 12.27 12.00 10.49 10.00 0.48 1.88 3.00 16751 0.44 O.IO 0.51 0.57 1.62 1.64 4-97 3-71 0.33 9.01 9.00 8.65 8.00 2.06 2.06 2.00 17204 0.48 0.58 0.74 0.70 2.50 2.46 4.96 4-55 0.49 10.00 9.00 951 8.00 4.22 4.22 4.00 17077 ^ 98 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Table XIV. Nitrogenous Superphosphates Manufacturer and Brand. Place of Sampling. "fe.a (8 I7I95 17600 I74I8 17150 16745 17580 16830 16839 1683 1 I7I96 I7I44 I7I5I 17384 16834 17205 I7I53 I7I29 I7I30 I7I06 I7I04 I7I88 16835 17224 I7I83 17187 16833 I7I48 I7I07 Sampled by Station: Springfield Rendering Co., Springfield, Mass. ( Cont.) Special Potato, Onion and Vegetable Special Potato, Onion and Vegetable Talfa Co., Boston, Mass. Nature's Plant Food Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., New York City. Beaver Brand Challenge Brand Challenge Brand Champion Brand Cherokee Brand Fish Phosphate and Potash Brand Indian Chief Brand Plow Brand Marvel Brand Owl Brand Perfection Brand Plant Bed Brand What Cheer Chemical Co., Pawtucket, R. I. Special Brand, 3-8-3 Shay's Potato Fertilizer Shay's Corn Fertilizer Shay's Special Fertilizer, 3-8-3 Wilcox Fertilizer Co., Mystic, Conn. Corn Special Fish and Potash Grass Fertilizer Potato Fertilizer Potato and Vegetable Phosphate Tobacco Special S. D. Woodruff & Sons, Orange. Home Mixture Worcester Rendering Co., Auburn, Mass. Com and Grain Fertilizer Royal Worcester Potato and Vegetable, 4-8-4. . . Suffield Somers New London Torrington Hartford Torrington Hartford Glastonbury South Manchester. . Hazard viUe South Manchester. . New Canaan North Haven North Haven Granby New London Middlefield Middlefield Middletown Ellington Mystic Branf ord Branf ord Ellington Mystic Orange , Putnam Putnam 44.00 56.00 48.50 68.00 65.00 73.00 42.00 48.00 50.00 61.50 45-50 42.00 60.00 52.00 48.00 53 00 46.00 70.00 51-50 58.50 55- 00 50.00 55-00 NITROGENOUS SUPERPHOSPHATES 99 WITH POTASH- —{Continued). Nitrogen. Phosphoric Acid. Potash. _ So-called "S s E '0 a < 7o 7o % % % % % % % % % 16441 61 15 5.18 5-94 0.55 5.60 0.17 6.32 6.15 0.41 6.54 16440 10 12 5 74 5-96 53 5 20 0.14 5-87 5 73 0.50 6.08 16442 73 15 5 42 6.30 59 5 55 0.15 6.29 6 14 0.44 4.10 16402 13 6 53 6.66 60 6 36 0.22 7.18 6 96 0.54 5-79 16840 2.03 5 51 5 02 0.31 10.84 10 53 0.31 1 .11 16863 3-34 6 86 4 54 0.59 11.99 II 40 6.33 16984 2.50 1-75 10.30 8 55 6.64 16861 4.80 5 94 3 68 1.32 10.94 9 62 0.62 0.62 16601 I 22 60 97 2.79 09 7 79 1.84 9.72 7 88 1.63 8.13. 16563 58 10 5 5« 6.26 68 5 01 0.23 5-92 5 69 0.54 6.29 16607 90 14 3 19 4-23 93 3 95 0.33 5-21 4 88 0.74 4-13 17040 2.38 0.82 10.26 9 44 7-59 16987 6.24 0.31 5-28 4 97 3-42 16859 8.66 9.90 0.72 16404 5-84 13 7 33 1.84 9-30 7 46 0-43 7.20 16862 3-40 7 64 3 20 0.38 11.22 10 84 6.39 I. II of phosphoric acid and 2.65 of potash soluble in water. The average cost is $51.25. The composition of horse manure and of sheep manure is about as follows : Table XVII. Analyses of Station Numbers Percentage Amount oj Nitrogen as nitrates " as ammonia " organic Total Phosphoric acid, water-soluble " " citrate-soluble " " citrate-insoluble Total Potash, water-soluble Cost per ton 16749 0.14 0.32 1.08 1-54 o. 12 0.72 0.18 1 .02 3.21 S.S7.00 16866 55 92 18 .00 17018 1.40 0.12 0.61 o. 17 0.90 324 $50-00 WOOD ASHES. 105 Sheep Manure. Horse Manure. Water 10.2 73.4 Organic and volatile matter 71.3 18.3 Mineral matter 18.5 8.3 lOO.O lOO.O Nitrogen 1.82 0.69 Phosphoric acid i.i i 0.67 Potash 2.65 0.63 Sheep manure carries, per ton, less than twice as much phos- phoric acid, three times as much nitrogen and four times as much potash and organic matter as horse manure contains. When the price of sheep manure is more than four times that of horse manure there can be no advantage in using it as far as fertilizing value alone is concerned. Its dryness, fine mechani- cal condition, less offensive smell and ease of handling are items which must be considered in determining the economy of its use in individual cases. WOOD ASHES. Analyses of 15 samples are given in the following table. The origin of the samples, as far as known, is as follows : From American Wood Rim Co., Onaway, Mich. : 15445. Sampled and sent by P. M. Barrows, Stamford. From John Joynt, Lucknow, Canada : 16530. Car M. C. 99709. Sampled and sent by The Shaker Farms, Somers. 16567. Car S. B. 26490. Sampled and sent by The Shaker Farms. Bought of G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville. 16597. Car G. T. 23355. Sampled and sent by G. S. Phelps & Co., Thompsonville. Sheep VI.\NURE 16699 16746 16581 15883 16693 17152 16739 17483 17202 16691 none 0.08 0.06 0.52 0.22 0.06 0.09 0.08 0.04 0. 12 0.04 0.40 1.86 2.13 1-35 1-93 1.80 I. 91 1 .90 1-74 1.08 2.38 2.35 1. 41 2.02 1.96 1-95 I 80 2.02 1.78 r-54 0.09 0.70 0.23 0.51 O.II 0.13 0.34 0.24 0.48 0.55 0.57 1.30 0.46 0.72 0.83 1-55 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.20 0.22 O.IO 0.12 0.19 0.69 1.42 0.97 2.01 0.79 0.95 77 1.29 0.72 1.98 1.84 1.84 3.16 309 1 .90 2.91 2 28 2.19 2.35 3-30 $45 • 00 $,S7 • 00 $57-00 $45 . 00 $60 . 00 $50.00 $60 . 00 $40 . 00 $45 00 Io6 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. 16608. Car G. T. 12676. Sampled and sent by American .Sumatra Co., East Hartford. • 16668. Sampled and sent by American Sumatra Tobacco Co., from Southwick Plantation. 16677. Sampled and sent by J. B. Rose, West Suffield. 16846. Sampled by Station from American Sumatra Tobacco Co., Hazelwood Plantation. 16964. Sampled by Station from stock of A. N. Shepard & Son, Hartford. 17176. Sampled and sent by A. N. Shepard & Son, Hartford. From S perry & Barnes, New Haven : 16915. Sampled and sent by George Augur, Northford. From, other sources 16300. ■ Sent by A. N. Farnham, Westville. 17113. Sent by Hackett Bros., Buckland. 17477, 17509. Sent by F. E. Hitchcock, Woodbury. Sample 15445 contained over 35 per cent, of moisture, which explains the low potash content. Mr. Joynt states that there must be some mistake regarding sample 16008 as other lots from the same warehouse contained over 7 per cent, of potash. This sample contained over 37 per cent, of insoluble matters, which explains its low potash content. Another sample, supposed to be from the same lot as the other, 16846, drawn by the Station agent, contained much less insoluble matter, but only half a per cent, more potash than the other sample. Jt will be noted that Canada Ashes are very A^ariable in com- position and should be bought, as most of them apparently were this year, on the "unit" basis ; that is, a price for each per cent of potash found on analysis. The cost o£ water-soluble potash in ashes this year has ranged from 2754 to 3254 cents per pound. Table XVIII. Analyses of Station Nos Percentage Amount oj Phosphoric acid Water-soluble potash Insoluble matters Cost per ton 15445 16530 16567 16597 16608 I. II 0.80 8.39 1. 91 4.82 II .41 $28,921 2.24 5-28 15-25 $28,141 1.46 4.69 10.77 $28,131 1 .42 2.00 37-47 1 $6 per unit. LIME. 107 LIME. Only four samples of this material have been sent for examination. 17212. English Clififstone Whiting. Sent by Apothecaries Hall Co., Waterbury, from a manufacturing plant which found it unsuitable for its use. It was a very fine material, containing 55.29 per cent, of lime and 1.32 per cent, of insoluble matter — a very pure carbonate of lime. 16720. Ground limestone. Sold by the Grangers' Lime Co., Hartford, and sampled and sent by C. R. Treat, Orange, con- tained 37.19 per cent, of lime and 10.79 P^^ cent, of insoluble matter. 15944. Refuse lime from a chemical plant. Sent by J. H. Fay, County Agent, Middletown ; contained 36.80 per cent, of lime and 1.67 per cent, of insoluble matter. 16430. Sent by R. E. Eaton, Kent ; contained 30.30 per cent, of lime and 2.30 per cent, of insoluble matter. It also contained considerable magnesia. MUCK OR PEAT. 17539. • Sent by E. S. Kepler, Wethersfield. 17291. Sent by William Deubel, Danbury. Stated to be from a large deposit of decayed leaves. 17157. Dried "humus" offered for sale as fertilizer. Sent by G. A. Drew, Greenwich. 17162, 17163. Sent by V. W. Bates, New Haven. 17396. Swamp muck. Sent by Wilfrid Scott, Niantic. Wood Ashes. 16668 16677 16846 16964 17176 16915 16300 17113 17477 17509 2.09 6.22 10.90 1.62 4.19 10.68 $27,242 1 .96 2.53 II. 16 6.39 10.22 $35-15' 2.03 6.06 8.82 $33-33' 1 .60 4.78 20.26 $25.00 1.89 7-93 4.08 2.49 5-83 14-57 2.06 3-44 16.58 1-25 1.78 18.02 ' $6.50 pet unit. 3 SS-SO per unit. Io8 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 233. Table XIX, Analyses of Muck or Peat. As Received. Station No 17539 17291 I7i57 17162 17163 17396 Percentage amount of Water 80.77 27.22 20.36 41.85 53.92 2.48 Organic and volatile . . . matter 12.93 20.92 68.86 42.76 40.34 11.52 Mineral matter 6.30 51.86 10.78 15.39 5-74 86.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Nitrogen 0.30 0.64 2.80 1.18 1.64 0.56 Calculated Water-free. Organic and volatile . . . matters 67.30 28.66 86.44 73.54 87.53 11.80 Mineral matters 32.70 71.34 13.56 26.46 12.47 88.20 Nitrogen 1.56 0.88 3.50 2.03 3.55 0.57 The relative value of these peats can only be determined from their dry matter, excluding the very variable amounts of water in them. The value lies chiefly in the organic or humus-forming material. The amounts of phosphates and potash are quite insignificant in such material. The nitrogen, of which 17157 and 17163 contain as much as most mixed commercial fertilizers, is only very slowly available. It is the residual nitrogen which has resisted decay and solution. Four of these samples have enough organic matter in them to be of value as absorbents and to mix with stable manure if they can be at least half dried economically. DRIED SLUDGE Four samples were analyzed for J. F. Jackson of the State Department of Health. 17364. A, Floated Sludge, dried on the ground for three weeks, about one inch deep. 17365. B, Floated Sludge, dried on the ground for three weeks, four inches deep. 17366. C, Floated Sludge, dried on the ground for three weeks, two inches deep. 17367. D, Floated Sludge, dried by heating in bucket over boiler. Table XX. Analyses of Dried Sludge. Station No 17364 17365 17366 17367 Percentage of Nitrogen as ammonia 0.34 0.35 0.22 0.12 organic 4.76 4.03 3.80 4.98 total 5.10 4.38 4-02 5. 10 Water-soluble phosphoric acid .... 0.09 0.03 none 0.02 Citrate-soluble phosphoric acid .... 2.47 2.41 2.42 2.93 Citrate-insoluble phosphoric acid . . 0.54 0.52 0.42 0.54 Total phosphoric acid 3.10 2.96 2.84 3.49 Total potash 0.31 0.27 0.13 0.15 VARIOUS FUNGICIDES. 109 The four samples are quite similar in composition and value. Both the nitrogen and the phosphoric acid are in readily available form and the dried sludge would no doubt be an excellent fertilizer. MISCELLANEOUS. A sample of factory waste, 16730, sent by A. N. Farnham, Westville, contained 1.34 per cent, of nitrogen. A sample of by- product from a factory, 17292, sent by C. E. Pease, Thompson- ville, contained 4.02 per cent, of nitrogen. Of five samples of waste products from a silver-plating company, sent by N. G. Wheeler, Winsted, only one, 16726, had any considerable fertilizer value. It was a brown powder containing 41.40 per cent, potash as carbonate, muriate and sulphate in about equal proportions. A sample of clay, 17516, sent by Miss A. B. Piatt, Shelton, thought to be of value as a filler in fertilizers, had no fertilizing value. 95.3 per cent, of it was sand and soil. A sample of clinkers, 16466, sent by A. N. Pierson, Inc., Crom- well, to determine whether they had any fuel value, contained moisture 0.15 per cent., organic and volatile matter 1.75 per cent., mineral matter 98.10 per cent. In seven samples of soil the lime requirement was determined by the Jones method, the amount of actual lime needed ranging from 1620 to 4500 pounds per acre. VARIOUS FUNGICIDES AND INSECTICIDES. 17319 and 17320 are samples of Reynolds' Paris Green and Leggett's Paris Green. The quantities of arsenious acid found in them were 56.50 and 56 per cent, respectively, and of copper oxide 26.60 and 26.80. Both were of normal composition. A sample of Lead Arsenate, 17119, sent by John Gotta, Portland, contained 28.53 P^r cent, of arsenic as arsenic acid, which is about the normal amount. A sample of anhydrous copper sulphate, 16364, sent by E. M. Ives, Meriden, was found to be 90.15 per cent. pure. 97.1 per cent, was finer than a 200 mesh. A sample of formaldehyde solution, 16946, submitted by Dr. Clinton of this Station, contained 33.65 per cent, by weight of formaldehyde. A sample of "Sulco-V. B.," 16420, submitted by Dr. Garman of this Station, contained 3.97 per cent, of pure phenol. A sample of Niagara Contact Special Dusting Mixture, 16740, was found to contain 1.62 per cent, of nicotine, equivalent to 2.10 per cent, of nicotine sulphate, calculated as the monacid salt. A sample of tobacco dust, 16741, sent by E. M. Ives, Meriden, contained 0.71 per cent, nicotine. Four nicotine mixtures, submitted by Dr. Britton of this Station, contained respectively 0.29, 0.30, 0.84 and 0.71 per cent, of nico- tine. s I I University of Connecticut Libraries 39153029222223