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This edition of "Hans Breitmann's Party, and Other Bal- lads," by Charles G. Lelaad, is near as lari,'e a;,'aiu as the previous edition issued, Mr. Leland havin? added to this edition all his late ballads, including "Ilaus Breit- manu's Christmas," "Hans Breitmann's Der Freischuetz," "Hans Breitmaun's Shtory about Schnitzerl's Philosopede," etc., which were not contained in any pre- vious edition of tte worlc. It is published in one volume, on the finest tinted plate paper, by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, No. .303 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, and sold by all boolcsellers at Seventy-five cents a copy, or copies of it will be sent to any one, to any place, post-paid, on receipt of the price of it by the publishers. Please read the following Jfotioes of the Press, from all sections of the world, about it : "M" Leland the author of the onlv translation of Heinrich Heine's son-s into En.'lisii or rather American, which aeems to give us the least glimpse of those path- etio' gibes and scoffing bursts of woe in which we scarcely know whether there be most of iuSnite passion and melody or infinite hate and scorn, has recently published in the United States some lemarkable ballads of his own, not without something in them akin to Heine's liighter moods of mischief. Mr. I.eland's art consists in depict- iiK' in a racy Gorman-Pennsylvanian patois the large inanite appetite for earthly thfnc's of this thoroughly carnal German- Yankee. There is a peculiar felicity in the ad in't-ition of the dialect to the vein of character indicated In the Party, the ffjose and the saasa.^e, and the beer and the fat maiden, prolong themselves in his memory in a sort of dreamy passion of regret, and he ends with a transcendental soul- vearniii" worthv of Werter or Thackeray's. Jeames asking the abysses, 'Where s ihe heavenly-bpaming star, the star of the spirit's light,' and answering with the profound desolation of a Pennsylvanian Ghilde Harold " 'All goned afay mit de Lager Bier, Afay in de ewigkeit.' " The likenin'^ of the Party, at which everybody got drunk ' ash bigs' and overeat themselves like°the same noble animals, to the ' lofely golden cloud dat float on de mountain's prow ' and to the star whose light has been dissipated ages since; and ii.rain the 'lyrical cry' of despair, as Mr. Matthew Arnold calls it, with which the ballad ends— the^e are stings of satire which contain more humor, and strike deeper than even Jeames' vulgarly lacquered imitations of sentiment. When Breitraaiiu's greed becomes maudlin, the ballads attain their cVixaa.^ in. 'Ayi:'— London Speriator. "Byron would have deliL-hted in ' Hans Breitmann's Party.' He would have imi- tated it at once, just as he imitated Frere's Com c Epic, The book is full of ej>quisite loolia" and the comic element is sustained from the first to the last stanza The idea of makirn' Don Quixote a German, placing him on American soil, and chronicling his exploits in the ludicrous dialect of the American-German, is irresistibly droll. It'would be impossible to c jnceive any thing more genuinely humorous than some of these verses. We have laughed so heartily while readin,' them that we posi- tively criticise with tears in our eyes The book has a kind of philological value apart from its merits as an intensely humorous production It is on> ot the richest specimens of Yankee humor since the Biglow Papers."— io?Mto)i Xm«!,3r. "The hero is a bit of true character, and the adventures through which he passes are racy of the soil and of the time. But the oddity of his figure and his fortunes would be lessened in any other medium than its language, the strange grotesqneness of which acts on the nerves as much as on the spirit. The very effort t i pron niuce this poetry sets one laughing."— io?i<:ioft Athenceam. l^ Copies sent, postage paid, on receipt of Seventy-five Cents, by T. B. PETERSON St, BROTHERS, Philadelphia, Pa. 7i j^ §an0 pititmann '^ ntr §tlji^r ^t\Jo ^allittrs. j3y Charles G. Leland. AumoR OF '• Ua>'S Bkeitmaxn's Party," etc. HJi[on(l m'i4 4 M mhmm lallatl^^. ?' PHILADELPHIA: T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS; 306 CHESTNUT STREET. Sr^r Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by CIIAKtES 5. LELAXD, in tho Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, lu and for the Eastern District of Penns3'lvania. EINGWALI tc BROTTN, FRS V. &0\\U\xt^. Hans Breitmann About Town . 5 Schnitzerl's Philosopede — Pardt Secondt, 11 A Ballad Apout de Rowdies, ... 23 Wein Geist, 25 Hans Breitmann in Politics : I. The Nomination, .... 28 II. The Committee or Instruction, . 31 III. Mr. Twine Explains being " Sound UPON the Goose," .... 34 IV. How Breitmann and Schmit were Reported to be Log-rolling, . 39 V. How TiiEY Held the Mass Meeting, 43 v^L Breitmann's Great Speech, . . 45 VII. The Author Asserts the Vast In- tellectual Superiority or Ger- mans TO Americans, ... 51 VIII. Showing How Mr. Hiram Twine " Played Off " on Smith, . . 54 Breitmann about Town. DER Sctwackenhammer coom to down, Pefore de Fall vas past, Und by der Breitmann drawed he in Ash dreimals honored gast. Led's see de sighdts ! In self und worldt, — Dere's " sighdts" for him, to see, Who Selbslanschaungsvermoegen hat, Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vented to de Opera Haus, Und dere dey vouud em blayin'. Of Offenbach, ( der open hrooh,) His show spiel Belle Helene. "Dere's Offenbach, — Sebastian Bach, — Mit Kaulbach, — dat makes dree : I alvayS likes soosh hroohs ash dese ." Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vented to de Blbliothek, Vhich Mishder Astor bilt : Some pooks vere only en hroscJiure, Und some vere pound und gilt. " Dat makes de gold — dat makes de sinn, Mit pooks, ash men, ve see, De pest tressed vellers gilt de most :" — ■ Said Breitemann, said he. (5) 6 Dey vent to see an edider, Who'd shanged his flag und doon, Und crowed oopon der oder side, Dat very afdernoon. ■• l)e anciends vorshipped wetter-cocks. To Vfettev fanes pent de knee; Pow down, meln Schwackenhammcr, pow I" Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vented py a pauker's hause, Und Schwackenhammer shvore, Id only vant a pig red sliiehl Hoong oop pefore de toor ; One side of red, one side of gold. Like de knighd's iu hisdorie — " De schildern of dat schild is rich," Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vent oonto a bicture sale, Of frames wort' many a cent, De broberty of a shendleuian, "Who oonto Europe vent. " Dont gry — he'll soon pe pack again Mit anoder gallerie : He sells dem oud dwelf dimes a year,' Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vented to dis berson's house, To see his furnidure, Sold oud at aucdion rite afay. Berembdory und sure. "He geeps six houses all at vonce Each veek a sale dere pe, Gotts ! vat a dime his vife moost hafc Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vent to vind a goot cigar, Long dimes dey roamed apout, A'on vcller had a pran new sort, De fery latest out. ■ Mein freund — I dinks you errs yourstlf Pc shmell ish oldt to me ; Pe Infamias Stinl-adores brand, "- Said Breitemann. said he. Pcy vented to de vtrsf hotel, Pe prandy make dem creep, A trop of id's enough to make A brazen monkey veep. Pcy say a vincr house ash dis, Vill soon ge-bildet pe. Crate Gott I — vot can dey mean to trink ?" Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vented droo de Irish shtreeds, Dey saw vrom liaus to liaus, Und gountet oop, ^ pout more or less, Vive lioondred awful rows. " If all dese liddle viglits dey waste. Could von crate pattle pe, Gotts ! how de Fenian funds vouldt rise !" Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vent to see de Ridualisds, Who vorship Gott mitt viewers, In hobes he'll lofe dem pack again. In winter among de showers. "Vhen de Pacific railroat's done Dis dings imbrofed vill pe, De joss-sticks vill pe santal vood," — Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vent to hear a breechcr of De last sensadion shtylc, 'Twas 'nough to make der tyfel weep To sec his "awful shmile." ■' Vot bities dat der Fechter ne'er Vas in Theologie. Dey'd make him pishop in dis,ghoorsh," Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vent indo a shpordin' crib, Be rowdies cloostered dick. Dcy ashk him dell dem vot o'glock, Und dat infernal quick. Dor Breitmann draw'd his 'volvcr oud, Ash gool ash gool couldt pc, Id's shoost a goia' to shdrikc six," Said Breitemann, said he. Dcy vent polid'gal mccdins next, Dey hear dem rant and rail, Der bresident vas a forger. Shoost bardoncd oud of jail. He does it oud of cratitood, To dem who set him vrcc : ''Id's Harmonic of Indcresds/' Said Breitemann. said he. Dey vent to a clairfoyand witch, A plack-eyed handsome maid, She wahrsagt all der vortunes — denn " Fife dollars, gents 1" she said. ' Desc vitches arc nod of dis cart', Und yed are on id, I sec Der Shakesbeare knew de prced right veil," Said Breitemann, said he. 10 Dcy vented to a restaurand, Der vaiter coot a dash ; He garfed a shicken in a vink^ Und serfed id at a vlash. "Dat shap knows veil shoost how to coot, Und roon mit poulterie, He vas copitain oonder Turchin vonce," Said Breiteniann, said he. Dey vented to de Voman's Righds, Yere laties all agrees, De gals should pe de voters, Und deir beaux all de vetoes. '' For efery man dat nefer vorks, Von frau should vranchised pe : Dat ish de vay I solf dis ding," Said Breitemann, said he. Dey vented oop, dey vented down, 'Tvas like a roarin' rifer, De sighds vas here — de sighds vas dere- Und de vorldt vent on forefer. " De more ve trinks, de more ve sees, Dis vorldt a derwisch pe ; Das Werden's all von whirling droonk," Said Breitemann, said he. Schnitzerl's Philosopede. PARDT SECONDT. VEN Breitmann hear dat Schnitzerl A^as quardered into dwo, Und how his crate philosopede To 'bi teufel had gone flew; He dinked and dinked so heafy As only Deutschers can, Denn saidt, " Who mighdt beliefet Dis ish de ent of man ? " De human souls of beoples Exisdt in deir ide^s, Und dis of Wolfram Schnitzerl Mighdt dravel many vays, In his Bestimmung des Menschen Der Fichte makes peliefe Dat ve brogress oon-endly In vot pehind we leafe. " De shbarrow falls ground-downwarts. Or drafels to de West; De shbarrows dat coom afder Bild shoost de same oldt nest. Man hat not vings or fedders, Und in odcr dings, 'tis saidt, • (11) 12 lie tout coom oop to shbarrow^ ; Boot on nests he goes ahet. •■ vilest dou troo bornln vorldts Und nebuloser foam, By monsdrous mltniglit shlant forms Or vbere red tyfels roam, Or vhere de chests of shky rackets Peyond creadlon flee ? Yhere'er dou art, ola Schnitzerlein ! Crate saint I look down on me ! '■ Und deach me liow you maket Dat crate philosopede. A'^itch roon dwice six mals vaster Ash any Arap shteed, Und deach me how to 'stonish folk Und knock dem out de shpots. Come pack to eart, Schnitzerlein, Und pring it down to dots !" Shoost ash dis vort vent outvarts Hans dinked he see a vlash, Und unterwards de dable lie doomple mit a crash, Und to him, moong de glaesses, Und pottles ash vas proke, Mit his het in a cigar box. An foice from Tlimmel shpoke : 13 '■ Adsiim Domine Breitmaun ! Hcrr Capitain — here I pe ! So dell me right lionesie Quare inquietasti me ? Te video inter spoonibus, Et Jargis glassis too, Cerevisia repletis^ Siruf p(rcnss7(s tonifnif' Denn Breitmann ansvcr Sehnitzerl : " Coarcfor nimis—^eel /Siq u idem Fli didilm Puguant adversttm me. Ergo vocavi (e, Ash Saul vocavit Sam- uel, ut mi ostendcres Quid teufel /ac7am ?" Denn der shpirit, in Lateinisch Saidt " ,^f«f_clat's de dalk ! jSfon liahes in hoc shantij A shingle et some chalk ? Non video inAiim et ralamos : (I shbosc some bummer shdole 'em) , Levate oculos tuos, son El aqrice ad linteohim !" 14 Den Breitmann see de chalk-piece Yitch riset from de floor, Und signet a pliilosopede Alone oopon de toor, De vou dat Schnitzerl fabricate, Und oonderneat lie see : Probate inter equites : " Try dis in de cavallrie." Den Breitmann slitoot ooprightly Und leanet on a host, [peen Und saidt ; " If dis couldt, shouldt bafe It vouldt migbdt peen a cbost ! Boot if it pe noiiomenon, Pbenomenoned indeed, Or de soobyective obyectified, I'fe cot de pbilosopede." Denn out he seekt a plack schmidt Ash vork in iron shteel ; To make him a philosopede Mit shoost an only vheel. De dings vas maket simple, Ash all crate idees should pe ', For 'twas noding boot a gart vbeel Mit a two Veot achsel-dree. 15 Dc climes der Breitmaun doomple In learnin for to ride, Vas ofdener ash de sand grains Dat rollen in de tide. De dimes he cot oopsetted In shdeerin lefdt und righdt, Vas ofdener as de cleamin shdars Dat shtud de shky py nighdt. Boot de vorstest of de veadures In dis von vheel horse, you bet, Ish dat man couldt go so nicely Pefore he got oopset, Some dimes he go like plazcs Und toorn her, extra-fein, Und denn shlop ofer — dis is vhat Hafe kill der Schnitzerlcin. Soosh droples as der Breitmann hafe To make dis 'vention go, A"as nefer seen py mordal man Oopon dis vorldt pelow. He doompled righdt, he doomplcd lefdt, He hafe a tousand toomps, Dere nefer vas a gricket-ball Vot got soosh 'fernal boomps/ 16 Boot ash he shvear't he'd do it, He shvore id should po done, Dough he schimpft und fluchtc laestcrlich, He visht he'd ne'er pegun. Mit Ha r/el! Blitz! Krcuzsakramcnt ! He maket de houser ring, Und hoped de Schnitzcrl pc vcrdammt For dcachin him dis ding. Nun — goot ! Ad last he got it. Und peaudifool he goed, Dis day, saidt he, '' I'll stonish folk A ridin on dc road ; Dis day py shinks I'll do it '. Und knock dings out of sight I" Ach weh ! for Breitmann dat day Vas not pe-markt mit vhite. , Dc noompcrs of de Deutsche folk Dat coom dis feat to sec, I dink in sopor earnest-hood, Mighdt not ge-reckonet pe. For miles dey shtood along dc road, Mein Gott ! but dey vas dry ; Dey trinked den lager-bcer shops oop, Pefore der Hans coom py. IT Vheu all at vonce drementous gries De fery country shook ; Und beoples shkreemt : ''Da ist cr ! Schau Dere ish der Breitmann ! — Look I" MeiQ Gott I vas efer soosh a shoudt ? Yas efer soosli a gry ? Yen like a brick-bat in a vight, Der Breitemann roosh py. mordal man 1 Yy ish id, dow Hast passion to go vast ? Yy ish id dat de tog und horse Likes shbeed too quick to last ? Pe pugs, de pirds, de pumple-poes, Und all dat ish, 'twould seem, Ish nefer hoppy boot, exsept When pilin on de shteam. Dor Breitmann flew ! Yon niighdy gry. Ash he vent scootin bast, A'on derriple, drementous yell — Dat day de virst — and last. Yot ha ! vot ho ! Yy ish id dus ? Yot makes dem shdare aghast ? Yy cooms dat vail of wild tespair ? Ish somedings got gesmasht ? 18 Yea— efen so. Yea, ferily — Shbeak, soul ! It is dy biz ! Der Breitmann slikeet so vast along, Dey fairly heard him whizz. Van shoost oopon a hill-top point It caught a pranch ge-pent, Und like an opple vrom a svitch, Afay Hans Breitmann vent. Vent troo de air a hoondert feet, (Allowin more or less) — Denn pohh — pohh — -pohh — a mile or dwo, He rollet along — I guess. Say — hast dou seen a gannon ball Half shpent, shtill poundin on ; Like made of gummi-lasticum ? So vent der Breitemann. Dey bick him up — dey pring him in — No wort der Breitmann shpoke. Der doktor look — he shvear erstaunt Dat nodings ish peen proke ! He rollet de rocky road entlong, He pouncet o'er shtock und shtonc ? You'd dink he'd knocked his outsides in, Yet nefer preak a pone ! 19 All shtill Hans lay — bevilderfied — Nor seemet to mind de shaps, Nor moofed, oontil der medieus Hafe dose him veil mit schnapps. De schmell voke oop de boetry Of taya yen he vas young, Und he murmulte de frogmends Of an sad romandic song : " As summer pring de roses, Und roses pring de dew, So Deutschland gifes de maidens Yot fetch de bier to you. Komm Maidlein ! Rothe Waenglein ! Mit a wein glass in your paw ! Ve'll ged troonk amoong de roses Und lie soper on de shdraw ! " As winter prings de ice-wind, Dat plow o'er burg und hill, Hard times pring in de lantlord, Und de lantlord pring de bill. Boot sing Maidlein ! Rothe "Waengelein Mit wein glass in your paw ! Ve'll ged troonk amoong de roses Und lie sober on de shdraw !" 20 Dey dook der Breitmann liomewarts, Boot efer on de vay, He nefer shbeaket no man, Und noding else could say : Boot — " Maidlein — Rotlie Waengelein ! Mit wein glass in her paw, We'll ged troonk amoong de rosen Fnd lie soper on de slidraw I" Dey laid der Hans im Bette, Peneat de eider-doun, Und sempled all de doktors Vot doktored in de town. Dat isli, de Deutsche Aertzte, For Breitmann alfays says, De Deutschers ish de onlies Mit originell idees. Dere vas Doktor Moritz Schlinkenschlog. Dat vork ash caf<^'opath, Und der learned Cobus Schoepfskopf, Dat use de milchy bath ; Und Korschalitschky aus Boehmen, Vot cure mit slibovitz, Und "Wechselbalg from Berlin. Who only 'tend to fits. 21 Dere vas Strobbicli aus Westfalen Who mofe all eart'ly ills Mit concentrirter schinkea juice, Und Pumpernickel pills ; Und a bier-kur man from Munich^ Und a grape-curist from Rhein, Und von wto slikare tisease afay Mit dose of Schlesier wein. So dey meed in consooldation Mit Doktor Winkeleck, Who brackdise "renovation " Mit sauerkraut und speck. Und dat no man shouldt pe shlightet Or treatet ash a tunce, Dey 'greed to try deir systems Oopon Breitmann all at vonce. Dat ish, mit de excepdion, Of gifin Schlesier wein ; For de remedy vas danger-full On von who trink from Rhine. Ash der teufel once declaret Yen he taste it on a shpree, Dat a man to trink soosh liquor Moost a born Silesian pe^ So de all vent los at Breitmann, Und woonderfool to dell, He coomed to liis gesundheit, Und pootj soon cot veil, Some hinted at Natura Mit de oldt vis sanatrix^ Boot each dokter shvore Tie cured him, Und do rest were Taugenix. I know not vot der Breitmann More newly has pegun, Boot dey say he dalks day-daily Mit Dana of de Sun. Bey dalk in Deutsch togeder, Und volk say de ent vill pe Philosopedal changes In de Union cavallrie. Gott help de howlin safage ! Grott help de Indi-an ! Shouldt Breitmann choin his forces MitSheneral Sheridan. Und denn to sing his braises Acain I'll gife a lied— Ilier hat dis dale an ende Of Breitmann's philosopede. A Ballad apout de Rowdies. DE moon shines ofer dc cloudlcns, Und dc cloudts plow ofer de sea, Und I vent to Coney Island, Und I took niein Schatz mitme. Mine Schatz, Katrina Bauer, I gife her mein heart und vordt; Boot ve tidn't know vot beoples Dc Dampsschiffhafecot on poard. Dc prcczc plowed cool und bleasant, "Wc looket at de town Mit sonn-light on dc shdeeblcs, Und wetter fanes doornin round. Yc sat on dc deck in a gorner Unddroplednopody dere, Vea all aroundt oos de rowdies Poginnc'J to plackguard und schvear ! A voman mit a papy Vas sittin in de blacc; Yon tooket a chew tobacco Und trowed it indo her yacc. De voman got coonvulshons, De papy pegin to gry ; Und de rowdies shkrcemcd out a laffin, Und saidt dat de fun vas '• high." (23) 24 Pimepy vc become some hoongcr Katrina Baur und I, I opeaet de lit of mine pasket, Und pringed out a cherry bie. A clierry kooken mit pretzels, " How goot !" Katrina said, Ven a rowdy snatched it from her, Und preaked it ofer minehet, I dells him he pe a plackguart I gifed him a bieee my mind, I vouldt saidt it pefore a tousand, Mit der teufel himself pchiud. Pen he knocks me down mit a sloong-shot, Und peats me plack and plue ; Und all de plackguardskickme, Dill I vainted, und dat ish drue. Dc rich American beoples Don't know how de rowdies shtrike Der poor hardt-workin Sherman, He knows it more ash he like. If de Deutsche speakers und bapers Are sometimes too hard on dis land, Shoost dink how de Deutsch kit driven Along by de rowdy's hand ! Wein Geist. I STOOMrLED oud ov a dafern, Bcrausclit mit a gallon of wcin, Und I rooshed along de Strassen, Like a derriple Eberschwein. Und like a lordly boar-big, I doompled de soper folk ; Und I trowed a sbtone droo a sbdrccd lamp , Und bot' of de classes I proke. Und a gal vGnt roonin' bast me. Like a vild coose on de vings, Boot I gatch her for all her skrcecbin, Und giss her like afery dings. L'nd denn mit an board und a shdorc-box. I blay de horse-viddle a biece. Dill de neighbours shkrcem "deaf !" und " murder !" Und holler aloudt " bolice ?" Und vhen der crim night wacchtcr Says all of dis foon moost shtop, I oop mit mein oombrella, Und schlog him ober de kop. (25) 26 I leaf him like tead on de bavemend, Und roosh droo a darklin' lane, Dill moonliglid und tisdand musik, Pring me roundt to my soul again. Und I sits all oonder de linden, De hearts-leaf linden dree ; Und I dink of de quick ge-vanisht lofe Dat vent like de vind from me. Und I voonders in mine dipsy hood, If a damsel or dream vas she ! Dis life ish all a lindens Mit holes dat show de Plue; Und pedween de finite pranches, Cooms Himmel light shinin troo. De blaetter are raushlin' o'er me, Und efery leaf ish a fay, Und dey vait dill de Windsbraut comet, To pear dem in Fall afay. Und I look at a rock py de rifer, Vhere a stein ish of harpe form, -Year dausend in, oud, it shtandet — Und nopody blays but de shtorm. 27 Here vonce on a dimes a vitclies, Soom melodies here peginned, De harpe ward all zu steine, Die melodic ward zu wind. Und so mit dis tox-i-cation, Vitcli hardens de outer Me ; Tiber stein and schwein, de weine, Shdill harps oud a luelodie. Boot deeper de Ur-lied ringet,^ Ober stein und wein und svines, Dill it endet vhere all peginnet, Und alles wird ewig zu eins, In de dipsy, treamless sloomper Vhich units de Nichts und Seyns Breitmann in Politics. I.—The Nomination. VHEN ash de var vas ober, Und Beace her shnow-wice vings, Yas vafia o'er de coondry (la shpods) like afery dings; Und heroes vere revardtet, De beople all pegan To say 'tvas shame dat nodings Vas done for Breitemann. No man wised how id vas shtartet, Or where der fore shlog came, Boot dey shveared it vas a cinder, Dereto a purnin shame : " Dere is Schnitzerl in de Gustom-House — Potzblitz ! can dis dings pe ? — Und Breitmann he hafe nodings : Vot sights is dis to see ! " Nod de virst ret ccndt for Breitmann I Ish (lis do pe de gry On de man dat sacked de repels Und trinked dem high und dry ? (28) 29 By meine Seel' I shvears id, Und vot's more I deglares id's drue, He vonce gleaned out a down in half an oor, Und sh tripped id strumpf und shoe. " He was shoost like Koenig Etzel, Of whom de shdory dell, Der Hun who go for de Romans Und gife dem shinin hell, Only dis dat dey say no grass vouldt crow Vhere Etzel's horse had trot, Und I really peliefe vere Breitmann go De hops shpring oop, bei Gott 1" If once you tie a dog loose, Dere isli more soon gets arount, Und wenn dis vas shtartedt on Breitmann It was rings aroom be-foundt ; Dough vly he moost Tiafe somedings Vas not by no mean glear, Nor tid id, like Paulus' confersioD, On de snap to all abbear I Und, in facdt, Balthazar Bumchen Saidt he couldtent nicht blainly see Vy a veller for gadderin riches Shood dus revartedt pe : 30 Der Bieitmann own drei Houser, Mit a wein-liandle in a stohr, Dazu eia Lager-Wirthscliaft, Und sonst was — somedings more, Dis plasted plackguard none-sense Ve coulda't no means shtand, From a narrow-mineted shvine's kopf, , Of our nople captain grand : Soosh low, goarse, betty hornirtlieit A shentleman deplores ; So ve called him verjluclitcr Ilundsfott Und sbmysed him out of toors. So ve all dissolfed dat Breitmaan Shouldt hafe a nomination To go to de Legisladoor, To make some dings off de nation j Mit de helb of a Connedigut man, In whom ve hafe great hobcs, Who hat shange his boledics fivdeen dimes, Und derefore knew de robes. IL— The Committee of Instruction. DENN for our Insdructions Comedy Be ding vas protocollirt, By Docktor Emsig Grubler, Who in Jena vonce studirct ; Und for Brcitmann his instrugtions De Comedy tid say Dat de All out-going from de Ones Yash die first Jloral Idee. Und de segondt crate Moral Idee Dat into him ye rinss, Vas dat government for avery man Moost alfays do avery dings ; Und die next Idee do vitch his mindt Esbecially ve gall, Ish to do mitout a Bresidcnt Und no government at all. Und die fourt Idee ve vish der Ilans Vouldt alfays keeb in fiew, Tsh to cooldifate die Pcaudifool, Likewise de Goot and Drue; Und de form of dis oopright-hood In proctise to present, He most get our little pills all bassed Mitout id's gostin a cent. (31) 82 Und die fift' Idee — ash Icarnin Isli dc cratest ding on earfc, And ash Shoopider der Vater To Minerfa gife ge-birt' — Ve peg dat Breitmann oocto oos All pooblic toctuments Vich he can grap or shteal vill scndt — Franked — mit his gompliments. Die scchste crate Moral Idee — Since id fery veil ish known Dat mind ish de resooldt of food, Ash der Moleschott has shown, Und ash mind ish de highest form of Gott, As in Fichte dot' abbear — He moost alfays go mit de barty Dat go for lager bier. Now ash all dese instrugdions Vere showed to Misder Twine, De Yangee boledician, He say dey vere fery fine : Dey vere pesser ash goot^ und almosdt nice — A tarnal tall concern ; — Boot dey hafe some little trawpacks, Und in fagdt weren't worth a dern. 33 Boot yed, mit our bermisslon, If de shentlemans allow — Here all der Shermans in de room Dake off deir hats und pow — He vouldt gife our honored gandidate Some nodions of his own, Hafing managed some elecdions Mit sookcess, as veil vas known. Let him plow id all his own vay, He'd pet as sure as born. Dat our mann vouldt not coora out of Der liddlo endt der horn, Mit his gQo[, proacl Sherman shoulders- Dis maket oos laugh, pj shink ! So de comedy shtart for Breitmann's — Nota bene — afder a trink ! Ill— Mr. Twine Explains Being " Sound Upon the Goose." DERE in his crate corved oaken slitulil Der Breitmann sot he : He lookt shoost like de shiant In de Kinder hishdorie ; Und peforc him, on de tische, Vas — vhere man alfays foundt it — Dwelf inches of goot lagOx, Mit a Boemisch glass aroundt i'c. De foorst vordt dat der Breitmann spoke He maked no sbcech or sign : De next remark vas, '' Zapfet aus /" — De dird vas, '' Schenlcet ein !" Vhen in coomed liddle Gottlieb Und Trina mit a shtock Of allerbcst Markgraefler wein — Dazu dwclf glaeser Bock. Denn Misder Twine deglare dat he Yas happy to denounce Dat as Copdain Breitmann suited cos Egsockdlj do an ounce, (34) 35 He vas ged de nomination, And need nod more eckstblain : Der Breitmann dink in silence, And denn roar aloudt, Champagne ! Den Mislider Twine, while trlnken wein, Mitwliiles vent on do say, Dat long insdruckdions in dis age Vere nod de dime of tay ; Und de only ding der Breitmann need To pe of any use Vas slioost to dell to afery mans He's soundt oopon der coose. Und ash dis little frase berhops Vas nod do oos bekannt, He dakes de liberdy do make Dat ye shall oondershtand, And vouldt tell a liddle shdory Vitch dook blace pefore de wars : Here der Breitmann nod to Trina, Und she bass aroundt cigars. '' Id ish a longe dime, now here, In Bennsylvanien's Shtate, All in der down of Horrisburg Dere rosed a vierce depate, 36 'Tween vamilies mit cooses, Und dose vhere none vere foundt- If cooses might, by common law, (to squanderin aroundt ? '" Dose wlio vere nod pe-glfted Mit gooses, und vere poor, All slivear de law forbid dis crime, Pj shings and cerdain sure ; But dc coose-holders teklare a coose Greadt liberty tid need. And t.0 pen dem cop vas gruel, Und a mosdt oon-Christian teed. " Und denn auoder party Idself tid soon refeal. Of arisdograts who kepd no coose, Pecause 'twas not shendeel : Tey tid not vish de splodderin geese Shouldt on deir pafcmends bass, So dey shoined de anti-coosers. Or de oonder lower glass !" Here ]5reitmann led his shdeam out : " Dis shdory goes to show Dat ia poledicks, ash lager, Virius in medio. 37 De drecks ish ad de pottom — De skoom floads high inteed ; Boot das bier ish in de mittle, Sajs an goot old Sherman lied. " Und shoost apout elegdion-dimes De scoom imd drecks, ve see, Have a pully Wahl-verwandtschaft, Or eleetion-sj'mpathic." '• Dis is very vine," says Misder Twine, " Yot here you indroduce : Mit your bermission, I'll gi'ack on Mit my shdory of de coose. " A gandertate for sheriff De coose-beholders run, Who shvear de eoose de noblest dings Vot valk peneat de sun ; For de cooses safe de Capidol In Rome long dimes ago, Und Horrisburg need safin Mighty pad, ash all do know. " Acainsd dis mighdy Groose-man Anoder veller rose. Who keepedt himself ungommon shtill Yen oders came to plows ; 38 Und if any ask how 'twas he shtoodt, His vriends wouldt vink so loose, Und visper ash day dapped deir nose ' He's soiindt oopon de coose ! " ' He's 0. K. oopon de soobjeet; Shoost pet your pile on dat ; On dis bartik'ler quesdion He intends to coot it fat.' So de veller cot elegded Pefore de beople foundt On vitch site of der coose it vas He shtick so awful soundt. " Dis shdory's all I hafe to dell," Says Misder Hiram Twine ; '■ Fnd I advise Herr Breitmann Shoost to vight id on dis line." De volk who of dese boledics Would oder shapters read, Moost waiten for de segondt pardt Of dis here Breitmann's Lied. IV.— How Breitmann and Sohmit were Pweported to bo Log-Rolling. 2SSS ■ ID happenct iu de yar of crace. Yen all dese dings pegan, Dat Mislider Schmit, dc shap who rooncd Acainsd dcr Brcitemann, Vas a man who look like Mishder Twine So raoosh dat beoplcs say Dey pliefe dey uioost gc-brudcrt pc — Gott weiss in vot a vay I Und id vas also moosh be-marked — Vitch look shoost like a bruder — Dat ven Twine vas vork on any side Der Schmit vas on dc odor : A fery gommon dodge ish dis Mit de arisdocracie ; So dat votefer cardt toorns oop, Id's game for dc familie I Nun, goot I Ilowcfer dis mighdt pe, 'Tvas cerdain on dis hit Der Twine vas do his teufelest To euchre Mishder Schmit ; Und Schmit, I criefe to say, exglaimed : " Goll darn me for a fool, But I'll smash old Dutch to cholera fits And rake the eternal pool I" (39) 40 So dey cot some liddlc ledders, Ash brifate ash could pc, Vitch Breitmann writed long agono To friendts in Germany • Und dey brinted dem in efery vay To make de beoples laugh, Und comment on dem in de shtyle Dat "sports" call '= slasher-gaff." Deve to — as vash known py shoodshment Und glearly aseerdaind, Dat Breitmann hafe lossed money Py a valsc und schwindlin friend — So dey roon it troo de newsbapers, Und shbeech do make pegan, Dat Breifmann shtolc de gelt himself Und rop der odcr man. Boot de ding dat jam do hardest On de men dat bull de vires, Und showed dat Captain Breitmann Shtood pedween dwo heafy vires, A^as, pecausc he vas a soldier — Von could see id at a clanse — ■ Dey had pud him in a tisdrigt Vhere he hadn't half a shanse. 41 For ash cle pold solidaten Isli more prafe ash ocler mans, Dey moost lead de hope verloren Und pattle in de vans ; Und ash defeat ish honoraplc To men in honor shtrict, Dey honor dem py puttin em Vhere dey 're Ccirdain to pe licked. Boot dis dimes it shlopped over, Tvas de dird or secondt heat Dat a soldier in dis tisdrigt Had been poot oop und beat : So de Plue Goats dink it over Und go quietly to vork : De bow ven too moosh aufgespannt Vlies packward mit a yerk. Now Mishder Twine deglaret on dis De ding seemed doubtenfull, Boot mitout delay he dook de horns So poldly py de bull, Und shpread de shdory eferyvhere, Dill folk to pliefe pegan, Dat Mishder Schmit had &old de vxglit Unto der Breitemann ! 42 He fix de liddlc tedails — • How moosh der Sclimit hafc got For sellin out his barty To let Breitmann haul de pot ; Und he showed a brifate leddcr From Breitcmann to Schmit, Vhere he bromise him for Congress If he shoost let oop a bit. Der Twine vas wrltet dis ledder ; For der Copitain Breitemann Vould nefer hafe shtood soosh hoompoogks Since virst his life pegan ; He hat tone some rough dings in der war, In de ploonder-und-morder line, Boot vas hoockelperry-persimmoned Mit dese boledics of Twine. Howefer, dis ledder vorket foorst-rade — Mit de Merigans pest of all, For dey mostly dinked it de naturalest ding As efer couldt pefall ; For to sheat von's own gonstitucnts Ish de pest mofe in de came, Und dey nefer sooposed a Dootchman Hafe de sense to do de same v.— How they held the Mass Meeting. Dere's nodings in dis vorldt so pad, Ash all oov us may learn, Boot may sliange from dark to lightliood, If loock should dake a doom ; So it happenet mit Breitmann, Who in shpite of sin und Schmit, Grontrified ad shoost dis yooncture Do make a glucky hit. Dey hat sendet out some plackarts To de Deutsche buergers all (N. B. — Dish ish not meam plackarts, Boot de pills dey shtickon de vail), To say data Massenversammlung — Or a meeding of all de masses — Vould be held in de Arbeiter-Halle, To eonslsd of do Sharman classes. Now dey gife de brintin of de pills To a new gekommene man, Who dinked dat Demokratisch Vas de same ash Bepooblican : Gott in Himmel weiss where he hid himself On dish free Coloompian shore Dat he scaped de naturalizationisds, Und hadn't found out pefore. (43j 44 Boot to dis Deutsclie brinter, De only tifFerence he Petween Repooblicanish Und Demokratisch tid sec, Vas dat von vash dwo ledders longer ; So he dook shoost vot seem pat To make de poster handsome — Likewise a liddle fat. How ofden in dis buzzlin life Small grubs grows oop to vings ! How ofden shoost from moostard seet A virst-glass pusiness shprings ! Vant Mein homt men tot't groote, Ash de Hollanders hafe said : Mit dese dwo ledders Breitemann Caved in der Schmitsy's head. VL— Breitmann's Great Speech. Dis tale dat Schmit hafe seu de vight Cot so mucli put apout Dat many of liis beoples vere In fery tupious toubt ; Tove all, dose wlio were on de make, And easy change deir lodge, Und, pein awfool smart demselfs, Pelievc in every dodge. Vhen de mceding vas gesempled, Und dey found no Schmit vas dere, Dey looket at von anoder Mit a ganz erstaunished air; But dey saic it glear as taylight, Und around a vink dere ran. Yen pefore dem rose de shiant form Of Copitain Breitemann ! Den Breitemann vent los at dem : '• He could nichts well exhress De rapdure dat hesqueezed his hearts — De wonnevol hoppiness — To meed in friendlich council And glasp de hand of dose Who had peen mit most oonreason Und uukindtly galled his foes. (45) 46 " Berhaps o'ei all dis shmilia eart' — lie vould say it dere and den — Soosh shpecdagles couldt nod pe seen Of soosh imbartial men. So tefoid of pase sospicion, So apove all betty dricks, Ash to gome und lisden vairly To a voe in poledicks ; " Dat ish to say, a so-galled voe — ■ For he feeled id in his soul Dat de brindi^hs vitch mofed dem Vera de same oopon de whole ; But he lack a vord to exbress dem In manners opportunes — " Here a veller in de gallery Gry oud^ oonkindly, " Shpoons !" TInd dere der Breitmann goppled him : '• If s/i^ooHs our modifes pe, Dere's not a man pefore oos Who losscd a shpoon by me : Far rader had I gife you all A shpoons to eaten mit, " Und I hope to get a ladle for Minefriendt, der Mishder ScJimit." 47 Dis fetch das Haus like doondcr — It raised der teufel's dust, Und for sefen-lefcn minudcs Day ooplauded on a bust ; Und de blokes dat dinked of liedgin Saw a ring as round as ; So day boked easli oder in de rips, Und said, '' I dold jou so I" For dis d'lusion to de ladle Vas as glear asli city milk, Und drawd it on de beoples So vine asli flossen silk, Dat Hans und Schmit vere rollin locks, Und de locks were ready cut ; Only Breitmann bafe de liddle end, Und Schmitsy dakc de butt ! Den Breitemann lie crack onward : " If any 'lightened man Will seeken in his Bibel, He'll find dat a publican Is a barty ash sells lager ; Und das ding is ferry blain, Dat a re-publican ish von Who sells id 'gain und 'gain. 48 " Now since dat I sells lager, Igant agreen mit De demprance brinciples I hear Distriputet to Sclimit ; Boot dis I dells you vairlj, Und no one to teseife — If I were Sclimit, I'd pliefen Shoost Yot der Schmit peliefe. '' And to mine Sherman, liperal friends I might mention in dis shpot Dat I hear an oonfoundet rumor Dat der Schmit peliefe in Gott; Und also dat he coes to shoorsh— Mit a prayer-book for salfadion : I vould not for die welt say dings To hoort his repudadion. " Und nodin is more likely Dat it all a shlander pe, So also de rumor datven young He shtoody divinidy : T myself, ash a publican, Moost pe a sinner by fate^ Und in dis sense I denounce myself Ash Re-publi-candidatc ! 49 " Und dat ve may meed in gommon, I declare here ia dis hall — Und I shvears mineself to hold to it, Fotefer may pefall — Dat any man who gifes me his fote — Votevefer his boledicks pe — Shall alfays pe regartet Aih holidlgal friendt py me," (Dis voonderfol condescension Pring down drementous applause, Und dose who catch de nodion Grife most derriple hooraws ; Eshbecially some Amerigans Ash vas shtandin near de door, Und who in all deir leben long Nefer heard so moosh sense pcfore.) '• Dese ish de brincibles I holts, And dose in vitch I run : Dey ish fixed firm and immutaple Ash te course of de 'ternal sun : Boot if you ton't abbrove of dem — Blease nodice vot I say — I shall only pe too happy To alder dem right afay. 50 " Und unto my Demogratic fricndtri I vould very glearly slitate — Since dis useless mit oop-gecleared minds To hold a long depate — Dat dere's no man in de cidy Dat sells besser liquor ash I, Und I shtand de treadts /ree-gradis Yhenefer mine friendts ish try. "■ Adjinem—m de ende — I moost mendion do you all, Dat a dootzen parrels of lager bier Ish a-gomin to dis hall : Dere ish none of mine own barty here, Boot we'll do mitout deir helfs ', Und I kess, on de whole, 'twill peshoost so goot, If ve trink it all ourselfs." Soosh drementous up-loudation Pefore was nefer seen, Ash dey shvored dat Copitan Breitmann Vas a brick-pat, and no sardine ; Und dey trinked demselfs besoflPen, Sayin, "■ Hope you wird sookceed !" — De nexter theil will pe de ent Of dis historisch lied. VII.— The Author Asserts the Vast Intellectual Superiority of Germans to Americans. Dere's a liddle fact in hishdory Vich few liafe oonderstand — Dat de Deutsclaers are, dejure, De owners of dis land ; Und I brides mineself unspeakbarly Dat I foorst make be-known De primordial cause dat Columpus Vas derivet from Cologne ; For ash bis name vas Colon, It fisibly does sbine Dat bis elders are geboren been In Co-logne on der Rhein ; Und Colonia pein a colony, It sebr bemarkbar ist Dat Columbus in America Was der firster colonist. Und asb Columbus is a tofe, Id is wort de drople to mark Dat a bidgeon foorsi tiscofered land A-T^lyin from de ark ; Und sbtill wider — in de peginnin, Mitout de leastest toubt, A tofe vas vly ofer de wassers Und pring de vorldt berout. (51) 52 Ash mine goot oldt teacher der Kreutzer To me tid often shbeak, De mythus of name reheats idself (Vich ve see in his Si/mholiJc) ', So also de name America, If YC a liddle look, Vas coom from de oldt King Emerich In de Deutsche Heldenhucli. Und id vas from dat very Ileldenhuch — How voonderful id run ! — Dat I shdole de '■' Song of Hildebrand, Or der Vater und der Son," Und dishtripute it to Breitmann, For a reason vitch now ish plain, Dat dis Sagen-Cyclus, full-endet, Prino; me round to der Hans asrain ! Dese laws of un-endly un-wigglin Ish so teep und broad und tall Dat nopody boot a Deutscher Have a het to versteh dem at all ; Und should I write mine dinks all oud, I ton't peliefe, indeed, Dat 1 mineself vould versteh de half Of dis here Breitmannslied, 53 Asli de Hegel say of his system, Dat only von mans knew Vot der teufel id meandt, und he could't tell; Und der Jean Paul Ricliter too, Who said, '' Gott knows I meant somedings When foorst dis buch I writ, Boot Grott only wise vot de buch means now, Vor I have vergotten it." And all of dis be-wises So blain ash de face on your nose, Dat der Dcutscher hafe efen more intellects, Dan he himself soopose ; Und his tifFerence mit de over-again vorldt, Ash I really do soospect, Ish dat oder volk hafe more soopose, Und lesser intellect. Yet ooprightly I gonfess it — Mitout ashkin vhy or vhence — Dere ish also dimes vhen Amerigans Hafe ge-shown sharp-pointed sense ; Und a fery outsigned example Of genius in dis line Vas dishblayed in dis elegdion Py Mishder Hiram Twine. VIII— Showing How Mr. Hiram Twine "Played off" on Smith. wBtm VIDE LICET : Dere vas a fillage Whose vode alone vouldt pe Apout enoof to elegdt a man, Und gife a mayority; So de von who couldt scoop dis seddlement Vould make a pully hit ; Boot dough dey vere Dcutschers, von und all, Dey all go von on Schmit. Now it happenet to gome to bass Dat in dis liddle town De Deutsch vas all exshpegdin Dat Mishder Schmit coom down, His brinciples to fore-setzen Und his idees to deach, (Dat is, fix oop de brifate pargains) Und telifer a pooblic sbeech. Now Twine vas a gyrotwistive cuss, Ash blainly ish peen shown, Und vas alfays an out-findin Votefer might pe known ; Und mit some of his circumswindles He fix de matter so Dat he'd pe himself at dis meetin And see how dings vas go. (54) 65 Oh shtraugely in dis leben De diogs kits vorked apout I Oh voonderly Fortuna Makes toorn us insite out I Oh sinkular de luck-wheel rolls I Dis liddlc meeding dere Fixt Twine ad perjjendiculuni — Shoost suit him to a hair ! Now it hoppenit on dis efenin De Deutschers, von und all, Vere avaitin mit impatience De openin of de ball ; Und de shates of nite vere fallin Und de shdars begin to plink, Und deyvish dat Schmit vouldt hoorry, For d'vas dime to dake a trink. Dey hear some hoofs a-dramplln, Und dey saw, und dinked dey knowed, Der bretty greature coomin, On his horse along de road ; Und ash he ride town in-ward De likeness vas so plain Dey donnered out, " Hooray for Schmit I" Enough to make it rain. 56 Der Twine vas shtart like plazes; Boot oopshtarted too his wit, Und he dinks, " Great Turnips ! what if I Could bass for Colonel Schmit ? Gaul dern my heels ! Til do it, Und go the total swine I Oh, Soap-balls ! what a chance I" said dis Dissembulatin Twine. Den 'twas " Willkomm I willkomm, Mishder Schmit !" Ringsroom on efery site ; Und " First-rate ! How dy-do yourself?" Der Hiram Twine replied. Dey ashk him, "■ Come und dake a trink ?" But dey find it mighdy queer Ven Twine informs dem none boot hogs Vould trink dat shtinkin bier ; Dat all lager vas nodings boot boison ; Und ash for Sherman wein, He dinks it vas erfounden Exshbressly for Sherman schwein ; Dat he himself vas a demperanceler — • Dat he gloria in de name ; Und atfisedem all, for tecency's sake, To 2:0 und do de same. 57 Dese bemarks among de Deutscliers Vere apout ash veil receife Ash a cats in a game of den-bins, Ash you may of coorsc peliefe : Dc heat of de reception Vent down a dootzen tegrees Und in place of hurraws dere vas only heardt Dc rooslin of de drees. Und so in solemn stille Dey scorched him to de hall, Vhere he maket de oradion Vitch vas so moosh to blcase dem all ; Und dis vay he pegin it : " Pefore I furder go, I vish dat my obinions You puddin-het Dootch should know. "Und ere I norate to you, I think it only fair ^Ye should oonderstand each other Prezaetly, chunk and square. Derc are boints on vhich ve tisagrec, And I will plank de facts— I don't go round slanganderia My friendts pehind dcir packs. 58 " So I beg you dakc it easy If on cle raw I touch, Vhen I say I can't apidc clc sound Of your groontin, shi-shing Dutch. Should I in the Legisladure As your slumguUion shtand, I'll have a bill forbidding Dutch Troo all dis 'vcrsal land. "Should a husband talk it to his frau, To deaf he should pe led ; If a mutter breat' it to her shild, I'd bunch her in do head ; Und I'm sure dat none vill atfocatc Ids use in public schools, Oonless dey're pcastly, nashdy, prutal, Sauerkraut-eatin vools. Here Mishder Twine, to gadder breat, Shoost make a liddle pause, Und see sechs hundert gapin eyes, Sechs hundert shdarin chaws, Dey shtanden erstarrt like frozen ; Von faindly dried to hiss; Und von set : *' Ish it shleeps I'm treamin ? Gottausend! vat ish dis ?" 69 Twine keptet von eye on de vindow, Boot poldly went abet: " Of your oder sbtinkin liobits No vordt needt bier pe set. Shtop goozlin bier — sbtop sbmokin bipcs- Shtop rootin in de mire ; Und sboost un-DiUchifi/ yourselfs : Dat's all dat I require." Und denn dere coomed a sblndy Asli if de sbky bat trop : " Trow bim mit ecks, py doonder ! Go sblog bim on de kop ! Hei! Sboot bim mit a powic-knifes ; Go for bim, gauz and gar ! Sboost tar bim mit some fedders I Led's fedder bim mit tar!" Soocb a teufel's row of furie Vas nefer oop-kickt before : Soom roosb to ou-climb de blatform — Soom boory to fasten te toor : Yon Teller vired bis refolfer, Boot de pullet missed ber mark: Sbe coot de cort of de sbandelier : It veil, und de ball vas tark! 60 Oh veil was it for Hiram Twine Datnimply lie couldt shoomp; Und veil dat he light ou a misthauf, U nd nefer feel de boomp ; Und veil for him dat his goot cray horse Shtood sattlcd shoost outside ; Und veil dat in an augenblick He vas off on a teufel's ride. Bang I bang ! de sharp pistolen shots Yent pipin py his car, Boot he tortled oop de barrick road Like any mountain deer : Dey trowed der Hiram Twine mit shteins, But dey only could be-mark A'on climpse of his vhite obercoadt, Und a clotterin in de tark. So dey all versembled togeder. Bin ander to sprechen mit, Und allow dat sooch a rede Dey nefer exshpegd from Schmit — Dat he vas a foorst-glass plaekguard, And so pig a Lump ash ran ; So, nemine contradicente, Dey vented for Breitemann. 61 Und 'twas annerthalb yar dereafter Before der Schmit vas know Yot maket dis rural fillage Go pack oopon him so ; Und he schvored at de Dootch more schlimmer Ash Hiram Twine had tone. Nota hene: He tid it in earnesht, Vhile der Hiram's vas pusiness fun. Boot vhen Breitmann heard de shdory How de fillage hat peen dricked, He shvorc bci Leib und Leben He'd rader hafe been licked Dan pe helpet bei soosh shumgoozlin ; Und 'twas petter to pe a schwein Dan aschwindlin honeyfooglin shnake. Like dat lyin Yankee Twine. Und pegot so heafy disgoosted Mit de boledicks of dis land Dat his friendts couldn't barely keep him From trowinoop his hand, [poot ; Vhen he belt shtraidt flush, mit an ace in his Vich phrase ish all de same, In de science of de pokerology, Ash if he ffot de "•ame. G2 So Breitmann cot elegtet, Py vollowin de vay Dey manage de elegdions Unto dis fery day ; Vitcli sliows de Deutsch DummcJirlicJikeu, Also de Yankee " wit :" Das ist das Abenteuer How Breitmann lick dor Sclimlt -jK_..l_i)-OLA<^ ^ ^HAHTBRElTMANN'slARTYr^ OTHER BALUDS. Please read the folloxoini :KoUceB of the Press, fronv all seetions of the loorld, about it: .lu,o»;l. it 1. obvious "'•'»"'! f,;S bT, or "«« .. .1/ ».J " .pp.";">y ,»"■ i>1bvpi-iipss " — London Times. . „ ,. i » rr.ital aew poem "-Lo«c^o,^ Pvtnch in the Essence of Parliament. "A capital uew poem ^^ .^ ^^i^ country, that we need "It has beeu our boast that ^^^^^J". ^^V' „ .j^jic poetry so good as what we have not import; yet smce Ilood we ha ye hid no com^^^^^ ^^^^ iadividualUy of received from America. The f '«,^^^„^; ^^ar praise to 'Haus Breitmanu's Varty, geuiu.. aud it Y^ftl^.?,.''^ G Lela^d kuown o aU men of letters, and a ,^ood por- and other Ballads,' by Mr. C. U. J.e aaa kho ^^^^^ ^^ . ^^^^^ jl^g f^lJ. ^s^^e^l^n^l S^'^^e'^ S^ve aud .raud process is farce-but a farce of genius.''-io«d^^^^^^^^^^ and local character, as well as a true drol- "The poem, a 9 full of h^e and ^^n,_^^^^^^^^^^ K.r^m^ Star. lery, whica is al ke all '^^ '^^''^ ^.^^. ^he London Sunday Times lu a ve-y copious ^"i^, /^^''''^^'.^.^Jt ^^^ i'.^^^^s ,me r.^ th. most thoroughly says of H.uis Bre.tmauu s .I'fo*^' '.'^,''' 'f, '^, ^^^^ the writings of Walt Whitman. . . . ^^^-f'::r^w^^^S3^-^ fr tSlVa^e l^^S'^^^^^^^^^^-- ^^' ^ ^-' of Kahelalslan meaning under their e.Ktr.vagant incident. ^^ ^^^^ ^^ h;:^:f-^.^^;^f ^=}iS^l^^t^^ ^'^^^^^^^ laugh from every -^'^-l^^;;t:::,-£^2^^\s drawn with much sat- - In Haas Breitmann the he. o of the baUa is t^^_ .cteri.tics are sharply and clearly irical force and freshnes,. 1 '^'' P-;^.^^7„i' , "„7 ,,, „t is q 'lite compatible with the exist- j defined, the trace, of d'-eamj seiuim^ntali m t^i_a^^^^ i Pjieated. The typical ! ence of a very cjarse materialism in prac ice aieej- sketched to the life by Germati, as he is <^f''''f};if^^l,\\^J^'^;'ZTthl^^^^^^ should have attained Mr. L3land wUh not a Uttle d o 1 ''-J'" ^^^•^^^g'l^Xle. Even here they cannot fail to a wide popularity \^ .^^'\''lXJ'lu>^M^^^^ known in England for his be widely ap.i-eciatei.M. LeW^. alr^aay j j^^^orous poetry he may translation of Heiae^sB