^An-::^-^' ■miiitdi-: -- BOOK 245.2.SM57S c. 1 SMITH # SAILORS HYMN BOOK BEING SELECTION OF BEAUTIES OF SACRED 3 T153 D00bb7bfl 5 ^\r^A m ■'iSnic^i. THE SAIJLOMS' HYMN BOOK, BEING A SELECTION OF THE BEAUTIES OF SACRED VERSE, BY THE ^i»iOS:i^ EMINENT DIVINES, AND OF ADATTZO TO, THE MARITIME WORLD. " Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise from the end of tlie earth, ye that go down to >the sea, and all that is therein, the Isles, and the inhabitants thereof. Let ^ tbera give glory unto the Lord, and declare his praise in ^ the Islands.— Isa. ch. 42. v. 10 and 12. ^ BY THE REV. G. C. SMITH. ^ SLonlron : PRINTED FOR D. COX. 12, NASSAU PLACE." COMMERCIAL HOAD : A,NP ^OLP BV 8IMPKIN AND MARSHALL, STATIONERS* COURT ; % cox AKD SON, 39, HIGH-STREET, BORO', JOHN COt^ BERNER-STREET,. OXFjORR ROADi AND M'OTTTElJoRK, PATERNOSTER HfyW* i.- , ; Part. I.— Price Que Shilling. «ii*-*vy\ cs^ /c ^z 5Ys ENTERED AT STATIONERS' llAtL. Plummer and Brewis, PriDters, Love liane, Eastcheap. ADVERTISEMENT. IT would have been easy to bring together some fifty or a hundred Hymns, adapted to Sailors, but the very increasing interest excited by various Maritime Institutions having justified the claim of Seamen to a complete Hymn Book, embracing every subject adapted to convey instruction and produce religious impressions, this plan has been chosen. "When the work is finished, it will then be for a generous British Public to pronounce their decision on a scheme, designed with much care, to promote the best interests of seamen, and the highest glory of God. April 20tb, 1823. INDEX. Pae:e. Apainst the God that rules the sky 105 All hands approach the Saviour's throne .... SO All hail the power of Jesus name "^8 All hail, redeeming Lord . , . 9'2 All praise to the Liord 28 Almighty King ! whose wond'rous hand . ... 27 And will the glorious Lord descend 29 A shipwrech'd world bestrews the shores .... 39 A Sailor once, whom Jesus lov'd 48 At God's command the lightnings dart . . ► . . 5 Be Christ our pattern and our guide ..... 46 Behold him in his bloody sweat ....... 52 Behold the purple torrents run ....... 57 Behold the wonders of his power 67 Behold your King, your Saviour crown'd ... 77 Behold the glories of the Lamb ....... 80 Behold, what sweet reviving rays 95 Beneath a^i^i^ the ship was raoor'd 19 Brightness ofthy Father's glory ,.,.... 42 Breathe on these bones, so dry and dead ... S& Blessed be the Father and his love 91 Blest Jesus, when 1 read thy zeal 44 By faith we find the place above ...... 99 Clouds big with wrath hang o'er my head . . . 106 Come all harmonious tongues 68 Come, Holy Ghost, all quick'ning fire .... 84 Come now, dear Lord, thyself reveal ..... 85 Come, holy spirit, sacred fire . , . , ^.^., a, 85 Come, sacred spirit 1 from above . . . " ^ '.' i 87 Come, holy spirit, come 88 Come, sound his praise abroad . 31 Confus'd and thronged like some vast fair ... 41 Dark was the deep, the waters lay ...'... 1 Down headlong from their uative skies .... 38 INDEX. V. Page. Eternal wisdom, thee we praise 25 Eternal sun of righteousness . 96 Five bleeding wounds he hears • ^^ Flow fast m J tears, yet faster flow 58 For all that come to God by hiui 74 From the Cross uplifted hi^h 59 From all that dwell below the skies ..... 23 Glory his fleecy robe adorns . 81 God spoke the wond'rous word, and lo ^ . . . 3 God is the eternal King. Thy foes in vain ... 7 G'>d of the seas, tliy thundering voice .... 8 God moves in a mj^sterious way 10 God from his cloudy cistern pours 32 Go forth, ye saints, with jo\' behold ..... 76 Great was the day, the joy was great 84 Great rock for weary sinners made 98 Hail to the l*rince of LlTe and Peace 71 Hail, holy, lioly. Holy L.rd 90 Hark ! the Cherubic armies shout 41 Heaven its King congratulates ....... 76 He dies ! the friend of sinners dies 61 High on the Cross, transfix'd in blood 64 His boundless years can ne'er decrease .... 8 Holy, blessed, glorious three 90 How is thy glorious power ador'd 16 How blest" are they who still abide 59 In foreign lands and realms remote ...'.,.. 9 In lands strange and distant, how sweetly the sound 22 Inur'd to poverty and pain 45 In persecutions hottest fire .97 I sing the almighty power » f God ,._.... 26 Is there no shelter from the^wrath 102 Jehovah ! 'tis a glorious word 25 Jesus, the light of men 44 Jesus, once nuraher'd with the dead 66 Jesus, the name high over all 70 Jesus has shed his vital blood 74 Jesus, lover of my soul # ♦ . . 102 u. INDEX. Pase. Jesus, lu tliee, my sure defence 104 Jesus, at. tliy comraaiid 1^ Joyful all ye seamen rise '^ King of Zion, give the order ^^ Lamb of God, whose bleeding love 63 Let devils flee, let men adore 40 Let heaven proclaim the Saviour reigns .... 43 Let all the earth-born race |^ Let the whole ocean now rejoice ^^ Let us awake our joys se % Life, death, and hell, and world's unknown ..... o Lightof the (ientile world appear ^-^ Lord of ev'ry land and nation 1° Lord 1 am vile, conceived in sin «5^ Lo ! Christ ascends the sacred height 4/ Lo ! his triumphal chariot waits ^9 My soul inspir'd v?ith sacred love 32 Now let our lips with holy fear 50 Now let us raise our cheerful strains ..... 70 Ocean with thy numerous brood 23 O'erwhelraed with guilt, and grief, and woe ... 63 O for a shout of sacred joy ^ O God of good, th' unfathom'd sea 2 O God, thou bottomless abyss 3 O had I Jubal's lyre 18 O haste, victorious prince 82 Once on the raging seas I rode 93 On the wild waste of water, so vast and so drear . 21 O thou whom John at Jordan's stream .... 87 O that in me the sacred fire . 89 O thou whose all-disposing sway 4 O thou, dear sufl:ering Son of God » 53 O the sharp pangs of smarting pain ...... 53 Our great High Priest we sing 7* Princes to his imperial throne . ^ 80 Record, my soul) thy Maker's praise . » . . . 14 iv INDEX. . vii. Pase. Kppeatftd crimes awake our fears 73 Kise, glorious sun, supremeiv bright 94 R(jck of ages ! cleft for me 97 Sailors, that travel o'er the flood ...... 12 Sailor rejoice, and rest secure . 16 Sailors repeat his praise 24 Sailors, behold as \ e pass by . 55 Sailors, mark the dreadful night 50 Sailors look, the siolu is glorious 83 Sailors advance, behold your Kins 77 See his disciples slumb'rins round 52 * See how he lov'd !' exclaimed the Jews .... 47 See from on high a light divine 43 bee human nature sunk in shame 38 Should 1 forbear to praise my God 34 Sinners rejoice, its Christ that died 61 Survey the wond'rous cure 65 Sweet the moments rich in blessing 59 Tempests arise, when God appoints 11 The northern pole, and southern rest 30 The Saviour, what a noble flame . 49 The Cross ! the Cross ! Oh ! that's ray gain . . 58 The rising God forsakes the tomb QT The blessed spirit, like the wind 86 The tower'that rises o'er the sea 98 The powers of earth and hell 103 The types, my soul, were all too faint 100 The billows swell, the winds are high . . . . , 108 They that in ships with courage bold 17 They thirst, and waters from the rock 99 Th' Almighty spoke, the tempest burst .... 106 Tho' winds may blow and storms arise .... 108 Though hard the winds are blowing 21 Thrice " Holy Lord," in heaven they cry ... 62 Through all his travels here below 68 Thy goodness, and thy truth, to me 7 Thy potent arm, all glorious God 11 Thy works of glory, mighty Lord ...... 12 Thy way, O God, is in the sea 13 'Jo Father, Son, and Hol^ Ghost 91 To the haven of thy breast 104 Yiii: INDEX. Page. Twas in an hour wlien wrath prevaii'd .... 6S 'Twas well, injr soul,-he died for them ..... 72 Uprising from the silent tomb 66 Vast are thy works, Almighty Lord ..... 35 View the broad sea's majestic plains 26 Was it for crimes that I have done ...... 54 We sing tlie bright and morning star 93 Well, the Redeemer's gone 75 What could ray Redeemer move 46 What object's this, that meets mine eyes ... 66 When I with pleasing wonder stand 2 When all thy mercies, O my God 14 When rocks and when shallows beset us around . 19 When many a tempest blew . . ^ 20 When the great Builder arch'd the skies .... 35 When Satan saw his rebel host 35 When Adam sinned, through all his race .... 36 When Jesus hung upon the tree . 60 When God from ray soul shall his presence remove 101 When tempests howl, and billows rise ..... 101 When from the bosom of the deep 54 Where from thy spirit shall 1 stretch ..... 5 While flinty rocks were rent with dread .... 62 Who were the highly honored three 51 With flowing eyes and bleeding hearts .... 37 With warm delight and grateful joy 45 Would you behold the works of God 15 Yea, Lord, my grateful voice I'll raise .... 34 "Sfe subjects of the Lord proclaim 79 TH2 ^ailor^' Wvttxn IScoft* ADORATION The Creation. " God created the Heaven and the Earth.— Gen. 1. (CM.) 1 DARK was the deep, the waters lay Confus'd, and drown'd the land, God call'd the light,— the new-born day Attends at his command. 3 He bids the clouds ascend on high, The clouds ascend, and bear A wat'Ty treasure to the sky, And float on softer air. B The liquid element below Was pather^d by his hand. The rolling seas together flow, And leave the solid land. 4 Out of the deep th' Almighty King Did vital beings frame, The painted fWls of every wing, And fish of eyei-y name. B 'Z ADORATION. t Lord, while this frame of nature stands* Thy praise shall fill my tongue, But the new-world of grace demands A more exalted song. Watts, The Formation of Man. " God created Man."— Gen. i. (C. M.) 1 WHEN I with pleasing wonder stand, And all my frame survey, Lord, 'tis thy work, I own thy hand That built my humble clay. 2 Heav'n, earth, and sea, and fire, and wind) Shew me thy wond'rous skill ; But I review myself, and find, Diviner wonders still. 3 Thy awful glorios round me shine. My flesh proclaims thy praise ; Lord, to thy v«rorks of nature join Thy miracles of grace. Watts, 3. Bl Shaddaif or God All-svfficieni. •• I am the Almighty God.— Gen. xvii. (P. M.) O GOD of good, th' unfathom'd sea! Who would not give his heart to thee ? Wbo would not love thee with his might ? O Jesus, lover of mankind, Who wouid not his whole soul and mind, With aii hid strength, to thee unite i ADORATION. 2 Fountain of good! all blessing flows From thee, no want thy fulness knows, What but thyself cans't thou desire ? Yes ; self-sufficient as thou art, Thou dost desire my worthless heart. This, only this, thou dost reouire. Wesley. 4. God Supreme. " Canst thou find out the Almighty 1"— Job xi. (L. M.) 1 GOD spoke the wond'rous word, and lo, Creation rose at his command; Whirlwinds and seas their limits know, Bound in the hollow of his hand. 2 The tide of creatures ebbs and flows, Measuring their changes by the moon. No ebb his sea of glory knows, His age is one eternal noon. S God is a name my soul adores, The Almighty Three~-th' Eternal One, Nature and grace with all their powers, Confess thee, infinite, — unknown. Watts's Lyric Pobms. 5. The Source of all Good. "Thouartgood, anddoestgood.— PsalmcxlK. (L M.) 1 O GOD, thou bottomless abyss, Thee to perfection who can know * O height immense ! what word fluffi 1 THY works of glory, mighty Lnrd, Thy wonders in the deeps. The sons of courage shall record, Who trade in floating ships. PROVIDENCE. IS At thy commands the winds arise, And swell the tow'ring waves, The men astonishM, mount the skies. Or sink in gaping graves. Again they climb the watery hills, And plunge in deeps again, Each like a tott'ring drunkard reels And finds his courage vain. Frighted to hear the tempest roar, They pant with fluttering breath. And, hopeless of the distant shore. Expect immediate death. Then to the Lord they raise their cries, He hears their loud request. And orders silence thro' the skies, And lays the floods to rest. Sailors rejoice to lose their fears, And see the storm allay' d ; Now to their eyes the port appears. There let their vows be paid. Watis Q 0. Tlie Darkness of Providence, "Thy path is in the great waters."—- Psalm Ixxvii. (C M.) THY way, O God, is in the sea. Thy paths I cannot trace, Nur comprehend the mystery Of thy unbounded grace. Here, the dark veils of flesh and sense. My captive soul surround ; Mysterious deeps of providence, My wondering thoughts confound. 14 PROVIDENCE. 3 'Tis but in paft I know thy will, I bless thee for the sight, When will thy love the rest reveal In glory's clearer light. Fawcett. 21. Providence Reviewed* " Forget not all his benefits."'-Psalm ciii (C M.) 1 WHEN all thy mercies, O my God ! My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I'm lost In wonder love and praise. 2 Thy providence mj life sustain'd, And all my wants redress'd, When in the silent wornb I lay, And hung upon the breast. 3 Thro' every period of my life. Thy goodness I'll adore, And after death, in distant worlds, Thy mercy stii! explore. Addison. c 2. Distinguishing Preservation. •' Lo ! the winter is past, the rain is over and gone."— Cant. ii. (L. M.) 1 RECORD, my soul, thy Maker's power, Whose winds and waves obey his will ; He bids the awful tempest roar, His voke the wildeot storm can still PROVIDENCE. 15 i Viev/, O my soul, with won,der view The roarlDg billows round thee tost. And bless his mercies ever new, While thou art saved, and others lost 3 Speak to my heart, dear Lord, and say, The rain is gone, the tempest's o'er, Come, my beloved, come away, Satan and sin shall reign no more. 4 Fear not, I'll guard thy helpless head, While life, and all its conflicts last. And W'hen the raging winds are fled. Thy soul shall sing of dangers past. Williams' Collection. 23. Merciful Interpositions. ' " He iiiaketh tlie storm a calm."— Psalm cvii. (L. M.) 1 WOULD you behold the works of God, His w^onders in the world abroad, Go with the i.Iariners and trace, The unknown regions of the seas. 2 They leave their native shores behind, And seize the favor of the wind, "! ill God commands and tempests rise. That heave the ocean to the skies. S Now to the heavens they mount amaau. Now sink to dreadful deeps again, What strange affrights young sailors feel, And like a staggering drunkard reel. 4 When land is far, and death is nigh, Lost to all hope, to God they cry ; Kis mercy hears the loud address, And send^ salvation in distress. 16 PROVIDENCE. 5 He bids the winds their wrath assuage, The furious waves forget their rage ; *Tis calm, — and sailors smile to see, The haven where they wished to be. Watts 24. Effectual Preservation, " Rejoice Zebulon in tliy going out."-^ Deul. xxxiii. (C. M.) 1 SAILOR rejoice, and rest secure, Thy keeper is the Lord ; His wakeful eyes employ his power. For thine eternal guard. 2 Nor scorching sun, nor sickly moon, Shall have his leave to smite ; • He shields thy head fronc burning noon, From blasting damps at night. 3 He guards thy soul, he keeps thy breath, Where thickest dangers come ; Go, and return, secure from death. Till God commands thee home. Watts. 25. Insensibility of Seamen. " Lord, when thy hand is lifted up, they will oot see, but they shall see." — Isaiah xxvi. 1 HOW is thy glorious power ador'd, Amid these watery nations. Lord ; Yet the bold men that trace the seas, Bold men, refuse their Maker's praise. 2 What scenes of miracles they see, And never tune a song to thee ; While on the flood they safely ride, They curse the hand that smooths the tide. PROVIDENCE. 17 3 Then down they plunge in watery graves, And some drink death among the waves j Yet the surs'iving crew blaspheme, Nor own the God that rescued them. ^ 4 O for some signal of thine hand, Shake ail the seas, Lord, shake the land ; Great Judge, descend, lest men deny, That there's a God that rules the sky. "Watt*:- 26. Praying Seamen Preserved, "These are the works of the Lord." — Psalm cvii. 1 THEY that in ships with courage bold, O'er swelling waves their trade pursue, Do God's amazing works behold, And in the deep his wonders view. 2 No sooner his command is past. But forth a dreadful tempest flies ; Which sweeps the seas witli rapid haste, And makes the stormy billows rise. 3 Sometimes huge ships, toss'd up to heaven. On tops of mountain waves appear. Then down the steep abyss are driven, Where every soul dissolves with fear. 4 They reel and stagger to and fro, Like men with fumes of wine opprest; Nor do the skilful seamen know Which way to move, what course is best. 6 Then straight to God's indulgent ear, They do their mournful cry address ; Who graciously vouchsafes to hear, •^ And frees them from their deep distres«. IB PROVIDENCE. 6 He does the raging storm appease, And niake« the billows calm and still ; With joy they see their fury cease, And their intended course fulfil. Prayer Book, New Version 27. Messiah's General Authority. "By Him all things consist."— Colos. i. (P. M.) 1 LORD of ev'ry land and nation, Ancient of eternal days ! Sounded thro' the wide creation,. Be thy just and lawful praise. Hallelujah, Amen. 2 For thy providence, that governs Thro* thine empire's wide domain, Wings an angel, guides a sparrow, Blessed be thy gentle reign. S But thy rich and free redemption. Dark thro' brightness all along ; Thought is poor, and poor expression. Who dare sing that awful seng ? Robinson. 28. Desire to Increase in Praise. " Glorify God in your bodj^ and in your spirit, which are Goi's." — 1 Cor. vi. O had I Jubal's lyre ! Or jMiriam's tuneful voice ; In songs like his I would aspire,^ In sounds like hers rejoice. jSTy humble strains but faintly shew, How much to Heaven and Christ I owe. Handel's Messiah, PROMDENCE 19 29. The Ship driven from her Moorings. "An hiding place from the wind." — Isaiah xxxiU 1 BENEATH a reef the ship was moor'd, The threat'ning tempest to endure; Loud raged the storm, but all on board, Fear'd not, but deem'd their hold was sure. 2 Loud rag'd the storm, the cable gave ; Strong was the force, and swift the shock ; The ship was driven along the wave, And dash'd upon a lurking rock. 3 An earthly refuge may deceive ; This has been often prov'd before ; But who in Christ did e'er believe, And found that trust could aid no more. 4 Eternal refuge from despair ! This, well I know, could never be ; What storm could rage, and reach me there ? What power could drive my soul from thee ? Edmlston. SO. Reliance on Providence. " Trust in the Lord for ever." — Isaiah xxvi. 1 WHEN rocks and when shallov>^s beset us around, When sands are deceitful, and treacherous the ground, When ^vaves rise, and threaten the ship to o'er- whelm, We trust to the pilot wlio governs the helm 90 PROTinENCE. 2 When dangers and death range abioad in our sight, Vy e obey the command, and it guides us aright ; Tiiou^h we know not the reason of all that we see, We trust thatour commander knows betterthan we. 3 And shall we in seasons of danger thus trust, The power and the aid of a man who is dust ; But when we are called in our God to confide, Feel doubt and mistrust in his goodness to guide. 4 Forbid it — Oh never, wherever we be, May we feel, Lord, and act as mistrustful of thee, Thou knowest, thou seest, thou guidest aright, And the path that's now dark, will hereafter be bright. Edmeston. 31. False Land. ** Be not deceived." " Awake to righteousness."— 1 Corinthians, xv. (CM.) 1 WHEN many a tempest blew, And hope was almost past ; The worn and weary crew, Hail'd distant land at last. 2 Far o'er the lee it lay, Its arms seem'd spreading wide, To form a quiet bay, Where ships might safely ride. 3 That refuge from the storm. That distant bay so fair. Was but a cloudy form, And melted into air ! t So earthly hope deceives, The heart that trusts it most ; So all the beauty leaves. Some seeming happy coast. PROVIDENCE. 21 4 But faith can look before, And see the land of light ; That is the only shore, That never mocks the sight. Edmeston. 32, Universal Presence. " Whither shall I flee from thy presence."— Psalm cxxxix. 1 IN the wild waste of water, so vast and so clear, How delightful to think, that my Saviour is here ; As much with this vessel, where'er it may roam. As with those whom we love, and have quitted at home. 2 Eternal pervader, — Protector of all ! Thou hearest the prayer of the weakest who call j From thee never distant, wherever we are. Thy love is our pole, and our point, and our star. 3 Forgive us and bless us, thou only canst bless. Thou knowest — we do not — each future distress ; O guard us, and keep us, and bring us again, To the land of our home, from the boisterous main. Edmeston, Gales Astern. " 1 would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest." — Psalm Iv. 1 THOT^GH hard the winds are blowing, And loud the billows roar; Full s-vviltly ^ve are going, Te %iur dear native slioro. £2 PROVIDENCE. 2 The billows breaking o'er us, The storms that round us swell, Are aiding to restore us, To all we loved so well. 3 So sorrow often presses. Life's mariner along ; Afi3ictions and distresses, Are gales and billows strong, 4 The sharper and severer, The storms of life we meet, The sooner and the nearer, Is Heaven's eternal seat. 5 Come then afflictions dreary, Sharp sickness pierce my breast ; You only bear the weary More quickly home to rest, 34. Engiishnen Abroad. " Iron eharpeneth iron ; so a man sharpeneth the conn* ' tenance of his friend." — Psa. xxvii. (P. M.) 1 IN lands strange and distant, how sweetly the sound, Of the tongue of a countryman falls on the ear ; The strangeness of all that is passing around, Makes the words seem more sweet, and the accents more dear. 2 It reminds us of home, of the land of our birth. Of the friends we have left, and the kin that we love, Of all that is dearest to man upon earth, All his comfort below, and his solace above. 3 It is thus to the Christian, v/hen passinp; along This world, to the home of his i'ather, on. high ; Some brother he finds, in the miflstof the thn^nir, With the accent of heaven, the tongue of ilw. sky. PRAISE. 2S 4 How delightfully heart answers heart, as they meet, How refreshinor to each is the sound of the voice. How cheering the thought, the coramunioa how sweet, Kow the passions grow warm, and the spirits rejoice. 6 The communion of saints brightens many a day, Enlivens the fa.itii that vvas drooping and low, Stirs up the remembrance of God on our way, And bids all the sweetest affections to glow. PRAISE. 35. Gratitude. " Let *1! that have breath praise thee."— Psa. cl. (L M.) 1 FROM all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise^ L«t the Redeemer's name be sung, In every ship, by every tongue. f Eternal are thy mercies, Lord, Eternal truth attends thy word, Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, fill suns shall rise and set no more. Watm. 36. Praise from the Elements. " It is good to sing praises unto our God.**— Psa. cxlvii. I OCEAN with thy numerous brood, Swell to magnify thy God ; Roll his praise from shore to shore, X^ift ]m name, and sound bis power. 24 PRAISE. 2 Praise him fire, and hail, and snow, Praise him all ye winds that blow , Cold and heat — let each extreme Join to render praise to Him. TOPLADY. 37. Praise for Divine Compassions^ *' Bless the Lord, O my soul."^ Psa. ciii. (^S.'M.) I S AILORS repeat his praise. Whose mercies are so great. Whose anger is so slow to rise, So ready to abate. 1 God will not always chide. And when his strokes are felt. His strokes are fewer than our crime*, And lighter than our guilt. 3 High as the heavens are raised Above the ground we tread, So far the riches of his grace Our highest thoughts exceed. 4 His power subdues our sins, And his forgiving love, — - Far as the east is from the west. Doth all our guilt remove. 6 Our days are as the grass, Or like the morning flower. If one sharp blast sweep o'er the field. It withers in an hour. 6 Bat thy compassions, Lord, To endless years endure, And Christian Sailors ever find, Thy word of promise sure. Watt*. PRAISE. 85 38. Eternal Praise. " I will praise thy name for ever."— Psa. cxlv. (L. M.), 1 JEHOVAH ! 'tis a glorious word, O may it dwell on ev'ry tongue, But Sailors who have known the Lord, Are boir-d to raise the noblest song» 2 Awake, ye tempests, and his fame "? In sounds of dreadfnl praise declare> ,• And the sweet whisper of his name, Fill every gentler breeze of air. 3 Let clouds, and winds, and waves agree, To join their praise with blazing fire ; Let the firm earth, and rolling sea, In this eternal song conspire. Watts. 39. Praise to Divine Wisdom. ** He hath established the world by his wisdom."-* Jcr. X. (C. M.) 1 ETERNAL wi-sdom, thee we praise, Thee the creation sings. With thy lov'd name, rocks, bills, and seas, And heaven's high palace rings. 2 If down I turn my wond'ring eyes, On clouds and storms below ; Those under regions of the skies, Thy num'rous glories show. 3 The noisy winds stand ready there. Thy orders to obey ; With sounding wings they sweep the air, To make thy chariot way. ~ i> 26 PRAISE. 4 There, like a trumpet, loud and strong, Thy thunder shakes our coast ; While the red lightnings wave along The banners of thy host. Wesley. 40. Praise to the Power of God. " I will declare thy greatness." — Psa. cxlv. (C. M. 1 I SING the Almighty power of God, That made the mountains rise ; That spread the flowing seas abroad, And built the lofty skies. 2 I sing the Wisdom that oidain'd The sun to rule the day ; The mo( j shines full at his coihrhandj And all the stars obey. S Lo, the rough mountains of the deep, Obey his strong command j Thy breath can raise the billows steep Or sink them to the sand. 4 Thy glories blaze all nature round, And strike the wond'ring sight, Thro' skies and seas, and solid ground, With terror and delight. V/ESLEt 41. Praise for Jehovah's Reign. *' The Lord Reigneth."— Psa. xcili. (h. M.) 1 VIEW the broad sea's majestic plain., From out Jerus'lem's gate, Which tills my mind with sad surprise, V\ hile trembling here I wait. HIS CROSS. 57 2 Who can it be that groans beneath A pond'rous cross of wood, Whose soul's o'erwhelm'cl in pains of death, Whose body's bath'd in blood. 3 Alas! 'tis Jesu's anguish'd form, Bearing this accursed tree, I'll creep beside him as a worm. And see him die for me. 4 I'll hear his groans, and view his wounds, ] Until with happy John, I on his breast a place have found. Sweetly to lean upon. Lady H. Collection. 92. Miracles at the Crucifixion. "There they crucified him."— Jno. 19. (CM.^ 1 BEHOLD the purple torrents run Down from his hands and head, The crimson tide puts out the sua. His groans awake the dead. 2 The trembling earth — the darken'd sky, I'roclaim the truth aloud, And with th;^, amaz'd centurion cry, " This is the Son of God." 3 So great, so vast a sacrifice, May well my hope revive. If God's own Son thus bleeds and dies, The sinner saved must live. Stennett. 58 HIS CROSS. 93. ' Weepivg at the Cross, *' Mine eye affecteth my heart."— Lam. 3. (P. M.) FLOW fast my tears, yet faster flow, Streams copious as yon purple tide ; *Twas I that dealt the deadly blow, I urg'd the Land that pierced his side. Keen pan^s and agonizing smart, Oppress his soul and rend his heart, AVliile Justice, arm'd with pow'r divine, Pours on his head, what's due to mine, . 2 Fast, and yet faster flow my tears, Love breaks the heart and drains the eyes, His visage marr'd, towards heav'n he rears, And pleading for his murd'rers dies ! My grief nor measure knows, nor end, 'Till he appears the sinner's friend, And gives me in a happy hour, '^0 feel the risen Saviour's pow'r. Hart. 94. Efficacy of the Atonement. " He became obedient to the death of the cross."— Phil. 2. (L. M.) 1 THE Cross ! the Cross ! Oh ! that's my gain, Because on that the Lamb was slain, 'Twas there my Lord was crucified, , 'Twas there for me my Saviour died. 2 The cause was love, I sink wita'shame. Before my sacred Jesus name, That thou should'st bleed, andslaughter'd be, Because— because thou lovest me ! Lady H. Coj, lection. KIS CROSS. ' 59 95. Gazing' on the Cross. ** They shall look upon me."— Zech, 12 (P.M.) SWEET the moments rich in blessing, Wliich before the Cross I spend, Life and health, and peace possessing, From the sinners dying friend. Here I'll sit, for ever viewing Mercy's streams, in streams of blood, Precious drops mj^ soul bedewing, Plead, and claim my peace with God. Robinson. 96. Fellowship with Christ in his Sufferings. I" Your life is liid with Clirist in God."— , Col. 3. (L. M.) HOW blest are they who still abide, Close shelter'd in thy bleeding side,^ Who life and strength from thence derive, And by thee move, and in thee live. Give me to feel thy agonies, One drop of thy sad cup afford, I fain with thee would sympathize, And share the sufferings of my Lord. Wesley. 97. The Simier's greatest Comfort. " Lifted up from tlie earth I will draw all men unto me."— Jno. 12. (P. M.) FROM the Cross uplifted high, Where the Saviour deigns to die, What melodious sounds I hear. Bursting on my ravish'd ear : Love's redeeming work is done. Come and welcome, sinner come. 60 HIS CROSS. 2 Sprinkled now with blood the throne, Why beneath thy burdens groan ? On my pierced body laid, Justice owns the ransom paid : Bow the knee and kiss the Son, Come and welcome, sinner come Jones's Collection. 98. A Suffering Saviour Realized *' The Lord looked upon Peter." — Luke 22. (C. MO 1 WHEN Jesus hung upon the tree. In agonies and blood, He fix'd his languid eyes on me As near his cross I stood. 2 Sure never till my latest breath, Can I forget that look, It seem'd to charge me with his death, Tho' not a word he spoke. 3 My conscience felt and own'd the guilt, And plung'd me in despair, I saw my sins his blood had spilt, And help'd to nail him there. 4 A second look he gave, which said, I freely all forgive ; This blood is for thy ransom paid, I die that thou may'st live. 5 With pleasing grief, and mournful joy. My spirit now is fill'd. That I should such a life destroy, Yet live by him I kill'd. NEwTo^ 61 THE DEATH OF CHRIST. 99. Sympathy at his Death. "And all the people smote their breasts."— Luke 23, (L. M.) 1 HE dies ! the friend of sinners dies ! Lo, Salem's daughters weep around, . A sulemn darkness veils the skies, A sudden trembling shakes the ground. 2 Come saints and drop a tear or two, For him who groan'd beneath your load, He shed a thousand drops for you, A thousand drops of richer blood. Lady H. Collection. 100. Joy at his Death. ** Who condemneth ? It is Christ that died."— Rora. 8. (L. M.) 1 SINNERS rejoice, its Christ that died, Behold the blood flows from his side, To wash your souls, and raise you high. To dwell with God above the sky. 2 Its Christ that died, O love divine, Here mercy, truth, and justice shine, God reconciled, and sinners bought, With Jesus's blood, how sweet the thought. c Perry. 62 THE DEATH OF CHRIST. 101. Slain for us. "He was wounded for our transgressions." — Isa. 53. (C M.) 1 THRICE " Holy Lord," in heaven they c^y, When Jesu's praise they sing, On earth they shouted ' Crucify.' And mock'd the lowly king. 2 Bleek as Ji Lamb beneath the knife Of butchering hands he lay, And patiently resign'd the life They could not take away. 3 Why, O ye saints, ye sinners why, Did Jesus suffer thus ? In heaven they shout, on earth they cry, Jesus was slain for us. Swain. 102. Man hardened at his Death. " If thou be the Son of God, come down from . tlie cross." — Malt. i;7. (L. M.) 1 WHILE flinty rocks were rent with dread. While opening graves gave up their dead, When the fair sun withdrew his light. And hid his head to shun the sight. 2 Then stood the wretch of human race, And rais'd his head, and shew'd his face, Gaz'd unconcern'd when nature fail'd, Scoffed at thy dying pangs, and rail'd. S Harder than rocks and mountains are, Than senseless earth, more senseless far Man view'd unmov'd the flowing Ptreani, Nor ever dreasn'd it flow'd for him. THE DEATH OF CHRIST. 63 4 O love of unexampled kind, Leaving ali mortal thought behind, "Where length and breadth, and depth and height,; Are lost to our astonish'd sight ! Hart. 103. Invited to view his Death. "Go forth unto Him, without the camp."— Heb. 13. (L. M.) 1 O'ERWHEOIED with guilt and grief, and woe, Go forth my soul, to Calvary, go. For Satan dreading fresh disgrace, Dares not approach that sacred place. 2 Behold with fix'd and wondering eyes, The great atoning sacrifice, Christ bore thy hell, that he might be A heaven, and more than heaven to thee. 3 Go view by faith that crimson flood, Which quenched the fiery wrath of God, That sov 'reign balm whose virtue flows To heal thy wounds, and ease thy woes. Beduomb. 104. Remember Calvary. *' Ye that have escaped, remember the Lord." — Jer. 51. (h. M.) 1 LAMB of God, whose bleeding love, We now recall to mind, Send the answer from above. And let us mercy find : Think on us, who think on thee, And every struggling soul release, O remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. 64 THE DEATH OF CHRIST. 2 By thine agonizing pain, And bloody sweat, we pray, By thy dying love to man. Take all our sins away ; Burst our bonds and set us free, From all iniquity release, O remember Calvary, And bid us go in peace. ! Wesley. f . 105. A Sailor on Calvary. " He that saw it bare record, and his record is true."— John 19. (P. M.) HIGH on the Cross, transfix'd in blood. While vengeance roll'd a fiery flood, And storms of hell arose ; Abhorr'd by men, by God forsook, Messiah all my sorrows took, O'erwhelm'd with mighty woes Nature convuls'd, creation groan'd, While earth the Son of God disown'd,) And friends had basely fled ; The rocks are rent, the dead arise, And midnight darkness veils the skies. He shouts, and lo he's dead. Amid the crowd a Sailor stands. And hears his dying Lord's commands, And sees the soldiers spear ; He saw the gushing crimson flood, A fountain ope'd of precious blood, And bears his record here. THE ^EATH OF CHiUST. 65 106. The Wonders of Redemption. '-' Who is like unto thee, doing -Ronderi." Exod. 15, (S- M.) 1 SURVEY the wond'rous care, Let higher wonder rise, Pardon for infinite offence, Bought by iniinite price. 2 A pardon bought with blood. With blood divine of Him, I made my foe, and still provoli'd, The' woo'd and aw'd I've been 3 Blest and chastis'd, I still, A flagrant rebel stood, Amid the thunders of his throne, Oppos'd to all that's good. 4 Nor I alone rebeli'd, ,' • A rebel universe, INIy species up in arms appear'd, And Calvary's suff'rer pierce. 5 Yet for the foulest wretch. The Son of God expires. Bound ev'ry heart, each bosom burn,. All heav'n resound your lyies. Dr. YoUiNG, ALTERED. 66 RESURRECTION OF CHRIST 107. The Captive Released. "The Lord is risen indeed."— Luke 25. (L. M.) PRISING from the silent tomb, See the victorious Jesus come, The Almighty captive quits the pris'n, And angels tell — " the Lord is ris'n." Believers bless your risen head, The first begotten from the dead, Your resurrection's sure, thro' his, To endless life, and boundless bliss. Hart. 108. The Risen Lord. " Behold I am alive for evermore."— Rev. 1. (L. M.) 1 JESUS, once number'd with the dead, Unseals his eyes to sleep no more, And ever lives their cause to plead, For whom the pains of death he bore. 2 Thy risen Lord my soul behold, See the rich diadem he wears, Thou too shalt bear an harp of gold, To crown thy joy when he appears. RiPPONS. RESURRECTION OF CHRIST. 6T 109. He Rises to Reign. " In Christ shall all be made alive."— 1 Gor. 15. (L. M.) 1 BEHOLD the wonders of his power, He triumphs in his dying hour, , And while by Satan's rage he fell, He dash'd the rising hopes of hell. 2 Then were the hosts of death subdued, And sin was drown'd in Jesus blood. Then he arose, md reigns above. And conquers sinners by his love. Watts, 110. Cherubic Legions. " Jesus said. All hail."— Malt. 27. (L. M.) 1 THE rising God forsakes the tomb, In vain the tomb forbids his rise, Cherubic legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies. 2 Break off your tears, ye saints, and tell, How high our great Deliverer reigns. Sing how he spoil'd the hosts of hell, And led the monster death in chains. Lady H. Colleotiom. 68 THE ASCENSION. 111. Angels Waiti7ig on Christ " Let all the an-jels of God worship him."—* Heb. 1. (C. M.) 1 THROUGH all his travels here below, They did his steps attead, Oft gaz'd, and wondered where at last, The scene of love would end. 2 They saw his heart transfix'd with wounds, With crimson sweat and gore, They saw him break the bars of death, Which none e'er broke before, 3 They brought his chariot from above. To bear him to his throne, Clapp'd their triumphant wings and cried, " The gidvious woik is done." Hill's Collection. 112. ' Noblest Music: "The four beasts and tour and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours."— Rev. 5. (S. M.; 1 COME all harmonious tongues, Your noblest music bring, 'Tis Christ, the everlasting God, And Christ the man we sing, 2 Alas ! the cruel spear Went deep into his side, And the rich flood of purple gore ! Their murd'rous weapon dyed. THE ASCENSION. 69 3 The waves of swelling grief Did o'er his bosom roll, And mountains of Almighty wrath, Lay heavy on his soul. 4 Down to the shades of death He bow'd his awful head, Yet he arose to live and reign, AVhen death itself was dead. 113. Watts. The Triumphal Chariot. " Man hath led captivity captive."— Psa. 68. LO ! his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chaunt the solemn lay, Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates, Ye everlasting doors give way. Who is the King of glory ? who ? The Lord of glorious power possest, The King of Saints, and Angels too, God over all for ever blest. Lady H. Collection. 114. Shouts of Joy. ** Saying, with a loud voice, worthy is the Lamb." — Rev. 5. O FOR a shout of sacred joy, To God the sov'reign King, Let every land their tongues employ, And hymns of triumph sing. Jesus, our God, r.scends on high, His heavenly guards around, Attend him rising thro' the sky, With trumpets joyful sound. 70 EXALTATION OF CHRIST. ' 3 While Angels shout and praise their king. Let Sailors learn their strains, Let all the earth his honors sing, O'er all the e^rth he reigns. 4 In Israel stood his ancient throne, He lov'd that chosen race, But now he calJ^f the world his own, And Sailor? taste his grace. Watts, EXALTATION OF CHRIST, 115. The miss/til Choir. " Thou art \vortl13', O Lord, to receive glory, ^nd honour, and power." Rev. 4. 1 NOAY let us raise our cheerful strains, And join the blissful choir above, Ti^ere our exalted Saviour reigns, And there they sing his wond'rous love. 2 While seraphs tune the immortal song, may we feel the sacred flame, And ev'ry heart, and ev'ry tongue, Adore the Saviour's glorious name. Steele. 116, Christ Exalted. " Far 2l:ove all principality and power." — Eph. I, 1 JESUS, the name high over all, In hell, or earth, or sky, Angels and men before it fall, And devils fear and flv. EXALTATION OF CHRIST. 7J S Jesus, the name to sinners dear, The name to sinners given ! It scatters all their guilty fear, It turns their hell to heaven. 3 Jesus, the prisoners fetters breaks, And bruises Satan's head, Power into strengthless souls it speaks, ' And life into the dead. 4 O for a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise, The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace ! Wesley. 117. The Prince of Life. ' " For he must reign till he liaih put all enemies uuder his feet." — 1 Cor. 15. 1 HAIL to the Prince of Life and Peace, Who holds the keys of death and hell, The spacious world unseen is his, And sovereign power becomes him well, 2 Live, live for ever glorious Lord, To crush thy foes, and guard thy friends, While all thy chosen tribes rejoice, That thy dominion never ends. S For ever reign, victorious King, Wide through the earth, thy name be known, And call my longing soul to sing Sublimer antlitjms oaftr thy throne. Doddridge. 72 INTERCESSION OF CHRIST. 118. Christ the High Priest, " He ever liveth to make intercession." — ^" Heb. 7. 1 OUR great High Priest we sing, His dying love adore, We hail our rising king, Who lives for evermore. He only can our wants relieve, And sinners to the utmost save. 2 Why then indulge despair, Though sunk in deepest guilt? We hear his voice declare, For such his blood was spilt. In his dear hands my soul I leave, For he can to the utmost save. ^ BODEH. 119. The Golden Altar. " He offers much incense, with the prayers of all saints." — Rev. 8. 1 'TWAS well, my soul, he died for them, And shed his vital blood, Appeas'd stern justice on the tree, And then arose to God. 2 Petitions now, and praise may rise, And saints their offerings bring, The priest with his own sacrifice, Presents them to the king. INTERCESSION OF CHRIST. 13 Jesus alone shall hear roy cries, Up to his Father's throne, He, dearest Lord, perfumes my sighs, And sweetens every groan. Watts 120. Christ in Heaven. " In the midst of the elders stood a Lamb, at it had been slain." — Rev. 5. (P, M.) 1 FIVE bleeding wonnds he bears, Receiv'd on Calvary; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly speak for me. *' Forgive him, O forgive," they cry, "Nor let that ransom'd sinner die." 2 The Father hears him pray, ^ His dear anointed one, He cannot turn away The presence of his Son. His spirit answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of God. Wesley. 121, Appearing for his Saints. " Christ appears in the presence of God for n ? Heb. 9. (L. M.) 1 REPEATED crimes awake our fears, And Justice arm'd with frowns appeasrs But in the Saviour's lovely face, Sweet mercy smilep, and all is |)6ace. 3 Hence then, ye black despairing thoughts, Above our fears, above our fatilfB, Hin powerful intercessions rise, And guilt recedes, and terror dies. 74 INTERCESSION OF CHRIST. 3 In every dark, distressful hour, When Sin and Satan join their power, Let this dear hope, repel the dart, That Jesus bears us on his heart. Steele. 122. His undisputed Claims. *' Father, I will, that they may behold my , glory."— Jno. 17. (C. M.) 1 FOR all that come to God by him. Salvation he demands, Points to their names upon his breast, And spreads his wounded hands. 2 His sweet atoning- sacrifice, G ves sanction to his claim, Father I will, that all my saints Be with me where I am. 3 Eternal life, at his request, To every saint is given, Safety below, and after death The plenitude of heaven. I'OPLADY. 123. His Personal Demands, ** I have prayed for thee."— Luke 2S. (L. M.) 1 JESUS has shed his vital blood. To bring my wand'ring soul to God, And still to manifest his love, He lives, and pleads for me above. 2 " Father I will '* the Saviour cries, That this poor soul at length may rise, From all the depths of sin and woe, The riches of my grace to know 1 INTERCESSION OF CHRIST. 75 3 To save his life, thy son was slain, He is the purchase of my pain, I have redeem'd his soul from hell, With me he shall for ever dvrell. Westlake's Collection. 124 His efficacious Plea. ' By his own blood he enteied into the holy place."— Heb. 9. (S. M.) WEUL, the Redeemer's gone, T* appear before our God, To sprinkle o'er the flaming throne, With his atoning blood. 2 No hery vengeance now, Nor burning wrath comes down, If Justice calls for sinners blood, The Saviour shews his own. Before his Father's eye, Our humble suit he moves, The Father lays his thunder by, And looks, and smiles, and loves. 4 Now may our joyful tongues Uur Maker's honor sing, Jesus the Priest receives our songs, And bears them to the king. Watts. 76 THE ROYAL DOMINION OF CHFIIST. 125. His Congratulations. *' Christ hath entered into heaven for a*.**— Heb. 9. (P. MO 1 HEAVEN its King congratulates, Opens wide her golden gates, Angels songs of victory sing, All the blissful regions ring. 3 Sailors join the heavenly powers, For Redemption all is ours, None but burden'd sinners prove, Blood bought pardon, dying love. 3 Hail, thou dear, thou worthy Lord, Holy Lamb, incarnate word, Hail thou suffering Son of God, Take the trophies of thy blood. Hart 126. His Coronation, *' Behold King Solomon with the Crown." Cant. 3. (L. M.) 1 GO forth, ye saints, with joy behold. The crown adorn'd with gems of gold, Placed on his sacred head, who wore, A painful crown of thoins before. 2 That throne for ever shall endure, When earthly kingdoms are no more ; The Lord his honor will maintain, And earth and hell oppose in vain. ROYAL DOMINION OF CHRIST. 77 127, Viewing His Crown of Glory. " We see Jesus, crown'd with honor and glorj'." — Heb. 2. (C. M.) BEHOLD your King, your Saviour crown'd With glories all divine ; And tell the wond'ring nations round, How bright those glories shine. When in our floating arks we view The glories of our king, We long to love as Angels do, And wish like them to sing. O happy period, glorious day ! When heaven and earth shall raise, With all their pow'rs, the raptur'd lay, To celebrate their praise. Steele 128. Sailors beholding his Crowns. " On his head were many crowns."— Rev. ly. (C. M.) 1 SAILORS advance, behold your king With God-like honors crown'd, Ten thousand beauties in his word, Shall spread his fame around. 2 Where'er the sun begins its race, Or stops its svdft career, Both east and west shall own his grace, And Christ be honor'd there. 3 Ten thousand crowns, encircling shew The victories he hath won ; O may his conquests ever grow. While time its course shall run. 78 ROYAL DOMINION OF CHRIST. 4 Ride forth, thou mighty conqueror, ride, And millions more subdue, Destroy our enmity and pride, And we will crown thee too. Ripon's Selection. 129. Sailors Crowning Him. ^- A crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering." — Rev. 6. (C. M.) 1 ALL hail the power of Jesus name, Let Sailors prostrate fall^ Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all. 8 Let those who plough the mighty seas, Round this terrestrial ball, Think on his bursting agonies. And crown him Lord of all. 3 Let Asia's Seamen hail him king, Chinese and Lascars, fall, Japanese haste, your tribute bring, And crown him Lord of all. 4 Come Afric's Sailors, Esiypt's host, And Algerines we call, Christ and his Cross be all our boast, And crown him Lord of all. 5 Crown him America throughout. Let Isles and main now call. Peruvians, Esquinieaux, .shall shout, And crown him Lord of all. 6 European Seamen near his feet. At Greece and Greenland fall. In Christ now all your brethren greet. And crown him Lord of all. ROYAL DOMINION OF CHRIST. 79 7 But British Sailors, shout his praise. In loudest anthems call, For wond'rous grace, through endless days. Oh crown him Lord of all. 130. Grateful Allegiance. "The Lord reifineth, let tiie earth rejoice."— Psa. 97. (P. M.) 1 YE subjects of the Lord proclaim, The royal honors of his name ; Jehovah reigns, be all your song, 'Tis he, thy God, O Zion reigns, Prepare thy most harmonious strains, Glad hallelujahs to prolong. 2 Tremble, ye pageants of a day, . Form'd like your slaves, of brittle clay ; Down to the dust your sceptres bend, To everlasting years he reigns, And undiminished pomp maintains. When kings, and sun;:, and time shall end. Doddridge. 131. The Victonfs Won. "Thanks be to God, which giveth ns the victory throagh onr Lord Je*us Christ,'.'_i Cor. 15. (P. M.) 1 liET us awake our joys. Strike up v.ita cheerful voice, ICarh creature sing; Angfls — be^iin the song, Mortals— the strain prolong, Iq arcf '^ts .^weet ^nd strong, Jesus if} King. 80 ROYAL DOMINION OF CHRIST. 2 Pioclaim abroad his fame, Tell of his matchless name, What wonders done ; Shout thro' hell's dark profound^ Let the whole earth resound, 'Till the high heav'ns rebound, " The Vict'ry's Won." Kingsbury. 132. The Glories of the Jjamh. " Tliou crownest him with glory and honour."-^ Heb. 2. (C. M.) 1 BEHOLD the glories of the Lamb, Amid his Father's throne, Prepare new honors for his name, And songs before unknown. 2 Let Sailors worship at his feet, The Church adore around, With vials full of odours sweet, And harps of solemn sound. 3 These ai e the prayers of the saints. And these the hymns they raise, Jesus is kind to our complaints. He loves to hear our praise. 4 Now to the Lamb that once was slain, Be endless blessings paid, Salvation, glory, joy, remain For ever on thy head. Watts. 133. The Royal Court. " Far above all principality and dominion."— Eph. 1. (CM.) 1 PRINCES to his imperial throne. Bend their bright sceptres down, Dominions, powers, and thrones rejoice^ To see him wear the crown. ROYAL PQJVUMON OF CHRIST. 81 S His head, that dear majestic head, Which cruel thorns did wound, Lo, what immortal glories shine, And circle it around. S This is the Saviour, God and Man, Whom we unseen adore, And when our eyes behold his face. Our hearts shall love him more. Lord, set our spirits all on fire, To see thy blest abode. And tune our hearts to sing the praise Of our Incarnate God. Hill's Collection 134. Regal Honours, . "Thou hast crowned him with glory and honour." — Psa. 8. (L. M.) GLORY his fleecy robe adorns, Mark'd with the bloody death he bore Seven are his eyes, and seven his horns To speak his wisdom and his power 2 All the assembling saints around, Fall worshipping before the Lamb, And in new songs of gospel sound. Address their honors to liis name. S Our voices join the heavenly strain. And with transporting pleasure sing, Worthy the Lamb that once was slain, To be our teacher and our king. 4 Thou hast redeera'd our souls from hell, With thine invaluable blood, And wretches that did once rebel, Are now ipade fav'rites of their God. Watts* 82 ROYAL DOMINION OF CHRIST 135. The Hoary Tan " Tliey that go down to sea in ships;, and do business in great waters, they see the works of the Lord.'— Psa. (L. M.) 1 O HASTE, victorious prince, That happy, glorious day, When souls like drops of dew, Shall own thy gentle sway. O may it bless our longing eyes, And bear our shouts beyond the skies. 2 To thee the hoary tar. His aged honors pays. To thee the cabin youth Devotes his brightest days. And every age their tribute bring And bow to thee, all-conquering king. Williams's Collection. 136. Light and Truth, "O send out thy light and thy truth." — Psa. 43. (P. M.) 1 KING of Zion, give the order, Send thy li^ht and truth abroad, O let Ziou stretch her border, Zion favor'd of her God. 2 Thou can'st form the zealous preacher Thou can'st light and lo\e impart, Send thy word to every creature, Send it to the Sailor's heart. 3 O let many now be ready, Launching forth at thy command, Men of faith, approv'd and steady, Leaving all at thy command. KOYAL DOMINION OF CHRIST. 83 137. Tiie Man of Sorrows Crowned. 'A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. '•«•- Isa. 53. (P. M.) 1 SAILORS look, the sight is glorious, See the " man of sorrows" now, From the fight return'd victorious, . Every knee to him shall bow. Crown him, crown him, Crowns become the victor's brow. 2 CrovtTi the Saviour, angels, crown him, Rich the trophies Jesus brings. In seat of power enthrone him, While the vault of heaven rings. Crown him, crown him, Orown the Saviour *' King of Kings." 3 Sinners in derision crown'd him, Mocking thus the Saviour's claim. Saints and angels crowd around him, Owns his title, praise his name. Crown him, crown him, Spread abroad the victor's fame. 4 Hark, those bursts of acclamation, Hark, those loud triumphant chords, Jesus takes the highest station, O what joy the sight affords. Crown him, crown him, *' King of Rings, and Lord of Lords." Wesley. 84 THE HOLY. SPIRIT. 138. The Day of Pentecost, '* They were all filled with the Holy Ghost.**— Acts 2. (P. M. 1 GREAT was the day, the joy was great, AVhen the divine disciples met, While on their heads the spirit came, And sat like tongues of cloven flame. 2 What gifts, what miracles he gave, And power to kill, and power to save, Furnish'd their tongues with wond'rous words, Instead of shields, and spears, and swords. 3 Thus arm'd, he sent the champion forth, From east to west, from south to north, *' Go and assert your Saviour's cause, Go spread the mystery of his Cross." Wattb. 139. Quickening Fire. " My soul cleaveth to the dust, quicken me nccordin^ to thy word."— Psa. 119. (P. M.) I COME, Holy Ghost, all quick'ning fire, Come and my hallow'd heart inspire, Sprinkled with the atoning blood ; Now to my soul thyself reveal, Thy mighty working let me feel, And know that I am bom of God. THE HOLY SPIRIT. 85 2 Be thotj my joy, be thcu xny dread. In battle cover thou my head. Nor earth, nor hell, I then shall fear I then shall turn my steady face, Want, pain defy — enjoy disg'race, Glory in dissolution near. Wesley. 140. The Comforter longed for. " He shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you lor ever." — Jno. M. (P. M.) 1 COME now, dear Lord, thyself reveal, And let thy promise now take place, Be it according- to thy will, According; to thy word of grace. Thy sorrowful disciples cheer. And send us doAvn the comforter. 2 Hasten him, Lord, into each heart, Our sure inseparable guide, O may we meet and never part, O may he in our hearts abide ; And keep his house of praise and prayer, And live and reign for ever there. Hill's Collection. 141. Desiring to be (he Lord's Temple. "The Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to hi.s temple."— Mai. 3. (P. M.) I COME, holy spririt, sacred fire, Come, and in me delight to rest ; Drawn by the lure of strong desire, O come and consecrate my breast. The temple of my soul prepare. And fix t.hy sacrod presence there. 1 HG THE HOLY SPIRIT. I-'ager for thee I ask and pant, So strong the piinciple divine. Carries me out Avith sweet consti-jtint, Till ail my hallowed soul is thine. Plung'd in the Godhead's deepest sea, Aud lost ill thy immensity. Wesley. 142. EzekieVs Vision. ** Breathe upon these slain, that they may live."— Ezek. 37. 'P. M.) 1 BREATHE on these bones, so dry and dead, Thy softest, sweetest, influence shed, In all our hearts abroad ; Point out the place where grace abounds, Direct us to the bleeding wounds. Of our incarnate God. 2 Conduct, blest guide, thy sinner train, To Calv'ry, where the Lamb was slain, And with us there abide ; Let us our lov'd Redeemer meet, Weep o'er his pierced hands and feet, And view his wounded side. Hart. 143. A Heavenly Wind, *• So is every one tliat is bom of the spirit. Jno. 3. (C. M.) 1 THE blessed spirit, like the wind, Blows when and where he please; How happy are the men who feel The soul enlivening breeze* THE HOL\ SPIRIT 87 2 He moulds the sinner's mind afresh, Subdues the power uf sin, Transipnus tUe heart of stone to flesh, And plants his grace within. 3 He sheds abroad the Father's love, Applies redeeming hh)od, Bids both our guilt and tear remove, And brings us home to God. Williams's Collection. 144. Spvifs Operations prayed foi\ " Take nut lliv Holy Spirit iVoin lue."^ Tsa. :>l. (L. M.) 1 COiVrr., sacred spirit ! from above. And til! the coldest hearts with love, Soften to flesh tlie flinty stone, And let thy godlike power be known. 2 Our longing souls aloud would sing, Spring up, celestial fountain, spring, 'J'o a redundant river flow. And cheer this thirsty land below. 3 May this blest torrent near my sidv,. Through all the desert gently glide. Then in Immanuel's land above, Spread to a sea of joy and love. Doddridge. 145. Divine Baptism. " He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost."— Matt. 3. (L. M.) 1 O THOU whom John at Jordan's stream. And Saul of Tarsus made their boast, Be thou alone our Sailors' theme, Baptise them with the Holy Ghost. 88 THE HOLY SPIRIT. 2 Sailors thou didst at once inspire, On that blest day of Pentecost, A mighty rushing wind and fire, O'erwhelm'd them with ihe Holy Ghost. 3 Behold a ransom'd Sailor stand Before Jerus'lam's mighty host, Three thousand souls, at God's command, Are baptiz'd with the Holy Ghost. 4 O Lord, descend on board our ships, When Sailors meet around the coast. Preserve them on the boist'rous deeps, Baptize them with the Holy Ghost. 146. ^ Great Need of the Holy Ghost. *• The Holy Ghost whom the Father will send lo my name, he shall teach you all things."— Jiio. 14. (S. M.) 1 COME, holy spirit, come. Let thy bright beams arise. Dispel the sorrow from our minds, The darkness from our eyes. 2 Convince us of our sin, Then lead to Jesu's blood, And to our wond'rous view reveal The secret love of Gad. S Revive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears remove. And kindle in our I reast&the flames Of never dying love. 4 'Tis thine, to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the sou!. To pour fresh life on every part. And new-create the whole. ' THE HOLY SPIRIT. 89 147. The Holy Fire. " If ye then, heing evil, know how to give good gifts unto j'our children, how much more shall your Father, which is iu heaven, give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him."— Matt. 7. (C. M.) 1 O THAT in me the sacred fire Might now begin to glow, Burn up the dross of base desire, And make the mountains flow. 2 O that it now from heaven might fall^ And all my sins consume, Come, Holy Ghost, for thee I call, Spirit of burning, come. 3 Refining fire, go thro' my heart. Illuminate my soul. Scatter thy life thro' every part, And sanctify the whole. 4 No longer then my heart shall mourn. While purified by grace, I only for his glory burn, And always see his face. Weslly. 90 THE TRI-UNE GOD. 148. The TrinUij Celebrated. " The uame of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost."— Matt. 28. (G. M.) 1 HAIL, holy, holy, Holy Lord, Whom one in three we know. By all the heavenly host ador'd, By all thy church below. 2 Thee, holy Father, we confess. Thee, holy Son, adore, Thee, spirit of truth and holiness, We worship evermore. 3 Shine forth with all the deity, Which dwells in thee alone, And lift us up thy face to see, On thy eternal throne ! Wesley. 149. Lauding the Trinity. "The grace of our Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all."— 2 Cor. 13. (P. M.) 1 HOLY, blessed, glorious three, One from all eternity, * Make us vessels of thy grace. Ever running o'er with praise. 2 Thee we laud with grateful song, Sever'd from the guilty throng, Ransom' d by thy Son who died, By thy spirit sanctified. THE TRI-UNE GOD. 91 3 O that we thy love might taste, Bless us, and we shall be blessed, Cleanse us, Lord, from sin's aouse, Fit us for the master's use. 4 In our hearts thy temples dwell. With the hope of glory fill ; Be on earth our guest divine, Then in heaven we shall be thine. TOPLADY. 150. The Sacred Three adored, "There are three tVial bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost."— 1 Jno. 5. 1 TO Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Equal in wisdom, grace, and power, Let heaven's innumerable host And earth's dispersed tribes adore. a Ye children of the Father's choice, And purchase of the Saviour's blood, Seard by the spirit, now rejoice, And bless and praise the triune God. Beddomb. 151. Benefits confer'd. Elect according to the foreknowledge of God th« Father, through Sanctification of the Spirit* unto obedience, and sprinkling of tlie blood of Jesus Christ."—! Peter 1. 1 BLESSED be the Father and his love. To whose celestial source we owe Rivers of endless joy above, And rills of comfort here beWw. y^ COMPARISONS OF CHRIST. 2 Glory to thee, great Son of God, From whose dear wounded body rolls A precious stream of vital blood, Pardon and life for dying souls. 3 We give, sacred spirit praise, Who in our hearts of sin and woe, Makes living springs of grace arise, And into boundless glory flow. 4 Thus God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit we adore. That sea of life and love unknown, Without a bottom or a shore. Watts. COMPARISONS OF CHRIST. 152. The Day Spring. *'The day spring from on high_hath visited us."— Luke 1. 1 ALL hail, redeeming Lord, Sweet day spring from on high, All hail, thou sun of righteousness, With all thy vital joy. 2 Shine, lovely star of day, Around and in us shine, And our benighted souls shall own, Thy light and love divine. 3 Our wandering footsteps guide, Through all this desert place, Beneath thy beams we'll trace the path^ Of purity and peace. COMPARISONS OF CHRIST. 93 4 Death's vale shall lose its glooni» Cheer'd with thy vital ray, And open to our longing eyes The road to perfect day. BOYCB. 153. The Star of Bethlehem. " They saw the star and rejoiced with exceeding great joy."— Matt. 2. 1 ONCE on the raging seas I rode, The storm was loud — the night was dark, The ocean yawn'd — and rudely blow'd The wind that toss'd my fouud'ring bark. Deep horror then my vitals froze, Death stiuck, I ceas'd the tide to stem. When suddenly a star arose, It was the star of Bethlehem! 2 It was my guide, ray light, my all, It bade my dark forebodings cease. And through the storm and dangers thrall It led me to the Port of Peace. Now safely moor'd — my perils o'er, I'll sing first in night's diadem, For ever, and for ever more. The star ! the star of Btlhlehem! KiRKE White. 154. The Star seen by Seamen. " I am the bright and morning star." — Rev. S2, I WE sin* the bright and morning star, Jesus, the source of light and love. His purest rays, diffus'd from far, Conduct us to the realms above. 94 CHRIST A SUN. 2 Midst gloomy darkness spread aboard, ■fhis light directs the seaman's way, Stil!, a.s he sails, he finds the road, That leads him safe to endless day 3 When shall we reach the glorious height, Where this bright star shall brighest shine LeH.ve far behind those scenes of night, And view the lustre all divine. Beddome. CHRIST A SUN. 155. A Rising Sun. " UiUo you that fear his name shall the Sun of rijlueousness arise, with healing in his wings."— Mai. 4. (C. M.) 1 RISE, glorious sun, supremely bright, Ditluse thy rays abroad, Scatter the shades of gloomy night, And show the heavenly road. 2 With healing in thy wings arise. On tiiis dark soul of mine Oh pour thy glories from the skies, And give me life divine. 3 Tho' rocks and sands, and seas and snares, Beset the ccmrse I go, One ra\ of thine dispels my fears, And guides me safely through. CHRIST A SUN. 95 156. The Rays of the Sun, " He shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds.' — 2 Sam. 33. (L. M.) 1 BEHOLD, what sweet reviving rays The sun of righteousness displays, How fast his beams, divinely bright, Dispel the gloomy shades of night. 2 But tho' the rays of truth divine, With a resplendent lustre shine, From the bright beams of heavenly day, Men turn with scorn their eyes away. 3 Painlul to their distempered sight. They hate these rays of heavenly light ; They in their native darkness dwell, In love with sin — in league with hell. 4 In this their condemnation lies. They dare God's richest grace despise, The road to death profanely chose, And that which leads to life refuse. 5 Hail light of life, arise and shine, The father's glories all are thine. Thine is the power and thine the grace, And thine shall be the endless praise. Rowland Hill. 157. Liberty and Happiness frcmi Christ. "A light to lighten the Gentiles."— Luke 2. (L. M.) 1 LIGHT of the Gentile world, appear. Command the blind thy rays to see, Our darkness chase, our sorrows cheer. And set the plaintive prisoner Iree. 96 CHRIST A SUN. 2 Open niiiie eyes, the Lamb to know, Who bears the seaman's guilt away, And to my ransom 'd spirit show The glories of eternal day. Wesley, 158. Sunshine entreated, (C. M.) 1 ETERN A L sun of righteousness, Display thy beams divine, And cause the glory of thy face. Upon my heart to shine. 2 Light in thy light, O may I see. Thy grace and mercy prove, Reviv'd and cheer'd, and blest by thee, The God of pardoning love. 3 Lift up thy countenance serene, And let thy happy child, Behoid, without a cloud between. The Godhead reconciled. 4 That all comprising peace bestow On me, through grace forgiven, The joys of holiness bestow, And then the joys of heaven. Wesley. 97 THE ROCK, 159. A Rock of Ages, ** In the Lord Jehovah is the rock of ftg€S.*?«» Isa. 26. (P. M.) ROCK of ages ! cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee ; Let the water and the blood, From thy wounded side which flow'd, Be of sin the double cure ; Cleanse me from its guilt and power. Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling ; Helpless look to thee for grace, Naked come to thee for dress ; Black I to thy fountain fly, "Wash me, Saviour, or I die. "While I draw this fleeting breath, "When my eye strings break in death, "When I soar to worlds unknovrn, See thee on thy judgment throne, Pock of ages! shelter me, Let me hide myself in thee. TOPLADT 160. Tlie Foundation of the Church. " Upon this rock will I build."— Matt. 16. (L. M.) IN persecution's hottest fire, Thy church, O God, has stood entire; Witness the slaughtered millions, who For Jesus sake, the flames went through. 98 THE ROCK. 2 Built on his Godhead and his blood, She stands, and hath for ever stood, Nor hell, nor sin, so firm the base. Shall e'er the christian's hopes erase. 3 When on the cross he bow'd his head, He Zion's debt of sufF'ring paid. And on this rock, for ever blest, Shall mercy's glorious fabric iTst. Kent 16L The Cleft of the B^clc. " I will put thee in a cleft of the rock." — Exod. 33. (L. M.) 1 GREAT Rock for w^eary sinners made, When storms of sin distress the soul, Here will I rest ray weary head. When lightnings blaze and thunders roll. 2 Within the cleft of his dear side, There all his saints in safety dwell, For who from Jesus shall divide ? Not all the rage of earth and hell. 3 O sacred covert from the beams That on the weary traveller beat. How welcome are thy shades and streams, How blestj how sacred, and how sweet. Dobell's Coll. 162. The Security of the Rock. " It fell not, for it was founded upon a rock."— ,Matt. 7. (L. M.) L THE tower that rises o'er the sea, And braves the winter's dreadful shock, When floods and rains and winds increase, StanJs fast, built firmly on a rock. THE ROCK. 1)9 2 Thus may my soul on Jesus rest. While at his gates I humbly knock. And when with 'whelming seas opprest Si;ind last, built firmly on a rock. 3 Tome, sinners, flee to Jesus arms, Like " Doves who to their windows flock/' When death and hell the world alarms, Stand fast, built firmly on a rock. 4 Then while the harden'd sinner's drow-n'd, And heaven his cries and woes shall mock, Thy soul with glory shall be crown'd. For ever built on Christ thy rock. 163, Streams from the Rock, "That rock was Christ."— I Cor. 8. (C M.) 1 THEY thirst, and waters from the rock In rich abundance flow, And following still the course they took, Ran all the desert thro'. 2 O wond'rous stream — O blessed type, Of overflooiiig grace, So Christ our Ruck maintains our life. Thro' all this wilderness. Watts. 161. Safe'^ii in the Rock. " my dove th 1 JESUS, lover of my soul, Let rne to thy bosom fly, While the raging billows roll. While the tempest still is high ; Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past, Safe into the haven guide, O receive my soul at last. 2 Other refuge have I none. Hangs my helpless soul on thee, Leave, ah leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me ; All my trust in thee is stay'd. All my help from thee I bring, Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of thy wing. Conyer's Collection. 169. the Divine Shelter. 'What iTinst I do to be saved? believe in the Lord Jesus Christ."— Acts 16. (C. M.) 1 IS there no shelter from the wrath, Of an offended God ? Jesus, to thy dear Cross I fly, Thy guilt atoning blood. X. THE ROCK. lOi 2 I bless that stream that cries for peace,^ From every bleeding vein, Yet is my soul but half redeem'd, If Sin the tyrant reign. 3 Lord, crush his empire — bid his throne From its foundation fall, Ye flattering plagues, that wrought my death, Fly, for I hate you all. 4 Now to the Lamb, whose power and grace, Lift our bright hopes to heaven, In songs above, and songs below, Be endless glory given. Watts, altered. 170, Solid Confidence in Christ. ** In notJiing terrified by your adversaries.** — Phil. 1. (P. M.> 1 THE powers of earth, and of hell. Whene'er they against me arise, To Jesus my sorrows I tell. My soul to its hiding place flies. His favors he loves to dispense. From him all my comforts proceed, I make him my rock of defence. My refuge in seasons of need. 2 In darkness, and deepest distress, When night's sable mantle is spread, And winds and the waves never cease, And billows roll over my head ; Then let the storm furiously roar. The noise of the water spouts roll, I quickly shall gain the blest shore, The 1 avea of rest to my soul. BEDDOitt .,,.fr^\ 104 THE I^'3CK. 1?1. Safe Retreat. *' Who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us." — Heb. b. (C. M.) 1 JESUS, to thee, my sure defence, My help for ever nigh, From the rough blast and rushing storn>, For shelter I apply. 2 Thou art my only hiding place, Thou my secure abode, When vengeance, like a whirlwind, flies, And rages all abroad. 3 As rocks, to guard from burning skies, Their ample shades extend, Po thou from flames of wrath divine, My guilty soul defend. Gibbons^ 172. Shadow of the Rock. ** As the Bliadow of a great rock in a wcarj- land."— Isa. 32. ii\ M.) 1 TO the haven of 7 178 116 '"h^e ill 141 172 170 193 150 173 128 130 194 196 i62 197 IV. INDEX. Faith, 'tis a precious grace . Faith is the brightest evidence Far, far beyond these lower skie& . From thy dear pierced side . From pole to pole let others roam Go up with Christ your head Go make thy station his dear cross God from his radiant throne on high Grace, 'tis a sweet, a charming theme Grace ! 'tis a charming sound Grace, how exceeding sweet to those Great God, 'tis from thy sovereign grace Great Prophet of our God Great Prophet, let me bless thy name Hail, blest Union ! seamen hail Hail, everlasting spring Have I that faith whose influence . He that distributes crowns and thrones He now stands knocking at the door He left his Father's throne above^ . Here, as in a lion's den His only righteousness I show Hosanna to our conquering King . How sweet the name of Jesus sounds Huge troubles, with tumultuous noise If lifted up on high I be . In the strength of God I rise I Khow thee Saviour, who thou art Infinite excellence is thine J . In life's fair book the Patriarchs live It is no stranger's voice I hear Jesus, to purge away our guilt Jesus, my King, to thee 1 bow Jesus the conqueror reigns Jesus, the God that fought and bled Jesus, the Saviour, balmy name Jesus, with all thy saints above Jesus, all-atoning Lamb Jesus, thy blood and righteousness Jesus, to multitudes unknown X INDEX. T. Jesus, 1 bless thy gracious power Jesus, I love thy charming name Jesus, in thy transporting name Jesus, thy face I long to see Justice provok'd, for vengeance calls Launch'd on a sea where troubled waves Let the vain world pronounce it shame Look up, my soul, with cheerful eye Lo, Christ by his own powerful blood Lo, the eternal word . . Lo, to the hills I lift mine eyes Lord, what a heaven of saving grace Millions of years, ray wond'ring eyes My Captain sounds the alarm of war My dear Almighty Lord My dying Saviour, and my God . My God, ray God, to thee I cry Not all the blood of beasts Nothing but thy blood, O Jesus Now let us record the conquering name Now Moses feels for Israel s griefs Now the good will of heaven is shewn Now to the Lord a noble song Now for the love I bear his name . Often, my gracious Friend, 1 grieve O Jesus, in pity draw near O Jesus, my hope, for me offer'd up O^Iet the dead now hear thy voice On life's wide ocean rudely tost O thou, whora once they flock'd to hear O the transcendant love O thou of little faith Our sins and griefs on Christ were laid O I unexhausted grace . Our journey is a thorny maze Plenteous grace with thee is found Poor, weak, and worthless tho' I am Pris'ners of hope, why will ye die . Prophet, to me reveal . rr. INDEX. Kaise, raise, my soul, thy raptur'd sight Rejoicing now in earnest hope . Rise my soul ! adore and wonder , .^ Sailors, to Jesus now draw near . Sailors redeemed from endless woe Salvation, O the joyful sound . Saviour of all, to thee we bow Saviour divine, we read thy fame Saviour divine ! we know thy name See on the mountain top See here an endless ocean flows . Shall I behold my King the Lamb Sing the dear Saviour's glorious fame Sin, like a venomous disease Stand up, ray soul, shake off thy fear$ Surprising grace, and such were we Survey the beauties of his face ^ . . Ten thousand wants have 1 ■ . . " That bloody banner see , The wondering world enquires to know The whole Creation can afford The fairest of ten thousand fairs ^^' , The wounded conscience knows its power The pains that wait ray fleeting breath The oath and promise of the Lord . Tliere is a great Physician near There is a fountain filled with blood This is the way I long have sought Think, O my soul, devoutly think Thou Lamb of God, thou prince of peace Thou very Paschal Lamb Thy blood, dear Lord, which thou hast spilt Tis grace that sweetens every cross To Christ, the bread of life, I fly . To the dear Fountain of thy blood To Heaven I'm bound witk prosp'rous gales Up to the fields where Angels lie . , Viewing Christ as newly slain . • , 180 137 : INDEX. ' VII. We see the blood of Jesus shed , What, though a thousand hosts engage^ What mighty Hero comes from far | What shall I do ray suit to gain When poison spreading thro' theveins When on the Cross ray Saviour died When most we need his helping hand When passing through the wat'ry deep Which, of ail our friends, to save us While the angel-choirs are crying f. Who is this that comes from Edom] Why thus array'd, almighty God . Why droops my soul, with guilt opprestj Why do 1 thus coraplain . . Would Jesus have the sinner die ? . Ye sin sick souls, dismiss your fears Ye mourning saints, behold . Yes, there is, there is, my God i . Yon despised Nazarene . • I Page. . 169 . 177 . 118 . 164 . 133 . 139 . 144 . 195 . 145 . 152 . 119 . 123 . 135 . 200 . 171 . 132 . 168 , 136 . 117 CHRIST A PILOT. 109 3 Amid the roaring of the sea, My soul still hangs her hope on thee, Thy constant love, thy faithful care, Is all that saves me from despair. 4 Dangers of every shape and name, Attend the follovrers of the Lamb, Who leave the vrorld's deceitful shore, And leave it to return no more. 5 Tho' tempest toss'd, and half a wreck, My Saviour thro' the floods I seek, Let neither vs^inds nor stormy rain Force back my shatter'd bark again. CoWPERv 179 Gratitude for the Pilot's Skill. " Ebeiiezer."— 1 Sam. J. (C. M.) 1 THINK, O my soul, devoutly think, ' How with affrighted eyes Thou saw'st the wide extended deep, In all its horrors rise. 2 Confusion dwelt in every face, And fear in every heart, When waves on waves, and gulphs on gulphs, O'ercarae the Pilot's art. 3 Jesus, in all these griefs appear'd My Pilot, set me free, When in the confidence of prayer, My soul took hold on thee. 4 For tho' in dreadful whirls we hung, High on the broken wave, I knew thou wert not slow to hear, Nor impotent to save. L ^ 1 10 CHRIST A CAPTAIN. 6 The storm was laid, the winds retired. Obedient to thy will ; The sea that roar'd at thy command, At thy command was still. 6 In midst of dangers, fears, and deaths, Thy goodness I'll adore, And praise thee for thy mercies past, And humbly hope for more. Addison. CHRIST A CAPTAIN. 180. 4 Noble Commander. " A leader and commander to the people,"— 133.55. (CM.) 1 JESUS, to purge away our guilt, A willing victim fell, And on his cross triumphant broke The bands of death and hell. 2 Our foes were mighty to destroy, He mighty was to save. He died, but could not long be held A pris'ner in the grave, 3 Jesus, who mighty art to save, Still push thy conquests^on. Extend the triumphs of the cross, Where'er the sun has shone. 4 O Captain of Salvation, make Thy power and mercy known, Till crowds of willing converts come. And worship at thy throne. Stennett CHRIST A CAPTAIN. Ill 181. Looking to Jesus. " Lord, to whom should we go." — Jno. 6. (L. M.) 1 JESUS, my King, to thee I bow, Enlisted under thy command, Captain of my salvation, thou Shalt lead me to the promis'd land. 2 Lo ! the tall sons of Anak rise, Who can the Sons of Anak meet, Captain ! to thee I lift mine eyes, And lo, they fall beneath my feet. 3 My Lord, in my behalf appears. Captain, thy strength inspiring eye, Scatters my doubts, dispels my fears. And makes the hosts of aliens fly. 4 Who can before my Captain stand, AV^ho is so great a King as mine. High over all is thy right hand, And might and majesty are thine. Wesley. 182. To Arms I " Whom resist stedfast in the faith."— lPet.5. (L.M.) MY Captain sounds the alarm of war, Awake ! the powers of hell are near, " To arms ! to arms !" I hear him ciy, 'Tis yours to conquer, or to die ! Rous'd by the animating sound, I cast my eager eyes around. Make haste to gird my armour on, And bid each trembling fear be gone. 112 CHRIST A CAPTAIN. 3 Thus arm'd, I venture on the fight, Resolv'd to put my foes to flight, While Jesus kindly deigns to spread, His conquering banner o'er my head. 4 In him I hope, in him I trust, His bleeding Cross is all my boast ; Thro' troops of foes he'll lead me on, To vict'ry and the victor's crown. Stennett. 183. The Church Militant. " Follow me."— Matt. 4. (P. M.) 1 NOW let US record the conquering name, Our Captain, and Lord, with shoutings proclaim. Who trust in his passion, and follow their head, To certain salvation shall surely be led. ^ 3 O Jesus, lead on thy militant care, And give us the crown of righteousness there. Where dazzled with glory, the seraphim gaze, Or prostrate adore thee in silence of praise. 3 Within us display thy love when we die. And bear us away to mansions on high, The kingdom be given of glory divine, And crown us in heaven eternally thine. Rippon's Collection. 184. The Orders. " Speak Lord, for thy serrant heareth."— 1 Sam. 3. (P. M.) 1 GO up with Christ your head. Your Captain's footsteps see ; Follow your Captain, and be led To certain victory. CHRIST A CAPTAIN. 1 13 All power to him is given, He ever reigns the same, Salvation, happiness and heaven, Are all in Jesus' name. 2 Our Captain leads us on, He beckons from the skies. And reaches out a starry crovv^n, And bids us take the prize. Be faithful unto death, Partake my victory, And thou shalt wear this glorious wreaUi, And thou shalt reign with me. Wesley. 185. Ambition to Conquer. " This is the victory, eren our faith."— 1 Jno. 5. (L. M.) 1 ASPIRE, my soul, to glorious deeds, The Captain of Salvation leads, March on, nor fear to win the day, Tho' death and hell obstruct the way. 2 Should death and hell, and powers unknown, Put all their forms of mischief on, I shall be safe, for Christ displays Salvation in more sovereign ways. Watts. 186. Soldier's Duty and Prom