mmimBl \^co^ PZ 3 C7B6 Pre PRECAUTION, A NOVEL. By J. FENIMORE COOPER. • Be •wise to-dav. 't is madness to defer ; To-morrow's caution may arrire too late." OOMPLETE IN ONE VOLOMit NKW EDITION. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY HURD AND HOUGHTON. 1870. PKECAUTION. Entered, Mcordlng to Act of Congress, In the year 1853, Bt STUINGEK & TOWNSENii. In the Clerk's Offloe of the District Court of the United St&tce for the Southeru District of New York. W C. BRYANT'S DISCOURSE ON THB LIFE, GENIUS, AND WKITINGS OF JAMES FENIMORE COOPER, PELIYERED AT METROPOLITAN HAIL, N. Y., PEBRUARY 25, 1852. It is now somewhat more than a year, since the friends of James Fenimore Cooper, in this city, were planning tc? give a public dinner to his honor. It was intended as an expression both ol the regard they bore him personally, and of the pride they took in the glory his writings had reflected on the American name. We thought of what we should say in his hearing; in what terms, worthy of him and of us, we should speak of the esteem in which we held him, and of the interest we felt in a fame which had already penetrated tp the remotest nook of the earth inhabited by cinlized man. To^ay we assemble for a sadder purpose : to pay to the dead some part of the honors then intended for the living. We bring our offering, but he is not here who should receive it ; in his stead are vacancy and silence; there is no eye to brighten at our words, and no voice to answer. " It is an empty office that we perform," said Virgil, in his melodious verses, when commemorating the virtues of the young Marcellus, and bidding flowers be strewn, with full hands, over his early grave. We might apply the expression to the present occasion, but it would be true in part ly. We can no longer do anything for him who is departed, ^Sbut we may do what will not be without fruit to those who "^fe remain. It is good to occupy our thoughts with the example of \ great talents in conjunction with great virtues. His genius has ^j passed away ^\ith him ; but we may learn, from the history uf his ^ . life, to employ the faculties we possess with useful activity and -J noble aims ; we may copy his magnanimous frankness, his disdain 6 LIFE, GITNIUS, AND WRITINGS of everytliing that wears the faintest semblance of deceit, his refusal to comply with current abuses, and the courage with which, on all occasions, he asserted what he deemed truth, and combated what he thought error. The circumstances of Cooper's early life were remarkably suited to confirm the natural hardihood and manliness of his character, and to call forth and exercise that extraordinary power of observation, which accumulated the materials afterwards wielded and shaped by his genius. His father, while an inhabitant of Burlington, in New Jersey, on the pleasant b:ml*s of the Delaware, was the owner of large possessions on the borders ot the Otsego Lake in our own state, and here, in the newly-cleared fields, he built, in 1786, the first house in Cooperstown. To this home. Cooper, who was born in Burlington, in the year 1789, was conveyed in his infancy, and here, as he informs us in his preface to the Pioneers, his first impressions of the external world were obtained. Here he passed his childhood, with the vast forest around him, stretching up the mountains that overlook the lake, and far beyond, in a region where the Indian yet roamed, and the white hunter, half Indian in his dress and mode of life, sought his game, — a region in which the bear and the wolf were yet hunted, and the panther, more formidable than either, lurked in the thickets, and tales of wanderings in the wilderness, and encounters with these fierce animals, beguiled the lengtii of the wh.ter nights. Of this place. Cooper, although early removed from it to pursue his studies, was an occasional resident throughout his life, and here his last years were wholly passed. At the age of thirteen he was sent to Yale College, where, not- withstanding his extreme youth, — for, with the exception of the poet Hillhouse, he was the youngest of his class, and Hillhouse was afterwards withdrawn, — his progress in his studies is said to have been honorable to his talents. He left the college, after a residence of three years, and became a midshipman in the United States navy. Six years he followed the sea, and there yet -'•anders, among those who are fond of Uterary anecdote, a story of the young sailor who, in the streets if one of the English ports, attracted the curiosity of the crowd by explaining to his companions a Latin motto in some public p^ce. That during this period he made himself master of the krowledge and the imagery which he afterwards employed to so much advantage in his romances of the sea, ine finest ever written, is a common and obvious remark; but it has not been, so far as 1 kaow, observed that from the discipline of a seaman's life he may have derived much of his readiness and fertility of invention, much >f his skill in surrounding the personages of his novels with imaginary perils, and rescuing them by probable expedients. Of all pursuits, th« OF* J. FEXIMORE CUOPER. J life of a sailor is that wliich familiarizes men to danger in ita most fearful shapes, most cultivates presence of mind, and most effectually calls forth the resources of a prompt and fearless dex- terity by which imminent evil is avoided. In 1811, Cooper, having resigned his post as midshipman, began the year by marrying Miss Dehmcy, sister of the present bishop of the diocese of Western New York, and entered upon a domestic life happily passed to its close. He went to live at Mamaroneck, in the county of Westchester, and while here he wrote and publisiied the first of his novels, entitled Precaution. Concerning the occasion of writing this work, it is related, that once, as lie was reading an English novel to Mrs. Cooper, who has, within a short time past, been laid in the grave beside her illustrious husband, and of whom we may now say, that her goodness was no les3 eminent than his genius, he suddenly laid down the book, and said, " I believe I couJd write a better myself." Almost imme- diately he composed a chapter of a projected work of fiction, and read it to the same friendly judge, who encouraged him to finish it, and when it was completed, suggested its publication. Of this he had at the time no intention, but he was at length induced to submit the manuscript to the examination of the late Charles Wiikes, of this city, in v;hose literary opinions he had great con- fidence. Mr. Wilkes advised that it should be published, and to these circumstances we owe it that Cooper became an author. I confess I have merely dipped into this work. The experiment was made with the first ediiion, deformed by a strange punctua- tion^a profusion of commas, and other pauses, which puzzled and repelled me. Its author, many years afterwards, revised and republished it, correcting this fault, and some faults of style also, so that to a casual inspection it appeared almost another work. It was a professed^delineation of English manners, though the author had then seen nothing of English society. It had, however, the honor of being adopted by the country whose manners it described, and, being early republished in Great Britain, passed from the first for an English novel. I am not unwilling to believe what is said of it, that it contained a promise of the powers which its author afterwards put forth. Thirty years ago, in the year 1821, and in the thirty-second Oi his life. Cooper published the first of the works by which he will be known to posterity, the Spy, It took the reading world by a kind of surprise; its merit was acknowledged by a rapid sale ; the public read with eagerness and the critics w'ondered. Many with- held their commendations on account of defects in the plot oi blemishes in the composition, arising from want of pn;ctice, and some waited till they could hear the judgment of European readers. Yet there were not wanting critics in thia country, oi 8 LIFE, GENIUS, AND WRITINGS whose good opinion any author in any part of the world might be proud, who spoke of it in terms it deserved. " Are you not delighted," wrote a literary friend to me, who has since risen to high distinction as a writer, both in verse and in prose, " are you not delighted with the Spy^ as a work of infinite spirit and genius?" In that word genius lay the explanation of the hold which the work had taken on tne minds of men. What it had of excellence was peculiar and unborrowed ; its pictures of life, whether in repose or activity, were drawn, with broad lights and shadows, immediately from living originals in nature or in his own imagination. To him, whatever he described was true ; it was made a reality to him by the strength with wliich he conceived it. His power in the delineation of character was shown in the princi- pal personage of his story, Harvey Birch, on whom, though he has chosen to employ him in the ignoble office of a spy, and endowed him with the qualities necessary to his profession, — extreme cir- cumspection, fertility in stratagem, and the art of concealing his real character — qualities which, in conjunction with selfishness and greediness, make the scoundrel, he has bestowed the virtues of generosity, magnanimity, an intense love of country, a fidelity not to be corrupted, and a disinterestedness beyond temptation. Out of this combination of qualities he has wrought a character which is a favorite in all nations, and with all classes of man- kind. It is said that if you cast a pebble into the ocean, at the mouth of our harbor, the vibration made in the water passes gradually on till it strikes the icy barriers of the deep at the south pole. The spread of Cooper's reputation is not confined within narrower limits. The Spy is read in all the written dialects of Europe, and in some of those of Asia. Tiie French, immediately after its first appearance, gave it to the multitudes ,who read their far- diffused language, and placed it among the first works of its class. It was rendered into Castilian, and passed into the hands of those who dwell under the beams of the Southern Cross. At length it passed the eastern frontier of Europe, and the latest record I have seen of its progress towards absolute universality, is contained in a statement of the International Magazine, derived, I presume, from its author, that in 1847 it was published in a Persian trans- lation at Ispahan. Before this time, I doubt not, they are reading t in some of the languages of Hindostan, and, if the Chinese evei translated anything, it would be in the hands of the many millions who inhabit the far Cathay. I have spoken of the hesitation which American critics felt in admitting the merits of the Spy, on account of crudities in the plot or the composition, some of which, no doubt, really existed. An exception must be made in favor of the Port Folio^ whick, OF J. FENIMORE COOPER. 9 In a notice A^aitten by Mrs. Sarah Hall, mother of the editor of that periodical, and author of Conversations onlhe Bible, gave the ^ork a cordial welcome ; and' Cooper, as I am informed, never for- got this act of timely and ready kindness. It was perhaps favorable to the immediate success of the Spy^ that Cooper had few American authors to divide with him the public attention. That crowd of clever men and women who now write for- the magazines, who send out volumes of essays, sketches, and poems, and who supply the press with novels, bio- graphies, and historical works, were then, for the most part, either stammering their lessons in the schools, or yet unborn. Yet it is worthy of note, that just about the time that the Spy made its appearance, the dawn of what we now call our literature was just breaking. The concluding number of Dana's Idle Man, a w^ork neglected at first, but now numbered among the best things of the kind in our language, was issued in the same month. The Sketch Book was then just completed; the world was admiring it, and its author was meditating Bracebridge Hall. Miss Sedgwick, about the same time, made her first essay in that charming series of no- vels of domestic life in New England, which have gained her so high a reputation. Percival,now unhappily silent, had just put to press a volume of poems. I have a copy of an edition of Hal- leek's Fanny, published in the same year ; the poem of Yamoyden, by Eastburn and Sands, appeared almost simultaneously with it. Livingston was putting the finishing hand to his Report on the Penal Code of Louisiana, a work written with such grave, persuasive eloquence, that it belongs as much to our literature as to our jurisprudence. Other contemporaneous American works there were, now less read. Paul Allen's poem of Moah was just laid on the counters of the booksellers. Arden published, at the same time, in this city, a translation of Ovid's Tristia, in heroic verse, in which the complaints of the etfeminate Roman poet were rendered with great fidelity to the original, and sometimes not without beauty. If I may speak of myself, it was in that year that I timidly intrusted to the winds and waves of public opinion a small cargo of my own — a poem entitled Th^ Ages, and half a dozen shorter ones, in a thin duodecimo volume, printed at Cambridge. We had, at the same time, works of elegant literature, fresh from the press of Great Britain, which are still read and admired. Barry Cornwall, then a young suitor for fame, published in the same year his Marcia Colonna ; Byron, in the full strength and fertility of his genius, gave the readers of Enghsh his tragedy of Marino Faliero, and was in the midst of his spirited controversy with Bowles concerning the poetry of Pope. The Spy had to sustain a comparison with Scott's Antiquary, published simulta- 10 LIFE, GENIUS, AKD WRITINOfl neously with it, and with Lockhart's Valerius, which socnia to me one of the most remarkable works of fiction ever com- posed In 1823, and in his thirty-fourth year, Cooper brought out his novel of the Pioneers, the scene of which was laid on the borders of his own beautiful lake. In a recent survey of Mr. Cooper's works, by one of his admirers, it is intimated that the reputation of this work may have been in some degree fictitious. I cnnnot think so ; I cannot see how such a work could fail of becoming, sooner or later, a favorite. It was several years after its first np- pearance that I read the Pioneers, and I read it with a delighted astonishment. Here, said I to myself, is the poet of rural life in this country — our Hesiod, our Theocritus, except that he writes without the restraint of numbers, and is a greater poet than they. In the Pioneers, as in a moving picture, are made to pass before us the hardy occupations and spirited amusements of a prosperous settlement, in a fertile region, encompassed for leagues around with the primeval wilderness of woods. The seasons in their different aspects, bringing with them their different employments ; forests falling before the axe ; the cheerful population, with the first mild day of spring, engaged in the sugar orchards ; the chase of the deer through the deep woods, and into the lake ; turkey- shooting, during the Christmas holidays, in which the Indian marksman vied for the prize of skill with the white man ; swift s'eigh rides under the bright winter sun, and perilous encounters with wild animals in the forests ; these, and other scenes of rural life, drawn, as Cooper knew how to draw them, in the bright and healthful coloring of which he was master,- are interwoven with a regular narrative of human fortunes, not unskilfully constructed; and how could such a work be otherwise than popular ? In the Pioneers, Leatherstocking is first introduced — a philoso- pher of the woods, ignorant of boo'ks, but instructed in all that nature, without the aid of science, could reveal to the man of quick senses and inquiring intellect, whose life has been passed under the open sky, and in companionship with a race whose ani- mal perceptions are the acutest and most cultivated of which there is any example. But Leatherstocking has higher qualities; in him there is a genial blending of the gentlest virtues of the civilized man with the better nature of the aboriginal tribes; all that in tJiem is noble, generous, and ideal, is adopted into his own Icindly character, and all that i# evil is rejected. But why should I attempt to analyse a character so familiar? Leatlierstocking is acknowledged, on all hands, to be one of the noblest, as well aa most striking and original creations of fiction. In some of hia subsequent novels. Cooper — for he had not yet attained to the full maturity of his powers-— heightened and ennobled his first ccncep- OF J. FEMIMOK-E COOPER. 11 tion of the character, but in the Pioneers it dazzled the world witli the splendor of novelty. His next work was the Filol, in which he showed how, from the vicissitudes of a life at sea, its perils and escapes, from the b<.'auty and terrors of the graiU doep, from the working of a vessel on a long voyage, and from the frank, brave, and generous, but pecu liar character of the seaman, may be drawn materials of romance by which the minds of men may be as deeply moved as by any- thing in the power of romance to present. In this walk. Cooper lias had many disciples, but no rival. All who have since written T )mances of the sea have been but travellers in a country of which ne was the great discoverer; and none of them all seemed to have loved a ship as Cooper loved it, or have been able so strongly to interest all classes of readers in its fortunes. Among other per- sonages drawn with great strength in the Pilot, is the general f i- vorite, Tom Coffin, the thorough seaman, with all the virtues and one or two of the infirmities of his profession, superstitious, as seamen are apt to be, yet whose superstitions strike us as but an irregular growth of his devout recognition of the Power who holds the ocean in the hollow of his hand ; true-hearted, gentle, full of resources, collected in danger, and at last calmly perishing at the post of duty, with the vessel he has long guided, by what I may call a great and magnanimous death. His rougher and coarser companion, Boltrope, is drawn with scarcely less skill, and with a no less vigorous hand. The Pioneers is not Coopers best tale of the American forest, nor the Pilot, perhaps, in all respects, his best tale of the sea ; yet, if he had ceased to write here, the measure of his fame would possibly have been scarcely less ample than it now is. Neither of them is far below the best of his productions, and in them ap- pear the two most remarkable creations of his imagination — two of the most remarkable characters in all fiction. It was about this time that my acquaintance with Cooper be- gan, an acquaintance of more than a quarter of a century, in which his deportment towards me was that of unvaried kindness. He then resided a considerable part of the year in this city, and hero he had founded a weekly club, to which many of the most Jis- tinguished men of the place belonged. Of the mem]>ers vvh have since passed away, were Chancellor Kent, the jurist; Wiley the intelligent and liberal bookseller ; Henry D. Sedgwick, always activ'e in schemes of benevolence ; Jarvis, the painter, a man of in- finite humor, whose jests awoke inextinguishable laughter; De Kay, the naturalist ; Sands, the poet ; Jacob Harvey, whose genial memory is cherished by many friends. Of those who are yet living was Morse, the inventor of the electric telegraph ; Durand, 12 LIFE, GExN'IUS, AND WRllINGS then one of the first of engravers, and now no less illustrious as a painter ; Henry James Anderson, whose acquirements might awiiken the envy of the ripest scholars of the old world; Hallcck, tlie poet and wit; Verplanck, who has given the v\orld the best edition of Shakspeare for general readers ; Dr. King, now at the head of Columbia College, and his two immediate predecessors in that office. I might enlarge the list with many other names of no less distinction. The army and navy contributed their propor- tion of members, whose names are on record in our national history. Cooper when in town was always present, and I re- member being struck with the inexhaustible vivacity of his con- versation and the minuteness of his knowledge, in everything which depended upon acuteness of observation and exactness of recollection. I remember, too, being sotnew hat startled, coming as I did from the seclusion of a country life, wiih a certain emphatic frankness in his manner, which, however, I came at last to like and to admire. The club met in the hotel called Washington Hall, the site of which is now occupied by part of the ckcuit of Stewart's marble building. Lionel Lincoln, which cannot be ranked among the success- ful productions of Cooper, was published in 1825 ; and in the year following appeared the Last of the Mohicans, which more than recovered the ground lost by its predecessor. In this work, the construction of the narrative has signal defects, but it is one of the triumphs of the author's genius that he makes us unconscious of them while we read. It is only when we have had time to awake from the intense interest in which he has held us by the vivid reality of his narrative, and have begun to search for faults hi cold blood, that we are able to find them. In the Last of the Mohicans, we have a bolder portraiture of Leatherstocking timn in ihc Pvmeers. This work was published in 1826, and in the same year Cooper hailed with his femily for Europe. He left New York as one of the vessels of war, described in his romances of the sea, goes out of port, amidst the thunder of a parting salute from the big gims on the batteries. A dinner was given him just before his de- parture, attended by most of the distinguished men of the city, at which Peter A. Jay presided, and Dr. King addressed him in terms which some then thought too glowing, but which would now Beem sufficiently temperate, expressing the good wishes of his friends, and dwelling on the satisfaction they promised themselves in possessing so illustrious a representative of Amencan literature in the old world. Cooper was scarcely in France when he re- membered his friends of the weekly club, and sent frequent mis- sives to be f ead at its meetings ; but the club missed its founder •vent into a decline, and not long afterv/ards quietly expired. OF J. FEXIMOKE COOF^ER. 13 The first of Cooper's novels published after leaving Araerica was the Prairie, wldch appeared early in 1827, a work with the ad- mirers of which I wholly agree. 1 read it with a certain awe, an undefined sense of sublimity, such as one experiences on enterinor, for the first time, upon those immense gr;issy deserts Irom wliich the work takes its name. The squatter and his family — tha brawny old man and his larg-e-limbed sons, living in a sort of pri- mitive and patriarchal barbarism, sluggish on ordinary occasions, but terrible when roused, like the hurricane that sweeps the grand but monotonous wilderness in which they dwell — seem a natural growth of ancient fields of the West. Leatherstocking, a hunter in the Pioneers, a warrior in the Last of the Mohicans, and now, in his extreme old age, a trapper on the prairie, declined m strength, but undecayedin intellect, and looking to the near close of his life, and a grave under the long grass, as calmly as the laborer at sunset looks to his evening slumber, is no less in harmony with the silent desert in which he wanders. Equally so are the Indians, still his companions, copies of the American savage somewhat idealized, but not the less a part of the wild nature in which they have their haunts. Before the year closed, Cooper had given the world another nautical tale, the Red Rover, which, with many, is a greater favorite than the Pilot, and with reason, perhaps, if we consider principally the incidents, which are conducted and described with a greater mastery over the springs of pity and terror. It ha])pened to Cooper while he was abror.d, as it not unfre- quently happens to our countrymen, to hear the United States disadvantageously compared with Europe. He had himself been a close observer of things both here and in the old world, and was conscious of being able to refute the detractors of his country in regard to many points. He published in 1828, after he had been two years in Europe, a series of letters, entitled Notions of the Americans, by a Travelling Bachelor, in which he gave a favor- able account of the w'orking of our institutions, and vindicated his country from various flippant and ill-natured misrepresentations of foreisrners. It is rather too measured in style, but is written from a mind full of the subject, and from a memory wonderfully stored with particulars. Although twenty-four years have elapsed since ■\t.s publication, but little of the vindication has become obsolete. Cooper loved his country and was proud of her history and her institutions, but it puzzles many that he should have appeared, at different times, as her eulogist and her cei sor. My friends, she is worthy both of praise and of blame, and Cooper w-as not the man to shrink from bestowing either, at what seemed to him the proper time. He defended her from detractors abroad: he sought lo save her from flatterers at home. I will not say that he wai 14 LIFE, GENIUS, AND WRITINGS in as good humor with his country when he wrote Home at Found, as when he wrote his Notions of the Americans, but this I will say that whether he commended or censured, he did it in the sincerity of his heart, as a true American, and in the belief that it would do good. His Notions of the Americans were more likely to lessen than to increase his popularity in Europe, inas " much as they were put forth without the slightest regard to European prejudices. In 1829, he brought out the novel entitled the Wept of Wish- ton-Wish, one of the few of his works which we now rarely he«r mentioned. ' He was engaged in the composition of a third nau- tical t:iie, which he afterwards published under the name of the Water- Witch, when the memorable revolution of the Three Days of July broke out. He saw a government, ruling by fear and in defiance of public opinion, overthrown in a few hours, with little bloodshed; he saw the French nation, far from being intoxicated with their new liberty, peacefully addressing themselves to the discussion of the institutions under which they were to live. A work which Cooper afterwards published, his Residence in Europe, gives the outline of a plan of government for France furnished by him at that time to La Fayette, with whom he was -in habits of close and daily intimacy. It was his idea to give permanence to the new order of things by associating two strong parties in its support, the friends of legitimacy and the republicans. He sug- gested that Henry V. should be called to the hereditary throne of France, a youth yet to be educated as the head of a free people, that the peerage should be abolished, and a legislature of two chambers established, with a constituency of at least a million and a half of electors ; the senate to be chosen by the general vote, as the representative of the entire nation, and the members of the other house to be chosen by districts, as the representatives of the local interests. To the middle ground of politics so ostentatiously occupied by Louis Philippe»at the beginning of his reign, he predicted a brief duration, believing that it would speedily be merged in despotism, or supplanted by the popular rule. His prophecy has been fulfilled more amply than he could have imagin- ed—fulfilled in both its alternatives. In one of the controversies of that time. Cooper bore a dis- tinguished part. The Revue Britannique, a periodical published in Paris, boldly atfirmed the government of the United States to be one of the mbst expensive in the world, and its people among the most heavily taxed of mankind. This assertion was supported with a certain show of proof, and the writer aflTected to have established the conclusion that a republic must necessarily be more expensive than a monarchy. The partisans of the court were delighted with the reasoning of the article, and claimed a triumph OF J. FEMMO:iK COOI'ER. 15 orer our ancient friend La Fayette, who, durinL,'" forty yearH,'had not ueased to hold uj) tlie governmeHl of the United States as thti cheapest in the world. At the suggestion of L;i Fayette, Cooper replied lo this attack upon his country in n letter which was translated into French, and, together witii another from Genei-al Bertrand, for many years a resident in America, was laid befoie the people vi France. These two letters provoked a shower of rejoinders, in which, according to Cooper, misstatements were mingled with scunility. He commenced a series of letters on the question in dispute, which were pubHshed in the National, a daily sheet, and gave the fnst evidence of that extraordinary acuteness in controversy \s hich was no less characteristic of his mind than the vigor of hiis imagination. 1"he enemies of La Fayette pressed into their ser- vice Mr. Leaviit Harris, of New Jersey, afterwards our chargt d'affaires at the court of France, but Cooper replied to Mr. Harris in the National of May 2d, 1832, closing a discussion in which he had effectually silenced those who objected to our institutions on the score of economy. Of these letters, which would form an important chapter in political science, no entire copy, I have been told, is to be found in this country. One of the consequences of earnest controversy is almost in- variably personal ill-will. Cooper was told by one who held an official station under the French government, that the part he had taken in this dispute concerning taxation would neither be for- gotten nor forgiven. The dislike he had incurred in that quarter was strengthened by his novel of the Bravo, published hi the year 1831, while he was in the midst of his quarrel with the aristoci-atic party. In that work, of which he has himself justly said that it was tiioroughly American in all that belonged to it, his object was to show how institutions, professedly created to prevent violence and wrong, become, when perverted from their naturjil destination, the instruments of injustice ; and how, in every system which makes power the exclusive property of the strong, the weak are sure to be oppressed. The work is written with all the vigor and spirit of his best novels; the magnificent city of Venice, in which the scene of the story is laid, stands continually before the imagination ; and from time to time the gorgeous ceremonies of the Venetian republic pass under our eyes, such as the marriage of the Doge witli the Adriatic, and the contest of the gondolas for the prize of speed. The Bravo himself and several of the other characters are strongly conceived and distinguished, *but the most remarkable of. there all is the spirited and generous-hearted daughter of the jailer. It has been said by some critics, who judge of Cooper by his failures, that he liad no skill in drawing female characters. By 16 LIFE, GP:N1US, and WRlTINOfi the same process, it might, I suppose, be shown that Raphael was but an ordinaiy painter. It must be admitted that when Cooper drew a lady of high breeding, he was apt to pay too much attention to the formal part of her character, and to make her a mere bundle of cold proprieties. But when he places his heroines m some situation in life which leaves him nothing to do but to make them natural and true, I know of nothing finer, nothing more attractive or more individual than the portraitures he has given us. Figaro.) the wittiest of the French periodicals, and at that time on the liberal side, commended the Bravo; the journals on the side of the government censured it. Figaro afterwards passed into the hands of the aristocratic party, and Cooper became the object of its attacks. He was not, however, a man to be driven from any purpose which he had formed, either by flattery or abuse, and both were tried with equal ill success. In 1832 he published his Heidenmauer, and in 1 833 his Headsman of Berne, both with a political design similar to that of the Bravo, though neither of them takes the same high rank among his works. In' 1833, after a residence of seven years in ditferent parts of Europe, but mostly in France, Cooper returned to his native country. The welcome whicli met him here was somewhat chilled by the effect of the attacks made upon him in France, and remembering with what zeal, and at what sacrifice of the universal acceptance which his works would otherwise liave met, he had maintained the cause of his country against the wits and orators of the court party in France, we cannot wonder that he should have felt this coldness as undeserved. He published, shortly after his arrival in this country, A Letter to his Countrymen in which he complained of the censures cast upon him in the American newspapers, gave a history of the part he had taken in exposing the misstatements of the R'viie Britanniqiie, and warned his countrymen against the too connnon error of resorting, with a blind deference, to foreign authorities, often swayed by national or political prejudices, for our opinions of American authors. Going beyond this topic, he exammed and reprehended the habit of applying to the interpretation of our own constitution maxims derived from the practice of other governments, particularly that of Great Britain. The importance of construing that mstrument by its own principles, he illustrated by considering several points in dispute between parties of the day, on which he gave very decided opini^ns. The principal effect of this pamphlet,' as it seemed to me, was to awaken in certain quarters a kind of resentment that a success- ful writer of fiction should presume to give lessons in politics. 1 meddle not here with the conclusions to which he arrived, though OF J. FENIMORE COOPER. 1? must oe allowed to say that they were stated and argued with great ability. In 1835 Cooper published The Monnikins, a satirical work, partly with a political aim; and in the same year appeared Iiis Amcricdn Democrat, a view of the civil and social relations of the United States, discussing more gravely various to[)ics touched upon in the former work, and pointing out in what respects he deemed the American people in their practice to have fallen short of the excellence of their in.^titutions. He found time, however, for a more genial task — that of gi\ing to the world his observations on foreign countries. In 1836 appeared his Sketches of Switzerland, a series of letters in four volumes, the second part published about two months after the first, a delightful work, written in a more fluent and flexible style than his NoUo7is of the Americans. The first part of Gleanings in Europe, giving an account of his residence in France, followed in the same year : and the second part of the same work, contain- ing his observations on England, was published in April, 1837. In these works, forming a series of eight volumes, he relates and describes with muoh of the same distinctness as in his novels ; and his remarks on the manners and institutions of the different countries, often sagacious, and always peculiarly his own, derive, from their frequent reference to contemporary events, an historical interest, ^ In 1838 appeared Homeward Bound and Home as Found, two satirical novels, in which Cooper held up to ridicule a certain class of conductors of the newspaper press in America. These works had not the good fortune to become popular. Cooper did not, and, because he was too deeply in earnest, perhaps would not, infuse into his satirical works that gaiety without which satire becomes wearisome. I believe, however, that if they had been written by anybody else they would have met with more favor; but the world knew that Cooper was able to give them something better, and would not be satisfied with anything short of his hest. Some childishly imagined that because, in the two works I have just mentioned, a newspaper editor is introduced, in whose cha- ricter almost every possible vice of his profession \s made to find p place. Cooper intended an indiscriminate attack upon the whole body of writers for the newspaper press, forgetting that such a portraiture was. a satire only on those to whom it bore a likeness We have become less sensitive and more reasonable of late, and the monthly periodicals make sport for their readers of the folliea and ignorance of the newspaper editors, without awakening the slightest resentment; but Cooper led the way in this sort of disciphne, and I remember some instances of towering indignation at his audacity expressed in the journals of that time. The next year Cooper made his appearance before the public in 18 LIFE, GENIUS, AND WRITINGS a new department of writing ; his Naval Historij of the United was brought out in two octavo volumes at Philadelphia, by Carey and Lea. In writing liis stories of the sea, his attention had been much turned to this subject, and his mind filled with striking incidents from expeditions and battles in which our naval com- manders had been engaged. This made his task the lighter ; but he gathered his materials with great industry, and with a con- scientious attention to exactness, for he was not a man to take a fact for granted, or allow imagination to usurp the place of inquiry He digested our naval annals into a narrative, written with spirit it is true, but with that air of sincere dealing which the reader willmgly takes as a pledge of its authenticity. An abridgment of the work was afterwards prepared and pub- lished by the author. The Edinburgh Revieiv, in an article pro- fessing to examine the statements both of Cooper's work and of The History of the English Navy, written by Mr. James, a surgeon by profession, made a violent attack upon the American historian. Unfortunately, it took James's narrative as its sole guide, and followed it implicitly. Cooper replied in the Democratic Review for January, 1840, and by a masterly analysis of his statements, convicting James of self-contradictfon in almost every particular in which he differed from himself, refuted both James and the reviewer. It was a refutation which admitted of no rejoinder. Scarce anything in Cooper's life was so remarkable, or so strikingly illustrated his character, as his contest with the news- paper press. He engaged in it after provocations, many and long sndured, and prosecuted it through years with great energy, per- Beverance, and practical dexterity, till he was left master of the field. In what I am about to say of it, I hope I shall not give offence to any one, as I shall speak without the slightest malevo- lence towards those with whom he waged this controversy. Over some of them, as over their renowned adversary, the gi-ave has now closed. Yet where shall the truth be spoken, if not beside the grave ? I have already alluded to the principal causes which provoked the newspaper attacks upon Cooper. If he had never meddled with questions of government on either side of the Atlantic, and never satirized the newspaper press, I have little* doubt that he would have been spared these attacks. I cannot, however, ascribe them all, or even the greater part of them, to personal malignity. One journal followed the example of another, with little reflection, I think, in most cases, till it became a sort of fashion, not merely to decry his works, but to arraign his motives. It is related that, in 1832, while he was at Paris, an article was shown him in an American newspaper, purporting to be a criticism OF J. FENIMORE COOPER. 19 on one of liis works, but reflecting with much asperity on his per- sonal character. " I care nothing," he is reported to have said, Mbrtlie criticism, but I am not indilierent to the slander. If these attacks on my character should be kept up five years after my return to America, I shall resort to the New York courts for protection." He gave the newspaper press of this state the full period of forbearance on which he had fixed, but finding that forbearance seemed to encourage assault, he sought redress in the courts of law. When these litigations were first begun, I recollect it seemed to me that Cooper had taken a step which would give him a great deal of trouble, and effect but little good. I said to myself — " Alas ! Leviathan is not so tamed ! " As he proceeded, however, I saw that he had understood the matter better than I. He put a hook into the nose of this huge monster, wallowing in his inky pool and bespattering the passers- by ; he dragged him to the land and made him tractable. One suit followed another ; one editor was sued, I think, half-a-dozen times ; some of them found themselves under a second indictment before the fiist was tried. In vindicating himself to his reader, against the charge of publishing one libel, the angry journalist often floundered into another. The occasions of these prosecutions seem to have been always carefully considered, for Cooper was almost uniformly successtul in obtaining verdicts. In a letter of his, written in February, 1843, about five years, I think, from the commencement of the first prosecutions, he says, " I have beaten every man I have sued, who has not retracted his libels." In one of these suits, commenced against the late William L. Stone of the Commercial Advertiser, and referred to the arbitra- tion of three distinguished lawyers, he argued hhnself the question of the authenticity of his account of the battle of Lake Erie, which was the matter in dispute. I listened to his opening; it was clear, skilful, and persuasive, but his closing argument was said to. be splendidly eloquent. "I have heard nothing like it," said a barrister to me, " since the days of Emmet." Cooper behaved liberally towards his antagonists, so far as pecuniary damages were concerned, though some of them wholly escaped their payment by bankruptcy. After, I believe, about six years of litigation, the newspaper press gradually subsided into a pacific disposition towards its adversary, and the contest closed with the account of pecuniary profit and loss, so far as he was concerned, nearly balanced. The occasion of these suits was fiir from honorable to those who provoked them, but the result waa, I had almost said, creditable to ^1 parties; to him, as the coura 20 LIFE, GENIUS, AND WRITINGS geous prosGcator, to the administration of justice in this country, and to the docility of the newspaper press, which he had disci- plined into good manners. It was while he was in the midst of these litigations, that he published, in 18 10, the Pathfinder. People had begun to think of him as a controversialist, acute, keen, and persevering, occupie with his personal wrongs and schemes of attack and defence They were startled from this estimate of his character by tho noral duty of that glorious work — I must so call it ; by the vivid Tiess and lorce of its delineations, by the unspoiled love of natur apparent in every page, and by the fresh and warm emotions which everywhere gave life to the narrative and the dialogue. Cooper was now in his fifty-first year, but nothing which he had produced in the earlier part of his literary life was written with so much of what might seem the generous fervor of youth, or showed the faculty of invention in higher vigor. I recollect that near the time of its appearance I was informed of an observation made upon it by one highly distinguished in the literature of our country and of the age, between whom and the author an unhappy coolness had for some years existed. As he finished the reading of the Pathfinder, he exclaimed, " They may say what they will of Cooper ; the man who wrote this book is not only a great man, but a good man." The readers of the Pathfinder were quickly reconciled to the fourth appearance of Leatherstocking, when they saw him made to act a different part from any which the author had hitherto assigned him — when they saw him shown as a lover, and placed in the midst of associations which invested his character with a higher and more affecting In this work are two female ch;irac- ters, portrayed in' a masterly manner, — the corporal's daughter, Mabel Dunham, generous, resolute, yet womanly, and the young Indian woman, called by her tribe the Dew of June, a personifica- tion of female truth, affection, and sympathy, with a strong aboriginal cast, yet a product of -nature as bright and pure as that from which she is named. Mercedes of Castile, published near the close of the same year, has none of the stronger characteristics of Cooper's genius; but in the Deerslai/er, which appeared in 1841, another of his Leather- stocking tales, he gave us a work rivalling the Pathfinder. Leatherstocking is brought before us in his early youth, in the first exercise of that keen sagacity which is blended so harmo- niously with a simple and ingenuous goodness. The two daughters of the retired freebooter dwelling on the Otsego lake, inspire scarcely less interest than the principal personage ; Judith, in tlie pride of her beauty and intellect, her good impulses contending with a fatal love of admu-ation, holding us fascinated with a con- OP J. FENIMOHE COOPER. 21 Htant interest in her fate, which, with consummate skill, we are permitted rather to conjecture than to know: and Hetty, scarcely less beautiful in person, weak-minded, but wise in the midst of that weakness beyond the wisdom of the loftiest intellect, through the power of conscience and religion. The character of Hetty would have been a hazardous experiment in feebler hands, but in his it was admirably successful. The Tivo Admirals and Wing-ancL- Wing were given to the ublic in 1842, both of them taking a high rank among Cooper's sea-tales. The first of these is a soi-t of naval epic in prose ; tho flight and chase of armed vessels hold us in breathless suspense, and the sea-fights are described with a terrible power. In the later sea4ales of Cooper, it seems to me that the mastery with which he makes his grand processions of events pass before the mind's eye is even greater than in his earlier. The next year he published the Wyandotte or Hutted Knoll, one of his beautiful romances of the woods, and in 1844 two more of his sea-stories, Afloat and Ashore and Miles Wallingford its sequel. The long series of his nautical tales was closed by Jack Tier or the Florida Reef, published in 1848, when Cooper was in his sixtieth year, and it is as full of spirit, energy, invention, life-like presentation of objects and events — The vision and the faculty divine — as anything he has written. Let me pause here to say that Cooper, though not a manufacturer of verse, was in the highest sense of the word a poet ; his imagin- ation wrought nobly and grandly, and imposed its creations on the mind of the reader for realities. With him there was no withering, or decline, or disuse of the poetic faculty : as he stepped downwards from the zenith of life, no shadow or chill came over it ; it was like the year of some genial climates, a perpetual season of verdure, bloom, and fruitfulness. As these works came out, I was rejoiced to see that he was unspoiled by the controversies in which he had allowed himself to become engaged ; that they had not given, to these better expressions of his genius, any tinge of misanthropy, or appearance of contracting and closing sympathies a^iy trace of an interest in his fellow-beings less large and free than in his earlier works. Before the appearance of hisJac/i: Tier, Cooper published, id J 845 and the following year, a series of novels relating to the Anti-rent question, in which he took great interest. He thought that the disposition manifested in certain quarters to make con cessions to what he deemed a denial of the rights of property, was a first step in a most dangerous path. To dif^courage this ^sposition, he wrote Satanstos, The Chainbearer, and T'le Redf 22 LIFE, gentusj, and writings skins. They are didactic in their design, and want the freedom of invention which belongs to Cooper's best novels ; but if they had been written by anybody but Cooper, — by a member of Congress, for example, or an eminent politician of any class, — ■ they would have made his reputation. It was said, I am told, by a distinguished jurist of our state, that they entitled the author to as high a place in law as his other works had won for him in lite- rature. . I had thought, in meditating the plan of this discourse, to mention all the works of Mr. Cooper, but the length to which I have found it extending has induced me to pass over several written in the last ten years of his life, and to confine myself to those which best illustrate his literary character. The last of his novels was The Ways of the Hour, a work in which the objections he entertained to the trial by jury in civil causes Were stated in the form of a narrative. It is a voluminous catalogue — that of Cooper's published works — but it comprises not all he wrote. He committed to the fire, without remorse, many of the fruits of his literary industry. It was understood, some years since, that he had a work ready for the press on the Middle States of the Union, principally illustrative of their social history ; but it has not been found among his manu- scripts, and the presumption is that he must have destroyed it. He had planned a work on the Towns of Manhattan, for the publication of which he made arrangements with Mr. Putnam of this city, and a part of which, already written, was in press at the time of his death. The printed part has since been destroyed by fire, but a portion of the manuscript was recovered. The work, I learn, will be completed by one of the family, who, within a few years past, has earned an honorable name among the authors of our country. Great as was the number of his works, and great as was the favor with which they were received, the pecuniary rewards of his success were far less than has been generally sup- posed — scarcely, as I am informed, a tenth part of what the com- mon rumor made them. His fame was infinitely the largest acknowledgment which this most successful of American authors received for his labors. The Ways of the Hour appeared in 1850. At this time his personal appearance was remarkable. He seemed in perfect health, and in the highest energy and activity of his faculties. I have scarcely seen any man at that period of life on whom his years sat more lightly. His conversation had lost none of its liveliness, though it seemed somewhat more genial and forbearing in tone, and his spirits none of their elasticity. He was contemplating, I have since been told, another Leatherstocking tale, deeming that he had not yet exhausted the character ; and those who consider OF J. FEXIMORE COOPER. iS what new resources it yielded him in the Palhfmder and tV^ Deet' slayer, will, readily conclude that he was not mistaken. The disease, however, by which he was removed, was even then impending over him, and not long afterwards his friends here were grieved to learn that his health was declining. He came to New York so changed that they looked at him with sorrow, and after a stay of some weeks, partly for the benefits of medical advice leturned to Cooperstown, to leave it no more. His complaint grndually gained strength, subdued a constitution originally robust, aad finally passed into a confirmed dropsy. In August, 1851, he was visited by his excellent and learned friend. Dr. Francis, a member of the weekly club which he had founded in the early part of his literary career. He found him bearing the sufferings of his disease with manly firmness, ^ave him such medical counseU as the malady appeared to require, prepared him delicately for its fatal termination, and returned to New York with the most me- lancholy anticipations. In a few days afterwards, Cooper expired, amid the deep affliction of his family, on the 14th of September, the day before that on which he should have completed his sixty- second year. He died, apparently without pain, in peace and re- ligious hope. The relations of man to his Maker, and to that state of being for which the present is but a preparation, had oc- cupied much of his thoughts during his whole lifetime, and he crossed, with a serene composure, the mysterious boundary which divides this life from the next. The departure of such a man, in the full strength of his facul- ties, — on whom the country had for thirty years looked as one of the permanent ornaments of its literature, and whose name had been so often associated with praise, with renown, with contro- versy, with blame, but nex er with death, — diffused a universal awe. It was as if an earthquake had shaken the ground on which we stood, and showed the grave opening by our path. In the geii'^.ral grief for his loss, his virtues only were remembered, and his failings forgotten. Of his failings I have said little ; such as he had were obvious to all the world ; they lay on the surface of his character; those who knew him least made the most account of them. With a character so made up of positive qualities — a charactei .so inde pendent and uncompromising, and with a sensitiveness far more acute than he was willing to acknowledge, it is not surprising that occa«^ions frequently arose to bring him, sometimes into friendly collision, and sometimes into graver disagreements and misundor standings with his fellow-men. For his infirmities, his friend* found an ample counterpoise in the generous sincerity of hi. nature. He never thought of disguising his opinions, a»Mi he ab- horred all disguise in others ; he did not even deign tt, acse thAt 24 LIFE, GENIUS, AND WRITINGS show of regard towards those of whom he did not think well, which the world tolerates, and almost demands. A manly ex- pression of opinion, however different from his own, commanded his respect. Of his own works, he spoke with the same freedom as of the works of others ; and never hesitated to express his judgment of a book for the reason that it was written by himself; yet he could bear with gentleness any dissent from the estimate he placed on his own writings. His character was like the bark of the cinnamon, a rough and astrmgent rind without, and an in- tense sweetness within. Those who penetrated below the surface found a genial temper, warm affections, and a heart with ample place for his friends, their pursuits, their good name, their welfare. Tiiey found him a philanthropist, though not precisely after the fashion of the day ; a religious man, most devout where devotion IS most apt to be a feeling rather than a custom, in the household circle ; hospitable, and to the extent of his means liberal-handed in acts of charity. They found, also, that though in general he would as soon have thought of giving up an old triend as of giving up an opinion, he was not proof against testimony, and could part with a mistaken opinion as one parts with an old friend who has been proved faithless and unworthy. In short, Cooper was one of those who, to be loved, must be intimately known. Of his literary character I have spoken largely in the narrative of his Hfe, but there are yet one or two remarks which must be made to do it justice. In that way of writing in which he ex- celled, it seems to me that he united, in a pre-eminent degree, those qualities which enabled him to interest the largest number of readers. He wrote not for the fastidious, the over-refined, the morbidly delicate ; for these find in his genius something too ro- bust for their liking — sometljing by which their sensibilities are too rudely shaken ; but he wrote for mankind at large — for men and women in the ordinary healthful state of feeling — and in their admiration he found his reward. It is for this class that pub- lic libraries are obliged to provide themselves with an extraordina- ry number of copies of his works : the number in the ^Mercantile Library in this city, I am told, is forty. Hence it is, that he has earned a fame, wider, I think, than any author of modern times- wider, certainly, than any author, of any age, ever enjoyed in his lifetime. All his excellences are translatable — they pass readily into languages the least allied in their genius to that in which he wrote, and in them he touches the heart and kindles the unagina. tion with the same power as in the original English. Cooper was not wholly without humor; it is sometimes found lurking in the dialogue of Harvey Birch, and of Leather-stocking; but it forms no considerable element in his works ; and if it did, it would have stood in the way of his universal popularity, since OF J. FENIMOKE COOPER. 2$ of all qualities, it is the most difficult to transfuse into a foreign lanouaq-e. Nor did the etfect he produced upon the reader depend OL any grace of style which would escape a translator of ordinary skill. With his style, it is true, he took great pains, and in his earlier works, I am toki, sometimes altered the proofs s'ent from the printer so largely that they might be said to be written over Vet he attained no special felicity, variety, or compass of expres- sion. His style, however, answered his purpose; it has defec's, but it is manly and clear, and stamps on the mind of the reader the impression he desired to convey. I am not sure that some of the very defects of Cooper's novels do not add, by a certain force of contrast, to their power over the mind. He is long in getting at the interest of his narrative. The progress of the plot, at first, is like t43at of one of his own vessels of war, slowly, heavily, and even awkwardly working out of a harbor. We are impatient and weary, but when the vessel is once in the open sea, and feels the free breath of heaven in her- full sheets, our delight and ad- miration is all the greater at the grace, the majesty, and power with which she divides and bears down the waves, and pursues her course, at will, over the great waste of waters. Such are the works so widely read, and so universally adnyj-ed, in ?U the zones of the globe, and by men of every kindred and every tongue ; works wiiich have made of those who dwell in re- mote latitudes, wanderers in our forests, and observers of our manners, and have inspired them with an interest in our history. A gentleman who had returner from Europe just before the death of Cooper, was asked whai he found the people of the Con- tinent doing. " They all are re ding Cooper," he answered; '-in the little kingdom of Holland, vvith its three millions of inhabit,- ants, I looked into four different translations of Cooper in the language of the country." A traveller, who has seea much of the middle classes of Italy, lately said to me, "I found that all they knew of America!^ and that was not little, they had learned from Cooper's novels : from him they had learned the story of Ameri- •an liberty, and through him they had been introduced to our Washington; they had read his works till the shores of the Hudson, and the valleys of Westchester, and the banks of Otsego lake, had become to them familiar ground." Over all the countries into whose speech this great man'fe works- have been rendered by the labors of their scholars, the sorrow of that loss which we deplore is now diffusing itself. Here we lament the ornament of our country, there they mourn the death of him who delighted the human race. Even now, while I speak, the pulse of grief which is passing through the nations has haply just reached some remote neighborhood ; the news of his death ban been brought to some dwelling on the slopes of the Andes, or 2 26 LIFE AND WRITIKGS OF J. FENIMORE COOPER. amidst the snowy wastes of the North, and the dark-eyed damsei of Chile, or the fair-haired maid of Norway, is sad to think that he whose stories of heroism and true love have so often kept her for hourg from her pillow, lives no more. He is gone! but the creations of his genius, fixed in living words, survive the frail material organs by which the words were first traced. They partake of a middle nature, between the deathless mind and the decaying body of which they are the com- mon offspring, and are, therefore, destined to a duration, if not eternal, yet indefinite. The examples he has given in his glorious fictions, of heroism, honor, and truth, of large sympathies be- tween man and man, of all that is good, great, and excellent, em- bodied in personages marked with so strong an individuality that we place them among our friends and favorites; his fratik and generous men, his gentle and noble women, shall live through cen- turies to come, and only perish with our language. I have said with our language ; but who shall say when it may be the fate of the English language to be numbered with the extinct forms of human speech 1 Who shall declare which of the present tongues of the civilized world will survive its fellows ? It may be that some one of them, more fortunate than the rest, will long outlast them, in some undisturbed quarter of the globe, and in the midst of a new civilization. The creations of Cooper's genius, even now transferred to that language, may remain to be the delight of the nations through another great cycle of centuries, beginning after the English language and its contemporaneous form of •ivilization shall have passed aM'^v. PREFACE NEW EDITION. This book originally owed its existence to an accident, and it was printed under circumstances that prevented the usual supervision of the press by the author. The consequences were many defects in plot, style, and arrangement, that were entirely owing to precipitation and inexperience ; and quite as many faults, of another nature, that are to be traced solely to a bad manuscript and worse proof reading. Perhaps no novel of our times was worst printed than the first edition of this work. Mor* than a hundred periods were placed in the middle of sentences, and perhaps five times that number XXVIU ^ • PREFACE. were omitted in places wliere they ought to have been inserted. It is scarcely necessary to add, that passages were rendered obscure, and that entire paragraphs were unintelligible. Most of the faults just mentioned have now been corrected, though it would require more labor than would produce an entirely new work, to repair all the inherent defects that are attributable to haste, and to the awkwardness of a novice in the art of composing. In this respect, the work and its blemishes are probably inseparable. Still, the reader will now be better rewarded for his time, and, on the whole, the book is much more worthy of his attention. It has been said that Pkeoaution owes its existence to fortuitous circumstances. The same causes induced its English plot, and, in a measure, « the medley of characters that no doubt will appear a mistake in the conception. It can scarcely be said that the work was commenced with any view to publication; and when it was finally put into a publisher's hands, with " all its imperfections on ita head," the last thought of the writer was any PREFACE. XXIX expectatioD that it would be followed by a series of similar tales from the same pen. "^ More than this the public will feel no interest in knowing, and less than this the author, could not consent to say on presenting to the world a reprint of a book with so lew claims to notice. PRECAUTION. CHAPTER I. " I WONDER if we are to have a neighbor in the Deanery Boon," inquired Clara Moseley, addressing herself to a small party assembled in her father's drawing-room, while standing at a window which commanded a distant view of the house in question. " Oh yes," replied her brother, " the agent has let it to a Mr. Jarvis for a couple of years, and he is to take possession this week." " And who is the Mr. Jarvis that is about to become so near a neighbor ?" asked Sir Edward Moseley. " Why, sir, I learn he has been a capital merchant ; that he has retired from business with a large fortune ; that he has, jke yourself, sir, an only hope for his declming years in son, an officer in the army ; and, moreover, that he has couple of fine daughters ; so, sir, he is a man of family in one sense, at least, you see. But," dropping his voice, " whether he is a man of family in your sense, Jane," looking at his second sister, " is more than I could discover." 82 PRECAUTION. " I hope you did not take the trouble, sir, to inquire oj my account," retorted Jane, coloring slightly with vexation at his speech. " Indeed I did, my dear sis, and solely on your account/* eplied the laughing brother, "for you well know that no gentility, no husband ; and it's dull work to you young ladies without at least a possibility of matrimony ; as for Clara, sh is " Here he was stopped by his youngest sister Emily placing her hand on his mouth, as she whispered in his ear, " John, you forget the anxiety of a certain gentleman about a fair incognita at Bath, and a list of inquiries concerning her line- age, and a few other indispensables." John, in his turn, colored, and affectionately kissing the hand which kept him silenf, addressed himself to Jane, and by his vivacity and good humor soon restored her to complacency. "I rejoice," said Lady Moseley, "that Sir WiHiam has found a tenant, however ; for next to occupying it himself, it is a most desirable thing to have a good tenant in it, on account of the circle in which we live." " And Mr. Jan-is has the great goodness of money, by John's account," caustically observed Mrs. Wilson, who was a sister of Sir Edward's. " Let me tell you, mad^m," cried the rector of the parish, looking around him pleasantly, and who was pretty constant, and always a welcome visitor in the family, " that a great deal of money .is a very good thing in itself, and that a great many very good things may be done with it" " Such as paying tythes, ha ! doctor/' cried Mr. Haughton, a gentleman of landed property in the neighborhood, of plain exterior, but great goodness of heart, and between whom and the rector subsisted the most cordial good will. " Aye, tythes, or halves, as the barorfet did here, when he PRECAUTION. 38 V>rgave old Grregson one half his rent, and his children the other." " Well, but, my dear," said Sir Edward to his wife, " you must not starve our friends because we are to have a neigh or. William has stood with the dining-room door open hese five minutes — " Lady Moseley gave her hand to the rector, and the com pany followed them, without any order, to the dinner table. The party assembled around the hospitable board of the baronet was composed, besides the before-mentioned persons, of the wife of Mr. Haughton, a woman of much good sense and modesty of deportment : their daughter, a young lady conspicuous for nothing but good nature ; and the wife -and son of the rector — the latter but lately admitted to holy orders himself. The remainder of the day passed in an uninterrupted flow of pleasant conversation, the natural consequence of a unison of opinions on all leading questions, the parties having long known and esteemed each other for those qualities which soonest reconcile us to the common frailties of our nature. On parting at the usual hour, it was agreed to meet that day week at the rectory, and the doctor, on making his bow to Lady Moseley, observed, that he intended, in virtue of his office, to make an early call on the Jarvis family, and that, if possible, he would persuade them to be of the party. Sir Edward Moseley was descended from one of the most respectable of the creations of his order by James, and had inherited, with many of the virtues of his ancestor, an estate which placed him amongst the greatest landed proprietors of the county. But, as it had been an invariable rule never to deduct a single acre from tlie inlieritance of th« eldest son, and the extravagance of his mother, who was the daughter ©f a nobleman, had much embarrassed the affairs of hi* i* 2* S4 PRECAUTION. ther, Sir Edward, on coming into possession of his estate, had wisely determined to withdraw from the gay world, by renting his house in town, and retiring altogether to his res- pectable mansion, about a hundred miles from the metropolis. Here he hoped, by a course of systematic but liberal eco- nomy, to release himself from all embarrassments, and to make such a provision for his younger children, tire three daughters already mentioned, as he conceived their birth entitled them to expect. Seventeen years enabled him to accomplish this plan ; and for more than eighteen months, Sir Edv/ard had resumed the hospitality and appearance usual in his fomily, and had even promised his delighted girls to take possession, the ^ensuing winter, of the house in St. James's Square. Nature had not qualified Sir Edward for great or continued exertions, and the prudent decision he had taken to retrieve his fortunes, was perhaps an act of as much forecast and vigor as his talents or energy would afford ; it was the step most obviously for his interests, and the one that was safest both in its execution and consequences, and as such it had been adopted : but, had it required a single particle more of enterprise or calculation, it would have been beyond his powers, and the heir might have yet labored under the diffi- culties which distressed his more brilliant, but less prudent •parent. The baronet was warmly attached to his wife ; and as she was a woman of many valuable and no obnoxious qualities, civil and attentive by habit to all around her, and perfectly disinterested in her attachments to her own family, nothing m nature could partake more of perfection in the eyes of her husband and children than the conduct of this beloved rela- tive. Yet Lady Moseley had hei- failings, however, although few were disposed to view her errors with that severity which ti'uth and a just discrimination of character render necessary. PRECAUTION. 36 Her union had been one of love, and for a time it had been objected to by the friends of her husband, on the score of fortune ; but constancy and perseverance prevailed, and the protracted and inconsequent opposition* of his parents had left no other effects than an aversion in the children to th exercise of parental authority, in marrying their own descend- ants : an aversion which, though common to both the worthy mronet and his wife, was somewhat different in its two sub- jects. In the husband it was quiescent ; but in the wife, it was slightly shaded with tlje female esprit de corps, of having her daughters comfortably established, and that in due season. Lady Moseley was religious, but hardly pious ; she was charitable in deeds, but not always in opinions ; her intentions were pure, but neither her prejudices nor her rea- soning powers suffered her to beat all times consistent. Still few knew her that did not love her, and none were ever heard to say aught against her breeding, her morals, or her disposi- tion. The sister of Sir Edward had been married, early in life, to an officer in the army., who, spending much of his time abroad on service, had left her a prey to that solicitude to which she was necessarily a prey by her attachment to her husband. To find relief from this perpetual and life-wearing anxiety, an invaluable friend had pointed out the only true remedy of which her case admitted, a research into her own heart, and the employments of active benevolence. The death of her husband, who lost his life in battle, caused her to with- draw in a great measure from the world, and gave ti?ne and inducement for reflections, which led to impressions on reli- gion that \vere sufficiently correct in themselves, and iiidis- pensable as the basis of future happiness, but which became slightly tinctured with the sternness of lier vigorous mind, and possibly, at times were more unbending than was com- 36 TRECAUTION. patible with the comforts of this world ; a fault, however, of manner, more than of matter. Warmly attached to her brother and his children, Mrs. Wilson, who had never been a mother herself, yielded to their earnest entreaties to become one of the family ; and although left by the late General Wilson with a large income, ever since his death she had iven up her own establishment, and devoted most of hei time to the formation of the character of her youngest niece. Lady Moseley had submitted this child entirely to the control of the aunt ; and it was commonly thought Emily would inherit the very handsome sum left at the disposal of the General's widow. Both Sir Edward and Lady Moseley possessed a large share of personal beauty when young, and it had descended in common to all their children, but more particularly to the two youngest daughters. Although a strong family resem- blance, both in person and character, existed between these closely connected relatives, yet it existed with shades of dis- tinction that had very different eflects on their conduct, and led to results which stamped their lives. with widely differing degrees of happiness. Between the families at Moseley Hall and the rectory, there had existed for many years an intimacy founded on esteem and on long intercourse. Doctor Ives was a clotgyman of dt^ep piety, and of veiy considerable talents ; he posse«^sed, in addition to a moderate benefice, an independent forturte in right of his wife, who was the only child of a distinguished naval officer. Both were well connected, well bred, and well disposed to their fellow creatures. They were blessed with but one child, the young divine we have mentioned, who pro- mised to equal his father in all those qualities which had made the l3octor the dehght of his friends, and almost th» idol of his parishionei*s. PRECAUTION. 37 Between Francis Ives and Clara Moseley, there had been An attachment, which had grown with their years, from child- hood, ile bad been her companion in their youthful recrea- tions, had espoused her little quarrels, and participated in hei innocent pleasures.^ for so many years, and with such an evi- dent preference for each other in the youthful pair, that, on leaving college to enter on the studies of his sacred calling with his father, Francis rightly judged that none other would make his future life as happy, as the mild, the tender, the unassuming Clara. Their passion, if so gentle a feeling deserre the term, received the sanction of their parents, and the two families waited only for the establishment of the young divine, to perfect the union. The retirement of Sir Edward's family had been uniform, with the exception of an occasional visit to an aged uncle of his wife's, and who, in return, spent much of his time with them at the Hall, and who had openly declared his intention of making the children of Lady Moseley his heirs. The visits of Mr. Benfield were always hailed with joy, and as an evejit that called for more than ordinary gaiety ; for, although rough in manner, and somewhat infirm from years, the old bachelor, who was rather addicted to the customs in which he had indulged in his youth, and was fond of dwelling on the scenes of former days, was universally beloved where he was intimately known, for an unbounded though eccentric philanthropy. The illness of the mother-in-law of Mrs. Wilson had called her to Bath -the winter preceding the spring when our history commences, and she had been accompanied thither by her nephew and favorite niece. John and Emily, during the month of their residence in that city, were in the practice of making daily excursions in its environs. It was in one of these little drives that they were of accidental service to a 88 PRECAUTION. very young and very beautiful woman, apparently in low health. They had taken her up in their carriage, and con- veyed her to a farm-house where she resided, during a faint ness which had come over her in a walk ; and her beauty air, and manner, altogether so different from those aroun her, had interested them both to a painful degree. They had ventured to call the following day to inquire after her welfare, and this visit led to a slight intercourse, which continued for the fortnight they remained there. John had given himself some trouble to ascertain who she was, but in vain. They could merely learn that her life was blameless, that she saw no one but themselves, and her dia- lect raised a suspicion that she was not English. It was to this unknown fair Emily alluded in her playful attempt to stop the heedless rattle of her brother, who was not always restrained from utterinor what he thought bv a proper regard 16? the feelings* ot otiiers. PRECAUTION. 39 CHAPTER n. The morning succeeding the day of the dinner at the Hall, Mrs. Wilson, with all her nieces and her nephew, availed her- self of the fineness of the weather to walk to the rectory, where they were all in the habit of making informal and friendly visits. They had just got out of the little village of B , which lay in their route, when a rather handsome travelling carriage and four passed them, and took the road which led to the Deanery. " As I live," cried John, " there go our new neighbors the Jarvis's; yes, yes, that must be the old merchant muffled up in the corner ; I mistook him at first for a pile of bandboxes ; then the rosy-cheeked lady, with so many feathers, must be the old lady — heaven forgive me, Mrs. Jarvis I mean — aye. and the two others the belles." " You are in a hurry to pronounce them belles, John," said Jane, pettishly ; " it would be well to see more of them before you speak so decidedly." " Oh !" replied John, "I have seen enough of them, and' — he was interrupted by the whirling of a tilbury and tandem, followed by a couple of servants on horseback. All about this vehicle and its mastei*s bore the stamp of decided fashion ; and our party had followed it with their eyes for a short dis- tance, when, having reached a fork in the roads, it stopped, and evidently waited the coming up of the pedestrians, as if to make an inquiry. A single glance of the eye was sufficien to apprise the gentleman on the cushion (who held the reins) of the kind of people he had to deal with, and stepping from 40 PRECAUTION. his carriage, he met them with a graceful bow, and after handsomely apologizing for the trouble he was giving, he desired to know which road led to the Deanery. " The right," replied John, returning his salutation. " Ask them, Colonel," cried the charioteer, *' whether the old gentleman went right or not." • • The Colonel, in the manner of a perfect gentleman, but with a look of compassion for his companion's want of tact, made the desired inquiry ; which being satisfactorily answered, he again bowed and was retiring, as one of several pointers who followed the cavalcade sprang upon Jane, and soiled her walking dress with his dirty feet. " Come hither, Dido," cried the Colonel, hastening to beat the dog back from the young lady ; and again he apologized in the same collected and handsome manner, then turning to one of the servants, he said, "call in the dog, sir," and rejoined his companion. The air of this gentleman was pecu- liarly pleasant ; it would not have been difficult to pronounce him a soldier had he not been addressed as such by his younger and certainly less polished companion. The Colonel was apparently about thirty, and of extremely handsome faco and figure, while his driving friend appeared several years younger, and of altogether different materials. " I wonder," said Jane, as they turned a corner which hid them from \ lew, *' who they are ?" " Who they are ?" cried the brother, " why the Jarvis's in be sure ; didn't you hear them ask the road to the Deanery ?' " Oh ! the one that drove, he may be a Jarvis, but not the gentleman who spoke to us — surely not, John ; besides, he was called Colonel, you know." " Yes, yes," said John, with one of his quizzing expressions, " Colonel Jarvis, that must be the alderman ; they are com- monly colonels of city Volunteers : yes, that must have been PRECAUTION'. 41 the old gem'mun who spoke to us. and I was right after all about the bandboxes." " You forget," said Clara, smiling, *' the pohte inquiry con- cerniiig the old gem'mun." *' Ah ! true ; who the deuce can this Colonel be then, for voung Jarvis is only a captain, I know ; who do you think ho is, Jane ?" " How do you think I can tell you, John ? But whoever he is, he owns the tilbury, although he did not drive it ; and he is a gentleman both by birth and manners." " Why, Jane, if you know so much of him, you should know more ; but it is all guess with you." " No ; it is not guess — I am certain of what I say." The aunt and sisters, who had taken little interest in the dialogue, looked at her with some surprise, which John observing, he exclaimed, " Poh : she knows no more than we all know." •' Indeed I do." " Poh, poh, if you know, tell." *' Why, the arms were different." John laughed as he said, " That is a good reason, sure enough, for the tilbury's being the colonel's property ; but now for his blood ; how did you discover that, sis — by his gait and actions, as we say of horses ?" Jane colored a httle, and laughed faintly. "The arms on the tilbury had six quarterings." Emily now laughed, and Mrs. Wilson and Clara smiled while John continued his teazing until, they reached the lectory. While chatting with the doctor and his wife, Francis returned from his morning ride, and told them the Jarvis family had arrived ; he had witnessed an unpleasant accident to a gig, in which were Captain Jarvis, and a friend, a Colone] 42 PRECAUTION. Egerton ; it had been awkwardly driven in turning into the Deanery gate, and upset : the colonel received some injury to his ankle, nothing, however, serious he hoped, but such as to put him under the care of the young ladies, probably, for a few days. After the exclamations which usually follow such details, Jane ventured to inquire who Colonel Egerton was. " I understood at the time, from one of the servants, that he is a nephew of Sir Edgar Egerton, and a heuten ant- colonel on half-pay, or furlough, or some such thing." " How did he bear his misfortune, Mr. Francis ?" .inquired Mrs. Wilson. " Certainly as a gentleman, madam, if not as a Chiistian,'* replied the young clergyman, sHly smiling ; " indeed, most men of gallantry would, I believe, rejoice in an accident which drew forth so much sympathy as both the Miss Jarvis's manifested." " How fortunate you should all happen to be near !" said the tender-hearted Clara. " Are the young ladies pretty ?" asked Jane, with some- thing of hesitation in her manner. " Why, I rather think they are ; but I took very little notice of their appearance, as the colonel was really in evi- dent pain." " This, then," cried the doctor, " affords me an additional excuse for calling on them at an early day, so I'll e'en go to-morrow." " I trust Doctor Ives wants no apologies for performing his duty," said Mrs. Wilson. " He is fond of making them, though," said Mrs. Ives, peaking with a benevolent smile, and for the first time in the Uttle conversation. It was then arranged that the rector should make his offi PRECAUTION. 48 cial visit, as intended by himself ; and on his report, tlie ladies would act. After remaining at the rectory an hour, they .'eturned to the hall, attended by Francis. The next day the doctor drove in, and informed them the Jarvis family were happily settled, and the colonel in no dan- ger, excepting from the fascinations of the two young ladies, who took such palpably care of him that he wanted for nothing, and they might drive over whenever they pleased, without fear of intruding unseasonably. Mr.* Jarvis received his guests with the frankness of good feelings, if not with the polish of high life ; while his wife, who seldom thought of the former, would have been mortally offended with the person who could have suggested that she omitted any of the elegancies of the latter. Her daughtei*s were rather pretty, but wanted, both in appearance and manner, the inexpressible air of haut ton which so eminently distinguished the easy but pohshed deportment of Colonel Egerton, whom they found reclining on a sofa with his leg on a chair, amply secured in numerous bandages, but. unable to rise. Notwithstanding the awkwardness of his situation, he was by far the least discomposed person of the party, and having pleasantly excused himself, he appeared to think no more of the matter. The captain, Mrs. Jarvis remarked, had gone out with his dogs to try the grounds around them, " for he seems to live only with his horses and his gun : young men, my lady, now^ adays, appear to forget that there are any things in th world but themselves ; now I told Harry that your ladyship and daughters would favor us with a call this morning — but no : there he went, as if Mr. Jarvis was unable to buy us a dinner, 'and we should all starve but for his quails and 4' peasants." ' Quails and pheasants," cried John, in consternation^ 'r'M PRECAUTION. ** does Captain Jarvis shoot quails and pheasants at this time of the year ?" " Mrs. Jarvis, sir," said Colonel Egerton, with a correcting smile, " understands the allegiance due from us gentlemen to the ladies, better than the rules of sporting ; my friend, the captain, has taken his fishing rod, I believe." " It is all one, fish or birds," continued Mrs. Jarvis, " he is cut of the way when he is wanted, and I believe we can buy fish as easily as birds ; I wish he would take pattern after yourself, colonel, in these matters." Colonel Egerton laughed pleasantly, but he did not blush ; and Miss Jarvis observed, with a look of something like admiration thrown on his reclining figure, " that when Harry had been in the army as long as his friend, he would know the usages of good society, she hoped, as well," " Yes," said her mother, " the army is certainly the place to polish a young man ;" and turning to Mrs. Wilson, she abruptly added, " Your husband, I believe, was in the army, ma'am V . "I hope," said Emily hastily, '* that we shall have the pleasure of seeing you soon, Miss Jarvis, at the Hall," pre- venting by her promp'titude the necessity of a reply from her aunt. The young lady promised to make an early visit, and the subject changed to a general and uninteresting discourse on the neighborhood, the country, the weathei, and other ordinary topics. " Now, John," cried Jane in triumph, as they drove from the door, " you must acknowledge my heraldic witchcraft, as you are pleased to call it, is right for once at least." " Oh ! no doubt, Jenny," said John, who was accustomed to use that appellation to her as a provocation, when he wished what he called an enlivening scene; but Mrs. Wilson put a damper on his hopes by a remark to his mother, and the PRECAUTION. 45 habitual respect jf both the combatants kept them Bileut. Jane Moseley was endowed by nature with an excellent understanding, one at least equal to that of her brother, but she wanted the more essential requisites of a well governed mind. Masters had been provided by Sir Edward for all his daughters, and if they were not acquainted with the usual acquirements of young women in their rank of life, it was not his fault : his system of economy had not embraced a denial of opportunity to any of his children, and the baronet was apt to think all was done, when they were put where all might be done. Feeling herself and parents entitled to enter inco all the gaieties and splendors of some of the richer families in their vicinity, Jane, who had grown up during the tvimporary eclipse of Sir Edward's fortunes, had sought that self-consolation so common to people in her situation, which was to be found in reviewing the former grandeur of her house, and she had thus contracted a degree of family pride. If Clara's weaknesses were less striking than those of Jane, it was because she had less imagination, and because that in loving Francis Ives she had so long admired a character, where so little was to b.e found that could be censured, that fche might be said to have contracted a habit of judging cor- rectly, without being able at all times to give a reason for her conduct or her opinions. PRECAUTION. CHAPTER m. The day fixed for one of the stated visits of Mr. Benfield had now arrived, and John, with Emily, who was the old bachelor's favorite niece, went in the baronet's post-chaise to the town of F , a distance of twenty miles, to meet him, in order to accompany him in the remainder of his jour- ney to the Hall, it being a settled rule with the old man, that his carriage horses should return to their own stables every night, where he imagined they could alone find that comfort and care to which their age and services gave them a claim. The day was uncommonly pleasant, and the young people were in high spirits with the expectation of meeting their respected relative, whose absence had been prolonged a few days by £l severe fit of the gout. " Now, Emily," cried John, as he settled himself comfort- ably by the side of his sister in the chaise, " let me know honestly how you like the Jarvis's, and particularly hew you like the handsome colonel." " Then, John, honestly, I neither like nor dislike the Jar- vis's or the handsome colonel." " Well, then, there is no great diversity in our sentimentSi as Jane would say." "John!" ** Emily!" ** I do not like to hear you speak so disrespectfully of out sister, whom I am sure you love as tenderly as I do myself." *' I acknowledge my error," said the brother, taking hei Ijand and affectionately kissing it, "and will endeavor t© PRECAUTION. 41 offend no more ; but this Colonel Egerton, sister, is certainly a gentleman, both by blood and in manners, as Jane" — Emily interrupted him with a laugh, which John took very good-naturedly, repeating his remark without alluding to their sister. " Yes," said Emily, " he is genteel in his deportment, if liat be what you mean ; I know nothing of his family." "■ Oh, I have taken a peep into Jane's Baronetage, wher 1 find him set down as Sir Edgar's heir." " I'here is something about him," said Emily, musing " that I do not much admire ; he is too easy — there is no nature ; I always feel afraid such people will laugh at me as soon as my back is turned, and for those very things they seem most to admire to my face. If I might be allowed to judge, I should say his manner wants one thing, without which no one can be truly agreeable." "What's that?" " Sincerity." '* Ah ! that's my great recommendation ; but I am afraid I shall have to take the poacher up, with his quails and his pheasants, indeed." " You know the colonel explained that to be a mistake." " What they call explaining away ; but unluckily I saw the gentleman returning with his gun on his shoulder, and followed by a brace of pointers." *' There's a specimen of the colonel's manners then," said f'lnily, smiling; " it will do until the truth be known." *' And Jane, when she saw him also, praised his good nature and consideration, in what she was pleased to call relieving the awkwardness of my remark." ' Emily finding her brother disposed to dwell on the foibles of Jane, a thing he was rather addicted to at times, was silent. They rode some distance before John, who was ever as ready fcS PRECAUTION. lo atone as he was to oflfend, again apologized, again pro- mised reformation, and during tlie remainder of the ride only forgot himself twice more in the same way. They reached F two hours before the lumbering coach of their uncle drove into the j'ard of the inn, and had sufficien time to refresh their own horses for the journey homewards. Mr. Benfield was a bachelor of eighty, but retained th " personal activity of a man of sixty. He was strongly attachea to all the fashions and opinions of his youth, during which he had sat one term in parliament, having been a great beau and courtier in the commencement of the reign. A disap- pointment in an affair of the heart drove him into retirement ; and for the last fifty years he had dwelt exclusively at a seat he owned within forty miles of Moseley Hall, the mistress of which was the only child of his only brother. In figure, he was tall and spare, very erect for his years, and he faithfully preserved in his attire, servants, carriages, and indeed every, thing around him, as much of the fashions of his youth as ci»'cumstances would allow : such then was a faint outline of the character and appearance of the old man, who, dresse'd in a cocked hat, bag wig, and sword, took the offered arm of John Moseley to alight from his coach. " So," cried the old gentleman, having made good his foot- ing, on the ground, as he stopped short and stared John in the face, " you have made out to come twenty miles to meet an old cynic, have you, sir ? but I thought I bid thee bring Emmy with thee." John pointed to the window, where his sister stood anxi- qjisly watching her uncle's movements. On catching her eye, he smiled kindly, and pursued his way into the house, talking to himself. '* Aye, there she is indeed ; I remember now, when I was a youngster, of going with my kinsman, old Lord Gosford, to PRECAUTION. 49 meet his sister, the Lady Juliana, when she first came from school (this was the 1-^dy whose infidehty had driven him from the world) ; and a beauty she was indeed, something like Emmy there ; only she was taller, and her eyes were black, and her hair too, that was black ; and she was not so fair as Emmy, and she was fatter, and she stooped a little- very little ; oh ! they are wonderfully alike though ; don't you think they were, nephew ?" he stopped at the door of the room; while John, who in this description could not see a resemblance, which existed nowhere but in the old man's aftections, was fain to say, " yes ; but they were related, you know, uncle, and that explains the likeness." " True, boy, true," said his uncle, pleased at a reason for a thing he wished, and which flattered his propensities. *He h-ad once before told Emily she put him in mind of his house- keeper, a woman as old as himself, and without a tooth in her head. On meeting his niece, Mr. Benfield (who, like many others that feel strongly, wore in common the affectation of indiffer- ence and displeasure) yielded to his fondness, and folding her in his arms, kissed her affectionately, while a tear glistened in his eye; and then pushing her gently from him, he exclaimed, " Come, come, Emmy, don't strangle me, don't strangle me, girl ; let me live in peace the little while I have to remain here — so," seating himself composedly in an arm chair his niece had placed for him with a cushion, " so Anne writes me. Sir William Harris has let the deanery." " Oh, yes, uncle," cried John. " I'll thank you, young gentleman," said Mr. Benfield, Bternly, " not to interrupt me when I am speaking to a lady that is, if you .please, sir. Then Sir William has let the deanery to a London merchant, a Mr. Jarvis. Now I knew three people of that name ; one was a hackney coachman, 3 '50 PRECAUTION. wLen I was a member of the parliament of this realm, and drove me often to the house ; the other was valet-de-chamhre to my Lord Gosford ; and the third, I take it, is the very man who has become your neighbor. If it be the person I mean, Emmy dear, he is like — like — aye, very like old Peter, my steward." John, unable to contain his mirth at this discovery of a likeness between the prototype of Mr. Benfield himself in leanness of figure, and the jolly rotundity of the merchant, was obliged to leave the room ; Emily, though she could not forbear smiling at the comparison, quietly said, "You will meet him to-morrow, dear uncle, and then you will be able to judge for yourself." " Yes, yes," muttered the old man, " very like old Peter, my steward ; as like as two peas." The parallel was by no means as ridiculous as might be supposed ; its history being as follows : Mr. Benfield had placed twenty thousand pounds in the hands of a broker, with positive orders for him to pay it away immediately for government stock, bought by the former on his account; but disregarding this injunction, the broker had managed the transaction in such a way as to postpone the payment, until, on his failure, he had given up that and a much larger sum to Mr. Jarvis, to satisfy what he called an honorary debt. In elucidating the transaction Mr. Jarvis paid Benfield Lodge a\nsit, and honestly restored the bacheloi his property. This act, and the high opinion he entertained of Mrs. Wilson, with his unbounded love for Emily, were the few things which prevented his believing some dreadful judg ment was about to visit this world, for its increasing wicked- neis and follies. As his own steward was one of the honestest fellows living, he had ever after fancied that there was a per- sonal resemblance between him and the conscientious merchant PRECAUTION. 61 The hoi-ses being ready, the old bachelor was placed care- fully between his nephew and niece, and in that manner they rode on quietly to the Hall, the dread of accident keeping Mr. Benfield silent most of the way. On passing, however stately castle, about ten miles from the termination of their ide, he began one of his speeches with, " Emmy, dear, does Lord Bolton come often to see you ?' " Very seldom, sir ; his employment keeps him much or his time at St. James's, and then he has an estate in Ireland." "I knew his father well — he was distantly . connected by marriage with my friend Lord Gosford ; you could not remember him, I suspect " (John rolled his eyes at this sufrorestion of his sister's recollection of a man who had been forty years dead) ; " he always voted with me in the parlia- ment of this realm ; he was a thoroughly honest man; very much such a man to look at as Peter Johnson, my steward : but I am told his son likes the good things of the ministry ; well, well, William Pitt was the only minister to my mind. There was the Scotchman of whom they made a Marquis ; I never could endure him — always voted against him." " Right or wrong, uncle," cried John, who loved a little mischief in his heart. " No, sir — right, but never wrong. Lord Gosford always voted against him too ; and do you think, jackanapes, that my friend the Earl of Gosford and — and — myself were ever wrong? No, sir, men in my day were different creatures from w^iat they are now : we were never wrong, sir ; wo loved our country, and had no motive for being in the wrong." " How was it with Lord Bute, uncle ?" " Lord Bute, sir," cried the old man with great warmth, " was the minister, sir — he was the minister ; aye, he was the minister, sir, and was paid for what he did." " But Lord Chatham, was he not the minister tool** 62 PRECAUTION. Now, nothing vexed the old gentleman more than to hear William Pitt called by his tardy honors; and yet, unwilling to give up what he thought his political opinions, he exclaimed, with an unanswerable positiveness of argu ment, " Billy Pitt, sir, was the minister, sir ; but — but — but — he was our minister, sir." Emily, unable to see her uncle agitated by such useless disputes, threw a reproachful glance on her brother, as she observed timidly, " That was a glorious administration, sir, I believe." " Glorious indeed ! Emmy dear," said the bachelor, soften- ing with the sound of her voice, and the recollections of his younger days, " we beat the French everywhere — in Ame- rica — in Germany ; — we took — (counting on his fingers) — we took Quebec — yes, Lord Gosford lost a cousin there ; and we took all the Canadas ; and we took their fleets : there was a young man killed in the battle between Hawke and Con- flans, who was much attached to Lady Juliana — poor soul ! how much she regretted him when dead, though she never could abide him when living — ah ! she was a tender-hearted creature !" Mr. Benfield, like many others, continued to love imaginary qualities in his mistress, long after her heartless coquetry had disgusted him with her person: a kind of feeling which springs from self-love, which finds it necessary to seek con solation in creating beauties, that may justify our follies to ourselves ; and which often keeps alive the semblance of the passion, when even hope, or real admiration, is extinct. On reaching the Hall, every one was rejoiced to see their really affectionate and worthy relative, and the evening passed in the tranquil enjoyment of the blessings which Providence PRECAUTION. 5S had profusely scattered around the family of the baronet, but which are too often hazarded by a neglect of duty that springs from too great security, or an indolence which renders us averse to the precaution necessary to msure theii onUnuance. 54 PRECAUTION. CHAPTER IV. ** You are welcome, Sir Edward," said the venerable rectc. , as lie took the baronet by the hand ; " I was fearful a return of your rheumatism would deprive us of this pleasure, and prevent my making you acquainted with the new occupants of the deanery, who have consented to dine with us to-day, and to whom I have promised, in particular, an introduction to Sir Edward Moseley." " I thank you, my dear doctor," rejoined the baronet ; " I have not only come myself, but have persuaded Mr. Benfield to make one of the party ; there he comes, leaning on Emily's arm, and finding fault with Mrs. Wilson's new-fashioned ba- rouche, which he says has given him cold." The rector received the unexpected guest with the kindness of his nature, and an inward smile at the incongruous assem- blage he was likely to have around him by the arrival of the Jarvis's, who, at that moment, drove to his door. The intro- ductions between the baronet and the new comers had passed, and Miss Jarvis had made a prettily worded apology on be- half of the colonel, who was not yet well enough to come out, bnt whose poHteness had insisted on their not remaining a. home on his account, as Mr. Benfield, having composedly put on his spectacles, walked deliberately up to the place where the merchant had seated himself, and having examined him Ihrough his glasses to his satisfaction, took them off, and care- fully wiping them, he began to talk to himself as he put them into his pocket — " No, no ; it's not Jack, the hackney coach- man, nor m} Lord Gosford's gentleman, but" — cordially PRECAUTION. 65 Iiolding out both hands, "it's the man who saved my twenty thousand pounds." Mr. Jarvis, whom shame and embarrassment had kept silent during- this examination, exchanged greetings sincerely with his old acquaintance, who now took a seat in silence by his side ; while his wife, whose face had begun to kindle with indignation at the commencement of the old gentleman's so- liloquy, observing that somehow or other it had not only tei'- minated without degradation to her spouse, but with some- thing like credit, turned complacently to Mrs. Ives, with an apology for the absence of her son. '* I cannot divine, ma'am, where he has got to ; he is ever keeping us waiting for him ;" and, addressing Jane, " these military men become so unsettled in their habits, that I often tell Harry he should never quit the camp." " In Hyde Park, you should add, my dear, for he has never been in any^ other," bluntly observed her husband. To this, speech no reply was made, but it was evidently little relished by the ladies of the family, who w^ere a good deal jealous of the laurels of the only hero their race had ever produced. The arrival and introduction of the captain himself changed the discourse, which turned on the comforts of their present residehce. " Pray, my lady," cried the captain, who had taken a chair familiarly by the side of the baronet's wife, " why is the house called the deanery ? I am afraid I shall be taken for a son of the church, when I invite my friends to visit my father at the deanery." " But you may add, at the same time, sir, if you please, dryly remarked Mr. Jarvis, " that it is occupied by an old man, who has been preaching and lecturing all his hfe; and, like others of the trade, I believe, in vain.'' " You must except our good friend, the doctor here, at 66 PRECAUTION. least, sir," said Mrs. Wilson ; who, observing that her sistei shrank from a familiarity she was unused to, took upon her- felf the office of replying to the captains question: "The father of the present Sir William Harris held that station in he church, and although the house was his private property, it took its name from the circumstance, which has been con tinued ever since." ." Is it not a droll life Sir Wilham leads," cried Miss Jarvis, looking at John Moseley, " riding about all summer from one watering-place to another, and letting his house year after year in the manner he does ?'' " Sir Wilham," said Dr. Ives, gravely, "is devoted to his laughter's wishes ; and since his accession to his title, has ^ome into possession of another residence in an adjoining coimty, which, I believe, he retains in his own hands." " Are you acquainted with Miss Harris ?" continued the lady, addressing herself to Clara; though, without waiting for an answer, she added, " She is a great belle — ^1 the gen- tlemen are dying for her." . " Or her fortune,'* said her sister, with a pretty toss of the head ; " for my part, I never could see anything so capti- vating in her, although so much is said about her at Bath and Brighton." " You know her then," mildly observed Clara. "Why, I cannot say — we are exactly acquainted," the voung lady hesitatingly answered, coloring violently. " What do you mean by exactly acquainted, Sally ?" pu n the father with a laugh ; " did you ever speak to or were you ever in a room with her, in your life, unless it might be at a concert or a ball ?" The mortification of Miss Sarah was too evident for con- cealment, and it happily was relieved by a summons to dinner. PRECAUTION. 67 ** Never, my dear child," said Mrs. Wilson to Emily, the »unt being fond of introducing a moral from the occasional .ncidents of every- day life, "never subject yourself to a sirai- lajr mortification, by commenting on the characters of those ou don't know : ignorance makes you liable to great errors ; and if they should happen to be above you in life, it will only excite their contempt, should it reach their ears, while those to whom your remarks are made will think it envy." " Truth is sometimes blundered on," whispered John, who held his sister's arm, waiting for his aunt to precede them to the dining-room. The merchant paid too great a compliment to the rector's dinner to think of renewing the disagreeable conversation, and as John Moseley and the young clergyman were seated next the two ladies, they soon forgot what, among themselves, they would call their father's rudeness, in receiving the attentions of a couple of remarkably agreeable young men. " Pray, Mr. Francis, when do you preach for us ?" asked Mr. Haughton ; " I'm very anxious to hear you hold forth from the pulpit, where I have so often heard your father with pleasure : I doubt not you will prove orthodox, or you will be the only man, I believe, in the congregation, the rector has left in ignorance of the theory of our religion, at least," The doctor bowed to the com])liment, as he rephed to the question for his son, that on the next Sunday they were to have the pleasure of hearing Frank, who had promised to assist him on that day. "Any prospects of a living soon?" continued Mr. Haugh- on, helping himself bountifully to a piece of plum pudding as he spoke. John Moseley laughed aloud, and Clara blushed to the eyes, while the doctor, turning to Sir Edward, observed' with an air of iiiteresf,, "Sir Edward, the living of Bolton is vacant, and I should like exceedingly to obtain it for my son. 3* 68 PRECAUTION. The advowson belongs to the Earl, who will dispose of it mly to o-reat interest, I am afraid." Clara was certainly too busily occupied in pici>T*.g raisina from her pudding to hear this remark, but accidentaiiy stole, from under her long eyelashes', a timid glance at her father as he replied : " I am sorry, my friend, I have not sufficient interest with his lordship to apply on my own account ; but he is so seldom here, we are barely acquainted ;" and the good baronet looked really concerned. " Clara," said Francis Ives in a low and affectionate tone, " have you read the books 1 sent you "?" Clara answered him with a smile in the negative, but pro- mised amendment as soon as she had leisure. " Do you ride much on horseback, Mr. Moseley ?" abruptly asked Miss Sarah, turning her back on the young divine, and facing the gentleman she addressed. John, who was now hemmed in between the sisters, replied with a rueful expres- sion that brought a smile into the face of Emily, who was placed opposite to him — " Yes, ma'am, and sometimes I am ridden." " Ridden, sir, what do you mean by that ?" "Oh ! only my aunt there occasionally gives me a lecture.'* *•' I understand," said the lady, pointing slily with her finger at her own father. " Does it feel good ?" John inquired, with a look of great sympathy. But the lady, who now felt awkwardly, without knowing exactly why, shook her head in silence, and forced a ffXint laugh. "Whom have we here ?" cried Captain Jarvis, who was look Ing out at a window which commanded a view of the ap proach to the house — "the apothecary and his attendant judging from the equipage." PRECAUTION. 59 The rector threw an inquiring look on a servant, who told his master they were strangers to him. " Have them shown up, doctor," cried the benevolent ba- ronet, who loved to see every one as happy as himself, " and give them some of your excellent pasty, for the sake of hos- pitality and the credit of your cook, I beg of you." As this request was pohtely seconded by others of the party, the rector ordered his servants to show in the stran- gers. On opening the parlor door, a gentleman, apparently sixty years of age, appeared, leaning on the arm of a youth of five- and-twenty. There was sufficient resemblance between the two for the most indifferent observer to pronounce them fa- ther and soil ; but the helpless debility and emaciated figure of the former, were finely contrasted by the vigorous heahh and manly beauty of the latter, who supported his venerable parent into the room with a grace and tenderness that struck most of the beholdei-s with a sensation of pleasure. The doctor and Mrs. Ives rose from their seats involuntarily, and each stood for a moment, lost in an astonishment that was mingled with grief. Recollecting himself, the rector grasped the extended hand of the senior in both his own, and endea- vored to utter something, but in vain. The tears followed each other down his cheeks, as he looked on the faded and care-worn figure which stood before him ; while his wife, un- able to control her feelings, sank back into a chair and wept jiloud. Throwing open the door of an adjoining room, and retain ing the hand of the invalid, the doctor gentlv led the way, /ol lowed by his wife and son. The former, having recovered from the first burst of her sorrow, and regardless of everything else, now anxiously watched the enfeebled step of the stran- ger. On reaching the door, they both turned and bowed to 60 PKECAUTIOIS. the company iu a manner of so much dignity, mingled with sweetness, that all, not excepting Mr. Beufield, rose from their seats to return the salutation. On passing from the dining parlor, the door was closed, leaving the company standing round the table in mute astonishment and commiseration. Not a word had been spoken, and the rector's family had left them without apology or explanation. Francis, however soon returned, and was followed in a few minutes by his mo- ther, who, slightly apologizing for her absence, turned the discourse on the approaching Sunday, and the intention of Francis to preach on that day. The Moseleys were too well bred to make any inquiries, and the deanery family was afraid. Sir Edward retired at a very early hour, and was followed by the remainder of the party. "Well,'.' cried Mrs. Jarvis, as they drove from the door, " this may be good breeding, but, for my part, I think both the doctor and Mrs. Ives behaved very rudely, with the crying and sobbing." *' They are nobody of much consequence," cried her eldest daughter, casting a contemptuous glance on a plain travelling nhaise which stood before the rector's stables. " 'Twas sickening," said Miss Sarah, with a shrug ; while her father, turning his eyes on each speaker in succession, very deliberately helped himself to a pinch of snuff, his ordi- nary recourse against a family quarrel. The curiosity of the ladies was, however, more lively than they chose to avow and Mrs. Jarvis bade her maid go over to the rectory that evening, with her compliments to Mrs. Ives ; she had lost a lace veil, which her maid knew, and she thought it migh have been left at the rectory, " And, Jones, when you are there, you can inquire of the servants ; mind, of the servants — I would not distress Mrs, Ives for the world ; how Mr. — Mr. — what's his name — PRKCAUTION. 62 Oh ! — I have forgotten his name ; just bring me his name too, Jones ; and, as it may make some difference in our party, just find out how long they stay ; and — and — any other httle thing, Jones, which can be of use, you know." Off went Jones, and within an hour she had returned. With an important look, she commenced her narrative, the daughters being accidentally present, and it might be on purpose. " Why, ma'am, I went across the fields, and William was good enough to go with me ; so when we got there, I rang, and they showed us into the servants' room, and I gave my message, and the veil was not there. Why, ma'am, there's the veil now, on the back o' that chair." "Very well, very well, Jones, never mind the veil," cried the impatient mistress. " So, ma'am, while they were looking for the veil, I just asked one of the maids, what company had arrived, but" — (here Jones looked veiy suspicious, and shook her head omi- nously :) " would you think it, ma'am, not a soul of tliem knew ! But, ma'am, there was the doctor and his son, pray- ing and reading with the old gentleman the whole time — and"— , " And what, Jones ?" " Why, ma'am, I expect he has been a great smner, or he wouldn't want so much praying just as he is about to die." " Die !" cried all three at once : " will he die ?" " yes," continued Jones, " they all agree he must die*, but this praying so much, is just like the criminals. I'm sure o honest person needs so much praying, ma'am." *' No, indeed," said the mother. '• No, indeed," responded the daughters, as they retired to their several rooms for the night. 62 PRECAUTIOir. CHAPTER V. There is something in the season of Spring which pecu- Tiarly excites the feelings of devotion. The dreariness oi winter has passed, and with it, the deadened aflfections of our nature. New hfe, new vigor, arises within us, as we walk abroad and feel the genial gales of April breathe upon us ; and our hopes, our wishes, awaken with the revival of the ve- getable world. It is then that the heart, which has been im- pressed with the goodness of the Creator, feels that goodness brought, as it were, into very contact with the senses. The eye loves to wander over the bountiful provisions nature is throw- ing forth in every direction for our comfort, and fixes its gaze on the clouds, which, having lost the chilling thinness of winter, roll in rich volumes, amidst the clear and softened fields of azure so peculiar to the season, leading the mind in- sensibly to dwell on the things of another and a better world. It was o^ such a day, that the inhabitants of B thronged toward the village church, for the double purpose of pouring out their thankso-ivinofs, and of hearino; the first efforts of their rector's son in the duties of his sacred calling. Amongst the crowd whom curiosity or a better feeling had drawn forth, were to be seen the flaring equipage of the Jar- vises, and the handsome carriages of Sir Edward Moseley and his sister. All the members of the latter family felt a lively anxiety for the success of the young divine. But knowing, as they well did, the strength of his native talents, the excel- lence of his education, and the fervor of his piety, it was an anxiety that partook more of h«pe than of fear. There was PRECAl^'ION. 63 one heart, however, amongst them, that palpitated with an emotion that hardly admitted of control, as they approached the sacred edifice, for it had identified itself completely with the welfare of the rector's son. There never was a softer truer heart, than that which now almost audibly beat withiu the bosom of Clara Moseley ; and she had given it to the young divine with all its purity and truth. The entrance of a congregation into the sanctuary will at all times furnish, to an attentive observe!-, food for much useful speculation, if it be chastened with a proper charity for the weaknesses of others ; and most people are ignorant of the insight they are giving into their characters and dispo- sitions, by such an apparently trivial circumstance as their weekly approach to the tabernacles of the Lord. Christi- anity, while it chastens and amends the heart, leaves the natural powers unaltered ; and it cannot be doubted that its operation is, or ought to be, proportionate to the abiUties and opportunities of the subject of its holy impression — "Unto whomsoever much is given, much will be required." While we acknowledge, that the thoughts might be better employed m preparing for those humiliations of the spirit and thanks- giving of the heart which are required of all, and are so necessary to all, we must be indulged in a hasty view of some of the personages of our history, as they entered the church of B . . On the countenance of the baronet, was the dignity and composure of a mind at peace with itself and mankind. His step was rather more deHberate than common; his eye rested on the pavement, and on turning into his pew, as he prepared to kneel, in the first humble petition of our beautiful service, he raised it towards the altar with an expression of benevo- lence and reverence, that spoke contentment, not unmixed with faith 64 PRECAUnON. In the demeanor of Lady Moseley, all was graceful and decent, while nothing could be properly said to be studied. •She followed her husband with a step of equal deliberation, though it was slightly varied by a manner which, while it ppeared natural to herself, might have been artificial in another : a cambric handkerchief concealed her face as she sank composedly by the side of Sir Edward, in a style which showed, that while she remembered her Maker, she had not entirely forgotten herself. The walk of Mrs. Wilson was quicker than that of her Bister. Her eye, directed before her, was fixed, as if in settled gaze, on that eternity which she was approaching. The lines of her contemplative face were unaltered, unless there might be ti-aced a deeper shade of humility than was ordinarily seen on her pale, but expressive countenance : her petition was long ; and on rising from her humble posture, the person was indeed to be seen, but the soul appeared absorbed in contemplations beyond the limits of this sphere. There was a restlessness and varying of color, in the ordinarily placid Clara, which prevented a display of her usual manner; while Jane walked gracefully, and with a tincture of her mother's manner, by her side. She stole one hastily withdrawn glance to the deanery pew ere she kneeled, and then, on rising, handed her smelling-bottle affectionately to her elder sister. Emily glided behind her companions with a face beaming with a look of innocence and love. As she sank in the act of supplication, the rich glow of her healthful cheek lost some of its brilliancy ; but, on rising, it beamed with a renewed lustre, that plainly indicated a heart touched with the sanctity )f its situation. In the composed and sedate mannei^ of Mr. Jarvis, as he iteadily pursued his way to the pew of Sir William Harris, PRECAUTION. 65 you might have been justified. in expecting the entrance of another Sir Edward Moseley in substance, if not in externals. But tlie deliberate sepai-ation of the flaps of his coat, as he comfortably seated himself, when you thought him about to kneel, followed by a pinch of snuff as he threw his eye around the building, led you at once to conjecture, that what t first had been mistaken for reverence, was the abstraction of some earthly calculation ; and that his attendance was in compliance with custom, and not a little depended upon the thickness of his cushions, and the room he found for the disposition of two rather unwieldy legs. The ladies of the family followed, in garments carefully selected for the advantageous display of their persons. As they sailed into their seats, where it would seem the imj^rovi- dence of Sir WiUiam's steward had neglected some important accommodation (some time being spent in preparation to be seated), the old lady, w^hose size and fleoh really put kneeling out of the question, bent forward for a moment at an angle of eighty with the honzon, while her daughters prettily bowed their heads, with all proper precaution for the safety of their superb millinery. At length the rector, accompanied by his son, appeared from the vestry. There was a dignity and solemnity in the manner in which this pious divine entered on the duties of his profession, which disposed the heart to listen with reve^ rence and humihty to precepts that were accompanied with so impressive an exterior. The stillness of expectation per vaded the church, when the pew opener led the way to the same interesting father and son whose entrance had inter* rupted the guests the preceding day, at the rectory. Every eye was turned on the emaciated parent, bending into th« grave, and, as it were, kept from it by the supporting tender- ness of his child. Hastily throwing open the door of hei 66 PRECAUTION. Dwn pew, Mrs. Ives buried ber face in her handkerchief ; and her husband had proceeded far in the morning service before she raised it again to the view of the congregation. In the voice of the rector, there was an unusual softness and tremor that his people attributed to tlie feehngs of a father about to witness the first efforts of an only child, but which in reality were owing to another and a deeper cause. Prayers were ended, and the younger Ives ascended the pulpit. For a moment he paused ; when, casting an anxious glance to the pew of the baronet, he commenced his sermon. He had chosen for his discourse the necessity of placing our dependence on divine grace. After having learnedly, but in the most unaffected manner, displayed the necessity of this dependence, as derived from revelation, he proceeded to paint the hope, the resignation, the felicity of a Christian's death- bed. Warmed by the subject, his animation soon lent a heightened interest to his language ; and at a moment w^hen ail around him were entranced by the eloquence of the youthful divine, a sudden and deep-drawn sigh drew every eye to the rector's pew. The younger stranger sat motionless as a statue, holding in his arms the hfeless body of his parent, who had fallen that moment a corpse by his side. All was now confusion : the almost insensible young man was relieved from his burden ; and, led by the rector, they left the church. The congregation dispersed in silence, or assembled in little groups, to converse on the awful event they had witnessed. None knew the deceased ; he was the rector's friend, and to his residence the body was removed. The young man was evidently his child ; but here all infor- mation ended. They had arrived in a private chaise, but with post horses, and without attendants. Their arrival at the parsonage was detailed by the Jarvis ladies with a few exaggerations that gave additional interest k) the whole event, PRECAUTION. U7 and which, by creating an impression with som". -whom gentler feeHngs would not have restrained, that there was something of mystery about them, prevented many distress- ing questions to the Ives's, that the baronet's femily forbore putting, on the score of delicacy. The body left B at the close of the week, accompanied by Francis Ives and the unweariedly attentive and interesting son. . The doctor and bis wife went into deep mourning, and Clara received a short note from her lover, on the morning of their departure, acquainting her with his intended absence for a month, but throwing no light upon the affair. The London papers, how- ever, contained the following obituary notice, and w^hich, as it could refer to no other person, as a matter of course, was supposed to allude to the rector's friend. ** Died, suddenly, at B , on the 20th instant, George Derbigh, Esq., aged 63." 68 * PRECAUTION. CHAPTER VI. During the week- of mourning, the intercourse between Moseley Hall and the rectory was confined to messages and notes of inquiry after each other's welfare : but the visit of the Moseleys to the deanery had been returned ; and the day after the appearance of the obituary paragraph, the family of the latter dined by invitation at the Hall. Colonel Egerton had recovered the use of his leg, and was included in the party. Between this gentleman and Mr. Benfield there appeared, from the first moment of. their introduction, a repugnance which was rather increased by time, and which the old gentleman manifested by a demeanor loaded with the overstrained ceremony of the day, and which, in the colonel, only showed itself by avoiding, when possible, all intercourse with the object of his aversion. Both Sir Edward and Lady Moseley, on the contrary, were not slow in manifesting their favorable impressions in behalf of the gentleman. The latter, in particular, having ascertained to her satisfaction that he was the undoubted heir to the title, and most probably to the estates of his uncle, Sir Edgar Egerton, felt herself strongly disposed to encourage an acquaintance she found so agree- iable, and to which she could see no reasonable objection Captain Jarvis, who was extremely oflfensive to her, from hi vulgar familiarity, she barely tolerated, from the necessity of being civil, and keeping up sociability in the neighborhood It is true, she could not help being surprised, that a gentleman, as polished as the colonel, could find any pleasure in an associate like his friend, or even in the hardly more softened PRECAUTION. 69 females of his family ; then again, the flattering suggestion would present itself, that possibly he might have seen Emily at Bath, or Jane elsewhere, and availed himself of the acquaintance of young Jarvis to get into their neighborhood. Lady Moseley had never been vain, or much interested about the disposal of her own person, previously to her attachment to her husband : but her daughters called forth not a little of her natural pride — we had almost said of her selfishness. The attentions of the colonel were of the most delicate and insinuating kind ; and Mrs. Wilson several times turned away in displeasure at herself, for listening with too much satisfac- tion to nothings, uttered in an agreeable manner, or, what was worse, false sentiments supported with the gloss of lan- guage and a fascinating deportment. The anxiety of this lady on behalf of Emily kept her ever on the alert, when chance, or any chain of circumstances, threw her in the way of forming new connexions of any kind ; and of late, as her charge approached the period of life her sex were apt to make that choice from which there is no retreat, her solicitude to examine the characters of the men who approached her was really painful. As to Lady Moseley, her wishes disposed her to be easily satisfied, and her mind naturally shrank from an investigation to which she felt herself unequal ; while Mrs. Wilson was governed by the convictions of a sound discretion, matured by long and deep reasoning, all acting on a temper at all times ardent, and a watchfulness calculated to endure to the end. '* Pray, my lady," said Mrs. Jarvis, with a look of some- thing like importance, *' have you made any discovery about this Mr. Denbigh, who died in the church lately ?" " I did not know, ma'am," replied Lady Moseley, " there was any discovery to be made." " You know, Lady Moseley," said Colonel Egerton, " that 70 PRECAUTION. in town, all the little accompaniments of such a melancholy death would have found their way into the prints ♦ and 1 suppose this is what Mrs. Jarvis alludes to." " Oh yes," cried Mrs. Jarvis, " the colonel is right." Bu the colonel was always right with that lady. Lady Moseley bowed her head with dignity, and the olonel had too much tact to pursue the conversation; but the captain, whom nothing had ever yet abashed, exclaimed, ** These Denbighs could not be people of much importance —I have never heard the name before." " It is the family name of the Duke of Derwent, I believe," dryly remarked Sir Edward. " Oh, I am sure neither the old man nor his son looked much like a duke, or so much as an officer either," exclaimed Mrs. Jarvis, who thought the latter rank the dignity in degree next below nobility. • " There sat, in the parliament of this realm, when I was a member, a General Denbigh," said Mr. Benfield, with his usual deliberation ; " he was always on the same side with Lord Gosford and myself. He and his friend. Sir Peter Howell, who was the admiral that took the French squadron, in the glorious administration of Billy Pitt, and afterwards took an island with this same General Denbigh : aye, the old admiral was a hearty blade ; a good deal such a looking man as my Hector would make." I Hector was Mr. Benfield's bull- dog. " Mercy," whispered John to Clara, " that's your grand father that is to be uncle Benfield is speaking of." Clara smiled, as she ventured to say, '' Sir Peter was Mi-s. Ives's father, sir." " Indeed !" said the old gentleman, with a look of surprise " I never knew that before ; 1 cannot say they resemble each other much." PRECAUTION. 71 "Prav, uncle, does Frank look much like the family?'' asked John, with an air of unconquerable gravity. "But, sir," interrupted Emily, "were General Denbigh and Admiral Howell related ?" " Not that I ever knew, Emmy dear. Sir Frederick Den- bigh did not look much like the admiral ; he rather resembled (^•athering himself up into an air of formality, and bowing B Iffly to Colonel Egerton) this gentleman, here." " I have not the honor of the connexion," observed the colonel, withdrawing behind the chair of Jane. Mrs. Wilson changed the conversation to one more general ; but the little that had fallen from Mr. Benfield gave reason for beheving a connexion, in some way of which they were ignorant, existed between the descendants of the two veterans, and which explained the interest they felt in each other. During dinner. Colonel Egerton placed himself next to Emily, and Miss Jarvis took the chair on the other side. He spoke of the gay world, of watering-places, novels, plays, and still finding his companion reserved, and either unwilling or unable to talk freely, he tried his favorite sentiment. He had read poetrj^ and a remark of his lighted up a spark of intelli- gence in the beautiful face of his companion that for a moment deceived him ; but as he went on to point out his favorite beauties, it gave place to a settled composure, which at last led him to imagine the casket contained no gem equal to the pomise of its brilliant exterior. After resting from one of iis most labored displays of feeling and imagery, he acci- dentally caught the eyes of Jane fastened on him with an expression of no dubious import, and the soldier changed his battery. In Jane he found a more willing auditor ; poetry was the food she lived on, and in works of the imagination she found her greatest delight. An animated, discussion of the merits of then- favorite authors now took place ; to renew 72 FRKCiJTION. which, the colonel early left the dining-room for the society of the ladies ; John, wh-o disliked drinking excessively, being happy of an excuse to attend him. The vouno-er ladies had clustered too-ether round a window JO C and even Emily in her heart rejoiced that the gentlemen ha^ come to relieve herself and sisters from the arduous task of entertaining women who appeared not to possess a singl taste or opinion in common with themselves. " You were saying, Miss Moseley," observed the colonel in his most agreeable manner, as he approached them, " you thought Campbell the most musical poet we Kave ; I hope you will unite with me in excepting Moore." Jane colored, as with some awkwardness she replied, " Moore was certainly very poetical." " Has Moore written much ?" innocently asked Emily. " Not half as much as he ought," cried Miss Jarvis. "Oh! I could live on his beautiful lines." Jane turned away in disgust ; and that evening, while alone with Clara, she took a volume of Moore's songs, and very coolly consigned them to the flames. Her sister natu- rally asked an explanation of so extraordinary a procedure. " Oh !'' cried Jane, " I can't abide the book, since that vulgar Miss Jarvis speaks of it with so much interest. I really believe aunt Wilson is right in not suffering Emily to read such things." And Jane, who had often devoured the treacherous lines with ardor, shrank with fastidious delicacy from the indulgence of a perverted taste, when it became exposed, coupled with the vulgarity of unblushing audacity. Colonel Egerton immediately changed the subject to one less objectionable, and spoke of a campaign he had made in Spain. He possessed the happy faculty of giving an interest to all he advanced, whether true or not ; and as he never contradicted, or even opposed unless to yield gracefully, wljen PKECAUTION. TS a ladv was his opponent, liis conversation insensibly attracted, by putting the sex in good humor with themselves. Such a iTirtfi, aided by the powerful assistants of person and manners, and no inconsiderable colloquial talents, Mrs. Wilson knew to be extremely dangerous as a companion to a youthful female heart ; and as his visit was to extend to a couple of months, she resolved to reconnoitre the state of her pupil's opinion forthwith in reference to his merits. She had taken t«jO much pains in forming the mind of Emily to apprehend she would fall a victim to the eye ; but she also knew that per- sonal grace sweetened a benevolent expression, and added force even to the oracles of wisdom. She labored a little herself under the disadvantage of what John called a didactio manner, and which, although she had not the ability, or rather taste, to amend, she had yet the sense to discern. It was the great error of Mrs. Wilson to attempt to convince, where she might have influenced ; but her ardor of tempera- ment, and great love of truth, kept her, as it were, tilting with the vices of mankind, and consequently sometimes in unpro •fitable combat. With her charge, however, this could never be said to be the case, Emily knew her heart, felt her love, and revered her principles too deeply, to throw away an admonition, or disregard a precept, that fell from hps she knew never spoke idly or without consideration. John had felt tempted to push the conversation with Miss Jarvis, and he was about to utter something rapturous respecting the melodious poison of Little's poems, as the blue eye of Emily rested on him in the fulness of sisterly affection and checking his love of the ridiculous, he quietly yielded to his respect for the innocence of his sisters ; and, as if eager to draw the attention of all from the hateful subject, he put question after question to Egerton concerning the Spaniards eir customs. 4 74 PRECAUTIO?r. " D'd yoM ever meet Lord Pendennyss in Spain, Colonel Egerton ?" inquired Mrs. Wilson, with interest. " Never, madam," he replied. " I have much reason to regret that our service lay in different parts of the country ; his lordship was much with the duke, and I made the cam- paign under Marshal Beresford." Emily left the group at the window, and taking a seat on the sofa by the side of her aunt, insensibly led her to forget the gloomy thoughts which had begun to steal over her; which the colonel, approaching where they sat, continued, by asking — " Are you acquainted with the earl, madam ?" " Not in person, but by character," said Mrs. Wilson, in a melancholy manner, " His character as a soldier was very high. He had no superior of his years in Spain, I am told." No reply was made to this remark, and Emily endeavored anxiously to draw the mind of her aunt to reflections of a more agreeable nature. The colonel, whose vigilance to please was ever on the alert, kindly aided her, and they soon suc- ceeded. The merchant withdrew, with his family and guest, in proper season : and Mrs. Wilson, heedful of her duty, took the opportunity of a quarter of an hour's privacy in her own dressing-room in the evening, to touch gently on the subject of the gentlemen they had seen that day. " How are you pleased, Emily, with your new acquaint ances ?" familiarly commenced Mrs. Wilson. ** Oh ! aunt, don't ask me ; as John says, they are net indeed." " I am not sorry," continued the aunt, " to have you ob- serve more closely than you have been used to the manners of such women as the Jarvises ; they are too abrupt and PRECAUTION. 75 Qnpleasant to create a dread of any imitation ; but the gen- tlemen are heroes in very different styles." •• Different from each other, indeed." " To which do you give the preference, my dear ?" " Preference, aunt !" said her niece, with a look of asto- nishment; "preference is a strong word for either; but I rather think the captain the most eligible companion of the two. I do believe you see the worst of him ; and although I acknowledge it to be bad enough, he might amend ; but the colonel" — " Go on," said Mrs. Wilson. " Why, everything about the colonel seems so seated, so ingrafted in his nature, so — so very self-satisfied, that I am afraid it would be a difficult task to take the first step in amendment — to convince him of its necessity? . " And is it then so necessary ?" Einily looked up from arranging Bom^ laces, with an ex- pression of surprise, ass he replied : •* Did you not hear him talk of those poems, and attempt to point out the beauties of several works ? I thought every- thing he uttered was referred to taste, and that not a very natural one ; at least," she added with a laugh, " it differed greatly from mine. He seemed to forget altogether there was such a thing as principle : and then he spoke of some woman io Jane, who had left her father for her lover, with so much admiration of her feehngs, to take up with poverty and love, as he called it, in place of condemning her want of filial piety — I am sure, aunt, if you had heard that, you would not admire him so much." " I do not admire him at all, child ; I only want to know your sentiments, and I am happy to find them so correct. It is as you think ; Colonel Egerton appears to refer nothing to principle : even the more generous feelings I am afraid are 76 PRECAUTION. corrupted in him, from too low intercourse with the surface of society. There is by far too much pliability about him for principle of any kind, unless indeed it be a principle to please, no matter how. No one, who has deeply seated opinions of right and wrong, will ever abandon them, even in the courte sies of polite intercourse : they may be silent but never acqui- escent : in short, my dear, the dread of oflfending our Maker ought to be so superior to that of offending our fellow crea- tures, that we should endeavor, I believe, to be even more unbending to the follies of the world than we are." " And yet the colonel is what they call a good companion — I mean a pleasant one." " In the ordinary meaning of the words, he is certainly, my dear ; yet you soon tire of sentiments which will not stand the test of examination, and of a manner you cannot but see is artificial. He may do very well for a companion, but \ery ill for a friend ; in short, Colonel Egerton has neither been satisfied to yield to his natural impressions, nor to obtain new ones from a proper source ; he has copied from bad models, and his work must necessarily be imperfect." Kissing her niece, Mrs. Wilson then retired into her own room, with the happy assurance that she had not labored in vain ; but that, with divine aid, she had implanted a guide in the bosom of her charge that could not fail, with ordinary care, to le^d her straight through the devious path of female duties. PRECAUTION. 11 CHAPTER VII. A MONTH now passed in the ordinary occupations and »nQusem'^nts of a co^iitry life, during which both Lady Moseley and Jane -manifested a desire to keep up the deanery acquaintance, that surprised Emily a little, who had ever seen her mother shrink from communications with those whose breeding subjected her own delicacy to the little shocks she could but ill conceal. In Jane this desire was still- more in- explicable ; for Jane had, in a decided way very common to her, avowed her disgust of the manners of their new associ- ates at the commencement of the acquaintance ; and yet Jane would now even quit her own society for that of Miss Jarvis, especially if Colonel Egerton happened to be of the party The innocence of Emily prevented her scanning the motives for the conduct of her sister ; and she set seriously about an examination into her own deportment to find the latent cause, in order, wherever an opportunity should offer, to evince her regret, had it been her misfortune to have erred by the ten- derness of her own manner. For a short time the colonel seemed at a loss where to make his choice ; but a few days determined him, and Jane was evidently the favorite. It is true, that in the presence of tho arvis ladies he was more guarded and general in his atteu- fons ; but as John, from a motive of charity, had taken the direction of the captain's sports into his own hands ; and as they w^ere in the frequent habit of meeting at the llall pre- paratory to their morning excursion, the colonel suddenly became a sportsman. The ladies would often accompany 78 ■ PRECAUTION. them in their mornrng excursions ; and as John would cer- tainly be a baronet, and the colonel might not if his uncle married, he had the comfort of being sometimes ridden, as well as of riding. / One morning, having all prepared for an excursion on horseback, as they stood at the door ready to mount, Francis Tves drove up in his father's gig, and for a moment arrested the party. Francis was a favorite with the whole Mose- ley family, and their greetings were warm and sincere. He found they meant to take the rectory in their ride, and in- sisted that they should proceed. " Clara would take a seal with him." As he spoke, the cast of his countenance brought the color into the cheeks of his intended ; she suffered herself, however, to be handed into the vacant seat in the gig, and they moved on. John, who was at the bottom good-natured, and loved both Francis and Clara very sincerely, soon set Captain Jarvis and his sister what he called " scrub racing," and necessity, in some measure, compelled the rest of the equestrians to hard riding, in order to keep up with the sports. " That will do, that will do," cried John, casting his eye back, and perceiving they had lost sight of the gig, and nearly so of Colonel Egerton and Jane, ** why you carry it off like a jockey, captain ; better than any amateur I have ever seen, unless indeed it be your sister." The lady, encouraged by his commendations, whipped on, followed by her brother and sister at half speed. " There, Emily," said John, quietly dropping by her side " I see no reason you and I should break our necks, to show the blood of our horses. Now do you know I think we are going to have a wedding in the family soon ?" Emily looked at him in amazement. " Frank has got a living ; I saw it the moment he drove PRFX'AUTIOX. 79 up. He came in like somebody. Yes, I dare say he Las calculated the tithes already a dozen times." John was right. The Earl of Bolton had, imsolicited, piven him the desired living of his own parish ; and Francis was dt the moment pressing the blushing Clara to fix the day that was to put a period to his long probation. Clara, who liad not a particle of coquetry about her, promised to be h's as soon as he was inducted, an event that was to take plac;^ the following week ; and then followed those delightful little arrangements and plans with which youthful hope is so fond of filling up the void of life. " Doctor," said John, as he came out of the rectory to assist Clara from the gig, " the parson here is a careful driver ; see, he has not turned a hair." He kissed the burning cheek of his sister as she touched the ground, and whispered significantly. " You need tell me nothing, my dear — 1 know all — I con- sent." Mrs. Ives folded her future daughter to her bosom ; and the benevolent smile of the good rector, together with the kind and affectionate manner of her sisters, assured Clara the ap- proaching nuptials were anticipated, as a matter of course. Colonel Egerton offered his compliments to Francis on his preferment to the hving, with the polish of high breeding, and not without an appearance of intei'est ; and Emily thought him for the first time as handsome as he was generally repu*:- ed to be. The ladies undertook to say something civil io their turn, and John put the captain, by a hint, on the sam track. " You are quite lucky, sir," said the captain, "in getting so good a living with so little trouble ; I wish you joy of il with all my heart : Mr. Moseley tells me it is a capital thing vow for a gentleman of your profession. For my part 1 80 PRECAUTION. prefer a scarlet coat to a black one, but there must be par sons you know, or bow should we get married or say grace ?" Francis thanked him for his good wishes, and Egerton paid handsome compliment to the liberality of the earl ; " he doubted not he found that gratification which always attend* a disinterested act ;" and Jane applauded the sentiment with a smile. The baronet, when he was made acquainted with the situ- ation of affairs, promised Francis that no unnecessary delay should intervene, and the marriage was happily arranged for the following week. Lady Moseley, when she retired to the drawinof-room after dinner, commenced a recital of the cere- mony and company to be invited on the occasion. Etiquette and the decencies of life were not only the forte, but the fault of this lady ; and she had gone on to the enumeration of about the fortieth personage in the ceremonials, before Clara found courage to say, that " Mr. Ives and myself both wish to be married at the altar, and to proceed to Bolton Rectory immediately after the ceremony." To this her mo- ther warmly objected; and argument and respectful remon-' strance had followed each other for some time, before Clara submitted in silence, with difficulty restraining her tears. This appeal to the better feelings of the mother triumphed ; and the love of parade yielded to love of her offspring. Clara, with a lightened heart, kissed and thanked her, and accom- ■)anied by Emily left the room ; Jane had risen to folio sv them, but catching a glimpse of the tilbury of Colonel Eger-. ton she re-seated herself. He had merely driven over at the earnest entreaties of the ladies to beg Miss Jane would accept a seat back with him ; "they had some little project on foot, and could not proceed without her assistance." PRECAUTION. 81 Mrs. Wilson looked gravely at her sister, as she smiled acquiescence to his wishes ; and the daughter, who but the minute before had forgotten there was any other person in the world but Clara, flew for her hat and shawl, in order, as he said to herself, that the poMteness of Colonel Egerton might not keep him waiting. Lady Moseley resumed her seat by the side of her sister with an air of great compla cency, as she returned from the window, after having seen lur daughter off. For some time each was occupied quietly with her needle, when Mrs. Wilson suddenly broke the silence by saying : " Who is Colonel Egerton ?" Lady Moseley looked up for a moment in amazement, but recollecting herself, answered, " The nephew and heir of Sir Edgar Egerton, sister." This was spoken in a rather positive way, as if it were un- ans werable ; yet as there was nothing harsh in the reply, Mrs. Wilson continued, " Do you not think him attentive to Jane ?" Pleasure sparkled in the still brilliant eyes of Lady Moseley, as she exclaimed — " Do you think so ?" " I do ; and you will pardon me if I say improperly so. I think you were wrong in sufiering Jane to go with him this afternoon." " Why improperly, Charlotte ? If Colonel Egerton is polite enough to show Jane such attentions, should I not b« wrong *n rudely rejecting them ?" "The rudeness of refusing a request that is improper t grant is a very venial offence. I confess I think it improper to allow any attentions to be forced on us that may subject us . to disagreeable consequences ; but the attentions of Colonel Egerton are becoming marked, Anne." 4* 82 PRECAUTION. " Do you for a moment doubt their being honorable, oi that he dares to trifle with a daughter of Sir Edward Moseley?" '' I should hope not, certainly, although it may be well to guard even against such a misfortune. But I am of opinion t is quite as important to know whether he is worthy to be her husband as it is to know that he is in a situation to become so." " On what points, Charlotte, would you wish to be more assured ? You know his birth and probable fortune — you see his manners and disposition ; but these latter are things for Jane to decide on ; she is to hve with him, and it is proper she should be suited in these respects." " I do not deny his fortune or his disposition, but I com- plain that we give him credit for the last, and for still more important requisites, without evidence of his possessing any of them. His principles, his habits, his very character, what do we know of them ? I say we, for you know, Anne, your children are as dear to me as my own would have been." " I believe you sincerely, but the things you mention are points for Jane to decide on. If she be pleased, I have no right to complain. I am determined never to control the affections of my children." " Had you said, never to force the affections of your chil- dren, you would have said enough, Anne ; but to control, or I- ither to guide the affections of a child, especially a daughter, )';, in some cases, a duty as imperative as it would be to avert :my other impending calamity. Surely the proper time to do this is before the affections of the child are Hkely to endanger her peace of mind." " I haive seldom seen much good result from the inter- ference of parents," said Lady Moseley, a little pertinaciously. " True ; for to be of use, unless in extraordinary ca^es, il PRECAUTION. 83 Btiould not be seen. You will pardon me, Anne, but I have often thought parents are too often in extremes — determined to make the election for their children, or leaving them entirely to their own vanity and inexperience, to govern not only their own lives, but, I may say, to leave an impression on future generations. And, after all, what is this love 1 In nineteen cases in twenty of what we call affairs of the leart, it would be better to term them aflfairs of the ima- gination.'''' " And is there not a great deal of imagination in all love?'* inquired Lady Moseley, smiling. " Undoubtedly, there is some ; but there is one important difference : in affairs of the imagination, the admired object is gifted with all those qualities we esteem, as a matter of course, and there is a certain set of females who are ever ready to bestow this admiration on any applicant for their favors who may not be strikingjy objectionable. The neces- sity of being courted makes our sex rather too much disposed to admire improper suitors." " But how do you distinguish affairs of the heart, Char- lotte, from those of the fancy ?" " When the heart takes the lead, it is not difficult to detect it. Such sentiments generally follow long intercourse, and opportunities of judging the real character. They are the only attachments that are likely to stand the test of worldly trials." " Suppose Emily to be the object of Colonel Egerton's pursuit, then, sister, in what manner would you proceed to destroy the influence I acknowledge he is gaining ovr Jane?" " I cannot suppose such a case," said Mrs. Wilson, gravely; and then, observing that her sister 'ooked as if she required an explanation, she continued — 84 PRECAUTION. " My attention has been directed to the forming of such principles, and such a taste, if I may use the expression, under those principles, that I feel no apprehension Emily will ever allow her affections to be ensnared by a man of the opinions and views of Colonel Egerton. I am impressed with a two- fold duty in watching the feelings of my charge. She has so much singleness of heart, such real strength of native feel- ing, that, should an improper man gain possession of her affections, the struggle between her duty and her love would be weighty indeed ; and should it proceed so far as to make it her duty to love an unworthy object, I am sure she would smk under it. Emily would die in the samp circumstances under which Jane would only awake from a dieam, and be wretched." " I thought you entertained a better opinion of Jane, sister,^' said Lady Moseley, reproachfully. " I think her admirably calculated to make an invaluable wife and mother ; but she is so much under the influence of her fancy, that she seldom gives her heart an opportunity of displaying its excellences; and again, she dwells so much upon imaginary perfections, that adulation has become necessary to her. The man who flatters her delicately' will be sure to win her esteem ; and every woman might love the being possessed of the qualities she will not fail to endow him with." " 1 do not know that I rightly understand how you would avert all these sad consequences of improvident affections ?'' said Lady Moseley. „ " Prevention is better than cure — I would first implant uch opinions as would lessen the danger of intercourse ; and as for particular attentions from improper objects, it should be my care to prevent them, by prohibiting, or rather impeding, the intimacy which might give rise to them. And, PRECAUTION. ' M /east of all," said Mrs. Wilson, with a friendly smile, as sue ro!=e to leave the room, " would I suffer a fear of being impolite to endanger the happiness of a young womAc inti usted to mv cai*e." 86 PRECAUTION. CHAPTER VIIL Francis, who labored with the ardor of a lover, soon completed the necessary arrangements and alterations in his new parsonage. The hving was a good one, and as the rector was enabled to make a very considerable annual allowance from the private fortune his wife had brought him, and as Sir Edward had twenty thousand pounds in the funds for each of his daughters, one poition of which was immediately settled on Clara, the youthful couple had not only a sufficient, but an abundant provision for their station in life ; and they entered on their matrimonial duties with as good a prospect of hap- piness as the ills of this world can give to health, affection, and competency. Their union had been deferred by Dr. Ives until his son was established, with a view to keep him ander his own direc^'ion during the critical period of his first impressions in the priesthood ; and as no objection now re- mained, or rather, the only one he ever felt was removed by the proximity of Bolton to his own parish, he now joyfully anited the lovers at the altar of the village church, in the presence of his wife and Clara's immediate relatives. On leaving the church Francis handed his bride into his own c?rriage, which conveyed them to their new residence, amidst the good wishes of his parishioners, and the prayers of thei relatives and friends. Dr. and Mrs. Ives retired to the rec- tory, to the sober enjoyment of the felicity of their only child; while the baronet and his lady felt a gloom that belied all the wishes of the latter for the establishment of l*er daugh- ters. Jane and Emily acted as bridesmaids to their sister, PKECAUTlOy. 87 and as both the former and her mother had insisted there should be two gi-oomsmen as a counterpoise, John was em- powered with a carte-bhmche to make a provision accord- ingly. At first he intimated his intention of calling on Mr Benfield, but he finally settled down, to the no small morti fi cation of the before-mentioned ladies, into writing a note to his kinsman, Lord Chatterton, whose residence was then in London, and who in reply, after expressing his sincere regret that an accident would prevent his having the pleasure of attending, stated the intention of his mother and two sisters to pay them an early visit of congratulation, as soon as his own health would allow of his travelling. This answer arrived only the day preceding that fixed for the wedding, and at the very moment they were expecting his lordship in proper person. " There," cried Jane, in- triumph, " I told you it was silly to send so .far on so sudden an occasion ; now, after all, what is to be done — it will be so awkward when Clara's friends call to see her — Oh ! John,- John, you aj*e a Marplot." •' Jenny, Jenny, you are a make-plot," said John, coolly taking up his hat to leave the room. " Which way, my son ?" said the baronet, who met him at the door. "To the deanery, sir, to try to get Captain Jarvis to act as bridesmaid — I beg his pardon, groomsman, to-morrow — Chatterton has been thrown from a horse and can't come." "John!" • " Jenny 1" " I am sure," said Jane, indignation glowing in her pretty face, " that if Captain Jarvis is to be an attendant, Clara must excuse my acting. I do not choose to be associated with ■ Captain Jarvis." " John," said his mother, with dignity, '* your trifling is un- 88 rRECAUTION. eeasonable ; certainly Colonel Egerton is a more fitting person on every account, and I desire, under present circumstances, that you ask the colonel." *' Your ladyship's wishes are orders to me," said John, aily kissing his hand as he left the room. The colonel was but too happy in having it in his power to be of service in any manner to a gentleman he respected as much as Mr. Francis Ives. He accepted the duty, and was the only person present at the ceremony who did not stand within the bonds of consanguinity to the parties. He was invited by the baronet to dine at the hall, as a matter of course, and notwithstanding the repeated injunctions of Mrs. Jarvis and her daughters, to return immediately with an ac- count of the dress of the bride, and with other important items of a similar nature, the invitation was accepted. On reaching the hall, Emily retired immediately to her own room, and at her reappearance when the dinner bell rang," the pale- ness of her cheeks and the redness of her eyes aiforded suf- ficient proof that the translation o^ a companion from her own to another family was an event, however happy in itself, not unmingled with grief. The day, however, passed off tolerably well for people who are expected to be premeditatedly happy, and when, in their hearts, they are really more disposed to weep than to laugh. Jane and the colonel had most of the conversation to themselves during dinner : even the joyous and thoughtless John wearing his gaiety in a less gracefu manner than usual. He was actually detected by his auit in looking with moistened eyes at the vacant chair a servant had, from habit, placed at the table, in the spot where Clara had been accustomed to sit. " This beef is not done, Saunders," said the baronet to his butler, " or my appetite is not as good as usual to-day. CoIouaI Egerton, will you allow me the pleasure of a glass of sherry ?" PRECAUTION. 89 The wine was drunk, and the game succeeded the beef; but still Sir Edward could not eat. " How glad Clara will be to see us all the day after to- morrow," said Mrs. Wilson ; '* your new housekeepei's de- light in their first efforts in entertaining their friends." Lady Moseley smiled through her tears, and turning to her usband said, " We will go early, my dear, that we may see t.>e improvements Francis has been making before we dine." The baronet nodded assent, but his heart was too full to speak ; and apologizing to the colonel for his absence, on the plea of some business with his people, he left the room. All this time, the attentions of Coionel Egerton to both mo- ther and daughter were of the most delicate kind. He spoke of Clara as if his office of groomsman entitled him to an in- terest in her welftxre ; with John he was kind and sociable ; and even Mrs. Wilson acknowledged, after he had taken his leave, that he possessed a wonderful faculty of making him- self agreeable, and she began to think that, under all circum- stances, he might possibly prove as advantageous a connexion as Jane could expect to form. Had any one, however, pro- posed him as a husband for Emily, affection would have quickened her judgment in a way that would have urged her to a very different decision. Soon after the baronet left the room, a travelling- carriao'e, with suitable attendants, drove to the door ; the sound of the wheels drew most of the company to a window. " A baron's coronet !" cried Jane, catching a glimpse of the ornaments of the hai-ness. " The Chattertons," echoed her brother, running out. of the room to meet them. The mother of Sir Edward was a daughter of this family, and the sister of the grandfather of the present lord. The connexion had always been kept up with a show of cordiality do PRECAUTION. between Sir Edward and his cousin, altliougli their manner of living and habits were very different. The baron was a courtier and a placeman. His estates, which he could not alienate, produced about ten thousand a year, but the income he could and did spend ; and the high perquisites of his situation under government, amounting to as much more, were melted away year after year, without making the pro- vision for his daughters that his duty and the observance of his promise to his wife's father required at his hands. He had been dead about two years, and his son found himself saddled with the support of an unjointured mother and unportioned sisters. Money was not the idol the young lord worshipped, nor even pleasure. He was affectionate to his surviving parent, and his first act was to settle, during his own life, two thousand a year on her, while he commenced setting aside as much more for each of his sisters annually. This abridged him greatly in his own expenditures; yet, as ihey made but one family, and the dowager was really a managing woman in more senses than one, they made a very tolerable figure. The son was anxious to follow the example of Sir Edward Moseley, and give up his town house, for at least a time ; but his mother had exclaimed, with something like horror, at the proposal : " Chatterton, would you give it up at the moment it can be of the most use to us "?" and she threw a glance at her daughters that would have discovered her motive to Mrs Wilson, which was lost on her son ; he, poor soul, thinkii g she found it convenient to support the interest he had been making for the place held by his father, one of more emolu- ment than service, or even honor. The contending parties were so equally matched, that this situation was kept, as it were, in abeyance, waiting the arrival of some acquisition of interest to one or other of the claimants. The interest of the PRECAUTION. 91 peer, however, had begun to lose ground at the period of whicli we speak, and his careful mother saw new moiives for activity in providing for her children. Mrs. Wilson herself could not be more vigilant in examining the candidates for Emily's favors than was the dowager Lady Chatterton in behalf of her daughter. It is true, the task of the former lady was by far the most arduous, for it involved a study of character and development of principle ; while that of the latter would have ended with the footing of a rent-roll, pro- vided it contained five figures. Sir Edward's was well known to contain that number, and two of them were not ciphers. Mr. Benfield was rich, and John Moseley was a very agree- able young man. Weddings are the season of love, thought the prudent dowager, and Grace is extremely pretty. Chat- terton, who never refused his mother anything in his power to grant, and who was pai'ticularly dutiful when a visit to Moseley Hall was in question, suffered himself to be per- suaded his shoulder was well, and they had left town the day before the wedding, thinking to be in time for ail the gaieties, if not for the ceremony itself. There existed but little similarity between the persons and manners of this young nobleman and the baronet's heir. The beauty of Chatterton was almost feminine; his skin, his color, his eyes, bis teeth, were such as many a belle had sighed after; and his manners were bashful and retiring. Yet an intimacy had commenced between the boys at school, which ripened into friendship between the young men at college, and had been maintaiiied ever since, pi'obably as much from the contrarieties of character as from any other cause. With the baron, John Avas more sedate than ordinary; with John, Chatterton found unusual animation. But a secret charm which John held over the young peer was his profound respect and unvarying affection for his youngest sister, Emily 92 PRECAUTION. This was common ground ; and no dreams of future happi- ness, no visions of dawning wealth, crossed the imagination of Chatterton in which Emily was not the fairy to give birth to the one, or the benevolent dispenser of the hoards of the other. The arrival of this family was a happy relief from the oppression which hung on the spirits of the Moseleys, and their reception marked with the mild benevolence which belonged to the nature of the baronet, and that impressement which so eminently distinguished the manners of his wife. The honorable Misses Chatterton were both handsome ; but the younger was, if possible, a softened picture of her brother. There was the same retiring bashfulness and the same sweet- ness of temper as distinguished the baron, and Grace was the peculiar favorite of Emily Moseley. Nothing of the strained or sentimental nature which so often characterize what is called female friendships, however, had crept into the com- munications between these young women. Emily loved her sistei-s too well to go out of her own family for a repository of her griefs or a partaker in her joys. Had her life been chequered with such passions, her own sisters were too near her own age to suffer her to think of a confidence in which the holy ties of natural affection did not give a claim to a participation. Mrs. Wilson had found it necessary to give her charge very different views on many subjects from those which Jane and Clara had been suffered to imbibe of them- elves ; but in no degree had she impaired the obligations of filial piety or family concord. Emily was, if anything, more espectful to her parents, more affectionate to her friends, than any of her connexions ; for in her the warmth of natural feeling was heightened by an unvarying sense of duty. In Grace Chatterton she found, in many respects, a tempei and taste resembling her own. She therefore loved her better PRECAUTION. 93 than others who had equally general claims on her partiality, and as such a friend she now received her with cordial and sincere affection. Jane, who had not felt satisfied with the ordering of Pro- vidence for the disposal of her sympathies, and had long felt a^ restlessness that prompted her to look abroad for a confiding spirit to whom to communicate her — secrets she had none that delicacy would suffer her to reveal — but to communicate her crude opinions and reflections, she had early selected Catherine for this person. Catherine, however, had not stood the test of trial. For a short time the love of heraldry kept them together; but Jane, finding her companion's gusto limited to the charms of the coronet and supporters chiefly, abandoned the attempt in despair, and was actually on the look-out for a new candidate for the vacant station as Colonel Egerton came into the neighborhood. A really delicate female mind shrinks from the exposure of its love to the other sex, and Jane began to be less anxious to form a connexion which would either violate the sensibility of her nature, or lead to treachery to her friend. " I regret extremely. Lady Moseley," said the dowager, as they entered the drawing-room, " that the accident which befel Chatterton should have kept us until it was too late for the ceremony : we made it a point to hasten with our con- gratulations, however, as soon as Astley Cooper thought it safe for him to travel." " I feel indebted for your kindness," replied the smiling hostess. " We are always happy to have our friends around us, and none more than yourself and family. We were for- tunate in finding a friend to supply your son's place, in order that the young people might go to the altar in a proper manner. Lady Chatterton, allow me to present our friend. 94 PKECAUTIOW. Colonel Egerlon" — adding, in a low tone, and with a littU emphasis, — " heir to Sir Edgar." The colonel bowed gracefully, and the dowager dropped a hasty courtesy at the commencement of the speech ; but lower bend followed the closing remark, and a glance of th eye was thrown Til quest of her daughters, as if she instinc ively wished to bring them into what the sailors term " th ine of battle." PRECAUTION. 95 ^ CHAPTER IX. The following morning, Emily and Grace, declining the Mvitation to join the colonel and John in their usual rides, walked to the rectory, accompanied by Mrs. Wilson and Chatterton. The ladies felt a desire to witness the happiness that they so well knew reigned in the rectory, for Francis had promised his father to drive Clara over in the course of the day. Emily longed to see Clara, from whom it appeared that she had been already separated a month. Her impatience as they approached the house hurried her ahead of her com- panions, who waited the more sober gait of Mrs. Wilson. She entered the parlor at the rectory without meeting any one, glowing with exercise, her hair falling over her shoul- ders, released from the confinement of tlie hat she had thrown down hastily as she reached the door. In the room there stood a gentleman in deep black, with his back towards the entrance, intent on a book, and she naturally concluded it was Francis. " Where is dear Clara, Frank ?" cried the beautiful girl, faying her hand affectionately on his shoulder. The gentleman turned suddenly, and presented to her as- tonished gaze the well remembered countenance of the young man whose parent's death was not hkely to be forgotten at B . " I thought, sir," said Emily, almost sinking with confu- sion, " that Mr. Francis Ives — " " Your brother has not yet arrived,' Miss Moseley," simply replied the stranger, who felt for her embarrassment. " But 9G PRECAUTION. • 1 will immediately acquaint Mrs. Ives with your visit." Bow- ing, he delicately left the room. Emily, who felt greatly relieved by his manner, immedi- ately confined her hair in its proper bounds, and had reco- vered her composure by the time her aunt and friends joined her. She had not time to mention the incident, and laugh her own precipitation, when the rector's wife came into th room. Chatterton and his sister were both known to Mrs. Ives, and both were favorites. She was pleased to see them, and after reproaching the brother with compelHng her son to ask a favor of a comparative stranger, she turned to Emily, and smilingly said — " You found the parlor occupied, I believe V* " Yes," said Emily, laughing and blushing, '* I suppose Mr. Denbigh told you of my heedlessness." " He told me of your attention in calling so soon to inquire after Clai-a, but said nothing more" — a servant just then tell ing her Francis wished to see her, she excused hei-self and withdrew. In the door she met Mr. Denbigh, who made way for her, saying, " your son has arrived, ma'am," and in an easy but respectful manner he took his place with the guests, no introduction passing, and none seeming necessary. His misfortunes appeared to have made him acquainted with Mrs. Wilson, and his strikingly ingenuous manner won insen- sibly on the confidence of tho^**. who heard him. Everything was natural, yet everything was softened by education ; and the little party in the rector's parlor in fifteen minutes felt as if they had known him for years. The doctor and his son now joined them. Clara had not come, but she was looking forward in delightful expectation of to-morrow, and wished greatly for Emily as a guest at the new abode. This plea- fure Mrs. Wilson promised she should have as soon as they PRECAUTION. %9 had got over the huny of their visit ; " our fiiend?^," she addea, tui-ning to Grace, " will overlook the nicer punctilios of ceremony, where sisterly regard calls for the discharge of more important duties. Clara needs the society of Emily just now." " Certainly," said Grace, mildly ; " I hope no useless cere- mony on the part of Emily would prevent her manifesting natural attachment to her sister — I should feel hurt at her not entertaining a better opinion of us than to suppose so for a moment." " This, young ladies, is the real feeling to keep alive es- teem," cried the doctor, gaily: *'go on, and say and do nothing of which either can disapprove, when tried by the standard of duty, and you need never be afraid of losing a friend that is worth keeping." It was three o'clock before the carriage of Mrs. Wilson ar- rived at the rectory ; and the time stole away insensibly in free and friendly communications. Denbigh bad joined mo- destly, and with the degree of interest a stranger might be supposed to feel, in the occurrences of a circle to which he was nearly a stranger ; there was at times a slight display of awkwardness, however, about both him and Mrs. Ives, for which Mrs. Wilson easily accounted by recollections of his recent loss and the scene they had all witnessed in that very room. This embarrassment escaped the notice of the rest of the party. On the arrival of the carriage, Mi-s. Wilson took her leave; " I like this Mr. Denbigh greatly," said Lord Chatterton, as they drove from the door ; " there is something strikingly natural and winning in his manner." " In his matter too, judging of the little we have seen of him," replied Mrs. Wilson. " Who is he, ma'am ?" 5 98 PRECAUTION. *' I rather suspect he is someway related to Mrs. Ives ; her staying from Bolton to-day must be owing- to Mr. Denbigh, and as the doctor has just gone he must be near enough to them to be neither wholly neglected nor yet a tax upon their politeness. I rather wonder he did not go with them." " I heard him tell Francis," remarked Emily, " that he could not think of intruding, and he insisted on Mrs. Ives's going, but she had employments to keep her at home." The carriage soon reached an angle in the road where the highways between Bolton Castle and Moseley Hall intersected each other, at a point on the estate of the former. Mrs. Wilson stopped a moment to inquire after an aged pensioner, who had lately met with a loss in business, which she was fearful must have greatly distressed him. In crossing a ford in the little river between his cottage and the market-town, the stream, which had been swollen unexpectedly higher than usual by heavy rains, had swept away his horse and cart loaded with the entire produce of his small field, and with much dif- ficulty he had saved even his own life. Mrs. Wilson had not had it in her power until this moment to inquire particularly into the affair, or to offer the relief she was ever ready to be- stow on proper objects. Contrary to her expectations, she found Humphreys in high spirits, showing his delighted grand-children a new cart and horse which stood at the door, and exultingly pointing out the excellent qualities of both. He ceased talking on the approach of the party, and at the request of his ancient benefactress he gave a particular ac count of the affair. " And where did you get this new cart and horse, Hum phreys?" inquirea Mrs. Wilson, when he had ended. " Oh, madam, I went up to the castle to see the steward, and Mr. Martin just mentioned my loss to Lord Pendennyss, ma'am, and my loru ordered me this cart, ma'am, and this PRECAUTION. 99 noble horse, and twenty golden guineas into the bargain to put me on my legs again — God bless him for it, for ever !'* " It was very kind of his lordship, indeed," said Mrs. Wil- son, thoughtfully : " I did not know he was at the castle.*' " He's gone, already, madam ; the servants told me that he just called to see the earl, on his way to Lon'on ; but finding he'd went a few days agone to Ireland my lord went for Lon'on, without stopping the night even. Ah! madam," continued the old man, who stood leaning on a stick, with his hat in his hand, " he's a great blessing to the poor ; his ser- vants say he gives thousands every year to the poor who are in want — he is main rich, too ; some people say, much richer and more great like than the earl himself. I'm sure I have need to bless him every day of my life." Mrs. Wilson smiled mournfully as she wished Humphreys good day and put up her purse, finding the old man so well provided for ; a display or competition in charity never en- tering into her system of benevolence. " His lordship is munificent in his bounty," said Emily, as they drove from the door. " Does it not savor of thoughtlessness to bestow so much where he can know so little ?" Lord Chatterton ventured to inquire. '* He is," replied Mrs. Wilson, " as old Humphrey says, main rich ; but the son of the old man and the father of these children is a soldier in the th dragoons, of which the earl is colonel, and that ^accounts to me for his liberality," recol- lecting, with a sigh, the feelings which had drawn her out of the usual circle of her charities in the case of the same inan. " Did you ever see Lord Pendennyss, aunt 1" " Never, my dear ; he has been much abroad, but my letf- ters were filled with his praises, and I confess my disappoint* 100 PRECAUTION. ment is great in not seeing him on this visit to Lord Bolton, who is his relation ; but," fixing her eyes thoughtfully on her niece, '' we shall meet in Loudon this winter, I trust." As she spoke a cloud passed o\^r her features, and 8h<3 continued much absorbed in thought for the remainder of theli' drive. General Wilson had teen a cavalry officer, and he com- manded the very regiment now held by Lord Pendennyss. In an excursion near the British camp he had been rescued from captivity, if not from death, by a gallant and timely in- terference of this young nobleman, then in command of a troop in the same corps. He had mentioned the occurrence to his wife in his letters, and from that day his correspondence was filled with the praises of the bravery and goodness to the soldieiy of his young comrade. When he fell he had been supported from the field by, and he actually" died in the arms of the young peer. A letter announcing his death had been received by his widow from the earl himself, and the tender and affectionate manner in which he spoke of her hus- band had taken a deep hold on her affections. All the cir- cumstances together threw an interest around him that had made Mrs. ^Vilson almost entertain the romantic wish he might be found worthy and disposed to solicit the hand of Emily. Her anxious inquiries into his character had been attended with such answers as flattered her wishes ; but the military duties of the earl or his private affairs had never allowed a meeting ; and she was now compelled to look for- ward to what John laughingly termed their winter campaign, as the only probable place where she could be gratified with the sight of a young man to whom she owed so much, and whose name was connected with some of the most tender though most melancholy recollections of her life. Colonel Egerton, who now appeared to be almost domesti- PRECAUTION. lOi cated in the femily, was again of the party at dinner, to the no small satisfaction of the dowager, who from proper inqui- ries in the course of the day had learned that Sir Edgar's heii was likely to have the necessary number of figures in the sum total of his rental. While sitting in the drawing-room that afternoon she made an attempt to bring her eldest daughter and the elegant soldier together over a chess-board ; a game the young lady had been required to learn because it was one *at which a gentleman could be kept longer than any other without having his" attention drawn away by any of those stragghng charms which might be travelling a drawing-room *' seeking whom they may devour." It was also a game ad- mirably suited to the display of a beautiful hand and arm. But the mother had for a long time been puzzled to discover a way of bringing in the foot also, the young lady being par ticularly remarkable for the beauty of that portion of the frame. In vain her daugher hinted at dancing, an amusement of which she was passionately fond. The wary mother knew too well the effects of concentrated force to hsten to the sug- gestion : dancing might do for every manager, but she prided herself in acting en masse, like Napoleon, whose tactics con- sisted in overwhelming by uniting his forces on a given point. After many experiments in her own person she endeavored to improve Catharine's manner of sitting, and by dint of twisting and turning she contrived that her pretty foot and ankle should be thrown forward in a way that the eye dropping from the move, should unavoidably rest on this beauteous object; giving, as it were, a Scylla and Charybdis to her daughter's charms. John Moseley was the first person on whom she undertook to try the effect of her invention; and after comfortably seating the parties she withdrew to a little distance to watch the effect. 102 PRECAUTION. " Check to yoiu' king, Miss Chatterton," cried John, early in the ga,rae — and the young lady thrust out her foot. " Check to your king, Mr. Moseley," echoed the damsel, and John's eyes wandered from hand to foot and foot to hand. " Check king and queen, sir." — " Check-mate." — " Did you speak ?" said John. Looking up he caught the eye of the dowager fixed on him in triumph — '* Oh, ho," said the young man, internally, " Mother Chatterton, are you playing too ?" and, coolly taking up his hat, he walked off, nor could they ever* get him seated at the game again. " You beat me too easily, Miss Chatterton," he would say when pressed to play, " before I have time to look up it's check-mate — excuse me." The dowager next settled down into a more covert attack through Grace ; but here she had two to contend with : her own forces rebelled, and the war had been protracted to the present hour with vaiied success, and at least without any material captures, on one side. Colonel Egerton entered on the duties of his dangerous un- dertaking with the indifference of foolhardiness. The game was played with tolerable abiUty by both parties ; but no emotions, no absence of mind could be discovered on the part of the gentleman. Feet and hands were in motion ; still the colonel played as well as usual ; he had answers for all Jane's questions, and smiles for his partner; but no check-mate could she obtain, until wilfully throwing away an advanta^^e he suffered the lady to win the game. The dowager wa3 satisfied nothing could be done with the colonel PRECAUTION. lOS CHAPTER X. The first carriages that rolled over the lawn to Bolton parsonage, on the succeeding day, were those of the baronet and his sister ; the latter in advance. " There, Francis," cried Emily, who was impatiently wait ing for him to remove some slight obstruction to her alighting, " thank you, thank you ; that will do." In the next moment she was in the extended arms of Clara. After pressing each other to their bosoms for a few moments in silence, Emily looked up, with a tear glistening in her eye, and first noticed the form of Denbigh, who was modestly withdrawing, as if unwilling to intrude on such pure and domestic feelings as the sisters were betraying, unconscious of the presence of a witness. Mrs. Wilson and Jane, fol- lowed by Miss Chatterton, now entered, and cordial salutes and greetings flowed upon Clara from her various friends. The baronet's coach reached the door ; it contained himself and wife, Mr. Benfield, and Lady Chatterton. Clara stood on the portico of the building, ready to receive them ; her face all smiles, and tears, and blushes, and her arm locked in that of Emily. " I wish you joy of your new abode, Mrs. Francis." Lady Moseley foigot her form, and bursting into tears, she presses her daughter with ardor to her bosom. "Clara, my love!'* said the baronet, hastily wiping his eyes, and succeeding his wife in the embrace of their child. He kissed her, and, pressing Francis hy the hand, walked into the house in silence. 104 -PRECAUTION. *' Well, well," cried the dowager, as slie saluted her cousin, •* all looks comfortable and genteel here, upon my word, Mrs. Ives : grapery — hot-houses — everything in good style too ; and Sir Edward tells me the living is worth a good five undred a year." " So, girl, I suppose you expect a kiss," said Mr. Benfield who ascended the steps slowly, and with difficulty. " Kissinj has gone much out of fashion lately. I remember, on the marriage of my friend, Lord Gosford, in the year fifty-eight, that all the maids and attendants were properly saluted in ordei*. The lady Juliana was quite young then ; not more than fifteen : it was there I got my first salute from her — but — so — kiss me." After which he continued, as they went into the house, *' Marrying in that day was a serious business. You might visit a lady a dozen times before you could get a sight of her naked hand. Who's that ?" stopping short, and looking earnestly at Denbigh, who now approached them. " Mr. Denbigh, sir," said Clara, " my uncle, Mr. Benfield." " Did you ever know, sir, a gentleman of your name, who sat in the parliament of this realm in the year sixty ?" Mr. Benfield abruptly asked, as soon as the civilities of the inti'o- duction were exchanged. " You don't look much like him." " That was rather before my day, sir," said Denbigh, with a smile, respectfully offering to relieve Clara, who supported him on one side, while Emily held his arm on the other. The old gentleman was particularly averse to strangers, and Emily was in terror lest he should say something rude ; but, after examining Denbigh again from head to foot, he -took the offered arm, and coolly replied — " True ; very true ; that was sixty years ago ; you can hardly recollect as long. Ah ! Mr. Denbigh, times are sadly altered since my youth. People who were then glad to ride on a pillion now drive their coaches ; men who thought ale PRECAUTION. 105 a luxury, diink their port ; aye ! and those who went bare- foot must have their shoes and stockings, too. Luxury, sir, and the love of ease, will ruin this mighty empire. Corruption has taken hold of everything ; the ministry buy the members, he members buy the ministry ; everything is bought and old. Now, sir, in the parliament in which I. had the honor of a seat, there was a knot of us, as upright as posts, sir. Mv Lord Gosford was one, and General Denbigh was another, although I can't say he was much a favorite with me. You do not look in the least like him. How was he related to you, sir ?" " He was my grandfather," replied Denbigh, looking pleasantly at Emily, as if to tell her he understood the character of her uncle. Had the old man continued his speech an hour longer, Denbigh would not have complained. They had stopped while talking, and he thus became confronted with the beautiful figure that supported the other arm. Denbigh contemplated in admiration the varying countenance which now blushed with apprehension, and now smiled in affection, or even with an archer expression, as her uncle proceeded in his harangue on the times. But all felicity in this world has an end, as well as misery. Denbigh retained the recollection of that speech long after Mr. Benfield was comfortably seated in the parlor, though for his life he could not recollect a word he had said. The Haughtons, the Jarvises, and a few more of their intimate acquaintances, arrived, and the parsonage had a busy air ; but John, who had undertaken to drive Grace Chattertoii in his own phaeton, was yet absent. Some little anxiety had begun to be manifested, when he appeared, dashing through the gates at a great rate, and with the skill of a member of the four-in-hand. 106 PRECAUTION. Lady Chatterton Iiad begun to be seriously uneasy, and she was about to speak to her son to go in quest of them, as they came in sight ; but now her fears vanished, and she could only suppose that a desire to have Grace alone could Keep one who had the reputation of a Jehu so much behind the rest of the party. She met them in great spirits, <;i-ying, " Upon my word, Mr. Moseley, I began to think you had taken the road to Scotland, you stayed so long." " Your daughter, my Lady Chatterton," said John, pithily, *' would go to Scotland neither with me nor any other man, or I am greatly deceived in her character. Clara, my sister, how do you do ?" He saluted the bride with great warmth and affection. " But what detained you, Moseley ?" inquired the mother. " One of the horses was restive, and he broke the harness. We merely stopped in the village while it was mended." " And how did Grace behave ?" asked Emily, laughing. " Oh, a thousand times better than you would, sister; as she always does, and like an angel." The only point in dispute between Emily and her brother was her want of faith in his driving ; while poor Grace, naturally timid, and unwilling to oppose any one, particularly tiie gentleman who then held the reins, had governed herself sufficiently to be silent and motionless. Indeed, she could iiardly do otherwise had she wished it, so great was his impetuosity of character; and John felt flattered to a degree !)f which he was himself unconscious. Self-complacency, iiided by the merit, the beauty, and the delicacy of .he young lady herself, might have led to the very results her mother so anxiously wished to produce, had that mother been satisfied with letting things take their course. But managers very generally overdo their work. PRECAUTIOK. 107 '•* Grace is a good girl," said her gratified mother ; " and you found her very valiant, Mr. Moseley V " Oh, as brave as Caesar," answered John, carelessly, in a way that was not quite free from irony. Grace, "whose burning cheek showed" but too plainly that praise from John Moseley was an incense too powerful for her Tisistanoe, now sank back behind some of the company, e ideavoring to conceal the tears that almost gushed from her eyes. Denbigh was a silent spectator of the whole scene, and he now considerately observed, that he had lately seen an improvement which would obviate the difficulty Mr. Moseley had experienced. John turned to the speaker, and they were soon engaged in the discussion of curbs and buckles, when the tilbury of Colonel Egerton drove to the door, containing himself and his friend the captain. The bride undoubtedly received congratulations that day more sincere than those w^hich were now offered, but none were delivered in a more graceful and insinuating manner than the compliments which fell from Colonel Egerton. He passed round the room, speaking to his acquaintances, until he arrived at the chair of Jane, who was seated next her aunt. Here he stopped, and glancing his eye round, and saluting with bows and smiles the remainder of the party, be appeared fixed at the centre of all attraction. " There is a gentleman I think I have never seen before,'* lie observed to Mrs. Wilson, casting his eyes on Denbigh, whose back was towards him in discourse with Mr. Benfield. " It is Mr. Denbigh, of whom you heard us speak," replied Mi-s. Wilson. While she spoke, Denbigh faced them Ecrerton started as he cauo^ht a view of his face, and seemed to gaze on the countenance which was open to his inspection with an earnestness that showed an interest of some kind, but of a nature that was inexplicable to Mrs. Wilson, who was 108 PRECAUTION. the only observer of this singular recognition ; for such it evidently was. All was now natural in the colonel for the moment ; his color sensibly changed, and there was an ex- pression of doubt in his face. It might be fear, it might be horror, it might be a strong aversion; it clearly was not love. Emily sat by her aunt, and Denbigh approached them, making a cheerful remark. It was impossible for the colonel to avoid him had he wished it, and he kept his ground. Mrs. Wilson thought she would try the experiment of an intro- duction. " Colonel Egerton— Mr. Denbigh." Both gentlemen bowed, but nothing striking was seen in the deportment of either. The colonel, who was not exactly at ease, said hastily — " Mr. Denbigh is, or has been in the army, I believe." Denbigh was now taken by surprise in his turn : he cast a look on Egerton of fixed and settled paeaning ; then carelessly observed, but still as if requiring an answer: " I am yet ; but I do not recollect having had the pleasure of meeting with Colonel Egerton on service." " Your countenance is familiar, sir," replied the colonel, coldly; "but at this moment I cannot tax my memory with- the place of our meeting, though one sees so many strange faces in a campaign, that they come and go like shadows." He then changed the conversation. It w'as some time, however, before either gentleman entirely recovei'ed his ease and many days elapsed ere anything like intercourse passed between them. The colonel attached himself during this visit to Jane, with occasional notices of the Misses Jarvis, who began to manifest symptoms of uneasiness at the decided preference he showed to a lady they now chose to look upon, in some measure, as a rival. Mrs. Wilson and her chaige, on the other hand, were PRECAUTION. 109 entertained by the conversation of Chatterton and Denbigh, relieved by occasional sallies from the lively John. There was something in the person and manners of Denbigh that insensibly attracted those whom chance threw in his way. His face was not strikingly handsome, but it was noble ; and when he smiled, or was much animated, it invariably com- municated a spark of his own enthusiasm to the beholder. His figure was faultless ; his air and manner, if less easy than those of Colonel Egerton, were more sincere and ingenuous ; his breeding was clearly higher ; his respect for others rather bordering on the old school. But in his voice there existed a charm which would make him, when he spoke, to a female ear. almost resistless : it was soft, deep, melodious, and winning. " Baronet," said the rector, looking with a smile towards his son and daughter, " I love to see ray children happy, and Mrs. Ives threatens a divorce if I go on in the manner I have commenced. She says I desert her for Bolton." " Why, doctor, if our wives conspire against us, and pre- vent our enjoying a comfortable dish of tea with Clara, or a glass of wine with Frank, we must call in the higher author- ities as umpires. What say you, sister? Is a parent to desert his child in any case ?" " My opinion is," said Mrs. Wilson, with a smile, yei speaking with emphasis, " that a parent is not to desert a child, in any case or in any manner." " Do you hear that, my Lady Moseley ?" cried the good- humored baronet. " Do you hear that, my Lady Chatterton f echoed John, who had just taken a seat by Grace, when her mother approached them. " I hear it, but do not see the application, Mr. Moseley." " No, my lady ! Why, there is the honorable Miss Chat- terton almost dying to play a game of her favorite chess 110 PRECAUTIo^^ with Mr. Denbigh. She has beaten us all but him, and her triumph will not be complete until she has him too at her feet." And as Denbigh politely ofifered to meet the challenge, the board was produced, and the parties were seated. Lady Chatterton stood leaning over her daughter's chair, with a view, however, to prevent any of those consequences she was L,enerally fond of seeing result from this amusement ; every measure taken by this prudent mother being literally governed by judicious calculation. " Umph," thought John, as he viewed the players, while listening with pleasure to tRe opinions of Grace, who had recovered her composure and spirits ; *' Kate, after all, has played one game without using her feet." PRECAUTION. Ill CHAPTER XI. Ten days or a fortnight flew swiftly by, during which Mi-s. Wilson suffered Emily to give Clara a week, having first ascertained that Denbigh was a settled resident at the rec- tory, and thereby not likely to be oftener at the House of Francis than at the hall, where he was a frequent and wel- come guest, both on his own account and as a friend of Doc- tor Ives. Emily had returned, and she brought the bride and groom with her ; when one evening as they were plea- santly seated at their various amusements, with the ease of old acquaintences, Mr. Haughton entered. It was at an hour rather unusual for his visits ; and throwing down his hat, after making the usual inquiries, he began without preface — " I know, good people, you are all wondering what has brought me out this time of night, but the truth is, Lucy has coaxed her mother to persuade me into a ball in honor of the times ; so, my lady, I have consented, and ray wife and daughter have been buying up all the finery in B , by the way, I suppose, of anticipating their friends. There is a regiment of foot come into barracks within fifteen miles of us, and to-morrow I must beat up for recruits among the officers — gills are never wanting on such occasions." '' ^Vhy," cried the baronet, " you are growing young again, my friend." " No, Sir Edward, but my daughter is young, and life has so many cares that I am willing she should get rid of as many as she can at mv expense." " Surely you w ould not wish her to dance them away," 112 PRECAUTIOif. said Mrs. Wilson ; " such relief I am afraid will prove tem- porary." " Do you disapprove of dancing, ma'am ?" said Mr. Haugh- ton, who held her opinions in great respect as well as a little dread. " I neither approve nor disapprove of it — ^jumping up and down is innocent enough in itself, and if it must be done it is well it were done gracefully ; as for the accompaniments of dancing I say nothing — what do you say, Doctor Ives ?" " To what, my dear madam ?" " To dancing." " Oh let the girls dance if they enjoy it." " I am glad you think so, doctor," cried the delighted Mr. Haughton ; I was afraid I recollected your advising your son never to dance nor to play at games of chance." " You thought right, my friend," said the doctor, laying down his newspaper; "1 did give that advice to Frank, whom you will please to remember is now rector of Bolton. I do not object to dancing as not innocent in itself or as an elegant exercise ; but it is like drinking, generally carried to excess : now as a Christian I am opposed to all excesses ; the music and company lead to intemperance in the recreation, and tliey often induce neglect of duties — but so may any- thing else." " I like a game of whist, doctor, greatly," said Mr. Haugh- ton ; " but observing that you never play, and recollecting your advice to Mr. Francis, I have forbidden cards when you are my guest." " I thank you for the compliment, good sir," replied the doctor, with a smile ; " still I would much rather see you play cards than hear you talk scandal, as you sometimes do." '* Scandal !" echoed Mr. Haughton. " Ay, scandal," said the doctor, coolly, " such as the re- PRECAUTION. 113 mark you made the last time, which was only yesterday, I called to see you. You accused Sir Edward of being wrong in letting that poacher off so easily ; the baronet, you said, did not shoot himself, and did not know how to prize game as he ought." " Scandal, Doctor — do you call that scandal ? why I told ^ir Edward so himself, two or three times." " I know you did, and that was rude." " Rude ! I hope sincerely Sir Edward has put no such con- struction on it ?" The baronet smiled kindly, and shook his head. " Because the baronet chooses to forgive your offences, it does not alter their nature," said the doctor, gravely : " no, you must repent and amend ; you impeached his motives for doing a benevolent act, and that I call scandal." " Why, doctor, I was angry the fellow should be let loose ; he is a pest to all the game in the county, and every sports- man will tell you so — here, Mr. Moseley, you know Jackson, the poacher." " Oh ! a poacher is an intolerable wretch !" cried Captain Jarvis. "Oh ! a poacher," echoed John, looking drolly at Emily " hang all poachers." " Poachei- or no poacher, does not alter the scandal," said the doctor ; " now let me tell you, good sir, I would rather play at fifty games of whist than make one such speech, un- less interfered with my duties; now, sir, with your leave I'll explain myself as to my son. There is an artificial levity about dancing that adds to the dignity of no man : from some it may detract : a clergyman for instance is sup- posed to have other things to do, and it might hurt him in the opinions of -those with whom his influence is necessary, and impair his usefulness ; therefore a clergyman should never 14 PRECAUTION". dance. In the same way with cards; they are the common instruments of gambling, and an odium is attached to them on that account; women and clergymen must respect the prejudices of mankind in some cases, or lose their influence in society." " I did hope to have the pleasure of your company, doctor, said Mr. Haughton, hesitatingly. " And if it will give you pleasure," cried the rector, " you shall have it with all my heart, good sir; it would be a greater evil to wound the feelings of such a neighbor as Mr. Haughton, than to show my face once at a ball," and rising, he laid his hand on the shoulder of the other kindly. " Both your scandal and rudeness are easily forgiven ; but I wished to show you the common error of the world which has at- tached odium to certain things, while it charitably overlooks others of a more heinous nature." Mr. Haughton, who had at first been a little staggered with the attack of the doctor, recovered himself, and laying a hand- ful of notes on the table, hoped he should have the pleasure of seeing every body. The invitation was generally accepted, and the worthy man departed, happy if his friends did but come, and were pleased. " Do you dance. Miss Moseley ?" inquired Denbigh of Emily, as he sat watching her graceful movements in netting a purse for her father. " Oh, yes ! the doctor said nothing of us girls, you know I suppose he thinks we have no dignity to lose." . '* Admonitions are generally thrown away on young ladies when pleasure is in the question," said the doctor, with a look of almost paternal affection. " I hope you do not seriously disapprove of it in modera- tion," said Mrs. Wilson. *' That depends, madam, upon circumstances ; if it is to b« PRECAUTION. 115 made subsidiary to envy, malice, coquetry, vanity, or any other such little lady-like accomplishment, it certaiijiy had better be let alone. But in moderation, and with the feelings of my little pet here, I should be cynical, indeed, to object." Denbigh appeared lost in his own ruminations during this dialogue ; and as the doctor ended, he turned to the captain, who was overlooking a game of chess between the colonel and Jane, of which the latter had become remarkably fond of late, playing with her hands and eyes instead of her feet — and in- quired the name of the corps in barracks at F . "The th foot, sir," replied the captain, haughtily, who neither respected him, owing to his want of consequence, nor loved him, from the manner in which Emily Hstened to his conversation. " Will Miss Moseley forgive a bold request," said Denbigh, with some hesitation. Emily looked up from her work in silence, but with some little fiutterings at the heart. " The honor of her hand for the first dance," continued Den- bigh, observing she was in expectation that he would proceed. - Emily laughingly said, " Certainly, Mr. Denbigh, if you can submit to the degradation." The London papers now came in, and most of the gentle men sat down to their perusal. The colonel, however, re- placed the men for a second game, and Denbigh still kept his place beside Mrs. Wilson and her niece. The manners, the sentiments, the whole exterior of this gentleman were such as both the taste and judgment of the aunt approved of; his qualities were those which insensibly gained on the heart, and yet Mrs. Wilson noticed, with a slight uneasiness, the very evident satisfaction her niece took in his society. Tn Dr. Ives she had great confidence, yet Dr. Ives was a friend, and pro- bably judged him favorably ; and again, Dr. Ives was not to 116 PRECAUTION suppose he was introducing a candidate for the hand of Emilj in every gentleman he brought to the hall. Mrs. Wilson had seen too often the ill consequences of trusting to impressions received from inferences of companionship, not to know the only safe way was to judge for ourselves : the opinions of others might be partial — might be prejudiced — and many an improper connexion had been formed by hstening to the sen- timents of those who spoke without interest, and consequently without examination. Not a few matches are made by this idle commendation of others, uttered by those who are re- spected, and which are probably suggested more by a desire to please than by reflection or even knowledge. In short Mrs. Wilson knew that as our happiness chiefly interests our- selves, so it was to ourselves, or to those few whose interest was equal to our own, we could only trust those important inquiries necessary to establish a permanent opinion of cha- racter. With Doctor Ives her communications on subjects of duty were frequent and confiding, and although she sometimes thought his benevolence disposed him to be rather too lenient to the faults of mankind, she entertained a profound respect for his judgment. It had great influence with her, if it were not always conclusive ; she determined, therefore, to have an early conveisation with him on the subject so near her heart, and be in a great measure regulated by his answers in the steps to be immediately taken. Every day gave her what B'le thought melancholy proof of the ill consequences of neg- J'Cting a duty, in the increasing intimacy of Colonel Egerton •md Jane. " Here, aunt," cried John, as he ran over a paper, " is a paragraph relating to your favorite youth, our trusty and well beloved cousin the Earl of Pendennyss." " Read it," said Mrs. Wilson, with an interest his name never failed to excite. PRECAUTION. 117 *' We noticed to-day the equipage of the gallant Lord Pen- dennyss before the gates of Annandale-house, and understand the noble earl is last from Bolton castle, Northamptonshire." " A very important fact," said Captain Jarvis, sarcastically ; " Colonel Egerton and myself got as far as the village, to pay our respects to him, when we heard he had gone on to town." " The earl's character, both as a man and a soldier," ob- served the colonel, " gives him a claim to our attentions that his rank would not : on that account we would have called." " Brother," said Mrs. Wilson, " you would oblige me greatly by asking his lordship to waive ceremony ; his visits to Bolton castle will probably be frequent, now we have peace ; and the owner is so much from home that we may never see him without some such invitation." •' Do you want him as a husband for Emily ?" cried John, as he gaily seated himself by the side of his sister. Mrs. Wilson smiled at an observation which remmded her of one of her romantic wishes ; and as she raised her head to reply in the same tone, met the eye of Denbigh fixed on her with an expression that kept her silent. This is realiy an in- comprehensible young man in some respects, thought the cautious widow, his startling looks on the introduction to the colonel crossing her mind at the same time ; and observing the doctor opening the door that led to the baronet's library, Mrs. Wilson, who generally acted as soon as she had decided, followed him. As their conversations were known often tc relate to the little offices of charity in which they both de- lighted, the movement excited no surprise, and she entered the library with the doctor uninterrupted. " Doctor," said Mrs. Wilson, impatient to proceed to the point, "you know my maxim, prevention is better than cure. This young friend of yours is very interesting." 118 PRECAUTION. ** Do you feel yourself in danger ?" said the recLor, smiling. " Not very imminent," replied the lady, laughing good- nataredly. Seating herself, she continued, " Who is he? and who was his father, if I may ask ?" " George Denbigh, madam, both father and son," said the doctor, gravely. "Ah, doctor, I am almost tempted to wish Frank had teen a girl. You know what I wish to learn." "Put your questions in order, dear madam," said the doctor, in a kind manner, " and they shall be answered." " His principles ?" " So far as I can learn, they are good. His acts, as they have come to my notice, are highly meritorious, and I hope they originated in proper motives. I have seen but little of him of late years, however, and on this head you are nearly as good a judge as myself. His filial piety," said the doctor, dashing a tear from his eye, and speaking with fervor, " was lovely." " His temper — his disposition ?" " His temper is under great command, although naturally ardent; his disposition eminently benevolent towards his fellow-creatures." "' His connexions ?" " Suitable," said the -ioctor, gravely. His fortune was of but little moment. Emily would be amply provided, for all the customary necessaries of her station ; and, thanking the divine, Mrs. Wilson returned to the parlor, easy in mind, and determined to let things take their own course for a time, but in no degree to relax the vigilance of her observation. On her return to the room, Mrs. Wilson observed Denbigh approach Egerton,^ and enter into conversation of a general nature. It was the first time anything more than unavoidable PRECAUTION. 119 courtesies had passed between them. The colonel appeared slightly uneasy under his novel situation, while, on the other hand, his companion showed an anxiety to be on a more friendly footino^ than heretofore. There was something mysterious in the feelings manifested by both these gentlemen that greatly puzzled the good lady ; and from its complexion, she feared one or the other was not entirely free from censure. ]t could not have been a quarrel, or their names would have been famihar to each other. They had both served in Spain, she knew, and excesses were often committed by gentlemen at a distance from home their pride would have prevented where they were anxious to maintain a character. Gambhng, and a few other prominent vices, floated through her ima- gination, until, wearied of conjectures where she had no data, and supposing, after all, it might be only her imagination, *he turned to more pleasant reflections. 120 PRECAUTION. CHAPTER Xn. The bright eyes of Emily Moseley unconsciously wandered round the brilliant assemblage at Mr. Haughton's, as she took her seat, in search of her partner. The rox)ms were filled with scarlet coats, and belles from the little town of F ; and if the company were not the most select imaginable, it was disposed to enjoy the passing moment cheerfully and in lightness of heart. Ere, however, she could make out to scan the countenances of the men, young Jarvis, decked in the full robes of his dignity, as captain in the th foot, approached and solicited the honor of her hand. The colonel had already secured her sister, and it was by the instigation of his friend, Jarvis had been thus early in his application. Emily thanked him, and pleaded her engagement. The mortified youth, who had thought dancing with the ladies a favor conferred on them, from the anxiety his sister always manifested to get partners, stood for a few moments in sullen silence; and then, as if to be revenged on the sex, he determined not to dance the whole evening. Accordingly, he withdrew to a room appropriated to the gentlemen, where he found a few of the military beaux, keeping alive the stimulus they had brought with them from the mess-table. Clara had prudently decided to comport herself as became a clergyman's wife, and she declined dancing altogether. Catherine Chatterton was entitled to open the ball, as supe- rior in years and rank to any who were disposed to enjoy the amusement. The dowager, who in her heart loved to show her airs upon such occasions, had chosen to be later than the PRECAUTION. 121 rest of the family; and Lucy had to entreat her father to have patience more than once during the interregnum in their sports created by Lady Chatterton's fashion. This lady at length appeared, attended by her son, and followed by her daughters, ornamented in all the taste of the reigning fashions Doctor Ives and his wife, who came late from choice, soon appeared, accompanied by their guest, and the dancing com- menced. Denbigh had thrown aside his black for the evening, and as he approached to claim her promised hand, Emily thought him, if not as handsome, much more interesting than Colonel Egerton, who just then passed them while leading her sister to the set. Emily danced beautifully, but perfectly like a lady, as did Jane ; but Denbigh, although graceful in his movements and in time, knew but little of the art ; and but for 'the assistance of his partner, he wOuld have more than once gone wrong in the figure. He very gravely asked her opinion of his performance as he handed her to a chair, and she laughingly told him his movements were but a better sort of march. He was about to reply, when Jarvis approached. By the aid of a pint of wine and his own reflections, the youth wrought himself into something of a passion, especially as he saw Denbigh enter, after Emily had declined dancing with himself. There was a gentleman in the corps who unfortunately was addicted to the bottle, and he had fastened on Jarvis as a man at leisure to keep him company. Wine openeth the heart, and the captain having taken a peep at the dancers, and seen the disposition of affairs, returned to his bottle companion, bursting with the indignity offered to his person. He dropped a hint, and a question or two brought the whole grievance forth. There is a certain set of men in every service who imbibe extravagant notions that are revolting to humanity, and which too often Di-ove to be fatal in their results. Their morals are 6 PRECADTIOK. never correct, and the little they have set loosely about them. In their own cases, their appeals to arms are not always so prompt; but in that of their friends, their perceptions of honor are intuitively keen, and their inflexibilfty in preserving it from reproach unbending ; and such is the weakness of mankind, their tenderness on points where the nicer feehngs of a soldier are involved, that these machines of custom, these thermometers graduated to the scale of false'honor, usurp the place of reason and benevolence, and become too often the arbiters of life and death to a whole corps. Such, then, was the confidant to whom Jarvis communicated the cause of his disgust, and the consequences may easily be imagined. As he passed Emily and Denbigh, he threw a look of fierceness at the latter, which he meant as an indication of his hostile intentions. It was lost on his rival, who at that moment was filled with passions of a very difi'erent kind from those which Captain Jarvis thought agitated his own bosom ; for had his new friend let him alone, the captain would have gone quietly home and gone to sleep. " Have you ever fought ?" said Captain Digby coolly to his companion, as they seated themselves in his father's parlor* whither they had retired to make their arrangements for the following morning. " Yes," said JarWs, with a stupid look, " I fought once with Tom Halliday at school." " At school ! My dear friend, you commenced young indeed," said Digby, helping himself to another glass. " And bow did it end ?" " Oh ! Tom got the better, and so I cried enough," said Jarvis, surlily. " Enough ! I hope you did not flinch," eyeing him keenly " Where were you hit ?" " He hit me all over." PRECAUTION. 123 ** All over ! The d — 1 ! Did you use small shot ? How did you fight ?" '* With fists," said J arvis,- yawning. His companion, seeing how matters were, rang for his servant to put him to bed, remaining himself an hour longer to finish the bottle. Soon after Jarvis had given Denbigh the look big with hi ntended vengeance, Colonel Egerton appi-oached Emily, asking permission to present Sir Herbert Nicholson, the lieutenant-colonel of the regiment, and a gentleman who was ambitious of the honor of her acquaintance; a particular friend of his own. Emily gracefully bowed her assent. Soon after, turning her eyes on Denbigh, who had been speaking to her at the moment, she saw him looking intently on the two soldiers, who were making their way through the crowd to the place where she sat. He stammered, said something she could not understand, and precipitately withdrew ; and although both she and her aunt sought his figure in the gay throng that flitted around them, he was seen no more that evening. " Are you acquainted with Mr. Denbigh ?" said Emily to her partner, after looking in vain to find his person in the crowd. " Denbigh ! Denbigh ! I have known one or two of that name/' replied the gentleman. '• In the army there are several." " Yes," said Emily, musing, " he is in the army ;" and looking up, she saw her companion reading her countenance with an expression that brought the color to her cheeks with a glow that was painful. Sir Herbert smiled, and observed that the room was warm. Emily acquiesced in the remark, for the first time in her life conscious of a feeling she was ashamed to have scrutinized, and glad of aay excuse to hide her confusion. 124 PRECAUTION. " Grace Chatterton is really beautiful to-night," whispered John Moseley to his sister Clara. " I have a mind to ask lier to dance." *' Do, John." replied his sister, looking with pleasure on her beautiful cousin, who, observing the movements of John as he drew near where she sat, moved her face on each side rapidly, in search of some one who was apparently not to be found. Her breathing became sensibly quicker, and John was on the point of speaking to her as the dowager stepped in between them. There is nothing so flattering to the vanity of a man as the discovery of emotions in a young woman excited by himself, and which the party evidently wishes to conceal ; there is nothing so touching, so sure to captivate ; or, if it seem to be affected, so sure to disgust. " Now, Mr. Moseley," cried the mother, " you shall not ask Grace to dance ! She can refuse you nothing, and she has been up the last two figures." " Your wishes are irresistible. Lady Chatterton," said John, coolly turning on his heel. On gaining the other side of the room, he turned to reconnoitre the scene. The dowager was fanning herself as violently as if she had been up the last two figures instead of her daughter, while Grace sat with her eyes fastened on the floor, paler than usual. " Grace," thought the young man, "would be very handsome — very sweet — very — very everything that is agreeable, if — if it were not for Mother Chatterton." He then led out one of the prettiest girls in the room. Col. Egerton was peculiarly fitted to shine in a ball room. He danced gracefully and with spirit ; was perfectly at home with all the usages of the best'; society, and was never neg- lectful of any of those little courtesies which have their charm for the moment ; and Jane Moseley, who saw all those she loved around her, apparently as happy as hei-self, found in her PRECAUTION. 125 judgment or the convictions of her principles, no counterpoise ag-ainst the weight of such attractions, all centred as it were in one effort to please herself. His flattery was deep for it was respectful — his tastes were her tastes — his opinions her opinions. On the formation of their acquaintance they dif- fered on some trifling point of poetical criticism, and for near a month the colonel had maintained his opinion with a show of firmness ; but opportunities not wanting for the discussion, he had felt constrained to yield to her better judgment, her purer taste. The conquest of Colonel Egerton was complete, and Jane who saw in his attentions the submission of a de- voted heart, began to look forward to the moment with trembling that was to remove the thin barrier that existed between the adulation of the eyes and the most delicate assi- duity to please, and the open confidence of declared love. Jane Moseley had a heait to love, and to love strongly ; hei danger existed in her imagination: it was briUiant, unchast- ened by her judgment, we had almost said unfettered by her principles. Principles such as are found in every-day maxims and rules of conduct sufficient to restrain her within the bounds of perfect decorum she was furnished with in abund- ance ; but to that principle which was to teach her submission in opposition to her wishes, to that principle that could alone afford her security against the treachery of her own passions, she was an utter stranger. The family of Sir Edward were among the first to retire, and as the Chattertons had their own carriage, Mrs. Wilson and her charge returned alone in the coach of the former. Emily, who had been rather out of spirits the latter part of the evenino;, broke the silence by suddenlv observinjr, " Colonel Egerton is, or soon will be, a perfect hero ! Her aunt somewhat surprised, both with the abruptness and with the strength of the remark, iijquired her meaning. 126 PRECAUTION. '* Oh, Jane will make him one, whether or not.'* This was spoken with an air of vexation which she was unused to, and Mrs. Wilson gravely corrected her for speak- ing in a disrespectful manner of her sister, one whom neither her years nor situation entitled her in any measm-e to advise or control. There wa.s an impropriety in judging so near and dear a relation harshly, even in thought. Emily pressed the hand of her aunt and tremulously acknowledged her error ; but she added, that she felt a momentary irritation at the idea of a man of Colonel Egerton's character gaining the command over feelings such as her sister possessed. Mrs. Wilson kissed the cheek of her niece, while she inwardly ac- knowledged the probable truth of the very remark she had thought it her duty to censure. That the imagination of Jane would supply her lover with those quahties she most honored herself, she believed was taken as a matter of course ; and that when the veil she had helped to throw befcTre her own eyes was removed, she vvould cease to respect, and of course cease to love him, when too late to remedy the evil, she greatly feared. But in the approaching fate of Jane she gaw new cause to call forth her own activity. Emily Moseley had just completed her eighteenth year, and was gifted by nature with a vivacity and ardency of feeling that gave a heightened zest to the enjoyments of that happy age. She was artless but intelligent ; cheerful, with a deep conviction of the necessity of piety ; and uniform in her prac- tice of all the important duties. The unwearied exertions of her aunt, aided by her own quickness of perception, had made her familiar with the attainments suitable to her sex and years. For music she had no taste, and the time which would hav6 been thrown away in endeavoring to cultivate a talent she did not possess, was dedicated under the discreet guidance of her aunt, to works whicji had a tendency both to qualify her for PRECAUTION. 127 the duties of this life, and fit her for that which comes liere- after. It might be said Emily Moseley had iievei read a book that contained a sentiment or inculcated an opinion improper for her sex or dangerous to her morals ; and it was not diffi- cult for those who knew the fact, to fancy they could perceive the consequences in her guileless countenance and innocent deportment. Her looks — her actions — her thoughts, wore as. much of nature as the discipline of her well-regulated mind and softened manners could admit. In person she was of the middle size, exquisitely formed, graceful and elastic in her step, without, however, the least departure from her natural movements ; her eye was a dark blue, with an expression of joy and intelligence ; at times it seemed all soul, and again all heart ; her color was rather high, but it varied with every emotion of her bosom ; her feelings were sti'ong, ardent, and devoted to those she loved. Her preceptress had never found it necessary to repeat an admonition of any kind, since her arrival at years to discriminate between the right and the wrong. " I wish," said Doctor Ives to his wife, the evening his son had asked their permission to address Clara, "Francis had chosen my little Emily." *' Clara is a good girl," replied his wife ; " she is so mild, BO aftectionate, that I doubt not she will make him happy — Frank might have done worse at the Hall." "For himself he has done well, I hope," said the father: *' a young w^oman of Clara's heart may make any man happy; but a union with purity, sense, principles, like those of Emily would be more — it would be blissful." Mrs. Ives smiled at her husband's animation. " You remind me more of the romantic youth I once knew than of the grave divine. There is but one man I know that 1 could wish to give Emily to ; it is Lumley. If Lumley 128 PRECAUTION. sees her, he will woo her; and if he wooes, he will win her." " And Lumley I believe to be worthy of her," cried the rector, now taking up a candle to retu-e for the night PRECAUTION. 129 CHAPTER XIII. The following day brought a large party of the military elegants to the Hall, in acceptance of the baronet's hospitable invitation to dinner. Lady Moseley was delighted ; so long as her husband's or her children's interest had demanded a sacrifice of her love of society it had been made without a sigh, almost without a thought. The ties of affinity in her were sacred ; and to the happiness, the comfort of those in which she felt an interest, there were few sacrifices of her own propensities she would not cheerfully have made : it was this very love of her offspring that made her anxious to dis- pose of her daughters in wedlock. Her own marriage had been so happy, that she naturally concluded it the state most likely to ensure the happiness of her children ; and with Lady Moseley, as with thousands of others, who averse or unequal to the labors of investigation, jump to conclusions over the long hne of connecting reasons, marriage was mar- riage, a husband was a husband. It is true there wefe cer- tain indispensables, without which the formation of a con- nexion was a thing she considered not within the bounds of nature. There must be fitness in fortune, in condition, in education, and manners ; there must be no glaiing evil, al- though she did not ask for positive good. A professor of religion herself, had any one told her it was a duty of hei calling to guard against a connexion with any but a Christian for her girls, she would have wondered at the ignorance that would embarrass the married state, with feelings exclusively belonging ta the individual. Had any one told her it were 6* 130 VRSCAUTION. possible to give her child to any but a gentleman, she would have wondered at the want of feeling that could devote the softness of Jane or Emily, to the association with rudeness or vulgarity. It was the misfortune of Lady Moseley to limit her views of marriage to the scene of this life, forgetful that every union gives existence to a long hne of immortal beings, whose future welfare depends greatly on the force of early exarapJ^^s, or the strength of early impressions. The necessity for restriction in their expenditures had ceased, and the baronet and his wife greatly enjoyed the first opportunity their secluded situation had given them, to draw around their board their fellow- creatures of their own stamp. In the former, it was pure philanthropy ; the same feeling urged him to seek out and relieve distress in humble life ; while in the latter it was love of station and seemliness. It was becoming the owner of Moseley Hall, and it was what the daughters of the Benfield family had done since the con- quest. " I am extremely sorry," said the good baronet at dinner, " Mr. Denbigh declined our invitation to-day ; I hope he will yet ride over in the evening." Looks of a singular import were exchanged between Co- lonel Egerton and Sir Herbert Nicholson, at the mention of Denbigh's name; which, as the latter had just asked the favor of taking wine with Mrs. Wilson, did not escape her notice. Emily had mnocently mentioned his precipitate re- treat the pight before; and he had, when reminded of his engagement to dine with them that very day, and promised an introduction to Sir Herbert Nicholson by John, in her pre- sence, suddenly excused himself and withdrawn. With an indefinite suspicion of something wrong, she ventured, there- fore, to address Sir Herbert Nicholson. " Did ^ou know Mr. Denbigh, in Spain 2'- PRECAUTION. ini " I told Miss Emily Moseley, I believe, last evening, that 1 knew some of the name," replied the gentleman evasively ; then pausing a moment, he added with g^eat emphasis, " thei e is a circumstance connected witii one of that name, I shall ever remember." "It was creditable, no doubt, Sir Herbert," cried young 'arvis, sarcastically. The soldier affected not to hear the question, and asked Jane to take wine with him. Lord Chat- terton, however, putting his knife and fork down gravely, and with a glow of animation, observed with unusual spirit, " I have no doubt it was, sir." Jarvis in his turn, affected not to hear this speech, and no- thing farther was said, as Sir Edward saw that the name of Mr. Denbigh excited a sensation amongst his guests for which he was unable to account, and which he soon foigot himself. After the company had retired. Lord Chatterton, however, related to the astonished and indignant family of the baronet the substance of the following scene, of which he had b«en a witness that morning, while on a visit to Denbigh at the rec- tory. They had been sitting in the parlor by themselves, over their breakfast, when a Captain Digby was announced. "I have the honor of waiting upon you, Mr. Denbigh," said the soldier, with the stiff formality of a professed duelHfc, " on behalf of Captain Jarvis, but will postpone my business until you are at leisure," glancing his eye on Chatterton. " I know of no business with Captain Jarvis," said Denbigh, j)()litely handing the stranger a chair, "to which Lord Chat- terton cannot be privy ; if he will excuse the interruption. The nobleman bowed, and Captain Digby, a httle awed by the rank of Denbigh's friend, proceeded in a more measured manner. " Captain Jarvis has empowered me, sir, to make any ar- rangement with yourself or friend, previously to your meet- 132 PRECAUTION. ing, which he hopes may be as soon as possible, if convenient to yourself," replied the soldier, coolly. Denbigh viewed him for a moment with astonishment, in silence ; when recollecting himself, he said mildly, and with- out the least agitation, " I cannot affect, sir, not to understand your meaning, but am at a loss to imagine what act of mine can have made Mr. Jarvis wish to make such an appeal." " Surely Mr. Denbigh cannot think a man of Captain Jar- vis's spirit can quietly submit to the indignity put upon him last evening, by your dancing with Miss Moseley, after she had declined the honor to himself," said the captain, affecting an incredulous smile. " My Lord Chatterton and myself can easily settle the preliminaries, as Captain Jarvis is much dis- posed to consult your wishes, sir, in this affair." *' If he consults my wishes," said Denbigh, smiling, " he will think no more about it." "At what time, sir, will it be convenient to give him the meeting ?" then, speaking with a kind of bravado gentlemen of his cast are fond of assuming, " my friend would not huriy any settlement of your affairs." " I can never meet Captain Jarvis with hostile intentions," replied Denbigh, calmly. l^"Sir!" " I decline the combat, sir," said Denbigh, with more firmness. " Your reasons, sir, if you please ?" asked Captain Digby compressing his lips, and drawing up with an air of persona, interest. " Surely," cried Chatterton, who had with difficulty cstrained his feelings, " surely Mr. Denbigh 'could never so far foi'get himself as cruelly to expose Miss Moseley by accepting this invitation." "Your reason, my lord," said Denbigh, with inter^bst PRECAUTION. 133 ''would at all times have its weight; but I wish not to qualify an act of what I conceive to be principle by any lesser consideration. I cannot meet Captain Jarvis, or any other man, in private combat. There can exist no necessity for an appeal to arms in any society where the laws rule, and I am averse to bloodshed.'' " Very extraordinary," muttered Captain Digby, somewhat at a loss how to act ; but the calm and collected manner o£ Denbigh prevented a reply; and after declining a cup of tea, a hquor he never drank, he withdrew, saying he would acquaint his friend with Mr. Denbigh's singular notions. Captain Digby had left Jarvis at an inn, about half a mile from the rectory, for the convenience of receiving early infor- mation of the result of his conference. The young man had walked up and down the room during Digby's absence, in a train of reflections entirely new to him. He was the only son of his aged father and mother, the protector of his sisters, and, he might say, the sole hope of a rising family ; and then, possibly, Denbigh might not have meant to offend him — he might even have been engaged before they came to the house ; or if not, it might have been inadvertence on the part of Miss Moseley. That Denbigh would offer some explanation he believed, and he had fully made up his mind to accept it, let it be what it might, as his fighting friend entered. *' Well," said Jarvis, in a tone that denoted anything but a consciousness that all was well.. "He says he will not meet you," dryly exclaimed his friend, throwing himself into a chair, and ordering a glass of randy and water. " Not meet me !" exclaimed Jarvis, in surprise, ** Engaged, perhaps ?" " Eno-ao-ed to his d — d conscience." " To his conscience ! I do not know whether I rightly 1 84 PRECAUTION. nnderstand you, Captain Digby," said Jarvis, catching his breath, and raising his voice a very httle. " Then, Captain Jarvis," said his friend, tossing off his brandy, and speaking with great dehberation, " he says that nothing — understand yne — nothing will ever make him figh \ duel." j "He will not \" rried Jarvis, in a loud voice. ^ " No, he will rot," said Digby, handing his glass to the ^^aiter for a fresK supply. "He shall, by !" " I don't ki^ow how you will make him." «' Make him ! I'll— I'll post him." " Never do that," said the captain, turning to him, as he leaned his ♦'-Ibows on the table. "It only makes both parties ridiculous. But I'll tell you what you may do. There's a Lord Ohatterton who takes the matter up with warmth. If I were not afraid of his interests hurting my promotion, I should have resented something that fell from him myself. He will fight, I dare say, and I'll just return and require an explanation of his -words on your behalf." " No, no," said Jarvis, rather hastily ; " he — he is related to the Moseleys, and I have views there it might injure." " Did you think to forward your views by making the young lady the subject of a duel?" asked Captain Digby sarcastically, and eyeing his companion with contempt. *' Yes, yes," said Jarvis ; *' it would certainly hurt my views." " Here's to the health of His Majesty's gallant regi ment of foot !" cried Captain Digby, in a tone of irony, whea tliree-quarters drunk, at the mess-table, that evening, " and to its champion. Captain Henry Jarvis !" One of the corps was present accidentally as a guest ; and the following week, the inhabitants of F saw the regi- PRECAUTION. 1^5 ment in their barracks, marching to slow time after the body of Horace Digby. Lord Chatterton, in relating the part of the foregoing cir- cumstances which fell under his observation, did ample justice to the conduct of Denbigh ; a degree of liberality which did him no little credit, as he plainly saw in that gentleman he had, or soon would have, a rival in the dearest wish of his heart ; and the smiling approbation with which his cousin Emily rewarded him for his candor almost sickened him with apprehension. The ladies were not slow in expressing their disgust at the conduct of Jarvis, or backward in their approval of Denbigh's forbearance. Lady Moseley turned with horror from a picture in which she could see nothing but murder and bloodshed ; but both Mrs. Wilson and her niece secretly applauded a sacrifice of worldly feelings on the altar of duty ; the former admiring the consistent refusal of admitting any collateral inducements, in explanation of his decision : the latter, while she saw the act in its true colors, could hardly help believing that a regard for her feelings had, in a trifling degree, its influence in inducing him to decline the meeting. Mrs. Wilson saw at once what a hold such unusual conduct would take on the feelings of her niece, and inwardly determined to increase, if possible, the watchfulness she had invariably observed on all he said or did, as likely to elucidate his real character, well knowing that the requisites to bring or to keep happiness in the married.state were numerous and indispensable ; and that the display of a part'cular excellence, however good in itself, was by no means conclusive as to character ; in short, that we perhaps as often meet with a favorite principle as with a besetting sin. 136 PRECAUTION, CHAPTER XIV. Sir Edward Moseley had some difficulty in restraining the impetuosity of his son, who was disposed to resent this impertinent interference of young Jarvis with the conduct of his favorite sister ; indeed, the young man only yielded to his profound respect to his father's commands, aided by a strong representation on the part of his sister of the disagree- able consequences of connecting her name with such a quarrel. It was seldom the good baronet felt himself called on to act as decidedly as on the present occasion. He spoke to the merchant in warm, but gentleman-like terms, of the conse- quences which might have resulted to his own child from the intemperate act of his son ; exculpated Emily entirely from censure, by explaining her engagement to dance with Den- bigh, previously to Captain Jarvis's application ; and hinted the necessity, if the affair was not amicably terminated, of protecting the peace of mind of his daughters against any similar exposures, by declining the acquaintance of a neighbor he respected as much as Mr. Jarvis. The merchant was a man of few words, but of great promptitude. He had made his fortune, and more than one saved it, by his decision ; and assuring the baronet he shoul hear no more of it, he took his hat and hurried home from the village, where the conversation passed. On arriving at his own house, he found the family collected in the parlor for a morning ride, and throwing himself into a chair, he broke out on the whole party with great violence. *' hio, Mrs. Jarvis," he ciied, " you would spoil a ver3 PRECAUTION. - 13'J tolerable book-keeper, by wishing to have a soldier in your family ; and there stands the pnppy who would have blown out the brains of a deserving young man, if the good sense of Mr. Denbigh had not denied him the opportunity." " Mercy !" cried the alarmed matron, on whom Newgate ^for her early life had been passed near its walls), with all 1 s horrors, floated, and a contemplation of its' punishments Lad been her juvenile lessons of morahty — " Harry ! Harry ! would you commit murder ?" " Murder !" echoed her son, looking askance, as if dodging the bailiffs. "No,- mother; I wanted nothing but what was fair. Mr. Denbigh would have had an equal chance to blow out my brains ; I am sure everything would have been fair." '* Equal chance !" muttered his father, who had cooled himself, in some measure, by an extra pinch of snuff. *' No, sir, you have no brains to lose. But I have promised Sir Edward that you shall make proper apologies to himself, to his daughter, and to Mr. Denbigh." This was rather exceeding the truth, but the alderman prided himself on performing rather more than he promised. " Apology !" exclaimed the captain. " Why, sir, the apology is due to me. Ask Colonel Egerton if he ever heard of apologie"s being made by the challenger." " No, sure," said the mother, who, having made out the truth of the matter, thought it was likely enough to be creditable to her child ; " Colonel Egerton never heard of such a thing. Did you, colonel ?" " Why, madam," said the colonel, hesitatingly, and politely landing the merchant his snuff-box, which, in his agitation, had fallen on the floor, " circumstances sometimes justify a departure from ordinary measures. You are certainly right as a rule ; but nofc knowing the particulars in the present 138 PRECAUTION. case, it is difficult for me to decide. Miss Jarvis, the tilbury is ready." The colonel bowed respectfully to the merchant, kissed his hand to his wife, and led their daughter to his carriage. " Do you make the apologies ?" asked Mr. Jarvis, as th door closed. " No, sir,'^ replied the captain, sullenly *' Then you must make your pay answer for the next six months," cried the father, taking a signed draft on his banker from his pocket, coolly tearing it in two pieces, carefully putting the name in his mouth, and chewing it into a ball. " Why, aldernian," said his wife (a name she never used unless she had something to gain from her spouse, who loved to hear the appellation after he had relinquished the office), " it appears to me that Harry has shown nothing but a proper spirit. You are unkind — indeed you are." " A proper spirit ? In what way ? Do you know any- thing of the matter ?" " It is a proper spirit for a soldier to fight, I suppose," said the wife, a little at a loss to explain. " Spirit, or no spirit, apology, or ten and sixpence.'* "Harry," said his mother, holding up her finger in a menacing attitude, as soon as her husband had left the room (for he had last spoken with the door in his hand), " if you do beg his pardon, you are no son of mine." " No," cried Miss Sarah, " nor any brother of mine. Jt would be insufferably mean." " Who will pay my debts ?" asked the son, looking up at the ceiling. " W hy, I would, my child, if — if — I had not spent my own allowance." " I would," echoed the sister ; " but if we go to Bath, you know, I shall want all my money." PRECAUTION. 139 " Who will pay my debts ?" repeated the son. " Apology, indeed ! Who is he, that you, a son of A-lderman — of — Mr. Jarvis, of the deanery, B , North amptonshire, should beg his pardon — a vagrant that nobody knows !" " Who will pay my debts ?" again inquired the captain, drumming with his foot." " Harry," exclaimed the mother, " do you love money better than honor — a soldier's honor ?" "No, mother; but I like good eating and drinking. Think mother ; it's a cool five hundred, and that's a famous deal of money." "Harry," cried the mother, in a rage, "you are not fit for a soldier. I wish I "were in your place." " I wish, with all my heart, you had been for an hour this morning," thought the son. x\fter arguing for some time longer, they compromised, by agreeing to leave it to the decision of Colonel Egerton, who, the mother did not doubt, would applaud her maintaining the Jarvis dignity, a family in which he took quite as much interest as he felt for his own — so he had told her fifty times. The captain, however, determined within himself to touch the five hundred, let the colonel decide as he might ; but the colonel's decision obviated all difficulties. The question was put to him by Mrs. Jarvis, on his return from the airing, with no doubt the decision would be favorable to her opinion. The colonel and herself, she said, never disagreed ; and the Jady was right — for wherever his interest made it desirable to convert Mrs. Jarvi to his side of the question, Egerton had a manner of doing it that never fiiiled to succeed. ** Why, madam," said he, with one of his mo-t agreeable smiles, "apologies are different things, at different times. You are certainly right in your sentiments, as relates to a 140 PRECAUTION. proper spirit in a soldier ; but no one can doubt the spirit of the captain, after the stand he took in this affair ; if Mr. Den- bigh would not meet him (a very extraoi'dinary measure, in deed, I confess), what can your son do more ? He cannot make a man fight against his will, you know." *' True, true," cried the matron, impatiently, " I do not want him to fight ; heaven forbid ! but why should he, the challenger, beg pardon ? I am sure, to have the thing regu- lar, Mr. Denbigh is the one to ask forgiveness." The colonel felt at a little loss how to reply, when Jarvis, in whom the thoughts of the five hundred pounds had worked a revolution, exclaimed — " You know, mother, I accused him — that is, I suspected him of dancing with Miss Moseley against my right to her ; now you find that it was all a mistake, and so I had better act with dignity, and confess my error." " Oh, by all means," cried the colonel, who saw the danger of an embarrassing rupture between the families, otherwise: *' delicacy to your sex particularly requires that, ma'am, from your son ;" and he accidentally dropped a letter as he spoke. "From Sir Edgar, colonel?" asked Mrs. Jarvis^ as he stooped to pick it up. *' From Sir Edgar, ma'am, and he begs to be remembered to yourself and all of your amiable family." Mrs. Jarvis inclined her body, in what she intended for a graceful bend, and sighed — a casual observer might have ^bought, with maternal anxiety for the reputation of her child —but it was conjugal regret, that the political obstinacy of the alderman had prevented his carrying up an address, and thus becoming Sir Timothy. Sir Edgar's heir prevailed, and the captain received permission to do what he had done several hours before. PRECAUTION. 141 On leaving the room, after the first discussion, and before the appeal, the captain had hastened to his father with his concessions. The old gentleman knew too well the influence of five hundred pounds to doubt the effect in the present in stance, and he had ordered his carriage for the excursion It came, and to the hall they proceeded. The captain found his intended antagonist, and in a rather uncouth manner, he made the required concession. He was restored to his former favor — no great distinction — and his visits to the hall were suflered, but wnth a dislike Emily could never conquer, nor at all times conceal. Denbigh was occupied with a book, when Jarvis com- menced his speech to the baronet and his daughter, and was apparently too much engaged with its contents, to understand what was going on, as the captain blundered through. It was necessary, the captain saw by a glance of his father's eyes, to say something to that gentleman, who had delicately withdrawn to a distant w'indow. His speech was conse- quently made here too, and Mrs. Wilson could not avoid stealing a look at them. Denbigh smiled, and bowed in silence. It is enough, thought the widow ; the offence was not against hira, it was against his Maker; he should. not ar- rogate to himself, in any manner, the right to forgive, or to require apologies — the whole is consistent. The subject was never afterwards alluded to : Denbigh appeared to have for- gotten it ; and Jane sighed gently, as she devoutly hoped the colonel was not a duellist. Several days passed before the deanery ladies could suffi- ciently forgive the indignity their family had sustained, to resume the customary intercourse. Like all other grievances, where the passions are chiefly interested, it was forgotten in time, however, and things were put in some measure on their former footing. The death of Digby served to increase the 142 PHECAUTION. horror of the Moseleys, and Jar\'is himself felt rather uncom- fortable, on more accounts . than one, at the fatal termination of the unpleasant business. Chatterton, who to his friends had not hesitated to avow his attachment to his cousin, but who had never proposed for her, as his present views and fortune were not, in his estima- tion, sufficient for her proper support, had pushed every in terest he possessed, and left no steps unattempted an honor- able man could resort to, to effect his object. The desire to provide for his sisters had been backed by the ardor of a passion that had reached its crisis ; and the young peer who could not, in the present state of things, abandon the field to a rival so formidable as Denbigh, even to further his views to preferment, was waiting in anxious suspense the decision on his application. A letter from his friend informed him, his opponent was likely to succeed ; that, in short, all hopes of success had left him. Chatterton was in despair. On the following day, however, he received a second letter from the same friend, unexpectedly announcing his appointment. After mentioning the fact, he went on to say — " The cause of this sudden revolution in your favor is unknown to me, and unless j^our lordship has obtained interest I am ignorant of, it is one of the most singular instances of ministerial caprice I have ever known." Chatterton was as much at a loss as his friend, to understand the affair ; but it mattered not ; he could now oflfer to Emily — it was a patent office of great value, and a few years would amply portion his sisters. That very day, therefore, he proposed, and was refused. Emily had a difficult task to avoid self-reproach, in regu lating her deportment on this occasion. She was fond of Chatterton as a relation — as her brother's fiiend — as the bro ther of Grace, and even on his own account ; but it was the fondness of a sister. His manner- —his words, which, although PRBCAUTION. r43 never addressed to herself, were sometimes overheard uninten- tionally, and sometimes reached her through lier sisters, had left her in no doubt of his attachment ; she was excessively grieved at the discovery, and had innocently appealed to her aunt for directions how to proceed. Of his intentions she had no doubt, but at the same time he had not put her in a situa- tion to dispel his hopes ; as to encouragement, in the usual meaning of the term, she gave none to him, nor to any one else. There are no little attentions that lovers are fond of showing to their mistresses, and which mistresses are fond of receiving, that Emily ever permitted to any gentleman — no rides — no walks — no tete-a-tetes. Always natural and un- affected, there was a simple dignity about her that forbade the request, almost the thought, in the gentlemen of her ac- quaintance : she had no amusements, no pleasures of any kind in which her sisters were not her companions ; and if any- thing was on the carpet that required an, attendant, John was ever ready. He was devoted to her ; the decided pre- ference she gave him over every other man, upon such occa- sions, flattered his affection; and he would, at any time, leave even Grace Chatterton to attend his sister. All this too was without aflfectation, and generally without notice. Emily so looked the delicacy and reserve she acted with so little ostentation that not even her own sex had affixed to her conduct the epithet of squeamish ; it was difficult, there- fore, for her to do anything which would show Lord Chat- terton her disinchnation to his suit, without assuming a dis- like she did not feel, or giving him slights that neither good breeding nor good nature could justify. At one time, indeed, she had expressed a wish to return to Clai-a ; but this Mrs. Wilson thought would only protract the evil, and she was compelled to wait his own time. The peer himself did not lejoice more in his abihty to make the offer, therefore, than 14^ PRECAUTION. Emily did to have it in her power to dedine it. Her rejec- tion was firm and unquahSed, but uttered with a grace and a tenderness to his feehngs, that bound her .lover tighter than ever in her chains, and he resolved on immediate flight as his only recourse. " I hope nothing unpleasant has occurred to Lord Chat* terton," said Denbigh, with great interest, as he reached the spot where the young peer stood leaning his head against a tree, on his way from the rectory to the hall. Chatterton raised his face as he spoke : there were evident traces of tears on it, and Denbigh, greatly shocked, was about to proceed as the other caught his arm. " Mr. Denbigh," said the young man, in a voice almost choked with emotion, " may you never know the pain I have felt this morning. Emily — Emily Moseley — is lost to me — for ever." For a moment the blood rushed to the face of Denbigh, and his eyes flashed with a look that Chatterton could not stand. ■ He turned, as the voice of Denbigh, in those remarkable tones which distinguished it from every other voice he had ever heard, uttered — " Chatterton, my lord, we are friends, I hope — I wish it, from my heart." " Go, Mr. Denbigh — go. You were going to Miss Moseley — do not let me detain you." " I am going with you^ Lord Chatterton, unless you forbid it," said Denbigh, with emphasis, slipping his arm through that of the peer. For two hours they walked together in the park ; and when they appeared at dinner, Emily wondered why Mr. Denbigh had taken a seat next to her mother, instead of his usual place between herself and her aunt. In" the evening, he announced his intention of leaving B for a short time PKACAUTION. lilff ^vith Lord Chatterton. They were going to London together ; but he hoped to return within ten days. This sudden determination caused some surprise; but, as the dowager supposed it was to secure the new situation, and the remainder of their friends thought it might be business, it was soon forgotten, though much regretted for the time. The gentle- men left the hall that night to proceed to an inn, from which they could obtain a chaise and horses ; and the following morning, when the baronet's family assembled around their aocial breakfast, they were many miles on the road to the metropolis. 146 PTECAUTION. CHAPTER XV. Lady Chatterton, finding that little was to be expected in her present situation, excepting what she looked forward to from the varying admiration of John Moseley to her youngest daughter, determined to accept an invitation of some standing to a nobleman's seat about fifty miles from the hall, and, in order to keep things in their proper places, to leave Grace with her friends, who had expressed a wish to that eflfect. Accordingly, the day succeeding the depar- ture of her son, she proceeded on her expedition, accompanied by her wiUing assistant in the matrimonial speculations. Grace Chatterton was by nature retiring and delicate ; but her feelings were acute, and on the subject of female pro- priety sensitive to a degree, that the great want of it in a relation she loved as much as her mother had possibly in some measure increased. Her affections were too single in their objects to have left her long in doubt as to their nature with respect to the baronet's son ; and it was one of the most painful orders she had ever received, that which compelled her to accept her cousin's invitation. Her mother wag peremptory, however, and Grace was obliged to comply. Every delicate feeling she possessed revolted at the step : the visit itself was unwished for on her part; but there did exist a reason which had reconciled her to that — the wedding of Clara. But now to remain, after all her family had gone, in the house where resided the man who had as yet never PRECAUTION, 117 solicited those affections she had been unable to withhold, it was humiliating — it was degrading her in her own esteem, and she could scarcely endure it. It is said that women are fertile in inventions to further their schemes of personal gratification, vanity, or even mischief. It may be it is true ; but the writer of these pages is a man — one who has seen much of the other sex, and he is happy to have an opportunity of paying a tribute to female purity and female truth. That there are hearts so disinterested as to lose the considerations of self, in advancing the happiness of those they love ; that there are minds so pure as to recoil with disgust from the admission of deception, indelicacy, or management, he knows ; for he has seen it' from long and close examination. He regrets that the very artlessness of those who are most pure in the one sex, subjects them to the suspicions of the grosser materials which compose the other. He believes that innocency, singleness of heart, ardency of feeling, and unalloyed, shrinking delicacy, sometimes exist in the female bosom, to an extent that but few men are happy enough to discover, and that most men beheve incompatible with the frailties of human nature. Grace Chatterton possessed no httle of what may almost be called this ethereal spirit, and a visit to Bolton parsonage was immediatel}; pro- posed by her to Emily. The latter, too innocent herself to suspect the motives of her cousin, was happy to be allowed to devote a fortnight to Clara, uninterrupted by the noisy round of visiting and congratulations which had attended her first week ; and Mrs. Wilson and the two girls left the hall the same day with the Dowager Lady Chatterton. Francis and Clara were happy to receive them, and they were imme- diately domesticated in their new abode. Doctor Ives and his wife had postponed an annual visit to a relation of the former on account of the marriage of their son, and they now 148 PRECAUTION. availed themselves of this visit to perform their ovrn engage- ment. B appeared in some measure deserted, and Egerton had the field almost to himself. Summer had arrived, and the country bloomed in all its luxuriance of vegetation : everything was propitious to the indulgence of the softer passions ; and Lady Moseley, ever a strict adherent to forms and decorum, admitted the intercourse between Jane and her admirer to be carried to as great lengths as those forms would justify. Still the colonel was not explicit ; and Jane, whose delicacy dreaded the exposure of feelings that was involved in his declaration, gave or sought no marked opportunities for the avowal of his passion. Yet they were seldom separate, and both Sir Edward and his wife looked forward to their future union as a thing not to be doubted. Lady Moseley had given up her youngest child so absolutely to the government of her aunt, that she seldom thought of her future establishment She had that kind of reposing confidence in Mrs. Wilson's proceedings that feeble minds ever bes^^w on those who are much superior to them ; and she even approved of a system in many respects which she could not endeavor to imitate. Her affection for Emily was not, however, less than what she felt for her other children: she was, in fact, her favorite, and, had the discipline of Mrs. Wilson admitted of so weak an interference, might have been injured as such. John Moseley had been able to find out exactly the hour they breakfasted at the deanery, the length of time it took Egerton's horses to go the distance between that house and the hall ; and on the sixth morning after the departure of his aunt, John's bays were in his phaeton, and allowing ten mi- nutes for the mile and a half to the park gates, John had got happily oft' his own territories, before he met the tilbury tra- velling eastward. I am not to know which road the colonel PRECAUTION. 140' « may turn, tliouglit John : and after a few friendly, but rather hasty greetings, the bays were again in full trot to the par- sonage. ** John,'' said Emily, holding out her hand affectionately, and smiling a little archly, as he approached the window where she stood, " you should take a lesson in driving from Frank ; you have turned more than one hair, I believe." " How is Clara ?" cried John, hastily, taking the offered hand, with a kiss, " aye, and aunt Wilson f* *' Both well, brother, and out walking this fine morning." " How happens it you are not with them ?" inquired the brother, throwing his eyes round the room. ** Have they left you alone ?" " No, Grace has this moment left me." "Well, Emily," said John, 'taking his seat very compo- sedly, but keeping his eyes on the door, " I have come to dine with you. I thought I owed Clara a visit, and have managed nicely to give the colonel the go-by." " Clara will be happy to see you, dear John, and so will aunt, and so am I" — as she drew aside his fine hair with her fingers to cool his forehead. " And why not Grace, too ?" asked John, with a look of a httle alarm. *' And Grace, too, I fancy — but here she is, to answer for herself." Grace said little on her entrance, but her eyes were brighter than usual, and she looked so contented and happj; hat Emily observed to her, in an affectionate manner — " I knew the eau-de-Cologne would do your head good." " Is Miss Chatterton unwell ?" asked John, with a look of interest. " A slight headach," said Grace, faintly, " but I feel mucb better." ib? PRECAUTION. ** Want of air and exercise : my horses ar<^ at the door ; ihe phaeton will hold three easily; run, sister, for your hat," almost pushing Emily out of the room as be spoke. In a few minutes the horses might have been suffering for air, but surely not for exercise. " I wish," cried John, with impatience, when at the dis- tance of a couple of miles from the parsonage, " that gentle- man had driven his gig out of the road." There was a small group on one side of the road, consisting 4 if a man, a woman, and several children. The owner of the pg had alighted, and was in the act of speaking to them, as ■.ii'i phaeton approached at a great rate. ** John," cried Emily, in terror, " You never can pass — you m\\ upset us." *' There is no danger, dear Grace," said the brother, endea- voring to check his horses ; he succeeded in part, but not so as to prevent his passing at a spot where the road was very narrow ; a wheel hit violently against a stone, and some of his works gave way. The gentleman immediately hastened to his assistance — it was Denbigh. " Miss Moseley !" cried he, in a voice of the tenderest in- terest, " you are not hurt in the least, I hope." "No," said Emily, recovering her breath, "only fright- ened ;" and taking his hand, she sprang from the carriage. Miss Chatterton found courage to wait quietly for the care of John. His " dear Grace," had thrilled on every nervo, and she afterwards often laughed at Emily lor her terror when there was so little danger. The horses were not in the least frightened, and after a little mending, John declared all was safe. To ask Emily to enter the carriage again, was to exact no little sacrifice of her feelings to her reason ; and she Btood in a suspense that too plainly showed that the terror she bad been in had not left her. PRECAUTION. 151 " If," said Denbigh, modestly, " if Mr. Moseley will take the ladies in my gig, I will drive the phaeton to the hall, as it is rather unsafe for so heavy a load." "No, no, Denbigh," said John, coolly, "you are not used to such mettled nags as mine — it would be indiscreet for you to drive them : if, however, you will be good enough to take Emily into your gig — Grace Chatterton, I am sure, is n(t afraid to trust my driving, and we might all get back as well as ever." Grace gave her hand almost unconsciously to John, and he handed her into the phaeton, as Denbigh stood willing to execute his part of the arrangement, but too diffident to speak. It was not a moment for affectation, if Emily had been capa- ble of it, and blushing with the novelty of her situation, she took her place in the gig. Denbigh stopped and turned his eyes on the little group with which he had been talking, and at that moment they caught the attention of John also. The latter inquired after their situation. The tale was a piteous one, the distress evidently real. The husband had been gardener to a gentleman in a neighboring county, and he had been lately discharged, to make way, in ike difficulty of the times, for a relation of the steward, who was in want of the place. Suddenly thrown on the world, with a wife and four children, with but the wages of a week for his and their sup- port, they had travelled thus far on the way to a neighboring parish, where he said he had a right to, and must seek, public assistance. The children were crying for hunger, and the mother, who was a nurse, had been unable to walk further than where she sat, but had sunk on the ground overcome with fatigue, and weak from the want of nourishment. Neither Emily nor Grace could refrain from tears at the re- cital of these heavy woes ; the want of sustenance was some- thing St* shocking in itself, and brought, as it were, immedi" 152 PRECAUTION. ately before their eyes, the appeal was irresistible. John forgot his bays — forgot even Grace, as he listened to the affecting story related by the woman, who was much revived by some nutriment Denbigh had obtained from a cottage near them, and to which they were about to proceed by his directions, as Moseley interrupted them. His hand shook, his «yes glistened as he took his purse from his pocket, and gave several guineas from it to the mendicant. Grace thought John had never appeared so handsome as the moment he Handed the money to the gardener ; his face glowed with unusual excitement, and his symmetry had lost the only charm he wanted in common, softness. Denbigh, after wait- mg patiently until Moselej had bestowed his alms, gravely repeated his directions for their proceeding to the cottage, when the carriages moved on. Emily revolved in her mind, during their short ride, the horrid distress she had witnessed. It had taken a strong hold on her feelings. Like her brother, she was warm- hearted and compassionate, if we may use the term, to excess; and had she been prepared with the means, the gardener would have reaped a double harvest of donations. It struck her, at the moment, unpleasantly, that Denbigh had been so backward in his liberality. The man had rather sullenly displayed half a crown as his gift, in contrast with the golden shower of John's generosity. It had been even somewhat offensive in its exliibition, and urged her brother to a more hasty departure than, under other circumstances, he would just at the moment have felt disposed to make. Denbigh, however, had taken no notice of the indignity, and continued his directions in the- same mild and benevolent manner he had used during the whole interview. Half a crown was but little, thought Emily, for a family that was R^arving; and, unwilUng to judge harshly of one she had PRECAUTION. 153 begun to value so highly, she came to the painful conclusion, her companion was not as rich as he deserved to be. Emily had not yet to learn that charity was in proportion to the means of the donor, and a gentle wish insensibly stole over her that Denbigh might in some way become more richly endowed with the good things of this world. Until this moment her thoughts had never turned to his temporal con dition. She knew he was an ofificer in the army, but of wha rank, or even of what regiment, she was ignorant. He had frequently touched in his convereations on the customs of the diffeient countries he had seen. He had served in Italy, in the north of Europe, in the West Indies, in Spain. Of the manners of the people, of their characters, he not unfrequently spoke, and with a degree of intelligence, a hberality, a just- ness of discrimination, that had charmed his auditors ; but on the point of personal service he had maintained a silence that was inflexible, and not a little surprising — more particu- larly of that part of his history which related to the latter country ; from all which she was rather inclined to think his military rank was not as high as she thought he merited, and that possibly he felt an awkwardness of ^putting it in contrast with the more elevated station of Colonel Egerton. The same idea had struck the whole family, and prevented any inquiries which might be painful. He was so connected with the mournful event of his father's death, that no questions could be put with propriety to the doctor's family ; and if Francis had been more communicative to Clara, she was too good a wife to mention it, and her own family was possessed of too just a sense of propriety to touch upon points that might bring her conjugal fidelity in question. Though Denbigh appeared a little abstracted during the ride, his questions concerning Sir Edward and her friends were kind and affectionate. As they approached the house, 154 PRECAUTIONS^ he suffered his horse to walk, and, after some hesitation, he took a letter from his pocket, and handing it to her, said — "I hope Miss Moseley will not think me impertinent in becoming the bearer of a letter from her cousin, Lord Chat- terton. He requested it 'so earnestly, that I could not refuse taking what I am sensible is a great liberty ; for it would be deception did I affect to be ignorant of his admiration, or of his generous treatment of a passion she cannot return. Chatterton," and he smiled mournfully, " is yet too true to cease his commendations." Emily blushed painfully, but she took the letter in silence; and as Denbigh pursued the topic no further, the little dis- tance they had to go was ridden in silence. On entering the gates, however, he said, inquiringly, and with much interest — " I sincerely hope I have not given offence to your delicacy, Miss Moseley. Lord Chatterton has made me an unwilling confidant. I need not say the secret is sacred, on more accounts than one." " Surely not, Mr. Denbigh," replied Emily, in a low tone ; and the gig stopping, she hastened to accept the assistance of her brother to aligjit. " Well, sister," cried John, lauo^hino^, " Denbio:h is a disciple to Frank's sj^stem of horse-flesh. Hairs smooth enouoh here, I see. Grace and I thouo-ht vou would never get home." Now, John fibbed a little, for neither Grace nor he had thought in the least about them, or anything else but each otlifer, from the moment they sepai-ated until the gig arrived. Emily made no reply to this speech, and as the gentlemen were engaged in giving directions concerning their horses, she seized an opportunity to read Chatterton 's letter. " I avail myself of the return of my friend ^h: Denbigh to PRECAUTION. loo that happy family from which reason requires my self-banish- ment to assure my amiable cousin of my continued respect for her character, and to convince her of my gratitude for the' tenderness she has manifested to feelings she cannot return. I may even venture to tell her what few women would be pleased to hear, but what I know Emily Moseley too well to cloubt, for a moment, will give her unalloyed pleasure — that owing to the kind, the benevolent, the brotherly attentions of my true friend, Mr. Denbigh, I have already gained a peace of mind and resignation I once thought was lost to me for ever. Ah ! Emily, my beloved cousin, in Denbigh you will find, I doubt not, a mind, principles, congenial to your own. It is impossible that he could see you without wishing to possess such a treasure ; and, if I have a wish that is now uppermost in my heart, it is, that you may learn to esteem each other as you ought, when, I doubt not, you will become as happy as you both deserve to be. What greater earthly blessing can I implore upon you ! " Chatterton." Emily, while reading this epistle, felt a confusion but little inferior to that which would have oppressed her had Denbigh himself been at her feet, soliciting that love Chatterton thought him so worthy of possessing ; and when they met, she could hardly look in the face a man who, it would seem, had been so openly selected by another, as the fittest to be her partner for hfe. The unaltered manner of Denbigh him- self, however, soon convinced her that he was entirely igno rant of the contents of the note, and it greatly relieved her from the awkwardness his presence at first occasioned. Francis soon returned, accompanied by his wife and aunt, and was overjoyed to find the guest who had so unexpect- edly arrived. His parents had not yet i-eturned from their 156 PRECAUTION. visit, and Denbigh, of course, would remain at his present quarters. John promised to continue with them for a couple of days : and everything was soon settled to the perfect sa- tisfaction of the whole party. Mrs. Wilson knew the great danger of suffering young people to be inmates of the same house too well, wantonly to incur the penalties, but her visit had nearly expired, and it might give her a better opportu- nity of judging Denbigh's character ; and Grace Chatterton, though too delicate to follow herself, was well contented to be fnllowed, especially when John Moseley was the pursuer. PRECAUTION. 167 CHAPTER XVI. ** I AM sorry, aunt, Mr. Denbigh is not rich," said Emily to Mrs. Wilson, after they had retired in the evening, alnaost un- conscious of what she uttered. The latter looked at her niece in surprise, at a remark so abrupt, and one so very dif- ferent from the ordinary train of Emily's reflections, as she required an explanation, Emily, slightly coloring at the channel her thoughts had insensibly strayed into, gave her aunt an account of their adventure in the course of the morn- ing's drive, and touched lightly on the difference in the amount of the alms of her brother and those of Mr. Denbigh. " The bestowal of money is not always an act of charity," observed Mrs. Wilson, gravely, and the subject was dropped : thongh neither ceased to dwell on it in her thoughts, until sleep closed the eyes of both. The following day Mrs. Wilson invited Grace and Emily to accompany her in a walk ; the gentlemen having preceded them in pursuit of their different avocations. Francis had his regular visits of spiritual consolation ; John had gone to the hall for his pointers and fowling-piece, the season for wood- cock having arrived ; and Denbigh had proceeded no one knew whither. On gaining the high-road, Mrs. Wilson de- sired her companions to lead the way to the cottage where the family of the mendicant gardener had been lodged, and thither they soon arrived. On knocking at the door, they were immediately admitted to an outer room, in which they found the wife of the laborer who inhabited the building, en- gaged ii' her (.-ustomary morning employments. They ex- 158 PRKCAUTION. plained the motives of the visit, and were told that the family they sought were in an adjoining room, but she rather thought at that moment engaged with a clergyman who had called a quarter of an hour before. " I expect, my lady, it's the new rector, who everybody says is so good to the poor and needy; but I have not found time yet to go to church to hear his reverence preach, ma'am," courtseying and handing the fresh •lusted chairs to her unexpected visitors. The ladies seated themselves, too delicate to interrupt Francis in his sacred du- ties, and were silently waiting his appearance, when a voice was distinctly heard through the thin partition, the first note of which undeceived them as to the character of the garden- er's visitor. " It appears then, Davis, by your own confession," said Denbigh, mildly, but in a tone of reproof, *' that your frequent acts of intemperance have at least given ground for the steward's procuring your discharge if it has not justified him in doing that which his duty to your common employer re- quired." " It is hard, sir," replied the man sullenly, " to be thrown on the world with a family like mine, to make way for a younger man with but one child." " It may be unfortunate for your wife and children," said Denbigh, " but just, as respects yourself. I have already convinced you, that my interference or reproof is not an empty one : carry the letter to the person to whom it is directed, and I pledge you, you shall have a new trial ; and should you conduct yom-self soberly, and with propriety, con tinned and ample support ; the second letter will gain you. children immediate admission to the school I mentioned ; and I now leave you, with an earnest injunction to remember that «abits of intemperance not only disquaUfy you to support (Jio^e who have such great claim? on your protection, but in- J'RKCALTtON. 1 o[) evitably lead to a loss of those powers which are necessary tu insure your own eternal welfare." " May Heaven bless your honor," cried the woman, with fervor, and evidently in tears, " both for what you have said, and what you have done. Thomas only wants to be taken from temptation, to become a sober man again — an honest one he has ever been, I am sure." " I have selected a place for him," replied Denbigli, " where there is no exposure through improper companions, and everything now depends upon himself, under Provi- dence." Mrs. Wilson had risen from her cliair on the first intimation given by Denbigh of his intention to go, but had paused at the door to listen to this last speech ; when beckoning her companions, she hastily withdrew, having first made a small present to the woman of the cottage, and requested her not to mention their having called. "What becomes now of the comparative charity of your brother and Mr. Denbigh, Emily ?'' asked Mrs. Wilson, as they gained the road on their return homewards. Emily was not accustomed to hear any act of John slightly spoken of without at least manifesting some emotion, which betrayed her sisterly regard ; but on the present occasion she chose to be silent ; while Grace, after waiting in expectation that hei cou^n would speak, ventured to say timidly — " 1 am sure, dear madam, Mr. Moseley was very liberal and the tears were in his eyes while he gave the money. T was looking directly at them the whole time." ^" John is compassionate by nature," continued Mrs. Wilson with an almost imperceptible smile. "I have no doubt Ins sympathies were warmly enlisted in behalf of this family and possessing much, he gave liberally. I have no doubt he would have underu^t^ne peisonal privation to have relieved IGO PRECAUTION. their distress, and endured both pain and labor, with such an excitement before him. But what is all that to the charity of Mr. Denbigh V Grace was unused to contend, and, least of all, with Mrs. Wilson; but, unwilling to abandon John to such censure, with increased animation, she said — "If bestowing freely, and feeling for the distress you relieve, be not commendable, madam, I am sure I am ignorant what is." " That compassion for the woes of others is beautiful in Itself, and the want of it an invariable evidence of corruption from too much, and an ill-governed, intercourse with the world, I am willing to acknowledge, my dear Grace," said Mrs. Wilson, kindly ; " but the relief of misery, where the heart has not undergone this hardening ordeal, is only a relief to our own feelings : this is compassion ; but Cliristian charity is a higher order of duty : it enters into every sensa- tion of the heart; disposes us to judge, as well as to act, favorably to our fellow- creatures ; is deeply seated in the sense of our own unworthiness ; keeps a single eye, in ity dispensations of temporal benefits, to the everlasting happi- ness of the objects of its bounty ; is consistent, well regulated ; in short," — and Mrs. Wilson's pale cheek glowed with an unusual richness of color — " it is an humble attempt to copy after the heavenly example of our Redeemer, in sacrificing ourselves to the welfare of others, and does and must proceed from a love of his person, and an obedience to his mar- dates." "And Mr. Denbigh, aunt," exclaimed Emily, the blood mantling to her cheeks with a sympathetic glow, while she lost all consideration for John in the strenoth of her feelino-s, *"• his charity you think to be of this description ?" "So far, my child, as we can understand motives from the PRECAUTION. 161 nature of the conduct, such appears to have been the charity of Mr. Denbigh." Grace was silenced, if not convinced ; and the ladies con- tinued their walk, lost in their own reflections, until they reached a bend in the road which hid the cottage from view. Emily involuntarily turned her head as they arrived at tha fcpot, and saw that Denbigh had approached within a few paces of them/ On joining them, he commenced his com- plimentary address in such a way as convinced them the cottager had been true to the injunction given by Mrs. Wilson. No mention was made of the gardener, and Denbigh began a hvely description of some foreign scenery, of which their present situation reminded him. The discourse was main- tained with great interest by himself and Mrs. Wilson for the remainder of their walk. It was yet early when they reached the parsonage, where they found John, who had driven to the hall to breakfast, and who, instead of pursuing his favorite amusement of shooting, laid down his gun as they entered, observing, " It is rather soon yet for the v/oodcocks, and I believe I will listen to your entertaining conversation, ladies, for the re- mainder of the morning." He threw himself upon a sofa at no great distance from Grace, and in such a position as enabled him, without rudeness, to study the features of her lovely face, while Denbigh read aloud to the ladies Camp- bell's beautiful description of wedded love, in Gertrude of Wyoming. There was a chastened correctness in the ordinary mannei of Denbigh which wore the appearance of the influence of his reason, and a subjection of the passions, that, if anything, gave him less interest with Emily than had it been marked by an evidence of stronger feeling. But on the present occa- sion, this objection was removed : his reading was impressive ; 1G2 PRECAUTION". he dwelt On those passages which most pleased him with a warmth of eulogiiira fully equal to her own undisguised sen- Batioi)S. In the hour occupied in the reading this exquisite little poem, and in commenting on its merits and sentiments, Denbigh gained more on her imagination than in all their form-yis," said John, coolly, "the less you say about that business the better. Call in Rover." Now, another of Jarvis's recommendations was a set of lungs that might have been heard half a mile with great ease m a still mornmg. " Why," said Jarvis, rather humbly, " I am sensible, Mi; Moseley, I was very wrong as regards your sister ; but don't you think it a little odd in a soldier not to fight when pro- perly called upon ?" " I suppose Mr. Denbigh did not think himself properly called upon, or perhaps he had heard what a great shot you were." PRECAUTION. 1 75 S"ix months before his appearance in B , Captain Jarvis •ad been a clerk in the counting-room of Jarvis, Baxter & Oo., and had never held fire-arras of any kind in his hand, with the exception of an old blunderbuss, which had been a kind of sentinel over the iron chest for years. On mounting the cockade, he had taken up shooting as a martial exercise, inasmuch as the burning of gunpowder was an attendant of the recreatioH. He had never killed but one bird in his life, and that was an owl, of which he took the advantage of day- light and his stocking feet to knock off a tree in the deanery grounds, very early after his arrival. In his trials with John, he sometimes pulled trigger at the same moment with his companion ; and as the bird generally fell, he thouglit he had an equal claim to the honor. He was fond of warring with crows and birds of the larger sort, and invariably went pro- vided with small balls fitted to the bore of his fowling-piece for such accidental rencontres. He had another habit, which was not a little annoying to John, who had several times tried in vain to break him of it — that of shooting at marks. If birds were not plenty, he would throw up a chip, and sometimes his hat, by way of shooting on the wing. As the day was excessively hot, and the "game kept close, John felt willing to return from such unprofitable labor. The captain now commenced his chip firing, which in a few minutes was succeeded by his hat. "See, Moseley, see; I have hit the band," cried the aptain, delighted to find he had at last wounded his old antagonist. " I don't think you can beat that yourself." " I am not sure I can," said John, slipping a handful of gravel in the muzzle of his piece slily, " but I can do as you did— try." " Do," cried the captain, pleased to get his companion down to his own level of amusements. " Are you ready ?" 176 PRECAUTION. " Yes ; throw." Jarvis threw, and John fired : the hat fairly bounced. " Have I hit it ?" asked John, while reloading the barrel he had discharged. . " Hit it !" said the captain, looking ruefully at his hat. " It looks like a cullender ; but, Moseley, your gun don't scatte well : a dozen shot have gone through in the same place." " It does look rather like a cullender," said John, as he overlooked his companion's beaver, " and, by the size of some of the holes, one that has been a good deal used." The reports of the fowling-pieces announced to the party in the arbor the return of the sportsmen, it being an invariable practice with John Moseley to discharge his gun before he came in ; and Jarvis had imitated him, from a wish to be what he called in rule. *' Mr. Denbigh," said John, as he put down his gun, '* Captain Jarvis has got the better of his hat at last." Denbigh smiled without speaking ; and the captain, un- wiUing to have anything to say to a gentleman to whom he had been obliged to apologize, went into the arbor to show the mangled condition of his head-piece to the colonel, on whose sympathies he felt a kind of claim, being, of the same corps. John complained of thirst, and went to a little run of water but a short distance from them, in order to satisfy it. The interruption of Jarvis was particularly unseasonable. Jane was relating, in a manner pecuhar to herself, in which was mingled that undefinable exchange of looks lovers are so fond of, some incident of her early life to the colonel that greatly interested him. Knowing the captain's foibles, he pomted, therefore, with his finger, as he said — " There is one of your old enemies, a hawk." Jarvis threw down his hat, and ran with boyish eagerness to drive away the intruder. In his haste, he caugiit up the PRECAUTION. 177 gun of John Moseley, and loading it rapidly, threw in a ball from his usual stock ; but whether the hawk saw and knew him, or whether it saw something else it liked better, it made a dart for the baronet's poultry-yard at no great distance, and was out of sight in a minute. Seeing that his foe had vanished, the captain laid the piece where he had found it, and, recovering his old train of ideas, picked up his hat again. " John," said Emily, as she approached him affectionately, " you were too warm to drink." " Stand off, sis," cried John, playfully, taking up the gun from against the body of the tree, and dropping it towards her. Jarvis had endeavored to make an appeal to the com« miseration of Emily in favor of the neglected beaver, and was within a few feet of them. At this moment, recoilinof from the muzzle of the gun, he exclaimed, "It is loaded !" "Hold," cried Denbigh, in a voice of horror, as he sprang between John and his sister. Both were too late ; the piece was discharged. Denbigh, turning to Emily, and smiling mournfully, gazed for a moment at her with an expression of tenderness, of pleasure, of sorrow, so blended that she retained the recollection of it for life, and fell at her feet. The gun dropped from the nerveless grasp of young Moseley. Emily sank in insensibility by the side of her pre- server. Mrs. Wilson and Jane stood speechless and aghast. The colonel alone retained the presence of mind necessary to devise the steps to be immediately taken. He sprang to the examination of Denbigh ; the eyes of the wounded man were open., and his recollection perfect : the first weie fixed in in- tense observation on the inanimate body which lay at hia side. *' Leave me, Colonel Egerton," he said, speaking with dif- 8* 178 PRECAUTION. ficulty, and pointing in- the direction of the little run of watei, *' assist Miss Moseley — your hat — your hat will answer." Accustomed to scenes of blood, and not ignorant that time and care were the remedies to be applied to the wounded man, Egerton flew to the stream, and returning immediately, by the help of her sister and Mrs. Wilson, soon restored Emily to life. The ladies and John had now begun to act. The tenderest assiduities of Jane were devoted to her sister; while Mrs. Wilson observing her niece to be uninjured by anything but the shock, assisted John in supporting the wounded man. Denbigh spoke, requesting to be carried to the house ; and Jarvis was despatched for help. Within half an hour, Den- bigh was placed on a couch in the house of Sir Edward, and was quietly waiting for that professional aid which could only decide on his probable fate. The group assembled in the' room were in fearful expectation of the arrival of the sur- geons, in pursuit of whom messengers had been sent both to the barracks in F and to the town itself. Sir Edward sat by the side of the sufferer, holding one of his hands in his own, now turning his tearful eyes on that daugh- ter who had so lately been rescued as it were from the cer- tainty of death, in mute gratitude and thanksgiving ; and now dwelling on the countenance of him, who, by bravely inter- posing his bosom to the blow, had incurred in his own person the imminent danger of a similar fate, with a painful sense of his perilous situation, and devout and earnest prayers for his safety. Emily was with her father, as with the i-est of his family, a decided favorite ; and no reward would have been Rufficient, no gratitude lively enough, in the estimation of the baronet, to compensate the protector of such a child. She sat between her mother and Jane, with a hand held by each, pale and oppressed with a load of gratitude, of PRECAUTIOIS". 179 thanksgiving, of woe, that almost bowed her to the earth. Lady Moseley and Jane were both sensibly touched with the deliverance of Emily, and manifested the interest they took in her by the tenderest caresses, while Mrs. Wilson sat calmly collected within herself, occasionally giving those few direc- tions which were necessary under the ciicumstances, and ofter- ng up her silent petitions in behalf of the sufferer. John had aken horse immediately for F , and Jarvis had volun- teered tc go to the rectory and Bolton. Denbigh inquired fre- quentfy and with much anxiety for Dr. Ives ; but the rector was absent from home on a visit to a sick parishioner, and it was late in the evening before he arrived. Within three hours of the accident, however, Dr. Black, the surgeon of the th, reached the hall, and immediately proceeded to ex- amine the wound. The ball had penetrated the right breast, and gone directly through the body ; it was extracted with very little difficulty, and his attendant acquainted the anxious friends of Denbigh that the heart certainly, and he .hoped the lungs, had escaped uninjured. The ball was a very small one, and the principal danger to be apprehended was from fever : he had taken the usual precautions against that, and should it not set in with a violence gi-eater than he appre- hended at present, the patient might be abroad within the month. " But," continued the surgeon, with the hardened indiffe- rence of his profession, " the gentleman has had a narrow chance in the passage of the ball itself ; half an inch would have settled his accounts with this world." This information greatly relieved the family, and orders were given to preserve a silence in the house that would favor the patient's disposition to quiet, or, if possible, sleep Dr. Ives now reached the hall. Mrs. Wilson had never seen the sector in the agitation, or with the want of self-com- 180 PRECAUTION. mand he was in, as she met him at the entrance of the house. " Is he ahve ? — is there hope ? — where is George ?" — cried the doctor, as he caught the extended hand of Mrs. Wilson. She briefly acquainted him with the surgeon's report, and the reasonable ground there was to expect Denbigh would sur vive the injury. "May God be praised," said the rector, in a suppressed voice, and he hastily withdrew into another room. Mrs. Wilson followed him slowly and in silence ; but was checked on opening the door with the sight of the rector on his knees, the teai-s stealing down his venerable cheeks in quick succes- sion. " Surely/' thought the widow, as she drew back un- noticed, " a youth capable of exciting such afiection in a man like Dr. Ives, cannot be unworthy." Denbigh, hearing of the arrival of his friend, desired to see him alone. Their conference was short, and the rector re- turned from it with increased hopes of the termination of this dreadful accident. He immediately left the hall for his own house, with a promise of returning early on the following morning. During the night, however, the symptoms became unfa- vorable ; and before the return of Dr. Ives, Denbigh was in a state of delirium from the height of his fever, and the ap- prehensions of his friends were renewed with additional force. " What, what, my good sir, do you think of him ?" said the baronet to the family physician, with an emotion that the danger of his dearest child would not have exceeded, and within hearing of most of his children, who were collected iii the ante-chamber of the room in which Denbigl^ was placed. " It is impossible to say, Sir Edward," replied thf physi p:>kcal"tiox. 181 cian : ** he refuses all medicines, and unless this fever abates, there is but Httle hope of recovery." Emily stood during this question and answer, motionless, pale as death, and with her hands clasped together, betraying by the workings of her fingers in a kind of convulsive motion, the intensity of her interest. She had seen the draught pre- pared which it was so desirable that Denbigh should take, and it now stood rejected on a table, where it could be seen through the open door of his room. Almost breathless, she glided in, and taking the draught in her hand, she approached the bed, by which sat John alone, hstening with a feeling of despair to the wanderings of the sick man. . Emily hesitated once or twice, as she drew near Denbigh ; her face had lost the paleness of anxiety, and glowed with another emotion. " Mr. Denbigh — dear Denbigh," said Emily, with energy, unconsciously dropping her voice into the softest notes of persuasion, " will you refuse me ? — me, Emily Moseley, whose life you have saved '?" " Emily Moseley !" repeated Denbigh, and in those tones Bo remarkable to his natural voice. " Is she safe ? I thought she was killed — dead." Then, as if recollecting himself, he gazed intently on her countenance — his eye became less fiery — his muscles relaxed — he smiled, and took, with the docility of a well-trained child, the prescribed medicines from her hand. His ideas still wandered, but his physician, profiting by the command Emily possessed over his patient, increased his care, and by night the fever had abated, and before morning the wounded man was in a profound sleep. During the whole day, it was thought necessary to keep Emily by the side of his bed ; but at times it was no trifling tax on her feelings to remain there. He spoke of her by name in the tenderest manner, although incoherently, and in terms thai restored to the blanched cheeks of the distressed girl morf 182 PRECAUTION. than the richness of their native color. His thoughts were not confined to Emily, however : he talked of his father, of his mother, and frequently spoke of his poor deserted Marian. The latter name he dwelt on in the language of the warmest affection, condemned his own desertion of her, and, taking Emily for her, would beg her forgiveness, tell her her suffer- ings had been enough, and that he would retui-n, and never leave her again. At such moments his nui-se would some- times show, by the paleness of her cheeks, her anxiety for his health; and then, as he addressed her by her proper appellation, all her emotions appeared absorbed in the sense of shame at the praises with which he overwhelmed her. Mrs. Wilson succeeded her in the chai-ge of the patient, and slie retired to seek that repose she so greatly needed. On the second mornins^ after receivino^ the wound, Denbio^h dropped into a deep sleep, from which he awoke refreshed and perfectly collected in mind. The fever had left him, and his attendants pronounced, with the usual cautions to prevent a relapse, his recovery certain. It were impossible to have communicated any intelligence more grateful to all the members of the Moseley family ; for Jane had even lost sight of her own lover, in sympathy for the fate of a man who had sacrificed himself to save he • beloved sister. PRECAUTION. 183 CHAPTER XIX. The recovery of Denbigh was as rapid as the most sanguine txpectation of his friends could hope for, and in ten days he left his bed, and would sit an hour or two at a time in Lis dressing-ioora, where Mrs. Wilson, accompanied by Jane or Emily, came and read to him ; and it was a remark of Sir Edward's gamekeeper, that the woodcocks had become so t>ame during the time Mr. Moseley was shut up in attendance on his friend, that Captain Jarvis was at last actually seen to bag one honestly. As Jarvis felt something like a consciousness that but for his folly the accident would not have happened, and also something very like shame for the manner he had shrunk from the danger Denbigh had so nobly met, he pretended a recall to his regiment, then on duty near London, and left the deanery. He went off as he came in — in the colonel's tilbury, and accompanied by his friend and his pointers. John, who saw them pass from the windows of Denbigh's dressing-room, fervently prayed he might never come back again — the chip-shooting poacher ! . Colonel Egerton had taken lea le of Jane the evening pre- ceding, with many assurances of the anxiety with which he should look forward to the moment of their meeting at L , whither he intended repairing as soon as his corps had gone through its annual review. Jane had followed the bent of her natural feelings too much, during the period of Denbigh's uncertain fate, to think much of her lover, or any- thing else but her rescued sister and hei- preserver ; but now Ib4 PRKCAUTION. the former was pronounced in safety, and the latter, I'v f"' '^ very reaction of her grief, wa^, if possible, happier than ever, Jane dwelt in melancholy sadness on the perfections of the man who had taken with him the best affections (as she ihought) of her heart. With him all was perfect : hi* morals were unexceptionable ; his manners showed it ; his tenderness of disposition manifest, for they had wept together over the distresses of more than one fictitious heroine ; his temper, how amiable ! he was never angry — she had never Been it ; his opinions, his tastes, how correct ! they wei-e her own ; his form, his face, how agreeable ! — her eyes had seen it, and her heart acknowledged it ; besides, his eyes confessed the power of her own charms ; he was brave, for he was a soldier; — in short, as Emily had predicted, he was a hero — for he was Colonel Egerton. Had Jane been possessed of less exuberance of fancy, she might have been a httle at a loss to identify all these good properties with her hero : or had she possessed a rfatured or well-regulated judgment to control that fancy, they might possibly have assumed a different appearance. No explana- tion had taken place between them, however. Jane knew, both by her own feehngs and by all the legends of love from its eai'liest days, that the moment of parting was generally a crisis in affairs of the heart, and, \^th a backwardness occa- sioned by her modesty, had rather avoided than sought ^n opportunity to favor the colonel's wishes. Egerton had no been over anxious to come to the point, and everything wjl Jeft as heretofore : neither, howev^er, appeared to doubt in th( least the state of the other's affections ; and there might b( said to exist between them one of those not unusual engage ments by implication which it would have been, in their own estimation, a breach of faith to recede from, but which, like all other bargains that are loosely made, are sometimes PRECAUTION. 185 violated when conveuient. Man is a creature that, as expe- rience has sufficiently proved, it is necessary to keep in his proper place in society by wholesome restrictions ; and we have often thought it a matter of regret that some well understood regulations did not exist by which it became not only customary, but incumbent on him, to proceed in his road to the temple of Hymen. We know that it is ungenerous, ignoble, almost unprecedented, to doubt the faith, the con- stancy, of a male paragon ; yet, somehow, as the papers occasionally give us a sample of such infidelity ; as we have sometimes seen a solitary female brooding over her woes in silence, and, with the seemliness of feminine decorum shrink- ing from the discoveiy of its cause, or which the grave has revealed for the first time, we cannot but wish that either the watchfulness of the parent, or a sense of self-preservation in the daughter, would, for the. want of a better, cause them to adhere to those old conventional forms of courtshijD which require a man to speak to be understood, and a woman to answer to be committed. There was a little parlor in the house of Sir Edward Mose- ley, that was the privileged retreat of none but the membei-s of his own family. Here the ladies were accustomed to withdraw into the bosom of their domestic quietude, when occasional visitors had disturbed their ordinary intercourse ; and many were the hasty and unreserved communications it had witnessed between the sistei-s, in their stolen flights from the graver scenes of the principal apartments. It might be aid to be sacred to the pious feelings of the domestic afifec- tions. Sir Edward would retire to it when fatigued with his occupations, certain of finding some one of those he loved to draw his thoughts off from the cares of life to the little inci- dents of his children's happiness ; and Lady Moseley, even in the proudest hours of her reviving s|)lendor, seldom passed 18G PRECAUTION. the door without looking in, with a sinile, on the faces she might find there. It was, in fact, the room in the large man- sion of the baronet, expressly devoted, by long usage and common consent, to the purest feelings of human nature. Into this apartment Denbigh bad gained admission, as the one nearest to his own room and requiring the least effort of his returning strength to reach ; and, perhaps, by an undefina- ble feeling of the Moseleys which had begun to connect him with themselves, partly from his winning manners, and partly by the sense of the obligation he had laid them under. One warm day, John and his friend had sought this re- treat, in expectation of meeting his sisters, who they found, however, on inquiry, had walked to the arbor. After re- maining conversing for an hour by themselves, John was called away to attend to a pointer that had been taken ill, and Denbigh throwing a handkerchief over his head to guard against the danger of cold, quietly composed himself on one of the comfortable sofas of the room, with a disposition to sleep. Before he had entirely lost his consciousness, a light step moving near him, caught his ear ; believing it to be a servant unwilling to disturb him, he endeavored to continue in his present mood, until the quick but stifled breathing of some one nearer than before roused his curiosity. He com- manded himself, however, sufficiently, to remain quiet; a blind of a window near him was carefully closed ; a screen drawn from a corner and placed so as sensibly to destroy the slight draught of air in which he laid himself; and othei ai- rangeraents were making, but with a care to avoid disturbing him that rendered them hardly audible. Presently the step approached him again, the breathing was quicker, though gentle, the handkerchief was moved, but the hand was wilh drawn hastily as if afraid of itself. Another effort was suc- cessful, and Denbigh stole a glance through his dark lashes, PRECAUTION. 187 on the figure of Emily as she stood over him in the fulness of her charms, and with a face in which glowed an interest he had never witnessed in it before. It undoubtedly was gratitude. For a moment she gazed on him, as her color increased in richness. His hand was carelessly thrown over an arm of the sofa; she stooped towards it with her face gently, but with an air of modesty that shone in her very figure. Denbigh felt the warmth of her breath, but her lips did not touch it. Had he been incHned to judge the actions of Emily Moseley harshly, it were impossible to mistake the movement for anything but the impulse of natural feeling. There was a pledge of innoc^ce, of modesty in her counte- nance, that would have prevented any misconstruction ; and he continued quietly awaiting what the preparations on her Uttle mahogany secretary were intended for. Mrs. Wilson entertained a great abhorrence of what is commonly called accomplishments in a woman ; she knew that too much of that precious time which could never be recalled, was thrown away in endeavoring to acquire a smat- tering in what, if known, could never be of use to the party, and what can never be well known but to a few, whom na- ture and long practice have enabled to conquer. Yet as her niece had early manifested a taste for painting, and a vivid perception of the beauties of nature, her inclination had been indulged, and Emily Moseley sketched with neatness and ac- curacy, and with great readiness. It would have been no subject of surprise, had admiration, or some more powerful feeling, betrayed to the artist, on this occasion, the deception the young man was practising. She had entered the room from her walk, warm and careless ; her hair, than which none was more beautiful, had strayed on her shoulders, freed from the confinement of the comb, and a lock was finely contrasted to the rich color of a cheek that almost burnt with the ex€T- 188 PRECAUTION. cise and the excitement. Her dress, white as the fii-st snow of the winter ; her looks, as- she now turned them on the face of the sleeper, and betrayed by their animation the success of her art ; formed a picture in itself, that Denbigh would have been content to gaze on for ever. Her back was to a window, that threw its strong light on the paper — the figures of which were reflected, as she occasionally held it up to study its effect, in a large mirror so placed that Denbigh caught a view of her subject. He knew it at a glance — the arbor— the gun — himself, all were there ; it appeared to have been drawn before — it must have been, from its perfect state; and Emily had seized a favorable momentr to complete his own resem- blance. Her touches were light and finishing, and as the picture was frequently held up for consideration, he had some time allowed for studying it. His own resemblance was strong ; his eyes were turned on herself, to whom Denbigh thought she had not done ample justice, but the man who held the gun bore no hkeness to John Moseley, except in dress. A slight movement of the muscles of the sleeper's mouth might have betrayed his consciousness, had not Emily been too intent on the picture, as she turnedit in such a waj that a strong light fell on the recoiling figure of Captain Jar- vis. The resemblance was wonderful. Denbigh thought he would have known it, had he seen it in the Academy itself. The noise of some one approaching closed the portfoho ; it was only a servant, yet Emily did not resume her pencil Denbigh watched her motions, as she put the picture care fully in a private drawer of the secretary, reopened the blind replaced the screen, and laid the handkerchief, the last thing Dn his face, with a movement almost imperceptible to himself *' It is later than 1 thought," said Denbigh, looking at his watch ; " I owe an apology. Miss Moseley, for making so free with your parlor ; but I was too lazy to move." PRECAUTION. 189 "Apology! Mr. Denbigh," cried Emily, with a color vary- ing with every word she spoke, and trembling at what she thought the nearness of detection, " you have no apology to make for your present debility ; and surely, surely, least of all to me !" "I undei-stand from Mr. Moseley," continued Denbigh, with a smile, " that our obligation is at least mutual ; to your persevemnce and care, Miss Moseley, after the physicians had given me up, I believe I am, under Providence, indebted for my recovery." Emily was not vain, and least of all addicted to a display of any of her acquirements ; very few even of her friends knew she ever held a pencil in lier hand ; yet did she now unaccountably throw open her portfolio, and offer its con- tents to the examination of her companion. It was done almost instantaneously, and with great freedom, though not without certain flushings of the face and heavings of the bosom, that would have eclipsed Grace Chatterton in her happiest moments of natural flattery. Whatever might have been the wishes of Mr. Denbigh to pursue a subject which had begun to grow extremely interesting, both from its import and the feelings of the parties, it would have been rude to decline viewing' the contents of a lady's portfoho. The drawings were, many of them, interesting, and the exhibitor of them now appeared as anxious to remove them in haste, as she had but the moment before been to direct his attention to her performances. Denbigh would have given much to dare to ask for the paper so carefully secreted in the private drawer; but neither the principal agency he had himself in the scene, nor delicacy to his companion's wish for conceal- ment, would allow of the request. *' Doctor Ives ! how happy I am to see you," said Emily, hastily closing her portfolio, and before Denbigh had gone 100 PRECAUTTOX. half through its contents ; " you have become almost a stran- ger to us since Clara left us," "No, no, my little friend, never a stranger, I hope, at Moseley Hall," cried the doctor, pleasantly ; " George, I am happy to see you look so well — you have even a color — there is a letter for you, from Marian." Denbigh took the letter eagerly, and retired to a window to peruse it. His hand shook as he broke the seal, and his interest in the writer, or its contents, could not have es- caped the notice of any observer, however indifferent. " Now, Miss Emily, if you will have the goodness to ordei me a glass of wine and water after my ride, believe me, you will do a very charitable act," cried the doctor, as he took his seat on the sofa. Emily was standing by the little table, deeply musing on the contents of her portfolio ; for her eyes were intently fixed on the outside, as if she expected to see through the leather covering their merits and faults. " Miss Emily Moseley," continued the doctor, gravely, *' am I to die of thirst or not, this warm day ?" " Do you wish anything, Doctor Ives ?" " A servant to get me a glass of wine and water." '* Why did you not ask me, my dear sir?" said Emily, as she threw open a cellaret, and handed him what he wanted '' There, my dear, there is a great plenty," said the doctor, with an arch expression ; " I really thought I had asked you thrice — but I believe you were studying something in that portfolio." Emily blushed, and endeavored to laugh at her own ab eence of mind ; but she would have given the world to Jsno^ who Marian was. PRECAUTION. 191 CHAPTER XX. Asa month had elapsed since he received his wound, Den- bgh took an opportunity, one morning at breakfast, where lie was well enough now to meet his friends, to announce his intention of trespassing no longer on their kindness, but of returning that day to the rectory. The communication dis- tressed the whole family, and the baronet turned to him in the most cordial manner, as he took one of his hands, and said with an air of solemnity — " Mr.- Denbigh, I could wish you to make this house your home ; Dr. Ives may have known you longer, and may have the claim of relationship on you, but I am certain he cannot love you better ; and are not the ties of gratitude as binding as those of blood ?" Denbigh was affected by the kindness of Sir Edward's manner. " The regiment I belong to, Sir Edward, will be reviewed next week, and it has become my duty to leave here ; there is one it is proper I should visit, a near connexion, who is ac- quainted with the escape I have met with, and wishes natu- Tilly to see me; besides, my dear Sir Edward, she has many ciuses of sorrow, and it is a debt I owe her affection to en- deavor to relieve them." It was the first time he had ever spoken of his family, or hardly of himself, and the silence which prevailed plainly showed the interest his listeners took in the little he uttered. That connexion, thought Emily — I wonder if her name be Marian ? But nothing further passed, excepting the affec- 102 PRECAUTION. tionatfe regrets of her father, and the promises of Denbigh to visit them again before he left B , and of joining them at L immediately after the review of which he had spoken. As soon as he had breakfasted, John drove him in his phaeton to the rectory. Mrs. Wilson, like the rest of the baronet's family, had been too deeply impressed with the debt they owed this young man to interfere with her favorite system of caution against too great an intimacy between her niece and her preserver. Close observation and the opinion of Dr. Ives had prepared her to give him her esteem; but the gallantry, the self- devotion he had displayed to Emily was an act calculated to remove heavier objections than she could imagine as likely to exist to his becoming her husband. That he meant it, was evident from his whole deportnient of late. Since the morn- ing the portfolio was produced, Denbigh had given a more decided preference to her niece. The nice discrimination of Mrs. Wilson would not have said his feelings had become stronger, but that he labored less to conceal them. That he loved her niece she suspected from the first fortnight of their acquaintance, and it had given additional stimulus to her in- vestigation into his character ; but to doubt it, after stepping between her and death, would have been to have mistaken human nature. Tkere was one qualification she would have wished to have been certain he possessed : before this accident, she would have made it an indispensable one ; but the gra- titude, the affections of Emily, she believed now to be too deeply engaged to make the strict inquiry she otherwise would have done ; and she had the best of reasons for believing that if Denbigh were not a true Christian, he w^i^s at least a strictly moral man,*and assuredly one who well understood the beauties of a religion she almost conceived it impossible for any impartial and intelligent man long to resist PRECAUTION. 193 Perhaps Mrs. Wilson, haviug in some measure interfered with Q«ir system, hke others, had, on finding it impossible to con- duct so that reason would justify all she did, began to find reasons for what she thought best to be done under the circumstances. Denbigh, however, both by his acts and his opinions, had created such an estimate of his worth in the breast of Mrs. Wilson, that there would have been but little danger of a repulse had no fortuitous accident helped him in his way to her favor. "Who have we here?" said Lady Moseley. "A landaulet and four — the Earl of Bolton, I declare !" Lady Moseley turned from the window with that collected grace she so well loved, and so well knew how to assume, to receive her noble visitor. Lord Bolton was a bachelor of sixty-five, who had long been attached to the court, and retained much of the manners of the old school. His prin- cipal estate was in Ireland, and most of that time which his duty at Windsor did not require he gave to the improvement of his Irish property. Thus, although on perfectly good terms with the baronet's family, they seldom met. With General Wilson he had been at college, and to his widow he always showed much of that regard he had invariably pro- fessed for her husband. The obligation he had conferred, unasked, on Francis Ives, was one conferred on all his friends, and his reception was now warmer than usual. " My Lady Moseley," said the earl, bowing formally on her \iand, "your looks do ample justice to the air of Northamp tonshire. I hope you enjoy your usual health." Then, waiting her equally courteous answer, he paid his comphments, in succession, to all the members of the family ; a mode undoubtedly well adapted to discover their severaJ conditions, but not a little tedious in its operations, and some- what tiresome lo the legs. 9 194 PRECAUTION. " We are under a debt of gratitude to your lordsliip," said Sir Edward, in his simple and warm-hearted way, " that T am sorry it is not in our power to repay more amply than by our thanks." The earl was, or affected to be, surprised, as he required an explanation. " The living at Bolton," said Lady Moseley, with dignity. "Yes," continued her husband; "in giving the hving to Frank you did me a favor, equal to what you would have done had he been my own child ; and unsolicited, too, my lord, it was an additional compliment." The earl sat rather uneasy during this speech, but the love of truth prevailed ; for he had been too much round the person of our beloved sovereign not to retain all the impres- sions of his youth ; and after a httle struggle with his self- love, he answered — *' Not unsolicited, Sir Edward. I have no doubt, had my better fortune allowed me the acquaintance of my present rector, his own merit would have obtained what a sense of justice requires I should say was granted to an applicant to whom the ear of royalty itself would not have been deaf." It was the turn of the Moseleys now to look surprised, and Sir Edward ventured to ask an explanation. " It was my cousin, the Earl of Pendennyss, who applied for it, as a favor done to himself ; and Pendennyss is a man not to be refused anything." " Lord Pendennyss !" exclaimed Mrs. Wilson, with anima tion ; " and in what way came we to be under this obligation to Lord Pendennyss ?" " He did me the honor of a call during my visit to Ireland, madam," replied the earl ; " and on inquiring of my steward after his old friend, Doctor Stevens, learnt his death, and the claims of Mr. Ives: but the reason he gave me was his PRECAUTluX. 19A »nterest in the widow of General Wilson," bowing with much solemnity to the lady as he spoke. " I am" gratified to find the earl yet remembers us," said Mm. Wilson, strusfirlinoc to restrain her tears. * " Are we to hare the pleasure of seeing him soon?" " I received a letter from him yesterday, saying he should be here in all next week, madam." And turning pleasantly to Jane and her sister, he continued, " Sir Edward, you hav here rewards fit for heavier services, and the earl is a great admirer of female charms." " Is he not married, my lord ?" asked the baronet, with great simplicity. ** No, baronet, nor engaged ; but how long he will remain so after his hardihood in venturinjr into this neicrhborhood, will, I trust, depend on one of these young ladies." Jane looked grave — for trifling on love was heresy, in her estimation ; but Emily laughed, with an expression in which a skilful physiognomist might have read — if he means me, he is mistaken. " Your cousin. Lord Chatterton, has found interest, Sir Edward," continued the peer, " to obtain his father's situa- tion ; and if reports speak truth, he wishes to become more nearly related to you, baronet." " I do not well see how that can happen," said Sir Edward with a smile, and who had not art enough to con ceal his thoughts, " unless he takes my sister here." The cheeks of both the young ladies now vied with the rose ; and the peer, observing he had touched on forbidden ground, added, " Chatterton was fortunate to find friends able to bear up against the powerful interest of Lord Haverford." " To whom was he indebted for the place, my lord ?* asked Mis. Wilson. 196 PRECAUTION. " It was whispered at court, madam," said tlie earl. sensibly lowering his voice, and speaking with an air of mystery " and a lord of the bed-chamber is fonder of dis- coveries than a lord of the council — that His Grace of Der- went threw the whole of his parliamentary interest into the scale on the baron's side, but you are not to suppose," raising his hand gracefully, vnth a wave of rejection, " that I speak from authority ; only a surmise, Sir Edward, only a surmise, my lady." " Is not the name of the Duke of Derwent, Denbigh ?" inquired Mrs. Wilson, with a thoughtful manner. " Certainly, madam, Denbigh," replied the earl, with a gravity with which he always spoke of dignities ; "one of our most ancient names, and descended on the female side from the Plantagenets and Tudors." He now rose to take his leave, and on bowing to the younger ladies, laughingly repeated his intention of bringing his cousin (an epithet he never omitted), Pendennyss, to their feet. " Do you think, sister," said Lady Moseley, after the earl had retired, " that Mr. Denbigh is of the house of Der- went ?" " I cannot say," replied Mrs. Wilson, musing, " yet it i« odd, Chatterton told me of his acquaintance with Ladr Harriet Denbigh, but not with the Duke." As this was spoken in the manner of a soliloquy, ' received no answer, and was in fact but little attended to b^ any of the party, excepting Emily, who glanced her eye once or twice at her aunt as she was speaking, with an interest the name of Denbigh never failed to excite. Harriet was, she thought, a pretty name, but Marian was a prettier ; if, thought Emily, I could know a Marian Denbigh, I am sure I could love her, and her Name too. TRECAITIOS. The Mosek'vs now began to make their preparations foi their departure to L , and the end of the succeeding week was fixed for the period at which they were to go. Mrs. Wilson urged a delay of two or three days, in order to give her an opportunity of meeting with the Earl of Pen- dennyss, a young man in whom, although she had relin- quished her former romantic wish of uniting him to Emily, in favor of Denbigh, she yet felt a deep interest, growing out of his connexion with the last moments of her husband, and his uniformly high character. Sir Edward accordingly acquainted his uncle, that on the following Saturday he might expect to receive himself and family, intending to leave the hall in the afternoon of the preceding day, and reach Benfield lodge to dinner. This arrangement once made, and Mr. Benfield notified of it, was unalterable, the old man holding a variation from an engagement a deadly sin. The week succeeding the acci- dent which had nearly proved so fatal to Denbigh, the inhabitants of the hall were surpi^sed with the approach of a being, as singular in his manners and dress as the equipage which conveyed him to the door of the house. The latter consisted of a high-backed, old-fashioned sulky, loaded with leather and large-headed brass nails; wheels at least a quarter larger in circumference than those of the present day, and wings on each side large enough to have supported a full grown roc in the highest regions of the upper air. It was drawn by a horse, once white, but whose milky hue was tarnished through age with large and numerous red spots, and whose mane and tail did not appear to have suff*ered by the shears during the present reign. The being who alighted from this antiquated vehicle was tall and excessively thin, wore his own hair drawn over his almost naked head into a long thin queue, which reached half 198 PRECAUTION. way down his back, closely cased in numerous windings of leather, or the skin of some fish. His drab coat was in shape between a frock and a close-body— close-body, indeed, it ^Tas ; for the buttons, which were in size about equal to an old-fashioned China saucer, were buttoned to the very throat, thereby setting oflf his shape to peculiar advantage ; his breeches were buckskin, and much soiled ; his stockings blue yarn, although it was midsummer ; and his shoes w ere provided with buckles of dimensions proportionate to the aforesaid buttons ; his age might have been seventy, but his walk was quick, and the movements of his whole system showed great activity both of mind and body. He was ushered into the room where the gentlemen were sitting, and having made a low and extremely modest bow, he deliberately put on his spectacles, thrust his hand into an outside pocket of his coat, and produced from under its huge flaps a black leathern pocket-book about as large as a good-sized octavo volume ; after examining the multitude of papers it contained carefully, he selected a letter, and having returned the pocket-book to its ample apartment, read aloud, " For Sir Edward Moseley, bart. of Moseley Hall, B , Northamptonshire — with care and speed, by the hands of Mr. Peter Johnson, steward of Benfield Lodge, Norfolk ;" and dropping his sharp voice, he stalked up to the baronet, and presented the epistle, with another reverence. " Ah, my good friend, Johnson," said Sir Edward as soon as he delivered his errand (for until he saw the contents of the letter, he had thought some accident had occurred to his uncle), " this is the first visit you have ever honored me with ; come, take a glass of wine before you go to your dinner ; let us drink, that it may not be the last." " S r Edward Moseley, and you, honorable gentlemen, wili PRECAU7T0X. lOU pardon me," replied the steward, in his own solemn key, " this is the first time I was ever out of his majesty's county of Norfolk, and I devoutly wish it may prove the last — Gentlemen, I drink your honorable healths." This was the only real speech the old man made during his visit, unless an occasional monosyllabic reply to a ques- tion could be thought so. He remained, by Sir Edward' positive order, until the following day ; for having delivered his message, and receiving its answer, he was about to take his departure that evening, thinking he might get a good piece on his road homewards, as it wanted half an hour to sunset. On the following morning, with the sun, he was on nis way to the house in which he had been born, and which he had never left for twenty-four hours at a time in his life. In the evening, as he was ushered in by John (who had known him from his own childhood, and loved to show him attention) to the room in which he was to sleep, he broke what the young man called his inveterate silence, with, " Young Mr. Moseley — young gentleman — might I pre- sume — to ask — to see the gentleman ?" " What gentleman ?" cried John, astonished at the request, and at his speaking so much. " That saved Miss Emmy's life, sir." John now fully comprehended him, and led the way to Denbigh's room ; he was asleep, but they were admitted to his bed-side. The steward stood for ten minutes gazing on the sleeper in silence ; and John observed, as he blew his nose on regaining his own apartment, that his little grey eyes twinkled with a lustre which could not be taken for anything but a tear. As the letter was as characteristic of the writer as its bearer was of his vocation, we may be excused giving it at length. <«\)0 PRECAUTION. ** Dear Sir Edward and Nephew^ " Your letter reached the lodge too late to be answert-j that evening, as I was about to step into my bed ; but I hasten to write my congratulations, remembering the often repeated maxim of my kinsman Lord Gosford, that letters should be answered immediately ; indeed, a neglect of it had very nigh brought about an affair of honor between the earl and Sir Stephens Hallett. Sii Stephens was always opposed to us in the House of Commons of this realm ; and I have often thought something might have passed in the debate itself, which commenced the correspon- dence, as the earl certainly told him as much as if he were a traitor to his King and country. " But it seems that your daughter Emily has been rescued from death by the grandson of General Denbigh, who sat with us in the house. Now I always had a good opinion of this young Denbigh, Avho reminds me, every time I Ibok at him, of my late brother, your father-in-law that was ; and I send my steward, Peter Johnson, express to the hall in order that he may see the sick man, and bring me back a true account how he fares : for should he be wanting for anything within the gift of Roderic Benfield, he has only to speak to have it ; not that I suppose, nephew, you will willingly allow him to suffer for anything, but Peter is a man of close observation, although he is of few words, and may suggest something beneficial, that might escape younger heads. I pray for — that is, I hope, the young man will recover, as your letter gives great hopes ; and if he should want any little matter to help him along in the army, as I take it he is not over wealthy, you have now a good opportunity to offer your assistance handsomely ; and that it may not interfere with your arrangements for this winter, your draft on me for five thousand pounds will b%. PRECAUTION. 201 paid at sight ; for fear he may be proud, and not choose to accept your assistance, I have this morning detained Peter, while he has put a codicil to my will, leaving him .ten thousand pounds. You may tell Emily she is a naughty child, or she would have written me the whole story ; but, poor dear, I suppose she has other things on her mind just now. God bless Mr. that is, God bless you all, and try if you cannot get a lieutenant-colonelcy at once — the brother of Lady Juliana's friend was made a lieutenant- colonel at the first step. " RODERIC BeNFIELD." The result of Peter's reconnoitering expedition has never reached our knowledge, unless the arrival of a servant some days after he took his leave, with a pair of enormous goggles, and which the old gentleman assured his nephew in a note, both Peter and himself had found useful to weak eyes in their occasional sickness, might have been owing to the prudent forecast of the sagacious steward. *02 rRECAUTION. CHAPTER XXI. The morning on which Denbigh left B was a melan choly one to all the members of the little circle, in which he had been so distinguished for his modesty, his intelligence, and his disinterested intrepidity. Sfr Edward took an opportunity solemnly to express his gratitude for the services he had rendered him, and having retired to his library, delicately and earnestly pressed his availing himself of the liberal offer of Mr. Benfield to advance his interest in the army. " Look upon me, my dear Mr. Denbigh," said the good baronet, pressing him by the hand, while the tears stood in his eyes, " as a father, to supply the" place of the one you have so recently lost. You are my child ; I feel as a parent to you, and must be suffered to act as one." To this affectionate offer of Sir Edward, Denbigh replied with an emotion equal to that of the baronet, though he declined, with respectful language, his offered assistance as unnecessary. He had friends powerful enough to advance his interests, without resorting to the use of money ; and on taking Sir Edward's hand, as he left the apartment, he added with great warmth, " yet, my dear Sir, the day will come, I hope, when I shall ask a boon from your hands, ihat no act of mine or a life of service could entitle me to receive." The baronet smiled his assent to a request he already understood, and Denbigh withdrew. John Moseley insisted on putting the bays in requisition to PRECAUTION. 203 carry Denbigh for the first stage, and they now stood capa- risoned for the jaunt, with their master in a less joyous mood than common, waiting the appearance of his companion, Emily delighted in their annual excursion to Benfiekl Lodge. She was beloved so warmly, and returned the affection of its owner so sincerely, that the arrival of the day never failed to excite that flow of spirits which generally aicompanies anticipated pleasures, ere experience has proved how trifling are the greatest enjoyments the scenes of this life bestow. Yet as the day of their departure drew near, her spirits sunk in proportion ; and on the morning of Den- bigh's leave-taking, Emily seemed anything but excessively happy. There was a tremor in her voice and a redness about her eyes that alarmed Lady Moseley ; but as the paleness of her cheeks was immediately succeeded by as fine a color as the heart could wish, the anxious mother allowed herself to be persuaded by Mrs. Wilson there was no danger, and she accompanied her sister to her own room for some purpose of domestic economy. It was at this moment Denbigh en- tered : he had paid his adieus to the matrons at the door, and been directed by them to the little parlor in quest of Emily. "I have come to make my parting compliments, Miss Moseley," he said, in a tremulous voice, as he ventured to hold forth his hand. " May heaven preserve you," he con- . tinued, holding it in fervor to his bosom : then dropping it, he hastily retired, as if unwilling to trust himself any longer to utter all he felt. Emily stood a few moments, pale and almost inanimate, as the tears flowed rapidly from her eyes , and then she sought a shelter in a seat of the window. Lady Moseley, on returning, was alarmed lest the draught would increase her indisposition ; but her sister, observing thnt the window commanded a view of the road, thought the aur too mild to do her injury. 204 PRECAUTION. The personages who composed the society at B had flow, in a great measure, separated, in pursuit of their duties or their pleasures. The merchant and his family left the deanery for a watering-place. Francis and Clara had gone on a little tour of pleasure in the northern counties, to take L in their return homeward ; and the morning arrived for the commencement of the baronet's journey to the same place. The carriages had been ordered, and servants werq running in various ways, busily employed in their several occupations, when Mrs. Wilson, accompanied by John and his sisters, returned from a walk they had taken to avoid the bustle of the house. A short distance from the park gates, an equipage was observed approaching, creating by. its numerous horses and attendants a dust which drove the pedestrians to one side of the road. An uncommonly elegant and admirably fitted travelling bai-ouche and six rolled by, with the graceful steadiness of an English equipage : several servants on horseback were in attendance ; and our little party were struck with the beauty of the whole establish' ment. " Can it be possible Lord Bolton drives such elegant horses ?" cried John, with the ardor of a connoisseur in that noble animal. '* They are the finest set in the kingdom." Jane's eye had seen, through the clouds of dust, the armorial bearings, which seemed to float in the dark glossy panels of the carriage, and she observed, " It is an earl'i coronet, but they are not the Bolton arms," Mrs. Wilson and Emily had noticed a gentleman reclining at his ease, as the owner of the gallant show ; but its passage was too rapid to enable them to distinguish the features of the courteous old earl ; indeed, Mrs. Wilson remarked, she thought him a younger man than her friend. ^*Pray, sir," said John to a tardy groom, as v»e civilW PRECAUTION. 20{ walked Ins horse by the ladies, " who has passed in thfc barouche?" " My Lord Pendennyss, sii'." " Pendennyss !" exclaimed Mrs. Wilson, with a tone of regret, " how unfortunate !" She had seen the day named for his visit pass without hi arrival, and now, as it was too late to profit by the oppor- tunity, he had come for the second time into her neighborhood Emily had learnt, by the solicitude of her aunt, to take au interest in the young peer's movements, and desired John to ask a question or two of the groom. " Where does your lord stop to-night?" " At Bolton Castle, sir ; and I heard my lord tell his valet that he intended staying one day hereabouts, and the day after to-morrow he goes to Wales, yorr honor." " I thank you, friend," said John ; when the man spurred his horse after the cavalcade. The carriages were at the door, and Sir Edward had been hurrying Jane to enter, as a servant, in a rich livery and well mounted, galloped up and delivered a letter for Mrs. Wilson, who, on opening it, read the following : " The Earl of Pendennyss begs leave to present his most respectful compliments to Mrs. Wilson and the family of Sir Edward Moseley. Lord Pendennyss will have the honor of paying his respects in person at any moment that the widow of his late invaluable friend, Lieutenant- General Wilson, will please to appoint. Bolton Castle, Friday evening." To this note Mrs. Wilson, bitterly regretting the necessity which compelled her to forego the pleasure of meeting her paragon, wrote in reply a short letter, disliking the formalitv of a note. 206 precaution. *' My Lord, " I sincerely regret that an engagement which cannot be postponed ^,oinpels us to leave Moseley Hall within the hour, and must, m consequence, deprive us of the pleasure of your intended visit. But as circumstances have connected your ordship with some of the dearest, although the most melan- choly events of my life, I earnestly beg you will no longer consider us as strangers to your person, as we hav2 long- ceased to be to your character. It will afibrd me the greatest pleasure to hear that there will be a prospect of our meeting in town next winter, where I may find a more fitting oppor- tunity of expressing those grateful feelings so long due to your lordship from your sincere friend, " Charlotte Wilson. " Moseley Hall, Friday morning." With this answer the servant was despatched, and the carriages moved on. John had induced Emily to trust her- self once more to the bays and his skill ; but on perceiving the melancholy of her aunt, she insisted on exchanging seats with Jane, who had accepted a place in the carriage of Mrs. Wilson. No objection being made, Mrs. Wilson and her niece rode the first afternoon together in her travelling chaise. The road run within a quarter of a mile of Bolton Castle, and ihe ladies endeavored in vain to get a glimpse of the person of the young nobleman. Emily was willing to gratify her aunt's propensity to dwell on the character and history of her ("avorite ; and hoping to withdraw her attention gradually from more unpleasant recollections, asked several- trifling questions relating to those points. " The earl must be very rich, aunt, from the style he maintains." " Very, my dear ; his family I am unacquainted with, but rnncAUTioN. 207 1 understand his title is an extremely ancient one ; and some one, I believe Lord Bolton, mentioned that his estates in Wales alone, exceeded fifty thousand a year." '* Much good might be done," said Emily, thoughtfully, " with such a fortune." *' Much good is done," cried her aunt, with fervor. •' I am told by every one who knows him, his donations are large and frequent. Sir Herbert Nicholson said he was extremely simple in his habits, and it leaves large sums at his disposal every year." " The bestowal of money is not always charity," said Emily, with an arch smile and a slight color. Mrs. Wilson smiled in her turn as she answered, "not al- ways, but it is charity to hope for the best." " Sir Herbert knew him, then ?" said Emily. " Perfectly well ; they were associated together in ihe ser- vice for several years, and he spoke of him with a fervor equal to my warmest expectations." The Moseley arms in F was kept by an old butler of the family, and Sir Edward every year, in going to or coming from L , spent a night under its roof. He was i-eceived by its master with a respect that none who ever knew the baronet well, could withhold from his goodness of heart and many virtues. " W^ell, Jackson," said the baronet, kindly, as he was feated at the supper table, " how does custom increase with you — I hope you and the master of the Dun Cow are more amicable than formerly." " Why, Sir Edward," replied the host, who had lost a nttle of the deference of the servant in the landlord, but none of his real respect, "Mr. Daniels and I are more upon a footing of late than we was, when your goodnes? enabled me to take the house ; then he got a.l the great truvelleis, and COS PRECAUffON. for more than a twelvemonth I had not a title in my house but yourself and a great London doctor, that was called here to see a sick person in the town. He had the impudence to call me the knight barrow-knight, your honor, and we had a quarrel upon that account." " I am glad, however, to find you are gaining in the rank of your customers, and trust, as the occasion has ceased, ycu will be more inclined to be good-natured to each other." " Why, as to good-nature, Sir Edward, I lived with your honor ten years, and you must know somewhat of my tem- per," said Jackson, with the self-satisfaction of an approving conscience ; " but Sam Daniels is a man who is never easy unless he is left quietly at the top of the ladder ; however," continued the host, with a chuckle, " I have given him a dose lately." "■ How so, Jackson?" inquired the baronet, willing to gra- tify the man's wish to relate his triumphs. *' Your honor must have heard mention made of a great lord, the Duke of Derwent ; well, Sir Edward, about six weeks agone he passed through w^ith my Lord Chatterton." " Chatterton !" exclaimed John, interrupting him, " has he been so near us again, and so lately ?" " Yes, Mr. Moseley," replied Jackson with a look of im- portance : " they dashed into my yard with their chaise and four, with five servants, and would you think it. Sir Edward, they hadn't been in the house ten minutes, before Daniels son was fishing from the servants, who they were ; I tol I liim, Sir Edward — dukes don't come every day." '' How came you to get his grace away from the Dun Gov — chance V* " No, your honor," said the host, pointing to his sign, and bowing reverently to his old master, " the Moseley Arms did it. Mr. Daniels used to taunt me with having worn a livery, PRECAUTION. 209 and has said more than once he could milk his cow, but that your honor's arms would never lift me into a comfortable seat for life ; so I just sent him a message by the way of letting him know my good fortune, your honor." " And what was it ?" " Only that your honor's arms had shoved a duke and a baron into my house — that's all." " And I suppose Daniels' legs shoved your messenger oul of his," said John, laughing. " No, Mr. Moseley ; Daniels would hardly dare do that but yesterday, your honor, yesterday evening, beat every- thing. Daniels was seated before his door, and I was taking a pipe at mine, Sir Edward, as a coach and six, with servants upon servants, drove down the street ; it got near us, and the boys were reining the horses into the yard of the Dun Cow, as the gentleman in the coach saw my sign : he sent a groom to inquire who kept the house ; I got up, your honor, and told him my name, sir. * Mr. Jackson,' said his lordship, * my respect for the family of Sir Edward Moseley is too great not to give my custom to an old servant of his family; " " Indeed," said the baronet ; " pray who was my lord ?" *' The Earl of Pendennyss, your honor. Oh, he is a sweet gentleman, and he asked all about my living with your honor, and about Madam Wilson." '• Did his lordship stay the night ?" inquired Mrs. Wilson, excessively gratified at a discovery of the disposition mani- fested by the earl towards her. "Yes, madam, he left here after breakfast." "What message did you send the Dun Cow this time, Jackson?" cried John. Jackson looked a little foolish, but the question bem^ re- peated, he answered- " Why, sir, I was a little crowdec* for i^lO PRKCAUTIOX. room, and so your honor, so I just sent Tom across the street, to know if Mr. Daniels couldn't keep a couple of the grooms." " And Tom got his head broke." " No, Mr. John, the tankard missed him ; but if — " " Very well," said the baronet, willing to change the con- versation, " you have been so fortunate of late, you can afford to be generous ; and I advise you to cultivate harmony with your neighbor, or I may take my arms down, and you may lose your noble visiters — see my room prepared." " Yes, your honor," said the host, and bowing respectfully he withdrew. " At least, aunt," cried John, pleasantly, " we have tho pleasure of supping in the same room with the puissant earlj albeit there be twenty-four hours' difference in the time." " I sincerely wish there had not been that difference," ob served his father, taking his sister kindly by the hand. " Such an equipage must have been a harvest indeed t( Jackson," remarked the mothei* ; as they broke up for the evening. The whole establishment at Benfield Lodge, were drawn up to receive them on the following day in the great hall, and in the centre was fixed the upright and lank figure of its master, with his companion in leanness, honest Peter Johnson, on his right. " I have made out, Sir Edward and my Lady Moseley, to get as far a^ my entrance, to receive the favor you are coi - ferring upon me. It was a rule in my day, and one invarial^ly practised by all the great nobihty, such as Lord Gosford — and — and — his sister, the lady Juliana Dayton, always to re- ceive and quit their guests in the country at the great en- trance ; and in conformity — ah, Emmy dear," cried the old gentleman, folding her in his arms as the tears rolled down PRECAUTION. 211 iiis cheeks, forgetting his speech in the warmth of his feehng, " You are saved to us again ; God be praised — there, that will do, let me breathe — let me breathe ;" and then by the way of getting rid of his softer feelings, he turned upon John ; " so, youngster, you would be playing with edge tools, and put the hfe of your sister in danger. No gentleman held a gun in my day ; that is, no gentleman about the court. My Lord Gosford had never killed a bird in his hfe, or drove his horse ; no sir, gentlemen then were not coachmen. Peter how old was I before I took the reins of the chaise, in driving round the estate — the time you broke your arm ? it was—" Peter, who stood a little behind his master, in modest re- tirement, and who had only thought his elegant form brought thither to embellish the show, when called upon, advanced a step, made a low bow, and answered in his sharp key : " In the year 1798, your honor, and the 38th of his present majesty, and the 64th year of your life, sir, June the 12th, about meridian." Peter dropped back as he finished ; but recollecting him- self, regained his place with a bow, as he added, " new style." " How are you, old style ?" cried John, with a slap on the back, that made the steward jump again. " Mr. John Moseley — young gentleman" — a term Peter had left off using to the baronet within the last ten years, " did you think — to bring home — the goggles ?" " Oh yes," said John, gravely, producing them from his pocket. Most of the party having entered the parlor, he pr.t them carefully on the bald head of the steward — "There, Mr Peter Johnson, you have your property again, safe and Bound." ** And Mr. Denbigh said he felt much indebted to your 212 PRECAUTTON. consideration in sending them," said Emily, soothingly, as she took them off with her beautiful hands. " Ah, Miss Emmy," said the steward, with one of his bes' bows, ** that was — a noble act ; God bless him !" then hold ing up his finger significantly, "the fourteenth codicil — to master's will," and Peter laid his finger alongside his nose, as he nodded his head in silence. " I hope the thirteenth contains the name of honest Peter Johnson," said the young lady, who felt herself uncommonly well pleased with the steward's conversation. " As witness, Miss Emmy — witness to all — but God for- bid," said the steward with solemnity, " I should ever live to see the proving of them : no. Miss Emmy, master has done for me what he intended, while I had youth to enjoy it. I am rich, Miss Emmy — good three hundred a year." Emily, who had seldom heard so long a speech as the old man's gratitude drew from him, expressed her pleasure at hearing it, and shaking him kindly by the hand, left him for the parlor. "Niece," said Mr. Benfield, having scanned the party closely with his eyes, " where is Colonel Denbigh ?'' " Colonel Egerton, you mean, sir," interrupted Lady Moseley. " No, my Lady Moseley," replied her uncle, with great formality, " I mean Colonel Denbigh. I take it he is a colo- nel by this time," looking expressively at the baronet ; " and who is fitter to be a colonel or a general, than a man who ia not afraid of gunpowder ?" *' Colonels must have been scarce in your youth, sir," cried John, who had rather a mischievous propensity to start the old man on his hobby. "No, jackanapes, gentlemen killed one another then, al- though they did not torment the innocent birds : honor was PRECAUTION. 213 as dear to a gentleman of George the Second's court, as to those of his grandson's, and honesty toOj sirrah — ay, honesty. I remember when we were in, there was not a man of doubt ful integrity in the ministry, or on our side even ; and then again, when we went out, the opposition benches were filled with sterling characters, making a parliament that was cor- rect throughout. Can you show me such a thing at this day?" 214 PRECAUTION. CHAPTER XXII. k FEW days after the arrival of the Moseleys at the lodge John drove his sisters to the httle village of L , which at that time was thronged with an unusual number of visiters. It had, among other fashionable arrangements for the accom- modation of its guests, one of those circulators of good and evil, a public hbrary. Books are, in a great measure, the in- struments of controlling the opinions of a nation like ours. They are an engine, alike powerful to save or to destroy. It cannot be denied, that our libraries contain as many volumes of the latter, as the former description; for we rank amongst the latter that long catalogue of idle productions, which, if they produce no other evil, lead to the misspending of time, ottr own perhaps included. But we cannot refrain expressing our regret, that such formidable weapons in the cause of morality, should be suffered to be wielded by any indifferent or mercenary dealer, who undoubtedly will consult rather the pubhc tastes than the private good : the evil may be reme- diless, yet we love to express our sentiments, though we should suggest nothing new or even profitable. Into one of these haunts of the idle, then, John Moseley entered with a lovely sister leaning on either arm. Books were the enter- tainers of Jane, and instructors of Emily. Sir Edward was fond of reading of a certain sort — that which required no great depth of thought, or labor of research ; and, like most others who are averse to contention, and disposed to be easily satisfied, the baronet sometimes found he had harbored opi- nions on things not exactly reconcileable with the truth, or PRECAUTION. 215 even with each other. It is quite as dangerous to give up your faculties to the guidance of the author you are perusing, as it is unprofitable to be captiously scrutinizing every syl- lable he may happen to advance ; and Sir Edward was, if anything, a little inclined to the dangerous propensity. Un- pleasant, Sir Edward Moseley never was. Lady Moseley very seldom took a book in her hand : her opinions were established to her own satisfaction on all important points, and on the minor ones, she made it a rule to coincide with the popular feeling. Jane had a mind more active than her father, and more brilliant than her mother ; and if she liad not imbibed injurious impressions from the unlicensed and indiscriminate reading she practised, it was more owing to the fortunate circumstance, that the baronet's library contained nothing extremely offensive to a pure taste, nor dangerous to good morals, than to any precaution of her parents against the deadly, the irretrievable injury to be sustained from un- governed liberty in this^ respect to a female mind. On the other hand, Mrs. Wilson had inculcated the necessity of re- straint, in selecting the books for her perusal, so strenuously on her niece, that what at first had been the effects of obedi- ence and submission, had now settled into taste and habit ; and Emily seldom opened a book, unless in search of inform- ation ; or if it were the indulgence of a less commendable spirit, it was an indulgence chastened by a taste and judg- ment that lessened the danger, if it did not entirely re- i.iove it. The room was filled with gentlemen and ladies ; and while John was exchanging his greetings with several of the neigh- boring gentry of his acquaintance, his sisters were running nastily over a catalogue of the books kept for circulation, as an elderly lady, of foreign accent and dress, entered ; and depositing a couple of religious works on the counter, she 216 PRECAUTION. inquired for the remainder of the set. The peculiarity of her idiom and her proximity to the sisters caused them both to look up at the moment, and, to the surprise of Jane, her sister uttered a slight exclamation of pleasure. The foreigner was attracted by the sound, and after a moment's hesitation, she respectfully curtsied. Emily, advancing, kindly offered her hand, and the usual inquiries after each other's welfare sue ceeded. To the questions asked after the friend of the matron Emily learnt, with some surprise,^and no less satisfac- tion, that she resided in a retired cottage, about five miles from L , where they had been for the last six months, and where they expected to remain for some time, " until she could prevail on Mrs. Fitzgerald to return to Spain ; a thing, now there was peace, of which she did not despair." After asking leave to call on them in their retreat, and exchanging good wishes, the Spanish lady withdrew, and, as Jane had made her selection, was followed immediately by John Moseley and his sisters. Emily, in their walk home, ac- quainted her btother that the companion of their Bath incognita had been at the library, and that for the first time she had learnt that their young acquaintance was, or had been, married, and her name. John listened to his sister with the interest which the beautiful Spaniard had excited at the time they first met, and laughingly told her he could not beHeve their unknown friend had ever been a wife. To satisfy this doubt, and to gratify a wish they both had to renew their acquaintance with the foreigner, they agreed to drive to the cottage the following morning, accompanied by Mrs. Wilson and Jane, if she would go ; but the next day was the one appointed by Egerton for his arrival at L , and Jane, under a pretence of writing letters, decHned the excursion. She had carefully examined the papers since his departure; had seen his name included in the arrivals at PRECAUTION. 217 London; and at .a later day, had read an account of the review by the commander-in-chief of the regiment to which he belonged. He had never written to any of her friends ; but, judging from her own feelings, she did not in the least doubt he would be as punctual as love could make him. Mrs. Wilson listened to her niece's account of the unexpected nterview in the library with pleasure, and cheerfully promised to accompany them in their morning's excursion, as she had both a wish to alleviate sorrow, and a desire to better under- stand the character of this accidental acquaintance of Emily's Mr. Benfield and the baronet had a long conversation in relation to Denbigh's fortune the morning after their arrival; and the old man was loud in his expression of dissatisfaction at the youngster's pride. As the baronet, however, in the fulness of his affection and simplicity, betrayed to his uncle his expectation of a union between Denbigh and his daughter, Mr. Benfield became contented with this reward ; one fit, he thought, for any services. On the whole, *' it was best, as he was to marry Emmy, he should sell out of th6 army ; and as there would be an election soon, he would bring him into parliament — yes — yes — it did a man so much good to sit one term in the parliament of this realm — to study human nature. All his own knowledge in that way was raised on the founda- tions laid in the House." To this Sir Edward cordially assented, and the gentlemen separated, happy in their arrangements to advance the welfare of two beings they so sincerely loved. Although the care and wisdom of Mrs. Wilson had pro- hibited the admission of any romantic or enthusiastic expectations of happiness into the day-dreams of her charge, yet the buoyancy of health, of hope, of youth, of innocence, had elevated Emily to a height of enjoyment hitherto unknown to her usually placid and disciplined pleasures. Denbigh 10 218 PRECAUTION. certainly mingled in most of her thoughts, both of the past and the future, and she stood on the threshold of that fan- tastic edifice in which Jane ordinarily resided. Emily was in the situation perhaps the most dangerous to a young female Christian : her heart, her affections, were given to a man, to appearance, every way worthy of possessing them, it is true but she had admitted a lival in her love to her Maker ; and to keep those feelings distinct, to bend the passions in due submission to the more powerful considerations of endless duty, of unbounded gratitude, is one of the most trying struggles of Christian fortitude. We are much more apt to forget our God in prosperity than adversity. The weakness of human nature drives us to seek assistance in distress ; but vanity and worldly-mindedness often induce us to imagine we control the happiness we only enjoy. Sir Edward and Lady Moseley could see nothing in the prospect of the future but lives of peace and contentment for their children. Clara was happily settled, and her sisters were on the eve of making connexions .with men of family, condition, and certain character. What more could be done for them ? They must, like other people, take their chances in the lottery of life ; they could only hope and pray for their prosperity, and this they did with great sincerity. Not so Mrs. Wilson : she had guarded the invaluable charge intrusted to her keeping with too much assiduity, too keen an interest, too just a sense of the awful responsibility she had undertaken, to desert her post at the moment watchful ness was most required. By a temperate, but firm and well- chosen conversation she kept alive the sense of her real condition in her niece, and labored hard to prevent the blandishments of life from supplanting the lively hope of enjoying another existence. She endeavored, by her pious example, her prayers, and her iudicious allusions, to keep the PRECAUTTOX. 219 passion of love in the breast of Emily secondary to the more important object of her creation ; and, by the aid of a kind dnd Al might J Providence, her labors, though arduous, were crowned with success. As the family were seated round the table after dinner, on the day of th'^ir walk to the library, John Moseley, awakening from a reverie, exclaimed suddenly, *' Which do you think the handsomest, Emily, Grace Chat ^erton or Miss Fitzo^erald ?" Emily laughed, as she answered, " Grace, certainly ; do you not think so, brother ?" " Yes, on the whole ; but don't you think Grace looks like her mother at times ?" " Oh no, she is the image of Chatterton." " She is very like yourself, Emmy dear," said Mr. Benfield, who was listening to their conversation. " Me, dear uncle ; I have never heard it remarked before." *' Yes, yes, she is as much like you as she can stare. I never saw as great a resemblance, excepting between you and Lady Juliana — Lady Juliana, Emmy, was a beauty in her day ; very like her uncle, old Admiral Griffin — you can't re- member the admiral — he lost an eye in a battle with the Dutch, and part of his cheek in a frigate, when a young naan fighting the Dons. Oh, he was a pleasant old gentleman ; many a guinea has he given me when I was a boj at school." " And he looked like Grace Chatterton, uncle, did he V a-sked John, innocently. " No, sir, he did not ; who said he looked hke Grace Chat- terton, jackanapes ?" "Why, I thought you made it out, sir: but perhaps it was the description that deceived me — his eye and cheek, uncle." 220 PRECAUTION. " Did Lord Gosford leave children, uncle ?" inquired Emily, throwing a look of reproach at John. '' No, Emmy dear ; Lis only child, a son, died at school. I shall never forget the grief of poor Lady Juliana. She postponed a visit to Bath three weeks on account of it. A gentleman who was paying his addresses to h«V at the time, offered then, and was refused — indeed, her self-denial raised such an admiration of her in the men, that immediately after the death of young Lord Dayton, no less than seven gentle- men offered, and were refused in one week. I heard Lady Juliana say, that what between lawyers and suitors, she had not a moment's peace." " Lawyers 1" cried Sir Edward : *' what had she to do with lawyers ?" " Why, Sir Edward, six thousand a year fell to her by the death of her nephew ; and there were trustees and deeds to be made out — poor young woman, she was so affected, Emmy, I don't think she went out for a week — all the time at home reading papere, and attending to her important concerns. Oh ! she was a woman of taste ; her mourning, and liveries, and new carriage, were more admired than those of any one about the court. Yes, yes, the title is extinct ; I know of none of the name now. The Earl did not survive his loss but six years, and the countess died broken-hearted, about a twelvemonth before him." " And Lady Juliana, uncle," inquired John, ** what became of her, did she marry ?" The old man helped himself to a glass of wine, and looked )ver his shoulder to see if Peter was at hand. Peter, who nad been originally butler, and had made it a condition of his preferment, that whenever there was company, he should be allowed to p'reside at the sideboard, was now at his sta- tion. Mr. Benfield, seeing his old friend near him, ventured PRECAUTION. 221 to talk on a subject he seldom trusted himself with in com- pany. " Why, yes — yes — she did marry, it's true, although she did tell me she intended to die a maid ; but — hem — I sup- pose — hem — it was compassion for the old viscount, who often said he could not live without her; and then it gav^ her the power of doing so much good, a jointure of five thou sand a year added to her own income: yet — hem— I do confess I did not think she would have chosen such an old and infii-m man — but, Peter, give me a glass of claret." Peter handed the claret, and the old man proceeded : — " They say he was very cross to her, and that, no doubt, must have made her unhappy, she was so very tender-hearted." How much longer the old gentleman would have continued in this strain, it is impossible to say ; but he was interrupted by the opening of the parlor door, and the sudden appear- ance on its threshold of Denbigh. Every countenance glowed with pleasure at this unexpected return of their favorite ; and but for the prudent caution of Mrs. Wilson, in handing a glass of water to her niece, the surprise might have proved too much for her. The salutations of Denbigh were re- turned by the different members of the family with a cordi- ahty that must have told him how much he was valued by all its branches ; and after briefly informing them that his review was over, and that he had thrown himself into a chaise and travelled post until he had rejoined them, he took Lis seat by Mr. Benfield, who received him with a marked preference, exceeding that which he had shown to any man who had ever entered his doors, Lord Gosford himself not excepted. Peter remo 'ed from his station behind his mas- ter's chair to one where he could face the new comer ; and after wiping his eyes until they filled so rapidly with water, that at last he was noticed by the delighted John to put on 222 PRECAUTION. the identical goggles which his care had provided for Den- bigh in his illness. His laugh drew the attention of the rest to the honest steward, and when Denbigh wavS told this was Mr. Benfield's ambassador to the hall, he rose from his chair, and taking the old man by the hand, kindly thanked him for his thoughtful consideration for his weak eyes. Peter took the offered hand in both his own, and after ma king one or two unsuccessful efforts to speak, ht; uttered, " Thank you, thank you ; may Heaven bless you," and burst into tears. This stopped the laugh, and John followed the steward from the room, while his master exclaimed, wiping his eyes, " Kind and condescending ; just such another as mv old friend, the Earl of Gosford." PRECAUTION. 22a CHAPTER XXIIL At the appointed hour, the carriage of Mrs. Wilson was ready to convey herself and niece to the cottage of Mrs. Fitzgerald. John was left behind, under the pretence of keeping Denbigh company in his morning avocations, but really because Mrs. Wilson doubted the propriety of his becoming a visiting acquaintance at the house, tenanted as the cottage was represented to be. John was too fond of his friend to make any serious objections, and was satisfied for the present, by sending his compliments, and requesting his sister to ask permission for him to call in one of his morning excursions, in order to pay his personal respects. They found the cottage a beautiful and genteel, though a very small and retired dwelling, almost hid by the trees and shrubs which surrounded it, and its mistress in its little veranda, expecting the arrival of Emily. Mrs. Fitzgerald was a Spaniard, under twenty, of a melancholy, yet highly interesting countenance ; her manners were soft and retiring, but evidently bore the impression of good company, if not of high life. She was extremely pleased with this renewal of attention on the part of Emily, and expressed her gratitude to both ladies for their kindness in seeking her out in her solitude. She presented her more matt-only companion to them, by the name of Donna Lorenza ; and as nothing but good feeling prevailed, and useless ceremony was banished, the little party were soon on terms of friendly intercourse. The young widow (for sucli her dress indicated her to be), did the honors of her house with o-i-Hcet'ul ease, and conduct 224 . PREUAUTIOX. ed her visiters into her little grounds, which, together witii the cottage, gave evident proofs of the taste and elegance of its occupant. The establishment she supported she repre- sented as very small ; two women and an aged man servant, with occasionally a laborer for her garden and shrubbery. They never visited ; it was a resolution she had made on fixing her residence here, but if Mrs. Wilson and Miss Moseley would forgive the rudeness of not returning their call, nothing would give her more satisfaction than a frequent renewal of their visits. Mrs. Wilson took so deep an interest in the misfortunes of this young female, and was so much pleased with the modest resignation of her manner, that it required little persuasion on the part of the recluse to obtain a promise of soon repeating her visit. Ejnily mentioned the request of John, and Mrs. Fitzgerald received it with a mournful smile, as she replied that Mr. Moseley had laid her under such an obligation in their first interview, she could not deny herself the pleasure of again thanking him for it ; but she must be excused if she desired they would limit their attendants to him, as there was but one gentleman in England whose visits she admitted, and it was seldom indeed he called ; he had seen her but once since she had resided in Norfolk. After giving a promise not to sufier any one else to accompany them, and promising an early call again, our ladies returned to Benfield Lodge in season to dress for dinner. On entering the drawing-room, they found the elegant person of Colonel Egerton leaning on the back of Jane's chair. He had arrived during their absence, and immediately sought the baronet's family. His reception, if not as warm as that given to Denbigh, was cordial fnom all but the master of the house ; and even he was in such spirits by the company around him, and the prospects of Emily's PRECAUTION. 225 marriage (which he considered as settleaj, that he forced him- self to an appearance of good will he did not feel. Colonel Egerton was either deceived by his manner, or too much a man of the world to discover his suspicion, and everything in consequence was very harmoniously, if not sincerely conducted between them. Lady Moseley was completely happy. If she had the least doubts before, as to the intentions of Egerton, the/ were now removed. His journey to that unfashionable watering-place, was owing to his passion ; and however she might at times have doubted as to Sir Edgar's heir, Denbigh she thought a man of too little consequence in the world, to make it possible he would neglect to profit by his situation m the family of Sir Edward Moseley. She was satisfied with both connexions. Mr. Benfield had told her General Sir Frederic Denbigh was nearly allied to the Duke of Derwent, and Denbigh had said the general was his grandfather. Wealth, she knew Emily would possess from both her uncle and aunt ; and the services of the gentleman had their due weight upon the feelings of the affectionate mother. The greatest of her maternal anxieties was removed, and she looked forward to the peaceful enjoyment of the remnant of her days in the bosom of her descendants. John, the heir of a baronetcy, and 15,000 pounds a year, might suit himself; and Grace Chatterton, she thought, would be likely to prove the future Lady Moseley. Sir Edward, without entering so deeply into anticipations of the future as his wife, experienced an equal degree of contentment ; and it would have been a difficult task to discover in the island a roof, under which there resided at the moment more happy countenances than at Benfield Lodge ; for as its master had insisted on Denbigh beconiing an inmate, he was obliged to extend his hospitality in an equal degree to 10* 220 rj'.KCAUTiox. Colonel Egerton : indeed, the subject had been fully can- vassed between him and Peter the morning of his arrival, and was near being decided against his admission, vhen the steward, who had picked up all the incidents of the arbor cene from the servants (and of course with many exaggera- tions), mentioned to his master that the colonel was very active, and that he even contrived to bring water to revive Miss Emmy, a great distance, in the hat of Captain Jar vis, which w^as full of holes, Mr. John having blown it off the head of the captain without hurting a hair, in firing at a woodcock. This mollified the master a little, and he agreed to suspend his decision for further observation. At dinner, the colonel happening to admire the really handsome face of Lord Gosford, as delineated by Sir Joshua Reynolds, which graced the dining-room of Benfield Lodge, its master, in a moment of unusal kindness, gave the invitation ; it was politely accepted, and the colonel at once domesticated. The face of John Moseley alone, at times, exhibited evidences of care and thought, and at such moments it might be a subject of doubt whether he thought the most of Grace Chatterton or her mother : if the latter, the former was sure to lose ground in his estimation ; a serious misfor- tune to John, not to be able to love Grace without alloy. His letters from her brother mentioned his being still at Denbigh castle, in Westmoreland, the seat of his friend the Duke of Derwent ; and John thought one or two of his encomiums on Lady Harriet Denbigh, the sister of his grace, augured that the unkindness of Emily might in time be forgotten. The dowager and her daughters were at the Eeat of a maiden aunt in Yorkshire, where as John knew no male aninaal was allowed admittance, he was tolerably easy at the disposition of things. Nothing but legacy-hunting he knew would induce the dowager to submit to such a PRECAUTION. 22*. banisliment from the other sex ; but that was so preferabK to husband-hunting he was satisfied. " I wish," said Johi» mentally, as he finished the perusal of his lettei, " mother Chatterton would get married herself, and she might let Kate and Grace manage for themselves. Kate would do very well, I dare say, and how would Grace make out 1" ^ohn sighed, and whistled for Dido and Rover. In the manners of Colonel Egerton there was the same general disposition to please, and the same unremitted atten- tion to the wishes and amusements of Jane. They had renewed their poetical investigations, and Jane eagerly encouraged a taste which afforded her delicacy some little coloring foF the indulgence of an association different from the real truth, and which, in her estimation, was' necessary to her happiness. Mrs. Wilson thought the distance between the two suitors for the favor of her nieces was, if anything, increased by their short separation, and particularly noticed on the part of the colonel an aversion to Denbigh that at times painfully alarmed, by exciting apprehensions for the future happiness of the precious treasure she had prepared herself to yield to his solicitations, whenever .properly prof- fered. In Ihe intercourse between Emily and her preserver, * as there was nothing to condemn, so there was much to admire. The attentions of Denbigh were pointed, although less exclusive than those of the colonel ; and the aunt was j)l eased to observe that if the manners of Egerton had more of the gloss of hfe, those of Denbigh were certainly dis- iinguished by a more finished delicacy and propriety. The one appeared the influence of custom and association, with a tincture of artifice ; the other, benevolence, with a just per- ception of what was due to others and with an air of sincerity, when speaking of sentiments and principles, that was parti- ticularly pleasing to the watchful widow. At times, however. 228 PRECAUTION. she could not but observe an air of restraint, if not of awk- wardness, about him that was a little surprising. It was most observable in mixed society, and once or twice her imagina- tion pictured his sensations into something like alarm. These unpleasant interruptions to her admiration were soon forgotten in her just appreciation of the more solid parts of his charac- ter, which appeared hterally to be unexceptionable; and when momentary uneasiness would steal over her, the remembrance of the opinion of Dr. Ives, his behavior with Jarvis, his charity, and chiefly his devotion to her niece, would not fail to drive the disagreeable thoughts from her mind. Emily herself moved about, the image of joy and innocence. If Denbigh were near her, she was happy; if. absent, she suft'ered no uneasiness. Her feelings were so ardent, and yet so pure, that jealousy had no admission. Perhaps no circumstances existed to excite this usual attendant of the passion ; but as the heart of Emily was more enchained than her imagination, her aftections were not of the restless nature of ordinary attachments, though more dangerous to her peace of mind in the event of an unfortunate issue. With Denbigh she never walked or rode alone. He had never made the request, and her dehcacy would have shrunk frem such an open manifestation of her preference ; but he read to her and her aunt ; he accompanied them in their little excursions ; and once or twice John noticed that she took the offered hand of Denbigh to assist her over any little impediment h their course, instead of her usual unobtrusive custom of taking his arm on such occasions. "Well, Miss Emily, thought John, " you appear to have chosen another favorite, on her doing this three times in succession in one of their, walks. " How strange it is women will quit their natural friends for a face they have hardly seen." John forgot his own — " There is no danger, dear Grace," when his sist/^r waa TMtnrirriov. ooo almost dead with apprehension. But John loved Emily too well to witness her preference of another with satisfaction, even though Denbigh was the favorite; a feehng which soon wore away, however, by dint of custom and reflection. Mr. Benfield had taken it into his head that if the wedding of Emily could be solemnized while the family was at the lodge, it would render him the happiest of men ; and how to com- pass this object, was the occupation of a whole mornino-'s contemplation. Happily for Emily's blushes, the old gentle man harbored the most fastidious notions of female delicacy,' and never in conversation made the most distant allusion to the expected connexion. He, therefore, in conformity with these feelings, could do nothing openly; all must be the effect of management ; and as he thought Peter one of the best contrivers in the world, to his ingenuity he determined to refer the arrangement. The bell rang — " Send Johnson to me, David." In a few minutes, the drab coat and blue yarn stockings entered his dressing-room with the body of Mr. Peter Johnson snugly cased within them. "Peter," commenced Mr. Benfield, pointing kindly to a chair, which the steward respectfully declined, "I suppose you know that Mr. Denbigh, the grandson of General Den- bigh, who was in parliament with me, is about to marry my little Emmy ?" Peter smiled, as he bowed an assent. "Now, Peter, a wedding would, of all things, make roe most happy ; that is, to have it here in the lodge. It would remind me so nuuh of the marriage of Lord Gosford, and the bridemaids. 1 wish your opinion how to bring it about before they leave us Sir Edward and Anne decline mter- fering, and Mrs. Wilson I am afraid to speak to on tba subject." 230 PRECAUTION. Peter was not a little alarmed by this sudden requisition on his inventive faculties, especially as a lady was in the case ; but, as he prided himself on serving his master, and loved the hilarity of a wedding in his heart, he cogitated for some time in silence, when, having thought a preliminary question or two necessary, he broke it with saying — " Everything, I suppose, master, is settled between the young people ?" " Everything, I take it, Peter." " And Sir Edward and my lady *?" " WilHng ; perfectly wiUing." " And Madam Wilson, sir ?" " Willing, Peter, willing." *' And Mr. John and Miss Jane ?" *' All willing ; the whole family is willing, to the best of my belief.'* " There is the Rev. Mr. Ives and Mrs. Ives, master ?" " They wish it, I know. Don't you think they wish others as happy as themselves, Peter ?" ** No doubt they do, master. Well, then, as everybody is willing, and the young people agreeable, the only thing to be done, sir, is " " Is what, Peter ?" exclaimed his impatient master observing him to hesitate. " Why, sir, to send for the priest, I take it." " Pshaw ! Peter Johnson, I know that mjself," replied the dissatisfied old man. " Cannot you help me to a better plan ?" " Why, master," said Peter, " I would have done as well for Miss Emmy and your honor as I would have done for myself. Now, sir, when I courted Patty Steele, your honor, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-five, I should have been married but for one diffi- PRECAUTIOX. 2.11 culty, whicli your honor says is removed in the case of Miss Emmy." " What was that, Peter ?" asked his master, in a tender tone. *' She wasn't willing, sir.'* " Very well, poor Peter," replied Mr. Ben6eld, mildly *' you may go." And the steward, bowing low, withdrew. The similarity of their fortunes in love was a strong link in the sympathies which bound the master and man together, and the former never failed to be softened by an allusion to Patty. The want of tact in the man, on the present occasion, after much reflection, was attributed by his master to the fact that Peter had never sat in parliament. 232 PRECAUTION. CHAPTER XXIV. Mrs. Wilson and Emily, in the fortnight they had /^en at Benfield Lodge, paid frequent and long visits to th« cot- tage: and each succeeding interview left a more favorable impression of the character of its mistress, and a greater cer- tainty that she was unfortunate. The latter, however, allu- ded very slightly to her situation or former life ; she was a Protestant, to the great surprise of Mrs. Wilson ; and one that misery had made nearly acquainted with the religion she professed. Their conversations chiefly turned Ctfi the cus- toms of her own, as contrasted with those of her adopted country, or in a pleasant exchange of opinions, which the ladies possessed in complete unison. One morning John had accompanied them and been admitted ; Mrs. Fitz- gerald receiving him with the frankness of an old acquaint- ance, though with the reserve of a Spanish lady. His visits were permitted under the direction of his aunt, but no others of the gentlemen were included amongst her guests. Mrs. Wilson had casually mentioned, in the absence of her niece, the interposition of Denbigh between her and death; and Mrs. Fitzgerald was so much pleased at the noble conduct of the gentleman, as to express a desire to see him ; but th impressi^h.G wished to know, as they bad been read, she turned to tie superscription of one of them, and saw — " George Denbigh, Esq." in the well known hand-writing of Dr. Ives. — Mrs, Wilson felt herself overcome to a degree that compelled her 12 266 PKECAUTIOK. to lower a glass of the carriage for air. She sat gazing on the letters until the characters swam before her eyes in undis- tinguished confusion ; and with diflSculty she rallied her thoughts to the point necessary for investigation. As soon as she found herself equal to the task, she examined the let- ters with the closest scrutiny, and opened them both to be sure there was no mistake. She saw the dates, the " dear George" at the commencements, and the doctor's name sub- scribed, before she would believe they were real ; it was then the truth appeared to break upon her in a flood of light. The aversion of Denbigh to speak of Spain, or of his services in that country — his avoiding Sir Herbert Nicholson, and that gentleman's observations respecting him — Colonel Egerton's and his own manners — his absence from the ball, and start- ling looks on the following morning, and at different times before and since — his displeasure at the name of Pendennyss on vaiious occasions — and his cheerful acceptance of her invitation to ride until he knew her destination, and singu- lar manner of leaving her — were all accounted for by this dreadful discovery, and Mrs. Wilson found the solution of her doubts rushing on her mind with a force and rapidity that sickened her. The misfortunes of Mrs. Fitzgerald, the unfortunate issue to the passion of Jane, were trifles in the estimation of Mrs. Wilson, compared to the discovery of Denbigh's unworthi- ness. She revolved in her mind his conduct on various occa- sions, and wondered how one who could behave so well in common, could thus yield to temptation on a particular occa- sion. His recent attempts, his hypocrisy, however, proved that his villany was systematic, and she was not weak enough to hide from herself the evidence of his guilt, or of its enor* mity. His interposition between Emily and death, she attri bated now to natural courage, and perhaps in some measure PRECAUTION. 207 to chance; but his profound and unvarying reverence fof holy things, his consistent charity, his refusing to fight, to what were they owing ? And Mrs. Wilson mourned th weakness of human nature, while she acknowledged to her self, there might be men, qualified by nature, and even dis- posed by reason and grace, to prove ornaments to religion and the world, who fell beneath the maddening influence of their besetting sins. The superficial and interested vices of Egerton vanished before these awful and deeply seated offences of Denbigh, and the correct widow saw at a glance, that he was the last man to be intrusted with the happiness of her niece ; but how to break this heartrending discovery to Emily was a new source of uneasiness to her, and the car- riage stopped at the door of the lodge, ere she had deter- mined on the first step required of her by duty. Her brother handed her out, and, filled with the dread that Denbiofh had availed himself of the opportunity of her ab- sence to press his suit with Emily, she eagerly inquired after him. She was rejoiced to hear he had returned with John for a fowling-piece, and together they had gone in pursuit of game, although she saw in it a convincing proof that a desire to avoid Mrs. Fitzgerald, and not indisposition, had induced him to leave her. — As a last alternative, she resolved to have the pocket-book returned to him in her presence, in order to see if he acknowledged it to be his property ; and, accord ingly, she instructed her own man to hand it to him while ai- dinner, simply saying he had lost it. The open and unsuspecting air with which her niece met Denbigh on his return gave Mrs. Wilson an additional shock, and she could hardly command herself sufficiently to extend the common courtesies of good breeding to Mr. Benfield's guest. While sitting at the dessert, her servant handed the pocket- 268 PRECAUTION. book, as directed by his mistress, to its owner, saying, *' Your pocket-book, I believe,, Mr. Denbigh." Denbigh took the book, and held it in his hand for a moment in surprise, and then fixed his eye keenly on the man, as he inquired where he found it, and how he knew it was his. These were inter- rogatoiies Francis was not prepared to answer, and in his con- fusion he naturally turned his eyes on his mistress. Denbigh followed their direction with his own, and in encountering the looks of the lady, he asked in a stammering manner, and with a face of scarlet, " Am I indebted to you, madam, for my property ?" " No, sir ; it was given me by one who found it, to restore to you," said Mrs. Wilson, gravely, and the subject was dnipped, both appearing willing to say no more. Yet Denbigh was abstracted and absent during the remainder of the repast, and Emily spoke to him once or twice without obtaining an answer. Mrs. Wilson caught his eye several times fixed on her with an inquiring and doubtful expression, that convinced her he was alarmed. If any confirmation of his guilt had been wanting, the consciousness he betrayed during this scene aftbrded it ; and she set seriously about considering the short- est and best method of interrupting his intercourse with Emily, before he had drawn from her an acknowledgment of her love. PRECAUTION. 269 CHAPTER XXYTH On withdrawing to her dressing-room after dinner, Mrs. Wilson commenced the disagreeable duty of removing the veil from the eyes of her niece, by recounting to her the substance of Mrs. Fitzgerald's last communication. To the mnocence of Emily such persecution could excite no other sensations than surprise and horror ; and as her aunt omitted the part concerning the daughter of Sir Edward Moseley, she naturally expressed her wonder as to who the wretch could be. " Possibly, aunt," she said with an involuntary shudder, " some of the many gentlemen we have lately seen, and one who has had art enough to conceal his real character from the world." " Concealment, my love," replied Mrs. Wilson, " would be hardly necessary. Such is the fashionable laxity of morals, that I doubt not many of his associates would laugh at his misconduct, and that he would still continue to pass with the world as an honorable man." " And ready," cried her niece, " to sacrifice human life, in the defence of any ridiculous punctilio." " Or," added Mrs. Wilson, striving to draw nearer to her subject, " with a closer veil of hypocrisy, wear even an affec tation of principle and moral feeling that would seem to forbid such a departure from duty in favor of custom." " Oh ! no, dear aunt," exclaimed Emily, with glowing cheeks and eyes dancing with pleasure, " he would hardly tlare to be so very base. It would be profanity." 270 "* PRECAUTION. Mrs. Wilson sighed heavily as she witnessed that confiding esteem which would not permit her niece even to suspect that an act which in Denbigh had been so warmly applauded, could, even in another, proceed from unworthy motives ; and she found it would be necessary to speak in the plainest terms, to awaken her suspicions. Willing, however, to come gradually to the distressing truth, she replied — " And yet, my dear, men who pride themselves greatly on their morals, nay, even some who wear the mask of religion, and perhaps deceive themselves, admit and practise this very appeal to arms. Such inconsistencies are by no means uncommon. And why, then, might there not, with equal probability, be others who would revolt at murder, and yet not hesitate being guilty of lesser enormities? This is, in some measure, the case of every man ; and it is only to con- sider kilhng in unlawful encounters as murder, to make it one in point." " Hypocrisy is so mean a vice, I should not think a brave man could stoop to it," said Emily, " and Julia admits he was brave." " And would not a brave man revolt at the cowardice of insulting an unprotected woman ? And your hero did that too," replied Mrs. Wilson, bitterly, losing her self-command in indignation. " Oh ! do not call him my hero, I beg of you, dear aunt," said Emily, starting, excited by so extraordinary an allusion, but instantly losing the unpleasant sensation in the delightful consciousness of the superiority of the man on whom she had bestowed her own admiration. " In fact, my child," continued her aunt, " our natures are guilty of the grossest inconsistencies. The vilest wretch has generally some property or. which he values himself, and the most perfect are too often frail on some tender point. Long PRECAUTION. 271 ind hied friendships are those only wliic]\ can be trusted, and these oftentimes fail." Emily looked at her aunt in surprise at hearing her utter Bucli unusual sentiments ; for Mrs. Wilson, at the same time she had, by divine assistance, deeply impressed her niece with the frailty of her nature, had withheld the disgusting representation of human vices from her view, as unnecessary to her situation and dangerous to her humility. ' After a short pause, Mrs. Wilson continued, " Marriage is a fearful step in a woman, and one she is compelled, in some measure, to adventure her happiness on, without fitting opportunities of judging of the merit of the man she confides in. Jane is an instance in point, but I devoutly hope you are not to be another." While speaking, Mrs. Wilson had taken the hand of Emily, and by her looks and solemn manner she had succeeded in alarming her niece, although Denbigh was yet furthest from the thoughts of Emily. The aunt reached her a glass of water, and willing to get rid of the hateful subject she con- tinued, hurriedly, " Did you not notice the po^,ket-book Francis gave to Mr. Denbigh ?" Emily fixed her inquiring eyes on her aunt, as the other added, " It was the one Mrs. Fitzgerald gave me to-day." Something like an indefinite glimpse of the facts crossed the mind of Emily ; and as it most obviously involved a separation from Denbigh, she sank lifeless into the extended arms of her aunt. This had been anticipated by Mrs. Wilson, and a timely application of restoratives soon brought her back to a consciousness of misery. Mrs. Wilson, unwilling any one but herself should witness this first burst of grief, succeeded in getting her niece to her own room and in bed. Emily made no lamentations — shed no tears — asked no questions — her eye was fixed, and every faculty appeared oppressed with the load on hei heart. 272 PRECAUTION. Mrs. Wilson knew her situation too well to intrude witK unseasonable consolation or useless reflections, but sat patiently by her side, waiting anxiously for the moment she could be of service. At length the uplifted eyes and clasped hands of Emily assured her she had not forgotten herself or her duty, and she was rewarded for her labor and forbearance by a flood of tears. Emily was now able to listen to a mor full statement of the reasons her aunt had for believing in the guili of Denbigh, and she felt as if her heart was frozen up for ever, as the proofs followed each other until they amounted to demonstration. As there was some indication of fevei from her agitated state of mind, her aunt required she should remain in her room until morning ; and Emily, feeling every way unequal to a meeting with Denbigh, gladly assented After ringing for her maid to sit in the adjoining room, Mrs. Wilson went below, and announced to the family the indis- position of her charge, and her desire to obtain a little sleep. Denbigh looked anxious to inquire after the health of Emily, but there was a restraint on all his actions, since the return of his book, that persuaded Mrs. Wilson he apprehended that a detection of his conduct had taken place. He did venture to ask when they were to have the pleasure of seeing Miss Moseley again, hoping it would be that evening, as he had fixed the morning for his departure ; and when he learnt that Emily had retired for the night, his anxiety was sensibly increased, and he instantly withdrew. Mrs. Wilson was' alone in the drawing-room, and about to join her niece, ai. Denbigh entered it with a letter in his hand : he approached her with a diffident and constrained manner, and com- menced the followinsj dialoojue : " My anxiety and situation will plead my apology for trou- bling Miss Moseley at this time — may I ask you, madam, to de- liver this letter — I hardly dare ask you for your good offices." PRECAUTION. 273 Mrs. Wilson took the letter and coldly replied, " Certainly, sir ; and I sincerely wish I could be of any real service to you." " I perceive, madam," said Denbigh, like one that was choking, *' I have forfeited your good opinion — that pocket book—" " Has made a dreadful discovery," said Mrs. Wilson, shud- dering. " Will not one offence be pardoned, dear madam ?" cried Denbigh, with warmth ; " if you knew my circumstances — the cruel reasons— why — why did I neglect the paternal advice of Doctor Ives ?" " It is not yet too late, sir," said Mrs. Wilson, more mildly, " for your own good ; as for us, your deception — " " Is unpardonable — I see it — I feel it," cried he, in the accent of despair ; "yet Emily — Emily may relent — you will at least give her my letter — anything is better than this sus- pense." " You shall have an answer from Emily this evening, and one entirely unbiassed by me," said Mrs. Wilson. As she closed the door, she observed Denbigh gazing on her retiring figure with a countenance of despair, that caused a feeling of pity to mingle with her detestation of his vices. On opening the door of Emily's room, Mrs. Wilson found her niece in tears, and her anxiety for her health was alle- viated. She knew or hoped, that if she could once call in the assistance of her judgment and j)iety to lessen her sorrows, Emily, however she might mourn, would become resigned to her situation ; and the first step to attain this was the exer- cise of those faculties which had been, as it were, momen- tarily annihilated. Mrs. Wilson kissed her niece with tender- ness, as she placed the letter in her hand, and told her she would call for her answer within an hour. Employment, and 12* 274 PRECAUTION. the necessity of acting, would, she thought, be the surest means of reviving her energies ; nor was she disappointed. When the aunt returned for the expected answer, she was informed by the maid in the ante-chamber, that Miss Moseley was up, and had been writing. On entering, Mrs. Wilson stood a moment in admiration of the picture before her. Emily was on her knees, and by her side, on the carpet, lay the letter and its answer : her face was hid by her hair, and her hands were closed in the fervent grasp of petition. In a minute she rose, and approaching her aunt with an air of profound resignation, but great steadiness, she handed her the letter? her own unsealed : " Read them, madam, and if you approve of mine, I wil- thank you to deliver it." Her aunt folded her in her arms, until Emily, finding her- self yielding under the effects of sympathy, begged to be left alone. On withdrawing to her own room, Mrs. Wilson read the contents of the two letters. " I rely gTeatly on the goodness of Miss Moseley to pardon the liberty I am takmg, at a moment she is so unfit for such a subject ; but ray departure — my feelings- -must plead my apology. From the moment of my first acquaintance with you, I have been a cheerful subject to your loveliness and innocence. I feel — I know — I am not deserving of such a blessing ; but since knowing you, as I do, it is impossible not to strive to win you. You have often thanked me as the ] >reserver of your life, but you little knew the deep interest I had in its safety. Without it my own would be valueless. By accepting my offered hand, you will place me amongst the happiest, or by rejecting it, the most wretched of men.'* To this note, which was unsigned, and evidently written PRECAUTION. 27 5 under great agitation of mind, Emily had penned the fol- lowing reply : *' Si I — It is with much regret that I find myself reduced to the possibility of giving uneasiness to one to whom I am under such heavy obligations. It will never be in my power to accept the honor you have offered me ; and I beg you to Tec^ve my thanks for the compliment conveyed in your request, as well as my good wishes for your happiness in future, .and fervent prayers that you may be ever found worthy of it. — Your humble servant, " Emily Moseley." Perfectly satisfied with this answer, Mrs. Wilson went below in order to deliver it at once. She thought it probable, as Den- bigh had already sent his baggage to a tavern, preparatory to his intended journey, they would not meet again ; and as she felt a strong wish, both on account of Doctor Ives, and out of respect to the services of the young man himself, to conceal his conduct from the world entirely, she was in hopes that his absence might make any disclosure unnecessary. He took the letter from her with a trembling hand, and casting one of his very expressive looks at her, as if to read her thoughts, he withdrew. Emily had fallen asleep free from fever, and Mrs. Wilson had descended to the supper-room, when Mr. Benfield was first struck with the absence of his favorite. An inquiry after Denbigh was instituted, and while they were waiting his appearance, a servant handed the old man a note. " From whom ?" cried Mr. Benfield, in surprisa *' Mr. Denbigh, sir," said the servant. ** Mr. Denbigh ?" exclaimed Mr. Benfield : " no accident, I ope — I remember when Lord Gosford — here, Peter, your eyes are young ; read it for me, read it aloud." 276 PUECAUTIOX. As all but Mrs. Wilson were anxiously waiting to know the meaning of this message, and Peter had many preparations to go through before his youthful eyes could make out the contents, John hastily caught the letter out of his hand, saying he would save him the trouble, and, in obedience to hia uncle's wishes, he read aloud *' Mr. Denbigh, being under the necessity of leaving L • immediately, and unable to endure the pain of taking leave, avails himself of this means of tendering his warmest thanks to Mr. Benfield, for his hospitality, and to his amiable guests for their many kindnesses. As he contemplates leaving England, he desires to wish them all a long and an aflfection- ate farewell." " Farewell !'' cried Mr. Benfield ; " farewell — does he say farewell, John? Here, Peter, run — no, you are too old — John, run — bring my hat; I'll go myself to the village — some love-quarrel — Emmy sick — and Denbigh going away — yes— yes, I did so myself — Lady Juhana, poor dear soul, she was a long time before she could forget it — but Peter" — Peter had disappeared the instant the letter was finished, and he was quickly followed by John. Sir Edward and Lady Moseley were lost in amazement at this sudden and unex- pected movement of Denbigh, and the breast of each of the affectionate parents was filled with a vague apprehension that the peace of mind of another child was at stake. Jane felt a renewal of her woes, in the anticipation of something similar for her sister — for the fancy of Jane was yet active, and she did not cease to consider the defection of Egerton a kind of unmerited misfortune and fatality, instead of a probable con- sequence of want of principle. Like Mr. Benfield, she was in danger of raising an ideal idol, and of spending the r^naijiwdey PRECAUTION. 277 of her days in devotion to qualities, rarely if ever found iden- tified with a person that never had existed. The old gentle- man was entirely engrossed by a different object ; and having in his own opinion decided there must have been one of those misunderstandings which sometimes had occurred to himself and Lady Juliana, he quietly composed himself to eat his salad at the supper table : on turning his bead, however, in quest of his first glass of wine, he observed Petei- standing quietly by the sideboard with the favorite goggles over his eyes. Now Peter was troubled with two kinds of debility about his organs of vision ; one was age and natural weak- ness, while the other proceeded more directly from the heart. His master knew of these facts, and he took the alarm. Again the wine-glass dropped from his nerveless hand, as he said in a trembling tone, " Peter, I thought )^ou went" — " Yes, master," said Peter, laconically. " You saw him, Peter — will he rehirn ]" Peter was busily occupied at his glasses, although no one was dry. '* Peter," repeated Mr. Benfield, rising from his seat ; " is he coming in time for supper ?" Peter was obliged to reply, and deliberately uncasing his eyes and blowing his nose, he was on the point of opening his mouth, as John came into the room, and threw himself mto a chair with an air of great vexation. Peter pointed to the young gentleman in silence, and retired. " John," cried Sir Edward, " where is Denbigh ?*' " Gone, sir." " Gone !" " Yes, my dear father," said John, " gone without saying good-bye to one of us — without telling us whither, or when to return. It was cruel in him — unkind — I'll never forgive 278 PRECAUTION. him" — and John, whose feehngs were strong, and unusually excited, hid his face between his hands on the table. — As he raised his head to reply to a question of Mr. Benfield — of " how he knew he had gone, for the coach did not go until daylight ?'' Mrs. Wilson saw evident marks of tears. Such proofs of emotion in one like John Moseley gave her the satisfaction of knowing that if she had been de- ceived, it was by a concurrence of circumstances and a depth of hypocrisy almost exceeding belief: self-reproach added less than common, therefore, to the uneasiness of the moment. " I saw the innkeeper, uncle," said John, " who told me that Denbigh left there at eight o'clock in a post-chaise and four ; but I will go to London in the morning myself." This was no soonei- said than it was corroborated by acts, for the young man immediately commenced his preparations for the journey. The family separated that evening with melan- choly hearts ; and the host and his privy counsellor were closeted for half an hour ere they retired to their night's repose. John took his leave of them, and left the lodge for the inn, with his man, in order to be ready for the mail. Mrs. Wilson looked in upon Emily before she withdrew her- self, and found her awake, but perfectly calm and composed : she said but little, appearing desirous of avoiding all allusions to Denbigh ; and after her aunt had simply acquainted her with his departure, and her resolution to conceal the cause, the subject was dropped. Mrs. Wilson, on entering her own room, thought deeply on the discoveries of the day : they had interfered with her favorite system of morals, baffled her ablest calculations upon causes and effects, but in no degree had impaired her faith or reliance on Providence. She knew one exception did not destroy a rule : she was certain without princiDles there was no security for good conduct, and the PRECAUTION. 279 case ^f Denbigh proved it. To discover these principles, might be difficult ; but was a task imperiously required at her hands, as she believed, ere she yielded the present and futuf happiness of her pupil to the power of any man. t280 PRECAUTION. CHAPTEE XXIX. The day had not yet dawned, when John Moseley wa summoned to take his seat in the mail for London. Three of the places were already occupied, and John was compelled to get a seat for his man on the outside. An intercourse with strangers is particularly irksome to an Englishman, and none appeared disposed, for a long time, to break the silence. The coach had left the little village of L — — far behind it, before any of the rational beings it contained thought it pru- dent or becoming to bend in the least to the charities of our nature, in a communication with a fellow creature of whose name or condition he happened' to be ignorant. This reserve is unquestionably characteristic of the nation ; to what is it owing ! — modesty ? Did not national and deep personal vanity appear at once to refute the assertion, we might enter into an investigation of it. The good opinion of himself in an Englishman is more deeply seated, though less buoyant, than that of his neighbors ; in them it is more of manner, in us more of feeling ; and the wound inflicted on the self-love of the two is very different. The Frenchman wonders at its rudeness, but soon forgets the charge; while an Englishmai broods over it in silence and mortification. It is said thi distinction in character is owing to the different estimatioi of principles and morals in the two nations. The solidit} and purity of our ethics and religious creeds may have given a superior tone to our moral feeling ; but has that man a tenable ground to value himself on either, whose respect to sacred things grows out of a respect to himself: on the PRECAUTION. 28 1 other hand, is not humility the very foundation of the real Christian? For our part, we should be glad to see this national reserve lessened, if not done entirely away ; we believe it is founded in pride and uncharitableness, and could wish to see men thrown accidentally together on the roads of the country, mindful that they are also travelling in com- pany the highway of life, and that the goal of their destina- tion is equally attainable by all. John Moseley was occupied with thoughts very different from those of any of his fellow-travellers, as they proceeded rapidly on their route ; and it was only when roused from his meditations by accidentally coming in contact with the hilt of a sword, that he looked up, and in the glimmerings of the morning's light, recognised the person of Lord Henry Sta- Dleton : their eyes met, and — " My lord," — " Mr. Moseley," — were repeated in mutual surprise. John was eminently a social being, and he was happy to find recourse against his gloomy thoughts in the conversation of the dashing young sailor. The frigate of the, other had entered the bay the night before, and he was going to town to the wedding of his sister ; the coach of his brother the marquis was to meet him about twenty miles from town, and the ship was ordered round to Yarmouth, where he was to rejoin her. " But how are your lovely sisters, Moseley ?" cried the young sailor in a frank and careless manner. " I should have been half in love with one of them if I had time— and money ; both are necessary to marriage nowadays, you know." " As to time," said John with a laugh, " I believe that may be dispensed with, though money is certainly a different thing." " Oh, time too," replied his lordship. " I have never time enough to do anything as it ought to be done — always hurried 282 PRECAUTION. — I wish you could recommend to me a lady who would take the trouble off" my hands." " It might be done," said John with a smile, and the image cf Kate Chatterton crossed his brain, but it was soon suc- ceeded by that of her more lovely sister. " But how do you manage on board your ship — hurried there too ?" " Oh ! never there," replied the captain gravely ; " that's duty you know, and everything must be regular of course on shore it is a diflferent thing — there I am only a passenger. L has a charming society, Mr. Moseley — a week or ten days ago I was shooting, and came to a beautiful cottage about five miles from the village, that was the abode of a much more beautiful woman, a Spaniard, a Mrs. Fitzgerald — I am positively in love with her : so soft, so polished, so modest " " How came you acquainted with her ?" inquired Moseley, 'nterrupting him in a little surprise. " Chance, my dear fellow, chance. I was thirsty, and approached for a drink of water ; she was sitting in the ve- randa, and being hurried for time, you know, it saved the trouble of introduction. I fancy she is troubled with the same complaint; for she managed to get rid of me in no time, and with a great deal of pohteness. I found out her name, however, at the next house." During this rattling talk, John had fixed his eyes on the face of one of the passengers who sat opposite to him. Tl e Btranger appeared to be about fifty years of age, stronglv pock-marked, with a stifi" military air, and had the dress and exterior of a gentlemen. His face was much sun- burnt, though naturally very fair ; and his dark keen eye was intently fixed on the sailor as he continued his re- marks. "Do you know such a lady, Moseley ?" PRECAUTION. 283 * Yes,'' said Jolin, " though very slightly ; she is visited l» one of my sisters, and " ** Yourself," cried Lord Henry, with a laugh. "Myself, once or twice, ray lord, certainly," answered John, gravely ; " but a lady visited by Emily Moseley and Mrs. Wilson is a proper companion for any one. Mrs. Fitzgerald is very retired in her manner of living, and chance made us acquainted ; but not being, like your lordship, in want of time, we have endeavored to cultivate her society, as we have found it very agreeable." The countenance, of the stranger underwent several changes during this speech of John's, and at its close his eyes rested on him with a softer expression than generally marked its rigid and compressed muscles. Willing to change a dis- course that was growing too particular for a mail-coach, John addressed himself to the opposite passengers, while his eye yet dwelt on the face of the military stranger. " We are likely to have a fine day, gentlemen." The soldier bowed stiffly, as he smiled his assent, and the other passenger humbly answered, " Very, Mr. John," in the well known tones of honest Peter Johnson. Moseley started, as he turned his face for the first time on the lank figure which was modestly compressed into the smallest possible compass in the corner of the coach, in a way not to come in contact with any of its neighbors. " Johnson," exclaimed John, in astonishment, " you here ! Where are you going — to London ?" " To London, Mr. John," replied Peter, with a look of much importance; and then, by way of silencing further interrogatories, he added, '* On my master's business, sir." Both Moseley and Lord Henry examined him closely ; the former wondering what could take the steward, at the age of seventy, for tht> first time in his life, into the vortex of tha 284 PRECAUTION. capital ; and the latter in admiration at tlie figure and equip- ments of the old man. Peter was in full costume, with the exception of the goggles, and was in reality a subject to be gazed at; but nothing relaxed the muscles or attracted the particular notice of the soldier, who, having regained his set form of countenance, appeared drawn up in himself, waiting patiently for the moment he was expected to act. Nor did he utter more than as many words in the course of the first fifty miles of their journey. His dialect was singular, and such as put his hearers at a loss to determine his country. Lord Henry stared at him every time he spoke, as if to say, what countryman are you ? until at length he suggested to John he was some officer whom the downfal of Bonaparte had driven into retirement. " Indeed, Moseley," he added, as they were about to resume their carriage after a change of horses, "we must draw him out, and see what he thinks of his master now — delicately, you know." The soldier was, however, impervious to his lordship's attacks, until the project was finally aban- doned in despair. As Peter was much too modest to talk in the presence of Mr. John Moseley and a lord, the young men had most of the discourse to themselves. At a village fifteen miles from London, a fashionable carriage and four, with the coronet of a marquis, was in waiting for Lord Henry. John refused his invitation to take a seat with him to town ; for he had traced Denbigh from stage to stage, and was fearful of losing sight of him, unless he persevered in the manner he had commenced. Peter and he accordingly were put down safely at an inn in the Strand, and Moseley hastened to make his inquiries after the object of his pursuit. Such a chaise had arrived an hour before, and the gentleman had ordered his trunk to a neighboring hotel. After obtaining the address, and ordering a hackney coach, he hastened to the PRECAUTION. 285 house; but on inquiring for Mr. Denbigh, to his great mor tification was told they knew of no such gentleman. John turned away from the person he was speaking to in visible disappointment, when a servant respectfully inquired if the gentleman had not come from L , in Norfolk, that day. " He had," was the reply. " Then follow me, sir, if you please." They knocked at a door of one of the parlors, and the servant entered : he returned, and John was shown into a room, where Denbigh was sitting with his head resting on his hand, and apparently musing. On seeing who required admittance, he sprang from his seat and exclaimed — " Mr. Moseley ! Do I see aright ?" " Denbigh," cried John, stretching out his hand to him, ** was this kind — was it like yourself — to leave us so unex- pectedly, and for so long a time, too, as your note mentioned?" Denbigh waved his hand to the servant to retire, and handed a chair to his friend. " Mr. Moseley," said he, struggling with his feeUngs, " you appear ignorant of my pToposals to your sister." " Perfectly," answered the amazed John. " And her rejection of them." " Is it possible !" cried the brother, pacing up and down the room. " I acknowledge I did expect you to offer, but not to be refused." Denbigh placed in the other hand the letter of Emily, which, having reud, John returned, with a sigh. " This, then, is the reason you left us," he continued. " Emily is not capricious — it cannot be a sudden pique — she means as she says." " Yes, Mr. Moseley," said Denbigh, mournfully ; ** your sister is faultless — but I am not worthy of her — my decep- tion" — here the door again opened to the admission of Peter Johnson. Both the gentlemen rose at this sudden interrup. 286 PRECAUTION. tion, and the steward advancing to the table, once more produced the formidable pocket-book, the spectacles, and a letter. He ran over its direction — "For George Denbigh, Esquire, London, by the hands of Peter Johnson, with care and speed." After the observance of these preliminaries, he delivered the missive to its lawful owner, who opened it, and apidly perused its contents. Denbigh was much affected tvith whatever the latter might be, and kindly took the steward by the hand, as he thanked him for this renewed instance of the interest he took in him. If he would tell him where a letter would find him in the morning, he would send a reply to the one he had received. Peter gave his address, but appeared unwilling to go, until assured again and again that the answer would be infallibly sent. Taking a small account-book out of his pocket, and referring to its contents, the steward said, " Master has with Coutts & Co. £7,000 ; in the bank, £5,000. It can be easily done, sir, and never felt by us." Denbigh smiled in reply, as he assured the steward he would take proper notice of his master's offers in his own answer. The door again opened, and the military stranger was admitted to their presence. He bowed, appeared not a little surprised to find two of his mail-coach companions there, and handed Denbigh a letter, in quite as formal, althoucrh in a more silent manner than the steward. The soldier was invited to be seated, and the letter was perused with an evident curiosity on the part of Denbigh. As soon as the latter ended it, he addressed the stranger in a language which John rightly judged to be Spanish, and Peter took to be Greek. For a few minutes the conversation was main- tained between them with great earnestness, his fellow travellers marvelling much at the garrulity of the soldier however, the stranger soon rose to retire, when the door was thrown open for the fourth time, and a voice cried out, PRECAUTION. 287 *' Here I am, George, safe and sound — ready to kiss tbe bridesmaids, if they will let me — and I can find time — bless me, Moseley ! — old marling-spike ! — general ! — whew, where is the coachman and guard ?" — it was Lord Henry Stapleton. The Spaniard bowed again in silence and withdrew, while Denbigh threw open the door of an adjoining room and excused himself, as he desired Lord Henry to walk in there f r a few minutes. " Upon my word," cried the heedless sailor, as he com- plied, " we might as w^ell have stuck together, Moseley ; we Avere bound to one port, it seems." " You know Lord Henry ?" said John, as he withdrew. " Yes," said Denbigh, and he again required his address of Peter, which having been given, the steward departed. The conversation between the two friends did ,not return to the course it was taking when they were interrupted, as Moseley felt a delicacy in making any allusion to the pro- bable cause of his sister's refusal. He had, however, begun to hope it was not irremovable, and with the determination of renewing his visit in the morning, he took his leave, to allow Denbigh to attend to his other guest. Lord Henry Stapleton. About twelve on the following morning, John and the steward met at the door of the hotel where Denbigh lodged, in quest of the same person. The latter held in his hand the answer to his master's letter, but wished particularly to 8 e its writer. On inquiring, to their mutual surprise they were told, that the gentleman had left there early in the morning, having discharged his lodgings, and that they were unable to say whither he had gone. To hunt for a man with- out a clew, in the city of London, is usually time misspent. Of this Moseley was perfectly sensible, and disregarding a pro- position of Peter's, he returned to his own lodgings. The pro- 288 PRECAUTION. posal of the steward, if it did not do much credit to liia sagacity, was much in favor of his perseverance and enter- prise. It was no other than that John should take one side of the street, and he the other, in order to inquire at every house in the place, until the fugitive was discovered. " Sir," said Peter, with great simplicity, " when our neighbor White lost his little girl, this was the way we found her, aJthoug we went nearly through L before we succeeded, Mr. John." Peter was obliged to abandon this expedient for want of an associate, and as no message was left at the lodgings of Moseley, he started with a heavy heart on his return to Benfield Lodge. But Moseley's zeal was too warm in the cause of his friend, notwithstanding his un merited desertion, to discontinue the search for him. He sought out tl>e town residence of the Marquess of Eltring- ham, the brother of Lord Henry, and was told that both the Marquess and his brother had left town early that morning for his seat in Devonshire, to attend the wedding of their sister. " Did they go alone ?" asked John musing. " There were two chaises, the Marquess's and his GraceV" " Who was his Grace ?" inquired John. " Why the Duke of Derwent, to be sure." " And the Duke ?— was he alone ?" " There was a gentleman with his Grace, but they did not know his name." As nothing further could be learnt, John withdrew. A good deal of irritation mixed with the vexation of Moseley at his disappointment ; for Denbigh, he thought, too evidently wished to avoid him. That he was the companion of his kinsman, the Duke of Derwent, he had now no doubt, and he entirely relinquished all expectations of finding him iu London or its environs. While retracing his steps in no PRECAUTION. 289 enviable state of mind to his lodgings, with a resolution of retui-ning immediately to L , his arm was suddenly taken by his friend Chatterton. If any man could have consoled John at that moment, it was the Baron. Questions and answers were rapidly exchanged between them ; and with increased satisfaction, John learnt that in the next square, he could have the pleasure of paying his respects to his kinswoman, the Dowager Lady Chatterton, and her two daughters. Chatterton inquired warmly after Emily, and in a particularly kind manner concerning Mr. Denbigh, hearing with undisguised astonishment the absence of the latter from the Moseley family. Lady Chatterton had disciplined her feelings upon the subject of Grace and John into such a state of subo^rdination^ thatihe fastidious jealousy of the young man now found no ground of alarm in anything she said or did. It cannot be denied the Dowager was delighted to see him again ; and if it were fair to draw any conclusions from coloring, pal pitations, and other such little accompaniments of femah feeling, Grace was not excessively sorry. It is true, it wa* the best possible opportunity to ascertain all about her friend Emily and the rest of the family ; and Grace was extremely happy to have intelligence of their general welfare so direct as was afforded' by this visit of Mr. Moseley. Grace looked all she expressed, and possibly a little more ; and John thought he looked very beautiful. There was present an elderly gentleman, of apparently indifferent health, although his mannei-s were extremely lively, and his dress particularly studied. A few minutes observation convinced Moseley this gentleman was a^ candi- date for the favor of Kate ; and a game of chess being soon introduced, he also saw he was one thought worthy of peculiar care and attention. He had been introduced to o • 290 PRECAUTION. him as Lord Herriefield, and soon discovered by his conver- sation that he was a peer who promised little towards rendering the house of incurables more convalescent than it was before his admission. Chatterton mentioned him as a distant connexion of his mother ; a gentleman who had lately returned from filling an official situation in the East Indies, to take his seat among the lords by the death of his brother. He was a bachelor, and reputed rich, much of his wealth being personal property, acquired by himself abroad. The dutiful son might have added, if respect and feeling had not kept him silent, that his off'ei's of settling a large jointure upon his elder sister had been accepted, and that the following week was to make her the bride pf the emaciated debauchee who now sat by her side. He might also have said, that when the proposition was made to himself and Grace,* both had shrunk from the alliance with disgust : and that both had united in humble though vain remonstrances to their mother, against the sacrifice, and in petitions to their sister, that she would not be accessary to her own misery. There was no pecuniary sacrifice they would not make to her, to avert such a connexion ; but all was fruitless — Kate was resolved to be a viscountess, and her mother was equally determined that she should be rich. PRBCAUTIOK. 29 1 CHAPTEE XXX. A DAY elapsed betv^een the departure of Denbigh and th reappearance of Emily amongst her friends. An indifferen observer would have thought her much graver and less ani-. mated than usual. A loss of the rich color which ordinarily- glowed on her healthful cheek might be noticed ; but the placid sweetness and graceful composure which regulated her former conduct pervaded all she did or uttered. Not so with Jane : her pride had suffered more than her feelings — her imaginatien had been more deceived than her judgment — and although too well bred and soft by nature to become rude or captious"", she was changed from a communicative, to a reserved ; from a confiding, to a suspicious companion. Her parents noticed this alteration Avith an uneasiness that was somewhat embittered by the consciousness of a neglect of some of those duties that experience now seemed to indi- cate, could never be forgotten with impunity. Francis and Clara had arrived from their northern tour, so happy in each other, and so contented with their lot, that it required some little exercise of fortitude in both Lady Mose- ley and her daughters, to expel unpleasant recollections while they contemplated it. Their relation of the little incidents of their tour had, however, an effect to withdraw the atten- tion of their friends in some degree from late occurrences; and a melancholy and sympathizing kind of association had taken place of the unbounded confidence and gaiety ; which so lately prevailed at Benfield Lodge. Mr. Benfield mingled with his solemnity an air of mystery ; and he was frequently 292 PRECAUTION. noticed by his relatives looking over old papers, and was apparently employed in preparations that indicated move- ments of more than usual importance. The family were collected in one of the parlors on an ex- tremely unpleasant day, the fourth after the departure of John, when the thin person of Johnson stalked in amongst them. All eyes were fixed on him in expectation of what he had to communicate, and all apparently dreading to break the silence, from an apprehension that his communication would be unpleasant. In the meantime Peter, who had respectfully left his hat at the door, proceeded to uncase his body fiom the multiplied defences be had taken against the inclemency .of the weather. His master stood erect, with an outstretched hand, ready to receive the reply to his epistle ; and Johnson having liberated his body from thraldom, pro- duced the black leathern pocket-book, and from its contents a letter, when he read aloud — Roderic Befifield, Esq., Ben- field Lodge, Norfolk ; favored by Mr. — here Peter's modesty got the better of his method ; he had never been called Mr. Johnson by anybody, old or young ; all knew him in that neighborhood as Peter Johnson — and he had very nearly been guilty of the temerity of arrogating to himself another title in the presence of those he most respected : a degree of self-elevation from which he escaped with the loss of a small piece of his tongue. Mr. Benfield took the letter with an eagerness that plainly indicated the deep interest he took in its contents, while Emily, with a tremulous voice and flushed cheek, approached the steward with a glass of wine. *' Peter," she said, " take this ; it will do you good." " Thank you. Miss Emma," said Peter, casting his eyes from hep to his master, as the latter, having finished his letter, exclaimed, with a strange mixture of consideration and dift- appointment — PRECAUTION". 293 " Johnson, you must change your clothes immediately, or you will take cold : you look now like old Moses, the Jew beggar." Peter sighed heavily at this comparison, and saw in it a confirmation of his fears ; for he well knew, that to his being the bearer of unpleasant tidings was he indebted for a resem- blance to anything unpleasant to his master, and Moses was the old gentleman's aversion. The baronet now followed his uncle from the room to his library, entering it at the same moment with the stewaid, who had been summoned by his master to an audience. Pointing to a chair for his nephew, Mr. Benfield com- •menced the discourse with saying, " Peter, you saw Mr. Denbigh ; how did he look ?" " As usual, master," said Peter, laconically, still piqued at being likened to old Moses. " And what did he say to the offer 1 did he not make any comments on it? He was not offended at it, I hope," de- manded Mr. Benfield. " He said nothing but what he has written to your honor,** replied the steward, losing a little of his constramed manner in real good feeling to his master. " May I ask what the offer was ?" inquired Sir Edward. Mr. Benfield regarding him a moment in silence, said, " Cer- tainly, you are nearly concerned in his welfare ; your daughter" — the old man stopped, turned to his letter- book, and handed the baionet a copy of the epistle he had sent to Denbigh. It read as follows : *' Dear Friend Mr. Denbigh, " I have thought a great deal on the reason of your sudd'Cn departure from a house I had begun to hope you thought your own ; and bv calling to mind my own feehngs when 294 PRECAUTION-. Lady Juliana became the heiress to her nephew's estate, take it for granted you have been governed by the same senti- ments ; which 1 know both by my own experience and that of the bearer, Peter Johnson, is a never-failing accompani- ment of pure affection. Yes, my dear Denbigh, I honor your dehcacy in not wishing to become indebted to a stran- ger, as it were, for the money on which you subsist, and that stranger your wife — who ought in reason to look up to you, instead of your looking up to her ; which was the true cause Lord Gosford would not marry the countess — on account of her great wealth, as he assured me himself ; notwithstanding, envious people said it was because her ladyship loved Mr Chaworth better : so in order to remove these impediments, of delicacy, I have to make three propositions, namely, that I bring you into parliament the next election for my own bo- rough — that you take possession of the lodge the day you marry Emmy, while I will live, for the little time I have to stay here, in the large cottage built by my uncle — and thatj give you your legacy of ten thousand pounds down, to pre- vent trouble hereafter. " As I know nothing but delicacy has driven you away from us, I make no doubt you will now find all objections removed, and that Peter will bring back the joyful intelli- gence of your return to us, as soon as the business you left us on, is completed. *' Your uncle, that is to be, " RODERIC BeNFIELD." ** N. B. As Johnson is a stranger to the ways of the town, I wish you to advise his inexperience, particularly against the arts of designing women, Peter being a man of considerable estate, and great modesty." "There, nephew," cried Mr, Renfield, as the baronet PRECAUTION. 295 limshed reading the letter aloud, " is it not unreasonable to refuse my oflfers ? Now read his answer." " Words are wanting to express the sensations which have been excited by Mr. Benfield's letter ; but it would be impos- sible for any man to be so base as to Avail himself of such liberaUty: the recollection of it, together with that of his many virtues, will long continue deeply impressed on the heart of him, whom Mr. Benfield would, if within the power of man, render the happiest amongst human beings." The steward Hstened eagerly to this answer, but after it was done he was as much at a loss to know its contents a»s before its perusal. He knew it was unfavorable to their wishes, but could not comprehend its meaning or expressions, and immediately attributed their ambiguity to the strange conference he had witnessed between Denbigh and the miU- tary stranger. '* Master," exclaimed Peter, with something of the elation of a discoverer, "I know the cause, it shows itself in the letter : there was a man talking Greek to him while he was reading your letter." " Greek !" exclaimed Sir Edward in astonishment. " Greek !" said the uncle. " Lord Gosford read Greek ; but I believe never conversed in that lano^uag-e." "Yes, Sir Edward— yes, your honor — pure wild Greek; .t must have been something of that kind," added Peter, with positiveness, '' that would make a man refuse such offers — Miss Emmy — the lodge — £10,000 !" — and the steward shook his head with much satisfaction at having discovered the cause. Sir Edward smiled at the simplicity of Johnson, but dis liking the idea attached to the refusal of his daughter, said, 296 PRECAUTION. " Perhaps, after all, uncle, there has been some misunder- Btanding between Emily and Denbigh, which may have driven him from us so suddenly." Mr. Benfield and his steward exchanged looks, and a new idea broke upon them at the mstant. They had both suf- fered in that way ; and after all it might prove that Emily was the one whose taste or feelings had subverted their schemes The impression, once made, soon became strong, and the party separated ; the master thinking alternately on Lady Juliana and his niece, while the man, after heaving one heavy sigh to the memory of Patty Steele, proceeded to the usual occupa- tions of his office. . Mrs. Wilson thinking a ride would be of service to Emily, and having the fullest confidence in her self-command and resignation, availed herself of a fine day to pay a visit to theii friend in the cottasfe. Mrs. Fitzg-erald received them in her usual manner, but a single glance of her eye sufficed to show the aunt that she noticed the altered appearance of Emily and her manners, although without knowing its true reason, which she did not deem it prudent to explain. Julia handed her friend a note which she said she had received the day before, and desired their counsel how to proceed in the pre- sent emergency. As Emily was to be made acquainted with its contents, her aunt read it aloud as follows : "My Dear Niece, " Your father and myself had been induced to think you were leadings a diso:raceful hfe, with the officer your husband had consigned you to the care of; for hearing of your capti- vity, I had arrived with a band . of Guerillas, on the spot where you were rescued, early the next morning, and *hero learnt of the peasants your misfortunes and retreat. The enemy pressed us too much to allow us to deviate from our PRECAUTION. 297 route at the time ; but natural affection and the wishes of your father have led me to make a journey to England, in order to satisfy our doubts as regards your conduct. I have seen you, heard your character in the neighborhood, and after much and long search have found out the officer, and am satisfied, that so far as concerns your deportment, you are an injured woman. I have therefore to propose to you, on ray own behalf, and that of the Conde, that you adopt the faith of your country, and return with me to the arms of your parent, whose heiress you will be, and whose life you may be the means of prolonging. Direct your answer to me, to the care of our ambassador ; and as you decide, I am your mother's brother, Louis M'Carthy y Harrison." " On what point do you wish my advice ?'* said Mrs. Wil- son, kindly, after she had finished reading the letter, " and when do you expect to see your uncle ?" " Would you have me accept the offer of my father, dear madam, or am I to remain separated from him for the short residue of his life?" Mrs. Fitzgerald was aflfected to tears, as she asked this question, and waited her answer, in silent dread of its nature. •' Is the condition of a change of religion, an immovable one ?" inquired Mrs. Wilson, in a thoughtful manner. " Oh ! doubtless," replied Julia, shuddering ; " but I am deservedly punished for my early disobedience, and bow in submission to the will of Providence. I feel now all that horror of a change of my religion, I once only affected : I must live and die a Protestant, madam." " Certainly, I hope so, my dear," said Mrs. Wilson ; " I am not a bigot, and think it unfortunate you were not, in your circumstances, bred a pious Catholic. It would have 13* 298 PRECAUTION. saved you much misery, and might have rendered the clos« of your father's life more happy ; but as your present creed embraces doctrines too much at variance with the Romish church to renounce the one or to adopt the other, with your riews, it will be impossible to change your church without committing a heavy offence against the opinions and practices of every denomination of Christians. I should hope a proper representation of this to your uncle would have its weight, or they might be satisfied with your being a Christian, without becoming 3 Catholic." " Ah ! my dear madam," answered Mrs. Fitzgerald, des- pairingly, " you little know the opinions v/f my countrymen on this subject." *' Surely, surely," cried Mrs. Wilson, " parental affection is a stronger feeling than bigotry." Mrs. Fitzgerald shook her head in a manner which bespoke both her apprehensions and her filial regard. "Julia ought not, must not, desert her father, dear aunt," said Emily, her face glowing with the ardency of her feelings. "And ought she to desert her heavenly Father, my child ?" asked the aunt, mildly. " Are the duties conflicting, dearest aunt ?" " The Conde makes them so. Juha is, I trust, in sincerity a Christian, and with what face can she offer up her daily petitions to her Creator, while she wears a mask to her earthly father ; or how can she profess to honor doctrines that she herself believes to be false, or practise customs she thinks improper ?" . " Never, never," exclaimed Julia, with fervor ; " the strug- gle is dreadftil, but I submit to the greater duty." " And you decide rightly, my friend," said Mrs. Wilson, soothingly; "but you need relax no efforts to convince the PRECAUTION-. 299 Conde of your wishes : truth and nature will finally con- quer." " Ah !" cried Mrs. Fitzgerald, " the sad consequences of one false step in early life !" " Rather," added Mrs. Wilson, " the sad consequences of one false step in generations gone by. Had your grand- mother listened to the voice of prudence and duty, she jnever would have deserted her parents for a comparative stranger, and entailed upon her descendants a train of evils .which yet exist in your person." " It will be a sad blow to my poor uncle too," said Mrs. Fitzgerald, " he who once loved me so much." " When do you expect to see him ?" inquired Emily. Julia informed them she expected him hourly ; as, fearful a written statement of her views would drive him from the country witlfbut paying her a visit before he departed, she had earnestly entreated him to see her without delay. On taking their leave, the ladies promised to obey her summons whenever called to meet the general, as Mrs. Wilson thought she might be better able to give advice to a friend, by knowing more of the character of her relatives, than she could do with her present information. One day intervened, and it was spent in the united society of Lady Moseley and her daughters, while Sir Edward and Francis rode to a neighboring town on business ; and on the succeeding, Mrs. Fitzgerald apprised them of the an-ival (^f General M'Carthy. Immediately after breakfast, Mi-s. Wilson and Emily drove to the cottage, the aunt both wishuig the latter as a companion in her ride, and beReving the excitement would have a tendency to prevent her niece from indulging in reflections, alike dangerous to her peacy of mind and at variance with her duties. Our readers have probabh anticipated, that the stage 300 PRECAUTION. companion of John Moseley was tlie Spanish general, who had just been making those inquiries into the manner of his niece's Hving which terminated so happily in her acquittal. With that part of her history which relates to the injurious attempts on her before she arrived at Lisbon, he appears to have been ignorant, or his interview with Denbigh might have terminated very differently from the manner already related. A description of the appearance of the gentleman present- ed to Mrs. Wilson is unnecessary, as it has been given already ; and the discerning matron thought she read through the rigid and set features of the soldier, a shade of kinder feeHngs, which might be wrought into an advantageous intercession on behalf of Julia. The General was evidently endeavoring to keep his feelings within due bounds, before the decision of his niece might render it proper for him to indulge in that aflfection for her, which his eye plainly show- ed existed under the cover of his assumed manner. It was an effort of great fortitude on the part of Julia to acquaint her uncle with her resolution ; but as it must be done, she seized a moment after Mrs. Wilson had at some length defended her adhering to her present faith, until religiously impressed with its errors, to inform him such was her unalterable resolution. He heard her patiently, and without anger, but in visible surprise. He had construed her summons to her house into a measure preparatory to accepting his conditions ; yet he betrayed no emotion, after the first expression of his wonder : he told her distinctly, a renuncmtion of her heresy was the only condition on which Ler father would own her either as his heiress or his child. Julia deeply regretted the decision, but was firm ; and her friends left her to enjoy uninterruptedly for one day, the society of so near a relative. During this day every doubt PllECAUTlON. 301 4 as to the propriety of her conduct, if any yet remained, was removed by a relation of her little story to her uncle ; and after, it was completed, he expressed great uneasiness to get to London again, in order to meet a gentleman he had seen there, under a different impression as to his merits, than what now appeared to be just. Who the gentleman was, or what these impressions were, Julia was left to con- jecture, taciturnity being a favorite property in the general. 302 PRECAUTION. CHAPTER XXXI. The -sun had just risen on one of the loveliest vales of Caernarvonshire, as a travelling- chaise and six swept up to the door of a princely mansion, so situated as to command a prospect of the fertile and extensive domains, the rental of which filled the cofi:ers of its rich owner, having a beautiful view of the Irish channel in the distance. Everything around this stately edifice bespoke the magni- ficence of its ancient possessors and the taste of its present master. It was irregular, but built of the best materials, and in the tastes of the diff'erent ages in which its various parts had been erected ; and now in the nineteenth century it preserved the baronial grandeur of the thirteenth, mingled with the comforts of this later period. The lofty turrets of its towers were tipt with the golden light of the sun, and the neighboring peasantry had com- menced their daily labors, as the different attendants of the equipage we have mentioned collected around it at the great entrance to the building. The beautiful black horses, with coats as shining as the polished leather with which they were caparisoned, the elegant and fashionable finish of the vehicle, with its numerous grooms, postillions, and foot- men, all wearing the livery of one master, gave evidence of wealth and rank. In attendance there were four outriders, walking leisurely about, awaiting the appearance of those for whose comforts and pleasures they were kept to contribute; while a fifth, who, Wh' the others, was equipped with a horse, appeared to PRECA['TIOX, 303 bear a doubtful station. Tlie form of the latter was athletic, and apparently drilled into a severer submission than could be seen in the movements of the Hveried attendants: his dress was peculiar, being neither quite menial nor quite mili- tary, but partaking of both chai-acters. His horse was hea- vier and better managed than those of the others, and by its side was a charger, that was prepared for the use of no pommon equestrian. Both were coal-black, as were all the others of the cavalcade ; but the pistols of the two latter, and housings of their saddles, bore the aspect of use and elegance united. The postilhons were mounted, listlessly waiting the pleasure of their superiors ; when the laughs and jokes of the menials were instantly succeeded by a respectful and profound silence, as a gentleman and lady appeared on the portico of the building. The former was a young man of commanding sta- ture and genteel appearance ; and his air, although that of one used to command, was softened by a character of bene- volence and gentleness, that might be rightly supposed to give birth to the willing alacrity with which all his requests or orders were attended to. The lady was also young, and resembled her companion both in features and ex})ression, for both were noble, both were handsome. The former was attired for the road ; the latter had thrown a shawl around her elegant form, and by hei* morning dress showed that a sepai'ation of the two was about to happen. Taking the hand of the gentleman with both her own, as she pressed it with fingers interlocked, the lady said, in a voice of music, and with great affection, " Then, my dear brother, I shall certainly hear from you within the week, and see you next ?" " Certainly," replied the gentleman, as he tenderly paid his adieiis ; then throwing himself into the chaise, it dashed from 304 PRECAUTION. the door, like the passage of a meteor. The horsemen fol lowed; the uniidden charger, obedient to the orders of his keeper, wheeled gracefully into his station ; and in an instan they were all lost amidst the wood, through which the .'oac to the park gates conducted. After lingering without until the last of her brother's fol lowers had receded from her sight, the lady retired through ranks of liveried footmen and maids, whom curiosity or respect had collected. The young traveller wore a gloom on his expressive fea- tures, amidst the pageantry that surrounded him, which showed the insufficiency of wealth and honors to fill the sum of human happiness. As his carriagef rolled proudly up an eminence ere he had reached the confines of his extensive park, his eye rested, for a moment, on a scene in which meadows, forests, fields waving with golden corn, comforta- ble farm-houses surrounded with innumerable cottages, were seen, in almost endless variety. All these owned him for their lord, and one quiet smile of satisfaction beamed on his face as he gazed on the unlimited view. Could the heart of that youth have been read, it would at that moment have told a story very different from the feelings such a scene is apt to excite ; it would have spoken the consciousness of well apphed wealth, the gratification of contemplating meritorious deeds, and a heartfelt gratitude to the Being which had enabled him to become the dispenser of happiness to so many of his fellow-creatures. " Which way, my lord, so early ?" cried a gentleman in phaeton, as he drew up, on his way to a watering j)lace, t« pay his own parting compliments. " To Eltringham, Sir Owen, to attend the marriage of my kinsman, Mr. Denbigh, to one of the sistoi*s of the mar quess." PRECAUTION. 305 A few more questions and ansvvei*s, and the gentlemen, exchanging friendly adieus, pursued each his own course ; Sir Owen Ap Rice pushing forward for Cheltenham, and the Earl of Pendennyss proceeding to act as groomsman to his cousin. The gates of Eltringham were open to the admission of many an equipage on the following day, and the heart of the Lady Laura beat quick, as the sound of wheels, at different times, reached her ears. At last an unusual moveYnent in the house drew her to a window of her dressing-room, and the blood rushed to her heart as she beheld the equipages which were rapidly approaching, and through the mist which stole over her eyes she saw alight from the first, the Duke of Derwent and the bridegroom. The next contained Lord Pendennyss, and the last the Bishop of . Lady Laura waited to see no more, but with a heart filled with terror, hope, joy, and uneasiness, she threw herself into the arms of one of her sisters. " Ah !" exclaimed Lord Henry Stapleton, about a week after the wedding of his sister, seizing John suddenly by the arm, while the latter was taking his morning walk to the resi- dence of the dowager Lady Chatterton, " Moseley, you dissir pated youth, in town yet : you told me you should stay but a day, and here I find you at the end of a fortnight." John blushed a little at the consciousness of his reason for sending a written, instead of carrying a verbal report, of the result of his journey, but replied, " Yes, my friend Chatterton unexpectedly arrived, and so — and so — " " And so you did not go, I presume you mean," cried Lord Henry, with a laugh. ** Yes," said John, " and so I stayed — but where is Den- bigh?" 306 PRECAUTION. " Where ? — why with liis wife, wliere every well-behaved man should be, especially for the first month." rejoined the sailor, gaily. *' Wife !" echoed John, as soon as he felt able to give utterance to his words — " wife ! is he married?" " Married," cried Lord Henry, imitating his manner, " are you yet to learn that ? why did you ask for him 1" " Ask for him!" said Moseley, yet lost in astonishment; " but when — how — where did he marry— my lord ?" Lord Henry looked at him for a moment with a surprise little short of his own, as he answered more gravely : " When ? — last Tuesday ; how ? by special license, and the Bishop of ; where ? — at Eltringham :— yes, my dear fellow," continued he, with his former gaiety, " George is my brother now — and a fine fellow h<* is." " I really wish your lordship much joy," said John, strug- gling to command his feelings. " Thank you — thank you," replied the sailor ; " a jolly time we had of it, Moseley. I wish, with all my heart, you had been there ; no bolting or running away as soon as spHced, but a regularly constructed, old-fashioned wed- ding ; all my doings. I wrote Laura that time was scarce, and 1 had none to throw away on fooleries ; so dear, good soul, she consented to let me have everything my own way. AVe had Derwent and Pendennyss, the marquess, Lord William, and myself, for groomsmen, and my thi-ee sisters — ah, that was bad, but there was no helping it — Lady Harriet Denbigh, and an old maid, a cousin of ours, for bridesmaids ; could not help the old maid either, upon my honor, or be quite certain I would." How much of what he said Moseley heard, we cannot say ; for had he talked an hour longer he would have been unin- terrupted. Lord Henry was too much engaged with h» PRECAUTION. 307 description to notice his companion's taciturnity or surprise, and after walking a square or two together they parted; the sailor being on the wing for his frigate at Yarmouth. John continued his course, musing on the intelligence he had just heard. That Denbigh could forget Emily so soon, he would not believe, and he greatly feared he had been driven into a step, from despair, that he might hei-eafter repent of. The avoiding of himself was now fully explained ; but would Lady Laura Stapleton accept a man for a husband at so short a notice ? and for the first time a suspicion that something in the character of Denbigh was wrong, mingled, in his reflections on his sister's refusal of his offers. Lord and Lady Herriefield were on the eve of their depar- ture for the continent (for Catherine had been led to the altar the preceding week), a southein climate having been prescribed as necessary to the bridegroom's constitution ; and the dowager and Grace were about to proceed to a seat of the baron's within a couple of miles of Bath. Chatterton himself had his own engagements, but he promised to be there in company with his friend Derwent within a fortnight ; the former visit having been postponed by the mariiages in their respective families. John had been assiduous in his attentions during the season of forced gaiety which followed the nuptials of Kate ; and as the dowager's time was monopolized with the ceremonials of that event, Grace had risen greatly in his estimation. If Grace Chatterton was not more miserable than usual, at what she thought was the destruction of her sister's happiness, it was owing to the presence and unconcealed affection of John Moseley. The carriage of Lord Herriefield was in waiting when John rang for admittance. On opening the door and entering the drawing-room, he saw the bride and bridegroom, with their 308 PRECAUTION. / mother and sister, accoutred for an excursion amongst the shops of Bond street : for Kate was dying to find a vent for some of her surpkis pin-money — her husband to show his handsome wife in the face of the world — the mother to dis- play the triumph of her matrimonial schemes. And Grace was forced to obey her mother's commands, in accompanying her sister as an attendant, not to be dispensed with at all in her circumstances. The entrance of John at that instant, though nothing more than what occurred every day at that hour, deranged the whole plan : the dowager, for a moment, forgot her resolution, and forgot the necessity of Grace's appearance, exclaiming with evident satisfaction, " Here is Mr. Moseley come to keep you company, Grace ; so, after all, you must consult your headach and stay at home. Indeed, my love, I never can consent you should go out. I not only wish, but insist you remain within this morning." Lord Heiriefield looked at his mother-in-law in some sur- prise, and threw a suspicious glance on his own rib at the moment, which spoke as plainly as looks can speak, " Is it possible I have been taken in after all !" Gi-ace was unused to resist her mother's commands, and throwing off her hat and shawl, reseated herself with more composure than she would probably have done, had not the attentions of Moseley been more delicate and pointed of late than formerly. As they passed the porter, Lady Chatterton observed tc him significantly — " Nobody at home, Willis." — " Yes, mj lady," was the laconic reply, and Lord Herriefield, as he took his seat by the side of his wife in the carriage, thought she was not as handsome as usual. Lady Chatterton that morning unguardedly laid the foun- dation of years of , misery for her eldest daughter ; or rather PRECAUTION. 309 tlie foundations were already laid in the ill-assorted, and heartless, unprincipled union she had labored with success to effect. But she had that morning stripped the mask from her own character prematurely, and excited suspicions in the breast of her son-in-law, which time only served to confirm, and memory to brood over. Lord Herriefield had been too long in the world not to understand all the ordinary arts of match-makers and match- huntei*s. Like most of his own sex who have associated freely with the worst part of the other, his opinions of female excellences were by no means extravagant or romantic. Kate had pleased his eye ; she was of a noble family"; young, and at that moment interestingly quiet, having nothing par- ticularly in view. She had a taste of her own, and Lord Herriefield was by no means in conformity with it ; conse- quently, she expended none of those pretty little arts upon him which she occasionally practised, and which his experi- ence would imm.ediately have detected. Her disgust he had attributed to disinterestedness ; and as Kate had fixed her eye on a young officer lately returned from France, and her mo- ther on a Duke who was mourning the death of a third wife, devising means to console him with a fourth — the Viscount had got a good deal enamored with the lady, before either she or her mother took any particular notice that there was sjch a being in existence. His title was not the most ele- rated, but it was ancient. His paternal acres were not numerous, but his East-India shares were. He was not very young, but he was not very old ; and as the Duke died of a fit of the gout in his stomach, and the officer ran away with a girl in her teens from a boarding-school, the dowager and her daughter, after thoroughly scanning the fashionable world, determined, for want of a better, that he would do. It is not to be supposed that the mother and child held 310 PRECAUTION. any open communications with each other to this eflfect. The delicacy and pride of both would have been greatly injured by such a suspicion ; yet they arrived simultaneously at the same conclusion, as well as at another of equal importance to the completion of their schemes on the Viscount. It was simply to adhere to the same conduct which had made him a captive, as most likely to insure the victory. There was such a general understanding between the two it can excite no surprise that they co-operated harmoniously as it were by signal. For two people, correctly impressed with their duties and responsibilities, to arrive at the same conclusion in the govern- ment of their conduct, would be merely a matter of coume ; and so with those who are more or less under the dominion of the world. They will pursue their plans with a degree of concurrence amounting nearly to sympathy ; and thus had Kate and her mother, until this morning, kept up the mas- querade so well that the Viscount was as confiding as a country Corydon. When he first witnessed the dowager's management with Grace and John, however, and his wife's careless disregard of a thing which appeared too much a matter of course to be quite agreeable, his newly awakened distrust approached conviction. Grace Chatterton both sang and played exquisitely ; it was, however, seldom she could sufficiently overcome her desire, when John was an auditor, to appear to advantage. As the party went down stairs, and Moseley had gone with them part of the way, she threw herself unconsciously on a seat, and began a beautiful song, that was fashionable at the time. Her feelings were in consonance with the words, and Grace was very happy both in execution and Foice. John had reached the back of her seat before she was at PRECAUTIOX. 311 all sensible of his return, and Grace lost her self-command immediately. She rose and took a seat on a sofa, and the young man was immediately at her side. " Ah, Grace," said John, the lady's heart beating high you certainly do sing as you do everything, admirably." " I am happy you think so, Mr. Mos"eley," returned Grace ooking everywhere but in his face. John's eyes ran over her beauties, as with palpitating bosom and varying color she sat confused at the unusual warmth of his language and manner. Fortunately a remarkably striking likeness of the Dowager hung directly over their heads, and John taking her unre- sisting hand, continued, " Dear Grace, you resemble your brother very much Id features, and what is better still, in character." " I could wish," said Grace, venturing to look up, " to re- semble your sister Emily in the latter." " And why not to be her sister, dear Grace ?" said he with ardor. ■ " You are worthy to become her sister. Tell me, Grace, dear Miss Chatterton — can you — will you make me the happiest of men ? may I present another inestimable daughter to my parents ?" As John paused for an answer, Grace looked up, and he waited her reply in evident anxiety ; but she continued silent, now pale as deat^, and now of the color of the rose, i.;id he added : " I hope I have not offended you, dearest Grace : you ara all that is desirable to me ; my hopes, my happiness, are centred in you. Unless you consent to become my wife, I must be very wretched." Grace burst into a flood of tears, as her lover, interested deeply in their cause, gently drew her towards him. Her head sank on his shoulder, as she faintl^ whispered some- 312 PRECAUTION. thing that was inaudible, but which he did not fail to inter- pret into everything he most wished to hear. John was in ecstasies. Every unpleasant feeling of suspicion had left him. Of Grace's innocence of manoeuvring he never doubted, but John did not relish the idea of being entrapped into anything, even a step which he desired. An uninterrupted communication followed ; it was as confiding as thei. aflfections : and the return of the dowager and her child i-en first recalled them to the recollection of other people. One glance of the eye was enough for Lady Chatterton. t^he saw the traces of tears on the cheeks and in the eyes of Grace, and the dowager was satisfied; she knew his friends would not object ; and as Grace attended her to her dressing-room, she cried on entering it, " Well, child, when is the wedding to be ? You will wear me out with so much gaiety." Grace was shocked, but did not as formerly weep over her mother's interference in agony and dread. John had opened his whole soul to her, observing the greatest dehcacy towards her mother, and she now felt her happiness placed in the keeping of a man whose honor she believed much exceeded that of any other human being. PRECAUTION. 313 CHAPTEE XXXII. The seniors of the party at Benfield Lodge were al assembled one morning in a parlor, when its master and tha baronet were occupied in the perusal of the London papers Clara had persuaded her sisters to accompany her and Francis in an excursion as far as the village. Jane yet continued reserved and distant to most of her friends ; while Emily's conduct would have escaped unnoticed, did not her blanched cheek and wandering looks at times speak a language not to be misunderstood. With all her relatives she maintained the affectionate intercourse she had always supported ; though not even to her aunt did the name of Denbigh pass her lips. But in her most private and humble petitions to God, she never forgot to mingle with her requests for spiritual blessings on herself, fervent prayers for the conversion of the preserver of her life. Mrs. Wilson, as she sat by the side of her sister at their needles, first discovered an unusual uneasiness in their venerable host, while he turned his paper over and over, as if unwilling or unable to comprehend some part of its contents, until he rang the bell violently, and bid the servant to send Johnson to him without a moment's delay. " Peter," said Mr. Benfield doubtingly, " read that — your eyes are young, Peter ; read that." Peter took the paper, and after having adjusted his spec tacles to his satisfaction, he proceeded to obey his master's mjunctions ; but the same defect of vision as suddenly seized the steward at it had aff"ected his master. He turned the 14 314 PRECAUTION. paper sideways, and appeared to be spelling the matter of the paragi-aph to himself. Peter would have given his three hundred a year to have had the impatient John Moseley a hand, to relieve him from his task ; but the anxiety of Mr. Ben field overcoming his fear of the worst, he inquired in tremulous tone — " Peter? hem ! Peter, what do you think ? " " Why, your honor," replied the steward, stealing a look at his master, " it does seem so indeed." " I remember," said the master, " when Lord Gosford saw the marriage of the countess announced he " Here the old gentleman was obliged to stop, and rising with dignity, and leaning on the arm of his faithful servant, lie left the room. Mrs. Wilson immediately took up the paper, and her eye catching the paragraph at a .glance, she read aloud as follows to her expecting friends : " Married by special license, at the seat of the Most Noble the Marquess of Eltringham, in Devonshire, by the Right Rev. Lord Bishop of , George Denbigh Esq., Lieutenant Colonel of his Majesty's regiment of dragoons, to the Right Honorable Lady Laura Stapleton, eldest sister of "the Marquess. Eltringham was honored on the present happy occasion with the presence of his grace of Derwent, and the gallant Lord Pendennyss, kinsmen of the bridegroom, and Captain Lord Henry Stapleton of the Royal Navy We understand that the happy couple proceed to Denbigl Castle immediately after the honey-moon." Although Mrs. Wilson had given up the expectation of ever seeing her niece the wife of Denbigh, she felt an inde Bcribable shock as she read this paragraph. The strongest feeling was horror at the danger Emily had been in of contracting an alliance with such a man. His avoiding tlie "PRECAUTION. 315 ball, at which be knew Lord Henry was expected, was explained to her by this marriage ; for with John, she could not believe a woman like Lady Laura Stapleton was to be won in the short space of one fortnight, or indeed less. There was too evidently a mystery yet to be developed, and she felt cer tain one that would not elevate his character in her opinion. Neither Sir Edward nor Lady Moseley had given up the expectation of seeing Denbigh again, as a suitor for Emily's hand, and to bdth of them this certainty of his loss was a heavy blow. The baronet took up the paper, and after perusing the article, he muttered in a low tone, as he wiped the tears from his eyes, " Heaven bless him : I sincerely hope she is worthy of him." Worthy of him, thought Mrs. Wil- son, with a feeling of indignation, as, taking up the paper, she retired to her own room, whither Eraily, at that moment returned from her walk, had proceeded. As her niece must hear this news, she thought the sooner the better. The exercise, and the unreserved conversation of Francis and Clara, had restored in some degree the bloom to the cheek of Emily ; and Mrs. Wilson felt it necessary to struggle with herself, before she could summon sufficient resolution to invade the returning peace of her charge. However, having already decided on her course, she proceeded to the discharge of what she thought to be a duty. " Emily, my child," she whispered, pressing her affection ately to her bosom, " you have been all I could wish, and more than I expected, under your arduous struggles. Bu one more pang, and I trust your recollections on this painful subject will be done away." Emily looked at her aunt in anxious expectation of what was coming, and quietly taking the paper, fohowed the direction of Mrs. Wilson's finger to the article on the mar riage of Denbigh. 816 PRECAUTION. There was a momentary struggle in Emily for self-com- mand. She was obliged to find support in a chair. The returning richness of color, excited by her walk, vanished ; but recovering herself, she pressed the hand of her anxious guardian, and, gently waving her back, proceeded to her own room. On her return to the company, the same control of her feelings which had distinguished her conduct of late, was again visible ; and, although her aunt most narrowly watched her movements, looks, and speeches, she could discern no visible alteration by this confirmation of misconduct. The truth was, that in Emily Moseley the obligations of duty were so imperative, her sense of her dependence on Provi- dence so humbling snd yet so confiding, that, as soon as she was taught to believe her lover unworthy of her esteem, that moment an insuperable barrier separated them. His marriage could add nothing to the distance between them. It was impossible they could be united ; and although a secret lingering of the aff'ections over his fallen character might and did exist, it existed without any romantic expecta- tions of miracles in his favor, or vain wishes of reformation, in which self was the prominent feeling. She might be said to be keenly alive to all that concerned his welfare or move- ments, if she did not harbor the passion of love ; but it showed itself in prayers for his amendment of life, and the most ardent petitions for his future and eternal happiness. She had set about, seriously and with much energy, the task of erasing from her heart sentiments which, however delightful she had found it to entertain in times past, were now in direct variance with her duty. She knew that a weak indulgence of such passions would tend to draw her mind from, and disqualify her to discharge, those various calls on her time and her exertions, which could alone enable PRECAUTION. 317 her to assist others, or effect in her own person the great purposes of her creation. It was never lost sight of by Emily Moseley, that her existence here was preparatory to an immensely more important state hereafter. She was conse- quently in charity with all mankind ; and if grown a httle more distrustful of the intentions of her fellow-creatures, it was a mistrust bottomed in a clear view of the frailties of our nature ; and self-examination was amongst the not unfre- quent speculations she made on this hasty marriage of her former lover. Mrs. Wilson saw all this, and was soon made acquainted by her niece in terms, with her views of her own condition ; and although she had to, and did, deeply regret, that all her caution had not been able to guard against deception, where it was most important for her to guide aright, yet she was cheered with the reflection that her previous care, with the blessings of Providence, had admirably fitted her charge to combat and overcome the consequences of their mistaken confidence. The gloom which this little paragraph excited, extended to every individual in the family ; for all had placed Denbigh by the side of John, in their affections, ever since his weighty services to Emily. A letter from John announcing his intention of meeting them at Bath, as well as his new relation with Grace, relieved in some measure this general depression of spirit. Mr. Ben- field alone found no consolation in the approaching nuptials John he regarded as his nephew, and Grace he thought a very good sort of young woman ; but neither of them were beings of the same genus with Emily and Denbigh. "Peter," said he one day, after they had both been expend- ing their ingenuity in vain efforts to discover the cause of this so-much-desired marriage's being so unexpectedly frua- 318 PRECAUTION. b^ted, " have I not often told you, that fate governed these? things, in order th?t men might be humble in this life ? Now, Peter, had the Lady Juliana wedded with a mind con- genial to her own, she might have been mistress of Benfield Lodge to this very horn*." " Yes, your honor — but there's Miss Emmy's legacy." And Peter withdrew, thinking what would have been the consequences had Patty Steele been more willing, when he wished to make her Mrs, Peter Johnson — an association by no means uncommon in the mind of the steward ; for if Patty had ever a rival in his aflfections, it was in the person of Emily Moseley, though, indeed, with very different degrees and coloring of esteem. The excursions to the cottage had been Continued by Mrs. Wilson and Emily, and as no gentleman was now in the family to interfere with their communications, a general visit to the young widow had been made by the Moseleys, includ- ing Sir Edward and Mr. Ives. The Jar vises had gone to London to receive their children, now penitent in more senses than one ; and Sir Edward learnt with pleasure that Egerton and his wife had been admitted into the family of the merchant. Sir Edgar had died suddenly, and the entailed estates had fallen to his successor the colonel, now Sir Harry ; but the bulk of his wealth, being in convertible property, he had given by will to his other nephew, a young clergyman, and a son of a younger brother. Mary, as well as her mother, were greatly disappointed, by this deprivation, of what they •"onsidered their lawful splendor ; but they found great conso- ation in the new dignity of Lady Egerton, whose greatest wish now was to meet the Moseleys, in order that she might precede them in or out of some place where such ceremonials are observed. The sound of " Lady Egerton's carriage stops PRECAUTION. 319 the way," was delightful, and it never failed to be used on all occasions, although her ladyship was mistress of only a hired vehicle. A slight insight into the situation of things amongst them may be found in the following narrative of their views, as revealed in a discussion which took place about a fortnight after the reunion of the family under on roof. Mrs. Jarvis was mistress of a very handsome coach, the gift of her husband for her own private use. After having satisfied herself the baronet (a dignity he had enjoyed just twenty-four hours) did not possess the abihty to furnish his lady, as she termed her daughter, with such a luxury, she magnanimously determined to relinquish her own, in support of the new-found elevation of her daughter. Accordingly, a consultation on the alterations which were necessary took place between the ladies — " The arms must be altered, of course," Lady Egerton observed, " and Sir Harry's, with the bloody hand and six quarterings, put in their place ; tJien the liveries, they must be changed." " Oh, mercy ! my lady, if the arms are altered, Mr. Jarvis will be sure to notice it, and he would never forgive me ; and perhaps — " " Perhaps what ?" exclaimed the new-made lady, with a disdainful toss of her head. " Why," replied the mother, warmly, " not give me the hundred pounds he promised, to have it new-lined and painted." " Fiddlesticks with the painting, Mrs. Jarvis," cried the lady with dignity : " no carriage shall be called mine that does not bear my arras and the bloody hand." " Why, your ladyship is unreasonable, indeed you are," said Mrs. Jarvis, coaxingly; and then after a moment's 320 PRECAUTION. thought she continued, *' is it the arms or the baronetcy you want, my dear ?" " Oh, I care nothing for the arms, but I am determined, now I am a baronet's lady, Mrs. Jarvis, ►to have the proper emblem of my rank." " Certainly, my lady, that's true dignity : well, then, we will put the bloody hand on your father's arms, and he will never notice it, for he never sees such things." The arrangement was happily completed, and for a few days the coach of Mr. Jarvis bore about the titled dame, until one unlucky day the merchant, who still went on 'change when any great bargain in the stocks was to be made, arrived at his own door suddenly, to procure a calcu- lation he had made on the leaf of his prayer-book the last Sunday during sermon. This he obtained after some search. In his haste he drove to his broker's in the carriage of his wife, to save time, it happening to be in waiting at the moment, and the distance not great. Mr. Jarvis forgot to order the man to return, and for an hour the vehicle stood in one of the most public places in the city. The conse- quence was, that when Mr. Jarvis undertook to examine into his gains, with the account rendered of the transaction by his broker, he was astonished to read, " Sir Timothy Jarvis. Bart., in account with John Smith, Dr." Sir Timothy examined the account in as many different ways as Mr. Ben- field had examined the marriage of Denbigh, before he would believe his eyes ; and when assured of the fact, he immediately caught up his hat, and went to find tlie man who had dared to insult him, as it were, in defiance of the formality of business. He had not proceeded one square in the city before he met a friend, who spoke to him by the title ; an explanation of the mistake followed, and the quasi baronet proceeded to his stables. Here by actual examination ha PRECAUTION. 321 detected the fraud. An explanation with his consort fol- lowed ; and the painter's brush soon effaced the emblem of dignity from the panels of the coach. All this was easy but with his waggish companions on 'Change and in the city (where, notwithstanding his wife's fashionable propensi ties, he loved to resort) he was Sir Timothy still. Mr. Jarvis, though a man of much modesty, was one of great decision, and he determined to have the laugh on his side. A newly purchased borough of his sent up an address flaming with patriotism, and it was presented by his own hands. The merchant seldom kneeled to his Creator, but on this occasion he humbled himself dutifully before his prince, and left the presence with a legal right to the appellation which his old companions had affixed to him sarcastically. The rapture of Lady Jarvis may be more easily imagined than faithfully described, the Christian name of her husband alone throwing any alloy into the enjoyment of her eleva- tion : but by a license of speech she ordered, and addressed in her own practice, the softer and more familiar appellation of Sir Timo. Two servants were discharged the fii-st week, because, unused to titles, they had addressed her as mistress ; and her son, the captain, then at a watenno--place, was made acquainted by express with the joyful intelligence. All this time Sir Henry Egerton was but little seen amongst his new relatives. He had his own engagements and haunts, and spent most of his time at a fashionable gaming house in the West End. As, however, the town was deserted, Lady Jarvis and her daughters, having con- descended to pay a round of city visits, to show off her airs and dignity to her old friends, pei-suaded Sir Timo that the hour for their visit to Bath had arrived, and they were soon comfortably settled in that city. 14* 322 PRECAUTION. Lady Chatterton and her youngest daughter had arrived at the seat of her son, and John Moseley, as happy as the eeitainty of love returned and the approbation of his friends could make him, was in lodgings in the town. Sir Edward notified his son of his approaching visit to Bath, and John took proper accommodations for the family, which lie occu- pied for a few days by himself as'locum tenens. Lord and Lady Herriefield had departed for the south of France ; and Kate, removed from the scenes of her earliest enjoyments and the bosom of her own family, and under the protection of a man she neither loved nor respected, began to feel the insufficiency of a name or of a fortune to constitute felicity. Loid Herriefield was of a suspicious and harsh temper, the first propensity being greatly increased by his former associations, and the latter not being removed by the humility of his eastern dependants. But the situation of her child gave no uneasiness to the managing mother, who thought her in the high-road to happiness, and wa£ gratified at the result of her labors. Once or twice, indeed, her habits had overcome her caution so much as to endeavor to promote, a day or two sooner than had been arranged, the wedding of Grace ; but her impnidence was checked instantly by the recoiling of Moseley from her insinuations in disgust ; and the absence of the young man for twenty- four hours gave her timely warning of the danger of such an interference with one of such fastidious feelings. John punished himself as much as the dowager on these occasions ; but the smiling face of Grace, with her hand fransly placed in his own at his return, never failed to do away the unplea. Bant sensations created by her mother's care. The Chatterton and Jarvis families met in the rooms, soon after the arrival of the latter, when the lady of the knight, followed by both her daughters, approached the dowager with PRECAUTION. S2H a most friendly salute of recognition. Lady Chatterton, really forgetful of the persons of her B acquaintance, and disliking the vulgarity of her air, drew up into an ap- pearance of great dignity, as she hoped the lady was well. The merchant's wife felt the consciousness of rank too much to be repulsed in this manner, and believing that the dowager liad merely forgotten her face, she added, with a simpering smile, in imitation of what she had seen better bred people practise with success — " Lady Jarvis — my lady — your ladyship don't remember me — Lady Jarvis of the Deanery, B , Northamptonshire, and my daughters. Lady Egerton and Miss Jarvis." Lady Egerton bowed stiffly to the recognising smile the dowager now condescended to bestow ; but Sarah, remembering a cer tain handsome lord in the family, was more urbane, deter- mining at the moment to make the promotion of her mother and sister stepping-stones to greater elevation for herself. " I hope my lord is well," continued the city lady. " 1 regret that Sir Timo, and Sir Harry, and Captain Jarvis, are not here this morning to pay their respects to your ladyship ; but as we shall see naturally a good deal of each other, it must be deferred to a more fitting opportunity." " Certainly, madam," replied the dowager, as, passing her compliments with those of Grace, she drew back from so open a conversation with creatures of such doubtful standing in the fishionable world. 324 PRECAUTION. CHAPTEE XXXin. On taking leave of Mrs. Fitzgerald, Emily and her aunt nettled a plan of correspondence ; the deserted situation of this young woman having created great interest in t^e breasts of her new friends. General M'Carthy had returned to Spain without receding from his original proposal, and his niece was left to mourn her early departure from one of the most solemn duties of life. Mr. Benfield, thwarted in one of his most favorite schemes of happiness for the residue of his hfe, obstinately refused to make one of the party at Bath ; and Ives and Clara having returned to Bolton, the remainder of the Moseleys arrived at the lodgings of John a very few days after the interview of the preceding chapter, with hearts ill qualified to enter into the gaieties of the place, though, in obedience to the wishes of Lady Moseley, to see and to be seen once more on that great theatre of fashionable amusement. The friends of the family who had known them in times past were num^erous, and were glad to renew their acquaint- ance with those they had always esteemed ; so tliat they found themselves immediately surrounded by a circle of smiling faces and dashing equipages. Sir William Harris, the proprietor of the deanery, and a former neighbor, with his showy daughter, were amongst the first to visit them. Sir William was a man of hand^rae estate and unexceptionable character, but entirely governed by the whims and desires of his only child. Caroline Harris wanted neither sense nor beauty, but expecting a fortune, PRECAUTION. 325 she had placed her views too high. She at first aimed at the peerage ; and while she felt herself entitled to suit her taste as well as her ambition, had failed of her object by ill-con- cealed efforts to attain it. She had justly acquired the repu- tation of the reverse of a coquette or yet of a prude ; still she had never received an offer, and at the age of twenty-six, bad now begun to lower her thoughts to the commonalty. Her fortune would have easily obtained her husband here, but she was determined to pick amongst the lower supporters of the aristocracy of the nation. With the Moseleys she had been early acquainted, though some years their senior ; a circum- stance, however, to which she took care never to allude unne- cessarily. The meeting between Grrace and the Moseleys was tender and sincere. John's countenance glowed with delight, as he saw his future wife folded successively in the arms of those heloved,.and Grace's tears and blushes added twofold charms to her native beauty. Jane relaxed from her reserve to receive her future sister, and determined with herself to appear in the world, in order to show Sir Henry Egerton that she did not feel the blow he had inflicted as severely as the truth might have proved. The Dowager found some little occupation, for a few days, in settling with Lady Moseley the preliminaries of the wed- dinor ; but the latter had suffered too much throuofh her youngest daughters, to enter into these formalities with her ancient spirit. All things were, however, happily settled; and Ives making a journey for the express pui-pose, John and Grace were united privately at the altar of one of the prin- cipal churches in Bath. Chatterton had been summoned off the occasion; and the same ])apcr whicii announced the nup- tials, contained, amongst the fashionable arrivals, the namea of the Duke of Derwent and his sister, the Marauess of 326 PRECAUTION. Eltringliam and sistei's, amongst whom was to be found Lady Laura Denbigh. Lady Chatterton carelessly remarked, in presence of her friends, the husband of the latter was sum- moned to the death-bed of a relative, from whom he had ofreat expectations. Emily's color did certainly change as she hs- tened to this news, but not allow4n£j her thouo-hts to dwell on the subject, she was soon enabled to recall her serenity of appearance. But Jane and Emily were delicately placed. The lover of the former, and the wives of the lovers of both, were in the way of daily, if not hourly rencounters ; and it required all the energies of the young women to appear with compo- sure before them. The elder was supported by pride, the younger by principle. The first was restless, haughty, dis- tant, and repulsive. The last mild, humble, reserved, but eminently attractive. The one was suspected by all around her ; the other was unnoticed by any, but by her nearest and dearest friends. The first rencounter with these dreaded guests occurred at the rooms one evening, where the elder ladies had insisted on the bride's making her appearance. The Jarvises were there before them, and at their entrance caught the eyes of the group. Lady Jarvis approached immediately, filled with exultation — her husband with respect. The latter was re- ceived with cordiality — the former politely, but with distance. The young ladies and Sir Henry bowed distantly, and the gentleman soon drew off into another part of the room : his absence alone kept Jane from fainting. The handsome figure i>f Egerton standing by the side of Mary Jarvis, as her ncknowledged husband, was near proving too much for her cride, notwithstanding all her efforts ; and he looked so like the imaginary being she had set up as the object of her worship, that her heart was also in danger of rebelling. pnErAriiox. 32'7 "Positively, Sir Edward and my lady, both Sir Timo and myself, and, I dare say, Sir Harr}'- and Lady Egerton too, are delighted to see you comfortably at Bath among us. Mrs. Moseley, I wish you much happiness ; Lady Chatterton too. I suppose your ladyship recollects me now ; I am Lady Jarvis. Mr. Moseley, I regret, for your sake, that my son Captain Jarvis is not here ; you were so fond of each other, and both so loved your guns." " Positively, my Lady Jarvis," said Moseley, drily, " my feelings on the occasion are as strong as your own ; but I presume the captain is much too good a shot for me by this time." " Why, yes ; he improves greatly in most things he under- takes," rejoined the smiling dame, " and I hope he will soon learn, like you, to shoot with the Narrows of Cupid. I hope the Honorable Mrs. Moseley is well." Grace bowed mildly, as she answered to the interroga- tory, and smiled at the thought of Jarvis put in competition with her husband in this species of archery, when a voice immediately behind whei-e they sat caught the ears of the whole party ; all it said was — " Harriet, you forgot to show me Marian's letter." " Yes, but I will to-morrow," was the reply. It was the tone of Denbigh. Emily almost fell from her seat as it first reached her, and the eyes of all but herself were immediately turned in quest of the speaker. He had approached within a very few feet of them, supporting a lady on each arm. A second look con- vinced the Moseleys that they were mistaken. It was not Denbigh, but a young man whose figure, face, and air resembled him strongly, and whose voice possessed the same soft melodious tones which had distinguished that of o Denbigh. This party seated themselves within a very short 328 PRECAUTION. distance of tlie Moseleys, and they continued their conver- sation. " You heard from tlie Colonel to-day, too, I believe, continued the gentleman, turning^ to the lady who sat next U Emily. " Yes, he is a very punctual correspondent ; I hear everj other day." "How is his uncle, Laura?" inquired her female com- panion. " Rather better ; but I will thank your grace to find the Marquess and Miss Howard." " Bring them to us," rejoined the other. " Yes," said the former lady, with a laugh, **and Eltring- ham will tliank you too, I dare say." In an instant the duke returned, accompanied by a gen- tleman of thirty and an eldeily lady, who might have been safely taken for fifty without offence to anybody but herself. During these speeches their auditors had listened with almost breathless interest. Emily had stolen a glance which satisfied her it was not Denbigh himself, and it greatly relieved her ; but was startled at discovering that she was actually seated by the side of his young and lovely wife. When an opportunity offered, she dwelt on the amiable, flank countenance of her rival with melancholy satisfaction • at least, she thought, he may yet be happy, and I hop penitent. It was a mixtui-e of love and gratitude which prompter this wish, both sentiments not easily got rid of whei once ingrafted in our better feelings. John eyed the stran- gers with a displeasure for which he could not account at once, and saw, in the ancient lady, the bridesmaid Lord' Heuiy had so unwillingly admitted to that distinction. PRECAUTION. 32J) Lady Jarvis was astounded with her vicinity to so much nobility, and she drew back to her family to study its movements to advantage ; while Lady Chatterton sighed heavily, as she contemplated the fine figures of an unmarried Duke and Marquess, and she without a single child to dis- pose of. The remainder of the party continued to view them with curiosity, and listened with interest to what they said. Two or three young ladies had now joined the strangers, attended by a couple of gentlemen, and the conversation became general. The ladies declined dancing entirely, but appeared willing to throw away an hour in comments on their neighbors. " William," said one of the young ladies, " there is your old messmate, Col. Egerton " " Yes, I observe him," replied her brother, *' I see him ;" but, smiling significantly, he continued, " we are messmates no longer." " He is a sad character," said the Marquess, with a shrug. " William, I would advise you to be cautious of his acquaintance." " I thank you," replied Lord William, " but I beheve I understand him thoroughly." Jane manifested strong emotion during these remarks, while Sir Edward and his wife averted their faces from a simultaneous feeling of self-reproach. Their eyes met, and mutual concessions were contained in the glance ; yet their feelings were unnoticed by their companions, for over the fulfilment of her often repeated forewarnings of neglect and duty to our children, Mrs. Wilson had mourned in sincerity, but she had forgotten to triumph. "When are we to see Pendennyss ?" inquired the Mar- quess ; '* I hope he will be here with George — I have a mind 330 PBECAUTION. to beat up his quarters in Wales this season- — what say you, Derwent?" " I intend it, if I can persuade Lady Harriet to quit the gaieties of Bath so soon — what say yow, sister — will you be in readiness to attend me so early ?" This question was asked in an arch tone, and drew the eyes of her friends on the person to whom it was addressed. " I am ready now, Frede" ok, if you wish it," answered the sister hastily, and coloring excessively as she spoke. '* But where is Chatterton ? I thought he was here — he had a sister married here last week," in(juired Lord William Stapleton, addressing no one in particular. A slight movement in their neighbors attracted the atten- tion of the party. " What a lovely young woman," whispered^ the duke to Lady Laura, " your neighbor is !" The lady smiled her assent, and as Emily overheard it, she rose with glowing cheeks, and proposed a walk round the room. Chatterton soon after entered. The young peer had "acknowledged to Emily that, deprived of hope as he had been by her firm refusal of his hand, his eftbrts had been directed to the suppi-ession of a passion which could never be successful ; but his esteem, his respect, remained in full force. He did not touch at all on the subject of Denbigh, and she supposed that he thought his marriage was a step that required justification. The Moseleys had commenced their promenade round the room as Chatterton came in. He paid his compliments to them as soon as he entered, and walked with their party. The noble visitors followed their example, and the two par- ties met. Chatterton was delighted to see them, the Duke was particularly fond of him ; and, had one been present pf PRECAUTION. 33:1 sufficient observation, the agitation of his sister, the Lady Harriet Denbigh, would have accounted for the doubts of her brother as respects her wilHngness to leave Bath. A few words of explanation passed ; the duke and his friends appeared to urge something on Chatterton, who acted as their ambassador, and the consequence was, an introduc- tion of the two parties to each other. This was conducted with the ease of the present fashion — it was general, and occurred, as it were incidentally, in the course of the evening. Both Lady Harriet and Lady Laura Denbigh were particu- larly attentive to Emily. They took their seats by her, and manifested a preference for her conversation that struck Mrs. Wilson as remarkable. Could it be that the really attractive manners and beauty of her niece had caught the fancy of these ladies, or was there a deeper seated cause for the desire to di-aw Emily out, that both of them evinced ? Mrs. Wilson had heai-d a rumor that Chatterton was thought attentive to Lady Harriet, and the other was the wife of Denbigh ; was it possible the quondam suitors of her niece had related to their present favorites the situation they had stood in as regarded Emily ? It was odd, to say no more ; and the widow dwelt on the innocent countenance of the bride with pity and admi- ration. Emily herself was not a little abashed at the notice of her new acquaintances, especially Lady Laura's ; but as their admiration appeared sincere, as well as their desire to be on terms of intimacy with the Moseleys, they parted, on the whole, mutually pleased. The conversation several times was embarrassing to the baronet's family, and at moments distressingly so to their daughters. At the close of the evening they all formed one group at a little distance from the rest of the company, and in a situation to comn^nd a view of it. 332 PRECAUTION. **Who is that vulgar-looking woman," said Lady Sarah Stapleton, " seated next to Sir Henry Egerton, brother V* " No less a personage than my Lady Jarvis," rephed the marquess, gravely, " and the mother-in-law of Sir Harry, and the wife to Sir Timo — ;" this was said with a look of drol- lery that showed the marquess was a bit of a quiz " Married !" cried Lord William, " mercy on the woman who is Egerton's wife. He is the greatest latitudinarian amongst the ladies, of any man in England — nothing — no, nothing would tempt me to let such a man marry a sister of mine !" Ah, thought Mrs. Wilson, how we may be deceived in character, with the best intentions, after all ! In what are the open vices of Egerton worse than the more hidden ones of Denbigh ? These freely expressed opinions on the character of Sir Henry were excessively awkward to some of the listeners, to whom they were connected with unpleasant recollections of duties neglected, and affections thrown away. Sir Edward Moseley was not disposed to judge his fellow- creatures harshly ; and it was as much owing to his philan- thropy as to his indolence, that he had been so remiss in his attention to the associates of his daughters. But the veil once removed, and the consequences brought home to him through his child, no man was more alive to the necessity of caution on this important particular ; and Sir Edward formed many salutary resolutions for the government of his future conduct in relation to those whom an experience nearly fatal in its results had now greatly qualified to take care of themselves But to resume our narrative — Lady Laura had maintainec with Emily a conversation, whkih was enhvened by occasiona remarks from the rest of the party, in the course of which the nerves as well as the principles of Emily were put to a severe trial. PRECAUTION. 333 ** My brother Henry," said Lady Laura, " who is a captain in the navy, once had the pleasure of seeing you, Miss Mose- ley, and in some measure made me acquainted with you before we met." "I dined with Lord Henry at L , and was much indebted to his polite attentions in an excursion on the water," rephed Emily, simply. " Oh, I am sure his attentions were exclusive," cried the sister; "indeed, he told us that nothing but want of time prevented his being deeply in love — he had even the audacity to tell Denbigh it was fortunate for me he had never seen you, or I should have been left to lead apes." " And I suppose you believe him now," cried Lord Wil- ham, laughing, as he bowed to Emily. His sister laughed in her turn, but shook her head, in the confidence of conjugal affection. " It is all conjecture, for the Colonel said he had never enjoyed the pleasure of meeting Miss Moseley, so I will not boast of what my powers might have done ; Miss Moseley,'' continued Lady Laura, blushing slightly at her inclination to talk of an absent husband, so lately her lover, " I hope to have the pleasure of presenting Colonel Denbigh to you soon." " I think," said Emily, with a strong horror of deception, and a mighty struggle to suppress her feelings, " Colonel Denbigh was mistaken in saying that we had never met ; he was of material service to me once, and I owe him a debt of gratitude that I only wish I could properly repay." Lady Laura listened in surprise ; but as Emily paused, she could not delicately, as his wife, remind her further of the obligation, by asking what the service was, and hesitating a moment, continued — " Henry quite made you the subject of conversation 334 PRECAUTION. amongst us ; Lord Chatterton too, who visited us for a day, was equally warm in his eulogiums. I really thought they created a curiosity in the Duke and Pendennyss to behold their idol." "A curiosity that would be ill rewarded in its indul gence,"said Emily, abashed by the personality of the discourse "■ So says the modesty of Miss Moseley," said the Duke of Derwent, in the peculiar tone which distinguished the softer keys of Denbigh's voice. Emily's heart beat quick as she heard them, and she was afterwards vexed to remember with how much pleasure she had listened to this opinion of the duke. Was it the sentiment, or was it the voice ? She, however, gathered strength to answer, with a dignity that repressed further praises : — "Your grace is willing to divest me of what Httle I possess." *' Pendennyss is a man of a thousand," continued Lady Laura, with the privilege of a married woman. " I do wish he would join us at Bath — is there no hope, duke?" '* I am afraid not," replied his grace : " ke keeps himself immured in Wales with his sister, who is as much of a hermit as he is himself." " There was a story of an inamorata in private some- where," cried the marquess ; '* why at one time it was even said he was privately married to her." " Scandal, my lord," said the duke, gravely : *' Pendennyss is of unexceptionable morals, and the lady you mean is the widow of Major Fitzgerald, whom you knew. Penden nyss never sees her, though by accident he was once of very great service to her." Mrs. Wilson breathed freely again, as she heard this ex planation, and thought if the Marquess knew all, how diflei* ently would he judge Pendennyss, as well as othei-s. rRECAUT?iow. 335 " Ob ! I have the highest opinion of Lora Pendennyss," cried the Marquess. The Moseleys were not sorry that the usual hour of retiring put an end to the conversation and then* embarrassment. HiiH PRECAUTIOlf. CHAPTER XXXIV. During the succeeding fortnight, the intercourse between the Moseleys and their new acquaintances increased daily It was rather awkward at first on the part of Emily ; and her beating pulse and changing color too often showed the alarm of feelings not yet overcome, when any allusions were made to the absent husband of one of the ladies. Still, as her parents encouraged the acquaintance, and her aunt thought the best way to get rid of the remaining weakness with respect to Denbigh was not to shrink from even an interview with the gentleman himself, Emily succeeded in conquering her reluctance ; and as the high opinion entertained by Lady Laura of her husband was expressed in a thousand artless ways, an interest was created in her that promised in time to weaken if not destroy the impression that had been made by Denbigh himself. On the other hand, Egerton carefully avoided all collision with the Moseleys. Once, indeed, he endeavored to renew his acquaintance with John, but a haughty repulse almost produced a quarrel. What representations Egerton had thought proper to make to his wife, we are unable to say ; but she appeared to resent something, as she never approached the dwelling or persons of her quondam associates, although in her heart she was dying to be on terms of intimacy with tHeir titled friends. Her incorrigible mother was restrained by no such or any other consideration, and contrived to fasten on the Dowager and Lady Harriet a kind of bowing acquaintance, which she made great use of at the rooms. PRECAUTION. 337 The Duke sought out the. society of Emily wherever he could obtain it ; and Mrs. Wilson thought her niece admitted his approaches with less reluctance than that of any other of the gentlemen around her. At first she was surprised, but a closer observation betrayed to her the latent cause. Derwent resembled Denbigh greatly in person and. voice, although there were distinctions easily to be made on an acquaintance. The Duke had an air of command and hauteur that was never to be seen in his cousin. But his admiration of Emily he did not attempt to conceal ; and, as he ever addressed her in the respectful languag-e and identical voice of Denbigh, the observant widow easily per- ceived, that it was the remains of her attachment to the one that induced her niece to listen, with such evident pleasure, to the conversation of the other. The Duke of Derwent wanted many of the indispensable requisites of a husband, in the eyes of Mrs. Wilson ; yet, as she thought Emily out of all danger at the present of any new attachment, she admitted the association, under no other restraint than the uniform propriety of all that Emily said or did. " Your niece will one day be a Duchess, Mrs. Wilson," whispered Lady Laura, as Derwent and Emily were running over a new poem one morning, in the lodgings of Sir Edward ; the former reading a fine extract aloud so strik- ngly in the air and voice of Denbigh, as to call all the animation of the unconscious Emily into her expressive face. Mrs. Wilson sighed, as she reflected on the strength of those feelings which even principles and testimony had no been able wholly to subdue, as she answered — "Not of Derwent, I believe. But how wonderfully Ihe Duke resembles your husband at times," she added, entirely thrown off her guard. 15 338 PRECAUTION. Lady Laura was evidently surprised. " Yes, at times he does ; they are brothers' children, you know : the voice in all that connexion is remarkable. Pendennyss, though a degree further off in blood, possesses it ; and Lady Harriet, you perceive, has the same character- istic ; there has been some syren in the family, in days past." Sir Edward and Lady Moseley saw the attention of the Duke with the greatest pleasure. Though not slaves to the ambition of wealth and rank, they were certainly no objec- tions in their eyes ; and a proper suitor Lady Moseley thought the most probable means of driving the recollection of Denbigh from the mind of her daughter. The latter con- sideration had gi-eat weight in inducing her to cultivate an acquaintance so embarrassing on many accounts. The Colonel, however, wrote to his wife the impossibility of his quitting his uncle while he continued so unwell, and it was settled that the bride should join him, under the escort of Lord William. The same tenderness distinguished Denbigh on this occa- sion that had appeared so lovely when exercised to his dying father. Yet, thought Mrs. Wilson, how insufficient are good feelings to effect what can only be the result of good principles. Caroline Harris was frequently of the parties of pleasure, walks, rides, and dinners, which the Moseleys were compelled to join in ; and as the Marquess of Eltringham had given her one day some little encouragement, she determined to make an expiring effort at the peerage, before she conde- scended to enter into an examination of the qualities of Capt. Jarvis, who, his mother had persuaded her, was an Apollo, that had great hopes of being one day a Lord, as both the Captain and herself had commenced laying up a certain sum quarterly for the purpose of buying a title PRECAUTION. 339 hereafter — an ingenious expedient of Jarvis*s to get into his hands a portion of the allowance of his mother. Eltringham was strongly addicted to the ridiculous ; and without committing himself in the least, drew the lady out on divers occasions, for the amusement of himself and the Duke — who enjoyed, without practising, that species of joke. The collisions between ill-concealed art and as ill-con cealed irony had been practised with impunity by the Mar* quess for a fortnight, and the lady's imagination began to revel in the delights of a triumph, when a really respectable offer was made to Miss Harris by a neighbor of her father's in the country — one she would rejoice to have received a few days before, but which, in consequence of hopes created by the following occurrence, she haughtily rejected. It was at the lodgings of the Baronet that Lady Laura exclaimed one day, — " Marriage is a lottery, certainly, and neither Sir Henry nor Lady Egerton appears to have drawn a prize." Here Jane stole from the room. " Never, sister," cried the Marquess. ** I will deny that. Any man can select a prize from your sex, if he only knows his own taste." " Taste is a poor criterion, I am afraid," said Mrs. Wilson, gravely, " on which to found matrimonial felicity." " To what would you refer the decision, my dear madam ?" inquired the Lady Laura. " Judgment." Lady Laura shook her hear doubtingly. " You remind me so much of Lord Pendennyss I Every- thing he wishes to bring under the subjection of judgment and principles." " And is he wrong, Lady Laura !'*^ asked Mrs. Wilson, 340 PRECAUTION. pleased to find such correct views existed in one of whom she thought so highly. " Not wrong, my dear madam, only impracticable. What do you think, Marquess, of choosing a wife in conformity to your principles, and without consulting your tastes ?" Mrs. Wilson shook her head with a laugh, and disclaimed any such statement of the case ; but the Marquess, who disliked one of John's didactic conversations very much, gaily interrupted her by saying — " Oh ! taste is everything with me. The woman of my heart against the world, if she suits my fancy, and satisfies my judgment." " And what may this fancy of your Lordship be ?" said Mrs. Wilson, willing to ■ gratify the trifling. "What kind of a woman do you mean to choose ? How tall for instance ?" " Why, madam," cried the Marquess, rather unprepared for such a catechism, and looking around him until the outstretched neck and the eager attention of Caroline Harris caught his eye, when he added with an air of great sim- plicity — " about the height of Miss Harris." " How old ?" asked Mrs. Wilson with a smile. " Not too young, ma'am, certainly. I am thirty-two — my wife must be five or six and twenty. Am I old enough, do you think, Derwent ?" He added in a whisper to the Duke " Within ten years," was the reply. Mrs. Wilson continued — " She must read and write, I suppose ?" " Why, faith," said the Marquess, " I am not fond of a bookish sort of a woman, and least of all a scholar." " You had better take Miss Howard," whispered his brother. " She is old enough — never reads — and is just the height'' PRECAUTION. 34 1 " No, no, Will.," rejoined the brotlier. " Rather too old that. Now, I admire a woman who has confidence in her- self. One that understands the proprieties of life, and has, if possible, been at the head of an establishment before she is to take charge of mine." The delighted Caroline wriggled about in her chair, and, unable to contain herself longer, inquired : — " Noble blood of course, you would require, my Lord ?" " Why no ! I rather think the best wives are to be founa in a medium. I would wish to elevate my wife myself. A Baronet's daughter for instance." Here Lady Jarvis, who had entered during the dialogue, and caught a clue to the topic they were engaged in, drew near, and ventured to ask if he thought a simple knight too low. The Marquess, who did not expect such an attack, was a little at a loss for an answer ; but recovering himself answered gravely, under the apprehension of another desigr- on his person, that " he did think that would be forgetting his duty to his descendants." Lady Jarvis sighed, and fell back in disappointment ; whik Miss Harris, turning to the nobleman, in a soft voice, desired him to ring for her carriage. As he handed her down, she ventured to inquire if his lordship had ever met with such a woman as he described. " Oh, Miss Harris," he whispered, as he handed her intc the coach, " how can you ask me such a question ? You are very cruel. Drive on, coachman." " How, cruel, my Lord ?" said Miss Harris eagerly. " Stop, John. How, cruel, my Lord ?" and she stretched her neck out of the window as the Marquess, kissing his hand to ^er, ordered the man to proceed. " Don't you hear your lady, sir ?" Lady Jarvis had followed them down, also with a view to 342 PRECAUTION. catch anything which might be said, having apologized for her hasty visit ; and as the Marquess handed her politely into her carriage, she also begged '• he would favor Sir Timo and Sir Henry with a call ;" which being promised, Elti-ing ham returned to the room. " When am I to salute a Marchioness of Eltringham ?" cried Lady Laura to her brother, " one on the new standard set up by your Lordsiiip." " Whenever Miss Harris can make up her mind to the sacrifice," replied the brother very gravely. " Ah me ! how very considerate some of your sex are, for the modesty of ours." " I wish you joy with all my heart, my Lord Marquess," exclaimed John Moseley. " I was once favored with the notice of that same lady for a week or two, but a viscount saved me from capture." " I really think, Moseley," said the Duke innocently, but speaking with animation, " an intriguing daughter worse than a managing mother." John's gravity for a moment vanished, as he replied in a lowered key, " Oh, much worse." Grace's heart was in her throat, until, by stealing a glance at her husband, she saw the cloud passing over his fine brow ; and happening to catch her afiectionate smile, his fe,ce was at once lighted into a look of pleasantry. " I would advise caution, my Lord. Caroline Harris has the advantage of experience in her trade, and was expert from the first." " John — John," said Sir Edward with warmth, " Sir William is my friend, and his daughter must be respected." " Then, baronet," cried the Marquess, " she has one recom mendation I was ignorant of, and as such 1 am silent : bui PRECAUTION. 34S ought not Sir "William to teach his daughter to respect her- self ? I view these husband-hunting ladies as pirates on the ocean of love, and lawful objects for any roving cruiser like myself to fire at. At one time I was simple enough to retire as they advanced, but you know, madam," turning to Mrs. Wilson with a droll look, " flight only encourages pursuit, so I now give battle in self-defence." " And I hope successfully, my Lord," observed the Lady ' " Miss Harris, brother, does appear to have grown desperate in her attacks, which were formerly much more masked than at present. I believe it is generally the case, when a young woman throws aside the delicacy and feelings which ought to be the characteristics of her sex, and which teach her studiously to conceal her admiration, that she either becomes in time cynical and disagreeable to all around her from disappointment, or persevering in her efforts, as it were, runs a muck for a husband. Now in justice to the gentlemen, I must say, baronet, there are strong symptoms of the Malay about Caroline Harris." " A muck, a muck," cried the piarquess, as, in obedience to the signal of his sister, he rose to withdraw. Jane had retired to her own room in a mortification of spirit she could ill conceal during this conversation, and she felt a degree of humiliation which almost drove her to the desperate resolution of hiding herself for ever from the world. The man she had so fondly enshrined in her heart proving to be so notoriously unworthy as to be the subject of unreserved censure in general company, was a reproach to her delicacy, her observation, her judgment, that was the more severe, from being true ; and she wept in bitterness over her fallen happiness. Emily had noticed the movement of Jane, and waited anxiously for the departure of the visitors to hasten to her 344 PRECAUTION. room. She knocked two or three times before her sistei replied to her request for admittance. ** Jane, my dear Jane," said Emily, soothingly, *' will you not admit me ?" Jane could not resist anj longer the affection of her sister, and the door was opened ; but as Emily endeavored to tak her hand, she drew back coldly, and cried — " I wonder you, who are so happy, will leave the gay scene below for the society of an humbled wretch like me ;" and overcome with the violence of her emotion, she burst into tears. " Happy !" repeated Emily, in a tone of anguish, " happy, did you say, Jane ? Oh, little do you know my sufferings, or you would never speak so cruelly !" Jane, in her turn, surprised at the strength of Emily's language, considered her weeping sister with commiseration ; and then her thoughts recurring to her own case, she con- tinued with energy — " Yes, Emily, happy ; for whatever may have been the reason of Denbigh's conduct, he is respected ; and if you do or did love him, he was worthy of it. But I," said Jane, wildly, "threw away my affections on a wretch — a men imi^osioT — and I am miserable for ever." " No, dear Jane," rejoined Emily, having recovered her self-possession, " not miserable — nor for ever. You have many, very many sources of happiness yet within your reach, even in this world. I — I do think, even our strongest attachments may be overcome by energy and a sense of duty. And oh ! how I wish I could see you make the effort." For a moment the voice of the youthful moralist had failed her ; but anxiety in behalf of her sister overcame her feehngs, and she ended the sentence with earnestness. PRECAUTION. 345 *' Emily," said Jane, with obstinacy, and yet in tears, " you don't know what bhghted affections are. To endure the scorn of the world, and see the man you once thought near being your husband married to another, who is showing herself in triumph before you, wherever you go !" " Hear me, Jane, before you reproach me further, and then judge between us." Emily paused a moment to acquire nerve to proceed, and then related to her astonished sister the little history of her own disappointments. She did not affect to conceal her attachment for Denbigh. With glowing cheeks she acknowledged, that she found a necessity for all her efforts to keep her rebellious feelings yet in subjection ; and as she recounted generally his conduct to Mrs. Fitzgerald, she concluded by saying, " But, Jane, I can see enough to call forth my gratitude ; and although, with yourself, I feel at this moment as if my affections were sealed for ever, I wish to make no hasty resolutions, nor act in any manner as if I were unworthy of the lot Providence has assigned me." " Unworthy ? no ! — you have no reasons for self-reproach. If Mr. Denbigh has had the art to conceal his crimes from you, he did it to the rest of the world also, and has married a woman of rank and character. But how differently are we situated ! Emily — I — I have no such consolation." " You have the consolation, my sister, of knowing there is an interest made for you where we all require it most, and it is there I endeavor to seek my support," said Emily, in a low and humble tone. " A j-eview of our own errors takes away the keenness of our perception of the wrongs done us, and by placing us in charity with the rest of the world, disposes us to enjoy calmly the blessings within our reach. Besides, Jane, we have parents whose happiness is locked up in that of their children, and we should-— we rausi lo* 346 PRECAUTION. overcome the feelings whicli disqualify us for our common duties, on their account." " Ah !" cried Jane, " how can I move about in the world, while I know the eyes of all are on me, in curiosity to dis- cover how I bear ray disappointments. But you, Emily are unsuspected. It is easy for you to afiect a gaiety you do not feel." "I neither affect nor feel any gaiety," said her sister, mildly. " But are there not the eyes of One on us, of infinitely more po^ver to punish or reward than vrhat may be found in the opinions of the world ? Have we no duties ? For what is our wealth, our knowledge, our time given us, but to improve for our own and for the eternal welfare of those around us ? Come then, my sister, we have both been deceived — let us endeavor not to be culpable." " I wish, from my soul, we could leave Bath," cried Jane. *' The place, the people are hateful to me !" " Jane," said Emily, " rather say you hate their vices, and wish for their amendment : but do not indiscriminately con- demn a whole community for the wrongs you have sustained from one of its members." Jane allowed herself to be consoled, though by no means convinced, by this effort of her sister ; and they both found a relief by thus unburdening their hearts to each other, that in future brought them more nearly together, and was of mutual assistance in supporting them in the promiscuous circles in which they were obliged to mix. With all her fortitude and principle, one of the last things Emily would have desired was an interview with Denbigh and she was happily relieved from the present danger of it by the departure of Lady Laura and her brother, to go to the residence of the Colonel's sick uncle. Both Mrs. Wilson and Emily suspected that a dread of PRECAUTION. 347 meeting them had detained him from his intended journey to Bath ; and neither was sorry to perceive, what they con- sidered as latent signs of grace — a grace of which Egerton appeared entirely to be without. " He may yet see his errors, and make a kind and affec ionat" husband," thought Emily ; and then, as the imag (f Denbigh rose in her imagination, sun-ounded with th coraestic virtues, she roused herself from the dangerous reflection to the exercise of the duties in which she found a refuge from impardonable wishes. 348 PRECAUTION. CHAPTER XXXY. Nothing material occurred for a fortnight after the de- parture of Lady Laura, the Moseleys entering soberly into the amusements of the place, and Derwent and Chatterton becoming more pointed every day in their attentions — thii one to Emily, and the other to Lady Harriet ; when the dowager received a pressing entreaty from Catherine to hasten to her at Lisbon, where her husband had taken up his abode for a time, after much doubt and indecision as to his place of residence. Lady Herriefield stated generally in her letter, that she was miserable, and that without the support of her mother she could not exist under the present grievances ; but what was the cause of those grievances, or what grounds she had for her misery, she left unexplained. Lady Chatterton was not wanting in maternal regard, and she promptly determined to proceed to Portugal in the next packet. John felt inclined for a httle excursion with his bride ; and out of compassion to the baron, who was in a dilemma between his duty and his love (for Lady Harriet about that time was particularly attractive), he offered his services. Chatterton allowed himself to be persuaded by the good- natured John, that his mother could safely cross the ocean under the protection of the latter. Accordingly, at the end f the before mentioned fortnight, the dowager, John, Grace, and Jane, commenced their journey to Falmouth. Jane had offered to accompany Grace, as a companion 2£ her return (it being expected Lady Chatterton would remai ^ PRECAUTION. 349 in the country with her daughter) ; and her parents appreciat- ing her motives,' permitted the excursion, with a hope it would draw her thoughts from past events. Although Grace shed a few tears at parting with Emily and her friends, it was impossible for Mrs. Moseley to be long unhappy, with the face of John smiling by her side; and they pursued their route uninterruptedly. In due season they reached the port of embarkation. The following morning the packet got under weigh, and a favorable breeze soon wafted them out of sight of their native shores. The ladies \^ere too much indisposed the first day to appear on the deck ; but the weather becoming calm and the sea smooth, Grace and Jane ventured out of the con- finement of their state-rooms, to respire the fresh air above. There were but few passengers, and those chiefly ladies — the wives of officers on foreign stations, on their way to join their husbands. As these had been accustomed to moving in the world, their disposition to accommodate soon removed the awkwardness of a first meeting, and our travellers began to be at home in their novel situation. While Grace stood leaning on the arm of her husband, and clinging to his support, both from affection and a dread of the motion of the vessel, Jane ventured with one of the ladies to attempt a walk round the deck of the ship. Unaccustomed to such an uncertain foothold, the walkers were preven'^^ed falling by the kind interposition of a gentleman, who for the first time had shown himself among them at that moment. The accident, and their situation, led to a conversation which was renewed at different times during their passage, and in some measure created an intimacy between our party and the stranger. He was addressed b'" the ccmraander of the vessel as Mr. Harland ; and Lady Chatterton exercised her inge- 350 PRECAUTION. nuity in the investigation of his history, by which she made the following discovery : The Rev. and Hon. Mr. Harland was the yoiinger son of an Irish earl, who had early embraced his sacred profession in tliat church, in which he held a valuable living in the gift of his father's family. His father was yet alive, and then at Lisbon with his mother and sister, in attendance on his elder brother, who had been sent there in a deep decline a couple of months before. It had been the wish of his parents to have taken all their children with them ; but a sense of duty had kept the young clergyman in the exercise of his holy office, mitil a request of his dying brother, and the directions of his father, caused him to hasten abroad to witness the decease of the one, and to afford all the solace within his power to the others. It may be easily imagined that the discovery of the rank of their accidental acquaintance, with the almost certainty that existed of his being the heir of his father's honors, in no degree impaired his consequence in the eyes of the dowager ; and it is certain, his visible anxiety and depressed spirits, his unaffected piety, and disinterested hopes for his brother's recovery, no less elevated him in the opinions of her com- panions. There was, at the moment, a kind of sympathy between Harland and Jane, notwithstanding the melancholy which gave rise to it proceeding from such very different causes; and as the lady, although with diminished bloom, retained all her personal charms, rather heightened than otherwise by the softness of low spirits, the young clergyman sometimes relieved his apprehensions of his brother's death by admitting the image of Jane among his more melancholy reflections. The voyage was tedious, and some time before it was ended tile dowager had given Grace an intimation of the probabihty PREOAUTION. 351 there was of Jane's becoming, at some future day, a countess Grace sincerely hoped that whatever she became she would be as happy as she thought all allied to John deserved to be. They entered the bay of Lisbon early in the morning ; and as the ship had been expected for some days, a boat came alongside with a note for Mr. Harbnd, before they had an- chored. It apprised him of the death of his brother. The young man threw himself precipitately into it, and was soon employed in one of the loveliest offices of his vocation, that of healing the wounds of the afflicted. Lady Herriefield received her mother in a sort of sullen satisfaction, and her companions with an awkwardness she could ill conceal. It requiied no great observation in the travellers to discover, that their arrival was entirely unex- pected by the viscount, if it were not equally disagreeable , indeed, one day's residence under his roof assured them all that no great degree of domestic felicity was an inmate of the dwelHng. From the moment Lord Herriefield became suspicious that he had been the dupe of the management of Kate and her mother, he viewed every act of his wife with a prejudiced eye. It was easy, with his knowledge of human nature, to detect her selfishness and worldly-mindedness ; for as these were faults she was unconscious of possessing, so she was unguarded in her exposure of them. But her designs, in a matrimonial point of view, having ended with her marriao-e, had the viscount treated her with any of the courtesies due her sex and station, she might, \vith her disposition, have been contented in the enjoyment of rank and in the possession of wealth ; but their more private hours were invariably rendei-ed unpleasant, by the ovei-flowings of her husband's resentment at having been deceived 'n his judgment of tho female sex. 'i52 PRECAUTION. There is no point upon which men are more tender than their privilege of suiting themselves in a partner for life, although many of both sexes are influenced in this important selection more by tlie wishes and whims of others than is asually suspected ; yet, as all imagine what is the result of contrivance and management is the election of free will and taste, so long as they are ignorant, they are contented, ^^ord Herriefield w^anted this bliss of ignorance ; and, with con- tempt for his wife, was mingled anger at his own want of foresight. Very few people can tamely submit to self reproach ; and as the cause of this irritated state of mind was both not only constantly present, but completely within his power, the viscount seemed determined to give her as little reason to exult in the success of her plans as possible. Jealous he was, from temperament, from bad associations, and a want of confidence in the principles of his wife, the freedom of foreign manners having an additional tendency to excite this baneful passion to an unusual degree. Abiidged in her pleasures, reproached with motives she was incapable of harboring, and disappointed in all those enjoyments her mother had ever led her to believe the invariable accompani- ments of married life, where proper attention had been paid to the necessary qualifications of riches and rank, Kate had written to the dowager with the hope her presence might restrain, or her advice teach her, successfully to oppose th unfeeling conduct of the viscount. Lady Chatterton never having implanted any of hei favorite systems in her daughter, so much by precept as b) the force of example in her own person, as well as by indi- rect eulogiums on certain people who were endowed with those qualities and blessings she most admired, on the present occasion Catherine did not uiiburden hei*self in terms PRECAUTION. 353 to her mother ; but by a regular gradation of complaints, aimed more at the world than at her husband, she soon let the knowing dowager see their application, and m the end completely removed the veil from her domestic grievances. The example of John and Grace for a short time awed the peer into dissembling his disgust for his spouse ; but the ice once broken, their presence soon ceased to affect either the frequency or the severity of his remarks, when under its influence. From such exhibitions of matrimonial discord, Grace shrank timidly into the retirement of her room, and Jane, with dignity, would follow her example ; while John at times became a listener, with a spirit barely curbed within the bounds of prudence, and at others, he sought in the com- pany of his wife and sister, relief from the violence of his feehngs. John never admired nor respected Catherine, for she wanted those very qualities he chiefly loved in her sister ; yet, as she was a w^oman, and one nearly connected with him, he found it impossible to remain a quiet spectator of the unmanly treatment she often received from her husband ; he therefore made preparations for his return to England by the first packet, abridging his intended residence in Lisbon more than a month. Lady Chatterton endeavored all within her power to heal the breach between Kate and her husband, but it greatly exceeded her abilities. It was too late to implant such principles in her daughter, as by a long course of self-denial and submission might have won the love of the viscount, had the mother been acquainted with them herself; so that having induced her child to marry with a view to obtaining precedence and a jointure, she once more set to work to undo part of hei former labors, by bringing about a decent 354 PRECAUTION. separation between the husband and wife, in such a mannef as to secure to her child the possession of her wealth, and the esteem of the world. The latter, though certainly a somewhat difficult undertaking, was greatly lessened by the assistance of the former. John and his wife determined to seize the opportunity to examine the environs of the city. In one of these daily rides, they met their fellow traveller, Mr. now Lord Harland. He was rejoiced to see them again, and hearing of their intended departure, informed them of his being about to return to England in the same vessel — his parents and sister contemplating ending the winter in Portugal. The intercourse between the two families was kept up with a show of civihties between the noblemen, and much real good-will on the part of the juniors of the circle, until the day arrived for the sailing of the packet. Lady Chatterton was left behind with Catherine, as yet unable to circumvent her schemes with prudence ; it being deemed by the world a worse offence to separate, than to join together one's children in the bands of wedlock. The confinement of a vessel is very propitious to those intimacies which lead to attachments. The necessity of being agreeable is a check upon the captious, and the desire to lessen the dulness of the scene a stimulus to the lively ; and though the noble divine and Jane could not possibly be ranked in either class, the effect was the same. The noble- man was much enamored, and Jane unconsciously gratified. It is true, love had never entered her thoughts in its direct and unequivocal form ; but admiration is so consoling to those laboring under self-condemnation, and flattery of a certain kind so very soothing to all, it is not to be wondered that she listened with increasino- pleasure to the interesting conversation of HaFland on all occasions, and more par PRECAUTION. 355 ticularly, as often happened, when exclusively addressed to herself. Grace had of late reflected more seriously on the subject of her eternal welfare than she had been accustomed to do in the house of her mother ; and the example of Emily, with the precepts of Mrs. Wilson, had not been thrown away upon her. It is a singular fact, that more women feel a disposition to religion soon after marriage than at any other period of life ; and whether it is, that having attained the most important station this life affords the sex, they are more willing to turn their thoughts to a provision for the next, or whether it be owing to any other cause, Mrs. Mose- ley was included in the number. She became sensibly touched with her situation, and as Harland was both devout and able as well as anxious to instruct, one of the party, at least, had cause to rejoice in the journey for the remainder of her days. But precisely as Grace increased in her own faith, so did her anxiety after the welfare of her husband receive new excitement ; and John, for the first time, became the cause of sorrow to his affectionate companion. The deep interest Harland took in the opening conviction of Mrs. Moseley, did not so entirely engross his thoughts as to prevent the too frequent contemplation of the charms of her friend for his own peace of mind ; and by the time the vessel reached Falmouth, he had determined to make a tender of his hand and title to the acceptance of Miss Mose- ley. Jane did not love Egerton ; on the contrary, she despised him ; but the time had been, when all her romantic feehngs, every thought of her brilliant imagination, had been filled with his image, and Jane felt it a species of indelicacy to admit the impression of another so soon, or even at all. These objections would, in time, have been overcome, as her affections became raor<* and more enlisted on behalf of 356 PRECAUTIOW. Harland, had she admitted his addresses ; but there was an impediment that Jane considered insurmountable to a union with any man. She had once communicated her passion to its object. There had been the confidence of approved love ; and she had now no heart for Harland, but one that had avowedly been a slave to another. To conceal this from him would be unjust, and not reconcilable to good faith ; to confess it, humiliating, and without the pale of probabihty. It was the misfortune of Jane to keep the world too constantly before her, and to lose sight too much of her really depraved nature, to relish the idea of humbling herself so low in the opinion of a fellow-creature. The refusal of Harland's offer was the consequence, although she had beglm to feel an esteem for him, that would no doubt have given rise to an attachment in time, far stronger and more deeply seated than her passing fancy for Colonel Egerton had been. If the horror of imposing on the credulity of Harland a wounded heart, was creditable to Jane, and showed an ele- vation of character that under proper guidance would have placed her in the first ranks of her sex ; the pride which con- demned her to a station nature did not design her for was h-r/BConcilable with the humility a just view of her condition could not fail to produce ; and the second sad consequence of the indulgent weakness of her parents, was confirming their child in passions directly at variance with the first dutie. of a Christian. We have so little right to value ourselves on anything that piide is a sentiment of very doubtful service, and one certainly, that is unable to effect any useful results which wil. not equally flow from good principles. Harland was disappointed and grieved, but prudently judging that occupation and absence would remove recollec PRECAUTION. 357 tions which could not be very deep, they parted at Falmouth, and our ti-avellers proceeded on their journey for B , whither, during their absence, Sir Edward's family had returned to spend a month, before they removed to town for the residue of the winter. The meeting of the two parties was warm and tender, and as Jane had many things to recount, and John as many to laugh at, their arrival threw a gaiety around Moseley Hall to which it had for months been a stranger. One of the first acts of Grace, after her return, was to enter strictly into the exercise of all those duties and ordinances required by her church, and the present state of her mind, .md from the hands of Dr. Ives she received her first com- munion at the altar. As the season had now become far advanced, and the fashionable world had been some time assembled in the me- tropolis, the Baronet commenced his arrangements to take possession of his town-house, after an interval of nineteen years. John proceeded to the capital first ; and the necessary domestics procured, furniture supplied, and other arrange- ments usual to the appearance of a wealthy family in the world having been completed, he returned with the informa tion that all was ready for their triumphal entrance. Sir Edward, feeling that a separation for so long a time, and at such an unusual distance, in the very advanced age of Mr. Benfield, would be improper, paid him a visit, with the intention of persuading him to make one of his family for the next four months. Emily was his companion, and their soli- citations were happily crowned with a success they had not anticipated. Averse to be deprived of Peter's society, the honest steward was included in the party. " Nephew," said Mr. Benfield, beginning to waver in his objections to the undertaking, as the arguments pro and con 358 PRECAUTION. were produced, " there are instances of gentlemen, not in parliament, going to town in the winter, I know. You are one yourself ; and old Sir John Cowel, who never could get in, although he ran for every city in the kingdom, nevei missed his winter in Soho. Yes, yes — the thing is admis- sible — but had I known your wishes before, I would cer tainly have kept my borough if it were only for the appear- ance of the thing — besides," continued the old man, shaking his head, " his majesty's ministers require the aid of some more experienced members in these critical times ; for what should an old man like me do in Westminster, unless it were to aid his country with his advice ?" " Make his friends happy with his company, dear uncle,'* said Emily, taking his hand between both her own, and smiling affectionately on the old gentleman as she spoke. " Ah ! Emmy dear !" cried Mr. Benfield, looking on her with melancholy pleasure, "you are not to be resisted — just such another as the sister of my old friend Lord Gos- ford ; she could always coax me out of anything. I remem- ber now, I heard the earl tell her once he could not afford to buy a pair of diamond ear-rings ; and she looked — only looked — did not speak ! Emmy ! — that I bought them with intent to present them to her myself." " And did she take them, uncle ?'' asked his niece, in a little surprise. " Oh yes ! When I told her if she did not I would throw iiem into the river, as no one else should wear what had 6een intended for her ; poor soul ! how delicate and unwil- ling she was. I had to convince her they cost three hundred pounds, before she would listen to it ; and then she though it such a pity to throw away a thing of so much value. I would have been wicked, you know, Emmy, dear ; and she was much opposed to wickedness and sin in any shape.*' PRECAUTION. 359 •* Sne must have been a very unexceptionable character indeed," cried the Baronet, with .i m.ihe, as V proceeded to make the necessary orders for tl\»^ir lourucp. ^'it we mus return to the party left at BatK ^00 PBECAUTIOH. CHAPTER XXXYl. The letters of Lady Laura informed her friends, that sh and Colonel Denbigh had decided to remain with his uncle until the recovery of the latter was complete, and then to proceed to Denbigh Castle, to meet the Duke and his sister during the approaching holidays. Emily was much relieved by this postponement of an inter- view which she would gladly have avoided for ever; and her aunt sincerely rejoiced that her niece was allowed more time to eradicate impressions, which, she saw with pain, her charge had yet a struggle to overcome. There were so many points to admire in the character of Denbigh ; his friends spoke of him with such decided par- tiality ; Dr. Ives, in his frequent letters, alluded to him with so iTiuch affection; that Emily frequently detected herself in weighing the testimony of his guilt, and indulging the expec- tation that circumstances had deceived them all in their judgment of his conduct. Then his marriage would cross her mind ; and with the conviction of the impropriety of admitting him to her thoughts at all, would come the mass of circumstantial testimony which had accumulated against him. Derwent served greatly to keep alive the recollections of his person, however ; and as Lady Harriet seemed to live only in the society of the Moseleys, not a day passed without giving the Duke some opportunity of indirectly preferring his suit. Emily not only appeared, but in fact was, unconscious of PRECAUTION. 3(3] hl^ admiration ; and entered into their amusements with a satiblaction thai was increased by the behef that the unfortu- nate auachmcrt her cousin Chatterton had once professed for herself, was forgotten in the more certain enjoyments of a uccessful love. Lady Harriet was a woman of manners and character very different horn Emily Moseley ; yet had she in a great mea sure erased tht' impressions made by the beauty of his kins woman frorii tJie bosom of the baron. Chatterton. under the depression of his first disappoint ment, it will be remembered, had left B in company with Mr. DenLigh. The interest of the duke had been unac- countably exerted to procure him the place he had so long Solicited in vdn, and gratitude required his early acknow-, ledgments for the favor. His manner, so very different from a successful apphcant for a valuable office, had struck both Derwent and his sister as singular. Before, however, a week's intercourse had passed between them, his own frankness had made them acquainted with the cause ; and a double wish prevailed in the bosom of Lady Harriet, to know the woman who could resist the beauty of Chatterton, and to relieve him from the weight imposed on his spirits by disappointed affection. The manners of Lady Harriet Denbigh were not in the teast forward or masculine ; but they had the freedom of high vank, mingled with a good deal of the ease of fashionable life Mrs. Wilson noticed, moreover, in her conduct to Chatterton, «. something exceeding the interest of ordinary communica- tions in their situation, which might possibly have been attri- buted more to feeling than to manner. It is certain, one of the surest methods to drive Emily from his thoughts, was to dwell on the perfections of some other lady ; and Lady Har- riet was so constantly before him in his visit into Westmore 16 362 PRECAUTION. land, so soothing, so evidently pleased with his presence, thai the baron made rapid advances in attaining his object. He had alluded, in his letter to Emily, to the obligation he was under to the services of Denbigh, in erasing his unfortu- nate partiality for her : but what those services were, we are unable to say, unless they were the usual arguments of the plainest good sense, enforced in the singularly insinuating and kind manner which distinguished that gentleman. In fact. Lord Chatterton was not formed by nature to love long, de- prived of hope, or to resist long the flattery of a preference from such a woman as Harriet Denbigh. On the other hand, Derwent was warm in his encomiums on Emily to all but herself; and Mrs. Wilson again thought it prudent to examine into the state of her feelings, in order to discover if there was any danger of his unremitted efforts dra\Ying Emily into a connexion that neither her religion nor prudence could wholly approve. Derwent was a man of the world — a Christian only in name ; and the cautious widow determined to withdraw in season, should she find grounds for her apprehensions. About ten days after the departure of the Dowager and her companions. Lady Harriet exclaimed, in one of her morn- ing visits — ** Lady Moseley ! I have now hopes of presenting to you soon the most polished man in the United Kingdom !" " As a husband ! Lady Harriet ?" inquired the other with a smile. " Oh, no ! only as a cousin, a second cousin ! madam !' replied Lady Harriet, blushing a little, and looking in th opposite direction to the one in wiiich Chatterton was placed " But his name ? You forget our curiosity ! What is his name ?" cried Mrs. Wilson, entering into the trifling for the moment PRECAUTION. 363 " Pendennyss, to be sure, my dear madam : whom else can I mean ?" " And you expect the earl at Bath 1" Mrs. Wilson eagerly inquired. " He has given us such hopes, and Derwent has written im to-day, pressing the journey." " You will be disappointed, I am afraid, sister,'* said th duke. " Pendennyss has become so fond of Wales of late, that it is difficult to get him out of it." " But," said Mrs. Wilson, " he will take his seat in parlia- ment during the winter, my lord ?" " I hope he will, madam ; though Lord Eltringham holds his proxies, in my absence, in all important questions before the house." " Your grace will attend, I trust," said Sir Edward. " The pleasure of your company is among my expected enjoyments in the town." " You are very good. Sir Edward," replied the duke, look- ing at Emily. " It will somewhat depend on circumstance, I believe." Lady Harriet smiled, and the speech seemed understood by all but the lady most concerned in it. " Lord Pendennyss is a universal favorite, and deservedly so," cried the duke. " He has set an example to the nobi- lity, which few are equal to imitate. An only son, with an immense estate, he has devoted himself to the profession of a soldier, and gained great reputation by it in the world ; noi has he neglected any of his private duties as a man " " Or a Christian, I hope," said Mrs. Wil-son, delighted with the praises of the earl. " Nor of a Christian, I believe," continued the duke ; " he appears consistent, humble, and sincere — three requisites, 1 believe, for that character." 364 PRECAUTION. " Does not your grace know ?" said Emily, with a benero* lent smile Derwent colored slightly as he answered — "Not as well as I ought; but" — lowering his voice for Her ear alone, he added, " under proper instruction I think I might learn." " Then I would recommend that book to you, my lord,*' rejoined Emily, with a blush, pointing to a pocket Bible which lay near her, though still ignorant of the allusion he meant to convey. " May I ask the honor of an audience of Miss Moseley," said Derwent, in the same low tone, " whenever her leisure will admit of her granting the favor ?" Emily was surprised ; but from the previous conversation and the current of her thoughts at the moment, supposing his communication had some reference to the subject before them, she rose from her chair, and unobtrusively, but cer- tainly with an air of perfect innocence and composure, she went into the adjoining room, the door of which was open very near them. Caroline Harris had abandoned all ideas of a coronet with the departure of the Marquess of Eltringham and his sisters for their own seat ; and as a final effort of her fading charms, had begun to calculate the capabilities of Captain Jarvis,who had at this time honored Bath with his company It is true, the lady would have greatly preferred her father's neighbor, but that was an irretrievable step. He had retired, disgusted with her haughty dismissal of his hopes, and was a man who, although he greatly admired her fortune, was not to be recalled by any beck or smile which might grow out of caprice. Lady Jarvis had, indeed, rather magnified the personal PRECAUTION. 365 qualifications of her son ; but the disposition fney had mani- fested to devote some of their surplus wealth to purchasing a title, had great weight, for Miss Harris would cheerfully, at any time, have sacrificed one half her own fortune to be called my lady. Jarvis would make but a shabby-looking lord, 'tis true ; but then what a lord's wife would she not make herself! His father was a merchant, to be sure, but then merchants were always immensely rich, and a few thousand pounds, properly applied, might make the mer- chant's son a baron. She therefore resolved to inquire, the first opportunity, into the condition of the sinking fund of his plebeianism, and had serious thoughts of contributing her mite towards the advancement of the desired object, did she find it within the bounds of probable success. An occasion soon offered, by the invitation of the Captain to accompany him in an excursion in the tilbury of his brother-in-law. In this ride they passed the equipages of Lady Harriet and Mrs. Wilson, with their respective mistresses, taking an airing. In passing the latter, Jarvis bowed (for he had renewed his acquaintance at the rooms, without daring to visit at the lodgings of Sir Edward), and Miss Harris saw both parties as they dashed by them. " You know the Moseleys, Caroline ?" said Jarvis, with the freedom her manners had established between them. " Yes," rephed the lady, drawing her head back from a view of the carriages ; " what fine arms those of the Duke' are — and the coronet, it is so noble — so rich — I am sure if were a man," laying great emphasis on the word — " I woul be a Lord." " If you could, you mean," cried the captain. " Could — why money will buy a title, you know — only most people are fonder of their cash than of honor." 366 PRECAUTION. " That*s right," said the wireflecting captain ; " money is the thing, after all. Now what do you suppose our last mess-bill came to?'' " Oh, don't talk of eating and drinking," cried Miss~Harris, in affected aversion; "is it beneath the consideration of nobility." " Then any one may be a lord for m«," said Jarvis, drily " if they are not to eat and drink ; why, what do they live for, but such sort of things !" " A soldier lives to fight and gain honor and distinction'* — for his wife — Miss Harris would have added, had she spoken all she thought. " A poor way that of spending a man's time," said the Captain. " Now there is Captain Jones in our regiment ; they say he loves fighting as much as eating : if he do, he is a bloodthirsty fellow." "You know how intimate I am with your dear mother," continued the lady, bent on the principal object ; " she has made me acquainted with her greatest wish." " Her greatest wish !" cried the Captain, in astonishment; " why, what can that be ? — a new coach and horses ?" " No, I mean one much dearer to us — I should say, to her, than any such trifles : she has told me of the plati." " Plan !" said Jarvis, still in wonder, " what plan ?" " About the fund for the peerage, you know. Of course, the thing is sacred with me, as, indeed, I am equally inte rested with you all in its success." Jarvis eyed her with a knowing look, and as she concluded, rolling his eyes in an expression of significance, he said — '* What, serve Sir William some such way, eh ?" " I will assist a little, if it be necessary, Henry," said the lady, tenderly, " although my mite cannot amount to a great deal." PRECAUTIOIT. 367 During this speech, the Captain was wondering what she % -tild mean ; but, having had a suspicion, from something tnat had fallen from his mother, that the lady was intended for him as a wife, and that she might be as great a dupe as Lady Jarvis herself, he was resolved to know the whole, and to act accordingly. " I think it might be made to do," he replied, evasiveh, in order to discover the extent of his companion's informa- tion. '' Do !" cried Miss Harris, with fervor, " it cannot fail ! How much do you suppose will be wanting to buy a barony, for instance ?" " Hem !" said Jarvis ; " you mean more than we have already ?" " Certainly." " Why, about a thousand pounds, I think, will do it, with what we have," said Jarvis, affecting to calculate. " Is that all ?" cried the delighted Caroline ; and the cap- tain grew in an instant, in her estimation, three inches higher ; — quite noble in his air, and, in short, very tolerably handsome. From that moment. Miss Harris, in her own mind, had fixed the fate of Captain Jarvis, and had determined to be his wife, whenever she could persuade him to offer himself; a thing she had no doubt of accomphshing with comparative ase. Not so the Captain. Like all weak men, there was nothing of which he stood more in terror than of ridicule. He had heard the manoeuvres of Miss Harris laughed at by many of the young men in Bath, and was by no means disposed to add himself to the food for mirth of these wags; and, indeed, had cultivated her acquaintance with a kind of bravado to some of his bottle companions, in order to show bis abihty to oppose all her arts, when most exposed tu 368 PRECAUTION. them : for it is one of the greatest difficulties to the success of this description of ladies, that their characters soon become suspected, and do them infinitely more injury than all their skill in their vocation. With these views in the respective champions the campaign opened, and the lady, on her return, acquainted his mother with the situation of the privy purse, that was to promote hei darling child to the enviable distinction of the peerage. Lady Jarvis was for purchasing a baronetcy on the spot, with wluit they had, under the impression that when ready for anotlier promotion they would only have to pay the difference, as they did in the army when he received his captaincy. As, however, the son was opposed to any arrangement that might make the producing the few hundred pounds he had obtained from his mother's folly necessary, she was obliged to post- pone the wished-for da}', until their united efforts could com- pass the means of effecting the main point. As an earnest, however, of her spirit in the cause, she gave him a fifty pound note, that morning obtained from her husband, and which the Captain lost at one throw of the dice to his brother-in- law the same evening. During the preceding events, Egerton had either studi- ously avoided all collision with the Moseleys, or his engage- ments had confined him to such very different scenes, that they never met. The Baronet had felt his presence a reproach, and Lady 'Moseley rejoiced that Egerton yet possessed sufficient shame to keep him from insulting her with his company. It was a month after the departure of Lady Chatterton that Sir Edward returned to B , as related in the pre- ceding chapter, and that the arrangements for the London mnter were commenced. The day preceding their leaving Bath, the engagement of PRECAUTION. 369 Chatterton with Lady Harriet was made public amongst their mutual friends, and an intimation was given that their nup- tials would be celebrated before the family of the Duke left his seat for the capital. Something of the pleasure that she had for a long time been a stranger to, was felt by Emily Moseley, as the well remembered tower of the village church of B struck her sight on their retui-n from their protracted excursion. More than four months had elapsed since they had commenced their travels, and in that period what changes of sentiments had she not witnessed in others ; of opinions of mankind in general, and of one individual in particular, had she not expei'ienced in her own person. The benevolent smiles, the respectful salutations they received, in passing the little group of houses which, clustered round the church, had obtained the name of " the village," conveyed a sensation of delight that can only be felt by the deserving and virtuous ; and the smiling faces, in several instances glistening with tears, which met them at the Hall, gave ample testimony to the worth of both the master and his servants. Francis and Clara were in waiting to receive them, and a very few minutes elapsed before the rector and Mrs. Ives, having heard they had passed, drove in also. In saluting the different members of the foniily, Mrs. Wilson noticed the startled look of the doctor, as the change in Emily's appear- ance first met his eyes. Hur bloom, if not gone, was greatly diminished ; and it was only when under the excitement of strong emotions, that her face possessed that radiance which had so eminently distinguished it before her late journey. " Where did you last see my friend George ?" said the . Doctor to Mrs. Wilson, in the course of the first afternoon, as he took a seat by her side, apart from the rest of the famiK 16* 370 PRECAUTION. " At L ," said Mrs. Wilson, gravely. "L !" cried the doctor, in evident amazement. "Wa> he not at Bath then during yom- stay there ?" " No ; I understand he was in attendance on some sick relative, which detained him from his friends," said Mrs. Wil- son, wondering why the doctor chose to introduce so delicate a topic. Of his guilt in relation to Mrs. Fitzgerald he was doubtless ignorant, but surely not of his marriage. " It is now some time since I heard from him," continued the doctor, regarding Mrs. Wilson expressively, but to which the lady only rephed with a gentle inclination of the body ; and the Rector, after pausing a moment, continued : " You will not think me impertinent if I am bold enough to ask, has George ever expressed a wish to become con- nected with your niece by other ties than those of friend- ship ?" " He did," answered the widow, after a little hesitation. ''He did, and—" "Was refused," continued Mrs. Wilson, with a slight feeling for the dignity of her sex, which for a moment caused her to lose sio;ht of iustice to Denbiofh. Dr. Ives was silent ; but manifested by his dejected coun- tenance the interest he had taken in this anticipated connex- ion, and as Mrs. Wilson had spoken with ill-concealed reluc- tance on the subject at all, the Rector did not attempt a renewal of the disagreeable PRECAUTION. 37 J CHAPTER XXXYII. " SiV-VENSON has returned, and I certainly must hear from Harrif/.," exclaimed the sister of Pendennyss, as she stood at a wiij/Mw watching the return of a servant from the neigh- borivifj post-office. " I am afraid," rejoined the Earl, who was seated by the brc'ikfar.t table, waiting the leisure of the lady to give him his cup of tea — " You find Wales very dull, sister. I sin- cerely hope both Derwent and Harriet will not forget their ijToraise of visiting us this month." The lady slowly took her seat at the table, engrossed in fier own reflections, when the man entered with his budget of news ; and having deposited sundry papers and letters he respectfully withdrew. The Earl glanced his eyes over the directions of the epistles, and turning to his servants said, "• Answer the bell when called." Three or four liveried foot- men deposited their silver salvers and different implements of servitude, and the peer and his sister were left to them • selves. " Here is one from the Duke to me, and one for you from his sister," said the brother ; " I propose they be read aloud iov our mutual advantage." To this proposal the lady, whose curiosity to hear the contents of Derwent's letter greatly exceeded her interest in that of his sister, cheerfully acqui- esced, and her brother first broke the seal of his own epistle, and read its contents as follow : "Notwithstanding my promise of seeing you this month 3? 2 PREOAUTIOX. in CaoiiAifc » onshire, I remain here yet, my dear Pendennyss, unable to tear myself from the attractions I have found in this city, although the pleasure of their contemplation has been purchased at the expense of mortified feelings and unrequited aflfections. It is a truth (though possibly diffi- cult to be believed), that this mei-cenary age has produced a female disengaged, young, and by no means very rich, who has refused a jointure of six thousand a year, with the privilege of walking at a coronation within a dozen of royalty itself." Here the accidental falling of a cup from the hands ol the fair listener caused some little interruption to the reading of the brother ; but as the lady, with a good deal of trepida- tion and many blushes, apologized hastily for the confusion her awkwardness had made, the Earl continued to read. "I could almost worship her independence: for I know the wishes of both her parents were for my success. I con- fess to you freely, that my vanity has been a good deal hurt, as I really thought myself agreeable to her. She certainly listened to my conversation, and admitted my ap]^roaches, with more satisfaction than those of any other of the men ai-ound Ler ; and when I ventured to hint to her this circumstance, as some justification for my presumption, she frankly acknowledged the truth of my impression, and, without explaining the reasons for her conduct, deeply regretted the construction I had been led to place uj)0!i th circumstance. Yes, my lord, I felt it necessary to apologize to Emily Moseley for presuming to aspire to the honor of possessing so much loveliness and virtue. The accidenta advantages of rank and wealth lose all their importance, when opposed to her delicacy, ingenuousness, and unaffected principles. " 1 have heard it intimated lately, that George Denbigh PRECAUTION. 373 «^as in some way or other instrumental in saving her life once ; and that to her gratitude, and to my resemblance to tlie colonel, am I indebted to a consideration with Miss Moseley, which, although it has been the means of buoying me up with false hopes, I can never regret, from the plea- sure her society has afforded me. I have remarked, on my mentioning his name to her, that she showed unusual emo- tion ; and as Denbigh is already a husband, and myself rejected, the field is now fairly open to you. You will enter on your enterprise with great advantage, as you have the same flattering resemblance, and, if anything, the voice, which, I am told, is our greatest recommendation with the ladies, in higher perfection than either George or your hura« ble servant." Here the reader stopped of his own accord, and was so mtently absorbed in his meditations, that the almost breath- less curiosity of his sister was obliged to find relief by desir- ing him to proceed. Roused by the sound of her voice, the earl changed color sensibly, and continued : ** But to be serious on a subject of great importance to my future life (for I sometimes think her negative will make Denbigh a duke), tiie lovely girl did not appear happy at the time of our inteiview, nor do I think she enjoys at any time the spirits nature has evidently given her. Harriet is nearly as great an admirer of Miss Moseley, and takes her refusal to heart as much as myself; she even attem])ted to intercede with her in mv behalf. But the charrainij oirl though mild, grateful, and delicate, was firm and unequi vocal, and left no grounds for the remotest exper'.ation of Buccess from };eiseverance on my part. ** As Harriet had received an intimation that both Miss Moseley and her aunt entertained extremely rigid notions on the score of religion, she took occasion to introduce the subr S74 PRECAUTION. ject in her conference -witli the former, and was told in reply, ' that other considerations would have determined her to decline the honor I intended her; but that, under any circumstances, a more intimate knowledge of my principles would be necessary before she could entertain a thought of accepting my hand, or, nideed, that of any other man.' Think of that, Pendennyss ! The principles of a duke ! — now, a dukedom and forty thousand a year would furnish a character, with most people, for a Nero. '* I trust the important object I have had in view here is a sufficient excuse for my breach of promise to you ; and I am serious when I wish you (unless the pretty Spaniard has, as I sometimes suspect, made you a captive) to see, and endeavor to bring me in some degree connected with, the charming family of Sir Edward Moseley. " The aunt, Mrs. Wilson, often speaks of you with the greatest interest, and, from some cause or other, is strongly enlisted in your favor, and Miss Moseley hears your name mentioned with evident pleasure. You?- religion or princi- ples cannot be doubted. You can offer larger settlements, as honorable if not as elevated a title, a far more illustrious name, purchased by your own services, and personal merit greatly exceeding the pretensions of your assured friend and relative, '* Derwent." Both brother and sister were occupied with their own reflections for several minutes after the letter was ended, and the silence was broken first, by the latter saying with a low tone to her brother, — " You must endeavor to become acquainted with Mrs, Wilson ; she is, I know, very anxious to see you, and your friendship for the general requires it of you." " I owe General Wilson much," replied the brother, in a PllECAUTIOX. 375 melancholy voice ; " and when we go to Annerdale House, I wish you to make the acquaintance of the ladies of the Moseley family, should they be in town this winter ; — but you have yet the letter of Harriet to read." After first hastily running over its contents, the lady com- menced the fulfilment of her part of the engagement. " Frederick has been so much engrossed of late with his own affairs, that he has forgotten there is such a creature in existence as his sister, or, indeed, any one else but a Miss Emily Moseley, and consequently I have been unable to fulfil my promise of making you a visit, for want of a proper escort, and — and — perhaps some other considerations, not worth mentioning in a letter I know you will read to the earl. " Yes, my dear cousin, Frederick Denbigh has supplicated the daughter of a country baronet to become a duchess ; and, hear it, ye marriage-seeking nymphs and marriage- making dames ! has supplicated in vain ! " I confess to you, when the thing was first in agitation, my aristocratic blood roused itself a little at the anticipated connexion ; but finding on examination that Sir Edward was of no doubtful lineage, and that the blood of the Chattertons runs in his veins, and finding the young lady everything 1 could wish in a sister, iny scruples soon disappeared, with -the follv that enojendered them. " There was no necessity for any alarm, for the lady very decidedly refused the honor offered her by Derwent, and what makes the matter worse, refused the solicitations of hia sister also. " I have fifty times been surprised at my own condescen- sion, and to this moment am at a loss to know whether it was to the lady's worth, my brother's happiness, or the Chat- 3TG PRECAUTION. terton blood, that I finally yielded. Heigho ! this Chatterton is certainly much too handsome for a man ; but I forget you have never seen him." (Here an arch smile stole over the features of the listener, as his sister continued) — *' To return to my narration, I had half a mind to send for a Miss Harris there is here, to learh the most approved fashion of a lady preferring a suit, but as fame said she was just now practisin<>- on a certain hero ycleped Captain Jarvis, heir to Sir Timo of that name, it struck me her system might be rather too abrupt, so I was fain to adopt the best plan — that of trusting to natuie and my own feelings for woids. " Nobility is certainly a very pretty thing (for those who have it), but I would defy the old Margravine of to keep up the semblance of superiority with Emily Moseley. She is so very natural, so very beautiful, and withal at times a little arch, that one is afraid to set up any other distinc- tions than such as can be fairly supported. " I commenced with hoping her determination to reject the hand of Frederick was not an unalterable one. (Yes, I called him Frederick, what I never did out of my own family before in my life.) There was a considerable tremor in the voice of Miss Moseley, as she replied, ' I now perceive, when too late, that my indiscretion has given reason to my friends to think that I have entertained intentions towards his grace, of which I entreat you to beheve me, Lady Harriet, I am innocent. Indeed — indeed, as anything more than an agree able acquaintance I have never allowed myself to think of your brother :' and from my soul I believe her. We con tinued our conversation for half an hour longer, and such wa the ingenuousness, delicacy, and high religious feeling dis played by the charming girl, that if I entered the room with a spark of regret that I was compelled to solicit another to favor my brother's love, I left it with a feeling that my efforts PRECAUTION. 377 had been unsuccessful. Yes ! thou peerless sister of the more peerless Pendennyss ! I once thought of your ladyship as a wife for Derwent — " A glass of water was necessary to enable the reader to cleai her voice, which grew husky from speaking so long. " But I now openly avow, neither your birth, your hun- dred thousand pounds, nor your merit, would put you on a footing, in my estimation, with my Emily. You may form some idea of her power to captivate, and of her indifFerencs to her conquests, when I mention that she once refused — but I forget, you don't know him, and therefore cannot be a judge. The thing is finally decided, and we shortly go into Westmoreland, and next week, the Aloseleys return to North- amptonshire. I don't know when I shall be able to visit you, and think I may now safely invite you to Denbigh Castle, although a month ago I might have hesitated. Love to the earl, and kind assurance to yourself of unalterable regard. " Harriet Denbigh." *' P. S. I believe I forgot to mention that Mrs. Moseley, a sister of Lord Chatterton, has gone to Portugal, and that the peer himself is to go into the country with us : there is, I suppose, a fellow-feehng between them just now, though I do not think Chatterton looks so very miserable as he might. Adieu." On ending this second epistle the same silence which had succeeded the reading of the first prevailed, until the lady with an arch expression, interrupted it by saying, " Harriet will, I think, soon grace the peerage." •'And happily, I trust," replied the brother. "Do you know Lord Chatterton ?" "I do ; he is very amiable, and admirably calculated to eontrast with the lively gaiety of Harriet Denbigh." 378 PRECAUTION. " You believe in loving our opposites, I see," rejoined the lady ; and then affectionately stretching out her hand to him, she added, " but, Pendennyss, you must give me for a sister one as nearly like yourself as possible." " That might please your affections," answered the earl with a smile, " but how would it comport with my tastes ? Will you suffer me to describe the kind of man you are to select for your future lord, unless, indeed, you have decided the point already 1" The lady colored violently, and appearing anxious to change the subject, she tumbled over two or three unopened letters, as she cried eagerly — " Here is one from the Donna Julia." The earl instantly broke the seal and read aloud ; no secrets existing between them in relation to their mutual friend, " My Lord, " I hasten to wiite you what I know it will give you plea- sure to hear, concerning my future prospects in life. My uncle, General M'Carthy, has written me the cheerful tidings, that my father has consented to receive his only child, with- out any other sacrifice than a condition of attending the service of the Catholic Church without any professions on my side, or even an understanding that I am conforming to its peculiar tenets. This may be, in some measure, iiksome at times, and possibly distressing ; but the worship of G()(^, with a proper humiliation of spiiit, I have learnt to considn* as -a privilege to us here, and I owe a duty to my earthly father of penitence and care in his later years that will jus- tify the measuie in the eyes of my heavenly One. I ha>ve, therefore, acquainted my uncle in reply, that I am willing to attend the Conde's summons at any moment he will choose to make them ; and I thought it a debt due your care and PRECAUTION. 379 friendship to apprise your lordship of my approaching depar ture from this country ; indeed, I have great reasons for believing that your kind and unremitted efforts to attain this object have already prepared you to expect this result. " I feel it will be impossible to quit England without seeing you and your sister, to thank you for the many, very many favors, of both a temporal and eternal nature, you have been the ascents of conferrinor on me. The cruel sua^ffestions which I dreaded, and which it appears had reached the ears of my friends in Spain, have prevented my troubling your lordship of late unnecessarily with my concerns. The consideration of a friend to your character (Mrs. Wilson) has removed the necessity of applying for your advice ; she and her charming niece, Miss Emily Moseley, have been, next to yourselves, the greatest solace I have had in my exile, and united you will be remembered in my prayei's. I will merely mention here, deferring the explanation until I see you in London, that I have been visited by the wretch from whom you delivered me in Portuo-al, and that the means of ascertaininof his name have fallen into my hands. You will be the best judge of the proper steps to be taken ; but I wish, by all means, something may be done to prevent his attempting to see me in Spain. Should it be discovered to my relations there that he hap any such intentions, it would certainly terminate in his death, and possibly in my disgrace. Wishing you and your kind sister all possible happiness, I remain, " Your Lordship's obliged friend, " Julia Fitzgerald." " Oh !" cried the sister as she concluded the letter, " we must certainly see her before she goes. What a wretch that per- secutor of hers must be ! how persevering in his villany !" ** He does exceed ray ideas of effrontery," said the earl, in 380 PRECAUTION. great warmth — " but he may offend too far ; the laws shall interpose their power to defeat his schemes, should he ever repeat them." " He attempted to take your life, brother," said the lady shuddering, *' if I remember the tale aright." " Why, I have endeavored to free him from that imputa tion," rejoined the brother, musing ; "he certainly fired pistol, but the latter hit my horse at such a distance from myself, that I believe his object was to disable me and not murder. His escape has astonished me ; he must have fled by himself into the woods, as Harmer was but a short distance behind me, admirably mounted, and the escort was up and in full pursuit within ten minutes. After all it may be for the best he was not taken ; for I am persuaded the dragoons would have sabred him on the spot, and he may have parents of respectability, or a wife to kill by the know- ledge of his misconduct." " This Emily Moseley must be a faultless being," cried the sister, as she ran over the contents of Juha's letter. " Three different letters, and each containing her praises !" The earl made no reply, but opening the duke's letter again, he appeared to be studying its contents. His color slightly changed as he dwelt on its passages, and turning to his sister he inquired if she had a mind to try the air of West- moreland for a couple of weeks or a month. " As you say, my Lord," replied the lady, with cheeks of carlet. " Then I say we will go. I wish much to see Derwent and I think there will be a wedding during our visit." He rang the bell, and the almost untasted breakfast wa removed in a few minutes. A servant announced that his horse was in readiness. The earl wished his sister a friendly good morning, and proceeded to the door, where "was stand PRECAUTION. 381 ing one of the noble black horses before mentioned, held by a groom, and the military-looking attendant ready mounted on another. Throwing himself into the saddle, th'e young peer rode gracefully from the door, followed by his attendant horseman. Durinof this ride, the master suffered his steed to take what- ever course most pleased himself, and his follower looked up in surprise more than once, to see the careless manner in which the Earl of Pendennyss, confessedly one of the best horsemen in England, managed the noble animal. Raving, however, got without the gates of his own park, and into the vicinity of numberless cottages and farm-houses, the mas- ter recovered his recollection, and the man ceased to wonder. For three hours the equestrians, pursued their course through the beautiful vale which opened gracefully opposite one of the fronts of the castle ; and if faces of smiling wel- come, inquiries after his own and his sister's welfare, which evidently sprang from the heart, or the most familiar but respectful representations of their own prosperity or misfor- tunes, gave any testimony of the feelings entertained by the tenantry of this noble estate for their landlord, the situa- tion of the young nobleman might be justly considered envied. As the hour for dinner approached, they turned the heads of their horses towards home ; and on entering the park, removed from the scene of industry and activity without, the earl relapsed into his fit of musing. A short distance from the house he suddenly called, " Harmer." The man drove his spurs into the loins of his horse, and in an instant was by the side of his master, which he signified by raising his hand to his cap with the palm opening outward. "You must prepare to go to Spain when required, in attendance on Mrs. Fitzgerald." 382 PRECAUTION. The man received his order with the indifference of oue used to adventures and movements, and having laconically signified his assent, he drew his horse back again into bis station in the rear; PRECAUTION. 383 CHAPTER XXXYIII. The day succeeding the arrival of he Moseleys at the seat i,i their ancestors, Mrs. Wilson observed Emily silently put- ting on her pelisse, and walking out unattended by either of the domestics or any of the family. There was a peculiar melancholy in her air and manner, which inclined the cau- tious aunt to suspect that her charge was bent on the indul- gence of some ill-judged weakness ; more particularly, as the direction she took led to the arbor, a theatre in which Den- bigh had been so conspicuous an actor. Hastily throwing a cloak over her own shoulders, Mrs. "Wilson followed Emily with the double purpose of ascertaining her views, and if necessary, of inteiposing her own authority against the repe- tition of similar excursions. As Emily a|)proached the arbor, whither in truth she had directed her steps, its faded vegetation and chilhng aspect, so different from its verdure and luxuriance when she last saw it, came over her heart as a symbol of her own blighted prospects and deadened affections. The recollection of Den- bigh's conduct on that spot, of his general benevolence and assiduity to please, being forc'bly recalled to her mind at the iisUmt, forgetful of her object in visiting the arbor, Emily yielded to her sensibilities, and sank on the seat weeping as if her heart would break. She had not time to dry her eyes, and to collect her scattered thoughts, before Mrs. Wilson entered the arbor. Eyeing her niece for a moment with a sternness unusual for the one to adopt or the other to receive, she said. 384 PRECAUTION. ** It is a solemn obligation we owe our religion and our- selves, to endeavor to suppress such passions as are incom- patible with our duties ; and there is no weakness greater than blindly adhering to the wrong, when we are convinced of our error. It is as fatal to good morals as it is unjust to ourselves to persevere, from selfish motives, in believing those innocent whom evidence has convicted as guilty Many a weak woman has sealed her own misery by such wilful obstinacy, aided by the unpardonable vanity of believ- ing herself able to control a man that the laws of God could not restrain." " Oh, dear madam, speak not so unkindly to me," sobbed the weeping giil ; " I — I am guilty of no such weakness, I assure you :'* and looking up with an air of profound resig- nation and piety, she continued : " Here, on this spot, where he saved my Hfe, I was about to offer up my prayers for his conviction of the error of his ways, and for the pardon of his too — too heavy transgressions." Mrs. Wilson, softened almost to tears herself, viewed her for a moment with a mixture of delight, and continued in a milder tone, — " I believe you, my dear. I am certain, although you may have loved Denbigh much, that you love your Maker and his ordinances more ; and I have no apprehensions that, were he a disengaged man, and you alone in the world — unsupported by anything but your sense of duty — you would ever so far forget yourself as to become his wife But does not your religion, does not your own usefulness in society, require you wholly to free your heart from the power of a man who has so unworthily usurped a dominion over it ?" To this Emily replied, in a hardly audible voice, " Certainly —and I pray constantly for it." PRECAUTION. 385 ** It is well, ray love," said the aunt, soothingly ; " you cannot fail with such means, and your own exertions, finally to prevail over your own worst enemies, your passions. The task our sex has to sustain is, at the best, an arduous one ; but so much the greater is our credit if we do it well." " Oh ! how is anunguided girl ever to judge aright, if, — " cried Emily, clasping her hands and speaking with great energy, and she would 'have said, " one like Denbigh in appearance, be so vile !" Shame, however, kept her silent. " Fevf men can support such a veil of hypocrisy as that with which- I sometimes think Denbigh must deceive even himself. His case is an extraordinary exception to a very sacred rule — * that the tree is known by its fruits,' " replied her aunt. " There is no safer way of judging of character that one's oppoi-tunitics will not admit of more closely investigating, than by examining into and duly appreciating early impressions. The man or woman who has constantly seen the practice of piety before them, from infancy to the noon of hfe, will seldom so far . abandon the recollection of virtue as to be guilty of great enormities. Even Divine Truth has promised that his blessings or his curses shall extend to many generations. It ^s true, that with our most most guarded prudence we may be deceived." Mrs. Wil- son paused and sighed heavily, as her own case, connected with the loves of Denbigh and her niece, occurred strongly to her mind. " Yet," she continued, " we may lessen the danger much by guarding against it ; and it seems to me no more than what self-preservation requires in a young woman. But for a religious parent to neglect it, is a wilful abandonment of a most solemn duty." As Mrs. Wilson concluded, her niece, who had recovered the command of her feelings, pressed her hand in silence to her lips, and showed a disposition to retire from a spot 17 PRECAUTION. which she found recalled too many recollections of a mafl whose image it was her imperious duty to banish, on every consideration of propriety and religion. Their walk into the house was silent, and their thoughts were drawn from the unpleasant topic by finding a letter from Julia, announcing her intended departure from this country, and her wish to take leave of them in London before she sailed. As she had mentioned the probable day for that event, both the ladies were delighted to find it was posterior to the time fixed by Sir Edward for their own visit to the capital. Had Jane, instead of Emily, been the one that suffered through the agency of Mrs. Fitzgerald, however innocently on the part of the lady, her violent and uncontrolled passions would have either blindly united the innocent with the guilty in her resentments; or, if a sense of justice had vindicated the lady in her judgment, yet her pride and ill-guided delicacy would have felt her name a reproach, that would have forbidden any intercourse with her or any belonging to her. Not so with her sister. The suiBFerings of Mrs. Fitzgerald had taken a strong hold on her youthful feelings, and a simi- larity of opinions and practices on the great object of their lives, had brouoht them tos^ether in a manner no misconduct in a third person could weaken. It is true, the recollection of Denbigh was intimately blended with the fate of Mrs. Fitzgerald. But Emily sought support against her feelings from a quarter that rather required an investigation of them than a desire to drown care with thought. She never indulged in romantic -reflections in which the image of Denbigh was associated. This she had hardly done in her happiest moments ;. and his marriage, if nothing else had interfered, now absolutely put it out of the question. PRECAUTION. 387 But, although a Christian, and an humble and devout one, Emily Moseley was a woman, and had loved ardently, con- fidingly, and gratefully- Marriage is the business of life with her sex, — with all, next to a preparation for a better world, — and it cannot be supposed that a first passion in a bosom like that of our heroine was to be suddenly erased and to leave no vestiges of its existence. Her partiality for the society of Derwent, her meditations in which she sometimes detected herself drawing a picture of what Denbigh might have been, if early care had been taken to impress him with his situation in this world, and from which she generally retired to her closet and her knees, were the remains of feelings too strong and too pure to be torn from her in a moment. The arrival of John, with Grace and Jane, enlivened not only the family but the neighborhood. Mr. Haughton and his numerous friends poured in on the young couple with their "congratulations, and a few weeks stole by insensibly, previa ously to the commencement of the journeys of Sir Edward and his son — the one to Benfield Lodge and the other to St. James's Square. On the return of the travellers, a few days before they commenced their journey to the capital, John laughingly told his uncle that, although he himself greatly admired the taste of Mr. Peter Johnson in dress, yet he doubted whether th*» present style of fashions in the metropolis would not be scan dalized by the appearance of the honest steward. John had in fact noticed, in their former visit to London, mob of mischievous boys eyeing Peter with indications of rebellious movements which threatened the old man, and from which he had retreated by taking a coach, and he now made the suggestion from pure good-nature, to save him any future trouble from a similar cause. 388 PRECAUTION. They were at dinner when Moseley made the remark, and the steward was in his place at the sideboard — for his master was his home. Drawing near at the mention of his name first, and casting an eye over his figure to see if all was decent, Peter respectfully broke silence, determined to defend his own cause. " Why ! Mr. John — Mr. John Moseley ? if I might judge, for an elderly man, and a serving man," said the steward, bowing humbly, " I am no disparagement to my friends, or even to my honored master." Johnson's vindication of his wardrobe drew the eyes of the family upon him, and an involuntary smile passed from one to the other, as they admired his starched figure and drab frock, or rather doublet with sleeves and skirts. Sir Edward, being of the same opinion with his son, observed — " I do think. Uncle Benfield, there might be an improve- ment in the dress of your steward without much trouble to the ingenuity of his tailor." " Sir Edward Moseley — honorable sir," said the steward, beginning to grow alarmed, " if I may be so bold, you young gentlemen may like gay clothes ; but as for me and his honor, we are used to such as we wear, and what we are used to we love." The old man spoke with earnestness, and drew the parti- cular attention of his master to a review of his attire. After reflecting that no gentleman in the house had been attended by any servitor in such a garb, Mr. Benfield thought it time to give his sentiments on the subject. " Why I remember that my Lord Gosford's gentleman never wore a liver}^ nor can I say that he dressed exactly after the manner of Johnson. Every member had his body servant, and they were not unfrequently taken for their mas- ters. Lady Juliana, too, after the death of her nephew, had PRECAUTION. 3^9 one or two attendants out of livery, and in a different fashion from your attire. Peter, I think ^Yith John Moseley there, we must alter you a little for the sake of appearances." "Your honor!" stammered out Peter, in increased terror; "for Mr. John Moseley and Sir Edward, and youngerly gen- tlemen like, dress may do. Now, your honor, if — " and Peter, turning to Grace, bowed nearly to the floor — " I had such a sweet, most beautiful young lady to smile on me,[ might wish to change ; but, sir, my day^ has gone by." Peter sighed as the recollection of Patty Steele and his youth- ful love floated across his brain. Grace blushed and thanked him for the compliment, and gave her opinion that his gal- lantry merited a better costume. *' Peter," said his master, decidedly, " I think Mrs. Moseley is right. If I should call on the viscountess (the Lady Juli- ana, who yet survived an ancient dowager of seventy), I shall wa t your attendance, and in your present garb you cannofe fail to shock her delicate feelings. You remind me now 1 tiiiiik, every time I look at you, of old Harry, the earl's gamekeeper, one of the most cruel men T ever knew." This decided the matter. Peter well knew that his mas- ter's antipathy to old Harry arose from his having pursued a poacher one day, in place of helping the Lady Juliaiia over a stile, in her flight from a bull that was playing his gambols in the same field ; and not for the world w^ould the faithful steward retain even a feature, if it brought unpleasant recol- ections to his kind master. He at one time thought of clo«inor his innovations on his waidrobe, however, with a cnai^ge c: iii? nether garrrjent ; as after a great deal of study he cou^d only siake oui ine reser^blaiice between himself and the ounoxious game-keeper \o :oi sisi :n tne leathern breeches. But fearful of'sorae poincs escipinor his men2':^rv :d forty years, ae tameiy acquiesced in all John's alteratiouSj 390 PRECAUTION. and appeared at his station three days afterwards newly decked from head to foot in a more modern suit of snuff- color. The change once made, Peter greatly admired himself in a glass, and thought, could he have had the taste of Mr. John Moseley in his youth to direct his toilet, that the hard heart of Patty Steele would not always have continued so obdu- rate. Sir Edward wished to collect his neighbors round him once more before he left them for another four months ; and accordingly the rector and his wife, Francis and Clara, the Ilaughtons, with a few others, dined at the Hall by invita- tion, the last day of their stay in Northamptonshire. The company had left the table to join the ladies, when Grace came into the drawing-room with a face covered with smiles and beaming with pleasure. "You look like'th^ bearer of good news, Mrs. Moseley," cried the rector, catching a glimpse of her countenance as she passed. " Good ! I sincerely hope and believe," replied Grace. '* My letters from my brother announce that his maniage took place last week, and give us hopes of seeing them all in town within the month." " Married !" exclaimed Mr. Haughton, casting his eyes unconsciously on Emily, " my Lord Chatterton married 1 May I ask the name of the bride, my dear Mrs. Moseley ?" *' To Lady Harriet Denbigh — and at Denbigh Castle in Westmoreland ; but very privately, as you may suppose from eeing Moseley and myself here," answered Grace, her heeks yet glowing with surprise and pleasure at the intel- igence. " Lady Harriet Denbigh ?" echoed Mr. Haughton ; '* what! a kinswoman of our old friend ? your friend, Miss- Emily ?** PRECAUTION, 2[)l Jtifs recollection of the service lie had performed at the arbor still fresh in his memor}'. Emily commanded herself sufficiently to reply, " Brothers' hildren, I believe, sir." " But a lad)/ — how came she my lady ?" continued the good man, anxious to know the whole, and ignorant of any reasons for delicacy where so great a favorite as Denbigh was in the question. " She is the daughter of the late Duke of Derwent," said Mrs. Moseley, as willing as himself to talk of her new sister. " How happens it that the death of old Mr. Denbigh was announced as plain Geo. Denbigh, Esq., if he was the bro- ther of a duke V" said Jane, forgetting for a moment the .pre- sence of Dr. and Mrs. Ives, in her surviving passion for gene- alogy : "should he not have been called Lord George, or honorable ?" This was the fiist time any allusion had been made to the sudden death in the church by any of the Moseleys in the hearing of the rector's family ; and the speaker sat in breath- less terror at her own inadvertency. But Dr. Ives, observing that a profound silence prevailed as soon as Jane ended, answered mildly, though in a way to prevent any further comments — " The late Duke's succeeding a cousin-german in the title, was the reason, I presume. Emily, I am to hear from you by letter I hope, after you enter into the gaieties of the me- tropolis ?" This Emily cheerfully promised, and the conversation took another turn. Mrs. Wilson had carefully avoided all communications with the rector concerning his youthful friend, and the Doctor appeared unwilling to commence anything which might lead U) bis name being meutioued, " He is disappointed in him aa 392 PRECAUTION. well as ourselves," thought the widow, " and it must be anplea Bant to have his image recalled. He saw his attentions to Emily, and he knows of his marriage to Lady Laura of course, and he loves us all, and Emily in particular, too wel not to feel hurt by his conduct." " Sir Edward !" cried Mr. Haughton, with a laugh, " Baro nets are likely to be plenty. Have you heard how near w were to have another in the neighborhood lately ?" Sir Ed- ward answered in the negative, and his neighbor con- tinued — "^ " Why no less a man than Captain Jarvis, promoted to the bloody hand." " Captain Jarvis !'' exclaimed five or six at once; "explain yourself, Mr. Haughton.*' " My near neighbor, young Walker, has been to Bath on an unusual business — his health — and for the benefit of the country he has brought back a pretty piece of scandal. It seems that Lady Jarvis, as I am told she is since she left here, wished to have her hopeful heir made a lord, and that the two united for some six months in forming a kind of savings' bank between themselves, to enable them at some future day to bribe the minister to honor the peerage with such a prodigy. After awhile the daughter of our late ac- quaintance. Sir William Harris, became an accessary to the plot, and a contributor too, to the tune of a couple of hundred pounds. Some circumstances, however, at length made this litter lady suspicious, and she wished to audit the books. The Captain prevaricated — the lady remonstrated, until the gentleman, with more truth than manners, told her that she was a fool — the money he had expended or lost at dice ; and that he did not think the ministers quite so silly as to make him a lord, or that he himself was such a fool as to make hei his wife ; so the whole thing exploded.'* PRECAUTION. 393 John listened with a delight but little short of what he had felt when Grace owned her love, and anxious to know all, eagerly inquired — " But, is it true ? how was it found out ?" ** Oh, the lady complained of part, and the Captain tells all to get the laugh on his side ; so that Walker says the former is the derision and the latter the contempt of all Bath." " Poor Sir William," said the baronet, with feehng ; " he is much to be pitied." '* I am afraid he has nothing to blame but his own indul- gence," remarked the rector. " You don't know the worst of it," replied Mr. Haughton. " We poor people are made to suffer — Lady Jarvis wept and fretted Sir Timo out of his lease, which has been given up, and a new house is to be taken in another part of the kingdom, where neither Miss Harris nor the story is known." " Then Sir William has to 4)rocure a new tenant," said Lady Moseley, not in the least regretting the loss of the old one. " No ! my lady !" continued Mr, Haughton, with a smile. " Walker is, you know, an attorney, and does some business occasionally for Sir William. When Jarvis 'gave up the lease, the baronet, who finds himself a little short of money, offered the deanery for sale, it being a useless place to him ; and the very next day, while Walker was with Sir William, a gentleman called, and without higgling agreed to pay down at once his thirty thousand pounds for it." " And ^ho is the purchaser V inquired Lady Moseley, eagerly. " The Earl of Pendennyss." " Lord Pendennyss !" exclaimed Mi-s. Wilson in rapture. 17* 39:4 PRECAUTION-. " Pendennyss !" cried the rector, eyeing the aunt and Emily with a smile. " Pendennyss !" echoed all in the room in amazement. " Yes," said Mr. Haughton, " it is now the property of tl.t arl, who says he has bought it for his sister.*' PRECAUTION. 395 CI^APTER XXXIX. Mru. WiLso>i found time the ensuing day to ascertain ^ Sefore they Vit the hall, the truth of the tale related by Mr. Kaughtop The deanery had certainly changed its master, And a PoW steward had a^/'eady arrived to take possession in che Tame of his lord. What induced Pendennyss to make thii purchase she was at a loss to "conceive — most probably some arrangement between himself and Lord ]3olton. But whatever might be his motive, it in some measure insured his becoming for a season their neighbor ; and Mrs. Wilson felt a degree of pleasure at the circumstance that she had been a stranger to for a long time — a pleasure which was greatly heightened as she dwelt on the lovely face of the companion who occupied the other seat in her travelling chaise. The road to London led by the gates of the deanery, and near them they passed a servant in the livery of those they had once seen following the equipage of the earl. Anxious to know anything which might hasten her acquaintance with this admired nobleman, Mrs. Wilson stopped her carriage to inquire. " Pray, sir, whom do you serve ?" " My Lord Pendennyss, ma'am," replied the man, respecV fuUy taking off his hat. "The earl is not here?" asked Mrs. Wilsor, A^ith inte- rest. '* Oh, no, madam ; I am here in waiU^tg on his steward. My lord is in Westmoreland, with his grace and Colonel Denbigh, and the ladies." • 396 PUECAUTIOX. *' Does lie remain there long ?" continued the anxious W^idow, desirous of knowing all she could learn. *' I believe not, madam ; most of our people have gone to Annerdale- House, and my lord is expected in town with the duke and the colonel." As the servant was an elderly man, and appeared to understand the movements of his master so well, Mrs. Wil son was put in unusual spirits by this prospect of a speedy termination to her anxiety to meet Pendennyss. '* Annerdale-House is the earl's^town residence 1" quietly inquired Emily. " Yes ; he got the fortune of the last duke of that title, but how I do not exactly know. I believe, however, through his mother. General Wilson did not know his family*: indeed, Pendennyss bore a second title during his lifetime ; but did you observe how very civil his servant was, as well as the one John spoke to before, — a sure sign their master is a gentleman ?" Emily smiled at the strong partialities of her aunt, and replied, " Your handsome chaise and attendants will draw respect from most men in his situation, dear aunt, be theii masters who they mny." The expected pleasure of meeting the earl was a topic frequently touched upon between her aunt and Emily during their journey ; the former beginning to entertain hopes she would have laughed at herself for, could they have been fairly laid before her ; and the latter entertaining a profound respect for his character, but chiefly governed by a wish to gratify her companion. The third day they reached the baronet's handsome house in St. James's Square, and foitnd that the forethought of John had provided everything in the best and most comfort able*manuer. PRECAUTION. 397 It was the first visit of both Jane and Emily to the metro- polis ; and under the protection of tlieir almost equally curious mother, and escorted by John, they wisely deter- mined to visit the curiosities, while their leisure yet admitted of the opportunity. For the first two weeks their time was chiefly employed in the indulgence of this unfashionable and vulg-ar propensity, which, if it had no other tendency, served greatly to draw the thoughts of both the young women from the recollections of the last few months. While her sister and nieces were thus employed, Mrs. Wilson, assisted by Grace, was occupied in getting things in preparation to do credit to the baronet's hospitality. The second week after their arrival, Mrs. Moseley was delighted by seeing advance upon her unexpectedly through the door of the breakfast parlor, her brother, with his bride leaning on his arm. After the most sincere greetings and congratulations, Lady Chatterton cried out gaily, ^ " You see, my dear Lady Moseley, I am deternf^ied to banish ceremony between us, and so, instead of sending you my card, have come myself to notify you of my arrival. Chatterton would not suffer me even to swallow my break- fast, he was so impatient to show me off." " You are placing things exactly on the footing I wish to see ourselves with all our connexions," replied Lady Moseley, kindly ; " but what have you done with the tkike ? is he not in your train ?" " Oh ! he is gone to Canterbury with George Den b'gh, madam," cried the lady, shaking her head reproach fully though affectionately at Emily ; " his grace dislikes London just now excessively, he says, and the Colonel being obliged to leave his wife on regimental business^ Derwent was goo 1 enough to keep him company during hia exile." PRECAUTION. ** And Lady Laura, do we see her ?" inquired Lady Moseley. " She came with us. Pendennyss and his sister follow immediately ; so, my dear madam, the dramatis personse will all be on the stage soon." Cards and visits now began to accumulate on the Moseleys, and their time no longer admitted of that unfettered leisure which they had enjoyed at their entrance on the scene. Mrs. Wilson, for herself and charge, adopted a rule for the govern ment of her manner of living, which was consistent with hei duties. They mixed in general society sparingly ; and, above all, they rigidly adhered to the obedience to the injunc- tion which commanded them to keep the Sabbath day holy ; a duty of no trifling difficulty to perform in fashionable society in the city of London, or, indeed, in any other place, where the influence of fashion has supplanted the laws of God. Mrs. Wilson was not a bigot ; but she knew and performed her duly rigidly. It was a pleasure to her to do so. It would have been misery to do otherwise. In the singleness of heart and deep piety of her niece, she had a willing pupil to her system of morals, and a rigid follower of her religious practices. As they both knew that the temptations to go astray were greater in town than in country, they kept a strict guard over the tendency to err, and in watchfulness found their gi'eatest security. John Moseley, next to his friends, loved his bays : indeed, if the aggregate of his afiections for these and Lady Herrie- field had been put in opposite scales, we strongly suspect the side of the horses would predominate. One Sunday, soon after being domesticated, John, who had soberly attended morning service with the ladies, came into a little room where the more reflecting part of the family were assembled, in search of his wife. PUECAUTION. 399 Grace, we liave before mentioned, had become a real mem- ber of that cliuvch in which she had been educated, and had entered, under the direction of Dr. Ives and Mrs. Wilson, into an observance of its wholesome ordinances. Grace was cer- tainly piously inclined, if not devout. Her feelings on the subject of religion had been sensibly awakened during their voyage to Lisbon ; and at the period of which we write, Mrs Moseley was as sincerely disposed to perform her duty as her powers admitted. To the request of her husband, that she would take a seat in his phaeton while he drove her round tbe park once or twice, Grace gave a mild refusal, by saying, " It is Sunday, my dear Moseley." " Do you think I don't know that ?" cried John, gaily. " There will be everybody there, and, the better day, the better deed." Now, Moseley, if he had been asked to apply tliis speech *o the case before them, would have frankly owned bis ina- bility ; but his wife did not make the trial : she was con- tented with saying, as she laid down her book to look on a face she so tenderly loved, " Ah ! Moseley, you should set a better example to those below you in life." " I wisli to set an example," returned her husband, with an affectionate smile, " to all above as well as below me, in order that they may find out the path to happiness, by exhibiting to the world a model of a wife in yourself, dear Grace." • As this was uttered with a sincei-ity which distinguished the manner of Moseley, his wife was more pleased with the compliment than she would have been willing to make known ; and John spoke no more than he thought ; for a desire to show his handsome ,wife was the ruling passion fw R moment. 401 PRECAUTION. 'i'he husband was too pressing and the wife too fond not to yield the point; and Grace took her seat in the carriage with a kind of half-formed resolution to improve the opportunit} by a discourse on serious subjects — a resolution which termi Dated as all others do, that postpone one duty to discharg another of less magnitude ; it was forgotten. Mrs. Wilson had listened with interest to the efforts of Joiin to prevail on his wife to take the ride, and on her leaving the room to comply she observed to Emily, with whom she now remained alone — " Here is a consequence of a difference in religious views between man and wife, my child : John, in place of supporting Grace in the discharge of her duties, has been the actual cause of her going astray." Emily felt the force of her aunt's remark, and saw its jus- tice; yet her love for the offender induced her to say — *'John will not lead her openly astray, for he has a sin- cere respect for religion, and this offence is not unpardonable, dear aunt." " The offence is assuredly not unpardonable," replied Mrs. Wilson, " and to infinite mercy it is hard to say what is ; but it is an offence, and directly in the face of an express ordinance of the Lord ; it is even throwing off the appearance of keeping the Sabbath day holy, much less observing the substance of the commandment ; and as to John's resjiect for holy things in this instance, it was injurious to his wife. Ha^ he been an open deist she would llave shrunk from the act ii suspicion of its sinfulness. Either John must become Christian, or I am afraid Grace will fall from her under taking." Mrs. Wilson shook her head mournfully, while Emily offered uj? a silent petition that the first might speedily be •the case. PRECAUTIOlf. 401 Lady Laura had been early in her visit to the Moseleys ; and as Denbigh had both a town residence and a seat in par- liament, it appeared next to impossible to avoid meeting him or to resjuite the pressing civilities of his wife by haish refu- sals, that might prove in the end injurious to themselves by creating a suspicion that resentment at his not choosing a partner from amongst them, governed the conduct of the ^loseleys towards a man to whom they were under such a heavy obligation. Had Sir Edward known as much as his sister and daugh- ters he would probably have discountenanced the acquaint- ance altogether ; but owing to the ignorance of the rest of her friends of what had passed, Mrs. Wilson and Emily had not only the assiduities of Lady Laura but the wishes of their own family to contend with, and consequently she submitted to the association with a reluctance that was in some measure counteracted by their regard for Lady Laura, and by com- passion for her abused confidence. A distant connexion of Lady Moseley's had managed to collect in her house a few hundred of her nominal friends, and as she had been particularly attentive in calling in person on her venerable relative, Mr. Benfield, soon after his arrival in town, out of respect to her father's cousin, or perhaps mind- ful of his approaching end, and remembering there were such things as codicils to wills, the old man, flattered by her notice, and yet too gallant to reject the favor of a lady, consented to accompany the remainder of the family on the occasion Most of their acquaintances were there, and Lady Mt/seley BOon found herself engaged in a party at quadrille, while th" young people were occupied by the usual amusements o their age in such scenes. Emily alone feeling but little desire to enter into the gaiety of general conversation with a host of gentlemen who had collected round her aunt and sisters, 402 PRECAUTION. off the wrong volume." Emily laughed, with deeper blushes, when she found her wishes detected, while tbe earl, opening the volume he held — the first of Debrett's Peerage — pointed with his finger to the article concerning his own family, and said to Mrs. Wil- son, who had joined them at the instant — "To-morrow, dear madam, I shall beg your attention to a melancholy tale, and which may, in some slight degree, ex- tenuate the offence I was guilty of in assuming, or rather in maintaining an accidental disguise." A& he ended, he went to the others, to draw off their atten- tion, while Emily and her aunt examined the paragraph. It was as follows : "• George Denbigh — Earl of Pendennyss — and Baron Lum- ley, of Lumley Castle — Baron Pendennyss — Beaumaris, and Fitz waiter, born , of , in the year of ; a ba- chelor." The list 'of earls and nobles occupied several pages, but the closing article was as follows : *' George, the 21st earl, succeeded his mother Marian, late Countess of Pendennyss, in her own right, being born of her marriage with George Denbigh, Esq., a cousin-german lo Frederick, the 9th Duke of Derwent." " Heir apparent. The titles being to heirs general, will descend to his lordship's sister, Lady Marian Denbigh, should the present. earl die without lawful issue," 416 PRECAUTION. As much of the explanation of the mystery of our taL s involved in the foregoing paragraphs, we may be allowed co relate in our own language, what Pendennyss made hi« friends acquainted with at diflferent times, and in a mannei uitable to the subject and his situation. PRKCATSTfOtf. 'll? CHAPTER XLI. It was at the close of that war which lost this country the wealthiest and most populous of her American colonies, that a fleet of ships were .returning from their service amongst the islands of the New World, to seek for their worn out and battered hulks, and equally weakened crews, the repairs and comforts of England and home. The latter word, to the mariner the most endearing of all sounds, had, as it were, drawn together by instinct a group of sailors on the forecastle of the proudest ship of the squad- ron, who gazed with varied emotions on the land which gave them birth, but with one common feeling of joy that the day of attaininfr it was at lenorth arrived. The water curled from the bows of this castle of the ocean, in increasing waves and growing murmurs, that at times drew the attention of the veteran tar to their quickening progress, and having cheered his heart with the sight, he cast his expe- rienced eye in silence on the swelling sails, to see if nothing more could be done to shorten the distance between him and his country. Hundreds of eyes were fixed on the land of their birth, and hundreds of hearts were beating in that one vessel with tht- awakening delights of domestic love and renewed affection- ; but no tongue broke the disciplined silence of the ship into sounds that overcame the propitious ripple of the water. On the hij^hest summit of their towerinor mast floated a small blue flag, the symbol of authority, and beneath it paced a man to and fro the deck, who was abandoned by his IS* 418 PRECAUTION. inferiors to his more elevated rank. His square-built form and careworn features, which had lost the brilliancy of an English complexion, and hair whitened prematurely, spoke of bodily vigor, and arduous services which had put that vigor to the severest trials. At each turn of his walk, as he faced the land of his nativity, a lurking smile stole over his sun-burnt features, and then a glance of his eye would scan the progress of the far-stretched squadron which obeyed his orders, and which he was now returning to his superiors, undiminished in numbers, and proud with victory. By himself stood an officer in a uniform differing fiom all around him. His figure was small, his eye restless, quick, and piercing, and bent on those shores to which he was unwillingly advancing, with a look of anxiety and mOrtifica- 'tion, that showed him the late commander of those vessels around them, which, by displaying their double flags, mani- fested to the eye of the seaman a recent change of masters. Occasionally the conqueror would stop, and by some effort of well meant, but rather uncouth civility, endeavor to soften the hours of captivity ; efforts which were received with the courtesy of the most punctilious etiquette, but a restraint which showed that they were unwelcome. It was, perhaps, the most unlucky moment that had occurred within tlie two months of their association, for an excbanofe of their better feelinofs. The honest heart of the English tar dilated with ill-concealed delight at his approach to tlie termination of labors performed with credit and honor, and his smiles and good humor, which partly pro- ceeded from the feelings of a father and a friend, wore dasrsfers to the heart of his discomfited rival. A third personage now appeared from the cabin of the vessel, and approached the spot where the advei-se admirals PRECAUTION. 419 at the moment were engaged in one of these constrained conferences. The appearance and dress of this gentleman differed widely from the two just described. He was tall, graceful, and dignified ; he was a soldier, and clearly of high rank. His carefully dressed hair concealed the ravages of time, and on the quarter-deck of a first-rate his attire and manners were suited to a field-day in the park. " I really insist, monsieur," cried the admiral, good- naturedly, " that you shall take part of my chaise to London. You are a stranger, and it will help to keep up your spirits by the way." " You are very good, Monsieur Howell," replied the Frenchman, with a polite baw and forced smile, misconstru- ing ill-judged benevolence into a wish for his person to grace a triumph — " but I have accepted the offer Monsieur le General Denbisfh was so sfood as to make me." " The comte is engaged to me, Howell," said the general, with a courtly smile, '* and, indeed, you must leave the ship to-night, or as soon as we anchor. — But I shall take daylight and to-morrow." " Well — well — Denbiorh," exclaimed the other, rubbinjor his hands with pleasure as he viewed the increasing power of the wind, ** only make yourselves happy, and 1 am con- tented." A few hours intervened before they reached the Bay of Plymouth, and round the table, after their dinner, were seated the general and English admiral. The comte, under the pretence of preparing his things for a removal, had retired to his apartment to conceal liis feelings ; — and the captain of the ship was above, superintending the approach of the vessel to her anchorage. Two or three well emptied bottles of wine yet » 'mained ; btit as the healths of all the 420 PRECAUTION. branches of the House of Brunswick liad been propitiated from their contents, with a polite remembrance of Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette from General Denbigh, neither of the superiors was much inclined for action. " Is the Thunderer in her station ?" said the admiral to the signal lieutenant, who at that moment came below with a report. " Yes, sir, and has answered." •* Very well ; make the signal to prepare to anchor.'* "Aye, aye, sir." " And here, Bennet," to the retiring lieutenant — " call the transports all in shore of us." "Three hundred and eighty-four, sir," said the officer, looking at his signal-book. The admiral cast his eye at the book, and nodded an assent. " And let the Mermaid — Flora — Weasel — Bruiser, and al'. the sloops lie well off, until we have landed the soldiei-s : the pilot says the channel is full of luggers, and Jonathan has grown very saucy." The lieutenant made a complying bow, and was retiring to execute these o/ders, as Admiral Howell, taking up a bottle not yet entirely deserted by its former tenant, cried stoutly — " Here, Bennet — I forgot — take a glass of wine ; drink success to ourselves, and defeat to the French all over the world.'* The general pointed significantly to the adjoining cabin of the French admiral, as he pressed his hand on nis lips fo silence. '• Oh !" cried Admiral Howell, recollecting himself, con tinuing in a whisper, " you can drink it in your heart, notwithstanding." The signal officer nodded, and drank the liquor. As h* PRECAUTION. 42J Bmacked his lips while going on deck, he thought to himself, these nabobs drink famous good wine. Although the feelings of General Denbigh were under much more command and disciplined obedience than those of his friend, yet was he too unusually elated with his return to home and expected honors. If the admiral had captured a fleet, he had taken an island ; — and hand in hand they had co-operated in unusual harmony through the difficulties of an arduous campaign. This rather singular circumstance was owing to their personal friendship. From their youth they had been companions, and although of very different characters and habits, chance had cemented their intimacy in more advanced life. While in subordinate stations, they had been associated together in service ; and the general and admiral, in command of an army and fleet, had once before returned to England with less renown, as a colonel and a captain of a frigate. The great family influencp of the soldier, with the known circumstance of their harmony, had procured them this later command, and home, with its comforts and rewards, was close before them. Pouring out a glass of Madeira, the general, who always calculated whj*t he said, exclaimed, " Peter — we have been friends from boys." " To be sure we have," said the admiral, looking up in a little surprise at this unexpected commencement — " and it will not be my fault if we do not die such, Frederick." Dying was a subject the general did not much delight in although of conspicuous courage in the field ; and he pro '^eeded to his more important purpose — " I could never find, although 1 have looked over our familjr tree so often, that we aie in any manner related, Howell." " I believe it is too late to mend that matter now," said tbe admiral, musing. 422 PJIE CAUTION. " Wh}- no — hem — I think not, Howell ; take a glass of this Burgundy." The admiral shook his head With a stubborn resolution to taste nothing French, but he helped himself to a bountiful Btock of Madeira, as he replied — " I should like to know how you can bring it about this time of day, Denbigh." " How much money will you be able to give that girl of yoiirs, Peter?" said his friend, evading the point. " Forty thousand down, my good fellow, and as much more when I die," cried the open-hearted sailor, with a nod of exultation. " George, my youngest son, will not be rich — but Francis will be a duke, and have a noble estate ; yet," said the gene- ral, meditating, "he is so unhappy in his disposition and uncouth in his manners, I cannot think of offering him to your daughter as a husband." "Isabel shall marry a good-natured man, like myself, or not at all," said the admiral, positively, but not in the least suspecting the drift of his friend, who was influenced by any- thing but a regard for the lady's liappiness. Francis, his first born, was, in truth, as he had described ; but his governing wish was to provide for his favorite George. Dukes could never want wives, but unportioned captains in the guai-ds might. " George is one of the best tempers in the world,'* Slid his father, with. strong feeling, "and the delight of us all. I could wish he had been the heir to the family honors." " That, it is certainly too lale to help," cried the-adniiral, wondering if the ingenuity of his friend could devise a remedy for this evil too. " Too late, indeed," said the other, with a heavy sigh, " but rnT.c.\nws. 423 Howell, what say you to matching Isabel with my favorite George?" "Denbigh," cried the sailor, eyeing him keenly, "Isabel is my only child, and a duCiful, good girl ; one that will obey orders if ^he breaks owners, as we sailors say. Now I did think of marrying her to a seaman, when a proper man came athwart my course; yet your son is a soldier, and that is next to being in the navy: if-so-be you had made him come aboard me, when I wanted you to, there would have been no objection at all ; however, when occasion offers, I will over- haul the lad, and if I find him staunch he may turn in with Bell and welcome." This was uttered in perfect simplicity, and with no inten- Mon of giving offence, partaking partly of the nature of a soli- loquy ; so the general, greatly encouraged, was about to push the point, when a gun was fired from their own ship. ""There's some of them lubberly transports won't mind our signals; they have had these soldiers so long on board, they get as clumsy as the red-coats themselves," muttered tlu admiral, hastening on deck to enforce his commands. A shot or two, sent significantly in the direction of the wanderers, but so as not to hit them, restored order ; and within an hour forty line of battle ships and a hundred transports were disposed in the best manner for convenience and safety, , On their presentation to theiu sovereign, both veterans were embellished with the riband of the Bath ; and as their exploits filled the mouths of the newsmongers, and the columns of the public prints of the day, the new knights began to think more seriously of building a monument to their victories, in a union between their childie' . The admiral, however, de- termined to do uothing with Lis eyes^shut, and bo demanded a scrutiny. 424 PUECAUTION. " Where is the boy who is to be a diike ?*' exclaimed he, one day, when his friend had introduced the point with a view ^o a final arrangement. " Bell has good blood in her veins — is a tight built little vessel — clean heel'd and trim, and would make as good a duchess as the best of them ; so, Denbigh, I will begin by taking a survey of the senior." To this the general had no objection, as he well knew that Francis would be wide of pleasing the tastes of an open- hearted, simple man, like the sailor. They met, accordingly, for what the general facetiously called the review, and what the admiral innocently termed his survey, at the house of tue former, when the young gentlemen were submitted to his inspection. Francis Denbigh was about four and twenty, of a feeble body, and with a face marked with the small-pox, to ap- proaching deformity; his eye was brilliant and piercing, but unsettled, and at times wild — his manner awkward, .con- strained, and timid. There would be seen, it is true, an intelli- gence and animation, which occasionally lighted his counte- nance into gleams of sunsliine, that caused you to overlook the lesser accompaniments of complexion and features in the expression ; but they were transient, and inevitably vanished whenever his father spoke or in any manner mingled in his pursuits. An observer close as Mrs. "Wilson, would have said that the feelinjrs of the father and son were not such as ouo-ht t( exist between parent and child. But the admiral, who regarded model and rigging a goo« deal, satisfied himself with muttering, as he tui-ned his eye on the junior — " He may do for a duke — but I would not have him for a cockswain." Geoige was a year younger than Francis ; in foim, stature, PRECAUTION. . 42ii and personal grace, the counterpart of his father ; his eye was less keen but more atti-active than that of his brother ; his air open, polished, and manly. " Ah !" thought the sailor, as he ended a satisfactory sur- vey of the youth, '• what a thousand pities Denbigh did not send him to sea !" The thing was soon settled, and George was to be the Lappy man. Sir Peter concluded to dine with his friend, in order to settle prehminaries over the bottle by themselves ; the young men and their mother being engaged to their uncle the duke.. " Well, Denbigh," cried the admiral, as the last servant withdrew, " when do you mean to have the young couple spliced ?" "Why," replied the wary soldier, who knew he could not calculate on obedience to his mandate with as great a cer- tainty as his friend — " the better way is to bring the young people together, in order that they may become acquainted, you know." *' Acquainted — together — " cried his companion, in a little surprise, " what better way is there to bring them together, than to have them up before a priest, or to make them acquainted by letting them swing in the same hammock ?" " It might answer the end, indeed," said the general, with a smile, *' but somehow or other, it is always the best method to bring young folks together, to let them have their own way in the affair for a time." " Own way 1" rejoined Sir Peter, bluntly, " did you ever find it answer to let a woman have her own way, Sir Fre- ierick ?" *' Not common women certainly, my good friend," said the general, " but such a girl as mv intended daughter is an exception.'' 426 • PRECAUTION. " I don't know hat," cried the sailor ; " Bell is a good girl, but she has her quirks and whims Uke all the sex." " You have had no trouble with Ker as yet, I believe, Howell," said Sir Frederick cavalierly, throwing an inquiring glance on his friend at the same time. " No, not yet — nor do I think she will ever dare to mutiny ; but there has been one wishing to take her in tow already since we got in." " How !" said the other in "alarm, " who — what is he ? some officer in the navy, I suppose." " No, he was a kind of chaplain, one Parson Ives, a good sort of a youth enough, and a prodigious favorite with my sister, Lady Hawker." " Well, what did you answer, Peter ?" said his companion in increasing uneasiness ; " did you put him off?" " Off ! to be sure I did — do you think I wanted a bar- ber's clerk for a son-in-law ? No, no, Denbigh ; a soldier is bad enough, without having a preacher." The general' compressed his lips at this direct attack on a profession that he thought the most honorable of any in the world, in some resentment ; but remembering the eighty thousand pounds, and accustomed to the ways of the other, he curbed his temper, and inquired — " But Miss Howell — your daughter — how did she stand affected to this priest ?" " How — why — how ? — why I never asked her." " Never asked her 1" *• No, never asked her : she is my daughter, you know, and bound to obey my orders, and I did not choose she should marry a parson ; but, once for all, when is the wed- ding to take place ?" General Denbigh had indulged his younger son too blindly and too fondly to expect that implicit obedience the PRECAUTION. 427 admiral calculated to a certainty on, and with every pros* pect of not being disappointed, from his daughter. Isabel Howell was pretty, mild, and timid, and unused to oppose any of her father's commands ; but George Denbigh was haughty, positive, and self-willed, and unless the affair could be so managfed as to make him a willinof assistant in the courtship, his father knew it might be abandoned at Oiice He thought his son might be led, but not driven ; and, rely- ing on his own powers for managing, the general saw his only safety in executing the scheme was in postponing his advances for a regular siege to the lady's heart. Sir Peter chafed and swore at this circumlocution : the thing could be done as well in a week as in a year; and the veterans, who, for a miracle, had agreed in their rival sta- tions, and in doubtful moments of success, were near splitting on the point of marrying a girl of nineteen. As Sir Peter both loved his friend, and had taken a pro- digious fancy to the youth, he however was fain to submit to a short probation. " You are always for going a round-about way to do a thing," said the admiral, as he yielded the point. " Now, when you took that battery, had you gone up in front, as I advised you, you "would have taken it in ten minutes, instead of five hours." " Yes," said the other, with a friendly shake of the hand at parting, " and lost fifty men in place of one by the step." 428 PRECAUTIOir. CHAPTER XLH. The Honorable General Denbigh was the youngest of three sons. His seniors, Francis and Georgu, were yet bachelors. The death of a cousin had nKide Francis a duke while yet a child, and both he and hk /kvorite brother, George, had decided on lives of inactivity and sluggishness. " When I die, brother," the oldest would say, " you will succeed me, and Frederick can provide heirs for the nam a hereafter." This arrangement had been closely adhered to, and the two elder brothers reached the ages of fifty-five and fifty-six, without altering their condition. In the mean time, Frederick married a young, woman of rank and fortune; the fruits of their union being the two ycung candidates for the hand of Isabel Howell. Francis Denbigh, the eldest son of the genei'al, was natu- rally diffident, and, in addition, it was his. misfortune to be the reverse of captivating in external appearance. The small- pox sealed his doom ; — ignorance, and the violence of the attack, left him indelibly impressed with the ravages of that dreadful disorder. On the other hand, his brother escaped without any vestiges of the complaint; and his spotless skin and fine open countenance, met the gaze of his mother, aftci the recovery of the two, in striking contrast to the defoi-med lineaments of his elder brother. Such an occurrence is sure to excite one of two feelings in the breast of every beholder — pity or disgust ; and, unhappily for Francis, maternal tenderness, in his case, was unable to counteract the latter rvccAUTioN. 429 sfc. jiioD. George become a favorite, and Francis a neutral Tilt. iS'b 1 was easy to be seen, and it was rapid, as it was The fo^Sjj^'i, G- Frnnois were sensitive to an extreme. He hac' more quiciue»s, more sensibility, more real talent' than George ; whi^h ctiabled hi in to perceive, and caused him to 'feel more acutely, tht partiality of his mother. As yet, the engag-^ments and duties of the general had kept his children and their improvements out of his sight ; but at the ages of eleven and twelve, the feelings of a father, began to take pride in the possession of his sons. On his return from a foreign station, after an absence of two years, his children were ordered from school to meet him. Francis had improved in stature, but not in beauty ; George had flourished in both. The natural diffidence of the former was increased, by perceiving that he was no favorite, and the effect began to show itself on manners at no time engaging. He met his father with doubt, and he saw with asguish, that the embrace received by his brother much exceeded in warmth that which liad been bestowed on himself " Lady Margaret," said the general to his wife, as he fol- lowed the boys as they retired from the dinner table, with his eyes, " it is a thousand pities George had not been the elder. He would have graced a dukedom or a throne. Frank is only fit for a parson." This ill-judged speech was uttered sufficiently loud to be overheard by both the sons: on the younger, it made a pleasurable sensation for the moment. His father — his dear father, had thought him fit to be a king ; and his father must be a judge, whispered his native vanity ; but all this time the connexion between the speech and his brother*s rights did not present themselves to his mind. George loved this 4»0 PRECAUTION. brother too well, too sincerely, to liave injured him even in thought ; and so far as Francis was concerned, his vanity was as blameless as it was natural. The effect produced on the mind of Francis was diflferen both in substance and in degree. It mortified his pride alarmed his delicacy, and wounded his already morbid ensibility to such an extent, as to make him entertain the romantic notion of withdrawing from the world, and of yielding a birthright to one so every way more deserving of it than himself. From this period might be dated an opinion of Francis's, which never afterwards left him ; he fancied he was doing injustice to another, and that other, a brother whom he ardently loved, by continuing to exist. Had he met with fondness in his parents, or sociability in his playfellows, these fancies would have left him as he grew into life. But the affections of his parents were settled on his more promising brother ; and his manners daily increasing in their repulsive traits, drove his companions to the society of others, more agreeable to their own buoyancy and joy. Had Francis Denbigh, at this age, met with a guardian clear-sighted enough to fathom his real character, and com- petent to direct his onward course, he would yet have become an ornament to his name and country, and a useful membei of society. But no such guide existed. His natural guardi ans, in his particular case, were his worst enemies ; and th*» L»oys left school for college four years afterwards, each advanc' ed in his respective properties of attraction and repulsion. Irreligion is hardly a worse evil ij a family than favorit- ism. When once allowed to exist, in the breast of the parent, though hid apparently from all other eyes, its sad consequences begin to show themselves. Effects are pro- duced, and we look in vain for the cause. The awakened PRECAUTION. 431 sympatliies of reciprocal caresses and fondness are mistaken for uncommoD feelings, and the forbidding aspect of deadened affections is miscalled native sensibility. ' In this manner the evil increases itself, until manners are formed, and characters created, that must descend with their possessor to the tomb. In the peculiar formation of the mind of Francis Denbigh, t le evil was doubly injurious. His feelings required sympa- thy and softness, and they met only with coldness and dis- gust. George alone was an exception to the rule. He did love his brother; but even his gaiety and spirits finally tired of the dull uniformity of the diseased habits of his senior. The only refuge Francis found in his solitude, amidst the hundreds of the university, was in his muse and in the powers of melody. The voice of his family has been fre- quently mentioned in these pages ; and if, as Lady Laura had intimated, there had ever been a siren in the race, it was a male one. He wrote prettily, and would sing these efforts of his muse to music of his own, drawing crowds around his windows, in the stillness of the night, to listen to sounds as melodious as they were mournful. His poetical efforts par- took of the distinctive character of the man, being melan- choly, wild, and sometimes pious. George was always amongst the most admiring of his brother's auditors, and would feel a yearning of his heart /owards him, at such moments, that was painful. But George was too young and too heedless, to supply the place of a monitor, or to draw his thoughts into a more salutary train. Tliis was the duty of his parents, and should have been their task. But the world, his rising lionors, and his professional engagements, occupied the time of the father; and fashion, parties, and pleasure, killed the time of his mother. When 432 PRECAUTION. fiiey did think of their children, it was of George; the painful image of Francis being seldom admitted to disturb their serenity. George Denbigh was open-hearted without suspicion, and a favorite. The first quality taxed his generosity, the second subjected him to fraud, and the third supplied him with the means. But these means sometimes faited. Th fortune of the general, though handsome, was not more than competent to support his style of living. He expected to be a duke himself one day, and was anxious to maintain an appearance now that would not disgrace his future elevation. A system of strict but liberal economy had been adopted in the case of his sons. They had, for the sake of appearances, a stated and equal allowance. The duke had ofiered to educate the heir himself, and under his own eye. But to this Lady Margaret had found some ingenious excuse, and one that seemed to herself and the world honorable to her natural feeling; but had the offer been made to George, these reasons would have vanished in the desire to advance his interests, or to gratify his pro- pensities. Such decisions are by no means uncommon ; parents having once decided on the merits and abilities of their children, frequently decline the interference of third persons, since the impi-ovement of their denounced offspring might bring their own judgment into question, if it did not convey an indirect censure on their justice. The heedlessness of George brought his purse to a state of emptiness. His last guinea was gone, and two months were wanting to the end of the quarter. George had played and been cheated. He had ventured to apply to his mother for small sums, when his dress or some trifling indulgence required an advance ; and always with success. But here were sixty guinea?, gone at a blow, and pride, candor, fo^- PRECArrioN. 433 bade his concealing the manner of his loss, if he made th« application. This was dreadful ; his own conscience re- proached him, and he had so often witnessed the violence of his mother's resentments against Francis, for faults which appeared to him very trivial, not to stand in the utmost dread of her more just displeasure in the present case. Entering the apartment of his brother, in this disturbed condition, George threw himself into a chair, and with his face concealed between his hands, sat brooding over his for lorn situation. " George !" said his brother, soothingly, " you are in dis- tress ; can I relieve you in any way ?" " Oh no — no — no — Frank ; it is entirely out of your power." "Perhaps not, my dear brother," continued the other, endeavoring to draw his hand into his own. " Entirely ! entirely !'' said George. Then springing up in despair, he exclaimed, " But I must live — I cannot die." " Live 1 die !" cried Francis, recoiling in horror. " What do you mean by such language ? Tell me, George, am I not your brother ? Your only brother and best friend ?" Francis felt he had no friend if George was not that friend, and his face grew pale while the tears flowed rapidly down his cheeks. George could not resist such an appeal. He caught the hand of his brother and made him acquainted with his losses and his wants. Fj-ancis mused some little time over his narration, ere he broke silence. " It was all you had V " The last shilling," cried George, beating his head with his hand. ** How much will you require to make out the quarter V* 19 434 PRECAUTION. ** Oh 1 must have at least fifty guineas, or how can I live at all ?" The ideas of life in George were connected a good deal with the manner it was to be enjoyed. His brother appeared sti-uggling with himself, and then turning to the other, con- tinued, " But surely, under present circumstances, you could make less do." "Less, never — hardly that" — interrupted George, vehe- mently. " If Lady Margaret did not inclose me a note now and then, how could we get along at all ? don't you find it so yourself, brother ?" "I don't know," said Francis, turning pale — *' Don't know !" cried George, catching a view of his altered countenance — " you get the money, though ?" " I do not remember it," said the other, sighing heavily. "Francis," cried George, comprehending the truth, "you shall share every shilling I receive in future — you shall — indeed you shall." " Well, then," rejoined Francis with a smile, " it is a bar- gain ; and you will receive from me a supply in your present necessities." Without waiting for an answer, Francis withdrew into an inner apartment, and brought out the required sum for his brother's subsistence for two months. George remonstrated, but Francis was positive ; he had been saving, and his stock was ample for his simple habits without it. *' Besides, you forget we are partners, and in the end I shall be a gainer." George yielded to his wants and his brother's entreaties, and he gave him great credit for the disinterestedness of the act. Several weeks passed without any further allusion to this disagreeable subject, which bad at least the favorable PRECAUTION. 435 result of making George more guarded and a better student. The brothers, from this period, advanced gradually in those distinctive qualities which were to mark the future men ; George daily improving in grace and attraction. Frarj- cis, m an equal ratio, receding from those very attainments, which it was his too great desire to possess. In the educa- tion of his sons, General Denbigh had preserved the appear- ance of impartiality; his allowance to each was the same: they were at the same college, they had been at the sam*^ school ; and if Frank did not improve as much as his younge** brother, it was unquestionably his own obstinacy and stupi* dity, and surely not want of opportunity or favor. Such, then, were the artificial and accidental causes, wbic^a kept a noble, a proud, an acute but a diseased mind, in acquirements much 'below another every way its inferior, excepting in the happy circumstance of wanting those very excellences, the excess and indiscreet management of which proved the ruin instead of the blessing of their possessor. The duke would occasionally rouse himself from his lethargy, and complain to the father, that the heir of his honors was far inferior to his younger brother in acquire- ments, and remonstrate against the course which produced such an unfortunate inequality. On these occasions a super- ficial statement of his system from the general met the objec- tion ; they cost the same money, and he was sure he not only wished but did everything an indulgent parent could, to render Francis worthy of his future honors. Another evil of the admission of feelings of partiality, in the favor of one child, to the prejudice of another, is that the malady is con- tagious as well as lasting : it exists without our own know- ledge, and it seldom fails to affect those around us. The uncle soon learnt to distinguish George as the hope of the 436 PRECAUTION. family, yet Francis must be the heir of its honors, and con- sequently of its wealth. The duke and his brother were not much addicted to action, hardly to reflection ; but if anything could rouse them to either, it was the reputation of the house of Denbigh. Their ideas of reputation, it is true, were of their own forming. The hour at length drew near when George expected a suppl}?- from the ill-judged generosity of his mother ; it came, and with a heart beating with pleasure, the youth flew to the room of Francis with a determination to force the whole of his twenty pounds on his acceptance. On throwing open his door, he saw his brother evidently striving to conceal some- thing behind his books. It was at the hour of breakfast, and George had intended for a novelty to share his brother's morning repast. They always met at dinner, but the other meals were made in their own rooms." George looked in vain for the usual equipage of the table ; suspicion flashed upon him j he threw aside the books, and a crust of bread and a glass of water met his eye ; the truth now flashed upon him in all its force. "Francis, my brother, to what has my extravagance reduced you !" exclaimed the contrite George with a heart nearly ready to burst. Francis endeavored to explain, but i» sacred regard to the truth held him tongue-tied, until drop- ping his head on the shoulder of George, he sobbed out — " it is a trifle ; nothing to what I would do for you, my brother." George felt all the horrors of remoise, and was much too generous to conceal his en-or any longer ; he wrote a circum- stantial account of the whole transaction to Lady Margaret. Francis for a few days was a new being. He had acted nobly, his conscience approved of his motives, and of his delicate concealment of them ; he in fact began to think there PRECAUTION. 437 were in himself the seeds of usefulness, as his brother, who from this moment began to understand his character better attached himself more closely to him. The eye of Francis met that of George with the look of acknowledged affection, his mind became less moody, and his face was sometimes embellished with a smile. The reply of their mother to the communication of George threw a damp on the revived hoj)es of the senior, and drove him back into himself with tenfold humility. " I am shocked, my child, to find that you have lowered yourself, and forgot the family you belong to, so much as to frequent those gambling-houses, which ought not to be suf- fered in the neighborhood of the universities : when at a proper age and in proper company, your occasional indul- gence at cards I could not object to, as both your father and myself sometimes resort to it as an amusement, but never in low company. The consequence of mingling in such society is, that you were cheated, and such will always be your lot unless you confine yourself to associates more becoming your rank and illustrious name. " As to Francis, I see every reason to condemn the course he has taken. Being the senior by a year, he should have taken the means to prevent your falling into such company ; and he should have acquainted me immediately with your loss, in place of wounding your pride by subjecting you to the mortification of receiving a pecuniary obligation from one so little older than yourself, and exposing his own health by a diet on bread and water, as you wrote me, for a whole month. Both the general and myself are seriously displeased with him, and think of separating you, as you thus connive at each other's follies." George was too indignant to conceal this letter and the reflections of Francis were dreadful. 438 PRECAUTION. For a short time he actually meditated suicide, as the only method of removing himself from before the advancement of George. Had not George been more attentive and affec- tionate than formerly, the awful expedient might have been resorted to. From college the young men went, one into the army and the other to the mansion of his uncle. George became an elegant, gay, open-hearted, admired captain in the guards ; and Francis stalked through the halls of his ancestors, their acknowledged future lord, but a misanthrope ; hateful to himself and disagreeable to all around him. This picture may be highly wrought, but the effects, in the case of Francis, were increased by the peculiar tone of his diseased state of mind. The indulgence of favoritism, nevertheless, always brings its own sad consequences, in a greater or less degree, while it seldom fails to give sorrow and penitence to the bosom of the parents. PRECAUTION. 43 J CHAPTER XLIII. No little art and management had been necessary to make the admiral auxiliary to the indirect plan proposed by his friend to bring George and Isabel together. This, however, effected, the general turned his whole strategy to the impres- sion to be made on the heart of the young gentleman. Sir Frederick Denbigh had the same idea of the virtue of management as the Dowager Lady Chatterton, but he undeistood human nature better. Like a prudent officer, his attacks were all masked, and, like a great officer, they seldom failed of success. The young couple were thrown in each other's way, ana as Isabel was extremely attractive, somewhat the opposite to himself in ardor of temperament and vivacity, modest, and sensible, it cannot be expected that the association was maintained by the youth with perfect impunity. Within a couple of months he fancied himself desperately in love with Isabel Howell ; and, in truth, he had some reason for the Bupposition. The general watched every movement of his son with a waiy and vigilant eye — occasionally adding fuel to the flame, by drawing his attention to projects of matrimony in other quarters, until George began to think he was soon to undergo a trial of his constancy, and in consequence he armed himself with a double portion of admiration for his Isabel, in order to enable himself to endure the pei-secution ; while the admiral several times endangered the success of the whole enterj)rise by Aoluntet^v contributions to the hopes 440 PRECAUTION. of the young man, which only escaped producing an oppo- site effect to that which w^as intended, by being mistaken for the overflowings of good nature and friendship. After suffering his son to get, as he thought, sufficiently entangled in the snares of Cupid, Sir Frederick determined to fire a volley from one of his masked batteries, which he rightly judged would bring on a general engagement. They were sitting at the table after dinner, alone, when the general took the advantage of the name of Miss Howell being acci- dentally mentioned, to say — " By the by, George, my friend the admiral said some- thing yesterday on the subject of your being so much with his daughter. I wish you to be cautious, and not to give the old sailor offence in any way, for he is my particular friend." " He need be under no violent apprehensions," cried George, coloring highly with shame and pride, " I am sure a Denbigh is no unworthy match for a daughter of Sir Peter Howell." ** Oh ! to be sure not, boy, we are as old a house as there is in the kingdon, and as noble too ; but the admiral has queer notions, and, perhaps, he has some cub of a sailor in his eye for a son-in-law. Be prudent, my boy, be pru- dent ; that is all I ask of you." The general, satisfied with the effect he had produced, carelessly arose from his seat, and joined Lady Margai-et in her drawing-room. George remained for several minutes musing on his father's singular request, as well as the admiral's caution, when he sprang from his seat, caught up his hat and sword, and in ten minutes rang at Sir Peter's door in Grosvenor Square. He was admitted, and ascending to the drawing-room, he met the admiral on his way out. Nothing was further horn PRECAUTION. 441 the thoughts of the veteran than a finess6 like the generars ; and, delighted to see George on the battle-ground, he pointed significantly over his shoulder towards the door of the room Isabel was in, and exclaimed, with a good-natured smile, " There she is, my hearty ; lay her aside, and hang me if she don't strike. I say, Geo^-ge, faint heart never won fair lady : remember that, my boy ; no, nor a French ship." George would have been at some loss to have reconciled this. speech to his fatlier's caution, if time had been allowed him to think at all ; but the door being open he entered, and found Isabel endeavoring to hide her tears. The admiral, dissatisfied from the besrinninof with the tardy method of despatching things, thought he might be of use in breaking the ice for George, by trumpeting his praises on divers occasions to his daughter. Under all cir- cumstances, he thought she might be learning to love the man, as he was to be her husband ; and speeches like the following had been frequent of late from the parent to the child : " There's that youngster, George Denbigh : now, Bell, is he not a fine looking lad ? Then I know he is brave. His father before him was good stuff and a true Englishman, What a proper husband he would make for a young woman, he loves his king an,d country so ; none of your new-fangled notions about religion and government, but a sober, religious churchman ; that is, as much so, girl, as you can expect ii; the guards. No Methodist, to be sure ; — it's a great pity he wasn't sent to sea, don't you think so? But cheer up, girl, one of these days he may be taking a liking to you vet." IsabeJ, whose fears taught her the meaning of these eloquent praises of Captain Denbigh, listened to these 19* 442 PRECAUTION. harangues in silence, and often meditated on their import by herself in tears. - George approached the sofa on which the lady was seated before she had time to conceal the traces of her sorrow, and in a voice softened by emotion, he took her hand gently aa lie said, — " What can have occasioned this distress to Miss Howell If anything in my power to remove, or which a life devoted to her service can mitigate, she has only to command me to find a cheerful obedience." " The trifling causes of sorrow in a young woman," replied Isabel, endeavoring to smile, " will hardly require such serious services to remove them." But the lady was extremely interesting at the moment. George was goaded by his father's caution, and urged on by his own feelings, with great sincerity, and certainly much eloquence, he therefore proffered his love and hand to tliP acceptance of his mistress. Isabel heard him in painful silence. She respected hin , and dreaded his power over her father ; but, unwilling u) ^baudon hopes to which she yet clung as to her spring of «xistef»ce^ with a violent effort she determined to throw her- self on the generosity of her lover. During her. father's late absence Isabel had, as usual, since the death of her mother, been left with his sister, and ]y.\d formed an attachment for a young clergyman, a younger B/j^n .of a baronet, and the present Dr. Ives. The inclination had t)ee,n mutual ; and as Lady Hawker knew her brother to be perfectly indifferent to money, she could see no possible objection to its indulgence. On his return, Ives made his proposals, as related ; and although warmly backed by the lecommendations of the aunt, he was refused. Out of delicacy the wishes of Isabel PRECAUTION. 443 had not been mentioned hy her clerical lover, and the admiral supposed he had only comf)li£d with his agreement with the general, without in any manner affecting the hap- })iness of his daughter by his answer. But the feelings which prompted the request still remained in full vigor in the lovers ; and Isabel now, with many blushes and some jiesitation of utterance, made George fully acquainted with the state of her heart, giving him at the same time to under- stand that he was the only obstacle to her happiness. It cannot be supposed that George heard her without pain or mortification. The struggle with self-love was a severe one, but his better feelings prevailed, and he assured the anxious Isabel that fiom his importunities she had nothing to apprehend in future. The grateful girl overwhelmed him with thanks, and George had to fly ere he repented of his own generosity. Miss Howell intimated, in the course of her narrative, that a better understanding existed between their parents than the caution of the general had discovered to bis unsuspect- ing child, and George was determined to know the worst at once. At supper he mentioned, as if in remembrance of his father's injunction, that he had been to take his leave of Miss Howell, since he found his visits gave uneasiness to her friends. " On the whole," he added, endeavoring to yawn careless' u, "I believe I shall visit there no more." " Nay, nay," returned Sir Frederick, a little displeased at his son's obedience, " I meant no such thing. Neither the ndmiral nor myself has the least objection to your visiting in moderation; indeed, you may marry the girl with all our hearts, if you can agree." " But we can't agree, I take it," said George, looking up at the wall. 444 PRECAUTION. ** Why not ? what hinders 1" cried his father uriguard- edly. '♦ Only — only I don't like her," said the son, tossing off a glass of wine, which nearly strangled him. " You don't," cried the general with great warmth, thrown entirely off his guard by this unexpected declaration " and may I presume to ask the reason why you do not like Miss Howell, sir ?" " Oh ! you know, one never pretends to give a reason for this sort of feeling, my dear sir." " Then," cried his father with increasing heat^ " you must allow me to say, my dear sir, that the sooner you get rid of these sort of feelings the better. I choose you shall not only like, but love Miss Howell ; and this I have promised her father." " I thought that the admiral was displeased with my coming to his house so much — or did I not understand you this morning ?" " I know nothing of his displeasure, and care less. He has agreed that Isabel shall be your wife, and I have passed my word to the engagement ; and if, sir, you wish to be considered as my son, you will prepare to comply." George was expecting to discover some management on the part of his father, but by no means so settled an arrange- ment, and his anger was in proportion to the deception. To annoy Isabel any further was out of the question ; to betray her, base ; and the next morning he sought an audience with the Duke. To him he mentioned his wish for actual service, but hinted that the maternal fondness of Lady Margaret was averse to his seeking it. This was true, and George now pressed his uncle to assist him in effecting an exchange. The boroughs of the Duke of Derwent were i^presented PRECAUTION. 445 by loyal tnembers of parliament, his two brothers being con- temporary with Mr. Ben field in that honor ; and a request from a man who sent six members to the Commons, besides having a seat in the Lords in his own person, must be lis- tened to. Within the week George ceased to be a captain in the guards, and became lieutenant-colonel of a regiment under orders for America. Sir Frederick soon became sensible of the error his wai-mth had led him into, and endeavored, by soothing and indul- gence, to gain the ground he had so unguardedly lost. But terrible was his anger, and bitter his denunciations, when his son acquainted him with his approaching embarkation with his new regiment for America. They quarrelled; and ias the favorite child had ne\er, until now, been thwarted or spoken hai-shly to, they parted in mutual disgust. With his mother George was more tender ; and as Lady Margaret never thought the match such as the descendant of two lines of dukes was entitled to form, she almost pardoned the offence in the cause. " What's this here ?" cried Sir Peter Howell, as he ran over a morning paper at the breakfast table : " Captain Den- bigh, late of the guards, has been promoted to the Lieutenant- Colonelcy of the Foot^ and sails to-morrow to join that regiment, now on its \Vay to America." '• It's a lie, Bell ! — it's all a lie ! not but what he ought to be there, too, serving his king and country ; but he nevei would serve you so." " Me ?" said Isabel, with a heart throbbing with the con tending feelings of admiration for George's generosity, and dehght at her own deliverance. " What 'lave I to do with the movements of Mr. Denbigh ?" " What !'' cried iier father in astonishment ; " aVt you to 446 PRECAUTION. be his wife, a'n't it all agreed upon — that is, between Sir Frederick and me, which is the same thing, you know — " Here he was interrupted by the sudden appearance of the general himself, who had just learLC the departure of his son, and hastened, with the double purpose of breaking the intel- ligence to his friend, and of making his own peace. " See here, Denbigh," exclaimed the admiral, pointing to the paragraph, " what do you say to that ?" " Too true — too true, my dear friend," replied the general, shaking his head mournfully. " Hark ye, Sir Frederick Denbigh," cried the admiral fiercely ; *' did you not say that your son George was to marry my daughter V* " I certainly did, Sir Peter, and am sorry to say that, in defiance of my entreaties and commands, he has deserted his home, and, in consequence, I have discarded him for ever.'* " Now, Denbigh," said the admiral, a good deal mollified by this declaration, " have I not always told you, that in the army you know nothing of discipline ? Why, sir, if he was a son of mine, he should marry blindfolded, if I chose to order it. I wish, now. Bell had an ofifer, and dared to refuse it." " There is the barber's clerk, you know," said the general, a good deal irritated by the contemptuous manner of his t iend. " And what of that. Sir Frederick ?" said the sailor sternly ; *' if I choose her to marry a quill-driver, she shall comply." " Ah ! my good friend," said the general, willing to drop the disagreeable subject, '• I am afraid we shall both find it more difficidt to control the affections of our children thau we at first imagined." piiKnAurroN, 44-7 "You do, General Denbigli ?" Sriid the admiral, with a curl of contempt on his lip ; and ringing the bell violently, he bid the servant send his young lady to hi'ni. On the appearance of Isabel, her father inquired with an air of settled meaning where young Mr. Ives resided. It was only in the next street, and a messenger was sent to him, with Sir Peter Howell's compliments, and a request to see him without a moment's delay. " We'll see, we'll see, my old friend, who keeps the best discipline," muttered the admiral, as he paced up and down the room, in eager expectation of the return of his messenger. The wonderinof o-eneral orazed on his friend, to ascertain if he was out of his senses. He knew he was quick to decide, and excessively obstinate, but he did not think him so crazy as to throw away his daughter in a fit of spleen. It never occurred to Sir Frederick, however, that the engagement with himself was an act of equal injustice and folly, because it was done with more form and deliberation, which, to the eye of sober reason, would rather make the matter worse. Isabel sat in trembling suspense for the issue of the scene, and Ives in a few minutes made his appearance in no little alarm. On entering, the admiral addressed him abruptly, by inquiring if he still wished to marry that girl, pointing to his daughtti-. The reply was an eager affirmative. Sir Peter beckoned to Isabel, who approached, covered with blushes; and her father having placed her hand in that of her lover, with an air of great solemnity he gave them his blessing. The young people withdrew to another room at Sir Peter's request, when he turned to his friend, delighted with his own decision and authority, and exclaimed, " There, Fred. Denbigh, that is what T call being minded." 448 pcECArTiox. The general had [lenetiatioii enough to see that the result was agreeable to both the young people, a thing he had long apprehended ; and being glad to get rid of the affair in any way that did not involve him in a quarrel with his old comrade, he gravely congratulated the admiral on his good fortune and retired. " Yes, yes," said Sir Peter to himself, as he paced up and down his room, " Denbigh is mortified enough, with his joy, and felicity, and grand-children. I never had any opinion of their manner of discipline at all; too much bowing and scraping. I'm sorry, though, he is a priest; not but what a priest may be as good a man as another, but let him behave ever so well, he can only get to be a bishop at the most. Heaven forbid he should ever get to be a Pope ! After all, his boys may be admirals if they behave themselves ;" and he went to seek his daughter, having in imagination manned her nursery with vice and rear admirals in embryo by the half dozen. Sir Peter Howell survived the marriage of his daughter but eighteen months ; yet that was sufficient time to become attached to his invaluable son-in-law. Mr. Ives insensibly led the admiral, during his long indisposition, to a more cor- rect view of sacred things, than he had been wont to enter- tain ; and the old man breathed his last, blessing both his children for their kindness, and with an humble hope of future happiness. Some time before his death, Isabel, whose con science had always reproached her with the deception prac tised on her fatlier, and with the banishment of George fron his country and home, threw herself at the feet of Sir Peter and acknowledged her transgression. The admiral heard her in astonishment, but not in anger. His opinions of life had sensibly changed, and his great cause of satisfaction with his new son removed all motives for regret PRECAUTION. 449 lor anything but for the fate of poor George. With the noble forbearance and tenderness of the young man to his daughter, the hardy veteran was sensibly touched ; and his tutreaties with Sir Frederick made his peace with a father ah-eady longing for the return of his only hope. The admiral* left Colonel Denbigh his blessing, and his favorite pistols, as a remembrance of his esteem ; but he did not live to see the reunion with his family. George had soon learnt, deprived of hope and in the midst of novelty, to forget a passion which could no longer be prosperous; and two years from his departure returned to England, glowing in health, and improved in person and mannei-s by a more extensive knowledge of the world and mankind. 460 PRSCAUIION. GHAPTEE XLIY. . During the lime occupied by the foregoing events, Francis ijontinued a gloomy inmate of his uncle's house. The duke and his brother George were too indolent and inactive in their minds to pierce the cloud that mortification and deadened affections had drawn around the real character of then nephew ; and although he was tolerated as the heir, he was but little loved as a man. In losing his brother, Francis lost the only human *being with whom he possessed any sympathies in common; and he daily drew more and more into himself, in gloomy meditation on his forlorn situation, in the midst of wealth and expected lionors. The attentions he received were paid to his rank, and Francis had penetration enough to perceive it. His visits to his parents were visits of ceremony, and in time all parties came to look to their termination with pleasure, as to the dis- continuance of heartless and forced civilities. Affection, even in the young man, could not endure, repulsed as his feelings w^ere, for ever ; and in the course of three years, if his attachments were not alienated from his parents, his ardor had become much abated. It is a dreadful truth, that the bonds of natural affection can be broken by injustice and contumely; and it is yet more to be deplored, that when from such causes we loosen the ties habit and education have drawn around us, a reaction in our feelings commences ; we seldom cease to love, bu^ we begin to hate. Against such awful consequences it IB one of the most solemn duties of the parent to provide iD PftEOAUTION. <4^1 fceason ; and what surer safeguard is there, than to inculcate those feehngs which teach the mind to love God, and in so doing induce love to the whole human family ? Sir Frederick and Lady Margaret attended the churdh regularly, repeated the responses with much decency, toasted the church next to the king, even appeared at the altai-s of their God, and continued siimers. From such sowings, no good fruit could be expected to flourish : yet Francis was not without his hours of devotion ; but his religion was, like himself, reserved, superstitious, ascetic, and gloomy. He never entered into socialworship : if he prayed it was with an ill-concealed wish to end this life of care. If he returned thanks, it was with a bitterness that mocked the throne "before which he was prostrate. Such pictures are i-evolting ; but their originals have and do exist ; for what enormity is there of which human frailty, unchecked by divine assistance, raay not be guilty ? Francis received an invitation to visit a brotner of his mo- ther's at his seat in the country, about the time of the expected return of George from America ; and in compli- ance with the wishes of his uncles he accepted it. The house was thronged with visitors, and many of them were ladies. To these, the arrival of the unmarried heir of the house of Derwent was a subject of no little interest. His character had, however, preceded him, and a few days of his awkward and, as they conceived, sullen deportment, drove them back to their former beaux, with the exception of one ; and she was not only amongst the fairest of the throng, but decidedly of the highest pretensions on the score of birth and for'tune. Marian Lumley was the only surviving child of the last Duke of Annerdale, with whom had expired the higher honors of his house. But the Earldom of Penlennyss, with uuraerous ancient baronies, were titles in fee ; and together 452 PRECAUTION. with his princely estates had descended to his daughter aa heir-general of the family. A peeress in her own right, with an income far exceeding her utmost means of expenditure, the lovely Countess of Pendennyss was a prize aimed at by all the young nobles of the empire. Educated in the midst of flatterers and dependants sha had become haughty, vain, and supercilious; still she was lovely, and no one knew better how to practise the most win- ning arts of her sex, when whim or interest prompted her to the trial. Her host was her guardian and relative ; and through his agency she had rejected, at the age of twenty, numerous suitors for her hand. Her eyes were fixed on the ducal coronet ; and unfortunately for Francis Denbigh, he was, At the time, the only man of the proper age who could elevate her to that enviable distinction in the kingdom ; and an indi- rect measure of her own liad been the means of his invita- tion to the country. Like the rest of her young companions, Marian was greatly disappointed on the view of her intended captive, and for a day or two she abandoned him to his melancholy and him- self. But ambition was her idol ; and to its powerful rival, love, she was yet a stranger. After a few struggles with her inclinations the consideration that their united fortunes and family alliances would make one of the wealthiest and most powerful houses in the kingdom, prevailed. Such early sa orifices of the inclinations in a woman of her beauty, youth and accomplishments, may excite surprise; but where the mind is left uncultivated by the hand of care, the soul un- touched by the love of goodness, the human heart seldom fails to set up an idol of its own to worship. In the Coun- tess of Pendennyss this idol was pride. The remainder of the ladies, from ceasing to wonder at the PRECAtJTlOK. 453 manners of Francis, had made them the subject of theif mirth ; and nettled at his apparent indifference to their soci- ety, which they erroneously attributed to his sense of his importance, they overstepped the bounds of good-breeding in manifesting their displeasure. " Mr. Denbigh," cried one of the most thoughtless and pretty of the gay tribe to him one day, as Francis sat in a corner abstracted from the scene around him, " when do you mean to favor the world with your brilliant ideas in the shape of a book ?" " Oh ! no doubt soon," said a second ; " and I expect they will be homilies, or another volume to the Whole Duty of Man." " Rather," cried a third, with bitter irony, " another canto to the Rape of the Lock, his ideas are so vivid and full of imagery." "Or, what do you think," said a fourth, speaking in a voice of harmony, and tones of the most soothing tenderness, " of pity and compassion, for the follies of those inferior minds, who cannot enjoy the reflections of a good sense and modesty peculiarly his own ?" This might also be irony ; and Francis thought it so; but the tones were so soft and conciliating, that with a face pale with his emotions, he ventured to look up and met the eye of Marian, fixed on him in an expression that changed his death- like hue into the color of vermillion. He thought of this speech ; he reasoned on it ; he dreamt on it. But for the looks which accompanied it, like the rest of the party, he would have thought it the cruellest cut of them all. But that look, those eyes, that voice, what a com- mentary on her language did they not afford ! Francis was not long in suspense ; the next morning an excursion was proposed, which included all but himself in its 4)54 pr«P'^Ut;k>Ni arrangements. He was either too reserved or too proud to offer services whicii were not required. Several gentlemen had contended for the honor of driving the counters in a beautiful phaeton of her own. They grew earnest in their claims: one had been promised by its mis- tress with an opportunity of trying the ease of the carriage; another was deliofhted with the excellent training of her horses ; in short, all had some particular claim to the dis- tinction, which was urged with a warmth and pertinacity proportionate to the value of the prize to be obtained. Ma- rian heard the several claimants with an ease and indifference natural to her situation, and ended the dispute by say- ing— ''Gentlemen, as I have made so many promises from the dread of giving offence, I must throw myself on the mercy of Mr. Denbigh, who alone, with the best claims, does not urge them; to you then," continued she, approaching him with the whip which was to be given the victor, '* I adjudge the prize, if you will condescend to accept it." This was uttered with one of her most attractive smiles, and Francis received the whip with an emotion that he with difficulty could control* The gentlemen were glad to have the contest decided by adjudging the prize to one so little dangerous, and the ladies sneered at her choice as they left the house. There was something so soothing in the manners of Lady Tendennyss, she listened to the little he said with such a respectful attention, was so anxious to have him give his opinions, that the unction of flattery, thus sweetly applied, and for the first time, could not fail of its wonted effects. The Communications thus commenced were continued. I WAS so easy to be attentive, by being simply polite to one unused to notice of any kind, that Marian found the fate of the PRECAUTION. 455 young man in her hands almost as soon as she attempted to control it. A new existence opened upon Francis, as day after day she- insensibly led him to a display of powers he was uncon- scious until now of possessing himself. His self-respect began to increase, his limited pleasures to multiply, and he could now look around him with a sense of participation in t'je delights of life, as he perceived himself of conscijuence to this much admired woman. Trifling incidents, managed on her part with consummate art, had led him to the daring inference that he was not entirely indifferent to her; and Francis returned the incipient affection of his mistress with a feeling but little removed from adoration. Week flew by after week, and still he lingered at the residence of his kinsman, unable to tear himself from the society of one so worshipped, and yet afraid to take a step by making a distinct declaration which might involve nim in disgrace or ridicule. The condescension of the countess increased, and she had indirectly given him the most flattering assurances of his success, when George, just anived from America, having first paid his greetings to his reconciled parents, and the happy couple of his generosity, flew to the arms of his brother in Suffolk. * Francis was overjoyed to see George, and George de- Ighted in the visible improvement of his brother. Still i-'rancis was far, veiy far behind his junior in graces of mind and body ; indeed, few men in England were more adapted by nature and education for female society than was Colonel Dt-nbigh at the period of which we write. Marian witnessed all his attractions, and deei)ly felt their influence; for the first time she felt the emotions of the gentle passion ; and after having sported in the gay world, 456 PRECAUTION. find trifled with*the feelings of others for years, the countess in her turn became an unwilling victim to its power. George met her flame with a corresponding ardor, and the struggle between ambition and love became severe ; the brothers unconsciously were rivals. Had George for a moment suspected the situation of the feelings of Francis, his very superiority in the contest would have induced him to retreat from the unnatural rivalry. Had the elder dreamt of the views of his junior, he would have abandoned his dearest hopes in utter despair. Francis had so long been accustomed to consider George as his superior in everything, that a competition with him would have appeared desperate. Marian contrived to keep both in hopes, undecided herself which to choose, and perhaps ready to yield to the first apphcant. A sudden event, however, removed all doubts, and decided the fate of the three. The Duke of Derwent and his bachelor brother became so dissatisfied with the character of their future heir, that they as coolly set about providing themselves with wives as they had performed any other ordinary transaction of life. They married cousins, and on the same day the choice of the ladies was assigned between them by lots ; and if his grace got the prettier, his brother certainly got the richest ; under the circumstances a very tolerable distribution of for- tune's favors. These double marriages dissolved the charm of Francis, and Lady Pendennys.s determined to consult her wishes ; a httle pointed encouragement brought out the declaration of George, and he was accepted. Francis, who had never communicated his feelings to any one but the lady, and that only indirectly, was crushed by the blow. He continued in public until the day of their rn EC ACTION. 457 union ; was present, composed and silent ; but it was the silence of a mountain whose volcanic contents had not reached the surface. The same day he disappeared, and every inquiiy after him proved fruitless ; search was baffled, and for seven years it was not known what had become of the general's eldest son. George on marrying resigned his commission, at the earnest entreaties of his wife, and retired to one of her seats, to the enjoyment of ease and domestic love. The countess was enthusiastically attached to him ; and as motives for the indulgence of coquetry were wanting, hor character became gradually improved by the contemplation of the excellent qualities of her generous husband. A lurking suspicion of the cause of Francis's sudden disappearance rendered her uneasy at times ; but Marian was too much beloved, too happy, in the enjoyment of too many honors, and of too great wealth, to be open to the convictions of conscience. It is in our hours of pain and privation that we begin to feel its sting : if we are prosper- ous, we fancy we reap the fruits of our own merit ; but if we are unfortunate, the voice of truth seldom fails to remind us that we are deserving of our fate: — a blessed provision of Providence that often makes the saddest hours of our earthly career the morn of a day that is to endure for ever. General Denbigh and Lady Margaret both died within five years of the marriage of their favorite child, although both lived to see their descendant, in the person of the infant Lord Lumley. The duke and his brother George were each blessed with offspring, and in these several descendants of the different branches of the family of Denbigh may be seen the different personages of our history. On the birth of her youngest 20 458 PRECAUTIOX. child, the Lady Marian, the Countess of Pendennyss sustained a* shock in her health from which she never wholly reco- vered : she became nervous, and lost most of her energy both of mind and body. Her husband was her solace ; his tender- ness remaining unextinguished, while his attentions increased. As the fortune of Ives and Isabel put the necessity of a living out of the question, and no cure offering for the accep- tance of the first, he was happy to avail himself of an offer to become domestic chaplain to his now intimate friend, Mr. Denbigh. For the first six years they were inmates of Pen- dennyss Castle. The rector of the parish was infiim, and averse to a regular assistant ; but the unobtrusive services of Mr. Ives were not less welcome to the pastor than to his parishioners. Employed in the duties which of right fell to the incum- bent, and intrusted with the spiritual guardianship of the dependants of the castle, our young clergyman had ample occupation for all his time, if not a sufficient theatre for his usefulness. Isabel and himself remained the year round in Wales, and the first dawnings of education received by Lord Lumley were those he acquired conjointly with Francis from the care of the latter's father. They formed, with the inter- val of the time spent by Mr. Denbigh and Lady Pendennyss in town in winter, but one family. To the gentleman, the attachment of the grateful Ives was as strong as it was lasting. Mrs. Ives never ceased to consider him as a self- devoted victim to her happiness ; and although a far more brilliant lot had awaited him by the change, yet her own husband could not think it a more happy one. The birth of Lady Marian had already, in its consequences, begun to throw a gloom round the domestic comforts of Denbio-h, when he was to sustain another misfortune in a Eepnration from liis fiiends. PRECAUTION. 45!| Mr., now Dr. Ives, had early announced Tiis firm intention, whenever an opportunity was afforded him, to enter intn the fullest functions of his ministry, as a matter of duty Such an opportunity now offered at B , and the doctor became its rector ab(>ut the period Sir Edward became pos- sessor of his paternal estate. Denbigh tried every inducement within his power to keep the doctor in his own society. If as many thousands as his living Avould give him hundreds could effect it, they would have been at his service ; but Denbigh understood the character of the divine too well to offer such an induce- ment : he however urged the claims of friendship to the utmost, but without success. The doctor acknowledged the hold both himself and family had gained upon his aftections, but he added — " Consider, my dear Mr. Denbigh, what we would have thought of one of the earlier followers of our Saviour, who from motives of convenience or worldly-mindedness could have deserted his sacred calling. Although the changes in the times may have rendered the modes of conducting them different, . necessarily the duties remain the same. The minister of our holy religion who has once submitted to the call of his divine Master, must allow nothing but ungovern- able necessity to turn him from the path he has entered on ; nnd should he so hr forget himself, I greatly fear he would plead, when too late to remedy the evil, his worldly duties, his cares, or even his misfortunes, in vain. Solemn and arduous are his obligations to labor, but when faithfully he has discharged these duties, oh ! how glorious must be his reward." Before such opinions every barrier must fjill, and the doctor entered into the cure of his parish without further opposition, though not without unceasing regret- on the i\i\0 PRECAUTION.. tmrt of his friend. Their intercourse was, however, main- ^lined by letter, and they also frecjuently met at Lumley Castle, a seat of the countess's, within two days' ride of the doctor's parish, until her ihcreasing indisposition rendered journeying impossible ; then, indeed, the doctor extended Lis rides into Wales, but with longer intervals between his visits, though with the happiest effects to the objects of his journey. Mr. Denbigh, worn down with watching and blasted hopes, under the direction of the spiritual watchfulness of the rector of B — ^, became an humble, sincere, and piou« OhristiaiL PBKOAUTION. 461 CHAPTER XLV. It has been already mentioned, that the health of Lady Pendennyss suffered 9, severe shock, in giving birth to a daughter. Change of sceae was prescribed as a remedy for her disorder, and Denbigh and his wife were on their return from a fruitless excursion amongst the northern lakes, in pursuit of amusement and relief for the latter when they were compelled to seek shelter from the fury of a sudden gust in the first building that offered. It was a farm-house of the better sort ; and the attendants, carriages, and appearance of their guests, caused no little confusion to its simple inmates. A fire was lighted in the best parlor, and every effort was made by the inhabitants to contribute to the comforts of the travellers. The countess and her husband were sitting in that kind of listless melancholy which had been too much the companion of their later hours, when in the interval of the storm, a male voice in an adjoining room commenced singing the following ballad, the notes being low, monotonous, but unusually sweet, and the enunciation so distinct, as to rende every syllable intelligible : Oh ! I have Hved in endless pain. And I have lived, alas I in vain, For none regard my woe — No father's care conveyed the truth, No mother's fondness blessed my youth. Ah ! joys too great to know — Ib2 PRECAUTION". And Marian's love, and Marian's pride, Have crushed the heart that would have died. To save my Marian's tears — A brother's hand has struck the blow Oh 1 may that brother never know Such madly sorrowing years 1 But hush my griefs — and hush my song, I've mourned in vain — I've mourned too loD^ When none have come to soothe — And dark's the patli, that lies before, And dark have been the days of yore, And all was dark in youth. Tlie maids employed around the person of their comfort- less mistress, the val^t of Denbigh engaged in arranging a dry coat for his master — all suspended their employments to listen in breathless silence to the mournful melody of the song. But Denbigh himself had started from his seat at the first notes, and he continued until the voice ceased, gazing in vacant horror in the direction of the sounds. A door opened from the parlor to the room of the musician ; he rushed through it, and there, in a kind of shed to the- building, which hardly sheltered him from the fury of the tempest, clad in the garments of the extremest poverty, with an eye roving in madness, and a body rocking to and fro from mental inquietude, he beheld seated on a stone, the remains of his long lost brother, Francis. The language of the song was too plain to be misunder stood. The truth glared around George with a violenc that dazzled his brain ; but he saw it all, he felt it all, and rushing to the feet of his brother, he exclaimed in horror; pressing his hands between his own, — "Francis — my own brother — do yoi? not know me?" PRKCAUTIOX. 4G3 The maniac regarded him with a vacant gaze, but the oice and the person recalled the compositions of his more reasonable moments to liis recollection ; jmshing back the hair of George, so as to expose his fine forehead to view, he contemplated him for a few moments, and then continued ty sing, in a voice still rendered sweeter than before hy his fciint impressions : His raven locks, that riehlj curled, His eye, that proud defiance hurled. Have stol'n my Marian's love 1 Had I been blest by nature's grace, With such a forni, with such a face, Could I so treacherous prove ? ^ And what is man — and what is care- That he should let such passions tear The bases of the soul ? Oh ! you should do, as I have done — And having pleasure's summit won. Each bursting sob control ! On ending the last stanza, the maniac released his brother, and broke into the wildest lau^fh of madness. " Francis !-^0h ! Francis, my brother," cried George, m bitterness. A piercing shriek drew his eye to the' door he had passed through — on its threshold lay the senseless body of his wife. The distracted husband foi-got everything in the situation of his Marian, and raising her in his arms, he exclaimed, — " j\[arian — my Marian, revive — look up — know me." Francis had followed him, and now stood by his side, gazing intently on the Hfeless body; his looks became more soft — his eye glanced less wildly — he too cried, — ** Marian — My Marian." 464 PRECAUTION. There was a mighty effort j nature could endure no more, he broke a blood-vessel and fell at the feet of George. They flew to his assistance, giving the countess to her women; but he was dead. For seventeen years Lady Pendennyss survived this shock : but having reached her own abode, during that long period she never left her room. In the confidence of his surviving hopes, Doctor Ives and his wife were made acquainted with the real cause of the grief of their friend, but the truth went no further. Denbigh was the guardian of his three young cousins, the duke, his sister, and young George Denbigli ; these, with his son, Lord Lumley, and daughter. Lady Maiian, were removed from the melancholy of the Castle to scenes better adapted to their opening prospects in life. Yet Lumley was fond of the society of his father, and finding him a youth endowed beyond his years, the care of his parent was early turned to the most important of his duties in that sacred office ; and when he yielded to his wishes to go into the army, he knew he went a youth of sixteen, possessed of principles and self- denial that w^ould become a man of five-and-twenty. General Wilson completed the work which the father had begun ; and Lord Lumley formed a singular exception to the character of most of his companions. At the close of the Spanish war, he returned home, and was just in time to receive the partinj^ breath of his mother, A few days before her death, the countess requested that her children might be made acquainted with her history and misconduct; and she placed in the hands of her son a letter, with directions for him to o])en it after her decease. It was addressed to both children, and after recapitulating'generally the principal events of hei- life, continued : PRECAUTION. 465 *'Thu6, my chiUi«n, you perceive the consequences of indulgence and hardness of heart, which made me insensible to the Eud"erings of others, and regardless of the plainest dic- tates of justice. Self was my idol. The love of admiration, which was natural to me, was increased by the flatterers who surrounded me ; and had the customs of our country suffered royalty to descend in their unions to a grade in life below their own, your uncle would have escaped the fangs of xny baneful coquetry. '' Oh ! Marian, my child, never descend so low as to prac- tise those arts which have degraded your unhappy mother. I would impress on you, as a memorial of my parting affec- tion, these simple truths — that coquetry stands next to the want of chastity in the scale of female vices ; it is in fact a kind of mental prostitution ; it is ruinous to all that delicacy of feeling which gives .added lustre to female charms ; it is almost destructive to modesty itself. A woman who has been addicted to its practice, may strive long and in vain to regain that singleness of heart, which can bind her up so closely in her husband and children as to make her a good wife or a mother ; and if it should have degenerated into habit, it may lead to the awful result of infidelity to her mar- riage vows. *' It is vain for a coquette to pretend to religion ; its prac- tice involves hypocrisy, falsehood, and deception — everything that is mean — everything that is debasing. In short, as it Is bottomed on selfishness and pride, where it has once pos- sessed the mind, it will only yield to the truth-displaying banners of the cross. This, and this only, can remove the evil ; for without it she, whom the charms of youth and beauty have enabled to act the coquette, will descend into the vale of life, altered, it is true, but not amended. She will find the world, with its allurements, clinging around her parting years, 20* 466 PRECAUTION. in vain regrets for days that are flown, and in mercenary views for her descendants. Heaven bless you, my children , console and esteem your inestimable father while he yet remains with you; and place your reliance on that Heavenly Parent who will never desert those who seek him in sincerty and love. Your dying mother, " M. Pendenxyss." This letter, evidently written under the excitement of deep remorse, made a great impression on both her children. In Lady Marian it Avas pity, regret, and abhorrence of the fault which had been the principal cause of the wreck of her jno- ther's peace of mind ; but in her brother, now Earl of Pen- dennyss, these feelings weie united with a jealous dread of his own probable lot in the chances of matrimony. His uncle had been the supposed heir to a more elevated title than his own, but he was now the actual possessor of as honorable a name, and of much larger revenues. The great wealth of his maternal grandfather, and the considerable estate of his own father, were, or would soon be, centred in himself; and if a woman as amiable, as faultless, as affection had taught him to believe his mother to be, could yield in her situation to the lure of worldly honors, had he not great reason to dread, that a hand might be bestowed at some day upon himself, when the heart would point out some other destination, if the i*eal wishes of its owner were consulted ? Pendennyss was modest by nature, and humble froni prin- ciple, though by no means disti'ustful ; yet the shock of dis- covering his mother's fault, the gloom occasioned by her '■'eath and his father's declining health, sometimes led him into a ti-ain of reflections which, at others, he would have fervently deprecated. A short time after the decease of the countess, Mr. Den- bigh, finding his constitution fast giving way, under the PRECAUTION. 407 wasting of a decline he had been in for a year, resolved to finish his days in the abode of his Christian friend, Doctor Ives. For several years they had not met ; increasing duties and infirmities on both sides having interrupted their visits. By easy stages he left the residence of his son in Wales, and accompanied by both his children he reached Lumley Castle much exhausted; here he took a solemn and final leave of Marian, unwilling that she should so soon witness again the death of another parent, and dismissing the earl's equipage and attendants a short day's ride from B , they proceeded alone to the rectory. A letter had been forwarded acquainting the doctor of his approaching visit, wishing it to be perfectly private, but not alluding to its object, and naming a day, a week later than the one on which he ariived. This plan was altered on per* ceiving the torch of life more rapidly approaching the socket than he had at first supposed. His unexpected appearance and reception are known. Denbigh's death and the depar- ture of his son followed ; Francis having been Pendennyss's companion to the tomb of his ancestors in Westmoreland. The earl had a sh linking delicacy, under the knowledge of his family history, that made him anxious to draw all eyes from the contemplation of his mother's conduct ; how far the knowledge of it had extended in society he could not know, but he wished it buried withh-r in the tomb. The peculiar manner of his fathei's death would attract notice, and might recall attention to the prime cause of his disorder ; as yet all was veiled, and he wished the doctor's family to let it lemain so. It was, however, impossible that the death of a man of Mr. Denbigh's rank should be unnoticed in the prints, and the care of Francis dictated the simple truth without comments, as it appeared. As regarded the Mo&eleys, what was more 468 PRECAUTION. natural than that the son of Mr. Denbigh should also be Mr, Denbigh / In the presence of the rector's family no allusions were made to their friends, and the villagers. and the neighbor- hood spoke of them as old and young Mr. Denbigh. The name of Lord Lumley, now Earl of Pendennyss, was known to the whole British nation ; but the long retirement of his father and mother had driven them almost from the recollection of their friends. Even Mi-s. Wilson supposed her favorite hero a Lumley. Pendennyss Castle had been for centuries the proud residence of that family ; and the change of name in its possessor was forgotten with the cir- cumstances that had led to it. When, therefore, Emily met the earl so unexpectedly the second time at the rectory, she, of course, with all her com- panions, spoke of him as Mr. Denbigh. On that occasion, Pendennyss had called in person, in expectation of meeting his kinsman, Lord Bolton ; but, finding him absent, he could not resist his desire to visit the rectory. Accordingly, he sent his carriage and servants on to London, leaving them at a convenient spot, and arrived on foot at the house of Dr. Ives. From the same motives which had influenced hini before — a wish to indulge, undisturbed by useless ceremony, his melancholy reflections — he desired that his name miglit not be mentioned. This was an easy task. Both Doctor and Mrs. Ives had called him, when a child, George or Lumley, and were unused to his new appellation of Pendennyss; indeed, it rather recallt-d painful recollections to them all. It may be remembered that circumstances removed the necessity of any introduction to Mrs. Wilson and h^r party ; and the difficulty in that instance was happily got rid of. The earl had often heaid Emily Moseley spokep pf hy PRECAUTION. 4(J9 his friends, aiad in tlieir leiters tliey frequently mentioned her name as connected with their pleasures and" employments, and always with an affection Peiidennj^ss thought exceeding that which they manifested for their son's wife ; and Mrs Ives, the evening before, to remove unpleasant thoughts, had given him a hvely descripiion of her person and character. The earl's curiosity had been a little e>^cited to see this paragon of female beauty and virtue ; and, unlike mosj cuiiosity on such subjects, he was agreeably disappointed bv the examination. He wished to know more, and made iute rest with the doctor to assist him to continue the incognito with which accident had favored him. The doctor objected on the ground of principle, and the earl desisted ; but the beauty of Erriily, aided by her cha- racter, had made an im[)ression not to be easily shaken off, and Pehdennyss returned to the charge. His former jealousies were awakened in piopoition to his adnnration ; and, after some time, he threw himself on the mercy of the divine, by declaring his new motive, but with- out mentioning his parents. The doctor pitied liim, for he scanned his feelings thoroughly, and consented to keep silent, but laughingly declared it was bad enough for a divine to be accessoiy to, much less aiding in a deception ; and that he knew if Emily and Mrs. Wilson learnt his imposition, ho would lose giound in their favor by the discovery. " Surely, George," said the doctor with a laugh, " you don't mean to marry the young lady as Mr. Denbigh ?" " Oh, no ! it is too soon to think of marrying her at all, replied the earl with a smile ; " but, somehow, I should like to see what my reception in the woild will be as plain Mr. Denbigh, unprovided for and unknown." "No doubt, my lord." said the rector archly, "in pro- portion to your meiits, very unfavorably indeed; but thcD 470 PRECAUTION. your humilit) will be jfinally elevated by the occasional praises I have heard Mrs. Wilson lavish on your proper cha- racter of late." " I am much indebted to her partiality," continued the earl mournfully ; then throwing off his gloomy thoughts he added, "I yvonder, my dear doctor, your goodness did not s t her right in the latter particular." " Why, she has hardly given me an opportunity ; delicacy and my own feelings have kept me very silent on the sub- ject of your family to any of that connexion. They think, 1 believe, I was a rector in Wales, instead of your father's chaplain ; and somehow," continued the doctor, smiling on his wife, "the association with your late parents was so connected in my mind with my most romantic feelings, that although I have delighted in it, I have seldom alluded to it in conversation at all. Mrs. Wilson has spoken of 'you but twice in my hearing, and that since she has expected to meet you; your name has doubtless recalled the remem- brance of her husband." " I have many, many reasons to remember the general with gratitude," cried the earl with fervor ; " but doctor, do not forget my incognito : only call me George ; I ask no more." The plan of Pendennyss was put in execution. Day after day he lingered in Northamptonshire, until his principles and character had grown upon the esteem of the Moseleys in the manner we have mentioned. His frequent embarrassments were from the dread and shame of a detection. With Sir Herbert Nicholson he had a narrow escape, and Mrs. Fitzgerald and Lord Henry Staple- ton he of coui'se avoided ; for having gone so fai-, he was determined to iicrseveie to the end. Egerton he thought knew him, and he disliked his character and roanneis. PUECAI'TION-. 47? When Chattertoii appeared inost attentive to Emily, tii . candor and good opinion of that young nobleman made tlie earl acquainted with his wishes and his situation. Penden- nyss Wiis too generous not to meet his lival on fair grounds. His cousin and the duke were requested to use their united influence secretly to obtain the desired station for the baron. The result is known, and Pendennyss trusted his secret to Chatterton; he took him to London, gave him in charge to Dervvent, and returned to prosecute his own suit. Ilis note from Bolton Castle was a ruse to conceal his character, as he knew the departure of the baronet's family to an hour, and had so timed his visit to the earl as not to come in collision with the Moseleys. " Indeed, my lord," cried the doctor to him one day, " your scheme goes on swimmingly, and I am only afraid when your mistress discovers the imposition, you will find youi rank producing a, different effect from what you have appr^t bended." 472 PRECAUTION. CHAPTER XLYL But Dr. Ives was mistaken. Had he seen the sparkling eyes and glowing cheeks of Miss Moseley, the smile of satis faction and happiness which played on the usually thought- ful face of Mrs. Wilson, when the earl handed them into his own carriage, as they left his house on the evening of the discovery, the doctor would have gladly acknowledged the failure of his prognostics. In truth, there was no possi- ble event that, under the circumstances, could have given both aunt and niece such heartfelt pleasure, as the know- ledge that Denbigh and the earl were the same person. Pendennyss stood holding the door of the carriage in his hand, irresolute how to act, when Mrs. Wilson said — " Surely, my lord, you sup with us." "A thousand thanks, my dear madam, for the privilege," cried the earl, as he sprang into the coach ; the door was closed, and they drove off. " After the explanations of this morning, my lord," said Mrs. Wilson, willing to remove all doubts between him and Emily, and perhaps anxious to satisfy her own curiosity, " it will be fastidious to conceal our desire to know more of yoo. movements. How came your pocket-book in the possessioi of Mrs. Fitzgerald ?" "Mrs. Fitzgerald!" cried Pendennyss, in astonishment *'I lost the book in one of the rooms of the Lodge, and sup- posed it had fallen into your hands, and betrayed my dis- guise by Emily's rejection of me, and your own altered eye. Was 1 mistaken then in both 2" PRECAUTION. 473 Mrs. "Wilson now, for the first time, explained their real grounds for refusing his offers, which, in the morning, she had loosely mentioned as owing to a misapprehension of his just character, and recounted the manner of the book falling into the hands of Mrs. Fitzgerald. The earl listened in amazement, and after musing with liimself, exclaimed — " I remember taking it from my pocket, to show Colonel Egerton some singular plants I had gathered, and think 1 first missed it when returning to the place where I had then laid it ; in some of the side-pockets were letters from Marian, addressed to me, properly; and I naturally thought they had met your eye." Mrs. Wilson and Emily immediately thought Egerton the real villain, who had caused both themselves and Mrs. Fitz- gerald so much uneasiness, and the former mentioned her suspicions to the earl. " Nothing more probable, dear madam," cried he, " and this explains to me his startled looks when we first met, and his evident dislike to my society, for he must have seen my person, though the carriage hid him from my sight." That Egerton was the wretch, and that through his agency the pocket-book had been carried to the cotiage, they all now agreed, and turned to more pleasant subjects. " Master ! — here — master," said Peter Johnson, as he stood at a window of Mr. Benfield's room, stirring a gruel for the old gentleman's supper, and stretching his neck and strain- ing his eyes to distinguish objects by the light of the lamps — " I do think there is Mr. Denbigh, handing Miss Emmy from a coach, covered with gold, and two footmen, all dizen- ed with pride like." The spoon fell from the hands of Mr. Benfield. He rose briskly from his seat, and adjusting his dress, took the ai-*« 474 PRECAUTION. of the steward, and proceeded to the drawing-room. While these several movements were in operation, which consumed Bome time, the old bachelor relieved the tedium of Peter's impatience by the following speech : — " Mr. Denbigh ! — what, back ? — I thought he never could let that rascal John shoot him and forsake Emmy after all; (here the old gentleman suddenly recollected Denbigh's mar- riage) but now, Peter, it can do no good either. — I remem- ber, that when my friend the Earl of Gosford " — (and again he was checked by the image of the card-table and the viscountess) " but, Peter," he said with great warmth, " we can go down and see him, notwithstanding." " Mr. Denbigh !" exclaimed Sir Edward, in astonishment, •when he saw the companion of his sister and child enter the drawing-room, "you are welcome once more to your old friends : your sudden retreat from us gave us much pain ; ' but we suppose Lady Laura had too many attractions to allow us to keep you any longer in Norfolk." - The good Baronet sighed, as he held out his hand to the man whom he had once hoped to receive as a son. "Neither Lady Laura nor any other lady,- my dear Sir Edward," cried the earl, as he took the baronet's hand, " drove me from you, but the frowns of your own fair daugh- ter ; and here she is, ready to acknowledge her ofience, and, I hope, to atone for it." John, who knew of the refusal of his sister, and was not a ittle displeased with the cavalier treatment he had received at Denbigh's hands, felt indignant at such improper levity in a married man, and approached with — " Your servant, Mr. Denbigh — I hope my Lady Laura is well." Pendennyss understood his look, and replied very gravely— " Your servant, Mr. John Moseley — my Lady Laura is, or PRECAUTION. 475 certainly ought to be, very well, as she has this moment gone to a rout, accompanied by her husband." The quick eye of John glanced Irom the earl to his aunt, to Emily; a lurking- smile was on all their features. The heightened color of his sister, the flashing eyes of the young nobleman, the face- of his aunt, all told him that something uncommon was about to be explained ; and, yielding to his feelings, he caught the hand which Pendcnnyss extended to him, and cried, " Denbigh, I see — I feel — there is some unaccountable mistake — we are — " " Brothers !" said the earl, emphatically. " Sir Edward — dear Lady Moseley, I throw myself on your mercy. I am an impostor : when your hospitality received me into your house, it is true you admitted George Denbigh, but he is better known as the Earl of Pendennyss." " The Earl of Pendennyss !" exclaimed Lady Moseley, in a glow of delight, as she saw at once through some juvenile folly a deception which promised both happiness and rank to one of her children. "Is it possible, my dear Charlotte, that this is your" unknown friend ?" " The very same, Anne," replied the smiling widow, " and guilty of a folly that, at all events, removes the distance between us a little, by showing that he is subject to the failings of mortality. But the masquerade is ended, and I hope you and Edward will not only treat him as an earl, but receive him as a son." "Most willingly — most willingly," cried the baronet, with great energy ; "be he prince, peer, or beggar, he is the preserver of my child, and as such he is always welcome." The door now slowly opened, and the vererable bacheloi appeared on its thresnold. Pendennyss, ^ who had never forgotten the good will 476 PRECAUTION. manifested to Lim by Mr. Benfield, met him with a look of pleasure, as he expressed his happiness at seeing him again in London. " I never have forgotten your goodness in sendmg honest Peter such a distance from home, on the object of his visit. I now regret that a feeling of shame occasioned my answering your kindness so laconically :" turning to Mrs Wilson, he added, " for a time I knew not how to write a letter even, being afraid to sign my proper appellation, and ashamed to use my adopted." " Mr. Denbigh, I am happy to see you. I did send Peter, it is true, to London, on a message to you — but it is all over now," the old man sighed — " Peter, however, escaped the snares of this wicked place; and if you are happy, I am content. I remember wlien the Earl of — " " Pendennyss !" exclaimed the other, " imposed on the hospitality of a worthy man, under an assumed appellation, in order to pry into the character of a lovely female, who was only too good for him, and who now is willing to forget his follies, and make him not only the happiest of men, but the nephew of Mr. Benfield." During this speech, the countenance of Mr. Benfield had manifested evident emotion : he looked from one to another, until he saw Mrs. Wilson smiling near him. Pointing to the earl with his finger, he stood unable to speak, as shf> answered simply, — " Lord Pendennyss." " And Emmy dear — will you — will you marry him ?' cried Mr. Benfield, suppressing his feelings, to give utteranc( to his question. Emily felt for her uncle, and blushing deeply, with great Ii-ankness she put her hand in that of the earl, who pres^'td it with rapture again and again to his lips. PRECAUTION. 477 Mr. Benfield sank into a chair, and with a heart softened by emotion, burst into tears. " Peter," he cried, struggling with his feelings, " I am now ready to depart in peace — I shall see my darling Emmy happy, and to her care I shall commit you." Emily, deeply aftected with his love, threw herself into his arms in a torrent of tears, and was removed from them by Pendennyss, in consideration for the feelings of both. Jane felt no emotions of envy for her sister's happiness ; on the contrary, she rejoiced in common with the rest of their friends in her brightening prospects, and they all took their seats at the supper table, as happy a group as was contained in the wide circle of the metropohs. A few more particulars served to explain the mystery sufficiently, until a more fitting opportunity made them acquainted with the whole of the earl's proceedings. " My Lord Pendennyss," said Sir Edward, pouring out a glass of wine, and passing the bottle to his neighbor : " I drink your health — and happiness to yourself and my darling child." The toast was drunk by all the family, and the earl replied to the compliments with his thanks and smiles, while Emily could only notice them with her blushes and tears. But this was an opportunity not to be lost by the honest steward, who, from, affection and long services, had been indulged in familiarities exceeding any other of his master's establishment. He very deliberately helped himself to a glass of wine, and drawing near the seat of the bride-elect, with an humble reverence, commenced his speech as follows : " My dear Miss Emmy : — Here's hoping you'll live to be a comfort to your honored father, and your honored mother, and my dear honored master, and yourself, and Madam 478 PRECAUTION. Wilson." The steward paused to clear nis voice, and profit- ed bj- the delay to cast his eye round the table to collect the names ; " and Mr. John Moseley, and sweet Mrs. Moseley, and pretty Miss Jane" (Peter had lived too long in the world to compliment one handsome woman in the presence of another, without the qualifying his speech a ittle).; " and Mr. Lord Denbigh — earl like, as they say he now is, and" — Peter stopped a moment to deliberate, and then making another reverence, he put the glass to his lip^; but before he had got half through its contents, recollected himself, and replenishing it to the brim, with a smile acknowledging his forgetfulness, continued, " and the Rev. Mr. Francis Ives, and the Rev. Mrs. Francis Ives." Here the unrestrained laugh of John interrupted him ; and considering with himself that he had included the whole family, he finished his bumper. Whether it. was pleasure at his own eloquence in venturing on so long a speech, or the unusual allowance, that affected the steward, he was evidently much satisfied with himself, and stepped back behind his master's chair, in great good humor. Emily, as she thanked him, noticed a tear in the eye of the old man, as he concluded his oration, that would have excused a thousand breaches of fastidious ceremony. But Pendennyss rose from his seat, and took him kindly by the hand, and returned his own thanks for his good wishes. " I owe you much good will, Mr. Johnson, for your two journeys in my behalf, and trust I never shall forget the manner in which you executed your last mission in particu- lar. We are friends, I trust, for life." " Thank you — thank your honor's lordship," said the steward, almost unable to utter ; " I hope you may live long, to make dear little Miss Emmy as happy — as I know fihe ought to be." PRECAUTION. 479 "But really, my lord," cried John, observing that the steward's affection for his sister had affected her to tears, " it was a singular circumstance, the meeting of the four passengers of the stage so soon at your hotel." Moseley explained his meaning to the rest of the company, " Not so much so as you imagine," said the earl in reply ; •" yourself and Johnson were in quest of me. Lord Henry ^Hapleton was under an engagement to meet me that evening at the hotel, as we were both going to his sister's wedding — I having arranged the thing with him by letter previously ; and General M'Carty was also in search of me, on busi- ness relating to his niece, the Donna Julia. He had been to Annerdale House, and, through my servants, heard I was at an hotel. It was the first interview between us, and not quite as amicable a one as has since been had in Wales. During my service in Spain, I saw the Conde, but not the general. The letter he gave me was from the Spanish ambassador, claiming a right to require Mrs. Fitzgerald from our government, and deprecating my using an influence to counteract his exertions" — " Which you refused," said Emily, eagerly. " Not refused," answered the earl, smihng at her warmth, while he. admired her friendly zeal, " for it was unnecessary: there is no such power vested in the ministry. But I ex- plicitly told the general, I would oppose any violent measures to restore her to her country and a convent. From the courts, I apprehended nothing for my fair friend." "Your honor — my lord," said Peter, who had been listening with great attention, " if I may presume just to ask two questions, without oftence." "Say on, my good friend," said Pendennyss, with an encouraging smile. " Only " continued the steward — hemming, to give propel 480 PRECAUTION. Utterance to his thoughts — " I wish to know, whether you stayed in that same street after you left the hotel — for Mr, John Moseley and I had a slight difference in opinion about it." The earl smiled, having caught the arch expression of John, and replied — " I believe I owe you an apology, Moseley, for my cavalief treatment; but guilt makes us all cowards. I found you were ignorant of my incognito, and I was equally ashamed to continue it, or to become the relater of my own folly. Indeed," he continued, smiling on Emily as he spoke, "I thought your sister had pronounced the opinion of all reflect- ing people on my conduct. I went out of town, Johnson, at day -break. What is the other query?" " Why, my lord," said Peter, a little disappointed at find- ing his first surmise untrue, " that outlandish tongue your honor used — " " Was Spanish," cried the earl. "And not Greek, Peter," said his master, gravely. "I thought, from the words you endeavored to repeat to me, that you had made a mistake. You need not be disconcerted, however, for I know several members of the parliament of this realm who could not talk the Greek language, that is, fluently. So it can be no disgrace to a serving-man to be ignorant of it." Somewhat consoled to find himself as well off as the representatives of his country, Peter resumed his station n silence, when the carriages began to announce the return from the opera. The earl took his leave, and the party retired to rest. The thanksgivings of Emily that night, ere she laid hei head on her pillow, were the purest offering of mortal inne- cence. The prospect before her was unsullied by a cloud, PHECAUIION. 481 Shiid she poured out Iier heart in tlie fullest confidence of pious love and heartfelt gratitude. As early on the succeeding morning as good-breeding would allow, and much earlier than the hour sanctioned by fashion, the earl and Lady Marian stopped in the carnage of the latter at the door of Sir Edward Moseley. Their recep tion was the most flattering that could be offered to people of their stamp ; sincere, cordial, and, with a trifling exception in Lady Moseley, unfettered with any useless ceremonies. Emily felt herself drawn to her new acquaintance with a fondness which doubtless grew out of her situation with her brother ; which soon found reasons enough in the soft, lady- like, and sincere manners of Lady Marian, to justify her attachment on her own account. There was a very handsome suite of drawing-rooms in Sir Edward's house, and the communicating doors were carelessly open. Curiosity to view the furniture, or some such trifling reasons, induced the earl to find his way into the one adjoining that in which the family were seated. It was unquestionably a dread of being lost in a strange house, that induced him to whisper a request to the blushing Emily, to be his companion ; and lastly, it must have been nothing but a knowledge that a vacant room was easier viewed than one filled with company, that prevented any one from follow ing tbem. John smiled archly at Grace, doubtless in appro- bation of the comfortable time his friend was likely to enjoy, in his musings on the taste of their mother. How the dooi became shut, we have ever been at a loss to imagine. The company without were too good-natured and well satisfied with each other to miss the absentees, until the figure of the earl appeared at the reopened door, beckoning, with a face, of rapture, to Lady Moseley and Mrs. Wilson. Sir Edward next disappeared, then Jane, then Grace — then 482 PEECAUTION. Marian; until John began to think a tete-a-tete with Mi Benfield was to be his morning's amusement. The lovely countenance of his wife, however, soon relieved his ennui, and John's curiosity was gratified by an order to prepare for his sister's wedding the following week. Emily might have blushed more than common during this interview, but it is certain she did not smile less ; and the earl. Lady Marian assured Sir Edward, was so very different a creature from y/hat he had recently been, that she could hardly think it was the same sombre gentleman with whom she had passed the last few months in Wales and West- moreland. A messenger was dispatched for Dr. Ives and their friends at B , to be witnesses to the approaching nuptials ; and Lady Moseley at length found an opportunity of indulging her taste for splendor on this joyful occasion. Money was no consideration ; and Mr. Benfield absolutely pined at the thought that the great wealth of the earl put it out of his power to contribute in any manner to the comfort of his Emmy. However, a fifteenth codicil was framed by the ingenuity of Peter and his master, and if it did not contain the name of George Denbigh, it did that of his expected second son, Roderick Benfield Denbigh, to the qualifying circumstance of twenty thousand pounds, as a bribe for the name. " And a very pretty child, I dare say, it will be," said the steward, as he placed the paper in its repository. " T don't know that I ever saw, your honor, a couple that I thought would make a handsomer pair Hke, except — " Peter's mind dwelt on his own youthful form coupled with the smiling graces of Patty Steele. " Yes ! they are as handsome as they are good !" replied bis master. " I remember now, when our Speaker took hii PRECAUTION. ISS third wife, the world said that they were as pretty a couple as there was at court. But my Emma and the earl will be a much finer pair. Oh ! Peter Johnson ; they are young, and rich, and beloved ; but, after all, it avails but little if they b not good." " Good !" cried the steward in astonishment ; " they ar 8 good as angels." The master's ideas of human excellence had sufi'ered heavy blow in the view of his viscountess, but he answered mildly, ^ " As good as mankind can well be." 4S4 PRECAUTION. CHAPTER XLYIL The warm weather »had now commenced, and Sir Edward, tmwilliiig to be shut lip in London at a tiiYie the appearance of vegetation gave the country a new interest, and accus- tomed for many years of his life to devote an hour in his garden each morn, had takf;n a little ready furnished cottage a shprt ride from his residence, with the intention of frequent- ing it until after the birthday. Thither then Pendennyss took his bride from the altar, and a few days were passed by the newly married pair in this little asylum. Doctor Ives, with Francis, Clara, and their mother, had obeyed the summons with an alacrity in proportion to the joy they felt on receiving it, and the former had the happi- ness of officiating on the occasion. It would have been easy for the wealth of the earl to procure a license to enable them 10 marry in the drawing-room ; the permission was obtained, but neither Emily nor himself felt a wish to utter their vows in any other spot than at the altar, and in the house of their Maker. If there was a single heart that felt the least emotion of regret or uneasiness,, it was Lady Moseley, who little relished the retirement of the cottage on so joyful an occasion; but Pendennyss silenced her objections by good-humoredly. replying — " The fates have been so kind to me, in giving me castles and seats, you ought to allow me, my dear Lady Moseley, the only opportunity I shall probably ever have of enjoying love An a cottage." PRECAUTION. 485 A few days, however, removed the uneasiness of the good matron, who had the felicity within the week of seeing her daughter initiated mistress of Annerdale House. The m^orning of their return to this noble mansion the earl presented himself in St. James's. Square, with the intelligence of their arrival, ^nd smiling as he bowed to Mrs. Wilson, he continued— T " And to escort you, dear madam, to your new abode." Mrs. Wilson started with surprise, and with a heart beating quick with emotion, she requiied an explanation of his words. " Surely, dearest Mrs. Wilson — more than aunt — my mo- ther — you cannot mean, after having trained my Emily through infancy to maturity in the paths of duty, to desert her in the moment of her greatest trial. I am the pupil of your hus- band," he continued, taking her hands in his own with reve- rence and affection ; "we are the children of your joint care, and one home, as there is but one heart, must in future con- tain us." Mrs. Wilson had wished for, but hardly dared to expect this invitation. It was now urged from the right quarter, and in a manner that was as sincere as it was gratifying. Unable to conceal her tears, the good widow pressed the hand of Pendennyss to her lips as she murmured out her thanks. Sir Edward was prepared also to lose his sister ; but unwilling to relinquish the pleasure of her society, he urged her making a common residence between the two families. " Pendennyss has spoken truth, my dear brother," cried she, "recovering her voice ; '• Emily is the child of my care and my love — the two beings I love best in this world are now united — but," she added, pressing Lady Moseley to her J)()Sora. " my heart is large enough for you all ; you are of 486 PRECAUTION-. my blood, and my gratitude for your affection is bcwndless. There shall be but one large family of us ; and although our duties may sepai'ate us for a time, we will, I trust, ever meet n tenderness and love, though with George and Emily I will take up my abode." "I hope your house in Northamptonshire is not to be vacant always," said Lady Moseley to the earl, anxiously. " I have no house there, my dear madam," he replied ; " when I thought my§elf about to succeed in my suit before, I directed a lawyer at Bath, where Sir William Harris resided most of his time, to endeavor to purchase the deanery, when ever a good opportunity offered: in my discomfiture," he added, smiling, " I forgot to countermand the order, and he purchased it immediately on its being advertised. For a short time it was an incumbrance to ine, but it is now applied to its original purpose. It is the sole property of the Coun- tess of Pendennyss, and I doubt not you will see it often and agreeably tenanted." This intelligence gave great satisfaction to his friends, and the expected summer restored to even Jane a gleam of her former pleasure. If there be bliss in this life, approaching in any degree to the happiness of the blessed, it is the fruition of long and ardent love, where youth, innocence, piety, and family con- cord, smile upon the union. And all these were united in he case of the new-married pair ; but happiness in this vrorld cannot or does not, in any situation, exist without Hoy. The peace of mind and fortitude of Emily were fated k eceive a blow, as unlooked for to herself as it was unex- pected to the world. Bonaparte appeared in France, and Europe became in motion. From the moment the earl heard the intelligence his own PKKCAUTION. 487 course was decided. His regiment was the pride of the army, ^nd that it would be ordered to join the dflke he did not entertain a doubt. Emily was, therefore, in. some little measure prepared for the blow. It is at such moments as our own acts, or events affecting us, get to be without our control, that faith in the justice and benevolence of God is the most serviceable to tl e Christian. When others spend their time in useless regrets he is piously resigned : it even so happens, that when others mourn he can rejoice. The sound of the bugle, wildly winding its notes, broke on the stillness of the morning in the little village in which was situated the cottage tenanted by Sir Edward Moseley. Al- most concealed by the shrubbery which surrounded its piazza, stood the forms of the Countess of Pendennyss and her sister Lady Marian, watching eagerly the appearance of those whose approach was thus announced. The carriage of the ladies, with its idle attendants, was in w^aiting at a short distance ; and the pale face but composed resignation of its mistress, indicated a struggle between con- flicting duties. File after file of heavy horse passed them in military pomp, and the wistful gaze of the two females had scanned them in vain for the well known, much-beloved countenance of the leader. At length a single horseman approached . them, viding deliberately and musing : their forms met his eye, and 111 an instant Emily was pressed to the bosom of her hus- band. " It is the doom of a soldier," said the earl, dashing a tear from his eye ; " I had hoped that the peace of the world would not again be assailed for years, and that ambition and jealousy would yield a respite to our bloody profession ; but cheer up, my love — hope for the best— your trust is not in 488 PRECAXTTION. the things of this hfe, and your happiness is without tii6 power of mati." "Ah! Pendennyss — my husband," sobbed Emily, sinking on his bosom, " take with you my prayers — my love — every- thing that can console you — everything that may profit you. I will not tell you to be careful of your life ;. your duty teaches you that. • As a soldier, expose it ; as a husband guard it ; and return to me as you leave me, a lover, the dearest of men, and a Christian." Unwilling to prolong the pain of parting, the earl gave his wife a last embrace, held Marian affectionately to his bosom, and mounting his horse, was out of sight in an instant. Within a few days of the departure of Pendennyss, Chat- terton was surprised with the entrance of his mother and Catharine. His reception of them was that of a respectful* child, and his wife exerted herself to be kind to connexions she could not love, in order to give pleasure to a husband she adored. Their tale was soon told. Lord and Lady Herriefield were separated ; and the dowager, alive to the dangers of a young woman in Catharine's situation, and without a single principle on which to rest the assurance of her blameless conduct in future, had brouglit her to Eng- land, in order to keep off disgrace, by residing with hei child herself. There was nothing in his wife to answer the expectations with which Lord Herriefield married. She had beauty, bu with that he was already sated ; her simplicity, which, by having her attention drawn elsewhere, had at first charmed him, F^s succeeded by the knowing conduct of a deter- mined follower of the fashions, and a decided \voman of the world. It had never struck the viscount as iin])Ossible that an artless and innocent (;iil \vt>u1d fall in Une with hi< fiided PRECAUTION. 489 and bilious face, but the moment Catharine betrayed the arts of a manager, he saw at once the artifice that had been practised ; of course he ceased to love her. Men are flattered for a season with notice that has been unsought, but it never fails to injure the woman who prac- tises it in the opinion of the other sex, in time. Without a single feeling in common, without a regard to anything but self, in either husband or wife, it could not but happen that a separation must follow, or their days be spent in wrangling and misery. Catharine willingly left her husband ; her hus- band more willingly got rid of her. During all these movements the dowager had a difficult game to play. ,It was unbecoming her to encourage the strife, and it was against her wishes to suppress it ; she therefore moralized with the peer, and frowned upon her daughter. The viscount listened to her truisms with the attention of a boy who is told by a drunken father how wicked it is to love liquor, and heeded them about as much ; while Kate, mistress at all events of two thousand a year, minded her mother's frowns as little as she regarded her .smiles ; both were indifferent to her. A few days after the ladies left Lisbon, the viscount pro- ceeded to Italy in company with the repudiated wife of a British naval officer ; and if Kate was not guilty of an offence of equal magnitude, it was more owing to her mother's pie sent vigilance than to her previous care. The presence of Mrs. Wilson vvas a great source of con- eolation to Emily in the absence of her husband ; and as their longer abode in town was useless, the countess declining to be presented without the earl, the whole family decided upon a return into Northamptonshire. The deanery had been furnished by order of Pendennyss 21* 4^0 PRECAUTION. immediately on his marriage ; and its mistruss hastened to take possession of her new dwelling. The jimusement and occupation of this movement, the planning ol little improve- ments, her various duties under her increased responsibilities, kept Emily from dwelling unduly upon the danger of her husband. She sougiit out amongst the first objects of her bounty the venerable peasant whose loss had been formerly supplied by Pendennyss on his first visit to 13 , after the death of his father. There might not have been the usual discrimination and tempoial usefulness in this instance which generally accompanied her benevolent acts ; but it was associat^e^ with the image of her husband, and it could excite no surprise in Mrs. Wilson, although it did in Marian, to see her sister driving two or three times a week to relieve the necessities of a man who appeared actually to be in want of nothing. Sir Edward was again amongst those he loved, and his hospitable board was once more surrounded with the faces of his friends and neighbors. The good-natured Mr. Haugh- ton was always a welcome guest at the hall, and met, soon after their retuin, the collected ftimily of the baronet, at a dinner given by the latter to his children and one or two of his most intimate neighbors — '' My Lady Pendennyss," cried Mr. Haughton, in the cou.rse of the afternoon, " I have news from the earl, which I know it will do your heart good to hear.'' Emily smiled at the prospect of hearing in any manner of her husband, although she internally questioned the probability of Mr. Haughton's knowing anything of his movements, of which ber daily letters did not apprise her. Will you favor me with the particulars of your intelli- gence, sir ?" said the countess. "" He has arrived safe witli his legiment near Brussels ; ] PRECAUTION. 491 heard it from a neighbor's son who saw him enter the house occupied by Wellington, while he was standing in the crowd without, waiting to get a peep at the duke." " Oh !" said Mrs. Wilson with a laugh, " Emily knew that ten days ago. Could your friend tell us anything of Bona- parte? we are much interested in his movements just now," Mr. Haughton, a good deal mortified to find his news sale, mused a moment, as if in doubt to proceed or not; but liking of all things to act the part of a newspaper, he continued — " Nothing piore than you see in the prints ; but I suppose your ladyship has heard about Captain Jarvis too ?" " Why, no," said Emily, laughing ; " the movements of Captain Jarvis are not quite as interesting to me as those of Lord Pendennyss — has the duke made him an aide-de-camp ?" *' Oh ! no," cried the other, exulting at his having some- thing new : ^' as soon as he heard of the return of Boney, he threw up his commission and got married." *' Married !" cried John ; " not to Miss Harris, surely." " No ; to a silly girl he met in Cornwall, who was fool enough to be caught with his gold lace. He married one day, and the next told his disconsolate wife and panic-stricken mother that the honor of the Jarvises must sleep until the supporters of the name became sufficiently numerouis to risk them in the field of battle." " And how did Mrs. Jai'vis and Sir Timo's lady relish the news ?" inquired John, expecting something ridiculous. " Not at all," rejoined Mr. Haughton ; ** the former sobbed, and said she had only married him for his bravery and red coat, and the lady exclaimed against the destruction of his budding honors." " IIow did it terminate?" asked Mrs. Wilson. " Why, it seems while they were quarrelling about it, the 492 PRECAUTION. War-Office cut the mat*'"- short by accepting his rtsignatiori. I suppose the command,=.i -in-chief had learned his character; but the matter was warmly contested : tliey even drove th captain to a declaration of his principles." '• And what kind of ones might they have been, Haugh ton ?" said Sir Edward, drily. " Republican." " Republican !" exclaimed two or three in surprise. " Yes, liberty and equality, he contended, w^ere his idols, and he could not find it in his heart to tight against Bona- parte." " A somewhat singular conclusion," said Mr. Benfield, musing. "I remember when I sat in the House, there was a party who were fond of the cry of this said liberty; but when they got the power they did not seem to me to suffer peoj)le to go more at large than they went before; but I suppose they were diffident of telling the world their minds after they were put in such responsible stations, for fear of the effect of example." " Most people like liberty as servants but not as masters, uncle," cried John, with a sneer. " Captain Jarvis, it seems, liked it as a preservative against danger," continued Mr. Haughton; "to avoid ridicule in his new neighborhood, he has consented to his father's vvishes, and turned merchant in the city again." " Where I sincerely hope he will remain," cried John, who since the accident of the arbor, could not tolerate the unfor lunate youth. " Amen !" said Emily, in an under tone, heard only by hei brother. " But Sir Timo — what has become of SirTimo — the good, honest merchant ?" asked John. "He has dropt the title, insists on being called plain Mr PRECAUTIOX. 493 Jarvis, and lives entirely in Cornwall, His hopeful son-in law has gone with his regiment to Flanders ; and Lady Eger- ton, being unable to live without her father's assistance, is obliged to hide her consequence in the west also." The subject became now disagreeable to Lady Moseley, and it was changed. Such conversations made Jane more eserved and dissatisfied than ever. She had no one respect- able excuse to offer for her partiality to her former lover, and when her conscience told her the mortifying fact, was apt to think that others remembered it too. The letters from the continent now teemed with prepara- tions Jpr the approaching contest ; and the apprehensions of our heroine and her friends increased, in proportion to the nearness of the struggle, on which hung not only the fates of thousands of individuals, but of adverse princes and mighty empires. In this confusion of interests, and of jar- ring of passions, there were offered prayers almost hourly for the safety of Pendennyss, which were as pur« and ardeni as the love which prompted them. 494 PRECAUTION. CHAPTER XLYIII. Napoleon had commenced those daring an 5 rapid move- ments, which for a time threw the peace of the world into the scale of fortune, and which nothing but the interposition of a ruling Providence could avert from their threatened suc- cess. As the - — -th dragoons wheeled into a field ^ihead}' deluged with Enghsh blood, on the heights of Quatre "Bras, the eye of its gallant colonel saw a friendly battalion falling beneath the sabres of the enemy's cuirassiers. The woi'd was passed, the column opens, the sounds of the quivering bugle were heard for a moment above the roar of the cannon and the shouts of the combatants ; the charge, sw^eeping like a whirlwind, fell heavily on those treacherous Frenchmen, who to-day had sworn fidelity to Louis, and to-morrow intended lifting their hands in allegiance to his rival. '* Spare my life in mercy," cried an officer, already dread- fully wounded, who stood shrinking from the impending blow of an enraofed Frenchman. An Eno;lish drao;oon dashed at the cuirassier, and with one blow severed his arm from his body. " Thank God," sighed the wounded officer, sinking beneath the horse's feet. His rescuer threw himself from the saddle, and raising the fallen man inquired into his wounds. It was Pendennyss, and it was Egerton. The wounded man groaned aloud, as he saw the face of him who had averted the fatal blow ; but it was not the hour for oxplnnations or confessions, oiIkt liuin PRKCAUTION, 41) tho3e with which the dying soldiers endeavored to make tlieir tardy peace with their God. Sir Henry was given in charge to two shglitly wounded British soldiers, and the earl remounted : the scattered troops were rallied at the sound of the trumpet, and again and again, led by their dauntless colonel, were seen in the thickest of the fray, with sabres drenched in blood, and voices hoarse with the shouts of victory. The period between the battles of Quatre Bias and Wa- terloo was a trying one to tlie discipline and courage of tlie British army. The discomfited Prussians on their flank had been routed and compelled to retire, and in their front was an enem)% brave, skilful, and victorious, led by the greatest captain of the age. Tlie prudent commander of the English forces fell back with' dignity and reluctance to the field of Waterloo; here the mighty struggle was to terminate, and the eye of every experienced soldier looked on those eminen- ces as on the future graves for thousands. During this solemn interval of comparative inactivity the mind of Pendennyss dwelt on the aflfection, the innocence, the beauty and worth of his Emily, until the curdling blood, as he thought on her lot should his life be the purchase of the coming victory, warned him to quit the gloomy subject, for the consolations of that religion which only could yield him the solace his wounded feelings required. In his former cam- j)aigns the earl had been sensible of the mighty changes of death, and had ever kept in view the "prejtarations necessary to meet it with hope and joy; but the world clung around him now, in the best aflections of his nature, and it was only as he could pictui-e the happy reunion with his Emily in a future life, that he could look on a separation in this witii' out despair. The vicinity of the enemy admitted of no rchixation in 4,/6 PRECAUTION. the strictest watchfulness in the British lines: and the comfortless night of the seventeenth was passed by the earl, and his Lieutenant Colonel, George Denbigh, on the same cloak, and under the open canopy of Heaven. As the opening cannon of the enemy gave the signal for the commencing conflict, Pendennyss mounted his charger with a last thought ou his distant wife. With a mighty struggle he tore her as it were from his bosom, and gave the remainder of the day to duty Who has not heard of the events of that fearful hour, on which the fate of Europe hung as it were suspended in the scale ? On one side supported by the eftbrts of desperate resolution, guided by the most consummate art ; and on the other defended by a discipline and enduring courage almost without a parallel. The indefatigable Blucher arrived, and the star of Napoleon sank. Pendennyss threw him self from his horse, on the night of the eighteenth of June, as he gave way by orders, in the pursuit, to the fresher battalions of the Prussians, with the languor that follows unusual excitement, and mental thanksgivings that this bloody work wa'i at length ended. The image of his Emily again broke over the sterner feelings of the battle, like the first glimmerings of light which succeed the awful darkness of the eclipse of the sun : and he again breathed freely, in the consciousness of the hjippiness which would await his speedy return. • " I am sent for the colonel of the th dragoons," said a courier in broken English to a soldier, near where the ear iay on the ground, waiting the preparations of hie attendants "have I found the right regiment, my friend?' "To be sure you have," answered the man, without '.coking up from his toil on his favorite niiimal, " you might PRECAUTION. 497 liave bracked us by the dead Frenchmen, 1 should think So you want my lord, my lad, do you ? do we move again to-night ?" suspending his labor for a moment in expectation of a reply. " Not to my knowledge," rejoined the courier ; " my message is to your colonel, from a dying man. Will you point out his station ?" The soldier complied, the message was soon delivered, and Pendennyss prepared to obey its summons immediately. Preceded by the messenger as a guide, and followed by Harmer, the earl retraced his steps over that ground on which he had but a few hours before been engaged in the jdeadly strife of man to man, hand to hand How different is the contemplation of a field of battle during and after the conflict ! The excitement, suspended success, shouts, uproar, and confusion of the former, prevent any contemplation of the nicer parts of this confused mass of movements, charges, and retreats ; or if a brilliant advance is made, a masterly retreat eftected, the imagination is chained by the splendor and glory of the act, without resting for a moment on the sacrifice of individual happiness with which it is purchased. A battle-ground from which the whirlwind of the combat has passed, presents a dif- ferent sight ; it offers the very consummation of human misery. There may occasionally be an individual, who fiom tation, distempered mind, or the encouragement of chimeri- cal ideas of glory, quits the theatre of life with at least the appearance of pleasure in his triumphs. If such there be in reality, if this rapture of departing glory be anything more than the deception of a distempered excitement, the subject of its exhibition is to be greatly pitied. To the Christian, dying in peace with both God and man, can it alone be ceded 498 PRECAUTION. in the eye of reason, to pc ur out his existenc 3 with a smile on his quivering lip. And the warrior, who falls in the very arms of victory, after passing a life devoted to the world ; even, if he sees kingdoms hang suspended on his success, may smile indeed, may utter sentiments full of loyalty and zeal, may be the ad- miration of the world, and what is his reward ? a deathless name, and an existence of misery, which knows no termination. Christianity alone can make us good soldiers in any cause, for he who knows how to live, is always the least afraid to die. Pendennyss and his companions pushed their way over the ground occupied before the battle by the enemy ; descend- ed into and through that little valley, in which yet lay, in undistinguished confusion, masses of the dead and dying of either side ; and again over the ridge, on which could be marked the situation of those gallant squares which had so long resisted the efforts of the horse and artillery by the groups of bodies, fallen where they had bravely stood, until even the callous Harmer sickened with the sight of a waste of life that he had but a few hours before exultingly con- tributed to increase. Appeals to their feelings as they rode through the field had been frequent, and their progress was much retarded by attempts to contribute to the ease of a wounded or a dying man ; but as the courier constantly urged speed, as the only means of securing the object of their ride, these hal"- were reluctantly abandoned. It was ten o'clock before they reached the farm-house, where, in the midst of hundreds of his countrymen, lay the former lover of Jane. As tlie subject of his confession must be anticipated by the reac^r, we will give a short relation of his life, and of those acts which more materially affect our history. PRECAUTION. 499 Henry Egerton had been turned early jn the world, likft hundreds of his countrymen, without any principle to counteract the arts of infidelity, or resist the temptations of life. His father held a situation under government, and was devoted to his rise in the diplomatic line. His mothei was a woman of fashion, who lived for effect and idle com- petition with her sisters in weakness and folly. All he learnt in his father's house was selfishness, from the example of one, and a love of high life and its extravagance from the Other, He entered the army young, and from choice. The splendor and reputation of the service , caught his fancy ; and, by pride and constitution, he was indifferent to personal danger. Yet he loved London and its amusements better than glory ; and the money of his uncle, Sir Edgar, whose heir he was reputed to be, raised him to the rank of lieutenant colonel, without his spending an hour in the field. Egerton had some abilities, and a good deal of ardor of temperament, by nature. The former, from indulgence and example, degenerated into acquiring the art to please in mixed society ; and the latter, from want of employment, expended itself at the card table. The association between the vices is intimate. There really appears to be a kind of modesty in sin that makes it ashamed of good company. If we are unable to reconcile a favorite propensity to our principles, we are apt to abandon the unpleasant restraint on our actions, rather than admit the incongruous mixture. Freed entirely from the fetters of our morals, what is there that our vices will not prompt us to commit? Egerton, like thousands of others, went on from step to step, until he found himself in the world, free to follow all his inclinations, so he violated none of tb* decencies of life. 500 PRECAUTION When in .Spain, in his only campaign, he was accidentally, as has been mentioned, thrown in the way of the Donna Julia, and brought her off the ground under the influence of natural sympathy and national feeling ; a kind of merit that makes vice only more dangerous, by making it some- times amiable. He had not seen his dependant long before her beauty, situation, and his passions decided him to effect her ruin. This was an occupation that his figure, mannei*s, and propensities had made him an adept in, and nothing was further from his thoughts than the commission of any other than the ciime that, according to his code, a gentleman might be guilty of with impunity. It is, however, the misfortune of sin, that from being our slave it becomes a tyrant ; and Egerton attempted what in other countries, and where the laws ruled^, might have cost him his life. The conjecture of Pendennyss was true. He saw the face of the officer who interposed between him and his villanous attempt, but was hid himself from view. He aimed not at his life, but at his own escape. Happily his first shot suc- ceeded, for the earl would have been sacrificed to preserve the character of a man of honor ; though no one was more regardless of the estimation he was held in by the vii'tuous than Colonel Egerton. In pursuance of his plans on Mrs. Fitzgerald, the colonel had sedulously avoided admitting any of his companions into the secret of his having a female in his care. When he left the army to return home, he remained until a movement of the troops to a distant part of th country enabled him to effect his own purposes, without incurring tjieir ridicule ; and when he found himself obliged to abandon his vehicle for a refuge in the woods, the f^ar of PRECAUTION. 5()rl detection made him alter his course; and under the pretends of wishing to be in a battle about to be fought, he secretly- rejoined the ai*my, and the gallantry of Colonel Egerton was mentioned in the next despatches. Sir Herbert Nicholson commanded the advanced guard, at which the earl arrived with the Donna Julia ; and like 6very other brave tnan (unless guilty himself) was indignant at the villany of the fugitive. The confusion and enormities daily practised in the theatre of the war prevented any close inquiries into the subject, and circumstances had so enveloped Egerton in mystery, that nothing but an interview with the lady herself was likely to expose him. With Sir Herbert Nicholson h^ had been in habits of intimacy, and on that gentleman's alluding in a conversation in the barracks at F— — to the lady brought into his quar- ters before Lisbon, he accidentally omitted mentioning the name of her rescuer. Egerton had never before heard the transaction spoken of, and as he had of coui-se never men- tioned the subject himself, was ignorant \^ho had interfered between him and his views ; also of the fate of Donna Julia ; indeed, he thought it prbbable that it had not much improved by a change of guardians. In coming into Northamptonshire he had several views ; he wanted a temporary retreat from his creditors. Jarvis had an infant fondness for play, without an adequate skill, and the money of the young ladies, in his necessities, was \)ecoming of importance ; but the daughters of Sir Edward Moseley were of a description more suited to his taste, and their portions were as ample as the others. He had become in some degree attached to Jane ; and as her imprudent parents, satisfied with his possessing the exterior and requi- site recommendations of a gentleman, admitted his visits freely, he determiAed to make her his wife. 502 PRECAUTION. When he met Denbigh the first time, he saw that chance had thrown him in tlie vay of a man who might hold his character in his power. He had never seen him aii Penden nyss, and, it will be remembered, was ignorant of the nam< of Julia's friend : he now learnt for the first time that it was Denbigh. Uneasy at he knew not what, fearful of some exposure he knew not how, when Sir Herbert alluded to the occurrence, with a view to rebut the charge, if Denbigt should choose to make one, and with the near-sightednesf of guilt, he pretended to know the occurrence, and under th( promise of secresy, mentioned that the name of the officef was Denbigh. He had noticed Denbigh avoiding Sir Her- bert at the ball ; and judging others from himself, thought i< was a wish to avoid any allusions to the lady he had broughl into the other's quarters that induced the measure ; for he was in hopes that if Denbigh was not as guilty as himself, he was sufficiently so to wish to keep the transaction from the eyes of Emily. He was, however, prepared for an explosion or an alliance with him, when the sudden depar- ture of Sir Herbert removed the dansfer of a collision. Believing at last that they were to be brothers-in-law, and mistaking the earl for his cousin, whose name he bore, Egerton became reconciled to the association ; while Pen- dennyss, having in his absence heard, on inquiring, some of the vices of the colonel, was debating with himself whethet he should expose them to Sir Edward or not. It was in their occasional interchange of civilities that Pendennyss placed his pocket-book upon a table, while he exhibited the plants to the colonel : the figure of. Emily passing the window drew him from the room, and Egerton having ended his examination, observing the book, put i in his own pocket, to return it to its owner when thej uex met. ruF.CACTiox. 503 The situation, name, and history of Mrs. Fitzgerald were never mentioned by the Moseleys in public ; but Jane, in the confidence of her affections, had told her lover who the inmate of the cottao-e was. The idea of her being kept there l>y Denbigh immediately occurred to him, and although he was surpri^;ed at tlie audacity of the thing, he was deter- mined to profit by the occasion. To pay this visit, he stayed away from the excursion on the water, as Pendennyss had done to avoid his friend, Lord Henry Stapleton. An excuse of business, which served for his apology, kept the colonel fiom seeing Denbigh to return the book, until after his visit to the cottage. His rhapsody of love, and offers to desert his intended wife, were nothing but the common- place talk of his purposes ; and his pre- sumption in alluding to his situation with Miss Moseley, proceeded from his impressions as to Julia's real character. In the struggle for the bell, the pocket-book of Denbigh accidentally fell from his coat, and the retreat of the colonel was too precipitate to enable him to recover it. Mrs. FitztT-erald was too much alarmed to distinguish nicely, and Egerton proceeded to the ball-room with the indifference of a hardened offender. When the arrival of Miss Jarvis, to whom he had committed himself, prompted him to a' speedy declaration, and the unlucky conversation of Mr, Holt brought about a probable detection of his gaming ■pvoi)ensities, the colonel determined to get rid of his awkward s ! nation and his debts by a coup-de-main. He accordingly sloped with Miss Jarvis. What portion of the foregoing narrative made the dying confession of Egerton to the man he had so latelv discov(?red to be the Earl of Pendennyss, the reader can easily imagine. />04 PRECAUTION. CHAPTER XLIX. The harvest had been gathered, and the beautiful vale of Pendennyss were shooting forth a second crop of verdure. The husbandman was turning his prudent forethought to the promises of the coming year, while the castle itself exhibited to the gaze of the wondering peasant a sight of cheerful- ness and animation which had not been seen in it since the days of the good duke. Its numerous windows were opened to the light of the sun, its halls teemed with the faces of its happy inmates. Servants in various liveries were seen glid- ing through its magnificent apartments and multiplied pas- sages. Horses, grooms, and carriages, with varied costumes and different armoiial bearings, crowded its spacious stables and offices. Everything spoke society, splendor, and activity without ; everything denoted order, propriety, and happiness within. In a long range of spacious apartments were grouped in the pursuit of their morning employments, or in arranging their duties and pleasures of the day, the guests arid owners of the princely abode. In one room was John Moseley, carefully examining th« properties of some flints which were submitted to his exami- nation by his attending servant; while Grace, sitting at his side, playfully snatches the stones from his hand, as she cries half reproachfully, half tenderly — " You must not devote yourself to your gun so incessantly, Moseley ; it is cruel to kill inoffensive birds for your amuse- ment only " PRECAUTION. 505 " Ask Emily's cook, and Mr. Haughtcn's appetite," said John, coolly extending his hand towards her for the flint — " whether no one is gratified but myself. I tell you, Grace, I seldom fire in vain." " That only makes the matter worse ; the slaughter you commit is dreadful." " Oh !" cried John, with a laugh, " the ci-devant Captain Jarvis is a sportsman to your mind. He would shoot a month without moving a feather ; he was a great friend to," throw- ing an arch look to his solitary sister, who sat on a sofa at a distance perusing a book, " Jane's feathered songsters." " But now, Mosely," said Grace, yielding the flints, but gently retaining the hand that took them, " Pendenyss and Chatterton intend driving their wives, like good husbands, to see the beautiful waterfall in the mountains ; and what am I to do this long tedious morning ?" John stole an enquiring glance, to see if his wife was very anxious to join the party — cast one look of regret on a beau- tiful agate that, he had selected, and inquired — " Do you wish to go very much, Mrs. Mosely ?'* " Indeed — indeed I do," said the other, eagerly, " if— ** "If what?" " You will drive me ?" continued she, with a cheek slightly tinged with color. " Well, then," answered John, with deliberation, and regarding his wife with aflfection " I will go on one condi- tion." " Name it !" cried Grace, with still increasing color. . " That you will not expose your health again in going to the church on a Sunday, if it rains." " The carriage is so close, Mosely," answered Grace, with a paler cheek than before, and eyes fixed on the carpet, " it is impossible I can take cold : you see the earl, and countess, 22 606 PRECAUTION. and aunt Wilson never naiss public worship, when possibly within their power." " The earl goes with his wife ; but what becomes of poor me at such times !" said John, taking her hand and pressing it kindly. " I like to hear a good sermon, but not in bad weather. You must consent to oblige me, who only live in your presence." 1 Grace smiled faintly, as John, pursuing the point, said — " What do you say to my condition ?" " Well then^ if you wish," replied Grace, without the look of gaiety her hopes had first inspired, " I will not go if it rain." John ordered his phaeton, and his wife went to her room to prepare for the trip, and to regret her own resolution. In the recess of a window, in which bloomed a profusion of exotics, stood the figure of Lady Marian Denbigh, playing with a half-blown rose of the richest colors ; and before her, leaning against the angle of the wall, stood her kinsman the Duke of Derwent. "You heard the plan at the breakfast table," said his Grace, " to visit the little falls in the hills. But I suppose you have seen them too often to undergo the fatigue 1" " Oh no ! I love that ride dearly, and should wish to ac- company the countess in her first visit to it. I had half a mind to ask George to take me in his phaeton." " My curricle would be honored with the presence of Lady ^ Marian Denbigh," cried the duke with animation, " if she would accept me for her knight on the occasion." Marian bowed an assent, in evident satisfaction, as thp duke proceeded — " But if you take me as your knight I should wear your ladyship's colors ;" and he held out his hand towards the budding rose. Lady Marian hesitated a moment — ^looked out PRECAUTION. 507 at the prospect — up at the wall — turned, and wondered where her brother was ; and still finding the hand of the duke extended, while his eye rested on her in admiration, she gave him the boon with a cheek that vied with the richest tints of the flower. They separated to prepare, and it was on their return from the falls that the duke seemed uncom- monly gay and amusing, and the lady silent with her tongue, though her eyes danced in every direction but towards her cousin. " Really, my dear Lady Mosely," said the dowager, as, seated by the side of her companion, her eyes roved over the magnificence within, and widely extended domains without-^ " Emily is well established indeed — better even than my Grace." " Grace has an affectionate husband," replied the other, gravely, " and one that I hope will make her happy." " Oh ! no doubt happy !" said Lady Chatterton, hastily : " but they say Emily has a jointure of twelve thousand a year — by-the-by," she added, in a low tone, though no one was near enough to hear what she said, " could not the earl have settled Lumley Castle on her instead of the deanery V* " Upon my word I never think of such gloomy subjects as provisions for widowhood," cried Lady Mosely : " you have been in Annerdale-House — is it not a princely mansion V^ " Princely, indeed," rejoined the dowager, sighing : " don't the earl intend increasing the rents of this estate as the leases fall in 1 I am told they are very low now !" " I believe not," said the other. " He has enough, and is willing others should prosper. But there is Clara, with her little boy — ^is he not a lovely child 1" cried the grandmother, rising to take the infant in her arms. *' Oh ! excessively beautiful I" said the dowager, looking the other way, and observing Catharine making a movement 508 N PJIECAUTION. towards Lord Henry Stapleton, she called to her, " Lad) Herriefield — come this way, my dear — I wish to spealj to you." Kate obeyed with a sullen pout of her pretty lip, and en- tered into some idle discussion about a cap, though her eyes wandered round the rooms in listless vacancy. The dowager had the <5urse of bad impressions in youth to contend with, and labored infinitely harder now to make her daughter act right, than formerly she had ever done to make her act wrong. " Here ! uncle Benfield," cried Emily, with a face glowing with health and animation, as she approached his seat with a glass in her hands. " Here is the negus you wished ; I have made it myself, and you will praise it of course." " Oh ! my dear Lady Pendennyss," said the old gentleman, rising politely from his seat to receive the beverage : " you are putting yourself to a great deal of trouble for an old bachelor like me ; too much indeed, too much.", " Old bachelors are sometimes more esteemed than young one," cried the earl gaily, joining them in time to hear this speech. " Here is my friend, Mr. Peter Johnson ; who knows when we may dance at his wedding 1" *'My lord, and my lady, and my honored master," said Peter gravely, in reply, bowing respectfully where he stood, waiting to take his master's glass — " I am past the age to think of a wife : I am seventy-three coming next 'lammas, 1 counting by the old style." ^ "What do you intend to do with your thre^ hundred a year," said Emily with a smile, " unless you bestow it on some good woman, for making the evening of your life com- fortable V , " My i^dy — hem — my lady," said the steward, blushing: ^^-I had a little thought, with your kind ladyship's consent, a PRECAUTION. 50D I have no relations, chick or child in the world, what to do with it." " I should be happy to hear your plan," said the countess, observing that the steward was anxious to communicate some- thing. " W^iy, my lady, if my lord and my honored master's agreeable, I did think of making another codicil to master's will in order to dispose of it." " Your master's will," said the earl laughing ; " why not to your own, good Peter 1" " My honored lord," said the steward, with great humility, ** it don't become a poor serving-man like me to make a will." " But how will you prove iti" said the earl, kindly, willing to convince him of his error ; " you must be both dead to prove it." " Our wills," said Peter, gulping his words, " will be proved on the same day." His master looked round at him with great affection, and both the earl and Emily were too much struck to say any- thing. Peter had, however, the subject too much at heart to abandon it, just as he had broken the ice. He anxiously wished for the countess's consent to the scheme, for he would not affront her, even after he was dead. " My lady — Miss Emmy," said Johnson, eagerly, " my plan is, if my honored master's agreeable — to make a codicil, and give my mite to a little — Lady Emily Denbigh." " Oh ! Peter, you and uncle Benfield are both too good," cried Emily, laughing and blushing, as she hastened to Clara and her mother. "Thank }ou, thank you," cried the delighted earl, follow- ing his wife with his eyes, and shaking the steward cordially by the hand ; " and, if no better expedient be adopted by us, you have full permission to do as you please with your mpney. 510 PHECAUTION. "Peter," said his master to him in a low tone, "}ou should never speak of such things prematurely ; now 1 remember when the Earl of Pendennyss, my nephew, was first presented to me, I was struck with the delicacy and pro- priety of his demeanor, and the Lady Pendennyss, my niece, too ; you never see anything forward, or — Ah ! Emmy, dear," ! said the old man, tenderly interrupting himself, " you are too good to remember your old uncle," taking one of the fine peaches she handed him from a plate. " My lord," said Mr. Haughton to the earl, " Mrs. . ves and myself have had a contest about the comforts of matrimony ; she insists she may be quite as happy at Bolton Parsonage as in this noble castle, and with this rich prospect in view." "I hope," said Francis, " you are not teaching my wife to be discontented with her humble lot — if so, both hers and your visit will be an unhappy one." " It would be no easy task, if our good friend intended any such thing by his j*»3ts," said Clara, smiling. " I know my true interests, I trust, too well, to wish to change my for- tune." " You are right," said Pendennyss ; " it is wonderful how little our happiness depends on a temporal condition. When here, or at Lumley Castle, surrounded by my tenantry, there are, I confess, moments of weakness, in w^hich the loss of my wealth or rank would be missed greatly ; but when on ser- vice, subjected to great privations, and surrounded by men su- perior to me in military rank, who say unto me — go, and I go — come, and I come — I find my enjoyments intrinsically the same." "That," said Francis, " may be owing to your Lordship's tempered feelings, which have taught you to look beyond this world for pleasures and consolation." "It has, doubtless, an effect," said the earl, " but there is .^^ PRECAUTION. 511 no truth of which I am more fully persuaded, than that our happiness here does not depend upon our lot in life, so we are not suffering for necessaries — even changes bring less real misery than they are supposed to do." "Doubtless," cried Mr. Haughton, "under the circum- stances, I would not wish to change even with your lordship — unless, indeed," he continued, with a smile and bow tc the countess, " it were the temptation of your lovely wife." "You are quite polite," said Emily laughing, "but I have no desire to deprive Mrs. Haughton of a companion she has made out so well with these twenty years past." " Thirty, my lady, if you please." " And thirty more, I hope," continued Emily, as a servant announced the several carriages at the door. The younger part of the company now hastened to their different engage- ments, and Chatterton handed Harriet ; John, Grace ; and Pendennyss, Emily, into their respective carriages; the duke and Lady Marian following, but at some little distance from the rest of the party. As the earl drove from the door, the countess looked up to a window, at which were standing her aunt and Doctor Ives. She kissed her hand to them, with a face, in which glowed the mingled expression of innocence, love, and joy. Before leaving the Park, the party passed Sir Edward ; with bis wife leaning on one arm and Jane on the other, pur- suing their daily walk. The baronet followed the carriages with his eyes, and exchanged looks of the fondest love with his children, as they drove slowly and respectfully by him ; and if the, glance which followed on Jane, did not speak equal pleasure, it surely denoted its proper proportion of paternal love. "You have much reason to congratulate yourself on the happy termination of your labors " said the doctor, with a 512 PRECAUTION. smile, to the widow ; " Emily is placed, so far as human fore- sight can judge, in the happiest of all stations a female can be in : she is the pious wife of a pious husband, beloved, and deserving of it." " Yes," said Mrs. Wilson, drawing baclc from following the phaeton with her eyes, " they are as happy as this world will admit, and, what is better, they are well prepared to meet any reverse of fortune which may occur, as well as to discharge the duties on which they have entered. I do not think," continued she, musing, " that Pendennyss can ever doubt the affections of such a woman as Emily." " I should think not," said the doctor ; " but what can excite such a thought in your breast, and one so much to the prejudice of George 1" "The only unpleasant thing I have ever observed in him," said Mrs. Wilson gravely, "is the suspicion which induced him to adopt the disguise in which he entered our family." " He did not adopt it, madam — chance and circumstan- ces drew it around him accidentally ; and when you consider the peculiar state of his mind from the discovery of his mother's misconduct — his own great wealth and rank — it is not so surprising that he should yield to a deception, rather harmless than injurious." " Dr. Ives," said Mrs. Wilson, " is not wont to defend deceit." " Nor do I now, madam," replied the doctor with a smile : " I acknowledge the offence of George, myself, wife, and son. I remonstrated at the time upon principle ; I said the end would not justify the means ; that a departure from ordinary rules of propriety was at all times dangerous, and seldom practised with impunity." " An4 you foiled to convince your hearers," cried Mis. PRECAUTION. 513 Wilson, gaily; "a novelty in ypur case, my good rec- tor." " I thanlc you for the compliment," said the doctor ; '* 1 did convince them as to the truth of the principle, but the earl contended that his case might make an innocent excep- tion. He had the vanity to think, I believe, that by con- cealing his real name, he injured himself more than any one else, and got rid of the charge in some such way. He is however, thoroughly convinced of the truth of the position, by practice ; his sufferings, growing out of the mistake of his real character, and which could not have happened had he appeared in proper person, having been greater than he is ready to acknowledge." " If they study the fate of the Donna Julia, and his own weakness," said the widow, " they will have a salutary moral always at hand, to teach them the importance of two •cardinal virtues at least — obedience and truth." "Julia has suffered much," replied the doctor; "and although she has returned to her father, the consequences of her imprudence are likely to continue. When once the bonds of mutual confidence and respect are broken, they may be partially restored, it is true, but never with a warmth and reliance such as existed previously. To return, however, to yourself, do you not feel a sensation of delight at the prosperous end of your exertions in behalf of Emily 1" " It is certainly pleasant to think we have discharged our duties, and the task is much easier than we are apt to ouppo^e," said Mrs. Wilson ; " it is only to commence the foundation, sc that it will be able to support the superstruc- ture. I have endeavored to make Emily a Christian. I have endeavored to form such a taste and principles in her, that she would not be apt to admire an improper Buitor and I have labored to prepare her to discharge her 22* 514 PRECAUTION. continued duties through life, in such a manner and with such a faith, as under the providence of God will result in happiness far exceeding anything she now enjoys. In all these, by the blessing of Heaven, I have Gucceeded, and had occasion offered, I would have assisted her inexperience through the more delicate decisions of her sex, though in no instance would I attempt to control them." " You are right, my dear madam," said the doctor, taking her kindly by the hand, " and had I a daughter, I would follow a similar course. Give her delicacy, religion, and a proper taste, aided by the unseen influence of a prudent parent's care, and the chances of a woman for happiness would be much greater than they are ; and I am entirely of your opinion — * That prevention is at all times better than cure.' " TBI WMD» L University of Connecticut Libraries 39153028256701 Mm mm Wmm-