*, f? p 'ft' r I 85 H 4!Kf/ ]f}aMc^a/}tJ^ a/rr iV & ./V.H ENTV^.. Please handle this volume with care. The University of Connecticut Libraries, Storrs GAYLORD RG FOE NAME AND FAME OR, THEOUGH AFGHAN PASSES. BY G. A. HENTY, Author of " True to the Old Flag," " St. George for England," " In Freedom's Cause," •■' With Olive in India," "By Sheer Pluck," " Facing Death." &c. &c. WITH EIGHT FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS BY GORDON BROWNE. ^Lufcm IiibniJ- ^.- crw NEW YORK SCRIBNER AND WELFOED 743 & 745 BROADWAY. PZ 7 fry) to o PREFACE. My dear Lads, In following the hero of this story with the British army during the last war in Afghanistan, you will be improving your acquaintance with a countr}^ which is at present, and is likely to be so for a long- time, of supreme interest to Englishmen. Afghan- istan stands as a dividing line between the two great empires of England and Russia, and is certain, sooner or later, to become the scene of a tremendous struo-o-le between these nations; possibly the struggle may have begun before these pages are read by you. Hap- pily, at the present time the Afghans are on our side. It is true that we have lately warred with and beaten them, but our retirement after victory has at least shown them that we have no desire to take their country; while, on the other hand, they know that for those upon whom Russia has once laid her hand there is no escape. In these pages you will see the strength and the weakness of these wild people of the mountains; their strength lying in their personal bravery, their determination to preserve their freedom at all costs, and the nature of their country. Their IV PREFACE. weakness consists in their want of organization, their tribal jealousies, and their impatience of regular habits, and of the restraint necessary to render them good sol- diers. But when led and organized by English officers there are no better soldiers in the world, as is proved by the splendid services which have been rendered by the frontier force, which is composed almost entirely of Afghan tribesmen. Their history shows that defeat has little moral effect upon them. Crushed one day, they will rise again the next; scattered, it would seem hopelessly, they are ready to reassemble and renew the conflict at the first summons of their chiefs. Guided by British advice, led by British officers, and, it may be, paid by British gold, Afghanistan is likely to prove an invaluable ally to us when the day comes that Russia believes herself stronof enous^h to move forward towards the goal of all her hopes and efforts for the last fifty years, the conquest of India. Yours sincerely, G. A. HENTY. CONTENTS. CHAP. Page I. The Lost Child, 9 II. The Foundling, 26 III. Life on a Smack, 43 IV. Pa-N Down, 60 V. The Castaways, 76 VI. The Attack on the Village, 92 VII. The Fight with the Pkahus, 103 VIIL The Torpedo, 119 IX. The Advance into Afghanistan, 136 X. The Peiwar-Khotal, 152 XL A Prisoner, 168 XII. The Advance up the Khyber, 183 XIII. The Massacre at Cabul, 196 XIV. The Advance upon Cabul, 213 XV. The Fighting round Cabul, 230 XVI. The Fight in the Pass, 248 XVII. At Candahar, 265 XVIIL On the Helmund 282 XIX. The Battle of Maiwand, 294 XX. Candahar, 314 XXI. The Battle of Candahar, 330 XXII. At Home at Last, 348 ILLUSTEATIONS. Page Sam Dickson finds little Willie Gale, . Frontispiece. 27 Will and Hans in Search of a Shelter, 85 Captain Herbert saved, 159 William Gale in the Hands of the Afghans, .... 196 "One of the Gunpowder ^Magazines had exploded," . 237 Letters from the General, 270 Will saves Colonel Ripon, 284 Gundi carried by the Bayonet, 330 FOE NAME AND FAME: A TALE OF THE AFGHAN WAE. CHAPTER I. THE LOST CHILD. « Y poor pets!" a lady exclaimed sorrowfully; " it is too bad. They all knew me so well, and ran to meet me w^hen they saw me coming, and seemed really pleased to see me even when I had no food to give them." " Which was not often, my dear," Captain Ripon, her husband, said. "However, it is, as you say, too bad, and I will bring the fellow to justice if I can. There are twelve prize fowls worth a couple of guineas apiece, not to mention the fact of their being pets of yours, stolen, probably by tramps, who will eat them, and for whom the commonest barn-door chickens would have done as well. There are marks of blood in two or three places, so they have evidently been killed for food. The house was locked up last night all right 10 THE LOST FOWLS. for yon see they got in by breaking in a panel o£ the door. Robson, run down to the village at once, and tell the policeman to come up here, and ask if any gypsies or tramps have been seen in the neighbour- hood." The village lay at the gate of Captain Ripon's park, and the gardener soon returned with the policeman. " I've heard say there are some gypsies camped on Netherwood Common, four miles aAvay," that func- tionary said in answer to Captain Ripon. "Put the gray mare in the dog-cart, Sam; we will drive over at once, they will hardly expect us so soon. We will pick up another policeman at Netherwood; they may show fight if Ave are not in strength." Five minutes later Captain Ripon was travelling along the road at the rate of twelve miles an hour, with Sam by his side, and the policeman sitting behind. At Netherwood they took up another police- man, and a few minutes later drove up to the gypsy encampment. There was a slight stir when they were seen ap- proaching, and then the gypsies went on with their usual work, the women weavino- baskets from osiers, the men cutting up gorse into skewers. There were four low tents, and a wagon stood near, a bony horse OTazimj on the common. "Now," Captain Ripon said, "I am a magistrate, and I daresay you know what I have come for. My fowl-house has been broken open, and some valuable A GYPSY CAMP. 11 fowls stolen. Now, policeman, look about and see if you can find any traces of them." The gypsies rose to their feet with angry gestures. "Why do you come to us?" one of the men said. " When a fowl is stolen you always suspect us, as if there were no other thieves in the world." " There are plenty of other thieves, my friend, and we shall not interfere with you if we find nothing suspicious." " There have been some fowls plucked here," one of the policemen said; "here is a little feather" — and he showed one of only half an inch in length — "and there is another on that woman's hair. They have cleaned them up nicely enough, but it ain't easy to pick up every feather. I'll be bound we find a fowl in the pot." Two of the gypsies leapt forward, stick in hand; but the oldest man present said a word or two to them in their own dialect. "You may look in the pot," he said, turning to Captain Ripon, " and maybe you will find a fowl there with other things; w^e bought 'em at the market at Hunston yesterday." The policeman lifted the lid qf^ the great pot which was hanging over the fire, and stirred up the contents with a stick. " There's rabbits here, two or three of them, I should say, and a fowl, perhaps two, but they are cut up." " I cannot swear to that," Captain Ripon said, exam- 12 A PIECE OF EVIDENCE. ining the portions of fowl, " though the plumpness of the breasts and the size show that they are not ordinary fowls." He looked round again at the tents. " But I can pretty well sw^ear to this," he said, as he stooped and picked up a feather which lay half concealed between the edge of one of the tents and the grass. "This is a breast-feather of a Spangled Dorking. These are not birds which would be sold for eating in Hunston market, and it will be for these men to show where they got it from." A smothered oath broke from one or two of the men. The elder signed to them to be quiet. " That's not proof," he said insolently. " You can't convict five men because the feather of a fowl which you cannot swear to is found in their camp." " No," Captain Ripon said quietly. " I do not want to convict any one but the thief; but the proof is suf- ficient for taking you in custody, and we shall find out which was the guilty man afterwards. Now, lads, it will be worse for you if you make trouble. Constables, take them up to Mr. Bailey; he lives half a mile away. Fortunately, we have means of proving which is the fellow concerned. Now, Sam, you and I will go up with the Netherwood constable to Mr. Bailey; and do you," he said to the other policeman, "keep a sharp watch over these women. You say you can find nothing in the tents, but it is likely the other fowls are hid not far off, and I will put all the boys of the village to search when I come back." A FOOTMARK. 13 The gypsies, with sullen faces, accompanied Captain Ripon and the policeman to the magistrate's. "Is that feather the only proof you have, Eipon?" Mr. Bailey asked when he had given his evidence. " I do not think that it will be enough to convict if unsupported; besides, you cannot bring it home to any one of them. But it is sufficient for me to have them locked up for twenty-four hours, and, in the mean- time, you may find the other fowls." " But I have means of identification," Captain Ripon said. " There is a footmark in some earth at the fowl- house door. It is made by a boot which has got hob- nails and a horse-shoe heel, and a piece of that heel has been broken oflf. Now, which of these men has got such a boot on? Whichever has he is the man." There was a sudden movement among the accused. " It's of no use," one of them said when the policeman approached to examine their boots. " I'm the man, I'll admit it. I can't get over the boot;" and he held up his right foot. "That is the boot, sir," the constable exclaimed; " I can swear that it will fit the impression exactly." "Very well," the magistrate said. "Constable, take that man to the lock-up, and bring him before the bench to-morrow for final committal for trial. There is no evidence against the other four. They can go." With surly threatening faces the men left the room, while the constable placed handcuflfs on the prisoner. " Constable," Mr. Bailey said, " you had better not 14 A VISITOR. put this man in the village lock-up. The place is of no great strength, and his comrades would as likely as not get him out to-night. Put him in my dog-cart; my groom shall drive you over to Hunston." - Captain Ripon returned with his groom to Nether- wood, and set all the children searching the gorse, copses, and hedges near the common by the promise of ten shillings reward if they found the missing fowls. Half an hour later the gypsies struck tlieir tents, loaded the van, and went off. Late that afternoon the ten missing fowls were discovered in a small copse by the wayside, half a mile from the common on the road to Captain Ripon's park. " I cannot bring your fowls back to life, Emma," that gentleman said when he returned home, " but I have got the thief. It was one of the gypsies on Nether- wood Common. We found two of the fowls in their pot. No doubt they thought that they would have plenty of time to get their dinner before anyone came, even if suspicion fell on them ; and they have hidden the rest away somewhere, but I expect that we shall find them. They had burnt all the feathers, as they thought; but I found a breast-feather of a Spangled Dorking, and that was enough for me to give them in custody. Then, when it came to the question of boots, the thief found it no good to deny it any longer/' That evening Captain Ripon was told that a woman wished to speak to him, and on going out into the hall he saw a gypsy of some thirty years of age. A THREAT. 15 " I have come, sir, to beg you not to appear against my husband." "But, my good woman, I see no reason "wh}^ I should not do so. If he had only stolen a couple of common fowls for a sick wife or child I might have been inclined to overlook it, for I am not fond of send- ing men to prison; but to steal a dozen valuable fowls for the pot is a little too much. Besides, the matter has gone too far now for me to retiact, even if I wished to, which I certainly do not." " He is a good husband, sir." " He may be," Captain Bipon said, " th-ough that black eye you have got does not speak in his favour. But that has nothing to do with it; matters must take their course." The woman changed her tone. "I have asked you fairly, sir; and it will be better for you if you don't prosecute Reuben." "Oh, nonsense, my good woman! Don't let me have any threats, or it will be worse for you." " I tell you," the woman exclaimed fiercely, " it will be the worse for you if you appear against my Reuben." " There, go out," Captain Ripon said, opening the front door of the hall. " As if I cared for your ridicu- lous threats ! Your husband will get what he deserves — five years, if I am not mistaken." "You will repent this," the gypsy said as she passed out. Captain Ripon closed the door after her without a word. 16 A NERVOUS WIFE. "'Well, who was it?" his wife inquired when he returned to the drawing-room. " An insolent gypsy woman, wife of the man who stole the fowls. She had the impudence to threaten me if I appeared against him." "Oh, Robert!" the young wife exclaimed apprehen- sively, " what could she do ? Perhaps you had better not appear." " Nonsense, my dear!" her husband laughed. " Not appear because an impudent gypsy woman has threat- ened me? A nice magistrate I should be! Why, half the fellows wdio are committed swear that they will pay off the magistrate some day, but nothing ever comes of it. Here we have been married six months, and you are wanting me to neglect my duty, especially when it is your pet fowls which have been stolen. " Why, at the worst, my dear," he went on, seeing that his wife still looked pale, "they could burn down a rick or two on a windy night in winter; and to satisfy you I will have an extra sharp look-out kept in that direction, and have a watch-dog chained up near them. Come, my love, it is not worth giving a second thought about, and I shall not tell you about my work on the bench if you are going to take matters to heart like this." The winter came and went, and the ricks were un- touched, and Captain Ripon forgot all about the gypsy's threats. At the assizes a previous conviction was proved against her husband, and he got five years' ( 274 ) A BLOOD-MARK. 17 penal servitude, and after the trial was over the matter passed out of the minds of both husband and wife. They had indeed other matters to think about, for soon after Christmas a baby boy was born and monopolized the greater portion of his mother's thoughts. When in due time he was taken out for walks the old women of the village, perhaps with an eye to presents from the Park, were unanimous in declaring that he was the finest boy ever seen, and the image both of his father and mother. He certainly was a fine baby, and his mother lamented sorely over the fact that he had a dark blood-mark about the size of a threepenny piece upon his shoulder. Her husband, however, consoled her by pointing out that, as it was a boy, the mark did not matter in the slightest, whereas, had it been a girl, the mark would have been a disfigurement when she at- tained to the dignified age at which low dresses arew^orn. "Yes, of course, that would have been dreadful, Robert; still, you know, it is a pity." "I really cannot see that it is even a pity, little woman; and it would have made no great difference if he had been spotted all over like a leopard, so that his face and arms were free; the only drawback would have been he would have got some nickname or other, such as ' the Leopard,' or ' Spotty,' or something of that sort when he went to bathe with his school-fellows. But this little spot does not matter in the slightest. Some day or other Tom will laugh when I tell him what a fuss you made over it." (274) B 18 TOM ripon's progress. Mrs. Ripon was silenced, but although she said noth- ing more about it, she was grieved in her heart at this little blemish on her boy, and lamented that it would spoil his appearance when he began to run about in little short frocks, and she determined at once that he should wear long curls until he got into jackets. Summer, autumn, and winter came and passed. In the spring Tom Kipon was toddling about, but he had not yet begun to talk, although his mother declared that certain incoherent sounds which he made were quite plain and distinct words; but her husband, while willing to allow that they might be perfectly intelligible to her, insisted that to the male ear they in no way resembled words. " But he ought to begin to talk, Robert," his wife urged. " He is sixteen months old now, and can run about quite well. He really ought to begin to talk." " He will talk before long," her husband said care- lessly. "Many children do not talk till they are eighteen months old, some not till they are two years. Besides, you say he does begin already." " Yes, Robert, but not quite plainly." " No, indeed, not plainly at all," her husband laughed. " Don't trouble, my dear, he will talk soon enough, and if he only talks as loud as he roars sometimes, you will regret the hurry you have been in about it." "Oh, Robert, how can you talk so? I am sure he does not cry more than other children. Nurse says he is the best child she ever knew." A PRODIGY. 19 "Of course she does, my dear; nurses always do. But I don't say he roars more than other children. I only say he roars, and that loudly; so you need not be afraid of there being anything the matter with his tongue or his lungs. What fidgets you young mothers are, to be sure!" " And what heartless things you young fathers are, to be sure ! " his wife retorted, laughing. " Men don't deserve to have children, they do not appreciate them one bit." "We appreciate them in our way, little woman, but it is not a fussy way. We are content with them as they are, and are not in any hurry for them to run, or to walk, or to cut their first teeth. Tom is a fine little chap, and I am very fond of him in his way, princi- pally, perhaps, because he is your Tom; but I cannot see that he is a prodigy." " He is a prodigy," Mrs. Ripon said, with a little toss of her head, "and I shall go up to the nursery to admire him." So saying she walked ofi' with dignity, and Captain Ripon went out to look at his horses, and thought to himself what a wonderful dispensation of providence it was that mothers were so fond of their babies. " I don't know what the poor little beggars would do," he muttered, "if they had only their fathers to look after them; but I suppose we should take to it, just as the old goose in the yard has taken to that brood of chickens whose mother was carried off by the 20 TOM MISSING. fox. By the way, I must order some wire-netting; I forgot to write for it yesterday." Another two months. It was June; and now even Captain Eipon allowed that Tom could say " Pa " and "Ma" with tolerable distinctness, but as yet he had got no farther. He could now run about sturdily; and as the season was warm and bright, and Mrs. Eipon believed in fresh air, the child spent a considerable portion of his time in the garden. One day his mother was out with him, and he had been running about for some time. Mrs. Ripon was picking flowers, for she had a dinner-party that evening, and she enjoj^ed getting her flowers and arranging her vases herself. Presently she looked round, but Tom was missing. There were many clumps of ornamental shrubs on the lawn, and Mrs. Ripon thought nothing of his disap- pearance. *' Tom," she called, " come to mamma, she wants you," and went on with her work. A minute or two passed. "Where is that little pickle?" she said. "Hiding, I suppose;" and she went off in search. Nowhere was Tom to be seen. She called loudly, and searched in the bushes. "He must have gone up to the house. Oh, here comes nurse. Nurse, have you seen Master Tom? he has just run away," she called. " No, ma'am, I have seen^nothing of him." "He must be about the