hbl, stx D 16.B8 1638a Survey of history: T153 D05DD50fl T ^ D 16 B8 1638a Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/surveyofhistoryoOObrat lf1 OPB ,-. SURVEY CF HISTORY, OR A NURSERY FOR GENTRY COMPRISED IN M INTERMIXT DISCOURSE 1638 Richard Brathv/ait UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS, INC Ann Arhor London n i^\ f^^tf ^i TITLE a i?.a£M Cff W'iK)./?i_: Off- AmmEHiroBQ^mBi..- AU T HOR ^m\imr^h^ . DAT EJd3ji[sy y/^r LIBRARY {j^m?&r^mm]-C(]m^v^£ W^"MNriM j ;*■•*- wja Tvi?^ &>** ;J^ YOTiiis HCR.ODOTVS 'tTe m K}' i X w^^ ^^'^M^"^ ■A 4>f v*^ £^t^' *. V^r^ 'HircroiDEi iiMMHMaaMBaaMaKMMa EN' "^^^fi ;g;T:r~Tgvt5»;n ^ i nil| i nmi ' l'J' *"'*"'^"'^"'''- ^t :?:; T LI VI lis . TW||WWWHIWll l llll HI IH| l |IIHI>l|[|IW W H||i|l|ii |H B ,inn i|l |^ k^ "^N "^■^ 4'> # (ill r A h LONDON ^'^, i ^ VX. j^ISI!™^-^^ rtntcd by >/. ^/i^ /oAn Okci j6y% ^ c? i^/ ,,, ,, ^^/^J > m — ■ ■ ■ Mill ^ i i *«iiiMiiiii>i. | ., .„,H# v'^^cr* *tf /fl/4 hj la/pcr Emery at the laifh .md ChttU in tautes Church Y***d nccrwathnt V? 0) ^ It cL . 4^ ^ A- <1 Jflk: A «: Of Hi storj/: ' , Or, A Nurfcry for GENTRr. ^-.'Contrived and Comprized In in Intermixt Difcourfeupon H I s T o R I c A L L and P a ET I c A L L Relations. |(j ASubjeft of it felfewell Meriting the Approbation of the Judicious 5 whobeft know hovr cocoa- firme their knowledge, by this briefe S u r v b ^9 or gencrall Table of mixed Difcourfes. %yfndno leff^nofitatUtoftich as tleftre to Ottter their Diftinguifhcd intofevcral Heads for the Di region of the R«dcr,to all fuch Historical MixtureSi as be Comprehended in thii Treatise. The like whercoffor Variety of Di(courfe,mixed h>3 with profit, and raodcft Delight (in the opinion of \f| i^ !l the cleared and refined^d judgements) ha^h not heretofore biu PubUfhcd. — — ~-~^^^- -| I, II I ■■■!■■ I I an i^^T^fTT"""""'^'^'*'^*^^- Hy Rkhard Brahhwait Efquirc, Oxon. I !■! I ■ — — ^ B«r, ^cd vtfumat^ue dtcens euro C* ro/Q O* •wp/r in hot Sumu '1 Impnntcil at lortdon by I. Oi|;er,for 7 A. > <• ■ f *^ *i N A * , _ - \ ' >■ '1 •.■'.•■: r '» '! ' v,l. > 2.i>S.'3oQ., . 4 "» i i > .' • • %' • mmiAiiAJmmmm>m . ..■;-v:i\ti')"'i\-'"/v.i.'AI\V\iV '^/^i \ V. i. iW«>^ f??^ ^m f^^ m A ♦y^^ ."% ^4 m:f^ f^^ *?f> •^ ^-^ #>?s , HGNOR.ABtEHEi(/?/r CO \\i% Itving memo- ry iliall crcr breach to po* Verity a fwcct fnicllins O- Jo*ir. And whofe uatx- pirJBg Fame, hath begot a nolle emula> < tjon , in hill hopeful! Sue cciibur« The Efiftle Dedicatory, felfc* Hinc firm T^mmm'-^SHr* gtmi-^ : wanting their CKcril&rs Qthofc Heroickc Patrons ) whofe cQuntei^an^c ii^ forraertimcs made tfcc Studies of the Learned more plcalant (having their Labours by fuch approbation, (cconded.) Yet in thelc timcsQny Honourable Lord) we may find (bme royall Secdes of priilinc Nobility (wherin we may glory) referved, as it were, from lo great ruincs/or the prefervation of Learning, and the continuance of all vcrtuous Studies • amongft w* your Nij/'/e^ei^jas generally repu- ted learned , fc a profeft friend to Such as be ftudious of Learning : a charader v/hich ever held beft cor- reiJDondcncy iwith honour, being a favorite to them who can beft .de- fine '^l^*""^»""WWM"a«MI«l«M [ MMMMIHnMlifill^N^MMIMlM imeJDm * « fc« honour; cjq)rcffiag /tathcMc, v^atpiopricdes b.cilx0ii(!:brd wcii fi) cxqiiifstca MaHlcTrpiecc ' Itis obfcrvedjthat all the Roman Emp^rours were fii^Iar in ibmc pjsculiar ArtJ&ciemeyOT ^5^d!yHery : axidCuchof the Patricians &s could not derive their nativcdcfccnt (w* the particular relation of their Atr ceflours mofi noble .M?^m witlifuch folemnity, feafts celebrated ^t the Snrveyes of tbeirweaponf : We that enjoy thefe Halcyon daye$ o ^ Peace and Tranqmllity , have reafon to r^fervt ibme Time for the folem- nizmg this -peaceable Armour ofHt- jlories ;yvhcrc we may fee in what bonds of Duty and AiFe' iecingthe admirable poLindurions : CfirGQmmon'males piantal (t0 rti^n? thinking ) in the Port of icqurity , wonderfully rui- natc%l igroLlnding their diflblur.ioti upon (ome pr cccdent crying fmiWy which layd t\\cix honour in the Dnft, aud^Trapllated their £/«p/V' -^' t<«>J'X v^^ ^Xl ^^ !5t»nt'W''i" TO THERIGHT HON O U R ABL E, ELizABETH,Dowagcr,Gountcire Of St) V TH AMTON; The fruition of Her Dlvi- ncfl; Wiflies. mm^ MRnm the Sacred Mes of your ever-Hononr'd LordyWhofe Memory lives in the hearts of Men J while h's better pan fiines in the Courts of Heaven , is the^ Breath and Birth of this Worl^ deri- ved. At firfi addrejjed it was unto Him living j and now frefented to Tour-Selfe , theVertnous Survivonr of A Fiinerall Ricgyto liis precious me- mory WIS long fince extanrjl>«ing annexed! to myBRiTAiNs Bath. Anno 162 5 The Second Efiftle Dedicatory. of Him. Nor can it expeB ought tejfe from Ton then a New Life^bo Jo conjiantly retaines in Ton the me- mory of his Love. Jen>elf are va- lued by their Lufire : Labours ef this nature by the Tefly and approvement of the Reader. Deagne^aS^adamy to accept it , ior his Sah^ , rpho did fo highly pri^e it : SoJhallTour Honour ever oblige himy whofe vom>ed ^eale hath really con- firrnhhim \ . 1 Ycur Ladifliips in all humble obiervancc. Ri.Brdthnfait. TO * To theUrilierftandingRE AP r. •^O many Idle Pamphleters Write to • '^Thcenowadaycs, as thyunderftan- ding (in my Judgment) ieemes much difparagccf. I have e\^er refolved to have this Motto : Catomfolur dor^ wio : But where that Cato is , there's thedifficulty. Hce is too heavy for .-^ .^, ,.,^ *<^ Courf. too Wife for the City, ..„ too precife for the Countrey. If my Bookechancc tofindehim, Iknov/mySubjeft (hall be entertained and my Petition fliall be \WLxd^?ot^AHricH!osAfimnoH habit To give my Labour but impartiall cenfure. Howftudioufly, copioully and ufefiilly this M£^/7/V/^ hath beene Enlarged , may appeate by Digits or SiQ^a. ^^T ^Vrl ^^^g^^ ^"^^^y "^^^^^ exprcilcd. llnderftand chy ielfe. Reader^ and thou underftands me ; If thou battle at Ordinaries, thou art not for me thouhaftthyWit in the Platter: for * I never knew him wife, that only delighted to '' Fare well. r R.B. B J **^ ^ ^ ^^ ^tA»*«^3riMili^ « HIT III IW » •*l^».'* ' 1 .^ ^ , » V , 4 . • J •'. * i * V * i * <* - ^ I An Exad TabJe^^or^Ppmpen^W^^^ no kiTc plain fy then'bricfly directing to all fach Subjcfts, Stories, Hiftor^c^lJ and Poc{icall|^clati?;r^^ ' 'ons 5 wirh all other intermix!; Difcourf^^iDa-^^^^ tcriallyandMcthodicalIyci)ntamedaiKi ;S;jji^^^^ : / continued in this Survey Of H^^i-^/J^P Gentry. ! i .,- ?naias:HB Author Mcihodic.iUy ff3f^ biandACth thcfc his Hlflon^ ^g)K^ tiU Rclitions into *^^^***^^ fold Divifion.. . I. .^cope ofHiftoric*. :• Vruic oni»iloncs4 3, Vhcpiofit redounding to private I amilics by Hi- Aorifs. What the ^a/c of all 'H«ft#ricaU Pilfmnfc^Ojould be. T-^ii*-'^* A fulMnrvcy of wh.it h*a5 ^)ccnc done, wirh a ctxTn^^rablc Rcbtionidf What js now doac; by touUujng p«y ' , Ions and At^tiuns pi ccccdug , with thcfc now in prcfcut enjoying, be- comci rn ctccllcnt btftf he redoun- ding iroiu hli/ior/ f rciucd Spi- liiJ. ' fag.4 Ignoruicc in wnting, ( and conic quciitly, .1 deficiency a ihc Rclniion of my iMcmor.iulc adion) became a j:rcAtwa tto Hut linpciial/ S laic of llilloiy dtifincd an4 dcknhc ^ p.f*. Thole n^ott ht to'^ovirnc j^r^^'* ons, wIkj hiYC power 10 mo a«c Monuments; .tatiict,lmpcriaUCo^$, and Mcttalls; an Vrnc pr«poitioncd to the Anciclit Ovill Fown**^ xyiras L.tely foiit^d nrare to the Bdrou£h|* 1 Towncof \eidall ; And, which is more remarkable, m 1 Dale, ancient- ly called For- j?t'/^. pag. I4i Ladies much addi^e4 ^th to pcr- u(ing and compiling of ll^ftoricj j il- liiilcattd by fundry lnAanc«sto their ruccci'd*»g mcmo»y. pig,i6^i7.&c. The Office of an HiUonan. p.i 1 . Vfc o^Tnnrcriptorics. p.»7» A nicnio^jblc Caveat for all coi^ . , rurtcrjonufticc. pag-^^* NVi.'a't honour the Worlds Monarch didtoHowfr, pag. /i*.^ Trc Method Ports rctcincd ni their' / HiRorijall Kclatiom* Mcjfuics HiHoricall P«X8. ^r.vcrall fruits of Hiftory. y.ih ^A more fclc^k and peculiar Fruit of ' Hiil ay. I - ■■■^■im — I "" Hi ftoty. ^ J ; r. ."^ r -» . : * " m I P««9 • H»ftorUnf improTca by ; intcllH atoct tntt pcriiiaU of oih^rj La- boun. p» I i*4ft cmwt in tht folio. The people o( China rctcincd t ccr- tiincfocaic gf Cyphcnngloog before our inrention of Printing. p«J*. Divers mcmcrabU VVorkiamongft the ancient have pcriflictl, through want of Tronfcribing to poftcri- ty. ^ PH- " As wc have the benefit of Print, fo are thofc VVorkci to produce fome benefit , which wee intend to Print. P«H» Vfe of Travell and Example, p. J7. Imitation in Vertue, P'5*« Excellent Emblemes for dcblaio- ning corrupt Juflicc. p, j 9, True Fortitude defcribed, p,4X, The Great mans Motto. p. 44« TbeTMiiX t-r- WHit Style bed ferves an Hifto- ^ Piverlliy of affcftions in Prin- ces. ■<»:.■•.. !"p.fl« Breach of proniife held a great dilhonouf amongii the Anciciits.p. $ i . Memorable Examples in reven- ging r)«floy alt}'. ^Ab. Dcfcrving men puniihed by the fuggcftions of ill Oiflccs. p« ^^^ Nuendof popular hate. p.iK> Security the ruine of Soveralgo- ;y. p. $64 CivillWarrcsleaveiaa diftraded State the dccpcft wounds. . p,ik How iUdtous the Romum were of Hjftorifi*^ . » . ' 4K The Excellency of a compofcd mind^. ... u. ' .;.. (. P« f 3. ApriiKely ErabLenie of Mortali* ty. . p.^1. ManiLifecQnt4:a^odtpa narrow rpsmncv . p. (jx* \i :\ \ 1. Divine. T ( 4« X.Difcurfivc.W i.Morall. ))i$* rMrifionofHiftoriesj " - P'-^i*' 4« l^hyuck; or Mitt. ' SuctdcfervinglytaxeSas corrupt' the Text^and racJce the Sacred Senfe with their enforced Allegories, p. 6 f • Not to mixe fi^cred with pro- phane. p. Of* Corrupters of Scriptme. p. ih, Difcuifive Hiftories. f» 66, Divifion of Difcuifive Hiftories, An imploymcnt of efpcciall CQn- fequcnce recommended to our Gfft* try f to whom he addreffcth this Sur* i The Satyricalt Hiftorian^ and the Sycophant Hiftori.in. • p. 70. A Rule how to irftifie Imrtafion ofErrours *, by Hidoricall Diredi- ons. > . - ' r«7|. . States, when Teeming moft lecure frotn their HncfTies; ought tobc lea/^ fcfurein their oWnt c6nndcrtce;^;f>;V^ - An apt refembUhlde 6fthc h)inr6ts in the body, to the ^jualitlcs of the mindc: or a Rclatidh of tlie otitw^ri^ humour, to the inward temper. p«7 5* . Ample Penfions allowed in for- mer times p Hiftortant. . " pi 77I . A modeli Caution for alt Htfh>ri- ans. ' '• • p. 7 8. - The Comtiietidattbn of a finccre Hiftorian. •'-' f.7pi A free di(cu(I»6g and difcardrng of fruiclciTe Labours , ebmparing thcM totheAfiff^/^;} Buildines. p. ^o. A Reproofe of Licentious Xi- . : A' pretty pafl'agc bet wist a Sctivi- nrr ajidx trifling Aiithoh ' ' y^^A- *:aA> Dcfcnption'orthe Satyriciu ' HiftorUn» ..•':. p.gy. B a An 1 The TahU. /nufcfutl Ohfcrvationofthc hu- mour of ffditioui an IfjAiouiWiiters of ©ur Time. p. 86. A crn« Aphonrmf occafinnc,hj(l fj^ticui and fljrnng S[>nni both in Campc and Courr. p. 9 1, A Mcniotablc,Chrjihaft and Roy- all ExpeJition. p. 94. A mifchi^voJi plot to croflc that Expcdjiion. p.;[,. la^jous Hiftoriani amoneft the Ancient. jy^ ,y\N excellent Meanc for an Hifto- I i:jn to o^flrvc betwixt thole Two T JtrcMucs^/i/cntiiticn and State-in* 'jUhQn, p. PJ. 'ihc Dcfcription of a haticring lli.'iuiian. p ^^, Learning of too preciouj a Memo* ty,to become Mercenary. p.97. uhoUcnaic to leave ihii dcfcrving MoiioufSo/#wr 10 their Countreyi and if (lie itward them not, let it re- ilcuoJ to her ignominy ; •*(> my dejre ** Cowv/;;, iotbh w»rJ ard Acdhave ^^lari\fhdthcc\ p. p&. Miiloroj)hy,anJPocTy the Slower of Flhlolophy^are Reccipti ag.iinfi all adveri^ty. p.ii'. Mowing Hiftoriant. p.ioo How to move Paflioo,and by what circunift.incei. v.'i^. An excelleui Art in'iAoving Pafli- on,inftanced \t\ AfpUft, jiUxandri* """'. ., ?•«•»• A memorable Story of an unnatu- tall Sonne , and hts mifcrablc cod. p. 101. AnexccUent Uifcourfcof Impen- a!l frailty • illuftrated by luftances of dcfcrvin^a memory. p. joj. No Bmpirc can confine the hean of her Emperour. ' p.lo6* Lively Imprc/noAi of remorfc, ^ortf, tlie maiae Source of corruptieg Youth, p. 11^. Vnlcfle Occafions be rreveated^ the moft intcgrioiw may ht iBipca- ched. J*''^* - J'«ftrcproofc ofindifcrcctTraa- flatiow. ' p* iiSJ The I TheTabti e. \ The frequency v^i bfaocy of the ttfrme ToQgkte. . . p. tii. A R<>f Narrations in lucn Hiftorics, highly commended | WHh their tffcas. p., 38: ihepraife of MorallHiftory.p.i4a A Caution for owr Sdken Gal- i'Uto^t Definition of Man ijjvcr- The fruit of Moral! Reidingcp.i4f • ' Acknowledgment of our £rroiBS» whether it be in our Dialed tnd forme offpcaking, or manner of li- ning : with an ingenuous fubmitting of our Labours to the free Cenfure of others , nreuei a great meafure of Sobriety and Difcreiion in us.p. 14^. ScUc-conait 3 blcmiflito the tx* tdcft Labours ; Neither (half fuch Authors free theinfclKsfiom malici- ous Ccnfurci, p. i^. Thcfc Times old in Ycerei, but yeuag in Hourcs. p. ip» A Rcproofc of the Agf, in her diC cltceming Authors : and flcighting their Labourf. pj^, ThcCaufc why Learning is con- icmned. d ir? lowborn Death is not terrible. An excellent Obfer ration by a Tyrant. ^(^^ '^^dtbocla Emblemcrenued jib. 1$ as. tit portrait to Life. p.^i. Morality, Mans Anatomv. p. is^. ^ H E fevcrall kinds of Phyfiall Ob- ^rvations, p. ,,^. ihe C'roc$dtte and tehneumn. though two Bcaftj, m Nature diffc rrnt , are by one peculiar Nation {•^gypOcquiWy reverenced. Hcccontinucs the Defcription of the Natures of divers Serpents j ex- traded from the Hiftoricall Deicrip- tiono(jifiri({. p ,j^. The Region of Cetr^j/bytfie ft- iUwouy ot Signer Odtardi^^ f^-mm principally confequencM in thofe parti) as It i% m Ft^^rs mtmcrous. fo are they fo tenemoui , ihax fuch as arc bitten by them doe dye within ihcfpaccofi4,houre»:But theNe- K The Idle. pot; are acquainted with ccrcahiQ hicArbs thA( will hcale ihcir «irounds. The various vcnemom qualities oi' S)>idcrs cured by Mulick. p. ifS* Kxcellenc Mortlls upon choCc He* laiions. p.ii». The meancft Creatures rccciuc m tUcm many fccrci qualiiicj. p. 1 59. What l>rincek bcli affc^ed thoU Studies ol' difcovtnng the Natuics of lJc:»ils, Bjrds, Scipcnt^, &:c« p. i ^o. Couragiou? Doggcs prcfcnud by the Km^Qi Aib^n) t to AUxtwdcr the Great. p. 1 6 1. An exquifitc Dcrcripciou of the Naturcv ol Ikafli. pj/j. 01 the Natures of Planti. p. 1^2. Of iljc N.KUICS of Mines. p. ib, TIjc Knowledjjc of ihcl'c c pedi- cnt, thouj^li not i\cccfl'ary, p. 16 j. A jiiQ a)i>\|>l lint ai;ainft fuch.who cnCumc 'the Oyl^' of their Life, in frcquentin.', iLc(/t/)/;(cf : how to re ciillc this, tint their ownc Vari.ilics nv.iy bcconif priv.itcAcidcinic$.p.i6^, 1 he I'uipciour Qildvun would not fuftVi \\\\ Daughters io be wuh- outfoinc Art, Science, orMyileiy j **rv [fayin; t '* Hce mi^ht bccowe poaie, iXpair^ .( .,i^{j^cn 1,,^ Daughters migl;t by "»^'^^'^yMheir boncft Labour relieve both '"'^''" ihcmfclvcs and tl^cir I aibcr. p. 166. A tc npclluous Progct\y in a calmc tunc. p. li, l'.f))l>lcmcs of Birds, p. 1^9, 'I he Co(Ut*iuplat4on of the Crc.u tuic, ininilUru adtniration in us to- ward our Creator, p^/). Tlic very Athcift condemned by yj.r./; oiU* Ayic:aud how their Me- lody IS ever mouiitiny; with aery wii^i;s t) ih.it Sijpnmc M4jfy?>.p, 170. lli)W mif. r.iblc it rjor man 10 he hicnt in Gods praifc, when ZJ^c^fSc* voi^c he AVeuly QuuiiUrs in fcntiin » utt fc nc. aurc for t k fwcet Ayre», .- r. . p. i y I . Creatures ordaiae^fitftVirt.;h 'tdfrijfiiiiPdtb the Stonc'^a/5^.f 3 THiimond^ of .^w/Vv. ^«^- . ■ ^-- ' pj/f,. Strange cflfeJ^. ; ^ f-T^c VVormc a motive of Thdm^t- < :fulncfl«l5 and dx^bcA.Oftiiraacr of; humane frailty; inftanccdin-a Medi- tation of wondtrfull Pieif . f . ly j . ' '* Pi vcrfity of natures inl j^h^s.p^i. Contention amonsltFinies,.i04.p. h i -The ^difl>rcnt naturcir Of Tiftas 5 ftn '^ P.J198. •To what efpcciall RcrcmbKinces 'thcfc Trees be acoimiModatf. pi^p. ' Tcare-ilicdding Trees, ^.to^ " A 'rcremblancc><)f O vMurs^' Flow- cTf, anii other iic^wtki^o thc'iiiward •Giate* anti Omiimihtt^of the Mind. ^ - ' *■ ■ t p. 200. "J^t amplifies this difcourfe o{ Plants, Mejrbe^,and Fruits. - '^ ' }\il>, • 'rThc U(t Lfcdare any rtian^an tc.ufi istorddManli ^i -. ii; f -^ j>,^^:i> ) The Wohd ev All* Various A uitc< of tUi Ptitfiientrcci\\ Con^o, .• p//^ The proper ends ai\d acfoftifttoda- tiohsofipparreiU-^^ "^ ;ihatni7^TObnumertt which hcfc had ieauCid^wybecflcaed^t >Mi&« in his memory.' pilio. - Of ^Mfnerali' t Mines the lower Jai<^, the better whcndifcovcicd r the .<}ccpcr^rciinrfcd, the purer when re- The Noilh part faitious for Cop. Kper-w6ikcJ'j a gte.it improvement co. -(he State and^^-ountrcy : with the rc- ViVJil of thole VVovkes, by Sir n.ijfil LrouJlc! and Captainc If^hixmotc^ men of incomparable induHry and in- g«""«y- p.214. A pietty Caution for a Mifcr.p.r^. M Ixr Hiftories. p.iij. I Mixt Hdioncs conipofcJ of all *ind;s. ■ ^ p.ti^. The Comirendation of Mixt Hi- flo Us ; with inftancis of fundiy l-fi- ifcoriahs both Ancient and Moi^einc, who hay9 bccnc uf iully vcii'd thereinV ' ', \ p.//>. A nr.gubrbbreivation rccoinnun- dc(i toocndenica in ihcir ic.iJ.iii; of Hiilofy. p^i t V Piutarchs paralding of Prince J,lut;hiy commcndcxi. yji,^ Mi>t Hilloric$re(]uire a gcncr.^.ll knowledge, and extend faitherth.in Atithcicjf. p. 220. A judicious diflingujflu'ng of wits, p.'2i. Example of ttiixt H 1 Tories p.i 2 1. Mixc I-fjrtorics ni6(Kiuirful,p.i2 2 ' Occifioji$of cnfttbling the gica.. teft and flouiifliiniiO Stages , take bte.uhfroni thtle tiuec particubrs 1 Inr.orj^itm lU GcKicnmcut^ Masters. H^EIT. ' P.22S, Innovation in Govcmmchr, Man ncrs Mli h C KiOpn The tMe. ij. ncrf,HabiCj occ^^ns of cfifrcbhfig \ ^ St ice ^ an4 Uyinj her honour )a " Q. p.iK Caufcf prececticnt^dire^ors C0| (He cvcms. ^ p.i^. Dit\in£\ prof rieciesin all Hidorici. p.ilt;. IriClinationsdiAVrem ia Princes. p.i^. Anobrcrvjttoa worthy out note} Suhtilc CouiKclUcver produce im- profperous cnJi : Aad co cheir Coui\cclloar$ popular hacc, Contra- riwiCe > Vcrtue ever auendcd wtth a proTpcrous cad, p.ixj. Policy her owne ruine^excmpti* fed. p.ii/. 1 he mifcry of Ambition. p.ixJ*. Grcitnclic can be no Subterfuge to;;uiltincflc. p. t jo, Vnconfcioiuble Prollcrs tiiould be made Spongciof, for example of o'.hc.s. p,i7;, I Whit Sul>jcd beiiconcordj with I mixt H*tiorics . ?•*}!• I Three ihinjt ne.eflirily required iri (iiUones ot this nature: I. Truth in relating. a, l-xplanation in difco vcuns. /^F**^^ J. Judi^ciucnt in dii^in guillung. HiHoricsfliouldbe tiucjor reteinc a rcUmblanceoftruth- P*'^* Fr«babilities in all Hii^oncali paflagci hi fthly commended. p,iJ3« Improbabilities in all Hiiloricall pallhpcs highly difcommcndcd. p.ii>. Not Crjcfut Trcafurc , but a pre- ccedent Dilpleafure caufed viftorious ^/rwr to invade L/itj. P'X34« Abruidiiici in Hiftoriins of our time, P'^3^* I ij^lanation in difccvcry of cau- Sci, p.*4»» A concord in circumftances amongft /iiilonaiK. p<24l The harmony ofsjf/tftoriaasin their Relation ^ihough writ in feYcrAll Agcr. t p»»4l« The event gathered by foregoing caufes* P*%4^. The Armies ftrength ballanecd by the Generalls worth* P.r^, themdircreiionvf Comminderi^ the utter fubvecQon of their dcfignes. p»f^. The rare e x pre (Hoa of a eompaf- iionate difpofition. P«t49> Contempcef Heligion^ the caufe of Kealmevrubverfion. p.ifO. Thii,ercn the very Hctihen have obfcrtred : *< If rifling Temples were faaed » what could becholden facrilegious? p*f^« 5uch things as be above us « be not to be aigued of us. P* ^ T i . Kingdomes brouiiht to acknow ledgmenr» by the taite of inifcrics. Sanf^marici never well frequented,, but when dingers approached.p, a f j . Feare wiUlupplc the moft infeo^ dble Athtiii^ and inforce him tu prayer. P» *y4« I Cii*res,DircAories of cvems.p.i^ j A difpofition Crefleding upon the Divine Ordinance J yet not Umitedi an Order, vet notcoai^ed j « mcancs, yet not enforced. p. »S^« Many Kingdomes much renowned by that mcancs, which makes them moft debafed : Scife-tenctiU p. ih. Honour the beft, when it is derived frow* our fclvei. p» »J7« Degeneration. p. a^S, The praife of fuch who raifc a Fa- mily by their owne demerits : And this procuicd by threc.meaoes: paj^ I. Gowne. a. Sword. j.MechanjckArt } p. fK Bmulation 7 TheTaf/t. Emiil«cloo amongfV nicnof Not«. p ib. Some of our bcfl rhilorophcf s, O- raton , Rhetoricians and Hiftoriant^ though they wci c not Ce'etatrcavt w iih (hofe Princes in living with them t yet were their Woikes, after their dc- ccafe, highly endeared and honoured by them, v.i6i, ^n Exemplary Lcflfon for all Am- bidcxt(rs> p.//'. The wonderful! elVaUi/liing of the r^rVT^^ Empire. ( - p. i66. Argument! of the approaching SiihuiGon of the Turl^ifhStiit(.^. 167, Concealed Reafona not to be fear- ched. p. it, VVe arc not to pry too curioufly in- to the fealcd Cabinet of Gods Cou}i^ M p.r/>. That Sacrcd-fecret Confiflory is not to be fearchcd ( becaufc fealcd ) with too much Curiofity. p. 16^. An eicellent Receipt for nil fuch as labour of too muck Siv^ularity,f» 270. Dijudication of Hiftories. p. H. Two forts of Difcourfes cclypfing the glory of an HiftoTian : 1. Senfuality, O 2. Fmpertinency. J P'*7'« Light and wanton Workes are to be exiled in every CivillSiate.p.271, LearniKx never but then dcfcrvci the Lflyrr if, when it is vertuouflyfruit- ^"li- p. »74. Chymick Opinionifts. p.l7f. State Stigmatifts. P- a?^. FaftiousOucftioniA$« p.ib. ^Mirtippnf ms free rcproofeof rigid Ccnfurers j whofe ludgroem onely confiftsinraiing Labours, and diU heartning Authors : while their inno- ccnt*ft Lines are oft mif conflrued | their Sence corrupted. p, 180. Two forts ol fimfter Rtadcri of Hiftory t * I. Curious. T ♦ « .tk a. Calumnious. J P* "^• Ano/iiiionate Reader, an incoai- pciible c enfor of anochers Labour. p.i/>. ' Deliberation ncedfull inKifioric> of mamc confe juencc. , P* ^^7* Difcovei y ,of Vices abroad, many times indrud us in the very fame ai home. p. ib, Manymcnof marUrcft Experience, have and doe give way tofca'ujU o- bcdicnce. p:xH8. He holds hjm for /iupid, wno fo fcare of Death, dyes all his lifelong: And him for wicked.who lives with- out fcare of It, as if there wcic none atall. p 2%p, Foi-ni[;nc YKCs become nat'ralh-/ Ud , and made ouri by imjcation, Sti-angc Novelties draw attention, move npprobation, if probability be mixed m the Difcwurfc^. , p-294. Opinion* drawnc from diycrs Au- thors fliould be reconciled. p«iyj. A double Ci. OMtinate.T , defcft: \i Ignorant./ P- '^• Words (hould be accommodate to the Matter , not the Matter to the Words. p. ik. What dreflc both for choice of Words, and difpoCtion of Phra2e,bcft becomes an Hiftory. p.29r5. Whaifocver taftet of Affe^aiion, digreffcih from this Difpontion. p. ib, Tragicall Ads breathing siou^ht but palTiunaic Ayrcs , ^mply illuflra- ted by tbofe inhumane cruelties lately committed by the Oroaft and Cut" U>igs\Ti Germany, p. joo, ^c«?o*x fad Ktlationn'Q the Ifland tf Mif^amU, Wenx. inHift./ff^. 1^. The Worlds Anatomy. p. J02. A witty conceit of a bold Artixan. *> A modift K Tht; Table, f A mocJc ft Jifcovery of tVt abufcs of ^Ke time jKow tUcy arc lo be fcxrchcdj l»ow caitd. p.i^. A ihicc-fold DifcouiTc branched into a three told Obfcrvancc j (liew- in^ how '■ I, Some Bookti are :o be t.*illcd. 1. ^o re to be Cw allowed. I I* I'cw to be chewed and digeUcd. ' * p. J07. Thicc Obfcrvinccs worthy our Confidcration in Reading: f.UMllngnctrc. 7 l.Dili^tiicc. > pioSt ;, IniclliceiKe. ) \it of thofe tluet Obfcrvancej.p ih. The ^ithoifr^ficuttd, P- J 09. USc of Hiftory. p, ih, 1 he true Ch.iraviUrall Portrauurc oi iMifir, p. J 10. His irntiate dcfirc of incrcaring his State ; his uickfle cnd^ in diipormg hii Store. Some wheteofwc have' here iatil^ had ; who, ai they abuJ- gtd Nature of her due ^ and dyed in hrr I el»f ) fo they could not pci forme iht O^Hcc of Nature Ir 115 before tiKir iHjih. P- pi* 'J hi Mifcrs profit by Hi(tory.p,ji4. A Mifcr tannit be ricl». p.i^. A Mifrr his owac t*ccutioacr, A Contiariciyin two diffciciu dil- pofirions. p. it. 'I he JLibcrall inaiu Aphorifmc. P. i'^. I Ke ChaiA^ct of a Libetall man. p. f /). Kxatnplcj of Liber.Uiiv. p. ^^. i bf bounteous difj^^outions of ma- ny noble Tcrron iges ii>floiicalIy am- pli^dc. PS'7» lxatn|^lc$ of opporiunatc bounty. extra^e4 from th« Stotft-lwHt^lP p( H.ttoiy, * P'^« It clofeih with mor« Mtjcfty to make Kingf«thmto ben King.p.Jto An Viurcrnevec fouudhli Coun- tnc$fucnd« 1/0 P- ?M« An Viarer. bouotifuU againft his w.lL /P**^* Examples of bounty amqn^ft ihc SyrAcuJans. P« »^' A DefcnptionoftheCity Wj;r/jgf»n fiW,pVim^<^oa »M« flowry Maun- i^inc fifya^ai\ti Sicily^ < p, jxy. A memorable Inliauce of Hofpita- lay. - P*^^- MiferabUcnd$ofMifeti. P-St^ The I'rodigalls hu.nouc dif^>laycd« P-3^7. 111$ Fauncj ar FoUowen^hift Spun- gc$. fits, Hi$ ^aihe $ injurious doiog,$,hi$ un- doing : his railing, tvsrui.ie. p.n<>* The Young mans Maxc. , p. ib, of lontation. ' ? ' < "^^ Hiftorics, bdVaircovctcrs of Er- rours. P*3J'* luftances of famoui Ddiniuents. .p. 16. Hiftoiy the heft Toush- Ac to u»e hcr> or alia/ her diRcmpcr by ihehclpcof Hiftory. P«? 4- Pjiflions proceeding frona brainc fi:k Lov^is, ifec. ^ P*5J^- A Lovers Ecfhofuff : clolm^ with Loves Mit(t)mtphIcl ^ P'}5^- Acommemoiatiouof Divine Hi- fiories, P^^^* Infolcncv punifhed. ^'ih. An excellent Example^ P'JT/- Puniihmcnt alluding to the con- dition of the fact* p^y» Blafphcmy puniflicd p»il* Thchkc cicmphry punirtuncms influ'led on othec Dclinjucntf. The corruption I'f Af.}6i. Every Vice- biicUy dccy|.hcicd. P'\^^ ' Octonomicall Willoriet, tcacmu^ privttc fainiliis how to be dif^^otec!, Ncceft'ary inftruftiont for alij^ri* fateeftatci, f.i^.&/>.?^3.J^4iJ^''J« Hiftorians moft profitable ^toi the Goff»^6rt->y c ale.* . ' ^ ,/>. i <^f . - Enmity'ttn^angft /iil^oriani tl|em> (lives* P'i'^^* ' Acompcndious difcourn-. of the :ncra!i profit of H ^encrall pro I ifl ory< P- J^7. An ape Simili^uuc comparing Hi- flory to a B.uicjuec. ^368. ■ A review of thofe former collciti- onSjXpplyinji them to oui- prcfcnt oc- caCions. - /'•3 74» i./ii(lory compared CO a Banquet. 2, To a Field. />.j«^ 3. To Builders, P*l^S* HiiioTV to a Ji crcetc Eaif , the dc- lightfullt harmony. P'i^^» An.xaft f/iftonan* ^ fcU diiTg, , / 388. //iAorics ) Mircors of all States, /iiAoricS mult not parcialtxe. P'i^9, HiAory ihc UCkr HtrM tafUc- blazoning Vectuc or Vice, Jp.390. Three cfpcciall qhaliticf Uiiting well with the Condition of any £m^ ncnt 1 erfon. />. * Jloweinhrr decayi comparab! thi: PLtthix, />.j A Chriftion ccnfiJeration oi of I Ptwer and Majcfty of Xjod. 6. r , Th^ Table. P Refit derived from Wiftorics to Privnie ^amihci, P'l^S' The dcfcription of a Manners d.-rrer. p»lO^* The Souldicridifciplinc by Hjfto rics. p tb, A Motive of ihAnkfuIneflc , dts rived ^io^ HiAory direct man in tUe progrcffc ofbiilifc. /»^i^ Hiltory prcparci man in hit paflagc from life. /.4t4. The conclufionof this Survey dcx^ fed in this fcrioui approvement: *' Wiftorlcall Relation, become Re- " coids of Publick tftd rrivate Ex- <*pcrimcms* /.4»5. Imprimatur Tho. Wykes Pf. P. Epi/co. Lond. Capell. Donicfl*. March 26. 1638. n^mmmmtgmmmmm 'J. Jh ny nt plifi< A i WW JgU l M tmmmwmmmmmmkmm • / : ; 1 • A J ♦ S^ R¥ E Y -Of HISTORY: A IsI'Aas E B. Y for the . , , ^c::gN the Survey Of Hii^* ,<3.?^ TOMES j4 the trucRelators-^li %».c. >p rif things done 5' with apro- ,^ bableCoIlefticn of things to I "^^^3 come, by precedent events : ^ ? J thought good cobpendt- ,^_^ ^ ^ I cufJy to contraft: fome efpe* ciaii Caveats 5 aa well tor ob/eivance inHiftori- call DilcQurfes „ as for prevention of fuch incon- A thit t-Wd veniences {or exorbitances rather ) as happily '^»'»^«'** might (Kcurre in fuch Narrations. Firfl: there- ^^ ^ ^^ fore I have propounded to my felfe this Method, liiAorfct. (byway of inference) to Defcribe the true (cope e at ^ Sunty */ H 1 S T OR. y, or •WMMMNWWMM^ at which all Hiftories ought to ayme, and to Hift^K* *^ ^vhich^thcyfliould principally be oireftcd Se- '^*"* condly^to diftinguilh of (cvcrall ufcsand Fruites of H i ftorics : The end whereof L>eing exaftly (et downCj a dijudicating power may cafily colleft ^. The proiii from what Sub jcd the choiceft and felcftcdft xcaounaingto fVuitsmay be deduced*. Thirdly, the profit fir/tyHX^^vhich redounds to every State, either Arifto- nt I. craticke, Democraticke, or Monarch'clsCjby the true and undcrftanding u(e of Hiftories. HE true ufe and icopc cfall Hiftories ^ ought to tend tonootherpurpoft^than a* true Narration of what is done, or hath* bcenc atchieved either in Forraignc or Dome-. ftickc afFaires ;^ with a mcdeft Application (for prefcnt ufe) to caution us in thinp;s Ofrenfivc/.nd excite us to the management cf implbynienti in* rficmfelves gencrcnis, and worthy imitation. t> For the truede/cription of Hiftory, as itharii ever bcene held t^e Trtafurj $fTimc^ in which were laid up andd:pofircdthe Anions and glo- rious Exploits of p vccding }V^rtb:ts : hs yj^ would be very lo.uFj.rhaf anv Evidence^ fmpor- i ting our privatcefturjs, (houfd be either dimini- i n^ed or darkened : fo mDch more, in what might confequentJy tend to the prudent mannagement ofpublicke Eftatcs , tofuffcr the Icaftob/hiri ty, wcu!d argue in us either an apparant dif efteen>c v{ o.ir Pntdecefibrs aftions, or a lemifnefle in our fclvcs, to neglect (o (preading or propagating a Sc- ^Nwftry for the ORNTR T. t Seminj^ry i ivhich^ aS former times rccommcti- ded to our card, fo (hould itbcourcarcby adii^ ••^' 'j'^«.; '*^. erect circumfpcdion^ to prefcrve. ,^ ' , • Letus tlien rcfieft alittie upon thc^////Vjr ofit, befidcsthofe incompctrable delights, whjcK to a '-' ^' ' modcft and ferious judgement^ are highly rc^ puted, 5 Firft, ftiould theft -<#^;i?4//peri(h, what more could the merit or approvement of Vertue gainc tofcer Iclfe, but what the injury ofTimes ulually throws upon dclcrving perfbhagcSi oHivim f No difference betwixt the defpcrate attenipts of j an impioufly-audaciouSsfind odioufly-perndious Catiline j^TiA a noble Srate-afiefting FiifSf$. Nay, we (liould iofe thofe Eminent Types and Copies of all imitable Morality > (houla wee in TubDidi burytheSurvivingRccordsofi7(/?^/7, Wefhall hcere fee, what even Mwall Naturall men obftr- ved , and how coiiftantly they flood in defence of what theirglorious lives have propoftd. No danger foapparant, no threa tfo truculent, no Opponent (o over-awing or violent, which . could weaken their^cfolves, ormakcthemHe- aeants to their juftDcfignes. The whole pro* | greffc of their Lives, as it was a continued Line, whoft period ever cloftd with Honour ; fo were their Deaths no lefle memorable , and in their /?m>j^ lent forth the beft lufh-e. I How fweetly then reli(h theft JDiftourfts to a retired Spirit? who, withdrawne from imploy-, ment ei ther through infirmity of Age, wcakncfft of Health, or dif-refbeft of Time , may take a C 2 fu« J Survey of HIST Off. Y-,0n fiill Surrey of what ha's beene done ,^ with a Ao excellent comparable R.elation ofwhac is now done rand Slu'iulng^V/o To by conferring Pcrfbm and Aft ions preceding^ Hfiory to r'c- with tholc nov/ in jprclcnt cnpying ^ niaycol- lyrcd rpinti, j^^ thc vici.fitudc ot times , and become an A- gentby reading 5 what diey could nor afpire to by pcrfonall aftion* And wi th what eafie fweetncfTc may this be ac- quired? With what a pleafing privacy purcha- fed? They need not expofc themfdvcs to the pcrills of a feare-lhrpri/ed Campe ^i nor the for- ging billows of a raping Ocean: Their private ArbournMyhc their Centinell jnoAlarmea to di!>urbc rhcm , no fe.ircs within, nor fc:^ wijthr oiitrodillcmper thcnu And having taken a firH and free jx:rii(all of former States, with ihe ftranf^e grcnndw^f their rifTng,' and their uncx- pci^cd CAt4(l/0phcs m theircieclinin^rwhatrm- f;u!Aru!e'imaythevprO}>onnd to thcmfelves, by c( nliderHicn had to thc mutable andnnxicm C^-nd'trionsofall rinses .-feeing how c\^n thofc Repn!)liik?, which promifcdtothcmfelvesmoft fcxuriry, were cnlorccd to ninRC into odicr ch.mnclls, and to! ;ivcrhcirn:cmoriesdrov/ned in rhcm , Mhen d^cy liad mounted to the highcft piimcand pitch C)f I eliciry : And thcfe to dif^ ct.virlc of ividi a confident jixlgemcnt 5 as it they h.ui brcne Aftors perfc nally iii thefc Scenes? whir ufcfull kn(»wlcdfc may if begcttothem- fclvcs, whardclight to their Hearers? Secondly, Ihould rhcfe memorable Records tc loft ^ which have onc!y power to ketpe n^en alive. J v^f^fyfr\H:G^^^^ J deficc of emulating theirXertqc^ ^ the yery forme ft»t bccMc tn- and Method cfancieut ^yqTimcq^s jVw^iofe'^^^^ ;'^ ^""^ pl^ufor4ne$h^v^]9,QC.t n;^g,mg and roamialliji^^^f^^^Ei^ pn.^i¥c; : ^X ;:;\^^; >What excellent. L^w-giy?rs\ravofgrmer A gt^s a k:,.us, yeelded? what ufcfallLa^v^tiqiye they en itVed^ ||^* -^^'v ^^- J^ow ftrpngly thefe. ^tipurf^d. ^q.^^ wh^r T[f^ i[ jv'! their co^rpiiad ftud jed j^|]d fjjl^^iihqtt ^ H ow,. ftric|i- ^/i;y u ^^:>.;a ly m(Kleratebccime;mai,iy St.ir^>,,[ ;whiqtKli icrcoi ?j.j^ ,' ^' \''5^ " ^ Sohriety .ever retJc^pudedtQ. their /ucCcediugciv.'^.V.'-.V -'c^ glory?'! ,- .. ^f* .;,;.-^ .\. ,•.;.. n /•;;"..:>! n^-'-^/ ^^y;'*^ ,Nor 4ia .^hey i: t^b;^^^bi^4^^^^ -men,ts could. never reiea;'tP,'a'frif^\anfiii>t^l))l>lc iiourcsoOhc conceir|bf£X(rr^//jfi,{hewx^ 'f*»y > j^"*;' "^ theccuriepr mrfnirerOfd ,or^ixitC'' ll!'vV^t^ I'ay !diii9aJpn^../'TKcir^^^ ?i /a- /i^v^ of .goodneflc-^; .^itlmq^V^^^^^ mcTire thcm,to AneJ^pc;.ci. nntp hcinc: confcrrcd cm'tTiem pr^t'. >!; ici^edi ai;id diix^lued \xy thtuiir iWliQ^^^ fcrvation p. as AUr^u Fr^fdenu qelerving oar jmicaticni , : .r.^^- • - - »!-vr'^ . ; Cjmw^tnpncypjthpfc,;-;i^^ow cf.reftiiyiiji^^QU^ Njpf aUf mCAWl^p conBned thoif hop^$,to Jf>(^ii^^ ftrip^us, whcjjraaiile, h|:u,'>Jiigh^ and maKe£/rh 4 1 v.i:oV^3 ' ^ ^ X^'3 ' bcamc- y^ Survey of HiSrOKY, if bc.im I ihg who ttarm'd IT thvtry PiSiure , Bm* uh.chtonCi'hUme^trMimrcf Mankind ; wherein are to be? ujr. i^-^^^^ ^)^^ perplexities and perills of Empires, iand of the Church it fclfe : upon Survey whereof, and an cquall reflcxc to our fclves , we may leanie howtodemcaneusinamodcftway, both in re- vim it.ori^ ^\^^ ^^'^ ^^^^^^ SocictyjandpoIiticKgovemmentj as likvcrld) could not play Prince of his little world , being flaved todiftempered paffi- ons. N o City but ^reharaledjifnrt razed. Nor could/that Italian TrjacdU (which taking her de- nominate from the nr.n was not to be anHiftcrian : forncceffity * wf u!J infruxhim to rcm|)orifeand obfe^ve hi - mors : Norarich m?.n, for he had his eye fixed up^ nhiscfrarc, nnddurOnorun-ripgreat mens t rroj S5!e(t he (hou!d lofe by his labours. But I diP .npprovehisicnfure, andrefcll it with anorhers 1 opinion of the fame lct\ : Si Jivcs^ de for funis (^r trifor- MMMlflMHM'''**' j:\urferyfif GB^TSTv 1^ ^3 tits AtttgemmtliM €m ngAt^ f€>^^4>. The error 1 of judgement (hould iK't be apprppri.vted either* to wantjOr eminence of fortune : for fo fhoulid we (ubjcft the inward to the outward, theintelck^u- •allpower to theexterniill varm(h ^ 'prcrcrring the eye of the body hetore tile light of the niinde. Yet to inrermeddic ineftates, (b much as'to dif- able thcni(hy extenuating their power.^)le(rening dicir revencweSjOr edypling their prifl'inc he nop andeminencej by mentioning fomc inliicccllive! events dicy have had by warre ^ or other occur- renrs J wholly diraIlowir;^prGCceding cither from private envy to the Stare , or from malevolent nature(unrtttingfcrrogoodaprorefl[or) dpt to (Vmgallj because an enemy to hinifclfe and all: States (hould not be layd too open : but when oc- cafion fcrves to defcribe thefeates of Countries, Region?,&d or to touch the rriannersand condi- tions of inhabitants, how they livc^ and to what trades nioft inclined,wirh whom they have commerce,. or th^i like, will not derogate any thing frouithe ^ifo»/>tf of an Hifiorf^ or any way iniply a digreflion. It is thought (and that by the A.uthentick'ft Hiftorians)'that Crf/ir , by thede- ^c\w^i\oVioiVoUtirAnu5 , which he made of ^r/- utnt^ declaring how the people were favage, and unapt for miHtarydifciplrnc, the places of de- fence unprovided : and then Qiewing how fruit- full the whole llbnd was,rcplenilVied with all nc- ccflaric? jwas induced to take his expedition into D 5 Britui/iCy 14 Ji Sm>ty fH I S TOR y^ »r jt> Brmm J and CQConquer it > it^hoagh'ptteven^ by ^ fmi^y, yA\^ ^^^ a ii)?n wbo^bad cnt§r*clcorpaicj;fi^,with thfclvhole World, could difcourfe of the divcrfity ofiall Tongues, andrcturncthcirpropcr diftin^t IdU qms : yea>,rvicb i^n pnp^ as li^jd jv^atiwe^d \\m^ fclfe bybi.^lQ.entil? gaJibc.^iubc a(fes'Jioii' ofoll E- ftateSi4ndin^ ppliflt'd:feni?all difcQurfe 'could tell you, how bee had fcene indafes Lantc;rncat St.Demps^ t\\QEpheft4nI>iarja\i\t\\t Lpmire^ th? gr^at VcirclJ nt Hiti(l^lhrg , . jthc A inphi-Thir m^^iVlifrm ^ tht: Pyramids ^ft^^^jfr, with the incredible manner cf their Obits , the Stable of tlio great Mogol, or the Solemnities of AT^itZf^; yetwcve allrhelegencrall Nqtions of tOrraign/e States afclefle ^ being. eftrangcdfrpu,iithclinQWf Jedgeofhi;>c wne Native Soile. Yea^ fliould hce mlareehis difcourfe in all thefe^.by cxpix^ffing himielfeinifucha Dialeft^as might defervingly beget aU'Admiraitipniin theHear^r^ yet da(anit ding to hi^ own^i ^^^d fliewinghimielfe moft ig-; norant , \vh win hce fliould bebeftc^cperienc'd; , hecould merit no Icflc than juft a^proofe rinfoj underVsiilMing his pwne, -. ^Sifo publifh hin)fclfe: fufliciently read in ^ijlpbces.but at borne;. ' Ait| Engli(hfaiilf:I mufr confefleftyhoft condition it is to admire nothing more, nor withaneageirafr fectatioutppqi'fueqnghcmpre, than the fancies . ^ and ftadows of Stta.ugeif$irWhoia faOiiciisi^^^c , they never (b unbefceming> they cannot! vvinr our imitation 5 bccaufeintrudnccd by a ftrangc. Nation. Thefe refcmblePrunters , vvhofc Art it HUI tfi ■r i w U< B J 6 jl Hur\>iy «f H 1 S T O B. Y, «r f itistoniakefices, but to forget tlicirowne. . >- Norisitmypurpolenithis, totaxQthccom mend:U>l6Travailes offuch^who With much da(n- gcr and ha7.irdhavc improved their owne know- ledge 5 and benefited others by their underta- kings in aflayes of this nature. Travaile 1 knc w to be the moi\ accompli fhetl ornament of a Gentleman : enabling him both for bufineflc and di (courfe : but to travaile fo farre from our owne, ii« to make our feWcs ftrangcrs to what ncare- liefl: concemes us , argues a neglect in our ielvcs^ l>}' a contempt or dif-cfteeme bf 6ur owne. Wee fliall read in all Records of antiquity, with what heate and height of defire, all fuch perfons as intcrefled themfelves in compiling any Hiftoricall relations, ever pitcht upon defcripti- on of their owne Countrcys : with a continuati- on of fuch Hcroick adts, cxploy ts,and defigneSjtis might conferre a defcrving luftre upon her. Mcanetime, it was not the leaft of their care to beftowan impartiall pcnne in the deblazon of e- vcry perfon or action. Their greateft ambition was^toiiiagnitic truih : to cloath vertue with her owne native habit, and diftoverthe deformity of vice^wcre the fubjeft never fo eminent, where- of they wrote. ,• Neither wcrcthefeTafksonely formafculine idJi^ettdhoth Spirits : (ormany cmmcnt Ladies wereuiually ^o pcrufiiig & vers'd in tlicfc Oudies, to their honours , and the \molict admiraticMioftheirSuccedors. iZefj(fti4 after the death of (?r/^;j4;/// her deare fpoufe^ though a Barbarian Ladies mucU 'jNmftry for GEN TRT. Barbarian Queenc, yet by her roading of bothRomanc and Grcckc HiftoricSj foman- nagcd the State after the And HorHnfu daughter to thatmofl: famous Orator Hirtenfitis^yA\o forcopioufnefleof fpccchj gravi- ty or weight of fcntencCj gave a living lurter tro her lines, a fuccecding fame to her workes ? And Edefia borne at AlexAndrU^owt of iiich learning, Isvcemcircotdifporition, as flic was highly ad- mired by thole that lived in her time : anda- mongfl: other exec;, nces, lingularly read in Hi- rtorics; then held .Utudy worthy the entertain- ment of noblcli: Ladies? And CorinnaHjiA^ who is reported to have furpaired the Poet P/;i- ddrui in artfi Jl and e:;aft compofure$:contending with him five fevcrall times 5 as may be proba- bly gatlicrcd by the tcilimonics of the ancicnr^for (he Garbnil or Coroner, ufually beftowcd bpon JiK'h gloiious followers nnd favourites of the Mules ? AndT^Wji, SetteUs wife, a Matron not oncly improved by his indruitionSj but highly enriched by the hliriefic of her ownepropcritu- dies : ever rcferving- (bme choycchourcs for the pcrufill of fuch relations as eitherinthofe or pre- ceding timcshad occurred. Soas^ we niajivery wellcolleft, whence the ground of her husbands foriow procccdcd,in bewailing the ignorance of, his mother 5 not fufficicntly icafortcdin tlie pre- vxprsofliis Father :by reflefting upon theabili- tic^sofhis PattU^ whofedr/courfe cither for Hi- Itory JNurferyfoTGENTRr. 19 ftory or Moral! Philpfophy, appeared (b genuine and propcrjas her very name conferred on her fa- milyafucceedinghonour. Laftly (that I may not infift too long on thefe feminine Mirrors,lcA: they (hould taxe iome of our Moderne Ladies of ignorance with other temporary errors) Argm- urU Pollid.ynk to the Heroickc Lucarty is faid to have affifted him in the aptcompofiircof his Ver- fes : being no Icfle rich in fancy, than he himfclfc when moft enlivened by a Poetical! fury. Nor did (he reftraine her more profpcrous ftudics onely to diraenfions , being no leflc convcr(ant in HiftoricaU relations j than Poetical! rap- tures, i . Thele, as they excelled qot onely the moft of cheir Sex^bnt the cminent'ft perfonages of their luncina judicious and ferious difcuilionof the fruits and benefits of Hijlorj : fo thcydcfervc to fucceeding' times a )uft reijuall of their memo- ry : yea , (bmc of their workcs wrougl^t fingular effeft in the moft remifle and pufiUanimous ibi- rits of that time. For as in a Table we eye nis featurejWhomwedoehere honour 5 whofere- prcftntation cqnveighes to our heart ^ vchc- mentdefire of iroitAtion,of whatfbevcr we know imitableinhim : So ///jfi^fyjtheexaftmappeor diftovery ofhumane affaires s perfonates to us in lirely colours, the model! of preceding tinfics, with the diiJ)ofitions of fuch perfons asflouri- (hed in thofc times : which Survey begets in a manly (pirit, an eager purfiiit of their actions: confidering , how fame is the conftanft guardon E 2 of lo ^ Survey €JH\SrQ:>KY, or of rdohuion. For as Thtmi(locUs walked iivthc night rime in the open llreet,beau(e he could not Ifccpc ; the caufc wnereoFwhcn (bme men did in- quire ^ heaniweredrhat the fame-difpcricdtri- ck.r*/7.//^.4 uniphot^/7;/W^/ would not fufTcrhim to take hisartrSothe relation of others adions bc- ji;cts a glorious emulation in every noble fpirit. And/doubtlefle) there is nothing which in- tlimcs the minde of man more nnto valour and refoluticnj tlian die report of the afts of their AnccOors, whofe monuments remai- ning of record with this imprcflc:/fl()ycd in any thing Cwc in excitements to (ilory^morivcs ro wadikcdefigncsilinceby itva- " lour ,adtm,.mm A V^uffei^for G E^-Js^^TRTl'^ is. II lour \i quickned^ a dcfirc'oF honour inflartVcd^ Countries I'lnic di(^)er(ed,and nibnumehts bfiic-^ vcrndying p;lory crcl>ed ; O riVcn , vAib fliolild Co difallow the precious trcaliirc of A relined c?iA cour(e,is to mixc it with impudent ScfairrtHous. invcntionsjfiich fiftions as are not oncly in them- ftlvcs fabulous 5 but ^ to the unftaid Reader ( of which fort wehave too many) mortally dange- rous? Which fables in my opinion fall among the impertinent S: feigned Fables called Mileftx ; on- ly aiming at rhedcpravationofmanncrs^ and the crlcmiilaring bc(Wc(bIVed Spirits. Thcripcncfic whereof ( byfuchun(ca(c)ncddifcourfcs)bcconie bUOcd before dicir time :0 that thedcpravedncs of thcfe times Ihould taint /o generally approved l\udy:making Hiftories meere Panygiricks /Po. cms of a(iulation)co inllnuate fv wind themfelvcs into theartcftion ofthcGreatj leaving the Scope of anHiltorian togaincby thcirOudious traflick. Rut let us returne to the oflice of a good Hifld-^ rian : He will not write but upon fingurar Office «f Groundsjreafcms impregnable; conferring' with ■^*^^^"*^* the be(t to make his narrations confirmed of the befti i : Hce vrrites^ die ftorie^ o^ PrinceiJ trucly ,• \vithoutVcbrid*Aling thtir^ erroursfby way of fileiKingrhcni) or comment up'>n an Hi- ftoryjannexing to it an U!incceltary glofTcHc will not be fomgaged to anyV' as that he will bee te- ftraynedoflus 'J'rip/^jorto Countermanded^, as that he muO: of necclfifyillufh-atcvicci vertue cannot paflevvithoiR- her charaftct : A good Hiftoriun will alwayes exprefle the ac>ions of '• ' E 5 good m .»J»U, tmmmr^9 i ■ ! ■ ' n « **mi^ma It A 5-«ywi^/ HI STOR Y, Of « ) a> gqo4nien.,with aa Emphafis, to Ibljclte tl)Oi »Rcji^f f9^thfiaffc(Vi;>g the liVc raeanes,wh^reby ;i)Q ^y atjDMnp the lik1^ imitate :iiocfo much for recordingthcirownc meinorablelivQSj as for the propagating their Conn tribes etemall honour by mccceding VVorrbics# As thofc eltabliihers ofgood and whplcfomc Lawesniade thcrafelves witli rhcir Countrie renowned : Minos and iJ4; ; Nor beHiftoriani(iffothc profeflbrs merit that ftile ) of Icfleefteeme than the pruden- tcftandmofl: experienced Statiils., For theft di- rcft every Senator in politicke affaires, by produ- cing iiich as excelled in adminiftrationof jufticej dcfcvibing the very natures of luqhLawes^ and the cai?(cs why fuchLawcswereanait^dto pre- Crnttimes* ■ i ... True it is ^ that experience; hath begot wiie^ dome^and memory as a Mother hath brought it forth. This might.be inftanc?d in nothing more toiife than in.thefe Heroicke *^Hcrs^ and Hi? ftoricall Rildtcrs, of what is afted. The former by an experienced hand and refolutc heart not oncly contrives but^atchicves what may moft conduce to the honour of his Countrey, and the fucceeding renownc of his ownc family, ; The Utter becomes a ferious^conftant andcompetibJc K^c$rd to the, former : by commending tio writing M«Mto *^V«<«W*MH*BIMHiNr«i ^^K*^lhj,}orMJ^^T'iir, ,j ( writing, iwbatrocycr ni^rJitQd iciithiir approove- mour^ or inight; t)ii% lay anaiper/ioo of diQiOr nour upon, the undertaken For!a5 thcdefinitit on q^ Hi fiery is to bee;circvim(cribed. iby' no ftraitqr boundsj than thefe proper e?(tenGve attrir bui;^$^ ^^Thc witnc/ljcpftinifssthqjighcof-'truthi " th^ li fe < of m^rwy » ^nd ) the medeq'ger of ^^ antiquity.} (b are all fiiempvable aftion^ c f pre^ ceding tiriics by^ier to pofterity rtx^Onimencled ; and diefc \viFh tb^ ligJlt, pf yer/cy ^nd, perfpccui-' ty rf.<;53^'el)ent Patriots^ vvhP^"*vrole honour it vya5:rftq.dy4ft^:<{jClieii!Coun-? tries glory^ though by their owne ruine; pr^fcrr ring her 'quarrel! before? d)eir o^ne liYe5 i have utterly rcfufed to have any Sfatues erefted in their jiiempry x\i^\6:\v).gj(frmm Mr owt^ ^pvire unl?>en^ifh?dcfrence3tp bfi* mowme^ic (pf i wdre perpetuity^Tlianall raat^rialJftrufturcjSj lyableto the period of tiinc : ycp.dict;iever auyofthcm vvjthdffiW^\ipm/pJy^$,, ftQt),^ J?ring rfcCQrded lA deaths whifil).apwj5e4)theji miPPS. with j:vi- u^JpU^l^Qnq^rSiduripg life;. ,Hettce it was^tbat Oiccro tppv*dlu$ci0f( oncofi;dqcc*i^VWipenqct an^VBwmicji famp ),tp/r^)qrd hil av'l^ria Jaiii writings;and Plinitts Junior vvifhed nothingi'nlore than txj) be nicntiQncdiaThAHiitpri<^s ot Cor'fje. dmg;;^icniory. * Now ** .!■ '? /-> ' ■»? " ^ ' •^wcrrT'.v 14 jf vV«ra?9a/ HlSTORY,i?r N ovy^toinfiff a little uf)oa that rich and unva- luahloTraftickc, which thefe our latc^dcclining rimes have had with their prcdeceflbrsrwefliall ftndcjthar as former States received much im- provement by the relation and recotleflion of forninc Lavvcs 5 which being made^hy a di(a*eet ulc and redu<5tion of them, more proper and pc- niliar^ highly advancedthofe Municipal! States where they became cftabliihed : So even our own tin»e5, though rcfinedj and by collcftion and col- lation of many Lawcs ^ with deftioh of thebeft, breathingnothingclfcthman abfi^Iute ftate of government J needenot tobeaflvamedto make ufe of lome eipcciall Lawes cnafted and duely ex- ecuted by Ethnicks, both in meat ^ drinkcj and attire. ■tor the fnO, the 5/4fr4w/ held it no dcrogMti- on nor dilhonour to them, to conformc theqi- felvcs tO'thc LdccHun Order , ftriftj but health- fall jpronortioning fucha meafiireboth for meat and drinkc , as Z^/?7//y himfelfCj had hee lived in tholciimes, might have ftene his owne phyficall dnections^fopunftuallyobierved, that nothing abiildbc'tolifc better portrayed, than to behold Ibfcmperate-ablkmious a cour(e generally pn$^ ctitd. And to dcterre others from too loofe and luxuvious feedings it was their care to ereft fun- dry iSt*atues or Images, Xrtfep^efciitthfefitalt^ fcarofiill cnJs of fuch^who €xj)6rd thcmf^lyes to riot. ^ ' ■ As die feature offfelicgdlfalfu, the effeminate SArdanapAlm , the unbounded Eriilhom^ the in- '^ • faciate J P^urferyfir GB^TR T. ^5 (atiat C4wWr///,whofe infamous life clos'd itfclfc with as ignominious tdeath:for thisglurtonous Lydian King having in a Drramc devoured his wifCj while ihe lay flccping with him together in the feme bed j and finding her hand bctweene'his teeth, whenheawaked,he(lcw himfelfc^ fearing dishonour. Which Modells portrayed not one- lyto'life^ but explained by proper Impreifes, wrought wonderfiall effcfts in the taking Spefta- ton For as that Rhetoricall Improver of his Countreyjand Reviver of her Language , was wont to (zy-yThere it nought that un hee taught without example : whence it came to be a cuftome amongftthe ancient LaceJemomaf^FnhcrSi to prefent their Bliotes^ or Haves in (blemne Fefti- valls before their childreuj toaft all their Obfce- nities by aftion, gefture, and every unfeeraely or undecentpofture ^ to deterre them from Drun- kenne(Ic,and other beftiall qualities incident to that vice. For the ftcond, (b cautious were former times of their Honour , and fofearefull left they {hould darken that divine luftre of the intelleft wi rh that broad-fpreading Tetter or Deluge of liquor: f/4/<> reports, that Kinfwomen u(ed to kiflc their Kinfwomen^ to know whether they drunkc Wine or no , and if they had, they were to be pu- nifhedbydeath, or baniflied into fomeldand. Plutarch (aith , that if the Matrons had any ne- cedity to drinke Wine ^ cither bccaufc they were ficke or weake , the Senate was to give them li- cence 3 and that privilcdge might not be admit- I F ted Cicero. ] EiKBim. i6 'tftifH i*»4'-. 5* \^ Survey of HIST OKY,(^ tcdinJr#/?»eoeither, but out of the City t. . itf4^ ^rtfi/tt^affirmcs, that there were two Senators in I^me chiding ^ and the one called the others WifeanAdultcreffc, and the other his Wife a Drunkard ^ and it was judged that to be a Drun- kard wqis more infamy. Such (brong impreffionhad their Lawes , and the life of thofc Lawes ^ which is Execution^ wrought upon them , as nothing became more ^ dilhonourable than this odious vice j and Hca- ic'J7Tn^tlyt vcnsgrantj that it may be no lefTe difreliflied by ATTx^int u5^vvIk> wcarc a far more glorious and honorable Cognifmcc than thefe Etbnicks ever attained ta. For the third ^ they hated nothing more than hgh t-phant;ifticke habits : They were conftant in dicir attire^ their Trafficke was not to ingagc their Countrcy to forraine fafhions j nor foole die State with Fowles feathers. It was not one of their Icaft cares to prevent all occafions of too fiimpnious apparel] in persons of all conditions : but by all nicancs^torcteine a (eemely diftinftion or ditfercncc betwixt nini of quality, and thofe o( obfcurcrranke. YeajHiltories will deliver to us whatelpcciallobfcrvanceswcreufed in allthefe^ with the penalties inflifted upon fuch delinquents as were rcfr.iftory in any of thefe. Now 5 a reflexe upon thefe, fliould induce us not ontly ro conceive all gorgeous artiretobe the attire vf linne, but to ob(erve that decent ft^ruK, or ruleofdiftinftion in our habit, thatvve may become excmplarie unto others^ by mak ing ufe oi'what we have read : never holding it any I derogation A Nurferyfor GBNtRf, aM*Ma«M^M *7 derogation to receive any life of Iiiftmftion from others dircdion , 'though their Tranfctipts were onely Ethick , and fliew'd not in them tnat fulneiTe of beauty, which nowfo clearcly (hincs upomus. • I C/feof Traa- fcriptoricf. A memorablt Caveat far all 'X'Heft Ages have btenc, and are to this day, ^ much indebted to Tranfcriprions. Inventi-^ ons are oft-times flow, where the application of things invented to die prefcnt State (eemcsmore facile and eafic; Hereto thenfliould the S(9pe of Hifiories tend j not onely to perfonate the Ach of menuponthcThearerof this world, but like- wife to cull out fiich Lawes , Orders , and Pre- cepts , as well Morall as Divine , which may be- nefit their prefcnt eftate. SjfamhrU skin was a ^^^^^^^^ ^^ good caveate for {ucceedinc; Judges : Juftice be- corrupter! •£ fore went on crutches, ana more were troubled ^^^^ with Demo^henes difcafe than with Phojci6j9f blunmefle. The Hiftorian muft not fbw pillows totheelbowes of Magiftrates, norfooth cor- ruption with an humour of (liadowing vice : He {hows what was done:an(t commends the one to reprehend the other. Vertuc never wants her Charafl:er,nor vice her reproofe : Fordich Hifto- ricall Relations as induce to vertuc , and dcterre from vice , comprehend in them the true ufe of fuch fubjcdh, being Apologcticall and Morall to reforme, not Mylefianor prophane, todeforme or diffigure the exaft Symmetric of a vcrtuous I-|what Unour diome. No marvcll i^K^Uxander laid the i']* ^f^**'. ^ . Moaarch did F 2 works to Hew. / The Method PocisicicincJ iathfir Hiro- ici!) mc^fuics^ HiOoricall cc- latiouf. 2« A Survej of HISTORY, or > WorkesofWww^^r under his head, being fiich as (Jircci-ed him to be a Head, how togoverne Pro- vincei^, how to fway hisinordiaitcaffeftions ffo as CUanthes Table ( Vertues beft clucidary ) hid her Liberal) Sciences never better portrayed>thaa the ditTerenccs 'rwixt true Fortitude, and a foole- hardy boIdncfTe were by Hcmer deblazoned. Here a Htffirjbidgc c£truc valour 5 there an ^n- $(0fir^ whofc gravity purchas'd him honour; dicrca Sitmcdis^ no IcfTe wife than refolvedj here a TtqUm , ftoiu enough , but unadvised s here wurrcs well managed abroad , but lefle fiic- ccflivc ht home, exemplified in i^g^memndn*^ there a (iibtile fconfe, no Icfle fraighted with po- licy than fucccHcjin Sjnon. All thefe arc cxpxef- ftd by that Hcroick Hiftorian^ £ln$ ijyidjit fHlchrnm^iiHld titrpe^qHtd milc^ »iW— ^^"^W — »' ^— y ^^— "^ orGBNTRT. ^9 were tobeeferved fcvcrall difhcs ; fbme to provoke appetite, others to fttiate j more de- lightful! iuojefts penned for rejifliing more (e- riousftudies j graver difcourfes to ripen the un- derftanding, by'applying the inftruftions of forraignc States to our owne judgcmcucscwhcrc we may make ufe of the beft part of man ( in his rcafonable power) and that is Eleftion: appro- ving of what is good , or may iw it fdic be be- neficial 1 to the State: and (lightly obfervingdil- couries of indiflcrencv'-y asaccomplemencsa cere- mouieSjCirCutnftnnceSjandthe like, refcmbling faire froncilpiccs which are.niaderathcr for orna. mcnt than ufe. Profie of HU ftory. IT is nccelTary for a good Hiftorian to have ^maturity of judgement, to apprehend what is fitteft for his difcourie, andtobe as little complenientajl as may be , ! left the varniQi marre the worke 5 for the words of an Hiftorie in my / opinion jumpe vf\xhxJMirAnduU:*.ytn$n ftnt Uiia^itd nccnegUita : the one implies a kind of dejeftion , theother a minde too curious to pro- fit any, defiringonclyto pleafe.himfclfe. Cdfdr in hi'^Gommentaries, (hcwethnoiefledilcipline intheArtof Hiftory, than in the difciplineof Armcsrufing a ftileas wel fitting a Souldier,as cu- riofity the fmooth tonc;ue of an Orator. It is true which was obierved or him:5/ dUa eiuspenitussg-^^ nefiirfmCd^ norAffes^fcrlingtt'i tdmcnmilittme^c aicemMji'Jfarem.dumm ving neither his phrafcs top dic(Jtcd('as to {hevva "' F 3 fingu- / » — te miUttm* JI ^ Survey 9fH\SrOKX,9r fingularity )or too ncglcftcd, to crprcfie acardct ncHc in his writing. Now^topropofeafbrm^offrjf/^, and what may bcft (uitc with the quality of an Hiftorian 5 I will not arrogate fo much to my felfc : onely let me in a word explode that which in the opinion ofallfuch as have writ touching the Si)le^ car- |riage,or office of an Hiftorian, dclerves re- proofc. For an Hiftorian than to ufe too polifti'd OYtcrlc iStyU^ or to play the Or4W5 when he Ihould pcrk)rmcthc office of a RcUtor^ would notrclilhofdifcrction. Or to fpinne out the wcbbc of his difcourfc in fruidefle diverfions, which rather perplexc the imniazed Reader^than enlighten his unaerftanding, implies either want ofmattcrjOr want of order. To goe on in a free andimaflcfted ^rjf/rjbcleemes his perfon : pro- pofingthingsdonc,a$ if they were oailarly pre- icnrcd: and albeit,! the not the happy fate of all Hiftorians with the Princelj' C^fdr and fincere Comina^ to bee perfonally prelent at thofc Conoucfts or Difcomfits whereof they write 5 yet by colleftions or intelligence many have com- pofcdj atleaft compiled excellent workes meri- ting no Icfic improvement than if they had beene tdcrc in perfon prcftnt. And no doubt, though informarion cannot be fo firmc a ground to build njxin, asapcrfonall prefentation of what is done : yetjbcing (crioully intentive and fbllici- tous from whofc relations they receive intelli*. gence j ufing likewifc a fcafonablc deliberation to ••■ J ?^urfery ifir GBNT '7( T. 3} to try the ifluc or event thereof, before hee com- niit to publicke^what was delivered untohim in private •• hemaybyhijroWnediJigciicejWith©- ther accomroodatiomjperfcttwhathce intendsp and incurre few obliquities* I have knownc indeedjdiverSjWho onely brcai^ thed their owne CcHintrcy ayre : andneverwal- kcd fartha than their ownc Paftiires j' to have writ with much confidence of forraigne Seats,riie government of their Stare, the barrcnnefTe or fertility of their ground^ the difpofitioh of their inhabitants i their commerce with oriicr nations. Their Lawes, Edicts, andConftiturions : all which by their induftrifjus colledion they have fo laboriously reduced, fo properJycompiled, and and methodically digefted, as not only the maine Bafij or foundation whereon the whole Frame orFabrickcoftheir^//?^ry fubfiftcd^but die ve- ry circumftances^infereuces,and ilhiftrations con- firmed them Travellers in thoie Countries where- of they difcourfed. V :,'-) . Tbisf I confeffe is a great felicity in «n K^uthr, and defervcs a juft guerdon for his labour. Al- beit, flio\iJdanypneunavvarc«ronverfe with a- ny of thcfe touching theSitej' Degrees, or Tem- perature of any fuch Province they have Je- fcribed : how miferably would they wander, and conmiit moreerrours in one houres fpace with tbeirtongue, th;m a whole yeare could rcftifie. with their penned Relations of diis nature are fo got by th'Bookc> as their Remembrancer failcs, whenhe.is removed from his bookc, Nevcr- HiQoritni by IntcUi^cnct 8c pcruf^it of f II- j''i ». tj :ii'^ yv: ?>:.i.: O A.'-'i Ut 4 > 5^ 4 Sumjof H 1 STORYi^r MMki' Nevcrthelcfle^ itisnottobciloubtcd,but that ; moftofoiTt ancient Hiftorians whether Greek or Latinc, have received their beft hclpes from o- thers Labours: which may appeare by this^in that they wrote of fiich Perfons and memorable afti- onsAS were many ages before their times. So as, not oncly this diftinft ftudy of Hiltory , but ge- ner;illy dl learning hathbecne highly beholoen to Tranfcriptionsfas I formerly obferved) for o- thcrwifc had the moftemlnent'ft Labours in all ages perifhed. , It is tobee admired 5 by what Divine provi- tTi oAhe nf- ^'^"^^ ^''^^^ ancient Records of long-preceding aory of thf tinies have bcenc pre(erved;e(peciallyj wanting Kmjdomc of thofc improving hclpcsof Printing jwhich.with I />l«4, printed • /- *.i. y* '^ t r 1' ' ^ nx • \in Mtu9, the what tacilityot Art, and felicity of Invention, firft uttfie jhavebcene of late ycares to all Chrirtendome m wl/V'^m-' ^^^^"^"^^^^^^^? Heave to the judicious to con- uJ m 4:ii«rf;ccive, and conceiving to admire that peculiar be- makctK men- ficflt. ilnVst.Ltt- rhc people of CA;;?^ , indeed retained as a rcfice un^ci I memorable appropriate to their antiquity, a cet- m\4TT/cJ!\ f^ineformcot Cyphering, whereof their impo- ciprciiing'ni Hih'dArc cxprcflcd foiiie notions by ftamps and nropci pKrife imprcflions : but thele were onely ofufeunto bca'imuedln themfclveSjbeing lb intricate and obicure, as it lo illiterate • had bccHC a rruitleirc labour to have com- V"li)^^* ^'^V municued them to any other, fave onely to DilUnce, ana , . tvt • • i t • t c^mmoiiaiei, their owuc Nativcs, without a knowing In-' ofihatpiicf. tcrprcter. No doubt, but many excellent workes for- merly compofcd by ancient Authors, with no lelle t^mmg^mmtm* J f^urferyfr GE9^TR T. 33 kflc induftry than feliciry, both ^^^* ^'''''^^^^^^ L^tl! workT^^^ and Style, have pcrilhcd : which might be no IcfTe iamongft'thc probably than authentically colledied by divers JAncimt luve memorable pieces loft both amongft the. Greci^ ^,ul'.!!^'w.n: 4ns and RomAns. We make no qucftion ot Hor- 'of Tranfcri- /^»/?/^/EloqueiKe ^ and that divers workcs of his it>/"g «» poi^«- by the injury of time, have received that too "^^* common fate to Lcarning,extinftion. C0rdtu^2Xi impartiall and uncorrupt Hiftorian j one who fufFered for the Integrity he profefled : rcteining ever that honcft rcfolution^that though the generall corruption of that time might trucly conclude with Martial : jg^i vtlit ingenio cedcn^ rsrm erit. He ever (corned to comply with Time, or feed the humour of an impcriali Libertine, or licenti- ous Governor This man, I fay, or man of men, cxpreffedhis courage moft, when thole vitious and depraved times appeared worft. Yet, no doubt, many of thofe fcleft and approved La- bours which he had fo fcrioully compiled, and to an Hiftoricall Method reduced, reinaine now ob(curcd. Many inimitable workes not oncly in their £/w^r/> , ^but brought to their full height and accretion , were written by that matchleflc Cdfar 5 whcreot wee have now fcarce any fern- bbnce remaining. And whence proceeded this Tcstcrto Learning, but from the wantof tliat which wc info accurate manner enjoy, the be- nefit of Pht^ting ? The tedioufhcfTe of rranicri- G bing i '^ 34 Nomirti pi/Id- j biny» occafioncd this injury ^ whereas ^ if the I knoM'lcJ.ijvjorthv^ Prcflc had arrived ther^^ all I thcil'incoiwenicncci hadbceneprcvcutedj, thofe' i ancient Mtnuimeucsof LMnunj* » Martiall Ex- I |)cr\e:ia% nxy^ of A\\lii?erallSciei$fes hadbcenc ' iKtcer prelcrvcd. Tliolc'poore Arcadian Shep- hcardsj when they had no other mcanes to con- tinue the memory of their atSiionSj or perpetu- ate their LovcSj or recommend topofterity their Rurall Rapfbdies 5 ufcd toindorlc their pa(Iio- narc Exprellions in Rindes of Trees i vyhich fccnies plcaiantly fliadowed at by the Poer : Ih bafkj of Trees Shepheai'dsthBirhvet iw^rav'd, lyhich in thi hie remain' d. wLcn th* rindt wju Pmv \L cvrtheqvfU- SoiollicirouswcrepooreSvvainlins to have the fa.mnpcntu- memory ofrhcir Palloralls continued, as they yam^ti.t. ^^^,^ ^l^^, (^^(^ nieanes they could to' have them prefervcd. Now, tons is a farrc greater priviledgc gran- ted .'our workes may l>e kept to poftcriry with- out anv fcare of lb menacing an injury, Str^mpt t^|c benefit of rhcy may be with a firmer Impreflion, tacdnti- lUfc'Juikc! nue their names to a fuccecding generation. It rcfiis, that as this benefit is conferred on us, we bcrtow ourOyle on (iieh I/abours as may con- duce to die publick : rereining ever avertuous /^orne, to dole in ou;^ht that mwiydetraft from i^oodnclfc , or to finother vice in the viftge of greatnclie. Ic was a religions Fathers continuareoccafioii of^ricfe, which hee expreffed in many devout af}V;ran< nsandpioustcarcs, to recall to minde thofe Ajwce hive M'uikcs to produce loine benefit, Nvhich vvcc in- tend to iVinr, ^// ^Vf./(.4 '^kmmtm»mm»mmtfmmmmlt»'^im* JNurferyfor O BNTRT, -^ •■'• ' • ■■'•■•■ V ' *»Y 4U thofe lighter aAdleflreconfequcnt SradifeS) which his youth had affedc4 concluding with thispaA (ionatc confciTion : ^* Thofe fludies which i ence h^ ^^ved^ mi^ condemneme^tbdfe which I fomctimi$ ^^fntif£d;)90wdtffarrd^tmc. ^^^ ^ ..v^ v/.v .1 ; *Lcc us Tefleitonthii .:iand bccomc>di(crccdy cautiousrwhat vvc write i-what peculiar (ludy wc addrcfle ourifclv^^s to 5 th^it our yceres of age may not blulh when they perufc thoft F^fies in Folio which our youth publifhed. 1 / 1 ' ^ ^ — Trucks that conftant Maxiihc : tuventus in- venticni^ Scmiius cd/ligaticni apmr ; How preg- nant focver our wits be to invent 5 how rich foc- ver ouriancies be to conceit ^ how elegant focver our ftylc to illufttatc our difcourfe $ if the Suh'e^ tend not to the praf Hce of Piety j but oiiely fui te ; with the quality 6f the time, expofmg our Lamps to lucre^or toprocure unmerited honour j pur ri* per hourcswillbringustoa cenfirre, anddilco- ver our follies in their owne naked and nativi feature. As then, wc value our honour, or (hall labour to prefirve our memory to a fuccecdin^ age: let nothing pafic under our Pen, nor teceive lifefromourConoeit J but what with ai dilcreet confidence we arc afliired of, that it may afford mudi benefit to that private br publick ftatc to which it isaddrefled: and by a propagating po. wer beget much profit in a conceiving Reader. ' It is an obfervablc note, which one ekperlenc'd in aflayes of this kind , fometimes (aid , and to our preferit . purpofe properly applycd : ^^ It is ^* hard when the world fhall fhew mineinfirmi- G a ties 5^ ^Sun>eyofHiSrO».YyOf *•* tics under mine ON^'nehand, laid that knowing Roman. The wd^' to free ws from occafionall cenfurCjis toconceale our felvcsfrom the world, who is many tiniei i^Ljnceus to the lighted er- rcur. LattathdCuHAfdiu^ was wife Ithum his counfell roper{)lcxcd ^rjdr$macht'yind mine (hal be the fame to every Author, in diis ccnibrious Maze of opiniouate phrenfic. Now to the elefti- on of our Style. The Records of things done, commended to poftcrityj (hould nor be enrolled, as the Chaldees did their Hurogljfhicks in Cyphers, and intricate com!u(i ns ; but in words moft fignificant, phrafcs mcdcflly elegant , and difcourfe moft pcrtincnr. Here, by way of digreflion^ let me touch the ridiculous labours, and unfruitful.l tra- vailes of (iich who paflc the Alpcs^ trace uncoth placcSjDclirtSjPn niontoricsjfor what end Hea,- vcu knows, fave oncly to wre(t out a phantafdck behaviour (;f fupcrfluous wit, or tocommcnt on others Travailesby wayof dirificn : The(c are fmh as upon their rerurne, publifli what they have Iccnc ^ fomc more thiin they have fcene, which I tc irmc CcmmtntwgTtAVtlUrs : others Icfilf than they have feenc,(or at leaft the moft im- pertinent) which I tcmmf/jarstA/lict Travdiicrs. Such as lye on their Travaile,cither doe it fori ad- mirarioujor having nin up6 the adverfe (helvs of a deplored forrunc.are enforced toim^cat ftrangc things f^r the rcliefecf their dejciftcdeftate.Such as puhlifhleilc thantluyhavcfeene, (omitting things c f the |j,rcareft: ccnfequence, to fatisfie our humors A Narfery for GEUTRT, 37 homors with trifles^doe it to gainc pregnancy,dr fingularity rather ot conceit : they talkc not of the Adh of Princes 5 nor the Sires ofRegions, the temperature of fuchClymatcSj or any mate- riall difcourfe, but to (hew an exquifite ftraine of wit'a purchaied bya little fruitlefle travclhthey infert trivolous occurrents^borrowed^or (it may be) invented by their owne phantafticke braines. Thefe mifle the marke a good Traveller fhould ainieat : thcyftouldobfervcLawesinforraigne pbccs, Wko zgood Lycurgus\ to tranfpoft ^o glorious a freight to their owne Countrey.Thcy {hould not (like our fifliion-inventers, our Ita- lianatcd Albionafts ) fomuch obftrve what is worneon the body , as what habit beft befeemes the nature and condition of their minde. Since flourifhingCommon- wealcs are then the highcft, when in external] habillimcnts the lovvefk : for Sfartd never flouriflied morej than when (he con- formed her State to the i mi tation of the Z4f (?;?/- 4/1/ Many Rcalnies have we knowne to be niira- culoufly protcfted, by meanes of experienced men: which experience they cither received by Travel! orExamplet' yea^ many Empires ( and thofe of amplcft circumference) have bcene re- duced from a kinde of fervitude within them- felvcSjby experiments derived from a farre. sFor Travell,the excellent defigncs oiSertorim^Eume.^ nt$^ Marit4S^^nd ji;tt0nhSy may (ufficichtlycoii- firme rhe profit to bee reaped thereby^^ For Example : We (hall reade in all the Roman An- nalSjacertaine vehement dcfircinallthe worthy G 3 Fatri" Vr voUy fti iubco. The fourth, a conceivmg Sage, whohearcsall, but (^xyci nothing ; appearing as oncwonne byafFcdion 5 orover-aw'dby com- mand : orasoneconrtantly refblv'd to coraply with time, he approves with filcncc, what his owne knowledge diftates to him for unjuftj and ihishe fcconds in theft words : yid^$/\than ir ^ty were diftovered oncljrby the uennc without any bthcf' lininnenr. ' -' ' '• " "-• '''O*/-' •• ". " With pieces of this quality, many eminent and illuftrious perfonages have been infinitely ta- ken : inftances hereof are each-where to be found without fceking ,•. and v incoiiiparably . ufefull in their applying. ProU9genes hi^Table ^wherein i?4rr/;ii/ was painted , (and with no lelfc tud'- lence was theEmblemecontrive4)raoVv^d King- Demetrius lying ficdge at the Gityl^^^^ex;. to this . difr ; codr^L f TO tboiit HiltoryvTV/Vfi^^^ ycrrc : SiiVethc life of the dead depends upbn' ^d'lC iijcmory of rhe living : for without foine mc nioriall of aftions profecuted ^ what difference ibet^viKC tlic valiant afts of JtJsiifury and: the H^ritricAiiiredTcdiitllcofcxiB^);^;?/.?. bctWiKt i^i^ /tcds picry^and Pighalms crudtyl they are dead, and their pcrurc Vrne can fpeakc no niorfe.fof. thciiH than Ptfw;?/^4ry?i Sepulchre. (pakcic)rhlui3iy/V i/&irj .///«Mi?ifi}Jherc? hcJyes lU3lC\va8^J4KeglXKtKl powcrtull ni popular aQmmand5genenall>'/uodc<^ full, before his thdrfiltAti difcoriifiredierchc/lyes that u^as Ailed his Coriirries Pf crfen, . "Rogues beft Ccfirinoll : yncc Hived , and was (ncc Conqncronr. ;It is^rccnrded, that w hen y^lexandcr ca'tne to the Tombe x^i AchjL Icj .and beheld the Mirronr ofCreefe^.diut up in iofmall-a frantlinc: ofeartb, ( a parcell of rhar whi'icwbichcouldh.irdly icoiuaine him Jivinp;) he \^ epc birrerlv. adding iHitccincfujitTroj^hia f I-c i].c:c.)ll rhe Moin}inonts>a11 the Trophies this world could afioord thee? Is greatnefle io fooiie I vtinpriiii] (^>,j ^ -,pj rhclampe of honour lb (bone pur rMmmmmnammmm ^^ mitr^fkrt.thc fonncof /firjt>//r;*, but the /•i:r/?4j an obj^<9;'Pr^Qcfc(I^'pittyilth-infexan5plc ot hiiiu^ne frailty 1,, ttpTcftntediit li'lfo untohmi : Fpwit 5 the poor? Sepulchre. of that viiliorious (!yrus, 1 cfti wbi^h>b^f/^^/.)j in rhcir firft entrance or paflagc plea fan r , and dc- lighrfuHjpromifingnolcnethanfutccilc, and in' fucce(re^pi)tinaaDCe:and afrcrwards( Traif^ dura) I H 3 more •Ct 44 i i^vroey oj- H 1 S tpiV V^, of Tiue foiti* tuJe, morexiiSicuUle$'aitending'5 • ti ifthe Whcclcof Forttmc wcrc^iremoyed ma place fubjkled' to more ocairrents^ j'btTw^fo^angeroni ^' astotfe attended by ruinc:nor (b fecure, as to promife an undoubted i(luc,£'i/<;;/i# triJlUi aftrangcGata- ihopho jf foiiirc Ixrginriings/ wherc,m the firft, chcio was fvTiiri\y groimdcd upon ntor^' than llopo : in the (ccond, hope^ thoup;h not fccitrc : m t\x tliird,ncitherhopc norlccuricyj butdcprivaH otboth* Yet even in thele converfions^ if • jitplcirc the Header to cafthts eye upon the ad^ 'njirablcr n rod era ri on 'C\f tome Princejafeftionsi lie lliall rc'CA'crily a Chriftian rcfolution in a Pit-^ y;M\. Furius CamillM could not be daunted; (duAugh iuijurtly'oen/ured)his exileneither nl^dc him dejcd^d) nor hi^ Dk>ator-(liip prowdt Ph^ r;(w,thath()nc(t Senator (to fttishean trnfari^^' appetite ofrevenge)rcndei*s up his life willingly, and wlitfnhe could not dye without paying for hiii death, foindilVerrnc v\(as life tohin^as hee contormcd his refblurion by this Efifhonema : itacjutnif emptApiece worimthi K^tlnntsnonli- cutU \- . ■ • ..'. ^ ■' •• ■'■■ ^'■-''•- , • ' - . ' To recount the vCT^tuom lively anfl i^ltite' dcat^^s of the Cannij^ Se^tccd, .^runtij^ SoraniyC^c.' men of admirable tempers in fo corrupt a go. vcriimcnt : whut excellent divine precepts they propofediwhnr indirfercnry not oncly towards; Foriitnt but Uft'xt <^///j'/>/s^ Refolves than any other pra^fage : with what preparcdnefTe would their Gcncralls and Leaders grapple with thcextreameft oppofitions ofdeath and danger ? '^"^ No fafety, nor hope of Viflory either to State ^^ or Army, corclides ihc Oracle^ if the Generall « iivc : and rather than the State (hould fufFer pre- judice by his life, with open breaft and checre- full embrace he mecces deatb. Ctnfius leopcs in- to the Lake ; Co^Us into the Sea. This funers ex- ile ^ andrcjoycethin his misfortune 5 that de- graded 5 bcares the fame count'nance in his dif- AgainCj obferve thofe conftunt amicable con- tra<^s of friendfliip one made with another : how no perillcoujddividc their afFeftions :no inter- poftd Clo'dd darken thofe rayes of Ami ty mutu- ally refiefting:Hiftofics are ftc red with inftan- ces ( f this kind , which defervc cur memory, with an admiration of iheir immutability. Two efpeciall examples, amongft many othersStorics afford us , which are here inferted by us 5 briefly related, buttoperpetuitymemorifed. The for- mer is ofPelopiJa/ that noble GncUn , who (kirmifliing W\i\\x\\c LAcedtmonians againO: the H '^ Arcaduns. 1. '<..' -.-yiK ^ ArcAdidus^ until] ftich tipie ?jl^iog, hurt ii> j(c^ yen places , he fell dovyne at laft fty dearf, fThcn prefcntly Ef4minoniiH\ fa fiVirror of conftant Ar n:icy, in an hazard of (iich extremity) oi;c of a princely rdblucion^ftepping fortl> bcl1:i:id him/ and fought todefci>d h^^ body ^ be alone, againft many, till being fore cat on;bis a;rme< with a Sword 5 and thruf^ into thpbrcafl: with a Pike, he was even rc;»dy \o give over. But at that ve- ry inl^anc, AgepfolU, King of the L^cUtmonum^ mmcUnVt^^^''^^^-^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^* point of the Battcll, in an hptii4,imtio, jhnppyhourcj and favcd both their lives, when itlicy were part all hope. I iJMarcus Servilitu^ a valiant Roman^, may.ftp- pi} the place of the latter i who had fought, thrive and twenty Conibatcs of life and death in his owne perfbn , and had al waycs flaine u$ many of^ his Fncmics as chalcng'd him man to man j when as the people oiRomc^ upon fonfie private difcon- tenr, refilled PamIus ty£milik* tryumph , . ftood up and made an Oration in his behalfe. In the midll: whereof he call open his gowne, and iliew- ed before them the infinity fkarres andcutshcc . p^^^ had received upon his brcaft. The fight whereof tt^milij^c. f^' Pi"^'vailed with the people, that they all agree'd in one, nnd granted ty£miUm Tryumph. . Should wc obfcrvc likewile what intcftme and iiweter.uo hate one Nation bare to another^ vyhcrc anew (iiccellioncver reteincd diat propo- ied revenge of their Anccftor^ it would give us nolittleuccafion of wonder : that fmall begin- ning's riling to greater heates, neirfier by:conti- nuance \ nua'riJ* 6? riniej whkh -wcarcs out grearcftdiA pleaftreij nor rn^d iatibh'Of intcrcccding States^ could ^olIibly,Beit^p\ied; /Variety of dier^^ Hi- /(^rywilllikcwifeafFordCiSi ,. ,. . When ylnnibal was a Childj and at Jiis Fathers cdrrtmandnient.he^ \Va? brouRhc mco rlit^'plii^ej •where he miide ftcHfice j iindltying his^h'^i^^d up- on the'Alrarjfivare that (b foo:ie as hcc bore any, fway in riVe'Common-wealchj hoe would be a profeflt d enemy to t\\(^ Romans, Arid rhat this grounded Nationall hare was riot td be (:;lcthi- guifii'd by death ^ n^aynppeafc by many "Eminent and pregnant Infhnecs, not oncly anciently but even ofLuer tinier occurring,. ;; , , ^'rfp/i appointed bis Scpillchre to be (c) placed; ashrs Imaged ftanding upon ir^ niiglit-looke di- refxly towards y^jl^r/V^j that bcirig dcad^lK migbt ftillbcatcrr9rt()theC4ry/;4j^/W4^jr, ' ^^ - ZWrrf^-thar v^tiliarit <^^ office Bofkmians whcT^had borrit WnVftlfe (6; viAo^fibYlfl^lji^^^^^ five In inany (et Batttlfs* ofiricommrablfc VoiilJ}-. qu^cCj eorhm-^rtded tb'at after' htS^dece^ife Ins fkih (hoiild be flay'd From his bc^y t6,nVake a ■PhiriyniCp^^Kich*dV(^fhc^^ ufc^Vi theiV SatteHSft^ dffrrhiing that as foonC as the Hun^Arians^, or any other their cncmiesj ll^ould hcarc the/oqud of that Dramnic 5 ■ they wovild not abide ^ bur take their flight. Thi^ was the rcaforirhar the body oiCadwaUo^m ancient King o^ Er it dines , ( to draw nearer our o\ync borders) being embal- med and drcffcd with fweet confeflions, was put into a braren Image'-j and let upon a brarcn Horfc HullinfffCaL 8 J Sumy ofn 1 S TO RY, ^ iIor(c over X«^^4/^ for ii terror CD the Sdx^ns^ ? Thefc in a private Arbour, (ccluded f rozn the cares or turmoyles of the world ^ to pem(e , can- not but beget a delight and admiration in the Readcn While hee colle<^s the rare temper of feme, whofc alteration of fortune could not fo much asoccafiononcfigh, or produce a teare* The Reafon might be this, they were not (b much enamoured on what they cnjoy'd , and confequently could forgoe whatfocver they en- joy *d with Icfler gricfc. Servile tcares become llavifh mindes : whereas a truely ennobled difpO- iition (corncs to be reftrained by fuch gyves. This benefit of Nature they enjoyed, and in fuch free- dome^ as io/ opini- on 5 where he propriinds, what erronrs arc moll: fubiaT: to Taxing in fuch Difconrfcs: yittofum (tiam efi ft nifntum 4pj^ara(is verbu comfofitum^aut mmittmlonf^umcjl : faxing indie (MIL Sint';ularity 5 ccmimendin;^ m the other Bre- viry : Yet he fccmcs to oppofe himfclfeinit by plaiiKC('ntra(licn(ni5making relation of the fame l)ikoiirlc ; Noafarum frul/us hahct sn fe cofia dnefidi^crcommoditAs oratioms : But thcle tend rarher to iUiarricall Narrations ^ riian Hiliori- ^ call JNurferyforGBNtUr, JAi 5 J callDefcriptions. TadtHi'x^io be preferred be- fore the mod , being a dilated compcndiary of! many declined States, dif-united Provinces: (hewing the vices of the time, where it was dangerous to be Vertu^us^and where Innocence rafted the (harpeftcenrare:what garbebeft fuited with the ftate o\ rhntriri e, defcribing the O- ra tors Tow^ixt^ jACunddm i»imieitijs^ more par- tiall than Time-oblervers. Vsl\[cxc4mici Cu* rid^ were F< ; fo was gMa : Omnium confcnfu cspdx ' Jmperij.nifi imfersjfct : O what (ingular fruits may be gathered out of that one Hiftory^to teach men in high cftatcs how to moderate their Creamefle ^and others of inferi our rankejrather to live retired , than to purchafe eminence in placebyfcrvile meanes ? But of all,the divers af- 'DjterCtvof feftions of Princes 5 either well or ill difpofed, tfcikiom. minifter no little delight to the Judicious Rea- der ; Here one fb popularly afFefted , as he had the trickctobindehis Subjetrsto allegeance by a native infinuation; (uch was Auguftt^^ .into- nius Fius^ Scftimui Stvtrm \ one whereof fecnicd I 2 rather •I Si yL Surety (?/ H 1 S r O R Y, or nthcr to affect popular farisfaftion than* his (^^vnc3^llb!Ccting fas hchimrelfcprofcffcd) his cntiiclt thoughts to propagate his Coutitrics I glory : AntdniM Clemency, was the chainc itlvat united and combined fin a knot inviolable) the hearts of the Romans to him^publickly prote- Ifing lllce had rather faiecnc Citizen^ thande- (Iroyd thQufandene7nits. ^^atSeverm was loved (which ivviucs no Idle admirable) for that which cnj^.cndcrs ^ for molt parr^greatcrt occafion of of- tcnccj and that was Severity^ Being no Iclle cx- aithi punilliing his friends than enemies. But t ) read c.xcx the life of S)lla , wc fliall fee an o[>- poliiiunivi his nature. None that ere did more good tohis friends^ or moreharnietohi^ene-i- nues : Nay, even in Brothers (derived from Hi^ifS-fijI^/tfw-il one Stemme)dircrepant natures jT/V/w, thclove '^auiiorV**^; ^\^i^^ J^^»'1'»^S of Man-k inde, Dom'ttiarP a profedcd it^^d^ ff//>#-jfueto allMan-kinde i, the one baniihing Para- /«m/iiif »Nc I lit^.^ Ins P^U^cc ; the other a pcrtccutor cf ^'1 Thoie dilfercnt dUpolicions of Romuliu and RcmM^ Numif&r and K^mulitu , how from one and che fame iiemme , branches of variou5; narurts proceeded. Againe, roobfervewirh what a Religious Etliirkcare, many eminent l^riaces erccied Tcivnlesfor tl eir gcds s^ how ferious rhcy were in ohfervinc; dio/e Ceremo- nies. wlVkh were Nationally'' ufed by them. How fliperltirious rhcy were in their Ofcirtes .ind Au;4U!ies ^- what conOant performer of rhcir wt^rdSj were it cither in private Con- tracts, J Kurfery fofGBU tR Ti, S} I trafts, orpublickCondiciofiiof Peace. What a lafting brand, or furviving blcmifti was it to any Nation,that (hculd be found guilty m this kind ? What a T^eta it was to the Cdrthaginsans ,* ^ to be ftampcd with that inglorious Title o( Fitdifrs^ gif How devoted and afteftionately ingagedji thofe honcft-morall Pagans were to Loyalty!^ Nothing morehatefull to them than Treachery. This caufed Af ///'r/W4/^; totakeJVf^r;*/!^ AiiliuJ^ one of the chicfclt Enil afTadours ofthe^Si^js^^/?/, andfet him contcmptuouflynpon an* Afle, till he was come to TergAmo , where he put molten Goldin his mouth ; reproving the Romans for ta- king gifts : 1 io betray the confidence of their Ivicuntrcy fur rewards. . " 1) i . ' 1 -. > The hke is reported ofT4rpm^t\\\t diflbyall Maid, whobetra>ing the gates of the Capitol to the Enemy, ondyupon promifc, that they thould throw h(^rithe Bracelets which they wore on their lefcarme, ! which they accordingly per- formed 5 bur with other proper gages to recom- penceherdilloyaloyv'tiHoWmg allb tlieir TAr- gcts , with which fhe was preflc'd to death. Neither jj^^rorhey^lefTo'ftriifi: in punilhing (uch^ who in private and Oeconomick affaires fhevved thcn)felvcsdinoyalL This appeared in tlvat nobly difpofed-Encmy of Scahtus Domitiiu^\^\\o^yi\\cx\ accrtaine' (ervant rcra:ning to DomittM^ came before the Jadiciallfeatc taaccufe his Mafler,'hce fcnt him home to his Mafic r with the Tenure of hisaccufarion. Thefc ancient Sages and Hero- ick Spirits clos'd not altogether with that I 9 Maximc Breach of pr** mifc held a great didionor ■mongd the Ancicncs Memorable Exaoiplcs in rereogingof Diiloyahy^ '^..ui '>'*. J4 ^ S^'o^y ^f HI STORY, or Maxinic of Uvint ihi Tresfi^^ ^tgfmg ibe Trajt^r : For they hated to (toope to JTuch bafe- ncflcjastopcrfecl: what they inretidcd, or di(^ patch ought that they defigned by fiich odious andindireft meanes. Nor was a loyall-noblc fpirit ever (cenennrewardcd : perchance, indeed, the iniquity oftime might befiich , as tholcwho merited a gracious afpcft from their Countrey, might fomctimes fall into difgrace by unde/er- ving Offices, (uggefting to the State what foufe- full an Agent never dicught : but this proceeded not (b much from the ingratitude as the eafie credulity of the State, in inclining to fuch ^roundlcfle fuggeftions. Dcfcrvmgmco . ^ '^i^ might be inftanccd in that uuhappy^/: puniihe/by ^^ruOdl, who to prcvent the fury and malice of ihc^;|;efti- |thepcople, incenfcdagainfthim by unjuftOfii. ces , fled tohis Fathers Sepulchre, anddifpatch- cd himfeife with poifon: nor found their fury here a period : for from that vaft.ftrufture of mortality, they 'dragged out his CarcaiTc, and cutting offhis Head, put it upona Speares pointy and bare it about the City. But this inhumani- ty muft be imputed to that Dempcrstick Govern- ment or headleflcMonfter, where all things are ufuilly arted by a blind precipitate will , without deliberation or advice. Whereas a knowing Prince, who meafurcs the value ofmerts aftions by the promptnefle or alaaity of thofe fpirits with which they are done jeyes both the quality (^fthcpcrfonand aftion : Nor can any defigne prcYccding from a loyall fpirit, who ftands ready ^1 ons of Ji oifi CCS. NocaJ ofp*> pubr batf . J 'puffery fir OaNT%r. 55 toingagehts ftatc , famCiand all for the honour ofhis Prince or Countrey* looft his deferving Guerdon jbefidcs that high opinion or eftimate of the Prince, who ft Countenance is his honours vvhofe Smile the reward ofhis labour. King DAri$ii upon a time, by chance opening a great Poiregranatff, and being demanded of what hee would wifh to have, as many as there were graines in that Pomegranates anfwered in oj^^yvord^of Zcpyrujfes. Now xh'iSZcfyrsuwzi a right noble and valiant Knight, who, to reduce ^^/jf^/^to thefubjeftion ofhis Lord and Maflcr, and defeate the trayterous K^ffjrians^ futTer'd his body to he rent and mangled ; and being thus difiigured, fled ftraigh t-wayes to Bdyhn^ where the Jfyria^^f were intrenched : whom hee made belcevc that2>irr//A/'^.ad mifufed him in this fcrt, becaufehchadfpoken in their behalfe, counfel- ling him tc breake up his Siege , and remove his Army from afTaul ting their Gity:They hearing this Talc, and the Vathcr induced to thinVeit true, becaufc they ^w him fo (hamefully disfi- gured in his body , were perfWaded to make him their chiefcCipraine. By which meanes he be- trayed them all , and furrendred both them and their City into his Mafters hands. Such an Ada- mantine tye to his Princes heart was a loyall Sub- jeft, who litdecar*d how hee were brought to the ftake, (bhec might advance the honour of the publick State. What more delightfiillSuh|eft can be imagi- ned, than toconverfe ( and that wirhout perilU of riut.lmtUA- fufiin, tnfinc* itbt I. tm^mff> 56 .va$ the rcaion moved Athens to ereft places of Martiall Exerci- fcs^C even in peace) that lb the Youths being day- I ly inured to fuch Excrcifcs , might imploy their ' l\rcngths in them , and not in civill Commoti- ons. This wee have by relation of HiOories, which lb manugethaflinres of State, as I nm of How ftuJicuJthatSagesopinion, who averred .-That no man tht Aomnns j C(Hild bcau e^tpcricnc't Statift, that was not ini- tiated to the reading of Hiftorics ; which hee confirmcswithrealbnsno lelTc Authentick, cal- ling them the aptefl: and exquiliteft dirertions that can attend nun, either inpublick or private artaircs^at home or abroad. Divers therefore of cHirfanuuisScnatorsin Rome have employed their times in 'thcfe Studies V'is Salufl. whofc \vcl-cc»uch'd Style, fuccinft Sentences , and purc- ncfle wrrc ot Hi JV^urferjfer GE^TR T. 5 7 neflcof Writing J may arrogate, if not the chiefcft placcjyct to be inferred amongfl: the cbic- feft : r-irrtf one of reputed efteeme, and of ample pofleflions , tooke in hand the like taske, to illuftratehis Native Tenguejnotonely with apt and accommodate phrafes, biitlikewife to compile the memorable afts of the Romans , and to reduce them into an exaft orders to excite hii Countrymen 5 by peruting the valiant at- tempts of their kwct^oxsxEtirumglorik inUammA'^ ri dd C4ndem virtutis txercitAtionem fufitfim- Jdm :Tohc inflamed and provoked ^ by iheir renowneand glory atchicved , to imitate them in the like. And there is nothing certainly that leaveth more deepe impreflion in a relblved minde, than the report of former exploits; Hearing this man by his induftry and vigi- lant rcfpcft, to contemnc all difficulties, oppofe himiclfc to all dangers , whereby hee might per forme (bmething worthy memory : Another ( fuftaining HercnUdn Laboiirs) to purchafehimftlfe bur a little glory. This man fubjcfted to Sea-wracks 5 expo fed to the mercy of the Winds 5 environed and hemmed in by imminent dangers i^ yet moderating his pafli- ons 5 armeshimfclfeagaind: the perils of Sca^ad- vcrfe Windcs , the menaces of mine , with rcfb- ' lution to endure the worfkof Fatcs» ever medita- ting of that motive to patience: ficfctre hic frim»m decct^ ^dfdctre Viihr debet ^yi3us p4ti. K It 58 J Sumy of HIST OKY, Of (t> TKc ixcellffj cfo( a com. pofrd inindc, It was the anfvver of an unamatod CapeivCj who lli^hting the infulting braves of him who tookehim r^'Thcu hold'lk thy conqueft great '^ in ovcr-commiiig me ; but mine is farre greater *' in over-comniing my (clfe.Here was a conqueft indeed, andliich as dcleiTC trophies of glory, to crownc him with perpetuity. * The 5'^;//jF^/ ufcd CO erci^t Obelisks or Square- ll' lies upDnthchearlcof the dcceafed, an(\ve- ring in number lb many as he had flaineofhise- ncmics: Where is, he tliat had not flainc an ene- my, was nor oncly deprived of thofc M<'>i)U- mcnrsoCgl^^ry, but not fo much as admitted to diipkc(.f chat gohlor (fpiccdwidihis Ancc- rt()rsAlbLN)and u!cdforan //^^i///; cffppe in fo- Icmne Fcaltsandbancjuets. O what memorable Si(j^nnls of true forcirudedefcrves that undaunted Spirit, wh(^can triumph in his owne difcc m- lir Mnd fortihehimklfe with a prepared mind a- patuOnlloppolitionsl 'The f7;/V^r;?rf Home being dipt in \\^rcr,iji; (aid t '(ic..rcaiulpurilieir.Thiswillpatiencedoinal] th( fc rrou'^Icd Waters which inck^fc a compo- fcil iuukIc. Thefc iindcno griife of focxtenlive n quality, which either time will notallay, or Death cud. 1 hough they be !cd in trium})h3 uv.i\ cx|><^lcd^o all the miflries which a domi- Tucrinj: toccjuput uponrhcm ^rhey ran flight fi c b..u'cs ^nd c(Mncmp{iblc Havery of a prcud Crr.c]ucr(n!r, ardwirlKachccrcfull (Ir.ilc cuter t.iiu.* ilciniitabihty fit Fortune, Snchasthefc-, ar^: S ver.^ir.no. in C.\pilviry 5 and nierir nvlr appliufi. jNurferyfor G E N TR T, 59 ri c^pplaufe in their imbracing of adverfity. Bcfides this, theyrefleft with a difcrcete eye, upon what they formerly read ; now their connne- ment affords them leafiire to perufe what they have obferv'd in thecircait of their tirae : and | now in theirncw change or ebbc of fortune they firide no new thing happened. Thofe, whole Vifl-ories were numerous j Soveraignty .bound- leflc J could not Co cut the wings of ViitartA^ as to make her their permanent Gucft* They heare /^i^^/W^/^/atonetime (afutedbothE'n^xvnf,^ and H^f^Afi^o a glorious Prince, and a furi^y OMs Tyrant. Theylieare Pompey combredwith honour, exclaime to fee SylUs cruelty 5 and being ignorant after what ion to behave him- (elfe in the dignity he had rhcn attained , they heare him cry out : ^^OfcrUUndddngernever Itke ^tohdveendi They fee a FhiUtAs afpiring^ and falling ; a Pt- I rennius confpiring, and perilhing. They norc Dtonyfm that Syracufan Tyrant to befofufpici- ous c f his fall, fo jealous of his Fate, as hce willnot truft any Barbertolhave him, butin- joyncs hisownc daughters to learne that Trade, purpofcly to beeimpioyed about him. They heare the very fame Dionyftus asking the Wife menofhisCourt, which Copper they held the bed 5 and they heare Antiphons ready anfwer to hisqueftion, that inhis opinion, that was the m^ ft excellent, whereof Armoditu ^vyd i^ri- ftogiton made the Pifhare of Fiftftratus. Hoi- ding that Mettall the bcft, which keptaTyrant K 3 at •^ — ' r r nia II _,i -III 6 o . f A urvfj of HISTORY, or n/i. W.I. at rclh Thcle Kcare the LfJidM King exdai- mmp apainft liiin/elfc, and difclaimine of his owne Opinion ^ tliat fcliclry (bould pof- (ibly rcramc any fubrlftcncc from mortality. 1 hcle liavc found the beft and principall'lt bicfTiiig conhrmcd by the authority of Hero- dot Hi m CUehlus and Bitotty Trophtniiu and ^^gAmtdcs^ ana that pithy concludon of Sile- ttus, who being taken prifoner by King jtf/Vey9f HIST OKY, or A nartow rpinnc. findes It CO be a fpan 5 which hee Oiall neither fall (horci)!, nor exceed, no nor one title or point ofir jnotthc breadth of the fmallefc haire, or ^ j^fmc 5 no, not the rare-fpim uithfimm /the •ok.i'^ .'fii^nlcftlinkeotihc Spider 5 or auy other -exec- <:r5fa>Te-. i^^^^at^^dorimagmirythinneire whatfoever. He >--^- CAllbDr^//^ ^wdsUept two Sifters ; and JVij/^nhe \l(Hlicrn( rhem both. Hee holds the X^<-;i^/ or thcGrafhofpfr ( rhough Creatures of empti- ncfTc-andharc) no j^rcwter (lives of the v/inde than Man ; yea, t(3 lit him out in his colours, and dikovcr to the world, that his vanity ranks him \Mrhthclip:hreftofGods Creatures : Hee fmdes him toflcd ro and fro as the Gra(hopp(r , and dri- ven aw.iy as tlie Ucuft. Hccob(er\'Cs,how the Siinnc, when it is in the Meridian, and the beams ot it perpendicular to our bodies, (liadcws change not fuddenly: but when it begins todc- cliiic to the fill, every moment, almoft, they vary. And fuch hee concludes, is Man j who, thc'Uiih in^is ftrength :md maturity of Nature, he lind no (uch changes or alterations in the ftate ofhi .; body, as may (ceme to menace to his decli- ning houfc an approaching mine: yet, that curi- ous and delicious Itrufture , that earthly contex-. tuieofman, when it iliall begin once to decay, :nKlIoo/c his former ftrength, everyday brings forth a change. One infirmity or other hourcly invades him 5 andatlaft, fo weakens his poore (plitrcdvcirdl, as no truce will be admitted, no rc!pif granted, hee muft of necertityreturneto thok[fir/fm4fcria//s, from whence hee firiV pro- ceedcJ. * \y^ I A puffery for GENT 'J{ T, MMMMMHtte po- (ttion WAS better than his condufion : For no niorcall ( fince the Ibine of his Original! Purity) c uldcver fubfifl: fo fecure, or remainc ib un- moveable , as never to be engaged to perturba- tion^ 5 the natiirall attendants of Mortality. N thisfirftentrancetomydifcourft, ha- ving (pokenfome-thing in generally of thcule and fruit of Hiltory : haying by an (equal! Diameter) determined the proper _.,.,^.. pl^^cc and Centre at which fuch Hiftoricalf Rcla- YmcV'n'rcur.rions ought to tend; I willdefcendtothedivifi- Sncu''''cr' ^" ^^^ Hidories, which may properly branch ' themfelvcs into Divine 3 Difcurfivc, ^Morall, Phylick, orMixt. '^ Divifion vf Hi(\orici;Oi mitr. InS9ff j pOr Divine , I will not comprehend them m j ^ my Di(courfc , being fiich as depend on their ownc Arches, drained frcm the pure Spring of Calcftiall Wilcdome, and therefore impoflible toerreeither in Aftion or Rclation:yet ncccfla- rily (now and then ) immixcd with Morall Hi- ftorics, bccaufe their weight may bctterpoife intheScalc ofcvcry Judicious Render, when he fccth Monill Difccurfcrowcll fortificd^as by the Pillar rf Truth. Albeit I :ippTovc of Hcfcds tr'TUt^ wortis ; Fabulow Relations Jhould not , nor ought ^ '*^;! JS^urfiryfor G B^TRT, MMMl«««i "tmim. ^y $hcjt0 be Authorized by Holii Writings : Itwfts a Pagans obfemtion, and worthy osrs : So /hould ourprophanc Pamphlerers, rcftraine their libi- dinous writings more, and cither write that which Qaould propagate them(elves a generall re- putation ^ without dcrogacion to the ifacrcd VVriririgsoftheAlmighty^orrilencetheirworkSi left they fhculd deprave many , for a private rewardjOrpedlinggaine, More I infift upon/, this, bccaufc too many have I knowne fteeped/ inthis promifcuous Subjeft, well read in Scrip, ture 3 to wreft them, otherwife Babes and Suck- lings 5 for they could not reach to the depth of fuch MyfterieSjbut onely touch them to corrupt them. But their Cimmerian Cloud, when it dial! be difperfed, and the Raies ofareafonableun- derftanding to thera exhibited : They will repent them, Ifeareitnot, fand heavens grant that re- pentance be not like the after raine, out of fea- fon) of their prophaner mixtures. O fet them curae their eye ot confideration(whof6cver they be) to the miferablecnd o^Lucidn^ Cled&der^Me- trodorus^ whofe difaftrous fails anfwercd their blafphemous rifings ^ contemning the Sacred Writ of Heaven, andproftituting their labours to the merited cen(ure of confiifion : But too much of them. Times are not fo cafie to be wai- ncd from their habit of errour, or induced to a courftofmoreSanftimony : Lampesand Oyly Studies were made fruitlefTe at EpiltetusAtzxh^ his Lanthomc hung up ( as a monument of his vcrtues)made a deeper impreflion inhisScholIers, L than iSuch u cor* 'nipt the Tex Cj I and rackcdie Sacred Scnfe iwitb their en- forced Allego- ricf« Not to mixe Stored wicb pcophane« ^ prefer tpf. in Corruf cerf of Scripture. 66 Dil'curUvc ,x all clawing Parafites that make their Pen Mercendry^ and therefore, as may be inferred upon their workes. dare not unrip the vitioufhcfle of times j leftbyunbofomingTriuhi they fhould incurre the offence of Ibrne perfcn, to whom their la- bours arc inga(7;cd ^ their fortunes fubjeclcdjaud their endeavours partially devoted. ?Uto banilhcd all Poets Athens : bur a favou- rable Gioffe would reftraine that oftracifme one- ly to peailiar wits^ (petulant I.mcane ) fuch as the Prince oi Sparta pro(cribed his well-governed City , for prefcnting feme obfcoencVerfts to his Queehe. But I wonder \y\\y flato excluded notthefe Hiftorians, fince their Labours were proftitute ( like the publick Strumpet ) for gaine^ making tlieir Writings to the opinion and Imita- tion of tbatScarabee of Hiftory ^ who being de- manded why he wrote notWth offitdi a Prince^ rcplycd; Vivit ^ qais vera diccti His life kept him in awe ^^ hedurft not cxprcHehis vice3 to the quickc, lefrhefhould bite too rhuch. I'his that expiei-ienc'djbut unfortunate Knight wcU obftrved , as may appeare by his owne words : "Whofbever in writing a Modcrne. ^^^iftory, (hall follow Triith too ncare the Hen O* Lte- NO, I tmm 7* ^srssira /lSuneyofHl$rORY,or / ♦« heeles , it may happily ftrike oat his teeth. Wherein I comroeiid the incomparable rhu-^ no^ whoisfocautiousin his Hiftoricall Nori. ons of what he writes, as hee will commit no- thing to publicic, which hath not bccne firft conhrm'dboih by ftrong Intelligence and Sub- ligiution under the hands of the cminent'ft per- fonsthcrcrcfiding, where any fuch aftion part. Nor is he fpare in the relation of what he hcares j To It miport the Subjeft whereof hee writes : Though Princes fliouldfollicit him by rewards, hope ot higher preferment} he cannot endure to have his Pen (old, nortocomply with the hu- mour or current of Time for any unworthy ayiiic. • , It was die excellent faying ofan impartiall Hi- fitrutt , who being demanded by Onewho had reduced his Empire to a mecre Tyranny j wliy he vcrnenibred nothim inhis Writings > "Becaufe *'(quc)di hc)l read nothing in you worth remem- "brmg. Why dod> thou not then ('rcplyedhe) '^record njy Vices ?- Left others (faid he) (hould 'erre by your Example, and fo imitate them. Ins the highcft honour ofan Hiftorian, tobcac- ci^mxtAfinttrt. A s hope of Honour fhould not triuiport hnn, hope of Reward corrupt him, m^r avme to any outward comply divert him from fpealcmg Truth : fo (hould no commanding power over-a w him, to betray his knowledge.or to fl^w pillows to the Elbowcs of Greamcfle. r.us endangers his credit for ever, and throws a contempt on his Labour. . Many iTJ A nite hum to rc^ifie Maiiy there are^whodclcribe things wthcr as they (kcM be done^than as they were donCiThis is not tomakcadifcovery oftruch, but to pro- poCc a forme or Method of what fhould bee done according to ttuth.The IwSofPrinceSjand their aftions were e^^fcr held Modells bf imitation fbr Infcriours. Their very behaviour, were it infbmc gefhirc never fo uncomely, h*as ever begot Followers in perfons of meaner quali ty.To refti- ff ^^^^^^^ ^.^ fie thefe 5 nothing mbre powerfully than topro* iiorioii'^dirt- dnce more cleare and i mi table Examples j that ^»oni in themjas inliving Mirrors^they might difi:over their owne Errors. It was the faying c>^c4ntifihenes^ that thofe that would live free from vice, had need ei- ther ofindt unfeigned friends, or of molt bit- ter enemies J bccauft, the one by his admoni- tion, or the other by his reproach might with- draw him from vice. Whence Dhgenes being afkedjhow one (hould be revenged 6t liis enemy? anfwered, by being a vertuous and honeft man 5 for his integrity would beget himfuchacom- mon conceit of extraordinary vertue,^s hee who maligned him, would hardly endure toTre- qucnt any place , where he feared: to heate his E- nemics praifc. iVtfy7f4,when the Roman Common-wealcwas fiKDpofed to be( in moft fecure efta te,becau(c freed ottheir cnemics,affirmed,that though the Mff^i- 4ns and CarthA^hidm were both brought under the yoakofbondagCj-yet they were in mofl: dan- Iger^becaufe none were left whom they itiigh tei^ M therfeare 'I ~-«a. wmtmmri^'^^Kr^i^^'nmmt 74 .^Surrey of HlSTORJ,(/r. Cc fc ..cc froii ^1 ?W?^ This cau(cd p^/;j^ init3fk<3rlqnJn' their cncmrcc^ rhc lilc ofc^foj to counfell liis fcllowSnthat thcv S^^c::.c!n^'^^^^'^ ^^^. '^P^^ olUheir Enemies, burftiU tlicir owac ccvntidcncc; . 9* ad Hid c»* km lome m che.City.^ f ? Lea( qupth he ) jjcinjr .^^ freed ofalt our Enemies ;. we ibouldbcein to '^^quarell with our friends. v .: • Morccertaineici^, that very few in all our preceding Ages, imlcnerhey were fucb HiUfi^ .^phtcM Kings ^ as P/rf/« widVd them tobec.could m the hcighc of their fortunes ,' endure reproofe i cl^KVully inluchpubJicke manner, as to be re- corded by an Hiftoricallpenne. Foroncc/f/^xr Apdcr , who could not ct Jur e y^riphnlus prni- ling hnn above truth , wee mrght produce.tenrlt K^Uihiddcs ^ who could nor abide JEufoUu ior Luing him according to truth. But todeliverour Opinion freely of difcourfes in this kind rMi^ COS arc To to ! .c laid open ,. as the Agent maych tber receive honour, or fufler in them. ' For if m our private Acco?npts, wee will be cautious e- nougli, lc[> any thing be omitted orinftrted n)or(^riian (boulil I>o : mtKlr/uore imthcfe Ac- ccimprs or Rcgfftu i 0/ Tima ■ They then, that inrerefTe thcmfclves in Labours X)f this nature, are not in their Compilations, to eye any mans fK7/bn : . More. wicompnrubly-beautifulV.is. the TrmifOichnpdff/^ than that inJpa^akrdWifii oUhc Grecians Thofc that write !d?etlKi a the c>ate of chcirHiftory requires, may bepropcriy calli:d the Mc^fhsof Epitomes^ as Mfit4mj o£ lif{l0rits. Thofe that write luore^^ makre dicir fictitious 4HMk«M jmrfiiyf^ aBHTkTi ri ■- ' -T f fiaitiousC?wwf/»^/,rarhcrGlofIesthaliOh(re^o Tim ; concainin^ in them;an Oceanof words;, bijta drop^QfTjnath.- ' Norarcprecions Houres tobcfo mif-fpcndcd^ their Oylc fowaftrd, w,heii every Liae Hiould furvive the vading pe- riod of life y . sand refcrvc to poftcr ity a coutinu- late Storie of their PrcdccefTors Afilons. ' ^;qi - • ' • - Mgtu$ life may be moft properly conipared to !a Lampe ; for as a Lanipc may be three wayes ex- tinguilhed ^ Firft> by outward violence, as when itisblowne out: Secondly, byponTing'in mucif wator^ whereby the goodliqrior of the Oyle h drowned andcorrupted: and thirdly^by the waft and fpending of the Oyle it felfe : Sohkewifc a Mans life ( which in truth refembles much the natuv^ofaUnlpe) h extingui(hed by three waye5 and toeanes j to fccond her reftniblancc both in the appearing and extihguiftiiitg 5 firft^hy externall force > to wit, of the Sword^fire^ftrang- I ling 3 pr^jrig^ poyfoijingj and the like : Second- ly, through t|ie aboimdance of ill" humours , or I the malignant quality of them , whereby the Ra- di f alt humour \s oppreft and overthrowne rThird- \y^vj\itwt\\^RmicA&h(imour is in long fpace of T i me quit« con fumed by the N arurall heate, and blowne out into the Ayrei which is done after the fame manner, that boyling water or Oyle is wafted by the heate of the fire. t^.ow»5^ M^dicdlu hutmr is in Corpere , (bis yeriutk 4m$r in Corde: Which divine vigoui", when it is corrupted or impaired by any vitious or malignant humour^ it loofeth her light.Now, M 2 what ujfminUjigi' Aft apt rcfem- b lance of the hutnotars In the body, to tKe qualit>c< df the min4e« # ^e ^ Survtjof H IS T OR r,cr / . ) ' whatis this humour which fo darkens this divine yipourortnithof an Hiftorian jbut partiality? which rtreamcs cither from the wcakcand (hul- U)w Channels oiPHftllAnimiti'\ or the muddy In- let of ^4/^ c^mmidtty. For tnc former (brt, their Spiritsarc too wcakc for fuch aTafke : for fuch as- will fupprcfTc Truth, or ob/curc thelighrof their H il>0ry, by lutfcring thcmfelves to be over-awed by Authorityjarc fitter to be imploy'd in difcour- \\\\% of the Pigwcis wirrcsj or otthc battel! of the Frois and Af /r^,thaa any eminent aftion. For the' latccr> theirdifpofitions are fo unworthy, as they^ are never to be admitted within the Lift of an Hi- llory: for the(e prcfcrre trafli before truthj and Co far under-valuc that ulefull imployment whereto they ftand inj^aged^as they lo(e them'fclves by de- riving paincfrora that, which (liould be from all lervile fetters freed. Lcr the firft confider, how unfit they arc re converfc withPrinces precedent, whivh intbcir readings they daily dociwhoarfclo over-awed by the Connt'nanceoftimes prefcnt, asovercomcwirh le^rc, thcyfilcnce thatwhich* fhoTild have bin the aci iveft Scene in all their Sub- )c(fV. This many rimes makes a'lamedifcourle: when to fnpply aftions of higher con^qtienc^i theyin.pein ncedlcfle trifles: fuch ad neitherre^ quirc;>n W//?W4;?i !ab( nr,norreeompencethel(3ft time c^t the Ktaclcr. Th at conceitedTreatifeco- pofrd by an ItAlian ^ entit'Jcd Kyi SupfUcation t0 C^rdU' lif^ht :, dike verlnf; the abules cbn^itted & curuincilby the I'lent & ftcret fliadeofnightjde. ferv'd high approvement in comparifon of thefe. He J I I r i '' "■ 1 1 _■ "•; II mmn I^I Ma. Hcc lighted hiSLanippurpoft) J^tdldiftoitrrviccj thefe piit due the?r lights , left th<*y flibiikl Taffer apply that divine fentencc fonititiitt littfcred with no IcHc courage than comfort by a deyoticftther; ^^Infuch-A caufe^whminmy dtfire if tSfhafe G^d^ '^ I little fcm thtp^lifhUh. So che^ In a.bulii. ties' ortach ConfeijiieniJc ^s iihbfeks irfic btticfi'c of S tatCjthe adyanceiticnt of truth; afe hot to be pu- filKtnimcuSj'but difitectiy rerolutcjthit neither too much toldnes Rjay^ef^iving^)* raxc them of il\diftretlont nor rcitilfiieflCjbf tGO nn^ fpiritriorirrerolati(>n;^Xecthclitrci^3likewffc^ priviatcly'coiiverft with his owne thoughts : and weigh with himfelfe^ what ab^fe or'fordid gaine it is^t'Optlrchafe tohiriifelfehdtiour orlfn-c^ftrn^dir bytintruths, AL^eisheklaWorddfdiihchourp oncly ftokc by tliemouth : what a; dd:pe taint or impreaiort*;^ilit'refeine^anding on rtCord^Now to'^YaVtAtithd ' toe^hi^dfpubliffiin^ Subjefts* bf this kind/oi^ prdfl^ fakei'a&npany of our lii^^u th*i- fixed Novdls hav^ of Jat^ times betne publifliedi thole fofe-rdrirting 'ages allowed ample Penfiohs'loni allowed m for^their Auth6rsi(hch'isrrtiigh^ goodmea- ^ll^A^t^ futCiWlthduVrt riece(I?tiaifed beholdingiles to an^,"- maintaine the : left want of means might torhipt their pcn^by making that ttjerc^nary^Whichftood evcr'privilcdg*d;dnd rctcin'd in it fclfe a nativcli^ berkyj Forfhdukl ptivat rewards (bile the purity of an /^/jfirjr,' wh^t<;rriight^bGCO ^^^ y Aftsofhis ItmfACioi^ ivcrc they never lb ob- fcurc or ignoble ,' (libuld receive a grac?^cf»ll M 3 immeri- Ampl« pM^- ijijij^, — ' , A moticfl rau tton for all iMtlUriani, immcncalcKpr^flTton : McarK»ritne> the. Actions of wh(?<]^ri?fivgrhpfl)^ngnvlvsli ivr . brevity ftU I hgr^oniiti^xefca'ing thcinto the ;?^W4/M;?^ brought .forth by thp He^^ vci^ , whom vertupHs men doc follow : -the kr coiid iniKhygij.ng/3r»: bK.*gotKn betw'c^ne/je^///«r aiid J)/^/ftf ;, whoni^y/VWm^ndoe fervQj-'iSQia^ I of dicfc J vfhom wicked/iicn doe ftrve j or ra^ thcr fef ve wicked menj by cpmplyuJg with their hqmouv^^ cither for fca.re of ccnfun^^ipr ^mbi^ I tiswis hope ofhoDQut ilet them withdmw li thoy arp not to be enteVd here in Chec^roule, /whilQ nrj \v^if h a free and affedlionate embrace^ thefc on^Iy ai;ctqb<; entert^ued, \vhp C:om'Such ^ r '3m if Prinddi w Pidtetildtesllibuld tkafl I V^b^f ferve; j:hec9mfi«aiid(rwblmiW y/by cODftrrfQglHift6riGSliD^ctheK,^iHd wi crftft .whatfw^ier: tea/ Iccrric fnoftprck>ablc;and authpiitick;.. c'f •.;i^'..' :li:^'^ " •"' •'•' ; ...ii Many >i(Qr(ib)^.'^itift84iLavcd^M\s ' Pffpkttfs^ • ^ '; : and pec cat urn io- jff>^fif^<^^^ JPA/7//:chcii^ ads?^ rccountftd J landcbiBnnttQdito^iriemory ^ *imiy<^ <)thcrt-^tb •the like attempts : aiidlikeacoolc Arbour to a weari^ paflt^nger^yeclds no IdTcdclight to thcm^ fclves I: Mhich ft ry?.«j fcemcscoyeruy toftadow ri (^ dicUr hi€^^. \ Thisfingtr is Hiftory, Which truely demonHratcs thte iife of the perfon , cha- riftcrs his vercucs, or vices jdilpofing every par- t;icular men^b^r andbraocbxrfhisdifcourfc in fuch exaft mci^hod> that it reftmblcs a feirebeau- tifuli buildinR > which ycc defcrvcs more com- mendations tor the connrivement , than the out- iWard^udRarifb Gan:u(hmente/£iAri ^ftra, funt^ qudfi cult} ^)ctru4ntur^ir^i rejlat^ minus tum^ tuoji. True ^ Bookes Hift^ricall have no better beauty (nor, indeed can thcv) than an apt and nje- thpdiall difpofition : i other acconiplemcntsarc fupcrf^upuSjrcfembrmg foijie of pu^worfktf j how and then pvibhlbedj with fairc' and beautifbll Frontifpicces , as if (bme worthy conveyances (rare buildings of Art and Nature) were within (o comely portalls. ButalasMooke inward, nought but jubbifti and refiile of fome old Wil- dinpi unhand fomely repaired 4 or Ibme frothy invention 3 not worth halfe fo much coft: Thcfcflipuldfcare (asthePhilpfbpher told the %MindiAn$y left their whole Laboutij fhouldfly^ out at their pate , having their gate fo promi- fingj their Labour (6 immeritmg. But fuch as goe adfT^lum tdH^uam AdfrdliHm(^x Co indeed they doc) fuinilh themfclves aforehand with exaft eft . Labours, 1 ■ II 1 1— — — ^ - i mmmmm 4 V^feryfor G B^TRr, ■M**iirfi« MM Labours, to ftand in defiance a^ainfl: the fpirit of detraftion : for we cannot forrifie our workcs a- gainft all AiTailants : fbmc being addicled to carpe, becaufe long cuftome hath confirmed in thero adefireofreprehcnfion. ty£lUnui in his NaturallHifl:ory rcports,how the Vipers iflue is the bane and death of the Pa- rent : Certainly^ as Libri are our Liberty our chil- dren, which wee (hould be as carefull and provi- dent in bringing up, as the Father over his child : lb oftentimes they play theViperswithus, they murder us in our name and reputation, much dif^ parraging their Parents 5 being prizelefle, and therefore unfit forprefle : nay, they doe more, they oftentimes afper/e an imputation upon Her that (hould be no leflcdeareCif not more) unto J^\^j^,^^*^^^ us, than our felvcs, our C^untrej : making her flowery bofbmc a nourifhcr of fruitlefle labours, a ftale to licentious Libells ,or Brothel! rather of lafcivious meafurcs. And how (hall we make an- fwer for foniany motives to luft, (b divers in- forcements to inbrdinate afFedlions, and fb tem- porizing (ubjcds in humouring great ones , and (bothingVice in her Majeftyf Dcbemur morti nosnofiraj^ .-where our workes mufl: abide Ican- ning, and that by a Judicious cenfurer 5 one that can unrip the (ccreteft of imagination,and knows the Bent of our purpofes. It was an excellent faying of Judicious Cdfrnt- 4> rm :?Arum eflhgeredui ciUi^eftyfedintiUf^ere^ C^ in firMdm redtgtrt 5 h$c art is , hoc labor is e[l. Would Authors make u(e of this , they would N not »i 4SHryfey0fHlSTOKY,0r not in fo impolifli'd nor uncompos*d a forme fend forth their Cubbs befprc they be lick't ; nor fct their fruitleflTcbraines aworke in publifliincj fuchufekflc Labours, as ha,vc no proper Objca whcrcro they may fpeme to ayme , but an itching dcfirc of being in Print: tohavca Nameaniongft Authors J albcit^many times that Name redound to their dii]ionour. Thc/e rpay be compared to tho/e t^^^UdMehedfls.v/houcvqrchcw their Cud. '' lefcre he be prepared , thdt man uhs in hard to^ A ciUmo miu " *f/^^ ^^^''^^ M^^ >^^^ biS^hy^d. What qu.^m ccrdro, Wmi vvejiidgc Q^ huH^ vvho vvithout rtudy or pve- -ZV/r/iW ' "'^^^'^'^^'^^^ ^^^5 hand to paper: as if Works of ;W^/«»; tcu: f '{^f nature were oncly Manuall , and no braine- b. labour? How nii(erably are their judgment^ darkned, or rathurhowpittifu}lyar^Mi dclu. dcd, who hope to receive lite, or reteine e* nctmefrom fuch Spider-caulcs r Wherein our prci^nant'ft and rchncdft Wits z,xt niany times UK ft coercions. Wee obfcrvc, how fomc pf oar Women are fo taken with their ftrcightand wcll-fhap'tbo- dies^ asthcywouldmtfor aworld have Chil- dren, k/t thcyflKHildfpoyJe their featyr!?: nor will ihcCcMifJhremrmfs^ ^hoar ^^^'^^"^ themfclv^ to any paines, idr that Inirdcncus labour might d?traft from , m be? u ry of N mure . , .Thefe hold Seqdy ^ pn- PCveOary ;iccoutfen^etv^. fci:go.od \m^ ; prefenf ^mfprcguantmuftbo ckvi/'FaKy, mt of f9mc 1 ocrjtMJl rapture or fury : vvhei:eiu by that indi- J vidua 11 ,1 mill %•" JNur GEN "M vidaimijptjrirofSaGkc, t;h€y ftretch md ftrair^ thcirentonced Geoitu to fiich high lines > as if trfmttheuS'XiVCy they had (tolnc Fire from Hea- ven, drm\iHiff^frit$edxYy qt broke open the i/<^/ri Cabbinet J andfoakt tho(^ poore Cities ofall their influence. Where, fome in perufiU of theft Ebrious Lines,will ufually be fo farre tranf- portcd with them^or more properly, befbtted by them ; as they will vow, nothing could be com- posed by any Wit , were it never (b fluent, upon a fading or abftemious ftomack, like thoft Con- ceipts. Nay, that no praemedi ration could mend them: being fb enlivened and full of Spirit, as they were farre more eafily admired than imi^^ tated. This I muftconfede, is a great happinefle of Wit ^but i t confirmes withall that Maxmi of the mfc StagyrUffi^^ There t^itf^cverany ^re4f mt^ ^'^wHh0mf§metms^t&r€eff0Uj:vAi\c\\ ma/ app^afe by their difeftecme of (tudy or pr^emeditatiort^as if it were a rubbe or Kemord to invention. It was Eusherim iaying j NihiU^ mdgnum rr, ^mdhnvctemfsre : But thefe (pritely W its ijre of: another Opinion. They hold no Worke nor composure worth approvement: which, like an unnaturall Birth, appeares not in his full (hape upon the inftant : And of thoft^ none dcftrying more admiration thaa their owne. It was thp faying of a: famous Orator:*^ 7 »wrr kticw ^ny *^P0e$(jef.w4i I wei acquitinted mth Aquinius " dndrodnj others ) tp^o did ppt tbinke hk twMd^^ ^^inp titter thMndU'^thns, /^Not is this fpeech N 2 of^ MHnnsrrTrti. g^j^ ^Survejof HIST OB^Y.or afhis to be onely reftraincd to (uch as proftflc Poetry 5 but even generally toeverydiftinft ftu- dy : which he quickly di(covered , who conclu* ded : Bcljr^mtfUrMnj^ Scriptures in librisfuiSi Now,toconrraft!TiySayIes in the prolcani- on of this Argument 5 I (hould hold it no Icrtc convenient than luainelynecclTaryjthatfuch^who addrcflc rhcnifclvcs toimploymcnts ofthis fort, doc u(6 a cautious deliberation both in theelefti- onof their Sub jCiJl-j as alftim their Style and Me- A putty pif- t|^(^J(^f handline it. 1 cfl-.what fometimei the scr.vincr ani Scrivmcr oy way otdcrilion fpokcuntoanl■mpcr- J tnfiiiig Au. jinent Author, be applvcJ unto them. This Scri- ^^''*^* vincr being on a tiijjc in company with a Schol- ler. wlioprcfc(lhim(cifc to have Writ much 5 ancl having heard a large Catalogue of his ob (cu- red Iv^bours : the Scrivincr (cem'd to challenge ani>/fiairy to his profefllon. ^"^ No, that weVe ^^abfurdjanlwered the Scholler ^ why, replycd '* the vScri vincr > Inm a Writer. Yea, bur (aid '"^ the Scholler, I an; an Author. No, excuse me, '^ quorh the Scrivincr , 1 mak'cno doubt of thar^ "There arc more Jf>/7^r/^ than c^uthorj ^ and *^ the Catalogue of your Labours cnroule you in '^ that number. In one word, rho/e Wdrkes oncIy d^fei-ve Ap- provemrnr, whodcrive their lite and light from Judv^jnent. Such oncfy' merit the Title of Ri- /W/jbccaufetheyliveto'poftcrity : and rcpre- lenttotheSficccdor whatfbeverwas imitaWeor defpionble intheir Anceflor. Thcfc are Workes tobcingraven in> C^y^r, and: K-' JNmferyfir GBNTRT. «5 and wcll-dcfcrving their Cdfar. So that, as o^- Itxdnderh^d his Homer in Reverence for his Po- cfie 5 his Ariptle for (peculation and Philolb- phy si^/r/^/W^/ the Inftruft ions of Socrates to groundhim in Piety , Cdfkr the continuall pra- ctice of his owne Commentaries to improve his gloryjandy^j^^/V^^ thcworkes of Zcnophon to enable him for occafions Domcftick or Milita- ry : So thelc memorable Labours, which are thus penned by judicious and induftrious Authors, meri t no leffe honour^ in wliat State or Province fcever they fliall receive harbour. For others^ as corruption of manners is their Scopej or vaine glory their ay mc , or fomc ' o- thcr by-refpeft the ob jeft of their Pen , they de- (erve a due cenfure from the State, for (ecking (b odioufly to poifon that breft, which nurfcd them. Thus much I have writ briefly (by way of inference ) to caution fiich as by their Labours ereft a Throne for Impiety to fit in : theft Hu- mour-mongers 3 that can with Cdfsr the Difta- ror, Atros dies altos facere ^ makeblackewhite^ and mafke Vice with availc better fui ting with VertuerNow willl difcend to their Oppofire, and that is^ the Satyricall Writer, or Uiflgrio - maflix. Some of thefe are very dangerous to a State^ laying if open too miKh : and though afts (hould be related, iais they were done ryetjiftheciraim- ftances may fteme any way dctraftivc to (bnie perfon, or Aatejthey are better filcnccd Qf it mav ftandwith the bocly of the Hiftory) than dif- N :} covered. Thf Sitync^ll t6 ^Survey fifmsrOKY,^ Obfcnre thU ten of our titnc« cwcrcd. I have kpQwnc fome too prccifc in this ycinc : and one cfpccially I remember , who fpcaking of the great J«/rj», couldnot be con- tent to tVlcribe his Palace, managements dome- (VickcandpubIicke,perfon,and the like jbut of ills piked Beard, the colour of his ftockings : and in tlie end comniing ncerc him » ( faid he) and indeed nearer than need was, his breath was noy- fome. Thcfe, and CiKhHke impertinent circum- ftanccs arc fo frivolous , that they imply a defeft of Judgment in the Author, to infcrt fuch idle, andimmitcrial! Ambages in an Hiftory of confc- qucni'c. lUit thefe arc farre from thoic Hijltrio- fAi4y?/Arr;()fourTime; fome whereof pcrlbnate humour in tkj ^j^^ vvronr.s of a Noble Anceftor to his lineall iUho\x\ vvri : Succcflor 3 moving him to revenge. This is one of die Furies Brands : for you flail never fee one of this kind, but i t(rg$ Kcmefis , hee hath ven- geance at liis backe j a fplccnefull difpofition difgorgcd upon the beft ofdefcrts. Ana thus he infcrts the injuries :^*Such a farnily(well meriting '^ ofPrincc and Countrcy, and ever found loyall ^* to the State ) was ui\de(ervedly cenfured by the "malevolent luggcIHons of fuchjand (uch jwhoft 'MuggelVions are('asyct)unrevenged3but theHca- " vcns are juft. What Motives more enforcing to civill commotion? Injuries ript up, haveoften- tinics hazarded States: and there was never any People, N atiouj or Govemmcnt,whichhave not from time to time had one of tliefc. Thitfius^ as deformed in mince as body , ( for fo Homer, ckaraii^ers him) was ever kindling the flame of civill A (cu< Apb^ r>rine. dvill conibuftion bccwixt AchySes and J^4mfm^ n$n at the Siege of rri»;,about the rape ot Br$fcis-^ cverharping upon chat Oringto (ct rhcm toge- ther by rhc cares. Why AchyllcSj fli0uU you fttfidine f^s^tdt re-f proicb , tbdf bavc^ f^g'^^^d p^f fdj^for Aga-^ I \x\c\m\o\\4ndhi4 P^rcthn^Ury f Be ^Hjonrhj^t^ full Services y your valiant Ex f hit f^yenr incom^ f arable Auhievements(0fewardedi Hath Aga- memnon neflaci far valour f no regard to honour f why tbendefijl Achylles ^ lemhrke your felfe for Greece , and leave thu brave phamf ion to him- felfe and his fortt^nes \y our merits (hetnggone) wilt be better efteemei. You had but one prize, (and that prize unworthy tooofyour valour) and muft that prize^ got with mneh fweate ^ many difficult its ^ imminent dangers i multitudeofoccurrents^no^ be taken from you f Mut ork Bri fcis, one deare one^ and yet Achyllcs mufi foofe her. Alas- poore refolution I Wl^^itis bettertobe M^^i^W-, a coward^ 4 Be- freant , one that retires himfelfefom Armes,fgh^ tingclofe undet^ Clytcnincltri s Target. Such a Carpet-Knight is better than a Martia'l^Knight, Then, would hoe prefcntly mQVC Agametnnonm like fort, in no c.ife to modcr;^ tc hi^ defiif^s ; Why Jhou Id hc\\y\ks have fo fain a Paramour j and the FrineeofGrttcctPantoffe/i.^j), ,\ Such Agency, of .milchi^fe as tlvjfq^arc ever ofaneutrall Faftion: chey,.bover Ji(;e the BatfCyl nncertaine In ! adhering i<> any-; tbcy niore ad-' mire the Smin: when it is r/fng than fitting. They niealiire the worch or cuer i c of eveiy i^'^i<>i^ 1)/ -a ^8 JSuneyofHlSrOKY.^r by the (iicccfle of it. And when the day is clofedj the adions of that day fiiiilhed $ they admire no- thing more than thofe Booties which the Gon- querour h*as gained. Their Hiftoricall Relation muft become a Pancgyrick Oration. NoCom- poficions too elaborate ^ no Lines too Elegant, togiveiifetohisconaueft. Mcanetime5though thcworlcrcaufe farca the beft , as it was wich unfortunate P$mfej : whole memory had , no doubt, many Ages iurvived C^/irx , had his for- tune bconc paralcl with Ctefdrsi they have the Art to niaj^nific the equity of the Conquerours fide: and with palpable aflentation to infinuateinto thcartcitionoffo commanding a fpirir. Many glorious Attributes of greatnefie are thefe ready todcvili, to honour him that h*as wonnc the clay. But bitter are their Pens in difvaluing the Actions of the conquered : in lying a(perfion$ uponhispcrfonsdifgracing his Alies : and in- venting; by all meanes how to advance tlie Fame of the one, by derogating from die other. This it was ( as I formerly obferved ) that induced J- Uxander to conceive fuch great diftafte againft A- h/loiulM^ ashewasalmofl: ready to fend both him and his Workes together into the River /^y- Jdf/is. For there is no noble nor princely dif- polition , who can endure to hearc his conque- red Foe di(honoured : or to fee any one lead him inTiviuniph buthimfelfe, Wlicn Cjfar had commanded thoft demo- lillxd Monuments of Ppmftj f States rea- red in his former affluence ot Fortune) to be fet ^ff'^m 89 ferupigainc, CrVfr# told him, that in ercfting P&mpejs Trophic*, he cftabliflicd his o wne. So praifc- worthy is the companion of a Conqueror, that in this hee defcrves more praifc, than his viftoribus prize. Nor is i r leflc nch\c in him to contcmne thofc fcrviJe earthy Spirits, who mold their Pens to the inclination of the day : holding him onelv worthy honour who got it ; and the vanquifh d all diflionour, becaufc his Fortune was more finifter. Whereas the goodneflc or equity of the Caufe isnottobemeafuredbythc Cloze : Many prcft quarrel Is have proauc'd ftrange effefts : yea , fiich incroaching powers, whofc onely ground of Hoftility , was inlar- ging of their owne Dominions , or enriching their coffers by others fortunes , have received wonderfiiU iiiccefle ; albeit, fbme Cloud or other in the end eclypf'd their greatnefTe , and re- rurn'dthem a jiift and proportionable revenge according to the meafurc of thofe injuries, which by invafion , oppreffion , or ufiirpati- on they had done unto othets 5 as the Lyrick fometimes (ung : ^iejuid A v$bis mMr extimefiet^ . ^mnn. MMrbecvsbkDemmtuminAtur* Asthe Great deaUs with the Utv^ CidmBufcthcGrcdtontsfo. But to returnc to our Difcourft : As thofe who are interefled in thefe Military affaires, arc to ayme at nothing more than the juft. O neflcl ',* Ji 90 nefTc rf thrir quarrcll ( which rctdnes ftiU in iftfclfcaquickningpowerto the Moft dediniog fpirirs : foarc thofe who UHclcrtalce the recom- mcndingof thofcartionsdonc, with acompe^ riblc Pen , to rchte the grounds and occaGons of their comniing on jof pdTigcs during the warrc^ with the event or iflue thereof 5 withcutfidingor complying with eitherpart ^ cither for Country, ornny other private ingagernenr. As for thofe^ j who ( as Oftatui (jicakes in another fence) are all I ftuT/W, nothing for Tnn// : or^ as Thtmipsm I fonictimcs fpokc of the K^cdcians^ who by com- plying with thu* F^mpcrour , and applying them- I ielves to his pleafurc 5 juftly gained thenaine of ^fcntitorct jcviniAns^ ^Icribc more reverence to the Purpli '" ^^'''"' than Perfin i'Thcir workes may reodve bnrarii for a time, but cannot promiie any comiimed It wasaSpca^i worthy the Mouth of Tr^i>ifr Hicfrowe titere, ftiujia impetrav€r9,t^tr$Lfjie. fitnjufijL. Hi^ ddirc wa^no longer to reignethan he rained y\xt\. The hearts ofhis people hcc foueht not to winnc by any fc^vcraigniring way : f(The(bund thofepaths full cf perill. Nor by protending gt>odrrdTe , orftirowdingcloiTdy de- (igncs with faireprnmces 5 fijr thofe hrcihnn- ncd,hccaufc4infc)uiivlly grounded. .And as the Fifli Sefia ishewrayedly abLidcc colour, which ibt calicrh out r o cover her • fo this dufky vnpcur of diden ibling being cfDCz dr(pcried,would bring him roa ditcrvcry/andhy dcgnccsiorxiine. This hadhcrcad in the TrngtcallCataftnDphe of Ti-' mmmmmm ^^urferyfirGBN MhHWWiM ■ii MM ■ ^►'I ■ ifi T Itr/o/^who glc5ricd in 0oihm|^ fo mud> asiacnn^ ninglv cloaking his private purpofts >vith gui!- dcd giPzcs , f aire preteiKCs, going inYifibIe,and (Wudic^hisSubicAsrclblutions witha fccming j Fairc femblances poized with their incommo* dities^ prove oftentimes fruitlcfle, tedious, or noxious, as the /^4/i.|ood , Of bcgct d mote a\«^full command and Cou'u * " Sovcraignty by praftifmg in himfdfc or Officer^, crFnfion of blood, he found that courfe no means tofccurchim, nortofcttte him in anhnperiall Scare. Hec had received from that Learned Morall, how, in the mind^ or cbnrciehoe of a NUuihercr 5 there (liall alvviyes remainc a ph^.giie of BloodjhisEycsniall behold no other cc.lour but (Anguint , as if the Aire were dv- cd into it ; the Vilions of his Head in tnc Night-time (hall cajl 4 BQVflt^ cf bUod in bis face. Hovvfoever^ moft certaine It is,'' that divers factious Incendiaries have (hovvne themfelvcs in moft Pavillions ; where, by private (ugge- iVions they e\^^r fought to fow'ditfcrences a- monglk Kmincnt'rt i>erfons : purpolely by a paraliricall way , to creepe into fivour with one or other. Which ever redounded to the Authors dilhonour 5 as might be inftancd in* tundry Exunplcs both Ancient and Modernc. For whence camethofcfatall-fraternalldifcords bctNvixt F$ljMcts mA Ete$clest Tho(c continu- ed Warrcs betwixt the Komans ^v\& Carthagi* vidns y SAbinti and SAmnitcs ;> but from thcfe K Sfirits in the VAult , who were impatient of nothing n^ore than peace : nor Fautors of ought more than Dwifion ? In troiiWed wa- ( tcrs is. their beft ftihing : HaUyenddjcs are their jmfmf^.GENtRT:. n their CsnicuUr'-Ja^es. A calamitous CantiM^ or fetall Hdrfalit^ ^ Ctm^i'vAiCxt they hang their Trophiei of gl<^rv. ; In Which, they hold it iinpbfliblc but to finde ibme, on whom the?y maypfa^ie.' H(€ulf4S Drcame of bringing forth a Bur^ ningT^rch^ may be in thcfe verified : Their ftirrings would bring' all to ciridj^nsjwcrc they not ieafonably quenched* Publicly: fafctyj pri- vate Amity 3 all cdrrelbondence meeting mu- tually , would by thefe bee foone diflblvedj were they left alone to aft their owric parts: which would in iVort time burft out incofuch combuftion ^ as the Stage where they aftcd, fliould prefcnt nothing but Enmity and Divi- fidn. Some* rf this Stamper our late Gracious SOveraign^i of famous ^lemory^ KingjAMES^ tookc efpcciall notice of : who ^ howfbever they were for other humane JLearning deler- vingly approved, yet for their indifcreet pa(^ fagcs in this kind i ( as may appeare more ful- ly in their Hiftoricall Relations) they utterly loft his cfteeme. Thefeare poyfpnous and virulent heads^ that fugge{tinto^thccWes'of;PtHnce9, Arguments of revenge, caufesofdiftruft, modves of fufpici- onandjealoufie : nor to profit thomfelvcs, but to fatisfic the depravedncfle of their cwne na- tures, intended to nothing but the fubverfion of States,' the'(ettmg at ciifcord united Prin- ces : En fdUor ! ^c. It was thought , that .r.v -J i'i I Ui'u O3 m EnfaBtr gnh Ut HoiirgtftUrm' tarjd$ gnvtty hos\ nil. K lion. \ ^4 ^Sutt)(y9fHlS'T\0^rier. •" ■ — . . ^-»i—— ■ ■ II ■ I ■! Ill I I ■ ] II I I . ■»! I L. - I I l» ■ ^ J^ _^ _ ■ , I m^ A mcmoraWf Jn thatgloriousindChrifti^-likccxpcdirionot foyiii wpJdi *of^ memorable Herfds, Princes recorded in the ererrtill booke; off^e, ^gtinft zhcTf^rtes^v^hQG^ boftilityhadkinc^wafte thoie bkfled and fruit* full coaftsj where the remnant of Ifrdil was once planted: that the grtatefl:;<:au(c of the illfac- cefle of that Warre proceeded from fomc fafti- OU9 heads, (etdnej ( ?hat unfortunate^ yet n^ver fufficicntly pnlfcaflerpe) the Duke of N0rp$df$^ dj , and the King of Frdnce^ at variance : an im- pious and dififrerous enmity , being a maine im- pediment for the hindering a warre, no leflTe glo- rious toHcavenj tlian generally beneficiall to all the world. Some have imputed the cau(e to ccrrainecxpoflnlations betwixt the two Princes, which grew afterwards to words of publick re- proach and infimy 5 upbraiding ea^h other with divers iinft)lencies offered by their Countries, one to another. Whatcre the Motive of this diflen- Amifchicvoui jjon was, (how Varied foever the opinions of Writers be herein) rhebraine that contrived it, vva5 (lire the forge of great impiety , and an irrc^- pavablc detriment to the Chriftiins, cxpofing tlicni to mine , flaughtcr, and deiblation. 'J he hkc we n)ay readofthofc two renowned Cities, $fdrt4 and K^ihns : which, two flourifli- ing Common-weaics longtime lived in unity, without the leafl: motion of warrc ; but \nfm^ reading rhc workes of a mutinous Hiftorian: mutinous indeed ; for his fadVionS before j had bcone iiiflicicnr, without further inducements by writing .'fuch bloody and cruell vvarreB cnfiied,' as' plot FiAioui HI mongft llic Aneicni; TT^^wJi^^ m as tbfc>lfif cof thofe mtcft5pe thac make cheir WorkcsJikc prkksor goa^. tpihep^oiblick State*- I will now proceed wy^UJijfnyf^nier diyifion of Hiftc^jy^^iixl finde in thefc two'Ci:traau^e^{vo«/j(/J»/i<^/^^, and St4U^fnvtWon)xmcawxodm:'kns m the per- fefecuruy. Thou art tf>P 4cpf'«fl^ » when ^vith Jaggkig wings thou ftq rpdVf-pfCiiery baA hare, or ohjtd < f if? feftk>ni iwkingdiylnv^irnfcionaitaleto othert plcafure , writing nothing luffe than truth , be* caufe trutlKanoottead} thee how t)o live. Thou art too rg(^t tthe difcipline of Hiftc'^ry »j tind wer*t tramf >rn]ed to a proflil Satyi-ift s mixing rhylrik^ with ftrreoionclnall tluivditqr^^KMi ^yP1*tcd with im \gin^ motives of fcjfc'^onceitsareisij^^ ^vhp beigalU^W lb rV' An cxcdlrnc mcme for an Hiftoriau to ^6 4 Svtroty 0f H \S T O R Y,w .^^ fo rhoii C with Ctififh^) ktckc againfl: the Moiles hccles. For the latter, there's no profeflion more cafie , tior fubjeft more frequent, nor Argument more gqncrall : and as tuvendl faith •• ' * i } Lib. t.fitjr. I Diffcili ejl Satjrdm nonfcriltrt : fum quii miqud flattering For the firft, I never knew any Difcoiirfe worth readingjproceed from fo baft and ignoble Mcrch^ints : They ftll their Workes by retaile 5 and hope of a gainefull Dedicatory, makes them contemnc Method, Truthj Subjeft, and all. Irm (krippe is open 5 relieve but the needy Artift, he will imitate the EohemiM Currc, fawne on a goodfuitc : (hew the projeft ofhis intendments tc)hiin;deague but tny proteftion , and he will fccond it with an indeared proteftarionitoinftrt Monumcntall Charafters of Honour to grace thee ^ oncly beftow thy bounty , and ftew not thy icife unworthy ofibftbulous an Attendant. His Invention is tycd to his Benefiiftors : then drycs the fource ofhis fancy, when they reftraine the Spring of their Bounty. •> It IS theniifcry indecd^ofthe Age,notalwaies toftxf upon Merit :(ecit1g many rare and exqoi- fitc Witts , and thoft fingularly improved by continuatc fhidy,and conference, fleepe many times in IllencCj unregarded, at Icaft unrewar- ded : while more ftcrile Conccipts receive ad- vancement. Yet fhouldnotthe/erefpefts make aScholIcr forgcifull of (b generous aTitlc, as the ^K^^firjfor GBS^TRr, •*M* 91 the beft-di(ccming Heralds of Antiquity have beftowed on him. For if wee will creclit Au- thority^, or the teftimony of luch, whole pre- cious-lpent. Oylc hath defcrvingly piirchas'd them a memorable eftecme, we Ihall tindc the Style of a $chller decpely damped wi th the Print ot'honour. Whence it is^ that Citr^tfis writcth, Li 111^^^4,1^ that in Prdge. an Univerfity of B^hemi^ , where '^. 444« I^bn Hidi and Hicrcm of Prdge pvoicScd , that they that have continned Proteflbrs for the fpace of Twenty yecres together, by a conftant rc(i- dence , are created Earles and Dukes both toge- ther. And therefore to dignifie their perfons the more, their Style is to be. called lllupes\ whereas they which are lingly and (imply but onelyeither Earles or Dukes ^ arecallcd5'//<5?^- hiles. Neither makcth it any matter, that they have no revenues to maintaine Earlcdomcs or iJukedoaies : for they have the Title not- wit^iftandingy even as Suffragans have of Bi- (hops. Refleft on theft, ytt free-hred Children of the iLearning of Mt$fes:^ and you willfcome to exppfe your de- |J^®J'J"\'J^"J^ ferving Labours tothe Mercenary Trade of our '^t^^merar impertinent Pamphletters : who writt^ before nary, they r^-i^ and di (cover their follies to the world, not to gaine/^M/yir hxitprice. Oblervc but what (urviving Fame the labori- ous Workes cf knowing Authors have forme r- ly acqui red : ^orum tfftgies fi ver} fcire cufjai^ ) n$nfdx$fedfcriftdleg4i. Admit, they received not that acceptance, while they lived, which their P clabo- ^8 Let Scholltrii ic4ve thif Uc fciving MutC9 of So.'u'/; to ilifirCouimy; and if the ic- ward ihcm not, let a vc- ilound to her I ignominy : «* O Pdtrk tl- if IS ipttuh:ui ' eoiftiiinpt Vo Jam IptixtjlU i/, tic'hfit i or- elabbrnte compcifbres d^fSrved : yet though a [j4tCAnH4 lleepc ^ the whole Judgitteilt^failAge canAcit. Tltcre vVill b(i e ver fonhe^ Wh6 cati both rtad alid iudgi. So preciotis are rh(f fe Mortuniferits of Learning , and have beene ever , that Qiould Fortune play Hill her blind part , and feferve the jmillcft uorkion for CMincrva^s Followers: 1 hey {hall li Vt^ hiore hohoiit'd iii che't^ye bf kidg- meiir , bccaufc had in dirgraCt by a painted p.tt- idlonbot-doath Scare, which never yet afpi- rcd loa difccrninj^ knmvled^e of Merit. For tell nic, ycc happy delpiv*able ones, are you any thifii»; the wor(e,bcau(e defpifed , where onctyFAlhionj Conmlemcnr, or a&fted igno- rance is in rctjucfl: > No ; as it is rtic good mans plo\*y to b^uirvalucdby theevill : Ib'itii your happincirc ro ravive adilefteeaie Trom thcft^ who pride thchifclves in librhin^ but hlljien^jg- nornue. j .; 7*^'^^'TT t^iobe.xw die affluence(>flief FatH^CcottVI fi V : '•' Greater Am / thdn fortunes can fuMut. \ Rich more yon 3 Who.^it enriched with farre more precious (iiblbnce: you. haVc in you ^Jit may truelyfoVtirfcycni :No hiatteV'jthonj^h your outward liouft decline, fo your inward Iwufc rcrcine her beauty, let your WotkcsfheiUon- tirmcyour worth : Let thtm\idt|>aTliatan un- irilrh ; nor for any ho{)e Of an ihttobt^tedtewatd, inlnuuteyour felVcs into thb faVOut'Of vicibli? Cfre.it'iKffe. Makechoice dnuch4>4ir^i^,^hom yen may jnftly commend :\ct hii yittuies r^Xh^ thap his /"rrrr^wp; bindc you ro him. Many ^l^urferjfir.Q^El^TRt 99 Dire^ion in the Elc^ion ot :>Qbjc^. by^ijdfJjrjf/jBi^tlie^ uncJeCcrving Pc^t (onages :or^y writing in way of Commcpdati- pn, qpoii uqworrhy Siibjc(Js. Goc4 Wits (liould te>efC4?f'^^i^^^^ ,and if W^^aVc, ib^BctfCf jb4ye.\Ynt ^qwgb ft?r then| to a,4ri>ijfp. f Theft twQ fort^ ( 4S*nc>t worthy ai) Biflor}- call Title )l)avc J pro(cri heel the bounds of my .difcoprfc: ifbetwixt fqch two dangerous fliclvc:^, J can fip4c a retirqd harbour forthq cmdy neimcd ////?m4r;jtobreathhim(elfcin^T have attained my wifhed expeftancc. The mcane betwixt thele twoj gives us ob/civation of noting caufcs ijnd efFe(n:s ^ how produced p and how ended : Counfells ai)d fucceifeSj how jpfendcjci^J^pw adr miniftred. Then hce proceeds further p making refcmblance betwixt Nature and Nature, State ^n^ State , the government of this Province viud, of ^^t^r : thpn.diffcretjccs of A^kions and Events : fome wifely 'Carried 3 hc;iring themfelves fure^ and promifipg a compleat fatisfaftion to the un- deiTakcr : yet what oppofition betwixt ^t;hc end At>d beginning, ruinc beine thepcriocjl, or ex- treme, gf his hones ? Mapy mcl-^ oppoCm Copverr ftOHs^ or CiiUJirPfhes rather, may we dayly ice in theraanageqicijitsofWarrcs. Who more happy in his Countries proteftion , and who morcfocr ccffiyein his prolecutipn ^ than Prnfej the great in his. firft enf r^cc to MarpaU c;icploi ts ? Yea, (as Cif/ir acknowledged himielfe) he had conquc- ^^|^"/^'J[, red 5 if he had knovvne when he had conquered : yi/tu ^*^"^ yetincyentjW})o/ede(i[gncsmoreuphappy? No?: Pa onely I I I I II ■ '' , " I ■ J \ lOO ^Surrey of HIST OKY, or Moriflg Hifto onely deprived of the bent of his hopes v pTpfcrU bed ( as it were) his native Countrcy,ancI «for- ced to bcggc a poore Sepulchre in a forrairie Countrey : but even moft opprclTed by their cru- elty, whole fcrviceundernisowne Banner, had bccue rewarded royally. Such difcourfes often move in mena commiftration , in feeing Vcrtuc lb iU guerdoned , and Vice (under a counterfeit garbe) of Innocence, receive an inimerited re- ward. And this certainly have moft Hiftorians c- vcr oblci vcd in rlicir Writings ; (b lively to ex- prcflTcthcdilaftcrsof dcferving men^ that their Rdaticns mightmove a kindeof fenfiblepitty andremor(einthepcrufer> which isbcftcxem- pliljcd by circumftances : for the time 5 place," caufe, and perfbn, with other necellary Adjunfts, doe { for tne moft part ) lay a more open and fmot >th Traft to the inforccment of paffion, Lu- rii;>,tliatHcroickHiftorian,.brings forth Omr- //4 fitting up( nthe ftiorc, where her Huft)and tookchislaft farewell of her: where (like ano- ther Ni^e ) Ihc makes a Limbeck of her cycs^and dcfctintshcr ownc calamity, oft wiftiing his re- tume J and when deprived of his fight,yet thccye of her imr^gin.uion rcprelcnts a new objeft of forrow. HerCjin liich royall ccmpolitionSjand fnnerall conclufions, he delcribes the divcrfity of Nature, in two contrary fubjefts : a (ervant faithfull, fitting oVe the hcadlelTe trutike of his "aaTon'ird^by "^^'^^PPy ^''•'^'^^ fi^'^ve as uugratefull , haling whtt cifcum- his once well-eftecmcd Lord and Gcnerall to iUiicci. jj^^ £jj^l (i^oarc : where (without nfte of remorfe,, How (omoTt jNmfery fir GHi^TR T, 10 1 •fcmorft , remembrance of former merits ^' Qt regard of ebuhtticr love') liee deprives him 6f life. ' When Mdrc^ %^nteitst^ was'to prefent the cruelrv committed upon C^r/ir in that fatall for- prizehereceivedintne Capitol : that he might move more compaffion in his Hearers 5 who, as they were for moft part FUbcUns^{o ocular Pre- (entments ufiially worke dcepcft irppreflion widi them : fhewcd in his iFunerall Oration the thjrty three wounds wherc>vich C-r/ir was deprived of life by his Confpirators. Which baring of his bodyjanddi(coveryof his wounds, with an ag- gravation of die oaioulhefle of the faftj being aftcdbyhis owne pretended friends , begot in them an univerfall forrow. Nothing but revenge could relifh well with them, after this (b doJeflill aSpeftacIe. . This that excellent Hiftorianj ( \^fp}an. o^* <% An etcelicnc Art in moving icxana* ) cxprcuccn in luui a paiiiuiraic manner, piflion | in- as his Lines can hardly produce any lefle efFedt j"^"^*" •'-iP' from an attentive Reader. For you fliall ever ob- drh^tt. '**'' ferve, that the Imagination workesmore ro life than the Line : So as, when (iicl;i a Difcourft is laid open to us, we begin to recollcft the Ctr- cumftances ; as the place where (iich a Tragicke Sceane was afted, the perfons interefled j the qua- lity of the perfon fuffering : all which are fo enli- vened by tne imaginationjas irmakes ihtRcMdcr a Sfciidt^rXo ftrong and finewy is the conceipr of him who underftands what he reads. Chramus^ who had beenePrW^r, being P 5 condem- mimmmm^ ^Suroey «f H 1 S T Q R Vi fit A memorablt rablc end* condemned an^ now^^Lf wl\cfijf:(y. i;he SQi;\l(Ji«!h3P xlurmg th9rp I^;;iaioin^of tlje.i'f jV»|i^wV4 intrc^T red'theiii to forbeare from ofiei ing violence, till hcipight fend his fonneprpca]^ imagining, gnoJ OIc^ njaq, cb^t his fgpne Qut of a niturall aflrc(2ion,,ancl reverence m^ gwy luircs, would interci?ed for hiai ^but rb^y mghr cd at his fui tc , anfvvcring hini^thar hi$ fbnne had ^ ...^...^_., rpokcn, but it was to the contrary : When the old ^oTiTui'ln\ man heard this , he dcGred them to tarry till hee anT h " m^ifc- ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ '^j^ Daughter h whom when he Taw , he commanded "^^JhecjhoulddlJlAine from his goods ^ ^*le/l her Brother Ihouldfuc jorher DcAthunto An- ^^ tonic. But obfcrvc the fatall ifTue of Difobe- dicnccl This unnarurull Sonne, having confu- medprodis;aIlyaIlhis goods , the unhappy re- mainder of his Fathers fbrtuncs , became after- wards attached of Felony, and (avedhimfelfc by l]ig|i t : wl^rc living in u tedious Exile , hec,clo- Icd hUdaycs as, milcrabJy, a^ his former coi^ric; Vvasunnaturall. . , A plenteous Storc-houfe of Examples for all conditions is ^(^i?ry in icfclfe. Which conduce muchro the regulating of our life 5 and preparing our fcl vcs for death. For if wee (h^li but confi- derthcrcfoiutionoffuch, who forpopularho- nour , Countries efteeme ^ or fafcty of State, h(ivc with all rcadtncfle encounued Deat;h :yea, >vho rather than,rhcy would endure to (cc any Tyrannick Scveraignty introduced 5 or the an- cient Lawes.nndCuftomesof their Nation dif- .aijip^lcd, wp\4 d iti'R^Mcion^ii'oftni^Kinde^bti^aine vnlifint Gommiuders;'' Others, in the 5urve)^ of AcT-b doiie in dt^fettoioinL'adieS honours , as if thofc Hiftoricall Nati-ntions (olely ay.mtcj ^t tbeni, bc- tooke them toth$ ftii^Etitet^izeJ/^'No Taike tt^difi!(^bK^;'|tv6i^^(}grt(? roimjluled-with dan- gfc^r,' whtcliwitha'^thttrefuirrmile they would not encounter ^fo^ th^'tnijiht vendicate any wron^^l,'*di«iicjr. minent Starifts, whofc -glory it was to imbracc Death willingly, rather than beer me Subjcftsof his Victory. Torccount ( if Figures could fmdc place for iuch a number ) rho(e many beds made Widows J thofc many Infmt-orphans by his PhArfalia. Hcc findes the Senate diflblved 5 all thofe Orders and Otiicialls conducing to a Poli- tical! State (while popular command bore fway) rooted. The tongue of Eloquence he findes char- med ; and to his innovated State folely chained. He findes /-<;?j«/ Temple open 5 andhec isconfci- ous to hnnfelfe, why it was opened ; and now he (huts it, but not without a figh, for he knows not howfoone it maybe opened. Hecvicwcswidi a lerious Ceremony the Statues of his once living, but now interred friends : and in a more pallio- naterecolleftionofhisowncaflaireSj hce confi- derSjhow his ambition brought many of them to ruine. Hec lookes when rhoft livelefTe Shrines otTiis loving Allies fliould tenderhim a re-grccr, at Icaft an inforced fmile, as a congratulating tcftimony of his Viftory. But he findes them: Emblcmcs of himfelfcjmeere fliadows of emp- ty grcatncfle s a place they hold , and that is all. Having now taken a full view of his Princely Pratorinn , his f\tall Capitol! , and all tlioic memorable Beauties which cither Art or State could bring to their full height 5 hec Q takes I06 J Survey fif HIST OKY.er NoiM. jMic takes mcafurc of himlclfc : and hcc findes his u>c lu-'i^f 'of '^^'^^'^ ^^ unconfincd as i t was before. Trmngu- i,ci Birpcr^r. Idf it is , v\ hicb, li culd ic pofleflc the world, can j no more by the Circumference of the world be ; confined , than a Triangle by a Circle is robe fil- led. He eyes his ownc Compcfition ; and hec ncitlicr findes liis body more (trongthened , nor j diclineofhiii life probably lengrhned 5 nor the ! ftaycsoflils Empire better fctlcd. And now he , icclcs in his owncbreaO, what hce never felt be- 1 fore:, numerous cares , nociurnall fcares : So as^ j (hould he be ib fccurcd from nil outward foes, as ! nothing C(HilJ> io8 ^HurveyofHiSTOKYtOr (?dmpif mg of City leru/alem^ is ft id to wcepe exceedingly, be- holding lb many lamentable Objcfts of pitty (dead carkafTcs lying in open ditches; foaj not able to conrainehimfclfe, he cryed out, / cal/ Heaven to witneffe, I am not the caufc ofthisfeofUs flAughter, Many fuch rcprc/entn)ents wee have very ufiKill in Hidories, motive for their pallion, and memorable for their end j proceeding from the ju(t Judgment of God, to caution others by their mi (crable falls. ^„,„^ ^^ There is another propriety in a Flifrory, which Hi^Jr7t%lt7y (lunild be c bfcrvcd ; and that is a Judicious col- nc»;cflAry. jlation, or Comparing ofHiftorics one with a- nothcr. The dcfcft and want hereof, is the prin- cipal! caufc Why fo maine di/cordancies &: meere oppolitions in Hifrorics ari(e ; and that not incir- cumltances alone , bur in materiall points , as o- riginal! foundations of Cities/ucceffion of Prin- ces mifcitcd,fhc fites ofCountries (an obfcrvance more Ceogr;.phicall ) ill-difpo(edi with many o- thcr errors, which are grounded upon no other reaf( n^than the want of conferring fuch Hifto- ries togedicr, as tend to the prefcnt Subjcft wee have in hand. Nay, were it not much thinkc you, now to prove direftly, that the very Computati- mong pan* Computation of yeciti. iittttnct t- on ofyeeres which they derived from their anci- Ji^|^\£;i^^^%C^icUnBh^n\xi\(\% Chronicle, andJFi^;iriiioria: in^4^/j'5thcTcn:p!e of-rf- yinnwf /«V f^^^ ' ^'^ ^^^^^ft^^:> ^hc Templeof /4;;wj ; in Tcrk^ fe^tu ' I where Sf, Feters is now ^ the Temple of ^ BeUB" skftotv in j^rt- pitL in vit. Moyfani, b CiiubnCfti csroi9 ArmU yiA.\x\L$nJon, where Pauls is now, ( and now Cr Lcire Kc- /uniy O* Stvc- rt Jiiipcr,tto is. J Jucliiui tti to more than her priftinc beauty ^cftored) the Temple of . people of this Land, that iufread of the true and ever-living /f^urleryjoT GEN T^T. % 1 1 Lord, they ferved thofe Hearhcnifh and abliomi- nable'ldols , Uars^ Mercury, Minepva, ViBorU, JfoUoy lamu^ BeHofia^ Didna, and fuch like, N o greit raarvell then, that people fo wholly illite- rate and ignorant in the Law ofM^fcs^ (liould be unknownc to the CompurarionoFycercs dcfcen- ding from licfes. But for the Pagans them- fclvcs to be ignorant in their Annuall Accompts with luch fupcrftitious fblemniry ob(ervc(^5%vith fuch conftanr Feafts rolemni7cd : and every y cere, in their perfonall vi(us (efpecially for their O- Ijmpick and jfihmim Games) meniorizcil : it may (ccme ftrange to;iffirme^ but a tafllid Argu- ments, what enforcmg reafons be there inclu- ded , onely to move men to the embrace of ver- tnc> With Diftourfeplentifjll enough in oppo- (kions betwixt Ethnickc and Ethnickc\ out- ftripping Nature (it it were poflTiblc) in reafo- ning, and drawing an argument,accre to Divine R approba- i»4 J Surrey ^fmSTOM.^r probation, and ready to.confirmeit,tf the gcnc- rallblindncs of the Time, and their want of fur- ther Revelation wou!d admit of their aflcrtion. Thus much for the former branch of my Di- vifioujof Hi^ories True and Aathenticke : N ow I willcntrcateof Relations Feigned ^yet fuchas Moralized include an excellent mcaning,draincd I frou) the uncorrnpted Springs of /^^//Vi^/i. . »cigncati6n, i-nead Maiici but [jrolcaitiug his Dikourlc wixh a modclrpr.i- Tie. Howead}^ viiy , as if Nature, that had deprived him ofhis ha^'iVcb^Kri corporallfight5haddoi:tMf,to make the eie ofhis uncierftundingmorcp'efcing. For who fo reads thcMajcfty c^f his Stile, the wel-coucht Fables inm)ixt in h»$ War bcrwixt the Greets Sc Tra^anS:, may as in a S torc-houre,imagine the Trealiircs of all Wits to be locked up in hinn Many excellent Hiftorics have bcenc derived from him,as well in Prole a5 contracted Meafiires j for his pleafing variety rehiherh more then others, becaufc through all his Workes, hee ulcth lefle digrellion then giCilintluftry) to tnakc a Ce ncrall(ihoui;h sur»n)Ary}dc- fcnpuon o: all the !^ocr%Jivc4j .in»i wiiHf.urc more kluity, \ l»opc, th.»a his n:viUnoui .ilcouifc of mIMM jmrferyforGBNTRr. 115 then others : and pitty it is, that every impolifhy hand (IkjuM have to doc with the Tranfcription of his Labours: grieving the poore Blincl-man with their bHndnelIe:For who fa blind as Ba)ard> And \i Stefjc^rm was worthily ftrucke blind for Commenting on Ventu beauty, ;ind difcommen- ding HclUns forme : Much more dcfcrvc they an exafterpuniflimcntj that dare with an unprepa* rcdfl^ighrneffe, Comment onhis eternized La- bours, whodeteftedr^ijw luft, andportraied Hf //^w/ Inconftancy. Toprefcribein what Tongue fff/^^r/V/ arc to be reaa, I know their owne garment is mod na- tive. But dich have bin the dil^arragi ng Labours of our Englijh Tranflators, that Rcmes Tongue, and Grteces Charafters, grow as vulgar and com- mon with us , as the ItdlUn Garbe : fo as wee (ceme beholding to others, both for Speech and Raiment. I doe know (bmc Workes are neceP. faiy tobeTranflated. being fuch as exprefle the politicke ftatcs of Realmes 5 which imparted to thcillitcrate,offentimesconferreno little bene- fit to our Countrey. But other Works there be, which Modefty would have concealed^bcing Re- cords of the Vitioufncfle of former times ; as the Obfcene and fcnfuaH convents , or profti tut ions rather, of thofe mirrors of Impiety , the Roman Emperours ^ the Relation whereof acquaints the depraved too well with fuch Impudence. To admit of fitch Workes, or to give Patro- nage to fuchsUoronly fruitlcflc but diflioncft La- bours, hachbcene in all times a greatoccafirn of R 2 ccr- parraged by TranHators* Maayillitrrac ofdi^cxadcil Itadgmcac. ^J J 1 6 ^ Sisrvejof H J S T OR., Yi df j The tree paf- Corrupting youth, nourifhing Vice , andmtfo- ^,lfri^r\T!h^^^ fuch, who in name Vourcc regard of thcir cmincncc of place, Aiould have of con ii))ting [/jp Patrons and pattcrncs of piety. For if anci- *'"^** ciulyall cccafions of loofencflc were j[b much prevented , as even outward Habits or other ex- tcrnall gcftures made thcni rcn(ured :.How much morcfliould Juthors^ whofc oyle fliould be fo nnploycd ^ asabcncfit tofc^nie, a pre)udi(;c to none cnic^u to be occ\lloncd ; labour to conipofe fiich Works ^ or faithfully Tranfiare fuch Xi4- boHTs y as nvay confcrre a (luceeding profit to the State J to which they Hand more particu*- Inrlyinicrcllid. Lalcivious lines produce vici- ous lives : feeitig men for moil: partj. are more A- piiV'ly addi(!led to the imitationof any vice^then icrionfy alfer^ .A profeft Ciampion of valour mued! thc[| ^ndlv nour, becauleheufcd tolerarch his head 010/^ mtegii.| with one hngcr ^ albeit very continent and mo- ' dcO. So CfAlp^^ oncly becaufe hee would have boughtaFarmeofa A'f/?4//r/rf/zi3for which in- tent only^he ufed to convcrfe w^th her , was fuH pe(ftcd tohaveabuled her. P^Jihumi A^hecM'c out j of a naturatlinclinationj given to laughter 3 and Ibmcthing forward to talke with men , was fuf- pec^ted fcuj may be jNurferj ff GH H TR T. 117 peftcd of her honeii;^ whereof being openly ac- cufed, flic was acquitted by Sfurius Mi$wti$u with tliis Cavcatj/tfu^y? xpordsfuttAbUtohcr life. NoWjif Kabir,. Gefture, or Difccuvic begot fuchaiufpition amongfl: Fagdns \ what ihould publicke Wcrkes, whcrero Authority gives ini- provementjdo amongft ChrifiUns 1 In our rea- dings 5 as \vee (hculd be Bees and no Sfiders : brou7ingand fucking the fragrant'll: and whole- fom'rt hcarbs, and no leflc (cafonably converting them to the beft (ubftance ; So (he u!d tho.'e,vvho iiitendtopublilhoughr j noleffe linccrcly d^en ferioully ponder thus with themlclvess l^eforc diey impart themlelvcs to the World ; ^Svhcreto ^^ rends this paflagc? will not the ambiguity cf it prcb:ibly beget amiPconftrurtic u? andATon- ^ (cquently Ibnic occafion of corruption ? Have our lines their full weight? do they bearc that " proportion^which may fort with the quality of ^'^ that Subjeft whercf they treate?do they neither '*^fallfl)ortof theTimCj by contrn and without juft ground di(- ^^rellifliit? Vxmccly C/^uguJlu^y who ever retayncd in him a Moral] piety, afwellas an Imperiall Majeftyj K 3 for cc ct Il8 ^Suflpey0fHlSrOKY,^ Pkt0. A jud rcproofe of tQiiifcrect TraoIUtioat. forledcrhadthe latter bei^eS'd him, had not the fomicr accompiiiied hira ^ would not permit his livid CO read light works : no queftion, light labours make many of our Livid s light. For as the Lover is ever blinded with afFeftion towards his beloved : Co ic farcch with thcfe, who affcfted to light pafTageSj in the end lb fixe their deluded conceiccs upon them, as they admire nothing with more conftancy, then (iich Subjefts as wrought thofc lovc-ficke palTions on their befot- rcdt-mcy. Hut to recede to our Dilcourft ofHi/lfries of this nature 5 1 hnd many unprofitable pafTages in thcTranilationof our Htjlcries'^ which thediA crction of a temperate and well-compofcd Infer- prefer miglic have well omitted : neither fhould ncintljis have prejudiced his Author ^ but ac- quired morehonour tohimielfeby his Labour, I could inftancc many paffiges in fundry Rom4» Hi- Jloridvs. \vhkh miQ;ht difcreetly have bceneomit- jtcdwitn out any defect or maime at all to their Htjlory : and by omitting thole lighter digrefli- oi^s, minilVed IcfTc offence to a mcSefk Reader.. Truth is, we arc apt enough to become de- praved by c'ur owne illimited aneSions^ and little need to have a plat-forme drawne to us, to be- get in us a new brood of vicious inventions. Ma- ny particulars, nodoubt, might fuit well the Hi- ftory in his Originalljin refpe^ft of the timejplace, and pcrlbns, wherein ana to whom it was ad- dreflcd rwhichj attired in another Dialeft, and publiihal inthcfeour latter times , would not TCllifll AK^ftryforGBNTTiT. 119 rclilh lb well to a dearc Judgement. That confpicuous Light of rhc Eafternc Church, whole Devotion and Learning have con traded them f elves in fo unanimous a man- ner, as no fuccccding Age but fhall reapc benefit by the perufall of his holy Labours ^ faith ^ that anciently the /?^/w4/;/ worfliiped P^rtuc and Ho ;7^«r for Gods. Whence it was, that they built two Temples , which were fo feared , as none could enter the Temple o( H N O V R^ unlefle he firft pafled through thx Temple oiyERTrE : tofignihe, that none was tobehonourcdj luilcire by Ibme yertMchc had firft delervcd ir. Tb.c Mo- rall admits no other ingenuous Expolirion, than its owne genuine cxprcfTion ; For Honour^wowz- fbould be fo danag-bold , or prclum[)tuouny confident upon a credulous conceit of their ownc worth , as to wooc her , much lefle to winnc her , till by paffing through ^^r/«f /Temple, he c;et free admittance unto her. " Now tell me, what //^>?^ii^r fhall accrue tothofe goodly Labours, beautified with glorious Fron- tifpieces , garnifhcd withall the Ornaments and EmbelliliimenrsofArt, countenanced by a po- werful! Pa ron , and accommodated with all rhofe Helps whicbtheextenfive Labours of an v>^«rA^rcaa require : when it fhaii appeare to the World, that thofe Lines of his never recei- ved approvement from the Temple o( Vertuef CMijhow many fickly Judgments have! knowne of this fort , who by neglecting their choice of Arguments tending to the advanctmenc of good- Aug. wmmm I 1 20 ^ SuTVryefHlSrOKY.or ______^_ 1H_ ■! IM« — _— ^— ^— — _^— ^-^-_— ^-^^— ~— — — _— I , goodnede , and bcfto wing dieir OyJc on fiich as lead: dcferved their imploymcnt 5 have pcrithed intbccdecmcofhoneftWits, and difoarraged ^ii]llcZi7^di thcmiclves moft , where they cxpeftea to have iuill^ rndxi-- , bcene honoured moft! But as this may be pro- mifTtfmpfc perly conftrued an crrour of life 5 where the affe- uu YiiV.^^* ftionofan Alithorj either in refpcftof the ge- nerall inordinacy of the Time , ehufcth rather to fit his Pen to the corruption of the Age, by de- livering!; to her what fhcmoftaffbfts: or out of a wcAkncflc and deficiency of Judgment, prefcrres a lip;ht or I.nlcivious Subject, (blcly apt to de- I prave many , improve none^ before (uch as arc j Icrious,- and might tend to the benefit of the Publiqne, being methodically difpofcd, and fiirh fully rend red, asTranicriptsof that nature^ are to be pub) ill cd. So there is another crrour commonly arifing from ignorance of the Lan- guage, wherein fuch a Subicft was writ. As the Creeke^Co is the Ldtifte copious and fluent : in both winch it is very cafie to offend , either by jtoochildifh rcndring, or erroneous miftaking j of the Original] cxprcflion. But the Ldtine Tongue being of raoft ufe, be- caufe of gcncrairfl: Notion through the World 5 as alio for that moil: of the Greeke Hiftories were ; tcndrcd by faithful! Interpretors in that Tongue, j received mod: acceptance : and that not onely in the LatiAn confine s , but in more remote places I where ot Iicr Tongues were in rcqueft. We read in Di0f$ Cdjftm^oi a principall man in Greece , that by CUudius was put trom the Order A ^rferyfor GR3^TR T. izi order of JudgeSj for being igaorant of the Latin Tongue. That in all the regions ofPdnmnidxx was known; Vc&cim will a/ford you fufficient authority. y^UtUUhx. Sec'^^ndly^thatitwaslpoken in a frccandna-[//rd/»i. iV. tive Idioire, in Franct and Sf4in<, f^ y . . Thirdly, in c^/r/V^^ ^ [ffi/i! '* And(toteflcdtupon more Divine authorities) it/ecmcth that the Sermons ofCyfridn and An- gujlwe yet extant (o( JHgufiii$e it is raanifcft) that they preached to the people in Latin. But in the Eafl: parts of the Empire , as in Greece and AftA , and fo likcwife in A[frU!:e^ from the grea- ter i)'r/Ar Eaft-ward, itappearesnotin our rea- ding norcolleftion from others , that the Reman Tongue ever grew into any common u(e. And thcreafbnof itfremestobe, for that in thofc parts of the Empire it became moft frequent, where the raoft and greateft Colonies were planted. Now, what ablurditiei are and have bin ufual- ly committed upon ignorance of the Tongue, which theylaboured to Tranflatc,! leave to the jiidiciouscenfuresoffuchj who arc frequently vcrfdinfuchSubjcrts : where they (hall finde wholepagcs mi iPconftrued, whole periods omit- ted, whereby the Author becomes mifcrably mangled. Now, to rcturnca true levcll unto both ; as the Ortginallexpreftaifts done in that time vnto life 5 and 5 perchance, glanced at fbme egregious abufesof that Time^or rather difplaycd them in S their I* til JSuneyofHlSTOKY.^r \ their dccpdt colours : So is his Tranjlatonmn apt and proper phnlero render him : and if any ini[x:rtinenr, or (which is worfc) vieious paflTages (Kvurrc.with aniodclHilencc topafleoverchem'j ' ratlicr ihenliynnunnecefluryinfcrting of diem, inlornierhcprcfoic ace inknowlcdTC of d\cm. Inohfcrvinj^ this their X^if^ttz/lluildelirrvcco l)cinchAincd inc nr emincm*iH.ibrarie% nndre- lainc in rliem a ccuilirmed famc^whilc //fA/^r/7/i. r^rVx, which receive ihcir beauty from the Cv^m- plies of Time, or adorne rhcmfehes with the (]uii-kiMMdinu;l!()iiriiliesot vanityj Ihall incline to ihc pw'iicd (^f x{\ LMiic Fate. IUnl>ccau(eIhaveentrcdintoa Catalogue of PoeticalllJiliorieSj I will proceed further into tlie mcmorahle, and no Idle ingenious Works of licfto.l : Much 1 cannot Write of Hyltoricall matter in Ileftcd 5 yet what he writ ot th;U Sub- icv'l J cf n;prchc!uled in it morchcight and true pr{)|)i>rti(Mi,ihcnany Poctthatevcr writ. Widi* what ha'/arding danger doth hee theredelineate the rave Combar between Ccixxm\CycnMf Now equally poi/ing their valours fas it- nature had made diem (^KdiatCijuill power) to the end to leiyc die con! lie' uncerrahie. Prcfcntl) (upon ( c- cilioiKxl advantage ) hcc Uxwcs a better and u worie ; yer lb, as without the Icaft imputa- tion, or ilifparrage to cirhcr (>f their fpi- tits (making them ;is im|>araiell as equal!) l>ut applies xhc r\\nt to (omc aufpitious (jeuiu?, (T Divine Power, favouring one n:ore tlk'Uiti^(*thvr. Straight, with a new poflagej he. ■ »■» I I n m «r » >i I ' — JNurferjfirG EM t'if] I ii y ^^ __^ ^^J be proceeds to thercfolvcd exploits of HtrcuUs i^'^er^uUt La andwithan admirable facility defcribcs his La-»| ''"'" hours, Hec it was, that by the allifting hand of iHpitcr y. of whom he defcendcd , flew the Cleo* man Lyon ^ the Erimdnthian Boare 5 the Bull of M4rdth$n^ the Lcrndun Hydr4 , and the winged Hart : Hcc who purchalcd no leflc memorable Trophies in Hcll^than onE.lrrhjhaling die three- necked Ccrberw^ and rcfv'ninc; Proferpins ( i f the Suprtnle. Powers had not inhibited ) from the tyrannick hands of infernal! Pluto : Dilcon^fiting the CentAuns ^ vanquiQiing K^ihekm ( being his corrivall in the love of £iire Deimird ] die Sijmphalides^ the Cremona Gyant5, the tray* ttrom Ne[fM^x^m£fu ^ /lugeaiStMc^, Apples of Hefftrida^ Cacm^ Bufyris , hurling Diomedcs tohis HorfesC to quit his owne tyranny ) free- ing Hifjent from the Whale , (lick ing Troy iarc- venge of tl^e perfidious iMomedon , : fubduing thofe invincible Giants, Dericlns and jilhien^ xc^ deeming ^r^4//>, and ^ttticia from die captivity ofGcrion :. and wearing the Amazon Ba!d\ ick, to intimate his viftorics in tho(e warlickcProvinr ces, • ' ' • ' ■ Tlicfe, and the like, doth Hcftod fcr downc with that probable coherence ) dut ifclie matrcr it lelfc dioi not imply an impoilibility, one wou^d be cf rtainly induced tobrlccve fo concordant x\\ Hiftory* Prcfendy hedcfccnds to the Gcrterati- 0ncft\\cGodi\ making upa Genealogy in that diftinfVorder, as the Pagan Cods ( forfbonc hath obfcrvcdj were much indebted to him for S 2 fo I ^y» r —■■»■■■*■ > ] IZ4 ^Sun>tjofHiSTO^Y,cr ' fowell deferving their pedigree, which with- out his invention ( perhaps) had latne obfcarc. t> j Now, howfrcvcr thc(e Inventions may fteme \inw Tnvcnti-;tniproperfortlicftateorftru(fliTrcof an tiifi^rji ofi miyitanrobabilirywhatrceverhathhara^ iiiftory. owne Time or any former Age : Yet arc thc(e,tm- bclliduncnrs to Hifiorj 5 being writ rather to bcautifie than contirme j and to checre the con- ceit 5 than to enforce it to an improbable bcliefc* No doubt, bur many C'fthofe Eminent Heroes, whom Time either Hatrered , or Oracles delu- ded ^ or iome other (elfe-opirtionate G)nceit tranlporred , were incouraged to defignes of m- finite diffijuli/5 to prove themfelves defcended from a Deity. Belidcs this, they imagined, be- ing fodcfcended , they were invulnerate. This ic was, which put d:em on Anions above con- ceit , to dir})crfe their Fame , and preferve that Opinion which the Age rereined of their defcent. EiceilcmEm- Howfoever, excellent Emblemes were (hrcuded dovTcVxmdVr under rholc Poetical! Fiftions. Hirfutdnuasof- PoccicaU fiat^ tiff^s frdbent nucleos. The (licll may (eeme meane , but the kernel 1 (vveete. When Achy lies ^ that glory of the CretiMns^QiA exposed himlelfe to all dangers^ that Hoftihty or the force and fury of an Enemy could prelfe upon him 5 in the end, hee was wounded in the heele 3 for thcreonely, as the Poets feigne, he was mor- tall , and conlcqucntly vulnerable. This in- cludes a darkebur dainty MoralL Many, hovv- fbevcr they come on bravely , and can endure not OUfi 4 Nsfrfery fir OENTR J\ 1^5 not oncly the firft brunt, but cxprcfle a wondrous height of refolution, during all or mpftparoof theheareofthcday., .)^ctin the h^elcJ arc they wounded. They crowne not the Day of their; Aftions with a glorious Evening , but failc moft when the MeritopthetrAftions (hould be moft (hining. For in this fhoiuld every Heroick Spi- ritimitatcthe Sunne § whoft property it is to (hewmoftbeaury intheSetting: (b they, more in their Clofe than their Beginning. ■:.,]] , Yet, were 'thcfe H iftoricall Inventions of thd Poets, touching the it7r;f^ri//V^ of the GcJs j in many refpefts defcftive , and in fome abfiird. E- fpeciallyjin portraying of them aged, or ad- difted to fome vicious quality or other ; wherein ^they kemcd to confound Mortality withlra- r mortality : a pure integrious eftate with impiety. P6r the^rft^ it was an excellent Saying of The- ocritw^ who obftrving that popular .ftupidity of fuch as repofcd their folc confidence in Idols, with the vanity of them : feeing, how even thofc Gods, who/e Modells they reteined , and to whole memories they were erefted , were tran- dated or removed none knew whither.j incoura-i gedthoftwho fiaflered for their Contempt to- wards thofe Pagan Deities in this manner : '^ ^Be ^^ of gooicpnrAge^vfhen Gods djc before Me». A- gaine, Ipeaking ofa Mu%i Deity : ^' *> Whereincan ^^ t/jdt GoJJejJe AVdile him thdt worfhifsher^ who '* cannot fpeake to him that worjbip her f So as TuRm HofiiUtM putting « Feare and Palekesse in the number of his Gods : /i it ■ S 3 fitty T>^ meriuntur ante bcmifitt* TKcocrituiiJf Cle. Alex. Protreb, ^QuidpTitfltr re tttcBti^ teftyqu€ lo pofterity. Yet obfcrvc what congrui- rythcfc heldjborhimdefcribing them what they were 5 f 1 cm whence tliey came , what exploits rhcydiJ, with the tcverall Offices to which they weredeiigncd, or rather Originally intereflcd:' j and rholcdiftincl: paflagcs of their lifes, withthe' CfMicurrency of opinions touching their birth^, conrinmnce and increafc, carmctchiife biicbegeti wonder. ' ' . vA^'t^^i You Ihall not fiml in any one of thefc^pecutiur Offices confounded : Lib(r muft not intermeddle with the care of the ^/>;r/:, nor JY^///(^;?^ play thd Ntrturijl' Diltinrt Offices were recommended tolcverallfuppofcd Deities : and this the anti- c!U EthnickshdA with (iKh ceremonious reve- rence, is nothing could be with more (blemnity obfciTcd. . . * - Kor the latter^ 4i'yir/ir^ wherein' the Pagans mack^their Cods addiiiteutoall vice 'ftbdirapicty: This nii;jtht have declmcd them from fiKh ado- ration^ When thofc Pe rfbivs whom they fo highly h^iu ur^d, defcrvcd in their adtionsfo little imi- \ ' ration. I *■ « ■ mtmmmiaeT A V^urfery^br. Q U N T H, T. 1 17 w-^ «B*«w«HWi« tation. But to t^kciurve^ of thofc ccnnefts or civil! VVarrcs among ttri^emicJvesvcirf^er arifing from precedency.^ on^ixnnulcd uponjcalcAify , or (bme other occaiicndlldifVaftej would beget a dcfervingiidmiratio^i in any judicious Reiukr: obftrvingaVvhatHiftoricallAt^.dcriv^cd her light from invention ^ tindin vvliat cxcGllcivt ordctdiP pofedj though refti*aincd by rules oPdinicnlion. X//r/>;ideferveshis.'placc^ whofc othcrwiic /il!-defcrvingpArtS5^bcinga profcftfce to all di- vine adorationij ' pyTx:!hafe'd h\\\\ an end asmife- 'rable as his prqiJi:jnation; njcrircd^ being de- voured by Dogges : yet in this regard wee have prc^poundeclour Opinion about Hiftorictll fit^i- onsy 1 vvillgivchimhisducplaceroncof an<:kJ ccUent Wir ,' ripe llhderftanding , and labori' ous withal!, to find out the ancient Manufcripts, and records of authorized H iftories ; yet, forai- mucljashis writings arc interlarded now and dicn with inveffive fpccches agaiRil: die Ca'lqlti. all Powers^argiiing too much of Natures power, too little of the Soveraigne of Nature : I would have the Generous Render ro prepare himfelfe in the pernlaU of flKb Di fcourles, as Calipfo inft ru- ded* f^iyfffs agAinfV the Sirtns Inchantments, thus inviting him: Hucddci oingens Grdcornm glorid Vlj(fes^ SJJlc Sdt4m.^^.'-^ — Thus K|nghlhed» i j« •J.M; Come hither Noble Irhaoi^v > ' of vdlidfft Greckes the choice^ Take harbour here, wclinc thine ear e \ unto the Sirens voue : ii For 7 !.?" c i'.'r. . ( 128 /^SurpeyefHlSrOKY.^r Fpr then ntrtWiU any did fdffcy fi/tce we drnvedherc^ , ^ Thu It qui d rv4j . hut rvifht t$ ftay^ our iPdrhlhfg notes to heare. Hence f regnant wit f^and rife conceit t much knowledge hdve conceivd: K^s for the dih jou did at Troj^ \ wenewct lofigftn^e received. And how the Cods furfu'dtheGxttVt^^ the Troj.ins Grcekes furfue^ 7 he C ret ians hdte in facking Troy, Hedvens hdteinwrdcking jo». Of thcfe Inchantmcnts did C4/7//J fore-warn yltps with this preparation, that hce (hould commaad his Aflociates in his fliip, to bind him, when hcc approached necrethofe fatall Harmo- nifts, and to ftop their eares , leaft they {hould be made jl prey to their cruelty. So muft every one prepare himfelfc in fuch Siren-difcourfes, The liberty of diefc times, perfwades fomc too eafily to Lucidns arguments ; and thofe which (in feare of divine power) dare not deny the Omnipoten- cyof the Inimortall power in word, yet their prophanc convfifation implies anabfolute Apo- Oacy in them in their workes. I wifli thefe di- grcllions were nor needful! ; for then I might morcdircftly proceed in my difcourft, which the depraved neflc of times will in no cafe fuffcr. Bur in thcfc feigned HiOories I wholly exclude t«d,tcnj.iie *'^" ^'^^'^^7 > f*"^^^ rhemfelves haveinftruftion ioiniituetion! fufficicnt for obfcenefubjeds, without any fur- ther Feigned Hi- ftoriei nppro- 129 dicr excitements: nor can I admit, that theft un- profitable Stories of PrimAlion^Palmcrin dc Oli- V4^ The Knight of the Snnne^ Gerilion^ with many other fiftive Difccurfes5(h(}uld be entertained by Youth. Many of theft Relations have ftrangely tranfported divers we!l-promifing Wits into ftrangc amazements J cipcciallyfiich as conceive more delight in them , than more ferious Ihi- dies. Some wee have heard, that in reading the ftrange adventures of OrUndo Furiefi , and conveying the very impreliion of his amorous paffiontothemftlves, would preftntly imitate his diftra<5ion, run ftarkenaked^ makeLove- fongs incommcndation of their ArtgtUcd , put themfclves to intolerable torments to gaine the affcdion of their fuppofed MiiVreflcs. Others, in imitation of fbme valiant Knights^have frequen- ted Deiarts^and uninhabi tedProvinces^ecchoing in every place their ownc vanities , cndorfing their N ames in barkes of Trees , wholly turned favage and untraftablc, to perfonate that Knight more lively, .. SuchHiftoriesI onely allow of (whether in ProftjOrVerftj for Epicks may be writ in ci-J^/^'^y"^*^*^ ther^ as yeeld profit with delight; not fubjefting [whuh^ytcfa their diftourte to obft:rve Ifome indiftreet Hu- profit with' mour of theTime^ for application.but prevent!- l^^i'S^*^ on. Many read, and (in the loofhefle of their owne lives) make application of the worfl: unto themftlves; hoping with Hcrcflrdtut , to be me- morable for villany : Theft are like Spiders^ that turne the fwecteft and mod: wholefome T flowers^ Suck HifloVlci I50 JSumj -»/H I S T O R y>r dMMr^ pr<>(jtr of ufc- Idle Ucadcis ol Ht(i«:Ki : with fuel* a$ cull oiu'ly \ Hower$ to rankc poyfon t, the difcrcdit bCan Hi*- I ttory , anda5;rcat ftrcngchener of vice* on' a juU "cl jiift rcproofc of ufclcde Readers of Hiftorics j with fucbj CIS cull onely prounds for thcmielvejj to comply with their ownedcfires: Asthco^/»- biti$ns J who rcHc^Vs onely upon high aery Spi- , rirs : bur wcwcx makes any u(e of their fall. An 1 li'c.TrciVcM! to aijiirinc; ?^/^/./i is the ()bjc!t hcc eyes , and Jiis conipiywitii dclli];n^:, thiiCoppy after which he moulds his tiuirowacac. ^^C|.i(,^^^^ Oh^ liow highly is hce tranfported, 1 hi* Atphiri- wlicu Ix fees Ambition monntcd : looking ever oiiimansob* aftcr //*/;»^;;i Honour ^ bntfcldomcorncveron Rcaj'n-''^ hii Ladder? Indirectcft paths arc thewaycshce ^' i molt aftccls :and like a youthfull A fcani as ^koxus I rowaikc in common tracks, or to converle I withoiii^ht lelTc than Empires. Hcc holds Opi- nion with that llnivcrlall Monarch, diat'^rJSLiinc:- '^ domes got by defcenr, derive to tbdir pofleficn»s ^Miopcrfonall mcrit.Hchad rather win than inhe- rit J a tchicve by the Sword, than enjoy by fucccf- iion.SiKli .18 tbc(e fay with Tiriddtes in TAcitm^o M'^iiiudimu ^'^^^^^^ ^^^^^ omit^is tniht^o^tr of tvcr'j ftinjAtt ile attef-ts ccf. State 'yiut to ajm e at that which is another J , ts a M?Vf;/4 hut Prirjce/j fra/fe. Thisitwas(aslhaveellcwhcre '- •. *'*^^* ! oblcrval ) that caufcd ihemipcUs to walkc in ^ thcNight-timc in the cpenitrecce, bccaufe hee I could not llcepe i the Roafon whrrcof when l(»mc men enquired 3 who were to liim more in- Tii^iJih.^. timatelvep.dccTcd, heanlwercd, thatthcTri- uri^pii ciM/ltiades would not fuffcr him to take hi:ivclb :So in. patient ofrcit Is AHibition, as-ir ' cannot •««n*i i^mm*mm ;^mrfifyf^G,BJ^ TRT: I' Mi^ ^Jfc^p jii^^y^l*! ||»I ^ II l _^ ^ l$d ■ainnoc endurt? either Corrpcti tear ot* Equall j but {a reflcxohad to them inhhitely diftraii^s Mm t (b jasv/htcanhotpcffibly enjoy hijmfdfe; i becaufe jhc envies their grcatneflejAvhom generall Opir nioii holds either ciqilali or tranfcendcnt tohimt : . It'istio J^fle to be woikjred at, with ivhtit (eri- ous attention thefe ambitious -F/W./w, who e4 ver iinge theif vringsin the Hamcs of their ownq aipiring^^vrcad^andxiifcufle icvery ctrcumftance tai^ins this why j'with a\perfonal I application to [ themfelvesjai'if-chey'wcrd the irtcn which the Hiftory ayni'd at : and whole Aftions, the^'hope,- e're long, will beget an llUd to fuccecding times, to admire theirValotir ^/and to erert fiirViying Trophies to their rurviiring)honoiir. THlis doe theycatchatfhadows, leaving the (ubftance to fuch judicious -and competiblc Readers ovho makeufeofthnfe Jincient Records trt.tlicii^ibe-r: nfefit : in collefting what is nioft ufefalh and Avirii a difcreet averfion fleighting whatfocvcr might bcoccafionallyhurtfull. .. i. Nor be theft High-flyers y who fckiomc g6e gray-hcadijd to their Graves , onely.rcprovaablc in the abufe oFtheir Readings 5 but the vdluptti^. Ofu toorwho^ when they fall upon any.pairag;?. that complies with the lighmefle of their fincy^ To highly affeft it , as n6thing more delights them^ than to diicout^fcof lilcli ayry^leiiraipf^^S; preftnt them(elvcs in a airforie Jiidnntr td their deluded conceits. Thele arc altogether fotf Sto- ries of Lovci ^ where ovcvy.^Liiie;v>wdrke^ ijich ■ •"""^'•"' T 2 mo ving \ ) Tl! Th« Volupm- ousn^^nsOS- jcAinhisRea< movinc! imprcilions in their unflcady fancies : as they reduce evc7 period of Loves difcourfcjto 3 Sceanc of Aftion; wherein they wifli themfelvcs Primc-av'VorSs to clofe in a pcrfonaJl rc-grcet, with (oh'ghtard fcnfuall a Relation, Cdnimedes Rape 5 Lais loofe Love j white teeth. roUint; Eyes, dil]>laycdBrcaft5 j'a winning Lrokc J a CcruOc Chcekc i, a beautifuH com- plexion (anrxreriourgoodj and if corrupted, aninterionrevill) being that \v\\ichBHrj4U fo much prai fed, whenOie wl-iOicd the kttoirljps^ namely, Gentle fpcech And tender flejh : theie are pn^perSubicasfor thcfc light- fancied Amorifts. Iniuftconfc(rc,thacnoHiftorycanbc fo feri- ous 5 but i t niuA upon occafion relate fome ligh- ter paflagcs, which eauallypoi(cd according to the time , (hculd not breed thefe effedh j but ra- ther beget in a Continent and well-compofed Reader, a dctelhtion ofwhatlocver he fhall finde vicious : and an ardent defire after that which Hull nppcare truely generous and vertnous. AU'dU4^ a man ofgord reputation, and- gene- ral! ob(crvance in the Common-wealth, what toies wrothcof die lore ofyong-mensiminixing fomecimcs thofe lighter fancie^n his (erioufeft Subjefts? All the Writings of AnAcreen ( as if thole Difcourlcs had got higheft place^ in his In- vention) were r>ncly of love. But mod of all o- thcrs,^Ar^/x?w even burned with Love, as np- pearcth by his Writings ^ being continued pafla- [gesofwinningdelighr: and intrancing the un- wary perufer ofhis amorous Conceits, wirfide- / ceiving ■MM JNerferyfirQBNTftr, 'nr^'Vemmmmmmm m cciving (haddowcs. Yea , even Philorophcrs, (and that by the Counccll a,nd Aurhority of pUto^ vAiomt\\cxt£ottDiciMrchus did worthi- ly reprehend) became riic Commcnders and Honourers of Love* For Dsa/srchui^ a Sili^ tUn Philofopher , and K^riftptUs Schollcr, Writing- a Booke of die Spartan Com- mon-wealth, diftaftcdi highly the opinion of fuch, who bearing the ft)ic of grave and reve» rend Men, cave way in their Workcs , that any liberty ftiould bie introduced tnto a civil! ftate: or authorized any Labours^ %vcrc they Hidorical, PocticallorMixt, tohavcfrecdomcin corrup- ting youth , or depraving the prime leedes of eafie and pliable ditpofitions. Thefe, who ftand thus afFedted 5 and whofe Readings arc folylixt upon fcnfuall delights^ it were fitting for than to weane their affeftions,at leaft , to aivert their eyes from thofc (enfible Ob jefts , which ingagc rcafon to the (ervile Obedience of appetite j and to rc-colleft their i)iwWr/4r//^ to pattcrnesof continence :fiich as may informe them what to do 5 how to remove occa(ions:andcon(cquent- ly J free their inward Manlions or Receptacles fromthefe corruptions. An excellent Patterne or incomparable Mirror in the command or So- veraignty of his afleftions , did that yong man SfurindmrAleritu UHsjiim^, Oicw hmifelfe J^^f^^*'****^ whoft beautydid fo infinitely l^comchim , as it occafioned many Women to luft aftcrhim; which this noble youth no foonerperceived(note diis admirable aft in a Pagan) thcnhee wounded T 3 his ] ■*•■■*■*(■ 134 ^<^iav^^fhilS^0^^Y,ch ThcCoTc- tons nuns Ohjcttmhii Reading. I his face , that by the (kanhe (Bftaincd^hh beauty, might become hipieblcmiftuKl^andcbnfequcnt-; ly, all occaficnxif.Wling aftofitr^ clcardy remth vcd. Divcrfeinffoncds, though not altogether ft>imprc/five,«mightbeherehirerted, tending to lifce uic^bucbrcvicy^s it is thehclpe< off Mcmc^ ry, (o'my dcfiie ifstd accommodate the Reader with inftancesufcfullatid commodious, rather then unneccfTarily numerous. Nor be the Covetous^ (if their defirc of gathe. rihg nuy admit ((> much time as to perule an Hi- fiory in 1 whole age ) Icfle reflrooveableyiu this kindc. For thele, if they finde one Worldly wife; no marter chough he notoncly grounded but improved hiscftntcbyExtortic^n, andraiftd his pofroriry to an unknowne Tide of Gentry by decuit and collulion : yet muft his life and afti'- ons be the line of their directions. . Thcyloolccnoton ^^iddi fate^but his golden ft.ue. Tdgtt4 they defirc^ nor care they much^fb they mny piirchaftit) robe drowned in it.The/e holdnolnb(hnce to be purely goodjUnleflc itbe guildcdwirh gold. Thefc never remember the faying of that wilc,S/w^;i/Wrj;\yho being asked once, %vliether Fcrtue or Richav^ztcoi morercrl putarion^ made anfwere, T>&4i^ thtvtrtuom did] morcfrequfnt tht doom of the Riib^ then the Rich cfthevertutiu. lmplying,thatpiety%ris fbrthej tnoft part attcmlcd on by pouerty ^ but feldonaci wAs vcrtiKacconlpaniedby proipcrity, . j Now to apply ww antidote to this infeffion,. •and cure in them this diftemper'd affection ; as ' / i the! v^^trferrpt G> a N:r'j( r. ^135 «9« ^a phe r,;^/f^/#f iHomcis.of filch fGWajgue i'tirtne^ asbcthgJdipt in warei^, uclcai'es andfpurilifS .'it : fonnift their earthy deprcffed mindes be purified by fonie powerful! hiftifionij; or thty will never endure to direr, their difpprition. To remove 'then thcfefcaleis which darken rhqir intcllec'tuall part ; their only fufe ccilrfc isto withdraw thcin- felves a little ironi talking with Earth : and rofi)C the eye of tlidr.(jiomcn\p}&tianpn adivincrObf: jefr ^v theSiaiU4}\c,'U(S\ cif' \HB.\vf iiicli'^hings as arc m-^ft frivol.ou% orwhaciswOrfc, vicious, OihcrsthcrcbCj that tranftorcedoncly with i»^woirc,v * ■' t .'111* the O quim mU fciumui eft Jcri qui eumfc' quuntur\ Scm perf}firn hawh' int Murdiipe^ ra exclufcrutit (i vita, Chryf./w/, Mar. *Hc rcfcmblff fruiilcflTc RcA- Jcrs to ufc- IcfTc Tinvil- Icrj, who t.ikt notice of fiicli tilings a$ arc "•olt fn o. lou 01 which iti- OU). ij^ y^ Sanfej of HlSrOKY.n the delight and prclcntvariery of ihcHiftory, make Hitlory oncly(as our Gallants do their To- bacco).! Ipender of Time : They apply not the fruit or ule of Hiftorics , . but as in fbme pleafant ordelighcfull drcanie, fatisficd for the prefent time :^but palt, quite razed out of Memory. In' ftories of this nature, (fuch I meanc as be feigned) I approve of thole beft that refemblc Truth the ncereO, accordmg to Flaecta opinion : Fiiid voluftAtU caufx ft»$ fr^ximdver^. For the impoflibiiity ot the Relation oftentimes miketh the Subjeft more ridiculous: v^ereas the concordancy , or apt connexion of the Hiftory (though the mainc plot be fal(e)enforceth more attention. And thus much o^Po'iticdll Hijimes:l will, come to the I'econd Bratich of my Divilion on Hiftories(tQ wit) A(r^f4Zf, V Morall Hifto. net. \\ OrAllHsftmcs be fuchj as conduce to a Civil -^^-•-and Morall inftitution of Life or Manners s Teaching what is to be done, and what avoided. Xinophcn in his Inftruftion of Cjriu^ propounds what reafons (hould elpecially induce a Morall Hiftorian to Ipealce more of examplary Motives toVertue, then any thing eUc; ^'Bccaufe (faith *^ he; if CjfriK/had not bin elcfted King amcngft "Shcphcards, it may be, he had never reigned ^- over the frr/;4;ii/.-butthcveryTitle,which was ^\G;iven him by Rurall Swaines, enforced him "'^ to attempt turther. LZUrall ^tXitrfefyfar O B iliw ■■*■ Jin .^-r"^ T*^ * ' M0rdU Jiifioria teach Men t(^ behave thcrtl- felves in all attaircs| If imployed in EmbnfTagei, Commerce/br any Negotiatipti ^\ hatfccycr ^ it dirtfts therti hpW to hazard fiirely , bciti rhem- ftlves difcreetlyj and (hpport the burthen impo- fed on them ftoutly. The/ekind of ftories are the beft Nurfes,. they w.eane us from cjiildiili qffcnhi- mcyjandTraine us ih more virile and Man-like adions : (o as Education is called by the Philofo^ phcr, A fccot^Nature^\\^h\\\ux\\\% us to the kind ot curbreedjng: Morality likewile is called, the Sovcraignejfi if Eduution^Tht fquare ef hum Ant Atiitns\ ihtbtfi ScbooU-mifireffc for unbridled joftth^ thdtreflrAinet dff chitons rag:i$g , erects our fA(por$$ too much AffwAging^tcmfers our fpirits^dfjd R educeth u$ to thdt ftrftB Simmttry , Vt ex fede Herculem^ youmay know//(rrr/(^/^/by his foore, the inward habit by externall appearance. Hence was it that -rf/ex^/f^er gloried fo much O^^is StdgjrimyiotoXx'i^:A(hjUes ofhis Vhmnix: of whom he had received (b much good , as hoc ingcnioufly acknowledged 5 by ?/y he could bothj 'Bene dktrt^ (jr bene Agere. Tobebriefe/hereisnoexorbitancyihNature, which by Moral! Narrations harh not bin refor- med : .T^/irc^ was naturally covetous : which dif. poHtion, or malady rathcrj he fl^rowds covertly in that fentenceof his, infertedinhisBo )k3D^ TrAnquiHitAte Animd. Necdgroto^necvdleo. Yet by daily conference withMorall Hiftorie^?, and precepts of civill Inftitucion, he could m^^derarc hisdcfire of having, cOecming the Treafure of V his >^ ;1' V5« J Survey of H 1ST 0,KY,(^ \ , hi s minde onely worth poflefUnjt. \^huf$iJd bd- \ l(t^ nee tamen hdhctttr::is Sgluft obfcrveth. I Tht\\ke\vcrcOid of Stilfhp^^JR$Mdf$^ vfhQTn ' (asC/V^r^fpeakcth) was of all other moft libi- ^ dinons iyct by reading of Morall Precepts, am- . I plificd with grave Examples, became moft con- [l)ii?.cnc. . . . , ■. ., ity^ Whence it is, that Morall Hiftoriesi or.Nar- MorallHi(ta- rations in fiidi Hi rtcrics. are and were ever high- lie I or Niirij" ' . tioni infuch , ly commended, by reafof! of tbeireflefts: efpeci- Hiiur.cs, j.^iiy \xx Youth , whole difpodfion being nptly n'cndc j7wuh cojuparcii to acleare or pure T^ibJc , which , as ihciTcfFc^j, 1 yetlud^cver taken any imprcllion, receives her (iri^ infulions with moft retention. For the (irft ScL-dstakcihcdeepeft roore-, the (irft Liqnors nronj-^cfl: taftc j the firft Colours trueft dye. Tlit(c,by ccrtame innate fprinklingsofgood-* rcfle 3 cenferre the Lives and Actions of (uch, as they rc.Adcfjin ancqiull Diameter. Here they ohfcn'Cv how ^ruscfitly fuch perfons managed their ntiaires ;hovv di.lcrccily they moderated their miccVic ns : and with what faciUty and feli- city they arr^iincd their prcpofcd ends.. By which iheycnilectj thatdcliberaticnpromi/eth fuccelTe to every ai'tion. / mongft tbefe^they finde a Fdhitu m( TC profpcrons by delaying j than heady Ctthtgm is by atrempiing. 1 bis reacheth them wifely and cauticufly to prevent danecr before it approach , left a too htc/jaJim/i Ivget in them a Repentance -with- out IicIjt; a deiperaterepuhe without hope, Ir is written that the Emperour Tittu ( that dairjty d Nurftrjfof G B NfR T.' \}A ddinfy D4rlii$gofMdnkhdyu{cd to have borne before him a Dfilfhwe wreathed about aii An- i;hor,with this Imprefle : Fejlind tenth Which elegant Embleme they make excellent ufe of: They conceive bv this, how nothing can be done happily, that is clone haftily : and that nothing of high importance can pofllbly be atchievedj being to any ftrift limit or compafle of time confined. The confidcrarion of thefc Motives holds them from radineffe j an err our to which unboun- ded Youth is commonly mod Tub jcft : by which meanes they avoid tho(e many dangers, whereto the follies of Youth ftand too frequently in- gaged. Nor doe they onely finde Infhmccs M^orthy their Imitation in SubUils of prevention and cautioui "providence ;< a Lcflbn of necelTaiy con- (equcnccforYong-menslbut in aftions of lu- [licc^ whete that which is right and jufV^fhould be fairely and freely rendred to every man. Of rhis^ they finde (undry fingular Examples in Ethnicke Authors, fhccion^ that Honour of Greece^ will not fpcake for cA^ri/w, though he be his Sonne in Law, butinjuft Caules oncly. Nor that Wcn-tds Commander 5 the invincible AltxAndtr^ incline to his Mother, ifherRequefttcndtothe Ihedding of innocent blood 5 or imbruing his imperiall hands in Murder. Nor that unhappy MithridAtts^xx^x (inhi«refpej!t of Juftice) the corruption ofAcilim to padeunpunifhcd : left his Impunity might become a Privilcdgeto o- thcrs, to challenge the like benefit. In thc/ctbcy V 3 oblcrve Euchcr. J49 ^^>mj'/'/Hi^TOa X.iff \ ~ ' ■ — ^ ' ■■ J ■ ii ji I II I m->^p~ ■III I I 111 pb/crvc of what efteemq cheprofeflSon of Jufticc was in all Ages : and how a native Inftinfit vyrought (uch incredible cffowl^ on Barbarous people ps their very Anions merited both inii- tatii. n and adniiniion in their Succeflburs. Nci-« thcr could rhe Philofophers of thofe times, wherein they flouriilied, be more exaft in defi- ning what Tufticc was ,* than theft were in per- forming what Juftice required. ' For our Life, as it is a Globe of Examples jfb by collciHing whatlbever wee fteimitablein o- thcrs >if wc tender our owne well-beings or her brCi\!tfrom whence we had our nurfingandfirft being J wee will take elpeciall care to exprellc to life, whatfc ever wee have at any time read com- mendablc in others. , . In Arguments XxVtvjik pi Ttrnftranci ^ rhey cuJl out many dainty Hiftoricall Flowers j apt to (wecten the Seed-plot of their Youth with a fe- left variety olExaujpIcs, Yeajevenintho/c En- counters, wherein die Conqucftappearcstobc of moft diriiculty j to wit, rcftraint of our defircs in fenfuall Objects : wherein the Viftory is (b much more glorious , as the opportunity and niotive of their fancy! attrafti ve or precious. They read \\Q\s/Scifio^ being aycungman of Twenty foure yeeresof Age, inthe furprizaliof a City in Sfdinc , reprcfTedhis flames of lufl:, and confined his delires to the Rule of Keafon, when abeautifull Maid was brought him 5 reftoring her untoucht with a great Reward to young AU lanttM^ to whom Ihc was efpouftd. Tlie JJ^urfmforQHNTRT, 141 ' The like m x^Uxdndcrs ConcineiKy to Dari^ ^ Wife and Daughters J whofc Princely mode- ration andtommand over hisarteflions, nvnde his Memory no lefle glorious than his Viftorics. Thelikcin ir^;;(?rr4/^/5 a rightPhilofopher, bccaufeofhim{clfeanabib!uceComniimder;\vho remaines immoveable in his refolution to Con- tinence, amidft all thofe voluptuous induce- ments , fenfuall provocations and enticement?, lafcivious dalliance and embracings of a light-li- centious Lais. From the perufall of the(c they conclude , " there is nothing com far ably preeiiw ^tOAcontinentSoule. LaOly, to ( exempli fie in each of our Cardinal VcrtueSj what rare effects may be derived to Youth in thcfc Hilioricall Readings ) they ob- (ervcthcConftancyand Re(blution offorrainc Commanders; they admire their Fortitude^ and braveneflTeof fpirit. Neither can Pyrrhiu Gold corrupt,nor his hideous Elephant amare a Noble FabtM. Though an Imperious Philip threaten an A- thenidn Legat, that hec will cau(c his Head to be cut off 5 he has an A nfwer in ftore to vye with the mounting Sovcraignty of his State : *^lf thcu ^Udkethis Head frotnme ^ my Comtrej wilt give " me another thdtjhd// be immortdU. And they finde how gratefuUfbme Princes were in the memory of their Subjcfts Loyalty; holding their fidelity and trufttobe the incom- parableftTrcafurc that any Prince could enjoy upon Earth. This they conceive by the eft i mate V 3 which ImO) 70 141 ^Suneyt^fHlsrOKY,^ \ which DsriM made of his Z0fhjrm^ Cjrm of his C^mbjfes ^ Alexdnder of his F4rmcm0^ Athens oi her Draco \ BpAminondoi of his tthpidM ^ Sf4rt4 of her Brdftddi. Inthele, they cxaftly prize the value of true worth. Nor is it to be exprcfTed with what ea- perncfle they piirfue rholc adVions, which have purchalcd (iichdefcrv^ingfamc to their perfbns. It is rcportcdjthat Arifiides ( that memorable M irror of I ii(licc) dyin^ of thcbite of a Wcazlc, cKi^ccdiiiply lamented that it was not a Lyon. NoMc fpirits embrace nothing with more cafic acceptance then an Honc^rable fate. To die for ones Counrryj or to be injz; ^gcd to ibc very word of cxtrcamesforthepurchafc of her liberty, dc* (cfved nof(^]cmni7;ation in tcarcs : This when youth fci ioully fiirvcies, he no Icde afftftionatcly admires j and dcfircs nr thing more then to go on fiKxe (lively in a glorious emulation of their atJHoiis. Tlie iufuniitics of this time are greatj and need the hand ofan ex pert Phyfitian ^ no Medicine, nor Antidote, more foveraignc to cure thcfc conta^0 PUiui Dcfi. morcTcmplcsereftcd m\iono\xx to B4cehu4 and ycnus 5 than to lupitcr and JfoSo : So for one Kxarnpic of Piety and Religion , we have ten of Vice and LkcntioufiielTe. Here the bait of Am- bition, hiinp; out and fwallowcd^and like enough by a Cudgion ; there the painted Fhggc ofvain- pTfl/ri'iJii P'^»*y> l^^^rfing a Troupe of Vices in a Ring- fy?/ro> in fiU' ^ dance : Here a Silken Foole well-cfteemed — for | ACaution for "^^f^^ '^ rrincifibt44fcrtuitHme(i~ Hee wasborne vour Silken jich rThcre a ragged Sagc delcauting on Morall ■ Precepts y but neither gardcd nor regarded. Here Roft ^^f(»Jf ^ the Ro/e of Worlds vanity^ ' (ct on a Iplay-footCj making Art acovcr for Na- Iturcsdcrorniity : There a phime of Feathers Itngling on a Head more light than Fcathers^to make Plato's naked Dchnition of Man true : H0^ motfl Ammal hipes\ implumc^ : proving hi m- fclfc by his flume to be none. No matter for Rcafon : They would be loath to be indued with more than is ncedfull for a phantafticke head: i An ordinary portion ofRealon will ferve an Or- 1 dinary. Oh that thefe poifclefle Braines would [ lut impioy their timein Morall DilcourfcSjWhat Uxccllciu matter might they finde out worthy the judicious approbation of refined Wits ! It is oblcrved that in Jthens^^nA inMome alfoj young Gentlemen were to be imployedin pre- ferring fome Lawinbchalfe of the people ;or Patroui7ing fuch as were poorc, ^nd dellirute of (uccour in them iclvcj : Patronizing fuch^and pro- tcrting ihcm in publick defence of theircaufej or die like. This - ' ■ >— — Wr*»-»^1 J ViwferyfoT GB'J^TRT, m»MMM«i mtttk H5 •ng. This was the firft ftcp'cf preferment tjnto C/- tero^ dckndmg Rofciui a^xinA Sxjlla : and that with fuch vehcmcncy^ as generally hee was ap- proved for his fcrioufhelle in a poore Aftors cauft. And fure,gencrous miiides cannot be bet- ter expreflcd than in anions of this nature,wherc- by they may not onely fl-cure thcm/elves and their entireft aftcftions from the frivolous aA (aults of irregular perturbations ^ but alfo pur- chafe unto them the generall love and favour of fuch as obferve their difpofition, and admire it. By Morall reading we ufe to be moft excited to .rhelc compaffionatc eflfcfts : exarapled in them !|J^^^"'* ^ whom wee dcfcrvedlythiiikeof, and earneftly ' ^* covet to imitate : Not taxing them unworthily, nor commenting otherwifc of their Vermes, than as we receive by Tranfcription from others. Former Ages ( in this kind) have beenc more charitable 5 but the apprchenfion of our ownc defefts makes us fufpeftfuU of others. As in ;^^^/,ifthePjr/irjbcfrugaIlj they areccndired Parcimoniousjifthe ^MttcHi Religious, they arc taxed Superftitious 5 it the App^ Popular^ they are rearmed Ambitious 5 if the MAyjlij An- ftcre^ they are ftyled Tyrannous ; if the Lel^ Wife, they 'are Curious 5 the PublicoU Afpi- ringjif Courteous. Many fuch Mam»threfts we have, that ccnfure others aftions to the worfl:, making their owne depraved judgments Cen- fors of others Vertues. Rut Morall Precepts would remedy this Obliquity, and will us firft be Matters otour Affections c*re wee filh in the X troubled n \_ I U ) V 1^6 J Sumy of HIST OKr,«r Sincta< . ?^ thn It he in f(»rmc of i]\\!<' nir ot livin^; : uio» ot our LiboiHs (o the tuf C\u- luit ut oihcii, a: rues i ^'.it.U n\citufc ot:o- i)r»ciy i< . l^ cicfr»;iiii us. irll'c-CvilUtiC f .\ bl'.MMltl io 1 thv t >a»larours,dic c^rea- tcrtthcriihcrof tlicu) : Forhowisirpollible wcc il.i i!ld.\inc:niirliCin, that will not confdfc wee did i:om;iiic iheni ? But Acknovv^lcdgmanis a pivcedcnr Dircftieflc to Reformation/ accor- ding to the Traced: words : ^rw fo'nttet feccalfe^pence(linnotens. Iris an inhillihle Theorem^ "^^ Humility is ike ^' wd) to Clcty. Which can he crprcfied iniifcv^ thinu better, dianina free and genuine fubmiili- on of our ownc judgments to others. Too much ecnhdenech'cf^ec.^Hrcngth of Erronr rand he iS die v/ilcfr, who !i ili is owne conceit appcares huniMcrf. Great Apprcbaticnis thcntobe gi- ven r.n iixhj who tender an acknowledt^ment of tlieir erre urs , whetb.cr it be in their Dialed and f Trnrof l]Vakin:j:, or manner of living : with -an ing^cnuous InbmitrinG; of their Labours to the free cer. (ure cf others : which argues a gi*eat mea- fiire of Scbrietvand Difcrerioninany : Whereas !>e!lv-c()nceiti? a blcmilh to theexadieft Labours,^ Nc'thcrih.!!! liuiMw/A^r/frec themfelves from n;.:!iiioii' Ccnfurcs. Hhemr f w>— tmwwi M >» I . I I j^NUrfcryfirOENTRT. :i47 Rhemnitu Pal^mon that arrocant Granunari* V^V^ V.^^'i" ^ - ' ihcr Hull Inch an, or rather Grammacift, vainc-gloriouflyboa- fted , that good Literature had firlUite by him, and Ihoald after dye with him ( as having the firft l>eginning, and ihould have a fmall end with him:)orlike(7^rf/4;f the Orator ^ whoever prcft himfcl fc forward CO the firft Encounter. .^But what does thisvaine-glory beget them, biit contempt and dcridon in (uch as obfervc them? The Age is lubjeft enough to Errour, and apt enough to Apologize Vice, to give more Hberty to the Offc'ndcr* The way to breake this Chaine, is to lay afidc our felves , and impartial- ly to judge our felves and adtions, as if they were not Ours, but Others. For this SelfeJove makes u^admire, what in others wee abhorre. ' A-rayred privacy, many timesspromifeth to the unwary delinqucnt^more freedome in offend mg : but vaine and fruitlede are the/e promifes. Is there any darkuclle fo thicke and palpable ^ that the piercing Eye cf Heaven, whichtakesafull and perfect view of the whole Earth at once , mcafiires the very leaft drop of the Ocean , and numbers the leaft porti- on of vSand npon the Iliore^ cannot lookc thorow: it f Oh, if fhouhope by fuming Iccrecly to inine fccurely , this thy ungrounded (ecurity ftiall bring tiiee to mifcry. It was a pretty laying of Eficurtid i n Seneca -^ ^^ New can Sinne hefafe when ' ' it CAnmt hefecure ^ Or te whatpurpofe is it to la* ^'' hourtolyehtd^ when that we doe cannot be hid? And therefore Frudentiut in one of his Hymns, X 2 giveSv riieuiiclvct from 'iialici- i 'eus CcnCurci.' 148 \^SHTyeyofH IS TO^Y, or ,mu Bern. Jc v/r J gives this good Kj^itmorAnium : '' Whikt trc it be thou do^hj Day 9r Nighty ** Ttfittkt with thy fclfe tb art dhayes in Qods fight. It WAS ScnccAs Ccunfcil to his friend Lucilim\ that whcnfoc vcr he went about to doe any thing, "'he fliouldiniirjnc C4/tf or Scifi$fix fome other •' worthy R$man to be in prcfence. And it was '* the fiyini: o|- St. Bernard^ That tpc are ever t^ pt ^'fi^cgood man before tu^ that we may Uveas if hi ^' looked over H4. 'I he way then to aire finnCj is not to fhroud it. nor with Fairc pretencci to guild i t , or by im- puting the Caufe toothers, to mince it j but by a ircc and ingenuous difcovery of it, to acknow- ledge the grcund to proceed from our felves : Which acknowledgment will bringustorcftifie what is amide : and bring that which wc have fo rc^'rified, by a proficiency in goodnellc, to more perfection. For what is ir^with (^/r/^/Wr/^that beauty of Athens^ to be ikilfull in all A rts and Exercifcs j to winnethcPahncinwhatenterprizcwcc take in hand ; to be popularly aftefted \ with Trophies and Triumphs honoured 5 and to have the Wheeic of Fortune fo fixt^ and the Wings of Vi- ctory fo dipt, as the former may never have po- wer to difcard us , nvir the latter to ftyefrom us ; When our inward beauty^ farre furpafung all thele light Embellifhments of Art, becomes blemi- fticd by that ftaine, which holds fodecpe a dye,as Time cannot raze it ^ nor ought but Infamy at- tend it > The A Ntafery fir G RN TR T, >49 T" The way then to cnrcEtrour, is to (abmit our Judgmcnis toothers ccnfiire : and in a wife and cautelousdiftruftofourftlveijto admit the ad- vice and afliftance of others in any matter of am- biguity ^ left wee deceive our fclves by being too confident of our owne ftrength. That faying is true : ^^Hcc^tH^t feekcs tote *^ more wife than hte can he , f\)AH be found lejfe ^^wifethanhefhould be. The heft Doflrine then to initiate us how to be wi(e , is not to be felfe-wifc 5 but with an humble acknowledgment of our owne defici- encies 3 toafcribe all praife unto Him who is fble- ly wife. In Moral! Studies^much excellent matter may be chofen out of that Mirror of MoraIs3P/ia(/4r^)&5 not onely to inftnift Youth, in the Rudiments and Precepts of Vertue : As how tobeare him- felfe inalloccafions 5 how to conceale and (mo- ther his palfions, with a wife over-maftriqg of his Affeftions J and how to redrefTe the mul- tiplicity of injuries by taking opportunity by the Fore-top. But even old men likewife, fuch as have fcene many changes and altera- tions in their Times, and were Well nigh per- fwaded 5 that all t\\(^ Volumes of the World xould not (hew them more, than they in the revolution of their Times had fecnc : But fee- ing Inftruftions rare to them, and unacai- ftomcd Precepts fit for the matureft Head to plod on , they then confcfTe that their old Age hath becnc a Dotage, verffying, X 3 jiddifcen- ISO ^Stnveyofms^OKY.iir s^dd^fccpidoyfcfe of a iudiviOi;^ applau/i; ^ , upott the meri- ting;! aboursof any ni..n. \\ hcieinjihould I fill upon rcproofc of the Age,inherdil-c(lecmingAurhors;and(]cighting their LaboursjUiineOyle niighc iceuic co ta,(tc of too niiKh Criticifinc : for the ProfelTorbof ^iriiLibouis.' J. earning , they muO not expeftallTimcs nor all Ktiiinenc pcrions to have Scales in rcadinefll* to weigh their Merits. . \ \ or the Ru'Ij^y^Xu 'fe thriving waycs will afford hinilcarce timetoconvorfc cither with \Vit or Learning , left his [)rovidence in the mcane rimc; lliould be a wanting tohiniielfe , which he prc<: ferrc sbeforc all the World j fohcc finje grain,cs! enough to v'cigh his lung-unlqcncGoldilic little cares A itproofc of Aufhoii ana cares how li j^htly Learinnp; weigh in theefHrrwtc of men. For ^ good iiian^ he makes no other ufc of Bookes, than Nnrfcsdocof Cradles, to rockc Babes in till they fall afleepe. - ' ' - Andf6FoUr//wpr<>i^/ G^lldnt^^ Vi'hofe Cinnd^ mon Rinde is worth all the body be(:do ^ hee is 16 continually praftifing in the Schccic of Coin- plemenrjKirftjfor acconitnpdatinf^hini/clfc in ah bandfemc dxc{{t. then how to wciire it when heh*ASCreptiT\toit;hovvtc ruffle his bootejund make a gingling with his Hcele, asif allhispa- trinidiy vvi^rebchind him jhow to powder his loi'kc:?, an^ fwet^ttn 'thofe oorin^rtc Crenturcs which fhrnrliarly atrtmlhiri) 5ho\i' to be(f:>rit}kle his efieminatc face with Lady-like Lovefpots^ which cani\6C('hnfc'l>iith6 els fo many Lures to draw th c eyes <^f his light(^ft Livia tol6ok(^''on him. Theie, I fay, being his daily excrcifc, will noradmithimfomuchtimdas to talke' with an Aathor: Till his long training in the Schoole of vanity hath tiiight him fo much, as he needcs ng other Tur^r rhi:^n1iis dWhe lifif-fpcnt time toad- monifl^l'Hrrtbf His^frcgiiIar<'ouf{e. • ^ M ny.hc leaves for nioft part, fo frnall a p jrtion of formnefohimfclfc, ai^rhe (urplur^ge would Fearer [mrchufe his V\n^hor^^^ rtiuch 6yk as nnght fupply hisLafnpOj irt'tHc'Contpofur^of the nioft ilhborate or comperlclious Labour- Rut if at any time,h is hand chance to dive into his pocket, CO exprclTe his bounty to tbcMu/esj it maybe properly fayd of him, what was fome- thires fpokeh by an other in the ' fame Icnfe : ita» 151 ,1 ^ •• \ ' • ' «5» J Sutxey «»/H 1 S T O RY, tr [ t Hi int$r Cor* >ucrc4Scn.m f F SiUfJtiO. '• Oftimjugdzdt infimisftrvAvit cbdriif: Making onclychoiccof fuch for Objects of his bounty, whole light unftudicd Lines detract from the Mufcs beauty. Nor are they to cxpcftj that onx^High-m^nn* ting Cedars \ whole Oojcft is Honour 5 which ra- ther than they will not purchafc , ncur. A^rftryfw G. B ^ tR 1\ M3 1 Honour. But Learning is not hereby tobedlA couraged, becaufe flcighted or dcfertleflydiP valued : This hath long before theft prefcnt Times , bin her fate, and in ^!J ages a commoii feult. ' ' ; . - ' ' Wee read in our ownc Chronicles , how one yeareall the Laurell Trees within our Hand wi- thered y and afterwards contrary to all cxpefta- tion, revived and flourifhed a^aine ; Let Lear- ning apply this to Herfclfe,; though her blorfbmes feeme dead , . (hee retaines ftill life in the Root : Which, by propagation of her flowers and fruitei , (hall revive to her Ho- nour ; while ignorance buried in her Jo wne aflicSj and incapable of light or life, (hall never re- cover. It is Recorded, that Z/ir/>/>/ , Coleague in j^^ ^^^^ the Empire with C^nfiantim the Great (being yrhfUtming uncapableof learning himfelfe) by reafon of the »» comcmncd flownefle or barrenneflc of his underftanding^ •was wont to call Learning the very poyfonand publicke plague, that infcfted the Realme : The J!tfw4/^^ Hiftorians , have applyed this vanity of his, rathertohiswant of judgement, then any thing el(e , being not able to comprehend the benefit of Arts. - ' r ' -> •' The like of MdximiiUn^ who was defirous to attaine fbnie extraordinary hdght in Eloquence^ '/'^HcrcJicis, which whcnhecouldnor(byrea(bnof his nam- {j5J*J'^/."[^^ rail dulncfle) attairie unco, hee envied and l^^^^J^;^^ maligned others. Many have wee that fccondy/pi^t^mvir. thefe, glorying in their owne ignorance, p"*^^^^^*'"^ Y and / i ^i te/umeic^ «54 -/ Survey of HIST QKY, or ( U'ttfi §mh$t and mi\kinp; a ridiculous fpcdadc of Learning : as a rupcrfkiill ornament to accommodate more the thrccd-barc Sophifter, than the Generous Gall Ant. 1 r i I rccAll tominde the ancient prefagc upon all Arrs, and rhc prcdiftion concurres well vricK , this rim* . 7/jree hdfc fence for 4 fhiU{ifher^4t$d f^ fm^Akefor a 0Uf$feUour. It was (poKCn in the declining A jj;e ot the R^man Empire , when Vice rcxic in his foot-cloath, and Venue ( like a poore IhJJ\[.:icky) ran at his Stirrcp. But Morall Lear- ning illumines the inrelleftiiall power with abet- ter and clearer n)rc-light ^ flicwing the difference betwecnc goodnedc and appearance : for true Morals love not to garnifh their portraitures witlilhadows. The bcfi meanes to diftinguifli betwixt the tM,tg'%fi.ikur ignorai\t and morally inArufkd , is to put them into their habillimcnts of Nature 5 (end them both forth naked into the world, and their di- {k\ni\ Chara(ftcrs will a|>peare mpre manifeft. A- la$, the Moral id cannot di(cour& of what the World moft aficfteth 5 he (ces the ambitious man roviuj; at unfeded ends , meaning to ingrcrfTc the whole World to himfelfc ^-hc fmiles at his il- limiteddcfircSj and wonders whereto his fond purf)ofi^stend:hceconfiders the event, ere hee take in hand the meanes j and hates dcfire of po- pular iraife, or oftcnrarionj left hefliould grow proud by forraigneobicrvanccs rheeentertaines dsTarh with a chccrtfuU brow. Terror of death is not terrible to one prepared for her ere (hee cotnc^, To wtMym rot '^ come ^alwayescakmg tier/ as one of the necclB^ ties of Nature, and inevitable, meditating of her J as one—- ^^f^^^ "tr/V^ ixtremum inter mu* mr4fmtH/t$ttr£. Theft confiderations ever for- tifie a good Morall againft the violence of all aP* faults inward and outward 5 apprehending his fubftance, and compofition, to be (uch as cannot barracadbe it ftlfc againft the encounter of Nature., AgatkofUs^ that Tyrant of Sjrdcafd^ in all his tyranny, had a good Morall Statue to reprcfcnt tohimthcldiomeothis Mortality 5 having the upper part ofhis Image made of Marble, Gold, and Ivory, but the feet of Earth 5 to intimate of how wcake and infirrae ground,he and his good- ly promifing per/on ftood, O! ifwc fliould but read the choyce variety of'divinety-compoftd Sentences, comprifcd in thoft elaborate Works of the ancient Morall Hiftorians : they would move us to no lelTe apprehenfion of our ovhc wcakncfife, ,; than if Tome expert or curious Painter, (^JpeS^sAikc) fbould portray to us every part and lineament of this little man we carry about us. Morality (faith* a goodi Morall ) is Mans Anatomy | it flievves every ^ parcofhisbody, how composed ,^ how difpo- fedrand prefcribeshow this excellent compofiirc may bebeft preferved : Icdealesnot by predo- minancy of Planets , (as our ponderous bur- thens of N^mte calculate J but by an c%\'n Symmetry of Virtues governing theinftriour Sphearcs^ the bodies rmcamcnts. Nordcalcs y 3 it ) An excellent obfcrvacion by Tyrant, Thif Pra- bicme it por- uai'd to iifcy Morality, Mant Anito* my., V 1 ,{} rx 5(5 ^ Sur\eyof{\ ISTOJl Y, «r ,mL. it is like your Phdntdjiiek MuftiUn^ that beftows more charges on the Cover of his Inftrumcnt, than the Infmiment it fclfe ; but by tlic Co- vers dcbafcmcnt , augments the Excellency^ of the Inftmmcat , the divine faculties of the foule, t^ But I may (cemc to run too farrc in this Sub. jcft, confounding Morall Hiftory with Philo- fuphy : which though I might defend j for Mo- ral! Philofophy is nothing elfe than a Gle of Moral! Precepts drawne from Hiftoricall grounds^ yet to make mine owne pafTage more ii'pooth 5 1 will descend to the next branch of 1 1 iftoryj inti ruled PhjftcAll. Tkefcv-rall kimitof Phjr- Hci]! obfciva- cions. X-JIftories/'Aji/fr4i?, be efpeciallyconverfint in ^ ^ the fearch of the Natures of things : appro- I vin^ that Opinion of the Philofopher : E4 fhyfi- ^cafunt, qud Ndturdsrerum explordre fplent : whe- ther things animate or inanimate s in living Creanires , as in the iearch of Beafts^Birds^ Ser- pentSjandthelike^and of vegetive Bodu^j as Plants : In creatures inanimate, as in the icru- tiny ofMctralSjthe diftinft natures of Stones, &c. With which Difcourfes the greareft Emperours have beene delighted. Thofe admirable Works (-^i Pliny ^ ArtfiitU^ :xnd vy£liaH^ with many o- dicrs^ are fuflEcicnt to erudiatc the moft inca- p ible in thefc Relations : where they doe Ahdita return rimari. Here dafcribing the very intimate natures of Bcafts, the rare and incredible vertues of ■y^l^mfi^fir\ Gn^TRl\ tmim 'mm^m0l^ ^57 I 1 6FPIants,'andHcdrb$5 tbeWulehc natiircsoP Serpents 5 and the actfadivc powers of StoneSj Jjfi(^*^^j^: Mectals^and the like. TheCrcccJileyamoOidm- J/c andV** geron§Beaft3(frcquentiHgtheRiver!W3f//!<^5anda turc diftcrcnr, profc(t foe to Man : Thc^Icheumm,<^l\til#r .^F ptr'j it CuA* go. The vifiooi ' vcucmom \ spiJpricure4 by MuliclM. KfcelteatMo' vcnciTiOus and incurable, th^tOneof them chancing tobire an Indian Maidc^ which ftrved iheRclaror, during his aboid in rhoft partb^j after fuvb ^me as he had c;Au(cd the Surgians to Minifccr rhcir ordiiurycure, being not by all the Art and experiments they could ufe^ able to do her any gcx^d , nor yet get one drop of blood outof bcr,butone!y a yellow water, dyed die third day forlackc of remedy, a$ the like had chanced to divcrfe others. During the time of hcrlanguifliing, fliee reported how the Viper wliich bit her on the foot, was two fpannes long orlitrIclcnc;andthat(heleptin the aire for the fpace of more riien C\yic paces f note the virulency of her natmc) that flic might with more violence alTailcher. " .. /i The relation is ftrango of the TAr4njiu[4i^Wi^d of Spider bred in PmlU \ whiclvbekig of adivc;r(c nature, cau(cthdiverlecffc6i5:cauling fome to dance, fome to ling,or weep, or watch, or fweat : Thccurcof itisbyMufickc : while the patient by dancing or (bme vehement cxerciie of that fort repels riicpoyfon. Which effects may imply excellent Morals : we are all liibjeft not onely to be fnrprized but em- pjylbncdbythis J4r4j9^;cafts, woula crave an arople Volume of itfelfc:Iwillonely ( as in myfbr- nicrdifcour/e) exprcfTethe ufeof Naturall Hi- ftoricSj and to what perfons moft accommodate, Wc read of divers moft famous Princes and Monarchs to have applycd their mindes to the IXafTcAc'dV^^^rch of rhefc Studies : Alexander fodierwife thcfcStudici. ' moft potent in Amies, and fole Commander of j the World) nddifted his minde to the fcrutiny of I rhc(e Rarities : as may appearc moft manifcftly ( by his Letter (at this day extant) tohisMaftcr Arifiotle^ containing the ftrange proportions of Beafts with their Natures j which during hi^ /«- didn Warrc, hcc had obfervcd : defcribing the ftrange and unheard-of qualities of the Indian Afpicks^ C crafts , and many other kinds of Scr- f^cnts, continually infcfting his Army ^jprofeP (ing (as he himlelfe writcth) hee found more /Mitncultyin diicomfiting Beafts, than fubduing ^ Men: for the one fort nfiaulted him, when his Troopes were well difpofed , cheerefull, and full of alacrity : but die other invaded him bv Night, It a Ht ne in Caftru quidem mimmHm ocij detur, Al- waycs was this puUlant Prince much given to fee the naturall qualities of Beafts 5 fo as no Prefcnt could be more gratefull , or acceptable to him, tlwu lomc llrangcly-natured lavage , making excellent ufe of this Theory , appropriated to the' A ^ftrjfitG a^TRT, irtiiii i5i tli^hatUrcidfMen: which upon all occafions, fwith fingubr delight) he u(cd to apply qntohis N obles cTUfJofition, which attended him, Thofc noble and couragious Dogs,which were o^',? J^"' icnt hitn by the Kings o(jllh;tyym\jch contented him : They would not ftirrc at linall beafts , dif. dainingthcm(asit wcrcj in the over-flow of their courage 5 contemning any encounter but with Lyons , and Elephants. This Magnanimi- ty could the valiant Emperour apply well enough to himfclfe: he faw his own nature delincared^or charaftred (as it were) in their couragc^Scorning lo Triumph on theconquered^ fblacinghim ever with this extreame^ yet chcarefull comfort : S0- fcreji fferdre fdlutem. The like defireof exploring the natural! pro- perties of Beafts , poficSiid Scrsoriui : One no leflc provident, to(helrerhim(clfcin adverfity, then in allhis aftions continent , amidft his pro- fperity s who,after his Regiment in Sfai^e ^cvcdc- ed many places for the taming of wild Bcafl:s,de- lighting exceedingly to fee the aptncde of fbme joyned with accrtainenaturall flexibilityjand the backwardneffe of others^ retaining over acer- jsjituruof taine femblance of their firft Nature , fb deeply BcaC^ • .icnprintedjasdifficulty removed. Nay^what Stra- tagems ufcd he (by his white Hart) to fupport and governe the whole Fabricke of his dedi- ningEfrare: Implying that by hisHinde^orHartj he received inftrudions from Diana^ which the people (with fuoh rupcrftition^bclcevcd, that by his glory he conquered Envy, enlarging the Z bounds Ptutirck. i6t ^ Surrey 4 HI Sr 09^ X^ff bounds of his JurifdidHon, and m^kipghis exil^ thcSyijibolc of his renownCj till by the bloody confpiracy o(Perpen^4 and i^nt$niuty\xt was de- prived both of Crowne and Life, DcmetriMs a worthy Soiildier, andonevyell nicri ting ofhisCountrey, was much inclined to this Study: So as at home, if at any time feque- ftrcd from his more (erious AflFaircs^he conceived exceeding plcafurc and delight in the portraying of thoic Beafts he had fcene : Excellent hec was in the fr.imc of any Similitude , but more divine in his owne ^ beinii; of chat exaft forme^ elegant con- ftiturion, and'fwcetlv-mixr Complexion, I'; a piiiorihtis.fcHlftoribufjjCifsmilU nonfotuerit cffm- gt : A r.irc Modcll of iNature, when (by Nature) he wasimparralcld. -^/f/^^rf^^/,noleflcdeferving3 yet \vor/e cen- fiircdj was well experimented in the Natures of Rc.iits, but more iu Plants: having an Hearbe, e- vcn rorhis day famoniill: our Apothecaries) cal- led after his Name^ AlcybiadQity or the Wilde But^loflL-. And for Mctrals, Mineral, or the like ^Nonc more ncccmmodated tofuch Studies than that Soveraigne of Roman V\Q\ns^AuguJlu4 , hearing \\\\\'^Laf:dArj Diofcondcs with elpcciall delight: So as in time he was nor onely able tpdidinguifh of nnv Stone 5 but to defcribe their Natures ;IT-" Imglikevviie the Art of Akhimy, more expert in their rccalcinaticns (faith the i?Qt to (trjye J[^n tpi^ovcrp flovy of Undcr- ft^jidin^.to out-ftripNamrein the inve(1:igati- onorieayA Pf Natuj-all thinp ;A little will fcrve us inindiifefent things , ancfmore it relifheth of Pifcretiquajtp know when wee have cpoughj .thanjwith an unbounded y/ill pfaffi;:ftipg know- ledge, fuperftitioufly toknpvv more thaii Nature hathprefcribed. ; r .. ; .; J Thise^<:c(rcindcfirepfkn(QWing5.ha^bbeenc. a cpatagif^3 tha^ h^th Hifcfl-e^.Anrf poi (^luc^ (jh^ ' matureftStudie^(!fj(pCi:i4lly injthings Cb imperti- nent, as.wben tbe.pitpl) of that they expci^'ed Z 3 was occciTiiy, Sf- F. B. .^ . \\.n '"ft'^ ■V iii —fma. •V •MMnaMJct 1^4 uf SurveyofHlSrOi^ Y, or 1 WAS attained j Their knowledge conduced no ' more to the profit of the Rcpub, than if with Endymion^ they h^ddcpt their rini(* , and paffed' their lift: over in a rruitlefle filence* It plcAfcch the Orator to te.irnie (uch a Study— lni4tilk men* sis 4^it4tio : Sayling- in the troubled 'ftreame, where a more clearc ard calnic pafTIige doth (hew herfclfe. Thus I approve inthefe Naturall DIP (.onrlcs^ fapcrliciall Difcurfive Knowledge, to exclude IgiK^n^nce, but nofiich adefrivq height^ Iclr inlbcxquifitesfearch ofNatnre^wec (hould^ Ihcw our (elves Naturals. We fay, the Generous iliouldbebutiVrJ/#rmri- friduxif(:^c. Is this the fruit of my long Labour, vf«i(i j i\^^ freight ofmy race^and thercwardof my Mo- 1 therly jNurferyfii GHHtRT. 165 ■ *< r. therlylovcjTO bring you upland then Oi^^'^Vi- ipcr^j) to ftiiig raetbat hath nouri (lied y c u f Well jch^r^ m); pldrioj^s rnuft be tuirned cf'ncccfliry uii- to'^^ecrdnons ririgthiV Bltaft which firft nou* 'ilflicdyotl with the Milkdbf coniforr, niuft be the v^i^ Sepulchre to intcrre you that buried* my honoun / ' ' Thus did iR^w^ hollow out her complaint a- gainft her ill-nurtured ifluei and no Icfle caufe AL liion againft her undifciplined race, that Iccme as if chcy were, Fru^cs cpnfumere ndti. And here I might prcfcrrca judcomplaint a- gaitift (uchj who coniume the Oyle of their Life, in frequenting Lcof(Lj places .* and apply fomc choice IbvcraigneReceiprSjto redtific thisjto the ; end ("than' which no end more glorious ) their owtikFamilie^ may become private Academics. Which I (hall the rather labour, in regard, that the regulating of our ielves to that forme, may Jiij^hly/-'9nduecboth to -our own & Gods honor. * HWclircflill x!c\i'RM4nsV^eyif\i iS^T 0^\j>r -I TKc fimpc- hi m hoxj^ii Labour relieve i>otk ihcinlelvcs & their l-ickcr. llhou Id go through the ftrecc of the Cit^, unleflc he carried with him the badge or cognizance of that Trade whereby h<; lived : loforouch as^ th^t coed Emperour sJAatc* Aunlius fpeak/ng of the. wouianotfuf- diHigcnceof the RomAHs^ vvntech, 7i&4i nU 0f fcr b by Art, ScicnccJ which chebcftStates through -^ long cohtinued fiyilll^.^Y/c* V^^^^^y or affluence of wealthy have not only bin mi|;"u become impcachcd and impairedj but roQted out and ut- poo.c,& then' rcrly razed. .VhtTychcu' Id!cncl]cmakcchofMcn\vomca, c f women hearts, of beads Monftcrs^ I would have chen thcCc Pitrons of Idlcne(]e(whpconrun:e the pre- ciouslanipe of their life in a licentious libertyj ufcd , as ZcNO ufcd his (crvani Bruji/t-^ who be- in^' taken with Theft, ,and allq^jii^n^g, fQf.'hxni- fclfc, that it was hisdctiiny to' (Ve^ejhisMai'ftcr anrwcredjAndthydcfuuyLp^bcbcacen. .* ./. It i^ the dcpravcxl uaivH9 Q^ M^^q to rnould him fclfe c vcr af( cr M{^4d4^ fl^?> ^/ fif^]^^ l^fflM^ 10 fi9l/0tif f/jc fV0rJ} ii\:kyy io mx\^cth^y^'6i(t m of ^ that which in itspwnc nature is the bcft. ^ For what more precious then xhcf4(mcj of Puce 1 Yct^ what is it ^hanfooner corrupts thefreeft State f For what is d\e prcf eny that aCalme timcbrinj;s forth (all whichimplies the viciouf- ncllc of our nature )but a Prcdig4lU\\d an Ffurcrf Where the one ingai;eth his ftate for Back c and Belly ; the otlicr quite contrary^ ftands indebted both to Back and Belly;rhc one playe^ at Ducks and Drakes with pieces, till hee muft fifh for mere e A tti^pcftu- oui Pro|^cay in a calint nine. J NurferyfoT (?. B N TR T, i6r rnorcwhcnallhisefhwisfdne in peects ; The other hobrds up for his feldome thriving Hcire 5 whomeaneSjashiafathcrwasthefirft, to makt himfelfethehftcfhisHonfe. \ TharMaximis true ^ Health commeth not from the Clouds without (ecking, nor Weahh from the dodswithcmdigging ryetj as there is required a providence in theone; 10 (hould there be a confcicnce in the Other, Zjrr tfr^ifir/^hnniflied )faf(^p^^^^ this Ufury (the canker-wornie of all civill Socio* fu>ju* unm^] ty J oMto^Spdrtd ; i^w4/7/pnaiflicd it fevcrcly in ^i<~^l tfpnu ty£^yft t, Cat$b3in\\\\ca \t cm 01 Sfalj4 : mdSo- ipjc tcjuba hnxwAthens. How much more fhould it be hoi- J9>cr4rt, 'den in dercftation amongfl: ChriOian^ :" ' And for the oriier^ who fbheemaybe flylcda Tou/^^ A/ii/^r, will not flick to impawne the Z<>;3fj /^^r^, till hec become like a Snake who h'as caltcn his flough5arqueazed fwad without either Menne^, Manners, or Mannor : I could wlfli tharhe took his Spunge by the hand , and tooke leave of this Hand together , till a)Te had changed their con- dition 3 or Grace the quality of their Temper. -As fometimes that wbrlds Monarch ufed two of^ his QmrtParafires, ilijoyning the one toflyr^ ar\d .the other to follow limi with a whip.till they werebothgctoutdf hisKingdome, and fohis Ccu^r was tide f both. v " ■''■ And to make ii^ ft lea fc !n this vicicnis trace ;, it .verenot far amifle for the State , that fiich^who bypctitionary waycs work their owneends;and, ,"c-jre this yre as ifthey wcrcprcrcnrerscf petirionshy Patre.ir, 'r/"J"nVry ^ make it their molt cortimcdions Trade,' to de- Projcftori. hide _i 168 /i Surety */H 1 S T O RY, dt Vvnt fcrttt, jui fumum Vtndidit. , \ ludcthcpoorcSuppHcanfstrun: | find cp maih- tnync their prolulecourfc, feed their laognifhine Clyctuswithunprofitablcdelayes, rafted of the whiparwcllasthefe. So that, as y*/f x. Severut (agwat enemy to fuch Impoftors; caufed his corrupt Courtier 7*r/««/ in theopcn Market to be f:\ltncd to a ibkc and ftiflcd with fmoake j while the Cryer thul cryed to the people , " Let . &im ferijh hy fmotkc.who ftld fmoake. I could wilhthatfuchasthcfcbe (if any fuch there he) might receive the like cenfure, according to the licight or ivicalure of their diftemper. For thele, like Brokers of old-ftufle, or Bartcrers of con- temptible ware , nuke fale of that which is not vendible. Or like thofe Afitn Knights , make breach of credit to difcharge their credit: who, though they havenoother vocation butboldnes and tnlinuation, yet by the/c injurious wayes, bcarcthcmfelvcs in the World as if they were pcrfonsof quality and fartiion. r>ut to proceed in our Difcourie rHiftories of I tljis Nature, arc very ncedefiill for profeflbrsof Ph) licke : for how (hould they conceive the true Artofconipolition, if the fimples whereof the compounds are made , and their vertues, be not I pertcaiy knowncunto them ? Srafevilui^Jeex- ' ; 'jnineherhrum, exemplifies this Difcourfe more 'my J Iwillrcfcrrethemtbthatplace, noten- ! tcrtr,yning that Subjed which is but fupcrficially , tr.uJuccd to nic jand I have alwaycs made that *.y/w^//V/^.' McM- A ^r^ayfor GBf^TRT. •«BPWMM* 169 j[/^^/f4w^;?f,injoyncthhimfclfe: What Art foe- vcr a Manknowcthjicthim onlycxcrciftand u(c it: For orhcrwife he (hall but defcry his ownc Ignorance , as I have noted in fome : Saps cum nefiinfiiuit^mentirimnfi^ebat* An odious fcandall to a generous-minded Scholler , to write thtt whichhcis ignorant ofhimfelfej Lefle aflia- mcdtolye, thmtobcdcfeftive in Knowledge, But efpccially,(bmc we have of this fort, that lye upon their Knowledge : Sonic (as in Trahffs fa- bling Age) write Arts of Horfemanfliip, that never rode orherwife then jigefiU$44 with his Children on Cocke-horfe. Others can exaftly prefcribeTimesforPlanting, Sowing, Reaping, and the like i^ playing the good Husband-niati(I pray you mMchim) that never read rirgils B»- cilicks : Thefearcufiirpingwits, prefumingon the affable cenfurcs of thc^e depraved times. Ig- norance can Apologize hcrfelfe : tor what Writer now a daycs wearcs not that Livery > . To our Hiftory : Thcfe naturall Di fcourfcs of the qualities of -Beafts 5 Birds, Serpents^ and o- cher Creatures 5 be likewifc especially nccdefiill for Divines : They ninyamply dilate upon the d'dinirable Workes of their Creator, by the Survey of his Creatures, For even all Birds and Beads (if cxaftlyconfidered; fhew the infinite powerof the Almighty 5 not onely in Creating, but inrufing fuch divedly-affcdted natures and difpofitions^in them. The witty Emblematift alio draines his pretty inventions from thefc re- femblan^es ; portraying the Crcanire, and an- A a ncxing Birdt* The comcm- plttttnofcht Creature mi* luilcri tdmr- ritisn in ut toward oar Creator. T^o ^ Survfj ^-f H 1 S TOR Y, *r 1 :-m it :m:m»-m ^ nexing his device to the Portray, Nay, ihcy are very motive perfwafions to the acknowledging of our ovvne weakncfTe and in- lirniity : rpurrcs to thank fulnclTc j as that excel- lent Knibleinc^whcre a Ziiri'^ was pearched, with thcfcVcrfes: CdNtat Alauda Deo Uudes ^rAtiffimAfumm^^ liwc fm ingrAtosgrdiA laCcfcit avU. Knglilbcdthus. The cdrly Ldrke hcrgrAtefuttMinde difpUfCS^ OefcANttng Mornekj Mornchtr Makers praifc: Whence j))e doth tAxefuch as unthAnkfuUbe, ihAt have more CAuie,yetgfvele(fe thAnksthAnJini. The very A- Uici/lcondcm- ncti by 'Minis mW Ayrc: And tiuw their Mc- luki; t& ever .¥»th atty v^ in^\ to iUm AilininitiDnj thaiuaiilcofFxccration of his ir- religious and damnable Opinion. Nor cjn therebc any Arrunicnrs more for- cing than thcfe^ tobringa mil-beleevcrto theac- kninvlcdw;nieiirc)fhisMaVer. So as, the very A- ^^ rhci-^/ifhcwculd lurtcr himfclfc to be evinced by Kealon , cmild notchufe but vcilc, and in- genucnilly liokl himfelfc condemned by Birds oiir Aire:\Vbofemti(-dy isevcrn)Ounting wich airy Wings to tint Supremt^ Majejiy* tipnn which mhmmmm ^ 'puffery for GUNT'/iT. 171 which conlideracion, would hec but retlcfton himfclfc, he (hould fbonc finde^howmiierable it is for man to be filcnt in Godspraife, when ^Wx' become heavenly Qiiirifccrs in lending forth fweetayres. I cannot chufc but wonder at Den^0critm^v^\\o was offuch various, nay, Omnit^irious reading, as there was nothing in the who'e frame or Workmandiipof "^ Jt^dtun^whcxcmhc did not fhewhimfelfca Writer. That Hee^ who knew the Natures, differences of all Beafl? , Pbnrs, Fi- (hes. Birds J and asfome fay, could underftand the Tunes and Voyces of them 5 (hould fo mifc- rablyerrcin that, which hce Ihould principally know. For if thcfe Viftblc Creatures beLay- mens Bookess' wherein they may fmde matter c- nough to magnify the Power, Wi (dome and Pro- vidence of God J much more thofe, who are Versed in Bookes , and are enabled to conferrc ' Contemplation with Pvcadingj merit hic;h re- proofe : who feemg what they may worthily ad- mire 5 and that the Maker of them is Hcc , to whom they arc oncly to adhere j arc neither wonnebythcOnenor Other, to acknowledge the folc Omnipotency of their Creator. Itisfaid of thc^4/7r, being the very fame Bird which was the jfraelf us Menem the Wil- demcfle, that as heeflyes over the Sea , feeling himfclfc tobegin to be weary, he lights by the way into the Sea. Then lying at one fide , hce layesdownc one Wing upon the Warer, and 1 holds up the other Wing towards Heaven, left Aa 3 he How mifcra- bU Jt it, fur |.nan to be fi^ lent id Godt pruifc, when BirJs become heavenly Qui- tulcn in feu- ding fouli Tweet Ayrcf* * Nihil in W$ Optfkiu N4ru» fif^iit^uo von ) ifz ^Sunp^j of H 1ST OB^Y.cr hecflioulcl prcfumc to take too long a flight ar thefirfl-, he wets one wing. Lefthccftiouldde- fpairc of taking incw flight afrcrwards^he keeps the other w'nv.ulry. The Moral! is divine, though the Story be - nnrnrrill and htinrtno. Oeulmad CotUm , mdmu ^ ddcUvum, Thx Courfeof our perillous Na- vic;ationinrhis(>ur Sea-fare,toucheth upon two J ingcrc^us Shelves ;fuch as threaten more inevi- Itahle mine to the unwary Navigator, than thofc \\\so Sictltdn Gulfes, ScjUa and chsrybdu. Where '^Prcfumptton^w^ow the confidence of her ownc (trent^ili, falls I7 n precipitate Courfe into the depdiofall iTiilcry : ^iwddcfpdire^ through too inu^ii d'rtidcnce , lyes rniferably groveling^ neither fecking nor hoping for Remedy. The flight of the former is either fliort, or none at all 5 bccauFu* Prefujnftion makes her thinke it nccdIefJe to fly for that of which ftiee is al- ready (eaz'd : and Ttefpairc^^Wkc heavy chef- (cSj retardates her flight ^ rnggefting to her that it is ncedlefic to fly for that whereof fhee can ncvcrpoilibly be fcas'd. Oris jSfollp writeth , that the tAgfptians (aniongfl many other profound Hjcrogly- phicks) when they would delcribc the Hearty |)aintthat F.ird, which they call jl>i$ : l)ecaule ihey thinke no Creature, for j:)ropc^rrion of the body, hath fb great an Heart as the llfs hntl^ If the Pagans made fuch fingular ufe in tlieir diflcftion of Birds ; as they ever re- duced what(ocver they read , or had ieene in that jNurferyfir GRNTRT. nj that kinde, to fome excellent end : Much more wee , who know better the ufe of thefc Creatures, and to what proper end they were firft ordained ^ not in Wanton- neflfe to abufe them , as thofc loofe Impcri- allifts did , who alfefted nothing more then Rlarity j nor defircd ought more, then to furfeit in their ExcefTe and fiiperfluity. Ncy- ther in a Supcrftitious ufc of thcni 5 as the Pagans did 5 who attributed their good or bad fortune to flich Birds , as were eyther Auspicious or Ominous i promifing ihcm- flives fuccefTe according; to their flight 3 or infpeftionof their Intrals after death. In the time of K^ugnjlu4 , an Eagle hove- ring over the Heads offuch Patncra^Sy as were then in Confultation 5 at laft fetledupon the wxm^o^K^gripfd^ and juft upon the firft Letter of thatnamc v^ A Ughtninghke- wife defcending downe from Heaven, ftrokc the firft Letter of his ownc name out, — C — Whence South-ftyers , by conjcfturall Argu- ments, or Revelations from their Oracles, gathered, thatHec (hould but live an hundred S^yes after, and be afterwards Cannonizcd for a Gcd ; bccaufe «^/4r, the refiduc of that Name in i\\^Tufc4ne Language Hgriified God. Albeit, fome even amongft tbcmfc'lves,(lcigh- trd their Auguries, as might be inftanced in CUnditu Tulcher j who , when in taking hi? Ah^ fficia^ or the prediftious of his fucccnc by the infpeftions of Birds, before Siolk^ the Aa 5 Pullets Crctturei or- daynciito So- briety and ufe- rullMoiilit/. •w •74 I Pullets would not feed 5 hee commanded they (hould be plunged in the Sea, that they miglu drinkCp feeing they would not cate. The likedid Cra(fus^v^\\o being willed by the ArdbUn Guides, at iiich time as he was Marching within the Ptrp- 4;> Frontiers, tomakehafte before the Moone was in Scorpio j " but I ( faid he) feare more Sd- ^^gittarj^ nieaning the Archers ofPtrJid. But there is nothing in my Opinion , that (houldworkemore powcrdill effefts, or beget in mcnmorcvirilefhame, thantofcc them out- ftript by Creatures of this kind, even in argu- ments of Naturall Aftcdionand Humanity* It is a notable Ob/ervation,which a Divine Father (ometimcs culled from a Naturall Hifto- rian : When the old Storke through Age be- comes naked oi Feathers , flice is fed by her Brood , and carryed by them from place to place upon their Wings* This might worthily ftrike a glowing fhame in the brca(ts of all fuch unnaturall ChildrcujWho \ neglect their duties to their aged Parents 5 bring- I ing their grey-haires with fbrrovv to their "^uamviipiu- Gravcs. F'orhowfliould thcfeinan equal! pro- fimiUurcddi' portionrcquite them from whom they had their dmmjurfm ^ being and breeding ; admit they fliould for their rr^^f il«/c/: rcliefc^confcrre all their Fortunes andlivelyhood fuinuu CyiA. upontbcm? I \Vh.,t (hould I fay likewifc of unnatural! Mo- ' thcr^ ; u ho fcorne to impart their owne Breafts ; toihcir owne Babes > Can theft fee the C^srufd with her attcndanW following, and nurfing care hatch- J NurfayforO ENTRr. n$ Thcdiftina Natures of hatching the Cuckot^es cggcs , and not blufh at themfelvcs? Have they naked brcafts tobcflow onthcayre, orallureawandringeye, and muft their ownc be deprived of thatliberty? Many fuch Moral! Motives as thefe, Ipcake to us in the natures of Birds: but I muft not dwell on theft y but haften in this my Hijlorical Survey ^ to the native difcovery of other Creatures, Here the//;^/r^(as/'//;i[) relates J can imitate the voice of any Man, and chat (b neercly ^ as hisvoycecan hardly be diftinguiflicd from the Bcaftscxprcf. voyceof himheimitateth 5 taking his dewomi- nation from the Crcekes^ according to his natu- ral) rapine. There the Fiber ^ or Sever (by what inftind, Humane wi/dcme could never reach to) to faris- fie his covetous purfuer, bites off his own ftoncS, being the prize (he knowes) for which he is pur- fucd. ; Here fee the diflenibling Sphinx, ^h\(t to perfo- nate any p^lflion, eyther of joy or ft^rrow. There thewonderfull nature of the Rhinoceros : The Lyon fo naturally valiant , as not to be daunted j ycr behold i\xt(\\\y Cocke can make him tremble! Then reprefent to ybuV generous reading , the natural] cntnity betwixt the Horfe and the Beare^ the Wolfe and the Lyon ,, the fox and the Badger ; fiich a native difugreeing remaines among thele ReaOs, as their hatred is implacable^ ever purfu- ing theircnemy withan inveterate hate : foran enmity ingrafted by natare^cannot be (upprefTed by lefle then nature. Many 17^ ) T^Tic /f SuneyofHlSrOKY.or Many conflifts were inftituted in Rfime ( at (b- Icmiiizationofany Feftivall^or in remembrance offomcnicmorable Exploit atchieved ) betwixt Hearts : whence the Romans guhcred^jcn know- lcdf];c, feeing the rcmifnefle of Ibme Natures, and the cagerncfTe of others. Some of an un- quailed (pirit, yet in ftrcngth unable tomain- taine dieir fpirit ; others ( like our unweldy Epi- cures) fincwy and rtefliy enough J haveftrength acwilL but defeft of courage focurbesthemj as the over-How of ability wainesintherifing; not 1 daring to encounter with one of leffe ftrengthj but more vivacity. ridciucium \ Y^i^^,^^ j:^i^j^ cMdxifftus went in EmbafTige iti.nca trpQr ioPjrrhu!^\*x\\\c^oi ^/jfrr, with whom fat that ficid(b(n^T.i''{^^x\z)i\\(: Romans had Warre;hec denounced o- ^m.t^ip.xt. pcnHoftilityagainfthimaiKlhisTerritorieSjfbr not performing fomc conditions included in the Leaj',nc. Pjrrhus^totcrviiie fdiita ^ comman- ded hi"j Guard to place an Elephant behind the Arras , that at their next parleyj/^^/W feeing Co Thofc Timei terrible :iBcaft, mighfofhis owne accord foli- wctc not circ Peace. But /.r^/it^ ( though one at that time un}rk,Jti,c\i\' unacquamtcd with Inch fights , for never were a- »ciit.6ofn»uf- ny F,lef/;4nhihca feenc in R0rMc) hearing him ^^^^"^,^'^V (end out his hollow voice, reply ed : rAr/#/;^^^^/ ••//'f craut, 4llomanRammc ppiB be morctcrriblcthdnthc^ tu ut^lPy- ^oucofan Kpyrian Elephant. But thefc grew tiv]Rimme ! afterward lopublickSpeaacles ;loas many i ri- '[yf\Te ^/f.r* iimph otTcnieviftoriouSjOr puiflant Captainc, ^Jfritl^L ^^^^^^'^ ^^'^''*'" ^^^^^y ^'tffi^nts^Ounces.Fduthers.Ty- kcfan. g^ri\ and other favai^^c Beaftsflaine, otfering them 4M iMMM^Bi^ A ^feryfot GBS^TR T. 177 them (in Triamphant manoer) to tlic Temple of the Goddefle yiiferU. VAfT$^^ R$mAn PecrCjOne to whom the R9mane ^^^ Tongue was much indebted 5 did illuftratc ^\\^ ^uineviGoHm Annals of J^^/wtf with their Ceremoniall Tri- •<;// '^'^f«^ umphs jftiewingalfo what Beafts were wont to ^^l^f'^f/fjl^i^^ be lacrificed to the Gods, and for what cau(c h^^^cBi Man! that Inftitution was obferved j If the Victory immoUreftt. (faythheWas purchafed with the lolTe of blood, ^^' they ufcdtoftcrificeto dfars^ aCficke ^ but if without blood, they offered an (?a^^ Thefe natural! Defcripticns of Beafts are very delightfull to the generous Reader 5 they arc very fit for illuftrating any Subjeft ^ making comparifon betwixt the Natures of BeaftSjRirds, or Plants a and other matcriall fubjeds of our Di(cour(e 5 comparing Luft,, Inceft, and (iich lalcivious exorbitances to die X4piv/>j,repre (en- ted by T^r^w/, the flavi(l:cr oi PhtUmtl: In- ferring by the Sfidcr , Arrogftncy^or Pride, that durft compare with P4iif<^ forprecmmcncy. By the Cprm^r4»t y grating Oppreffion, /encelcfic and remorceleflc of others Mifcries. Pr0gne(\\\ aSwdUowts habit) implying the fwifcncHc of re- venge to Murder, I'hat chafte Bird Porfbjri$ , who^as he is con- cver he Tnvaiicd : Sea could not fecurc him, nor Land privilcil;j;c hini. Achisrepaftj hisftomackwas made qiicalicby their ftcncli : and onthenight tiniCjbyrc.iicniof rhLirnoilCjWashcrcfcofrcft.- ln which ii(M-)'j funJry excellent Morals arc d.iin- i^Iy couched. Firft, how .the very ^/^/?/Vitc^ Peers could invciu puntthrncnts for haynous do- linquenrf. O tfuXm merit divin4 cccurrit ultio cuiufijtit fcccAti prcpri$ obiUh ] A commanding Prince^ if coniciousof bl()od,cannf)tfindhim. iclfcaib.roud. Noflicltcragainfl: Murder, Flic he to the Sea , the very waves raifcd by^rhe fury (.>r the winds, w ill be his remembrancers itctirc hctothcLand, the very Creatures will have himini^virliiire, till they bccomchisSurprizers. I'rom his Houfe hcHvcsunro the ficld,but Furice, doj^ehimfril' : no Covert in field can rcfcuc hinnroni his Fare. By thx //4r/)^r/,mnybeundern:ood5rhat there isnoCreature, hutxhtSufteAmi umr^ ifUec pleafe, an make ir his Avenger. But thefe kind of Biri!s were by the Poets mofi properly dcvi. J t^urferjf for O ENTJiT. 179 ftdiobcpurfucrsofthis bloody Prince. Their ravcncus Nature agreed b'cft with his temper. For. as their Condition is to prey upon tlicir bivnc J fo did hceinihis cruelty fcizc upon his ovrae: AndasthcEycisthcfirltpart which any ravenous Bird ufeth to pick at ; fo i t w.ts the Eyes of thefe Orphantchildren which their Stcp-dame /^.tf4 aym*d at» Nqw, whereas thefe Birds are portrayed with Maidcn-vifiges, we may by that fafelyconcladej/r^/?m;;«^if fides—- : Amiable Features may have favage N atures. Thofe Si- r^;j/hadbcautifull Faces , chcercfull VoyceSjbut dangerous Greetings, There is more belonging; to a (incerc heart than a proinifing prclence. A s the ftillcft Waters are the dccpcft ;fo fiircft Fa- ces wound thedeadlieft. They are apt to allure ; andhappy isthat wi(e ///^rw/jthat can (top his EycandEare, Thefe came to Phifieu^Tobk like beauteous Gucfts 3 but purfu d him like hideous Ghofts. Beauty is a taking baite ^ it can cover Treafon with a fmilcjbut being (wallowed ^ it becomes the Takers bainc. But now (cehow this cala*- mitousPrincc receives relicfe, when his mi(c- rles crowded thickeft : and how thefe intrufivc GueOsarecxpulfcd, when his hopes were in dc- (paire^and from expeftance of reliefe remotefl ! C4/4i'/,that valiant Sonne o( Boreas by QrithUy who with Zethis having Wings, to accelerate their journey , flew to Colchis to helpe the Argo- W4tf^/.- and being in that voyage courtcoufly u- (ed of King fhine$u , they in recompence drave Bb 2 cut i8o .4 Survejof HIST OKXr(^ outofhis Countrcy thofe ravening Birds called Harfyeu Nor wants this Comtcall paflagc his Morall: for hence may wc gather , what bencfic redounds rofii h as are hofpitable. Hovvthofe, whom rh' ) U iiictimcsharhcHircdforSrrangerSjbecomc ?P riinc ofd \iiRcr their deliverers. This might ! e eonlirn cd by Holy Writ 5 where Angels were ixvci vecl in habit of Strangers ; and what fuccour thxy niiiiillrcd to their Harbourers. Sucli as ihele ulefully applyed, will afford in- finite profit to the Header : ib as.hce mayde- lightfully enlarge hinifclfc byway of Difcourfe to .my intelligible Hearer. There be oihcr Bircl^;, who reteine in them an ancient natural! hatred to Beads, from whom they conceive themfelves to have received wrong ; and this their hatred is implacable e^ venr: I Ilcafint Poc- ANurfiryfir GB^TRT. i8t fhifiles .• in revenge wher(;ofj fl:ce continually vexcch him (fb apprclienfivc is the leaft Crea- ture of an injury 5 and fo quicke-fightcd in conceiving where fhce may require her inju- ry^ by pecking him oii gall*d places of his body. This Morall may /ceme to glance at fuch ig- noble fpiritSj who, (b they may revenge 5 or ex* preffe the heate of their fiiry j will nocrticke to excrcifcit upon the poorcfl and contcmptil)lcft Creatures : yea, they will pick an offence be- fore ir be offered; and play upon their fiinplici- ty, by whom they were neM:r much in juried. Thcfc will ever leape over the hedge where it is loweft, and make fuch thepreyof their fury, whom they findemort incapable of revcngejor unable to fecond what their reputation injoynes them to attempt. The like maybefaidofthe Afiajlcr or MudrvaU 5 a Bird that beares invc tcrate hate to the painefull Bec^ and her La- bours. In whofe Nature the quality of fuch pcrfbns is covertly fhadowed : who^Aftfr- gitciASkc, doe no gO(d themfclvcs, but in a profufe Riot confiime their fruirlefTe Daycs, feeding their- Surfeits with others imploy- rnent^. In many Frontier-bordering Townes wee fliall fee this made good by wofull experi- ence. While fiich indullrious people, who, to ufe the words of Sententions .J^/vy? ^ St- dcm AntntAin extremis digitis habenti placing their Soules in theip Finf?ers ends , become Bb 9 a booty s i8i 1M»— — — — 1^— ^^^— — i^i— *— ■www ^iii* I I II ■"•^WS" a booty to the violence nnd iiKurfion of theijf Nei^hbourins Drones :; who (c^zc with ftrong hand ( under pretence of an unfetled pL\i ce or ex- pired Leap^uc) upon whatfc)ever their iudnftri- ouscourfcoflivinghadfor divers yecrcs defer- vingly gained and gathered. There is another fwcet-fcnted Bird, called the C/;7A;4;»^/^^joncwho will build her Ncftinno c>rher Wood than Cinnamon. Her onely ambiti- on Is a dainty Scat ivcry lingular in her confort with other Birds jpleafingtofcwburtoherfclfe: audilat any time ik c dctgnc the Forreft that ^^racc as xo p.irtake of her melody , Nightingal- likc Dat fittcmente fonurn Afwect-rcntca A ncarc flclcniblance (as if fprung from one ^t^ir'"^^^ (cm " ^'^^^^^^^^^^ ) ^'^'^^y f^^*^ Avcet'breath'd Bird feemc to liic/. '' '"^"fj have to our Court-Popinjay j whoCcfcnfe moft i commonly condfts in y?A^r. His Aftion or.Gc- j fturc is nothing but Cringes vhis Breath an Ayry j Complement j his Rinde ( to make this Cinna- ! mon-Simili(ude more full) worth allhis body J)eli(k'. ! When lupiter and Ittnos Wedding was folem- nizcd of old, to make the Solemnity more com- 1* pleat ; the Gods were all invited to the Feaft, J and many Noblc-mcn bcfide!. Amongfl: the I reft came Cry (dim a ¥()r(al)!e;once downe, im- !j)i»Uil)!c to rile , hue hy (bme un-ufuall oc- CLinenr. What Aranpc cfirfts of Nature thiscrcature rc'icincthjUiay be inlhnccd in this notable ftory. I It is reported by Phtltfpo f/g;4/Jr//45 aTraveller of japprovcil credit, that hcchad (ecne with his MAvneeyes a very (lran;.^e and admirable thing in \co4nz,a^ namely, that a young Elephant foHow- ' iiU'Jii^ D'Unrnejfclldownebychaneeintoone of thole Pit-falls J purpc^fely nude by Hunters to iurprilc rhcin :and after Ihe could not with all her Iki'.I s\\\d flrength draw him out of it , flic buried him therein, and covered him with earth, with branches and widiboweSjinlbmuch as flic filled the Pit up to the top.to die end that the Hunters iluniKlnot en)< y her C/alfe;choofnvj, rather to kiilitherleife (with this attectionate kind of in- terment ) than to leave ir to the mercy of the cru- ellHuntl-men. 1 he Wolfi: ( a Statc-u;ormandi7er)preyes upon x\\c inncKcnr , liickes the blood of the Orphaiic, impaires others meanes to enlarge his ownc: criiclty is the habiliment he befl liketh, ma- king the State a wilde Forrefl: for every Sa- vage to li\ e in Jnit a Shambles for the poore lilly Lambkin to liirler in. The C7^4/r,your wanton and (ciifuall Amorifl', tliat I J 'Jijirjery for G H A/ T J^2. 187 thac lUips here and there, incvery brnke of vani- ty^ till Ibcntwincd, as the laic cf-'his reputation makes him beg for a pood nLurie : bur the eyes ofGenerall Oblervancc arc not fo dazclkd, they have fecnc his heart 5 and regiftred his follieji. The^^^rf , one that portends by his l>irth5 what he will be : aai unhandfomc pecvc of (IcOi f one that needs licking before hee be brought to falhion: Here!sNaruresdcformiry , diiu.-^ching by the foulnefTe of the body^ the liltliintlVo of his di/poHtion, Tyrants wee have had (>f"this Re- Iciublancc, who came the wrong way into the world, to Ultimate what wrongs they would doe unto the world* But now of tamer Creatures. The Lambe cannot drinkc of a troul>lcd Spring, no more can Innocence. The Hare ever lleeps with open eyes ; fo doth good Providence, The Goncj is fruitfull and fcarefull : So is Nup- tiallChaflity. 'X\\Q Emmet is in Summer ever fore-feeing a Winter : Such is good Husbandry. Shall wee proceed in Birds likewifc^ and ex- amine their Natures ? The Turtle for Conftancy : The Crane for Vi- gilancy:Thej?*i'/;i gxprcflcthhis love to Man; the Nightif^gdU to Women. None nioreindu- Prions than the Z^ri-^ , More laborious than the ffre;^.' more odious to her fclfCjandorherSj than ihcCuckow : MoreHeroick than the £4^le: More bafe than the £nzx.arJ. Sefcrall pro- rricticircffm- M»ni! fevcrall pciiont* Cc 3 Then i88 4 Surtey of HIST OKY, Of ytL AuhViQ» «* Ihcn oblerve whatfcact inftinfts given to ccrtainc Bird^) , to prognofticatc the events of chillies. 'i he Crow^ a forc-teHcr of what Weather will come to paflc. 1 he Hdlcyon ox SeAmAw^xcm^^xk" ablcinpicdic\ioriof Storaics : ^ndthc Sw4llow^\ CrAne^ and many others, exadt obfervers of Scalbns. Itisftrange, whatisobicrvedby thenaturall Hilioiian, ot the £4^/^ and RAven 5 the one, lAitlihe, knowes >r/;^« the Carkaflc or Carrion Ihall fall 5 the other where. Which conceit, how- Ibcvcrir may be many rimes erring, yet we (hall ti", l^'^T! ever tind the RAvtf$[\\i\ (eazed on his prey, when- Birds which iocvcrany inch llullcafiully nil. lue.uc iiiihcm^ W'c may obfcrve likcwKc , diverfc Birds who "j7i?LiVriml;<^ha!u;etl\cirm)re or voice according to the dif- nni ot the jpolirionof the weather. Sometimes by their ikMv;c ^ va-ji^^^jl^j^^,, jViirnvr ox fuch like fiOTCsjnay be HU- on ot v\ia., turully gathered intalliblc notions of the change and various dl (politic nu)f weathers. It is layd of the Bird iHcrus , or as f'linj calls r^miiTii aJ ! Iqx c^l^ulns, \i-M\y man that is fick of the yellow 3;|;,';'^;''*:^;[: jandilclhallicchcr , the man lliall waxewholc, icm. j recover his Arc npth and colour;^ and by degrees r.;//) it ci I icoain^his former vicoursbuttheBirdlhalldye. Mujidi u/o- ^ome have hoUlen this Bird to be one ot the ccrtaineli divincrb of Weathers , of all others ; \vhenctJtbePc>i t: hirdiofthe Ajre thtir frpphcfiis rttAtm^ lh( Pick 'tree boAJiAJlgrme^ the Iftcnis rAtne. Diveifc of our Navigators likewile obfcrve^ when tlicr ri'm^ I tut Itlciui 1 tnitim. A Kj'^feryfor GEN TT(r. 189 when they arc on Sea 5 (iindry incident alterati- ons by the noiftof Sea-fowles : and arc cautio- ned by them ro make (peed for Land, left a rcm- peft endanger their paff^gc. Of which fort, there are Some 3 who leave the Sea ngainft a ftorme^ and flye to Firnie Land 5 remaining there till an HdcjOH calmc invite them to returnc. There are incredible things reported of the Sfinturnix \ a Bird that wont to come to the Al- tars, where they were facrificing, and carry a- way a burning coale as a token of ill luckc, or burning to the houle where it alighted. But thefe Relations are with more ftrength of Opinion, then probability or reafcm confirmed, Howfoever, nodoubtburdiverfcBirdsby a fe- crctinftinft of nature Cthe rcafon whereof to us is occult) can prcnuntiate the Scafons and dif- pofiticMis of weathers 5 which may appcarc by Holy Writ 5 that Lydian-JlofH which can belt trie the verity of all Humane al^crtions. The SwdUim and Ctd^e know their feafms . So a?, even that Prophet, who fomctimcs admo- nifhed the people^ mt t$ be affraidfor the fignes of icrtrti, 10. u Heaven^ hath admitted thclcconjedural tokens. For the creatures of Heaven and Earth , ns they were firft ordained for our ulcjfo by our right ufe of them, wemay "improve our own Knowledge^ bymakingevery CreatiK-e, a judicial! Epitome of Nature: ever doling with a free and numble acknowledgement of his uncircumfcribed Po- wer^ by whom they were created 5 and of whod* c;oodne(re it is that they may in their fcvcrall na- Cc :? turcs 190 ^1 Sun^cy fl/H I S T O R Y,<»r of Goii^CJC tuici. , turcs red :iund to ourbcncric,heing well imployd- When a cerraine religious Brother, who had hJll:o\vcd \\\\\c\\ precious time on Contemplati- AV.viiieCon' oiu aud bv nicni:*^ of a rcrvTcd life , to the end on su.vc) h.!a (ccular CJLVOS mijj^htldicmranglchimj hadatcai- «; tiu 1 well i^cd to iiicha mcafureof perlbctioa chat wiiy, as he eyed nochin?^ whereof he made not fome Di- vine ufc 5 protl'lljd one day to One of the fame Convent \ ^' That he could never fee any Thing, ''rhefi'-^ht whereof did notinibme nunnerc- '^•dihehini. Oh, iayd die other, (pire alittle, *^' j'jK)d brodicr ; pray you tell nie , wherein cm ''iheh*v!;hrofiiToadccdifieyon:r Oh very much, ''(juodihe jforwluirhavel dclcrved rhit Gc»d ^Mi.ould nnkc mea ManandnotaToade? So '• thntj as often as I fee a Tcxule, (o often do I re- '^MJl thisbenclit to mind : rendring all due "^^ihankestohim, wh'^ according to my deferc «-hadinottormcd me like any fuch deteftable ''Crcaruic, buthadibcftowedonmedic molt ^' Ixwnrifull and royall image ( f my Maker* Surely, as 1 have Ibrmerly obterved , tfour hearts were rightly difpofed,. by making good ufcof whatfoeverinthisinteriourOrbe wee (ee here created, andasjiroper Objefts to oureics nvelentediwellunildealiiyconfefle, that there IS n(^ Creature fofmall, vilcordelpicable^which might n(U be reiluecd to fome image or Em- blemeof ourLife^feeing, there is none , beit never lo poore nor contemptible, which pre- /enr? notin irlelfe thegoodnes of God. "And '• loby conlideration had of thele Temporal and Exter- A NurferyforG B N TRT: 191 Ay^i Scrrptur/tfutit Dium (U U in Icr, 17. I. «• External benefits (to ufe the words of a Divine <^ Father; to gather the gTe.ttneflt and inimcnli- <« ty of rhehcaveilly counftil. . Ncythcr arc thcfe Mora! applications of Birds yrmptiJn and the like 5 whereon, upon occafion, we have >,*^!1;7^^^^^^ fo amply infiftedj to be conceived as ufclellc. We jcu Mag. i lliall find the Storc-houfc of all Divine learning;, ^'^^^' *\ that Sacred untroubled Fountainc of heavenly Knowledge, furniflicd with Morall fimilitudcs andilluftrationsof this kind, ^s tie Partric/j^ (fayrh the Prophet).i^4//;^r^//^ thejoun^^ rv/jichjl)e ij4th not brought ferih : fohce that gettetb Riches^ and not by Rtght jhAllleAz^cthcm tn the midjl of hisdiies Andat his end (})AlHe a foolc. Somerinics wc (hall find tlic rcndcr-hcarrcd PeUicAnwxmcA i thcTurtk , and her affcftion do- (iTibcd ; the obiequious Storkc commended 3 the Sparrorpupon the houfe-top expredcd. Some- times Fowlcs addicted to prey, difplayed. From which, wc may gatherexcellent matter^ nor only ofmagnifying Him by whom they were created^ ;md to their (everall offices dcfigncd : but even in Humane di fcour/e , wc (liall find many occafions of inlarging c^ur fcWes ^ by application of rhe na- ture and difpofitionof them. Soas^whofocver (liall make an ufefull oblervarion of thefcfea- thrcd Fowlcs in the ajre , may find much more dainty Phylolophy in them , than in thefc tame Fooles who pride thcmlelves in rhcirfeathrcd vanities on earth. Other Birds there bethathave more humane feeling ; P//>yf reports , tliat there bee certainc Birds 192 ^Suney of H\STOK\, or faydtHoffa l9 jiuliihr» Birds which hovvle exceedingly at the Edypfcof theSuiinc 4 as if naturally moved by forae mi- raculous influence or inftinft from heaven^tofuf- fer with a Divine body, foextreamly (ufFering: Lccusde/cendtoWornics, Serpent$,and Cree- ping things,wc (ball (ce in them diftinft qualities c. . ^ J^^ Serpent P4re4£ creepeth on his Taiic, oti^JoAdwj^ ^'^'^ fl^c (liarpneflc of his Belly makes a ratioftf. furrow upon the ground where he crawleth. Strange things be reported of the Serpent Se-- c^IAa^^^^^^^^ bythe^^;;r/.;,;as aGodrO- and ^jtfmV|!"^^^'5^"^rcbenoIe(rediffcrentin nature, forme, nounlhment, and feature; Some feeding upon raw ncrti^intinuting their ravenous Natures :0- thers on fiQi (as divers Serpents) living upon the Bankc of the River Nilus : Others on plants, and the truit of Trees, which i'/^i^//^/ cxprcflTeth by ihcVine-frcttcr : Mdti^ra ritisfilU Invilvoltu csrfit . $tcU de con.\ ?^^ ^^^^^ creeping aeaturcs there be very bc- rim^r.Mu^i'.^^fi^^^J" to Humane fociety. The Silkcf¥9rme^ whoft labours make our (ilken Gallants. To that exccflc arc we come , as our bravery muft be mauitaincd by the diligence of the fimpleft creatures, doathing our felves with the very bowels of VVornjes: Wonderful! is their Gene- ration. The Kidder in her felfc obnoxious and hurt- full,yct (lie cafts her ll^innef to exprefTe her good nicaning to man) an excellent cure to many diicafcs. The Slnfjul$foktU fff^utii malu 9hMi4f^tli pre* p4ravK Vcui, Ao'uft. t J9J The poore Wormc, ofhcr ftlfe^tieichcr grca t« ly harraefuU nor profitable, onely (by a Sy- aonomy betwixt Man and Her ). (he is the bcfl: Mirrour of humane Glory, an Emblcme of our Mortality: and an importunate CJuefl: that will come to banquet on our bodies, though ftot invited : She is called f^crmis ( quafi in- trmis ) (he can but rumc againe, that's all the defcnfive , or offenllvc weapon die hath ready. Thcfc filly contemptible creatures be crpeciall Tke Wormc Motives to a good man, ofThankfulneflcahe ^^^^1*^1^^ example we read m that devout Father \^h- md the bdi felmei who walking one dayinhisgirdcu^and charaa^rof (ceing a poore Wormc crawling unckrr his feete, ^"'"-^^ ^"*^- pre(cntly,app1yed this Chriftian-like u(e tohiai- iclfc. * ' O L^ri^ tfm$ might tf hsve mdJe mee like DirerCnci of this WQtmi^ $mHmptibl<^ 4nd tafe^ t0 live i/i ' '^•*^"^*^*»" P» the h$h$ snd edvemei ^f the esrth \ But fuch wasthj meny^ ^ thm w0uld(^ mt : be^Bwiipg pn me thtm 9wne imsge ^ thst thy ftmiUtiUe might he glorified in mee, A comtortable meditation of a zealous Father, and worchy our obftr- vaticHi, We will now difcpurfeof the fkaly Fillies in their kind, that the Majcftv and power oFCod ( by giving fiich divdfrfiity or Natures to Fiihcs^ may appcare in the Depths, as before it was ma- nifefHyexpreflcd upon the earth, and all dry pla. ccs. Here is aTyrannicke power even iiuhcO- ccan, and an ablblute government without re- i^!"^''^"'r// Dd Araintr"*"^*'-**- tUcf, What nrc pro- perties aic in the 4it\hi\u^ mitare, or die ftJJj 6f the Ruil^ 6c what comiuoiJioai ufc the people of 4'ow/omike ofitg m.tyap- pearc in that Difcourfe cii- »» li 7^1 ^.Sutvtj^fHiSTO^t,er ' ' | ' " I ■ ■ ~" " ■ _ I— -___ i }ucim pt/iC'fi Contention ft. l\rainr of power : Here is a MuflcatI coticordancy • likewifcjaDiapafott of Sea-inhabir^nts. ' The Dolfhin pKaying a foftftrainCj rcfcmblinga; ''^"jMvane : the Stnr^em ( fw^imming a^ainit the Sn*eanic)iharpciishcrNorc5 nioiv neare a Tre- ble : the lulls a fiiiooth Counrcr- tenor , and thp rmvling Porfoifc the Bale. ^ _ Here is great enmity (likewise) for prtcfcM- fuon^jft Tiriics Jnaticy : And that amongft the c^rcateft, the 'Qrcke \ ith the whale .-The Cuttell with the 7lmne- h.ickt \ the SeA'h$rfe with the Sea-vrchin : Many rarevcrtuesinlittlectearurcsrwithwhatftranKc- \\<:^^' the RemorA fa filli of fmall bignefle)hofds a Shippe 5whcn in her full Saile ? How Nvonderful- IvtlicT'^r^r^^ delivers her- felfe 5 being taken by the unhappy F'ifher? difgorging her owne bo- wels, to ihipcfie the Taker with ai^uncotha- in;i7cmenf, '; Againe , to ( ^hfeire the raVenous di Ipofltibn natiircsof fiJofthe?;7Y ithcfoeiable condition of i\\c Trout -^ 9> The <^lfrcrcnC ration. And then to compare the natures of diefe watcr-inh:l>irant5 with our fclves, who follow, Ibrmollp.utj thebentof ourdefires 3 as if we wcrecftr.miicdfrc'm that beauty which incom- parably melt adorncs usj and drenched in the leas of our owne abruptions, which makes man moft unlike hiii:(t.l(o jby idolatrizing that which ^ive^ the f;rcatclt l)!cmi!h to his Excellence. Kmblcnies arc devices no Icfle ulefull thendc- hghtftil. mmmm'''i'9mf^m t95 bghtfull , topre(cnt Man bcO co himfclfci a^i^ to taxehini too by way of fliadowing:,vvhat(pcr- chafice) he would be loath to endure inatieer manner of exprcflfion. For tell me, how fl^ould any o£ our prand- op- frejfours^ who make their //^/Jrr/V/^r/ ihc'ufpon*- ges : faming themfelves wich violences and Ipin- ningto thcmlelves an eftate out of others bo- wcls : how (hould rhefe^ I (ay ^ read of the rave- nous difpofition of the Pike , and not retlecl up- on themfelves ? They find his nature to be fuch, thatallisfifli that comes to his net. lie admits nodifpenfationj if his power may furprizehiiij 5 he becomes his prey. Affinity, Colllan^uinity5all relpcds of civil Society muft be excluuedrhis %vil is his Law 5 and he mult fulTer that dare oppofe it. This might ftrike a glowing bluih in our hun- ting Nimrods 5 who , fo they may ica?:c on their prey, and make innocence the objcil: of their fury ; ncyther care for Heaven nor Hell. Judge- ments cannot fiartle them ; becaiiile dicy arc yet infenfiblc of diem. CompalliciV cannot iiipplc thtm^forthatisfuchaftrangcrj as of all other Pilgrims they never gave her harbour. Nay^ hu- manity bearesfo little fwaywidi them ; asthey Icorne toincline to ought that may civilize them. It is fayd, that Piflures convey dcepeft imprcf- fiires I and that many have blulbed in the pcrufall of fbmeEmblemeSjby eying in them their owne natures. Icould wilhthj^tthcfc^ who have in- gaged themfelves to opprcfTion, and made injury their Darling, to look e upon the Xi^^-zW .• who Dd 2 takes \ [. 1^6 ^Siiryey0fHlSTOKY,^r^ takes his name from his quick-difceming fight 5 but imployes it to an iiidircft end. They Iball (iiide thcmfclves charadtrcd in his Life : and read fii( h quLilitics in him, as Humanity cannot chufe but loaib. That cautious Impreflc about his Em- bleme may fcrve too for ah ufcfull dirccT:ion : * ^ idfdcerc Uta ejl, quid dtctt^ non quod lictt. Then to note that iociablc Affahihcy of the Trout ^cmwoi but bcect linpular eftcntenrion;andiiavecvcranOare in that Ront which is imbarkcd in Waters of Divifion; arc all Antipodes ro this Einblcnic. hiAtcmCdUys was raid tohavcagood right hanil, but an ill left hnnd, l>ecaufchc c^nld plead agaitiAa man better than f' rliim. Butthefeare nofiich Agents:Thefc\villcitherdoegood, or (l(M? nothini/,. As they aftet't peace j fo every par- ticular atltion of theirs merits praile. Tlicfc da- lire nor to fwell great, by the Confumption of Others ; nor difperfc their wcll-gramdcd Fanic on a di Advantageous Warrc : They ever rcteine tlvcirplaec, and inipale it with this Impreflc of Peace : '' PAxunATrittwphisinnumcriifotior — Then goe to your M xhiavcll Statill , that (hangeable-C(>lruv*d Polyptu. One, who can walkc inaCI(>ud ^and clilguife dnngerout' plots widi wrtuous pretences. Here you (lull, findc nothing JNurfer^forGENT'lir. ' ip^ nothing uiiliker ci jnans felfc than himftlfe. He flies with the Ldftpif^g^ farrc from his Neft,that he might be more (orure : and more eafic it were to fmdc that incredible Stone in the Ldfwings Neft 5 than to rctrivc the fecrecy of his Ay mes. Though the Mypeffl) be various in Colours j and in nothing more mutable than her owne Feature : This politick Mafker can vyc with him in various projevSs : being fucb a faithfull Secretary to himftlfej as he fcornestohavc a* nyhis Intelligencer : ortodilcoverhimlclfeo- therwi(e tp the World, than by pretending what is the lc4ft c>f bis ijicaning* And now he is come tothathqight ojf perfcftion^ (ifwce may fafely bcftow fuch aTitlc on diirembling ) as he is jea- lous of Odiers truft .: nor dare Icarccly bclceve himfclfe, vvhileheeconferrcs privately with his ow))e Bre<3^n:. In a word , fo unequally para- Icld is his. outward dilluii 1^3 nnd inward conceit^ as his Diflcnibting h'as bcgor in him, and de- rived to us this imprelfive Caution: NoWjfor the ftrong-digefting P^foifc : that naturallDcfcription (for it Ihadowsnot oncly the ouivyardlCc^iftitutian ),.. implies thcqua- lity'offuch perfons i^s c^n connive a; injures ra*eivcd :can fuffcrwith an eqiiall temper, vvhat- f< ever the iniquity of Time^ or iwcleniency of Fa^e (liall or niay inllift. OcbprSi while they cxt claiaicngainfl: l)cfiiny^5^ teare the youds with uoltilfe fruitkfle than godlefle Impiccations: DA^ ; Thcfc 198 J Survejof HlSTOKY^or Thcfc with a refolvcd filcncc^and habituate pari- cnce, cm Jigeji all indignities : laugh at tht Braves of Forcunc: and with a compofcd l])i- rit crownc their Suffcringsvvith this exprcflion; [\ ^^ Patidr p0tiorj^vicijfim. The Acifojfer^ or which ?Uny c^Wi^Sdccr ft feu , feeds on nothing but Mans Hcfh 5 iiiiply- ing a caveat to Man: that having (bmany Ene- miesevenouEarth, and not free from them in the Depth ^ fliould not fpcnd his time in fccuri- t\% but prevent the enmity of all creatures by a diligent and vigilant care to himfelfe. Long coiildlprorrad-rhisdifcourfe, .but' two materi- al! parts (^f this Relation with-holdme'from iii- lillinp kniger : The firlt whereof iirrt offering the mfclvcs, be Plants and X'cgetativc Bodies. The wi (eft of all Kings was much converflint ct Kin^"/fn i^'^f'^^'^^ Studies, kuowing every Trcc^^ every Planujlciibi Hcarbc, and every flower : a Ctdro Lsbanon.nfj^ ^ Fruit$,<(c, 4(i fijfcpum fuprd fdnefem : An excellent Com- u^eiulanon in a King 5 not addifting his minde ro other thingii dian die purduUc of Knowledge^ c- ven in inferiour diings : diat a" generality of knowing, might makchim worthy of govcr- nini-% Prohfdj die Rpman Empcrour i, who- fucccedcH }>' Icriams 'mthcFA\}p\rc ^ was muchaddifted to Planting, and diltinguifliing the Natures of Flowers^ the vermes of Plants, with proper obfcr\\uice$accxmmcdatcd for the knowledge of all Seafons, apt for Crafting, Stilling, 'ar^' the like ; Planting the Mountainc Almt^ titcd neare Syrmiiu^ A N^rfitj fit QEN TR 1\ . SjfmiM\ and the' Mount ^if^rriK;/ in Uit(iA the Higher, with Vmes* ;:■'•' ' '► - \ The like wc read oiCilmm MAximintu^ Sur- i^wz'ii ^rmcnturius ^' hnd mmy.others of the R^mAnt^ whofcdiKgcnceM'asmuchimploycd in fiidvplcafantiiffidrcs. - • Kefemblanccs in the/c vegetative Bodies, re- quire obfervancc ; to fee the rineXxkt a fruitfull Mother of many faire Children, fendinp:out her ripened clufiers 5 faire bloflbming Sprigs , and infiniteftbrc of pretty Slippcs, imicatinp; their Mothers fruitfulnefle ^ and bending with her •owne Biwdcn, as notable tofupporc hcrfelfe without fomc (hy or upholder : The pittiftill Ehne ftretchcth her armcs one tobcare her upj in pure compaflion moved to hclpc her , that in hetfcJfcund fruitfull IfTuc^was fo hclpfull unto Others.' ^^ fome have refembled the ;^i^^ and the J?/wir to the Church and ComyniH' male :, whole office it is to fupport the Church whi-n diftreflcd , as the JS/»ir fuccours the Fine \Vheh iurcharged. The I'/fic^ fceiiics fometime to wecpe ( for tcarfcs indeed ^hce(heds) as if in Throwes and paine <^f her Labour: Theft teares diftiliing from the Vinea\xc\\\t Lcprofie :So as (lie feeraes both Fmi tfall and Soveraigrte ^ ycelding no Icfle com- fort in her tqareSj fhnn verdure inher fpraycs. Many ofthcfetcare-ftiedding Trees there be, af; the 3/vrrA-drcppmg C^mter^ and the Roftncd lyrrh: Thcfeby allultorimay kcmc cocommife- ratcour unhappy ftares, fubje^itcd to myriads of 199 Towhatffpe* cull Hcfcm- blincet thefe Trees be acco- modace. PHfilm*, T€are-(hfd« iling Trcet, anxie- too JSumj */HISTORY,«r ■iinji I. II Wiill'l' I anxieties, by the taftc of one Tree, whoCcdiiC^ mall fruit made us wretched. Some Trees we have for harbour aiKl flbadow onely , refembhng our didcmbling profcfloursj whoie external 1 appearance makes great (how of a frui tfull infide^when nothing, five a mecre na- ked pretence of Piety,reniaincs in them. . . Others for fruit 5 without any (lore of bloP* femes ; andfiichbc they as delirc rather to be good^thau fo accounted, b .— ,.^ Some Trees pine away.as if (urprized with an Unj[utrejimti'\ amotous pailionjexcmplihed m the Boxe:Otners lima vif* f/,; (hew by their fTelhnciTe, to whom they are confe- 5l;?ttcratc.as the Myrtle. wuwi./Mciit. Some lofcnot their colour in Winter, like the patient man, who beleagred with theworftof fortunes oppofitions , never changeth counte- nance for the matter jbut like that FenetsM Mot- H to writ inTriumph :NccJlu£iftnecfidtumovctur. ^' oa'^^^^^ Others not fub jeft to any hurt by thunder, as the viowcr^7 and ^i^y^ : relcmblc the fincere confcience,notdif- •tkr Beau- jcomfitted With any aflault^or difmiycd wlthauy SweetOdcurs^FlowcrSjandall other Beauties ftrowcd upon this artificial! Carpet, gamifli the earth,as the internal vertucs inhabiting the mind, doe the Soulc:This difcourfe more concerning ItheHerbiftj than Hiftorian, maljcs mc more bricfc in the handling hereof Hec imphhfi Yet in regard of that precious refemblance ihii Difcourfc which they rctcine(asull our Moralifts have well iYcar^»*"'''d obfetvcd)to our inward beauty,! chu(e the rather Fruitts. ^^ wild GrKCi oftho minde. That Palme " treeinCov^o JJ^urferyfofG B^Tii^r, 20 1 _ — ■' ■■ ' ■ II II II M l III ■ I I i n Mi l II ' m]t^r41;;itlurl,eaiinplJ»c Meir of iclves.infinitely improve us. ^^J^Ia^I^^V^ Inourfracmgandtraverfing the Forrcft^wce H^iytcrm^ar, (hall there findefome Trees for fhade 5 but bar-j{>«''^^ f-*^* rcnoffruitc : OtherslefTe ufefullforniade.butF^j^^^^^^ If,^ plenteous in fruit. - Ouic of the Our Sandimonious-feemirii' N0n-ConformAV'''^^\' . '^^/ ^•A ^^^* \.^ r \ t t y /iirc:id ii made ftp retemes an apparant reiemblance or theofthcfioneof one ; oux Sincere Pnfepur of the other. Iihc fruit. The A goodly beauteous Shadow to delude vul-^';![^''j|^^'^^^^ gar eyes 5 fufficeth the former : but fhadowcs of thence, b^y are reduced to lubftantiall fruites by the ht-'|'^^^»ns*^>oic ,.«- therein, from 4-1 /- TT-n . ,. Iwhenccdiftil- Tneie Hifconcall Relations may Clikewifc),Uth a lyquor point at painted friendfhippe. Where raanyj^'^^^ r"^^*'? • ^1 • A* r /f 11 n- 1 •'^iwhichat the in their Airy profelirons will not frick to pro- Ifirft n fweetr , mifc golden Mountaines : but their performance |butiftcrwardi (the eflentiall fruite or effea of promife)!^""^;'^'^^/" dyes alwaycs in the Socket 5 the fiiuffc of that vaporous Complement expires and dyes. Ec Friend- procc time bccom- meth very vi- ^r/ar, rofcrye for Sillctt, Z03 ^ Smvfy of HlSTOKY.or Fikndftiiprrayrh the StAgjrhn) is me foiiU which rulcth iw$ hcdrts 5 and ^/te hdn which dwdlcth mtmboditi. Hearts then muft not be ruled bylhadowes. CongicSj .Cringes^ Curcfies and Formalities may delude, andimparadizean unexpcricnc'd Novice : Thefe, I fay, may tranf- port our youngling, whonever knew what dii^ Icmbling meant :nor could ever yet diftinguifh bccwis^t fruitc and fhade, ElTence and Semblance : hucthofcjwhoare experin^ntally verW in the World, eafily decline from (iich Snares. For Circunifpcftion hath taught them fucha Leffon, as they have learned to feafon Amity with Salt: and introduce acquaintance by experience 5 leaft their roocalicintmincy beget repentance, Plutarch re portcth that PUto came forth of v^/i4 into CtlicU for no other caufc but only to foe his deare friend Phochn the l^hilofopher- ^ Suchavifit begot an amicable benefitj aPhi- lofopMcall irrprovement. Thcfe cnterviewes were not like that o^Al^msons to CrafiL^ .'his re- grccc Nras re receive gold : a f()rdid ay mc ! when Vcrrue is the prize" which Ihould oncly be in chnce. Cuilded Ih.idowes merit approvement, but by whom? ByFoolesofthcTime. But no trueamitjcnnbederived from the(e j nomorc then fruits from fliadowes. Thisrcfemblancc then holds to life, both in flower and fruit, A luniper tree mnketh the hoteftcoale, and the co( >lelhhadow of any T ree. The coalc is fo hot,tharifitberak*tupmafresofthef;mie» it crntinueth unextiuguilhcd by the fpace of a whole ) care. H^^^ 14 f^^ I — — ir mt0m A ^t^fery jpr G EN T '/( T. zOi Here isthcEmblemeof an incomparablc.dit|^^^^^j^ pofition jhcreisboth ^r^r^ torcfrcnianaflliclcd Uf^r «.!• fricndjwhcnVrth :idvcrfity benuinnied : ^nd.Jhd^ ^wto folacchim, when with the grandeur of bufineflc furcharged. Here is warmth to allay cold : and cookncffe too, to attemper hcate* Peter Udnjr ihcvjcth^ that cloathing doth keep the body warmc nvvo waycs :by keeping in the natural heat of the body : and by keeping out the accidentall cold of the aire. Sure I am/nch a friendfliip as is here defcribed, and by the fweet-fcrncd Emblemc of the Jumper^ ftmdo wedj may be for aU . feafons equally accom- modated: an excellent garmcnt,bcing fitted both for Cover and Omaii[jci3it. INpw the ^fu^mpn is of ap pthcrnatur?; though jtaffordajfpreadingftiade^ itirercinesUQ fuch nativeheat : it delights the eycjbut rcliflicth not the tafte^ And this difcovers our large pro- feflfrng friends in I^^lio \ who are ample enough in prqtcfts : but all they beftow upon us in the end, are butftattrcd Leafes ; they arc rich in fliade^but rare in fruit, Whp^anpaflc by the Winter-flourifhing Cyr jpr^//>,, but mwdpawlcUthac Tree with an H^- roickc re(emblanoe> CufreffM nshilii EmbUmAmUitu. Fates nor Furies cannot annate him : no enemy fopowerfijllj^npr (ganger fb.mortall i as cwdc-i traft. ftom hii>§pirir^^ pr weaken hi? iGpurag^4 ; Hd hates^no Fury • n^ore then fcare: nor cncerwncs' ought with a more refolved temper^then thceK-.. Ec a treameft s.i/.^K.A- ■A 204 .jyu,VfyofH\srOKr,or Orprfcious biunct. nrcameftoppolitionsof fortune 5 holding it the highcft degree of happindle to expire witfiho- nour. * 1 1 could here inlarge this Difcourfc with Tun- dry inftances of this kind : but I muft leape from thisbrandi, and defend to a (ub)eftlowcrin I rcTpa^tof fire : but nothing infcriour indehght : be ing commOdioully applied , as it is compcn- (lioull) compiled. ForSronc-5 and all kituls of Minerals, itis a knowledge worthy Gendemen : wherein I may likcwilcconiprehcnd rhc ancient knowledge of Coiiicb^in what Kmperours rime, and their (evc- rallinlcriptions. ' nm fp: .Mdr iuhopc tofuide Pcarles J though C4//^«/4V trat- iitaufumji i(iicke fcemcd Icfle worthy, commanding his Soul, /.j^r, ciicrs to gather Cockle-lhels. i It is a very generous quality ( andfometimes ;hetba!lbcputtohis judgement) to difkinguifh rightly and cxai^ly of Saphires 5 Emeralds, Dia* ' mondSj^vC.This requires cxaftjudgementjluftres may be given tQ ChlTe, as well as Diamonds : A- diilicratc Gemmes pafTc current with our No- vice : The Silver-Smiths of Ephefush^vc inftru- (^tcil rhisAgefufficiently, arid fraud muft be in- cc)r|)orate to every Profelfioh. • IfthcfcGems^ Tralkcof, were ornaments of the Mind ; 1 llK)uld defirc longer to inlift upon them : but f)eing (as the(c tiniesufc them)rather foments to enfmre and entrappe^ than atxra(5tive motivcnsto aifett 5 according to their Native properties A Nurjerjfor GENTRT. 205 properties, being ordained as rc(einblanccs ofi verrues 5 1 will not dilate of cheir values, but only of their power^more pertinent to my Difirourfe, and better according with my knowledge; who t/£y?^//;#/.Iikc, have long time drawne Water outer anothersCefterne, but never filled mine owne Bucket. Many excellent vermes of Stones, doth Pliny T".^* ^"f"«« inhis NaturallHiftory fetdowne unto us : As f/^fbX* ^*' fome have power to fruftrate the cfFeft of poifon: Others very powerfull againfVthe operations of Magick Spels, Witch-cratt^and the like. But asa Judicious Commentary writes of him ; Mu/ta fcribit^ qua mchcrcule vera non exiJliniAnda funt : Yet to ftand in fu/pence with us (for the reve- rence of fuch a learned Author) becaufc their ef- fefts have riot beene as yet tryed of us. Many things ( I confefle) feemc by all probabi- lity like the Ly^malga^zo have more Moone than Sunne in them : But the experiments which wee have in fome^makes us more credulous in others. The Diamond' (whofeCharai'ferisnotrobee razed) rerembles the pure impreffions of vertue Tbcpiiicm I we have received ^ and which is traduced to ^m hkc the ! us , by the intelleauall eye of the foule, which hT ^^if'* innocafelhouldbcrazedorabolifhcd inu?, bur Sw/Ja to be augmented with a greater increafeofver- lii^f icv^ot 10 cues:- It refemblcs alfo the trucly Charitable o?[hcStone man, that to doe good to others, impaires \y\% Am^ntui, owne fortunes % For the bcft Motto thar ever *'"''' '*"^'* was made ot the D/>A^W,was this : Dumformo/^ollir minuo* . . ,- Ee 2 The X H Im. 206 J Survey of HIST OK Y/r \ Alluftani of ' ThcOonc CMithax (faith Piiffy') is of apcr- fcftcolourjtilloppofcd to the Suane, and then it loieth his colour: It alludeth to many of our painted Scpulchcrs, cur Shc-puppcts: none more clcarc, or amiably-coloured rhcn they j^ till the Sunnc glitter on them, and their fiightly-laid-on varnilh j prcfcntly then didolveth : ^djittum mutatur dh iUd f True Sidoms Apples, no fooner touchcd,rhcn foduft and corrupriun turned. T0fdz-,\\cx oppofitc fin Native vertuc)(hineth molt in the thickeft darkncfle ; The very Idxa of Vcrtue her (clfe: The Clouds cannct inrerpofe ihcmlclves betwixt her , and her Naiivcluurc: c'lIirnHinilJi 'fhcC/^-ii'pr/wtfl^jilkrs not more bynighr, then »o Jiu tfuU it dotU in ubiairity: A prctiousftonc fittefl; for Graccf. j.|^^lj. ^\^^^^^^ .^j^j ,^^ qj. Client wcl-bc/eeming the l^reKcll Perfoni'ge : for the cloud of Erroui^ fliould not be able to cjbfcurc their though ts^cvcr bending their courfc to the marke cf honour. The precious ttoncl)ii?f/e//j J though ithavc oi jrctiou$ ; J^^^^^^y rare and cxctUenc foveraigntics in it, yet a.-ncitothofcj it looiah them all , if it be. puc. inadcad Mans w^ch rtjouu^"^^^^^^^^ Wherein One makes a proper refem- bLuvcto Frdjcr\\s\{\<\\ is the only Pearle and Jewell of a Chriliian ; though it have many rare and ey.qnilire vermes in it , yet it lo/cth them e- ver> oncjif it be put into a Man5 moutb^or into a M.ub hcarteither, that is dead in fin^ and doth not knockc with a pure hand* What foveraigne power the <^hstes is ftyd to retcine in repelling the poifonandrebai ting the (ling of the Tz/rr / What (ecrec vcrtue lyes hid in the Rctcmbiancts «P|>c»r« in mm I wah citcir 6\^\n(k propcrtici^r A Nurferyfof GBNTR^T. 107 the Dicnjpas in ftaying blood 5 as in others of ef- fofing blood! Our naturall Hiftorians mike mention of a ccrtaine ftone found in the Lapwings ncft j the incredible occult vertucwlicrcof is (iich, tliac the Party whobeares it about hinijflial by the power thereof make all thingsviftble tohim^ycc he vifi- blc to noncjdifcovcringall things without dif- covery : dilcloflng others with a perfonal fccrccy. Nodoubtbut Cygfs Ring had fpnic relation to this flonc ; to whom Cdfi^duUs , that doating Kingj (liewed his wife naked : which indifcrccte part reft him of Kingdome^WifCjaad Life. For the Qncenc being grieved thereat, to have any ftrangc Eye fo familiarly knowne to the fccrccy of her beauty ^^ which even inn\tivc Modefty;,cx- aftcdavuile to pririlcdge it fromfuchan <)pen difcoverys caufed Ci^'^f/jUpon the tender other Princely aife(a:ion,toilay the Ring jtotakclip^ n him thcKingdome, and to takeherrr his wife. This (7;^^/ had a Ring (as Divine Plati renor- teth)thathadvertucto make him go invinble. They that looked upon SjEas Rimj^could not choofc but take notice bothof .yjfi?^^ Scale and theTrcafim of lugurth^ becaufe that was graven on the Scale, Excellent Morals are fhadowcd iari:c(e : and fuchasufcfully applied, may re- dound highly tc the applicrs benefit. Strange effeds arc reported of the Csl^zU (by theTc(timony^r//r/;rA.) a ftone of precious vertue^ havinglnit l^otslikenntoHailc. So- veraigiie^ai maybccollei^edby whiit^bur Hifto- rians LiptttuMvttrit' f^att colorii iu mdo v'puint iM- vcmts , cuiut occultd vkrti4-' ^iPtftig vtdcas^ FlutM vit. 2o8 A i^«^n?0'^/HlSTORy,e)r rians have writ of it^ to curcanyburne or in- fl.iinnhuion. Soas5this might well rcteine rhac divine [iicroi'Jyph'kk of one Cardinall Vertuc, Tcmp-rame. It hcare of aflcction tranfport us j any unbounded pndlonlurpiii'c us ^ thcipiric of vainc-glory inflame qs , that wc cannot take our nnturall rcliwidi 7/'^w//?^<-/rjf5 for his ambitious fmuLition after MiUi/des : or findc that rave- nous appetite ever raging^ ranging and reigning in us , which fometimcs accompanied thacglur- tonou: CambUtti : or to latisfic our unconfined dcliies with die Dehcacics of Earth , asifitwere onKarih roratis(ieNfun,with licentious Lucul- Ins : or to plot new devices how to innovate in a dirtempciM State with Scrtorius : or to enrich cur Cc^rtcrs by others mines, and milch the State wiih our Oppreflions, like another jicilius. If thclCjOranyof thcfc dilkmpers feaze upon us, that CaUx.\a oiTemperAncc ( fen* fu is that Scone pro[)er!y rclcmbled ) will moderate them in us ; l>y rcducinfi^u.s to that Refcmblance wehad loft; and moulding in us that Effigies which wc are a- boveall (Jthers to love. For as nothing carj be hiippiiy atchieved, or gracefully performed , un- Icrie it be lealonablyadcdrfo no Vertuc may pro- perly retcinc that Style, unlcflcitbe by Tcmfc- rAnce^QXioncA, l he Pjrcfttd^ what beauty and vertueir holds; all (nir Naturalifts hare amply dKcourfed. No Su!>)ec%beitncveroffo cold nor freezing a na- ture, can alter his temper. Thil*Stone ever rc- teineshishc^Tjteifoas, it may be properly com- pared rmt pared to the temper of (hch i cortipofed minde; whd ftands refolved againfl: all the affronts orin- fults of Fortune. N o palfty^rcarc can amatc him ; no diftcmpet alter himi /With the heate of his 'owne Nature hce knbWcs how to thaw all thofc icy congelations , %vhich proceed from a wcake or pufiUanimous /pirit. Such an Ones blood flies not from his heart to his face 5 but from his face tohis heart. For though his outward vifiblc part exprefle a palH^ fcarc 5 his heart rcorne$ to give harbour to fuch a Tray tor. * He findcs nothing fo wcake as that defpicablc mindej who Pr^M^/^^-Hke, changeth his heart with thchabiroftheTime ^ anddefires to com- ply \yith Greatncfle^and to fa wne on filkcn Vice i vowing i t , as one ftrucke amaz'd with the /plen- dor of it , to be all vertuous. Much otherwile affefted is his fpirit , who like the unquenchable ( r;r^//;tf,fmilcs at nothing more than the indig- nities of Fortune : and efteemes nothing leflc, than vicious GreatnefTe. And if it chance at a- ny time ( as fuch Occurrcnts are every where ob- vious) that a bafe-creeping fpirit, who relycd more on the Jhclur of Crutnefe^ ihmNotJoaro^ Cfiodneffi^ pcrilhinhis hopes, and dye in the ftraw : fhis tickles hi« honcft Lungs with laugh- ing Dcmocmm ^ clofing his Obfervation Vvith thisPocticall Ayre: rhU 'tist$ build upon d Gre4t mans mrJ, \ And fcoU him[ilfe with fallowing of a L$rd. ' The Frfrii^/ lapis or Touch-flone, Some,and that not improperly,' havecomparcd toaffliftion: Ic Ff is «09 I, ' » HT-^ How Mal'cmef cK hiiUiiu- iicJ hit cteilii- louipoftcnty, with an opini- on of nuiacu. luut San^ity, in ihii very M iniimcnt which hcc had CJUlVil tn tec rciflcd in his : Mc;uor)'. — i ' I I I' ' >' I > M M I V { . j I I III p a i. lis this char tricth Man whether be be irui't$M(h or no. This cotifirmes that goldeti ScrT^tcnc^ pf a devout Man: ^^ We are ui|knowne|o oyr (calves, ^^ till aflli(tion lye us open to piir fcl v^. . / - We flull obfervc many > vvhofe outward tin- flure promi(ech nOthing-lclTc then the purcfl: co- lour of Heraldry , prove Copper in the touch. All isnor gold that glKkrs. ." ; . | Outward apparances are (liady fiillacics. The habicdifplaycsnoc the Heart ^ nor iheoutward Semblance the inward difp- fition of the Mind. Ciccn Tvvd of Cdllas Ic.idcn and himpifhbo- dy : Hi4 wit hid 4h ill Ud^ing j wliich may be tr u- ly applied to all thc(c diilcmbling pretenders: filch promifing Leafcs arc ill bcftowed on luch barren Trees. Shadowcs, though they hold a cona^mitancc with Subftance ^ yet are tlj^y ncvcrj really the r^nie. That man only dcferve^ ft^W-^ blca flylc, whoimbraceth faith and fealty^ in- tcrtainethlove and loyalty, improved^ his cou- rage andconflancy amidft all encounters ; yea, when the extrcamell: beleaguers and cifTaiilts of Fortune have done dicir worll:, remained ever trf4C' touch. In the difcourfe of the Ceremonies of Mccha^ we Ihall find a rare device there recommend^ d to^ ourvieWj in the perpendicular placing ' f that ScfuUhn o{ CM^homet :y[tcxdy contrived by that cunning Proje<"l:6r to delude lixcMafjome- tdHs 5 by making themt)clccv?that to be a mira-i culousObjcft, which to more ipfiooved and rclincd judgements appeared only a native expe- riment. rimcnc, Thdfethatwrifcof ^^^^ Sub^cft^ dct cribe it thus : There is ah AddmAnt placed in the Roofe above > and a Ud^ntt fixed in the pavc- cq^^tby aneqiullordiredt line below i now, the ^tpufcbfi of ^fi^^«rf made 6f fblid iron, hangs in a Diamcrrall manner betwixt thefe two : with- out ftav orfupportance of cither. This begot inthofebcwitcncd people a wonderful] amaze- nacntj hpnouring that Monument with their yearclyProcelfionall vifits;offring rich prefenrs to x\[ziM4h0meun (hrine: never underuanding tbojf^ occult vertues of the two Stones hxcd a- b^^eandl?Qlow5who,by their natura 11 oppofi- tioii and enmity (as one maligning the others at- tradhve quality) would not fuffer that heavy ponderous body either to afcend or defccnd; bwctoireteinean equall, fite or location betwixt them both.. . This, it was that confirmed thefe. M^hfmeunsxn the ftrcngth of a deluded ojiini- opj that their Mahmct was a great and powerful P^rophet, (hewing fuch high proofcs ^and dc- monftrances of his extraordinary abilities living; and leaving fuch a Miracle for all pofterity to admire in his departing. But to leave their effeds , and returne to their Ernblemcs : The 4}ddmAnt is compared to One that is truely-affeftionate s ever bearing this pe-r culiar Imprefle : '* Si me dmas^ mi hi ^dam4t. ^ lUrc Experiments have our ancient ProfeP (ants made of the AjpiUfes^t Stone, according to the Tcftimoriy of Democritia , of a fiery colour, got in ii X)/^^(^;^i^; rc!a?cth bf'a kind of Salt, called ji*/^ rio/;/Vit , and fonnditl ^/rlfrf utid^-Saiid-, WK^it the Moonc growcth toward the full jit is like Stcnic-nllunuK , and is medicinablein' diffolving and purging of Fleagrce. > • -^ *.?*.; Plhj iikewifc a^ports {l;rangc th?ngs oFtlW Jmmo/jis Cornu^ being a precious Scbrteofthi colour of Cold , rcprcfcnting the fliape of a RammcsHornC'^oHi^ov^QxMl quality in cau&ig ^ true Drcamcs. But many of diefCj I mtirt frHiy si confcfTc 3 like the Am^lgA , have Brrc rhdrc jsiooni than Su»nc \\\ thcni 5 being many tiroes re- lated, rather to beget admiration, thart gairic credit : Albeit, \vcc>re nor altogether , to diftruft 'them J uulcflc our oWne' Ei^c^nence had fouttcl i\\Q contrary to evince them. , Ho\\^cvdr^, iuVc I am, their llcfcmblanccs give an excellent grace andbtauty toanydifcourfc, whether M'onill or 'Pivine;, . . . , ■ / , ' , ; ■' •>^'' There IS iCr^m;i^(nuthSt.7'^^^0 ^^at \inn^ J(jUd^ rvhiCh tHv(r fAdtth 4W4j. The Criikt^ w( rds. 'A^\^7&, *\ua^\^^, which St. f ^/llwi^^^ mccifeiy. :cf Iwbat hath* beene! vS?ri ttea* NFc^': k only fetdovvhe with my fdlTe^. tbe^fcraft rhe fpc^ cialleft , and to make rcfcmblariccs of chem with 't^nfidiv^:v;\ the Native proportions of: Ifuch things* t^^.^arp ^i/Vf^f^/,-;) nroft lifoall objbfts taovinouiwtrd f?:nc^s.. r I, vyill ^^f rV,1'!r :und, briefly totieh ih^ admirable device$| of Miueral?^ andfbiprocecdtomyimcndedDi(cour(i# ^:\\ » Mines the lower layd, thcbctter: inthet\i wte difooxf (#Y^ii it wbret^>teiirapf hcrlli4kh>W5c find there , dike.hiddca <)( CQm •cealCdftrcame^iV having filled u|> their Tro/.fiarcf chaiincls (because lb long time uneinpticd}niini^ fter ftore of all Metrals urtto their Digger.-, . ^ y Cdfar in his GomTncntaries,fccme$ greatly to ktvedellghted herein , having fbqhiqkly f^nnd out with what forts of Mettais ^ theft Brht^hiC- coafts moft abounded : Some we have of rhcie Mineralifts that by thc^fuperficies of cU<^. I?ar<;hj can judge , i what kindc oB^cctall bcft3'^gr^^ii with riiat I ii^ylc , ^ '^ahdr.) without:! f}^^m}\^ Ff3 the \h s,^ \ mm^^n**^ Mwii I'l aa i 2;i4 JSHmyefH 1 S TORY^tr ihcground (canprcttily well) prcfigc thco^ent of their labour :Thcir Studies dcfervecherifhing^ being grounded on honeft foundations , : and fuch as have much benefited rheir Counttcy by theirinduttry. * * •. • . i !;^\;. . , . T he N orth-part in ttjeirCoppcr-^workcs moft laborious, merit their (hare of Commendati- ons j both profiting thcmfelvcs, and yeelding anample gahietoihe Kings Revenewes out of their Labours. The moft precioiis Mines have bccnccvcr found out in Regions leaft inhabited, and where the Inhabitants could make little or no ufc of lb large a bounty of Nature ^ as to this day among the indtans y men that would ex-* change their preciouleft things for trifles : like t^ fops Cock , preferring a Barley-corne,bi:forc aPcarle. wj. . ,^ ij;.ii.vl Yet in thcfe labotirs-(ough of late ^ecrci tlifcoa- cinticd , arc nov/ with I njuclumptovc-' mcnt and ho^j •our to the I undertakers, revircd. Afretty Cau tioa for a Mi- fer. fliouW be engraven this R(f£ription : Whtfeivtt come where that curibuS'rnbdumeht Wciscrc(a:ea^ ahd feeing this Infcflption opdn it'/- fn^eftirtWy, commaundcd the Stbnb to be tiketi up i, Svhichj being done acccirdin^ly ,; he found ho /jrfeifur^jl but this cautiori of better VarueJrhCn' allTrea- (urcs : N cite hut FooUia^d Mifcrs ipould 'di^€ uf the bones 0f the dcdd. A reward well fitting the tiiilerabledcfireof an infatiiifeMind. ' \ '^ , I might annexe to this Difcourft, the cxcel-i lent ttudy of Antiquities , and fpeake in part of them -, Butourcoaft is freighted with (uch cla- borateAntiqu:iries,as thedigrertion might /eeme Icfie'necefiary. Through all the body of this Dif* courfe Ci^tdudiiigPhyficall Relations) 1 have but fhadowed the chicfeO, without entention to in- treate of every p:arricular ^ iifing ydl^rtM Maxs^ mus words :j^i^<>>)y/flf4vi^e^amod^^^ niimnumeto comfrehenderit f I will dcfccnd to Mixt Htfioriesy which was the lafl: branch of my divilion. .-.,.' J ) \j\ Ixt HiJtoriesztQ compofedjbfc'ompoiiiided -*^^-*-of allrhofethree^ of which wehavefuffici- ently entreated before. Variety of fubjec^ts heft agrcewith the frame' of thefe Writings * They expreircto'thequickc,- not only wha't was done Difcurfively, but what (hbuld have beene done Mo- .T» :!i V ,rli«iv 111 >o I.I ,• 1 1> , > i.*! # f J MixtHifio- rics. ■w w i iim ii " i iii«*mJ ' iV. '? s MiitlliAoriei Morally 5 and deriving th? event frbmproFi- bicaulcs, arifing.froro nature^ they conclude their Pilcpqrfc^ /making; it;xUniycTfall.\y §c^9^ hav(; ftilcdthcle4/i!/J:^i7j«f4 ^ bQcaule.acomnuXr: turc of all affaires^ they playing the Morall Phi- jlofophcr afwcil as Hiftorian j comprehend all which dip other could a^y way fccmc tocnt;^cate of jbcinp; the abridgcmepcpf all Rqlacions ?ind in thernrdvcs (iifticient to produce incrcdil?le ef-' fctts :^hcy voquirccrpLviall Headings ripe Judge- ment, and an apt Dilpo(itipn\vithallrpniake their members, fodiverllyh^nginga unite in one Mniaiuc body. . j- . I Andtodefccnd now to a commendation of The C6m?i^i ^i^f Htjlontf I with inOanccs of fupdry Hiftori- aii.«notA/ plicir^butplealing manner, that this Iflc(finee luch Aflaycs mud of nccedity be attempted) might have cftcemcdbcrielfe highly ha[)py , ip afford ing him a deitrving Tranllator ; or accor- ding tw his own thoughts^a faithful Incerprctor. Hiftorics i . ^ii^oriq^fthijjpariare (fi^Ihav^j.dfc where obiervcdMcc not onely make relation of ivl\at tp aftually opne jbut inferc (uchjperfbnall applicati- OBs^ fnav benefit rheMnderuandjngRcaderiby' makingAifc of exploits done , m^ applying the ufc ofwfiatvvas Ibrmerlydone^rp succeeding tirrcsA;^es?vviieri than ifwc hadbcenc wholly vcrs'd in feading of Book cs. It w?,5 U;witty faying of an. Au iihgifitm Ukri aiUleg^nt^r ^viri. ^^LayafidcBookcs, and take your felves to rca- ^•^ding of Men, Solong as the ffyrWis a Th$ifre^ M4f$ mufl: needc^ l^ ao AA<^f v 7.Xhc.Bot)ke-bol-j d<;r/A^i)ds,irx4w Jyri^igniwi/^^ j butfhQ Adion rnuftbepre/^ntedo^ithe Stage. ThiSj,thofeex- cellpnt;.Hiftorian&, .fingukrlyvcr^j::f|ifer tep^per^^jQi/iderof die end and iflbe^ befipre they ^vill attertipr. No glowing ipiric of ambition, I ^nptranffl^ortancy of yainerglory fi^n ilefTei)^ th^}^ . difcr^tiqaJhcir oftions gr:(^r;^^y;8;es^fvrej^^;rtKC^^ delib^rat^Q^ia^eitlysirCqi^llQurf^^^ might be itiftapjqcd ip;^ f6re4]ovvJng.^^>/>i^; and Gg afor-il • '. 4.' : n ill. > I ^ ii8 A Smy,ty tf H I S T Q R Y, or jMMi^lpar krvation r:- c6mmcnJcii to Gentlemen 111 thfit rcA-| ry. I PUttAnkt ri ' rilcling of Prjncci, hi|»K !y co^incn forward Cahe^us j a precipitate Clten^ anda pre- pared J?r4^/V4i. Now, inDifcoarfcsofflifskinfiljthereist fin- gnlar obforvation which I muO nccdlarily re- commend to all our Gentlemen who aflca tile reading of Hiftory j and this I have culled from that Father of all Hiftorians, fkuuh him- (elfi:. VVho^as he dcfcribcs theLives of fuch Princes oremincntPerfonages a$ he takes occa- fionto treat of \ fohelikewifepanlels or com- pares their aftionsanddirpoficions one with a- t\()thcr. Here he fhewes what exploits foch a perftmdid ^ howhcborehimfelfeinthepafTage of them ;how became otf with honour \ how he moderated his artcdions in the atdnevcmcnt of a virtoryjhowhebehavedhimlelfe to thofc he conquered j how he fpared m.oft", where he might moft have fpoyled. Hereheeinftanceth* Jome more able to get a victory , thanfkilfull to life it : others wife enough in making ufc of if J having once obtained it. Some made happy by Kirtering mi(ery ; others mifer^blem never par- taking infelicity. Some conftant friends^but in- conftant foes; others conftant foes J but uneer- taine friends. Somcapterto perfwadejthan per- fonally to perfonne : Others hiid all their iChe^ torick plac'd in flftion : Their Oratory was a Martiall Summons : yet what they wanted in dilcourfe to bring on their Souldiers ; they fupplyed in Ik^ldnefTe of adventures : expofing their pcrfons to all danger?. Some ftout enough offpirit, while their bodies were weake^but weake A puffery for G B N T^r, fmtm >»mmm MMki 219 weal^c in ipirit whcti their bodies grew ftrong. To confirnjc this> hcc reports that Anli^^nut had in his anny a valiant Souldicrs but ofafick- ly body : -^^//f^iJi^/ob(crving his valour jand grieving that fo ftout a refblution (hould bee fccondcd by fo wcakc a conftitution, procured his Phyfitians to t.ike him in hand ^ and he ' was healed. Now being (bund, hebeganne to fight in fome feare j tokecpe himfdfe a good di- ftancc from danger^ no more venturing into the vanncor forlome place of the battel!. \^nu* g0»u$ x\oi\vi^^ and wondering at this alteration, afkcdhini the caufc of this new cowardife. He anfwcrs ^ ^^O Amig§ms yX]xoi\ art the caufc. Bc- " fore I ventured nothing but adifcafed Corpcs, *^and then I choofe rather to dye quick ly» then ^'^ to live fickly.-l invited death to doc me a kind- " neflc.Now it is otherwife with me , for } have "fbroe what to loft. Such delightfiill paflages as the(e,{haU we eve- ry where finde interveined in thcfe mixt DiP- courfcs. I approve of 54/itfy?/ opinion : Ex ys Neg^fijs (^U4 ingini$ exireentur^infrlmis m4gn$ ufu efi me* 1 m0rU rcrumge^ATum. Yet of all thoft Records, none in themlclves^ more eminent, bocaufenone • • more elaborate than mist Hijloriis : they| contrafl: in one leafe ( as it were ) what a whole Theft rcqyjrt Volume could (carcely comprehend. There J^'^J^J*^^ ^ muftbe a gencrall knowledgein thc(c difcourfe?, tu^ndfrnhv making a well-compofed body of many jfcatte- thamllfkc red limbc5,gathcred from the Relicke?, or atbes J ' I Gg 2 oi\ a to ^ Survey 0f HIST OK^^^or; _/ tier wil riot fee any blehiifli in his (iorttaittircjbtit (ere he hang it out) will* dedrc to make every part and proportion in a kindcofcorrc/ponden- cy, to move a more deepe impreilion in ^he be- holder: So ihould thcrcbeanecjitallcorrefponT demy in thefe kinde of Hiftones j Jetting no di fcourfe paflc ( if of ccn(eqnen(^e ) without a mi){rurcofboth Morall , ^nd Phylicall rcafons ; IcO one1irtlcblemi(h ('one omifHoiiof feirher) IhoulJ'bca difp.iraj^c to the vvholc. I^crc t^n- tofMfdo^A\ke , he fhould ict out vertncs Table^ niAk ing his life .1 Globe of Precepts rThere^hke tincxedlentNaiurAlIiiV, ^e ilrpuld dilate Cipon thehitarc«yof things 5 or probable rc.t(bns (as as I Did beforcj derived from Nature. The ma- l\er-piece ( like riie warpe in the webbc) is DiT- conr(e :for thefe ButterclTes, wnthcut a rnaine fvHindat ion. w(H)Idfo(Mie decay. ':*,' '. Wir^ compared to SoilesrC^rrie naturally frnit- tlill,\vithcnu forcing : others, wiihourcontinuaH lihour and rilLige. will bring forrh nothing; hut rares(ortlicHu.s!).md-man<^tcTrcs.) Some htfor Bnrley,ntherS for \VhiMr/0»ir^^ orrlitrfikc ; an^S A )oJiciotti ( I lome molt apt for MificIlane.Soin wir^, fomena- diUinguinurg tur.^lly ripe and forward 5 others require a more ddibciar^di*rp:mlnu=i^<)nemoreprc(enr;, theo. titer more folid. Pu'jrrt;ant and ripe'\s*ih arcnoc lb pcodithcy are like a Pvafbr keenc Jv: fliarpe^bnt hisedjj^e is (i^oncrebated.One compared them^Sc not iinfirly. lo foft wood^ready to receive any im- preilion from the Limucribut for warping, is un- able jmftpffor (?i Bf^T^RT. Ill ibkio Scepc^aiid rhcrefofe not fir foraay wor-' thy or curious portraiture; Such wits are rffcfej which be rather apt forinvention, than judicious iZ:anning of any Authccrs;they can invent, bcftei! than^ expTsft 5 artd confcqpcnrly unfit for theft mixed Diicourfes vvhereot we now enrreate. Exqniffte Labour is the producer of thefe Hi- flories 5 which ( for the mod part) is intollctable to your fliarpeli wits^hcing rather for the p#-' tOTrjthan^at^yferiousdellheratidn. * S^lufi in \m'ltt^urthUH Wd/re^ includes a pre;ty comhiixturiofHiftories 5 as ifhcehadin- tended to m^kr a Pref?dcnt for Relatioilsof this: kititf^ wkrc?cbni1g^ it^V/V/)^/^4lJ^ hi*? dciufw bed 3 rpeakine: t6 his fonncs : Equidcm c^o n^- num vobu tradojkmum : Si hfsicrtus^fm mdi^im^ beciUum, Wherein hce fo hyely ctara f Example ©f mixtHiftcrict •1 .t r n 4 *< ■■;^i««*i» I I ■ jj 'r ■B" tit ^ Suryey of HIS TOKY,^ inoi> f'iii.tfu (t> one n)ight conjcfVurc for whort the government ofNumiJ/a vvasrcfcrvcd. Thcil'Hifloricsaremoftfnutfiill, they draw botli At tciuion , and they comprehend in them grcAr plenty of Indruftion. Attention by their Variety, hiOruflionby their M<.>rality 5 inclu- ding n ncr/wafive kind of writing in the one^and a dcligntfiill proceeding 5 or continuance mthc orticr. Some Hiftorians in this kind,and not unfitly, I ay open the caufcs ofdecayes in Cities,Empire$, and (jovcrnmcnts : as R^mes fall proceeding from her imperiall Pride , BdijUns from her Riot, the i/^i/^ifromtheir Security 5 theTjfri- ans from their funipruoufiicfle in Apparrell j the C^hriftiAns ( in Kallcrnc parts) more to their (hamcjandc^ur griefe, from their civil! diflen- lion nnioniuhcmfclves. ( )a a( :on might be here taken of laying open thole efpcci ill grounds, fsom whence our Hi fto- rianshavc probably drawnc their Reafons ofen- iicebling the greateft and HourKhingft States j I taking breath , as they conceived, from thefe i three particulars : InnovAHPn in Covcrnmtnt^ Kliianntrs.lUhit. G V T R N- Tor the lirlt j no Inftancc more to life , than MINT. when the ^^wj^> Monarchy became rint and di- vided to the Tr/«wv/W 5 The Empire begun to feele lirai^ge Scepters. The former ftate of Government, which had made it fclfe (o foarcfull to l^r Neighbour-king- dc>mes , as ihey feared nothing more than to ofiend .1 1 I - ■■T" .... III. I ■■ ■■ III I ^ NHtfery f0r G8NTR 1\ z i j ofcnd their iiifnjfi i (for (b might R0mi at that time be properly ftyled ) became more fteighted, Thoft fincwes of Warre, which be- fore (hewed ftrength in her publick Trcafury, becamecxhaufted j Thoft L4wa^ which cither the neccffity of the prcfcnt time had cnarted 5 or the folnefle of their State required , through the difference of Commanders, neglected. Tlic faying is 5 Plants tranfplanted fcldomc thrive j No more. Empires , when their ftate of Government is altered} their ancient Lawcs an- nulled \ the rule by which they were formerly di- refted, wholly rclinqiiifhed New Lords will al- waycs have new Lawcs rand to their Examples are their Followers ever moulded. • There is no- thing that befcemes our naturall complexion bet- ter than her ownc colour ; whutfbever it borrows of Art, rather blemifticth than bedoweth any beauty on her. I muft confeflTe indeed, that in the drcfle or fa* fhion of our Attire, many devices there are (pre- fuppofing ever that they be not iipifli nor garilh^ which give a gc^od grace to the Wearer ^ and doe better become him, in refpcft of the time where- in they^are ufed 5 than if thc^ Old Wardrobes of our Anceftors wcperanfacked, and thoie ancient Weares brought againc in requeft. But An- tiquity ever holds beft correfpondcncy in Man- nagemcnts of State : the more the man- ner of 'their Governmenr is altered \ the more their Manners are for moft part corrup- ted. This 2 24 A Sutxe^ ofH IS^T O R V,flr Ma K N E R i. ; \ This ir was,that fo miich atBii!}ed SiU» ^ after fuch tiiuc AS hcc had laboured to fettle the State s revive her ufcfull Lawes 5 and lay downc all grounds that might anv way improve their Go- vernment. Aifcr all tfiis, I fay, tp(ee the DGoplc given to /nnov4ficniXc]cSt\ng vvitb muchfieight- ncdcand contempt, what hcc had both by cra- vaile and coimlcll endeavoured to cftahlilh arid €\u:t This grievctl him piorp thau his owne Banilhmcnr, or whatlbevcr that unthankful! h\\c could pi^fiibly hiflift. I Secondly, for v^parell, made them imitnbk Pre- i Hdau> to their Nei^ilKHius > CQudiii'C t that die proud Ba/fylomd^^iMwld cq^nuqivc with thoni , tior the dii-padionate TMan to convcrle withliinlsnor die covetous Tynsn to ! truckeor traffick wiih hinisviorthe riptoirt 5*)- \4omAn tp take rcpliA NvixU hi^ii ; i>or the iorce- I low'iM^ftiAn (who was no Jeire blacke in fu- • perllitionth^nhcwas of complexion) to con- ' fore with him. i. 1 hpr \vi^\cx\tM4nmrs tbcv reteined j which n<.^r<^bler\xd,thty'evcr feared , that their Statje (as they 1^ J J exeinplarily iecnc in others) might be enfeebled. Thirdly /iNurJcry/orOENI RT. 2x5 Thirdly ;^ndl:iftly, touching //4^/>, Cafmall tiling miy fomc fuppofc to diirolufthemaifiCiil ad it. Fabnckc of a mighty State Wv; (Inll fi ulc what careandtcduliry fomc States h.iuc vfcd in re- tcinlng the ancient //^i /r ^ rccommc n Jed to them by thcif Anccflors. Darififs having ahcrcd the fjfliion of his blade, which vfcd to be /^r//4;jj into the forme oFtlic MdccJcKiM) . in tlie yeare before he fought with K^Uxsindcr ^ the Chaldeesoi Soothljycrs pro- phecicd, that into what fafliion ns VAriushT^d alracd his Sword, irwoiild become Hulcr ol Pcrfi4 , And the illlic ov conclufion fccond:d this prcdi^flion. Scmyrar^ti commanded all to wcnrcTyars vpon thdr heads, and to put vpon them VVo- m^nsapparcll, to cover thcircfi'eriiinate parts. Ehc this new cftcminacy oiNdhit brought fpce- dy fubvcrfion to that State : Tor vpon the death of their Quccnc , whofcimperiiUl mind^ficifted nothing irforc then conunand , tliis their Wcmanif!) tUbit broaijht them into con- tempt. Thus hauc the flourinunged Common- tvea!(s^allcntodc:folarion nnd'iilfolution, their higlicrt Spires ruin.nc, their TeiViplcs, withrlKir jUt, occ.»rion$ Places o{ proph:nf adoradon,d: f iced ^ r.cthing r^-^^jl.^^'^'^*"^ remaining CO bo.^ft of, favc tlutilicy once were l(.u.r«V pncc- hippy, oiicc vidl'xi Ills. Yea, 7r/(;;i7r/AhiiT;fclfc;^f'»f d.rcdon fccmes toexpi\(rerhccaufcof;;:i^;;/(7 ufinc-nicw- i^^^l^^^^^**^'* ing l>o\v {u\^\^Ct ih.y were ( cvcti the purple Fa- thaSjthe icvcreut Bench'?rs)to take bi ibcs, and H h rccciuc fitnov-uion Im »-^--»w.«"« ■^-^■^ ■ W Will ■ w J, 116 ii SfiOY^o/ HIS rORY, c^r rccciuc oy ncnu ms,\vct would clofc their mouths |ioi fpL'alvi'i^iathcComFnon-wcalcs bclulfc. Por I ,v'.fn '.r wascompliincdoF vntothcSenat, for 'rhc in \\<\iXO li)cmii]ali : and the Sinat having ' lua L;iVwTan:n:ov'crA'ii'«/V/^4 in chicfc- which I Rilnu-(as():hcrs) vastiibatary to thcm,com. JiiUiidcdyw^^Mr//Hc) appciic before them vpon Muc'iaday •, i'ully rc(oIv:d topuniflihisinfoJcn- *cics. lls:lo wrou_;hcl>y rcw3rds,as their ccnfurc Wis not OTjly miuii^u::J,bnt ( .isthc Hiftorian j records ) Taut, I co»imutatii> tnccljit^ vt ex maxinfi ntvid a in ^TAttAmcjr (AVorcmfioiilttatU lugurtlia ,venira. A (lran»;c Mcratnorphoh's , whcnftitcs weicfo foonc chmgcd , which port:ndcd a fud- dcnchingconhcir government, falh'ngfiom fo great gloiy, and eminence, to ctcrnall ob- Icurity. M.iny Illfloiics cf thcfc natures there be, wl.ich depend vp;)n apt alltifions , equally mixc with DdcarfmcsMorall, and Phyficall: Dilcur- j (iuc to dc'!ii;ht and trickc on the app:titc, by a ( wccr vai ic;y ; feeing the change of great flatcs in :i iVw lA'aucSj l)cirK^^ a fpccch mecrciy documcn- ralljto better our Liucs^teaeh us what fiiouldbc don:, as well in private as publikc. Phyficall, in tluch.iraLl.rofTaerMl natures, nptlyaccommo- <-1\Ks1l 10 the Snbjcd whereof wc enrrcptc. With wh./t d Jight do ;Ye rc.ulc til ; divers inclinations ot Pi \\\c:% ? i Jerc a C4//7/7;^,doing little,ind fpea- k!:v>much; rheiea///^//ri/y, doing much, \\\\^\ ip .kinghcrlc. Uac a Z'/;;///? drunk.', and in his di unkennUI" rJging againft his tors : ihcre an A^ UxAndtr^ Mtrthi ki) ill lllljlKS. I'il uci. IBI1MB— — MWWI1I I I IIIIIII1 ll'll* 11 II—.-, ;t. Ti^-'.aTr.-»Vjia. A Nuffery for QENTR T. xtf ,^,0,0^^m^>mmmm-^ii l i i »ii m i ■ lai^^l^liiy— ^^w^— ^i ■ i i !■ ■ i i ■ n »wi ^, „ , ,, n mmtmm^mmmmm Ux4fider^ diunkc too •, but in his paflion raging 3-. gainft his bid friends. HcrcaCr/4/",thcn whom, none ever did more good to his tollowers ; there 2 iV^r^jthen whom, none more defeitlcllo to his foUowers. Here a working cxMty wir^ftirring up trifling rcwards,to containc hini in fui'p^nce . in. ftanced in Ttbenm i there an atVablc mind, ft out in thrced.barc wordSjCMic that could never fl ittcr: fpecifiedinT/Vwi, Thcfe fcvcrall natures we may fee, and marke what lucccilc they hnd : Some , the more thin- king, the more not knowing wliat to thinke : yet to obfcrue the worke of Heaven, fcldomc or ne- ver hiue thcic (ufpirious heads caufe to reft j but the more they fufpcdi, the more motiues they hauc to fufpecfl: for this crafc is nlwayes hateful I, and procurcth enemies : Subtill councels being odious vnto the world , and fo dif-favoured ot Godjthat they arc alwaycs waked on^nnd atten. ded with moft vnprofperous ends. Wc Hull fee inprophanc ftoriesam3incdiveifitie,evcn ia the fimplcft and fliallowcft vndcrftandings ; the fub tilicftfconfcs the mcanes cf their ownc decay ; 1^ In Sqanus , who in the opinion of his ownc I worth grew in time, f^r^^.v/iY/fr/; ; Suchafpi- ring fpirits be (for t+)c moll pjrr) yki\ like Spon- ges, wet with their fpoylesiindcxrortions, with which being a longtime foAkcJ , they are at laft cruflicdand condemned,th:ir their long-gnthcred wealth might fcturnc to the Princes Coffers. rr4/4w vfedtocall theTrtafurv or Exchequer ( by way of comparifon ) the SfUlilicd| xtH ^Sttrcyo/HlSTOKYor, i he mu'f.y wt incrcaiio'i , brings to all the other pans a pining. V/h.u V irio .s Occurrcnts, nay fcarctull and vfirxp'dc ^ Dif-utcrs hatiecvcr bcencthc ntten- ciin^:; ♦catvs ol ambitious Spirits j No Hiftoric !>!ir canhcurc'vitnf fn.*.H.>w fatcaQci fccurchauc 111 nv lived J Free iron tcnrt's within, and Foes witlmit; UcrircJ fiom the Concourfeof Hti- iXims PliiintiiTsjCtamoiu of Courts; Heatcof Co.ri\ Jv: Niy, w'Kitrot:vir clfc might breed t'xir Ji i]\\i:*{^ Yet Ice rlicmilcry or Ambition ! Oiitluy rnft, bL'ittothcir ruine. Ejramplcs they find ftore to caution them J picc.-pts both divifir and moral! to iritonnetlicm. Yctneithrr caufh: former woikc any imprcffion on them • northt'l.uti^rby more cafic pafwaiions vvainc them. Cotrfmlncs reports, how Cbdrles the third, vnJcr vhum hj lol )n^^^timc (crved, communi- catiuijhi'nkUefo fiecly both in matters of ad- vice and a^^i -^n tor the advancing of his fcrvice -, w.isevcrci(Hni;in his mind after bufincllcot: ijrea eft dilliculty 5 ,,Yc a luch, perhaps, faith he, ,y as exceeded the abiiiiics ot mm. Thiswjsa ftfingc dilpofitioni Andyctvve ill lU meet J with many o( this nature, both in the courfe of our Reading and Living, We fhall ob- feru-fome, who, though they huuca nirc-ber pith t.jwalkc in , yet will they Icauc the tiackcj indmakethe \\MI or ibme other high Mounr thcii VVilke. So faics it with thcfc, who had rather filli in T» oubUd Waters, then when they arc Calm:. Ko Night fodarlwCj noperillfofa- ] 5£y , A Nurjery for GPN i R T. it^ tally iminifKnt: But with chcerchilnc/Tc they^ vvill atccmpf, what their inconfiJcracc boldncfl'c pomptsthcmto* Nor is this their forwnrdnc/lc forc'doiitof want. For many of thcfcabound m all f ulnclfe \ rich in fortunes ; Strong in fol- lo.vers : Yet mifcrablc in both thcfc. For as rlicir fortunes feed their followers ; So doe their follovVvTS feed on them. Thcfc Faunes arc they, xvh x make Fooks of their Mjftcrs* And by throwing out ftrange lures ^ mifcrably fL'in'.c on chc:in Ttic daring D' Ambois ^ and that brnuc B)Touft were Spirits of this temper .Great enough in Princes favDur 5 loadcn fuHu'ieatly wi>h ho- nour 5 oncly vnhappy in this , in tliat they knew not their ownc happincfD : Mifcrablc, in th:it they hid never tafted mifcry, It is wcllobferved byonc,inhis DIfconrfeof chis Subjed • that of all frenzies ^ there is none chac madds man more then Ambition, It makes him thinke he walks altogether invifiblc ; Jxicn was never more dcceiu'd with a Cloud , thei) he iswith his difguifc, I There is one thing more In it ; this madding f^incy, or raving frenzy is of that niture, as no friend cm be (<'Curr, fo his fall miypurchafe theiraime, C//;/## C-onftmcy cannor fccurehinri, when Ambitious' hcate mixt with Wine, cggts on hisMafter to an indeliberate revenge, Ycc. fee thejuftdoomccvl^thcfe ! Who, ns they build their plortcs vpon vnf»jrc Grounds- Or^whichisofjill others hafefulTft, becnufero rhemfelucs m cheir padigc hence the heavicft, on II h 5 blood • S. '^r^gmimmmrmmmrm ■ -> I all ^'\jo A Survey v/msTOKY,^^ > iblood. Whichis never fhcdin v.iinc:Sjnrf j choy to rccciiK\ whit their dchuicJ grestnclTc ' miiJc thim bchcuc they could never luffcr. GfcvnciTccm '['hca , and ocvcr till thco, arctlicy brought lu'^rrM^^^^^^^^^ ^J^'^t agfcatncdc can be no Subtcifugctogulltincnir. Then muft that vcilcj which had To long flirowdcd them from the dighi of men, be removed • their princely per- lionswichth/ir vnprinctly actions difcovcred andpir^l^'l'd. So poorc a Support ispAintedcU) Ito build vpon. N^nbcthdc Ambicious Spirits onclylKcrc cobctaxcd. who, thoui;;h they fall, they fly fmc: \]i\t Inch, who abufc tliACplace to which their Prifj, cs favour h.uh laifcd them •, by biifc mrrccnary wayes. TlK:fc arc they who play thcj sLuUs vndcrthc hAtchcs, Not a petition muft bcprefentcd, but it muft bcguildcd. Astbr tlicii uvvnc Suites, they little care how they woii:c vpon the Spirit of the State ; how they dilcoutv^gc the proples juft indeavoursj how theyincre.'! X3t 4 Sur:cJ, that comprehend in them nothing Icfle thcntiuh : yet by ilKhlmooth carriage, and their proper ciicumftanccs with luch iiptnclTc drained and difpofcd , they haucbccne taken for truth, and regi(tred araoni;(t V/orkct, of more fe- ricusconfeqiiencc. ' Such were thofe Af^logx 54^«/^(vvhercof wc fiaue in part rpokct> betore ) which contancd in ^^^*'I them many piuhy a^id gvaue fenterces/and wor- 'i!iy ob.f.ivJtitMunthccxcellcnt'd Morall .thefe ; ui c July called, hyJully, Mimrs cflJavs Ufc^TM- tcrn'i of i\Jd>iturs ^ a)id Ini^'^cs of ttutb. Thrir . nu'ic ulcmblanccohuuh,, made the Header \ morcattcnrinc , fub^cdinqhiscarcroDifeour- Ics probable, more then to chinijs furpniln^g enc Ur/undr ^ ■ ■■■■ ^« «■ A Nurfery for GENTR i; t^j bounds and limits ot bclietc •, as producing vn- ncard- of miracles ( mccrc conceptions ot tlic brninc) phanatickc Chymcras : A Gynnr im- mured inallockc, yet able to pierce it througlij winne a whole Monarchy with hisc-vvntfingk hands , leade a mnlritudc of Kings captiucs, and rcturnc homo without a wound. Here ftrangc Incbauntcd Cafllcs, Ladies and Knights detained in moft bale icruitudc by an Airy Monftcr : rhcrc acfmirablc vic^orKspurchafcd vpon incredible oddcs ; and the rather to be belie vcdjbccaufe it picafcth the p;untcr fo to de liniare their vermes. Thcfc relations^ as ihey proceed for mofl part froma conccipt, whole wits arc long (inee gone a Wool-g.uhering; lb to any laious judgcmcnr they become fo mccrcly ridiculous , as they archilTcd at by the pcrufcr, howfoevcr they fcemc to rcGciue cnteitAincmcnt by tlK vulgar. For I hauc formerly obfcrvcd , to defcribc th( winning ot a Fort, before the appioach of; Foe ; Or the razing of a Citcy, without difco- very of any apparant Enemy, pctplcxah the vnderftandinj^: and Icaucs the Conctipt if. tangled. An orderly proceeding iD3r;;um n'- of ihisnauHt.', cjccrvcbeO approve men' : IV the i^nor.mcr or want of obleivancc of Oa^f di0rn(3s the Conceiprs,nnd makes .Viiaclocvci i rcad,redi(rjs to rh.e Kci^dtr. In (his, f!tr$4vius mTits hij^Ji pmiV. Mi'> writings arc (dire and forrri..!! ^ H '/ hiil Ui-th Sicdc^e'3 then be proceeds to OecMh'otiall Tr 'a F i '' *^' >i u ImprohshiliiUi^ lU all Hiftoij- call pAllat;cf> higlily cwrt- I Jcmiud, ! *J4 ^Sur-vcy^^/HiSTOKYor, \ citarufc, lur. a precedent iliC- jvUlorioui (.:>• rut to iiwidr tics: next, liclycs downcthc rcafons cither of accepting or rcjc(ftin[; what is propounded. Not an improbability will hcaJmit oi\ Icaft it fhould impairc the cicdi". oFhis Hiftory. In ihofc W.uns bctwixc old/f/?/4?^/andhis Gtand'Chiki Cyrus j whcicin much Civil! blood vv IS flicdj before the Empircof the A/r^/4iV. And fayesc^/fx^;^. ^(r, „ I ob jycd the man in all things , as was fit- ting to coniormc my felfctoi religious Ob. fcrvation i>» A i^urferyfor GENTRT. *?7 „fcrvation. Wnich done, the tnefi. exfefieJ ,, when the St4)$tte would fet. In which attcn- „ d,mcc,I carried along with mec my three ftith- Full friends , Pndiccoj^ Clitus^ and Philotas. Now in this Hiftoiic:iil ProgrejjUn, you ihall hcJrewhat^/f.v4W^r, by way of confultation „ demands of the Oracle. „ I though: in my mind ,, ( faith he ) to inquire whether having conquc- „ red the whole World , I might in triuwfh re. .^turncinto my Counrrty, romyMochcrO lympiamd my loving Sifters ? Then fuddcnly in the Indian Tonguc^and in a fmall voyce the Tree anfwered; ''Invincible in W^irreflidrthou be, „ AUxsndtr j according to thy dcm.ind, tin Sole „£Wofthc whole world, but returac .iliuc „thoufhalt not into thine owncCountrcy. So „ hauc the Dcftinics Decreed touching thy ///o. After this , Mexdnder defcends to fpcake ol the Tree facrcd to the M0o»t. Which ( laith he ) at the very fiift rifing of the O^em being fum. moncdbyanhorne, having received her full light, anfwered in the Grccke tongue after this „ fort. Alex4nd£r ( faid ir ) as yet thou haft not „ affrockdtkt full end of thine age^ but the next „ ycaic in the Moncrh of CMaj thou flialc dye in . „ Bdhyhn. By htm fhalt thou be dccciv. d,whom „thoulcaft fufpctiicd. ^ After all tl^is ( though little bcfeeminp, fo vi- rile a Spirit ) he fpeakcs of thofe tcares he flicd,af. ter thefc Oracular Trees had divined thefc things. I ,) Then I wept ( faith he ) and my friends who I ' 3 flood xj 8 4 Surrpiy 0/ H I S T O R Y,/^r * ,, ftootl about mc j wept with mc, without guile ,, or liibtilty , being ready to dye for my fafcty. Bat little moved thcfc gentle tcarcs, thofe Gen- tile Gods : '^ for the Pnefi'S^hh be) ndvifed us to „ dip irt thenccjbrcaufc ( quoth be ) you offend ,, tbefc fUlf Trets with your weeping and how- „ling Thcfc relations haucwcinfcrted^that itmay appearc how thofc things which of thcmfelvcs may other wi!cfecmc/>//'r^^4/'/r, being onely re- ported from the mouth of othcrs^rccciue fuffid- ciit authority by fo princely a Tcftimony- being confirmed by his owncEycs and EarcSjnnd com- micted to mcmoiy for authentick and vndoub- ted truth* VVhtrenS, others there be of n difF. rent nature ; who make the whole body of tlicir difcoiirfean indifpofcd hcape of rubbilh, or immateriall mat- tcr : with ^ pui pofc to vend fuch vnauthoriz'd Aufll- to dckuic a weakc conccipr ^ who ufually rcadcs what is done , but never dclib.rAtcly col- Icifls h )w this may be probably or poflibly done, We rcid of a people called AcefhAhi^ and chefc haue no h'jaJs : r.nd ofthis caufc arc nil thcfc ifM- frobdic RcUursAVho^as th y OiXcActphalifls ^:\nd \ I without a founder : So lire ihcy Jpcacs^'md with- I, out a sSiippoirer, ' Th.icaienoc much vr like to indifcrcetA(f>ors, who no Idle vnlcafontbly then improper ly,makc choice b.nh at that time and 0: that place to pre. fcnrthcir merriments^ when ar.d where Tragick palKior lomcEarth-quakc in the Authors bralnc , whence this immnnc Co- lofle of an irregular Difcourfc procecded.Which ftrangc rcprelcntatios be not vnlike to your Lan- skip.wherevpontbc fca ,\vhatfocvcr we fee by land/ccmcs in our faile to gv^ with us:Evcn (b do thcfe vain Hiftorians m ikc (trangc objcdts vnto us of places importiblc, tranfitlng whole Countries to make an impDlirticd ftrainc of paftoral mufick (one good BrlUweacher would make as perfctSt harmony) found wcllina Clowncscarc. To be fliorr,my opinion poficiuely is this :That fiiftorian w^^* can joyne profit witha modcft de-( h'ght to?,cther in one body or frame of ore vnitcd difcourfc, grounding his ftory vponancfTcntiall truch,dcfcrvcs the firft & principall place; and he vvho(vpoa a fcined difcourfe)can proportio it to a likcncHc of truth.mcrirs {^ next. As for him that (Hke one of Duke Hnrnphrtycs Knights) obfcrvcs neither meane nor meafurc.but gorge thdr ownc inlatiatc app^ttites vyichfuUmcfTesof vntruths (without probability)fiiould be dealt vvithall, as that wandringiul/'j;? Squire was vfcd, for his monftrous lying :Toft ina Blankctj till his erring fpiiit by fuffumigitionSjOr fome fuch Ilkcrncans, were canvafcd out of him. Great f 140 A Survey c^/ HIST OKY, or Great blcmiihesthcfcbctoforcputcda Pro- fdfion 3 aiming neither at profitcnor moftde. lighc,but imitming yourMcrccnary A(aors/purt out fomc obfca^nc jeaft to make a propharii? R05UC applaud him: and fure if the ftrid-doome and ccnlurc of banifliaicnt , were to be infliiScd vp >n any kinde ot learning , hther fliould it be pronounced i^g.iinflfuch as thcfc then any. The l^t;^inslinucvtbhoncdthcm , and much more o. dious (liould they bee in a Chriftian Common- vvolch, where vcrtucihouldbethcfcopcofall our:icT:ions. They Jic like fomc ComocJies wee read now adaycs-, The lirft AA whereof is in /^/f^ , the nc xt in /iffricA^ the third in Etn^ipa, the lourth in Am(nc4 : and if Ftohmcus^ or CMdrcus Panlus bad found out :\ fifth parfcoi the world , noqucftion butitliad bccrxicprclcntcd on their vniucrfall Stage : Such as tl.cic ought to h^uc fom'j diftinifl langu;igc,r/^/'//*, or ionic other grunting tongue c/igiofleJ tothcnillhics; For they fhouldproHrc more, by being Iclfc vndcrflood. Much they rp akc of valour, md mnny im?.ginary Heroes are pirchin.;ikc!r PavilliiMiSj But I will rake my Kmuc 01 rhcai with my French Provcrbc: Seau- coup dt'Utat^efCit dcfrui^l : Much bruitc, but lit- Ulefiuirc: liurclsmoicfirrcc ( by report ) then 'ilivzors' : Tluit Was bir^ Kini^s, thcir's Giants: indij.'vc orchoic Ciurs asnSlcco vanqaifhall thole KmL's , as ioiMih to cany hislniU onhis i\n th: (Icon J: There lliouKi be an cxpl ina^i- on A Nurfery for GEN TR T. t^i onindifcovcryofthccaufcs, with a dircdland gradyall proceeding to the fcqucls; As thus, in dcfcripiionof afolcmnc Iuft» or Tournament, it is ncccflary for the Hiftorian to fliow the caufc why fuch Solemnities were inftitutcd. I doc know many things there be in Difcourfes,which may beas well iinplyed as inftrted ; But in Fcfti- vals, folcmnc Games, events of Ddcllo's, or publickcTrialf : Thccaufes forcing (hould and ought to be as well dccy phcrcd , as the ends fuc- cecding. How fliould wc hauc knowncofthc vniting of the S Amines \\\i\\i\\cRomArtcs^ or the occafion of their Marrying together, but by thofc difiemblcd Feafts ordair.ed by Romulus , to bring his purpofc tocffcifl: Thecircumflances of which feaft ( art withaccrtaincconcordancy) aoaongft moft of tUc Romdne Writc'cs agreed on , (landing ( thoni;h with too nice prccifcnefTc, I confeflc)vpon tlic place, cccsfion, andhourcol the day, with fuchaliucly Tranfcription , nsif the ^4^/;jtf Rape had becnc committed in their time. The like wc rcadcofthedcftruftionnnd vttcr fubverfion of the Gnbians^ in the tinicol Tdrqnin Superbtis .'The gcncr:3ll vnion of Hhftorians,abour the time, pbcc, andoccafion, foconcordantly lumping, asifalUho(cprocccdin::s (as well in the Stratagems by T^r^/^w youngcfl Sonne, as thevcrv Contents olthnt Letter tvrii by the Fa- thcr to his S.)P.n:Jor the management of this ex- ploit ) h;ul beiv: (it downe l)y one penne. The like hariuony ol Hil'torians in thtir Rcla- K k tinn?. lixpUnstton in.rall Siege. I Nor w.^s it \\M fuflicicnr to thefe, oncly to dc- fcribcthefcarefullHvTfitsof thofc calamitous VVarrcs : I u^|rhr Grounds and Or;genes of them, flow tricir (iiit iu:c begun ; how Tncrcafed; and b>' w!ut C;iliccs madcimplacal)!?. Hcercis Fa fis pourayod. how he b:came enamoured; how in his canton luitccntvrmined; Uov/ a{\cx Helens con font to a liccniiDus aifaulr, her conveyance is I piiiviilcd ^ the voya[^e accommodated • and the very 4NurfcryforQBNTRr. *4J very S!np , vf herein rhcfe two luftfull Lovers were imbarkcd,defcribed. Where you fiiall find P/jcrulus, that curious Carpenter of Tri;, prepa- ung that fataU Ship, wherein ffcUft was ilolnc a» way by Pdris* Then, you fhall hearc wharcntertaincrnentold Pridm giiics to thefc twoyouthfull Saylcrs after, their arrivall. What Feafts arc folcmnized •, what Sumptuous Triumphs prepared j and to whatawofuU Cataftropne all thefc goodly So- lemnities are converted. Then, what Embaffics arc fcnt ( before ever Warre was proclaimed ) to rc-dcnoand HeU/f.Thdt peremptory OBfwer to fo juft a demand. Then, thofc farefull prediiflions oiTrejes de- ftrudiion. Yet behold the inevitable Fate of a declining State ! Neither could the juflRcflTc ofthcirrecjucftj nor thofc Ominous fore- runners of their irre- parable fall, divert them from an vncxpeftcd ruine. Vncxpc<5led indeed , for glory irg in their owncftrength, and inclining to the importuna- cy of a Lafcivlous youth 5 they denied to reftorc alight commodity^ tofauc their State from an cnfuing mifery. Yet in thefc, fball you find the Citty di- vided in opinion* Some held it fitting to re- ftorc, what they in lufticc did require. Others, and thofc of the inconfiderateft ranke , fide with Pirit: pcrfwadiog him to enjoy his ftolne Frmtc : to kccpcher indcfpight of Cmce : K k 2 and X44 A Surrey of HIS TO KY, or and to triumph in fuch a booty, as furpafled na. turc in aitraftiuc beauty. Then, their rccourfc to the Onclc^thc anfwcrs they icccivcJ : Yet muft Hctea be ftili dctcincd; that luO may be revenged : and a periling beau- ty witlubcloffc of a pcrifliing City, vnwilling- lyrcflored. All thcfc arc with fo harmonious a confcnt fc- con^icd , as if they had writ in one time j or one had dilated to anothcr,whatfocvcr in that Thea- tre offorrow had bene Atfkcd. ThcUkcinthAtCombic, or bloudy Bmkct, txthctfiiJiionijrsj hcrcldcft fanncand the Perfisn Cyrm,\\iih fuch natiucdcfciiprions of every cir- cumlhncc 5 the River L/!raxt4^ the place ol their pnHagc, the rcafons which moved T/'^wjir^ to (iilfor their pjfl'ai^e, and the very plot where their Tcnrs were picclir, their dainty viands left foftlij ScjthiAn fuffct, in what fort prepared, and how infatiably dclircd by the 5^jffA/4;i Ar- my, comming uthcr to tcaftthcnto fight: And then tl)cir dcfcacc, bciny there vanquifljcd,wherc tivey were uioft coafiJcnt of viiSory. Intlierecxplanvitions, the Reader fliould not be delayed, or fi uftraced too much in his hopes, by vnnecjrary ambages .• Wc Hiould not criflg out the time in vainc and impertinent repetitions^ ic doics and laciatcs the appetite too much : nof vnUkc to your great fcalls, rclerving the choy. k[\ d liiuits for the end , when the appetites of tlicGucfliarc* fAcisficdbcloiethcy come . It is agooJfrugallcourfe, and includes anOecono., mickc A T^urftryfor GENTRT. *45 mickcpoUicy, their b.ft diflies may bc.prefcr- vcd for another time. He that dilcovcrs events and fcqacis without their prccccdcnt caufcs^is as one that would draw a River dry, without knowing whence the Spruig is derived ; npply. ing the condufions of things , ns it plcafcd the Uthnickci in ancient time , to refcrre them to the arbitcrmentof Torrunc^ making ever this wo. manifli argument : The event wasfo, bcuufi it w»u fc ; dttdit tvafji^l^ecaufe Fate wou^ld Ijauc it fo : an- fwcring Titm opinion, I'ctfjlatcs/ato dari. But thcfc which cht:s apply the courfc of all conclu- fionsto Fortune, he as blind as Fortune : Nay, fairc more i for though Fortune be blintii!, yet (he is not invifibIc:But thcfc men arc not oncly biirtd in the eye of common knee ^ but iuvifiblc in the compofuce of their ow.nc Argumcnts-theirCon- clufions being as bliiul js them 'i Ives. In making likcwile cnir judgement of Miflo- rics, and eonfideiately apply ingit to our pre- fcntinccrcfts, wcmuft fpecially regardthcdif- pofitionsofthcAgentSj and diligently remarke howihcyarcaflccScd in mind^ thisisilieieafl deceiving ground of forming opinion. By tlie nature of the Agent, conjcdurall events or rea- fonsofcvcntsmay bcdrawnc : As if an ambiti- ous man bt: imploycd in Embjflagc t wixt Prince and Prince, he is to be furpc(5tcd that his Treaty will be Icflc happy, in that his illimitcd palTions oft-times , r.iclicr aggravr.tc then allay caufes of civill difcotd. Men of moderate difpofitions, purcluk peace vvithkflc adoc, & morcfuecenc- 1 K k 5 full'. Fortune i$ bliiui> how inii:h iMoie fjlina islicilut vviUbci'ancby one ih.u can- 1^6 A Surrvey c/ H I S T O R Y, <;r rhc event ga- • hfifd l>y fore. :;oiniji:.iUiVi. \T4ttieffe tx Luc I iof.ilil'. u* cirt of Com. .manJcit » (!)( mtfr TubvciTi. oil of tlictr Jc- full . For Princes (ballancing their ownc wrongs, to their apprchcn (ion iniuppoi tabic ) cannot cn- durebraving, but will rsthcr try thecxcrcamcft ofrortunc, then be vnwoithy of thcmfdves, by hcai irg and bcMring aflronts with patience. The like wc luucobfcrvedin thcfucccfleof Warrcj a wifeandcxpcricnc'c Leader, tohaue accompliih.d grcjc niattcis with a handfall of men J and that Aphorifmc to be very true : Better iiAii^rmjof Hirti^ with a Lpntothtir LtAder thcftAfi Armj of Ljonsy hdvin^ ah lUrf totLcir LcAcUr : And contrarivvifc, the vnhjppic events ot mart iloiirifhing EQ)pircs, the nnifcrable flaughtcrsot'mon puiflant Armies, bythcvnad- vifed government of their Agents, or tyranny of their Regents , whofc improvidence made much people vnfortunue: To{cctJanniballox\CQ aConqiKrour, bccaufe hishopcs were not fea. ted on indirecft mcancs^ snd afterwards by his oivne truculcTit difpofuion^to b:come a prey to the conquered, makes iliis Alfertiongood. No doubt, but the indifcrction of Com- manders , becomes the vrter fubverfion of their dcfi^nes. Where, wc flnll findc fome more apt for comniind, then to be comman- ded; Others fitter to be commanded, then command. There may be alledged divers rcafoiis for this. Such, whofc Vubonnded Spirits are cvLT taken v;i:hhigh exploits, ma- ny times more boldly then wifely, will not (tick I toexpDfL' their pcrlons to all perils ; fothcy ! mny h:uc the honour of the day . and beget a I reverence I ANurJeryforGBNlRT. 147 reverence inthtir Souldicrs. Such as thcfc, as I conceive , arc fitter to rccciue commnnd from another ,thcn to be Commanders of others. For a difcicet Commander ( as I hauc formerly ob- ferved ) is not to ingagc his pcrfon in too dcfpc rate attempts. That commanding Regent of the World, was fomctimcs highly cenfurcd for this : wlien in fcAling of a Citty , hec would be fo ven- teroufly bold as to mount firftthe Walls- but rather to hauc the paflage prepared, before he af- ccndcd. B:fidcsal! this^ divers Commanders there hiuebecne, who eying their ownc power, and tranfportcd wkh their luccelTc • from Comman- ders ofan Army, hauc (truck ^i^xUM cfi^ircLj. Sjffas perpctuall Didatorfliipimplycd nolcfic ambition : nor Sertsrius his keeping himfclfc .iloofc from the State , lelfc afpiring. High Spirits^ puffed vp with the glory of their vie- tories , are for moft part fo inclined. Thofe tyes, wherein they ftand ingiged to their Prince and Cc^untrey , arc fltightcd ; the bafcnedc of ingratitude they have no mind to thinkcon. Ever nrc they c^poftulating with thcmfclvcs, what ic is to be fcazed of nn abfolute Sove- r jignty^to be fubjvdlto nonc-to command all ^ to h uje their Will their Law. To infranchife frici/dS) confine Foes -^To bcftow a new fjce on the Stare. Thcfe are the flouriflies , which lo delude them, as neither the obedience they owe the State, nor thcfafcty ot their owne p.rfons may prevalle with 14^ A Survey of HISTORY, or IhipCfit'ttS with them; Suchasthcfc^arc vnliappy agents forthcmlclucs: for hovvfocvcr tlicy fccmc to gath:r hcac), andwithfaifliousMilc-contcnrsto i'ucll ihtir Viiprofpcrous ftrcngth; they ever come home rcward.d according to their dc- (ens. Twin: pretences, is vindicating cither pub- liquc or privMtc wrongs, freeing the opprcflcd State from cx.](5tions, cafing thcinjuried, nnd IHinifliini^ the infolcnt, rtceiuc at firftancafic impr* flion ; hut no (ooncr flull their Complyes obi; rvc the indircc'^ncffc of their ends, then they Tall fioni thcra , Icalt by cleaving too long to them, tlicir^rcatncflcfailethcm. Thck- Hi jv;cs prct iKkd that h.urc-bfainM Ca- tilitic • u'ho rlic better to bring them on, whom li^tlbuglicto joync to him , ^bydivi-iing them tK^iu the State, and ranking them with his owne; tills thctu on with biicpiomifcsof iVw iMes^ prefcn[4iorisoftljer/c/j, vjjgt/lracies, fric(l hfods, ra^ws, and nch booties, \vnb all other things, thAt d(/j:r IVarrc or the w id of 4 Co^iqi^rour nuj any way tender, jjiaiu oir.r:, ii rhey were his to giuej b.it lh)\v (oon-j diJthiL Sniuie v. hich ibfnrely (ccmMto ihinc, !.t :aa Ch)n ! tohis/hi^nc? There isinothnlirior 100 inciJ nt to a Com. m.mJtr; an J tharis i?unrJ:ing himclfetoola- miliar \vithhisS(?///.V/:r. The/nr:;, dii'iiv-! Iitw his abode in UcLt:t , in pciii:tir.^^. ch.it dclii»nc which h:s l-jcher h:d nci:;iin , he! J tluc Fnticcs mil?l,'v.(le to bclbth'uhielll'. Inschm. ncv, a 1 '.'mill', i-eiirlry. WluMcns ha*,out ci his prince. ly h(ni\;i;nry, v\:iw \ ilun piviuK .iiilcry. Btir tins this concciptthcy rctayncd of Titns^ (as raay becprobibly gathered ) by rcafonof thc/iw^ Afitie hec u(cd to his Souldkrs. Truth is, ^f- fdHliuc^hc^cts in Commanders aRevcrertcey hutfUmiliaritie Contewft : for an affable com- pafllon leaves many times a deeper imprcffion inaSouldiers heart, then any other booty or benefit. t^Uxinder^ when hec had his Hcad-p!rce of water miniftred unto him, would not drinke himfclfc , but offered it to his Souldiers j which could not chufe but workc a ftrangc cf- feft in them ; when thirft( held the extrenmeft Suffering in Nature) could not fo annoy him, but that the affcfHlSTOKYor, Conieoppt of Riti|ioni the cau(e uf Rc.ilmci fttb- vctftun. THit tv«n the very Hoathcus haucobfciTCii- fbospirfan' V.ilcc. Max. I Miiutiusio the hand of MithnJdie$i when by receiving Bribes, hcc hy a diflionout on his Coumrcy, d:athtohiinfelfe, and to his dying Name aJi- ving Infamy. Many Examples wcc have of the like, where the nature of the Agent 111 flffedlcd, croffcd not oncly the fucccirc of hopefuU dcfignes , but buried their Names in oblivion j of fwch I fpcake , as have bccnc incercft:d in the like ad- ventures. As foractitnes where the Agents have bcene nfglccflfuUof Kclision^ depending more up- on tlieir owne proper refolutions^ thea the power of Heaven direding all humane affaires I to their appointed ends ; As wee may rcade in ' that memorable difafter of the Rdmanes at Can- fid^ where the Confull yarr^ , with a popu- lous Army ofcxpcricnc'dSouldiers , wjfs ut- terly dilcomfited ^ and that (as the Rim^nc Hi- ftorians havo ob!crvcd) bccaufe oUunoes wrath conceived .igainft VAm^ for crccfling (in derifi- on of Inpitcrs Temple) a Mimick-boy to kcepe watch, as ihc folcmne order was. The like of Potittus, dccraftlng from the ho- nour oUlcrculcs : The like revenge infli(5led on Firitiui by tA'fcuUfius : By lu»o LAcintAn^ on Q^^Fulv : By PrQ(erfin(^ on Flmmins : By /<^- ^/r^r, on tint facriligious Tyrant jD/>/ijf/J^i/ On A/(XA;)dcr,by Crr/i: But wifely prevented with the prclcnting of a golden Goblet to /Ipctlfi^ by the Pirate-Prince Thj^iAJithius, Some- ««»» HI* i|» M >»i i^mm AmrJcryforQBNTRT. 151 J Somcrimcs by the libidinous difpofition of thcGovcrnour, other fomctimcs by his Ava- rice : now and then by his Impaticnce^and raoft of all by his recklcfncffe, have the fcquels of things proved Icffc fortunate^ bccaufc the pre- cedent motives, or inftrumerits dirc^t'Dg to the cndjTiad no better likely, hoods in them. Wee wonder not at all, to fee troubled wa- ter come from an uncleerc Spring ; Nor at tares growing in the fluggards field j but wcc admire fuccefTivc ends, drawnc from improbable cap. fc$. Many times there bee ( I confcffc ) intrin- feqall motives, which like, as that Beauty is the bed: whicKcaanot bee expreflcd by the Painter , fo arrogates it the chicfcft place ^that inwardly moving caufe, I meanc) becaufc, the efficient caufe of caufes, morefurc, inorc infal- lible^thcnthcevidentcftdemonftration : And I hnvc(for my p3rt)cver fupcrftitioufly feared to bring fuch caufes in Qucnion:fincc fuch Ar- guments have minillrcd ho f mall occafion to the prophancr wits, both of Ancient and Mo- 1 dernetimcSj toboulfter their infufficicntopi- ' nions : As to argue thus: Hccrcwcfcc aflou- rifliing Common-wcalc , fupporting her felfe byrio other jncanes then lufticc •, re;u:hing to as high a perfc<5lion in every degree, of ascx- j aft Government, as thcblindncfTc of the rime , would permit : Yet this State ( fo flouri- ; filing) layd v;aft by a people cxpofed to all Impieties : Hcere the end can hardly bee col- ledled by the forc-gf^ing Caufe. Equity wiis in LI 2 the Sudi ihingi ai bet abouc M9t be not to bcc arj^ucd of ttii Kiiigdoaiei biOLiglu toac* knowlcJgc- mcne by the uiU of mile. net. \ *ji A Surrey 0/ HIS TO KY,cr 1 the conquered, Tyrannic in the Conquerours Here is a mainc difcrcpancy in the bcglnninp.at conclufion j and the aiftive caufes ordinarily moving fcemc (cW/w rtrfi) to oppofe thcm- fclvcs. It is true j Butt<;Uffv:(whofocvcrihou art) that JLwMw.Iikc compofcft this Argu- ment ; Is hcc that fcts, and confounds, What Empires as bcft pkafcth him , tyed to racanes or recondarycaiifcsf There is noRealmc which for fomGabufc or other, hath not defcrvcd to loofe her glory; and herein doth the Majcftick power of Heaven flicw aboundantmcrcy , to lome Kingdomcs in chaftifing them before they come to the hcighth of finnc , that ther* eclypfc ot 2lory , might bee an incrcafc anto theBi of vcrtuc j their ebbe of Honour, an occafion of ackoowlcdgemcnt of their Crea- tor. For even in tlic bcft Common- wealcs* wee readc, that the experiment of fomc cxcernall tnikry or difafter, hath reduced them to more ripe confidcration of tJicmfcIvcs, and anexadl icarch in thcmfclves, difculUng the caufes of tlic Gods indignation againft them. Prefcnt extremities arc ol that force to Humane bodies th.it the prefcnt apprcbcnfion of their woe' kemcsin lome fort to extenuate their pride,in- |lJmcth Rchgion, cxcitcth men to undertake a labour for tilt benefit oftheir Countrey(with , the lofTc of tftemfelvcs) to appeafe the wrath j ot the Gods. Tliis was tliccaufc why the Ao- mtMS ANurfiryfor QENTRT. »5< Sii:luariesne* verwell Trc- qticnccdi but wliea dAiigcrt ffpproichcd. mAm ufcd to have the gate of the Temple y^wiw opfninWarrc, but flmt in Peace : For Ne- ccfficy ('as well in thcfc times as in Pagan times) ufcth to be the motiuc of devotion. To inlarge which point , we may fafely a- vouch , bccaufc ic agrees with the do^rinj of thctinit; tlutSd^llNaria arc never well frc. quentcd, but when danger :ip{)rochcth. Cilme Seas beget in the tJ^f4r//^tff quiet fleepes, ftiftc knces^ deepe healths. The H^shadmiff flycs to dcvotioa in a drought ; that he may rccciue Showers; Ag;tinc , after too much rainc hce [>raycs for drought. But where's hisOb- ation , after he h'as received the benefit of his petition? Hcc (cedes on thtAcorrte^ but never lookes to that Tra from whence it falls. In a great Plague or Mortality , what di- vine LcSures , devour Prayers , religious Fafts Src every where commanded , and with what fcemely obedience obfcrvcd c^ But when the raine is paft^thc plague cea$*f,Godappcas*t«, we clofethc Blcffing with a prayer or two of Thankfgiving , and then returne to our former courfe of Living. Sani5luaries are not to be fo frequented • wo arc not oncly to oftcr up our prayers in the time of danger, thSlt we may be delivered; but con- tinueour Thankfgivings after our delivery, that wc may be hereafter prcfcrved. Fcarc will fupplc the moft infenfible Athafi^ and enforce him to prayer. Ufcfiushaxc but L 1 2 of XJ4 ASurrpiyof HIST OKY, or — ( Fcnc wiUiup. p(c i!iciiu)U ioicc lit 1)1 Co of juJ^emefit ,vhc will tremble ^ if CallguU hcarc but the nolfc of Thunder , he will fhdd- dcr I Or crccpc under his bed ( pobre impef i- all duft j CO findc a flicltert Wherein arc wc bctter^ifondy fearcofGods judgcnKnts force us to prayer ^ When Delinquents Are had in piirfui*, they flyc (if opportunity be offered them) to the Temple- not to pray , but leafl they fhould become :kfrtj to their purfuers : So it fares with moft of us 5 when thefc Pi/r^'V4»;i of The Gr(At Ki?^gs ( I mennc his Judgements ) ■ follow us at the hcdcs • how gladly would wc ) luue the T<»)fU open to recciueusj to avoide I thofc judgements that purfucusc* But that I Delinquent is never truly penitent , who I takes Sani^uarie oncly for iearc of punifli- I mcnr. I The Antients had their ^fjU*^ their pla- I ces of refuge ro flye to in their diflrefle. Sane- I tuaries(asthey fty led them) thcfc had • while ! one flycs to Naxos , another to Lemnos , this j to Paphts , thjc to Lefios. And high impiety j was ir held to hnle any with violent hand from ' thoic Sacred places. Though thefc Saniftua. rics by the policy of after-timcs, were held fitting to be fuppiellcd, thattheabnfcof thofe immunities mi2;hr be removed. Nfowto re- quite their Gods for their fuppofed delivery ; there was no Tcn^ple to which they retired, but | i they off. re J ibm: Preftnt or other to that God, ; ! where- ) \. , — 4 Nur/ery for G B N TRT.^ • whereto that r^w/'/^ was dedicated* Nay ^ the very high-WJiyMXian J who made P/V/^^e his vocation, Rapine his calling, weuld not be behind with his Offering, laverm muft baue his Saqificc- hoping>if his aClions fliould come to the tffli, that thofe thankfuU Prcfcnts would not be forgottcn^but render him faccopr in the time of danger; Thefe may feemc to out-ftrip us , though in livine knowledge Spheat'd below us* Thc(c prayed and offered before they needed i Wee never till then when danger is vifiblyimmi* nentt Bee it our conftant rcfolvc, when the doorcsofourmateriall Temples arc fliut , to hauc the doorcs of oarSpirituallTemples open. Bs-'c it our highcd prize to offer up unto him rhc Sacrificcofa contrite hcarr, anddiftreaming Eyes J To whom both before and after our de- livery, is to b?afcribed all praifc. Explanation of Caufcs, isanelucidaryor exemplifying, as it were, of the matter where- on we entreate : Happy ,( faith the Poet ) is hce ^that lutfjkmwne^ 9r doth how ^ theprin- cipaS cAufes of things ^ as tpcfi freceedent as [ub^ fequent : Events may be knowne ( I nonkttc ) without their caufcs^ but fo dcfc<^iucis that knowledge, aj the Countrcy Shep hcards pre- didion is of weather : His obfcrvances are Caufeleffe, becaufe Artltffe ^ judging of the Cloud(by vfuall approbation ; & m'^king ex- periment his ground, without recourfc had to 5J La vein a? im9ni niti. Dependence of Ancc» ftors contcrrc fmall or no glory to us, if our M m fuccT- Honourtke bcAtWhen it is dcriued froB> our fclun* » J % JSw-veyofH ISTOKY or i>fBenffaiion. luccccding worth (bcw not a correfpondencv to out. Prcdccf (Tours glory. TuHutHMhl Urqumus fnfcu. , TuHiu, s»vim , HfHmL z^^Tmntm F*rr, , and that mirror of' Countries louc, OW. Ptrtiuj Cdtt : Their Births Ignoble, yet they made their Cradles noble by their many dccrving p«ts . Charadhrrs of propcriMobility , not derived from their fathers grcacnifrc, but from their ownc emi- nence. Nor h.mc there wanted others who degenerated from their Anccftors well-dcfer ved Liucs:^r;>/^ ^frua»,hh Countrcyes hon' our , lcaucs.1 So^o the Monument of his owne Mimoux: F.i>u,Ms.v,^,^, a Sonne, for worthlcUcrcfpe gallcourfCjfifld of an URnaturalldifpofirion, For Excellencies in this kindc , as many, no queftion, have becne by the injuric of cimcobfcufed, whofe Names defcrvcd much honour : So fome hauc bene fo highly be- holden to the Commendation ot time, as they received as much honour to the fulljas they dc- (crved.For it were a rare and unexcmplary Age, to findc all mens demerits equally ballaneed. Some have found fame broathing from thofe Adlions, which never exprcft worth : whilcft otherSjfrom exploits of higher worth^ncver re- ceived fame. But to dcfcend to the ^nifc of fuch who raifc a Family by their ovvnc demerits : The Ground of this advancement arifeih generally frothefc three degrees : The Gowtie^ the 5rv^r^, or fome Mcchanick Art. For the fir(l,becaufc that Prhce of Oratirj giues it priority , wee will fpcakc of CowKC : And of fuch, as haue raifcd their Hou- fes from nothing, by excelling in Elegancy of Speechjmann)gingof judicial!. Caufcs, and fteciingState-nffaircs. being held fii for their knownc abilities to be imploycd rhat way. Of this fortj-^mongft xh^K^theniam we findc Dcmgjlhincs ^ t/£fcbtms^ Jfccrates and Ljffo^. Amongft the Romans^ Carh^ Ldt$^^ Scifio JfricArtsisfiAlba^Strvins^ Sulpititts^ CottAfrac- €hu4^ M, AntoKtus^ Crdft^^Ciccro^SdlufliM. Amopgft which there v/as ever fome pri- vate Emuladon : For Fame can endure no Coriivals. So as>their very publique plea- M m 2 • dings Thcprjifc ©f iacbywho roife a Family by ' thfir ownc de- menti. M. Cutr%» GOWNE Emulariflit a- inongAmcnof note. 160 A Surrey 0/ H I S rO R V, or — HW II '1 iivc fu/intij ftu hi comm9* tut. d.ng$ were not freed from their Chidings. Dtrnphtnet a pUufive and pawerfi)ll Onur having becnc twitted and bitterly reproved by ^fcbmts for delivering in his Orations ccr- Mincunufuali words, anfwcrcd liioi . rhcftr- titMes0fGrtett depended MMftM tbtm. One taxed another of Efmintcy, an other, his Oppofitcoftoorouch J/«j«/4r//^. The third, his Cornvall of /'*/»«/4r,v^. Immoderate was the hate, uncx;ingui(ljiblc the heate betwixt CutroindSiUjl : So as,' he one could not come into the prcfcncc of the other without pjf. lon.Foras ibey were iincquill in thcif defcems lo were they equally a Jdrcft to cntertainc all occafionsofi/^4/. , Whence wc may conclude , that Wits bea- nng one Ic veil , doc fcldcmeagrce in the mainc tJUJlding. So as, that may fcruc for a Afdxim, what the merry Ctitick fomctiracs fpake in K.ut; „ AcatrntUacMcufe, Two Ctds to- ,y gctJier in one houfc, and two Sifier-hldtpes „ together .diyclling, can never liue without ,, uuicntion. No more, two Eminent wits ' in oncpUct 5 but they muft Hiqw their Spirits CKlicr vpon the By or Maine. But to our former propofition • if wc (hall but perufe the i-tv(s of many of r'.iofc eminent Orattrt, At he- yn Si Rtmsn f leaden ; wee fliall find their be- ginnings obfcure- their Meancs of rifing fraall. jnd for their outward parts weakely promi- r?i '7^'' »>/ their in Mrd abilities they be. came a glory to their Countrcy j a rcnownc to totbcrafclves aad their furviving poftcrity. This it was , that made Aripotlc^ that ho. nour of 5/rf^)ff4, fo graceful! in the fight of Alu^ndcr • who> as he had Ihmtr in all re- verence for his h:roicall Comporuionsj So had he i\\\%Sug)Y'tAn{ox Thiloj}fhiciUS^cc\x. lation. This it was , that made S^cntcs fo dcare to i^ UibUda. This it was, that made the workcs of ZtmfL^n (o familiar to Affri- C4H. Asbcncdorus his Annals to 0c7^4jb. lo. (cfhus his incorapaublc Relations to ConflM^ . Burtoaddeonc attiibutc more to thcglo* ry of thofc famous Or^/^rj before cxpreflcd: their ftrcngth and dcfciving height of Spirit merited no lefTc approvement j whcn^in their Oppofition to the greatefl: Enemies of State, they fiood conftant for the liberty of their Cotintrcy, and fupprcffing all fuch ( were they never fo poweifull) as fillicd in tr$UT kick WAters , or inclined to mutiny. So rea- dy were their Tongues to defend by pleading j Softoutwerc thdr Sphits to rcpreflfe Com- motion : that as they delivered their minds by the one, Sothey were rcfolved toSacri^ ficc their Lives,to manifcft to the World that they were not defcftiuc in the other. In thcfe times pleaded (dtrit \vi the Coortof luftice. Corruption was a ftrangcr to the hand or heart of a CounlcUour. Hec would not be fccne in a Caufc that would not bcarc weight •, Nor in- Mra J lercfTc Some of thcfc, though (hty were not Coo nne^fis with theft Priiiccs> ill living With them; yet were tlicir workcs, after their dc- ccA(cjhn;h!y endeared and honouK«2by them. AnExcmplarv LcSon for all hmMtxUu* X6l A Stifvey of HIS TO R Y, or ccrcflchimfclfc in ought thac mighrnoc con- ducc to the benefit otthc State, Their juftdc- fiijncs aymcd neither at publiquc fcime, nor pri- vax'fafcty J dircriry , r ■) commit all H^rf^anfme : punifliin*^ the v\'K;.i.^/f J v-ioiethjyev:rc>;unined ih<:c]i.i.\Ii- I ) r\ *^t hi -M! !Hr. , • ^'^-^ A l^uTjcr^JofQENTRY. X65 But to difcourfc ot^thc Civill government of the Rimarjs, during their Dtmccncj^ as they were then Commanders of all neighbou- ring Nations; So they delighted in nothing more then advancing fuch, who employed their tongues or pcnns in dcrcnceofthepiibli. que liberty : bcftovving not oncly Titles on cli-.m 5 well (iiting their demerits j but pre ferments too, to rccompencc their Service* This?night be inftanccd in tiie Rmincncft fa. milies tlut flouridied amor.gfl ilicm in thofe timis. For fo thankfiill was tlur vidoriotjs State to drfcrving men, as they held ic not fuf- ficicnc to bcftow on tlicm graceful! trophies & triumphs to honour them, living : buttocre\VORD. itf4 A Suryey ^/HISTOKY^ cr he were the fiift that mounted the fT^//, he had a Coronet rclcived for him. Were he the firft that prcicntcd himfclfc in the S/>j^5 or in a fioglc Combat di armed , and (o furprized any Entwy^ or tjoftiisTO?LXr^ If^W^cicni^cs jas there wcpethrivmg dilpofitions 1 to advance Families forch 'of du(b j . S6 there were others, whoicvcn to iduft rediic'edtihcir &(d-/ vonced Families.. Some apt toimprovethcm«^ fclvds forth of nothing i' others no lefle ready tp bring their Fathers impix>vemenr$ to no^ tj.iii'tg. .7 . ; ; ' /..■',- '" * ■ ' ■'^' *•■■ ■''■'•^ " ' hi the Inicriptions of their Natures Weindude rhocaufes of their endsjvertuebeingCaswe faid before) ever Icconded with event anfwcrable toheriiucnc, either in the beginning, middle, or end And certainly,, wholbeveriliould but read thedcfolacions of the mighticft Empires^ or their riling, (hall fee (bmc appearance of cau- (es pri^cecding from their government, occa- Horn of their glory, or rainc. Nor can we (without caiife) admire the erection and efta- The woiiJcN hlilhingof thi* 7'urkijh Fmpire, her manydila- fuii cAibhai. ted Piovinccs,cxtcndcd Confinc^-'jand almoft So Etnjuic. veraicsne command in the Fuftcrnc parrs. Let uvbutconddcr riieir politick govcrnmenry fub- jccHing aill.awesof C()n(cience5or Religion, to thefurthcring of their dcligneSiplanring their rcari^maugre the fury ofall opponents J intho/e floury and fpacious territories, where once the lanftilied fcece cf rhei facred Apoftles ufed to tread. Yet in their policies ( becciufenor pro- fH)rtionateto vertue; (liall they bee fubvcrted. They have crcL'ted themfelves to an exceeding height, (with the Gyants menacing the fabricke ofheavcn ; )!)ut their fall will be more miserable, by how much they be. of miicries more inca- pable. ^/•^^mmmmm A ^rferyfor G EV^TRT^ id 7 pabks^ For that tongdbfife Which is not dhbli- (Argumcoti of vercuehad n5t her prtddirifiirtahc^e,- thdr(i fliall fion of*. the the illimit(^d:fdge of vice* take her refidencc t and ^^^0 ^^^^* \>v^hcre^fhec is> an hihabitantj there is imminent dcJiolatiori :fl(ieltlfiK::ed- ^^Td-rtia-Ve re- heading th^m,than when we fteme to apprehend them. This iiifcrutable depth He well obferved^who being demaundcd whAt GrlrPas y required fome time to rcfolve that queftion^ And ftill the lon- ger he thought of it , the Eirther he was from it. , SoaSj in theendheaflToiled thisdemuund with a N n 3 ncv/ Wc are not to fry too cuti- ouilyinco the fcalcd Cabi- net of Gtds — ~ -^^'^^^J'^/HISTOR Y^or . i. . , ,, 4fud Pcttdt 'Deormn Pko nttf opL'nu' i:uinviA' »o;i ifcm.UJijn Orut, Th.it Sicrcd. Secret Con- filloiy ti not itt lit itAicKed /'brcaafc ici. icd)wi(h tog much cuiiuh- ,/ ^ And rny dcfire is to Injoyncyou^n o her/ 1 pray you alToile .r. What is i/, ,%d he " how long would t b? erP yoM /hpuwi.iSe 'the O^ •^ N or Ihall I cv(:r(rcplie4 he) returne -an inCwa tpyoiirqucftipn, i dcmgundcd ofyoufomc tunc, b,ut an Ej^rn.ry of time will iK-vJr refoh^^ >f j|)c,ng farther of, w Ahis ti ,nc , then when I ; Our u(on,HaAiidbeftkiipwkdgein thefe DU |viucSarccics, conlif^sin the acknowledgment of our owne vycakncao. ., We h^yc many ,of p„r I Atnas /cj„c-fh,n{j f,„tiliar whh ihcfc pri, n'? i^'?'"/^ f >"• ^■•'"^"'"y "'t^^ the Sealed C4- huK'tot Oods Coiiiu-ell. SuSlun.iry thinij^ ire tooi^fy five ^ ouiand N .ks : In dcprl, or Latitude^twofhou- iamJ, five kindred and five Miles ;, indift^nce — . fr'' nj JNuiferyforGBNTRT. frpnvus', three thoufand, fixe hundred and fifty eight rtiilitSi ^ tent the l^prU^ which we inhabit, that i^5 the \vholc Earth , they fay it containes in greatncflc thirty thoufand 5 and athoufandfivc hundred Miles: and in Latitude or profundity, that is, (xomthcK^rftif^oJesmto\}Sy ten thou- sand ancl twenty two Miles, Then, that the£w. fyredn Heave^y which is tlieplaccof the Blcflcd, they (ay it containes io comp^Ck (o fmKvc»fity !) ten thoulandy thr^c huttdrcd and fourcrcenc Millions, eighty five thou(and,9nd fixe hundred ten miles : in depth or latitude, three th nifand fixe hundred Millions of Miles. And betwixt us and this Heaven, in dilbnceoncthoufand Ih^ hundred ninty Millions , nine hundred tvveary five thouland,and five luindied Miles. Rutthisni:^ybcfiippofal far above t^c con pAf];' of their Ucohs-fiajfe Their eye ^^ f c( >ncci ve,C( > be toovtoke to picrceinro thciVlanfionsof Heaven. Lower Dimenfions are fitter for the Ihait circumference of their underfianding. The v^y to meafurc Heavcn,is to decline from Earth 5 and to elevate our thoughts to that Ce- IclViall Spheare , where we may glorioully (liine and Eternally reft. He is thcbgfk Afirologer,whoconvcrretb more with Heaven in SpirituiilatleCtions, thenin{>ru. mentall dimenfions : whobecom.es more famiri- ar with Heaven, by his elevation of piercing thoughts, tlien prying eyes. This that Icnrnj^d Euclid well obfcrved , when being alkcd a (auc> queftion touching the Divine Prclcnce , by toe 169 Son efi //w»* IhScuM Ccp//y, Nn 3 curioiH ' l^O WWWVi ' I ■ » J Survey o/H 1 S T O R Y,#r ttv/, curious or inquifit.vea Queftionift, modeftly an^ Avered : " For other tbingt ikntw htlmh, tbttt ''muchlkno»,th4ttht Gtdi kdte thoCt th4t4re^ "curieiu. ThUthArDivineFatherCchegloryof the Et4 ftcrne Church) with mach fpiritiwll i&ilc expref- fcdwlicti being on i time aslccdi « ivh*t Ced ' did bt fore he rrnde the world, anfwcsrcd him home : " //r wm frtf^ring Hell for fucb 4* Hte, who too (urtoufij pried into hit Secrets. , 1 he only way to rcc>i fie this Errour.is for man rt^ro 'Til f'\^'^ '-•^"'^ tnro umfelfcFor then upon acknow- fucsS, i/bou" [cd^Sniciirof hisowncvilenelTc, he will Jetfall of too m»c!. his 1 niiic;humblehim(clfeintheconf]deration f^riuhn,,. of histjwnc wants : and clofc his refolves with IthisconcIiiHon: "Thus much I Icnow, that I know n( .thing : how then fliould I dare toaf- pncwithtoocuriousuneye, tolookeintohis "Sccrcts,who made all things of nothing" Now to the third,that is,judgcment in diftin- puKlung tiiingf,by approving thebeft.and difal. lowing thecontrnry. -v;- v.. , ^. Hi judication of Hiftorie9,or judgement in di- ofH.ftofies. jftinguifliingthe.ipprovcdeO, procecdes from a mature nnderftanding. I In this Hiftoricall Scale we muft banilhall la- I civious rind petulant wits.convcrfant about froa- j thy andlk-ennous obdenitics. The Workes of anHiikonan fliould be Monuments of Antiqui- ty.tnic Heralds of Adhj eitherprofperoufiy or mau-ccl]:vcly atcl i, vcd : and not foments to iuft, inducements to (onfuality. Two forts there be which r>iiuiliciiion JNMrferyft GBNTHT. ^7^ which cclvpfean Hiftoriansglory.-fromthecnc wcreapc tneharveftoflliamcj where charafters of ^frrdbimdFe»0s(xheyx:inton$votmcs) arc deblazoned in thcircoloiirs : yet in their delcrip- ttons more pernicious to eallly-inclincd voutn, than ever Archilocbt$t\s^x% iot\\t Sfirtan ciames, Poorc^/J/>/»hath laboured too long of this im- poftume;ruch Hiftorlansmuft cither be exiled, or the Common-wealth muft of ueccflity bee de- praved. Vicehath too many fupp^^rtcrsj without the ftirrhcrancc of Authors. From the other, there redounds no other benefit than imperti- nent inquifitions of ftrangely-fought out Anti- quities •(bpreci(e in delcription, ib curious in foundation, and fo felfc-opinionatc of their ownewritingSjas theyofr-timcsdoe onclyC^^- rertinvtrbis) omitting the Subftancetoierout (withPAjr^;4/)the fhidow ; (carchofafruitlefTc Antiquity, occafioning a contempt in the body pftheHiftoryi Asinthc foundation of a City, jneglei>ing the materialleft parts ofthedi/ccurfc j !as upon what occafion the City was rather ere* fl-ed there, than in another place \ by what mcanes it was augmented, howconrinued ;ind other nccenrirycircumftances omitted ; theyin- fift upon affaires of lefTe con(cqucncejfindingour where the firfl: ftone was laid, when the foundati- on of (uch a City was digged. This caufcs often- times great Volumes, with fmall benefit to the Reader ; and indeede rather implies an affefting- opinion in the Author; of pleafing himfelfe,than others. Ancient Two forci of Dtriiourfci €• clipHngthe Eloryofan HilUrian. f I. Senfualit/J 1. Imperii* Acncy. 27*. ^ISurvey 7J labours pcmiriousj his. ftatc labours of penury (and he would rdft it) his foule of a Lethargy, | but fcckes not to redceme it. To be briefe (for fiich a Subjc(^ is not worthy dilating onj)As Au- ^fifiu4bjimihcdNAf$ to Ndx9i ^ and hjs depra- ved workes td the darkeft corner of his ftudv : Co fliolild thefe petulant Wits be expulfed every well-governed , Common- weale , and their, profcitute Labpurs fuftainc Euf$lU: cen- How highly other States have fuffcred in gi- Cght &♦ wan ving too much liberty to theft unfealbned wits, coo wotkttr might be amply enlarged, if our P^eftnt diti*^^***^'^^!^^^ courfe required ir, < N o doubt but Jf(?i»f, even in staw, her higheft glory, when nothing but Succefle breathed on her attempts abroad, and private affaircsat home : Then, and never more than at that time^ werelight and wanton workcs, which , acivillEftateihouldhaveprofcribed, highlyho- ' noured , the Authors of thofe* Motives to efFe- ' minacy advanced \ whereas , if their Ccnfort\adL, ^ ducly intended their charge, they would have held them fitting to have bcene exiled, | their wprkes to fire committed. So might that corruption of manners, which proccedes oft imcsfrorrifuch vicious Pamphlettcrs , have beenc prevented : and Morality better ob* (erved. But why fhould we looke ib farre backe,when we labour of the like malady at horned what high Patrons l^aye prefcnt; ages found for Ijgh- , ,„,. ;i. teft Labours ? where fiich as corrupted Oo youth. 2 74 J Survey of HIST QKY, or youth, received more approvement, then thofe who correfted the loc^ncfTe of afRdi- cns. It was a good Cuftome^when foch Authors aspiiblithed any Workes, had them not ondy ccnforioufly pcrufcd and (canned i but if it ap- peared, that they contayned in them more oc- cafions of prejuaice to the State then bene- fit ^ thofe Workes were not onely to be lupprened , but the Compofers of them duly ccnfiired. Their manner of proceeding was thus: Such padagesas were ufcfull, oranyway beneficiall, were in papers piece-raeale, layd upon one pile: Thofe which were noxious or malignant, be- (lowed on an other pile : andboththefeput in two Scales : where if thofe of the right hand- ! pile (which ever conduced to the improvement j of the State ^ weighed downe thofe papers I which were on the lett-hand pile, their La- bours \ycre permitted to pafle, and their Au- thors, according to the quality of that Subieft, whereof they wrote, amply rewarded : If other- wife, their Workes were fiipprefTed, and their Authors chaftiftd. In which Scrutine, noquc- (Vion, but many Authors had BAtilltss fate; they received more fillups then Crownes^morc cenfures then rewards. Theopinionof aferiousand difcreete judge- ment ever cloftth in this : Learning never but then defer\TS the Laurell, when itisvertu- Ltirniftf never bttc then «iercrvet the Ltwreil, whcnitii Ycf- luoufly f.Bit.j oufly fruitful!. A Kght Drefle , be it never fo • . neatly A 9(urftryforQ B N Tl^r, *^ l«MM*i ^75 neatly fiiitedaCarrycscverlightncflc withit. And the more it takes a dcludcaeyfj though it plcaft it felfe, the more it dctrafts from it (elfc. The like we may fay of theft Venders, or bold ad- venturers of looft Labours. Be they never fo trimly decked, nor arrfully polifhed j Ldh will be JL4ixftill. The trimming will not alter the property of the ftuffe. N or can lighttie(Ic,bee it never fo fm cothly c^rricdjneatly varniflied j nor cunningly palliated ^ keepe her Vixard ftill on. There will be fome piercing judgement or other to bring to difcovery a (hrouded errour. N or deferve thole Workes onely reproofe, who treat of light love J (though they be dangerous fdmi-* liars to haunt Ladies)buc(uch who arc tuned to an higher key, and either unprofitably,or which is worfejproph^nely abufe their captiv'd Hearers. Amotigftthefe, may be numbred our Chymick Profeflbrsrwhoholditnot fufficicnt(byftrange cf,.„jjk Elixirs') to reduce their owne fortunes to no- pioioaifti thing 5 unleflc they with their roiftrable conclu- fion?9>p^rpl€Xe their fimple admirers. Where, if a cleare-difceming judgement fhould take a more cxaft view of their ungrounded realbns, they would (bone conclude, that thoft arguments which they ofFcr,n(5t unlike their adulterate Met- tals^are fouldery with c/f w4/f ^^and have more /f^^/if than ^n^w/iir in them. Thcfe have got a tricke to flight all miracles of Divine Writte: holding with i^ltumdzar^ that Mofes his lea- ding the Children odfrgcl ov^rthc Red-Sci, was nomorebutobftrving the influence of the Oo 2 Starrcs, it*;. o* X 275 ^Survey cf HIST OKX, or State Sii^ma OiontiU. r:oft tmat urn- tdtcm, Aug. Starrcs, andwainingfcafonofchcMoone that withdrawcth the Tides. Thcfearc Subjefts foinapablcof privlfcdgc, IS they dc/crvcthchighcft cenfurc. I (pare to fpcakc of our Snri/ing Pamphlctters, vvlio flia- (lowinpily (to iVcc thenilclvcs fromState-(can- dall)dcbla2 n feme eminent Families by their AnncSjCoatCjOr Fields ; for which^ fomeboth Ancient and Modernc Hiflorians have beene highly taxed. Aslikewifeoffiichj who under borrowed names haye ftmckeathigh Perfona- gcs : which might be aptly compared to coward- ly Ciirrcs 5 who u(e to bite Paflengers by the heelcs^ whom dicy dw^re not looke upon iu the fee. As fiich who delight to ungorgc theirpalfio- nate fplcaneupon KecrcAtiontoUndiffertncy^foT no other caufe, but becauft they arc counte- nanc'dby CMdjeJlj. The laft^ being not the leall, I account fuch 5 who fpend much preci- ous Oyle to cnwreath and enwarpe the time in their Fopperies. Thefe are ControverfiAll Men 5 who rither than they will fuifer the Church to be at Peace ; willfhidy new doubts todilhirbc her quiet, The/c will rather fkirre than ftay ouarrels : for, howfocver they (ceme to pretend Unity ^ their affeftion tends to dillcntion ; being of the flimy nature of fuch Fi (lief .as cannot live but in muddy and troubled waters. That word Kiji in this (entencej^//? mdnducd-* vcriitscArntm^ fet all the Counfell oi Baftl in an uprore. ■ I l» A Nurfef^ for G B^N t% r. . 177 iiprorc. That word Donee , as lofefh non dgno^ vitVxorem fudm Donu ^ cau(cd die Antidi" comdritans und Eluftans to deny die pcrperiull Virginity of die Virgin AT^rjf. Thus quick e-ficry wirs, carrycd away with the fpirit of Concradic^tion, preRTrinc; Sin- gularity before Confciencc, Errour ocforc Truth , fb they may finde ShddoweiM follow them, willfindecumbuflible matter enough to the havocke both of Church and Conimon- wealc : Not onely our Humane but Ecdcfia- fticall Hiftories are ftored with various inllan- ces of riiis kinde. The Scope wcaimcat, is this ; that fuch Workes^ whedicr dicy be Ui- ftoricall, Morall or Divine, are onely, up- on Cenfure to be approved, by which the State may be ufefully improved : all others to be rcjcdiled,' becaufc they are either by Scur- rilous or Fwiftious Braine-wormes hatched. For the other, as none yeeld or aflRjrd more benefit to their Countrcy, than laborious and ju- dicious Antk^iiafrics ; To trifling and opiiiionate- ly-conccitedHifiroriansmny benefit them(elves, I ut hardly can communicate the beO of their knowledge unto others. Opinion is a maine Opponent to Judgment : the one girded (or ra- ther dravvnc) by a precipitate will, the other difpofed by thedirefting eye of Reafon.Opinion (Zo^/4».like) frames their Line by their workc, and not their worke by their line : but Judgment hath ever (C/^4;frA^/^!ike)a Table equally mixed ^^. u r i orfurmnied with fervices ofi^rete dr Fomond^ H^i.^^vle. Oo 5 Vertue' Z78 A SHneyofW\STO^X^(n Vertne andPlcafurcrthe onero pro6t, the o* thcr to delight :Which equally-mixed Judgment (l^ouldhe cipccially converdint in Ccnfiircrs of Hifterics s they miift not doc, as it is reported of V^Urim MAxtmus , inhibite many things in the Evening, which hee wculd approve cf in the Vlcrning, and command that tobcenadlcdone hourc, whichhcw( uldbeaflianiedtoconfirme the next houi e. A ferlcd and wel-fea(bned judg- ment will with Circumfpecl'ion, not fo much ccnfurc a modcft digrcllion in a Hiftory , as the ufc which may be made ofthatdigredipnjnor taKc any thing in a faithful! Hiftorian, though he fl^adfuv at the corruptions of the Age with bit- j rcnicde : for oyly and temporizing tongues, arc ^utff^f/7/*i« nourilhcrs of thcfc vicious and irregular times $ /.Vfiro.ir iO>»r. where, as Bcafts in the Defart, fo men live in the tx\\T^Ufli World : n(^r be Ccnfurcrs to taxc fuch things for tn Cfl/^.iS. 'jimpollibilitics, becaufe they have not heard of' the like 5 nor fuch Relations as faife, which have not occurred to their readings. Fprhow (hould wee give credit to thole incredible attempts of Ibrmcrtimcs, where Viftories vvere atchieved with lede adoe, than May-games in thclc times ? 1 o fee K^nthdui renewing his ftiength , arid doubling his force by falling : thofc magnani- mous Romans erecting their fpirits moft when they were ncareft declining. 1 have ever obfer- vc({ ihcie rimes, as they fecond the firft in grada- tion, (o they (land inferiour to thefirll: in exploits I and mJU^gcmcnts of refolution. Cenfiires i ihould be ballunces equally and evenly difpofedj • neither' JNurferyfor GBNTRT. 279 neither inclining to partiall afTcftarion of perfbn or ftate ; but ready to give approbation where the verity of Difcourle^ and fincerity of the Au- thor gives his Pen free fcope to curbc Errour^and attribute to Vertue her merited Titles. Alas, that Cenfiirers (houldbe either fo engaged to the (crvile command of popular glory , or tycdro great mens fleeves ,, that the HiOorians Labours niuftbe razed, which Truth would have raifcd! Vertue hath in her ftlfe a (bveraignc end , to which all Liberall Arts and Sciences (in thcm- (elvcs truely noble 5 and meriting honour ) have their aimc and recourfe. | This occafions Learning to be ncglcftcd , and thccxaftfcrutinie of ancient Records (^ than the, which nothing more bencficiall) tobcfupprcP-' fedj or nt leaftjuot a little darkned : when a i?/'^- ! jAWdHth^ or Critfck Cenflirer muft have the cor- 1 rcftions of our indufhious Labours, and judici- ous Volumes : which (to feed his ownc indigc- j ftcdhumourj muflbeiubjed to many frivolous j interlacing?- But Patience ( which is Comes f^pi- ^^^/ ^.^^. €ffti'^'.y mn famuU (0r)(ufifcenti4') muft be the rU.fomet w pocircHifrorians fitpportcr, making ufc oftimes ^Jf^jj^^ ^ *'"' ttbufc, and applying this falvc to his mikvy^mnil'J which the Poet inferred, ascaufe of jtomcs fub- vcrfion and calamity : PrsmAfertgrmsobfcMnapecunU mores intuit t — That Gritick Menmu^ , who was ever io de- finite in his owne opKiion , as the whole courfc of his difccAirft rejiflicd nothing better then op- poficion* And to affront the Time wherein hee Jamuia Jafuajg* 4^, lived, MtaA4 28o JSune^ of H 1 S TOR Y, or ■^ f , lived, withmorcboldncflei (coming to com- '^'^^f^fc!/*' ply eyther with Time ox Perfin for his/)wnc ad- q»r/>nrulfrlj vaiir.igc , wiflied^likc an indifcrect MaUcontent^ whok ju.K;c. tlut \\\% Pen WQXCT, Needle^ andhisP^/rri Net-^ nunt omiv f'//^ . yc\u and his Inkc Aconitum, that hee mii'ht 7wi^LvH.,,.ri, throw more poyfon on the face ofimmentcd an.i untcr'd, and for ought I could perceive by the Genuine Sence of their intcrpretationjthcy were (ofarre from the iHiderftanding of the Author rhey wrote on, as they might be (enttofchoolcagaine, tolearnc to confter him 3 before they commented on him. The like exuberance is many times (howne by manyofthefe, in their hghter compofurcs: wherein^ formoftpirt, they offend Icaft, For weakewits befVowed on weighty Subjeftsjcrrc moft- I have heard of a trifling Pamphlettcr of this kinde, who after fuchtime, ashchadf^xrnt much walk Paper inventing fomc weakc va- pours of his owne J wherein he was evcrnoleflcf conftantin the choycc of his Patron to whom he Dedicated them , than he was in compiling thofe corky Subjeds which hce addrcflcd to him ; pre(enting one day another light toyjhis Patron having perufed the Title, and divers paflagesinit, requited his Dedication with this witty Jeere :*'Truely friendjquothlicejyou "^•^havewrit many fooHlhtoycsinyourtimejbut ^' of all that ever you yet writ, this paflcth them " all The poore Author highly < taken with this commendation, not without great joy,re- ported the worthy entertainment he received from his Patron r and how highly to his honour, he had commended his Labour. Now to our C^;^/r^r 5 as his place inferres a Pp 2 priority! 184 ^Su n>ey0fHlSr QKY,cr priority of judgjcmcnt 5 fo I would'bavehim rodilHnguifhofche uriliry of Labours. The(c^ who fpciid tiniCjOyle and paper ropurchaft them the Title of Authors : letthembe privatlyre- prov'd, iudaring t(^ pre/ent fuch pooreftufle be- fore the face of a publicke State. The common En^lidi Proverbe is 5^ *^ Bener it a nfjt idle^ th^n mrke tdk. Tliis may be properly applyed to rhciu. Their fruitlcdc expeiice of Time and Pa- l>eriwkes them firre more u(cle(leto the State, tbanif they wholly retired themfelves from La- bour. Truth isj thcic dcfervc nocenfure y they are placed in too low a Siege. A milde reprofe wilibertcr bcfccme them itellingthem, howby all likely-hood, if any fuch fliould be fuffcr'dto gocabroadi. or receive pnviledge by authority, rhe next time that either he or any of his family ihouldgoc to the Grocer for their fpicery, little doubt but fonieof his (liaken leaves would bee return d him^with fweeter contents thanever he bcftowcdcn them. Whereas SllCHj whofe earcly and late Studies have highly improved their knowledge, and whofo^difcretion ( a fmallgraine whereof would be very ufefulltomany of our Schollers) hath fufticicntly inform'd them what is fit or accommodate for the time 5 be the Subjcfts they treateofHillory, Antiquityj or other Diviner E- lemt'uts rthefe, I fw^well defer ve the encourage- ment of a judicious Cenfor. For to ufe the words of our ^\oi\cx\\c,Democritus : '^^Ithinkeallthe ^^ AnticjrMmW not reftorq them to their Wits, JNuiferyfirGENTRr,. ^8j " if theft men now^ that \Mi,vt Zctsodotui Hcart^^ ^^ CfAtes Liver, Efshetus Lanthorne , be fo fot- ^^tifh, andhavenomorebraines than fo many «^ Beetles, what fhall we think of the Commonal- '*'ty > whatof the reft>you may give that Genfurc ^^ofthemingcnerall, which Sr.T/^^w^J kJMootc ''once did oiGcrmanus Brexius Poems in par- '^ticular: ^ Vehuntur JnrAteftultitid,Sjlv4m habitant FurU.^ : If Learning and Dilcrcrionbenot fufficient to makeup an Author; what may wee expcd from him that ha*s neither? Some of our Ccnfurers have heretofore bcenc not unlike to fomeofouraftive Lawyers j who in perufing of their Clients pleadings, ufiully razed out what was mod: pertinent : bur after- wards upon a more fetled ]udgement , wrote iSTrrintheMargent,. to all 'that which they had formerly rnzed. Multidumcajiigant^cajlmnt'^dum mutdnt^ wuti. Unt, ManVj too man)'^ while they Iccmc tocor- reft, they diftraft^ while they alter,they torture. But approved Cenfors^ are of another niturc! (ofwhich we were never better fiarnithcd in a competent number : ) for thefcareofthat tm^ touchy as neither gaine may corrupt them:, nor the Authors perfonworkeuponthcrh, but the? worth of the workc : this oncly hath power to procure a priviledgc from them. But let me ftay a little, thati maym^keanend thcfooner s ere I proceed to thc.true diftrngui- Pp 5 fl^er iU ^ Survey efH 1 S TORY.w. Two farti of fmiiici Ret- I ^criofHiAd- tf. i«Curiouf. Sufitri'ue^ fft fhprd ttxuUm An Opinio- nateRcidcri ' in incoinpc- * tiblcCcaforof anottirrt La« hour. I 1. Calumni- oui. H4( ffi «nm ftcit hcmttttm Ucca* I ftierofHiftorics^ I muftcaut'ron two forts. of Men , wh ich (in their Reading') pervert theufc andfcopeof Hittory, by a malevolent difpofi- tion , cither bred in them by nitiirc , or ingen- dred by cuftoinc > a (ccond nature : the one fbo- hlhlyprcrife, whoft behaviour Ca$ one oblcr^ veth) is like a vcrie, wherein every fiUablc is meafiircd j or HkeyourJ/^wrfrflf/afpeft^who wil not fmile beyond a point, ibr feare to unftarch hislookc. , .i. , . ,...• ^ t.;, Thcfccannotcafteany thing well, that is not abfolutc 5 vet for their judgement a ;^<;fc//>)i^ Afle jnav out-ltrip them : He is (unmeafiirably proud) wifcinhisowneconceire, hathan Orbein his braine, whichever turning rounds makes his juclpcmcnt braine-ficke. The other, farrcmorcintollerablej becaaft more troubled with the rifine of Spleene : hec detraitcth from the beft, and finds Scruples in infallible truths J his owne)udgement,as it is de- focliTc, fo it envies others 5 maturer in the height of undcrttanding , and more exaft in the ancient Survcies of Truth, But as Fortitude of body daivcshcrEflcncefi-onuhe imbecility ofl| thcMindc, and the ability of the Mindefrom the debility of the body : So the Authors glory is oft-times revivcd^and augmented bv the fting of Detraftion, astheDetraftors inramybythe Authors glory : Vertue alone is crowned, Vertue inhcrfcUc, isofallpoflcfTedrSheit is alone by which Man is Eternized. This is She that fteeres the poore HiftoriansBarke againft all oppofiti-, ons. 4Narfetrfim^H.7'B.r, Deliberation needfuli in Hi (tones of mainc confc 4ucncc, ons. In this Harbour €lierefor(j miy I repofc, leaving the depraved Reader to chediftcmpra. turc of hisowne humof,; and betaking nfiy lelfc •to thy propounded Taflce.- i .i / 7 . . ' We iiiuft walke in a m^rc modtd path for judgment in the relation of every aft that isdoriej we ought to ufe a kindofdclibcrationjconfulring \Vith oiir ownc intiinato udderftAndings, and askcthem wh(?therruch an Aft is worthy mmmittlU We haveoccai7on ,i t'/n"'! • foiti^tirties to unriji rflie tyrannick lives of Prin- • * '^^'f' i-*' ces, and their illimiced affeftions j of diffolute^ ""''' ' governments, and to what peculiar vices mof> engaged^ yetinthefummary rchearfall of thefe 'Vlccs.we dc ve 6fc-tin>c<^ (as m <^xrellen t Fl ifto<4ati hath .^ellpbftrvcd) W/lf^uirc^aUs, tl^ach iiitn tbbecyill, inftrufting them in*e excrci/ie of dipife impieties, witH which before they wore Jcarceac(5uaintcd, ^' "^-i^b '^ii ^i r;:: .> yv; . ■ Viceisot^Hat worft iat^wi^w- ceive it with farr^hiore c^afie imbr^mbh, chart that whichrclift^ethf frticbelK ' . v; -wv/v^v. , ,f{ Jhtit liHlian Lover, whf> fouM his^ Mifbdle fo-matable , totild in thercxtretf)iryof t\is^p)alli- ' oh ( as what paffion mdre ' viol^rk w morp/pef ^ mancnr; cryout:^' Our //rt/z'^i^ Dames hadnc Difcovery of- Vicciabroatl>\, many cimei inQru^ ui in I he very fame; at home. 1 cc vcr 'Ui A Sme^ of\K IS TORY/r ■«WWIP»* ^'vcrbccacacqaaimedwithfuch difdaine, nor "ciitcruiaed their Servants with fuch cotv-, «* tempt , nor rcjcftcd them with fuch Sclfc-con- '' tent , had they notbecnc inttr aftcd by incon- ^^ ftant CdJ[4ndrM to love in )caft and loath in *** carncfb. Which implied, thus much : That nothing could moroprcjudicq either ppblique or private Kftites,tlicn to be fraui',htcd withForrainc vices. Many StAtcs arc bert fccured by inuSi^enct -^ Mtnymta of but by thc knowledge of others Vices, tew or 7c7,Li hl'e none. Youth is i dangerous taking rbing . and Inlll g,.ve apt to be nibling at any baite that is tlirownc wiyeof.iiCuti jj^jtjyea, and many of niatureft judgements, "''"'' "*'* whole long experience in the World, might have fufticicntly informed them , that the hopes of^Earth arc fxilingjthe Honours of Earth fa^ ding i all the >faire-ttouTi(hing pronnfcs of this empty W.>rld deceiving : Ycr, hearing fuch An F niincnt Statiftinan other Country advanced, they cannot fo moderate their affeftiens, btit they mnft cxpoftuhte with their ovvpe over- weening Spirits ^ and on the filcnt night, when more compofed minds cancnjoy their frcedomc of reft ; and alUy the labours of a prececdmg day with the untroubled llecpcs of a facccedmg night ; Thcfe fcele an t^tna within thenn o- thasTriumfh become their Terturff i others HtneiinthwFuriei. 1 Pempey, that loyall but unfortunate KW4*, being combrcd with his honour , aiwl wea- ried with too glcrious a. Servitude, cxclui- i> JP^urferjfirOB^TRT, zZ9 med to (cef;i7// cruelty, being ignorant after what fort to behave himfelfe in the digniry hce had J he fcryes out araaine 5 forth of the confi- deration he had to anuiifrpedTyrannyV ivitha <| ferious reflexe had ro humane nufcry : " O pcriU ** and danger never like to have end ! h\xtun€0nfiofd fpirits^ vvhofc thoughts arc folely fixr on aery itruihircs 5 will not fuffcr their afpiringsto be (o bounded: nor the v9luftH0f^ hisftnfiiallafeftionstobelbcoupcd : nor the poorc Crpundlin^ to have his Earthy- rafting ap- petite fo laced, Thefe, as^ they peruic the Mappe of the World J they cull out what may plealfc them beft 5 though the ifTuc aftlift them molh As toinftanceineach of thefej The high-minded JMan Icyes to informe himfelfe in theProgrcfle of fuch Mens aftions j whoie almes have beene / ^^IJ him for holowCTthen Empires. They conceive their f^r/arr of (uppoftancett?>beasgreat5 their Meancs asdi- Ocath.dyciaii reft 5 their waycs a^RJOoth, Flattering and de- Jj^J^ j iJfnJ*'}^^ ceiving hopes lull them if.lcepe ; they will not fo wicked "\vho muchasfufer fheir thoughts to conver(e with |'vcs wiihouc Feare, or labour prevention of a ft}!, before ir^hcrc wcr" their praftifcfaile. Then^ and never till then, none at all. they exercile thcxrue knowledge of Man. Then they lament , what they canncx recall | fo preci- pitate is that cliffy tracke, where unbounded height walkes. Now obfcrvea litdc, whence theOccafion fprings, which with winged fpeed brings bn thefe mevi table mifcries! Iconfefle, though ma^ nydifpofitions be naturally inclined to theft in- Qfl ' difcrcet, i.SQ ySinmeji ofMSJQJ^Y.or^ \ ditreetc aimes : yet are xkey qu^kncd much with Examples of others. This moved a neighbouring Prince j (onC)! >y.hare pcrfonall prowelTc hAtli wcn-thily inroUcd hjniinthcBookc of Fame)(6hietinic to fend a Noble and Rniincnc Perfbnage hither ; whofe many arguments of Valour hadgijindhim e- ft.cgn>o enough, with -his Prince Chad his loyall h)OUgl;\r^.fi> well deft tv;d it) onely to fee and ob- fcrve the ccnfure and cloze of an high Spirit. Ho- ping, that fuch ocular objcfts. would worke Ibougly upon hisdeludcd thoughts : and bring; him t^^ A confidcracion. (.f himlclft by prefent-' mencaof fearcjwhat hisillimiced heigjit would notrufferhimto thiDkcuponjWithall tbofcami^ plcgracificationsof l.oive. u (*'•• 4i« -, ^ -•.; Moft a>rtainq it is ,> ,fha^. the SuriVey.of others actions produce wonder full e%# rft. Sco. in no fight, in the perufaIlof^all?//{//4rfA, like Alci- ^^'*^* hiddcs wantoning in T/w^^r^^ la[)pc. Nor in all SuttHiiuSyXxkt tho(e uncomely lafcivious prefenN nicnts before Nero : a thought whereof could nor chufe but beget a Vermillion4)lQQi , a glowing (hamein any modefl: eareAVhich^to omirthc reft, in my Judgment, were not fitting to be fufler'd to pafiein any free date, Paffages thcrd arc (as I have el(c-whcrcnotcd) fiillof Obfcoenitytand lyes open an entrance forunftay'd Youth to feed too liberally upon fuch inhibited delights. Such thcrefore.werc much better to be ibadowcd,than fo freely difcovered ; Seeing, ^^Difcovtn df Vices - . " dbread^mdnyttmestnjlrua Hi $n the very /iw^ cc« become na- ^^4thcme, t*raliicd, tnd Should two Embnflndours come hither ; one |^'i^*"J/ ''^ from Siden , another from Tyre ( as one witti- ly obferveth ) and fiiould vye in Vanity, as they feme times cnvhd one anothers glory 5 we fliould colled, that no State-affaires drew them hither, but rather to (hevV the vanity of one Coiintrey to the other : Which if we our (elves fliould admire, in very truth we were madder than either. Trueit is, there is nothing either in matter of Difcourfe, Emplo}^nienr, Reading 5 or what Re- Qjq 3 acati- »9i ^Survey of H IS TOR Y, or ( creation Ibcvcr j- but that (biy wofk^ upon us^ which fines with our humour ^ ^ pr aelights us. AlcxAnder being much in lo\'e with AptHa^ as cnchiphly rapt with tliccxquifitcncflcofhis Arti prc^pofcd him that Modcll for a^Ta(Hc?^ which he of all others atfedcd moftj commanding him on la time to paint CAmfaffe^^ beautiful! Woman^ rukod: Which -^;>^//^/ having donCj fuch im- preflion -wrought the Pidlure(an inimitable Piece m ft) nearly tracing Nature ) on the affcftion of the Aftift, as Aptllcs^cW in love with herjWhich Alexander perceivings gave him her. There is nothing which wcc iritenrivcly eye^ and by the Crany of the eye convey to our heart, but our Fancy like another AfcScs^ eafilyfindes a Table for that Portraiture, Let Fertue then beonr Campafpe ; othcrwifc, that Table which Ihouldbc rclcrvedforthcpuren: Deity 5 will be taken up with the imprellion of fbme lighter Fancv. I allly^thc Earth.takenSouIejWho conftant- !y holds c/dra//V^;i/ Aphorifine," that Gold is the "^left Rcftoracivc ^ admires Achans Wedge; Ale-- /w.f(?;T/ Store i^huggs them in the happy fruition of their Hue ; meinc timc^ holds CAn/ichArfcs Temperance ; Anacrc^ns Moderation htter for the IVilderne^e riian the World. Thefe rCAd no- thing in this kind > buttheymuke ufeofit : but theufeiscver perverted. Examples they finde to juuhorizc their balcncflc : thefe they rcteine: but little care take they how to cure them 5 by apply. A Nmfery fir GBNTR T, 29} * applying ufcftill Receipts to remove thoft fpreading cvills, . A Maflers vice arrufts his Family . So faycs the Eoct , No vice more retentive than vicious Writing : it corrupts the Judgment by Apologizing Vice with a forraigne Prefi- denr. That was nn excellent Rule of DirctTtion to regulate cur forme of Speech : '^ Jfthy ^fcecb '^ may iwvrove others ^whj Art thiu fttertt f if it nei- ^Hhcf behove thyfclfe nor others ^why art thon notfi^ ^^ lent f The fame ccurie is to be oblcn^cd in our ^%rme of writing: *'lf by cur Pen wc may profit ^^our felvcSjitis welhiffomcfcw others as well as ^^ our felvt'S j h is better 5 if all, it is the bcft j '^ ifnonCjSilcnce enjoynes the Workman to take ** his rcf>. In one wrrd ., as fbme things arc ne- cefTarily to be reraembred^ fo. others no Icfle neceffarily to be omitted. And with farre more Difcretion may they in their Emhio be filenc'd by the Author 5 then after fuch time as they are publifhcd , to be (iipprcft by Cen- furc. ; . That merriorable Law-giver being demanded what purrifhmer^r w^s to be: infliLT:ed on him, who (liculd chance to flay his Father or Mo- ther ; hcc anfwercd them v^nh^ Hand eciuidem puta^ crc I dee not thinke there can be any of founnaturalldifpofiricn^ , v Afls filenced fometimcs doc better than if ex- prefTed : for the Curtaine of vices drawne, moves Imitation rather thaaEvitajion.. Qq 5 In vtnt,rum <«• empU domt(ii' f4— Hor. ddpfdfitiasf (tai 'f Hoc rcmpe 4b *hcmire cxijj^i- tur^ ut profit hominilvi fifi* cripotcfiiViul" Tii\ fi mh!us, paucliijlmiitut prosimui ft mi* dc vttd beatd* 294 ^ Surety «/ HI S TO R y, tf \ Strange no- vcltici draw mitcd>in t^c Indiftingiiifhing alfb of things good and ne- ccflTary from their contraries ^ wee (hould not mixe triviall Di(cour(cs in our maine Relation : thcyninchimpaireand difparagc the weight of anHiftory, diftrafting the Readers mindewith ,. __. impcrtinencics ^ where theSubjeft mightof it aitfmir>,inovi f^^jf^. he bcttcr profcajted | nor can any thing pfobakajtAV^^cvvmorcindifa^ Author, than thele vagaries , where attention can no way be mo- ved, thcexpcftanccsofmenfatisfied, orareall delight with profit apprehended. Attention (as that eloquent Orator noteth) is there the quic- ker, where wee promise to fpeake of things, great, new , un-ulLmll j or fuch affaires as may conduce to the benefit of the Common-wea!e,to the cibblifinnc; of Religion, Piety, orthelike. Now fuch k:rionsDi(couries (in themielvcs grave and ponderous ) arc not to be mixed with I every frivolous digreflioni the Body of theHi- ftory b(?ing folid , (hould not depend of weake and infirme n .embers : which might fteme to re- (cmblc the RomAn CoiolTe , of an huge propor- tion in body, but feeble feet >fo as one day the frame of the whole was demoliflied by the debi- lityofonc part. Yet in this grave and firme Ccmpofition, there mufl: be one necclTiry Ca- veat infertcd : that whcnfbever we drainc the ap- probation f^f our Di(courfe { as from many,and thofc to our Judgment of the fcieOed Authors) we reconcile their Opinions , and make one u- nited Body of (b many difpcrfed parrs. This I thought to caution (as well the Hiftories per- ulcrs. A Nufferyfor. G B NTR T. Z9 5 .i.iii A double Jc- ufers, as the generalleft Colkftors of) bccaufej Ihavcobfervcdthis foulc errour (ana that in j both Ancient and Modemc Relations) where Jjpjj^ll'^^*^^^^ divers Autliors were cued ^ and their fcverall O- jl^Tn/Vuf^ " pinioni niarHialled on a row i but as in a batd^ll, ^»<^v^^ ^ «^•• when the wings be broken, there enfueth nonghc*^^"'^'^^''' •• ,^ but an univcrfall confbfion ^(o without tccout cilcment in the conclufioUj he leaves the fjlcadcr in fufpcnce, whofe opinion to entertiih'e'5'l)tr- ' caufe not directed by the Authi^n This implies a double defeiV ; cither from ftu- (^a^'obftinate pidity-jUOtublc todi'dnguifl) vcrtromapcrtina- and unordm cy^not wijlin;?; to communicate hivjudgment t cc Whiirocvcr ta(\ci of aflf;- cidio, digicf- rcth from thii DiTpdCluoft. obfervationj but what is replcnilhed and full fraughtcd with polite (entences, making the nutter indebted to the fupcrficiall Art oi the Conjpolcr. Youfliallreadin manyHiftorians a fingular kinde of ftate^ the forme and order of theh* Re- lations, obfcrved : Neither ll^tllyoufinde in that Srylc any fuch affed^ed State , as with large Fdremhcfes to intanglc the underftanding,or too much enlarge the Subjeft, by challenging too ncarc affinity with Art. The fclfe (ame forme \vhich fometimes that richly-enobled ji//>i;*^i^/4 [ commended to his, I ihould beft approve cf in thefc, "As I do not ('{aith he)require from you ''a forme ofSjx^ech^o trimnie^ fo I would *• not have it traih ^ as I would not have it too '•ncate, fo I would not have it too rough 5 as '^ not too choice/o not too cour(e. That unkcmb'd and inccmpt Antiquity, he could not endure. He would have Lines fo taftc of the Lam.pCjas to have a ftronger rclifh of labour, than atfeaaric )n from any other. As firft, for tl c c/jcice of IVfirJs , NornaUjUnlcflehehave already vow'd toconvcrfe cncly with Aire^can be of fo dif tempered a judgement, as topreferre a fupcrficiall drelTcofc* Wfir^Sy before the maine iJw^/Vi? whereof hcemeanes to intreare. This were like onc,rhat (hould addredehimfelfe f(>T feme firre journey, and accommodate him- felfc with all ncccflaries fitting for fuch a jour- nall : butncgleft;; wholly, ^Um0m AJ^^rferyforG BN TT^T. ?97 tofjwh^c cnd/^ AudfooliOiwerehe^vvhOyUpoi] . peraialloffucKan Airy Author, that decks his Worfces meerely with an outward luftrCjihould fell into a veine of applauding or commending h'nn f, '^(jff cpfild Kc^ well have Icflc reafon to up- prdvelteix i^ (but rather hold them for PsrdJ^xh) than (uch^whohavebeenefomc- timcs ple^tfed to.b^dow their derilbry praifes upon th^, v^ry worftr or coAtepipciblprt: Sub- je£t;>; After this Tort 5 v^^i p0ljcrAtcs that fa- mous v^/A^/^/^w Rhetorician picafed to fall in-' tothe praife of the Tyrant Bufjris 5 SenuA of CUudiu^^ F^virims o^Thtr[ites^ Mat^ of his GmtT^LsuUnm Qi\i\% Flye^ ApisUius ( f his Ajfc : Againe, FAvorinus of a C^iartaue Fever, GlAUCnsQ(\\x)\x^\c^ySyHcftus ofBaldnefle, I'f^- „^cni!$^&tm <:/^tf/^ of ParaGticall Fiattcryj Erafmus loiVoWy. at^ueettam ButtrpthiSp praife mayreflea upon the Sybjcft ^^^'^^ .^^^^ that is unworthy of fuch praife , by way of dif- fuf,t aiitna grace* To commend a parcimonious man for t'li tommijfa his bounty or libcralityj or a fevcrc Judp;e.fbr{|'^j7r* his clemency ^ laycs him open to the Worlds which makes his Commender a Satyr icall DiP player i : rin extolling him in that rcipcft onely, which hath begot him 5 to fuch as truclyknow him, amarke of ignominy. Flattery, faith one, is not alwayes; to praife in prefcnce , for ingage cur felvcs wee may to that hateful! brand , by praifing in abfence 5 that is, when either the vertue,for which heispraifed,is ablent, or the occafion : .as for Fertue^ as (he is her ownc praife, ,her owni^ Princely Prccident \ fo is her ownc Rr prize ^ ^Sunfj o/H I S T O RY, or priwher owne praife, farrc^boveThe^^JKR^^ torickofanyatTcaiveParafite.' ■''■"' ' ^ Sachff'orJs rhcn befceme an Hiftorian hdJt- v^ h ich a re proper and native. Such as' vyere ob- folcreoroutof ufc were much dirtaM of our Hiftorians of ancient time ; Co as, ho^vfoever feme abftruft words may fall out now and then m tlic Relations of 7ranpiS»f,' which tafted too much of CAltfine i no doubt, but they were in thofe times received for Native. Howbeit, (omctimcs they mainly obfcure the mind- of the Anihor. Some Arguments likewi/ecarmpt be exprcflcdin ufuall Words : unleOetheWordby which fitch .1 thing ihould berendred, weredi- latcd to a whole /entcnce. In fiich cafe,the Hifto- rian IS tobc excufcd j bccaufe the eafinefTe of this errour, is radier to the Subjta than ..^ther- tobc imputed. lubriefe, I will conclude rhi? wuh thatlcntcntious faying ofthePcct; ' Words foil tiv matt (r of their otvne Accord^ Matter live J life andeffencett the Word. Now, for the fhraie j as I have formerly pro- pofcd the heft dire<^ion, that fuch , who have a ready writ of that Subie(fb,have recommended j all the better, to imprint this in your memory i It IS to be underftood , that no Phraze of Speech better becomes thefe Helaticns, than fuch as arc bricfc and fcntcntious. I have knowne fome,in their Additions to certaine pleafing Inventions of our o\\{ncjby labouring to furpafle their Coppy i, ,Jp• -J from thofcdifconfolatc Agcntsof mifery » are fitting Di(bcs for fuch abloodybartquer. T i,ii migh, . ^'**f !" his Indian Story cxprcfTcth i fingalar bc« aiMi'iy ,u ^" •" Ins difcovery of Paflion in this kindc'j lhir.n'h«/ p^''"J^':lf'"S thccrndtv ofrhc Spanldi Nation "u.,c fuel- Praaifcd upon the Weft Indies C if the Hiftory «u.Ji.tiyc6.,ho!d concunehcewirii truth)collcasaSumAikrv ow'K f'}^ •') '^''''^''^ prcfidentall report : In one (5 ^''^^t m Gffjf^^'r *'^^^/4,of twenty hundred «^^«/. thoufands, when the people ftood untouchc '(which had they remained fbftill, might have redounded more to the honour oFthat Nation^ the Author was verily pcrfwaded at the pen- ninji; ofhis Hillory, that there were (carce a hundretl and fifry fbules left i whence he exclai- sm^ifi Hfi. "^^^^|> ^^^^^ ^J crones. ^«^/ Domitiani,^4^(?/ Corn- Mi. V »n<^di , quot Bailiani , quot imMitts Dionifij cms terras teragrdvcref |_ Ikha's iiillore aOtilc'gue of unexemplaryl , Tyrants, tor fudi uncxcmplary niifdiietes. rPaliionin Dilcourlcs of tliis nature (which is ; farrc better cxprell in abrupt (ighes.tban pohih'd . ipecch;)will become well thepenncofanHifto- ; nan. Another Style is to bee ufed in peaceable I rcatie?.NupriaIlSoIcnniitie$^ orOrations.by way of FnibaiPeand thelike. " ''''"'^ ^ ' ^ ^ hi the dir(in;>uilhin« thenbfthefe, aslhavc rormcrlynotediismuchdifcrerion required. For to ufe any Srylc that may not fuite with xhcStib^ ;>ify whcrcofhc treates, argues a want of difpofi- tionui the Author: refcmbling fuch ridiculous Ac'tors.who, whct!:er tliey fpeake of Heaven or Earth I ■^ iiiufferj fdr{ O I^^H^TR T'- ^j 1 uuiV^ Barth'jfixc their eyes alwdyes on one pbc^ : orj whether they fpcake , of warre or peacc^ /eyct rcteinc-'i one tune Irt'^tlitir ill-dlipo(cd voycc. Shall vf c then a' little longer ir^llft upon fuch par- tiqnlars, for matter of Sryle^ as either inipaircs cr improves the beauty of ah Hiftory? Hearc \f frit myopinion^derivcd in pdtt frQin ojhers.i$ irithii. V i\:[i •.- .;i -)-.■.-!': •' ." '^ •'' Theft bcfeeme not a Hiftory; dilated qrcum- ftanceijinOances too rtiuch ftpod upon, anambi- guouS'l?aving of fpi^rething ilndctierjliinc^rThcy Wave-riie' undcr(^il\dlhg'ih ddnbt what to re-, folvc,' the judgement whit to thinkc, the thoughts' what to deliberate' : So as rur rc;;i- dinf^confews ho other profitj (aye an intricate iriniling W W4^^'ihing|or'many anxieties|riD to- gether :. tiiviitg the Miri^de fre^^ icopci t6 ima- gine the evenf, bciiig implyedby the Author. An Hiftorian in his writing mould have a kmde of foemiii^ feXir^ ty fpr his Style and 'Oid.cf ofSpeeehc'yetnpr f(=>^5 ^as toomir ah,tXr\i); or wittily compofed jcfV) toreJiflitheReadcrs.diP ._„^. rafte : Such was Tacitus ufe , by entcrbcing the [trofni ((dit ferioufiKfte rfhisTaIe,^*;th K\mejud\Qialf^^^ ftrangely ^briefy)'fe«renoes'; tiiih^xin'g Ibme ptca- fanc ftraine^ eithc^r of mcc^re purpqlem vented, or from the cccafion of his Subjeft derived , to fwecten rheheavlerpartof his difcourfc : wWcf) (hould not be too long infiOed on^ for that |W!ejre trifling :j but fhadowrngly t;6uched ^ for that implies plenty of Sub jcft i-notflyingtotrivlall relations J to make up a greater Volume, but r*^ r 3 ..foi. t€ti fefiivitai .y til' / 30» J Sunty of H IS TOR Y, or x tillhis albiring produce his falling , aridi the honour whicn hce purchaft without meric,( forfikeshim not without (hamc : But i which of | tl>efe will take paines to ftehirafelfe rcprcftnted in Exemplary Hiftorics? If the Piftufe of old \AteffcJcnm were hung up in the eye of the Mi* fer (he would I doubt it not) gaze with his foureeyesonthePiifturej butmakc little orno ixCc on the Patterne ; The Ambitious man, if hec faw the Cl\arafter ofhimfelfe in that vaft and un- determined minde oi Catiline^ in that ambiti- oufly infinuating fpirit 6f Scian , I feare me hce would rather make ufe of themeanesofhisri- fihg" j ' than caution himftlfe by his uqtimely de- clining : The Prodigall (exprcflTirig his owne Mirrourjby Theotimu4 txxour ) who preferred luft before his eyes , would ( much I feare it)ra- therdarkenthe eye of his Soule,- to fatisfie the eye of his'Body , than moderate his paffions on Earth, to reap^ the fruit of his Moderation in Heaven. OthatthcfeTimeS would fb diftin- guifhofthcirabuics,' as being dilcovered, they maybe ceniured^ forivhere abufes are concea- led 3 they (eeme afrefh to be renewed, and (with Authority) confirmed, but being openly ripr, they maybe whiprandftript : firft difplaycdto the eye of the World, thtn liimmonedbeforc the Ihr^neef luflic€\ It x^rMV^^HtaM*^ ,J04 -4 Surrey of H IS T OR Y, i»r e> \ fenced •, ^^ for the Rdni^n Stm>i ' ibd.^hAt when " {he was in her prime Monardiic^l! t^?^u*yj i<^ all Arcificersto carry about thec^ the badges of jcheir Trades, the Signals iditheii i^^iiicioiis. And^bis tvery Mechamick fv?y]iegly]Bt'eycdi lb as, it was. not perrinitted tHero to w^^lkeahroa J ihrough'thc Streets of the Gity^; wUbQut tins Cognizance of their quality. ; i WbilC] VJ\^ fliprp prcciic than wife , ftanding'onc dxy (bfi^h in]t))p prefiecfthc people 5 ^^Sirs, qlioth het svvc or^jn- *^«joynedtogoq\virh rhefeverJill Badi;es of our '' poore profedions , and as n^ec tc is wc obfervp '' the Cuftonie/Mcanc tiracphow flv4l \ve kno\y! '' what Trade our perfumed Silken Coiinjers arc «« oFjour purple Gonfulsor out Scarlet Citizens ? *^ Where be the Armesthcy beared The Cogni- "zantS'thcy carry?. it I \ The Spccdi of thii Critick Ar^iWH Cfm^ ilrcight tb the Emperonrsearei^ho lily ng well ofhisblunt qncftion, injoynedall fuch asTC- teincd to hi6 Courts or boare Magifterip.ll^lf^- cesinhisGourrsofJufacc, orborc WghOffi- ccsinthcCity, wdbferve the like courie which thofcinfcriourMechanicksobrcrved. T\}\s was enjoyned, and their obfcrvance expected* Many Devicxsand ImprefTa'swere contrivcdj but few or none pleafed' ' It was thought .fit by thc'Emr perour, that liich devices and no other (hould act commodate them , as that very Artift (hould in- wnt, who firftpropofcd this Obfervation t9 xhcnu He readyto embrace fuch a Talke 4 and — — ^P»» 11 ' ■ ' | l| .1 —Ml———— . I _ ! ; ■ ! ■ ■ ■■! " I M 105 obey fo )uft a commAnd^ftcs his Invention forth* with on worke^ which he dilcovers in this fort ^ For the C^/yrf/>r,he gave him a StifCitGhvc^ with this Imprcffe : £ius en; quam gero. For the C0»frl^ a Wedges cfC^ldmth this Mott : lUi hdreo^qu$d fen: To the,C/>^ OfficidH^ a Lkmpe h tbcJfnufe^ with the/e words : Ferveo^ atfdtti. Howfoeverthedcvicemightfeemebitterjthis invention was not oriely approved^but rewarded bytheEniperour. -It is a true frying, ^* There is .nothing that gives more nourilhment to Vice than want of imployment : by doing nothin^^ wee fhaJl (bone Icame to doe worfc than nothing. . Aftion is the life of Man % and when the Fancy is not well imployed , it will aflay fbmcthing that may wicnefle to the World, it had better farre becne reftrained. For my part, I cannot chufe but wonder (with that Divmc Cynick ) how Man bred amongft Men (houldfo (bone forget the prime beauty of Man I as to fufFcr it to be drenched in the Lees of loofe affeftions. How a living Subltance, and that Subftance^ndowed with Rea(bn,(hould (b faunc on a Shadow. Or holdhimfelfe imparadi- zed with the poore conceit of a fmile from one lighter than Vanity.* Vl^hat an incomparable Fa- vour is one ravim d Feather from her Fanne, whole very levity is the Embleme of thatFavour? Are thcfe manly motions? What a tricking, trimining, poudring and purfling this/^^rc^ Sf Rinde A witty con* cejtofa bol«t Artitan* A modcft (!ir. covcry of tKc abufcs of the time } how they arc to be fearched^how cured* 3 o^ ^Sttneej of HI S TO RT ^ - •■■■■^ ^ ^ \. ( Pfinc, ^/Wrmufthaver what avamilh muft Art"bS ftow on it f Meanc time , what DUfene*Comen tuiiesfaid toa youth too curiouUy and effemi- nately drcft^ may be truelyraid to this painted- piece i" If tliQu gocft toMen , ^ a}| this is but in 'vamc, ifimtowomeq,. it ^wicked. , Now as the Lurt of a light Curtezan is Lticrc j her 4ime mill t coiifequeyofHl!>rOB.Y,(^r \ d5» 1 he trucCiu- rj^craU Pot craiiurc of moving cfRcJs of profit ( the worldly mans ^Ji- niant) from Hiftory , N aturc^Ily and Eflentially derived : which being laid open, I hope the Mi- ier ^who as S^necA norcrh> is good to none , but worlho hinirelfe)willbc proritablcboth (;ohini* fclfc and others: My Exordium llull be drawne from him, becauic I take him to he one of the di- vilschicfcft F.iClorSjand more benefit fliould 1 ycc!d myCount! y in bringing ilich an one^than in taking an Arch-{)irarc ; From him delcending to every viii(. us proflflour (^binding my felfccver to my tackling; x\\q fruit oiHiflcry^ in it felfeableto redaimc the depravcd'ft trom their habituated enormities. A Mi(cr and Mi icry were ever held Corrcla- lives. And he is that true Mifer 5 who,likethc blind Molc^receivcs al his nutriment firom Mold, Itisrtrangethat any Creature endued with Rca- fonjihould fo much Have the freedom of fo right a Soveraiencdc tc^ the diraldumeofScnfcWhen litfi a(pfu ^'^^' 1^'ince or Princefle fills lick, the whole Court FrT^n^c/roMHiournes, (ayes that incomparable Ar^:!^^. Ap- in uchr)mai ply this to thy owue Couditiou , milcrable tiMuu ij} Cu^ wormding ^ thy PrinccHe is mortally Hcke ; thy succuniict:tc »S<^///^ whoKinguilhctli irrecoverably show can all an,„:u cu^fffa i^^r ficultics chxMcflc thau fuller? turOr^i>,4. I Shcc ever hated convcrlmgwith Larch : her 1 Contcmplatitni was in an higher Spheare, And I as a Plant removed from that Soile where it li- I ked 5 and br< light to a plotte of ground from : her Narureellranged ilhcehas ( flare quite loft her Verdure and Vigour. Thus haft thou fuf- fer*d . « . — *' >• » ' t^-. Zrj^rr \ j,'t«<.wJC. .-^ 5»': fer'd rhy jyfvifftjMn to 'fie a^i*6whed cuiid tfr^y-^ ched in the coriremptibleft r^efufc ^r\A fiifcbifh onEarrh. » * V. r - • • Oh thatthou kncw'ft but \vhit-.v final!' foant- ling ot* portion of this Earth which rhoir (o much aftetteft, niufl: fcrvc thy turne : and what a finall nicadire in the Interim (if thy deflrcs would reft fofarisfide) will afford thcc a Com- petence ! Thefc thy unbounded and Hjdro- pick affcftions would confiue themfelves to a (traiter Circumference. Truth is ^ there is nothing which this Earth- wor9nec\\\oycs^ that hce can properly enridehis ownc. For as thofc Temporary lilellings which hceh'as received ^ arc eftranged from his ufe : lb the very thour^hts of his heart are nor his cnvnci','- becuile they arc tver fixingon anodicrs Farmc. Hec (ces norhinv}; llourill) in anotlicrs Pafturc; buttheObiec't of it begets his dificm. per. Odiers f\tne(I# makes him leane. V^^^C(^Yfu\cxttru» gainc him nn eOare , he cares not how he mace- \^hMf hiruf^ rate his Body. It farcrh wirli fikii men as thc(c% f^^^^^^^' as it doth with rhc Se^- Eagle , who. wlicn 1ice ^^^^^i^UtreiiuQd cannot iea?c upon his prey j he throws himli.ifeAi/u,«r^«crff, head-long into tl^e Culfc ii^ursitcm^t^ ^Jow, whereto extends this inmiodcrate Care? he will tell youj (or himlelfe and hispo- Ikrity. Let us then divide thcle parcclls of his Care^ and colleft what ufc hec makes c^f it either in refpeft of himfclfcj or his Scape- thrift Hci re. It is good prcvidcuce (for fo hec gulkls Ins ' Avai ivv) vhr^ituf* JU J Sttroey •fHlSrOKY.nr Hil iDlViau ddire of in- crcalini;lit9 I Idle (uds in liilpoiiu^ his Store. Some o( thcfc wcc luvc hrrt l.\tcly lud i who as (iuy i- I hndgtti N.i- tmc ot* her due, and dyed ^iii her debt jfo I they could not I pcrfoiiuc ihc 'o^Hceot" Na- ture long be- fore ihcir Death. Avarice ) which hath brought him Hbthis macc-^ rating Care. He cannot endure to (ee the Crea- tures of God, fo hvidily nor carelcflv (catterecL Hch*asrefolv*d tphold an hanke .; Tliough itbe now Summer with h'm , h^e kiiows not how foonc Winter may come. He h'as refolv'd there- fore to play the provident Anc ^ to have his Gra- nars full 5 V inc-pre(les flow ; to have a Friend in a corner to revenge him of his Foe , and doe his Friend dplealijrc. The(carc f lirc llouritlics ^but looke what pre- cious fruits thcle glorious Refblves produce! What l)cncrtc brings all this hoordinp; to bim- {cHci Or what utility to the publickSrate? To himfelfo, I dare ftyj neither living or dying. For ' ohlcrve him while he is living ; and you fliall find him the poorcll: and leaneft Soule in all his Menicy. . . ' I Yciij he could be well contented, of all Scc^s^to be a rpbagorean \ wifliing with all his heart ( fo it might Itand with theconicrvarion of Nature) neither to eate nor drinke all his li fc-time : but he intends not ihisabftinencc coincreafehis Know- ledge, but to improve his Fortunes by an ab- llcmious providence. So as, that Cynick tookc nothismarkeamidc, whenrefolvingoneday to Idiftinguifli a Land-buyer from a Seller ; a mifc- ' rabic Chuffe from a fociablc Gcod-fcllow; tooke ; hi? ay me by their Phyfiicmics. If hee faw one ' plun pc-f\c*d,rucldy-complexion'd, cheerefully Uiuntcn.uKd, quick-cy'd , hcc would accoafl: ' him wi di this Salute ; '' Sir, are not you a Seller < 1 But J^T^urfery forG BNtRT, ____ j'lj But when he fawonc of a Icanc meagre Count* nance, chop-fainc, earthy complexion'd, he would prefently alter his conjefturc upon fight of his Feature, and grcete him thus ; "In « good fadncfle,gravc Sir, arc not you a Purcha- " ler > Whence we may ftfely conclude : That optimom fu- he h*'f the beftfMrt in the World, that kit leaf fart "-Jj" ^^^ init* nifiwnlHbct, Nor can this unprofitable care of a wretched Worlding, become any way ufefull to him in his dying,HisT€ftamcnr is made j and he leaves in it what he is unwilling to leave- And to whom he leaves itjheknowes not ; but enjoy muft others, what he could not. A Grave-ftone, perchance, may diftinguifh him from the poor ones of the Parifh. But for an Infcription, either his memo- ry ^nerits ijpne, or his mindlefle Executor be* ftowesnonej or the dif-cfteemeofhis Survivers will not deagnchira one. - Nor can this penurious providence ofhis, af- ford much good to his fucceeding Scdtur-geed. Who cries out with that Oiort-mourning Gal. lant s fo foone as he h'as earth'd the Foxe. For now mine humour is to mourno in S4ck. itt fncuNt* fittpti0€,Vtf' ttt\ut Cvpftf- fi, I xpeitttt Thus have you penfird out the Portrature or ^an mr^, aMifer. His infatiatc defire of cncrcafing his j State^hisulelefleendin difpofing his Store : all which by a right ufc of Hiftoricall Obfervations, may receive a fpeedy cure. I Tt The J^ ^ _.-^ fmey of H I S T O R Y, cr l ThcMifcr,thati$inclcbtcdtobo^hbackeand ' The Mifcii proCi ttoiy, proJc b/Ui. Mclly, fo engaged to the World, as hemuft have his hou(hold-God of the World, ever harhoured in his bofomc, or made his pillow to (Iccfx: on , the key of his ruft j Hee that utvcr ted Nature in all hisdjycs with compctcn- cyjordiirlt recreate hiniletfc, forfeartfleaft his rcNrt.uion fhould plnydicurer, andcoufcnhim 'of his providence : being th(*inoaHioFthe ver- tiKMis.theharbour of the virions : carrying a c()n!cienccmoro infeaions thanPvars-bane ever about hiin ; iFcvcrl.c have grace to ciflhis eye nuo ,ui H.l^oricall Difconrfe ( next to tht Sa- cred Writ ) he (hall finde as Soveraigne Anti- dotes for his nia!ady,as in any place. I will Ana- _ romifo the Milers corruptions, and likcan arti- liciall praairionerfird'opcnhls w(Mrmls,i?nd rheri , niiulolJaliue into thcili^wHich lInction'ifit\\*i!J i\oi IcrvcJ lliuU then ajiply inOreVoiighaiid-fhiirp plaidcrf. Now Manor Miler, that is, treerc wretched inan j thou haft liirticictir,and more rhan is com- pen nr for nature, yet thou art not fatisfied: A jvcry, very iirtic will Icrvc thee ft^rthy ufe, for j thou never hadft the Grace to know what an j h/Micftcxpence nwint : Thoti Taiteliieft thy Jlclfc ; aniid'ftofplenry, fmiiflicdj Thou haft a ' A M^w «n-' ^*'''*^ "^'"^ fo^^<^ rich,but thaf 6 impofllblc ; Sem~ nojbtfich. \peravarui f^e: ilhcrcxs A greedy worme that is javr conliiming and gnawing on thee : Thou art at li!>errv,vet impnfnncd,and in moreinrolle- jraMc (crviauic, than the mifarahleft Captive upoirf A ^ifiryfoT G B N, T:l{r, 5 1 5 Amifcr Wh ownellaji^- man* ^ upon earth s yet thy chaincs are of gold, thou art g^ ''^^^^f^^^ ' a gorgeous prifoner j Thou art fubjcfted to|2,B,„^4ijt./ri * 'more hazaras than a Merchant Venturer j to n, qu^extu more nightly opprelTing^^nd lur^harching cares,; !'//;; JX than an Emperour j to more hourcly diftra-i pcra.ib. aions, and terrible apparitions, than a Murthe- rer : Thouwouldft tleepcif thou couldft, but thy difturbed thoughts deprive thee of that comfort ; To bebriefe, as thou artm Image thcbcft. To in diippfirion the worft of allcrea- |tures, being thine owne Timon^ thine owne hangman, that macerates thy felfc, and makes thy appetite ever infitiate. I will lead thee into a (jracious field of Hiftories, where thou (halt fee thy immerited mind de- blazoned in her colours 5 not a memorable, inftruftion for Liberality (thyabfolute Oppo- nent ) but ftiall be produced for thy u(e : that feeing the eminence of thy Adverfary^ thou maift hate thy ftlfe , and bee reconciled at laft to thy Foe, TheLiberall-hcart*4A^^ Annals you fhall fee many renowned for Libera^ lity.and \x\Sjrd(i4f4 too.for her Eminence and ex- quifice Government no Icfle glorious. In Romen FAhiusCMaxintM : who willingly forge es his Patrimony , to pre/ervc his Countries repura- tion ; Seenim FAtrimcntf^ qtiampMtridm fidei impem jNurJer/pr (/ HN T 7( I., 317 ^ inofem ejfimaluit. Bufd no leflc renowned^and in this more tobeobferved , becaufea Womanj whoiciexe implies a parfimony , relieving the poore diftreflcd Romans (ccupt up in the Walls of C anna) making her felfe poor, to adde power (by her bounty) to the aflliftcd. In thefe examples and cxpreffions of Liberali- ty, let this our W^ke for that Pious Office Whichwcdefiretoperforme, returne toher for- mer Method ; addreffingit lelfe to a commemo- ration of fo faire a Subject : with which^Pi incely and Noble Difpofitions are molt taken; and by whichjthofe who depend on others bounty, arc feafbnably relieved. Now 5 this excellent Vertue, orif you will, ^j^^l^^^^,^^ Ornament of Majefty, derives her * Original! 011$ difpodti- (as maybe probably gathered)from two cfpccial ^"^,^ i,^'];*^^^ Fountaines:]rrit^rW^/>^r//^;>i>jfofhis bounty added to the cftimate Stort-houfcof of it : Thegiftbeftowedwasbut rmalljbutfhc "'^°'y feafon made it great. A litde fuinme of money inlargcd the continuance of* his or.cmory. For Tt 3 having ji8 J Surrey ^/ H I S T O R Y, «r \ having redeemed at W4;fj»ii4//hand3 the liberty of fnch^prifoners as had beene taken by him, in thofc Warrcs. When the C\ty o? n»me would not difchargc that fumme, for which he had articulated : he (enthisowne Sonne toE^mc, purpo/cly to fet at file the whole Farme he had from his Anccftcrs. He valued little his owne Patrimony , in regard of the redemption of a Prifonors liberty -^ and fo free his Conn- trey J whofe fame he prized above Life ^ from bre.ich of promile^ and fo dcepe a brand cf infAmy. N0W5 ifwcfhould account the price of what hcgavcjit was but Imall. This Hereditary Farme conliltcd but of feaven Acres , and thofe ly- ing in Pdpima : but when we confider the mind of the Gi\'er, we (litU find no malTe of money Co grcar,but it appcarcs greater. The. Inheritance of his Prcdeceflours muft be fet at fale^rather than his indearcd Countrey fuffer the leaft ftainc. He had rather lo(e his Farme, thanlheefhould lofe her Fame. Wherein he (eemcs by hisnoble endeavours to delcrve greater commendation, lliewing himftlfc (6 willing toextend his bounty (in m a'lft (^f fuch ncceffity) even to the utmoft of hVs ability;firreout-ftripping ftidi, who give farrc within their powctjOr from their fuperflui- ry : for whereas the Onebeftoweth what he may, the Other more thanhc may. No I JneSjWere they never fb[full of Life and Memory, can fHrticicntly advance that afpiring Spirit c»f K$mAn Liberality ; when after the over- throw J NHfferjf^n QBN TR T. 319 throw tiPhilif King cfMdcedpn^Mdreece afTcm. bled together to bcwitnelfes of iuchaSpeftacIc; ^Hinttsi JF*/4w/«/iw('of whom Ifhall occafionally fpcake hereafter) commanding nience by the foundof aTrumpec 5 commanded the(c words tobepublilhcd by theGryer : ^^TheScnat,Peo- " pie, Qucftors oiR$me^ and ^intus FUmimw ^*hcr Gcncrall, command that all tho(c Cities ^^ o^Cre(ce,\\\\\Q\\ were under the late dominion ^> oiPhslif UiaII enjoy all freedome and infran- ^^ chiferrcnr. Which vvonlswcrc no fboner heard, then thole people taken with a great and unexpe- cted joy, at firlt,as iftheyhadnotbelcev*d their ov/neearcs, they keptfilcncc. l;ut wh^cn the fame words were rc-dclivered by theCryer, to enforce more credit in the Hearer, theydcafncd' rheAirewith&chaflirill fliOut, as for certainej the A^ry Birds which flew above them, ama- zed and ravi died with the (bund, fell from the Aire. SurclVj^it was an argument of a ncbly-difpoled mind to free lb many Captives from Veflrainr, andtobeftow fhcfame liberty upon theni.which the people of ilomc^ glorious by her many vifto- rieSjhaarometimesbeftowed on their richeft Ci- ties.jr-iAndtoaddc a ^fearer !uftreormaje„fty to that worfcc of bpuntyv icccnduceth much to commemorate not onely the liberality of the Giver, but the free afTet^t or approbation of the people to thnt Gift : for as there is a Commendation due to the aft recorded, fo like- wife to thdpraifiir fcWc defcrVingly rendrcd. But ] »^.\ ■-, '; 1 . r \ : 3ZO J Survey of HI STORY, of letUrctk withmort Mjjcrty CO dun to be 4 Kin.!, But whi Ic Kome fends forth fiich noble Bran- ches who on (bflourilhingand fruitful a Mother bcftovvcd all honour, her ownc Munificence fliould not be buried in filcnce. And redound it will highly to her praifc, to recount what a brave bounteous mind (he fhcwed toKing^Citles and Countries : fccingsthe honour of every dcfcrving iftinn, the more it is revived, themoreitfprea- dcth in beauty. When Mcme had taken all w^/145 flie bcflow^d it as a gift upon King Atuluf^ to poflelTe j imagi- ninj^/hat the Sovcraigntyofher Imperiall City would appcarefomuch more glorious andfpe- ciouSj itriie bcftowed the richeftand pleafantft part of the World for a benefit to another, ra- ther than kccpe it as aStore-houfcfor her (elfe. Kfpccially, where the viftory itfclfeisthe happi- eft gift : bccaufe , as to pofreffemuch beget- tcthcnvy, fo to give of that wc polTeflc, can- not want glory. Thar bounteous and royall expreffion of vi- (^orious CjrM to his (uccclTive Allies , defcrvesa due memory. Who, at fuch a time as he was to rryMaltericsfor a Kingdomc with his Grand- lire Apages i exhorted fuch as were his Ailiftants in that War re, that they fliould with all alacrity go on in that Service : for if he profperoufly fuc- cecdcdin that fight, asthejuftnefTe of hiscaufe, the equity of thequarrell , and hopefull predi- (Itionsl)} knowing Augur's aflured nothing leflc: lie would make Footc-mcn, Horfe-men ^ and -of Horlc-nicnjCharriotcrs. Great niindes are not for •At A ^rfiryfor GB9^TRT, I > I ii I 'III I'l r Mk JZI for (mail gifts. Eminent Perfonagcs muft ever (econd their quality with rich Prefaus. The like difpofition fhcvvcd Lnculltu in his Princely entertainment to all fiich Pcrfbns of quality as repaired to him. Beaiitifull walkeshc had to receive them 5 bountifull Tables to Feall them ichoiceft Conibrts toconvcrfe with themj Melodious ayres to delight them j curious Pi- ftures to cntcrtaine them. Nothing fo much di(^ rclirti'dhimastofeehisHofpitality want aSub- jed jorhis defiretocxrend hisbounry, anocca- f?on to cxprefle it.St rangers could not there want for repofe. A free welcome they received without being ever qucRion'd from ^vhcnce they came, or when they would goe. This differed far from thatAd;ige: Cuejis dfone Night fldy may be kindly weU(me^ Cuefts of A next night are not heldfo toothfome^ Cuefis of 4 third night Ate reputed not fofne To the Receiver. This was that L, LucuUm^ of whom Cteero reporteth 3 that when hee went from Rome to makcWarre upon JMithrid4tes^ he was altoge- ther unikilful] of Military affaires ; yet in the time of his Navigation hec fo expcrienc'd him- fclfe, asbytheconfeflion ofthe King, he was preferred aboue all others forjudgement in Mar- tiall (crvicc. That bounteous mind ofEutrapeltu^ofv^hom that incomparable Lyrick makes (ikh a free and V u genuine , Vftitti fjoffli persmicm Hof^ pts, tm mtNus cfi Tcrtie vvUm p:itittur hofiii 7)ir4 minantii* Hon 3^2 ASurocy ^/HlSTORY^^r genuine mention 5 dcfcrves aU efteemc. Thofe tilings, which our Age moft fooles herfelfe in, he svithmuch fleightncHe gave away to his foes. A cnri( us neat drcflc could not (b take him : nor the falhions of rhc time (b delude him , but hee could with all indiffcrency forgo them : ftripping himfcllc of all occaf-iou of being proud 5 to infa- tiiarchis prollil: foes withhis pride. I 15ut no bounty ever powr'd ir (^^Ife forth more j freely 5 norbcitowM ir fclfc niorcdcfcrvinglyj [than ot that brave MilUmtfc -^ who profenig hinilcllc ever a coulhnc Patron to the \hi(ess* 'andtalluig cafiiilly into dilanirfe wirhaStran- ; gcr 5 whole rich cxprellions (as he concci v*d)di (- i covcr'd him to be a Schollcr : he del] red much to ' hcarc the courfe of his Travai'c : WhOj tn fuif^ lie i() iufra demaund ^ related co him^ amongft other p.iflages, what. cold, enrortaiiimoat hee had received, imongfhmaTiy who*pix)fei^rhem- lelves Favorites of I cnTutng : bucohonc: Gr/tnde above all the reO , \\\\c.tkc (if him ^ and Icavv hoe (juckly gave him : which, to 'etfovcluhc better to life hererurned a bride of hi^ cntcrtainmanrin rlic'c Stanza*^: Good IcAVi I h.id^ fqr none dtdmt ifntkBrtnnc 7 c take my la(e repofi^ fa a4 I found Men fl)4Pdt/jeirlooke.< according to mj fortune ;^ Which fouedmeto tra^crfmg my ground To find fome place \v:th ?Ky cond tion fortin^^ yvhcrctoretirehf not to frekereltefe, I thought it fti'ff to dcfcant on mygriefe. ^ffd A '?QirferyforG B N T'l^T, mmmm>i^>mi*m 3^3 i^ffJcaufe I hddto grieve to fee the time Simuch depravd:,4s I perceived than None could td Greatne^e but by Fortune clime^ And that it ivod the meanes thdt made the man^ which I dfpltde unto that Fate of mine j Devifing how to faffi the night arvaj^ {day. 7 ill th Morning Star Jlwuld guide th approaching Thefe Lines wrought fo ftrongly upon that bonnteoirily-dir[)ofed MiOanoife^ as commifer.i- ting the Condition of a contt^liinedScholler, he returned him this Rcgreet. ^^'^ It is true. Sir, Dc- " (err receives not al wayes entertainmcnr ^ for as " youfhall encounter with (baic who cannot di- ^^ffmguifli of worth ^foyou (hall nicete with o- " thers who will not acknowledge Worth , pur- "pofcly to (pare their wealth. You (lull not findc "nil hearts lb affcftcd, nor all mens Judgments ^^fo filmed. Remaine with nie^Sir, and wel- *-^ come 5 Be a Commander, while you arc hecre a " Sojcurner. I have a Wardroabe hcere for die '^ J^Iufes ^ if they be naked j and a Place richly *^ endowed too , if for retirement they I e ili fpo- " icd. Nojchiiifgfhall l>e awauring to d em , fo "they benorawanting to themiclves. It has ^•bccnc and ever {lull be held mine highelV Ho- " nour,t(^ beeftecmcd worthy the entertainment "ofaScholler. But we proceed in this Branch of our Hiftory, to other remarkable Inftances for Liberality. ^intfu Conftdiw (of all moft memorable) Vn 2 nn 314 ^SurvejofHlSTOKY.or Aft Vfurcrnc- ircr foua^ b:$ Countrtct Friend. An Vrurcf ibuuntifuU a* ^giinillui will* of lEiampUi Bounty a* iinonjirt the Sj an Ufurcr and Bouatifull ja bhcke Swan was ne- ver rar.t: tl.e PajTanUfurer (it (ecmcsj had a confcieiicc^ %vhichourChrilVian II Hirer wants: tor in thac blond Vj and inhumane ConfpiracyoF Catiline^ iccond ro none , our Moderne Coun- tcrbutfc^ our Powder-treafon excepted ;hee re- mitted all his DebrorSjlayinghis Bills and Bonds upon one pile 5 making a Bone-fire with them : where I makenoquefcion, butthellfurerscon- tinuall Cuftomers, the Poet ArfhUs^ and his Ec- dio^the Alitor Rofcius had reafbn to fweare ij^od nufiqu4m ignem vidtfjem cUriorem : That they n<- vcr law a dearer or more comfortable fire in all their daycs. It maybeO;?7/^//;^didthiS3becau(e hefawthcdifibiHtyof his Debtors (for thofe C;ivill Commotions had much empoverilhed all Imitates ) and therefore in policy, once to exprefle his bounty , thought it fitreft to forgive them that 5 v\ hit. h they were not able to give. More wcTthy is the memory of ^jnttHs lUminiu^^ whoinan/^w4;»Tiiumph, in the prefcnceof his Countries foe ^ the daring Pi?/lif ofMaccdon^ redeemed fuch as were Fhilifs Captives at his owne charge .'Worthy our obfervation it iSjWil- ling to anfwcr fo publick Solemnity, with an u- nivcrfall-concording harmony , making fuch free Spectators, that were before in fervitude. 1 he mode(lPrincc/y/>r(7of5^MrA;/i , who in metre compallion of che (laughter of the RomAm^ at the I.ake T/jrafimenus/cnt to the affli(flcd rem- nant of that wof mII Army^ three hundred Thou- landBulhcls of Whcate, two hundred of Bar^ ley. A Nurfery fir GENT R 1\ J»5 ley, and two hundred v^d» forty pound weight ofGoldtarclieveiihcic wants j tmd riianifeft his royallbbunty. I mayannexd the 'memorable ex- ample oiGiUiA otx^^igentum, whd wis rich in Mines 5 but much more rich in mindc , alwayes rather inclined. to diftribute than fcrape : fo as his houfc (and that not iinde(ervedly ) was called offidrtA Munipctntid , a Ware-houfe of Bounty; crefting Monuments for publick u(e, that the eyes of the people might be delighted with lb grateful] (pcftacles : Here were prepared fiimptu- ousFeafts^yeelding and miniftring food, and all other neceflaries for the (uftaining Nature, to all way-faring men ^ beftowing dowers upon Maids 5 and relicfc to the poore^ minilhring plen- ty of comfort ( out of his Hoyall Exchequer ) to luch as had fuftained any detriment, or damage, Tobebriefe,hee kept open Hofpitaliry, recei- ving five hundred Ctlcnfun Gentlemen, at one time^i by occafionofTempcfc driven upon. his Coaft, which he fed at his ownc Table ; arid at their departure royally adorned them with fumptnous Garments. To be fliorr,thou wouldft notY faith our Hiflory) have taken hiiii for any Mortall , for hcwas too liberall , but the vety Bounties-bofome of propitious Fortune. . . Thou haft feene thefe Examplcs.of Liberality^ I will now unrip thy owne Caiket , and fee what worthy PifturestboUhaftjockt'up iriicj 1 1CC| many bigges of mould , but Xiot one ragge ot Confciencc : great Chefts ramm'dupwith inex- orable barres , crammed wJth Avarice^ Famine, Vu 5 and PltntcdiitMs Ciiy A^ri^tn- fumfOSk chat flowrjr M«ua* A Memorable IniUncf of Hofpiulit/. 3 a5 A Survey of H 1 S T OR Y.or Mifcr-iblc (ndt of Mi- fcri. and Opprcflion. Luciffr is thy Treafurer, pro- ving a faithfulhcrvint : for hce will not cheatc: dice for a World , left hcc (hoiild lofe his part of' thee in the World to corwc. Thou committeft tohinuhc Keyes of thy Confcicncc ; which o- pens and Units upon all occafions : Hcc being; one of thy Fuiriily , l^owcanftrhouchufehutbcpro- fperous > Yetbclceve iiic (tiiyccid wilUiepoore niKimircrablcJ not one of tho(c many Angels dioupolTellcrr, like a pocdAni^ell, will guard, or f/ive thee (b much ;^r the Icaft talle ofCpmfort, I comcnottoinftrurtthcc^Jikea Divine, but to illu(hutcmyA(]crcions!)y Hiftoricall Examples, whicii I have he re placed be fore thee 5 todeterre thee from their life , that thou mayeft avoid their death. Avarice, or ( which is extended furriier^ Mi- fery, was beft exemplified in Hermon ; who to deceive his ownc friends, and deprive them of that wludi he made his God; at his Death, nude hinifclfc his owne Executor : This man would be loath to lo(c fb precious a Friend 5 IXarhmu^l* not part him and his Riches. No qucfViouburhis Opinion was, hce might pur»- dvalc hi mlelfc a Tabernacle of reft with nisruft: and tranilatal from the vale of Earth , mi^ht c- rcclhimfclfcuManlion of pure Cold, for hec caiTved the {[i\^c with him. I could hecre pro- du rrd ccxirle. Hiftory may yceld v\o lefle profit to the Pro- di^',ail, irycucncicuncwirn nmi. icouianecre pro- icc infinite other Exalnples, which, to avoid liioufneflc,! omit 3 and returnc to our DiC- j:Nutferjfhf GBNTRT. yi^ digall , who.makes himfdfcthe lafVbf his nAme$ who ha footier (>^ei ofr-fi ih^s fooncr ^' than hath Ihut his Fathers eyes , opchs^ hU Fathers Chcft 5 and wipes away the rcmcnlibrancc of his Fathers Dc;\th 5 with the Evidena^^wA Broad J?^^/^ of his Fathers love : he had need of fonic di- reftion. . . . Many of thefc'areno fooncr conie to their liandSj than thevfun out of rheir Witts, They wercrickcbfaFatlrerwhir(ihce%^^^^ I and now ^ theyiivc to become aprey to others, by' whom i. they are morcufually jeered tlvin loved. Ncnv^ ^^^^^ to difplay this'hraveProdigalls humour ^ and^^fp render him in his Wae-Cctours^ L ihall i^i-ot iiced to bel low, rnnch patnes 114)0^ hi lii y fe^S \v^ t1ia5a- tyreh*asalrca% focxa^My done i t fur him :' faJz^^^^^ ^of^^ F(ttfHrs Grave. , ; / Bfti glad aires /jprclur^Cy DicbidhimccdfeiomoHrricl ' ' t > , '■ .\. • ■ -TlitTeeaficC^bfcquics oftcd done'^.hc nmftpP, ndceflity fall into ac^q'^iVintance with altthofc OT-. fidous CreanireSjWhofc abilities cr. nducc much ' ro ihemaking up ofaGcntlcm \n. I Tc, who now ftandi'refolv'd'ncN'cr rn ip^aiiire his ownc cx-. pence 5 'nmlVbc meafiircH^y his Taylor 5 accom- modated by his fwecc-fenred Millincr.rBcvci'd by hisHabcrdafheri ft.^nd nearcly indcired to his amorous Semnfter. Mavhig tluis throwioc: a- way his SabledVcnc"^ and ru1rcdhimfclfcC^V/*4/'tf^ <9 he Pr©tii- lumoiir fplaycd. Tfiflh adit tu- fvi Utior Hit- Su/cipir ut lO" c Li iC>e mi' cufitijiioi. to 3*8 ^ Surrey ef H I ST OKY, or Hit Paunc^or Follower!, hi» to the fa(hion of the Time : He muft have Faunes or Followers tofpungehim. Such^in one word, as never knew what reputation meant $ nor were ever acquainted with what credit meant, farther than running on (core. Andthcfemuftbe the Carvers out ofhiseftate. Excellent Stewards to manage a fortune! N owjifithis Gentcle Gallant fct his reft for the City \ the height of his ambition is to receive in- (b uilHon from CdrrAnto's and FUjkiUs. Theib Notions muft regulate the whole cour/e of his Living. Acquaintanceheh'asgothim;ajid(uch as mcanc to ^uS him and gueld him of that wherewith his Father did gudd\\\m. For fiKh is themifery of man 3 as he cannot endure to befcenein thatplace^ where he isnotbeft him- 1 fclfe. AfTociateshe has from all quarters of the W(jrld, and of all qualities, fave good. .. .Some Bill>ow Blades he meeteswithall^ andthoft ei- ther for fcare of an affront 5 or purpofely to make them his Champicrns upon occafions of quarrellj he makes Gu^rd le Ccryfc. And thefc can hu- mour him to an hairejcall him their x^nni- bdl : and that Title payes for all. If hcc fall into acquaintance with a decayed Artiftjwhofe prodigallcourieh'as brought him to partakeof Cheatc. He will not fticke upon the very firft Salute to become his Ingle. And this Honey- fucklc muft broake for him (being that where- uith heh'asbecne from his Infancy vers'd) in countcrllit jewels; and the/e muft bcereturn'd to him for rich ones. For the graiftes of his difcerning ^^H H^ W^TW, f , J ai m ] iiii n mm u a xc '^ difoeming judgement were Jong iincc (cattered ; foas,he mayreftrecurefordifcoyeFy* • - To fatisfichis Ser^fes one Night,, it muft co/thim as mudi as bis Fathers care gathered in a wliole yearc. But now after m^ny unrighteous Ri]lsdi(chargM;the Moone beginnesto be i'th waine with him. His Exchequer in the Country, affords him no fuch frcCh nor freqqcnt fupply for his Port, fportandfupportin the City, as it uied to doe. For want then ofpthcr profits and emolluments, he muft be forced to take up Cm- moditics. pauitv traQi to aiaintainehistraine! Bui nothing viojent canbc permanent: chat Con- duit is fbonedrycd up. In a word, hee never takes up withhimlelfejtillhebetakcnup by o- thcrs. HewasdrunkcallthistimCyandnowr^- jflrswtWdiS brougHthimtohimfelfc, and n^ade himfuffcr. But if the Prodigalls humour be ruch,as i t con- fines him to the Countrey, without any farther afpiring cither to Court or City ; bccau(e hccs no Ltttcrd man , he h'as choicn to bcQow his mcanes upon the pleafures of ti which is no Letttr. His onely Difcourle is in commendati- on of his Hound^i, from whom he diffc;s oncly jn Smi for coupled thej^ might bee well together for Scnc€. His H(?r/< cannot gallop fafter in Chacc, than hee out of his eftarc. His Hdukt flics fo hic;h,as fhe lefTens her (clfe 5 which may ferve fornisEmblcme : having flowncfb long a flight, as he hath lefTen'd himftlfe both in cre- dit and fortune: both which after a long mou- Xx ting H 1. 1 «:i!* • n; - m^>*mm 330 ^Sun>ej0f HISTORY, or -t— .— Mis Fatkirs iu)g,hisruiocj maiu mate. ting, fcatrer abroad like Feathers in the Aire. His C#4^r/^c4i» (to cloic his illiterate Alphabet \t\ one) h*as left him ; and vowcs (he cannot lovej him, becaufc he h'as loft his wirs : but indeed, thq loflTe ofhiseftate is the reafon. Shee bids him for want of better maintenance, goe toan Ho- fpita!! sand flic at Icafiire will follow after : and no fooner than neede requires 5 for as hee ftands in needc of reliefejfo (lie of a Plaillcr. Whence we may golleft (though there be no neceflary inference of any fuch Collcftiou; ariling rather from the corruption of a youth- full Vicious difpofition) thata Fathers injurious doing, becomes ofcimcs his Heires undb- iiijuriouido. j inii; i the Fathers raifingjtheSonnes mine, •iigsiusuiiao- 'Oh let thcfe youne UV^m^^ who leave their neft before rhcy can nnde wing, and make their plcaiurc a Labyrinth of Labour, Ipoke! homeward! There be many nia7es for the young man : I, have k no wne many cxpofcd to all delights, and (as it were) fold under the gage of prbftituti- on, who by HiQoricall obfcrvations have npt cncly reclaimed their former ecrourj>, but grew fuu^.ular niirrours of purity. No qucftion, if CAtilint , whofc mind was ever fubjefted toilli- mitcd affeflionSjhad but peruftid the eKcelleilt re- lations of his noble PrcdcccfTors , he had not fois vcitucs, bceneonclyahlc tocxtinguifhthat commoriand univerf\!lcumbuftion, which his afpiringfpirit raifcd tocoiirumchiswh'^leCduntrey 3 but had. becnc memorable for his owne attchiev^ements :: for Our prcdcccf. imuait n* I ,t^ ^^urferyfirGENTIiT. i 331 forthebclk otHwaf$ Hiftorians (that 1 may ufe the Words of the beft Conimenter upon * Crifffts SdlHjlMs){zw thus much into his di^o- fition, that To long -^she retired himfclfc from thofe faftious and mutinous fpirits, Cethig$^^ Lentulus , with others of that natcfull conlort^ none (hewed himfelfc a more profitable member to theCommon-weale , or more ready to en- danger himfelfe for her availc 5 imployingbis time in leriousdifcourfes; which not oncly mo- derated his affeSions ^ but poifedhimro the eguall ballanceof a vertuous Difcourfc ; which afterwards perverted by the depraved fuggefti- ons of thofe Ruffins , reduced thofe faire begin- nings to nothing, and him to a miierable death, and perpetuallinfamy. The very fame effcft we fee in all other Vices (which would be well extenuated ^ if vitious mindcs would Apply themfelvcs to thefe^and the likeDifcourfes : we (hould have our drunkards fee into their ownc fhamc , deblazoned by the Epirotcsi^oxxx Epicures by the ravenous FJfclii/i fpending their fortunes in ^pamp^ ring their worfthoufholdfervanc ; our carnallBrothclifl-s, by thofe impucfent proftitutes in Neroes time, who were never weary of their fhamc, till their publicke filthinefle ingendred a loathiug in the profedburs themfelvesrlooke to thefe mens ends! Oh, how long might I profecute this argument without want of copious Difcourfe! Hcrepro- ducingan HeliogAiiltu^ generally hated for his infatiatcLult, and leafl: pitticd inthatcbbeof Xx 2 his ^•^fw prv voc^t Gcllius. Hiilories^A dircovereri of err onrj. Inftjnrrsof fimous de- linquents. 3 3 z ^Survey if H 1 $ J Q I\ Y » ?r Hiftory the tcft Touch- fionc 10 diju- tlici'cVwiit f^ hit It good an4 lU. hisfmilcy (his miferabledca^) whea ttm u^ moft to bepittiedj being attended at to fune- rals with Military rcpoachcs i^'^Hcre go^ wc to ^•buryiiDopgc of diftdnpercd lufts : tiiere^a wanton if ^/4///»4^ rewarded with adcathbefcc- niin^^ her. Here, an afpiring J^;V;»«/, flukco with an unexpefted end , and nkide miicrable in his bert fortunes, interred with dry eyes ; For uhowillpitty the fall ofAmbition? There an Her0ftr4tus (memorable for nothingbut villauy) purchaling by his fame aniiifamouscnd. Here, a h\ovAyPerilI$i4 , expert in the invention of cnicil Projefts, piinitV.ed with the Torture of his ownc Invention : There^-^ fleering Para-, lite 5 who circumvents himfelic withhis owne policy. Such exemplary motives be frequent in Hi- ll:oritfs,and a!>Ieuvthemrclvcs Cif duly pondered) to enforce Nature from her felfc; and reduce Man, primarily addicicd to chis or that Vice, to a coniideration of his owne efbte , wiftly forc- leeiuij; iiis owncdmger by oriicrs miferyjwiielyj Cauciomn^; the youuii; man to Icvell his aficc^ti- ons at another fcopc, than the depraved intend- ments of tlie time wherein he liveth j making difl'crcncc betwixt fence and reafonrthe one com- mon to Bealh with men : theother adif)aa-y,many Examples to dctcrrcyou from ir. You fliall there,as in a tranf- pirent Mirror, behold the LjdUn Crdfus fitting mlm chairc of State , beautifi'd with theexqui- litcltaccomplcments that the Majefty of a King could put on, and Him vou fliall hcare thus En- throned, thus adorned, asking a wife Sage(to dircovcrliisfolly the more) if ever he behelda morebeautefullorgracefull Speftade-r And you ihall hearc this vaine piece of Princely Pompe jeered to his hcc. " Yes , fayes he , Dunghill ||Cockes, Phcfints, -Peacockes : for thefe are cloathcd with a native beauty, whereas yours " IS but a borrowed glory. Whence , you fliall find that Sentence of^ftnanitr rightly verified: ' Every ftcle is carried anas with arr0gance and "api>laufe. You jNurf^jfoTQUNtftr. 335 • You(halllikewi(ehearcc^»^w^w (toillu-l <^ ftratc more fully the mifery Q{vaine-ghrj)zt one time ftluted a glorious Prince, and a furious Tyrant, r Againe, are you naturally addided to that Groundling vice oi Avarice f you (hall find what brave contempt of riches appeared in Ethnick; Breafts, This you may find porcraide to life in a Pbecion^ S&lon^Crdtes^AnnchArfes^ Cimon^ timen^ Fdbrititu. N othing held Thefe to be more con- temptible , then what true wifedome mod: con- temned* Or ftand you enthralled to /'4j^p;^, which makes the wifeftman a Bedlamer for the inftant ? You ftiall find excellent meanes to attemper this con>- motion. Lcflbns given by Pagans unto Pagwins^ and worthy to be left for golden Legacies by Chriftians untoChriftians* That wile Athcmdorus^ departing from Ah- guflM^ and raking his leave, to exprclfe a Phi- loiopherslove^. Iqft thisXclTon with him^.den (erving vvclf to bciippHnted by-him ; T/^4P when he was dngry^ cr intended tp fronounce any fen* tence upon a delinquent j he jhouldrepeAte the pure and twenty Greeke letters^ Which feflbn Coifar re- ceived as an ornarricutm Value more' precious then a Diadem. • — You fliall likewife find ^n o/rf/6/V^rno lc0c commended ; hearing him Icafl: exprefle it , when moftinccnfed. If he find hisHindeidHog, he can keep his patience 5 and di(creetly admoniih him: Ohorv would 1 h^ve beatenihee.kad Inot bin angry with thee ! Or I j)<5 J Surrey *f HISTOaY,<" HiHWaata \\ Or dorh that raakling vice, S/n^, eating up the hetrt and marrow of her Maftcr, fcaz^on you? you (hall hcare what a brave Platonicke Conimon-wealc 'fomctimes flourifhed, when that Law of Nature, holding poflbiCon of all things in common, was in requcft. Before CATthd^e was deftroyed , Erne both quietly and modeltly governed her affaires.There was no contending nor conteftitig for glory iw commaund amongft her Citizens j they guided all things peaceably 5 and fuccccdcd mallthmgs flprofpcroully. Thatantieiit Kin^s evilh d^i^rc of raiguing and invading had not as then infeft- ed ihcm. Whence youniay tf uly colleft, by ap- plication had to thcfc prefcnt times, what that I glorious Divine cut of his owne Experience %ilXZ' ft,noncfv ,^Qf .J J.; (J. f^^^ diriTcrencci in the world T;iT;^i(:;;;' Or if a Liquorifh 4pfahc captivate rcafon siflli^f c««. you (ball read ina Uc^nian, what moderation wn^tMurd. j wwld fuifc wcll With aC^&r//?/^;*. Hereyounny find a whole Pythagcrcdn ftate : nothing more af- fcitcdthcn Moderation ^ nothing Icfle relilhing then licentious furfciting/ Or if unbounded S^nfual/ty wanton in you: youiV.all find what you want , exemplifide m a ZofOy\ Zer)0crAtes',:\nd not only inPhilofophers, but viftori c ais Princes, Where you (hall fee brave \ CUofAtra ^wwhofOTetimcs bare.aMajefticall >7 her (lave with a fiiiile>kiiecling at thefcet ofCdr iOr I laying baits for his eyes 5 but in vainc : her Deautics were beneath that Princes chaftity,, Ordefireyouto beretir'd^or to feed yourrcn mifle Spirit6 with SUf/j f Oh what fpiirs you (hall find toquicken your dulled and rebaitedcouragc^ what aniniofity in thole who were mannagcrs of Martiallaffi^ircs? what induQry in all Arts^and Sciences? what, deliberation^ in undcrt^ing, what refblution in executing?'-. ' tu4Hllu4 cannot enjoy himftlfc in his ownc Tent. A noble Spirit ever finds it felfe adive for cmplpymenr, : - ji .t .• /; . Thus (hall piiiind preftnted before youjHvhat- (bever may an the homely habit o^Vertne allure you : or whatfoever cloathed with the odious vi(agc of vUe may deterre you. Nor is it poffible tofindoutanyMorallway better to regulate or marfhall your affedions,rhan by a ferious Survey had^and ufcfull application made of thcfc Hifto- ricall relations. But to come more neare thee in this ftcond part of my Di vifion , we muft diftinguifh of the (everall/wr/aqdr/trfl^/of Hiftory^ direfted to peculiar ends : As firll:, art thou a.Lover , and de- fireft to complement with thy beloved? Thou aft in a dangerous way , and if thou wifely fo- left not fuch Hiftorie^, as may ( like foveraignes) rather allav and moderate thy braine-fick paffion^ than kindle the fire of thy: fenfelefle reafon ^ be lullc4 \yith nightly apparitions of thy beloved^ faire pne, to what exorbitances 'ftialt thou be ' Yy made :^x y}B ^ Survey of H 1ST OK X, or Lorcrij^L. made (iibjcft? Bat I know the Nature of thy lickucfrc ; thou art like one who hath taken poy* ion J and though Driiikc be mortalJ to him , yet ilie lonRcth oiitofall meafurc for it. Thereisno 'Subject fofittinf.^ thy humour, as amorous Son- lucrs^ Hiitoricall Fu^larions, carolling ouc the |dilcontentsofun(aris(iedlove. Lcand^r {\nmmmf!, over Heffefpcf^t^ to crop a bloflbme already cropficd. JchjUn retiring n^ 'ilifcoiucntcdfoiThcloilc of his Brifeis ^ oee ihl more cquAll and rcafcnable path) witiJd better aire thy dileale , and bring thee toan underftanding oftb.yfclfe. Abfcncc (wee fay) from our Mi* I'trcflc, makes us moO forKerfiil! of her 5 and Icaft wcthinkcof her when woe difcourfcof Ar^^u- nrenrsljattccncerninpher i whilft reading: Idle Pamphlets ^ the very b ine and canker of Youths and Ay^c ro( > : tor A'/.e is as fuhject to DotagCj as Vonrh ro Fiuuv^putring us in mind of our f r- merdiitrai^tina: paflions^ crying : N^c mc min0t urget Amor .• with liard-hearred Miilrefle, in- conftanr Danv, fickle in affet^fionj inconfiant in thy Relolurion ! flicddir.g as many teares as would drowne his Miftrefle,. ifihe were not fo 1 ighr, as (be is able to beare herfeUe above water. Alas [)oore Lover! and wheierof) many fruit- [A F.oycn £. leflcwi !cs, fodifcomforrablehiments, fodiC I aTdanrFccho's of redoubled lighes,^)'^ me an^ ' ^'*?P7 ^ Thou knowei> not how thefa reafimlcffc / pcrrurba- ■**«i»r«MWkBi iMMb A ^^firyfar Q fi C^ TR T. lis pcrnirbations make thcc more loathed thari lo- ved, more intranccd than fancied \ and more beleagrcd with paffions anew, than to falve thofe padions wherewith thou vrer t tormented of old. . ^ ^ Read the continent Life of Ze»9cr4tes , dedi- cated wholly to Chaftity i not a Lm$s (though never fo motive ) can induce him to gage his re- putation to a Harlot. Read me the noble dil- pofiiion of Saj^ip ^^frUdn^ who (coriVd to make himfelfe a Slave to his fancy : the royall mind of that potent AUxdndcr^ who would not captive his atfe^Jtion to his Captive: the undcftai- ned Refolution^of the Matron A^tcma ^V^\fc to Drup^: that chaft Tragedian S^fhcUs^ who being demanded, whether hce ever applyed his mind to fenfuall atfeftions, replycd ; JDy meli^rd : «^ Heaven forefcnd,a Strumpet fliould put on a ^Tragick Buikin.Thefe continent Relations will reduce thy llragling motions to a more fetled and re ri red harbour. And furely,did we but know vihwBomur takes her rcpoft in (b fweet an Harhurt^ wee would fooneftrike Anchor. Firft then, v^ec will here iliew to you what Honour is to be alcribed to Continence. How much the very Pagans ( whofe deiiresonelydos'd in Moral! Honc(ly) valued this precious Jemme. How votive Virgins chu. fed rather to be deprived of Life, than of their Honour. And how rfioft who violated that re- ligious Vow, futfer'd the very extreameft kind of Ccnfurc : V\^\\crtofC4mfm iJHdrtim was ever^ Yy a made Looke upon the HittQvyoB Antonjf and rid. ^'ut. Max, <9 Here he Oiew« what honoui^ is to be afcrit bed to Corui< ncnce. i Mir. Gfll. 3 40 A Suney ofH I S TO R Y, (^ ^Var. Va!. ^3^}^^. fhc TraQ;ickc TheatreJ leave to thofe who have writ amply of that Snbjeft, Memorable is the Story of that noble Lady Armenia ^vvho being bidden to King Cyrus Wed- ding 3 went thitlicrwichhcrHufbandratNight when they were returned home, her Hufband afkcd her, ho^v the liked the Bridegroome 5 whc- ihcrflie thought hi in to be afiireand bcautifoU Prince or no ? ^^ hi tnith, faid (lie^ I know not : *• fnr'all the while I was forth^ I ca(t mine eyes '^iipon none other but upon thy felfe. One q{ Hiiro s Knemies reproaching him with a itinkin^brcath , went home and quelkioncd his Wife why Ihee told him nothing thereof: but \\\m was her Reply? ^* I thought, quoth (lie^all 'Mncn had the fame favour. To continue the Memory of their Conjugall ConltancyandNuptiall Continence j you ihnll ever in theic Creatures of the weaker Sexe, findc admirable Motives both for Inftruclionand Imi- tation. Canmd^ Wife to SjnAttUi , whom oncSyniriSy a man of greater Authority than he, lovecl j and making no final] meancs by prayer, price ^ and power roobtaineher love 5 yctallinvaine^fup- pofed the readiell way for die etfeftinghis der (ires to be the murd'ring of her Huiband: which heper((5rn]cd;andno (honer executed, than hce renewed his Suite, to which Ihe fecmcd to aflent. Rut iKJug folcmnely come into the Temple of Diana f^or the celebrating thofe Nuptiall Rites,, liie had a fwec t potion ready which fhc drunkc to SyH9ru,\ ^»lllli i^ W I>« J4' $jn§ri£ : wherewith they both were poifoned i tp revenge her Hufbands death. The like admirable Conftaiicy fliew'd Tkfogi- 9M Wife to Jgdfhffclesy'm her Hulbands grcateft railery 5 approving her ftlfc moff his ownCjwhcn hee was relinquillVc and fbrfaken of his owne: proniifing him^ that (he would not partake with him oncly in profperity , but in what forturtc fo- ever fhould befall him. ThatconflautLoialty,und royall Conrin^ncy ofthe incomparable Z^;7^^/4 to her Hufband 0- dondt$4s ( though a Barbarian Qiiccnc) cannot be too nuKh admired 5 her Zealc fliec cxprcfl: not oncly to him living, but dying. No Monument fheheldfittocontainchisCcrpfe but her owne body 5 tbiit carrying his flirine lUll about her (be- ing what fhe could not remove from her ) llee might ever reteine him in her memory. But no queQioUj her princely afFcftion to Hifiorj had highly increafed inher this Loialty. For by her reading of others what appeared in others Co tr,ue!y commendable^with a pious ambition flicc a(pired to an imitation thereof in her fclfc. The Women of India ( whether wonne with ftrcngth of Cuftome, or Conjugall Devotion) when any of their Hufbarvlsdyeth , are wont to CUl into Contention through the vchemency of their afFeftion^ which of them (for they are per- mitted to have many Wives) hee loved beft in his life : Shee that winneth^ being very joy full (a great Company of her Friends and Kinsfolke followmg her ^ to celebrate her funcrall honour) Yy 3 is ) 34* J Survey efHiSIOKXjir '14, is cart into the fire with her dcul Hulb.ind. But every Crttes muft not looko to be foljcrd' tet : fiKh Cognizants muft not be for every mans „._ _ pouica, living , ^* (ice of piety to honour tbcin dyinc:. Their lifc injoyncs m to be true to their Bed, their Death crafts no kfc to their mem ry. Nor is this Continence held onelymefteeme wi rh thofc who partake of Pveafon : for even fuch Creatures as are led by Scnfe. arc no Icffe jealous ' of their I^cve^ n(>r lc(K (pccdy in revenging Luft : I which may be cc>ii(irmcd by this Fxaniplc. The H.ft ry i A ccrtainc libidinous Ciriren dwelhng in the caliihim cu' Tf>wnc o^ Sjhdris ^ br.unding upon the River Ri'tW^r^Tm^' Cf4//;//, iomonltruc^ully and unnnturally riigcd »»"rj«T7 J^^^^^^>],^.J,(e^fimmodc^a^eLui>5 as on a time, ncglcftinf', ill humanity , to cxtinguiflithcvio- 1cm flames of his befViall affciHon, canie to a Shee-goat and coupled with her ; which the High-goat , as ( ne feeing , yet referving^ re- venge for a fitter time 5 he found thi^' Sjhtitc^ oneday f^ftaOecpe ^wherefore to rcdr-efle the in- iur>' cf his corrupted Love, and revenge the h.orrour of bis dctefted Luft, he prefently fet up- cnhim, and malKd him to death wich his homes. Buttoclofeallinonc ;wh;u^^w#*rthe Anci- ent JtW4W/ with other Fthnicks, afcribed to Continence : and how much they fcorned diat the IcaOblcminiflKUildbe afpcrfai on their Houfc inthatkind, may be made as cleare as light by that be ftipptTfii) iicire vfKith jNMrferyfirGRNtRr. 34J that memorable Example of Vir^imM. The Story is thus. Vsrginim^ one of a PlebeUn de- (centj butofaPatritian (pirit J le(t his Houfc (honld be difhonoured, (pared not his owne blood. For when A f pi us cUnJitu^ one of the Dfr^w^-w/jfoii^ht with ftrong hand todcflower his Daughrerj being a Virgin^ f/>^/>//;v brought her into the Marker-place , and there kiird herp chufing rather to be her Muriherer, nndcfilcdj t;han her Father, dertovv red, Novv,havingniowneycuthe He^dur due to Cent iff enct j I wcnild have you in the fecond place ' toconlldcr, how foonc a precious Name is lofl: : ondwirh whatdirticultyregainM. It is notfuf- ficicnrforyoutorefraine onely from doing ill, but frc>m doing ought that may be fupcfted for ill. Variety of Examples you iliall finde every where In this kind. A Name highly prit*dj and quickly !olVf and being loft 5 not the wealth of the /W/rr could redceme. Thirdly, retledupon the pleafurehow fhort it israndofthepurchafe^vvhat (hame it is. De- m9fihet$escoi\\d aufwer Lais deare demmand for fo fliort a pleafure, '* / wiM»$t buj EtpentAttcf dtfo ** dcATCArate. And a firre more precious gage hehadtolofe, if an Ethnick light could have mounted fohigh. With the like Anfwcr Height every light C'^urtezans proffer 5 afcribing to that ineftimable Jewell of Continence all due HQnoMr, ButyctlmuftprcK'cedfurther iort thou Arn- b!ti&tis^ and haft both wings and will toflye? Thuuart fearing wich Jcarus^^ and thy waxen \^nn Wliy, honour procurcth ccnfurc ^ and yet thou art well s fcrvcd well, Cvfcly retired, not envied, nor mali^^ned by the oppolites ofRreatnclJe ; and vet thou dcfirca (like another P/;tf*«/)tolhincm the eye of the Court , to (he w th ine ownc admi- ration by a vainc fiouridi , commenting on thme ownc perfections, which need fomc Expofition : for they cannot dcnionftrate themfctvcs. Alas, Iaow arangcly art thou tranfported above thy felfc I n(U apprehending how the mcancs ot n- fmc oft-times procure anunexpeftcdfall. Con- fidcr thy owncunbridlcddefires,and feeke to rc- nrcflc them ,1 pray thee doc; and take this ob- (ervamc with thee: Never lookcinto either nio- dcrnc nifiorics or Ancient, for the pro)e«s, luAv tlicy grounded the foundation of nicir plots i but aime at the end and event of their dc- ht^nrs, what ifllicthcyhad: there thou flult lee aC^/irrcignclong, andattainc the very heignt of his hopes j yet his continuance abridged , ana .■^—mmt^mmmam his ne;vr-eftabli(hed Monarchy ^iri hi mrclfe)qui tc '-j, ^^ ^^,| ^^ rpinate in .\ ftabbe.Hcre a Si]anfu (who was Fercx Panfuct . /2*e/^riif.; a great hunter after cruelty J become the laltofbisafpiringdefires, and the fponge fas ;r4f0obfcsrverh)vvhobeingrqiiixed5 only en- riched his Emperours fortunes , and made him- fclfe miferablcby his owne fall : for Ambitious men , who leap lo greatneflc, for ihc mofl: part, hoppe without heads, and too late repent their madncfle. 4 K^fi^-y forGE^sitnr] 345 O run over every Vice particularly, wduld require a Treatilc ampler of tlicm(clve<5, then I have allotted my fclfe. Proceed 1 mufl: to my third branch , 7 he f articular profit which redounds to every private ft Ate or famtly:, from difcourfes eifthU nature. I know tha t the na- tural depravation of Man is fuchjas that he fixeth his mind upon that, which ( for the moft part) conferres leaft profit, and moft delight: this is lively exemplified even in Hiftorical Difcourfts $ where wc (hall feemen(for themolVpart) rather addiftcd^ to^ fabulous Travailes , the Survey of ftrange and never-heardof Hands , prcdigious lights, Monllcrs, Chymcra's, and mecre ima- ginary fancies , then to (uch narrations as might minifter inftruftion and benefit to every particu- lar Reader. Some wc fee delighted with the ftrange and incredible miracles of Mandevill: others with the viftorious combats of our Bevu of Southampton: others^ more converfant with Zz the ThirJDranch; PurtUvlur pi oft diawnc troat Hilioiy to parcicuUr |What f.ibu- lottsHiUorkt. more futrcrcd chan appioYCii. ) 46 '^ A S^my>ej (?/ H I S T O R Y, ^ the Tragick Hifcorics of our rime ^prodigies in, \nxt mcerely invenccd.) And laft ot all(which in my judgement is worft of all) ochcrs with the ' phantalHck writings of fonie luppoled Knights; A wiupii. i ^^^^^ i2i'/>^//\t runs out his inventions b> felling lyes at grofle-iale,. Aton, \ il "T^Ot'xprcde ourl4f//;r Authoi^Ineednor, fo ^ much ih our Cciinrry bonetlred by Tranfliv-! i tors., as the Ne.\r-he\rd in liisHovellmay dit ! courfc aswell (jt CormltHs rAcsuts(\ihc know I his moibcrs t'an Aiuhofj' b.ow f»:rrp!Cuous fcew r. i 'J'rd?:q(i;i!»u write*; tuie^but he unrips the im. j UicviciVi' ^.o^ the \\mc with too I ngdilcourfe • , up n . very p \rn( T. ~y^ opinioni the lingularity of his phrafc was(vvhich may lecmc Orange) without affedation; (b \Aum Itm Gellim (a very x^riftdrdm for the fearch of Antiquities) teftifieth of him. Neither -F-r^/w/ affraia to entitle him, The chUje of the Kotn^n HsfiorUns^ as Thucidides the Prince of the Crcci- 4ns. Yet in thefe H il>oric^s there is an cxai^ncflc ofundcrftanding; required j and more doe their writings conduce to Scate-afiaircs-, then private andDomeftick employment, Now,to deliver our judgement of divers ap- proved Hiftorians : extruded from ^hc bcft Au- thors: Titi^ Livi$44^ by the tcftimony ui Phtl. Ctf»r;w/;ifx,ashcistotliisdayhadingrcathonour by the itatidKs , who retaine ftill a forme oi^ the Anticnc ^(?;«4/i Government, and that in fonic poyntsmofl: exactly | dc(cribcs inafvvcerc ond v\fell.compo(ed Style, how that flourilbiny Em- pire ('which afterwards fwallo wed up many e- minentScatcsXpruug up atfirft, howitincrca- fedjvvhat was donccommendablyaWhat viciouf- ly, during the whole progrelTe of herrifing ; till labouring of her owne weight, and prcfr downe wich her owne Grandcurea her full light fell to be eclyps'd, her height to a declining. Of thisHiftorian, I have Ipoke in many placet; yet me thinkcs there is ftill fomcthing omitted that might bee properly annexed foranaddita- mcntco hispraile. Right well I know (to dofc in opinion with ErafntHsf^ that there is no reading more acccnn- ^^modarc^ no Di(cour(e better fiiiting men of Z? 2 ^-quality liis juJge- incmoj' divers .ipprovcti Hi- norinns>c\ tra- gic J Trom tlic tcU Authors. J4 8 . ^Sm-rejifUlSr O'B.Y.or j" qtulity tlian thitof Htfi0ry j amongft which «7-//«i livifuholdi the prime phKcCifpeaKe of «^ r.ntincHi;'coriaMonely>fpecia!ly , fetmgw^' «*thitii;i5 cxrauc of 54/«y?/, but bncly twotrag- fi^his jiidgcmenr,thcn,asncDik:ourfeismore rcquilitcly fjnuYm th-ui withHiftonans^fohe held Livie to be the Prince ofall Latme Hifton- ft»s:and iirteftto be a Gentlcmans acquaintance. Grcat,noqucmon,washismoaefty ; his owne Workcs may coiifirnie it : " Whether ( (aithhe) " 1 ihall performs ih.it Tafkc which rtray ieeme '■' worthy my Labour,if I relate what iocver hath "bcene clone by the people of Rcmeitomthe "lirlt foundation of that City, neither doc "1 (Iifficicnriy know,ncirhcritIdidkuow,durlt " 1 attctiipt luchanenrerprifc. And yet he proceeded in that Labour, and pcrfcaed it with J'jeat honour: albeit, iiis pious tcarccxprca-thc (weetneflc of his temper- Nci- rher icll he (hort in Sinccri ry,thouL',\i he feeming- ly pretended a Icare , which implidc his mode- lly. , Fcrwhatis rareinMi(>(>rians,(erp_ecwlly, ^ writing ol'Piluces and their Actions, in their: (mne \iiucs ) l.ce v.is never t^xed f partiality, 1 n(^r nm:\n^ truth : werr tlie V fonagcs ofi whomhcwrote never Co great, r-r authority in ollicehii'h. ; J A Subic:r,indcal, never wrrrlr- tne penne ot j i-,rroile(eivinr,:'.n Hin'( rian vno- ^ caildpolhWy hive • n(^r mere vaiicty of i.i-uns both in a ealinc and troubled State. A--.d thoui',h Authors in jNarfery for^C^ENTU^T. 549 in Aeir arguments of Difcourft and Hiftoricall Relatidn tinde. ever the largcft fields: to walke I In, itabefiejdi^ofcblood:: whcfe ribday can pafTe without forae notable aftion dcferving the memory of a fua^cding age ; yet in that time and ftate wherein he beftowcd his paines, the rctl- redfthoures from imployment afFord<^di him>afi occafion of delivering fome^ Obfcrvation or t> ther worthy the approvement of a judicioiw Eye. ^ ..--•— ;...'. " . . 'I, For hisScyle . ^asIhavecir5rwherenoted)iic ^ was n6thing fodirkenor concife as that of ^Ta- cJt lis.Tihc former more dilated; the latter more contrafted. Both (erious; the latter more Sen- tentious. Thefe ground the firft face or foun- dation of a'Soiteupon Lawcsjand thcyfliew with what obedience thole wercobfcrved- in their infancy. Romu/ui and Remuit were bodi builders; the oncmateriall, the orhcrmentall. i\r«w and thofe Wars 'made finnewy andftrong.thatfome exploit worthy thenameof fuclv a Narion may beperformcd. - - r • • And having novvprefented the bod)< .of:a Stiateinher full growth^ thcylliewwhar is done, not without due" attributes to diem, bywhom thofe a(!tions were done. They runnc into com- Zz ^ raendation ■•■■annp 550 A SmT>ey */H I S T O R V,»r NuUiti eft he- lUM qut Hon nure pfjciipi tut itiUiftt, Miu, mendation of thofc Agents of Valour, and they conclude ; ^^SuchasthcCaptaineis, fuchis the ^^Souldier. They brin^ xnSdpid^ whoufed to have this Sentence in his mouth ;**Thaf eafie, *^ favourable Sc afiable Captaines were profitable •"^ to the enemy, which though they were beloved ^^of their Souldiers, yet they ifet little by them. This^lb wUe and cxperienft a Commander could notchufc but make goodufc of : for the obe- dience of ScipiOj^oxA^^i.rs towards their Ge- ncrall is confirmed by his ownc atteftation : ^*So ^'^obfcrvant were mine ofwhat(bever I com- ^Mnandcd them, that if I bad them clime to the ''tojipcofaTower, and from tht*nce throw '•^rhcmlelvcs head-long into the Sea, there **-was rK)t one of them but would obey me. There isnopaflage to enlivai the Spirit of a Souldicr, which thcfeomit : andallthefe cou- ched in lb Princely a Style, as without afteda- tion,it comprehends much State. In a word^timc llialirooncrccaic to breath, than pofteriry to brdtlithcir fame. For the Fpi tomes of thefc, as Luc. FUrui and others ; mcthinkes they may bee compared to Ihort Commons. They doe well fo farrc as the)*goe ; but they leave the Reader ftillwith a ftrong Appetite. Something is ever omit- ,ted , which leaves the Stomacke craving and un- ilatisfide. It istrucindeede, that fuch Colleftions arc ufcfull for mcmory:likcbricfe Notes or Diaries, which we carry about \\'ith us : And for ordina- nary jNnrferjfirGBNTtRT. ^51 nary Difcjourfe, will ferve well cnoi^h. Bucaj ScholJers HiltorioaU.Taskfci^of more difficuU \y\ than to receivcUfe and fpiric from an E- pitomc, . ^The judicioufcft and moft compendious EpU t6mizer breaching ,^ (hould he Analile an entire Hiftory^ and after many fericusre^vicwsandrc- colleftionSjCont raft the whole body thereof into a briefc Methodicali Compcndii\ry : So tarre (hort fliould hetindhimreife fallfiun^ the mind of theAuthor:as upon thcneixt re-vitv/^hewc nld ingcnuoufly confclle, that he had rather ruaric o- vcrhim^thanconverfcd with him.' For GiUitfi ^ his^lDilcourfc rather falls upon PhilOfbphicall argumentation, than ahy HilVori-' call relation. Winter K ifi;hts ' you (hall iindc there well beflowed. And be Stylesihcm Athe- man Nigffts^ to c%pxe{it Howthofi: Smdies with v/hkhMhe^s molt tloutiflied ^!i were there f(;ci- ably debatedjScholafHcally aTguedjaadjudvciourh ly compofed- Some Pieces of Natural] Hi(h> ry are heere and there iiiterveilicd, which' may minifter occalion bbth> of profit oiul d^'lii;ht to (iich as (hall feribuflyperurc diem.. • . . ,, Touching Valerius M(i)^i7nm\ his writvn^S flandmore upon K^pcthr/wcs Ay:xx\Utfiory: Mc takes Survey of* liich cj})cc inU Vcrtuiti> ;uv:l Vuci.s as prcffcd moft upon thoic timej>; : Vv ber'ci:^;.>hei recpmmends to poftcricy vjch mQU'(irublilP<:}rr^ (()m as were Mirroun^ tor the praCiifl* of the One; u)d nfi;idCenibr^;in pari'ihiivi; rhcOilier. lledifcoverb norhinj',l)ut bytxaaiplcVa.nU'vin'/ kind i$z J Surot^ ^' H I S TOR Y; <^ kinde ofpcrfwafion fbrimlcatioa ofgoodnefle 5 iindiverlioafiomwhatfdevcrisj cvill. J^intus Curtifu^\\\% Sceanc is finglc : his whole Dilcouvlc coni'ifts iminly upon the acTiions of one Prince ; yet many plealanccmdreu^arkiible paflagcsflullyoufinde in the Princely progreflc oHiis life. A brave (piric difpbycd in every aftion. One, who knew how to vanquifli 5 and how to moderate his fehcity, One^ whoifhe were nor what he was, cculd chiife with all his heart to beapoor Philolbphcr. One, whoa^ midft his Military affaires, and managements of State, would deagne to talke with learning : purpofcly to improve himlclfe as weUiu Arts as Arnics. Never Prince by his power could doe more , and by a Iwcet attempratnre of his com- mand, rcvcngelcfle. Mci^Al/izcs cOccmcd AltHAndtr as- a Prince whilfthe (loodinhis Schoole and faid nothing, but whcnhcc began to talkc of things which he knew not : he faiduntohim,that "^^Evenhislittle '* Children would laugh him to (corne. This af- front could that great Commander beare with a Princely patience : and labour by his ownc en- deavour, and the inltruftion of an incompa- rable Mailer, to rcdecme his ignorance. Though a Cynick teach him mortality in an homely manner : and encounter him with moul- dred Sculls in his triumph to his Countrey j he will fcarccly reprove him for it,but ufefully apply ir,and benefit more by it, thanbyallthofe Nati- ons he bad conquered. Yet «■** jNirferjfor GBNTRT. 35 K Yet/ mufthis Ertiuri be touched, that the fin- ccritjj of an Hiftorian may become approved. His caficinclming to Z/iVlaynofmalltainr nor tin- fturc on his honour 5 that the counfell of a Wanton (hould get the Conqueft of fudi a Conquer()ur. . ytllciHiPaterculMj as he was no le(Iecle|tant in his Style, than finnowey and fubftantial in that Subjcd whereof he treated 5 maybe juftly be- moaned, that the injury of time fliould leave fuch maimcs in his WorKCs : as no menticD at all is made of allthofe glorious actions and me- morable exploits of the Rmd»s^ fronuhevery prime foundation of the City, till the mine of the MdceJmUn Kingdcme, by ^^milinu, during the rpace of five hundred ye arcs or more. So as, what nowremaines extant of him, fliewcs him not fo full, as toiht hdlfe mdj .• nor that! neither in his owne native luftre and beauty. In a word, unhappy was heinhis mutilation , more unhappy in his Tranflation* For Uftfhuiy that fincercrdaterof thejew- iQiWarres, I fhall take occaiion prefently to r[)eake of him ; give mee leave oncly to render him that commendation which Conftdntint the Empcrourwasfbmetimes pleafcd to beftowon fo noble and faithfuU an Hiftorian : *' As his life " deferved pcrperuallpraife,rohis death cremall " honour. Touching Affunns K^Uxdndrinus in his Di^ courfeof the Rgmam affaires, in my judgement helhewes both wit and ftrength in his Lines. Aaa Not •1^*! J ^4 ^Survey of Hi^TQ9. Yipr I jN c)t u picalant paHage but pKrits approvement Ifrcm his Pcn.None more ftriou5>whenhc defircj tobcvvciphryuionemoredcKghtftillj when the Subicot adaiits a frccdome to be witty^ • Kor our Grccke Fthnick Hiftorians (for df iholeEcclcnafticall Writers 3 wafliall fpeakeof i! .cm in their due place;' ) none comparable to pjfiiarch for Hiftoricall Morality 5 nor to rhu^ iTi^/i/f/jfor Stare and Majeflyu^or to HeraJotm^ for McihcdandPcrlpccuity ; nor to Htrodian^ fur a quick andac>ive Difcoveryinor to Zeno^ flo»yloY a rich Philolbphicall Delivery. Where every Sentence workcs Oronj^ly on the Sence, and begets ionic new Principle of Expe-» ricnce. But thcfcjas I obferved, wrote onely upon the Afti(»ns of thoie times , . with the quality of the PerlonsiniercfTcdii) thofe Aftions:bdne; both formatter of Didipllno and fcrvicc cH-ranged from us 5 andconlcqucntly reteinc Icflc affinity with us. Yet of lingular ufe f if difcreticmbc h.ut f(7r fevering the cVatfc from the pure graine) 1 oihforiultriKfticn and e:icmplary direction to thcd'timcf;. 1 will retire my fetfe tofuch as may yeeld the Rcadcrno little profit by conlideratinn bad to the jadi^tTientsof God imodeftily n^ixing Monll inllnuti' nswirha fwcet variety of Divine dif- courlc : a matter which may fecme dire(^ly op- pofite to my firft intention , but is notfojfor ilufc'l!ift()iies\*'hich I meane to produce, nre fo i^rcundcd upon iutallible truths, as in that re- (pert J^urferjfirO\B!\^TMr. 3n (pcftthey may fecmc to merit a morally-Divine Title, i^ftphtu works I efpecially cntercaine in- totny Family, as bcft defcribers of die jiidge^ ments of God, cKpreflers to the life, of aii obdu- tateand ftife-ncckcd genera tion. Here to behold the incomparable beauty of that glorious Tem- Ele (thetyp^eof the Coelcftiall Temple) founded y that w'rfeft of men, and that peace of Princes, SAhm^ffydchctd^ and that City which was once <::alled, 7hcCitj$ftbegreAtKing^ demolilhcd, and layd levell with the ground.* Then to direct onrEyetothewonderfull judgments of Cod in taifihg civill difcords, and mutinies amongft the icr^es themfelvcs, the grcateft mcanes of their (bbverfion, themaine prediftions of their ruine and utter deftruftion, before thcfcwarres came upon them 4 yettheirimpreries not a whit leflenca^ their armc of finnc fliormed, norrc- morfeofconfcience excited : no refuge to the Religious, but defence to the wicked in every pldce^f the City miniftred* Then Survey the •polliftion of that Sacred Temple^ where Altars Avere once Erefted, Peacc-offcring facrificcd^and the Prayers of the holy Confecrated co God 5 th^re nought but cfFallion of bloud, (laughters a- mong thenirdves (m Occurrent remarkfcablej committing nOlcflreMafTacres upon themftlves intheceafingof Warrc, then the Romans(X\(i in the heat of war re : being wholly cxpofed to Ty- rannicall Faftionsin the City ^to expofe ihem- (Hves t6 Ritmn firvkUde more eafily. The(i eio- amples of Gods Jaftice,are worthy om* Obfcrva^ Aaa a tion, Itfcphm COT* tnendcd* Circumflant ja the imr^ Warrc givci ; czcell^t beat lyco (he Di cuude. yifpntittn it fa id CO hai hit Tema 'there kill pii chcJ wh.'ie our SiTiour I was tikcn* tn MontcmC i liV'Uum C' who rpeake(for moft part; as they are affefted, but by tne approbation of his owne Eyes, the bell outward direftrc:(rc$ to inward knoiN ledge. To this Noble HiQorian (for he was Nobly Uilccnded) 1 may addc thofe excellent <7r^^i'r , V/rirers, worthy and memorable; as Nictfhorm^. Divlnc Hiiio. ivAgoTAs^ SocTAtcs, CTC. Vov their Divine Ex- amples plcntifull, the fucccflecf the Chriftians amidfl the tyrannies of thecruelleft Emperoufs wonderfull : the diverft forts of .torments by ihoR' Tyrants invented, pittifull >and thcdiP mall and terrible end of thofc Blood-fuckcrs,. ' fcarefull Here thcuflialrfte.an^a^.^tran/por- i^xar'^ '^^ tcdabcivehim/elfc, with the acclamation of his pe pie ; liof the iQjce ofMin^ tnHf Gpd. : And prciently behold his pompe converted into loath - nrs mmmmm^ ^n AA ;'ii » : ! J loathfomncfle, his prc(fec(fent joy toa flibfcqiicnt peniivencflc, and the excellency of ad miraridn toa fuddaineamaz^duoflcihc'thaHceriied btfore a Ccid , andno Mani' vi|fiio>v by God midcthc niifcrableft of Man , forlorne aiiddc jcftcd: nay, j;"'^.; lif wc would obfervc the whole current of their Hiftorics^ wefliallfcdin thcmtharGod evcru^ fed to recompcncc the OfFendonr with a puni(h- ment of the like nature : Nicefh$rm reportSj^how j //fW/Wd-uightcr having' begged the head o(\^!^^^\f^^^^ lohnB^ptifi^ chanced on a time to go over t main jT river,frozcn over wi(;h Itc^whcrc thcjce prcfcnt- PuniOimrnr ly parting received her , and mccrinjr againo cat •liu^iog to the off her head, a true and cvidcac Tcftimonyof {^T ^^ Gjodsjudgmeut. .. : ! nTiwiiiki ofrfiacljlarplicraouswretdvyi!»//4;f5t^ foaleftaouthfd detniiicir fram the glory ;of God: who on a tirtie mocked a Chriftian for talking revenjntly of the bowels of Ch ristsi coinpaffi- ons : But what end caxne of this miferable Athc- Blafphcmyfor lift I Hisbowels fell out of liis bclly^being diruft "'^'^*'' through with a Javeling, cbnfclling' the? power of Cod with a regreate , faying: J^/fiy?/ OCdli- leelcjrc yet vouch (afing to beftow no better name onhini) then CdlilcM,! feareflill end bf a moft prophane Blafphcmen ' . ; ^ The like oi Diode fun that aucll Emperour Cand a great perfecutor of the Chriflians ) who, whilft he raignedfcemed little or nothing tofeare the Divine power of Heaven ^yet theHiftory re- cords , that Feare was the greateft occalioh of his death ;.;\o^ that he died by o^ypluutary fciht?^ Aa a 3' very •r*'**"'^*''"**^)'**^ 3'5« //4i/rT/>*/HiSTORV,»r ^^lUS, very jealous of the Airc» left ic flbould picrct his I Braine. 1^ T\c like of i^U)^imif$fh , whoat that tinxe The like ei. ; ragvftl ill the Ea(t , aa M$xtj$tlus did in the Wed rnS::i;u':n\' ^^'^tl^^^^CtUelrie full Catalogue, flift d on o. vvouldivquireanatrtpler Di(cour(c than I have iKcr ociitt- rc/crvcd ibrhirii, HctJ-^Iftyj.who.acaimuIared upon hiaifclfe theft Tides : '-^EiTipcrour Cxfar^ '^ jMiximifm^^ puiffkiit , magnificcht^ Chiefc ^^ Lord 5 Lotdoi rhcbdis , Lord of SsrmatiM, •^'five times Conqucrour of Perfidy Lord of ^^Ccrm^ny^ Lovdof %y£gjpf ^ twice Conqueror '^ofthcCtf^Mw, (ho. rimes ConqucnT of thfe " {^rmentAns , Lord of the Medes^ Lord of the ViUufib. lib. ^^ ^MAlfcni 5 Twenty times Tribune, » Wide- «.f^^ i7i «s. " tc^ne tinges generall ^Ca^itmrte ^p Ei^it time$ \^\ Conful ^ Father of the Courii^i(r)iv ^Pfoconl This maitchlcfJeTyrantjthns l^iolnt up with Titles , after fuch time as he had plentcoufly rio- ted in the blood of the Saints » andllclghte | ^hc power oFHeaven : fcnftcd in nothing more than ;the bloody Bankets ofdiflaughter'dChriftians. "Wherefore a Plague from above lighted on ^^him, fir ft raking roote in hi^flcib, andafrer- *' wards proceeding even unto his Soule. For ^^ thereatofe fixldcnly in the fecret parrs of his ^^ body ( to chaftife him for his liccatious impu- **rlry) anlmpofthumeornmningSorc, afrcr- ** w.irds in the lower parts of hispiivicies a bot^ " chy corrupt Bile , with a Fiftiila j whence aflu- ^^cdourvorrupt matter 3 eating up the inward bowels. ■» — ^t^p— iti .^Hwferjfir Q^HTRT, ttmmmmm tm 35? ^* haweUs; and iil unfeeakablt rnultitud<5 of Lice '' fwarming out y ana hreathing a deadly ftmch, ^* when as tihc Corpulency of the whole body ^* through ^bundaiKQ of roeatc before the^ifoAle •5came , was turned in to fuperfllubui grolhefe v **and then being Growne to matter , .yeclded an ^^intollcrablcaud horrible Speftacle td th^ be* 1'* holders, . Wherefore of rhc Phyfitian^^ fomQ :^not able tordigeft t|mtAvondcrii]Ji\noy,CoiW ^^ ftinch ,. -^werellAine : foiiie other ( when there *^ rcmaincdnohcpcof Recovery > by reafou cf ^^ therwelling throughout the whole body ) be- " iug not able to hcJpe ;u all with their Phylick^v ^^ wer^: cruelly ei^ecuted thcn^fclves; . ' But let us ( if you pleafe ) take a Summary or briefeSurvey (the benefit will an(\ver the pur- ruit)how thoic Emperour« wliieh ^ereEchnick> and Panims ^ maintainers of Idolatry anc^Paga-^ nifme i and howof the contrary y fuch as cleaved unto the Chriftian Faith , and held it there roy* airit Prerogative to be Defenders of it 5 ended their Reigne.' Was nor Cdisu lulimC^fif the firfl: Emperor, flaineby Gc nfpiracy ? Did notxortaine. Souldi- (crs with naked Swords di'patch Caimxht Ne- phew ofTJtmM f' Waanc'tAf^ra murdered by (M.cofhisEimiliuranddcare Frieudb'tf Had not Galtd the like end ^ Qt/j0 and Fini/Ju^ who all three reigned onely fixiccne Moneths? Wh^t (halllfpcakeof TV/it^j^ whom Dimitianus poi- fonerfsalthough he was his <>wnc Br(>rber ? What fay ycu cf Commcdw^ did not Narsijftis di (patch him TKf Corrup- tion of hii bo- dy fcconJi the Tyrants Cru- elty : difpatji- ingtuch with , hts{linch,wh6 hcr'had rcfcr- ved for that Pcath in his tcalthfull. C-' Aatc« Y^mm^m^»m9tmmm«m-vmtfl0¥^ 3^0 J9un>ey cfin% TO KYtOr ihimrcquirehinvwith the like > \W\ui [\\\\\ \ il) o^ Macrinus ^. did not tlicSouldicrsiile him like a Captive about Bi- ::^4Ww;w,andrriiclly puthini toacith ? Was not Aurtltus Antonius of Erne (fa murthrcd together with his Mother? Was not /^/(ta; W^r immedi- ately alter him, together with his Mothcrhke- wiic put to death? What (lull I fjy of A/4x/w/- ptHs ( whom wc formerly mentioned ) whomhis ownc Army d fpatched ? OxoiGordUnui , who thronc;h the TreaJbn oiPhiltf was in like fort by liisowneSouIdiers put to death? Tell me,! pray rhcethy idfcOZfiJlmits ^ what happened unto Philip, and after unto Decius^ were they not (laine by the Knemy? Take Callus and f^ohfunus with them 5 were they not murthercd by their ownc Armies? What of f-/fw/7/4;i*;, had not he the like milerablcend ^ What f^dleridnus^ was norhctakcnbyther<:r//j;>i in Battel!, and led about of them in Triumoli^ What GAlienus} was he not 1 lainc through Trcafon , and Cdtinns beheaded when Di^dejidnc^mcto be Emperor; whom D/W/^/j4f; cur orf left they fliould Rcignc wirh liim ? Attcr whom Her£ulius MdMimidMus^ his fonne Mdxenttus^ and Ltcinius dyed with contumely And flianic enough, Butlinrc the fune moft noble Emperor Cen- Ij^ii;*//*^ began tr)rcigne, fincc hec conftcrated ' unto J^urfery for GENT l{r. ^ unto God the City he had built , and called it| afterhisowncnanie, looke about I pray you, and f pcakc indifl^cutly , was there any one Em- pcrour in that C\xy Qulidn^ whofc Apoftacy ex- pofcdhim to an imperious Tyranny, onely ex- cepred) that was niurrheivd , cither by his owie Sub)cft/)r by the Enemy : or any other Tyrant vanquifhcd the Empcrour , Bafilifcus excepted : whOj although he thruO Zcn^ bemle the Imperial Sceptcr^ie wa j overcome of him againe, and loit his head. ThcJe Examples extrafted from infallible grounds 3 nuykemethe judicinus underlland- ingof the Gravcft, and fitted for Private Fami- lies^ where order is bcft attained by Exunple-;: VVe u(e mod: to be moved, when wc (ee the end of (iicha Man, rocautionuSiwhohavin^JedhisVif/ m S T O R V, ot Evciy vice ■^)u H ll{ tuft l)a-»vu , tut AclMinc of frold about her fuher' ry»er4/bed^ with this tmpnffi, ' ^.^ Ifi/ic K^mor ut tenhtt, fnfjfenJet • " ' The mi (cnh!c wretch that makes his gold hh 0( d, heft (xprcfTed by Mentdfmtu ^ widi his Sp5dc, ddving and digging for hfc, vi^ich.rhis Motro: Sic mthi dtvhtM Famuli j^ pats. Trucft JccyplxTiuR of all ices^prcKeedinc; from fanul) 5 Uow to It difiioltJ. thcrec/f ; the vcrriious Matron fquarin^ h'er janirfc, [)y that modcfteft of /?^z»^;^^ Dames iluintia^ makin^Micr (cc/umhcY t/jorum) her iDiftaiTc, hcrbcftcompnnic nin herbcd, when |hcrhu4iand was nbfcnr : no vicious n)ind can dc- jpravchcrjil.cislu'juinj'.at honjcWith her ovvhc jpUli(niswb.i)ilO/4//V;tfherhUbband fights in the lie Id again! this Countries enemy ; Dutyoufliall Ice Lernnlt44 md /4runs^i\-[c\r wives rioting, and •veVv-lliiiii; intheirhiisb.mds ab/cncc. You l!i;tll lindc fundry Inftruilions highly C(nulueing to al! Private Elbres^in thc(e Surveys PiiTMc t. ofHiJlories. Direftions for thofe ate married ; Ncidl\ry in. itru.'tiont fur r ow to demeanc themlclves in th^ir feverall innks(>r C(m(1:tions. Ffow xhc l^cmnH Dnmes, after rhey bad taken them toHufl-'ar.d^ ^ were to bidaJue ropubliquc c(>nc()nr(e:by breaking of (heAxl'.-rrvCo^'iheir \^^llV-^/'^s .u tlieir Bride- li^'j'.V'i! cr, \l'.yM<: : ^\\ii puidng oif tlKlr (lioocs, / ^ (implying. A K*^fcryfor GBi^TRT, wmmmimmmmm 5^3 (implying, tfiat they were thenceforth to kcepe within dooreSj and never to goe abroad. ) What Inftruftions likeu never talkv.'j iurnilefly joying ro he.^re others ^Jp^pry^foio ENtRr. 3^5 14. 15 others joy in that you never enjoycd. But being fo well read in Man 5 yet never knownc to Man 5 make ufe of your Le(fturc, and in a lawful! embrace give way to N ature. Let your Poftcriry make you a Mother 5 your breeding beget anew life inthofc who (hall be got ofyou: that like /^/--i^^rO/z^r/ twiltcd about you, they may become mekidious Inftruments to thole Supcriour Po\ver$ that made you. To whofeaufpicious proteftiftn in the choice ofyour affcrtion, that you may nvcr Hand in need ofj f^/W-;>/4*ViMcdiation, wc recommend you. The like Dircdiousyou Ihall liudc fcrVirj^ins. anddich as ciiibraced a (ingle life : v/irh liindry Morall Motives to exhort VViddows to Conti- nence. InftrucVionsiikcwifc for Occonon^icall Dilciplinc : Kx[)crimcntall grounds or Oblcrva- tionsforllufhandryjall which forr>reviry Akc I palle over , relcrring you to liich who have co- p-^fij^f^^^sthi' pioudy inlarged themlclvcs in Subjects lx iW\s M^mJo. nature. tKi.iiv.crc, If ourHiftorianSj now ad. \ics. would employ , d)eir l-ani[)csa!uK>ylc in the delivery of a proiit- ableHiftory^ fuchas might raihcr rend to the; rlierilhingof theunripciu'dblolioiucsof vcrtuCv cheu the nipping of diem : 1 1 ow happy members wore they? Yea , thu I may ufe ^4/////^ words, diough they retired ihemfdvcs from publick af- raircs, yet 5 Maju^ conirij$d$im ex (0 otio 5 quam ex "o^'pl-X.! aliorum negotijs Reij/ul^. vcmuytim : Yet f ich have \h\t to i!»c bin the depraved luimours of former tinies, tlvjt j*^'*^"^"^©"- jhcbcftObfervors andllciator.s have purchaled i"^'*^ ^* Bbb 5 liidc^ 366 J Smxey */H 1 S T O ^Y,or Enmity a» jTnongA Hifto rims chv'Qi- llclycs. Hcpod. I, lih. Tr$f, ftwift litrle, (ive Envy, for their Labours;no, 'the very chietcit Hiltorianshaveoppofed bedone,asit wercj offetpur- pofeby5^/«y?, to derogate from the excellency of T*/yr/W/Wa writings : A meeredctraftion to fuch a worthy Author ; But what workes meri- ting Emulation, have not ever had Envy for their attendants ? I conceive the reafon to pro- ceed from that of Hcfi9d^ who inferreth in Pro* fcfhons , none to be more apt to envy one ano- ther 5 then fuch as be of one Trad* : ligHlmfi-^ giilum odit : True,for where ey thcr fingularicy is required, or hope of gaine , there Envy is ever, fhooting her impoifoned Arrowes : And(for the nioft part) Envy raigneth there mod , where our Labours defcrvemoft; The low Muflirome is fel- dome touchedi)y the violence of any Tempeft, hut the peering Cedar is ever expofed to all vc- hcmencies. For tlie particular nfe of Hiftorics, and their fruit, I have gathered theft Obftrvances , extra- (fted from a judicious Writ errExpert he was in all Hiftoriall Relations, as his apt fimilitudes niorcfullydemonflrate : what they are I have here fct downc , and as contraftcd]y(as Icould inae^inc)forthe benefit of every Underftanding lleader. If mumtmgr JNufftiyfir'^O f^N TR^; ( i 3>57 ^k It ^ICf^ddienl fb'i^ d! m^^ i ^as^ Well tbitletT: T\Yiditiak6 i^iftof \t, as to rufh iiolently into fuch rfioft ^leritifijll and finritftill fields of Hiftory, Avfifcffc'all ex^m|:>lary g-roonds ^f^lti awpf^ efort prbjiOundiScl.' if'of wtat can bd" more pl(>btant3 w more ptbfitable^ cheri in the Theatre of Mans ]\{b 5(0, tiobe madevvary and wife by other mens harrries(;iMdthatwithour h:?.rme) as to fit in fafe- ty^y aiKtyetto b^inflrUiftedinall parts without j by how much ogr Hiftpry is wUh all fi uirs better frnught andrepleniflied c And whereas there is thcverv fame diflRculty in judg- ii\H rightly , as well of our ownc , i\$, anothers hfci there is none that can duly (how piercing- c) 'd ioever) judge of anothers life, th4t hath nof nieafiircd his owne : Of both iides it is to be imr pl)ed , that not onely a maine difficulty is here ()laccd , biitalfo before Nvc be tothisHiftoryad- drcflcd, itisrc<^uircdncccfl\rilyi tbatwebenot only endued with acertaineCivill Wiftlomeand Moderation ^ biiralfo to have our lives groun- ded on a fcrled intention., unlefle we will be mi- fcrably, and that perpetually 3 deluded with the vainc ilUilicms ot this life. For even as it fares in a mofl: fumptuous and royall Dankct , repleniOied with all forts of dainties, one thing (eetncs delightfull to one which is diOaftfull to another} few thinc$ are liked of all, every one being bcft plcafed with his owne, though all difliesbe alike to the Glut- ton : and as every one's appetite is^ (bishcafFedt- cd^ yet there is a meanc (which Nature hath or- dained) and a ccrtainc kind of nourifliment, whichinitrdfeisnicercly fimple and.uncorrup- ted, and belt agreeing with our bodies : P>om which, whofocver departeth (b^ as he cramnioth himfelfe above ihebounds or determination of N aturc , will tind more inconvcniency then pro- tit in it. Sointhisdiverlityof Mans life, though tlwre be a thouland formes*, and a thoufand pur- pofe, An tpt (tmiit. A.^i^»Q'/>D'!^ pneptjl)) pftrbrofvomiej ivbiSb ^vjjpfficw ^fiolyiWl'Q,tbufeothi^ljfeKa|)y!ioOth<;riij.a$ inftr<;lQPb!;fulI,rijppcr,» jiY/hemtbQX invite th,which is in his power ro uJe wcUiOr ill, it behoveth him toufe great cjrcumlpeftipn in theiufc thereof ; Bnt wh^.t is bp I pray tb?e^th4Ci\yil ufe more (i&dc confid?^^^ in, ?)/ bis v{qrdsAni workes(by the dircitjine of vcftue) then in the {jfe of fucbimcats as arc fetJbeforebini? And who thiokcs .not hi m- felfe fMfSciently inftruacd ; herein ^, In- which howwonderfu)ly,aremen.d^<;Qived>3Supp.oGtig tliar Pifcourfe tpjbe Hiftpry,, wbicb tescheth the Reader, miniftring to him matter of l-caming (yet To) as a Banket miniftrcth ufci-and appetite toeyery one asheisaffe^d. ;;- i i . Tjvs i? thp reafpn that we fee rpmcfp delighted with the fwcetneflc of Reading, asqbeyjng their ownc pleafuro , . they looft the mfeftiniablc fruits therepf. j§,qch have no pther (cope in all Hifto- riesi tbcn with whicb pur. QenerpusMofitiaiis, ' ufc to paflTe time away i ppontba Jr^wSJ Ccc of' J7.0 .M'i^^y*/W156it5 riieiritoe^efy biravck ttlbti3 thc/|iErpi^ aftcJf cheyhavdpac off their Hibits. • '; - ^^-^^^ -^ ^ \,^iTh^ State f^ Ra\p(;rouri>^' for thd moft pArt , mort i^y (lecinc the Purple tl.'ei^rhc Man^ rlicFklui^th^ilf thx?Worb ?;SOe(fttHib!ra fbfc^i;d6ehriifto^^ I cfcife 5 ' atid imprihr irt the Mmd of the Rd^tV. ' Now it is the fcope,^ anddradght of^4l Hifto;^ rks.toexciffeffK\ns (loath , s^nd to atme-him a^ gaiwft till dirtier*; 5 and'whereas thbpte&hS tp !unplt*$:t(thdl'^v^ith hodiing can be ima^itied^ moiepovveifrulltopei^fwade) tend efpeciaUy to ] itrattfiWl i} it comineth topafle that by thelku*^ ' \\>'!1 I^'fe*>«^(^^ho tt^inkedtltcr rtienshartaes^^ 1V> ; ; { tte^^r'nojsbing^ to<:ottc<:rne- thi^m>fi!t:ti chin^*{'p r> > in infth^fcltes are inemombte f attclwfti^xhy'fcBlSf-j VAWto) be readand heard v^ithideiifo ^Wd 'tarfc^ iiefle^rfl4l/ir)')0j v:Uj!)nv/ ::,7l':;iJ-iibibY :u ii -vvdnld hterdly thmke)i3ifchd iiYi Wbft (fev&!l^ptf -CriCkkci kind )of fcaiMg's^^i^lf tHings ftibulii' «u^t>rtP haT^J^erinedesi^VAVh^ l\%ri , '^J^if^/ very ftrfdtof(Cc»ftwdij!pd^r^& t^ u irorfi-i ni^ tC*pairq(aiiQfl!bod}r3peftf^d'WkS' crirhipq humors; thataceruinej(^|flt, or ill difpoflnt)!^ 4llycoWfaimd>aiidii|icerffiai the cdvitfc.b^ouri ^ - — Jiifc ,; ^rtdAfAt^^4,9ril)iatl iturcjCoiiycr-'! ftcmpepedinothin^^i io I^ profif aull fy Aefc^ fjieaws is Rwniflrea eotod^readii^/ ^'V '•^^* ^^ i ; i (Iippofcldtoafeeft hp^*h^iV«ff /^mc rfofM ,is in readingiHilklrj^ii^iid diff){)^rVgrh^ * thy lifct but this isqertaiiily tha^redtcft difiiciif- tyjifO'* ttwMii hi&Profit ; EveiWban Hiftorun(Icould wifh the lun /^"''"..nK>n4idiu?t^t)japplicshimfclfe:to ih« appetite of the . R.ca4^^ /AV« ixt ■ oft-dmesi « therefore- ddu(Hcil i?j> 'thcle. two nicaneSj'our ownc Judtrcmciif.,. and the prejudice of the Author, ' t]<^t j-^) '>«?B things open, and mkcd , as they were done., ,),';. li, ■;, , ....i. ,;,,/.! itll^:. ., ; All ^i(^9ri4n:is the hd\. intdpretcr of Afts a t- chjcvcd I whole judgment , if it chance to be Cor- rupt, jccoinmethtopaflc, ,as when WineCof it k\k McatCfand generous) takcihcithisr Ibni^ waltyt thvC^§ko, Qrbeoniipted byfomeo-; thcr diftaft , which eitherproceedsfj-om anim- poOurc,or ft)lly grc^t & inrolJerable. We may fee in ()nc cnlv cxaa.)[)le,the judgment bfthe.Writerj; The prcphune HiaotiinafcribetH thc'cvcnts of fcrious and weighty afjaircs,.. to the counccll and! mduftry ofmcns-il-be-ithehathrufficienrly tried, how fowl; thofe mrn.wcrc deceived in the e- vcnts. . , Henceit 15 tjiftt men be'drawne co great folly ;, that they, whofd koowlcdge was fcatrc fufficjcntfor thcconfideration of things fubjeft- cd before theireiesj and whofe force and Orength not f^iichi ,cm'«dcd jittleWormcSjlhoold by one fini^/l fticceflc ^/rogate the- government of the whok world nnrotliem. Butagood Hiftorian tcachpth thus ; Ti;»^/Cfaitfi he; 4rcfMrf«fcd t>j 4 I^iafirjftrQJ^N'TSr, .\ I7J 3iAnJf»tdiff^€i,m$dm$(krdtedby GsJ j whereby he riddeth the icrupulous Reader both of folly and fuperftiricn(:^ luilchicfe no lefle then the o* ^er and iiiflll other proprieries.gCbd Eiftori- ansCwhofcftiidies are only (ionfcaated to holi- ne(Tc)ought not to be ignorant of the Agent and Inftrument wherein they differ, and what be their feverallEffeds ; the one moving^and the ch thermoved. Butefpeciallyl admonifli'thcetb this endi that whereas I obferve many Authors of that kindjwho for their exceeding force of innu- merable examples , defcrvc -to be read ;il could with that the Novice-readqridifculle with him- felfe as circumfpeftly and ferioufly as he can , by propofing to mmfclfe both the fruits which might rcdoundyand the dangers which might oc- €tirrc hrra in his reading : for to one that runneth overall Hiftories airforily^or who raflily and un- advifcdly fpendshis time without any exaft cb- fervahce of private or publickc duties , it com- meth'to pafle a3 to Country Clowncs , who in facking of a neighbour City^ take fpoile of fome ^mbecdri^s (hop vfdl fumiflied with all receipts; wnere, provoked with the fweetnefle of fome junkctsor fpices^bcing rli^ firft tha&came to their hands, andimagining the reft: to be of the fame forr^theyfvvallowjfupupj devoure, and gor- mandize all before them 5 whcrtby prcfcntly fome are taken with aftrangedifealejOtherswith a Phrcnfie, moft jarc bereft of life j none but ftrangelydiftempered, which cccafions laughter through all the Army: J^^^f Mdm Ufe^ifi Uiftorj Ccc 3 the x"0 :i . 174 A S4Woty ofH I ST O R.y,^r \ i A review ot ftholc former Colle^ttnni) to our preff nt eccafions* t/u Image $f Uahs lifk > bMhktr'fmmdfiitinAni, dtf^omm$dities :f^f tht Cover nMif$$ i>fhi^m lifi (enfifiethcnely inthe ufe$f bis life: (?!:)]:/: - In thcfc CollcftionSpas in a moftdeireMirrerf, nuy our young Gallancftc into his wours :hc ftnllbc of ncceiricy forced to dUlaftc himftlftr, till he have rclinqm^licd his midvnight revels, furceaicd from his licentious mc(:Axk,%^'^\Asd'* dnccd hisdilconforting Palfions uuto a caimc and retired harbour s here the piiblickeMagi- ftracc fhall be able todifpofe of himfelfe, and Ofticc deputed unto him^fteing; matters wor- thy imitationjand Precepts worthy theGraveft and Ripcrt Confidcration : one to inltruif^jOthers toCorreft, and aH to nuke pcrfeft' this whole module of Man, > • : N owjf o take a review of thofc f6rniet Colic-* iftionSjandappIv thcratoour pre(enc oocafions^ Hirtories you nave heard illuftfated bydivm proper SimilitudcSjto reprefcnt untous the bcno; ht thcreofjboth in rcfpca of their delight, being modcftlyanddiftrectly (cafonedjaslikewilc^thc occafional profit we may make tficrofjia the pai^ fages of this life. FirO then, he compares ^i^^ry to a /"^-i/l or B-i/it^r i where Didies of all forts arc provided and orderly difpofed ; implying , what Method is to be obfcrvcd in the forme ordigcftiori oi an Hiprj. Nither^indced, could any Viands bee more orderly difpofcd, m-r dcceiuly difhed, ^than hath becnc obferved by our Hiftoriogra- [ phers in the comely difpofition of their Wri- tings: MMMMflK vJSN^rfeiyfk^G BN T'T^r. M$ tStvg^^^ r Sd ^dl 'hdth dieDiv?fte pr(^idence or- dered 5 that whatfocvcr properly conduced cither to the knowledge or praftife of this life , mighc to Poftetkj^ Ix^e fuccediv^ly recom- meridcd;. ••'■'• ' "';■• •-. ; ', • • ^ Forfi'rft v todcftend to the Order andCon- tinnancrcf Tiinejagnre^bFe to theEcclcfiafrjcall Hiftoryi^ w.ehaveatthis day compendiouflydc^- livrreduntposby th^Workes oFftteH fauiotis^ Hiftoriographcrs' ds havi writ ten the faid Hi- (Vory unco the poftericy following. For Eufi- lituPsmpiilfu h^th wricccn from the birth of CHritl: uaro the reigtte of Ci^^fjhd^ti^i'yf cwvtinaed the times from Cenjiantinc ,^ unr6 Tht^iofmXnniQr 5 of which Eitipcrours doings iii>>^is3r hiM:h /brpiewhat' diltditrfed. ; As for the Divine iiid Prophane Hiftories from the be- ginnirig of the World unto this day, they are orderly continued by painflill Writers, And firft of ^llj iM(hffs beganiie ro Write (as is doctored OT'thent which compiled rhefc thmgB ctb^ether)^^ the things that were' done frOa'i 'theCrebtion of chc World'>vcn as he had rrnely li^arn^^ of Ccd in Mount Srna,^ Againc, tftlver ft>H^^ed,him j fliewcd the ready ^way tO'V>ar5'R,all I fty, befides fundry other Wri- tcrs5islaiddownebyCA4rir^/, Thtofomfu4 and Lfhortu. As for the Roman Hiftory, compri- zing in manner the Afts of the whole World, or if any other thing felloucby reafon of their CiviJl difcord or ofquarrels rifcnbet^vccne them and forraine Nations, it isexquilltely handled hy Dionjfms H site drnaffcti^ ^ who begunne his ^ Story from the time of the People* called Ah- ri^cncsy and continued k to the reigneof Pyr- rhus King of Efirut. From thence unto the overthrow oiCArthAgt^ Poljiius (JUegippliU- »ush:\th excellently di(courred:,;]^ll which Trd- tifes though occalioned at divers and fundry imKS^Appfsnuswnh grave judgement hath con- trived into Order, gnd compared together jad- ding thereunto of his owne, fuch things as were worthy of memory nfter their dayes unto his time- Diodoriu Sicultu wrote unto the time of luUm CdtfAf , Dion Cdfsi$a likewife continu- 1 cd his Siory unto the reigne o( Antonlm of £- ffjcfd. The like matter and order hath Htrodidu in manner followed , ending with the death of i \J\(dximta. Nic0firdt$M^\ib , a Rhetorician of ' Trdfefus^ l)cganne with the reigne of Philift\\c Sua cifonr of (7^/4/111/, and wrote unto C?^^- ndtttsoi ^dlmjra^ and the ignominious expedi- tion J Nurfery for GENT'Ji T. J^J ^ tion of VaUriAnm againft tXcPtrpdns. Of the ftnic thing inrreatcd Dexifpmn large, begin- ning with the rcigne of the U^dcedonuns^ and ending with the.Empire ofcl^ndifu^ the Suc- ceflbr ofCdlienns. The (aid Author hid downc thcWarres of the C4r/;4/i/, and or'other Barba- rians in lUBadd^ Thrdcsa and Icnid, Eufcbhs continued his Story from oCfdvianus the Em- roursreigne, unto the uwcolTraun^ MdrcuSy and the death ( f Cdrus. ArUfiuf :iX]d \^fwsu4 ^adratsis ^wrotc Ibmevvhatalfo of thofc times. ^1 he finies folJowing, reaching unto the reif^ne of Arcddius and Honmus the Emperors, Zop- wr/K^hath proiccuted : and of the things which happcncci fince their xvcci^%frifc(u Rhetor w^\\\\ others hath difcourfcd. All which Hiftoiies Eufidthitu of Efifhanid hath briefly runne over, but very excellently, and devidcd the whole into two Volumes ; The firfl: containeth the Afts from the beginning of the World unto the dc- ftruftimofTrtyrandthePallaceofPr/Jw/^ : the fecond continueth the Story from that time un- to the twelfth yeare ot i^r^afldftia the Fmpe- rours reigne. There beganne Procofit^ Rhetor^ and ended with the dayes oflu/Hman.y^hat hap. pcned fince unto thelc our daycs (fmh Evdgrtu4 Sc$U(lictsi^ a ferious Difcourfer and Di lender of A ntiquities)al though Agdthius Rhetor^ and lohn^ both my fellow Citizen and Kinfm.tn, have or- derly written of^unto the time when Chofr$es the younger both fled unto the Romans^ and alfo was rcllored tohii Kingdomcby c^^/mr/wx, ' "Ddd (who }i^ .u one dilbOeth, another rclifhcthj what one rclilhcth,anothcrdiftafleth.Sott£\reth with rnr Readers of Hiflovy. Some arc for Solid mc.ueiSericwDifJourfcs, fit oncly for ftronj.^, SronvAckf . Others arc for mcares ofeafic and lii;ht digcftion. What may relifli with rhe Pahu, thou9;h \t affords ledc nouulhmenr^ delights JNMtftry fir GBNTRT. 319 delights them bed:. "Here a Ccnlfir, there a Succot 5 oncly Kix-flao\vcs are for thcfc lighter Ciicfts. And many (hall we encounter withull of this fore : who, fir ^uld you qucftion them, what thcv have read in fuchan Hiftory, or what ufcfuli Obfervance fit upon occafion , to be reduced topraftifo, they have gathered 5 it were to bee doubted, if theyrcmrnc not the f\mc anfwcr, which that youth full Kcidcr of Homers Workes rendred(as one newly come out of an Eufbuns goldcnflumber) toonequcftioniaghim in the like manner, ^' I find not a more pleafinq: Piece ^^i\\'^n Helen ^ nor difpleafing than Therfttes. Many fiich there are, who take ipcrfcftcr view o£ tht Picture , than o/che Subjlance Poorc mouldred earth, which fonK times (if Hi To- ries enlarge not themfclves too farrc; retcincd a graceful! preftnce ; and wrou/Jitfuch (trong imprcdions in ftrange eycSjas they ingaged both their owne and Countries liberty, to become podeflbrs of fuch a beauty ^ are attradivcft Ob- jcds of their eyes, the retcntiveft Subjcfts for their memories. The(e come for company, a- mongft the more knowing and d:(cryit1g Cucft?^ to partake oh\\\%BAnket \ but they prefcrre (iich fweete Meates , which corrupt rather than nourifh, before thofe which may not oncly dofe the Appetite, but fupply for nourifh- ment. Orhers, more lerioufly affected, hold to that which may mofl: noun fh. Thcfc be our ju- Ddd 2 dicious rtk«i«MaaMa«nMi« 580 JSumj of VI I STORY, or dicous Readers, who collcft what may profit them in private Difcourfe^orafiFaircsDomeftick or Puhlick. To ice an Eminent Perfonagebea re hinifclfc to his n!\kc,u'e comrncodhimj wefay, hee docs not tlcp;^'ncrarefroni thofe he came from : his dilpc)ruion proves his defcent ^ hisEducation, the worthincllc of diofc that bred him. Obferve this in yourpcrufallof ^//^rjf j when you fmde apcrfon n()l)ly accomplilh'd ; One, who values h(/ncnir before any worldly tender; you collei% he w.isnotobfairely bred; his demerits pleade for hint. NoHcnld cm find f(;r him a better CoatCj than hisownepcrfonall worth. Now, rcHoct , Gcntkf)jcn^ upon your felvcs. Doe I you Ihcw your fclves abroad? Are you invited jtopublicke Fcalts or other re- (greets of friends? I'lellme then, is not the Vcflcll to be knownc jl>y the [inmdf Our vaportus Gallant| whole !intimateaa]uaint;\p.ceis his rindcr^boxe and a jPipe, takc-iin fnufe.xilnous Difccurfe, His ! entire Study i:> icduccd into a fir'all Volume j cloliuiihis l\i]pi:i:(lc\mh^Fi*lvis cr Ufnirafumus. And thcfc Kmblemcs of his Mortality though he carry Uill about him , he as ealily forgers wlut iheyli^nifiejasiftheyhadnorcl tim to Morra- liiy. Pi>or (cered things! Can you (ee thcle, and not pitty them 1 Pieces made up in the ihapc oi n en^butfofarre cftranG;ed from To Princely i>yk\ as, their feature excepted, they reprefcnt nothin^-^Jcfle. Difcourle^ \.irhcuc diat wcakc mahitatl iniUumeiit , their Pipc^ dity «.ai:iU^r: . ^i*d ,4 9^urftry fofGBNtRT, 381 andwhai they utter what fraoak gives them po* wer to delivcr:thcy rcteinc ftill that Eniblemc in their Diilcft, which they cv^^poratcd frotv their Pipe 9 Smodkc. The JiidicioiisJ am fare^hlufh at this, andbya rr/f^AT o^ionceipt (toufc the Philofophers words) are more afliamcd of them, than they of thcnifclvcs, Forthefc conceive what a difhononr it were to them to flicw thcmfelves (b childiflily in a publickc So- ciety. ItistruCj all difpofirions are not alike affc- , tied jSccingjasr/^rti Qith^runnini^ Wits arc dc-l/ lighted with Poetry, as i^r/y/^^/^vvrircthjClfc- nmutc pciTons arc raviflicd with Mu^ick, and as Sof rates tellcth as, Hidorics agree beft withj / ftayed heads. This induced jflfo^fus to have Hii^'^fy^V *•'. ' \ * \ r I r^ • rS»"t'*** care alwaies n^i his bofomc the Commentaries ofjjhg jeiighN Csfdr : being alfo Co much delighted with the fulft lurmo. Hi Itory oi Titus Livins , th \ t on a ti me he com- "y« .m^indcd certainc Mufitians (though very eicaft inthcirArt) todepirt, faying : "He heard a ''more plcafant harmony out of Z/V/iw, When you come then to this Mudcnll Feaftj where you fliall heare pleafing Aires mixed wirli doleful zW^'ryw^*/ jbrinjdilcretion along with you to rcftifie your diftempcrcd appetite^. Leavelight notes to perfims of light note.Srron- ger meates arc prepared for your wcll-con- cofting Stomacks : fuch as may nourifh you,ind beget "thofe manly abilities, that may fit and accommodate you for the kncwing'fl: pre fence. . It was ihcfiyinecf a learned StattPma'. in 1 I Ddd z ' rV.h) 38 » ««M«Ml ji Swrvtj 0/ H I S TOR Xy» An ii«A Htllorian.arc' ltd Coinpi- uion* Jthis Kingdonic Cwhoft Workes eipreflchim a fcrious reader of Mtn as well as Me^hs ) that he would have a gentleman ratlier fuperfidally (eene in all Learnings , than exadt in One, And his renfon is , that one who reteines the Elements of all Knowledges, though they bebut in a weak mc.ifiire, '7et hce can deliver himfelfe by way of Diicourfe in whatSubjeft (beVer fliallbcmini- (Ircd : whereas Hce, who hath confined himfeifc to an ex.iifl fight of one Knowledgejand no more, being out of that Element, wherein hee is fblcly cxquifitc, he muft veile to other mens Di fcour fe , and kecpe confort with Silence. Now, to inablc you for all Companies, no Qudy may better accommodate, nay accomplifli you , than the knowledge of Hiflorj. So as Cal/JfffencsC:i\d to K^Uxandcr^ that he had ra- ther caroufe oldGraines with Diogenes ifr' hii Dilhj than new Grapes with c/f/i'y^x?^^ itihisj Cup J "Fcr of all the Gods (quoth he) I I6Vt' nor tyf.ftttUpius : preferring conference with a Philofbpficr, before the fociety of a Scepter': andimbracing anabftemiouscourft of mode- ration^ before Feftivall and Epicureall mee- tings. Even fo fliould I in ray choift ofacquain- tance,defirc more to enjoy his comnany 5 who hath bceneufcfully vers'don the TneatreofHi- ftory J than any other , whofe affeded drefic, or airy complement gives oncly a found to the Earc , but leaves noimprelTion intheConceipt. In our clcdion then of Company ( as I have manyrtmesobfer\'cd)let it be our care ^ver to, I make ^K^feryforOBi^TRr. n^nm J83 makex^hoifeof fuch, ^'of whom wcc may bcc ^^confidcnt eitiier to. better ^hem,or be bettered •^ by them, • And to chufe him for our Mafter « ( to ufc Sentu's coun(ell) whom wee may more ^^ admire when we ftehim, than when weheare For the habit of the mindisbeftdi/covered by the Aftion^Station and Difpoficion of the body. So as, he deferves not the ftyle of a Maftcr, who fecond snot that title in his outward gefture. Thus you have beard tiiis Similitude explai- ned 5 in this relemblanee of an llijlory to a Fc^Ji : whereto if you come with taiies or appetites di- llempercd 5 thole various difhes, be they never fodelicious 5 can Afli)rd you fmall delight : be- getting rather in you a loathiniuhanalon{i(ing. S05 in this incomparable Feaft of- f ^ Klory, wlic're Diflics ftored with all variety of dilcouric arc fcr- vcd up 5 if you come, with diftenipcrcd judgo- mentSj not diftinguifliiug what is wholefomc fromwhat isnoyfome, that which might have redounded to your inh'nitc profit , by inverii- on of the right uft^ rcturnes to your detriment. Great preparation thon.is tobehad in thciblcm. ni/ingoffbPrincelyaBankct. V' Sccondly^hcecomparcsittoaJ'/VW. Where we may prcambulate and folace our felvcs after more lerious ihidies. Ncitlicrifliallyou fmde more variety rf flowers in rhe Field 5 than you may of excellent inftructions, powerfiill examples, with other perfwafivc Motives in our Hiftorics, You (lull finde Princes by taking rluirj Bum tligain iocfUfMi dc ^uo tibij}csefl Tiddcrdi^'ud mttiQTQm kVco udeundL « \ )D(i^jp admiit rJx cumvidcif^ dias\ Son^ci; .-»^ II » W . I . ' I 384 ^Smyey <^\^i Fourchly 5 he compares thef^ glozing-fugrtd Htjlonans to O^i^/ 5 who(for the moft part ; Ufe to prcfvi re their M Afters Palat bcforie his profit, SvKh as thc(e delude their Cueft^Wjrh gilded PIat:Sjand indented Partes^ Butguildedaic.\tca will never allay hunger. Profit and pilealurc niiKt together make the befc muficke.Thc fmell of i\te.u can no more feed die belly 5 than the foutid of money fill the Pur(e. '« Thcrehefomc ** wholefpn.e things indeed (faith that finnowy stn. dgTfari! u ^f^f^-^ ) which withouc either touch or tafte, ." proiit much with their (irelL But by thefe, the 'iVf(;r^(//nieant no materiall Flowers^ : Thofc internall graces or be.vities ojf the mitfid,' which l\ad received fweetncdc iVcm Philofophicall in*' rtruftionSj were thofc fweete fragtiAUt Odours ho iwvn by. But to prcdc this C( >mparifon a lit le f vrditrr : O^ir tUjh^i'wH Itouldnoi. be ftich.^ r('i>^( .f,As on^ly to intend a pleafing c f the Smfe llKre is morein Hiftory, than delighting a yruthfuU appetite. He dien that defires to luve his Worker live tp.jfxoftaityr? or in af- ter Ayes to reteine his Menloiy 5 rtiaft di(^ cflccmc thcfe plcnfing humours of complyirig c'iilvcr withTime^ oV with any One \ high in fivcur with. Time. It was thci Poct^ ^rclo^ lution: M anim* Mfe*i*^WMa ^4 Ntffferyfer. G BN TBT, ;j87 * •*»f^ » As w my ihoyfi ofMeatesyfo in my Bo0k?i ; tdratherpteaji my Guefit^thanpfeafemy Ccokg^ ^ . He Writes thcbeftj who humour^ leaft. Nor dfjf lie eicprcllfehiiplclfe better , than in compo flrtg his Style to the ftatc oFthac Sub jeft where of he Writes : Aiming more at publick profit, than iny m-^ns t)riva tc ^ refpeft or favour : for PartUlityi 6f all others' layes the; greateft alpcrr fion uporiiti Hiftoricall Labour. Fifcly, Hce Compares the judgement of an Uifiorian , when it becomes cor rupee \io ivinc-^ (which of it felfe neat and generous) takcth ei- tliet fdtnd waft or unftvoury tafte from die Calke^ Otis corrupted by fome other accident. Mixtures of Hiftories may bee not improperfy refcmbled to out mixtures of .Wines. ^ They make diemjofe thelrj^4w«r and ziiiour. lln- hifli they be fadilcreetly mixed^rhat the Orcngdi of the Hiftory be not weakned^ north oft: prin- cipal! palFages whereof |ie takes occafion \to iteate^i diibrdered or onlittcd. Wine muddy or troubled we cannot endure § itmuft be fined and cleared from the Lees. And Co muftHi- ft6fy* Pdfgedand refined it fiiouldbef^omali Lees i or incredible Lies* Fronfi all imperti- nences, ufelcfle digrefiions, artlcOTc indepen- dencies. Ocherwiielt willtafce^^^ $ and be- get a diftafte to anydifcerning)udgement* Laftlyj He compares unadvifed Readers of Hiftory'r'o t(;;/^/re; Clornks^ who in the fpoyle of a City,breake inrofome Apothecaries fhoppe, Eee 7 well' ferfufg n$firMt MalUmQ^nvW vit qu4m fU'\ cuijp! Cocit. ^^^ _^_:H'"'^ '^ 0/ H I S TOR Y , Of well hirninied with all receipts: but not diftiri: ^uiihiiig what is Sovcraiene from what is Pdy- lon J offering to their Scnfe for for good whatfo- cycrlecmesplcafing : They fallinto Phrenfics, PIurifies,and all Diftemners. Obfcrvc this Ge«//e, ^/f«, and make ufeofir. The D^re, jfhee ( be wounded, can flye to i>/7,i»y, to cure hlmj The Beare when he feeles himfclfc fickc » feekes iotEwmts^ audearcs them, and thcferecc verhim. TheB«, ifhcbediftemper'd, hyes him to BAhicmttt^ and that chceres him. Isitfo, that thefeirrationall Creatures know how to cure their gricfes^ and will you ncgleft what may chcerc yourminds? You may hndc in Hijlorj/ , as in a ConfiShtiar^ , foveraigne Receipts, choice Elcftuaries to cure all mala- dies. Whatfoeverisdefeftiveinyou, maybe hcere fupplyed j and whatfoever is m forae finall mc-ifure perfected, may be more fully accom- pliflicd. Nothing , whether it conduce to Diftourrc orAftion, Warrc or Peace, Arts or Armcs, but may by Hiftoricall Helpes bee highly ad- vanced. ThcPhilofophers Axiomcis: Omne qutdutn tnsefi, matumeft.^nA worfe then nobeing (have thcy^whomeaTurcouttheirlives without a due proportion drawne from others , and applied to |.fce .if h. of A-^'^t^"!^^' ^J"f^."f*'^n » the light of Being,the =»«»^t^l«^— ^ ■ • ii p j' l n il w — «— — 3^9 t- J- ' W^t 'i V. ii . ' \f;;<. »/,f. rori for all States. by hcr,OTdth?wifeft mcnbiwdefircd topoflfeflc her. No Beauty more pcrnxancntjcmtne more eminent, or Trcafurq more piccllent jit beauti- fies it ftlft i J^ndno Pkidmxo)M e\w; portray any pl<9i;irclQiweUa$itp0rtFaye^ it:^^^^^ And / whatinftruftioii better ch^h that which comes | fromHiftorv^ where thetrue Image<)f our fife is dclineated>Vertue.iohci: bffftqcidQurs cxpreflcd, and YicCi(wJthQUt ^ifithcr, ftiadow or ^preteace) layd open and naked > ThcProdigallreads^and fees himftlfq represented in another Perfonj he (ees the miferabje end pf others, wWch funleflc he willfall with oi^ei^ cyejj m^ needs. caution himftlfes he fees h^irc^brain'd cov?r(c8,Ieave both Patrimony and reputation behind them : fimh^ ftt$ Woers^ever woing^never winning. The mi- ftrablis wretch, that pincl^eth. himfeife ip enrich, his untfi^nkfuli Rofierityi^may fee the fruit pf ga- theringPerdition to himfeife, and oft-times oc- caGon of ruine and (peedy deflation to his (ur- feiting Heire, Here tbebrave Souldier lees his owne fame j Afts dvily and fully exprefled i; nor a famous Exploit (deferving memory) muft be fi« lenced, but the very name o^ the Agenr,(tocxj cite others the more) muft be R.ecorded.Here the effeminate Milke-fop, that fights, beft qnder his Ladies flagge^ firft man that will come to ^ Iafci-> vious Banlcet, but laft that willcome toa pitched field : Hee(I (ay) muft fliew himfeife > though Hiftoritiwull fmally to his credit : yea , AUjbi^d:^ f fhough p*^ oQt pamalisc. ther wife well deferving of his Cpuntry) muft be> fetoutinbis ignomimous deaths afwellas i^is Ecc 3 memo- 999 ^SHfVijf^f HIS JOKY,(fr 4> Htftorythe beii HcraU fer debt I to* ningvcrtucox vkc. ,i-ti tticmorablc life« givhtg up the Ghort lA the lappd of his Concubine TyiiWr^ He defined ;///^r)f to life, though confined to afhort)ine, whoca!l*dlf^""A Theatre ofrtoble *^ Aftiom', begettirtg lit the Speftator^ibudi- *^bleEnvy,agior!t)mfimu!arion. i i i liii Nor fliall we find \n the whole paffjge 6f out li fe 5 fo truea flerAld for debhs^oniiltj Vertue of Vice, a$ it iu Wb iay ;X/W^/ um9lhtujk i ind though marty unbefceming Aft l>e by het pre'fen- red , wi th the quality of the Per fon by whom it was aftcd : yetlikc a folthfoll undaunted Recordj it recommends with i co0ip<:)ffed and cedforicui coiinienancc 3^ how icw^s done and by whom^ without gloxing with Pcrfon or Time. Such Rcgiftcrs cannot perifh: Whereas othersy who, are wonnc by Oreatildit, of corrupted wlthbafB I ncrej (of all othivi the bafeft)8r oil t'of private di(contertt (an Errour too commonly taking i^ mongft many Hiftorians ) afperfe-diftionour on any Pcrfon or vState (of all others the hatefiiUeft) cannot prdmift any^ pei^pcl^tui ty, becaulS they fiilcm their foundati(!3n , being not grounded on Principles of Verity. Oh what a graccftiU l>caury bcftowes otn* Hiftorian on Vcrtue, when exprcfled in^n)^ Eminent Pei^rfln I How it wooec Fdlowcrt 5 and'wim rhem to be Imititprfeof fuch goodnefTc! The Members cannot be diftem*- pcr'd , when the Head is healchfull. When the Princeturncs l^hifofopher ^ the whole Court be^ comes Mjicadcf^y.' ' ' ' ' : ^ ' Hiftorythen^ as it may be properly ftilcdjThe ;^,9(wfeiyfif (F\£tN T^I^, MMM n^'T TffrT" Three cfped- all quAlftict well cen« J^Mi-matts uUnre': Satheif AAioh$ i Lecrurc CO the infcriour. Nothitig commendable in the gitat) whidi brinps not with it ^rt * Additaitiertr^ being dbathed with grcaTnoffeJ"^' ^F6t'gi^(iatt>4r<*' funs, bfe their lifcs remarkable ej^therforfomcf d-; rainencVertucSjOrcgregiousViccsithcybecpme pretidents to their (Imdowes^ - i ' Three ^fpetiall cojnmcndaHle'iqul^itiefChilVtt "bin thought ever fitting Gon(o>« W'dt(Jt«iiJ>afi^y f^Si Perfons of quality j but tlicfc have bin (jrer ob- 'with the' (ervedmoftcf^anged from 'fhe]rTdcifety;'i.Pa.|«i'«'^ oV any IticnceinfutFering AdverRcy ra.Moderiition ipf,^^^^^^ ^'"^^ bearing Profpericy J '9. Hlirfi?lity^iii tittempririg Sovcraignry. ^ '• >^i^' • '> That wife chylo^v^htn his brother t6^>k it di- ftaftfuily, that he him^lelfe fhould liotbemade Ephortfs 5 when Chj^fo-v^CiS j- rttade Mpi thi? ati- fwcre to iillay his Chbllcr' : *^ Gr ntont 'ybni*; (elfe ," Brother, I'know how to fiifi^r injuries, fft'do " not you. Implyingjthar Hone Vvas'(ii for plac^ of Authority, but' fta.ttefpatienrl)' endure af- ftonts,' or fuJferaqinjiifij.^hniis it\va^ wRict ft) trul^ recorded Ca/^jil/u^ mme in the Anpals of Honour : whom tfcithcr- His pijj^arbr fh.tp could f * toarauch TAtft, nor hi^sexiife from his Country^ tOOrhucli>::■' This, thofo^praii(f-iVo!thy7i^/-«'^^^ bravely (hewed in theipcor^ftani and ynam^ttecf r^fbluti- on after their difafter at C^tftn^c (as hath beene ob- ferved) where at fuch time as hearing of n6th|iig but utter nUvte and ^diM6tiition riligln^ 'in ey^ry place , thHoutcartbenoatrraaiveLiire, to the confiBored fpiritof ti'ue Hcroick Lover. ' ■ "* I Laffly,with whata Princely beauty Divine Hh. mility (hcwes herielft in the bo'fonie of Nobility, may appeare in that modeft reply of that vidori- oiis Godfrey^ to fuch, as afrer his glorious Con- queft ot Hrerufalem^to the honour of Chriften* doine.oficr'dtoftt a Crownc of gold upon his head , but he refufed it/aying, ''God forbid th.it the Servants headjhoi/ld herr'/th Cold crotvned, F f f n^herc RtjpUeftfittt bcmintm mt' : ««»/»/», Ter- tul. ^»l.c.iU Prima J'umu ohtiti, ptfltf rm v«M tntttr Uximtn , f vM friiM titn we. minimus. MM^I m^mmmmi'miftmt^mr rawpwwi i i . i . » ti!m". ' j 394 J Sumy of HIS TOR Y, <»r . N where hU Ma/iers head was vpith Thorpes pi}r^e4* Nowj the rarity of tlv^ Vcrcq?vpi; f^thff dif rcpofitory of all ycrtncs>is rejommcnd^d Jtd^us by Venerable Bede in this memorable npry ; ** Aidtn a religious BiOioppe , weeping for King ** ojuiNUf 5 and deniaundcd by the Kings <^hap- *' Jainc why he wept ? I know, fayd he , that the " King flull not live long : for never before this '•• time have I fceue an humble King. Which hap- ^* ncd accordmgly, tor he was cruelly myrdred by Ofwhh Howfbcvcr,if in any of thclc/uch Pcrfoiv ageg as the Hiftorian ninkes mention pf^fal fliorr^ thf( ugh corruption ofdifiiplinc 5 hcihouldnot befparingii) hisniodcft difcovcry, (bit import the (ubi^ctof his Hillory ; where itjs cxpedtcd all things fliould be delivered impartia^Uy. Abfolutc Hiftories will not admit of the leaft conccajcnienr ^ but rcprcfeuring every h&^^ Per- fon^and Events ufc to iljuftratc wli^t is vyprch inlilnngupon 5 omirting (or, at leaft curforily palling over) morerruitieflc Subjcdlsrandhow .delightful! may it fceme to every judicipus man^ when in reading of ancient RccordS;,hccppferres thcStratagcms oi Warre thcnufcdp with theprci fcnt obfervanceof thisTippe : (ccs( an^ ftcing ) notes the fundi y difpofitions of men, how noble inthcmfclves, and how gqnerally cikcmed in- vinciblcjby a fudden convcrfion laid low,beneath thcftirrop of Fortune, and made a C^cthdc o[ Fate!. Then to cbfcr\'c States, better governed in their decline than in their height j and farre more able in power , vvhen in the eye of the world ■■^ m M ■ I » < '/ ANHtferyJor QBNTX^. mmmmmmmmm 395 \ p Would lealt ppwerfoll. The Romans^ when they| tod^tCJ\med:theveryhdghiof Fjelicicy,,^ that all Opvter,nraen($ were their Tributaries >: iheo they began toftoop'mofl: tinder their burden$and-pref^ ftd with their ownegtandcure^feemed toimitatc the.r/^^^^A?> :Whft weary of her felfe, defired xo WclW4 but herfelfcextingui- . ni^, What ambitious Tyrants proud of their ^^'y%m^^^ owneftrength, and(ecurcofDivinepower,arerca to the laydfl« in the height of ^tijeirexpeftancies : foas ^^*'''* -where theytt planted the foundation of their hopes, there they were mof I defeated y to exprefle the providence, 8c all-working Majefty of God, whodi(pofethofallgovernmcnts,pulling down a Chriftian the tyrannicall Empires , and fetting wife and ^?\\™^^ diftreet Princes in tneir place! And no niotive(of and Mudiyof prophane writings) more effeftuall then Hide* ^^'^^ ries, to draw us to a confideration of our felves, and the Majefty of God, whofc excellency beau- tifies this Univer(e , teaching us to admire; and (in our admiration) to tremble and feare, having reccurfe to the incomprehenfibk judgments,and fecreccounfels of the Almighty. » ♦ l^jl^^very private Family maj^ draine hence. un- 1 a ^^ !peakable/)r(j/f/,obrerving the divers cafii- p^^y^^ j^^. ^ ^ ^ vcd alties,& mutabilities /ubjeft to every one fromHiftorks that is inrcrcded efpccially in matters of ftate i ^^.f^^'^'f^ preferring their own private and free Lifcjbeforg *"m *u.iv/ popular admiration J ibintanglcdwichccntinu* ' *' '^ *^' all incertainties, Here may the poore Husband- man j at his leafure, receive tidmgs from For^ , , > ' F ff* 2 raigne }95 >i'ttmji*/HlSTORT,*r Mcuet dcMt' /fic4 in cynju* in nav^j^fo fita TkeJcfffifii- ( n of a Mmi- The SouUicvl ciifcifiiBC by taignc Courts:herc he may Icamc what difference thirds bccwiKc the Ccultci' and tWScepf^f ^thjq Sbart and the Shield^. Here may theMfetfchati^s wift pitty her poore husband, loflbd v^ith (i) many advcr ft winds. invlrOrted with fofundry* clangcrs,and cxpofcd to fomifcrablc adventuresj (he cannot chuic but play trtieathom^j^thdt batfe a husband fo faithfull abroad 5 Whd endarigers himfclfe to make her fccure : why ftonld any come into his hazard , that like a Tcftps- hall cafts himrdfc into every hazard ? Here the wife of the valiant Souldicr may fee what difficulties herd!- rtrcflcd husband is cxpofcd unto 5 heat^ cold, watching^ hunger, thirft,all inconveniences^to propagate the glory of his Country, & purchafe him Wh«? irt'hi tof erf SynAdc he fiuth oMairifedir ^ IJ^'etfeeMaWhAttt'ftbs into tti«^i4'chei df tto5^>(Ybt>!'^iE^1l'3i^li^w 'It pleifcth Go^to (ub)eftall things to thcfervin. si tantafolatiain dk Ltcyjwarum^ rfnanta cOnflnl in die ftUptr^H^uph t TJl^fe ConfV' d^rfftfions muft of nccefltry 'niove bim to play the I good Marchant, whofinding one Jem of price^ j will ftll all and buy if. , Yqtfte the nil fery of Mart 1 Thathc whohath- received all thlngsfrom tha tii^ficcaftd Fdurit^iine of Divine Bounty , ihouldprerferrethe fhiir s of [^cnVcd from a Mifery^ before the promifts of Oodi> Mercy! '^" Thofe erring Philcfophei^s, when iVxy concei- vdd thofe rweet-reli(hing Comforts they enjoyed ' by'tlio Miniftry of tl c foufc Eten^entsV they , could hot ( poorc deluded Soules ! ) a fcribe lefle I than theTitlc of a Deity to every diftinft Ele- [wf^^^^^^^ mcnt. IchcmtikcsFire ^ Zcri^fphaM^jEaf^tk^^^^^ - iK/ixmertes Aj/rc viiip^^^ fVAt\ryt<> bc' rneir' Gods, Yet, when all tnc(eElertientisi)byncirtone voyceand vote, crymg, ^^ Wee arc not your Cddr^ ^feekf hiP^ above utx* H^e ^yourGenl^ Hee k^nr ; ji/ !: Fff 3: ''Cod A Motife 90 Ihankfutncfic^ Co nftn c fno> <» ration of maas irrc^^itablc raiTcry, with* our Goii ifv* ffablc mercy* afcribcd di» (lind Deiciet CO the fourt Elcmenci, . fi ' ' i i > thankful] JO vitt¥>pj Qods^^n^ cffi}WctM^rCyr-v:':^or[: 03.2jr;:nJ II'. f . J^nl .rV^^^ Glorioiis it} the Irilag^^hce b'asJmprintcdm: hinv; various iindbeauteoiis b(? thoie, graces, bee. h'ds be ftovved.on him ; a more. preciQus prize is refctvedibrbim: and are not all thefe of powey towooe and winaehirti > Againe, lliould he rcr fleet upon him(elfe> and confiderhowby fmfiili dcdiningjhe is dayly dcfccnding to a miferable condicion^.frQm which, wichput Gods great mercy there is no redemption : he would tume^ nodoubrall Niohe :Mdyj\th pious teares^holy vowcs, religious purpoles 5 vertuous adions, labour his frecdome from captivity,, to re-ppf- fefle him of his primitave liberty*. Hiftories are plenteous in examples, relating the mife- rics of Eminent States j and how foone thofe, who to the eye of the World, appeared moft happy 5 doled to cheerefull a Day with an Eve- ning Summons of irreparable miferyt And jhe greatcft ground of their unhappinefle , tooke life generally from their ovvne (elfe-ccnfidence. Ic vvas .the Siiiying of. that Noble Tkmjioths: '' J hitdpaipmkMJ noif^criJImL . Audit is. tb^ general! condition ofaUMan-kinde : Men are never farther frqnihappinefle, than when they fveme tqbeinjnoifthappineflre,. For what ij5 this , . . r . Theatre A ^urfefyfar Q B^nTRT, — WH I C— ?1J!I»H <5^9 ■ j..*M i a i n i » i p,!l ' ThMltrcpf Ttagick'fln?pqfitcrfc, vMr^t n^att thii 4©d^^m5 wm ^ ^peap^p,!^ our ': |ifo(? never d^^ink^ a Contrarips by ppppfitipn rcceivQiWft illuttra- tion. L.et us eye the: )cpndi tipn of thofe States wvhitkniaHy yearcs h.ave,preC(f?ded: us^aad collect , our;^ijeih?f>pii)eflQby:th43i.di^ §weet; is a^rigbtJyiWoigh itiiwichi rheinconvedicncei that accpmpany: it 3 * wi-ll r/'ndei? all .thanks to , that rrhtqc,ofrwi^.i} by;\vhp(^i^!p(Iingit!)ey eiijoy it. ,1, ThjejCj^jy^d^yly^.^Kpeiie^Ke iCj^nidiftinguiih of thQlfJiH W* be? vyixt Fcaa^c^w^lVtirri', They obr fervej how.in Pe^ce'^ Sopaes burie their Fathers: but; in/^fifWj Fathers burip their Sonnqs : how in Veacd:, the fick ar^liqf l?di rbm i i^ ^^^r^c^the whole I arewpqnd^dwi Wht^rcj ic i$/5iq\il>trii!Jj, vyhpthcr' t\{t.Ageftt or Patient'hc more rni(erable. It is aa cKCcUent Rule^ which is cpmniended to us^ in th§ a(e of/i VirrA »:." Neicherftp pvovc^lje t4kiipfg:"P ^^ of AntDcs^i ;nor;. 1:0 Iciy ;i;hcnVl4qwft(?'Wn(l)^t\ # • occafion rr^^'.AUi*'-' 400 ^ Skh>eyf{>hlisy4gricola;ApooTeUm\nnd'^m profcfliofts. ting in his dhaire of Triumph, willdcfirc by all mcancsto imitate fo notable a prc(identi Sub- ^ni^Jfty^i^^^^^B^^ ^3 Swbjeflslove tpjinitatc their ;Priocc i » citb?r VT Vic^pr VcrcuCr^f but jDprcaire there incjined tp ^h? vprft thoji the fijelts t peaking -this^conclufi- op^^rbrpugh long aj^ iayptcnte cuftome of finne.vs which ^fe^iftf i^ vthat cupnipg an4 guaint Difcourft feenied to compare , with tliis ^btile preparation ,1 laying this grand-hold of proceeding ? frnSus yijcckrum^, pnlhm tibi [fceluf fuUrjf > t A pofition of Mi;.:'' Itisaiafe^becaufe a Divine Conclquon ; Nq Eftatc fccure without the protection of a Su- preme Power* Take a Survey of hU coqc^iipuSj; ?;nd:ypvtQiallfind?Fr2iilty the Foundation t^oy, ftand on. Cares and Fe^rcSj Shadows they cm^ notflyfrom, NoGuard: foftrpngjas toftcure froip FeareaPrinc9$.ftate,;yen» he (hall finde^his very Kingdomie tp fjehisPrifon while he is'in ir^ and to be aiiother? i whefl he is reroovcd from \t: yea,he (hall linfle nothing to be njorc profitable for a King, than fomerimes nop ro play the King* Ggg 2 Yea, -CI MathkvittVo ciuti cure wichoat the proceaion of A Supreme Power. Omttt refmm fu0 frinctfi carter eft, fi (xeat^dlenum. l • I IMIM«I I » ■ r404 ^ SHfreyofHlSTORY;cr Yea, were there no Enemies to invade him^No dtfloyall hearts to undermine him , yet would he encounter with jcalcus and fufpicious feares wiihinhimfdfc to (iirprife him. This Potibn wrought ftrongly with Z>/^//>/7ii^, that Tyrant of SjiracHj}, who ( as upon the like occafion hath beenc formerly obferved ) became fo (ufpiciousy ashee would not truft hisBirbcr to (have him, caufing his Danghrcrs to fupply the Office of Barbers. Pocre Nlajefky ! What pleafure could this Tyrant take in having a Kingdome^ when his Crowne could not fit more dole to his head, thanthofcindividu^'ICires to a Crovvneclung ne.irc to his heart? This caufcd SelckchuiffozC' cuOomahly tofiy, "That if a Man knew with "what Cares a Diadem was clogged 5 how very ^^fewhourcshe were from difquicts freed } hee '^ would not rake i r up, though it lay m the ffreet. Yea, fliould neither EnmicyaffailehimjUor in- firmity invade him, norcares(eaze onhimjnor fcarcsfurprizehim ; yet would he find within him, the ughhehadnoafTaiiants without him, that would daily amate him, nightly awake him. And now , when he h*as fumra'd up all his care^Mndfummon'dall his feares i he findsall his fceming glory^ rha: mighry maffeof Majefty, confined to a very ftraite pericxi. Thou.;h ZiTxes march along with a populous Arn75 drinkim^ dry whole Rivers astheygoe. Thoujii JleXiW !cr intend to reduce Mount t-x^- // OS to the proportion of a Man ; a fniwill Mole- hill in comparifon of a Mountaine will ferve to cc'ver J?{mfefyfor(S B NT7(r, cover httn, » It ii nbt in th& power of a Monar* chy to plead her prerogatire aG;ainft Mortality. Let ^grji^fmrowd himlelfc with fhame un- der Chtemnfjiras (hclter 5 Let AchyUcs ^icpofe himfelfe with glory to all danger's an inevitable fjte attends on both: Though Fame folcmnire the Funeiall of the one 5 but Infamy the obits of the other. *« ; :: . .^ . : Continent C(?r;/c//\i afwcil as Senfaall Smbo^ ni J vcr tiious Lelia .1I well as vicious Semphronja 5 modeftfAiz/Ziiafwellas wanton fw;//^/;/j j con- ftant oitavta af^vell as incontinent M'Pitlina muft (hare ftakes equally with F.\te : only they Ji'K r In theeftimate of F.vuie : Jn rau hs 7/,ifih;/i/r, (C^na^ ksmorjMur. lInequallinBirrh,ct;in'l in Oeuh. An equaricy of condition exact-s aiieqivt!' neceili- ty of our diflTolution. Neither be the Low who- ly more (ecure then the High ; which is no IcfTc fententioufly than truely vcritidc : Wificb HpOH Cedars with woji fury b!on\ IVhoJi fall n/HJi ruifie thofe that grow bdow. ' O how dearely have many of our (hady Fol- lowers of Greameffe bought this Experiment ! when their dependence upon fuch as were ad- di'fted to Ambition, brought them along with their unhappy MafterSj to a fpeedy mine. No Eftate then can be fccured : (6 long as we are Pil- grims, wemuftbeinclofcd with perils. For as Simple men are catched by others , fo are Poli- titians catcht commonly by themftlves. Ggg 3 For' 405 ■J "' • ' 40^ JSuneyofHlSrOKYjfr -. For tell me, thou UprousTimift, who in-^ feftcfl: the Aire by which thou breatheft, makeft the Earth barraine whereon thou treaded, ma- kcjt every creature thy enemy which thou en- joyclt 5 what will it availethee to be a profcjft New^T, to make Religion a politick end, to be ever re(blving^5 and never refolved jevcr doubts fiillj and never fetled ; to be a Toppe wbich:ial7 wayesrunnes round ; or a Whecle ever holding a circular Motion without progrelfion ? Toh.ive thy Religion ebbing and Hc^wing ; thy Proteflion S!fIcciL' like the Soule oiHcrf^wtimNs in Vlntanh, and of HefichJtxitd Fpewcft/clesm tkl}rhiys ^ comming and going: ^hdoj^mum^ little cariug whcthcr Religion (inkeor fwimme, uv.Oic^jtbA ^^hcthcrthyProfelHon ftand or fall ^ or like to Mctius sti^vt/ufmLivie^ who would ftrike or fpcake for neither lide^untill one fide goc downe, and then joyne to that which is bell for Com- nicdity? What will this availe thee, thou temporizing changeling ! Thcu caniV not (hrowde thy fclfe^ nor a6 ions from his eyes^whofeeth all things^al- waycs,rit once.He, who h*as not God pleafcd^lhal never elcape his fury unappealed* There was never (ince the beginning of the world :bcauti- (uis a Delinquent , that could find an Appeale from Gods ] udgment. Let the 11 furous wretch fcrapc never fo care- fully; contraft never (o caurclouily i hoordup never fo plcnruouny ; and gull the world never fofubtilclyrallthis will not lecurehim^ he has Serjeants within him to attach hinubefidcs his prodigall I J NurferjforG B N tRT,' T-r— 407- prodiMll child , ^o9t forlomc h (opcs daily aitd nightly ftartle him,' ' 'i > 't > f ^^ Cnipho the llfurer (asZ«r;if« faigncth)ljerh fA Hel lamenting lis niifcrablc eftatc^that c ne Rcdo^ cburcj an inccfuous prodigal! did;on earth con- 1 fume his goods waltfullyj which he with care I and unjuft meanes had fcrap'd and racked toge- rhen • ' ' ^ < ■■ :- i" li ■•■'.*j ^' ' ^\ 'i This'Fi(^onbegdtiafcpre(entivc aftion :\l4 fliall find few (craping Hmfho's ^ but thl«s ui! Thelc ex.unplcs being beft motives unto Piety, moi.> itoriJ.xj,cijindccJ,niorefoicible, inthatwe have two {,'/Vkc o'aVi'oaaiionsin exemplary Prefidents ofimitation} D.-«ivjiuHc,. the one to 'caution us not to doc this or that, lc.\ft wcfairmtothchkcpunifliment^ being at- tended on by the like mcanes:The other(hkea I'wcct lenitive; inducing us by reafons drawne from proiitjwhich wee conceive may redound a- any way by the like examples « which the Poet fecmcstoilluftratcwhenhefAith: ExcMplotillcnusquiJ,ipit,7tlcfipit. The greateft benefit in private , I imagme to bcdrawnc likewife, from the right and cxatt uie d^»!fifjLfaf Q^m'^w* mmmmm >40|9 ufeofHiftOryi ;i whidi fJarciculargood 1 hivc.v »^ v A^V' irariked jn theiecbtid placet' and that is ^chis : , iHs friv^iCKtv Meld thtfuft^ry difppfitions lo/ Frinctfm^di tPedpU : Rcifonj ^whereof cannati be ^Iveri i : hut oncly fromi the' tcml:)crature of the Region wherein they liVerWhich reafons drawne j&cm conjcfturfiU groiuids,are oftentimes decei- YcdJn thenilc!lYics;tiaindiQ)ofitig or ordering of States to thelfqiaaccofY^iiedomc. . This benefit I have gadiered, and placed in the Rereward : Laft Obfcrvances (I know ) take greateftImpre(G6n;andnonemore needful! than this: when wee {hall have commerce with any people, than to call to mind their difpofition, left wee incurre a greater mi fchicfe through our ignorance. Srrangejyjealous arc fomeNations, they have >^ under pretences rcligioudy honeft;^ nialfl^ing treacherous and difloyallpro- jeds : Never Icfle yourFritnd, than when (ee*- 1 ..iv/ Hhh ming ti,..i < »i a i." ^ Ufaiu\lpm. f^^«> flcekc tongue vcanobfervc times, and for Biiiiiui. , private advantage ( like a fectrnd ^/w^) unbo- (bme himfelfc unto you .• There be no windows iiilVn heart , therefore belceve him noti if by the tranrparancy ( f thy eye thou couldft fte into that rotten SefHilchre of his fugred-poifoned heart, thou wouldft admire fofaire and beautiftill an <)ut-lu1c,to have (b loathforae and hideous aii iii-lide : Better charadtred thou canft not have him than by Hiftory , it is the bed Image of thy Life 3 and can heft fct out in their ownc native colours fuch deformed Images. Nu /nrigi To ^^^ *^ ^^^^^* ^"y Model] dravvnc fo neare to ncarc to Life, lift^>as Hiftory.is to the Image of Mans life.Thcre iiihc Hinory^js no affcftion fo ftrongly predominant in any of mam Li/c. perfon uow living jwhich he may noc find repre- fcnted in lively colours, in the lifes and aftions ofj others. Anunodoubt , but this affinity or re- (cmblancc of manners begot in Pitha^oras that opinion of his Mctcwpfycbojis or tranmiigration of Soules: for ibncarely found he the di/pofiti* on of One rcfembling an Other j as he verilv thought the Soulc of that pcrfon endewedwitn fuch aifcftions , pafled into an others body : for otherwife they could not pollibly fo nearely a- grce in the temper or quality of their humours. Andfliould man take a due pervfall of him- felfc 5 what he is naturally moft affected tooj whatpaffion moft rageth or raigneth in him 5 what hopes andfeares accompany him j upon what grounds thofe receive life in him. Agame j what ^Nmferj fir GBN ^R X. 4n ) Vyhacreccipts he finds moftSqveraigoe todttcm- per thofe Motions in him : no doubr^but he (hall upon reading of Hijicry , meete with fome One or Other , fp nearely refembUng him, . andin*' •wardly like him i as he c^n^ot; chufebutbugge the Story for the Statue iake. Seeing himfelfe fo nearely nioulded , as himfelfe cannot be more likehimi^lfej thcjnhefindsi bi^ meutall parcrc- fcmbled^ .So as, h^ might well avouch, upon the prefcntmcntof an other fo like himfelte ; Vel mcipfummfcio^velinalio pteipfum Scntio:\ ey- thcr know not my (clfe ^ or in another I fee my fclfe. Might we afTume that freedome which rhtarch enjoyed, in aParalell of prccceding with fuc- ceeding times 5 the perfons andaftionsprefent with thofe that went before us 5 we (hould rc- turncasnearearefemblanccin ours, as ever he did in the Symbolizing of his Princes. Themjiocles foimd Miltiades (pirit inhimfelfe. Sudi like noble minded Perfonsfliould we finde in ours. Others , like PalwHrufy or a lovc-ficke f ^r/r, more apt toencounter with love , then to ingnge themfelves in any other Lift. And neare refemblances might we cull out afwell for thefe as thofe : both for Campe Honour and a Carpet Lover. Which might prove a fingular motive to excite Valour , even in thofe, whofe remifler fpi- rit> ftood before fo rebaited , as they might take aperfeftdraught of their owne Phyfnomicsby that white-liver *d Captaine^ who looking him- fclfe inaGlaffe when he was angry-jWas affrighted Hhh 2 with I 412 J Survey of HI STOKY, or t; i> with hh otmcconhtenurttc. ' WhtreaSjCChtrari- wi(e,true H(5r6itcihctfs the T/u^/Z^/A/WjOpcncd his Impoftumc vvtrh his Sword. Corralives arc ever held more Soveraigne than Cordials for old Sores. Nay, inthcfeTrc^vatj/T/wejyoufhall Tinde Dire- ft ions from one Stare or Story to another,to pre- pare nun both for his prefent and future conaiti- on* Starrcs arcclfrcC/h/^ EmhkmesutitoKirt^t^ Kings to their Pccrcs^Pctrcs to injcrionr things. Omvii ^»>rw /ccam rtv^ p4rirMortii Omnem Meftm fern fecum no vum ftpt^ijfe ihorbum fcnti^ cmui. Aph«r. .'Mios Adria- »»^«. ArvnuUt Nor ftaycth our Hiftoricall Direftionhccre: for it prepares Man as well in his paflTage from life, as Pilgrimage of this life : fliewing, whatdi- vcrliry oFinfirmities accompany m jhowthey are the Suburbs of Death : and how every yeere, tiay, every Moonth bringcth fome one or new malady, as a Meflenger of Mans mortality. He will tell you too, how bitter Death is iinto ruch,whonrvcrthinkeofir before they grapple with it rand this our Hiftorian points out to life in that fole-affcflionateorSouIe-palTionate Dia- logue of that cxpirini^Empcrour, inhis pictiftil- ly-pcrplexcd farewell to his bcft-beloved , his dearcff Darling. Thus may you finde in Hijiory, the Image and Life cf Man, his Image after he furceafeth to be Man. Direflions for his Life j Provifions a- gainft AHwfeiyfatG B 9(TRr. 415 gainfV Death : efieftualtConfiderations for both. Upon a review of the Premifles, we may fafely draw up this Condufion : Thy whole Life wrapt up in Experiments either at home or abroad,can. not teach thee fo much, as a ferious difcourfe ta- king breath frgm one integrious Hiftory, will teach thcejnoneyccrc. Hiftorictll K. Utioni. occt, floni of f ub. ilick Esperi* BlfAlli LuciL. Scriptk apret mky quifavet vtth < » ■ ' ' — t^ La«t ci foil cribttator omnif, Cttjui ifRatu Labor cxtac omnft^ Fruftus m tii» refer tjitttr omaca Orbisinorai, « >rimatur Tho. Wykes Hi P. ' ' " " ' EpVfco. 'Lend. Capell. Domeft. Makch a6. 1638. FINIS, I ^ T ( ^) 4/1 1 it 1 . ntnviv,^ !>NnoDll.iij!,;;n:ffir')rff'' • ■ -■♦ Errata^iin tnc Survey^ j ;. { j . ^ ^ '1 ' k^h) '.Hindu PlurmaccSir.lMurnacei.^. il,mArg,fo^ the' Cities M0t6 ttjumpksnttr* Thf ^ififs triumfhAHt AUtt$, p, 14./. »J./tfr rvhiffiif^whicthp. t> i.n(t,forgU4rdomtr. flHifd9H,f» la./. tOj0rAH4tieJ,r rLinciaSi^,Lynaus.^. 175. Li* for laukir,^. U- ce/fle. ^. 1 74. /. M/f,for ^tund^nn^ r»st(fnf^aace, p. I P4. l,i%.f$r UAS^r\ iees»p. %(iy,(m4rg,f(ir Amazantu$,f , A- m\int\x%,p*i^6 i,^.f9tr4ajoHS,r.,riUtiottti* ,^otfolUy tot ertornm fil*i^preHf(ed4\^^luot ChaUogriipki ct imina^ tot %/into^rAphhVHiHer4, Animadverf. />. 3jp. i.nit.for y^fff^tperf.p, 374. /. l^.for Scmtine^r, ScfMtiny.p.l^l^ /. t <^«/tfr inventing^r, hi vfntift^.p^l^j, ^*l*f^^ Aulius/. Aul^^^.H8V^lp^/;'^l^^^/fr,>f.p^/<^JW^^,^.4^I.w4r^. for hAkUll/^JfefiiMt^^^ lH^S*jor f ^''^^^Jf f/«/j''3<^P' ^•^» for mt\\c miihtf. mtf^ht m^kf, ".././ \\ '::s:ij:jiMmm mmmmmmmmm y ^ University of Connecticut Libraries