i,tiiiiiiinT ri |i|i|i|iii|i|i|i|i|i|i|i,i|i,ij,i,i|!,i|i,i,i,i,i,i|i,i,r,Tp7i v T.I r?rfc.VRY Class j\o.^o^^3 .... CosL..^5 |||,i,i,j 7T7 7,i, ,i | i|iTnTPii|ii'| i|i|i |i|i|i|i | r|l|iii|i|i|i|i,i|r,i,i; ^7 9 BOOK 630.G79 c 1 AGRICULTURE .... .11 ELEMENTS U*5|^^ ^3 SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE, OR THE APPLICATION OF BIOLOfeY, GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY TO AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE. INTENDED AS A TEXT-BOOK FOR FARMERS AND STUDENTS IN AGRICULTURE. /&,r,sr/A BY ALONZO GRAY, A. M. Author of Elements of Chemistry, and Teacher of Chemistry and Natural History in Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. ANDOVER: ALLEN, MORRILL AND WARDWELL. NEW YORK : DAYTON AND NEWMAN. 1842. ^^-^ # Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1842, by ALONZO GRAY, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. '•*''«^.^,«^% PREFACE About two years since, the author turned his attention to Agricultural Chemistry, with a view to prepare a text-book on scientific and practical Agriculture. His particular ob- ject was, to furnish facilities for the introduction of Agricul- ture, as a branch of study, into some of our academies and high schools. This design has been steadily pursued ; al- though, at the time of commencing his investigations, the subject was involved in so much obscurity and uncertainty, that he often despaired of being able to prepare a book, which would be of any real service to those for whom it was in- tended. The late works of Liebig, Daubeny, Johnston and Dana, together with the Geological Reports, in most of the States, have thrown a flood of light over the whole subject ; and although we cannot affirm that all is known which it is de- sirable to know, still, many fundamental principles are estab- lished ; and we have the materials for constructing the most important and useful science of modern times. The avidity with which the public mind have seized every- thing which promised to throw light on the art of husbandry, is an encouraging indication, that it begins to appreciate the vast importance of the subject. The fact, that many gentlemen of education and fortune are resorting to this primitive art, as a means of pleasure or for scientific purposes, still further shows, both the dignity of the employment, and its power of aflTording those simple and IV PREFACE. satisfying pleasures, which cannot be derived from mercantile or professional pursuits. In view of such considerations, the author has been deeply impressed with the desirableness of furnishing the young far- mer with a scientific knowledge of his profession. This is especially desirable, in order to give dignity and attractive- ness to the employment. A thorough knowledge of the fundamental principles upon which the art is based, seems almost essential to successful practice. This necessity is yearly becoming more and more imperative. The States, generally, have made ample provision for the education of their sons, in almost every branch of knowledge, with the exception of that, upon which the profession of the majority is based. The art on which all depend, and which the great body of the people practice, is left without any professional instruction, either public or private. To supply, in some degree, this glaring deficiency in our popular system of education, and to call the attention of those who are interested in the prosperity of our free institutions, to the importance of having the sons of republicans well in- structed in this most noble art, have been the principal in- ducements, for giving this work to the public in its present form. For we are fully persuaded, that Agriculture will never be held in that high estimation which it deserves to be ; that it will never attain to that perfection of which it is sus- ceptible ; until it is made a regular branch of study by those who practice it as a profession ; until it is incorporated into our systems of education. But although this work is designed for students in Agricul- ture ; it is not intended to be studied exclusively by those, who are attending at some public institution. It is designed for the farmer, at whatever stage of his education he may have arrived ; for we believe that it is as true of farmers, as of any other class of men, that they are "never too old to PREFACE. V learn ;" and that, unless they are very stupid, they generally do learn something new every day of their lives. It has been necessary, to introduce many terms of a tech- nical character, but none are used which have not been de- fined, or whose signification may not be discerned by a care- ful examination. We trust, therefore, that the farmer will not be deterred from reading the work, because he may find words belonging to sciences which are unknown to him. If he will not only read the book, but study it, and that too in course, we venture to assure him, that he shall be able to understand what is written, whether he is benefited by it or not. In the preparation of the work, the author has consulted several writers on Agricultural' Chemistry, particularly Sir H. Davy, Chaptal, Sinclair, Liebig, Daubeny, Johnston and Da- na ; and also, various Reports and periodical publications. The view^s of each writer, on many important points, have been presented, and their theories examined. In addition to an Index, a very full Table of Contents is add- ed. This table is intended to contain a complete analysis of the work, in the form of topics. The design of this table is, to fiirnish the student with the most important subjects for his attention ; and, should the work ever be so fortunate, as to be introduced as a text-book into cur academies, these topics may serve the purpose of direct questions. It is proper, in this place, for the author to acknowledge his particular obligations to Dr. Samuel L. Dana of Lowell, for the many kind suggestions which he has made from time to time, and for the important aid afforded by his late work ; although not received, until nearly the whole of this work was prepared for the press. The author would also express his obligations to the Trus- tees of Phillips Academy, who have so promptly responded to the suggestion of preparing a text-book for the use of the In- 1* Vi PREFACE. stitution under their care; and who have afforded him many facilities for bringing the work to a close at so early a date. With the hope that this effort to improve our system of rural economy will meet with that success which is so ear- nestly desired, the author would now commit these results of his studies to the better judgment of those who may be induced to read what is herein written. A. G. Encr. Depart, in Phillips Academy, ) * Andover, April, 1842. > TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Page. Agriculture defined — its importance 17 Aid which it may derive from the Natural sciences . . .18 I. Mineralogy and Geology 18 II. Chemistry 19 III. Botany 24 Plan of the Work ■ 25 Influence of slight improvements 26 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. CHAPTER I.— The Vital Principle, Division of Natural bodies 29 Sect. 1. Definitions and descriptions — proofs^ nature and uses of the Vital Principle. Definition of Biology 29 Of an organized body 30 Definition of a plant 30 Tissue defined and described 30 Cells 30 Spiral vessels — Pores — Cuticle — Wood . • . . . 31 Cambium, Alburnum, Assimilation, Transpiration . . .38 Comparison of the Vital Principle in animals and plants . . 33 Proofs of the existence of Vitality. I. Power of vegetables to resist natural laws — 1. Chemical affini- ty. 2. Gravity. 3. Heat and Cold 35 II. Excitability in vegetables. — 1. Influence of light. 2. Of heat 36 3. Of electricity. 4. Of artificial stimulants . . . .37 III. Irritability of vegetables ....... 37 IV. Productions of the vegetable kingdom . . . .37 JVature of Vitality — Biological hypotheses 38 Definition of life 39 Vm CONTENTS. Uses of the vital principle 40 1. J'^3 relations to agriculture as a science . . . . .40 2. Its relations to Natural Tlicology 41 3. Moral effect of considering this power 43 Sect. 2. Definitions. — Conditions necessary to develope the Vital Prmciple in the seed, bulb and bud. Definitions — 1. Of eeed 43 ,2. Of cotyledons. 3. Radicle. 4. Plumala. 5. Bulbs. 6. Buds 44 7. Eyes. 8. Chemical transformations — catalytic force. 9. Of a simple substance ........ 45 10. Of Compound bodies. 11. Of alkalies and acids. 12. Of salts. 13. Of equivalents. 14. Organic constituents . 46 15. Inorganic constituents. ...,.:. 47 Organic Constituents — 1. Oxygen 47 2. Hydrogen — water 47 3. Carbon, carbonic acid 48 4. Nitrogen, nitric acid, ammonia 48 Germination — Conditions of ....... 49 1. Moisture — its influence upon germination . . . .49 2. Air " « 50 3. Heat « ".-... 51 4. Light " " 52 Changes during the process of germination . . . .53 Methods of promoting germination. 1. By immersing the seeds in hot water . . . .54 2. Experiments by Mr. Bowie . . . . . .54 3. By mixing seeds with substances which yield oxygen easily 55 Object of all the vegetable functions — propagation; effected by seeds, buds, bulbs and leaves ....... 55 By cuttings, layers and suckers 56 Theory of the formation of the different organs of plants . 57 Sect. 3. Definitions — Conditions of the growth of plants. Definition 1. Of soil 57 2. Of sub-soil 58 Organs of nutrition — 1. Roots, different kinds of . . .58 2. Stem or culm — its functions 58 3. Leaves, their structure and office 59 4. Flower leaves or petals — their office — analogy between ani- mal and vegetable bodies 60 CONTENTS. IX Conditions of growth. I. Proper medium and space for growth . . . . .61 Uses of the soil — 1. Support 61 2. Repository of food. 3. Chemical changes, medium of . 61 4. Medium for air, water and heat . . . . .62 5. Absorption of gases ........ 62 II. Food. Supply of food. 1. Constancy of supply 63 2. Proper regulation ........ 63 Practical inferences 64 3. Kind of food — nature of 65 III. Tillage — Conditions of 66 1. Thorough ploughing ........ 66 2. Deep ploughing, importance of . . . . . .67 3. Pulverizing the soil 68 4. Covering the seed ........ 68 .5. Extermination of weeds ....... 69 Importance of the above conditions illustrated . . . .70 CHAPTER II. INFLUENCE OF THE ATMOSPHEKE, WATER AND OTHER AGENTS, UPON THE VITAL PRINCIPLE, AS CONNECTED WITH THE PHENOMENA OF VEGETATION. Sect. 1. JJgejicy of the atmosphere. Composition of the atmosphere .... I. Influence of the oxygen of the air upon the roots Theories Influence of oxygen upon the leaves of plants . Theories Quantity of oxygen absorbed by plants, dependent, 1. Upon their vigor 2. Upon temperature 3. Upon the season of the year Quantity absorbed by the fleshy-leaved plants " " evergreens " " herbaceous plants " " trees naked during the winter Action of oxygen upon fruit .... Summary of the agency of oxygen II. Influence of the nitrogen of the air 72 73 73 75 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 78 79 80 X CONTENTS. III. Influence of the ammonia of the atmosphere . . .80 Sources of ammonia. 1. Putrefaction of animal bodies . . , . , .81 2. Decay of vegetable substances ...... 81 3. Volcanoes 81 IV. Nitric acid of the atmosphere 82 V. Light carbureted hydrogen 83 VI. Influence of the carbonic acid of the atmosphere . . 83 Source of carbovic acid. 1. Chemical action 84 2. Combustion 84 3. Respiration of animals ■ . 84 4. Decay of vegetables 84 Quantity of carbonic acid in the atmosphere . . . .84 "W%at becomes of this acid ? 85 1. It is decomposed by vegetation . . . . .85 2. Quantity of this acid absorbed at different periods . . 8G Other causes which abstract it . . . , . . .88 Necessity of carbonic acid to vegetation . . . . .88 VII. Mechanical agency of the atmosphere. 1. Pressure 87 2. Medium for the action of other agents . . . .90 Beautiful and wise constitution of the atmosphere . . .91 Sect. 2. Agency of water upon the vital functions of plants. I. Water in the solid form — ice and snow 02 1. Benefits of freezing the soil 92 2. Protection afforded the roots by ice and snow . . .92 II. "Water in the liquid form. 1. Its solvent properties ....... 93 2. Its chemical agency 94 3. Its mechanical agency 95 4. Its agency as nutriment 95 III. Water in the state of vapor. 1. Quantity of vapor in the atmosphere . . . .96 2. Absorption by the leaves and roots , . . . .96 3. Influence in dry seasons ....... 97 4. Agency of dew as affected by the conducting power . 97 5. Agency of rain ......... 97 6. Effect of evaporation upon soil ... .98 CONTENTS. Sect. 3. Influence of the imponderable agents upon the vital func- tions of plants. I. Gravity. Experiments of Mr. Knight 98 II. Cohesion 99 III. Chemical affinity 100 IV'. Caloric. — Properties necessary to be studied • . 101 1. Its influence on affinity 102 2. Effect of heat in the spring — of too great heat . . 102 3. Tendency of heat to pass into an insensible state . .102 4. Effect of heat during the winter 103 Distribution of plants dependent upon temperature . . 104 V. Light. Calorific. Colorific and chemical rays . . 105 1. Stimulating properties of light 105 2. Its power in the decomposition of carbonic acid by the leaves 106 3. Different colors. Experiments of Mr. Hunt . . . 106 VI. Electricity. Modes of exciting it. Theory . . . 107 Endosmometer, description of 108 Cause of the ascension of the sap ...... 109 Sect. 4. Agency of man. Methods by which men may control the imponderable agents 111 CHAPTER 111. PRODUCTIONS OF THE VITAL PRINCIPLE — THEIR CHARACTER, COMPO- SITION, SOURCES AND ASSIMILATION, Sect. 1. Character and comjiosition of the vegetable productions. I. Acids 117 II. Alkalies . . . 119 III. Intermediate bodies . . 120 IV. Neutral substances 123 1. Sugars. 2. Amylaceous substances .... 124 3. Gums 125 4. Glutinous substances 126 Sources of many articles of food and medicine .... 126 I. Roots 128 II. JBulbs 129 III. Woods 130 IV. Leaves 130 V. Seeds and fruits 131 XU CONTENTS. Sect. 2. Definitions and descriptions . — Source and assimilation of the organic constituents of jtlants. Definition and description — ]. Of huniin , . . . 135 2. Of humic acid. 3. Of crenic acid. 4. Of apocrenic acid 136 5. Of apocrenates. 6. Extract of humus .... 137 Source of organic constituents. I. Carbon. History. Nature of vegetable mould . , 138 Theories I. Of Liehig. Arguments in support of Liebig's theory , 140 1. Quantity of carbon introduced in the form of humate of lime 141 2. '< " by metallic oxides . . 141 3. " " by water .... 141 4. Quantity of carbon yielded by wood land, meadows and ploughed fields 142 Origin of the carbon of the first vegetables .... 142 Quantity in the atmosphere invariable. Why ? . . . 143 How is the carbonic acid of the atmosphere disposed of.? . 143 5. The most important function in the life of plants— what ? 144 6. Nature of decay— changes which take place . . . 144 7. Excrementitious matters of the roots 145 Objections to Liebig's theory. 1. This theory does not give acorrect view of the humus of soil 146 2. The facts which are brought forward do not prove it, allowing them their full force 146 3. This theory does not give a correct view of the quantity of water in the soil 147 4. This theory overlooks the influence of living plants . 147 5. There are evidently other sources of carbon . . .148 6. The theory is inconsistent with itself and with facts . 148 7. " " must therefore be modified . . . .149 Other sources of carbon, humic, crenic and apocrenic acids , 150 Summary of the sources of carbon 151 TIteory of the assimilation of carbon Illustrated by chemical transformations . . . .151 Chemical transformations in plants and animals . . . 153 II. Source of the hydrogen of plants. 1. Water. 2. Ammonia. 3. Light carbureted hydrogen . 155 4. Geine or humus 155 ni. Sources of the oxygen of plants. 1. The atmosphere. 2. Water 155 3. Carbonic acid. 4. Geine or humus. 5. Nitric acid . 156 CONTENTS. XUI IV. Theory of the assimilation of oxygen and of hydrogen . 156 V. Source and assimilation of the nitrogen of plants . . 158 1. The atmosphere. 2. Ammonia. Proofs . . . 159 Quantity of nitrogen derived from ammonia .... 161 Objections to Liebig's theory of the source of nitrogen . . 162 Form in which ammonia enters plants 163 3. Geine or humus ........ .163 4. Nitric acid, in the form of nitrates 164 Necessity of supplying plants with humus .... 165 Sect. 3. Definitions. — Source and assimilation of the inorganic constituents of plants. Description of potassa, soda, magnesia and other salts . . 166 " " lime, alumina, oxide of iron and silicic acid . 167 " " hydrochloric, sulphuric and phosphoric acids 168 Inorganic constituents. 1. Potassa, source and assimilation 171 2. Soda, ^^ « « 173 3. Magnesia, " " " 174 4. Lime, u u a 174 5. Alumina, " " " ...... 175 6. Silica. 7. Metallic oxides 175 8. Phosphoric acid. 9. Sulphuric acid. 10. Common salt 176 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. CHAPTER IV. ROCKS AND THEIR RELATION TO VEGETATION. Sect. 1. Simple bodies which compose the rocks. Sect. 2. Compounds formed by the fourteen simple bodies I. Primary compounds, or bodies composed of two simple bodies 1. Acids. 2. Alkalies. 3. Urets II. Secondary compounds or salts 1. Silicates 2. Carbonates of soda, magnesia and potassa 3. Sulphates. 4. Nitrates .... 5. Phosphates. 6. Muriates B 180 181 181 181 182 182 183 XIV CONTENTS. Sect. 3. Simple jninerals which enter into the composition of the rocks. 1. Quartz 183 2. Feldspar. 3, Mica. 4. Talc 184 5. Hornblende. 6. Serpentine. 7. Calcareous spar . . 185 8. Pyrites (fool's gold) .186 Sect. 4. Composition of the rocks 1. Igneous and aqueous rocks 187 Igneous rocks. 1. Granite. 2. Gneiss. 3. Mica slate . . 187 4. Argillaceous slate. 5. Talcose slate. G. Hornblende slate 188 7. Graywacke. 8. Trappean rocks. 9. Limestone rocks . 188 10. Sandstones 188 Sect. 5. Origin of soils. Agents concerned in wearing down the rocks . . . • 188 1. Oxygen. 2. Pyrites 189 3. Mechanical agency of water. 4. Decaying plants . .190 5. Growing plants 191 Depth of soil 192 CHAPTER V. SOILS, AND THEIR RELATIONS TO VEGETATION. Sect. 1. .Analysis of soil. I. Mechanical analysis and tests 195 II. Chemical analysis of soils . . ..... 198 Rules of analysis by Dr. Dana 198 « " Dr. Jackson 198 Sect. 2. Composition of soils as determined hy analysis. 1. Mineral constituents of soil 205 1. Earths. (1) Silicic acid, its quantity and of5ces .... 205 (2) Aluminous earth, "^ " 206 (3) Lime, « " 207 (4) Magnesia, " '< 209 2. .Alkalies and metallic oxides. Ammonia . . , .210 Potassa, quantity and uses, 211 Soda and oxide of iron, " ^ . 212 3. Salts and urets. Common salt 213 CONTENTS. XV Phosphate of alumina and of lime 214 JNitrate of potash and of soda. Sulphurets .... 214 II. Organic constitxicnts of the soil. Humic acid. Geine . 215 Crenic and apocrenic acid. Extract of humus and humin . 216 Sect. 3. Theory of the mutual action of the organic and inorganic constituents of soil, and of groimng vegetables. 1. Action of the organic and inorganic portions of soil . . 218 1. Of silicates. 2. Carbonates. 3. Alkalies. 4. Catalysis 219 5. Air and water 219 n. Mutual action of growing plants, silicates, salts, etc. . . 219 1. General theory of the action of salts .... 220 2. Character of the acid determines the peculiarity of effect 220 Sect. 4. Circumstances upon which the fertility of soil depends. General inferences 228 Sect. 5. Classification and description of soils. Geological classification of soils. I. Alluvial soils. 1. Of rivers 231 Value of alluviarsoils. 2. Peat alluvial soils . . . 232 II. Diluvial soils. 1. Sandy and gravelly .... 233 2. Argillaceous, clayey and loamy 234 III. Tertiary soils. Their origin and character . . . 2*34 IV. Secondary soils. 1. Cretaceous or chalky soil . . 235 2. Oolitic soil. 3. Saliferous. 4. Carboniferous. 5. Silurian 236 V. Primary soils 237 1. Argillaceous slate soil. 2. Limestone soil . . . 238 3. Mica slate soil. 4. Talcose slate soil .... 239 5. Gneiss soil. 6. Granite soil. 7. Sienile soil . . 240 8. Hornblende rock soil. 9. Porphyry soil .... 241 VI. Trappean soils. 1. Greenstone. 2. Trachyte. 3. Lava soils 241 Chemical classification of soils. 1. Siliceous soils. Properties and mode of improvement . 243 2. Aluminous or clay soils — their properties .... 244 3. Calcareous soils. Properties and tests .... 246 4. Magnesian soils ......... 247 5. Peaty soils. Origin of. Properties, etc. . . . . 247 6. Alluvial soils. 7. Loamy soils . . ..... 249 XVI CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL. Sect. 1 . Improvement of the soil by the addition of earths. 1. By carbonate of lime. 2. By sand and gravel . . . 253 3. By clay. Theory of the action of clay .... 253 Sect. 2. Improvement of the soil by draining and irrigation — Causes of wetness. I. Draining. 1. The surface. 2. Draining the soil . . 256 Construction of drains. Metiiod of 257 3. Draining the sub-soil 258 Necessity of draining 260 Utility of draining 262 II. Irrigation — time and mode of watering .... 262 Sect. 3. Improvement of the soil by fallow crops and by turning in green crops. I. Fallow crops. Naked fallows defined .... 265 Utility of fallow crops 266 II. Turning in green crops. Process ..... 267 Theory of the action of green crops 268 Sect 4. Rotation or interchange of crops. Rotation founded on experience ...... 270 Reasons for an interchange of crops. I. The structure of plants 271 1. Culmiferous plants. Their influence in this respect . 272 2. Leguminous plants. 3. Root crops .... 273 II. Composition of plants 273 III. Excretions given out by the roots ..... 276 Theory of M. Decandolle. Of Macaire Priueep . . . 276 Rules for constructing a rotation system . . . . 278 Sect. 5. Root culture — Theory of their action. CHAPTER VII. IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL BV MANURES AND TILLAGE. Sect. 1 . Mixed manures., or those consisting mostly ofgeine. I. Solid excrements of animals. 1. Cow dung, analysis of . 284 CONTENTS. XTU Value of COW dung 285 2. Plorse manure, analysis of ...... 286 3. Sheep dung. 4. Hog manure. 5. Night soil . . 287 Changes in fermenting dung heaps ..... 288 C. Poudrette. 7. Guano, analysis of . . . . . 293 8. Pigeons' dung and that of domestic fowls . . . 297 II. Animal solids — their composition ..... 294 1. Horns and hoofs. 2. Nails. 3. Hair . , . .295 4. Wool. 5. Feathers. 6. Glue. 7. Bones, bone dust and soot 296 HI. Animal and vegetable bodies destitute of nitrogen . . 297 1. Soap-boilers' spent lye, composition and use . . . 298 Sect. 2. Manures consisting of animal salts. 1. Urine of the cow, composition and value .... 300 2. Urine of the horse " " .... 300 3. Human urine ......... 300 Sect. 3. Manures composed mostly of geine. I. Sea weed. — 1. Ribbon weed. 2. Carrageen moss. 3. Rock weed. 4. Eel grass. 5. Sea coral. Preparation and applica- tion of sea weed ......... 303 II. Peat, swamp muck and pond mud, their comparative value 306 1. Peat composted with alkalies 306 2. Peat composted with animal matter .... 308 3. Peat composted with green manures .... 309 Sect. 4. Methods of applying manures. 1. For cold stiff soils. 2. For light sandy soils . . . 311 3. Action of green manures on hoed crops and grain crops 311 Sect. 5, Saline manures^ or those consisting of inorganic salts. I. Salts whose acid contains the elements which nourish plants 312 1. Nitrates, theory of their action 313 2, Phosphates. 3. Carbonates, theory of their action . 314 Theory of the action of lime 315 Utility of lime in agriculture 317 Action of ashes, their composition 317 Peat ashes, leached ashes, white-ash 318 II. Salts whose acid does not enter into the composition of plants, and whose action is poisonous 319 XVlll CONTENTS. 1. Sulphate of lime, utility of copperas .... 319 2. Chlorites — common salt, spent lye 319 Rules for the application of saline manures .... 320 Sect. 6. Improvement of the soil by tillage. Utility of the roller 322 Utility of the cultivator. Importance of tillage . . . 323 CHAPTER VIII. PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. Sect. 1. Cultivation of grains. 1. Indian corn . . . 324 2. Wheat, mode of culture 327 Diseases and enemies of u'heat. 1. Rust described, remedy for 32S 2. Mildew or blight, remedy for 329 3. Smut— remedy 329 4. Wire-worm. 5. Hessian fly. G. Grain insect . . 329 Cultivation of rye — value of this crop 330 « oats " 331 « barley " 332 « buckwheat « 333 Sect. 2. — Cultivation of roots. Potato — method of selecting seed Beets — Mangel Wurtzel. Drill-barrow . Turnip and blood-beet — value of the crop Parsnip. Artichoke. Onion. Turnips . 1. Rutabaga — mode of culture, value 333 335 336 337 338 2. White turnip. 3. Yellow turnip. Table of Value . 338 Sect. 3. Cultivation of grasses. 1. Clovers. — 1. Red-top, cultivation of 341 2. Cow grass or Southern clover 342 3. White clover. 4. Lucerne or French clover . . . 343 5, Timothy 344 6. Red-top. 7. Orchard grass. 8. Tall oat grass . . 345 9. Sweet-scented vernal grass. 10. Rye grass . . . 346 Relation of farm stock to the cultivated crops. CONTENTS. XIX CHAI^TER IX. HORTICULTURE. Sect. 1. Selection of seeds ^ propagation and improvement of races. I. Maturation of seed 350 Causes of sterility 350 II. Preservation of races or varieties 352 III. Improvement of varieties and races 354 Sect. 2. Propagaiion by eyes, cuttings^ grafting and budding. I. Propagation by eyes and buds 355 II. " cuttings and slips 355 III. " grafting and budding 356 Operations of grafting. 1. Whip grafting 357 2. Crown grafting ........ 358 3. Saddle grafting 358 4. Budding — illustration of 359 Sect. 3. Pruning, Training, Potting and Transplanting. I. Pruning — process, use and effects of 359 II. Training — process and use of- 362 III. Potting — process, conditions of 363 IV. Transplanting— best method 363 ERRATA. Page 68 — (4) instead of " the soil " read " the seed." " 92 — 1. 4th line, for " appertures " read "apertures." " 139 — margin, for " Johnson " read " Johnston," " 149 — for paragraph " 6." read "7." " 159 — margin, for " Johnson " read " Johnston." " 168 — 5th paragraph, for " /syraorp/ttsm " read ^'' Isomorphism.'* " 184 — 2. 2d line, for "lamella" and "granula" read "lamel- lar " and " granular." « 276— Hi. 7th line, for " De Condolle " read " De Candolle." " 277 — 2d paragraph, 1st line, for '^ Macaire Princeps " read " Macaire Princep." " 296 — C. 1st line, leave out the words '^ jelly, etc." " 303 — 2. 1st line, for '^ Curagreen moss" read '•'■ Carrageen INTRODUCTION. Agriculture is the art of cultivating the soil. It includes aJl those processes which are requisite for the cultivation of the various grasses, graihs and fruits. The rearing and fattening of animals, and the preservation and use of their productions, are generally connected with it. Agriculture may also be regarded as a science; in which sense, it explains the reasons for these processes, or gives rules derived from experience for the performance of each operation of the art. As a science, it is of recent date, and like all new sciences many of its principles are not yet 'fully settled. As an art, it is the oldest, the mother of all other arts, having been practised by the first parents and founders of the race. Agriculture must be regarded as the most important art whether we take into view the number of men it has always employed, the quantity and value of its productions or the character of the influence which it exerts upon society. The majority of men are farmers, and farmers constitute the bone and sinew of the state. But if we take simply the quantity and value of the agricultural productions, we shall find that agriculture is the greatest pecuniary interest of every country. In England and Wales, according toMcCulloch, the quan- tity of wheat is not less than 12,350,000 quarters, worth 31,000,000/. sterling; of oats and beans, 13,500,000 quarters worth 17,500,000/. sterlmg ; to which may be added the value of the grass lands, worth 60,000,000/. sterling. According to the agricultural returns for 1839, the quan- 18 ♦introduction. tity of wheat in the United States is 91,642,957 bushels an- nually, worth, at one dollar per bushel, $91,642,957; of other grains, oats, rye, corn, etc. 550,299,557 bushels, worth upon an average at least fifty cents per bushel, which would amount to S275, 149,778 ; of potatoes, 113,183,619 bushels, worth, at twenty cents per bushel, $^22,6^.6,'/ 23, giving a to- tal value of cultivated crops of 8389,429,459. But this is but a small part of all the productions. The whole agricul- tural produce of the country, including the domestic animals, must be worth more than twice this amount. A late writer has estimated the total value of the products of the country including manufiictures, at 1200 millions of dollars annually; the manufactured products being less than 200 millions. '' There is no profession," says Liebig, " which can be com- pared in importance with that of agriculture, for to it belongs the production of food for man and animals ; on it depends the welfare and development of the whole human species, the riches of states and all commerce. There is no other profession, in which the application of correct principles is productive of more beneficial effects, or is of greater and more decided influence." Compared then with this interest, all others are of minor importance. Such is the incalculable interest involved in the art, that it becomes a question of primary importance, what aid it may derive from the physical sciences. It can be shown I think, in very few words, that botany, chemistry, mineralogy and geology, furnish us with many principles which may be applied to this art to render it more perfect, and more productive. The laws of nature are con- stant and unchanging in their action. If we can learn what these laws are, as they stand related to the vegetable kingdom, we may receive important aid from being able to control them, or to bring our efforts to coincide with their agency. I. Mineralogy and Geolo(jy afford aid to agriculture chiefly by enabling us to determine, by the inspection of the INTRODUCTION. . 19 rocks and simple minerals, the character of the soil. As all soils originate from the decay of rocks, if we know what rocks are crumbled into soil we may determine with some degree of probability its character, and what agencies are at work to benefit or injure the expected crop. If by a simple inspection of the mineral ingredients of a soil, we may determine what crop will best flourish upon it, we certainly must regard the aid not only seasonable, by preventing us from expensive ex- periments, but also highly valuable, by enabling us to obtain a greater quantity of productions. So great is the aid which geology renders to agriculture, that one branch of it, the origin and descriptions of soils, is called by one writer (Hitchcock), "Agricultural Geology." Geology further aids agriculture by pointing out the location of useful manures, such as veg- getable matters, lime and plaster. II. Chemistry offers greater aid by far, to agriculture than any other science, because it explains those changes which must take place in the vegetable organs, and in the soil, by which the processes of vegetation are carried forward ; that is, chemistry supplies the greater number of the condi- tions and agencies which are requisite to the highest activity of the vital functions of plants, and hence teaches us how to obtain, with the least expense, both the largest quantity, and the best quality, of products. So great is its importance, and so far does it exceed all other branches of knowledge, in its relation to agriculture, that the terms '' Agricultural Chemistry" (Davy), " Chemistry of Agriculture" (Liebig), "Chemistry applied to Agriculture" (Chaptal), have been employed as titles of the most important works, in which at- tempts have been made to apply the principles of science to this art. It may be necessary, however, to point out, in a general way, some of the specific forms in which this science may be useful to agriculture, both for the sake of illustrating the gen- eral nature of the subject, and its importance to the farmer. • 20 INTRODUCTION. The influence which chemistry exerts may be seen by means of the chemical forces which are acting both upon dead and liv- ing matter. The principal agents, by which chemistry produ- ces its beneficial results, are affinity, heat, light and electricity. 1. Chemical Affinity. This is the great agent or cause of all chemical changes on the surface of the earth. It is an at- traction which one kind of matter has for matter of an oppo- site kind. In this respect, it differs from cohesion which acts between matter of the same kind, as between two smooth pie- ces of lead, and it differs from gravitation, which cnly acts upon matter in masses, while affinity effects changes within imper- ceptible distances. It tends to draw together different kinds of matter, and to continue the compound until some force acts upon it to produce decomposition. This force may be heat, light or electricity, but generally it is affinity itself ; for the most important law of its action is, that one kind of matter does not manifest the same desire to unite with every other kind indiscriminately, but the force of affinity is different between different bodies ; so that when two simple bodies are unhed by its force, some third body may have a stronger attraction for each of the constituents, or for one of them, than they have for each other, and the consequence will be that the compound will be decomposed ; the third body will unite with one con- stituent of the compound, and form a new and different sub- stance. Thus, for example, the well known substance ro/> peras, is found in some soils ; it is composed of sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) , and oxide of iron (iron 7mbt), and these two bodies are held together by the force of affinity ; but when carbonate of lime, common limestone, is scattered over such a soil the copperas is decomposed, the sulphuric acid leaves the oxide of iron, being drawn away by its stronger affinity for lime, and sulphate of lime is formed, which is commonly called gypsum or plaster of Paris. In consequence of this election of one body in preference ,^ to another, the composition and decomposition of bodies are INTRODUCTION. 21 rapidly effected. In some cases two compounds are mutually decomposed, and two new compounds formed ; hence, as the force of these affinities is well known, we may calculate their influence in the soil, and to some extent in the organs of plants. We have only to ascertain of what the soil is compo- sed, to know what changes are going forward in it, and what decompositions and recompositions will take place, when we add earths, salts and manures to it ; and hence we are furnished with the means of producing any effect that we wish, and of securing the action of the proper agents upon the expected crop. But to show further the agency of affinity, it will be neces- sary to notice some of the laws which govern it, and the other agents which modify its action. When bodies combine by the force of affinity, they do not generally unite in any and every quantity or proportion, but are governed by strict laws, that is, definite quantities of each are required to complete their union ; thus water is formed by the union of 1 part by weight of hydrogen and 8 parts of oxygen ; so carbonic acid (or Jized air) is composed of exactly 6.12 parts by weight of carbon and 16 parts of oxy- gen, and if the proportions of these substances are changed, some other substances will be formed, but neither water nor carbonic acid. Similar laws are observed when bodies com- bine by volume or measure, and these laws extend to the greater number of compounds both organic and inorganic ; hence, as these quantities are all determined (the smallest in which any body combines being called its equivalent or pro- portional), we may not only explain changes in the process of vegetation, and deduce important laws which tend to satis- fy the mind in its investigations, but, in a more practical way, we can determine the quantities of different substances which any particular soil may require, especially when one saline compound is substituted for another. Thus, for example, when salts of ammonia are applied to the soil for the purpose 2* 32 INTRODUCTION. of obtaining the influence of the ammonia, 100 lbs. of the car- bonate yields an amount of ammonia equal to 146 lbs. of the sulphate. This result has been found out by long experience, but a knowledge of chemical proportions would have pre- dicted it. When substances thus combine in definite proportions, the compounds, generally, bear no analogy to either of the constituents. The new substances formed are in the posses- sion of properties entirely new, and which could not have been predicted previous to experiment ; hence two simple bodies by combining in different proportions form entirely different and distinct bodies, as different as common air, the exhilarating gas, and nitric acid (aquafortis), which are compounds of oxygen and nitrogen ; hence it is, that the al- most infinite variety of vegetable productions are formed by the different combinations of a few simple substances. If, therefore, we wish to produce a greater quantity of any given production, we must supply the conditions which will cause such combinations to take place. Thus, for example, where soils are destitute of animal manures, from which the nitrogen may be procured necessary to form gluten and vege- table albumen in wheat, an addition of nitrate of potash, soda or ammonia, will increase the amount of these substances, and render the grain much more valuable ; an addition of 2^ per cent, of gluten has been thus produced in the same weight of wheat, which would add more than 10 per cent, to its value. In consequence of the fact, that each substance has a definite and fixed character, we are enabled, by the aid of afl[inity, to decompose soils, and to compare with them the vegetable products ; hence we can not only learn the rea- son of fertility or barrenness, but also how to remedy de- fects, and thus point out to the practical agriculturist the pro- cess which will secure a bountiful crop. If an analysis of the soil be made before and after the crop, we may determine what the effect of any substance is upon it. By the aid of INTRODUCTION. affinity we may also analyze the vegetable productions, and learn what ingredients each species of plant requires for its most perfect growth. The quality of the productions themselves is also indicated in these processes, for it is found that the same quantities of wheat will not always make the same quantity of bread. The conditions therefore on which these differences depend, we may learn from an accurate knowledge, and application of chemical principles. Another point, of great interest to the agriculturist, is the theory of the action of manures, and it is to chemistry that he must look for the most important histructions on this subject. A knowledge of the action of saline compounds, and of alkalies, is all-important to the farmer. A continued course of cropping removes them from the soil, and the cheap- est and most effectual means of restoring them is a matter of the first necessity to a perfect system of tillage. And finally, " the source of the failure of crops when plant- ed on the same soil for several successive years," is a subject to be investigated, and its facts explained by chemical prin- ciples. This will afford an explanation of rotation of crops, and point out many important practical rules in regard to this subject. In these, and numerous other ways, which we have not time to specify, chemistry may afford important aid to agriculture. The other chemical forces, such as heat, light and electricity, not only modify the action of affinity, but act directly upon the vital functions of plants. 2. Caloric or Heat exerts an agency scarcely less impor- tant than affinity itself. It also acts according to fixed laws, which are known. The application of these laws to agriculture, still further illustrates the utility of chemical sci- ence, and is too obvious to need further specification in this connection. 3. Light is absolutely essential to vegetation, but its influ- 24 INTRODUCTION. ence is not so immediately under the control of the agricul- turist as any of the preceding agents. 4. Elcctricitij even more readily yields its agency to the skill of man. The electrical character of the soil may readily be determined. It may even be changed by artificial appli- ances, and hence what was barren and worthless, may be rendered fruitful. But as these latter forces will receive par- ticular attention, as to their influence on vegetation, in the body of this work, it is unnecessary to enter into any further specification of their agency. The chemical forces above enumerated, in their influence upon vegetables themselves, are in subordination to another force, the living power ; and hence we must resort to vegetable physiology {or further aid, in explaining the pro- cesses of vegetation, and in pointing out the conditions for successful practice in agriculture. III. Botany furnishes us with principles more directly ap- plicable to agriculture, as a science, than either of the preced- ing sciences. In fact, one branch of this science, the living functions of plants, or Biology, including the conditions of life, and all the near or remote influences which act upon the vital forces, and tend to quicken or destroy them, constitutes of itself the whole science of agriculture. Such a view, how- ever, might properly bring in chemistry, as a modifying force, as well as mineralogy and geology. In a more restricted sense, botany offers the following aids : 1. It explains the structure of the various organs of plants, by which we are made acquainted with the means of introduc- ing and disposing of the matter by which they are nourished. 3. It determines the habits of each species of plant, by which we are enabled to adapt the crop to the climate and soil. 3. It points out what plants require as the condition of their most perfect growth, and how to obtain the best quality of their products. It enables us also to obtain the best kinds or species of plants, to ascertain their mode of propagation. INTRODUCTION. 25 their preservation and use, with the diseases which attack them. Plan of the Work. I. In accordance with the above views, the first three chapters are devoted to the conditions of the life of plants, un- der the general head o^ Biology, including all the agents that influence the processes of vegetation, the character, composi- tion, source and assimilation of the vegetable principles. II. The next four chapters are devoted to the composition of the rocks ; origin and classification, composition and im- provement of soils; with the theories of the action of ma- nures, rotation of crops, fallow crops, and practical sugges- tions. III. The closing chapter explains the processes of Horticul- ture, with the application of those principles which are par- ticularly connected with this important branch of agriculture. The object of the work, then, generally, is to explain the phenomena of vegetation, and to deduce practical rules for the benefit of the practical farmer ; in order to render the modes of tillage more precise and rational, and thus to afford a stimulus to intellectual and moral improvement, by making farmers more scientific men ; and in order to increase the amount of agricultural productions, by rendering the earth more fertile, and the processes of cultivation easier and more successful. If by the application of the principles contained in this work, these results are attained, in but a slight degree, it is all that I can hope. I will therefore conclude these intro- ductory observations by a calculation of the value of any slight improvement in this most useful art. In England, " the average produce of wheat," says Mr. Pu- sey, " is stated at 26 bushels per acre ; if by a better selection of seed we could raise this amount to 27 bushels only, (a sup- position by no means unlikely), we should by this apparently 26 INTRODUCTION. small improvement have added to the nation's annual income 475,000 quarters of wheat, worth, at fifty shillings, about 1,200,000/. yearly, which would be equal to a capital of 24, 000,000/. sterling gained forever to the country by this trifling increase in the growth of one article, and that in England and Wales alone;" a quantity sufficient, we may add, to feed all her starving millions in the manufacturing districts ; and if, by any means, a similar increase could be effected in her other productions, she would be able to banish forever all fear of want, which now so frequently threatens to undermine the pillars of the throne itsdf. But while the soil of England has reached nearly the maxi- mum of fertility, ours in this country has not. Let us then cal- culate the value of some slight improvanmts at home, which with the aid of science and skill, may easily be made, in a few years, with little or no expense to the country. 1. Take our wheat crop for 1839. As the number of acres is not given, we cannot decide with perfect accuracy the average per acre ; but taking the estimate made for the state of Massachusetts the same year, the quantity is about 15 bushels per acre. The Middle and Western States yield a much larger quantity, I think therefore we may be safe in estimating the average at 20 bushels per acre. Then 91, 642,957 bushels annually produced, would require the culti- vation of 4,582,147 acres of land. Suppose now that by the use of improved modes of culture, selection of seeds, etc. we could make our wheat lands produce, on an average, as much as those of England, 26 bushels instead of 20 to the acre, (and this certainly might be done), this increase would amount annually to 27,492,882 bushels. This would add as many dollars to the national income, and would be equal to an in- vestment of 458,214,700 dollars! 2. Let us apply the same calculation to corn, rye, oats, etc. and as 387 millions of bushels are corn, we may estimate these products, upon an average, at 30 bushels to the acre* INTRODUCTION. 27 There would then be 18,343,318 acres devoted to these crops. Suppose now by the application of scientific principles the same increase per acre might be effected, viz. 36 bushels in- stead of 30, there would be added to the quantity now ob- tained 110,059,908 bushels ; and if we estimate the whole at 50 cents per bushel, it would add 55,029,954 dollars to the annual income of the country, equal to an invested capital of 917,165,900 dollars! 3. Apply the same calculations to the potato crop ; and taking the crop in Massachusetts of 1839 for the average, at 200 bushels per acre, the 113,183,619 bushels raised in this country in 1839 would require 565,918 acres of land. Suppose now an increase of 25 bushels per acre, (an estimate far below what might l^e realized,) and there would be added to the present quantity of this crop, 14,647,950 bushels; which, at 20 cents per bushel, would amount to 2,929,590 dollars, equivalent to a capital of 48,826,500 dollars ! 4. If now we estimate the total income to the national wealth, by this addition to the cultivated crops, it will amount to the sum of 85,4.52,526 dollars, equivalent to a capital of 1,424,207,100 dollars! But this sum is derived from but a few of the products of the soil. When we take into account the hay and other agricultural productions, and allow the same relative increase, the amount would be more than doubled. Thus a sum of money might easily be realized which would be sufficient to found all the colleges and institu- tions of learning, build all the rail-roads and canals, which the wants of the country might demand during all coming time ! Let us now confine our estimates to a narrower sphere. " Suppose that the agricultural survey," says Mr. Colman, in his Fourth Report of the Agriculture of Massachusetts, " may have been, or may have proved instrumental in induc- ing, upon an average, by improved cultivation, an increase of one hundred bushels of corn to every town in the Common- wealth ; this, at seventy-five cents per bushel for corn, and 28 INTRODUCTION. ten dollars per ton for corn fodder, would be upwards of 28,000 dollars. Suppose it may conduce to the production of an average of one hundred tons of compost manure in each town in the Commonwealth, which must be valued at one dollar per load ; this would exceed a yearly income of 60,000 dollars, to say nothing of the permanent improvement it would effect in the soil. Suppose that it may conduce to the redemption of 1000 acres of peat bog, which is now worth- less, converting it into productive meadows yielding two tons of hay to the acre, and keeping up its condition ; this would be little more than three acres to a town ; and rating its value by its income (it cannot be estimated at less than 150 dollars per acre) this would be an increase of the pro- perty of the State, which may be safely called an actual crea- tion of land, to the value of 150,000 dollars, and a permanent income of more than 20,000 dollars per year. Here is no extravagant calculation, to say nothing of many other forms in which the influence of the survey may be felt." Finally, in order to obtain just views of this subject, it must be remembered, that the above improvements imply a very great intellectual and moral advancement in the agricultural community ; an elevation of the popular mind, the value of which cannot be estimated by bushels of grain, by silver and gold coin, but by the purity, stability and extension of our social, civil and religious institutions ; and by the increased facilities for cultivating the higher powers of man. The in- crease of national wealth is a desirable and laudable object of pursuit, but it is mainly from the intellectual and moral influence which an improved agriculture will exert upon so- ciety, that we can derive an adequate idea of its magnitude and importance. Imperfect as the science of agriculture now is, and imperfectly as it is represented in the following pages, the interest is so vast, that if any slight improvement is secu- red, I shall not deem my labor wholly lost. BIOLOGY OF PLANTS CHAPTER L THE VITAL PRINCIPLE. Material bodies have been divided into three kingdoms, animal, vegetable and mineral. This division is an obvious one, and is a convenient mode of classifying the phenomena which each presents to the view of the common observer. But a more philosophical examination discloses the fact, that animals and vegetables have many points of analogy, and that they both differ essentially, from minerals. This differ- ence is manifested in various ways, in the mode of their origin, their food, growth and dependance upon other matter, foreign to themselves. But all these different modes of existence may be traced to a peculiar power, which has been called the vital principle ; hence a more philosophical division of natural objects, is into those which arepossessed of life, and those which are destitute of it. The former have been called organic, and the latter inorganic bodies. Sect. 1. Defnitions. — Proofs, Nature and Uses of the Vital Principle. 1. Biology is the science of life. The term is derived from two Greek words, and is similar in signification to the term Physiology. It includes all the agencies and conditions which are essential to the existence and reproduction of living beings. The term Biology of plants signifies nearly the same as vegeta- ble physiology. It includes that peculiar power which has been called the " vital principle,''^ and its connection with those agen- 3 30 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. cies which in any way act upon it, or seem necessary to its de- velo|)tnent in the processes of vegetation, such as soil, food, air, water, gravity, affinity, heat, light, electricity and the agency of man. 2. " An organized body is one in which all the parts are mu- tually means and ends,"* that is, " each portion ministers to the others, and each depends upon the other," the parts make up the whole, but the existence of the whole is essential to the pre- servation of the parts. The parts are organs, and the ichole is organized.^'' » " We conceive animal life as a vortex, or cycle of moving matter, in which the form of the vortex determines the motions, and these motions again suj)iJort the form of the vortex ; the station- aiy parts circulate the fluids, and the fluids nourish the perma- nent parts."t The same view may be taken of plants. In some vegetable products, the organs appear in a distinct form, as in the wood, leaf and blossom. In other products, as starch, gum and sugar, no such marks of organization can be distinguished. All orga- nized bodies are the products of the living principle, whether those now j)0ssessed of life, or those that have been possessed of it, or those which have been derived from living bodies, as alcohol and vinegar. 3. A plant is an organized and living substance, springing from a seed or germ, which it reproduces. It is composed of an irritaole, elastic matter, called tissxie. Tissue is of two kinds, the cellular analogous to the flesh and soft parts of animals, and the vascular, which is similar to the bones of animals. 4. All plants are made up of cells or ve^sicks, (Fig. I, a a a,) of different forms, with thin, transijarent walls. When these cells press against each other, small in- tervals are lefl between them which al- so form tubes, called intercellular canals. They are the vessels in which the sap is carried up from the roots to the leaves. When these intervals increase in size, so as to exceed many times the diame- ter of the cells, they are called the pro- per vessels. Fiff Kant. t Whewell. DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 31 Fig. 3. 5. Cells are of three kinds. (1) Those of the bark and pith, of an elhpsoidal form. (2) Elon- gated cells of tlie liber aiul wood. Tliese cells constitute the in- terior of the hark, and are the basis of wood]) fibre. (3) Cells of the medullarrj rays. The medullary rays pass from the pitii to the bark through the wood, as in Fig. 2. c m m m. These cells also have intercel- lular canals. 6. Spiral vessels exist also in the more i)erfect plants. They are called spiral because they are fibres twisted like a cork-screw, (Fig. 3,) around an empty space. These cells occur only in wood, and are found in bun- dles. Each bundle contains about thirty or forty spi- ral tubes. A new bundle is formed every year, con- stituting the annual layer of icood, or concentric rings, as in Fig. 2. They are supi)osed to be air vessels. In grasses and grains these spiral vessels constitute the part around the interior of the hollow stem. 7. Pores are oblique openings or slits in the epider- mis or cuticle, so small tJiat a square inch of the e[)ider- ''''^^:i:>^ mis of the kidney bean contains more than 300,000 £^ pores. These pores are found chieliy on the under side of the leaf, and are the organs of transpiration. 8. Epidermis or cuticle is a very thin membrane which envelopes the soft parts of plants, as the leaves. It is sometimes composed, in part, of silica. 9. Wood is formed of bundles of spiral tubes, (See Fig. 2,) surrounded by elongated cells. The inner hark, (Fig. 4. 1,) is called the liber, and in the spring a mucilaginotis matter call- ed cambium is interposed between the liber and the wood ; Irom this the first soit wood is formed, called albur- num, which is annually attached to the tree, while a thin layer is formed on the liber or bark, 2, 3, 4, 5. 32 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. In Fig. 2, c represents the pith, b the heart wood, a the al- burnum, II m the bark. The annual layers of wood, the medul- lary rays and the tubes are also represented in tliat figure, which is a representation of a section of the branch of a tree. 10. The process of converting tlie cambium into alburnum and other vegetable substances, such as sugar, gum, starch, etc. is called assimilation ; that of rejecting matter by the roots, ex- cretion and by the leaves, transpiration. When substances are thrown off from the leaves, they are also said to be exhaled ; and when they are taken in by the leaves, they are said to be inhaled or absorbed. Agricultural Chemistry is a term which has been generally used to denote the ai)plication of science to Agriculture. It attempts to explain the ijifluence of earth, air and water upon plants. That branch of the subject, which relates to the soil, as formed of simple minerals and rocks, is sometimes called Agricultural Geology. But as the chemical and geological agents are, in the processes of vegetation, subjected to the principle of life, it seems more appropriate to include the vital principle; the conditions of its action ; the influence of other agents upon it ; its produc- tions, with their composition and source, under the term Biol- ogy of Plants ; while the subject of soils and manures is placed under the term Geology and Chemistry of Soils. Plants and animals differ in many respects from each other, as in their structure, in the nature of their food and in the mode and time of taking and digesting it, as well as in being governed by many different laws, but yet they both agree in possessing a living principle. This power is probably the same in both, and is characterized by its operations, and by its pervading every part of organized bodies. Mechanical and chemical agents are subordinated to it, in the living sys- tem, and would be wholly inefl^cient without it. In the stomach of animals, for example, this power is the principal agent in elaborating the juices required to digest the food. It enables the lacteal^ or small tubes which open their mouths into the alimentary canal, to select, from the general mass, whatever is fitted for nourishment, while it permits what is injurious or useless to pass by. It sends this to the heart, THE VITAL PRINCIPLE. 33 and gives it its never ceasing pulsations. It follows the blood to the lungs, and watches over the changes which are wrought there by the atmosphere. It returns with the blood to the heart, and propels it through every part of the system, where it assimilates it to the living body ; and finally, when the liv- ing flesh and bone have served their purpose in the animal system, and the matter is no longer fitted to give strength and life to the part, it is vitality which removes it to make room for fresh particles which this same power has prepared to fill the place. Thus the vital poicer is active during every mo- ment of animal life, in converting dead into living matter, and of removing it when it is no longer fitted to form a part of the living system. It is in the bones and muscles, in the tendons, glands and skin ; it pervades the entire body, and presides over all its healthful changes and operations. It distinguishes man from the dust on which he treads. By it he lives and moves ; by it he resists the laws of nature which assail him on every side ; by it he wards off the attacks of disease, or expels it when it has taken possession of his body ; by it he clothes himself again with strength and beauty. It is this vital power within, that, by its constant and all-pervading energy, builds up and keeps in action that wonderful and fear- ful tenement which is his earthly habitation. Nor does it cease its ever active agency during all the' changes and acci- dents of life, until his spirit departs for another world. The vital principle exerts a similar influence, though not to the same extent, upon vegetables. It is this power which enables the roots to derive* nourishment from the soil, and the leaves from the air. It aids in carrying up the sap through small tubes to the leaves, where a change is wrought upon it by contact with the atmosphere. It sends the prepared nu- * The powers of absorption and circulation of the sap^ to a certain extent, is clue to chemical and mechanical laws, but it is doubtful whether the phenomena can be w^holly explained without the aid of this peculiar power. 3* 34 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. triment down between the bark and wood, (in perennial plants,) and assimilates what is nutritious to the livincr tree; and, although most of the matter remains, still there is a quan- tity taken in which is excreted by the roots, or transpired through the leaves as unfit to enter into its composition. This power exists in the roots, stem, leaves, juices, flowers and fruit, and presides over all the changes which are carried forward in the vegetable economy. In this case also many of the processes are, in part, purely chemical or mechanical ; but these forces would be of no avail to form the vegdable products, if the living power or vital energy were absent, and hence we may ascribe the effect to that power, just as we do chemical changes to affinity, although many other agents may operate in unison with it, and modify its action. As some chemists are disposed to doubt the existence of such a power, attempting to explain the phenomena of vege- tation by chemical and mechanical forces, and particularly by what are denominated " chemical transformations," I will proceed to the Proofs of its existence. The existence of such a power in plants and animals is susceptible of the same kind of proof as the power of gravitation or attraction in general. We cannot subject it to the test of the senses, as we can caloric, light and electricity. We infer its existence from the effects which are produced, and which cannot be shown to be caused by those agents which are capable of sensible demonstration. That such a power exists in animals might be easily shown. But it is more important for our purpose to exhibit evidence of its existence in plants ; in which this force differs in its operations, in the conditions requisite for its development, and in the instruments, by which its existence is continued. I. Vegetables j^ossess the poioer of resisting or counteracting the laws of affinity, gravity, heat and cold. 1. The process of the absorption of food, and its elabora- tion and assimilation, takes place in opposition to the laws of PROOFS OF VITALITY. 35 chemical affinity ; for as soon as the plant dies, this agent be- gins to exert its power. The elaborated juices, no longer pre- served by the vital principle, exert their mutual affinities, and the whole plant in time is resolved into its original elements. This power of resisting ordinary chemical laws, and of con- trolling them in such a way as to make them subservient to nutrition, evinces a peculiar vital energy, 2. Gravity is constantly tending to bring the plant and its juices to the earth ; but in opposition to this power the sap ascends, and the plant or tree attains in some cases an eleva- tion of more than one hundred feet from the surface of the ground. A part of the matter which composes the tree is thus carried up in opposition to gravity. It is true that it is car- ried up slowly, and in small capillary tubes, in which mechan- ical laws operate to some extent, still this will not wholly ac- count for the fact. It requires vitality to effect its ascent. 3. Heat and cold, two powerful agents of unorganized bo- dies, are resisted by vegetables within certain limits. The temperature of the juices of plants, and of their solid parts, does not rise or fall with that of the surrounding medium. The living vegetable will continue to flourish at a temperature sufficiently high to produce disorganization after it is dead, while the juices are said to circulate slowly during the cold of winter ; for although the temperature of the juices is far be- low the freezing point, they do not always congeal unless they are taken from the tree. This power of resisting the extremes of heat and cold is very striking in the case of some animals, which, when exposed to a temperature of 300° F; or to — 80° F. retain constantly a temperature at 9S or 100° F. Vegetables possess this proper- ty in a less degree, but sufficiently to prove its existence. This effect cannot be wholly* accounted for without supposing the existence of a peculiar vital power. * The heat which is found in vegetables is partly due to chemical changes. By the assimilation of the matter taken into the tree by the 36 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. II. Eicitahility in vegetables indicates the existence of a vital principle, and is one of its distinguishing properties. It is a capacity of being acted upon by natural and artificial stim- ulants, such as light, heat, electricity, manures and saline com- pounds. 1. Light. The stimulating influence of light upon the leaves and blossoms of vegetables, cannot have escaped the most common observation. The leaves turn their upper sur- faces to the sun, and the blossoms of many plants close during the night, called the deep of plants, and open only when sub- jected to the influence of that agent. Plants that grow in the shade are not so highly colored nor so vigorous, as those which are exposed to the light, and generally the branches and the fruit are the most vigorous on the south side of the tree. The ripe ears of grain generally lean toward the south. The branches grow in the direction of a crevice, in the wall of a ceflar, through which light is admitted. These, and a great variety of phenomena prove the existence of a vital power, or capacity of being excited by the agency of light. 2. Heat exerts a powerful influence upon the functions of plants. This is seen in the germination of the seed, a certain temperature being requisite to develope the germ, and enable it to throw out roots and stalks. In the production of leaves, flowers and fruit, each development depends, to some extent, upon the degrees of heat which are applied, — hence the vari- ous means which are employed to increase or diminish the roots and leaves, gases and liquids arc converted into solids, and by a well known law in such cases, heat is evolved; the insensible heat be-, comes sensible ; on the same principle, as the temperature of tlie air di- minishes, and the sap beg-ins to freeze, a quantity of heat is evolved. The power of resisting heat is partly accounted for on the principle that the plant transpires a large quantity of water through the leaves, and as the heat increases, the quantity of water is increased ; by the conversion of the water into vapor, a large quantity of caloric becomes insensible, the external heat is thus taken up, and the temperature of the plant remains below that of the surrounding medium. PROOFS OF VITALITY. 37 temperature by hot-houses, inclosures, shades, etc. The vi- tal energies of the plant are nearly suspended during the win- ter season. But on the return of spring, the heat which it brings with it, excites the living functions, and enables the plant to put forth its leaves ; and, as the heat increases, its flowers and fruit ; all of which not only prove the existence of such a principle, but also exhibit a most important property of it. 3. Ehitricity has probably a much more powerful effect upon the functions of vegetables than has been generally sup- posed, and tends powerfully to quicken their vital energies. Davy proved that seeds germinate sooner in water, charged with positive than with negative electricity. 4. Artificial stimulants, such as manures and saline com- pounds, and even acids and alkalies, produce effects upon the functions of vegetables which can only be accounted for on the ground that they contain a vital power which is peculiar to them, and different from the ordinary agents of dead matter. III. Irritability is another property of vegetables which proves the existence of the vital principle. This property is conspicuous in the leaves of certain plants, as the sensitive plant and Venus' jly trap ; but is more generally found in the stems, stamens and tendrils, as in the pea, bean and vine. IV. The productions of the vegetable kingdom are decisive proofs of the existence of a vital power. Most of these pro- ductions cannot be formed by any known chemical agents.* The chemist can analyze them and show their composition to be oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen, with a small quan- tity of alkalies and metallic oxides ; but he has no means of * There is hardly an exception to the rule, that in producing orga- nic substances, as they are called, the chemist must employ other or- ganic substances which are as yet beyond his art — which, so far as we know, can only be formed under the direction of the living principle. In no one case can he form the substances of which animals and plants chiefly consist, out of those on which animals and plants chiefly live.^ — Johnsons Lectures, p. 190. 38 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. combining these elements so as to reproduce them. The pro- duction of woody fibre, gluten, starch, sugar, gum, resin, vegetable oils, acids and alkalies, with a few exceptions, whol- ly exceed the power of any known chemical or physical agent. They can be accounted for only by supposing a new and pe- culiar po\\^er inherent in the vegetable, which we call the pow- er of life or the vital principle. Nature of vitality . Of this we are wholly ignorant. We know it only from its effects. Like affinity and attraction, it is an ultimate power, at least, so far as science is concerned ; for aught we know it is the direct power of God exerted in this particular way. Various hypotheses, however, have been suggested to ac- count for the phenomena of life. A few of these may proper- ly be introduced in this connection. 1. Some, as Paracelsus, held to a spiritual being. The business of digestion was performed by the demon Archaeus, who had his abode in the stomach, and '' who, by means of his alchemical processes, separates the nutritive from the harmful parts of our food, and makes it capable of assimila- tion. 2. Others, as Silvius, conceived that the vital functions were due to chemical agents, and that the power of life con- sists in the action of acids and alkalies, in fermentation and the like processes. 3. A third class have proposed a mechanical hypothesis, which originated about the time, and was the result of the splendid discoveries of Galileo and Newton. The phenomena of life were due to the form of the particles of matter, their motions and mutual attractions. 4. A fourth class suppose the existence of a vital jluid, up- on which the peculiar functions of life depend. This hypo- thesis was proposed by Frederic Hoffinan of Halle, 1()94. The vital fluid was a material substance acting through the nerves, and producing the actions of all the other organs. This NATURE OF VITALITY. 39 is the " Ether, which, diffused throughout all nature, produces in plants the bud, the secretion and motion of the juices, and is separated from the blood and lodged in the brain of an- imals." 5. A fifth hypothesis, first proposed by Aristotle, was re- vived by Stahl, and refers the phenomena of life to an ani- mal soul, or immaterial principle wholly distinct from a soul, as the responsible and intelligent part of man's nature. This theory has been adopted by many, but it is evidently inappli- cable to plants. This objection appears to be fatal to its truth, although the Physical School, as those have been called who adopted this theory, are mainly right in this, that in ascribing the functions of life to a soul, " they mark strongly and justly the impossibility of ascribing them to any known attributes of body."* Various attempts have also been made to define life, or to analyze the idea of it. 1. The most correct definition of life is given by Bichat, and modified by Whewell. " Life is the system of vital func- tions" These functions are of two kinds, those which per- tain to organic life, which are the same both in animals and vegetables, and those which belong to animal life, which in- clude sensation and voluntary motion. 2. Some suppose that the idea of life is simple, and hence the effects of it are explained by reference to a single prin- ciple. 3. Others attempt to separate life into a series of vital func- tions, such as secretion, assimilation, absorption, etc. and hence muke the idea of it complex. But in all these attempts, there seems to be a necessity of referring the phenomena of life to some distinct force. This force has been variously denominated organic attraction or vital attraction, organic affinity or vitcd affinity. Professor * See Whewell's Philosophy of Inductive Sciences, Vol. II, in which these and other hypotheses are examined. 40 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. Mliller calls it organic assimilation, and this seems to accord with the usage of biological writers. But whatever name physiologists may give to this power, and whatever attempts they may make to analyze or define the idea of life, whether we study it in the separate functions of secretion, assimilation, or any other organic change, its nature is wholly unknown to us. We know what its effects and laws are, and can better understand them by conceiving, as their cause, a peculiar poiar, essentially distinct from the ordinary agents of dead matter, although producing both me- chanical and chemical effects. But on the supposition that such a power exists, what influ- ence can it exert upon the theory or practice of agriculture ? In answer to this inquiry, it may be observed, 1. That it is useful to have reference to the irital power , in the whole process of tillage. Regarding this power as the great agent in the process of vegetation, we may refer all the productions of the farm to it as a cause. The science of tillage is a knowledge of those laws by which the vital power is governed, and of the conditions which are necessary to its activity ; and practical farming consists in acting according to its laws, and in supplying those conditions which are required for its most perfect development. I will illustrate the relation which the vittd power in plants sustains to the science and practice of agriculture, by a refer- ence to the science and practice of medicine. What is the science of medicine? It is a knowledge of those laws which govern the vital power, as it exists in the hunjan species, and of those conditions which are necessary to the complete de- velopment and perfection of this power, including, of course, whatever may obstruct it in its operations. And what is the practice of medicine? It is mainly concerned in applying remedies to remove the obstacles to the proper action of vital- ity ; a provision being made by our Maker in our appetites, so that we become our own physicians, in supplying moi?t of USES OF VITALITY. 41 the conditions, which are necessary to keep up the continu- ance and activity of this principle. But in the vegetable king- dom, nature has not given to the plant the power of making known its wants, but has left it to the farmer to learn what they are, and, if he wishes the seed or the plant to develope itself in the most perfect and useful manner, he must supply them with all those conditions, which their peculiar constitu- tion requires. He must become acquainted not only with their natural enemies, but with their particular friends, and defend them from the attacks of the former, by surrounding them with the strong protection of the latter. Unskilful farming, like quackery in medicine, has but one specific for every species of disease. It is a subject of deep regret, that imicli of the practice of medicine, and all kinds of quackery, are but a series of experiments upon the capa- bilities of the vitcd pmvcr ; and, although our Creator, as if foreseeing the trial to which it would be subjected, has given it a wonderful degree of elasticity and accommodation to cir- cumstances, although he has endowed it with an almost uncon- querable power, yet when it has been long heatcn, bruised and abused, it will cry out under its tortures, and make its suf- ferings known by the emaciated form, the languid ptdse, and the feeble step. It is scarcely less to be regretted, that quackery in farming is little else than experiments upon the capabilities of the vi- tal power in seeds and plants ; and although they too have a most elastic and yielding constitution, yet the neglected plant will tell you, by its stinted growth and scanty fruits, of the vio- lence which is done to its vital energies. 2. A correct view of the vital power may serve to awaken interest, and excite admiration in view of the simple, yet beau- tiful kws which the Creator has established for the production and perpetuation of animal and vegetable bodies. If we take an egg, for example, and examine it, we shall find it has a hard covering, composed of carbonate of lime, 4 42 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. similar to chalk or marble ; and a semi-fluid mass of white and yolk within, consisting mostly of a substance which chem- ists call albumen. It gives no signs of life. It hardly exhibits the marks of organization, and yet, let that same egg be sub- ject to warmth for a few weeks, and you will find that it has been touched by the life-giving power of the Creator ; that he has impressed it with a living energy, which will soon be de- veloped in an organized, sensitive being ; so peculiar in its composition, that no chemist can ever produce its like, so perfect in every part of its structure, that no mechanic can form even the smallest feather that tips the wing of the chick. Or, if we take a seed, a kernel of corn, and examine that, we shall find it a hard, dry substance, different in composi- tion and appearance from an egg, consisting mostly of mucil- age and starch. It too is the most unlikely thing to be pos- sessed of vitality. You may keep it a hundred years, for aught I know, and it is still the same apparently dead substance. But only cast it into the earth, subject it to heat and moisture, and after this long sleep of a century,* it will also show, that when it was matured upon the parent stalk, perhaps in some remote corner of the globe, the Creator treasured up and guarded in it a vital power, which will be exhibited by its tak- ing root downward, and springing upward a living organized body, provided with organs capable of converting that which contains the contagion of death into the staff of life. And what serves to increase our admiration, is the fact, that this power is not confined to a few seeds which are es- * Seeds probably possess different powers of life, some preserving their vital principle through centuries of time, while others have an ephemeral existence under any circumstances. The reasons for this difference are unknown to us, and apparently depend upon a First Cause, over whicli we have therefore no control. * * I have myself raised raspberry plants from seeds found in an ancient coffin in a bor- ough in Dorsetshire, which seeds, from the coins and other relics met with near them, may be estimated to have been sixteen or seventeen hundred years old. — Lindlcy. DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 43 pecially intended to perpetuate the species, but all alike are endowed with it, whether intended for the support of man or other animals ; whether cast on rocks, into the water, by the way side, or into the fertile soil. While countless millions are annually produced, only here and there one is permitted to engage in the process of reproduction ; so provident has nature been, so careful to ensure the perpetuity of the race. 3. A proper view of the vital power may serve to im- press the tiller of the soil above all other men, with the most important moral lessons. Particular attention should be given to it because it is unseen and secret in its operations, and is not therefore properly considered. No credit, so to speak, is given to it. And when the farmer casts in his seed and gathers his golden harvests, he forgets the most important agent, which has been working, with unceasing en- ergy, to fill his stores with food. Nor does he consider, while enjoying the rich rewards of his industry, the benevolent pro- vision of his Maker in giving to every kernel of his grain the power of producing future harvests, and supplying future wants. When he looks over the face of the earth and sees what an infinite variety of form, color and property, characterizes the plants which everywhere cover its surface, it may serve, at least, to humble his pride, and confound his wisdom, when he reflects that he cannot tell how a spear of grass grows, much less impart a single tint to the gorgeous coloring with which nature has adorned her covering. But he may see in every stalk of grain the workings of a hidden and mysterious power, the evidence of an all-pervading and beneficent Intelligence. Sect. 2. Defi,mtions. — Conditions necessary to develope the vi- tal principle in the seed, bulb and bud. 1. A seed is a living body, capable of producing a new indi- vidual of the same species. "It is a reproductive fragment, or vital point, containing within itself all the elements of life." The seed consists of three parts, cotyledons, radicle and plumula. 44 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS, 2. Cotyledons are the seed lobes, as in the Fio- 5 garden bean, (Fig. 5,) and are composed of matter to nourish the germ a 6, betbre it can obtain food from the soil. Some seeds have no cotyledons, such as those of the mosses and ierns, and are called acotyle- donous ; other seeds have but one cotyledon, such as those of grasses, grains, etc. and are called monocotyledonous ; otliers still have two, as those of leguminous plants, (the pea,) and are called bicotyledonous. A fourth class hav^e more than two cotyle- dons, and are called polycolylcdonoiis^ of which the seeds of the pine and hemlock are examples. 3. Radicle. The radicle (Fig. 5, h) is that part of the embryo which shoots downwards into the earth, and forms the roots of plants. 4. Plumula. The plumula, a^ is that part which shoots up- ward into the air, and forms the stalk or stem, branches, leaves and fruit. 5. Bulhs are tubercles connected with the roots of Fig. 6. plants, and contain the embryo of the future plant. The potato (Fig. 6) is a well known example of a bulb. 6. Buds are vital points along the stem, situated generally at the axles or angles of the leaves. The bud (Fig. 7, « c) is caj)able of forming leaf buds, flowers, Fig. 7. DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 45 fruit or branches ; or when separated from the stalk, of produc- ing a plant, not only of the same species, but of the same va- riety ; -while seeds produce similar species, but not the same varieties. 7. Eye is a term applied to vital points on bulbous roots, as the potatoe, (Fig. 6, a.) These {)oints are also found on the stem, (Fig. 7, rf,)and are similar to the germ, or vital pouit of the seed. Tliey are in fact the true buds. 8. Chemical transformation is a term applied to the changes which tcike place in compound bodies, when subjected to the influence of other substances. If the change consists simply in the new arrangement of tlje atoms of the conijjound, the change is called catalytic ; but when the change takes place in the organs of plants, and consists in the body's yielding one ingredient, and forming by its remaining elen^ents, or by elements obtained from the acting body, a new compound ready to pass through other similar changes, then it is called properly a transformation ; and when a series of changes are thus produced upon water, or any other substance, the body is said to pass through chemical trans- formations. "An organic chemical transformation is the separation of the elements of one, or of several combinations, and their reunion into two or several others, which contain the same number of elements, either grouped in another manner, or in different pro- portions." — Liehig. The catalytic force acts by mere presence. The combination of two bodies in contact with other compounds, causes the latter to enter into a similar state. The process of fermentation will serve to illustrate the nature of this force. A small quantity of matter, in a state of fermentation, causes an indefinite quantity to enter into a similar state, as when yeast is introduced into dough. 9. A simple substance is one which has never been resolved into two kinds of matter, such as charcoal, silver, gold, iron, etc. The number of simple substances is fifty-five ; and they are re- presented by letters or symbols; thus, O stands for Oxygen, H. for Hydrogen, C for Carbon, and N for Nitrogen. The quan- tity in which any body combines, is expressed in numbers, hy- di'ogen being taken for unity. Only fourteen simple bodies are found in vegetables, of which the following are the names, equivalents and symbols. Hydrogen, symbol H, equivalent 1 ; Oxygen, Symb. O, Equiv. 8, and Nitrogen, N — 14, which, in 4* 46 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. their pure state are gaseous bodies ; Carbon C — 6.12, Silicon Si — 22.5, Phosphorus P — 15.7, and Sulphur S — 16.1, which are called non-metallic combustibles, (and for which Dr. Dana has proposed the term wrefs) ; Potassium K — 39.15, Sodium Na — 23.3, Magnesium Mg — 12.17, Calcium Ca — 20.5, Aluminium A\ — 13.7, Iron Fe — 28, and Manganese Mn — 27.7, which are metals. 10. Compound Bodies. A compound body is one which is composed, or made up of two or more simple bodies. The number of compound bodies is unknown. They are represen- ted by adding the symbols of the simple substances, which en- ter into their composition; thus, HO represents a compound formed by the union of oxygen and hydrogen (water). The equivalent is the sum of the equivalents of the simple bodies thus combined, HO=l-|-8=9, which is the equivalent for wa- ter. 11. When oxygen combines with any other substance, the compound is called an alkali, an alkaline earth, an oxide or an acid; thus potassa, soda and lithia are compounds of oxy- gen with metals, and are alkalies. Ahunina, lime and magne- sia are alkaline earths, and oxide of iron and of manganese are oxides. Oxygen combined with nitrogen forms nitric acid ; with sulphur, silicon and carbon, sulphuric, silicic and carbon- ic acids. 12. When acids unite with the alkalies, alkaline earths or metallic oxides, the class of bodies formed are called salts. When the nuniber of the equivalents of an acid and an al- kali are equal, the salt is called neutral. When the alkali is in excess, the salts are called by some sub-salts, and when the acid is in excess they are sometimes called super-salts. The name of the salt terminates in ate, as phosphates, carbonates, nitrates. When carbon, phosphorus, silicon and sulphur unite with each other or with the metals, they are termed carburets, phosphurets, siliciurets and sulphurets. 13. An acid and an alkali unite in definite proportions, and mutually neutralize each other. TJuis, 40 parts of sulpliuric acid is neutralized by 48 of potash, or 20 of magnesia, or 28 of lime, or 32 of soda, or 17 of ammonia ; hence these alkalies may be substituted for each other, whatever acid is used ; and the same is true of acids — hence the term equivalent, because they may be substituted for each other, and form neutral salts. 14. Almost the entire mass of every vegetable may be resol- ved into two or more of four simple bodies, viz., oxygen, hydro- DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 47 gen, carbon and nitrogen. These are called the organic constitu- ents of plants, because when any jjortion of vegetable matter is burned, it either disappears entirely, or leaves behind a small quantity of ash. 15. The ash is composed of several simple bodies, and hence these latter are caHed the inorganic constituents of plants. Sonje knowledge of the organic constituents of plants, ap- pears to be necessary for understanding the subject of this sec- tion, and, for the information of those who have not attended to elementary chemistry, a short description of them is here in- serted. 1. Oxygen is found in the state of a gas in the atmosphere, mixed with nitrogen, and constitutes one fifth part of its vol- ume ; eight-ninths of water by weight is also oxygen gas. Be- side this, the whole crust of the globe is composed of oxydized substances, that is, of substances combined with oxygen. In its pure state, oxygen is a transparent gas, without color, odor or taste, and is a little heavier than the air. It unites chenjically with a great number of substances. If a lighted ta- per is plunged into it, the brilliancy of thd flame is much in- creased, and if heated iron be immersed in a jar of pure gas, the combustion is so intense as to melt and burn the iron. This substance is always one of the agents in all our fires and lights ; hence its importance. Oxygen also is the supporter of the res- piration of animals. No animal can live for any length of time without it.* It is no less essential to the existence of the veg- etable kingdom. 2. Hydrogen is chiefly found in water, forming one-ninth part, from which it may be obtained by putting into it iron or zinc turnings and sulphuric acid. It is found in most liquids, and in all animai and vegetable bodies. Hydrogen in its pure state exists in the form of a gas, no way distinguished in its physical properties from oxygen, with the exception of its being sixteen times lighter, and a much more pow^erful refractor of light. When a lighted taper is inmiersed in it, the hydrogen is set on fire, but the taper is extinguished. If air or oxygen gas is mixed with it, and the flame of a candle brought in contact, the mixture will explode, and the product will be water. Animals are suffocated by it, and balloons ai-e made to ascend. Water. One part of hydrogen and eight of oxygen, by weight, ^ See Gray's Chemistry, p. 131. 48 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. form water, (Symb. HO. eq.==9), a substance remarkable in its relation to vegetation from the ease with which it is decompo- sed, when subjected to the influence of the vital principle, as it passes with great facility, through several transformations in the vegetable organs. 3. Carbon is the most abundant substance in vegetable bo- dies. In its pure state, it exists as the most valued and beauti- ful of gems — the diamond. Common charcoal is nearly pure carbon. All kinds of coal are essentially composed of it ; great quantities are also locked up in the rocks, in the form of car- bonic acid, (fixed air). Common charcoal is a well known sub- stance ; it burns with a white ligiit, but with little flame. As it constitutes from 40 to 50 per cent, of all vegetables, it has much to do in the processes of vegetation. One of its most impor- tant properties is the power of absorbing several gases, a pro- perty upon which its utility as a maniu-e depends. Carbonic acid. Carbon coml)ines with oxygen, and forms car- bonic acid, or fixed air. This is a gaseous, transparent sub- stance, two and a half times heavier than common air. It is composed of one equivalent of carbon, 6.12, and two of oxTgen, 16 = 22.12. Its symbol is CO^. Carbonic acid is readily ab- sorbed by water, to which it imparts a sour, lively taste ; also a brisk, sparkling flavor to all fermented drinks, as beer. It is sup{)osed to yield more carbon to plants than all other substan- ces united. 4. JViti'ogen exists in the atmosphere, of which it forms 80 per cent. It is never absent from any part of the vegetable struc- ture, but exists in small quantities. Animals contain larger quantities of it. Nitrogen is a transparent gas, without color, odor or taste. It is distinguished for its negative properties, for it will neither support life nor combustion, but appears to act simply as a di- luent to the oxygen of the atnjos{)here. Its compounds, how- ever, are among the most active and useful substances. Nitric add, (NO^) commonly called aquafortis, is a com- pound of nitrogen and oxygen. It exists both in the gaseous and liquid state and is highly corrosive and active in its proper- ties. In combination with potassa, forming nitre, and with other alkalies, it is supposed to perform important offices in vegeta- tion. Ammonia is well known as hartshorn. It is composed of ni- trogen and hydrogen, (NIP) and exists as a gas, but is rapidly GERMINATION. 49 absorbed by water. In its pure state it is a powerful alkali, of a caustic and burning taste, and pungent odor.* It resembles water in the circumstance of being easily de- composed in the vegetable organs. The alkahes are tested by their turning vegetable blue c(>lors green. Acids are tested by their inij)arting to the same vegetal)le infusions a red color. With these definitions and descriptions the reader is prepar- ed to attend to the sidjject of this section. Germination. The development of vitality in the seed, or germ, is called the process o{ germination^ by which process the embryo is extracted from its envelopes, and converted into a plant. The conditions necessary to excite the vitality of the seed are three : access to moisture, to air or oxygen gas, and to heat. 1. Moisture. Seeds which are fully matured and dry will retain the vital power in an inactive state for a long time, if no water is present, because this agent is necessary to facili- tate the chemical changes which must take place, before it can be called into action. The first effect produced by wa- ter, is to penetrate the outer covering of the seed. The effect is purely physical, and takes place equally well in the dead and living seed. A grain of wheat, or corn, for example, de- prived of its vital principle, will absorb water, and become putrescent, while one which still possesses vitality will, by imbibing moisture, develope a succession of new and living powers. The second effect of water, is to yield oxygen to the carbon of the germ, and form carbonic acid, which soon en- velopes the seed. The decomposition of the water is effected by the vital power of the seed. The hydrogen of the water is supposed to combine with the oxygen of the air,' and form water again. Few seeds, however, will complete the process of germination, when wholly immersed in water, especially if air is excluded ; hence the injurious influence of a very wet soil, or a wet season, at the time of planting the seed. * For a fuller description of the simple and compound bodies, see Gray's Chemistry, 50 BIOLOGY OP PLANTS. 2. Ai?\ The oxygen of the air is an active agent in the process of germination. Seeds will not germinate when placed in a vacuum; in an atmosphere of carbonic acid, of nitrogen, hydrogen, or of any other gas, which does not con- tain oxygen. The principal .substance exhaled during the process is carbonic acid. According to Liebig a small quan- tity of acetic acid and ammonia are also formed during the process. These gases form an atmosphere around the seed, unless it comes in contact with water. The volume of oxy- gen consumed is equal to that of the carbonic acid produced. The oxygen of the air either combines directly with the car- bon,* or with the hydrogen of the decomposed water ;t hence this appears to be either a true process of decay, or of com- bustion, and were it not for the vital force, the seed would soon be separated into its original elements. As the oxygen of the air is absolutely essential to germination, some have supposed that the reason why seeds buried too deep, or in a stiff soil, will not germinate, is that they are not reached by it, and have inferred the importance of ascertaining the proper depth for the different kind of seeds in order to facilitate the process. On the same principle they account for the fact, that after deep tillage, plants often make their appearance, which have been cultivated upon the soil several years before. But it should be remembered that seeds thus situated are also deprived of other necessary conditions of which the absence of the oxygen of the atmosphere is probably the least impor- tant. Carbonic acid which is highly useful to the plant is supposed to be injurious to germination by excluding the oxy- * " The very first act of life in a seed is to evolve carbonic acid by its carbon combining with oxygen of air, and its second act is to de- compose water." — Dana. t " Water is decomposed l)y their vital force ; and its oxygen, com- bining with the carbon, forms carbonic acid." " Seeds have the pow- er of decomposing water wliich causes the commencement of germi- nation. ' ' — Lindiey. GERMINATION. 51 gen of the air. Hence, as the acid is often produced in the soil, in larger quantities than in the air, some have ascribed the favorable influence of lime and alkalies upon germination to the fact, that they absorb carbonic acid. For a similar reason seeds should not be sown, or planted in direct contact with green or fermenting manures, as the process of fermentation evolves large quantities of carbonic acid, in addition to that which the seed gives out in the pro- cess of germination. This view has been given to explain a fact which farmers have learned by experience, that when green manures are placed in the hill, the corn planted upon it, will not come up so well, as when the manure is spread, and incorporated with the soil. But it is impossible to see why the carbonic acid produced in this process should not prove beneficial rather than injurious, for this acid is imme- diately employed to decompose the rocks, and eliminate the potash, or other alkalies, which are required to render the food soluble, and fitted to be absorbed by the plant, the in- stant its organs are sufficiently developed to receive it from the soil. The more probable reason for the injurious effects of green manures upon the soil is, that they impart too much nourishment, and injure the plant, by yielding more food than its organs, in this incipient state, can digest. 3. Heat. The third condition necessary to germination, is a proper temperature. No seed has been known to ger- minate at, or below the freezing point of water ; hence, seeds do not germinate during the winter, although all other con- ditions are supplied. The vital principle, however, is not al- ways destroyed, but is developed on the return of spring, when the temperature has arrived at the proper degree. The requisite degree of temperature varies from 60° to 80° F. The precise temperature depends upon the nature of the seed, or plant. This accounts for the fact, that different seeds germinate at different seasons of the year ; hence the importance to the farmer of ascertaining the degree of tern- 62 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. perature requisite to the germination of the various seeds, which are cultivated upon the farm ; hence, too, we see the reason and necessity of green and hot houses, to produce the requisite temperature for the germination of those seeds, which are to furnish the earlier vegetables. Heat further promotes germination, by producing those transform-ations which must take place in the starch and gum of the seed, and which both the external heat,, and that generated within the seed duing the process, is employed in producing. 4. Light was formerly supposed to retard the process of ger- mination, but according to the experiments of M. de Saus- sure, it takes place in the same space of time, in the light as in darkness, provided the light does not, by the heat contained in it, dry up the skins of the seed ; but as this generally takes place, the burying of the seed in the soil a few inches is most favorable to the process, as the light is excluded, while heat, moisture and air are freely admitted. The process of germination then, and the changes which take place, may be reduced to the following particulars. L Water penetrates the coats of the seed, causing it to swell, which facilitates the introduction of the oxygen con- tained in the water, and in the atmosphere to all its parts. 2. The oxygen of the water thus introduced combines chem- ically with the carbon which is the principal substance of the seed, forming carbonic acid ; and the oxygen of the air with the hydrogen of the water, forming water. The carbonic acid acts upon the alkalies,* and these react upon the vegetable matter and convert it into vegetable food. 3. The caloric necessary to the process increases the chem- * When woody fibre or vegetable matter is brought into contact with any alkali, it enters into a process of rapid decay, and is soon convert- ed into a substance capable of being held in solution by the water, and of entering the organs of plants. Jlence the use of potash, lime, etc. in the process of germination, and during the growth of plants. Alka- lies are powerful converters of vegetable matter into food. GERMINATION. 53 Fig. 8. ical action between the oxygen and the carbon, and tends to volatilize the carbonic acid which escapes in the form of gas, at the same time it excites the germ, and stimulates its devel- opment. 4. By abstracting a portion of the carbon from the mucilage and starch, of which the seed is mostly composed, a sweetish milky substance containing sugar is formed, which is the first nourishment of the embryo plant. Here we may notice a very beautiful provision ; the embryo rejects all nour- ishment from the soil, but nature has stored up in the seed itself, a most nu- tricious substance, fully adequate to all its wants. Fig. 8, h cJ, represents the seed lobes containing the nourish- ment of the embryo c a, with the fine tubes which convey it to the germ. The radicle c, Fig. 9, gives the first indication of vitality, expanding and bursting its envelopes^ and at length fixing itself in the soil. The plum- ula a, next unfolds itself, developing the rudiments of leaf, branch and trunk ; finally the seminal leaves gradually drop oflf, and the seed is converted into a plant, capable of deriving nourishment di- rectly from the soil, and from the atmosphere. 5. During this process, the gluten of the seed is partially changed, and forms a substance called diastase. This sub- stance appears to act an important part. It has the power of transforming starch, first into gum, and then into grape sugar. One part of diastase will convert 2000 parts of starch into this substance. The necessity for this change, is due to the insolubility of the starch ; on which account, it cannot enter into the circulation. The diastase is, therefore, formed at the point where the germ issues from the mass of food, and converts the starch into a soluble form, that it may be easily 5 54 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. conveyed into the organs of nutrition. As soon as this stored nutriment is exhausted, the diastase itself is transformed, and enters into the plant. 6. ^rr^/r «f?'c? is also formed in the process. This is proved by the fact, that when seeds are made to germinate in pow- dered chalk, after a little while, acetate of lime may be wash- ed out from it. This substance is very soluble in water, and the agency of the acid according to Liebig is to combine with lime and earthy substances, and convey them into the roots of plants. But since the experiments of Braconnot ren- der it probable that acetate of lime is injurious to plaAts, this special function of the acid may well be doubted. It may aid in converting cane sugar or starch into grape sugar, as it is fully established that such changes take place, when these substances are brought into contact with a dilute acid. When the sprout starts up, the sugar, under the influence of light, is converted into looody fhre. This does not take place until the true or second leaf is expanded. The period required for the germination of various seeds, when the requisite conditions are supplied, depends upon the nature of the plant, that is, upon the peculiar constitution or ac- tivity of the vital principle. The vitality of some seeds, like that of the smaller grains, peas, etc. are quickly excited ; those of corn, and most of the vines require a longer period ; while the stone fruits, and many of the nuts, require wrecks, and even months, before they will indicate any signs of life. The germination of seeds may be promoted by adding sub- stances to them, either before, or after they are sown. 1. Immersing seeds in hot water has been found to pro- mote germination. This is particularly desirable in the case of parsnips, carrots and beets, whose vital powers are not easily excited by the ordinary temperature and moisture. 2. Mr. Bowie states, that " he found the seeds of nearly all leguminous plants germinate more readily, by having water heated to 21)0°, or even to the boiling point of Fahrenheit's GERMINATION. 55 scale, poured over them, leaving them to steep, and the water to cool for twenty-four hours," and some seeds have germina- ted readily, when boiled for five minutes. There is danger, however, if the water is too hot, that the vitality of most seeds will be destroyed. 3. By mixing seeds with substances wliich yield oxygen readily, germination is promoted. Under ordinary circum- stances, oxygen is furnished from the decomposition of water, by the vital force ; but when this force is languid, the supply of this agent from other sources is of the highest utility. Humboldt employed a dilute solution of chlorine. which tends to decompose the water, through its affinity for hydrogen, with which it combines, and sets the oxygen at liberty. Mr. Otto of Berlin employed oxalic acid, which exerted such an influence upon the vitality, that old seeds which would otherwise die, are made to germ.inate readily. In all these cases, however, there is often danger of injuring the vitality of the seed, by yielding too much oxygen, and, with a few ex- ceptions, the ordinary conditions are the best for the purposes of agriculture. The gardener may derive essential aid by em- ploying these artificial methods of facilitating the germination of his seeds. Seeds seem to be the appropriate parts of the plant from which a new individual is derived, and it appears to be the great end of all the vegetable functions to mature and fit them for this office. But although the seed is the principal means of propagation, it is not the only mode ; propagation may be effected by means of hulhs, buds and leaves. The ex- citement of the vitality of bulbs and buds, depends upon the same conditions, as that of the seed, although the chemical changes are not so complicated. The power of propagating plants, by any other means than by seeds, depends wholly up- on leaf buds, (Fig. 7,) or upon what is technically called " eyes ;" these are found on the bulbs, and on the stem of the plant, where they are called buds. They are in fact rudimen- 56 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. tary branches, containing the elements of independent exist- ence. Some of them fall off, as in several kinds of lily, and take root, and form a new plant, while others remain attach- ed to the stem or root. Although all plants seem capable of being propagated by eyes, only a few are actually produced in this way. The po- tato and the vine are almost the only examples of the use of eyes for this purpose, unless propagation by slips, by budding and grafting, may come under this designation. The development of vitality in the potato root is similar to that of the seed. The eye corresponds to the germ, and the bulb to the lobes of the seed. The matter necessary to sup- ply the shoot with food, is treasured up in the bulb, just as that is in the seed lobes which nourishes the germ of the seed. An eye from a branch of the vine being cut off with a small portion of the wood, and placed under the same conditions with the seed or bulb, will soon throw out roots and branches. The wood furnishes the nourishment required, before it can derive it from the soil ; for if the eye has no wood attached to it, life will not be supported, and it will die. Other plants may be propagated in this way, but the buds and bulbs of most plants possess too little vitality to be successfully employed for this purpose. Many plants, however, may be easily propaga- ted by small branches, called Cuttings. When these are subjected to the proper condi- tions of temperature and moisture, their buds give rise to new individuals, capable of maintaining a separate existence. Propagation hy layers is the same as the above, witli this difference. A layer is a branch bent into the earth and half cut through at the bend. When this has thrown out roots in- to the soil, it may be separated from the tree. The Ficus Indicus, in its natural state, propagates itself in this way. Suckers are also employed for the propagation of plants. They are sprouts sent up from the roots of trees and shrubs, and make their appearance most frequently when the tree is DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 57 cut down, because the nourishment in the roots has nothing to absorb it, and hence it forces up branches for this purpose. In all these cases, as well as in those of budding and graft- ing, the principle is the same ; " the vital points," are placed under fitting conditions of air, moisture and temperature, and they become converted into new individuals. Even the leaf is capable of forming buds and of continuing the species ; each according to the great law of organized beings, propagates its own species ; and in all cases but one the same variety of the species. The seed only preserves the same species. The propagation of plants, by their pjg xq several organs, shows the bountiful pro- vision of nature to secure the continu- ance of the species. The vital points are the same, whether found in the seed, bulb, bud or leaf The different organs, as has been shown by Goethe, are only developments of one simple germ. The leaf buds, (Fig. 10,) scales, blossoms, stamens, pistils, fruit and branches are only a development from one simple structure. The germ is converted into roots or stems, or any other organ ; hence we should expect to find the vital points or eyes in all the or- gans, as they are, in fact, the same organ under different forms, and are easily transformed into each other. We see these transformations going on around us. In the cultivated roses, the stamens become petals. In the pofentilla nepalensis the flowers change into branches, and the sepals, petals and stamens are converted into leaves. Sect. 3. Definitions. — Conditions of the Growth of Plants. 1. Soil. Soil is decomposed or crumbled rock, mingled with a certain portion of animal and vegetable matter, called humus, or vegetable mould. 5* 58 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. 2. Siih-soil. The sub-soil lies immediately below the soil, and is mostly destitute of vegetable matter. The parts of plants which are concerned in nutrition are the root, stem and leaves. 1. Root. The root is that part of the plant Fig. 11. which penetrates the soil. The following are some of the different varieties of roots : tap roots, as in lucern and clover ; spindle roots, as in tlie carrot, parsnip and beet ; branching roots, as in most forest trees ; fibrous roots, as in the grasses and most annual plants ; creep- ing roots, as in the strawberry ; tuberous roots, as the potato, and bulbous roots, as in the fleshy plants, the onion, turnip, (Fig. 11, a,) which are composed of regular concentric layers of vegetable matter. Roots increase in length by the addition of matter to their points. When this matter is first added it is soft, and possesses the properties of a sponge, to absorb the gaseous, or liquid bodies, which are pre- sented to it. On this account the points b, are called sponge- lets or spongioles. It is through these, that most of the nour- ishment derived from the soil, is conveyed into the organs of the plant. The roots are also supposed to excrete matter into the soil, which having passed through all the transformations it is capable of in its descent from the leaves, is now rejected as unfitted to nourish the plant. The root is also supposed to have the power of selecting those substances which the wants of the Yjlant require, as the same species will absorb unequal quantities of different substances wlien presented to them. But the discriminating and excretory power has been doubted, and these functions of the root are not yet fully established. 2. Stem or Culm. The stem (Fig. 12) is made up of bundles of small tubes, extending from the roots to the leaves, in which sap and air circulate. The bark coutains similar tubes for the de- scent from the leaves of the cambium, or elaborated juices. The stem contains the pith c, which consists of tubes disposed horizontally, and forming by the medullary rays, a communica- tion with the bark ; but so far as experiments have been tried with colored solutions, the pith does not serve the purpose of circulating the sap. The tubes of the wood aid the ascent of the sap, which, in its progress upward, is sid)jected lo certain chemical changes, and it is supposed by some that the various gaseous bodies, which ap in its progress up- DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 59 ward. The vessels of the wood, Fig. 12. like the roots appear to possess the power of discrimination, as to what substances they will receive. When, for example, the trunks of several trees, of the same species, are cut off above the roots, and immersed in solutions of different substances, some of these solutions will quickly ascend in the tubes, and penetrate the entire mass, while others will not be admitted at all, or very slowly, by the vessels of the tree. The functions of the stem are performed mostly by the alburnum, or sap-wood. The branches or twigs are ex- tensions of the trunk, as a h, Fig. 12. S. Leaves are still further extensions of the wood, and of the bark. The fibres of the leaves are minute tubes of Avoody mat- ter, connected with the w^ood, from which they receive the sap. The green part of the leaf is an expansion of the bark. The sap descends from this part into the bark, and thence to the root. Hence, the leaf consists of two layers of veins or fibres, covered by a thin membrane, (the epidermis,) which is an ex- pansion of the outer bark. This membrane is filled with small apertures, for the absorj)tion and transpiration of gaseous and liquid bodies. These pores (stomata) on the upper surface are supposed to exhale, and those on the under side of the leaf to inhale substances. They will not absorb all bodies indis- criminately, for they drink in oxygen, carbonic acid and water, but reject the nitrogen. 4. The fiower-leaves are called petals, and perform the office of inhaling and exhaling various substances; but they absorb oxygen at all times, both day and night, and constandy emit carbonic acid; while, during the day, the leaves absorb carbonic acid and emit oxygen gas, and, during the night, reverse the pro- cess. The flower-leaves also exhale odoriferous particles, the nature of which, it is difficult to determine. Although plants differ from animals in giving no signs of perception and voluntary motion, yet in their organs and pro- cesses of nutrition there is a striking analogy. 60 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. 3. The stem and branches are the frame-work or skeleton, for the support of the parts which are necessary to the processes of nutrition. 2. The roots, in connection with the leaves, serve the pur- poses of mouth and stomach, absorbing and digesting those sub- stances, which are held in solution l)y water or air. 3. The common vessels are tubes, answering to the lacteals and veins of animals. These tubes pass upward from the root through the stem, and are distributed in minute ramifications, over the surface of the leaves. Through these tubes the sap or circulating fluid ascends. 4. The leaves are the lungs which perform the office of absorb- ing and exhaling carbonic acid, oxygen, anunonia and water, by which the sap is prepared for its descent and assimilation. 5. The proper vessels are tubes corresponding to the arteries of animals, extending from the leaves through the inner layer of the bark, to the roots. In these tubes, the prepared nutriment descends, yielding, or forming in its progress, the peculiar sub- stances which belong to the vegetable kingdom. 6. Finally. " The size of a plant is proportioned to the surface of the organs which are destined to convey food to it." That is, a plant obtains another mouth and stomach with every new fibre of root, and every new leaf; hence, the size depends upon the amount of the leaves and roots. If the leaves be plucked off, the plant will either die, or become stinted in growth. If the roots are diminished, a similar effect will be produced. It is on this principle, that oaks are reared by Chinese gardeners, both in Amsterdam and London, only a foot and a half high, " although their trunks, bark, leaves, branches and whole habi- tus evince a venerable age." As the leaves and roots are per- mitted to increase, they absorb a greater quantity of jiourish- ment. This is not returned to the soil, but is employed in forming new organs. The conditions required for the most vigorous action of the vital principle, during the growth of plants, embrace nearly the whole science of agriculture. But I shall confine myself, in this place, to three conditions ; a proper medium and space in which to grow, proper food, and proper tillage. A general view only of these conditions can be given in this connection, a more particular consideration of them will be reserved for future sections. MEDIUM AND SPACE FOR GROWTH. 61 I. Proper medium and space for groivth. In the process of germination, the only conditions are air, water, and a cer- tain temperature. But as soon as the roots and stalks make their appearance, they require mechanical support, and a medium for the action of those agents which are necessary to their perfect development. This medium is the soil and the atmosphere. The former only demands attention in this connection. There are some aquatic plants that float upon the surface of water and derive their nourishment from it, and from the atmosphere; and a large number of parasitics, as the mistletoe, which attach themselves to larger plants or trees, and even to the rocks, such as the mosses, from which they derive support and nourishment ; but all vegetables, cul- tivated for the use of man, and other animals, require, as a necessary condition to the most vigorous action of their vital powers, that their roots should he fixed in the soil. Uses of the Soil The soil appears to serve several pur- poses in this respect. 1. It furnishes support to the plant, and prevents it from being blown about by the winds. Different plants require different kinds of soil to give the requisite stability. Wheat requires a stiff soil ; corn a light one. This results, not only from the different degrees of strength in the vital power, but also from the character of the roots, and the weight which the stalk must sustain. Those roots which lie near the sur- face, like most of our common grains, require a stiff soil ; those which penetrate deep, like most of the hoed crops, re- quire a light soil in order to gain the requisite support ; hence the importance of adapting the crop to the character of the soil, or the soil to the nature of the root. 2. The soil is the repository of the food of vegetables, and a medium of communicating it to their roots. 3. The soil facilitates the chemical changes, necessary in the preparation of the food, and of those saline compounds, which either act as a stimulus to the vital power, or are the 63 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. means of supplying some other agency necessary to the action of the vital functions. • It has been suggested, that there is produced, by the various mineral ingredients of which soils are mostly composed, an electrical effect, which facilitates the absorption of the food. The soil, in connection with the living plant, is a galvanic battery, not only acting directly upon the vital functions, but also rapidly decomposing the soil itself 4. The soil also serves as a sponge to retain the requisite supply of water. It retains the caloric, and permits a free cir- culation of air ; all of which it distributes according to the wants of the plant. 5. Finally, the soil serves to retain gasious proclucts, as ammonia, which it yields up as the wants of the plant require. Such being the important agency of the soil, it is of the highest practical interest to the farmer, to ascertain its cha- racter ; for all soils do not perform these functions with the same degree of perfection ; hence the farmer, before he casts the seed into the earth, should inquire, whether the soil is. fitted to discharge those duties, which the peculiar constitu- tion of the expected crop requires ; and he should not hope for a bountiful harvest, unless this condition of the vital pow- er is supplied. Proper attention to the soil is one of the se- crets of successful farming. It is from this belief that I have, in future chapters, devoted so large apart of the present work to its formation, composition and improvement. II. Food. The second condition required for the most vigorous action of the vital principle, during the grov.th of plants, is proper food. We have noticed the beautiful provi- sion of nature, by which a supply of food is stored up in the seed or bulb, for the support of the germ. This portion, how- ever, is small, and when it is exhausted, food must be supplied from some foreign source, from the atmosphere, the water, and from the soil ; or the vital power, having nothing to act upon it, and sustain it, will be destroyed. Hence proper nour- FOOD OF PLANTS. 63 ishment is equally necessary to the growth and perfection of a plant, with that of an animal, and the effect of proper or improper feeding is no more visible in the one case, than in the other. The animal and the plant are alike dependent upon foreign matter, not only for their growth, but for exist- ence itself. It may be stated, then, as a general law, that All vegetables must have a supply of food, in quantity and quality, suited to their age and character. 1. The supply of food must be constant. Plants differ from animals in this respect ; the latter require it at stated times, with considerable intervals between ; while the former, owing to their organs of nutrition, must have a constant sup- ply, at least, during the period of growtli. Perennial plants, however, in cold climates, are capable of resting for several months without drawing any nourishment from the soil ; and in this respect, they resemble those animals which are torpid, during the same period. 2. The supply of food must be properly regulated. If too much nourishment is added at any one period of growth, the organs will become clogged, or the plant will attain a rapid, but sickly growth. This is the case, when seeds are planted in fermenting or green manures, and when plants grow upon dung-hills ; hence the reason for incorporating the manures intimately with the soil. If too little food is supplied, the plant will languish, and its productions will be scanty, and of an inferior quality. The most important rule on this subject is to graduate the nutriment, according to the wants of the crop, at each succes- sive stage of its growth. During the process of germination, no foreign matter is needed. The young plant, as soon as its leaves have become fully expanded, derives most of its matter from the atmosphere. It is during the maturing of the fruit or grain, that plants derive most nourishment from the soil. This is supposed to be partly due to the fact, that the leaves and stalks, previous to the formation of the fruit, have their 64 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. organs of absorption in a most vigorous state, but, at that pe- riod, the pores are partly closed up, and the nourishment must pass in at the roots ; and partly to the kind of nourish- ment which the soil alone is capable of furnishing. Hence, (1) In the application of manures, we may derive, from the above facts, the most important practical rules ; the kind and quantity depending upon the time when the crop matures its seeds. If the crop is winter rye, or any of the smaller grains, which mature their seeds in July or August, green manures should not be applied, because the process of fer- mentation yields abundance of carbonic acid, which power- fully stimulates and increases the stalks and leaves, but is in- jurious to the formation of the grain. This process will be most active when the kernel of early grains is maturing, and the appropriate nutriment, which goes to the seed, will not then be prepared in the soil ; hence there will be abundance of straw, with but little grain. But if the crop ripens its seed in September, like corn and most hoed crops, green manures are far preferable, because the fermentation will be most ac- tive, when the stalks and leaves require its influence, and the nutriment, which is formed in the soil, by this process, will be ready for the formation of the grain, by the time the seed requires it. (2) The above facts explain the reason why crops exhaust the soil more when permitted to mature their seeds, than when cut green ; hence, crops cut for fodder, as grass, should not be left to mature their seeds, in consequence of their exhaust- ing effects upon the manures in the soil ; hence, too, the utility of ploughing in green crops, because food is thus taken from the atmosphere, and added to the soil, (3) Finally, from the same principle may be inferred the utility of " soiling," that is, of keeping farm stock on green crops, during the summer season. The green crops, deriving their support mostly from the atmosphere, exhaust the soil but little, while their conversion into manure in the stables, adds NATURE OF FOOD. 65 directly to the means of fertility, of securing greater abundance in future harvests. 3. The kind of food must be such as the vital forces of the plant can assimilate ; such as lis peculiar constitution requires. The nature* of the food of plants has been a subject of much conjecture and controversy. Lord Bacon believed it to be water ; Tull and Du YidJueX, pulverized, earth ; Hunter, oil and salt. But the investigations of modern chemists, have thrown much light on this subject, although some things are not yet settled. It now appears, that the food of vegetables, like that of animals, consists of several substances ; that it is derived from numerous sources. The principal substances regarded as food,t are carbonic acid,| ammonia, water, and several or- ganic substances which form the constituents of vegetable mould, and alkalies, alkaline earths, metallic oxides and seve- ral salts. The vegetable mould, according to the analysis of Ber- zelius, consists of several compounds of carbon, oxygen, hy- drogen and nitrogen, called humin, humic, crenic and apocre- nic acids. The humic acid has been called geine. These substances are combined in the soil, in part, with alkalies and oxides, and constitute the principal food which plants derive from that source. But different species of plants require different kinds of food, or require it in different quantities. Plants which contain a large quantity of nitrogen, must be supplied with * The full consideration of this subject will be deferred to a future section, on the source and assimilation of the simple bodies which en- ter into the composition of plants. t Nutritive matters are, correctly speaking, those substances which when presented from without, are capable of sustaining the life, and all the functions of an organism, by furnishing to the different parts^ of plants, the materials for the production of their peculiar constituents. — Liebig. X For a description of these bodies, see second and third chapters. 6 ^ BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. food containing that substance, in a form in which they can assimilate it, as in ammonia, nitric acid, crenic and apocre- nic acids. Some plants, as wheat, require potash and phos- phates. All kinds of grasses require silicate of potash. Sea- plants require soda. And, generally, plants require differ- ent substances to enable them to develope their organs. So also wheat requires more alkalies in quantity than barley or oats. Saussure found that wheat requires different quantities at different periods of its growth. The same fact has been observed of other plants.* The absolute necessity of supplying plants with appropriate nourishment, of nutriment derived from animal and vegetable manures, has been proved, by the most carefully conducted experiments, whatever be the particular form in which the food is presented, whether as carbonic acid, water, ammonia and saline compounds, or, in addition, as geates or humates, crenates and apocrenates. A continued course of cropping will exhaust the soil, both of vegetable matters and salts, and, unless they are restored, it will become in time, wholly bar- ren ; and in proportion as these matters are wanting, or in a state unfitted to enter the organs of plants, will the soil become sterile, its productions scanty, and of an inferior quality. 3. Tillage. The third general condition necessary to the growth of plants, is proper tillage. The object of tillage, is to break up the entire soil, and give it such a degree of fine- ness, as to render it permeable to atmospheric agents and wa- ter, and to incorporate the manures with the soil ; thus to pro- mote an equal and economical distribution of food to the roots of plants ; to bury the seed at the proper depth ; and finally, to destroy weeds, which rob the crop of food, and check its growth. ( 1 ) The soil should be thoroughly 'ploughed ; every part of it turned over and stirred at a sufficient depth to allow the roots of plants to extend themselves freely in every direction. If * For a further notice of this subject, see third chapter. PROPER TILLAGE 67 this is not done, if the furrow is wider than the plough can turn, the parts not broken up will obstruct the roots, and pre- vent the free circulation of air and water. The water, set- tling in the creases of the furrows on the sub-soil, will form al- ternate wet and dry ridges, which will injure the delicate parts of the roots. When the soil is only partly broken, but a small part of it is brought to bear upon the roots, and hence the nourishment is withheld from the crop. (2) The soil should he deeply ploughed. This is especially necessary for root crops, and highly useful for any crop, pro- vided sufficient manure is added. Ten inches of tillage depth are far preferable to six inches, because the former depth will keep the soil drier, and render it capable of being cultivated much earlier. Such a depth renders the soil less subject to drought, in consequence of furnishing a larger stratum, pos- sessing the properties of a sponge, to absorb the water and re- tain it for the wants of the plant. Such a soil will be a better re- tainer of heat ; and will furnish a better medium for the ac- tion of chemical and other agents, which are necessary to the most vigorous growth of vegetables. The experiments of Baron Von Vought, upon the estate of Flottbeck, Germany, fully establishes the utility of deep til- lage. After making thousands of experiments during thirteen years, he came to the conclusion, that a tillage depth of from ten to fourteen inches was vastly preferable to a less depth. And Von Thaer estimates the value of soils, with a flat and deep mould, in the following proportions. If with a cultiva- ted soil three inches in depth, the land is worth thirty-eight dollars per acre, that of five inches will be worth fifty-six dol- lars ; that of eight inches will be worth sixty-two dollars, and that of eleven inches, seventy-four dollars. Each inch of mould between six and ten inches, increases the value eight per cent. The importance of deep tillage may be inferred, from the fact, that some plants, as lucerne and sainfoin, are said to have OO BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. penetrated the soil, to a depth of thirty feet, and that the tap roots of clover and some other plants extend to a depth of three feet or more. (3) The soil should be finely pulverized; especially the surface to the depth of six inches ; in order that the seed corn, grain, or potato shoot may be placed in earth finely divided, into which the tender fibres of the root may easily and quick- ly shoot, and air, water and heat operate with facility. If the soil is lumpy, large pores or intervals will exist, across which, the delicate fibres of the roots will extend them- selves, become exposed to injury, and unable to discharge their functions in a vigorous manner. Professor Hitchcock accounts for the superior fertility of the alluvial soils of New England, on this principle. Such soils do not contain so large a quantity of vegetable matter as those less fertile, but their materials are in a much more fine- ly divided state, and hence their fertility. This condition of vitality is liable to be disregarded by the farmer, because the expense of preparing the soil, in the first instance, is much increased, and because the time of sowing and of harvesting, are too far removed to impress the mind with its necessity and utility, i c j (4) The. soil should he covered at the proper depth. The requisite depth varies according to the nature of the seed, but generally the smoother and finer the surface, the less the depth required. Grain covered one fourth of an inch in depth by finely pulverized earth, where it will feel the influence of heat, moisture and air combined, will be much more likely to ger- minate, the vitality will be much sooner excited, the roots will become more powerful and the stalks, leaves and fruit much more abundant. The Baron Von Vought has made a numerous collection of plants, in which the seed was, in the one case, covered only two lines in depth, and in the other a little more than one inch and a half ; and these plants show, " what a striking differ- PROPER TILLAGE. O^ ence there is in the vital germ lying on the surface where roots and leaves, immediately, numerously and powerfully shoot forth from one point, and the weakened vital germ, ly- ing at the depth of 1.680 inches, shoots forth few roots, but a thin tube, which rises as far as the surface, where a knot is formed whence the weakened germ pushes forth a single and sickly plant." Some seeds require to be covered only by a bush-harrow. The seeds of grain-crops, and of some garden vegetables may be covered in this way, but hoed crops require a greater depth. The requisite depth depends also on other circumstances — the character of the soil, and its state of moisture or dryness. Hence farmers should adapt their mode of tillage to these cir- cumstances, if they would derive the highest benefit from this part of culture. (5) Finally. The soil should be kept free of weeds. The reason for this is, that the weeds exhaust the soil as much as, if not more than the crop, and especially in the dry season, ab- stract from the soil the moisture required for the grain. In this latter respect, weeds with large leaves and stems, will take up through their roots and transpire through their leaves, their weight of moisture in twenty-four hours. The vital functions of the crop are thus enfeebled or destroyed, while the ruthless weeds fatten upon the provisions which were designed for the rightful inhabitants of the soil. There is no doubt but that many a crop has been diminished one quarter, one third and even one half by the weeds which have been allowed to seed and spread themselves on the land. The conditions of the growth of plants as presented in this section are very general, they will be more fully expanded in succeeding parts of the work. These general conditions of life, however, should be im- pressed upon the mind of every farmer, if he would aid the vital power in the growth of his crops. He must supply his plants with the proper medium and support ; with soil fitted 6* 70 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. to the nature of the plant; with food, in kind and quantity ^ suited to the age and wants of each species, and with proper tillage. Especially must he exterminate those natural foes, which make their appearance during the summer months, and which may easily be overcome if attacked before they have obtained a firm footing on the soil ; but let him remember, that they possess a wonderful fecundity, and, like a certain animal, have many lives, they must, therefore, be made to die many deaths, before they can be completely exterminated. The importance of supplying the conditions, for exciting the vital principle of seeds, and for its most perfect action during the growth of plants, may be illustrated by reference to the mechanic arts. In all these arts there is some agent, natural or artificial, employed as a moving power. 1. In locomotives and steamboats, the main spring of the whole movement is the expansive force of steam, when sub. jected to a high temperature. But steam has no power unless supplied with the appropriate conditions. If made in the open air it will not move a steamboat, though it may a feather. If simply confined in a boiler, it will manifest its power in no way unless it be to break from its confinement, and gain its free- dom. A complicated apparatus must be supplied, the result of intense study, and multiplied experiment, before its power is available for any useful purpose ; and finally, various other conditions must be added, before it will propel us across the land or the ocean. 2. In most cotton and woollen factories the moving force is water. This power also requires several conditions, before it can be usefully applied. The force of running water, though often very great, will not manufacture cotton and wool- len cloths. If it is arrested in its progress to the ocean, its force will only be exerted upon the sides of the dam. Fac- tories must be erected, wheels of the proper size and form must be constructed. There must be added a complicated apparatus of cards, spindles and looms, and after all this, cot- VITAL AND PHYSICAL AGENTS. 71 ton or wool must be supplied, and workmen who understand the operation of the machinery, before the beautiful fabric is wrought and fitted to adorn our bodies, or to protect them from the vicissitudes of the seasons. Steam and water are the great agents in these processes, but they are not the only agents, nor will they avail us unless the necessary conditions are supplied. The vital power is much more wonderful and useful in its operations, than any of the agents of dead matter ; but it will not exert its force without its conditions, any more than steam and water. When its conditions of activity are supplied, its productions in their variety, beauty and utility, exceed those of all other agents of the natural world. This power supplies the manufacturing arts with nearly all their raw material, and is emphatically the sustaining cause, in the hand of the Deity, of the present order of nature. If it is important, then, that the mechanic and artizan should spend years of study and labor to supply the necessary con- ditions for the exertion of steam and water power, is it not vastly more important, that the farmer should carefully study, and faithfully supply the appropriate conditions for the exer- cise of the vital power, that he may avail himself of its more valuable and indispensable productions. What engineer would expect to run steamboats and locomotives, with nothing but fire and water ? What manufacturer could hope to spin and weave by the mere force of hydrostatic pressure ? Or what mechanic of any trade, would expect to produce a beautiful and useful material, without carefully attending to the condi- tions which are required for its production ? Why, then, should the farmer expect a bountiful harvest, if he neglect to supply the conditions required for the activity of the vital power in the production of his crops ? In agriculture, as in the mechanic arts, we need the influ- ence of example. We need some few farmers, in every portion of the country, who shall present living examples to all around, 72 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. of the possibility and utility of supplying these conditions of vegetable life. It is on this account that I would urge upon the young far- mer to study this subject, to obtain a scientific knowledge of it, that he may be able to exhibit a practical application of the principles here suggested, when he settles down to the great business of life. CHAPTER II. INFLUENCE OF THE ATMOSPHERE, WATER AND OTHER AGENTS UPON THE VITAL PRINCIPLE AS CONNECTED WITH THE PHENOMENA OF VEGETATION. Some of these agents have already been alluded to when treating of the vital principle, considered as the principal cause of vegetable productions. It is proposed now to con- sider more particularly the degree in which they favor or re- tard the process of nutrition, with the mode in which they act, in order more fully to explain the philosophy of the subject, and to point out suitable methods, to be employed by the ag- riculturist in the culture of his crops. These agents are the atmosphere, water, gravity, cohesion, affinity, heat, light, electricity, and the agency of man. Sect. 1. Agency of the Atmosphere. The atmosphere is that gaseous fluid which surrounds the earth, and extends to a distance of forty or forty-five miles above it. It is composed essentially of oxygen and nitrogen in the proportion of 21 parts of the former, to 79 of the latter in 100. The atmosphere also contains variable quantities of watery vapors, ytj^uiy part by volume of carbonic acid, a smaller quantity of ammonia, and several other gaseous com- INFLUENCE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 73 pounds, such as hydrogen, nitric acids, sulphureted and car- bureted hydrogen. It is also probable that odoriferous, sa- line, and metallic particles float in it ; all of which, save the first, are found in exceedingly small quantities. The agency of the atmosphere may be studied under the following heads. Influence of its oxygen, of its nitrogen, of its ammonia, of its nitric acid, of its sulphureted hydrogen, of its carbonic acid, and its mechanical agency. I. Injluence of the oxygen of the air in vegetation. We have seen, that oxygen is a most important agent in the pro- cess of germination, combining with the hydrogen of the de- composed water, and with the carbon of the seed, and that carbonic acid is almost the only gaseous product evolved. Oxygen is no less necessary to the growth of plants. This is proved by the fact, that when all other conditions are supplied, if the plant is deprived of oxygen it will wither and die ; hence, when the roots of trees are surrounded with stagnant water, no oxygen being supplied to them, the leaves turn yellow and fall, but when fresh water is added, yielding the requisite quantity of oxygen, the tree will revive. Oxygen acts principally upon the roots and leaves oi plants- The mode of its action in the roots has been differently rep- resented by different chemists. There are four theories. 1. The absorbed oxygen combines with the carbon of the plant. 2. It combines with the hydrogen of the decomposed water. 3. It is assimilated. 4. It combines with substances in the soil by which food is prepared. First theory. The roots absorb oxygen and convert it by means of their carbon into carbonic acid. The truth of this theory is supposed to be proved by placing fresh roots depri- ved of their stems under a bell-glass receiver. They will di- minish the quantity of air, by abstracting its oxygen, and forming carbonic acid. The volume of oxygen consumed is never greater than the bulk of their roots. Place the roots thus saturated with oxygen in a receiver 74 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. of air, and carbonic acid will be given off without altering the volume of the air ; but if they are placed in the open air, they will absorb a volume of oxygen equal to themselves, as in the first instance ; hence, the atmosphere abstracts the carbonic acid which the roots form.* If the roots are connected with the stems and leaves, they will constantly absorb oxygen, and the quantity will amount, in time, to much more than their volume, because the carbon- ic acid which they form passes into the juices, ascends to the leaves, where it is decomposed by the action of light, or tran- spired with the water, if the plant is in the shade ; hence, they never become saturated. But these facts are equally well ac- counted for on other theories. Second theory. The oxygen of the air, which is absorbed by the roots, combines with the hydrogen of the water, which the vital power decomposes, while the oxygen of the decompo- sed water combines with carbon and forms carbonic acid ; hence, the agency of the oxygen of the air is to keep up the supply of water. Third theory. The oxygen thus absorbed by the roots, is directly assimilated to the vegetable products, or, if any chan- ges take place, the oxygen is neither converted into carbon- ic acid by combining with the carbon, nor into water by unit- ing with the hydrogen of the decomposed water. These changes may take place, but the theory supposes that the oxy- gen in some forin is assimilated to the vegetable organs. Fourth theory. It is possible, however, that neither of the above theories explain the reason of the necessity of oxy- gen to the roots of plants, in order to promote their growth. The oxygen of the air effects changes upon the humus of the soil, in preparing the food, and this may be the reason for its influence. But whatever view is taken, the agency of oxygen upon the roots of plants, explains the reason why the earth must be ^ Chaptal. INFLUENCE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 75 Stirred about them. The oxygen of the air is thus either brought into direct contact with all parts of them, so as to answer the conditions of some one of the above theories, or else it is thus brought into contact with the humus, and pro- motes its decay and conversion into vegetable food. The leaves of plants also absorb oxygen from the atmos- phere, especially during the night season, and sometimes in the shade, at the same time they transpire carbonic acid, and the volume of carbonic acid thrown off, is just equal to that of the oxygen consumed. The changes which take place in this process are also subjects of theory, although it is pretty well established that the last of the three following is the true one. First theory. The oxygen, absorbed by the leaves, enters into combination with the carbon, formerly introduced into the sap of the plant, and there being no light to decompose the carbonic acid thus formed, it is exhaled, or given back to the atmosphere. This is precisely the change, which is sup- posed by some to take place in the lungs of animals, and is a true process of respiration. Some of the oxygen however must remain uncombined in the juices, as the amount of Jg part of the quantity absorbed can be disengaged from the plant by means of heat. Second theory. The oxygen which is absorbed by the leaves, enters into combination with the hydrogen of the wa- ter which the vital power decomposes, in the same manner as when introduced into the roots. So that water is decom- posed by the plant, its oxygen assimilated, while at the same time, the hydrogen combines with the absorbed oxygen, and forms water. This, however, is a very doubtful theory of these changes, though a possible one. Third theory. The oxygen thus absorbed, combines with the vegetable substances in the leaves. This appears to be a purely chemical process, as it takes place equally well in the dead, as in the living plant. If the substance of the leaves 76 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. is known, " it is a matter of the greatest ease and certainty to calculate which of them, during life, should absorb most oxygen by chemical action when the influence of light is withdrawn." The oxygen in this casecombines with the vol- atile oils, and changes them into resins, in some cases, while in others, it unites with the constituents of nut-galls, and forms acids, or with substances containing nitrogen. The carbonic acid in this case is derived from the sap ; it enters the roots with the water, and when it arrives at the leaves it is not decomposed, but is transpired along with the water ; this, of course, is purely a mechanical process, and the quantity of acid will depend on the quantity of water. The absorption of the oxygen and the emission of carbon- ic acid have no connection therefore with each other, or with the process of assimilation. A cotton wick, in a lamp filled with water, saturated with carbonic acid, acts pre- cisely like a plant in the night ; water and carbonic acid are sucked up, and evaporated from the wick. The quantity of oxygen absorbed by plants depends upon their vigor, degree of heat, and the nature of their leaves. 1. The more vigorous the plant is, the greater the quantity of oxygen which it is capable of absorbing during any given period. This we should expect, because all the vital forces are more active, and hence the growth must be more rapid, and require a larger supply of the appropriate nutriment. 2. The same species of plants will absorb more oxygen at a temperature of 88° F. than at 55° or 56° F.* This quan- tity will therefore depend upon the season of the year and upon the climate. 3. The leaves of different plants do not consume the same quantity of oxygen gas, at the same temperature, and seasons of the year. The quantity varies from a little more than one half the bulk of the leaves, to eight times their volume. The fleshy-leaved plants absorb the least oxygen, and re- * Chaptal. INFLUENCE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 77 tain it with great force, (probably because they emit little or no carbonic acid). The various species of these plants, ac- cording to the experiments of Saussure, absorb during the summer months, jfrom 1 to 1.7 of their bulk of oxygen ; hence, such plants will flourish on high mountains, where the air is rarified, and on arid sands. The leaves of evergreen trees are next in order, as they ab- sorb more oxygen than the fleshy-leaved plants, and much less than those trees which lose their leaves during the win- ter. The quantity in this class, varies during the months of May and June from 1.5 to four times their volume, and dur- ing the month of September from 0.86 to 3 times their volume.* Of the herbaceous plants^ those which grow on marsh- es and bogs, absorb but little oxygen gas. This may be due to the fact, that they are surrounded by an atmosphere of vapor, or of carbonic acid, which does not render the in- troduction of oxygen necessary. The quantity in such plants under similar circumstances varies from 0.7 to 2.3 times the volume of the leaves, while the leaves of herbaceous plants not aquatic, absorb from 0.66 to 5 times their vol- ume. The leaves of those trees which are nailed during the win- ter, as the oak, maple, and most fruit trees, absorb the larg- est quantity of oxygen, and contain the most carbon. This seems to depend upon the nature of the substances formed in the leaf; thus the tasteless leaves of the Agave Americana ab- sorb only 0.3 of their volume in the dark during twenty-four hours; those of the oak containing tannic acid, fourteen times as much ; and the balmy leaves of the poplus alba twen- ty-one times that quantity. The large quantity of oxygen, absorbed by these plants, may, also, be partly due to the fact, that they not only supply nourishment for the purposes of veg- Thompson's Chemistry, Organic bodies, p. 999. 7 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. etation during the summer, but store up large quantities for the use of the plant, before it can derive it from a foreign source in the spring. This process has been compared to torpidity in certain animals, which store up a quantity of fat in the autumn, from which they are nourished during their winter slumbers. But the analogy is very slight, while the chemical changes are quite different. The fat in the animal, appears to combine with the oxygen in the lungs, a process resembling the burning of a candle, by which the fat is slow- ly consumed ; but the starch, which is laid up in the organs of the tree, is converted into sugar, and in the spring is as- similated. The process of assimilation is only delayed, until the leaves are put forth, while in animals, no assimilation of the stored matter takes place ; it simply burns out. The quantity of oxygen absorbed in all these cases must also depend upon the fertility of the soil, and the quantity of the gas contained in the air by which the plant is surrounded. The other parts of plants, such as the wood, petals, and all those parts which are not green, absorb but a small quanti- ty of this gas which is generally retained. The action of oxygen, according to the experiments of Saussure, upon the fruit, during the progress of growth, is pre- cisely similar to that upon the leaves. Fruits absorb oxygen during the night, and give it off during the day. But the ex- periments of Berard seem to indicate a different process, during the ripening of fruits ; oxygen being absorbed, and carbonic acid given off, both in the sun, and in the shade. This is doubtless true ; for it is found, that green fruits, fully grown, will not ripen in atmosphere deprived of oxygen, but will com- mence the process on its admission, provided they do not re- main deprived of it too long. Hence fruits may be preserved through the year, by surrounding them with an atmosphere of carbonic acid, or by excluding the air. By the process of ri- pening, the animal matter, woody fibre, malic acid and water, are diminished, and the sugar is increased. This would be AGENCY OF OXYGEN. 79 the effect of absorbing oxygen, and giving out carbonic acid. When the fruit decays, it gives out large quantities of car- bonic acid. The carbon is furnished by the substance of the fruit, the oxygen from the decomposition of water ; the same changes which take place in the decay of woody fibre, or any other vegetable body. From this view it appears, that the principal agency of the oxygen of the air in the process of nutrition is, 1. According to the views of Thompson and ether chemists, to combine with carbon, and form carbonic acid. This change takes place both in the soil, and in the living plant. In the soil, mostly by the fermentation of manures, or vegetable sub- stances ; and in the tree, by uniting with the carbon which has been previously introduced, forming carbonic acid ; this with that contained in the soil and air, and which enters the vegetable organs \u solution, is conveyed to the leaves, and decomposed by the influence of light ; the carbon being re- tained or assimilated, and the oxygen sent out to combine with fresh portions of carbon, ready again to pass through the same process. The oxygen which is absorbed by the leaves and roots, is, for the m.ost part, transpired into the atmosphere ; but a part is retained, and aids still farther, by its various combinations, the growth and perfection of the plant. Or, 2. According to Liebig, the oxygen of the air combines with the vegetable products, by Rpurelt/ chemical process, and aids the plant in the formation of several vegetable bodies, while the oxygen which plants emit is derived from water and carbonic acid, which are decomposed in the process of assimilation. This is the more probable theory. But what- ever view we take of it, whether the oxygen is derived from the air, or the water ; whether it combines in the vegetable organs with carbon, or is directly assimilated, it appears to be an indispensable, but subordinate agent, to the vital power, forming, by its combinations, those compounds which this 80 BIOLOGY OP PLANTS. power uses for the purposes of the vegetable economy ; and yet, so controlled by it as to change the order of its affinities, and the character of the substances, of which it forms a part, in the vegetable kingdom. Oxygen exerts an equally important agency upon soils and manures, combining with the metals, and forming oxides and acids, which, by their union, compose the soil ; and effecting changes in the vegetable matter of the soil, especially con- verting insoluble into soluble food. This agency will be fur- ther illustrated in a future section. II. Influence of the Nitrogen of the Air. All plants, in some of their organs, contain nitrogen in combination with other substances, but do not probably derive it directly from the at- mosphere. Although nitrogen seems necessary to the process of vegetation, we do not know what agency that which is contained in the air exerts, unless it acts, simply, as a dilu- ent to the oxygen. A small quantity of nitrogen is absorbed by the organs of plants, and given out again in an unaltered state. III. Ammonia of the Atmosphere. That the atmosphere contained ammonia, in small quantities, every chemist well knew ; but it was first proved, beyond a doubt, by Liebig, who has calculated its probable amount, both in the air, and in rain water. A pound of the latter contains from one quarter to one grain of this gas. Hence there would fall, on the sur- face of an acre, more than eighty pounds of ammonia, annually. The ammonia of the atmosphere, owing to its great solubil- ity, is brought to the earth by every shower of rain, and h^ce must enter the organs of plants. Ammonia is also found in the soil, in clays, in oxide of iron, and in several other bodies, which must have derived it from the atmosphere. Liebig and Dr. Wilbrand found it in maple sap, the juice of the birch, and of beet root. How is the atmosphere supplied with this substance ? This question is easily answered by reference to changes in progress on the surface of the earth. AMMONIA OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 81 1. TJie putrefaction of animal substances is always attend- ed by the revolution of ammonia, as a gaseous product. The nitrogen which animals contain, is separated, mostly, in this form.* In the decay of plants also, ammonia is given off. The quantity thus formed, is very great. " A generation of a thousand million men is renewed every thirty years, thou- sands of millions of animals cease to live, and are reproduced in a much shorter period." The ammonia, thus produced, is partly thrown off into the atmosphere, and partly retained in the soil in the form of salts, or condensed in the pores of the humus, clay, water, or other ingredients of the soil. Some of it enters the roots of plants, a large portion is washed into the sea by rivers, or carried there in rains. A part of that which remains in the atmosphere is liable to be decomposed by thunder storms, so that but a small quantity of that which is derived from this source, exerts any agency upon vegetation. 2. When vegetable substances which contain no nitrogen decay or are oxidized in the open air, they exert a catalytic force upon the nitrogen of the atmosphere and the hydrogen of the plant, and ammonia is formed in considerable quantities. In a similar way, also, when inorganic substances suffer oxidation in air or water, ammonia is formed ; thus Faraday found, that when oxides were decomposed by potassium in the air, this gas was evolved ; and Chevalier produced it by ex- posing moist iron filings to the influence of the atmosphere. The action of nitric acid on metallic oxides often produces it. 3. But the most abundant source of ammonia has been pointed out, I believe, by Daubeny. In volcanic districts im- mense quantities are evolved. This is formed in the interior of the volcano by means of heat and the decomposition of wa- ter, the hydrogen of which unites with the nitrogen of the air. This explanation is rendered evident by a very simple exper- * In hot countries, the ammonia of fermenting dung heaps, is part- ly transformed into nitric acid. 7* 5531 82 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. iment ; thus, if a current of moist air is passed over red hot charcoal, carbonic acid and ammonia are readily formed ; hence it is easy to see, that the atmosphere must be constant- ly supplied with variable quantities of this gas. What then is its influence in vegetation ? A full considera- tion of this agency will be reserved to a future section. It is sufficient to remark here, that it is supposed, 1. To yield nitrogen to gluten and to vegetable albumen. It is supposed to enter the vegetable organs either in a pure state, or in the form of some of its salts, and, by various trans- formations, to yield its nitrogen and perhaps its hydrogen, to the formation of vegetable substances. 2. To stimulate the organs of plants and enable them to obtain a larger quantity of the substances of which they are composed. But as plants have no nerves, such stimulating effects have been doubted by many. The fact, however, that light, heat and electricity, produce effects upon the functions of vegetables, analogous to stimulants, shows that there is no good reason for doubting, that ammonia and other substances, may exert a similar influence. Liebig thinks that no such ef- fect is produced, and accounts for the powerful influence of ammonia, on the principle of its yielding nitrogen, an essential constituent of vegetable organs. But Berzelius is of opinion, that such stimulating effects are produced, and that ammonia .may act in this way. 3. But the most important action of ammonia is its influ- ence upon the vegetable matter of the soil, and upon the sili- cates. It causes by its presence or catalytic power the decay of woody fibre, and renders insoluble geine, soluble, and ca- pable of entering the roots of plants. It also acts upon the silicates and aids to form nitrates, especially nitre, (nitrate of potassa,) a salt which, as we shall show further along, ex- erts a powerful influence in vegetation. IV. Nitric Acid (aquafortis) is formed in the atmosphere, by the discharge of electricity in thunder storms. The quaii- ACIDS OF THE ATMOSPHERE. OO tity has not been determined, but we know from experiment that it must be considerable. A succession of electric shocks, through common air or ammonia, is attended with the forma- tion of nitric acid ; Liebig found this aci*d in the rain, which fell during seventeen thunder storms, generally combined with lime and ammonia. Nitric acid, as we have seen, p. 48, is composed of fourteen parts of nitrogen, and forty parts of oxygen. It is, therefore, capable of yielding to plants one or both of these organic con- stituents. Whether it can be absorbed by the leaves, and de- composed like ammonia and carbonic acid, is not yet fully set- tled ; the fact that it readily dissolves in water, renders it proba- ble, that its influence is confined, mostly, to the liquid state ; and that, although there must be a small quantity thrown up- on the leaves of plants in dew and rain, and consequently ab- sorbed, yet it mostly enters the roots of plants, in the form of some of its salts, and is decomposed either in the stem, or in the leaves by the agency of light. (See chapter 3.) V. Light carbureted Hydrogen is found also in the atmos- phere in very small quantities. It is given off in the fermen- tation of compost heaps, and of other vegetable matter. It is found in marshes, and rises up from the bottom of ponds ; coal mines also furnish it. It is a colorless, tasteless and inodorous gas, highly inflammable and explosive when mixed with air or oxygen gas, and is fatal to life. This gas is sparingly soluble in water, and must enter the organs of plants. It is composed of one equivalent of carbon and two of hydrogen, and may be represented by CH^. Its agency in vegetation is not well knowTi. It may yield carbon or hydrogen or both to plants. VI. Injiuenceof the Carbonic Acid of the Atmosphere. Car-, bonic acid is a constant ingredient of the atmosphere, but in very variable proportions ; generally, less than one tenth per cent, or one thousandth part by weight, and, as the acid is more than twice as heavy as air, a very much less quantity by volume. According to Saussure only 0,000415 of the vol- 84 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. lime of the atmosphere is carbonic acid. The quantity varies according to the season, but the yearly average remains the same. The existence oY this acid in the atmosphere is easily ac- counted for, by the changes which are taking place on the surface of the earth. 1. Large quantities of carbonic acid are locked up in the rocks, especially in combination with lime, forming carbonate of lime, from which it is constantly liberated by chemical changes. By this means, also, many springs constantly emit it, and often large tracts of land throw it off from all parts of their surface. 2. In the process of combustion this acid is always formed, and the quantity which is thus emitted into the atmosphere, from all the fires in the world, is very great. 3. The respiration of animals produces it in such quan- tities, that the respiration of men alone would convert all the oxygen of the atmosphere into carbonic acid, in 303,000 years. But the quantity formed by other animals is probably greater than that formed by the human species. 4. The decay of vegetables is attended by the absorption of oxygen, decomposition of water, and emission of carbonic acid. This must add greatly to the whole amount. The quantity of carbonic acid thrown into the atmosphere cannot be determined with perfect accuracy, although we know how much there is in the air at any one time. Bischof has estimated the quantity, evolved from springs and fissures in the ancient volcanic district of Eifel, to be 100,000 tons or about 27,000 tons of carbon annually. Were the same quantity to be sent up from 500 such spots, (fourteen millions of tons,) it would only be equal to that contained in the coal, which is yearly consumed in Great Britain. As all these causes are constantly operating we should suppose that the at- mosphere would become deteriorated in a short time, and that the relative proportions of oxygen and carbonic acid would be CARBONIC ACID OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 85 changed ; the latter increasing at the expense of the former. But when we examine the atmosphere, we find that there is a fixed relation between these two substances; one hundred parts of air contain twenty parts of oxygen by volume in one hundred, and from five to six y^^^ part of carbonic acid by vol- ume or about yw c- from 36 eq. vi^ater 5 with the separation of 72 eq. oxygen. 36 eq. carbonic acid and 30 eq. hydrogen de- ) o^ ? rived from 30 eq. water \^ = Starch, with the separation of 72 eq. oxygen. 36 eq. carbonic acid and 16 eq. hydrogen de- > ^ ,, -j rived from 16 eq. water \^= Tannic Acid, with the separation of 64 eq. oxygen. 36 eq. carbonic acid and 18 eq. hydrogen de- ) ^ . • ^ • » rived from 18 eq. water \^= Tartaric Acid, with the separation of 45 eq. oxygen. 36 eq. carbonic acid and 18 eq. hydrogen de- > ,, ,. ^ ., rived from 18 eq. water ^ = Malic Acid, with the separation of 54 eq. oxygen. 36 eq. carbonic acid and 24 eq. hydrogen de- > r^i j-^r rived from 24 eq. water }^ = Od of Turpentine. with the separation of 84 eq. oxygen. 158 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. fore highly probable, that plants derive their oxygen and hy- drogen, as well as their carbon, from several sources ; and that these two substances enter the vegetable organs in the form of water ; of geine or humic, crenic and apocrenic acids ; of ammonia ; of common air ; and, probably, of sev- eral acids. V. Source and Assimilation of the Nitrogen of Plants, It was formerly supposed, that nitrogen existed in only a few plants, but it is now established that it exists in all. " It exists in every part of the vegetable structure."* The quan- tity, however, is very small, compared with the other ingre- dients of the vegetable principles. Hay, dried at 240° F., contains but IJ, oats 2j, and potatoes 1^ per cent. In the ordinary state in which these substances are found, they must contain a much less quantity. This quantity is small only in comparison with the other organic constituents, for if we calculate the quantity of nitro- gen in an average crop of hay and grain grown on three hun dred acres of land, it will amount to eight tons.t This relatively small, but absolutely large quantity of ni- trogen is of the highest importance to vegetation. In fact the value of manure has been estimated by its power of yield- ing nitrogen in the form of ammonia.| The body which ex- ists in the smallest quantity in the vegetable products, is just as necessary to their formation, as that which is most abun- dant. It has been due to a neglect of this principle that so little effort has, as yet, been made to supply plants directly with this substance. Whence, then, do plants derive their ni- trogen 1 The following are the principal sources. * Liebig. t A ton of hay contains about 30 lbs. of nitrogen ; but tlic quantity depends very much upon the kind of crop. Red clover contains double the quantity of nitrogen which common hay does ; hence, an acre yielding three tons would require 180 lbs. of nitrogen. X Dana, SOURCES OF NITROGEN. 159 1. The atmosphere contains seventy-nine parts of nitro- gen in one hundred, and as it is thus brought into direct con- tact with the organs of plants, either as a gas, or dissolved in water, it must be absorbed. Hence some have supposed it possible, that a part of that found in vegetable bodies is de- rived from that source.* But the nitrogen of the air possesses such inert and indifferent properties, as to render it nearly cer- tain, that it is not assimilated directly ; although we cannot say what the vital power may effect. It is probable, however, that nitrogen enters plants in some of its combinations. The question whether it came originally from the atmosphere, is quite different from the one now under consideration — the immediate source of it. 2. Ammonia, as we have seen p. 81, is produced in consid- erable abundance. It must be brought into contact with the leaves and roots of plants, and enter into their organs. It is composed of fourteen parts of nitrogen and three of hydrogen. That plants derive a part of their nitrogen from it, appears exceedingly probable from the following considerations. (1) Ammonia is found in the sap of trees, and in the juices of all vegetables. *' The products of the distillation of flowers, herbs and roots, with water, and all extracts of plants made for medicinal purposes, contain ammonia. Ammonia exists in every part of plants, in the roots (as in beet-root), in the stem of the maple-tree, and in all blossoms and fruit in an unripe condition."! In these cases ammonia may possibly be formed by the living power, or it may be the effete matter arising from transformations ; but that such is the fact is ex- tremely doubtful. (2) That ammonia yields nitrogen to plants, is highly pro- bable from the action of animal manures. Gluten is a sub- stance containing the largest quantity of nitrogen in wheat, rye and barley, and is found in different proportions. The more ani- mal manure there is employed in the cultivation of these grains, * Johnson. t Liebig. 160 BIOLOGY OP PLANTS. the greater is the proportion of gluten which they contain. Now animal manures derive their special efficacy from the ammonia they produce ; and it is found, that the proportion of gluten depends upon the capacity of the manure to form it. Thus, putrid urine and human excrements will produce much more ammonia than cow-dung or vegetable matter ; and hence their peculiar efficacy. The guano, which forms a stratum of sixty or eighty feet in thickness in the South Sea Islands, and which is composed of the excrements of sea fowls, owes its fertile properties, in part, to the large quantity of ammonia which it contains. This manure is an article of commerce, and is placed on the barren soils of Peru, where it produces the most surprising effects. It is composed mostly of urate, phosphate, oxalate and carbonate of ammonia, with a few earthy salts. Human urine contains nitrogen, in the phosphates and in the urea; the latter, by putrefaction, is converted into car- bonate of ammonia. Now it is well established, that human urine is the most powerful manure for those vegetables vv hich contain a large quantity of nitrogen. The urine of herbi- ferous animals contains hippuric acid, a substance which is easily decomposed into benzoic acid and ammonia. (3) The powerful influence of the salts of ammonia, is part- ly accounted for on the supposition, that they yield nitrogen to plants. The kind of influence they exert gives force to this position ; for the carbonate and sulphate of ammonia in- crease the quantity of vegetable products, which require the largest quantity of nitrogen; that is, the gluten and vegetable albumen. Ammonia, in cool countries, is the last product of the pu- trefaction of animal bodies. A generation of a thousand mil- lions of men are renewed every thirty years, and thousands of animals cease to live, and are produced in a much shorter period, whence the nitrogen they contained during life ? All animal bodies yield ammonia to the atmosphere, hence it must SOURCE OF NITROGEN. 161 always exist in rain and snow water. It is the simplest of the compounds of nitrogen. Nitrogen has for hydrogen the most powerful affinity. It is capable of being held in solu- tion in water, and readily enters into combination with car- bonic, sulphuric and muriatic acids, and by all these means it becomes fixed in the soil. A certain portion of the ammonia which falls in rain water evaporates, but some of it must en- ter the organs of plants, and by entering into new combina- tions in the different organs, produces albumen, gluten, qui- nine, morphia, cyanogen, and a number of other compounds containing nitrogen. (5) Finally, if we add to these considerations the fact, that ammonia is found in the atmosphere, that it is constantly produced in the soil, and must enter the organs of plants, where, owing to its easy decomposition, its nitrogen must be assimilated, it becomes certain that it yields nitrogen in the processes of nutrition. The quantity of nitrogen which plants derive from this source cannot be determined. Liebig attempts to prove, that ammonia is the only source of the nitrogen. He also attempts to explain the utility of gypsum, burned clay, powdered char- coal and humus, on the principle that these substances absorb ammonia from the atmosphere, and fix it in the soil. The carbonate of ammonia, which is diffused through the soil and dissolved in water, is decomposed by the gypsum,* and the resulting sulphate of ammonia yields its nitrogen to the plant as its wants demand. As water is necessary to the decom- position of the carbonate by the gypsum, its influence is not observed on dry fields. The other substances mentioned, act by absorption, condensing the ammonia in their pores. The arguments brought in favor of this theory, are not all of them well founded ; and if they were, would not prove it * One bushel of plaster, on this theory, would fix a quantity of am- monia, equal to 6*250 pounds of horse urine, and every pound of ni- trogen would produce 100 pounds of hay or grain, 14 162 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. true. Thus, for example, it is asserted, that the quantity of nitrogen removed from a well conducted farm, in the form of cattle and grain, must be greater than that returned in the excrements. But Dana has shown, by direct experiment, that the quantity of nitrogen in the excrements of animals, is nearly double* that found in the food, and hence the quanti- ty returned to the soil is constantly increasing. The fact that ammonia is found in the atmosphere, that it results from the putrefaction of animal bodies, and that it is found in the sap of trees, does not prove that plants derive all their nitrogen from it. But one of the strongest objections to this theory, is the fact, that in warm climates, where vegetation is most flourishing, the process of putrefaction in animal bodies, produces nitric acid, instead of ammonia ; hence this latter substance will be found in the least abundance, where the largest quantity is needed, and where it is actually consumed, if this theory is true. " No conclusion," says Liebig, '' can then have a better foun- dation than this, that it is the ammonia of the atmosphere, which funishes nitrogen to plants ;" and we may add, no con- clusion is better established than this, that ammonia does not furnish plants with the whole of th^ir nitrogen. Whatever reasons there may be for rejecting the theory which derives all the carbon, oxygen and hydrogen of plants from carbonic acid and water, we have equally good reasons for the belief, that ammonia does not furnish plants with all the nitrogen which they contain. " If it be true," says Daubeny, '' as Liebig has endeavored to establish, that plants obtain everything, except their alka- line and earthy constituents, from the atmosphere, what, it may be asked, becomes of the theory that attributes the wifit- ncss of a soil for yielding several successive crops of the same plant, to the excretions given out by its roots ? For if * Dana's Muck Manual, p 136. SOURCE OF THE NITROGEN. 163 plants receive the whole of their volatizable ingredients from the atmosphere, these excrementitious matters, being com- posed chiefly of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, will not be absorbed, and therefore cannot affect the succeeding crop.^"* If the theory is true, which derives all the organic constitu- ents from carbonic acid, ammonia and water, a plant ought to grow in a purely earthy soil, when supplied with ammonia. But no instance has been produced, and it is yet doubtful, whether the experiment would succeed if tried. The forms in which ammonia enters the organs of pi ants, are probably various. It may enter uncombined, simply dis- solved in water, and be assimilated in a manner similar to oxy- gen, carbon and hydrogen, p. 156. But it probably enters as a salt, that is, in combination with acids. Dr. C. T. Jackson supposes, that " the carbonate of ammonia acts upon the or- ganic matters of the soil, and renders the organic acids neu- tral and soluble ; decomposes and renders inert, noxious, metallic salts and other compounds." Dr. Dana supposes, that ammonia combines with the geine to form a soluble compound, and also acts by its presence to convert vegetable matters into geine. In either case, it would be introduced into the organs of plants, and its nitrogen assimilated. It has been supposed by some, that the powerful influence of ammonia was due to its stimulating properties, but others have doubted such influence; among the latter is Liebig, and among the former, Berzelius. The influence of light, heat and electricity would lead to the opinion, that the vital power of plants is capable of being excited, in a manner analogous to that of animals. If plants do not derive all their nitrogen from ammonia, what other sources are there from which it can be derived ? We have already observed, that the decomposition of vegeta- ble matters forms, 3. Geine or humus, which may be a further source of nitro- gen. Humus consists of humic, crenic and apocrenic acids. 164 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. Humic acid is composed of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. Crenic acid is composed, according to Hermann, of forty- two parts by weight of carbon, sixteen of hydrogen, four- teen of nitrogen, forty-eight of oxygen. Apocrenic acid is composed of eighty-four parts of carbon, fourteen of hydro- gen, forty-two of nitrogen, and twenty-four of oxygen. These latter acids are soluble in water, even when combined with bases, and contain a quantity of nitrogen, which must enter the organs of plants. We have then, only to suppose similar organic transformations, in order that their nitrogen may be assimilated to the vegetable organs. As a part of the carbon is derived from the soil, so a part, at least, of the nitrogen may be derived from the same source. The influence of crenate of lime (which is sometimes found in the sub-soil) upon clover, favors the idea, that it furnishes a quantity of the nitrogen to seeds, fruits, and other parts of vegetables ; for it is found that clover contains nearly double the quantity of nitrogen \vhich is found in many other grasses. 4. Nitric acid. The putrefaction of animal bodies, yields large quantities of nitric acid, especially by the fermentation of manures. This acid combines with potash, soda and am- monia, to form salts, which are found, more or less abundant, in all fermented manures. The salts are soluble in water, and must enter the vegetable organs. The acid is composed of fourteen parts of nitrogen and forty of oxygen. Here, then, is another source of the nitrogen of plants. That plants de- rive a part, at least, of their nitrogen from this source, is proved by the most incontestable facts. Daubeny has shown, that nitrate of soda, placed upon lands sown with wheat, increased the gluten of the wheat 4.25 per cent., and the albumcnl 0.75 per cent. The gluten and albumen contain great quantities of nitrogen, and will be abundant in the seed, in proportion to the proper sup})ly of matters from which they may obtain it. Whence did they SOURCE OF THE NITROGEN. 165 obtain this additional supply of nitrogen, but from the nitric acid 1 Nitrate of potash produced a similar effect. It is well known what a powerful effect salts of nitric acid, espe- cially salt-petre or nitre, have upon the growth of vegetables. This influence must be due to the nitrogen which is fur- nished to the gluten, vegetable albumen, and other products of the vital power. Upon the whole, then, it is highly probable, that plants de- rive their nitrogen from ammonia, crenic, apocrenic and ni- tric acids, and that vegetation will be abundant in proportion as these substances are supplied to the roots of plants. They are not, however, introduced in their pure state, but are com- bined with inorganic bases, in the form of salts, and are de- composed, and their elements assimilated by chemical and vital forces.* But whatever theories we may form on this subject, upon the source and assimilation of the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen of plants, one thing is certain, that the farmer must supply vegetable and animal manures which contain these elements, or the carbonic acid, water and ammonia of the atmosphere, will not be gathered into the form of vegeta- ble productions. The necessity of supplying the soil with manure, cannot be set aside, by any theories of the source from which plants derive their support ; and the best theory is that which shall best explain the facts, and point out the most direct and efficient means for increasing the quantity and quality of the productions of the farm. And we believe it will be found in the end, that plants derive their carbon, hy- drogen, oxygen and nitrogen from the several sources named, and that they are endowed with the power of adapting them- selves to circumstances, so as to select a greater or less quan- tity from each source ; but that one alone will not support * Since writing the above, I have received two works, Johnson's Lectures, and Dana's Muck Manual, which substantiate the views given in the text. 14* 166 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. their organs in a vigorous state of growth, and enable them to attain their highest perfection. Sect. 4. Definitions. — Source and Assimilation of the inor- ganic Constituents of Plants. Potash or potassa (KO=47.15) is composed of the metal po- tassium and oxygen, one equivalent of each ; of course its com- bining immber is 8-f-39=47. This substance is well known. It is found in all plants. It is a solid, easily soluble in water, caustic to the taste, eminently alkaline in all it properties and relations. Carbonates of potassa are known to us under the name of pot and pearl-ashes, and saleratiis. The nitrate of potassa is known as nitre and salt-petre. All the salts of this alkali are useful substances. Soda (NaO.31.3) is an alkali similar to potassa. It is com- posed of 8 parts of oxygen, and 23.3 of the metal sodium ; hence its equivalent is 31.3 and its symbol is NaO. It is a white or gray solid, very soluble in water, caustic to the taste, and, com- bined with acids, forms a large class of salts. The nitrate of soda, called cubic nitre, is similar in its chemical properties to nitrate of potassa. The carbonate of soda is well known, as the substance used for soda powders. The sulphate of soda is the well known substance Glauber'' s salts. Common salt is a chloride of sodium, but when it is dissolved in water, or when the chlorine is removed, the metal sodium immediately combines with oxygen, if water is present, and forms soda. The chlorine unites with the hydrogen of the wa- ter, and forms muriatic acid; these may then combine, and form hydrochlorate of soda. Magnesia (MgO.20.7) is a white powder, of an earthy appear- ance, known in the shops as calcined magnesia. It is comi)osed of a peculiar metal, magnesium, 12.7 parts by weight, and 8 parts of oxygen. Its symbol is MgO. It is very infusible and slightly soluble in water, rc({uiring 5142 times its weight of wa- ter, at ()0° F., and 36,000 of boiling water to dissolve it. AVhen exposed to the air, it absorbs carbonic acid and is converted into tlw carbonate of magnesia, also a white powder, very insoluble in water. Phosphate of magnesia is a comi)ound of phosphoric acid and magnesia, and has not been fully examined. Sul- phate of magnesia is the common Epsom salts. DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. 167 Lime is composed of the white metal, calcium 20.5 parts, and 8 parts of oxygen. It is a protoxide of calcium, and is thus represented, CaO.=28.5. Lime is a grayish white solid, caustic, acrid and alkaline to the taste. It has a strong affinity for water, with whicli it combines, attended with the evolution of much light and heat, and forms a bulky hydrate, called slacked lime. It has a strong affinity also for several acids, with which it combines. The carbonate oj lime is the common limestone and marble. Sulphate of lime is gypsum, or plaster of Paris. Phosphate of lime is the substance which forms the bones of animals, and exists in the mineral apatite. Alumina is composed of 27.4 parts of aluminium, and 24 parts of oxygen. Its composition is thus represented. Al'^03 51.4. It is an inodorous, tasteless substance, insoluble in water, possessing the properties, both of an acid, and of an alkali. When moistened, it forms a ductile mass, and, when combined with silicic acid, forms clay. It is the base of all kinds of pot- tery. Oxides of iron. There are at least two oxides of iron. The protoxide is composed of twenty-eight parts of iron and eight of oxygen, and is represented by FeO=36. It has a dark blue color, and is magnetic. It is so combustible as to take fire, sometimes, in the open air, by which it becomes converted in- to the Peroxide of iron which may be represented by Fe'^O^^BO. This is the red hemetite of mineralogists. It is a brownish- red substance, easily thrown down from a solution of its salts, by ])ure alkalies. Both of the oxides combine with several acids, and form a numerous class of salts. The sulphate of the protoxide is known as copperas. The carbonate of the X)rotoxide exists in most chalybeate mineral waters. Oxides of manganese. There are several oxides of manga- nese. The principal one is the Peroxide of manganese, which is composed of 27.7 parts of manganese (Mn) and 16 parts of oxygen. The symbol is jMn02=43.7. This oxide occurs in black earthy masses, and is not affected by ex|)osure to the air or water. It combines with several acids and forms salts. Silicic acid is composed of 22.5 parts of silicon and 24 parts of oxygen (Si03=46.5). It is best known in the form of sand, rock-crystal, quartz and flint. It is a tasteless, very infusible and insoluble substance; and although it is not acid by the or- dinary chemical tests, it is the most powerful of acids, forming 168 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. a large class of salts. It is usual, however, to call the com- pounds of silicic acid with'bases, silicates, and the compounds of other acids with the same bases, salts. Hydrochloric acid is composed of one equivalent of chlorine, 35.42, and one of hydrogen, 1=36.42. (HCl.) This acid, in its pure state, has very acrid and caustic properties. It is com- , monly called muriatic acid, because obtained from sea salt. Its ^^i>>y"U)Jsprinciple^• salt is hydrochlorate of anmionia, known as sal am- moniac. Sulphuric acid, a compound of sixteen parts of sulphur and forty of oxygen, is an oily liquid well known as oil of vitriol. Phosphoric acid is composed of two equivalents of pliospho- rus, 31.4, and 5 of oxygen, 40=71.4 (symbol P^QS). This acid resembles snow or ice. It is intensely sour, and com- bines with a number of alkalies and alkaline earths, forming a class of salts called phosphates. Phosphate of lime is the prin- cipal substance in the bones of animals. . JVitjic acid has been described, p. 48. Is morphisnf IS a term used to designate the fact, that bodies of very different chemical constitution, may assume the same crys- talline form, and may displace each other in any compound. When this is the case, that is, when one body is substituted, for another, there is not an equal, but an equivalent proportion ; thus, when soda is substituted for potassa, thirty-one parts of the former take the place of forty-seven of the latter. As plants uniformly contain several inorganic bodies, we infer, that these substances are necessary for the formation of* particular organs. For although the inorganic constituents of plants may vary according to the soil in which the plant grows, a certain number of them is absolutely essential to its development. The principal of these inorganic substances are potash, soda, magnesia, lime, alumina, and oxides of iron and of manganese, which are the inorganic bases, and are generally combined with silicic, hydrochloric, sulphuric, phos- phoric, carbonic and nitric acids. The inorganic bases of plants vary with the nature of the soil. DeSaussure and Berthier found magnesia in the ashes of a pine tree, growing at Mont Breven, but none in the ashes INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF PLANTS. 169 of the same species of tree from Mont La Salle. The potash and lime also varied in the two localities. This is accounted for by the fact, that one inorganic base may be substituted for another, in an isomorplwus proportion. If, therefore, there is not in a soil that inorganic base which the plant most likes, it will take up a quantity of some other base. There is, however, some inorganic base, which a species of plants prefers to any other, and if that is entirely absent, in some cases the plant will be imperfect or fail to grow altogether, while in others it will be diminished in some of its pro- ducts. As these bases are combined with inorganic, and al- so with organic acids, and as it is only with the latter that substitutions can be made, when one base is substituted for another, a different quantity will be employed, because one equivalent of base must be substituted to saturate the acid, and the combining ratios differ in different bases. But still there is a remarkable law in reference to the quantity o^inetal- lic oxides or inorganic bases in all these substitutions, the quantity of oxygen is exactly the same ; that is, there is an equal number of equivalents of metallic oxides, whatever sub- stitution may be made. Hence, if the soil does not contain one kind of base, it is not on that account barren, but an- other may supply its place. But notwithstanding this fact, some bases exert a better injluence upon the development of plants than others. For example, phosphate of magnesia, in combination with ammonia, is found invariably in the seeds of all kinds of grasses. It is contained in the outer, horny husk, and is introduced into the bread with the flour, although the bran contains the larger quantity of it. Hence, this substance is necessary to the perfect development of the grasses and grains. It would also be next to impossible to raise wheat without potash. There are, moreover, certain species of plants, which re- quire certain alkalies for their growth ; such as the sea-plants. 170 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. which require soda, iodine, or some substance yielded by the sea, as common salt. Such plants will follow the salt water, wherever it is found. If salt-works are opened in the inte- rior of a country, the sea-weeds will find the spot, and mi- grate to it. The absolute necessity of inorganic bases to the perfect development of plants, is shown by the fact, that each species of plant produces organic acids, as the acetic, tartaric, ma- lic, etc. These acids are united with bases, either organic or inorganic, and the latter is the case, in most instances. The quantity of these acids can be accurately ascertained in each species of plant; and as their power of saturation is known, the quantity of inorganic bases may be accurately deduced. It must always bear an exact ratio to the organic acids. The quantity of these acids varies according to the nature of the soil, in order to suit the different organic bases. As the roots of plants, like a sponge, imbibe from the soil whatever substances* are held in solution by water, it is evident, that many of the inorganic bases and other mat- ters will be introduced into the organs of the plants, which cannot be assimilated. These substances are again returned to the soil. This process has been inferred from observation. From the nature of the case, we have a strong presumption in favor of its truth. It may, at least, explain very many phenomena of vegetation. Macaire Princep has shown by experiment, that plants made to vegetate with their roots in a weak solution of acetate of lead (sugar of lead), and then in rain-water, yield back all the lead absorbed. So, also, when a plant is sprinkled with nitrate of strontia, it will ab- sorb it by the leaves, but return it all to. the soil ; hence, we may color a plant with various substances;! but, after a * The roots do appear to possess some power of discriRiination, as they will imbibe different quantities of substances which are presented. t " When the soil, in which a white liyacinth is growing in a state INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF PLANTS. 171 while, the coloring-matter will all be returned to the soil. When, therefore, a plant has not a sufficient quantity of its appropriate alkali, it will take up some other, but may return it to the soil, when that alkali is supplied ; hence, the impor- tance of supplying the appropriate alkalies and alkaline earths, for the perfect development of every species of plants. The source of the inorganic constituents of plants, is a point much more easy to determine, than the particular form and mode of their introduction into the organs of plants, and of their assimilation. 1. Pgtassa. Whence do plants derive their potash? This question is easily answered. The rocks contain large quantities of potash, locked up in the feldspar. Granite rocks, such as exist abundantly in New England, contain about seven per cent, of potash, in the form of a silicate, that is, united with silicic acid. This potash is eliminated by the action of the air, and by carbonic acid ; but growing plants possess the power of decomposing the rocks, and of obtaining it in much larger quantities. This is proved by the fact, that plants growing in a glass vessel, will decompose the glass, to obtain the potash which enters into its composition. The quantity of potash in a soil, is sufficient to sustain most plants for an indefinite period of time. We might al- most say, that it is inexhaustible ; for pine plain soil of six inches in depth, contains, per acre, thirty-six tons of potash, and a ton and a half of lime. Some plants, however, such as wheat and tobacco, by being planted upon the same soil for a series of years, will exhaust the potash to such an extent, that a change of crops must be resorted to, to restore fertility. There may be some cases, in which minerals be- of blossom, is sprinkled with the juice of the Phytolaca decandra (American nightshade), the white blossoms assume, in one or two hours, a red color, which again disappears after a few days under the influence of sunshine, and they become vv^hite and colorless as be- fore," — L. 172 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. come wholly decomposed ; and, when that is the case, the soil becomes absolutely barren, and nothing can restore fertility but the addition of alkalies and gravel ; hence the necessity and utility of a rotation of crops ; for when all the potash has been removed from the soil by one family of plants, other plants may be substituted, which do not require this alkali for their growth. In other cases, jTree alkali is needed. Hence the effect of ploughing in green crops, and the utility of fallows. The growing plant eliminates the potash from the feldspar,* and it is then turned into the soil and is ready to be applied to future crops. All kinds of grain contain, in the outer part of their leaves and stalks, a large quantity of^ s'lViCRte of potash, which must be derived from the soil. If now we increase the amount of grass or grain by means of gypsum, a larger quantity of potash will be eliminated, and the free alkali will be carried off, so that in a short time, the crop will be diminished, and either a fallow or some other means must be resorted to, to restore that alkali. The planters of Virginia, according to Liebig, exhausted their soils by cultivating for a century in succession, tobacco and wheat on the same land without manure. By this pro- cess, twelve hundred pounds of alkalies were in the course of one hundred years, abstracted from every acre of soil. Thus these lands were nearly deprived of alkali, and are now barren wastes. Hence the necessity of returning the * There is not much danger that the alkali will be exhausted by this process. The quantity contained in the rocks, is almost inex- haustible, compared with that taken up by plants ; for it is found, that the wheat straw, grown on an acre, takes up only twenty-two pounds of potash, and the quantity in the soil would be sufficient for the straw, during a period of three thousand years. The quantity of potash on ap acre of granitic rock six inches in depth varies from ninety to one hundred and twenty tons, but a fsir less quantity is found in the same depth of soil. SOURCE OF SODA. 173 potash to the soil, in the vegetable, animal and saline ma- nures. If no vegetable and animal matters are added, a constant course of cropping will extract the free alkalies, and however rich the soil may be in humus, plants will not flourish. The form in which potash enters the organs of plants, and the mode of assimilation, is a matter of theory. It ex- ists in the form of a silicate, in ashes, in feldspar and in manures. It is possible that it is dissolved in water and thus conveyed to the roots of plants. It is also found in com- bination with organic acids. If it were introduced then, in the form of an oxide dissolved in water, it would combine with the organic acids in the plant, and form the vegetable compounds in which it is found. It may be introduced in combination with humic, crenic and apocrenic acids. But the most probable theory is, that potash is combined with nitric, or some of the inorganic acids, and introduced as a salt ; that it is decomposed by the organic acids in the plant, and the acid, either sent out to act upon the silicates and obtain more alkali, or decomposed and its elements assimi- lated. 2. Soda. The source and the assimilation of soda is sim- ilar to that of potash. The rocks which supply soda to plants are very few. It is obtained from the sea or salt wa- ter; hence, plants containing this alkali in the greatest abundance, are found near the sea or salt springs. Com- mon salt is a chloride of sodium, and forms soda in the form ofhydrochlorate of soda by the decomposition of the salt and the water. Now a small quantity of salt is evaporated from salt water,* is carried inland, and becomes one source of the soda of plants ; hence the useful effects of salt upon some soils, and for particular crops. 3. Magnesia. Magnesia is also derived from the rocks, * Liebig, p. 192. 15 174 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. and is much more abundant than soda.* It is contained in feldspar and mica, two ingredients of all granitic soils, also in hornblende, but especially in serpentine. The latter rock contains from forty to forty- four per cent. Hence it is an ingredient of all soils, and is either eliminated by the growing plants, or by the acids in the soil. The phosphate of magnesia, as we have seen, is an invariable constituent in all kinds of grass. This alkali may, however, be extracted from the soil, and must be returned by animal and vegetable manures. Theory of assimilation. Magnesia may enter the organs of the plant, as a phosphate. But that plants should assim- ilate bodies just as they are receivpd into their organs, is contrary to the general doctrine. It unites with several acids and is probably introduced in several forms. In the transformations which take place, the phosphoric acid may be formed, and combine with the magnesia in the act of as- similation. 4. Lime. Lime is found in the ashes of most plants, and is derived from the granitic rocks, and from the carbonate and sulphate of lime, two very abundant substances in na- ture. The quantity contained in the soils of New England is very small, being less than three per cent. Hence, lime is added to most soils with the highest benefit, either as pi aster j marl or air-slacked lime, which latter has become partly car- bonated. Theory of assimilation. The mode by which this is in- troduced into the organs of plants, is probably in the form of geate, or crenatc and humatc of lime,f a substance always found in the humus of soils. * Granitic rocks contain from one to three per cent. } an acre six inches deep would yield from ten to eighty tons. t If too much lime is added, it may form a super-salt, iess soluble an the other, and hence the liability of injuring a soil by its appli- cation. A small quantity only is required for the growth of plants. SOURCE OF SILICA. 175 Some plants contain sulphate of lime or gypsum, as clover, while in others, the lime is found as a tartrate or malate, that is, in combination with organic acids, which lat- ter must have been formed before the lime could be assimi- lated. Phosphate of lime is a powerful manure, and may, in small quantities, enter the organs of plants. But in this case, as in that of potash, the great point is to furnish it in any form. 5. Alumina is sometimes found in plants, but in very small quantities. It may enter in combination with phos- phoric acid, or with crenic and apocrenic acids. 6. Silica or silicic acid. The epidermis, or outer bark of trees, the vessels in which the sap circulates, and the sur- face of the grains and grasses, are composed in part of this acid. As it is not soluble in water, nor in cold alkalies, the most common solvents in the soil, it has been a point of some difficulty, to determine the form in which it can be in- troduced. It is supposed by some, that it is combined with crenic acid, a compound which is found in river water, and in the soil. This substance must enter the roots of plants with water, and may then be assimilated. It is possible, however, that the silica, found in plants, is introduced by means of galvanic action, or the catalytic force of life. There is still another mode of introducing this substance. It forms soluble salts with alkali, as potash, and when first liberated from its combinations, according to a well known law, the silica becomes soluble, and capable of entering the organs of plants. 7. The metallic oxides of iron and manganese are found in some plants, and are derived from the soil. Iron is the One grain of lime, in a hundred of the soil, will produce fertility, Avhere all v/as barren before. 176 BIOLOGY OF PLANTS. most widely diffused substance in nature, nearly all rocks containing traces of it. Iron is found in many seeds. Manganese is nearly as widely disseminated, but is found in still less quantities, both in the soil and in the organs of plants. 8. Phosphoric acid has been found in all plants hitherto examined, and always in combination with alkalies and alka- line earths. The seeds of different grains form a large quan- tity of phosphate of magnesia. This acid is derived from the soil, and is an ingredient in all lands capable of cultiva- tion. Phosphoric acid has also been detected in all mineral waters. Sulphuret of lead (galena) contains crystallized phosphate of lead. Phosphate of alumina often encrusts rock crystals. Phosphate of lime is found in many rocks, and even in volcanic holders. There can be no doubt but that this acid is developed in the soil, and supplies phosphate of lime to plants, and plants furnish it to the bones and brains of animals. 9. Sulphuric, nitric and carbonic acids, combined with potash and other alkalies, and common salt, or chloride of sodium, are found in some plants. Nitrate of potash is formed during the fermentation of ma- nures. Sulphuric acid is formed from the sulphuret of iron which is found in most rocks. Common salt, (chloride of sodium,) must come from the sea, or from animal manures, as it could not be retained in the soil, owing to its solubility. Very small quantities of ox- ide of copper, and some metallic fluorides are absorbed by some plants, although we cannot afhrm, that they are ne- cessary to their growth. 10. Some plants also take up small quantities of iodine and bromine in the form of iodides and bromides ; but wheth- er they are necessary to the growth, cannot be fully ascer- tained, although it is probable they are, since such plants are never found away from the sea, the source of these sub- INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS. 177 Stances. Sea plants seem to be collectors of iodine and bro- mine, just as land plants are of alkalies, such as potash, etc. We do not know in what form all of these inorganic con- stituents of plants enter the organs, nor the changes that are wrought upon them in the process of assimilation ; but we may derive from the doctrine of transformations already described, the general nature of the process, and the best idea we can obtain of nutrition and assimilation. Thus it appears, that the inorganic constituents of plants are as indispensable to their perfect development, as the car- bon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. It is therefore of the first necessity, that these substances should be supplied to plants in their proper proportion. The facts developed in this section, relative to the source of the constituents of plants, illustrates the need there is of proper attention to the soil, as it is from the soils that most of the ingredients, ne- cessary to their perfect growth are derived. Having now considered the general conditions requisite to the life of veoretables, with the various changes which take place in the phenomena of vegetation, we will here close the subject of Biology ; not because we have exhausted it, but because enough has been advanced, to give the reader a gen- eral idea of the vegetable processes, and of the utility of sup- plying the proper conditions, for the life and growth of those vegetable substances, which are the support of the animal kingdom. Any means, which shall increase these products, are to be sought out with the most diligent care ; we have, therefore, devoted a large portion of succeeding chapters to the subject of the soils, as the most direct means of secur- incr so desirable an end. 15* GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. CHAPTER IV. ROCKS AND THEIR RELATIONS TO VEGETATION. Soil is formed by the decomposition and wearing down of ihe rocks, which are mingled with variable quantities of ani- mal and vegetable matters. All soils consist of compound bodies, and these compounds are generally formed, by the union of two or three simple substances. In order, therefore, to understand the nature of soil, and its relations to vegeta- tion, it will be necessary to give a general view of the simple and compound bodies, which enter into the composition of the rocks, the manner in which they are combined, and the process by which the rocks are converted into soil. Sect. 1. Simple Bodies which enter into the Composition of the Rocks. The number of simple bodies known to chemists, is fifty- five. Of these, only fourteen enter into the composition of rocks and soils ; hence, these fourteen bodies constitute nearly the whole matter of the globe. The remaining sub- stances are found either in too small quantities to affect the general mass, or exist only in particular locations of limited extent. The proportion in which these bodies exist in the rocks, beginning with the most abundant, is nearly in the following METALS. 179 order ; oxygen, silicon, calcium, aluminium, potassium, iron, hydrogen, sodium, magnesium, manganese, carbon, sulphur, phosphorus and nitrogen. Some of these substances, with their combinations, have been described in previous chapters. It is intended here, to arrange them into their natural groups, and to give a general description of those which have not yet been referred to. I. Seven of these simple bodies already described, viz. oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, silicon and phos- phorus, are non-metallic substances. With the exception of oxygen and nitrogen, they are combustible, and with the excep- tion of carbon, do not exist in the rocks in their pure state. II. The remaining substances are Metals. These are di- vided into three groups. 1. Potassium and sodium, which are metallic bases of the alkalies potassa and soda. 2. Alu- minium, calcium and magnesium, which are the metallic bases of the alkaline earths alumina, lime and magnesia. 3. Iron and manganese, which are the bases of metallic oxides. Potassium is a white metal, lighter than water, and so soft, that it easily yields to the pressure of the fingers. It is the most combustible of the simple substances. This is owing to its affinity for oxygen, which it will abstract from water with such rapidity, as to burn upon its surface with a beauti- ful purple flame. It thus decomposes the water, and forms the alkali potassa, which is the basis of potash. It is widely disseminated in the rocks, though not in very large quanti- ties. Sodium is also a white metal, like silver, lighter also than water, but a little heavier than potassium, to which it is simi- lar in texture and consistency. It is less combustible than potassium, but will also rapidly decompose water to obtain its oxygen, with which it forms the pure alkali soda, the ba- sis of all the compounds of soda, known under the names of common salt, glauber's salts, etc. Magnesium is a pure white metal resembling silver, very 180 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. malleable, and fusible at a red heat. It combines with oxy- gen and forms magnesia, which possesses alkaline properties, and is the basis of the common magnesia (the carbonate) and epsom salts. It exists in serpentine rocks. Aluminium is a grey powder, slightly cohesive. It gen- erally exists in small scales or spangles of a metallic lustre. When combined with oxygen, it forms alumina the basis of all clays, and is a: constituent of most rocks, especially of the primitive and tertiary formations. Calcium is a white metal, and combines with oxygen and forms lime, the basis of all lime rocks, shells, marble, chalk, plaster of Paris, etc. Iron is a well known metal, existing in all the primitive rocks, in combination with oxygen and sulphur. Manganese is a more rare metal, of a greyish-white color, existing in primitive rocks in combination with oxygen, and is called oxide of manganese, or peroxide of manganese. Chlorine, iodine and hromine are found in sea-weeds ; jlu- orine and lithium exist in some plants, but in small quantities. Sect. 2. Compounds formed hy the fourteen simple Bodies. I. Primary compounds, or bodies composed of two simple substances. The combinations of these fourteen simple substances, above described, form three distinct classes of primary com- pounds. 1. Acids. 2. Alkalies, or alkaline earths and me- tallic oxides. 3. Urets. 1. Acids. Of this class, only five or six enter into the composition of rocks; viz. silicic, carbonic, sulphuric, phos- phoric, nitric and hydrochloric or muriatic acids. These acids have been described pp. 48, 168. The silicic is most abundant in the rocks, constituting about forty per cent, of the crust of the globe. Carbonic acid ranks next in quan- tity. Then follow the others, in the order above named. ALKALIES, URETS, SALTS, SILICATES, 181 The most important property of acids is their constant de- sire to unite with alkalies, alkaline earths and oxides; and as they possess different degrees of affinity for bases, they are in the soil constantly exchanging them. 2. Alkalies, alkaline earths and metallic oxides. The al- kalies are potassa, soda and ammonia. The alkaline earths are lime, magnesia and alumina. The oxides are oxides of iron and of manganese. These with the exception of the two last, do not exist in the rocks in their pure state, but their agency in the soil is of the highest practical interest to the farmer. 3. Urets. The urets are bi-elementary compounds, neither acid nor alkaline. They are formed by the union of the non- metallic combustibles with each other and with metals. The principal are sulphuret of iron, (iron pyrites), phosphuret of iron, carburet ofiron, phosphuret of lime, phosphuret of sili- con, etc. Their distinguishing property is, a readiness to change into salts through the influence of atmospherical or other agents. II. Secondary compounds or scdts. These are compounds formed by the union of the primary compounds. The acids combine with the alkalies, alkaline earths and oxides, which are called, in reference to the acids, bases, and form ternary or quaternary compounds. Salts may be conveniently classed under their respective acids. 1. Silicates. The silicates are those compounds or salts, in which silicic acid combines with the bases above named. Those entering into the composition of the rocks, are the following : silicates of potassa, soda, lime, magnesia, alumina, oxide ofiron and of manganese. Almost the entire mass of rocks is composed of these silicates, and from seventy to eighty per cent, of soils. These salts when neutral, are not soluble in water, and therefore are not capable of being dis- solved in that fluid, except in very minute quantities ; hence. 182 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. they remain unaffected, unless substances are presented capa- ble of decomposing them, and of forming soluble compounds. 2. Carbonates are a class of compounds formed by the union of carbonic acid with the bases above mentioned. All, excepting the carbonate of lime, or marble, are found in small quantities in the rocks. Carbonate of lime is very abundant, forming nearly ^ part of the crust of the globe. Carbonate of potassa is the common potash, pearlash, etc. and is usually obtained from ashes. Carbonate of soda is the well known substance used for soda powders. Carbonate of magnesia is a white powder used in medi- cine,"under the name of" calcined magnesia." Carbonate of iron is more widely diffused among the rocks, but the quantity is small. Carbonate of ammonia is a powerful stimulant to animal and vegetable organs, and is found in the fermentation of ani- mal manures, and exists, according to Liebig, in the atmos- phere. It is, as we have seen, one of the substances from which plants derive their nitrogen. All the carbonates are easily decomposed, and have an important influence on vege- tation, especially by means of their action upon the silicates from which alkali is obtained for the use of the vegetable. 3. Sulphates. The sulphates are formed by the union of sulphuric acid with potassa, alumina, soda, magnesia, am- monia, lime, oxide of iron and of manganese. Most of the sul- phates are well known substances. The sulphate of potassa and alumina is known by the common name, alum. Sul- phate of soda is glauber's salts; of magnesia, epsom salts ; of" lime, plaster of Paris ; of oxide of iron, copperas, etc. The most abundant sulphate is that of lime or plaster, which forms extensive mountain ranges and is widely disseminated among the rocks. 4. Nitrates. The nitrates are compounds of nitric acid SIMPLE MINERALS. 183 with the bases above named. The nitrate of potassa is the nitre or salt-petre of commerce. The other nitrates are rare- ly found in the rocks. Nitrate of soda is next to nitre in importance. 5. Phosphates. In these compounds, the acid is the phos- phoric, and the most abundant sahs are the phosphates of lime, found in most rocks ; phosphates of iron, soda, potassa, etc. 6. Muriates. The muriatic acid forms but few com- pounds, which exists in any considerable quantities in the rocks. Common salt, when dissolved in water, has been re- garded as a muriate of soda. It is found in sea water, and widely diffused in certain geological formations, (the new red sandstone,) but most writers regard it as a chloride of sodium, a compound of chlorine and sodium. The compound bodies, Vv'hich have been enumerated, are, with the exception of silicic acid and carbonate, sulphate and phosphate of lime, rarely found in the rocks in a pure or separate state. They are variously combined, and form the natural substances, called the simple minerals ; and the sim- ple minerals, united mechanically, and not chemically, form the rocks. In order to understand the character of the rocks and the soil, it will be necessary to describe these compounds, as they actually exist in nature. Sect. 3. Simple Minerals which enter into the composition of the Rocks. Of the three or four hundred species of simple minerals, only seven or eight form the great mass of the rocky strata of the globe. These are quartz, mica, feldspar, hornblende, talc, serpentine, calcareous spar, or limestone and pyrites. 1. Quartz is nearly pure silicic acid. It exists under a a great variety of forms, and presents different appearances. The purest variety is rock crystal, which is limpid and 184 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. transparent. The impure varieties contain variable quanti- ties of iron, alumina, manganese and nickel. These varie- ties are found under the names of jasper, flint, chalcedony, rose-quartz, horn-stone, chrysoprase, feruginous quartz, cor- nelian, agate, amethyst, etc. The prevailing color is that of water, or white. There are various shades of red, yellow, green, blue and brown. It is so hard as to scratch glass, but is not scratched in turn. Its lustre resembles glass, and may be known by not being acted upon by any acid, excepting the hydrofluoric. 2. Feldspar differs from quartz in having a paler white color, and lamella or granula texture. It scratches glass, and is scratched by glass in turn. It is a silicate of alumina, and is composed of silica, 64 parts in 100, alumina 20, potash 10 to 14, and traces of lime, oxide of iron and water. 3. Mica. This mineral, known under the name of ising- glass, exists in thin, shining scales, and in broad tables or plates. It is of various colors. It is transparent, and the laminae are thin, very flexible, elastic and very tough. These char- acters sufl^ciently distinguish it in the rocks. It is a silicate^ and varies in composition. A specimen analyzed by Rose, gave 0.^6 0.56 1.39 A specimen, analyzed by Turner, had 5.49 of lithia, but no oxide of iron. Its composition may be stated gener- ally Silica 47..50 Oxide of manganese Alumina 37.2 Fluoric acid Potash 9.60 Water Oxide of iron 3.20 Silica 48 Oxide of iron lto2 Alumina 34 Oxide of manganese 1 to 2 Potash 8 to 9 It appears, therefore, to be a compound of the silicate of alumina, potassa, oxide of iron and of manganese. 4. Talc resembles mica in its thin, shining scales, but may be distinguished from it by its want of elasticity. It is Silica 43.83 Magnesia 13.61 Lime 10.16 Alumina 7.47 SIMPLE MINERALS. 185 softer, yielding easily to the nail, and has a soapy feel. It includes the varieties, chlorite (which is green), nacrite, green earth, steatite or soapstone, and vermiculite. It is composed of silica 62, magnesia 27, oxide of iron 3.5, alumina 1.5, water 6. Nacrite and green earth have from 4 to 17 per cent, of potash, and a trace of lime. It appears to be a silicate of magnesia, and of the other bases which are above mentioned. Hornblende is a black or brown mineral, exceedingly tough, and. of an earthy appearance when not crystallized. It is composed, according to the analysis of Bornsdorf, of Protoxide of iron 18.75 Protoxide of manganese 1.15 Hydrofluoric acid 0.41 Water 0.50 Hence it is a silicate of magnesia, lime, oxide of iron, etc. Serpentine. Serpentine is a hard compact mineral, of a resinous or greasy lustre, and of a dark-green or blackish- green color. According to the analysis of Shepherd, it is composed of Silica 40.08 I Water 15.67 Magnesia 41.40 I Protoxide of iron 2.70 A species from Lynnfield, Mass. analyzed by Dr. C. T. Jack- son, gave silica 37, magnesia 42, oxide of iron 2, water 15. Hence, serpentine is almost wholly a silicate of magnesia. Calcareous spar, or carbonate of lime, is well known by the names of marble, chalk, limestone, etc. It assumes a great variety of forms, and may be known by the brisk efferves- cence produced by dropping on to it a few drops of sulphuric acid. It is composed, according to Phillips, of carbonic acid 44, lime 55.5. Limestone is found, in great abundance, but it is not always pure. It often contains magnesia, the dolo- mite species ; iron ; the feruginous limestone ; alumina ; and silica. The limestones of Rhode Island, according to the analysis of C. T. Jackson, contain from 50 to 97.6 per centi. 16 186 GEOLOGY AXD CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. of carbonate of lime ; from 1 to 40 per cent, of insoluble mat- ter, probably silicate of alumina ; in some cases, 4 per cent, of oxide of iron, from 0. to 40 per cent, of magnesia. The limestones of Massachusetts, according to Prof Hitchcock's analysis, contain from 44.8 to 99.6 per cent, of carbonate of lime ; from to 40 of carbonate of magnesia in some species ; from to 8 per cent, of carbonate of iron ; and from 0.4 to 61.6 of silicate of alumina. The sulphate of lime or plaster, with the phosphate, may also be included in this group, as in some cases entering into the composition of the rocks. Pyrites, or iron pyrites, is a bisulphuret of iron, and exists extensively in primitive rocks, but in much less quantities than the preceding minerals. It resembles gold, and is often taken for that substance ; hence it has been called ybo/'s gold. It will be seen that silex or silicic acid is the most abun- dant ingredient in those simple minerals above enumerated, and alumina the next. They are mostly silicates and are di- vided by Dana into three classes. 1. Silicate of alumina and potash form feldspar and mica. 2. Silicate of alumina and lime, with magnesia, form horn- blende. 3. Silicate of alumina and magnesia form serpentine and talc, and silicic acid forms quartz. Sect. 4. Composition of the Rocks. Rocks are composed of the simple minerals. In some cases, the minerals may be seen in separate portions, united me- chanically, as in granite. In other cases they are so inter- mingled as to conceal their distinct characters, as in green- stone. Rocks are divided by geologists, according to their supposed origin, into two separate classes. 1. Igneous rocks, or those which appear to have been fused by fire. 2. Aqueous rock, or such as appear to have been deposited from water, or which have resulted from the decay and wear- ing down of the first class. The igneous rocks are highly COMPOSITION OF THE ROCKS. . 187 crystalline in their structure ; such as granite, sienite, gneiss, greenstone, porphyry, basalt, and ancient and modern lava. They constitute the largest portion of the crust of the globe. They are destitute of animal or vegetable remains, and hence are called non-fossiliferous rocks. The aqueous rocks in- clude the various deposits of clay, sand, gravel, conglome- rates, sandstones, slates, etc. They are composed, essen- tially, of the ingredients''of the igneous recks. They contain, with the exception of a few rocks in the lower part of the se- ries, the remains of animals and plants, and are hence called fossilifcrous rocks. Rocks are subdivided into several groups. The un- stratified or non-fossiliferous rocks, may be divided chemically into two. The highly crystalline varieties, usually called pri^ mary, such as granite, gneiss, mica slate and porphyry, form one class, and the trappcan rocks, such as greenstone, basalt and trap, form the other class. The difference in their chem- ical constitution is this; that the first class contain about 20 per cent, more of silex, and from- 3 to 7 per cent, tessof lime, magnesia and iron than the second class; The fossiliferous rocks are very various in composition, al- though they correspond more nearly to the trappean variety *' in containing less silica and more lime, magnesia and alu- mina." The following are some of the most abundant rocks, composed of the simple minerals. 1. Granite is composed by the mechanical union of quartz, feldspar and mica. The quartz is in irregular masses, the feldspar often crystallized, and the mica in thin shining scales. Hornblende sometimes displaces mica and forms what has been called sienite. 2. Gneiss is similar in composition to granite, but appears to be formed by the destruction and deposition of the granite by water. 3. 3Iica slate is formed by quartz and mica, the latter pre- 188 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. dominating so as to give the rock a slaty and shining appear- ance. 4. The argillaceous slate and clay slate are made up prin- cipally of quartz and alumina, or argillite, \thich seems to be decomposed feldspar, containing from 7 to 10 per cent, of potash. 5. Talcose slates consist of talc, alumina and quartz. 6. Hornblende rocks and hornblende slate are composed mostly of hornblende. 7. Graywacke is formed of quartz, clay slate and lime. 8. The trappean rocks have a similar constitution. 9. Limestones generally contain clay, feldspar, porphyry and clay slate, although there are extensive beds of the pure carbonate of lime. 10. The various sandstones and slates are composed mostly of silex and alumina, and hence are formed of the minerals quartz and feldspar. Sect. 5. Origin of Soils, Having attended to the manner in which the simple bodies are united to form the rocks, the way is now prepared to describe the process by which the rocks are converted into soils. The researches of modern geologists have established the fact, that all soils were originally formed by the disintegra- tion, decomposition and wearing away of rocks. The rock has been gradually pulverized, and brought into the condi- tion of soil. This effect has been produced by the mechani- cal and chemical agency of air, water, living and decaying vegetables. This process is constantly going forward. 1. The oxygen of the atmosphere combines chemically with the metals and decomposable minerals, and, by forming new compounds, causes them to crumble down. Water also im- parts its oxygen, and produces a similar effect. The surface AGENCY OF PYRITES AND WATER. 189 of rocks, in this way becomes pulverized to a greater or less depth.* The principal mineral substances with which the oxygen of the air and of water unite, are iron, manganese and pyrites. When a rock contains iron or manganese, in a low state of oxidation, these oxides attract more oxygen from the air and water,! increase in bulk and split or cleave into their layers ; thus affording an opportunity for the mechanical agency of water, either by friction or by freezing. 2. Pj/r/^es, or the bi-sulphuret of iron, exerts the most pow- erful agency in the decomposition of rocks, and perhaps the most extensive ; as this mineral is widely disseminated through nearly all classes of rocks. It is composed of sulphur and iron. The sulphur attracts oxygen from the air and from water, and forms the well known substance sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol). The iron also combines with oxygen from the same source, and forms an oxide of iron. The acid and the oxide now unite and produce a new compound, the sulphate of iron or copperas, a substance capable of being dissolved in water. Thus the rock, through which the pyrites is dissemi- nated, is crumbled, thrown or changed in its properties. But the action does not stop here. The sulphate of iron, being dissolved in water, which is constantly penetrating the mass, is brought into contact with feldspar, and both are decom- posed ; the sulphuric acid in the copperas abandons the iron, and unites with the potash and lime in the feldspar, forming sulphate of potash and of lime, while the oxide of iron is de- posited in the form of iron rust. * This process is called disintegration, and some examples are found in Massachusetts, where the gneiss rocks have been penetrated fifteen feet. The rock is said to rot. Almost every variety of rock is constantly undergoing this change. t This action of the oxygen of the air and of water to produce dis- integration, explains the effect of allowing lands to remain fallow, by which their fertility in a measure is restored 16* 190 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF THE SOIL. When the pyrites exists m slate rocks, containing much alumina, magnesia and lime, the sulphuric acid combines with these bases, by which nearly the whole rock is gradual- ly converted into soil. Were this the only agent acting upon the rocks, the character of the soil would be accurately known, by examining the rock which underlays it ; but this is rarely the case. 3. The mechanical agency of water, aided by cold and heat, and by its currents and waves, not only aids in break- ing down the solid masses, but transports the pulverized ma- terials in the form of detritus, and deposits them in lower lands. Thus the substances of different rocks are mingled together. Freezing water exerts an immense power in this respect. The water penetrates every seam and crevice of the rocks, and, by its expansive power in the act of freezing, forces the parts asunder, and creates new fissures, which are each year increased in number and width. Nor does this influence cease after the rocks are fully converted into soils ; each year the expansive force of water tends to pulverize, and render the earth light and porous. The friction of running water wears off" the rocks, and re- moves that which has become broken down by chemical ac- tion. The particles being suspended are carried down by the force of the stream, and deposited along the banks and at the mouths of rivers. That the agency of water, at some ancient period, has ex- erted a very great influence upon the rocks and soils appears from the fact, that over the whole northern hemisphere, the rocks and soils have nearly all been removed in a southerly direction, and the materials of different formations variously mingled together. This has been shown to have resulted from the action of glaciers, by which the whole surface has become scratched, and the sand, gravel and boulders rolled up into hills, with ponds and vallies between. 4. Decaying plants tend to convert the rocks into soils. AGENCY OF GROWING PLANTS. 191 The vegetable acids are capable of combining with the lime, soda, ammonia, potash, magnesia, oxide of iron and manga- nese. These bases are thus withdrawn from the rocks, and the latter crumble to pieces, and salts are formed, which are useful in the ^^nourishment of future generations of plants. During decay, large quantities of carbonic acid are formed. This acid is not only direct food for plants, but is capable of combining with the potash in the feldspar of granitic rocks, and of facilitating their decomposition. This acid is the most powerful agent in its action upon the alkalies, even de- composing the silicates and forming soluble salts. 5. Groicing plants exert the most powerful agency in de- composing the rocks. Not only do the lichens, mosses and other plants insert their roots into the crevices of the rocks, and by keeping them moist, favor the chemical action of air and water, but the living plant forms with the rock or soil a galvanic battery, of immense power ; by this means the plant is enabled to obtain from the soil those ingredients which its wants may require. This is proved by the fact, that plants, growing in glass vessels, will decompose the glass to obtain the potash, of which the glass is in part composed. It is highly probable, that a greater amount of decomposition is produced in this way than by all other causes together. Similar to this influence, if not identical with it, is what has been called " catalysis of life ^ The living plant acts by its presence to decompose the rocks, and to effect rapid changes, which not only convert them into the state of soil, but form the elements into different substances. The above process will serve to illustrate the chemical and mechanical agencies which are constantly at work tq crumble down the solid rocks, and bring them into a state fit for the support of the vegetable kingdom. These agents are con- stantly active. The great effect of stirring the soil, is to fa- cilitate the decomposition of the rocks, and of the vegetable bodies which are always present in the soil. But for this 192 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. agency, the soils in a few years would become exhausted of all their alkalies, the vegetable matter would not decay, and hence no food in the soil would be provided for the plant. Absolute barrenness must therefore succeed. For without alkalies or alkaline earths and geine, no plants can grow. Depth of soil. The influence of the agents above de- scribed, has not extended to an average depth of more than 15 feet ; although in some places, the soil is actually more than a hundred feet in depth. This is but a small por- tion of the whole mass of the earth, whose mean diameter is 7,911 miles; hence "the soil would be less in proportion to the whole earth, than the slightest tarnish of rust on an iron globe 100 feet in diameter compared with its mass." But a small part of this constitutes what is properly denominated the soil. That part only of the surface, varying from 3 to 20 inches in depth, which has become mingled with vegetable and animal matters, constitutes the true soil, and it is most- ly this part, which concerns the farmer, and which is pre- sented for our investigation, classification, description and improvement. CHAPTER V. SOILS AND THEIR RELATIONS TO VEGETATION. THEIR ANAL- YSIS, COMPOSITION, MUTUAL ACTION OF THEIR ELEMENTS, GEOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIP- TION. The relation, which the soil sustains to vegetation, has been pointed out in a general way in the first chapter, p. 81, where it was shown to be one of the essential conditions to the action of the vital power in those vegetables which were cultivated for the use of man ; furnishing support for the roots, ANALYSIS OF SOILS. 193 a medium for the circulation of water, and for those chemical and electrical changes which must take place, before the nu- triment could be prepared and introduced into the vegetable organs ; and yielding, by its salts and mineral ingredients, both food and stimulus to growing plants. It was remarked, however, that all soils did not perform these offices with the same degree of fidelity, but a few were fitted, without artifi- cial appliances, to facilitate the vigorous action of the vital principle, and the perfect development of all the vegetable organs. We propose now to consider the soil as a specific subject of investigation, to give the modes of its analysis, to point out its chemical and geological character, and the relation of each variety to the cultivated crops. By this method, the intelli- gent agriculturist may learn the nature of his soils, the gene- ral mode of improvement, and howto adapt his crops to such as are fitted by nature or art to yield the most bountiful crops. Sect. 1. Analysis of soils. The importance of a correct knowledge of the constitu- ents of any soil, appears from the fact, that without it, all ex- periments must be conducted in the dark. A w^ant of such knowledge, has given rise to the various discrepant views of farmers, relative to the application of cer- tain salts of lime. Experiments are tried by one farmer, and he is successful; another applies the same substance and fails ; hence we have the most contradictory accounts of nearly every mode of improvement, and the consequence is that, though there are constant improvements, in individu- al cases, no generalization can be made applicable to every kind of soil. An analysis of a soil will indicate at once the mode of treatment. There can be no doubt here, as the most fertile soils of our own and of other countries, have already been analyzed, and their composition accurately ascertained. Any farmer, then, who can analyze his soil himself, or pro- 194 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. cure it done by some scientific chemist, may compare its composition with that of fertile soils, and the exact mode of improvement will be seen at a single glance. This excludes all empyricism, all hap-hazard experiment, all unnecessary ex- pense,* and, for a trifling sum, will ensure complete success. The grand desideratum, in this, as well as in every other art, is the the union of thcorij and practice. Agriculture should not be pursued as a mere art, a routine of mechani- cal drudgery, but the scientific principles upon which the success of the art must ultimately depend, should be thor- oughly understood by every farmer. Why should the agricultural community be the only class who are not educated in the science of their profession ? Why should they suffer their art, the first and the most im- portant of all others, to rank lowest in the scale ?t It is not expected, that every farmer will have a labora- tory, furnished with all the materials necessary to a complete and accurate analysis of his soils. This must be left to a few practical chemists, but the rising generation of farmers, may very easily obtain such knowledge, as will enable them * For the trifling sum of ten, or at most, twenty dollars, almost any farmer can ascertain the composition of any of his fields, and have the mode of improvement pointed out. This, without doubt, would be more than returned to him in a single season, and would be increas- ed in tenfold proportion in succeeding years. Were half the time and money, which have been wasted in useless experiments, without any scientific principles to gnide, expended for the purpose of analy- sis, our farmers would, long ere this, have had the satisfaction of see- ing their farms gradually, but surely, arriving to a state of fertility, of which they had never dreamed ; and instead of going West to seek more fertile lands, would actually be able to compete with the West- ern farmer in any market under lieaven. t If, with the rapidity of improvement among every other class, our farmers do not take care of their interests, by improving their minds and studying their professions, they must be looked down up- on, and justly too, as the lowest in the scale of being; as incapable of a higli state of civilization. MECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF SOILS. 195 to make examinations which will indicate the course of im- provement. They may learn all that is absolutely essential to the highest success in their profession, and that which will not only prove the means of a competency for themselves and families, but which will also furnish the highest means of intellectual and moral improvement, and the sources of increasing influence and happiness. This section will there- fore be devoted to the description of several modes of analy- sis, for the purpose of learning the composition of various soils. It may serve also to convince the farmer, that whether he is able to adopt any of the modes himself or not, the subject is one which appeals, not only to his intelligence, but to his interest, and to the dignity of his profession. I. Mechanical analysis and tests. The mechanical analysis of soils may be performed by any man " capable of driving a team or holding a plough." Apparatus. The apparatus required for a mechanical separation of the particles of a soil, are 1st, two sieves,* one of copper wire, with meshes -^^ of an inch square, and the oth- er of fine gauze, with meshes -^^^ of an inch in diameter. 2d, A glass jar, or common glass bottle. 3d, A balance, capable of turning with a grain weight, and a set of weights, from 1 to 1000 grains.^ The whole need not cost more than fifteen or twenty dollars. Process. Having selected 1000 grains of soil to be an- alyzed or tested, heat it, for twenty minutes, at a tempera- ture just below that at which straw turns brown, so as to evaporate the water. Weigh the soil again, and the loss will give nearly the quantity of water which the soil is ca- pable of absorbing. It is important to note this, as some knowledge may be obtained from it, useful to the farmer. For example, it is found that those soils which absorb the * Sieves brought from Canton, and sold by apothecaries, the purpose very well. answer 196 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. most moisture, are richest in vegetable mould or geine, and by comparing this power in different soils, we may arrive at valuable knowledge as to their comparative fertility. 2. The next step in the process is to bruise the whole, so that no lumps can be found in it, and then sift it through the coarse sieve. What remains too coarse to pass through, will consist of pebbles and fibres of wood. This may now be weighed and tested. The pebbles may be broken with a hammer, and their nature ascertained by inspection, or they may be tested by acids. To test them by acids, a few grains may be bruised, if need be, put into a clean glass, flask or tumbler, and cover- ed with water. Half as much hydrochloric (muriatic) acid as water may be added, and if they are calcareous, small bub- bles of gas will pass up through the water. If they are wholly carbonate of lime, the acid will completely dissolve thefti. But this is not to be expected in any of our soils. It is very rare, that the least trace of carbonate of lime will be found in this portion. If the coarse parts do not effer- vesce with acids, they are composed entirely of silica and alumina, or of a mixture of both, which is generally the case. These two bodies may easily be distinguished from each oth- er. The silica is rough like sand, scratches glass, etc., and the alumina is soft and unctuous to the touch. If any ani- mal or vegetable substance is mixed with the coarse parti- cles, by burning a portion of them, the odor of peat or sponge will be given off, then by carefully weighing a quantity before and after burning, the amount of organic matter may be ascertained. 3. Sift the soil again through the fine sieve, and weigh the quantity which remains in the sieve. It will consist of sand and fine vegetable fibres. This may be tested in the same way with the coarser particles, and the amount ascer- tained. Take now the fine powder, which passes the gauze sieve, MECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF SOILS. 197 and agitate it for a while in a given measure of water, pour off the suspended matter upon a filter.* This will consist mostly of vegetable substances, clay and fine sand. By ex- amining the residue in the glass jar, the larger particles of the mineral ingredients can easily be detected. Put the con- tents of this jar on the other filter, and after the water has pas- sed out, the filters with their contents may be weighed, and the relative proportions determined. If the filter contain free acid, little lime water will cause a white precipitate, which is either a sulphuric or carbonic acid ; if the latter, the precipitate will effervesce with sulphuric acid, and will be converted in- to gypsum, or sulphate of lime. To ascertain whether there is any sulphate of iron or copperas, pour into the liquor a few drops of the infusion of gall-nuts, and it will give a dark or brown color. To test for oxide of iron, wash the filter, containing the clay and fine particles, with diluted muriatic acid, and apply the infusion of galls ; and if it becomes black, it contains iron. The above process can be easily performed, and some val- uable knowledge obtained. It may be known, for example, whether the soil is mostly silica or alumina, or whether it contains free acid, like the sulphuric, or whether the acid is combined with oxide of iron, a substance very injurious to vegetation ; but which is, by the application of lime to de- compose the copperas, easily converted into gypsum (sul- phate of lime), a valuable manure. The above method, how- ever, cannot be depended upon where accuracy is required, and we will now proceed to describe a method of analysis which is very simple, and which some farmers may be able •to adopt. It is substantially the method of Dr. Samuel L. Dana, of Lowell, Mass. * The filters may be made of fine linen cloth, of equal weights,. placed in a common glass tunnel, and lined witii unsized paper. 17 ipS GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. II. Chemical Analysis of Soils. Object of this analysis. The object of this analysis is to ascertain the water of absorption ; the quantity of soluble geine, which will indicate the quantity of food already pre- pared for vegetables ; the amount of insoluble geine, which will show what food is unprepared as yet for the plant ; salts of lime and mineral constituents. The latter may all be re- duced, according to Dr. Dana, to granitic sand; that is, the earthy ingredients of all our soils, are composed of the fine detritus of granite, gneiss, mica slate and argillite. Now, as these earthy ingredients may vary considerably in their pro- portions, without affecting the fertility of the soil, they are al- ways prepared for their office, and are only changed for the better by cultivation. But this is not the case with salts and geine. Any considerable variation here, will cause barren- ness. Salts and geine are the substances which are remov- ed by the plant, and must therefore be constantly supplied to the soil, or the land will soon become exhausted. The great object then of analysis, is to determine the quantity of solu- ble and insoluble geine and salts. This is all the farmer needs to know, which may not be learned by inspection of the soil, or by the descriptions which have already been given. The relations of the soil to heat and moisture, depend chief- ly upon geine. The larger the quantity, the greater the ab- sorbent power of the soil, both as respects water and ca- loric. Mode of Analysis. 1. To determine the absorbent power of soils, sift the soil through a fine sieve, and take a quantity of the finer portions, and heat it to 300° F. Then weigh out 100 grains on a piece of glazed letter-paper, expose it to the at- mosphere from 24 to 3G hours, weigh again, and the quan- tity gained will be the absorbent power of the soil. Note this in a Journal kept for the purpose. 2. To determine the quantity of soluble geine. Bake the CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SOILS. 199 soil, which has passed through the finer sieve, just up to the point at which paper becomes brown, but not sufficiently to scorch it. Weigh out 100 grains of the baked soil, as above, and boil it for half an hour, in a solution of .50 grains of sale- ratus, or carbonate of potassa,* dissolved in 4 oz. of water. When it has settled, the clear liquor may be poured off, and the residue washed in 4 oz. of boiling water. The whole is now to be thrown upon a filter, which should be previously dried at the same temperature with the baked soil, and carefully weighed. Wash the soil upon the filter until the water passes through colorless. If carbonate of am- monia is used, instead of washing the soil, it should be di- gested with the same quantity of the solution, at least twice, and then washed until there is no alkaline reaction in the water as it passes the filter. Mix all these liquors together, and they will form a brown-colored solution containing all the soluble geine. The sulphates have been converted into car- bonates, which, with the phosphates, are on the filter with the soil. Dry the filter, raising the heat gradually to above that of boiling water, and then weigh the contents. The loss is the quantity of soluble gcine. Note this also, and mark the filter 2. 3. To test the accuracy of the analysis thus far, precipitate the geine from the alkaline solution, with excess of lime-wa- ter. The geine will combine with the lime, forming the ge- ate of lime, and when a sufficient quantity of lime-water has been added, the liquor will be colorless. Throw the whole upon a weighed filter, and wash with a little acetic, or very dilute hydrochloric acid, and this will combine with the lime, and pass through the filter, leaving the geine quite pure. Dry and weigh as before. If this quantity corresponds with * Dr. C. T. Jackson objects to carbonate of potassa, because it is impoissible to wash out the last traces of it from the vegetable fibre, and because the subcarbonate of potassa takes up a portion of the alu- mina. 209 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. that by the first process, there can be no doubt of the accu- racy of the result. 4. Place the filter (2) with its contents upon a funnel, and wash with 2 drams of muriatic acid, diluted with 3 times its bulk of cold water. Wash the filter, until tasteless water passes through. The acid will dissolve the carbonate and phosphate of lime; the iron which may arise forming salts of iron, present in the soil ; and the oxide of iron. The two latter exist in very small quantities in most soils, and as the sulphuret and sulphate of iron, in the process of cultivation, are converted into sulphate of lime, the whole may be re- garded as a solution of the salts of lime. Evaporate the solu- tion to dryness, weigh it, and it will give the quantity of these salts. 5. To separate these salts, dissolve them in boiling water. A part will be insoluble. Throw the whole upon a filter, and weigh as above. The insoluble portions will be phosphate of lime, and the loss will be the sulphate of lime. Note the quantity of each. 6. To determine the quantity of insoluble geine. The re- sidual soil may now be burned in a silver or platina crucible, and the loss of weight will give the quantity of insoluble geine contained in the soil. The only source of error here, will be due to the loss of water in any hydrate which may exist in the mass burned. But it is found by experiment, that in our soils the quantity is rarely sufficient to affect materially the result. 7. The weight of the mass after calcination is *' granitic sand," composed mostly of clay, mica and quartz, all of which may be tested by methods already given. It will be seen, that by this process the quantity of lime is not detected, but this is of very rare occurrence in the soils of this country. From an analysis of one hundred and twen- ty five specimens of soils, taken from as many towns in Mas- sachusetts, only seven contained any quantity of carbonate of CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SOILS. 201 lime, and from the analysis of a great variety of soils in New England and the Western States, only a few have any nota- ble portions of this substance, although reposing upon lime- stone rocks. The advantage, therefore, of ascertaining the quantity of this substance, may be derived from simply test- ing the soil with acids ; a method already described. If now the results of this analysis are summed up,' they will be arranged in the following order : 1. Water of absorption 4.4 2. Soluble geine 5.1 3. Phosphate of lime 0.6 4. Sulphate of lime 1.6 5. Insoluble geine 7.5 6. Granitic sand 85.2 The numbers are supplied from an analysis of 100 grains of a fertile soil in Andover, Mass. The method of analysis employed by Dr. C. T. Jackson, differs in some particulars from that of Dr. Dana. The method employed in the analysis of the soils of Rhode Island is here inserted. 1. Having weighed out a certain quantity, say 100 grains of the fine soil, that has passed the finest sieve, it being weighed upon a square piece of glazed letter-paper, the first step is to dry it thoroughly at a temperature above boiling water, but not sufficient to scorch the paper. The soil being again weighed, its loss of weight is water, and the amount is noted in the la- boratory journal, A. 2. To ascertain the quantity of organic matter, whether of vegetable or animal origin, we place the dried soil in a platina crucible, cover it closely, and heat it gradually to redness, over an alcohol lamp. By the odor disengaged during the process, we know whether the organic matter is of a vegetable or ani- mal nature, the former having the smell of burning peat, and the latter that of burnt feathers. It is, however, difficult to dis- tinguish the mixed odors, without much practice. Having charred the organic matter, it may now be safely burned out, by placing the open platina crucible with its contents in a clay muffie, open at one end, and exposed to a full red heat. The air circulates in this muffle, and soon burns away all the or- ganic matter, which may be ascertained by repeatedly stirring the soil with a platina rod during its combustion, and noting wheth- er any more particles are burning. After the operation is com- 17* 202 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. plete, weigh again, and the loss of weight is the amount of or- ganic matter in the soil. Note it in the laboratory journal, B. 3. To determine the amount and nature of matters soluble in muriatic acid, which will take up all the mineral substances that can be acted upon by vegetation, such as all salts of lime, iron, alumina, manganese, magnesia, potash, etc., place the burned soil B in a clean green glass flask, with a thin bottom, pour over it a small quantity of distilled water, sufticient to cover it, then drop in some muriatic acid, and note whether there is any effervescence. If so, there is a carbonate, proba- bly of lime, in the soil. Add more acid, say about one ounce, diluted with an equal bulk of water. Boil tlie whole, for half an hour, or until the residuary matter is nearly white. Every thing soluble in the acid is then taken up. Dilute with distilled water and throw the whole upon a double filter. Af- ter the hquid has passed through the paper wash the insoluble matter on the filter by means of a stream of boiling hot water, and continue the operation until the water comes through taste- less. Dry the filters with their contents, separate them and bm-n them separately, weighing one against the other. The difference is the weight of the insoluble silicates, and is gener- ally nearly pure si lex. Note its weight, C. 4. In order to ascertain the nature and proportions of the matters that have been dissolved by the muriatic acid, you may proceed as follows : Take the filtered solution, which must be in a green glass flask ; add to it a few drops of nitric acid, to per-oxidize the iron, and boil it. Then, while still warm, add liquid ammonia, until all the per-oxide of iron and alumina are precipitated. Sim- mer the whole a few minutes so as to condense the bulky pre- cipitate. Filter on double paper, wash the precipitate twelve hours with hot water, or until the liquid passes tasteless ; then separate the })recipitate while moist from the filter by means of a silver knife, scraping up every portion that can be removed from the filter. Place this in a large silver crucible and pour over it a solution of pure potash, in distilled water. Boil until the alumina is entirely taken up, and the oxide of iron left has a deep brown color. You may know that a sufticiency of pot- ash has been added by letting fall into the solution a drop of muriatic acid, when flocculi of alumina will preci[)itatp, but will immediately redissolve if there is potash enough. Dilute with distilled water, filtrate through double filters, wash the precipi- tate, dry the filters and their contents, sej)arate them, and burn CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SOILS. 203 and weigh them against each other. The difference of their weight is that of the per-oxide of iron. Mark its weight against D. 5. To separate the alumina, you must now take its alkaline solution and acidulate it with muriatic acid ; then add a solu- tion of carbonate of ammonia in pure water. All the alumina will be thrown down in the state of a white, gelatinous, and flocky precipitate. Collect it on a double filter, wash it for 24 hours with boiling distilled water, dry it, separate and burn the filters. Weigh one against the other, and the diflference of their weight will be the weight of the alumina. Mark this against E. Now you may go back to the ammoniacal solution, from which the iron and alumina have been separated, but in practice the following processes are carried on while we are waiting for the filtralions and washings of the alumina and oxide of iron. This ammoniacal solution may contain the lime, magnesia, and a small quantity of manganese. Add to it a solution of ox- alate of ammonia which will precipitate all the lime in the state of an oxalate. Let this precipitate subside, and then col- lect it on double filters, washing it with warm water. Dry the filters with their contents, separate them and burn one against the other at a red heat in a platina capsule ; let fall a few drops of a solution of carbonate of ammonia upon the lime, heat it again to dull redness. Weigh the result against its counter- poised burnt filter, and you will have the quantity of lime in the state of a carbonate, and may reduce it by calcidation to any other salt of lime that you have found to exist in the soih Mark the weight of this against F. 6. To separate the magnesia, add to the solution from which the lime has been separated, a solution of phosphate of soda, (it being still ammoniacal,) when the magnesia will be thrown down in the state of an ammoniaco-iiiagnesian phosphate. Col- lect it on a filter, wash it but little, then dry the filters and con- tents, separate them, burn one against the other in a platina capsule. The difference of weight will be the weight of the bi-phosphate of magnesia, 40 per cent, of which may be re- garded as equivalent to the magnesia contained. G. 7. You may now run a current of sulphureted hydrogen gas through the remaining solution, or add bi-hydro sulphate of am- monia, when all the manganese will be thrown down in the state of a sulphuret. Collect and reduce it to black oxide. H. The analysis is complete so far as it can be done on this spe- 204 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. cimen, and you may sum up your results, and see liow nearly ' they will balance, and if there is a loss, you must make another examination for salts of potash and soda, in the manner I shall give presently. Let us first sum up the above operations. A Water of absorption. B Organic matter. C Insoluble silicates. D Per-oxide of iron. E Alumina. F Lime. G Magnesia. H Manganese. In order to ascertain the existence of alkaline salts, burn off the vegetable matter from another 100 grains of the dry soil. Then pour over it a little nitric acid, and digest it at a boiling heat. Dilute and filter the solution, evaporate it to entire dry- ness, fiise the saline matter obtained, and drop into it a few fragments of prepared pure charcoal. If nitrates are present, deflagration will take place, and the alkaline bases will be con- verted into carbonates. Dissolve the residue and test a drop of the solution by means of a solution of chloride of platina and soda. If potash is present, a yellow powder will precipitate, but none will fall if soda alone is present. Sect. 2. Composition of Soils as cUter mined hy Analysis. The composition of soils might generally be deduced from the composition of the rocks out of which they are formed, provided no chemical nor mechanical changes were wrought upon them in the process of disintegration. But as the proportion of the ingredients are changed in this process, as some of the alkalies are abstracted by growing plants, or removed by successive crops, and as organic matters are added, we must resort to an examination by analysis, in or- der to ascertain the exact composition of any soil which is presented for our inspection. By this examination, soils are found to be composed of two parts: 1. the mineral ingredi- ents, or inorganic portions, which include the alkalies, metal- lic oxides, salts and earths ; 2. the vegetable and animal MINERAL CONSTITUENTS OF SOIL. 205 I. Mineral constituents of soils. The mineral substances which enter into the composition of all soils, are few in num- ber, and most of them easily detected. They may be divided into 3 classes : 1. earths ; 2. alkalies and metallic oxides ; 3. salts and urets. As the rocks are mostly made up of silica, alumina, lime and magnesia, the great mass of the soil is composed of these substances, which are commonly called earths. The alkalies, potassa, soda and ammonia, the metallic oxides of iron and manganese, exist in all fertile soils in small quantities. The phosphates of lime and magnesia, nitrate of potash, sulphates of lime and ammonia, chloride of sodium, carbonates and other salts, are almost always present in soils ; and, in some cases, sulphurets, phosphurets and carburets of iron exist in very small quantities. In one view of the subject, the soils are a mass • of salts, mostly silicates, silicic being the most abundant and most powerful acid in nature. We should expect, from the composition of the simple minerals which form the rocks, that the soils, considered chemically, would be a mass of silicates. But it will be a more practical view, and better accord with the general representation of agricultural writers, to describe silicic acid among the earths, alumina, lime and magnesia. We have already described these earths, in their principal chemical characters and in their relations to the rocks. We come now to consider them agriculturally, and shall notice their amount in soils, their relations to the vegetable king- dom, and their fitness to perform the duties assigned them in the vegetable economy. When soils are examined by chemical analysis, they are found to be composed of the following mineral substances. 1. Silica or silicic acid, also called silex and siliceous earth, constitutes about 40 or 45 per cent, of the crust of the globe, and 66 per cent, of all the rocks and soils of New England. This proportion varies but slightly, with regard to all soils, 206 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. capable of sustaining a healthy vegetation, with the exception, perhaps, of limited portions of calcareous and peaty soils, in which the proportion is much less, but generally greater than 66 parts in 100. The properties of silica render it well fitted to form so large a portion of the soil. It is nearly insoluble in water, and hence is not liable to be washed away by rains. In fact it is not dissolved by any acid found in the soil, unless it be the crenic and hydrofluoric, in which state it may be introduced into the organs of plants. Silica is not an acid, by the chemi- cal tests, because of its insolubility. It however combines with the alkaline bases, with the earths and metallic oxides, and is the most powerful electro-negative element in the com- position of the soil. It acts in the soil as an acid, and bal- ances, by its negative character, almost the entire mass of the electro-positive earths, alkalies and metallic oxides. Its power of absorbing and retaining water, is very slight, and hence when it is the principal ingredient of a soil, it imparts to it a porous, dry and light character. The relations of silica to vegetation are highly interesting. It is almost the only ingredient of soils which gives to them the property of per- mitting the roots of plants to extend themselves in all direc- tions, and forms as we have seen, p. 175, a part of the vege- table structure. Silica thus furnishes the principal support to the cultivated grains and grasses, and defends them from the action of atmospherical and other agents. 2. Aluminous earths. Alumina, a sesquioxide of alumina, is composed, as we have seen p. 175, of 27.4 parts by weight of the metal aluminium, and 24 parts of oxygen. It is found in every region of the globe, and in the rocks of all ages. It results from the decomposition of the feldspathic minerals or argillaceous rocks. The different kinds of clay of which bricks, pipes and earthen ware are made, consist of hiclratc of alumina, that is, of alumina combined with water, and of a small portion of silica. Aluminous earth is next to silica MINERAL CONSTITUENTS OF SOIL. 207 in quantity, and constitutes but about 16 per cent, of all the soils in New England. It varies greatly in different varieties of soil, though it is never absent from any. Pure alumina, however, does not exist in the soil. It is generally combined with silica, and with organic acids, such as crenic and apo- crenic acids, and geic or humic acid. The properties of aluminous earth make it a fit associate for silica, in order to give the proper texture and adhesive- ness to the soil. Like silica, it is insoluble in water. But its action upon the roots of vegetables, is just the opposite of silica, giving the roots their basis of action and support, and preventing them from penetrating too far. It retains the water with great force, but yields it to the plant as its wants may require. In consequence of its pow er of absorbing and retaining water, when it constitutes a large proportion of the soil, it is unfriendly to vegetation, forming a soft, ductile paste, which excludes the air in wet weather, and contracts and bakes in seasons of drought. As it contracts by heat, the delicate fibres of the roots are injured in the fissures thus formed, by exposure to the cold, heat and water. Aluminous earth is still more nearly allied to vegetables by forming a part of their structure. The ashes of some plants contain very small portions of it. It is also found in the seeds of some grains. It is capable of acting the part, both of an acid and of an alkali, a circumstance which renders it probable, that its chief agency in the soil, is to act upon the vegetable matter, and convert it into veoetable food. Alu- mina is farther serviceable, from its possessing the property of absorbing gaseous bodies, such as ammonia, and of retain- ing in the soil for the use of the plant, what would otherwise escape into the air. The fermentation of manures in the soil, yield several gases, which are retained in this way. 3. Lime. Lime is also widely disseminated in nature. It forms the basis of extensive mountain ranges, and of a large portion of the cultivated surface of the earth. It exists, how- 208 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. ever, not in its pure or caustic state, but combined with acids, forming with carbonic acid the carbonate of lime (marble), which is the most abundant. In this form, it constitutes about ^ part of the crust of the globe. The sulphate (common plaster) is next in abundance, and the phosphate is diffused through all soils, and is the source from which animafls obtain their bones. The pure or quick lime is generally obtained by heating the carbonate in kilns, until all the carbonic acid is driven off. It will then unite with water, and form a white bulky hydrate, called slacked lime, used for mortar. The quantity of lime, found in the soils of this country, is generally very small. From an analysis of the soils of Mas- sachusetts, as contained in the report of Prof Hitchcock, lime, in the form of carbonate, sulphate and phosphate, does not upon an average exceed 3 per cent. The sulphate is the most abundant, varying from 0.1 to 3.9 per cent. The carbonate of lime, with the exception of one soil, in Truro, which contains 21.3 per cent, varies from mere traces of it, to 6 per cent, ; but generally there is much less than 2 per cent., and not one soil in twenty, contains a single par- ticle of lime in the state of carbonate. The amount of phos- phate is not accurately determined, but the proportion in most soils is less than 1 per cent. The soils of Rhode Isl- and, according to the analysis of Dr. C. T. Jackson, do not, upon an average, contain 1 per cent, of all the salts of lime, and scarcely 1 per cent, is found in the soils of New Hampshire. Soils from the Western, Middle, and Southern States, al- though from lime-stone regions, rarely contain a larger pro- portion of lime, in any form than is found in New England. It appears from an analysis of five specimens of soil from Il- linois and Ohio, that all the salts of lime amounted, upon an average, only to 4.9 per cent. In other countries, soils are frequently described, contain- ing from 6 to 30 per cent, of the carbonate alone. In this MINERAL CONSTITUENTS OF SOIL. 209 respect, then, our soils are peculiar, and hence the great im- portance attached to this substance as a manure. (See im- provement of the soil.) The reason why so small a quantity of carbonate of lime is found in our soils, compared with those in other countries, is ascribed by Prof. Hitchcock to the fact that growing plants abstract it, and that our lime rocks are not so easily reduced to the state of soil by the ordinary agents of disintegration. The influence of lime upon growing vegetables is not, in this country, due to the texture which it gives to the soil, for in most cases, the quantity is not sufl[icient to render a heavy soil light, or modify the influence of too great a quantity of siliceous sand. Its influence is probably threefold. 1. It tends to convert the vegetable matter into vegetable food, thus performing the office of a solvent, or converter of innu- tritious matter into nutriment. 2. It corrects the acidity of soils, by uniting with free acids, or decomposing poisonous, metallic salts. 3. It forms a part of the vegetable struc- ture, and is properly inorganic food. Like all other alkalies it also contributes to electrical effects, which may be regarded as a kind of stimulus to the vital functions. It is found, as we have seen, in the vegetable productions, sometimes uni- ted with organic, and at others, with inorganic acids. 4. Magnesia. Magnesia is found in serpentine in the form of a silicate, in steatite or soap-stone, talcose slate, in magnesite, sea water, certain limestones, called magnesian limestone or dolomite. Although generally found in soils, it never constitutes but a small portion of them. The quan- tity is given in but a hw of the soils of Massachusetts, and varies from .25 to 2J per cent, from which it is inferred, that only traces of it exist. In the soils of Rhode Island, the amount of magnesia is rarely 1 per cent. ; often none at all, or only traces are found. A few soils contain 4 per cent. In New Hampshire less than 1 per cent, is found, and in Maine, out of thirty-five soils analyzed, only one contained 18 210 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. any magnesia, and that contained 3 per cent. It must, how- ever, exist in all fertile soils, as it enters into the composition of many varieties of grain. The kernel of corn could not be formed without the presence of the phosphate of magnesia. Magnesia, like lime, does not generally constitute a suffi- ciently large portion of the soil to affect its texture. "When it does it has the properties of clay, absorbing moisture and imparting its adhesive properties. It acts as an alkali, to convert vegetable matter into food, and constitutes a part of the vegetable structure. When applied in its caustic state, it has been found injurious to vegetation ; but as a carbonate, it is highly useful. Like lime, it must be regarded as an im- prover of the soil, as a manure, rather than an earth. The union of these four earths in a soil, give to it gener- ally the properties of each. But as they are combined in the soil with each other, and with other substances, in the form of salts, we cannot infer with certainty the exact char- acter of the soil, by knowing in what proportions they ex- ist ; but we must know in what state of combination they are found. It will be seen that silica and alumina constitute almost the entire mass of the earthy ingredients of all our soils, and the qualities of a good soil will depend upon the right proportion of these substances. But there are other inorganic bodies found in soils, as essential to fertility as any that have been described. 2. Alkalies and metallic oxides, contained in the soil. The most important, and almost the only substances under this head, are ammonia, potash, soda, oxide of iron and manga- nese. Ammonia has been shown by Liebig to exist in the atmos- phere, in very small quantities; of course, inconsequence of its solubility in water, it is found in all soils. It has been supposed, that ammonia was a product of the putrefaction of animal and vegetable substances, containing nitrogen. But Liebig believes, that it belongs to the original formation of MINERAL CONSTITUENTS OF SOIL. 211 the matter of the earth, and Daubeny points out its source as proceeding from volcanic action. The exact amount in the atmosphere or the soil has not been accurately determined. It is found in iron-rust, clay, etc., and is retained in the soil in the form of sulphate, carbonate, humate, etc. Its relations to vegetation are of the highest importance. According to Liebig, it is the only source of the nitrogen of plants. Others regard it as the solvent of geine, and the con- verter of the vegetable matter into food ; and some add, that it stimulates the functions of plants. Its action has already been considered in the third chapter. Potassa or potash. Pure potassa is not found in soils. It is a well known alkali originating from several rocks, in which it exists mostly in combination with silicic acid {sili- cate of potash), but it is also found combined with several other acids. The minerals which supply potash to plants are numerous and widely diffused. All the aluminous minerals contain it. Feldspar, a constituent of granite, contains I7:| per cent. Basalt contains from |^ to 3 per cent., clay-slate from 2.75 to 3.36, and loam from IJ to 4 per cent. Hence we should expect to find potash in large quantities in the soil ; but owing to the action of growing plants which eliminate the potash, soils which have been cultivated for some time, contain much less than might appear from its abundance in the rocks. This is a case, in which analysis must be resorted to, in order to de- termine the exact amount of an ingredient. In the recent analysis of the soils of New England, we have been unable to find potash as an ingredient, although it must exist in all our soils in a greater or less quantity, locked up in the minerals. Dana estimates its amount in the soil, composed of granitic sand, to be 36 tons per acre, 6 inches in depth. In some soils, it is found to constitute from 5 to 10 per cent. The relation of potash to vegetation is similar to all alkaline substances. It is a powerful converter of vegetable matter 212 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. into the food of plants. It neutralizes acids, and, by uniting with silicic acid, forms the outer covering or epidermis of the grains and grasses. It is found in all plants in considera- ble abundance, and is one of the greatest fertilizers of the soil. Plants, as we have frequently remarked, eliminate it from the rocks by galvanic action ; decomposing vegetable matter also abstracts it ; the ordinary action of the air, wa- ter, and many other agents: hence the use of clay, ashes, of fallow crops, and ploughing in green crops, to induce the soil to yield its potash. tSoda, as we have seen, is a constituent of many minerals, such as albite containing 11.43 per cent., mica contain- ing from 3 to 5 per cent., and basalt from 5 to 7 per cent, of this alkali. But the proportion in the soil is much less, in consequence of the action of growing plants, — many of which take up and appropriate it as food. Common salt is a chloride of sodium, and is found very widely diffused, so that this al- kali exists probably in sufficient quantities in the soil to sup- ply all the wants of plants. Its action is similar to potassa, but it is not so essential to vegetation. Porphyritic soils con- tain it in the greatest abundance. Oxide of iron exists in the soil as a protoxide, peroxide and in combination with acids. It is found in all soils, in one or all of these forms. The use of clay has been supposed to result from its containing from 9 to 13 per cent, of this substance. It is also found in green sand in great abundance, constituting about |- part of the whole mass. In fact, it is widely diffused through all the primitive and most of the secondary rocks. The quantity of oxide of iron as determined by analysis, varies considerably in different soils, from 1 to 5 per cent, in the soils of Massachusetts. The soils of Maine contain from 2 to 12 per cent., those of Rhode Island from 2 to 8 per cent., and generally soils contain at least 5 per cent, of this oxide. MINERAL CONSTITUENTS OF SOIL. 213 The protoxide of iron is generally unfavorable to vegeta- tion, but the peroxide seems to act the part of an alkali, con- verting the vegetable substances into the proper state to be absorbed by the roots of plants, while the protoxide does not. Dr. Dana says, that if" iron peroxidates itself in contact with vegetable fhre, the texture of the vegetable fibre is weakened, and geine is produced, and that in a few hours. It is during the passage from protoxide to peroxide, that the 'saponifying^ action takes place, geine is produced, and then combines with the peroxide.''^ Oxide of iron is also found in the vegetable substance, and must be carried there in some of its combinations with acids, as the oxide is insoluble. It probably combines for this pur- pose, with some of the organic acids in vegetable mould, such as crenic or humic acids, or both, and thus acts the part of a base to those acids, which are the products of the living principle. Crenate of iron and of alumina are deposited in iron tanks where river water runs. Liebig regards the oxide as perform- ing the office of absorbing and retaining ammonia. Oxide of manganese. But very small quantities of this ox- ide are found in soils, and still smaller quantities in plants. It probably acts in a manner similar to oxide of iron, forming a base for the combination of the humic or crenic acids. 3. Salts and Urets. Under this head, are included sev- eral compounds which analysis has detected in soils. Such as common salt, sub-phosphate of alumina, phosphate of lime, nitrate of potash and of soda, sulphate of lime, sulphate of iron (copperas), sulphuret of iron, etc. Some of these sub- stances have received attention in other places, and but a few remarks are required to show what is most important to be noticed respecting them. Common salt, or chloride of sodium, constitutes about 2 J per cent, of sea-water. It also exists in the rocks, especially in the new red sand-stone. It seems to act as an alkali, by , 18* 214 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. furnishing soda to plants. The quantity in the soil is ex- ceedingly small, but only small quantities are wanted. The chlorine, which plants sometimes exhale, must come from this substance. It is highly useful on some soils. Sub-phosphate of alumina and phosphate of lime may be noticed here in connection, because they have lately been shown to be present in all fertile soils. Phosphate of lime is the most common form in which both the lime and the phos- phoric acid exist. It is from these substances, that animals obtain their phos- phorus. About 50 per cent, of bones is phosphate of lime. Almost all the vegetable products contain it, whether the land has been cultivated or not. It even exists in the pollen of the pine in forests. Nitrate of potash and nitrate of soda are sometimes de- tected in soils. Sulphate of iron is also detected in a few soils, and is highly poisonous in its effects. Lime converts it into gyp- sum and oxide of iron, thus rendering it a valuable saline manure. Sulphuret of iron is found in considerable quantities, but by exposure to air and water, it changes, first to the sulphate of iron, and then, by the action of lime, to the sulphate of lime, as above. Carbonic acid in a free state is also found in soils, the quantity varying with circumstances. The action of this acid has been fully discussed. One fact of a highly practical value is, that the urcts are constantly becoming salts, so that the soil is often found to contain a larger quantity of salts than the rocks. The process of disintegration produces changes in the arrangement of the simple elements. Thus we have enumerated all the inorganic bodies, which are found in the soil, as ascertained by analysis, and their general relations to growing plants. From this examination soils are composed, generally, of the ORGANIC PORTIONS OF THE SOIL. 215 Earths, Mkalies, Silica 66. per cent. Alumina 16. " Magnesia 1. " Lime 2. " Oxides, Of Iron Of Manganese per cent. Potash 2. per cent. Soda .5 " Ammonia .5 " Salts and Urets, 1.5 per cent Organic matter, 6.5 " II. Organic constituents of the soil. A proper mixture of organic matters with the mineral ingredients, is essential to the fertility of the soil, and hence vegetable or animal sub- stances are always found in soils capable of cultivation. These organic matters are derived from the roots and other parts of plants, or from the application of manures. The substance which is formed by the decay of these organic products, and which has been supposed to give fertility to the soil, is called by several names, as humus, geine, vegetable mould, etc. and is intended to include all the decaying organic matter of the soil. It is a brownish or black substance, and when it be- comes intimately mixed with the mineral ingredients, it im- parts a black color to the soil, a greater power of absorbing water and gaseous substances, renders it more permeable to air and to the roots of plants, improves its texture, and in- creases its power of absorbing and retaining heat. This remarkable substance, a history* of which has al- ready been given, p. 138, is composed, as we have seen, of the following substances : Jiumin, extract of humus, humic acid, crenic and apocrenic acids, which are generally combined with the bases, lime, magnesia, soda or potash, ammonia, alumina, oxide of manganese, and per-oxide of iron. When therefore we examine the organic constituents, by anal- ysis, we find the following substances. 1. Humic acid, which is identical in composition with hu- * Dr. Dana, in his Muck Manual, has given a history of this sub- stance, and advocates the use of the terra geine. 216 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. min. The quantity of this acid, contained in any given por- tion of soil, may be determined, very nearly, by the proportion of vegetable matter, dissolved by the application of alkalies. The following is the proportion of the soluble matter, called soluble geine, nearly identical with humic acid, and of insoluble geine (humin), contained in the soils of Massachu- setts, from the different geological formations. Soluble Geine. Insoluble Geine Alluvium 2.25 . 2.15 Tertiary argillaceous soils 3.94 5.22 Sandstone (( 3.28 . 2.14 Graywacke (( 3.60 . . . . 4.00 Argillaceous slate (( 5.77 . 4.53 Limestone " 3.40 4.04 Mica slate (( 4.34 . 4.60 Talcose slate C( 3.67 . . . . 4.60 Gneiss (( 4.30 . 3.40 Granite (( 4.05 . . . 3.87 Sienite (( 4.40 . 4.50 Porphyry (( 5.97 4.10 Greenstone (( 4.56 . 6.10 The soluble geine, of course, is not all humic acid, as other acids and salts are dissolved by the alkalies ; still, there is not much reason to doubt, but that there is from 1 to 3 per cent, of this acid in all fertile soils. 2. Crenic acid was first discovered by Berzelius, in 1832, in the water of Porla well, near Orebro, in Sweden. It exists in all our soils, and in the waters of rivers and ponds, and is generally associated with apocrenic acid, and combined with bases. Both of these acids may be precipitated from their neu- tral solutions by means of subacetate of lead, and may be separated from each other by the salts of copper. It is difficult to determine the quantity of this acid. Soils, analyzed by Berzelius, contained two per cent. ORGANIC PORTIONS OF SOIL. 217 The crenic acid has been detected in the sub-soil, and this may account for the utility of sub-soil ploughing. It is also found in river water, and may account for the effects of irri- gation. The compounds of crenic acid, described p. 136, are also found in small quantities in the soil. Apocrcnic acid is formed, as its name imports, from the crenic, by simply exposing the latter to the air. It was found in the water of Porla well, in connection with the crenic acid. This acid is found in very small quantities ; in some soils, ac- cording to Berzelius, about two per cent. As all the alkalies dissolve these two acids, and as the al- kaline earths render the inert crenates active, we can seethe utility of adding alkaline substances to the soil to act upon these acids, and to bring them into a fit state to enter the vege- table organs. " The remarks of De Saussure on soils," says Berzelius, " seem to show, that the three constituents above described, crenic, apocrenic and humic acids, by means of the recipro- cal influence of water and air, become mutually changed. Water in moist soil, changes a part of the insoluble humin into humic acid ; so that, after a sufficient length of time, the greater part of the humin becomes soluble. The atmosphere, on the other hand, re-forms, from the soluble matter, humin. Coal of humus, which in contact with the air changes a por- tion of it into carbonic acid, is itself converted into humin and humic acid, and this appears in fact to be the useful ef- fect of loosening the soil by tillage which exposes it to the influence of the air." The extract of humus and glarin are brown matters, mostly composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ; and, so far as we know, are of little use to vegetation, in their pure state. They may furnish matter for nutriment, after being acted up- on by the air or alkalies. Dr. C. T. Jackson states, that the substances which are confounded under the name of soluble humus, soluble geine. 218 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. etc. consist of several substances aJready referred to. Dr. Dana calls the whole geine, and as the fertility of a soil de- pends upon the soluble geine and salts, his method of analysis is well adapted to determine their amount, and the conse- quent fertility of the soil. But whatever views are adopted, relative to the nature of the organic constituents of soils, the fact is fully established by experience, that a due mixture of organic, with the mine- ral ingredients, is essential to fertility, and that the power of the soil to bear successive crops for a series of years, depends upon keeping up the supply of humus and salts, which a con- tinued course of cropping takes away. Other substances must exist also in the soil, in a state of partial decomposition, such as the various vegetable products, but they all finally pass into those above described, or pass off in gases, such as ammonia, sulphureted hydrogen, and carbonic acid. Sect. 3. Theory of the mutual action of the inorganic and organic constituents of Soil, and of groicing Vegetables. The different earths, acids, salts and organic matters, de- scribed in this section, are combined in the soil with each other in definite proportions. They are constantly subjected to the laws of affinity, and as this power exists in different degrees of force in the different compounds, there are frequent and almost constant changes going forward. These changes are aided by the influence of the atmosphere, water, temperature, etc., and tend to alter the relative proportion of the different compounds. The agents concerned in converting the rocks into soils, continue to act, and the same changes continue. These changes are those produced by the mutual action of the organic and inorganic constituents, and those which are produced by the agency of the living vegetable. I. Action of the organic and inorganic elements of soil upon each other. The elements of soil, as we have seen, are ACTION OF THE ELEMENTS OF SOIL. 219 distributed into three classes ; silicates, that is silicic acid united to the several bases, as in the simple minerals ; salts, such as phosphates, carbonates, etc. ; and humus or geine, which may include all the organic portions. 1. The silicates appear to act but slightly if at all upon each other, and hence, were there no agent external to them, would remain without change for ages. But the carbonic acid of the air combines with the bases of the silicates, the potash and soda, and forms soluble salts. These are removed by water, and the silica and alumina remain. By this action, the soil is rendered gradually and constantly finer, more clayey and tenacious. 2. The earthy carbonates, such as limestone, act in the same manner upon the silicates as carbonic acid, hence the utility of lime to set the alkalies and oxides free. 3. The alkaline bases potash, soda, lime, magnesia and alumina, which are thus set free, combine with the humic, crenic and apocrenic acids, or, according to Dana, with the geic acid and form geates, which are converted into soluble super-geates, by the action of carbonate of lime. 4. These bases not only combine with the geic acid, but they act by their presence or catalytic power ; and convert insoluble into soluble geine. The power of hastening decay, is greatest in potash and lime, next in alumina, and finally in oxide of iron while passing from the protoxide to the peroxide, hence the utility of these substances in rendering the vegeta- ble matter soluble and available to the roots of plants. 5. The oxygen of the air and of the water hastens the pro- cess of decay, and by liberating the carbonic acid, tend to keep up the process of decomposition. II. Mutual action of growing plants, silicates, salts and geine. The action of salts and silicates upon each other, even when aided by the humus of the soil, is not very rapid. But when a living plant is introduced into the soil, it exerts a 220 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. catalytic power, and causes the salts and silicates to form themselves into new compounds. Life imparts activity to all the chemical agents. It lets loose the bases of the salts upon the vegetable matter, and they convert it into geine. The liberated acids act upon the silicates and form new salts, ready to be decomposed by the vital power, and to enter the living organs, or to act again upon the inert silicates and in- soluble vegetable matter,and render portions of them active. It is in this way, that a small quantity of salt introduced into the soil, will continue to reproduce itself, and hence the sur- prising effects which are often witnessed, when salts in small quantities are added to the soil. 1. The general theory then, of the action of salts, may be thus stated : The bases of salts, whether alkali, alkaline earth, or metallic oxide, act exactly alike '^ that is, (1) They act continually upon the organic matter of the soil, render- ing it soluble and capable of entering the organs of plants. (2) They are taken into the plant, either in combination with their mineral acids, and decomposed by the organic acids, or eliminated directly by the vital force and assimilated. In the latter case, the acid of the salt acts upon silicates as above, and reproduces the same salt. 2. It will be seen, that if the salt is a carbonate, the car- bonic acid will act with great power upon the silicates. If it is a phosphate or nitrate, both the acid and the alkali are nourishers, and the effect will be much increased. But if the salt is a sulphate, or a hydrochlorate, then the acid will not produce so good effects, and may be poisonous and highly in- jurious, hence the character of the acid determines the char- acter of the effect, or, as it has been expressed, peculiarity of action depends upon the acid and not upon the base of the salt. This is substantially the theory of Dr. Dana. It throws more light on the action of salts, than any which we have seen. It will be further illustrated on the subject of manures. CAUSES OF FERTILITY. 221 Sect. 4. arcumstances upon which the Fertility of Soil depends. Having in a previous section, given the mode of analysis, by which the substances which have been described are ob- tained, this section will be devoted to an examination of soils^ with a view of ascertaining, if possible, the reason or source of their fertility. This will enable us to understand those various methods of improvement which will be hereafter described. In order therefore, to give ?i practical value to the various topics treated of in this chapter, it will be necessary to make some calculations, as to the absolute quantity of the various ingredients in the soil, that we may infer what the soil re- quires, as a condition of fertility. The first example which we will introduce for this purpose, is the analysis by Berze- lius of two soils, from Russia and Siberia. A, soil never cultivated. B, long cultivated, and said to be in an exhausted condition. C, sub-soil of the field B. f Sand, . Silica, , Alumina, Perox. of iron, Aluminous matter, <[ Carbonate of lime Magnesia, Water, Phosphoric acid, ^ Crenic acid, Acids combined f Apocrenic acid, with peroxide ofJ ^^^ic acid, iron & alumina, f^^tract of humus, Humin and rootlets. A. 1 B. 51.84 53.38 17.80 17.76 8.90 8.40 5.47 5.66 .87 .93 .77 4.08 3.75 .46 .46 2.12 1.67 ^ 1.77 2.34 1.77 .76 •t 3.10 2.20 ts. 1.66 1.66 52.77 18.65 8.85 5.33 1.13 .67 4.04 .46 2.56 1.87 1.87 .00 1.66 I 99.84 I 99.86 | 99.86 It will be seen by inspection of these soils, that they do not differ m the quamity of silica, alumina and oxide of iron. The difference in fertility, therefore, is not due to these in- gredients. Let us examine further, and see if we can dis- cover the true cause of it. 19 222 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. The soil A, which has never been cultivated and which was the most fertile, has the greatest quantity of crenic and humic acids, but the soil B, which has bfeen exhausted, con- tains less than 1 per cent., although it contains a greater quantity of apocrenic acid than either. This acid, however, and its salts are supposed to exert but little influence in vege- tation. C, the sub-soil of B, appears to have received nu- tritious matter from the soil, and would doubtless yield a lar- ger crop than the soil itself. Here, then, we have developed two important facts: 1. That the fertility of a soil depends upon the humic and crenic acids. 2. That fields long culti- vated and almost exhausted, may be rendered fertile by sub- soil ploughing. It may be further seen, that lime, a substance essential to fertility, is most abundant in the sub-soil, having been carried down from the soil in combination with humic and crenic acids. This is another mode by which the soil becomes de- prived of lime and alkali. The second example we will instance, is that of three soils from Rhode Island, analyzed by Dr. C. T. Jackson. The three specimens were originally of the same character. A, soil in its natural state, that would not produce more than 10 bushels of corn to the acre, less of other grain, and no hay. B, has been improved by ashing only, and produces I J tons of clover. C, is in a high state of cultivation, and has pro- duced, in a three years' rotation, 60 bushels of corn, 50 of oats, and two tons of hay per acre. The coarser pebbles and vegetable fibres were all taken out by sifting the soil through a fine sieve, and 100 parts of the fine materials were subjected to analysis. A. Water of absorption 1 .80 Soluble vegetable matter 2.50 Insoluble vegetable matter 2.00 Peroxide of iron 2.10 Alumina 2.10 B. C. 2.20 1.55 1.60 4.60 2.15 1.50 2.50 2.07 2.75 1.39 CAUSES OF FERTILITY. 223 Magnesia 1.00 traces. Phosphate and crenate of lime 1.20 traces. Insoluble silicates 88.20 88.20 89.10 99.70 100.60 100.2] Inspection of these soils will show the cause of the different degrees of fertility. The soil A, which was the poorest, con- tains of soluble vegetable matter, 2.50 per cent. The soil B, next in fertility, contains 1.60 per cent., most of the soluble matter having been removed by the agency of the ashes, with the crop ; while the soil C, in the highest state of fertility, contains 4.60 per cent, of soluble vegetable matter. This alone is sufficient to account for their difference. In fact, in all other respects, they are all nearly alike. Now this soluble vegetable matter, is composed of humic and crenic acids, or their salts, the very substances which it is generally be- lieved are the nutritious portions of the soil. On Liebig's theory, such a result is perfectly inexplicable. A third example is of two soils analyzed by Prof. Hitchcock, according to Dr. Dana's rules ; one. A, from Lazelle county, Illinois, and never cultivated, and the other, B, from Sciota Valley, Ohio, and cultivated 14 years without manure. A. B. Soluble geine (humatos and crenates) 7.6 4.5 Insoluble geine (humin, etc.) 13.8 6.7 Sulphate of lime 18.4 2.1 Phosphate of lime 0.4 0.9 Carbonate of lime 3.3 2.8 Silicates 73.5 83.0 Water of absorption 9.5 5.3 106.1 105.3 Both of these soils are of the first quality. The quantity of soluble geine is large, and also the amount of salts. But the difference between that which has been cultivatefl, and that which has not, developes one of the most important facts in 224 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. the whole science of agricultural chemistry ; a fact, however, which has constantly made its appearance in these analyses, viz. that the quantity of soluble geine in the soil A. is nearly double of that in the soil B, and the insoluble geine is more than three times the quantity. What inference is more obvi- ous or certain than this, that the cultivation of the soil re- moves its soluble geine and favors the conversion of the in- soluble portions into those which are soluble ; and that vege- table matter is not added* to the soil by cultivation, but ab- stracted from it, and unless this is supplied, the land will, in time, become exhausted and consequently barren. Thus it is that theoretical deductions confirm actual experience. These results are confirmed by the analysis of the soils of Massachusetts; and hence. Dr. Samuel L. Dana of Lowell has proposed and advocated a theory of great practical im- portance to the farmer, that the mineral ingredients of the soil are of little importance, but that salts and geine (soluble vegetable matter) are the sources of fertility in all soils. The great object of analysis is to ascertain the condition of the organic matters in the soil, and the means of improvement, viz. the conversion of insoluble into soluble geine. There are facts which show, that alkalies are equally im- portant with geine, and the labors of Dr. Dana and Prof. Hitchcock establish this fact beyond a doubt. Liebig at- tributes to the alkalies and salts a less extensive, but more direct agency, in producing fertility, than has generally been supposed. The amount of alkalies is given in only a few soils whose analyses have fallen under our notice. But as the alkalies are found in plants, and exert a powerful influence in vege- tation, it may be interesting to make some few calculations as to their amount, in order to see if they are in fact essential to fertility. In making these calculations, we will give the ab- * Unless it is in wood lands or peat meadows, in which case large quantities of vegetable matter are derived from the atmosphere. CAUSES OF FERTILITY. 225 solute amount of all the ingredients of an acre of soil, of a tillage depth of six inches. In order to show distinctly the influence of alkalies and al- kaline earths, let us first estimate the amount, in a soil com- posed of the same materials as the rocks, allowing the soil to be of the same composition as our ordinary granite, f quartz, f feldspar, and i mica. 1. Supposing a cubic foot of such soil to weigh 125 lbs., 1 acre of tilled surface, 6 in. in depth, would weigh 1361.25 tons. Of this there is of silex 74.84 per cent. = 1018.76 " Alumina 12.80 « 174.23 " Potash 7.43 u 101.82, " Magnesia 0.99 « 13.47 u Lime 0.37 " 5.03 « Oxide of iron 1.93 u 26.37 " Oxide of manganese 0.12 " 1.63 u Fluoric acid ' ,2i « 2 85 " 2. In sienite rock, hornblende takes the place of mica, 1 acre of tilled surface 6 in. in depth, would weigh 1361.25 tons. Of this there is of silex 74.84 per cent. = 1018.76 " Alumina 9.79 « ^3437 „ Potash 673 u Q2.29 « L ime 2.76 " 37.57 Magnesia 3.76 « 57.I8 Protoxide of iron 1.46 « I9 37 Protoxide of manganese .04 " 54 u Fluoric acid .03 u 4q » No allowance is made here for vegetable matter, and the spe- cific gravity exceeds that of soils which contain it, and which are in a finely divided state and therefore more bulky, but the amount of potash, lime and magnesia is enormous, com- pared with the same substances in soils which have been cultivated. Here is 100 tons of potash on an acre of soil or of rock six inches in depth, while in the soil of Massachu-' setts, the fine materials, separated from the coarse pebbles accordmg to Prof Hitchcock, contain no potash in a free state, and probably but a small quantity in any state. What 19* 226 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. becomes of this alkali 1 We know that it enters into all vegetables, as it is found in their ashes, and with them has been removed from the soil. It will be found that the alka- line substajices, limejand magnesia, are also abstracted in a similar way, and hence, as a practical deduction, soils gene- rally need to have these alkalies added, that their fertility may be kept up. It is rarely the case, that the potash be- comes wholly taken from the soil, but it is locked up in the minerals, and is not exhausted until they are all decomposed. Liebig asserts, that the soils of Virginia, from which harvests of wheat and tobacco were obtained for a century, became exhausted, because their alkalies were all removed, or so large a quantity of the free alkali, that the annual disintegra- tion did not furnish a sufficient quantity to supply the wants of the crop. The amount of alkalies, as estimated per Hes- sian acre,* removed in the space of 100 years, is 1,200 lbs. mostly of lime and potash. But generally, the soil contains enough potash, locked up in the minerals, to answer all the wants of vegetation. " A thousandth part of loam," says Liebig, "mixed with the quartz, in new red sandstone, or •with the lime in the different limestone formations, affords as much potash to a soil only twenty inches in depth, as is suffi- cient to supply a forest of pines, growing on it for a century. A single cubic foot of feldspar is sufficient to supply a wood, covering a space of 40,000 square feet, with the potash re- quired for five years." It would be easy to show, that our forest granitic and gneiss soils, and even our pine plain land, contain sufficient potash and lime for all the wants of vegetation. But they are not in a free state, hence, although growing plants, by galvanic force, eliminate them from the minerals, still they are not returned to the soil because they are removed with the crop. If the plants were all turned into the soil, * A little less than an English acre. CAUSES OF FERTILITY. 227 the requisite supply would be obtained. The most fertile soils contain alkalies in a suitable state to act, both upon the vegetable matter, and to enter the vegetable organs, and hence alkalies, especially potash and lime, are generally ben- eficial to the soil. It will be seen, as a practical inference from what has been stated, that alkalies may he added to the soil, as the quantity needed is small. If it were required to add silica ; the task of improving the soil would be utterly hopeless ; but a single grain of lime or potash, in a hundred, is sufficient oftentimes to ensure fertility, and it therefore appears, that alkalies as well as vegetable matters are essential to a fertile soil. This conclusion may be rendered still more evident, by the follow- ing estimates of three fertile soils fi-om the farm of J. P. Gushing, Esq. Watertown, Mass., in which the absolute amount of the materials are stated, according to analysis, by Dr. C. T. Jackson. The soil originated from granite, sie- nite and greenstone. Insoluble silicates per acre, A. B. C. six inches tillage depth 664.045 tons. 597.601 tons. 669.943 tons. Alumina Perox. of iron and mang. rtcJJ^, Phos. and create 'of lime >k Soluable vegetable matter . k Insoluble do. '^^i Magnesia Water Specific gravity Cubic foot weighs By estinjates, like the above, it is obvious to any farmer, that the salts and vegetable matter may be supplied to the soil, and that the great object of improvement is to supply them. It has been stated, that the mineral ingredients were of far less consequence than it was formerly supposed. This is true, yet it must not be inferred that they are of no impor- tance at all. 35.219 (( 30.390 ' 21.695 « 34.494 (( 23.992 ' 32.976 " 4.311 (( 2.399 7.376 " 26.733 (( 21.193 ' 22.562 " 54.329 (( 69.177 ' 73.763 « 1.597 4.339 " 39.678 u 43.025 ' 33.084 " 1.277 (( 1.195 1.255 " 79.181 lbs. 73.438 lb 3. 79.688 lbs 228 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. Prof. Hitchcock has shown by an analysis of the soils of Massachusetts, that some of the most productive in the State contain less vegetable matter than those more barren. Al- though the proportion of soluble geine, compared with that which is insoluble is very great, (as these soils are the allu- vial deposits of the Deerfield and Connecticut rivers,) it is chiefly the frie state of the mineral ingredients which will account for their fertility. They must be exhausted much sooner than other less fertile soils, and will of course require a constant supply of vegetable matter, to keep up their fer- tility. A continued course of cropping improves the texture of nearly all soils. They gradually become finer, and must be deepened to supply the requisite quantity of decomposable minerals. We will close this subject, by a general summary of the principles which have been developed, considered in their practical relations to our soils. 1. The first general conclusion is, that it is important to the farmer to obtain an exact knowledge of the ingredients of his soil, in order to make the required improvement. If a soil is not productive, analysis will show the reason, and point out the right mode of securing fertility. 2. Although the mineral ingredients of a soil are far less important than the humus and salts, yet it is well established, that a soil composed wholly or ^^ of s'ilica, lime, alumina or magnesia, is entirely barren, hence sand or clay will not sup- port vegetation. 3. Two kinds of earth are necessary to the fertility of any soil, viz. silica and alumina. But a soil does not attain its highest degree of fertility, unless there are added small quan- tities of lime, magnesia, oxide of iron and of manganese. At least, three earths are essential to the highest state of fertility. Plants require but a small quantity of these earths to enter in- to their constitution, therefore the proportions may vary CAUSES OF FERTILITY. 229 widely without any apparent effect, provided the texture be continued the same. 4. The fineness of the earthy ingredients is more impor- tant to fertility, than the proportions in which they exist ; be- cause the power of the soil to absorb water, and of the roots of plants to draw in nourishment, depend upon the fineness of the particles ; hence it is found, that one earthy ingredient may be substituted for another, provided the electrical char- acter of the soil is not changed. If, however, we are sure that a soil contains silica, alumina, lime and oxide of iron, it may be made fertile. We are sure of all but the lime, which exists in a small quantity in all our soils, and may be added generally without fear of injury. 5. But the most important substances to be attended to are vegetable matters and salts. Without these, soils are ab- solutely barren, however well constituted in their mineral portions. 6. Fertility depends not upon the quantity of humus, but upon its state. The greater the quantity of soluble geine (humates, crenates and apocrenates), other things being equal, the greater the fertility. 7. As salts are removed by continued cropping, they must be supplied from the rocks, or from a foreign source; hence their utility as a manure. 8. It may be inferred, that the best constituted soil contains the various ingredients in about the following proportions : silica 60 parts in 100, alumina 16, lime 3, oxide of iron and manganese 7, soluble geine 4, insoluble geine 5, potash 3, soda 1, magnesia 1. The earthy constituents may vary, but the salts and geine must be from 4 to 10 per cent., or the soil will not produce a bountiful crop. 9. Finally, those substances which our soils require to en- sure fertility, are within the reach of all our farmers, and there is the best encouragement for all to seek them out and apply them. No excuse can be rendered if their farms do not 230 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. produce bountifully, if their own stores are not well sup- plied with all the necessaries and comforts of life. Sect. 5. Classification and Description of Soils. As all soils originate from the decomposition and disinte- gration of rocks, effected by the chemical >and mechanical agency of air, water, and vegetation, to which small quanti- ties of vegetable and animal matters are added, the most ob- vious mode of classification would seem to be that derived from the geological character of the rocks. For we should expect that soils would resemble the rocks from which they originated, and (with the exception of some cases of great dis- turbance by glacial action, or running water, in which cases several varieties of rock are mingled together), that the rock from which the soil originated would underlay it.* The fact too that we must look to geology, to ascertain those natural sources of fertility, which are so abundant and desirable in every country, renders some knowledge of this science abso- * Dr. Dana in his Muck Manual, p. 20, has given as the third prin- ciple of agricultural chemistry, that " the rocks have not formed the soil which covers them." This appears to be true in a restricted and modified sense. The soil has been moved in most cases from the rock in place, but not alwaj'^s beyond the formation. There are many cases, where the soil is found to have originated directly from the de- cay of the underlaying rock. The second principle, " that rocks do not affect the vegetation which covers them," p. 11, seems to require a similar modification. There are many exceptions to the rule, and the truth would be as nearly expressed if the negative were left out. A case now occurs to me of the marked influence of the underlaying rock. There is a small belt of land in the southern part of Vermont, in which one ingredient is silicate of lime, and the vegetation is not only more flourishing in this formation, but the sweet grasses as clover are much more abundant, although the situation is high, and it is otherwise more unfavorable than the neighboring soils, which are less fertile. Hence, the first principle, that " there is one rock and conse- quently one soil," appears to be opposed, not only to the general opin- ion of writers on soils, but to direct observation. CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF SOILS. 231 lutely essential to an intelligent understanding and success- ful practice of agriculture as an art. But as such a classification may not be intelligible to those who are wholly ignorant of geology, the more common clas- sification of agricultural writers is added, in which no refer- ence is had to the geological origin, but only to the chemical character of the soil. It will be seen that both modes corres- pond in many important particulars, and it is hoped, that the infinite importance of an exact knowledge of soils to the prac- tical farmer, will be a sufficient apology for adopting a method which must necessarily lead to some degree of repetition. Perhaps we ought to urge this as a peculiar excellence, inas- much as each mode will throw light upon the other, and en- able the careful student to obtain a clearer and more com- prehensive view of the subject, than either mode taken by it- self. Geological Classification and Description of Soils. Geologists make two general divisions of the rocks : 1. Stratified, or those rocks which are found in regular lay- ers, like the leaves of a book, and which appear to have been deposited from a mechanical and chemical suspension in wa- ter. 2. Unstratified, or those which have no marks of strata, but appear, from their texture and resemblance to the lava of volcanoes, to have once been in a fused or melted state. The stratified rocks are divided into Aluvium, Diluvium or Drift, Tertiary, Secondary and Primary. Each of these divisions are variously subdivided. The chemical distinction was pointed out page 187. Geologically, then, soils may be di- vided into the five following classes : Alluvial, Diluvial, Ter- tiary, Secondary and Primary soils. I. Alluvial soils. These are of two kinds ; those formed by rivers, and those resulting from peat-swamps, or growing vegetables. 1. Alluvial soil of rivers consist of particles of every kind 232 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. of rock, over which the stream passes. The water suspends large quantities of matter, which, in connection with the mineral ingredients, is composed of various vegetable sub- stances. This is deposited at the mouths of rivers, or, when they overflow their banks, along their margins. This soil will be fertile or barren according to the character of the rock over which the rivers flow. Alluvial soil is generally the most fertile and desirable of all soils. It appears to owe its fertility to the fine state of its particles, or to its tex- ture, and the condition of its vegetable constituents. For it is found, by analysis, to contain less of vegetable food than most other soils. But when rivers pass over sandstones, it often happens, that no vegetable matter is intermingled, and instead of fertility, nothing being washed down but silicious matter, we have heaps of barren sand. Most of the alluvial soils of New England and of the Western States are fertile ; while many along the coast of the Southern States are bar- ren plains. The value of alluvial soil depends upon another circum- stance. If the sub-soil is gravelly or sandy, the water, and with it, the manure passes down below the soil into the sub- soil. This kind of soil is the most easily recognized of any ; and every farmer knows it, under the name of interval or meadow land. Its position also points it out, as it is gen- erally found along the banks of rivers, and at their mouths. In the latter case, the ocean waves often throw it back mix- ed with marine exuvia upon the land, and form salt-marsh al- luvions. The valley of the Connecticut river in New Eng- land, presents some fine examples of river alluvium ; for ex- ample, the meadows of Deerfield, Hadley, Northampton, etc. But alluvial soils are much more extensive in the Middle and Western States, especially in the vallies of the Mohawk, Ohio, Mississippi and Missouri. In the West, it has receiv- ed the name of bottom land. 2. Peat alluvial soils. Among the alluvial soils n)ay be DILUVIAL OR GLACIAL SOILS. 233 ranked the pmty soils, which consist mostly of vegetable matter, partly decayed and partly in a state of preservation. This variety of soil is of every degree of texture and fertility. Some of the peat meadows and swamps contain pure peat, with a small quantity of mineral matter. In this case, they should be regarded rather as depositories of fuel and ma- nure. But they can be made the most valuable of all soils, because they contain inexhaustible quantities of vegetable food. Peaty soils, include all those in which are found large quantities of vegetable matter, in a partially decomposed state. A large portion of the peaty soils are left wholly barren, through want of chemical skill to bring them into the proper state for producing crops. 11. Diluvial or glacial soils.* These are more extensive than any other. They seem to have resulted from the action of glaciers, when the position of the earth was different from what it is at present. They are composed of sand, gravel and rounded pebbles, which are mingled together and appear to have been moved, in a southerly direction from the rock out of which they were formed. In consequence of this trans- portation of the abraded materials, by glacial or some other action, the detritus of several kinds of rock are in some cases commingled. In others, the materials are not carried far be- yond the rock from which they were formed ; so that the ex- tent of this division of soils is much less, than would other- wise appear. Diluvial soils may be divided into three varieties ; sandy, gravelly and argillaceous. 1. The sandy and gravelly diluvial soils differ only in the relative fineness of their materials. The most common varie- ties consist of course sand, and rounded pebbles. These are " Called glacial soils because it is now pretty well established, that the diluvial or drift was formed by glaciers. (See Hitchcock's Report of the Geology of Massachusetts.) 20 234 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. the poorest of soils, especially when the pebbles and the sand are mostly from quartz rock. They form, to a great extent the silicrous soils of agricultural writers, and are generally warm and dry, without the power of retaining the manures which are placed upon them. 2. The other variety of the diluvial soils, the argillaceous, are exactly similar to those in the next class. They are formed of clay and sand, and are the opposite of the gravelly diluvial soils in their character, being heavy, moist, retentive of manures, and of water. They are capable, however, of being made the most fertile and valuable of soils ; as they compose what are generally denominated clayey, and when long cultivated, loamy soils. III. Tertiary soils. The tertiary rocks are alternate beds of sand, clay and marl, generally arranged in horizontal lay- ers, and often not hardened into solid rock. The clays or argil- laceous earths seem to have originated from the argillaceous minerals ; of which feldspar, mica and zeolite are the prin- cipal. These, with the last described variety of the diluvial soil, answer to the description of clayey soils, although soils from the tertiary rocks include several varieties. The cagil- laceoiis in which clay predominates, and the sandy which re- semble the soils of the diluvium, are two important divisions. The tertiary beds, many of them, seem to have resulted from the filling up of ponds and lakes which were sometimes covered with fresh, and at others, with salt water; hence, they are often composed mostly of carbonate of lime, and are filled with fossil remains, especially of shell fish. But the more common variety of this soil is the clayey, and this varies from the stiff clays in which water and manures are re- tained for a long time, and which are generally cold, wet and unfruitful, to i\\e richest clay loams, in which there is just sulfi- cient alumina to give them body, and to enable them to sup- port the roots of the grains and grasses, for which crops they seem best fitted. TERTIARY AND SECONDARY SOILS. 235 The sandy varieties of the tertiary soil often consist of al- most pure sand, laying directly upon beds of clay. They may be easily improved by deep ploughing, especially when the clay is not more than 6 or 10 inches below the surface. The sand and clay being mingled together, will improve the texture. The clay often contains carbonate of lime and ox- ide of iron ; two indispensable substances to the fertility of any soil. But as most of the tertiary soils resemble those from other formations, they will be described under the head o^ clayey soils. The tertiary soil is of limited extent in New England. It is confined mostly to the region of plastic clay. All the com- mon clay-beds, and the soils resulting, are assigned by Prof. Hitchcock to the diluvium. IV. Secondary soils or soils from the secondary rocks. The secondary formation includes a great variety of rock, and consequently a similar variety of soil. It would be useless here to point out all these varieties, as the chemical mode of classification will bring many of them together, as identical in composition, and in their agricultural relations. 1. The cretaceous or chcdky soil is rarely found in this country, but is very abundant in England. (1) It consists of calcareous earth in the form of chalk or marl, mingled with flint, pebbles or concretions, and will be described under the head calcareous soil. When this soil covers chalk rocks it is white, and reflects the heat, hence it is often cold ; but many varieties of it are very fertile. (2) A second variety of the cretaceous soil consists partly of green sand, resembling chlorite or green earth mingled with sand. The green sand often contains large quantities of potash, and has been used in New Jersey as a manure with the most salutary effects. But this variety of soil, in this country, with the exception of New Jersey, does not gene- rally contain potash. (3) A third variety consists of blue marl clay, carbonate 236 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. of lime, with sand and fossil shells, which are derived mostly from the gault or wealden rocks. These resemble the clayey soils of the tertiary formation. 2. Oolitic soil is remarkable for the quantity of calcare- ous earths which it contains. It is derived from argillaceous limestones, clays and marls, and in consequence of the great quantity of fossil remains, is a very fertile soil. 3. Salifcrous or sanchtone soil is derived from sandstone rocks. It is composed of argillaceous, siliceous or calcareous matters, often highly charged with red oxide of iron, which gives to the soil a red appearance. It is, however, of every shade of color, and variety of texture and composition, vary- ing from light sandy loams to stiff marly clays. The sand- stone soil of New England is either colored red as in the valley of the Connecticut river, or gray. It is warm, dry and capable of being made very fertile. The rocks from which this soil is derived often contain gypsum and common salt, as at Salina, New York, and on this account favor the growth of those plants which require a large quantity of soda. Ow- ing to its texture, it is particularly favorable to Indian corn, and the tap-roots, beets, carrots and turnips. The magnesian variety is much more retentive of water, and constitutes a very fertile soil. 4. Carboniferous soil is derived from three kinds of rock. 1. Thq shales of the coal beds, consisting mostly of argilla- ceous earth with vegetable remains and sandstones. 2. Car- boniferous limestone, also called mountain limestone, which is so filled with the remains of small animals, Enchrinites, as to receive the name of enchrinal limestone. 3. The old red sandstone, which does not differ essentially from the red sand- stone of the preceeding class. The soil will of course vary with the kind of rock. 5. Silurian or grat/iaackc soil oug\n:ites from an extensive class of rocks, under the name of graywacke, graywacke slate and shale. It is composed of sand, clay and calcare- PRIMARY SOILS. 237 ous matter. The following are the principal varieties of this soil. ( 1 ) The conglomerate soil, consisting mostly of coarse sand and pebbles which have been once cemented together, but are now crumbled into soil. The rock is known as pudding stone and is found in Roxbury, Dorchester, and many other places in the eastern part of Massachusetts. It is far the best soil found in this class. (2) Slati/ soil, of a gray color, more retentive of moisture and often clayey, but capable of being made very fertile. (3) Slati/ red soil, in which the rock and the soil is of a deep chocolate ; in other respects it does not differ from the preceding. Sometimes these three kinds are mingled together, and when the coarse pebbles constitute the sub-soil, it is often subject to suffer by drought and to permit the ma- nures to pass through, without producing much effect upon the crop. As the coal measures repose upon the graywacke, it of- ten happens that the fine graywacke soil becomes mingled with the carbonaceous clay slate, which renders the soil of a clayey texture. 4. Claj/ slate soil. This soil is similar to the preceding, but generally finer in texture and more argillaceous or clay- ey. It is the oldest of the secondary soilsj and contains but few remains of plants or animals. The carbonaceous clay slate rocks when mixed with graywacke make a very fertile soil. It is black, retentive of moisture, and well adapted to grain, herdsgrass and clover.* V. Primary soils, or soils from the primary stratijied and unstraiijied rocks. This division includes a great variety of soils. The most common variety in New England, are ar- gillaceous slate, limestone, mica slate, talcose slate, gneiss, granite, sienite and porphyry soils. The trappean varieties form a distinct class. * See Jackson's Report of Geology of Rhode Island, p. 127. 20* 238 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. Soils from tlie primary rocks are most abundant in New England. They are derived mostly from the decomposition or decay of granite, gneiss, mica slate, argillaceous, talcose, and hornblende slates. These rocks contain the ingredients of nearly all soils ; silica, alumina, lime, magnesia, oxide of iron and of manganese, to which may be added the alkalies, potassa and soda. They are generally distinguished by the minerals which they contain, and which exist either in large or fine particles. The principal minerals are mica, feldspar and quartz. The mica is seen in thin shining scales ; the quartz in angular or rounded pebbles, and the feldspar in white and earthy particles, more or less covered with oxide of iron, or vegetable mould. These ingredients may be de- tected by mixing the soil in water, agitating it a while, and pouring off the finer portions. 1. Argillaceous slate soil is derived from a rock well known from its structure, and from its use for the purpose of roofing buildings. It exists in very great perfection in Ber- nardstown, Mass. and Guildford, Vt. The color of this soil resembles the slate, which is dark brown, almost black. It is a poor soil in many places, especially where the rock ap- proaches near the surface, but when the disintegration has proceeded to a greater depth, it is capable of being made a very good soil. It is composed almost entirely of argillace- ous earth, mixed with a small quantity of silex. 2. Limestone soil. The primitive limestones which are interstratified with the slates, give rise to a variety of soil, which does not differ materially from the talcose and mica slate soil, as it appears from analysis, that some of them do not contain carbonate of lime in any considerable quantities. This may be due to the action of crops, or to the fact that the detritus of other rocks have been brought over them, and constitute their principal mass. Some varieties of this soil contain carbonate of lime, others PRIMARY SOILS. 239 carbonate of lime and magnesia, forming the magnesian lime- stone soil. A third variety contains feruginous limestone, or iron combined with the lime, and the fourth variety con- tains silex or siliceous carbonate of lime. This latter soil is very fertile, and yields very sweet food for grazing. The primary limestones diifer from the secondary in be- ing less friable and in containing no organic remains. The magnesian variety from both the secondary and primary rocks is highly fertile, for although magnesia, in its caustic state, appears to be injurious to vegetation, the rock itself, when crumbled into soil, exerts no such effects ; probably because it is already combined with carbonic acid. The best test of a limestone soil whatever be its origin, is any dilute acid such as the sulphuric, in which case, the car- bonic acid will escape with effervescence or with foam, when the soil is put into water, and the acid poured upon it. The calcareous or limestone soil is of every degree of fer- tility, and is best fitted for wheat, clover and the sweet gras- ses. 3. 3Iica slate soil, like the rock, is composed mostly of mi- ca and quartz. It is distinguished from clay slate soil, by its lighter color, yet these two rocks frequently pass into each other, and of course the soils are also mingled. In some cases the mica slate passes into gneiss and argillaceous slate, and the soil of course will partake of the character of both rocks. This soil is found in very many places in Worcester county, Mass. and in all the New England States, and is generally very fertile. It contains but little feldspar, and hence but little potash, but the mica yields a large quantity of magnesia, which gives it an adhesive and loamy character. 4. Talcose slate soil can hardly be distinguished from the mica slate by its color, although it is somewhat lighter. It contains talc instead of 7nica, and these may be easily distin- guished ; the former is non-elastic and of a soapy feel, the latter elastic and tough. 240 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. The fertility of this soil depends upon the mixture of oth- er earths, such as clay. The argillaceous slate soil is quite productive, but generally this soil is more sandy and less fer- tile than that from mica slate. 5. Gneiss soil is very abundant in New England. It has a pale yellow color, and is sandy and gravelly, indicating by its appearance great sterility. This, however, is not always the case ; the gneiss rocks contain large quantities of potash in their feldspar, as well as argillaceous and siliceous sub- stances. These minerals when reduced to the proper de- gree of fineness make a very fertile soil. It is of two kinds, the common and the ferruginous gneiss soil. The latter is of a reddish color, in consequence of the peroxide of iron which it contains. 6. Granite soil does not differ essentially from gneiss. Both are composed of quartz, feldspar and mica, and of course yield all the mineral materials necessary to fertility. The granite soil differs in its texture from coarse gravel to fine sand. Dr. Dana regards all soils as composed essentially of " granitic sand," that is, just such materials as granite and gneiss rocks would produce by the ordinary process of disin- tegration. These rocks yield all the earths necessary to the highest degree of fertility. But their degree of fertility will depend upon their texture and the sub-soil. When they are underlaid with clay, or hard gravel, cemented together and made water-tight, they may be made very fertile, because they will then retain the soluble manures ; but if the substratum is open gravel or sand, the soil itself gravelly or sandy, they are too easily drained of moisture, and permit the soluble ma- nures to infiltrate or leach throuo-h them. Gneiss and granitic soils are better for Indian corn and grass than for the smaller grains. 7. Sienite soil differs from granite in containing horn- blende instead of mica. Its structure is somewhat finer, and TRAPPEAN SOILS. 241 its color darker than either of the preceding. It is also warmer and more favorable to cultivation. 8. Hornhlcndc rock soil. Hornblende rock is composed chiefly of hornblende and compact feldspar, with variable portions of oxide of iron and of manganese, and the soil is composed of similar materials. The color is generally of a dark red-brown, of a fine texture, slightly adhesive when pressed in the hand, but not clayey. This soil contains a large quantity of oxide of iron, manganese and magnesia, the latter substance supplies the place of clay ; the manganese, from its dark color and imperfect conducting power, renders the soil warm and highly fertile. 9. Porphyry soil is derived from the compact feldspars, which contain from 25 to 30 per cent, of alumina. The por- phyry rock is among the hardest, but it yields rapidly to the agents of disintegration, and forms a very valuable soil. VI. Trappean soils differ from the preceding by contain- ing from 3 to 7 per cent, more of lime, magnesia and iron, and 20 per cent, less of silex. 1. Greenstone soil is often associated with porphyry. It is of a finer material, and more fertile. The character of these soils is often distinct, of a brown color, containing large quantities of iron. Basaltic soil is very similar to the above, but it is composed of augite and feldspar. 2. Trachyte soil. This is the soil from the ancient lava, and is found around volcanoes. It contains a large quantity of alkalies, which make it highly fertile. It is composed of glassy feldspar, hornblende, mica, titaniferous iron, and some- times augite. 3. Lava soil. The more recent lava, when converted in- to soil, is often very fertile. It contains so large quantities of alkali, such as potash, soda, etc. that for some crops, it is the best of all soils. The two minerals, feldspar and augite, con- stitute nearly the entire mass of this soil. As these matters 242 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. are subjected to heat, there is a partial decomposition, and the alkalies are ready to act upon the crop. The above enumeration contains the most important varie- ties of soil as derived from the rocks. They will be readily recognized by the practical geologist, and it is hoped that the farmer may derive some idea of their character and proper- ties. This geological classification, which is based chiefly on that proposed by Prof Hitchcock, makes us acquainted with the soils as they stand related to the rocks. This is always use- ful and interesting, especially to the scientific agriculturist ; but it is not so practical as the chemical mode of classifica- tion. It is to be hoped that the reader will, at least, examine this method and compare it with that which follows, that he may, as already remarked, obtain from both what could not be derived from either by itself. II. Chemical Classijication and Dcsci-iption of Soils. We regard the geological classification of soils, as pre- senting the most enlarged view of the subject; but a more simple and practical method is to arrange soils according to their prevailing earths. These earths are silica, alumina, lime and magnesia. Hence those soils in which silex niostly predominates, are called siliceous or sandy soils. Those in which clay is in the greater proportion, are called aluminous or clayey soils. Those in which the carbonate of lime is the chief ingredient, calcareous soils ; and when the lime is chalk, chcdky soils. Magnesia, also, sometimes exists in sufficient quantities to give a name to the soil in which it is found. There is another class called loamy, which answers nearly to the more fertile alluvions, but results from a long course of cultivation, when large quantities of animal and vegetable matters are employed. The 2)eaty soils are also sufiiciently definite to form a distinct class. A short description of these soils, including the characters by which they may be recog- CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS. 243 nized, their general mode of improvement, and their natural adaptation to the various crops cultivated by the farmer, may not be inappropriate. 1. Siliceous soils. In the silicious soils, from whatever class of rocks they are derived, silex or silica is the predomi- nant earth. These soils originate generally either from the disintegration of silicious rocks, from glacial action, or from streams and rivers which pass over sandstone rocks. Properties. Siliceous soils are either gravelly or sandy, or a mixture of both ; they are always of a loose texture, per- mitting the water to pass easily through them. They absorb but little moisture from the atmosphere, and part with it readily, on the application of heat. Hence in seasons of drought, they become mealy, and their vegetation is scorched and dried up. As sandy and gravelly soils do not generally combine with manure or vegetable matter, which is introduced into them, they easily part with it, and hence they have been denominated hungry soils. If the sub- soil is gravelly or sandy, they are subject to leaching, and the vegetable matter passes through them almost as fast as it is rendered soluble in water. Sandy and gravelly soils are generally warm and quick, and from their want of adhesiveness, easily tilled. They dif- fer from absolute barrenness to a high degree of fertility. When wholly without cohesion in their parts, they are entirely barren, and can only be made fertile by the admixture of other substances. This is the case often with the coarser gravels. When fine or sandy, and mixed with aluminous earth, or magnesia and a suitable proportion of organic mat- ter, they become very fertile, especially if they have a tena- cious sub-soil. Mode of improvement. A sandy or gravelly soil may be improved by mixing clay or peat compost with them, so as to increase their adhesiveness, their power of absorbing water and 244 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. of retaining manure. The stones should not be all removed, as''they aid in retaining heat and moisture. These soils are naturally better fitted for rye, barley and Indian corn than for wheat; but from their porous charac- ter, they are particularly fitted for those crops which are cul- tivated for the tubers of their roots, such as potatoes, turnips, beets, etc. For the tuberous roots, however, they must pos- sess somewhat the characteristics of loam. They are also well adapted to timothy, clover and red-top. 2. Aluminous or clai/ soils are those in which clay in some of its varieties predominates. They vary in composition. Silica constitutes more than one half of their substance. These soils originate generally from the tertiary beds of clay, but are often formed by the disintegration of argillaceous rock, and by the agency of rivers, especially near their ttiouths, where the tides and waves throw back aluminous matter, which is either contained in the water in a finely di- vided state, or worn ofi" from the cliffs of clay near the shores. Aluminous soils are stiff and heavy, generally destitute of stones and very tenacious of water ; of which they absorb large quantities, and yield it up with difficulty. When wet, they have the appearance of mortar, and adhere to the plough, when it passes through them. When dry, they break up in- to lumps when ploughed, or contract upon the surface, leav- ing small fissures crossing each other in various directions ; hence, they are subject to the extremes of wet and drought. The clay soils differ in texture according to the quantity of other earths. A large quantity of silirrous earth renders them less cohesive ; and if vegetable and animal substances are added, they often become similar to loams. They are natu- rally cold, especially when they are light colored, in which case they are not easily heated by the sun's rays. They are capable of uniting chemically with vegetable acids and earths, a circumstance of great practical importance, as it renders them very retentive of manures, so that in this re- CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS. 245 spect, they are the opposite of sandy and gravelly soils. Clay soils are of every quality, from a dead, barren mass, to the rich clay loams, which are some of the most fertile and pro- fitable soils which are cultivated. Hence their fertility will depend upon the proportion of other earths, the quantity of animal and vegetable matter they contain, and the character of the sub-soils. Common clay is wholly barren. Mixed with calcareous or siliceous earth, it is nearly so; but when, in addition, it contains large quantities of manure, it becomes comparatively fertile, if the sub-soil is sand, or such as to permit the water to drain oft'; but if the sub-soil is impervi- ous to water, they are always cold, wet, and unfriendly to those crops which require the heat of summer to bring them to maturity. The most fertile of these soils are the alluvial clay soils. These are formed at the mouths of rivers, where the sea exerts its influence upon the fine materials brought down by their waters, as they flow over argillaceous rocks. They often be- come mixed with animal and vegetable substances, and ap- proach rich clay loams, of the most fertile and valuable qual- ity. The common clay bottoms may be converted into fertile clay loams, by cultivation. Mode of improvement. Aluminous soils are improved by admixture of siliceous and calcareous sand and peat muck. This renders them more friable and more easily tilled. Sand often forms the sub-soil, in which case sub-soil ploughing may be resorted to, by which the sand and clay will become incorporated. This is diflferent from trench ploughing, in which two ploughs are used, the one to turn the upper soil, and the other to bring up the sub-soil to the sur- face. But in sub-soil ploughing no portion of the sub-soil is brought to the surface, but merely loosened and pulverized. By this process, the air and water exert a fertilizing influence upon it, and then it is incorporated with the clay by trench 21 246 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. ploughing. If the sub-soil is similar to the soil in composi- tion, the same process may be gone through, but in addition, the ground should be drained, to let the water pass off. Crops. Clay soils are best adapted to wheat, timothy and oats ; and where the bottom is dry, to potatoes and clover. Clay loams, containing carbonate of lime, are the best wheat soils known. This arises from the fact that they give stabil- ity to the roots, furnish the requisite alkalies, and absorb gaseous bodies, which are essential to that crop. They are not fit for the tap-roots, although such crops exert a favorable influence upon them by dividing the soil. They should be ploughed in the fall, to be broken down and pulverized by the frosts during the winter, especially if intended for an early summer crop. 3. Calcareous soils contain large quantitiesof carbonate of lime, under the varieties of chalk, marble, calcareous marl, siliceous, ferruginous and magnesian limestones. It is not necessary for a soil to be composed principally of this earth, in order to render it calcareous, a smaller portion of it being required to give the name, than of the other soils above men- tioned. Calcareous soils originate from the disintegration of limestone rocks, which are most abundant in the secondary formation ; especially from the chalk or cretaceous group. These soils are often washed some distance, and cover over large areas. Some of them contain fossils and some (as those from the primitive limestone) do not. Properties. Calcareous soils are either gravelly or sandy, depending upon the degree of comminution. They are more adhesive and absorb more water than siliceous, and less than aluminous soils. But the most striking property is their power of causing the decay of vegetable matters, and of re- taining several gaseous products for the wants of vegetation. Calcareous soil is friable and easily tilled ; not suflering either from drought or too great moisture, provided the sub-soil is not too retentive of water. CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS. 247 Tests. Take a small quantity of the soil ; heat it to 300° F. and then place it in a glass and cover it with pure water ; drop on a few drops of hydrochloric acid ; if bubbles of gas come up through the water it contains carbonate of lime. The pebbles will also show of what the soil is principally com- posed. The chalky variety is white, and reflects the heat more than the darker varieties. Degree of fertility. Calcareous soils when combined with clay, with other earths and vegetable matters, are among the most fertile soils. If combined with siliceous sand and grav- el, they are light, loose and often unfertile ; but when com- bined with aluminous earth, they are the richest soils in all wheat-growing countries. Mode of improvement. As pure calcareous sand or gravel is too friable and loose for the support of vegetation, it may be improved by adding clay-loam, or even pure clay ; and sometimes sand and peat-muck, are highly valuable. Lime tends to exhaust the humus of the soil; large quantities of yard-dung or vegetable matter should therefore be supplied to keep up the fertility. Crops. Tillage crops are best adapted to calcareous soils, such as peas, turnips, barley, clover, wheat and Indian corn. They give a peculiar sweetness to the grass which grows upon them, or rather favor the sweet grasses, and hence are excellent soils for pasture lands. 4. The magnesian soils which result from serpentine rocks, and magnesian limestones are very fertile soils, but not of sufficient extent to be farther noticed in this place. 5. Peaty soils are composed of large quantities of vegeta- ble matter mixed with earthy ingredients, lime, silica, alu- mina and oxide of iron. They abound in the eastern part of Massachusetts, and in most temperate regions of the earth. Origin. These soils originate from growing vegetables, such as mosses in swamps where there is so much water that the roots, leaves and branches of trees accumulate, and are 248 GEOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF SOILS. prevented from decomposition. In some cases a bed of sev- eral feet in thickness is almost pure vegetable matter, and becomes hardened into peat fit for fuel ; in others, the tex- ture is loose and spongy. Properties. The properties of peat soils vary according to the character of the surrounding soils ; where the earthy materials are clay they make a compact soil, retentive of wa- ter, and capable of being made very productive ; when the earth is silica, they are more light and spongy, and permit the water to pass off. When mixed with calcareous matter they are reduced to a fine black mould ; if the surrounding rocks contain pyrites they often become acid ; if near the ocean, they become mixed with sea-salt. They sometimes contain bitumen. The properties therefore depend upon their tex- ture, the earths with which they are combined, and the salts which they contain. Analysis is the only sure means of showing their exact composition. Mode of improvement. Peat swamps must first be drained, to carry off the water, which renders them soft and spongy ; they will then become hard. Siliceous and aluminous earth may then be spread upon them ; yard-manure and lime or ashes will also improve their properties by decomposing the vegetable matters. Some recommend paring the surface and burning it ; then by scattering the ashes over the soil, all the acid properties will be neutralized. The peat itself makes an excellent compost manure for the uplands, and should be carried into the barn-yard and mixed with yard and stable manures. Degree of Jertility. Peat soils are, or can be made very fertile ; the want of fertility is not owing to any deficiency of vegetable matter, but to their texture and to the want of this matter in a soluble state, so as to nourish plants. When this is converted into vegetable food and the texture im- proved by draining and mixture of other earths, they are the most profitable of all soils ; especially is this the case CHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS. 249 in New England, where these lands are in too many cases suffered to lie waste. Our peat swamps are decidedly the most valuable of all our soils, because they contain food for the plants of a thousand generations ; they ought rather to be called manures than soils. Crops. " Peat soils," says Buel, "are best calculated for oats, potatoes, rye, turnips, carrots and Indian corn ; clover, timo- thy, red-top and other grasses." If the swamps in the east- ern part of Massachusetts were fitted for grass, they would become more profitable than any other lands which are culti- vated. 6. Alluvial soils. These have already been described, p. 231. It is a remarkable fact, that according to the analy- sis of Prof Hitchcock, the alluvial soils of New England, and of the West, contain less vegetable matter than most other soils. Their fertility, therefore, must depend upon the min- eral ingredients being in a more finely divided state, and to their power of converting insoluble into soluble food ; it is hence inferred, that these soils will be soonest exhausted, un- less supplied with vegetable and animal matters. 7. Loamy soils. Loams occupy an intermediate place be- tween clayey and sandy soils, and originate from a constant course of tillage, and the application of animal and vegetable manures, for a course of years. It is the desire of our far- mers, to bring all their soil into the state of loams. Properties. The properties of loams are well known ; they are less tenacious than clay, and more so than sand, They are very friable, capable of sustaining drought or wetness and easily ploughed at almost every season of the year. They are the most desirable of all soils. The alluvial soils describ- ed in the last section answer to the loams, as the materials are fine and beautifully mingled together. They are divided by Sinclair into four sorts : I. sandy ; 2. gravelly ; 3. clay- ey ; and 4. peaty. 21* 250 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL CHAPTER VI. IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL. . The improvement of the soil is the great object of agricul- tural chemistry. From a knowledge of the rocks and the agencies which have been active in crumbling them into soil ; from the physical and chemical character of soils, and, final- ly, from the analysis in this country, we learn what they gene- rally need to insure fertility. By an extensive analysis it ap- pears that the earths exist in our soils in sufficient quantities, with the exception perhaps of lime ; that the vegetable mat- ters, alkalies and salts, are consumed by a continual course of cropping, and must be constantly supplied. The mode of improvement, then, relates principally to the application of vegetable and animal matters, alkalies and saline compounds, which latter includes carbonate of lime. The agents which we have considered in the first two chapters, such as heat, light, affinity and electricity, depend chiefly for their efficacy upon the character of the soil. Vege- table substances, for example, render a sandy soil more re- tentive of water, and of caloric, as well as more compact. They render a clayey soil less retentive of water, but warmer and more friable and permeable by the roots of plants. Carbonate of lime has been found an earthy ingredient of nearly all rich soils ; and as our soils are nearly destitute of it, they would generally be benefitted by its addition. Alka- lies and saline compounds, such as potash, soda, ammonia, nitre, common salt, etc. are, as we have seen, necessary for the maturity of plants ; and, as they are exhausted by tillage, they must be supplied, to keep up the fertility. There are other modes of improvement, which pertain to the processes ~ of tillage, which are all important, and which constitute the principal features of the modern system of husbandry. We BY ADDITION OF EARTHS. 251 have already referred, p. 242, on the classification and de- scription of soils, to several modes of amelioration. In this chapter we design to describe at length, these and other modes of improvement, and to explain the chemical and mechani- cal principles upon which the various methods are based. The following topics may fairly include all that is impor- tant on this branch of the subject. 1. Improvement of the soil by adding earths not existing in it, or existing in too small quantities. 1. Improvement of the soil by draining and irrigation. 2. By fallow crops and turning in green crops. 3. By rotation or interchange of crops. 4. By root culture. 5. By manures. 6. By tillage. As the subject of manures is one of very great importance to the farmer, and, as it is somewhat distinct from the other modes of improvement, it will, in connection with that of til- lage, occupy a separate chapter. In the discussion of the above topics, it will be necessary to repeat many principles already suggested. As an apology for this, we simply urge the great importance to the farmer of thoroughly understanding the application of these principles in all their connections and relations. Sect. 1 . Improvement of the Soil hy the Addition of Earths not existing in it, or existing in too small quantities. This mode of improvement was described generally in the chemical classification of soils. A few remarks only need be added here, particularly applicable to the soils of New Eng- land, and, with a few exceptions, to this country. 1. Carbonate of lime.* It is hardly necessary to repeat * There is no subject, respecting which there is a greater diversity of opinion, among practical farmers, than that of the application of lime. It is said by some, to burn up the vegetable matter ; while it is 252 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL here, that most of our soils are nearly destitute of lime, al- though reposing on limestone rocks. We have no soils which are strictly calcareous, and hence this earth may be added without the least fear of injury, but with the certainty of ulti- mate and permanent benefit. The quantity need not be large ; four or five per cent, and even less will essentially im- prove the texture of the soil, and supply the necessary earthy ingredients, and it is in these two respects that we are now speaking of it. Hence it should be applied, for these objects, in the form of marl, shell or ground limestone. Quick or slacked lime applied to the soil soon becomes converted, in part, into carbonate, and air-slacked lime is already partially carbonated ; but the application of lime in this form is better suited to it as a saline manure. The effect of lime, as an earthy ingredient, is to render cold, stiff clay soils more fria- ble and light ; of course dryer and more easily heated by the rays of the sun. Upon sandy soils, the effect is just the re- verse ; and, in addition, it enables such soils to retain the manures placed upon them, and counteracts the electro-nega- tive character which the silicic acid or silex imparts to them. 2. Sand ox gravel. When a soil is too clayey or peaty, its texture may be improved by the addition of sand or gravel. Their effect upon such soils is similar to that of lime. The sand gives to the clay a better consistency, and renders the peat more compact. It is easy to understand how this is ; but it has been a question of some difficulty to determine whether sand or coarse gravel is the better form in which to apply siliceous matter. This question is one of easy solu- tion, provided all the circumstances are understood. If the soil is peaty, the fine gravel will produce a more immediate effect, and loam is better than gravel ; but coarse gravel will be more durable, because it not only supplies the earthy in- believed, by others, to add greatly to the fertility. When applied as a carbonate, no ill effects can be experienced. In its caustic state, it may prove injurious by forming with the vegetable matter an insoluble substance, which thus removes a part of the vegetable food. 1 BY SAND AND CLAY. 253 gredients which influence the texture, but also the decom- posable minerals, which are equally necessary for the growth of vegetables. Loam, or fine gravel, spread directly upon peat meadows, after they are drained, will render them fertile at once ; provided that a small quantity of lime, ashes, or other alkaline substance is added, to correct the acidity, and dissolve the vegetable matter. If the soil is clayey, coarse gravel will ultimately prove the most valuable, for the same reason as above, and loam or fine sand will produce a more immediate effect ; hence, the de- cision of this question, and the practice, w^ill be one way or the other, according to the object we have in view in making the improvement. If a sufficient quantity/ of loam could be added, it would undoubtedly be better than either sand or gravel. 3. Clay. Sandy, light, peaty and calcareous soils are often benefitted by the addition of clay. The mode of ap- plying it (as derived from experience and confirmed by theo- ry), is to spread it upon the soil in the fall or commencement of winter, that the frost may break it down, and render it fit to be intimately mingled with the soil, by the process of ploughing and harrowing in the spring. Chaptal recommends the practice of baking and then pulverizing, by which pro- cess it approaches nearer to sand in its physical properties. The utility of clay in agriculture has long been acknow- ledged, but the manner in which it operates is yet a little doubtful. Some things, however, are well settled. It adds its adhesive and retentive properties to sandy and peaty soils, and furnishes one indispensable earthy ingredient ; but its effects are not wholly accounted for by the texture which it imparts. We must resort to its composition. Now it has been found that some of our clays, especially the clay marls, contain small quantities of carbonate of lime. By adding one earth, therefore, we actually add two, both of which are especially important to soils of the above description ; for, 254 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL Oxide of Manganese 0.56 Lime 0.56 Magnesia .44 Sulphur and loss 3.22 where there is too much sand or silica, both clay and carbo- nate of lime operate to equalize the electrical forces ; both act as converters of vegetable fibre into vegetable food. A specimen of common blue clay from Lowell, analyzed by Prof. Hitchcock, gave Water and organic matter 4.0 Silica 61.52 Alumina 20.50 Protoxide of iron 9.82 It will be seen by this analysis, that there is a large quan- tity of protoxide of iron, and this explains further its influ- ence. " Our common clays," says Dr. Dana, " contain more or less of sulphuret of iron. The conversion of this into the persulphate of iron, is the natural consequence of exposure ; free sulphuric acid then results, which acts on any lime in the soil forming sulphate of lime, or gypsum." But the most important effect of the protoxide is that in passing into the peroxide, it tends to induce decay in the vegetable matters, which are in contact with it ; hence clay acts upon a soil as an alkali, an alkaline earth, and a metallic oxide. Finally, clay has the property of absorbing gaseous bodies, which are useful in vegetation. Liebigr attributes to it the power of absorbing ammonia, from which plants derive their nitrogen. Daubeny regards this power in a soil, as an in- dispensable condition of fertility. As sand will improve a clayey or peaty soil, and clay a sandy soil, it is matter of no little astonishment that New England farmers have not resorted more frequently to this mode of amelioration. In various parts of the country, sand hills, peat swamps and clay beds, are so situated often, that it would be the easiest thing in the word to transfer portions of the one to the other, to the mutual improvement of all. It sometimes happens, that a soil is reduced to an inipalpa- ple powder when dry, and to a soft paste when wet, -while the earthy and vegetable ingredients are in the right proportions to ensure fertility. Such a state of the soil results from a BY DRAINING. ^o5 long course of tillage, and is due to the fact that the miner- als are all decomposed by the action of growing plants, and, without decomposable minerals in the soil, no plants grown upon it will come to maturity. Such lands, therefore, re- quire gravel, sand or loam, and as in the cases above mention- ed, the latter has been found to produce the best effect, while theory at least would lead to the opinion that the former would be most durable. The general theory relative to these modes of improve- ment is, first to improve the texture and consistency and equalize the electrical state of the soil, and secondly to fur- nish those decomposable minerals which plants must have in order to mature their seeds. There is a limit, however, to these methods, while time and expense are required to carry out a system sufficiently rigorous to produce the highest effect; but if the farmer will have patience, coupled with perseverance, he may have the satisfaction of seeing his soils gradually but surely approach- ing to the best possible texture, and to the most favorable pro- portions of all the mineral ingredients. Sect. 2. Improvement of the Soil hy Draining and Irri- gation. Wet soils originate from two causes. 1. When the water, which falls upon the surface, is retained by a retentive sub- soil, as is often the case with level lands on clay bottoms. 2. When the water, which passes beneath the surface along the water-hearing strata, meets with dikes, or strata, which have been broken off, and incline in different directions. In the latter case, if the land is much inclined, there will be springs formed at the out-cropping of these strata, and, if the surface is level, the pressure of the water, from the surrounding high lands, will force it up to the surface, and produce a swamp, or too great a degree of moisture. In both cases the soil is rendered cold and unfruitful, hence fertility can be restored only by removing the cause of barrenness. 256 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL I. Draining. This mode of amendment can be applied only to stiff clays and swamps, or to lands which have a hard and retentive sub-soil, so that the water, in the ordinary course of things, will not pass off, and leave the land com- paratively dry, for a considerable portion of the season. The operations of draining are therefore confined to sur- face draining, draining the soil, and draining the sub-soil. 1. Draining the surface. In stiff clay soils, if the land is level or moderately inclined, the water from rains and snows is liable to remain on the surface, forming pools in every lit- tle hollow. This prevents the seeds, if sown, from sprout- ing, and injures the crop. When this water is evaporated, the' surface becomes hard and impenetrable by air and heat, and by the roots of vegetables. Fig. 14. This evil is some- au timeseffectuallyre- mMT'^^^^^^mZ^^^^ medied by simply throwing the land into ridges (Fig. U) by a process called back furrowing, a process which every farmer knows well how to perform. It will be seen by inspection of this figure, that the water as it falls upon the crown of the ridge h h will pass off down both sides in the same way that it does when it falls upon the roof of a house, and either settle into the sub-soil, if porous, or into the furrows a c between the ridges. If the soil has an uneven surface and the water accumu- lates in the hollows, an open drain is the only effectual re- medy. But in cases where the surface is level and the sub-soil hard and retentive, resort must be had, 2. To draining the soil This is effected by penetrating the sub-soil so as to form a passage for the water to pass off from the field, or a reservoir into which it may ooze from the sod. The drains by which this is effected may be either open or covered. The latter, or underground drains, are the BY DRAINING. CONSTRUCTION OF DRAINS. 257 cheapest, most durable and most effectual ; for, aside from their convenience, a considerable quantity of land is saved for cul- tivation. (Fig. 15.) Before constructing a drain for this purpose, it is neces- sary to examine the land, and ascertain where the springs are. Most cases of surface-draining refer to swamps, or low lands. Suppose BOD (Fig. 15) is a swamp, or low ground in which the water collects, either from the high lands, or from springs in the margin B D, or anywhere in the centre of the meadow. The first thing to be done, in this case, is to make an outlet for conducting the water away to some stream as at O S. The second is to run a drain through the centre from Cto O, and all around the margin B D, to cut off the springs, and to conduct the water into the main drain A, or outlet. In each case these drains should be sunk into the sub-soil, and if much water flow in them they should be open, especially the central drain. In this way the swamp can be rendered perfectly dry and capable of being cultivated. Construction of under-ground drains. Under-ground drains should be from two to three feet in depth, in order 22 258 LMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL that they may not be injured by the tread of cattle, and the heavy loads, which may pass over them. The sides should be a little flaring, that is, the drain should be a few inches wider at the top than at the bottom. Fig. 16. The materials used for filling up the lower portion of the drain, may be small stones, tiles or any hard substances. 1. If no water of con- sequence is to flow in them, they may be filled up, with these small stones, to the depth of from ten to fifteen inches, and the remainder filled up with gravel and loam. 2. But in case water is expected to flow in them, a con- duit must be laid on the bottom (Fig. 16.) This is made by building a wall, on each side with stone or brick, about six or eight inches in height and six in width, and covering it over with flat stones so tight that mice or moles through it, and let in the soil from above and choak it up. If the earth is soft, the bottom also should be lined with stones. Upon the top of the flat stones, and upon the sides, fill in small stones c to the height of several inches according to the depth of the drain, and then cover the whole with earth a b, rounding the surface, so that when the whole set- tles, it may be even with the ground. The conduit, in case stones cannot be found, may be made of tiles from clay, resembling earthen ware. These are laid together and form a complete tube for conducting away the water. In some cases the surface may be drained by digging deep pits and filling them with stone. This mode is adopted when the sub-soil is hard or clayey, and a few inches below, are stra- ta of sand or gravel. By digging through the retentive sub- soil, the surface-water will run off". 3. Draining the sub-suil. This process becomes necessary BY DRAINING THE SUB-SOIL. 259 in consequence of the inclination of the strata or layers of clay and rock near the surface. The sub-soil is often thus constituted, and these incline to the surface, or crop out upon the sides of hills. The water-bearing strata which lies below the sub-soil being brought to the surface, produce springs which are a fruitful source of wet soils. The water in some cases rises up through the sub-soil by the force of pressure from the neighboring highlands, and produces a swamp. In case of sub-soil draining, the object is to intercept the water below the surface by cutting through to the water- bearing stratum, and forming a conduit for it to pass off. This is the most difficult part of draining operations. (Firr. 17.) In order to show the nature of the difficulty, and the most common methods of remedying it, let us suppose that Fig. 17 is a section of a piece of land : a the high land, d a swamp, which may be produced by one or all of the water-bearing strata a g h, which crop out at b c, and produce wetness along the surface below. The water in A, meeting with the rock f, rises up at e d. The land from 6 to c may be drained by a ditch at b, conducting away the water at the point where it reaches the surface. The land between c and d may be drained by the ditch c. But as the water-bearing 260 , IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL. Stratum h meets with resistance at f, open drains must be sunk at d and c, to conduct it off into some stream, in or- der to deprive the whole of superabundant water. It is not often that more than one water-bearing stratum crops out, and the most important point is to determine the cause of the wetness, in order to save time and expense in conducting it off. Necessity of draining. The necessity and importance of draining wet grounds, may be rendered evident by the fol- lowing considerations. 1. An excess of water or moisture prevents the ploughing and pulverizing of the soil until late in the season, and when the attempt is finally made, it can but imperfectly succeed ; hence the manures, not being properly incorporated with the soil, are deprived of their effect upon the roots. The crop is checked and is liable to be injured by early frosts. 2. An excess of moisture prevents the process of decay, or the decomposition of the organic matters in the soil, and thus cuts off a regular supply of food. This effect is exemplified in peat-swamps, where the vegetable matters being prevented from decay by water, accumulate in large quantities, to the depth often of 20 feet, and form peat. 3. Lands which have an excess of water, often become dry and compact in seasons of drought. The roots are thus not only prevented from penetrating the soil and from extending themselves freely in all directions, but the influence of the air, and of the dew, which are so important in dry weather, are almost wholly excluded from them. Hence such soils, especially if they are stiff clays, suffer as much from drought as from excess of moisture. 4. When the roots of plants extend into a wet soil, the food is too much diluted, or is not prepared in sufficient quantities to ensure a healthful and vigorous growth. Leaves and ill-formed shoots will sometimes be abundant, instead of flowers and fruit. There are a iew plants which will flourish REASONS FOR DRAINING. 261 well in a wet soil, but not one in ten of those cultivated by the farmer. The following table shows the proportion of useless and useful plants on different soils. Whole number of plants are, in Wet meadows 30, useful 4, useless 26. Dry meadows 38, 1 " ^, " 30. Moist meadovv's 42, " 17, « 25. 5. An excess of water injures and destroys the fibrous por- tions of the roots, or spongelets, by means of which nourish- ment is received. This effect takes place always when the water becomes stagnant and putrescent, as it is liable to be- come, when the land is level and the sub-soil retentive. In some cases the tissue is decomposed, and the joints of the stem separated. In others, the plant rots ofT at the ground, especially if there is little light and heat. 6. An excess of water excludes the influence of heat and air, two indispensable agents to the growth of plants. De Condolle regards the influence of stagnant water about the neck of plants, as operating simply to exclude the oxygen of the air ; but Lindley more properly attributes the injury to the low temperature of the soil, in which water is suffered to accumulate. 7. Experience shows that however well a soil may be con- stituted in its mineral ingredients, and however rich it may be in humus or geine and salts, no cultivated crop will flour- ish well unless the surface of the soil, and the soil itself is made dry during the growth of the crop, and when required to be worked by the plough or the hoe. "It is because of the danger," says Lindley, "of allowing any accumulation of water about the roots of plants, that drainage is so very important. In very bibulous soils this contrivance is unnecessary ; but in all those which are tena- cious, or which, from their low situation, do not permit su- 22* 26'2 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL perfluous water to filter away freely, such a precaution is in- dispensable." Hence the Utility of draining must be evident to every farmer. For a system of draining, rightly conducted, will not only remedy the evils above described, but will save much time and labor in the cultivation of the crop ; two weeks, at least, will be gained in the getting in and ripening of it. The product will be one third greater, and one third of the labor saved in the tillage. " An outlay of 15 or 20 dollars per acre," says Judge Buel, " has often repaid, by extra product of the reclaimed land, in two or three seasons." In addition to these advantages, large portions of barren land, in many (portions of the country, may, by this method, be reclaimed ;and rendered productive. We know, from actual observa- tion, that some of the most valuable lands in Massachusetts, now lie entirely waste, in the form of peat-meadows and •swamps, to the cultivation of which it is for the highest inter- est of every farmer to devote his immediate efforts. II. Irrigation. Water, as we have seen p. 93, is essen- tial to the growth of plants, both because it furnishes them food, and because it is the vehicle through which soluble matters are conveyed into the vegetable organs. We know that plants will not flourish in a soil which is saturated with water ; and we also know, on the other hand, that when the soil, without being chemically dry, contains so little moisture as to appear dry, vegetables will wither and die. The question to decide is, what amount is most con- genial to the same species at different periods of their growth ? 1. It may be taken as a general rule, that the proper time to water, is when the soil is deprived of moisture to such a depth, that the plants begin to languish and lose their leaves. The juices then become thickened, and the transpiration is nearly suspended ; hence the plant will hasten to perfect its ilowers and fruit, which will be incomplete and poor. The BY IRRIGATION. 263 effect of water, at such a period, is to dilute the sap and to furnish the means of transpiration ; for all the excess of wa- ter, taken up by the roots, is thrown off by the leaves. Hence the quantity transpired depends upon that imbibed. 2. During the rest of plants in the winter of northern cli- mates, and the dry season under the tropics, but a small quantity of water is required, because the plants do not trans- pire it. Excess of moisture at such seasons, often distends the vessels and exposes them to injury by the frosts of spring. No more water should be supplied than is taken up by the capillary attraction of the soil. 3. It is during the growth of plants, and when their leaves are fully matured, that the greatest quantity of water is re- quired. The young leaf tranpsires much more in proportion to its surface than when fully matured, and hence requires a greater quantity to be absorbed by the roots ; but when the leaves grow old, their cuticle hardens, and the apertures through which the water passes off, gradually become closed up ; hence, water should be supplied to plants abundantly when they first begin to grow, and should be diminished as they grow older. During the ripening of the succulent fruit, plants require the least quantity ; and if a large amount is supplied at that season, the fruit may be plumper, but will loose much in quality. Strawberries niay be increased in size, by flooding their beds with water during the period of ripening, but they lose their flavor, and become insipid. It will be perceived, that this mode of improvement is of limited extent unless in case of green houses and gardens. It is applicable chiefly to light sandy soils. Heavy argillaceous soils are never benefited by it. When dry soils are situated in the vicinity of streams or Artesian wells, water may be ^ brought on to them with highly beneficial effects. The char- acter of the water for irrigation upon dry lands, is a point of considerable importance. Water from a running stream is vastly superior to that from wells or springs, and the farther 264 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL. the water has run, before it reaches the place where it is taken on to the land, the more remarkable its effects. This is due to two causes ; 1. It obtains a larger quantity of gas- seous bodies such as oxygen and ammonia ; and 2. it has been shown, that water from streams contains crenic and apocrenic acids often combined with silica, and also other salts, which it has dissolved out of the soil or rocks, as it has passed over them. (1) The first effect of water, when made to flow over the soil by this process, is to soften it and render it more permea- ble to the roots of plants, and to the air. (2) Water acts still further in dissolving out the food, and producing those chemical changes which must take place in the manures, before they are fitted for nourishment. Care should be taken, not to apply water so often as to keep the soil in a state of paste, in which case, the plant may increase in size, but the products will be loose and spongy in texture, and vapid in taste. There is danger too, of favoring the growth of rushes and other wild grasses, which will take the place of the more valuable ones. Another caution should be given on this subject, particu- larly applicable to garden plants ; upon which surface- water- ing is sometimes practised during the dry season. The effect of thus pouring water around plants, especially in the heat of the day, is to render the soil compact and heavy ; thus pro- ducing the very evil which it is intended to remedy. It ex- cludes the air and the water which it contains from the roots. If surface-irrigation is ever practised on garden vegetables, it should be done at night. Meadows seem to be most benefited by irrigation in our climate, although we know that in some countries as Egypt, it is practised upon all kinds of soil, and for every species of f crop. In the vicinity of Liegen (Germany), according to Liebig, from three to five perfect crops of hay are annually produced upon the same meadow, by covering the fields with FALLOW CROPS AND NAKED FALLOWS. ^65 river water in the spring. **This is found to be of such ad- vantage, that supposing a meadow, not so treated, to yield 1,000 lbs of hay, then from one thus ivatered, 4,500 lbs are produced," an increase of more than 400 per cent. The practice of inundating meadows during the winter, is recommended both by Chaptal and Davy. The latter found that when the thermometer stood at 29° F. above the ice, it was 43° below it ; hence, the roots of grasses are kept from fi"eezing, and the whole plant remains in a green and vigor- ous state during the cold season. This practice, in this coun- try, is too much confined to peat meadows, where the object is not to defend the herbage, but to prevent the frost from rendering the peat light and spongy. Sect. 3. Improvement of the Soil hy Fallow Crops, and hy turning in Green Crops, I. Fallow crops. " The fallow time," says Liebig, " is that period of culture during which land is exposed to a progres- sive disintegration by means of the influence of the atmos- phere, for the purpose of rendering a certain quantity of alka- lies capable of being appropriated by plants." By " fallow crops " is meant the raising of some crop on green-sward while the turf is decaying, instead of allowing the land to remain a naked fallow during this process. The object then of fallows, is to procure the decay of vege- table matters, and the abstraction of alkalies from the mineral portions of the soil. Naked fallows accomplish both of these objects, and have been long practised both in this country and in England. The practice with us has been to plough up grass lands in June or July, and after cross-ploughing and harrowing, to sow with winter grain in September or October. In Eng- land, the land was formerly ploughed in the fall, and worked over during the following summer. In both cases one crop is lost ; but, though naked fallows answer the intended pur- 266 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL. pose tolerably well, they are now abandoned by every intelli- gent farmer on both sides of the water ; with the exception perhaps of wet stiff clays, which are ameliorated by exposing the naked furrows to the frosts of winter. The evils of the system are more than equivalent to the benefits. The labor is much increased, one crop is lost, and the vegetable matters are dissipated, by their exposure to the air during the pro- cess of working the land. Fallow crops, on the other hand, avoid these evils, and se- cure greater benefit both to the soil and the crop. Process. To prepare the soil for a fallow crop, all that is needed is to plough the green-sward and roll it down ; then, after harrowing thoroughly, the seed should be sown upon the inverted furrows, either in the spring or fall. If the land is stiff and wet, the autumn is preferable ; if light and dry, the spring is the best season. The utility of fallow crops, instead of naked fallows, may be shown by reference to the influence of growing vegetables upon the soil. The elimination of alkalies and decay of vegetable matter are, as we have said, the only objects of fallows. It may easily be shown, that both of these ends are much belter attained by tilling the fallow land ; for, 1. The alkalies are furnished in greater abundance by this process. It matters not whether the land is covered by woods, or with some crop which will take up but few alkalies, such as potash and phosphates. Now it is found that several legu- minous plants will grow upon a soil, and will abstract from it but a minute portion of alkalies. The " Windsor bean {vi- ciafaba) contains no free alkalies, and only one per cent, of the phosphates of lime and magnesia." [Ein/iof.) " The kidney bean (phaseolus vulgaris) ^coni^ms only traces of salts." (Braconnot.) " The stem of lucern (mcdicago sativa) con- tains only 0.83 per cent., that of the lentil (crvnni lens) only 0.57 of phosphate of lime with albumen." (Cromc.) UTILITY OF FALLOW CROPS. 267 ''Buckwheat, dried in the sun, yields only 0.681 per cent, of ashes, of which 0.09 parts are soluble salts" [Lichig) ; hence, these plants with others, have been called fallow crops. It will be perceived, that the alkalies which the oxygen and carbonic acid of the air are eliminating from the soil, will be increased in this case, because the roots of the crop will per- mit these agents to act with greater power. The power of growing plants to decompose the rocks, and to eliminate alkalies, has already been frequently referred to : and as but a small quantity of alkali is removed by the fallow crop, the amount in the soil is, upon the whole, increased. 2. It is further evident, that the roots leave in the soil nearly as much vegetable matter, as is carried away in the stalks and grain. This deficiency is made up by the influence of grow- ing plants upon the humus of the soil. There is little doubt, but that decay proceeds much more rapidly when the soil is tilled, than when it is not ; and the reason is, the galvanic agency of the roots and the facility which they offer for the introduction of air and water by loosening the soil, tend pow- erfully to hasten the decay of humus, or to convert the vege- table matters into vegetable food. The fermentation of the sod will be more complete when it is turned in deep, and the gaseous products will be retained by the superincumbent earth ; hence we may draw an argument for deep ploughing, and for letting the sod remain until it has completely passed through the fermenting process. II. Turning in green crops. The turning in of green crops, has long been a reputed source of rendering barren soils fertile. It is well suited to any soil which requires either to be rendered lighter, or to be filled with veoretable matter and salts. Light sandy soils, such as pine-barrens and loams, which have been exhausted by a long course of cropping without manuring, are most benefited, while stiff clays are rendered much warmer, and more friable. Processes. 1. Green crops may be sown for the purpose 268 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL. and turned in, either before the seed ripens (in which case two crops may be turned in the same season), or after the crop is nearly ripe. In the first case, before the ripening of the seed, the plant derives most of its substance from the atmos- phere ; but when the seeds are maturing, it draws directly upon the matters in the soil. Some experiments have been made to decide which course is best, and they incline to the dry crop. If but one crop is to be added to the soil, this would be the best process, because it adds a greater amount of salts and humus ; but two green crops are better than one dry crop. Buckwheat and oats answer well for this purpose. 2. But the better course is to save the crop by sowing clover with other grain, and the next spring turn it in ; and, having rolled it down, plant directly upon the furrows with potatoes and corn. The surface, then, should be tilled with the cul- tivator or hoe, so as not to disturb the sod. Some recom- mend, in this case, to spread a light covering of compost- manure, lest the soil should be too much exhausted by the crop. Now it is found that the quantity of vegetable matters added to the soil by this process, will exceed 12 tons to the acre. Elias Phinney, Esq. of Lexington, has actually weighed the vegetable matter in a cubic foot o^ green sod, from which he made an estimate that one acre contained more than 13 tons ! The best thne for turning in green crops, or breaking up green-sward (unless the soil is a stiff clay), is the spring and early part of summer; because the sod will become rotted before winter, and will not afford, as it otherwise might, a shelter for worms, during that season, ready to injure the succeeding crop. Theory. The theory of this process is exceedingly simple. It is evident that what is taken from the soil must be returned to it, or the land will be impoverished. We have seen that TURNING IN OF GREEN CROPS. 269 salts and geine are removed. This process simply restores them. 1. The green crop being buried deeply in the ground, soon begins to ferment and decay ; a large quantity of or- ganic food is thus added to the soil. But humus or geine is not the only substance required by plants. They must have alkalies. 2. These are supplied in part by the influence of the at- mosphere, the ordinary process of disintegration. But this is trifling compared with 3. The galvanic effect of the living plant. The agency of growing plants has hitherto been overlooked in this connec- tion. As the roots form a galvanic battery with the soil, they become the most powerful decomposing agents. Now we know that the poorest soils (the pine-barrens) contain a large quantity of alkalies, potash, lime, etc. locked up in the rocks. These are drawn into the organs of plants, where, as soon as covered with earth, they exist in a fit state to nourish future crops. If, then, we can make a plant grow at all upon such soils, we can render them fertile by turning in green crops, and thus furnishing the requisite amount of geine, alkalies and salts. If the soil is too barren to produce plants, a small coating of ashes will give a start to the green crop, and then the soil may soon be rendered fertile. In case of clayey soils, the turning in of green crops not only restores what is exhausted by tillage, but renders the texture much better fitted for the roots of plants, and the soil itself a better retainer of heat. In case of dry, gravelly soils, the additional vegetable mat- ter gives the power of absorbing moisture and equalizing the heat ; hence, it protects the plant from the extremes of dry and wet seasons. The importance of this mode of improvement is not fully felt by our farmers. By sowing a few pounds of clover-seed with his grain-crops, the farmer may be constantly augment- 23 270 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL. ing the fertility of his soil without the loss of a single crop ; and even if his lands rest a year, and all their produce is given back to them, they will more than return it in a few years, by the larger quantity and better quality of their pro- ductions. It will be seen that fallow crops and the turning in of green crops, are somewhat similar in their influence upon the soil. The object in both cases is to obtain alkalies or salts and geine. Fallow crops yield mostly the former, green crops principally the latter ; and by both processes taken to- gether, a soil may be rendered very fertile, without the addi- tion of manures; especially for crops not requiring much nitrogen. Sect. 4. Rotation or Interchange of Crops. Rotation of crops is to cultivate, successively, on the same field, crops of different kinds and of different habits, such as common grains, roots and grasses. The necessity and utility of an interchange of crops has been ascertained by experience. 1. It was found that the growth of annual plants was ren- dered imperfect, by cultivating them on the same soil in suc- cessive years; and that a greater quantity of grain would be obtained to let it rest for a season, during which time it seemed to regain its original fertility. 2. It was also observed that some plants, such as peas, flax and clover, do not thrive well on the same soil until after several years ; whilst others, such as tobacco, rye, oats and Indian corn, may be cultivated in close succession. 3. It was further ascertained by experience, that one class of plants improve the soil, a second impoverish it, while a third class exhaust it. 4. To keep up the fertility, manure has always been em- ployed. But however much a soil may be manured, it is REASONS FOR INTERCHANGE OF CROPS. 271 well established, that the produce of many plants diminishes, when cultivated for several years on the same soil. 5. But on the other hand, it is also fully settled, that when a field has become unfitted for one species of grain, it is not therefore unfitted for another ; but that a succession of plants will flourish well without the addition of a large quantity of manure; hence has arisen the modern system of rotation. It now becomes a question of the first importance whether these facts can be so explained, as to aid us in pointing out the best system of rotation. If we can fully ascertain the causes of the failure of the successive cultivation of the same crop, and of the favorable effects of rotation, we shall be pro- vided with the best hints for constructing a proper system. These causes are to be found in the structure of plants, in their composition, and in the influence of the matters which they excrete by their roots. I. The structure of plants, such as their roots, stalks and leaves, afford one important reason for the rotation of crops. Each family of plants have similar roots, leaves, etc. Their action upon the soil is therefore similar. The spindle roots, for example, like the carrot and beet, extend their roots deeply into the soil, while the common grains lie near the surface. Clover and some of the grasses penetrate to a considerable depth, and branch out in all directions ; hence, when one kind of crop is planted in the same soil for several successive years, the effect both mechanically and chemically is the same. Chaptal supposes that the roots exhaust only those portions of the soil which are in contact with them, and hence similar roots exhaust the soil in the same parts; but this effect could not take place when the land is ploughed between each crop, though it might apply to trees. This theory is wholly set aside by the fact, that the roots form a galvanic battery with the soil ; and, as in all galvanic circles, the matter would be transferred from some distance around, so that the plant could stand in no need of food, provided it 272 IxMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL. were surrounded by substances, which will keep up with it, the vigor of the galvanic action. In addition to the mechanical effect upon the soil, we would suggest whether similar roots may not form with the soil similar galvanic circles of similar power and mode of ac- tion, and that the interchange of crops changes this action or restores its activity. We know that different metals require different substances to excite the voltaic currents, and that rest or a change of materials will restore the action of a bat- tery, when its power is exhausted. The reason why some plants exhaust the soil more than others, is partly due to their structure. In this respect plants are divided into three classes. 1. The culmiferous plants, so called from culm, the stalk, which is usually hollow and jointed in order to afford support both to the leaves and seeds. Wheat, barley, oats, rye, In- dian corn, tobacco, cotton, flax, hemp and the grasses, are of this class. All of them, save some of the grasses, are termed exhausters of the soil, and in all cases exhaust it more during the ripening of the seeds than during any other period of their growth. Flax and hemp are the most ex- hausting crops, because their leaves are small, and hence but a small quantity of their substance can be obtained from the atmosphere. They also return but a small quantity of mat- ter to the soil, in the form of stubble and roots. The smaller grains rank next in their power of exhausting the soil, because their leaves are narrow and roots small. They, however, return more to the soil in the form of stubble. Indian corn, tobacco and rice, have larger leaves, and de- rive more of their substance from the atmosphere. The roots of culmiferous plants, being fibrous, do not penetrate and di- vide the soil so perfectly as those of the next family ; and, on this account, do not leave the soil in so good a condition for succeeding crops. Von Thaer has attempted to determine experimentally the different degrees in which different kinds of grain exhaust REASONS FOR INTERCHANGE OF CROPS. 273 the soil. If wheat exhaust four degrees, rye will exhaust but three and a quarter degrees, barley but two and one fourth, and oats but one six-tenth degrees per bushel of the products. 2. The leguminous plants, such as peas, beans and other pulse, exhaust the soil much less than the preceding class, because their leaves are more numerous, and their stalks more vigorous. They are therefore able to derive more nourishment from the atmosphere, while their roots divide the soil more perfectly, and leave it in a better state for suc- ceeding crops ; hence they have been said to impoverish the soil. 3. Root crops, such as potatoes, turnips, beets,, carrots, onions, cabbages and clover, exhaust the soil less than either of the preceding classes, and are hence called ameliorating crops. This class are provided with large fleshy and porous leaves, by means of which they obtain a large portion of their nourishment from the atmosphere, in the form of ammonia, carbonic acid and water. As these plants are seldom culti- vated for their seeds, they rarely mature them the first season ; hence they derive but little nutriment from the soil. Theii bulbous or tap roots divide the soil more perfectly, and pre- pare it for succeeding crops. The reason why some plants foul the soil more than oth- ers is also due to their structure. Plants which have small leaves, permit the weeds to grow, and to appropriate to them- selves the nutriment which belongs to the crop. They also exhaust the soil most, while plants with broad leaves cover up and prevent the weeds from growing, and these also exhaust the soil the least. II. The composition of plants explains the reason why some plants exhaust the soil more than others, and hence may aid us in forming a judicious system of rotation. We have seen, p. 169, that different plants require different quantities and kinds of alkalies and salts, such as potash, soda, ammonia, magnesia, etc. to complete their growth ; and when 23* 274 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL. we examine their ashes, we find that some species require phos- phate of magnesia or phosphates, and others potash, and oth- ers still, substances rich in nitrogen, such as nitre and ammo- nia. We have also seen that these substances exist in the soil, in small quantities, and hence are liable to be removed by a continued course of cropping. 1. If we take 100 parts of wheat straw they will yield 15.5 parts of ashes. The same quantity of barley straw will yield 8.54 parts, and 100 parts of oat straw only 4.42 parts. The ashes of all are of the same composition. The principal salts are phosphates, especially phosphate of magnesia, hence it is evident " that upon the same field, which will yield only one harvest of wheat, two crops of barley, and three of oats may be raised," and this is due to the different quantity of phos- phates, which they derive from the soil, and if wheat suc- ceed wheat, these substances will be sooner taken from it. 2. It is evident that if two plants grow beside each other or in succession on the same soil, they will injure each other if they withdraw the same alkalies from it; hence wild chamomile and Scotch broom impede the growth of corn, because they yield from 7 to 7.43 per cent, of ashes, which contain -{^ of carbonate of potash, the very alkali which the corn requires. If these plants succeed each other the same injury will be done. 3. But on the other hand if two plants grow beside each other or in succession, which require different quantities of any alkali for their development, they will flourish well ; hence if a soil contain potash, wheat and tobacco may suc- ceed each other although both are exhausting crops, that is, both require potash ; yet they require different quantities of phosphates ; thus for example, 10,000 parts of the leaves of to- bacco-plant contain 16 parts of phosphate of lime, 8.8 parts silica, and no magnesia ; whilst an equal quantity of wheat straw contains 47.3 parts, and the same quantity of the grain of wheat 99.45 parts of phosphates. {De Saussure.) Hence REASONS FOR INTERCHANGE OF CROPS. 275 the quantity of phosphates extracted from the soil by the same weights of wheat and tobacco must be as 97.7 to 16, and when the difference is so great as this, the plants may suc- ceed each other. 4. Now if we examine what are called the ameliorating crops, we shall find that they contain a very small quantity of alkalies or of substances containing nitrogen, or of both. Thus the leguminous plants contain only traces of salts, p. 266, and hence they do not injure the crops of corn which are sowed with or succeed them. The root crops require still less of these alkalies and salts, and hence their ameliorating effects. 5. If we observe the rotation which is carried on in na- ture, for example, that pine trees succeed oaks, and oaks pines, and examine their ashes, we shall find the reason of it. *' One thousand parts of the dry leaves of the oak yield 55 parts of ashes of which 24 parts consist of alkalies soluble in water," while the same quantity of pine leaves gives only 59 parts of ashes which contain 4.6 parts of soluble salts, {De Saussure); and generally those trees whose leaves are renewed annually, require from 6 to 10 times more alkalies than the fir-tree or pine. 6. It must be evident, without further examination, that the causes of the failure of crops when cultivated successive- ly on the same field, and the reasons for rotation, are to be found in the kind and quantity of the substances, which each species of plant extracts from the soil. Some agricultural writers have held to the hypothesis, that each species of plant requires different kinds of food, and when it has ex- hausted its specijic food from the soil, another species will flourish until its specific food is exhausted. We may learn from the above examination what this specific food is. It is the alkali* or salt which the plant requires for its develop- ment. It should be remarked, however, that as one alkali may be * See Liebig, p. 216. 276 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL. substituted for another in some cases, we must seek still fur- ther for facts and principles, fully to explain the reasons for the rotation of crops, and their beneficial effect. III. The excretions toliich the roots of plants deposit in the soil have been regarded by some as the most satisfactory mode of explaining the effect of cultivating the same crop in suc- cession on the same field, and of the benefits of rotation. Lie- big considers the view now to be presented, as the only one deserving " to be mentioned as resting on a firm basis." It is the theory of M. De Condolle, " who supposes that the roots of plants imbibe soluble matter of every kind from the soil, and thus necessarily absorb a number of substances which are not adapted to the purposes of nutrition, and must subsequently be expelled by the roots, and returned to the soil as excrements." Now as excrements cannot be assimi- lated by the plant which ejected them, the more of these matters the soil contains, the more unfertile must it be for plants of the same species. These excrementitious matters may, however, still be capable of assimilation by another kind of plants, which would thus remove them from the soil, and render it again fertile for the first. [Liehig.) In a word, one species of plants excretes by its roots substances, which are poisonous or innutritions to plants of the same family, but which may be assimilated by plants of a different species. The experiments of iV/«cmVePrmfeps prove, that the roots of plants do expel matters which cannot be converted into any of their component parts. Some of these excrements are of a gummy and resinous character, and are regarded as pois- onous ; others, are compounds of carbon and are nutritious. Liebig supposes that these excrements are not, according to De Condolle, derived from the soil, but from the atmosphere ; and that it is in this way that a soil receives as much carbon from the plant as it yields to it. It now becomes an interest- ing inquiry what state this excrementitious matter is in, THEORY OF THE INTERCHANGE OF CROPS. 277 whether it is already fitted to nourish other species of plants, or must first pass through some chemical change 1 It appears that the excrementitious matter of De CondoUe is matter derived from the soil, and is not fitted to nourish that species, but may be indispensable to some other plant. It is undigested matter, and resembles the undigested excre- ments of animals, which, though unfitted to be assimilated by one animal, may prove nutritious to another. The excrements of Macaire Princeps may be derived from the soil, but they are matters formed in the vegetable organs. They are compounds produced in consequence of the trans- formations of the food, and of the new forms which it assumes by entering into the composition of the vegetable organs. They are not, therefore, supposed capable of nourishing other species of vegetables, until a change is wrought upon them. This change is effected by the agency of the atmos- phere, water, etc., and they are converted into humus. These views do not contradict each other ; both may be, and doubtless are true ; both explain why it is that after wheat, wheat will not flourish so well on the same soil, and why one crop must succeed another to keep up the quantity of produce. The latter theory, however, explains the fact that the ex- crements of some plants, affect the same species longer than others ; for it is evident that the time required for the decay of the excrements may depend upon their nature, quantity, and the composition and character of the soil. In a calcare- ous soil it would be rapidly effected, and hence it is found that such soils admit of the same crop after the second year ; or its decay may be effected by alkalies, and this is doubt- less one of the good effects of adding these substances to the soil. But when the soil is siliceous or argillaceous, the same crop cannot be cultivated with advantage until the fourth or ninth year. Thus for example, " clover will not flourish in some soils oftener than once in six years, on other soils, once 278 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL. in twelve years. {Liebig.) The excrements of different plants require different periods to effect their conversion into humus ; the excrements of flax, peas and clover, for example, when grown on argillaceous soils, require the longest period to effect this change. From the views now presented, we may see the reason why the interchange of crops produces effects so highly bene- ficial. It is because the cultivation of different kinds of plants on the same field, enables each to extract certain com- ponents of the soil, which are necessary to it, and to leave behind or restore those which a second or third species may require for its growth, and perfect development. In con- structing a system of rotation, therefore, we must have refer- ence to the structure of plants, to the alkalies and salts which each species of plant requires, and to the matters which they excrete from their roots. We will therefore con- clude this subject with a series of rules derived both from ex- perience, and from the views now presented. 1. Two exhausting crops should not succeed each other on the same field, because their structure is similar, and they de- rive similar ingredients from the soil. 2. Culmiferous, leguminous and root crops should alternate with each other, because their structure, composition and ex- cretions are most diverse, and the least injurious to each other. If the first crop is a hoed crop, the second should be a grain crop ; although two hoed crops such as corn and po- tatoes, or turnips, are better than two grain crops. 3. A grain crop should succeed a hoed crop, rather than precede it. The reason in this case appears to be, that the manures can be more perfectly worked into the soil by a hoed crop, and the soil is left in a better condition for grain. There are, however, two exceptions to this rule. 1. When clover makes one crop in the rotation, it is found that wheat may succeed it with advantage, because they require different alkalies or salts, and the roots of the clover prepare the soil for ROTATION SYSTEM. 279 wheat better than most other crops ; hence, it is the practice of the best farmers to cut their clover early, and turn over the sod for winter wheat. 2. A grain crop, as oats, may be taken as a fallow crop previous to wheat or rye. The following will be found a good system of rotation. 1. The first year, beans, potatoes or Indian corn with manure. 2. The second year, wheat, rye, barley or oats, without manure. 3. The third year, roots, such as turnips, carrots or beets, with deep tillage and compost manure. 4. The fourth year, the same as the second year, with clover seed. The land should be smoothed and may remain in clover for a few years, or a clover crop may be taken, and a rotation, commencing with wheat and hoed crops, succeed in the same order. In constructing a rotation system, however, the farmer should consult the demand for the articles which he raises, and the character of his soil, as a different system is required for dry and wet or stiff soils. He may select his crops at pleas- ure, provided he do not violate the principles already suggest- ed. The old practice ot growing the same crop for several years upon the same field, if adhered to, will certainly wear out his lands, and he will experience, what thousands have be- fore him, the sure rewards of his folly, barrenness of his lands, and poverty of purse. It is astonishing that farmers have continued the practice so long. It would seem that their ob- servations of what is constantly going forward in nature would have corrected the evil. Forests are frequently alternating ; hard wood succeeds pine ; hemlock, pine and cedar succeed hard wood. Rasp- berries and strawberries are endowed by nature with roots by which they change their location. Natural meadows change their grasses gradually, and the fact is so general, that it may be regarded as a law of nature ; change of plants being one of the means which nature employs to keep up fertility, or to restore her exhausted energies. A good rotation system forms the basis of good husband- 280 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL. ry. Without it, the soil may be kept fertile by'the addition of great quantities of manure and rest, but with it, time and manure are economized, the soil rendered more and more fertile, and the products increasingly more valuable. Rotation of Jields. Rotation of fields is next in impor- tance to a rotation of crops. By this we mean, that tillage, pasture and grass land, should alternate with each other. This practice is in opposition to the very common one, of devoting a certain portion of the farm perpetually to tillage ; another to grass, and the remainder to pasture. Wherever it is practicable, these should alternate, and the same reasons may be urged as for a rotation of crops. Old pasture lands often become exceedingly fertile by the droppings of the cattle and may be cultivated with the best results, while tillage and grass lands are often benefited by turning them into pasture. In many parts of New England there are extensive swamps which may be cultivated, and made the most valuable lands. These lands are now either wholly waste, or used only as grass lands. Sect. 5. Root Culture* Root culture is not only an important means of improv- ing the soil in a rotation system, but the products are the most valuable means of feeding and fattening cattle, and of producing manure. " It trebles" says Judge Buel, " the am.ount of cattle-food, and doubles the quantity of manure. It moreover may be made to supply a large amount of hu- man food." The principal roots suited to our climate, are the potato, turnip, carrot, beet, and those usually cultivated in our gar- dens. Of these the potato has come into general use. The beet, carrot and the Swedish turnip are the most profita- ble, both as to their influence upon the soil, and for the value of their products. The English turnip is very valuable for an after-crop, and tends to increase the fertility of the soil, UTILITY OF ROOT CROPS. 281 especially if cattle and sheep are turned into the field, and allowed to feed upon them. This means of fertility, and of producing a large and valuable quantity of fall or after feed, is almost wholly neglected by our farmers. How easy it would be, after wheat or winter rye, to sow, say about the twenty-fifth of July, with turnips, and in October a good sup- ply of feed would be furnished for the farm stock. In the cultivation of root crops more attention must be paid to the character of the soil, and to its condition, than for the cultivation of grain crops, and hence it is that many farmers who have tried the beet and ruta baga have failed^ by not attending to the proper conditions ; but if the condi- tions are adhered to the crop is as certain, and much more profitable than grain crops. We will now proceed to point out the requisite conditions for root culture, with the theory of the action upon the soil. Attention must be paid to the following particulars. 1. llie soil. This should not be too light and sandy, nor too stiff and clayey ; a light deep loam or alluvial soil is best adapted to this crop. If the soil is wet, that is, if water is suffered to repose upon the sub-soil, the roots will be injured and the crop fail. The soil should be dry, but not subject to drought. Depth of soil is a necessary requisite for beets and ruta bagas in order that the roots may have full liberty to penetrate as far as needful for their perfection. 2. A rich soil is another requisite to success. This is de- sirable for all kinds of grain, but especially for root culture ; for although roots do not draw upon soil, like grain crops, still there must be abundant food present, in order to give them that quality and perfection which makes them profita- ble crops. It may be that there is something in the consti- tution or vital powers of these plants, which renders a large quantity of nourishment necessary to their support. They may not possess the power of collecting food, like other plants ; they cannot gather up the nutriment so readily, and 24 282 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL hence must be fed with richer food. The soil must hejinely pulverized, and, so far as is practicable, freed from stones. This is necessary in order that the roots may not be ob- structed ; finally, they should be kept free of weeds. The ground should be stirred with the cultivator and hoe. If sowed in rows, as they should be, this may be easily attend- ed to with the plough and cultivator, without the necessity of resorting to the hoe more than once in the season. Theory of the action of roots upon the soil. I. They di- vide it better than most crops ; 2. they deepen the soil by their roots; and 3. return to the soil a larger amount of ma- nure than other crops. Three acres of grass, at two tons per acre, will give less than 9,000 lbs. to the cattle-yard, while one acre of ruta ba- ga or beets, will give 36,000 lbs. or more than four times as much as the three acres of grass land. It would, there- fore, be economy for the farmer to raise roots merely for ma- nure. But the one acre of ruta baga or beets (600 bush- els) are nearly equal to three acres of hay, as food for farm stock ; hence the modes by which roots improve the soil, are dividing and deepening it, furnishing a larger supply of food, which enables the farmer to keep a larger farm stock, by which the quantity of manures are increased. Manure is the great source of fertility. In proportion, therefore, as root culture is made a part of a rotation system, we should ex- pect the soils to increase in fertility. CHAPTER VII. IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL BY MANURES AND TILLAGE. The improvement of the soil by manures surpasses all other methods. This subject is one that comes more di- BY MANURES. 283 rectly under the notice of tlie farmer, than any other pertain- ing to his employment. It is one which may derive the most aid from science. In fact it is the most important branch of Agricultural Chemistry, to point out the best and cheapest modes of preparing manures in sufficient quantities ; of ap- plying them to different soils, and for different crops ; and to explain the theories of their action both in the soil and in vegetation. Manures contain all the elements of fertility. They are composed of decaying vegetable and animal matter (humus or geine), which constitutes the largest portion of them ; of a small quantity of silicates, such as silicate of potash ; and of salts, such as phosphates, nitrates, sulphates, carbonates and muriates. Manures have been variously classified. A very ancient division is into animal, vegetable and mineral ; thus indicat- ing the source from which they are derived. The classification proposed by Dr. Dana* appears to be the most scientific as well as practical. His classes depend upon the quantity of geinef and salts. This arrangement, with some modifications, will be adopted in this work. 1. Mixed manures, or those which consist of salts and geine. 2. Manures which consist mostly of salts, derived from ani- mal and vegetable bodies. • 3. Manures which consist mostly of geine. 4. Saline manures, or those which are composed of inor- ganic salts. The points most worthy of attention, both in a scien- tific and practical view, are the nature and composition of the * Muck Manual, p. 124. t The term geine is used here not as synonymous with huviic acid, but with humus ; and wherever it is used, in treating of this subject, it is intended to include the organic portions of manures, or the de- caying organic matter. 284 IMPROVEMENT OP THE SOIL different substances used for manure, their comparative value, the best methods of preparing, preserving and applying them, and the theory of their action in the soil. These topics, therefore, will receive particular attention in the following sections. Sect. 1. Mixed Manures, or those wliicli consist of Salts and Gcine. This class includes by far the greatest number of sub- stances which are employed as manures. It includes, 1. the solid excrements of animals, such as those of the cow, horse, hog, sheep and fowls, night-soil and poudrette ; 2. animal substances which contain nitrogen, such as flesh, fish, bones, hair, wool and soot ; 3. animal and vegetable bodies, which are destitute of nitrogen, as oils, fats and spent lye of soap- boilers. I. Solid excrements of animals. By an examination of several kinds of excrements, and their known effects, we can learn the reason of their influence ; and, by comparison, as- certain what elements give them their cojTiparative value. 1. Cow dung is taken, by Dana, as *' the type of manures," or standard of value, with which all others may be compared. The following is Dana's analysis of 100 parts of fresh fallen cow dung. Water 83.60 r Hay 14.60 Organic matter^ -l Bile, and resinous and biliary matter 1.275 [Albumen .175 r Silica .14 Sulphate of potash .05 Geate of potash .07 . Muriate of soda .08 ] Phosphate of lime .23 Sulphate of lime .12 Carbonate of lime .12 Loss 0.14 Salts. 100.000 BY MIXED MANURES. 285 Morin's analysis is very similar. Thus 100 parts consist of Peculiar extractive matter 1.60 Albumen 0.40 Biliary resin 1.80 Water 70. Vegetable fibre 24.08 Green resin and fat acids 1.52 Undecomposed biliary matt. 60 lOO.Oi) Others have given analyses varying somewhat from either of the above. In all cases there is from 70 to 85 per cent, of water, which of course is of no more value than any other water. By Dana's analysis a little less than one-sixth part consists of vegetable matter and salts. By other analy- ses, a little more than one-fourth is vegetable matter. A large portion of the vegetable matter is hay, bruised and deprived of a part of its gum and albumen. But by passing through the animal organs, the chopped hay has a greater tendency to decay than common hay. The living power has exerted a catalytic force, and the elements are disposed to separate ; hence, nearly the whole soon becomes humus or geine. When subjected to ultimate analysis, 100 parts of cow dung are composed of the following organic elements. Nitrogen .506 i Hydrogen .824 Carbon .204 I Oxygen 4.818 The absolute value of this manure will not depend upon the quantity of these four substances, which it is capable of yielding to plants, but upon the quantity of geine, ammoniacal and other salts. The relative value will depend upon the proportion of nitrogen, or the quantity of ammonia which it is capable of forming. All manures may be estimated in a similar manner. This quantity of ammonia may be deter- mined with some degree of accuracy from the known quan- tity of nitrogen ; for 14 parts of nitrogen and 3 of hydrogen combine to form 17 of ammonia. From these data, 100 lbs. of cow dung will yield 0.614 or about five-eighths of a pound of ammonia. This is generally combined with carbonic acid, and would make about 2 lbs. and 2 oz. of the carbonate of ammonia, which is known as salts of hartshorn. 24* 286 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL The salts of potash, soda and lime, are much less. The whole, including the salts of ammonia, may be estimated at 2Jlbs. in 100 of manure. The quantity of nitrogen in cow dung has been proved, by experiment, to exceed that found in the food eaten. A cow, fed on 24 lbs. of hay and 12 lbs. of potatoes, yielded daily 85.57 lbs. of dung, or 14 J lbs. of solid ma- nure. This contained 3.03 of nitrogen, while the hay, etc. contained only 1.67 parts ; hence, a part must be derived from the air. The daily droppings of one cow are sufficient for one half bushel of corn. The quantity produced per year is sufficient to fertilize an acre. It will consist of the following sub- stances. Carbonate of lime 37 lbs. Common salt 24 " Sulphate of potash 15 " Total 3r025 " Here is sufficient lime for 60 bushels of wheat, and the straw grown on 3 acres. But the power of the manure to form ammonia and nitrates, constitutes its relative value. The same is true of all other manures. 2. Horse manure. Recent horse dung is highly saturated with water, and covered with mucus. Its character and nu- tritive qualities vary somewhat, according to the nature of the food. Horses fed on grain yield, of course, a more valuable article, than those fed upon hay alone. According to the analysis of Dr. C. T. Jackson, 100 grains of recent manure consists of Geine 4400 lbs Carb. ammonia 550 " Phosphate of lime 71 " Plaster 37 " Water 71.40 Veg. and animal mattter 27.00 Silica .64 Phosphate of lime .08 Carbonate of lime .30 Phosph. of magnesia &sod;i .58 100.00 It will be seen that the quantity of vegetable and animal mat- ter is considerably larger than in cow dung. It is as 14 to 27, or nearly double ; and of course the quantity of nitrogen BY MIXED MANURES. 287 which it is capable of yielding is nearly double that of cow dung : 100 lbs. of fresh manure would yield about 3.24 lbs. of carbonate of ammonia and about .96 of phosphates. 3. Sheep dung is similar to horse dung, but contains a larger quantity of vegetable matter in a soluble state. It is also richer in salts ; and the fact that it tends, like the dung of fowls, to putresence, shows that the quantity of nitrogen which it is capable of yielding, is greater than either of the preceding substances. 4. Hog manure. Hog manure is the most valuable of ma- nures. It contains still larger quantities of soluble matter, and is capable of yielding a large quantity of nitrogen in the form of ammonia. We have not seen any analysis of hog dung, but from its known effects it ranks next in value to 5. Night soil, which has always been celebrated as the most valuable substance used for manure. The reason for its powerful effects may be learned from its composition : 100 parts of pure night soil contain Water 75.3 j Pliosph. of lime and magnesia .4 Animal and veg. matters 23.5 Carb., mur., & sulph. of soda .8 100.0 It will be seen that the quantity of nitrogen, which night soil is capable of yielding, is about 3J per cent. The quantity of carbonate of ammonia, which may be formed by the nitrogen, is about 15 lbs. in 100 of night soil ; hence, if its value is es- timated by the ammonia which it is capable of forming, it is more than seven times that of cow dung. Experiments show, that if land without manure yields 3 for 1 sown, then by the addition of cow dung, it will yield 7 to 1 ; of horse dung, 10 to 1 ; and night soil, 14 to 1. The substances, now considered are generally formed to- gether, and mingled in the cattle yard and hog stye. They constitute the great sources of fertility to the farm ; and be- fore describing the other substances, which come under this 288 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL head, it is important to inquire after the best modes of saving and preparing them. This knowledge may be obtained from the nature of the changes which take place in them, in passing to a state in which they can be absorbed by the roots of plants. 1. If these substances are exposed to the influence of rains, nearly the whole of the soluble geinc* the urine and soluble salts will be dissolved out, and washed away ; hence, they should always be put under some kind of covering, such as a shed or barn cellar, which will prevent this waste. The practice of throwing manure from the stables into the open yard,t is as wasteful, as it would be for the manufacturer of soap or potash, to leave his ashes exposed to rains for a long time before leaching them. This evil may be corrected in part, by the shape of the (1) Cattle yard, which should descend from all parts to- wards the centre; and by covering the bottom of the yard with swamp muck or peat earth, to absorb the juices which pass through. As apart of the manure is voided in the yard, such a shape is needed in order to secure it. About one third of the manure may be saved by these means. But, (2) A barn cellar is the preferable mode of preventing this waste, because it is more convenient, and more perfectly secures the desired object. This should be of the same shape as the cattle yard, and lined in the same manner with muck. If now the hogs are permitted to work over the refuse of the stables, and the night-soil, a task which they will perform with admirable skill, provided a little corn is occasionally added, the leaching process will be entirely prevented, and the whole will be thoroughly mingled together. * The term soluble geine,is used to include Iiumic, crenlc and apo- crenic acids, and their soluble salts. t Some recommend the practice of frequently sprinkling plaster over the manure and in stables, to absorb the gaseous ammonia, which will otherwise be lost. BY MIXED MANURES. 289 2. If the manure is suffered to remain in the yard or cellar for any length of time, it should be covered with muck or earth, in order to absorb the gaseous bodies which will be evolved. A series of chemical changes now commence. The whole grows warm, and after a few months crumbles down to a uni- form mass, and becomes short muck or rotted manure ; con- taining a larger quantity of soluble matter (soluble geine and salts) than it did in the green state. This process was for- merly called fermentation, but now it includes the processes oi fermentation, putrefaction and decay. The changes indi- cated by these terms, all agree in this particular ; that new compounds are formed, either by a different arrangement of the elements which compose any one compound in the mass, or by the agency of air and water, whose elements combine with the ingredients of the manures. The matter, which has passed through the animal organs, is much more easily de- composed than it was before, and a series of chemical trans- formations commence. (1) When bodies which contain no nitrogen are decom- posed, the gaseous products have no odor ; as when sugar is converted into alcohol and carbonic acid, and in most cases of fermenting liquors, the process is c?i\]ed fcnnentation. (2) When bodies containing nitrogen suffer decomposition, and give rise to gases which emit a disagreeable smell, the process is called putrrf action. But these changes are of the same kind, although the latter is most beneficial to the far- mer, as ammonia is generally formed. (3) When any body decays at the expense of the oxygen of the air by a kind of slow combustion, it is called a process of decay (" eremacausis^^) and differs from fermentation and putrefaction in the circumstance, that oxygen is absorbed from the air continually ; while in fermentation, if a small quantity of oxygen is admitted to the body, sufficient to com- mence the process, it will continue without further aid from 290 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL the air, and in putrefaction the air is not needed at all, but the process is often promoted by excluding oxygen altogether. The carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and other substan- ces of which manures are composed, form themselves into several new compounds which, without attem])ting to point out all the changes which take place, finally result in the for- mation of several bodies already considered. These substances depend upon the conditions under which the changes take place. If the changes occur in the earth, they give rise to fossil coal. If they take place near the sur- face of the ground, or in the open air, which is the case un- der consideration, they give rise to the substances found in vegetable mould, p. 215, and in the atmosphere. Theories of the changes which take place in fermenting dung-heaps^ in the process of decomposition. (1) Carbonic acid in large quantities is formed. This re- sults either from the direct combination of the oxygen of the air and of water with the carbon of the plant, or from the union of the oxygen of the air with the hydrogen of the plant to form water, while the carbon and the oxygen of the vegeta- ble is evolved in the form of carbonic acid. By this process, a large portion of the carbon is abstracted in a gaseous form, and unless alkalies or earths are present to absorb it, passes off into the atmosphere. (2) Water is formed at the same time with carbonic acid. The hydrogen is furnished from the vegetable matter, and the oxygen from the air. The quantity of water thus annually formed in the soil, is probably greater than that which falls in rain on the same surface. In dung-heaps, the quantity of water formed is far greater than in the soil. In these pro- ducts there is a genuine process of decay. (3) As all parts of the heaps are not exposed alike to the action of the air, the hydrogen and the carbon combine and form carbureted hydrogen. The hydrogen is fiirnished either from the vegetable itself, or from the water which is known BY MIXED MANURES. 291 to be decomposed in the process. This also escapes into the air. (4) Sulphur and phosphorus are always constituents of manures, and combine with the hydrogen and form sulphuret- ed and phosphoreted hydrogen ; two gaseous bodies of very offensive odors, which escape in part into the air. (5) The substances which contain nitrogen yield that ele- ment to hydrogen, and form ammonia. A part of this sub- stance is absorbed by water and the vegetable matter, and a part is thrown off into the atmosphere ; the remainder, which constitutes probably the largest portion, combines with car- bonic acid, forming carbonate of ammonia, and with other acids, as the muriatic and nitric, which are formed during the process. The above, with the exception of water, are the gaseous bodies given off in the process, and as the most valuable part of the manure is liable to be dissipated in this way, v/e have the best reason for covering the fermenting heap with a thick coating of earth or peaty matter. (6) Nitric acid is usually formed in this process. Some have supposed that it results from the transformation of am- monia ; others suppose that it may obtain its nitrogen direct- ly from the plant, or from the atmosphere. The acid being formed, combines with the potash and forms nitre or salt- petre ; and with other bases which may be present, such as soda, lime and ammonia. (7) Sulphuric and hydrochloric acids are also formed ; the latter acid deriving its chlorine from the salt which exists in animal excrements. It is probable that other acids are formed. All of them, however, are combined with bases in the form of salts. It is rare that any acid, excepting the carbonic, ex- ists in a free state. (8) The solid matters which remain, are found to consist in part of humic acid, humin, extract of humus, crenic and apocrenic acids. The acids are combined in some cases 292 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL with bases, and the whole taken together has been called geine and humus. But' when the fermenting heap is exposed to the rains, the salts and the vegetable matters are dissolved by the water, and pass down into the soil or run to waste ; hence, the reason for the direction above given, to place under the heap a thick bed of earth or swamp-muck, to absorb these liquid matters. When these changes have proceeded awhile, the whole mass is converted into an effectual manure, into geine and salts, fit- ted for any soil or crop. If the heap contain a large quan- tity of animal matter , the tendency to putrefaction is much increased, a much larger quantity of ammonia is formed, and also a larger quantity o( nitrates. 3. If the manures are carried, in their green state, direct- ly upon the field, as a top dressing, the air of course, and not the crop, receives the larger portion of their valuable products. But if they are spread, and turned into the soil, the changes which we have described take place much more slowly, a circumstance which, on many accounts, is highly favorable to vegetation. The plant requires a constant and regular supply of nutriment, and this process supplies it. The heat, which always attends their decompositions, acts with great power, and with the best effect, especially in cold wet soils. The gaseous matters are directly absorbed by the loam, and more perfectly retained than they can be in the heap. Still it may be doubted, whether the manure, from its diffusion through the soil, is as favorably situated for those chemical changes, which must take place, before it can nour- ish plants. It may well be doubted whether so large a quan- tity of soluble geine and salts will be furnished in this way, as when placed under fitting circumstances in heaps, and whether more vegetable matter will not be dissipated in the air. If, however, soils are wet and cold, manures should be ap- plied in the green state, rather than permitted to ferment in BY MIXED MANURES. 293 the yard. It may be remarked, generally, that in all cases where manures are applied without forming them into com- post heaps, they should be applied in the green state, but when composted with vegetable matter, it is far preferable to allow them to pass through the fermenting processes. 6. Poudrette is night soil mixed with ground peat and plaster, and dried so as to be rendered inodorous and porta- ble. If the sulphate of lime and peat are added before it is dried, the ammonia will be converted into a sulphate, or ab- sorbed by the peat and retained. The value of good pou- drette depends upon the quantity of ammonia and geine. It has been valued in comparison with cow dung as 14 to I.* 7. Chiano is a very valuable manure. It is the excrements of birds, and is found in the greatest abundance on the islands of the Southern Ocean, where it forms beds from eighty to ninety feet in thickness. It is composed, according to Voel- ckel, of Urate of ammonia .9 Oxalate of ammonia 10.6 Oxalate of lime 7.0 Phosphate of ammonia 6.0 Phos, of ammonia and mag. 2.6 Sulphate of potash 5.5 Sulphate of soda 3.8- Muriate of ammonia 4.2 Phosphate of lime 14.3 Clay and sand 4.7 Undetermined organ, sub. 32.3 of which 12 per cent, is soluble. This substance is said to render fertile the soils of Peru, which do not contain a particle of organic matter. It will be seen from its composition that it contains all the elements of fertility, a large quantity of salts, and 12 per cent, of sol- * There is yet another form of poudrette, which though much used in France, has not been introduced here. It is almost one-half ani- mal matter, and it is formed without any offensive evolution of gas, by boiling the offal of the slaughter-house, by steam, into a thick soup, and then mixing the whole into a stiff paste, with sifted coal ashes, and drying. If putrefaction should have begun, the addition of ashes, sweetens the whole, and the prepared " animalized coal," as it is termed, or poudrette, is as sweet to the nose, as garden mould. It is transported in barrels from Paris to the interior, and is a capital manure. — Dana's Muck Manual. 25 294 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL uhle organic matter. Liebig appeals to this example to prove that plants will grow without humus ! 8. Pigeon dung and that from domestic fowls is similar to guano. The former has been proved by experiment to be f stronger than horse dung. The manure of fowls has been applied with the best effects to peach trees, vines and other plants, which after a few years present the most luxuri- ant and healthy appearance. It may be applied by mixing one part of manure with 8 or 10 of water, and put around the roots. II. Animal bodies, such as flesh, skin, gristle, sinews and bones, form by decomposition most powerful manures. They produce much larger quantities of ammonia than fer- menting dung heaps, and are much richer in salts, contain- ing in fact all the substances which are necessary to sup- port the vegetable organs. The following table shows the composition of animal bodies. {Sulphate and phosphate of lime, Phosphates of soda, magnesia and ammonia, Sulphate and muriate of potash and soda. Carbonates of potash, soda, lime and magnesia. V ♦ Ki C Benzoate, ^ vegeiaDie i Acetate, \ Of potash, soda, lime. ^^^^^- ^Oxalate, ^ Animal C Urate of ammonia. Salts. \ Lactate of ammonia. • Oxides of iron, manganese and silica. Animals and vegetables contain several substances, which appear to be identical. Gluten, vegetable fibrin, albumen and legumin, are vegetable principles, and the correspond- ing substances in animals are fibrin, albumen and casein. The last two are identical in composition with vegetable al- bumen and legumin. These principles are combined with alkalies, earths, sulphur and phosphoric acid. When de- prived of their inorganic portions, they have been referred to a single organic principle, called protein, which is thus con- stituted. BY MIXED MANURES. 295 Oxygen 21.2.88 I Carbon 55.742 Hydrogen 6.827 | Nitrogen 16.143 IM. or in symbols C'^^H^SN^O^'*. It appears now to be well estab- lished that this substance is the basis of animal bodies. Fibrin or flesh, and albumen or the white of eggs, are com- posed of protein and sulphur. " Horny matter is of two kinds, soft and compact. The soft variety includes the cutiele of the skin, and the lining membrane of the internal passages and sacs. The eompact variety includes horns, hoofs, nails, claws, scales, feathers, hair and wool. These substances all con- tain sulphur, lime, magnesia, and from ^ to 2 per cent, of bone earth.* 1. Horns and hoofs. The shavings and piths of horns and hoofs of neat-cattle make a very powerful manure. About 0.3 per cent, is phosphate of lime and earthy matter ; the re- maining substances are, in 100 parts. Carbon 51.540 i Nitrogen 17.284 Hydrogen 6.7D9 \ Oxygen and sulphur 24.397 The horns and piths may be cut with an axe or ground in a bone-mill, then mixed with green manure, a bushel to a load, spread upon the field, and buried with the plough. The fer- mentation of the dung promotes the decay of the animal mat- ter, and large quantities of ammonia will be evolved. 2. Nails and claivs are composed of Carbon 51.019 I Nitrogen 16.901 Hydrogen 6. 824 | Oxygen and sulphur 24.608 These of course will yield a large quantity of ammonia, and therefore they will constitute a powerful manure. 3. Hair is composed of Carbon 50.652 | Nitrogen 17.936 Hydrogen 6.769 I Oxygen and sulphur 24.643 . (Scherer.) * Dana. Carbon 50.653 Hydrogen 7.02!) Nitrogen 17.710 296 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL 4. Wool contains, in 100 parts, Oxygen and sulphur 24.608 100.000 5. Feathers are composed, in 100 parts, of Carbon 52.427 I Nitrogen 17.893 Hydrogen 7.213 | Oxygen 22.467 Wool, woollen rags, and the refuse from woollen manufactories, hair and feathers, contain an oil in addition to their protein, which increases their value, and renders them excellent ma- nures. The washings from the wool annually consumed in France, would yield sufficient manure for 370,000 acres of land. This wool-sweat is an excellent manure. G. Glue, jelly, etc. is derived from cartilage, skin, bone and tendon, by boiling them in water ; but it is not found in healthy animals. It constitutes a powerful manure. 7. Bones are composed of animal matter, phosphate of lime and of magnesia, and carbonate of lime: 100 parts of the bones of the ox, as analyzed by Davy, yielded, of Decomposable anini. matter .51 j Carbonate of lime 10. Phosphate of lime 37. ' Phosphate of magnesia 1.3 The value of bones depends upon their power of producing ammonia and salts. For the former purpose, they are at least 8 or 10 times as valuable as cow dung, and the quantity of salts is 66 times that contained in an equal quantity of that substance. They constitute, then, a most concentrated ani- mal manure, and have been long used by the most intelligent farmers for improving their soils. For this purpose they are crushed in a mill, made for the purpose, and constitute Bone dust. The value of this manure may be estimated by the quantity which is imported into England, amounting animally to 800,000 dollars worth. It is estimated that this adds to the agricultural products more than 16 million bushels of grain.. Bone dust is now used in this country to a considerable extent. One bushel to a load of yard manure, increases its value, as determined by experiment, one half. BY MIXED MANURES. 297 Vegetable matter 30.70 Extract, matter & nitrog. 20.00 Carb. of lime and traces of magnesia 14.66 Acetate of lime 5.65 Sulphate of lime 5.00 Phosph. of lime & of iron 1.50 Bone dust not only acts with great power, but its effects continue a long time ; and, as it contains salts of lime, it is particularly useful to the soils of New England. 8. Sootj in its composition, is allied to animal solids, and may be described in thi^ connection. It is a very valuable manure, as appears from its composition : 100 parts of soot contain, of Acetate of potash 4.10 Muriate of potash .36 Acetate of ammonia .20 Acetate of magnesia .53 Silex .95 Carbon 3.85 Water 12.50 300.00 If the value be determined by the quantity of salts and of nitro- gen, in equal weights of soot and cow dung, the salts are as 20 in the former to 1 in the latter, and the ammonia as 40 to 1. The application of soot-water (6 quarts of soot to a hogshead of water) to green-house plants, has been attended with the best effects. So valuable a substance ought to be saved with the utmost care, and either applied directly to the soil or to compost heaps. The latter use of soot is the most profitable, because it is capable of decomposing a large quantity of vegetable matter, as peat or swamp muck. III. Animal and vegetable substances destitute of nitrogen. The only substances belonging to this class are oils and fats. In order to understand the action of these bodies as manures, it will be necessary to ascertain their constitution. Fatty bodies are acids combined with a peculiar base called ^Zycerme, which is similar to stearine and margarine or fats, and to oleine or oils. The acids are stearic, margaric and oleic acids. When oils and fats are exposed to the air, they yield great quantities of carbonic acid, and become converted into the above acids. The carbonic acid acts upon the silicates, and the organic acids act upon the alkalies in the soil, and form 25* 298 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL soaps, which, as salts, produce a most powerful effect in the processes of vegetation. 1. Soap-boilers^ spent lye. In the process of soap-making, the alkali combines with the acid of stearine, margarine and oleine, forming stearates, margarates and oleates or soaps, while the glycerine remains in solution with the salts. This latter substance is somewhat similar to geine, and is thus constituted. Carbon 40.07 I Hydrogen 8.92 Oxygen 51.00 The oxygen, hydrogen and carbon exist in such proportions as to form water, carbon and carbureted hydrogen. It may yield to plants the same elements as humic acid. As about 8 per cent, of oils and fats is glycerine, it will readily be per- ceived, that the large quantity of this substance in spent lye, must render it a very valuable manure. But this is not the only substance which gives to it its value. There are also various salts ; the kind depending upon the alkali used to form the soap. 1. If potash is used (as it always is to form soft soaps), every 100 lbs. of soft soap requires about 8 bushels of ashes, and the spent lye contains, of Sulphate of potash 6.5 lbs. I Silicate of potash 1.8 lbs. Muriate of potash 0.3 " | and a small quantity of potash in a free state. This adds greatly to the value of this article as a manure. 2. If now common salt is added to make the soap grain, or to convert the soft to hard soap, the salt is decomposed, the soda takes the place of the potash, and forms soda soap, while thechlorine combines with the potassium, forming the chlo- ride of potassium (muriate of potash), which is added to the spent lye. The quantity will depend upon the quantity of salt* used. * In a boil of 2,000 lbs. of soap, about 7 bushels of salt are usually added. BY ORGANIC SALTS. 299 3. If the alkali is barilla or white ash, then the spent lye will contain, in addition to its glycerine, salts of soda; but as less common salt is added, in this case/ the quantity of sul- phate and muriate of soda will be less than the corresponding salts of potash. Ordinarily the spent lye of hard soap contains, per gallon, of Sulphate of soda 6| oz. i Glycerine Alb Muriate of soda . ^Ib. | "While that from hard soap contains, per gallon, of Glycerine ^ lb. I Sulphate of potash U lbs. Muriate of potash (chloride Silicate of potash 2A oz of potassium) ^5 " It becomes an important question, whether so valuable a ma- nure can be imitated by artificial methods. As soluble geine is similar to glycerine, the elements of spent lye from soda soap may be formed from swamp muck, ashes and common salt. Take 100 lbs. of peat, 1 bushel of salt, 2 bushels of ashes and 200 gallons of water. Mix the peat and ashes ; moisten with water and add it to the salt in solution ; stir it occasionally for a week, and it will be fit for use.* Sect. 2. Manure, consisting of Salts derived from Animal Bodies. This class of manures includes the liquid evacuations of animals, which are salts dissolved in water. These salts are different from those which will be described under the head of mineral or saline manures, because they are formed of an animal acid; that is,of an acid which is produced in the ani- mal organs. This acid is found in urine, and is called uric acid. It is composed of Carbon 36.11 i Oxygen 28 19 Hydrogen 2.34 | Nitrogen 33;36 The quantity of nitrogen renders it a powerful manure, as it becomes the food of plants. This acid appears to be'de- * Dana. 300 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL rived from an animal principle called urea; which may be obtained from urine in transparent, colorless crystals, very soluble in water, in which it suffers no change; but when mixed as in urine, it is converted into carbonate of ammonia. Alkalies produce the same effect. Urea is composed of Carbon 19.99 I Hydrogen 6.66 Oxygen 26.66 | Nitrogen 46.66 The oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen are in such pro- portions, that they are converted ivholly into carbonic acid and ammonia ; hence, the quantity of urea in urine, is equal to its weight of carbonate of ammonia. The urea and uric acid, render the liquid excretions of animals equally valuable with the solid evacuations ; and much more valuable, when vegetable matters are employed to absorb the gaseous products. 1. Urine of the cow. The liquid evacuations of the cow are composed of Water 65 Urea 5 Phosphate of lime 5 Sal amm. and mur. of potash 15 Sulphate of potash 6 Carbonate of potash and amm. 4 ~Ioo It will be seen, that the quantity of ammonia in the urea, as compared with cow-dung, is as 5 to 2 ; and in the other ammoniacal salts as 15 to 2, or about 4 times the quantity of the salts of ammonia in the liquid, that there is in the solid evacuations. :*»'100dbs. of this urine yield 35 lbs. of the most power- ful salts ; hence, the importance of saving the urine by in- troducing into the yard or barn cellar substances, as peat, which will prevent it from being washed away. If it is true, as has been shown by experiment, that a cord of loam satu- rated with urine is equal to a cord of the best rotted manure, and if one cow would furnish sufficient annually to manure an acre and one half of land, while the solid evacuations will not fertilize more than one acre, it must be evident to every far- BY ORGANIC SALTS. 301 mer, that at least one half of his manure is wasted, if exposed to the influence of rains, and the ordinary action of the at- mosphere. 2. Urine uf the horse. The urine of the horse, and some- times of other herbiferous animals, contains hippuric acid, which takes the place of the uric acid. The result, however, in vegetation is nearly the same, as the acid in both cases gives rise to ammonia by decomposition. The value of horse-urine will appear from its composition. 100 parts contain Water G4.0 Urea .7 Carbonate of soda .9 Carbonate of lime 1.1 Hippurate of soda 2.4 Muriate of potash .9 iocToo From its composition, it is at least equal in value to cow-dung. 3. Human urine is equally valuable with either of the pre- ceding. It is composed, in 1000 parts, of Sal ammoniac .459 Sulphate of potash 2.112 Muriate of potash 3.674 Common salt 5.06'J Phosphate of soda 4.267 Phosphate of lime .209 Acetate of soda 2.770 Urate of ammonia .298 Urea with coloring matter 23.640 Water S67.511 The quantity of salts in 1090 lbs. of this urine is upwards of 42 lbs. The salts of ammonia makes it about equal in value to cow-dung, pound for pound ; but as the other salts are more than double, 1000 lbs. of human urine is worth nearly 2000 lbs. of the best cow-dung. If now we compare the quantity of salts in the solid, with these in the liquid evacuations, we shall find that human, horse and cow dung, contain upon an average, 1 per cent., while human urine contains 4.24 per cent., that from the horse 6, and that from the cow 35 per cent. There is no substance, however, which varies more in com- position than urine. Its composition depends upon the kind of food,* but it is always a most valuable manure. No farmer * " White turnips give a weaker liquor than Swedish. Green 302 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL should permit it to run to waste, but should so prepare his cattle-yard by loam or swamp-muck, and by plaster, as to save these invaluable products of his stables, and of his own dwelling. As the urine is generally mixed with the solid excrements in the barn-cellar or cattle-yard, it increases the value of this manure, it promotes its decay, and adds its own salts ; but if the whole is exposed to the influence of atmospheric agents, it facilitates their action, and aids in depreciating its value; hence, it is generally wholly lost to the farm. Farmers ought generally to know this, and to be apprized of the fact, that one half at least of their manure is wasted. The prepara- tion of liquid manures will be further noticed under com- posts. Sect. 3. Manures composed mostly of Geine. The refuse of the stables and of the farmer's dwelling, are the general sources of manure. But there are certain artifi- cial preparations, which are equally efficacious, and which most farmers may employ to increase the fertility of their soils. These sources are decaying vegetable matters, formed in various ways, into composts. The vegetable substances em- ployed for these purposes, originate from two classes of plants, sea-weeds and land plants; and the manures which they form, differ in several important particulars, but agree in yielding all the elements of fertility. In order to exhibit the facts and principles, connected with this species of manures in a practical light, it will be neces- sary to examine the composition of the substances employed grass is still worse. Distiller's grains are said to be better than either of these. Doubtless, the liquids of fattening kine is richer in ammo- nia during this period, for it contains a partof the nitrogen not carried away in the milk." — Dana. i BY MANURES FROM SEA-WEED. 303 for this purpose, and the changes which are wrought upon them, in their conversion into vegetable food. I. Sea-iceed. Sea weeds form a kind of manure which is much used along the sea board. The manure is formed from several species of plants, which are washed upon the shore by the waves and either carted directly upon the soil or used for litter and composted with other substances. The following are the principal varieties. 1. Ribbon loced, or narrow-leaved kelp, when green, is nearly four-fifths water. When dry, 400 grains, burned to ashes, yielded, of Carbonate of soda (not weighed) Phosphate of lime "^ 3.3 Carbonate of hme 2.U Si lex 0.2 Magnesia 3,5 *' The vegetable matter of kelp is very gelatinous, and melts down during fermentation into a semi-liquid mass." The Scotch farmers make great use of this substance, and prefer laying it directly on to the soil, in its green state. 2. GwMkg.t££3i moss contains a gelatinous matter, similar to animal gelatine. It is used for food, and makes a delicate blanc-mange. < > ^ ^. ^ 3. Rock ?veed is highly* gelatinous in its nature and very valuable as a manure. 4. Eel grass consists mostly of water and is much less valuable. 5. Sea coral is often thrown up with sea weeds, and adds greatly to their value. It is composed of the following sub- stances : 100 parts contain, of Animal matter 14 I Phosphate of lime 1 Carbonate of lime d,5 | — rrrx The quantity of salts contained in sea weeds renders them a very valuable manure. Preparation and application of sea iveeds. If sea weed is to be transported to some distance, it should be dried, to evapo- rate the water. It may then be spread directly upon the 304 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL soil and ploughed in, or formed into compost with fish, or the refuse of the cattle yard. In either case it is an active ma- nure ; but its effects are not lasting, probably owing to the ease with which it is decomposed and either dissipated or ab- sorbed by the roots of plants. It may be used for litter, to absorb the liquid and gaseous products of the stables, with the best results. Its value has been fully tested by many farmers who reside in the vicinity of the sea. II. Peat, sivamp muck and pond mud. These sub- stances are very abundant in the eastern part of Massachu- setts. Almost every farm throughout the country contains either peat, muck or mud in sufficient quantity for farming purposes. 1. Peat is derived from the decayed roots of sphagnous mosses, ferns, stalks of swamp-plants and decaying leaves ; the peat moss constitutes the principal mass. There is also a small quantity of mineral matter, such as silex, clay, lime and magnesia, either mixed with it or combined with vege- table acids. Some varieties contain sulphate of lime (gyp- sum), oxide of iron and of manganese. The value of peat as a manure may be seen from its composition. The mean of 20 analyses of the peats of Rhode Island, by Dr. Jackson, gave the following results. Water from 10 to 25 pr ct. Iron and alumina 1.34 percent Ashes, when burned, 24.07 " Lime 1.32 « Vegetable matter 72.39 " Magnesia .32 " Silfca 4.31 " Four specimens contained a small quantity of potash, and one specimen contained 1.2 per cent, of phosphate of magnesia. It will be seen that peat contains a large quantity of vegetable matter and of salts. 2. Sivamp muck consists of the pairings of the peat, and is less compact. It is found in every meadow, and includes the hassocks. It also includes the variety of peat which has be- come partially decomposed, and the mud of salt marshes. 3. Pond mud is found at the bottom of ponds, when dry, BY PEAT MUCK AND POND MUD. 305 and in low grounds. It consists of from 15 to 20 per cent, of vegetable matter, which has been washed down from the high lands and mixed with earthy materials. Dr. Dana has given the composition of 10 specimens of Massachusetts peat and swamp muck, dried at a temperature of 300° F. The average quantity of ingredients is 85 per cent, of vegetable matter ; of which 29.46 is soluble and 55.03 is insoluble ; 15.9 per cent, are salts and silicates. The composition of pond mud is very different, only 5 to 8 of insoluble and from 6 to 9 per cent, of soluble vegetable matter or geine. The salts of lime, however, are abundant, being about 2 per cent. It should be remarked that the proportion of the soluble to the insoluble portion is much greater in the mud than in the peat^ and hence the effects of this substance will be more immedi- ate, but not so lasting as peat and muck. When peat is first dry, it contains from 78 to 98 per cent, of water. In drying, it shrinks tv/o-thirds or three-fourths of its bulk. When green, it contains, of Water 85. I Silicates .5 Salts of lime .5 | Humus 14.0 looo If, now, we estimate the value of fresh dry peat as compared with cow dung, we shall find that the two substances are con- stituted almost exactly alike. The salts and the geine or hu- mus, in every cord of peat, are equal to those produced by the cow in three months. But there is one important difference. The cow dung is capable of producing a large quantity of ammonia, but the peat only contains slight traces of it. Still there is found crenic and apocrenic acids, which may serve the purpose of the ammonia, by yielding their nitrogen in the processes of vegetation. The action of the ammonia, as we have remarked, is to in- duce decay and consequent conversion of the insoluble geine or humin into humic, crenic and apocrenic acids, or into solu- ble geine. If, now, there is any process of adding to the 26 3Q(5 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL. peat muck, either ammonia or any substance which will pro- duce the same effect, we may convert it into cow dung, cord for cord. This may be done in the compost heap m the following ways. , c u v^ 1 Compost of peat tvith alkalies. The action of alkalies upon vegetable matter, to induce decay, has been frequently referred to. The action of all are alike in this respect ; but the products are not all the same, and it becomes a question of areat practical importance what alkali to use, and what quantity to employ, in order to produce the best effect with the least expense. The alkalies employed to decompose the peat, and convert it into cow dung, are soda, ammonia and potash. Ammonia is generally too expensive an article for h.s purpose. In other respects it would be the best, as all that would be needed would be to add about 2 lbs. of the carbonate or sulphate to every 100 lbs. of peat. As there are other al- kalies in the peat, 1 lb. in practice has been found to answer the purpose. Potash and soda are almost the only alkalies which can be obtained in sufficient quantities, and at a pnce sufficiently moderate to answer the wants of agriculture. In order to determine the relative quantit.es of the above- named substances, it will be necessary to resort to their equiv- alents ; 1 part of ammonia is equal to 2 of soda, and 2 parts of soda to 3 of potash; or their equivalents are nearly as the numbers 1,2,3. But these alkalies are found m the state ot salts; that is, combined generally with carbonic acid, car- bonate of ammonia and soda or wkitc ash These are about equal in their effects, while pot and pearl ash, which are car- bonates of potassa, produce but about two-thirds the effect^ Hence, as cow dung contains 2 per cent, of ammonia, if we add to fresh dry peat 2 per cent, of carbonate of ammonia, 2 of soda ash, or 3 per cent, of potash, they will, in each case, convert it imo that substance. By this estimate, as eac^i cord, when dry weighs 3216 lbs., it would require 84 lbs. of ammonia or BY COMPOST MANURES. 307 soda ash, or 276 lbs. of potash. But when the peat is dry, it loses nearly three-fourths of its bulk ; and hence would re- quire about 736 lbs. of soda ash, or 1104 lbs. of potash. These proportions are found, by experiment, to effect the de- composition of the peat. But it is also found that a much less quantity of alkali will convert peat into cow dung. This is probably due to the fact, that not more than one-third of the ammonia contained in cow dung is active, and hence about 1 per cent, of potash will be sufficient for the compost heap. This will require for every cord oi fresh peat 92 lbs. of potash, or 61 lbs. of soda ash, or 16 bushels of common ashes. If these are composted together, a cord of the compost ought to produce effects precisely similar to cow dung. And experiments, so far as they have been made, seem to confirm the theoretical proportions. But a smaller quantity of alkali will render pe:it a very valuable manure ; 20 lbs. of white ash, or 30 of potash to a cord, are found in practice to be as profitable as larger quantities. If spent ashes are used, 1 part of ashes to 3 of peat may be used. Care should be taken to have the compost heap protected by a shed or a thatch of straw, and worked over two or three times before carrying it upon the land. In the process of fermentation which takes place, nitrates are formed and other salts of a highly salutary character. There are other alkalies, which may be composted with peat, such as the spent lye of soap-manufacturers and lime. If spent ashes are used, a greater or less quantity of lime is also added. Some regard the lime which the ashes contain as less likely to render them beneficial in their effects. But if lime and common salt are both added to the peat, the lime will produce effects highly beneficial. Take one bushel of salt dissolved in water, mix it with a cask of slacked lime, so as to make them into a thick paste, and let them remain for a week. This may then be mixed 308 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL with three cords of peat, and shovelled over for about six weeks, and than applied to the soil. Theory. The theory of the changes which are produced, may be known from the elements which are brought together. The salt is converted into soda and hydrochloric acid. When the lime is brought into play, the acid combines with it and forms a soluble salt ; the soda acts upon the peat, evolves its ammonia as above, and becomes carbonated. Mutual decom- position of the carbonate of soda and muriate of lime now takes place, and carbonate of lime in minute portions is formed throughout the mass, ready to act upon the silicates and liberate their alkalies, and upon the geine, while the soda and muriatic acid are so combined as to form salt again. Composts of this description may be formed at an expense of not more than $2,25 per cord, and are believed to be very effectual manures. A compost may be formed which will prove effectual, if the above does not. Add 61 lbs. of lime, and 61 lbs. of sal- ammoniac to three cords of peat, and an article will be form- ed, at an expense of less than $5,00 per cord, which will be fully equal in value to common yard manure. 2. Composts of peat with animal inatter. Peat and swamp muck may be decomposed in a compost heap with refuse ani- mal matter. '* The carcass of a dead horse," says Lord Mea- dowbank, *' which is suffered to pollute the air with its effluvia, has been happily employed in decomposing 20 tons of peat earth, and transforming it into the most valuable manure." Urine, will also decompose it by the action of its ammonia, and other salts ; hence, the importance of having peat and swamp muck at hand, on to which the liquid excretions may be poured. In some countries, as in Flanders and in China, large tanks are provided into which the urine is conducted, and then either applied in the liquid state, or mixed with loam and peat earth. " Liquid manures," says Mr. Young, *' are of the same value as the solid •, one ton of solid dung BY COMPOST MANURES. 309 will make four tons of compost, and four tons more may be made by the urine discharged by the cattle in the same time." Night soil is similar in its effects. Fish also make an ex- cellent compost, if lime is added to neutralize the acids or combine with the oils. Any refuse animal matter, such as woollen or cotton waste, and the washings of wool from wool- len factories, may be mixed with peat and a most powerful manure formed. 3. Compost of peat with green manures. We have al- ready described the process of preparing yard and stable ma- nure ; underlaying it, and covering it with loam or peat earth. The direct object in this case is to protect the manure, and save the valuable products of fermentation, putrefaction, etc. But in the process now to be described, the object is to de- compose the peat, by means of the ammonia which green manures evolve. The quantity of ammonia in 100 lbs. of cow dung as we have seen, is about 2 lbs. This is sufficient to convert 200 lbs. of peat into a substance of equal value with cow dung. The urine which is mixed with stable ma- nure will more than double this quantity; hence, if 3 cords of peat are mixed with one of stable manure, there will be formed 4 cords of manure equal in value to cow dung. These proportions agree with experience, and may serve to confirm us in the process, which has been recommended by practical farmers. Process. In order to prepare a compost-heap with green manures, the peat should be dug and exposed to the rains for a while, to be deprived of its tannin and acids ; then, when partly dry, it may be carried into the cattle-yard or shed, or on to the field, and mixed with green manure. A layer of peat should form the base of the heap, then a layer of manure, and then alternate layers of peat and manure, ending with a thick layer of peat. The shape should be conical, and cov- ered, if exposed to rains, with a thatch o{ straw, or with boards. If lime or ashes are added, they will facilitate the process of 26* 310 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL decomposition. The heap, in the course of six weeks or two months, may be shovelled over and more peat added, if it is still in a state of^ fermentation. Some recommend the ap- plication of lime at the time of shovelling it over, in order to liberate the ammonia. It should then be carried directly upon the field. The changes which take place are similar to those in fer- menting dung-heaps. The result is the same, soluble and in- soluble geine and salts. Lord Meadowbank, who first called attention to this subject, states " that in every diversity of soil, it has given returns, in nowise inferior to the best barn- yard dung, applied in the same quantity, and that it is equal, if not preferable, in its effects for the first three years, and decidedly superior afterward." The testimony of several New England farmers who have tried this compost, is that *' three parts of peat with one of sta- ble manure, make a compost which is equal in value to its bulk of clear stable-dung, and is more permanent in its ef- fects." It may be applied to any soil, either in the hill, or spread broad-cast and turned in ; or it may be used as a top-dressing upon grass lands. In the absence of peat and swamp muck, composts may be formed with loam, straw, leaves, or any vegetable matter, which will absorb the gaseous and liquid products. The quantity of peat and swamp muck in the eastern part of Massachusetts, is sufficient to render all her barren hills as fertile as the prairies of the West. The only difficulty there is in the case, is to persuade farmers to prepare it, and apply it to their soils. Methods of applying manures. It has been a question of frequent discussion, whether manures should be applied to land in the green, or rotted state. The best answer to this question is, that they should not be applied in either state ; but should always be made into composts, and applied after fer- BY COMPOST MANURES. 311 mentation ; and the reason is, that every cord of clear stable- dung may help form four of good rotted manure. But as farmers will continue to apply their manures in a pure state, a few rules may aid them to do it in the best manner. 1. For cold, stiff or wet soils, sheep and horse manure are the best, and should be applied in the green state, spread up- on the land, and immediately turned under. Theory. The reason is, that such soils require the heat incident upon fermentation of the manure. And, as it is dif- fused through the soil, the roots of plants feel its full in- fluence. Such manures also render the soil lighter and dryer. 2. For light, sandy or gravelly soils, hog or cattle dung may also be applied in the green state, spread and ploughed in as above. Horse manure should be fermented, before being applied to such soils. Theory. These soils do not require the heat, and a less quantity is produced in fermentation by cattle than by horse manure. By applying it in the green state, the gaseous pro- ducts are saved, and one third of the manure ; as it has been found by experiment, that one third at least, is wasted in pass- ing to the state of short muck in cattle yards. 3. Green manures, however, should never be applied to any but a hoed crop. If wheat or rye are sown on lands ma- nured at all, it should be rotted manure. Tlieory. In a hoed crop, fermentation is most active in mid-summer, when the stalks and leaves need its influ- ence ; but in a grain crop, the kernel is ripening at that period, and fermentation is injurious to the process. If the straw is increased by the large quantity of carbonic acid which fermentation produces, the harvest will be hazarded ; for the supply of food to the grain cannot be assimilated, and disease and consequent blight will ensue. 4. Rotted manure acts with greater power in the early part of the season than green ; and hence, farmers generally 312 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL prefer it. But the green manure shows its superior effects in the harvest. The best rule is to apply to hoed crops a small quantity of rotted manure in the hill, to give the young plant a vigorous " start," but to spread the greater portion in a green state, to act upon the crop in mid-summer. The gen- eral practice of manuring in the hill is, by the best farmers, almost wholly discontinued. Sect. 5. Saline Manures, or those consisting of inorganic Salts. Mineral substances act as manures, when they enter in- to the composition of plants. They act as amendments or correctors, when they improve the texture or neutral- ize acids. They act as solvents or converters, when they induce changes in animal and vegetable bodies, or con- vert them into vegetable food. They act as stimulants, when they excite the living powers of plants by producing electri- cal changes, and other effects not well understood. The substances, classed as mineral manures, are salts ; that is, they consist of acids combined with alkalies, alkaline earths and metallic oxides. As fertility depends upon salts and geine, and, as the base of the salt, or alkaline portion, acts wholly upon geine, and in one uniform manner, p. 220, salts may be classed, with reference to the peculiariti/ of their influence, by their acids. In this respect, salts may be divided into two classes. 1. Those salts whose acid nourishes plants ; such are nitrates, carbonates and phosphates. 2. Those salts, whose acid poisons plants, or yields but a small quantity or no nutri- ment ; such as sulphates, hydrochlorates or muriates. I. Salts ivhose acid contains the elements ivhich nourish plants. This class includes three families, which may be de- scribed as nitrates, phosphates and carbonates. I. Nitrates. In this family of salts, nitric acid is com- bined with several bases. The three principal salts which BY SALINE MANURES. 313 are used in agriculture are those of ammonia, potash and so- da. Nitrate of ammonia is formed in fermenting dung heaps, but is rarely applied artificially. Nitrate of potash, or nitre, is composed of 54 parts, by weight, of nitric acid (aquafortis) and 47 of potassa. This substance has long been a celebrated saline manure. Its effects are not only powerfiil but permanent. Upon what does its utility depend ? In order to answer this inquiry, we have only to refer to principles already suggested. Every 100 lbs. of nitre contain about 46 of potash. This acts only upon the vegetable matters of the soil, and is proba- bly let loose from its combination, by growing plants (by ca- talysis). We have already noticed the influence of potash upon peat. 200 lbs. of nitre would furnish potash sufficient to decompose one cord of peat or muck. The action of the acid is more complicated. It contains 40 parts of oxygen and 14 of nitrogen. It may therefore be decomposed, and yield nitro- gen and oxygen to the vegetable products, p. 16#/ But its oxygen probably acts both upon the vegetable matter and the silicates. By its action on the humus, a part is rendered soluble, and carbonic acid is formed, which acts upon the silicates, and liberates their alkalies. If the above is a true representation of the changes which take place, it proves that nitre is a most valuable substance to be applied to the soil. Experiment has shown that 100 or 150 lbs. of nitre, per acre, will produce the most gratifying results. It may be spread, or mixed with the manures. Nitrate of soda is nitric acid combined with soda, in the proportion of 54 parts of the former to 31 of the latter. Its action is precisely similar to nitre. The soda acts upon veg- etable matter, and the acid indirectly upon the silicates. The quantity applied may be about 100 or 150 lbs. to the acre, spread broad-cast, or mixed with the manures. The above substances, including nitrate of ammonia, are the food of vegetables, and hence are properly classed as ma- 314 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL nures. There is, moreover, no danger of adding them in too large quantities. They are nourishers, and their action, as salts, does not produce insoluble compounds, but tends to render inert bodies active and useful. The nitrates are all exceedingly mild, although very active, and useful in their in- fluence upon vegetation. 2. Phosphates. This family includes substances already considered, such as bone, earth, horn, hair, hoofs, etc. The only mineral phosphates, which may be used as manures, are phosphate of lime (apatite) and phosphate of magnesia ; but these substances are not found in sufficient quantities to ren- der their application practicable. Phosphates act very much like nitrates, the acid is food, and exists in vegetables Jn combination with magnesia. It also acts upon silicates, and eliminates their alkali. Bone dust is principally phosphate of lime, and is a highly concentrated manure. 3. CMonates, This family includes common limestone, marl and air-slacked lime ; potash, ashes and white-ash or barilla. Carbonate of lime is known under the names of chalk, shells, marble, marl, limestone, etc. The most com- mon forms in which it is used in agriculture, are shells, marl and air-slacked lime; although ground limestone has sometimes been applied to fertilize the soil. Salts of lime have long been used for agricultural purposes. Their bene- ficial effects were known to the ancients. They have been used in England, France and Germany for the last 100 years, with the very best results, and yet practical farmers are not all agreed whether lime is useful or hurtful in its effects. Experience shows that it is sometimes injurious and at others highly beneficial. Any theory, therefore, which shall enable us to decide the quantity which may be safely used (for it ap- pears that the bad or good effects depend mostly upon the quantity employed), must be of the highest benefit to the practical farmer. BY SALINE MANURES. 315 Theory. Carbonate of lime acts like all saline compounds ; the base is let loose, by the action of the living plant, and acts in its caustic state upon insoluble vegetable matter, and converts it into vegetable food. The carbonic acid acts upon the silicates and obtains the potash and soda, which react up- on the humus, and render larger portions of it soluble. The action is slow, but the effects are sure. When lime is applied in a caustic state, it slowly absorbs carbonic acid, and becomes a carbonate. If a large quanti- tity is used it may form a super-salt with humic acid, and become inert because insoluble. It is in this way that it proves injurious. But this state cannot always last, for the salt will, in time, be decomposed and rendered useful. When acids exist in the soil, both the caustic and carbon- ate of lime tend to neutralize their effects ; hence it aj^ears that the base of lime acts in a four-fold capacity, as a con- verter, a ncutralizer, a decomposer, and a retainer. , > (1) Lime acts as a converter, when it convertajlpsgetable fibre into vegetable food. This appears to be the most im- portant use of lime, and the most difficult to explain. It has been referred to its " catalytic" power or to the action of presence, but whatever may be the nature of the force, it is well established, that when lime is brought into contact with vegetable matter, it hastens its decay. The humic or geic acid thus formed combines with it, and becomes a soluble salt, ready to enter the vegetable organs. (2) Lime acts as a neutralizer, whenever acids exist in the soil in a free state. Some soils are called acid soils, and, as the carbonic acid is displaced by most other acids, the lime will combine with the acid and neutralize its effects. Peat and smamp muck often contain acids, which may be neutralized in this way ; hence lime should be applied to peat earth, before it is used. (3) Lime acts as a decomposer, when it decomposes any inert or injurious substance in the soil, as metallic salts. Veg- 316 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL etable matter forms, with alumina, a substance which is per- fectly inert and useless (humate or geate of alumina). Lime will decompose it, and form a soluble salt (humate or geate of lime). Sulphate of iron, or copperas, exists also in many soils, and is highly poisonous in its influence ; lime will decompose this salt, and form sulphate of lime, or plaster, an effective ma- nure. As lime soon becomes carbonated in the soil, if applied in a caustic state, its action is nearly the same as when applied as marl or ground carbonate. In both cases, the acid acts upon the silicates, and decomposes them, hence lime will de- compose the silicate of potash in spent ashes, and render the the alkali active. (4) Lime acts as a retainer when it forms super-salts with humic, crenic and apocrenic acids. It thus locks up the vegetable matters, which it has converted into food, and this is one rOTison of its injurious effects. Still the matter is re- tained and will in the end all be appropriated. This effect must take place whether the quantity is large or small ; but if there is a small quantity of vegetable matter in the soil, a large quantity of lime should not be applied. We have here a solution of the mystery relative to the effects of lime. If lime is added in large quantities, and in a caustic state, it induces decay of the humus, and the formation of carbon- ic acid. It combines with both of the products, and if the proportion of vegetable matter is small, it will form so large a quantity of it into super-salts, as to injure the crop ; hence it may be concluded, 1. That lime is useless on soils destitute of vegetable matter, and that it will not render them capable of sustaining vegetation. 2. That lime is often injurious on soils containing but a small quantity of vegetable matter. 3. That lime is highly useful, when applied to soils containing a large proportion of humus. If therefore, lime is applied to soils, BY SALINE MANURES. 317 vegetable matter must also be added, to ensure its good ef- fects. The utility cf lime in agriculture, when properly applied, is well established by experience. The quantity required is small, one per cent., and even twelve bushels to the acre, are valuable additions. " A quantity of lime," says Mr. Puvis, " which does not exceed the thousandth part of the tilled surface layer of the soil, a like proportion of drawn ashes, or a two-hundreth part, or even less of marl, are sufficient to modify the nature, change the products, and increase by one half, the crops of a soil destitute of the calcareous principle." Sir John Herschel found that minute portions of calcareous matter, " in some instances less than the millionth part of the whole compound, are sufficient to communicate sensible me- chanical motions, and definite properties to the bodies with which they are mixed." As such effects seem to be electrical in their character, we may conclude that there is a fifth office of lime, to act as a 5#/;?m/«?«#, by developing electrical cur- rents. Upon the whole, we should prefer potash to lime, but the latter is unquestionably beneficial in its action, and may be applied in small quantities, as a cask to an acre, without any fear of injury, and with the certainty of ultimate benefit. Carbonate potash. Potash is a carbonate, that is, it con- sists of carbonic acid combined with potassa. The action of the potash has already been considered, p. 306. It is some- times applied to the soil from 100 to 150 lbs. to the acre. But the form in which it is usually applied is that of Ashes. The value of ashes depends upon the kind of wood from which they are derived. Those fi-om hard wood are more valuable than those from soft. One hundred parts of hard wood, such as dry oak, beach, birch, etc. yield 2.87 parts of ashes. One hundred parts of dry pine yields only 00.83 of ashes, while 100 parts of wheat straw affords 0.44 per cent. The ashes consists of two parts, soluble and insoluble portions. 27 318 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL One hundred parts of the soluble, from hard wood, are composed of Carbonic acid 22.70 I Potash and soda 67.G6 Sulphuric acid 64^ Muriatic acid 1.82 \ 99.86 Silex .!!5 I It will be perceived that the salts are not all carbonates, although the greater proportion of them are. One hundred parts of the insoluble portions contain Carbonic acid 35.80 Oxide of manganese 2.15 Phosphoric acid 3.40 Magnesia 3.55 Silex 4.25 Lime 35.80 Oxide of iron .52 Peat ashes contain carbonate, phosphate and sulphate of lime. Ashes, then, are composed of salts and silicates ; they con- tain potash, lime and soda, and their use depends upon the action of these alkalies, which render them an efficient ma- nure. Ashes are excellent for grass lands. One bushel of ashes contains 5J lbs. of potash, a quantity sufficient to de- compose 200 lbs. of peat earth. Leached ashes correspond to the insoluble portions, and part of the lime is added, one peck of lime to a bushel of ashes, to render the lye caustic by absorbing the carbonic acid. Spent ashes, however, generally contain about 50 lbs. of silicate of potash per cord, so that they act both by their alkali and by their lime. Silicate of potash depends for its action wholly upon being converted into the carbonate of potash, and hence may be classed with the carbonates. When ashes are composted with peat, they form a cheap and valuable manure; but should not be applied to the soil in large quantities, unless vegetable matters are also added. Ashes applied to light, dry soils, always act beneficially. On wet soils, they sometimes introduce mosses. Barilla or white ash, may be classed as a carbonate ; its has already been considered, p. 367. The latter may BY SALINE MANURES. 319 be applied to the soil, 100 lbs. to the acre, with the most per- fect confidence in its utility. The former contains carbon- ate of lime, about half of its weight, with carbonate of soda. The ashes from antharcite coal contain carbonate of lime, al- umina and oxide of iron, and are useful saline manures. Ashes of all kinds are particularly useful on grass lands. Peat ashes contain so much gypsum that they generally act with greater power than those from wood. II. Salts whose add does not enter into the composition of plants, and which is poisonous. This division includes, 1. Sulphates, such as sulphate of lime, iron, potash and soda. 2. Muriates or chlorides, as common salt, chloride of calcium, and of potassum. 1. Sulphate of lime, or plaster, has long been used as a sa- line manure. It has been proved by experiment, that " a bushel of plaster per acre, or even the one four-hundreth part of one per cent, produces effects on alluvial land, which shows its good results, as far as the eye can reach." This effect can be explained : on the supposition that plants decom- pose the salt, and let loose the lime upon the geine ; the acid must act upon the silicates, and form sulphates of potash, of soda, and (if silicate of lime exist) of lime. In this way the plaster reproduces itself. Plaster has been found in some plants. It is supposed by Liebig, to act chiefly by condensing ammonia, and retaining it for the wants of vegetation. Sulphate of iron, or copperas, is not applied to any but a calcareous soil, and the result is the formation of gypsum, by the action of lime to decompose the copperas. 2. Chlorides. Common salt is beneficial upon some soils ; it acts by the soda which it contains. Thirty bushels to the acre, has produced good effects. It may be best employed for composts. Spent lye from soap-works has already been considered. In all cases, the action of salts depends upon the presence 320 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL of life. A living plant introduced into the soil, causes all the chemical forces to strive together to supply the necessary con- ditions for the perfection of the vegetable productions. Application of saline jnanurcs. The quantity of salts used on any soil, must be determined chiefly by experiment. The following are the conclusions of M. Lecoq, who publish- ed the result of his experiments in his Prize Essay, 1832. ** 1. Salts, so far as possible, should be used in powder. 2. If used in solution, they must be diluted with a large quantity of water. 3. Saline manures may be advantageously used on all soils. 4. They answer best on light and dry soils. 5. They produce good effects on wet meadows, but must be used in large quantities. 6. It is preferable to spread salts at two epochs, in order to increase their action. 7. Some soils, especially those where mineral springs ex- ist, and those around volcanoes, are already charged with a sufliciency of saline matter. 8. In too large quantities, saline matters injure vegetation. In too small quantities, they have no action. 9. The proportions that give the best results, are from 150 to 330 lbs. to the acre. 10. One hundred and fifty pounds to the acre is the best proportion for grazing lands and meadows. 11. These proportions must be varied with the nature of the soil ; and 150 to 250 lbs. per acre, is generally the best quantity for light soil, but may be increased to 300 lbs. on mowing lands, and even to GOO lbs. on wet meadows, where we may use double this amount without injury to vegetation. 12. These are the proportions for sea salt and muriate of lime ; they should vary with the other salts. 13. Fishery salt is prefered, as it is cheaper. 14. Sulphate of soda may be used in quantities from 300 to 600 lbs. per acre. BY SALINE MANURES. 321 15. Acetate of lime exercises but little action on plants in quantities below 300 lbs. to the acre, and above this amount is injurious. 16. Ammoniacal salts exert a very marked action on vege- tation, and may be employed in the quantities of 150 lbs. of the sulphate, or 100 lbs. of the carbonate, per acre. 17. Sea salt, in certain cases, may replace gypsum in artificial meadows ; 150 lbs. of salt being equal to 5000 of gypsum. 18. Nitrate of potash increases considerably the crop, when used in quantities of 150 to 200 lbs. per acre. 19. The best time for spreading the salts is when the young plants begin to put forth their leaves. At the epoch of germination they are more injurious than useful. 20. Salts do not favor the production of seed, unless asso- ciated with organic manures. 21. They retard the maturity of plants, and give more de- velopment to the foliage, thus opposing evaporation of the liquids which they contain. 22. Burning the soil may be regarded as belonging to the class of saline manures, since salts are formed with the or- ganic matters that the soil contains, and exert a very marked influence on vegetation." This last means of obtaining salts may be practised upon peat meadows, where there is a large quantity of peat. The surface may be pared with a plough made for the purpose, and the turf collected in heaps and burned. Then by spread- ing the ashes, the peat will be rapidly converted into vegeta- ble food. This practice, however, should not be resorted to, unless there are acids in the peat, or a large quantity of land containing peat. The vegetable matter is more profitably employed for composts. Salts may be obtained generally at a cheaper rate, than to burn manure in order to obtain them. In conclusion, we would impress it upon the mind of the New England farmer, that the preparation and proper appli- 27* 322 IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOIL cation o^ manures, are the sources upon which he must main- ly rely for success in his profession. If all other subjects are disregarded which are here discussed, let him not neglect this ; for if this subject is properly attended to, the rest will follow in its train. Sect. 6. Improvement of the Soil hy Tillage. By the term tillage, we mean those operations, which ap- ply directly to the cultivation of farm crops. It includes the processes of ploughing, harrowing, rolling, hoeing and weed- ing. These processes belong to all kinds of tillage, whether intended to improve the soil, or to exhaust it. We have already considered these operations in their re- lation to vegetation. In this section these processes are con- sidered with reference to their influence upon the soil. But as the treatment is the same, whichever object is immediate- ly to be pursued, only a few remarks need be added to those which have been made in the first chapter. The great object of tillage is to render the soil light, to promote the circulation of air and water, a free extension of the roots of plants, to facilitate the chemical changes in the soil, and an equal distribution of the manures. The ope- rations of ploughing, harrowing, hoeing, etc. have already been referred to, and our limits forbid any further remarks in this connection. These implements need no description.* Fig. 18. The utility of the roller (Fig. 14.) depends upon the fact that intersti- ces or pores are left after plough- * Ploughs are now manufactured by Nourse, Ruggles & Mason, Boston, which perform tliis part of tillage in a very superior manner. BY TILLAGE. 323 ing, or the frosts of winter, which expose the roots of plants to injury. The roller breaks down the lumps, and gives compactness to the whole mass. The good effects of passing the roller over fields of winter grain or grass lands in the spring, have been fully tested by experience. The earth, which the frost has rendered porous, and which does not therefore embrace the roots, is rendered more com pact. On light sandy soils, the use of the roller is almost indispensable, by closing the pores and preventing the evaporation of the mois- ture, which such soils most require, although they are more liable than any other to yield it up. Fig. 19. The utility of the cultivator (A. Fig. 19), may also be referred to, as this implement may be employed to save the labor of hoeing. It also leaves the ground in a better state than the plough, when used among hoed crops. But it is not our purpose to describe the instruments of tillage. We may observe, in conclusion, that thorough ploughing, harrowing, hoeing, weeding, etc. will incorporate the ma- nures with the earthy ingredients, and promote, in the best manner, the influence of all those atmospherical and other agents which are required to Jit the soil to sustain a vigorous and healthy vegetation. It is hardly necessary to add, that the ease of cultivation and the quantity and quality of produc- tions, will depend, materially, upon the faithful and season- able performance of this branch of the art of husbandry. 324 PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. CHAPTER VIII. PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. Under the head of practical agriculture we wish to in- clude the modes of cultivating the farm crops; the charac- ter and value of each species of grass, grain and root, which are usually cultivated by our farmers. As these modes of culture are derived from experience, an opportunity will be afforded of testing the truth of many principles discussed in the preceding chapters. This subject, however, must be treated in a concise and general manner. We shall present the views of practical farmers, and attempt to show their con- sistency with scientific principles. Another topic under this head will be the relation of farm stock to the cultivated crops, a few suggestions upon which will close the chapter. Sect. 1. Cultivation of Grains. The following are the most important cultivated grains : Indian corn, oats, barley, rye and wheat. I. Indian corn, or zea mais, is a native of this country, and was unknown toEuropeans until after the discoveryof America. In consequence of the different climates and soils in which it has been cultivated for a long series of years, there have been pro- duced several varieties, differing more in appearance and hab- its than many distinct species of plants. We know how some of these varieties are produced, and this may instruct us in the selection of the seed, in order to improve any par- ticular variety, or to obtain a new one. One mode of obtain- ing varieties of corn, is by selecting the seed. Thus, for example, a celebrated variety has been produced in the South- ern and Western States, by selecting the first year the seed from stalks which bore two ears, and taking the top ear to plant. The second season there were some stalks of three CULTIVATION OF CORN. ' 325 ears ; and the top ears from these were then taken and planted ; and this process was continued for a series of years. The consequence was, that the stalk became very high ; and the number of ears upon a stalk increased from one to five, and even eight. It should be remarked, that though this process gave a distinct variety, yet it would have been a much more valuable variety, in this case, if the lower ears had been taken ; by which means the stalks would have been lower, the ears nearer the ground, and hence much less liable to injury, and more likely to be early, plump and well filled. By the selection of seed, also, an early or late variety may be obtained. Thus, for example, if those ears which ripen first, are selected from year to year for seed, in the course of eight or ten years an early variety may be obtained ; and if those ears which ripen last are taken, under similar circumstances, a late variety may, in like manner, be ob- tained. Hence, in the selection of seed, the farmer should consider what variety he wishes to obtain. In the Eastern States, an early crop is desirable. In the Southern States a late crop. The number of rows on an ear depends upon similar treatment. Some prefer eight-rowed, others twelve or more. All these varieties may be produced by selection of seed and proper culture. The seed corn should be selected in the autumn, before harvesting, and hung up by the husks. Before planting, it is a good practice to soak it for twenty-four hours in cop- peras-water or brine, as this will facilitate germination and prevent the wire-worm from eating it up. Soil. The soil for Indian corn should be a light sandy or gravelly loam. A rich dry soil is always to be prefered. In heavy moist soils, it will not flourish as well as potatoes and most other hoed crops. It should be planted after grain crops or clover. Corn may be manured in the hill with compost or rotted manure. It is much better, however, to spread green manure or compost, and turn it into the soil. 326 PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. The corn may then be planted in rows, about three feet apart, and from five to six kernels in a hill, lightly covered with loam. It is desirable in theory to spread fifteen or twenty loads of green manure to the acre, and turn it under, to act upon the crop late in the season, and then to put five or six loads of compost in the hill, to give it an early start ; this corresponds with the experience of the best farmers. The after culture consists in two or three hoeings, or one cleaning with the cultivator and two hoeings. The first hoe- ing should remove the earth from the roots; the second should raise it into the form of broad, flat hills. Some ex- periments, however, seem to prove that corn is best cultivated on a flat surface, with a tillage depth of from six to twelve inches ; and theory would lead us to the same conclusion. The practice of making hills, injures the roots and exposes them to the influence of drought. The modes of harvesting corn are various. Judge Buel, after repeated experiments, recommends the practice of cut- ting it up by the roots, and shocking it in the field, when the kernel has become glazed, so as to yield but little juice when broken open, and while the leaves are still green. We must confess that this practice has, upon the whole, more reasons in favor of it than any other. It saves labor ; for the expense of cutting and securing an acre is not more than that of topping it. It adds to the ciuantity of grain ; because, when the tops are removed, the nourishment which would go to the kernel is cut off; while, by letting the whole stand for a ^&w days, and then cutting it up by the roots, the process of assimilation will continue to go on for three or four days afterward. It increases the quantity of fodder and preserves its nutri- tious properties ; for it is not exposed so directly to the influ- ence of the weather, and a larger quantity of the green parts is preserved. And, finally, it yields more manure and is se- CULTIVATION OF WHEAT. 327 cured against early frosts ; for if it is cut when it is full in the milk, it will ripen in the shock. The expense of this crop, and the value of its proceeds, may be estimated as follows. Ploughing, 4,00 I Produce, 35 bushels, $35,00 Manure, 12,00 Corn fodder, lo 00 $45,00 28,75 Profit, $16,25 Furrowing, ,75 Planting, 1,50 First hoeing, 2,50 2d and 3d hoeing, 4,00 Gathering, 2,00 Husking, 2,00 ,75 This, we think, is a very low estimate of the value of this crop ; for the manure ought not, all of it, to be charged to the corn, as it generally suffices for two more crops. And al- though the average may not be more than 35 bushels to the acre, still 40, 50, 60 or even 120 bushels are often obtained m the Northern and Middle States, and in some cases 170 bushels in the South and West. Broom-corn is cultivated to a considerable extent in the valley of the Connecticut river, and is a very profitable crop. The particular mode of its cultivation is not a matter of gene- ral interest. It is a crop which yields a great amount of matter ; but as it rarely matures its seeds, it does not ordina- rily exhaust the soil as much as Indian corn. 2. Wheat has been cultivated from the most remote an- tiquity. With us, two species are known, winter wheat {triti- cum hybermim) and summer wheat [triticum astivum). The grain itself appears under two varieties, the flint or dark colored, and the white or thin-skinned. Some varieties are bearded, and others are bald. The white soft-skinned varieties succeed best in dry soils and warm climates; the red and flint varieties prefer a moist soil, and a cool tempera- ature. In selecting seed wheat, any variety may be improved ; and It has been found that the best method is to go into the 328 PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. field when it is fully ripe, and select the longest and fullest heads, from which seed loheat may he raised the folloicing year. If this course is pursued, the crops will constantly increase in value. The quantity of seed \)et acre for winter wheat, may be one bushel and a half, if sowed in September so that the stalks may spread themselves. If sown in the spring, at least two bushels per acre should be employed. The soil for wheat should be a deep loam, perfectly fine, dry and light; containing a good proportion of clay and car- bonate of lime. It should be thoroughly and deeply pul- verized. Wheat should not be sown on green manure, but a clover ley, or a potato crop the previous year is the best prepara- tion. The depth at which it is sown should be two inches, un- less the land is very finely pulverized; in which case it will flourish much better, if it is placed only one inch below the surface. The ground must be thoroughly drained, and if the sub-soil plough is used, it will very much increase the value of the crop. Wheat requires phosphates and substan- ces rich in nitrogen. It will therefore be improved, by add- ing to the soil, salts of ammonia, lime, clay, saltpetre or bone manure. There is nothing worthy of notice in the mode of harvesting this crop. It should be left standing until the grain is fully ripe and hard. Diseases and enc?nies. Wheat is subject to disease, and to the attacks of insects, which are frequent causes of its failure, and which render it in many places an uncertain crop. The principal diseases are rust, smut, and mildew or blight. 1. Rust is a well known disorder, in which the straw be- comes covered over with a red powder like iron rust. This stops the growth, and renders the grain shrivelled. Rust takes place either in a season of drought, or in July and Au- DISEASES AND ENEMIES OF WHEAT. 329 gust, when the weather is damp and warm. The wheat is thus forced to such a rapid growth that the vessels are burst, and the sap exudes and causes the rust. In either case there is no known remedy. 2. Mildew or blight gives to the plant a purple or bluish cast, resembling the mould on damp walls ; and is supposed to be due to a species of parasitic plant, a fungus which attaches itself to the stalk. This happens during warm, wet weather, or heavy dews. The only remedy is to brush off the water in the morning by dredging the field with a rope. 3. Smut is of two kinds. The first kind is seen in the heads, about the time of the ripening of the grain ; the heads soon dis- appear, leaving nothing but the naked stalks. The second kind appears in the form of a black dust, which soon spreads itself over the field. The grain is not destroyed, but the flour is rendered black and poor. This is also supposed to be a spe- cies of fungus, as it can be propagated through a field. This disease may be prevented by soaking the seed in strong brine or stale urine, sprinkling it while wet with slacked lime, and leaving it for twenty-four hours before sowing. The enemies of wheat are the wire-worm, Hessian fly and grain insect. 1. Wire-worm. This worm is well known to farmers, and its ravages are mostly confined to the sward. This effect may be remedied by ploughing in the fall, so that the frosts of winter may destroy the worm. 2. The Hessian fly is found as a maggot between the leaf and the culm, in the first joint of the plant, and, by bedding itself in the stalk, destroys it. No certain remedy, for the ravages of this insect, has as yet been found. Late sowing will sometimes carry the crop beyond the fly-season. 4. The grain insect appears in the form of a fly, hovering; over the field about the time the grain is in blossom. It de^ posits its eggs, from which a yellow maggot is hatched, and appears in the head after it has destroyed the grain. A 28 330 PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. complete preventive against this insect has been discovered, which consists simply in sprinkling, at the flowering season, slacked lime over the grain while wet. Mr. Colman thinks that this may generally be relied on as a certain preventive. The barberry bush has been thought to be injurious to wheat, rye and barley, by causing it to blast. Rye is the seed of secale cereale, and has also been long cultivated for food. In the north of Europe, it ranks next to wheat for bread, and is used, for the same purpose, in many parts of this country, particularly with Indian corn for brown bread, a very healthy and cheap article of diet. Rye is not regarded as a very profitable crop, but if we con- sider the fact, that it will grow on sandy plains, Avith little ^(>r no manure, and yield from 10 to 20 bushels to the acre, we must regard it as of great value; for it is the only grain which will grow on soils containing more than 85 per cent, of sand. The time of sowing rye is in August or September, either after potatoes or corn, or upon a summer fallow. The quan- tity should be about one bushel to the acre. It may also be sown in the spring, but the winter rye is generally the most certain and productive crop. The general practice of our farmers is, to plough up sandy plains once in three years, and take a crop of this grain, and then let the soil rest for a year or two, and take another crop. This practice cannot be too severely censured. If clover were sown with the rye, on such lands, and turned in with the stubble, the soil would soon become enriched and fitted to bear any crop. If the clover will not grow, spread on ashes, plaster or lime, and as soon as the roots become fixed in the soil, there is not the least diflficulty in rendering the land as fertile as you please. Instead of 8 or 10 bushels to the acre, once in three years, our farmers ought to raise, at least 25 bushels with root crops and corn in the interval. CULTIVATION OF OATS. 331 The expense of cultivating rye, and the average product, may be stated per annum as follows. Ploughing, One bushel seed, Sowing and harrowing, Reaping, Threshing, 2,00 1,25 1,00 2,00 2,00 $8,25 Rye is subject to a disease called ergot Produce on an average, 15 bushels, at $ 1,25 Straw, Deduct expenses, Net firain, v. POTTING TRANSPLANTING. 363 fruit increased in quantity. Thus it is found, that when the branches are made to grow downward, they will grow less vigorously, but will also produce much more fruit, because the circulation is thus impeded. 3. In the case of grapes, it is found, that the fruit is in- creased, by training the top branches at a great distance from the root. The tops of tall trees are more fruitful than the side branches, owing to their distance from the roots. The trees which are benefited by training, are such as are properly climbers, as the grape ; but trees whose erect pos- ture shows that they were made to be rocked by the storms, are always injured by this process. III. Potting is the growing of plants in small earthen ves- sels or tubs. The condition of the roots, in this case, is dif- ferent from that of their natural position in the soil. This process, for most plants, is wholly unnecessary. The princi- pal use of it is to give a start to some plants, at a period when they cannot be placed^n other conditions. The plant will exhaust the soil, which must be changed frequently, or they will become sickly. If plants are placed in large tubs, they will flourish much better and for a longer time. The cases where potting is useful, refer to rare plants, or to those which will not endure the frosts of winter, and to plants which are to be transplanted. In the latter case, potting answers in- stead of a hot-bed. IV. Transplanting. This is an important process ; and one in relation to which, correct practice leads to the most useful results. A few remarks must suffice here, upon the transplanting of trees. These relate to the time and manner of performing the operation. In our country, the season most desirable, is the spring ; and during a moist or rainy day. In some coun- tries, the fall is chosen, because the evaporation from the tree is much less in the autumn, and early part of winter than in the spring. But the frosts, by up-heaving the earth and the 364 HORTICULTURE. roots, do more injury, than can arise from the different states of the atmosphere. It has been customary to prune trees, at the time of transplanting ; but it is at least a very doubtful practice. The branches contain the leaves which are necessary to pre- pare the nutriment which is stored up in the autumn, for assimilation. If, therefore, we cut off the branches, we di- minish that power which is first wanted in all its force, to meet the demands of life at this critical period. But the most important point to be attended to in a prac- tical way, is the preparation of the ground, and the mode of locating the individual in its new home. For most trees, the soil should be rendered mellow and rich, for a considerable distance around. The pits should be made from 3 to 10 feet across, according to the size of the tree. The roots should be left free, to extend themselves into the soil ; and the earth around the stem should be left a little dishing, to gather up the water that falls. It is also desirable to fill up the pits with mould and ashes. When these conditions are properly attended to, the tree will be, not only more thrifty at first, but the influence will extend often through the whole period of life. There are many other points on the subject of horticulture, which are important for the professional gardener ; especially the management of green-house plants. But as these are of little importance to the farmer, we shall here close the sub- ject, and with it our book, with the hope, that we may at some future period, be able to supply its present defects. END. INDEX. Acid acetic, 54 apucrenic, Co, 136, 217 benzoic?, 118 crenic, (i5, 216 citric, 118 gallic, 118 humic, 65, 215 hydrochloric, 168 malic, 118 nieconic, 118 nitric, 48 oxalic, 117 phosphoric, 168, 176 prussic, 119 silicic, 167, 175, 204 sulphuric, 168, 176 tannic, 118 tartaric, 118 ulmic, 13'J Agricultural Chemistry, 32 Geology, 32 Alkalies, 119 Albumen, 31 Aloes, 122 Alumina, 167,175,206 Aluminium, 180 Alluvial soil, 231,249 Aluminous soil, 244 Almond, 132 Ammonia, 20, 48, 80, 159 Ammoniac, 122 Amygdalin, 127 Amylaceous substances, 124 Anise, 134 Analysis of soils, 193 Animal bodies, 294 Apple thorn, 134 Aqueous rocks, 186 Argillaceous slate soil, 238 Argillaceous rock, 188 Artichoke, 129 Arrow-root, 124 Ashes, 317 Asparagus, 131 Eark, 31 Barley, 132,332 Barn-cellar, 288 Bean, small, 132 kidney., 132 Beet, 128 Beets, :i35 Belladonna, 130 Biology, 29 Bitter principle, 127 Blue dye, 120 Bones, 296 Bone-dust, 296 Brazil wood, 121 Broom- corn, 327 Buckwheat, 332 Bu*ding, 359 Buds, 44 Bulbs, 44, 129 Calcareous soil, 246 Calcareous spar, 185 Caloric, 101 Caoutchouc, 127 Calcium, 180 Cambium, 131 Carbon, 48, 138 Carbonate of magnesia, 166 potash, 166 lime, 167, 251,314 Carboniferous soils, 236 Carrot, 128, 336 Catalytic force, 45 Cattle yard, 288 Cells, 31 Cellular tissue, 30 Chalky soil, 2.'i5 Chemical affinity, 100 analysis of soils, 198 classification of soils, 242 transformations, 45 Chlorides, 319 Cinchonia, 119 Clay, 253 Clay slate soil, 237 Classification of soils, 230 Clover, 340 Cocoa-nut, 134 Coffee bean, 135 Cohesion, 99 Coloring matters, 120 Common salt, 166, 213 Compound bodies, 44 Compost of peat, 306 Conglomerate soils, 236 31 366 INDEX. Conia or conicina, 120 Cotton, ]30 Cotyledon, 44 Cow dung, 284 Cow grass, 312 Cream of tartar, 118 Cretaceous soils, 235 Crown grafting, 358 Cubebs, 133 Cucumber, 134 Culm, 58 Cultivator, 323 Cuttings, 56 Dates, J 35 Decay, 281) Decaying plants, 190 Diastase, ]25 Diseases of wheat, 328 Draining, 286 Drains, 258 necessity of, 260 Drill-barrow, 235 Electricity, 107 Emetina, 120 Emulsin, 126 Endosmonieter, 108 Endosmose, 108 Epidermis, 31 Epsom salts, 166 Essential salt of lemons, 118 Evaporation, 96 Excitability, 36 Exosinose, 1 JO Extractive, 127 Extract of humus, 137 Fallow crops, 265 Feldspar, 184 Fermentation, 289 Feathers, 296 Fixed oils, 121 Flax, 130 Fox-glove, 131 Fungin, 125 Galbanum, 122 Gamboge, 122 Garlic, 129 Geates, 219 Geine,65, 138, 153,156 Gentian, 128 Germination, 49 Ginger, 129 Glacial soils, 233 Glue, 296 Gluten, 122 Gneiss, 187 soil, 246 Gooseberry, 132 Grain insect, 329 Grafting, 357 Granite, 180 soil, 240 Grapes, 132 Gravity, 98 Graywacke, 188 Green crops, 267 Growing plants, 191 Guano, 293 Gum bassora, 125 resins, 122 tragacanth, 125 Gums, 125 Hair, 295 Hartshorn, 48 Hemp, 130 Hessian fly, 329 Hog manure, 287 Hoofs, 295 Hops, 135 Hornblende, 185 rocks, 188 rock soil, 241 Horns, 295 Horse radish, 128 Horticulture, 349 Humin, 05, 135 Humus, 57, 138 Ice, 92 Igneous rocks, 1S6 Improvement of races, 350 varities, 354 Indian corn, 124,132,324 Insoluble geine, 224 Inter-cellular canals, 30 Ipecacuana, 129 Irrigation, 2()2 Irritability, 37 Iron, 180 Isatis tinctoria, 131 Isochimenal lime, 104 Ismorphism, 168 Lsotheral lime. 104 Jalap, 128 Juniper berries, 134 Lac, 121 Lava soils, 241 Layers, 56 INDEX. 367 Leached ashes, 318 Leaves, 130 Legumin, 127 Lentiles, 132 Liber, 31 Light, 105 Light carbureted hydrogen, 83 Lignin, 125 Litne, Uw, 174, 207 Limestones, \6ti Liiuestone soil, 238 Loamy soils, 249 Log wood , 121 Lucerne, 343 Madder, 120 Magnesia, 160 Manna, 124 Magnesium, 179 Maize, 132 Manganese, 160,209 Mangel VVurtzel,335 Mango, 132 Mechinical analysis of soils, 195 Medullary rays, 31 Mica, lb4 Mica slate, 187 Mica slate soil, 239 Mildew, 329 Mixed manures, 284 Muriates, lo3 Myrrh, 122 Nails, 2115 Naked fallows, 265 Narcotina, 119 Neutral substances, 123 Nicotina. 120 Night soil, 287 Nitrate of potash, 166, 313 Nitrate of soda, 166. 313 Nitrates, 312 Nitre, 166 Nitrogen, 48,158 Nutmeg, 134 • Oats, 132,331 Olibanum, 123 Onion, 129 Oolitic soils, 236 Opium, 123 Orange. 132 Orchard grass, 345 Organized body, 130 Organic attraction, 39 Organic affinity, 39 Organic constituents of soils, 215 Oxalate of lime, 118 Oxalate of potassa, 118 Oxides of manganese, 167 Oxygen, 47, 73 Pan II ma, 20 Parsnip, 337 Pear, 132 Peas, 132 Peat, 304 Peat alluvial soils, 232 Peaty soils, 247 Peat ashes, 318 Pepper, 132— Cayenne, 183 — Ja- njaica, 183 Peroxide of iron, 167 Petals, 59 Phosphates, 183 Pigeons' dung, 294 Plant, 30 Plumula, 44 Pollenin, 126 Pomegranate, 129 Pond mud. 304 Pores, 31 Porphyry, 241 Potash, 166, 211,71 Potassium, 179 Potato, 333, 129 Potting, 363 Poudrette, 293 Practical agriculture, 324 Preservation of races, 352 Pressure of the air, 89 Primary soils, 237 Printers' ink, 121 Propagation by buds — by cuttings hy eyes — by layers — by slips — by suckers, 355, 356 Proper vessels, 30 Proximate analysis, 114 Proximate principles, 114 Pruning, 359 Putrefaction, 81, 289 Pyrites, 186, 189 Quartz, 183 Quinine, 119 Radicle, 44, 53 Rattlesnake root, 128 Red clover, 341 Red dyes, 120 Red top, 345 Resins, 122 368 INDEX. Rhubarb, 128 Rice, 132 Rocks, J80 Roller, 'S22 Root crops, 278 Root culture, 280 Roots, J 28, 58 Rotation of crops, 271 Rotation of fields, 280 Rust, 328 Ruta baga, 337 Rye, 330, 131 Rye grass, 346 Saddle grafting, 358 Saffron, 130 Salts, 213 Saliferous soils, 236 Saline manures, 312 application of, 320 Sand, 252 Sandstones, 188 Saponin, 126 Sarsaparilla, 129 Sea weed, 303 Secondary soils, 235 Seeds, 131 Senna, 130 Serpentine, 185 Sheep manure, 287 Sienite soil, 240 Silicates, 181 Siliceous soils, 243 Silurian soils, 236 Slacked lime, 167 Slaty soil, 237 Smut, 32!) Soda, 173, 166,213 Sodium. 179 Soil, 57' Solan um, 120 Soluble geine, 218 Soot, 2i)7 Spent lye. 209 Spiral vessels, 31 Squills. 129 Starch. 124 Stem, 58 Strychnina, 120 Sub-soil, 58 Suckers, 56 Sugar, 123 Sulphate of iron, 319 — of lime, of magnesia and soda, 166, 167 I Swamp muck, 304 Sweet flag, 128 Talc, ltf4 Talcose slate, 188 Talcose soil, 239 Tall oat grass, 348 Tamarinds, 133 Tapioca, 124 Tartar emetic, 118 Tea, 131 James, 131 Paraguay, 131 Tertiary soils, 234 Tillage, 66 Tissue, 30 Timothy, 344 Tobacco, 131 Trachyte soil, 241 Transplanting, 363 Trappean rocks, 188 soils, 241 Turnip, 336,339 Turnip beet, 336 Ulmin,l39 Ultimate analysis, 115 Urea, 300 Urine of the cow, 300 horse, 301 of man, 301 Utility of lime, 317 Valerian, 128 Vascular tissue, 30 Vegetable albumen, 126 mould, 65 Vinegar, 118 Vitality, nature of, 38 Vital principle, 29 Viscin, 126 Volatile oils, 122 Vortex, 30 Water, 92 Wheat, 327, 131 Whip grafting, 357 White clover, 353 White rochelle salt, Wire- worm. 339 Wood, 31, 130 Wool, 2!'6 Yellow dye, 121 Yellow turnip, 339 Zein, 126 I \ . ^ s f I I-' . ' ■ >. ^'