CONN S 43 .E22 no.75 15 E. S. Library. Cop. 2. r 43 L .J* t^fs A ],omwriicuf Mriatlteral ppmmeirf Station. BULLETIN No. 75. June 11, 1883. BSERVANCE OF THE FERTILIZER LAW. dturers who up to June 1, 1883, have essentially complied with Sections 2 the Act concerning Commercial Fertilizers, which went into effect Sep- \lst, 1882. FIRM. and Va. Fertilizing Co., ter & Bro., 215 Pearl St., New Bros., Putnam, Conn., fertilizer Co., 43 Chatham St., 1, Mass., . . Fertilizer Co., 27 Kilby St., l, Mass.,- Brown Oil Co., St. Louis, pove Guano Co., New Bedford, |k Coe, 16 Burling Slip, New fee, Linden, N. J., r hite Lead and Oil Co., St. By F. Ellsworth, Hartford,., fertilizer and Chemical Works, Crocker, Buffalo, N. Y.,_ ARTICLES. The Long Islander Ammoniated Super- phosphate of Lime with Potash. The Orient Complete Manure. Castor Pomace. Pelican Bone Fertilizer. A. A. Ammoniated Superphosphate. Complete Manure for Corn. Complete Manure for Potatoes. Complete Ma- nure for Tobacco. Kainit. Superphosphate of Lime. Bone Meal. Stockbridge Grain Manure. Stockbridge Vegetable Manure. Stockbridge For- ege Crop Manure. Bowker's Hill and Drill Phosphate. Bowker's Brighton Phosphate. Bowker's Fish and Pot- ash. Bowker's Fine Ground Dry Fish. Bowker's Fresh Milled Kainit. Bradley's Superphosphate. B. D. Sea- Fowl Guano. Original Coe's Super- phosphate. I.X.L. Castor Pomace. Bay State Fertilizer. Great Planet "A." Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate. Dis- solved Bones. Russell Coe's Ammoniated Bone Super- phosphate. Collier White Lead and Oil Co., Castor Pomace. Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate. Po- tato, Hop and Tobacco Phosphate. i\a 5 » o ■ ■ / b E. S. Library. Cop. 2. | ; k ^anittdiarf Igriatliurat j^jjertant Station. j j j j j BULLETIN No. 75. June 11, 1883. OBSERVANCE OF THE FERTILIZER LAW. Manufacturers who up to June 1, 1883, have essentially complied with Sections 2 and 3 o/ the Act concerning Commercial Fertilizers, which went into effect Sep- tember 1st, 1882. FIRM. Atlantic and Ya. Fertilizing Co., H. J. Baker & Bro., 215 Pearl St., New York, . -.. Bosworth Bros., Putnam, Conn., Bowker Fertilizer Co., 43 Chatham St., Boston, Mass., Bradley Fertilizer Co., 27 Kilby St., Boston, Mass., ---- Bobt. B. Brown Oil Co., St. Louis, Clark's Cove Guano Co., New Bedford, Mass., E. Frank Coe, 16 Burling Slip, New York, Russell Coe, Linden, N. J., Collier White Lead and Oil Co., St. Louis. By F. Ellsworth, Hartford, .. Buffalo Fertilizer and Chemical Works, L. L. Crocker, Buffalo, N. Y.,1 ARTICLES. The Long Islander Ammoniated Super- phosphate of Lime with Potash. The Orient Complete Manure. Castor Pomace. Pelican Bone Fertilizer. A. A. Ammoniated Superphosphate. Complete Manure for Corn. Complete Manure for Potatoes. Complete Ma- nure for Tobacco. Kainit. Superphosphate of Lime. Bone Meal. Stockbridge Grain Manure. Stockbridge Vegetable Manure. Stockbridge For- age Crop Manure. Bowker's Hill and Drill Phosphate. Bowker's Brighton Phosphate. Bowker's Fish and Pot- ash. Bowker's Fine Ground Dry Fish. Bowker's Fresh Milled Kainit. Bradley's Superphosphate. B. D. Sea- Fowl Guano. Original Coe's Super- phosphate. I.X.L. Castor Pomace. Bay State Fertilizer. Great Planet "A." Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate. Dis- solved Bones. Russell Coe's Ammoniated Bone Super- phosphate. Collier White Lead and Oil Co., Castor Pomace. Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate. Po- tato, Hop and Tobacco Phosphate. 2 FIRM. L. B. Darling & Co., Pawtucket, R. I.,.. G. W. Dickinson, Essex, Conn., Dole's Common Sense Fertilizer Co., 42 Congress St., Boston, Mass., Glidden and Curtis, Boston, Mass., Geo. L. Harris & Son, Eagleville, Conn., Lister Brothers, Newark, New Jersey,. Manhattan Chemical Co., 276 Pearl St., N. T., The Mapes' Formula and Peruvian Gu- ano Co., 158 Front St., N. Y., The Geo. W. Miles Co., Milford, Conn.,. National Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport, Conn., _. — New Haven Fertilizer Co., New Haven, Conn., _ - _- Peck Bros., Northfield, Ct, Preston Fertilizer Co., Greonpoint Sta- tion, Brooklyn, N. Y., Quinnipiac Fertilizer Co., New London, Conn., Quinnipiac Co., Wallingford, Conn., Read & Co., 34 Beaver St., N. Y., The Rogers & Hubhard Co., Middle- town, Ct.. H. L. Shoemaker, Philadelphia, by F. Ellsworth, Hartford, ARTICLES. Ivory and Bone Dust. Ground Bone. Animal Fertilizer. Common Sense Fertilizer, No. 2. Com- mon Sense Fertilizer, No. 3. Soluble Pacific Guano. Pure Gr'd Bone. Pure Bone Phosphate. Ground Bone. Potato Fertilizer. Am- moniated Dissolved Bone. Cooke's Blood Guano. The Mapes Potato Manure. The Mapes Corn Manure. The Mapes Com- plete Manure for light soils. The Mapes Tobacco Manure, Connecticut Brand. The Mapes Tobacco Manure for use with stems. The Mapes Grass and Grain Spring Top Dressing. The Mapes Complete Manure, " A " Brand. Plain Superphosphate, High Grade. I.X.L. Ammoniated Bone Superphos- phate. " C " Island Dry Fish Guano. Fish and Potash. Chittenden's Complete Fertilizer for Roots, Potatoes and Vegetables. Chit- tenden's Complete Manure for Grain. Chittenden's Ammoniated Bone Super- phosphate. Chittenden's Fish and Potash. Ammoniated Superphosphate. Ground Bone. Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate. Dried and Ground Fish Guano. Ground Bone. Quinnipiac Phosphate. Dry Ground Fish. Fish and Potash, crossed Fishes Brand. ■ Fish and Potash, plain brand. Meat and Plaster. Quinnipiac Co.'s Bone. Farmers' Friend Fertilizer. Matchless Tobacco Manure. Pure Raw Knuckle Bone Meal. Pure Raw Knuckle Bone, "Fine, A." Bone Meal. FIRM. St. Louis Lead and Oil Co. By P. Ells- worth, Hartford, F. 0. Slade, Oakville, Ct, Paul Thompson, 238 State St., Hartford, Conn., Williams, Clark & Co., 109 Pearl St., New York, _ ARTICLES. St. Louis Lead & Oil Co. Castor Po- mace. Ground Bone. Mineral Manure for Tobacco and other Crops. Fish and Potash. Universal Ammoni- ated Dissolved Bone. Americus Am- moniated Bone Superphosphate. Muri- ate of Potash. Kainit. FERTILIZER ANALYSES. The samples whose analyses are given in the following pages were drawn by an agent of the Station, when not otherwise stated. Nitrate op Soda. 928. From stock of Mapes Connecticut Valley Branch, Hart- ford, Gt. Stated not to be on sale in Connecticut. 941. Quinnipiac Fertilizer Co., New London, Ct. From stock of Wilson & Burr, Middletown. Sampled by J. M. Hubbard, Middletown. ANALYSES. 928 941 Nitrogen, 15.48 15.46 Equivalent nitrate of Soda, 94.00 93.90 Cost,. $70.00 67.00 Nitrogen costs per 100 lbs., $22.61 21.67 Sulphate of Ammonia. 929. From stock of Mapes Connecticut Valley Branch, Hart- ford, Ct. Stated not to be on sale in Connecticut. 929 Nitrogen, 20.74 Equivalent sulphate of Ammonia, 97.78 Cost,... $4.75 per 100 lbs. Nitrogen costs per lb., 22.9 cents. Potash Salts. 931. Muriate of Potash. H. J. Baker & Bro. From stock of Southmayd & Gardiner, Middletown, Ct. 930. Muriate of Potash. From stock of Mapes Connecticut Valley Branch, Hartford, Ct. Stated not to be on sale in Con- necticut. 943. Muriate of Potash. Quinnipiac Fertilizer Co., New London. From stock of Wilson & Burr, Middletown. Sampled by J. M. Hubbard, Middletown, Ct. 932. Muriate of Potash, imported by H. J. Baker & Bro., New York ; sold by S. J. Hall, Meriden ; sampled by Station. 933. Acorn Brand German Potash Salts. Williams, Clark & Co., N. Y. Stock of F. Ellsworth, Hartford. 938. Kainit. H. J. Baker & Co., N. Y Stock of H. K. Brainard, Thompsonville, Ct. Sampled by J. Thompson, Broad Brook. 940. Kainit. Bowker Fertilizer Co. Stock of H. K. Brainard, Thompsonville. Sampled by J. Thompson, Broad Brook, Ct. 937. Kainit (Leopoldshall). Stock of Mapes Branch, Hart- ford. Stated not to be on sale in Connecticut. 917. Kainit. Stock of Navassa Phosphate Co., N. Y. City. Sampled by J. M. Milbank, Greenfield Hill, Ct. 934. Kainit. Quinnipiac Fertilizer Co., New London, Ct. From Stock of Olds & Whipple, Hartford. 936. Kainit. From stock of Usher & Tinker, Plainville, Ct. ANALYSES. 931 930 943 933 51.55 81.65 45.00 4.36 933 938 940 93? 91? 934 936 Potash, Equivalent Muri- ate of Potash, _ Equivalent Sul- phate of Potash, Cost, $ Potash costs per 100 lbs., --I-. 54.26 85.94 42.00 $3.81 57.82 91.58 45.00 3.89 52.29 82.82 42.00 4.01 12.59 23.30 15.00 5.90 12.97 23.98 15.00 5.78 11.80 21.80 15.00 6.36 12.23 22.62 18.00 7.36 12.24 22.63 16.00 6.54 12.45 23.02 15.00 6.02 11.52 21.30 17.00 7.38 Bone Manures. 939. Peter Cooper's No. 2 Bone. Sampled by Edward S. Spring, Green Farms, Ct. 884. Lister Brothers' Celebrated Ground Bone. Stock of Raymond Bros., Norwalk, Ct. 892. Slade's Ground Bone (manufacturer's sample). F. C Slade, Oakville, Ct. 908. Ground Bone (manufacturer's sample), E. Smith, South Canterbury, Conn. 883. Wilson's Pure Bone Flour, ground by John H. Wilson, Norwalk, Ct. Stock of Raymond Brothers, Norwalk. 950. Ground Bone, made and sold by M. McNamara, Trum- bull Mills, Trumbull, Ct. Sampled by J. H. Jennings, Green's Farms. MECHANICAL ANALYSES. 939 884 892 908 883 950 Fine, smaller than -^ - inch, 35 47 17 24 19 19 Fine-medium, " -^ " 18 17 24 33 29 15 Medium, " --,V " 27 16 27 26 52 24 Coarse-medium, " £ '" 20 . 20 23 17 32 Coarse, larger than £ " 9 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND VALUATIONS. 939^ 884 • 892 908 883 950 Nitrogen,... 1.67 2.41 3.97 4.38 3.92 4.03 Phosphoric acid,... 28.99 12.55 23.52 20.86 23.61 20.32 Cost, $28.00 33.00 32.00 34.00 35.00 31.75 Estimated value per ton, 35.99 21.12 35.25 35.27 36.85 31.70 Plain Superphosphates. 916. Navassa Ground Acid Phosphate Rock, made by the Navassa Phosphate Co., and sampled by J. M. Milbank. 942. Acid Phosphate of Lime, made by the Bowker Fertilizer Co., New York; sold by Wilson & Burr, Middletown, Ct. ; sam- pled by J. M. Hubbard, Middletown. ANALYSES. 916 942 Soluble phosphoric acid, 5.56 10.72 Reverted phosphoric acid, 6.43 1.08 Insoluble phosphoric acid,. 4.55 2.84 Cost, $23.00 24.00 Estimated value per ton, $25.03 26.87 Fish Fertilizers. 900. Bowker's Fish and Potash, made by the Bowker Fertil- izer Co., New* York; sold by Curtis & Abbott, Birmingham, Ct. 897. Geo. W. Miles' Fish and Potash, made by Geo. W. Miles Co., Milford, Ct. ; sold by Apothecaries' Hall, Waterbury. 6 885. Fish and Potash, Crossed Fishes Brand, made by the Quin- nipiac Fertilizer Co., New London, Ct. ; sold by Raymond Bros., Norwalk. ANALYSES. 900 897 885 Nitrogen of nitrates, ' 1.38 . Nitrogen of ammonia salts, .44 Nitrogen of organic matter, 2.52 2.64 2.48 Soluble phos. acid, 2.85 4.69 .83 Reverted phos. acid, 2.46 1.15 4.12 Insoluble phos. acid, _ . _ 2.10 2.69 3.62 Potash, ..J , 4.08 3.68 4.38 Chlorine, 9.20 4.90 7.31 Cost, $36.00 40.00 38.00 Estimated value per ton, $27.19 30.66 35.70 Superphosphates, Specials, &c. 904. A.A. Ammoniated Superphosphate ; sold by Tolles & McEwen, Naugatuck, Ct. 920. A.A. Ammoniated Superphosphate ; sold by W. R. Perry & Co., New London, Ct. ; sampled by B. A. Copp, Groton, Ct. Samples 904 and 920 were both made by H. J. Baker & Bro., New York. 901. Brighton Phosphate; made by the Bowker Fertilizer Co., New York; sold by Curtis & Abbott, Birmingham, Ct. 922. Bradley's Superphosphate of Lime ; sold by Smith <& Son; sampled by T. S. Gold, West Cornwall. 868. Bradley's Superphosphate of Lime ; sold by Raymond & Bro., South Norwalk, Ct.; sampled by Franklin Sherwood, Green's Farms. Samples 922 and 868 were both made by the Bradley Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. 896. Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate ; made by the Buffalo Fertilizer and Chemical Works, Buffalo, N. Y. ; sold by Ruggles & Clark, Shelton, Ct. 891. Chittenden's Universal Phosphate ; made by the National Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport, Ct. 912. Menhaden Guano ; made and sold by Jos. Church & Co., Tiverton, R. I. ; sampled by Geo. T>. Harrison, Lakeville, Ct. 924. E. Frank Coe's Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate ; made by E. F. Coe ; sampled by Andrew Kingsbury, Coventry, Ct. 893. Russell Coe's Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate ; made by Russell Coe, Linden, N. J. ; sold by Curtis & Abbott, Birm- ingham, Ct. • 923. Aninioniated Boue Superphosphate; made by Russell Coe ; sold by Smith & Sons, and sampled by T. S. Gold, West Cornwall, Ct. 887. Soluble Pacific Guano; made by the Pacific Guano Co., Boston, Mass. ; sold by Raymond Bros., Norwalk, Ct. 898. Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate; made by the Geo. W. Miles Co., Milford, Ct. ; sold by Apothecaries' Hall, Water- bury, Ct. 907. New Haven Fertilizer Go's Superphosphate; made and sold by the New Haven Fertilizer Co. 886. Quinnipiac Phosphate; sold by Raymond Bros., South Norwalk. 921. Quinnipiac Phosphate; sold by John S. Morgan, Groton, Ct. ; sampled by B. A. Copp, Groton. 925. Quinnipiac Phosphate; sold by W. B. Williams, Bolton Center, Ct. ; sampled by Andrew Kingsbury, Coventry, Ct. Samples 886, 921 and 925 were made by the Quinnipiac Fer- tilizer Co., New London, Ct. 948. Paul Thompson's Mineral Manure for Tobacco and other crops ; made and sold by Paul Thompson, Hartford, Ct. 905. Special Potato Manure ; made by H. J. Baker & Bro. ; sold by Tolles & McEwen, Naugatuck, Ct. 903. Stockbridge Manure for Potatoes and Vegetables ; made by the Bowker Fertilizer Co., New York ; sold by Apothecaries' Hall, Waterbury, Ct. 895. Potato, Hop and Tobacco Fertilizer ; made by the Buffalo Fertilizer and Chemical Works, Buffalo, N. Y. ; sold by Ruggles & Clark, Shelton, Ct. 913. Chittenden's Complete Fertilizer for Roots, Potatoes, and Vegetables ; made and sold by the National Fertilizer Co., Bridge- port, Ct. 906. Corn Manure; made by H. J. Baker & Bro., New York ; sold by Tolles & McEwen, Naugatuck, Ct. 902. Stockbridge Manure for Corn ; made by the Bowker Fer- tilizer Co., New York ; sold by Apothecaries' Hall, Waterbury, Ct. 914:. Chittenden's Complete Manure for Grain ; made by the National Fertilizer Co., Bridgeport. 899. Stockbridge Forage Crop Manure (Grass Top Dressing) ; .made by the Bowker Fertilizer Co., New York; sold by Apothe- caries' Hall, Waterbury, Ct. 882. Tobacco Manure, Connecticut Brand ; made by the Mapes' Formula and Peruvian Guano Co., New York ; sold by David Beers, Danbury, Ct. 8 CO CO (H 1-1 di~fflmN'coTiidco^mir(Ddmd^iD'cio'Nooo'tdOTjiT(icoiot- i— 11— li— 11— 1 CO CM i— li— 11— 1 CO CM ITS r— 1 i— 1 CM Soluble Phos. Acid. coHONjrOiOKjHtflmcomroHt-totoi-tD^iraonnioco cocoojNfflPiioccraiatDooi.ocO'^KOHxcot-to^tDococo os cddco't-CDi-Hi~ co to uj j^ io o t- cm' co" id cd co' co" co jt~ id xti Nitrogen of Organic Matter. tDNt-t-MC-HtDCDOONWmOOlOt-OJ^TliHTjIt-mcnoOf t-t-miimcococnH 2 © te^ a ci o t, CQ pq pq pq as »r5 fi O &, CD -p CO > JO sap ,£3 & *"! P 3 CD CO CD 2-2 g^ mpqoo CD "S © ©~ 2 CO CO ss &&| PhCO IB 2 TO D DO mCQCO "© co co "3 "— > o o cS ^ OOP-i C P3 pj CD £ CD CD 'S r^ CO 03 -S fX) CO CO P • "5 ""H "o H^PhTO i cS i & I CO _ o CD~rC C3 t- ,d CD Ph a co p 2 to a*- 03 f- 1 o p *■< TO © - ui N cues «^! rS ^ a ,a ^ os a, a, a, co O <- CO CO CO - CD o O O O &< a ^ jd o o o o oci CC^ C5 CD CD CD CD o c3 — +3 a, &i a,^ co 5 "3 '3 H fe •d * .3 .3 .3 -3 ,§ CD © p p p OS Is CJ^O'O'a'FMpq cs w i i d CD~ ^T^ fc^ CD ^ ffl 4J O a so; ^ r o _g CD CD © 2 H CD © S I 3 5 © o o-2 p o - ° 2 p^-S § 00 o d ° ^ o a-" 2 "T; r-H CD t< •S 3 if © o ^ -3 -^ cb p V as Pi P a CO -- opq to pq < ca u CD 3 P (T) TO ^^ §|^§ Sri o> S gap S6|§ ©^ CD J bE p &C o .rH H-( -W t-l X! B .D CO ^3 5^ © O *a O Q, 0'2 o « ■Pfl-Py TOO TO .=5 ^0<^» •**«»«» eetOMcfiasArteicsnxssoccetei^oeAi-iooMAx cseot»cccei»»c:cce:5caie;x9:es»9sssi»fli©*OM»<» 9 935. Castor Pomace ; made by the Collier White Lead & Oil Co., St. Louis, Mo. ; sold by Olds & Whipple, Hartford. ANALYSIS. Nitrogen,.. 5. 76, Phosphoric acid, 2.07 Potash, 1.03 Cost, $23.00 Estimated value per ton, 24.66 " 915. Crude Navassa Phosphate; imported and sold by the Navassa Phosphate Co., New York ; sampled by J. M. Milbank, Greenfield Hill, Conn. Phosphoric acid, 29.90 Cost,.. $17.00 Phosphoric acid, costs, , $2.84 per 100 lbs. Plaster. 894. Plaster; ground by Knickerbocker Plaster Mills, New York ; sold by Ruggles & Clark, Shelton, Ct. 949. Plaster ; sent by Harvey Elliot, North Guilford, Ct. ANALYSES. 894 949 Insoluble in acids, .98 .51 Sulphuric acid, ._ 52.20 52.08 Lime, ._.. 36.61 Undetermined, 1.71 .56 Hydrated sulphate of lime (gypsum), 40.94 48.88 Sulphate of lime (anhydrite, or burned plaster), 56.37 50.05 Insoluble in acid, .98 .51 Undetermined,.. 1.71 .56 100.00 100.00 Pure gypsum equivalent to total sulphate of lime, 112.23 111.97 Cost per ton,.. $11.50 Correction. The valuation of H. J. Baker & Bro's. A. A. Ammoniated Super- phosphate, sample No. 752, published in Bulletin No. 70, June 30, 1882, and in Annual Report for 1882, p. 30, is incorrect. By a misplaced decimal point, the estimated value of insoluble phosphoric acid was made $7,44 instead of $0.74. This error was not detected in the duplicate calculation which is always per- formed, before the Station valuations are put on final record. The erroneous valuation of No. 752 was $50.43. The correct valuation of No. 752 is $43.53. University of Connecticut Libraries 39153029145663