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THE EYERY-DAT BOOK: on, €btrla$tin3 CalatUar OF POPULAR AMUSEMENTS, sroRTS, rASTi:\fES, ceremonies, MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND EVENTS, INCIDENT TO EACH OF THE THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE DAYS, IN PAST AND PRESENT TIMES; FOIiMIXG A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE YEAR, MONTHS, & SEASONS, PERPETUAL KEY TO THE ALMANACK ; ACCOUNTS OF THE WEATHER, RULES FOR HEALTH AND CONDUCT, REMARKABLE AND lilPORTANT ANECDOTES, FAC IS, AND NOTICES, IN CHRONOLOGY, ANTIQUITIES, TOPOORAPHV, BIOGRAPHY, NATURAL HISTORY, ART, SCIENCE, AND GENERAL LITERATURE ; DERIVED FROJI THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES, AND VALUABLE ORIGINAL COM.MUNICATIONS, WITH FOEnCAL ELUCIDATIONS, FOE DAILY USE AND DIVEESION. BY WILLIAM HONE. I tell of festivals, and fairs, and plays, Of moninieuL and mirth, and bunfire blaze; J Uill of Cliristmas-munimiiigs new year's day. Of twelflli-night king and queen, and children's play; I tell of Valentines, and true- love's- knots, Of omens, cimuing men, and drawiug lota — I tell of brooks, of blossoms, birds and bowera, Of April, May, of June, and July-dowers ; I tell of ilay-poles. hock-carts, wassails, wakes, Of bridegrooms, brides, and of their biidal-cakea | I tell of groves, of twilights, and I sing The court of Mab, and of the lairy-king. Jlarrtck. IN TWO VOLUMES. WITH THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ENGRAVINGS. VOLUME I. LONDON : PUBLISHED FOR WILLIAM HONE BY HUNT AND CLARKE, TAVISTOCK STREET, COVENT-GARDEN. 1826, i>d hv W J l.*^-' I,ONin'.N wn.l.IAU TK''I THE EVERY DAY BOOK, GUIDE TO THE YEAR: DESCBIBINJ THE V. POPULAR AMUSEMENTS, SPORTS, CEREMONIES, MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND EVENTS, IXCTDENT TO IN PAST AND PRESENT TIMES. BY WILLIAM HONE. WITH FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIX ENGRAVINGS. BY G. CEUIKSHANK, WILLIAMS, &c. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. L LONDON: WILLIAM TEGG. EXPLANATORY ADDRESS EEADERS OF THE EVERY-DAY BOOK. OrR ancestors were persons of kisure. They appropriated each day in the year to the memory of remarkable persons or events. The Eyebt-Dat Book will relate the origin of these three hundred and sixty-five celebrations, with interest- in_^ accounts of the individuals and circumstances commemorated. It will cspe3ially describe the National and Domestic Festivities at the Keniark- able Seasons, and on tlie great Holidays that are still kept; particularly those on New Year's day — Twelfth day — St. Agnes' eve — Candlemas day — St. Valentine's day — Shrovetide — Ash 'Wednesday — St. David's day — St. Patrick's day — Pahn Sunday — Lady day — All Fools' day — Maundy Thursday — Good Friday — Easter- tide — Ilock day — St. George's day — May day — Royal Oak day — Whitsuntide — St. Barnabas' day — St. John's eve — St. Swithiu's day — Lammas-tide — Corpus Christi day — jMidsummer-tide — iMichaclmas-tide — Allliallow e'en — Gunpowder Plot day — St. Andrew's day — Christmas-tide — Childermas day — New Year's eve, &c. While recording such observances, it will entertain the reader with descriptions of numerous Popular Merriments and Usages, a few of which may be mentioned as instances: namely, Fairs — Wakes — Morris Dancings — Harvest Homes — Shear- ings — Mayings — Aleings — Wassailings — Mummings — Soulings — Waits — Eton l^Iontem — Hogmanj' — Yule, &c. Besides a multitude of subjects of this description, the amusing character of the Every-Day Book will be increased by curious details respecting Flinging the stocking — The Wandering Jew — Hand of Glory — Glastonbury thorn — Wrestling — Kissing — Man in the Moon — Kobin Hood — The Merry Thought — Tea — The Drama — Highgafe oath — Dunmow fiitch — Winifreds well — Music — Horn Fail ^Old Nick — Joint ring — Robin Goodfellow — Robin Badfdlow — Passing bell — Wedding ring — Death watch — The Grace cup — Archery — Cockfighting— Break- ing up — Jack a' Lan thorn — Second sight — Barber's pole — Strewing rushes — Bleeding of the Murdered — Under the Rose — Sitting cross legged — liOngevity — Coronation stone — Sneezing — Bear baiting — Lady in the straw — Seventh son of a seventh sim — True lover's knot — Blindman's buff — Curfew bell — Divining rod — Hunt the slipper — Roodloft — Nightmare — Pricking in the belt — Dress — Cursing by bell, book and candle — Golf— Black's the white o' my eye — Garnish — Barring out at schoul — Groaning cake — Chiromancy — Cunning men — Undertakers — Mar- riages — Penny weddings — Vanes — Love charms — Toys — Storms — Moles — .Cramp rings — Horseshoes — Fools — Jesters — Apparitions — Babies in the eyes — Fairy rings— Autographs— Witch finders— Witches— Wizards — Shop signs— Cries — Amulets — Duels — Charms — Healths — Exorcisms — Evil eyes — Eclipses- Shooting stars — Gypsies — Sin eaters — Corpse candles— Jlisers — Quacks— Incan- tations — Crickets — Bonfires — Old saws — Philtres— Frosts — Fairies— Somnambu- lists — Christenings — Pawnbrokers' balls — Burials — Cuckolds — Processions — Spectres — Lucky and unlucky numbers — Newspapers — Christmas-boxes — Bogles — Brownies — Spunkiea — Kelpies — Wraiths — Dwarfs — Giants — Fascinations-To- bacco — Snufif — Sorcerers — Songs — Hair and Wigs — Vigils — Spirits — Omens— EXPLANATORY ADDRESS CONTINUED. Fuiiiiliars — llcly Wella— tio^ssips — Cards — WiYcks — Divinations — Bitrotliings — SIuoikIji — TavLintions — I'lumouieua, &o. &c. &e. By the introduction of various topics and facts of a still more interestiiii;^ and important nature, with suitable Hiatorical, Biographical, Astronomical, and Seasonable Anecdotes — information that is useful to all, will be combined with amusement that is a^rcoable to most. The Every-Day Book will be a Jlin.'orij of tlie Year. Whether it be con- snltel respecting to-day or to-morrow, or any other day, it will jiresent acciptalile particulars respecting the day sought. It becomes, thertfoie, a Perjictiud Guide to ihe Year — not to any one year in parlicular, but to every year — and foiius a. Complete iJiclioiianj of the Almanac, for the daily use and instruction of every person who possesses an Altn.mac, and desires a Kcij to it. In this view it will be the Evei;v-Day Book of pleasure and husiness^o^ parents and eiiildren, teachers and pn[)ils, masters and servants : and, as Cowper says, that, "a volume of ver.-e is a fiddle that sets the universe in motion," it is believed that his reniaik n,ay be somewhat verified by the pleasant images and kind feelings, which the inter&persion of much excellent poetry throughout the work is designed to create in all classes of its rcadeis. ]\Iuny essential i)articulars relating to the days of the week, the twelve months, the four siasons, and the yiar generally, will be airanged by way of Ajipcndix, an 1 there will bo a copious Index to the whole. A number, or sheet of thirty-two columns, price threepence, will be publisiicd every Saturday till the undertaking is completed, which will be in about a year— a few weeks more or less. The Engravings in each will vary as to number: in some there may be only one or two ; in others, three, or four, or five — according to the suhjcct. It will form a large and handsome volume, containing a greater body of curious and interesting anecdotes and facts than exists in any other in the English language ; and be illustrated by nearly two hundred Engravings from the original designs of su|)erior artists, or from rare and remarkable prints and drawings. This mode of publication is adopted with a view to two objects: 1st, the general dilfusion of useful facts in connection with various information; and 2dly, the attainment of additional jiartieulai-s during its progress. To a large mass of materials already collecte m any thing like the narm and circling amplitude, which Sweetly recommends itself Unto oui gentle senses. Add t«> this, benumbed fingers, which may help you to cut yourself, a quivering body, a frozen towel, and an ewer full of' ice ; and he that says there is nothing to oppose in all this, only shows, at any rate that he has no merit in opposing it." GYMNASTICS FOR YOUTH. This engraving represents simple me- thods by which, at this season especially, the health of young persons may be maintained, and the constitution invigo- rated. Two round parallel bars at two feet distance from each other, on round standards three or four feet high, firmly fixed in the ground, will afford boys the means of actively exerting their limbs and muscles : and if the ends of a pole be let into opposite walls or fastened to trees, the boys may be taught to climb single ropes, and hold on while swinging by them. The engraving is placed before the eyes of parents and teachers with the hope of directing their attention to gym- nastic exercises, as diversions for youth, and they are referred to a practical trea- tise on the subject by Mr. Clias, that may be safely used. His judicious reasoning must convince every reader of their im- portance to the rising generation, and that it is within the means of all classes of persons to let boys acquire a know- J«Jge of the feats represented in the plates to his work, for teaching which his explanations are numerous and clear. /4ii unseasonable occurrence in the cellar of the late sir Joseph Banks may be acceptable in the mention, and excite particular sympathy in persons who re- create with the juice of the vine : as a fact, it may tend to elucidate the origin and nature of vegetable fungi, particularly of that species termed mushroom. The worthy baronet had a cask of wine rather too sweet for immediate use ; he therefore directed that it should be placed in a cel- lar, in order that the saccharine matter it contained might be more perfectly decom- posed by age. At the end of three years, he directed his butler to ascertain the state of the wine, when, on attempting to open the cellar door, he could not effect it, in conse- quence of some powerful obstacle. The door was cut down, and the cellar found to be completely filled with a firm fungous vegetable production — so firm that it waj 10 THE EVERY-DAY book.— JANUARY 2. necessary to use the axe for its removal. This appeared to have grown from, or have been nourished by, the decomposed particles of the wine : the cask was empty, and carried up to the ceiling, where it was supported by the surface of the fungus. anticipate with calm delight the entrance of the new year, and lift his eyes to the living lustres of the firmament with grate- ful feelings. They shine out their prismatic colours through the cold thin air, keeping watch while man slumbers, or cheering him, who contemplates their files, to pur- poses of virtue. In this season At the close of this day he who can reflect with satisfaction on the past, may The night comes calmly forth, Bringing sweet rest upon the wings of even . The golden wain rolls round the silent north. And earth is slumbering 'neath the smiles of heaven. BOWKING. Bamiarp 2. St. Macarius ; St. Concordius ; St. Adalard or Alard. St. Macarius. a.d. 394. Alban Butler says he was a confectioner of Alexandria, who, in the Hower of his age, spent upwards of sixty years in the deserts in labour, penance, and contemplation. "Our saint," says Butler, " happened one day inadvertently to kill a gnat, that was biting him in his cell ; reflecting that he had lost the opportunity of suffering that mortifi- cation, he hastened from his cell for the marshes of Scetfe, which abound with great flies, whose stings pierce even wild boars. There he continued six months, exposed to those ravaging insects ; and to such a degree was his whole body dis- figured by them, with sores and swellings, that when he returned he was only to be known by his voice." The Golden Legend relates of him, that he took a dead pagan out of his sepulchre, and put him under his head for a pillow ; whereupon certain devils came to afiiight the saint, and called the dead pagan to go with them ; but the body under the saint said he could not, because a pilgrim lay upon him, so that he could not move ; then Macarius, no- thing afraid, beat the body with his fist, and told him to go if he would, which caused the devils to declare that Macarius had vanquished them. Another time the devil came with a great scythe on his shoulder, to smite the saint, but he covdd not prevail against him, on accent of his virtues. Macarius, at another time, being tempted, filled a sack with stones, and bore it many journies through the desert. Seeing a devil before him in the shape of a man, dressed like " a herawde," with his clothing full of holes, and in every hole a phial, he demanded of this devil whither he went ; and why he had so many phials? the devil answered, to give drink to tlie hermits ; and that the phials contained a variety of liquors, that they might have a choice, and so fall into temptation. On the devil's return, the saint inquired how he had sped ; and the devil answered very evil, for they were so holy that only one Theodistus would drink : on this inform- ation Macarius found Theodistus under the influences of tlie phial, and recovered him. Macarius found the head of a pagan, and asked where the soul of its body was : in hell, said the head : he asked the head if hell was deep ; — the head said deeper than from heaven to earth : he de- manded again, if there were any there lower than his own soul — the head said the Jews were lower than he was: the saint inquired if there were any lower than the Jews — the head answered, the false Christian-men were lower than the Jews, and more tormented : there the dialogue between the saint and the head appears to have ended. Macarius seems, by the Golden Legend, to have been much annoyed by the devil. In a nine days' journey through a desert, at the end o{ every mile he set up a reed in the earth, to mark his track against he returned ; but the devil pulled them all up, made a bundle of them, and placed them at Ma- carius's head, while he lay asleep, so that the saint with great difficulty found his way home again. St. Adalard, according to Butler, waj grandson of Charles Martel, brother to king Pepin, and cousin-german to Charle- magne, who created him a count : he left his court in 773, became a monk at Corbie in Picardy, died in 827, aged seventy- three, and wrought m.iracles, which pro- cured his body to be enshrined with great pomp in 1010, a history of which solem- nity is written by St. Gerard, who com- posed an office in St. Adalaid's honour, be 11 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK— JANUARY 2. <^ause through his intercession he had been cured of. a violeiii head-ache. — The same St. Gerard relates seven other miracles by S .. Adalard of the same nature, liutler says, his relics are still at Corbie, ill a rich shrine, and two smaller cases, except a small portion given to the abbey of Chelles, The first Monday after new year's day is called Handsel Monday in some parts of Scotland, and is observed by merry- making. In sir J. Sinclair's " Statistical Account," it is related of one William Hunter, a collier, that he was cured in the year 1758 of an inveterate rheuma- tism or gout, by drinking freely of new ale, full of barm or yeast. " Tlie poor man had been confined to his bed for a year and a h.ilf, having almost entirely lost the use of his limbs. On the evening of Handsel Monday, as it is called, some of his neighbours came to make merry with him. Though he could not rise, yet he always took his share of the ale, as it passed round the company ; and, in the end, became much intoxicated. The con- sequence was, that he had the use of his limbs the next morning, and was able to walk about. He lived more than twenty years after this, and never had the smallest return of his old complaint.''' This is a fact worth remembering, as connected with chronical complaints. CHRONOLOGy. On the 2d of January, a. d. 17, Ovid the celebrated Roman poet died: he was born at Sulmo on the 20th of March, forty-three years before the Christian era. His father designed him for the bar, and he became eminently eloquent, but every thing he wrote was expressed in poetical numbers ; and though reminded by his lather, that even Homer lived and died in poverty, he preferred the pleasures of i iiagination to forensic disputation He /gained great admiration from the learned. Virgil, Horace, Tibullus, and Propertius, were his friends, and Augustus became his liberal patron, till he banished him for some unknown cause. In his exile he was cowardly, and prostituted his pen to flatter baseness ; and though he desired the death of the emperor, he fawned upon him in his writings to meanness. He died fit Tomos on the Euxine sea, the place of his binishment, under the reign of Tibe- rius, who had succeeded Augustus, and was deaf to the poet's entreaties for per- mission to return to Rome. Whatever subject Ovid wrote on, he exhausted; he painted nature with a masterly hand, and his genius imparted elegance to vulgarity ; but he defiLd the sweetness of his num- bers by impurity, and though he ranks among the splendi 1 ornaments of ancient literature, he sullied his fame by the grossest immorality in some of his finest productions. Livy , the Roman historian, died at Padua on the same day and in the same year with Ovid. His history of the Roman Empire was in one hundred and forty books, of which only thirty-five are extant. Five of these were discovered at Worms in 1431, and some fragments are said to have been lately discovered at Hercu' 'iipum. Few particulars of his life are uwn, but his fame was great even while he lived, and his history has rendered him immortal He wrote some philosophical treatises and dialogues, with a letter to his son on the merit of authors, which Dr. Lem- priere says, ought to be read by young In the Literary Pocket Book there art some seasonable facts which may be transplanted with advantage to the reader, and, it is hoped, without disadvantage to the writer of the articles. He says that a man is infinitely mistaken, who thinks there is nothing worth seeing in winter- time out of doors, because the sun is not warm, and the streets are muddy. " Let him get, by dint of good exercise, out oJ the streets, and he shall find enough. In the warm neighbourhood of towns he may still watch the field-fares, thrushes, and blackbirds ; the titmouse seeking its food through the straw-thatch ; the red-wings, field-fares, sky-larks, and tit-larks, upon the same errand, over wet meadows; the sparrows and y:Uow-hammers, and chaf- finches, still beautiful though mute, glean- ing from the straw and chaff in farm- yards ; and the ring-dove, always poetical, coming for her meal to the ivy-berries. About rapid stre-ams he may see the va- rious habits and movements of herons, wood-cocks, wild-d icks, and other water- fowl, who are obliged to quit the frozen marshes to seek their food there. The red-breast comes to the windows, and often into the house itself, to be rewarded for its song, and for its far-fyined * pain- ful' obsequies to the Children iu the Wood." 12 THE EV^ERY-DAY BOOK.- JANUARY 3. SJanuarp 3. St. Genevievj. St. Anterns, Pope. St. Gordius. St. Peter Balsam. St. Genevieve, Patroness of Paris. Alban Butler aftirms that she was born in 422, at Nanterre, four miles from Paris, near the present Calvary there, and that she died a virgin on this day in 512, and was buried in 545, near the steps of the high altar in a magnificent church, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, began by Clovis, where he also was interred. Her relics were afterwards taken up and put into a costly shrine about 630. Of course they worked mira- cles. Her shrine of gold and silver, covered with precious stones, the presents of kings and aneens, and with a cluster of diamonds on the top, presented by the intriguing Mary de Medicis, is, on cala- mitous occasions, carried about Paris in procession, accompanied by shrines equally miraculous, and by the canons of St Genevieve walking bare-foot. The miracles of St. Genevieve, as re- lated in the Golden Legend, were equally numerous and equally credible. It relates that when slie was a child, St. Gerinaine said to her mother, " Know ye for certain that on the day of Genevieve's nativity the angels sung with joy and gladness," and looking on the ground he saw a penny signed with the cross, which came there by the will of God ; he took it up, and gave it to Genevieve, requiring her to bear in mind that she was the spouse of Christ. She promised him accordingly, and often went to the minster, that she might be worthy of her espousals. "Then," says the Legend, " the mother was angry, and smote her on the cheek — God avenged the child, so that the mother became blind," and so remained for one and twenty months, when Genevieve fetched her some holy water, signed her with the sign of the cross, washed her eyes, and she recovered her sight. It further relates, that by the Holy Ghost she showed many people their secret thoughts, and that from fifteen years to fifty she fasted every day except Sunday and Thursday, when she ate beans, and barley-bread of three weeks old. Desiring to build a church, and dedicate it to St. Denis and other martyrs, she required materials of the priests for (hat purpose. " Dame," answered the Driests, " we would ; but we can get no chalk nor lime." She desired them to go to the bridge of Paris and bring what they found there. They did so till twc swineherds came by, one of whom said to the other, " I went yesterday after one of my sows a^d found a bed of lime;" the other replied that he had also found one under the root of a tree that the wind had blown down. St. Genevieve's priests of course inquired where these discoveries were made, and bearing the tidings to Genevieve the church of St. Denis was began. During its progress the workmen wanted drink, whereupon Genevieve called for a vessel, prayed over it, signed it with the cross, and" the vessel was immediately filled; " so," says the Legend, "the workmen drank their belly full," and the vessel continued to be supplied in the same way with "drink" for the workmen till the church was finished. At another time a woman stole St. Genevieve's shoes, but as soon as she got home lost lier sight for the theft, and remained blind, till, having restored the shoes, St. Genevieve restored the woman's- sight. Desiring the liberation of certain prisoners condemned»to death at Paris, she went thither and found the city gates were shut against her, but they opened without any other key than her own pre- sence. She prayed over twelve men in that city possessed with devils, till the men were suspended in the air, and the devils were expelled. A child of four years old fell in a pit and was killed ; St. Genevieve only covered her with her mantle and prayed over lier, and the child came to life and was baptized at Easter. On a voyage to Spain she ar- rived at a port "where, as of custom, ships were wont to perish." Iler own vessel was likely to strike on a tree in the water, which seems to have caused the wrecks; she commanded the tree to be cut down, and began to pray ; when lo, just as the tree began to fall, " two wild heads, grey and horrible, issued thereout, which stank so sore, that the people that were there were envenomed by the space of two hours, and never after perished ship there; thanks be to God and this holy saint." At Meaux, a master not forgiving his servant his faults though St, Genevieve prayed him, she prayed against him. He was immediately seized with a hot ague ; " on the morrow he came to the holy virgin, running with open mouth like a German bear, his tongue hanging out like a boar, and requiring pardon." She then blessed him, the fevei left him, and 13 THE EVERY -DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 4. the servatit was pardoned. A girl going by with a bottle, St. Genevieve called to ner, and asked what she carried, she answered oil, which she had bought; but St. Genevieve seeing the devil sitting on the bottle, blew upon it, and the bottle broke, but the saint blessed the oil, and caused her to bear it home safely notwithstanding. The Golden Legend says, that the people who saw this, mar- velled that the saint could see the devd, and were greatly edified. It was to be expected that a saint oi such miraculous powers in her lifetime should possess them after her death, and accordingly the reputation of her relics is very high. Several stories of St. Genevieve's mi- raculous faculties, represent them as very convenient in vexatious cases of ordinary occurrence ; one of these will serve as a specimen. On a dark wet night she was going to church with her maidens, with a candle borne before her, which the wind and rain put out; the saint merely called for the candle, and as soon as she took it in her hand it was lighted again, "without any fire of this world." Other stories of her lighting candles in this way, call to mind a candle, greatly venerated by E. Worsley in a " Discourse of Miracles wrought in the Roman Ca- tholic Church, or, a full Refutation of Dr. Stiliingfleet's unjust Exceptions against Miracles," octavo, 1676. At p. 64, he says, " that the miraculous ivax candle, yet seen at Arras, the chief city of Artois, may give the reader entertainment, being most certain, and never doubted of hy any. In 1105, that is, much above 768 years ago, (of so great antiquity the can- dle is,) a merciless plague reigned in Arras. The whole city, svet devout to tlie Mother of God, experienced her, in this their necessity, to be a true mother of mercy : the manner was thus. The Virgin Mary appeared to two men, and enjoined them to tell the bishop of Arras, that on the next Saturday towards morn- ing she would appear in the great church, and put into his hands a wax candle burning ; from whence drops of wax should fall into a vessel of water pre- paied by the bishop. She said, more- over, that all the diseased that drank of this water, should forthwith be cured. This trull/ promised, truly happened. Our blessed Lady appeared all beautiful, hav- ing in her hands a wax candle burning, which diffused light over the whole church; this she presented to the bishop ; he, blessing it with the sign of the cross, set It in the urn of water ; when drops of wax plentifully fell down into the vessel. The diseased drank of it, all were cured, the contagion ceased, and the candle to this day preserved with great veneration, spends itself, yet loses nothing; and therefore remains still of the same length and greatness it did 500 years ago. A vast quantity of wax, made up of the many drops which fall into the water upon those festival days, when the candle burns, may be justly called a standing, indeficient miracle." This candle story, though gravely related by a catholic writer, as "not doubted oi by any," and as therefore not to be doubted, miraculously failed in con- vincing the protestant Stillingfleet, that " miracles wrought in the Roman catholic church," ought to be believed. Chronology, 1639. A manuscript entitled "Com- mentaries of the Civil Wars, from 1638 to 1648," written by Sir Henry Slingsby, bart, a royalist, intimates the struggle, then approaching, between Charles I. and the nation. He says, " The 3d of January, 1639, 1 went to I3ramham-house, out of curiosity, to see the training of the light-horse, for which service I had sent two horses, by commandment of the lieu- tenant and sir Joseph Ashley ,who is lately come down, with special commission from the king to train and exercise them. These are strange spectacles to this nation in this age, that has iived thus long peaceably, without noise of drum or of shot, and after we have stood neuter, and in peace, when all the world besides hath been in arms." The " train- ing" was preparatory to the war with the Scots, the resistance of the commons in parliament, and its levies of troops to oppose the royal will. " 'J'lie armourers With busy hammers closing rivets up Gave dreadful note of preparation :' the conflict ended in the death of Charles on the scaffold, the interregnum, the restoration, and the final expulsion of the Stuart race. S)anuarp 4. St. Titus, disciple of St. Paul. St. Gre- gory, bishop of Langres St Rigobert or Robert. St Rumvju u THE EVERY-DAY BOOK —JANUARY 4. Sf. Enmon. Alban Butler informs us, from William of Malmsbury, that he was a bishop, though of what nation or see is unknown, and that his name is in the English martyrology. Cressy says, that his body was buried at Tavistock, where, about 960, Ordgar, count of Devonshire, father to Elfrida, the second wife of king Edgar, built a monastery " very agreeable and pleasant, by reason ot the great variety of woods, pastures, and rivers abounding with fish." St. Rumon con- secrated the church. About thirty years afterwards, the monastery was destroyed and burnt by the Danes. It is memora- ble, that Edulf, a son of Ordgar, buried in that monastery, was a man of gigantic stature, and of such wonderful strength, that going to Exeter, and finding the gates shut and barred, he broke the outer iron bars with his hands, burst open the gates with his foot, tore the locks and bolts asunder, and broke down part of the wall. Chronology. 1568. On the 4th of January Roger Ascham died, and was buried at St. Sepulchre's church, London. He was born in Yorkshire about 1515, and is celebrated for his learning, for having been tutor and Latin secretary to queen Elizabeth, and for having written " the Scholemaster." This work originated from mention having been made at din- ner that some Eton scholars " had run away from school for fear of beating." Ascham expressed his opinion that " young children were sooner allured by love, than driven by beating, to attain good learning.'' He then retired up stairs " to read with the queen's majesty : we read then together that noble oration of Demosthenes against TF.schines, for his false dealing in his embassy to king Philip of Macedon ; sir Richard Sack- ville came up soon after." Sackville tookAscham aside, " A fond (silly) school- master," said sir Richard, " before I was fully fourteen years old, drove me so, with fear of beating, from all love of (earning, as now, when I know what dif- ference it is to have learning, and to have little, or none at all, I feel it my greatest grief, and find it my greatest hurt, that ever came to me, that it was so my ill chance, to light upon so lewd (ignorant) a schoolmaster. The whole conversa- tion was very interesting, and so im- pressed Ascham with its nuportance, that he says, he " thought to prepare some little treatise for a new-year's gift that Christmas,'' but it grew beneath his hands and became his " Schole- master, showing a plain and perfect way of teaching the learned languages." The best edition of this work, which Ascham did not live to publish, is that edited by the Rev. James Upton, 1743, octavo. The book was first printed by Ascham's widow, whom with her chil- dren he left in distress. It was emi- nently serviceable to the advancement of teachers and pupils, at a period when it was the fashion to flog. Its most remark- able feature is the frowning down of this brutal practice, which, to the disgrace of our own times, is still heard of in certain seminaries, both public and private. The good old man says, " Beat a child if he dance not well, and cherish him though be learn not well, ye shall have him un- willing to go to dance, and glad to go tc his book : knock him always when he draweth his shaft ill, and favour him again though he fault at his book, ye shall have him very loth to be in the field, and very willing to go to school." He observes, " If ever the nature of man be given at any time, more than another, to receive goodness, it is in innocency of young years before that experience of evil have taken root in him. For the pure, clean wit of a sweet young babe, is like the newest wax, most able to re- ceive the best and fairest printing ; and like a new bright silver dish never occu- pied, to receive and keep clean any good thing that is put into it. Therefore, to love or to hate, to like or contemn, to ply this way or that way, to good or to bad, ye shall have as ye use a child in his youth." He exemplifies this by a delightful anecdote of the young, beauti- ful, and accomplished lady Jane Grey, who shortly afterwards perished by the axe of the executioner. Ascham, before he went into Germany, visited Broad- gate in Leicestershire, to take leave of her. " Her parents, the duke and duchess, with all the household, gentle- men and gentlewomen, were hunting in the park. I found Aer," says Ascham, *' in her chamber, reading Phaedo Platcnis in Greek, and that with as much delight, as some gentlemen would read a merry tale in Boccace. After salutation, and duty done, with some other talk, I asked her, why she would lose such pastime 15 THE EVEKY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 4. in the park ? Smiling, she answered me : " * I wist, all their sport in the park is but a shadow to that pleasure that I find in Plato. Alas! good-folk, they never felt what true pleasure meant.' " ' And how came you, madam,' quoth I, ' to this deep knowledge of pleasure ? And what did chiefly allure you unto it, seeing not many women, but very few men, have attained thereunto V " ' I will tell you,' quoth she, ' and tell you a truth, which perchance you will marvel at. One of the greatest benefits that ever God gave me, is, that he sent me so sharp and severe parents, and so gentle a schoolmaster. For when I am in pre- sence either of father or mother, whether I speak, keep silence, sit, stand, or go, eat, drink, be merry, or sad, he sewing, playing, dancing, or doing any thing else, X must do it, as it were, in such weight, measure, and number, even so perfectly, as God made the world ; or else I am so sharply taunted, so cruelly threatened, yea presently sometimes with pinches, nips, and bobs, and other ways (which I will not name for the honour 1 bear them) so without measure misordered, that I think myself in hell, till time come that I must go to Mr. Elmer ; who teachetL me so gently, so pleasantly, with such fair allurements to learning, that I think all the time nothing, while I am with him ; and when I am called from him, I fall on weeping, because whatsoever I do else, but learning, is full of grief, trouble, fear, and whole misliking unto me : and thus my book hath been so much my pleasure, and bringeth daily to me more pleasure and more, that in respect of it, all other pleasures in very deed, be but trifles and troubles unto me.' " Surely this innocent creature's confes- sion, that she was won to the love of learning and her teacher by hrs gentle- ness, and the disclosure of her affliction under the severe discipline of her parents, are positive testimony to the fact, that our children are to be governed and taught by the law of kindness : nor let it detract from the force of the remark, that in connection with her artless feel- ings and blameless deportment, if hei hard fate call forth a versified effusion INSCRIBED BENEATH A PORTRAIT OF LADY JANE GREY. Original. Young, beautiful, and learned Jane, intent On knowledge, found it peace ; her vast acquirement Of goodness was her fall ; she was content With dulcet pieasures, such as calm retirement Yields to the wise alone ; — her only vice Was vi.tue : in obedience to her sire And lord she died, with them, a sacrifice To their ambition : her own mild desire Was rather to be happy than be great ; For though at their request she claimed the crown. That they, thiough her, might rise to rule the state. Yet, the bright diadem, and gorgeous ihrone, She view'd as cares, dimming the dignity Of her unsalLe'd mind, and pure benignity. 1815. On the 4th of January, died Alexander Macdonald, Esq., who is no other way remarkable, than for a chival- rous devotion to the family of Stuart. He raised a monument in the vale of Glen- finnyn, at the head of Lochshiel, in the county of Inverness, with a Latui, Gaelif, and English inscription, to commemo- rate the last open efforts of that fanuly, for the recovery of a crown they had forfeited by innumerable breaches of the laws, and whose aggressions on life and property being suffered, till " Non-resistance could no further go,*' they were excluded from the throne of the people, by the aristocracy and common- alty of England in parliament assembled. As evidence of the spirit that dictated such a memorial, and of the proper feel- ing which permits that spirit to be ex- pressed, in spite of its hostility to the principles that deposit>ed and continued the diadem of the commonwealth in the custody of the house of Hanover, the in scription on the monument is placed in the next column. It stands in English iu these words : 16 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.- JANUARY 4. On the 6po» where PRINCE EDWARD First raised Ins Standard, On the inth day of Au(;ust, MDCCXLV, When hemade the darinp and romantic attempt To recover a Thrune !ost by the imprudence of lii> Ancestors, This Column was erected by A^EXANDER MACDONALU, Esij., of Glenaladale, To commemorate the generovs ital, undaunted bravery, ami the invi>tiDle fidrluy^ Of his forefathers, and the rtjsf of those Who fought and bled ?n that Arduous ami nnforlunate citeri-rise, Tliia Pillar is now, Alas! Also become the Monument Of Its Amiable and accomplished Founder, Who, Bf fore it was finished, V)\^i ir. Edinburgh on the 4th day of Januiiy, MDCCCXV. The " right line" of the Stuart race ter- minated in the late cardinal York. lie was the sfecond son of "the Pretender," and was born at Rome on the 26th of March 1 725 ; where he was baptized by the name of Henry Benedict Maria Clemens : he died there in 1807, in the 83d year of his age In 1745 he went to France to head an aimy of fifteen thousand men, assem- bled at Dunkirk for the invasion of England. The battle of CuUoden settled " the arduous and unfortunate enter- prise," which the " amiable and accom- plished founder" of the monument com- memorates, and not a single transport left Dunkirk roads. As soon as Henry Bene- dict heard of the affair at CuUoden, he returned to Rome, entered into priest's orders, and in 1747 was made a cardinal by pope Benedict XIV. It was taunted by a former pope upon James II. that he " lost his kingdom for a mass ;" and it is certain that Henry Benedict was better qualified to take a red-hat and pull on and off red stockings, than to attempt the conquest of a free protestant nation. After the expulsion of pope Pius \'I. from " the chair of St. Peter," by the French, he tied from his splendid residences at Rome and Frascati to Ve- nice, infirm in health, distressed in cir- cumstanre.s, and at the age of seventy- ftve. He subsisted for awhile on the produce of some silver plate, which he had saved from the ruin of his property. By the friendly interference of sir John Cox Kippisley, the cardinal's situation was made known to his late majesty, and lord Minto had orders to remit him a present of 2000J., which he received in rebiuary 1000, with an intimation that he might draw for the same amount in the July following ; and sir J. C. Hippis- ley communicated to him, that an annuity of 4000/. would be at his service, so long as his circumstances might require it. This liberality was received and acknow- ledged by the cardinal in terms of grati- tude, and made a considenible impression on the reigniiig pope and his court. Tliese facts are extracted from the Gen- tleman's Magazine, (vols. 74 and 77,) which also observes, that " from the time he devoted himself to ecclesiastical ftinc tions he seemed to have laid aside all worldly views, till his father's death in 1788, when he had medals .struck, bearing on their face his head, with ' Henrict.'S NONUS Anglic Rex ;' on the reverse, a city, with ' Gratia Dei, sed kon Vo- JUNiATE Hominum:' if we are not misinformed, our sovereign has one of •these medals." From one in the posses- sion of the compiler of this work, he is enabled to present an engraving of it to his readers. HENRY IX. KING OF ENGLAND. V(3L. 1. 17 C THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 5. St. Simeon Scylites. St. Telesphorus. St. Syncletia. St. Simeon Stylites. his mortifications. In the monastery of Heliodorus, a man sixty-five years of age, who had spent sixty-two years so ab- stracted from the world, that he was ignorant of the most obvious things in it ; Alban Butler declares, that St. Simeon the monks ate but once a day : Simeon astonished the whole Roman empire by joined the community, and ate but once a ST. SIMEON STYLITES, HERMIT OF THE PILLAR. 18 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 5. week, lleliodorus required Simeon to be more private in his mortifications; " with this view," says Butler, " judging the rough rope of the well, made of twisted palm-tree leaves, a proper instru- ment of penance, Simeon tied it close about his naked body, where it remained unknown both to the community and his superior, till such time as it having ate into his flesh, what he had privately done was discovered by the effluvia proceeding from the wound." Butler says, that it took three days to disengage the saint's clothes, and that " the incisions of the physician, to cut the cord out of his body, were attended with such anguish and pain, that he lay for some time as dead." After this he determined to pass the whole forty days of Lent in total abstinence, and retired to a hermitage for that pur- pose. Bassus, an abbot, left with him ten loaves and water, and coming to visit him at the end of the forty days, found both loaves and water untouched, and the samt stretched on the ground without signs of life. Bassus dipped a sponge in water, moistened his lips, gave him the eucharist, and Simeon by degrees swal- lowed a few lettuce leaves and other herbs. lie passed twenty -six Lents in the same manner. Tn the first part of a Lent he prayed standing ; growing weaker he prayed sitting; and towards the end, being almost exhausted, he prayed lying on the ground. At the end of three years he left his hermitage for the top of a moun- tain, made an enclosure of loose stones, without a roof, and having resolved to live exposed to the inclemencies of the weather, he fixed his resolution by fasten- ing his right leg to a rock with a great iron chain. Multitudes thronged to the mountain to receive his benediction, and many of the sick recovered their health ; But as some were not satisfied unless they touched him in his enclosure, and Simeon desired retirement from the daily con- course, he projected a new and unprece- dented manner of life. He erected a pillar six cubits high, (each cubit being eighteen inches,) and dwelt on it four years; on a second of twelve cubits high he lived three years; on a third of twenty- two cubits high ten years ; and on a fourth of forty cubits, or sixty feet high, which the people built for him, he spent the last twenty years of his life. This occasioned him to be called styUtes, from the Greek word stylos, a pillar. This pillar did not exceed three feet in diame- ter at the top, so that he could noi lie ex- tended on it : he had no seat with him; he only stooped or leaned to take a little rest, and bowed his body in prayer so often, that a certain person who counted these positions, found that he made one thousand two hundred and forty-four reverences in one day, which if he began at four o'clock in the morning and fi.nished at eight o'clock at night, gives a bow to every three-quarters of a minute ; be- sides which he exhorted the people twice a day. His garments were the skins of beasts, he wore an iron collar round his neck, and had a horrible ulcer in his foot. During his forty days' abstinence throughout Lent, he tied himself to a pole. He treated himself as the outcast of the world and the worst of sinners, worked miracles, delivered prophecies, had the sacrament delivered to him on the pillar, and died bowing upon it, in the sixty-ninth of his age, after having lived upon pillars for six and thirty years. His corpse was carried to Antioch attended by the bishops and the whole country, and worked mi- racles on its way. So far this account is from Alban Butler. Without mentioning circumstances and miracles in the Golden Legend, which are too numerous, and some not fit to be related, it may be observed that it is there affirmed of him, that after his residence on the pillars, one of his thighs rotted a whole year, during which time he stood on one leg only. Near Simeon's pillar was the dwelling of a dragon, so very ve- nomous, that nothing grew near his cave. This dragon met with an accident ; lie had a stake in his eye, and coming all blind to the saint's pillar, and placing his eye upon it for three days without doing harm to any one, Simeon ordered earili and water to be placed on the dragon's eye, which being done, out came the stake, a cubit in length ; wlien the people saw this miracle, they glorified God, and ran away for fear of the dragon, whc arose and adored for two hours, and re- turned to his cave. A woman swallowed a little serpent, which tormented her for many years, tiH she came to Simeon, who causing earth and watei to be laid on hei mouth, the little serpent came out four feet and a half long. It is affirmed by the Golden Legend, that when Simeon died, Anthony smelt a precious odour proceeding from his body ; that the birds cried so, much, that both men and beasts cried; that an angel came down in a cloud; that 19 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK —JANUARY 5. the patriarch of Aiitiocli taking Simeon's beard to put among his rehcs, his hand withered, and remained so till niuUi- tudes of prayers were said for him, and it was healed : and that m.ore miracles were worked at and after Simeon's sepul- ture, than he had wrought all his life. LONGEVITY. 1724. Jan. 5. An extraordinary instance of longevity is contained in a letter dated the 29th of January, 1724, from M. Ha- melbranix, the Dutch envoy at Vienna, to their high mightinesses the states general, and published in a Dutch dictionary, " Het Algemeen historisch, geographisch en genealoijisch Woordenbock," by Luis- cius. It relates to an individual who had attained the extraordinary age of one hundred and eighty-five years. " Czartan Petrarch, by religion a Greek, was born in the year 1539, and died on ♦he 5th of January, 1724, at Kofrosch, a village four miles from Temeswaf, on the toad leading to Karansebes. He had lived, tlierefore, a hundred and eighty- five years. At the time when the Turks took Tenieswar from the Christians, he was employed in keeping his father's cattle. A few days before his death he had "valked, with the help of a stick, to the Dost-house at Kofrosch, to ask charity trom the travellers. His eyes were much inflamed, but he still enjoyed a little sight. His hair and beard were of a greenish, white colour, like mouldy broad ; and he had a few of his teeth remaining. His son, who was ninety-seven years of age, declared his father had once been the head taller ; that at a great age he married for the third time ; and that he was bort in this last marriage. He was accus- tomed, agreeably to the rules of his reli- gion, to observe fast days with great strictness, and never to use any other food than milk, and certain cakes, called by the Hungarians kollatschen, together with a good glass of brandy, such as io made in the country. He had descendants in the fifth generation, with whom he sometimes sported, carrying them in his arms. His son, though ninety-seven, was still fresh and vigorous. When field marshal count Wallis, the commandant of Temeswar, heard that this old man was taken sick, he caused a portrait of him to be painted, and when it was almost finished he ex- pired." 1808. Ealryin January, this year, the shaft of death supplied another case of longevity. At the advanced age of 110 years, died Dennis Hampson, the blind bard of Maggiligan, of whom an interest- ing account has been given by lady Morgan, in " 'Die Wild Irish Girl." The " Athenifium," from whence this notice is extracted, relates, that only a few hours before his decease he tuned his harp, that he might have it in readiness to entertain sir H. Bruce's family, who were expected to pass that way in a few days, and who were in the habit of stopping to hear his music ; suddenly, however, he felt the ap- proach of death, and calling his family around him resigned his breath without a struggle, and in perfect possession of his faculties to the last moment. A kindred spirit produced the following tribute to the memory of this '* aged son of song." He was the oldest of the Irish bards The fame of the brave shall no longer be sounded, The last of our bards now sleeps cold in his grave ; Maggiligan rocks, where his lays have resounded. Frown dark at the ocean, and spurn at the wave. For, Hampson, no more shall thy soul -touching finger Steal sweet o'er the strings, and %vild melody pour ; No more near thy hut shall the villagers linger. While strains from thy harp warble soft round the shor"? No more thy harp swells with enraptured emotion. Thy wild gleams of fancy for ever are fled. No longer thy minstrelsy charms the rude ocean, That rolls near the green turf that pillows thy head. Vet vigour and youth with bright visions had fired thee. And rcse-huds of health have l, before it come to fire, This he divides according as his householde doth require, And every peece distributeth, as round about they stand, Which in their names unto the poore is given out of hand . But who so chaunceth on the peece wherein the money lies, Is counted king amongst them all, and is with showtes and cries Exalted to the heavens up. Mr. Fosbroke notices, that " the cake was full of plums, with a bean in it for the king, and a pea for the queen, so as to determine them by the slices. Some- times a penny was put in the cake, and the person who obtained it, becoming king, crossed all tlie beams and rafters of the house against devils. A chafing- dish with burning frankincense was also lit, and the odour snuffed up by the whole family, to keep off disease for the year. After this, the master and mistress went round the house with the pan, a taper, and a loaf, against witchcraft." So far Mr Fosbroke abridges Naogeor- gus's account, which goes on to say, that — in these dayes beside, They judge what weatl>er all the yeare shall happen and betide* Ascribing to each day a month, and at this present time. The youth in every place doe flocke, and all apparel d fine, With pypars through the streetes they runne, and singe at every dore. « • • » « There cities are, where boyes and gyrles, together stilt do runne, About the streete with like, as scone as night beglnnes to come, And bring abrode their wassel bowles, who well rewarded bee. With cakes and cheese, and great good cheare, and money plenteousiee. Queen Elizabeth's Progresses by Mr. Nichols, contain an entertainment to hei at Su^ley, wherein were Melibseus, the King of the Bean, and Nisa, the queen of i Jie Pea. I " Mel Cut thp cake : who hath the bccue. shall be King ; and where the peaze is, she shall be Queene. " Nis. I have the peaze, and must be Queene. " Mel. I have the beaiie, and King ; I must commande." Pinkerton's "Ancient Scotish Poems," contain a letter from sir Thomas Ran- dolph, queen Elizabeth's chamberlain of the Exchequer, to Dudley lord Eeicester. dated from Edinburgh on the 15th Janu- ary, 1563, wherein he mentions, that Lady Flemyng was " Queen of the Beene" on Twelfth-day in that year : and in Ben Jon- son's Masque of Christmas, Baby-cake, one of the characters, is attended by " an Usher, bearing a great cake with a bean, and a pease." Hernck, the poet of out festivals, has several allusions to the cele- bration of this day by our ancestors : the poem here subjoined, recognises its cus- toms with strict adherence to truth, and in pleasant strains of joyousness. TwELFi-NiGiiT, OR King and Qukene. Now, now the mirth comes With the cake full of plums. Where beane's the king of the sport h Beside, we must kuow, The pea also ]\Iust revell, as queene in the court here. Begin then to chuse. This night as ye use. Who shall for the present delight here, Be a king by the lot. And who shall not Be Twelfe-day queene for the night here. Which knowne, let us make Joy-sops with the cake ; And let not a man then be seen here. Who unurg'd will not drinke. To the base from the brink, A health to the king and the queene lieie. Next crowne the bowle ful. With gentle lambs-wooll ; A dde sugar, nutmeg, and ginger. With store of ale, too ; And thus ye must doe To make the wi-assaile a swinger. Give them to the king And queene wassailing ; And though with ale ye le whet here ; Yet part ye from hence, As free from offence, As when ye innocent met here. A citation by Brand represents the ancient Twelfth-night-cake to have been compos- ed of flour, honey, ginger, and pepper Tlie maker thrust in, at random, a smaL coin as she was kneading it. When baked, it was divided into as many parts as there 23 THE EVER\'-DAY BOOK.— JANUATtY 5. were per:>or,s in the family, and each had his share Portions oi" it were also as- signed to Christ, the Virgin, and the three Magi, and were given in alms. On Twelfth-day the people of Ger- many and the students of its academies chose a king with great ceremony and sumptuous feastings In France, the Twelfth-cake is plain, with a bean ; the drawer of the slice con- taining the bean is king or queen. All drink to her or his majesty, who reigns, and receives homage from all, during the evening. There is no other drawing, and consequently the sovereign is the only distinguished character. In Nor- mandy they place a child under the table, which is so covered with a cloth that he cannot see ; and when the cake is divided, one of the company taking up llie hrst piece, cries out, " Fabe Domini pour qui ?'' The child answers, " Pour le bon Dieu :" and in this manner the pieces are allotted to the company. If tlie bean be found in the piece for the " bon Dieu," the king is chosen by draw- ing long or short straws. Whoever gets the bean chooses the king or queen, according as it happens to be a man or woman. According to Brand, under the old order of things, the Epiphany was kept at the French court by one of the courtiers being chosen king, and the other nobles attended an entertainment on the occasion; but, in 1792, during the revolution. La Fete de Rois was abo- lished; Twelfth-day was ordered to be called La Fete de Saiis-Culottes ; the old feast was declared anti-civic; and any priest keeping it was deemed a royalist. The Literary Pocket Book affirms, that at La Fete de Rois the French monarch and his nobles waited on the Twelfth- night king, and that the custom was not revived on the return of the Bourbons, but that instead of it the royal family washed the feet of some people and gave them alm.s. There is a difference of opinion as to >he origin of Twelfth-day. Brand says, " that though its customs vary in different countries, yet they concur in the same end, that is, to do honour to the Eastern Magi." He afterwards observes, " that the practice of choosing ' king,' on Twelfth-day, is similar to a custom that exi ted among the ancient Greeks and Ki mans, who, on the festival days of Sn-turn, about this season of the year, drew lots for kmgdoni' and 'ike Lino^ exercised their temporary authority." In. deed, it appears, that the ques'tion is almost at rest. Mr. Fosbroke affirms that " the king of Saturnalia was elected by beans, and that from thence came oui king and queen on this day." The coinci dence of the election by beans having, been common to both customs, leaves" scarcely the possibility of doubt that ours IS a continuation of the heathen practice under another name. Yet " some of the observances on this day are the remains of Druid ical, and other supersti- tious ceremonies." On these points, if Mr. Fosbroke's Dictionary of Antiquities be consulted by the curious inquirer, he will there find the authorities, and be m other respects gratified. The Epiphany is called Twelfth-day, because it falls on the twelfth day aflei Christmas-day. Epiphany signifies ma- nifestation, and is applied to this day because it is the day whereon Christ was manifested to the Gentiles. Bourne in his Vulgar Antiquities, which is the sub- structure of Brand's Popular Antiquities, remarks that this is the greatest of the twelve holidays, and is therefore more jovially observed, by the visiting of friends and Christmas gambols, than any other. Finally, on observances of this festival not connected with the Twelfth-night kisig and queen. It is a custom in many parishes in Gloucestershire on this day to light up twelve small fires and one large one; this is mentioned by Brand : and Mr. Fosbroke relates, that in some countries twelve fires of straw are m.-ide in the fields " to burn the old witch," and that the people sing, drink, and dance around it, and practise other ceremonies in continuance. He takes " the old witch " to be the Druidical God of Death. It is stated by sir Henry Piers, in genl. Vallancey's " Collectanea," that, at Westmeath, " on Twelve-eve in Christ- mas, they use to set up as high as they can a sieve of oats, and in it a dozen of candles set round, and in the centre one larger, all lighted ; this in memory of our saviour and his apostles, lights of the world." Sir Henry's inference may reason- ably be doubted ; the custom is probably of higher antiquity than he seems to have suspected. A very singular merriment in the Isle of Man is mentioned by Waldron, in 1 'g history of that place. lie says, tliat " during tiie whole twelve days of Chrbu 29 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK— JANUARY 6 mas, there is not a bp-rn unoccupied, and that every parish hires tiddlers at the public charge. On Twelfth-day, the tiddler lays his head in some one of the girls' laps, and a third peison asks, who such a maid, or such a maid shall mairy, naming the girls then present one after another; to which he answers according to his OAvn \^him, or agreeable to the intimacies he has taken notice of dining this time of merriment. But whatever he says is as absolutely depended on as an oracle ; and if he happens to couple two people who have an aversion to each other, tears and vexation succeed the mirth. This they call cutting off the fiddler's head ; for, after this, he is dead for the whole year." It appears from the Gentleman's Ma- gazine, that on Twelfth-day 1731, the king and the prince at the chapel royal, St. James's, made their offerings at the altar, of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, according to custom, and that at night their majesties, &c. played at hazard for the benefit of the groom-porter. These offerings which clearly originate from the Rom-an church, and are not analogous to any ceremony of the church of Eng- land, continue to be annually made; with this difference, however, that the king is represented by proxy in the person of some distinguished officer of the house- hold. In other respects the proceedings are conducted with the usual state. THE SEASON. Midwinter is over. According to as- tronomical reckoning, we have just passed that point in the earth's orbit, where the north pole is turned most from the sun. This position is represented in the dia- gram above, by the direction of the terminator, or boundary line of light and darkness, which is seen to divide the globe into two equal parts; the north pole, which is the upper pole in the figure, and all parts within 32f degrees, being enveloped in constant darkness. We now trace the sun among the stars of the constellation Capricorn or sea-goat, and it is winter in the whole northern hemisphere. At the beginning of Janu- ary the earth is at its leu-it distance from the sun, which is proved by measuring the apparent magnitude of that luminary by means of an insirument called a micrometer, his disc being now about 32 minutes of a degree; whereas at the opposite season, or at the begin- ning of July, near o\ir Midsummer, his apparent diameter is only about 31 minutes. The coldness of winter there- fore does not depend on the distance of the earth from the sun, but on the very oblique or slanting direction of his rays ; less heat falling on any given part of the earth, than when the rays fall more direct. From the slanting direction of his rays they pass through a more dense region of the atmosphere, and are some- what intercepted ; while another cause of the cold is the shortness of our days and the length of our nights ; the sun continuing only about seven hours and a half above the horizon, while he is absent for about sixteen hours and a half. This position of the earth relatively to the sun is exemplified in the Popular Lectures on Astronomy, now delivering at the Assembly-room, Paul's Head, Cateaton-street, by Mr. John Wallis, on Tuesday and Thursday/ evenings. His explanations of this noble science are familiarly and beautifully illustrated, by an original and splendid apparatus de- vised and constructed by his own hands. It consists of extensive mechanism and numerous brilliant transparencies. Mr. Wallis's lectures on Tuesday and Thurs- day next, the 18th and 20th of January, 1825, are under the patronage of the Lord Mayor. Here is a sure mode of acquiring astronomical knowledge, ac- companied by the delightful gratification of witnessing a display of the heavens more bewitching than the mind can con- ceive. Ladies, and young persons espe- cially, have a delightful opportunity ot being agreeably entertained by the novelty and beauty of the exhibition and the eloquent descriptions of the enlightened lecturer. The holly with its red berries, and the " fond ivy," still stick about oui houses to maintain the recollection of the seasonable festivities. Let us hope that we may congratulate each other on having, while we kept them,keptouiselves within compass. Merriment without discretion is an abuse for which nature is sure to 30 THE EVFRY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 7. punish us. Slie mny suffer our violence for a wliile in silence ; but she is certain to resume her rights at the expense of our health, and put us to heavy charges to maintain existence. Samiarp 7. St. Lncian . St. Cedd. St. Keiitigerna. St. j^ldric. St. Thillo. St. Canut. St. Luciun. This saint is in the calendar of the church of England on the following day, 8th of January. He was a learned Syrian. According to Butler, he cor- rected the Hebrew version of the Scrip- tures for the inhabitants of Palestine, during some years was separated from the Romish church, afterwards con- formed to it, and died after nine years imprisonment, either by famine or the sword, on this day, in the year 312. It further appears from Butler, that the Arians affirmed of St. Lucian, that to him Arius was indebted for his distinguish- ing doctrine, which Butler however denies. ST. distaff's day, or rock-day. The day after Twelfth-day was so called because it was celebrated in ho- nour of the ?'0f^, which is a distaff \\c\di in the hand, from whence wool is spun by twirling a ball below. It seems that the burning of the flax and tow belonging to the women, was the men's diversion in the evening of the first day of labour after the twelve days of Christmas, and that the women repaid the interruption to their industry by sluicing the mischief- makers. Herrick tells us of the custom in his Hesperides : — 5^ Distaff's dat/, or the morrow after Tivelfth-day. Partlywork, an iu ST. BRIDE'S CHUBCII, LONDON, AS IT APPEAKED JAN. 11, 1825. The opening in Fleet Street made by the Pire of Sunday, November 14, 1824. THE EVEIIY-DAY BOOK.-JANUARY 11- CAED-PLAYING. This diversion, resorted to at visilings during the twelve days of Christmas, as of ancient custom, continues without abatement during the prolongation of friendly meetings at this season. Persons who are opposed to this recreation from religious scruples, do n t seem to distin- guish between its use and its abuse. Mr. Archdeacon Butler refers to the " harm- less mirth and innocent amusements of society," in his sermon on " Christian Li- berty," before the duke of Gloucester, and the university of Cambridge, on his roya. highness's installation as chancellor, June 30, 1811. The archdeacon quotes, as a note on that point in his sermon, a re- markable passage from Jeremy Taylor, who says, " that cards, &c. are of them- selves lawful, I do not know any reason to doubt. He can never be suspected, in any criminal sense, to tempt the Divine Providence, who by contingent things re- creates his labour. As for the evil ap- pendages, they are all separable from these games, and they may be separated by these advices, &:c." On the citation, which is here abridged, the archdeacon remarks, " Such are the sentiments of one of the most truly pious and most pro- foundly learned prelates that ever adorned any age or country; nor do I think that the most rigid of our disciplinarians can produce the authority of a wiser or a better man than bishop Jeremy Taylor.'' Certainly not; and therefore an objector to this pastime will do well to read the reasoning of the whole passage as it stands at the end of the archdeacon's printed sermon : if he desire further, let lum pe- ruse Jeremy Taylor's " advices." Cards are not here introduced with a view of seducing parents to rear their sons as gamblers and blacklegs, or their daughters to " a life of scandal, an old age of cards ;" but to impress upon them the importance of " not morosely refusing to participate in " what the archdeacon refers to, as of the " harmless mirth and innocent amuse- ments of society." Persons who are wholly debarred from such amusements in their infancy, frequently abuse a plea- sure they have been wholly restrained from, by excessive indulgence in it on the first opportTunity. This is human nature : let the string be suddenly withdrawn from the overstrained bow, and the re- laxation of the bow is violent. Look at a juvenile card-party — not at that which the reader sees represented in the engraving, which is somewhat varied from a design by Stella, who grouped boys almost as finely as Flamingo mo- delled their forms — but imagine a juvenile party closely jeated round a large table, with a Pope Joan board in the middle; 45 THE EVERY-DAY BC70K.— JANUARY 11. each well supplied with mother-o'-pearl fish and counters, in little Chinese orna- mented red and gold trays ; their faces and the candles lighting up the room ; their bright eyes sparkling after the cards, watching the turn-up, or peeping into the pool to see how rich it is ; their growing anxiety to the rounds, till the lucky card decides the richest stake ; then the shout out of " Rose has got it 1" " It's Rose's !" " Here, Rose, here they are — take 'em all ; here's a lot !" Emma, and John, and Al- fred, and William's hands thrust forth to help her to the prize ; Sarah and Fanny, the elders of the party, laus;hing at their eagerness ; the more sage Matilda check- ing it, and counting how many fish Rose lias won ; Rose, amazed at her sudden wealth, talks the least ; little Samuel, who is too young to play, hut has been allowed a place, with some of the "pretty fish" be- fore him, claps his hands and halloos, and throws his playthings to increase Rose's treasure ; and baby Ellen sits in " mo- ther's" lap, mute from surprise at the " up- roar wild," till a loud crow, and the quick motion of her legs, proclaim her delight at the general joy, which she suddenly sus- pends in astonishment at the many fingers pointed towards her, with " Look at baby ! look at baby !" and gets smothered with kisses, from which " mother" vainly en- deavours to protect her. And so they go on, till called by Matilda to a new game, and "mother" bids them to "go and sit down, and be good children, and not make so much noise :" whereupon they disperse to their chairs; two or three of the least help up Samuel, who is least of all, and " mother" desires them to "take care, and mind he does not fall." Matilda then gives him his pretty fish " to keep him quiet ;" begins to dress the board for a new game ; and once more they are " as merry as grigs." In contrast to the jocund pleasure of children at a round game, take the pic- ture of " old Sarah Battle," the whist- player. " A clear fire, a clean hearth, and the rigour of the game," was her ce- lebrated wish. " She was none of your 'ukewarm gamesters, your half-and-half players, who have no objection to take a hand, if you want one to make up a rub- ber ; who affirm that they have no plea- sure in winning; that they like to win one game, and lose another ; that they can wile away an hour very agreeably at a card-table, but are indifferent whether 'hey play or no ; and will desire an ad- versary, who has slipt a wrong card, to take it up and play another. Of such it may be said that tliey do not play at cards, but only play at playing at them. Sarah Battle was none of that breed ; she detested them from her heart and soul; and would not, save upon a striking emergency, willingly seat herself at the same table with them. She loved a tho- rough-paced partner, a determined enemy. She took and gave no concessions ; she hated favours ; she never made a revoke, nor ever passed it over in her adversary, without exacting the utmost forfeiture. She sat bolt upright, and neither showed you her cards, nor desired to see yours. Ail people have their blind side — their superstitions; and I have heard her de- clare, under the rose, that Ilcaits was her favourite suit. I never in my life (and I knew Sarah Battle many of the best years of it) saw her take out her snuflbox when it was her turn to play, or snuff a candle in the middle of a game, or ring for a ser- vant till it was fairly over. She never introduced, or connived at, miscellaneous conversation during its process : as, she emphatically observed, cards were cards. A grave simplicity was what she chiefly admired in her favourite game. There was nothing silly in it, like the nob in cribbage — nothing superfluou.i. To con- fess a truth, she was never greatly taken with cribbage. It was an essentially vulgar game, I have heard her say, — dis- puting with her uncle, who was very par- tial to it. She could never heartily bring her mouth to pronounce ' go,' or ' that's a go.' She called it an ungrammatical game. The pegging teased her. I once knew her to forfeit a rubber, because she would not take advantage of the turn-up knave, which would have given it her, but which she must have claimed by the disgraceful tenure of declaring ' two for his heels.' Sarah Battle was a gentle- woman born.'' These, omitting a few delicate touches, are her features by the hand of Elm. " No inducement," he says, " could ever prevail upon her to play at her favourite game for nothing." And then he adds, " With great deference to the old Iddy's judgment on these matters, I think I have experienced some moments in my life when playing at cards for nothing' has even been agreeable. When J am in sickness, or not in the best spirits I sometimes call for the cards, and play a trame at piquet ^br love with my cousin Bridget — Bridget E,lia " Cousin Bridget 4G THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 12. and the gentle Elia seem beings of that age Vv'hereai lived Pamela, whom, with " old >arah Battle," we may imagme enteiing their room, and sitting down with them to A square game. Yet Bridget and Elia live m our own times : she, full cf kindness to all, and of soothings to Elia especially; — he, no less kind and consoling to Bridget, in all simplicity holding converse with the world, and, ever and anon, giving us scenes mat Metzu and De Eoe would admire, and portraits that Denner and Hogarth would rise from their graves to paint. Samiar|) 12. St. Arcadius. St. Benedict Biscop, or Bennet. St. JElred, Tygrius. St. Benedict Biscop, or Bennet. Butler says he was in the service of Oswi, king of the Northumbrians ; that at twenty- five years old he made a pilgrimage to Rome, returned and carried Alcfrid, the son of Oswi, back to the shrines of the apostles there, became a monk, received the abbacy of Sts. Peter and Paul, Canter- bury, resigned it, pilgrimaged again to Rome, brought home books, relics, and religious pictures, ionnded the monastery of Weremouth, went to Erance for masons to build a church to it, obtained glaziers from thence to glaze it, pil- grimaged to Rome for more books, relics, and pictures, built another mo- nastery at Jarrow on the Tine, adorned his churches with pictuies, instructed his monks in the Gregorian chant and Roman ceremonies, and died on this day in 690. He appears to have had a love for literature and the arts, and, with a knowledge superior to the general attainment of the religious in that early age, to have rendered his knowiedge sub- servient to the Romish church. CHRONOLOGY 1807. Tlie 12th of January in that year is rendered remarkable by a fatal accident at Leyden, in Holland. A vessel loaded with gunpowder entered one of the largest canals in the Rapen- burg, a stieet inhabited chiefly by the most respectable families, and moored lo a tree in front of the house of professor Rau, of the university. In Holland, almost every street has a canal iu the middle, faced with a brick wall up to the level of the street, and with lime trees planted on both sides, which produce a beautiful effect, and form a delightful shade in hot weather. V'essels of ail kinds are frequently moored to these trees, but Leyden being an inland town, the greater part of those which happened to be in the Rapenburg were country vessels. Several yachts, belonging to parties of pleasure from the Hague and other places, were lying close to the newly arrived vessel, and no person was aware of the destructive cargo it contained, A student of the university, who, a.* about a quarter past four o'clock in the afternoon, was passing through a street from which there was a vifiw of the Ra- penburg, with the canal and vessels, related the following paiticulars to the editor of the Monthly Magazine : — '' At that moment, when every thing was perfectly tranquil, and most of the respectable families were sitting down to dinner in perfect security, at that instant, I saw the vessel torn from its moorings; a stream of fire burst fk'om it in all directions, a thick, black cloud enveloped all the surrounding parts and darkened the heavens, whilst a burst, louder and more dreadful than the loudest thunder, instantly followed, and vibrated through the air to a great dis- tance, burying houses and churches in one common ruin. Eor some moments horror and consternation deprived every one of his recollection, but an univer- sal exclamation followed, of " O God, what is it ?" Hundreds of people might be seen rushing out of their falling houses, and running along the streets, not knowing what direction to take ; many falling down on their knees in the streets, persuaded that the last day was come ; others supposed they had been struck by lightning, and but few seemed to conjecture the real cause. ]n the midst of this awful uncertainty, the cry of " O God, what is it .'" again sounded mournfully through the air, but it seemed as if none could answer the dreadful question. One conjecture fol- lowed another, but at last, when tlie black thick cloud which had enveloped I'ne whole city had cleared away a littl^ ihe awful truth was revealed, and soon all the inhabitants of the city were seta rushing to the ruins to assist the sufiierers. There were five large schools on the Rapenburg, and all at the time full of children. The horror of the parents and relations of thpse youthful victims is not to be described or even imugiued ; and 47 THE E VERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 12. though many of them were saved almost miraculously, yet no one dared to hope to see his child drawn alive from under a heap of smoking ruins. " Flames soon broke out from four different parts of the ruins, and tlireat- fined destruction to the remaining part of Leyden. The multitude seemed as it were animated with one common soul in extricating the sufferers, and stopping the progress of the flames. None with- drew from the awful task, and the multi- tude increased every moment by people coming from the surrounding country, the explosion having been heard at the dis- tance of fifty miles. Night set in, the darkness of which, added to the horrors of falling houses, the smothered smoke, the raging of the flames, and the roaring of the winds on a tempestuous winter night, produced a scene neither to be described nor imagined ; while the heart- rending cries of the suflerers, or the lamentations of those whose friends or children were under the ruins, broke upon the ear at intervals. Many were so entirely overcome with fear and astonishment, that they stared about them without taking notice of any thing, while others seemed full of activity, but incapable of directing their efforts to any particular object." In the middle of the night, Louis Bonaparte, then king of Holland, arrived from the palace of Loo, having set out as soon as the express reached him with the dreadful tidings. Louis was much be- loved by his subjects, and his name is still mentioned by them with great respect. On this occasion his presence was very useful. He encouraged the active and comforted the sufferers, and did not leave the place till he had esta- blished good order, and promised every assistance in restoring both public and pri- vate losses. He immediately gave a large sum of money to the city, and granted it many valuable privileges, besides ex- emption from imposts and taxes for a number of years. Some degree of order having been restored, the inhabitants were divided into classes, not according to their rank, but the way in which they were em- ployed about the ruins. These classes were distinguished by bands of different colours tied round their arms. The widely extended ruins now assumed tiie appearance of hills and valleys, covered with multitudes of workmen, producing to the eye an evej-varying scene of dif- ferent occujiations. The keel of the vessel in which the catastrophe com- menced, was found buried deep in the earth at a considerable distance, together with the remains of a yacht from the Hague with a party of pleasure, which lay close to it. The anchor of the powder vessel was found in a field without the city, and a very heavy piece of lead at the foot of the mast was thrown into a street at a great distance. One of the most affecting incidents was the fate of the pupils of the diflferent schools on the Rapenburg. At the destructive moment, the wife of the principal of the largest of them was standing at the door with her child in her arms ; she was instantly covered with the falling beams and bricks, the child was blown to atoms, and she was thrown under a tree at some distance. Part of the floor of the school-room sunk into the cellar, and twelve children were killed instantly ; the rest, miserably wounded, shrieked for help, and one was heard to call, " Help me, help me, I will give m.y watch M my deliverer." Fathers and mothers rushed from all parts of the city to seek their children, but after digging five hours they found their labour fruit- less ; and some were even obliged to leave the spot in dreadful suspense, to attend to other near relations dug out in other quarters. They at last succeeded, by incredible efforts, in bringing • up some of the children, but in such a state that many of their parents could not recognise them, and not a few were committed to the grave without its being known who they were. Many of these children, both among the dead and those who recovered, bled profusely, while no wound could be discovered in any part of their bodies. Others were preserved in a wonderful manner, and without the least hurt. Forty children were killed. In some houses large companies were assembled, and in one, a newly married couple, from a distance, had met a numerous party of their friends. One person who was writing in a small room, was driven through a window above tiie door, into the staircase, and fell to the bottom without receiving much hurt. Many were preserved by the falling of the beams or rafters in a particular direction, which protected them, and they remained for many hours, some for a wliolc day and night A remarkable 48 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 13. fact of this kind happened, when the city of Delft was destroyed by an explo- sion of gunpowder in 1654; a child, a year old, was found two days afterwards suckinsi an apple, and sitting under a 1573, and by tlie plague in 1624 and 1635, in which year 15,000 of the inha- bitants were carried oft' within six months In 1415 a convent was burnt, and most oi the nuns perished in the flames. An ex- beam, with just space left for its body, plosion of gunpowder, in 1481, destroyed Two others at a little distance were in the council-chamber when full of people, their cradles quite safe. At that time almost the wliole of Delft was destroyed. Leyden is as large a city, but not so populous, as Rotterdam, the second city in Holland. Upwards of two hundred and killed most of the magistrates. The misfortunes of this city have be- come proverbial, and its very name has given rise to a pun. " Leyden' is " Lij- dcn ;" Leyden, the name of the city, and houses were overthrown on this occasion, Lijden, (to suffer,) have the same pronun- besides churches and public buildings ; ciation in the Dutch language. the Stadt, or town-house, was among the latter. The chirp of the crickets from the kit- Oiie hundred and fifty-one dead bodies chen chimney breaks the silence of still were taken from the ruins, besides many evenings in the winter. They come from that died after. Upwards of two thou- the crevices, when the house is quiet, to sand were wounded more or less danger- the warm hearth, and utter their shrill ously. It is remarkable that none of the monotonous notes, to the discomfiture of students of the university were either the nervous, and tlie pleasure of those killed or wounded, though they all lodge who have sound minds in sound bodies. in different parts of the city, or wherever This insect and the grasshopper are agree- they please. Contributions were imme- ably coupled in a pleasing sonnet. The diately began, and large sums raised The king of Holland gave 30,000 gilders, and the qiieen 10,000; a very large sum was collected in London. Leyden suffered dreadfully by siege in " summoning brass" it speaks of, our country readers well know, as an allusion to the sounds usually produced from some kitchen utensil of metal to assist in swarm- ing the bees : — To the Grasshcpper and the CritliiC. Green little vaulter in the sunny grass, Catching your heart up at the feel of June, Sole voice that's heard amidst the lazy noon, When ev'n the bees lag at the summoning brass ; And you, warm little housekeeper, who class With those who think the candles come too soon, Loving the fire, and with your tricksome tune Kick the glad silent moments as tliey pass ; Oh, sweet and tiny cousins, that belong, One to the fields, the other to the hearth. Both have your sunshine ; both, though small, are strong At your clear hearts ; and both were sent on earth To sing in thoughtful ears this natural song, — In doors and out, summer and winter. Mirth. L. Hunt. Bamiarp 13. Cambridge Lent Term begins. St. l^eronica of Milan. St. Kentigern. St. Hilary. llie festival of St. Hilary is not, at this time, observed by the Romish church until to-morrow, but it stands in old ca- lendars, and in Randle Holmes's Herald- ry, on this day, whereon it is also placed in the English calendar, Butler says, he was born at Poictiers, became bishop of that rily, was a commentator on Scrip- ture, an orator, a poet, wrote against the Arians, was banislied for his orthodoxy, but returned to Ids see, worked miiacles, and died on the 13th of January, 368. Ribadeneira says, that in a certain island., uninhabitable by reason of venemous serpents, they ffed from his holiness; that he put up a stake as a boundary, com- manding them not to pass it, and they obeyed ; that he raised a dead child to life, prayed bis daughter to death, and did other astonishing things ; especially after his decease, when two merchants Vol. I. 49 E THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 13 it their own cost and by way of venture, offered an image at his shrine, but as one begrudged the cost of his share, St. llilary caused the image to divide from top to bottom, while being offered, keep- ing the one half, and rejecting the nig- gard's moiety. The Golden Legend says, that St. Hilary also obtained his wife's death by his prayers ; and that pope Leo, who was an Arian, said to him, " Thou art Hilary the cock, and not the son of a hen ;" whereat Hilary said, " I am no cock, but a bishop in France ;" then said the pope, " Thou art Hilary Gallus (sig- nifying a cock) and I am Leo, judge of the papal see ;" whereupon Hilary re- plied, " If thou be Leo thou »>•* not (a lion) of the tribe of juaa.*' After thi? railing the pope died, and Hilary was comforted. ■S^. Veronica. She was a nun, with a desire to live always on bread and water, died in 1497, and was canonized, after her claim to sanctity was established to the satisfac- tion of his holiness pope Leo X. St. Kentigern. He was bishop of Glasgow, with juris- diction in Wales, and, according to But- ler, " favoured with a wonderful gift of miracles." Bishop Patrick, in his " De- votions of the Romish Church,'' says, " St. Kentigern had a singular way of kindling fire, which / could never have hit upon." Being in haste to light can- dles for vigils, and some, who bore a spite to him, having put out all the fire in the monastery, he snatched the green bough of an hazel, blessed it, blew upon it, the bough produced a great flame, and he lighted his candles : " whence we may conjecture," says Patrick, " that tinder-boxes are of a later invention than St. Kentigern's days." THE LAW TERMS. Term is derived from Terminus, the heathen god of boundaries, landmarks, and limits of time. In the early ages o( Christianity the whole year was one con- tinued term for hearing and deciding causes ; but after the establishment of the Romish church, the daily dispensa- tion of justice was prohibited by canoni- cal authority, that the festivals might be l ept holy. Advent and Christmas occasioned the winter vacation ; Lent and Easter the oring ; l^entecost the third ; and liay- time and harvest, the long vacation be tween Midsummer and Michaelmas. Each term is denominated from the festival day immediately preceding its commencement ; hence we have the terms of St. Hilary, Easter, the Holy Trinity, and St. Michael. There are in each term stated days called dies in banco, (days in bank,) that is, days of appearance in the court of common bench. They are usually about a week from each other, and have refer- ence to some Romish festival. All ori- ginal writs are returnable on these days, and they are therefore called the return days. The first return in every term is, pro- perly speaking, the first day of the term. For instance, the octave of St. Hilary, or the eighth day, inclusive, after the saint's feast, falls on the 20th of Ja- nuary, because his feast is on the 13th of January. On the 20th, then, the court sits to take essoigns, or excuses for non-ap- pearance to the writ ; " but," says Black- stone, " as our ancestors held it beneath the condition of a fieeman to appear or to do any thing at the precise time ap- pointed," the person summoned has three days of grace beyond the day named in the writ, and if he appear on the fourth day inclusive it is sufficient. Therefore at the beginning of each term the court does not sit for despatch of business till the fourth, or the appearance day, which is in Hilary term, for instance, on the 23d of January. In Trinity term it does not sit till the fifth day ; because the fourth falls on the great Roman catholic festival of Corpus Christi. The first ap- pearance day therefore in each term is called the first day of the term ; and the court sits till the qumto die post, or ap- pearance day of the last return, or end of the term. In each term there is one day whereon the courts do not transact business ; namely, on Candlemas day, in Hilary term ; on Ascension day, in Easter term ; on Midsummer day, in Trinity terra ; and on All Saints' day, in Michaelmas term. These are termed Grand days in the inns of court ; and Gaudy days at the two universities ; they are observed as Collar days at the king's court of St. James's, for on these days, knights wear the collars of their respective orders An old January journal contains a re- markable anecdote relative to the decease 50 J HE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 14 of a M. Foscue, one of the farmers-gene- ra) of the province of Eanguednc He had amassed considerable wealth by means which rendered him an object of nniversal detestation. One day he was ordered by the government to raise a considerable sum : as an excuse for not complying with the demand, he pleaded extreme poverty ; and resolved on hiding his treasure in such a manner as to escape detection. He dug a kind of a cave in his wine-cellar, which he made so large ^nd deep, that he used to go down to it with a ladder ; at the entrance of it was a door with a spring lock on it, which on shutting would fasten of itself. He was suddenly missed, and diligent search made after him ; ponds were drawn, and every suggestion adopted that could rea- sonably lead to his discovery, dead or alive. In a short time after, his house was sold; and the purchaser beginning to make some al'erations, the workmen dis- covered a door in the wine-cellar with a Key in the lock. On going down they found Foscue lying dead on the ground, with a candlestick near him, but no can- dle in it. On searching farther, they found the vast weaUh that he had amass- ed. It is supposed, that, when he had entered his cave, the door had by some accident shut after him ; and thus being out of the call of any person, he perish- ed for want of food, in the midst of his treasure. SIGNS OF FOUL WEATHER. The hollow winds begin to blov ; Tlie clouds look black, tlie glasx is low ; The suot falls down, the spaniels sleep; J nd spiders from their cobwebs peep. Last night the sjdi went pale la bed ; The moon in halos hid her head. The boding shepherd heaves a sigh. For, see, a rainbow spans the sky. The walls are damp, the ditches smell, Closed is the pink-ey'd pimpernel Hark '. how the chairs and tables crack. Old Betty s joints are on the rack : Her corns with shooting pains torment her. And to her bed untimely send her. Loud quack the ducks, the sea fowl cry. The distant hills are looking nigh. How restless are the snorting swine .' The busy Jlies disturb the kine. tow o'er the grass the swallow wivgs The cricket too, how sharp he sings ! Puss on the hearth, with velvet paws. Sits wiping o'er her whisker' d Jaws. The smoke from chimneys right ascends Then spreading, back to earth it bends. The wind unsteady veers arounn, Or settling in the South is found. Through the clear stream the fishes rise, And nimbly catch the incautious 7?iM. The glow-worms num'rous, clear and bright, Jllunid the dewy hill last night. At dusk the squalid toad was seen. Like quadi-nped, stalk o'er the green. The whirling wind the dust obeys, And in the rapid eddy plays. The frog has cliang'd his yellow vest. And in a russet coat is drest. The sky is green, the air is still. The melloiu blackbird's voice is shrill. The dog, so alter'd is his taste. Quits mutton-bones, on grass to feast. 15ehold the rooks, how odd their flight They imitate the gliding kite. And seem precipitate to fall. As if they felt the piercing ball. The tender colts on back do lie, Nor heed the traveller passing by. In fiery red the sun doth rise, 'I'hen wades through clouds to mount the skies. 'Twill surely rain, we see't with sorrow. No working in the fitlds to-morrow. JJarwtn, Samiai*p 14. Oxford Lent Term begins. St. Hilar]/. St.s. Felix. Sts. Isaias and Sabbas. St. Barbasceminus, iSfc. St. Felix of Nola, an exorcist, and af- terwards a priest, was, according to Butler and Ribadeneira, a great miracu- list. He lived under Decius, in 230 ; being fettered and dungeoned in a cell, covered with potsherds and broken glass, a resplendent angel, seen by the saint alone, because to him only was he sent, freed him of his chains and guided him to a mountain, where bishop Maximus, aged and frozen, lay for dead, whom Felix recovered by praying ; for, straight- way, he saw a bramble bear a bunch of grapes, with the juice whereof he re- covered the bishop, and taking him on his back carried him home to his diocese. Being pursued by pagans, he fled to some ruins and crept through a hole in the wall, which spiders closed with their webs before the pagans got up to it, and there lay for six months miraculously supported. According to the Legend, his body, for ages after his death, distilled a licjuor that cured diseases. Chronology. In January, 1784, died suddenly in Macclesfield-slreet, Soho, aged 79, Sam 51 THE EVERY-DAf BOOK.— JANUARY 15. Crisp, esq., a relation of the celebrated sir Nicholas Crisp. Tnere was a remark- able singularity in the character of this gentleman. He was a bachelor, had been formerly a broker in 'Change-alley, and many years since had retired from business, with an easy competency. His daily amusement, for fourteen years before, was going from London to Greenwich, and immediately returning from thence, in the stage ; for which he paid regularly £27 a year. He was a good-humoured, obliging, and facetious companion, al- ways paying a particular attention, and a profusion of compliments, to the la- dies, especially to those who were agree- able. He was perpetually projecting some little schemes for the benefit of the public, or, to use his own favourite maxim, pro bono publico ; he was the iri- stitutor of the Lactarium in St. George's Fields, and selected the Latin mottoes for the facetious Mrs. Henniver, who got a little fortune there. He projected the mile and half stones round London ; and teased the printers of newspapers into the plan of letter-boxes. He was re- markably humane and benevolent, and, without the least ostentation, performed many generous and charitable actions, which would have dignified a more a.n- ple fortune. THE WINTER ROBIN A suppliant to your window comes, Who trusts your faith, and fears no guile : He claims admittance for your crumbs, And reads his passport in your smile. For cold and cheerless is the day. And he has sought the hedges round ; No berry hangs upon the spray, Nor worm, nor ant-egg, can be found. Secure his suit will be preferred. No fears his slender i'eet deter ; For sacred is the household bird Tkat wears the scarlet stomacher. Charlotte Smith, S^anuarp 15. St. Paul, the first Hermit. St. Maurus. St. Main. St. John, Calybite. St. Isi- dore. St. Bonitus. St . Ita, ox Mida St. Panl, A. D. 342. The life of St. Paul, the first hermit, is said, by Butler, to liave been written by St. Jerome in 305, who received an ac- count of it from St. Anthony and others. According to him, when twenty-two years old, St Paul fled from the persecution of Decius to a cavern, near which grew a palm-tree, that supplied him with leaves for clothing, and fruit for food, till he was forty-three yeais of age ; after which he was daily fed by a raven till he was ninety, and then died. St. Anthony, in his old age, being tempted by vanity, imagined himself the first hermit, till the contrary- was revealed to him in a dream, wherefore, the next morning, he set out in search of St. Paul. " St. Jerome relates from his authors," says Butler, " that he met a centaur, or creature, not with the nature and properties, but with something of the niixt shape of man and horse ; and that this monster, or phantom of the devil, (St. Jerome pretends not to determine which it was,) upon his making the sign of the cross, fled away, after pointing out the way to the saint. Our author (St. Jerome) adds, that St. Anthony soon after met a satyr, who gave him to understand that he was an inhabitant of those deserts, and one of the sort whom the deluded gentiles adored for gods." Ribade- neira describes this satyr as with writhed nostrils, two little horns on his forehead, and the feet of a goat. After two days' search, St. Anthony found St. Paul, and a raven brought a loaf, whereupon they took their corporal refection. The next morning, St. Paul told him he was going to die, and bid him fetch a cloak given to St. Anthony by St. Athanasius, and wrap his body in it. St. Anthony then knew, that St. Paul must have been informed of the cloak by revelation, and went forth from the desert to fetch it ; but before his return, St. Paul had died, and St. Anthony found two lions digging his grave with their claws, wherein he buried St. Paul, first wrapping him in St. Athanasius's cloak, and preserving, as a great treasure, St. Paul's garment, made of palm-tree leaves, stitched together. How St.Jerome, in his conclusion of St. Paul's life, praises this garment, may be seen in Ribadeneira. FLOWERS. A writer, who signs himself " Crito" in the " Truth Teller," No. 15, introduces us to an honest enthusiast, discoursing to his hearers on the s7ioic-drop of the season, and other otferings from Flora, to the roll- ing year. " Picture to your imagination, a poor, * dirty' mendicant, of the order of St. Francis, who had long prayed and fasted in his sanctuary, and long laboured in his garden, issuing out on the morning of his first pilgrimage, without money and with- 52 THE EVEKY-DAY ROOK.— JANUARY 15. out pi o visions, clad in ids mantle and hood, ' like a sad votarist in palmer's weeds ;' and thus, and in these words, taking leave of the poor flock who lived found his gothic habitation. — ' Fellow- men, I owe you nothing, and I give you all ; you neither paid rae tithe nor rent, yet I have bestowed on you food and clothing in poverty, medicine in sickness, and spiritual counsel in adversity. That I might do all these things, I have de- voted my life in the seclusion of those venerable walls. There I have consulted the sacred books of our church for your spiritual instruction and the good of your souls ; to clothe you, I have sold the em- broidered garment, and have put on the habit of mendicity. In the intercalary moments of my canonical hours of prayer, r have collected together the treasures of Flora, and gathered from her plants the useful arts of physic, by which you have been benefited. Ever mindful of the use- ful object of the labour to which I had condemned myself, I have brought toge- ther into the garden of this priory, the lily of the valley and the gentian of the mountain, the nymphaea of the lake, and the cliver of the arid bank ; in short, I have collected the pilewort, the t'lroatwort, the liverwort, and every other vegetable specific which the kind hand of ;jature has spread over the globe, and aMcIi I have designated by their qualities. and have con'erted to your use and be- nefit. Mindfui also of the pious festivals which our church prescribes, I have sought to mal e these charming objects of floral nature, the timepieces of my religious ca'endar, and the mementos of the hastening period of my mortality. Tlius I can light the taper to our Virgin ■Mother on theblowingof the white snow- drop, which opens its floweret at the time of Candlemas ; the lady's smock and the dafl'odil remind me of the Annunciation ; the blue harebell, of the festival of St. George ; the ranunculus, of the Invention of the Cross ; the scarlet lychnis, of St. John the Baptist's day; the white lily, of the Visitation of our Lady ; and the virgin's bower, of her Assumption ; ind Michaelmas, Martinmas, Holy Rood and Christmas, have all their appropriate mo- nitors. I learn the time of day from the shutting of the blossoms of the star of Jerusalem and the dandelion, and the hour of the night by the stars."' From kind feelings to the benevolence of the Franciscan mendicant's address, which we may suppose ourselves to have just heard, we illustrate something of his purpose, by annexing the rose, the tulip, and the passion-flower, after an engrav- ing by a catholic artist, who has impressed them with devotional monograms, and symbols of his faith. RtRAL MVSIKCS. Margaret. — What sports do you use in the forest ? — Si7»on. — N'ot many ; some few, aethus : — To see the sun to bed, and to arise, Like some hot amourist with glowing eyes, Bursting the lazy bands of sleep that hound him. With all his fiiesand travelling glories round him : Sometimes the moon on softn^ght clouds to rest, Like beauty nestling in a young man's breast, And all the winking stars, her handmaids, keep Admiring silence, while those lovers sleep, Sometimes outstretcht, in very idleness, ^Naught doing, saying little, thinking less, To view the leaves thin dancers upon air, Go eddying round ; and small birds, how they faie. 53 •niE EVERY-DAY BOOK —JANUARY 16. When moiher Autumn fills iheir beaks with corn, Filch'd fiom the careless Amalthea's horn ; And how the woods berries and worms provide Without their pains, when earth has naught beside To answer their small wants C. I.amb. ianuarp 16. St Marcellus, Pope. St. Macarius the elder, of Egypt. St. Honorutus. St. Fursey. St. Henry, Hermit, Sec. St. Marcellus, Pope. According to Butler, he was so strict in penance, that the Christians disliked him ; he was banished by Maxentius, " for his severity against a certain apostate ;" and died pope in 310. WINTER UAiNBow 111 Ireland. In the first of the " Letters from the Irish Islands," in 1823, the writer address- es to his friend, a description of the rain- bow on the hills at this season of the year, lie says, " I could wish (provided I could ensure you one fine day in the course of the week) that you were here, to enjoy, in rapid succession, and, with all its wild magnificence, the whirlwind, the tempest, [he ocean's swell, and, as Burns beautifully expresses it. Some gleams of sunshine, 'mid renewing storms. To-day there have been fine bright in- tervals, and, while returning from a hasty ride, I have been greatly delighted w'th the appearance of a rainbow, gradually advancing before the lowering clouds, sweeping with majestic stride across the troubled ocean, then, as it gained the beach, and seemed almost within my grasp, vanishing amid the storm, of wliich it had been the lovely, but treacherous, forerunner. It is, I suppose, a conse- quence of our situation, and the close connection between sea and mountain,that the rainbows here are so frequent, and so peculiarly beautiful. Of an amazing breadth, and with colours vivid beyond description, I know not whether most to admire this aerial phenomenon, when, suspended in the western sky, one end of the bow sinks behind the island of Boffin, while, at the distance of several leagues, the other rests upon the misty hills of Ennis Turc ; or when, at a later hour of the day, it has appeared stretched across the ample sides of Miilbrea, penetrating far into the deep blue waters that flow at lis base. With feelings of grateful recol- lection too, we may hail the repeated visits of this heavenly messenger, occasionally, as often as five or six times in the course of the same day, in a country exposed to such astonishing, and, at times, almost in- cessant floods of rain.'' Behold yon bright, ethereal bow. With evanescent beauties glow ; The spacious arch streams through the sky, Deck'd with each tint of nature's dye, Refracted sunbeams, through the shower, A humid radiance from it pour ; Whilst colour into colour fades. With blended lights and softening shades. Athen^um " It is a happy effect of extreme mild- ness and moisture of climate, that most of our hills (in Ireland) are covered with grass to a considerable height, and afford good pasturage both in summer and win- ter. The grasses most abundant are the dogstail, (cynosurus cristatus,) several species of the meadow grass, (poa,) ths fescue, (festuca duriuscula and pratensis,) ?iid particularly the sweet-scented vernal grass, (anthoxanthum odoratum,) which abounds in the dry pastures, and moun- tain sides ; where its withered blossoms, which it is remarkable that the cattle dc not eat, give a yellowish brown tint to the whole pasture. Our bog lands are over- run with the couch, or fiorin grass, (agros- tis stolonifera,) several other species of the agrostis, and the aira. This is, in- deed, the country for a botanist ; and one so indefatigable as yourself, would not hesitate to venture with us across the rushy bog, where you would be so well rewarded for the labour of springing from one knot of rushes to another, by meeting with the fringed blossoms of the bog-bean, (menyanthes trifoliata,) the yellow aspho- del, (narthecium ossifragum,) the pale bog violet, (viola palustris,) both species of the pinguicula, and of the beautiful drosera, the English fly-trap, spreading its devy leaves glistening in the sun. I could also point out to you, almost hid in the moist recesses of some dripping rock, the pretty miniature fern, (trichomanes Tunbridgen- sis,) ■^hich ^'^u may remember showing me for the first tune at Tvmbridge Wells : the osmunda lunaria and regalis are also to be found, with other ferns, mosses, and li- chens, which it is far beyond my botanical skill to distinguish. — The man of science, to whatever branch of natural history his attention is directed, will indeed find 51 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— J AINU A IIY 17 never-failins sources of gratification, in exploring paths, hitherto ahnost untrod- den, in our wild country. Scarcely a county in England is without its peculiar Flora, almost every hill and every valley have been subject to repeated, scientitic examination ; while the productions of nature, so bountifully accorded to pooi Ireland, are either unknown or disre- garded." A SEASONABLE DIVERSION. From the many games of forfeits that are played in parlours during in-door weather, one is presented to the peiusal of youthful readers liom " Winter Even- ing Pastimes." Aunty's Garden. " The company being all seated in a circle, the person who is to conduct the game proposes to the party to repeat, in turns, the speech he is about to make ; and it is agreed that those who commit any mistake, or substitute one word for another, shall pay a forfeit. The player then commences by saying, distinctly, ' 1 am jus* come from my aunt Debo- rah's garden. Bless me ! what a fine garden is my aunt's garden ! In my aunt's garden there are four corners.' The one seated to the player's light is to repeat this, word for word : if his memory fails he pays a forfeit, and gives up his tuin to his next right-hand neighbour, not being permitted to correct his mistake. When this has gone all round, the con- ductor repeats the first speech, and adds the following : ' In the first corner stands a superb alater- nus. Whose shade, in the dog-days, won't let the sun burn u«.* *' This couplet having been sent round as before, he then adds the following : ' In the second corner grows A bush which boars a yellow rose : \Vould I might my love (-isclose 1' " This passes round in like manner: " la the third corner Jane show'd ine much London pride ; Let your mouth to your next neighbour's ear be applied, And quick to his keeping a secret confide." " At this period of the game every one must tell his right-hand neighbour some secret. In the fourth round, after repeating the whole of the former, he concludes thus : ' Jn the fourth corner doth appear Of amaranths a crowd ; Each secret whisper'd in the ear Must now be told aloud.' " Those who are unacquainted with thi.s game occasionally feel not a little embar- rassed at this conclusion, as the secrets revealed by their neighbour may be such as they would not like to be published to the whole party. Those who are aware of this finesse take care to make theii secrets witty, comic, or complimentary." WINTER. This is the eldest of the seasons : he Moves not like Spring with gradual step, nor grows From bud to beauty, but with all his snows Comes down at once in hoar antiquity. No rains nor loud proclaiming tempests flee Before him, nor unto his time belong The suns of summer, nor the charms of song, That with May's gentle smiles so well agree. But he, made perfect in his birthday cloud. Starts into sudden life with scarce a sound, And with a tender footstep prints the ground, As tho' to cheat man's ear ; yet while he stays He seems as 'twere to prrmpt our merriest lays. And bid the dance and joke be long and loud. Literary Pocket Book, 1620. St. Anthony, Patriarch of Moi.-ks. Sfs. Speusippus, Eleuxippus, and Melensip- pns. Sts. Sulpichis I. and II., Abps. of Bourges. St. Milgithe. St. Nen- nius, or Nennidhiu.'i. St. .Anthony, Patriarch of Monks. ITie memoirs of St. Anthony mak*- a distinguished figure in the lives of the saints by Alban Butler, who states the particulars to have been extracted from " The Life of St. Anthony," compiled by the great St Athanasius ; " a work," says 55 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK. - JANUARY 17. Butler, " much commended by St. Gre- gory Nazianzen, St. Jerom, St. Austin," &c. This statement hy Butler, whose biographical labours are estimated by ca- tholics as of the highest order, and the ex- traordinary temptations which rendc the life of St. Anthony eminently remarkab e, require at least so much notice of him, as may enable the general reader to dete - mine upon the qualities attributed to him, and the reputation his name has attained in consequence. According to Butler, St. Anthony was born in 251, at Coma near Heraclea in Egypt, and in thai neighbourhood com- menced the life of a hermit : he was con- tinually assailed by the devil. His only food was bread with a little salt, he drank nothing but water, never ate before sun- set, sometimes only once in two or four days, and lay on a rush mat or on the bare floor. For further solitude he left Coma, and hid himself in an old sepul- chre, till, in 285, he withdrew into the de- serts of the mountains, from whence, i-i 305, he descended and founded his first monastery. His under garment was sack- cloth, with a white sheepskin coat and girdle Butler says that he " was taught to apply himself to manual labour by an angeljWho appeared, platting mats of palm- tree leaves, then rising to pray, and after some time sitting down again to work ; ar 1 who at length said to him, ' Do this, and thou shall be saved.' The life, at- tributed by Butler to St. Athanasius, in- forms us that our saint continued in some degree to pray whilst he was at work ; that he detested the Arians ; that he would not speak to a heretic unless to exhort him to the true faith ; and that he drove all such from his mountain, calling them ve- nomous serpents. He was very anxious that after his decease he should not be embalmed, and being one hundred and five years old, died in 356, having be- queathed one of his sheepskins, with the coat in which he lay, to St. Athanasius." So far Butler. St. Athanasius, or rather the life of ?t, Anthony before alluded to, which, not- withstanding Butler's authorities, may be doubted as the product of Athanasius; but, however that may be, that memoir of St. Anthony is veiy particular in its ac- coimt of St. Anthony's warfare with the infernal powers. It says that hostilities commenced when the saint first deter- mined on hermitizing ; " in short, the de- vil raiii-d a great deal of dust in hi.s thoughts, that by bemudding and dis- ordering his intellects he might make St. Anthony let go his design." In his first conflict with the devil he was vic- torious, although satan ajtpeared to him in an alluring shape, ^;ext he came in the form of a black boy, and was atiain defeated. After that Anthony g(.t into a tomb and shut down the top, but the devil found him out, and, with a great company of other devils, so beat and bruised him, that in the morning he was discovered by the person who brought his bread, lying like a dead man on the ground ; where- upon he took him up and carried him to the town church, where many of his friends sat by him until midnight. An- thony then coming to himself and seeing all asleep, caused the person who brought him thither to carry him back privately, and again got into the tomb, shutting down the tomb-top as before. Upon this, the devils being very much exasperated, one night, made a noise so dreadful, that the walls shook. " They trans- formed themselves into the shapes of all sorts of beasts, li; ns, bears, leopards, bulls, serpents, asps, scorpions and wolves; every one of which moved and acted agreeably to the creatures which they re- presented ; the lion roaring and seeming j to make towards him, the bull to butt, the I serpent to creep, and the wolf to run at ; him, and so in short all the rest ; so that I Anthony was tortured and mangled by them so grievously that his bodily pain was greater than before." But, as it were laughmgly, he taunted them, and the de- vils gnashed their teeth. This continued till the roof of his cell opened, a beam of light shot down, the devils became speech- less, Anthony's pain ceased, and the roof closed again. At one time the devil laid the semblance of a large piece of plate in his way, but Anthony, perceiving the devii in the dish, chid it, and the plate disap- peared. At another time he saw a quan- tity of real gold on the ground, and to show the devil " that he did not value money, he leaped over it as a man in a fright over a fire." Having secluded him- self in an empty castle, some of his ac- I quaintance c mie often to see him, but in vain; he would not let them enter, and they remained whole days and nights listening to a tumultuous rout of devils | bawling and wailing within. He lived \l that state for twenty years, never seemg or being seeti by any one, till hit, friends broke open the door, and " the specta 56 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK— JANUARY \7. tors were in amazemeni to soe his body tdal had been so belaboured by devils, m the same shape in which it was before i»is retirement." By wav of a caution to others he related the practices of the de- vils, ind hovv they aj.peared. lie said that, " to scare us, they will represen* tliemselves so tall as to touch the ceiling. and proporlionably broad ; they often pre- tend to sing psalm.s and cite the scrip- tures, and sometimes while we are read- ing they echo what we read ; sometimes titey stamp, sometimes they laugh, and sometimes they hiss : but when one re- g-drdh uieiii not, then they weep and la- ment, as vanquished. Once, when iney came threatening- and surrounding me like soldiers, accoutred and horsed, and again when they filled the place with wild beasts and creeping things, 1 sung Psalm xix. 8., and they were presently •outed. Another time, v\heu they a^>- 57 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 17. ppared with a light in the dark, and said, ' We are come, Anthony, to lend thee our light,' I prayed, shutting my eyes, because 1 disdained to behold their light, and presently their light was put out. After this they came and hissed and danced, but as I prayed, and lay along singing, they presently began to wail and weep as though they were spent. Once there came a devil very tall in appearance, that dared to say, ' What woi.ldst thou have me bestow upon thee ?' but I spat upon him and endeavoured to beat him, and, great as he was, he disappeared with the rest of the devils. Once one of them knocked at the door of my cell, and when I opened it I saw a tall figure ; and when I asked him, 'Who art thou?' he answered, 'I am satan ; Why do the monks blame and curse me ? I hav» no longer a place or a city, and now the desert is filled with monks ; let them not curse one to no purpose.' 1 said to him, 'Thou art a liar,' &c. and he disappeared." A deal more than this he is related to have said by his biographer, who affirms that Anthony, " having been prevailed upon to go into a vessel and pray with the monks, he, and he only, perceived a wretched and terri- ble stink ; the company said there was some salt hsh in the vessel, but tie per- ceived another kind of scent, and while he was speaking, a young man that had a devil, and who had entered before them and hid himself, cried out, and the devil was rebuked by St Anthony and came out of him, and then they all knew that it was the devil that stunk." — " Wonder- ful as these things are, there are stranger things yet ; for once, as he was going to pray, he was in a rapture, and (which is a paradox) as soon as he stood up, he saw himself without himself, as it were in the air, and some bitter and terrible beings standing by him in the air too, but the angels, his guardians, withstood them." — "He had also anothei particular favour, for as he was sitting on the mount in a praying posture, and perhaps gravelled with some doubt relating to himself, in the night-time, one called to him, and said, 'Anthony, arise, go forth and look ;' so he went out and saw a certain terrible, deformed personage standing, and reach- ing to the clouds, and winged creatures, and him stretching out his hands ; and some of them he saw were stopped by him, and others were flying beyond him ; whereupon the tall one gnashed his teeth, nnd Anthony perceived that it v/as the enemy of souls, who seizes on those whr are accountable to him, but cannot reach those who are not persuadable by him." His biographer declares that the devils fled at his word, as fast as from a whip. It appears from lady Morgan, that at the confectioners' in Rome, on twelfth- day, " saints melt in the mouth, and the temptations of St, Anthony are easily digested." Alban Butler says that there is an ex- tant sermon of St. Anthony's wherein he extols the eflicacy of the sign of the cross for chasing the devil, and lays down rules for the discernment of spirits. There is reason to believe that he could not read ; St. Austin thinks that he did not know the alphabet. He wore his habit to his dying day, neither washing the dirt off his body, nor so much as his feet, unless they were wet by chance when he waded through water on a journey. The Jesuit Ribadeneira affirms, that " all the world relented and bemoaned his death for afterwards there fell no rain from heaven for three years." The Engraving of Sr. Aktiiony co7i- Jlicting tvith the Devil, in the present sheet, is after Salvator Rosa. Saints' bodies appear, from the Romish writers, to have waited undecomposed in their graves till their odour of sanctity rendered it necessary that their remains should be sought out ; and their bodies were sure to be found, after a few centu- ries ofsburial, as fresh as if they had been interred a few weeks. Hence it is, that though two centuries elapsed before An- thony's was looked for, yet his grave was not only discovered, but his body was in the customary preservation. It was brought to Europe through a miracle. One Joceline, who had neglected a pil- grimage to Jerusalem, was, therefore, sorely wounded in battle, and carried for dead into a chapel dedicated to St. An- thony. When he began to revive, a mul- titude of devils appeared to drag him to hell and one devil cast a halter about his neck to strangle him, wherefore St. An- thony appeared ; the devils flew from him of course, and he commanded Joceline to perform his pilgrimage, and to convey his- body from the east ; whereupon Joceline obeyed, and carried it to France. When Patrick wrote, thesaint's beard was showu at Cologne, with a part ot his hand, and another piece of him was shown at Tour 58 THE EVEKY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 17 Bay ; two of his relics were at Antwerp ; a church dedicated to him at Rome was famous for his sackcloth, and part of iiis palm coat ; the otlier part of it was e\hi- t)ited at Vienna, and the rest of his body was so multiplied about, that there were .irab-bones enough for the remains of half a dozen uncanonized persons. The Romish church has not made samts of late years. BLE'JSING OF BEASTS. On St. Anthony's day, the beasts at Rome are blessed, and sprinkled with holy water. Dr. Forster, in his ' Peren- -iai Calendar," remarks, that " the early Catholics regarded no beasts, birds, or fish, as hateful." He says, that " St. Anthony was particularly solicitous about animals, to which a whimsical picture by Salvator Rosa represunts him as preaching ;'' and he suggests, that " from his practices, perhaps, arose the custom of blessings passed on animals still practised at Rome; he regarded all God's creatures as worthy of protection" — except heretics, the doctor might have added ; unless, indeed, which seems to have been the case, Anthony re- garded them as " creatures " of the devil, between whom, and this saint, we have seen that the Rev. Alban Butler takes especial care we should not be ignorant of the miraculous conflicts just related. Lady Morgan says, that the annual be- nediction of the beasts at Rome, in a church there dedicated to St. Anthony, lasts for some days : " for not only every Roman from the pope to the peasant, who has a horse, a mule, or an ass, sends his cattle to be blessed at St. Anthony's shrine, but all the English go with their job horses and favourite dogs ; and for the small offering of a couple of paoli, get them sprinkled, sanctified, and placed under the protection of this saint. Coach after coach draws up, strings of mules mix with carts and barouches, horses kick, mules are restive, and dogs snarl, while the offi- ciating priest comes forward from his little chapel, dips a brush into a vase of holy water, sprinkles and prays over the beasts, pockets the fee, and retires." Dr. Conyers Middleton says, that when he was at Rome, he had his own horses blest for eighteen-pence, as well to satisfy his curiosity, as to humour his coachman, who was persuaded that some mischance would befall them in the year, if they had not the benefit of the benediction. PREACHING TO USHES. Lady Morgan describes a picture in the Borghese palace at Rome, represent- ing St. Anthony preaching to the fishes : " The salmon look at the preacher with an edified face, and a cod, with his up- turned eyes, seems anxiously seeking for the new light. The saint's sermon is to be had in many of the shops at Rome. St. Anthony addresses the fish, ' Dearly beloved fish ;' and the legend adds, that at the conclusion of the discourse, ' the fish bowed to him with profound humility, and a gravv.' and religious countenance.' The samt then gave the fish his blessing, who scudded away to make new conver- sions, — the missionaries of the main. " The church of St. Anthony at Rome is painted in curious old frescos, with the temptations of the saint. In one picture he is drawn blessing the devil, disguised in a cowl ; probably at that time ' When the devil was sick, and the devil a monk would be ;' " the next picture shows, that * When the devil was well, the devil a monk was he ;' " for St. Anthony, having laid down in his cofiin to meditate the more securely, a parcel of malicious little imps are peeping, with all sorts of whimsical and terrific faces, over its edges, and parodying Ho- gartii's enraged musician. One abomi- nable wretch blows a post-horn close to the saint's ear, and seems as much de- lighted with his own music as a boy with a Jew's-harp, or a solo-player with his first ad libitimi." St. Anthony's sermon to the fish is given in some of our angling books. If this saint was not the preacher to the fish, but St. Anthony of Padua, the latter has lost the credit of his miraculous exhort- ation, from the stupendous reputation of his namesake and predecessor. Not to risk the displeasure of him of Padua, by the possibility of mistake, without an at- tempt to propitiate him if it be a mistake, let it be recorded here, that St. Anthonv of Padua's protection of a Portuguese regiment, which enlisted him into its ranks seven hundred years after his death, pro- cured him the honour of being promoted to the rank of captain, by the king of Portugal, as will appear by reference to his military certificate set forth at laigs in " Ancient Mysteries described " 59 THE E\'ER.Y-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 17. ST. ANTHONY S f IRE. .St. Anth:)ny's fire is an inflammatorj' disease wliich, in the eleventh century, raged violent^ in various parts. Accord- ing to the legend, the intercession of St. Anthony was prayed for, when it mira- culously ceased ; and therefore, from that time, the complaint has been called St. Anthony's fire. ST. Anthony's pig. Bishop Patrick, from the Salisbury missal and other Romish service-books, cites the supplications to St. Anthony for relief from this disease. Catholic writers affirm it to have been cured by the saint's relics dipped in wine, which proved a present remedy. " Neither," says Pa- trick, who quotes the Romish writers, " did this benefit by the intercession of St. Anthony accrue only to men, but to cattle also ; and from hence we are told the custom arose of picturing this saint with a hog at his feet, because, the same author (Aymerus) says, on this animal God wrought miracles by his servant." J atrick goes on to say, that in honour of St. Anthony's power of curing pigs, " they used in several places to tie a bell about the neck of a pig, and maintain it at the common charge of the paristi," from whence came our English proverb of " Tantouy pig," or t'Antony, an abridge- ment of the Anthony pig. " I remember," says Stow, " that the officers charged with the oversight of the markets in this city did divers times take from the market people, pigs starved, or otherwise unwholesome for man's sus- tenance ; these they did slit in the car. One of the yjroctors for St. Anthony's (Hospital) tied a bell about the neck, (of one of them,) and let it feed on the dung- hills : no man would hurt or take it up ; but if any gave to them bread, or other feeding, such they (the pigs) would know, watch for, and daily follow, whining till they had somewhat given them : where- upon was raised a proverb, ' Suck an one will follow such an one, and whine as it ivere (like) an Anthony pig.' " If such a pig grew to be fat, and came to good liking, (as oftentimes they did,) then the proctor would take hini up to the use of the hospital. St. Anthony's school m London, new gone to decay, was anciently celebrated for the proficiency of its pupils. Stow relates, that, in his youth he annually s;.w, on the eve of St Bartholomew, the scho- lars of the different grammar-scl;cols as- sembled in the churchyard of St. Bartho- lomew, Smithfield, and then St. Anthony's scholars commonly \\ ere the best, and car- ried the prizes ; and that when the boys ot St. Paul's school met with those of St. Anthony's, " they would call them St Anthony's pigs, and they again would call the others pigeons of Paul's ; because many pigeons were bred in Paul's church, and St. Anthony was always figured with a pig following him." The seal of St. Anthony's Hospital in London was about the size of a half- crown ; it represented the saint preaching to a numerous congregation, with his pig beneath him. Tlie Rev. Mr. Orton, rector of Raseby in Leicestershire, was supposed to have been its possessor by the late Mr.S. Ayscough, who adds (in the Gent. Mag.) that the hospitalof St. Anthony had a grant of all the stray pigs which were not owned. He presumes that, from thence, originated the emblem of the saint's pig. In this he seems to have been mistaken ; it clearly did not originate in England t Patrick's solution of it is more probable, and very likely to be correct. St. Anthony is always represented by the old painters with a pig by his side He is so accompanied in the wood-cut to his life in the Golden Legend. There are many prints of him, by early masters, in this way. Rubens painted a fine pic- ture of the Death of St. Anthony, with his pig, or rather a large bacon hog, lying under the saint's bed : there is a good" engraving from this picture by Clouwet. In the British Museum there is a MS. with a remarkable anecdote that would form an appendix to St. Anthony's day. The names of the parties are forgotten ; but the particulars, recollected from acci- dental perusal, are these : A tailor was met out of doors by a per- son who requested to be measured for a suit of clothes, to be ready on that spof by that day week ; and the stranger gave him a, piece of cloth to make them with. From certain circumstances, the tailor suspected his new customer to be the devil, and communicated his conjectures to a clergyman, who advised him to exe cute the order, but carefully to save everv piece, even the minutest shred he citf from the cloth, and put the whole into a wrapper with the clothes ; he furthe? promised the tailor to go with him on tho 60 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 18. ajipointod day to the place where they ftere •Jelivered. When all was ready and the day arrived, they both went thither, txnd the person waiting justified the tai- tor's suspicions ; for he abused the tailor because he brought a divine, and imme- diately vanished in their presence, leav- ing the clothes and pioces of cloth in the possession of the tailor, who could not sell the devil's cloth to pay himself for the making, for fear of the consequences : And here ends the history Of this wonderful mystery ; from which may be drawn, by way of mo- ral, that a tailor ought not to take an or- der frjm a stranger without a reference. ^amian) 18. 67. Peter s Chair at Rome. St. Paul and T/iirti/six Companions in Egypt. St. Prisc'a. St. Deicolus. St. tJIfrid. The Feast of St. Peter's chair is kept by the Romish church on this day. Lady Morgan says that it is one of the very few functions as they are called (funzioni) ce- lebrated in the cathedral of St. Peter, at Rome. She briefly describes this cele- bration, and says something respecting St. Peter's chair. " The splendidly dress- ed troops that line the nave of the cathe- dral, the variety and richness of vestments which clothe the various church and lay dignitaries, abbots, priests, canons, pre- lates, cardinals, doctors, dragoons, sena- tors, and grenadiers, which march in pro- cession, complete, as they proceed up the vast spare of this wondrous temple, a spectacle nowhere to be equalled within the pale of European civilisation. In the midst of swords and crosiers, of halberds and crucifixes, surrounded by bani>ers, and bending under the glittering tiara of threefold power, appears the aged, feeble, and worn-out pope, borne aloft on men's shoulders, in a chair of crimson and gold, and environed by slaves, (for such they look,) who waft, from plumes of ostrich feathers mounted on ivory wands, a cool- ing gale, to refresh his exhausted frame, too fsail for the weight of such honours. All fall prostrate, as he passes up the church to a small choir and throne, tem- porarily erected beneath the chair of St. Peter. A solemn service is then per- formed, hosannas arise, and rojal vota- rists and diplomatic devotees parade the church, with guards of honour and run- ning footmen, while English gentlemen and ladies mob and scramble, and crowd and bribe, and fight iheir way to the bsst place they can obtain. " At the extremity of the great nave behind the altar, and mounted upon a tribune designed or ornamented by Mi- chael Angelo, stands a sort of ihrone, composed of precious materials, and sup- ported by four gigantic figures. A glory of seraphim, with groups of angels, sheds a brilliant light upon its splendours. This throne enshrines the real, plain, worm- eaten, wooden chair, on which St. Peter, the prince of the apostles, is said to have pontificated ; more precious than all the bronze, gold, and gems, with which it is hidden, not only from impious, but from holy eyes, and which once only, in the flight of ages, was profaned by mortal in- spection. " The sacrilegious curiosity of the French broke through all obstacles to their seeing the chair of St. Peter. They actually removed its superb casket, and discovered the relic. Upon its moulder- ing and dusty surface were traced carv- ings, which bore the appearanc'e ot letters. The chair was quickly brought into a better light, the dust and cobwebs removed, and the inscription (for an in- scription it was) fi^ithfuUy copied. The writing is in Araoic characters, and is the well-known confession of Mahometan faith, — ' There is but one God, and Ma- homet is his j}rophet r It is supposed that this chair had been, among the spoils of the crusaders, offered to the church at a time when a taste for antiquarian lore, and the deciphering of inscriptions, were not yet in fashion. This story has been since hushed up, the chair replaced, and none but the unhallowed remember the fact, and none but the audacious re- peat it. Yet such there are, even at Rome !" St. Prisca. This saint's festival stands in the calen- dar of the church of England this day, as well as in that of the Romish church. Nothing is certainly known of her except that she was a Roman, and mai tyred about 273. POWERFUL OPTICAL ILLUSION. In the London journals of January, 1824, the following anecdote from a Car- low paper bears the above title : — " A young lady, who died in this town, had been some time previous to her death 61 THE EVERY -bAY BOOK.— JANUARY 18. attended by a gentleman of the medical profession. On the evening of her de- cease, as this gentleman was sitting in company with a friend of his. and in the act of taking a glass of punch, he ima- gined he saw the lady walking into the room where himself and his friend were sitting, and, having but a few hours^ be- fore visited her, and found her in a dying state, the shock that his nerves experi- enced was so great, t'aat the glass which held the punch fell from his hands, and he himself dropped on the floor in a faint- ing fit. After he had perfectly recovered himself, and made inquiry about the lady, it was ascertained that a few minutes be- fore the time the medical gentleman ima- gined he had seen her in his friend's apartment, she had departed this life." Perhaps this vision may be illustrated by Jthers. A SPECTRE. The Editor of the Evern-Day Book now relates an appearance to himself. One winter evening, in 1821, he was writing in a back room on an upper floor t.f the house No. 45, Ludgate-hill, where- in he now resides. He had been so closely engaged in that way and in reading dur- ing several preceding days, that he had taken every meal alone, and in that room, nor did he usually ^o to bed until two or three o'clock in the morning. In the early part of the particular evening al- luded to, his attention had become wea- ried. After a doze he found himself re- freshed, and was wrltingwhen the chimes of St. Paul's clock sounded a quarter to two : long before that dead hour all the family had retired to rest, and the house was silent. A few minutes afterwards he moved round his chair towards the fire-place, and opposite to a large pane of glass which let the light from the room into a closet otherwise dark, the door of which opened upon the landing-place. His eye turning upon the glass pane, he was amazed by the face of a man anxiously watching him from the closet, with knit inquiring brows. The features were pro- minent and haggard, and, though the look was somewhat ferocious, it indicated in- tense curiosity towards the motions of the writer, rather than any purpose of imme- diate mischief to him. The face seemed somewhat to recede with a quick motion when he first saw it, but gazing on it v/ith great earnestness it appeared closer to the glass, looking at him for a moment, and then with more eager ai.xiety bending its eyes on the writing-table, as though it chiefly desired to be acquainted with the books and papers that lay upon it. Tiie wider shut and rubbed his eyes, and tigain the eyes of the face were intently upon him ; watching it, he grasped the candlestick, strode hastily towards the room door, which is about two feet from the pane, observed the face as hastily draw back, unlatched the closet door on the landing, was in an instant within the closet, and there to his astonishment found nothing. It was impossible that the per- son could have escaped from the closet before his own foot was at its door, yet he examined nearly every room in the house, until reflecting that it was folly to see'c for what, he was convinced, had no bodily existence, he returned up stairs and went to bed, pondering on the recollection of the spectre. ANOTHER SPECTRE. To the preceding narative the Editor adds an account of a subsequent appari- tion, which he saw, and for greater ease he writes it in the first person, as follows : In January, 1824, one, whose relation- ship commanded my aft'ection, was about to leave England with his family for a distant part of the world. The day or two preceding his departure I passed with him and his wife and children. Our separation was especially painful ; my mind was distressed, and I got little sleep. He had sailed from Gravesend about three days, and a letter that he had promised to write from the Downs had not arrived. On the evening of the 29th I retired late, and being quite wearied slept till an un- usually late hour the next morning, with- out a consciousness of having dreamed, or being, as I found myself, alone. With my head on the pillow I opened my eyes to an extraordinary appearance. Against the wall on the opposite side of the room, and level with my sight, the person, re- specting whom I had been so anxious, lay a corpse, extended at full length, as if rest- ing on a table. A greyish cloth covered the entire body except the face ; the eyes were closed, the countenance was cada- verous, the mouth elcngated from the falling of ilie jaws, and the lips were purpled. I shut my eyes, rubbed them and gently raising my head continued tc gaze on the body, till from weariness oi the attitude and exhausted spirits. I dropped on the pillow, and insensibly sunk to sleep, for perhaps a quarter of an hour. On again awaking, the spectre was 62 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY IK not there. I then arose, and having men- tioned the circumstance to some of my family, caused a memorandum to be made of what I had seen. In the course of the forenoon a person arrived who had gone round witli the vessel to the Downs, from whence he had been put ashore the morn- ing before, and saw tlie ship in full sail. He was the bearer of the letter I had ex- pected from the individual aboard, whose appearance I had witnessed only a few liours previous to its being put into my hands ; it of course relieved no apprehen- sion that might have been excited by the recent spectre. " That trie dead are seen no more," said Imlac, " I will not undertake to maintain against the concurrent and un- varied testimony of all ages and of all na- tions. There is no people, rude or learn- ed, among whom apparitions of the dead are not related and believed. This opi- nion, which, perhaps, prevails as far as human nature is diffused, could become universal only by its truth ; those, that never heard of one another, would never have agreed in a tale v/hich nothing but experience can make credible. That it is doubted by single cavillers can very little weaken the general evidence, and some who deny it with their tongues confess it by their fears." No man is privileged to impugn the knowledge of existences which others have derived from their experience ; but he who sees, without assenting to reali- ties, audaciously rejects positive proof to himself, where presumptive testimony would be satisfactory to most : he daringly falsifies what he knows to be indubita- bly true, and secret convictions belie the shameless hardihood of pretended incre- dulity. These, it is presumed, would be the sentiments of the great author of Rasselas, upon the expression of dis- belief in him who had witnessed spectral appearances ; and yet the writer of these pages, with a personal knowledge upon the subject, declines to admit that know- ledge as good evidence. He would say untruly wei'e he to affirm, that when he saw the corpse-like form, and for some time afterwards, he had no misgivings as to the safety of his friend. It was not until a lapse of six months that the vessel was reported to have touched at a certain port in good condition, and this was followed by a letter from the indivi- dual himself, wherein he affirmed his good health ; he subsequently wrote, that lie and his family were at the place o"" their destination. This spectral appear ance therefore at Ludgate-hill, between eight and nine o'clock of the morning on the 30tn of January, was no indication Oi his death, nor would it have been had he died about that time, although the co- incidence of the apparition and his de- cease would have been remarkable. The case at Carlow only differs from the case at Ludgate-hill by the decease of the lady having been coeval with her spectral appearance to the gentleman who was depressed by her illness. The face which the writer saw looking at him from a closet in the dead of night was no like- ness of any one he knew, and he saw each spectre when his faculties had be-en forced beyond their healthful bearins:. Under these circumstances, his eyesigiit was not to be trusted, and he refuses to admit it, although the spectres were so extraordinary, and appeared under such circumstances that probably they will never be forgotten. Coupled with the incidents just related, the death of the king of Naples in Ja- nuary 1825, which was first announced in the " Neivis" Sunday paper on the IGth of the month, recalls the recollection ot a singular circumstance in the bay of Naples. The fact and the facts preceding it are related by Dr. Southey in his " Life of Nelson." Having spoken of Nelson's attachment to lady Hamilton, and his weariness of the world, Dr. Southey pro- ceeds thus : — " Weil had it been for fJelson if he had made no otiier sacrifices to this un- happy attachment than his peace of mind; but it led to the only blot upon his public character. While he sailed from Palermo, with the intention of col- lecting his whole force, and keeping off Maretimo, either to receive reinforce- ments there, if the French were bound upwards, or to hasten to Minorca, if that should be their destination, capt. Foote, in tl^e Seahorse, with the Neapolitan frigates and some small vessels under his command, was left to act with a land force consisting of a few regular troops, of four different nations, and with the armed rabble which cardinal Ruff"o called the Christian army. His directions were to cooperate to the utmost of his power with royalists, at whose head Rufib had been placed, and he had no other instruc- tions wl atever. Ruffe advancing witli- 63 THE EVERY.DAY BOOK.— JAiN'UARl 18. out any plan, bu* relying upon the ene- my's want of numbers, which prevented them from attempting to act upon the offensive, and ready to take advantage of any accident which might occur, ap- proached Naples. Fort St. Elmo, which commands the town, was wholly garrison- ed by the French troops ; the castles of LJovo and Nuovo, which commanded the anchorage, were chiefly defended by Nea- politan revolutionists, the powerful men among them having taken shelter there. If these castles were taken, the reduction of Fort St. Elmo would be greatly ex- pedited. They were strong places, and there was reason to apprehend that the French fleet might arrive to relieve them. Ruffo proposed to the garrison to capitu- late, on condition that their persons and property should be guaranteed, and that they should, at their own option, either be sent to Toulon, or remain at Naples, without being molested either in their persons or families. This capitulation was accepted : it was signed by the car- dinal, and the Russian and Turkish com- manders ; and, lastly, by capt. Foote, as commander of the British force. About six and thirty hours afterwards Nelson arrived in the bay, with a force which had .oined him during his cruise, consisting of seventeen sail of the line, with 1700 troops on board, and the prince royal of Naples in the admiral's ship. A flag of truce was flying on the castles, and on board the Seahorse. Nelson made a sig- nal to annul the treaty ; declaring that he would grant rebels no other terms than those of unconditional submission. The cardinal objected to this: nor could all the arguments of Nelson, sir W. Hamil- ton, and lady Hamilton, who took an active part in the conference, convince bim that a tieaty of such a nature, so- lemnly concluded, could honourably be set aside. He retired at last, silenced by Nelson's authority, but not convinced. Capt. Foote was sent out of the bay ; and the garrisons taken out of the castles, under pretence of carrying the treaty into effect, were delivered over as rebels to the vengeance of the Sicilian court. — A deplorable transaction ! a stain upon the memory of Nelson, and the honour of England 1 To palliate it would be in vain ; to justify it would be wicked : there is no alternative, for one who will not make himself a participator in guilt, but to record the disgraceful story with horrow and with shame. " Prince Francesco Caraccioli,a young- er branch of one of the noblest Neapoli- tan families, escaped fiom one of these civStles before it capitulated. He was at the head of the marine, and was nearly seventy years of age, bearing a high character both for professional and per- sonal merit. He had accompanied the court to Sicily ; but when the revolution- ary government, or Parthenopaean repub lie, as it was called, issued an edict, ordering all absent Neapolitans to return, on pain of confiscation of their property he solicited and obtained permission of the king to return, his estates being verj great. It is said that the king, when he grLinted him this permission, warned him not to take any part in politics ; express- ing, at the same time, his own persuasion that he should recover his kingdom. But neither the king, nor he himself, ought to have imagined that, in such times, a man of such reputation would be per- mitted to remain inactive; and it soon appeared J,hat Caraccioli was again in command of the navy, and serving under the republic against his late sovereign. The sailors reported that he was forced to act thus : and this was believed, till it was seen that he directed ably the offen- sive operations of the revolutionists, and did not avail himself of opportunities for escaping when they offered. When the recovery of Naples was evidently near, he applied to cardinal Ruffo, and to the duke of Calvirrano, for protection ; expressing his hope, that the few days during which he had been forced to obey the French, would not outweigh forty years of faithful services : — but, perhiips, not receiving such assurances as he wish- ed, and knowing too well the temper of the Sicilian court, he endeavoured to secrete himself, and a price was set upon his head. More unfortunately for others than for himself, he was brought in alive, having been discovered in the disguise of a peasant, and carried one morning on board lord Nelson's ship, with his hands tied behind him. " Caraccioli was well known to the British ofiicers, and had been ever highly esteemed by all who knew him. Ctipt, Hardy ordered him immediately to b? unbound, and to be treated with all those attentions which he felt due to a man who, when last on board the Foudroyant, had been received as an admiral and a prince. Sir William and lady Hamilton were in the ship; but Nelson, it is aflSim 6t THE EVERY-DA\ BOOK.— JANUARY 18. ed, saw no one, except his own officers, during the tragedy which ensued. His own determination was made ; and he issued an order to the Neapolitan coni- inodore, count Thurn, to assemble a court-martial of Neapolitan officers, on board the British flag-ship, proceed im- mediately to try the prisoner, and report to him, if the charges were proved, what punishment he ought to siifler. These proceedings were as rapid as possible ; Caraccioli was brought on board at nine in the forenoon, and the trial began at ten. It lasted two hours ; he averred, in Iiis defence, that he acted under compul- sion, having been compelled to serve as a common soldier, till he consented to take command of the fleet. This, the apolo- gists of lord Nelson say, he failed in proving. They forget that the possibility of proving it was not allowed him ; for he was brought to trial within an hour after he was legally in arrest; and how, in that time, was he to collect his wit- nesses ? He was found guilty ,«and sen- tenced to death ; and Nelson gave orders that the sentence should be carried into effect that evening, at five o'clock, on Doard the Sicilian frigate La Minerva, by hanging him at the fore-yard-arm till sunset ; when the body was to be cut down, and thrown into the sea. Carac- cioli requested lieutenant Parkinson, un- der whose custody he was placed, to intercede with lord Nelson for a second trial, — for this, among other reasons, that count Thurn, who presided at the court- martial, was notoriously his personal ene- my. Nelson made answer, that the pri- soner had been fairly tried by the officers of his own country, and he could not interfere : forgetting that, if he felt him- self justified in ordering the trial and the execution, no human being could ever have questioned the propriety of his m- terfering on the side of mercy. Carac- cioli then entreated that he might be shot. — ' I am an old man, sir,' said he : * I leave no family to lament me, and there- fore cannot be supposed to be very anxi- ous about prolonging my life ; but the disgrace of being hanged is dreadful to me.' When this was repeated to Nel- son, he only told the lieutenant, with much agitation, to go and attend his duty. As a last hope, Caraccioli asked the lieu- tenant, if he thought an application to lady Hamilton would be benelicial ? Parkinson went to seek her. She was not to be seen on this occasion, — but she was present at the execution. She had the most devoted attachment to the Nea- politan court ; and the hatred which she felt against those whom she regarded as its enemies, made her, at this time, forget what was due to the character of her sex, as well as of her country. Here, also, a faithful historian is called upon to pro- nounce a severe and unqualified condemn- ation of Nelson's conduct. Had he the authority of his Sicilian majesty for pro- ceeding as he did .' If so, why was not that authority produced '. If not, why were the proceedings hurried on without it ? Why was the trial precipitated, so that it was impossible for the prisoner, if he had been innocent, to provide the wit- nesses who might have proved him so ? Why was a second trial refused, when the known animosity of the president of the court against the prisoner was con- sidered ? Why was the execution hast- ened, so as to preclude a:.y appeal for mercy, and render the prprogative of mercy useless ?- — Doubtless, the British admiral seemed to himself to be acting under a rigid sense of justice ; but, to all other persons, it was obvious, that he was influenced by an infatuated attachment — a baneful passion, which destroyed his domestic happiness, and now, in a second instance, stained ineffiiceably his public character. " The body was carried out to a con- siderable distance, and sunk in the bay, with three double-headed shot, weighing 250 pounds, tied to its legs. Between two and three weeks aftenvard, when the king was on board the Foudroyant, a Neapolitan fisherman came to the ship, and solemnly declared, that Caraccioli had risen from the bottom of the sea, and was coming, as fast as he could, to Na- ples, swimming half out of the water. Such an account was listened to like a tale of idle credulity. The day being fair. Nelson, to please the king, stood out to sea ; but the ship had not proceeded far before a body was distinctly seen, up- right in the water, and approaching them. It was soon recognised to be, indeed, the corpse of Caraccioli, which had risen, and floated, while the great weights at- tached to the legs kept the body in a po- sition like that of a living man. A fact so extraordinary astonished the king, and perhaps excited some feeling of supersti- tious fear, akin to regret. He gave per- mission for the body to be taken on shorp, and receive christian burial." Vol. L Go F THE EVEllY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 19. Tne late Dr. ClarKe mentions in his ' Travels," that as he was " one day lean- in" out of the cabin window, by the side of an officer who was employed in fisliinsj:, the corpse of a man, newly sewed in a hammock, started half out of the water, and continued its course, with the current, towards the shore. Nothing could be more horrible : its head and shoulders were visible, turning first to one side, then to the other, with a solemn and awful movement, as if impressed with some dreadful secret of the deep, which, from its watery grave, it came upwards to re- veal." Dr. Ferriar observes, that " in a certain stage of putrefaction, the bodies of persons which have been immersed in water, rise to the surface, and in deep water are supported in an erect posture, to the terror of un instructed spectators. Menacing looks ani gestures, and even words, are supplied by the affrighted imagmation, with infinite facility, and re- ferred to the horrible apparition." This is perfectly natural ; and it is easy to imagine the excessive terror of extreme ignorance at such appearances. Sanuaii) 19* Sts. Martha, Maris, Judifax, and Ahachnm. St. Canntns. St. Henri/. St. Wulstan St. Blaithmaie. St. Lomer. Sts. Martha, Maris, ^c. St. Martha was married to St. Maris, and with their sons, Sts. Audifax and Abachum, were put to death under Aure- lian (a.d. 270.) Butler says, that their relics were found at Rome, in 1590, one thousand three hundred and twenty years afterwards. DEDICATION OF FLOWERS. The monks, or the observers of monkish rules, have compiled a Catalogue of Mow- ers for each day in the year, and dedi- cated each flower to a particular saint, on account of its flowering about the time of the saint's festival. Such appropriations are a Floral Directory throughout the year, and will be inserted under the suc- seeding days. Those which belong to this and the eighteen preceding days in January are in the following list : — JANUARY, 1st. St. Fahie. New Year's Day. Laurustine. Viburnum Times. 2d. St. Macarins. r.roundsel. Senecio vulgarii 3d. St. Genevieve. Persian Fleur-de-lis. Iris Penica. 4tti. St. Titus Hazel. Cori/lus avcllana. otn. St. Simeon Styliles. Bearsfoot. Hellcburns fu;tidus. 6th. St. Nilammon. Screw Moss. Tortula rigida. 7th. St. Kentigern. Portugal Laurel. Pruniis Ltisitanica. 8th. St. Gudula. Yellow Tremella. Tremella delifjnescens 9th. St. Marciana. Common Laurel. Prnnns Laurocerasus 10th. St. iniUane. Gorse. Ulex Etiropceas. nth. St. Theodosius. Early Moss. Brynm horceum. 1 2th. St. Arcadiiis. Ilygrometic Moss. Funaria hygrometica. 13th. St. Veronica. Yew Tree. Taxus baccuta. 14th. St Hilary. Barren Strawberry. Fragaria sterilis 1 5th. St. Paul the Hermit. Ivy. Hedera helix. 16th. St. Marcellus. Common Dead Nettle. Larnium jmrpu- reuin 17lh. hony. Garden Anemone. - nemoue hortensis. 18th. St. Prisca. Four-toothed Moss. Bryum pellucidum, 19th. St. ha. White Dead Nettle. ium album. THE GARDEN. In tlie " Flora Domestica" there is a beautiful quotation from Cowley, in proof that the emperor Dioclesian preferred his garden to a throne : Melhinks I see great Dioclesian walk Tn the Salonian garden's noble shade, Wliich by his own imperial hands was made I see him smile, methinks, as he does talk With the ambassadors, who come in vain 1" entice him to a throne again. " If I, my friends," said he, " should to you show All the delights which in these gardens grow, 'I'is likelier far that \ou with me should stay. Than 'tis that you should carry me away ; And trust me not, my friends, if, every day, I walk not here with 'no"e delight, Than ever, after the most happy fight, In triumph to the capitol 1 rode. To thank the gods, and to be il.'omiht irvspll J«nost a god." 66 rUE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 19. To the author of the " Flora Domes- flowers courting the look by their varied tica," and to the reader who may not have loveliness, and the smell by their delicacy ; seen a volume so acceptable to the cuiti- large juicy apples bowing down the almost vator of flowers, it would be injustice to tendril-shootswherefrora they miraculously extract from its pages without remarking sprmg; plants of giant growth with mul- its usefulness, and elegance of coniposi- tiform shrubs beyond, and holly-hock': tion. Lamenting that " plants often meet towering like painted pinnacles from hid- with an untimely death from the jgno- den shrines : ranee of their nurses," the amiable author " resolved to obtain and to com- municate such information as should be requisite for the rearing and preserving a vortable garden in pots ; — and hencefor- ward the death of any plant, owing to the carelessness or ignorance of its nurse, shall be brought in at the best as plant- slaughter." Can imagination boast, The cultivation of plants commences with our infancy. If estranged from it by the pursuits of active life, yet, during a few years' retirement from the " treat hum" of a noisy world, we naturally recur to a garden as to an old and cheer- ful friend whom we had forgotten or neglected, and verify the saying, " once ^'^^ garments of people, and even the a man, and twice a child." There is not plumage of birds, so that many rooks " one of woman born " without a sense of and other fowls were found lying on the 'Mid all its gay creation, charms like these 1 , Dr. Forster, tlie scientific author of a treatise on " Atmospheiic Phenome:ia," and other valuable works, has included numerous useful observations on the wea- ther in his recently published " Perennial Calendar," a volume replete with instruc- tion and entertainment. He observes, in the lattc- work, that after certain atmo- spheric appearances on this day in the year 1809, " a hard and freezing shower of hail and sleet came with considerable violence from the east, and glazed every thing on which it fell with ice; it in- crusted the walls, encased the trees and ground, stiff with an encasement of ice Such weather," Dr. Forsler observes, " has been aptly described by Philips aj occurring oftentimes during a northern winter: — pleasure when he sees buds bursting into leaf; earth yielding green shoots from germs in its warm bosom ; white fruit- blossoms, tinted with rose-blusl\es, stand- ing out in clumps from slendei" branches; Ere yet the clauds let fall the treasured snow. Or winds begun through hazy skies to blow. At evening a keen eastern breeze arose. And the descending rain unsullied froze. Soon as the silent shades of night withdrew, The ruddy morn disclosed at once to view The face of Nature in a rich disguise. And brightened every object to my eyes ; For every shrub, and every blade of grass, And every pointed thorn, seemed wrought in glass , In pearls and rubies rich the hawthorns show. While through the ice the crimson berries glow, The thick -sprung reeds the watery marshes yield Seem polished lances in a hostile field. The stag in limpid currents, with surprise. Sees crystal branches on his forehead rise. The spreading oak, the beech, and tow'ring pine, Glaz'd over, in the freezing ether shine. The frighted birds the rattling branches shun. That wave and glitter in the distant sun. When, if a sudden gust of wind arise. The brittle forest into atoms flies ; The cracking wood beneath the tempest bends. And in a spangled shower the prospect ends. Philips, Lett, from Copenhagm. " It may be observed, that in both the the storm. There is something very rc- :>bove descriptions of similar phenomena, markably unwholesome in east winds 'lie east wind is recorded as bringing up and a change to that quarter often di'= 67 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 20. turbs the nervous system and digestive organs of many persons, causing head- aches, fevers, and other disorders. More- over, a good astronomical observation cannot be made when the wind is east : the star seems to oscillate or dance about in the field of the telescope." In the truth of these observations as regards health, he who writes this is un- happily qualified to concur from expe- rience ; and were it in his power, would ever shun the north-east as his inosl fearful enemy. Sir, the north-east, more fierce than Russian cold. Pierces the very marrow in the bones. Presses upon the brain an arid weight. And superflows life's current with a force That checks the heart, and soul, and mind, and strength, In all their purposes. Up with the double window-sashes— quick ! Close every crevice from the withering blast. And stop the keyhole tight— the wind-fiend comes! ^ St. Fabian, Pope. St. Sebastian. St. Euthymiiis. St. Fechin. St. Fabia)i. Tliis saint is in the church of England calendar; he was bishop of Rome, a. d, 250 : the Romish calendar calls him pope. St. Sebastian's Day Is noted inDoblada'sLetters from Spain, as within the period that ushers in the car- nival with rompings in the streets, and vulgar mirth. " The custom alluded to by Horace of sticking a tail, is still practised by the boys in the streets, to tlie great annoyance of old ladies, who are generally the ob- jects of this sport. One of the ragged striplings that wander in crowds about Seville, having tagged a piece of paper with a hooked pin, and stolen unperceiv- ed behind some slow-paced female, as wrapt up in her veil, she tells the beads she carries in her left hand, fastens tiie paper-tail on the back of the black or walking petticoat called Saya. The whole gang of ragamuffins, who, at a convenient distance, have watched the dexterity of their companion, set up a loud cry of ' Largalo, largalo' — ' Drop it, drcp it' — this makes every female in the street look to the rear, which, they well know, is the fixed point of attack with the merry light- troops. The alarm continues till some friendly hand relieves the victim of sport, who, spinning and nodding like a spent top, tries in vain to catch a glance at the tast-pinnc-d paper, unmindful of the phy- sical law which forbids her head revolving faster than the great orbit on which the ominous comet flies." ST. AGNES' EVE Formerly this was a night of great im- port to maidens who desired to know who they should marry. Of such it was re- quired, that they should not eat on this day, and those who conformed to the rule, called it fasting St. Agnes' fast. And on sweet St. Agnes' night Please you with the promis'j sight, Some of husbands, some of lovers;, Which an empty dream discovers. 13en Jonson. Old Aubrey has a recipe, whereby a lad or lass was to attain a sight of the fortunate lover. " Upon St. Agnes' night you take a row of pins, and pull out every one, one after another, saying a Pater Noster, sticking a pin in your sleeve, and you will dream of him or her you shall marry." Little is remembered of these homely methods for knowing " all about sweet- hearts," and the custom would scarcely have reached the greater number of read- ers, if one of the sweetest of our modern poets had not preserved its recollection in a delightful poem. Some stanzas are culled from it, with the hope that they may be read by a few to whom the poetry of Keates is unknown, and awaken a de- sire for further acquaintance with his beauties :— 68 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK—JANUARY iO. The Eve of St. Agnrs. St. Agnes' Eve 1 Ah, titter chill it was ! The owl, for all his feathers, was a-cold ; The hare limp'd trembling through the frozen prass, And silent was the flock in woolly fold . *%■**** They told her how, upon St. Agnes' Eve, Young virgins might have visions of delight And soft adorings from their loves receive Upon the honey 'd middle of the night, If ceremonies due they did aright ; As, supperless to bed they must retire, And couch supine their beauties, lily white ; Nor look behind, nor sideways, but require Of Heaven with upward eyes for all that they desire Full of this whim was thoughtful Madeline *♦*»♦»# Out went the taper as she hurried in ; Its little smoke, in pallid moonshine, died : She clos'd the door, she panted, all akin To spirits of the air, and visions wide No uttered syllable, or, woe betide ! But to her heart, her heart was voluble. Paining with eloquence her balmy side ; As though a tongueless nightingale should swell Her throat in vain, and die, heart-stifled, in her dell. A casement high and triple arch'd there was, All garlanded with carven imag'ries Of fruits, and flowers, and bunches of knot grass, And diamonded with panes of quaint device Innumerable of stains and splendid dyes. As are the tiger-moth's deep damask'd wings ; And in the midst, 'mong thousand heraldries. And twilight saints, with dim emblazonings, A shielded 'scutcheon blush 'd wiih blood of queens and kitirs Full on this casement shone the wintry moon. And threw warm gules on Madeline's fair breast. As down she knelt for Heaven's grace and boon ; Rose-bloom fell on her hands, together prest. And on her silver cross soft amethyst. And on her hair a glory, like a saint: She seem'd a splendid angel, newly drest. Save wings, for Heaven : — ■ Iler vespers done Of all its wreathed pearls her hair she frees ; Unclasps her warmedjewels one by one ; Loosens her fragrant boddice ; by degrees Her rich attire creeps rustling to her knees • Half-hidden, like a mermaid in sea-weed, Pensive awhile she dreams awake, and sees, la fancy, fair St. Agnes in her bed, Bnt dares not look behind, or all the charm is fled. Soon, trembling in her soft and chilly nest. In sort of wakeful swoon, perplex'd she lay, Until the poppied warmth of sleep oppress'd Her soothed limbs, and soul fatigued away ; Flown, like a thought, until the morrow day. Blissfully haven'd both from joy and pain ; Clasp 'd like a missal where swart Paynims pray ; Blinded alike from sunshine and from rain. As though a rose should shut, and be a bud aE;aln. 69 THE EVEllY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 20. Stol'n to this paradise, and soextranced, Porphyro gazed upon her empty diess, And listened to her breathing. Shaded was her dream Bv the dusk curtains : — 'twas a midnight cliarni Impossible to melt as iced stream : — »# • ♦ * # • He took her hollow lute, — Tumultuous, — and, in chords that tenderest be. He play'd an ancient ditty, long smce mute. In Provence call'd, " La belle dame sans mercy :•* Close to her ear touching the nie.lody ; — Wherewith disturb'd, she utter'd a soft moan: He ceas'd — she panted quick — and suddenly Her blue affrayed eyes wide open shone : Cpon his knees he sank, pale as smooth-sculptured stontr. Her eyes were open, but she still beheld, Now wide awake, the vision of her sleep : There was a painful change, that nigh expell'd The blisses of her dream so pure and deep. At which fair Madeline began to weep, And moan forth witless words wiih many a sigh , While still her gaze on Porphyro would keep ; Who knelt, with joined hands and piteous eye. Fearing to move or speak, she look'd sodreamingly " Ah, Porphyro !" said she, " but even now " Thy voice was at sweet tremble in mine ear, " ]\Iade tuneable with every sweetest vow ; " And those sad eyes were spiritual and clear ; " Hovv chang'd thou art ! how pallid, chill, and dres, " Give me that voice again, my Porphyro, " Those looks immortal, those complainings dear '. " Oh, leave me not in this eternal woe, •* For if thou diest, my love, I know not where to go." Beyond a mortal man inipassion'd far At these voluptuous accents, he arose. Ethereal, flush'd, and like a throbbing star. Seen 'mid the sapphire heaven's deep repose. Into her dream he melted, as the rose Blendeth its odour with the violet, — Solution sweet : meantime the frost-wind blows Like Love's alarum pattering the sharp sleet Against the window-panes. " Hark ! 'tis an elfin-storm from faery land, " Of haggard seeming, but a boon indeed •' Arise — arise ! the morning is at hand ; — " Let us away, my love, with happy speed.— • «•*«** And they are gone : ay, ages long ago These lovers fled away into tlie storm. FLORAL DIRECTORY. St. Fabiaiy Large Dead Nettle. Larnium garganicum. 70 THE EVEKY-DAY BOOK.— JANUAEi" 21. AQUAEIUS, OR, THE WATER BEARER. Tlie sun enters Aquarius on this day, though he does not enter it in the visible zodiac until the 18th of February. Ganymede, who succeeded Hebe as cup-bearer to Jove, is fabled to have been changed into Aquarius. Canobus of the Egyptian zodiac, who was the Neptune of the Egyptians, with a water-vase and measure, evidently prefigured this con- stellation. They worshipped him as. the God of iivany breasts, from whence he re- plenished the Niie "with fertilizing streams. Aquarius contains one hundred and eight stars, the two chief of which aie about fifteen degrees in height : His head, his shoulders, and liis lucid breast, Glisten with stars ; and when his urn inclines. Rivers of light brighten the watery track. Eudosia. S)amiarp2l. St. ylgnes. St Fructuosnn, Sfc. St. Vbnin, or Vivian. St. Pubhus. St. Epiphanius St. Agnes. "She has always been looked upon,'' says Butler, " as a special patroness of purity, with the immaculate mother of God." According to him, she suffered martyrdom, about 304, and performed wonderful miracles before her deatIi,whicL was by beheading, when she was thirteen years old ; whereupon he enjoins females to a single life, as better than a married one, and says, that her anniversary " was formerly a holiday for the women in England." Ribadeneira relates, that she was to have been burned, and was put into the fire for that purpose, but the flames, refusing to touch her, divided on each side, burnt some of the bystanders, and then quenched, as if there had been none made : a compassionate quality in tire, of which iron was not sensible, for her head was cut ofl at a single blow Her legend further relates, that eight days aftei her death she came to her parents arrayed in white, attended by virgins with garlands of pearls, and a lamb whiter than snow ; she is tlierefore usually repre- sented by artists with a lamb by her side ; though not, as Mr. Brand incautiously says, " in every graphic representation." It is fiirther related, that a priest who offi- ciated in a church dedicated to St. Agnes, was very desirous of being married. He prayed the pope's license, who gave it him, together with an emerald ring, and commanded him to pay bis addresses to ihe image of St. Agnes in his own church Then the priest did so, and the image put forth her finger, and he put the ring there- on ; whereupon the image drew her fin- ger again, and kept the ring fast, and the Drie.«* was contented to remain a ba- 71 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK,--JANUARY Si. cfielor; " and yet, as it is sayd, the rynge secrated animals were afte; wards shorn, IS on the fynger of the ymage " In a Romish Missal printed at Paris, in 1520, there is a prayer to St. Agnes, re- markably presumptive of her powers ; it is thus englished by Bp. Patrick ; Agues, who art the Lamb's chaste spouse, Enlighten thou our minds within ; Not oniy lop the spreading boughs, liut root out of us every sin. O, Lady, singularly great. After this state, with grief opprest Translate us to that quiet seat Above, to triumph with tlie blest. and palls made from tlieir fleeces ; for each of which, it is said, the pope exacted oi the bishops from eight to ten, or thirty thousand crowns, and that the custom originated with Limes, who succeeded the apostle Peter : whereupon Naogeorgus inquires, But where was ^gucs at that time ? wlio oflied up, and how. The two while lambes ? where then was Masse, as it is used now 1 Yea, where was then the Popish state, and dreadfull monarcliee ? Sure in Saint Austen's time, there were no palles at Rome to see, &c. In Jepbson's " Manners, &c. of France and Italy,'' there is one dated from Rome, February, 14, 1793. That this ceremony was then in use, is evident from the fol- lowing lines : — From Naogeorgus, we gather that in St. Agnes' church at Rome, it was custo- mary on St. Agnes' Day to bring two snow-white lambs to the altar, upon which they were laid while the Ac;nus was singing by way of offering. These con- Sl. ^gnes Shrine. Where each pretty BaAzmh most gaily appears, With ribands stuck round on its tail and its ears ; On gold fringed cushions they're stretch'd out to eat. And piously ba, and to church-musick bleat ; Yet to me iliey seem'd crying, alack, and alas ! What's all this white damask to daisies and grass? Then they're brought to the Pope, and with transport they're kiss'd, And receive consecration trom Sanctity's fist. Blessinsc of Sheep Stopford, in " Pagano-Papismus," re- cites this ceremony of the Romish church. Tiie sheep were brouoht into the church, and the priest, having blessed some salt and water, read in one corner this gospel, " To us a child is born," &c. with the sung the mass of the Holy Ghost, and at the conclusion, an offering of fourpence was for himself, and another of three- pence was for the poor. This ceremony was adopted by the Romish church from certain customs of the ancient Romans, in their worship of Pales, the goddess of whole office, a farthing being laid upon sheepfolds and pastures. They prayed the book, and taken up again ; in the second corner he read this gospel, " Ye men of Galilee," &c. with the whole office, a farthing being laid upon the book, and taken up again ; in the tliird corner he read this gospel, " I am the good shepherd," &c. with the whole office, a farthing being laid upon the book, and taken up again ; and in the fourth corner he read this gospel, " In these days," &c. with the whole office, a farthing being laid upon the book, and taken up again After that, he sprinkled all the sheep with holy water, saying, " Let the blessing of God, the Fathei Almighty, descend and remain upon you ; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, andof the Holy Gliost. Amen." Then he signed all the sheep with the sign of the cross, repeated thrice some Latin verses, with the Paternoster and Ave-Marias, her to bless the sheep, and sprinkled them with water. The chief difference between the forms seems to have consisted in this, that the ancient Romans let the sheep remain in their folds, while the moderns drove them into the church. Christmas Rose. FLORAL DIRECTORY. St. j4gne.t. Hellebortts nrger Jlor^ albo. THE CROCUS. Dainty young thing Of life ! — Thou vent'rous flower, Who growest througli the hard, cold Of wintry Spring : — Thou various-hued. Soft, voiceless bell, whose spire Rocks in the grassy leaves like wire In solitude :— 12. THE EVERY-DAY BOOK -JANUARY 9.1. Like Pulience, thou Art quiet in thy earth, Instructing Hope that Virtue's birth Is Feeling's vow. Thy fancied bride ! The delicate Snowdrop, keeps Her home with thee ; she wakes and sleeps Near thy true side. Will Man but hear ! A simple flower can tell What beauties in his mind shoiild dwell Through Passion's spliere. J. R. Prior. Chronology. 1793. On the 21st of January, Louis XV'I. was beheaded at Paris, in the thirty- ninth year of his age, and nineteenth of his reign, under circumstances which are in the recollection of many, and known to most persons. A similar in- strument to the guillotine, the machine by which Louis XVI. was put to death, was formerly used in England. It was firit introduced into France, during the revolution, by Dr. Guillotine, a physician, and hence its name. THE HALIFAX GIBUET AND GIBBET-LAW. The History of Halifax in Yorkshire, 12mo. 1T12, sets forth " a true account of their ancient, odd, customary gibbet- law ; and their particular form of trying and executing of criminals, the like not us'd in any other place in Great Britain." The Halifax gibbet was in the form of the guillotine, and its gibbet-law quite as re- markable. The work referred to, which is more curious than rare, painfully endea- vours to prove this law wise and salutary. It prevailed only within the forest of Hardwick, which was subject to the lord of the manor of Wakefield, a part of the duchy of Lancaster. If a felon were taken within the liberty of the forest with cloth, or other commodity, of the value of thirteen-pence halfpenny, he was, after three market-days from his apprehension and condemnation, to be carried to the gibbet, and there have his head cut off from his body. When first taken, he was brought to the lord's bailiff in Halifax, who kept the town, had also the keeping of the axe, and was the executioner at the gibbet. "This officer summoned a jury of frith-burghers to try him on the evi- dence of witnesses not upon oath: if ac- quitted], he was set at liberty, upon pay- ment of his fees ; if convicted, lie was set in the stocks on each of tlie three subse- quent market-days in Halifax, with the stolen goods on his back, if they weru portable; if not, they were placed before his face. This was for a terror to others, and to engage any who had aught against him, to bring accusations, although after the three market-days he was sure to be executed for the ofi'ence already proved upon him. But the convict had the sa- tisfaction of knowing, that after he was put to death, it was the duty of the coro- ner to summon a jury, " and sometimes the same jury that condemned him," to inquire into the cause of his death, and that a return thereof would be made into the Crown-office ; " which gracious and sage proceedings of the coroner in tliat matter ought, one would think, to abate, in all considering minds, that edge of acri- mony which hath provoked malicious and prejudiced persons to debase this laudable and necessary custom." So says the book. In April, 1650, Abraham Wilkinson and Anthony Mitchell were found guilty of stealing nine yards of cloth and two colts, and on the 30th of the month re- ceived sentence, " to suffer death, by having their head? severed and cut off from their bodies at Halifax gibbet," and they suffered accordingly. These were the last persons executed under Halifax gibbet-law. The execution was in this manner : — The prisoner being brought to the scaffold by the bailiff, the axe was drawn up by a pulley, and fastened with a pin to the side of the scaffold. " The bailiff, the jurors, and the minister chosen by the prisoner, being always upon the scaffold with the prisoner, in most solemn manner, after the minister had finished his minis- terial office and christian duty, if it was a horse, an ox, or cow, kc. that was taken with the prisoner, it was thither brought along with him to the place of execution, and fastened by a cord to the pin that stay'd the block, so that when the lime of the execution came, (which was known by the jurors holding up one of theii hands,) the bailiff, or his servant, whip- ping the beast, the pin was pluck'd out, and execution done ; but if there wereny beast in the case, then the bailiff, or his servant, cut the rope." 73 THE EVEEY-DAY BOOK.— JANUAKY 21. THE HALIFAX GIBBET. But if tlie lelon, after his apprehension, or in his going to execution, happened to make his escape out of the forest of Hard- wick, which liberty, on the east end of the town, doth not extend above the breadth of a small river ; on the north about six hundred paces; on the south about a mile ; but on the west about ten miles; — if such an escape were made, then the bailiff of Halifax had no power to apprehend him out of his liberty ; but if ever the felon came agaia into the liberty of Hardwick, and were taken, he was certainly executed. One Lacy, who made his escape, and lived seven years out of the liberty, after that time coming boldly within the liberty of Hardwick, was retaken, and executed upon his for- mer verdict of condemnation The records of executions by the Ha- hfax gibbet, before the time of Elizabeth, are lost ; but during her reign twenty- five persons suETered under it, and from 1G23 to 1650 there were twelve execu- tions. The machine is destroyed. The engraving placed above, represents the instrument, from a figure of it in an old map of Yorkshiie, which is altogether better than the print of it in the work before cited The worthy author of the Halifax gibbet-book seems by his title to be well assured, th it the machine was limited to, and to the sole use and behoof of, his district ; but in this, as in some other particulars, he is mistaken, A small print by Aldegraver, one of the little German masters, in 1553, now lying before the writer, represents the execution of Manlius, the Roman, by the same instrument ; and he has a similar print by Pens, an early engiaver of that school. There are engravings of it in books printed so early as 1510. In Holimsbed's Chronicle there is a cit of 74 THE EVEIIY-DAY BOOK.— JANUaEY 21. a man ^^ l.o had attempted the life of Henry III. suffering by this instrument. In Fox's " Acts and Monuments," there is another execution in the same manner. The " maiden" by which James, earl of Morton, the regent of Scotland, was put to death for high treason in 1581, was of tliis form, and is said to have been constructed by his order from a model of one that he had seen in England : he was the first and last person who suffered by it in Scotland; and it still exists in the parliament-house at Edinburgh. In "The Cloud of Witnesses; or the last Speeches of Scottish Martyrs since 1680," there is a print of an execution in Scotland by a similar instrument. The construction of such a machine was in contemplation for the beheading of lord Lovat in 1747 : he approved the notion — " My neck is very short," he said, " and the executioner will be puzzled to find it out with liis axe: if they make the machine, I suppose they will call it lord Lovat's maiden." Randle Ilolmc in his " Armory" de- scribes an heraldic quartering thus : — " He beareth gules, a heading -block fixed between two supporters, with an axe placed therein ; on the sinister side a maule, all proper." This agreeable bear- ing he figures as tne reader sees it. Holme observes, that " this was the Jews' and Romans' way of beheading of- fenders, as some write, though others say they used to cut off the heads of such, with a sharp, two-handed sword : how- ever, this way of decollation was by lay- ing the neck of the malefactor on the block, and then setting the axe upon it, which lay in a rigget in the two side- Dosts or supporters ; the executioner with the violence of a blow on the hean of thv axe, with his heavy maul, iorced it througii the man's neck into the block. I have seen the draugnt of the like heading-in- strument, where the weighiy axe (made heavy for that purpose) was raised up and fell down in such a riggetted frame, which being suadenly let to fall, the weight of it was sufficient to cut off a man's head at one blow." THE SEASON. Remarkable instances of the mildness of January, 1825, are recorded in the provincial and London journals. In tfie first week a man plantini? a hedge near Mansfield, in Yorkshire, found a black- bird's nest with four young ones in it. The Westmoreland Gazette states, that on the 13th a fine ripe strawberry was ga- thered in the garden of Mr. W. White- head, Storth End, near End-Moor, and about the same tiir.e a present of the same fruit was made by Thomas Wilson, Esq. Thorns, Underbanow, to Mr. Alder- man Smith Wilson, some of them larcer in bulk than the common hazel-nut. In- deed the forwardness of the season in the north appears wonderful. It is stated in the Glasgow Chronicle of the 11th, that on the 7th, bees were flying about in the gar- den of Rose-mount; on the 9th, the sky was without a cloud ; there was scarcely a breath of wind, the blackbirds were sing- ing as if welcoming the spring ; pastures wore a fine, fresh, and healthy appear- ance ; the wheat-braird was strong, thick in the ground, and nearly covering the soil ; vegetation going on in the gardens ; the usual syjring flowers making their ap- pearance ; the Chris*jnas rose, the snow- drop, the polyanthea, the single or border anemone, the hepatica in its varieties, and the mazerion were in full bloom ; the Narcissus making its appearance, and the crocusses showing colour. On the 11th, at six o'clock, the thermometer in Nelson- street, Glasgow, indicated 44 degrees on the 9th, the barometer gained the ex- traordinary height of 31-01 ; on the 11th, it was at 30-8. The Sheffield Mercury re- presents, that within six or seven weeks preceding the middle of the month, the barometer had been lower and higher than had been remarked by any living indivi- dual in that town. On the 23d of No- vember it was so low as 27'5 ; and on the 9th of January at 1 1 p. m. it stood at 30-65. In the same place the following meteorological observations were mofle • 75 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUAPY 22. January, 1825. THEHMOMF.TER. TEN o'clock a. M. DO. P. M. lltli 42 ."^S 12tli 43 37 VM\\ 44 40 14th 44 43 BAnOMETEK. TEN o'clock a. M. do. P. M. llth 30-4 .... 30-3 12th 30-3 .... 30-2 13th 30-5 , . . . 29-9 14tl> 29-5 .... 29-7 At Paris, in the latter end of 1824, the barometer was exceedingly high, consi- dering the bad weather that had prevail- ed, and the moisture of the atmosphere. There l>ad been almost constant and in- cessant rain. The few intervals of fair weather, were when the wind got round a few points to the west, or the northward of west : but invariably, a few hours after, the wind again got to the south- west, and the rain commenced falling. It appeared as if a revolution had taken place in the laws of the barometer. The barometer in London was at 30-48 in May, 1824, and never rose higher during Uie whole year. Sanuarp 22. St. Vincent. St. Anastasius. St. Vincent was a Spanish martyr, said to have been tormented by fire, so that he died in 304. His name is in the church of England calendar. Butler affirms that his body was " thrown in a marshy field among rushes, but a crow defended it from wild beasts and birds of prey." The Golden Legend says that angels had the guardianship of the body, that the crow attended to drive away birds and fowls greater than himself, and that after he had chased a wolf with his bill and beak, he then turned his head towards the body, as if he marvelled at the keep- ing of it by the angels. His relics ne- cessarily worked miracles wherever they were kept. For their collection, separa- tion, and how they travelled from place to place, see Butler. Brand, from a MS. note by Mr. Douce, referring to Scot's " Discoverie of Witch- craft," cites an old injunction to observe whether the sun shines on St. Vincenl's- day : " Vincenti festo si Sol radiet memcr cste." Jt iit thus done into English by Abraham Fleming: Remember on St. Vincent's day If that the sun his beams displiy Dr. Forster, in the " Perennial Calen- dar," is at a loss for the origin of the com- mand, but he thinks it may have been derived from a notion that the sun would not shine unominously on the day whereon the saint was burnt. Chronology. 1800. — On the 22d of January, in this year, died George Steevens, Esq. F. R. S. F. A. S. He was born at Stepney, in 1751 or 1752, and is best known as the editor of Shakspeaie, though to the ver- satility and richness of his talents there are numerous testimonials. He maintained the greatest perseverance in every thing he undertook. He never relaxed, but sometimes broke off favourite habits ol long indulgence suddenly. In this way he discontinued his daily visits to two booksellers. This, says his biographer in the Gentleman's Magazine, he did " after many years' regular attendance, for no real cause." It is submitted, however, that the cause, though unknown to others may have been every way sufficing and praiseworthy. He who has commenced practice that has grown into a destroyei ofhis time and desires to end it, must snap it in an instant. If he strive to abate it by degrees, he will find himself relax- ing by degrees. " Delusions strong as hell will bind him fast," unless he achieve, not the de- termination to destroy, but the act of de- struction. The will and the power are two. Steevens knew this, and though he had taken snuff all his life, he never took one pinch after he lost his box in St. Paul's church-yard. Had he taken one he might have taken one more, and then only another, and afterwards only a little bit in a paper, and then, he would have died as he lived — a snuff-taker. No ; Steevens appears to have discovered the grand secret, thac a man's self is the great enemy of himself, and hence his in- tolerance of self - indulgence even in degree. His literary collections were remark- ably curious, and as regards the days that are gone, of great value. FLORAL DIRECTORY. St. Vincent. Early Witlow grass. Draha vcrrux. 76 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 23. Sanuarp 23. HILARY TERM begins. St. Raymund of Pennafort, a. d 1275. St. John the Almoner, a, d. 619. St. Emerentia, a. d. 304. . 393. St Publius, A. D. 369. 87 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 25. The Conversion nf St. Paul. Ttns is a festival in the calendar of the chinch of England, as well as in that of the Romish church. On this day prognostications of the months were drawn for the whole year. If fair and clear, there was to be plenty; if cloudy or misty, much cattle would die; if rain or snow fell then it presaged a dearth; and if winJy, there would be wars : If Saint Paul's Day be fair and clear. It does betide a happy year ; But if it chance to snow or rain, Then will be dear all kinds of grain : If clouds or mists do dark the skie, Great store of birds and beasts sliall die ; And if the winds do fly aloft, ihen wars shall vex the kingdome oft. yVilhforcVs Nature's Secrets. These prognostications are Englished from an ancient calendar: they have likewise been translated by Gay, who enjoins, Let no such vulgar tales debase thy mind, Nor Paul nor Swithin rule the clouds and v/ind. The latter lines are allusive to the popular supersthions, regarding these days, which were before remarked by bishop Hall, who observes of a person vmder such influences, that " St. Paule's day, and St. Swithine's, with the twelve, are his oracles, which he dares believe against the almanacke." It will be re- collected that " the twelve " are twelve days of Christmastide, mentioned on a preceding day as believed by the ignorant to denote the weather throughout the year. Concerning this day,Bourne says. " How it came to have this particular knack of foretelling the good or iU fortune of the following year is no easy matter to find out. The monks, who were undoubtedly the first who made this wonderful obser- vation, have taken care it should be hand- ed down to posterity ; but why, or for what reason, they have taken care to con- ceal. St. Paul did indeed labour more abundantly than all the apostles ; but never that I heard in the science of as- trology : and why this day should there- fore be a standing almanac to the world, rather than the day of any other saint, will be pretty hard to find out." In an ancient Romish calendar, much used by Brand, the vigil of St. Paul is called " Dies iEgyptiacus ;" and he confesses his ignorance of any reason for calling it , " an Egyptian-day." Mr. Fosbroke ex- plains, from a passage in Ducange, thai it was so called because there were tvo unlucky days in every month, and St. j Paul's vigil was one of the two in j January. j Dr. Forster notes, that the festival of the conversion of St. Paul has alwa}s been reckoned ominous of the future wea- ther of the year, in various countries re- mote from each other. According to Schenkius, cited by Brand, it was a custom in many parts of Ger- many, to drag the images of St. Paul and St. Urban to the river, if there was foul weather on their festival. Apostlf.-Spoons. St. Paul's day being the first festival of an apostle in the year, it is an opportunity for alluding to the old, ancient, English custom, with sponsors, or visitors at christenings, of presenting spoons, called apostle-spoons, because the figures of the twelve apostles were chased, or carved on the tops of the handles. Brand cites several authors to testify of the practice. Persons who could afford it gave the set of twelve; others a smaller number, and a poor person offered the gift of one, with the figure of the saint after whom the child was named, or to whom the child was dedicated, or who was the patron saint of the good-natured donor. Ben Jonson, in his Bartholomew Fair, has a character, saying, " And all this for the hope of a couple of apostle-spoons, and a cup to eat caudle in." In the Chaste Maid of Cheapside, by Middleton, " Gossip " inquires, " What has he given her ? What is it. Gossip ?" Whereto the answer of another " Gossip " is, " A faire high-standing cup, and two great 'postle- spoons — one of them gilt." Beaumont and Fletcher, likewise, in the Noble Gentleman, say : " I'll be a Gossip. Bewford, I have ari odd apostle-spoon." The rarity and antiquity of apostle- spoons render them of considerable value as curiosities. A complete set of twelve is represented in the sketch on the opposite page, from a set of the spoons themselves on the writer'.'* table 88 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY '..S. A SET OF APOSTLE-SPOONS. 89 THE EVERY -DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 26. The apostles on this set of spoons are somewliat worn, and the stems and bowls have been altered by the silver- smith in conformity with the prevailirg fashion of the present day ; to the eye ot the antiquary, therefore, they are not so interesting as they were before they un- derwent this partial modernization : yet in this state they are objects of regard. Their size in the print is exactly that of the spoons themselves, except that the stems are necessarily fore-shortened in the engraving to get them within the page. The stem of each spoon measures exactly three inches and a half in length from the foot of the apostle to the com- mencement of the bowl ; the length of each bowl is two inches and nine-six- teenths of an inch ; and the height of each apostle is one inch and one-six- teenth : the entire length of each spoon is seven inches and one-eighth of an inch. They are of silver; the lightest, which is St. Peter, weighs 1 oz. 5 dwts. 9 gr. ; the heaviest is St. Bartholomew, and weighs 1 oz. 9 dwts. 4 gr. ; their collective weight is 16 oz. 14 dwts. 16gr. The hat, or flat covering, on the head pf each figure, is usual to apostles-spoons, and was pro- bably affixed to save the features from effacement. In a really fine state they are very rare. It seems from " the Gossips," a poem by Shipman, in 1666, that the usage of giving apostle-spoons' at christenings, was at that time on the decline : " Formerly, when they us'd to troul. Gilt bowls of sack, they gave the bowl ; Two spoons at least ; an use ill kept ; 'Tis well if now our own be left." An anecdote is related of Shakspeare and Ben Jonson, which bears upon the usage: Shakspeare was godfather to one of Jonson's children, and, after the christ- ening, being in deep study, Jonson cheer- ingly asked him, why he was so melan- choly? " Ben," said he," I have been considering a great while what should be the fittest gift for me to bestow upon my godchild, and I have resolved it at last." " I prithee, what ?" said Ben, " Y faith, Ben," answered Shakspeare, " I'll give him a dozen good latten spoons, and thou shalt translate them." The word latten, intended as a play upon latin, is the name for thin iron tinned, of which spoons, and similar small articles of household use, are sometimes made. Without being aware of the origin, it is still a custom -with many persons, to present suoons at christ- enings, or on visiting the " lady in the straw ;" though they are not now adorned with imagery. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Winter hellebore. Helleborus hijemalis. Bamiarp 26. St. Polycarp. St. Paula. St. Conan. THE SEASON. On winter comes — the cruel north Pours his furious whirlwind forth Before him — and we breathe the breath' Of famish'd bears, that howl to death : Onward he comes from rocks that blanch O'er solid streams that never flow. His tears all ice, his locks all snow, Just crept from some huge avalanche. Incog BEAR3 AKD BEES. M. M. M. a traveller in Russia, com- municates, through the Gentleman's Ma- gazine of 1785, a remarkable method of cultivating bees, and preserving them from their housebreakers, the bears. The Rus- sians of Borodskoe, on the banks of the river Ufa, deposit the hives within exca- vations that they form in the hardest, strongest, and loftiest trees of the forest, at about five-and-twenty or thirty feet high from the ground, and even higher, if the height of the trunk allows it. They hollow out the holes lengthways, with small narrow hatchets, and with chisels and gouges complete their work. The longitudinal aperture of the hive is stopped by a cover of two or more pieces exactly fitted to it, and pierced with small holes, to give ingress and egress to the bees. No means can be devised more ingenious or more convenient for climbing the high- est and the smoothest trees than those practised by this people, for the construc- tion and visitation of these hives. For this purpose they use nothing but a very sharp axe, a leathern strap, or a common rope. Tlie man places himself against the trunk of the tree, and passes the cord round his body and round the tree, just leaving it sufficient play for casting it higher and higher, by jerks, towards the elevation he desires to attain, and there to place his body, bent as in a swing, his feet resting against the tree, and preserv- ing the free use of his hands. This done, he takes his axe, and at about the height of his body makes the first notch or step in the tree ; then he takes his rope, the two ends whereof he takes care to have tied very fast, and throws it towards the top of the trunk. Placed thus in his rope by the middle of his body, and resting' 90 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 26. his feet against the tree, he ascends by two steps, and easily enables himself to put one of his feet in the notch. He now makes a new step, and continues to mount in this manner till he has reached the intended height. He performs all this with incredible speed and agility. Being mounted to the place where he is to make the hive, he cuts more convenient steps, md, by the help of the rope, which his body keeps in distension, he performs his necessary work with the above-mentioned tools, which are stuck in his girdle. He also carefully cuts away all boughs and protuberances beneath the hive, to render access as difficult as possible to the bears, which abound in vast numbers through- out the forests, and in spite of all ima- ginable precautions, do considerable da- mage to the hives. On this account the natives put in practice every kind ol means, not only for defending themselves BUSSIAN TREE-CLIMBING AND BEAR TRAP. 91 THE EVEllY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 27. from these voracious animals, but for their destruction. The method most in use consists in sticking into the truniv of the tree old blades of knives, standing up- wards, scythes, and pieces of pointed iron, disposed circularly round it, when the tree is straight, or at the place of bending, when the trunk is crooked. The bear has commonly dexterity enough to avoid these points in climbing up the tree ; but when he descends, as he always does, backwards, he gets on these sharp hooks, and receives such deep wounds, that he usually dies. Old bears frequently take the precaution to bend down these blades with their fore-paws as they mount, and thereby render all this offensive armour useless. .-Vnother destructive apparatus has some similitude to the catapulta of the ancients. It is hxed in such a manner that, at the instant the bear prepares to climb the tree, he pulls a string that lets go the ma- chine, whose elasticity strikes a dart into the animal's breast. A further mode is to suspend a platform by long ropes to the farthest extremity of a branch of the tree. The platform is disposed horizon- tally before the hive, and there tied fast to the trunk of the tree with a cord made of bark. The bear, who finds the seat very convenient for proceeding to the opening of the liive, begins by tearing the cord of bark which holds the plat- form to the trunk, and hinders him from executing his purpose. Upon this the platform immediately quits the tree, and swings in the air with the animal seated upon it. If, on the first shock, the bear is not tumbled out, he must either take a very dangerous leap, or remain patiently in his suspended seat. If he take the leap, either involuntarily, or by his own pood will, he falls on sharp points, placed all about the bottom of the tree ; if he re- solve to remain where he is, he is shot by arrows or musket balls. FLORAL DIRECTORY. White butterbur. Tressilairo alba. Samiar|) 27. St. John Chrysostom. St. Julian of Mans. St. Marius. THE SEASON It is observed in Dr. Forster's " Per- ennial Calendar," that " Buds and em- biyo blossoms in their silky, downy coats, often finely varnished to protect lliem froir the wet and cold, are the principal bo. tanical subjects for observation in Janu- ary, and iheir structure is particularly worthy of notice ; to the practical gar dener an attention to their appearance is indispensable, as by them alone can he prune with safety. Buds are always formed in the spring preceding that in which they open, and are of two kinds leaf buds and flower buds, distinguished by a difference of shape and figure, easi- ly discernible by the observing eye ; the fruit buds being thicker, rounder, and shorter, than the others — hence the gar- dener can judge of the probable quantity of blossom that will appear :" — Lines on Buds, by Coivprr. When all this uniform uncoloured scene Shall be dismantled of its fleecy load, And flush into variety again. From dearth to plenty, and from death to life. Is Nature's progress, when she lectures man In heavenly truth ; evincing, as she makes The grand transition, that there lives and works A soul in all things, and that soul is God. He sets the bright procession on its way, And marshals all the order of the year ; He marks the bounds which winter may noi pass, And blunts his pointed fury ; in its case, Russet and rude, folds up the tender germ. Uninjured, with inimitable art ; And ere one flowery season fades and dies. Designs the blooming wonders of the next. " Buds possess a power analogous to that of seeds, and have been called the viviparous offspring of vegetables, inas- much as they admit of a removal from their original connection, and, its action being suspended for an indefinite time, can be renewed at pleasure." On Icicles, by Cowper: The mill-dam dashes on the restless wheel. And wantons in the pebbly gulf below No frost can bind it there ; its utmost force Can but arrest the light and smoky mist. That in its fall the liquid sheet throws wid?^ And see where it has hung th' embroidered banks With foims so various, that no powers of art, The pencil, or the pen, may trace the scene! Here glittering turrets rise, upbeaiing liigh (Fantastic misarrangement !) on the loof Large growth of what may seem the sparkling trees And shrubs of fairy land. The crystal drops That trickle down the brunches, fast con geaJed, Shoot into pillars of pellucid length, And prop the pile they but adorned before, \)2 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 2», 23, 30. ILORAL DIRECTORY. Earth Moss. Phascum cuspidatum. Dedicated to St. Chrysostom. S)anuar)) 28, St. Jgnes.— Second Commemoration. St. Ci/ril, A. D. 4 14. Sts. Thyrsus, Leu- cms, and Callinicus. St. John of Reomay, a. d. 540. Blessed Margaret, Princess of Hungary, a. p. 1271. St. PauUnus, a. u. 804. Blessed Chark'magnc; Emperor, a. d. 814. St. Glastiait, of Fife, a. d. 830. St. Thyrsus. Several churches in Spain are dedicated to him. In 777, the queen of Oviedo and Asturia presented one of them with a silver chalice and paten, a wash-hand basin and a pipe, which, according to Butler, is " a silver pipe, or quill to suck up the blood of Christ at the communion, such as the pope sometimes uses — it sucks up as a nose draws up air." Chronolooy. John Gotxlob Immanuel Breitkopf, a celebrated printer, letter-founder, and bookseller of Leipsic, died on this day, in the year 1794 : he was born there No- vember 23, 1719. After the perusal of a work by Albert Durer, in which the shape of the letters is deduced from mathema- tical principles, he endeavoured to fashion them accoiding to the most beautifid models in matrices cut for the pur- pose. His printing-office and letter- foundery acquired very high reputation. It contained punches and matrices for 400 alphabets, and he employed the types of Baskerville and Didot. Finding that engraving on wood had given birth to printing, and that the latter had contri- buted to the improvement of engraving, he transferred some particulars, in the province of the engraver, to that of the printer ; and represented, by typography, all the marks and lines which occur in the modern music, with all the accurac:y of engraving, and even printed maps and mathematical figures with movable types ; though the latter he considered as a mat- ter of mere curiosity : such was also ano- thei attempt, that of copying portraits by movable types. He likewise printed, with movable types, the Chinese charac- ters, which are, in general, cut in pieces of wood, so that a whole house is often necessary to contain the blocks employed for a single book. He iniproved type- metal, by giving it that degree of hard- ness, which has been a desideratum in founderies of this kind; and discovered a new method of facilitating the process of melting and casting. From his iounderv he sent types to Russia, Sweden, Poland, and even America. He also improved the printing-press. Besides this, his inquiries into the origin and progress of the art of printing, fur- nished the materials of a history, which he left behind in manuscript. lie pub- lished in 1784, the first part of " An At- tempt to illustrate the origin of playing- cards, the introduction of paper made from linen, and the invention of engraving on wood in Europe ;" the latter part was finished, but not published, before his death. His last publication was a small " Treatise on Bibliography," &o. pub- lished in 1793, with his reasons for re- taining the present German characters. With the interruption of only five or six hours in the twenty-four, which he allowed for sleep, his whole life was devoted to study and useful employment. FI.ORAT. DIRECTORY. Double Daisy, nellis perennis plenui, Dedicated to St. Margaret of Hungary. iamiarp 29. St. Francis of Sales, a. d. 1622. St. Sulpiciits Sevcrus, a. d. 420. St.frildas the Abbot, a.d. 570. St. Gildas, the Scot, A. D. 512. This being the anniversary of the king's accession to the throne, in 1820, is a Holiday at all the public offices, except the Excise, Stamps, and Customs. FLORAL lURECTORY. Flowering Fern. Osmunda regalis Dedicated to St. Francis of Sales. Sanuarp 30. KING Charles's martyrdom. Holiday at the Public Offices; except the Stamps, Customs, and Excise. St. Bathildes, Queen of Navarre, a. d. 680. St. Martina. St. Aldegondes, a. d. 660. ut. Barsimceus, a. d. 114. St. Martina. The Jesuit Ribadeneira relates that the emperor Alexander IV., having decreed that all christians should sacrifice to the Roman gods, or die, insinuated to St 93 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 30. Martina, that if she would conform to the edict, he would make hev his empress Dut on herbein^ taken to the temple, " by' a sudden earthquake the blockish idol of Apollo was broken in pieces, a fourth part of his temple thrown down, and, with his ruins, were crushed to death ; his priests and many others, and the emperor him- self, began to fly." Whereupon St. Martina taunted the emperor ; and the devil, in the idol, rolling himself in the fiust, made a speech to her, and another to the emperor, and " fled through the air in a dark cloud ; but the emperor would not understand it." Then the emperor commanded her to be tortured. Tliejesuit's stories of these operations and her escapes, are wonderfully particular. According to him, hooks and stakes did her no mischief; she had a faculty of shining, which the pouring of hot lard upon her would not quench ; when in gaol, men in dazzling white surrounded her ; she could not feel a hundred and eighteen wounds ; a fierce lion, who had fasted three days, would not eat her, and fire would not burn her; but a sword cut her head off in 228, and at the end of two days two eagles were found watching her body. " That which above all con- firmeth the truth of this relation," says Ribadeneira, " is, that there is nothing herein related but what is in brief in the lessons of the Roman Breviary, com- manded by public authority to be read on her feast by the whole church," Chronology. On this day, in the year 1649, king Charles I. was beheaded. In the Com- mon Prayer Book of the Church of Eng- land, it is called " The Day of the Martyr- dom of the Blessed King Charles I. ;" and there is " A Form of Prayer, with Fasting, to be used yearly" upon its re- currence. The sheet, which received the head of Charles I. after its decapitation, is care- fully preserved along with the commu- nion plate in the church of Ashburnham, in this county ; the blood, with which it has been almos'. entirely covered, now appears nearly black. The watch of the unfor- tunate monarch is also deposited with the linen, the movements of which are still perfect. These relics came into the pos- session of lord Ashburnham immediately after the death of the king. — Brighton Herald. Lord Orford says, " one can scarce conceive a greater absurdity than retain- ing the three holidays dedicated to the house of Stuart. Was the preservation o» James I. a greater blessing to England than the destruction of the Spanish ar mada, for which no festival is established ? Are we more or less free for the execution of king Charles? Are we at this day still guilty of his blood ? When is the stain to be washed out? What sense is there in thanking heaven for the restora- tion of a family, which it so soon became necessary to expel again ?" According to the " Life of William Lilly, written by himself," Charles L caused the old astrologer to be consulted for his judgment. This is Lilly's account: " His majesty, Charles L, having in- trusted the Scots with his person, was, for money, delivered into the hands of the English parliament, and, by several removals, was had to Hampton-court^ about July or August, 1647; for he was there, and at that time when my house was visited with the plague. He was desirous to escape from the soldiery, and to obscure himself for some time near London, the citizens whereof began nov^ to be unruly, and alienated in affection from the parliament, inclining wholly to his majesty, and very averse to me army. His majesty was well informed of all this, and thought to make good use hereof: besides, the army and par- liament were at some odds, who should be masters. Upon the king's intention to escape, and with his consent, madam Whorewood (whom you knew very well, worthy esquire) came to receive my judgment, viz. In what quarter of this nation he might be most safe, and not to be discovered until himself pleased. When she came to my door, I told her I would not let her come into my house, for I buried a maid-servant of the plague very lately : however, up we went. After erection of my figure, I told her about twenty miles (or there- abouts) from London, and in Essex, I was certain he might continue undis- covered. She liked my judgment very well ; and, being herself of a sharp judg- ment, remembered a place in Essex about that distance, where was an excellent house, and all conveniences for his re- ception. Away she went, early next morning, unto Hampton-court, to ac- quaint his majesty ; but see the mis- fortune: he, either guided by his own 9i THE EVP:[IY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 30. approaching hard fate, or misguided by Ashburnharn, went away in the night- time westward, and surrendered him- self to Hammond, in the Isle of Wight. Whilst his majesty was at Hampton- court, alderman Adams sent his majesty one thousand pounds in gold, five hun- dred whereof he gave to madam Whore- wood. I believe I had twenty pieces of that very gold for my share." Lilly pro- ceeds thus : " His majesty being in Carisbrook-castle, in the Isle of Wight, the Kentish men, in great numbers, rose in arms, and joined with the lord Gor- ing ; a considerable number of the best ships revolted from the parliament ; the pitizens of London were forward to rise •igainst the parliament ; his majesty laid tis design to escape out of prison, by sawing the iron bars of his chamber win- dow ; a small ship was provided, and anchored not far from the castle to bring him into Sussex ; horses were provided ready to carry him through Sussex into Kent, that so he might be at the head of the army in Kent, and fr(>m thence to march immediately to London where thousands then would have armed for him. The lady Whorewood came to me, acquaints me herewith. I got G. Farmer (who was a most ingenious locksmith, and dwelt in Bow-lane) to make a saw to cut the iron bars in sunder, I mean to saw them, and aqua fortis besides. His majesty in a small time did his work ; ihe bars gave liberty for him to go out ; he was out with his body till he came to his breast ; but then his heart failing, he proceeded no farther : when this was discoverecl, as soon after it was, he was narrowly looked after, and no oppor- tunity after that could be devised to en- large him." Lilly goes on to say, " He was be- headed January 30, 1649. After the execution, his body was carried to Wind- sor, and buried with Henry \'IIIth, in the same vault where his body was lodged. Some, who saw him embowelled, affirm, had he not come unto this untimely end, he might have lived, according unto nature, even unto the height of old age. Many have curiously inquired who it was that cut off his head : I have no permis- sion to speak of such things ; only thus much I say, he that did it is as valiant and resolute a man as lives, and one of a competent fortune. For my part, I do believe he was not the worst, but the most unfortunate of kings." Lilly elsewhere relates, " that the next Sunday but one after Charles I. was beheaded, Robert Spavin, secretary unto lieutenant-general Cromwell at that time, invited himself to dine with me, and brought Anthony Pierson, and several others, along with him to dinner. Their principal discourse all dinner-time was, who it was beheaded the king : one said it was the common hangman ; another, Hugh Peters ; others also were nomi- nated, but none concluded. Robert Spa- vin, so soon as dinner was done, took me by the hand, and carried me to the south window ; saith he, ' These are all mistaken, they have not named the man that did the fact ; it was lieutenant-colonel Joice : I was in the room when he fitted himself for the work, stood behind him when he did it; when done, went in again with him. There is no man knows this but iCj/ master, viz. Cromwell, commissary Ire- ton, and myself.' — ' Doth not Mr. Rush- worth know it V said I. ' No, he doth not know it,' saith Spavin. The same thing Spavin since hath often related unto me when we were alone." MOVEABLE FEASTS. Shrove Tuesday regulates most of the moveable feasts. Shrove Tuesday itself is the next after the first new moon in the month of February, If such new moon should happen on a Tuesday, the next Tuesday following is Shrove Tuesday. A recently published volume furnishes a list, the Introduction of which on the next page puts the reader in possession of ser- viceable knowledge on this point, and affords an opportunity for affirming, that Mr. Nicolas's book contains a va- riety of correct and valuable informar tion not elsewhere in a collected form : — 95 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JANUARY 30. MOVEABLE LEASTS " Tables, Cal€7ulars, Sfc. for the use of His- torians. Antiquaries, and the Legal Pro- fession, by N. H. Nicolas, Esq." 4dvent Sundajf, is the nearest Sunday to the feast of St. Andrew, November 30th, whether before or after. Ascension Day. or Holy Thursday, is the Thursday in Rogation week, i. e. the week following Rogation Sunday. ^sh JFednesday, or the first day in lent, is the day after Shrove Tuesday. Carle, or Care Sunday, or the fifth Sun- day in lent, is the fifth Sunday affer Shrove Tuesday. Corpus Christi, or Body of Christ, is a festival kept on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday ; and was instituted in the year 1264. Easter Day. The Paschal Sabbath. The Eucharist, or Lord's Supper, is the seventh Sunday after Shrove Tuesday, and is always the first Sunday after the first full moon, which happens on or next after the 21st of March. „ ^ ,, , fare the Monday and Easter Monday ) ^^esday foUowmg Easter Tuesday |_ faster day. Ember Days, are the Wednesdays, Fri- days, and Saturdays, after the first Sun- day in lent ; after the Feast of Pente- cost ; after Holy-rood Day, or the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, viz. 14th September ; and after St. Lucia's day, viz. 1 5th December. Ember Weeks, are those weeks in which the Ember days fall. The Exicharist. See Easter day. Good Friday, is the Friday in Passion Week, and the next Friday before Eas- ter day. Holy Thursday. See Ascension day. Lent, a Fast from Ash Wednesday, to the Feast of Easter, viz. forty days. Lord's Supper. See Easter day. Low Sunday, is the Sunday next after Easter day. Maunday Thursday, is the day before Good Friday. Midlent, or the fourth Sunday in Lent, is the fourth Sunday after Shrove Tues- day. Palm Sunday, or the sixth Sunday in Lent, is the sixth Sunday after Shrove Tuesday. Paschal Sabbath. See Easter day. Passion IFeek, is the week next ensuing after Palm Sunday Pentecost or JVhlt Sunday, is the fif- tieth day and stventh Sunday after Easter day. Quinquagesima Sunday, is so oameo from its being about the fiftieth day before Easter. It is also called Shrove Sunday. UcUck Sunday, is the third Sunday after Midsummer-day. Rogation Sunday, is the fifth Sunday af- ter Easter day. Rogation Days are the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday following Rogation Sunday. Shrove Sunday, is the Sunday next be- fore Shrove Tuesday. It is also called Quinquagesima Sunday. feptuagesima Sunday, so called from its being about the seventieth day be- fore Easter, is the third Sunday before Lent. Sexagesima Sunday, is the second Sun- day before Lent, or the next to Shrove Sunday, so called as being about the sixtieth day before Easter. Trinity Sunday, or the Feast of the Holy Trinity, is the next Sunday after Pen- tecost or Whitsuntide. frhit Sunday. See Pentecost. jr/'f M d r^"^^ ^^ Monday anu /rr/-, tt"" ';■'' < Tuesday following flhit Tuesday |whit Sunday. JFhitsuntide, is the three days above- mentioned. The Figil or Eve of a feast, is the day before it occurs. Thus the Vigil of the feast of St. John the Baptist is" the 23d of June. If the feast-day falls upon a Monday, then the Vigil or the Eve is kept upon the Saturday preceding. The Morrow of a feast, is the day follow- ing : thus the feast of All Souls, is No- vember 2d, and the Morrow of All Souls is consequently the 3d of Novem- ber. The Octave or Utas of each feast, is al- ways the eighth day after it occurs ; for example, the feast of St. Hillary, is the! 13th of February, hence the Octave of St. Hillary, is the 20th of that month. In the Octaves, means within the eight days following any particular feast. SEPTUAGEblMA Is tne ninth Sunday before Easter Sunaay 98 THE eVERY-DAY book.— JANUARY 31. Sex AG ESI MA Is the eighth Sunday before Easter. QuiNQUAGESIMA Is the seventh Sunday before Easter. Quadragesima Is the sixth Sunday before Easter, and the first Sunday in Lent, which com- mences on Ash Wednesday. " The earliest term of Septuagesima Sunday is the 18th of January, when Easter day falls on the 22d of March ; the latest is the 22d of February, when Easter happens on the 25th of April " Butler. Shepherd in his " Elucidation of the Book of Common Prayer" satisfactorily explains the origin of these days : "When the words Septuagesima, Sex- agesima, and Quinquagesima were first applied to denote these three Sundays, the season of Lent had generally been extended to a fast of six weeks, that is, thirty-six days, not reckoning the Sun- days, which were always celebrated as festivals. At this time, likewise, the Sun- day which we call the first Sunday in Lent, was styled simply Quadragesitna, or the fortieth, meaning the fortieth day before Easter. Quadragesima was also the name given to Lent, and denoted the Quadragesimal, or forty days' fast. When the three weeks before Quadragesima ceased to be considered as weeks after the Epiphany, and were appointed to be observed as a time of preparation for Lent, it was perfectly conformable to the ordinary mode of computation to reckon backwards, and for the sake of even and round numbers to count by decades. The authors of this novel institution, and the compilers of the new proper offices, would naturally call the first Sunday be- fore Quadragesima, Quinquagesima ; the second, Sexagesima ; and the third, Se{>- uaagesima. This reason corresponds -vith the account that seems to be at pre- sent most generally adopted." Tliere is much difference of opinion as to whether the fast of Lent lasted an- ciently during forty days or forty hours. FtORAL DIRECTORY. Common Maidenhair. Asplenlum tri- chomanes. Dedicated to St. Martina. Saminrp 3!. Kirvg Gioree IV. proclaiined. Holiiiay at the Ex- chequer St. Peter Nolasco, a. d. 125«. .S^ Se- rapion, a. d. 1240. St. Cyrus and John. St. Marcella, a. d. 4*10. St. Maidoc, or Maodhog, alias Aidar, otherwise Mogui, Bishop of Ferni, A. D. 1632. St. Peter Nolasco. Ribadeneira relates, that on the 1st o' August 1216, the virgin Mary with beautiful train of holy virgins appeared to this saint at midnight, and signified it was the divine pleasure that a new order should be instituted under the title of Our Blessed Lady of Mercy, for the redem.ption of captives, and that king James of Aragon had the same vision at the same time, and "this order, therefore, by divine revelation, was founded upon the 10th, or as others say, upon the 23d of August." Then Su Peter Nolasco begged for its support, and thereby rendered himself offensive to the devil. For once taking up his lodging in private, some of the neigh- bours told him, that the master of the house, a man of evil report, had lately died, and the place had ever since been inhabited by " night spirits," wherein he commended himself to the virgin and other saints, and " instantly his admoni- tois vanished away like smoke, leaving an intolerable scent behind them." These of course were devils in disguise. Then he passed the sea in his cloak, angels sung before him in the habit of his order, and the virgin visited his monastery. One night he went into the church and found the angels singing the service instead of the monks ; and at another time seven stars fell from heaven, and on digging the ground " there, they found a most devout image of our lady under a great bell," — and so forth. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Ilartstongue. Aspleninm Scolopendium. Dedicated to St. Marcella. Vol. I. 97 H THE E VERY-DAY BOOK. -FEBRUARY. FEBRUARY. Then came cold February, sitting In an old waggon, for he could not ride, Drawne of two fishes, for the season fitting. Which thiough tlie flood before did softly slyde And swim away; yet had he by his side His plough and harnesse fit to till the grouml, And tooles to prune the trees, before the pride Of hasting prime did make them burgeon round. Spenser. This month has Pisces or the fishes for its zodiacal sign. Numa, who was chosen by the Roman people to succeed Ro- mulus as their king, and became their legislator, placed it the second in the year, as it remains with us, and dedi- cated it to Neptune, the lord of waters. Its name is from the Februa, or Feralia, sacrifices offered to the manes of the gods at this season. Ovid in his Fasti attests the derivation : In ancient times, purgations had the name Of Februa , various customs prove the same ; The pontiffs from the rex andjlfntien crave A lock of wool ; in former days they gave To wool the name of Februa. A pliant branch cut from a lofty pine. Which round the temples of the priests they twine. In short, with whatsoe'er our hearts we hold Are purified, was Februa termed of old ; Lustrations are from hence, from hence the name Of this our month of February came ; In which the priests of Pan processions made ; In which the tombs were also purified Of such as had no dirges when they died; For our religious fathers did maintain, Purgations expiated every stain Of guilt and sin ; from Greece the custom came. But here adopted by another name ; The Grecians held that pure lustrations could Efface an impious deed, or guilt of blood Weak men ; to think that water can make clean A bloody crime, or any sinful stain. Massey's Ovid. Our Saxon ancestors, according to Ver- Is Februa called ; which if the priest demand, stegan, " called February Sproitt-kele, by A. branch of pine is put into his hand ; kele meaning the keie-wurt, which we 98 xIIE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 1 now call the colewurt, the greatest pot- wurt in time long past tliat our ancesto'S used, and the broth made therewith was thereof also called kele ; for before we borrowed from the French the name of potage, and the name of herbc, the one in OAir owne language was called kele, and the Other ivurt ; and as this kele-wurt, or potage-hearbe, was the chiefe winter- wurt for the sustenance of the husband- man, so was it the tirst hearbe that in this moneth began to yeeld out wliole- some yong sprouts, and consequently gave thereunto the name of Sprout-kele." The " kele " here mentioned, is the well- known kale of the cabbage tribe. But the Saxons likewise called this month " Solmonath," which Dr. Frank Sayers in his " Disquisitions " says, is explained by Bede "mensis plancentarum," and rendered by Spelrnan in an unedited manuscript '■^pan-cake month," because in the course of it, cakes were offered by the pagan Saxons to the sun ; and " Sol," or " soul," signified " food," or cakes." In " The Months," by Mr. Leigh Hunt, he remarks that " if February were not tlie precursor of spring, it would be the least pleasant season of the year, Novem- ber not excepted. The thaws now take place; and a clammy mixture of moisture and cold succeeds, which is the most disagreeable of wintry sensations." Y'et so variable is our climate, that the Febru- ary of 1825 broke in upon the inhabitants of the metropolis with a day or two of piercing cold, and realized a delightful description of January sparkled from the same pen. " What can be more delicately beautiful than the spectacle which some- times salutes the eye at the breakfast- room window, occasioned by the hoar- frost dew.' If a jeweller had come to dress every plant over night, to surprise an Eastern sultan, he could not produce any thing like the * pearly drops,' or the ' silvery plumage.' An ordinary bed of greens, to those who are not at the mercy of their own vulgar associations, will sometimes look crisp and corrugated emerald, powdered with diamonds.'' THE SEASON. Sunk in the vale, whose concave depth receives The wateis draining from these shelvy banks When the shower beats, yon pool with pallid gleam Betrays its icy covering. From the glade Issuing in pensive file, and moving slow, The cattle, all unwitting of the change. To quench their customary thirst advance. With wondering stare and fruitless sean-h they trace The solid margin : now bend low the head In act to drink ; now with fastidious nose Snuffing the marble floor, and breathing loud, Fiom the cold touch withdraw. Awhile they stind In disappointment mute ; with ponderous feet Then bruise the surface: to each stroke the woods Reply ; forth gushes the imprisoned wave. St. Ignatius. St. Pioiiius, a. d. 250. St. Bridget. St. Kinnia. St. Sigebert II. King- St. Bridget. St. Bride, otherwise St. Bridget, con- fers her name upon the parish of St. Bride's, for to her its church in Fleet- street is dedicated. Butler says she was born in Ulster, built herself a cell under a large oak, thence called Kill-dara, yet he declares that " her five modern lives mention little else but wonderful miracles." According to the same author, she flourished in the beginning of the sixth century, her body v/as found in the twelfth century, and her head " is now kept in the church of the Jesuits at Lis- bon." This writer does not favour us with any of her miracles, but bishop Pa- trick mentions, Uiat wild ducks swim- ming in the water, or flying in the air, obeyed her call, came to her hand, lei or cell of the oak, was joined by others of her embrace them, and then she let them her own sex, formed several nunneries, fly away again. He also found in the and became patroness of Ireland. " But," breviary of Sarum, that when she was sent says Butler, " a full account of her vir- a-milking W he-- "^'^ihev to make butter, tues has not been transmitted down to us, she gave away au the milk to the poor; together with the veneiation of her name ;" that when the rest of the maias brought 99 TlIE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 2 in their milk she prayed, and the butter multiplied ; that the butter she gave away she divided into twelve parts, " as if it were for the twelve apostles ; and one part she made bigger than any of the rest, which stood for Christ's portion ; though it is strange," says Patrick, " that she forget to make another inequality by ordering one portion more of the butter to be made bigg;er than the remaining ones in honour of St. Peter, the prince of the apostles." • BURIAL OF ALLELUIA. In Mr. Fosbroke's " British Monarch- ism," the observation of this catholic ce- remony is noticed as being mentioned in " Ernulphus's Annals of Rochester Cathe- dral," and by Selden. From thence it ap- pears to have taken place just before the octaves of Easter Austin says, " that it used to be sung in all churches from Easter to Pentecost, but Damasus ordered it to be performed at certain times, whence it was chanted on Sundays from the octaves of Epiphany to Septuagesima, and on the Sundays from the octaves of Pentecost and Advent. One mode of burying the Alleluia was this : in the sabbath of the Septiiageshna at Nones, the choristers assembled in the great ves- tiary, and there arranged the ceremony. Having finished the last ' Benedicamus,' they advanced with crosses, torches, holy waters, and incense, carrying a turf (Gle- bam) in the manner of a coffin, passed through the choir and went howling to the cloister, as far as the place of inter- ment •, and then having sprinkled the wa- ter, and censed the place, returned by the same road. According to a story (whe- ther true or false) in one of the churc.ies of Paris, a choir boy used to whip a top, marked with Alleluia, written in golden \etters, from one end of the choir to the other. In other places Alleluia was bu- ried by a serious service on Septuagesima Sunday." FLORAL DIRECTORY. Lesser Water Moss. Fontinalls minor. Dedicated to St. Ignatius. Bay. Laurns nobilis. Dedicated to St. Bridget. Holiday at the Public Orficps, except Excise, Stamjis, and Ciistiims. The Purification. St. Laurence, Arch- bishop of Canterbury, a. d. 619 CANDLEMAS DAY. This being the festival which catholics call the Purification of the virgin, they observe it with great pomp. It stands as a holiday in the calendar of the church of England. Naogeorgus thus introduces the day ; or rather Barnaby Googe, m his translation of that author's, " Popish Kingdom :" " Then comes the Day wherein the Virgin offred Christ unto The Father chief'e, as Moyses law commaunded hir to do. Then numbers great of Tapers large, both men and women beare To Church, being halowed there with pomp and dreadful words to heare. This done, eche man his Candell lightes where chiefest seemeth hee, Whose -Taper greatest may be seene and fortunate to bee ; Whose Candell burneth cleare and b».g!ii, a wondrous force and might Doth in these Candels lie, which if at any time they light, They sure beleve that neyther storme or tempest dare abide. Nor thunder in the skies be heard, nor any Devil's spide. Nor fearefuU sprites that w Ike by night, nor hurts of frost or haile." — • According to " The Posey of Prayers, or the Key of Heaven," it is called Candle- mas, because before mass is said this day, the church blesses her candles for the ivhole year, and makes a procession with hallowed or blessed candles in the hands of the faithful." From catholic service-books, quoted in " Pagano Papismus," some particulars are collected concerning the blessing of the candles. Being at the altar, the priest says over them several prayers ; one of which commences thus : " O Lord Jesu Christ, who enlightenest every one that cometh into the world, pour out thy benediction upon these Candles, and sanctifie them with the light of thy grace," &c. Another begins: "Holy Lord, Father Almighty, Everlasting God, who hast created all things of nothing, and by the labour of bees caused this liquor to come to the perfection of a wax candle ; we humbly beseech thee, that by the invocation of thy most holy name, and by the intercession of the blessed virgin, ever a virgin, whose festivals are this (lay devoutly celebrated, and by the prayers of all thy saints, thou wouldst vouchsafe to bless and sanctifie these can- dles," &:c. Then the priest sprinkles the candles thrice with holy water, saying "Sprinkle me with," &c. and perfumes them thrice with incense. One of the l(;o THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUAEvY •;. consecratory prayers begins : " O Lord Jesu Christ, bless this creature of wax tc Tjs thy suppliants ; and infuse into it, by the virtue of the holy cross, thy heavenly oenediction ; that in whatsoever places it shall be lighted, or put, the devil may depart, and tremble, and fly away, with all his ministers, from those habitations, and not presume any more to disturb them," &c. There is likewise this bene- diction : "I bless thee, O wax, in the name of the holy trinity, that thou may'st be in every place the ejection of Satan, c.nd subversion of all his companions,' &c. During the saying of these prayers, various bowings and crossings are inter- jected ; and when the ceremonies of con- secration are over, the chieftst priest goes to the altar, and he that officiates receives a candle from him ; afterwards, that priest, standing before the altar to- wards the people, distributes the candles, first to the priest from whom he received a candle, then to others in order, all kneel- ing (except bishops) and kissing the can- dle, and also kissing the hand of the priest who delivers it. When he begins to distribute the candles, they sing, "A light to lighten the gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.'' After the candles are distributed, a solemn proces- sion is made ; in which one carries a censer, another a crucifix, and the rest burning candles in their hands. The practice is treated of by Butler in his notice of the festival under this head, "On blessing of Candles and the Procession." It is to be gathered from him that "St. Bernard says the procession was first made by St. Joseph, Simeon, and Anne, as an example to be followed by all the earth, walking two and two, hold- ing in their hands candles, lighted from fire, first blessed by the priests, and sing- ing." The candle-bearing has reference to Simeon's declaration in the temple when he took Jesus in his arms, and affirmed that he was a light to lighten the gentiles, and the glory of Israel. This was deemed sufficient ground by the Romish church, whereon to adopt the torch-bearing of Ihe pagans in honour of their own deities, as a ceremony in honour of the presenta- tion of Jesus in the temple. The pagans used lights in their worship, and Constan- tino, and other emperors, endowed churches with land and various possessions, for the maintenance of lights m catholic churches, and frequently presented the ecclesiastics with coffeis full of candles and tapers. INIr. Fosbroke shows, from catholic autho- rities, tliat liglit-beaiing on Candlemas day is an old Pagan ceremony ; and from Du Cange, that it was substituted by pope Gelasius for the candles, which in Febraary the Roman people used to carry in tl»e I.upercalia. Pope Innocent, in a sermon on this fes ■ tival, quoted in " Pagano Papismus," in- quires, " Why do we (the catholics) in this feast carry candles?" and then he ex- plains the matter by way of answer. " Because," says he, " the gentiles dedi- cated the month of February to the infernal gods, and as, at the beginning of it, Pluto stole Proserpine, and her mother, Ceres, sought her in the night with lighted can- dles, so they, at the beginning of this month, walked about the city with lighted candles ; because the holy fathers could not utterly extirpate this custom, they or- dained that Christians should carry about candles in honour of the blessed virgin i\Iary : and thus,'' says the pope, " what was done before to the honour of Ce- res is now done to the honour of the Virgin." Polydore Vergil, observing on the pagan processions and the custom of publicly carrying about images of the gods with relics, says, " ()ur priests do the same thing. We observe all these cere- monies, but I know not whether the cus- tom is as good as it is showy ; I fear, I fear, I say, that in these things, we rather please the gods of the heathen than Jesus Christ, for they were desirous that their worshippers should be magnificent in their processions, as Sallust says ; but Christ hates nothing more than this, telling us, When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and irhen thou hast shut thy door pray to thy Father. What will then become of us, if we act contrary to his command- ment? Surely, whatever may become of us, we do act contrary to it." Brand shows, from " Dunstan's Concord of Monastic Rules," that the monks went in surplices to the church for candles, which were to be consecrated, sprinkled with holy water, and censed by the abbot. Every monk took a candle from the sa- crist, and lighted it. A procession was made, thirds and mass were celebrated, and the candles, after the offering, were offered to the priest. Tlie monks' can- dles signified the use of those in the pa- rable of the wise virgins. In catholic countries the people joined the priests in their public processions to 111 rilE EVERY-DAY fJOOK.— FEBRUAttY 2. the churches, every individual bearing a burning candle, and the churches them- selves blazed with supernumerary illumi- nations at mid-day. It is to be noted, that from Candlemas the use of tapers at vespers and litanies, which prevailed throughout the winter, ceased until the ensuing All Hallow Mass; and hence the origin of an old English proverb in Ray's Collection—' " Oa Candlemas-day Throw candle and candlestick away." Candlemas candle-carrying remained in England till its abolition by an order in council, in the second year of king Edward VI. The " Golden Legend" relates, that a lady who had given her mantle to a poor man for the love of our lady, would not go to church on Candlemas-day, but went into her own private chapel, and kneeling be- fore the altar, fell asleep, and had a mira- culous vision, wherein she saw herself at church. Into this visionary church she imagmed that a troop of virgins came, with a noble virgin at their head, " crown- ed ryght precyously," and seated them- selves in order ; then a troop of young men, who seated themselves in like order; then one, with a proper number of can- dles, gave to each a candle, and to the lady herself he gave a candle of wax ; then came St. Laurence as a deacon, and St. Vincent as a sub-deacon, and Jesus Christ as the priest, and two angels bear- ing candles ; then the two angels began the Introit of the mass, and the virgins sung the mass ; then the virgins went and each ofiered the candle to the priest, and the priest waited for the lady to offer her candle ; then " the glorious queue of virgyns" sent to her to say that she was not courteous to make the priest tarry so long for her, and the lady answered that the priest might go on with the mass, for she should keep her candle herself, and not offer it ; and the vir^ in sent a second time, and the lady said she would not offer the candle ; then " the queue of vir- gyns" said to the messenger, " Pray her to offer the candle, and if she will not, take it from her by force ;" still she would not offer the candle, and therefore the mes- senger seized it; but the lady held so fast and long, and the messenger drew and pulled so hard, that the candle broke, and the lady kept half. Then the lady awoke, and found the piece of candle in her hand ; whereat she marvelled, and returned thanks to the glorious virgin, who had not suffered her to be without a mass on Candlemas-day, and all her Vie. kept the piece of candle for a relic ; and all they that were touched therewith were healed of their maladies and sicknesses. Poetry is the history of ancient times. We know little of the times sung by Ho- mer but from his verses. To Herrick we must confess our obligation for ac- quaintance with some of the manners pertaining to this " great day in the calendar." Perhaps, had he not written, we should be ignorant that our forefathers fared more daintily during the Christmas holidays than at other seasons ; be un- aware of the rule for setting out the due quantum of time, and orderly succession, to Christmas ever-greens ; and live, as most of us have lived, but ought not to live longer, without being informed, that the Christmas-losr may be butnt until this day, and must be quenched this night till Christmas comes again. Caiiilleinaa Eve. End now the white-loafe and the pye, And let all sports with Chiistmas dye. * » » Kindle the Christmas Brand, and then Till sunne-set let it burne. Which quencht, then lay it up agen. Till Christmas next returne. Part must be kept wherewith to teend The Christmas Log next yeare , And where 'tis safely kept, the fiend Can do no mischiefe there, rr ■ , Her rick. How severely he enjoins the removal of the last greens of the old year, and yet how essential is his reason for their dis- placement : Candlemas Eve. Down with the Rosemary, and so Down with the Bales and ftlisletoe ; Down with the Holly, Ivie, all Wherewith ye drest the Christmas Hall ; That so the superstitious find No one least Branch there left behind : For look, how many leaves there be Neglected there, maids, trust to me, So many goblins yoa shall see. HerricK Hearken to the gay old man again, and participate in his joyous anticipations oi pleasure from the natural products of the new year. His next little poem is a col- ly rium for the mind's eye ; 102 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 2. Ceremonies for Cayi/Uemasse Eve. Down witli the Rosemary and Bayes, Down vvitli the Misleto ; Instead of Holly, now up-raise The greener Box (lor show.) The Holly hitherto did sway ; Let Box now domineere, Untill the dancing ikister-day, On Easter's Eve appeare. Then youthful Box, which now hath grace. Your houses to renew, Grown old, surrender must his place Unto the crisped Yew. When Yew is out, then Birch comes in, And many Flowers beside, Both of a liesh and fragrant kinne. To honour Whitsontide. Green Bushes then, and sweetest Bents, With cooler Oken boughs. Come in for comely ornaments To re-adoru the house. Thus times do shift ; each thing his turne do's hold ; New things succeed, as former things grow old. Heirick. Brand cites a curious anecdote con- cerning John Cosin, bishop of Durham, on this day, from a rare tract, entitled " The Vanitie and Downefall of supersti- tious Popish Ceremonies, preached in the Cathedral Church of Durham, by one Peter Smart, a prebend there, July 27, 1628," Edinborough, 4to. 1628. The story is, that " on Candlemass-day last past, Mr. Cozens, in renuing that popisli ceremonie of burning Candles to the ho- nour of our lady, busied himself from two of the clocke in the afternoon till foure, jn climbing long ladders to stick up wax candles in the said Cathedral Church : tlie number of all the Candles burnt that evening was two hundred and twenty, besides sixteen torches ; sixty of those burnmg tapers and torches standing upon, and near, the high Altar, (as he calls it,) where no man came nigh." A contributor to the Gentleman's Ma- gazine informs Mr. Urban, in 1790, that having visited Hanowgate for his health a few years before, he resided for some time at that pleasant market-town Rip- pon, where, on the Sunday before Can- dlemas-day, he observed that the colle- giate church, a fine ancient building, was one continued blaze of light all the after- noon from an immense number of can- dles. Brand observes, that in the north of England this day is called the " Wives* least Day;" and he quotes a singular old custom from Martm's book oti the Western Islands, to this eliect • — " The mistress and servants of each family dress a sheaf of oats in women's apparel, put it in a large basket, and lay a wooden club by it, and this they call Brud's Bed; and the mistress and servants cry three times, ' Briid is come, Briid is welcome !' This they do just before going to bed. In the morning they look among the ashes, and if they see the impression of Brijd's club there, they reckon it a pre- sage of a good crop, and prosperous year; if not, they take it as an ill omen," A. Dorsetshire gentleman communi- cates a custom which he witnessed at Lyme Regis in his juvenile days ; to what extent it prevailed he is unable to say, his knowledge being limited to the domestic circle wherein he was included. The wood-ashes of the family being sold throughout the year as they were made, the person who purchased them annually sent a present on Candlemas-day of "a large candle. When night came, this candle was lighted, and, assisted by its illumination, the inmates regaled them- selves with cheering draughts of ale, and sippings of punch, or some other ani- mating beverage, until the candle had burnt out. The coming of the Candle- mas candle was looked forward to by the young ones as an event of some conse- quence ; for, of usage, they had a sort of right to sit up that night, and partake of the refreshment, till all retired to rest, the signal for which was the self-extinc- tion of the Candlemas candle. Bishop Hall, in a Sermon on Candle- mas-day, remarks, that " it hath been an old (I say not how true) note, that hath been wont to be set on this day, that if it be clear and sun-shiny, it portends a hard weather to come ; if cloudy and louring, a mild and gentle season ensu- ing." This agrees with cne of Ray s proverbs : '* The hind had as lief see his wife on the bier. As that Candlemas-day should be pleasant and clear." So also Browne, in his " Vulgar Er- rors," affirms, that " there is a general tradition in most parts of Europe, that 103 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 3. inferreth the coldness of succeeding win- ter from the shining of the sun on Can- dlemas-day, according to the proverbial distich : * Si Sol splendescat Marii purificante, JS Jajor erit glacies post festum quam fuit ante.' " The " Country Almanac" for 1676, in the month of February, versifies to the san^e eft«ct : " Foul weather is no news ; hail, rain, and snow, Are now expected, and esteeni'd no woe ; Nay, 'tis an omen bad. The yeomen say. If Phoebus shows his face the second day." Country Alina7iac, [Feh.) 16/fi. Other alnr^nacs prophesy to the like pur port : " If Candlemas-day be fair and bright, Winter will have another flight ; But if Candlemas-day be clouds and rain. Winter is gone, and will not come again." The next old saw is nearer the truth than either of the preceding; '• When Candlem-\s-day is come and gone. The snow lies on a hot stone," FLORAL DIRECTORY. Snowdrop. Gulanthns Nivalis Dedicated to the Purification of the Virgin Mary. Holiday at the Exchequer. St. Blase. St. Anncharius, a.d. 865. St. fFerebiirge, Patroness of Chester. St. Margaret, of England. St. Blase. This saint has the honour of a place in the church of England calendar, on what account it is difficult to say. All the facts that Butler has collected of him are, that he was bishop of Sebaste m Armenia, receiver of the relics oi St. Eustratius, and executor of his last wdl ; that he is venerated for the cure of sore throats ; principal patron of Ragusa, titular patron of the wool-combers ; and that he was tormented with iron combs, and martyred under Licinius, in 316. Ribadeneira is more diffuse. He re- lates, that St. Blase lived in a cave, whi- ther wild beasts came daily to visit him, atid be cu'-eo by him ; " and if it ha)>- oened that they came while he was at ])rayer, they did not inteirupt him, but waited till he had ended, 'and never de- parted without his benediction. He was discovered in his retirement, imprisoned, and cured a youth who had a tish-bone stuck in his throat by praying." Riba- deneira further says that /Etuis, an ancient Greek physician, gave the following Receipt for a stoppage in the throat : " Hold the diseased party by the throat, and pronounce these words : — Blase, the marti/r and servant of Jesus Christ, commands thee to pass 2tp or donin .'" The same .Tesuit relates, that St. Blase was scourged, and seven holy women anointed themselves with his blood ; whereupon their flesh was combed with iron combs, their wounds ran no- thing but milk, their flesh was whiter than snow, angel-s came visibly and healed their wounds as fast as they were made ; and they were put into the fire, which would not consume them ; wherefore they were ordered to be beheaded, and beheaded accordingly. Then St. Blase was ordered to be drowned in the lake ; but he walked on the water, sat down on it in the middle, and invited the infidels to a sitting ; whereupon threescore and eight, who tried the experiment, were drowned, and St. Blase walked back to be behead td. The " Golden Legend" says, that a wolf having lun away with a woman's swine, she prayed St. Blase that she might have her swine again, and St. Blase promised her, with a smile, she should, and the wolf brought the swine back ; then she slew it, and offered the head and the feet, with some bread and a candle, to St. Blase. " And he thanked God, and ete thereof; and he sayd to her, that every yere she sholde offre in his chirche a candell. And she dyd all her lyf, and she had moche grete pros- peryte. And knowe thou that to the, and to all them that so shal do, shal well happen to them." It is observed in a note on Brand, that the candles offered to St. Blase were said to be good for the tooth-ache, and for diseased cattle. " Theti foUoweth good sir Blase, who doth a waxen Candell give, \nd holy water to his men, wheieby th°.y safely live 104: THE EVEllY-DAY BOOK.- FEBRUARY 3. I Jiveis Barrels oft have seene, drawne out of water cleare, Through one small blessed bone of this same holy Martyr heare : And caryed thence to other townes and cities farre away. Such superstition doth require such earnest kinde of play." The origin of St. Blase's fame has baf- fled the inquiry of antiquaries ; it seems to have rolled off with the darkness of former ages, never to be known again. To the wool-combers this saint is indebted for the maintenance of his reputation in England, for no otiier trade or persons have any interest in remembering his existence ; and this popularity with a body of so much consequence may pos- sibly have been the reason, and the only reason, for the retention of his name in the church calendar at the Reformation. That it is not in the wane with them, is clear from a report in the Leeds Merciirif, of the 5th of February, 1 825. The article furnishes the very interesting particulars in the subjoined account :— Celebration of 33t^i)op i^U^t'S dTri^tibal, AT BRADFORD, 3d FLBRUAW, 1825. The septennial festival, held in honour of bishop Blase, and of the invention of wool-combing attributed to that person- age, was on this day celebrated at Brad- ford with great gaiety and rejoicing. There is no place in the kingdom where the bishop is so splendidly commemo- rated as at Bradford. In 1811, 1818, and at previous septennial periods, the occasion was celebrated with great pomp and festivity, each celebration surpassing the preceding ones in numbers and bril- liance. The celebration of 1825 eclipsed all hitherto seen, and it is most gratifying to know, that this is owing to the high prosperity of the worsted and woollen manufactures, which are constantly add- ing fresh streets and suburban villages to the town. The different trades began to ass?mble at eight o'clock in the morning, but it was near ten o'clock before they all were ar- ranged in marching order in Westgate. Tlie arrangements were actively super- intended by Matthew Thompson, Esq. The morning was brilliantly beautiful. As early as seven o'clock, strangers pour- ed into Bradford from the surrounding towns and villages, in such numbers as to line the roads in every direction ; and almost all the vehicles within twenty miles were in requisition. Bradford was never before known to be so crowded with strangers. Many thousands of indi- viduals must have come to witness the scene. About ten o'clock the procession was drawn up in the following order : — Herald bearing a flag. Woolstaplers on horseback, each horse capa- risoned with a fleece. Worsted Spinners and Manufacturers on horseback, in white stuff waistcoats, with each a sliver over the shoulder, and a white stuff sash ; the horses' necks covered with nets made of thick yarn. Merchants on horseback, with coloured sashes. ThreeGuards. Masters'Colours. ThreeGuards. Ap])rentiees and Masters' Sons, on hor-,e- back, with ornamented caps, scarlet stuff coats, white stuff waistcoats, and blue pantaloons. Bradford and Keighley Bands, Mace-bearer, on foot. Six Guards. King. Quien. Six Guards. Guards. Jason. Prince^sMedea. Guards. Bishop's Chaplain. BISHOP BLASE. Shepherd and Shepherdess. Shepherd Swains. Woolsorttrs, on horseback, with ornamented caps, and various coloured slivers. Comb Makers. Charcoal Burners. Cumbers' Colours. Bind. yVof.lcombers, with wool wigs, &C, Band. Dyers, vi\i\\ red cockades, blue aprons, an* crossed slivers of red and blue. The following were the numbers of the different bodies, as nearly as could be estimated : — 24 woolstaplers, 38 spinnen and manufacturers, 6 merchants, 56 ap- prentices and masters' sons, 160 wool- sorters, 30 combmakers, 470 wool-combers, and 40 di/ers. The King, on this occa- sion, was an old man, named JFm.Cloxigh, of Darlington, who had filled the legal station at four previous celebrations. Jason (the celebrated legend of the Golden Fleece of Colchis, is interwoven with the commemoration of the bishop,) was personated by John Smith ; and the fair Medea, to whom he was indebted for his spoils, rode by his side. — BISHOP BLASE was a personage of very be- 105 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 4. coming gravity, also named John Smith ; and he had enjoyed his pontificate several previous commemorations; his chaplain was James Bedhom. The ornaments of the spinners and manufacturers had a neat and even elegant appearance, from the delicate and glossy whiteness of tlie finely combed wool which they wore. The apprentices and masters' sons, how- ever, formed the most showy part of the procession, their caps being richly adorned with ostrich feathers, flowers, and knots of various coloured yarn, and their stuff garments being of the gayest colours; some of these dresses, we understand, were very costly, from the profusion of their decorations. Tlie shepherd, shep- herdess, and swains, were attired in light green. The wool-sorters, from their num- ber and the height of their plumes of featliers, wliich were, for the most part, of different colours, and formed in the shape oi fleur-de-lis, had a dashing appearance. The combmakers carried before them the instruments here so much celebrated, raised on standards, togeth r with golden fleeces, rams' heads with gilded horns, and other emblems. The combers looked both neat and comfortable in their flow- ing wig3 of well-combed wool ; and tlie garb of the dyers was quite professional. Several well-painted flags were displayed, one of which represented on one side the venerable Bishop in full robes, and on the other a shepherd and shepherdess under a tree. Another had a painting of Medea giving iip the golden fleece to Jason : a third had a portrait ofthe King : and a fourth appeared to belong to some association in the trade. The whole pro- cession was from half a mile to a mile in length. When the procession was ready to move, Richard Fawcett, Esq. who was on horseback at the head of the spinners, pronounced, uncovered, and with great animation, the following lines, which it had long been customary to repeat on these occasions, and which, if they have not much poetical elegance, have the merit of expressing true sentiments in simple language : — Hail to the day, whose kind auspicious rays Deign'd first to smile on famous bishop Blase ! To the great autlior of our combing trade, This day's devoted, and due honour's paid ; To him whose fame tiiro' Britain's isle re- sounds, To ^'im whose goodness to the poor abounds j Long shall his name in British annals shine, And grateful ages offer at his shrine ! ' . By this our trade are thousands daily fed. By it supplied with means to earn then bread. In various forms our trade its work unparts, In different methods, and by difli'erent arts, Preserves from starving, indigents distress'd As combers, spiirners, weavers, and the rest. We boast no gems, or costly garments vain, Borrow'd from India, or the coast of Spain ; Our native soil with wool our trade supplies. While foreign countries envy us the piize. No foreign broil our common good annoys, Our country's product all our art employs ; Our fleecy flocks abound in every vale. Our bleating lambs proclaim the joyful tale. So let not Spain with us attempt to vie, Nor India's wealth pretend to soar so iiigh ; Nor Jason pride him in his Colchian spoil, By hardships gain'd, and enterprising toil, Since Britons all with ease attain the prize, And every hill resounds with golden cries. To celebrate our founder's great renown Our shepherd and our chepherdess we crown; For England's commerce, and for George's 5 way. Each loyal subject give a loud HUZZA. HUZZA ! These lines were afterwards several times repeated, in the principal streets and roads through which the cavalcade passed. About five o'clock they dispersed. FLORAL DIRECTORY, Great water moss. Foiitinalis Antejnjre- tica. Dedicated to St. Blase. St. Andrew Corsini, a. d. 1373. St Philens. St. Gilbert. St. Jane, or Joan, Queen, a. d. 1505. St. Isidore, of Pelusium, a. u. 449. St. Rembcrt, Archbishop of Bremen, a. d. 888. St. Modan, of Scotland, St. Joseph, of Leonissa, a. d. 1612. Goe plow in the stubble for now is the season Eor sowing of fitches, of beanes, and of peason. Sow runciuals timely, and all that be gray, But sow not the white, till St. Gregorle's day. 7'?r,t,K.v 1175. 137 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 14. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Polvanthus. Primula polyantha. Dedicated to St. Catherine de llicci. fthnim'^ 14. VALENTINE'S DAY. St. Valentine. St. Maro, a, d. 433. St. Abraames, A. D. 422. St. Au- gentius, 5th Cent. St. Conran, Bishop of Orkney. St. Falentlne. Of this saint, so celebrated among young persons, little is known, e^copx that he was a priest of Rome, and mar- tyred there about 270. It was a custom with the ancient Ro- man youth to draw the names of girls in honour of their goddess Februata-Juno on the 15th of February, in exchange for which certain Roman catholic pastors substituted the names of saints in billets given the day before, namely, on the lllb of February. Where can the postman be, I say ? He ought iojiy — on sach a day . Of all days in the year, yoM know, Ii'f monstrous rude to be so slow The fellow's so exceeding stupid — Hark ! — there he is ! — oh ! the dear Cupid ! Two liundred thousand letters beyond that's the way to reckon." " Ah, my ihe usual daily average, annually pass child, that's not the way to reckon ; you through the twopenny post-office m Lon- have taken something into the acconnc that don on St. Valentine's Day. " Two has no business there : all Valentine- tiundred thousand Iwopences," said an writers are not in love, nor are all lovers old gentleman as he read this in a March Valentine-writers; and remember, my newspaper, " are four hundred thousand dear girl, that as smiles on the face some- pence," — and he was going to cast up the times conceal cruel dispositions, so there amount — ''Why, papa," said his daughter, are some who write Valentines, and trifle " that's just the number of young folks with hearts for the mere pleasure of in- e must be lu io'2 with each other — flictinguain." " I will show vou what I lUo THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 14 mean," said the old gentleman, and tak- ing a paper from a drawer, he held up this exemplificatics : Just then an unmarried ijentleman, '* of a certain as^e," entered the room. On becoming acquamted with the topic, he drew from his pocket a small packet, and said, with a merry smile, " Here was my Valentine." It contained a rib of some small animal completely enveloped with white satin ribbon, ornamented by a true lovei's knot at each end, and ano- ther in the middle. Father and daughter both had a laugh at the " old bachelor," and he, laughing with them, put into the young lady's hand the poetical address that accompanied his rib : Go contemplate this lovely sign ! Haste thee away to reason's shrine, And listen to her voice ; No more illusive shades pursue, To happiness this gives the clue, Make but a prudent choice. 'Till Adam had a partner given, Much as fair Eden bloom'd like heaven, His bliss was incomplete ; No social friend those joys to share. Gave the gay scene a vacant air ! She came — 'twas all replete. And could not genuine Paradise, The most extensive wish suffice. Its guiltless lord possest ? No — not without a kindred mate ; How then in this degen'rate state, Can man, alone be blest 1 But now the Muse withdraws her aid ; Enough, thy folly to upbraid ; Enough to make thee wise : No more of pensive hours complain. No more, that all life's joys are vain. If thou tliis hint despise. Feb, 13, 182—, ^ Frknd. " Well now, this is capital !" exclaimed the laughing lass. " After mch a Valen- tine, you viust take the hint, my dear sir. it's really a shame that so good-natured a man should remain a bachelor. I recollect, that when I could only just run about, you used to be so kind to me; besides, how you dandled and played with me ! and since then, how you have read to me and instructed me till I grew up ! Such a man is the very man to be married : you are every way domestic, and it's settled ; you mmt get married." — " Well, then, will you have me .'" he inquired, with a cheerful laugh. " / have you ? No ! Why, you are too old ; but not too old to find a wife : there are many ladies whom we know, of your age, wholly disengaged; but you don't pay them any particular attention." Her father interposed ; and the gentleman she addressed playfully said, " It is a little hard, indeed, that I should have these fine compliments and severe reproaches at the same time : how- ever," taking her by the hand, " you will understand, that it is possible I may have paid particular attention to a lady at an age when the affections are warmer ; I did ; and I reconciled myself to rejection by courting my books and the pleasures of solitude — Hast thou been ever waking From slumbers soft and light. And heard sweet music breaking The stdlness of the night ; When all thy soul was blending With that delightful strain, And night her silence lending To rivet fancy's chain ; Then on a sudden pausing. Those strains have ceas'd to plav A painful absence causing Of bliss that died away ! So from my soul has vanish 'd The dream of youthful days ; So Hope and Love are banish'd. And Truth her pow'r displays. The origin of so pleasant a day, the first pleasant day in the year, whether its season be regarded, or the mode of its celebration, requires some little inves- tigation ; nor nmst some of its past aiid present usages be unrecorded here. St. Valentine's Morimtg. Hark ! through the sacred silence of ttie night Loud chanticleer doth sound his clarion shrill, Hailing with song the first pale gleam of light Which floHts the dark brow of vou eastern bilL 109 THE EVERY-Da^ BOOK.— FEBRUARY 14. Britrlit star of morn, oh ! leave not yet the wave To deck the dewy iVontlet of tlie {"ry ; Nor tliou, Aurora, quit Tithonus' cave, JSIor drive retiring darkness yet away. Ere these my rustic hands a garland twine, Ere yet my tongue endite a single song, For her I mean to hail my Valentine, Sweet maiden, fairest of the viigin throng. Doih'eif'i, iflhceU, Attend we upon Eli a. Ilark, how perfect simplicity of feeling, < Madam, trinmpnantly that noble herald of the my liver and fortune are entirely at your disposal,-' or putting a delicate question, ' Amanda, have you a hhV//-/^ to bestow ." But custom has settled these things, and awarded the seal of sentiment to the aforesaid triangle, while its less fortunate neighbours wait at animal and anatomical distance. Not many sounds in life, and I ir college of kindness proclaims the day ! " Hail to thy returning festival, old Bishop V^alentine ! Great is thy name in the rubric, tliou venerable arch-flamen of Hymen ! Immortal Go-between ! who and what manner of person art thou ? Art thou but a name, typifying the restless principle which impels poor humans to seek perfection in union .' or wert thou elude all urban and all rural sounds, ex- indeed a mortal prelate, with thy tippet and thy rochet, thy apron on, and decent lawn sleeves ? Mysterious personage ! like unto thee, assuredly, there is no other mitred father in the calendar. — Thou comest attended with thousands and ten tliousands of little L9ves, and the air is Brush'd with the hiss of rustling wings ; Singing Cupids are diy choristers, and thy precentors ; and instead of the crosier, the mystical arrow is borne before thee. " In other wo.ds, this is the day on which those charming little missives, ycleped Valentines, cross and intercross each other at every street and turning. The weary and all for-spent twopenny postman sinks beneath a load of delicate embarrassments, not his own. It is oeed in interest a knock at the door. It ' gives a very echo to the throne where Hope is seated.' But its issues seldom answer to this oracle w'ithin. It is so seldom that just the person we want to see comes. But of all the clamorous visitations, the welcomest in expectation is the sound that ushers in, or seems to usher in, a Valentine. As the raven him- self was hoarse that announced the fatal entrance of Duncan, so the knock of the postman on this day is light, airy, confi- dent, and befitting one that ' bringeth good tidings.' It is less mechanical than on other days ; you will say, 'That is not the post, I am suie.' Visions of Love, of Cupids, of Hymens, and all those de- lightful, eternal common-places, which * having been, will always- be ;' which no scarcely credible to what an extent this schoolboy nor schoolman can write away; ephemeral courtship is carried on in this having their irreversible throne in the loving town, to the great enrichment of fancy and affections ; what are your trans- porters, and detriment of knockers and ports, when the happy maiden, openinp bell-wires. In these little visual inter- witli careful finger, careful not to break pretations, no emblem is so common as ihe heart, — that little three-cornered ex- porent of all our hopes and fears, — the bestuck and bleeding heart ; it is twisted and tortured into more allegories and affectations than an opera-hat. What the emblematic seal, bursts upon the sight of some well-designed allegory, some type, some youthful fancy, not without verses — Lovers all, A madiigal, authority we have in history or mythology or some such device, not over abundant for placing the head-quarters and metro- in sense— yOung Love disclaims it,— and polls of god Cupid in this anatomical seat not quite silly— sometlrug between wind rather than in any other, is not very clear; and water, a chorus where the sheep out we have got it, and it will serve as well as any other tiling. Else we might easily imagine, upon some other system which might have prevailed for any thino- which our pathology knows to the con- trary, a lover addressing his mistress, in might almost join the shepherd, as they did, or as I apprehend they did, in Ar- cadia. " All Valentines are not foolish, and I shall not easily forget thine, my kind friend (if I may have leave to call you 110 THE EVERY -DAY BOOK.— FEBRUAR T 14. so) E. B. — E. B. lived opposite a young muideti. whom he had often seen, unseen, from his parlour window in C — e-street. She was all joyousness and innocence, and just of an age to enjoy receiving a Valentine, and just of a temper to beai the disappointment of missing one with good humour. E. B. is an artist of no common powers ; in the fancy parts of designing, perhaps inferior to none ; his name is known at the bottom of many a well-executed vignette in the way of his profession, but no further ; for E. B. is modest, and the world meets nobody half-way. E. B. meditated how he c uld repay this young maiden for many a fa- vour which she had done him unknown ; for, when a kindly face greets us, though but passing by, and never knows us again, nor we it, we shoidd feel it as an obligation ; and E. B. did. This good aitist set himself at vork to please the damsel. It was just before Valentine's day three years smce. He wrought un- seen, and unsuspected, a wondrous work. We need not say it was on the finest gilt paper with borders — full, not of common hearts and heartless allegory, but all the prettiest stories of love from Ovid, and older poets than Ovid (for E. B. is a scholar.) There was Pyramus and Thisbe, and be sure Dido was not forgot, nor Hero and Leander, and swans more than sang in Cayster, with mottoes and fanci- ful devices, such as beseemed, — a work in short of magic. Iris dipt the woof. This on Valentine's eve he commended to the all-swallowing indiscrimmate ori- fice — (O, ignoble trust!) — of the common post ; but the humble medium did its duty, and from his watchful stand, the next mornmg, he saw the cheerful mes- senger knock, and by and by the precious charge delivered. He saw, imseen, the happy girl unfold the Valentine, dance about, clap her hands, as one after one the pretty emblems unfolded themselves. She danced about, not with light love, or foolish expectations, for she had no lover; or, if she had, none she knew that could have created those biight images which delighted her. It was more like some fairy present; a God-send, as our famili- arly pious ancestors termed a benefit received, where the benefactor was un- known. It would do her no harm. It would do her good for ever after. It is good to love the unknown. I only give this as a specimen of E B., and his mo- dest way of doing a concealed kindaess. " Good morrow to my Valentine, sings poor Ophelia; and no better wish, but with better auspices, we wish to all faith- ful lovers, who are not too wise to despise old legends, but are content to rank themselves humble diocesans with old Bishop Valentine, and his true church." Mr. Douce, whose attainments include more erudition concerning the origi»3 and progress of English customs than any other antiquarian possesses, must be re- ferred to upon tins occasion. He ob- serves, in his " Illustrations of Shak- speare," concerning St. Valentine's day, that " it was the practice in ancient Rome, during a great part of the month of February, to celebrate the Lupercalia, which were feasts in honour of Pan and Juno, whence the latter deity was named Febiuata, Februalis, and Februlla. On this occasion, amidst a variety of cere- monies, the names of young women were put into a box, from which they were drawn by the men as chance directed. The pastors of the early christian church, who by every possible means endeavoured to eradicate the vestiges of pagan super- stitions, and chiefly by some commuta- tions of their forms, substituted, in the present instance, the names of particular saints instead of those of the women , and as the festival of the Lupercalia had commenced about the middle of February, they appear to have chosen St. Valentine's day for celebrating the new feast, because it occurred nearly at the same time. This is, in part, the opinion of a learned and rational compiler of the 'Lives of the Saints,' the Rev. Alban Butler. It should seem, however, that it was 1 1 terly impos- sible to extirpate altogether any ceremony to which the common people had been much accustomed : a fact which it were easy- to prove in tracing the origin of various other popular superstitions. Ano accordingly the outline of the ancient ceremonies was preserved, but modified by some adaptation to the christian sys- tem. It is reasonable to suppose that tlie above practice of choosing mates would gradually become reciprocal in tlie sexes; and that all persons so chosen would be called Valentines, from the day on which the ceremony took place." Leaving intermediary facts to tbe cu- rious inquirer, we come immediately to a few circumstances and sayings fiom grave aulliors and gay poets respecting 11 r THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 14. this festival, as it is observed in our own country. It is recorded as a rural tradi- tion, that on St. Valentine's day each bird of the air chooses its mate ; and hence it IS presumed, that our homely ancestors, in their lusty youth, adopted a practice which we still find peculiar to a season when nature bursts its imprisonments for the coming |)leasures of the cheerfiil spring. Lydgate, the monk of Bury, who died in 1440, and is described by Warton to have been " not only the poet of his monastery, but of the world in general," has a poem in praise of queene Catherine, consort to Henry V., wherein he says : Seynte Valentine. Of custome yeere by yeere Alen have an usaunce, in this regioun. To loke and serche Cupides kalendere, And chose theyr choyse, by grete affeccioun ; Such as ben viove with Cupides mocioun, Takyng theyre choyse as theyr sort doth lalie : But I love oon whiche excellith alle. Chducer imagines "Nature the vicare happiest of living things at this seison^ of the Almightie Lord," to address the the birds, thus : Foules, take hede of my sentence I pray, And for your own ease in fordring of your need. As fast as I may speak I will me speed : Ye know well, how on St. Valentine's day By my statute and through my governaunce. Ye doe chese your Makes, and after flie away With hem as I move you with pleasaunce * * * * » Saint Valentine, thou art full high on loft, Which drivest away the long night^s black, Thus singen small^ foules for thy sake, Will have they caus^ for to gladden oft, Since each of them recovered hath his Make : Full blissful may they sing, when they awake. Our young readers are informed, that the word " make" in Chaucer, now ob- solete, signified mate. ■Jago, a poet, who, if he has not soared to greatness, has at least attained to the easy versification of agreeable, and some- times higher feelings, has left us a few stanzas, which harmonize with the sup- positions of Chaucer : ^t. Valentines Day. The tuneful choir in amorous strains Accost their feathered loves ; While each fond mate, with equal pains, The tender suit appioves. With cheerful hop from spray to spray They sport along the meads j In social bliss together stray. Where love or ismy leads. Through Spring's f?y &oeT.",s each happy pair Their fluttering joys p'lrsue ; Its various charms and produce shaie. For ever kind and true. Their sprightly notes from every Their mutual love* proclaim; Till Winter's chilling blasts invade. And damp th' enlivening flame Then all tlie jocund scene declines. Nor woods nor meads delight ; The drooping tribe in secret pines. And mourns th' unwelcome sight. Go, blissful warblers ! timely wise, Th' instructive moral tell ; Nor thou their meaning lays despise. My charming Annabelle ! Old John Dunton's " British ApoUo" sings a question and answer: Why, Valentine's a day to choose A mistress, and our freedom lose ? May I my reason interpose. The question with an answer close? To imitate we have a mind, And couple like the winged kind. Further on, in the same miscellany, is another question and answer : " Question. In chusing valentines (ac- cording to custom) is not the party chu- sing (be it man or woman) to make a present to the party chosen ? " Ansiver. We think it more proper tc say, draioing of valentines, since the most customary way is for each to take his or her lot. And chance cannot be termed choice. According to this me 112 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 14. thod, the obligations are equal, and there- fore it was formerly the custom mutually lo present, but now it is customary only for the gentlemen." This draiviuff of valentines is remark- ed in Poor Robin's Almanac for 1676, under St. Valentine's day : " Now Andrew, Antho- ny, and William, For Valentines ttraw Prue, Kate, Jilian " Misson, a learned traveller, who died in England about 1721, describes the amusing practices of his lime : — " On the eve of the 14th of February, St- upon a young man which she calls hers. By this means each has two valentines • but the man sticks faster to the valentine that is fallen to him, than to the valen tine to whom he is fallen. Fortune hav- ing thus divided the company into so many couples, the valentines give balls and treats to their mistresses, wear their billets several days upon their bosoms or sleeves, and this little sport often ends in love. This ceremony is practised differ- ently in different counties, and accord- ing to the freedom or severity of madam Valentine. There is another kind of valentine, which is the first young man Valentine's day, the young folks in Eng- or woman that chance throws in your .and and Scotland, by a very ancient custom, celebrate a little festival. An equal number of maids and bachelors get together, each writes their true or some feigned name upon separate billets. way in the street, or elsewhere, on that day.'' In some places, at this time, and more particulaMy in London, the lad's valen- tine is the first lass he sees in the morn- which they roll up, and draw by way of ing, who is not an inmate of the house , lots, the maids taking the men's billets, the lass's valentine is the first youth she and the men the maids' ; so that each of sees. Gay mentions this usage on St. the young men lights upon a girl that he Valentine's day : he makes a rustic calls his valentine, and each of the girls housewife remind her good man, — I early rose just at the break of day, Before the sun had chas'd the stars away ; A field I went, amid the morning dew To milk my kine,(for so should house-wives do,) Thee first I spied, and the first swain we see In spite of Fortune shall our true-love be. So also in the " Connoisseur" there is mention of the same usage preceded by certain mysterious ceremonies the night Defore ; one of these being almost certain to ensure an indigestion is therefore likely to occasion a dream favourable to the dreamer's waking wishes. — " Last Friday was Valentine's day, and, the night before, I got five bay-leaves,and pinned four of them to the four corners of my pillow, and the fifth to the middle; and then, if I dreamt of my sweetheart, Betty said we should be married before the year was out. But to make it more sure, I boiled an egg hard, and took out the yolk, and filled it with salt ; and when I went to bed, ate it, shell and all, without speaking or drinking after it. We also wrote our lovers' names upon bits of paper, and rolled them up in clay, and put them into water : and the first that rose up was to be our valentme. Would you think it, Mr. Blossom was my man. T lay a-bed and shut my eyes all the morning, till he came to our house ; for I would not have seen another man before him lor all the wc rid." Shakspeare bears witness to the cus- tom of looking for your valentine, or de- siring to be one, through poor Ophelia's singing Good morrow ! 'tis St. Valentine's dav All in the morning betime, And I a maid at your window, To be your valentine ! Sylvanus Urban, in 1779, was informed by Kitty Curious, that on St. Valentine's day in that year, at a little obscure vil- lage in Kent, she found an odd kind of sport. The girls from five or six to eighteen years old were assembled in a ciowd, burning an uncouth ffigy which they called a •* holly boy, and which they had stolen from the iDoys; while in another part of the village the boys were burning what they called an " ivy girl," which they had stolen from the girls. The ceremony of each burning was accompanied by acclamations, huz- zas, and other noise. Kitty inquired the meaning of this from the oldest people in the piace, but she could learn no more than that it had always been a sport 3< that seasou. Vol. I. 113 THE EVERY-DA^ BOOK.— FEBRUARY 14. A correspondent communicates to the bourhood a similar boon. This was done, Euery-DaJ/iiooA a singular custom, which says our correspondent, as an emblem prevailed many years since in the west of that the owl being the bird of wisdom, England. Three single young men went could influence the feathered race to enter out together before daylight on St. Valen- the net of love as mates on that day, tine's day, with a clapnet to catch an old whereon both single lads and maidens owl and two sparrows in a neighbouring should be reminded that happiness could barn. If they were successful, and could alone be secured by an early union, bring the birds to the inn without injury On this ancient festival, it was formerly before the females of the house had risen, the custom for men to make presents tf they were rewarded by the hostess with three pots of purl in honour of St. Valen- tine, and enjoyed the privilege of de- manding at any other house in the neigh- The day Samt Valentine, When maids are brisk, and at the break of day Start up and turn their pillows, curious all To know what happy swain the fates provide A mate for life. Then follows thick discharge Of true-love knots and sonnets nicely penned. the women. In Scotland these valentin: gifts were reciprocal, as indeed they are still in some parts. Hurdis calls this St. Valentine is the lover's saint. Not that lovers have more superstition than other people, but their imaginings are more. As it is fabled that Orpheus '* played so well, he moved old Nick ;" so it is true that Love, " cruel tyrant,'' moves the veriest brute. Its influence renders the coarsest nature somewhat interesting. A being of this kind, so possessed, is al- most as agreeable as a parish cage with an owl inside ; you hear its melancholy tee-whit tee-who, and wonder how it got there. Its place of settlement be- comes a place of sentiment ; nobody can liberate the starveling, and it will stay there lis mural notes seem so many calls for pity, which are much abated on the recoilection,that there are openings enough for its escape. The " tender passion" in the two mile an Iiour Jehu of an eight- horse waggon, puzzles him mightily. He " sighs and drives, sighs and drives, and drives and sighs again," till the approach of this festival enables him to buy •' a va- lentine," with a " halter" and a " couple o' hearts" transfixed by an arrow in the form of a weathercock, inscribed " I'll be yours, if you'll be mine, I am your pleasing Valentine." This he gets his name written under by the shopkeeper, and will be quite sure that it is his name, before he walks after his waggon,which he has left to go on, because neither that nor his passion can brook delay. After he is out of the town, he looks behind him, lest any body should see, and for a mile or two on the road, ponders on the " two hearts made one," as a most singular device, and with admired devo- tion. He then puts it in the trusty pocket under his frock, which holds tlie waggon bill, and flogs his horses to quicken their pace towards the inn, where " she," who is " his heart's delight," has been lately pro- moted to the rank of under kitchen-maid, vice her who resigned, on being called " to the happy estate of matrimony" by a neighbouring carter. He gives her the mysterious paper in the yard, she receives it with a " what be this ?" and with a smack on the lips, and a smack from the whip on the gown. The gods have made him poetical, and, from his recollection oi a play he saw at the statute-fair, he tells her that "love, like a worm in the mud, has played upon his Lammas cheek" ever since last Lammas-tide, and she knows it has, and that she's his valentine. Witf such persons and with nature, this is the season of breaking the ice. St. Valentine, be it repeated, is the saint of all true lovers of every degree,, and hence the letters missive to the fair, from wooers on hisfestival,bear his name. Brand thinks " one of the most elegam jeu-d'esprits on this occasion," is one wherein an admirer reminds his mistress of the choice attributed by the legend to the choristers of the air on this d; y, and inquires of her — Shall only you and I forbear To meet and make a happy pair ? Shall we alone delay t-o live '! This day an age of bliss may give. lU ri£E EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 14. Iiut, ah ! when 1 the proffer Still coyly you refuse to take ; My heart I dedicate in vain, The too mean present you disdaia. Yet since the solemn time allows To choose the object of our vows ; Boldly I dare profess my flame, Proud to be yours by any name. A better might have been selected from the " Magazine of Magazines," the " Gentleman's," wherein Mr. Urban has sometimes introduced the admirers of la- dies to the admirers of antiqmties — under which class ladies never come. Thence, ever and anon, as from some high barbi- can or watchtower old, " songs of loves and maids forsaken," have afoused the contemplation from " facts, fancies, and recollections" regarding other tmies, to lovers " sighing like furnace" in our own. Through Sylvanus, nearly a century ago, there was poured this Invocation of St. Valentine. Haste, friendly Saint .' to my relief, ]\Iy heart is stol'n, help ! stop the thief! My rifled breast I search'd with care, And found Eliza lurking there. Away she started from my view. Yet may be caught, if thou pursue ; INor need I to describe her strive — 'J'lie fairest, dearest maid alive ! Seize her — yet treat the nymph divine With gentle us.ige, Valentine ! Then, tell her, she, for what was done, Must bring my heart, and give her own. So pleasant, so descriptive an illustra- tion of the present custom, requires a companion equally amiable; MY VALENTINE. Mark'd you her eye's resistless glance, That does the enraptur'd soul entrance 1 Mark'd you that dark blue orb unfold V^olumes of bliss as yet untold? And felt you not, as I now feel. Delight no tongue could e'er reveal 1 Mark'd you her cheek that blooms and glows A living emblem of the rose ? Mark'd you her vernal lip that breathes The balmy fragrance of its leaves ] And felt you not, as I now feel. Delight no tongue can e'er reveal 1 Mark'd you her artless smiles that speak The language written on her cheek, Where, bright as morn, and pure as dew. The bosom's thoughts arise to view 1 And felt you not, as I now feel. Delight no toigue could e'er reveal 1 Mark'd you her face, and did not there. Sense, softness, sweetness, all appear ! Mark'd you her form, and saw not you A heart and mind as lovely too ] And felt you not, as I now feel. Delight no tongue could e'er reveal ? Mark'd you all this, and you have known The treasured raptures that I own ; Mark'd you all this, and you like me, Have wandered oft her shade to see, For you have felt, as I now feel. Delight no tongue could e'er reveal ! High Wycombe. Every lady will bear witness that the roll of valentine poesy is interminable ; and it being presumed that few would object to a peep in the editor's budget, he ofiers a little piece, written, at the desire of a lady, under an engraving, which re- presented a girl fastening a letter to the neck of a pigeon : — THE COURIER DOVE. " Va, porter cet ecrit \ I'objet de mon coeur 1" Outstrip the winds my courier dove I On pinions fleet and free, And bear this let-ter to my love Who's far away from me. It bids him mark thy plume whereon The changing colours range ; But warns him that my peace is gone If he should also change. It tells him thou return'st again To her who sets thee free ; And O ! it asks the truant, when He'll thus resemble thee \ Lastly, from " Sixty-five Poems and Sonnets," Sic. recemly published, he ven- tures to extract one not less deserving the honour of perusal, than either that he has presented :— A VALENTINE. No tales of love to you I send, No hidden flame discover, I glory in the name of friend. Disclaiming that of lover. And now, while each fond sighing youth Repeats his vows of love and truth. Attend to this advice of mine — With caution choose a Valentinh. Heed not the fop, who loves himself, Nor let the rake your love obtain ; Choose not the miser for his pelf, The drunkard he^^d with cold disdain ; The profligate with caution shun. His I ace of ruin soon is run : To none jf these your heart incline. Nor choose from them a V.* Lr.N7 ik£ 115 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 14. But should some generous youth appear, Whose honest mind is void of art, Who shall liis Maker's laws revere, And serve him with a willing heart ; Who owns fair Virtue for his guide, Nor from her precepts turns aside ; To him at once your heart resign, And bless your faithful Valentine. Though in this wilderness below You still imperfect bliss shall find, Yet such a friend will share each woe. And bid you be to Heaven reslgn'd : While Faith unfolds the radiant prize, And Hope still points beyond the skies, At life's dark storms you'll not repine. But bless the day of Valentine. IFit at a pinch. A gentleman who left his snuffljox at a friend's on St. Valentine's Eve, 1825, received it soon after his return home in an envelope, sealed, and superscribed — To J E , Esq. Dear Sir, I've just found proof enough, You are ?iot worth a pinch of snuff; Receive the proof, seal'd up with care, And extract from it, that you are. Valentine, 1825 * ClIRONOLOGt. Sir William Blackstone died on the i4th of February, 1780. He was born at the house of his father, a silkman, in Cheapside, London, on the 10th of July, 1723 ; sent to the Charter-house in 1730 ; entered Pembroke-college, Cambridge, in 1738; of the Middle Temple, 1741; called to the bar in 1746; elected re- corder of Wallingford in 1749; made doctor of civil law in 1750; elected Vinerian professor of common law in 1 758 ; returned a representative to Par- liament in 1761 ; married in 1761 ; be- came a justice of the court of Common Pleas in 1770. In the course of his life he filled other ofifices. He was just and benevolent in all his relations, and, on the judicial seat, able and impartial. In English literature and jurisprudence he holds a distinguished rank for his " Com- mentaries on the Laws of England." This work originateil in the legal lectures he commenced in 1753 : the first volume was published in 1759, and the remain- ing three in the four succeeding years. Through these his name is popular, and so will remain while law exists. The work is not for the lawyer alone, it is for every body. It is not so praiseworthy to be learned, as it is disgraceful to bs igno rant of the laws which regulate liberty and property. The absence of all inform- ation in some men when serving upon juries and coroners' inquests, or as con- stables, and in parochial offices, is scan- dalous to themselves and injurious to their fellow men. The " Commentaries" of Blackstone require only common capacity to understand. Wynne's " Eunomus " is an excellent introduction to Blackstone, if any be wanting. With these two works no man can be ignorant of his rights or obligations ; and, indeed, the " Commentaries" are so essential, that he who has not read them has no claim to be considered qualified for the exercise of his puljlic duties as an Englishman. He is at liberty, it is true, for the law leaves him at liberty, to assume the cha- racter he may be called on to bear in common with his fellow-citizens ; but, with this liberty, he is only more or les« than a savage, as he is more than a savage by his birth in a civilized country, and less than a savage in the animal instinct, which teaches that self-preservation is the first law of nature ; and still further is he less, because, beside the safety of others, it may fall to him, in this state of igno rauce, to watch and ward the safety of the commonwealth itself. Blackstone, on making choice of his profession, wrote an elegant little poem, entitled " The Latvyer^s Farewell to his Nrtrse." It is not more to be admired for ease and grace, than for the strong feeling it evinces in relinquishing the pleasures of poesy and art, and parting for ever from scenes wherein he had hap- pily spent his youthful days. Its conclu- sion describes his anticipations — ■ Lost to the field and torn from you — Farewell ! a long — a last adieu ! Me wrangling courts and stubborn law To smoke and crowds, and cities draw j There selfish faction rules the day, And pride and av'rice throng the way; Diseases taint the murky air. And midnight conflagrations glare : Loose revelry and riot bold In frighted streets their orgies hold; Or when in silence all is drowned. Fell murder walks her lonely round No room for peace — no room for you Adieu, celestial nymph, adieu f A SUIT AT LAW. Its origin and progress may be trnced in the Tree engraved on the opposite page. 116 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 14. THE TREE OF COMMON XAW. 117 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 14. 1 . Tlie root of the engraved Tree exhibits a diversity of suits and actions for the remedy of different wrongs. 2. The trunk shows the growth of a suit, stage by stage, until its conclusion. 3. The branches from each stage show the proceedings of the plaintiff on one side, and the proceedings of the defendant on the other. 4. The leaves of each branch show certain collateral proceedings whereby the suit is either advanced or suspended. 5. Supposing the form of action suitable to the case, and no stay of proceed- ings, the suit grows, on the " sure and firm set earth " of the law, into a " goodly tree," and, attaining to execution against either the plaintiff or the defendant, terminates in con- suming fire. A few whimsical miscellanies are sub- loined, not derogatory from the import- ance or necessity of legislation, but amusingly illustrative of legal practice in the sinuosities it has acquired during suc- cessive stages of desuetude and change. Those only who know the law are ac- quainted with the modes by which nume- rous deformities in its application have originated, or the means by which they may be remedied ; while all who expe- rience that application are astonished at its expensiveness, and complain of it with reason. A legal practitioner is said to have de- livered a bill containing several charges of unmerciful appearance, to a client, who was a tailor; and the tailor, who had made a suit of clothes for his professional adviser, is said to have sent him the fol- lowing bill by way of set-off. George Grip, Esq. Dr. to Samuel Smart. £. s. d. Attending you, in conference, con- cerning your proposed Suit, con- ferring thereon when you could not finally determine 6 8 Attending you again thereon, when found you prepared, and taking measures accordingly 6 8 Entering 3 4 Instructioua and warrant to woollen- draper. 5 Carried forward. .. .£1 1 8 £. s. Brought forward. .. . 1 ) Copy thereof to keep 2 Instructions to foreman 6 Difficulty arising as to proceedings, attending him in consultation ..0 6 Paid fees to woollen-draper 4 18 Attending him thereon 6 Perusing his receipt 3 Attending to file same 3 Filing 1 Attending button-maker, instructing him 6 Paid his charges 2 19 Having received summons to pro- ceed, perusing and considering same C Drawing consent, and copy to keep 4 Postage 1 Copy order thereon and entering . . 3 Appointing consultation as to further proceedings, and attending same 13 Foreman having filed a demurrer, preparing argument against same 6 Attending long argument on demur- rer, when same overruled 10 Perusing foreman's plea 6 Excepting to same 6 Entering exceptions 3 Perusing notice of motion to remove suit, and preparing valid objec- tions to lay before you 10 Same being overruled, consent there- to, on an undertaking 6 Expenses on removal of suit — paid by you at the time Writing you my extreme dissatisfac- tion on finding the suit removed into the King's Bench, and that I should move the court, when you promised to obtain a Rule as soon as term commenced, and attend me thereon 10 Conferring with you, in presence of your attendant, at my house, on the first day of term, when you succeeded in satisfying me that you were a Gerit. one, &c, and an honourable man, and expressed great dissatisfaction at the pro ceedings had with the suit while out of my hands ; receiving your instructions to demand of your Uncle that same should return to me, on my paying him a lien he claimed thereon, and received from you his debenture for that purpose 13 Perusing same, and attending him in St. George's-fields therewith and thereon 10 Paid him, principal and interest .. 2 10 Carr'-d forward. . . .^18 18 118 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 14. £. Brought forward. ... 18 In consideration of circumstances, no charge for receiving suit back. Perusing letter unexpectedly re- ceived from you, dated from your own house, respecting short notice of trial Attending you thereon Attending at Westminster several mornings to try the suit, when at last got same on 2 Paid fees Fee to porter It being determined that the suit should be put into a special case, drawing special instructions to Boxmaker for same 13 Attending him therewith and thereon 6 Paid him his fee for special case . . 2 2 Paid his clerk's fee 2 Considering case, as settled 6 Attending foreman for his consent to same, when he promised to determine shortly Attending him again thereon to ob- viate his objections, and obtained his consent with difficulty Drawing bill of costs 15 Fair copy for Mr. to peruse and settle 9 7 6 8 6 8 2 12 5 Attending him therewith Fee to him settling Attending him for same Perusing and considering same, as settled Attending ]Mr. again sug- gesting amendments Fee to him on amending Perusing same as amended Fair copy, with amendments, to keep Entering Fair copy for service Thirty-eight various attendances to serve same 6 Service thereof Drawing memorandum of service . . Attending to enter same Entering same Attending you concerning same . . Accepted service of order to attend at the theatre, and gave consent . Retaining fee at box-office Service of order on box-keeper .... Self and wife, with six children, two of her cousins, her brother, and his son, two of my brothers, my sister-in-law, three nephews, four nieces, each attending for four hours and a half to see the Road to Ruin, and the Beggars' Opera, eighty-five hours and a 6 & 6 8 6 8 Brouf;lit forward. ... 39 half, at 3s. 'id. per hour — very moderate 17 Coach hire there and back Attending you to acquaint you with particulars in general, and con- cerning settlement particularly.. Instructions for receipt Drawing receipt Vacation fee 1 Refreshing fee Perusing receipt, and amending same Fair copy to keep Engrossing on stamp Paid duty and paper Fee on ending 2 Letters and messengers ». d 6 10 10 18 1 13 4 10 £63 9 To numerous, various, and a great variety of divers, and very many letters, messages, and attendances to, from, on, and upon, you and your agents and others, pending a negotiation for settlement, far too numerous to be mentioned ; and an infinite deal of trouble, too troublesome to trouble you with, or to be expressed ; without more and further trouble, but which you must, or can, or shall, or may know, or be informed of — what you please Carried forward . . . .£39 5 10 Item in a Bill of Costs Attending A in conference concerning the best mode to indemnify B against C's demand for damages, in consequence of his driving D's cart against E's house, and thereby breaking the window of a room occupied by F's family, and cutting the head of G, one of his children, which H, the surgeon, had pronounced dan- gerous, and advising on the steps neces- sary for such indemnity. Attending I accordingly thereon, who said he could do nothing without the concurrence of his brother J, who was on a visit to his friend K, but who afterwards consented thereto, upon having a counter-indemnity from Ij. Taking instructions for, and writing the letter accordingly, but he refused to accede thereto, in consequence of misconduct in some of the parties towards his distant relation M, because he had arrested N, who being in custody of O, the officer, at P's house, was unable to prevail upon P and R to become bail. Attending in consequence upon S, the 119 THE F,VF,RY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 14. theriff, when he said, if he received an undertaking to give a bail-bond at the return of the wnt, the defendant should Ue discharged. Attending T for under- taking accordingly, conferring thereon ; but he declined interfering without the concurrence of V, to whom he was largely indebted, in whose hands he had lodged several title-deeds as a collateral security, and who, it appeared, had sent the deeds to his attorney U, for the purpose of pre- paring a mortgage to W, in trust, for se- curing his demand, and also of a debt due to X. Attending afterwards on A's clerk Y, communicating the result of our numerous applications, and conferring with him thereon, when he at length in- formed me that Z had settled the busi- ness. Legal Recreations. " To him that goes to law, nine things are requisite : 1. A good deal of money — 2. A good deal of patience — 3. A good cause — 4. A good attorney — 5. Good counsel — 6. Good evidence — 7. A good jury — 8. A good judge — and lastly, good luck." " Reason is the life of the law, nay, the common law itself is nothing else but reason." If a man says of a counsellor of law. Thou art a dajfa-doivn-dilly, an action lies. So adjudged in Scaccario, and agreed per totam curiam. — 1 Vin. Abb. 445. He hath no more law than Mr. C.\i bull. These words being spoken of an attorney, the court inclined that they were action- able, and that the plaintiff should have judgment, though it was objected that the plaintiff had not declared that C. had a bull.— Siderfin, 327, pi. 8. Pasch. 19 Car. II. Baker v. Morfue. Tlie chief justice was of opinion, that if C. had no bull, the scandal was the greater. And it was pronounced per curiam in the same case, that to say of a lawyer, that he has no more laiv than a goose, has been ad- judged actionable. — Sid. 127, pi. 8. — There is quaere added as to the saying. He hath no more law than the man in the moon (lb. 2 Kib. 209) ; the law, doubt- less, contemplating the possibility of there being a man in the moon, and of his being a good lawyer. Ml/ lord chief baron cannot hear of one ear, adjudged actionable, there being a colloquium of his administration of jus- tice. But not so if there had been no discourse of his justice. — 1 Vin. Ab. 446. Adjudged, that the death ot a parson is a non-residency, within 13 EUz. c . 20, so as to avoid his leases. Mott v. Kales, Crok. Eliz. 123 Eden and Whalley's case ; — " One Eden confessed himself guilty of multipli- cation, and that he had practised the making of quintessence, and ihe philoso- pher's stone, by which all metals might be turned into gold and silver ; and also accused Whalley, now a prisoner in the Tower, of urging and procuring him to practise this art ; and that Whalley had laid out money in red wine and other things necessary for the said art. And, because this offence is only felony, Eden, the principal, was pardoned by the ge- neral pardon ; but Whalley, who was but accessary in this case, was ex- cepted as one of those who were in tlie Tower. The question was moved, whe- ther Whalley should be discharged ; — Quaere, the statute of 5 Hen. IV^. 4, which enacts, * that none should use to multiply gold or silver, nor use the craft of multiplication ; and if any the same do, that he incur the pain of felony in this case.' — Quaere — Whether there can be any accessary in this new felony ? — 1 Dyer, 87, 6, Easter Term, 7 Ed. VI. This statute was repealed by the stat. of 1 Will. & Mary." la the case oi monopolized cards, there was cited a commission in the time of Henry V. directed to three friars and two aldermen of London, to inquire whethei the philosopher's stone was feasible, who returned it was, and upon this a patent was made out for them to make it.— Moore, 675 ; Dancey's case According to the Asiatic Researches, a very curious mode of trying the title of land is practised in Hindostan : — Two holes are dug in the disputed spot, in each of which the plaintiff and defendant's lawyers put one of their legs, and remain there until one of them is tired, or com- plains of being stung by the insects, in which case his client is defeated. In this country it is the client, and not the lawyer, who puts his /oo< into it. Professional practice is frequently the subject of theatrical exhibition. " Giovanni in London'' has a scene before going to trial, with the following 120 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 15. Trio. F% St Lawyer, Second I,awyer, Giovanni. Air — " Soldier, prve me one Pound." First Lawyer. Giovanni, give me one pound. Second Lawyer. Giovanni, give me two. First Lawyer. Trial it comes on to-day ; Second Lawyer. And nothing we can do. First Lawyer. You must give a fee, Both to me — Secoiid Lawyer, And me. Both LMwyers. For, oh! the law's a mill that without grist will never go. Giova7ini, Lawyer, there is one pound ; (to second Lawyer) Lawyer, there are two ; (to first Lawyer) And "ritv I am without a pound, ^ to the law and you. jf, oh ! I feel the law Has clapp'd on me its paw ; And, oh ! the law's a mill that without grist will never go. the heathens ; aiid it is observed by Brand, that on Shrove Monday it was a custom with the boys at Eton ta write verses concerning Bacchus, in all kinds of metre, which were afhxed to the col- lege doors, and that Bacchus' verses " are still written and put up on this day." The Eton practice is doubtless a remnant of the catholic custom. CoIIop iifloutrap. The Monday befure Shrove Tuesday IS so called because it was the last day of flesh-eating before Lent, and our ancestors cut their fresh meat into coUops, or steaks, for salting or hanging up till Lent was over ; and hence, in many places, it is Still a custom to have eggs and coUops, or slices of bacon, at dinner on this day. The Rev. Mr. Bowles communicates to his friend Mr. Brand, that the boys in the neighbourhood of Salisbury go about be- fore Shrove-tide singing these lines : Shrove-tide is nigh at hand, And I am come a shroving ; Pray, dame, something, An apple or a dumpling. Or a piece of Truckle cheese Of your own making. Or a piece of pancake. Polydore Virgil afRrms of this season and its delicacies, that it sprung from the feasts of Bacchus, which were celebrated in Rome with rejoicmgs and festivity at the same period. This, therefore, is an- othei adoption of the Romish church from FLORAL DIRECTORY. Yellow Crocus. Croats Mces'iacus. Dedicated to St. Valentine #el)niar|) 15. Sts. Faustbius and Jovita, a. d. 121. St. Sigefride, or Sigfrid, of Sweden, Bp. K. D. 1002. SHROVE TUESDAY. It is communicated to the Every-Day Book by a correspondent, Mr. R. N. B — , that at Hoddesdon in Hertfordshire, the old curfew-bell, which was anciently rung in that town for the extinction and relighting of " all fire and candle light '' still exists, and has from time immemorial been regularly rang on the morning of Shrove Tuesday at four o'clock, after which hour the inhabitants are at liberty to make and eat pancakes, until the bell rings agam at eight o'clock at night. He says, that this custom is observed so closely, that after that hour not a pancake remains in the town. The Curffw. I hear the far-off curfew sound, Over some wide-water'd shore, Swinging slow with sullen roar. Milto'ii. That the curfew-bell came in with Wil- liam the Conqueror is a common, but erroneous, supposition. It is true, that by one of his laws he ordered the people to put out their fires and lights, and go to bed, at the eight-o'clock curfew-bell ; but Henry says, in his " History of Great Bri- tain," that there is sufficient e\ idence of the curfew having prevailed in different parts of Europe at that period, as a pre- caution against fires, which were frequent and fatal, when so many houses were built of wood. It is related too, in Peshall's " History of Oxford," that Alfred the Great ordered the inhabitants of that city to cover their fires on the ringing of the bell at Carfax every night at eight 12L THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 15. o'clock ; " whicl) custom is observed to this day, aixi the bell as constantly rings at eight as Great Tom tolls at nine." Wherever the curfew is now rung in England, it is usually at four in the morning, and eight in the evening, as at Hoddesdon on Shrove Tuesday. Concerning the curfew, or the in- strament used to cover the fire, there is a communication from the late Mr. Francis Grose, the well remembered an- tiquary, in the " Antiquarian Repertory" (vol. i.) published by Mr. Ed. Jefiery. Mr. Grose enclosed a letter from the Rev. F. Gostling, author of the " Walk through Canteibury," with a drawing of the uten- sil, from which an engraving is made in that work, and which is given here on account of its singularity. No other re presentation of the curfew exists. " This utensil," says the Antiquarian Repertory, " is called a curfew, or couvre- feu, from its use, which is that of sud- denly putting out a fire : the method of applying it was thus ; — the wood and embers were raked as close as possible to the back of the hearth, and then the cur- few was put over them, the open part placed close to the back of the chimney ; by this contrivance, the air being almost totally excluded, the fire was of course extinguished. This curfew is of copper, rivetted together, as solder would have been liable to melt with the heat. It is 10 inches high, 16 inches wide, and 9 inches deep. Th« Rev. Mr. Gostling, to ■whom it belongs, says it has been in his family for time immemorial, and was al •ways called the curfew. Some others of this kind are still remaining in Kent and Sussex." It is proper to add to this account, that T. Row, in the " Gentlemar's Maga- zine," because no mention is made " of any particular implement for extinguishing the fire in any writer," is inclined to think " there never was any such." Mr. Fosbroke in the " Encyclopa;dia of An- tiquities" says, " an instrument of copper presumed to have been made for covering the ashes, but of uncertain use, is en- graved." It is in one of Mr. F.'s plates. On T. Row's remark, who is also face- tious on the subject, it may be observed, that his inclination to think there never was any such implement, is so far from being warrantable, if the fact be even cor- rect, that it has not been mentioned by any ancient writer, that the fair inference is the converse of T. Row's inclination. Had he consulted "Johnson's Dictionary," he would have found the curfew itself explained as "a cover for a fire ; a fire- plate. — Bacon." So that if Johnson is credible, and his citation of authorities is unquestionable. Bacon, no very modern writer, is authority for the fact that there was such an implement as the curfew. Football at Kingston. Mr. P., an obliging contributor, fur- nishes the Every-Day Book witli a letter from a Frknd, descriptive of a custom on this day m the vicinity of London 122 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 15 Respected Fiif.n(', Having some business which called me to Kingston-upon-Tliames on the day called Shrove Tuesday, I got upon the Hampton-court coach to go there. We had not gone above four miles, when the coachman exclaimed to one of the pas- sengers, " It's Foot-ball day ;" not under- standing the term, I questioned him what he meant by it ; his answer was, that I would see what he meant where I was going — Upon entering Teddington, I was not a little amused to see all the in- habitants securmg the glass of all their front windows from the ground to the roof, some by placing hurdles before them, and some by nailing laths across the frames. At Twickenham, Bushy, and Hampton-wick, they were all engaged in the same way : havmg to stop a few hours at Hampton-wick and Kingston, I had an opportunity of seeing the whole of the custom, which is, to carry a foot-ball from door to door and beg money : — at about 12 o'clock the ball is turned loose, and those who can, kick it. In the town of Kingston, all the shops are purposely kept shut upon that day ; there were several balls in the town, and of course several parties. I observed some persons of re- spectability following the ball : the game lasts about four hours, wlien the parties retire to the public-houses, and spend the money they before collected in refresh- ments. I understand the corporation of Kings- ton attempted to put a stop to this prac- tice, but the judges confirmed the right of the game, and it now legally continues, to the no small annoyance of some of the inhabitants, besides the expense and trouble they are put to in securing all their windows. I was rather surprised that such a cus- tom should have existed so near London, without my ever before knowing of it. From thy respected Friend, N S Third Month, 1815. J . B. Pancakes and Confession. As fit — as a paiicake for Shvoie Tiiexday. Sharspeare, Pancake Day is another name for Shrove Tuesday, from the custom of eat- ing pancakes on this day, still generally ob- served. A writer in the" Gentleman's Ma- gazine, 1 790," says, that " Shrive is an old Saxon word, of which shrove is a corrup- tion, and signifies confession. Hence Shrove Tuesday means Confession Tues- day, on which day all the people in every parish throughout the kingdom, during the Romish times, were obliged to con- fess their sins, one by one, to their own parish priests, in their own parish churches ; and that this might be done the more regularly, the great bell in every parish was rung at ten o''clock, or per- haps sooner, tliat it might be heard by all. And as the Romish religion has given way to a much better, I mean the protest- ant religion, yet the custom of ringing the great bell in our ancient parish churches, at least in some of them, still re- mains, and obtains in and about London the name of Pancake-hell : the usage o\ dining on pancakes or fritters, and such like provision, still continues." In " Pas- quil's Palinodia, 1634," 4to. it is merrily observed that on this day every stomach till it can hold no more. Is fritter-filled, as well as heart can wish ; And every mau and maide doe take their tume, And tosse their pancakes up for feare they burne ; And all the kitchen doth with laughter sound, To see the pancakes fall upon the ground. Threshing the Hen. This singular custom is almost obso- lete, yet it certainly is practised, even now, in at least one obscure part of the kingdom. A reasonable conjecture con- cerning its origin is, that the fowl was a delicacy to the labourer, and therefore given to him on this festive day, for spcrt and food. At Shrovetide to shroving, go thresh the fat hen. If blindfold can kill her, then give it thy men. Maids, fritters and pancakes inough see you make. Let slut have one pancake, for company sake. 123 niE EVERY-DAY BOOK —FEBRUARY 15. So directs Tusser in his " Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, 1620," 4 to Oil tliis his anuotator, " Tusker Redivivus, 1710," (8vo. June, p. 15,) annexes an account of the custom. " The hen is hung at a fellow's back, who has also some horse bells about him, the rest of the fellows are blinded, and have boughs in their hands, with which they chase this fellow and his hen about some large court or small enclosure. The fellow with his hen and bells shifting as well as he can, they follow the sound, and some- times hit him and his hen, other times, ij lie can get behind one of them, tliey thresh one another well favour'dly ; but the jest is, the maids are to blind the fel- lows, which they do with their aprons, and the cunning baggages will endear their sweethearts with a peeping-hole, whilst the others look out as sharp to hinder it. After this the hen is boil'd with bacon, and store of pancakes and fritters are made." THRESHING THE FAT HEN AT SHROVETIDE. Tusser's annotator, "Redivivus," adds, after the hen-threshing. "She that is not- ed for lying a-bed long, or any other mis- carriage, hath the first pancake presented to her, which most commonly falls to the dog's share at last, for no one will own it their due. Thus were youth encourag'd, sham'd, and feasted with very little cost, and diWays their feasts were accompani- ed ^ith exercise. The loss of which lauda- ble custom, is one of the benefits we have got by smoking tobacco." Old Tusser himself, by a reference, denotes that this was a sport in Essex and Suffolk. Mr. Brand was informed by a Mr. Jones that, when he was a boy in Wales, the hen that did not lay eggs before Shrove Tues- day was considered useless, and to be on that day threshed by a man with a flaiJ ; if he killed her he got her for his pajns. lU THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 15. A HEN THAT SPOKE ON SHROVE TUESDAY. On Shrove Tuesday, at a certain an- cient borough in Stafi'ordshire, a hen was set up by its owner to be thrown at by himself and his companions, according to (he usual custom on that day. This poor hen, after many a severe bang, and many a broken bone, weltering in mire and blood, recovered spirits a little, and to tne unspeakable surprise and astonish- ment of all the company, just as her late master was handling his oaken cudgel to fling at her again, opened her mouth and said — " Hold thy hand .a moment, hard- hearted wretch ! if it be but out of curiosity, to hear one of my feathered species utter articulate sounds. — What art thou, or any of thy comrades, better than r, though bigger and stronger, and at liberty, while I am tied by the leg? What art thou, I say, that I may not presume to reason with thee, though thou never reasonest with thyself? What have I done to deserve the treatment I have suffered this day, from thee and thy barbarous companions? Whom have I ever injured? Did I ever profane the name of my creator, or give one moment's disquiet to any creature under heaven ^ or lie, or deceive, or slander, or rob my fellow-creatures ? Did I ever guzzle down what should have been for the sup- port and comfort (in effect the blood) of a wife and innocent children, as thou dost every week of thy life ? A little of thy superfluous grain, or the sweeping of thy cupboard, and the parings of thy cheese^ moistened with the dew of heaven, was all I had, or desired for my support ; while, in return, I furnished thy table with dainties. The tender brood, which I hatched with assiduity, and all the anxiety and solicitude of a humane mother, fell a sacrifice to thy gluttony. My new laid eggs enriched thy pancakes, puddings, and custards ; and all thy most delicious fore. And I was ready myself at any time, to lay down my life to sup- port thine, but the third part of a day. 125 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 15. Had I been a nun, and a hangman, and been commanded by authority to take away thy life for a crime that deserved death, I would have performed my office with reluctance, and with the shortest, and the least pain or insult, to thee possi- ble. How much more if a wise provi- dence had so ordered it, that thou hadst been my proper and delicious food, as I am thine ? I speak not this to move thy compassion, who hast none for thy own offspring, or for the wife of thy bosom, nor to prolong nay own life, which through thy most brutal usage of me, is past recovery, and a burden to me; nor yet to teach thee humanity for the future. I know thee to have neither a head, a heart, nor a hand to shov/ mercy ; neither brains, nor bowels, nor grace, to hearken to reason, or to restrain thee from any folly. I appeal from thy cruel and re- lentless heart to a future judgment ; cer- tainly there will be one sometime, when the meanest creature of God shall have justice done it, even against proud and savage man, its lord ; and surely our cause will then be heard, since, at present, we have none to judge betwixt us. O, that eome good Christian would cause this my first, and last speech to be printed, and published through the nation. Perhaps the legislature may not think it beneath them to take our sad case into considera- tion. Who can tell but some faint re- mains of common sense among the vulgar themselves, may be excited by a suffering dying fellow-creature's last words, to find out a more good-natured exercise for their youth, than this which hardens their hearts, and taints their morals ? But I find myself spent with speaking. And now villain, take good aim, let fly thy truncheon, and despatch at one manly stroke, the remaining life of a miserable mortal, who is utterly unable to resist, or fly from thee." Alas! he heeded not. She sunk down, and died immediately, without another blow. Reader, farewell ! but learn compassion towards an inno- cent creature, that has, at least, as quick a sense of pain as thyself. This article is extracted from the " Gentleman's Magazine," for the year 1749. It appeals to the feelings and the ludgment, and is therefore inserted here, lest one reader should need a dissuasive against the cruelty of torturing a poor animal on Shrove Tuesday. Hens were formerly thrown at, as cocks are still, in some p. aces. THROWING AT COCKS. This brutal practice on Shrove Tuesday is still conspicuous m several parts of the kingdom. Brand affirms that it was re« tained in many schools in Scotland within the last century, and he conjec- tures " perhaps it is still in use :" a little inquiry on his part would have discovered it in English schools. He proceeds to observe, that the Scotch schoolmasters " were said to have presided at the battle, and claimed the run-away cocks, called fugees, as their perquisites." To show the ancient legitiniacy of the usage, he instances a petition in 1 355, from the scholars of the school of Ramera to their schoolmaster, for a cock he owed them upon Shrove Tuesday, to throw sticks at, according to the usual custom for their sport and entertainment. No decently circumstanced person however rugged his disposition, from neglect in his child- hood, will in our times permit one of his sons to take part in the sport. This is a na- tural consequence of the influence which persons in the higher ranks of life can beneficially exercise. Country gentle- men threw at the poor cock formerly : there is not a country gentleman now who would not discourage the shocking usage. Strutt says that in some places, it was a common practice to put a cock into an earthen vessel made for the purpose, and to place him in such a position that his head and tail might be exposed to view ; the vessel, with the bird in it, was then suspended across the street, about 12 or 14 feet from the ground, to be thrown at by such as chose to make trial of their skill ; twopence was paid for four throws, and he who broke the pot, and delivered the cock from his confinement, had him for a reward. At North Walsham, in Norfolk, about 60 years ago, some wags put an owl into one of these vessels ; and having procured the head and tail of a dead cock, they placed them in the same position as if they had appertained to a living one; the deception was successful ; and at last, a labouring man belonging to the towr, after several fruitless at- tempts, broke the pot, but missed his prize; for the owl being set at liberty, instantly flew away, to his great astonish- ment, and left him nothing more than the head and tail of the dead bird, with the potsherds, for his money and liis trouble ; this ridiculous adventure ex- 126 THE EVEIIY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRCJARY 15. posed Iiini to tlie continual laughter of tlie town's people, and obliged him to quit the place. Shying at Leaden Cocks. A correspondent, S. W., says, " It strikes me that the game of pitching at capons, practised by boys when I was young, took its rise from this sport, (the throwing at cocks,) indulged in by the matured barbarians. The capons were «eaden representations of cocks and hens pitched at by leaden dumps." Another correspondent, whose MS. collections are opened to the Every-Day Book, has a similar remark in one of his common-place books, on the sports of boys. He says, " Shying at Cocks. — Probably in imitation of the barbarous custom of ' shying' or throwing at the living animal. Tiie * cock ' was a repre- sentation of a bird or a beast, a man, a horse, or some device, with a stand pro- jecting on all sides, but principally be- hind the figure. These were made of lead cast in moulds. They were shyed at with dumps from a small distance agreed upon by the paities, generally regulated by the size or weight of the dump, and the value of the cock. If the thrower overset or knocked down the cock, he won it ; if he failed, he lost his dump. " Shy for shy. — This was played at by two beys, each having a cock placed at a certain distance, generally about four or five feet asunder, the players standing behind their cocks, and throwing alter- nately ; a bit of stone or wood was gener- ally used to throw with : the cock was won by him who knocked it down. Cocks and dumps were exposed for sale on the butchers' shambles on a small boaid, and were the perquisite of the apprentices, who made them ; and many a pewter plate, and many an ale-house pot, were melted at this season for shying at cocks, which was as soon as fires were lighted in the autumn. These games, and all others among the boys of London, had their particular times or seasons ; and when any game was out, as it was termed, it was lawful to steal the thing played with ; this was called smugging and it was expressed by the boys in a dog- grel : viz, "Tops are in. Spin 'em agin. Tops are out. Smuggin about, or Tops are iu. Spin 'em agiu. Dumps are out, iScc. " The fair cock was not allowed to have his stand extended behind, moie than hii height and half as much more, nor much thicker than himself, and he was not to extend in width more than his height, nor to project over the stand ; but frau- dulent cocks were made extending later- ally over the side, so as to prevent his lying down sideways, and with a long stand behind'; the body of the cock was made thinner, and the stacid thicker, by which means the cock bent upon being struck, and it was impossible to knock him over." This information may seena trifling to some, but it will interest many. We all look back with complacency on the amusements of our childhood ; and " some future Strntt," a century or two hence, may find this page, and glean from it the important difference between the sports of boys now, and those of our grandchildren's great grandchildren. Cock-fighting. The cruelty of cock-fighting was a chief ingredient of the pleasure which intox- icated the people on Shrove Tuesday. Cock-fighting was practised by the Greeks. Themistocles, when leading his troops against the Persians, saw two cocks fighting, and roused the courage of liis soldiers by pointing out the obstinacy with which these animals contended, though they neither fought for their coun- try, their families, nor their liberty. The Persians were defeated ; and the Athenians, as a memorial of the victory, and of the incident, ordered annual cock-fighting in the presence of the whole people. Beck- mann thinks it existed even earlier. Pliny says cock-fighting was an annual exhibition at Pergamus. Plato laments that not only boys, but men, bred fighting birds, and employed their whole time in similar idle amusements. Beckmann men tions an ancient gem in sir William IJa milton's collection, whereon two cocks are fighting, while a mouse carries away the ear of corn for which they contest : " a happy emblem," says Beckmann, "of our law-suits, in which the greater part of the property in dispute falls to the lawyers." The Greeks obtained their fighting cocks from foreign countries; ac- cording to Beckmann, the English im- port the strongest and best of theirs from abroad, especially from Germany. Cuesar mentions the English cocks m bis " Commentaries ;" but the earliest 127 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 15. notice of cock-fighting in England is by Fitz-Stephens, who died in 1191. He mentions this as one of the amusements ot the Londoners, together with the game f)t foot-ball. The whole passage is worth transcribing. " Yearly at Shrove-tide, the boys of every school brmg fighting- cocks to their masters, and all the fore- noon is spent at school, to see these cocks fight together. After dinner, all the youth of the city goeth to play at the ball m the fields ; the scholars of every study have their balls ; the practisers also of all the trades have every one their ball in their hands. Tlie ancienter sort, the fathers, and the wealthy citizens, come on horse- back, to see these youngsters contendinjj at their sport, with whom, in a manner, they participate by motion ; stirring their own natural heat in the view of the active youth, with wliose mirth and liberty they seem to communicate." Cock-fighting was prohibited in Eng- land under Edward III. and Henry VIII., and even later : yet Henry himself in- dulged his cruel nature by instituting cock-fights, and even James I. took great delight in them ; and within our own time, games have been fought, and at- tendance solicited by public advertise- ment, at the Royal Cock-pit, Whitehall, which Henry VIII. built. Beckmann says, that as the cock roused Peter, so it was held an ecclesiastical duty " to call the people to repentance, or at least to church ;" and therefore, " in the ages of ignorance, the clergy frequently called themselves the cocks of the Al- mighty." Old Shrove-tide Revels, On Shrove Tuesday, according to an old author, " men ate and drank, and abandoned themselves to every kind of sportive foolery, as if resolved to have their fill of pleasure before they were to die." The preparing of bacon, meat, and the making of savoury black-puddings, for good cheer after the coming Lent, pre- ceded the day itself, whereon, besides domestic feasting and revelry, with dice and card-playing, there was immensity ol mumming. The records of Norwich tes- tify, that in 1440, one John Gladman, who is there called " a man who was ever trewe and feythfull to God and to the kyng" and constantly disportive, made A public disport with his neighbours, crowned as king of christmas, on horse back, having his horse bedizened with tinsel and flauntery, and preceded by the twelve months of the year, each month habited as the season requued ; after him came Lent, clothed in white and her- ring-skins, on a horse v/ith trappings o oyster-shells, " in token that sadnesse shulde folowe, and an holy tyme ;" and in this sort they rode through the city, accompanied by otiiers in whimsical dresses, " makyng myrtii, disportes, and playes." Among much curious observa- tion on these Shrove-tide mummings, in the " Popish Kingdome" it is affirmed, that of all merry-makers. The chiefest man is he, and one that most deserveth prayse Among the rest, that can finde out the fondest kinde of playes. On him they look, and gaze upon, and laugh with lustie cbeere, • Whom boys do follow, crying foole, and such hke other geare. He in the mean time thinkes himselfe a wondrous worthie man, &c. It is further related, that some of the rout carried staves, or fought in armour ; otiiers, disguised as devils, chased all the people they came up with, and frightened the boys : men wore women's clothes, and women, dressed as men, entered their neighbours' or friends' houses ; some were apparelled as monks, others arrayed themselves as kings, attended by their guards and royal accompaniments ; some disguised as old fools, pretended to sit on nests and hatch young fools ; others wear- ing skins and dresses, became counterfeit bears and wolves, roaring lions, and raging bulls, or walked on high stilts, with wings at their backs, as cranes : Some like filthy forme of apes, and some like fools are drest, Which best beseeme those papistes all, that thus keep Bacchus' feast Others are represented as bearers of an unsavoury morsel — that on a cushion soft they lay. And one there is that, with a flap doth keepe the files away Some stuffed a doublet and hose with rags or straw — Whom as a man that lately dyed of lionest life and fame, In blanket did they beare about, and streightways with the same 128 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 15. They hurl him up into the ayre, not sutfring him to fall, And this they doe at divers tymes, the citie over all. The Kentish " holly boy," and " ivy girl" are erroneously supposed (at p_. 226,) to have been carried about on St. Valentine's day. On turning to Brand, who also cites tlie circumstance, it appears they were carried the Tuesday before Shrove Tuesday, and most probably were the un- recognised remains of the drest mawkin of the " Popish Kingdome," carried about with various devices to represent the " death of good living," and which our catholic neighbours continue. The Morning Chronicle of March the 10th, 1791, represents the peasantry of France carrying it at that time into the villages, collecting money for the " funeral," and, " after sundry absurd mummeries," com- mitting the body to the earth. Neogeorgus records, that if the snow lay on the ground this day, snow-ball combats were exhibited with great vigour, till one party got the victory, and the other ran away : the confusion whereof trou- bled him sorely, on account of its disturb- ance to the " matrone olde," and " sober man," who desired to pass without a cold salutation from the " wanton fellowes." The " rabble-rout," however, in these processions and mockeries, had the ho- nour of respectable spectators, who seem to have been somewhat affected by the popular epidemic. The same author says that, the noble men, the rich snd men of hie degree, i^ast they with common people should not seeme so mad to bee, came abroad in " wagons finely framed before" drawn by " a lustie horse and "wift of pace," having trappings on him from head to foot, about whose neck, • and every place before, A hundred gingling belles do hang, to make his courage more, and their wives and children being seated in these " wagons," they behinde themselves do stande Well armde with whips, and holding faste the bridle in their hande. Thus laden and equipped With all their force throughout the streetes and market place they ron, As if some whirlwinde mad, or tempest great from skies should come and thus furiously they drove without stopping for people to get out of their way: Yea, sometimes legges or arms they breake, and horse and cart and all They overthrow, with such ^ force, they in their course do fall! The genteel " wagon'-drivers ceased nal with the cessation of the vulgar sports on foot, But even till midnight holde they on, their pastimes for to make, Whereby they hmder men of sleepe, and cause their heades to ake But all this same they care not for, nor do esteeme a h.eare. So they may have their pleasure, &c. apprentices' holiday. Shrove Tuesday was until late years the great holiday of the apprentices ; why it should have been so is easy to imagine, on recollecting the sports that boys were allowed on that day at school. The in- dulgencies of the ancient city 'prentices were great, and their licentious disturb- ances stand recorded in the annals of many a fray. Mixing in every neigh- bouring brawl to bring it if possible to open riot, they at length assumed to de termine on public aftairs, and went in bodies with their petitions and remon- strances to the bar of the house of com- mons, with as much importance as theii masters of the corporation. A satire of 1675 says, They'r mounted high, contemn the humble play Of trap or foot-ball on a holiday In Finesbury-fieldes. No, 'tis their brave intent, Wisely t' advise the king and parliament. But this is not the place to notice their manners further. The successors to their name are of another generation, they have been better educated, live in better times, and having bettermasters,will make better men. The apprentices whose situation is to be viewed with anxiety, are the out- door apprentices of poor persons, who can scarcely find homes, or who being or- phans, leave the factories or work-rooms of their masters, at night, tc go where they can, and do what they please, with- out paternal care, or being the creatures of any one's solicitude, and are yet ex- pected to be, or become good members of society Vol. I. 129 K THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 15. PANCAKES. A MS. in the British Museum quoted by Brand states, that in 1560, it was a custom at Eton school on Shrove Tues- day for the cook to fasten a pancake to a crow upon the school door ; and as crows usually hatch at this season, the cawing of the young ones for their parent, heightened this heartless sport. From a question by Antiquarius, in the "Gentle- man's Magazine," 1790, it appears that it is a custom on Shrove Tuesday at West- minster school for the under clerk of the college, preceded by the beadle and the other officers, to throw a large pancake over the bar which divides the upper from the lower school. Brand mentions a similar custom at Eton school. Mr. Fosbroke is decisive in the opinion that pancakes on Shrove Tuesday were taken from the heathen Fornacalia, celebrated on the 18th of February, in memory of making bread, before ovens were invented. by the goddess Fornax. rOOT-BALL. This was, and remains, a game on Shrove Tuesday, in various parts of Eng- land. Sir Frederick Morton Eden in the *' Statistical account of Scotland," says that at the parish of Scone, county of Perth, every year on Shrove Tuesday the bache- lors and married men drew themselves up at the cross of Scone, on opposite sides ; a ball was then thrown up, and they played from two o'clock till sun-set. The game was this : he who at any time got the ball into his hands, run with it till overtaken by one of the opposite party ; and then, if he could shake himself loose from those on the opposite side who seized him, he run on; if not, he threw the ball from him, unless it was wrested from him by the other party, but no person was allowed to kick it. The object of the married men was to hang it, that is, to put it three times into a small hole in the moor, which was the dool or limit on the one hand : that of the bachelors was to drown it, or dip it three times in a deep place in the river, the limit on the other : the party who could effect either of these objects won the game ; if neither won, the ball was cut into equal parts at sun-set. In the course of the play there was usually some violence between the parties ; but it is a proverb in this part of the country that "All is fair at the ball of Scone." Sir Frederick goes on to say, that this custom is supposed to have had its origin in the days of chivalry ; when an Italian is reported to have come into this part of the country challenging all the parishes, under a certain penalty in case of declin- ing his challenge. All the parishes de- clined this challenge except Scone, which beat the foreigner, and in commemoration of this gallant action the game was insti- tuted. Whilst the custom continued, every man in the parish, the gentry not excepted, was obliged to turn out and support the side to which he belonged, and the person who neglected to do his part on that occasion was fined ; but the custom being attended with certain incon- veniences, was abolished a few years be- fore Sir Frederick wrote. He further mentions that on Shrove Tuesday there is a standing match at foot-ball in the parish of Inverness, county of Mid Lothian, be- tween the married and unmarried women, and he states as a remarkable fact that the married women are always successful. Crowdie is mentioned by sir F. M. Eden, (" State of the Poor,") as a never failing dinner on Shrove Tuesday, with all ranks of people in Scotland, as pancakes are in England ; and that a ring is put into the basin or porringer of the unmarried folks, to the finder of which, by fair means, it was an omen of marriage before the rest of the eaters. Tliis practice on Fastens Eve, is described in Mr. Stewart's " Po- pular Superstitions of the Highlands," with little difference ; only that the ring instead of being in " crowdie " is in " brose," made of the " bree of a good fat iigget of beef or mutton." This with plenty of other good cheer being des- patched, the Bannich Junit, or " sauty bannocks" are brought out. They are made of eggs and meal mixed with salt to make them " sauty," and being baked or toasted on the gridiron," are regarded by old and young as a most delicious treat " They have a " charm" in them which en- ables the highlander to " spell" out his future wife : this consists of some article being intermixed in the meal-dough, and he to whom falls the "sauty bannock" which contains it, is sure — if not already married — to be married before the next anniversary. Then the Bannich Brauder or " dreaming bannocks" find a place. They contain "a little of that 'substance which chimney-sweeps call soot." In baking them " the baker must be as mute as a stone — one word would destroy the 130 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 16—17. whole concern." Each person has one, slips off quietly to bed, lays his head on his bannoek, and expects to see his sweet- heart in his sleep. Snakspearein King Henry IV. says, Be merry, be merry. 'Tis merry in hall, when beards wag all And welcome merry Shrovetide, Be merry, be merry, &c. It is mentioned in the " Shepherd's Al- manack"of 1676, that " some say, thunder on Shrove Tuesday foretelleth wind, store of fruit, and plenty. Others affirm that so much as the sun shineth on that day, the like will shine every day in Lent." FLORAL DIRECTORY. Cloth of Gold. Crocus snlphurcus. Dedicated to St. Sigifride. ffthni^v^ 16. St. Oneshnus. Sfs. E/ias, Jeremy, Tsaian, Samuel, and Daniel, a. d. 309. t to the fullest extent. Perceiving the utility of Albert Durer's "Treatise on the Proportions of theHumanBody," he deem- ed it capable of improvement. Its rules wore in his opinion insufficient and too mechanical, and he contemplated a trea- tise to exhibit the muscles in their various action. A friend, whom he consulted on the subject, sent him the body of a fine young Moor, which he dissected and made remarks on, but they were never published. The result of his anatomical knowledge may be seen in the powerful muscular developement of his figures : he left no part undefined. Several remarks occur in the course of Michael Angelo's letters concerning his art. Speaking of the rivalry between sculpture and painting, he says, " The sculptor arrives at his end by taking away vv^hat is superfluous ; the painter produces his, by adding the materials which embody the representation to the mind : however, after all, they are both produced by the same intelligence, and the superiority is not worth disputing about, since more time may be lost in the discussion, than would produce the works themselves." At one time, however, Michael Angelo regarded painting with less favour than he expresses in this letter. It is addressed to Varchi, who wrote a dissertation on the subject, and sent it to him with an inquiry, which had divided the amateurs of Florence, as to whether painting or sculpture required the most talent. Varchi's treatise has the merit of having convinced Michael Angelo that he was in error, and with the truth and candour inseparable from such a character he confessed hismi.stake. " Of the relative importance of painting and sculpture," says Michael Angelo, "I thmk painting excellent in propvortion as it approaches relievo, and relievo bad in proportion as it partakes of the character of a picture, and therefore I was used to be of opinion, that painting might be considered as borrowing light from sculp- ture, and the diff'erence between them as the sun and moon. Now, however, since I have read your dissertation, which treats the subject philosophicaHy, and shows, that those things which have the same end, are one, and the same, I have changed my opinion, and say, that, if greater judgment, labour, dirticulty, and impediment, confer no dignity on the work on which it is bestowed, painting and sculpture may be considered without giving the preeminence to either : and since it has been so considered, no painter ought to undervalue sculpture, and in like manner, no sculptor ought to make light of painting." Great as Michael Angelo was in art, his intellectual character was greater. " No one," says Mr. Duppa, " ever felt the dignity of human nature with its noblest attributes more forcibly than Michael Angelo, and his disgust at any violation of principle was acute in pro- portion to his sensibility and love of truth." He despised and shrunk from the shadow of a meanness : hating the heartlessness of unmeaning profession, he regarded the dazzling simulation which constitutes the polish of society as a soul-cloud. With these commanding views of self dignity he poured out his feelings to his friend Luigi del Ricco, ui A MADRIGAL. Translated by Robert Southey Esq. (From Mr. Duppa s Life of Michael ^ngeln.j 111 halh he chosen his part who seeks to please The worthless world, — ill hath he chosen his part. For often rriust he wear the look of ease When grief is at his heart ; And often in his hours of happier feeling With sorrow must his countenance be hung, And ever his own better thoughts concealing Must in stupid grandeur's praise be loud, And to the errors of the ignorant crowd Assent with lying tongue. Thus much would I conceal — that none should know What secret cause I have for silent woe ; And taught by many a melancholy proof That those whom fortune favours it pollutes I from the blind and faithless world aloof. Nor fear its envy nor desire its praise. But choose my path through solitary ways. It w^s one of Michael Angelo's high qualities to bear about him an atmosphere which the parasite dared not approach . no heart-eater could live in it. He justly estimated whatever was in- fluential in society ; and hence though he seemed to look down upon rank as an accident of life, he was net regardless of its use. To those whom distinctions had raised, he paid the deference accorded to their dignities. Yet towards him who couched his integrity, he bore a lofty car- riage, and when .le condesended to resent' 138 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— P" EBRUARY 17. the attack, hurled an impetuous defiance that kindled as it flew, and consumed the insulting defamer, though he were enscon- ced behind countless quarterings, or er- mined and enthroned. To the constant oalumny of jealous rivalry, and the daily lie of envy and enmity, he was utterly indifferent. When asked why he did not resent the aspersions incessantly poured upon him by one of his assailants, he an- swered — " He who contends with the worthless cati gain nothing worth possess- ing." Michael Angelo's temper was "sudden and quick ;" but his nature was kind and benevolent. Inferior artists frequently ex- perienced his friendly disposition. He sometimes made drawings and modelled for them. To Minigella, a very indiffer- ent hand, he gave the model of a crucifix beautifully executed, from which the poor fellow formed a mould and made casts of papier mache to sell to the country people. Friendship and esteem for par- ticular individuals oftener induced him to undertake works than proffers of large sums. Yet he was not indifferent or in- sensible to a just estimation of his talents when they were undervalued. For Angelo Doni, a Florentine of taste, he painted a holy family, and sent it home with a note requiring seventy ducats for it. Doni told the messenger he thought forty were enough ; Michael replied by demanding the picture or a hundred ; Doni said he was willing to pay the seventy ; Michael demanded a hundred and forty, and Doni paid the sum. He honoured worthy men in every sta- tion. His purse was open to their neces- sities ; he condoled with them in their atflictions, and lightened their oppressions by his sympathies and influence. To artists and men of talent his liberality was munificent. He neither loved money nor accumulated it. His gifts were the free-will offerings of his heart, and hence its dispensations were unaccompanied by a notoriety which sullies the purity of pri- mary obligation, by exposing the naked- ness of its object. Conver<5ing one day with his old and faithful servant, he said, " What will be- come of you, Urbine, if I should die?" " I must then seen, another master" was the reply. "Poor fellow," said Midiael, " tliou shalt not need another master," and he gave him two thousand crowns. This vk'as a large sum in those days : Vasari says such a donation would only have been expected from popes and great em- perors. Michael afterwaids jjrocuredhim an appointment in the Vatican to take care of the pictures, with a monthly salary of six ducats; and preserving his regard for the old man, Michael, though at that time eighty-two years of age, sat up with him by night in his last illness. "His death has been a heavy loss to me," he wrote to Vasari, " and the cause of exces- sive grief, but it has also been a most im- pressive lesson of the grace of God : fot it has shown me, that he, who in his life- time comforted me in the enjoyment of life, dying has taught me how to die ; not with reluctance, but even with a desire of death. He lived with me twenty-six years, grew rich in my service, and I found hint a most rare and faithful servant ; and now that I calculated upon his being the staff and repose of my old age he is taken away, and has left me only the hope of seeing him again in paradise." Michael Angelo was never married. To one who lamented that he had no chil- dren to inherit his property, Michael an- swered, " My works must supply their place; and if they are good for anything they will live hereafter. It would have been unfortunate for Lorenzo Ghiberti, had he not left the doors of S. Giovanni, for his sons and his nephews have long since sold and dissipated his accumulated wealth ; but his sculpture remains, and will continue to record his name to future ages." These "doors" were of bronze. When Michael was asked his opinion of them, he said they were fit to be the doors of paradise. Throughout the poetry of Michael An- gelo, of which there is much in existence, love is a pervading sentiment, though, without reference to any particular ob- ject. Condivi had often heard him dis- course upon it as a passion platonically ; and Mr. Duppa gives the following son- net, translated from the Italian of Michael Angelo by Mr. Wordsworth, as exempli- fying Michael's turn of thought : 139 TIIE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— rEBRUARY 17. SONNET, By Michael Angelo. Yett ! hope may with my strong- desire keep pace. And I ht undeluded, unbetray'd ; For, if of our affections none find grace In sight of Heaven, then wherefore hath God made The world which we inhabit 1 Better plea Love cannot have, than that in loving thee. Glory to that eternal Peace is paid, Who such divinity to thee imparts As hallows and makes pure all gentle hearts. His hope is treacherous only, whose love dies With beauty, which is varying every hour.- But in chaste hearts, uninfluenced by the power Of outward change, there blooms a deathless flower That breathes on earth the air of Paradise. The peisonal beauty and intellectual As an instance, a short poetica' suppli- endowments of Vittoria Colonna, marchi- cation, translated by Mr. Du] pa into ontss of Pescara, impressed Michael An- prose, is remarkable for its self-know- gelo with sentiments of affectionate esteem, ledge and simplicity; it is hijre sub- She admired his genius, and frequently jomed :— left her residence at Viterbo for the sole purpose of enjoying his society at Rome. " To the Supreme Being. He addressed three sonnets and a ma- «]viy prayers will be sweet if thon drigal to her. In her last moments he lendest me virtue to make them worthy paid her a visit, and told Condivi he to be heard; my unfruitful soil cannot grieved he had not kissed her cheek, as produce virtue of itself. Thou knowest he had her hand, for there was little hope the seed, and how to sow it, that it may of his ever seeing her again. He penned spring up in the mind to produce just and an epitaph on her decease : the recoUec- pjous works : if thou showest not the tion of her death constantly dejected him. hallowed path, no one by his own know- To the purity of his thoughts, there is jedge can follow thee. Pour thou into my a high testimony by Condivi. " In a long mj^j the thoughts that may conduct me intimacy, I have never heard from his {„ thy holy steps; and endue me with a mouth a single word that was not perfectly f^j^^^^ tongue, that £ may alway praise, decorous, and had not for its object to gxalt, and sing thy glory." extinguish in youth every improper and lawless desire : his nature is a stranger Finally, it may be added, that 'n an to depravity." He was religious, not by age of splendid vice, Michael Angcio waa the show, but from feeling and conviction an illustrious example of virtue. To Michael Angelo — Immortal Michael ! to what thou wert, if I could raise An aspiration, or a holy light, V/ithin one reader, I'd essay to praise Thy virtue ; and would supplicate the muse For flowers to deck thy greatness : so I might But urge one youthful artist on to choose A. life like thine, I would attempt the hill Where well inspiring floods, and thence would drink Till — as the Pythoness of old, the will No longer then controU'd by sease — I'd think Alone of good and thee, and with loud cries, Break the dead slumber of undeeming man, Refresh him with a gush of truth, surprise Him with thy deeds, and show him thine was Wisdom's plan. 140 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 18. PISCES. Tliis zodiacal sign is said to symbolize the fishery of the Nile, which usually commenced at this season of the year. According to an ancient fable, it repre- sents Venus and Cupid, who, to avoid Typhon, a dreadful giant with a hundred heads, transformed themselves into fish rhis fabulous monster, it seems, threw tlie whole host of heathen deities into confu- sion. His story shortly is, that as soon as he was born, he began to avenge the death of liis brethren, the giants who had warred against Olympus, by resuming the conflict alone. Flames of fire darted from his eyes and mouths ; he uttered horrid yells, and so frightened the pagan celestials, that Jupiter himself became a ram, Juno a cow, Mercury an Tois, A polio a crow, Bacchus a goat, Diana a cat, N'enus a fish, &c. till Jupiter hurled a rock and buried liim under TEtna. The idol Da- gon, with a human head and arms, and a fisii's tail, is affirmed to be the symbol of the sun in Pisces, and to allegorize tliat tlie earth teems witli corn and fruits. The sun generally enters Pisces about tlie period of February ; for instance, in 1824 on the 16lh, in 1825 on the 18th of the month. The Romans imagined that the entrance of the sun into Pisces was attended by bad weather, and gales of uncertainty to the mariner.* Thomson sings, that in this month — Muttering, the winds at eve, with blunted point, Blow hollow-blustering from the south. Subdued, The frost resolves into a trickling thaw. Spotted, the mountains shine ; loose sleet descends, And floods the country round. The rivers swell. Of bonds impatient. Sudden from the hills, O'er rocks and woods, iu broad, brown cataracts, A thousand snow-fed torrents shoot at once ; And where they rush, the wide resouuding plain In left one slimv waste. Thomson. fthnmx^ 18. fit. Simeon, Bp. of Jerusalem, a.d.116. Sts. Leo and Paregorius, 3d Cent Chronology. On the 18th of February 1734, the house of commons received a petition from Mr. Samuel Buckley, a learned printer ; setting forth that he had, at his sole expense, by several years' labour, and with the assistance of some learned per- sons abroad and at home, made colieo tions of original papers and letters re lating to •* Thuanus's History," written m Latin, in order to a new and accurate edition, in 7 vols, folio, which was finish- ed ; that the act of the 8th of Q. Anne, • Dr. Fovster's Perenn. Cal. 141 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 19. for the encouragement of learning, ex- tended only to the authors, purchasers, or proprietors of the copy-right of any book in English, published after the 10th of April,1710, and allowed the importation or vending of any books in foreign language printed beyond the seas ; so that any books, first compiled and piinted in this kingdom in any of those languages, might be re- printed abroad and sold in this kingdom, to the great damage of the fiist printer or proprietor : he therefore prayed, that he might be alloved the same benefit in his copy of the " History of Thuanus," in Latm, for fourteen years. Leave was given to bring in the bill, and it after- wards passed into an act. The protection of this excellent work was a justice due to the spirit and liber- ality of Mr. Buckley. He had been originally a bookseller. John Dunton says of him, " He is an excellent linguist, understands the Latin, French, Dutch, and Italian languages, and is master of a great deal of wit : he prints the ' Daily Courant,' and ' Monthly Register,' which, I hear, he translates out of the foreign pa- pers himself:" — a great merit, it should seem, in the eyes of old Dunton. Mr. Buckley was a really learned printer. Tlie collections for his edition of Thuanus were made by Carte, who had fled to France from an accusation of high treason, during the rebellion of 1715 and while in that country possessed him- self of so many materials for the purpose, that he consulted Dr. Mead, the cele- brated physician, and patron of literary men, concerning the undertaking. By the doctor's recommendation, it was in- trusted to Mr. Buckley, who imported the paper for it, which, with the mate- rials, cost him 2,350/. He edited the work with fidelity, and executed it with elegance. Mr. Buckley was the publisher of the " Spectator," which appeared in folio from his shop at the Dolphin in Little Britain, a place then filled with book- sellers. At the close of the seventh vo- lume this popular work was suspended^ but resumed by Buckley in Amen-corner. He attained to opulence and respect- ability, was in the commission of the peace for Middlesex, and died, greatly esteemed, on the 8th of September, 1741, in the sixty-eighth year of his age .* It is related of the great lord chancellor * Mr. N'icho1>'( Lit. Anecdote*. Hardvvicke, that he so highly regarded " Thuanus's History," as to have resigned the seals for the express purpose of bemg enabled to read it in the original lan- guage.* It has been computed that a person who gave his attention to this work for four hours every day, would not finish the perusal in twelve months. It comprehends the events of sixty-four years, durnig the times wherein Thuanus lived and flourished as an eminent French author and statesman. His English biographer quotes, as a character of his writings, that, " in a word, they are cal- culated to render those who attend to them better and wiser men ."t FLORAL DIRECTORY. Wall Speedwell. Veronica vivensh. Dedicated to St. Simeon of Jerusalem.. February 19. St. Barbatus, or Barbas, Bp. a. d. 682. This saint is patron of Benevento, of which city he was bishop. Butler relates no miracle of him, nor does it appear from liim that any other name in the calendar of the Romish church is affixed to this day. THE SEASON. A pretty trifle from the Greek is de- scriptive of appearances about this pe- riod :— To a Lady on her Birthday See amidst the winter's cold, Tender infant of the spring ; See tiie rose her bud unfold, Every sweet is on the wnig. Hark ! the purple flow'ret cries, 'Tis for thee we haste away, *Tis for thee we brave the skies, Smiling on thy natal day. Soon shalt thou the pleasure prove. Which awaits on virtuous love Place us 'midst thy flowing hair. Where each lovely grace prevails^ Happier we to deck the fair, Than to wait the vernal gales. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Field Speedwell. Veronica agrestis. Dedicated to St. Barbatus. * Biblint;. Diet. t Mr. CoUiuson'j life of I'liuanug. 142 THE EVEKY-DAY BOOK.— FEBKUARl' 20. jfttruarp 20. St. Tifrannio, Bp. &c. a. d. 310. Sts. Sadoth,' Bp. &c. A. D. 342. St. Eleii- therius, Bp. a. d. 532. St. Mildred, Ab- bess. St. Eacherins, Bp. a. d. 743. S^ Ulrick. St. Mildred. This saint was the first abbess of Min- ster, in the isle of Thanet, founded by Icing Egbert about 670, in satisfaction for having murdered his two nephews, Ethel- dred and Ethelbright; to which satisfac- tion he was " miraculously terrified, by seeing a ray of bright light dart from the heavens upon their grave." In 1033, her remains were removed to St. Augustine's monastery at Canterbury, and venerated above all the relics there, and worked miracles, as all saints' relics did in those favoured times. The churches of St. Mil- dred, Bread-street, and St. Mildred in the Poultry, London, are dedicated to her.* In St. Mildred's church in the Poultry, Thomas Tusser, whose " Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandrie" have been cited in former pages of this woik, was buried, and on his tomb this Here Thomas Tusseh, clad in earth, doth lie, That sometime made The pointes of Husbandrie : By him then learne thou maist ; here learne we must, When all is done, we sleepe, and turne to dust : And yet, through Christ, to Heaven we hope to goe ; Who reades his bookes, shall find his faith was so.f St. Ulrick. Of this saint, who died the 28th of February, 1154, Butler says little, " The Flowers of the Lives of the most renowned Saincts of the three kingdoms, England, Scotland, and Ire- land, written and collected out of the best authours and manuscripts of our nation, and distributed according to their feasts in the calendar, By the R. Father, riiEROME Porter, Priest and Monke oj the holy order of Sainct Benedict, of the Congregation of England, Prmted at * Butlur's Lives of the Saints. H Stow. DowAY with licence, and approbation o the (Jrdinary, M.dc.xxxii," relates of- this saint, that he v/as born in a village called Lenton, or Litton, near Bristol, with many marvels concerning him, and among them this : — He became a priest, but ke[il hawks and dogs for sport, till he met a beggar who asked alms. Ulrick said, he did not know whether he had aught to bestow : " Look in thy purse," quoth the beggar, " and there thou shalt find twopence halfpenny." Ulrick finding as he was told, received thanks, and a prophecy that he should become a saint, whereupon he starved and hermitized at Hessleborough, in Dorsetshire, about thirty miles from Exeter. " The skin only sticking to his bones," his daintiest food was oaten-bread and water-gruel. He passed many nights without sleep, never slept but when he could not keep awake, and never went to bed, "but, leaning his head to a wall, he tooke a short allowance ;" and when he awoke, " he would much blame and chas- tise his body, as yielding vnto ouermuch nicenesse." His pillow was ropes of hay, his clothing poor, and lined next the skin with a rough shirt of hair-cloth, til! his flesh having overcome its uneasiness, he wore next his skin an iron coat of mail. In the sharpest cold of winter, having first put ofi' his iron shirt, he was wont to get into a vessel of cold water and recite psalms. His coat of mail hanging below his knees, he went to the knight who gave it to him, to take counsel therein. His military adviser persuaded him to send it to London to be cut ; but he gave the knight "a payre of sheares.'' The knight hesitated, the other entreated. " The one falls to his prayers, the other endeavours with iron and steale to cut iron and steale, ■when both their labours tooke prosperous effect ; for the knight, in his cutting worke, seemed rather to divide a piece of cloath than a peece of iron." Then the saint, " without any sheeres, pulled asunder the little rings of that part of his coate cutt off, and distributed them charitably to all that desired, by virtue whereof manie diseases were cured." Envying such rare goodness, an infernal spirit, in most horrible shape, dragged him into the church, and ran him round the pave- ment, till the apparition of a virgin stoppe'!^ this rude behaviour ; however, the infernal took advantage of the saint when he was sick, and with a staflf he had in his hand gave him three knocks on the head, and departed. The devil tormented him other 143 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 21. ways; he cast him into an intolerable heat, then he gave him an intolerable cold, and then he made him dream a dream, vhereby the saint shamed the devil by openly confessing it at church on Easter- day before all the people. At length, after other wonders, " the joints of his "iron coate miraculously dissolved, and it fell down to his knees." Upon this, he foretold his death on the next Saturday, and thereon he died. Such, and much more is put forth concerning St. Ulrick, by the aforesaid " Flowers of the Saincts," which contains a prayer to be used pre- paratory to the perusal, with these words, " that this holy reading of their lives may soe inflame our hearts, that we may follow and imitate the traces of their glorious example, that, after this mortall life, we may be made worthie to enjoy their most desired companie." FLORAL DIRECTORY. Navelwort. Cynoglossum ompkalodes Dedicated to St. Mildred. nes«, or the fear of evil. Children have fallen from careless parents into the hand* of the executioner, in whom the means of distinguishing between right and wrong might have become a stock for knowledge to ripen on, and learning have preserved the fruits to posterity. Let not him de- spair who desires to know, or has powtr to teach — There is m every human heart. Some not completely barren part. Where seeds of truth and love might giow And flowers of generous virtue blow ; To plant, to watch, to water there, This be our duty, be our care. Bowring', Chronology. On the 20th of February 1 749, Usher Gahagan, by birth a gentleman, and by education a scholar, perished at Tyburn. His attainments were elegant and supe- rior; he was the editor of Brindley's beautiful edition of the classics, and translated Pope's " Essay on Criticism " into Latin verse. Better grounded in learning than in principle, he concen- trated liberal talents to the degrading selfishness of robbing the community of its coin by clipping. During his confine- ment, and hoping for pardon, he translated Pope's "Temple of Fame," and his " Mes- siah," into the same language, with a de- dication to the duke of Newcastle. To the same end, he addressed prince George and the recorder in poetic numbers. These efforts were of no avail. Two of nis miserable confederates in crime were nis companions in death. He suffered with a deeper guilt, because he had a higher knowledge than ignorant and un- thinking criminals, to whom the polity of society, in its grounds and reasons, is un- known. Accomplishments upon vice are as beautiful colours on a venomous reptile. Learning is a vain show, and knowledge mischievous, without the love of good- /i^ljruarp 21. St. Severianus, Bp. a. d. 452. Sta German. Abbot, and Randaut, or 7?a»»- doald, A. D. 666. Sts. Daniel and Ferda, A. D. 344. B. Pepin, of Landen, a. d. 640. BREAKFAST IN COLD WEATHER. " Here it is," says the " Indicator," " ready laid. Imprimis, tea and coffee ; secondly, dry toast ; thirdly, butter ; fourthly, eggs ; fifthly, ham ; sixthly, something potted ; seventhly, bread, salt, mustard, knives and forks, &c. One of the first things that belong to a breakfast is a good fire. There is a delightful mix- ture of the lively and the snug in coming down into one's breakfast-room of a cold morning, and seeing every thing prepared for us ; a blazing grate, a clean table-cloth and tea-things, the newly-washed faces and combed heads of a set of good-hu- moured urchins, and the sole empty chair at its accustomed corner, ready for occu- pation. When we lived alone, we could not help reading at meals : and it is cer- tainly a delicious thing to resume an en- tertaining book at a particularly interest- ing passage, with a hot cup of tea at one's elbow, and a piece of buttered toast in one's hand. The first look at the page, accompanied by a coexistent bite of the toast, comes under the head of intensities." THE SEASON. The weather is now coid and mild alternately. In our variable climate we one day experience the severity of winter and a genial warmth prevails the next and, indeed, such changes are not unfre- quently felt in the same day. Winter however, at this time breaks apace, and we have presages of the genial season. Ui TIIE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— EEERUAIIY 22. Oxer;, o'er tlie furrow'd soil, Urging firm their annual toil ; Trim cottages that here and there, Speckling the social tilth, appear: And spires, that as from groves they rise, Tell where the lurking hamlet licj : Hills white with many a bleating throng, And lakes, whose willowy banks along Herds or ruminate, or lave, Immersing in the silent wave. The sombre wood — the cheerful plain, Green with the hope of future grain : A tender blade, ere Autumn smile Benignant on the farmer's toil, Gild the ripe fields with mellowing band, And scatter plenty through the land. liaron Smith. FLORAI. DIRECTORY. White crocus. Crocus versicolor. Dedicated to St. Servianus. fthvmv^ 22. The Chair of St. Peter at Antioch. St. Mars;aret, of Cortona, a. d. 1 297. Sts, Thalasius and Limneus. St. Baradat. St. Margaret. She was a penitent, asked public pardon for her sins with a rope about her neck, punished her flesh, and worked miracles accordingly.* Sts. Thalasius and Limneus. St. Thalasius dwelt in a cavern, " and was endowed with extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost ; but was a treasure un- known to the woild." St. lamneus was his disciple, and " famous for miraculous cures of the sick," while his master " bore patiently the sharpest cholics, and other distempers, without any human succour"* St. Baradat. This saint lived in a trellis-hut, exposed to the severities of the weather, and clothed in the skins of beasts.* FLORAL DIRECTORY. Herb Margaret. Bellis perennis. Dedicated to ist. Margaret, of Cortona. SPORTING CALENDAR. A valued correspondent obliges the Every-Day Book with an original sketch, hasty and spirited as its hero, when the ButlerV SainU. sports of tiie field allured him from the pursuits of literature at college, and the domestic comforts of wife and home. To the Editor. To disemburthen oneself of ennui, and to find rational amusement for every sea- son of the year, is a jjrand desideratum in life. Luckily I have hit on't, and beg leave, as being the properest place, to give my recipe in the Everlasting Calen- dar you are compiling. I contrive then to give myself employment for every time of year. Neither lively Spring, glowing Summer, sober Autumn, nor dreary Win- ter, come amiss to me ; for 1 have con- trived to make myself an Universal Sportsman, and am become so devoted a fage of Diana, that I am dangling at her eels all the year round without being tired of it. In bleak and frozen January, besides sliding, skating in figures, aiid making men of snow to frighten children with, by means of a lantern placed in a skull at the top of them, I now and then get a day's cock shooting when the frost breaks, or kill a few small birds in the snow. In lack of other game, a neigh- bour's duck, or goose, or a chicken, shot and pocketed as I sally out to the club dinner, are killed more easily than my dairymaid does it, poor things ! In February, the weather being rainy or mild, renders it worth my while to send my stud into Leicestershire for hunting again; and so my white horse Skyscra- per, my old everlasting chestnut Silver- tail, the only good black in the hunt Sul- tan, and the brown mare Rosinante, to- gether with Alfana the king of the Cock- tails, a hack or two, and a poney for er- rands, are "pykedofF" pack and bag- gage for Melton; and then from the first purple dawn of daylight, when I set off to cover, to the termination of the day with cards, I have plenty of rational amuse- ment. Next month, forbearing March hares, I shoot a few snipes before they are all gone, and at night prepare my fishing tackle for April, when the verdant meadows again draw me to the riverside to angle. My wife has now rational employment for the rest of the Srmimer in catching and impaling the various flies of the sea- son against my trout mania comes, which is usual early in May, when all her maids assist in this flyfowling sport. I have generally been successful in sport, but I shall never forget my disappointment Vol. I. 14^ THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 22. wnen on throwing in a flyline which was not baited by myself, I found that Sally, mistaking her new employment, had bait- ed my hook with an earwig. In June I neglected my Grass for the same sport, and often let it stand till the Hay is spoiled by Swithin, who wipes his wa- tery eyes with what ought to be my Win- ter's fodder. This gives me rational, though troublesome, employment in buy- ing Hay or passing off' the old at market. July, however, affords plenty of bobfish- ing, as 1 call it, for roach, dace, perch, and bleak. I also gudgeon some of my neighbours, and cast a line of an evening into their carp and tench ponds. I have not, thank my stars, either stupidity or patience enough for barbel. But in Augtist, that is before the 12th, I get my trolling tackle in order, and am reminded of my old vermin college days, when shutting my room door, as if I was " sported in" and cramming Euclid, I used to creep down to the banks of the Cam, and clapping my hands on my old rod, with his long line to him, exclaimed, in true Horatian measure, the only Latin line I ever cited in my life, Progenie loiiga £iiutles capiat e Johannes, But, oh! the 12th day o{ August, that mountain holiday, ushered in by the ring- ing of the sheep bell — 'tis then that, iacketed in fustian, with a gun on my shoulder, and a powder horn belted to my side, I ramble the rough highland hilts in quest of blackcocks and red game, get now and then a chance shot at a ptarma- gan, and once winged a Capercaille on a pine tree at Invercauld. In hurrying home for the First of September, I usually pass through the fens of Lincolnshire, and there generally kill a wild duck or two. You must know I have, besides my point- ers, setters, and spaniels, water dogs of every sort. Indeed my dog establish ment would astonish Acteon. There are my harriers, Rockwood, Ringwood, Lasher, Jewler, Rallywood, and twenty more; my pointers, Ponto and Carlo; my spaniek. Dash and Old Grizzle ; Hedgehog and Pompey, my water dogs. No one, I bet a crown, has better grey- hounds than Fly and Dart are, nor a surer lurcher than Groveller. I say no- thing of those inferior " Lares," my ter- riers — ratcatching Busy, Snap, and Nim- bletoes, with whom, in the absense of other game, I go sometimes for a frolic to a farmhouse, disguised as a ratcatc^.cr, and take a shilling for ferret work. But now I come to thy shrine, O lovely Saptembria, thou fairest nymyh in Di- ana's train, with ••oiling blue eyes as sharp and as true as those of a signal lieute- nant ; I come to court thee again, and may thy path be even paved with the skulls of partridges. Again I come to dine with thee on the leveret's back or pheasant's wings. We've wildboars' bladders foi wine bottles, ramshorns for corkscrews, bugles for funnels, gunpowder for snufl, smoke for tobacco, woodcock's bills for toothpicks, and shot for sugar piuins ! I dare not proceed to tell you how many brace of birds Ponto and I bag the first day of shooting, as the long bow, instead of the fowling piece, might be called my weapon. But enough rodomontading. I now come to October. Pheasants by all that's volatile ! And then, after them, I go to my tailor and order two suits — scarlet for master Reynard, and a bottlegreen jacket for the harriers, top- boots, white corderoy inexpressibles, and a velvet cap. Then when the covers ring attain with the hallowed music of harriers, I begin skylarking the gates and setting into wind to follow the foxhounds in November. When The dusky nighl ri:Ies dmon the sky, And ushers in the morn. The Hounds all make a jovial cry, And the Huntsman winds his horn. With three days in the week chace, and pretty little interludes of hunting with beagles, or of snipe shooting, I manage to get thiough December to the year's end. My snug Winter evenings are spent in getting ready my guns, smacking new hunting whips, or trying on new boots, while my old hall furnishes ample store of trophies, stags' horns hunted by my great grandfather, cross bows, guns, brushes won on rivals of Pegasus, and all sorts of odd oldfashioned whips, horns, and accoutrements, hanging up all round, which remind me of those days of yore when I remember the old squire and his sporting chaplain casting home on spent horses all bespattered from the chase, be- fore I had ridden any thing but my rock- ing horse. There then have I rational amusement all the year round. And much and sincerely do I praise thee, Diana ! greatest Diana of the Ephesians at thy feet will I repose my old and wea- therbeaten carcass at last and invoke thy 146 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 23. tutelary protection for my old age, thou who art Hunting, Skootiyig, and Fishing personified, the true Diva Triformis of Antiquity. Imminens Villse tua Pinus esto, Quam per exactos ego Isetus aiinos, Veriis obliquum meditantis ictum, Sanguine donem. I have the honour to remain, Yours ever, Jack LARKiyc. A.N ADDRESS TO THE MOON, To a '• proper new" tune. ORIGINAL, No !— I have nothing new to say, Why must ye wait to hear my story 1 Go, get thee on thy tracliless way, There's many a weary mile before ye — Get thee to bed, lest some poor poet, Enraptur'd v.iih thy phiz should dip A pen in ink to let thee know it. And (mindful not to let thee slip His fingers) bid thy moonship sta^ And list, what he might have lo say Yet I do love thee ! — and if aught The muse can serve thee, will petition Her grace t' attend thine airy court, And play the part of first musician — But *' ode," and *' lines," " address," and " sonnet," " To Luna dedicate," are now So plentiful, that (fie upon it !) She'll add no glory to thy brow, But tell thee, in such strains as follow, That thy mild sheen beats Phosphor hollow ! That thou art " fairest of the fair," Tho' Phoebus more that's grand possesses. That tree and tower reflect thy glare, And the glad stream thy ray confesses, That, when thy silvery beams illumine The landscape, nature seems bedight With loveliness so rare, that few men Have e'er been blessed with such a sight ! And all such nioonshiiie : — but enough Of this tame " milk and water" stuff. A Jfeljniarp 23. St. Milburge, 7th Cent. She was sister to St. Mildred, wore a hair cloth, and built the monastery of Wenlock, in Shropshire. One day being at Stokes, a neighbouring village, brother Hierome Porter says, that " a young gallant, sonne to a prince of that coun- trey, was soe taken with her beautie, that he had a vehement desire to carrie her away by force tind marrie her." St. Mil- burge fled from him and his companions till she had passed a little brook, called Corfe, which then suddenly swelled up and threatened her pursuers with de- struction, wherefore they desisted. She ordered the wild geese who ate the corn of her monastic fields to be gone else- where, and they obeyed her as the waters did. After her death, her remains were discovered, in 1100, by two children sinking up to their knees in her grave, the dust whereof cured leprosies, restored the sight, and spoiled medical practice A diseased woman at Patton, drinking of the water wherein St. Milburge's bones were washed, there came from her sto- mach " a filthie worme, ugly and horrible to behold, having six feete, two homes on his head, and two on his tayle." Brother Porter tells this, and that the " worme was shutt up in a hollow piece of wood, and reserved afterwards in tiie monasterie, as a trophie, and monument of S. Milburg, untill by the lascivious furie of him that destroyed all goodnes in England, that, with other religious houses, and monasteries, went to ruine."* Hence the " filthie worme'' was lost, and we have nothing instead but the Reform- ation. FLORAL DIRECTOR y Apricot. Prunus Armentaca. Dedicated to St. Milburge. St. Sercims, a.d. 307. St. Milburge. B. Dositheiis. St. Peter Damian, Card. Bp. a.d. 1072. St Boisil, Prior of Mclross. THE SEASON. If ice still remain let those who ttmpt it beware ; — The frost-bound rivers bear the weight Of many a vent'rous elf; Let each who crowds to see them skate Be careful for himself: For, like the world, deceitful ice Who trusts it makes them rue : 'Tis slippery as the paths of vice. And quite as faithless too. • Porter's Flowers of t)ie Saiute li7 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBEUARY 23. STONING JEWS IN LENT.— A CUSTOM. From the sabbath before Palm-Sunday, to the last hour of the Tuesday after Easter, " the Christians were accustomed to stone and beat the Jews,"* and all Jews who desired to exempt themselves from the infliction of this cruelty, com- muted for a payment in money. It was likewise ordained in one of the Catholic services, during Lent, that all orders of men should be prayed for except the Jews.f These usages were instituted and justified by a dreadful perversion of scripture, when rite and ceremony tri- umphed over truth and mercy. Huma- nity was dead, for superstition Molochized the heart. From the dispersion of the Jews they have lived peaceably in all nations to- wards all, and in all nations been perse- cuted, imprisoned, tortured, and put to death, or massacred by mobs. In Eng- land, kings conspired with their subjects to oppress them. To say nothing of the well-known persecutions they endured under king John, the walls of London *Mr. Foebroke'n Brit Mon. tIbi(L were tepa red with the stones of tlieir dwellings, which his barons had pillaged and de^jtroyed. Until the reign of Henry II., a spot of ground near Red-cross- street, in London,was the only place in all England wherein they were allowed to bury their dead. In 1262, after the citizens of I,ondon broke into their houses, plundered their property, and murdered seven hundred of them in cold blood, King Henry III. gave their ruined synagogue in Lothbury to the friars called the fathers of the sackcloth. The church of St. Olave in the Old Jewry was another of their syna- gogues till they were dispossessed of it r were the sufferings they endured to be recounted we should shudder. Our old English ancestors would have laughed any one to derision who urged in a Jew' behalf, that he had *' eyes," or " hands, ** organs, dimensions, senses, affections passions ;" or that he was " fed with thf same food, hurt with the same weapons subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christ 148 THE EVERY DAY BOOK,— FEBRUAllY 23. ian i?." Tliey would liLive deemed a man inud had one been found with a desire lo prove that the poor Jrtf', In corporal surttrance feels a pang as great As when a Chrisliaii dies. To say nothing of their more obvious suf- ferings for many centuries, the tide of public opinion raged against the Jews vehemently and incessantly. They were addressed with sneers and contumely ; the finger of vulgar scorn was pointed at them ; they were hunted through the streets in open day, and when protected from the extremity of violence, it was with tones and looks denoting that only a little lower hate sanctuaried their per- sons. In conversation and in books they were a by-word, and a jest. A work printed in 1628, for popular entertainment, entitled " A Miscellany of Seriousness with Merriment, consisting of Witty Questions, Riddles, Jests," he. tells this story as a good joke. A sea captain on a voyage, with thirty passengers, being overtaken by a violent tempest, found it necessary to tin'ow half of them overboard, in order to lighten the vessel. Fifteen of the passengers were Christians, and the other fifteen were Jevss, but in this exigency they unanimously agreed in the captain's opinion, and that he should place the whole thirty in a circle, and throw every ninth man over till only fifteen were left. To save the Christians, the captain placed his thirty passengers in this order, viz. : four Christians, five Jews ; two Christians, one Jew ; three Christians, one Jew ; one Christian, two Jews; two Christians, three Jews; one Christian, two Jews; two Christians, one Jew. He began to number from the first of the four Christians thus : CCCC. JJJJJ. CC. J. CCC. J. C. JJ. CC. JJJ. C. JJ. CC. J. By this device, the captain preserved all the Christians, and deeped all the Jews. Selden says, " Talk what you will of the Jews, that they are cursed, they thrive wherever they come: they are able to oblige the prince of their country by lending him money ; none of them beg ; they keep together ; and for their being hated, my life fjr yours, Christians hate one another as much." This was true, but it is also true that three quarters of a century have not elasped since liatred to the Jews was a national feeling. In 1753, a bill was brought into the House of Lords for naturalizing the Jews, and relieving them from persecuting dis- abilities. It passed there on the ground that it would operate to the public advantage, by encouraging wealthy per- sons professing the Jewish religion to re- move hither from foreign parts to the increase of the capital, commerce, and credit of the kingdom. The corporation of London in common council assembled, petitioned against it on the ground that it would dishonour the christian religion, endanger the constitution, and prejudice the interest and trade of the kingdom in general, and London in particular. A body of London merchants an.d traders also petitioned against it. Certain popu- lar orators predicted that if the bill pass- ed, the Jews would multiply so fast, be- come so rich, and get so much power, that their persons would be revered, their customs be imitated, and Judaism be- come the fashionable religion ; they fur- ther alleged that the bill flew in the face of prophecy, which declared that the Jews should be scattered without a country or fixed habitation till their conversion, and that in short it was the duty of Christians to be unchristian. But the bill passed the commons after violent debates, and received the royal sanction. The nation was instantly in a ferment of horror and execration ; and on the first day of the next session of parliament, ministers were constrained to bring in a bill to repeal the act of naturalization, and to the foul dishonour of the people of England at that period, the bill was repealed. From that hour to the present, the Jews have been subjected to their old pains, penal- ties, disqualifications, and privations. The enlightenment of this age has dispelled much of the darkness of the last. Yet the errors of public opinion then respect- ing the Jews, remain to be rectified now by the solemn expression of a better^ public opinion. Formerly, if one of the " ancient people" had said in the implor- ing language of the slave, "Am I not a man, and a brother ?" he might have been answered, "■ No, you are not a man, but a Jew." It is not the business of the Jews to petition for justice, but it is the duty of Christians to be just. In the " General Evening Post" of June 21, 1777, a paragraph states, that U'J THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 23. " the following circumstance is not more ridiculous tlian true ;" and it proceeds to relate, that some years before, at Stam- ford, in the province of Connecticut, America, it was determined to build a church ; but " though the church was much wanted, as many people in that neighbourhood were at a loss for a place of public worship, yet the work stood still a considerable time for want of nails (for it was a wooden building ;) at last, a Jew merchant made them a present of a cask, amoimting to four hundred weight, and thus enabled the church to proceed." Such an act might make some Christians exclaim, " Almost thou persuades! me to be a Jew rather than remain a Jew-op- pressor under the name of a Christian." It is not, however, on private, but on open grounds and high principle, that justice should spontaneously be rendered to the Jews. The Jew and the Christian, the Catholic and the Protestant, the Episco- palian and the Dissenter, the Calvinist and the Arminian, the Baptist and the Unitarian, all persons, of all denomma- tions, are willed and empowered by their common document to acts of justice and mercy, and they now meet as brethren in social life to perform them ; but the un- sued claim of their elder brother, the Jew, is acknowledged no where, save in the conscience of every " just man made per- fect." To extend the benefits of Education to the children of the humbler classes of Jews, is one of the first objects with their opulent and enlightened brethren. The " Examiner" Sunday newspaper of the 4th of February, 18"25, cooperates in their benevolent views by an article of inform- ation particularly interesting : — " On Friday last, the Jews held their anniversary, at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate-street, to celebrate their plan for the education of 600 boys and 300 girls, instituted April 20, 1818, in Bell- lane, Spitalfields. It was gratifying to contrast the consideration in which the lews are now held in this country with their illiberal and cruel treatment in former times ; and it was no less gratify- ing to observe, that the Jews themselves are becoming partakers of the spirit oi the present times, by providing for the education of the poor, which, till within a very few years past, had been too much neglected ; another pleasing feature in the meeting was, that it was not an assem- blage of Jews only, but attended by people of other denominations, both as visitors and subscribers. Samuel Joseph, Esq. the president, was in the chair. Some loyal and patriotic toasts were given, ap- propriate addresses were delivered by different gentlemen, and the more serious business, of receiving and announcing new subscriptions, was much enlivened by a good band of vocal and instrumental music. Among the subscriptions referred to, one was of a peculiarly generous na- ture. An unknown hand had forwarded to the treasurer o.j the two last meetings a sum of 200/. This year he received in- structions to clothe all the children at the expense of the same generous donor. The procession of the children round the hall, was an agreeable scene at tin's important meeting. A poetical address in the He- brew language was delivered by one of the boys, and an English translation of i, by one of the girls, each with propriety of accent, and much feeling." A record testifying the liberal disposi- tion and humane attention of the Jews to the welfare of their offspring, is not out of place in a work which notices the pro- gress of manners ; and it is especially grateful to him who places it on this page, that he has an opportunity of evincing his respect for generous and noble virtues, in a people whose residence in all parts of the world has advantaged every state, and to whose enterprise and wealth, as mer- chants and bankers, every government in Europe has been indebted. Their sacred writings and their literature have been adopted by all civilized communities, while they themselves have been fugitives every where, without security any where. They are -a people scatter'd wide indeed. Yet from the mingling world distinctly kept ; Ages ago, the Roman standard stood Upon their ruins, yet have ages swept O'er Rome herself, like an o'erwhelming flood, Since down Jerus'lem's streets she pour'd her children's blood. And still the nation hves ! Mr. Bull's Museum. 150 niE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— FEBRUARY 24, 25. jfebniarp 24. St. Matthias, \Ue Ap-ule. Sts. Monta- niis, Lnc'ni.f, F/avii'i, Julian, Victori- cus, Prinwlus, Rhcnu.s, and Donutian, A. D.259. St. Lelhiird, ox Luidhard, Bp. A. D. 566. B. Uobert of Arbrissel, A. D. 1116. St. Pretestatus, or Prix, Abp. A. I). 549. St. Ethelbert, King. St. Etheltiirt. He was king of Konl, and, according to Butler, the first cliiistian iving. It was under him that St. Augustine found favour when he landed in England with his monks, and is said to have introduced Christianity to the English people ; an assertion wholly unfounded, inasmuch as it had been diffused hither centuries be- fore. Augustine established nothing but monasteries and monkery, and papal domination. Bertha, the queen of Ethelbert, was a convert, and her spiritual director offici- ated, before Augustine's arrival, in the little church of St. Martin, situated just without Canterbury on the road to Mar- gate ; the present edifice is venerable for its site and its rude simplicity. Ethelbert's powei is said to have ex- tended to the Humber, and hence he is often styled king of the English. lie was subdued to the views of the papacy by Augustine. Ethelbert founded Can- terbury cathedral, and built wilhoul the walls of the city, the abbey and chnr
  • o called in honour of St. Augustine,) is now made into Campanula ; cursed thistle, now carduus ; besides archangel, apple of Je- rusalem, St. Paul's bctony, Basil, St Berbe, herb St. Barbara, bishopsiveed, herba Christi, herba Benedict, herb Si. Margaret, (erroneously conrerted into la belle Marguerite,) god's floiver, flos Jovis, Job's tears, our lady's laces, our lady's mantle, our lady's slipper, monk's hood, friar's cowl, St. Peter's herb, and a hundred more such. — Go into any gar- den, I say, and these names will remind every one at once of the knowledge of plants possessed by the monks. Most of them have been named after the festivals and saints' days on which their natural time of blowing happened to occur; and others were so called, from the tendency of the minds of the religious orders oi those days to convert every thing into a memento of sacred history, and the holy religion which they embrticed." It will be perceived that Crito is q Catholic. His floral enumeration is amusing and instructive ; and as his bi day ? St. David's day is past. Fluellen. There is occasions and causes why and wherefore in all things. — The rascally, scald, peggarly, pragging knave, Pistol, a fellow look you now of no merits he is come to me with pread and salt yes terday, look you, and pid me eat my leek . it was in a place where I could not preed no contentions with him, but I will be so pold as to wear it m my cap till I see him once again, and then — {Enter Pistol) — Got pless you, ancient Pistol ! you scurvy knave, Got pless you ! P. Hence ! I am qualmish at the smell of leek. 159 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.--MARCn 1. (7. T ppseech you heartily scur\7 knave, ai my desires, and my requests, and my Detitions, to eat, look you, this leek. P. Not for Cadwallader, and all his goats. F. There is one goat for you. {strikea him.) Will you be so goot, scald knave, as eat it ? P. Base Trojan, thou shall die. F. I desire you to live in the mean time, and eat your victuals ; come there is sauce for it. — {strikes him.) If you can mock a leek, you can eat a lack. By beating and taunt, Fluellen forces Pistol to eat the leek, and on its being wholly svpallowed, Fluellen exhorts him " when you take occasions to see leeks hereafter, I pray you, mock at them, that IS all !" Having thus accomplished his purpose, Fluellen leaves Pistol to digestion, and the consolation of Gower, who calls him "counterfeit cowardly knave: will you mock at an ancient tradition, begun upon an honourable aspect, and worn as a memorable trophy of predeceased valour, and dare not avouch in your deeds any of your words ?" Here we have Gower speakmg of the custom of the Welch wearing leeks as " an ancient tradition," and as " a memorable trophy of predeceased valour.'' Thoroughly versed in the history of the few reigns pre- cedmg the period wherein he lived, it is not likely that Shakspeare would make a character in the time of Henry V. refer to ail occurrence under the black prince, little more than half a century before the battle of Agineourt, as an afi'air of " an- cient tradition." Its origin may be fairly referred to a very early period. A contributor to a periodical work* rejects the notion, that wearing leeks on St. David's day originated at the battle be- tween the Welch and the Saxons in the sixth century ; and thinks it more probable that leeks were a druidic symbol employ- ed in honour of the British Cendven or Ceres. In which hypothesis, he thinks, there is nothing strained or far-fetched, presuming that the Druids were a branch of the PhcEnician priesthood. Both were addicted to oak worship ; and during the funereal rites of Adonis at Byblos, leeks and onions were exhibited in " pots with other vegetables, and called the gardens of that deity." The leek was worshipped at Ascalon, (whence the modern term of Scallionsy) as it was in Egypt. Leeks and • «' Oaiette of Fasliion," March 9, 1822. onions were also deposited in the sacred chests of the mysteries both of Isis and Ceres, the Ceudven of the Druids ; teefe are among the Egyptian hieroglyphics ; sometimes a leek is on the head of Osiris ; and at other times grasped in an extended hand ; and thence, perhaps, the Italian proverb, " Porro che Jiasce nella mano" a leek that grows in the hand, for a virtue. Porrus, a leek, is derived by Bryant from the Egyptian god Pi-orus, who is the same as the Beat Peor of the Phoenicians, and the Bel or Bellinis of the Druids These accordances are worth an ancient Briton's consideration. Ridicule of national peculiarities was formerly a pleasantry that tli« English freely indulged in. They seemed to think that different soil was good ground for a laugh at a person, and that it justified coarse and insolent remarks. In an old satirical tract there is the following sneer at the Welch: " A WELCHMAN, Is the Oyster that the Pearl is in, for a man may be pickt out of him. He hath the abilities of the mind in potentid, and acta nothing but boldnesse. His Clothes are in fashion before his Bodie; and he accounts bold- nesse the chiefest vertue. Above all men he loves a Herrald, and speakes pedi- grees naturally. He accompts none well descended that call him not Cosen, and prefers Oicen Glendower before any of the nine worthies. The first note of his familiaritie is the confession of his valour ; and so he prevents quarrels. Hee voucheth Welch a pure, an unconquered language ; and courts Ladies with the storie of their Chronicle. To conclude, he is pretious m his own conceit, and upon St. David's day without com- parison."* Not quite so flouting is a poetical satire called, The Welchmmi's Song in praise of Wales I's come not here to tauke of Prut, From whence the Welse dos take hur root j Nor tell long pedegree of Prince Camber, Whose linage would fill full a chamber ; Nor sing the deeds of ould Saint Davie, The Ursip of which would fill a navie, But hark you me now, for a liddell tales Sail make a great deal to the creddit of VValea, "A wife, now the widdow of sir Thomas Overburve, being a most exquisite and singular poem of fiis choice of a wife, wlicreunto are added many tritfy characters," &c. London, printed f«i VawreuM Lisle, 4to. IC14. 160 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 2. For Imr will tudge your eares, Witli the praise of liur thirteen seers; And make you as glad and merry, As fourteen pot of perry. Tiiere are four other stanzas ; one of them mentions the leek : 15ut all this while was never think A word in praise of our Welse drink : Yet for auU that is a cup of bragat AuU England seer may cast his cap at. And what you say to ale of Webley, Toudge him as well, you'll praise him trebly As well as metheglin, or syder, or meath, Sail sake it your dagger quite out o' the seath. And oat cake of Guarthenion, With a goodly leek or onion, To give as sweet a rellis As e'er did Harper Ellis.* In " Time's Telescope," an annual vo- lume alrealy mentioned for its pleasant varieties and agreeable information, there is a citation of flouting lines from " Poor Robin's Almanac," of 1757, under the month of March : T\\e/irsl of this vionth some do keep, For honest Taff to wear his leek ; Who patron was, they say, of Wales, And since that time, cuts-plutter-a nails. Along the street this day doth strut With hur green leek stuck in hur hat, And if hur meet a shentleman Salutes in Welch ; and if hur can Discourse in Welch, then hur shall be Amongst the green-horned Tafty's free. The lines that immediately succeed the above, and follow below, are a versified record of public violence to the Welch character, which Englishmen in this day will read with surprise ; But it would make a stranger laugh To see th' English hang poor Taff; A pair of breeches and a coat. Hat, shoes and stockings, and what not j All stuffed with hay to represent The Cambrian hero thereby meant ; With sword sometimes three inches broad, And other armour made of wood. They drag hur to some publick tree. And hang hur up in effigy. These barbarous practices of more barbarous times have disappeared as knowledge has advanced. tablished in 1714 ; thsy celebrate it with festivity in behalf of the Welch charity school in Grays-inn-road, which was instituted in 1718 for boarding, cloth- ing, and educating 80 boys and 25 girls, born of Welch parents, in or with- in ten miles of the metropolis, and not having a parochial settlement within those limits. This institution has the king for patron as prince of Wales, and is supported by voluntary contributions. The " Ancient Britons," according to annual custom, go in procession to the royal residence on St. David's day, and receive tlie royal bounty. The society are in carriages, and each v.ears an artificial representation of the leek in his hat, composed of ribbands and silver foil They have been sometimes accompanied by horsemen decorated in the same way, and are usually preceded by marshals, also on horseback, wearing leeks of larger dimension in their hats, and ornamented with silk scarfs. In this state they pro- ceed from the school-house to some adja- cent church, and hear a discourse delivered on the occasion, by a prelate or other dignified clergyman. The day is con- cluded by an elegant dinner under the regulation of stewards, when a collection is made for the institution, and a hand- some sum is generally contributed. FLORAL DIRECTORY. I-eek. Album Porrnm. Dedicated to St. David. St, David's day in London is the An- niversary of " the most Honourable and Loyal Society of Ancient Britons," es- * " An Antidote against Melancholy," 4fc. 1661. St. Ceada, or Chad. Martyrs under the Lombards, 6th Cent. St. Simplicius, Pope A. D. 483. St. Marnan, a. d. 620. St. Charles the Good, Earl of Flanders, A. d. 1124. St. Joavan, or Joevin. St. Chad, A.D. 673. His name is in the calendar of the church of England. He was founder of the see, and bishop of Lichfield. Ac- cording to Bede, joyful melody as of per- sons sweetly singing descended from heaven into his oratory for half an hour, and then mounted again to heaven. This was to presage his death, and accord ingly he died, attended by his brotherlj soul and musical angels. St. Chad's JFell Is near Battle-bridge. The miraculous water is aperient, and was some years ago quaffed by the bilious and other invalids, who flocked thither in crowds, to drink at Vol. I. 161 M THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAECH 2- tlip cost of sixpence, what peopleof these latter da} s by " the ingenious chemists' art," can make as (ffectual as St. Chad's viitues," at the small price of one half- penny." If any one desire to visit this spot of ancient renown, let him descend from Holborn-bars to the very bottom of Grays- inr-lane. On ihe left-hand side for- merly stood a considerable hill, whereon were wont to climb and browze certain mountain goats of the metropqjis, in com- mon language called swine ; the hill was the largest heap of cinder-dust in the neighbourhood of London. It was formed by the annual accumulation of some thousands of cart loads, since exported to Russia for making bricks to rebuild Mos- cow, after the conflagration of that capital on the entrance of Napoleon. Opposite to this unsightly site, and on the right- hand side gf the road is an angle-wise faded inscription : It stands, or rather dejects, over an elderly pair of wooden gates, one where- of opens on a scene which the unaccus- tomed eye may take for the pleasure- ground of Giant Despair. Trees stand as if made not to vegetate, clipped hedges seem willing to decline, and nameless weeds straggle weakly upon unlimited borders. If you look upwards you per- ceive painted on an octagon board " Health Restored and Preserved." Fur- ther on towards the left, stands a low, old-fashioned, comfortable-looking, large windowed dwelling; and ten to one, but there also stands, at the open door, an ancient ailing female, in a black bonnet, a clean coloured cotton gown, and a check apron ; her silver hair only in part tucked beneath the narrow border of a frilled cap, with a sedate and patient, yet, somewhat inquiring look. This is " the Lady of the fFell." She gratuitously informs you, that " the gardens" of " St. Chad's well" are " for circulation" by paying for the water, of which you may drink as much, or as little, or nothing, as you please, at one guinea per year, 9*. 6d. quarterly, 4s. 6rf. monthly, or Is fd. weekly. You qualify for a single visit by paying sixpence, and a Jatge glas>- tumbler full of warm water is handed to you. As a stranger, you are told that Sf. Chad's well was famous at one time. Should you be inquisitive, the dame W'U instruct you, with an earnest eye, that " people are not what they were,'' " things are not as they used to be," and she " can't tell what'U happen next.'' Oracles have not ceased. While drinking St. Chad's water you observe an immense copper into which it is poured, wherein it is heated to due efficacy, and from whence it is drawn by a cock, into the glasses. You also remark, hanging on the wall, a " tribute of gratitude" versi- fied, and inscribed on vellum, beneath a pane of glass stained by the hand of time and let into a black frame : this is an effusion for value received from St Chad's invaluable water. But, above all, there is a full-sized portrait in oil, of a stout, comely personage, with a ruddy counte- nance, in a coat or cloak, supposed scar- let, a laced cravat falling down the breast, and a small red night cap carelessly placed on the head, conveying the idea that it was painted for the likeness of some opulent butcher who flourished in the reign of queen Anne. Ask the dame about it, and she refers you to " Rhone." This is a tall old man, who would be taller if he were not bent by years. " I am ninety-four," he will tell you, " this present year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five." All that he has to communicate concerning the portrait is, " I have heard say it is the portrait of St. Chad." Should you ven- ture to differ, he adds, "this is the opinion of most people who come here." You may gather that it is his own undoubted belief. On pacing the garden alleys, and peeping at the places of retirement, you imagine the whole may have been improved and beautified for the last time by some countryman of William III., who came over and died in the same year with that king, and whose works here, in wood and box, have been follow- ing him piecemeal ever since. St Chad's well is scarcely known iij the neighbourhood, save by its sign-board of invitation and forbidding externals An old American loyalist, who has lived in Pentonville ever since " the rebellion" forced him to the mother country, enters to " totter not unseen" between the stunted hedo;erows : it was the first " place 162 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 3. of pleasure'' he came to after liis arrival, and he goes no where besides, — " every thing else is so altered." For the same reason, a tall, spare, thin-faced man, with dull grey eyes and underhung chin, from the neighbourhood of Bethnal-green, walks hither fur his " Sunday morning's exercise," to untruss a theological point with a law clerk, who also attends the place because his father, " when he was prentice to Mr. the great law sta- tioner in Chancery-lane in 1776, and sat writing for sixteen hours a day, re- ceived great benefit from the waters, which he came to drink fasting, once a week." Such persons from local attach- ment, and a few male and female atrabi- larians, who without a powerful motive would never breathe the pure morning air, resort to this spot for their health. St. Chad's well is haunted, not frequented. A few years and it will be with its water as with the water of St. Pancras' well, which is enclosed in the garden of a private house, near old St.Pancras' church- yard. Holy Wells. The holy wells of London have all de- clined in reputation, even to St. Bride's well, whose fame gave the name of Bride- well to an adjoining hospital and prison, and at last, attached the name to every house of correction throughout the kin^g- dom. The last public use of the water of St. Bride's well drained it so much, that the inhabitants of St. Bride's parish could not get their usual supply. This exhaustion was effected by a sudden de- mand. Several men were engaged in filling thousands of bottles, a day or two before the 19th of July 1821, on which day his majesty, king George IV^. was crowned at Westminster ; and Mr. Walker of the hotel. No. 10, Bridge-street, Black- friars, purveyor of water to the coronation, obtained it, by the only means through which the sainted fluid is now attainable, from the cast-iron pump over St. Bride's well, in Bride-lane. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Dwarf Cerastium. Cerastium pumilum. Dedicated to St. Chad St. Cunegundes, Empress, a. v. 1040. Sts. Marinus and Asterius, or Astyrius. St. Emeterius, or Madir, and St. Cheli- dnnius. St. JVinwaloe, Abbot, a. d. 529. St. Lamalisse, 7th Cent. Sts. Emeterius and Chelidonius. Two Spanish saints, famous against hailstorms. When hailstorms come on, the clergy proceed thus : 1. They make a procession to the church. 2. They put lighted candles on the altar. 3. They sing a hymn to these saints. 4. They chaunt the antiphona. 5. They sing the praises of these saints. By the time this chain is linked, the storm finishes. Chronology On the 3d of March, 1792, died Robert Adam, Esq. He was born at Kirkaldy, in Fifeshire, in 1728, educated at the uni- versity of Edinburgh, devoted himself to architecture, went to Italy to study its ancient remains, became proficient in his profession, and rose to its highest ho- nours : he was appointed architect to their majesties, and chosen fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies of Lon- don and Edinburgh. In conjunction with his brother, Mr. James Adam, who died 20th November 1794, he built some of the finest of our modern mansions. His genius and acquirements adorned London with several structures, eminently superior in beauty to those which arose around him under the direction of other hands ; but the work for which the Adams are chiefly celebrated, is the elegant range of buildings called the Adelphi. This Greek word, denoting the relationship of brothers, was conferred in compliment to the brothers, by whose intellect and science, in opposition to long vitiated taste, and difiiculties deemed impracticable, these edifices were elevated. It is related that soon after their completion, a classically educated gentleman being present at a public dinner, and intending to toast the Messrs. Adams, who were also present, begged to give "the Adelphi ;"and that this occasioned a worthy citizen to exclaim '* Bless me ! it's a very odd toast ; what 1G3 THE EVERY-DAl BOOK.- MARCH 3. drink the health of a parcel of houses \ However, oh, oh ! ah, ah ! I see ! yes, yes ! oh, the witty rogue ! What, the street's in a healthy spot? so it is; very healthy! Come I'll drink its health with all my heait '.—Here's the Adelphi Terrace ! I'll stand up to it, {rising) and 1 hope it will never go down !" Garrick resided in one of the houses of the Adelphi until his death, and was a friend of the Adams, who indeed were intimate with most of the eminent men in art and literature. Before the Adelphi was finished, the late Mr. Thomas Becket, the bookseller, desired the corner house of Adam-street, then building as a spa- cious avenue by the Adams to their terrace and the adjacent thoroughfares. Garrick anxious to secure the commanding corner for his friend Becket, wrote a warm- hearted letter in his behalf to Messrs. Adam. The letter has never been pub- lished, and being in the possession of the editor of the Every-Day Book, he inserts a copy of it, with a correct facsimile of the commencement and conclusion. This hasty unstudied note, warm from the feelings, is testimony of Garrick's zeal for a friend's success, and of his qualifi- cations as a solicitor to promote it : there is in it a grace beyond the reach of art. I forgot to speak to you last Saturday about our friend Becket. — We shall all break our hearts if he is not bookseller to y* Adelphi, & has not y* corner house that is to be built. — Pray, my dear & very good friends, think a little of this matter, & if you can make us happy, by suiting all our conveniences — ^we shall make his shop, as old Jacob Tonson's was formerly, y* rendevouz for y« first people in England. — I have a little selfishness in this request — I never go to coffee-houses, seldom to taverns, & should constantly (if this scheme takes place) be at Becket's at one at noon, & 6 at night ; as y^ monkey us'd to be punctual in Piccadilly. When you left me on Saturday, whether I had exerted my spirits too much, or gave too great a loose to my love of drinking with those I like, I know not ; but I wa attack'd teriibly with a fit of ye stone, & had it all yesterday morning, till I was relieved from torture, to ye great joy of my wife & family. — I was 4 hours upon ye rack, & now as free from pain as ever I was. I am weak w^ my disorder ; but I could eat turtle, & laugh with you again to day, as if nothing had ail'd me— 'tis a curs'd disorder, 8c that you may never have that curse make y peace w"> heav'n by an act 164 THE EVERY-DAV BOOK.— MARCH 4. of righteousness, & bestow that corner blessing (I have mention'd) upon Bcctpt his family — this is y^ pray'r & petition Mr. Becket had the " corner blessing" conferred upon him. — He removed into the house from another part of the Strand, and remained tenant to the " Adelphi," until he retired into Pall Mall. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Golden Fig Marygold. Mesembrianthe- mnm aureum. Dedicated to St. Cunegundes. i¥larrft4. St. Casimir. St. Lucius, Pope, a. d. 253. St. Adrian, Bishop, a. d. 874. St. Casimir, Was born a prince on the 5th of Octo- ber, 1458, and died 4th March, 1482. He was second son of Casimir III. king of Poland ; and, according to Ribadeneira, he wore under his princely attire a prickly hair shirt, fasted rigorously, prayed at night till he fell weary and exhausted on the bare floor; often in the most sharp and bit- ter weather went barefoot to church at mid- night, and lay on his face before the door ; studied to advance the catholic religion, and to extinguish or drive heresy out of Po- land ; persuaded his father to enact a law that no new church should be built for heretics, nor any old ones repaired ; in a particular virtue " surpassed the angels ;" committed suicide;resigned his soul amidst choirs of priests ; had it carried to heaven surrounded with a clear bright light by angels; and thirty-six years after his death he appeared in glittering armour and gal- lantly mounted ; led the Polish army through an impassable river, and con- quered the M'uscovites ; and the next year marched before his beloved Poles in the air against the enemy, and as " he beat them before, so he beat them again,'' Chronology. On the 4th of March, 1583, died Ber- nard Gilpin. He was born at Kentmire, inWestmoreland,1517, sent toQueen's col- lege, Oxford, in 1553, read the writings of Erasmus, excelled in logic and philosophy, and studied Greek and Hebrew ; being a Catholic he held a public disputation against John Hooper, the Protestant, who was martyred at the stake under Henry VHI Appointed to hold a disputation against Peter Martyr, another eminent reformer, who read the divinity lecture in Oxford, he diligently studied the scriptures and the writings of the early fathers, and "was not sorry to be overcome by the truth." Cuth- bert Tunstall, bishop of Durham, gave him a living, which he shortly afterwards re- signed, because he desired to travel, and could not hold it while absent with peace of conscience. " But," saith the bishop, " thou mayst hold it with a dispensation, and thou shalt be dispensed withal." To this Gilpin answered, that when he should be called on for an account of his steward ship, he feared it would not serve his turn to answer, that he had been " dispensed withal." Whereupon the bishop admired, and " Father's soul !" said he, " Gilpin wil die a beggar." He afterwards went to Lovaine and Paris, from whence he re- turned to England in the days of queen Mary; and bishop Tunstall gave him the rectory of Essingdon, by which he be- came archdeacon of Durham, and preached on scriptural authority against tks vices in 1G5 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK— MARCH 4. ilie church. Those who hated his integrity and feared his talents, sought his blood by insnariug controversy. He avoided vain jangling, and beat his adversaries in solid argument. At one of these disputations, carried on in an under tone vyith bishop Tunstall's chaplains, and close behind the bishop, who was sitting before the fire, the bishop, leaning his chair somewhat back- wards, hearkened to what was said ; and when they had done, turning to his chaplains, " Father's soul !" said the bishop, " let him alone, for he hath more learning than you all." He was twice ac- cused of heresy to Tunstall, who abhorred to shed blood ; but information being given against him to Bonner, bishop of London, an order was issued for his apprehension. Gilpin had intelligence of the danger, yet he only provided against it by ordering William Airy, his house steward, to pro- vide a long garment, that he might go the more comely to the stake. The sudden death of Mary cleared off the impending storm. Not longafterwards,bishopTunstall presented Gilpin to the rectory of Hough- ton, a large parish with fourteen villages, which he laboriously served. He built a grammar school, from whence he sent students almost daily to the university, and maintamed them there at his own cost. Honoured by the wise, and re- spected by the noble, the earl of Bedford solicited from queen Elizabeth the vacant bishopric of Carlisle for Gilpin. A conge d'elire was accordingly issued, but Gilpin resisted the dignity against all entreaties. " If I had been chosen to a bishopric elsewhere," he said, " I would not have refused it ; but in Carlisle I have many friends and kindred, at whom I must con- nive in many things, not without hurt to myself, or else deny them many things, not without hurt to them, which difficul- ties I have avoided by the refusal of that bishopric." He was chosen provost of his own (Queen's) college in Oxford, but this advancement he also declined. Yet he did the office and work of a bishop, by preaching, taking care of the poor, pro- viding for the necessities of other churches, erecting schools, encouraging learned men, and keeping open house to all that needed. Cecil, lord Burleigh, the queen's secretary, having visited Gilpin at Hough- ton, on his return towards Durham, when he came to Rain ton-hill, reflected his eye upon the open country he had passed, and looking earnestly upon Gilpin's house, said, " I do not blame this man for refusing a bishopric. What doth he want that a bisliopric could more enrich him withal! besides that he is free from the great weight of cares." Gilpin annually visited the people of Ridsdale and Tindale, and was " little else than adored by that hall barbarous and rustic people." When at Rothbury, in these parts, " there was a pestilent faction among some of them who were wont to resort to the church ; the men being bloodily minded, practised a bloody manner of revenge, termed by them a deadly feud :" if one faction came to the church the other kept away, inas- much as they could not meet without bloodshed. It so happened that when Gilpin was in the pulpit both parties came to the church ; one party stood in the chan- cel, the other in the body of the church. Each body was armed with swords and javelins,and their weapons makinga clash- ing sound, Gilpin, unaccustomed to such a spectacle, was somewhat moved, yet he proceeded with his sermon. A second time the weapons clashed ; the one side drew near to the other; and they were about to coimneiK'O i)attle in the church. Gilpin descended, stepped to the leaders on each side, appeased the tumult, and laboured to establish peace between them ; but he could only obtain from these rude borderers, that they would not break the peace while Mr. Gilpin remained. On this he once more ascended the pulpit, and spent the allotted time in inveighing against this unchristian and savage cus- tom, and exhorthig them to forego it for ever. Another incident, further illustrat- ing the manners of the people, will be mentioned below ; it may be added here, however, that afterwards, when he revisit- ed these parts, any one who dreaded a deadly foe, found himself safer in Gilpin's presence than with armed guards. In his younger years, while on a ride to Oxford, Gilpin overtook a youth who was one while walking, and at another time run- ning. He found that the lad came from Wales, knew Latin, had a smattering of Greek, and was bound for Oxford, with intent to be a scholar. " Wilt thou," said Gilpin, *' be contented to go with me ? I will provide for thee." The youth as- sented, Gilpin took him first to Oxford, afterwards to Houghton, where he im- proved him exceedingly in Greek and Hebrew, and sent him at last to Oxford. This youth was the learned Hugh Brough- ton ; he is said to have requited this pro- tection and care by something worse than inconstancy. Gilpin's nature was kind and charitable, he visited sick cbarabcs 165 THE EVERY-DAY BOOiC.— MARCH 5, 6. and prisons, and dispensed large boun- ties. He was firm in rectitude ; and hence, on one occasion, when bishop Tunstall had inclined to his enemies, and insisted on Gilpin's preaching, sorely against the good man's petitions to be excused, and repeated refusals, he at length mounted the pulpit, and concluded his discourse by denouncing the enormities in the bishop's diocese ; looking at Tunstall, he said "Lest your lordship should make answer, that you had no notice of these things given you, behold, 1 bring them to your knowledge. Let not your lordship say these crimes have been committed by the faults of others, without your knowledge ; for whatsoever either yourself shall do in person, or suffer through your connivance to be done by others, is wholly your own. Therefore," thundered forth the faithful preacher, " in presence of God, his angels and man, I pronounce your fatherhood to be the author of all these evils ; yea, and, m that strict day of the general account, I shall be a witness to testify against you, that all these things have come to your knowledge by my means : and all these men shall bear witness thereof, who have heard me speaking unto you this day." Gilpin's adherents, terrified at this unexpected and bold address, apprehend- ed the worst consequences from the bishop's power. " You have," said they, " put a sword into his hand to slay you. If heretofore he hath been offended with you without a cause, what may you now expect from him who, being provoked, shall make use of his own power to in- jure you by right or wrong." Gilpin an- swered, " Be not afraid ; the Lord God over-ruleth us all ; so that the truth may be propagated, and God glorified, God's will be done concerning me." After din- ner, Gilpin waited on the bishop to take leave of him, and return home. " It shall not be so," said the bishop, " for I will bring you to your house." When they arrived at Mr. Gilpin's house, and had en- tered the parlour, the bishop on a sudden caught Mr. Gilpin by the hand, and ad- dressed him in these words : — " Father Gilpin, I acknowledge you are fitter to be bishop of Durham, than myself to be par- ton of this church of yours ; I ask forgive- aess for errors past; forgive me, father. I know you have hatched up some chickens that now seek to pick out your eyes ; but so long as I shall live bishop of Durham, be secure : no man shall injure you " Tlius the fearless integrity of Gilpin, by which it was conceived he had jeopard- ized his life, saved him trom his enemies and advanced him beyond the reach of their further hate. After a life excellent for kindness, cha- rity, and faithful dealing towards the peo- ple intrusted to his care, he died at the age of sixty-six worn out by labour in well doing. FLORAL DIRECTORY, Chickweed. Alsine media. Dedicated to St. Casimir. iHard) 5. Sts. Adrian and Eubulus, a. d. 309. St. Kiaran, or Kenerin. St. Roger, a. d. 1236. St. Piran. Tliis saint, anciently of good repute in Cornwall, is not mentioned by Butler. According to Porter he was born in Ire- land, and became a hermit there. He afterwards came to England, and settling at Cornwall, had a grave made for him, entered into it, and dying on the 6th of March, " in the glorie of a great light and splendour that appeared at the same instant," was buried at Padstow. " He is reported," says Porter, " to have wi'ought manie wonderfuU miracles in his lifetime, which bicause they tend rather to breed an incredulous amazement in the readers, then move to anie workes of ver- tues or pietie, we have willingly omitted." We have had a specimen of such miracles as father Porter deemed worthy of belief ; those of St. Piran which would have caused " incredulous amazement" in Porter's rea- ders must have been " passing wonder- full." iS^ Piran's day is said to be a favourite with the tinners ; having a tradition that some secrets regarding the manufac- ture of tin was communicated to their ancestors by that saint, they leave the ma- nufacture to shift for itself for that day and keep it as a holiday. floral directory. Green Hellebore. Helleborus viridis. Dedicated to St. Adrian. ilarcl) 6. St. Chrodegang, Bishop, a. d, 766. B. Colette. St. Fridolin, a. d. 538. St. Baldrede. Sts. Kyneburge, Kynenoid, and Tibba. St. Cadroe, x. d. *975. 167 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 6. St. Bcldrede, Bishop of Glasgow, died in London L. D. 608, and his relics were famous in many churches in vScotland. Bollandus says, " he was wonderfully buried in three pla<;es; seeing that three towns Aldham, Tinningham, and Preston, contended for his body." In those days when there were no parish registers, these miracul- ous powers of self-multiplication after death, must have been sadly perplexingto topographers and antiquaries. SPRING. Tlie " New-come" of the year is born to-day, With a strong lusty laugh, and joyous shout. Uprising, with its mother, it, in play, Throws flowers on her ; pulls hard buds about. To open them for blossom ; and its voice. Peeling o'er dells, plains, uplands, and high groves, Startles all living things, till they rejoice In re-creation of themselves ; each loves, And blesses each ; and man's intelligence. In musings grateful, thanks All Wise Beneficence. Sprikg commences on the 6th of March, and lasts ninety-three days. According to Mr. Howard, whose prac- tical information concerning the seasons is highly valuable, the medium tempera- ture during spring is elevated, in round numbers, from 40 to 58 degrees. " The mean of the season is 48.94*' — the sun effecting by his approach an advance of 11.18" upon the mean temperature of the winter. This increase is retarded in the forepart of the spring by the winds from north to east, then prevalent ; and which form two-thirds of the complement of the season ; but proportionately accelerated afterwards by the southerly winds, with which it terminates. A strong evapora- tion, in the first instance followed by showers, often with thunder and hail in the latter, characterises this period. The temperature commonly rises, not by a steady increase from day to day, but by sudden starts, from the breaking in of sun- shine upon previous cold, cloudy weather. 1G3 TIIE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH C. At such times, the vapour appears to be now and then thrown up, in too great plenty, into the cold region above ; where being suddenly decomposed, the tempera- ture falls back for awhile, amidst wind, showers, and hail, attended, in some in- stances, with frost at night." Our ancestors varied their clothing ac- cording to the season. Strutt has given the spring dress of a man in the four- teenth century, Irom an illumination in a manuscript of that age: this is a copy of it. In " Si/lvan Sketches," a new and charming volume by the lady who wrote the " Flora Domestica," it is delight- fully observed, that, " the young and 'oyous STjirit of spring sheds its swee! influence upon every thing : the streams sparkle and ripple in the noon-day sun, and the birds carol tipseyly their merriest ditties. It is surely the loveliest season of the year." One of our living min strels sings of a spring day, that it Looks beautiful, as when an infant wakes From its soft slumbers ; and the same bard poetically reminds us with more than poetical truth, that at this season, when we See life and bliss around us flowing. Wherever space or being is. The cup of joy is full and flowing. Bowring. Another, whose numbers are choralled by worshipping crowds, observes with equal truth, and under the influence of high feelings, for seasonable abundance, that To enjoy is to obey. Watts. Grateful and salutary spring the plants Which crown our numerous gardens, and Invite to health and temperance, in the simple meal, Unpoisoned with rich sauces, to provoke Th' unwilling appetite to gluttony. For this, the bulbous esculents their roots With sweetness fill ; for this, with cooling juice The green herb spreads its leaves ; and opening buds. And flowers and seeds, with various flavours. Dodslei Sweet is thy coming, Spring ! — and as I pass Thy hedge-rows, where from the half-naked spray Peeps the sweet bud, and 'midst the dewy grass The tufted primrose opens to the day : My spirits light and pure confess thy pow'r Of balmiest influence: there is not a tree That whispers to the warm noon-breeze ; nor flow'r Whose bell the dew-drop holds, but yields to me Predestinings of joy : O, heavenly sweet Illusion ! — that the sadly pensive breast Can for a moment from itself retreat To outward pleasantness, and be at rest : While sun, and fields, and air, the sense have wrought Of pleasure and content, in spite of thought ! Athe In spring the ancient Romans cele- Drated the Ludi Florales. These were annual games in honour to Flora, accom- panied by supplications for beneficent mfluences on the grass, trees, flowers, and other products of the earth, during the jear. The Greeks likewise invoked fertility on the coming of spring witb many ceremonies. The remains of the Roman festivals, in countries which the Roman arms subdued, have been frequent- ly noticed already ; and it is not purposed to advert to them further, than by observ- ing that there is considerable difficulty in 169 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 7. so apportioning every usage in a modern ceremony, as to assign each to its proper origin. Some may have been common to a people before they were conquered; others may have been the growth of later times. Spring, as the commencement of the natural year, must have been hailed by all nations with satisfaction; and was, undoubtedly, commemorated, in most, by public rejoicing and popular sports. Chronologt. Dr. Samuel Parr died on tlie 6th of March, 1825. A SPRING FESTIVAL. The Germans retain many of the an- nual customs peculiar to themselves before the Roman conquest. Whether a cere- mony described in the " Athenseum," as having been observed in Germany of late years, is derived from the victors, or from the ancient nations, is not worth discussing The approach of spring was there com- memorated with an abundance of dis- play. Its allegorical character was its most remarkable feature. It was called Der Sommera-gewhin, the acquisition of summer ; and about thirty years ago was celebrated at the begining of spring by the inhabitants of Eisenach, in Saxony, who, for that purpose, divided themselves into two parties. One party carried winter under the shape of a man covered with straw, out of the town, and then, as It were, sent him into public exile ; whilst the other party, at a distance from the town, decked spring, or, as it was vulgarly called, summer, in the form of youth, with boughs of cypress and May, and marched in solemn array to meet their comrades, the jocund executioners of winter. In the meanwhile national ballads, celebrat- ing the delights of spring and summer, filled the skies ; processions paraded the meadows and fields, loudly imploring the blessings of a prolific summer ; and the jovial merry-makers then brought the victor-god home in triumph. In the course of time, however, this ceremonial underwent various alterations. The parts, before personified, were now performed by real dramatis personae ; one arrayed cs spring, and another as winter, enter- tained the spectators with a combat, wherein winter was ultimately vanquish- ed and stripped of his emblematical attire ; spring, on the contrary, being hailed as victor, was led in triumph, amidst the loud acclamations of the mul- titude, into the town. From this festival originated a popular ballad, composed of stanzas each of which c<«uclude thus : Heigho ! heigho ! heigho ! Summer is at hand ; Winter has lost the game, Summer maintain'd its fame ; Heigho ' heigho ! heigho I Summer is at hand The day whereon the jubilee takes place is denominated der Todten sonntag, the dead Sunday. The reason may be traced perhaps to the analogy which win- ter bears to the sleep of death, when the vital powers of nature are suspended The conjecture is strengthened by this distich in the ballad before quoted: Now we've vanquish'd Death, And Summer's return ensured : Were Death still unsubdued. How much had we endured ! But of late years the spirit of this festival has disappeared. Lately, winter was un- couthly shaped ofwood, and being covered with straw, was nailed against a large wheel, and the straw being set on fire, the apparatus was rolled down a steep hill ! Agreeably to the intention of its inven- tors, the blazing wheel was by degrees knocked to pieces, against the precipices below, and then — winter's effigy, to the admiration of the multitude, split into a thousand fiery fragments. This custom too, merely from the danger attending it, quickly fell into disuse ; but still a shadow of the original festivity, which it was meant to commemorate, is preserved amongst the people of Eisenach. " Al- though" says the writer of these particu- lars, " we find winter no longer sent into banishment, as in former times, yet an attempt is made to represent and conci- liate spring by oflTerings of nosegays and sprays of evergreen, adorned with birds or eggs, emblematical of the season." Probably the latter usages may not have been consequent upon the decline of the former, but were coeval in their origin, and are the only remains of an- cient customs peculiar to the season. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Lent Lily. Narcissus Pseudonarcissua multiplex. Dedicated to St. Colette St. Thomas Jquiiias, a. s. 1274. Sts Perpetua and Felicitas, a. d. 203. Si Paul, Anchoret. St. Perpetua. This saint is in the church of Englana calendar. She was martyred under the emperor Severus in 205. 170 THF, EVERY-DAY BOOK— MARCH 8, 9. St. Paul tlie Anchoret. This saint was " a man of profound Ignorance." Butler says he was named " the simple." He journeyed eight days into the desert on a visit, and to become a disciple of St. Antony, who told him he •was too old, and bade him return home, mind his business, and say his prayers ; he shut the door upon him. Paul fasted and prayed before the door till Antony opened it, and out of compassion made a monk of him. One day after he had diligently worked at making mats and hurdles, and prayed without intermission, St. Antony bid him undo his work and do it all over agam, which he did, without asking for a morsel of bread though he had been seven days without eating ; this was to try Paul's obedience. Ano- ther day when some monks came to Antony for advice, he bid Paul spill a vessel of honey and gather it up without any dust: this was another trial of his obedience. At other times he ordered hira to draw water a whole day an.i pour it out again ; to make baskets and pull them to pieces ; to sew and unsew gar- ments and the like : these were other trials of his obedience. When Antony had thus exercised him he placed him in a cell three miles from his own, proposed him as a model of obedience to his disci- ples, sent sick persons to him, and others possessed with the devil, whom he could not cure himself, and "under Paul," Butler says, " they never failed of a cure." He died about 330. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Early Daffodil. Narcissus Pseudonarcis- sus simples. Dedicated to St. Perpetua. i¥lard) 8. St. John of God, a. n. 1550. St. Felia^, A.D. 646. Sts. Apollonins, Philemoii, &c. A.D. 311. St. Julian, Abp. of Toledo, A.D. 690. St. Dutkak, Bp. of Ross, A.D. 1253. St. Rosa, of Viterbo, A.D. 1261. St. Senan, 5th Cent. St. Psalmod, or Saumay, about 589. Romish saints are like earthquakes, wherein shocks crowd so fast they cannot be noted. An Earthquake in London. On the 8th of March, 1750, an earth- quake shook all London. The shock was at half past five in the morning It awoke people from their sleep and frightened them out of their houses. A servant maid in Charterhouse-square, was thrown from her bed, and had her arm broken ; bells in several steeples were struck by the chime hammers ; grea' stones were thrown from the new spire of Westminster Abbey ; dogs howled in un common tones ; and fish jumped haH a yard above the water. London had experienced a shock only a month before, namely, on the 8th of February 1750, between 12 and 1 o'clock in the day. At Westminster, the barristers were so alarmed that they imagined the hall was falling. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Everblowing Rose. Rosa Semperflorens Dedicated to St. Rosa of Viterbo- Great Jonquil. Narcissus Icetus. Dedicated to St. Felix. i¥lard) 9. St. Frances, Widow, a. d. 1440. St. Gre- gory, of Nyssa, Bp. 4th Cent. St. Pucian, Bp. a. d. 373. St. Catherine, of Bologna, a. d. 1463. MISTS AND FALLS. Scots' mists, like Scots' men, are pro- verbial for their penetration; Plymouth showers for their persevering frequency. The father of Mr. Haydon, the artist, relates that in the latter portion of 1807, and the first three or four months of 1808, there had been more than 160 successive days in which rain, in more or less quantities, had fallen in that neighbourhood. He adds, in- deed, by way of consolation, that in winter it only rained there, while it snowed elsewhere. It has been remarked that in this opinion he might be correct ; at least if he compared the climate of Plymouth with that of the western high- lands. A party of English tourists are said to have stopped for several days at an uncomfortable inn, near Inverary, by the unremitting rams that fall in that country about Lammas, when one oi them pettishly asked the waiter, " Does it rain here always ?'' " Na ! na I" re- plied Donald, " it snaivs whiles," i. e. sometimes. floral DIRECTORY. Petticoat Dafibdil. Narcissus Bulboco- dium. Dedicated to St. Catherine. 171 THE EVERY-DA' BOOK.— MARCH 10. M^vtf) 10. Forty Martyrs of St. Sehastl, St. Droctovceus, Abbot, a. d. Alackessoge. V. D. 320. 580. St. The 10th of March, 1702, is erroneously said to have been the day whereon died sir Hugh Myddleton; a man renowned ill English annals for having abundantly supplied London with water, by conduct ing the New River from Ware, in Hert- fordshire, to the Clerkenwell suburb ol the metropolis. dramatic, entertainment. After manifold windings and tunnellings from its source, the New River passes beneath the arch in the engraving, and forms a basin within a large walled enclosure, from whence diverging main pipes convey the water to all parts of London. At the back of the THE FIRST VIEW OF THE NEW RIVER- FROM LONDON. This is seen immediately on coming boy angling on the wall, is a public-house within view of Sadler's Wells, a place of with tea-gardens and a skittle-ground, ' ' " commonly called, or known by the name or sign of, the sir Hugh Myddleton, or of the sir Hugh Myddleton's head," a por- trait of sir Hugh hangs in front of the house. To this stream, as the water nearest London favourable to sport, an glers of inferior note repair : — Here " gentle anglers," and their rods withal. Essaying, do the finny tribe inthrall. Here boys their penny lines and bloodworms throw. And scare, and catch, the " silly fish" below : Backstickles bite, and biting, up they come. And now a minnow, now a miller's thumb. Here too, experienced youths of better taste And higher aim resort, who bait with paste, Or push beneath a gentle's shining skiu The barbed hook, and bury it within ; The more he writhes the better, if he die Not one will touch him of the finny fry ; If in strong agony the sufferer live. Then doth the "gentle angler" joy receive, Down bobs the float, the angler wins the prise, And uow the gentle, now the gudgeon dies. 172 THE EVEllY-DAY BOUK.— MARCH 10 Concerning Sir Hugh Myddleton there Villi be occasion to speak again. CLOVE OF DEFIANCE In the Church. In the notice of Bernard Gilpin, March 4, (p. 165,) it is said, " another incident iiirther illustrating the manners of the Northern Borderers will be mentioned below." The observation refers to a ftin- giilar challenge, which the arrangements of that day could not include, and is now inserted. On a certain Sunday Mr. Gilpin going to preach in those parts wherein deadly y^^Krf* prevailed, observed a glove hanging up on high in the church. He demanded of the sexton what it meant, and why it hung there. The sexton answered, that it was a glove which one of the parish hung up there as a challenge to his enemy, sig- nifying thereby, that he was ready to enter combat hand to hand, with him or any one else who should dare to take the glove down. Mr. Gilpin requested the sexton to take it down. " Not I, sir," replied the sexton, "I dare do no such thing." Then Mr. Gilpin, calling for a long staff, took down the glove himself, and put it in his bosom. By and by, when the people came to cliurch, and Mr. Gilpin in due time went up into the pulpit, he in his sermon reproved the barbarous custom of challenges, and especially the custom which they had, of making challenges by the hanging up of a glove. " I hear," said he, " that there is one amongst you, who, even in this sacred place, hath hanged up a glove to this purpose, and threateneth to enter into combat with whosoever shall take it down. Behold, I have taken it down myself." Then plucking out the glove, he showed it openly, and inveighing against such practices m any man that professed himself a Christian,endeavoured \ o persuade them to the practice of mutual love and charity. THE SEASON. The memory of man supplies no re- collection of so wet a season as from Sep- tember 1824 to March 1825 ; it produced the rot in sheep to an alarming extent. In consequence of the animals being killed in this disease, the mutton is un- wholesome for human food, and produces mortality even in dogs. The newspapers relate that such mutton given to a kennel of dogs rendered ibem fat, till on a sudden their good looks declined, they became lean, and gradually died, withoiit any other cause being assignable for the mortality, than the impure flesh of the sheep. In such a season, therefore, fami- lies should shrink from the use of mutton as from a pestilence. There is no secu- rity, but in entire abstinence. Almost every hare shot during the same period had a tainted liver. Under such circum- stances lamb should be sparingly used, and, if possible, refrained from altogether, in order to secure mutton at a reasonable price hereafter. Chronology. 1792. John, earl of Bute, died. He was prime minister soon after the acce.'*- sion of George III.; and of all who guideil the helm of state, the most unpopular. On the 10th of March, 1820, died Benjamin West, esq., president of the Royal Academy, in the eighty-second yeai of his age. It was his delight to gentlj lead genius in a young artist ; and Mr. William Behnes, the sculptor, was honoured by the venerable president with the means of transmitting his parting looks to an admiring world, upon whom he was soon to look no more. Mr. West's sittings to Mr. Behnes were about two months before his death. Expressing himself to his young friend in terms o< high satisfaction at the model, he en- couraged him to persevere in that branch of art which Mr. Behnes has since distinguished, by admirable power of de- sign and use of the chisel. To speak of Mr. Behnes's model as a mere likeness, is meagre praise of an effort which clearly marks observation, and comprehension, of Mr. West's great mental powers. The bust, as it stands in marble, in sir John Leicester's gallery, is a perfect resemblance, of Mr. West's features, and an eloquent memorial of his vigorous and unimpaired intellect in the last days of earthly exis- tence. If ever the noblest traits of humanity were depicted by the hand of art, they are on this bust. Superiority of mind is so decidedly- marked, and blended, with primitive simplicity, and a beaming look of humanity and benevo'.ence, that it seems the head of an apostle. ^Ir. West was an American ; tie was 173 THE EVERY -DAY BOOK.— MARCH 10 boin at Springfield, in Pennsylvania, on the 10th of October, 1738; his ancestors and parents were " Friends :" the family had emigrated from England with the illustrious founder and legislator of Pennsylvania, Wh.liam Penn: of whose treaty with the Indians for a tract of their territory, it is observed, that it was the only christian contract unsanc- tioned by an oath, and the only one never violated.* The first of the family who embraced Quaker principles was colonel James West, the friend and companion in arms of the great John Hampden. Mr. West's genius developed itself very early. When a child he saw an infant smile in its sleep, and forcibly struck with Its beauty, seized pens, ink, and paper, which happened to lie by him, and en- deavoured to delineate a portrait ; at tiiis period he had never seen an engraving or a picture. He was afterwards sent to school in the neighbourhood, and during hours of leisure was permitted to draw with a pen and ink. It did not occur to any of the family to provide him with bet- ter materials, till a party of Indians being amused with little Benjamin's sketches of birds and flowers,taught him to prepare the red and yellow colours with which they painted their ornaments, and his mother adding blue, by giving him a piece of indigo, he became possessed of the three primary colours. As he could not procure camels' hair pencils, and did not even know of their existence, he supplied the deficiency by cutting fur from the end of the cat's tail. From the frequent necessity for repeating this depredation, his father observed the altered appearance of his favourite, and lamented it as the effect of disease; the young artist, with due con- trition, informed his father of the true cause, and the old gentleman was higlily pleased by his son's ingenuousness. Mr. Pennington, a merchant of Philadelphia, struck with the genius of the child, sent him a box of paints and pencils, with some canvass, and six engravings by Grevling. Little West rose with the dawn of the next day, carried the box into the garret, prepared a pallet, began to imitate the figures in the engravings, omitted to go to school, and joined the family at dinner, without mentioning how he had been occupied. In the afternoon he again retired to his garret ; and for * Voltaire's Pliilosopliical Dictionary London edit. vol. V p. 367. several successive days thus devoted hin> self to painting. The schoolmaster, how- ever, sent, to know the reason of his ab sence. Mrs. West recollecting that she had seen Benjamin going up stairs every morning, and suspecting that it was the box which occasioned this neglect of the school, affected not to notice the message, but went immediately to the garret, and found him employed on the picture. If she had anger, it was changed to a different feeling by the sight of his performance ; she kissed him with transports of affection, and assured him that she would intercede to prevent his being punished. It seemed ever the highest pleasure of Mr. West emphatically to declare, that it was this kiss that made him a painter. After numerous indications of uncon- trollable passion for his favourite and only pursuit, a consultation of •' Friends" was held, on the propriety of allowing young West to indulge a taste, which the strict discipline of the society inhibits : — Genius has such resistless power That e'en the Quaker, stern and plain, Felt for the blooming painter boy. The destiny he desired was fixed. In 1760 he left Philadelphia for Rome, pur- sued his studies in the capital of art, visited the galleries and collections of Italy with an ardour that impaired his health, came through France to London, and was about to return to America, when sir Joshua Reynolds, and Wilson, the landscape painter, used their utmost per- suasions to detain him in this country. There was only one obstacle ; he had formed an attachment on his native soil : Wlieree'er he turn'd, whatever realms to see, His heart, untravcll'd, fondly turn'd to her whom he loved. This difficulty was overcome, for the lady. Miss Shewcll, came over ; they were married in London, in 1764. Thus " settled," in the following year Mr. West was chosen a member and one of the directors of the Society of Artists, afterwards incorporated with the Royal Academy, which he assisted in forming, and over which he afterwards presided till his death. As an artist his works in the various collections and edifices throughout Eng- land exhibit his talents, but above all " West's Gallery," now open in New- man-street for public inspection, is an assemblage of testimonials to the I'ustice 174 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— M ARCH 11,12. of his fame among his adopted country- men. His talent geiminated on the shores of the Atlantic, but with us it flourished. Ameiica at that period was not sufficiently advanced to cultivate his genius : now that she has risen in com- merce and the arts, and taken her stand among the nations, she will retain her future Wests to adorn her greatness. May the people of England and America con- tend with each other no more but in works of peace and good will ; and may the in- terchange of talented individuals from each, contribute to the prosperity and moral grandeur of both countries ! As a man, Mr. West's characteristics were kindness and warmth of heart. From accordant feelings, he painted with delight and energy some of the most affecting incidents m the New Testament history. His " Christ healing the sick" will be remembered by all who saw it, with reverend solemnity. In his " Christ Rejected-," the various bad passions in the malignant spectators and abettors of the outrage ; the patient suffering of the great and all-enduring character ; the sympa- thizing feelings of his adherents ; and the general accessories, are great lineaments of the designer's power. His " Death on the Pale Horse," and more especially the sketch for that painting, express masterly thought and conception. These are Mr. West's "large'' pictures. Some of his smaller ones and his sketches, the beholder studies and lingers over till his limbs and body tire ; and he leaves the large assem- blage of paintings in " West's Gallery" with a conviction, that no artist has yet fully occupied his place. Perhaps there is only one who would have designed the " Death on the Pale Horse" more effec- tively, and he would have had no compeer •^Mr. Fuseli ; whose compositions are of a higher order than those of any other in this country, and will be duly estimated when the price set upon his works cannot be useful to their author. No one is valued till he is dead ; after the last sigh has sobbed from the body, comes the time for some to suspect that they had inflicted pangs upon its infirmity when living, and a desire to know more of a man, the rufflings of whose dying pillow the breath of their friendship might have smoothed, and whom, to the extent of their compre- hension they might have known, if their little feelings, in a state too easy, had not excluded him from their society. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Upright Chickweed. Veronica triphijllos Dedicated to St. DroctavcEus, iHarrI) 11. St. Eulogius of Cordova, a. d. 859. Si. Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, A. D. 640. St. JEngiis, Bishop, *.. d 824. St. Constantine, 6th Cent. Chronology. 1752. Papers were affixed in the avenues to both houses of parliament, giving notice that the farmers and their servants intended to destroy the pheasant and partridge eggs, and leverets, if the country gentlemen, who had entered into an association for the preservation of game, did not desist. There were sad heats at this time between the owners and occupiers of land, from the obnoxiousness of the game laws, and the severity of their execution. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Cornish Heath. Erica vaguus Dedicated to St. Eulogius. i^larri) 12. St. Gregory the Great. St. Maximilian, A. D. 296. St. Paul, Bishop of Leon, about 573. St. Gregory the Great. He was praetor of Rome in 574, under the emperor Justin ; next year he became a monk, and by fasting and study so weak- ened his stomach, that he swooned if he did not frequently eat. "What gave him the greatest affliction," says Butler, "was, his not being able to fast on an Easter-eve ; a day on which, says St. John the deacon, * every one, not even excepting little chil- dren are used to fast ;' whereupon, by pray- ing that he might be enabled to fast, he not only fasted, but quite forgot his ill- ness." He determined to come to Britain to propagate the faith ; but the whole city rose in an uproar to prevent his depar- ture, and the pope constrained him to re- main. Pope Pelagius II. sent him as nuncio to Constantinople, where Eutychius fell into an error, importing that after tlie resurrection glorified bodies would not be palpable, but of a more subtile texture than air. Whereupon, says Butler, St. Gre- gory was alarmed, and clearly derrcn- etrated that their bodies would be the 175 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 12 same which they had on earth, and Euty- chius retracted his error : on his return to Rome he took with him an arm of St. Andrew, and the head of St. Luke. Pela- gius made him his secretary, and after his death was elected pope liimself. To escape from the danger of this elevation, he got himself carried out of Rome in a wicker basket, and lay concealed in woods and caverns for three days. He was afterwards consecrated with great pomp, and on that occasion sent a synodal epistle to the other patriarchs, wherein he de- clared that " he received the four councils as the four gospels." Butler says, he ex- tended his charity to the heretics, and '•to the very Jews," yet he afterwards adds, that in Africa " he extirpated the Dona- ists." He subscribed himself in his let- ters, "Servant of the Servants of God." He sent to the empress Constantina a veil which had touched the relics of the apostles, and assured her that miracles nad been wrought by such relics, and promised her some dust-filings of the chains of St. Paul. He sent St. Austin and other monks to convert the English. (See February 24, St Ethelbert.) He died on the 25th of January, 604.* His devotion to the church was constant ; he was learned, enterprising, sincere, and credulous, and, for the times wherein he rved, charitable, and merciful. It should be observed, that he was the author of the church-singing called the Gregorian chaunt. Many miracles are related of St. Gre- gory, as that going to bless a church in honour of St. Agnes, which had been used by the Arians, he caused the relics to be placed on the altar, whereon a hog went grunting out of the church with a fearful noise ; whence it was averred that the devil, who had been served in it by the heretic Arians, was driven out by the relics. Sometimes the 'amps were miraculously lighted. One day a bright cloud descended on the altar, with a heavenly odour, so that from reverence Qo one dared to enter the church. At another time, when Gregory was transub- stantiating the wafers a woman laughed ; he asked her why she laughed ? to which at length she answered, " because you call the bread which I made with my own hands the body of our Lord ;" whereupon he prayed, and the consecrated bread appeared tlesh to every one present ; and • Buttler's Saintsi the woman was converted, and the rest were confirmed. At another time, sorhe ambassadors coming to Rome for relics, Gregory took a linen cloth which had been applied to the body of a saint, and enclosing it in a box gave it to therr. While on their journey home they were curious to see the contents of the box ; and finding nothing within it but thft cloth, returned to St. Gregory complain- ing that he had deceived them. On this he took the cloth, laid it on the altar, prayed, pricked it with a knife, the cloth shed blood, and the astonished ambassa- dors reverently took back the box. Another time one who had been excommunicated by St. Gregory for having put away his lawful wife, bargained with certain sor- cerers and witches for revenge ; who, when the holy pope rode through the city, sent the devil into his horse, and made him caper, so that he could not be held; then with the sign of the cross the pope casi out the devil, and the witches by miracle becoming blind were converted, and Si. Gregory baptized them ; yet he would not restore their sight, lest they should read their magical books again, but main- tained them out of the church rents. After his death there was a famine in Rome, and the people being falsely per- suaded that St. Gregory had wasted the church property, gathered his writings to burn them ; wherefore Peter, the dea- con, who had been intimate with Gre- gory, affirmed, that "he had often seen the Holy Ghost in form of a dove upon St. Gregory's head whilst he was writing, and that it would be an insufferable affront to burn those books, which had been written by his inspiration ;" and to assure them of this he offered to confirm it by oath, but stipulated that if he died immediately after he had taken the oath, they should believe that he had told them the truth : this being assented to, he took the oath, and thereupon died, and the people believed ; and " hence the painters came to represent St. Gregory, with a dove at his ear, to signify that the Holy Ghost inspired and dictated what he writ."* It is also a legend concerning St. Gre- gory, that when he fled from Rome to avoid the dignity of popedom and lay hid, a bright pillar of fire descending from hea- ven, glittered above his head, and angels appeared descending and ascending by • Ribadeneira'* Seinrs. 176 THE F.VERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 12. ihe same fiery pillar upon him, where- fore he was " miraculously betrayed."* After St. Gregory's death there was a hermit, who had left all his goods, and left the world, and kept nothing but his cat, and this cat he used to play with, and hold in his lap tenderly : one day he prayed that it might be revealed to him, to the joy of what saint he should here after come ; then St. Gregory was revealed to him, and that he should come to his joy ; wherefore the hermit sighed, and dis- liked his poverty, because St. Gregory had possessed so much earthly riches xand in revelation it was commanded him to be quiet, because he had more pleasure in stroking and playing with his cat, than St. Gregory had in all his riches. Then the hermit prayed that he might have the like merit and reward with St. Gre- gory ; and in this story, lieth great moral. DOMESTIC MEDICINE, Although this is not a family receipt- book, yet a prescription is extracted from the "Yea and Nay Almanack for 1678," because the remedy has been tried and approved. For the Eyes. In the morning as soon as you rise, instead of fasting spittle, or a cat's tail, rub your eyes with a hundred broad pieces of your own gold; and I tell thee friend, it will not only do thy eyes good, but thy purse also. Chronology. 1689. King James II. landed at Kinsale in Ireland, with an army he brought from France, to assist in the recovery of the throne he had abdicated. He afterwards made a public entry into Dublin, and besieged Londonderry, which vigorously defended itself under the rev. George Walker, and suffered dreadful privations till it was relieved, and the siege abandoned. He then held a parlia- ment in Dublin, coined base money, and committed various outrages, till William III. signally defeated him at the battle of the Boyne, and compelled him to fly to France. SOCIETY rOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF LITERATURE. Among the proposals in 1825, a year Srolific of projects, there is one for a oint Stock Company or Society for the * Porter's Flowers. Encouran^sment of Literature ; the capital to be £100,000. in shares of £25. to be increased, if advisable ; shareholders to be allowed to subscribe at par; each shareholder to be entitled to a copy of every work published by the society, at two-thirds of the publication price ; in- terest 5 per cent., to be paid half yearly on the instalments subscribed ; a deposit of £l. per share to be paid on subscribing, the remainder by instalments as the extension of the society's concerns may demand ; of the profits one-fourth to form a fund for the benefit of authors, at the discretion of the society ; two-fourths to be divided among the proprietors an- nually ; tlie remaining one-fourth to accumulate into a perpetual triennial fund, to meet unforeseen expenditure, the possibility of loss, &c. &c. Sec. There is not one word about the Encourarrement 0^ Literature beyond the title. This ab- sence is the most intelligible part of the proposals. There was a Society for the Encou- ragement of Learnintr, established in May, 1736. The duke of Richmond was president, sir Hugh Smithson, (after- wards duke of Northumberland,) and sir ITiomas Robinson, bart., were vice-pre- sidents. The trustees were the earl of Hertford, earl of Abercorn, Ilarley, earl oi" Oxford, earl Stanhope, lord Percival, Dr. Mead. Dr. Birch, Paul Whitehead, Ward, the professor at Gresham college, Sale, the translator of the Koran, and other really eminent men; Alexander Gordon, the author of " Iter Septentri- onale," a " History of Amphitheatres," and other learned and antiquarian works, was their secretary. In the December of the same year Gordon wrote a letter to Dr. Richardson, master of Emanuel college Cambridge, soliciting his interference with Dr. Conyeis Middleton, to obtain for the society the publication of the life of Cicero. " They have already entirely paved the way for the reception of au- thors," says Gordon; " appointed book- sellers for their service ; settled the regula- tions concerning printers, and the printing part;" and, " in fine nothing is ivanling but to set out with some author of geniua and note." Dr. Middleton chose to publish his life of Cicero with a book- seller, notwithstanding an army of really great names had made all those arrange- ments, and courted him to their en- couragement. In the outset of this so- ciety Mr. Clarke iu a letter to Mr. Bo'vyer Vol. I. 177 N THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 12. expressed his conviction, that " it must be at last a duwnriglit trading society," and said " I hope you will take care to be ine of their printers, for there will certainly De a society for encouraging printing." Mr. Bowyer took the hint, and printed for them. The security was good, because each member of such a society is answerable individually for its debts. At the end of three years " Dr. Birch, as treasurer to the society, handed over to Mr. Stephen le Bas, his successor in office, the astonishing balance of 59/. 3s. Q^d. During that period the society had printed only four books ; and then, deeming the assistance of booksellers ne- cessary, they entered into a contract for tiiree years with A. Millar, J. Gray, and J. Nourse; afterwards they contracted with six other booksellers, whose profits they retrenched : then they became their own booksellers ; then they once more had recourse to three other booksellers; and finally, finding their finances almost ex- iiausted, they laid before the public a memorial of the Present State of Aflf'airs of the Society, April 17, 1748," whereby it appeared that they had incurred so considerable a debt they could proceed no further.* Less than fifty years ago another society existed, under the very title of tiie Joint Stock Society proposed in 1825. Mr. Tyson, in a letter of June 21, 1779, to his friend Mr. Cough, the antiquary, mentions that a bequest of £5. was " left at the disposal of the Society for the En- couragement of Litcratiire."f If the liteiature of the present day owes its existence to that society, its ofl'spring is most ungrateful; the foster-parent is not even remembered, nor is the time of its birth or death recorded in any public register. That it survived the bequest alluded to, only a very short period, ap- pears certain ; for in the verj- next year, 1780, Dr. Lettsom issued " Hints for esta- blishing a Society for promoting useful Literature." The doctor, a most bene- volent man, and a good physician, dis- pensed much charity in private as well as in public, and patronized almost every humane institution for the rolief and cure of human infirmity; and hence his eye was as microscopic in discernment, as his hand was experimental in the healing of griefs. Literature seems to have been to him as a gentle river that he rilled into. • Nicholii'8 Anecdotes t Ibid. and which he thought could be diverted, or regulated by new ciiannels and shiicps ; he appeared not to know, that it is an ocean of mighty waters, with countless currents and varying tides. He proposed laigesses to indigent writers, and their widows and orphans, and " honoraiv re- wards '' to successful ones. Robertson, Bryant, Melmoth, Johnson, Gibbon, and many other "useful and accomplished writers," were to have had the " honorary rewards" of the encoui aging society. Such honours, such a society was to have forced on such men ! The doctor's "hints" were not adopted, except that to relieve the casualties of minor literary men, and their dependents, there now exists the Literary Fund. In the records of foimer days there is mention of a project for extracting, bot- tling, and preserving sunbeams from cu- cumbers, for use at that season when sun- beams are rare, and cucumbers not at all. The projector seems to have inferred, that as cucumbers derived their virtue from sunbeams, it would be virtuous in cucum- bers to return the deposit. Whatever virtue cucumbers had, it would not be forced. Expeiiment, doubtless, disap- pointed hope; the promising project ab- sorbed the capital advanced, as completely as the cholicky vegetables tenaciously retained the solar rays; and the deposit never found its way to the shareholders. Any Society for the Encouragement of Literature, suve one, is a fallacy — that one is society itself. All interposition in its behalf is feeble and doting interference. A public Joint Stock Company can neither create literary talent, nor by divided eflbrts obtain so much ; nor with capital, however great, reward it so well, as the undivided interest, industry, and unshared purse of the private publisher. If a Society for the Encouragement of Literature be instituted, when more in- stitution is threatened, and less insti- tution is necessary, than at any former period, such society will be a hot-bed for the cultivation of little more than hopeful weeds. A k\r literary shoots may be set in warm borders, and drawn up under frames, to look handsome, but they will not bear transplanting to open ground. Their produce will be pre- mature, of inferior quality, and not repay the trouble and expense of rearing. If left unsheltered, the first chill will kill them. Weak suckers, however well fa- voured, will never come to trees 178 THE EVER\-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 13. Tlie monarch of the forest, in natural solitude, drinking sunshine and dews, un- interrupted and untainted by human en- croachments, and striking deep root be- neath virgin earth, attains, in fulness of time, to majestic growth. In like manner the silent spirit of man, seeking peace in solitary imaginings, penetrating below the foundations of human knowledge, and generalizing and embodying the objects of sight and feeling, arrives to a grandeur astonishing to men's eyes, because not the work of men's hands. This self- created power, is denominated Genius. In an incipient state it evaporates beneath the meddling touch, and at maturity soars above its reach. Talent is ungovernable. It directs itself, appoints its own trustees for uses, and draws drafts upon the public which are honoured at siglit. The de- mand for talent is greater than the supply. What is to be done? — nothing. What can be done ? — nothing. Literature must be let alone. Under bounties and draw- backs, it becomes tortuous and illicit. FLORAL DIRFXTORY. Channelled Ixia. Ixia Bulbocodium. Dedicated to St. Gregory. iilard) 13. St. Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constanti- nople, A.D. 828. St. Enphrasia, a. d. 410. St. Theophanes, Abbot, a. d. 818. St. Kennocha, a. d. 1007. St. Gerald, Bishop, A. D. 732. ts •who need the assistance, by voluntary contribution. The festival is attended by Irishmen of different political parties and religious persuasions, and many of the highest rank. On this anniversary, in 1825, the marquess of Londonderry was in the chair, with the duke of Leinsteron his right, and the marquess of Lansdown at his left hand : several of the king's ministers and nobility were present. The report stated, trhat 400 children were educated in the school, the funds admitted of only 240 being cloil ed, the rest were supplied with shirts, shoes, and stockings ; and the committee earnestly invited in- spection of the schools from nine till two every day, except on the sabbath and Mon- day. A donation to the charity, from his majesty of 100 guineas, was followed by others, and by hopes that absent Irish- men and Englishmen who could, would cheerfully contribute towards an institution which on its merits required general sup- port. Speeches from the chairman and noble guests, the chancellor of the ex- chequer, Mr. O'Connell, Mr, Huskis.son, and other distinguished characters, breathed sentiments of universal good will, and must have inspired every indi- vidual to kindness, and desire of extend- ing, and cementing, the conciliation so happily commenced between the people of both countries. If is related that during the dinner, the party at the head table were much amused by a bottle of genuine {illegal) poteen, neat as imported from the emerald isle, being handed to the chancellor of the exchequer, who, forgetting the good of the revenue in the memory of St. Patrick, put a portion of the naughty liqueur in his glass, and drank it with becoming devotion. In the forenoon of the same day, the festival was celebrated at the Roman catholic chapel in Sutton-street, Soho, with an unusual degree of splendour. The archbishop of Armagh in his mitre and pontifical robes, officiated as high-priest, assisted by the two English catholic bishops, Poynter and Bramston, and one of the Irish bishops, and several of the minor clergy. A selection of music, chiefly from Haydn's masses, was power- fully performed by a very numerous choir, accompanied by a full band ; and after ? sermon by Dr. Poynter, a collection was made, to the amount of £65., to assist the chapel and the schools attached to it. Order of St. Patrick. To r^bruary, 1 783, letters patent created 1 Brotherhood Jenominated " Knights of the illustrious order of St. Patrick," to con- sist of the sovereign for the time being, as sovereign of the order ; and fifteen knights companions, the " lieutenant-general and general governor of Ireland, or the lord 185 THE EVERY-D/iY BOOK.— MARCJil 18. deputy or deputies, or lord's justices, or other chief governor or governors" for the time being, officiating as deputy grand mas- ters. Tlie statutes of the order of St. Patrick direct the badge to be of gold, surmounted with a wieath of shamrock or trefoil, sur- rounding a circle of gold, bearing the motto of the order in gold letters, Quis separabit P with the date wdcclxxxiii, wherein the order was founded, and en- circling the cross of St. Patrick gules, surmounted with a trefoil vert, each leaf charged with an imperial crown or, upon a field argent ; the badge, encircled witli rays .n form of a star of silver of eight points, four greater and four lesser, worn on the left side of the outer garment. The Shamrock. The shamrock is the trefoil. The Druids used it to cure diseases. The Irish use it as a national cognizance. It is said that when St. Patrick landed near Wicklow to convert the Irish in 433, the pagan inhabitants were ready to stone him ; he requested to be heard, and en- deavoured to explain God to them as the Trinity in Unity, but they could not understand him, till plucking a trefoil from the ground, he said, " Is it not as possible for the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as for these leaves, to grow upon a single stalk," then the Irish were im- mediately convinced.* St. Patrick. The Welch claim St. Patrick. Mr. Owen in his " Cambrian Biography " affirms, he was born at Aberllychwr in Pembrokeshire, South Wales, where there is a church dedicated to him. They call him Padrig, the son of Mawrn or Maen- vvyn, of the laird of Gwyr. Mr. Owen cites from the genealogy of the British saints, that, " It was the glory of the em- peror Theodosius, in conjunction with Cystonnin Llydaw, surnamed the blessed, to have first founded the college of lUtyd, which was regulated by Balerus, a man from Rome ; and Padrig, son of Mawrn, was the principal of it, before he was car- ried away a captive by the Irishman." In corroboration, Mr. Owen says, it is recorded in the history of Wales, *' that the Irish were enabled to settle them- selves along nearly the whole extent of its coast, in the beginning of the fifth century, and continued there until nearly the middle of the same era ; when they were expelled from the north by the • Brand 's Pop. Antiquitieii. natives, assisted by the sons of Cunedda^ and from the south with the aid oi Urien." Thus Wales contends for the honour of the birth-place of Patrick with Scotland, while Ireland has the honour oj the saint himself. A London Bull. The "Athenseum" affirms the following to be a literal transcript of a letter sent to a gentleman, who had recommended a patient to that excellent institution called the London Electrical Dispensary : — " To Mr. G "No. 5081. " Sir, " Having by your recommendation been received a patient at the London Electrical Dispensary, and being dis- charged this day dead, I beg leave to re- turn my humble and hearty thanks for the same. " March 7, 1810." Except the No., date, and the word dead, which are written, ^\\\hQ rest of the letter is printed. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Sweet Violet. Viola odurata. Dedicated to St. Oertrude. Shamrock Trifolium repens Dedicated to St. Patrick. ilard) ]8. St. Alexander, Bp. of Jerusalem, a. n. 251. St. Cyril, Abp. of Jerusalem, A. D. 386. St. Edivard, King, a. u. 979. St. Anselm, Bp. of Lucca, a. d. 1086. St. Fridian, Erigdiayi, or Frig- dian, Bp. of Lucca, a. d. 578. St. Edward. This is the Enghsh king who was stabbed in the back with a dagger, by or- der of his stepmother, Elfrida, while drinking on horseback at the gate oi Corfe castle, in the isle of Purbeck. He spurred his horse, which plunged him into a deep marsh, and there he died ol his wounds, in 979. Butler says his body was discovered by a pillar of light, and buried in Wareham church, and worked miracles. His name is in the church of England calendar. It is an historical fact, that the wreicli ed contriver of king Edward's muidei passed the remainder of her days in dis- mal horror ; and her nights brought no re- pose from the afflictions of her conscience. She obtained a kind of armour formed ol 186 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 19, 20. crucifixes, wherein she encased herself, performed peiumces, built monasteries, and died universally execrated by the in- dignant people. The treacliery of the crime occasioned a general distrust, no one would drink without security from liim, who sat beside him, that he was safe while the bowl was at his lips ; and hence is said to have originated the customary expression at table of " I pledge you," when one person invites another to drink first Chronology. 1745. Sir Robert Walpole, earl of Orford, died, aged 71. FLORAL DIRFXTORY. Great Leopard Bane. Doroiiicinn Pur- dulionetes. Dedicated to St Cyril. ilflard) 19. St. Joseph. St. Alcmund, 819. St. Joseph. The church of Rome has canonized Jo- seph ',h€ spouse of the Virgin Mary, and honours him with offices and worship of various forms. Cl'KONOLOCY. 7'20, B. c. the first eclipse of the moon on record happened on this day. 1355. Pressing for seamen to man the navy commenced. 1668. Sir John Denham, poet, died in London ; he was born in Dublin, 1615. 1719. A surprising meteor was seen about eight o'clock in the evening, from all parts of England, Scotland, and Ire- land. To an observer in St. Paul's church- yard, it appeared a ball of fire as large as the moon, of a pale bluisli light, and with little motioi., till in a moment it assumed the shape of a common meteor with a stream of light, double the diameter of its firs' appearance, emitting a splendour by which the smallest print might have been read. Its duration was not above half a minute, and its greatest light about the tenth part of a minute. At Exeter its light exceeded that of tlie sun at noon- day, and there it seemed to break like a skyrocket, into sparks of red fire, which reflected that colour on the houses, and shortly after a report, loud as cannon, shook the windows, succeeded at the in- terval of a minute by about thirty others; " they sounded just as the tower guns did in Mincing-lane, but shook the houses and windows much more." Mr. Whistoo calculated the greatest lieight of tins ex- traordinary meteor to have been forty- three or fifty-one statute miles : it gradu- ally descended lower till it came to De- vonshire, where it was about thirty-nine miles high, and broke over the sea, near the coast of Brittany ; its altitude then being about thirty miles.* FLORAL DIRr.CTORY. Yellow Star of Bethlehem. Ormithoga- lum luieam. Dedicated to St. Joseph. iWarrf) 20. St. Cuthbert, Bp. of Lindisfarne, a. d 687. St. JVulJ'ran, A\)^. of Sens, a. d 720. St. Cuthbert. Of this saint theie will be mention hereafter. Chronology. 1727. Sir Isaac Newton died ; he was born December 25th, 1642. 1751. Frederick, prince of Wales, fa- ther of king George III. died aged 44. 1793. Died William Murray, earl of Mansfield. He was born on the 2d of Ma'ch, 1705, and during thirty years, and until his death, presided as lord chief justice of the court of King's Bench. He was eminent as a lawyer, and dignified as a judge. It is said that he altered the common law of England, by ingrafting upon it the civil law in his decisions. As an elegant scholar, of highly cultivated and vigorous intellect, he shone in the constel- lation of great men, which arose in the reign of queen Anne. In eloquence and beauty of diction, he outrivalled his predecessors, and has not been excelled by any successor in the high ofrice he filled. 1811. Napoleon, son of the late empe- ror of France, by the empress Mana Louisa, w as born, and received the title of king of Rome. On the 20th of March, the sun enters the constellation '/* -^ries, or the Ram, which is the first zodiacal sign ; and this day is the first day of Spring By an accident, the ronurks relating to Spring tvere inserted under March 6, instead of this day : and as the error is thus particularly noticed, in order as fiir as possible to rectify it, the reader will please to consider all that has been said * Wliiiton's Account of a Meteor, 8vo. 1719. 187 niE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 20. on the siTth of March as applicable to the twentieth alone. The editor, while ac- knowledging, and craving pardon for a vexatious and unpurposed misrepresenta- tion, will endeavour to set a vi'atch upon himself in future, to guard against a simi- lar accident. Aries, or the ram, as a zodiacal sign, is said to have been derived by the Greeks from the golden fleece brought from Colchis by Jason, about 1263 years before Christ ; but as it is a hieroglyphic on Egyptian monuments, ii is of higher antiquity, and symbolizes that season when sheep yean their lambs. The peo- ple of Thebes slew a ram in honour of Jupiter Ammon, who personifies the sun in Aries, and is represented by ancient sculpture and coins with the horns of a ram on his head. The Hebrews at this season sacrifice a lamb, to commemorate their deliverance from Egypt. Avies, or the ram, was the ensign of Gad, one of their le.iders ARI3S, VERNAL EQUINOX. The remarks on i\\e.Vernal Equinox, im- mediately following, are communicated by a respected scientific friend to the editor. This is a day of great consequence in the year, and one that must excite many associations in the mind of the astrono- mer, and of every one who entertains a due reverence for our sacred records. The sun on this day passes the imaginary line in the heavens, called the equator, or equi- noctial ; it being the middle circle equally distant in every part from the north or the south poles. The line is passed to an observer on Greenwich hill, at ten minutes past nine in the morning ; and, conse- quently, when it is on the meridian, or Us highest point at noon, it will appear to every observer in the united kingdom at some distance from the equator. It is commonly said, that at this time the day is equal to the night all the world over ; but this is a vulgar error. The day is not equal to the night in this country ; that is, the sun appears for more than tv/elve hours above the horizon, and, consequently, a less time than twelve hours elapses be- fore it shines again to us in the morning. Besides, the fallacyof this common saying is perceived at once by any one who con- siders, that the inhabitant of the north pole, if there is any inhabitant there, has already seen for some days the sun above his horizon, and it will not set to him for above six months. The day then is not equal to the night, either in the united kingdom, or at the north pole. We will leave to the astronomer to determine at what part of the earth this circumstance really takes place; in the investiga- tion of the problem he may encounter some difficulties, of which at present he is probably not aware. The sun crosses the equinoctial line at ten minutes past nine; it was therefore at its rising south of that line, and at its setting it will be north of that line. The line it marks out in the heavens is an arc of a spiral; but had it risen and set in the equinoctial line, the arc would have been circular. 183 THE EVERY- DAY BOOK.— MARCH 20. To leave, however, the circumstances peculiarly relative to astronomy, let us consider this day in another point of view. The sun and the moon are the 'egulatorsof days, and months, and years, «nd times, and seasons. Every nation in the world pays some regard to their mo- tions ; and in this country they are the subjects of legislative enactments — enact- ments which have been laughed at by our makers of almanacs ; disregarded by the church, though sanctioned in its rubrics ; and set at naught by courts of justice, whose openings at certain periods depend on prescribed appearances in the heavens. Of this, hereafter, sufficient proof will be given ; and, in thus noticing the errors of past times, there is a chance, that a statute of importance, certainly, as it has been thought worthy of legislation, should not be hereafter violated without the in- terposition of the legislature. Our ancestors began their year about this time, and not without reason ; for they had for it the sanction of a divine command. To the Israelites it was coni- manded, that this should be the beginning of their sacred year, on which the great festivals prescribed by their law should depend. Their civil year begins in Sep- tember, and they continue to observe the command, having an almanac founded on the complicated motions of the sun and moon, whose calculations are of a very subtle nature, and whose accuracy far exceeds that of the polished nations of Europe. That the year should begin either at the vernal or the spring equinox, or at the autumnal equinox, good reasons may be given ; but for our taking the first of January for the commencement of the year, nothing more can be said, than the eld theme. Sic volu, sit Jitbeo, stet pro rntinne voluntas. — Such is my will, the sun and moon may move as they please. Except for the refraction of the atmos- phere, the inhabitants of the equator would have at all times twelve hours' day and twelve hours' night ; the sun being north or south of this circle not causing any difference, for the equator and ecliptic being both great circles of the sphere, the two points of intersection must be in the same diameter. By the almanac it will be found, that there are nearly eight days more in the interval between the vernal and the autumnal equinox, than between the latter and the return of the vernal equinox. As, therefore, from the \crn;'I to tlic autumnal equinox, the sun is on the northern side of the equator, our summer occurring during this period, gives us an advantage of nearly eight days, in this respect, over the southern iiemisphere. This difference arises from the oval or ellip- tical form of the earth's orbit. The earth, therefore, being at different distances from the sun during the year, it is found to move with different velocities ; moving slowest when furthest from the sun, and quickest when nearest to that luminary. It happens to be at its greatest distance just after our Midsummer, and moving consequently slower during our spring and summer months ; our summer is about eight days longer than that of the southern hemisphere, our winter eight days shorter than theirs. Tlie annexed diagram will exhibit the equinoctial condition of the earth ; the sun's rays at their noon falling vertically to tiie 11 habitants of the equator. CARE SUNDAY. Care Sunday ; care away, Palm Sunday, and Easter day. Care Sunday is the fifth Sunday from Shrove Tuesday, consequently it is the next Sunday before Palm Sunday, and the second Sunday before Easter. Why it is denominated Care Sunday is very uncertain. It is also called Carle Sun- day, and in some parts Carl'ing Sunday. A native of Newcastle-upon-Tyne* ob- serves, that in I'hat town, and many other places in the north of England, peas after having been steeped a night in water, are fried with butter, given away, eaten at a kind of entertainm.ent on Carle Sunday, and are called Callings, " probably as we call the presents at fairs, fairings." To this he attaches a query, whether Carlera may not be formed from the old plura* termination in en, as hose?;, SfC." The only attempt at a derivation of the word Care, is, that " the Friday on which • Mr. Brand. 189 THE EVERY 'DAY BOOK.— MARCH 21 Christ was crucified, is called in German both Gute Freytag and Carr Freytag ;" and that the word karr signified a satis- faction for a fine, or penalty * The in- lert-ncri is corroborated, by the church of Rome anciently using rites on this day poouliar to Good Friday, whence it was also called Passion Sunday. It is noted in an old calendar, that on this day " a dole is made of soft beans,'' which was also " a rite in the funeral ceremonies of heathen Rome/' This " dole" of soft beans on Care Sunday, accounts for the present custom of eating fried peas on the same day. No doubt the beans were a very seasonable alms to help out the poor man's lent stock of provision. " In Northumberland the day is called Carling Siindai/. The ycjmanry in general steep peas, and afterwards parch them, and eat them on the afternoon of that day, call- ing them curlings. This is said by an old author, to have taken its rise from the disciples plucking the ears of corn, and rubbing them in their hands."-)- Ilence it is clear, that the custom of eating peas or beans upon this day, is only a conti- nuation of the unrecollected " dole" of the Romish church. It is possible, however, that there may have been no connection between the heathen funeral rite of giving beans, and the church donation, if the lat- ter was given in mere charity ; for there was little else to bestow at such a time of the year, when dried pulse, variously cooked, must have been almost the only winter meal with the labourer, and u frequent one with his employer. The couplet at the head of this article Mr. Nichols says he heard in Notting- hamshiie. There is another, Tid, Mid. Misera, Carling, Palm, Paste Egg day. The first line is supposed to have been formed from the beginning of Psalms, &c. viz. Te deum-^Mi deus — Miserere mei.J But how is it that Care Sunday is also called Carl Sunday and Carling Sun- day ; and that the peas, or beans, of the day are called car lings .^ Carle, which now means a churl, or rude boorish fel- low, was anciently the term for a working countryman or labourer; and it is only altered in the spelling, without the slightest deviation in sense, from the old Saxon * Brand's Pop. Antiq. from Marshal on the Saxon Gospels, t Gentleman's Magazine, 1786. t Brand's Pop. Antiquities word ceorl, the name for a husbandman. The older denomination of the day, then, may not have been Cure but Carl Sunday, from the benefactions to the carles or carlen. These are still the northern names for the day; and the dialect in that part of the kingdom is nearer to Saxon etymology. But whether the day were called Carle or Care Sunday it is now little known, and little more can be said about it, without the reader feeling inclined to .'^ay or sing, " Begone dull Care." FLORAL DIRECTORY. Dog's Violet. Fiola Canina. Dedicated to St. fVulfrun. ilard) 21. St. Benedict, or Bennet, Abbot, a. d. 543. St. Serapion, called the Sindo- nite, A. D. 388. St. Serapion, Abbot St. Serapion, Bishop, 4th Age. St. Enna, or Endeus, Abbot, 6th Cent St. Benedict, or Bennet, Founder of the order of St. Benedict. The accounts of distinguished persons of the Romish church written by its ecclesiastics are exceedingly curious. The rev. Alban Butler states of St. Bene- dict, that he was born in Umbria about 480, sent to school at Rome, and after- wards being determined to leave the world, " therefore left the city privately, and made the best of his way to the de- serts." Here he remained secreted at a place called Sublacum, till a " certain pious priest," whilst preparing a dinner on Easter-day, heard a voice say to him, " you are preparing for yourself a ban- quet whilst my servant Benedict at Subla- cum is distressed with hunger." Then the priest found out Benedict, and invited him to eat, "saying it was Easter-day, on which it was not reasonable to fast." Bennet answered, he did not know it ; and Alban Butler says, " nor is it to be won- dered at that he should not understand the Lunar cycle, which at that time was known by very few." Soon after, some shepherds found him hear his cave, and " took him for a wild beast ; for he was clad with the skins of beasts, and they imagined no human creature could live among those rocks." From that time he began to be known and visited, and the de/il carne to him " in the shape of a little 190 THE EVKRY-DAY BOOK —MARCH 21. blackbird.'' After this. Benedict rolled himself in briars and nettles, till he was covered with blood ; and his fame spread- ing still more abroad, several forsook the world to live with him ; and he became an abbot, and built twelve monasteries. In one of these, a monk becoming sloth- ful, St. Benedict said, " I will go and torrect him myself;" and Butler says, " such indeed was the danger and enor- mity of this fault, as to reciuire the most speedy and effectual remedy ;" wherefore St. Benedict coming to the lazy monk " at the end of the divine office,saw a little black boy leading him by the sleeve out of the church, "and applied the "speedy and eflec- tuai remedy" to the monk's shouldei's,in the shape of a cudgel ; and so " the sinner was freed from the temptation" of the little black boy, who was the devil. Then by Benedict's prayers a fountain sprung up ; and a monk cleaving wood with a hedg- ing bill, and the iron falling into the water, by holding the wooden handle in the water, the iron miraculously swam up to it of its own accord. Such growing fame brought to Benedict " many who came clad in purple with gold and pre- cious stones." " He seemed," says Alban Butler, " indued with an extraordinary power,commanding all nature, and foresee- ing future events ; he baffled the various artifices of the devil, with the sign of the cross; rendered the heaviest stone light; by a short prayer raised to life a novice who had been ciuslied by the fall of a wall ;" and after other wonders died, about the year 543, aged 63.* Pope St. Gregory, of whom some account is given on his festival, (see March 12,) wrote the life and miracles of St. Benedict.f This work of many chapters relates howBenedict dispossessed a certain clerk of the devil ; how he miraculously discovered the hiding of a flagon of wine ; how in a scarcity two hundred bushels of meal were miracu- lously brought to his monastery ; how a boy marvellously cast out of his grave, was miraculously kept in it by St. Bene- dict putting the host on his body ; how a glass bottle cast down on the stones was not broken ; how an empty tun was filled with oil by his prayers ; how he gave another monk a slap in the face and drove * Alban Butler, the English biographer of St. Benedict, and tlie rest of the saints, died in May, 773, aged fti. + Pope St. Gregory's labour is translated under tlie title of "The Life and Miracles of our Hnlie Father St. Benedict — I'ermiisti Haperiorum. Printed 34). 62S.' IPmo. the devil out of him ; how he saw the soul of his sister in form of a dove ; how he foretold his own death ; how he per- formed miracles too many to be liere re- lated ; all which, however, may be seen in the said life of St. Benedict, by the said pope St. Gregory, who it will be remembered is called by way of distinction St. Gregory the Great. St. Benedict founded the order of monks under his name. A reader wiio desires to be acquainted with its rules may con- suit Mr. Fosbroke's "Britisli Monachism," who remarks, that monkery is an institu- tion founded upon the first principles of religious virtue, wrongly understood and wrongly directed. He then proceeds to remark, that, " If man be endowed with various qualities, in order to be severely punished for using them, God is made the tempter of vice, and his works foolish. If voluntary confinement, vegetable eat- ing, perpetual praying, wearing coarse clothing, and mere automatical action through respiration, be the standard of excellence, then the best man is only a banel organ set to psalm-tunes." Chronology. 1556. Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, was burnt for heresy at Oxford, between Baliol college and St. Mary's church. A correspondent,LF.CTOR, communicates that there is against the south wall of Camberwell church, an inscription com- memorative of "Bartholomew Scott, esq. justice of peace in the county of Surrey," in which he is said to have mar- ried " Margaret, the widow of the right reverend prelate and martyr, Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterburie." Strype, (Life, p. 418. b. lii. ch. xxviii.) says, that the name of Cranmer's last wife was Ann; and that she survived him, was living towards the latter end of archbishop Parker's time, and " for he"* subsistence enjoyed an abbey in Notting- hamshire." He does not seem very san- guine on this head, but gives the passage on authority of " a very angry book, writ against the execution of justice in England by cardinall Alien." Fox, in his " Actes and Monumentes," says, that Cranmer's wife was " a Dutchewoman, kynne to the wyfe of Osiaiider ;" and that Cranmer having " sold hys plate, and payed all his debts, so that no man could ask him a grote," left his wife and children unorovided. The marriage of " Bartholo- 191 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 22. mew Scott, esq." with Cranmer's widow, was certainly an act of noble disinterested- ness. He is celebrated for his never- dying virtues, and described as a " valiant, wise, and religious gentleman," of" right worshipful and ancient familie." FLORAL DIRECTORY. Bulbous Fumitory. Fumaria biilbosa. Dedicated to St Bennet. Mm\) 22. St. Basil of Ancyra, a. d. 362. St. Paul, Bp. St. Lea, a. d. 384. St Deogratias, Bp. of Carthage, a.d. 4'^7. St. Catharine of Sweden, Abbess, a. d. 1381. Chronology. 1687. John Baptist Lulli, the cele- brated musician, died, aged 54. He was born at Florence, in 1634, and from being page to madame Montpensier, niece to Louis XIV. became superintendent of music to that monarch. The Plague in London. In March, 1665, London abounded in wealth and grandeur, in comparison with its state in former ages. Goldsmiths' shops shone with plate all along the south-side of the street called Cheapside, then named Goldsmiths'-row. The Strand then united London and Westminster by a range of palaces, inhabited by the nobility, with gardens in the rear reaching to the lliames, from whence through water- gates they descended by stairs to take water. Each of these mansions was named after its owner or occupier ; as Essex, Arundel, Norfolk, Salisbury, Wor- cester, Exeter, Hungerford, Howard, York, and Northumberland. They were buih at equal distances from each other, in the grandest style of antique architecture. Such was- London in March 1665, when it was visited by the plague, which raged with such unabating fatality, that three, four, and tive thousand of the inhabitants died weekly. Deaths increased so fast that the usual mode of interment could no longer be observed ; large pits were dug at' HoUywell-mount, and in other suburbs of the city, to which the dead were carried in carts, collected by the ring of a bell, and the doleful cry of " Bring out your dead." The bodies were brought out of the houses, and placed in the carts with no other covering than rugs or sheets tied round them, and were thrown into the pits in promiscuous heaps. Trade was at a stand, the shops were shut up, every day had the appearance of a sabbath ; grass grew on the Royal Exchange, and most of the public streets ; and Whitechapel might be mistaken for green fields. THE season. Dr. Forster observes, in his " Peren- nial Calendar," that about this time spi- ders begin to appear in the gardens, for in winter they are only seen m houses; and that the species which inhabits our dwellings, is quite distinct from the gar- den spider. These are a very interesting tribe of insects, in spite of their ugly ap- pearance, and the general dislike which most persons, especially females, attach to them, in common with earwigs and other unsightly insects. Naturalists have found out this curious propensity in spiders, that they seem remarkably fond of music, and have been known to descend from the ceiling during concerts, and to retire when the strain was finished ; of which the following old verses, from the " An- thologia Borealis et Ausiralis," remind us: — To a Spider which inhabited a Cell. In this wild, groping, daik, and drearie cove. Of wife, of children, and of health bereft, I hailed thee, friendly spider, who hadst wove Thy mazy net on yonder mouldering raft : Would that the cleanlie housemaid's foot had left Thee tarrying here, nor took thy life away ; For thou, from out this scare old ceiling's cleft. Came down each morn to hede my plaintive lay ; Joying like me to heare sweete musick play, Wherewith I'd fein beguile the dull dark lingering day, 192 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 23, 24, 25. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Pilewort. Ficaria verna. Dedicated to St. Catharine of Sweden. iHard) -23. Sf. Alphonsiis Taribius, Abp. of Lima, A. D. 160(i. Sts. Victorian, &c. a. d. 484. St. Edelwald, a. d. 699. St. Edelwald. This was an English benedictine monk of Rippon, who became a hermit, and was buried by St. Cuthbert in St. Peter's church, at Lindisfarne. Chronology. 1801. Paul, emperor of Russia, was strangled at St. Petersburg floral direciory. Peerless Daflbdil. Narcissus incompa- rabilis. Dedicated to St. Alphonsus. iiflarrib 24. Caml)ridge Term ends. St. Iren(Biis, Bp. of Sirmium, a d. S04. St. Simon, an Infant Martyr. 67. 1 fniliam of Norwich. I St. Simon, an Infant. , The Jews are said to have murdered this infant in 1472. After having delibe- rated at their synagogue in the holy week, on the preparations for their passover, they came to the resolution of crucifying a child on Good Friday, and having stolen Simon, they made him the victim, and sung around his body while elevated. Whenever an act of cruelty was to be perpetrated on the Jews, fables like these were forged, and the brutal passions of the mob let loose upon the life and wealth of fugitive Israelites. St. IVilliam of Norwich, a. d. 1137, Was another of these pretended mar- tyrs to Jewish hatred. Weever states, that " the Jews in the principal cities of the kingdom, did use sometimes to steal away, and crucify some neighbour's male child," as if it were a common practice. Since protestantism, no such barbarities have been imputed to the Jews Chronology. 1580. Tlie first bombs were thrown upon the town of Wachtendonck in Guel- derland. Ilie invention is commonly at- tributed to Galen, bishop of Munster. 172G. Daniel Whitby, the learr.pd commentator on the New Testament, died. He was born at Rushden, Norlhan)pion- shire, in 1638, and was eminent foi ability' and honesty throughout his life. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Golden Saxifrage. Chrysosplemim oppc- sitifolinm. Dedicated to St. Irenceus. ilard) 25. Lady Day. Holiday at the Public OiTices, except the Excise, Stamp, and Custom. The Annunciation of the Blessed Firgin Mary. St. Cammin, Abbot, a. d. 653. ?Catrp JBay* The Roman Catholic festival of the Annunciation is commonly called in England lady day, an abridgement of the old term Our Lady's Day, or the Day of our blessed Lady. This is a '• gaudy day " in the Romish church. Deemrrig the mother of Christ an intercessor and mediatrix, it offers innumerable honours and devotions to her. Hail Mary ! resounds in the masses to her praise ; and the worshippers of her shrines and resemblances, are excited to a fervour of devotion which would astonish, if it were not known that sculpture, painting, poetry, vocal and instrumental music, have been added to revive the recollection of monkish fables, and early impressions in her behalf. In the (i^oltlcn Hfgcntf, a book for- merly read instead of the New Testament, but now, in degree, supplanted by But- ler's more voluminous and almost equally miraculous " Lives of the Saints," there is a story in honour of the virgin, con- cerning a noble and ignorant knight, who, to amend his life, entered an abbey, but was so incapable of learning, that he could say nothing but Ave Maria, which words he continually repeated wherever he was. When this knight died he was buried in the church-yard of the abbey, and there afterwards grew out of his grave a fair flenr de lis, and in every flower grew, in letters of gold, the words Ave Maria ; and at the miracle, the brethren marvelled, and opened the sepulchre, and found the root oixhe flenr de lis came out of the mouth of the said knight ; and then they understood that he was to be honoured for his great df vo- Vol. I. 193 O THE EVEIlY-n\Y BOOK.— MARCH 25. tion to the virgin, by using the words Ave Maria. There is another story in the " Golden Legend " of" another knyght." " He had a fayre place bisyde the hye waye where moche people passed, wiiome he robbed," and so he did all his life; yet he had " a good custom" of saluting the virgin every day, by saying Ave Maria, and so he went on committing highway robberies, and saluting the virgin day by day, till his people having put " a holy man " in bodily fear and robbed him, the said " holy man " desired to be brought before their master,the knight, and seeing him, required him to summon all his attendants, which the knight did ; but the " holy man " objected that one of them was not present. Then the knight perceived that his chamberlain was not there, and called for him ; and when the holy man saw the chamberlain, he con- iured him to declare who he was, and the chamberlain being so enforced answered, " I am no man, but am a devil in the form of a man •," and he acknowledged that he had abided with the knight fourteen years, and watched him night and day, hoping the knight might leave off saying the salutation Ave Maria, that so he miglit strangle him, " and brynge him to hell," because of his evil life ; but, because there passed no day without the knight saying Ave Maria, the devil could not have him for all his long waiting. Then the knight fell down at the feet of the holy man, and demanded pardon of his sins, and the " holy man " commanded the devil to depart ; wherefore says the " Golden Legend," " let us pray to the gloryous virgyn Mary, that she kepe us from the devyll." The festival of the annunciation is kept at Rome by sumptuous shows. The author of " Rome in the nineteenth Century'' re- lates the pope's proceedings on the occa- sion : " We drove through streets lined with expecting crowds, and windows hung with crimson and yellow silk dra- peries, and occupied by females in their most gorgeous attire, till we made a stop near the church before which the pope's horse-guards, in their splendia full-dress uniforms, were stationed to keep the ground ; all of whom, both officers and men, wore in their caps a sprig of myrtle, as a sign of rejoicing. After waiting a short time, the procession appeared, headed by another detachment of the guards, mounted on prancing black chargers, who rode forward to clear ihr way, accompanied by such a flourish ol trumpets and kettle-drums, that it looked at first like any thing but a peaceable or religious proceeding. This martial array was followed by a bareheaded priest, on a white mule, bearing the host in a gold cup, at the sight of which every body fell' upon their knees. The pope used for- merly to ride upon the white mule him- self, and all the cardinals used to follow him in their magnificent robes of state, mounted either on mules or hoises; and as the Eminentissimi are, for the most part, not very eminent horsemen, they were generally fastened on, lest they should tumble off. This cavalcade must have been a very entertaining sight. Pius VL, who was a very handsome man, kept up this custom, but the (then) present pope (Pius VH.) is far too infirm for such an enterprise ; so he followed the man on the white mule, in a state coach ; at the very sight of which, we seemed to have made a jump back of two hundred years at least. Jt was a huge machine, composed almost entirely of plate-glass, fixed in a ponderous carved and gilt frame, through which was distinctly visi- ble the person of the venerable old pope, dressed in robes of white and silver, and incessantly giving his benediction to the people, by a twirl of three fingers ; which are typical of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost ; the last being represented by the little finger. On the gilded back of this vehicle, the only part that was not made of glass, was a picture of the pope in his chair of state, and the virgin Mary at his feet. Tliis extraordinary machine was drawn by six black horses, with superb harness of crimson velvet and gold ; the coachmen, or rather postillions, were dressed in coats of silver stuff, with crimson velvet breeches, and full bot- tomed wigs well powdered, without hats. Three coaches, scarcely less antiquely superb, followed with the assistant car- dinals, and the rest of the train. In the inside of the church, the usual tiresome ceremonies went on that take place when the pope is present. He is seated on a throne, or chair of state ; the cardinals, in succession, approach and kiss his iiand, retire one step, and make three bows oi nods, one to him in front, and one on the right hand, and another on the left; which are intended for him (as the per- sonification of the Father,) and for tht Son, and for the Ilolv (jliost, on eithei 194 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 26, 27. sidfi of liim; and all the cardinals having gone through these motions, and the inferior priests having kissed his toe — that is, the cross, embroidered on his shoe — high mass begins. The pope kneels during the elevation of the host, prays in silence before the high altar, gets up and sits down, reads something out of a great book which they brmg to him, with a lighted taper held beside it; and, having gone through many more such ceremonies, finally ends as he began, with giving his benediction with three fingers, all the way he goes out. During all the time of this high mass, the pope's military band, stationed on the p.'atform in front of the church, played so many clamorous martial airs, that it efi'ectually put to flight any ideas of religious so- 'emnity " In England, Ladi/ Day is only remem- bered as the first quarter-day in the year, and is therefore only kept by tenants who truly pay rent to their landlords. A few years ago a country gentleman wrote a letter to a lady of rank in town, and sent it through the general post with the fol- lowing address : "To "Tlie 25th of March, "Foley-place, London." The postman duly delivered the letter at the house of Lady Day for whom it was intended. Chronology. 168(5. Parochial charity schools, for the education of the children of poor per- sons, were instituted in London and its vicinity. 1748. A fire broke out at one o'clock in the morning in 'Change-alley, Corn- hill, London, which raged for ten hours, consuming all the buildings in 'Change- alley and Birchin-lane ; and in Cornhill, from 'Change-alley to St. Michael's-alley, mcluding several celebrated taverns and coffee-houses, and many valuable shops, including five booksellers. There were eighty houses destroyed by this confla- gration. 1809. Anna Seward, the friend of Dr. Darwin, and recollected for her life of him, and for her poetry and correspond- ence, died in the bishop's palace at f-ichfield, aged 66. She was born at Eyan, in Derbyshire. Her poetry is easy, 'ather than vigorous. FLORAL DIRF.CTORY. Marigold. Calendula Officinalis. Annunciation of V. Mary. Mm\) 26. Oxford Term ends. St. Ludger, Bp. of Munster, a.d. 809 St. Braulio, Bp. of Saragossa, a. d 646. THE CUCKOO. Now in many situations may be heard the cuckoo. Its distant note intmiating dislike to human approach, comes upon the ear as a soft welcome from a shy stranger : — Hail, beauteous stranger of the grove. Thou messenger of spring ! How heaven repairs thy rural seat, And woods thy welcome sing. What time the daisy decks the green Thy certain voice we hear ; Hast thou a star to guide thy path. Or mark the rolling year? Delightful visitant ! with thee I hail the time of flowers, And hear the sounds of music sweet From birds among the bowers. Tlie school-boy wandering thro* the wood To pull the primrose gay. Starts — the new voice of spring to hear And imitates thy lay. Soon as the pea puts on its bloom, Tnoufliest thj vocal vale. An annual guest in other lands. Another spring to hail. Sweet bird, thy bower is ever green^ Thy sky is ever clear ; Thou hast no sorrow in thy song, No winter in thy year I O ! could I fly, I'd fly with thee ; We'd make with social wing Our aimual visit o'er the globe. Companions of the spring. Logan. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Lurid Henbane. Hyoscy-amus Scopolia. Dedicated to St. Braulio iHard) 27. St. John of Egypt, Hermit, a. d. SM. St. Rupert, or ilobert, Bp. of Saltz- bourg. St. John of E;ypt Was a hermit, inured to obedience by an ancient holy anchoiet, " who madi 195 THE EVERl-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 27. t\m \r-'*fx a dry stick for a whole year, as if it were a live plant." He walled him- self up at the top of a rock, " from the for- tieth or forty-second to the ninetieth year of his age," and "drew the admira- tion of the whole world on him," says Butler, by " the lustre of his mirarles, and the "fame of his predictions.'' Chronology. 1801. The peace of Amiens between France and England was signed in France. PALM SUNDAY This is the first Sunday before Easter, and is sometimes called Passion Sunday. It is denominated Palm Sunday, because on this day the Roman catholic church ordains boughs or branches of palm trees to be carried in procession, in imitation o( those strewed before Christ when he rodf into Jerusalem. In this monkish procession the host was carried upon an ass, branches and flowers were strewed on the road, the richest cloths were laid down, and others were hune up. The palms were consecrated by the priest, and after they were used they were pre- served to be burned for holy ashes, to lay on the heads of the people on ^sh Wed- nesday in the following year, as before- mentioned (see p. 261,) on that day. On Palm Suneiap, the palm flowers and leaves to be consecrated by the officiating prelate or priest were laid upon the high altar, and those for the poor laitt/ being placed upon the south step of the alt.u the priest arrayed in a red cope pi a- 196 THE E VERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 27. ceeded to consecrate tliem by a prayer, commencing " I conjure thee, thou crea- ture of flowers and branches, in the name of God the Father," &c. This was to displace the devil or his influences, if he or they lurked or were hidden in or about the " creature of flowers and branches." Then followed a prayer wherein he said, with crosses, " We humbly beseech thee that thy truth may + sanctify this crea- ture of flowers and branches, and slips of palms,or boughs of trees,which weoflfer," &c. Then the " creature of flowers and branches " was fumed with smoke of frankincense from the censers, and there were other prayers with crossings, and they were sprinkled with lioly water with this supplication : " Bless + and sanc- tify + these branches of palms, and other trees and flowers," &c. Then the sacrists distributed the palms to the abbots, priors, and nobler persons, and the flowers and leaves to the others. When this was done the procession moved, and after- wards made a stand while two priests brought a Pascal in which the crucifix was laid ; afterwards the banner and cross-bearers filed off" to the right and to the left, and the boys and monks of the convent arranged themselves, and, after a short service, the priests with the tomb, headed by the banner and cross, passed between the monks, who knelt as they passed. When they came to the city- gates they divided again on two sides, and the shrine being put on a table, was covered with cloth. Above the entrance of the gates, in a place handsomely pre- pared with hangings, were boys with other singers whom the chanter had ap- pointed, and these sang, " Gloria, Laus," " Glory, praise," &c. After having made a procession through the city, they re- turned to the convent-gate, where the shrine was laid on the table and covered with cloth, and a religious service was performed. The monks then returned to the church, and stood before the crucifix uncovered, while mass was performed ; and after they had communicated, the deacon first and the rest afterwards, they offered their palms and flowers, at the altar.* It was also an old Roman catholic cus- tom on Palm Sunday, to draw about the lown a wooden ass with a figure on it, representing Christ riding into Jerusalem, * Foibroke'» Britiili MonarV Antiq. Sec. Brand's Pop. and the people strewing palms before it Googe's Nuogeorgus says : — A woodden Asse they have, and Image great that on him rides, But undenieatti the Asse's feete a table broad there slides. Being borne on wheeles, which ready dresl, and al things meete therforc. The Asse is brought abroad and set before the churche's doore : The people all do come, and bowes of trees and Palmes they here, Which things against the tempest great the Parson conjures there. And straytvvayes downe before the Asse, upon his face he lies, Whome there an other Priest doth strike with rodde of largest sise : He rising up, two lubbours great upon their faces fall. In straunge attire, and lothsomely, with filthie tune, they ball : Who, when agaitie they risen are, with stretching out their hande. They poyut unto the wooden knight, and, singing as they stande. Declare that that is he that came into the worlde to save. And to redeeme such as in him their hope assured have : And even the same that long agone, while in the streate he roade, The people mette, and Olive-bowes so thicke before him stroade This being soung, the people cast the braunches as they passe. Some part upon the Image, and some part upon the Asse : Before whose feete a wondrous heape of bowes and braunches ly : This done, into the Church he strayght is drawne full solemly : The shaven Priestes before them marchc. the people follo%v fast. Still striving who shall gather first the bowes that downe are cast: For falsely they beleeve that these have force and vertue great, Against the rage of winter stormes and thunders flashing keate. In some place wealthie citizens, and men of sober chere. For no small summe doe hire this Asse with them about to here. And manerly they use the same, not suffering any by To touch this Asse, nor to presume unto his presence ny. For they suppose that in this thing, they Christ do lightly serve, And well of him accepted are, and great rewardes deserve. When the wooden ass had performed 197 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 27. in the chutch procession, the boys hired "him : The Sexten pleasde with price, and looking well no harme be done : They take the Asse, and through the streets and crooked lanes they rone, Whereas they common verses sing, according to the guise. The people giving money, breade, and egges of largest sise. Of this their gaines they are compelde the maister halfe to give, Least he alone without his portion of the Asse should live. On the Romish processioning on Palm Sunday, it is observed by an old writer that, "Among x thousand, scarce one knew what this meant. They have their laudable dumme ceremonies, with Lentin crosse and Uptide erosse, and these two must justle til lent break his necke. Then cakes must be caste out of the steple, that al the boyes in the parish must lie scam- bling together by the eares, tyl al the parish falleth a laughyng. But, lorde, what asses-play made they of it in great cathedral churches and abbies. One comes forth in his albe and his long stole (for so they call their girde that they put about theyr neckes,) thys must be leashe wise, as hunters weares their homes. — This solempne Syre played Christe's part, a God's name. Then another companye of singers, chyldren and al, song, in prick- song, the Jewe's part — and the Deacon read the middel text. The Prest at the Alter althis while, because it was tediouse to be unoccupyed, made Crosses of Palme to set upon your doors, and to beare in your purses, to chace away the Divel."* Dr. Fulke, opposing the Catholics, ob- serves on their carrying of the host on Palm Sunday, — " It is pretty sport, that you make the priests carry this idol to supply the room of the ass on which Christ did ride. Thus you turn the holy mys- tery of Christ's riding to Jerusalem to a May-game and pagent-play." In the accounts of St. Andrew Hubbard's pa- rish, there are Palm Sunday charges for the following items : In 1520, eightpence for the hire of an angel. In 1535-7, an- other eightpence for a priest and a child that played as a messenger : in that year the angel was hired for fourpence. By the churchwardens of St. Mary-at-hill, in 1451, fourpence was paid to one Lore- * From a "Dialogue, concerning: the chyefest etreiniiriyes hy the Imives of i\j.ti-C!irisl, 1664," iXiiio. Qnoleid by Brand. man for playing the prophet on Palm Sunday. Though Ro-man catholic ceremo- nies were generally disused under Henry VHL, yet he declared that the bearing of palms on Palm Sunday was to be con- tinued and not cast away ; and it appears, that they were borne in England untii the second year of Edward VI. In " Stowe's Chronicle," by Howes, the prac- tice is said to 'nave been discontinued in 1548.* It was likewise a Roman catholic cus- tom to resort to " our lady of Nants- well," at Little Conan, in Cornwall, with a cross of palm ; and the people, after making the priest a present, were allowed to throw the cross into the well ; if it swam, the thrower was to outlive the year ; if it sunk, he was not.f Recently, it is related, that on the Sa- turday before Palm Sunday, the boys of the grammar-school at Lanark, according to ancient usage, parade the streets with a palm, or, its substitute, a large tree of the willow kind, salix cafrea, in blossom, ornamented with daffodils, mezereon, and box-tree. This day there is called Palm Saturday, and the custom is supposed to be " a popish relic of very ancient stand- ing."I Mr. Douce, in a manuscript note^ cited by Mr. Ellis, says " I have some- where met with a proverbial saying, that he that hath not a palm in his hand on Palm Sunday, must have his hand cut off." According to Stowe, in the week before Easter, there were great shows in London for going to the woods, and fetching into the king's house a twisted tree, or iviihe ; and the like into the house of every man of note or consequence. Palm Sunday remains in the English calendars. It is still customary with men and boys to go a palming in London early on Palm Sunday morning ; that is, by gathering branches of the willow or sallow with their grey shining velvet- looking buds, from those trees in the vici- nity of the metropolis : they come home with slips in their hats, and sticking in the breast button holes of their coats, and a sprig in the mouth, bearing the " palm" branches in their hands. This usage remains among the ignorant from poor neighbourhoods, but there is still to be found a basket woman or two at Covent- garden, and in the chief markets with this " palm," as they call it, on the Satur- * Brand. + Carew. t Sinclair'* Statist. Ati;. 198 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 28, 29. day before Palm Sunday, which they sell to "those who are willing to buy; but tiio demand of late years has been very little, and hence the quantity on sale is very imall. Nine out of ten among the pur- chasers buy it in imitation of others, they care not why ; and such purchasers, be- ing Londoners, do not even know the tree which produces it, but imagine it to be a " real" palm tree, and " wonder" they never saw any " palm" trees, and where they grow. fLOUAL DIRECTORY. Sweet scented Jonquil. Narcissus Odortis. Dedicated to ,S^ John of Egypt. Priscns, Mulchus, and yllexander, Mar- tyrs, A.u. 260. St. Sijrtiis III. Pope, A.D. 440. St. Gontran, King and Con- fessor, A.D. 593. Chronology. On tlvs day in 1 380, gunpowder was first used in Europe by the Venetians against the Genoese. Its power is said by the Germans to have been discovered accidentally byBerthold Schwartz; but our Roger Bacon who died in 1278, certainly was acquainted with it. Gunpowder was known in India very early, and from thence the knowledge of it was obtained by the Arabians, who employed it in a battle near Mecca so long ago as the year 690. 1 677. Wenceslaus Hollar, the engraver, died at Westminster. His view of Lon- don in Howell's " Londinopolis," and the numerous plates he executed for Dug- dale's " Monaslicon," " Warwickshire," " St. Paul's," " Origines Juridiciales," and other works have made him well known to the topographer and portrait collector; but his " muff's" and " insects" are particularly beautiful. His style almost .peculiar to himself,is known at a glance by the experienced eye ; Gaywood, in por- traits, and King, m views, were inferior artists of the same school. Merian, in some insects, rivals him formidably. Hol- lar's labour was immense as may be seen from Vertue's catalogue of his prints; yet ne often worked at fourpence an hour, and perished in poverty. 1801. Sir Ralph Abercrombie died in Egypt. He received his death-wound on the 21st., during his memorable victory over the French at Alexandria. 1802. Pallas, a new planet, was dis- covered by Dr. Olbers, of Bremen in Germany FLOUAL rnRLCTORY. Lesser Leopardsbane. Doronicum Pla^i- taginenm. Dedicated to St. Prisons. iBarfi^29. Sts. Jonas, Barachisius, &c. a. d. All. Sts. y^rinogastes, Archiniinns, and Sa- tuTus, A. D. 457. St. Eustasius, oi Eustachius, Abbot, a. b. 625. St. Gundlens, a Welsh King, 5lh Cent. St. Mark, Bishop, 4th Cent. Chronology. 1315. Raymond Lulle, the most cele brated chemist and alchymist of his time, was stoned to death by the natives of Mauritania, whither he had gone on a religious mission, at the age of eighty. His attention was directed to chemistry by the power of love. A lady, very handsome, with whom he was passion- ately enamoured, refused to marry him. One day, when he renewed his solicita- tion, she showed her bosom inflamed by a cancer. Young Lulle instantly took leave, with the resolution to cure, and it possible, conquer the heart of his mistress. He searched with all the ardour, which aflfection and compassion could inspire, into the secrets of medicine and chemistry, and had the good fortune to cure, and to marry her. After her death he attached himself to the church. The inhabitants of the island of Majorca, where he was born, in 1236, revere him as a martyr. 1461. The battle which decided the claims of the houses of York and Lancas- ter was fought between Towton and Sax- ton, two villages near Yoik. It com- menced in a snow storm at day break, was contested with fearful obstinacy till three in the afternoon, and terminated in a deluge of blood. Eight and thirty thousand human beings were left dead on the field ; of whom the heralds ap- pointed to number the slain, leturned that twenty-eight thousand were Lancas- trians. Edward, duke of York, who won the day, rode from the scene of carnage to York, where he ordered the death of several prisoners ; while Henry VI. ol Lancaster, who lost the crown, escaped with great difficulty to the bordere. floral riRECTORY. Oxelip. Primula elatior Dedicated to St. Eustasius. Fumitory. Fumaria officinalis. Dedicated to St. Jonas 199 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 30,31. Mm]) 30. St. John CUmacus. St. Zozimns, Bishop of Syracuse, a. n. 660. St. Regulus, or Rienl, Bishop of Senlis. St. John CUmacus, a. d. 605, Was caverned as a hermit in a rock near Mount Sinai, in Syria, and became at seventy-five, abbot and superior-general of all the monks and hermits of the country. He admired one of the princi- pal citizens of Alexandria in Egypt, who, petitioning to become a monk, was or- dered to remain without the gate, and manifested his obedience by staying there for seven years, and begging prayers for his leprous soul of every passenger. St. John also admired a monkish cook, because he generally cried while he cooked, and assigned as a reason, that " the fire he always had before his eyes, reminded him of that fire which will burn souls for all eternity."* It is related that a woman who had committed so enormous a sin that she dare not confess it, came to St. John, who bade her write it, and seal it, and give it to him, and he would pray for her ; this she did, and shortly after St. John died. The woman sorely afraid that her written secret would be read, wept and prayed at St. John's tomb, and begged he would appear and tell her what he had done with the paper; on a sudden, St. John came forth habited like a bishop, with a bishop on each side of him, and he said to the woman, " Why troublest thou me so much, and these saints with me ? thou sufferest us to have no rest : look here, our clothes are all wet with thy tears.'' Then he delivered to tier the paper, sealed as she had given it to him, and said, " See here, look at the seal, open the writing, and read it." So she did ; and she found all her sin " de- faced clean out ;" and instead thereof was written, " All thy sins are forgiven, and put away by the prayer of St. John, my servant." Then she returned thanks, and St. John and his two bishops returned to their sepulchres. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Rough Carameni. Cardemeni hhsnta. Dedicated to St. John of CUmacus, Lesser Daffodil. A\ireissus minor. Dedicated to St. Zozimns. iHardj 31. St. Benjamin, Deacon, jNIartyr, a. d. 421, St. Acacius, or Achates, Bishop o* Antioch, a. d. 230, or 251. St. Guy A. D. 1046. Chronology. 1814. On this day the sovereigns who have since formed ihe holy alliance, en- tered Paris at the head of the Russian troops. The capitulation of this capital was succeeded by the return of the Bour- bons to France. iHaunti|) COurstrai), * Butler'.i Saints, SHERE THURSDAY. Maundy Thursday is always the Thursday before Easter; its name has occasioned some trouble to antiquaries. One writer conceives maundi/ to be cor- rupted from the mandate of Christ to liis disciples to break bread in remembrance of him : or from his other mandate, after he had washed their feet, to love one another.* With better reason it is con- ceived to be derived from the Saxon word mand, which afterwards became maund, a name for a basket, and subsequently for any gift or offering contained in the basket. Thus Shakspeare says, " a thou- sand favours from her maund she drew :" and Hall in his satires, speaks of " a maund charged with household merchan- dize :" so also Drayton tells of " a little wiaujirf being made of osiers small;" and Herrick says, *' Behold, for us, the naked graces stay "WWh mannds oi roses, for to strew theway,'* The same poet speaks of maundie as alms : " All's gone, and death hath taken Away from us Our maundie, thus The widdowes stand forsaken." Thus then, " Maundij Thursda;/, the day preceding Good Friday, on which the king distributes alms to a certain number of poor persons at Whitehall, is so named from the maunds in which the gifts were contained."f * Diinton's Rritisli Apollo. + Arclidcaron Narcs's " Glossary," wherein Ihc authorities briefly cited above artesetfoith at lari^e. 200 lllE F,VERY-DAY BOOK.— MARCH 31. According to annual custom, on Maun- dy Thursday, 1814, tlie royal donations wcro distributed at the Lliapel Royal, ^^'l.itellall. In the morning, Dr. Carey, tlie sub-almoner, and Mr. Ilanby, the secretary to the lord high almoner, Mr. Nost, and others belonging to the lord chamberlain's office, attended by a party of iiie yeomen of the guard, distributed to seventy-five poor women, and seventy- five poor men, being as many as the king was years old, a quantity of salt fish, con- sisting of salmon, cod, and herrings, pieces of very fine beef, five loaves of bread, and some ale to drink the king's health. Mr. Hanby gave notice that in future their cases must be certified by the minister of the parish, by order of the lord almoner. At three o'clock they assembled again, the men on one side the criapel, and the women on the other. A procession entered, of those engaged in the ceremony, consisting of a party of yeoman of the guard, one of them car- rying a large gold dish on his head, con- taining 150 bags, with seventy-five silver pennies in each, for the poor people, •which was placed in the royal closet. Tliey were followed by the sub-almoner in his robes, with a sash of fine linen over his shoulder and crossing his waist. He was followed by two boys, two girls, the secretary, and another gentleman, with similar sashes, &c. Sec, all carrying large nosegays. The church evening service was then performed, at the conclusion of which the silver pennies were distributed, and woollen cloth, linen, shoes and stock- ings, to the men and women, and a cup of wine to drink the king's health. Anciently, on Maundy Thursday, the kings and queens of England washed and kissed the feet of as many poor men and women as they were years old, besides bestowing their maundy on each. This was in imitation of Christ washing his dis- ciples' feet. Queen Elizabeth performed this at Greenwich, when she was thirty- nine years old, on which occasion the feet of the same number of poor persons were first washed by the yeomen of the laun- dry with warm water and sweet herbs, afterwards by the sub-almoner, and lastly, by the queen herself; the person who washed, making each time a cross on the pauper's foot above the toes, and kissing it. This ceremony was performed by the queen, kneeling, being attended by thirty- nine ladies and gentlewomen. Clothes, victuals, and money were then distributed among the poor.* James II. is said to have been the last of our monarchs who pei formed this ceremony in person. It was afterwards performed by tire almoner On the 5th of April, 1731, it being Maundy Thursday, the king being then in his forty-eighth year, there was distri- buted at the Banquetting-house, White- hall, to forty-eight poor men and forty- eight poor women, boiled beef and shoul- ders of mutton, and small bowls of ale, which is called dinner; after that, large wooden platters of fish and loaves, viz. undressed, one large old ling, and one large dried cod ; twelve red herrings, and twelve white herrings, and four half quar- tern loaves. Each person had one platter of this provision ; after which was distri- buted to them shoes, stockings, linen and woollen cloth, and leathern bags, with one-penny, two-penny, three-penny, and four-penny pieces of silver, and shillings; to each about four pounds in value. His grace, the lord archbishop of York, lord high almoner, performed the annual cere- mony of washing the feet of the poor in the Royal Chapel, Whitehall, as was for- merly done by the kings tliemselves.f This day was also called Shere Thurs- day, and by corruption Chare Thursday. Shere Thursday signified that it was the day whereon the clergy were wont to shere or shear their heads, or get them shorn or shaven, and to clip their beards against Easter-day.| In the miraculous legend of St. Brandon it is related that he sailed with his monks to the island of sheep,"and on sherethursdaye,3.her souper, he wesshe theyr feet and kyssed them lyke as our lorde dyd to his dyscyples."§ Maundy Thursday is nowhere observed in London except, as before stated, at the Chapel Royal. A Holiday at all the Public Offices. This and Christmas-day are the only two close holidays now observed throughout London, by the general shutting up of shops, and the opening of all the churches. The dawn is awakened by a cry in the streets of " Hot-cross-buns ; one-a-penny * Gentleman's Magazine, t Lainbarde. t Brand's Pop. Antiq. Nar-es's Glossary, C.'uyra and shere. I Gulden Legend. 201 rilE EVERYDAY BOOK.— MARCH 31. buns, two-a-penny buns ; one-a-penny, two-a-penny, hot-cross-buns !" This pro- ceeds from some little "peep-o'-day boy," willing to take the " top of the morning" oefore the rest of his compeers. He carries his covered buns in a basket hanging on one arm, while his other hand is straightened like an open door, at the side of his mouth, to let forth his childish voice, and he " pipes and trebles out the sound" to the extremity of his lungs. Scarcely has he departed before others come ; "another and another still suc- ceeds," and at last the whole street is in one " common cry of buns." Old men and young men, young women and old women, big children and little children, are engaged in this occupation, and " some cry now who never cried before." The bun-venders who eclipse the rest in voice and activity, are young women who drive fruit-barrows — barrows, by the bye, are no more, but of them by and bye. A couple of these ex-barrow-women trip along, carrying a wicker clothes-basket between them, in which the " hot-cross- buns" are covered, first by a clean flannel or green baize, and outwardly by a clean white cloth, which coverings are slowly and partially removed, for fear of letting the buns cool, when a customer stops to buy, oi calls them to the door. They continue their lengthened cry, with a volume of concerted sound, unequalled by other rivals in the ephemeral Good Friday trade. These scenes and sounds continue till church-time, and resume in the after- noon. It partially commences on the evening before Good Friday, but with little success. Some thirty or forty years ago pastry- cooks and bakers vied with each other for excellence in making hot-cross-buns ; the demand has decreased, and so has the quality of the buns. But the great place of attraction for bun-eaters at that time was Chelsea ; for i/ie7-e were the two " roi/al bun-houses." Before and along the whole length of the long front of each, stood a flat-roofed, neat,wooden portico or piazza of the width of the foot-path, be- neath which slielter " from summer's heat and winter's cold," crowds of per- sons assembled to scramble for a chance of purchasing " royal hot cross Chelsea buns," within a reasonable time ; and several hundreds of square black tins, with dozens of hot buns on each tin, were disposed of in every hour from a little a'.'.er six in the morning, till after the same period in the evening of Good Friday. Those who knew what was good, better than new comers, gave the preference to the " old original royal bun-house," which had been a 6?i)t-house " ever since it was a house," and at which " the king himself once stopped," and who could say as much for the other? This was the conclusive tale at the doo"-, and from within the doors, of the " old original bun-house." Alas ! and alack ! there is thathouse now ; and there is the house that was opened as its rival ; but where are ye who contributed to their renown and custom, among the appren tices and journeymen, and the little com- fortable tradesmen of the metropolis, and their wives and children — where are ye ? With ye hath the fame of" Chelsea buns " departed, and the " royal bun-houses " are little more distinguished than the humble graves wherein ye rest. Formerly " hot-cross-buns " were com- monly eaten in London by families at breakfast, and some families still retain the usage. They are of the usual form of buns ; though they are distinguished from them inwardly by a sweeter taste, and the flavourof all-spice, and outwardly by the mark or sign of the cross. The " hot-cross-bun " is the most popular symbol of the Roman catholic religion in England that the reformation has left. Of the use of the cross, as a mark or sign in papal worship and devotion, most readers are aware ; for it has been insisted on by Roman catholic writers from the days of Constantine to Alban Butler himself, whc giving example of its great virtue on Good Friday, says, " to add one more in- stance, out of many, St. Teresa assures us, in her own life, that one day the devil, by a phantom, appeared to sit on the letters of her book, to disturb her at her devotions ; but she drove him away thrice by the sign of the cross, and at last sprinkled the book with holy water; after which he returned no more."* In the houses of some ignorant people, a Good Friday bun is still kept " for luck," and sometimes there hangs from the ceiling a hard biscuit-like cake of open cro**-work, baked on a Good Friday, to remain there till displaced on the next Good Friday by one of similar make; and of this the editor of the Every- Day Hook * Butler's Moveable Feasts, 1774, 8vo. p. 379. 202 THE EVFKYDAY BOOK.— MARCH nas heard affirmed, tliat it preserves the house from fire ;" " no fire ever happened in a house that had one." This un- doubtedly is a relic of the old supersti- tion ; as is also a vulgar notion in the west of England, that the straight stripe down the shoulders of the ass, inter- sected by the long one from the neck to the tail, is a cross of honour conferied upon him by Christ, and that before Christ rode upon the ass, that animal was not so distinguished. Hot-cross-buns are the ecclesiastical Euloffiee, or consecrated loaves, bestowed in the church as alms, and to those who from any impediment could not receive the host. They are made from the dough from whence the host itself is taken, and are given by the priest to the people af- ter mass, just before the congregation is dismissed, and are kissed before they are eaten. They are marked with the cross as our Good Friday buns are. Winckel- man relates this remarkable fact, that at Herculaneum were found two entire loaves of the same size, a palm and a naif, or five inches in diameter. They were marked by a cross, within which were four other lines ; and so the bread of the Greeks was marked from the ear- liest periods. Sometimes it had only four lines, and then it was called quadra. This bread had rarely any other mark than a cross, which was on purpose to divide, and break it more easily.* The TenebrcB, a Roman catholic ser- vice signifying darkiiess, is performed on and before Good Friday, to denote the circumstances and darkness at the cruci- fixion. This \s partly symbolized by a triangular candlestick with fourteen yel- low wax candles and one white one • seven of these yellow candles being on one side, the seven other yellow ones on the other side, and the white wax candle being at the top. The fourteen yellow candles represent the eleven apostles, the virgin Mary, and the women that were with her at the crucifixion ; the white candle at the top is to represent Christ. Fourteen psalms are sung, and at the end of each psalm one of the yellow candles is put out till the whole fouiteen are extin- guished, and the white candle alone left alight. After this and the extinction ot the light on the altar, " the white candle is taken down from the top of the trian- gular candlestick, and hid under the altar." The putting out of the fourteen candles is to denote the flight or mourn- ing of the apostles and the women ; and the hiding of the white candle denotes that Christ is in the sepulchre ; then a noise is made by beating the desks or books, and by beating the floor with the hands and feet, and this noise is to represent the earthquake and the splitting of the rocks at the crucifixion.* In the church of St. Peter's at Rome on Good Friday, the hundred burning lamps on the tomb of St. Peter are extin- guished, and a stupendous illuminated cross depends from the immense dome of the cathedral, as if it hung self-sup- ported. But to relate the papal cere- monies pertaining to the fast of lent, and its ensuing festival, would fill volumes of this size, and we hasten from the devices of men to contemplate works which all his art is incompetent to rival. Nature ' to me, thou art more beautiful 111 tliy most simple forms, than all that man Hath made, with all his genius, and his power Of combination : for he cannot raise One structure, pinnacled, or domed, or gemm'd. By architectural rule, or cunning hand, Like to the smallest plant, or flower, or leaf. Which living hath a tongue, that dotii discourse l\Iost eloquent of Him, the great Creator Of all living things. Man's makings fail To tell of aught but this, that he, the framer Sought also to create, and fail'd, because No life can he impart, or breath infuse. To give inertness being. • Fosbroke's Brit. Monach. Herculaneum it will bf remeni'.iereri was overwhelmed and destroyed by tie voltanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius, A. D. 7'J * Butler's Moveable IVatl*. 203 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL. APRIL. Next came fresh April, full of lustyhed, And wanton as a kid whose home new buds ; Upon a bull he rode, the same which led Europa fioting through th' Argolick fluds : His horns were gilden all with golden studs. And garnished with garlands goodly dight Of all the fairest flowers and freshest buds Which th' earth brings forth ; and wet he seem'd in sight With waves, through which he waded for his love's delight. Spenser. This IS the fourth month of the year. Its Latin name is Aprilis, from aperio, to open or set forth. The Saxons called it, Oster or Eastermonath, in which month, the feast of the Saxon goddess, Eastre, Easter, or Eoster is said to have been celebrated.* April, with us, is some- times represented as a girl clothed in green, with a garland of myrtle and haw- thorn buds ; holding in one hand prim- roses and violets, and in the other the zodiacal sign, Taurus, or the bull, into which constellation the sun enters during this month. The Romans consecrated the first of April to Venus, the goddess of beauty, the mother of love, the queen of laughter, the mistress of the graces ; and the Roman widows and virgins assembled in the lem.ple of Virile Fortune, and dis- * Sayer's Disquisitions. closing their personal deformities, prayed the goddess to conceal them from theii husbands.* In this month the business of creation seems resumed. Tiie vital spark rekin- dles in dormant existences; and all things " live, and move, and have their being." The earth puts on her livery to await the call of her lord ; the air breathes gently on his cheek, and conducts to his ear the warblings of the birds, and the odours of new-born herbs and flowers ; the great eye of the world " sees and snines'' with bright and gladdening glances ; the wa- ters teem with life , man himself feels the revivifying and all-pervading influercej and his spirit holds communion sweet With the blighter spirits of the sky. • Lenipriere. 204 THE EVEEY-DAT BOOK. —APRIL 1 St. Hugh, Bp. A.D. 1132. St. Mellto, Bp. A. D. 175. -S^. Gilbert, Bp. of Cathness, a. d. 1240. On the fiist of April, 1712, Lord Bo- lingbroke stated, that in the wais, called the " glorious wars of queen Anne," the duke of Marlborough had not lost a single battle — and yet, that the French had car- ried their point, the succession to the Spanish monarchy, the pretended cause of these wars. Dean Swift called this statement " a due donation for * All Fools' Day !' " On the first of April, 1810, Napoleon married Maria Louisa, archduchess of Austria, on which occasion some of the waggish Parisians called him " n7i poisson d'Avril," a term which answers to our April fool. On the occasion of his nup- tials. Napoleon struck a medal, with Love bearing a thunderbolt for its device. It is customary on this day for boys ♦o practise jocular deceptions. When they succeed, they laugh at the person whom they think they have rendered ridiculous, and exclaim, " Ah ! you April fool .'" Thirty years ago, when buckles wers worn in shoes, a boy would meet a per- son in the street with — " Sir, if you please, your shoe's imlmckled,'' and the moment the accosted individual looked towards his feet, the informant would cry — " Ah ! you April fool !" Tiventy years ago, when buckles were wholly disused, the urchin-cry was — " Sir, your shoe's tin- tied ;" and if the shoe-wearer lowered his eyes, he was hailed, as his buckled pre- decessor had been, with the said — " Ah ! you April fool !" Now, when neither buckles nor strings are worn, because in the year 1825 no decent man " has a shoe to his toot,'' the waggery of the day is — " Sir, there's something out of your poc- ket." "Where?" "There!" "What?" " Your hand, sir — Ah ! you April fool !" AH ! YOU APIUL FOOL 1 205 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— AFIIII 1 Or else some lady is humbly bowed to, and gravely addressed with " Ma'am, I beg your pardon, but you've somethins; on your face !" " Indeed, my man ! what is it ?" " Your nose, ma'am — Ah ! you April fool !" The tricks that youngsters play off on the first of April are various as thei-r fanc^es. One, who has yet to know the Juimours of the day, they send to a cob- bler's for a petmy worth of the best " stir- rap oil ;" the cobbler receives the money and the novice receives a hearty cut ot two from the cobbler's strap : if he does not, at the same time, obtain the informa . tion that he is " an April fool," he is sure to be acquainted with it on returning to his companions. The like knowledge is also gained by an errand to some shop for half a pint of " pigeon's milk," or an inquiry at a bookseller's for the "Life and Adventures of Eve's Mother." Then, in-door young ones club their wicked wits. And almost frighten servants into fits — " Oh, John ! James ! John 1 — oh, quick ! oh ! Molly, oh Oh, the trap-door ! oh, Rlolly ! down below !" " What, what's the matter!" scream, with wild surprise John, James, and Molly, while the young ones' cries Redouble till they come ; then all the boys Shout " Ah 1 you April fools !" with clamorous noise ; And little girls enticed down stairs to see, Stand peeping, clap their hands, and cry " te-hee !" Each gibing boy escapes a different way. And meet again some trick, " as good as that," to play. Much is written concerning the custom of fool-making on the first of April, but with this result only, that it is very an- cient and very general.* As a better opportunity will occur hereafter, nothing will be said here respecting " fools" by profession. Tlie practice of making fools on this day in North Britain, is usually exercised by sending a person from place to place by means of a letter, in which is wrhten " On the first day of April Hunt the gowk another mile." This is called " hunting the g02vk ;" and the bearer of the " fools' errand'' is called an " April goivk.'' Brand says, that goivk is properly a cuckoo, and is used here metaphorically for a fool ; this appears correct ; for from the Saxon " geac, a cuckoo," is derived geck,\ which means " one easily imposed on." Mal- volio, who had been " made ^fool" by a letter, purporting to have been written by Olivia, inquires of her " Why have you suffered me to be — — Made the most notorious geek and g^lll That e'er invention play'd on ?" Olivia affirms, that the letter was not written by her, and exclaims to Malvolio "Alas, poor/io/ / how have they baffled thee !" • Erand. t Ash. Geek is likewir.e dorivj.ble " from tht Teutfr.'iir; geck,joc^i,i."* The " April fool" is among the Swedes. Tor?er.^ one of their travellers, says, " Wo set sail on the first of April, and the v^nd made April fools of us, for we were forced to return before Shagen." On the Sunday and Monday preceding Lent, people are privileged at Lisbon to play the fool : it is thought very jocose to pour water on any person who passes, or throw powder in his face ; but to d 3 boUi is the perfection of wit.f Tiie Hindoos also at their Hull festival keep a general holiday on the 31st of March, and one subject of diversion is to send people on errands and expeditions that are to end in disappointment, and raise a laugh at the expense of the persons sent. Colonel Pearce says, that " high and low join in it ; and," he adds, "the late Suraja Doulah, I am told, was very fond of making Iluli fools, though he was a mus- sulman of the highest rank. They carry the joke here (in India) so far, as to sena letters making appointments, in the nama of persons, who, it is known, must be absent from their house at the time fixed upon ; and the laugh is always in pro- portion to the trouble given. "| The April fool among the French is called " un poisson b '4vril." Their trans- • Janiicsnr., in Nare's Glossary. t Soutliey, (juotcd in Krand, as also Toreen. t Asiat. Ref. in Brand, froci jMaurice. 206 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 2 ormalion of the term is nol well accounted /or, but their customs on the day are similartoouis. In one instance a "joke " was carried too far. At Paris, on tlie 1st of April, 1817, a youno lady pocketed a watch in the house of a friend. She was arrested the same day, and taken before the correctional police, when being chartj;ed with the fact, she said it was an A))ril trick (nil poisson d'^vril.) She was asked whether the watch was in her custody? She denied it; but a mes- senger was sent to her apartment, and it was found on the chimney-place. Upon which the young lady said, she had made the messenger iin poisson d'Avril, " an April fool." The pleasantry, how- ever, did not end so happily, for the young lady was jocularly recommende I to remain in the house of correction till the 1st of April, 1818, and then to be dis- charged as un poisson d'Avril.* It must not be forgotten, that the practice of " making April fool " in Eng- land, is often indulged by persons of maturer years, and in a more agreeable way. Tliere are some verses that plea- santly exemplify this :t To a Lady, who threatened to make the Author an Apkil Fool. \Vliy strive, dear grirl, to make a fool Of one not wise before, Vet, having 'scaped from folly's school. Would fain go there no more? Ah ! if I must to sclionl again, Wilt thou my teacher be ? I vn sure no lesson will be vain \Vhich thou canst give to me. One of thy kind and gentle looks, Thy smiles devoid of art. Avail, beyond all crabbed books, To regulate my heart. Thou need'st not call some fairy elf. On any April-day, To make thy bard forget himself. Or wander from his way. One thing he never can forget, Whatever change may be. The sacred hour when first he met And fondly gazed on thee. A seed then fell into his breast ; Tliy spirit placed it there : Need 1, my Julia, tell the rest ? rhou seest the blossoms here. * Mom. Chron. June 17, 1817. + Cited by Brand from JuJia, or Last Follies, 1798, 4to. ri.ORAL DIRF.CTORY. Annual Mercury. Mcrcuriulis annua Dedicated to St. Hugh. gpnl 2. St. Francis of Paula. St. Apian, a. d. 306. 5^ Theodosia, a. d. 308. St. Nicctius, Abp. of Lyons, a. d. 577. St. E/jOa, Abbess, and her companions, A. D. 870, or 874. B. Constantine II. king of Scotland, a. n. 874. St Bronacha, or Bronanna, Abbess. St. Francis of Paula Was a Calabrian, and at fifteen years old shut Jiimself up in a cave, in a rock on the coast. Before twenty he was joined by two others, and the people built them three cells ; the number in- creased, and so arose the order of friar Minims, which means the least of tlie friars. Constant abstinence from flesh, and all food made of milk or eggs, was one of their rules. In 1479, being invited to Sicily, "he was received there as an angel from heaven, wrought miracles, and built several monasteries." He pro- phesied, held burning coals in his hand without being burnt, restored his nephew to life, cured people of the plague, received the host with a cord about his neck on Maundy Thursday, died on the 2d of April, 1508, aged ninety-one, and was buried till 1562 when-the hugonots burnt his bones with the wood of a crucifix.* Besides this, it is related, that the ele- ments lost their force against him; that he walked upon fire ; entered into a burning oven without harm ; and made a sea voyage on his own cloak instead of a ship, and had a companion on board with liim.f According to another account he was much worried by the devil. Once while he was at prayers the devil called him three times by his own name. Another time he was so possessed by the fiend, that he had no other way to get rid of him, than by stripping and beating himself with a hard cord, crying while he did it, "thus brother ass thcu must be beater,- ;" after which he ran into the snow and made seven snowballs, intending to swallow them if the devil )iad not taken his leave. Tlien a whole parcel of devils came one night, and gave him a grievous * Butler. i Ribadeneira. 207 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 2. beating ; this was because he lodged in a cardinal's palace, and it occasioned him to shift his lodging. Afterwards, when at prayers, he saw upon the roof of the house whole companies of these infernals. He was a bird-fancier. A bird sat singing on a fig-tree by the side of his cell, he called it to him ; the bird ca ne upon his hand, and he said to it — " Sing, my sister, and praise the Lord," and the bird sat singing till he gave it liberty to go away. Going to Venice with his companions, and hear- ing birds singing in a wood, he proposed to sing the canonical hours, but the monks could not hear themselves for the chanters of the grove, wherefore, he entreated the feathered choir to be silent, and they remained so till he pave them liberty to proceed. At another place when he was preaching, he could not be heard for the swallows, which were mak- ing their nests ; he said to them — " Sister swallows, it is time for me to speak ; as you've said enough, be quiet," and so they were. It was customary with him when one of his friars had committed a fault to take off the friar's hood, and throw it into the fire, from whence afier staying there a proper time, he com- manded it to be restored to the friar, and the hood was then taken out of the fire without having sustained injury. More to the like effect, and of equal credibility, is related of this saint in the Golden Legend. Chronology. 1801. Lord Nelson's victory at Co- penhagen, when eighteen sail of the line were either captured or destroyed. FLOKAL DIRECTORY. White Violet. Viola alba. Dedicated to St. Francis of Paula. Good Friday is the Friday in Passion- week, and consequently the Friday next before Easter-day. Easter-day is always the first Sun- day after the first fall moon, which hap- pens on or next after the 21st of March; but if the/? born in Ireland, November 29th, 1728. 1802. Lloyd, lord Kenyon, lord chief- justice of England, died, aged 69. ILORAL DIRECTORY. Red Crown Imperial. Fritillaria Impe- rialis. Dedicated to St hidore 210 THE EVERY -DAY BOOK.— EASTER. ^prrt 5. .S^ Fincent Ferrer, a. d. 1419. St. Ge- rald, Abboc, A. D. 1095. ^7. Tigernach, Bishc'p in Ireland, a. d. 550. St. Becan, Abbot, Easter Tuesday. Holidays at the Public Offices ; except Excise, Stamp, and Custom. Chronology. 1605. John Stow, the antiquary, died, aged 80. He was a tailor. 1800. The rev. William Mason died, lie was born at Hull, inYorkshire, in 1725. 1 804. The rev. William Gilpin, author of " Picturesque Tours," " Remarks on Forest Scenery," an " Essay on Prints," &c. died aged 80. 1811. Robert Raikes, of Gloucester, died, aged 76. He was the originator of Sunday-schools, and spent his life in acts of kindness and compassion ; promoting education as a source of happiness to his fellow beings, and bestowing his exertions and bounty to benefit tlie helpless. I'LORAL DIRECTORY. Yellovy Crown Imperial. Fritillarla hnpe- rialis Lntea. Dedicated to St. fincent Ferrer. Dancing of the Sun. The day before Easter-day is in some parts called " Holy Saturday." On the evening of this day, in the middle dis- tricts of Ireland, great preparations are made for the finisiung of Lent. Many a fat hen and dainty piece of bacon is put in the pot by the cotter's wife about eight or nine o'clock, and woe be to the person who should taste it before the cock crows. At twelve is heard the clapping of hands, and the joyous laugh, mixed with " Shidfh or mogh or corries," i. e. out jvitk the Lent ; all is merriment for a few hotirs, when they retire, and rise about four o'clock to see the sun dance in honour of the resurrection. This ignorant custom is not confined to the humble labourer and his family, but is scrupu- lously observed by many highly respect- able and wealthy families, different mem- bers of whom I liave heard assert posi- tively that they had seen the sun dance on Easter morning.* * Comiiiuuicated to Uie £vtry-Day Booh by Mr. T.A It is inquired in Dunton's " Athenian Oracle," " Why does the sun at his rising play more on Easter-day than Whit- Sunday .'" The question is answered thus : — " The matter of fact is an old, weak, superstitious error, and the sun neither plays nor works on Easter-day more than any oth-er. It is true, it may sometimes happen to shine brighter that morning than any other ; but, if it does, it is purely accidental. In some parts of Eng- land they call it the lamb-playing, which they look for, as soon as the sun rises, in some clear or spring water, and is nothing but the pretty reflection it makes from the water, which they may find at any time, if the sun rises clear, and they themselves early, and unprejudiced with fancy." The folly is kept up by the fact, that no one can view the sun steadily at any hour, and those who choose to look at it, or at its reflection in water, see it apparently move, as they would on any other day. Brand points out an allusion to this vulgar notion in an old ballad : — But, Dick, she dances such away ! No siai upon an Easier day Is half so fine a sight. / vn'm, from the " British Apollo," a prcimed question to the sun himself 1 ">.'>p. the subject, elicits a suitable au- frwe~ • Q. Old wives, Phcebns, say Tii3t en diy To the music o' th' spheres you do caper ; is the fact, sir. be true> Pray let's the cause know, When you have any room in your paper. .^. The old wives get merry With spic'd ale or sherry. On Easter, which makes them romance ; And whilst in a rout Their brains whirl about, They fancy we csper and dance. A bit of smoked glass, such as boys use to view an eclipse with, would put this matter steady to every eye but that of wilful self-deception, which, after all, superstition always chooses to see through. Lifting. Mr. Ellis inserts, in his edition of Mr. Brand's " Popular Antiquities," a letter from Mr. Tliomas Loggan of Basinghall- street, from whence the following extract is made : Mi. Loggan says, " I was sitting alone last Easter Tuesday, at breakfast, at the Talbot in Shrewsbury, when I was surprised by the entrance of all the femait servants of the house handing in an arm- 211 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— EASTER. chair, lined with white, and decorated with ribbons and favours of difl'erent colours. I asked them what they wanted, their answer was, they carne to heave me ; it was the custom of the place on that morning, and they hoped 1 would take a seat in their chair. It was impossible not to comply with a request very mo- destly made, and to a set of nymphs in their best apparel, and several of them under twenty. I wished to see all the ceremony, and seated myself accordingly. The group then I'fted me from the ground, turned the chair about, and f had the felicity of a salute from each. I told them, 1 supposed there was a fee due upon the occasion, and was answered in the affirmative; and, having satisfied the damsels in this respect, they withdrew to heave others. At this time I had never heard of such a custom ; but, on inquiry I found that on Easter Monday, between nine and twelve, the men heave the wo- men in the same manner as on the Tues- day, between the same hours, the women heave the men." LIFTING— AN EASTER CUSTOM. In Lancashire, Staffordshire, Warwick- shire,and some other parts of England there Drevaiis this custom of heaving or lifting at Easter-tide. This is performed mostly :n the open street, though sometimes It is insisted on and submitted to within Jie house. People form into parties of eight or a dozen or even more for the purpose, and from every one lifted or heaved they extort a contribution The late Mr. Lysons read to the Society of Antiquaries an extract from a roll in his custody, as keeper of the records in the tower of London, which contains a payment to certain ladies and maids ot honour for taking king Edward I. in his bed at Easter; from whence it has been presumed that he was lifted on the authority of that custom, which is said to have prevailed among all rauks thwugh- 212 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— EASTER. out the kingdom. The usage is a vulgar commemoration of the resurrection which the festival of Easter celebrates. Lifting or heaving differs a little in dif- ferent places. In some parts the person is laid horizontally, in others placed in a sitting position on the bearers' hands. Usually, when the lifting or heaving is within doois, a chair is produced, but in all cases the ceremony is incomplete with- out three distinct elevations. A Warwickshire correspondent, L. S., says, Easter Monday and Easter Tuesday were known by the name of heaving-day, because on the former day it was custom- ary for the men to heave and kiss the women, and on the latter for the women to retaliate upon the men. The womens' heaving-day was the most amusing. Many a time have I passed along the streets inhabited by tlie lower orders of people, and seen parties of jolly matrons assembled round tables on which stood a foaming tankard of ale. There they sat in all the pride of absolute sovereignty, and woe to the luckless man that dared t) invade their prerogatives! — as sure as hs was seen he was pursued — as sure as hi was pursued he was taken — and as s ire as he was taken he was heaved and kissed, and compelled to pay sixpence for" leave and license" to depart. Conducted as lifting appears to have \>-ien by the blooming lasses of Shrews- bury, and acquitted as all who are actors in the usage any where must be, of even the slightest knowledge that this practice is an absurd performance of the resurrec- tion, still it must strike the reflective mind as at least an absurd custom, " more honored i' the breach than the observance." It has been handed down to us from the bewildering ceremonies of the Romish church, and may easily be discounte- nanced into disuse by opportune and mild persuasion. If the children of ig- norant persons be properly taught, they will perceive in adult years the gross f 'Hies of their parentage, and so instruct their own offspring, that not a hand or voice shall be lifted or heard from the sons of labour, in support of a superstition that darkened and dismayed man, until the printing-press and the reformation ensured his final enlightenment and eman- cipation. Easter Eggs. Another relic of the ancient times, are tli« eggs which pass about at Easter week under the name of pask, paste, or pare eggs. A communication introduces the subject at once. To the Editor of the Every-Day Book. Sir, 19th March, 1825. A perusal of the Every-Day Booh in- duces me to communicate the particulars of a custom still prevalent in some parts of Cumberland, although not as gene- rally attended to as it was twenty or thirty years ago. I allude to the practice oi sending reciprocal presents of eggs, at Easter, to the children of families re- spectively, betwixt whom any intimacy subsists. For some weeks preceding Good Friday the price of eggs advances considerably, from the great demand occasioned by the custom referred to. The modes adopted to prepare the eggs for presentation are the following : there may be others which have escaped my re- collection. The eggs being immersed in hot water for a few moments, the end of a common tallow-candle is made use of to inscribe the names of individuals, dates of parti- cular events, &c. The warmth of the e^% renders this a very easy process. Thus inscribed, the egg is placed in a pan of hot water, saturated with cochi- neal, or other dye-woods ; the part over which the tallow has been passed is im- pervious to the operation of the dye ; and consequently when the e^^ is re- moved from the pan, there appears no discolouration of the egg where the inscription has been traced, but the egg presents a white inscription on a coloured ground. The colour of course depends upon the taste of the person who prepared the egg; but usually much variety of colour is made use of. Another method of ornamenting " pace eggs" is, however, much neater, although more laborious, than that with the tallow- candle. The egg being dyed, it may be decorated in a very pretty manner, by means of a penknife, with which the dye may be scraped off, leaving the design white, on a coloured ground. An egg is frequently divided into compartments, which are filled up according to the taste and skill of the designer. Generally one compartment contains the name and (being young and unsophisticated) also the age of the party for whom the eg% is intended. In another is, perhaps, a land- scape ; and sometimes % cupid is found lurking in a third : so that these " pate 213 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— EASTER, eggs" become very viseful auxiliaries to the missives of St. Valentine. Nothing was more common in the childhood of the writer, than to see a number of these eggs preserved very carefully in the corner- cupboard ; each egg being the oc- cupant of a deep, long-stemmed ale-glass, through which the inscription could be read without removing it. Probably many of these eggs now remain in Cum- berland, which would afford as good evidence of dates in a court of justice, as a tombstone or a family-bible. It will be readily supposed that the majority of pace eggs are simply dyed ; or dotted with tallow to present a pie- bald or bird's-eye appearance. These are designed for the junior boys who have not begun to participate in the plea- sures of " a bended bow and quiver full of arrows ;'' — a flaming torch, or a heart and a true-lover's knot. These plainer specimens are seldom promoted to the dignity of the ale-glass or the corner- cupboard. Instead of being handed down to posterity they are hurled to swift destruction. In the process of dying they are boiled pretty hard — so as to prevent inconvenience if crushed ia the hand or the pocket. But the strength of the shell constitutes the chief glory of a pace egg, whose owner aspires only to the conquest of a rival youth. Holding his egg in his hand he challenges a com- panion to give blow for blow. One of the eggs is sure to be broken, and its shattered remains are the spoil of the conqueror : who is instantly invested with the title of " a cock of one, two, three," &c. in proportion as it may have frac- tured his antagonist's eggs in the conflict. A successful egg, in a contest with one which had previously gained honours, adds to its number the reckoning of its vanquished foe. An egg which is a "cock" of ten or a dozen, is frequently challenged. A modern pugilist would call this a set-to for the championship. Such on the borders of the Solway Frith were the youthful amui^ements of Easter Monday. Your very proper precaution, which requires the names of correspondents who transmit notices of local customs, is com- plied with by the addition of my name and address below. In publication I prefer to appear only as your constant leader. J. B. A notice below, the editor hopes will be read and taken by vhe reader, for whose advantage it is introduced, in gona part.* Pasch eggs are to be found at Easter in different parts of the kingdom. A Liverpool gentleman informs the editor, that in that town and neighbourhood they are still common, and called paste eggs One of his children brought to him a paste egg at Easter, 1824, beautifully mottled with biown. It had been purposely prepared for the child by the servant, by being boiled hard within the coat of an onion, which imparted to the shell the admired colour. Hard boiling is a chief requisite in preparing the pasch egg. In some parts they are variously coloured with the juices of different herbs, and played with by boys, who roll them on the grass, or toss them up for balls. Their more elegant preparation is already described by our obliging correspondent, J. B. * Mr. J. B- -, a natrre of Maryport in Cumberland, who obliginsfly communicates the al)ove information respecting pasch eggs in that county, has ensured the adoption of his letter by subscribing his name and Communications have been received in great numbers from anonymous correspond- ents, but the information many of tliejii con- tain, however interesting or true, can never interest the readers of the Kvery-liay Buuk, tor this reason, that information will not on any account be inserted, which is not verified by the contributor's name and resi- dence : as every contributor may have his name inserted or not, as he pleases, so no one can object to satisfy the editor, tliat the facts communicated are from responsible sources. The precaution is necessary ; and it may be proper to add, that all contributions with quotations from an " old book," " an excellent author," " a work of authority," and so forth, are useless, when contributors forget to mention names and title-pages. This is the ^rst time that a notice to cor- respondents has appeared within the cohimns of the Every-Uay Book, and it is designed to be the last. Such intimations cannot be inserted without injury to the uniform ap- pearance of the work ; but they are printed on the wrappers oftiie Monthly Parts. Communications of local usages or cus- toms, or other useful and agreeable particulars, are earnestly and respectfully solicited; and extracts, or permission to extract, from scarce works and original manuscripts, will be highly esteemed. The favours of correspondents with real names and addresses are obviously the most valuable, and will receive markec regard. W. Honu. 45, L'tdgate-hill-, Slsl March, \ti'ii>. 214 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— EASTER. The terms pace, paste, or pusch, are deiived from pusc/uil, which is a name given to Easter from its being the paschal season. Four hundred eggs were bought for eighteen-pence in the time of Edward I., as appears by a royal roll in the tower ; from whence it also appears they were purchased foi the purpose of being boiled and stained, or covered with leaf gold, and afterwards distributed to the royal household at Easter. They were formerly consecrated, and the ritual of pope Paul V. for the use of England, Scotland, and Ireland, contains the form of consecration.* On Easter eve and Easter day, the heads of families .sent to the church large chargers, filled with the hard boiled eggs, and there the " creature of eggs" became sacred by virtue of holy water, crossing, and so on. Ball. Bacon. Tansy Puddings. Eating of tan.ti/ pudding is another cus- tom at Easter derived from the Romish church. Tansy symbolized the bitter herbs used by the Jews at their paschal ; but that the people might show a proper ab- horrence of Jews, they ate from a gammon of bacon at Easter, as many still do in several country places, at this season, without knowing from whence this prac- tice is derived. Then we have Easter ball-play, another ecclesiastical device, the meaning of which cannot be quite so clearly traced ; but it is certain that the Romish clergy abroad played at ball in the church, as part of the service ; and we find an archbishop joining in the sport. *' A ball, not of size to be grasped by one hand only, being given out at Easter, the dean and his representatives began an antiphone, suited to Easter-day ; theii takmg the ball in his left hand, he com- menced a dance to the tune of the anti- phone, the others dancing round hand in hand. At intervals, the ball was ban- died or passed to each of the choristers. The organ played according to the dance and sport. The dancing and antiphone being concluded, the choir went to take refreshment. It was the privilege of the lord, or his locum tenens, to throw the ball; even the archbishop did it."t Whether the dignified clergy had this amusement in t'ne English churches is not authenticated ; but it seems that " boys used to claim hard eggs, or small money, at Easter, in exchange for the • Brand. t t'osbroke's Brit. Monach, irom Dii Cange, ball-play before mentioned."* Brand cites the mention of a lay amusement at this season, wherein both tansy and ball- play IS refeired to. Stool-ball At stool-ball, Lucia, let us play. For sugar, cakes, or wine. Or for a tansy let us pay, The loss be thine or mine. If thou, my dear, a wmner be At trundling of the ball, The wager thou shall have, and me And my misfortunes all. 1679. Also, from " Poor Robin's Almanack" fbi 1677, this Easter verse, denoting the sport at that season : Young men and maids, Now very brisk, At barley-break and Stool-ball frisk. A ball custom now prevails annually at Bury St. Edmund's, Suffolk. On Shrove Tuesday, Easter Monday, and the Whit- suntide festivals, twelve old women side off for a game at trap-and-ball, which is kept up with the greatest spirit and vigour until sunset. One old lady, named Gill upwards of sixty years of age, has been celebrated as the " mistress of the sport" for a number of years past ; and it affords much of the good old humour to flow round, whilst the merr) combatants dex- terously hurl the giddy ball to and fro. Afterwards they retire to their homes, where " Voice, fiddle, or flute. No longer is mute," and close the day .vith apportioned mirth and merriment.-}- Corporations formerly went forth to play at ball g.t Easter. Both then and at Whitsuntide, the mayor, aldermen, and sheriff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, with a great number of the burgesses, went yearly to the Forth, or little mall of the town, with the mace, sword, and cap of maintenance, carried before ihem, and patronised the playing at hand-ball, dancing, and other amusements, and sometimes joined in the ball-play, and at others joined hands with the ladies. There is a Cheshire proverb, " When the daughter is stolen, shut the Pepper- gate," "This is founded on the fact that the mayoi of Chester had his daughter stolen * Fosbroke's Brit. Monach. from Du Cange t Cuuiuiuiiicated to tlie fitery-Duv Bauh by S. E. 215 niE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— EASTER. as she was playing at ball with other maidens in Pepper-street; the young man who carried her off, came through the Pepper-gate, and the mayor wisely or- dered the gate to be shut up :* agreeable to the old saying, and present custom agreeable thereto, " When the steed's stolen, shut the stable-door." Hereafter it will be seen that persons quite as dig- nified and magisterial as mayors and aldermen, could compass a holiday's sport and a merry-go-round, as well as their more humble fellow subjects. Clipping the Church at Easter. L. S , a Warwickshire corresperxient, communicates this Easter custom to the Evert/- Dai/ Book : " When I was a child, as sure as Easter Monday came, I was taken ' to see the children clip the churches.^ This ceremony was performed, amid crowds of people and shouts of joy, by the children of the different charity-schools, who at a certain hour flocked tog,ether for the purpose. The first comers placed themselves hand in hand with their backs against the church, and were joined by their compa- nions, who gradually increased in num- ber, till at last the chain was of sufficient length completely to surround the sacred edifice. As soon as the hand of the last of the train had grasped that of the first, the party broke up, and walked in pro- cession to the other church, (for in those days Birmingham boasted but of two,) where the ceremony was repeated." Old Easter Customs in Church. In the celebration of this festival, the Romish church amused our forefathers by theatrical representations, and extraordi- nary dramatic worship, with appropriate scenery, machinery, dresses, and decora tions. The exhibitions at Durham appear to have been conducted with great effect. In that cathedral, over our lady of Bolton's altar, there was a marvellous, lively, and beautiful image of the picture of our lady, called the lady of Bolton, which picture was made to open with gitnmes, (or linked fastenings,) from the breast downward : and within the said image was wrought and pictured the image of our saviour marvellously finely gilt, holding up his hands, and betwixt his hands was a large fair crucifix of Christ, all of gold ; the which crucifix was ordained to be taken * Diaka'b Shaksptare, from Fuller's Worthies. forth every Good Friday, and every man did creep unto it that was in the church at that time ; and afterwards it was hung up again within the said image. Every principal day the said image of our !adj of Bolton, was opened, that every man might see pictured within her, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoit, most cu- riously and finely gilt; and both the sides within her were very finely varnished with green varnish, and fiowers of gold, which was a goodly sight for all the beholders thereof. On Good Friday, there was marvellous solemn service, in which ser- vice time, after the Passionv/as sung, two of the ancient monks took a goodly large crucifix, all of gold, of the picture of our saviour Christ nailed upon the cross, laying it upon a velvet cushion, having St. Cuthbert's arms upon it, all embroidered with gold, bringing it be- twixt them upon the cushion to the lowest steps in the choir, and there betwixt them did hold the said picture of our saviour, sitting on either side of it. And then one of the said monks did rise, and went a pretty space from it, and setting himself upon his knees with his shoes put off, very reverently he crept upon his knees unto the said cross, and most reverently did kiss it ; and after him the other monk did so likewise; and then they sate down on e:*her side of the said cross, holding it betwixt them. Afterward, the prior came forth of his stall, and did sit him down upon his knees with his shoes off in like sort, and did creep also unto the said cross, and all the monks after him did creep one after another in the same manner and order ; in the mean time, the whole choir singing a hymn. The service being ended, the said two monks carried the cross to the sepulchre with great re- verence.* The sepulchre was erected in the church near the altar, to represent the tomb wherein the body of Christ was laid for burial. At this tomb there was a grand performance on Easter-day. In some churches it was ordained, that Mary Magdalen, Mary of Bethany, and Mary of Nairn, should be represented by three deacons clothed in dalmaticks and amesses, with their heads in the manner of women, and holding a vase in their hands. These performers came through the middle of the choir, and hastening * Hone's Ancient Mysteries described, froia Davies's Kite:i. \.r iiiC THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— EASTER. towLirds the sepulchre, with downcast tooks, said together this verse, " Who will remove the stone for us ?" Upon this a boy, clothed like an angel, in albs, and holding a wheat ear in his hand, be- fore the sepulchre, said, " Whom do you seek in the sepulchre ?" The Maries an- swered, " Jesus of Nazareth who was crucitied." The boy-angel answered, " lie is not here, but is risen ;" and pointed to the place with his finger. The boy-angel departed very quickly, and two priests in tunics, sitting without the sepulchre, said, " Woman, whom do ye mourn for? Whom do ye seek?" The middle one of the women said, " Sir, if you have taken him away, say so " The priest, showing the cross, said, " They have taken away the Lord." The two sitting priests said, " Whom do ye seek, women '." The Maries, kissing the place, afterwards went from the sepulchre. In the mean time a priest, in the character of Christ, in an alb, with a stole, holding a cross, met them on the left horn of the altar, and said, " Mary !" Upon hearing this, the mock Mary threw herself at his feet, and, with a loud voice, cried Cabboin. The priest representing Christ replied, nodding, " Noli me tangere," touch me not. This being finished, he again ap- peared at the right horn of the altar, and said to them as they passed before the altar, " Hail ! do not fear." This being finished, he concealed himself; and the women-priests, as though joyful at hear- ing this, bowed to the altar, and turning to the choir, sung " Alleluia, the Lord is risen." This was the signal for the bishop or priest before the altar, with the censer, to begin and sing aloud, Te Deum* The making of the sepulchre was a practice founded upon ancient tradition, that the second coming of Christ would be on Easter- eve; and sepulchre-making, and watching it, remained in England •ill the reformation. Its ceremonies va- •ied in different places. In the abbey church of Durham it was part of the ser- vice upnn Easter-day, betwixt three and four o'clock in the morning, for two of the eldest monks of the quire to come to the sepulchre, set up upon Good Friday after the Passion, which being covered with red velvet, and embroidered with gold, these monks, with a pair of silver censers, censed the sepulchre on their knees. Tlien both rising, went to the • Fnsbrokc'd Brit. Monadi. from Du Gauge. sepulchre, out of which they took a mar- vellous beautiful imatfe of the resurrec- tion, with a cross in the hand of the image of Christ, in the breast whereof was in- closed, in bright crystal, the host, so as to be conspicuous to the beholders. Then, after the elevation of the said picture, it was carried by the said two monks, upon a velvet embroidered cushion, the monks singing the anthem of Christus resnrgens. They then brought it to the high altar, setting it on the midst thereof, and the two monks kneeling before the altar, censed it all the time that the rest of tlie quire were singing the anthem, which being ended, the two monks took up the cushion and picture from the altar, sup- porting it betwixt them, and proceeded in procession from the high altar to the south quire door, where there were four ar.iiient gentlemen belonging to the quire, appointed to attend their coming, holding up a rich canopy of purple velvet, tas- selled round about with Ted silk and gold fringe ; and then the canopy was borne by these " ancient gentlemen," over the said images with the host carried by the two monks round about the church, the whole quire following, with torches and great store of other lights; all singing, rejoicing, and praying, till they came to the high altar again ; upon which they placed the said image, there to remain till Ascension-day, vi\\Qn another ceremony was used. In Brand's " Antiquities," and other works, there are many items of expenses from the accounts of different church- books for making the sepulchre for this Easter ceremony. The old Register Book of the brethren of the Holy Trinity of St. Botolph without Aldersgate, now in the possession of the editor of the Every-Day Book, contains the following entries con- cerning the sepulchre in that church : — " Item, to the wexchaundeler, for makyng of the Sepulcre light iii times, and of other dyvers lights that longyn to the trynite, in dyvers places in the chirche, Ivii*. 10''." In An. 17 Henry VI. there is another " Item, for x'ii tapers unto the lyght about the Sepulcre, agenst the ffestp of Estern, weying Ixxviii lb. of the wich was wasted xxii lb " &c. In Ann, 21 & 22 K. Henry VI. the fraternity paid for wax and for lighting of the sepulchre "both yers, xx*. viii". ' and they gathered in those years for their sepulchre light, xlv*. ix"*. This gathering was from the people who were present at thf repre- 217 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— EASTER. sentation ; and when the value of money at that time is considered, and also that on the same day every church in London had a sepulchre, each more or less at- tractive, the sum v/ill not be regarded as despicable. The only theatres for the people were churches, and the monks were actors; accordingly, at Easter, plays were fre- quently got up for popular amusement. Brand cites from the churchwardens' ac- counts of Reading, set forth in Coate's history of that town, several items of different sums paid for nails for the se- pulchre ; " for rosyn to the Resurrection play ;" for setting up off poles for the scaffold whereon the plays were perform- ed ; for making "a Judas ;" for the writing of the plays themselves ; and for other expenses attending the '• getting up" of the representations Though the subjects exhibited were connected wilh the inci- dents commemorated by the festival, yet the most splendid shows must have been in those churches which performed the resurrection at the sepulchre wilh a full dramatis persona; of monKs, in dresses according to the characters they assumed. Mr. Fosbroke gives the " properties" of the sepulchre show belonging to St. Mary Redcliff's church at Bristol, from an original MS. in his possession for- merly belonging to Chatterton, viz " Me- morandum : — That master Cannings hath delivered, the 4th day of July, in the vear of our Lord 1470, to master Nicholas Pelles, vicar of Redclift, Moses Conterin, Philip Berthelmew, and John Brown, procurators of Redclift beforesaid, a new Sepulchre, well guilt with fine gold, and a civer thereto ; an image of God Al- mighty rising out of the same Sepulchre, with all the ordinance that longeth thereto ; that rs to say, a lath made of timber and iron work thereto. Item, hereto longeth Heven, made of timber and stained cloths. Item, Hell made of timber and iron work thereto, with Devils the number of thirteen. Item, four knights armed, keeping the Sepulchre, with their weapons in their hands ; that is to say, two spears, two axes, with two shields. Item, four pair of Angel's wings, for four Angels, made of timber,and well-painted. Item, the Fadre, the crown and visage, the ball with a cross uj)on it, well gilt with fine gold. Item, the Holy Ghost coming out of Ileven into the Sepulchre. Item, longeth to the four Angels, four Perukes.''' The lights at the sepulchre shows, and at Easter, were of themselves a most attractive part cf the Easter spec- tacle. The paschal or great Easter taper at Westminster Abbey was three hundred pounds' weight. Sometimes a large wax light called a serpent was used ; its name was derived from its spiral form, it being wound round a rod. To light it, fire was struck from a flint consecrated by the abbot. The paschal in Durham cathedral was square wax, and reached to within a man's length of the roof, from whence this waxen enormity was lighted by " a fine convenience." I'rom this superior ligiit all others were taken. Every taper in the church was purposely extinguished in order that this might supply a fresh stock of consecrated light, till at the same season in the next year a similar parent to,rch was prepared.* EASTER IN LONDON. Easter Monday and Tuesday, and Greenwich fair, are renowned as " holi- days" lliroughout most manufactories and trades conducted in the metropolis. On Monday, Greenwich fair commences Tlie chief attraction to this spot is the park, wherein stands the Royal Observa- tory on a hill, adown which it is the delight of boys and girls to pull each other till they are wearied. Frequently of late this place has been a scene of rude disorder. But it is still visited by thou- sands and tens of thousands from London and the vicinity ; the lowest join in the hill sports; others regale in the public- houses ; and many are mere spectators, of what may be called the humours ot the day. On Easter Monday, at the very dawn of day, the avenues from all parts towards Greenwich give sign of the first London festival in the year. Working men and their wives ; 'prentices and their sweet- hearts ; blackguards and bullies ; make their way to this fair. Pickpockets and their female companions go later. Tlie greater part of the sojourners are on foot, but the vehicles for conveyance are innumerable. The regular and irregular stages are, of course, full inside and out- side. Hackney-coaches are equally well filled ; gigs carry three, not including the driver ; and there are countless pri- vate chaise-carts, public pony-chaises and open accommodations. Interminglea with these, town-carts, usually employed 218 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— EASTER. in carrying goods, are now fitted tip, with boards for seats ; hereon are seated men, women, and children, till the complement IS complete, which is seldom deemed the case till the horses are overloaded. Now and then passes, like " some huge admi- 'al,"a full-sized coal-waggon, laden with coal-heavers and theii wives, and sha- dowed by spreading boughs from every tree that spreads a bough ; these solace themselves with draughts of beer from a. barrel aboard, and derive amusement from criticising walkers, and passengers in vehicles passing their own, which is of unsurpassing size. Tiie six-mile journey of one of these machines is sometimes prolonged from "dewy morn" till noon. It stops to let its occupants see all that is to be seen on its passage ; such as what are called the " Gooseberry fairs," by the wayside, whereat heats are run upon half-killed horses, or spare and patient donkeys. Here are the bewitching sounds to many a boy's ears of" A halfpenny ride O '." "A halfpenny ride 01"; upon that sum " first had and obtained,'' the immediately bestrided urchin has full right to " work and labour" the bit of life he bestraddles, for the full space or dis- tance of fifty yards, there and back ; the returning fifty being done within half time of the first. Then there is " pricking in the belt," an old exposed and still practised fraud. Besides this, there are numberless invitations to take " a shy for a halfpenny," at a " bacca box, full o' ha'pence," standing on a stick stuck up- right in the earth at a reasonable distance for experienced throwers to hit, and therefore win, but which is a mine of wealth to the costermonger proprietor, from the number of unskilled adventurers. Greenwich fair, of itself, is nothing; the congregated throngs are every thing, and fill every plase. The hill of tlie Observatory, and two or three other emi- nences in the park, are the chief resort of the less experienced and the vicious. But these soon tire, and group after group succeeds till evening. Before then the more prudent visitors have retired to seme of the numerous houses in the vici- nage of the park, whereon is written, " Boiling water here," or "Tea and Coffee," and where they take such re- freshment as these places and their own bundles afford, preparatory to their toil home after their pleasure. At nightfall, " Life in London," as it is called, is found at Gteenfrich. Every room in every pubhc-nouse is fid.y oecupied by drinkers, smokers, singers and dancers, and the " balls " are kept up during the greater part of the night. The way to town is now an indescr'ba- ble scene. The vehicles congregated by the visitors to the fair throughout the day resume theii motion, and the living reflux on the road is dense to uneasiness. Of all sights the most miserable is that of the poor broken-down horse, who having been urged three times to and from Greenwich with a load thi- ther of pleasure-seekers at sixpence per head, is now unable to return, for the fourth time, with a full load back, though whipped and lifted, and lifted and whip- ped, by a reasoning driver, who declares " the hoss did it last fair, and why shouldn't he do it again." The open windows of every house for refreshment on the road, and clouds of tobacco-smoke therefrom, declare the full stowage of each apart- ment, while jinglings of the bells, and calls " louder and louder yet," speak wants and wishes to waiters, who disobey the instructions of the constituent bodies that sent them to the bar. Now from the way- side booths fly out corks that let forth "pop" and "ginger-beer," and little party-coloured lamps give something of a joyous air to appearances that fa- tigue and disgust. Overwearied children cry before they have walked to the half- way house; women with infants in their arms pull along their tipsey well-beloveds, others endeavour to wrangle or drag them out of drinking rooms, and, until long after midnight, the Greenwich road does not cease to disgorge incongruities only to be rivalled by the figures and exhibitions in Dutch and Flemish prints. While this turmoil, commonly called pleasure-taking, is going on, there is another order of persons to whom Easter afibrds real recreation. Not less inclined to unbend than the frequenters of Green- wich, they seek and find a mode o* spending the holiday-time more rationally more economically, and more advantage- ously to themselves and their families With their partners and offspring they ride to some of the many pleasant vil- lages beyond the suburbs of London, out of the reach of ine harm and strife inci- dent to mixing with noisy crowds. Here the contented groups are joined by rcia 219 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— EASTER. lions or friends, who have appointed to ed, each joins in merrj' convers^rition, or meet them, in the quiet lanes or sunny some one suspected of a singing lace fields of these delightful retreats. When justifies the suspicion, and " the jocunq requisite, they recruit from well-stored song goes round," till, the fathers being junket baskets, carried in turn; and after reminded by the mothers, more than once calmly passing several hours in walking possibly, that " it's getting late," they rise and sauntering through the open balmy refreshed and happy, and go home. Sucli air of a spring-dny, they sometimes close an assembly is composed of honest and it by making a good comfortable tea- industrious individuals, whose feelings party at a respectable house on their way and expressions are somewhat, perhaps, t(« town. Then a cheerful glass is order- represented below. INDEPENDENT MEN A HOLIDAY SONG. We're independent men, with wives, and sweethearts, by our side. We've hearts at rest, with health we're bless'd, and, being Easter tide, We make our spring-time holiday, and take a bit of pleasure, And gay as May, drive care away, and give to mirth our leisure. It's for our good, that thus, my boys, we pass the hours that stray. We'll have our frisk, without the risk of squabble or a fray ; Let each enjoy his pastime so, that, without fear or sorrow, When all his fun is cut and run, he may enjoy to-morrow. To-morrow may we happier be for happiness to-day, rhat child or man, no mortal can, or shall, have it to say, That we have lost both cash and time, and been of sense bereft, For what we've spent we don't relent, we've time and money left. And we will husband both, my boys, and husband too our wives ; May sweethearts bold, before they're old, be happy for their lives ; For good girls make good wives, my boys, and good wives make men belter, When men are just, and scorning trust, each man is no man's debtor. Then at this welcome season, boys, let's welcome thus each other. Each kind to each, shake hands with each, each be to each a brother; Nej;t Easter holiday may each again see flowers springing, And hear birds sing, and sing himself, while merry bells are ringir^g 220 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— EASTER The clear open weather daring the Easter holidays in 1 825, drew forth a greater number of London holiday keep- er-; tlian the same season of many pre- reding years. They were enabled to in- dulge by the full employment in most bran- ches of trade and manufacture ; and if the period was spent not less merrily, it was enjoyed more rationally and with less ex- cess than before was customary. Green- wich, though crowded, was not so abun- dant of boisterous rudeness. " it is al- most the only one of the popular amuse- ments that remains: Stepney, Hamp- stead, Westend, and Peckham fairs have oeen crushed by the police, that ' stern, rugged nurse' of national morality; and although Greenwich fair continues, it is any thing but what it used to be. Green- wich, however, will always have a charm : the fine park remains — trees, glades, turf, and the view from the observatory, one of tlie noblest in the world — before you the towers of these palaces built for a mo- larch's residence, now ennobled into a refuge from life's storms for the gallant defenders of their country, after their long and toilsome pilgrimage — then the noble river ; and in the distance, amidst the din and smoke, appears the ' mighty heart' of this mighty empire; these are views worth purchasing at the expense of oeing obliged to visit Greenwich fair in this day of its decline. ' Punch' and his ' better half seemed to be the pre- siding deities in the fair, so little of mer- riment was there to be found. In the park, however, the scene was different ; it was nearly filled with persons of all ages : the young came there for amuse- ment, to see and be seen — the old to pay their customary annual visit. On the bills was the usual array of telescopes ; there were also many races, and many sovereigns in the course of the day chang- ed hands on the event of them ; but one race in particular deserves remark, not that there was any thing in the character, fippearance, or speed of the competitors, to distinguish them from the herd of others ; the circumstances in it that afford- td amusement was the dishonesty of the stakeholder, who, as the parties had just reached the goal, scampered off with the stakes, amidst the shouts of the by stan- ders, and the ill-concealed chagrin of the two gentlemen who had foolishly com- mitted their money to the hands of a stranger."* • Britith Tiess According to annual custom on Eas- ter Monday, the minor theatres opened on that day for the season, and were thronued, as usual, by spectators of no- velties,which the Amphitheatre, the Surrey theatre, Sadler's-wells, and other places of dramatic entertainment, constantly get up for the holiday-folks. The scene Oi attraction was much extended, by amuse- ments long before announced at distant suburbs. At half-past five on Monday afternoon, Mr. Green accompanied by one of his brothers, ascended in a balloon from the Eagle Tavern, the site of the still remembered " Shepherd and Shep- herdess," in the City-road. " The atmo- sphere being extremely calm, and the sun shining brightly, the machine, after it had ascended to a moderate height, seemed to hang over the city for nearly half an hour, presenting a beautiful appearance, as its sides glistened with the beams of that orb, towards which it appeared to be convey- ing two of the inhab'tants of a diflerent planet." It descended near Kwell in Surrey. At a distance of ten miles from this spot, Mr. Graham, another aerial na- vigator, let off another balloon from the Star and Garter Tavern, near Kew-bridge. " During the preparations, the gardens began to fill with a motley company of farmers' families, and tradesmen from the neighbourhood, together with a large por- tion of city folks, and a small sprinkle of some young people of a better dressed order. The fineness of the day gave a peculiar interest to the scene, which throughout was of a very lively descrip- tion. Parties of ladies, sweeping the ' green sward,' their gay dresses, laugh- ing eyes, and the cloudless sky, made every thing look gay. Outside, it was a multitude, as far as the eye could see on one side. The place had the appear- ance of a fair, booths and stalls for re- freshments being spread out, as upon these recreative occasions. Carts, drays, coaches, and every thing which could enable persons the better to overlook the gardens, were put into eager requisition, and every foot of resting-room upon Kew-bridge had found an anxious and curious occupant. In the mean time, fresh arrivals were taking place from all directions, but the clouds of dust which marked the line of the London-road, in particular, denoted at once the eagernesj and numbers of the new comers. A glimpse in that direction showed the pe- destrians, half roasted with the sun, and 221 rilE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— EASTER. half sufibcated with the dust, still keeping on their way towards the flivoured spot. About five o'clock, Mr. Graham having seated himself in the ca» of his vehicle, gave the signal for committing the ma- chine to its fate. She swung in the wind for a moment, but suddenly righting, shot up in a directly perpendicular course, amidst the stunning shout of the assem- bled multitude, Mr. Graham waving the flags and responding to their cheers. Nothing could be more beautiful than the appearance of the balloon at the distance of about a mile from the earth, for from reflecting back the rays of the sun, it ap- peared a solid body of gold suspended in the air. It continued in sight nearly an hour and a half; and the crowd, wliose curiosity had brought them together, had not entirely dispersed from the gardens before seven o'clock. On the way home they were gratified with the sight of Mr. Green's balloon, which was seen dis- tinctly for a considerable time along the Ilammersmith-road. The shadows of evening were lengthening, and midst falling dew. While glow the Heavens with the last steps of day. Far through their rosy depths it did pursue Its solitary way."* SPITAL SERMONS. fn London, on Easter Monday and Tuesday, the Spital Sermons are preach- ed. "On Easter Monday, the boys of Christ's Hospital walk in procession, ac- companied by the masters and steward, to the Royal Exchange, from whence they proceed to the Mansion-house, where they are joined by the lord mayor, the lady mayoress, the sheriffs, aldermen, recor- der, chamberlain, town clerk, and other city officers, with their ladies. From thence the cavalcade proceeds to Christ cliurch, where the Spital Sermon is preached, always by one of the bishops, and an anthem sung by the children. His lordship afterwards returns to the Man- sion-house, where a grand civic entertain- ment is prepared, which is followed by an elegant ball in the evening. OnEaster Tuesday, the boys again walk in procession to the Mansion-house, but, instead of the masters, they are accom- panied by the matron and nurses. On Monday, they walk in the order of the schools, each master being at the head of * Muruiiig Herald. the school over which he preside? ; and the boys in the mathematical school carry their various instruments. On Tuesday, they walk in the order of the different wards, the nurses walking at the head ot the boys under her immediate care. On their arrival at the Mansion-house, they liave the honour of being presented indi- vidually to the lord mayor, who gives to each boy a new sixpence, a glass of wine, and two buns. His lordship afterwards accompanies them to Christ church, where the service is the same as on Mon- day. The sermon is on Tuesday usually preached by his lordship's chaplain."* The most celebrated Spital Sermon of our times, was that preached by the late Dr. Samuel Parr, upon Easter Tuesday, 1800, against " the eager desire of paradox ; the habit of contemplating a favourite topic in one distinct and vivid point of view, while it is disregarded under all others; a fond- ness for simplicity on sul)jects too com- plicated in their inward structure on their external relations, to be reduced to any single and uniform principle ;" and against certain speculations on " the motives by which we are impelled to do good to our fellow creatures, and adjusting the extent to which we arc capable of doing it." This sermon induced great controversy, and much misrepresentation. Few of those >vho condemned it, read it ; and many justi- fied their ignorance of what they detracted, by pretending they could not waste theii time upon a volume of theology. This excuse was in reference to its having been printed in quarto, though the sermon it- self consists of only about four and twenty pages. The notes are illustrations of a discourse more highly intellectual than most of those who live have heard oi read.f * Wilson's History of Christ's Hospital. t .Archdeacon Biillcr had been selected by Dr. Parr to pronounce tlie last appointed-words over his remains, and he justified the seU-ctiou. Dr. Butler's sermon at tlie funeral o-f Dr. Parr, has the high merit of presenting a clear outline of this grea^ man's character, and from its pages these passages are culled and thrown together. " His learning was the most profound, and the most varied and extensive, of any man of his age. He has left a chasm in the literature of his country, which none of us shall ever see filled up. As a classical scholar he was su- prenie — deeply versed in history, especially that of his own country ; in metaphysics and moral philo- sophy not to be excelled ; in theology he had read more extensively and thought more deeply, than most of those who claim the Iwghest literary fame in that department. He was well read in contioversy, though he loved not controversialists; fur his bene- volent and tolerating spirit was shocked by any thing like rancour among men who believe a gospel oT love, and worship a God of love, and yet can let loose the malignant and vindictive passions, in their religious disputes, against each other. In pc.itica 222 THE EVERY -DAY BOOK.— EASTER. The Spital Sennon derives its name from tlie priory and hospital of " our I)lessed Lady, St. Mary Spital," situated on the east side of liisliopsgate-street, Jvith fields in the rear, which now form the suburb, called Spitalfields. This Hospital founded in 1'97, had a large churchyard with a pulpit cross, from whence it was an ancient custom on Eas- ter Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, for sermons to be preached on the Resur- rection before the lord mayor, alder- men, sheriffs, and others who sat in a house of two stories for that purpose ; the bishop of I ondon and other prelates being above them. In 1594, the pulpit was taken down and a new one set up, and a large house for tiie governors and children of Christ's Hospital to sit in.* In April 1559, queen Elizabeth came in great state from St. Mary Spital, attended by a thousand men in harness, with shirts of mail and croslets, and morris pikes, and ten great pieces carried through Lon- don unto the court, with drums, flutes, and trumpets sounding, and two morris dan- cers, and two white bears in a cart.f On Easter Monday, 1617, king James I. having gone to Scotland, the archbishop of Canterbury, the lord keeper Bacon, the bishop of London, and certain other lords of the court and privy counsellors attend- ed the Spital Sermon, with sir John Lemman, the lord mayor, and alder- men ; and afterwards rode home and dined with the lord mayor at his house near Billingsgate.J The hospital itself was dissolved under Henry VIII. ; the pulpit was broken down during the troubles of Charles I. ; and after the restoration, the sermons denominated Spital Sermons were preached at St. Bride's church, Fleet-street, on the three usual days. A his ardent \ove of fieedom, his hatred of oppression, and his invincible spirit, joined to tlie moit disinier- ested and incorruptible integrity, and the most reso- lute independence, even in llie days of poverty and privation, made him always a prominent and con- spicuous 1 liaracter. Caution he despised, it was not apart of liis noble and fearless naiure. What he thought greatly, he ntttred manfully ; and such a mighty master of language wlicn speaking or writing on civil and relitious liberty, carried away his hearers wiili the same resistless torrent of elo- quence by which himself was swept along." Such IS the testimony to Dr. Parr's talents, by one " differ- ing from kiim on many political points, and on some theoloeic«l questions. More to the sameeffect might be adduced on tlie same competent authority ; but, if the preacher, like him of whom he discoursed, " loved hii friend well, he loved truth better ;" and hence Dr. Butler has honestly and faithfully sketched a few ncoiisiderable weaknesses, which, to a correct judg- Er.ent, enlarge the nobility, and heighten the splen- dour of Dr. Parr's lieart and mind. Undeviating eulogy is pnaiseless praise. * Siowe. t M-iitland. t Stoive. writer of the last century * speaks of " a room being crammed as 'full of companv, as St. Bride's church upon tlie singing'a Spittle psalm at Easter, or an anthem on Cicelia's day," but within the last thirty years the Spital Sermons have been re- moved to Christ church, Newgate-street, where they are attended by the lord mayor, the aldermen, and the governors of Christ's, St. Bartholomew's, St. Thomas's, Bridewell, and Bethlem Hos- pitals ; after the sermon, it is the usage to read a report of the number of children, and other persons maintained and reliev- ed in these establishments. In 1825, the Spital Sermon on Easter Monday was preached by the bishop of Gloucester, and the psalm sung by the children of Christ's Hospital was composed by the rev. Arthur William Tiollope, D. D. head classical master. It is customary for the prelate on this occasion, to dine with the lord mayor, sheriffs, and alder- men at the Mansion-house. Hereafter there will be mention of similar invita- tions to the dignified clergy, when they discourse before the civic authorities. In 1766, bishop Warburton having preached before the corporation, dined with the lord mayor, and was somewhat facetious; " Whether," says Warburton, " I made them wiser than ordinary at Bow (church,) I cannot tell. I certainly made them merrier than ordinary at the Mansion- house ; where we were magnificently treat- ed. The lord mayor told me—' The common council were much obliged to me, for that this was the first time he ever heard them prayed for ;' I said, ' I consi- dered them as a body who much needed the prayers of the church.' "f ^n Easter Tale. Under this title a provincial paper gives the following detail : — In Roman catholic countries it is a very ancient custom for the preacher to divert his congregation in due season with what is termed a Fabtila Paschalis, an Eastern Tale, which was becomingly received by the auditors with peals of Easter laughter During Lent the good people had morti fied themselves, and prayed so much, that at length they began to be rather discontented and ill-tempered ; so that the clergy deemed it necessary to make a little fun from the pulpit for them, and « Ned Ward in his Dancing Schoot. t letters from a late eminent prelate. 223 THE EVEIIY-DAY bOOK.— EASTER thu« give as ll were the first impulse towards tlie revival of mirtli and ciieer- fulness. This practice lasted till the 1 7th and in many places till the 18th century. Here follows a specimen of one of these tales, extracted from a truly curious vo- lume, the title of which may be thus ren- dered : — Moral and Religious Journey to Bethlem : consisting of various Sermons for the safe guidance of all strayed, con- verted, and misled souls, by the Rev. Father Attakasy, of Dilling. " Christ our Lord was journeying with St. Peter, and had passed through many countries. One day he came to a place where there was no inn, and entered the house of a blacksmith. This man had a wife, who paid the utmost respect to strangers, and treated them with the best that her house would afford. Wiien they were about to depart, our Lord and St. Peter wished her all that was good, and heaven into the bargain. Said the woman, ' Ah ! if I do but go to heaven, I care for no- thing else.' — ' Doubt not,' said St. Peter, for it would be contrary to scripture if thou shouldest not go to heaven. Let what will happen, thou must go thither. Open thy mouth. Did T not say so ? Why, thou canst not be sent to hell, where there is wailing and gnashing of leeth, for thou hast not a tooth left in thy head. Thou art safe enough; be of good cheer.' Who was so overjoyed as (he good woman ? Without doubt, she took another cup on the strength of this as- surance. But our Lord was desirous to testify his thanks to tlie man also, and promised to grant him four wishes. * Well,' said the smith, ' I am heartily obliged to you, and wish that if any one climbs up the pear-tree behind my house, he may not be able to get down again without my leave.' This grieved St. Peter not a little, for he thought that the smith ought rather to have wished for the kingdom of heaven ; but our Lord, with his wonted kindness, granted his petition. The smith's next wish was, that if any one sai down upon his anvil, he might not be able to rise without his permis- sion ; and the third, that if any one crept into his old flue, he miuht not have power to get out without his consent. St. Peter s lid, ' Friend smith, beware what thou ■ lost These are all wishes that can bring tiee no advantage ; be wise, and let the r "maining one be for everlasting life with lie blessed in heaven.' The smith was not to be put out of h."s way, and thus proceeded : * My fourth wish is, that my green cap may belong to me for ever and that whenever I sit down upon it, na power or force may be able to drive me away.' This also received the fiat Thereupon our Lord went his way with Peter, and the smith lived some years longer with his old woman. At the end of this time grim death appeared, and summoned him to the other world 'Stop a moment,' said the smith; Met me just put on a clean shirt, meanwhile you may pick some of the pears on yonder tree.' Death climbed up the tree ; but he could not get down again ; he was forced to submit to the smith's terms and promised him a respite of twenty years before he returned. When the twenty years were expired, he again ap- peared, and commanded him in the name of the Lord and St. Peter to go along with him. Said the smith, ' I know Peter too. Sit down a little on my anvil, for thou must be tired ; I will just drink a cup to cheer me, and take leave of my old woman, and be with thee presently. But death could not rise again from his seat, and was obliged to promise the smith another delay of twenty years. When these had elapsed, the devil came, and would fain have dragged the smith away by force. ' Holla, fellow 1' said the latter; ' that won't do. I have other letters, and whiter than thou, with thy black carta-bianca. But if thou art such a conjuror as to imagine that thou hast any power over me, let us see if thou canst get into this old rusty flue.' No sooner said than the devil slipped into the flue. The smith and his men put the flue into the fire, then carried it to the anvil, and hammered away at the old- one most unmercifully. He howled, and begged and prayed ; and at last promised that he would have nothing to do with the smith to all eternity, if he would but let him go. At length the smith's guar- dian-angel made his appearance. The business was now serious. He was obliged to go ; the angel conducted him to hell. The devil, whom he had so terribly belaboured, was just then attend- ing the gate; he looked out at the little window, but quickly shut it again, and would have nothing to do with the smith. The angel then conducted him to the gate of he-tven. St. Peter refused to admit him. ' Let me just peep in,' said the smith, * that I may see how it looks within there.' No sooner was the wicket 224 THE EVEllY DAY BOOK— APRIL 6 opened than tTie smith threw in his cap, and said; ' Thou knowest it is my pro- perty, 1 must go and fetch it.' Then slipping past, he clapped himself down upon it, and said, ' Now I am sitting on my own property ; T should like to see who dares drive me away from it.' So the smith got into heaven at last. '* • Salisbury Gazette, January 8, 1818. SILENUS, Tliere is a remarkable notice by Dr. E. D. Clarke, the traveller, respecting a custom in the Greek islands. He says, " A circumstance occurs annually at Rhodes which deserves the attention of the literary traveller : it is the ceremony of carrying Silenus in procession at Easter. A troop of boys, crowned with garlands, draw along, in a car, a fat old man, at- tended with great pomp. I unfortunately missed bearing testimony to this remark- able example, among many others which I have witnessed, of the existence of pagan rites in popular superstitions. I was informed of the fact by Mr. Spurring, a naval architect, who resided at Rhodes, and Mr. Cope, a commissary belonging to the British army ; both of whom had seen the procession. The same ceremony also takes place in the island of Scio." It is only necessary here to mention the custom, without adverting to its pro- bable origin. According to ancient fable, Silenus was son to Pan, the god of shep- herds and huntsmen ; other accounts re- present him as the son of Mercury, and foster-father of Bacchus. He is usually described as a tipsey old wine-bibber ; and one stoiy of him is, that having lost his way in his cups, and being found by some peasants, they brought him to king Midas, who restored him " to the jolly god " Bacchus, and that Bacchus, grate- ful for the favour, conferred on Midas the power of turning whatever he touched into gold. Others say that Silenus was a grave philosopher, and Bacchus an en- terprising young hero, a sort of Tele- niachus, who took Silenus for his Mentor, and adopted his wise counsels. The en- graving is after an etching by Worlidge, from a sardonyx gem in the possession of the duke of Devonshire. OLD LADY-DAY. St. Sixtus I. Pope, 2d Cent. 120 Per- sian Martyrs, a. d. 345. St. Celest'im, Pope, A. D. 432. St. iniliavi. Abbot of Eskille, A. D. 1203. St. Prudenthis, Bp A. D. 861. St. Celstis, in Irish Ceallach Abp. A. D. 1129. Chronotocy. 134-8. Laura de Koves died. She was born in 1304, and is celebrated for having been beloved by Petrarch, and fo having returned his passion by mdiffer Vol. I. 225 Q THE EVEIIY-D^Y ROOK.— APRIL 7, 8,'9, ence. He fostered his love at Vaueluse, a romantic spot, wherein lie had nothing to employ him but recollection of her charms, and imagination of her perfec- tions. These he in?niortalized in sonnets while she lived ; Petrarch survived her six and thirty years. Francis I., who compared a court without ladies to a spring without flow- ers, caused Laura's tomb to be opened, and threw verses upon her remains com- plimentary to her beauty, and the fame she derived from her lover's praises. 1803. Colonel Montgomery and cap- tain Macnamara quarrelled and fought a duel at Primrose-hill, because their dogs quarrelled and fought in Hyde-park. Captain Macnamara received colonel Montgomery's ball in the hip, and colonel Montgomery received captain Macna- mara's ball in the heart. Tiiis exchange of shots being according to the laws of duelling and projectiles. Colonel Mont- gomery died on the spot. Captain Mac- namara was tried at the Old Bailey, and, as a man of honour, was acquitted by a jury of men of honour. The laws of England and the laws of Christianity only bind honourable men ; men of honour govern each other by the superior power of sword and pistol. Tlie humble suicide is buried with ignominy in a cross road, and a finger-post marks his grave for public scorn ; the proud and daring duel- list reposes in a christian grave beneath marble, proud and daring as himself. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Starch Hyacinth. Hyacintkns racemosus. Dedicated to St. Sixtus I. ^pril 7. St. Aphraates, 4th Cent. St. Hegesippus, A. D. 180. St. Albert, A. D. 1140. B. Herman Joseph, a. d. 1226. St. Finan of Keann-Ethich. Chronology. 1520. Raphael d' Urbino died on the anniversary of his birth-day which was in 1483. 1807. Lalande, the astronomer, died at Paris, aged 70. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Wood Anemony. Anemone Ncmorosa. Dedicated to St. Aphraates. St. ^desins, a. d. 306. St. Perpetuus, Bp. a. d. 491. St. IFultcr, Abbot, a. d. 1099. B. Albert. Patriarch uf Jerusalem, a. d. 1214. Chronology. 1341. The expression of Petrarch's passion for Laura, gained him such cele- brity, that he had a crown of laurels placed upon his head, in the metropolis of the papacy, amidst cries from the Roman people, " Long live the poet !" 1364. John, king of France, who had been brought prisoner to England by Edward, the Black Prince, in his captivity, died at the Savoy-palace, in the Strand. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Ground Ivy. Glecoma hederacea. Dedicated to St. Dionysius. april 9. ^pnl 8. St. Dionysius, Bp. of Corinth, 2d Cent. St. Mary of Egypt, a. d. 421. The Mas- sylitan Marti/rs in Africa. St. Enpsy- chhis. The Roman Captives, Martyrs in Persia, year of Christ 362, of Sapor 53. St. JFultrude, or Vantrude, com- monly called Faiidrii, Widow, a. d. 686. St. Gaucher, or Gantier, Abbot, A. D. 1130. St. Dotto, Abbot. Chronology. 1483. The great lord Bacon died, aged 66. He fell from distinguished station to low estate, by having cultivated high wisdom at the expense of every day wis- dom. " Lord Bacon," says Rushworth, " was eminent over all the christian world for his many excellent writings. He was no admirer of money, yet he had the unhappiness to be defiled therewith. He treasured up nothing for himself, yet died in debt." His connivance at the bribery of his servants made them his master and wrought his ruin. The gifts of suitors in the chancery rendered him suspected, but his decrees were so equit- able that no one was ever reversed for its injustice. Let him who lacking wisdom desires to know, and who willing to be taught will patiently learn, make himself master of " Bacon's Essays." It is a book more admired than read, and more read than understood, because of higher thought than most readers dare to compass. He who has achieved the " Essays" has a master-key to Bacon's other works, and consequently every department of English literature. 1747. Lord Lovat was executed on 22G THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 10, 11, 12. Tower-hill, for high treason, at the age of 90. He was a depraved, bad man ; and the coolness with which he wrought his profligate purposes, throughout an aban- doned life, he carried to the scaffold. 1807. John Opie, the artist, died. He wa.s born in Cornwall in 1761 ; self- taught in his youth he attained to high rank as an English historical painter, and at his death was professor of painting at the Royal Academy. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Red Polyanthus. Primula poly antha rubra. Dedicated to St. Mary. apnl 10. St. Bademus, Abbot, a.d. 376. B. Mech- tildes, Virgin and Abbess, after 1300. Low Sunday. The Sunday after Easter-day is called Low Sunday, because it is Easter-day repeated, with the church-service some- what abridged or lowered in the ceremony from the pomp of the festival the Sunday before. FLORAL DIRECIORY. Pale Violet. Fiola Tonbrlgens Dedicated to St. Mechtildes. apnl 11. St. Leo the Great, Pope, a. d. 461. St. Jntipas. St. Guthlake, a. d. 714. St. Maccai, Abbot. St. Aid of Eacha- raidh, Abbot. Chronology. 1713. The celebrated peace of U- trecht was concluded, and with it con- cluded the twelve years' war for the suc- cession to the throne of Spain. floral directory. Dandelion. TaruTacnm Dens Leonis. Dedicated to St. Leo. apn'I 12. St. Sabas, a. u. 372. St. Zeno, Bp. a. d. 380. St. Julius, Pope, a. d. 352. St. Victor, of Braga. Chronology. 65. Seneca, the philosopher, a native of Corduba in Spain, died at Rome, in the fifty-third year of his age. His moral wntmgs have secured lasting celebrity to his name. He was preceptor to Nero, who, in the wantonness of power when emperor, sent an order to Seneca to de- stroy himself. The philosopher complied by opening his veins and taking poison. During these operations he conversed calmly with his friends, and his blood flowing languidly he caused himself to be placed in a hot bath, till Nero's soldiers becoming clamorous for quicker extinction of his life, it was necessary to carry him into a stove and suffocated him by steam.* A distinguished French writer f quotes a passage from Seneca remarkable for its christian spirit ; but this passage is cited at greater length by a living English au- thor,! i" order to show that Seneca was acquainted with christian principles, and in reality a christian. We may almost be sure that it was impossible for Paul to have preached " in his own hired house," at Rome, wi'.hout Seneca having been attracted thither as an auditor, and entered into personal communication with the apostle. Tliere exists a written correspondence said to have passed between Paul and Seneca, which, so far as regards Seneca's epistles, many learned men have supposed ge- nuine. Nero. While Nero followed Seneca's advice, Rome enjoyed tranquillity. This empe- ror, who was tyrannical to a proverb, commenced his leign by acts of clemency, his sole object seemed to be the good of his people. When required to sign a list of malefactors, authorizing their exe- cution, he exclaimed, " I wish to heaven I could not write." He rejected flatterers; and when the senate commended the justice of his government, he desired them to keep their praises till he deserved them. Such conduct and sentiments were worthy the pupil of Seneca, and the Romans imagined their happiness secure But Nero's sensual and tyrannical dispo- sition, which had been repressed only for a time, soon broke forth in acts of mon- strous cruelty. He caused his mother Agrippa to be assassinated, and divorced his wife Octavia, whom he banished to Campania. The people, enraged at his injustice toward the empress, so openly expressed their indignation that he was compelled to reca-11 her, and she returned to the capital amidst shouts of exultation. * Lempriere. + Bnyle, Art. Pericles, note. t Dr. John Jnnes, " On the Truth of the Christian Religion," 227 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK— APRIL 12. THE EMPRESS OCTAVIA'S RETURN FROM EXILE The popular triumph was of short du- ration. Scarcely had Octavia resumed her rank, when Nero, under colour of a false and infamous charge, again banished her. Never exile filled the hearts of the beholders with more affecting compas- sion. The first day of Octavia's nuptials was the commencement of her funeral. She was brought under a sad and dismal roof, from whence her father and brother had been carried off by poison. Though a wife, she was treated as a slave, and now she suffered the imputation of a crime more piercing than death itself. Add to this, she was a tender girl in the twentieth year of her age, surrounded by officers and soldiery devoted to her hus- band's will, and whom she viewed as sad presages of his ferocious purposes. Al- most bereft of life by her fears, and yet unwilling to surrender herself to the rest of the grave, she passed the interval of a few days in unspeakable terror. At length it was announced to her that she must die ; but while she implored that at least her life might be spared, and con- jured Nero to remember the relationship which before marriage they had borne to each other, by descent from a revered ancestor, she only exemplified the utter inefficacy of crouching to a truculent tyrant. Her appeals were answered by the seizure of her person, and the binding of her limbs ; her veins were opened, but her blood, stagnant through fear, issued slowly, and she was stifled in the steam of a boiling bath. " For this execution the senate decreed gifts and oblations to the temples ; a circumstance," says Taci- tus, " which I insert with design, that whoever shall, from me or any other writer, learn the events of those calamitous times, he may hold it for granted, that as often as sentences of murder and banish- ment were pronounced by the prince, so often were thanksgivings by the fathers paid to the dei'if.s." Every decree of the senate was either a new flight of flattery cr the dregs of exressivp tameness and sprvit'ide. :28 THE e7I':ry-day book.— APRIL 12. NERO AND THE ROMAN SENATE. From this moment Nero butchered without distinction all he pleased, upon any idle pretence, and after an indiscri- minate slaughter of men signal in name and quality, he became possessed with a passion to hew down virtue itself. His crimes would be incredible if they were not so enormous that it is scarcely pos- sible imagination could invent atrocities of so foul a nature. He had attained to such indulgence in bloodshed, that the dagger itself was dedicated by him in the capitol, and inscribed to Jupiter Vindex, Jove the Avenger. Yet to this monster one of the consuls elect proposed that a temple should be raised at the charge of the state, and consecrated to the deified Nero as to one who soared above mortality, and was therefore enti- tled to celestial worship. This, though designed as a compliment to the tyrant, was construed into an omen of his fate, " since to princes," says Tacitus, " divine hoaours are never paid till they have finally forsaken all commerce with men," or, m other words, have ceased to be useful to them. Suetonius relates, that somebody in conversation saying, " When I am dead let fire devour the world" — " Nay," rejoined Nero, " let it be whilst I am living ;" and then he set Rome on file, in so barefaced a manner, that many of the consular dignitaries detected the incendiaries with torches and tow in their own houses, and dared not touch them because they were officers of Nero's bedchamber. The fire, during six days and seven nights, consumed a prodigious number of stately buildings, the public temples, and every thing of antiquity that was remarkable and worthy of preserva- tion. The common people were driven by this conflagration to the tombs and monuments for shelter; and Nero himself beheld the flames from a tower on tlie top of Maecenas's house, and sung a ditty on the destruction of Troy, in the dress which he used to perform in on the public stage. Tnis atrocious want of feeling occasioned the saying — "Nero fiddled whileltome was 229 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 12. burning." To divert the hideousness of this crime from himself, he transferred the guilt to the Christians. To their death and torture were added cruel derision and sport; " for," says Tacitus, " either they were disguised in the skins of savage beasts, and exposed to expire by the teeth of devouring dogs ; or they were hoisted up alive and nailed to crosses ; or wrapt in combustible vest- ments, and set up as torches, that when the day set, they might be kindled to illuminate the night." Yoc this tragical spectacle Nero lent his own gardens, and exhibited at the same time the public diversions of the circus, sometimes driving a chariot in person, and at intervals standing as a spectator amongst the vulgar in the habit of a charioteer ; and hence towards the miserable sufferers popular commiseration arose, as for people who weie doomed to perish to gratify the bloody spirit of one man. At length, while plotting new and uncommon bar- barities, an insurrection broke out amongst the troops, and the senate, who had truckled to his wishes, and made him a tyrant by submitting to be slaves, took heart and issued a decree against him. He committed suicide, under circumstan- ces of such mental imbecility, that hia death was as ludicrous as his life was liorrible. 1765. Dr. Edward Young, author of the " Night Thoughts," died. 1782. Admiral itodney defeated the French fleet under count de Grasse, in the West Indies. 1814. A general illumination in Lon- don, on three successive nights, for the termination of the war with France. \ , .^ FLORAL DIRECTORY. Great Saxifrage. Saxifraga crassifolia. Dedicated to St. Zeno. O^ritteti on a chimney-board.) Here Ije entombed THE ASHES of a fcRIGHT AND SHINING GENIUS, who In his youth it is confessed discovered some sparks «f a light and volatile nature. but was in maturity of a steady and a grateful disposition and diffusive benevolence. Though naturally of a warm temper, and easily stirred up, vet was he a shining example of fervent and unreserved benignity. For though he might have been the most dangerous and dreadtul of enemies, yet was he the best and warmest of friends. Nor did he ever look cool even on his worst foes, though his friends too often, and shamefully indeed, turned their backs upon him. Oh ! undeserving and licentious times, when such illustrious examples are wantonly made light of ! Such resplendent virtue basely blown upon ! Though rather a promoter of a cheerful glass in others, and somewhat given to smoking, yet was he himself never seen in liquor, which was his utter abhorrence. Raking, which ruins most constitutions, was far from spoiling his, though it often threw him into inflammatory disorders. His days, which were short, were ended by a gentle decay, his strength wasted, and his substance spent. A temporal period was put to his finite existence, which was more immediately effected by his being seized with a severe cold, and no help administered, in some of the warm days of the fatal month of May. His loss and cheerful influence are often and feelingly regretted by his sincere admirers, who erected this monument in memory of his endearing virtue, till that grateful and appointed day, when the dormant powers of his more illustrious nature shall be again caHed forth: When, inflamed with ardour, and with resplendence crowned, he shall again rise with songs of joy and triumpfe o'er the grave. 230 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 13. Slpi in'I 13, Oxford and Cambridge Terms begin. St. Hermcneffild, Martyr, a. n. 58G. St. Giiinoch, about 838. St. Caradoc, A. D. 1124. Chronology. 1517. Cairo taken by the sultan Se- lim, who thus became sole master of Egypt- 1748. The rev. Christopher Pitt, translator of Virgil, died at Blandford in Dorsetshii-e, where he was born in 1699. 181 4. Charles Burney, Mus.D. F.R.S. &c. author of the " History of Music," and other works, which stamp his literary ability, and his scientific character as a musician, died at Chelsea, aged 88. CAMBRIDGE EXAMINATION. A good-humoured J(^/ rfV«;;r;7, intended to produce nothing but corresponding good humour in the persons whose names are mentioned, appeared in The Times on the 25th of January, 1816. This be- ing the first day of Cambridge Term, the " freshmen" who have seen recent imitations may be much amused by perusal of the original witticism. Parody of a Cambridge Ejcamination. Utopia University. unuecf:mber <>657. 1. Give a comparative sketch of the principal English theatres, with the dates of their erection, and the names of the most eminent candle-snuffers at each. What were the stage-boxes ? What were the offices of prompter — ballet-master — and scene-shifter? In what part of the theatre was the one-shilling gallery ? Distinguish accurately between operas and puppet-shows. 2. Where was Downing-street ? Who was prime-minister when Cribb defeated Molineux — and where did the battle take place ? Explain the terms milling — fib- bing — cross buttock — neck and crop — bang up — and — prime. 3. Give the dates of all the parlia- ments from their first institution to the period of the hard frost on the Thames. In what month of what year was Mr. Ab- bot elected Speaker? Why was he called " the little man in the loig ?" When the Speaker was out of the chair, where was die mace put ? 4. Enumerate the principal houses of call in and about London, marking those of the Taylors, Bricklayers, and Shoe.' makers, and stating from what Brewery each house was supplied with Brown Stout. Who was the tutelary Saint of the Shoemakers? At what time was his feast celebrated ? Who was Saint Swithin ^ Do you remember any remarkable Eng- lish proverb respecting him ? 5. Give a ground plan of Gilead- house. M-ention the leading topics of the Guide to Health, with some account of the Anti-Im-petigines — Dafij-'s Elixir — Blaine's Distemper Powders — Ching's Worm Lozenges — and Hooper's Female Pills. 6. Give characters of Wat Tyler, Jack Cade, and sir Francis Burdett Did the latter return from the Tower by water or land ? On what occasion did Mr. Leth- bridge's " hair stand on ind" ? Correct the solecism, and give the reason of your alteration. 7. Enumerate the roads on which dou- ble toll was taken on the Sundays. Dio this custom extend to Christmas-day and Good Friday ? Who was toll-taker at fyburn, when Mrs. Brownrigg was exe- cuted ? 8. Distinguish accurately between Sculls and Oars— Boat, and Punt— Jack dss, and Donkey— Ganger, Exciseman, and Supervisor — Pantaloons, Trowsers, Gaiters, and Over-alls.- At what place of education were any of these forbidden ? Which ? and Why ? 9. Express tne following words in the Lancashire, Derbyshire, London, and Exmoor dialects — Bacon — Poker — Y''ou-^ I — Doctor — and Turnpike-gate. 10. Mention the principal Coach Inns in London, with a correct list of the Coaches which set out from the Bolt-in- Tun. Where were the chief stands of Hackney Coaches? — and what was the No. of that in which the Princess Charlotte drove to Connaught-house? To what stand do you suppose this removed after it set her down? 1 1 . Give a succinct account, with dates, of the following persons — Belcht >• — Mr, Waithman — Major Caitwright — Martin Van Butchell — and Ed.uund Henry Barker. 12. Draw a Map ol the Thames with the surrounding country, marking parti- cularly Wapping, Blackwall, Richmond, and the Isle of Dogs. Distinguish be- tween Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Newcastle- under-Line — Gloucester and Double Gloucester — and the two Richmonds. 231 TIIE EVERY-DAY Bt)OK.— APRIL 14, What celebrated teacher flourished at one of them ? — and who were his most emi- nent disciples? 13. What were the various sorts of pa- per in use amongst the English ? To what purpose was wkited-brown chiefly ap- plied ? What was size ? Distinguish be tween this and college Sizings, and state the ordinary expense of papering a room. 14. " For every one knows little Afatt's an M.P." Frag. Com. Inc. ap. Morn. Chron. vol. 59, p. 1624. What reasons can you assign for the general knowledge of this fact ? Detail at length, the ceremony of chairing a Member. What were the Hustings ? Who paid for them ? Explain the abbre viations — Matt. M.P. — Tom — Dick— F.R.S.— L.L.D.— and A.S.S. 15. What was the distinguishing title of the Mayors of London ? Did any other city share the honour ? Give a list of the Mayors of London from Sir Richard Whittington to Sir William Cur- tis, with an account of the Cat of the first, and the Weight of the last. What is meant by Lord Mayor's day ? Describe the ylpothecnries' Barge, and give some account of Marrow-bones and Cleavers. 16. When was Spy ring and Marsden's Lemon Acid invented? Distinguish be- tween this and Essential Salt of Lemons, Enumerate the principal Patentees, espe- cially those of Liquid Blacking. 17. Scan the following lines — ■ But for shaving and tooth-drawing, Bleeding, cabbaging and sawing, Dicky Gossip, Dicky Gossip is the man ! What is known of the character and history of Dicky Gossip ? FLORAL DIRECTORY. Green Narcisse. Narcissus Virid'ifiorus. Dedicated to St. Hermenigild. apm 14. called " the king-maker," was slain on the field. 1685. Thomas Otway, the dramatic poet, died, at a public-house in the Mino- ries, of want, by swallowing bread too eagerly which he had received in charity. 1759. George Frederick Handel, the illustrious musician, died. He was born at Halle, in Saxony, in 1684. 1793. Tobago, in the West Indies, taken by the English. 1 809. Beilby Porteus, bishop of Lon- don, died at Fulham, aged 78. Sts. Tiburtius, Fitlerian, and Max- imns, A D. 229. Sts. Carpus, Bishop, Papyhis, and Agathodorns, a. d. 251. Sts. Antony, John, and Eustachlus, a. d. 1342. St. Benezet, or Little Bennet, A. D. 1 184. B. Lidwina, or Lydwid, a. d. 1433. Chronology. 1471. The battle of Barnet was fought in the wars between the houses of York «nd Lancaster, and the earl of Warwick, FLORAL DIRECTORY. Borage. Borago Officinalis. Dedicated lo St. Lidwina. THE SEASON. The Floral appearances of the year are accurately described by Dr. Forster in his " Perennial Calendar." He says, " In order to ascertain the varieties in the seasons, as indicated by the flowering of plants, we ought to become accurately acquainted with their natural periods, and the average time of flowering which belongs to each species. I have of late made an artificial division of the seasons of difflerent plants into six distinct pe- riods, to each of which respectively a certain number of species belong. Di- viding then the reign of the goddess of blooms into six principal portions, we shall begin with the first in the order of phenomena. The Primaveral Flora may be said to commence with the first break- ing of the frost before February ; it com- prehends the snowdrop, the crocus, the coltsfoot, all the tribe of daffodils, nar- cissi, jonquils, and hyacinths, the prim- rose, cyclamen, heartsease, violet, cowslip, crown imperial, and many others. The Equinox being also past, and the leaves beginning to bud foith amidst a display of blossoms on the trees, another period may be said to begin, and May ushers in the Vernal Flora, with tulips, peonies, ranunculi, monkey poppy, goatsbeards, and others : at this time, the fields are bespangled with the golden yellow of the crowfoot, or blue with the harebells The whole bosom of earth seems spread with a beautiful carpet, to soften the path of Flora, at this delicious season. By and bye, towards the middle of June, the approach of the Solstice is marked by another set of flowers ; and the scarlet 232 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 15. lychnis, the various poppies, the lilies and roses, may be said to constitute the Solstitial Flora. As the year declines, the Aestival Flora, corresponding to the Vernal, paints the garish eyes of the dog- days with sunflowers, China asters, tro- poeoli, African marigolds, and other plants which love heat. The Autumnal Flora, answering to the Primaveral, then intro- duces Michaelmas daisies, starworts. and other late blowing plants, with their companions, fungi and mushrooms, till at length bleak winter shows only a few hellebores, aconites, and mosses, belong- ing to the Hibernal Flora of this dreary season. Thus, in this our temperate cli- mate, have we a round of botanical amuse- ments all the year, and the botanist can never want for sources of recreation . How different must be the order of phe- nomena about the poles of the earth, where summer and winter are synony- mous with day and night, of which Kirke White has given us a very fine descrip- tion :— On the North Pole. Where the North Pole, in moody solitude, Spreads iier huge tracts and frozen wastes around , There ice rod piled aloft, in order rude, Form a gigantic hall ; where never sound Startled dull Silence' ear, save when, profound The smoke frost muttered : there drear Cold for aye Thrones him, — and fixed on his primaeval mound, Ruin, the giant, sits ; while stern Dismay Stalks like some woe-struck man along the desert way. In that drear spot, grim Desolation's lair. No sweet remain of life encheers the sight ; The dancing heart's blood in an' instant there Would freeze to marble. Mingling day and night, (Sweet interchange which makes our labours light,] Are there unknown ; while in the summer skies, The sun rolls ceaseless round his heavenly height. Nor ever sets till from the scene he flies, And leaves the long bleak night of half the year to rise. ^pill 15. St. Peter Gonzales, or Telm, or Elm, A. D. 1246. Sts. Basilissa and Anastasia, 1 St Cent. St. Paternus, Bishop, or Pa- tier, Pair, or Foix, 6th Cent. St. Munde, Abbot, A. D. 962. St. Ruadhan, a. d. 584. NATURAL HISTORY. Average day of arrival of Spring Birds from a Twenty years' Journal. April 3. Smallest Willow Wren. Fi- caria pinetorutn arrives. April 10. Common Willow Wien. Fi- earia Saliaitn arrives. April 14. Called First Cuckoo Day in Sussex The Cuckoo, cuculus canorits, sometimes heard. April 15. Called Swalloiv Day. Tlie Chimney Swallow, Hirundo rustica, ar- rives. April 19. The Sand Swallow. Hirundo ripuria arnves. April 20. The Martin. Hirundo ter- btca sometimes seen April 21. The Cuckoo, commonly heard. April 30. The Martin, commonly seen The other vernal birds arrive between the 15th and 30th of the month.* FLORAL WRECTORY. Green Stitchwort. Stellaria kolosfea. Dedicated to St. Peter Gonzales. An April Day. Original. Dear Emma, on that infant brow. Say, why does disappointment low'i 1 Ah ! what a silly girl art thou, To weep to see a summer show'r ' O, dry that unavailing tear. The promis'd visit you shall pay ; The sky will soon again be clear, For 'tis, my love, an April day * Commuvicatcd by a scientific gentleman, whos« daily observations and researclies inNBtural History, •tamp value upon his contributions. 233 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 16. And see, the sun's returning light Away the transient clouds hath diiv'n The rainbow's arch with colours bright Spreads o'er the blue expanse of heav'n • The storm is hush'd, the winds are still, A balmy fragrance fills the air ; Nor sound is heard, save some clear rill Meandering thro* the vallies fair. Those vernal show'rs that from on high Descend, make earth more fresh and green ; Those clouds that darken all the air Disperse, and leave it more serene And those soft tears that for awhile Down sorrow's faded cheek may roll, Shall sparkle thro' a radiant smile, And speak the sunshine of the soul ! While yet thy mind is young and pure. This sacred truth, this precept learn — That He who bids thee all endure. Bids sorrow fly, and hope return. His chast'ning hand will never liie:it The heait that trusts in Him alone : He never, never will forsake The meanest suppliant at his throne. The world, that with unfeeling pride Sees vice to virtue oft preferr'd, From thee, alas ! may turn aside — O, shun the fawnmg, flatt'ring '»«rvl ' And while th' Eternal gives thee health With joy thy daily course to ran. Let wretches hoard their useless wealth, And Heav'n's mysterious will be done. With fair Religion, woo content, 'Twill bid tempestuous passions cease , And know, my child, the life that's spent In pray'r and praise, must end in peace The dream of Life is quickly past, A little while we linger here ; And tho' the Morn be overcast, The Ev'ning may be bright and clear I^lingto7i. D, G. An Evening in SprtJig, Now the noon, Wearied with sultry toil, declines and falls Into the mellow eve : — the west puts on Her gorgeous beauties — palaces and halls And towers, all carved of the unstable cloud Welcome the calray waning monarch — he Sinks gently 'midst that glorious canopy Down on his couch of rest — even like a proud King of the earth — the ocean. Soti'ring: gipril 16. Eighteen Martyrs of Saragossa, and St. Encratis, or Engratia, a. u. 304. St. Turibhis, Bp. 420. St. Fructuosus, Abp. A. D. 665. St. Drnon, or Drngo, a. d. 1186. St. Joachim of Sienna, a. d. 1305. St. Mans, or Magnus, a. d. 1104. " The Venerable " Benedict Joseph Labre, '•* JFho died in the odour of sanctity, "On the 16th of April, 1783." If such a creature as the venerable B. J. Labre can be called a man, he was one of the silliest that ever lived to creep and whine, and one of the dirtiest that ever " died .n the odour of sanctity ;" and yet, for the edification of the English, his life is translated from the French " by the lev. M. James Barnard, ex-president f the English college at Lisbon and Vicar General of the London distict." From this volume it appears that Labre was born at Boulogne, on the 26tn oi March, 1748. When a child he would not play as other children did, but made little oratories, and "chastised his body." Having thus early put forth " buds of self- denial and self-contempt," he was taught Latin, educated superior to his station, did penance, made his first general con- fession, and found his chief delight at the feet of altars. At sixteen years old, in- stead of eating his food he gave i: away out of the window, read pious books as he walked, turned the house of his uncle, a priest, into " a kind of monastery, observed religious poverty, monkish si- lence, and austere penance, and, by way of humility, performed abject offices for the people of the parish, fetched provender for their animals, took care of their cattle, and cleaned the stalls. The aversion which he entertained against the world, induced him to enter into a convent of Carthu- sians ; there he discovered that he dis- liked profound retirement, and imagined he should not be able to save hi» soul 234 THE EVEKY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 16. unless he embraced an order more austere. Upon this he returned home, added ex- traordinary mortifications to his fasts and prayers, instead of sleeping on his bed lay on the floor, and told his mother he wished to go and live upon roots as the anchorets did. All tins he might have done in the Carthusian convent, but his brain seems to have been a little cracked, for he resolved to go into another Carthu- sian convent, the prior of which would not admit him till he had studied * philo- sophy' for a year, and learned the Gre- gorian chant." Church music was veiy agreeable to him — but it was not so with regard to logic; "notwithstanding all his efforts, he was never able to conquer his repugnance to this branch of study ;" yet he somehow or other scrambled through an examination ; got admitted into the convent ; " thought its rules far too mild for such a sinner as he looked upon himself to be ;" and after a six weeks' trial, left it in search of admission into the order of La Trappe, as the most rigid of any that he knew. The Trap- pists would not have him ; this refusal he looked upon as a heavenly favour, be- cause the monastery of Sept-Fonts sur- passed La Trappe in severe austerities and discipline, and there he became a " novice" till the life he fancied, did not agree with him. " Having a long time before quitted his father's house he could not think of returning to it again;" and at two and twenty years af age he knew not what to do. His biographer says, that " little fit for the cloister, and still less fit for the world, he was destitute of the means of getting a livelihood; and being now persuaded of what were the designs of God concerning him, he re- solved to follow the conduct, the light, and inspirations of the holy spirit, and to submit himself to all the sufferings and afflictions which might await him." If in this condition some one had compelled him to eat a good dinner every day, made him go to bed at a proper hour and take proper rest, and then set him on horseback and trotted him through the fresh air and sun-shine every forenoon, he might have been restored; or if his parents, as ill duty they ought, had bound him ap- prentice at a proper age to a good trade, he might have been an useful member of society. These thoughts, however, never appear to have entered Labre's head, and in the dilemma represented " his love of humility, poverty, and a penitential life. presented to his zealous mind the prac- tice of that kind of piety which he after- wards put in execution" His first step to this was writing a farewell letter to his pa- rents, on the 31st of August, 1770, " and from that time they never received any account of him till after his death." His next steps were pilgrimages. First he went to Loietto " from tender devotion to the Blessed Virgin, whom he looked on as his mother;" nextto Assissium the birth- place of St. Francis, where he, " accord- ing to custom, got a small blessed cord which he constantly wore ;" then he went to Rome where he sojourned for eight or nine months and wept " in the presence of the tomb of the holy apostles ;" after- wards " he visited the tomb of St. Romuald at Fabrieno, where the inhabitants im- mediately began to look upon him as a saint;" from thence he returned to Lo- retto ; he then journeyed to Naples^ and had the pleasure of seeing the blood of St. Januarius which would not liquify when the French entered Naples, till the French general threatened the priests who performed the miracle that the city would suffer, if the saint remained obstinate ; " and in short," says the rev. Vicar General of the London district, *' there was hardly any famous place of devotion in F.urope which was not visited by this servant of God ;" — the Vicar General's sentence had concluded better with the words " this slave of superstitioji." To follow Labre's other goings to and fro would be tedious, suffice it to say that at one of his Loretto trips some people offered him an abode, in order to save him the trouble of going every night to a barn at a great distance; but as they had prepared a room for him with a bed in it he thought this lodging was too sump tuous ; and he therefore retired into a hole " cut out of the rock under the street." Labre at last favoured the city of Rome by his fixed residence, and sanc- tified the amphitheatre of Flavian by making his home in a hole of the ancient ruins. In this " hole of sufficient depth to hold and shelter him in a tolerable degree from the weather," he deposited himself every night for several years. He employed the whole of everj' day, " sometimes in one church and sometimes in another, praying most commonly upon his knees, and at other times standing, and always keeping his body as still as if he were a statue.'' Labre's daily exercise in fasting 235 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 16. and lifelessness reduced him to a help- less state, tliat a beggar had compassion on him, and gave him a recommendation to an hospital, where " by taking medi- cines proper lor his disorder, and more substantial food, he soon grew well ;" but relapsing into his " constant, uniform, and hidden life," he became worse. This opportunity of exhibiting Labre's virtues is not neglected by his biographer, who minutely informs us of several particulars, 1st. lie was so careful to observe the law of silence, that in the course of a whole month, scarcely any one coul I hear him speak so much as a few words. 2dly. lie lived in the midst of Rome, as if he had lived in the midst of a desert. Sdly. He led a life of the greatest self-denial, destitute of every thing, disengaged from every earthly affection, unnoticed by all mankind, desiring no other riches than poverty, no other pleasures than mortifi- cation, no other distinction than that of being the object of universal contempt. 4thly. He indulged in rigorous poverty, exposed to the vicissitudes and inclemen- cies of the weather, without shelter against the cold of winter or the heat of summer, wearing old clothes, or rather rags, eating very coarse food, and for three years living in the *' hole in the wall." 5thly. To his privations of all worldly goods, he joined an almost continual ab- stinence, frequent fasts, nightly vigils, lively and insupportable pains from par- ticular mortifications, and two painful tu- mours which covered both his knees, from resting the whole weight of his body on them when he prayed. 6thly. "He look- ed upon himself as one of the greatest of sinners ;" and this was the reason why " he chose to lead a life of reproach and con- tempt," why he herded " among the mul- titude of poor beggars," " why he chose to cover himself with rags and tatters in- stead of garments, why he chose to place a barrier of disgust between himself and mankind," why "he abandoned himself to the bites of disagreeable insects," and why he coveted to be covered with filthy blotches. Labre's biographer, who was also his confessor, says that his " appearance was disagreeable and forbidding; his legs were half naked, his clothes were tied round tlie waist with an old cord, his head was Cncombed, he was badly clothed and wrapped up in an old and ragged coat, and in his outward appearance he seemed to be the most miserable beggar that I liad ever seen." His biographer further says, " I never heard his confession but in a confessional, on purpose that there might be some kind of separation between us." The holy fatiier's lively reason for this pre- caution, any history of insects with the word " pediculus" will describe accurately Thus Labre lived and died ; and here it might be supposed would end his me- moirs. But, no. In whatever odour he lived, as he " died in the odour of sanc- tity," an enthusiasm seized some persons to touch Labre dead, who, when living, was touchless. Labre being deceased, was competent to work miracles ; accordingly he stretched out his left hand, and laid hold on the board of one of the benches On Easter-day being a holiday, he work- ed more miracles, and wonders more wonderful than ever were wondered in our days, as may be seen at large, in the aforesaid volume, entitled — " The Life of the venerable Benedict Joseph Labre, who died at Rome, in the odour of sanc- tity." The portrait, from which the en- g:raving on this page is taken, was pub- lished immediately after his death by Mr. Coghlan, Catholic bookse)ler,Duke-streei, Grosvenor-square, from a drawing in liis possession. Miracle at Sotners Toirn. The authenticity of the following extra- ordinary fact can be verified. Mr. H — 23G TTIE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 16. a iv.iddle-aged gentleman, long afflicted by various disorders, and especially by the gout, had so far recovered from a severe attack of the latter complaint, that he was enabled to stand, yet with so little advantage, that he could not walk more than fifty yards, and it took lum nearly an hour to perform that distance. While thus enfeebled by suffering, and safely creeping in great difficulty, on a sunny day, along a level footpath by the side of a field near Somers Town, he was alarmed by loud cries, intermingled with the screams of many voices behind him. From his infirmity, he could only turn very slowly round, and then, to his asto- nishment, he saw, within a yard of his coat-tail, the horns of a mad bullock ' when, to the equal astonishment of its puisuers, this unhappy gentleman in slant ly leaped the fence, and overcome by terror, continued to run with amazing celerity nearly the whole distance of the field, while the animal kept iti own course along the road. Tlie gentleman, who had thus miraculously recovered the use of his legs, retained his power of speed until he reached his own house, where he related the miraculous circum- stance ; nor did his quickly-rer.tored fa- culty of walking abate, until it ceased with his life several years afterwards. This " miraculous cure" can be attested by his surviving relatives. SOMEES TOWN MIRACLE. THE KALEIDOSCOPE. In April, 1818, London was surprised by the sudden appearance of an opt cal instrument for creating and exhibiting beautiful forms, which derives its name from xaXos beautiful, eiSos a form, and ffxcTiu to see. The novelty was so en- chanting, that opticians could not manu- facture kaleidoscopes fast enough, to meet the universal desire for seeing the delight- ful and ever-varying combinations, pre- sented by each turn of the magical cy- linder. The kaleidoscope was invented by Dr. Brewster, to whom, had its exclusive formation been ensured, it must have pro- duced a handsome fortune in the course of a single year. Unhappily, that geu- 237 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 17. tlenian was deprived of his just reward by fraudful anticipation.* He says, " I thought it advisable to secure the ex- clusive property of it by a patent ; but in consequence of one of the patent instru- ments having been exhibited to one of the London opticians, the remarkable properties ot the kaleidoscope became known before any number of them could be prepared for sale. The sensation ex- cited in London by this premature exlii- bition of its effects is incapable of descrip- tion, and can be conceived only by those who witnessed it. It may be sufficient to remark, that, according to the com- putation of those who were best able to form an opinion on the subject, no fewer than two hundred thousand instruments have been sold in London and Paris during three months." The Kaleidoscope, Mystic trifle, whose perfection Lies in multiplied reflection, Let us from thy sparkling store Draw a few reflections more : In thy magic circle rise All things men so dearly prize , Stars, and crowns, and glitt'ring things, Such as grace the courts of kings ; Beauteous figures ever twining, — Gems with brilliant lustre shining ; Turn the tube ; — how quick they pass — Crowns and stars prove broken glass ! Trifle ! let us from thy store Draw a few reflections more ; Who could from thy outward case Half thy hidden beauties trace ? Who fiom such exterior show Guess the gems within that glow 1 Emblem of the mind divine Cased within its mortal shrine ! Once again — the miser views Thy sparkling gems — thy golden hues — And, ignorant of thy beauty's cause. His own conclusions sordid draws ; Imagines thee a casket fair Of gorgeous jewels rich and rare ; — Impatient his insatiate soul To be the owner of the whole, He breaks thee ope, and views within Some bits of glass — a tube of tin ! Such are riches, valued true — Such the illusions men pursue ! W. H. M. gipnl 17. St. Anicetus, Pope, 2d. Cent. St. Stephen, Abbot, a. d. 1134. St. Simeon-, Bishop, and other Martyrs, a. d. 341. FLORAL DIEECrORY. Yellow Tulip. Tnl'ipa Sylvestris. Dedicated to St. Joachim of Sienna. • Brewster's Hist, of the Kaleidoscope. feorfe. HOKE DAY OR TIDE. Antiquaries are exceedingly puzzled respecting the derivation of this annual festival, which commenced the fifteenth day after Easter, and was therefore a movable feast dependent upon Easter.* Though Matthew Paris, who is the oldest authority for the word Hoke-ffa?/, says it is " quindena paschse," yet Mr. Douce assigns convincing reasons for takiwg it as the second Tuesday after Easter. At \ioc\i.-tide, which seems to have included Monday and Tuesday, collections of Hock- money were made in various parishes by the churchwardens, until the Reform- ation.f Tuesday was the principal day. Hock Monday was for the men, and Hock Tuesday for the women. On both days the men and women alternately, with great merriment, intercepted the public roads with ropes, and pulled passengers to them, from whom they exacted money to be laid out for pious uses; Monday probably having been originally kept as only the vigil or introduction to the fes- tival of Hock-day. Mr. Brand unaccount- ably, because inconsistently with his pre- vious representations respecting the anti- quity of the custom of heaving at Easter, derives that custom from the men and women Hocking each other, and collecting money at Hock-tide. It is a tradition that this festival was instituted to commemorate the massacre of the Danes in England, under Ethel- dred, in the year 1002 ; a supposition however wholly unsupportable, because that event happened on the feast ot St. Brice, in the month of November. Another and more reasonable opinion is, that the institution celebrated the final extinction of the Danish power by the death of Hardicanute, on the sixth day before the ides of June, 1042. J * Naros's Glossary. t See large extracts from their accounts, in Brand. &c. t AlUn's Hist, of Lambeth. 238 THE EVEEY-DAY BOOK.— APEIL 13. Yet, in relation to tlie former event, " certain good-hearied men of Coventry" petitioned, " that they might renew their old storial show" of the Hock-tide play before queen Ehzabeth, when she was on a visit to the earl of Leicester, at his castle of Kenib.vorth, in July, 1575. Ac- cording to '• Laneham's Letter," this " storial show" set forth how the Danes were for quietness borne, and allowed to remain in peace withal, until on the said St. Brice's night they were " all despatch- ed and the realm rid ;" and because the matter did show " in action and rhymes" how valiantly our English women, for love of their country, behaved, the " men of Coventry" thought it might move some mirth in her majesty. " The thing," said they, '• is grounded in story, and for pas- time (was) wont to be played in our city yearly without ill example of manners, papistry, or anv superstition :" and they Knew no cause wny ii was then of late .aid down, " unless it was by the zeal of certain of their preachers ; men very com- mendable for their behaviour and learning, and sweet m their sermons, but somewhat too sour in preaching away their pastime." By license, therefore, they got up their Hock-tide play at Kenilworth, wherein " capt. Cox/' a person here indescribable without hindrance to most readers, " came marching on valiantly before, clean trussed and garnished above the knee, all fresh in a velvet cap, flourishing with his ton-sword, and another fence-master with him, making room for the rest. Then proudly came the Danish knights on horseback, and then the English, each with their alder-pole martially in their hand." The meeting at first waxing warm, then kindled with courage on both sides into a hot skirmish, and from that into a blazing battle with spear and shield ; so that, by outrageous races and fierce en- counters, horse and man sometimes tum- bled to the dust. Then they fell to with sword and target, and did clang and bang, till, the fight so ceasing, afterwards followed the foot of both hosts, one after the other marching, wheeling, forming in squadrons, triangles, and circles, and so winding out again; and then got they so grisly together, that inflamed on each side, twice the Danes had the better, but at the last were quelled, and so being wholly vanquished, many were led cap- tive in triumph by our English women. This matter of good pastime was wrought under the window of her highness, who beholding in the chamber delectable dancing, and therewith great thronging of the people, saw but little of the Co- ventry play ; wherefore her majesty con> manded it on the Tuesday following, t^ have it full out, and being then accord- ingly presented, her highness laughed right well. Then too, played the " good- hearted men of Coventiy" the merrier, and so much the more, because her ma- jesty had given them two bucks, and five marks in money ; and they prayed for her highness long happily to reign, and oft to come thither, that oft they might see her; and rejoicing upon their ample re- w ird, and triumphing upon their good acceptance, vaunted their play was never so dignified, nor ever any players before so beatified-* FLORAL DIRECTORY. Fravi's Cowl. Arum Arisarum Dedicated to iS^ Stephen of Citeaux apn'I 18. St. ApoUonius, a. d. 186. St. Galdin, Abp. 1176. St. Laserian, or Molaisre, Bp. of Leighlin, a. d. 638. Chrokology. 1689. The infamous judge Jefteries died in the tower, whither he had been committed by the lords of the council, after he had been taken in the disguise of a common sai-lor for the purpose of leav- ing England. He was born at Acton, near Wrexham, in Denbighshire, and being raised to the bench, polluted its sanctity by perversions of the law. His habits and language were vulgar and dis- gusting. John Evelyn says, " I went this day to a wedding of one Mrs. Castle, to whom I had some obligation ; and it was to her fifth husband, a lieutenant- colonel of the city. She was the daughter * Concerning the Coventry Hock-tide play, it IS reasonable to expect curious information from a forthcominfj " Dif^ertation on the Pageant> or Dramatic Mysteries, anciently performed at Coventry, chiefly with reference to the vehic 'e, characters, and dresses of the actors," by Mr. Tliomas Sharp, of Coventry, who, with access to the corporation manuscripts, and to other sources hitherto unexplored, and, above all, with the requisite knowledge and qualifications, wirl probably throw greater light on the obsolete drama, than has devolved upon it from the la hours ol any preceding antiquary. 239 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 18, of one Bruton, a broom-man, by his wife, who sold kitchen-sluff in Rent-street, whom God so blessed, that the father became very rich, and was a very honest man ; and this daughter was a jolly, friendly woman. There were at the wed- ding- the lord mayor, the sheriff", several aldermen, and persons of quality ; above all sir George Jeff'eries, newly made lord chief justice of England, who, with Mr. justice Withings, danced with the bride, iOQ were exceeding merry ! These great men spent the rest of the afternoon, till eleven at night, in drinking healths, taking tobacco, and talking much beneath the gravity of judges that had but a day or two before condemned Mr. Algernon Sidney, who was executed the 7th of Dec. 1683, on Tower-hill, on the single witness of that monster of a man, lord Howard of Escrick, and some sheets of paper taken in Mr. Sidtiey's study, pretended to be written by him, but not fully proved." James II. found Jefferies a fit instrument for his arbitrarypurposes. After the defeat of the duke of Monmouth in the west, he employed the most sanguinary mis- creants, and Jefferies among the rest, to wreak his vengeance on the deluded people. Bishop Burnet says, that Jef- reries's behaviour was brutally disgusting, beyond any thing that was ever heard of in a civilized nation ; " he was perpe- tually either drunk or in a rage, liker a fury than the zeal of a judge." He re- quired the prisoners to plead guilty, on pretence of showing them favour; but he aftei"wards showed them no mercy, hanging many immediately. He hanged in several places about six hundred persons. The king had a daily account of Jefferies' proceedings, which he took pleasure to relate in the drawing-room to foreign mi- nisters, and at his table he called it Jef- feries's campaign. Upon Jefferies' return, he created him a peer of England, by the title of earl of Flint. During these " bloody assizes," the lady Lisle, a noble woman of exemplary character, whose husband had been murdered by the Stuart party, was tried for entertaining two gen- tlemen of the duke of Monmouth's army ; and though the jury twice brought her in not guilty, Jefferies sent them out again and again, until, upon his threatening to attaint them of treason, they pronounced her guilty. Jeff'eries, before he tried this lady, got the king to promise that he would not pardon her, and the only fa- vour she obtained was the change of her sentence from burning to beheading. Mrs. Gaunt, a widow, near Wapping, who was a Baptist, and spent her time in acts of charily, was tried on a charge of having hid one Burton, who, hearing that tl>e king had said that he would sooner pardon rebels than those who har- boured them, accused his benefactress of having saved his life. She was burned at the stake. The excellent William Pena the Quaker, saw her die, and related the manner of her death to Burnet. She laid the straw about her for her burning speedily, and behaved herself so heroic- ally, that all melted into tears. Six men were hanged at Tyburn, on the like charge, witiiout trial. At length, the bloody and barbarous executions were so numerous, that they spread horror throughout the nation. England was an acaldema : the country, for sixty miles together, from Bristol to Exeter, had a new and terrible sort of sign-posts or gibbets, bearing the heads and limbs of its butchered inhabitant?. Every soul was sunk in anguish and terror, sighing by day and by night for deliverance, but shut out of all hope, till the arrival of the prince of Orange, on whom the two houses of parliament bestowed the crown. Jefferies had attained under James II. to the high office of lord chancellor. 1794. Died Charles Pratt, earl Cam- den, born in 1713. As chief justice of the common pleas, he was distinguished for having discharged the celebrated John Wilkes from the towei By that decision, general warrants were pronounced illegal; and for so great a service to his country, lord Camden received the approbation of his fellow citizens ; they conferred on him the freedom of their cities, an placed his picture in their corporatior halls. He was equally distinguished for opposing the opinion of prerogative law- yers in matters of libel. At his death he was lord president of the council. Firm of purpose, arwl mild in manners, he was a wise and amiable man. It is pleasantly related of him, that while chief justice, being upon a visit to lord Dacre,at Alveley, in Essex, he walked out with a gentle- man, a very absent man, to a hill, at no great distance from the house, upon the top of winch stood the stocks of the vil- lage. The chief justice sat down upon them ; and after a while, having a mmd to know what the punishment was, he asked his companion to open them and 2-10 THE EVERY-UAY BOOK.— APRIL 18. put him in This bein;; done, his friend took a book from his pocket, sauntered on, and so completely forgot the judge and his situation, that he returned to lord Dacre's. In the mean time, the chief jus- tice being tired of the stocks, tried in vain to release himself Seeing a countryman pass by, he endeavoured to move him to let him out, but obtained nothing by his motion. " No, no, old gentleman," said the countryman, " you was not set there for nothing;" and left him, until he was released by a servant of the house des- patched m quest of him. Some time after he presided at a trial in -which a charge was brought against a magistrate for false imprisonment, and for setting in the stocks. The counsel for the magis- trate, in his reply, made light of the whole charge, and more especially setting in the stocks, which he said every body knew was no punishment at all. The chief justi-ce rose, and leaning over the bench, said, in a half-whisper, " Brother, have you ever been in the stocks .'" " Really, my lord, never." — " Then I have," said the judge, " and I assure you, brother, it is no such trifle as you represent." 1802. Dr. Erasmus Darwin died. lie was born at Newark in Nottinghamshire, in 1732, and attained to eminence as a physician and a botanist. His decease was sudden. Riding in his carriage, he found himself mortally seized, pulled the check-string, and desired his servant to help him to a cottage by the road-side. On entering, they found a woman within, whom the doctor addressed thus, " Did you ever see a man die I" — " No, sir." — " Then now you may." The terrified woman ran out at the door, and in a few minutes Darwin was no more. He stre- nuously opposed the use of ardent spirits, from conviction that they induced dread- ful maladies, especially gout, dropsy, and insanity ; hence his patients were never fieed from his importunities, and the few who had courage to persevere benefited by his advice. THE MAID SERVANT. Holidays being looked forward to with unmixed delight by all whose opportu- nities of enjoying them are dependent upon others, a sketch of character at such a season may amuse those whose inclin- ation is not sufficiently strong to study the original, and just enough to feel plea- sure in looking at tlie picture. The out- line and finishing of that which is here exinbited prove it the productiu.i of a master hand. "Th« maid servant must be considtred as young, or else she has married the butcher, the butler, or her cousin, or has otherwise settled into a character distinct from her original one, so as to become what is properly called the domestic. The maid servant, in her apparel, is either slovenly or fine by turns, and dirty always ; or she is at all times snug and neat, and dressed according to her sta- tion. In the latter case, her ordinary dress is black stockings, a stuflT gown, a cap, and neck-handkerchief pinned cor- ner-wise behind. If you want a pin, she just feels about her, and has always one to give you. On Sundays and holidays, and perhaps of afternoons, she changes her black stockings for white, puts on a gown of a better texture and fine pattern, sets her cap and her curls jauntily, and lays aside the neck-handkerchief for a high body, which, by the way, is not half so pretty. There is something very warm and latent in the handkerchief, — some- thing easy, vital, and genial. A woman in a high-bodied gown, made to fit her like a case, is by no means more modest, and is much less templing. She looks like a figure at the head of a ship. We could almost see her chucked out of docis into a cart with as little remorse as a couple of sugar-loaves. The tucker is much better, as well as the handkerchief; and is to the other, what the young lady is to the ser- vant. The one always reminds us of the Sparkler in the ' Guardian ;' tlie other of Fanny in ' .loseph Andrews.' But to re- turn : — The general furniture of her ordi- nary room, the kitchen, is not so much her own as her master's and mistress's, and nee*? not be described ; but in a drawer of the dresser of the table, in company with a duster and a pair ot snufi'ers, may be found some of her pro- perty, such as a brass thimble, a pair of scissars, a thread-case, a piece of wax candle much wrinkled with the thread, an odd volume of * Pamela,* and per- haps a sixpenny play, such as ' George Barnwell,' or INIrs. Behn's * Oroonoko.' There is a piece of looking-glass also in the window. The rest of her furniture is in the garret, where you may find a good looking-glass on the table ; and in the window a Bible, a comb, and a piece of soap. Here stands also, under stout lock and key, the mighty mystei-y — the box,— Vol. I. 241 R THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIf. 18 containing among otiier things hor clothes, two or three song-books, consisting of nineteen for the penny ; sundry tragedies at a half-penny the sheet : the 'Whole Na- ture of Dreams laid open,' together with the 'Fortune-teller,' and the 'Account of the Ghost of Mrs. Veal ;' ' the story of the beautiful Zoa who was cast away on a desert island, showing how,' &c. : some half-crowns in a purse, including pieces of country money, with the good countess of Coventry on one of them riding naked on the horse ; a silver penny wrapped up in cotton by itself; a crcoked six- pence, given her before she came to town, and the giver of which has either forgotten her or been forgotten by her, she is r.ot sure which ; two little enamel boxes, with looking-glass in the lids, one of them a fairing, the other * a trifle from Margate ;' and lastly, various letter's, square and ragged, and directed in all sorts of spell- ing, chiefly with little letters for capitals. One of them, written by a girl who went to a day school with her, is directed ' miss.' — In her manners, the maid ser- vant sometimes imitates her young mis- tress ; she puts her hair in papers, culti- vates a shape, and occasionally contrives to be out of spirits. But her own cha- racter and condition overcome all sophis- tications of this sort ; her shape, fortified by the mop and scrubbing-brush, will make its way ; and exercise keeps her nealthy and cheerful. From the sam.e cause her temper is good ; though she gets into little heats when a stranger is over saucy, or when she i? told not to go so heavily down stairs, or when some unthinking person goes up her wet stairs with dirty shoes — or when she is called away often from dinner ; neither does she much like to be seen scrubbing the street- door-steps of a morning ; and sometimes she catches herself saying, * drat that butcher,' but immediately adds, * God forgive me.' The tradesmen indeed, with their compliments and arch looks, seldom give her cause to complain The milkman bespeaks her good humour for the day with — ' Come, pretty maids.' Then follow the butcher, the baker, the oilman, &c. all with their several smirks and little loiterings ; and when she goes to the shops herself, it is for her the grocer pulls down his string from its roller with more than ordinary whirl, and tosses, as it were, his parcel into a tie, — for her, the cheesemonger weighs his butter with half a glance, cherishes it, round about with his patties, and dabs the little piece on it to make up, with a graceful jerk. Thus pass the mornings between working, and singing, and gig- gling, and grumbling, and being flattered. If she takes any pleasure unconnected with her office before the afternoon, it is when she runs up the area-steps, or to the door to hear and purchase a new song, oi to see a troop of soldiers go by ; or wheu she happens to thrust her head out of a chamber window at the same time with servant at the next house, when a dia- logue infallibly ensues, stimulated by the imaginary obstacles between. If the maid-servant is wise, the best part of her work is done by dinner time ; and nothing else is necessary to give perfect zest to the meal. She tells us what she thinks of it, when she calls it ' a bit o' dinner. ITiere is the same sort of eloquence in her other phrase, ' a cupo' tea;' but the old ones, and the washerwomen, beat her at that. After tea in great houses, she goes with the other servants to hot cockles, or What-are-my-thoughts like, and tells Mr. John to ' have done then;' or if there is a bull given that night, they throw open all the doors, and make use of the music up stairs to dance by. In smaller houses, she rtceives the visit of her aforesaid cousin ; and sits down alone, or with a fellow maid servant, to woik; talks of her young master, or mistress, Mr. Ivins (Evans) : or else she calls to mind her own friends in the country, where she thinkj the cows and ' all that ' beautiful, nov she is away. Meanwhile, if she is lazy^ she snuffs the candle with her scissars ; or if she has eaten more heartily than usual, she sighs double the usual number of times, and thinks that tender hearts were born to be unhappy. Such being the maid-servant's life in doors, she scorns, when abroad, to be any thing but a creature of sheer enjoyment. The maid-servant, the sailor, and the school- boy, are the three beings that enjoy a holiday beyond all the rest of the world : and all for the same reason, — because their inexperience, peculiarity of life, and habit of being with persons or circum- stances or thoughts above them, ^ive them all, in their way, a cast of the romantic. The most active of money- getters is a vegetable compared with them Tlie maid-servant when she first goes to Vauxhall. thinks she is in heaven. A theatre is all pleasure to her, whatever is going forward, whether the play, or the J42 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 19. music, or the waiting which makes others impatient, or the muncliing of apples and gmgerbread nuts, which she and her party nommence almost as soon as they have seated themselves. She prefers tragedy to comedy, because it is grander, and less like what she meets with in general ; and because she thinks it more in earnest also, especially in the love scenes. Her favourite play is * Alexander the Great, or the Rival Queens.' Anotlier great delight is in going a shopping. She loves to look at the patterns in the win- dow, and the fine things labelled with ihose corpulent numerals of 'only 7s.' — ' only 6s. 6d.'' She has also, unless born and bred in London, been lo see my lord mayor, the fine people coming out of court, and the * beasties ' in the tower ; and at all events she has been to Astley's and the Circus, from which she comes away equally smitten with the rider, and sore with laughing at the clown. But it is difficult to say what pleasure she enjoys most. One of the completest of all is the fair, where she walks through an endless round of noise, and toys, and gallant ap- prentices, and wonders. Here she is invited in by courteous, well dressed peo- ple as if she were the mistress. Here also is the conjuror's booth, where t-he operator himself, a most stately and genteel person all in white, calls her ' ma'am ;' and says to John by her side, in spite of his laced hat, ' Be good enough, sir, to nand the card to the lady.' Ah ! may her cousin turn out as true as he says he is ; or may she get home soon enough, and smiling enough, to be as happy again next time." FLORAL DIRECTORY. Musk Narcisse. Narcissus moschatua. Dedicated to St. ^pollonius. Sfpn'I 19. St. Leo IX. Pope, a, d. 1054. St. El- phege, A. D. 1012. St. Ursmar, Bp. A. D. 713. St. Elphege. This saint's name in the church of England calendar is Alphege. He was brought up at the monastery of Deerhurst, in Gloucestershire ; afterwards he built himself a lonely cell in the abbey of Bath, where he became abbot, and corrected the '* little junketings " and other irreg-"- larities of the monks. St. Dunstan being warned in a vision, drew him from thence, and gave him episcopal ordination. In 1006, he became bishop of Winchester, and was afterwards translated to the see of Canterbury. On the storming of tha! city by the Danes, he endeavoured to allay their fury, but they burnt his cathe- dral, decimated his monks, and carrying Alphege prisoner to Canterbury, there slew him on this day in 1012.* It is storied, that when St. Alphege was imprisoned at Greenwich, the devil appeared to him in likeness of an angel, and tempted him to follow him into a dark valley, over which he wearily walked through hedges and ditches, till at last being in a most foul mire the devil va- nished, and a real angel appeared and told St. Alphege to go back to prison and be a martyr, which he did. Then after his death, an old rotten stake was driven into his body, and those who drave it said, that if on the morrow the stake was green and bore leaves they would believe ; whereupon the stake flourished and the drivers thereof repented as they said they would, and the body being buried at St. Paul's church, in London, worked miracles.f In commemoration of this saint was put up in Greenwich church the follow- ing inscription : " This church was erected and dedicated lo the glory of God, and the memory of Saint Alphege, archbishop of Canterbury, here slain by the Danes. Chronology. 1739. Died, Dr. Nicholas Saunder- son, Lucasian professor of mathematics. lie was born in 1659, at Thurlston, in Yorkshire, lost his sight from the small pox when twelve months old, and became so proficient in the science of certainties, that his eminence has rarely been equalled. 1775. The American war commenced at Lexington. 1791. Dr. Richard Price died. He was born in Glamorganshire in 1732. Revered for the purity of his private cha- racter, he is celebrated for his religious, moral, mathema-tical, and political works throughout Europe. 1824. Lord Byron died. A letter taken from a newspaper several years ago,J re- lative to the residence of this distinguished character in the island of Mitylene, seems to have escaped editorial inquiry, and is * Butier. t Golden Legend. t Observe.' Nov. 15, I«l8. 243 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK— APRIL lU. therefore subjoined. Tf authentic, it is, in some degree, an interesting memorial. Mr. Editor, In sailing through the Grecian Archi- pelago, on board one of his majesty's vessels, in the year 1812, we put into the harbour of Milylene, in the island of that name. The beauty of this place, and the certain supply of cattle and vegetables always to be had there, induce many Bri- tish vessels to visit it, both men of war nnd merchantmen ; and though it lies rather out of the track for ships bound to Smyrna, its bounties amply repay for the deviation of a voyage. We landed, as usual, at the bottom of the bay, and whilst the men were employed in water- ing, and the purser bargaining for cattle with the natives, the clergyman and myself took a ramble to a cave, called Homer's School, and other places, where we had been before. On the brow of Mount Ida (a small monticole so named) we met with and engaged a young Greek as our guide, who told us he had come from Scio with an English lord, who left the island four days previous to our arrival, in his felucca. " lie engaged me as a pilot," said the Greek, " and would have taken me with him, but I did not choose to quit Mitylcne, where I am likely to get married. He was an odd, but a very good man. The cottage over the hill, facing the river, belongs to him, and he has left an old man in charge of it; he gave Dominick, the wine trader, six hun- dred zechines for it, (about 250/. English currency,) and has resided there about four- teen months, though not constantly ; for he sails in his felucca very often to the different islands." This account excited our curiosity very much, and we lost no time in hastening to the house where our countryman had resided. We were kindly received by an old man, who conducted us over the man- sion. It consisted of four apartments on the ground floor : an entrance hall, a drawing-room, a sitting parlour, and a bed room, with a spacious closet annexed. They were all simply decorated : plain fjeen-stained walls, marble tables on either side, a large myrtle in the centre, and a small fountain beneath, which could 06 made to play through the branches by moving a spring fixed in the side of a •small bronze Venus in a leaning posture; a large couch or sopha completed the furniture. In the hall stood half a dozen English cane chairs, and an empty book- case : there were no mirrors, nor a single painting. The bed-chamber had merely a large mattrass spread on the tloor, with two stuffed cotton quilts and a pillow— the common bed throughout Greece. In the sitting room we observed a marble recess, formerly, the old man told us filled with books and papers, which were then in a large seaman's chest in the closet : it was open, but we drd not think ourselves justified in exarr.ining the con- tents. On the tablet of the recess lay \'oUaire's, Shakspeare's, Boileau's, and Rousseau's works, complete ; Volney's " Ruins of Empires ;" Zimmerman, in the German language; Klopstock's "Messiah;" Kotzebue's novels ; Schiller's play of the " Robbers ;" Milion's " Paradise Lost," an Italian edition, printed at Parma in 1810 several small pamphlets from the Greek press at Constantinople, much torn Most of these books were filled with marginal notes, written with a pencil, in Italian and Latin. The " Messiah" was literally scribbled all over, and marked with slips of paper, on which also were remarks. The old man said, " the lord had been reading these books the evening before he sailed, and forgot to place them with the others ; but," said he, " there they must lie until his return ; for he is sc pai'ticular, that were I to move one thing without orders, he would frown upon me for a week together : he is otherwise very good. I once did him a service, and I have the produce of this farm for the trouble of ta'king care of it, except twenty zechines, which I pay to an aged Arme- nian, who resides in a small cottage in the wood, and whom the lord brought here from Adrianople; I don't know for v'hat reason." The appearance of the house externally was pleasing. The portico in front was fifty paces long and fourteen broad, and the tluted marble pillars with black plinths and fret-work cornices, (as it is now custo- mary in Grecian architecture,) were consi- derably higher than the roof. The roof, sur- rounded by a light stone balustrade, was covered by a fine Turkey carpet, beneath an awning of strong coarse linen. Most of the house-tops are thus furnished, as upon them the Greeks pass their evenings in smoking, drinking light wines, such as " lachryma Christi," eating fruit, and en- joying the evening breeze. On the left hand, as we entered the house, 8 small streamlet glided away; grapes, oranges, and limes were cluster- ing together on its borders, and under the 244 THE EVEllY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 19. shade of t-wo large myrtle bushes, a mar- ble seat, with an ornamental wooden back, was placed, on which, we were told, the lord passed many of his evenings and nights, till twelve o'clock, reading, writ- ing, and talking to himself. " I suppose," said the old man, " praying ; for he was very devout, and always attended our church twice a week, besides Sundays." The view from this seat was what may De termed "a bird's eye view." Alineof ricli vineyards led the eye to Mount Calcla, co- vered with olive and myrtle-trees in bloom, and on the summit of which an ancient Greek temple appeared in majestic d.2cay, A small stream issuing from the ruins, descended in broken cascades, until it was lost in the woods near the mountain's base. The sea, smooth as glass, and an horizon unshaded by a single cloud, ter- minates the view in front ; and a little on the left, through a vista of lofty ches- nut and palm-trees, several small islands were distinctly observed, studding the light blue wave with spots of emerald green. I seldom enjoyed a view more than I did this ; but our inquiries were fruitless as to the name of the person who had resided in this romantic solitude; none knew his name but Dominick, his banker, who had gone to Candia. " The Armenian," said our conductor, " could tell, but I am S'ure he will not."' — " And cannot you tell, old friend I" said L — " If I can," said he, " I dare not." We had not time to visit the Armenian, but on our return to the town we learnt seve- ral particulars of the isolated lord. He had portioned eight young girls when he was last upon the island, and even danced with them at the nuptial feast. lie gave a cow to one man, horses to others, and cotton and silk to the girls who live by weaving these articles. He also bought a new boat for a fishetman who had lost his own in a gale, and he often gaveGieek Testaments to the poor children. In short, he appeared to us, from all we collected, to have been a very eccentric and bene- volent character. One circumstance we learnt which our old friend at the cottage thought proper not to disclose. He had a most beautiful daughter, with whom tlie lord was often seen walking on the sea- shore, and he had bought her a piano- forte, and taught her himself the use of it. Such was the information with which we departed from the peaceful isle of Mitylene; our imaginations all on the rack, guessing who this rambler in Greece could be. He had money, it was evident : he had philanthropy of disposition, and all those eccentricities which mark pecu- liar genius. Arrived at Palermo, all our doubts were dispelled. P'alling in with Mr. Foster, the architect, a pupil of Wyatt's, who had been trav-illmg in Egypt and Greece, " The individual," said he, " about whom you are so anx- ious, is lord Byron ; 1 met him in my travels on the island of Tenedos, and I also visited him at Mitylene." — We had never then heard of his lordship's fame, as we had been some years from home; but " Childe Harold" being put into our hands, we recognised the recluse of Calcla in every page. Deeply did we regret not having been more curious in our researches at the cottage, but we con- soled ourselves with the idea of returning to Mitylene on some future day; but to me that day will never return. • * * * John Mitford. The names of Byron and Moore are associated for their attainments ; they were kindred in their friendship. The last lines, written by lord Byron, on his native soil, were addressed to Mr. Moore : My boat is on the shore, And my bark is on the sea ; lint ere I po, Tom Moore, Here's a double health to thee. Here's a sigh for those I love, And a smile for those 1 hate. And, whatever sky's above, Here's a heart for any fate. Though the ocean roars around me, It still shall bear ine on ; Though a desert should surrouno me It hath springs that may be won. Were it the last drop in the well, As I gasped on the brink, Ere my fainting spirits fell, 'Tis to thee that 1 would drink. In that water, as this wine. The libation I would pour Should be — Peace to thee and thine, And a health to thee, Tom Moore. Forbearing to estimate him whom the low and the lofty alike assume to mea- sure, a passage from his own pen may fitly conclude this notice : — 245 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 20. Beautiful i How beautiful is all this Tisible world! How glorious in its action and itself; But we, who name ourselves its sovereigns, we. Half dust, half deity, alike unfit To sink or soar, with our mix'd essence make A conflict of its elements, and breathe The breath of degradation and of pride, Contending with low wants and lofty will Till our mortality predominates. And men are — what they name not to themselves, And trust not to each other. Byron. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Ursine Garlick. Allium Ursimtm. Dedicated to St. Leo IX., Pope. gipn'l 20. St. Agnes, of Monte Pulciano, a. ». 1317. St. Serf, or Servanus, Bp. 5th Cent. St. James of Sclavonia, or Illyricum, 4. D. 1485. Easter Term, 1825, begins. On this day the sun enters Taurus S or the bull, at 9 h. 50 m. a. m., at which period black cattle produce their ofTspring, and hence probably the sign is represent- ed by the male animal. The Greeks af- firmed it to be the bull into which Jupiter metamorphosed himself, when he visited Europa, but this sign was figured and worshipped throughout the East as the god Apis, or a symbol of the sun, before the Gieek zodiac existed. SEASONABLE DESIRES. With the incoming of spring there is an outgoing from town, or a wish to do so. We all love what nature proffers to our enjoyment. Now — the humble tenant of the lofty attic in the metropolis, cultivates a few flowers in garden pots, within the lidge of the parapet that bounds the eye from all things but sky and clouds ; and when he can, walks with his wife in search of fields where grass grows and cat- tle feed. Now — the better conditioned take a trip a few miles beyond the suburbs, and all manifest hopes or wishes for pro- longed enjoyment of the country in the approaching summer. Now— ready fur- nished cottages and lodgings, which have been "to let" throughout the wmter in the villages near the metropolis, find admir- ers, and some of them find occupiers. Now — the good wife reminds her gooa man — " My dear it's very hard, alter so many years not to be able to afford a lit- tle comfort at last — we can't, you know, live in this way for ever. What a charm- ing day this is. Let us see and get a lit- tle place just a little way from town against the fine weather comes ; the walk there and back will do you good ; it will do us all good ; and the expense won't be miss'd in the long run." Now the thought- ful and thrifty, and the unthoughtful and the unthrifty, of certain and uncertain in- come, begin to plan or scheme where to go " after parliament's up," or in what neighbourhood, or on what site, to hire or build a house suitable to their real or imaginary wants. Now, in other words, " all the world" in London is thinking how or where '' to go out of town by and bye." I who a country life admire. And ne'er of rural prospects tire. Salute my friend who loves the town. And hates to see a country clown. Tho' we almost congenial be. In this howe'er we disagree ; You're fond of bustle, din, and smoke. And things that always me provoke, Whilst I clear rivulets extol, That o'er their pebbly channels roll, Rude mossy rocks that nodding stand ; Rich corn that's waving o'er the land , Thick shady groves where zephyrs play And cool the sultry heat of day ; I'm fond of every rustic sport. And hate — detest a venal court. Whene'er I quit the noisy town. And to my rural spot get down, I find myself quite at ray ease. And can do whatsoe'er I please ; Sometimes 1 study, sometimes ride. Or stroll along the river's side. Or saunter through some fertile mead. Where lowing herds in plenty feed; Or rest upon a bank of flowers. And pass, 'midst innocence, my hours. 248 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 21, 22. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Spring Snowflake. Leucojum vernum. Dedicated to St. Agnes of Monte Pulciano gipril 21. St. Anselm. St. Anastasius, the Sinaite, A. D. 678. St. Anastasius I., Patriarch, A. D. 598. St. Anastasius, the younger, A. D. 610. St. Beuuo, or Beunor, Ab- bot of Clynnog, A. D. 616. St. Eingan, or Eneon, a. d. 590. iS^ Malrubius, A. D. 721. St. Anselm Was born at Aoust in Piedmont, and was made archbishop of Canterbury, by William Rufus, in 1093. Butler gives a circumstantial account of his life and writings, from whence it appears that Anselm was a learned and skilful theolo- gian, and conducted his affairs with great circumspection and obedience to the papal see under William I. and II., and Henry I.; and that he died on the 21st of April, 1109, aged seventy-six: he says, •' We have authentic accounts of many admirable miracles wrought by this saint." Chronology. 753. B. c. Romulus commenced the foundations of Rome ; on this day his brother Remus was slain by Romulus or his workmen, for having ridiculed the slenderness of the walls. Thus raised in blood they became the sanctuary of re- fugees and criminals, and to increase the population neighbouring females were forcibly dragged within its boundaries. 323. B.C. Alexander the Great, son of Phi- lip of Macedondied. When a boy he tamed Bucephalus, a horse which none of the courtiers could manage, and Philip wept that the kingdom of Macedonia would be too small for such a son. He was under Aristotle for five years; after the assas- sination of his father, he slew his mur- derers, succeeded him in the sovereignty, conquered Thrace and Illyricum, destroy- ed Thebes, became chief commander of all the ftrces of Greece, conquered Darius and all Minor Asia, subdued Egypt, Me- dia, Syria, and Persia, visited the temple of Jupiter Ammon, bribed the priests to salute him as the son of that god, exact- ed divine honours from his army, spread his conquests over India, invaded Scy- thia, visited the Indian ocean, and laden with the spoils of India, returned to Ba- bylon, where he died of drunkenness, in the thirty-second year of his age. After his death,all his family and infant children were put to death, his generals quai relied for the empire, and bloody wars distri- buted the prize in shares to the sanguin- ary winners. 1142. Peter Abelard, a learned doctor of the church died, aged sixty-three. He was the celebrated lover of the no less celebrated Heloise, the niece of a canon, who placed her under Abelard to be taught philosophy, ofwhom she leained the art of love; and preferring an infamous reputation to the bonds of wedlock, caused her tutor's ruin. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Cyprus Narcisse. Narcissus Orti.ntalis albns. Dedicated to St. Anselm. ^pn'I 22. Sts. Sotor and Caiits, Popes, 2d Cent. St. Cuius, Pope, A. D. 296. Sts Azades, Tharba, 6fc., Martyrs in Per- sia, A. D. 341. iS^*. Epipodius and Alexander, 2d Cent. St. Theodo- rus, of Siceon, Bishop, a. d. 613. St. Opportnna, Abbess, a. d. 770. St. Leonides, a. d. 202. St. Rufus, o Ilufin, of Glendaloch, ROOKS. — An Anecdote. Amongst the deliramejita of the learned, which have amused mankind, the follow- ing instance merits a conspicuous rank. Some years ago, there were several large elm trees in the college garden, behind the ecclesiastical court, Doctors Com- mons, in which a number of rooks had taken up their abode, forming in appear- ance a sort of convocation of aerial eccle- siastics. A young gentleman, who lodg- ed in an attic, and was their ciose neigh hour, frequently entertained himself with thinning this covey of black game, by means of a cross-bow. On the opposite side lived a curious old civilian, who, ob- serving from his study, that the rooks often dropt senseless from their perch, or as it may be said, without using a figure, fiopp'd the twig, making no sign, nor any sign being made to his vision to account for the phenomenon, set his wits to work to consider the cause. It was probably during a profitless time of peace, and thf 247 THE EVERY DAY BUOK.— APRIL 23. doctor having plenty of leisure, weighed the matter over and over, till he was at length fully satisfied that he had made a great ornithological discovery, that its promulgation would give wings to his fame, and that he was fated by means of these rooks to say, *' Volito vivus per era virum." His goose-quill and foolscap were quickly in requisition, and he actually wrote a treatise, stating circumstantially what he himself had seen, and in conclusion, giv- ing it as the settled conviction of his mind, that rooks were subject to the falling sickness J* SPARROWS. Co-untry churchwardens and overseers are encouraged by farmers to offer re- wards for the destruction of these merry twitterers, under the notion that they are fell destroyers of their grain. Mr. Be- wick has taken some interest in their be- half, by stating a plain fact. He says : " Most of the smaller birds are sup- ported, especially when young, by a pro- fusion of caterpillars, small worms and insects ; on these they feed, and thus they contribute to preserve the vegetable world from destruction. This is contrary to the commonly received opinion, that birds, particularly sparrows, do much mischief in destroying the labours of the gardener and husbandman. It has been observed, * that a SINGLE PAIR OF SPARROWS, dur- ing the time they are feeding their young, will destroy about roi'R thousand ca- terpillars weekly'.' They likewise feed their young with butterflies and other winged insects, each of which, if not destroyed in this manner, would be productive of several hundreds of cater- pillars. Let us not condemn a whole species of animals, because, in some in- stances, we have found them troublesome or inconvenient. Of this we are sufH- ciently sensible ; but the uses to which they are subservient, in the grand econo- mical distribution of nature, we cannot so easily ascertain. We have already ob- served that, in the destruction of cater- pillars, sparrows are eminently service- able to vegetation, and in this respect alone, there is reason to suppose, suffi- ciently re-pay the destruction they make in the produce of the garden or the field. The great table of nature is spread alike to all, and is amply stored every thing necessary for the support of the various families of the earth : it is owing to the superior intelligence and industry of man, that he is enabled to appropriate so large a portion of the best gifts of pro- vidence for his own subsistence and comfort ; let him not tlipn think it waste, that, in some instances, creatures inferior to him in rank are permitted to partake with him, nor let him grudge them their scanty pittance ; but, considering them only as the tasters of his full meal, let him endeavour to imitate their cheerful- ness, and lift up his heart in grateful ef- fusions to Him, ' who fUeth all things with plenteousness.' floral directory. Wood Crowfoot. Ranunculus Anriconius Dedicated, to St. Rufus ^pn'l 23. , 3, >?^8i 5/. George. St. Adalbert, Bp. a. d 997. St. Gerard, Bp. a. d. 994. St. Ibar, or Ivor, Bp. in Ireland, about 500. St. George the Martyr, Patron of England. Who was St. George? Butler says that the Greeks long distinguished him by the title of " The Great Martyr ;" that, among other churches, five or six were formerly dedicated to him at Constantinople ; that he "seems" to have been the founder of the church of St. George over " his tomb" in Palestine; that one of liis churches in Constantinople gave to the Hellespont the name of" the Arm of St. George;" that he is honoured as prin- cipal patron of saints by several eastern nations, paiticularly " the Georgians ;'' that the Byzantine historians relate bat- tles gained, and miracles won, by hh intercession ; that he was celebrated in France in the sixth century; that his office is found in the sacramentary of the (credulous) pope Gregory the Great ; that certain of his (presumed) relics were placed in a church at Paris, on its conse- cration to St. Vincent ; that " he is said to have been a great soldier ;" that he was chosen by oui ancestois the tutelar saint of England, under the first Norman kings ; that the council at Oxford in 1222, commanded his feast to be kept a holiday of the lesser rank ; that undtsr his name and ensign our Edsvard III. instituted 248 THE EVERY-DAY BOOR.— APRIL 23 the most noble order of knighthood in Europe; that this institution was fifty years before that of St. Michael by Louis XL of France, eighty years before the order of the Golden Fleece by Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, one hundrerl and ninety years before that of St. Anarew by James L of Scotland, and o-^e hundred and forty years before the oid^.r of St. George by the emperor Frederick IV. ; and that " the extraordinary devotion of all Christendom to this saint is an authen- tic proof how glorious his triumph and name have always been in the church." Still who u-as St. George ? ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON. it is related of St. George,* that he arrived at a city of Lybia called Sylene. Near this city was a stagnant lake or pond like a sea, wherein dwelt a dragon, who was so fierce and venomous, that he terrified and poisoned the whole country. The people therefore assembled to slay him ; but when they saw him, his ap- * In the Golden Legend. pearance was so horrible, that ihey fled. Then the dragon pursued them even to the city itself, and the inhabitants were nearly destroyed by his very breath, and suffered so much, that they were obliged to give him two sheep every day to keep him from doing them harm. At length the number of sheep became so small, that they could only give him one sheep every day, and they were obliged tx) give 249 THE EVEIIY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 23. him a man instead of the other : at last, because all the men might not be eateii lip, a law was made that they should draw lots to give liim the youth and in- fants of all ranks, and so the dragon was fed with young gentlefolks and poor peo- ple's children, till the lot fell upon the king's daughter. Then the king was very sorry, and begged the people to take his gold and silver instead of h-is daugh- ter, which the people would not accept, because it was according to his own law ; and the king wept very much, and begged of the people to give the princess eight days before she should be given to trie dragon to be devoured, and the people consented. And when the eight days were gone, the king caused his daughter to be richly dressed as if she were going to her bridal, and having kissed her, he gave her his blessing, and the people led her to where the dragon was. St. (jeorge had just come ; when he saw the princess, and demanding why she was there, she answered, " Go your way, fair young man, that you perish not also." Then again St. George demanded the reason of her being there, and why she wept, and endeavoured to comfort her ; and when she saw he would not be satisfied, she told him. Upon this St. George pro- mised to deliver her ; but she could not believe he had power to do her so great a service, and tlierefore again begged him to go away. And while they were talk- ing the dragon appeared, and began to run towards them ; but St. George being on horseback, drew his sword and signed himself with the cross, and rode violently, and smiting the dragon with his spear, wounded him so sorely that he threw him down. Then St. George called to the princess, to bind her girdle about the dragon's neck, and not to be afraid ; and when she had done so, " the dragon folowed as it had been a naeke beest and debonayre ;" and she led him into the city, which when the people saw, they fled for fear to the mountains and vallies, till, being encouraged by St. George, they returned, and he promised to slay the dragon if they would believe and be baptized. Then the king was baptized, with upwards of 15,000 men, besides women and children, and St. George slew the dragon, and cut off his head; and the people took four carts and drew the body with oxen out of the city ; and the king built a church, and dedicated it to our Lady and St. George — ' This blyssyd & holy martyr saynt George, is patron of this realme of englond, & the crye of men of warre. In the worshyp of whom is founded the noble ordre of the gartre, & also a noble college in the castel of wyndsore by kynges of englonde, in whiche college is the hert of saint George, which Sygysmond the emperour of al- mayne* brought, & gave it for a grete & precyous relyke to kynge Henry the fyfth ; & also the sayd Sygismond was a broder of the said garter, & also there is a pece of bis heed." Butler informs us, that St. George, was born in Cappadocia ; that he went with his mother into Palestine, of which country she was a native, where she had a considerable estate, " which fell to her son George," who was a soldier, and became " a tribune or c lonel in the army," wherein he was further promocea by the emperor Dioclesian, to whom he resigned his commissions and posts when that emperor waged war against the christian religion, and who threw him into prison for remonstrating against bloody edicts, and caused him to be be- headed. This is all that Butler relates of him, and this on the authority of what he calls " the account given to us by Meta- phrastes." According also to Butler, St. George became the patron of the mili- ta-ry because he had been military himself, and his apparition encouraged " the christian army in the holy war before the battle of Antioch," which proved fortunate under Godfrey of Bouillon ; and also be- cause his app'arition inspirited Richard I. in his expedition against the Saracens. " St. George," says Butler, " is usually painted on horseback, and tilting at a dragon under his feet ; but this is no' more than an emblematical figure, pur- porting that, by his faith and christian fortitude, he conquered the devil, called the dragon in the Apocalypse." This is very easily said, but not so easily proved, nor has Butler in any way attempted to prove it. To this assertion may be op- posed the fact, that St. Michael is also represented killing a dragon ; and the present writer presumes to think, that unless there be any valid objection to mounting an angel on horseback, the well-known legend of this archangel sup- plies the clue to the pictorial represent- ation of St. George ; or, in plain words, * Gormary. 250 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 23. that St. George and the dragon are neither more nor less than St. Michael contend- ing with the devil. Concerning this de- vice, however, more cannot be observed without excluding curious particulars. There are many old ballads in honour of the patron saint of England and his feat. The ballad of " St. George and the Dragon," which is not the oldest begins with the first and ends with the last of the following verses, and places him above sir Bevis of Hampton, ana other heroes of mighty doings in our old romances. Why should we boast of Arthur and his Knights, Knowing how many Men have performed Fights T Or why should we speak of Sir Lancelot de Lake, Of Sir Tristram du Leon, that fought for Ladies Sake 1 Read in old stories, and there you shall see, How St. George, St. George, he made the Dragon flee. St. George he was for England, St. Dennis was for France ; Sing Huni soil qui mal y peiise. * • « » • Mark Anthony, I'll warrant ye, play'd Feats with Egypt's Queen ; Sir Eglemore, that valiant Knight, the like was never seen ; Grim Gorgon's Might was known in Fight ; old Bevis most Men frighted The Mirmidons and Prester Johns; why were not these Men knighted 1 Brave Spinola took in Breda, Nassau did it recover ; But St. George, St. George, turn'd the Dragon over and over. St. George he was for England, St. Dennis was for France ; Sing, Huni suit qui vial y pense* This latter verse is a modern interpola- tion. Percy gives a purer version of the old ballad.f In the romance of the "Seven Cham- pions of Christendom," St. George's performances exceed that of the other champions ; the ballad, bearing the same title, distinguishes him in like manner, and it is there sung, that in his fight with the dragon. When many hardy Strokes he'd dealt, And could not pierce his Hide, He run his Sword up to the Hilt, In at the Dragon's Side ; By which he did his Life destroy, Which cheer'd the drooping King ; This caus'd an universal Joy, Sweet Peals of Bells did ring.t Saint George was the ancient English war-cry .§ Shakspeare so uses it in his " Richard III. ;" he makes Richmond conclude his address to his soldiery, with Sound, drums and trumpets, bold and cheerfully, God and Saint George, Richmond and vic- tory. So also Richard, after he receives the news of Stanley's defection, exclaims, * Collection of Old Ballade, 3 vols. T In liis Reliqiies. t Coll. Old I allads. { Fosbroke's Diet. Antiq., Cralibe's Techn. Diet. Advance our standards, set upon our foes . Our ancient word of courage, fair Saint George, Inspire us with the spleen of fiery dragon* ' Upon them ! In the 10th year of king Henry VII. the Irish were prohibited from using their favourite battle-cry of Aboo, or Aher. Every native of that country was enjoined against using that word, or " other words like or otherwise contrary to the king's laws, his crown and dignity and peace, but to call on St. George, or the name of his Sovereign Lord, the King of England, for the time being,'' &c.* There is also this injunction to the Eng- lish in an old art of war : "Item that all souldiers entering into battaile, assault, skirmish, or other faction of armes, shall have for their common cry and word, iS^ George forward, or. Upon them St. George, whereby the soldier is much com- forted, and the enemie dismaied by calling to minde the ancient valour of England, which with that name has so often been victorious."f So much for the present concerning St. George. His majesty, king George IV., who was born on the 12th of August, changed the annual celebration of his birth-day, to St. George's-day. « Brady's Clavis Coll. t Ware's Glossary, from Warton, &c. which Glos- sary also see further concerning St. George. 251 THE E^ERY-DAY BOOK.— APHIL 23. The mail-coaches, according to annual custom on the king s birth-day, go in pro- cession from Millbank to Lombard-street. At about twelve o'clock, the horses be- longing to the different mails, with new harness, and the postmen and postboys on horseback, arrayed in their new scar- let coats and jackets, proceed from Lom- bard-street to Millbank, and there dine. At this place the coaches are fiesh painted ; from thence the procession being arranged begins to move about five o'clock in the afternoon, headod by the general postmen on horseback. The mails follow them, filled with the wives and children, friends and relations, of the coachmen and guards; while the postboys sounding their bugles and cracking their whips, bring up the rear. From the commence- ment of the procession, the bells of the different churches ring cut merrily, and continue their rejoicing peels till it arrives at the General P'ost-office in Lombard- street, from whence they sparkle abroad to ail parts of the kingdom. Great crowds assemble to witness the cavalcade as it passes througli the principal streets of the metropolis, viz. Parliament-street, the Strand, Fleet-street, Ludgate-hill, St. Paul's cliurch-yard, and Cheapside. The clean and cheerful appearance of the coachmen and guards, each with a large bouquet of flowers in his bright scarlet coat, the beauty of the cattle, and the general excellence of the equipment, pre- sent a most agreeable spectacle to every eye and mind, tliat can be gratified by seeing and reflecting on the advantages derived to trade and social intercourse by this magnificent establishment. On the same day the Society of Anti- quaries, by their charter of incorporation, meet at their apartments in Somerset- place, to elect a president, council, and other offico,-s for the year ensuing, and dine togetho"-, according to annual cus- tom. CuRoxoLor.y. 1616. Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra, fiecelebiated Spanish author, died. Cer- rantes was born in 1549; he is best Known in England by his " Don Quixote," which has rendered him popular through- out Europe. 1616. On the same day with Cervantes m Spain, Shakspeare died in England, It was the anniversary of his birth- day, whereon he had completed the fifty-second year of his age. Who is qua- lified to praise him, whose supereminent genius all men acknowledge and rever- ence ? To his greatness he added a quality it is seldom allied with. "No man had ever fewer enemies alive or dead ; and this is the more remarkable as he was himself prone to parody, and must therefore have mortified many of his con- temporaries."* Goodness and he fill up one monument. Shak.tpc'are's Jest Book. Under this title a book was reprinted in 1815, from one lately discovered bearing the title of ^ a. C. iilcri) Cati)£j. Referring to tlie preface of the reprint for its value in support of the opinion corroborated by other reprints, that Shaks- peare was destitute of tiie learning attri- buted to him by some writers, an ex- tract (with the spelling modernized) is taken from it as a specimen of the wit, and morals which amused our ancestors : Of the ivoman that followed her fourth hnnbancVx bier and wept. A woman there was which had four husbands. It fortuned also tiiat her fourth husband died and was brought to church upon the bier, whom this woman followed, and made great moan, and waxed very sorry, insomuch that her neighbours thought she would swoon and die for sor- row ; wherefore one of her gossips came to her and spake to her in her ear, and bade her for God's sake comfort herself and refrain that lamentation, or else it would hurt her, and peradventure put her in jeopardy of her life. To whom thi woman answered and said " I wys gwod gossip I nave great cause to mourn if ye knew all, for I have buried three hus bands beside this man, but I was never in the case that I am now, for there was not one of them but when that I followed the corse to church, yet I w;u9 sure of another husband, before the corse came out of my house ; and now I am sure of no other husband, and therefore ye may be sure I have great cause to be sad ana heavy." By this tale ye may see, that the old proverb is true, that it is as great a pity 10 see a woman weep, as a goose to go barefoot. * Mr. Gifford, Life i>f Ben Jonson, 252 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— APRIL 2S. If Ihe moral deduced by the story-teller from the tale just related is satirical on the sex, it should be remembered, that he wrote at a period when jokes were homely, and less felt than in our refined times. To talk now of " no joke like a /r«e joke " is scarcely passable, unless the applica- tion be in itself true, and then it is no longer a joke. WIND. A resident on the banks of the Thames at Kingston observes, that when the swan flies any distance against the ivind, how- ever serene and fine the weather may appear, a wind, amounting almost to a liurricane, is always certain to ensue within twenty-four hours afterwards, and generally within twelve. If they fly tvith the ivind, which rarely occurs, it seems to be merely for their amusement, or for reaching some certain spot in a quicker way than floating down the tide, and in this case no change takes place. The gale is usually unaccompanied by wet, though sometimes a heavy shower will be brought up with it.* According to our old works on hus- bandry, we have many prognostics of rain from the motions of animals. One of them observes thus : "In a herd of cows, as they are on their march towards their pastures in a morning, if the bull lead the van, and keep back his company that they go not before him, it is a prog- nostic of rainy or tempestuous weather ; but if he be careless and let them go at random, the contrary. Or if they eat more than ordinary, or lick their hoofs all about, rain follows forthwith. If they run to and fro, flinging and kicking, and extending their tails, tempests usually follow."* The same writer says that, " If the swallow fly low, and near the waters, it presageth rain : the coming of the swallow is a true presage of the spring." It has been already remarked, that the 15th of April, from the usual appearance of this remarkable bird about that time, is called " swallcw-dav." THE SWALLOW. The preceamg engraving is copied from one which illustrates a scientific and agreeable investigation concerning the harbinger of spring, by Dr. Forster ; from * Atlienxum. which dissertation the following interest- ing particulars are also deriveil.f The swallow makes its first appearance * Worliilge's Mystery of Husbandry. + Obs--ivatig used for the upper part of the body, and for the lower TDetticoats, somewhat resembling Moll Fla- gon, in the " Lord of the Manor." His countenance is also particularly distin- guished by a hideous mask, or is blackened entirely over ; and then the lips, cheeks, and orbits of the eyes are sometimes painted red. The number of the rest of the party, including the garland-bearer, is generally thirteen, and with the excep- tion of the varied taste in the decoration of their shirts with ribbons, their costume is similar. It consists of clothing en- tirely new from the hat to the shoes, which are made neat, and of a light tex- ture, foi dancing. The white decorated shirts, plaited in the neatest manner, are worn over the rest of their clothing; the remainder of the dress is black velveteen breeches, with knee-ties depending half- way down to the ancles, in contrast with yarn hose of a light grey. The ornaments of the hats are large rosettes of varied colours, with streamers depending from them ; wreaths of ribbon encircle the crown, and each of the dancers carries in his right hand a white pocket handker- chief. The garland consists of a long staff cr pole, to which is affixed a triangular or square frame, covered with strong white linen, nn which the silver ornaments are firmly fixed, and displayed -v^ xh the mos* studious taste. Silver spoons and smillei forms are placed in the shape of stars squares, and circles. Between these are rows of watches ; and at the top of the frame, opposite the pole in its centre, their whole collection is crowned with the largest and most costly of the ornaments : generally a large silver cup or tankard. This garland, when completed, on the eve of May-day, is left for the night at that farmhouse from whence the dancers have received the most liberal loan of silver and plate for its decoration, or with that farmer who is distinguished in his neigh- bourhood as a good master, and liberal to the poor. Its deposit is a token of respect, and it is called for early on the following morning. The whole party being assembled, thej march in single file, but more generally in pairs, headed by the Cadi. After him fol- lows the garland-bearer, and then the fiddler, while the bells of the village merrily ring the signal of their departure As the procession moves slowly along, the Cadi varies his station, hovers about his party, brandishes a ladle, and assails every passenger with comic eloquence and ludicrous persecution, for a customary and expected donation. When they arrive at a farmhouse, they take up their ground on the Dest station for dancing. The garland-bearer takes his stand ; the violin strikes up an old national tune uniformly used on that oc casion, and the dancers move forward in a regular quick-step to the tune, in the order of procession ; and at each turn of the tune throw up their white handkerchiefs with a shout, and the whole facing quickly about, retrace their steps, repeating the same manoeuvre until the tune is once played. The music and dancing then vary into a reel, which is succeeded by another dance, to the old tune of " Cheshire Round." During the whole of this time, the buf- foonery of the Cadi is exhibited without intermission. He assails the inmates of the house for money, and when this is obtained he bows or curtsies his thanks,and the procession moves off to the next farm- house. They do not confine the ramble of the day to their own parish, but go fron: one to another, and to any country town ic the vicinity. When they return to their resident vil- lage in the evening, the bells ringing merrily announce their arrival. The I 282 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 1 money collected during the day's excur- sion is appropriated to defray whatever expenses may have been incurred in the necessary preparations, and the remainder B spent in jovial festivity. This ancient custom, like many others among the ancient Britons, is annually growing into disuse. The decline of sports and pastimes is in every age a sub- ject of regret. For in a civil point of view, they denote the general prosperity, natural energy, and happiness of the people, consistent with morality, — and combined witli that spirit of true religion, which unlike the howling of the dismal hyaena or ravening wolf, is as a lamb sportive and innocent, and as a lion mag- nanimous and bold ! I am, Sir, Yours sincerely, H. T. B. April \^, 1825. MAY-DAY AT IIITCHIN, IN HERTFORDSHIRE. For the Every-Day Book. Extract from a letter dated HitcJan, May 1«<, 1823. On this day a curious custom is ob- served here, of which I will give you a brief account. Soon after three o'clock m the morning a large party of the town-people, and neighbouring labourers, parade the town, singing the " Mayer s Seng." They carry in their hands large branches of May, and they affix a branch either upon, or at the side of, the doors of nearly every respect- able house in the town ; where there are knockers, they place these branches within the handles ; that which was put into our knocker was so large that the servant could not open the door tiU the gardener came and took it out. The larger the branch is, that is placed at the door, the more honourable to the house, or rather to the servants of the house. If, in the course of the year, a servant has given offence to any of the Mayers, then, instead of a branch of May, a branch of elder, with a bunch of nettles, is affixed to her door : this is considered a great disgrace, and the unfortunate subject of it is ex- posed to the jeers of her rivals. On iNIay morning, therefore, the girls look with some anxiety for their May-branch, and rise very early to ascertain their good or ill fortune. "The houses are all th»is de- corated by four o'clock in the mornmg. Throughout the day parties of these May- ers are seen dancing and frolicking in various parts of the town. The group that I saw to-day, which remained in Bancroft for more than an hour, was com- posed as follows. First came two men with their faces blacked, one of them with a birch broom in his hand, and a large artificial hump on his back ; the other dressed as a woman, all in rags and tatters, with a large strawbonnet on, and carrying a ladle : these are called " mad Moll and her husband :" next came two men, one most fantastically dressed with ribbons, and a great variety of gaudy coloured silk handkerchiefs tied round his arms from the shoulders to the wrists, and down his thighs and legs to the ancles ; he carried a drawn sword in his hand ; leaning upon his arm was a youth dressed as a fine lady, in white muslin, and pro- fusely bedecked from top to toe with gay ribbons: these, J understood, were called the " Lord and Lady " of the company ; after these followed six or seven couples more, attired much in the same style as the lord and lady, only the men were without swords. When this group re- ceived a satisfactory contribution at any house, the music struck up from a violin, clarionet, and fife, accompanied by the long drum, and they began the merry dance, and very well they danced, I as- sure you ; the men-uwmen looked and footed it so much like rea, women, that 1 stood in great doubt as to w hich sex they belonged to, till Mrs. .J. assured me that women were no* permitted to mingle in these sports. While the dancers were merrily footing it, the principal amuse- ment to the populace was caused by the grimaces and clownish tricks of mad Moll and her husband. When the circle of spectators became so contracted as to in- terrupt the dancers, then mad Moll's husband went to work with his broom, and swept the road-dust, all round the circle, into the faces of the crowd, and when any pretended affronts were offered (and many were offered) to his wife, he pursued the offenders, broom in iKind ; if he could not overtake them, whether they were males or females, he flung his broom at them. These flights and pursuits caused an abundance of merriment. I saw another company o*" Mayers in Sun-street, and, as far as I could judge from where I stood, it appeared to be o 283 THE EVEKY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 1. exactly the same description as that above- mentioned, but I did not venture very near them, for 1 perceived mad Moll's husband exercising his broom so briskly upoa the fl\inn; crowd, that I kept at a respccilul distance. MAY-DAY AT HrfCIilN, IN IIERTFOTIDSHIRE. The " Mayer^s Song " is a compositiou, or rather a medley, of p;reat antiquity, and I was therefore very desirous to procure a copy of it ; in accomplishing this, how- ever, I experienced more difficulty than I had anticipated ; but at length succeeded m obtaining it from one of the Mayers. The following is a literal transciipt of it : The Mayer's Song: Remember us poor Mayers all. And thus do we begin To lead our lives in righteousness, Or else we die in sin. We have been rambling all this niglit, And almost all this day, And now returned back again We have brought you a branch of May- A branch ot May we have brought you, A nd at your door it stands. It is but a sprout, But it's well budded out By the work of our Lord's hands. The hedges and trees they are so gre-su As green as any leek, Our heavenly Father He watered them With his heavenly dew so sweet. The heavenly gates are open wide, Our paths are beaten plain, And if a man be not too far gone. He may return again. The life of man is but a span, It flourishes like a flower. We are here to-day, and gone to-morrow. And we are dead in an hour. The moon shines bright, and the stars give E light, A little before it is day, So God bless you all, both great and small. And send you a joyf'd May. 284 THE EVEEY-DAT BOOK.— MAT 1. MILKMAIDS' GARLAND ON MAY-DAY. In London, thirty years ago, When pretty milkmaids went about. It was a goodly sight to see Their May-day Pageant all drawn out :- Themselves in comely colours drest, Their shining garland in the middle, A pipe and tabor on before, Or else the foot-inspiring fiddle. They stopt at houses, where it was Their custom to cry " milk below !" And, while the music play'd, with smiles Join'd hands, and pointed toe to toe. Thus they tripp'd on, till — from the door The hop'd-for annual present sent — A signal came, to curtsy low. And at that door cease merriment Such scenes, and sounds, once blest my eyes. And charm'd my cars — but all have vanish'd ! On May-day, now, no garlands go, I'or milk-maids, and their dance, are banish'd. My recollections of these sights " Annihilate both time and space ;" i'm boy enough to wish them back, And think their absence — out of placf,. May 4, 18'^i.. 285 THE EVEKY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 1. From the preceding lines somewhat miy be learned of a lately disused custom in LondoM. The milkmaids' garland was a pyramidicaJ »rame, covered with damask, glittering on each side with polished silver plate, and adorned with knots of gay-coloured ribbons, and posies of fresh flowers, surmounted by a silver urn, or tankard. The garland being placed on a wooden horse, was carried by two men, as represented in the engraving, some- times preceded by a pipe and tabor, but more frequently by a fiddle ; the gayest milkmaids followed the music, others followed the garland, and they stopped at their customers' doors, and danced. The plate, in some of these garlands, wa? very costly. It was usually borrowed of the pawnbrokers, for the occasion, upon security. One person in tiiat trade was particularly resorted to for this accommo- dation. He furnished out the entire gar- land, and let it at so much per hour, un- der bond from responsible housekeepers for its safe return. In this way one set of milkmaids would hire the garland from ten o'clock till one, and another set would have the garland from one o'clock till six ; and so on, during the first three days of May. It was customary with milk-people of less profitable walks to make a display of another kind, less gaudy in appearance, bat better bespeaking their occupation, and more appropriate to the festival. This was an exhibition of themselves, in their best apparel, and of the useful ani- mal which produced the fluid they re- tailed. One of these is thus described to the editor of the Every-Daij Book, by an intelligent eye-witness, and admirer of the pleasant sight. A beautiful country girl " drest all in her best," and more gaily attired than on any other day, with floial ornanients in her neat little liat, and on her bosom, led her cow, by a rope depending from its horns, garlanded with flowers and kr.ots of ribbons ; the horns, neck, and head of the cow were decorated iin like manner ; a fine net, like those upon ladies' palfreys, tastefully stuck with flowers, covered Bess's back, and even her tail was ornamented, with products of the spring, and silken knots. The proprietress of the cow, a neat, brisk, little, matronly body, followed on one side, in holiday-array, with a sprig in her country bonnet, a blooming posy in her handkerchief, and ribbons on her stomach- er This scene was in Westminster, near the old abbey. Ah ! those werp »he days, Tlie milkmaids' earlier plate-gariiind was a pyramid of piled utensils, carried on a stout damsel's head, under which she danced to the violin. MAY-FAIR. The great May-fair was formerly held near Piccadilly. An antiquary, (shudder not, good reader, at the chilling name — he was a kind soul;,) Mr. Carter, describes this place in an interesting communica- tion, dated the 6th of March, 1816, to his valued friend, the venerable " Sylvanus Urban." " Fifty years have passed away since this place of amusement was at its height of attraction : the spot where the fair ^vas held still retains the name of May-fair, and exists in much the same state as at the above period : for instance, Shepherd's market, and houses surrounding it on the north and east sides, with While Horse-street, Shepherd's-court, Sun-court, Market-court. VVestwards an open space extending to Tyburn (now Park) lane, since built upon, in Chapel-street, Shep- herd's - street. Market - street, Hertford- street, &c. Southwards, the noted Duck- ing-pond, house, and gardens, since built upon, in a large Riding-school, Carring- ton-street, (the noted Kitty Fisher lived in this street,) &c. The market-house con- sisted of two stories ; first story, a long and cross aisle, for butcher's shops, exter- nally, other shops connected with culinary purposes ; second story, used as a theatre at fair-time, for dramatic performances. My recollection serves to raise before me the representation of the ' Revenge,' in which the only object left on remembrance is the ' black man,' Zanga. Below, the butchers gave place to toy-men and ginger- bread-bakers. At present, the upper story is unfloored, the lower ditto nearly desert- ed by the butchers, and their shops occu- pied by needy peddling dealers in smaL' wares ; in truth, a most deplorable contrast to what once was such a point of allurement In the areas encompassing the market building were booths for jugglers, prize- fighters, both at cudgels and back-sword, boxing-matches, and wild beasts. The sports not under cover were moun- tebanks, fire-eaters, ass-racing, sausage- tables, dice-tables, up-and-downs, merry- go-rounds, bull-baiting, grinning for a hat, running for a shift, hasty-pudding eaters, eel-divers, and an infinite variety of other similar pastimes. Among the 28G THE EVEEY-DAY BOOK.— 5IAY 1. extraordinary and wonderful delights of tiie happy spot, take the following items, which still hold a place within my mind, though I cannot affirm they all occurred at one precise season. The account may be relied on, as 1 was born, and passed my youthful days in the vicinity, in Picca- dilly, (Caller's Statuary,) two doors from the south end of White Horse-street, since rebuilt (occupied at present by lady I'ulleney). — Before a large commo- dious house, with a good disposure of walks, arbours, and alcoves, was an area, with an extensive bason of water, other- wise ' Ducking-pond,' for the recreation of lovers of that polite and humane sport. Persons who came with their dogs paid a trifling fee for admission, and were con- sidered the chief patrons and supporters of the pond ; others, who visited the place as mere spectators, paid a double fee. A duck was put into the pond by the mas- ter of the hunt ; the several dogs were then let loose, to seize the bird. For a long time they made the attempt in vain ; for, when they came near the devoted victim, she dived under water, and eluded their remorseless fangs. Herein consisted the extreme felicitii of the interesting scene. At length, some dog more expert than the rest, caught the feathered prize, and bore it away, amidst the loudest acclama- tions, to its most fortunate and envied master. This diversion was held in such high repute about the reign of Charles \1., that he, and many of his prime nobility, did not disdain to be present, and partake, with their dogs, of the elegant entertain- ment. In i\Irs. Behn's play of ' Sir Pa- tient Fancy,' (written at the above pe- riod,) a sir Credulous Easy talks about a cobbler, his dog-tutor, and his expectation of soon becoming ' the duke of Duck- ing-pond.* — A ' Mountebanks' Stage ' was erected opposite the Three Jolly Butchers' public-house, (on the east side of the market area, now the King's Arms.) Here Woodward, the inimitable comedian and harlequin, made his first appearance as merry-andrew ; from these humble boards he soon after found his way to Covent-garden theatre. — Then there was ' Beheading of Puppets.' In a coal-shed attached to a grocer's shop, (then Mr. Fiith's, now Mr. Frampton's,) one of these mock executions was exposed to the attending crowd. A shutter was fixed horizontally ; on the edge of which, after many previous ceremonies, a puppet laid its head, and anotner puppet then instantly chopped it off with an axe. In a circular staircase-window, at the north end of Sun-court, a similar performance took place by another set of puppets. The condemned puppet bowed its head to the cill which, as above, was soon de- capitated. In these representations, the late punishment of the Scotch chieftain (lord Lovat) was alluded to, in order to gratify the feelings of southern loyalty, at the expense of that farther north. — In a fore one-pair room, on the west side of Sun-court, a Frenchman submitted to the curious the astonishing strength of the ' Stro7ig Woman,' his wife. A blacksmith's anvil being procured from White Horse-street, with three of the men, they brought it up, and placed it on the floor. The woman was short, but most beautifully and delicately formed, and of a most lovely countenance. She first let down her hair, (alight auburn.) of a length descending to her knees, which she twisted round the projecting part of the anvil, and then, with seeming ease, lifted the ponderous weight some inches from the floor. After this, a bed was laid in the middle of the room ; when, reclin- ing on her back, and uncovering her bosom, the husband ordered the smiths to place thereon the anvil, and forge upon it a horse-shoe ! This they obeyed ; by taking from the fire a red-hot piece of iron, and with their forging hammers com- pleting the shoe, with the same might and indifference as when in the shop at their constant labour. The prostrate fair one appeared to endure this with the utmost composure, talking and singing during the whole process ; then, with an effort which to the by-standers seemed like some supernatural trial, cast the anvil from off her body , jumping up at the same moment with extreme gaiety, and without the least discomposure of her dress or person. That no trick or collu- sion could possibly be practised on the occasion was obvious, from the following evidence : — Tlie audience stood promis- cuously about the room, among whom were our family and friends ; the smiths were utter strangers to the Frenchman, but known to us ; therefore the several efforts of strength must have proceeded from the natural and surprising power this foreign dame was possessed of. She next put her naked feet on a red-hot salamander, without receiving the lea.s' 287 THE EVEKY-DAY BOOK— MAY 1- injury : but this is a feat familiar with us at this time. Here this kind of gratifica- tion to the senses concludscl. — Here, too was ' Tiddy-doU.' TIDDY DIDDY DOLL— LOLL. LOLL, LOLL. This celebrated vender of gingerbread, from his eccentricity of character, and ex- tensive dealings in his way, was always hailed as the king of itinerant tradesmen.* In his person he was tall, well made, and his features handsome. He affected to dress like a person of rank ; white gold laced suit of clothes, laced ruffled shirt, laced and feather, white silk stock- ings, with the addition of a fine white apron. Among his harangues to gain customers, take this as a specimen : — • He was a constant atteudant in the crowd on Ijord Mayor's day. * Mary, Mary, where are you nou\ Mary? I live, when at home, at the se- cond house in Little Ball-street, two steps underground,withawiscum, riscum, and a why-not. Walk in, ladies and gentlemen ; my shop is on the second- floor backwards, with a brass knocker at the door. Here is your nice gingerbread, your spice gingerbread ; it will melt in your mo-Jth like a red-hot brickbat, and rumble in your inside like Punch and hia wheelbarrow.' He always finished bis address by singing this fag end of sora popular ballad :■ — 288 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK -MAY 1, ^ Allefrretto. m Ti-Md Jv. ti-ti, w fefe 4=^ t:-tid-dy, ti-ti. ti - tid - dv. ti - ti, ^^ ^^ic P" )9- =S"-=3: ^ tid-dv did-dy dol-lol, ti - tid - dy ti - ti- steamer's nose .' 'Twas 'strange, 'twas passing strange, 'twas pitiful, twa? wonderous Pitifill, as Sliakspeare says, by you then being under us. To be insulted as we werp,| when von vour rliironi'y rose And thought yourselves at liberty to cloud rnr hopes and clothe.s 301 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 2. The samp sweet poet says, you know, " earh dog ■will have his day," And hence for Richmond we, in turn, may yet get under weigh. So thus we are consoled in mind, and as to being slighted, For that same wrong, we'll right ourselves, and get you all indicted. * The steam-boat is a good half hour in clearing the port of London, and arriving at Westminster; this delay in expedition IS occasioned by " laying to " for " put offs " of single persons and parties, in Thames wherries. If the day be fine, the passage is very pleasant. The citizen sees various places wherein he has en- joyed himself, — he can point out the opening to Fountain-court, wherein is the " coal hole," the resort of his brother " wolves,'' a club of modern origin, re- nowned for its support of Mr. Kean ; on the left bank, he shows the site of " Cuper's-gardens," to which he was taken when a boy by his father's fore- man, and wheie the halfpenny-hatch stood ; or he has a story to tell of the " Fox-under-the-hill, " near the Strand, where Dutch Sam mustered the fighting Jews, and Perry's firemen, who nightly assisted John Kemble's " What d'ye want," during the "O. P. row," at Covent-garden theatre. Then he directs his attention to the Mitre, at Stangate, kept by " independent Bent," a house celebrated for authors who " flourish " there, for " actors of all work," and artists of less prudence than powers. He will tell you of the capital porter-shops that were in Palace-yard before the old coffee-houses were pulled down, and he directs you to the high chimney of Hodges^s distillery, in Church -street, Lambeth. He stands erect, and looks at Cumberland-gardens as though they were his freehold — for there has he been in all his glory ; and at the Red-house, at Battersea, he would absohitely go ashore, if his wife and daughters had not gone so far in geography as to know that Richmond is above Battersea-bridge. Here he repeats after Mathews, that Battersea-steeple, being of copper, was coveted by the emperor of Russia for an extinguisher ; that the horizontal wind- mill was a case for it ; and that his im- perial majesty intended to take them to Russia, but left them behind from for- getfulness. Others see other things. The grounds from which the walls of Brand- cnburgn-nouse were rased to tne foun- dation, after the decease of fallen ma- jesty — the house wherein Sharp, the en- graver, lived after his removal from Acton, and died — the tomb of Hogarth, in Chiswick church-yard — " Brentford town of mud," so immortalized by one of our poets, from whence runs Boston- lane, wherein dwelt the good and amiable Granger, who biographized every Eng- lishman of whom there was a portrait — and numerous spots remarkable for their connection with some congenial sentiment or person. The Aits, or Osier Islands, are pic- turesque interspersions on the Thames. Its banks are studded with neat cottages, or elegant villas crown the gentle heights ; the lawns come sweeping down like carpets of green velvet, to the edge of its soft-flowing waters, and the grace of the scenery improves till we are borne into the full bosom of its beauty — the village of Richmond, or as it was anciently called. Sheen. On coming within sigtit of this, the most delightful scene in our sea-girt isle, the band on board the steam-boat plays " the lass of Richmond- hill," while the vessel glides on the translucent water, till she curves to the bridge-foot, and the passengers disem- bark. Ascending the stone stairs to the street, a short walk through the village brings us to the top of the far-famed hill, from whence there is a sudden sight of one of the loveliest views in the world. Here, unless an overflowing purse can command the preference of the " Star and Garter," we enter the pleasant and comfortable " Roebuck " inn, which has nothing to recommend it but civil treat- ment and domestic conveniences. The westward room on the second floor is quiet, and one of the pleasantest in the house. The walls of this peaceful apart- ment have no ornament, unless so can be called a mezzotinto engraving by Wat- son, after Reynolds, of Jeffery, lord Am- herst, in armour, with a countenance remarkably similar to the rev. Rowland Hill's in his younger days. The advan- tage of this room is the delightful view from its windows. Hither come ye whose hearts are saddened, or whose nerves are shattered by the strife of life, or the disturbances of the world ; inhale the pure air, and gaze awhile on a prospect more redolent of beauty than Claude or Poussin ever painted or saw. Whatever there be of soothing charnr: in scenery, is here exuberant. De- 302 Tilt EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 2. icnption must not be attempted, for poets liave made it their theme and failed. To the over-wearied inhabitants of the metropolis, the trip to Riclimond iscovet- able. The lively French, the philosophic German, the elegant Italian, the lofty Spaniard, and the Cossack ol the Don, pronounce the prospect from the hill the most enchanting in Europe. There was no itinerary of Richmond until Dr. John Evans, during a visit in 1824, hastily threw some memoranda into a neat little volume, illustrated by a few etchings, under the title of " Richmond and its Vicinity," which he purposes to im- prove. In honour of the female character, and in illustration of the first of May, should be added, that upon the coin of Dort, or Dordrecht, in Holland, is a cow, undei which is sitting a milk-maid. The same representation is in relievo on the pyra- mid of an elegant fountain in that beauti- ful town. Its origin is from the following historical fact : — When the United Pro- vinces were struggling for their liberty two beautiful daughters of a rich farmer, on their way to the town, with milk, observed, not far from their path, several Spanish soldiers concealed behind some hedges. The patriotic maidens pretend- ing not to have seen any thing, pursued their journey, and as soon as they arrived in the city, insisted upon an admission to the burgo-master, who had not yet left his bed ; they were admitted, and related what they had discovered. He assembled the council, measures were immediately taken, the sluices were opened, and a number of the enemy lost their lives in the water. Tlie magistrates in a body honoured the farmer with a visit, wheie they thanked his daughters for the act of patriotism, which saved the town ; thej' afterwards indemnified him fully for the loss he sustained from the inundation and the most distinguished young citizens, vied with each other, who should be honoured with the hands of those virtuous milk-maids. It should also be noticed, in connection with Mr. Montgomery's volume in behalf of the chimney-sweepers, that a Mr. J. C. Hudson has addressed " A Letter to the Mistresses of Families, on the Cruelty of employing Children in the odious, dan- gerous, and often fatal Task of sweeping Chimnies." To Mr. Hudson's pamphlet, which is published at sixpence, there are two cuts, from designs by Mr. George Cruiksliank. It is observed by Dr. Forster, in the " Perennial Calendar," that " the melody of birds is perhaps at no time of the year greater and more constant than it is at this present period. The nightingale, the minstrel of the eve; and the krk, the herald of the morn; together with the numerous birds whose music fills the groves ail day, contribute, in no smal degree, to the pleasure derived from the country in this month. Nor is the lowing of distant cattle in the evening, the hooting of the owl, and many other rustic sounds, deficient in power to please by association of ideas. Shakspeare has a beautifu comparison of the lark and nightingale in ' Romeo and Juliet :' — Scene. Juliet's Chamber. Jul. Wilt thon be gone ? it is not yet near day : It was the nitrhtingale, and not the lark, That pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear ; Nightly she sings on yon Pomegranate tree : Believe me, love, it was the Nightingale. Rom. It was the lark, the herald of the morn. No nightingale : look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund d^/ Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops. I must he gone and live, or stay and die. Jul. Yon light is not daylight, I know it, 1. It is some meteor that the sun exhales, To be to thee this night a torchbeatci, And liifht thee on thy way to Montua . Therefore stay yet, thou need'st not to be gom. 303 TIIE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 2. Rom. Let me be ta'en, let me be put to death ; I am content, so tbou wilt have it so. I'll say, yon grey is not the morning's eye ; Tis but the pale reflex of Cynthia's brow : Nor that is not the lark, whose notes do beat The vaulty heaven so high above our heads. I have more care to stay than will to go." Dr. Forster notices, that " beds of tulips begin now to flower, and about London, Haerlem, Amsterdam, and other cities of England ar.d Holland, are seen in perfection in the gardens of florists, who have a variety of very whimsical names for the diff'erent varieties. The early, or Van Thol tulip, is now out of blow, as is the variety called the Clari- mond, beds of which appear very beau- tiful in April. The sort now flowering is the tulipa Gesneriana, of which the names Bizarre, Golden Eagle, &c. are only expressive of varieties. For the amuse- ment of the reader, we quote from the ' Tatler ' the following account of an ac- cident that once befell a gentiem-an in a tulip-garden : — ' I chanced to rise very eaily one particular morningthis summer, and took a walk into the country, to di- vert myself among the fields and meadows while the green was new, and the flowers in their bloom. As at this season of the year every lane is a beautiful walk, and every hedge full of nosegays, I lost myself with a great deal of pleasure among several thickets and bushes that were filled with a great variety of birds, and an agreeable confusion of notes, which formed the pleasantest scene in the world to one who had passed a whole winter in noise and smoke. The freshness of the dews that lay upon every thing about me, with the cool breath of the morning, which inspired the birds with so many delightful instincfi, created in me the same kind o» animal pleasure, and made my heart over- flow with such secret emotions of joy and satisfaction as are not to be described or accounted for. On this occasion, I could not but reflect upon a beautiful simile in Milton : — As one who long in populous city pent, Where houses thick and sewers annoy the air, Forth issuing on a summer's morn, to breathe Among the pleasant villages, and farms Adjoined, from each thing met conceives delight : The smell of grain, or tedded grass, or kine, Or dairy, each rural sight, each rural sound. " * Those who are conversant in the writings of polite authors, receive an ad- ditional entertainment from the country, as it revives in their memories those charming descriptions, with which such authors do frequently abound. I was thinking of the foregoing beautiful simile in Milton, and, applying it to myself, when I observed to the windward of me a black cloud falling to the earth in long trails of rain, which made me betake my- self for shelter to a house which I saw at a little distance from the place where I was walking. As I sat in the porch, I Heard the voices of two or three persons, who seemed very earnest in discourse. My curiosity was raised when I heard the names of Alexander the Great and Ar- taxerxcs ; and as their talk seemed to run on ancient heroes, I concluded there could not be any secret in it ; for which reason I thought I might very fairly listen to what they said. After several pa- rallels between great men, which ap- peared to me altogether groundless and chimerical, I was surprised to hear one say, that he valued the Black Prince more than the duke of Vendosme. How the duke of Vendosme should become a rival of the Black Prince, I could not conceive : and was more startled when I heard a second affirm with Rreat vehemence, that if the emperor of Germany was not going off, he should like him better than either of them. He added, that though the sea- son was so changeable, the duke of Marl- borough was in blooming beauty. I was wondering to myself from whence they had receive^ this odd intelligence ; es pecially when I heard them mention the names of several other great generals, as the prince of Hesse, and the king of Siveden, who, they said, were both run- ning away. To which they added, what 304 THE EVEIIY-DAY B()OK.— MAY 2. r entirely as;reed with them in, that the crown of France was very weak, but that the marshal Fillurs still kept his colours. At last one of them told the company, if they would go along with him he would show them a Clitmney-swficper and a Painted Lad;/ in the same bed, which he was sure would very much please them. The shower svhich had driven them as well as myself into the house, was now over ; and as they were passing by me into the garden, 1 asked them to let me be one of their company. The g.entleman of the house told me, if I delighted in flowers, it would be worth my while; for that he believed he could show me such a blow of tulips as was not to be matched in the whole country. I accepted the offer, and immediately found that they had been talking in terms of gardening, and that the kings and generals they had men- tioned were only so many tulips, to which the gardeners, according to their usual custom, had given such high titles and appellations of honour. I was very much pleased and astonished at the glorious show of these gay vegetables, that arose in great profusion on all the banks about us. Sometimes 1 considered them with the eye of an ordinary spectator, as so many beautiful objects varnished over with a natural gloss, and stained with such a variety of colours as are not to be equalled in any artificial dyes or tinctures. Sometimes I considered every leaf as an elaborate piece of tissue, in which the threads and fibres were woven to- ' gether into different configurations, which gave a different colouring to the light as it glanced on the several parts of the stir- face. Sometimes I considered the whole bed of tulips, according to the notion of the greatest mathematician and philoso- pher that ever lived, (sir Isaac Newton,) as a multitude of optic instruments, de- signed for the separating light into aVl those various colours of which it is com- posed. I was awakened out of these my philosophical speculations, by observing the company often seemed to laugh at me. 1 accidentally praised a tulip as one of the finest I ever saw, upon which they told me it was a common Fool's Coat. Upon that I praised a second, which it teems was but another kind of Fool's Coat. I had the same fate with tAvo or three more ; for which reason I desired the owner of the garden to let me know which were the fiuc-tt of the flowers, for that I was so unskilful in the art, that I Vol. I. 305 tnouglit the most beautiful weio the ino.^.t valuable, and that those which had the gayest colours were the most beautiful. The gentleman smiled at my ignorance : he seemed a very plain honest man, and a person of good sense, had not his head been touched with that distemper which Hippocrates calls the Tv\nnr.oi.t.avta, Tulippomania, insomuch, that he would talk very rationally on any subject in the world but a tulip. He told me, that he valued the bed of flowers, which lay be- fore us, a'ld was not above twenty yards in length and two in breadth, more than he would the best hundred acres of land in England ; and added, that it would have been worth twice the money it is, if a foolish cookmaid of his had not almost ruined him the last winter, by mis- t'uking a handful of tulip roots for a heap of onions, and by that means, says he, made me a dish of porridge, that cost me above a thousand pounds sterling. He then showed me what he thought the finest of his tulips, which I found re- ceived all their value from their rarity and oddness, and put me in mind of your great fortunes, which are not always the greatest beauties. I have often looked upon it as a piece of happiness, that I have never fallen into any of these fan- tastical tastes, nor esteemed any thing the more for its being uncommon and hard to be met with. For this reason, I look upon the whole country in spring time as a spacious garden, and make as many visits to a spot of daisies, or a bank of violets, as a florist does to his borders or parterres. There is not a bush in blossom within a mile of me which I am not acquainted with, nor scarce a daffodil or cowslip that withers away in my neighbourhood wi hout ray missing it. I walked hraie in this temper of mind through several fields and meadows with an unspeakable pleasure, not with- out reflecting on the bounty of Provi- dence, which has made the most pleasing and the most beautiful objects the most ordinary and most common.' " FLORAL DIRECTORY. Charlock. Rhapkanus Rhafari strum. Dedicated to St. Athanasins. X THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 3. ilap 3. The Invention, or Discovery of the Holy Cross, A. D. 326. St. Alexander, Pope, A. D. 119 INVENTION OF THE CROSS. This festival of the Romish church is also in the church of England calendar ; Mr. Audley says, " the word invention sometimes signifies the finding a thing that was hidden;" thence the name of this festival, v^fliich celebrates the alleged finding of the cross of Christ by St. Helena, who is said to have found three crosses on Mount Calvary, but the true one could not be distinguished, till a sick woman being placed on each, was herded by one, which was therefore pronounced the veritable cross. Mr.Audley quotes, that " the custody of the cross was committed to the bishop of Jerusalem. Every Easter Sunday it was exposed to view, and pil- grims from all countries were indulged with little pieces of it enchased in gold of gems. What was most astonishing, the sacred wood was never lessened, although it was perpetually diminished, for it possessed a secret power of vegetation." It appears from Ribadeneira, that St. Paulinus says, " the cross being a piece of wood without sense or feeling, yet seemeth to have in it a living and ever- lasting virtue ; and from that time to this it permittelh itself to be parted and divided to comply with innumerable persons, and yet suffereth no loss or detriment, but remains as entire as if it had never been cut, so that it can be severed, parted, and divided, for those among whom it is to be distributed, and still remains whole and entire for all that come to reverence and adore it." There is no other way left to the Romish church to account for the superabundance of the wood of the cross. Robert Parker wrote a remarkably learned book, in folio, entitled — " A Scho- lasticall Discourse against symbolizing with Antichrist in ceremonies: especially m the signe of the Crosse, 1607." This erudite work subjected Parker to a perse- cution under James I., from which he fled to Doesburg, where he died m 1630. CROSS OF THE SOUTH This constellation is in about 185 (le grees of longitude ; its south-polar dis- tance being only about 39 degrees, it can- not be seen in the northern parts cl Europe.* Humboldt who observed the cross of the south, thus eloquently des- cribes it : — " The lower regions of tl>e air were loaded with vapours for some days We saw distinctly, for the first time, the cross of the south, only in the night of the 4th and 5th of July, in the sixteenth degree of latitude. It was strongly in- clined, and appeared, from time to time, between the clouds, the centre of which, furrowed by uncondensed lightnings, re- flected a silver light. The pleasure felt on discovering the southern cross was warmly shared by such of the crew as had lived in the colonies. In the solitude of the seas, we hail a star as a friend from whom we have been long separated. Among the Portuguese and the Spaniards, peculiar motives seem to increase this feeling ; a religious sentiment attaches them to a constellation, the form of which recalls the sign of the faith planted by their ancestors in the deserts of the new world. The two great stars which mark tlie sutU' mit and the foot of the cross, having nearly the same right ascension, it fol- lows, that the constellation is almost ver- tical at the moment when it passes the meridian. This circumstance is known to every nation that lives beyond the tropics, or in the southern hemisphere It is known at what hour of the night, in difierent seasons, the southern cross is erect, or inclined. It is a timepiece that advances very regularly nearly four minutes a day ; and no other group ot stars exhibits, to the naked eye, an obser vation of time so easily made. How often have we heard our guides exclaim, in the savannas of Venezuela, or in the desert extending from Lima to Truxillo, ' Midnight is past, the cross begins to bend !' How often these words reminded us of that affecting scene, where Paul and Virginia, seated near the source of the river of Lataniers, conversed together for the last time ; and when the old man, at the sight of the southern cross, warns them that it is time to separate !" FLORAL DIRECTORY. Poetic Narcissus. Narcissus poeticus. Invention of the Cross. • Dr. Foruter Peren. Cal. 306 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 4. St. Monica. St. Godard, Bp. a. d. 1038. ST. MONICA, A. D. 387. She was mother of St. Augustine, whom she sent to study at Carthage, where, in 373, he became a jVIanichee, and re- mained so, to his mother's affliction, until 386 ; she was a woman of piety, and he revered her memory. Her sup- posed remains were translated with the customary ceremonies of the church of Rome, but their identity has been doubted.* CnUONOLOGY. 1471. Battle of Tewkesbury, Glouces- tershire, gained by Edward IV^ over the Lancasterians. 1677. Dr. Isaac Barrow died, aged 47. He was an eminent mathematician, a learned divine, and a high cavalier. Educated at the Charter-house, he was disinclined to study; his recreation was in sports that led to fighting among the boys, yet he afterwards subdued his in- clination to quarrels, and distinguished himself as a scholar. He became pro- fessor of mathematics at Cambridge, master of Trinity-college, served the office of vice-chancellor, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. Charles H. used to say of him, that he exhausted every subject whereon he treated ; yet he did nothing for him. After the Restoration, Barrow wrote a Latin distich, thus trans- lated :— O, how my breast did ever burn, To see my lawful king return ! Yet, whilst his happy fate I bless, No one has felt his influence less. Barrow was a great smoker to help his thinking. He was a great wit : he met Rochester at court, who said to him, " doctor, I am yours to my shoe-tie;" Barrow bowed obsequiously with, " my lord, lam yours to the ground;" Roches- ter returned this by, " doctor, I am yours to the centre ;" Barrow rejoined, " my lord, I am yours to the antipodes ;" Ro- chester, not to be foiled by " a musty old piece of divinity," as he was accustomed to call him, exclaimed, " doctor, I am yours to the lowest pit of hell;" where- upon Barrow turned from him with, " there, my lord, I leave you." 1736. Eustace Budgell drowned him self, at the age of 52, from vexation, that a bequest to him of 2,000/. in the will of Dr. Tindal, was set aside. He wrote in the " Spectator," " Tatler," and " Guardian ;" was a member of the Irish parliament, and lost his property in the South-sea bubble 1738. George Bickham, the eminent writing-engraver, died, aged 74 ; and was buried at St. Luke's, Old-street. 1795. John James Barthelemy, the celebrated author of " The Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece," died, aged 79. He was a man of deep learn- ing and simplicity of character ; un- happily he became involved in the troubles of the French revolution, and endured great hardships from the turbulence of men opposed to his views of social hap- piness. BIRDS. A distinguished naturalist obligingly communicates the subjoined table and prefatory remark. For the Every-Day Book. A notion prevails that birds do great injury in gardens and fields, and lience Tewards are frequently offered to induce boys and others to kill them in spring. The notion and the practice are erroneous. A gentleman of long experience in hor- ticulture, has ascertained that birds, in general, do more good by destroying ver- min than they do harm by the little fruit and grain they consume ; an entire dis- trict in Germany was once nearly deprived of its corn harvest, by an order to kill all the rooks having been geneially obeyed. SPRING BIRDS. Table of the average terms of their arriv'il, deduced from a Jozirnul of Ahitii- ral History, kept during nearly sixty years. Tlie Least Willow Wren arrives about - . - _ March 31 Stone Curlew _ . _ March 27 Chimney Swallow - - April 15 Redstart - - - April 16 Blackcap - - - . April 17 Nightingale - _ . April 14 Martlet - - - - April 20 Sand Martin - - - April 25 Yellow Willow Wren - - April 15 Lesser Reed Sparrow - - Apnl 23 Cuckoo - - . - April 21 307 IHE EVERY-DAY BOOK,— MAV 5 Great Green Willow Wren Grasshopper Lark Spotted Flycatcher Pied Flycatcher - Black Martin Fern Owl - - - Swift - April 21 April 16 April 20 April 15 May 9 May 20 May 14 FLORAL DIRECTORY. Stock Gilly Flower. Mathiola incann. Dedicated to St. Monica. ilap 5. St. Pius v.. Pope, A. D. 1572. St, Hilary, Abp. of Aries, a. d. 449. St. An- gelus, A. D. 1225. St. Mauront, Abbot, A. D. 706. St. Avertin, a. d. 1189. Chronology. 1760. Tlie right honourable Laurence, earl Ferrers, viscount Tamworth, was hanged at Tyburn, for the murder of John Johnson, his steward. 1785. Thomas Davies, died. lie is well recollected from frequent creditable mention made of him in Boswell's " Life of Johnson ;" Davies was an actor, after- wards a bookseller, turned strolling player, returned to the bookselling business in Russel- street, Co vent-garden, became bankrupt, v/as roliovp'l i"r\ ^;8 rr"sfortunes by Dr. Johnson, wrote the " Life of Gar- rick," " Dramatic Miscellanies." and other pieces ; and acquired before his death the honourable appellation o " honest Tom Davies." He was intrusted by the rev. James Granger with the pub- lication of his " Biographical History of England." 1789. Joseph Baretti, author of the ** Italian Dictionary," &c. died, aged 73. 1821. Napoleon died at St. Helena, in the sixth year of his confinement. What he was all men pretend to know, ana historians will tell. THE SEASON. " Here they are ! blowing, growing, all alive !" This was an old London cry by little flower gardeners, who brought the products of their grounds to the metro- polis, and wheeled them through the streets in a barrow, " blowing, growing, all alive !" to tempt purchasers in the humble streets and alleys of working neighbourhoods. Acts of Parliament have put down the flower-pots, which were accustomed to " topple on the walkers' heads," from the windows of houses, wherein flower-fanciers dwelt. Floiver Garden. Fairhanded Spring unbosoms every grace, Throws out the snowdrop and the crocu3 first. The daisy, primrose, violet darkly blue. And polyanthus of unnumbered dyes ; The yellow wallflower, stained with iron brown. The lavish stock that scents the garden round. From the soft wing of vernal breezes shed Anemonies, auriculas, enriched With shining meal o'er all tlieir velvet leaves And full ranimculus of glowing red. Then comes the tulip race, where beauty plays Her idle freaks, from family diffused To family, as flies the father dust. The varied colours run ; and while they oreak On the charmed eye, the exulting florist marks. With secret pride, the wonders of his hand. No gradual bloom is wanting, from the bud, First born of Spring, to Summer's musky tribes- Nor hyacinths of purest virgin white, Low bent and blushing inwards — nor jonquils Of potent fragrance — nor Narcissus fair, As o'er the fabled mountain hanging still — Nor broad carnations, nor gay spotted pinks, Nor showered from every bush the damask rose. Tho»i.itiH. FLORAL DIRECTORY, Apple Tree. Pyrus Ma/n.i. Dedicated to St. Angelas and St. Pius* 308 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 6. ;mnn 6, St. -Tuhii before the Latin Gate. St. John Dama.icen, a. d. 780. St. Eadbert, Bp. of Lindisfarne, a. d. 687. ST. JOHN PORT LATIN. This was St. John the Evangelist, though his name stands with Ante Port. Lat. annexed to it in the church of Eng- land calendar. The description is founded on a Roman Catholic legend that St. John the Evangelist in his old age was accused of atheism to Domitian, who sent him to Rome, and there, before the gate called Porta Latina, caused him to be put into a cauldron of boiling oil, from whence he suffered no pain, and came forth without harm. This miracle is fabled to have oc- curred before the exile of St. John to the desert isle of Patmos, in the Archipelago, where he is supposed to have written the Apocalypse, or book of "Revelations," ST. JOHN IN THE ISLE OF PATMOS. Tliere is no evidence that St. John suf- fered martyrdom; on the contrary, he is laid to have returned to Ephesus in the reign of Nerva, who succeeded Domitian in the imperial dignity. Painters usually represent him in Patmos with an eagle by nis siae ; tnough, as St. John Port Latin, there are many engravings of him in tiie legendary oil cauldron. Other represent- ations of him put a chalice in his hand, with a serpent issuing from it, founded on anoJhpr Ingcnd, that being constrained 309 THE EVERY-DA.Y BOOK.— MAY 6. to drink poison, he swallowed it without sustaining injury. There is a further legend, that while St. Edward the Confessor was dedicating a church to St. John, a pilgrim demanded alms of him in the saint's name, where- upon the king gave him the ring from his fii>ger. This pilgrim was St. John, who discovered himself to two English pil- grims in the Holy Land, bidding them hear the ring to the king in his name, and require him to make ready to depart this world ; after this they went to sleep. On awakening they found themselves among flocks of sheep and shepherds in a strange place, which turned out to be Barham Downs in Kent, wherefore they thanked God and St. John for their good speed, and coming to St. Edward on Christmas- day, delivered to him the ring with the warning ; these the king received in a suitable manner, " And on the vigyll of the Epyphanye, next after, he dyed and departed holyly out of this worlde, and is buryed in the Abbey of Westmester by London, where as is yet unto this daye that same rynge." Again it is said, that Isidore affirms of St. John, that he trans- formed branches of trees into fine gold, and sea-gravel into precious stones, with other like incredibilities.* Chronology. 1677. Samuel Bochart, a learned French Protestant divine and orientalist, died at Caen, aged 68 years. 1802. Died at Guernsey, aged 40, of water in his chest, serjeant Samuel M'Donald, of the 93d regiment, com- monly known by the name of Big Sam. He served during the American war with his countrymen, the Sutherland Fencibles, and afterwards as fugelman in the Royals, till 1791, when he was taken into the household of hi-s royal highness the prince of Wales, as lodge-porter at Carlton- house, and remained in that capacity till 1793 ; he was then appointed a serjeant in the late Sutherland l-'encibles, and con- tinued to act in that corps, and the 93d regiment, formed from it, till his death. — He was six feet ten inches in height, four feet round the chest, and well propor- tioned. He continued active till his 35th year, when he began to decline. His strength was prodigious, but he was never known to exert it improperly. Seveial considerable offers were made to engage him as a public exhibition, all of which he refused, and always disliked being- stared at. SPRING BLIGHT. The greatest misfortune that the cul- tivator of a garden apprehends at this season, is blight, of which, ac- cording to Dr. Forster, there are three kinds. " The first occurs in the early spring, about the time of the blossoming of the peach, and is nothing more than a dry frosty wind, usually from the north or north-east, and principally affects the blossoms, causing them to fall off pre- maturely. The two other kinds of blight occur in this month, affecting principally the apple and pear trees, and sometimes the corn. One of these consists in the appearance of an immense multitude of aphides, a kind of small insect of a brown, or black, or green colour, attack- ing the leaves of plants, and entirely incrusting the young stems. These pests are always found to make their appear- ance after a north-east wind, and it has been supposed by many that they are actually conveyed hither by the wind. Thomson, too, positively ascribes them to the north wind : — For oft engendered by the hazy north. Myriads on myriads, insect armies warp Keen in the poisoned breeze ; and wasteful eat, Through buds and bark, into the blackened core Tlieir eager way. "In our opinion, an east wind more often brings blights. Many circum- stances, indeed, favour the opinion that blights are animalculae ; as the sudden- ness with which they appear, being ge- nerally in the course of a single night, and those trees* that are sheltered from hie wind bein^;" uninfected : indeed, it * Golden Legend. frequently happens that a single branch that chances to be screened, will escape unhurt, while the rest of the tree is quite covered with these minute destroyers. A third reason may be derived from the inactivity of these insects: they generally remain almost immovable on the branch or leaf where they are first seen, and are for the most part, unprovided with wings vet the places where they are commonly 310 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK— Mx\Y 7. found are those parts of a tree wliich are farthest from the ground, and the most exposed to the wind. The last kind of bhght is generally preceded by a south or south-west wind, unaccompanied by insects ; the effects of which are visible in the burnt appearance of all leaves and shoots which are exposed to that quarter. Oaks and other large trees suffer from this blight."* To Blossoms. Fair pledges of a fruitful tree, Why do ye fall so fast ] Your date is not so past, But you may stay yet here awhile To blush and gently smile. And go at last ! What, were ye born to be An hour or half's delight 1 And so to bid good nigiit t Tis pity Nature brought ye forth Merely to show your worth. And lose you quite ! But your lovely leaves, where we May read how soon things have Their end, though ne'er so brave : And after they have shown their pride, Like you, awhile they glide Into the grave ! Hen-ici. lifetime. William of Malmesbury relates, that the inhabitants of Beverley acknow- ledge the sanctity of their patron, be- cause the fiercest bulls being dragged with the strongest ropes, by the lustiest men, into his church-yard, lose their fury, become gentle as lambs, and being left to their freedom, innocently sport them- selves, instead of goring and trampling with their horns and feet ail that come near them.* It is related by another author that in 1312, on the feast of St. Bernard, wonderful oil miraculously issued from his sepulchre, which was a sovereign remedy against many diseases. Also, that king Ethelstan laid his knife on the saint's altar, in pledge, that if by his interference he obtained a victory over the Scots, he would enrich his church ; by the merits of the saint he conquered, and desiring to have a sign as a perpetual testimony of prerogative over the Scots, he struck his sword into a rock near Dunbar-castle, which for many ages retained a mark of a yard in length from the blow, and this was referred to by king Edward I. before pope Boniface, in proof of his right over Scotland. Ethelstan, in consequence of his victory, granted right of sanctuary to the church of Beverley, with other privileges.-}- FLORAL DIRECTORY. Lucken Gowins. TroUius EuropcBus. Dedicated to St. John Damascen, St. Slair.slas, Bp. of Cracow, a. d. 1079. St. Benedict II. Pope, a. d. 686. St. John of Beverley. ST. JOHN OF BEVERLEY, A. D. 721, Was born at Harpham, a village in the north of England. In the reign of king Alfred, he was made bishop of Hex- ham ; he gave venerable Bede the orders of deacon and priest; and built the monastery of Beverley, then a foiest, now a market-town, twenty-seven miles from York, where he died, in 1721.t Bede assigns several miracles to him in his SEASONABLE STORY. If the north-east wind blow on this day, or on any other day in May, or in any other summer month, the nervous reader will experience the uneasiness which is sure to afflict him from that baleful quarter. The sun may shine, and the birds may sing, and flowers may give forth their odours, yet pernicious influences prevail against the natural harmony and spirit of the season. To one, therefore, so afllicted, the story of Daniel O'Rourke, from the " Fairy Le- gends," may be diverting. DANIEL O'ROURKE. People may have heard of the re- nowned adventures of Daniel O'Rourke, but how few are there who know that the cause of all his perils, above and below, was neither more nor less than his having slept under the walls of the Phooka's tower. I knew the man well : • Peren. Calendar. + Uiitler. * Cressy. ( Porter's FloTcrt. 311 THE EVERY-DAY UUOK.-MAY 7, he lived at the bottom of Hungry Hill, jvist at the right han-d side of the road as you go towards Bantry. An old man was he at the time that he told me the story, with gray hair, and a red nose; and it was on the 2.5th of June, 181;^, that 1 heard it from his own lips, as he sat smoking his pipe under the old pop- lar tree, on as fine an evening as ever shone fro.m the sky. I was going to visit the caves in Dursey Island, having spent the morning at GlengarifT. " I am often axed to tell it, sir," said he, " s;i that this is not the first time. The master's son, you see, had come from beyond foreign parts in France and Spain, as young gentlemen used to go, before Buonaparte or any such was heard of; and sure enough there was a dinner given to all the people on the ground, gentle and simple, high and low, rich and poor. The onld gentlemen were the gentlemen, after all, saving your honour's presence. They'd swear at a body a little, to be sure, and, may be, give one a cut of a whip now and then, but we were no losers by it in the end ; — and they were so easy and civil, and kept such rattling houses, and thousands of welcomes; — and there was no grinding for rent, an*! few agents ; and tliere was hardly a tenant on the estate that did not taste of his landlord's bounty often and often in the year; — but now it's another thing: no matter for that, sir, for I'd better be telling you my story. " Weil, we had every thing of the best, and plenty of it; and we ate, and we drank, and we danced, and the young master by the same token danced with Peggy Barry, from the Bohereen — a lovely young couple they were, thouc;h they are both low enough now. To make a long story short, I got, as a body may say, the same thing as tipsy almost, for I can't remember ever at all, no ways, how it was that I left the place : only I did leave it, that's certain. Well, I thought, for all that, in myself. I'd just step to Mody CroTiahan's, the fairy woman, to speak a word about the bracket heifer what was bewitched: and so as I was crossing the stepping-stones of the ford of Ballya.'ihenogh, and was looking up at the stars and blessing myself — for why ? it was hady-day — I missed my foot, and souse I fell into the water. * Death alive!' thought I, 'I'll be drowned now?' However, I began swimming:, sw'mming, swimmmg away foi the dear life, till at last I got ashore, somehow or other, but never the one of me can tell how, upon a dissolute island. " 1 wandered and wandered about there, without knowing where I wan- dered, until at last I got into a big bog. The moon was shining as bright as day, or your fair lady's eyes, sir, (with your pardon for mentioning her,) and I looked Bast and west, and north and south, and every way, and nothing did I see but bog, bog, bog, — I could never find out how I got into it; and my heart grew cold with fear, for sure and certain I was that it would be my berrin place. So 1 sat down upon a stone which, as good luck would have it, was close by me, and r began to scratch my head, and sing the UUugone — when all of a sudden the moon grew black, and I looked up, and saw something for all the world as if it was moving down between me and it, and I could not tell what it was. Down it came with a pounce, and looked at me full in the face ; and what was it but an eagle ? as fine a one as ever flew from the kingdom of Kerry. So he looked at me in the face, and says he to me, 'Daniel O'llourke,' says he, 'how do you do?' * Very well, I thank you, sir,' says I: * I hope you're well;' wondering out of my senses all the time how an eagle came to speak like a Christian. ' What brings you here, Dan?' says he. 'Nothing at all, sir,' says I; 'only I wish I was safe home again.' ' Is it out of the island you want to go, Dan?' says he. ''Tis, sir,' says .: so I up and told him how I had taken a drop too much, and fell into the water; how I swam to the island ; and how I got into the bog, and did not know my way out of it. ' Dan,' says he, after a minute's thought, ' though it was very improper for you to get drunk on Lady-day, yet as you are a decent, sober man, who 'tends mass well, and never flings stones at me or mine, nor cries out after us in the fields — my life for yours,' says he ; 'so get up on my back, and grip me well for fear you'd fall oflT, and I'll fly you out of the bog.' '1 am afraid,' says I, ' your honour's making game of me ; for who ever heard of riding a horseback on an eagle before Y ' 'Pon the honour of a gentleman,' says he, put- ting his right foot on his breast, ' I am quite in earnest ; and so now either take my offer or starve in the bog — besides, I see that your weight is sinking tfie stone. " It was true enough as he said, for I 312 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 7. ff nature,]; — and who that loves natui-e is not benevolent — observes, in a notice of this day, that " the Sivifc, which arrives in England about this time, in the morning and in the evening comes out in quest of food, and utters, while rapidly flying, its pecu- liar scream, whence it is called Squeaker. In a warm summer morning these birds may be seen flying round in small com- panies, and all squeaking together : in the evening- they come forth again; but there are times in the middle of the day when few or none of these birds are seen. We have already observed," continues Dr. Forster, " that the scenery of a May morning is particularly beautiful ; a se rene sky, a refreshing fragrance arising from the face of the earth, and the melody of the birds, all combine to render it in- expressibly delightful, to exhilarate the spirits, and call forth a song of grateful adoration. How fresh the breeze that wafts the rich perfume. And swells the melody of waking birds ! The hum of bees beneath the verdant grove, And woodman's song, and low of distant herds ! * Strype. t Ibid- t Dr. Forster. 322 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 10. And yet there are some to whom these Having no exquisite relish of the beauties scenes give no delight, and who hurry of nature, and being more delighted with away from all the varieties of rural beau- the ' busy hum of men,' I answered, ty, to lose their hours and divert their ' Yes, sir ; but not equal to Fleet-street, thoughts by a tavern dinner, or the prattle Johnson said, ' You are right, sir.' I am or the politics of the day. Such was, by aware that many of my readers may cen- his own confession, Mr. Boswell, the sure my want of taste. Let me, however, biographer of Johnson ; and, according to shelter myself under the authority of a this ' honest chronicler's' report, the doctor very fashionable baronet in the brilliant himself was alike insensible to the charms world, who, on his attention being called of nature. ' We walked in the evening,' to the fragrance of a May evening in the says Boswell, ' in Greenwich-park. John- country, ' This may be very well; but, son asked me, I suppose by way of trying for my part, I prefer the smell of a flam my disposition, ' Is not this very fine ?' beau at the playhouse !' " Green fields, and shady groves, and crystal springs And larks, and nightingales, are odious things. But smoke and dust, aad noise and crowds, delight ; And to be pressed to death, transports her quite : Where silvery rivulets play through flowery meads. And woodbines give their sweets, and limes their shades Black kennels' absent odours she regrets, And stops her nose at beds of violets ; Nor likes to leave her bed at early dawn, To meet the sun upon the upland lawn. FLORAt DIRECTORY. Solomon's Seal. Convallaria multiftoTa. Dedicated to St. Gregory of Nazianzen. ilap 10. St. Antoninus, or Little Antony, Abp. A. D. 1459. Sts. Gordian, a. d. 362, and Epimachus, a n. 250. St. Isidore, Patron of Madrid, a. d. 11 70. St. Corn- wall, Irish abbot, a. d. 601. St. Catal- dus, Bp. of Tarentum. floral directory Slender-leaved Piony. Pceonia Tenuifolia. Dedicated to St. Comgall. proached, and the net dropped ovei it. There is a tradition current here, that king James I. was very fond of seeing dotterels taken ; and when he came to Newmarket, used to accompany the birdcatchers to the Gogmagog-hills and moors, for that purpose. It is said, a needy clergyman residing in the parish of Sawston.who was very expert in dotterel- catching, attended the king ; his majesiy was pleased with his skdl, and promised him a living : the clergyman waited some years, till, concluding that the king " had remembered to forget his promise," he THE DOTTEREL. Went to Loudon and appeared at court, rv„„ ,1^ 17 T» r, .\ where too he was unnoticed and for- Itor the Eieiy-JJay Book.) ^ ,, .^ i ,, , • , , ■ /■ y y ) gotten; at length, approaching the king, In May and June this bird is to be and making the same signs as he was wont found on Gogmagog-hills and the moors to do when catching dotterels with the king adjacent. It is caught with nets, by near Cambridge, his majesty exclaimed, people using a whistle made to imitate " Why, here is my reverend dotteieU itj note ; the bird is so simple and fond catcher," and instantly gave him the long- of imitation, it suffers itself to be ap- delayed living : The boggy moor a fruitful field appears, Since the inclosure of those latter years ; Though oft a victim to the fowler's snare, The dotterel keeps her wonted vigils there ! Ah ! simple bird to imitate false man, Who does by stratagem thy life trepan ' So by the world is man oft led astray. Nor strives to Baun the siren's 'witching lay * 323 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY It. B'lt know's, alas ! like thee, when 'tis too late, The want of caution, and repents his fate. In sad reality — too often seen, Does folly end in sorrow's tragic scene. CM,b)ii/ge, May ]8 1825. T.N i^ap 11. St. Mammertus, Abp. of Vienne, a. D. 477. St. Muicul, or Majolus, Abbot A. D. 994. BEES AM) BIRDS. A Warwickshire correspondent sayy, that in that county " the tirst swarm of bees is simply called a swarm, the second from the same hive is called a cast, and the third from the same hive a spindh. It is a saying in this county, that " A swarm of bees in May Is worth a load of hay ; A swarm of bees in Jnne Is worth a silver spune (spoon ;) A swarm of bees in July Is not worth a fly. " In Warwickshire, also, there is a dif- ferent version of verses about the swal- low, &c. •* Tlie robin and the wren Are God Almighty's cock and hen ; The martin and the swallow Are God Almighty's bow and arrow." Chronology. King James T. and his queen arrived in Scotland on Old May-day, 1590, it being then according to the old style the first day of May, in order to be at the queen's coronation. The entry and coronation ■were conducted with great ceremony ; the pageant on the latter occasion is an ex- ample of splendid dramatic effect, which in this country no longer prevails on such occasions. According to the account printed at London, in black letter, a. d. 1590, these are the particulars :— - " Tlie King arrived at Lyeth the first day of May, anno 1590, with the Queene his wife and his traine in thirteene shippes, accompanied with Peter Munck, Admirall of Denmarke, one of the Regentes of the King, Steven Brave, a Danish Lorde, and sundry other the Lordes of the same countrey, where at theyr arrivall they were welcommed by the Duke of Leuox, the Earle Bothwell, and sundry other tlte Scottisli Nobility. At their landing,, one M. James Elpheston, a Senator of the Colledge of Justice, with a Latine oration welcommed them into the countrey, which done, the King went on to the church of Lyeth, where they had a sermon preached by Maister Patrick Galloive;/, in English, importing a thanksgiving for their safe arnvail, and so they departed to their lodging, where they expected the comming in of the rest of the nobility, together with such preparation as was to bee pro- vided in Edinborough and the Abbey of the Holy Rood House. " This performed and the nobility joyn- ing to the township of Edinborough, they receaved the King and Queene from the town of Lyeth, the King '•iding before, and the Queene behind him in her chariot, with her maides of honor on ech side of her Majesties one. Her chariot was drawne with eight horses, capparisoned m velvet, imbrodred with silver and gold, veiy rich, her highnesse maister of her householde, and other Danish ladies on the one side, and the Lorde Hamilton on the other, together with the rest of the nobility, and after her chariot followed the Lorde Chancelours wife, the Lady Both- well, and other the ladies, with the bur- gesses of the towne and others round about her, as of Edinborough, of Lyeth, of Fishrow, of Middleborow, of Preston, of Dalkith, &c. all the inhabitants being in armour, and giving a voile of shotte to the King and Queene in their passage, in joy of their safe arrivall. In this manner they passed to the Abbey of Holy Roode House, where they re- mained until the seaventeenth of May, upon which day the Queene was crowned in the said Abbey Church, after the ser- mon was ended by Maister Robert Brnce and M. David Liusey, with great tn- umphes. The coronation ended, she was conveide to her chamber, being led by the Lord Chancelour, on the one side and the Embassador of Englande on the other, sixe ladies bearing uppe her traine, having going before her twelve heraultes in their coates of amies, and sundrye trumpets still sounding. The Earle of 324 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY II. Angus bare the sworde of honor, the L. Hamilton tlie scepter, and the Duke of Lenox the ciowne. Thus was that day spent in joy and mirth. Uppon Tuesday the nineteenth of May, her Majesty made Her entry into Edinborough in herciiariot, with the Lordes and Nobility giving their attendance, among the which ther were sixe and thirty Danes on horsebacke wiih foote clothes, every of them being accom- panied with some Scottish Lorde or Knight, and all the ladies following the chariot. At her comming to the South side of the yardes of the Canogit, along the parke wall, being in sight of the Castle, they gave her thence a great voile ofshotte, with their banners and auncientes displaied upon the walles. Thence shee came to the West port, under the which her highnesse staied, and had an oration to welcome her to the towne, uttered in Latine by one maister John Russell, who was thereto appointed by the towne- shippe, whose sonne also being placed uppon the toppe of the portehead, and was let downe by a devise made in a globe, which being come somewhat over her Majesties heade, opened at the toppe into foure quarters, where the childe ap- pearing in the resemblance of an angell delivered her the keyes of the towne in silver, which done, the quarters closed, ani^ the globe was taken uppe agayne, so as .ne childe was no more seene there. Shee had also a canapie of purple velvet, embrodered with gold, carried over her by sixe ancient townes-men. There were also tliree score young men of the towne lyke Monres, and clothed in cloth of sil- ver, with chaines about their neckes, and bracelets about their amies, set with diamonds and other precious stones, verie gorgeous to the eie, who went before the chariot betwixt tjie horsemen and it, everie one with a white staffe in his hande to keepe off the throng of people, where also rid the Provost and Baileefes of the towne with foote clothes to keepe the people in good order, with most of the inhabitants in their best araie to doe the like. In this order her Grace passed on the Bow street, vhere was erected a table, whereupon stood a globe of the tvhole worlde, with a boy sitting therby, who represented tlie person of a King, and made her an oration, which done, slie went up the Bowe, wher were cast forth a number of banketing dishes as they came by, and comming to the butter trone, there were nlaccd nine maidens bravely arraied in cloth of silver ai d gold, inpre- senting the nine Muses, who sung verie sweete musicke, where a brave youth played upon the organs, whicli accorded excellentlie with the singing of their psalmes, whereat her Majestie staied awhile, and thence passed downe through the high gate of Edinborough, which was all decked with tapistry from the top to the bottom : at her Graces comming to the Tolboth, there stood on high the four vertues, as first, Justice with the ballance in one hand, and the sword of justice in the other; then Temperance, having in the one hand a cup of wine, and in the other hand a cup of water ; Prudence, holding in her hand a serpent and a dove, declaring that men ought to bee as wise as the serpent to prevent mischief, but as simple as a dove eyther in wrath or malice. The last is Fottitude, who held a broken piller in her hand, re- presenting the strength of a kingdome. " Thus shee passed on to the crosse, up- pon the toppe whereof shee had a psalm sung in verie good musicke before her comming to tlfe churche, whiche done, her Majestie came forth of her chariot, and was conveied unto S. Giles Church, v\here she heard a sermon preached by M. Bobert Bnice. That ended, with praiers for her highnesse, shee was conveied againe to her chariot. Against her com- ming forth, there stood upon the top of the crosse a table covered, whereupon stood cups of gold and silver full of wine, with the goddess of Come and Wine sitting thereat, and the come on heapes by her, who in Latine cried that there should be plentie thereof in her time, and on the side of the crosse sate the God Bacchus upon a punchion of wine, drink- ing and casting it by cups full upon the people, besides other of the townsmen that cast apples and nuts among them, and the crosse itself ranne claret wine upon the caulsway for the royaltie of that dale. Thence her Grace rode downe the gate to the sault trone, whereupon sate all the Kings heretofore of Scotland, one of them lying along at their feete, as if he had bene sick, whom certain soul- diers seemed to awake at her Majesties comming; whereupon he arose and made her an oration in Latine. Which ended, she passed down to the reather bow which was beautified with the marage oi a King and his Queene, with all their nobilitie about them, among whom at her highnes? presence there arose a youth 325 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 12. who applied the same to the marria2;e of the King and herselfe, and so blessed that marriage. Which done, there was let downe unto her from the top of the porte in a silke string a box covered with purple velvet, whereupon was embroderedan A. for Anna (her Majesties name) set -with diamonds and precious stones, esteemed at twentie thousand crownes, which the townshippe gave for a present to her highness ; and then, after singing of some psalmes with very good musicke, her Grace departed to the Abbey for that night." f778. William Pitt, the great earl of Chatham, died in the House of Lords, aged 70 years. 1782. Richard Wilson, the eminent English landscape painter,died, neglected, at the age of 68 years ; for in his lifetime his labours were unappreciated. He was accustomed to say, that posterity would do him justice ; and now his pictures pro- duce astonishing sums. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Lancashire Asphodel. Aspkodehis Lu- teus. Dedicated to St. Mammertus. iWa]) 12. Holy Thursday, holiday at the Public Offices, except Excise, Stamp, and Custom. Sts. Nereiis and Achilleus. St. Flavia DomitUla. St. Pancras, a.d. 304. St. Epipkanms, Abp. a. d. 403. St. Ger- manus, Patriarch of Constantinople, A. D. 733. St. Rictrudes, Abbess, A. D. 688. Jlolp Cftursstia]), Or Ascension Day, The anniversary of Christ's Ascension as kept by the Romish church, is set forth in the " Popish Kingdome," thus : Then comes the day when Christ ascended to his father's seate Which day they also celebrate, with store of drinke and meate, Then every man some birde must eate, I kpow not to what eude. And after dinner all to church they come, and their attende The blocke that on the aultar still, till then was seene to stande, Is drawne vp hie aboue the roofe, by ropes, and force of hande : The Priestes about it rounde do slaiid, and chaunt it to the skie, For all these mens religion great, in singing most doth lie. Then out of hande the dreadfull shape of Satlian downe they throw, Oft times, with fire burning bright, and dasht a sunder tho,* The boyes with greedie eyes do watch, and on him straight they fall, And beate him sore with rods, and breake him into peeces small. This done, they wafers downe doe cast, and singing Cakes the while, With papers round amongst them put, the children to beguile. With laughter great are all things done : and from the beames they let Great streames of v/ater downe to fall, on whom they meane to wet. And thus this solemne holiday, and hye renowned feast, And all their whole deuotion here, is ended with a ieast.f It is sufficient for the present to ob- serve of Holy Thursday, that with us on this day it is a common custom of estab- lished usage, for the minister of each parish, with the parochial officers and other inhabitants of the parish, followed by the boys of the parish school, headed by their master, to go in procession to the different parish boundaries ; which boundaries the boys strike with peeled willow wands that they bear in their hands, and this is called "beating the bounds." More, concerning this and other practices connected with the day, is purposely deferred till the subject be pro- perly set forth hereafter. Rule of Health for May. The month of May is called a " trying" month, to persons long ailing with cri- tical complaints. It is common to say, " Ah, he'll never get up May-kill!" or, " If he can climb over May-hill he'll do." "As a rule of health for May," says Dr. Forster, " we may advise early rising in particular, as being essentially conducive to that blessing. Every thing now in- vites the sluggard to leave his bed and go abroad. Milton has given such a lively description of morning scenes as must rouse every lover of the country from his couch : — • Shepherd. * Naogeorgus, by Goofte. 32G TIIE EVERY DAY BOOK.— MAY 12. Lines from V Allegro To hear the 'aik begin his flight, And singing, startle the dull night. From his watch-tower in the slcies, Till the dappled dawn doth rise; Then to come, in spite of sorrow, And at my window bid good morrow, Tlirough the sweet-brier, or the vine, Or the twisted eglantine: While the cock, with lively din. Scatters the rear of darkness tiiin ; And to the stack, or the barn-door, Stoutly struts his dames before. Oft listening now the hounds and horn Cheerly rouse the slumbering morn. From the side of some hoar hill, Through the high wood eclioing shrill : Some time walking, not unseen. By hedge-row elms, on hillocks green. Right against the eastern gate Where the great sun begins his state, Ilobed inflames, and amber light, 'I'he clouds in thousand liveries dight ; While the ploughman, near at hand. Whistles o'er the furrow'd land. And the milkmaid singeth blithe, And the mower whets his sithe. And every shepherd tells his tale Under the hawthorn in the dale. Straight mine eye hath caught new pleasures, Whilst the landscape round it measures ; Russet lawns, and fallows gray. Where the nibbling flocks do stray ; ^Mountains, on whose barren breast. The labouring clouds do often rest; Meadows trim with daisies pide, Shallow brooks, and rivers wide: Towers and battlements it sees Bosomed high in tufted trees, Where perhaps some beauty lies, The cynosure of neighbouring eyes. MANNERS IN IRELAND. Not as a picture of general manners, but as sketches of particular characters in certain parts of Ireland, the following anecdotes are extracted from one of the "Letters from the Irish Highlands," dated in May, 1823. " In the same spirit, the pleasures of the table are but too often shared by the gentlemen of the country with those who are very much their inferiors, both in birth and fortune. The lowest and most degrading debauchery must be the natural consequence, and here I must not forget an anecdote which will at once illustrate this, and also make you acquainted with a childish superstition, with which it is a frequent practice of all ranks to combat this pernicious vice, encouraged by their indolent manner of life, and by the former fanilitv of procuring smuggled liquors. A gentleman, whose rental at one time amounted to 10,000/. per annum, and who was in the constant habits of intoxi- cation, took an oath to drink nothing after the cloth was removed ; but, unable to comply with the spirit, he soon con- tented himself with adhering to the letter of this rash vow, and, keeping the cloth on table after dinner was over, could drink all night without fear of infringing it He then swore not to drink in his dining-parlour, but again as easily evaded his engagement, by adjourning to the next apartment ; in the next apartment, however, on some fresh quaJms of can- science,, the vow was renewed ; and so, in each room successively, until he fairly swore hiniseU out of the house. He then took refuge in the summer-house of his garden, and there used to dine and drink daily ; till, rashly renewing his vow here also, he was reduced to find a new sub, terfuge by taking lodgings in a neighbour- ing town. " Tliis story reminds me of a circum- stance which has taken place within these few days, and in which the chief actor was one of the remaining branches of a numerous family, among the second-rate gentry, who are here distinguished by the title of bncksens. Originally supported in a state of comparative ease and induU gence, partly by their share in the oontrar band trade, partly by their close connect tion and alliance with the principal fami- lies in the country, their incomes have gradually sunk with the change of cir^ cumstances, which has, in a great mea- sure, dissolved this ancient bond of fel- lowship, as well as destroyed their more illegitimate sources of revenue. Many of these, without seeking employment for themselves, or education for their chil- dren, still cling to customs which have now passed away ; and, when reduced almost to a state of mendicity, continue their former boast of being ' gentlemen.' " A puncheon of spirits lately came ashore, and fell to the share of the indi- vidual above mentioned. It was too large to be got in at the door of his house ; he therefore pulled part of the wall down ; still, however, it stuck half way. His small stock of patience could last no longer; he tapped the end that was within, and he and his wife, with their servant, soon became completely intoxicated. His neighbours, aware of this, tapped the casir «t the other end. 327 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 12. and the next day, when this worthy per- sonage would have taken his mornimr, he found the cask completely emptied 1" Conduct, or rather misconduct, such as tiiis, is very natural in a country wherein social feelings are cultivated ; wherein capital is not employed ; and wherein the kncwledge of principles amon? the influ- ential classes ot the community, is net sufficiently extended to unite in cooper- ation by way of example and instruction. Industry is essential to happiness, and the unemployed will be either playful or vicious. We say of children, " Give them something to do, or they will be in mischief;" this is equally true of men FRANCIS GROSE, ESQ., F.S.A., &c. This gentlemen died on the 12th of May, 1791 ; he was son of Francis Grose, esq. jeweller at Richmond, who fitted up the coronation crown of George II. He was a captain in the Surrey militia, an eminent antiquary, and a right worthy man. His " Antiquities of England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland," are more generally known perhaps than other topo- graphical works of more profound inquiry. They were commenced in numbers, and published by " Master Samuel Hooper," so he called his bookseller, to whom he was a steady and affectionate friend, though he says, in one of his letters, " he never did any one thing I desired him." His " Classical Dictionary of the Vu.gar Tongue," Mr. Nichols says, " it would have been for his credit to have suppress^ ed." The truth of this observation is pal« pable to every one who is not sophisticat- ed by the wretchedly mischievous line, thai " V'ice, to be hated, needs but to be seen." A more mischievous sentiment was 328 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 13,14, 15. never promulgated. Capl. Grose's " Olio" oellent" likeness; a co])y of which we is a pleasant medley of whimsicalities lie was an excellent companion, a hu- morist, and caricaturist : he wrote" Rules for drawing Caricatures," and drew and etched many, wherein he took consider- able liberties with his friends. Yet he seems to have disliked a personal repre- sentation of himself sleeping in a chair, which Mr. Nichols pronounces " an ex- " Now Grose, like bright Phoebus, has sunk into rest. Society droops for the loss of his jest ; Antiquarian debates, unseason'd with mirth, To Genius and Learning will never give birth. Then wake. Brother Member, our friend from his s'ccp. Lest Apollo should frown, and Bacchus should weep." have given in the preceding page. Adjoin- ing it is another of him, a whole length, standing, from an engraving by Bartolozzi, after a drawing by E)ance. The sleeping portrait is attributed to the rev. James Douglas, one of his brother antiquaries, who dedicated the print to their " devoted brethren" of the society. Beneath it were inscribed the foUowin.jr lines : [le was remarkably corpulent, as the engravings show. In a letter to the rev. James Granger, he says, " I am, and ever have been, the idlest fellow living, even before I had acquired the load of adventi- tious matter which at present stuffs my doublet." On the margin of this letter Mr. Grange" wrote, " As for the matter that stiijfs your doublet, I hope it is all good stuff ; if you should double it, I shall call it morbid matter and tremble for you. But I consider it as the effect of oood di- gestion, pure blood, and laughing spirits, coagulated into a wholesome mass by as much sedentariness (I hate thi\ long word) as is consistent with the activity of your disposition." In truth, Grose was far from an idle man ; he had great mental activity, and his antiquarian knowledge and labours were great. He was fond however of what are termed the pleasures of the table ; and is represented in a fine mezzotinto, drawn and engraved by his friend Nathaniel Hone, with Theo- dosius Forrest, the barrister, and Ilone himself, dressed in the character of monks, over a bowl, which Grose is actively pre- paring for their carousal. He died of apoplexy in Mr. Hone's house in Dublin, at the age of fifty-two. In reference to his principal warks, the following epitaph, quoted by Mr.Nichols in his " Anecdotes,'' was proposed for him in the " St. James's Chronicle :" — Here lies Francis Grose. On Thursday, May 12, 1791, Death put an end to His views and prospects. FLORAL DIRECTORY. German Fleur de lis. Iris Gcrmaiaca. Dedicat d to /. Brendan the Elder, Abbot of Clonfert, a. u. 578. Last day of Easter Term, 1825; it com- menced 20th of April. A PASTORAL RECESS. From the " Diana" of Geo"ge of Mon- temayor, 1598, there is an extract in the Literary Pocket Book sweetly descriptive of a placid scene in nature. It begins ■with — " When the joyous companie ar- rived thus far, they saw how a little brooke, covered almost all over with sweet and smelling herbs, ran gently thorow a greene meadow amongst a ranke of divers trees that were nourished and maintained by the cleere water ; under the shadowes of which, as they were now determined to rest themselves, Syrenus said, * Let us see from whence this little spring doth issue forth. It may be the place is more fresh and cool the reabouls : if not, or if we cannot finde out the foun- taine from whence it fiowes, we will re- turn here.' It liked his company well, and so they desired him to lead the way. Everie place and part of all the brooke upwards invited them to pleasant rest ; but, when, at length, after much perplex- itie, resulting from the very abundance and luxurie of their choice, they were about to lay themselves downe, they sawe that with greater quantitie of waters and fresher shades of green trees the brooke ran up higher, forsaking its right course towards the left hande, where our com- panie discovered a great thicket and spring of divers trees, in which they saw a very narrow entrance, and somewhat long, whose sides were nut of walls fabricated by artificiall hand but made of trees by nature, the mistresse of all things. Foi there were scene the deadly Cypresse, the triumphant laurell, the hard oke, the low sallow, the invincible palme, the blacke and ruggie elme, the olive, the prickie chesteuut, and the high pine-apple, one amongst another, whose bodies were bound about with greene ivie and the fruitful! vine, and beset with sweet jesmines and many other redolent flowers, that grew very thicke together in that place. Amongst the which many little birds (inhabitants of that wood) went leaping from bough to bough, making the place more pleasant with their sweet and silver notes. The trees were in such order set together that they denied not the golden sunbeames to have an entrance, to paint the greene ground with divers colours (which rever- berated from the flowers) that were never steadie in one place, by reason that the moveable leaves did disquiet them. This narrow way did leade to a little greene, covered all over with fine grasse, and not touched with the hungrie mouthes of de- vouring flockes. At the side of it was the fountaine of the irooke, having a care that the place should not drie up, sending forth on every side her flowing waters." Tlie season is coming on wherein the heart will court retreat to such a scene of natural beauty. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Great Star of Bethlehem. Ornithogalum Uinl)rellatnin. Dedicated to St. John Nevomvccn. 330 TTIE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 17, 18. Jrla|) 17. St. Paschal Babylon, a. d. 1592. St. Po-ssidius, Bp. ofCalama, in Numidia, A. D. 430. St. Maden, or Madern. St. Maw. St. Catlian, 6th or 7th Cent. St. Silave, or Silun, Bp. a.d. 1100. Chronology. 1317. Died at Ileckington, aged sixty- five, Mr. Samuel Jessup, an opulent gra- zier, of pill-taking memory. lie lived in a very eccentric way, as a bachelor, with- out known relatives ; and at his decease possessed of a good fortune, notwithstand- ing a most inordinate craving for physic, by which he was distinguished for the last thirty years of his life, as appeared on a trial for the amount of an apothecary's bill, at the assizes at Lincoln, a short time before Mr. Jessup's death, wherein he was defendant. The evidence on the trial af- fords the following materials for the epi- taph of the deceased, which will not be transcended by the memoTabilia of the life of any man: — In twenty-one years (from 1791 to 1816) the deceased took 226,934 pills, supplied by a respectable apothecary at Bottesford ; wliich is at tlie rate of 10,806 pills a year, or twenty-nine pills each day ; but as the patient began with a more moderate appetite, and increased it as he proceeded, in the last five years preceding 1816, he took the pills at the rate of seventy-eight a day, and in the year 1814 he swallowed not less than 51,590. Notwithstanding this, and the addition of 40,000 bottles of mixture, and juleps and electuaries,extending altogether to fifty-five closely written columns of an apothecary's bill, the deceased lived to attain the advanced age of sixty-five years. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Early Red Poppy. Papaver Argemone Dedicated to St. Paschal Babylon. iBa|) 18. St. Eric, King of Sweden, a.d. 1151. -S^ Theodotns, Vintner, and Seven Virgins, Martyrs, a.d. 303. St.Fenan- tiris, a. d. 250. St. Potamon, Bp. of Heraclea, in Egypt, a. d. 341. Chronology. 1808. Sir John Carter, knt. died at Portsmouth, his native town, aged sixty- seven. He v/as an alderman, and nine times mayor of the borough ; and a ma- gistrate of the county, for which he also served the office of sheriff in 1784. His name is here introduced to commemorate an essential service that he rendered to his country, by his mild and judicious conduct during the mutiny at Spithead, in the spring of 1797. The sailors having lost three of their body in consequence of the resistance made to their going on board the London, then bearing the flag ol admiral Colpoys, wished to bury them in Kingston churchyard, and to carry them in procession through the town of Ports- mouth. This request was most positively refused them by the governor. They then applied to sir John Carter to grant their request, who endeavoured to convince the governor of the propriety and necessity of complying with it, declaring that he would be answerable for the peace of the town, and the orderly conduct of the sailors. The governor would not be pre- vailed on, and prepared for resistance ; and resistance on both sides would most probably have been resorted to, had not the calmness, perseverance, and forbear- ance of sir John Carter at length compro- mised the affair, by obtaining permission for the sailors to pass through the garri- son of Portsmouth in procession, and the bodies to be landed at the Common Hard in Portsea, where the procession was to join them. So great was sir John Carter's influence over the sailors, that they most scrupu- lously adheied to the terms he prescribed to them in their procession to the grave. Two of their comrades having become "a little groggy " after they came on shore, they were carefully locked up in a room by themselves, lest they should become quarrelsome, or be unable to conduct themselves with propriety. Itwasamost interesting spectacle. Si-r John ac- companied them himself through the garrison, to prevent any insult being offered to them. At the Common Hard he was joined by Mr. Godwin, the friend and associate of his youth, and also a most worthy magistrate of this borough. They attended the procession till it had passed the fortifications at Portsea : every thing was conducted with the greatest decorum. When the sailors returned, and were sent off to their respective ships, two or three of the managing delegates came to sir John, to inform him that the men were all gore on board, and to thank him for his great goodness to them. 331 THE E VERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY IB Sir Joiin seized the opportunity of in- q-Ljiriiig after their admiral, as tliese dele- gates belonged to the Loudon. " Do you know him, your honour V " Yes ; I have a great respect for him, and I hope you will not do him any harm." "Wo, by G— d, your honour, he shall not be hurt." It was at that time imagined admiral Colpoys would be hung at the yard-arm, and he had prepared for this event by arranging his affairs and making his will. In this will he had left to the widows of the three men who were so unfortunately killed an annuity of 20/. each. The next morning, however, the admiral was pri- vately, unexpectedly, and safely brought on shore, though pursued by a boat from the Mars, as soon as they suspected what was transacting. The delegates brought him to sir John Carter, and delivered him to his care : they tlien desired to have a receipt for him, as a proof to their comrades that they had safely delivered him into the hands of the civil power ; and this receipt he gave. The admiral himself, in his first appearance at court afterwards, acknowledged to the king that he owed his life to sir John Carter, and assured his majesty that his principles were misinterpreted and his conduct mis- represented, and that he had not a more faithful and worthy subject in his dominions. Notwithstanding this, the duke of Portland, then secretary of state for the home department, received a very strong letter against him, which letter his grace sent to sir John, assuring him at the same time that the government placed the utmost confidence in his honour, in- tegrity, and patriotism, and concluded by proposing to offer a large reward for the discovery of the writer : this, with a dig- nified consciousness of the purity of his conduct, sir John declined ; though, from some well-founded conjectures, the dis- covery might possibly have been easily made. This inestimable consciousness enabled him to meet with the greatest composure every effort of party rage to sully his reputation and destroy his in- fluence. So pure were his principles, that when in the year 1806 he was offered a baronetage by Mr. Fox, he declined it on the ground that he believed the offer to have been made for his undeviating attachment to Mr. Fox's politics; and that, to accept it, would be a manifest departure from his principles. In every public and domestic relationship he was uniformly mild, impartial, and upright ; nor was he ever deterred by perjona. difficulties or inconveniences from a faith- ful, and even minute attendance on his widely extended duties. The poor in him ever found a friend, and the unfortunate a protector. The peace, comfort, and happiness of others, and not his own interest, were the unwearied objects of his pursuit. Never was there a character in which there was less of self than in his. MANURES. Rambling in cultivated spots renders one almost forgetful of cultivating friends. On the subject of " manure," the editor of the Every- Dm/ Book has no competent knowledge ; he has not settled in his own mind whether he should decide for "long straw or short straw," and as regards him- self would willingly dispose of the im- portant question by " drawing cuts ;" all he can at present do for his country readers, is to tell them what lord Bacon affirms ; his lordship says that " muck should be spread." This would make a capital text or vignette for a dissertation ; but there is no space here to dissertate, and if Messrs. Taylor and Hessey's London Magazine, for May, had not suggested the sub- ject, it would scarcely have occurred. There the reviewer of " Gaieties and Gravities" has extracted some points from that work, which are almost equal to the quantity of useful information derivable from more solid books — here they are : — Gaieties. " Residing upon the eastern coast, and farming a considerable extent of country, I have made repeated and careful expe- riments with this manure ; and as the mode of burial in many parts of the Continent divides the different classes into appropriated portions of the church yard, I have been enabled, by a little bribery to sextons and charnel-house men, to obtain specimens of every rank and character, and to ascertain with precision their separate qualities and results for the purposes of the farmer, botanist, or com- mon nurseryman. These it is my pur- pose to communicate to the reader, who may depend upon the caution with which the different te.sts were applied, as well as upon the fid:!lity with which they are reported. " A few cartloads of citizens' bones gave me a luxuriant growth of London pride, plums, Sibthorpia or base money- wort, mud-wort, bladder-wort, and mush- rooms : but for .'aburnum or golden 332 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 18. chain, I wa? oblicied to select a lord major. Hospital bones supplied inevvith CYclanien in any quantity, which I inter- mixed with a few seeds from the Cyclndes Islands, and tiie scurvy-grass came up spontaneously , while manure from dif- ferent fields of battle proved extremely favourable to the ha;manthus or blood- flower, the trumpet-flower and laurel, as well as to widuw-wail and cypress. A few sample skulls from the poet's corner of a German abbey furnished poet's cassia, grass of Parnassus, and bays, in about equal quantities, with wormwood, crab, thistle, stinging-nettle, prickly holly, teasel, and loose-strife. Courtiers and ministers, when converted into manure, secured an ample return of jackin-a-box, service-apples, climbers, supple-jacks, pa- rasite plants, and that species of sun-flower wliich invariably turns to the rising lumi- nary. Nabobs form a capital compost for hepatica, liver-wort, spleen-wort, hips, and pine ; and from those who had three or four stars at the India-house, I raised some particularly fine C'iiina asters. A good show of adonis, narcissus, jessamine, cockscomb, dandelion, money-flower, and buckthorn, may be obtained from dan- dies, although they are apt to encumber the ground with tickvveed ; while a good drilling with daiidisettes is essential to those beds in which you wish to raise Venus's looking-glass, Venus's calchfly, columbines, and love-apples. A single dressing of jockies will ensure you a quick return of horse-mint, verciiica or speedwell, and cult's-foot ; and a very slight layer of critics suffices for a good thick spread of scorpion seuna. viper's bugloss, serpent's tongue, poison-nut, nightshade, and hellebore. If yfu are fond of raising stocks, manure your bed with jobbers ; wine-merchants form the most congenial stimulant for sloes, for- tune-hunters for the marygold and golden rod, and drunkards for Canaiy wines, mad-wort and horehound. Failing in repeated attempts to raise the chaste tree from the bones of nuns, which gave me nothing but liquorice-root, I applied those of a dairy-maid, and not only succeeded perfectly in my object, but obtained a good crop of butter-wort, milk-wort, and heart's-ease. I was equally unsuccessful in raising any sage, horesty, or ever- lasting from monks ; but they yielded a plentiful bed of monk's hood, or Jesuit's, oark, medlars, and cardinal flowers. My annortation of shoemakers was unfor- tunately too scanty to try their eflTecl upon a large scale, but I contrived to procure from them two or three ladies' slippers. As school-boys are raised by birch, it may be hardly necessary to mention, that when reduced to manure, they return the compliment; but it may be useful to make known as widely as possible, that dancing-masters supply the best hops and capers, besides quickeniijg the growth of tlie citharexylum or fiddle-wood. For your mimosas or sensitive plants there is nothing better than a layer of novel-read- ers, and you may use up the first bad author that you can disinter for all the poppies you may require. Coffee-house waiters will keep you supplied in cummin ; chronologists furnish the best dales, post-oftice men serve well for rearing scarlet-runners, poulterers for iien-bane, tailors for cabbage, and phy- sicians for truffles, or any thing that re- quires to be quickly buried. I could have raised a few bachelors' buttons from the bones of that class ; but as nobody cares a button for bachelors, I did not think it worth while. As a general re- mark it may be noticed, that young peo- ple produce the passion-flower in abund- ance, while those of a more advanced age may be beneficially used for the elder- tree, the sloe, and snapdragon ; and with respect to different nations, rny experi- ments are only sufiiciently advanced to enable me to state that Frenchmen are favourable to garlic, and that Poles are very good for hops. Of mint I have never been able to raise much ; but as to thyme, I have so large a supply, as the reader will easily perceive, that 1 am enabled to throvv it away ; and as he may not possibly be in a similar predica- ment, I shall refer him for the rest of m.y experiments to the records of the Horti- cultural Society. It is noticed by Dr. Forster, that about this time the ])urple goatsbeard trago- pogon porrifolius and the yellow goats- beard tragopogon pratensis begin to blow ; and that of all the indices in the HOROLOGiUM FLORAE the above plants are the most regular: they open thei flowers at sunrise, and shut them so regu- larly -at mid-day, that they have been called by the whimsical name of go h bed at nojn. They are as regular as a clock, and are 'nention«a as such in the following: verses:— 833 THE EVERY -DAY BOOK.— MAY i6. RETIRED LEISURES UEEIGIIT. To sit and smoke between two rows of Limes, Along the wall of some neat old Uutch town, In noontide lieat, and hear the jinglinij chimes From Siadhouse Steeple ; then to lay one down Upon a Primrose bank, where Violet flowers Smell sweetly, and the meads in bloomy prime, "fill Flora's clock, the Goat's Beard, mark the hours. And closing says. Arise, 'tis dinner time ; Then dine on Pyes and Cauliflower heads. And roam away the afternoon in Tulip Beds. To give an idea of the general face of nature at this period, Dr. Forster com- posed the subjoined Catalogue of Plants ivhich compose the VERNAL FLORA in the Garden. Common Peony Paeonia officinalis in full blow. Slenderleaved Peony P. tenuifolia going off. Crimson Peony P. peregriua. Dwarf Peony P. humilis. Tulip Tiilijya Gesneriana in infinite varieties. Monkey Poppy Papaver Orientate. Welch Poppy P. Cambricum, Pale Poppy P. nudicaule. European Globeflower TroUitu, Enropaeus. Asiatic Globeflq-wer TrolVnu Asia- ticus. Bachelor's Buttons Ranunculus acrh plenus. BiFLOVi'ERED Narcissus N. Mfiorus. Poetic Narcissus N. poetiaia. German Fleur de Lis Iris Germa- nica, two varieties. Lurid Iris Iris Inrida. Wallflower Chieranthus cheiri, nu- merously, both single and double sorts. Stock Gilliflower Chiranthus friiti- ckIosus beginp'.TJg'. Of this plant there are red, white, and purple varieties ; also double Stocks. Yellow Asphodel Asphodelus luteus. Columbine Aquilegia vulgaris begins to flower, and has several varieties in gardens. Great Star of Bethlehem Ornitho- galum iimbellatnm. Peruvian Squill Scilla Peruviana. Yellow Azalea Azalea Pontica. Scarlet Azalea Azalea nudiflora. Purple Goatsbeard Tragopogon por- ri/olius. Yfllow Goatsbeard Tragopogon prutensis. Motherwort Hesperis tnatronalis begins to blow. Great Leopard's Bane Doroniaim pardulianchcs. Lesser Leopard's Bane Doronicum plantagineum. Ramshorns or Male Orchis O. mas- cula still blows. Female Orchis Orchis morio still flowers. In the Fields. The Harebell Scylla nutans makes the ground blue in some places. Bulbous Crowfoot Ranunculus bul- bosus. Creeping Crowfoot R. repens now common. Upright Meadow Crowfoot R. acris tlie latest of all. Rough Crowfoot R. hirsutus not so common as the above. The fields are quite yellow with the above genus. Meadow Lychnis Lychnis Flos Cu- culi. Campion Lychnis Lychnis dioica under hedges in our chalky 'feoils. Germander Speedwell Veronica chamaedris on banks, covering them with its lively blue, comparable only to the Borage, or the Cynoglossum Omphalodes, still blowing and luxuriant in gardens. MousEAR Scorpion Grass Myosotus Scorpioides. Our Lady's Smock Cardamine pra- tensis. Bitter Lady's Smock Cardamine amara. Hedge Geranium Geranium Roberti- anum; also several other wild Gera- niums. KiDLOCK Sinapis arvensis. Charlock Rapkanus Ruphanistrum. Stichwort Stellaria Holostea. Yellow Water Lily Nuphar luteum in ponds and rivers. White Water Lily Nymphea alba in the same. We might add nunierous othen, which will be found noticed on the days when they usually first flower. Besides these, many of the plants of the Primaveral Flor76. 1546. Cardinal Beaton was on this St. Cnranini.i, also Caranus and Caro, day assassinated in Scotland. He was (iu French, C/icron.) primate of that kingdom, over which he 35i THE EVERY-DA\ BOOK— MAY 28. exercised almost sovereign sway. Jujt before his death he got into his power George Wishart, a gentleman by birth, who preached against Romish supersti- tions, and caused him to be condemned to the stake for heresy. The cardinal refused the sacrament to his victim, on the ground that it was not reasonable to allow a spiritual benefit to an obstinate heretic, condemned by the church. Wish- art was tied to a tree in the castle-yard of St. Andrew's, with bags of gunpowder fastened about his body. The cardinal and prelates were seated o.n rich cushions with tapestry hangings before them, from whence they viewed the execution of their sentence. The gunpowder having exploded without ending Wishart's bodily sufferings, the inflexible reformer ex- claimed from the fire, " This flame hath scorched my body, yet hath it not daunted my spirit : but he who from yonder high place beholdeth me with such pride, shall within a few days lie in the same as ignominiously as now he is seen proudly to rest himself." After these words, the cord that went about his neck was drawn by one of the executioneis to stop his breath, the fire was increased, his body was consumed to ashes, and the cardinal caused proclamation to be made that none should pray for the heretic under pain of the heaviest ecclesiastical cen- sures. If the church, said the priests, had found such a protector in former times, she had maintained her authority ; but the cardinal's cruelty struck the people with horror, and John Lesly, brother to the earl of Rothes, with Normand Lesly, the earl of Rothes' son, (who was dis- gusted on account of some private quar- rel,) and other persons of birth and quality, openly vowed to avenge Wishart's death. Early in the morning they en- tered the cardinal's palace at St. An- drews, which he had strongly fortified ; though they were not above sixteen per- sons, they thrust out a hundred trades- men and fifty servants, whom they seized separately, before any suspicion arose of their intentions ; and having shut the gates, they proceeded very deliberately to execute their purpose on the cardinal. Beaton alarmed with the noise which he heard in the castle, barricadoed the door of his chamber : but finding that they had brought fire in order to force their way, and havmg obtained, as is believed, a promise of life, he opened the door; and reminding them that he was a priest, he conjured them to spare him. Two oJ them rushed upon him with drawn swords, but a third, James Melvil, stopped their career, and bade them re- flect that this work was the work and judgment of God, and ought to be exe- cuted with becoming deliberation and gravity. Then turning the point of his sword towards Beaton, he called to him, " Repent thee, thou wicked cardinal, of all thy sins and iniquities, especially of the murder of Wishart, that instrument of God for the conversion of these lands : it is his death which now cries vengeance upon thee: we are sent by God to inflict the deserved punishment. For here, before the Almighty, I protest, that it is neither hatred or thy person, nor love of thy riches, nor fear of thy power, which moves me to seek thy death : but only because thou hast been, and still remain- est, an obstinate enemy to Christ Jesus, and his holy gospel." Having spoken these words, without giving Beaton time to finish that repentance to which he ex- horted him, he thrust him through the body, and the cardinal fell dead at nis feet. Upon a rumour that the castle was taken, a great tumult arose in the city; and several partisans of the cardinal armed themselves with intent to scale the walls. When they were told of his death, they desisted, and the people insisting upon a sight of the cardinal's body, hi.s corpse was exposed to their view from the very same place wherein he sat to behold the execution of George Wishart. The sanguinary spirit of these times has disappeared, and we look upon what re- mains to us of the individuals who suf- fered, or acted under its influence, as memorials of such crimes and criminals as we in a milder age dare not imagine our country can be again afflicted with. The sight of cardinal Beaton's house in the Cowgate, at Edinburgh, may have in- duced useful reflections on past intoler- ance, and increased charitable dispositions in some whose persuasions widely differ. If this be so, a representation of it in this sheet may not be less agreeable to the moralist than to the lover of antiquities. The drawing from whence the engraving on the next page is taken, was made on the spot in 1824. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Lurid Fleur-de-lis. Irid Lnrida Dedicated to St. Germain. 355 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 29. CAEDINAL BEATON'S HOUSE AT EDINBURGH. i^lap 29 St. Maximinus, Bp. of Friers, a. d. 349. St. Cyril. St. Conon and his son, of Iconia in Asia, about a. d. 275. Sts. Sisinnius, Martyrius, and Alexander, A D. 397. Restoration Day. This day is so called from its being the anniversary of the day whereon king Charles II. entered London, in 1660, and re-established royalty, which had been suspended from the death of his father. It is usual with the vulgar people to wear oak-leaves in their hats on this day, and dress their horses' heads with them. This is in commemoration of the shelter afforded to Charles by an oak while making his escape from England, after his defeat at Worcester, by Cromwell. The battle was fought on the 3d of Sep. tember, 1651; Cromwell having utterly routed his army, CharlRs left Worcester at six o'clock in the afternoon, and with- out halting, travelled about twenty-six miles, in company with fifty or sixty of his friends, from whom he separated, without communicating his intentions to any of them, and went to Boscobel. a lone house in the borders of Staffordshire, inhabited by one Penderell, a farmer, to whom he intrusted himself. This man, assisted by his four brothers, clothed the king in a garb like their own, led him into the neighbouring wood, put a bill into his hand, and pretended to employ them- selves in cutting faggots. Some nights he lay upon straw in the house, and fed on such homely fare as it afforded. For better concealment, he mounted upon an THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 29. oaTc, where he sheltered himself among the leaves and branches for twenty-four hours. He saw several soldiers pass by. All of them wpi-e intent in search of the king ; and some expressed, in his hear- ing, their earnest wishes of seizing him. This tree was afterwards denominated the Royal Oak ; and for many years was regarded by the neighbourhood with great veneration. Charles could neither stay, nor stir, without imminent danger. At length he and lord Wilmot, who was concealed in the neighbourhood, put themselves into the hands of colonel Lane, a zealous royalist, who lived at Bentley, not many miles distant. The kmg's feet were so hurt by walking in heavy boots or countrymen's shoes, w*hich did not fit him, that he was obliged to mount on horseback ; and he travelled in this situation to Bentley, attended by the Penderells. Lane formed a scheme for his journey to Bristol, where, it was hoped, he would find a ship, in which he might transport himself. He had a near kinswoman, Mrs. Norton, who lived within three miles of that city, and he obtained a pass (for, during those times of confusion, this precaution was requi- site) for his sister jane Lane and a ser- vant to travel towards Bristol, under pre- tence of visiting and attending her rela- tion. Tlie king rode before the lady, and personated the servant. When they ar- rived at Norton's, Mrs. Lane pretended that she had brouglit along as her servant a poor lad, a neighbouring farmer's son, who was ill of an ague ; and she begged a private room for him where he might be quiet. Though Charles kept himself retired in this chamber, the butler, one Pope, soon knew him : Charles was alarmed, but made the butler promise that he would keep the secret from every mortal, even from his master; and he was faithful to his engagement. No ship, it was found, would, for a month, set sail from Bristol, either for France or Spain ; and the king was obliged to go to colonel Windham of Dorsetshire, a partisan of the royal family. During his jonrney he often passed through *he hands of catho- lics ; the Priest's Hole, as they called it, the place where they were obliged to con- ceal their persecuted priests, was some- times employed to shelter him. He con- tinued several days in Windham's house ; and all his friends in Britain, and in pvery part of Europe, remained in the most anxious suspense with regard to hi? fortunes : no one could conjecture whethpr he were dead or alive ; and the report o< his death being generally beiieveH, re laxed the vigilant search of his enemies Trials were made to procuie a vessel for his escape ; but he still met virith disap- pointments. Having left Windham's house, he was obliged again to return to it. He passed through many other ad- ventures ; assumed different disguises ; in every step was exposed to imminent perils ; and received daily proofs of un- corrupted fidelity and attachment. The sagacity of a smith, who remarked that his horse's shoes had been made in the north, and not in the west, as he pretend- ed, once detected him ; and he narrowly escaped. At Shoreham, in Sussex, a vessel was at last found, in which he embarked. He had been known to so many, that if he had not set sail in that critical mo- ment it had been impossible for him to escape. After one and forty days' con- cealment, he arrived safely at Fescamp in Normandy. No less than forty men and women had at different times been privy to his concealment and escape.* Charles l\. himself wrote a narrative of his remarkable " Escape." From this it appears that while journeying with the Penderells, " he wore a very greasy old grey steeple-crowned hat, with the brims turned up, without lining or hatband : a green cloth coat, threadbare, even to the threads being worn white, and breeches of the same, with long knees down to the garter ; with an old leathern doublet, a pair of white flannel stockings next to his legs, which the king said were his boot stockings, their tops being cut off to prevent their being discovered, and upon them a pair of old green yarn stockings, all worn and darned at the knees, with their feet cut off; his shoes were old, all slashed for the ease of his feet, and full of gravel ; he had an old coarse shirt, patched both at the neck and hands ; he bad no gloves, but a long thorn stick, not very strong, but creoked three or four several ways, in his hand ; his hair cut short up to his ears, and hands coloured ; his majesty refusing tc have any gloves, when father Hodlestone offered him some, as also to change his stick." Charles's narrative is very minute in many particulars; especially as regards 357 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK— MAY 29. his getting on shipboard, and his passage across the channel. " We went," he says, " towards Shore- hm, four miles off a place called Bright- ielmstone, taking the master of the ship ivith us, on horseback, behind one of our company, and came to the vessel's side, which was not above sixty tons. But it being low water, and the vessel lying dry, I and my lord Wilmot got up with a ladder into her, and went and lay down in the little cabin, till the tide came to fetch us off. " But I was no sooner got into the ship, and lain down upon the bed, but the master came in to me, fell down upon his knees, and kissed my hand ; telling me, that he knew me very well, and would venture life, and all that he had in the world, to set me down safe in France. " So, about seven o'cloclc in the morn- ing, it being high-water, we went out of the port ; but the master being bound for Pool, loaden with sea-coal, because he would not have it seen from Shoreham that he did not go his intended voyage, but stood all the day, with a very easy sail, towards the Isle of Wight (only my lord Wilmot and myself, of my company, on board.) And as we were sailing, the master came to me, and desired me that T would persuade his men to use their endeavours with me to get him to set us on shore in France, the better to cover him from any suspicion thereof. Upon which, I went to the men, which were four and a boy, and told them, truly, that we were two merchants that had some misfortunes, and were a little in debt ; that we had some money owing us at Rouen, in France, and were afraid of being arrested in England ; that if they would persuade the master (the wind being very fair) to give us a trip over to Dieppe, or one of those ports near Rouen, they would oblige us very much, and with that I gave them twenty shillings to drink. Upon which, they undertook to second me, if I would propose it to the master. So 1 went to the master, and fold him our condition, and that if he wotild give us a trip over to France, we would give him some consideration for it. Upon which he counterfeited diffi- culties, saying, that it would liin4er his voyage. But his men, as they had pro- mised me, joining their persuasions to ours, and, at last, he yielded to set us over. " So, about five o'clock in the after- noon, as we were in sight of the Isle of Wight, we stood diiectly over to the coast of France, the wind being then full north ; and the next morning, a little before day, we saw the coast. But the tide failing us, and the wind coming about to the south-west, we were forced to come to an anchor within two miles of the shore, till the tide of flood was done. " We found ourselves just before an harbour in Fiance, called Fescamp; and just as the tide of ebb was made, espied a vessel to leeward of us, which, by her nimble, I suspected to be an Ustend privateer. Upon which, I went to my lord Wiimot, and telling him my opinion of that ship, proposed to him our gcing ashore in the little cock-boat, for fear they should prove so, as not knowing, but finding us going into a port of France, (there being then a war betwixt France and Spain,) they might plunder us, and possibly carry us away and set us ashore in England; the master also himself had the same opinion of her being an Ostender, and came to me to tell me so, which thought I made it my busi- ness to dissuade him from, for fear it should tempt him to set sail again with us for the coast of England : yet so sen- sible I was of it, that 1 and my lord Wilmot went both on shore in the cock- boat; and going up into the town of Fes camp, staid there all day to provide horses for Rouen. But the vessel which had so affrighted us, proved afterwards only a French hoy. " The next day we got to Rouen, to an inn, one of the best in the town, in the fish-market, where they made difficulty to receive us, taking us, by our clothes, to be some thieves, or persons that had been doing some very ill thing, until Mr. Sandburne, a merchant, for whom I sent, came and answered for us. " One particular more there is obseiv- able in relation to this our passage into France ; that the vessel that brought us over had no sooner landed me, and I given her master a pass, for fear of meet- ing with any of our Jersey frigates, but the wind turned so l>appily for h«r, as to carry her directly for Pool, without its being known that she had ever been upon the coast of France. " We staid at Rouen one day, to pro- vide ourselves better clothes, and give notice to the queen, my mother, (whc was *hen at Paris,) of my being safelv 358 THE EVERY-DAV BuOK.— MAY 29. anded. After whicli, setting out in a hired coach, I was met by my mother, with coaches, short of Paris; and by her conducted thither, where I safely arrived.'' An antiquary, a century ago, mentions the " Royal Oak " as standing in his time. " A bow-shoot from Boscobel-house, just oy a horse-track passing through the wood, stood the royal oak, into which the king and his companion, colonel Carlos, climbed by means of the hen-roost lad- der, when they judged it no longer safe to stay in the house; the family reaching them victuals with the nut-hook. The tree is now inclosed in with a brick wall, the inside whereof is covered with laurel, of which we may say, as Ovid did of that before the Augustan palace, ' mediamque tubere quercum.' Close by its side grows a young thriving plant from one of its acorns. (Jver the door of the inclo- sure, I took this inscription in marble: — ' Felicissimam arborem quam in asylum potentissimi Regis Caroli II. Deus O. M. per quem reges regnant hie crescere voluit, tam in perpetuam rei tantae memo- riam, quam specimen fermae in reges fidei, muro cinctam posteris commendant Basilius et Jana Fitzherbert " ' Quercus arnica Jovi.' "* A letter from an obliging correspond- ent, whose initials are affixed, claims a place here, in order to correct a literal inaccuracy, and for the facts subsequently mentioned. To the Editor of the Every-day Book. Sir, As the " Royal Oak day" will form a prominent subject in your interesting work, I beg to call your attention to the fact, that colonel William Carlos was the companion of his majesty, in his conceal- ment in the tree in Boscobel wood, and to hope that you will point out the right mode of spelling his name ; Lord Cla- rendon, and others who copy from nim, always call him colonel Careless, which is a vile misnomer. When a man does an action worthy of record, it is fiighly grievous to have his name spelt Wrong : " Thrice happy be whose name has been well spelt In the despatch. I knew a man whose loss Was printed Grove, altho' his name was Grose." Lord Byron. * Stnkeley, Itiiiir. Curios. 17'i4. A coat of arms and a grant of ballast- age dues were made to the colonel ; but the latter interfering with the rights of the Trinity-house, was given up. A son of the colonel is buried at Fulham church. The book of " Boscobel," first printed n 1660, contains accurate particulars of the event I refer to : this little work you have no doubt seen. I have seen a print of W. Pendrill, in an oval, encircled within the foliage of an oak tree, (as we may still see king Charles's head on some alehouse signs,) with a copy of verses, in which the name of the colonel is correctly spelt. I am, Sir, &c. April \Q,^Q25. E. J. C. The " Royal Oak'' at Boscobel perished many years ago, but another tree has been raised in its stead to mark the spot. Another correspondent, "Amicus," who writes to the editor under his real name, favours the readers of this work with an account of a usage still preserved, on " Royal Oak day," in the west of Eng- land. To the Editor of the Every-day Book. Sir, At Tiverton Devon, on the 29th of May, it is customary for a number of young men, dressed in the style of the 17th century, and armed with swords, to parade the streets, and gather contri- butions from the inhabitants. At the head of the procession walks a man called " Oliver,'' dressed in black, with his face and hands smeared over with soot and grease, and his body bound by a strong cord, the end of which is held by one of the men to prevent his running too far. After these come another troop, dressed in the same style, each man bearing a large branch of oak : four others, carrying a kind of throne made of oaken boughs on which a child is seated, briuT up the rear. A great deal of meiriment is excited among the boys, at the pranks of master " Oliver," who capers about in a most ludicrous manner. Some of them amuse themselves by casting dirt, whilst others, more mischievously in- clined, throw stones at him ; but woe betide the young urchin who is cauglit ; his face assumes a most awful appear- ance from the soot and grease with which "Oliver" begrimes it, whilst his com- panions, who have been lucky enough to escape his clutches, testify their 359 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 29. pleasure by loud shouts and acclamations. Jn the evening the whole party have a feast, the expenses of which are defrayed by the collection made in the morning. I am, sir, yours, most obediently, Amicus. It has been customary on this day to dress the statue of Charles II. in the centre of the Royal Exchange with oaken boughs. As the removal of this statue has been contemplated, it may interest mer- chants and persons connected with the corporation, to be informed of the means adopted for placing it there, A corres- pondent, H. C. G., has enabled the editor to do this, by favouring him with the original precept issued by the court of aldermen on the occasion. SMITH, MAYOR. " Martis Vndechno Die Novembr', 1684, Annoque Regni Regis Caroli Secundi, Angl', &c. Tricessimo Sexto. " Whereas the statue of King Charles the First (of Blessed Memory) is already Set up on the Royal Exchange, And the Company of Grocers have undertaken to Set up the Statue of His present Ma- jesty, And the Company of Clothworkers that of King James, And the Companies of Mercers and Fishmongers the Statues of Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth, And the Company of Drapers that of Edward the Sixth, This Court doth Recommend it to the several Companies of this City hereafter named, (viz. The Companies of Goldsmiths, Skinners, Merchant-Taylors, Haberdashers, Salters, Ironmongers, Vintners, Dyers, Brewers, Leathersellers, Pewterers, Barber-Chi- rurgeons. Cutlers, Bakers, Waxchandlers, Tallowchandlers, Armourers, Girdlers, Butchers, Sadlers,) to raise Money by Contributions, or otherwise, for Setting up the Statues of the rest of the Kings of England (each Company One) be- ginning at the Conqueror, as the Same were There Set up before the Great Fire. And for the better Order in Their pro- ceeding herein, the Master and Wardens, oi some Members of the said respective Companies, are desired within some Con- venient time to Appear before This Court, and receive the further Directions of This Court therein. " And in regard of the Inability of the Chamber of London to Advance Mo- neys for the Carrying on and Finishing the Conduit, begun to be Set un with His Majesties Approbation, at the Upper End of Cheapside, It is earnestly Recommended from This Court to all the Rest of the Companies of This City (other than those before Named) to raise Moneys likewise by Contributions, o\ otherwise, for the Carrying on and Finishing the said Work, so Necessary to the Ornament of this City ; And to Pay the Same into the Chamber, to be Laid out and Imployed for the said Purpose. " IFagstaffe." It is affirmed of Charles II. that he was mightily delighted with these beautiful stanzas, The glories of our blood and state Are shadows, not substantial things; There is no armour against fate , Death lays his icy hands on kings : Sceptre and crown Must tumble down, And in the dnst be equal made With the poor crooked scythe and spade. Some men with swords may reap the field, And plant fresh laurels where they kill ; But their strong nerves at last must yield, They tame but one another still. Early or late, They stoop to fate. And must give up their murmuring breath. When they pale captives creep to Death. The garlands wither on your brow ; Then boast no more your mighty deeds : Upon Death's purple altar now See where the victor victim bleeds; All heads must come To the cold tomb : Only the actions of the just Smell sweet and blossom in the dust. If it be really true that this king admired these sentiments, he is entitled to the praise of having libelled himself by his admiration of virtue. Waller in a letter to St. Evremond, relates a dialogue be- tween Charles and the earl of Rochester, which shows the tenour of their manners. Waller says, " Grammont once told Rochester that if he could by any means divest himself of one half of his wit, the other half would make him the most agreeable man in the world. This ob- servation of the Count's did not strike me much when I heard it, but I re- marked the propriety of it since. Last night I supped at lord Rochester's with a select party ; on such occasions he is not ambitious of shining; he is rather pleasant than arch ; he is, comparatively, reserved ; but you f nd something m that 3G0 THE EVER\-DAY BOOK.— MAY 29. restraint that is more ;igreeable than the utmost exertion of talents in others. The reserve of Rochester gives you the idea of a copious river that tills its channel, and seems as if it would easily overflow its extensive banks, but is unwilling to spoil the beauty and verdure of the plains. The most perfect good humour was supported through the whole even- ing ; nor was it in the least disturbed when, unexpectedly, towards the end of it, the king came in (no unusual thins with Charles II.) ' Something has vexed him,' said Rochester; ' he never does me this honour but when he is in an ill humour.' The following dialogue, or something very like it, then ensued : — ' The King. — IIow the devil have I got here ? The knaves have sold every cloak in tlie wardrobe. * Rochester. — Those knaves are fools. That is a part of dress, which, for their own sakes, your majesty ought never to be without. ' The King. — Pshaw ! I'm vexed ! ' Rochester. — I hate still life — I'm glad of it. Your majesty is never so entertaining as when — ' The King. — Ridiculous ! I bciieve the English are the most intractable peo- ple upon earth. ' Rochester. — I must humbly beg your majesty's pardon, if I presume in that respect. ' The King. — You would find them so, were you in my place, and obliged to govern. ' Rochester. — Were I in your ma- jesty's place, I would not govern at all. < The King.— How then ? * Rochester. — I would send for my g-ood lord Rochester, and command him to govern. ' The King. — But the singular mo- desty of that nobleman. * Rochester. — He would certainly con- form himself to your majesty's bright example. How gloriously would the two grand social virtues flourish under his auspices ! « The King.—O, prisca fides ! What can these be ? * Rochester. — The love of wine and women ! * The King. — God bless your ma- iesty ! 'Rochester. — These attachments keep the world in good humour, and therefore I say they are social virtues. Let the bishop of Salisbury deny it if he cav ' TJie King.— lie died la t niglit Have you a mind to succeed him? ' Rochester. — On condition that 1 shall neither be called upon to preach on the 30th of January nor the ^Qth of May. ' The King. — Those conditions are curious. You object to the first, I sup- pose, because it would be a melancholy subject ; but the other— ' Rochester. — Would be a melancholy subject too. ' The King. — That is too much — ' Rochester. — Nay, I only mean that the business would be a little too grave for the day. Nothing but the indulgence of the two grand social virtues could be a proper testimony for my joy upon that occasion. ' The King. — Thou art the happiest fellow in my dominions. Let me perish if I do not envy thee thy impudence ! ' " It is in such strain of conversation, generally, that this prince passes ofT his chagrin ; and he never suffers his dignity to stand in the way of his humour." This showing is in favour of CharleSj on whose character, as a king of England, posterity has long since pronounced judgment. A slave to his passions, and a pensioner to France, he was unworthy of the people's " precious diadem." He broke his public faith, and disregarded his private word. To the vessel of the state he was a " sunk rock," whereon it had nearly foundered. Trinity Sunday. In the Romish church this was a splendid festival, with processions and services pe- culiar to its celebration ; devotions were daily addressed to every person of the Trinity : as the other festivals comme- morated the Unity in Trinity, so this commemorated the Trinity in Unity.* In the Lambeth accounts are church- wardens' charges for garlands and drink for the children, for garnishing-ribbons, and for singing men in the procession on Trinity-Sunday-even.f It is still a custom of ancient usage for the judges and great 'aw-officers of the crown, together with the lord mayor, aldermen, and common council, to attend divine service at St. Paul's cathedral, and hear a sermon which is always preached there on Trinity Sunday by the lord mayor's chaplain. At the first ensuing meeting of the common council, it is * S.iepherd. t Lvsons in Brand. 361 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 3u jsual for that court to pass a vote of thanks to the chaplain for such sermon, and order the same to be printed at the expense of the corporation, unless, as sometimes has Dccurred, it contained sen- timents o moxious to their views. In Curll's " Miscellanies, 1714," 8vo is an account of Newnton, in North Wilt- shire; where, to ptrpetuate the memory of the donation of a oommon to that place by king Athelstan and of a house for the hayward, i. e. the person who looked after the beasts that fed upon this com- mon, the following ceremonies were appointed : " Upon every Trinity Sun- day, the parishioners being come to the door of the hayward's house, the door was struck thrice, in honour of the Holy Trinity ; they then entered. The bell was rung ; after which, silence being ordered, they read their prayers aforesaid. Then was a ghirland of flowers (about the year 1660, one was killed striving to take away the ghirland) made upon an hoop, brought forth by a maid of the town upon her neck, and a young man (a bachelor) of another parish, first sa- luted her three times, in honour of the Trinity, in respect of God the Father. Then she puts the ghirland upon his neck, and kisses him three times, in honour of the Trinity, particularly God the Son. Then he puts the ghirland on her neck again, and kisses her three times, in re- spect of the Holy Trinity, and particu- larly the Holy Ghost. Then he takes the ghirland from her neck, and, by the custom, must give her a penny at least, which, as fancy leads, is now exceeded, as 2*. 6d. or &c. The method of giving this ghirland is from house to house an- nually, till it comes round. In the even- ing every commoner sends his supper up to this house, which is called the Eale- house : and having before laid in there equally a stock of malt, which was brewed in the house, they sup together, and what was left was given to the poor." for a woman, as the second person of thf Trinity.* FLORAL DIRECTORY. Blue bottle. Ceiitanria montaua. Dedicated to St. Cyril. An old homily for Trinity Sunday de- clares that the form of the Trinity was found in man : that Adam, our forefather of the earth, was the first person ; that Eve, of Adam, was the second person; and that of them both was the third per- son : further, that at the death of a man three bells were to be rung as his knell m worship of the Trinity, and two bells i^lap 30. St. Felix I., Pope, a. d. '274. St. TFal- stan. Confessor, a. d. 10)6. St. Ferdi- nand III., Confessor, King of Castile and Leon, a. d. VI52. St. Maguil, in Latin, Madelgisilus, Recluse in Pi- cardy, about a. v. 685. Crinitj) iBoutrai)* Deptford Fair. Of late years a fair has been held at Deptford on this day. It originated in trifling pastimes for persons who assem- bled to see the master and brethren of the Trinity-house, on their annual visit to the Trinity-house, at Deptford. First there were jingling matches; then came a booth or two ; afterwards a few shows ; and, in 1823, it was a very considerable fair There were Richardson's, aiid other dra- matic exhibitions ; the Crown and Anchor booth, with a variety of dancing and drinking booths, as at Greenwich fair this year, before described, besides shows in abundance. Brethren of the Trinity-honse. This maritime corporation, according to their charter, meet annually on Trinity Monday, in their hospital for decayed sea-commanders and their widows at Deptford, to choose and swear in a master, wardens, and other ofiicers, for the year ensuing. The importance or ♦his institution to the naval interests of the country, and the active duties re- quired of its members, are of great mag- nitude, and hence the master has usually been a nobleman of distinguished rank and statesman-like qualities, and his associates are always experienced naval officers : of late years lord Liverpool has been master. The ceremony in 1825 was thus conducted. The outer gates of the hospital were closed against strangers, and kept by a party of the hospital in- habitants ; no person being allowed en- trance without express permission. By this means the large and pleasant * Hone on Ancient My-.teries. 362 rilE bVEIlY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 30. court-yard formed by the quadrangle, afforded ample accommodation to ladies and atlier respectable persons. In the mean time, the hall on the east side was under preparation within, and the door strictly guarded by constables stationed without ; an assemblage of well-dressed females and their friends, agreeably di- versified the lawn. From eleven until twelve o'clock, parlies of two or three were so fortunate as to find favour in the eyes of Mr. Snaggs, the gentleman who conducted the arrangements, and gained entrance. The hall is a spacious handsome room, wherein divine seiviceis performed Iwice a-week, and public business, as on this occasion, transacted within a space somewhat elevated, and railed off by balustrades. On getting within the doors, the eye was struck by the unex- pected appearance of the boarded floor ; it was strewed with green rushes, the use of which by our ancestors, who lived before floors were in existence, is well known. The reason for continuing the practice here, was not so apparent as the look itself was pleasant, by bringing the simple manners of other times to recol- lection. At about one o'clock, the sound of music having announced that lord Liverpool and his associate brethren had arrived within the outer gate, the hall doors were thrown open, and the proces- sion entered. His lordship wore the star of the garter on a plain blue coat, with scarlet collar and cuffs, which dress, being the Windsor uniform, was also worn by the other gentlemen. They were pre- ceded by the rev. Dr. Spry, late of Bir- mingham, now of Langham church, Port- land-place, in full canonicals. After taking their seats at the great table within the balustrades, it was proclaimed, that this being Trinity Monday, and therefore, according to the charter, the day for electing the master, deputy-master, and elder brethren of the holy and undivided Trinity, the brethren were required to proceed to the election Lord Liverpool, being thereupon nominated master, was elected by a show of hands, as were his coadjutors in like manner. The election concluded, large silver and silver-gilt oups, richly embossed and chased, filled with cool drink, were handed round ; and the doors bemg thrown open, and the anxious expectants outside allowed to enter, the hall was presently filled, and a merry scene ensued. Large baskets filled vxh biscuits were laid on the table before the brethren ; Lord Liveipool tlien rose, and throwing a biscuit into the middle ol the hall, his example was followed by the rest of the brethren. Shouts of laughter arose, and a general scramble took place. This scene continued about ten minutes, successive baskets being brought in and thrown among the assembly, until such as chose to join in the scramble were su-p- plied ; the banner-bearers of the Trinity- house, in their rich scarlet dresses and badges, who had accompanied the proces- sion into the hall, increased the merri- ment by their superior activity. A pro- cession was afterwards formed, as before, to Deptford old church, where divine service was performed, and Dr. Spry being appointed to preach before the brethren, he delivered a sermon from Psalm cxlv. 9. " The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works.'' The discourse being ended, the master and brethren returned in proces- sion to their state barges, which lay at the stairs of Messrs. Gordon & Co , anchor- smiths. Tliey were then rowed back to the Tower, where they had embarked, m order to return to the Trinity-house from whence they had set out. Most of the vessels in the river hoisted their colours in honour of the corporation, and salutes %vere fired from different parts on shore. The Trinity-yacht, which lay off" St. George's, near Deptford, was completely hung with the colours of all nations, and presented a beautiful appearance. Indeed the whole scene was very delightful, and created high feelings in those who recol- lected that to the brethren of the Trinity are confided some of the highest functions that are exercised for the protection or life and property on our coasts and seas. To the Editor of the Every-Day Book. Dear Sir, Though I have not the pleasure of a personal acquaintance, I know enough to persuade me that you are no every-day body. The love of nature seems to form so prominent a trait in your character, that I, who am also one of her votaries, can rest no longer without communicating with you on the subject. I like, too, the sober and solitary feeling with which yoj ruminate over by-gone pleasures, and scenes wherein your youth delighted : for, though I am but young myself, I have witnessed by far too many changes, and 363 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 30. have had cause to indulge too frequently iu such cogitations, I am a " Surrey-man," as the worthy 'iuthor of the " Athense Oxon." would say : and though born with a desire to ramble, and a mind set on change, I have of modern day. Give me the " mtisical pyping" and " pleasaunte songes " o\ olden tyme, and I care not whether any more " ditees " of the kind are concocted till doomsday. But I must not leave the singing ot never till lately had an opportunity of birds where I found it : I love to heai strolling so far northward as " ould Isel- the fiightingales emulating each other, ton," or " merry Islmgton :" — you may and forming, by their " sweet jug jug," a take which reading you please, but I pre- means of communication from one skirt fer the first But from the circumstance of the wood to the other, while every tree seems joying in the sun's first rays. There is such a wildness and variety in the note, that I could listen to it, unwearied, for hours. The dew still lies on the ground, and there is a breezy freshness about us : as our walk is continued, a " birde of songe, and mynstrell of the woode," holds the tenor of its way across the path : — but it is no " noiseless tenor." " Sweet of your " w»}k out of London " having been directed that way, and having led you into so pleasant a mood, I am in- duced to look for similar enjoyment in my rambling excursions through its " town-like" and dim atmosphere. I am not ashamed to declare, that my taste in these matters differs widely from that of the " great and good " Johnson ; who, though entitled, as a constellation of no jug, jug, jug," says the olde balade : — ordinary " brilliance," to the high sound- ing name of " the Great Bear," (which I am not the first to appropriate to him,) seems to have set his whole soul on " bookes olde," and " modern authors " of every other description, while the book of nature, which was schooling the negro- wanderer of the desert, proffered nothing to arrest his attention ! Day unto day " Sweet jug, jugr, jusr, The nightingale doth sing, From morning until evening, As they are hay -making." Was this " songe" put into their throats " aforen y* this balade ywritten was ?" I doubt it, but in later day Wordsworth was uttering speech, and night unto and Conder ha' e made use of it ; but they night showing knowledge ; the sun was are both poets of nature, and might have going forth in glory, and the placid moon fancied it in the song itself. " walking in briglitness ;" and could he I look to my schoolboy days as the close his ears, and revert his gaze ? — " De happiest I ever spent : but I was never gustibus nil disputandum " I cannot say, a genius, and laboured under habitual for I do most heartily protest against his laziness, and love of ease : " the which," taste in such matters. as Andrew Borde says, " doth much " The time of the singing of birds is comber young persones." I often rose come," but, what is the worst of it, all for a " laik," but seldom with it, though these " songsters" are not " feathered." I have more than once "cribbed out" There is a noted "Dickey" bird, who betimes, and always found enough to took it into his head, so long ago as the reward me for it. But these days are 25th of December last, to " sing through gone by, and you will find below all 1 the heavens,"* — but I will have nothing have to say of the matter " collected into tc do with the " Christemasse Caroles " English metre :" — Years of my boyhood ! have you passed away ? Days of my youth and have you fled for ever ? Can I but joy when o'er my fancy stray Scenes of young hope, which time has failed to sever From this fond heart : — for, the' all else decay, The memory of those times will perish never. — Time cannot blight it, norths tooth of care Those wayward dreams of joyousness impair. Still, with the bright May-dew, the grass is wet , No human step the slumbering earth has prest : Cheering as hope, the sun looks forth ; and yet There is a weight of sorrow on my breast : THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY 30 Life, light, and joy, his smiling beams beget. But yield they aught, to sootiie a mind distrest; Can tlie heart, cross'd with cares, and born to sorrow, From Nature's smiles one ray of comfort borrow 1 But I must syir.patliize with you in your reflections, amid those haunts which are endeared by many a tie, on the decay wrought by time and events. An old house is an old friend ; a dingy " tenement " is a poor relation, who has seen better days ; " it looks, as it would look its last," on the surrounding inno vations, and wakes feelings in my bosom which have no vent in words. Its " im- bowed windows," projecting each story beyond the other, go to disprove Bacon's notion, that " houses are made to live in, and not to look on ;'' they give it a hroio- beating air, though its days of " pomp and circumstance'' are gone by, and have left us cheerlessly to muse and mourn over its ruins : — Oh ! I can gaze, and think it quite a treat, So they be OltJ, on buildings grin: and shabby ; T love within the church's walls to greet Some " olde man " kneeling, bearded liKC a rabbi, Who never prayed himself, but has a v/him That you'll " Oratt," that is—" prai)f " for him. But this has introduced me to another and an equally pleasing employ ; that of traversing the aisles of our country churches, and " meditating among the tombs." I dare not go farther, for I am such an enthusiast, that I shall soon write down your patience You expressed a wish for my name and address, on the cover of your third part ; I enclose them : but I desire to be known to the public by no other de- signation than my old one. I am, dear sir. Yours, &c. Cambertcell. Lector. Chronology. 1431. Joan of Arc, the maid of Or- leans was burnt. This cruel death was mflicted on her, in consequence of the remarkable events hereafter narrated. Her memory is revered by Frenchmen, and rendered more popular, through a poem by Voltaire, emment for its wit and licentioiisness. One ot our own poets, Mr. Southey, has an epic to her honour. rOUNTAIN. Erected in the old Market-place at Roven, on the spot whereon Soan of ^vt WAS BURNT. In the petty town of Neufchateau, on the borders of Lorraine, there lived a country girl of twenty-seven years of age, called Joan d'Arc. She was servant in s small inn, and in that station had been accnstoTved to ride the horses of the 8G^ THE EVERY-UAY BOOR.— MAY 30 guests, without a saddle, to the watering- plaee, and to perforin other offices, whicli, in well-frequented inns, commonly fall to the share of the men-servants. This girl was of an irreproachable life, and had not hitherto been remarked for any singu- larity. The peculiar character of Charles, so strongly inclined to friendship, and the tender passions, naturally rendered him the hero of that sex whose generous minds know no bounds in their affections. Tiie siege of Orleans, the progress of the Eng- lish before that place, the great distress of the garrison and inhabitants, the import- ance of saving this city, and its brave de- fenders, had turned thither the public eye ; and Joan, inflamed by the general sentiment, was seized with a wild desire of bringing relief to her sovereign in his present distresses. Her unexperienced mind, working day and night on this fa- vourite object, mistook the impulses of passion for heavenly inspirations ; and she fancied that she saw visions, and heard voices, exhorting her to reestablish the throne of France, and to expel the foreign invaders. An uncommon intre- pidity of temper, made her overlook all the dangers which might attend her in such a path ; and, thinking herself des- tined by heaven to this office, she threw aside all that bashfulness and timidity so natural to her sex, her years, and her low station. She went to Vaiicouleurs ; pro- cured admission to Baudricourt, the go- vernor; informed him of her inspirations and intentions ; and conjured him not to neglect the voice of God, who spoke through her, but to second those heavenly revelations which impelled her to this glorious enterprise Baudricourt treated her, at first, with some neglect ; but, on her frequent returns to him, he gave her some attendants, who conducted her to the French court, which at that time re- sided at Chinoi.. It is pretended, that Joan, immediately on her admission, knew the king, though she had never seen his face before, and though he purposely kept himself in the crowd of courtiers, and had laid aside every thing in his dress and apparel which might distinguish him : that she offered him, in the name « f the supreme Creator, to raise the siege of Orleans, and conduct him to Rheims, to be there crowned and anointed ; and, on his expressing doubts of her mission, revealed to him, before some sworn confidants, a secret, which was unknown to all the world beside himself, and which nothing but a heavenly inspiration could have discovered to her : and that she demanded, as the instrument of her future victories, a particular sword, which was kept in the church of St. Ca- therine of Fierbois, and which, though she had never seen it, she described by all its marks, and by the place in which it had long lain neglected. This is certain, that all these miraculous stories were spread abroad, in order to captivate the vulgar. The more the king and his ministers were determined to give in to the illusion, the more scruples they pre- tended. An assembly of grave doctors and theologians cautiously examined Joan's mission, and pronounced it un- doubted and supernatural. She was sent to the parliament, then at Poictiers, who became convinced of her inspiration. A ray of hope began to break through that despair in which the minds of all men were before enveloped. She was armed cap-a-pee, mounted on horseback, and shown in that martial habiliment before the whole people. Joan was sent to Blois, where a large con- voy was prepared for the supply of Or- leans, and an army of ten thousand men, under the command of St. Severe, assem- bled to escort it ; she ordered all the soldiei-s to confess themselves before they set out on the enterprise ; and she displayed in her hands a (;onsecrated banner, where- on the Supi-eme Being was represented, grasping tire globe of earth, and sur- rounded with flower-de-luces. The English afl'ected to speak with de- rision of the maid, and of her heavenly commission; and said, that the French king was now indeed reduced to a sorry pass, when he had recourse to such ridicu lous expedients. As the convoy approached the river, a sally was made by the garn- .son on the side of Beausse, to prevent the English general from sending any detach- ment to the other side : the provisions were peaceably embar-ked in boats, which the inhabitants of Orleans had sent to receive them : the maid covered with her troops the embarkation : Suffolk did not venture to attack her ; and Joan entered the city of Orleans arrayed in her military garb, and displaying her consecrated standard. She was received as a celestial deliverer by all the inhabitants, who now believed themselves invincible under hei influence. Victory followed upon victory, and the spirit resulting from a long course of uninterrupted success was on a sudden transferred from the conquerors to the conauered The maid called aloud, that 366 THE FAERY-DAY 1300K.-MAY 30. the garrison should remain no longer on the defensive. The generals seconded her ardour : an attack was made on the Eng- lish intrenchments, and all were put to the sword, or taken prisoners. Nothing, after this success, seemed impossible to the maid and her enthusiastic votaries ; yet, in one attack, the French were re- pulsed ; the maid was left almost alone ; she was obliged to retreat ; but displaying her sacred standard, she led them back to the ch-i-ge, and overpowered the English in tneir intrenchments. In the attack of another fort, she was wounded in the neck with an arrow ; she retreated a mo- ment beliind the assailants; pulled out the arrow with her own hands; had the wound quickly dressed ; hastened back to head the troops ; planted her victorious banner on the ramparts of the enemy ; returned triumphant over the bridge, and was again received as the guardian angel of the city. After performing such mi- racles, it was in vain even for the English generals to oppose with their soldiers the prevailing opinion of supernatural influ- ence : the utmost they dared to advance was, that Joan was not an instrument of God, but only the implement of the devil. In the end the siege of Orleans was raised, and the English thought of nothing but of making their retreat, as soon as pos- sible, into a place of safety ; while the French esteemed the overtaking them equivalent to a victory. So much had the events which passed before this city altered every thing between the two na- tions ! The raising of the siege of Orleans was one part of the maid's promise to Charles : the crowning of him at Rheinis was the other : and she now vehemently insisted that he should forthwith set out on that enterprise. A few weeks before, such a proposal would have appeared the most extravagant in the world. Rheims lay in a distant quarter of the kingdom ; was then in the hands of a victorious enemy ; the whole road which led to it was occupied by their garrisons ; and no man could be so sanguine as to imagine that such an attempt could so soon come within the bounds of possibility. The enthusiasm and influence of Joan pre- vailed over all obstacles. Charles set out for Rheims at the head of twelve thousand men : ho passed Troye, which opened its gates to him : Chalons imitated the ex- ample: Rheims sent him a deputation with its keys, before his approach to it ; and the ceremony of his coronation was tliere performed, with the maid of Orleans by his side in complete armour, displaying ht-r sacred banner, which had so often dissipated and confounded his fiercest enemies. The people shouted with un- feigned joy on viewing such a complica- tion of wonders, and after the completion of the ceremony, the maid threw herself at the king's feet, embraced his knees^ and with a flood of tears, which pleasure and tenderness extorted from her, she congratulated him on this singular and marvellous event. The duke of Bedford, who was regent during the minority of Henry VI., endea- voured to revive the declining state of his affairs by bringing over the young king of England, and having him crowned and anointed at Paris. The maid of Orleans, after the coronation of Charles, declared to the count of Dunois, that her wishes were now fully gratified, and that she had no farther desire than to return to her former condition and to the occupation and course of life which became her sex : but that nobleman, sensible of the great ad- vantages which might still be reaped from her presence in the army, exhorted hei to persevere, till, by the final expulsion of the English, she had brought all her pro- phecies to their full completion. In pur- suance of this advice, she threw herself into the town of Compiegne, which was at that time besieged by the duke of Bur- gundy, assisted by the earls of Arundel and Suffolk ; and the garrison, on her ap- pearance, believed themselves henceforth invincible. But their joy w&s of short duration. The maid, next day after her arrival (25th of May,) headed a sally upon the quarters of John of Luxembourg ; she twice drove the enemy from their intrench- ments; finding their numbers to increase every moment, she ordered a retreat ; when hard pressed by the pursuers, she turned upon them, and made them again recoil ; but being here deserted by her friends, and surrounded by the enemy, she was at last, after exerting the utmost valour, taken prisoner by the Burgun- dians. The common opinion was, that the French oflScers, finding the merit of every victory ascribed to her, had, in envy to her renown, by which they themselves were so much eclipsed, willingly exposed her to this fatal accident. A complete victory would not have given more joy to the English and their partisans. The service of Te Deum, which has so often been profaned oy princes, was publicly celebrated on this fortunate event at Paris. The duke of 367 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— MAY, 31. Bedford fancied, that, by the captivity of that extraordinary woman, who had blasted all his successes, he should again recover his former ascendant over France ; and, to push farther the present advan- tage, he purchased the captive from John of Luxembourg, and formed a prosecu- tion against her, which, whether it pro- ceeded from vengeance or policy, was equally barbarous and dishonourable. It was contrived, that the bishop of Beau- vais, a man wholly devoted to the English interest, should present a petition against Joan, on pretence that she was taken within the bounds of his diocese ; and he desired to have her tried by an ecclesias- tical court, for sorcery, impiety, idolatry, and magic. The university of Paris was so mean as to join in the same request : several prelates, among whom the cardi- nal of Winchester was the only English- man, were appointed her judges : they held their court at Rouen, where the young king of England then resided : and the maid, clothed in her former military apparel, but loaded with irons, was pro- duced before this tribunal. Surrounded by inveterate enemies, and brow-beaten and overawed by men of superior rank, and men invested with the ensigns of a sacred character, which she had been accustomed to revere, felt her spirit at last subdued ; Joan gave way to the terrors of that pu- nishment to which she was sentenced. She declared herself willing to recant ; acknowledged the illusion of those reve- lations which the church had rejected; and promised never more to maintam them. Iler sentence was mitigated : she was condemned to perpetual imprison- ment, and to be fed during life on bread and water. But the barbarous ven- geance of Joan's enemies was not satisfied with this victory. Suspecting that the female dress, which she had now consent- ed to wear, was disagreeable to her, they purposely placed in her apartment a suit of men's apparel, and watched for the effects of that temptation upon her. On the si'^ht of a dress in which she had ac- quired so much renown, and which, she once believed, she wore by the particular appointment of heaven, all her former vdeas and passions revived ; and she ventured in her solitude to clothe herself again in the forbidden garment. Her insidious enemies caught her in that situ- ation : her fault was interpreted to be no less than a relapse into heresy : no recan- tation would now suffice, and no pardon could be granted her. She was condemn- ed to be burned in the maiket-place of Rouen, and the infamous sentence was accordingly executed. This admirable heroine, to whom the more generous su- perstition of the ancients would have erected altars, was, on pretence of heresy and magic, delivered over alive to the flames, and expiated, by that dreadful punishment, the signal services which she had rendered to her native country. To the eternal infamy of Charles and his adherents, whom she had served and saved, they made not a single effort, either by force or negociation, to save this heroic girl from the cruel death to which she had been condemned. Hume says she was burnt on the 14th of June. According to Lingard she perished on the 30th of May. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Lesser Spearwort Ranunculus flam- mula. Dedicated to St. Ferdinand. iilap 31. 5/. Petronilla, 1st Cent. St. Canthis and Cantiunns, brothers, and Cantiani'llaj their sister, a. d. 304. St. Petronilla. " Her name," says Butler, " is the fe- minine, and diminutive of Peter, and she is said to have been a daughter of the apostle St. Peter, which tradition is confirmed by certain writings, quoted by the Manichees, m the time of St. Austin, which affirm, that St. Peter had a daughter whom he cured of the palsy ; but it seems not cer- tain whether she was more than the spi- ritual daughter of that apostle." Riba deneira refers to these Manichsean writings, by which, according to Butler, the " tradi- tion is confirmed," and unluckily for But- ler, he says, that St. Augustine calls these writings apocryphal. Ribadeneira care- fully adds though, that Augustine " doth not therefore reprove it as false." Yet it is curious to find this jesuit telling of Augustine, that he teacheth, " that ivith- out prejudice of charity we may chastise the body of our enemy, the heretic, for the salvation of his soul." This saying of Augustine's is wholly uncalled for by any thing that Ribadeneira says regarding Pe- tronilla; it is a hot puff of a fiery spirit. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Yellow Tuikscap Lily. Lilixnn ponicum flavum. Dedicated to St. Petronilla. Pom- 368 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK— JUNE. JUNE. And after her came jolly June, array 'd All in green leaves, as he a player were ; Yet in his time he wrought as well as play'd, That by his plough -irons mote right well appeare. Upon a crab he rode, that him did bare With crooked crawling steps an uncouth pase, And backward-yode, as bargemen wont to fare Bending their force contrary to their face ; Like that ungracious crew which faines demurest grace. This IS the sixth month of the year. According to an old author " unto June the Saxons gave the name of JVeyd-monat, because their beasts did then weyd in the meddowes, that is to say, goe to feed there, and hereof a medow is also in the Tutonicke called a tceyd, and of weyd we yet retaine our word wade, which we un- derstand of going through watrie places, such as medowes are wont to be.""* Another author likewise says, that " weyd is probably derived from weyden (Ger- man), to go about as if to pasture ;" he further says, they called it TVoedmoriath, and that woed means " weed "; and that SpeTistr, they called it also by the following names i Medemonath, Midsumormonath, and Braeckmovath ; thought to be so named from the breakirig up of the soil from hrcccan (Saxon), to break : they also named it Lida erra ; the word Lida, or litha, signifying in Icelandic, " to move, or pass over," may iiriply the sun's passing its greatest height, and Lida erra conse- quently mean the first month of the sun's descent. Lida, it is added, has been deemed to signify smooth-air.* Mr. Leigh Hunt observes, in his " Months," that " the name of June, and indeed that of JNIay, gave rise to * Vcnte^en. * Dr. F. Say«rt. Vol. I. J69 2 B THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE. various etymologies ; but the most pro- bable one derives it from Juno, in honour of whom a festival was celebrated at the beginning of the month." He says, " it is now complete summer :— > ' Summer is yeomen in, fx)ud sing cuckoo ; Groweth seed, And bloweth mead. And spriugeth the weed new. " Thus sings the oldest English song extant, in a measure which is its own music. — The temperature of the air, how- ever, is still mild, and in our climate sometimes too chilly ; but when the sea- son is fine, this is, perhaps, the most de- lightful month of the year. The hopes of spring are realized, yet the enjoyment is but commenced : we have all summer be- fore us ; the cuckoo's two notes are now at what may be called their ripest, — deep and loud ; so is the hum of the bee ; little clouds lie in lumps of silver about the sky, and sometimes fall to complete the growth of the herbage ; yet we may now lie down on the grass, or the flower- ing banks, to read or write ; the grass hoppers click about us in the warming verdure ; and the fields and hedges are in full blossom with the clover, the still more exquisite bean, the pea, the blue and yel- low nightshade, the fox-glove, the mallow, white briony, wild honeysuckle, and the flower of the hip or wild rose, which blushes through all the gradations of delicate red and white. The leaves of the hip, especially the young ones, are as beautiful as those of any garden rose. Towards evening, the bat and the owl venture forth, flitting through the glim- mering quiet ; and at night, the moon looks silveriest, the sky at once darkest and clearest ; and when the nightingale, as well as the other birds have done sing- ing, you may hear the undried brooks of the spring running and panting through their leafy channels. ' It ceased,' says the poet, speakintr of a sound of heavenly voices about a sliip,^ It ceased , yet still the sails made on A pleasant noise till noon, A noise like of a hidden brook, In the leafy month of June, That to the sleeping woods ail night Singeth a quiet tune. Coieridge " There is a greater accession ot flowers. in this month than in any other. In ad- dition to those of the last, the garden sparkles with marygolds, golden-road, larkspur, sun-flowers, amarynths, (which Milton intermingles with sun-beams for his angel's hair,) lupins, carnations, Chi- nese pinks, holyhocks, ladies' slipper, annual stocks, campanulas, or little bells martagons, periwinkles, wall-flower, snap- dragon, orchis, nasturtium, apocynum, chrysanthemum, cornflower, gladiolus and convolvulus. The reader who is fond of poetry, and of the Greek fables, and does not happen to be acquainted with professor Martyn's notes upon Vir- gil, should here be informed, that the species of red lily, called the martagon or Turk's-cap, has been proved by that writer, at least to our satisfaction, to be the real ancient hyacinth, into which the youth of that name was turned by Apollo. The hyacinth, commonly so called, has nothing to show for its being the ancient one, which should be of a blood colour, and was said to be inscribed with the Greek exclamation of sorrow AI, AI. Now, we were struck with the sort of literal black marks with which the Turk's- cap is speckled, and on reading the pro- fessor's notes, and turning to the flower again, we could plainly see, that with fome allowance, quite pardonable in a superstition, the marks might now and then fall together, so as to indicate those characters. It is a most beautiful, glow- ing flower ; and shoots gracefully forth iu a vase or glass from among white lilies and the double narcissus :^ Nil*' vaKirde, AaXei ra aa ygafx/iara, Kut ■nXeov At Ai Aaixfiave aots TreraXodr*, Hloschus ' Now tell your story, Hyacinth ; and show ^i Ai the more amidst your sanguine woe.* " Tlie rural business of this month is made up of two employments, as beauti- ful to look at as they are useful,-^sheep- shearing and hay-making. Something like a holiday is still made of the former, and in the south-west of England, the cus tom, we believe, is still kept up, of throw- ing flowers into the streams, an evident relic of paganism ; but, altogether, the holiday is but a gleam of the fianie merry period in the cheap and rural time of c it ancestors." 370 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 1, 2. Sunt 1. St Justin, Martyr, a. d. 167. St. Pam- philiis, A.D. 309. 3i. Caprais, Abbot, A. D. 430. St. Peter, of Pisa, a. d. 1435. St. TVistan, Prince of Mercia, A. D. 849. .S^ Nicomede. This saint is in the English almanacs of this day ; for what reason is unknown. He was an ancient martyr in no way distinguished from others who perished during the persecution under Domitian. Chronology. 1794 Lord Howe's memorable vic- tory by sea over the French fleet. 1814. A newspaper of this day notices that the Tuesday preceding was observed at Burton, in Dorsetshire, as a great fes- tival, in consequence of the arrival at that place of a vat of Hambro' yarn, from London, being the first that had come into the town for many years. The inhabitants met the waggon, took out the horse, decorated the vat with ribands, and various emblems of peace, plenty, trade and commerce, and drew the same through the village, preceded by a flag and band of music, amidst the acclama- tions of thousands, many of whom were regaled with bread, cheese, and strong beer: one loaf (among others) baked for the occasion, claimed the admiration of everyone present; its length being six feet three inches, breadth twenty-one inches, depth fourteen inches, and its weight considerably above 100 lbs. To explain the occasion of this rejoicing, it is necessary to state that Burton, as a manu- facturing place, had suffered under the privation which was felt more or less throughout the British dominions, by Buonaparte declaring them to be in a state of blockade. By this decree, from the continent of Europe being within his power, he was enabled to injure and de- range the industry and commerce of our artisans and merchants to an extent that was not contemplated. They have hap- pily been liberated by an unlooked-for, and wonderful, combination of circum- stances ; nor so long as good faith and wise dispositions prevail, can they be prevented from arriving to a height of prosperity unparalleled in our annals. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Yellow Rose. Rosa lutea. Dedicated to St. Justin Sftnie 2. Sts. Pothinns, Bp. Sanctus, Attains Blandi)ia, &c., of Lyons, a. u. 177. Sts Marcelltnns and Peter^ a. d. 304. St. Erasmus, or Ermo, or Elmo, a. d. 303. Corpus CI;rigti Bau, and the performance of This grand festival of the Romish church is held on the Thursday next after Trinity Sunday, in which order it also stands in the church of England calendar, and in the English almanacs. It celebrates the doctrine of transubstantiation. In aK Roman catholic countries it is observed with music, lights, flowers strewed in the street, rich tapestries hung upon the walls, and with other demonstrations of re- joicing :* this is the usage still. An- ciently in this country, as well as abroad, it was the custom to perform plays on this day, representing scripture subjects. From an author before cited, the follow- ing verses relating to these manners are extracted : — " Then doth ensue the solemne feast of Corpus Christi Day, Who then can shewe their wicked use, and fond and foolish play ? The hallowed bread, with worship great, in silver pix they beare About the church, or in the citie passing here and tlieare. His armes that heares the same two of the welthiest men do holde, And over him a canopey of silke and cloth of golde. Christe's passion here derided is, with stindrie viaakes aitd plat/es, Faire Ursley, with hir maydens all, doth passe amid the wayes : And. valiant George, with speare thou killest the dreadful! dragon here, The Devil's house is draivne about, wherein there doth oppere A wondrous sort of damned sprites, with fonlc and fearefull looke, Great Christopher doth wade and passe with Christ amid the brooke : Sebastian full of feathred shaftes, the dint of dart doth feele, There walketh Kathren, with hir sworde in hand, and cruel wheele : The Challis and the singing Cake with Barbara is led, And siindrie other pageants plat/de, in worship of this bred. 371 THE EVEIIY-DAY IJOOK.— JUNE 2 riie common ways with bowes are strawde, and every streete beside, And to the walles and windowes all are bonghes and braunches tide. The monkes in every place do roanie, the uonnes abrode are sent, The priestes and schoolmen lowd do rore, some use the instrument. The straunger passing through the Etreete, upon his knees doc fall : And earnestly upon this bread, as on his God, doth call. For why, they counte it for their Lorde, and tiiat he dotli not take Tlie form of flesh, but nature now of breade that we do bake. A number great of armed men here all this while do stande, To looke that no disorder be, nor any filching hande : For all the chiirch-goodes out are brought, which certainly would bee A bootie good, if every man might have his libertie."* The Religious Plays performed on Corpus Christi Day, in the times of su- perstition, were such as were represented at other periods, though with less cere- mony. From a volume on the subject, by the editor of the Every- Day-book he, re- lates so much as may set forth their origin and the nature of the performances. Origin of Religions Plays. A Jewish play, of which fragments are still preserved in Greek iambics, is the first drama known to have been written on a scripture subject. It is taken from Exodus : a performer, in the character of Moses, delivers the prologue in a speech of sixty lines, and his rod is turned into a serpent on the stage. The play is sup- posed to have been written at the close of the second century, by one Ezekiel, a Jew, as a political spectacle to animate his dispersed brethren with the hopes of a future deliverance from their captivity. The emperor Julian made a law that no Christian should be taught in the heathen schools, or make use of that learning ; but there were two men livmg at that time, who exerted their talents to supply the deficiency of instruction and entertain- ment that the Christians experienced from Julian's edict : these were Apollina- rius, bishop of Laodicea, and his father, a priest of the same city ; they were both scholars, well skilled in oratory and the rules of composition, and of high literary * Naogeorgus, by Googe. renown. Apollinarius, the elder, a pro- found philologer, translated the five books of Moses into heroic verse, and in the same manner composed the history of the Israelites to the time of Saul, into a poem of twenty-four books, in imitation of Homer. He also wrote religious odes, and turned particular histories and por- tions of the Old and New Testament into comedies and tragedies, after the manner of Menander, Euripides, and Pindar. His son the bishop, an eloquent rhetori- cian, and already an antagonist of Ju- lian's, anxious that the Christians might not be ignorant of any species of Greek composition, formed the writings of the evangelists, and the works of the apostles, into dialogues, in the manner of Plato. About the same time, Gregory Nazian- zen, patriarch and archbishop of Con- stantinople, one of the fathers of the church, and master to the celebrated Je- rome, composed plays from the Old and New Testament, which he substituted for the plays of Sophocles and Euripides at Constantinople, where the old Greek stage had flourished until that time. The ancient Greek tragedy was a religious spectacle ; and the sacred dramas of Gregory Nazianzen were formed on the same model ; he transformed the choruses into Christian hymns. Onf only of the arcli- bishop's plays is extant : it is a tragedy called " Christ's Passion ;" the prologue rails it an imitation of Euripides; the play is preserved in Gregory Nazianzen's works. The remainder of his dramas have not survived those inimitable com- positions over which they triumphed for a time. It is not known whether the religious dramas of the ApoUinarii perished so early as some of their other writings, that were ordered to be destroyed for, a crime common in all ages, heresy ; but this is certain, that the learning they endeavour- ed to supply gradually disappeared before the progress of Constantine's establish- ment. Suddenly acquiring power, and finally assuming infallibility, observing pagan feasts as religious festivals, conse- crating heathen rites into christian solem- nities, and transforming the ncn-obser- vances of primitive simplicity into prece- dents for gorgeous ceremony, the church blazed with a scorching splendour that withered up the heart of man. Every accession to the dominion of its ecclesias- tics over his property and intellect induced "'•l f-relaxation and sloth ; to the boldness 372 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.- JUNE 2. that seized a liberal supply for spiritual support, succeeded the craft that extended It to a boundless revenue for effeminate indulgence. The miraculous powers of the church wonderfully multiplied ; but .mplicit belief in miracles was equivocal, unless the act of faith was accompanied by liberal contributions at the altar. The purchase of pardons for sin, and the wor- ship of the relics exhibited in sumptuous shrines, were effectual ways of warring with the powers of darkness, and tiie cof- fers overflowed with contributions. These active hostilities against Satan occasioned him to ascend upon earth, and, to terrify the devout, he often appeared to them in the natural ugliness of his own proper person. When put to flight, by masses and holy water, he took lodgings incog. in the bodies of careless people, nor would he leave a tenement he occupied, till he was forcibly turned out of posses- sion by a priest acquainted with the forms of ejectment. Dislike to clean linen was a peculiar mark of piety, and dirty her- mits emitted the odour of sanctity, rhough their holinesses were so violently hated by the devil, that he took the trou- ble to assault and tempt them in the holee of the earth and trunks of old trees where they inhabited, yet it was rewarded with visits to their chosen abodes from all the orders of heaven ; and by long familiarity with the powers of the other world, these " tender-nosed saints could detect the presence of invisible angels." They who turn their backs upon the concerns of life were especial favourites above. A nun reported that Christ opened her side with his corporal hands, took out her heart, and then carefully placing his own in the chasm, left it there and closed the wound, at the same time doing her the honour to wear her shift. Nor did the faithful, who believed the former relation, doubt for an instant that the Virgin de- scended from heaven to visit the cells of monasteries, and milk her breasts into the mouths of monks. Doubts were ef- fectually removed by burning doubters. All who were privileged to snave the top of the head in a circle, as a token of eman- cipation from worldly superfluities, were partners in the profitable trade of granting licenses for unmolested existence at the price of unconditional admission. Eccle- siastical policy accomplished its purpose: the human mind was in a delirium ; the hierarchy at the summit of its ascendancy. From the complete establishment of the church until within a short tim^ Icfore the reformation, darkness overspread the world, and the great mass of the clergy themselves were in a state of deplorable ignorance. During this period, in order to wean the people from the ancient spec- tacles, particularly the Bacchanalian and calendary solemnities, religious shows were instituted partaking of the samp spirit of licentiousness. To these shows the clergy added the acting of mysteries, or representing the miraculous acts of saints circumstances from apocryphal story, and subjects from the Old and New Testament. There are different opinions as to the religious class by whom they were in- troduced into Europe, though it seems reasonable to suppose that they were adopted by the Italians in the depth of the dark ages from the spiritual dramas of the ApoUinarii, father and son, and Gregory Nazianzen ; but, however that may be, there is no room for surprise that all writers concur in attr-ibuting the per- formance of mysteries, or religious plays, to the clergy of the catholic church. As mysteries arose with Gregory Na- zianzen, it is not likely that his example as a father of the church should be lost sight of as soon as he had succeeded in destroying the performance of the ancient Greek plays ; yet English writers do not appear to have traced sacred representa- tions in a dramatic form until many cen- turies after Gregory Nazianzen's death. The first dramatic representation in Italy was a spiritual comedy, performed at Padua in 1'2-I3 ; and there was a cnm- pany instituted at Rome in 1264, whose chief employment was to represent the sufferings of Christ in Passion week. The rev. Mr. Croft, and the hon. Topham Beauclerc, collected a great number of these Italian plays or mysteries; and at the sale of their libraries, Dr. Burney pur- chased many of the most ancient, which he speaks of as being evidently much ear- lier than the discovery of printing, from the gross manner in which the subjects are treated, the coarseness of the dialogue, and the ridiculous situation into which most sacred persons and things are thrown. In 1313, Philip the Fair gave the most sumptuous entertainment at Paris ever remembered in that city. Edward II. and his queen Isabella, crossed over from England with a large retinue of nobility and partook of the magnihcent festivities The pomp and profusion of the banquet- 373 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 2. tings, the variety of the amusements, and the splendour of the costume were unsur- passed. On each of the eight days the princes and nobles changed their dresses three times; while the people were some- times entertained with representations of the Glory of the blessed, at other times with the Torments of the damned, and various other spectacles. In 1402, by an edict of Charles VI. dated Dec. 4, the mystery of the conception, passion, and resurrection of Christ, was performed at St. Maur, about five miles from Paris. At the council at Constance, in the year 1417, the English fathers played the mys- tery of the massacre of the Holy Inno- cents. The mystery of the passion was performed on the entrance of the kings of France and England at Paris, on Decem- ber 1. 1420, in the street Kalende, before the palace, upon a raised scaffolding of one hundred paces in length. In the Royal Library of Paris, No. 4350, is Le Mystere de la 'passion Jesus Christ ; Paris, printed by Antoine Ver- ard, 1490, folio. This is a fine copy on vellum with every page richly illuminat- ed, and containing a MS. note in French, purporting to be an extract from an old chronicle, entitled, " Histoire de Metz veritable," whence it appears that its per- formance was attended by many foreign lords and ladies whose names are specified, and that there were lanthorns placed in the windows during the whole time of the plays : but the most curious part of the MS. note is, that, " in the year 1437, on the 3rd of July was represented the game or play, de la Passion, N. S. in the plain of Vexmiel, when the park was arranged in a very noble manner, for there were nine ranges of seats in height rising by degrees ; all around and behind were great and long seats for the lords and ladies. On the stage was represented the mouth of hell, it is described as having been very well done, for that it opened and shut when the devils required to enter and come out, and had two large eyes of steel." On the 27th of May, 1509, was per- formed at Romans, in Dauphiny, before theCordelier's church, the Mystery of the Three Dons. In this religious play, which lasted three days, there are emissaries who undertake very long journeys, and must come back before the play can he ended. The scene, besmeared with the blood of the three martyrs, the Dons, is sometimes at Rome, sometimes at Vienna, soon after at Lyons, and at other times in the Alps. The stage constantly represents hell and paradise ; and Europe, Asia, and Africa, are cantoned in three towers. Some me- taphysical beings are most curiously per- sonified. Dame Silence, for instance, speaks the prologue ; Human Succour, Divine Grace, and Divine Comfort, are the supporters of the heroes and heroines of the piece, while hell exhibits monsters and devils, to frighten the audience. They are constantly abusing Proserpine, who is introduced with all the trappings of Tartarean pomp into this performance, where there are no less than ninety-two dramatis personce, among whom are the Virgin and God the Father. The story of Le Mystere du Chevalier qui donne sa Femme an Diable, played by ten persons in 1505, is of a dissipated knight reduced by his profligacy to dis- tress and wickedness. In his misfortunes the devil appears, and proposes to make him richer tlian ever, if he will assign his wife, that the devil may have her in seven years. After some discussion the knight consents, his promise is written out, and he signs it with his blood. The seducer then stipulates that his victim shall deny his God ; the knight stoutly resists for a time, but in the end the devil gains his point, and emboldened by success ven- tures to propose that the knight shall deny the Virgin Mary. This, however, being a still greater sin, he refuses to commit it with the utmost indignity and vehemence, and the devil walks ofl' baffled. At the end of seven years, the promise being due, the devil presents it to the knight, who, considering it a debt of honour, pre- pares to discharge it immediately. He orders his wife to follow him to a certain spot, but on their way she perceives a church, which after obtaining her hus- band's permission she enters, for the pur- pose of off'ering her devotion ; while thus engaged, the Virgin Mary recollecting the knight's unsullied allegiance to her, as- sumes the semblance of his wife, and in that character joins him. The moment that they both appear before the devil, he perceives who he has to deal with, and upbraids the unconscious knight for at- tempting to deceive him. The knight protests his ignorance and astonishment, which the Virgin corroborates, by telling the devil that it was her own plan, for the rescue of two souls from his power, and she orders him to give up tlie knight's promise. He of course obeys so high an authority, and runs off" in great terror. oU THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 2. The Virgin exhorts the knight to better loiiduct in future, restores his wife to him, «nd the piece concludes. In the reign of Francis I., 1541, the perfornumce of a grand mystery of the .4cls of the Apostles, was proclaimed with ireat solemnity, and acted at Paris for many successive days, before the nobility, clergy, and a large assemblage in the Hotel de Flandres. These plays written in French rhyme, by the brothers Gre- ban, were printed in 2 vols, folio, black letter, under letters patent of the king to William Alabat, a merchant of Bourges. The dramatis personae, were a multitude of celestial, terrestial, and infernal per- sonages, amounting altogether to four hundred and eighty-five characters. Though the scenes of these plays were chiefly scriptural, yet many were from apocryphal story, and the whole exhibi- tion was a strange mixture of sacred and profane history. Bayle calls the work entitled the Mys- tsre des Antes Apostres, " a very rare and uncommon work." He obtained the loan of a copy from sir Hans Sloane in Eng- land, and largely describes the volume. It is, however, more curious than rare. From the public instruments prefixed to the work, and the circumstances related by Bayle, it is evident that there was much importance attached to these plays; but it cannot so well be conceived from perusing them, as from the remarkable ceremonial of the public proclamation for their performance, concerning which he says nothing, probably from the extreme rarity of the tract, he had not seen it. It ordained, that the proclamation of this play should be made by sound of trum- pets, with the city officers and Serjeants attending, and directed that the perform- ance should take place " in the hall of the Passion, the accustomed place for rehearsals and repetitions of the Myste- ries played in the said city of Paris; which place, being well hung with rich tapestry chairs and forms, is for the re- ception of all persons of honest and vir- tuous report, and of all qualities therein assisting, as well as a great number of citizens and merchants, and other persons, as well as clergy and laity, in the pre- sence of the commissaries and officers of justice appointed and deputed to hear the speeches of each personage ; and these are to make report, according to the merit of their well doing, as in such case required, concerning which have a gra cious reception ; and from day to day, every day, so to continue to do, until the perfection of the said Mystery." It is not necessary to trace these plays abroad ; they continue to be represented there to the present hour. At Berlin, 1804 and 5, the grand sacred comedy of " David," in five acts, with battles and choruses, was performed by the comedians in the Na. tional Theatre. Throughout March, April, and May, 1810, the same play was re- presented at \'ienna ; and while the Con- gress was held therein 1815, it was again performed with the utmost possible splen- dour. The back of the stage, extending into the open air, gradually ascended to a distance sufficient to admit carriages and horses, and to allow the evolutions of at least five hundred Austrian soldiers, infantry and cavalry, who, habited in the characters of Jews and Philistines, carried muskets and carbines, defiled and de- ployed, charged with the bayonet, let ofl their fire-arms, and played artillery, to represent the battles described in the Book of Rings. The emperor Alexander of Russia, the king of Prussia, and other monarchs, with their ministers, and the representatives of different courts, at the Congress, attended these plays, which were exhibited at the great theatre (An der Wien) to crowded audiences, at the usual prices of admission. The first trace of theatrical representa- tion in this country is recorded by Matthew Paris, who wrote about 1240, and relates, that Geoffrey, a learned Norman, master of the school of the abbey of Dunstable, composed the play of -S^ Catharine, which was acted by his scholars. Geoffrey's performance took place in the year 1110, and he borrowed copes from the sacrist of the neighbouring abbey of St. Albans, to dress his characters. Fitzstephen writ- ing in 1174, says that, " London, for its theatrical exhibitions, has religious plays, either the representations of miracles wrouglit by holy confessors, or the suffer- ings of martyrs." Besides those of Co- ventry, there are MSS. of the Chester mysteries, ascribed to Ranulph Higden, compiler of the Polychronicon, and a Benedictine monk of that city, where they were performed at the expense of the in corporated trades, with a thousand days of pardon from the pope, and forty days of pardon from the bishop of Chester to all who attended the representation, which is supposed to have been first had in the year 1328. 575 THE EVEllY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 2, It is related in the Museum MS., of these Chester plays, that the author, " was thrice at Rome before he could obtain leave of the pope to have them in the English tongue." The subjects of these plays being " from the Old and New Testament," seem to supply the reasons for the difficulty in obtaining the pope's consent. Scripture in English had been scrupulously withheld from the people, and the pope probably anticipated, that if they were made acquainted with a portion of it, the remainder would be demanded ; while the author of the plays, better acquainted than the pope with the more immediate difficulty of altogether repressing the curiosity that had been excited towards it, conceived, perhaps, that the growing desire might be delayed, by distorted and confusing representations of certain portions. Perhaps such cor- ruptions and absurdities, as are in these plays, seconded by the eloquence of their author, abated the papal fears concerning the appearance of these scriptural inter- ludes in English, and finally obtained the sanction for their performance. It may be supposed, that the Chester plays, written in an early and dark age, would contain a great mass of apocryphal interpolation, and that the Coventry plays, written much later, would contain less ; yet the contrary is the fact. Among the Chester mysteries, the " Descent into Hell" is the only one not founded on scrip- ture, and that even has a colourable au- thority by implication ; while among the Coventry mysteries, which were produced ninety years afterwards, there are, be- sides the " Descent," no less than eight founded on apocryphal Testament story. This remarkable diflfeience of feature, may probably be accounted for. From the fourth century, when Gregory Na- zianzen, and the Apollonarii, turned por- tions of the bible into tragedies and comedies, the clergy of the continent must have done m.uch in the same W3y, and with much of apociyphal engraft- ment; and though "religious plays" prevailed m England, yet scriptural sub- jects were new to the people, and the Chester mystery-maker of 1328, foun-- these so numerous, as to render recourse to the New Testament Apocrypha unne- cessary. But the Coventry mystery- maker of 1416, was under circumstances that would suggest powerful motives to the cunning of a monkish mind for apo- cryphal adoption. He was likelv to conceive that a false glare might obscure the dawnings of the human mind. The rising day of the Reformation had been foretold by the appearance of its " morn ing star," in the person of the intrepid Wycliffe, who exercised the right of pri- vate judgment in England, a century and a half before Luther taught it as a prin- ciple in Germany. It was a period o' fearful foreboding to the church. In 1404 Henry IV. held a parliament at Coventry which, from its desire to compel thp clergy to contribute largely to the exi- gencies of the state, was called the Lay- men's Parliament. The country was in imminent danger; an abundant supply of money was immediately necessary ; the church property and income were enor- mous ; the parliament knew that this profusion of ecclesiastical wealth could only have been acquired from the industry of the laity ; and they represented that the clergy had been of little service to the king, while the laity had served in his wars with their persons, and by contri- butions for the same purpose had im- poverished their estates. The archbishop of Canterbury said, that if the clergy did not fight in person their tenants fought for them, that their contributions had been in proportion to their property, and that the church had offered prayers and masses day and night for God's blessing on the king and the army. The speaker, sir John Cheyne, answered, that the pray- ers of the church were a very slender supply. To this the archbishop replied, that it might easily be seen what would become of the kingdom when such devout addresses were so slighted. The persist- ence of the archbishop saved the church at that time from the impending storm ; but the priests saw that their exactions and their worship were only tolerated, Wycliffe had then been dead about twenty years. After a life wonderfully preserved from the unsparing cruelty of ecclesiastical power, by the protection of Edward III., his memory was affectionately revered, and, as printing had not been discovered, his writintjs were scarce, and earnestly sought. The good seed of dissent had germinated, and the appearance of dis- senters at intervals, was a specimen of the harvest that had not yet come. No- thing more fearfully alarmed the estab- lishment than Wycliffe's translation of the New Testament into English. All arts were used to suppress it. and to enliven the slumbering attachment of the people 37G THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUTVR -2. to thfj " good old customs " of the church. Tliere is abundant evidence of studious endeavours to both these ends in the Co- ventry mysteries. The priests indus- triously reported, that Wyclifle's Testa- ment was a folse one; that he had dis- torted the language, and concealed facts. There was no printing press to multiply co.pies of his book ; biblical criticism was scarcely known but by being denounced ; the ecclesiastics anathematized scriptural inquiry as damnable heresy from their confessionals and pulpits ; and as " the churches served as theatres for holy farces," the Franciscan friars of Coventry, shortly after the meeting of the Laymen's Parliament in that city, craftily engrafting stories from the pseudo-gospels upon narratives in the New Testament, com- posed and performed the plays called the Coventry mysteries. These fraudful pro- ductions were calculated to postpone the period of illumination, and to stigmatize, by implication, the labours of Wycliffe. Yet, if the simulation succeeded for a while with the vulgar, it reinvigorated the honest and the persevering; and as the sun breaks forth after a season of cold and darkness, so truth, finally emerging fiom the gulph of the papal hierarchy, animated the torpid intellect, and cheered the " long abused sight." But to return. In 1538, Ralph Radclifle, a scholar and a lover of graceful erudition, wrote plays in Latin and English, which were exhibited by his pupils. Among his comedies, were " Dives and Lazarus," the " Delivering of Susannah," "Job's suf- ferings," the " Burning of John Huss," &c. The scholars of St. Paul's school in London, were, till a comparatively late period, in great celebrity for their theatri- cal talent, which it appears was in full exercise upon the mysteries so early as the reign of Richard IL ; for in that year, 1378, they presented a petition to his majesty, praying him " to prohibit some iinexpert people from presenting the his- tory of the Old and New Testament, to the great prejudice of the said clergy, who have been at great expense in order to represent it publicly at Christmas." But the more eminent performers of mysteries in London, were the society of parish clerks. On the 18tli, 19th, and 20th of July, 1390, they played interlude', at the Skinner's-well, as the usual place of their performance, before king Richard IL, his queen, and their court; and at the same place, in 1490, they played the " Creation of the World," and subjects ol the like kind, for eigiit successive days, to splendid audiences of the nobility and gentry from all parts of England. The parish-clerks' ancient performances is memorialized in raised letters of iron, upon a pump on the east side of Rag- street, now called Ray-street, beyond the Sessions-house, Clerkenwell. The pump of the Skinner's-well is let mto a low dead wall. On its north side is an earthenware shop ; and on the south a humble tenement occupied by a bird-seller, whose cages with their chirp- ing tenants, hang over and around the inscription. The passing admirer of linnets and redpoles, now and then stops awhile to listen to the melody, and re- fiesh his eye with a few green clover turfs, that stand on a low table for sale by the side of the door ; while the monu- ment, denoting the histrionic fame of the place, and alluding to the miraculous powers of the water for healing incurable diseases, which formerly attracted multi- tudes to the spot, remains unobserved beneath its living attractions. The pre- sent simplicity of the scene powerfully contrasts with the recollection of its for- mer splendour. The choral chant of the Benedictine nuns accompanying the peal of the deep-toned organ through their cloisters, and the frankincense curling its perfume from priestly censers at the altar, are succeeded by the stunning sounds of numerous quickly plied-hammers, and the smith's bellows flashing the fires of Mr. Bond's iron-foundry, erected u{>on the unrecognised site of the convent. This religious house stood about half-way down the declivity of the hill, which commencing near the church on Clerk- enwell-green, terminates at the river Fleet. The prospect then, was uninterrupted by houses, and the people upon the ris'ng grounds could have had an uninterrupted view of the performances at the well. About pistol-sh(>t from thence, on th? N. N. E. part of the hill, there was a Bear garden ; and scarcely so far from the well, at the bottom of the hill westward, and a little to the north, in the hollow of Air-street, lies Hockley-in the-IIole, where diffi='rent rude sports, which probably arose with the discontinuance of the pa- rish clerks' acting, were carried on, witliin the recollection of persons still living, to the great annoyance of this suburb. The religious guild, or fraternity of Corpus Christi at York, was obliged an- 377 THE EVERYDAY BOOK.— JUNE 2. nually to perform a Corpus Christi play. Drake says, that this ceremony must have been in its time one of the most extra- ordinary entertainments the city could ex- hibit. It was acted in that city till the twenty-sixth year of queen Elizabeth, 1,584. Corpus Christi day, at Newcastle-upon- Tyne, was celebrated with similar exhibi- tions by the incorporated trades. The earliest mention of the performance of mysteries there, is in the ordinary of the coopers for 1426. In 1437, the barbers played the " Baptizing of Christ," In 1 568, the " Offering of Abraham and Isaac " was exhibited by the slaters. About 1578, the Corpus Christi plays were on the de- cline, and never acted but by a special command of the magistrates of Newcastle. They are spoken of as the general plays of the town of Newcastle, and when thought necessary by the mayor to be set forth and played, the millers were to per- form the "Deliverarice of Israel ;" the house- carpenters, the "Burial of Christ;" the ma- sons, the " Burial of our lady Saint Mary the Virgin." Between the first and last mentioned periods, there are many mi- nutes in the trades' books of the acting in different years. In the reign of Henry VII., 1487, that king, in his castle of Winchester, was en- tertained on a Sunday, while at dinner, with the performance of Christ's " Descent mto Hell/' by the choir boys of Hyde abbey and St. Swithin's priory, two large monasteries there ; and in the same reign, 1489, there were shows and ceremonies, and (religious) plays, exhibited in the palace at Westminster. On the feast of St. Margaret, in 1511, the miracle play of the " Holy Martyr St. George," was acted on a stage in an open field at Bassingborne, in Cambridge.shire, at which were a minstrel and three waits hired from Cambridge, with a property- man and a painter. It appears from the Earl of Northum- berland's Household-hook, (1512,) that the children of his chapel performed mysteries during the twelve days of Christmas, and at Easter, under the di- rection of his master of the revels. Bishop Percy cites several particulars of the regu- lated sums payable to " parsones" and others for these performances. The exhi- jiting scripture dramas on the great fes- tivals entered into the regular establish- r.'.pnt, and formed part of the domestic r ■■'■"il;iiK'r.« of our ancient nobility; and what is more remarkable, it was as mucn the business of the chaplain in those days to compose plays for the family, as it is now for him to make sermons. At London, in the year 1556, the " Pas- sion of Christ' was performed at the Grey Friars, before the lord mayor, the privy- council, and many great estates of the realm. In 1577, the same play was per- formed at the same place, on the day that war was proclaimed in London against France ; and in that year, the holiday of St. Olave, the patron of the church in Silver-street, dedicated to that saint, being celebrated with great solemnity, a* eight o'clock at night, a play of the " mira- culous Life of St. Olave," was performed for four hours, and concluded with many religious plays. The acting of religious plays experienced interruption during the reign of Elizabeth, and occasionally at other periods. Malone thinks that tiie last mystery represented in England, was that of "Christ's Passim.," in the reign of king James I. Prynne relates that it was performed at Ely-house, in Holborn, whenGondomar, the Spanish ambassador, lay there, on Good Friday, at night, and that thousands were present. Concerning the Coventry mysteries, Dugdale relates, in his " History of War- wickshire," published in 1656, that, "Be- fore the suppression of the monasteries, this city was very famous for the pageants that were played therein, upon Corpus Christi day (one of their ancient faires,) which occasioning very great confluence of people thither from far and near, was of no small benefit thereto : which pa- geants being acted with mighty state and reverence by the Grey Friars, had theatres for the several scenes, very large and high, placed upon wheels, and drawn to all the eminent parts of the city, for the better advantagw of spectators, and contained the story ot the ()ld and New Testament, composed ii the Old Englishe rithme, as appeareth cy an ancient MS. (in Bibl. Cotton. Vesp. D. VIII.) intituled, Ludus Corporis Christi, or Ludus CoventricB. * I have been told,' says Dugdale, ' by some old people, who in their younger years were eye-witnesses of these pageants so acted, that the yearly confluence of people to see that shew was extraordinary great, and yielded no small advantage to this city.' The celebrity of the performances mny be inferred from the rank of the audiences; for, at the festival of Corpus 178 THE EVERY JAY BOOK— JUNE 3. Christi, in 1483, Richard IIL visited Co- ventry to see the plays, and at the same season in 1492, they were attended by Henry VH.and his queen, by whom they Were highly commended." The mysteries were acted at Chester, by the trading companies of the city. " Every company had his pagiante, or parte, which pagiantes were a highe scafolde with two rowmes, a higher and a lower upon four wheeles. In the lower they apparelled themselves, in the higher rowme they played, being all open on the tope, that all behoulders might hear and see them. The places where they played them was in every streete. They begane first at the A bay gates, and when the pa- giante was played, it was wheeled to the High-cross before the mayor, and so to every streete ; and so every streete had a pagiante playing before them, till all the pagiantes for the daye appointed were played, and when one pagiante was neer ended, worde wasbroughte from streete to streete, that soe the mighte come in place thereof, excedinge orderlye, and all the streetes had their pagiante afore them, all at one time, playing togetlier, to se which playes was great resorte, and also sca- foldes, and stages made in the streetes, in those places where they determined to playe their pagiantes." In Cornwall they had interludes in the Cornish language from scripture history. These were called the Unary Miracle plays, and were sometimes performed in the open fields, at the bottom of earthen amphitheatres, the people standing around on the inclined plane, which was usually forty or fifty feet diameter. Two MSS. in the Bodleian Library contains the Cornish plays of the " Deluge," the " Passion," and the " Resurrection." According to Strutt, when mysteries were the only plays, the stage consisted of three platforms, one above another. On the uppermost sat God the Father, surrounded by his angels; on the second, the glorified saints, and on the last and lowest, men who had not yet passed from this life. On one side of the lowest plat- form was the resemblance of a dark pitchy cavern, from whence issued the appear- ance of fire and flames ; and when it was necessary, the audience was treated with nideous yellings and noises in imitation of the bowlings and cries of wretched souls tormented by relentless demons. From this yawning cave the devils themselvas constantly ascended to delight, and to in- struct the spectators.* Cat JForship on Corpus Christi Day. In the middle ages, animals formed as prominent a part in the worship of the time as they had done in the old religion of Egypt. The cat was a very important personage in religions festivals. At Aix, in Provence, on the festival of Corpus Christi, the finest Tom cat of the country, wrapt in swaddling clothes like a child, was exhibited in a magnificent shrine to public admiration. Every knee w:;.s bent, every hand strewed flowers or pour- ed incense, and Grimalkin was treated in all respects as the god of the day. But on the festival of St. John, poor Tom's fate was reversed. A number of the tabby tribe were put into a wicker basket and thrown alive into the midst of an immense fire, kindled in the public square by the bishop and his clergy. Hymns and anthems were sung, and pro- cessions were made by the priests and people in honour of the sacrifice.f FLOUAL DIRECTORY. Pimpernal. AnagaUis arvensis. Dedicated to St. Erasmus. Bune 3. St. Ceeilius, a. d. 211. St. Clotildis, or Clotilda, Queen of France, a. d. 545. St. Coemgen, or Keivin, a. d. 618. St Lifard, Abbot, about the middle of the 6th Cent. St. Genesis, in French, Genes, Bp. about a. d. 662. Chronology. 1817, June 3, Paris. — Yesterday the ladies of the market of St. Germain, hav- ing invited the rector of St. Suipice ta bless their new market-place, that pastor accompanied by the clergy of the parish, repaired there at five o'clock, and sung the hymn, Veni Creator. A procession took place inside the edifice, and the market was formally blessed. The whole concluded with Domine, Salvuyn fac Re- gent. The market was to open the next morning. — Moniteur. * Hone on Mysteries, t Mill's Hist. Crusades. o79 THE EVEEY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 3. HOENSEY-WOOD HOUSE. A house of entertainment — in a plao^i So ruial, that it almost doth deface The lovely scene : for like a beauty-spot, Upon a charming cheek that needs it not, So Hornsey Tavern seems to me. And yet, Tho' nature be forgotten, to forget The nrtificai wants of the forgetters. Is setting up oneself to be their betters. This is unwise ; for they are passing wise, Who have no eyes for scenery, and despise Persons like me, who sometimes have sensations Tlirough too much sight, and fall in contemplations. Which, as cold waters cramp and drown a swimmer, Chill and o'erwhelm me. Pleasant is that glimmer, Whereby trees seftn but wood : — The men who know No qualities but forms and uses, go Through life for happy people : — they are so. Tloinspy-wood house is beyond the Sluice-house, from whence anglers and other visitors pass to it through an upland meadow, along a straight gravel-j)ath, aTigle-wise. It is a good, "plain,, brown brick," respectable, modern, London look- ing building. Within the entrance to the left, is a light and spacious room of ample accommodation, and of which more care has been taken,than of its fine leather-fold- ing screen in ruins — an unseemly sight for him, who respects old requisites for their former beauty and convenience. This once partook af botli, but disuse hath abused and " time hath written strange defea- tures" on its face, which in its early day? was handsome. It still bears some re- mains of a spirited painting, spread all o8U THE EVERY-DAY BOOK —JUNE 3 over its loaves, to represent tlie amuse- ments and humours of a fair in the low countries. At the top of a pole, which may have been the village May-pole, is a monkey with a cat on his back ; tlien there is a sturdy bear-ward, in scarlet, with a wooden leg, exhibiting his bruin ; an old woman telling fortunes to the rustics; a showman's drummer on a stage before a booth, beating up for spectators to the performan.e within, which the show-cloth represents to be a dancer on the tight- lope; a well set-out stall of toys, with a woman displaying their attractions ; be- sides other really interesting " bits " of a crowded scene, depicted by no mean hand, especially a group coming fioin a church in the distance, apparently a wedding procession, the females well- looking and well dressed, bearing ribbons or scarfs below their waists in festoons. The destruction of this really interesting screen by worse than careless keeping, is to be lamented. This luin of art is within a ruin of nature. Hornsey-taveiu and its grounds have displaced a romantic portion of the wood, the remains of which, however, skirt a large and pleasant piece of water, formed at a considerable ex- pens*:. LAKE OF HORNSEY-WOOD HOUSE. to this water, which is well stored with fish, anglers resort with better pros- pect of success than to the New River ; the walk around it, and the prospect, are very agreeable. The old Hornsey-wood house well be- came its situation ; it was embowered, and seemed a part of the wood. Two sisters, Mrs. Lloyd and Mrs. Collier, kept the house; they were ancient women; jarge in size, and usually sat before tlieir door, on a seat fixed between two vener- able oaks, wherein swarms of bees hived themselves. Here the venerable and cheerful dames tasted many a refreshing cup, with their good-natured customers, and told tales of by-gone days, till, in very old age, one of them passed to her grave, and the other followed in a few months. Each died regretted by the fre- quenters of the rural dwelling, which was soon afterwards pulled down, and the old oaks felled, to make room for the pre- sent roomy and more fashionable build- ing. To those who were acquainted with it in its former rusticity, when it was an unassuming " calm retreat," it is indeed an altered spot. To produce the altera- tion, a sum of ten thousand pounds was expended by the piesent ])roprietor, and Hornsey-wood tavern is now a well-fre- quented house. The pleasantness of its situation is a great attraction in fine wea- ther. Chronology. 1802. On the 3d of June, madame Mara, the celebrated singer, took leave of the English public. The Dictionary of Musicians, in recording the perform- ance, observes, that never certainly was such a transcendent exercise ot ability uj 881 TIIE EVERY-DaY book.— JUNE 3. a duet composed to display the mutual accomplishments of madame Mara ind Mrs. Billington, which they sung with mutual excitement to the highest pitch of scientific expression. Madame Mara was born at Cassel, in Germany, in 1750. Her paternal name was Schmelling. Her early years were devoted to the study of the violin, which, as a child, she played in England, but quitted that instrument, and became a singer, by the advice of the English la- dies, who disliked a " female fiddler." To this, perhaps, we owe the delight expe- rienced from the various excellencies of the most sublime singer the world ever saw. Her first efforts were in songs of agility, yet her intonation was fixed by the incessant practice of plain notes. To confirm the true foundation of all good singing, by the purest enunciation, and the most precise intonation of the scale, was the study of her life, and the part of her voicing upon which she most valued herself. The late Dr. Arnold saw Mara dance, by way of experiment, and assume the most violent gesticulations, while going up and down the scale ; yet such was her power of chest, that the tone was as undisturbed and free as if she had stood in the customary quiet position of the orchestra. The Italians say, that " of the hundred requisites to make a singer, he who has a fine voice has ninety-nine." Mara had certainly the ninety-nine in one. Her voice was in compass from G to E in altissimo, and all its notes were alike even and strong ; but she had the hundredth also in a supereminent degree, in the grandest and most sublime conception. At the early age of twenty- four, when she was at Berlin, in the im- maturity of her judgment and her voice, the best critics admitted her to have ex- ceeded Cuzzoni, Faustina, and indeed all those who preceded her. Our age has since seen Billington and Catalani, yet in majesty and truth of expression fa term comprehending the most exalted gifts and requisites of vocal science,) Mara retains her su])eriority. From her we deduce all that has been learned concerning the great style of singing. The memory of her performance of Handel's sublime work, ' I know that my Redeemer liveth,' is immortalized, together with the air itself. Often as we have since heard it, we have never witnessed even an ap- proach to the simple majesty of Mara: it is to this air alone that she owes her highest preeminence ; and tney who, not having heard her, would picture to them- selves a just portraiture of her perform- ance, must image a singer who is fully equal to the truest expression of the in- spired words, and the scarcely less inspired music of the loftiest of all possible com- positions. She was the child of sensibi- lity : every thing she did was directed to the heart; her tone, in itself pure, sweet, rich, and powerful, took all its various colourings from the passion of the words; and she was )iot less true to nature and feeling in ' The Soldier tir'd,' and in the more exquisite, ' Hope told a flattering tale,' than in ' I know that my Redeemer liveth.' Her tone, perhaps, was neither so sweet nor so clear as Billington's, nor so rich and powerful as Catalani's, but it was the most touching language of the soul. It was on the mastery of the feel- ings of her audience that Mara set her claims to fame. She left surprise to others, and was wisely content with an apparently, but not really humbler, style ; and she thus chose the part of .genuine greatness." Her elocution must be taken rather as universal than as national ; for although she passed some time in Eng- land when a child, and retained some knowledge of the language, her pronun- ciation was continually marred by a fo- reign accent, and those mutilations of our words which are inseparable from the constant use of foreign languages, during a long residence abroad. Notwithstand- ingthisdrawback,the impression she made, even upon uneducated persons, always extremely alive to the ridiculous effects of mispronunciation, and upon the unskilled in music, was irresistible. The fire, dig- nity, and tenderness of her vocal appeal could never be misunderstood ; it spoke the language of all nations, for it spoke to the feelings of the human heart. Mrs. Billington, with a modesty becoming her great acquirements, voluntarily declared, that she considered Mara's execution to be superior to her own in genuine effect, though not in extent, compass, rapidity, and complication. Mara's divisions al- ways seemed to convey a meaning ; they were vocal, not instrumental ; they had light and shade, and variety of tone ; they relaxed from or increasf^d upon the time, according to the sentiment of which they always appeared to partake : these attri- butes were always remarkable in her open, true, and liquid shake, which was certainly full of expression. Neither in 382 THE EVERY-DaY BOOK.— JUNE 4, 5 ornaments, learned and graceful as they were, nor in her cadences, did she ever lose sight of the appropriate characteristics of the sense of melody. She was, by turns, majestic, tender, pathetic, and ele- gant, but in the one or the other not a note was breathed in vain. She justly held every species of ornamental execution, to be subordinate to the grand end of uniting the effects of sound sense, in their operations upon the feelings of her hear- ers. True to this spirit, if any one com- mended the agility of a singer, Mara would ask, " Can she sing six plain notes?" In majesty and simplicity, in grace, tenderness, and pathos, in the lof- tiest attributes of art, in the elements of the great style, she far transcended all her competitors in the list of fame. She gave to Handel's compositions their natural grandeur and effect, which is, in our minds, the very highest degree of praise that we can bestow. Handel is heavy, say the musical fashion-mongers of the day. Milton would be heavy beyond endurance, from the mouth of a reader of talents even above mediocrity. The fact is, that to wield such arms, demands the strength of giants. Mara possessed this heaven- gifted strength. It was in the perform- ance of Handel that her finer mind fixed its expression, and called to its aid all the powers of her voice, and all the ac- quisitions of her science. From the time of her retirement from England, Mara chiefly resided in Russia ; yet as the conflagration of Moscow destroyed great part of her property, towards the close of the year 1819, or the beginning of 1820, she returned to London, and determined on presenting herself once more to the judgment of the English public, who had reverenced her name so highly and so long. She, consequently, had a concert at the Opera-house, but her powers were so diminished that it proved unsuccessful. Justice to the channel which supplies these particulars concerning madame Mara requires it to be observed, that they are almost verbatim from a book of great merit and extensive usefulness. The Dictionary of Musicians. Its inform- ation obviously results from extensive research concerning the deceased, and personal acquaintance with many of the living individuals whose memoirs it con- tains. The work has experienced the fate of originality and excellence — it has been pillaged without acknowledgment ; and the discovery of an error or two, which the pillagers themselves were too ignorant to detect, have enabled them to abuse it. Although written by scientific hands, it is exempt from the meanness of envy, and honestly renders honour to whom honour is due. It is a book full of facts, with interspersions of anecdote so eloquently related, that it is one of the pleasantest works a lover of literature can take up, and is therefore not only a valu- able accession to our biographical collec- tions, but to our stores of amusement. FLOnAL DIRECTORY. Rosa de meaux. Rosa provincialis. Dedicated to St. Cccilius. Suae 4. St.Q.uirimis, Bp. a.d. 304. St. Optafnx, Bp. 4th Cent. St. JFalter, Abbot, 13th Cent. St. Petroc, or Perrense, Abbot, 6th Cent. St.Breaca, or Breagne. St. Burian. St. Nenooc, or Nennoca, h. D. 467. Chronology. 1738. King George III. born : he be- gan his reign, October 25, 1760, and died, January 29, 1820. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Indian Pink. Diant/ms Chinensis. Dedicated to St. Quirinus, Suite 5. St. Boniface, 8th Cent. St. Dorotheus, of Tyre St. Dorotheus, Abbot, 4th Cent. St. lUidins, Bp. 4th Cent. St. Boniface, Tliis saint is in the church of England calendar. His name was Winfred. He was born at Crediton in Devonshire, educated in a Benedictine monastery at Exeter, sent to Friesland as a missionary, became archbishop of Mentz and primate of Germany and Belgium, and obtained the appellation of apostle of the Germans. His conversions were extensive, but many of them were effected by pious frauds ; he was murdered in East Friesland by the peasantry, while holding a confirm- ation, in 755. Chronology. 1814. From a newspaper of June the 5th in that year it appears, thai on the 383 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 6, 7, 8. preceding Sunday morning, while the sex- ton of All Saints' church, at Stamford, was engaged in ringing the bells, two youths, named King and Richards, through mere emulation, ascended the steeple by means of the crotchets, or projecting stones on the outside of that beautiful and lofty spire. The projecting stones on which they stepped in the ascent are twenty-six in number, three feet asunder, and the summit of the spire 132 feet from the ground. In ten or twelve minutes the feat was performed, and the adven- turers had safely descended ; one of them (Richards) having hung his waistcoal on the weathercock as a memento. the two postillions being m their shirts. Is tliis outrage to be suffered in Eng- land ?" FLORAL DIRECTORY. Three-leaved Rose. Rosa Sinica. Dedicated to St. Boniface Suite 6. St. Norbert, a. d. 1134. St. Philip the Deacon, a. d. 58. St. Gudwall, Bp. 6th Cent. St. Claude, Abp. a. d. 696 or 703. Chronology 1762. George lord Anson, the circura- navigator of the world, died, at Moor- park, near Rickmansworth, Herts ; he was born at Shuckborough, in Stafford- shire, in 1700. Abduction. This offence was by no means uncom- mon in England some years ago. In the London Clironicle for 1762, there is an extract from a letter, dated " Sunday, Highgate, June 6," from whence it ap- pears, that on that morning, between twelve and one, a postchaise, in which was a lady, was driven through that place very furiously by two postillions, and attended by three persons who had the appearance of gentlemen, from which she cried out, " Murder ! save ine ! Oh, save me!" Her voice subsided from weak- ness into faint efforts of the same cries of distress ; but as there was at that time no possibility of relief, they hastily drove towards Finchley Common. " Fron an- other quarter," says tlie Loudon Chronicle, " we have undoubted intelligence of the same carriage being seen, and the same outcries heard, as it passed through Isling- ton, with the additional circumstance of FLORAL DIRECTORY. Common Pink. Dianthus deltoides. Dedicated to St. Norbert. Suae 7. St. Paul, Bp. of Constantinople, a. d. 350, or 351. St. Robert, Abbot, a. d. 1159: St. Colman, Bp. of Dromore, a. d. 610. St. Godeschalc, Prince of the Western Vandals, and his companions. St. Meriadec, Bp. a.d. 1302. Chronology. 1779. William Warburton, bishop of Gloucester, died. He was born at New- ark-upon-Trent, in 1698, followed the profession of an attorney, relinquished it for the church, and became an eminently able and learned prelate. His writings are distinguished by genius, but deformed by a haughty and vindictive spirit. floral directory. Red Centaury. Chironia centaureum. Dedicated to St. Paul. 3nm 8. St Medard, Bp. 6th Cent. St. Gildard, or Godard, Bp. a.d. 511. iS^ Maxi- minus, 1st Cent. St. JVilliam, Abp. of York, A. o. 1154. St. Clou, or Clodul- phns, Bp. A. D. 696. iS^ Syra, 7th Cent. Thimble and Pea. On the 8th of June, 1825, a publican in the neighbourhood of Whitechapel was charged at the Public Office, Bow-street, by Mr. John Francis Panchaud, a fo- reigner, with having, in conjunction with several other persons, defrauded him of a 10/. note, at Ascot Heath race-course, on the Thursday preceding. The alleged fraud, or robbery, was effected by means of an unfair game known among the fre- quenters of races and fairs by the name of " the thimble rig," of which J. Smith, the officer, this day gave the following de- scription to Mr. MinshuU, in order that the worthy magistrate might pverfectly understand the case : — A gang of seveu or eight, or more, set up a table, but they 384 THE EVERY-DAY COOK.— JUNE 8. a!l appear strangers to each other, and anconnected with the game, except one Kho conducts it,and who appears to be the !ole proprietor. This master of the cere- monies has three thimbles, and is provided with a number of peas, or pepper-corns. lie puts one under eacli thimble, c: per- haps only under one or two, as ll)« case may be. lie then offers a bet as to which thimole a pepper-corn is or is not under, and ofi'ers at first such a wager as is eagerly taken by those round the table, and he loses. He pays the losings freely, and the other members of this joint-stock company affect to laugh at him, as what they call a " good flat." Having thus drawn the attention, and probably excited the cupidity of a stranger, who appears to have money, they suffer him to win a stake or two, and get him to increase his bets. When he seems thoroughly in the humour, the master of the table lifts a thimble, under which is a pepper-corn, and turning his head aside to speak to some one, he suffers the corn to roll off; and, seeming to be unconscious of this, he replaces the thimble, and oflers bets to any amount that there is a corn under- neath that particular thimble. The stran- ger having seen the corn roll off " with his own eyes," as the phrase is, chuckles to himself, and eagerly takes the bet ; the thimble is removed, and behold ! — there is a pepper-corn under it still, the fellow "having dexterously slipped another under it wnen the first rolled off the table. " So that the plain fact is, sir," continued Smith, " that the stranger, fancying he is taking in the master of the table, cheer- fully stakes his money with a dead cer- tainty, as he supposes, of winning, and be finds that he has been taken in him- self." Smith said, he had known in- stances of gentlemen getting from their carriages, and in a few moments ridding themselves of 20/. or 30/., or perhaps more, and going off wondering at their folly, and looking uncommon silly. It appeared that Mr. Panchaud went up to one of these tables, at which the de- fendant and many others were playing, and after winning two or three times, the trick above described was commenced. The conductor of the game offered a bet of 5/., and Mr. Panchaud having seen the pepper-corn roll off, took the wager, and put down a 10/. note. In a moment after there was a general hustling, the table was upset, and the whole party bpeetlil)' disappeared, together with the 10/. note. When the bet was oflered, the defendant, who stood next to him, joggec Ills elbow, and said eagerly, " Bet him. bet him ; you must win, the hall is under our feet." Mr. Panchaud had no doubt, from his whole manner, that tlie defendant was concerned with the others in the trick. The case stood over for further investigation. It is only mentioned here for the purpose of showing a species of slight of hand continued in our own times to defraud the unwary. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Moneywort. Lyshnachia mtmmnlnria Dedicated to St. Mclard. PASSION FLOWER. This flower, says the elegant author of the Flora Domestica, derives its name from an idea, that all the instruments of Christ's passion are represented in it. The above engraving from an ancient print, shows the curious distortion of the flower in those parts whereon the imagina- tion has indulged. The original print bears an inscription to this efiect ; that nature itself grieves at the crucifixion, as is de- noted by the flower representing the five wounds, and the column or pillar of scourging, besides the three nails, tho crown of thorns, &c. Most of the passion-flowers are natives Vol. I. 585 2 C THE EVERY-DAY BOOK^JUNE 9, 10, 11, 12. of the hottest parts of America. Tlie rose coloured passion-flower is a native of Virginia, and is the species which was first known in Europe. It has since been, in a great measure, superseded by the blue passion-flower, which is hardy enough to flower in the open air, and makes an ele- gant tapestry for an unsightly wall. The leaves of this, in the autumn, are of the Jnost brilliant crimson ; and, when the sun is shining upon them, seem to trans- port one to the gardens of Pluto.* Bunt 9. Stg. Primus and Feliciann/f, a. d. 286. St. Columba, or Cohimkille, a. d. 597. St. Pelagia, a. d. 311. St. Fincent, 3d Cent. St. Richard, Bp. of Andria, 5th Cent. Chronology. 1760. Nicholas Lewes, count Zinzen- dorf, a native of Saxony, and founder of the religious society called Moravians, died at Chelsea. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Barberry. Barberis vulgaris. Dedicated to St. Columba. Sune 10. St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, a.d. 1093. St. Getulius and companions, 2d Cent. St. Landry, or Landericus, Bp. A. D. 650. B. Henry of Treviso, A.D. 1315. Chronology. 1735. Thomas Hearne, the learned antiquary, died at Oxford : he was born at White Waltham, in Berkshire, in 1680. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Yellow Fleur-de-lis. Iris Psetidacorns, Dedicated to St. Margaret. 3\int 11. St. Barnabas, Apostle, 1st Cent. St. Tochumra, of Tochumrach in Ireland. Another St. Tochumra, diocese cf Kil- more. * Flora Domeitica. St. Barnabas the Apostle. He was of the tribe of Levi, and coad- jutor with the apostle Paul for several years. Though denominated an apostle, it seems agreed that he was not entitled to that character ; if he were, his extant epistle would have equal claim with the writings of the other apostles to a place among the books in the New Testament. He is said to have been martyred, but of this there is not sufficient evidence. St. Barnabas' Day. This was a high festival in England formerly. Besides the holy thorn, there grew in the abbey churchyard of Glastonbury, on the north side of St. Joseph's chapel, a miraculous walnut-tree, which never budded forth before the feast of St. Bar- nabas, viz. the eleventh of June, and on that very day shot forth leaves, and flou- rished like its usual species. This tree is gone, and in the place thereof stands a very fine walnut-tree of the common sort. It is strange to say how much this tree was sought after by the credulous ; and, though not an uncommon walnut, queen Anne, king James, and many of the nobi- lity of the realm, even when the times of monkish superstition had ceased, gave large sums of money for small cuttings from the original.* Midsummer, or nightless days, now begin and continue until the 2d of July.f Tliere is still this saying among country people, — " Barnaby Bright, Barnaby Bright, The longest day and the shortest night." FLORAL DIRECTORV. Midsummer Daisy. Chrysanthemum Leu- canthemum. Dedicated to St. Barnabas Suite 12. St. John, Hermit, a. d. 1479. St. Basi- lides, Qnirinus, or Cyrinns, Nabor, and Nazarius. St. Esk'tll, Bp. St. Ohu- pkrius, Hermit. St. Ternan, Bp. of the Picts. Chronology. 1734. The duke of Berwiclc, ille gitimate son of James II., by Arabella * Collinson's Somersetshire. t Dr. Forster's Fereuuial Caleudu 38G THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 13, 14, 15. (^hnrchill, sister to the great duke of Marlborough, was killed by a cannon Dall, at the siege of Phillipsburgh, in Germany, in the 64th year of his age. He was only excelled in the art of war by the duke of Marlborough himself. FLORAL DIRECTORY White Dog Rose. Rosa arvensis. Dedicated to St. John. %\\m 13. 1231. St. St. Antony of Padua, a. d. Damhanade. Chronology. 1625. Henrietta Maria, youngest daughter to Henry IV. of France, landed at Dover, and was married to Charles I., at Canterbury, on the same day; her portraits represent her to have been beau- tiful. She was cerKanly a woman of ability, but faithless to her unfortunate consort, after whose death on the scaffold she lived in France, and privately mar- ried her favourite, the lord Jermyn, a descendant of whom, with that name, is (in 1825,) a grocer in Chiswell-street, and a member of the society of friends. Henrietta Maria, though a Bourbon, was so little regarded in the court of the Bourbons, and reduced to so great ex- tremity, that she was without fuel for her fire-place during the depth of winter, in the palace assigned to her by the French monarch. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Garden Ranunculus. Eanuncuhis Asi- uticus. Dedicated to St. Antony. iune 14. St. Basil, Abp. a. d. 379. Sts. Btifimn, and Valerius, 3d Age. St. Methodius, Patriarch of Constantinople, a. d. 846. St. Docmacl, 6th Cent. St. Nenmis, or Nehemias, Abbot, a. d. 654. St. Psalmodius, A. n. 630. Chronology. 1645. The battle of Naseby, between the royalists under Charles I., and the parliament troops under Fairfax, was de- cided this day by the entire rout of the king's army, and the seizure of all hi* artillery and ammunition. Among the spoil was the king's cabinet with his letters, which the parliament afterwards published. Hume says, " they give an advantageous idea both of the king's genius and morals." Yet it is a fact, which every person who reads the corres- pondence must inevitably arrive at, that the king purposed deception, when he professed good faith, and that, as true genius never exists with fraud, these let- ters do not entitle him to reputation for common honesty, or real ability. floral directory. Sweet Basil. Oscimnm Basilicum. Dedicated to St. Basil. Sum 15. Sts. Vitus, or Guy, Crescentia, and Mo- destus, 4th Cent. St. Landelin, Abbot, A. D. 686. B. Bernard, of Menthon, A. D. 1008. St. Vauge, Hermit, a. d. 585. Ji. Gregory Lewis Barbadigo, Cardinal Bp. a. d*. 1697. St. Vitus. This saint was a Sicilian martyr, under Dioclesian. Why the disease called St. Vitus's dance was so denominated, is not known. Dr. Forster describes it as an affection of the limbs, resulting from ner- vous irritation, closely connected with a disordered state of the stomach and bowels, and other organs of the abdomen. In papal times, fowls were ofi'ered on the festival of this saint, to avert the disease. It is a v-ulgar belief, that rain on St. Vitus's day, as on St. Swithin's day, indi- cates rain for a certain number of days following. It is related, that after St. Vitus and his companions were martyred, their heads were enclosed in a church wall, and forgotten, so that no one knew where they were, until the church was repaired, when the heads were found, and the church bells began to sound of themselves, which causing inquiry, a writing was found, authenticating the heads; they consequently received due honour, and worked miracles in due form. floral directory. Sensitive Plant. Mimosa sensit. Dedicated to St. Vntu. 387 THE EVEEY-DAY BOOK— JUNE 15. CEREMONY OF LAYING THE FIRST STONE OF THE NEW LONDON-BRIDGE, ON WEDNESDAY, THE 15th OF JUNE, 1825. NEW LONDON-BRIDGE. London, like famous old Briareus, With fifty heads and twice told fifty arms, Laid one strong arm across yon noble flood, For free communication with each shore ; Hence, though the thews and sinews sink and shrink, And we so manifold and strong have grown, That a renewal of the limb for purposes Of national and private weal be requisite. It is to be regarded as a friend That oft hath served us in our utmost need, With all its strength. Be ye then merciful. Good citizens, to this our ancient " sib," Operate on it tenderly, and keep Some fragments of it, as memorials Of its former worth : for our posterity Will to their ancestors do reverence, As we, ourselves, do reverence to ours. — The present engraving is from the de- sign at the head of the admission tickets, and is exactly of the same form and dimensions ; the tickets themselves were large cards of about the size that the pro- sent leaf will present when bound in the volume, and cut round the edges. 38S TIIE F-VERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 15. COPY OF THE TICKET Admit the Bearer lo witness The Ceremony of laying THE FIRST STONE of the ^tiu Eon'Bon-brilJgf, on Wednesday, the 15th day of June, 1825. (Signed) Hens' Woodthohpe, Jud. Clerk of the Committee. Seal nf the tit/ Armt. iV. n. The access is from the present bridge, ind the time of admission will be between the hours of twelve and two. N»28I. Width of the bridge, from outside to outside of the parapets, 55 feet ; carriage- way, 33 feet 4 inches. It has been truly observed of the design foi the new bridge, that it is striking for its contrast with the present gothic edi- fice, whose place it is so soon to supply. It consists but of five elliptical arches, which embrace the whole span of the river, with the exception of a double pier on either side, and between each arch a single pier of corresponding design: the whole is more remarkable for its simpli- city than its magnificence ; so much, in- deed, does the former quality appear to have been consulted, that it has not a single balustrade from beginning to end. New London-bridge is the symbol of an honourable British merchant : it unites plainness with strength and capacity, and will be found to be more expansive and ornamental, the more its uses and purposes are considered. " Go and set London-biidge on fire," said Jack Cade, at least so Shakspeare makes him say, to " the rest " of the in- surgents, who, in the reign of Henry VI., came out of Kent, took the city itself, and there raised a standard of revolt against the royal authority. " Sooner said than done, master Cade," may have been the answer; and now, when we are about to erect a new one, let us " remember the bridge that has carried safe over." Though its feet were manifold as a cen- tipede's, and though, in ghding between its legs, as it " doth bestride the Thames," some have, ever and anon, passed Xr the bottom, and craft of men, and craft with goods, so perished, yet the health and wealth of ourselves, and those from whom we sprung, have been increased by safe and uninterrupted intercourse above. The following are to be the dimensions of the new bridge : — Centre arch — span, 150 feet; rise, 32 feet ; piers, 24 feet. Arches next the centre arch — span, 140 feet ; rise, 30 feet ; piers 22 feet. Abutment arches — span, 130 feet ; rise, 25 feet ; abutment, 74 feet. Total width, from water-side to water- side, 690 feet. Length of the bridge, including the abutments, 950 feet ; without the abut- ments, 782 feet. By admission to the entire ceremony of laying the first stone of the new Lon- don-bridge, the editor of the Every-Day Book is enabled to give an authentic ac- count of the proceedings from his own close observation ; and therefore, collat- ing the narratives in every public journal of the following day, by his own notes, he relates the ceremonial he witnessed, from a chosen situation within the coffer- dam. At an early hour of the morning the vicinity of the new and old bridges pre- sented an appearance of activity, bustle, and preparation ; and every spot that could command even a bird's-eye view of the scene, was eagerly and early occupied by persons desirous of becoming specta- tors of the intended spectacle, which, it was confidently expected, would be ex- tremely magnificent and striking; these anticipations were in no way disap- pointed. So early as twelve o'clock, the avenues leading to the old bridge vere filled with individuals, anxious to behold the ap- proaching ceremony, and shortly after- wards the various houses, whifh form the streets through which the procession was 5S9 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE i5. to pass, had iheir windows graced with numerous parties of well-dressed people. St. Magnus' on the bridge, St. Saviour's church in the Borough, Fishmongers'-hall, and the different warehouses in the vi- cinity, had their roofs covered with spec- tators ; platforms were erected in every nook from whence a sight could be ob- tained, and several individuals took their seais on the Monument, to catch a bird's- eye view of the whole proceedings. The buildings, public or private, that at all overlooked the scene, were literally roofed and walled with human figures, clinging to them in all sorts of possible and im- probable attitudes. Happy were they who could purchase seats, at from half a crown to fifteen shillings each, for so the charge varied, according to the degree of accommodation afforded. As the day ad- vanced, the multitude increased in the street ; the windows of the shops were closed, or otherwise secured, and those of the upper floors became occupied with such of the youth and beauty of the city as has not already repaired to the river: and delightfully occupied they were : and were the sun down, as it was not, it had scarcely been missed — for there — • " From every casement came the light. Of women's eyes, so soft and bright, Peeping between the trelliced bars, A nearer, dearer heaven of stars !" The wharfs on the banks of the river, between London-bridge and Southwark- bridge, were occupied by an immense multitude. Southwark-bridge itself was clustered over like a bee-hive ; and the river from thence to London-bridge pre- sented the appearance of an immense dock covered with vessels of various des- criptions ; or, perhaps, it more closely re?emb)ed a vast country fair, so com- pletely was the water concealed by multi- tudes of boats and barges, and the latter again hidden by thousands of spectators, and canvass awnings, which, with the gay holiday company within, made them not unlike booths and tents, and contributed to strengthen the fanciful similitude. The tops of the houses had many of them also their flags and awnings ; and, from the ap- pearance ol them and the river, one might almost suppose the dry and level ground altogether deserted, for this aquatic fete, worthy of Venice at her best of times. All the vessels in the pool hoisted their flags top-mast-high, in honour of the oc- casion, and many of them sent out their boats manned, to increase the bustle and interest of the scene. At eleven o'clock London-bridge was wholly closed, and at the same hour Southwark-bridge was thrown open, free of toll. At each end of London-bridge barriers were formed, and no persons were allowed to pass, unless provided with tickets, and these only were used for the purpose of arriving at the coffer- dam. There was a feeling of awful so- lemnity at the appearance of this, the greatest thoroughfare of the metropolis, now completely vacated of all its foot- passengers and noisy vehicles. At one o'clock the lord mayor and sheriffs arrived at Guildhall, the persons engaged in the procession having met at a much earlier hour. The lady mayoress and a select party went to the coffer-dam in the lord mayor's private state carriage, and ar- rived at the bridge about half-past two o'clock. The Royal Artillery Company arrived in the court-yard of the Guildhall at two o'clock. The carriages of the members of par- liament and other gentlemen, forming part of theprocession, mustered in Queen- street and the Old Jewry. At twelve o'clock, the barrier at the foot of the bridge on the city side of the river was thrown open, and the company, who were provided with tickets for the coffer-dam, were admitted within it, and kept arriving till two o'clock in quick suc- cession. At that time the barriers were again closed, and no person was admitted till the arrival of the chief procession. By one o'clock, however, most of the seats within the coff"er-dam were occupied, with the exception of those reserved for the perspns connected with the procession. The tickets of admission issued by the committee, consisting of members of the court of common council, were in great request. By their number being judici- ously limited, and by other arrangements, there was ample accommodation for all the company. At the bottom of each ticket, there was a notice to signify that the hours of admission were between twelve and two, and not a few of the for- tunate holders were extremely punctual in attending at the first mentioned hour, for the purpose of securing the best places. They were admitted at either end of the 500 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 15. bridge, and passed on till they came to an opening that had been made in the balustrade, leading to the platform that burrounded the area of the proposed ce- remony. This was the coffer-dam formed in the bed of the river, for the building of the first pier, at the Southwark side. The greatest care had been taken to render the dam water-tight, and during the whole of the day, from twelve till six^ it was scarcely found necessary to work the steam-engine a single stroke. On passing the aperture in the balustrade, already mentioned, the company immediately ar- rived on a most extensive platform, from which two staircases divided — the one for the phik tickets, which introduced the possessor to the lowest stage of the works, and the other for the white ones, of less privilege, and which were therefore more numerous. The interior of the works was highly creditable to the committee. Not only were the timbers, whether horizontal or upright, of immense thickness, but they were so securely and judiciously bolted and pinned together, that the liability of any danger or accident was en- tirely done away with. The very awning which covered the whole coffer-dam, to ensure protection from the sun or rain, had there been any, was raised on a little forest of scaffolding poles, which, any where but by the side of the huge blocks of timber introduced immediately beneath, would have appeared of an unusual sta- bility. In fact, the whole was arranged as securely and as comfortably as though it had been intended to serve the time of all the lord mayors for the next century to come, while on the outside, in the river, every necessary precaution was taken to keep off boats, by stationing offi- cers there for that purpose. With the exception of the lower floor, which, as al- ready mentioned, was only attainable by the possession of pink tickets, and a small portion of the floor next above it, the whole was thrown open without reserva- tion, and the visitors took possession of the unoccupied places they liked best. The entire coffer-dam was ornamented with as much taste and beauty as the purposes for which it was intended would possibly admit. The entrance to the plat- form from the bridge, was fitted up with crimson drapery, tastefully festooned. The coffer-dam itself was divided into four tiers of galleries, along which several lows of benches, covered with scarlet cloth, were arranged for the benefit of the spec- tators. It was covced with canvass to keep out the rays of the sun, and from the transverse beams erected to support it, which were decked with rosettes of different colours, wer« suspended flags and ensigns of various descriptions brought from Woolwich yard ; which by the constant motion in which they were kept, created a current of air, which was very refreshing. The floor of the dam, which is 45 feet below the high water mark, was covered, like the galleries, with scarlet cloth, except in that part of it where the first stone was to be laid. The floor is 95 feet in length, and 36 in breadth ; is formed of beech pl-anks, four inches in thickness, and rests upon amass of piles, which are shod at the top with iron, and are crossed by immense beams of solid timber. By two o'clock all the galleries were completely filled with well- dressed company, and an eager impa- tience for the arrival of the procession was visible in every countenance. The bands of the Horse Guards, red and blue, and also that of the Artillery Company, played different tunes, to render the in- terval of expectation as little tedious as possible ; but, in spite of all their endea- vours, a feeling of iistlessness appeared to pervade the spectators. — In the mean time the arrangements at Guildhall being completed, the procession moved from the court-yard, in the following order :— A body of tlie Artillery Oompany. Band of Music. Marshalmen. Mr. Cope, the City Marshal, mounted, and in th full uniform of his Ottice. The private can iage of — Saunders, Esq., the Water Huiliff, containing the Water-Bailiff, and Nelson, liis Assistant. Carriage containing the Barpe-masters. City Watermen bearing Colours. A party of City Watermen without Colours. Carriage containing Messrs. Lewis and Gillman, the Bridge-masters, and the Clerk of the Bridge-house Estate. Another parly of the City Waterman. Carriage containing Messrs. JoUifle and Sir E. Bankt, the Contractors for the BuiWing of the New Bridge. Model of the New Bridge. Carriages containing Members of the Royal Society Carriage containing John Holmes, Esq., the Baililf of Southwark. Carriage containing the Under-Sherifts. Carriages containing Thomas Slielton, Esq., Clerk of the Peace for the City of London ; W. L. New- man, Esq., the City Stlicitor; Timothy Tyrrell, E-q., the Remembrancer; Samuel Collingridge, Esq., and P. W. Crowther, Esq., the Secondaries; J. Boudon, Esq., Clerk of the Chamber ; W. Hol- land, Esq., and George Bernard, Esq., the Com- mon Pleaders; Henry Woodthorpe, Esq., the Town Clerk ; Thomas Deiinian, Esq., the Common Sergeant; K. Clarke, Esq., the Chamberlain. These Carriages were followed by those of severa. Members of Parliament. Carriages of Members of the Piivy Council. Band of Music and Colours, supported by City Whtermtn 391 THE E VERY-DAY BOOR.— JUNE 15. Meuibers of t)ie Goldsmilhs' (the Lord Mayors) Ciinip.'iriy. Marslialnieii. Lord Mayor's Servfants in tlieir State Liveries. Mr. Brown, the City Marslial, mounted on horseback, and in tlie lull nniforni of his Ortice. Tl'.e Lord Mayor's State Carriage, drawn by six bay horses, beautifully capar'soned, in which were his Lordship and ihe Dnke of York. Tlie Sheriffs, in their Slate Carriages. Carriages of several Aldermen who have passed the Chair. Another body of the Royal Artillery Company, The procession moved up Cornhill and down Gracecliuvch-street, to London- bridge. While awaiting the arrival of the procession, wishes were wafted from many a fair hp, that the lord of the day, as well as of the city, would make his ap- pearance. Small-talk had been exhausted, and the merits of each particular timber canvassed for the hundredth time, when, at about a quarter to three, the lady mayoress made her appearance, and re- novated the hopes of the company. They argued that his lordship as a family man, would not be long absent from his lady. The clock tolled three, and no lord mayor had made his appearance. At this cri- tical juncture a small gun made its re- port ; but, except the noise and smoke, it produced nothing. More than an hour elapsed before the eventful moment ar- rived ; a flourish of trumpets in the dis- tance gave hope to many hearts, and finally two six-pounders of the Artillery Company, discharged from the wharf at Old Swan Stairs, at about a quarter-past four o'clock, announced the arrival of the cavalcade. Every one stood up, and in a very few minutes the city watermen, bearing their colours flying, made their appearance at the head of the coffer-dam, and would, if they could, have done the same thing at the bottom of it; but owing to the unaccommodating narrowness of the staircase, they found it inconvenient to convey their flags by the same route that they intended to convey themselves. Necessity, however, has long been cele- brated as the mother of invention,and a plan was hit upon to wind the flags over this timber and under that, till after a very ser- pentine proceeding, they arrived in safety at the bottom. After this had been accom- plished, there was a sort of pause, and every body seemed to be thinking of what would come next, when some one in authority hinted, that as the descent of the flags had been performed so dex- terously, or for some other reason that did not express itself, they might as easily be conveyed back, so that the company. whose patience, by the bye, was exem- plary, were gratified bj the ceremony of those poles returning, till the arrival cf the expected personages, satisfied every desire. A sweeping train of aldermen were seen winding in their scarlet robes through the mazes of the pink-tickel- ted staircase, and in a very few minutes a great portion of these dignified elders of the city made their appearance on the floor below, the band above having pre- viously struck up the " Hunter's Chorus" from Der Freischidz. Next in order en- tered a Strong body of the common-coun- cilmen, who had gone to meet the pro- cession on its arrival at the barriers. In- dependently of those that made their ap pearance on the lower platform, glimpses of their purple robes with fur-trimmings, were to be caught on every stage of the scafi'olding, where many of them had been stationed throughout the day. After these entered the recorder, the common ser- geant, the city solicitor, the city clerk, the city chamberlain, and a thousand other city officers, " all gracious in the city's eyes." These were followed by the duke of York and the lord mayor, advancing together, the duke being on his lordship's right hand. His royal highness was dressed in a plain blue coat with star, and wore at his knee the gaiter. They were received with great cheering, and proceeded immediately up the floor of the platform, till they arrived opposite the place where the first stone was suspended by a tackle, ready to be swung into the place that it is destined to occupy for centuries. Opposite the stone, an elbowed seat had been introduced into the line of bench, so as to afford a marked place for the chief magistrate, without breaking in upon the direct course of the seats. His lordship, who was in his full robes, offered the chair to his ro^al highness, which was positively declined on his part. The lord mayor therefore seated himself, and was supported on the right by his royal high- ness, and on the left by Mr. Alderman Wood. The lady mayoress, with her daughters in elegant dresses, sat near his lordship, accompanied by two fine-looking intelligent boys her sons ; near them were the two lovely daughters of lord Suffolk, and many other fashionable and elegantly dressed ladies. In the train which arrived with the lord mayor and his royal highness were the earl of Darnley, lord J. Stewart, the right hon. C. W. Wynn, M. P., sir G. Warrender, M. P., sir I. Coffin, M. P., sii 392 THE KVEIIY-DAY BOOK.— JU^E 15. G.Cockburn, M.P., sir Il.Wilson, M.P., Mr. T.Wilson, M.P., Mr. W. Williams, M.P., Mr. Davies Gilbert, M. P., Mr.W. Smith, M. P., Mr. Holme Sumner, M.P., with several other persons of distinction, and the common sergeant, the city pleaders, and other city officers. The lord mayor took his station by the side of the stone, attended by four gentle- men of the committee, bearing, one, the glasscut bottle to contain the coins of the present reign, another, an English inscrip- tion incrusted in glass, another, the mallet, and another, the level. The sub-chairman of the committee, bearing the golden trowel, took his station on the side of the stone opposite the lord mayor. The engineer, John Rennie, esq., took his place on another side of the stone, and exhibited to the lord mayor the plans and drawings of the bridge. The members of the committee of management, presented to the lord mayor the cut glass bottle which was intended to contain the several coins. The ceremony commenced by the chil- dren belonging to the wards' schools, Can- dlewick, Bridge, and Dowgate, singing " God save the King." They were sta- tioned in the highest eastern gallery for that purpose ; the effect produced by their voices, stealing through the windings ca ised by the intervening timbers to the depth below, was very striking and pecu- liar. The chamberlain delivered to his lord- ship the several pieces of coin : his lord- ship put them into the bottle, and de- posited the bottle in the place whereon the foundation stone was to be laid. The members of the committee, bearing the English inscription incrusted on glasses, presented it to the lord mayor. His lordship deposited it in the subjacent stone. Mr. Jones, sub-chairman of the Bridge Committee, who attended in purple gowns and with staves, presented the lord mayor, on behalf of the committee, with an elegant silver-gilt trowel, em- bossed with the combined arms of the " Bridge House Estate and the City of London," and bearing on the reverse an inscription of the date, and design of its presentation to the right hon. the lord mayor, who was born in the ward, and is a member of the guild wherein the new bridge is situated. Tliis trowel was de- signed by Mr. John Green, of Ludgatp- hill, and executed by Messrs. Green, Ward, and Green, in which firm ne is partner. Mr. Jones, on presenting it to the lord mayor, thus addressed his lordship* " My lord, I have the honour to inform you, that the committee of management has appointed your lordship, in your cha- racter of lord mayor of London, to lay the first stone of the new London-bridge, and that they have directed me to present to your lordship this trowel as a means of assistance to your lordship in accomplish ing that object." The lord mayor having signified his consent to perform the ceremony, Henry Woodthorpe, esq., the town clerk, who has lately obtained the degree of L. L. D., held the copper plate about to be placed beneath the stone with the following in- scription upon it, composed by Dr. Cople- stone, master of Oriel-college, Oxford : — Pontis vetvsti qvvm propter crebras niniis interiectas mules impedito cvrsv flvininis navicvlae et rates non levi saepe iactvra et vitac pericvlo per angvstas favces praccipiti aqvsrvm impetv ferri solercnt Civitas Loniiinensis his incommndis remidivm adhibere volens et celeberrimi simvl in terris emponi vtilitatibvs consvlens regni insvper senatvs avctoritate ac mvnificentia adivla pontem sitv prorsvs novo amplioribvs spatiis constrvendvm decrevit ea scilicet (orma ac iiiagnitvdine qvae regiae vrbis maiestaii tandem responderot. Neqve alio magis tempore tantiim opvs inclmandvm dvxit qvam cvm pacato ferme ts- veral carry large stones on their heads. Having repeated this ceremony seven times, they go to what is called St. Patrick's chair, which are two great flat stones fixed upright in the hill ; here they cross and bless themselves as they step in between these stones, and while repeating prayers, an old man, seated for the pur- pose, turns them round on their feet three times, for which he is paid ; the devotee then goes to conclude his penance at a pile of stones named the altar. Whih this busy scene of superstition is continued by the multitude, the wells, and stream.^ issuing from them, are thronged by cowd; of halt, maimed, and blind, pressing tc wash away their infirmities with watei consecrated by their patron saint ; and sc powerful is the impression of its efficac}' on their minds, that many of those who go to be healed, and who are not totally blind, or altogether crippled, really believe for a time that they are by means of its miraculous virtues perfectly restored. These effects of a heated imagination are received as unquestionable miracles, and are propagated with abundant exaggera- tion.* The annual resort of the ignorant por- tion of our Roman Catholic countrymen, was never so numerously attended as it has been during the late anniversary of this festival, in 1825. The extent of the number of strangers from very remote parts of the country was unprecedented. The usual ablutions, penances, and mi- raculous results, were performed, and attested by the devotees, who experienced lome disappointment in not having th* accustomed arch-officiater to consummate the observances by thrice revolving the votary in the chair of St. Patrick. This • Hibernian Magazine, July, IB\7. deprivation, it is said, marks the sense of a dignitary of the church respecting iL s annual ceremony.* Ancient Custom of SETTING THE WATCH IN L0^ DON on St. John's Eve. The curfew-bell, commanded by Wil- liam Conquerour to be nightly rung at eight of the clock, as a warning, or com- mand, that all people should then put out their fires and lights, was continued throughout the realm till the time of Henry the First, when Stow says, that it followed, " by reason of warres within the realme, that many men gave them- selves to robbery and murders in the night." Stow then recites from an ancient chronicler, Roger Hoveden, that in the yeare 1175, during the time of a council held at Nottingham, a brother of the earle Ferrers, was " in the night privily slaine at London, and thrown out of his inne into the durty street; when the king un- derstood thereof he sware that he would be revenged on the citizens. It was then a common practice in this city, that a hundred or more in a company, young and old, would make nightly invasions upon houses of the wealthy, to the intent to rob them ; and if they found any man stirring in the city within the night, that were not of their crue, they would pre- sently murder him : insomuch, that when night was come, no man durst adventure to walk in the streets. When this had continued long, it fortuned, that a crue of young and wealthy citizens assembling together in the night, assaulted a stone house of a certaine rich man, and break- ing through the wall, the good man of that house having prepared himself with other in a coiner, when hee preceived one of the theeves, named Andrew Bucquint, to lead the way, with a burning brand in .he one hand, and a pot of coles in the other, which hee assaied to kindle with the brand, he flew upon him, and smote off his right hand, and then with a lourt voyce cryed ' theeves.' At the hearing whereof, the theeves took their flight, all saving he that had lost his hand, whom the good man (in the next morning) delivered to Richard de Lucie, the kinf;'s justice. This theefe, upon wan ant o^ lu« * iiellasi Cliroiiiile. 413 THE EVERY-DAY UOOK.— JUNE 23. life, appeached his confederates, of whom many were taken, and many were fled. Among tlie rest that were apprehended, a certaine citizen of great countenance, credit, and wealth, named John Senex, who for as much he could not acquit himselfe by the water-doome (as that law was then tearmed) hee offered to the king five hundred pounds of silver for his life. But forasmuch as he was condemned by judgement of the water, the king would not take the offer, but commanded him to be hanged on the gallowes, which was done, and then the city became more quiet for a long time after." It appears that the city of London was subject to these disorders till 1253, when Henry III. commanded watches to be kept in the cities, and borough towns, for the preservation of the peace ; and this king further ordained " that if any man chanced to be robbed, or by any means damnified, by any theefe or robber, he to whom the charge of keeping that county, city, or borough, chiefly apper- tained, where the robbery was done, should competently restore the losse." This origin of the present nightly watch in London was preceded by other popular customs, or they rather, it may be said, assisted in its formation. " In the months of June and July, on the vigils of festivall dayes, and on the same festivall dayes in the evenings, after the sun-setting, there were usually made bone-fires in the streets, every man bestowing wood or labour towards them. The wealthier sort also before their doores, neere to the said bone-fires, would set out tables on the vigils, furnished with sweete bread, and good drinke, and on the festivall dayes with meats and drinkes plentifully, whereunto they would invite their neigh- bours and passengers also to sit, and be merry with them in great familiarity, praysing God for his benefits bestowed on them. These were called bone-fires, as well of amity amongst neighbours, that being before at conlroversie, were there by the labour of others reconciled, and made of bitter enemies, loving friends ; as also for the vertue that a great fire hath, to purge the infection of the ayre. "On the vigil of St. "John Baptist, and on Sts. Peter and Paul the apostles, every man's doore being shaddowed with greene birch, long fennel, St. John's wort, orpin, white lilies, and such like, garnished upon with garlands of beautiful! flowers, had also lamps of glasse, with oyle burning in them all the night ; some hung out branches of iron curiously wrought, containing hundreds of lamps lighted at once, which made a goodly shew, namely in new Fish-street, Thames- street, &c. " Then had ye, besides the standing watches, all in bright harnesse, in every ward and street of this city and suburbs, a marchiuir watch, that passed through the principall streets thereof, to wit, from the little conduit by Paul's gate, through West Cheape, by the Stocks, through Cornehill, by Leadenhall to Aldgate, then backe down Fen-church-street, by Grasse- church, about Grasse-church conduit, and up Grasse-church-street into Cornhill, and through it into West Cheape again, and so broke up. " The whole way ordered for this march- ing watch, extended to three thousand two hundred taylors' yards of assize ; for the furniture whereof with lights, there were appointed seven hundred cressets, five hundred of them being found by the companies, the other two hundred by the chamber of London. Besides the which lights, every constable in London, in number more than two hundred and forty, had his cresset : the charge of every cresset was in light two shillings foure pence, and every cresset had two men, one to beare or hold it, another to beare a bag with light, and to serve it : so that the poore men pertaining to the cressets, taking wages, (besides that every one had a strawen hat, with a badge painted, and his breakfast in the morning,) amounted in number to almost two thousand. *' The marching watch contained in number two thousand men, part of them being old souldiers, of skill to bee cap- taines, lieutenants, Serjeants, corporals, &.c. wifflers, drummers, and fifes, standard and ensigne-bearers, sword-players, trum- peters on horsebacke, demilaunces on great horses, gunners with hand-guns, or halfe hakes, archers in cotes of white fus- tian, signed on the breste and backe with the armes of the city, their bowes bent in their hands, with sheafes of arrowes by their sides, pike-men in bright corslets, burganets, &c., holbards, the like bill- men in almaine rivets, and aperns of mayle in great number. " There were also divers pageants, and morris dancers attendant on the setting of this marching watch. The constables, 4U THE EVERY-DAY BOOK— JUNE 23. were divided into two parties ; one halfe consisting of one hundred and twenty, were appointed on St. John's eve, the other halfe on St. Peter's eve." They were " in bright harnesse, some over-gilt, and every one a jornet of scarlet there- upon and a chaine of gold, his hench-nian following him, his minstrels before him, and his cresset light passing by him." In the procession were " the ivaytes of the city, the maiors officers, for his guard before him, all in a livery of wosted, or say jackets, party coloured ; the maior himselfe well mounted on horseback, the sword-bearer before him in faire armour, well mounted also, the maiors foot-men, and the like torch-bearers about him ; hench-men twaine, upon great stirring horses following him. The sheriffes watches came one after the other in like order, but not so large in number as the maiors : for whereas the maior had, besides his giant, three pageants, each of the sheriffes had, besides their giants, but two pageants ; each their morris-dance, and one hench-man, their officers in jackets of wosted, or say, party-coloured, differing from the maiors, and each from other, but having harnessed men a great many, &c. This Midsummer watch was thus accustomed yeerely, time out of minde, untill the yeere 1539, the thirty- first of Henry the Eighth, in which yeere, on tlie eighth of Maj, a great muster was made by the citizens at the Miles end, all in bright harnesse, with coats of white silke or cloth, and chaines of gold, in three great battels, to the number of fifteen thousand, which passed thorow London to Westminster, and so through the sanctuary, and round about the parke of St., and returned home thorow Oldboine." In that year, 1539, king Henry VIII. forbid this muster of armed men, and prohibited the marching watch altogether, and it was disused "til the yeere 1548." When sir John Gresham, then lord mayor, revived the marching watch, b'oth on the eve of St. John the baptist, and of St. Peter the apostle, and set it forth, in order as before had been accustomed ; " which watch was also beautified by the the number of more than three hundred demilances and light-horsemen, prepared by the citizens to be sent into Scotland, for the rescue of the town of Hadding- ton." After that time the marching wiitcli again fell into disuse ; yet, in the year 1 585, " a booke was drawne by a grave citizen, (John Mountgomery,) and by him dedicated to sir Tho. Pullison, then 1. maior, and his brethren the aldermen, containing the manner and order of a marching watch in the citie, upon the evens accustomed ; in commendation whereof, namely, in times of peace to be used, he hath words to this effect : ' The artificers of sundry sorts were thereby well set aworke, none but rich men charged, poor men helped, old souldiers, trumpeters, drummers, fifes, and engine- bearers, with such like men meet for the prince's service, kept in use, wherein the safety and defence of every common-weale consisteth. Armour and weapons being yeerely occupied in this wise, the citizens had of their owne readily prepared for any neede, whereas, by intermission hereof, armorers are out of worke, soul- diers out of use, weapons overgrowne with foulnesse, few or none good being provided,' " &:c. Notwithstanding these plausible grounds, the practice was dis- continued. There can be little doubt that so great an array of armed citizens, was not only viewed with distrust by the government, but had become of so great charge to the corporation, that it was found mutually convenient to substitute a less expensive and less warlike body to watch and ward the city's safety. The splendour wherein it was annually set forth was, however, a goodly sight, and attracted the curiosity of royalty itself, for we find that on St. John's eve, in 1510, king Henry VHI. came to the King's-head, in Cheap, in the livery of a yeoman of the guard, with a halbert on his shoulder, and there, in that disguise, beheld the watch till it had passed, and was so gratified with the show, that " on St. Peter's night next following, he and the queen came royally riding to the sayd place, and there, with their nobles, beheld tl)e watch of the city, and returned in the morning."* In 1519, Christern, king of Denmark, and his queen, being then in England, were con- ducted to the King's-head, in Cheap, there to see the watch. On taking leave of the old London watch, on St. John's eve, a remark or two may be made respecting their lights. * ?tow. 415 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 23. The Cresset. or it was a light from combustibles, in a Concerning the cressets or lights of the hollow pan. It was rendered portable ^y watch, this may be observed by way of being placed on a pole, and so carried explanation. The cresset light was formed of a wreathed rope smeared with pitch, and placed iu a cage of iron, like a trivet suspended on pivots, in a kind of fork ; from place to place. Mr. Douce, in his " Illustrations of Shakspeare," gives the following four representations from old prints and drawings of CRESSETS. LAMPS IN THE OLD STREETS, AND ALSO CARRIED BY THE MARCHING WATCH OF LONDON. Mr. Douce imagines the word cresset to have been derived from the French word croiset, a cruet or earthen pot. When the cresset light was stationary it served as a beacon, or answered the purpose of a fixed lamp, and in this way our ancestors illuminated or lighted up their streets. There is a volume of ser- mons, by Samuel Ward, printed 1617-24, with a wood-cut frontispiece, representing two of these fixed cressets or street-lamps, with verses between them, in relation to his name and character, as a faithful watchman. In the first lines old Ward is addressed thus : — " Watch Ward, and keepe thy Garments tight, For I come thiefe-like at Midnight." Whereto Ward answers the injunction, to watch, in the lines following : — " All-seeing, never-slumbering Lord; Be thou my Watch, He be thy Ward. Ward's " lamp, or beacon," is trans- ferred from his frontispiece to the next column, in order to show wherein our ancient standing lamps differed from the present. 416 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 73 AN OLD BEACON, OR STANDING LAMP, It will be seen from this engraving that the person, whose business it was to " watch " and trim the lamp, did not ascend for that purpose by a ladder, as the gas-lighters do our gas-lamps, or as the lamp-lighter did the oil-lamps which they superseded, but by climbing the pole, hand and foot, by means of the projections on each side. Sf. Johns Eve Watch at Nottingham. The practice of setting the watch, it Nottingham, on St. John's eve, was main- tained until the reign of Charles I., the tne manner whereof is thus described : — " In Nottingham, by an ancient custom, they keep yearly a general watch every Midsummer eve at night, to which every inhabitant of any ability ."sets forth a man, as well \oluntaries as those who are charged with arms, with such munition as tliey have ; some pii .^s, some muskets, caiivers, or other guns, some par'isans, holberts, and such as have armour send their servants in their armour. Thu number of these are yearly almost two hundred, who, at sun-setting, meet on the Row, the most open part of the town, where the mayor's serjeant at mace gives them an oath, the tenor whereof foUoweth, in these words : ' They shall well and truly keep this town till to-morrow at the sun-rising ; you shall come into no hovise without license, or cause reasonable. Of all manner of casualties, of fire, of crying of children, you shall due warning make to the parties, as the case shall require you. You shall due search make of all manner of affrays, bloud-sheds, outcrys, and of all other things that be suspected,' &c. Which done, they all march in orderly an ay through the prin- cipal parts of the town, and then they are sorted into several companies, and designed to several parts of the town, where they are to keep the watch until the sun dismiss them in the morning. In this business the fashion is for every watchman to wear a garland, made in the fashion of a crown imperial, bedeck'd with flowers of various kinds, some natural, some artificial, bought and kept for that purpose; as also ribbans, jewels, and, for the better garnishing whereof, the townsmen use the day before to ran- sack the gardens of all the gentlemen within six or seven miles about Notting- ham, besides what the town itself affords them, their greatest ambition being to outdo one another in the bravery of their garlands."* So pleasant a sight must have been reluctantly parted with ; and accordingly in another place we find that this Midsummer show was held at a much later period than at Nottingham, and with more pageantry in the procession. St. Johns Eve Jf'atch at Chester. The annual setting of the watch on St .Tohn's eve, in the city of Chester, was an affair of great moment. By an ordinance of the mayor, aldermen, and common councilmen of that corporation, dated in the year 1564, and preserved among the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum, a pageant which is expressly said to be " according to ancient custom," is or- dained to consist of four giants, one uni- corn, one dromedary, one camel, one luce, one dragon, and six hobby-horses * Deering's Nottingham Vol. I. 417 2 E THE EVE"RY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 23. vvitli other figures. By anotner MS. in the same library it is said, that Henry Hardware, Esq., the mayor, in 1599, caused the giants in the Midsummer show to be broken, " and not to goe the devil in his feathers ;" and it appears that he caused a man in complete armour to go in their stead : but in the year 1601, Jolm Ratclyffe, beer-brewer, being mayor, set out the giants and Midsummer show as of old it was wont to be kept. In the time of the commonwealth the show was dis- continued, and the giants with the beasts were destroyed. At the restoration of Charles II., the citizens of Chester replaced their pageant, and caused all things to be made new, because the old models were broken. According to the computation, the four great giants were to cost five pounds a-piece, at the least, and the four men to carry them were to have two shillings and six-pence each ; the materials for construct- ing them were to be hoops of various sizes, deal boards, nails, pasteboard, scaleboard, paper of various sorts, buck- ram, size-cloth, and old sheets for their body-sleeves and shirts, which were to be coloured ; also tinsel, tinfoil, gold and silver leaf, and colours of various kinds, with glue and paste in abundance. The provision of a pair of old sheets to cover the " father and mother giants," and three yards of buckram for the mother's and daughter's hoods, seems to prove that three of these monstrous pasteboard figures represented females. A desire to preserve them may be inferred from an entry in the bill of charges : — " For ars- nick to put into the paste, to sive the giants from being eaten by the rats, one shilling and four-pence." There was an item in the estimate — " For the new mak- ing the city mount, called the maior's mount, as auntiently it was, and for hire- Ing of bays for the same, and a man to carry it, three pounds six shillings and eight-pence." Twenty-pence was paid to a joiner for cutting pasteboard into se- veral images for the " merchant's mount," which being made, " as it aunciently was with a ship to turn round," cost foui pounds, including the hiring of the " bays," and five men to carry it. The charge for the ship, and new dressing it, was five shillings. Strutt, who sets forth these particulars, conjectures, that the ship was probably made with pasteboard, that material seeming, to him, to have been a principle article in the manufac- turing of both these movable mountains. The ship was turned, he says, by means of a swivel, attached to an iron handle underneath the frame ; the " bays " was to hang round the bottom of the frames to the ground, and so conceal the bearers. Then there was a new " elephant and castell, and a cupid," with his bows and arrows, " suitable to it ;" the castle was covered with tin foil, and the cupid with skins, so as to appear to be naked, and the charge for these, with two men to carry them, was one pound sixteen shil- lings and eight-pence. The " four beastes called the unicorne, the antelop, the flower-de-luce (?) and the camell, cost one pound sixteen shillings and four-pence each, and eight men were paid sixteen shillings to carry them. Four boys for carrying the four hobby-horses, had four shillings, and the hobby-horses cost six shillings and eight-pence each. The charge for the new dragon, with six naked boys to beat at it, was one pound sixteen shil- lings. Six morris-dancers, with a pipe and tabret, had twenty shillings ; and " hance-staves, garlands, and balls, for the attendants upon the mayor and she- riffs cost one pound nineteen shillings."* These preparations it will be remem- bered were for the setting forth of the Mid- summer-watch at Chester, so late as the reign of Charles II. After relating these particulars, Mr. Strutt aptly observes, that exhibitions of this kind for the di- versions of the populace, are well des cribed in a few lines fiom a dramatic piece, entitled " A pleasant and stately Morall of theThreeLordesof London:" — '* Let nothing that's mag-nifical. Or that may tend to London's graceful state, Be unperformed, as sliowes and'solenine feastes, Watches in armour, triumphes, cresset lights> Bonefires, liclles, and peales of ordinaunce And pleasure. See that plaies be published, Mai-games and maskcs, with mirthe and minstrelsie. Pageants aad school-fcastes, beares and puppet-plales.' « Strutt s Sports. 418 THE EVERY-DAT B'JOK.— JUNE 24. Somorsctxhire Custom- In the parishes of Congresbury and Puxton, are two large pieces of common land, called East and West Dolemoors, (from the Saxon dal, which signifies a share or portion,) which are divided into single acres, each bearing a peculiar and different mark cut in the turf; such as a horn, lour oxen and a mare, two oxen and a mare, a pole-axe, cross, dung-fork, oven, duck's-nest, hand-reel, and hare's-tail. On the Saturday before Old-Midsummer, several proprietors of estates in the parishes of Congresbury, Puxton, and Week St. Lawrence, or their tenants, assemble on the commons. A number of apples are previously prepared, marked in the same manner with the before-men- tioned acres, which are distributed by a young lad to each of the commoners from a bag or hat. At the close of the distri- bution each person repairs to his allot- ment, as his apple directs him, and takes possession for the ensuing year. An adjournment then takes place to the house of the overseer of Dolemoors, (an officer annually elected from the tenants,) where four acres, reserved for the purpose of paying expenses, are let by inch of candle, and the remainder of the day is spent in that sociability and hearty mirth so congenial to the soul of a Somersetshire yeoman.* FLORAL DIRECTORY, Our Lady's Slipper. Cypripedinm Calceolits. Dedicated to St. Etheldreda. Sime 24. Nativity of St. John the Baptist. The Martyrs of Rome inider Nero, a. d. 64. St. Bartholomew. Nativity of St. John the Baptist. At Oxford on this day there was lately a re=markable custom, mentioned by the Rev. W. Jones of Nayland, in his " Life of Bishop Home," affixed to the bishop's works. He says, " a letter of July the 25th, 175.5, informed me that JNIr. llorne, according to an established custom at Magdalen-college in Oxford, had begun to preach before the university on the day of St. John the baptist. For the preaching of this annual sermon, a perma- nent pulpit of stone is inserted into a corner of the first quadrangle ; and, so long as the stone pulpit was in use, (of ivhich I have been a witness,) the quadrangle was furnished round the sides with a large fence of green boughs, that the preaching might more nearly resemble that of John the baptist in the wilder- ness; and a pleasant sight it was : but for many years the custom has been dis- continued, and the assembly have thought il safer to take shelter under the roof of the chapel.'' Pulpits. Without descanting at this time on the manifold construction of the pulpit, it may be allowable, perhaps, to observe, that the aiiibo, or first pulpit, was an elevation consisting of two flights of stairs ; on the higher was read the gos- pel, on the lower the epistle. The pulpit of the present day is that fixture in the church, or place of worship, occupied by the minister while he delivers his sermon. Thus much is observed for the present, in consequence of the mention of the Oxford pulpit ; and for the purpose of i Uroducing the re])resentation of a re- markably beautiful structure of this kind, from a fine engraving by Fessard in 1710. This pulpit is larger than the pulpit of the church of England, and the other Protestant pulpits in our own country. It is a pulpit of the Romish church with a bishop preaching to a congregation of high rank. It is customary for a Roman Catholic prelate to have the ensigns of his pielacy displayed in the pulpit, and hence they are so exhibited in Fessard's print. This, however, is by no means so large as other pulpits in Romish churches, -which are of increased magnitude for the pur- pose of congregating the clergy, when their occupations at the altar have ceased, before the eye of the congregation ; and hence it is common for many of them to sit robed, by the side of the preacher, during the sermon. * CoUinson'iiSomcfsetsliirp. 419 TUE E VERY-DAY BOOK— JUNE 24. FRENCH PULPIT. An English lady visiting France, who had been mightily impressed by the rites of the Roman Catholic religion, revived there since the restoration of the Bour- bons, was induced to attend the Pro- testant worship, at the chapel of the British ambassador. She says " the splendour of the Romish service, the superb dresses, the chanting, accompanied by beautiful music, the lights, and the other ceremonies, completely overpowered my mind ; at last on the Sunday before I left Paris I went to our ambassador's chapel, just to say that I had been. There was none of the pomp I had been so lately delighted with; the prevailing cha- racter of the worship was simplicity ; the minister who delivered the sermon was only sufficiently elevated to be seen by the auditors ; he preached to a silent and attentive congregation, whose senses had not been previously affected ; his dis- course was earnest, persuasive, and con- vincing. T began to perceive the differ- ence between appeals to the feelings and to the understanding, and I came home a better Protestant and I hope a bettev Christian than when I left England." 420 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNK '24 OlVtiartrr-'tiai)* For the Every-Day Book. This is quarter-day ! — what a variety of thought and feeling it calls up u the minds of thousands in this great metropjlis. Ilow many changes of abode, voluntary and involuntary, for the better and for the worse, are now destined to take place ! There is the charm of novelty at least ; and when the mind is disposed to be pleased, as it is when the will leads, it inclines to extract gratifica- tion from the anticipation of advantages, rather than to be disturbed by any latent doubts which time mayor may not realize. Perhaps the removal is to a house a- decidediy superior class to the present j and if this step is the consequence of augmented resources, it is the first indi- cation to the world of the happy circum- stance. Here, then, is an additional ground of pleasure, not very heroic indeed, but perfectly natural. Experience may have shown us that mere progression in life is not always connected with pro- gression in happiness ; and therefore, though we may smile at the simplicity which connects them in idea, yet our recollection of times past, when we our- selves indulged the delusion, precludes us from expressing feelings that we have acquired by experience. The pleasure, if from a shallow source, is at least a present benefit, and a sort of counterpoise to vexa- tions from imaginary causes. It does not seem agreeable to contemplate retrogres- sion; to behold a family descend ingfrom their wonted sphere, and becoming the inmates of a humbler dwelling ; yet, they who have had the resolution, I may almost say the magnanimity, voluntarily to descend, may reasonably be expected again to rise. They have given proof of the possession of one quality indispensable in such an attempt — that mental decision, by which they have achieved a task, difficult, painful, and to many, impracticable. They have shown, too, their ability to form a correct estimate of the value of the world's opinion, so far as it is influenced by external appearances, and boldly dis- regarding its terrors, have wisely resolved to let go that which could not be much longer held. By this determination, be- sides rescuing themselves from a variety ot perpetually recurring embarrassments and annoyances, they have suppressed half the sneers which the malicious had in store for them, had their decline reached its expected crisis, while they have secured the approbation and kind wishes of all the good and considerate. The conscious- ness of this consoles them for what is past, contents them with the present, and ani- mates their hopes for the future. Now, let us shift the scene a little, and look at quarter-day under another aspect. On this day some may quit, some may re- main ; all must pay — that can ! Alas, that there should be some unable ! I pass over the rich, whether landlord or tenant ; the effects of quarter-day to them are sufficiently obvious : they feel little or no sensation on its approach or arrival, and when it is over, they feel no alteration in their accustomed necessaries and luxuries. Not so with the pour man ; I mean the man who, in ivhatever station, feels his growing inability to meet the demands periodically and continually making on him. What a day quarter-day is to him! He sees its approach from a distance, tries to be prepared, counts his expected means of being so, finds them short of even his not very sanguine expectations, counts again, but can make no more of them; and while day after day elapses, sees his little stock diminishing. What shall he do ? He perhaps knows his landlord to be in- exorable ; how then shall he satisfy him ? Shall he borrow ? Alas, of whom ? Where dwell the practicers of this precept — " From him that would borrow of thee turn thou not away ?" Most of the pro- fessors of the religion which enjoins this precept, construe it differently. What shall he do ? something must be soon de- cided on. He sits down to consider. Ht looks about his neatly-furnished house oi apartments, to see what out of his humble possessions, he can convert into money. The faithful wife of his bosom becomes of his council. There is nothing they have, wliich they did not purchase for some particular, and as they then thought, ne- cessary purpose ; how, then, can they spare any thing? they ruminate; they re- peat the names of the various articles, they fix on nothing — there is nothing they can part with. They are about so to de- cide ; but their recollection that external resources are now all dried up, obliges them to resume their task, and resolutely determine to do without something, hew- ever painful may be the sacrifice. Could we hear the reasons which persons inns situated assign, why this or tlnal article 421 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 21. should by no means be parted with, we should be enabled, in some degree, to ap- preciate their conflicts, and the heart-aches wiiich precede and accompany them. In sucli inventories much jewellery, diamond rings, or valuable trinkets, are not to be expected. Tlie few that there may be, are probably tokens of affection, either from some deceased relative or dear friend ; or not less likely from the hus- band to the wife, given at their union — *• when life and hope were new" — when their minds were so full of felicity, that no room was left for doubts as to its perma- nence ; when every future scene appeared to their glowing imaginations dressed in beauty ; when every scheme projected, appeared already crowned with success ; when the possibility of contingencies ftus- tating judicious endeavours, either did not present itself to the mind, or presenting itself, was dismissed as an unwelcome guest, " not having on the wedding gar- ment." At such a time were those tokens presented, and they are now produced. They serve to recal moments of bliss un- alloyed by cares, since become familiar. They were once valued as pledges of af- fection, and now, when that affection en- dures in full force and tenderness, they wish that those pledges had no other value than affection confers on them, that S') there might be no temptation to sacri- fice them to a cruel necessity. Let us, however, suppose some of them selected for disposal, and the money raised to meet the portentous day. Our troubled fellow- creatures breathe again, all dread is for the present banished ; joy, temporary, but oh ! how sweet after such bitterness, is difll'used through their hearts, and grati- tude to Providence for tranquillity, even by ouch means restored, is a pervading feeling. It is, perhaps, prudent at this juncture to leave them, rather than follow on to the end of the next quarter. It may be that, by superior prudence or some un- expected supply, a repetition of the same evil, or the occurrence of a greater is avoided ; yet, we all know that evils of the kind in question, are too frequently followed by worse. If a family, owing to the operation of some common cause, such as a rise in the price of provisions, or a partial diminution of income from the depression of business, become em- barrassed and with difficulty enabled to pay their rent; the addition of a fit of sickness, ttie unexpected failure of a debtor, or any other contingency of the sort, (assistance from without not being afforded,) prevents them altogether. The case is then desperate. The power which the law thus permits a landlord to exer- cise, is one of fearful magnitude, and is certainly admirably calculated to discover the stuff he is made of. Yet, strange as it seems, this power is often enforced in all its rigour, and the merciless enforcers lose not, apparently, a jot of reputation, nor forfeit tlie esteem of their intimates : so much does familiarity with an oppressive action deaden the perception of its real nature, and so apt are we to forget that owing to the imperfection of human in- stitutions, an action may be legal ami cruel at the same time ! The common phrase, " So and so have had their goods seized for rent," often uttered with indif- ference and heard without emotion, is a phrase pregnant with meaning of the direst import. It means that they — wife, children, and all — who last night sat in a decent room, surrounded by their own furniture, have now not a chair of theirowii to sit on ; that they, who last night could retire to a comfortable bed, after the fa- tigues and anxieties of the day, have to- night not a bed to lie on — or none but what the doubtful ability or humanity of strangers or relations may supply : it means that sighs and tears are pro- duced, where once smiles and tranquil- lity existed-; or, perhaps, that long che- rished hopes of surmounting difficulties, have by one blow been utterly des- troyed, — that the stock of expedients long becoming threadbare, is at last quite worn out, and all past efforts ren- dered of no avail, though some for a time seemed likely to be available. It means tha=t the hoUowness of professed friends has been made manifest ; that the busy tongue of detraction has found employ- ment; that malice is rejoicing; envy is at a feast ; and that the viands are the afflictions of the desolate. Landlord ! ponder on these consecjuences ere you distrain for rent, and let your heart, rather than the law, be the guide of your con- duct. The additional money you may receive by distraining may, indeed, add something to the luxuries of your table, but it can hardly fail to diminish youi relish. You may, perhaps, by adopting the harsh proceeding, add down to your pdlow, but trust not that your sleep will be tranquil or your dreams pleasant. Above all remember the benedicticTi — *' lilessed are the merciful, for they .«1 al 422 iriE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 24. obtiiin mercy;" and inspired with the sentimejit, and retiecting on tlie tiuctua- tions which are every day occurring, the poor and humble raised, and the wealthy and apparently secure brought down, you will need no other incitement to fulfil the golden rule of your religion — " Do unto others as ye would they should do unto you." Sigma. Concerning the Feast of St. John the Baptist, an author, to whom we are obliged for recollections of preceding customs, gives us information that should be carefully perused in the old versified version : — Then doth the joyfull feast of John the Baptist take his tiirne, When boiijiers great, with loftie flame, in every towne doe burne ; And yong- men round about with maides. doe daunce in every streete, With garlands wrought of Motherwort, or else with Vervain sweete. And many other flowres faire, with Violets in their handes, Whereas they all do fondly thinke, that whosoever standes, And thurow the Jlowres beholds the flame, his eyes shall feel no paitie. When thus till night they daunced have, they through the fire amaine, With striving mindes doe riinne, and all their hearbes they cast therein, And then with wordes devout and prayers they solemnely begin. Desiring God that all their ills may there consumed bee ; Whereby they thinke through all that yeare from agues to be free. Some others get a rotten Wheele, all worne and cast aside. Which covered round about with strawe and tow, they closely hide : ■ind caryed to some mountaines top, being all with fire light, They hurle it downe with, violence, when darke appears the night : liesembling inuch the sunne, that from the Heavens down should fal, A strange and monstrous sight it seemes, and fearefull to them all : But they suppose their miscluefes all are likewise throwne to hell, And that from harmes and daungers now, in safetie here they dwell.* A very ancient " Homily" relates other • Naogeorgus by Googe. particulars and superstitions relating to the bonfires on this day : — " In worshyp of Saint Johan the peo- ple waKed at home, and made three maner of fyres: one was clene bones, and noo woode, and that is called a bone fyre ; another is clene woode, and no bones, and that is called a wood fyre, for people to sit and wake thereby ; the thirde is made of wode and bones, and it is callyd Sajnt Johannys fyre. The first fyre, as a great clerke, Johan Belleth, tellelh, he was in a certayne countrey, so in the countrey there was so soo greate hete, the which causid that dragons to go togyther in tokenynge, that Johan dyed in brennynge love and cliaryte to God and man, and they that dye in charyte shall have part of all good prayers, and they that do not, shall le.'er be saved. Then as these dragons fle»ve in th' ayre they shed down to that water froth of ther kynde, and so envenymed the waters, and caused moche people for to take theyr deth thereby, and many dy verse sykenesse. Wyse clerkes knoweth well that dragons hate nothyng more than the stenche of brennynge bones, and therefore they ga- deryd as many as they mighte fynde, and brent them ; and so with the stenche thereof they drove away the dragons, and so they were brought out of greete dysease. The seconde fyre was made of woode, for that wyll brenne lyght, and wyll be seen farre. For it is the chefe of fyre to be seen farre, and betokennynge that Saynt Johan was a lanterne of lyght to the peo- ple. Also the people made biases of fyre for that they shulde be scene farre, and specyally in the nyght, in token of St. Johan's having been seen from far in the spirit by Jeremiah. The third fyre of bones betokenneth Johan's martyrdome, for hys bones were brente." — Brand calls this " a pleasant absurdity ;" the justice of the denomination can hardly be disputed. Gebelin observes of these tires, that " they were kindled about midnight on the very moment of the summer solstice, by the greatest part as well of the ancient as of modern nations ; and that this fire- lighting was a religious ceremony of the most remote antiquity, which was ob- served for the prosperity of states and people, and to dispel every kind of evil.'' He then proceeds to remark, that " the origin of this fire, which is still retained by so many nations, though enveloped in the mist of antiquity, is very simple : it ■«vas a /I'M cfe ;oi(?, kindled the very mo- 423 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 2t. meiit the year began ; for llie first of all years, and the most ancient that we know of, began at this month of June. Thence the very name of this month, junior, the youngest, which is renewed ; while that of the preceding one is May, major, the ancient. Thus the one was the month of young people, while the other belonged to old men. These feiix de joie were accompanied at the same time with vows and sacrifices for the prosperity of the people and the fruits of the earth. They danced also round this fire ; for what feast is there without a dance ? and the most active leaped over it. Each on de- parting took away a fire-brand, great or small, and the remains were scattered to the wind, which, at the same time that it dispersed the ashes, was thought to expel every evil. When, after a long train of years, the year ceased to commence at this solstice, still the custom of making these fires at this time was continued by force of habit, and of those superstitious ideas that are annexed to it." So far re- marks Gebelin concerning the univer- sality of the practice. Bourne, a chronicler of old customs, says, " that men and women were ac- customed to gather together in the even- ing by the sea side, or in some certain houses, and there adorn a girl, who was her parent's first begotten child, after tiie manner of a bride. Tiien they feasted, and leaped after the manner of baccha- nals, and danced and shouted as they were wont to do on their holidays ; after this they poured into a narrow-necked vessel some of the sea water, and put also into it certain things belonging to each of them ; then, as if the devil gifted the girl with the faculty of telling future things, they would inquire with a loud voice about the good or evil fortune that should attend them : upon this the girl would take out of the vessel the first thing that came to hand, and show it, and give it to the owner, who, upon receiving it, was so foolish as to imagine himself wiser as 'to the good or evil fortune that should attend him." " In Cornwall, particu- larly," says Borlase, " the people went 'vith lighted torches, tarred and pitched at the end, and made their perambula- tions round their fires." They went " from village to village, carrying their torches before them, and this is certainly the re- mains of the Druid superstition." And so in Ireland, according to sir Henry Piers, in Vallancey, " on the eves of St. John the baptist and St. Peter, they always have in every town a bonfire late in the evenings, and carry about bundles of reeds fast tied and fired ; these being dry, will last long, and flame better than a torch, and be a pleasing divertive pros- pect to the distant beholder; a stranger would go near to imagine the whole country was on fire." Brand cites fui- ther, from " The Survey of the South of Ireland," that — " It is not strange that many Druid remains should still exist ; but it is a little extraordinary that some of their customs should still be practised. They annually renew the sacrifices that used to be offered to Apollo, without knowing it. On Midsummer's eve, every eminence, near which is a habitation, blazes with bonfires ; and round these they carry numerous torches, shouting and dancing, which affords a beautiful sight. Though historians had not given us the mythology of the pagan Irish, and though they had not told us expressly that they worshipped Beal, or Bealin, and that this Beal was the sun, and their chief god, it might, nevertheless, be investi- gated from this custom, which the lapse of so many centuries has not been able to wear away." Brand goes on to quote from the " Gentleman's Magazine," for February 1795, "The Irish have ever been worshippers of fire and of Eaal, and are so to this day. This is owing to the Roman Catholics, who have artfully yield- ed to the superstitions of the natives, in order to gain and keep up an establish- ment, grafting Christianity upon pagan rites. The chief festival in honour of the sun and fire is upon the 21st of June, when the sun arrives at the summer sol- stice, or rather begins its retrograde mo- tion. I was so fortunate in the summer of 1782, as to have my curiosity gratified by a sight of this ceremony to a very great extent of country. At the house where I was entertained, it was told me that we should sec at midnight the most singular sight in Ireland, which was the lighting of fires in hiniour of the sun. Accordingly, exactly at midnight, the fires began to appear : and taking the advantage of going up to the leads of the house, which had a widely extended view, I saw on a radius of thirty miles, all around, the fires burning on every eminence which the country afforled. I had a farther satisfaction in le irning, from undoubteil authority, that the people danced ronn.l the fires, and at the close went through 4£4 'niE F.VERY-DAY BOOK— JUNE 24. these fires, and made their sons and daughters, together with their cattle, pass the fire ; and the whole was conducted with religious solemnity." Mr. Brand notices, that Mr. Douce has a curious French print, entitled " L'este le Feu de la St. Jean ;" Mnrietle ex. In the centre is the fire made of wood piled up very regularly, and having a tree stuck in the midst of it. Young men and women are represented dancing round it hand in hand. Herbs are stuck in their hats and caps, and garlands of the same surround their waists, or are slung across their shoulders. A boy is repre- sented carrying a large boi;gh of a tree. Several spectators are looking on. The following lines are at the bottom : — " Que de Feux brulans dans les airs ! Qu'ils font une douce liarmonie 1 Redoublorir cette m^iodie Par nos dances, par nos concerts !" This " curious French print," furnished the engraving at page 8ir>, or to speak more correctly, it was executed from one in the possession of the editor of the Every-Day Book. To enliven the subject a little, we may recur to recent or existing usages at this period of the year. It may be stated then on the authority of Mr. Brand's collec- tions, that the Eton scholars formerly had bonfires on St. John's day ; that bonfires are still made on Midsummer eve in several villages of Gloucester, and also in the northern parts of England and in Wales ; to which Mr. Brand adds, that there was one formerly at Whiteborough, a tumulus on St. Stephen's down near Launceston, in Cornwall. A large summer pole was fixed in the centre, round which the fuel was heaped up. It had a large bush on the top of it. Round this were parties of wrestlers contending for small prizes. An honest countryman, who had often been present at these merriments, informed Mr. Brand, that at one of them an evil spirit had appeared in the shape of a black dog, since which none could wrestle, even in jest, without receiving hurt : in consequence of which the wrest- ing was, in a great measure, laid aside, the rustics there believe that giants are Duried in these tumuli, and nothing would tempt them to be so sacrilegious as to disturb their bones. In Northumberland, it is customary on this day to dress out stools with a cushion of flowers. A layer of clay is placed on the stool, and therein is stuck, with great regularity, an arrangement of all kinds of flowers, so close as to form a beautiful cushion. These are exhibited at tlie doors of houses in the villages, and at the ends of streets and cross-lanes of larger towns, where the attendants beg money from passengers, to them to have an evening feast and dancing.* One of the "Cheap Repository Tracts," entitled, " Tawney Rachel, or the For- tune-Tel ler," said to have been written by Miss Hannah More, relates, among other superstitious practices of Sally Evans, that " she would never go to bed on Midsummer eve, without sticking up in her room the well-known plant called Midsummer Men, as the bending of the leaves to the right, or to the left, would never fail to tell her whether her lovei was true or false." The Midsummer Men were the orpyne plants, which Mr. Brand says is thus elegantly alluded to in the " Cottage Girl," a poem " written on Midsummer eve, 1786:" — *' The rustic maid invokes her swain ; And bails, to pensive damsels dear, This eve, though direst of the year. « » * « « " Oft on the shrub she casts her eye, That spoke her true-love's secret sigh ; Or else, alas ! too plainly told Her true-love's faithless heart was cold. ' In the " Connoisseur," there is men- tion of divinations on Midsummer eve. " I and my two sisters tried the dumb- cake together : you must know, two must make it, two bake it, two break it, and the third put it under each of their pil- lows, (but you must not s])eak a word all the time), and then you will dream of the man you are to have. This we did : and to be sure I did nothing all night but dream of Mr. Blossom. The same night, exactly at twelve o'clock, I sowed hemp- seed in our back-yard, and said to my- self, — 'Hemp-seed I sow, hemp-seed I hoe, and he that is my true-love come after me and mow.' Will you believe me? I looked back, and saw him behind me, as plain as eyes could see him. After that, I took a clean shift and wetted it, and turned it wrong-side out, and hung it to the fire upon the back of a chair and very likely my sweetheart would have come and turned it right again, (for 1 * Hutchinson's NorUiwmberland. 425 THE EVERY-DAY BOUK.— JUNE '^4. heard his step) but I was frightened, keep it in a clean slieet of paper, without Ai.J oould not help speaking,which broke the charm. I likewise stuck up two Midsntmner Men, one for myself and one for him. Now if his had died away, we should never have come toge- ther, but I assure you his blowed and turned to mine. Our maid Betty tells looking at it till Christmas-day, it will be as fresh as in June; and if I then stick it in my bosom, he that is to be my hus- band will come and take it out. My own sister Hetty, who died just before Christ- mas, stood in the church porch last Mid- summer eve, to see all that were to die me, that if I go backwards, without speak- that year in our parish ; and she saw her ing a word, into the garden upon Mid- own apparition." summer eve, and gather a rose, and Gay, in one of his pastorals, says — At eve last Midsummer no sleep I sought. But to the field a bag of hemp-seed brought ; I scattered round the seed on every side, And three times, in a trembling accent cried : — " This hemp-seed with my virgin hand I sow, Who shall my true love be, the crop shall mow." 1 straight looked back, and, if my eyes speak truth, With his keen scythe behind me came the youth. It IS also a popular superstition that The moss-rose that, at fall of devr, any unmarried woman fasting on Mid- (lire Eve its duskier curtain drew,) Was freshly gather'd from its stem. She values as the ruby gem ; And, guarded from the piercing air. With all an anxious lover's care, She bids it, for her shepherd's sake. Await the new-year's frolic wake — When, faded, in its alter'd hue She reads — the rustic is untrue ! But, if it leaves the crimson paint, Her sick'ning hopes no longer faint. The rose upon her bosom worn. She meets him at the peep of morn ; And lo ! her lips with kisses prest, He plucks it from her panting breast. summer eve, and at midnight laying a clean cloth, with bread, cheese, and ale, and sitting down as if going to eat, the street-door being left open, the person whom she is afterwards to marry will come into the room and drink to her by bowing ; and after filling the glass will leave it on the table, and, making another bow, retire.* So also the ignorant believe that any person fasting on Midsummer eve, and sitting in the church porch, will, at mid- night, see the spirits of the persons of that parish who will die that year, come and knock at the church door, in the order In " Time's Telescope," there is cited and succession in which they will die. the following literal version of a beautiful In the " Cottage Girl," before referred ballad which has been sung for many to, the gathering the rose on Midsummer centuries by the maidens, on the banks of eve and wearing it, is noticed as one of the Guadalquivir in Spain, when they go the modes by which a lass seeks to divine forth to gather flowers on the morning ol ihe sincerity of her suitor's vows : — tiie festival of St John the baptist :— Spanish Ballad. Come forth, come forth, my maidens, 'tis the day of good St. John, It is the Baptist's morning that breaks the hills upon ; And let us all go forth together, while the blessed day is new. To dress with flowers the snow-white welher, ere the sun has dried the dew. Come forth, come forth, Ac- Come forth, come forth, my maidens, the hedgerows all are green. And the little birds are smging the opening leaves between ; And let us all go forth together, to gather trefoil by the stream, Eie the face of Guadalquivir glows beneath the strengthening beam. Come, forth, come forth, &c. Come forth, come forth, my maidens, and slumber not away The blessed, blessed morning of John the Baptist's day ; Tlu're's trefoil on the meadow, and lilies on the lee. And hawthorn blossoms on the bush, which you must pluck with me. Come forth, come forth. 8lc. 426 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNR J4. Come forth, come fortli, my maidens, the air is calm and cool, And the violet blue far down yell view, reflected in the pool ; The violets and the roses, and the jasmines all together, \Ve'll bind in garlands on the brow of the strong and lovely wither. Come forth, come foith, &c. Come forth, come forth, my maidens, we'll gather myrtle boughs, And we all shall learn, from the dews of the fern, if our lads will keep their vows If the wetbar be still, as we dance on the hill, and the dew hangs sweet on the flowers. Then we'll kiss otf the dew, for our lovers are true, and the Baptist's blessitig is ours. Come forth, come forth, Sic. Come forth, come forth, my maidens, 'tis the day of good St. John, It is the Bajjlist's morning that breaks the hills upon ; And let us all go forth together, while the blessed day is new, To dress with flowers the snow-white wether, eie the sun has dried the dew. Come forth, come fort i, &c. There are too many obvious traces of follow. He accordingly called several of the fact to doubt its truth, that the niak- his friends together, on an appointed day, Ing of bonfires, and the leaping through and having lighted a large fire, bronglit them, are vestiges of the ancient worship forth his best calf; and, without cererno- of the heathen god Bal ; and therefore, ny or remorse, pushed it into tiie flames, it is, with propiiety, that the editor of The innocent victim, on feeling the in- " Times's Telescope," adduces a recent tolerable heat, endeavoured to escape ; occurrence from Ilitchin's " History of but this was in vain. The barbarians Corn wall," as a probable remnant of pagan that surrounded the fire were armed with superstition in that county. He presumes pitchforks, or pikes, as in Cornwall they that the vulgar notion which gave rise are generally called ; and, as the burning to it, was derived from the druidical victim endeavoured to escape from deatli, sacrifices of beasts. " An ignorant old with these instruments of cruelty tlie farmer in Cornwall, having met with wretches pushed back the tortured animal some severe losses in his cattle, about tlie into the flames. In this state, amidst the year 1800, was much afflicted with his wounds of pitchforks, the shouts of un- misfortuues. To stop the growing e\il, feeling ignorance and cruelty, and the he applied to the farriers in his neigh- corrosion of flames, the dying victim bourhood, but unfortunately he applied poured out its expiring groan, and was in vain. The malady still continumg, consumed to ashes. It is scarcely pos- and all remedies failing, he thought it sible to reflect on this instance of super- necessary to have recourse to some extra- stitious barbarity, without tracing a kind ordinary measure. Accordingly, on con- of resemblance between it, and the an- sulting with some of his neighbours, cient sacrifices of the Druids. This calf equally ignorant with himself, and evi- was sacrificed to fortune, or good luck, denlly not less barbarous, they recalled to avert impending calamity, and to en- to their recollections a tale, which tradi- sure future prosperity, and was selected tion had handed down from remote anti- by the farmer as the finest among his (liiity, that the calamity would not cease herd." Every intelligent native of Corn- until he had actually burned alive the wall will perceive, that this extract from finest calf ichich he had upon his farm ; thehistoiy of his county, is here made for but that, when this sacrifice was made, the purpose of shaming the brutally igno- the murrian would afflict his cattle no rant, if it be possible, into humanity, more The old farmer, influenced by this To conclude the present notices rather counsel, resolved immediately on reduc- pleasantly, a little poem is subjoined, ing it to practice ; that, by making the which shows that the superstition respect- detestable experiment, he might secure ing the St. John's wort is not confined tj an advantage, which the whisperers of England ; it is a version of some line* tradition, and the advice of his neigh- transcribed from a German almanac ; — liOcirs, had conspired to assure him would The St. John's Wort. The young maid stole through the cottage door, And b'ushed as she sought the plant of pow'r , - 427 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 25,26 "Thou silver glow-worm, O lend me thy liglit, I must gather the mystic St. John's wort to-nighl, The wonderful herb, whose leaf will decide It the coming year shall make me a bride." And the glow-worm came With its silvery flame, And sparkled and shone Thro' the night of St. John, And soon has the young maid her love-knot tied With noiseless tread To her cliamber she sped, Where the spectral moon her white beams shed : — " Bloom here — bloom here, thou plant of pow'rj To deck the young bride in her bridal hour !" But it drooped its head that plant of power, And died the mute death of the voiceless flower • And a withered wreath on the ground it lay, More meet for a burial than bridal day. And when a year was past away, All pale on her bier the young maid lay And the glow-worm came With it£ silvery flame, And sparkled and shone Thro' the night of St. John, And they closed the cold grave o'er the maid*? cold clay. It would be easy, and perhaps more asreeable to the editor than to his readers, to accumulate many other notices con cerning the usages on this day ; let it suf- fice, however, that we know enough to be assured, that knowledge is engendering good sense, and that the superstitions of oar ancestors will in no long time have passed away for ever. Be it the business of their posterity to hasten their decay. FLORAL DIRECTORY. St. John's Wort. Hyperiann Piilchrum. Nativity of St. John. %\\m 25. St. Prosper, a. d. 463. St. Maxi^nus, Bp. A. D. 465. St. IFillium of Monte- Vergine, a. d. 1142. St. Adalbert , A. D. 740. St. Moloc, Bp. 7th Cent. Sis. Agoard and Aglibert, a. d. 400. Chronology. 1314. Tlie battle of Bannockburn which secured the independence of Scotland, and fixed Robert Bruce on tlie throne of that kingdom, was fought on this day l)el,ween the Scots under that chieftain, and the English under Ed- ward li. Franking of Newspapers. By a recent regulation it is not neces sary to put the name of a member of either house of parliament on the cover; the address of the party to whom it is sent, with the ends of the paper left open as usual, will be sufficient to ensure its delivery. This Is a praiseworthy accom- modation to common sense. The old fiction was almost universally known to be one, and yet it is only a few years ago, that a member of parliament re- ceived a humble letter of apology, coupled with a request from one of his consti- tuents, that he might be allowed to use the name of his representative in direct- ing a newspaper. To the ingenuous, pretences seem realities. floral directory. Sweet Williams. Dianthns barbatux. Dedicated to St. IFillium. %xm 26. St. John and Paul, Martyr^ about a. d. 362. St. Ma jcentins, AhhoX, a.d. 515. St. Figilius, Bp. A. D. 400, or 405. St. Babolen. St. Anthcbn, Bp. of Bellay, a, d. 1 178. Baingarda, Widow, A.D. 1135 428 THE irVTERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 26. CnnoNOLOGY. On the 26tli of June, 1541, Francis Pizirro, the conqueror of Peru, was ass;us- sir.ated. Hewa* born at Truxillo, in Spain; his birth was illegitimate, and in his youth he was a keeper of liogs. Becom- ing a soldier, he went to America, and settled at Punama, where he projected the prosecution of discoveries to the eastward of that settlement. By means of an expedition, which he solicited, and was intrusted to command from the court of Spain, he entered Peru when the em- ]iire was divided by a civil war between lluascar the legitimate monarch, and Atahualpa his half brother. Pretending succour to Atahualpa, he was permitted In penetrate twelve days' journey into the country, and received as an ally by Ataliualpa, whose confidence lie rewarded by suddenly attackiag him, and makinfj him prisoner. The exaction of an im- mense ransom for tl is king's release ; the shameful breach of taith, by wliich he wai held in captivity after his ransom was paid ; his brutal murder under the infa- mous mockery ot i trial ; the horrible frauds by which he was inveigled to die in the profession of the christian faith, without being able to comprehend its tenets; and the superaddition of other acts of perfidy and cruelty, will rende"* the name of Pizarro infanious so long as it exists. His assassination was effected by the friends of Almagro, his original associate, with whom he had quarelled, and whom he caused to be executed when he got him into liis power. COPENHAGEN-HOUSE. In olden times, so high a rise Was, perhaps, a Tor or beacon ground And lit, or larni'd, the country round. For pleasure, or against surprise Tliere is a cobler's stall m London that I pass its vicinity, because it was the seal cf 1 go oui of my way to look at whenever an honest old man wlio i>atched mv siioes 429 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JTJNE 26 and my mind, when 1 was a boy. I invo- luntarily reverence the spot ; and if I find myself in Red Lion-square, I, with a like afiection, look between the iron railings of its enclosure, because, at the same age, from my mother's window, I watched the taking down of the obelisk, stone by stone, that stood in the centre, and impa- tiently awaited the discovery of the body of Oliver Cromwell, which, according to local legend, was certainly buried there in secrecy by night. It is true that Oli- ver's bones were not found ; but then " every body" believed that " the work- men did not dig deep enough." Among these believers was my friend, the cobbler, who, though no metaphysician, was given to ruminate on " causation." lie imputed the nonpersistence of the diggers to " pri- vate reasons of state," whicii his awfully mysterious look imported he had fathom- ed, but dared not reveal. From ignorance of wisdom, I venerated the wisdom of ignorance; and though I now know better, I respect the old man's memory. He allowed me, though a child, to sit on the frame of his little pushed-back window ; and I obtained so much of his good-will and confidence, that he lent me a folio of fragments from Caxton's " Polychro- nicon," and Pynson's " Shepherd's Kalen- dar," which he kept in the drawer of his seat, with " St. Hugh's bones," the in- struments of his " gentle craft." This black-letter lore, wiUi its wood-cuts, cre- ated in me a desire to be acquainted with our old authors, and a love for engravings, which I have indulged without satiety. It is impossible that I should be without fond recollections of the spots wherein I received these early impressions. From still earlier impressions, I have like recollection of the meadows on the Highgate side of Copenhagen-house, I often rambled in them in summer-time, when I was a boy, to frolic in the new- mown hay, or explore the wonders of the nedges, and listen to the songs of the birds. Certain indistinct apprehensions of danger arose in me from the rude noises of the visitors at Copenhagen- house itself, and I scarcely ventured near enough to observe more than that it had drinking-benches outside, and boisterous company within. I first entered the place in the present month of June, 1825, and the few particulars I could collect concerning it, as an old place of public entertainment, may be acceptable to many who ecoUect its former notoriety. S]ie- culators are building up to it, and if they continue with their present speed, it will in a few years be hidden by their oper- ations. Copenhagen-house stands alone in the fields north of the metropolis, between Maiden-lane, the old road to Highgate on the west, and the very ancient north road, or bridle-way, called Hagbush-lane, on the east ; on this latter side it is nearly in a line with Cornwall-place, Holloway. Its name is said to have been derived from a Danish prince, or a Danish ambassador, having resided in it durino- a great plague in London ; another repre- sentation is, that in the beginning of the seventeenth century, it was opened under its present name by a Dane, as a place ot resort for his countrymen. " Coopen- Ilagen" is the name given to it in the map in Camden's " Britannia," Dublished in 1695.* It is situated in the parish of Islington, in the manor of St. John of Jerusalem, in the rental of which manor, dated the 25th of February, 1624, its name does not occur ;f it is therefore probable from thence, and from the appearance of the oldest part of the present edifice, that it was not then built. It is certain that Copenhagen-house has been licensed for the sale of beer, and wine, and spirits, upwards of a century ; and for such refreshments, and as a tea- house, with a garden and grounds for skittles and Dutch pins, it has been greatly resorted to by Londoners. No liouse of the kind commands so extensive and uninterrupted a view of the metro- polis and the immense western suburb, with the heights of Hampstead and High- gate, and the rich intervening meadows. Those nearest to London are now rapidly destroying for their brick-earth, and being covered with houses ; though from Copen- hagen-street, which is built on the green lane from White Conduit-house, there is a way to the footpath leading to Copen- hagen-house, from the row of handsomf cottages called Barnesbury-park. The latter buildings are in the manor of Berners, or Bernersbury, otherwise Barnesbury ; the name being derived * Mr. Nelson's Histoiy oflslinetnn. t To Mi-.SImes, bailirt'of the manor, I am indebted for a sight of this rental. 430 THE E^^RY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE Sd. from the Berners' family,* of whom the most distinguished individual was John Bourchier, the last lord Berners, and " the fifth writer in order of time among the nobility." He was author of " a comedy usually acted in the great church of Ca- ais after vespers," of which town he held the command by appointment of king Henry VIII. ;f he also translated several works, and particularly " Froissart's Cro- nycles, oute of Frenche mto our maternale Englysshe tongue." VVest of Barnesbury-park, and close to the footpath from thence to Copenhagen- house, are the supposed remains of a Roman encampment. It is a square of about one hundred and twenty feet, sur- rounded by a ditch, with a high embank- ment or breast work to the west. This is presumed to have been a position occu- pied by Suetonius, the Roman general, when he destroyed eighty thousand of the Britons under Boadicea, in a memorable engagement presumed co have been fought from this place in the fi-elds of Pentonville, and terminating in the plain at Battle- bridge, from whence that place is said to have been so named. From Battle-bridge up Maiden-lane, and from Barnesbury-park, there are still footways to Copenhagen-house, which, from standing alone on an eminence, is visible from every open spot for many miles round. To the original edifice is attached a building at the west end, with a large parlour below for drinking and smoking, Jnd beyond it is a billiard-room ; above js a large tea-room. The engraving repre- sents its present appearance, fiom a draw- jig made for that purpose. About the year 1770, this house was aept by a person named Harrington; at sis decease the business was continued Oy his widow, wherein she was assisted /or several years by a young woman who came from Shropsliire. This female as- sistant afterwards married a person named Tomes, and kept the Adam and Eve at Islington ; she is now a widow ; and from her information the editor of the Every-Day Book gathers, that at the time of the London riots in the year 1780, a body of the rioters passed Copenhagen- 6ouse on their way to attack the seat of * Mr. Nelson's History of Isiiiigtnn. t Mr. Utter^on's Preface to tiis edition of Lord Berners' Froissart, 2 vo s. 4ti). lord Mansfield, at Caen-wood : happilj, they did not sack Copenhagen; but Mr.'. Harrington and her maid were so alarm- ed, that they despatched a man to justice Hyde, who sent a party of soldiers to garrison this important place, where they remained till the riots were quelled. From this spot the view of the nightly conflagrations in the metropolis must, have been terrific. Mrs. Tomes says, she saw nine large fires at one time. On new-year's day previous to this, the house was broken into after the family had re- tired to rest. The burglars forced the kitchen window, and mistaking the salt- box in the chimney corner for a man's head, fired a ball through it. They then ran up stairs with a dark-lantern, tied the man and the woman servant, burst the lower pannel of Mrs. Harrington's room- door, while she secreted fifty pounds be- tween her bed and the mattress, and three of them rushed to her bedside, armed with a cutlass, crowbar, and pis- tol, while a fourth remained on the watch outside. They demanded her money ; and as she denied that she had any, they wrenched her drawers open with the crow- bar, refusing to use the keys she ofl'ered to them. In these they found about ten pounds belonging to her daughter, a little child, whom they threatened to murder unless she ceased crying, while they pack- ed up all the plate, linen, and clothes, which they carried off. They then went to the cellar, set all the ale-lsarrels run- ning, broke the necks ofi' the wine-bottles, spilt the other liquors, and slashed a round of beef with their cutlasses. From this wanton spoil they reserved sufficient to carouse with in the kitchen, where they ate, drank, and sung, till they resolved to " pinch the old woman, and make her find more money." On this, they all ran up stairs again, where she still lay in bed, and by their threats and violence soon obtained from her a disclosute of the hidden fifty pounds. This rather appeared to enrage than pacify them, and they seriously proposed cutting her throat for the deception ; but that crime was not per- petrated,and they departed with their plun- der. Rewards were ofl'ered, by govern- ment and the parish of Islington, for the apprehension of the felons : in May fol- lowing, one of them, named Clarkson, was discovered, and hopes of mercy tendered to him if he would discover his accom- plices. This man was a watch-maker in Clerkenwell, the other three were trades- 431 THE EVER\-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 26. men ; Ms information led to their dis- covery ; they were tried and executed, and Clarkson was pardoned ; though, some time afterwards, he, also, suffered death, for obtaining a box of plate from the White-horse, in Fetter-lane, upon pretence that it liad been sent thither by mistake. The robbery at Copenhagen-house, was so far fortunate to Mrs. Harrington, that she obtained a subscription consider- ably more in amount than the value of the money and property she had lost. Mr. Leader, the coachmaker, in Long- acre, who was her landlord, remitted to her a year's rent of the premises, which at that time was 30/. The notoriety of the robbery increased the visitors to the house, and Mr. Leader built the addi- tional rooms to the old house, instead of a wooden room, to accommodate the new influx of custom ; and soon afterwards the house was celebrated for fives-playing. This last addition was almost accidental. " I made the first fives-ball,'' says Mrs. Tomes, " that was ever thrown up against Copenhagen-house. One Hickman, a butcher at Highgate, a countryman of mine, ' used' the house, and seeing me country,' we talked about our country sports, and anrrngst the rest fives ; I told him we'd have a game some day : I laid down the stone in the ground myself, and, against he came again, made a ball. I struck the ball the first blow and he gave it the second, and so we played ; and as there was company they liked the sport, and it got talked of. This was the begin- ning of the fives-play, which has since become so famous at Copenhagen-house." A word or two on ball-play. Fives was our old hand-tennis, and is a very ancient game. In the fourteenth century there was a game at ball, where a line, called the cord, was traced upon the wall, below which the stroke was faulty. Some of the players were on foot ; others had the two hands tied together, or played in a hollow cask.* Hand-ball was before the days of Homer. He introduces the princess Corcyra, daughter of Alcinous, king of Phoeacia, amusing herself, with her maidens, at hand-ball : — ■ " O'er the green mead the sporting virgins play; Their shining veils unbound, along thi skies, Tost and re-tost, the ball incessant flics."* It is related of St. Cuthbert, who lived in the seventh century, that " whan he was viii yere old, as he played at the ball with other chyldren, sodeynly there stode amonge them a fayre yonge chylde," who admonished Cuthbert against " vayne playes," and seeing Cuthbert take no heed, he fell down, wept sore and wrung his hands ; " and than Cuthbert and the other chyldren lefte their playe and com- forted hym; and than sodeynly he va- nyshed away ; and than he knewe veryly that it was an angel; and, fro than forth on, he lefte all such vayne playes, and never used them more.'' ^ Ball-play was formerly played at Easter in churches, and statutes passed to regu- late the size of the ball. The ceremony was as follows : the ball being received, the dean, or his representative, began an antiphone, or chant, suited to Easter- day ; then taking the ball in his left hand, he commenced a dance to the tune, others of the clergy dancing round, hand in hand. At intervals the ball was handed or tossed by the dean to each of the cho- risters, the organ playing according to the dance and sport : at the conclusion of the anthem and dance, they went and took refreshment. It was the privilege of the lord, or his locum tenens, to throw the ball, and even the archbishop did it.J The P'rench palm-play consisted in re- ceiving the ball and driving it back again with the palm of the hand. Anciently they played with the naked hand, then with a glove, which, in some instances, was lined ; afterwards they bound cords and tendons round tneir hands, to make the ball rebound more forcibly ; and hence, says St. Foix, the racket derived its origin. In the reign of Charles V., palm-play, which, Strutt says, may properly enough be denominated hand-tennis, ov fives, was exceedingly fashionable in France, being played by the nobility for large sums of money ; and when they had lost all that they had about them, they would some- times pledge a part of their wearing ap- parel rather than give up the game. The • Mr. Fosbroke's Diet, of Amiqui'ies. * I'lipp's Homer t Golden Lfjeiid t Mr. Posbroke's Diet, ot Antiquitiu. 432 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 26. duke of Bourbon having; lost sixty francs at pilm-play with M. William de Lyon, and M. Guy de la Trimouille, and not liaving money enoughto pay tliem, gave his girdle as a pledge for the remainder. A damsel, named Margot, who resided at Paris m 1424, played at hand-tcnnin with the palm, and also with the back of her hand, better than any man ; and what is most surprising, says St. Foix, at that time the game was played with tlie naked hand, or at least with a double jjlove. Haiul'tennis still continues to be played, though under a difl'erent name, and pro- bably a different modification of the game : it is now caWed Jives, which deno- mination, perhaps, it might receive from having five competitors in it, as the suc- ceeding passage shews : When queen Elizabeth was entertained at Elvetham, in Hampshire, by the earl of Hertford, " after dinner about three o'clock, ten of his lordship's servants, all Somersetshire men, in a square greene court before her majesties windowe, did hang up lines, squaring out the forme of a tennis court, and making a cross line in the middle; in this square they, being stripped out of their dublets, played five to five with hand-ball at bord and cord as they tearme it, to the great liking of her highness.''* Fives-playing at Copenhagen-house, is recorded in a memoir of Cavanagh, the famous /yes-player, by Mr. Hazlitt. It first appeared in the Examiner of Fe- bruary 17, 1819, and is subjoined, with the omission of a passage or two, not es- sentially connected with the subject. DEATH OF JOHN CAVANAGH. . " And is old Double dead? See, see, he drew a good bow ; and dead ! he shot a line shoot. John of Gaunt loved hun well, and betted much money on his head. Dead ! he would have clapt in^the dout at twelve score, and carried you a forehand shaft a fourteen and fourteen and a half, that it would have done a man's heart gosd to see." Died at his house in Burbage-street, St. Giles's, John Cavanagh, the famous hand fives-player. When a person dies, who does any one thing better than any « Biriitt's sports, from Mr. Nichol's Progresses of Queen Eliiabeth, &c. one else in the world, which so many others are trying to do well, it leaves a gap in society. It is not likely that any one will now see the game of fives played in its perfection for many years to come — for Cavanagh is dead, and has not left his peer behind him. It may be said that there are tilings of more importance than sti iking a ball against a wall — there are things indeed that make more noise and do as little good, such as making war and peace, making speeches and answering them, making verses and blotting them, making money and throwing it away. But the game of fives is what no one despises who has ever played at it. It is the finest exercise for the body, and the best relaxa- tion for the mind. The Roman poet said that " Care mounted behind the horseman, and stuck to his skirts." But this remark would not have applied to the fives-player. He wlio takes to playing at fives is twice young. He feels neither the past nor fu- ture " in the instant." Debts, taxes, " Domestic treason, foreign levy, nothing can touch him. further." He has no other wish, no other thouglit, from the monient the game begins, but that of striking the ball, of placing it, of making it ! This Ca- vanagh was sure to do. Whenever he touched the ball, there was an end of the chase. His eye was certain, his hand fatal, his presence of mind complete. He could do what he pleased, and he always knew exactly what to do. He saw the whole game, and played it ; took instant advantage of his adversary's weakness, and recovered balls, as if by a miracle and from sudden thought, that every one gave for lost. He had equal power and skill, quickness and judg- ment. He couid either outwit his anta- gonist by finesse, or beat him by main strength. Sometimes, when he se«mtd preparing to send the ball with the full swing of his arm, he would, by a slight turn of his wrist, drop it within an inch of the line. In general, the ball came from his hand, as if from a racket, in a strait horizontal line; so that it v/as in vain to attempt to overtake or stop it. As it was said of a great orator, that he never was at a loss for a word, and for the properest word, so Cavanagh always could tell the degree of force necessary to be given to a ball, and the precise direc- tion in which it should be sent. He did Vol. I. 433 2 F THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 26. his work with the greatest ease ; never took more pains than was necessary, and while others were fagering themselves to death, was as cool and collected as if he had just entered the court. His style of play was as remarkable as his power of execution. He had no affectation, no trifling. He did not throw away the game to show off an attitude, or try an experiment. He was a fine, sensible, manly player, who did what he could, but that was more than any one else could even affect to do. He was the nest up-hill player In the world; even when his adversary was fourteen,, he would play on the same or better, and as he never flung away the game through carelessness and conceit, he never gave it up through laziness or want of heart. The only peculiarity of his play was that he never volleyed, but let the balls hop ; but if they rose an inch from the ground, he never missed having them. There was not only no body equal, but nobody second to him. It is supposed that he could give any other player half the game, or beat them with his left hand. His service was tremendous. He once played Woodward and Mere- dith together (two of the best players in England) in the Fives-court, St. Martin's- street, and made seven and twenty aces following by services alone — a thing un- heard of. He another time played Peru, who was considered a first-rate fives- piayer, a match of the be.tfr was not justified in disturb- ing him. In vain he pleaded incompe- tent power to resist ; the workhouse was shut against him, and he began to build another hut. He had proceeded so far as to keep off the weather in one direc- tion, when wealth again made war upon poverty, and while away from his wife 437 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 16. and child, iiis scarcely half raised hnl was pulled down during a heavy rain, and his wife and child left in the lane shelterless. A second application for a home in the workhouse was rejected, with still stronger assurances that he had been illegally disturbed, and with renewed advice to build again. The old man has built for the third time; and on the site of the cottage represented in the engraving, erected another, wherein he dwells, and sells his small beer to people who choose to sit and drink it on the turf seal against the wall of his cottage ; it is chiefly in request, however, among the brickmaktis in the neighbourhood, and the labourers on the new road, cutting across Hagbush- lane from IloUoway to the Kentish-town road, which will utimately connect the Regent's-patk and the western suburb, with the eastern extremity of this im- mensely growing metropolis. Though im- mediately contiguous toMr.Bath, the land- lord of "Copenhagen-house," he has no way assisted in obstructing this poor crea- ture's endeavour to get a morsel of bread. For the present he remains unmolested in his almost sequestered nook, and the place and himself are worth seeing, for they are perhaps the nearest specimens to London, of the old country labourer and his dwelling. From the many intelligent persons a stroller may meet among the thirty thou- sand inhabitants of Islington, on his way along Ilagbush-lane, he will perhaps not find one to answer a question that will occur to him during his walk. " Why is this place called Hagbush- lane?" Before giving satisfaction here to the inquirer, he is informed that, if a Londoner, Hagbush-lane is, or ought to be, to him, the most interesting way that he can find to walk in ; and piesuming him to be influenced by the feelings and motives that actuate his fellow citizens to the improvement and adornment of their city, by the making of a neir north re id, he is informed that Hagbush-lane, though now wholly disused, and in many parts destroyed, was the old, or rather the old- est north road, or ancient bridle-way to and from London, and the northern parts of the kingdom. Now for its name — Hagbush-lane. flag IS the old Saxon word hcBg; which became corrupted into hawgh, and afterwards into hnw, and is the name for the berry of the hawthorn ; also the Saxon word hagn sirjpitied a nedge or any enclosure., Hag afterwards signified a bramble, and hence, for instance, the blackberry-bush, or any other bramble, would be properly denominated a hag. Hagbush-lane, tiiere- fore, may be taken to signify either Haw- thornbush-lane, Bramble-lane, or Hedge- bush-lane ; more probably the latter. Within recent recollection, Whitcomb- street, near Charing-cross, was called //d?'/o-e-lane. Supposing the reader to proceed from the old man's mud-cottage in a northerly direction, he will find that the widest part of Ilagbush-lane reaches, from tliat spot, to the road now cutting from Hol- loway, Crossing immediately over the road, he comes again into the lane, which lie will there find so narrow as only to admit convenient passage to a man on horseback. This was the general width of the road throughout, and the usual width of all the English roads made in ancient times. They did not travel in carriages, or carry their goods in carts, as we do, but rode on horseback, and con- veyed their wares or merchandise in pack- saddles or packages on horses' backs. They likewise conveyed their money in the same way. In an objection raised in the reign of Elizabeth to a clause in the Hue and Cry bill, then passing through parliament, it was urged, regarding some travellers who had been robbed in open day within the hundred of Beyntesh, in the county of Berks, that " they were clothiers, and yet travailed not withe the great trope of clothiers ; they also carried their money openlye in wallets upon their saddles."* The customary width of their roads was either four feet or eight feet. Some parts of Hagbush-lane are much lower than the meadows on each side; and this defect is common to parts of every ancient way, as might be exemplified, were it necessary, with reasons founded on their ignorance of every essential con- nected with the formation, and perhaps the use, of a road. It is not intended to point out the tor- tuous directions of Hagbush-lane ; for the chief object of this notice is to excite the reader to one of the pleasantest walks he can imagine and to tax his ingenuity to the discovery of the route the road takes. This, the ancient north road, comes into the prcient north road, in Upper IIol- loway, at the foot of Highgate-hill, and • Hoby MSS. 438 THE EVER\'-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 9.6. went in that direction to Ilornsey. From the mud-cottage towards London, it pro- ceeded between Paradise-house, the resi- dence of Mr. Greig, the engraver, and the Adam and Eve public-house, in tlie Hol- loway back-road, and by circuitous wind- ings approached London, at the distance of a few feet on the eastern side of the City Arms pubhc-house, in the City-road, and continued towards Old-street, St. Luke's. It no where communicated with the back -road, leading from Battle-bridge to the top of Highgate-hill, called Maiden- lane. Hagbush-lane is well known to every botanizing perambulator on the west side of London. The wild onion, clowns- vvound-wort, wake-robin, and abundance of other simples, lovely in their form, and of high medicinal repute in our old herb- als and receipt-books, take root, and seed and flower here in great variety. How. long beneath the tall elms and pollard oaks, and the luxuriant beauties on the banks, the infirm may be suffered to seek health, and the healthy to recreate, who shall say ? Spoilers are abroad. Through Ilagbush-lane every man has a right to ride and walk ; in Hagbush- lane no one man has even a shadow of right to an inch as private pro- perty. It is a public road, and public property. The trees, as well as the road, are public proyterty ; and the very form of the road is public property. Yet bar- gains and sales have been made, and are said to be now making, imder which the trees are cut down and sold, and the public road thrown, bit by bit, into pri- vate fields as pasture. Under no con- veyance or admission to land by any proprietor, whether freeholder or lord of a manor, can any person legally dispossess the public of a smgle foot of Hagbus'> lane, or obstruct the passage of any indi- vidual through it. All the people of London, and indeed all the people of England, have a right in this road as a common highway. Hitherto, among the inhabitants of Islington, many of whom are opulent, and all of whom are the local guardians of the public rights in this road, not one has been found with sufficient public virtue, or rather with enough of common manly spirit, to com- pel the restoration of public plunder, and in his own defence, and on the behalf of the public, arrest the highway robber. Building, or what may more properly be termed the tumbling up of tumble- down houses, to the north of London, is so rapidly increasing, that in a year or two there will scarcely be a green spot for the resort of the inhabitants. Against covering of private ground in this way, there is no resistance ; but against its evil consequences to health, some remedy should be provided by the setting apart of open spaces for the exercise of walking in the fresh air. The preservation of Hagbush-lane therefore is, in this point of view, an object of public importance, Where it has not been thrown into pri- vate fields, from whence, however, it is recoverable, it is one of the loveliest of our green lanes; and though persons from the country smile at Londoners A\hen they talk of being *' rural" at the distance of a few miles from town, a countryman would find it difficult to name any lane in his own county, more sequestered or of greater beauty. LINES WRITTEN IN HAG BUSH-LANE. A scene like this, Would woo the care-worn wise To moralize. And courting lovers court to tell their bliss. Had I a cottage here I'd be content ; for where I have my books I have old friends, Whose cheering looks Make me amends 439 TIIK EVERYDAY BOOK.— JUNE 27, 2n. For coldnesses in men ; and s'i, With them departed long ago, And with wild-flowers and tre'?s And with the living breeze, And with the " still small voice " Within, I would rejoice, And converse hold, while breath Held me, and then — come Death ! FLORAL DIRECTORY. Blue Sowthistle. Sonchus Cceruleim. Dedicated to B. Raiugurda. Slmte 27. Si. Ladislas I., king of Hungary, a. d. 1,095. St. John, of Moutier, 6th Cent. THE SEASON. ]\Ir. Howard, in his work on the wea- ther, is of opinion, that farmers and others, who are particularly interested in being acquainted with the variations in the weather, derive considerable aid from the use of the barometer. He says, " in fact, much less of valuable fodder is spoiled by wet now than in the days of our forefathers. But there is yet room for improvement in the knowledge of our farmers on the subject of the atmosphere. It must be a subject of great satisfaction and confidence to the husbandman, to know, at the beginning of a summer, by the certain evidence of meteorological re- sults on record, that the season, in the ordinary course of things, may be ex- pected to be a dry and warm one ; or to find, in a certain period of it, that the average quantity of rain to be expected for the month has already fallen. On the other hand, when there is reason, from the same source of information, to expect much rain, the man who has courage to begin his operations under an unfavour- aole sky, but with good ground to con- vlude, from the state of his instruments find his collateral knowledge, that a fair interval is approaching, may often be profiting by his observations ; while his cautious neighbour, who waited for the weather to ' settle,' may find that he has let the opportunity go by. This supe- riority, however, is attainable by a very moderate share of application to the sub- ject : and by the keeping of a plain diary nf Lhe barometer and raingauge with the hygrometer and the vane undc notice." his i ■>'J FLORAL DIRECTORY. Perforated St. John's Wort. Hypericum perforatum. Dedicated to St. John, Suite 28. St. IrencEus, Bp. of Lyons, a. d. 202. St. Leo n.. Pope a.d. 683. Sts. Plutarch and others. Martyrs, "ibout a.d. 202. Sts. Potamiana and Basilides, Martyrs. ClIRONOLOGT. 1797. George Keate, F.R.S., died, aged sixty-seven. He was born at Trowbridge in Wills, educated at Kingston school, called to the bar, abandoned the profession of the law, amused himself with his pen, and wrote several works. His chief produc- tion is the account of "Capt. Wilson's Voyage to the Pelew Islands ;" his "Sketches from Nature," written in the manner of Sterne, are pleasing and popular. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Blue Cornflower. Centaurea Cyanuft. Dedicated to St. IrencBus A hot day. Now the rosy- (and lazy-) fingered Auroia, issuing from her safl"ron house, calls up the moist vapours to surround her, and goes veiled with them as long as she can ; till Phcebus, coming forth in his power, looks every thing out of the sky, and holds sharp uninterrupted empire from his throne of beams. Now the mower begins to make his sweeping cuts more slowly, and resorts oftener to the 4iO THE EVERT-DAY BOOK.— JUNE '^8 beer. Now the carter sleeps a-top of his load of hay, or plods with double slouch of shoulder, looking out with eyes wink- ing under his shading hat, and with a hitch upward of one side of his mouth. Now the little girl at her grandmother's cottage-door watches the coaches that go by, with her hand held up over her sunny forehead. Now labourers look well, rest- ing in their white shirts at the doors of rural alehouses. Now an elm is fine there, with a seat under it ; and horses drink out of the trough, stretching their yearning necks with loosened collars ; and the traveller calls for his glass of ale, having been without one for more than ten minutes ; and his horse stands wincing at the flies, giving sharp shivers of his skin, and moving to and fro his inef- fectual docked tail ; and now Miss Betty Wilson, the host's daughter, comes stream- ing forth in a flowered gown and ear- rings, carrying with four of her beautiful fingers the foaming glass, for which, after the traveller has drank it, she receives with an indifferent eye, looking another way, the lawful two-pence : that is to say, unless the traveller, nodding his ruddy face, pays some gallant compliment to her before he drinks, such as " I'd rather kiss you, my dear, than the tumbler," — or " I'll wait for you, my love, if you'll marry me ;" upon which, if the man is good-looking gnd the lady in good-hu- mour, she smiles and bites her lips, and says " Ah — men can talk fast enough ;" upon which the old stage-coachman, who is buckling something near her, before he sets oflT, says in a hoarse voice, " So can women too for that matter," and John Boots grins through his ragged red locks, and doats on the repartee all the day after. Now grasshoppers " fry," asDryden says. Now cattle stand in water, and ducks are €nvied. Now boots and shoes, and trees Ov the road side, are thick with dust ; *nd dogs rolling in it, after issuing out of |t)e water, into which they have been .hrown w fetch sticks, come scattering Jiorror among the legs of the spectators. Now a fellow who finds he has three miles further to go in a pajr of tight shoes, .s in a pretty situation. Now rooms with the sun upon them become intoleiable; and the apothecary's apprentice, with a bitterness beyond aloes, thinks of the pond he used to bathe in at school. Now men with powdered heads (especially if thick) envy those that are unpowdered, and stop to wipe them up hill, with countenances that seem to expostulate with destiny. Now boys assemble round the village pump with a ladle to it, and delight to make a forbidden splash and get wet through the shoes. Now also they make suckers of leather, and bathe all day long in rivers and ponds, and follow the fish into their cool corners, and say millions of " my eyes !" at " tittle- bats." Now the bee, as he hums along, seems to be talking heavily of the heat. Now doors and brick-walls are burning to the hand ; and a walled lane, with dust and broken bottles in it, near a brick-field, is a thing not to be thought of. Now a green lane, on the contrary, thick-set wiih hedge-row elms, and hav- ing the noise of a brook " rumbling in pebble-stone," is one of the pleasantest things in the world. Now youths and damsels walk through hay-fields by chance; and the latter say, " ha' done then, Wil- liam ;" and the overseer in the next field calls out to " let thic thear hay thear bide ;'' and the girls persist, merely to plague " such a frumpish old fellow." Now, in town, gossips talk more than ever to one another, in rooms, in door- ways, and out of windows, always begin- ning the conversation with saying that the heat is overpowering. Now blinds are let down, and doors thrown open, and flannel waitcoats left off', and cold meat preferred to hot, and wonder expressed why tea continues so refreshing, ani peo- ple delight to sliver lettuces into bowls, and apprentices water doorways with tin- canisters that lay several atoms of dust. Now the water-cart, jumbling along the middle of the streets, and jolting the showers out of its box of water, really does something. Now boys delight to have a waterpipe let out, and set it bub- bling away in a tall and frothy volume. Now fruiterers' shops and dairies look pleasant, and ices are the only things to those who can get them. Now ladies loiter in baths ; and people make presents of flowers ; and wine is put into ice ; and the after-dinner lounger recreates his head with applications of perfumed water out of long -necked bottles. Now the lounger, who cannot resist riding his new horse, feels his boots burn him. Now buck- skins are not the lawn of Cos. Now jockies, walking in great coats to lose flesh, curse inwardly. Now five fat peo- ple in a stage coach, hate the sixth fat one who is coming in. ^nd think he has no right to be so large. Now clerks in 441 TriE EVrRY-D.'\Y BOOK.— JUNE -18. offices do nothing, but drink soda-water and spruce-beer, and read the news- paper. Now the old clothes-man drops his solitaiy cry more deeply into the areas on the hot and forsaken side of the street ; and bakers look vicious; and cooks are aggravated : and the steam of a ta- vern kitchen catches hold of one like the breath of Tartarus. Now delicate skins are beset with gnats ; and boys make their sleeping companion start up, with pl.^ying a burning-glass on his hand ; and blacksmiths are super-carbcmated ; and coblers in their stalls almost feel a wish to be transplanted ; and butter is too easy to spread ; and the dragoons wonder whe- ther the Romans liked their helmets ; and old ladies, with tiieir lappets unpinned, walk along in a state of dilapidation ; and the servant-maids are afraid they look vulgarly hot ; and the author, who has a plate of strawberries brought him, finds that he has come to the end of his writ- insr. — Indicator. In the " Miscellanies," published by the Spalding Society of Antiquaries there is a poem of high feeling and strong expression against " man's cruelty to man :" — Why should mans high aspiring mind Burn in him, with so proud a breath; When all his haughty views can find In this world, yields to death ; The fair, the brave, the vain, the wise, The rich, the poor, and great, and small. Are each, but worms anatoinys, To strew, his quiet hall. Power, may make -many earthly gods. Where gold, and bribery's guilt, prevails ; But death's, unwelcome honest odds. Kicks oer, the unequal scales. The flatter'd great, may clamours raise Of Power, — and, their own weakness hide, But death, shall find tinlooked for ways To end the Farce of pride. — An arrow, hnrtel'd ere so Iiiijh From e'en a giant's sinewy strength, In time's untraced eternity. Goes, but a pigmy length — Nay, whirring from the tortured string, With all its pomp, of hurried flight, Tis, by the Skylarks little wing., Outmeasmed, in its height. Just so, mans boasted strength, and | owei, Shall fade, before deaths lightest stroke ; Laid lower, than the meanest flower — Whose pride, oertopt the oak. And he, who like a blighting blast. Dispeopled worlds, with wars alarms, Shall, be himself destroyed at last. By poor, despised worms. Tyrants in vain, their powers secure And awe slaves' murniurs, with a frown , But unawcd death, at last is sure, To sap the Babels down — A stone thrown upward, to the skye. Will quickly meet the ground iigea ; So men-gods, of earths vanity. Shall drop at last, to men ;' And power, and pomp, their all reslga Blood purchased Thrones, and banqnet ].'ialls. Fate, waits to sack ambitions shrine As bare, as prison walls^ 442 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE ?o Where, the poor sufFering wretch bous dovin, To laws, a iawk-ss power h.itli past ; — \iul pride, and power, and King, and Clown, Shall be death's slaves at bsl. Time, the prime miniiter of death, I'here's nouijht, can bribe his honest will He, stops the richest Tyrants breath, And lays, liis mischief still : Each wicked scheme for power, all stops. With grandeurs false, and mock displav, As Eve's shades, from high mountain tops, Fade with the rest, away. Death levels all things, in his march. Nought, can resist his mighty strongtii ; The Pallace proud, — triumphal arch, Shall mete, their shadows length : The rich, the poor, one common bed, Shall lind, in the unhonoiired grave, AVniere weeds shall crown alike, the head, Of Tyrant, and of Slave. Bime 29. Hnliday at tlic Pulilic Offices, except Excise, Stamp, and Custom. St. Peter, the Apostle. St. Hemnta, a. d. 1045. St. Peter. From this apostle the Rotnish cii'J.rch assumes to derive her authority, and ap- points this his anniversary, which she splendidly celebrates. Tiie illuminations at Rome on this day would astonish the apostle were he alive. From the account of a recent traveller, they appear to be more brilliant than an Englishman can well imagine ; he witnessed them, and describes them in these words : — "At Ave Maria we drove to the piazza of St. Peter's. The lighting of the lan- ternoni, or laree paper lanterns, each of which looks like a globe of ethereal fire, had been going on for an hour, and, by the time we arrived there, was nearly completed. As we passed the Ponte San Angelo, the appearance of this magnificent church, glowing in its own brightness — the millions of lights reflected in the calm waters of the Tiber, and mingling with the last golden glow of evening, so as to make the whole building seem covered with burnished gold, had a most striking and magical effect. " Our progress was slow, being much impeded by tht long line of carriages before us; but at length we arrived at the piazza of St. Peter's, and took out station on the right of its farther extremity, so Mnrvel. as to lose the deformity of the dark, dingy, Vatican palace. The gathering shades of night rendered the illumination every mo- ment more brilliant. The whole of this immense church — its columns, capitals, cornices, and pediments — the beautiful swell of the lofty dome, towering into heaven, the ribs converging into one point at top, surmounted by the lantern of the church, and crowned by the cross,— all were designed in lines of fire; and the vast sweep of the circling colonnades, in every rib, line, mould, cornice, and column, were resplendent in the same beautiful light. " While we were gazing upon it, sud- denly a bell chimed. On the cross of fire at the top waved a brilliant light, as if wielded by some celestial hand, and instantly ten thousand globes and stars of vivid fire seemed to roll spontaneously along the building, as if by magic ; and self-kindled, it blazed in a moment into one dazzling flood of glory. Fancy her- self, in her most sportive mood, could scarcely have conceived so wonderful a spectacle as the instantaneous illumin- ation of this magnificent fabric : the agents by whom it was effected were un- seen, and it seemed the work of enchant- ment. In the first instance, the illumin- ations had appeared to be complete, and one could not dream that thousands and tens of thousands of lamps were still to be illumined. Their vivid blaze har- monized beautifully with the softer, milder light of the lanternoni ; while the brilliant glow of the whole illumination shed a rosy light upon the fountains, whose silver 443 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.-- JUNK 20. fall, and ever-playing showers, accorded well with the tnagi-c of the scene. " Viewed from the Trinita de' Monti, its effect was unspeakably beautiful : it seemed to be an enchanted palace hung in air, and called up by the wand of some invisible spirit. We did not, however, drive to the Trinita de' Monti till after the exhibition of the girandola, or great fire-works from the castle of St. Angelo, which« commenced by a tremendous ex- plosion that represented the raging erup- tion of a volcano. Red sheets of lire seemed to blaze upwards into the glow- ing heavens, and then to pour down their liquid streams upon the earth. This was followed by an incessant and complicated display of every varied device that ima- gination could figure — one changing into another, and the beauty of the first ef- faced by that of the last. Hundreds of immense wheels turned round with a ve- locity that almost seemed as if demons were whirling them, letting fall thou- sands of hissing dragons, and scorpions, and fiery snakes, whose long convolu- tions, darting forward as far as the eye could reach in every direction, at length vanished into air. Fountains and jets of fire threw up their blazing cascades into the skies. The whole vault of heaven shone with the vivid fires, and seemed to receive into itself innumerable stars and suns, which, shooting up into it in oright- ness almost insufierable, vanished, .ike earth-born hopes. The reflection ia the dr-pih of the calm clear waters of the Tiber, was scarcely less beautiful than the spectacle itself; and the whole ended in a tremendous burst of fire, that, while it lasted, almost seemed to threaten con- flagration to the world. " The expense of the illumination of St. Peter's, and of the girandola, when repeated two successive evenings, as they invariably are at the festival of St. Peter, is one thousand crowns ; when only ex- hibited one night they cost seven hun- dred. Eighty men were employed in the instantaneous illuminations of the lamps, which to us seemed the work of enchant- ment : they were so posted as to be un- seen."* Dr. Forster, in certain remarks on the excitement of the imagination, cites some " Verses by a modern poet, on an appear- ance beheld in the clouds," which may aptly come after the glowing description of the illumination of St. Peter's : — The appearance, instantaneously clisclosed. Was of a mighty city — boldly say A wilderness of building, sinking far And self-withdrawn into a wondrous depth Far sinking into splendour, without end ! Fabric it seemed of diamond and of gold. With alabaster domes and silver spires, And blazing terrace upon terrace, high Uplifted ; here, serene pavilions bright In avenues disposed; there, towers begirt With battlements, that on their restless fronts Bore stars — iUumination of all gems ! By earthly nature hac" the effect been wrought Upon the dark materials of the storm Now jiacified ; on them, and on the coves, And mountain steeps and summits, whereunto The vapours had receded — taking there Their station under a cerulean sky CnilONOLOGY 363.The emperor Julian died, aged thirty- tAvo. lie was denominated the apostate, from having professed Christianity before he ascended the throne, and afterwards relapsing to Paganism. lie received his death wound in a battle with the Per- sians. Dr. Watkins in his " Biographical Dictionary" says, that he was virtuous and modest in his manners, and liberal in his disposition, an enemy to luxury, and averse to public amusements. FLOnAL DIRECTOnr. Yellow Rattle. Rhinanthns (iulli Dedicated to St. Pf.ter Rome in the Nineteenth 'Vnl-irv. 4^4 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUNE 30.— JULY. 3m\t 30. St. Paul, the Apostle. St. Martial, Bp. of Limoges, 3d Cent. St. Paul. Paul, the apostle, was martyred, ac- cording to some accounts, on the 29th of June, in the year, 65 ; according to others in the month of May, 66.* A Romish writer fables that, before he was beheaded, he " loked vp into heuen, markynge his foreheed and his breste with the sygne of the crosse," although that sign was an after invention ; and that, " as soone as the heed was from the body," it said " Jestis Christus fyfty tymes."f Another pretends from St. Chrysostoin, that " from the head of St. Paul when it was cut off there came not one drop of blood, but there ran foun tains of milk ;" and that " we have by tradition, that the blessed head gave three leaps, and at each of them there sprung up a fountain where the head fell : whicb fountains remain to this day, and are reveF enced with singular devotion by all Chris- tian Catholics."* The fictions of the Ro- mish church, and its devotions to devices, are innumerable. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Yellow Cistus. Cistus Heliuntkemum. Dedicated to St. Paul. * Butler. t Golden Legend. * Uibadencira Then came hot July, boilinp; like to fire. That all his garments he had cast away. Upon a lyon raging yet with ire He boldly rode, and made him to obey : (It was the beast that whilom did forray The Nemaean forest, till the Amphitrionide Him slew, and with his bide did him array :) Behind his backe a sithe, and by his side Under Lis belt he bore a sickle circling wide. 445 THE EVtRY-DAY ROOK.— JFLY- .)uly i-s the seventh month of the year. According to ancient reckoning it was the *it'th, anu called Quintilis, until Mark Antony denominated it July, in compli- jnent to Caius C'sBsar, the Human dictator, whose surname was Julius, who improved tlie calendar, and was born in this month. July was called by the Saxons hen- ivonath, which probably expressed the meaning of the German word hain, signi- fymg wood or trees ; and hence hen- monath might mean foliage month. They likewise called it hei/monath, or hay- month; " because," says Verstegan, " therein they usually mowed and made their hay harvest ;" and they also de \c. inated it Lida-aftera, meaning the se< omJ " Lida," or second month after the sun's descent.* The beautif I representation preceding Spenser's pern nirtcation of July, on the preceding pagfc, was designed and engraved by Mr. Samuel Williams, ofwhom it shoula in justice be said, that his talents have enriched the Every- Day Buo'i with m^s* of its best illustrations. Nivv comes July, and with his fervid noon Unsinevvs labour. Tlie swinkt mower sleeps ; Tt.e weary maid rakes feebly ; the warm swain Pitches his load reluctant ; the faint steer, r,ashin£f his sides, draws sulkily along The slow encumbered wain in midday heat. Mr. Leigh Hunt in his Months, after remarking that " July is so called after Julius Csesar, who contrived to divid-e his names between months and dynasties, and among his belter deeds of ambition reformed the calendar," proceeds to notice, that — " The heat is greatest in this month on account of its previous duration. The reason why it is less so in August is, that the days are then much shorter, and the influence of the sun has been gradually diminishing. The farmer is still occupied in getting the productions of the earth into his garners; but those who can avoid labour enjoy as much rest and shade as possible. There is a sense of heat and quiet all over nature. The birds are silent. The little brooks are dried up. The earth is chapped with parching. The shadows of the trees are particularly grateful, heavy, and still. The oaks, which are freshest because latest in leaf, form noble clumpy canopies, looking, as you lie under them, of a strong and emu- lous green against the blue sky. The traveller delights to cut across the country through the fields and the leafy lanes, where nevertheless the flints sparkle with heat. The cattle get into the shade, or stand in the water. The active and air- cutting swallows, now beginning to as- semble for migration, seek their prey about the shady places, where the insects, though of differently compounded natures, fleshless and bloodless,' seem to get for coolness, as they do at other times for warmth. The sound of insects is also the only audible thing now, increasing Tather than lessening the sense of quiet oy its g( ntle contrast. The bee now and then sweeps gravest tone. Their murmuring wide ; ear with h/. across the The gnats small trumpets soundeo Sjjenser. and kere and there the little musician oi the grass touches forth his tricksy note. The poetry of earth is never dead ; When all the birds are faint with the hot sun. And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead : That is the grasshopper's. Keats. " Besides some of the flowers of last month, there are now candy-tufts, catch- fly, columbines, egg-plant, French mary- golds, lavateras, London-pride, marvel ol Peru, veronicas, tuberoses, which seem born of the white rose and lily ; and scar- let-beans, which though we are apt to think little of them because they furnish us with a good vegetable, are quick and beautiful growers, and in a few weeks will hang a walk or trellis with an exub erant tapestry of scarlet and green. " The additional trees and shrubs in flower are bramble, button-wood,' iteas, cistuses, climbers, and broom. Pimper- nel, cockle, and fumitory, are no\\ to be found in corn-fields, the blue-bell in wastes or by the road-sides ; and the luxuriant hop is flowering. " The fruits begin to abound and are more noticed, in proportion to the neces- sity for them occasioned by the summer heat. The strawberries are in the? greatest quantity and perfection ; aitt * Ui . Frank Sayers. A^Q THE EVERY-DAV BOOK.— JT7A' J. 2. currants, gooseberries, and raspberries, have a world of juice for us, prepared, as il were, in so many crowds of little bottles, in wiiicli the sunsliine has turned the dews of April into wine. The strawberry lurks about under a beautiful leaf. Currants are also extremely beautiful. A hand- some bunch looks like pearls or rubies, and an imitation of it would make a most graceful ear-ring. We have seen it, when held lightly by fair iingers, present as equally contributes to the th/ee grach': of health, beauty, and good temper; — to health, in pulling the body into its best state; to bei^uty, in clearing and tinting the skin ; ana to good temper, in rescu- ing the spirits from the irritability occa- sioned Iiy tliose formidable personages ' the nerves,' wnich nothing else allays in so quick and entire a manner. See a lovely passage on the subject of bathing in sir Philip Sydney's ' Arcadia,' where ' Pbilo- lovely a drop, and piece of contrast, as clea. blushing, and withall smiling, making any holding hand in a picture of Titian. shamefastnesse pleasant, and pleasure " Bulbous rooted flowers, that have shamefast, tenderly moved her feet, un- almost done with their leaves, should now wonted to feel the naked ground, until be taken up, and deposited in shallow the touch of the cold water made a pretty wooden boxes. Mignionette should be kind of shruaiffing come over her body. transplanted into smuU pots, carnations be well attended to and supported, and auriculas kepJ; clean from dead leaves and weeds, and in dry weather frequently watered. " It is now the weather for bathing, a refreshment too little taken in this coun- try, either in summer or winter. We say in winter, because with very little care in placing it near a cistern, and having a leathern pipe for it, a bath may be easily filled once or twice a week with warm water; and it is a vulgar error that the warm bath relaxes. An excess, either warm or cold, will relax; and so will any other excess : but the sole effect of the warm bath moderately taken is, that it throws ofi' the bad humours of the body by opening and clearing the pores. As to summer bathing, a father may soon teach his children to swim, and thus per- haps might be the means of saving their lives some day or other, as well as health. Ladies also, though they cannot bathe in the open air as they do in some of the Westjndian islands and other countries, by means of natural basins among the rocks, might uftener make a substitute for it at home in tepid baths. The most beautiful aspects under which ^"enus has been painted ^^r sculptured, have been connected with bathing : and indeed there is perl aps no one thing that so lik-e the twinkling of the fairest among tlie fixed stars.'" 3n\\] 1. St. Rmnbold, Bp. a. d. 775. Sts. JnUns and Aaron. St. Theobald, or TkiOanlt, 11th Cent. St. Gal I. Bp. 6th Cent. .S^ Calais, or Carilep/uis, a. u. 542. iS'. Leonorus, or Limaire, Bp. St. Simeon Sulus, 6th Cent. St. Thieri, A. D. 5:53. St. Cybar, a. d. 581. Chronology. 1690. The battle of the Boyne, fought on this day, decided the fate of James 11. and the Stuart tyranny, and established William III. on the throne of the people rLOUAL DIRECTORY. Agrimony. Agrimonia Eupatoria. Dedicated to St. Aaron. 3uIl) 2. Visitation of the B. Virgin. Sts. ProceS" sns and Mai-tiniun, 1st Cent. St. Of ho, Bp. 12lh Cent. St. Monegoude, a. d' 570. -S^ Oudoceus, Bp. of LandafF 6th Cent. ri.ORAL DIRF.CTORY. ^Vhite Lily. Lilium candidum. Dedicated to the Virgin Mun/. A Morning's fValk in July, But when mild morn, in saffron stole, First issues from her eastern ffoal, Let not my due feet fail to climb Some breezy summit's brow sublime. Whence Nature's universal face Illumined smiles with newborn srrare , 'Hie misty streams that wind below With silver sparkling lustre glow; 447 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JL^A 3. 'llie groves and castled cliflfe appear Invested all in radiance clear ; O every village charm beneath. The smoke that mounts in azure wreath O beauteous rural interchange ! Tlie simple spire and elmy grange ; Content, indulging blissful hours, Whistles o'er the fragrant flowers : And rattle lous'd to pasture new, Shake jocund from their sides the dew.* Snip 3. St. Phocas, a Gardener, a. d. 303. St. Gutkaqon. St. Gnnthiern, a Wel>h Prince, 6th Cent. St. Bertram, 6lh Cent. The Bleeding Image. On the 3d of July is annually cele- brated, in Paris, in the church of St. Leu and St. Giles, a solemn office, in com- memoration of a miracle wrouglit by the blessed virgin, in la Rue aux Ours, or the street for the bears; the history of which is as follows : — In the year 1518, a soldier coming out of a tavern in this Bear-street, where he had been gambling, and losing his money and clothes, was blaspheming the name of God ; and as he passed by the image of the holy virgin, standing very quietly and inoffensively at the corner of the street, he struck it, or her, furiously with a knife he had in his hand ; on which God permitted, as the modern and modest tellers of this tale say, the image to bleed abundantly. The ministers of justice were informed, and the wretch was seized, conducted to the spot where he had committed the sacri- lege, tied to a post, and scourged, from six o'clock in the morning till night, till his eyes dropped out ; his tongue was bored with a hot iron, and his body was cast into the fire. The blei^sed image was transported to Rome. This was the origin of a ceremony still remembered, and which once was very curious. The zeal of the inhabitants of Bear-street was conspicuous, and their devotion to the blessed virgin not less so. At first they only made the figure of the soldier, as we in England do of Guy Faux, and threw it into the fire; by degrees the feast became more solemn, and the soldier, who had been rudely fashioned out of faggots, was at last a composition of fire- works, which, after being carried in pro- cession through the streets of Paris, took a flight into the air, to the great joy and edification of the Parisians, particularly of Bear-street At last, however, tne magistrates wisely recoUecled that the streets being narrow, and the buildings numerous in that part of the city, a fire might happen, and it would then be still more miraculous if the holy image should travel from Rome to Paris to extinguish the fiames : not to mention that the holy image might not at that precise moment be so plentifully supplied as on a similar occasion our friend Gulliver was. In 1744, therefore, they forbad any future fire-work soldiers, and the poor distressed inhabitants of Bear-street, were once more reduced to their man of wood, whom they continue to burn with great affection every 3d of July, after having walked him about Paris three days. This figure is now made of osier, clothed, and armed with a knife, and of so horrid an appear- ance, it would undoubtedly frighten wo- men and children who did not know the story of the sacrilegious soldier ; as it is, they believe they see him breathe blas- phemy. Messieurs, the associated gen tlemen of Bear-street, give the money formerly spent in fireworks, to make procession to the proxy of the blessea image which now stands where the bleed- ing one did, and to say a solemn mass to the blessed virgin, for the souls of the defunct gentlemen, associates of Bear- street. The mummery existed under Na- poleon, as appears by the preceding par- ticulars, dated Paris, July 12, 1807, and may be seen in tlie Sundai/ Advertiser, of the 19th of that month. On the 3d of July, 1810, a small loal fastened by a string, was suspended from the equestrian statue at Charing-cross, td which was attached a placard, stating that it was purchased from a baker, ano was extremely deficient in weight, and was one of a numerous batch. The notice concluded by simply observing, " Does this not deserve the aid of par- * Ode on tlie Approach of Summer 448 Tllh EVER.Y-DAY BOOTt.— JULY 3. liament?" Tliis exhibition aUracied a year to Canioula, at his first rising to ap- great crowd of people, until the whole of pease his rage." the loaf was nearly washed away by sub- A Cambridge contributor to the Every- sequent heavy rain. Day Book affirms, that, in the year 18'24, an edict was issued there for all persons ■ keeping dogs either to muzzle or lie then up, and many a dog was tied up by the THE DOG-DAYS. neck as a sacrifice; whether to the Mayor or Canicular, this deponent saith not; but the act and deed gave rise to the following JEU d'esprit. Good mister Mayor All dogs declare The beam of justice falters! To miss the puppies — sure she's blind, For (logs they are alone consign'd To muzzles or to halters ! Cu7?ibridge, T. N. " The Dog-star rages." tMHus, or the Dog-star, is represented as m the above engraving, on a garnet gem, in lord Besborough's collection, etched by Worlidge. The late Mr. Wil- liam Butler, in his Chronological Exer- cises, says, that on this day " commence, according to the almanacs, the Canicular, or Dog-days, which are a certain number of days preceding and following the heli- acal rising of Canicula, or the Dog-star, in the morning. Their beginning is usually fixed in the calendars on the 3d of July, and their termination on the 11th of August ; but this is a palpable mistake, since the heliacal rising of this star does not now take place, at least in our lati- tude, till near the latter end of August ; and in five or six thousand years more, Canicula may chance to be charged with bringing frost and snow, as it will then, owing to the precession of the equinoxes, rise in November and December." Dr. Hutton remarks, that some authors say, from Hippocrates and Plmy, that the day this star first rises in the morning, the sea boils, wine turns sour, dogs begin to grow mad, the bile increases and irritates, and all animals grow languid ; also, " the diseases it usually occasions in men are burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies. Tb:' Romans sacrificed a brown dog every Mr. Brady observes, in his " Clavis Calendaria," " That the weather in July and August is generally more sultry than at any other period of the year, and that some particular diseases are consequently at that time more to be dreaded, both toman and beast, is past dispute. The exaggerated eflPectsofthe rising of Sirius are now, how- ever, known to be groundless ; and the su- perior heat usually ftlt during the Dog-days has been more philosophically accounted for. The sun, at this period of the year, not only darts his rays almost perpendicularly upon us, and of course with greater power ; but has also continued to exert his in- fluence through the spring and summer seasons, whereby the atmosphere and earth have received a warmth, proportioned to the continuity of its action; and moisture, in itself naturally cold, has been dissi- pated. Even in the course of a day, which has been aptly typified as a short year, the greatest eflTeet of the sun is ge- nerally felt at about two o'clock, although ithas then passed the meridian, because by having so much longer exerted its powers, its consequent effects are more than commensurate for the diminution of heat in its rays. The cold of winter in like manner augments about the time the days begin to increase, and continues to do so for a considerable time after, because, a\ that season, the earth has become wet and chilled, fiom the eff"ects of the preceding gradual decrease of power in the sun, although, at that time, when the cold is usually most severe, that orb is ascensive, and returning from the winter solstice : and our Saxon ancestors were experimen- tally 3D well aware of this lattet circum- Vol. I. 449 2 G THE EVERY-DAY BUUK— JULYS. sinnoe, that in tlie delineation on their calendars, to illustrate the characters of the months they represented February, as a man in the act of striking his arms across his body to warm himself : wliile there is also yet m common use a very old saying, grounded upon the like conviction, that 'when the days lengthen, the frost t^ sure to strengthen.' " The early Egyptians, whose Ji'ierogh/- jihiral characters, aptly adapted by them to the ])eculiarity of their climate and cir- p'Ti^stances, were the principal or perhaps iole origin of all the heathenish supersti- tions of other nations, were caaght bv long obsef^ation and experience, tnat as soon as a particular star became visible, the Nile would overflow its banks ; and they accordingly upon its very first appearance retreated to their terraces, where they re- mained until the inundation had subsided. This star, therefore, was called by them Sihor, i. e. the Nile ; as 2«%ios is in Greek, and Sirins in Latin ; and from the icar?i- hig it afforded them, they typified it as a dog, or in most cases as a man with a dog's heanlj) 4. St Ulric, or Udalric. St. Odo, Abp. of Canterbury, 10th Cent. St. Sisoes, or Sisoy, A. D. 429. St. Bertha, 8th Cent. St. Finbar, of Cruiilen. St. Bolcan, disciple of St. Patrick. St. Ulric. He was son of count Ilucbald, one of the first dukes of higher Germany. He became bishop of Augsburg, and rebuilt the celebrated cathedral there, in 962. dedicating it to St. Afra, patroness of that city, and died eighty years old, in 973, on ashes laid in the form of a cross upon a floor. Customs peculiar to this day are related in these verses : — St. Huldryche. Wheresoeuer Huldryche liath his place, the people there brings in Both carpes, and pykes, and mullets fat, his fauour liere to win. 451 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 4. Amid the church there sitteth one, and to the aultar nie, That selleth fish, and so good cheepe, that euery man may buie : Nor any thing he losetli here, bestowing thus his paine, For when it hath beene offred once, 'tis brought him all againe, That twise or thrise he selles the same vngodlinesse such gaine Doth still bring in, and plentiously the kitchiu doth maintaine. Whence comes this same religion newe Y what kind of God is this Same Huldryche here, that so desires, aud so delightes in fish? * FLORAL DIRECTORY. Copper Day Lily. Hemerocallis fulva Dedicated to St. Ulrk. Napgeorgus by Googe. THE LONDON BARROW- WOMAN. See! cherries here, ere cherries yet abound, With thread so white in tempting posies ty'd, Scatt'ring like blooming maid their glances round With pamper'd look draw little eyes aside, And must be bought. Shenstuiie. This is cherry season, but it is not to nie as cherry seasons were. I like a grea'c deal that is, but I have an affection for what was. By-gone days seem to have been more fair than these ; and I cannot help trying to " catch the manners dying as they /"«//." I have lived through the extremity of one age, into the beginning of another, and I believe a better ; yet the former has been too much detracted : every thing new is not, therefore, good ; nor was every thing old, bad. When I was a boy, I speak of just after the French revolution broke out, my apdmiratio« and taste were pure and natural, and one of my favourites at all times, and in cherry- time especially, was the London barrow- woman. There are no barrow-women now. They are quite " gone out," or, rather, they have been *' put down," and by many they are not even missed. Look around; there is not one to be seen. In those days there were women on the eartJi ; finely grown, every way well-pro- 452 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 4. portioned, handsome, and in stature like Mrs. Siddons. I speak of London wo- men. Let not tl^e ladies of tiie metro- polis conceive offence, if I maintain that some of their mothers, and more among their grandmothers, were taller and more robust than they. That they are other- wise may not be in their eyes a misfor- Her hair loose cnrl'd, the rest .ack'd up between Her neatly frill'd mob-cap, was scarcely seen ; A black rhip-hat, peculiarly her own, With ribbon pufF'd around the small flat crown Pinn'd to her head-dress, gave her blooming fate A jaunty openness and winning grace. tune ; should they, however, think it so " their schools are more in fault tiiar they." Be that as it may, I am merely stating a fact. They have declined in personal elevation, as they have increases in moral elevation. At that time lived the London barrow- woman :^ On her legs were " women's blacks," or, in dry sunny weather, as at this season, stockings of white cotton, with black high-heeled shoes, and a pair of bright sparkling buckles ; tight lacing distended her hips, which were further enlarged by her flowered cotton or chintz gown being drawn through the pocket-holes to balloon out behind, and display a quilted glazed petticoat of black or pink stuff, termin- ating about four inches above the ancles ; she wore on her bosom, which was not so confined as to injure its fullness, a light gauze or muslin kerchief. This was her full dress, as she rolled through the street, and cried — *' Round and sound, Two-pence a pound, Cherries ! rare ripe cherries !" " Green and ripe gooseberries ! amber- berries ! ripe amber-berries ?" " Cur- rants ! rare ripe currants !" ending, as she began, with cherries : — " Cherries a ha'penny a stick ! Come and pick ! come and pick Cherries ! big as plums ! Who comes.'' who comes?" Each side of her well-laden barrow was with which she tickled it; the tenderness with which she looked into its young, up-turned eyes, while the bland fluid overflowed its laughing mouth; her smo- thering kisses upon its crowing lips after its nurture ; and her loud affectionate " God bless it !" when it was carried away, were indescribably beautiful. As the seasons changed, so her wares varied. With the " rolling year," she rolled round to us its successive fruits ; but cherry-time was the meridian of her glory. Her clear and confident cry was then listened for, in the distance, with as much anxiety to hear it, as the proclama- tion of a herald, in the full authority of office, was awaited in ancient times. *' What can keep the barrow-woman so long? — Surely she has not gone another way! — Hush! there she is; I hear her !" These were tokens of her importance in the neighbourhood she circled ; and good housewives and ser- vant girls came to the doors, with basins and dishes, to await her approach, and make their purchases of fruit for their pies and puddings. As she slowly trun- dled her barrow along the pavement, what doating looks were cast upon its dressed nearly halfway along with a row delicacies by boys with ever-ready appe- of sticks having cherries tied on them To assist in retailing her other fruit, there lay before her a " full alehouse measure" of clean pewter, and a pair of shining brass scales, with thick turn-over rims, and leaden weights, for the " real black-hearts" that dyed the white cloth they lay on with purple stains. If she had an infant, she was sometimes met with it, at a particular spot, for her to suckle. She was then a study for a painter. Her hearty caresses of her child, while she hastily sat down on the arm of lier barrow, and bared her bountiful bo- tites ! How he who had nothing to lay out envied him who a halfpenny entitled to a perplexing choice amidst the tempt- ing variety ! If currants were fixed on, the question was mooted, " Which are best — red or white ?" If cherries — " white hearts, or blacks ?" If gooseberries— " red or yellow ?" Sometimes the decision as to the comparative merits of colour was negatived by a sudden impulsive preference for " the other sort," or " some- thing else ;" and not seldom, after tiiese deliberations, and being " served," arose doubts and regrets, and an application to soin ^j give it nourishment; the frolic be allowea to change *•' these" for " them," 453 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 4. and perhaps the last choice was, in the end, the least satisfactory. Indecisive- ness is not peculiar to childhood ; " men are but cliildren of a larger growth," and their " conduct of the understanding " is nearly the same. Mr. George Cruikshank, whose pencil is distinguished by power of decision in every character he sketches, and whose close observation of passing manners is unrivalled by any artist of the day, has sketched the barrow-woman for the t'^en/- Day Book, from his own recollection of her, aided somewhat by my own. It is engraved on wood by Mr. Henry White, and placed at the head of this article. Before barrow-women quite " went out," the poor things were sadly used. If they stopped to rest, or pitched their seat of custom where customers were likely to pass, street-keepers, authorized by orders unauthorized by law, drove them off, or beadles overthrew their fruit into the road. At last, an act of parliament made It penal to roll a wheel or keep a stand for the sale of any articles upon the pavement ; and barrow-women and fruit- stal's were " put down." Fruit Stalin. These daily purveyors to the refrosh- ment of passengers in hot weather are not wholly extinct ; a few, very few, still exist by mere sufferance — no more. Upon recollection of their number, and the grateful abundance heaped upon them, I could almost exclaim, in the words of the old Scotch-woman's epitaph — " Such desolation in my time lias been I have an end of all perfection seen !" Ah ! what a goodly sight was Holborn- hill in " mi/ time." Then there was a comely row of fruit-stalls, skirting tlie edge of the pavement from opposite the steps of St. Andrew's church to the corner of Shoe-lane. The fruit stood on tables covered with white cloths, and placed end to end, in one long line. In autumn, it was a lovely sight. The pears and apples were neatly piled in " ha'p'orths," for there were then no pennyworths ; " a pen'orth" would have been more than sufficient for moderate eating at one time. First, of the pears, came the " ripe Kat'er'nes ;" these were succeeded by " fine Windsors," and •'' real bergumys.'' Apples " came in" with '• green codlins ; ' then follov a " golden rennets," " golden pippins,'* and " ripe nonpareils." These were the common street-fruits. Such " golden pippins" as were then sold, three and four for a halfpenny, are now worth pence a piece, and the true " golden rennet" can only be heard of at great fruiterers. The decrease in the growth of this de lightful apple is one of the " signs of the times !'' The finest apples in Covent-garden market come from Kent. Growers in that county, by leaving only a few branches upon the tree, produce the most deliciou" kinds, of a surprisingly large size. For these they demand and obtain very high prices ; but instead of London in general being supplied, as it was for- merly, with tJie best apples, little else is seen except swine-feed, or French, or American apples. The importations oi this fruit are very large, and under the almost total disappearance of some of our finest sorts, very thankful we are to get inferior ones of foreign growth. Really good English apples are scarcely within the purchase of persons of mode- rate means. " JFomen's Blacks.'^ This is the name of the common black worsted stockings, formerly an article of extensive consumption ; they are now little made, because little worn. One of the greatest wholesale dealers in "women's blacks," in a manufacturing town, was celebrated for the largeness of his stock ; his means enabled him to purchase all that were offered to him for sale, and it was his favourite article. He was an old- fashioned man, and while the servant- maids were leaving them off, he was un- conscious of the change, because he could not believe it ; he insisted it was impos- sible that household work could be done in " white cottons." Offers of quantities were made to him at reduced prices, which he bought; his immense capital became locked up in his favourite " wo- men's blacks;" whenever their price in the market lowered, he could not make his mind up to be quite low enough ; his warehouses were filled with them ; when he determined to sell, the demand had wholly ceased ; he could effect no sales ; and, becoming bankrupt, he liter- ally died of a broken heart — from an ex cassive and unrequited attachment to " women's blacks." 454 rUE RVERY-DAY B(JOK.— JULY 5, 6, 7. SJuIi? 5 S' Veler, of Luxemburg, Card. a. d. \W6l. St. Modwena, 9th Cent. 67. Edana, of Elphim andTuam. There is i beautiful mention of flowers, rtt this seasjn, in some lines from tlie Ita- lian of Louis Gonzago. With an Indian Perfume-boa; to iJaria de Mancini, 1648. Oh ! the Florence rose is freshe and faire. And rich the young carnations blovve, AWealhing in beauties' ebonne halre, Or sighing on her breaste of snowe, But onlie violette shall twine Thy eboane tresses, ladye mine. Oh ! dazzling shines the noon-daye sunne, So kinglye in his golden carre, But sweeter 'tis when day is done, i'o watche the evening's dewye starre, In silence lighting fielde and grove, How like mye heart, how like mye love ! Then, ladye, lowlye at thy feete I lay this gift of niemorie, All strange and rude, but treasures sweete Within its gloomy bosonie lie. Trifles, Marie ! may telle the tale, Wlien wisdom, witte, and courage faile. Pulci. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Double Yellow Rose. Rosa Sulp/iurca. Dedicated to St. Edanu. 3ulp 6. St. Palladhis, a. t>. 450. St. Jul'wn, An- chorite, 4th Cent. St. Sexburgh, 7th Cent. St. Goar, a. d. 575. St Mo- ninna, a. d. 518. FLORAL DIRECTORY Garden Hawks'-eyes. Crep'is barbata. Dedicateu to St. Julian. SJuly 7. it. Panfcenm, 3d Cent. St. fViUihuld, Bp. 8th Cent. St. Hedda, a. d. 705. St. Edelburgu. St. Fellr, Bp. of Nantes, A. D. 584. St. Benedict XL Pope, A.D. 1304. Chronology. 1816. Ric'.K.rd Brinsley Sheridan, the poet, dramatist, orator, and statesman, died. He was the third son of Mr. Tho- mas Sheridan, celebrated as an actor, eminent as a lecturer on elocution, and entitled to the gratitude of the public for his judicious and indefatigable exertions to improve the system of education in this country. His father, the rev. Dr. Thomas Sheridan, was a distinguished divine, the ablest school-master of his time, and the intimate friend of the dean of St. Patrick. Mr. Tiiomas Sheridan died at Margate, on the 1 4th of August, 1788. Mrs. F'ances Sheridan, the mo- ther of Richard Biinsley, was the authcr of " Sidney Biddulph," a novel, whicli has the merit of combining the pure'^t morality with the most powerful interest. She also wrote " Nourjahad,'' an oriental tale, and the comedies of the " Disco- very," the " Dupe," and " A Trip to Bath." She died at Blois, in France, thr^ 17th of September, 1766. Richard Brinsley Sheridan was born in Dorset-street, Dublin, in the month ot October, 1751. He was placed, in his seventh year, under the tuition of Mr. Samuel Whyte, of Dublin, the friend o{ ilieir father. He was placed at Harrow school, after the christmas of 1762. His literary advancement at this seminary ap- pears to have been at first retarded ; and it was reserved for the Ute Dr. Parr, wlic was at that time one of tlie sub-precep- tors, to discover and call into activity the faculties of young Sheridan's mind. liis memory was found to be uncommonly retentive, and his judgment correct ; so that when his mind was quickened by competition, his genius gradually ex- panded. But to be admired seemed hit only object, and when that end was at- tained, he relaxed in his application, and sunk into his former indolence. His last year at Harrow was spent more in re- flecting en the acquirements he bad made, and the eventfvd scenes of a busy life, which were opening to his view, than in enlarging the circle of his classical and literary attainments. His father deemed it unnecessary to send him to the uni- versity ; and he was, a short lime after liis departure from Harrow, entered as a student of the Middle Temple. Mr. Sheridan, when about twenty, was peculiarly fond of the society of men of taste and learning, and soon gave proofe 455 niE EVERY-DaV book.— JULY 7. that he was Inferioi to none of his com- panions in wit and arsfument. At this age he had recourse to his literary talents for pecuniary supplies, and directed his attention to the drama; but disgusted with some sketches of comic character which he drew, he actually destroyed them, and in a moment of despair re- nounced every hope of excellence as a dramatic writer. His viev/s with respect to the cultivation and exertion of his genius in literary pursuits, or to the study of the profession to which he had been destined by his father, were all lost in a passion that mastered his reason. He at once saw and loved Miss Linley, a lady no less admirable for the elegant accomi? plishments of her sex and the affecting simplicity of her conversation, than for the charms of her person and the fasci- nating powers of her voice. She was the principal performer in the oratorios at Drury-lane theatre. The strains which she poured forth were the happiest com- binations of nature and art ; but nature predominated over art. Her accents were so melodious and captivating, and their passage to tVie heart so sudden and irre- sistable, that "list'ning Envy would have dropped her snakes, and stern-ey'd Fury's self have melted" at the sounds. Her father, Mr. Linley, the late inge- nious compos-er, was not at first pro- pitious to Mr. Sheridan's passion, and he had many rivals to overcome in his at- tempts to gain the lady's affections. His perseverance, however, increased with the difficulties that presented themselves, and his courage and resolution were displayed in vindicating Miss Linley 's reputation fiom a calumnious report, which had Deen basely thrown out against it. Mr. Mathews, a gentleman then well known in the fashionable circles at Bath, had caused a paragraph to be inserted in a public paper at that place, and haa set out for London. He was closely pursued by Mr. Sheridan. They met and fought a duel with swords at a tavern in Hen rietta-street, Co vent-garden, the house at the north-west coiner, opposite Bedford- court. Mr. Sheridan's second on the oc- casion was his brother, Charles Francis, a late secretary at war in Ireland. Great courage and skill were displayed on both sides ; but Mr. Sheridan having succeeded in disarming his adversary, compelled him to sign a formal retraction of the paragraph which had been published. The conqueror injtan'ly returned to Bath; and thinking that, as the insult had been publicly given, the apology should have equal notoriety, he caused it to be pub- lished in the same paper. Mr. Mathev.s soon heard of this circumstance, and, irritated at his defeat, as well as the use which his antagi nist had made of his apology, repaired to Bath, and called upon Mr. Sheridan for satisfaction. The parties met on Kingsdown. The victory was desperately contested, and, after a dischaige of pistols, they fought with swords. Tliey were both wounded, and closing with each other fell on the ground, where the fight was continued until they were separated. They received several cuts and contusions in this arduous strug- gle for life and honour, and a part of his opponent's weapon was left in Mr. Sheridan's ear. Miss Linley rewarded Mr. Sheridan for the dangers he had braved in her defence, by accompanying him on a matrimonial excursion to the continent. The ceremony was again performed on their return to England, with the consent of her parents ; from the period of her marriage, Mrs. Sheridan never appeared as a public performer. Mr. Sheridan, when encumbered with the cares of a family, felt the necessity of immediate exertion to provide for the pressing calls inseparable from a domestic establishment, which, if not splendid, was marked with all the appearance of gen- teel life. On finishing his play of the " Rivals," he presented it to the manager of Covent- garden theatre, and it was represented on the 17th ot January, 1775. In conse- quence of some slight disapprobation, it was laid aside for a time, after the first night's performance. Mr. Sheridan having made some judicious alterations, both in the progress of the plot and in the lan- guage, it was shortly after brought for- ward again, and received in the most favourable manner. His next production was the farce of '* St. Patrick's Day, or The Scheming Lieutenant." This was followed by the comic opera of the " Duenna," a composition in every re- spect superior to the general class of English operas then -n fashion. It sur- passed even the " Beggar's Opera" in attraction and popularity, and was per- formed seventy-five nights during the season, while Gay's singular production ran only sixty-five. Mr Garrick having resolved to retire from the management of Drury-lane 456 THE EVERY-DAV' BOOK.^JULY 7. theatre, his shareof the patent was sold to Mr. Sheridan, who. in 1776, paid 30,000/. for it. He immediately brought out the " Trip to Scarborough," altered from Vanburgh's comedy of the " Relapse." It was performed on the 24th of Febru- ary, 1777. His next production was the comedy of the " School for Scandal," which raised his fame to undisputed pre- eminence over contemporary dramatic writers, and conferred, in the opinion of foreign literati, a lustre on the British comedy which it did not previously pos- sess. It was first performed on the 8lh of May, 1777. Early in the following season, he pro- duced the musical piece of " The Camp." His " Critic," written upon the model o. the duke of Buckingham's " Rehearsal,'' came out on the 30th of October, 1787. On the death of Mr. Garrick, in 1779, Mr. Sheridan wrote the monody to the memory of Mr. Garrick, recited at Drury- lane theatre by Mrs. Yates. Notwithstanding the profits whicli he derived from his pieces, and the share he had in the theatre, which was very con- siderable, as he had obtained Mr. Lacy's interest in the patent, a property equally valuable with that of Mr. Garrick, and of course worth, on the lowest calculation, 30,000/., his pecuniary embarrassments had considerably in- creased. His domestic establishment was not only very expensive, but conducted without any kind of economy. The persuasions of Mr. Fox, whose friendship he had carefully cultivated, operated, with a firm conviction of his own abili- ties, in determining him to obtain a seat in the house of commons, and a general election taking place in 1780, Mr. Sheri- dan was returned for Stafford ; and though he contented himself at the commence- ment of the session with giving a silent vote against the minister, he was inde- fatigable without doors in seconding the views of the whigs under Mr. Fox, against the measures of the ministry. He had a considerable share in the " Eng- lishman," a paper opposed to the ad- mi-nistration of lord North ; and when the Rockingham party came into power, m 1782, his exertions were rewarded with the appointment of under secretary to Mr. Fox, then secretary of state for the foreign department. The death of the marquis of Rocking- ram, and the unexpected elevation of the '"arl of Shelburne to the important office of first lord of the treasury, completely defeated the views of himself and friends and the ever-memorable coalition having been formed between Mr. Fox and lord North, Mr. Sheridan was once more called upon to commence literary hostili- ties against the new administration. The periodical work of the " Jesuit " soon appeared, and several very distinguished members of the party contributed to that production. At length the coalition having gained a decisive victory over the new adminis- tration, formed by the Shelburne party, Mr. Sheridan was once more brought into place, in April, 1783, as secretary of the treasury. Under Mr. Pitt, an entire change took place in men and measures, and on the trial of an ea^ officio informa- tion against the " Jesuit," Mr. Wilkie, who had the courage to conceal the names of the gentlemen by whom he had been employed, was sentenced to an im- prisonment of twelve months. Mr. Sheridan's speech in defence of Mr. Fox's celebrated East-India Bill was so masterly, as to induce the public opinion to select him from the secand class of parliamentary speakers. He was viewed as a formidable opponent by Mr, Pitt, and looked up to with admiration, as a principal leader of the opposition. He was rapidly approaching to per- fection as an orator, when the impeach- ment of Mr. Hastings supplied him with an opportunity of displaying powers which were then unrivalled. He was one of the managers of the prosecution, and his speech delivered in the house of commons, in April, 1787, on the eighth article as stated in the order laid down by Mr. Burke, relative to " money corruptly and illegally taken," was allowed to equal the most argumentative and impassioned orations that had ever been addressed to the judgment and feelings of the British parliament. He fixed the uninterrupted attention of the house for upwards of five hours, confirmed the minds of those who wavered, and produced co-operation from a quarter which it was supposed would have been hostile to any further proceeding. In the long examination cf Mr. Middleton, he gave decided proofs of a strong and discriminating mind; but when, in June, 1788, he summed up the evidence on the charge, respecting the confinement and imprisonment of the princesses of Oude, and the seizure ot their treasures, his superiority over his 457 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 7. colleagues was established by universal consent. To fovm a just opinion of this memorable oration, which occupied the attention of the court and excited the admiration of the public for several hours, it would be necessary to have heard Mr. Sheridan himself. It is difficult to select any part of it as the subject of peculiar t'ncomium. The address with which he arranged his materials ; the art and force with which he anticipated objections ; tlie unexampled ingenuity with which he commented on the evidence, and the na- tural boldness of his imagery, are equally entitled to panegyric. He combined tlie three kinds of eloquence. He was clear and unadorned — diffuse and pathetic — animated and vehement. Tliere was no- thing superfluous — no affected turn — no glittering point — no false sublimity. Compassion and indignation were aUer- nately excited, and the wonderful eflects related of the eloquence of Greece and Rome were almost revived. During the indisposition of his late majesty, Mr. Sheridan took a leading part in the attempts which were made to declare the prince of Wales regent, with- out such restrictions as parliament should think fit to impose. He contended, that the immediate nomination of the heir- apparent ought to take place, as a matter of constitutional right. He w;is ever the zealous supporter of parliamentary reform, and the uniform friend of the liberty of the press and of religious toleration; but he rose superior to the selfish drudgery of a mere partizan, and his conduct, during the crisis of the naval mutiny, received the thanks of the minister. Mrs. Sheridan ditd in June, 1792, and he had a son by tiiat lady, Mr. Thomas Sheridan, who inherited much of his father's talents, but fell a victim to in- dulgence. In 1795, Mr. Sheridan mar- ried his second wife. Miss Ogle, youngest daughter of the rev. Dr. Newton Ogle, dean of Winchester. The is.sue of this second marriage was also a son. His conduct as manager and principal proprietor of the first theatre in the king- dom, and his punctuality in the discharge of the duties contracted by him in that situation, have rarely been the subject of praise ; but in the legal discussion of the claims of the proprietors of Drury-lane theatre, in the court of chancery, so far from any imputation being thrown out against his conduct, it was generally commended ; and the chancellor himself (lord E,ldon) spoke in the handsomest terms of Mr. Sheridan's integrity, though certainly he thought his prudence was, in some instances, liable to be questioned. On the formation of the Fox and Gren- ville administration, after the death ol Mr. Pitt, Mr. Sheridan was appointed treasurer of the navy, and returned mem- ber for Westminster, after a strong oppo- sition on the part of Mr. Paul. But in the latter yeais of his life he had not sat in parliament; where, during the period after his last return, he attended irregu- larly, and spoke seldom. One of the wittiest of his closing efforts in the house, was a speech, in answer to Mr. Yorke, respecting a discussion on the " Nightly Watch," which had arisen out of the murder of the families of Marr and Wil- liamson, at Wapping Mr. Sheridan was one of tliat circle denominated the prince's friends. So long as his mind remained unaffected by the pressure of personal distress and embarrassment, and whilst he could con- tribute to the hilarity of the table by his wit, as he had formerly contributed to forward the interests of the prince by his earnest and unremitted endeavours, he appears to have been a welcome visitor at Carlton-house — but this was all. Nor the brilliancy of genius, nor the master ol talent, nor time, nor intellect employed and exhausted in the service of the prince, obtained for this great man the means of a peaceful existence, on his cession from public life. In June, 1816, his constitu- tion was completely broken up, and his speedy dissolution seemed inevitable. He died at noon, on Sunday, the 7th of July, 1816. For several weeks prior to his death he lay under arrest, and it was only by the firmness and humanity of the two eminent physicinns who attended him. Dr. Baillie and Dr. Bain, that an obdurate attorney was prevented from executing a threat to remove him froii: his house to a death-bed in gaol. He enjoyed, however, to the last moment, the sweetest consolation that the heart can feel in the affectionate tenderness, sympathy, and attention of his amiable wife and son. Mrs. Sheridan, though herself labouring under severe illness watched over him with the most anxiou. solicitude through the whole of that pro- tracted suffering, which has parted them for ever. To these paiticulars of this extraurdi- 458 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK— JULY 7. nary individual, whicW are extracted from a memoir of him that appeared in The Times newspaper, must be added a pas- sage or two from a celebrated " Estimate of his Character and Talents" in the same journal. " Mr. Sheridan in his happiest days never effected any thing by steady appli- cation. He was capable of intense, but not of regular study. When public duty or private difficulty urged him, he endured the burden as if asleep under its pressure. At length, when the pain could be no longer borne, he roused himself with one mighty effort, and burst like a lion through the toils. There are reasons for believing that his constitutional indolence began its operation upon his habits at an early age. His very first dramatic scenes were written by snatches, with considerable intervals between them. Convivial pleasures had lively charms for one whose wit was the soul of the table ; and the sparkling glass — the medium of social intercourse — had no small share of his affection. These were joys to be indulged without effort : as such they were too well calculated to absorb the time of Mr. Slieridan, and sooner or later to make large encroach- ments on his character. His attendance in parliament became every year more languid — the vis inertia; more incurable — the plunges by wliicli his genius had now and then extricated him in former times less frequent and more feeble. We never witnessed a contrast much more melan- choly than between the brilliant and commanding talent displayed by Mr. Sheridan throughout the first regency dis- cussions, and the low scale of nerve, activity, and capacity, to which he seem- ed reduced when that subject was more recently agitated in parliament. But in- dolence and intemperance must banish reflection, if not corrected by it ; since no man could support the torture of per- petual self-reproach. Aggravated, we fear, by some such causes, the naturally careless temper of Mr. Sheridan became ruinous to all his better hopes and pros- pects. \\ ithout a direct appetite for spending money, he thought not of check- ing its expenditure. The economy of time was as much disregarded as that of money. All the arrangements, punctu- alities, and minor obligations of life were forgotten, and the household of Mr. She- ridan was always in a state of nature. His domestic feelings were originally kind, and his manners gentle : but the same bad habits seduced him from the house of commons, and from home ; and equally injured him as an agent of the public good, and as a dispenser of private hap- piness. It is painful, it is mortifying but it is our sacred duty, to pursue this history to the end. Pecuniary embar- rassments often lead men to shifts and expedients — these exhausted, to others of a lefs doubtful colour. Blunted sensi- bility — renewed excesses — loss of cast in society — follow each other in melancholy succession, until solitude and darkness close the scene. " It has been made a repioach by som^ persons, in lamenting Mr. Sheridan's crue" destiny, that ' his friends ' had not done more for him. We freely and conscien- tiously declare it as our opinion, that had Mr. Sheridan enjoyed ten receiverships ot Cornwall mstead of one, he would not have died in afiHuence. He never would have attained to comfort or independence in his fortune. A vain man may become rich, because his vanity may thirst for only a single mode of gratification ; ar ambitious man, a bou vivaiit, a sports- man, may severally control their ex- penses ; but a man who is inveterately thoughtless of consequences, and callous to reproof — who knows not when he squanders money, because he feels not those obligations which constitute or di- rect its uses — such a man it is impossible to rescue from destruction. We go fur- ther — we profess not to conjecture to what individuals the above reproach of forgotten friendships has been applied. If against persons of illustrious rank, there never was a more unfounded accu- sation. Mr. Sheridan, throughout his whole life, stood as high as he ought to have done in the quaiters alluded to. He received the most substantial proofs of kind and anxious attachment from tliese personages; and it is to his credit thnt he was not insensible to their regard. If the mistaken advocates of Mr. Sheridan were so much his enemies as to wish he had been raised to some elevated office, are they not aware that even one montli's active attendance out of twelve he was at times utterly incapable of giving? But what friends are blamed for neglecting Mr. Sheridan? Vt'hat friendships did he ever form ? We more than doubt whether he could fairly claim the rights of friend ship with any leader of the whig adminis- tration. We know that he has publicly asserted Mr. Fox to be his friend, ana 459 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY that ho lias dwell with much eloquence on Ine sweets and enjoyments of that connection ; but it has never been our fortune to find out tliat Mr. Fox had, on any public oi private occasion, bound fiimseif by reciprocal pledges. Evidence against the admission of such ties on his part may be drawn from the well-known anecdotes of what occurred within a few days of that statesman's death. The fact is, that a life of conviviality and intem- perance seldom favours the cultivation of those better tastes and affections which are necessary to the existence of intimate friendship. That Mr. Sheridan had as many admirers as acquaintances, there is no room to doubt ; but they admired only his astonishing powers ; there ^cver was a second opinion or feeling as to the unfortunate use which he made of them. " Never were such gifts as those which Providence showered upon Mr. Sheridan so abused — never were talents so miser- ably perverted. Tlie term ' greatness has been most ridiculously, and, in a moral sense, most perniciously applied u the character of one who, to speak clia ritably of him, was the weakest of men Had he employed his matchless endow- ments with but ordinary judgment, no- thing in England, hardly any thing ip pAirope, could have eclipsed his name, o obstructed his progress." May they who read, and he who writes reflect, and profit by reflection, on The talents lost — the moments run To waste — the sins of act, of thoug-lit, Ten thousand deeds of folly done, And countless virtues cherish'd not. FLOKAL DIRECTORY. Nasturtium. Tropocolum majui Dedicated to St. Felix To the Summer Zvphyr. Zephyr, stay thy vagrant flight. And tell me where you're going . — Is it to sip off the dew-drop bright That hangs on the breast of the lily white In yonder pasture growing; Or to revel 'mid roses and mignionette sweet ; Or wing'st thou away some fair lady to meet ?— If so, then, hie thee away, bland boy ; Thou canst not engage in a sweeter employ. " From kissing the blue of yon bright summer sky, To the vine-cover'd cottage, delighted, 1 fly, Where Lucy the gay is shining ; To sport in the beams of her lovely eye, While her temples with roses she's twining. Then do not detain me ; I sigh to be there, 'I'o fan her young bosom — to play 'mid her hair !" Sulp 8. St. Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal, a. d. 1336. St. Procopius, a. d. 303. Sts. Kilian, Culman, and Totnam, a. d. 688. St. JFltiilmrge, 10th Cent. B. Theobald, 13th Cent. St. Grimbald, A.D. 903. New Churches. r,vprv one must have been struck by t!;.r- great number of new churches erected w/tnm the suburbs of the metropolis, and the novel forms of their steeples ; yet fe"? have been aware of the difficulties en- countered by architects in their endea- vours to accommodate large congregations in edifices for public worship. Sir Christopher Wren experienced the incon- venience when the fifty churches were erected in queen Anne's time. He says, " The Romanists, indeed, may build large churches ; it is enough if they hear the murmur of the mass, and see the elevation of the host , but ours are to be fitted for auditories. 1 can hardly think it practi- cable to make a single room so capacious with pews and galleries, as to no/cl above two thousand persons, and bcil ti hear 40 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 9. distinctly, and see the preacher. 1 en- deavoured to effect this, in building the parish church of St. James's, Westmin- ster, which I presume is the most capa- cious, with these qualifications, that hath yet been built; and yet, at a solemn lime, when the church was much crowd- ed, I could not discern from a gallery that two thousand were present. A moderate voice may be heard fifty feet distant before the preacher, thirty feet on each side, and twenty behind the pulpit ; and not this, unless the pronunciation be distinct and equal, without losing the voice at the last word of the sentence, which is commonly emphatical, and, if obscured, spoils the whole sense. A French is heard further than an Englisli preacher, because he raises his voice, and does not sink his last words. 1 mention this as an insufferable fault in the pro- nunciation of some of our otherwise excellent preachers ; which schoolmasters might correct in the young, as a vicious pronunciation, and not as the Roman orator spoke ; for the principal verb is in Latin usually the last word ; and if that oe lost, what becomes of the sentence ?" FLORAL DIRECTORY. Evening Primrose. Oenothera biennis. Dedicated to St. Elizabeth. 3UI|) 9. The St. St. Ephreni of Edessa, a. d. 378. Martyrs of G or cum, a. d. 1572 Everildis. Health. In hot weather walk slowly, and as much as possible in the shade. When fatigued recline on a sofa, and avoid all drafts. Eat sparingly of meat, and indeed of every thing. Especially shun unripe fruits, and be moderate with cherries. Strawberries may be safely indulged in ; with a little cream and bread they make a delightful supper, an hour or two before retiring to rest. If the frame be weakened by excessive heat, a table spoonfull of the best brandy, thrown into a tumbler of spring water, becomes a cooling restorative ; otherwise spirits should not be touched. Spring water, with a toast in* it, is the best drink. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Marsh Sowthistle. Sonchus palusfrit. Dedicated to St. Everildis CAPTAIN STARKEY. Died, .July 9, 1322. Reader ! see the famous Captain Starkey, in his own coat wrapt in ; Mark liis mark'd nose, and mark his eye, His lengtheu'd chin, his forehead high. His little stick, bis huinble hat. The modest tie of his cravat ; Mark how easy sit his hose, Mark the shoes that hold his toes ; So he look'd when Ranson sketch'd him While alive — but Death has fetch'd him. Auto-biography is agreeable in the writing, and sometimes profitable in the publication, to persons whose names would otherwise die and be buried with them. Of this numerous class was cap- tain Starkey, who to his " immortal memory" wrote and published his own *' Memoirs."* * " Memoirs of the Life of Btnj. Starkey, late of London, but now an inmate oi the Freemen's Hos- pital, in Newcastle. Written by himselt. Wiii' '^ portrait of the Author and a Fa< -simile of his hpnj. writing. Printed and sold by William Hall, Gr».-»' Market, Newta$tl«." 1818. 12mo. pp. 14. 461 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY [). Tlie preface to a fine uncut copy of captain Starkey's very rare " Memoirs," venes me, commences thus : — " The writers of biographical accounts have always prepared articles, which at once, when held forth to the public, ivere highly entertaining, useful, and satisfac- tory." This particular representation, so directly opposed to general experience, is decisively original. Its expression be- speaks an independence of character, rendered further conspicuous by an amia- ble humility. " I am afraid," says the captain, " i shall fall infinitely short in commanding your attention ; none, on this side of time, are perfect, and it is in the nature of things impossible it should be otherwise." He trusts, " if truth has any force," that " patience and candour" will hear him out. Of captain Starkey then — it may be said, that " he knew the truth, and knowing dared maintain it." The captain declares, he was born of lionest and poor parents, natives of Newcastle upon Tyne, at the Lying-in Hospital, Brownlow-street, Long-acre, London, on the 19lh of December, 1757. " My infantile years," he observes," were attended with much indisposition." The nature of his " indisposition" does not appear ; but it is reasonable to presume, tiiat as the " infantile years" of all of " liv- ing born," at that time, were passed in " much indisposition," the captain suf- fered no more than fell to him in the common lot. It was then the practice to afflict a child as soon as it breathed the air, by forcing spoonfulls of " unctuousi- ties" down its throat, " oil of sweet almonds and syrup of blue violets." A strong cotton swathe of about six inches in width, and from ten to twenty feet in length, was tightly rolled round the body, beginning under the arm pits and ending at the hips, so as to stiffly encase the en- tire trunk. After the child was dressed, if its constraint would allow it to suck, it was suckled ; but whether suckled oi not, the effect of the swathing was soon visible ; its eyes rolled in agony, it was pronounced convulsed, and a dose of " Dalby's Carminative" was administered as " the finest thing in the world for con- vulsions." With "pap" made of bread and water, and milk loaded with brown sugar, it was fed from a " pap-boat," an earthen vessel m the form of a butter- boE.t. If " these contents" were not quickly "received in full," the infant was decla ed '■ not very well," but if by cry- ing, kicking of the legs, stiffening of the back, and eructation from the stomach, it resisted further overloading, then it was affirmed (hat it was " troubled with wind," and was drenched with " Daffy's Elixir," as " the finest thin;:; in the world for wind." As soon as the " wind " had " a little broken off, poor thing !" it was suckled again, and fed again ; being so suckled and fed, and fed and suckled, it was wonderful if it could sleep soundly, and therefore, after it was undressed at night, it had a dose of " Godfrey's Cor- dial," as " the finest thing in the world for composing to rest." If it was not " composed" out of the world before morning,it awoke to undergo the manifold process of being again over-swathed, over- fed, " Dalby'd, Daffy 'd, and Godfrey'd " for that day ; and so, day by day, it was put in bonds, " carminativ'd, elixir'd, and cordial'd," till in a few Aveeks or months it died, or escaped, as by miracle, to be weaned and made to walk. It was not to be put on its legs " too soon," and there- fore, while the work of repletion was going on, it was not to feel that it had legs, but was kept in arms, or rather kept lolling on the arm, till ten or twelve months old. By this means its body, being unduly distended, was too heavy to be sustained by its weak and compara- tively diminutive sized limbs ; and then a " go-cart"' was provided. The go-cart was a sort of circular frame-work, running upon wheels, with a door to open for admission of the child ; wherein, beino bolted, and the upper part being only sc large as to admit its body from below the arms, the child rested by the arm pits, and kicking its legs on the floor, set the machine rolling on its wheels. This being the customary mode of " bringing child- ren up" at the time of captain Starkey's birth, and until about the year 1790, few were without a general disorder and weakness of the frame, called " the rick- ets." These afflicted ones were some- times hump-backed, and usually bow- shinned, or knock-kneed, for life, though to remedy the latter defects in some de- gree, the legs were fastened by straps to jointed irons. From the whole length portrait at the head of this article, which is copied from an etching by Mr. Thomaa Ranson, prefixed to captain Starkey's " Memoirs,'' it is reasonably to be con- jectured the captain in his childhood had been ricketty and lad worn irons. Mr. Ranson has draped the figure in a 462 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 9. long coat. Had this been done to con- ceal the inward inclination of the cap- tain's knees, it would have been en dita- ble to Mr. llanson's delicacy ; foj there is a sentiment connected with the meet- ing of the knees, in the owner'' mind, which he who knows human na* .re and has human feelings, knows ho". to re- spect; and no one either as a man or an artist is better acquainted with the "hu- manities" than Mr. Kanson. But that gentleman drew the captain from the life, and the captain's coat is from the coat he actually wore when he stood for his picture. There is a remarkable dere- liction of the nose from the eyebrows. It was a practice with the race of nurses who existed w hen the captain's nose came into the world, to pinch up that fea- ture of our infant ancestors from an hour old, till " the month was up." This was from a persuasion that nature, on that part of the face, required to be assisted. A few only of these ancient females re- riain, and it does not accord with the ex- perience of one of the most experienced among them, that they ever depressed ihat sensible feature ; she is fully of opinion, that for the protrusion at the end of the captain's, he was indebted to his nurse " during the month ;" and she says tliat, " it's this, that makes him look so sensi- ble." According to captain Starkey's narra- tive,when "learning to walk alone," he un- fortunately fell, " and so hurt his left arm, that it turned to a white swelling as large as a child's head." The captain says, " my poor parents immediately applied to two gentlemen of the faculty, at the west end of the town, named Bloomfield and Hawkins, physicians and surgeons to his then reigning majesty, king George the Second, of these kingdoms, who de- clared that, t/icy could not do any more than cut it off ; unto which my tender parents would not consent." A French surgeon restored to him the use of his arm, and gave him advice " not to em- ploy it in any arduous employment." " I, therefore" says the captain, " as my mother kept a preparatory school, was learned by her to read and spell." At seven years old he was " put to a master to learn to write, cipher, and the classics." After this, desiring to be acquainted with other languages, he was sent to another master, and " improved," to the pleasure of himself and friends, but was " not so successful" as lie co ild wish ; for which he says, " I am, as I ought to be, thank- ful to divine providence." With him he stayed, improving and not sjcceeding till he was fourteen, " at which age," says the captain, " I was bound apprentice to Mr. VVdliam Bird, an eminent writer and teacher of languages and mathematics, in r etter-lane, Holborn." /ifterhis appren- ticeship the captain, in the year 1780, went with his father, during an election, to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, his parents' native town. Returning to London, he, in 1784, went electioneering again to Newcastle, having left a small school in London to the care of a substitute, who managed to reduce twenty-tive scholars to ten, " although he was paid a weekly allow- ance." Being " filled with trouble by the loss," he was assisted to a school in Sun- derland ; " but," the captain remarks, *' as the greatest success did not attend me in that, I had the happiness and ho- nour of receiving a better employment in the aforesaid town of Sunderland, from that ever to be remembered gentleman, William Gooch, esq., comptroller of the customs, who died in the year 1791, and did not die unmindful of me : for he left me in his will the sum of 10/., with which, had I been prudent enough, and left his employ immediately after his in- terment, I might have done well ; but foolishly relying on the continuance of mv place, continued doing the duties for nine months without receiving any rcrru- neration ; and at last was obliged to leave, it not being the pleasure of the then collector, C. Hill, esq., that I should continue any luui^er in office." Great as the sensation must have been at Sunder- land on this important change " iV office" the fact is entirely omitted it the journals of the period, and might at this time have been wholly forgotten if the captain had not been his own chronicler On his forced " retirement" he returned to Newcastle, willing to take " office" there, but there being no opening he re- solved once more to try his fortune in London. For that purpose he crossed the Tyne-bridge, with two shillings in his pocket, and arriving at Chester-le-street, obtained a subscription of two giii- neas, by which, "with helps and hopes," and " walking some stages," and getting " casts by coaches," he arrived in the me- tropolis, where he obtained a recommen- dation back, to the then mayor of New- castle. Thither he again repaireo, and presented his letter to the mayor, who 463 THE EVEllY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 9. promised him a place in the Freemen's Hospital, and gave it him on the first va- cancy. " In which situation," says cap- tain Starkey, " 1 have now been twenty- six years enjoying the invaluable blessing of health and good friends." So ends his " Memoir written by himself." To what end captain Starkey wrote his history, or how he came by his rank, he does not say ; but in the " Local Records, or Histoiical Register of Remarkable Events in Durham, Northumberland, Newcastle, and Berwick," a volume com- piled and published by Mr. John Sykes, of Newcastle, there is a notice which throws some light on the matter. " Mr. Starkey, who was uncommonly polite, had a peculiarly smooth method of obtaining the loan of a halfpenny, for which he was always ready to give his promissory note, which his creditors held as curiosities." Halfpenny debentures were tedious in- struments for small " loans," and Starkey may have compiled his " Memoirs," with- out affixing a price, for the purpose of saying, "what you please," and thereby raising " supplies " by sixpence and a shilling at a time. It is to be observed to his credit, that had he made his book more entertaining, it would have had far less claim upon an hcnest reader. It is the adventureless history of a man who did no harm in the world, and thought he had a right to live, because he was a living being Mr. Hanson's portrait represents him as he was. His stick, instead of a staff of support, appears symbolical of the assistance he required towards existence. He holds his hat behind, as if to intimate that his head is not entitled to be covered in " a gentleman's presence." He seems to have been a poor powerless creature, sen- sible of incompetency to do; anxious not to suffer ; and with just enough of worldly cunning, to derive to himself a little of the superabundance enjoyed by men, who ob- tain for greater cunning the name of cleverness QUATRAINS TO THE EDITOR OF THE EVERY-DAt BOOK. \From the London Magazine] I like yon, and your book, ingenuous Hone'. In whose capacious ail -embracing leaves The very marrow of tradition's shown ; And all that history — much that fiction — weavef By every sort of taste your work is graced. \ £.st stores of modern anecdote we find. With good old story quaintly interlaced — The theme as various as the reader's mind. Rome's lie-fraught legends you so truly pnint — • Yet kindly — that the half-turn'd Catholic Scarcely forbears to smile at his own saint, And cannot curse the candid Heretic. Rags, relics, witches, ghosts, fiends, crowd your pagej Our father's mummeries we well-pleased behold j And, proudly conscious of a purer age, Forgive some fopperies in the times of old. Verse-honouring Phcebus, Father of bright DaySj Must needs bestow on you both good and many, Who, building trophies to his children's praise, Run their rich Zodiac through, not missing any. 464 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY y. Pan Phoebus loves j'our book — trust me, friend Hone— The title only errs, he bids me say : )'or while such art — wit — reading — there are shown, lie swears, 'tis not a work oi every day. C. Lamb QUATORZIANS TO THE AUTHOR OF " QUATRAINS. In feeling, like a stricken deer, I've been Self-put out from the herd, friend Lamb ; for I Imagined all the sympathies between Mankind and me had ceased, till your full cry Of kindness reach'd and roused me, as I lay " Musing — on divers things foreknown :" it bid Me know, in you, a friend ; with a fine gay Sincerity, before all men it chid. Or rather, by not chiding, seem'd te chide Me, for long absence from you ; re-invited Me, with a herald's trump, and so defied Me to remain immured ; and it requited Me, for othtV harsh misdeeming — which I trtjst is Now, or will be, known by them, to be injustice. am " ingenuous :" it is all I can Pretend to ; it is all I wish to be ; Yet, through obliquity of sight in man, From constant gaz.e on tortuosity. Few people understand me : still, I am Warmly affection'd to each human being ; Loving the right, for right's sake; and, friend Lair.l^ Trying to see things as they are ; hence, seeing Some " good in ev'ry thing " however bad, Evil in many things that look most fair. And pondering on all : this may be mad- ness, but it is my method ; and I dare Deductions from a strange diversity Of things, not taught within a University. No schools of science open'd to my youVn; No learned halis, no academic bowers ; No one had I to point my way to truth, Instruct my ign'rance, or direct my powers Yet I, though all unlearned, p'rhaps may aid The march of knowledge in our " purer age," And, without seeming, may perchance persuade The young to think, — to virtue some engage ; So have I hoped, and with this end in view, My little Every- Day Book I design'd ; Praise of the wohv, aad ol' iw u-uthor too, From you, frieml Lamb, is more than good and kind *, To such high meed I did not dare aspire As public honour, from the hand of Allworthy Elia, Vol. I. 465 2 H THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY lo, 11,12. As to the message from your friend above : — Do me the favour to present my best Respects to old " Dan Phoebus," for the " love He bears the Every-Day Book : for the rest^ That is, the handsome mode he has selected Of making me fine compliments by you, 'tis So flatt'ring to me, and so much respected By me, that, if you please, and it should suit nis Highness, I must rely upon you, for Obtaining his command, to introduce me To him yourself, when quite convenient ; oi I trust, at any rate, you'll not refuse me A line, to signify, that I'm the person known To him, through you, friend Lamb, as Your Friend William Hows 3vHv 10- T,\e Seven Brothers, Martyrs, and St. Fellcitas, their Mother. 2nd Cent. Sts. Rufina and Secunda, V, a. d. 257. Spider Barometers, If the weather i« likely to become rainy, windy, or u other respects dis- agreeable, spiders fiv the terminating fila- ments, on which the whole web is sus- pended, unusually short. If the termi- nating filaments are made uncommonly long, the weather will be serene, and continue so, at least for ten or twelve days. If spider? oe totally indolent, rain generally succeeds ; though their activity during rain is certain proof that it will be only of short duration, and followed by fair and constant weather. Spiders usually make some alterations in their webs every \wenty-four hours ; if these changes take place between the hours of six and seven in the evening, they indicate a clear and pleasant night. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Speckled Snapdragon. Antirrhinum tri- phyllnm. Dedicated to Sts. Rufina and Secunda. Snip 11. St. James, Bp. of Nisibis, a. d. 350. St. Hidnlphus, Bp. A. d. 707, or 713. St. Pins t.. Pope, A. D. 157. St. Drostan, A. D. 809. Sim-set. Soft o'er tliR mountain's purple brow, Meek twilight draws her shadowy grey ; From tufted woods, and valleys low, Light's magic colours steal away. Yet still, amid the spreading gloom. Resplendent glow the western waves That roll o'er Neptune's coral caves A zone of light on evening's dome. On this lone summit let me rest. And view the forms to fancy dear, 'Till on the ocean's darkened breast. The stars of evening tremble clear ; Or the moon's pale orb appear, Tlirowing her light of radiance wide. Far o'er the lightly curling tide. No sounds o'er silence now prevail. Save of the murm'ring brook*below. Or sailor's song borne on the gale, Or oar at distance striking slow. So sweet, so tranquil, may my evening ray, Set to this world — and rise in future day. FLORAL DIRECTORY Yellow Lupin. Lnpinus f cevns Dedicated to St. James. %\X\^ 12. St. John Gnalbert, Abbot, a. D. 1073. Sts. Nabor and Felix, Martyrs, a. d. 304. In the " Poems" of Mr. Gent, there are some lines of tranquillizing ten- dency. To Mary. Oh ! is there not in infant smiles A witching power, a cheering ray, A charm that every care beguiles. And bids the weary soul he gay ? There surely is — for thou liast been Child of my heart, my peaceful dove, Gladd'ning life's sad and cliecquered scene. An emblem of the peace above. 466 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY ]3 14. Now all is calm and dark and still, And brigilt the beam the moonlight throws On ocean wave, and gentle rill, And on thy slumb'ring cheek of rose. And may no care disturb that breast, Nor sorrow dim tbsit brow serene ; And may thy latest years be blest As thy sweet infancy has been. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Great Snapdragon. Antirrhinum purpii- renrr Dedicated to St. John Gualbert. m^ 13. St. Eugenius, Bp. a. d. 505. St. Ana- cletus, Pope, a. d. 107. St. Turiaf, Bp. A. D. 749. How soothing is a calm stroll on a summer's evening after sun-set, while the oreeze of health is floating gently over jhe verdure, the moon ascending, and the evening star glistening like a diamond. Diana's bright crescent, like a silver bow, New strung in Heaven, lifts 'ngh its beamy horns Impatient for the uight, and seems to push Her brother down the sky j fair Venus shines Ev'n in the eye of day ; with sweetest beam. Propitious shines, and shakes a trembling flood Of softened radiance from her dewy locks. The shadows spread apace ; while meek- ey'd eve, Her cheeks yet warm with blushes, slow retires Thro' the Hesperian garden of the west, And shuts the gates of day. FLORAL DIRECTORY Blue Lupin. Liipimis cosruleus. Dedicated to iS^ Eugenius. Snip 14. St. Bonaventure, Card, Bp. a. d. 1274. St. Camilliis de Lellis, a. d. 1614. o'^t> edifices may be tolerated amidst modern nouses, as assimilaiing with their architecture, they are out of all character in the country. Lambeth parish for in- stance has built four churches. The Gre- cian style prevails in the whole, and though the buildings are creditable to their architects, yet, in the case of Brix- ton, which is certainly a very chaste and pretty doric church, and does honour to the genius of Mr. Porden, and at Nor- wood, where in every point of view at the least distance, and particularly the latter place, the steeples are seen in connection with trees and country scenery, the pep- per-box towers remind the spectator more of pigeon-houses than cimrch steeples ; and he, to whom the sight of a village- spire brings almost enthusiastic feelings, and an earnest desire of ariiving at it, would scarce bestow any notice on these modern and unappropriate ol>jects. Let the town and the city retain tiie portico and the dome, the country claims the go- thic spire, the muUioned window, and the buttressed wall ; but things are now reversed and changed from their natural order. The slender pointed spire is now made to terminate a splendid street of modern houses, where it appears as awk- ward as the cupola does amidst fields and hedges. Mr. Nash is to build a gothic church at Haggerstone, and let us hope he will atone for his fault at the west, by bestowing a more orthodox stee- ple upon the eastern erection. Mr. Soane is the architect of Walworth church, which is the first specimen of his eccle- siistical structures; it differs from the ge- nerality of new churches, in having a range of arches rising from the parts of the galleries, dividing the structure longi- tudinally into three aisles, in the style of the older churches. It formed one of the groupes of churches exliibited by this gentleman at Somerset-house in the pre- sent year. One recommendation it has, and that by no means a trifling one ; the voice of the clergyman may be dis- tinctly heard in every part of the building without the least echo or indistinctness, a fault very common in large buildings. It would occupy too much space to MOtice, even briefly, every new church. In regard to steeples, that of the new thurch building at Hoxton (architect Ed- wards) is one of the prettiest designs of the modern school of cupolas ; and the spire of .St. Paul's, Shadwell, of which Mr. Walters, before spoken of, wa? the architect, forms a brilliant exception ; it is closely formed on the model of Bow steeple, but there are some variations so pleasing, that the design may justly be said to be the aichitect's own property — he has followed sir Christopher Wren without copying him. The spire at Pop- lar is a fine object, but decidedly inferior to the last, inasmuch as it diminishes more abruptly. The steeple attached to St. John's church, in the Waterloo-road, is a very finely proportioned erection, and shows exceedingly well from the Strand and the Temple-gardens ; those who have seen an engraving of this church with the tower originally de- signed for it, will see what has been gained by the exchange. Tiiere are more new churches still to be built ; let us hope then, that the archi- tects who may be selected to erect them, having seen the faults and defects of their predecessors, will produce some- thing better; or, at least, that their de- signs will differ from the generality of those already built, if only for the sake of variety. In conclusion, the writer has only to add, that much more might be said both on old and new churches ; it is a subject which has more than once eiHployed his pen ; he feels, however, that he has al- ready occupied a larger space than he is entitled to do, if he has trespassed on your readers patience he has to beg their pardon ; his excuse is, that the subject is a favourite one. E. I. C. Jiihj, 1825. & HOT LETTER For Captain Lion, Brighton. My dear sir, I anticipated a sojournment in your " neat little country cottage" during your absence, with more pleasure than I ex- pressed, when you niade me the offer of it. I imagined how much more com- fortable I should be there, tlian in my own out-of-town single-room. I was mistaken. I have been comfortable nowhere. The malignity of an evil star is against me ; I mean the dog-star. You recollect the heat I fell into during our Hornsey walk I have been hot ever since, "hissing hot, — think of that Master Brook ;" I would that thou wert really a brook I would 475 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 14. cleave thy bosom, and, unless thou wert cool to me, I would not acknowledge thee for a true friend. After returnincT from the coach wherein you and your lady-cousin departed, I " larded the lean earth " to my own house in town. That evening I got into a hack- ney coach to enjoy your " cool " resi- dence ; but it was hot ; and there was no *' cool of the evening;'' I went to bed hot, and slept hot all night, and got up hot to a hot tea-breakfast, looking all the while on the hot print opposite, Hogarth's " Evenimj;," with the fat hot citizen's wife sweltering between her husband and the New River, the hot little dog looking wistfully into the reachless warm water, her crying hot boy on her husband's stick, tlie scolding hot sister, and all the other heats of that ever-to-be-warmly-ad- mired engraving. The coldest picture in the room, to my heated eye, was the fruit-piece worked in worsted — worsted in the dog-days ! How I got throup-h that hot day I can- not remember. At night, when, accord- ing to Addison, " evening shades prevail," the heat prevailed ; there were no " cool " shades, and I got no rest ; and therefore I got up restless, and walked out and saw tlie morning star, which I suppose was the dog-star, for I sought coolness and found it not ; but the sun arose, and me- thought there was no atmosphere but burning beams ; and the rrjetropolis poured out its heated thousands towards the New River, atNewington; and it was filled with men, and boys, and dogs; and all looked as " comfortable" as live eels in a stew pan. I am too hot to proceed. What a sum- mer I The very pumps refuse " spring " water ; and, I suppose, we shall have no more till next spring. My heart melts within me, and I am not so inhuman as to request the servant to broil with this letter to the post-office, but I have ordered her to give it to the newsman, and ask him to slip it into the first letter-box he passes, and to tell him, if he forgets, it is of no conse- quence, and in no hurry ; he may take it on to Ludgate-hili, and Mr. Hone, if he please, may print it in his Every-Dny Book. I dare say he is too hot to write, and this may help to fill up ; so that vou'll get it, at any rate. I don't care if all the world reads it, for the hot weather IS no secret. As Mr. Freeling cannot say rtiat printing a letter is privately convey ingit, I shall no> t^et into hot water at the post-office. I am, my dear sir, Your warmest friend, till winter, Coleman Cottage, Sun Day. I. Fry. P. S. I am told the sight of the post- men in their scarlet coats is not bearable in London ; they look red-hot IVeather. Duncomb, for many years the principal v-ender of Dunstable larks, resided at the village of Haughton-Regis, near Dun- stable. He was an eccentric character, and, according to Dunno's " Originals," (himself an " original") he was "remark- able for his humorous and droll method of rhyming." The following .mes are shrewd and pleasant : — Duncoinb's Answer in Hay-time relating to the ll'eather. Well, Duncomb, how will l)e the weather .' Sir, it looks cloudy altou:i'ther. And coming 'cross our Houghton Green, I stopp'd and talk'd with old Fiank J^eane. While we stood there, sir, old Jaii Swain, Went by and said, he know'd 'twood rain. The next that came was Master Hunt, And he declar'd, he knew it wont. And then I met with farmer Blow, He told nie plainly he di'nt know . So, sir, when docturs disagree Who's to decide it, you or nie ? Dunstable Larks. The larks which are caught at Dun- stable are unequalled for their size and richness of flavour. Their superiority is said to be owing in a great measure to the chalky soil. On their first arrival they are very lean and weak, but they recover in a short time, and are braced and fattened by picking considerable quantities of the finest particles of chalk with their food. They are usually taken in great quantities, with' trammelling nets, on evenings and mornings from Michaelmas to February. When dressed and served up at some of the inns in the town, " in great perfection, by a peculiar and secret method in the process of cook ing them," they are admired as a luxury by travellers during the time they are in season ; and by an ingenious contrivance in their package, they are sent ready dressed to all parts of England 476 THE EVERY-D7iY BOOK.— JULY \5. Sail) 15. t»7. Heiirj/ IL, Emperor, a. d. 1024. St. Plechelm, a. d. 714. St. Swithin, Bp. A. u. 862. Swithin is still retained on this day in our almanacs, and at some public offices IS a holiday. St. Swithin. He was of noble parentage, and also called Swithun, or in the Saxon language Swithum. He received the tonsure in the church at Winchester, and became a monk in the old monastery there, of which, after being ordained priest, he was made provost or dean. He studied grammar, philosophy, and theology. For his learning and virtue, Egbert, king of England, appointed him his priest, in which character he subscribed a charter to the abbey of Croyland, in 833. Egbert also committed to him the education of his son Ethelwolf, who on succeeding to the throne procured Swithin to be chosen oishop of Winchester in 852. Tithes were established in England through St. Swithin, who prevailed on Ethelwolf to enact a kw, by which he gave the tenth of the land to the church, on condition that the king should have a prayer said for his soul every Wednesday in all the churches for ever. Ethelwolf solemnized the grant by laying the char- ter on the altar of St. Peter at Rome, in a pilgrimage he made to that city, and by procuring the pope to confirm it. St. Swithin died on the 2d of July, 862, in the reign of king Ethelbert, and he was buried, according to his own order, in the churchyard. Alban Butler, from whom these particulars are related, affirms the translation of his relics into the church a hundred years afterwards, and refers to the monkish historians for the relation of " such a number of mi- laculous cures of all kinds wrought by them, as was never known in any other place." His relics were afterwards re- moved into the cathedral of Winchester, on its being built uiider William the Conqueror. It was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, under the patronage of St. Peter, afterwards to St. Swithin, in 980, and was called St. Swithin's until Henry '''HI. ordered it to be called by the name of the Holy Trinity. Among the notable miracles alleged to have been worked by St. Swithin ia this, that after he had built the bridge a> Winchester, a woman came over it with her lap full of eggs, which a rude fellow broke, but the woman showed the eggs to the saint, who was passing at the time, and he lifted up his hand and blessed the eggs, " and they were made hole and sounde." To this may be added another story ; that when his body was translated, or removed, two rings of iron, fastened on his grave-stone, came out as soon as they were touched, and left no mark of their place in the stone ; but when the stone was taken up, and touched by the rings, they of themselves fastened to it again.* " If it rains on St. Swithin's day, there will be rain the next forty days after- wards." The occasion of this old and well-known saying is obscure. In Mr. Douce's interleaved copy of Brand's " Popular Antiquities," there is a printed statement " seemingly cut out of a news- paper" cited, in the last edition of Mr. Brand's work, thus : — " In the year 865, St. Swithin, bishop of Winchester, to which rank he was raised by king Ethel- wolfe, the dane, dying, was canonized by the then pope. He was singular for his desire to be buried in the open church- yard, and not in the chancel of the min- ster, as was usual with other bishops, which request was complied with; but the monks, on his being canonized, taking it into their heads that it was disgraceful for the saint to lie in the open church- yard, resolved to remove his body into the choir, which was to have been done with solemn procession on the 15th of July. It rained, however, so violently on that day, and for forty days succeed- ing, as had hardly ever been known, which made them set aside their design as heretical and blasphemous : and, in- stead, they erected a chapel over his grave, at which many miracles are said to have been wrought." Also in " Poor Robin's Almanac" for 1697, the saying, together with one of the miracles before related, is noticed iu these lines : — " In this month is St. Swithin's day; On which, if that it rain, they say * Golden Legend. 477 THE EVEKY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 15. Full forty dnys iifter it will, Or inoi'e or less, some rain distill. This Swithin was a saint, I trow, And Winchester's bisiiop also. Who in his time did many a feat, As popish legends do repeat: A woman having broke her eggs By stumbling at another's legs, For -which she made a woful cry, St. Swithin chanc'd for to come by. Who made them all as sound, or more Than ever that they were before. But whether this were so or no 'Tis more than you or 1 do know : Better it is to rise betime, And to make hay while sun doth shine, Tiian to believe in tales and lies Which idle naonks and friars devise." The satirical Churchill also mentions the superstitious notions concerning rain on this day : — •• July, to whom, the dog-star in her train, St. James gives oisters, and St. Swithin rain." The same legend is recorded by l!Lr. Brand, from a memorandum by Mr. Douce : " I have heard these lines upon St. Swithin's day : — " St. Swithin's day if thou dost rain, For forty days it will remain : St. Swithin's day if thou be fair For forty days 't will rain na mair. Ben Jonson, in " Every man out of his humour," has a touch at almanac-wis- dom, and on St. Swithin's power over the weather : — " Enter Sordido, Macilente, Hine. " Sord. — {looking at an almanac) — O rare! good, good, good, good, good! I thank my stars, 1 thank my st rs for it. " Mart — {aside) — Said I not true? 'tis Sordido, the farmer, A boar, and brother, to that swine was here. " Sord. Excellent, excellent, excellent ! as I could wish, as I could wish ! — Ha, lia, ha ! I will not sow my grounds this year. Let me see what harvest shall we h-ave ? June, Jnh/, /August ? "Maci. — {aside) — What is't, a prognos- tication raps him so ? " Sord. — {reading) — The xx, xxi, xxii days. Rain and Wind; O good, good ! the xxiii and xxiv Rain and some Wind : the XXV, Rain, good still ! xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, wind and some rain ; would it had been rain and some wind ; well, 'tis good (when it can be no better ;) xxix inclining to rain: inclining to ram? that's not so good now : xxx and xxxi wind and no lain : no rain? 'Slid stay ; this is worse and worse : what says he of Saint Swithin sP turn back, look, Saint Smith- ill's : no rain ? — O, here, Saint Switkin't, the XV day ; variable weather, for the most part rain, good ; for the most part rain : ■why, it should rain forty days after, now, more or less, it was a rule held, afore I was able to hold a plough, and yet here are two days no rain ; ha ! it makes me muse." Gay, whilst he admonishes againyt falling into the vulgar superstition, re- minds his readers of necessary precautions in a wet season, which make us smile, who forbear from hats to loop and uo- loop, and do not wear wigs :— Now, if on Swithin's feast the welkin lours, And every penthouse streairs with hasty showers. Twice twenty days shall clouds their fleeces drain And wash the pavements with incessant rain. Let not such vulgar tales debase thy mind ; Nor Paul nor Swithin rule the clouds and wind If you the precepts of the Muse despise, And slight the faithful warning of the skies, Others you'll see, when all the town's afloat. Wrapt in the embraces of a kersey coat. Or double bottomed frieze ; their guarded feet Defy the muddy dangers of the street ; While you, with hat nnlooped, the fury dread Of spouts high streaming, and with cautious trSid Shun every dashing pool, or idly stop, To seek the kind protection of a shop. But business summons ; now with hasty scini You jostle for the wall ; the spattered ror.d Hides all thy hose behind ; in vain you scour lliy wig, alas ! uncurled, admits the shovrr 478 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 15. So fierce Electo's snaky tresses fell, When Orpheus cliariiied the rigorous powers of bell j Or thus hung Glaucus' beard, with briny dew Clotted and stiaight, wlien first his amorous view Surprised the bathing fair ; the frighted maid Now stands a rock, transformed bv Circe's aid. Dr. Forster, in his " Perennial Calen- dar," cites from Mr. Howard's work on the climate of London the following — " Examination of the popular Adage of ' Forty Days'' Rain after St. Sivithin' hoio far it may be founded in fact.'' Tlie opinion of the people on subjects connected with natural history is com- monly founded in some degree on fact or experience ; though in this case vag^ue and inconsistent conclusions are too fre- quently drawn from real premises. The notion commonly entertained on this subject, if put strictly to the test of expe- rience at any one station in this part of the island, will be found fallacious. To do justice to popular observation, I may now state, that in a majority of our sum- mers, a showery peiiod, which, with some latitude as to time and local circum- stances, may be admitted to constitute daily rain for forty days, does come on about the time indicated by this tradition: not that any long space before is often so dry as to mark distinctly its commence- ment. The tradition, it seems, took origin from the following circumstances. Swithin or Svvithum, bishop of Winchester, who died in 8G8, desiied that he might be buried in the open churchyard, and not in the chan- cel of the minster, as was usual with other bishops, and his request was complied with ; but the monks, on his being canon- ized, considering it disgraceful for the saint to lie in a public cemetery, resolved to remove his body into the choir, which was to have been done with solemn pro- cession, on the 15th of July : it rained, however, so violently for forty days to- gether at this season, that the design was abandoned. Now, without entering into the case of the bishop, who was probably a man of sense, and wished to set the example of a more wholesome, as well as a more humble, mode of resigning the perishable clay to the destructive elements, I may observe, that the fact of the hinder- ance of the ceremony by the cause related is sufficiently authenticated by tradition; and the tradition is so far valuable, as il proves that the summers m this southern part of our island were subject a thousand years ago to occasional heavy rains, in the same way as at present. Let us see how, in point of fact, the matter now stands. In 1807, it rained with us on the day in question, and a dry time followed. In 1808, it again rained on this day, though but a few drops : there was much light- ning in the west at night, yet it was nearly dry to the close of the lunar period, at tho new moon, on the 22d of this month, the whole period having yielded only a quarter of an inch of rain ; but the next moon was very wet, and there fell 5"10 inches of rain. In 1818 and 1819, it was dry on the 15th, and a very dry time in each case followed. The remainder of the summers occurring betwixt 1807 and 1819, appear to come under the general proposition already advanced : but it must be ob- served, that in 1816, the wettest year of the series, the solstitial abundance of rain belongs to the lunar period, ending, with the moon's approach to the third quarter, on the 16th of the seventh month ; in which period there fell 5-13 inches, while the ensuing period, which falls wholly within the forty days, though it had rain on twenty-five out of thirty days, gave only 2'41 inches. T have paid no regard to tlie change effected in the relative position of this so much noted day by the reformation of the calendar, because common observation is now directed to the day as we find it in the almanac ; nor would this piece of accuracy, without greater certainty as to a definite commencement of this showery period in former times, have helped us to more conclusive reasoning on the subject. Solstitial and Equinoctial Bains. — Our year, then, in respect of quantities of rain, exhibits a dry and a wet moiety. The latter again divides itself into two periods distinctly marked. The first period is that which connects itself with the popular opinion we have been discussmg 479 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 16. It mriy be said on the whole, to set in with the decline of the diurnal mean tempera- ture, the maximum of which, we may recollect, has been shown to follow the summer solstice at such an interval as to fall between the 12th and 25th of the month called July. Now the 15th of that month, or Swithin's day in the old style, corresponds to the 26th in the new ; so that common observation has long since settled the limits of the effect, without being sensible of its real causes. The operation of this cause being continued usually through great part of the eighth month, the rain of this month exceeds the mean by about as much as that of the ninth falls below it. some places by this old saying, " St.Swkhin is christening the apples.* As regards St. Swithin and his day, it may be observed, that according to bishop Hall when Swithin died, he directed that ' his body should not be laid within the church, but where the drops of rain might wet his grave ; thinking that no vxult was so good to cover his grave as that of heaven." This is scarcely an exposition of the old saying, which, like other old sayings, still has its votaries. It is yet common on this day to say, " Ah ! this is St. Swithin ; I wonder whether it will rain?" An old lady who so far observed this festival, on one occasion when it was fair and sunshiny till the afternoon, pre- dicted fair weather ; but tea-time came, and — "there follow'd some droppings of raiii.** This was quite enough. " Ah ! " said she, " now we shall have rain every day for forty days ; " nor would she be persuaded of the contrary. Forty days of our humid climate passed, and many, by their having been perfectly dry, falsified her prediction, " Nay, nay," said she, "but there was wet in the night, depend upon it." According to such persons St. Swithin cannot err. It appears from the parish accounts of Kingston upon Thames,in 1508, that "any householder kepying a brode gate "was to pay to the parish priest's " wages 3d." with a halfpenny " to the paschall : " this was the great wax taper in the church ; the halfpenny was towards its purchase and maintaining its light ; also he was to give to St. Switkm a halfpenny. A holder cf one tenement paid twopence to the friest's wages a halfpenny to the "pas- chall;" likewise St. Swithin a halfpenny. Rain on St Swithin's day is noticed in FLORAL DIRECTORV. Small Cape Marigold. Calendula plnvt' atis. Dedicated to St. Sioithin Snip 16. St. Eustatkim, Patriarch of Antioch, a. d. b38. St. Elier or Helier. French Hoaxing, July, 1817. — A man of imposmg fi- gure, wearing a large sabre and immense mustachios, arrived at one of the principal inns of a provincial city, with a female of agreeable shape and enchanting mein. He alighted at the moment that dinner was serving up at the table d'hote. At his martial appearance all the guests rose with respect ; they felt assured that it must be a lieutenant-general, or a major- general at least. A new governor was expected in the province about this time, and every body believed that it was he who had arrived incognito. The officer of gendarmerie gave him the place of ho- nour, the comptroller of the customs and the receiver of taxes sat by the side of Madame, and exerted their wit and gal- lantry to the utmost. All the tit-bits, ail the most exquisite wines, were placed be- fore the fortunate couple. At length the party broke up, and every one ran to re- port through the city that Monsieur the governor had arrived. But, oh ! what was their surprise, when the next day " his excellence," clad in a scarl-et coat, and his august companion dressed out in a gown glittering with tinsel, mounted a small open calash, and preceded by some musi- cians, went about the squares and public ways, selling Swiss tea and balm of Mecca. Imagine the fury of the guests ! They complained to the mayor, and demanded that the audacious quack should be compelled to lay aside the cha- racteristic mark of the brave. The pru- dent magistrate assembled the common council ; and those respectable persons, after a long deliberation, considering that nothing in the charter forbad the cit- izens to let their beard grow on their upper lip, dismissed the complaint altogether The same evening the supposed governor gave a serenade to the complainants, and the next day took his leave, and continued 480 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK— JULY 17, 18, 19. Ins journey amidst the acclamations of the populace ; who, in small as well as in great cities, are very apt to become pas- sionately fond c-f charlatan^ * FLORAL DIRECTORV Great Garden Convolvulus. Convolvulus purpureus. Dedicated to St. Eustathius. mv, 17. St. Alexius, 5th Cent. St. Speratua and his Companions. St. Marcellhia, a. d, 397. St. Ennodiiis, Bp. a. d. 521. St. Leo IV., Pope, a. d. 855. St. Tur- ninus, 8th Cent. Mackerel. The mackerel season is one of great in- terest on the coast, where these beautiful fish are caught. The going out and com- ing in of the boats are really " sights.'' The prices of mackerel vary according to the different degrees of success. In 1807, the first Brighton boat of mackerel, on the 14th of May, sold at Billingsgate, for forty guineas per hundred, seven shil- lings each, the highest price ever known at that market. The next boat that came in reduced their value to thirteen guineas per hundred. In 1808, these fish were caught so plentifully at Dover, that they sold sixty for a shilling. At Brighton, in June, the same year, the shoal of mackerel was so great, that one of the boats had the meshes of her nets so completely oc- cupied by them, that it was impossible to drag them in. The fish and nets, there- fore, in the end sank together ; the fisher- man thereby sustaining a loss of nearly sixty pounds, exclusive of what his cargo, could he have got it into the boat, would have produced. The success of the fish- ery in 1821, was beyond all precedent. The value of the catch of sixteen boats from Lowestoft", on the 30th of June, amounted to 5,252/. 15s. iid., being an average of 328/. 5s. ll|rf. per each boat; and it is supposed that there was no less a sum than 14,000/. altogether realized by the owners and men concerned in the fishery of the Suffolk coast.f • Journal des Debnts. ♦ Daniel's Rural Sports. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Sweet Pea. Lathyrns odorntna Dedicated to St. Marcellhia. Snip 18. Sts. Si/mpkorosa and her seven Sons, Martyrs, a. d- 120. St. P/illastrius, Bp. A. D. 384. St. Arnold, Bp. a. d. 640. St. Arnoul, a. d. 534. St. Fre- deric, Bp. A. D. 838. si. Odtdph. St. Bruno, Bp. of Segni, a. d. 1125. Summer Morning. The cocks have now the morn foretold. The sun again begins to peep, The shepherd, whistling to his fold. Unpens and frees the captive sheep. O'er pathless plains at early hours The sleepy rustic slooniy goes; The dews, brushed off from grass and flmr- ers, Bemoistening sop his hardened shoes While every leaf that forms a shade. And every floweret's silken top, And every shivering bent and blade. Stoops, bowing with a diamond drop. But soon shall fiy those diamond drops, The red round sun advances higher, And, stretching o'er the mountain tops, I« gilding sweet the village-spire. 'Tis sweet to meet the morning breeze. Or list the gurgling of the brook ; Or, stretched beneath the shade of trees. Peruse and pause on Nature's book, When Nature every sweet prepares To entertain our wished delay, — Tlie images which morning wears, The wakening charms of early day ! Now let me tread the meadow paths While glittering dew the ground illumes, As, sprinkled o'er the withering swaths. Their moisture shrinks in sweet per fumes ; And hear the beetle sound his horn ; And hear the skylark whistling nigh. Sprung from his bed of tufted corn, A hailing minstrel in the sky. Clare. floral directory. Autumn Marigold. Chrysanthemum co- ronarium. Dedicated to St. Bruno. iulp 19- 5/. Vincent, of Paul, a. d. 1660. St. Arsenins, a. d. 449. St. Symmachus, Pope, A u. 514. jS^ MacriJia V., a p 379. Vol. I. 481 2 I THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 20 21, In July, 1797, as Mr. Wright, of Saint Faith's, in Norwich, was walking in his garden, a flight of bees alighted on his head, and entirely covered his hair, till they made an appearance like a judge's wig. Mr. W. stood upwards of two hours in this situation, while the custom- ary means were used for hiving them, ■which was completely done without his receiving any injury. Mr. Wright had expressed a strong wish, for some days before, that a flight of bees might come on his premises FLORAL DIRECTORY. Golden Hawkweed. Hieracium Aiiran- tiacum. Dedicated to St. Vincent of Paul. Sfulj) 20 St. Joseph Barsabas, the Disciple. St. Margaret, of Antioch. Sts. Justa and Rufina, A. D. 304. St. Ceslas, a. d. 1242. St. Axirelius, Abp., a. d. 423. St. Ulmar, or tFuhnar, a. d. 710. St. Jerom JEmiliani, a. d. 1337. Midnight and the Moon. Now sleep is busy with the world, The moon and midnight come ; an. Maitland says, that Kemp " spared no expense nor contrivance to render it quite private and retired from public inspec- tion, decent in its regulation, and as gen- teel in its furniture as such a place could be made." He added a cold-bath, " ge- nerally allowed," says Maitland, " to be the largest in England, being forty feet long, and twenty feet broad ; this bath is supplied by a remarkably cold spring, with a convenient room for dressing." The present cold-bath, faced with marble and paved with stone, was executed by sir William Staines, when he was a journeyman mason. He was afterwards lord mayor of London, and often boasted of this, while he smoked his pipe at the Jacob's-well in Barbican, as amongst his " best work." Kemp's improvements provided an en- trance to it across a bowling-green on the south side, through a neat marble pavi- lion or saloon, thirty feet long, with a large gilt sconce over a marble table. Contiguous to this saloon were the dress- ing apartments, some of which were open, others were private with doors. There was also a green bower on each side oi the bath, divided into other apartments for dressing. At the upp^r end was a f/om other sources, Perilous Pond was entirely filled up, and rendered useles-s, till Mr. William Kemp, " an eminent jeweller and citizen of London," " after ten years' experience of the temperature" of this water, and " the happy success of getting clear of a violent pain of the head by bathing in it, to which he had for many years been subject, v/as generously led for public benefit" to open the spring in the year 1743, and " to form the com- twelve feet high, surmounted on one side by a lofty bank with shrubs, and encir- cled by a terrace-walk planted with lime- trees at the top. The descent to the bath was by four pair of marble stairs, as it still is, to a fine gravel-bottom, through which the springs gently bubbled and supplied, as they do at this time, the entire basin with the crystal fluid. Hither many a " lover and preserver" of health and long life, and many an admirer of calm retreat, resorted " ever and anon i"— pletest swimming-bath in the whole And in hyghe sommer eueiiche daye I wene, Scapyng the hot son's euer bemyng face, He dyd hym wend unto a pleasaunt place, Where auncient trees shut owht escorchyng shene ; t Slow'i Survey edit. 163Sp.II. X Ibid. p. "m 48G TIIE EVERY -DAY BOOK.— JULY Ql. And in a solempne lyfjhte, through braunches gtene In quyet, sytting on a lytel stole, For hys delection he woulde ther' unlace, Wythin an arbre, where bryddes onlie bene And goe, and bayn hyra in the waters cool That alway wellyd there, and made a peerlesse poole. The most remarkable feature of Peer- less Pool, to the public eye, was a noble fish-pond, constructed by Kemp, due east and west. It was three hundred and twenty feet long, ninety-three feet broad, and eleven feet deep, stocked with carp, tench, and a great variety of the finny tribe, wherein subscribers and frequenters of either the pleasure or the cold-bath were privileged to angle. On each side was a high slope or bank, with thousands of variegated shrubs, terminated at the top by a gravelled walk between stately lime-trees : — These beautiful plantations shadow'd all ; And flung their beauteous greens so deep and full Into the surface of the quiet lake, That the cool water seem'd an open mirror Reflecting patterns of all liveries The gentle seasons give the constant earth Wherein to wait on man ; or rather seem'd An open portal to the great abyss Inviting entrance. At the head of the fish-pond, westward, stood the house that Kemp built for his own residence, with a garden and orchard of pears and apple-trees, and walled round. It was a handsome old-country- 'squire-like building, very similar to the present parsonage-house of St. Luke's in Helmet-row; the back-front looked upon the water, and had an arch in the em- bankment on that side, beneath which two boats, kept for the accommodation of gentlemen of the rod and line, were drawn in at night. Mr. Kemp expired before his lease ; but he left property to his family, and his son in possession of the " Pool," and of his lease. He was not so successful as his father; and after him the premises were held by a person named Taylor, and subsequently by one Crewe. At the expiration of his lease, a new lease upon building terms was obtained of St. Bar- tholomew's hospital, at a rental of 600/. per annum, by Mr. Joseph Watts, the present occupier and proprietor of the baths, who, to remunerate himself, set about " improving," by draining the fish- pond, pulling down Kemp's house, and felling the trees. He built Buldwyn-street on the site of the fish-pond ; Bath-build- ings on the ground of Kemp's orchard ; and erected other adjoining streets ; pre- serving the baths as he found them, and in many respects improving them. The pleasure-bath is still a pleasant spot, and both that and the cold-bath retam their ancient capabilities. Indeed, the attrac- tions to the pleasure-bath are undimi- nished. Its size is the same as in Kemp's time, and trees enough remain to shade the visitor from the heat of the sun while on the brink, irresolute whether to plunge gloriously in, or ignobly walk down the steps. On a summer evening it is amus- ing to survey the conduct of the bathers : some boldly dive; others "timorous stand," and then descend step by step, " unwillingly and slow." Choice swim- mers attract attention by divings and somersets, and the whole sheet of water sometimes rings with merriment. Every fine Thursday and Saturday afternoon in the summer, columns of blue-coat boys, more than three score in each, headed by their respective beadles, arrive, and some half-strip themselves ere they reach their destination; the rapid plunges they make into the pool, and their hilarity in the bath, testify their enjoyment of the tepid fluid. Mr. John Cleghorn, of Chapman-street, Islington, the architectural draftsman and engraver, was resident near Peerless Pool many years. There being no represent ation of the fish-pond and house, as they remained within the recollection of him- self and the editor of the Every-Day Book, this gentleman, whose taste and know- ledge of perspective have by the pencil 487 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JlJLT 21. and the gravei exquisitely and accurately made. Mr. Cleghorn also made the illustrated Mr .Ruttei's " Description of drawing of the pleasure-bath, as it now Fonthill," has supplied the drawing from is, for the engraving at the commence- whence the subjoined engraving has been ment of this article. THE OLD FISH-POND AT PEERLESS POOL. To the Shepherd and Shepherdess then they go To tea with their wives, for a constant rule ; And next cross tlie road to the Fountain also. And there they all sit, so pleasant and cool. And see, in and out, The folks walk about, And gentlemen angling in Peerless Fool. Tlie great eartbquake, on the first of November, 1755, which destroyed seventy thousand human beings at Lisbon, and swallowed up the greatest part of the city, affected Peerless Pool. Dr. Birch, then secretary to the Royal Society, au- thenticated the fact, and records it in the '• Philosophical Transactions." It ap- pears, that on reports that the agitation of the waters observed in many parts of England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, &c. Dn that day, had likewise been noticed ai Peerless Pool, Dr. Birch, being desir- pus of as accurate and circumstantial an account as possible of a fact which he had not heard to have been remarked in any other part of London or its suburbs, himself went thither, on Saturday, De- cember the 6th, 1755, and there took down the particulars from the mouth of one of the two waiters, who were eye- witnesses of it. This waiter said, that having been engaged, between ten and eleven in the morning, with his fellow- waiter, near the wall which enclosed the ground of the fish-pond, he accidentally cast his eye on the water, and was sur- prised to see it greatly moved without the least apparent cause, as the air was quite calm. He called to his companion to take notice of it, who at first neglected, but being urged to attend to so extraor- dinary an appearance, he was equally stnick with the sight of it. Large wavei rolled slowly to and from the bank nea. them for some time, and at last left the bed of the pond dry for several feet, and in their reflux overflowed the bank ten or 488 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 22, 2!^, 24, 25, 26. Iwelve feet, as they did the opposite one, which was evident from the wetness of the ground about it. This motion having continued for five or six minutes, the two waiters stepped to the cold-bath near tlie fish-pond, to see what passed there ; but no motion was observed in it by them, or by a gentleman who had been in it, and was then dressing himself, and who, on being told of the agitation in the fish- pond, went directly thither with the wai- ters, and was a third witness of it. On the ceasing of it, they all three went to the pleasure-bath, between which and the fish-pond the cold-bath was situated ; they found the pleasure-bath then motionless, but to have been agitated in the same manner with the fish-pond, the water having left plain marks of its having overflown the banks, and risen to the bushes on their sides. The motion in the fish-pond had also been observed by some persons in Mr. Kemp's house. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Philadelphian Lily. Lilium I'hiladelphi- cum. Dedicated to St Praxedes. Snip 22. St. Mary Magdalen. St. FandriUe, or If'andregisilus, a. d. CQQ. St. Joseph, of Palestine,called Count Joseph, about A. D. 356. St. Meneve, Abbot, a. v. 720. St. Dubius or Davius. FLORAL DIRECTORY. African Lily. Agapanthus umbellatus. Dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen Sfulp 23. Sf. ApoUinaris, Bp. of Ravenna. St. Li- borius, Bp. a. d. 397. FLORAL DIRECTORY. Muskflovver. Scabiosa atropnrpurea. Dedicated to St. ApoUinaris. 3ulp 24. St. Lupus, Bp. A. D. 478. St. Francis Solano, A. u. 1610. chosen for the combat, was the factory yard in which the first stage was erected for the fight between Ward and Cannon. This spot, which was, in fact, extremely 496 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULf 26. well calculated for the exhibition, was now completely enclosed. We formerly stated that two sides of the yard were formed by high buildings, the windows of which looked upon the area; the va- cant spaces were now filled up by Mr. Wombwell's collection of wild beasts, which were openly exposed, in their res- pective ciges, on the one side, and by paintings and canvass on the other, so that, in fact, a compact square was formed, which was securely hidden from external observation. There was but one door of admission, and that was next the town. Upon the tops of the cages seats were erected, in amphitheatrical order; and for accommodation here, one guinea was charged. The higher prices were taken for the windows in the factories, and the standing places were 10*. each. The centre of the square was occupied by the den, a large iron cage, the bars of which were sufficiently far asunder to permit the dogs to pass in and out, while the caravan in which Nero was usually confined, was drawn up close to it. The den itself was elevated upon a platform, fixed on wheels about four feet from the ground, and an inclined plane formed of thick planks was placed against it, so as o enable the dogs to rush to the attack. It was into this den that Nero was en- ticed to be baited. Wombwell's trum- peters then went forth, wiounted on horses, and in gaudy array, to announce the fight, which was fixed to take place be- tween five and seven in the evening. They travelled to Leamington, and the adjacent villages; but to have done good they should have gone still farther, for all who ventured from a distance on speculation, announced that those they left behind fully believed that their labour would be in vain. The dogs attracted a good deal of cu- riosity. They took up their quarters at 'he Green Dragon, where they held a levee, and a great number of persons paid sixpence each to have an oppoitu- nity of judging of their qualities, and certainly as far as appearance went, they seemed capable of doing much mischief. On Tuesday morning several persons were admitted to the factory to see the preparations, and at about ten o'clock the dogs were brought in. They seemed per- fectly ready to quarrel with each other, but did not evince any very hostile dis- position either towards Nero, who, from his private apartment, eyed them with great complacency, or towards the other lion and lionesses by whom they were surrounded, and who, as it were, taunted them by repeated bowlings, in which Nero joined chorus with his deep and sonorous voice. The cruelty of unneces- sarily exposing such an animal to torture, naturally produced severe comments ; and among other persons, a quaker, being in the town of Warwick, waited upon Mr. Wombwell, on Tuesday morning, with Mr. Hoare's letter, which he said he had received twenty miles from the town. However well meant this letter was, and that it arose in the purest motives of christian charity no man could doubt : with Mr. Wombwell it had no eflfect. He looked at his preparations, he looked at his lion, and he cast a glance forward to his profits, and then shook his head. The pain of the lion was to be Womb- well's profit ; and between agony to the animal, and lucre to himself, the showman did not hesitate. From the Morning Herald report of this lion bait, several marked circum- stances are selected, and subjoined under a denomination suitable to their cha- racter — viz : — Points of CitUELTY. First Combat. 1. The dogs, as if in concert, flew at the lion's nose and endeavoured to pin him, but Nero still kept up his head, striking with his foie-paws, and seem- ingly endeavouring more to ger rid of the annoyance ihzn to injure them. 2. They unceasingly kept goading, biting, and darting at his nose, sometimes hanging from his mouth, or one endea- vouring to pin a paw, while the others mangled the head. 3. Turk, made a most desperate spring at the nose, and absolutely held there for a moment, while Captain and Tiger each seized a paw ; the force of all three brought the lion from his feet, and he was pinned to the floor for the instant. 4. His great strength enabled him to shake ofi' the dogs, and then, as if quite terrified at their fury, he turned round and endeavoured to fly ; and if the bars of t'he cage had not confined him, would certainly have made away. Beaten to the end of the cage, he lay extended in one corner, his great tail hanging out through the bars. 5. Nero appeared quite exhausted, and turned a forlorn and despairing look oa Vol. I. 497 2 K THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JuLY 26. ev«>ry side for assistance. Tlie dogs be- came faint, and panting with their tongues out, stood beside him for a few seconds, until cheered and excited by their keepers' voices they again commenced the attack, and roused Nero to exertion. The poor beast's heart seemed to fail him altoge- ther at this fresh assault, and he lay against the side of the stage totally de- fenceless, while his foes endeavoured to make an impression on his carcase. 6. Turk turned to the head once more, and goaded the lion, almost to madness, by the severity of his punishment on the jaws and nose. 7. The attack had continued about six minutes, and both lion and dogs were brought to a stand still ; but Turk got his wind in a moment, and flew at his old mark of the jaw, which he laid hold of, and hung from it, while Nero roared with anguish. 8. The lion attempted to break away, and flung himself with desperation against the bars of the stage — the dogs giving chase, darting at his flank, and worrying his head, until all three being almost -pent, another pause took place, and the dogs spared their victim for an instant. 9. Turk got under his chest, and en- deavoured to fix himself on his throat, while Tiger imitating his fierceness, flew at the head. This joint attack worked the spirit of the poor lion a little, he struck Tiger from him with a severe blow of his paw, and fell upon Turk with all the weight of the fore part of his body, and then grasping his paws upon him, held him as in a vice. 10. Here the innocent nature of poor Nero was conspicuous, and the brutality of the person who fought him made more evident, for the fine animal having its totally defenceless enemy within the power of his paw, did not put it upon him and crush his head to mince meat, but lay •with his mouth open, panting for breath, nor could all the exertions of Wombwell from outside the bars direct his fury at the dog who was between his feet. 11. It now became a question what was to be done, as Tiger crawled away and was taken to his kennel, and there appeared no chance of the lion moving from his position and relieving the other dog. However, after about a minute's pause, the lion opened his hold, released the dog and got upon his legs, as if he became at ease when freed from the pu- nishment of his assailants. 12. Turk findinghimself at liberty, faced the lion, flew at his nose, and there fast- ened himself like a leech, while poor Nero roared again with anguish. Tlie lion contrived, by a violent exertion, to shake him off". Thus terminated the first round in eleven minutes. Second Combat. 1. The three dogs were brought to theit station, aad pointed and excited at the lion ; but the inoff'ensive, innocent crea- ture walked about the stage, evidently unprepared for a second attack. 2. Word being given, the three dogs were slipped at once, and all darted at the flank of the lion, amid the horrid din of the cries of their handlers, and the clapping and applause of the mob. The lion finding himself again assailed, did not turn against his foes, but broke away with a roar, and went several times round the cage seeking to escape from their fury. 3. Tlie dogs pursued him, and all heading him as if by the same impulse, flew at his nose together, brought him down, and pinned him to the floor. Theii united strength being now evidently su- perior to his, he was held fast for several seconds, while the mob shouted with re newed delight. 4. Nero, by a desperate exertion, cleared himself at length from their fury, and broke away ; but the dogs again gave chase and headed him once more, sprung at his nose, and pinned him all three to- gether. The poor beast, lacerated and torn, groaned with pain and heart-rending anguish, and a few people, with some- thing of a human feeling about them, called out to Wombwell to give in for the lion ; but he was callous to their entrea- ties, and Nero was left to his fate. 5. Poor Nero lay panting on the stage, his mouth, nose, and chaps full of blood, while a contest took place between Wombwell and the keepers of the dogs, the one refusing, and the other claiming the victory. At length brutality pre- vailed, and the dogs were slipped again for the purpose of finishing. 6. Nero was unable to rise and meet them, and suffered himself to be torn and pulled about as they pleased ; while the dogs, exulting over their prey, mumbled his carcase, as he lay quite powerless and exhausted. Wombwell then seeing that all chance of the lion coming round was hopeless, and dreading that the death of the poor animal must be the consequence 498 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 26. of further punishment, gave in at last, and the handlers of tlie dogs laid hold of them by the legs, and pulled them by main force away, on which another shout of brutal exultation was set up, and the savage sport of the day concluded. Nero's Tameness. Had he exerted a tithe of his strength, struck with his paws, or used his fangs, he must have killed all the dogs, but the poor beast never bit his foes, or attempted any thing further than defending himself from an annoyance. On the whole, the exhibition was the most brutal we have ever witnessed, and appears to be inde- fensible in every point of view. In reprobating the baiting of this tame lion by trained and savage dogs, the pe- riodical press has been unanimous. The Neiv Times says, " We rejoice to observe the strong feeling of aversion with which the public in general have heard of this cruel exhibition. As a question of natural history, it may be deemed curious to ascer- tain the comparative ferocity of the lion and the bull-dog ; but even in this respect the Warwick fight cannot be deemed satisfactory; for though the lion was a large and majestic animal, yet, as he had been born and brought up in a domestic state, he had evidentlyhttle or nothing of the fury which a wild animal of the same species evinces in combat. Buffon observes, that the lion is very susceptible of the im- pressions given to him, and has always docility enough to be rendered tame to a certain degree.' He adds, that * the lion, if taken young, and brought up among domestic animals, easily accustoms him- self to live with them, and even to play without doing them injury ; that he is mild to his keeper, and even caressing, especially in the early part of his life ; and that if his natural fierceness now and then breaks out, it is seldom turned against those who have treated him with kindness.' These remarks of the great naturalist are very fully confirmed by the conduct of poor Nero; for both be- fore and after the combat, he suffered his keeper, Wombwell, with impunity to enter his den, give him water to drink, and throw the remainder over his head. — We begin now to feel that a man has no r'lsht to torment inferior animals for his omuseraent ; but it must be confessed that this sentiment is rather of recent pre- dominance. The gladiatorial shows of Rome, the quail-fights of India, the bull- fights of Spain, may, in some measure, keep our barbarous ancestors in coun- tenance ; but the fact is, that bear-baiting, badger-baiting, buU-baiting, cock-fighting, and such elegant modes of setting on poor animals to worry and torment each other, were, little more than a century ago, the fashionable amusement of per- sons in all ranks of life. They have gra- dually descended to the lowest of the vulgar ; and though there always will be found persons who adopt the follies and vices of their inferiors, yet these form a very small and inconsiderable minority of the respectable classes ; and in another generation it will probably be deemed disgraceful in a gentleman to associate, on any occasion, with prize-fighters and pickpockets.'' By right education, and the diffusion of humane principles, we may teach youth to shun the inhuman ex- ample of their forefathers. WOMBWETLS SECOND LION BAIT. Determined not to forego a shilling which could be obtained by the exposure of an animal to torture, Wombwell in the same week submitted another of his hons to be baited. The Times, in giving an account of this renewed brutality, after a forcible expres- sion of its " disgust and indignation at the cruelty of the spectacle, and the su- pmeness of the magistracy," proceeds thus : " Wombwell has, notwithstanding the public indignation which accompanied the exposure of the lion Nero to the six dogs, kept his word with the lovers of cruel sports by a second exhibition. He matched his ' Wallace,' a fine lion, cubbed in Scotland, against six of the best dogs that could be found. Wallace's temper is the very opposite of that of the gentle Nero. It is but seldom that he lets even his feeders approach him, and he soon shows that he cannot reconcile himself to familiarity from any creature not of his own species. Towards eight o'clock the factory-yard was well attended, at 5s. each person, and soon after the battle tiimmenced. The lion was turned from his den to the same stage on which Nero fought. The match was — 1st. Three cou- ples of dogs to be sMpped at him, two at a time — 2d. Twenty minutes or more, as the umpires should think fit, to be allov%ed 499 THE EVERY-DAi BOOK.— JULY 26. between each attack — 3d. The dogs to be handed to the cage once only. Tinker, Ball, Billy, Sweep, Turpin, Tiger." THE FIGHT. " In the first round. Tinker and Ball were let loose, and both made a gallant attack ; the lion having waited for them as if aware of the approach of his foes. He showed himself a forest lion, and fought like one. He clapped his paw upon poor Ball, took Tinker in his teeth, and deliberately walked round the stage with him as a cat would with a mouse. Ball, released from the paw, worked all he could, but Wallace treated his slight punishment by a kick now and then. He at length dropped Tinker, and that poor animal crawled off the stage as well as he could. The lion then seized Ball by the mouth, and played precisely the same game with him as if he had actually been trained to it. Ball would have been almost devoured, but his second got hold of him through the bars, and hauled him away. Turpin, a London, and Sweep, a Liverpool dog, made an excellent attack, but it was three or four minutes before the ingenuity of their seconds could get them on. Wallace squatted on his haunches, and placed himself erect at the slope where the dogs mounted the stage, as if he thought they dared not approach. The dogs, when on, fought gallantly; but both were vanquished in less than a minute after their attack. The London dog bolted as soon as he could extricate himself from the lion's grasp, but Sweep would have been killed on the spot, but he was released. Wedgbury untied IBilly and Tiger, casting a most piteous look upon the wounded dogs around him. Both went to work. Wallace seized Billy by the loins, and when shaking him. Tiger having run away, Wedgbury cried out, ' There, you see how you've gammoned me to have the best dog in England killed.' Billy, however, escaped with his life ; he was dragged through the railing, after having received a mark in the loins, which (if he recovers at all) will probably render him unfit for any future contest The victory of course was declared in fa- vour of the lion. — Several well-dressed women viewed the contest from the upper apartment of the factory." — JFomen ! country to fight a lion against dogs. In the time of James I., the exhibition took place for the amusement of the court Those who are curious on the subject, willfindin "Seymour's Survey," a descrip- tion of an experiment of that nature, in 1610. Two lions and a bear were first put into a pit together, but they agreed perfectly well, and disappointed the royal spectators in not assaulting each other. A high-spirited horse was then put in with them, but neither the bear nor the lions attacked him. Six mastiffs were next let loose, but they directed all their fury against the horse, flew upon it, and would have torn it in pieces, but for the inter- ference of the bear-wards, who went into the pit, and drew the dogs away, the lions and b'^ar remaining unconcerned. Your profound antiquarian will vouch for the truth of this narration, but it goes a very little way to establish the fact of an ac- tual fight between a lion and dogs. Per- haps an extract from Stoic's Annals may be more satisfactory. It is an account of a contest stated to have taken place in the presence of James I., and his son, prince Henry. "One of the dogs being put into the den, was soon disabled by the lion, who took him by the head and neck, and dragged him about. Another dog was then let loose, and served in the same manner ; but the third being put in, im- mediately seized the lion by the lip, and held him for a considerable time; till be- ing severely torn by his claws, the dog was obliged to quit his hold ; and the lion, greatly exhausted by the conflict, refused to renew the engagement ; but taking a sudden leap over the dogs, fled into the interior of his den. Two of the dogs soon died of their wounds ; the third survived, and was taken great care of by the prince, who said, * he that had fought with the king of beasts should never after fight with an inferior creature.' ''* Lion Fights in England. It is more than two hundred years SMice an attempt has been made in this Lion Fight at Vienna. Tliere was a lion fight at the amphi- theatre of Vienna, in the summer of 1 790, which was almost the last permitted in that capita'. The amphitheatre at Vienna embraced an area of from eighty to a hundred feet in diameter. The lower part of the struc- ture comprised the dens of the diff'erent animals. Above those dens, and^ about ten feet from the ground, were the first and * Morning Herald. 500 THE E VERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 26. principal seats, over which were galleries. In the course ot tlie entertainment, a den was opened, out of which stalked, in free and ample range, a most majestic lion ; and, soon after, a fallow deer was let into the circus from another den. The deer instantly fled, and bounded round the circular space, pursued by the lion ; but the quick and sudden turnings of the former continually baulked the eflbrt of its pursuer. After this ineffectual chase had continued for several minutes, a door was opened, through which the deer es- cnped ; and presently five or six of the large and fierce Hungarian mastiff;; were sent in. The lion, at the moment of their entrance, was leisurely returning to his den, the door of which stood open. The dogs, which entered behind him, flew to- wards him in a body, with the utmost fury, making the amphitheatre ring with their barkings. When they reached the lion, the noble animal stopped, and deli- Derately turned towards them. The dogs instantly retreated a few steps, increasing their vociferations, and the lion slowly resumed his progress towards his den. The dogs again approached ; the lion turned his head ; his adversaries halted ; and this continued until, on his nearing his den, the dogs separated, and ap- proached him on different sides. The lion ihen turned quickly round, like one whose dignified patience could brook the harrassment of insolence no longer. The dogs fled far, as if instinctively sensible of the power of wrath they had at length provoked. One unfortunate dog, how- ever, which had approached too near to effect his escape, was suddenly seized by the paw of the lion; and the piercing yells which he sent forth quickly caused his comrades to recede to the door of en- trance at the opposite site of the area, where they stood in a row, barking and yelling in concert with their miserable associate. After arresting the struggling and yell- ing prisoner for a short time, the lion couched upon him with his forepaws and mouth. The struggles of the sufferer grew feebler and feebler, until at length he be- came perfectly motionless. We all con- cluded him to be dead. In this com- posed posture of executive justice, the lion remained for at least ten niinutes, when he majestically rose, and with a ^'■ow step entered his den, and disap- peared. The apparent corpse continued to lie motionless for a lew minutes; oie- sently the dog, to his amazement, and that of the whole amphitheatre, found himself alive, and rose with his nose pointed to the ground, his tail between his hind legs pressing his belly, and, as soon as he was certified of his existence, he made off for the door in a long trot, through which he escaped with his more fortunate comoa- nions.* Another Lion Fight at Vienna. Of late years the truth of the accounts which have been so long current, respect- ing the generous disposition of the lion, have been called in question. Several travellers, in their accounts of Asia and Africa, describe him as of a more rapa- cious and sanguinary disposition than had formerly been supposed, although few of them have had the opportunity to make him a particular object of their attention. A circumstance that occurrei; not long since in Vienna seems, however, to con- firm the more ancient accounts. In the year 1791, at which period the custom of baiting wild beasts still existed in that city, a combat was to be exhibited be- tween a lion and a number of large dogs. As soon as the noble animal made his appearance, four large bull-dogs were turned loose upon him, three of which, however, as soon as they came near him, took fright, and ran away. One only had courage to remain, and make the at- tack. The lion, however, without risin'^ from the ground upon which he was lying, showed him, by a single stroke with his paw, liow greatly his superior he was in strength ; for the dog was instantly stretched motionless on the ground. The lion drew him towards him, and laid his fore-paws upon him in such a manner that only a small part of his body could be seen. Every one ima- gined that the dog was dead, and that the lion would soon rise and devour him. But they were mistaken. The dog began to move, and struggled to get loose, which the lion permitted him to do. He seem- ed merely to have warned him not to meddle with him any more ; but when the dog attempted to run away, and had already got half over the enclosure, the lion's indignation seemed to be excited. He sprang from the ground, and in two leaps reached the fugitive, who had just got as far as the paling, and was whinir^ to have it opened for him to escape. * Tl\? Tiiaec. JOl THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 26. The flying animal had called the instinc- tive propensity of the monarch of the forest into action : the defenceless enemy now excited his pity ; for the generous Jion stepped a few paces backward, and iooked quietly on, while a small door was opened to let the dog out of the enclosure. This unequivocal trait of generosity moved every spectator. A shout of ap- plause resounded throughout the assem- bly, who had enjoyed a satisfaction of a description far superior to what they had expected. It is possible that the African lion, when, under the impulse of hunger, he goes out to seek his prey, may not so ofien exhibit this magnanimous disposi- tion ; for in that case he is compelled by imperious necessity to satisfy the cravings of nature ; but when his appetite is sa- tiated, he never seeks for prey, nor does he ever destroy to gratify a blood-thirsty disposition.* A Man killed by a Lion, Under the reign of Augustus, king of Poland and elector of Saxony, a lion was kept in the menagerie at Dresden, between whom and his attendant such a good understanding subsisted, that the 'atter used not to lay the food which he brought to him before the grate, but car- ried it into his cage. Generally the man wore a green jacket ; and a considerable time had elapsed, during which the lion had always appeared very friendly and grateful whenever he received a visit from him. Once the keeper, having been to church to receive the sacrament, had put on a black coat, as is usual in that country upon such occasions, and he still wore it when he gave the lion his dinner. The unusual appearance of the black coat excited the lion's rage ; he leapt at his keeper, and struck his claws into his shoulder. The man spoke to him gently, when the well-known tone of his voice brought the lion in some degree to recol- lection. Doubt appeared expressed in his terrific features ; however, he did not quit his hold. An alarm was raised : the wife and children ran to the place with shrieks of terror. Soon some grenadiers of the guard arrived, and offered to shoot the animal, as there seemed, in this cri- tical moment, to be no other means of * Zoological Anecdutet. extricating the man from him; ^ut the keeper, who was attached to thp lion, begged them not to do it, as he hoped he should be able to extricate hiraseit at a less expense. For nearly a quarter of an hour, he capitulated with his enraged friend, who still would not let go his hold, but shook his mane, lashed his sides with his tail, and rolled his fiery eyes. At length the man felt himself unable to sustain the weight of the lion, and yet any serious effort to extricate himself would have been at the immediate hazard of his life. He therefore desired the gre- nadiers to fire, which they did through the grate, and killed the lion on the spot ; but in the same moment, perhaps only by a convulsive dying grasp, he squeezed the keeper between his powerful claws with such force, that he broke his arms, ribs, and spine ; and they both fell down dead together.* A ffoman killed by a Lion. In the beginning of the last century, there was in the menagerie at Cassel, a lion that showed an astonishing degree of tameness towards the woman that had the care of him. This went so far, that the woman, in order to amuse the c m- pany that came to see the animal, uld often rashly place not only her hand, but even her head, between his tremendous jaws. She had frequently performed this experiment without suffering any injury; but having once introduced her head into the lion's mouth, the animal made a sud- den snap, and killed her on the spot. Undoubtedly, this catastrophe was unin- tentional on the part of the lion ; for pro- bably at the fatal moment the hair of the woman's head irritated the lion's throat, and compelled him to sneeze or cough ; at least, this supposition seems to be con- firmed by what followed : for as soon as the lion perceived that he had killed his attendant, the good-tempered, grateful animal exhibited signs of the deepest me- lancholy, laid himself down by the side of the dead body, which he would not suffer to be taken from him, refused to take any food, and in a few days pined himself to death.f The Lions in the Tower. Lions, with other beasts of prey and curious animals presented to the king u< * Zoological Anecdotes, t )bid. 532 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 26. England, are committed to the Tower on their arrival, there to remain in the cus- tody of a keeper especially appointed to that office by letters patent ; he has apart- ments for himself, with an allowance of sixpence a day, and a further sixpence a day for every lion and leopard. Mait- land says the office was usually filled by some person of distinction and quality, and he instances the appointment of Ro- bert Marsfield, Esq., in the reign of king Henry VI.* It appears from the patent rolls, that in 1382, Richard II. appointed John Evesham, one of his valets, keeper of the lions, and one of the valets-at-arms in the Tower of London, during pleasure. His predecessor was Robert Bowyer.-f- Maitland supposes lions and leopards to have been the only beasts kept there for many ages, except a white bear and an elephant in the reign of Henry III. That n)onarch, on the 26th of February, 1256, honoured the sheriff of London with the following precept : — " The King to the Sheriffs of London, greeting : We com- mand you, that of the farm of our city ye cause, without delay, to be built at our Tower of London one house of foity feet long, and twenty feet deep, for our Elephant." Next year, on the 11th of October, the king in like manner com- manded the sheriffs " to find for the said Elephant and his keeper such necessaries as should be reasonable needful." He had previously ordered them to allow foui pence a day for keeping the white bear and his keeper ; and the sheriffs were royally favoured with an injunction to provide a muzzle and an iron chain to hold the bear out of the water, and also a long and strong cord to hold him while he washed himself in the Thames. Stow relates, that James I., on a visit to the lion and lioness in the Tower, caused a live lamb to be put into them ; but they refused to harm it, although the lamb in its innocence went close to them. An anecdote equally striking was related to the editor of the Every-Day Book by an individual whose friend, a few years ago, saw a young calf thrust into the den of a lion abroad. The calf walked to the lion, and rubbed itself against him as he lay ; the lion looked, but did not move; the calf, by thrusting its nose under the side of the lion, indicated a desire to suck, and the lion then slowly rose and « Maitlaivl's London, tdit. 17"2. i. 17 i Gent, Ms .>f St. Anne at Rome thow a rude silvif ring as the wedaing-riug ut 505 TIIE EVEHY-DAY book.— JULY 2fi Anne and Joachim ; both ring and story ftre ingenious fabrications. There are of course plenty of her relics and miracles from the same sources. They are further noticed in the work on the " Mysteries" referred to before. SU.VIMER HOLIDAYS. A. young, and not unknown correspon- Qent of the Every-Day Book, has had a holiday — his first holiday since he came to London, and settled down into an every-day occupation of every hour of his time. He seems until now not to have known that the environs of London abound in natural as well as artificial beauties. What he has seen will be pro- ductive of this advantage; it will induce residents in London, who never saw Dul- wich, to pay it a visit, and see all that he saw. Messrs. Colnaghi and Son, of Pall- mall East, Mr. Clay of Ludgate-hill, or any other respectable printseller, will supply an applicant with a ticket of ad- mission for a party, to see the noble gal- lery of pictures there. These tickets are gratuitous, and a summer holiday may be delightfully spent by viewing the paint- ings, and_ walking in the pleasant places adjacent: the pictures will be agreeable topics for conversation during the stroll. MY HOLIUAY ! To the Editor of the Every-Day Book. My dear Sir, The kind and benevolent feelings which you are so wont to discover, and the sparkling good-humour and sympathy which characterize your Every-Day Book, iencourage me to describe to you " My holiday !" I approach you with fami- liarity, being well known as your constant reader. You also know me to be a pro- vhicial cockney — a transplant. Oh! why then do you so often paint nature in her enchanting loveliness ? What cruelty 1 Y'ou know my destiny is foreign to my desires : I cannot now seek the shade of a retired grove, carelessly throw myself on the bank of a " babbling brook," there muse and angle, as I was wont to do, and, as my old friend Izaak Walton bade me, — " watch the sun to rise and set. There meditate my time away. And beg to have a quiet passage to a welcome grave." But, I have had a holiday ! The desk was forsaken for eight-and-forty hours ! Think of that ! 1 have experienced what Leigh Hunt desires every christian to experience — that there is a green and gay world, as well as a brick and mortar one. Months previous was the spot fixed upon which was to receive my choice, happy spirit. Dulwich was the place It was an easy distance from town ; more- over, it was a " rustic" spot ; moreover, it had a picture-gallery ; in a word, it was just the sort of place for me. The happy morning dawned. I could say with Horace, with the like feelings of enraptured delight — " Insanire juvat. Sparge rosas." Such was the disposition of my mind. We met (for I was accompanied) at that general rendezvous for carts, stages, waggons, and sociables, the Elephant and Castle. There were the honest, valiant, laughter-loving J — ; the pensive, kindly- hearted G — ; and the sanguine, romantic, speculative M — . A conveyance was soon sought. It was a square, covered vehicle, set on two wheels, drawn by one horse, which was a noble creature, creditable to its humane master, who has my best wishes, as I presume he will never have cause to answer under Mr. Martin's Act. Thus equipaged and curtained in,we mer- rily trotted by the Montpelier Gardens, and soon overtook the " Fox-under-the- Ilill." To this " Fox" I was an entire stranger, having never hunted in that part of the country before. The beautiful hill which brought us to the heights of Camberwell being gained, we sharply turned to the left, which gave us the view of Dulwich and its adjoining domains in the distance. Oh, ecstacy of thought ! Gentle hills, dark valleys, far-spreading groves, luxuriant corn-fields, magnificent prospects, then sparkled before me. The rich carpet of nature decked with Flora's choicest flowers, and wafting perfumes of odoriferous herbs floating on the breezes, expanded and made my heart replete with joy. What kind-heartedness then beamed in our countenances ! We talked, and joked, and prattled ; and so fast did our transports impulse, that to expect an answer to one of my eager inquiries as to " who lives here or there?" was out ol the question. Our hearts were redolent of joy. It was our holiday ! By the side of the neat, grassy, pictu- resque burying-ground w« alighted, in fiont of Dulwich-coUege. Now for the picture-gallery. Some demui took place ;06 THE EVER\-DAY BOOK.— JULY 26. FLS to the safety of the " ticket." After a few moments' mtense anxiety, it appeared. How important was that square bit of card ! — It was the key to our hopes — " Admit Mr. R — and friends ;o view the Bourgeois Gallery." We entered hy the gate which conducts into the clean, neat, and well-paved courtyard contiguous to the gallery. In the lodge, which is situ- ate at the end of this paved footpath, you .see a comely, urbane personage. With a polite bend of the head, and a gentle smile of good-nature on his countenance on the production of the " ticket," he bids you welcome. The small folding doors on your right hand are then opened, and this magnificent gallery is before you. Tliis collection is extremely rich in the works of the old masters, particularly Poussin, Teniers, Vandyke, Claude, Ru- bens, Cuype, Murillo, Velasquez, A nnibal Caracci, Vandervelt, Vanderwerf, and Vanhuysem. Here I luxuriated. With my catalogue in hand, and the eye steadily fixed upon the subject, T gazed, and al- though neither connoisseur nor student, felt that calmness, devotion, and serenity of soul, which the admiration of either the works of a poet, or the " sweet har- .nony'' of sound, or form, alone work upon my heart. I love nature, and here she was imitated in her simplest and truest colour- ings. The gallery, or rather the five elegant rooms, are well designed, and the pictures admirably arranged. We entered by a door about midway in the gallery, on the left, and were particularly pleased with the mausoleum. The design is clever and ingenious, and highly creditable to the talents of Mr. Soane. Here lie sir Francis Bourgeois, and Mr. and Mrs Desenfans, surrounded by these exquisite pictures. The masterly painting of the Death of Cardinal Beaufort is observed nearly over this entrance-door. But, time hastens — and after noticing yonder pic- lure which hangs at the farther extremity ofthe gallery, I will retire. It isthe Mar/;/r- dom of St. Sebastian, by Annibal Caracci. Upon this sublime painting I could medi- tate away an age. It is full of power, of real feeling and poetry. Mark that coun- tenance — the uplifted eye " with holy fer- vour bright 1" — the resignation, calmness, and holy serenity, which speak of truth and magnanimity, contrasted with the physical sufferings and agonies of a horrid death. I was lo^t — my mind was slum- bering on this ocean of sublimity ! The lover of rural sights will return from Dulwich-colJege by the retired foot- path that strikes off to the right by the " cage" and " stocks" opposite the bury- ing-ground. On ascending the verdant hill which leads to Camberwell Grove, the rising objects that gradually open to the view are most beautif.iUy picturesque and enchanting. We reached the summit of the Five Fields : — " Heav'ns ! what a goodly prospect spread around Of hills, and dales, and woods, and lawns, and spires, And glittering towns, and gilded streams.' This is a fairy region. The ravished eye glances from villa to grove, turret, pleasure-ground, hill, dale ; and " figured streams in waves of silver" roll. Here are seen Norwood, Sliooter's-hill, Seven Droog Castle, Peckham,Walworth,Green- wich, Deptford,and bounding the horizon, the vast gloom of Epping Forest. What a holiday ! What a feast for tlie mind, the eye, and the heart 1 A few paces from us we suddenly discerned a humble, aged, wintry object, sitting as if in mock- ery of the golden sunbeam which played across his furrowed cheek. The philan- thropy ofthe good and gentle Elia inspired our hearts on viewing this "dim speck,'' this monument of days gone by. Love is charity, and it was charitable thus to love. The good old patriarch asked not, but received alms with humility and grati- tude. His poverty was honourable : his character was noble and elevated in low- liness. He gracelessly doffed his many- coloured cap in thanks (for hat he had none), and the snowy locks floating on the breeze rendered him an object as inte- resting as he was venerable. Could we have made all sad hearts gay, we should but have realized the essayings of our souls. Our imaginings were of gladness and of joy. It was our holiday ! Now, my holiday is past ! Hope, like a glimmering star, appears to me through the dark waves of time, and is ominous of future days like these. We are now " at home," homely in use as occupation I am hugging the desk, and calculating. I can now only request others who have leisure and opportunity to take a " holi- day,'" and make it a " holiday" similar to this. Health will be improved, the heart delighted, and the mind strengthened. The grovelling sensualist, who sees plea- sure only in confusion, never can know pleasures compai able with these. There i» 507 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 9,0- a moral to every circumstance of life One may be trared in the events of " My holiday 1" . , c- •' 1 am, dear air, Youis very truly, S. R. WEATHER. To the F}iltor of the Every- Day Book. Sir, The subjoined table for foretelling weather, appears strictly within the plan of the Every-Day Book, for who that purposes out-door recreation, would noi seize the probability of fixing on a fint* day for the purpose ; or what agricul- turist would decjine information that I venture to affirm may be relied on ' It is copied from the Rev. Dr. Adam Clarke. (See the " Wesleyan Methodist Magazine," New Series, vol. iii., p. 457, 4-58.) Be- lieving that it will be gratifying and useful to your readers, 1 am, &c., O. F. S Doctors Commons. THE WEATHER PROGNOSTICATOR Through all the Lunations of each Year for ever. This table and the accompanying remarks are the result of many years' actual observation ; the whole being constructed on a due consideration of the attraction ol the sun and moon in their several positions respecting the earth ; and will, by simple inspection, show the observer what kind of weather will most probably follow the en- trance of the moon into any of her quarters, and that so near the truth as to be seldom or never found to fail. Moon, a a» Time of Change. Between midnight and two in the morning . . 2 and 4 morn.,< 4 and 6 6 and 8 8 and 10 10 and 12. At twelve o'clock at noon .ind to two P. M Between 2 and 4 Aftern. 4 and 6 6 and 8. 8 and 10 10 and midnight .. In Sumi»ijr. Fair Cold with frequent \ showers J Rain Wind and rain .... Changeable Frequent showers . . Very rainy Chansreable Fair Fair if wind NW. Rainy, if S.orSW. Ditto Fair In Winter. Hard frost, unless the wind be S. or W. Snow and stormy. Rain. Stormy. Cold rain, if wind W. ; snow ifE. Cold and high wind. Snow or rain. Fair and mild. Fair. Fair and frosty if wind N. orNE. Rain or snow if S. or SW. Ditto Fair and frosty. OBSERVATIONS. 1 . The nearer the time of the moon's change, first quarter, full, and last quarter, is to midnight, tlie fairer will the weather be during the seven days following. 2. The space for this calculation occupies from ten at night till two next morning. 3. The nearer to mid day or noon these phases of the moon happen, the more foul or wet the weather may be expected during the next seven days. 4. The space for this calculation occupies from ten in the forenoon to two in the afternoon. These observations refer principally to summer, though they affect spring and autumn nearly in the same ratio. 5. The moon's change — first quarter — full — and last quarter, happening during six of the afternoon hours, i. e. from four to ten, may be followed by fair weather : but this is mostly dependent on the wind, as it is noted in the table. 6. Though the weather, from a variety of irregular canses, is more uncertain in the laUer part of autumn, the whole of winter, and the beginning of spring ; yet, in the mam. the above observations will apply to those periods also. ;o8 THE EDITOE'S VISITS TO CLAUDE AMBROISE SEUEAT, EXHIBITED IN PALL MALL UNDER THE APPELLATION OF THE ANATOMIE VIVANTE; or, LIVING SKELETON! Tliou com'st in such a questionable shape, That I will spoiik to thee. Shakspeare. 509 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 26. I have usited Claude Ambroise neither unhappy nor miserable. " God Seurat. Some would call him an un- tempers the wind to the shorn limu. ' happy or a miserable creature ; he is How little do they see what is, who frame Their hasty judgment upon that which seems. Souther/. If Seurat had not seen men of firmer make, he would not know that the in- firmity peculiar to himself is unnatural. Were he dressed like other persons, there is nothing in his countenance or speech to denote him different from themselves ; and yet the difference is so great, that it is wonderful tliat he should " live, and move, and have his being." Tlie " Interesting Account and Ana- tomical Description" of this extraordinary individual, sold at the Chinese Saloon, where he is exhibited, is to the following effect : — Claude Ambroise Seurat was born at Troyes, in the department of Champaigne, on the 10th of April, 1797, and is now therefore twenty-eight years of age. His parents were respectable, but poor, and neither of them presicnted any deformity, or uncommon appearance ; on the con- trary, they are stated to have enjoyed robust health. The child on coming into the world, presented the customary baby form, but in proportion as the infant grew, the frame p;radualhi trusted away, and so continued to decrease until the attainment of its full stature, which oc- curred at the usual term of life, at which f)eriod Claude had attained his present leight, while his frame had dwindled to the skeleton form which it now so deci- dedly presents. In France, where he ate very little of any animal food, a penny French roll was enough for a day's sustenance ; but as he now partakes of a small quantity of animal diet, his bread is reduced accord- ingly- As regards his feeding, those dishes which afford most nourishment satisfy him the quickest ; and two or three ounces a day are quite sufficient. In France he was accustomed to drink the wine of his country ; but in England he partakes of wines greatly diluted with water, finding the liquors here so much stronger, as the Champaigne he usually drank was what is denominated v'ni de paj/i, or small wine, of which there is none in this country. In eating, he mas- ticater his victuals very much, taking small pieces, as the passage to the sto would not admit of any great re- pletion, and in drinking the same pre- caution is required, otherwise suflbcation would ensue. His digestion is extremely good, and the consequent functions ol nature are regularly performed. It is a singular fact, that such is the extreme sensitiveness of this almost non- descript, or sport of nature, that when touched on the left side with the finger, tlie surface of the body, to a certain ex- tent, is observed to manifest its sympathy, by an involuntary chill, which contracts the pores, and produces that roughness of surface vulgarly known by the deno- mination of goose's skin. In raising either of his feet from the floor, the limb appears to be distended uselessly from the knee, and we cannot better illustrate the idea \han by that sensation we com- monly experience upon allowing a limb to remain too long in one position, there- by causing a temporary strangulation of the vessels, known by the common term of the foot being asleep. Previous to the arrival of Seurat in England, the French physicians who had inspected him, gave it as their opinion, that his lungs were placed in a different position to that usually occupied in the human frame. Since liis arrival, sir Astley Cooper, by whom he has been visited, finds that his heart is placed so much out of the com- mon reeion allotted to it, that it is pre- cisely its own length lower than if pro- perly placed. Many attempts were made to have Claude Ambroise Seurat presented to the French king; but the father conceiving that he might be consigned to some wretched asylum, there to subsist upon a miserable pension, uniformly objected to it From the statements made by the fat>ier, it appears that the French gentle- men of the faculty, who visited his son, handling him roughly, and pinching him in every direction, the son refused to see them at all afterwards, and thus imbibed such a distaste for his professional country- men, that he determined not to show him- self to them any more. In consequence, the Parisian Ecole de Medicine has never 510 THE EVERY-DAY ROOK.— JULY 26. been made acquainted with his exist- ence. Many proposals made to the father for the purchase of the body of his son, Claude Ambroise Seurat, in the event of his demise, were uniformly rejected. A medical gentleman particularly, in Burgundy, oflered a carte blanche, which the parent, with feelings highly honour- able to himself, refused, stating his determination, that in the event of his son's demise, he should be peaceably consigned to the cemetery of his native city. While at Kouen, no less than one thousand five hundred persons flocked in one day to see Seurat on his road to England. The health of this singular being has been very good. His respiration is some- what confined, being the necessary result of a contraction of the lungs ; yet, upon the whole, he does not appear to be much inconvenienced on that account, in con- sequence of the little exercise he takes, and the quiescent state of the animal system. The texture of the skin is of a dry, parchment- like appearance, which, cover- ing any other human form, would not answer the purposes of its functions, but seems calculated alone to cover the slen- der, juiceless body of the being arrayed with it. The ribs are not only capable of being distinguished, but may be clearly sepa- rated and counted one by one, and han- dled like so many pieces of cane; and, together with the skin which covers them, resemble more the hoops and outer cover- ing of a small balloon, than any thing in the ordinary course of nature. If any thing can exceed the unearthly appearance displayed by this wonderful phenomenon, it is that taken by profile ; which, from the projection of the shoulder, pursuing the same down through the ex- treme hollow of the back, and then fol- lowing the line to the front of the hip, nearly forms a figure of 3. In the front appears the unnatural projection of the j chest, from the falling in of the abdomen ; j the prominence of the left side of the i body, in consequence of tlie position of j the heart ; and the sudden protusion of ' the posteriors. \ The action produced by the effort of the lungs does not proceed from the chest, as in ordinary cases, but from the lower extremity of the abdomen, as though the organs of respiration, from excessive laxity, had absolutely descended from their pro- per sphere, and that by a tenacious eftort of nature, unwilling to yield possession of her functions, they had accommodated themselves, by time, to such an unnatural and incredible a position. Seurat is presented to view in a state of nudity, save a mere covering of several inches deep round the loins, through which are cut large holes to admit the hip bones to pass through, for the purpose of keeping it in its place. His general appearance is that of a person almost entirely devoid of muscular substance, and conveys to the mind the idea of a being composed of bones, cellular sub- stance and skin only on. It is true, the appearances of the face, neck, fore-arm, and calves of the legs, may, in some mea- sure, form exceptions to this general as- sertion, since in these situations there is something like flesh. His height is about five feet seven inches and a half. The length of his extremities proportionate to the height of his body. His head is small rather than otherwise. The cranium, (or skull,) at the back part, over the occipital protuber- ance above the neck, is much flattened ; the cervical organs in this situation being very sparely developed. In other respects the skull is tolerably well formed. Seu- rat's countenance is by no means dis- pleasing ; for though the cheek-bones are prominent, the cheeks themselves sunk, and the other features of the face plain, still there is a placid and contemplative expression, which indicates the presence of a serene and thoughtful mind, claim- ing for itself from the spectators, feeUngs of pity and regret. The neck, on being examined from be- fore, appears short, flat, and broad. The shortness is principally owing to his in- ability to hold the face properly elevated, in consequence of which the chin drops down, and conceals the upper part of the neck. The flatness depends on the little muscular and cellular substance present, and on the great breadth of the neck, which takes from its natural rotundity. This great breadth is caused 1 y the pecu- liar form and situation of the scapulae, (or shoulder-blade,) the upper angles of which, instead of laying on the poslerioi portions of the uppermost ribs, are turned over the shoulder, and pass so far forward as nearly to reach the middle of the cla- vicles, (the collar-bones,) where their situ- ation may be easily seen from before. 511 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JUL/ 26 Of course, tlie muscles called levator as scajmlcB, which arise from the wpper vertebrae of the neck, and usually pass downwards, and a very little outward?, m this case, pass very much outwards, in a direction towards the shoulder-joint, and extend the neck considerably in a lateral direction. These muscles, from their size and turgidity, have the appear- ance of bones in Seurat. The larynx, as far as can be judged of from an external examination, is well formed, and that protuberance of the thy- soir cartilage called pomum adanii, or the apple of the throat, is prominent. The formation of the upper extremities and chest, is one of the most remarkable features of this man. The left scapula is higher than the right ; both are remark- ably prominent ; so much so, that, when viewed sideways, there appears to be a large tumour underneath the skin, over the lower angle : this arises from the great projection of the lower angle itself from the ribs. It has been already stated, that the upper angle is placed unusually for- wards, and at the laottom of the neck, from this point, the scapula proceeds backwards, and, to permit its closer ap- plication to the upper and back part of the chest, its concave surface is remark- ably curved, but still not sufficiently so to prevent the lower angle from projecting in an unseemly manner. This arrange- ment of the component parts of the sca- pula and its muscles, interferes very much with the freedom of its movements, par- ticularly the rotatory ones, which in other subjects are so varied. Seurat can raise his hands and arms from his side, in a lateral direction, to a position nearly horizontal. He cannot, however, pass them far forwards, when tiuis elevated. He can throw the scapula backwards, so as to make them almost meet at their lower ends ; nevertheless, he is unable to lift his hands to his mouth, so as to feed himself in the ordinary way. When eating, he places his elbow on the table before him, then, by raising his hand, thus supported, anr" passing his head downwards, so as to meet it half way as it were, he is able to put his food into his mouth. The humerus, or bone of the arm, from the elbow to the shoulder, appears quite destitute of muscle, and as if it consisted of bone, skin, vessels, and cellular mem- brane only. It may be remarked, how- ever, that at that uart where the biceps muscie is generally, therf is a triilmg fulness, probably caused by a few fibres of that muscle. The piner, the bone of the Arm from the elbow to the wrist, seems at the elbow joint considerably enlarged, but, in fact. It is only of its natural dimensions. The muscles of the fore-arm, though small, may, nevertheless, be distinctly traced. The hands are perfect in appearance. Seurat, however, cannot straighten his fingers, but keeps them in a semi-bent position ; with this exception, he can use them freely. The trunk is singularly shaped. Viewed from the front, the chest is not particu- larly narrow; it measures, from one shoulder to the other, across the sternum, or breast-bone, sixteen inches. The ster- num is much flattened, as though it had been driven inwards, towards the dorsal vertebra, or back-bone. In well-formed people, the sternum is a little convex, ex- ternally, and concave, internally, permit- ting all possible room for the thoraic viscera. In Seurat, however, this order of things is changed, the outer surface of the breast-bone being concave, and the internal convex. It is pushed so far in- wards, as scarcely to leave more than one and a half inches, or two inches between itself and the opposite vcrtebrcE. This position of the sternum, and of the ribs, may probably afford an explanation of the causes which produce a slight im- pediment to his swallowing with despatch, or such morsels as are not cut very small ; and of the unnatural situation of the heart, which, instead of being placed behind the 3d, 4th, and 5th ribs, is observed pulsat- ing very low down behind the 7th, 8tli, and 9th, ribs, in the situation of the left hypochondrium. The five or six lower ribs, called false or floating ribs, are rounder, and approach nearer to nature in their form, thereby affording sufficient space for the heart, stomach, and liver, and some other of the abdominal viscera. It is conceived, that without this freer sweep of the lower ribs, life could not have been maintained, so much would the functions of the heart, and chylopretic viscera have been interrupted. The false ribs descend very low down, on each side, there being scarcely one and a half inch between them and the crest of the ileum. The pelvis is capacious, and on its front aspect presents nothing very extraot- dinnry. There is an appearance of the abdomen, 512 THE EVERY-DAY BOOK.— JULY 26. vhich must not be passed over. When looking at it, one might almost suppose that it consisted of two cavities, an upper and a lower one, so much is this poor fel- low contracted round the loins. The fol- lowing admeasurement may afford some idea of this circumstance : — Kl. In. Circumference of the chest, directly under the armpits . 2 6^ Circumference lower down, op- posite the second false rib .22 Circumference round the loins 1 9 Circumference round ihe pelvis 2 3J The muscles of the sides of the pelvis, partake of the general wasting, in conse-