V)C-/. 5: gy UNITED STATES MARITIME COMMISSION Extension Courses FOK PERSONNEL OF THE AMERICAN MERCHANT MARINE ♦ OCTOBER 1939 BH€tttiimihn\ Q.QM.'Omkt G (?i?urbi$ SUBJECTS &fUi»j)«Ki!K. fitvkAKCti,. «n* (?«».p«..- Wolfe. ci-A 5360-B 3220 2728 2014 2474 2018 2489 2490 3549 3550-A 3550-B 3550-C 35-1 35-2 35-4 21-1 32-1 2923 2924 1946 Title Methods of Testing Vacuum Tubes Principles of Vacuum Tube Design Batteries and Power Converters Audio and Power Amplifiers Microphones and Loud Speakers Public Address and Centralized Radio Systems Sound Picture Record ing Sound Picture Projection Tuned R-F Receivers Superheterod yne Receivers Short Wave and Long Wave Receivers Antenna and Receiver Installations Automobile Radio Installation Service Electrical Measurements in Radio Servicing Diagnosis of Receiver Troubles Voltage and Current Tests Point to Point Resistance Tests Alinement of Tuned Circuits Cathode Ray Oscillograph in Radio Service Elimination of Radio Interference Tlieory and Construction of D.-C. Motors and Generators Alternators Transformers do do Alternating-Current Motors Synchronous Converters and A.-C. Rectifiers Electrical Measuring Instruments do Storage Batteries do __.. Design of Magnets and Electromagnets Design of Transformers Codes and Code Practice (optional) Radio Antennas Undamped Wave Radio Communication _. Radio Telegraph Transmitters do Facsimile Transmission and Reception Principles of Television.' Do.i Do.' Police and Aviation Ground Station Transmitters Broadcast Transmitters Radio Transmitters for Telephone and Telegraph Wavemeters and Frequency Monitoring Units Point to Point Communication Geometrical Drawing Elements of Projection Drawing Mechanical Drawing Final examination Total '. Lessons Price $31. 80 EHX PRACTICAL RADIO SERVICING EHX 3301-2 3302-2 3303 3303X 3304 3305-2 3306 3306X 3307 3308 3309 3309X 3310 3311 3312 3312X 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 Direct Current and Ohm's Law Direct Cutrent Networks Magnetism and Electromagnetism Radio Job Sheet (no lesson) Theory of Alternating Currents Inductance and Capacity Resonant Electrical Circuits Radio Job Sheet (no lesson) Transformers in Radio Receivers Motors and Generators Sound and Acoustics Radio Job Sheet (no lesson) Principles of Radio Transmission Theory of Radio Tubes Radio Receiving Systems Radio Job Sheet Batteries and Power Converters Audio and Power Amplifiers Microphones and Loud Speakers Tuned Radio Frequency Receivers Superheterodyne Receivers. .- Short-Wave and Lone-Wave Receivers . ' In preparation. 11 EHX PRACTICAL RADIO SERVICING— Continued EHX No. Title Lessons Price 3319 2729-A 2729-B 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3329 3549 3326 3327 3328 3550-A 3550-B 3550-C Antenna and Receiver Installations Practical Electric W iring do Automobile Radio Installation and Service Electrical Measurements in Radio Servicing Diagnosis of Receiver Troubles Voltage and Current Tests Point-to- Point Resistance Tests Alinement of Tuned Circuits Cathode Ray Oscillograph in Radio Service Facsimile Transmission and Reception Radio Sales and Advertising Public Address and Centralized Radio Systems Elimination of Radio Interference Principles of Television 2 do.2 do.2.-. Final examination Total $11.09 SDZ SHORT MECHANICAL DRAWING SDZ [Articles of drawing equipment may be obtained from the Institute at a cost of approximately .$6.66] 2923 2924 Geometric Drawing Elements of Projection Drawing (5 plates of elementary geometrical fig- ures for which no sample plates are furnished and the following 4 plates for which sample plates are furnished) 200-2 Projections— I. 201-2 Projections— II. 202-2 Conic Sections— III. 203-2 Intersections and Developments— IV. Mechanical Drawing (7 plates) 637 Common Conventions (1001). 638 Simple Machine Details (1002). 639 Fastenings (1003). 640 Helical Forms (1004). 641 Pulley and Coupling (1005). 642 Gear Connecting Rod and Piston (1006). 643 Knife Switch, Assembly and Details (1007). Machine Sketc hing Total $2.90 MIH READING SHOP BLUEPRINTS MIH 1975 1976 1977 1978 2239 2240-A 2240-B 2240-C 2240-D 2249 2209 2206 Elements of Arithmetic Fractions Decimals Weights and Measures Elements of Blueprint Reading Reading Shop Blueprints do do do (Accompanied by Form 3028,Illustrations for Reading Shop Blueprints,pt.4) Machine Sketching Measuring Instruments (optional) Precision Measuring Instruments (optional) Materials of Construction (optional) Elementary Chemistry (optional ) Final examination Total $5.45 2 In preparation. 12 WGS GRADE-SCHOOL SUBJECTS WGS [A student may enroll in as many subjects as he desires, but in order to receive a diploma he must complete 5 subjects] No. Title Lessons Price 1956-A SPELLIKG Spelling 4 4 1956-B do Total 8 $1 35 ARITHMETIC Elements of Arithmetic 1975 1976 Fractions 1977 Decimals . 1978 Weights and Measures.- _. 1979 Ratio and Proportion . . . 1980 Powers and Roots 1981 Mensuration. . . . 1986-A Commercial Calculations... . 1986-B do Total 9 2.70 American Government (Magruder) BV 2940-A-L American Government 12 Total 12 2.00 GEOGRAPHY Human Geography (J. Russell Smith) BV 2935-A-N Geography . Total . 2.22 GRAMMAR, ENGLISH English Grammar ..... 3077-A 3077-B do... . 3077-C do 3077-D do 3077-E do . 3077-F do . . . . . _. 3077-G do . _. 3077-H do 3077-1 do... 3077-J do . 3079 Capitalization and Punctuation ... 3078-A Elements of English Composition .. .... ..... 3078-B do... ... _. 3078-C do Total . 14 4.10 HISTORY, AMERICAN BV 3101 3102-A-N American History . . 14 Total 14 2.50 LETTER WRITING Letter Writing . . .. ... ... 3080-A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3080-B do 3080-C ... do 3080-D ... do . 3080-E do... 3080-F do 1912 Indexing - 1913 Total 8 2.30 PHYSIOLOGY AND HEALTH Healthful Living (Williams) BV 2936-A-L 12 Total 12 1.80 13 WI HIGH-SCHOOL SUBJECTS WI (A student may enroll in as many subjects as he desires, but in order to receive a diploma he must complete 5 subjects] No. Title Lessons Price 4073-A ALGEBRA, ELEMENTARY Elements of Algebra 4073-B .....do . 4073-C do 4073-D do 379-A Algebra 379-B do 379-C do 379-D do . . 379-E do 379-F do . . 379-G do 2938 Graphs (for reference only). _ 379-H Algebra ._ ... . . . . 379-1 do . 379-J do Total 14 $3. 95 COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC Composition and Rhetoric (Tanner). _. BV 3081 14 14 1.52 BV 2939- \-J Economics ... 10 Total . --- 10 1.97 GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL New Physical Geography (Tarr and Von Engeln) BV 2937-A-O 15 15 2.55 Plane Geometry (Wentworth and Smith) BV 2190 Plane Geometry . . .. 6 Total . 6 1.25 GEOMETRY, SOLID BV 2190 4 4 1.25 HISTORY, ANCIENT BV 3090 8 Total 8 1.72 HISTORY, MEDIEVAL BV 3091 8 Total - 8 1.72 HISTORY, MODERN EUROPEAN BV 3092 13 Total -- 13 2.20 14 WGS HIGH-SCHOOL SUBJECTS— Continued WGS No. Title Lessons Price BV PHYSICS 1807 11 Total - - -- 11 $1.83 PHYSIOLOGY AND HEALTH Healthful Living (Williams) - - -. BV 2936-A-L 12 Total 12 1.80 TRIGONOMETRY, PLANE BV 883 7 Total --- 7 1. 12 Final examination. BYH GOOD ENGLISH BV 1920-A 1920-B 1920-C 1920-1) 1920-E 1920-F 1920-G 1920-H 1920-1 1920- J 1920-K 1920-L 1920-M 1920-N 1920-O Winston Simplified Dictionary. Good English do do do do do do do do do do do do do do_... Final examination Total. $5.70 INX HIGH-SCHOOL MATHEMATICS INX 197,5 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 198&-A 1986-B 4073-A 4073-B 4073-C 4073- D 379-A 379-B 379-C 379-D 379-E 379-F 379-0 379-H 2938 379-1 379-J BV BV 2190 BV 883 Elements of Arithmetic... Fractions Decimals Weights and Measures Ratio and Proportion Powers and Roots Mensuration Commercial Calculations. do Elements of Algebra do do do Algebra do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Graphs (for reference only) Algebra do Plane Geometry (Wentworth and Smith)... SoHd Geometry (Wentworth and Smith).-. Plane and Solid (^reometry (question paper). Plane Trigonometry (Wentworth) Plane Trigonometry (question paper) Final examination Total. $10. 27 15 No. MARITIME SERVICE COURSES 3 Title Seamanship Ship Construction Maritime Law for Seamen Meteorology (Pan American Airwavs). Lessons Price $3.75 1.35 2.75 LOO MaHUilTLaw" ^' ''""'"^ ""'^ °° completion of combined course in Seamanship, Ship Construction, and II 5 GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1939 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08484 2326 1