UNITED STATES DZtA^TiENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS , WASHINGTON, D. C, "'UNlV.QFFi.UB March 15, 1945 -ME POSITORY I TATO STOCKS AS OF MARCH 1, 1945 WITH COMPARISONS Stocks of merchantable potatoes held "by growers and local dealers in the 37 late and intermediate States were 26 percent "below the record March 1, 1944 stocks hut 19 percent greater than the March 1, 1943 stocks* Estimates of the Department of Agriculture show hold- ings, of 55,350,000 bushels on March 1 this year, compared with 74,980,000 bushels on March 1, 1944 and 46/350,000 bushels on March 1, 1943, Ninety-six percent of the March 1, 1945 stocks were in the 18 surplus late States with growers and local dealers in Maine holding 36 percent of these stocks. Maine stocks of 20,050,000 bushels of potatoes were almost equal to the record holdings of -20,400,000 bushels held by growers and local dealers on March 1, 1944, Potatoes available for marketing for food, seed and processing on and after March 1 are included in these estimates. However, potatoes held on farms for home consumption and for planting on pro- ducers' own farms, together with' an allowance for the usual shrinkage and waste from March 1 to the end of the marketing season, are ex- cluded from these estimates. Marketings from the beginning of the season to March 1 in the 37 late and intermediate States are estimated at 185,851,000 bushels compared with marketings of 212,536,000 bushels to March 1, 1944 and 176,526,000 bushels to March 1, 1943, Potato shipments were delayed in January and February by a shortage of cars and bad weather in . eastern and central States. Marketings of 49,310,000 bushels in Jan- uary and February of this year were 16 percent below the 59,040,000 bushels marketed in these two months last year and 9 percent below the 54,430,000 bushels marketed in January and February 1943, Shipments by rail and boat in January and February of .this year amounted to 30,149,000 bushels or 61 percent of total disappearance in these months* Recorded rail and boat shipments of 36,440,000" bushols in January .and. February 1944 accounted for 62 percent of dis- appearance, A total of 31, 496," 000 bushels or 58 percent of disappear- ance in January and February 1943 moved by rail and boat. o <> O pq J" Ph 5 cn Oh)H CO r-pi P r-ns !i; E r-n En J- !3 CX\ H S rH C\J CT\ co ft o pi o <4 co Sj co CO WWW PI W ™%% 6 j S S3 w rH 0) 0) rH < CD w O i*- O rH O ci -p a to o l-H- rH Tb •P a ,c o rH e K) M g o {-> •. -P to -P O- ci c£ ,- -p O? O ft -I lr-\ .Ti- en rH -=J- cn rH cn cn rH ft) o3 CO r- O 6 a r-n J- en H ft o s* o en I o C ^o. CM OOOOO^OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO LPiO o -rl" CTM^-O P— O f— UD LPvVX) 1^ LPvLT\ to o J" r-nvo cm LP* cn CM CM CO r*n o o o o t-H CM rH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'OO OOOOVDOOO LP\^X> OITiOWOOlAO CM CM O VO CO CP\ rH r"-\vX> r^O r^tO Lf\H CM H 60 S*. K\0J OJ rH CM pn lo CM OOOOOOOOOOO ooooooo CM O O O rH O O CO. O ITl O LT\ rH r— VO OJ tO O tOHino^ou)Hir\cri(?iHcnocrit\io h w rH r— vx> li~N CM^t, CO r«n ■Hi CM rHl r^, vo CM r \f'ncntOtO Ltn rH LH fA rA C\J mm LT\ CO VX) CO J- CO O PLPiOJto r^ K^vU) r^i CO r^v r^^r ^r LOin mO^H^WmH>.DHrlH^/C\J COtOCn J- OJ rH rH rH N^i H CM LTV F--VJD t--0 LTNrHLniCnOJVD CTN^t CT\ f~- VD VJD LTNU5 CJ> K^UD H .O J" W nntOVO Jr CTiO O^t o r-Hto qi^hct\ r---rt ir\bD rn tr\.d- oj i — liS o V-D oj r«n en j- r- rH co rH US rH !r\ CM PO rH o to o rH rH O OJtO r-ChKM^rAH CMv£> OJ O O ir\OJ_CVJ- cr> lr^ c^^d s- lTivo vr> ojj- to mo enp- r— ,-f r— o cm o co U3 f^--* cmud cnrH r— r>r co nr-w en W3rH ojtoro,cnc\JTHcn K> CM rH rH LPv rH J" CM- rH- un ipv en PH «»! P 1 J 1 • • • • • • • • CO O • • C ctJ c3 Jh • o • • • |3 ^ c • £ • -P A • o ^ ♦ Si t-l in ■H >-t • o Vi CflPrO c it o h rt > to 0) OJ rt • ci •r 1 •H -H • • O CJ ct> c5 u p ^ f. Ph ^ I t 5 "15WS »-— « r— i >— o B o tin on o7 o to O o un r o rHl o CM O rn O to o o rH 00 •M VJD rH LTV r— to CM VJ3 to OJ OJ CM CO W W Bi EH