/3.27//V i i9tc/& -?/7- /•V'- • r- .TIONS ..ATICN By F Produots Laboratory . U. S. Department itial pro.- being made in the develop 'hods of u1 Lng wood v.- . This , :■/ availal cr^d I pile or even/ y's cut- Is on the .dual's resourc* - fulness and on tne conditions of icular n. Utilization ilities fall in two categories: (1) conversion I me finished product, and (2) . - -is. C . another product •/.able daily production of waste, often than what the ordinary operation has. Use-as-is or with often comes est to me< requirements for tl rage pi r. «,. e more exc rial conditions careful technical and marketing ana . e made of possibilities lying in fiber or particle "?, in >f resin pressed-bcari and nolded sets omically derived product. . (a) Dry shavings and sawdust for wood flo 1 briquettes, certain t; ressed boards and melded products when quantities of waste are in the order of 10 to 20 tons or more ly. (b .. flaked, or shredded mater! L rora green woe hardboards and le boards and allied quantities are in the r of 30 to $0 tons or more lay, : anal : operations u£ require a daily minimum c: (c) ■ chemic leri 1 . :ts und' litions for .-. .. . ^ i their derivatives when low cost I H4 IA3P I JD^AfVv/ J in rder or' re toi 1 — ' * . " ! — ■ HUME LIBRARY' (a) Slabs an free oi •■ their regular line :f production, :: t oi 1972 . . Ln cooperation with the Uhiver L n . Rept. : aber 1 Agrl .re-Mad: r sawmills and sometimes in the form of chips cut to their require- ments . (b) Pulpwood, fuelwood, posts, stakes, mine props recovered from logging waste are salable in many areas, (c) Green sawdust and coarser waste occurring at plants having steam boiler installations often find most profitable utilization as fuel. (d) Green hardwood sawdust for sale to packing plants for smoking meat is advantageous in some localities. (e) Green softwood sawdust and pole material are used in some ore smelting plants as a mix or flux. (f) Sawdust, shavings, and chipped wood are receiving increased attention when properly handled as a soil conditioning or mulching material. As stable bedding and absorbent of liquid manure for subsequent soil improvement some of this material has long been used advantageously. Extension of this idea to recover and produce fertilizing matter from outdoor cattle feeding pens is taking place in some instances. Also, composting waste wood material with nitrogen additive, bacterial inoculation, and sewage effluent is being done in certain instances. (g) Dry sawdust often finds fairly ready sale for a variety of specialty uses, in addition to wood flour and briquettes mentioned urder "Conversion," including fur and metal cleaning, sweeping compounds, packing, and stuffing and the like. (h) Sale of dry sawdust and shavings through established dealers in metropolitan centers is often advantageous , (i) Solid waste, such as slabs, edgings, and factory cuttings, is often recovered most advantageously for sawed products, such as dimension cuttings, handle or turning squares, short lumber, container stock, and the like. (j) Solid wood waste, especially of hardwood cordwood, can often be converted to charcoal advantageously, especially for domestic uses for barbecue and picnic purposes. More detailed discussion of the above measures and allied subjects is contained in other Forest Products Laboratory reports. - AJ S3 1 ro^ ' m «*»> 33 N>" -I" *•*> ~ ~l 00 ■ _ iQ- O ro^^= "" CJ^^—O t^ = X to= =o ->■ = > = ^^^^ Rept. No. 1666 -2-