LIBRARY ^^J STTATE PLANT BOi STATES DEPAETMSNT 0? AGRICtlLTUHZ Burt.-.- :)f Entomology and Plant Q;aarantine Washington, ID. C. E. S. P. ^.— U36 April 1, 19^7 ADMIICISTRATIVE IITSTHUCTICITS APPROVAL ?0H ALTERNATIVE TREATMEITT ECR CCTTOITSEED AS A COroiTION EOR IITTERSTATE MOVEIvIEXT EROM THE AREA REGULATED UITTER QUARAITTniE NO. 6I (Issued zander Reg^jilation 6, Quarantine No. cl) Pursuant to authority vested in the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Q,uarantine under regulation 6 of the revised rjiles and regu- lations suTDplemental to Notice of C^uarantine No. ol , revised, T7hich provides that permits may oe issued for the interstate movement of cottonseed from the regulated area on such conditions as may be prescribed "by that Bureau, the Bureau herohy at^proves the following alternative treatment for cottonseed and permits may he issued for the interstate movement of cottonseed so treated: ?Jhen the cottonseed has "been sterilized to IU5 F. as a part of the continuous process of ginning, and in addition has been treated by sulphuric acid and screening, and subsequently has been protected from contamination in a r.anner satisfactory to the inspector. A^TRY S. HOYT, Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomolo.^y and Plant Q -oar-^iiitine ;l ..„„."'^'^^''^'^^°'' FLORIDA ll II IIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII 3 1262 09242 2046