»/ Registry No. 1607—03 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE CURLED HAIR INDUSTRY AS SUBMITTED ON AUGUST 30, 1933 WE DO OUR PART The Code for the Curled Hair Industry in its present form merely reflects the proposal of the above-mentioned industry, and none of the provisions contained therein are tobe regarded as having received the approval of the National Recovery Administration as applying to this industry UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1933 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Washington, U.C. ..--.--- Price 5 cents CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION OF THE CURLED HAIR INDUSTRY Article I — Purpose of the Code The purpose of the Code is to effectuate the policies set forth in Title I of the National Industrial Kecovery Act, durinjr the period of the emergency set forth therein, insofar as it is applicable to the Curled Hair Industry by reducing unemployment, improving the standards of labor, eliminating practices inimical to the interests of tlie public, employees, and employers, to increase the compensation of industrial and agricultural products by increasing the general pur- chasing power, and otherwise to improve the present conditions of the Curled Hair Industry and all such purposes as are set forth in the National Recovery Act insofar as the same apply to the Curled Hair Industry. Article II — Definitions "Wherever used in this Code or in any Schedule appertaining hereto the terms, hereinafter in this Article and in any Schedule an- nexed hereto, shall, unless the context shall otherwise clearly indi- cate, have the respective meanings hereinafter in this Article and in such Schedule set forth. The definition of any such term in the singular shall apply to the use of such term in the plural and vice versa. Section 1. The term '" United States " means and includes all of the territory of the United States of America. Sec. 2, The term ^ the President '' means the President of the United States of America. Sec. 'i. The term " the Industry '" means and includes the business of manufacturing Curled Hair in the " United States." Sec. 4. The term " Curled Hair " means and includes all hair and/or Hair fibres and fibres of animal or vegetable origin curled or crimped. Sec. 5. The term " member of the Industry " means and includes any person, firm, association, or corporation ojjcrating a plant or ])lants in the Ignited States for the Manufacturing of Curled Hair. Sec. (). The term "the Code'' means and includes this Code and all Codes annexed hereto as originally ajjproved by the President and all anuMuhnents hereof and thereof nuide as hereinafter in Article IX i^rovided. Sec. 7. The term "xVssociation "' means the National Association of Curled Hair Manufacturers. Sec. 8. The term " unfair practice'" means aiul includes any act described as an unfair practice in Schedule 1 annexed hereto. Sec. y. Wherever used in tlie Code with reference to the Industry, or any member of the Industry, unlos the context shall otherwise clearly indicate — 8968—33 (1) (a) The term "■ products " includes only Curled Hair or Curied Hair and fibre. (b) The term " plant " means only a plant for the production of one or more products in the Industry ; (c) The term " prices " means only prices for products produced in the Industry; (d) The term " wages " includes only wages for labor performed in the Industry; (e) The term " labor " means only labor performed in the Industry ; (f ) The term " hours of labor " or " hours of work " includes only hours of labor or hours of work in the Industry ; and (g) The term " employee " means only an employee in the Industry. Sec. 10. The term " the National Industrial Recovery Act " means the National Industrial Recovery Act as approved by the President. June 16, 1933. Sec. 11. The term " the effective date of the Code " means the sec- ond Monday after the date on which the Code shall have been ap- proved by the President, pursuant to the National Industrial Recovery Act. Article III — Administration or the Code Section 1. " The National Association of Curled Hair Manu- facturers ", herein sometimes referred to as " the Association ", is an unincorporated group having an office at present at Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania. Membershi]) in the Association shall be open to all members of the Curled Hair Industry. The reasonable cost of administering the National Association of Curled Hair Man- ufacturers shall be assessed to the members directly. The dues as- sessed for such cost on an equitable basis shall be established by the Association and shall be subject to revision from time to time by the Association. Sec. 2. The Association shall be the general planning and co- ordinating agency for the Curled Hair Industry and shall cooperate with the President in furthering the policies of the National Indus- trial Recovery Act. Article IV — Hours of Labor, Rates of Pay, and Other Conditions or Employment Section 1. Pursuant to subsection (a) of Section 7 of the National Industrial Recovery Act and so long as the Code shall be in effect, the Code shall be subject to the follov;ing conditions : (1) That employees shall have the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and shall be free from the interference, restraint, or coercion of employers of labor, or their agents, in the designation of such representatives or in self-organization, or in other concerted activities for the pur- pose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection ; (2) That no employee and no one seeking employment shall be required as a condition of employment to join any company union 3 or to refrain from joinin;. but without limitation upon the fore