UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D, C» B. S. P. q,— UlU September 28, 1936. ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS REMOVED AS A CONDITION EOR INTERSTATE SHIPMENT OF BALED LINT AND LINTSRS, AND PRODUCTS TEEREOE EROM THE COUNTIES OR PORTIONS OE COUNTIES 07 THE LIBRARY PINK BOLLWORM REGULATED AREAS IN NEW MEXICO STATE PLANT BOARD AND TEXAS DESCRIBED BELOW (Issued under Regulations S, 9> 10, and 11 of Quarantine No. 5 2 — Domestic) In accordance with, the authorizations' 'contained in Regulations 8, 9> 10, and 11 of Quarantine No. 52 (Domestic), on account of the pink bollworm, notice is hereby given that "baled cotton lint, "baled cotton linters, and products thereof from all of Lea and Roosevelt Counties of the pink "bollworm regulated area in New Mexico and from that part of the pink bollworm regulated area in Texas comprising the counties of Andrews, Cochran, Ector, Gaines, Hockley, Terry, and Yoakum, and those parts of the counties of Bailey, Dawson, Lamb, and Midland particularly described in Regulation 3 of Quarantine No. 52 (revised), may be moved interstate without restriction, other than that a permit issued by the United States Department of Agriculture must be secured and attached to the articles or shipping papers in accordance with the methods prescribed in Regulation 15 of said quarantine. The removal of treatment requirements for the above-mentioned products is considered safe due to the fact that no pink bollworm in- festation has been found in the above-described areas during the 1935 season, Lee A. Strong, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09241 8101