UNITED STMTS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE LIBRARY ■ Ju2ie 10, 13k3 B.E.P.Q. 57S-3S OTATE PLANT BOARr SUMMARY OF STATE NURSERY- STOCK SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS ALT) PLANT QUARANTINES AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING I NTERSTATE SHIPMENTS OPEGON The information contained in this summary was compiled from material received from the plant quarantine official of Oregon and has been ap- proved by him. It is issued for the convenience of plant quarantine in- spectors, shippers, transportation agents, truckers, and others concerned in the interstate movement of plants, plrnt products, and other materials subject to State regulation on account of plant pests. The summary for Oregon gives the general requirements for shipping nursery stock into that State, as v/ell as digests of the Stete plant quarantines and regulations affecting interstate shipments. An appendix furnishes information on. post-office requirements for mailing plants as well as terminal-inspection procedure. This summary does not include digests of nursery-stock or plant- quarantine requirements relating to the movement of plants entirely within the State. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, or as a substitute for, the original texts of the regulations and quarantines, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. For detailed information address the Chief, Division of Plant Industry, State Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Building, Salem, Oregon. In addition to State requirements, shippers will need to take into consideration applicable plant quarantines of the United States Department of Agriculture. In most- instances these quarantines regulate the inter- state movement of specified plants, plant products, and other articles from designated regulated areas. However, some of these quarantines regu- late the interstate movement of certain articles into designated protected areas. Copies of such quarantines may ,be obtained from the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington 25, D. C. / Acting Chief, Bureau of Sntomolo gjr and Plant Quarantine Oregon nursery- atock shipping requirements -2- Summary of General Nursery-Stock Shipping Requirements (Oreg.Comp.Laws Annotated; Nurseryman's Law, sees. 37-101 to "yi-106) Horticultural Laws, sees. 35-10*4- to 35-108,35-201,35-203) Definition of Nursery Stock. --All trees, shrubs, vines, plants, cuttings, grafts, scions, buds, fruit pits, nuts and other seeds of fruit, forest, and ornamental trees and shrubs, "both deciduous and evergreen, grown for sale or propagation or planting or collected in the wild, and all flowering bulbs, corms, roots, rooted herbaceous plants, or cuttings used or to he used for ornamental purposes, or cut greenery either cultivated or collected in the wild, used for ornamental purposes, hut not including cut flowers, or such cut greenery as ferns, and foliage, grown under glass or other arti- ficial covering. General Shipping Requirements. --Nonresident nursery-men are required to obtain an Oregon license only if they have a place of business in the State. Dealers must pay an annual license fee of $10, and a fee of $1 is required for each agent operating in the State. All licenses expire on June 30 following date of issue. Shipments of nursery stock into Oregon must be accompanied by a valid nursery inspection certificate of the State of origi.n. Each shipment of nursery stock, fruits, and vegetables moving into Oregon must be plainly marked with the names and addresses of shipper and consignee, the name of the State or Territory where grown, and the nature of the contents. All such shipments are subject to inspection and disposition as may be re- quired. Any carrier or person transporting nursery stock, fruits, or vegetables into the State must notify the local inspector of their arrival and hold them for inspection. It is unlawful to 3ell any infested or diseased nursery stock or to make any misrepresentation, within a tolerance of 5 percent, as to the name, age, or variety or nursery stock sold or furnished in Oregon. Plant Materials Subject to Terminal Inspection The State of Oregon has arranged, under the plan outlined in the appendix, for terminal inspection of the following materials: All florists' 3tock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions, buds, fruit pits and other seeds of fruit and ornamental trees or shrubs, and other plants and plant products in the raw or unmanufactured state, ex- cept vegetable and flower seeds. Oregon nursery -stock shipping requirements The State has also arranged for the enforcement of all the following Oregon quarantines except the quarantine pertaining to azalea flower spot. Terminal Inspection Points in Oregon Albany Astoria Baker Coquille Corvallis Cottage Grove Dallas Gold Beach Grants Pass Gre sham Heppner Eillshoro Hood River Klamath Falls La Grande Lakeview McMinnville Medf ord Milton Ontario Oregon City Pendleton Portland Redmond Rosehurg Saint Helens Salem The Dalles Tillamook Toledo Warren Oregon plant quarantines Summary of Plant Quarantines A z alea Slower- Spot (Quarantine ecies is laiown to exist. G-rape Phylloxera ("■Quarantine Order ITo. 17 (A Series), effective Feb. 5» 1937; amended effective Mar. 2k, I9U1) • Srapevines or cuttings thereof will be admitted into Oregon when accompanied by certification ~ey the State or (Territory of origin that (l) such plants or cuttings were grown in and shipped from a sec ti 021 free from grape phylloxera, or (2) such vines or cuttings were treated according to one of the two treatments specified in the quarantine. 3-rapevines and cuttings which have been stored at points other than those where they were grown must be accompanied 1y State certification that the point of storage is free from grape phylloxera. Oregon plant quarantines Narci,ssus Bulb Nematode (Quarantine Order NoT f>^ (A Series) , effective Dec. 10, I9U6) Shipments of "bulbs of narcissus ( including daffodil, jonquil, and the so-called Chinese saared lily) moving into Oregon must have attached to each case or package a certificate of the Stste of origin certifying that (l) all bulbs in the shipment are from fielis inspected during the growing season and found free from nematode, or (2) if the bulbs were found infested with nematode they were giver the specified treatment. Certified narcissus bulbs taken from the original containers for re- shipment into Oregon must have attached to each container a tag or label signed by the shipper thereof, reading as follows: "The undersigned cer- tifies that the narcissus bulbs contained herein were taken from a ship*- mer.t of narcissus bulbs certified by a proper official of the State of origin, and that they meet the requirements of the State of Oregon Quarantine Order ITo. ^k (A Series)." Narcissus bulbs arriving from any source outside the continental United States for propagation or distribution in the State of Oregon will be admitted with planting permission subject to the provisions apecified in the quarantine. Oregon plant quarantines .9. Peach Yellows, Little Peach, Peach Rosette .(Oreg. Comp. Laws Annotated, sec. 35-205; Regulation, 1948) Regulated products . - -Apricot , nectarine, or peach trees, or cuttings, grafts, scions, buds, or pits thereof; or any trees budded or grafted upon peach stock or roots. Conditions governing movement . --The regulated products will be admitted into Oregon from the quarantined area only when each shipment thereof is accompanied by a certificate of the State of origin affirming "that the nursery stock was grown in an area free from peach yellows, rosette, and little peach, and that the bud source and environs were also free from these diseases." Quarantined area Alabama Arkansas Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Kentucky Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Mississippi New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Virginia West Virginia East Indian Bean Borer (Quarantine Order No. 29 (A Series) , effective Feb. 5, 1937) Flowers of the Maunaloa may not be transported into Oregon from Hawaii The above summary was checked and approved on October 8, 19^+t, by Frank McKennon, Chief, Division of Plant Industry. -10- APPISTDIX Requirements for Mailing Plants and Plant Products Under the postal laws and regulations, nursery- stock, including all field— grown 'florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions, buds, fruit pitr, and other seeds of fruit and ornamental tree? or shrubs, and other plants and plant products for propagation, -including strawberry plants (except field, vegetable, and flower seeds, bed-ling plants and other herbaceous plants, bulbs, and roots), may be admitted to the mails only when accompanied by a State inspection certificate to the effect that the nursery or premises from which such stock is shipped has been inspected within a year and found free from injurious insects and plant diseases. Parcels containing such nursery stock must he plainly raafcked to snow the nature of the contents and the name and address of the sender. (Postal Laws and Regulations l^O, sec. 595.) Inspection and certification must be dene by a plant quarantine official of the State of origin. An indi- vidual mailing of such plants or plant products, if from uninspected premises, will also be accepted upon examination and. certification by a State plant quarantine official. The address of the Oregon plant quarantine official is given in the preceding summary. Terminal Inspection of Mail Shipments of Plants and Plant Products (Act Mar. U, 1915, as amended June 4, 1936 ; Postal laws and Regulations 19^0, sec. 59&) Establishment of Termiv.a.1 Inspection. — Any State desiring to operate under the provisions of the terminal inspection law so as to regulate the move- ment of mail shipments of plants and plant products into (or within) the State may, after having provided therefor at State expense and having de- signated o.n.e. or more places where inspection will be maintained, arrange to nave such mail shipments turned over to State plant quarantine inspec- tors for examination at "designated inspection points. Application will be made to the Secretary of Agriculture by submitting a list of plants and plant products and the plant pests transmitted thereby, which are to be examined. The list, when approved in whole or in part, will be transmitted to the Postmaster 3-eneral whereupon postmasters will be informed and instructed. Anyone mailing a parcel containing any plants or plant products ad- dressed to any place within a State maintaining terminal inspection thereof is required, under the law, to have the parcel plainly marked on the out- side to show the nature of the contents. Materials shipped under Federal quarantine certificates issue" by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine may be exempted from terminal inspection at the option of the receiving State. Under the provisions of the 1936 amendment to the law, any State may, arrange through Federal channels, after approval by the Secretary of Agriculture as indicated above, to regulate or prohibit the movement into •as* (or within) the State of mail shipments of designated plants and plant products the movement of which would constitute a violation of State plant quarantine laws or regulations. Terminal Inspection Procedure. — Upon arrival in any State maintaining ter- minal inspection, plants or plant products named on the approved list will be forwarded "by the postmaster at destination to the nearest inspection point. If the plants or plant products are found, upon inspection, to he free from injurious pests and not in violation of any plant quarantine or reflation of the State of destination or the United States Department of Agriculture, or if disinfested when they are found infested, such plants oi plant products will then he forwarded by the postmaster at the point of inspection to the addressee upon payment of postage. If plants or plant products, upon inspection, are found to be infested with injurious pests and cannot be satisfactorily disinfested, or are in violation of any plant quarantine or regulation of the State of destina^- tion or the United States Department of Agriculture, the postmaster upon notification by the State inspector will i'nforn the sender that the parcel will be returned to him upon his request and at his expense. In default of such rear