4S\ 147 Property of ths United states Government I--U..I .lulv 25, 1007. (B. A. I. Order No. 147.) United Stales Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. REGULATIONS PRESCRIBED IN REGARD TO RENOYATED BUTTER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT OF CONGRESS APPROYED MAY <>. 1902. Washington, D. C, July 11, 1907. The following regulations in regard to renovated butter are issued jointly by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Agricul- ture. These regulations become effective August 15, 1907, and on and after that date will supersede all previous regulations on the subject of renovated butter. Geo. B. Cortelyou, Secretary of the Treasury. W. M. Hays, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. Regulation 1. The act of May 9, 1902, gives to the manufacturer of renovated or process butter the option to call the product " renovated butter" or to call it " process butter." For the sake of brevity the words "renovated butter" are used in these regulations as synonymous with the words "process butter." Therefore, any marking or branding with the words " renovated butter," required by these regulations, will be satisfied if the words " process butter " be used in lieu of the words " renovated butter." Regulation 2. The following explanation of the definition of reno- vated butter, as it occurs in the law, is adopted for guidance in connec- tion with these regulations : (a) This grade or kind of butter may be made from one or more lots or parcels of butter, which has been or have been " subjected to any process by which it is melted, clarified, or refined, and made to resem- ble genuine butter, always excepting 'adulterated butter, 1 as defined by this act." It may or may not have common salt and harmless artificial coloring added. (6) The law defines three processes of refining butter, which, if used. make the resultant article adulterated butter, in contradistinction to renovated butter, as follows: First, if in any way any acid, alkali, chemical, or any substance what- ever is introduced or used for the purpose or with the effect of de<>r- ising or removing therefrom rancidity ; second, if there is mixed any substance foreign to butter with intent or effect of cheapening in cost the product; and, third, if in any way the product is made to contain abnormal quantities of water, milk, or cream. Butter which has been renovated and has 16 per cent or more of moisture will be held to contain abnormal quantities of water, milk, or cream, and will therefore be classed as adulterated butter. Regulation 3. Section 4 of the act of May 9, 1902, provides : Manufacturers of process or renovated butter shall pay fifty dollar- per year. * * * Every person who engages in the production of process or renovated butter * * * as a business shall be considered to be a manufacturer thereof. The special-tax year begins Jul} 7 1. The special tax of manufacturers who commence business in the month of July will be reckoned for one year, and the tax of manufacturers who commence business after the month of July will be reckoned proportionately from the first day of the month from which the liability to special tax commenced to the first day of July following. Regulation 4. Ever} r manufacturer of renovated butter, before com- mencing business (or at least within the month in which liability to special tax commenced), must register with the collector of the district in which the business is to be carried on his name, or firm or corporate name, place of residence, nature of business, and the place where such business is to be carried on, and procure a special-tax stamp at the rate of $50 per annum, which stamp he shall place and keep conspicuously posted in his establishment or place of business ; and on the first day of July in each year he must again so register and procure a new special- tax stamp and post it as above stated. Regulation 5. Every manufacturer of renovated butter will be re- quired to file with the collector a notice on Form 507 together with an inventory, Form 509, when making application for special-tax stamp as manufacturer. At the same time he will file a bond, Form 508, in a penal sum to be fixed by the collector of internal revenue for his dis- trict, but in no case less than $500. Collectors of internal revenue will decline to approve the bond of a manufacturer of renovated butter until they are satisfied that the prem- ises to be used for the manufacture of that article are entirely separate from those used for the manufacture of adulterated butter or oleomar- garine, or for the handling or manipulation of butter not taxable under the act of May 9, 1902. (See Treas. Dec. No. 588, Oct. 6, 1902.) Regulation 6. Collectors will give to each manufacturer of reno- vated butter in their respective districts a factory number, the numbers to be consecutive and not thereafter changed. A new number should be given to a new factory. The change in ownership of a factory does not necessitate a change in the factory number. Regulation ?. Every manufacturer of renovated butter shall place and keep over the principal entrance of the factory wherein hie business ie carried on, so thai it can be distinctly Been, a sign, with letters thereon not less than .'! inches in height, printed in oil colors or u r il«l<