M.S: (B. A. I. Order 285.) United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. RULE 1, REVISION 22.— TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF SPLENETIC, SOUTHERN, OR TEXAS FEVER IN CATTLE. Effective on and after December 31, 1923. United States Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary. The fact has been determined by the Secretary of Agriculture, and notice is hereby given, that the contagious and infectious disease known as splenetic, southern, or Texas fever, exists in cattle in Bibb and Washington Counties, Ala.; Iberia Parish, La.; and Anderson, Brazos, Bell, Freestone, Lampasas, Lee, Robertson, Upshur, and Wood Counties, Tex.; and that said-mentioned disease still exists among cattle in other portions of the States of Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas, and also in the following States and Territory, to wit: Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Virginia, and Porto Rico. Now, therefore, I, Henry C. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture, under authority conferred b} T section 1 of the act of Congress ap- proved March 3, 1905 (33 Stat. 1264), do hereby quarantine the areas hereinafter described; and do order by this rule 1, revision 22, under the authority and discretion conferred on the Secretary of Agriculture by section 3 of the said act of Congress approved March 3, 1905 (33 Stat. 1265), that the interstate movement of cattle from the areas herein quarantined shall be made only in accordance with the regulation of the Secretary of Agriculture for the prevention of the spread of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle. AREAS QUARANTINED. The following areas are quarantined for splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle : ALABAMA. The following counties and portions of counties are quarantined : Bibb, Choctaw, Escambia, Shelby, and Washington Counties; that portion of Jefferson County lying south and west of a line begin- ning at the intersection of the western boundary of said county with the line between townships 14 and 15 south, and running thence east with said township line to the line between ranges 3 and 4 west, thence south with said range line to the line between town- ships 17 and 18 south, thence west with said township line to the line between ranges 4 and 5 west, thence south with said range line to the line between townships 18 and 19 south, thence east with said township line to the eastern boundary of said county, except the area within the city limits of Birmingham; that portion of Mobile County south of the Gulf, Mobile & Northern Railway, ex- 75023—23 cept the area within the city limits of Mobile; also that portion of Mobile County comprising Dauphin Island. ARKANSAS. The following counties and portions of counties are quarantined : Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Chicot, Clark, Cleburne, Cleveland, Co- lumbia, Crawford, Dallas, Desha, Drew, Carland, Grant, Hemp- stead, Hot Spring, Howard, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lincoln, Little River, Logan, Miller, Montgomery, Nevada, Ouachita, Perry, Pike, Polk, Saline, Scott, Sevier, Union, White, and Yell; that portion of Conway County south of the Arkansas River; also that portion of said county north of the line between townships 7 and 8 north; that portion of Jackson County lying west of the White River and south of the township line between townships 10 and 11 north; that portion of Pulaski County lying south and west of the follow- ing described line : Beginning at a point where the Arkansas River intersects the boundary line of Faulkner and Pulaski Counties, run- ning thence along said river in a southeasterly direction to a point where the Valley Division of the Missouri Pacific Railroad inter- sects said river, at the Union Station in the City of Little Rock, and running thence along said railroad in a southeasterly direction to a point where said railroad intersects the northern boundary line of Saline County; and that portion of Van Buren County east of the line between ranges 13 and 14 west. FLORIDA. The entire State of Florida is quarantined, except the counties of Broward, Dade, Monroe, and Palm Beach. GEORGIA. The following counties are quarantined : Charlton, Clinch, Echols, and Lanier. LOUISIANA. The following parishes and portions of parishes are quarantined : Acadia, Allen, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Bienville, Bossier, De Soto, Evangeline, Franklin, Grant, Iberia, Jackson, Lafayette, La Salle, Livingston, Natchitoches, Rapides, Sabine, St. Helena, St. Landry, St. Martin, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, Union, Vernon, Washing- ton, Webster, West Carroll, and Winn; all that portion of Cald- well Parish lying west of the Ouachita River; all that portion of Catahoula Parish lying west of the Ouachita and Black Rivers; all that portion of Red River Parish lying east of the Red River; and all that portion of Ouachita Parish lying west of the Ouachita River. MISSISSIPPI. The following counties are quarantined: Clarke, Covington, For- rest, George, Greene, Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson Davis, Jones, Lamar, Lawrence, Marion, Pearl River, Perry, Simp- son, Smith, Stone, Walthall, and Wayne. NORTH CAROLINA. The following counties and portions of counties are quarantined : Brunswick, Carteret, Columbus, Craven, Currituck, Hyde, Jones, Martin, Onslow, Pamlico, Tyrrell, and Washington ; that portion of Beaufort County lying south of the Pamlico River ; and all of Dare 3 County except that portion known as the Banks, bounded on the south by the Oregon Inlet, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the north by the Banks of Currituck County, and on the west by Cur- rituck Sound, including Colington Island. OKLAHOMA. The following counties and portions of counties are quarantined: Latimer, McCurtain, Pushmataha, and Sequoyah: that portion of Le Flore County lying east and south of the following-described line : Beginning on the line between Oklahoma and Arkansas where same is intersected by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, and running thence westerly, following said railroad, to the line between ranges 26 and 27 east: thence south to the northwest corner cf sec- tion 30, township 6 north, range 27 east; thence west to the north- west corner of section 26, township 6 north, range 26 east ; thence south to the northwest corner of section 2, township 5 north, range 26 east ; thence west to the northwest corner of section 5. township 5 north, range 26 east; thence south to the line between townships -i and 5 north: thence west on said township line to the line between ranges 25 and 26 east ; thence south on said range line to the ridge of the Kiamichi Mountains: thence in a westerly direction, following the ridge of said mountain, to the east line of Pushmataha County ; and that portion cf Choctaw County lying east of a line beginning on the north line of Choctaw County at its intersection by the St. Louis- San Francisco Railway and running thence southeasterly following said railroad to the line between townships 5 and 6 south: thence east following said township line to the northeast corner of section 2, township 6 south, range 17 east: thence south along section line to line between townships 6 and 7 south ; thence west along said town- ship line to the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway : thence in a south- easterly direction, following the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway, to Red River. PORTO RICO. The entire territory is quarantined. TEXAS. The following counties and portions of counties are quarantined : Anderson, Angelina, Aransas, Atascosa, Austin, Bastrop, Bee, Bell, Bexar, Brazoria, Brazos, Burleson, Caldwell, Calhoun, Cameron, Cass, Chambers, Cherokee, Colorado, Comal, De Witt, Dimmit, Eastland, Fayette, Fort Bend, Freestone, Frio, Galveston, Goliad, Gonzales, Gregg, Grimes, Guadalupe, Hardin, Harris. Hays, Hen- derson, Hidalgo, Houston, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Jim Hogg, Karnes, Kinney, Kleburg. La Salle, Lampasas, Lee. Lavaca, Leon, Liberty, Live Oak. McMullen, Marion, Matagorda, Madison, Maver- ick. Medina, Milam. Montgomery, Xacadoches. Xewton, Xueces, Orange. Panola, Polk, Refugio, Robertson, Rusk, Sabine, San Augus- tine. San Jacinto, San Patriocio, Shelby, Somervel, Starr, Trinity, Tyler, L valde. L^pshur, Val Verde, Victoria, Walker. Waller, Wash- ington, Webb, Wharton, Willacy. Wilson, Wood, Zapata, and Za- valla : that portion of Brooks County lying south of 27° north latitude: that portion of Duval County lying north of a line be- ginning where the Jaboncilles Creek intersects the eastern boundary line of Duval County, and running thence northwest along. said creek to a point where it intersects the National of Mexico Rail- road, thence along said railroad in a southwesterly direction to the point where said railroad intersects the southern boundary line of Duval County; that portion of Jim Wells County lying north and east of Conception Creek; that portion of Lamar County lying north of the following-described line : Beginning at a point where the Texas & Pacific Railway crosses the Red River and Lamar County line, and running thence on the south right-of-way fence line of the Texas & Pacific Railway to the intersection of said fence and the west line of Lamar County; and all of Kenedy County, except that portion lying within a line beginning at a point where the Kenedy-Brooks County line intersects the south line of the San Antonio del Insenal grant, and running thence east along the south line of the said grant to a fence separating the pastures of Ed. C. Lasater from those of the Kennedy Pasture Co., thence south along the said pasture fence to the southwest corner of the pasture belonging to the said Kennedy Pasture Co., thence east along the fence separating the pasture of Ed. C. Lasater from those belong- ing to the said Kennedy Pasture Co., to its intersection with the north and south fence separating the pastures of the Armstrong ranch from those belonging to Ed. C. Lasater, thence south along said fence to where it joins a fence separating the pasture of Mrs. H. M. King from the pasture of Ed. C. Lasater, thence in a westerly and southerly direction along said fence, separating the pasture of Mrs. H. M. King from the pasture of Ed. C. Lasater, to the Brooks- Kenedy County line, thence north along the Brooks-Kenedy County line to place of beginning. In the State of Texas, where a line of railroad separates the quarantined from the free area, shipping points are reserved for non- infected cattle as follows: Realitos, Duval County; and Paris, Brookston, and Petty, Lamar County. VIRGINIA. The counties of Southampton, Isle of Wight, Nansemond, and all of Surry County, except the Guilford magisterial district and court- house precinct of Cobham magisterial district, are quarantined. FEEDING STATIONS FOR NONINFECTED CATTLE. Cattle not of the quarantined area and cattle of the quarantined area, when properly dipped, inspected, or certified in accordance with the bureau requirements, may be transported interstate by rail through the quarantined area, and when unloaded therein for rest, feed, and water, shall be handled in properly equipped noninfectious pens, set apart for such cattle at the stock pens of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. at Texarkana and McGhee, Ark. ; the stock pens of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Co. at Boonville and Biddle, Ark. ; the stock pens of the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. at Pine Bluff, Ark.; and the stock pens of the Kansas City Southern Railway Co. at Mena, Ark. ; the Jacksonville Union Stock- yards at Jacksonville, Fla. ; the National Stockyards at Jacksonville, Fla. ; the stock pens of the Missouri Pacific Railroad and the Texas & Pacific Railway at Alexandria, La. ; the stock pens of the Missis- sippi Development Board at Hattiesburg, Miss.; the stockyards of the International & Great Northern Railway at Laredo, Tex.; the Union Stockyards at San Antonio, Tex.; the Union Stockyards at Houston, Tex.; the stock pens of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railway at Yoakum, Tex. ; the stock pens of the Galveston, Harris- burg & San Antonio Railway (Southern Pacific lines) at Palacios, Tex.; the stock pens of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway at Cisco, Tex.; the stock pens of the Texas & Pacific Railway Co. at Longview Junction, Tex.; the stock pens of the Southern Pacific Railway Co. (Englewood), Houston, Tex.; the stock pens of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway Co. at Bellville and Temple, Tex. ; the stock pens of the International & Great Northern Railway at Palestine, Tex.; and at such other points as may from time to time be authorized by the chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, provided such pens and the platforms, chutes, and alleyways lead- ing thereto have been cleaned and disinfected under the supervision of an employee of the Bureau of Animal Industry, and are con- structed and maintained in accordance with the specifications set' out in the regulation of the Secretary of Agriculture to prevent the spread of splenetic fever in cattle. INTERPRETATION. This rule 1, revision 22, shall be construed in connection with the regulation of the Secretary of Agriculture for the prevention of the spread of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle, and is subject to amendment or revision on statutory notice. Rule 1, revision 21 (B. A. I. Order 279), dated November 7, 1922, effective December 10, 1922, and amendment 1 thereto, shall cease to be effective on and after December 31, 1923, on and after which date this rule 1, revision 22, which for purposes of identification is desig- nated as B. A. I. Order 285, shall become and be effective until other- wise ordered. The effect of this order is as follows : In Alabama, Bibb and Washington Counties are requarantined. In Arkansas, St. Francis County, the remainder of Faulkner and Lonoke Counties, and a portion of Pulaski County are released from quarantine. In Georgia the following counties are released from quarantine: Atkinson, Brantley, Camden, Liberty, and Long. In Louisiana, Iberia Parish is requarantined. In North Carolina the following counties are released from quar- antine: Bertie, Camden, Gates, Hertford, Perquimans, and a por- tion of Beaufort and Dare Counties. In Texas the following counties are requarantined: Brazos, Bell, Freestone, Lampasas, Lee, Robertson, Upshur, Wood, and the re- mainder of Anderson County. The existing quarantine of areas in the States of Florida, Missis- sippi, Oklahoma, and Virginia, and the Territory of Porto Rico is continued. Done at the City of Washington this 5th day of De- cember, 1923. Witness my hand and the seal of the Department of Agriculture. Henry C. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1928 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08859 2778 rz^^m Hi ii U.S. DEPOSITORY