UNITED STATES DEPiiRTIErTT OF AGRICULTURE Buroau of Entor.iology aiid Plant Q,uarantine \7asiiin£,ton, D. G* BEPQ,-- 367 September 21, 1934- .mmCES'TRATI^/E INSTRUCTIONS SFIIPPING 3^^3011 FOR TEX/iS CITRUS FRUIT TO BEGIN SEPTEIIBER 26, (Issued Under Regulation 7, Section A, Federal 0,uar- antine No. G4> ^^ Revised Effective September 1, 1932) (Approved September 21, 1934; effective Sopterober 2b, 1934) The issuance of peraits for the shipment of citrus fruit of the 1534 crop under the Federal Mexican fruit worn quarantine (Notice of Quarantine 64) i^^rora the counties of "Jillacy, Cameron, and Hidalgo, in Texas, is hereby authorized to begin en September 26, 1'334> ^^ ^^^ ^2 that quarantine is concerned* The host-free period required b^' the Dspartrient of A^riculturG to be enforced by the State of Texas under Regulation 7 v/ill for the year 1934 close on September 25 • The Department of Agriculture has evidence that such modifi- cation is desirable from the standpoint of Ilexican fruit worm con- trol and does not involve increase of risk of propagating that insect. All cleanup and other reQ.uirements concerning the produc- tion and distribution of Texas citrus fruit remain unchanged. LEE A. STRONG, Chief, Bvreau of Entomology and Plant Q,uaran1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09245 1631