UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY K-943 ESTIMATING INTERSTAGE FLOW IN A SEPARATING CASCADE WITH A BYPASSING REFLUX STREAM By J. Shacter b September 2, 1952 [Site Issuance Date] Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Company (K-25) Technical Information Service, Oak Ridge, Tennessee ABSTRACT A test procedure is presented which, evaluates average flows along with average separation factor of a uniform stagewise cascade section fractionating a binary mixture such as isotopes. The procedure calls for isotopic gradient measurements at the terminals of the isolated section on total reflux and also with at least one selected small rate of bypassing reflux stream. CHEMISTRY In the interest of economy, this report has been reproduced direct from copy as submitted to the Technical Information Service. PRINTED IN USA PRICE 20 CENTS Available from the Office of Technical Services Department of Commerce Washington 25, D. C. Work performed under Contract No. W7l|05-eng-26. AEC, Oak Ridge, Tenn.-W26812 ESTIMATING INTERSTAGE FLOW OF A SQUARE SECTION ON PARTIAL INVERSE RECYCLE I, Introduction In a square* section of a stagewise separation system, such as that of a gaseous diffusion cascade or a plate column, the number of stages, N, is defined. Thus, the two variables, ty (a-1, stage separation factor) and V (molar stage upflow rate), are the only quantities required to define the complete, separating capacity of the section. That is, for given net transports of total and light component and one given point of concentration of light component in the section, the steady-state performance of the section is then completely established. \(f, the separation factor, is either translated from pilot plant measurements on total reflux or is obtained in place from a "\ir-test" , a measurement of the total reflux gradient in the square section of the cascade of interest. V, the interstage flow (upflov), can be measured at the sectional terminals -where an ideal, reversible process with accurately "constant molal overflow" is involved. However, in an irreversible process (one involving individual stage driving forces and potential partial refluxing at every stage) the terminal flows need not be representative of the exact average interstage flows of the section; particularly, since the terminal connections are almost by definition different from the normal interstage connections. In such a system, flows can either be measured in representative interstage systems or calculated by fluid flow circuit analyses from test data of the major stage component equipment. Secondary effects of miner components, such as connections and configuration, can be neglected or roughly taken into account. For this type of stagewise system, the problem can arise that the sectional performance along with the measured stage separation factor and known number of stages appear to make the calculated average stage flows questionable. This is particularly true when the flow circuit is complex. Sometimes, after the effect has been established, it is possible to modify a minor portion of the circuit and improve the overall performance. Representative flows can be measured in place in single stages only with complex additions of transversing probes and instrumentation. It is the purpose of this study to outline tests which can be used in such cases to compute average flow along with the average separation factor of a building or section in place. Total and net flows as defined in this study refer to transports of the two components to be separated. Thus, they must be corrected for any carrier or diluent content unless this content represents a constant fraction of net and total flows of components throughout the system. * The term "square" refers to a uniform section of stages with constant stage separation factor, ty, and stage upflow, L II. Total Reflux Performance For the special case of total reflux measurements of gradients in isolated uniform sections , the value of existing interstage flow is irrelevant*, since the performance can be expressed by the usual Fenske -Underwood formula : <*♦>■ " T^l (1) •where x,^ = mole fraction of light component in the downflow to the top stage (N) of the section (top recycle), x_ = mole fraction of light component in the downflow from the bottom stage (l) of the section (bottom recycle). Thus, in a "i|r-test", the number of stages and the measured terminal concentrations establish the value of \|r. The rate of stage upflow, V, need not be considered at all. It is assumed throughout this study that stage flow and stage separation factor are independent variables. Actually, in most processes and systems, large changes in flows or net flows produce changes in effective separation factors. This point will be discussed further in regard to the effect of stage "cut" ("cross-flow" in distillation) on separation factor. III. Performance with Net Transports For the general case of net transport (finite reflux) through the section, the performance of the section is given by the usual combination of the folio-wing two relationships which must be met: (a) Material Balance between stages n and n+1: Vy n = (V-D) x n+1 + Dy D (2) (b) Separation equation of stage n: * y - x y - x "'n n .%/ J n n 1 ■" J-l •%» Ai JUL f \ * = ~ (l-y ) = x (l-x ) (5) x n * "n n N n where D = net upflow of both components, in units consistent with those of V, Dy = net upflow of light component, in the same units, y = mole fraction of light component in upflow from stage n to stage n+1, x . = mole fraction of light component in downf low from stage n+1 to stage n, and x = mole fraction of light component in downflow from stage n to stage n-1. * This and subsequent approximate forms of equations would apply to difficult separations (small separation factors, such as in isotope separations ) . These two equations can be combined to yield the following expression for the x-gradient across stage n: X n + r X n = ^[* X n (l " 3r n ) " I V^ Equation (k) can be treated in its exact form according to the method',' of Teller and Tour* by calculus of finite differences to yield the_ performance of the whole section*-*, or it can be rewritten in the differential form, as dx/dn at stage n, and integrated*-** to approximate the performance of a section with a small stage separation factor. From an inspection of equation (k) , it is apparent that the stage performance as expressed by the enrichment depends upon V and \J/ and upon the net flows, D, and Dy-p. Upon integration of the enrichment equation for the whole section, the number of stages, N, is of course essential for the overall section performance. If the performance is to be expressed in actual concentrations, then the actual value of one concentration must also be defined. * Teller, F„ M„ and Tour, R, S„, Transactions of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, kO, 317 (l°M). ** Burton, D. W«, "Solutions of Enrichment Equations by Method of (Finite- Differences" , A-U151, March 28, 19^7, and • . / / Shacter, J. and Garrett, G. A,, "Analogies between Qa«eOu« Diffusion tod F»c.tionar.Di*tlllatioo' , J ( AECD-l^O, May 7, 19^8, ... *** Shacter and Garrett (ibid.) or: Cohen, K., Journal of Chemical Physics, 8, 588 (19UO). Squires, A, M , "Note on Method of Calculating the Separation Performance of the K-25 Plant", October 25, 19Mk Henkin, L„, Squires, A, M., and Montroll, E„ W , "Method of Calculating Separation Performance xi 1 + Ip Xq where the roots, Xq and Xj_ are given by (10) Xq, X X = i ci - S V + 1 V(i -f-*r) + Dj . i^ (l -|)|x T 2