(B. A. I. Order 371) 1 Issued October 27, 1939 Effective on February 1, 1940 United States Department of Agriculture BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY Under authority vested in the Secretary of Agriculture by law the following- regulations are issued for the purpose of preventing the introduction from for- eign countries into the United States of communicable diseases of livestock. These regulations supersede all previous regulations goveruing the sanitary control of animal byproducts, hay and straw offered for importation and shall become effective on February 1, 1&40. Done at Washington this 27th day of October 1939. Witness my hand and the seal of the Department of Agri- culture. Habby L. Brown, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. PART 95— SANITARY CONTROL OF ANIMAL BYPRODUCTS (EXCEPT CASINGS), AND HAY AND STRAW, OFFERED FOR ENTRY INTO THE UNITED STATES [Sees. 95.1 to 95.27, inclusive, issued under the authority contained in Sec 2 32 Stat 792; 21 U. S. C. Ill] REGrLATTOX 1 Sec. 95.1. Definitions. — Whenever in these regulations the following words, names, or terms are used they shall be construed, respectively, to mean : (a) Department. — United States Department of Agriculture. (&) Bureau. — The Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Department of Agriculture. (c) Chief of Bureau. — Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. (d) Inspector. — An inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry. (e) Consular officer. — A consular officer of the United States of America. (f) Approved establishment. — An establishment approved by the Bureau for the receipt and handling of restricted import animal byproducts. (g) Approved warehouse. — A warehouse having facilities approved by the Bureau for the handling and storage, apart from other merchandise, of restricted import products. (h) Approved chlorinating equipment. — An equipment approved by the Bureau as efficient for the disinfection of effluents against the contagions of foot-and- mouth disease and rinderpest. (i) Approved sewerage system. — A drainage system equipped and operated so as to carry and dispose of sewage without endangering livestock through the contamination of streams or fields and approved by the Bureau. 0*) Animal byproducts. — Hides, skins, hair, wool, glue stock, bones, hoofs, horns, bone meal, hoof meal, horn meal, blood meal, meat meal, tankage, glands, organs, or other parts or products of ruminants and swine unsuitable for human consumption. (fc) Glue stock. — Fleshings, hide cuttings and parings, tendons, or other collagenous parts of animal carcasses. 1 Supersedes B. A. I. Order 341 and all amendments thereto. The numbering of the parts and sections of B. A. I. orders conforms to the numbering in title 9, chapter 1, of The Code of Federal Regulations. 188889—39 (1) (I) Bone meal. — Ground or crushed animal bones. (m) Blood meal. — Dried blood of animals. (n) Meat meal or tankage. — The rendered and dried carcasses or parts of the carcasses of animals. (o) Hay and straw. — Dried grasses, clovers, legumes, and similar materials or stalks or stems of various grains, such as barley, oats, rice, rye, and wheat. Regulation 2 Sec. 95.2. Country of origin. — No products or materials specified in these regulations shall be imported unless there be shown upon the consular invoice, or in some other manner satisfactory to the Chief of Bureau, the name of the country of origin of such product or material, provided that the country of origin shall be construed to mean (a) in the case of an animal byproduct, the country in which such product was taken from an animal or animals, and (&) in the case of other materials, the country in which such materials were produced. Regulation 3 Sec. 95.3. Byproducts from diseased animals prohibited. — The importation of any animal byproduct taken or removed from an animal affected with anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, or rinderpest is prohibited. Regulation 4 Sec 95.4. Importations from Canada. — No requirement or condition of the following regulations shall be construed to apply to products or materials specified in this order, originating in Canada and imported directly therefrom. Such products and materials not originating in but imported into the Dominion of Canada from another foreign country may be imported therefrom into the United States without compliance with the following regulations, when accom- panied by a certificate signed by a veterinarian in the employ of and receiving a salary from the Canadian Government stating that they have been imported into Canada in full compliance with the Canadian regulations, provided such regulations are found by the Bureau to be the substantial equivalent of those contained in this order. Regulation 5 Sec 95.5. Untanned hides and skins; requirements for unrestHcted entry. — Untanned hides and/or skins of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, other ruminants, and swine which do not meet the conditions or requirements specified in any one of paragraphs (a) to (e) following shall not be imported except subject to handling and treatment in accordance with section 95.6 of this order after arrival at the port of entry: (a) Hides or skins originating in and shipped directly from a country not declared by the Secretary of Agriculture to be infected with foot-and-mouth disease or rinderpest may be imported without further restriction. (6) Hides or skins may be imported without other restriction if found upon inspection by an inspector, or by certificate of the shipper or importer satis- factory to said inspector, to be hard-dried hides or skins. (c) Abattoir hides or skins taken from animals slaughtered under national government inspection in a country 2 and in an abattoir in which is maintained an inspection service determined by the Secretary of Agriculture to be adequate to assure that they have been removed from animals found at time of slaughter to be free from anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, and rinderpest, and to assure further the identity of such materials until loaded upon the transporting vessel, may be imported without other restriction if accompanied by a certificate bearing the seal of the proper department of such national government and signed by an official veterinary inspector of such country showing that the therein de- scribed hides or skins were taken from animals slaughtered in such specified abattoir and found free from anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, and rinderpest. (d) Hides or skins may be imported without other restriction if shown upon inspection by an inspector, or by certificate of the shipper or importer satis- factory to said inspector, to have been pickled in a solution of salt containing 2 Names of countries of this character will be furnished upon request. mineral acid and packed in barrels, casks, or tight cases while still wet with such solution. (e) Hides or skins may be imported without other restriction if shown upon inspection by an inspector, or by certificate of the shipper or importer satis- factory to said inspector, to have been treated with lime in such manner and for such period as to have become dehaired and to have reached the stage of preparation for immediate manufacture into products ordinarily made from rawhide. Regulation 6 Sec. 95.6. Untanned hides and skins; importations permitted subject to re- strictions. — Hides or skins offered for importation which do not meet the condi- tions or requirements of section 95.5 of this order shall be handled and treated in the, following manner after arrival at the port of entry : (a) They shall be consigned from the coast or border port of arrival to an approved establishment and shall be subject to disinfection by such method or methods as the Chief of Bureau may prescribe unless the said establishment discharges drainage into an approved sewerage system or has an approved chlorinating equipment adequate for the proper disinfection of effluents : Pro- vided, however, That upon permission of the Chief of Bureau such hides or skins may be stored for a temporary period in approved warehouses under bond, and under the supervision of an inspector: And provided further, That I. T. or in-bond shipments of hides or skins may go forward under customs seals from a coast or border port of arrival, with the approval of an inspector at said port, to another port in the United States for consumption entry subject to the other provisions of this section. (b) They shall be moved from the coast or border port of arrival or, in case of I. T. or in-bond shipments, from the interior port to the approved establish- ment in cars or trucks or in vessel compartments with no other materials con- tained therein, sealed with seals of the Department, which shall not be broken except by inspectors or other persons authorized by the Chief of Bureau so to do, or without sealing as aforesaid and with other freight when packed in tight cases or casks acceptable to the inspector in charge at the port of entry. (c) They shall be handled at the approved establishment under the direction of an inspector in a manner approved by the Chief of Bureau to guard against the dissemination of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest. They shall not be removed therefrom except upon special permission of the Chief of Bureau and upon compliance with all the conditions and requirements of this section relative to the movement of the said hides and skins from the port of arrival to rhe said establishment. Regulation 7 Sec. 95.7. Wool, hair, and bristles; requirements for unrestricted entry. — Wool, hair, or bristles derived from ruminants and/or swine which do not meet the conditions or requirements specified in any one of paragraphs (a) to (e) following shall not be imported except subject to handling and treatment in accordance with section 95.8 of this order after their arrival at the port of entry: Provided, however, That no bloodstained wool, hair, or bristles shall be imported under any condition : (a) Such wool, hair, or bristles may be imported without other restriction if originating in and shipped directly from a country not declared by the Secre- tary of Agriculture to be infected with foot-and-mouth disease or rinderpest. (b) Wool or hair clipped from live animals or pulled wool or hair may be imported without other restriction if the said wool or hair is reasonably free from animal manure in the form of dung locks or otherwise. (c) Wool, hair, or bristles taken from sheep, goats, cattle, or swine, when such animals have been slaughtered under national government inspection in a country 3 and in an abattoir in which is maintained an inspection service determined by the Secretary of Agriculture to be adequate to assure that such materials have been removed from animals found at time of slaughter to be free from anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, and rinderpest, and to assure further the identity of such materials until loaded upon the transporting vessel, may be imported without other restriction if accompanied by a certificate bearing the seal of the proper department of said national government and signed by an » See footnote 2. official veterinary inspector of such country showing that the therein described wool, hair, or bristles were taken from animals slaughtered in such specified abattoir and found free from anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, and rinderpest. (d) Wool, hair, or bristles which have been scoured, thoroughlv washed, or dyed may be imported without other restriction. (c) Wool, hair, or bristles from a disinfecting station of a national govern- ment, methods of disinfection at which have been approved by the Secretary of Agriculture, may be imported without other restriction if accompanied by a certificate of the director or other accredited official of such station showing that said wool, hair, or bristles covered by the consular invoice specified in said cer- tificate have been subjected to the scouring and disinfecting process required at such station for the disinfection of wool or hair. Regulation 8 Sec. 95.8. Wool, hair, and bristles; importations permitted subject to restric- tions.— Wool, hair, or bristles offered for importation which do not meet the conditions or requirements of section 1)5.7 of this order shall be handled and treated in the following manner after arrival at the port of entry : (a) Such wool, hair, or bristles shall be consigned from the coast or border port of arrival to an approved establishment: Provided, however, That upon permission by the Chief of Bureau such wool, hair, or bristles may be stored for a temporary period in approved warehouses under bond and* under the supervision of an inspector: And provided further, That I. T. or in-bond ship- ments of wool, hair, or bristles may go forward under customs seals from a coast or border port of arrival, with the approval of an inspector at said port, to another port for consumption entry, subject to the other provisions of this section. (b) Such wool, hair, or bristles shall be moved from the coast or border port of arrival or, in the case of I. T. or in-bond shipments, from the interior port to the establishment in cars or trucks or in vessel compartments with no other materials contained therein, sealed with seals of the Department, which shall not be broken except by inspectors or other persons authorized by the Chief of Bureau so to do, or without sealing as aforesaid and with other freight when packed in tight cases acceptable to an inspector. (c) Such wool, hair, or bristles shall be handled at the establishment under the direction of an inspector in a manner approved by the Chief of Bureau to guard against the dissemination of foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest. Such products shall not be removed therefrom except upon special permission of the Chief of Bureau and upon compliance with all the conditions and requirements of this section relative to the movement of the said wool, hair, or bristles from the port of arrival to the said establishment. Regulation 9 Sec. 95.9. Glue stock; requirements for unrestricted entry. — Glue stock which does not meet the conditions or requirements specified in any one of paragraphs (a) to (c) following shall not be imported except subject to handling and treatment in accordance with section 95.10 of this order after arrival at the port of entry : (a) Glue stock originating in and shipped directly from a country not de- clared by the Secretary of Agriculture to be infected with foot-and-mouth di>ease or rinderpest may be imported without other restriction. (b) Glue stock may be imported without other restriction if found upon inspection by an inspector, or by certificate of the shipper or importer satis- factory to said inspector, to have been properly treated by acidulation or by soaking in milk of lime or a lime paste, or to have been dried so as to render each piece of the hardness of a sun-dried hide. (c) Glue stock taken from cattle, sheep, goats, or swine slaughtered under national government inspection in a country 4 and in an abattoir in which is maintained an inspection service determined by the Secretary of Agriculture to be adequate to assure that such materials have been removed from animals found at time of slaughter to be free from anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, and rinderpest, and to assure further the identity of such materials until * See footnote 2. loaded upon the transporting vessel, may be imported without other restriction if accompanied by a certificate bearing tlie seal of the proper department of said national government and signed by an official veterinary inspector of such country showing that the therein described glue stock was taken from animals slaughtered in such specified abattoir and found free from anthrax, foot-and- mouth disease, and rinderpest. Regulation 10 Sec. 96.10. Glue stock; importations permitted subject to restrictions. — Glue stock offered for importation which does not meet the conditions or require- ments of section 95.9 of this order shall be handled and treated in the followii g manner after arrival at the port of entry: (a) It shall be consigned from the coast or border port of arrival to an approved establishment and shall be subject to disinfection by such method or methods as the Thief of Bureau may preseribe unless the said establishment discharges drainage into an approved sewerage system or has an approved chlorinating equipment adequate for the proper disinfection of effluents: Pro- vided, however. That upon permission by the Chief of Bureau glue stock may be stored for a temporary period in approved warehouses under bond and under the supervision of an inspector: And provided further. That I. T. or in-bond shipments of glue stock may go forward under customs seals from a coast or border port of arrival with the approval of an inspector at said port to another port for consumption entry, subject, after arrival at the latter port, to the other provisions of this section. (b) It shall be moved from the coast or border port of arrival or, in case of I. T. or in-bond shipments, from the interior port to the establishment in ears or trucks or in vessel compartments with no other materials contained therein, sealed with seals of the Department, which shall not be broken except by inspectors or other persons authorized by the Chief of Bureau so to do. or without sealing as aforesaid and with other freight when packed in tight cases or casks acceptable to an inspector at port of entry.