STATEPLANT^ ES/lTenezvela UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. August 1, 1947 B. E. P. Q.--^97, Revised, Supplement No. 1 PLANT -QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA IMPORTATION OF CITRUS PLANTS PROHIBITED, ALSO FRUITS, VEGE- TABLES, PLANTS, ETC., IN PASSENGERS' BAGGAGE Official Resolution No. 3 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Development issued at Caracas March 18, 19*+7, prohibits the importa- tion into Venezuela of all citrus plants, including fruits, cuttings, seeds, and "buds, on account of a new disease of citrus occurring in some other countries. The Ministry of Agriculture and Develop- ment may import citrus plants and parts thereof for experimental purposes. Official Resolution No. 5 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Development, published in the Gaceta Oficial June 20, 19^7, prohibits importations of fruits, vegetables, plants and plant parts on the persons or in the luggage of individuals. It is also prohibited to sell these articles from ships in Venezuelan ports. All plants, fruits, etc., imported into Venezuela must be ac- companied by certificates issued by the technical quarantine officials of the country of origin, stating that the articles in question are free of disease and of insect pests. r\ L Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 3 1262 09311 5474