UBRARY UlIITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ,^«xTF PLANT BOART Bureau of Eutomolof'y and Plant Quarantine'^' '^ Was him:: ton, D. C. B. S. P. Q. 386 (5th revinion) Kovemher 6, 1939. Sec. 301. U5a LIST OP iiHTIGLES EXEMPT PROM GSRTIFICATIOK REQUIRSIvIEM'S Ul^TDER TH5 GYPSY M.OTH .'iND BROM-TAIL MOTH QUAPAMTIrjE (QU.^FJiMIrlE NO. U5) In accordance v/ith the proviGO in Notice of Quarantine No. U5 (Sec. 3CI.U5), as revised effective September 29, 1933, the following articles, the interstate movement of \;hicb. is not consid'^red to consti- tute a risk of moth dissemination, are exempted from the restrictions of the regiilations of this quarantine: Acacia cuttin.5;s (for ornamental use) (Acacia spp.). Banana stt.lks , when crushed, dried, and shredded. Birch slabs for use as post cards. Birch hari-c when v/axed , polished, or otherwise treated to adequately oUminate all risk of transmitting infestation and y/hen used in the m.anufa.cturo of novelties. Cable reels, v.'hen newly inanu-factured and empty. Clubmoss (sometimes called "'^I'ound pine") (Lycopodium spp.). Evergreen smilay. (S:ailnx lance 0 lata). Fuchsia (F^J^'nsia sp;p. ), Galax (Galax rg-hylla). Geranium (Pelargor. iur: BpF*)- Heather cuttin|.'-.,3 (for ornari.enlal use) (Frica spp. , Calluna spp . ) . Heliotrope ( Holiotrop ijoin spp . ) , Herbariiim sj'ecimuns, v/hen dried, pressed, and treated, and v/hon so labeled on the o^'^tside of each container. Jerusalem-cherry (Solantim ca"OT.ica strum, S. p s eudo cap s i cum , S . benders oni ) . Leaves of deciduous ?:uid evergreen trees that have been treated or dyed. Mistletoe (pho rade ndr on flavescens , Vis cum album, etc. ). Oregon huckleberry-'' (Vaccinium ov-tum) . Partridgeberry (Mitchell a rer)cns). Strawberry plants Cpragaria spp.). Trailing arbutus (Epigaea repens ) . Verbena (Veroona spp. ). Wintergreen (Ga"'altheria spp., Pyrola spp.). (Issued under Sec. 3OI.U5) FB. E. P. Q, 3S6 (5th revision) November 6, 1939] LEE A. STRONG, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09245 2936