K)AC/1-TM/^Y3^F . & i«i - .^Aocw NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1243 TWO-DIMENSIONAL POTENTLAlL FLOWS By Manfred Schafer and W. Tollmien Translation of "Ebene Potentialstromungen." Technische Hochschule Dresden, Archiv Nr. 44/3, Kapitel in, March 22, 1941 Washington November 1949 DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 1^? S^3HI NATIONAL ADVISOEY COMMITTEE FOR AEt>ONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 12^3 TWO-DIMENSIONAL POTENTIAL FLOWS* By Manfred Schaf er and W . Toll mi en Outline: I- CHARACTERISTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS - INITIAL AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS II. INTEGRATION OF THE SECOND CHARACTERISTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS III. DIRECT APPLICATION OF MEYER'S CHARACTERISTIC HODOGSAPH TABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL POTENTIAL FLOWS IV. PRANDTL-BUSEMANN METHOD V. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRESSURE VARIATION FOR SMALL DEFLEC- TION ANGELES VI. NUMERICAL TABLE: RELATION BETWEEN DEFLECTION, PRESSURE, VELOCITY, MACH NUMBER AND MACH ANGLE FOR ISENTROPIC CHANGES OF STATE ACCORDING TO PRANDTL -MEYER FOR AIR (k = l.i^05) VII. REFERENCIB I. CHARACTERISTIC DIFFEREOTIAL EQUATIONS - INITIAL AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS. For setting up the characteristic differential equations one starts from the differential equation for the velocity potential since the velocity components can be expressed more simply by the velocity potential than by the stream function. This differential equation reads, according to l(l5) • with a / a \ a ^, V = qy (2) Ebene Potentialstromungen. " Technische Hochschule Dresden, Archiv Nr. hh/3, Kapitel III, March 22, 19I+I. KACA TM 121*-^ and the sonic velocity a determined ty 2 ^ LJ_1 A . ,2\ (3) a^ = 1 - q' 2 V In the selected non-dimensional representation. The characteristic condition (cf. chapter Il(8) , KACA TM 121|2) Is (, - p ^ ^-^ ^ (i - p - (« If one puts u = q cos i3 V = q sin •fl (5) the characteristic condition is written (a^ - q2co8^^jy2 + 2q23in-3 cobt3 xj + (a^ - q^sin^iSji = (6) Hence result two roots X.' and X." for ~, the slope of the charac- teristic "base curves toward the x-axis: , _ q^sln t3 cos t3 + a\|q^ - a^ , , A, — (iB.) 2 2 2 q^^cos i3 - a*^ . ti q^sln -a cos i3 - a /q^ - a^ ,_ , A. = (Tb) q^cos^iS - a^ As differential equation for the first family of the characteristic "base curves resiolts dy - X,' dx = (8a) and for the second dy - X," djc = (Bh) NACA TM 1243 For explanation of these relations (aomewhat dlfficiilt to survey due to the complicated form of X, ' and x") one uses an artifice which Is permissihle In two-dimensional flows. Since In the two-dimensional flow, for Instance, In contrast to the rotatlonally-symmetrlcal flow, no direction Is preferred, one may place the x-axls of a Cartesian xy system In the direction of the flow at the location under Investigation; thus there becomes ■a = X' = \" = ? - a2 \/^2V-,2 y (9) The Mach angle a Is defined by sin a = — q. so that tan a = ^ ,^ - «2 (10) This signifies according to (8) that the characteristic base curves form with the stream lines the Mach angle a. The first family (8a) of characteristic base curves forms the Mach angle toward the left (looking in the flow direction) , the second family (8b) forms the same angle toward the right. The first family of characteristic base curves were thereupon denoted as left-hand , the second as right-hand Mach waves . The second characteristic equation of the first family of characteristics is, according to Il(28b), (RACA TM 121^-2) : du + q^sln ^ cos -a - a yq^ - a^ dv = q cos t3 (lla) KACA TM 1214.3 and for the second family of characteristics, according to 11(2911) (TM I2I+2) : q sin <3 cos t3 + a Vq^ - a^ , , du + — dv = (lib) ? ? 2 q'^cos -a - a with du = cos ■^ dq - q sin '^ d.'S dv = aln i3 dq + q cos -d di3 (12) If one applies the same artifice as In selecting the special coordinate system at the considered location, one obtains, since t3 there becomes du = dq, dv = q di3 and one has on the first family of characteristics dq - ————— q diS = (l3a) i q2 - a2 and on the second dq + ^ q d^ = (13b) \^ fq2 - a2 The two relations (13) contain only quantities Independent of the special selection of a coordinate system. Together with the remark made Initially on the admissibility of the last used coordinate system there resiilts, accordingly, the general validity of the relation (l3a) for the first, of the relation (l3h) for the second family of charac- teristics. The relations (13) a^e often, in an elementary manner, deduced from the fact that the infinitesimal velocity variation ±3 perpendicular to the Mach wave: WACA TM 121|3 q + dd Ml - ^ <1 ^1 + a - d^ j sin COB a cos a + sin a diS = 1 - tan a di3 dq. = -q tan a di3 V- a :=: 1 di3 q2 - a2 Thus the velocity variation in crossing a left-hand Mach wave is regulated according to this equation (cf. (1312)); the crossing has to take place along a right-hand Mach wave. Regarding this elementary derivation the fundamental remark has to he made that here tacitly the existence of a relation hetween u and v alone (and hetween q and i3 alone, respectively) is assixmed- In the rotationally -symmetrical case where this presupposition no longer holds, one obtains accordingly another characteristic equation althoijgh the velocity increment occurs as before perpendicularly to the Mach wave- A few remarks concerning the secondary conditions which supervene the differential equation of the two-dimensional potential flow are to be inserted at this point- The secondary conditions may for instance be given by Initial conditions, that is, on an initial curve (for example, in a certain cross section of a channel) a few or all flow values are prescribed. The front of a compression shock also may serve as initial curve. The initial distributions for the approximation method discussed here are approximated by distributions constant over small distances- Therein it was often used as approximation principle that the Jumps in i3 are to be of a certain magnitude, for instance +1° or +2°. Correspondingly, the boundary distributions which are given by boundary conditions, the main types of which will now be discussed, are also approximated. MCA TM l2i^-3 i3 ia prescri"bed at a solid wall. If one denotes as ccmpression wave a Mach wave tehind which a pressiire increase and a velocity decrease takes place, compression waves are reflected at a solid wall as compres- sion waves. This can readily be seen in the figure. The crossing of the right-hand Mach compression wave occurs along a left-hand Mach wave^ thus the pre- ////////y/ ////)//7 supposed decrease of q. according to (13^) is connected with a decrease of t3 • The crossing of the adjoining left- hand wave along a right-hand wave must cause - due to the boundary condition at the wall which is assumed to "be unbroken - an increase of i3 which according to (13^) produces a decrease of q., therefore a compression. At a free .let boundary the pressure p is prescribed as constant^ thus the velocity q also is a known constant there. The free Jet boundary must - because of the kinematic boundary condition of vanishing normal velocity - coincide with a stream line which will be determined in the course of the solution of the flow problem. A compression wave is reflected at a free Jet boundary as rarefaction wave since the drop in velocity which occurred first must be made good again by an increase, in order to satisfy the condition of constant velocity at the free Jet boundary. 2. INTEGflAriOW OF THE SECOND CHARACTERISTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Of the characteristic equations (8a), (8b), (l3a) , (l3b) the last pair can be very easily integrated; this was already done by Th. Meyer (cf . Th. Meyer, particularly p. 38) • Following, a derivation is given which fits into our general theory. On the left-hand family of characteristics r= 1 (13a) ^ _ di3 \/42 - a2 2 K_2_l ,^ _ o with er = (1 - q2) . Hence t3 may be determined as function 2 of q by quadrature. The execution of this elementary integration results in NACA TM 1214.3 /K + 1 , I/k - 1 / 2 K + 1 ^ = 1/ arc tan IC - 1 W K + 1 (K - 1)(1 - '-2 i' is the critical velocity v / ; — f and Oi represents an Integrati V(k + 1) ' constant. It has to be noted that all velocities have been made non- on / 2k Po , > dimensional by Vjj^ = / — ^-r — (pq tank pressure, Pq tank density). y^ - 1 pQ For this relation a table of data particvilarly convenient for the practical calculation has been given by 0. Walchner for air (k = l.lj-05) (cf. pp. 22-23). Aside from the velocities q referred to the sonic velocity a and the critical sonic velocity a*, the pressure p, referred to the tank pressure Po Is given, for which the equation -^ = (1 - (i2)'^/(^-l) is valid. In the last column the Mach angle a Is indicated. The integration constant ^i is selected as 0, v is used Instead of ^ for this special Integration constant; the reason for this will be shown In the next parag3:'aph. The application of the Meyer -Walchner table for the approximated construction of two-dimensional potential flows will be discussed In the next paragraph. WACA TM 12I4.3 For the right-hand characteristics one obtains correspondingly "by integration of (l3b) "■ - arc tan. -x 1 a*2 (15) or + 1 arc tan\ f K - 1 K + 1 arc tan, a! with iSr "being an integration constant- On the left-hand character- istics increasing q is, according to (l3a) , connected with increasing i3. on the right-hand characteristics increasing q, accord- ing to (13^), with decreasing ^. Hence the designation left-hand and right-hand, at first introduced through the characteristic "base curves of the Mach waves, is immediately comprehensive also for consideration of the characteristic hodographs the equation of which is given in polar coordinates (q radius vector, t3 angular coordinate) in differential form "by (13a) and (13b) , in the integrated form by {ik) and (15)' CI. Thiessen (1926) first drew attention to an interesting geometrical interpretation of these characteristic hodographs. A geometrical proof which, however, requires longer preparation, has been given by A. Busemann. Following, we give our own proof, relin- quishing the non-dimensional representation, in order to conform to customary representation. According to Thiessen the characteristic hodograph curves are epicycloids originating from the rolling of a circle of diameter m^ on a circle of radius a*. NACA TM 12U3 Since the rolling circle rolls In the denoted position about the point A, the point Q - which has the distance q. from the center of the fixed circle - traces a small circular arc about A. Thus the increment dq lies on the line QB, since Q3 is perpendlciilar to QA. On the other hand, dq. is, according to the end of the previous paragraph, for tvo -dimena 1 onal potential flows unequivocally determined by the fact that dq is perpendicular to the Mach wave which with q (here represented by OQ forms the Mach angle a = arc sin a/q. Thus the proof will be given if the angle 4- OQA is found to be equal to the Mach angle. If one puts preliminarily 4- OQA = € and . 4-QBO = p one has 4- 0Q3 = Jt/2 + e 4- QAO = n/2 + p According to the sine theorem applied to the triangles 0Q3 and OQA one obtains Pi — = 0.363. For field 3 one has, for geometrical reasons, -So = k'-'; the Po transition from field 1 to field 2 leads, according to (19), to v^, = 12° "^3 ^3 with — = 1.50^4-, — = 0.270. The calculation of the q.- and i3-values 3 ^o in the next field k represents the general case of the method. From field 3 one arrives at field k hy the crossing of a right-hand Mach wave, thus according to (18) : \ = '^•a + \ ~ t^o = 80 + i3|^. From field 2 one arrives at field k "by the crossing of a left-hand Mach wave, thus according to (19): v^^ = ^^ ~(^]^. " ^2) ^ "^° ~ '^ k' ^°^ ^^^ *^° equations for i3|^ and ^ i^ set up Just now follows '^1^ = -6°, ^^^ = 20 "i-k Pk with -~ = 1.132, — = 0.ivl4-9. In all remaining fields i3 ia preBcribed NACA TM 121(.3 13 by geometrical ■boundary conditions so that the calciilatlon is easy and takes place very similarly to that for field 2 and field 3- One has ^5 = ko, v^ = 12°, ^ = i.<^ok, ^ = 0.270; ^g = -10°, v^ = 6°, ^ = 1.293, ^ = 0.363; 6 o 1 P ^7 = -3°, v„ = 19°, £ = 1.71+3, ^ = 0.190; ' 7 ^o ^8 = "3^ ^8 = 13°, - = 1-538, - = 0.257 o o ag Pq A drawing machine is desirable for plotting the Mach waves which close any newly calculated field. With a finer subdivision of the singular variations, a greater accuracy seems attainable by means of this method than with the aid of the Prandtl-Busemann method described below. k. PRANDTL-BUSEMAM METHOD: For approximated construction of two-dimensional potential flows mostly the Prandtl-Busemann method is used, the main expedient of which is a diagram with the characteristic hodograph curves (ik) and (15) , respectively. The Prandtl-Busemann method is, according to our terminology Introduced in chapter II, (NACA TM 12l|2) , a field method, that is, a pair of values q, ^ is coordinated to each field formed by the characteristic base curves or Mach waves- For the sake of a simple representation of the method we assume this pair of values q, it to be valid precisely for the field center, the definition of which was given in chapter II, paragraph 7, NACA TM 12I4.2.I We now visualize the field centers as connected with each other; these connecting curves The field centers are very useful for explanation of the method; they are, however, in case of two -dimensional potential flows, in contrast to rotationally-symmetrical ones, not required for the construction so that the exact definition of the field centers would here not yet be necessary. Ik WACA TM 12J+3 give, as was shewn, again characteristic "base curves, thus here the Mach waves. To these Mach waves, not perhaps to the Mach waves of the field "boundaries, the characteristic hodograph curves were coordinated. The net of the characteristic hodographs may be drawn once and for all according to the expositions in section 2 for a given k . According to former representations the crossing of a left-hand Mach wave in the flow plane is connected with a progressing along a right-hand charac- teristic hodograph In the velocity plane. Correspondingly, crossing of a right-hand Mach wave is coupled with progressing along a left-hand characteristic hodograph. Busemann and Prelswerk gave a net of charac- ■ terlstlc hodographs for *^ = l.i^-OJ* This diagram is customarily denoted simply as 'characteristics diagram.'. In order to calculate from the known pairs of values q, i3 in field I and II the unknown pair of values q., -3 in the field III adjoining downstream, one pro- gresses from the point in the character- istics diagram corresponding to field I along a right-hand epicycloid, since one has crossed a left-hand Mach wave in the transition from I to III; correspondingly one progresses from the point of the characteristics diagram corres- ponding to field II along a left-hand epicycloid. The point of Intersection gives the pair of values q_, S for the field III. The field that had "been open so far is then closed "by two Mach waves the direction of which is determined from the values of q and i3 found Just now- The modifications of the method for fields at the "boundary of the region are o"bvlous. In order to facilitate the reading of the q- and -3 -values from the characteristics diagram, one may take the net of the characteristic hodographs as net of coordinates. According to (ik) and (l6) , respec- tively, one has for the left-hand epicycloids: ^- Hq) ='\ (20) according to (15) and (17) , respectively, for the right-hand epicycloids - -d - v(q) = -^ r (21) Thus t3 and - through the ta"bulated function v(q) - q as well may be very easily expressed by the parameters i3^ and d of the epicycloids. NACA TM 121+3 15 Instead of the parameters ^i and ^^ which probably first seemed obvious, Busemann selected others with only the starting points of the count shifted from "3 and v. The angles -9 and v are measured in degrees. The degree sign (°) is omitted below- One may then express Busemann' 3 epicycloid numbering so that as equation of the left-hand epicycloids d - V(q) = 2(X - UOO) (22) as equation of the right-hand epicycloids -S - v(q) = 2(n - 600) (23) is written with the new parameters A, and m-- Hence there results 200 - ^ = V. - \ (24) 1000 - V (q) = ^l + X (25) Thus the difference of the new parameters' X and ^ gives the angle i3 except for an insignificant shifting of the initial point and reversal of the sense in which one is counting. The center line of Busemann 's characteristics diagram (^ = O) obtains the direction number [1 - X equal to 200, whereas the sum of X and ^l yields the function v(q) and therewith also q and the pressure p. The numbering of the epicycloids according to (22) and (23) is carried out very easily if one considers additionally that v(q) Just vanishes for q = a* (critical velocity) . Busemann writes the parameters X and [i as field numbers into the fields of the flow plane; a table for the connection of the pressure number" p. + X with q and p must be given as supplement. If one approximates the initial and boundary conditions in such a manner that one replaces the prescribed angles by sectlonally constant distributions with Jumps of +1° or +2°, one may assure by a suitably fine-meshed characteristics diagram that one gets by without interpola- tion. The customary characteristics diagrams are in their main part arranged for angular Jumps of 1°. I6 ■ NACA TM l2l^■3 Additionally developed graphical expedients for facilitated plotting of the Mach waves will not be discussed, since one can dispense with them when a drawing machine is used- We will "be content with these observations regarding the Prandtl- Busemann method and will omit the carrying out of a standard example since the method has been represented in detail by Heybey (HVT - Archiv Wr. 66/31 and 66/32). 5. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRESStKE VARIATION FOE SMALL DEFLECTION ANGLES. In a flow unilaterally bounded by a wall the flow variations en- forced by the boundary conditions are propagated from the wall along one family of Mach waves; in the figure it Is the left-hand family. S>0 6 <0 This property of two-dimensional potential flows follows Immediately from the characteristic differential eq.uations (13) which connect velocity and directional variation. This property is by no means transferable to other than two-dimensional potential flows, for instance potential flows with rotational symmetry. Since for the conditions assumed in the figure the flow variations occur at the crossing of left-hand Mach waves, they may be calciilated by progressing along a right-hand characteristic, thus according to (13b) from aci dq = , ^ d.^ (13b) Vc2 - °2 'q.^ - a*- A development of the pressure difference for deflection of the flow from the angle '^ = to the angle -8 = 5 is to be given; the deflection angle 5 is to be small and the third powers of 5 are still to be included in the development. Busemann has for the first time set up such a development, using a method totally different from NACA TM 1214-3 IT ours. In order to develop the pressure, first the velocity ^2 which is to pertain to i3 = 6 is developed according to equation (l3h) with respect to 5. For i3 = 0, q is to equal q-, • We set up: qg = q-L + c^ 6 + Cg 5 + c 6 3 (26) and determine the unknown coefficients c-j^, C2, Co from (l3h) by com- dq 2 parison of the coefficients- One has only to equate — = c-]^+ 2c2 5+3co 5 with the expression originating from aq ^ 2 2 q - a when q is replaced by q2 according to (26) . Therein is a^ = k; - 1 (v/ - .^). It is most convenient to eqixare the two sides of the relation mentioned before comparing the coefficients. There results ci = ^lll Co = - ll tl^ ai^ C3 = ) ^2 iltll U(qi2 - ai2) = [(. - Dq^^ + 2ai^ I2(q,2 . ,^2)7/2 (k - 1)(2k - 3)q^6 > + 9(^ - ^)^ Convegno dl Science Flalche, Matematlche e Naturali 30 Sett. - 6 Ott. 1935. Tema: Le alte veloclta In avlazlone Eoma 1936: Busemann, A. : Aerodynamlscher Auftrleb bel Uberschallgeschwindlgkelten pp. 328-368 (abgedruckt in Lufo Bd- 12, pp. 210-220, 1935- )• 9' Busemann, A., and Walchner, 0.: Profllelgenschaften bel Uberschall- geachwlndlgkeit. Eorschg. Ing.-Wes. Bd. k, pp. 87-92, 1933- Translation by Mary L- Mahler National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. NACA-Langley - 11-28-49 - 900 m CM o CD CD U £ K ^ ?! n CO 1 p H PQ -* C3N H < i << o © ■H CO (D m > « •p o OS U +5 m CVJ IQ m Td (D •.«J o CO C3N -:i- C7\ CVJ H H S ;, -P 4^ ro Ch -H fi •H T) •H -P 0) Ti c! ^ ^ (D H +j -P Ch 0) (1) •H Ch i> fl ■P Pk •H ■c) (D (D -d fl oj tjD CD (D pq Ph ^1 (D (D H © © © S -d O CD -d H -P o a u -p m 'd -^ ■^ •d © CQ ^ P! a fn © © © -d O ^ ^ >^ S Ch -P -P «J CO UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1 3 1262 08105 038 6 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 120 MARSTON SCIENCE LIBRARY P.O. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE. FL 32611-7011 USA