ir\ B. E. p. Q.-Q. Quarantino and RoKuIations Effort ive January Ifi, 1939 United States Department of Agriculture BLREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE WHITE-FRINGED BEETLE QUARANTINE (QUARANTINE NO. 72) INTRODUCTORY NOTE The white-friiige. This pest is known to (X-cur in South America and has rt^xMitly been reported in New South Wales, but the time and methtxl of introduction into the United States are unknown. The larvae of the beetle feed on a wide variety of plant roots and tubers, while the adults feeil on leaves and tender shoots above ground. Adults may be carried to other iK)ints by any moving thing, eggs may be transported from place to place in the movement of almost any article coming In contact with the ground, and larvae may be moved with various kinds of soil, peat, compost, and manure. It is evident, therefore, that cosmopolitan food habits of the pest, its diverse means of spread in any stage of development, together with its parthenogenetic mode of rep nxl net ion. characterize the white-fringed beetle as a potentially aerious threat to American agricultural and horticultural interests. SUMMARY The restricted articles are prohibited movement interstate from any regu- lated area to or through any point outside thereof unless there is attached to the outside of the container a valid insi>ection certificate is.sued by an inspector duly authorized by the United States Department of Agriculture. This requirement applies in the case of all restricted articles and for the period of the year designated in regulation 3 unless the Chief of the Bureau has given formal notice to the public that modification has been made as to the articles, or areas, or periods of the year specified in the regulations. The list of restricted articles and the period of the year when the certifi- cation requirement applies, are stated in regulation 3. The regulated areas are designated in regulation 2. Arrangements for inspection may be made by addressing the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Box 9S9, Gulfport, Miss. Lee a. Strong, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. NOTICE OF QU.\RANTINE NO. 72 (Approved December 14, 1938; effective January 15. 1939) I. H. A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture, have determined that a quaran- tine of the States of Alabama. Florida. Louisiana, and Mississijjpi is necessary to prevent the spread of dangerous infestations of the white-fringed beetle (yauijaetuj_le_us:j)lotna Boh.), and a closely related species of Xnupa-ctus, two in.^^'t pests nor widely prevalent within and throughout the United States. Now, therefore, under authority conferred by section 8 of the Plant Quar- antine Act of August 2<1. 11)12 (37 Stat. 31.5). as amended, and having given thf pulilic hearing reqtiired thereby. I do (piarantine the States of Alabama. Florida. L<.uisiana, and Mississippi and do order that (1) nursery stock or any other plants or plant products; (2) soil. indei)endent of. or used* in connection with. nurs<'ry stock, plant.s or plant products; or (3) other articles (as specifi- cally named in the regulations supplemental hereto, in nuMlifications thereof. or in administrative instructions as provided in the reguhitions supplemenUii 1 22s:'.f» — 39 hereto) which are capahle of carrying the aforesaid insect infestations, shall not be shipped or offered for shipment to a common carrier by any person, or received for transportation or transported by a common carrier, or carried or transported by any person from any such State into or through any other State or Territory or District of the United States, under conditions other than those prescribed in the regulations supplemental hereto : Provided, That the restrictions of this quarantine and of the regulations supplemental hereto may be limited to such areas, designated by the Secretary of Agriculture as regulated areas, in the quarantined States, as, in his judgment, shall be adequate to pre- vent the spread of the said pest or pests. Any such limitation shall be condi- tioned, however, upon the affected State or States providing for and enforcing the control of the intrastate movement of the restricted articles under the conditions which apply to their interstate movement under existing provi- sions of the Federal quarantine regulations, and upon their enforcing such control and sanitation measures with respect to such areas or portions thereof as, in the judgment of the Secretary of Agriculture, shall be deemed adequate to prevent the intrastate spread therefrom of said insect infestation : And Pro- vided further; That whenever, in any year, the Chief of the Bureau of Ento- mology and Plant Quarantine shall find that facts exist as to the pest risk involved in the movement of one or more of the articles to which the regula- tions supplemental hereto apply, making it safe to modify, by making less stringent, the restrictions contained in any such regulations, he shall set forth and publish such finding in administrative instructions, specifying the manner in which the applicable regulation should be made less stringent, whereupon such modification shall become effective, for such period and for such regulated area or portion thereof as shall be specified in said administrative instructions, and every reasonable effort shall be made to give publicity to such administra- tive instructions throughout the affected areas. Done at the city of Washington this 14th day of December 1938. Witness my hand and the seal of the United States Depart- ,^^><^ ment of Agriculture. fAS*^^ H. A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture. REGULATIONS SUPPLEMENTAL TO NOTICE OF QUARANTINE NO. 72 Regulation 1. Definitions (a) The pests. — The white-fringed beetle, Naupactus leucoloma Boh., and a closely related species of Naupactus, in any stage of development. (&) Adults and larvae. — Adults and larvae of Naupactus leucoloma and a closely related species of Naupactus. (c) Regulated area. — Any area in a quarantined State which is now, or which may hereafter be, designated as regulated by the Secretary of Agriculture in accordance with the provisos to notice of Quarantine No. 72. (d) Restricted articles. — Products or articles of any character whatsoever, the interstate movement of which is restricted by the provisions of the white- fringod beetle quarantine, and the regulations supplemental thereto. (c) Inspector. — Duly authorized Federal plant-quarantine inspector. (/■) Certificate. — An approved document, issued by an inspector, evidencing the apparent freedom of restricted articles from the pests. (g) Limited permit. — An approved document, issued by an inspector, to allow movement of noncertified, restricted articles to or from designated and author- ized manufacturing plants, mills, gins, or processing plants. (h) Dealer-carrier permit. — An approved document issued to persons or firms approved for, and engaged in purchasing, assembling, exchanging, processing, or transporting restricted articles. • (/) Administrative in. "it ructions. — Administrative instructions issued by the vChief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. (;) Infested or mfestation. — Infested by the white-fringed beetle, the closely ■related species, or both such pests, in any stage of development. Regulation 2. Regulated Areas The following countios, parishos, citios and towns or parts thereof, as de- scribed, are designated b.v the Secretary of Agriculture as regulated areas: Alahania. — In Conecuh, Monroe, and Wilcox Counties: The W-z-j Tps, 5 and 6 N. and all of Tps. 7, S. 9, 10, and SVo T. 11 N., R. 9 B. All of Tps. 5, G, 7, a 0, and S^.. T. 10 N.. R. 8 E. Sees. 25, 2G, 3'), and 36, T 7 N., R. 7 E., and sees. I and 2, T. 6 N., R. 7 E. ; in Covington County: T. 1. N., Rs. 17 and IS E. and SEH T. 1 N.. R. 16 E. and all south of both areas to the Alabama-Florida State line; in Gvncni County: Sees. 31, 32, and 33, T. 1 N., R. 19 E. and .south thereof to the Alabama-Florida State line; in Mobile County: That area bound on the east by Mc)bile River, on the south by Congress Street and a line extended tlierefrom to Mobile River in the city of Mobile, on the west by Joachim Street in the same city, to its intersection with One Mile Creek; thence northeast along One Mile Creek to Conception Street Road ; thence northwest on said road to Three Mile Creek ; thence east along Three Mile Creek to Mobile River. Florida. — In Eseanihia Count ij: AW of the city of Pensacola : in Okaloosa County: T. 5 N., R. 22 W. and sees. 1, 2, and 3 of T. 5 N., R. 23 W. and all lands north of both areas to the Florida-Alabama State line; in Walton Counti/: T. 5 N., Rs. 20 and 21 W. and sees. 31, 32, and 33, T. 6 N., R. 19 W. and all lands north of both areas to the Florida-Alabama State line ; also sec. 1-24 inclusive of T. 4 N., R. 19 W. Louisiana. — All of Orleans Parish including the city of New Orleans, and all of Saint Bernard Parish; in East Baton Rouge Parish: T. 7 S., Rs. 1 and 2 E. and 1 W., including all of the city of Baton Rouge ; in Jefferson and Plaque- mines Parishes: Those parts lying north of the township line between Tps. 14 and 15 S. Mississippi. — In Harrison and Stone Counties: That area bound by the east line of sec. 31, T. 7 S., R. 10 W. extending from a point where it intersects or would intersect with the Mississippi Sound if extended without change in direction to said sound : thence north to Bayou Bernard ; thence following a general northwesterly direction along Bayou Bernard to east line of sec. 22, T. 7 S., R. 11 W., thence north to intersection with Biloxi River, thence north- west along Biloxi River to intersection with the east line of sec. 5, T. 6 S., R. II W., thence north to SE corner sec. 32, T. 3 S., R. 11 W., thence west along township line to SE corner sec. 34. T. 3 S., R. 12 W., thence south to a point where the east line of sec. 15, T. 7 S.. R. 12 W. intersects Landon Road, thence west along Landon Road to intersection of east line of sec. 9, T. 7 S., R. 12 W., thence south to Mississippi Sound, thence along the sound to starting point and including all property extending onto or over the waters of Mississippi Sound ; in Hinds County: Ei/o T. 6 N., R. 3 W., and W% T. 6 N., R. 2 W. ; in Jackson County: That area included within a boundary beginning at SE corner sec. 31, T. 7 S., R. 5 W., and extending north to Escatawpa River; thence west along said river to the Pascagoula River, thence south along Pascagoula River to township line between Tps. 7 and 8 S., thence east along the said township line to the starting point; in Jones County: That area included within a bound- ary beginning at SW corner sec. 14, T. 8 N., R. 12 W., thence east to SE corner sec. 16, T. 8 N.. R. 11 W., thence north to NE corner sec. 9. T. 8 N., R. 11 W., thence east to NE corner sec. 11, T. 8 N., R. 11 W., thence north to NE corner sec. 26, T. 9 N.. R. 11 W., thence west to SE corner sec. 21, T. 9 N.. R. 11 W., thence north to NE corner sec. 16, T. 9 N., R. 11 W., thence west to NW corner seo. 14, T. 9 N.. R. 12 W., thence south to Tallahoma Creek, thence southerly along said creek to its intersection with the west line of sec. 11. T. 8 N., R. 12 W., thence south to starting point; in Pearl River Countii: All of T. 5 S., R. 16 W., and E% T. 5 S., R. 17 W. Regulation 3. Restricted Articles (a) Carriers of larvae. — The interstate movement of the following articles from the regulated areas is regulated throughout the year : (1) Soil, earth, sand, clay, peat, compost, and irwinure whether moved inde- pendent of. or in connection with or attached to nursery stock, plants, products, articles, or things. (2) Potatoes and sweetpotatoes. (6) Carriers of eggs and adults. — Except as provided in regulation 4 hereof, the interstate movement from any regulated area of the following products is regulated for the periods indicated : From June 1 to November 30, inclusive, of each year: (1) Swcetpotato vines, draws, and cuttings. (2) Cordwood, pulpwood, stump wood, and logs. (3) Unused lumber, timbers, posts, poles, and cross ties. From June 1 to January 31, inclusive, of any 12-month period: (1) Hay, roughage of all kinds, straw, leaves, and leafmold. (2) Peas, beans, and peanuts in shells, or the shells of any of these products. (3) Seed cotton, cottonseed, baled cotton lint, and linters. (4) Used implements and machinery, scrap metal, junk, and utensils or con- tainers coming in contact with the ground. (5) Brick, tiling, stone, and concrete slabs and blocks. (6) Used lumber, timbers, posts, poles, cross ties, and other building m.aterials. (7) Nursery stock and other plants, which are free from soil. (c) Designation of other restricted articles. — Any other articles which, by reason of exposure or surroundings, may be found by the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine to serve as carriers of the pest in any stage of development and which are so designated by him in administrative instructions, shall thereafter be subject to the restrictions of this quarantine and the regulations supplemental thereto. Regulation 4. Conditions Governing Interstate Movement of Restricted Articles (a) Restricted articles shall not be moved interstate from a regulated area to or through any point outside thereof unless accompanied by a valid inspec- tion certificate issued by an inspector: Provided, That certification require- ments as they relate to part or all of any regulated area and as they pertain to carriers of adults and eggs, may be waived, during part or all of the year, by the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, on his finding and giving notice thereof, in administrative instructions, that the State con- cerned has promulgated and enforced adequate sanitary measures on and about the premises on which restricted articles originate or are retained, or that ade- quate volunteer sanitary measures have been applied, or that other control or natural conditions exist which have eliminated the risk of egg or adult contamination. (&) No certificates are required for interstate movement of regulated arti- cles when such movement is wholly within contiguous regulated areas. Regulation 5. Conditions Governing the Issuance of Certificates and Permits (a) Certificates authorizing the interstate movement of soil, earth, sand, clay, peat, compost, or manure, originating in an infested area, may be issued only when such articles have been treated, fumigated, sterilized, or processed under methods approved by the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. (&) Certificates authorizing the interstate movement of soil, earth, sand, clay, peat, compost, or manure, originating in noninfested parts of a regulated area, and of all other restricted articles from any part of a regulated area, may be issued upon determination by the inspector that the articles are (1) apparently free from infestation; or (2) have been treated, fumigated, sterilized, or proc- essed under approved methods; or (3) w^ere grown, produced, manufactured, stored, or handled in such a manner that, in the judgment of the inspector, no infestation would be transmitted thereby. (c) Limited permits for manufacturing and processing purposes. — Limited permits may be issued for the movement of noncertified restricted articles to such manufacturing or processing plants, mills, or gins in nonregulated areas as may be authorized and designated by the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, for manufacture, processing, or treatment. As a con- dition of such authorization and designation, manufacturing, or processing plants, mills, or gins in nonregulated areas shall agree in writing to maintain such sanitary safeguards against the establishment and spread of infestation and to comply with such restrictions as to the handling and subsequent move- ment of restricted products as may be required by the inspector. id) Dealer-carrier permit. — As a condition of issuance of certificates or l)ermits for the interstate movement of restricted articles, all persons or firms engaged in purchasing, assembling, exchanging, processing, or carrying such restricted articles originating or stored in regulated areas, shall make appli- cation for a di^aU'r-carrior permit to the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, stipulatinj; that the permittee will maintain an accurate record of receipts and sales, shipments, or services, when so recpiired, which records shall he availahle at all times for examination by an inspector; and that he will carry out, under a sitjned agreement, any and all conditions, treatments, precautions, and sanitary measures which may be specified therein. Regulation 6. Certification a Condition of Interstate Movement Unless exempted by administrative instructions issued by the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, every container of restricted articles moved interstate from any regulated area shall have securely attached to the outside thereof a certitlcate or i)ermit issued in compliance with th(\se regulations, except that the certificate c>r permit issued (1) for lot shipments by freight shall be attached to one of the containers and a dui)licate thereof shall be atrached to the waybill, (2) for shipments by road vehicle shall accom- jiany the vehicle, (3) for bulk carload shipments by freight shall accompany the waybill or conductor's manifest. Regulation 7. Assembly of Restricted Articles for Inspection Persons intending to move restricted articles interstate shall make applica- tion for certification as far as possible in advance of the probable date of shipment. Ai)plications must show the nature and (piantity of articles to be moved, together with their exact location, and if practicable, the contemplated date of shipment. Applicants for inspection may be required to assemble or indicate the articles to be shipped so that they may readily be examined by the inspector. The United States Department of Agriculture will not be responsible for any cost incident to inspection or treatment other than the services of the inspector. Regulation 8. Cancelation of Permits Certificates or permits issued under these regulations may be withdrawn or canceled and further certification refused whenever, in the judgment of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, the further use of such certifi- cates or permits might result in the dissemination of infestation. Regulation 9. Shipments for Experimental and Scientific Purposes Articles subject to restrictions may be moved interstate for experimental or scientific, on such conditions as may be prescribed bv the ('hief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. The container of articles so moved shall bear an identifying tag from the Bureau of Entomologv and Plant Quarantine. These regulations shall be effective on and after January 15, 1939. Done at the city of Washington this 14th day of December 1938. Witness my hand and the seal of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. Secretary of Agriculture. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: I9S» Digitized by tlie Internet Arcliive in 2012 witli funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation iS.S^SlTy OF R/Da ■tifiiii 1262 oaf^ni* iimiii I