h / U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY. CARL L. ALSBERG, Chief or Bureau. DIRECTORY OF FEDERAL AND STATE DAIRY, FOOD, DRUG, AND FEEDING STUFFS OFFICIALS. OCTOBER 1, 1916. PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF STATE COOPERATIVE FOOD AND DBUG CONTROL, J. 8. ABBOTT, Chemist in Charge. WASHINGTON: GOVKRXMKNT PRINTING OFFICE. DIRECTORY OF FEDERAL AND STATE DAIRY, FOOD, DRUG, AND FEEDING STUFFS OFFICIALS. This list of Federal and State dairy, food, drug, and feeding stuffs officials supersedes all former lists published in the Service and Regulatory Announce- ments of the Bureau of Chemistry. It is corrected to October 1, 1916, in accord- ance with information in the possession of the Bureau of Chemistry. Officials will confer a favor upon the bureau by calling attention to any errors in name, title, or address which may appear in this list and to any changes which may occur from time to time. FEDERAL OFFICIALS. Carl L. Alsberg, Chief, Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. A. D. Melvin, Chief, Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. W. H. Osborn, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Treasury Department, Washington. D. C. J. S. Abbott, Chemist in Charge, State Cooperative Food and Drug Control, Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture, Washington, 1>. C. W. (i. Campbell, Chief, Eastern District, Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. L. M. Tolman, Chief, Central District, Bureau of Chemistry, V. S. Food and Drug inspection Laboratory. 1625 Transportation Building. Chicago, 111. B. R. Han. Chief, Western District. Bureau of Chemistry, r. S. Food and Drug Inspection Laboratory, r. S. Appraiser's Stores, San Francisco, Cal. Food and Drug Inspection Laboratories, Bureau of Chemistry. Boston. Mass., El .1. Shanley, Chemist In Charge, Room 206, Broad Exchange Building, 88 Broad St Buffalo, N. Y., L. Patton. Chemist in Charge. Federal Building, South Division and Ellicotl Sts. Chicago, 111., <;. W. Hoover, chemist in Charge, 1625 Transportation Building, Dearborn and Harrison Sts. Cincinnati. Ohio, L. B. Forst, Chemist in Charge, 411 Government Building, Fifth, .Main, and Walnul Denver, Colo., K. s. Hiltner, Chemist In charge. Tabor Opera House Building, Sixteenth and Curtia lb»n,, lulu, T. II.. a. \v. Hansen, Chemist in Charge, Board of Health Building. Minneapolis, Minn., E, II. Goodnow, Chemist in Char 810 Federal Office Building, 3rd St and Marquette Ave. Orleans, La., F. w. Llepsner, Chemist In Charge, L. S. Custom House, ('anal and Dee.-.tur St& New fork, n. v., R. i: Doolittle, Chemist in Charge, Room 1012, Appraiser's Stores, Christopher and Washington sts. 16 Food and Drug Inspection Laboratories — Continued. Philadelphia, Pa., C. S. Brinton, Chemist in Charge, Room 405, U. S. Appraiser's Stores, 134 South Second St. St. Louis, Mo., D. B. Bisbee, Chemist in Charge, Room 204, Old Custom House, Third and Olive Sts. San Francisco, Cal., R. W. Hilts, Chemist in Charge, Room 33, U. S. Appraiser's Stores, Sansome and Washington Sts. San Juan, P. R., B. B. Wilcox, Chemist in Charge, rtom House, 301-304 Post Office Building. Savannah, Ga., W. J. McGee, Chemist in Charge. U. S. Custom House, Bay and Bull Sts. Seattle, Wash., A. L. Knisely, Chemist in Charge, 4145 Arcade Building, 1318 First Ave. Washington, D. C, A. L. Sullivan, Chemist in Charge, Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture, 216 13th St. SW. STATE OFFICIALS. The names of the administrative officers, as they are referred to in the laws of the several States, appear first in this directory. Those actively in charge of the enforcement of the laws are indicated by a suitable reference to the particu- lar laws which they are called upon to enforce. ALABAMA. * J. A. Wade, Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, Montgomery. J. M. Moore, Food, Drug, and Feed Clerk, in charge of Division of Foods, Drugs, and Feeding Stuffs, Montgomery. t B. B. Ross, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. ARIZONA. *t Chas. A. Meserve, Director, State Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, in charge of foods and feeding stuffs. ARKANSAS. John H. Page, Commissioner, Bureau of Mines, Manufacture, and Agricul- ture, Little Rock, in charge of foods, drugs, and feeding stuffs. C. W. Garrison, State Health Officer, Little Rock ; examines foods and drugs and reports violations of the law to Commissioner of Mines, Manufac- ture, and Agriculture. t A. R. Stover, Medical Department, University of Arkansas, Little Rock. CALIFORNIA. Geo. E. Ebright, President, State Board of Health, San Francisco. *i B. J. Lea, Director, State Food and Drug Laboratory, University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley, in charge of foods, drugs, and feeding stuffs. If. T. Freitas, Chairman, State Dairy Bureau, 25 California Street, San Francisco, in charge of dairying. COLORADO. ♦John Lynch, Food and Drug Commissioner, State Board of Health, Capitol Building, Denver, in charge of foods, drugs, and feeding stuffs. G. E. Morton, State Dairy Commissioner, Fort Collins, in charj dairying. t J. B. Bkeley, University of Colorado, Boulder. CONNECTICUT. ♦Frank H. Stadtmueller, Dairy and Pood Commissioner, Capitol Building, Hartford, in charge of foods, drugs, and feeding stuffs. !■:. M. Jenkins, Director, Agricultural Experiment station. Now Haven, In charge of analysis of food and drug samples collected by the Dairy and Food Commissioner. t J. P. Street, Agricultural Experiment station. Drawer No. i. New Haven. Commissioned State oflicial. f Collaborating chemist. 6 DIRECTORY OF STATE DAIRY, FOOD, DELAWARE. *A. E. Frantz, Secretary, State Board of Health, Wilmington, in charge of foods. W. R. Messick, Factory Inspector, Lewes. fHerbert J. Watson, State Board of Health, Newark. John O. Bozley, Secretary, State Board of Pharmacy, Wilmington, in charge of drugs. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. *Wm. 0. Woodward, Health Officer, Health Department, Washington. fL. V. Dieter, Health Department, Washington. tM. A. Pozen, Health Department, Washington. tMoses Starbecker, Health Department, Washington. FLORIDA. *W. A. McRae, Commissioner of Agriculture, Tallahassee. R. E. Rose, Chief Chemist, Department of Agriculture, in charge of foods, drugs, and feeding stuffs, Tallahassee. GEORGIA. *J. D. Price, Commissioner of Agriculture, Atlanta. tR. E. Stallings, Chief Chemist, Department of Agriculture, Atlanta, in charge of foods, drugs, and feeding stuffs. HAWAII. A. W. Hansen, Territorial Board of Health, Honolulu. IDAHO. *John K. White, Dairy, Food, and Sanitary Commissioner, Boise, in charge of foods and drugs. fH. Louis Jackson, State Chemist, State Board of Health, Boise. ILLINOIS. *W. Scott Matthews, Commissioner, State Food Commission, 1627 Man- hattan Building, Chicago, in charge of food and feeding stuffs. J. B. Newman, Assistant Commissioner, State Food Commission, 1627 Man- hattan Building, Chicago. tDavid Klein, State Analyst, State Food Commission, 1627 Manhattan Building, Chicago. INDIANA. *tH. E. Barnard, State Food and Drug Commissioner, State House, Indian- apolis, in charge of foods and drugs. *tW. J. Jones, Jr., Purdue Agricultural Experiment Station, Lafayette, in charge of feeding stuffs. IOWA. *W. B. Barney, Commissioner, Dairy and Food Commission, Des Moines, in charge of dairying, foods, and feeding stuffs. tE. L. Redfern, State Chemist, Des Moines. fW. H. Harrison, Assistant State Chemist, Des Moines. KANSAS. *S. J. Crumbine, Secretary, State Board of Health, Topeka, in charge of foods and drugs. George s. Bine, State Dairy Commission, Manhattan, in charge of dairying. \v. .M. Jardine, Director, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Man- hattan, in charge of feeding stuffs. tE. H. s. Bailey, University of Kansas, Lawrence. tL. E. Sayre, University of Kansas, Lawrence. *tL. a. Fit/., Agricultural College, Manhattan. Leon A. run-don, Chief, Pood and Drug Division, Topeka. • Commissioned State official. t Collaborating chemist. KENTUCKY. t.T. O. LaBach, Head, Food and Drug Department, Agricultural Experiment Station. Lexington, in charge of foods and drags. *J. D. Turner, Feeding Stuffs Director, Lexington, in charge of feeding stuffs. tLinwood A. Brown, Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington. t.T. E. Mast in. Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington. LOUISIANA. •Oscar Dowling, President, State Board of Health. New Orleans. tCassiua L. Clay, Acting State Analyst, State Board of Health, New Orleans. in charge of foods and drugs. •Harry D. Wilson, Commissioner of Agriculture and Immigration, Baton Rouge, in charge of feeding stuffs. MAINE. •Wm. T. Guptill, Commissioner of Agriculture, Augusta. A. 31. G. Soule. Chief Food and Drug Inspector, Augusta, in charge of foods, drugs, and feeding stuffs. tJames M. Bartlett, Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono. MARYLAND. Chas. Caspar!, Jr., Food and Drug Commissioner, Department of Health, 16 W. Saratoga Street, Baltimore, in charge of foods and drugs. H. B. McDonnell, Chemist. Agricultural Experiment Station, College Park, in charge of feeding stuffs. MASSACHUSETTS. ♦Allan J. McLaughlin. Commissioner of Health, State Department of Health, 144 State House, Boston. tHerman C. Lythgoe. Director, Division of Foods and Drugs. State Depart- ment of Health. Boston, in charge of foods and drugs. Wilfrid Wheeler. Secretary. State Board of Agriculture, 13G State House, Boston, in charge of dairying and milk products. Wm. P. Brooks, Director, Agricultural Experiment Station, Amherst. •P. H. Smith, Chemist, Agricultural Experiment Station, Amherst, in charge of feeding stuffs. MICHIGAN. ♦James W. Helme, Dairy and Food Commissioner, Lansing, in charge of foods, dairying, and drugs. tA. R. Todd, State Analyst, Dairy and Food Department, Lansing. *A. J. Patten. Chemist, Division of Chemistry, Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, East Lansing, Mich., in charge of feeding stuffs. MINNESOTA. *J. J. Farrell, Dairy and Feed Commissioner, New Capitol, St. Paul, in charge of dairying, foods, and feeding stuffs. John McCabe, Assistant Commissioner, New Capitol. St Paul. f.Tulius Hortvet, State Dairy and Pood Commission, Old Capitol. St. Paul. MISSISSIPPI. *tW. F. Hand. State Chemist, Agricultural and Mechanical College. Agricul- tural College, in charge of foods and the analysis of feeding stuffs, P. P. Garner, Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, Jackson, in charge of feeding stuffs. MISSOURI. •F. H. Pricke, Food and Drug Commissioner, La Salle Building, St. Louis, in charge of foods and drugs, E. O. Bennett, Bureau <>f Dairying, Columbia, in charge of dairying. til. Edmund Wiedeman, State Feed and Drug Department, Chemical Build- ing, St. Louis. • Commissioned State official. t Collaborating chemist. 8 MONTANA. •W. F. Cogswell, Executive Officer, Department of Public Health, Helena, in charge of foods and drugs. A. G. Scholes, State Dairy Commissioner, Helena, in charge of dairying. tWm. M. Cobleigh, Montana Agricultural College, Bozeman. NEBRASKA. ♦Clarence E. Harman, Deputy Commissioner, Food, Drug, Dairy, and Oil Commission, Lincoln, in charge of foods, feeding stuffs, drugs, and dairying. fW. S. Frisbie, Chemist, State Food, Drug, Dairy, and Oil Commission, Lincoln. NEVADA. *tS. C. Dinsmore, Pure Food and Drug Commissioner, Reno, in charge of foods, feeding stulTs. and drugs. M. Vi. Kennedy, Assistant Commissioner, Reno. NEW HAMPSHIRE. ♦Irving A. Watson, Secretary, State Board of Health, State House, Concord. tChas. D. Howard, Chemist, State Board of Health, Concord, in charge of foods and drugs. B. E. Curry, Chemist, Durham, in charge of feeding stuffs. NEW JERSEY. Jacob C. Price, Director, Department of Health, Trenton. ♦fR. B. Fitz-Randolph, Assistant Director, Department of Health, Trenton, in charge of foods and drugs. tW. G. Tice, Chief, Department of Foods and Drugs, Trenton. J. G. Lipman, Director of Agricultural Experiment Station, New Bruns- wick, in charge of feeding stuffs. Geo. W. McGuire, Chief, Bureau of Creamery and Dairy Inspection, Tren- ton, in charge of dairy and creamery products. ♦tChas. S. Cathcart, State Chemist, Agricultural Experiment Station, New Brunswick. NEW YORK. ♦Chas. S. Wilson, Commissioner of Agriculture, Albany. E. F. Burke, Department of Agriculture, Albany, in charge of foods and feeding stuffs. George L. Flanders, Counsel, Department of Agriculture, Albany. w. L. Bradt, Secretary, Board of Pharmacy, Albany, in charge of drugs. ti:. J. Wheeler, State Department of Agriculture, 79 Chapel Street, Albany. NORTH CAROLINA. *W. A. Graham, Commissioner of Agriculture, Raleigh. fW. -M. Allen. State Pood Chemist, Pood and Oil Division, in charge of foods and drugs, Kalcigh. B. w. ETJlgore, State Chemist, Department of Agriculture, Raleigh, in charge of feeding stuffs. t.T. M. Pickel, Department of Agriculture, Raleigh. NORTH DAKOTA. ♦tE. f. I. add, Pood Commissioner, Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricul- tural College, in charge of foods, feeding BtuffS, and drugs. onio. ♦T. L. Calvert, Chief, Dairy and Pood Division, stale Board of Agriculture, Columbus. twin. McPherson, <>iii<> State University, Columbus. s. K. Johnson, Chief, Bureau <»f inspection. Board of Agriculture, Columbus, in charge of feeding stuffs. d State offl< ii. f Collaborating chemift. 9 OKLAHOMA. *J. W. Duke, Commissioner, Department of Public Health, Guthrie, in charge of foods and drugs. Hardee Chambliss, Assistant Commissioner, Director of Laboratories, Guthrie. *F. M. Gault, President, State Board of Agriculture, Oklahoma City, In charge of feeding stuffs. A. F. Howe, Dairy Commissioner, State Board of Agriculture, Oklahoma City. fGuy Y. Williams, Professor of Chemistry, University of Oklahoma. Norman. tChas. K. Francis, Chief Chemist, Agricultural and Mechanical College, Still- water. OREGON. *J. D. Miekle, Dairy and Food Commissioner, 510 Worcester Building, Portland, in charge of foods, feeding stuffs, and dairying. tA. S. Wells, State Chemist, State Dairy and Food Commission, 510 Worces- ter Building, Portland. PENNSYLVANIA. *James Foust, Dairy and Food Commissioner, Department of Agriculture, Ilarrisburg, in charge of foods and dairying. tJ. W. Kellogg, Chief Chemist, Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agri- culture, Harrisburg, in charge of feeding stuffs. L. L. Walton, Drug Control, Williamsport. tWm. Frear, State College. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Victor G. Heiser, Bureau of Health, Manila. PORTO RICO. *\V. F. Lippitt, Director of Sanitation, P. O. Box 1108, San Juan. tRafael del Valle Sarraga, Service of Sanitation, P. O. Box 935, San Juan. RHODE ISLAND. ♦Frank A. Jackson, Chairman, Board of Food and Drug Commissioners, Room 21, State House, Providence, in charge of foods and drugs. Burt L. Hartwell, Director, Agricultural Experiment Station, Kingston, in charge of feeding stuffs. P. H. Wessels, Agricultural Experiment Station, Kingston, assistant in charge of feeding stuffs. tPhllip H. Mitchell, Brown, University, Providence. tFranklin N. Strickland, Executive Secretary-Chemist, Room 21, State House, Providence. SOUTH CAROLINA. *E. J. Watson, Commissioner of Agriculture, Commerce, and Industries, Columbia, in charge of feeding Stuffs, foods, and drugs. tA. C. Summers, Depart incut of Agriculture, Commerce, and Industries, < Jolumbia. SOUTH DAKOTA. ♦tGuy c. Frary, Food and Drug Commissioner, Vermilion, in charge of f- drugs, and feeding stuffs. a. P. Ryger, Dairy Expert, Dairy Expert Department, Brookings, In charge '.iirios and dairy products. TENNESSEE. •Harry I-. Eskew, Food and Drug Commissioner, Nashville, in charge of foods and drugs. tl>. I.. Weatherhead, Chief Chemist, Department of Poods and Drugs, Nashville, ♦II. K. Bryson, Commissioner of Agriculture, Nashville, In charge of feeding stuffs. • Commissioned State oil, t I oUaborating chemist 10 DIRECTORY OF STATE DAIRY, FOOD, DRUG, ETC., OFFICIALS. TEXAS. *R. H. Hoffman, jr.. Dairy and Food Commissioner, Austin, in charge of foods and drugs. *B. Youngblood, Director Agricultural Experiment Station, College Station, in charge of feeding stuffs, tG. S. Fraps, Stale Chemist, College Station. •v.. 11. Grolaz, Chemist, Dairy and Food Department, Austin. UTAH. Heber C. Smith, Commissioner, Dairy and Food Department, Salt Lake City. tHerman Harms, State Dairy and Food Bureau, 312 Boyd Park Building, Salt Lake City. VERMONT. *Chas. F. Dalton, Secretary, State Board of Health, 184 Church Street. Bur- lington, in charge of foods and drugs. C. H. Jones, Director, Agricultural Experiment Station. Burlington, in charge of feeding stuffs. tChas. I'. Whitney, Chemist, State Board of Health, 184 Church Street, Burlington. VIRGINIA. ♦Bonj. L. Purcell, Dairy and Food Commissioner, Department of Agriculture and Immigration. Richmond, in charge of dairying, foods, and feeding stuffs. E. L. Brandis, State Board of Pharmacy, Richmond, in charge of drugs. tC. M. Bradbury, State Department of Agriculture and Immigration, Divi- sion of Chemistry. Richmond. WASHINGTON. H. T. Graves, Acting Commissioner of Agriculture, Division of Dairy and Live Stock. Olympia. *.L .7. Higgins, Assistant Commissioner, Division of Foods, Feeds, fertilizers. Drugs, etc., State Department of Agriculture, Olympia, in charge of foods, feeding stuffs, and drugs. .. A. Olson, Stale Chemist, Pullman. tChaS. W. Johnson. State Chemist. Seattle. WEST VIRGINIA. if. E. Williams, Commissioner of Agriculture, Charleston, in charge of foods and drui WISCONSIN. George J. Weigle, Dairy and Food Commissioner, Madison, in charge of dairying, foods, and drugs. *H. L. Russell, Director, Agricultural Experimenl Station, Madison, in charge of feeding stuffs. tRichard Fischer, State hairy and Pood Commissioner, Madison. Wallace ii. strowii, Chemisl in Charge, Feed and Fertiliser Control, Madison. • ii. Klueter, Chemist, Food and Drug Department, Madison. WYOMING. Maurice Groshon, Dairy, Food, and oil Commissioner, Cheyenne, In charge of foods, feeding stuffs, and drugs. B Moudy, University of Wyoming, Laramie. • Commissioned State official. t Collaborating chemisl i i: \ mi:\ i I'll i v! i NQ oil UK : 1910 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Ilillllllllll 1 3 1262 09216 9381