B2/New Guinea imiTEI) STAinCB DSPABTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Qp.arantine Washington, D. C, B. E. P. q. 500. June 28, 1S39 PLM!mQ,UAIULfTTIKE IMPORT KESTRICTIONS OF THE MANDATED AUSTRALIAN TERRITOKf OF NEW GUINEA Including the Bismarck Archipelago (New Britain, New Ireland, New Hanover, Admiralty Islands), Buka, and Bougainville (Solomon Islands). UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUEE Bureau of Entomology and Plriit Qaarantine Washington, D. C, B. E. P. Q, 500. June 28, 1939. PLANT-QUARAUTIKE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE MANDATED AUSTRALIAN TERRITORY OP NEW GUINEA This digest of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of the Mandated Australian Territory of New Guinea has "been prepared for the information of nurseiymen, plant-quarantine of- ficials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that Territory, It was prepared by Harry B, Shaw, Plant Quarantine In- spector in Charge, Foreign Service Information, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from the text of Quarantine Ordinojice No, 3, of March 1931, and. proclamations made thereunder. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the tine of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts. y f' /j Chief ,\Bureau of Entomology attd-^lant QuaraJitine , PLMT-QUABaNTlNE IMPORT KBSTHICTIONS 01 THE TERRITOEy OF EEW GUINEA Basic Legislation Statutory itules No. 8, Chapter Vll, of Januaiy 35, 1927, promul- gated under the QaaroJitine Act 1908-1924, as anended, of the Comr.ionwealth of Australia. C^uarantine Ordinance No. 3, Article 14, March 25, 1931 (parts III and V) of the Territory of New Ouinea. Inportation Prohihited HAT, STRAW, GRASS, MOSS, FIBER, CilARCOAl, BARK.or other material used as packing material for imported plants, if considered likely to introduce disease, shall "be forthwith destroyed. (Regulations effective Januaiy 25, 1927, reg. 152.) UNROASTED COFFEE BEANS ( Coffea spp.); Importation prohibited from Java, Malaya, Uganda, and Brazil (Proc, No. 30, December 24, 1932) or from Ivoiy Coast, Tanganyika, French West Africa» Belgian Congo, and Ken;$^a, except by or through the Director of Agriculture. (Proclamation No. 34, May 25, 1934.) TOBACCO PLANTS ( Nicotiana tabacun L.): Importation of tobacco plants or parts thereof from Australia prohibited. (Proc. No. 29, December 24, 1932.) BA]^IANA PLANTS OR PARTS THEREOF ( Musa spp.): Importation prohibited to prevent the introduction of "bunchy top" disease. (Proc. No. 4, February 22, 1926, supplementing Proc. of June 9, 1924.) Importation Restricted FRUITS, VEGETABLES (INCLUDING TUBERS, BULBS, COmiS, AND RHIZOMES), nuts, cereals, pulse and other seeds, any proportion of which is found to be or suspected of being affected with a dis- ease, or any cereals, pulse or other seed found on inspection to De mixed with the seed of a v/eed pest (see p. 6) shall "be ordered into quarantine for treatment or sorting if deemed necessary'. (Regalations effective January- 25, 1927, reg. 161.) PLANTS, IMPORTED: Entry subject to inspection on arrival, with disposal according to the findings, (Territorial Ordinance No. 3 (Part V) of March 25, 1931, article 62, see p. 3.) COTTON PLANTS ( Gossypium spp.), COTTONSEED, mTGINl"JSD COTTON, AND RAW COTTON: May be imported under the following conditions only : 1, A written permit from the Director of Agriculture required for each shipment; 2, The imported cottonseed must "be accompaJiied hy a certificate of disinfection from the Department of Agriculture and Stock, Queensland. The pre- cautions are designed to prevent the introduction of the pink "bollworm, ( Platyedra ) &elechia gossypiella Saund. (Proc. No. 7, February 22, 1926.) LIVING CULTURES OF BACTERIA: Importation prohibited unless the written consent of the Administration has first been obtained. (Proc. No. 8, JrJiuaiy 30, 1935.) GENERAL REGULATIONS (Promulgated by Territorial Ordinance No. 3, Part V, March 25, 193l) Importation Permitted at Authorized Ports Only Article 58. No person shall Import any animals or plants into the Territory except at a port declared to be a port where imported animals or plants may be landed. Proclamation No. 1, February 22, 1926, authorizes the landing of plants at the port of Rabaul, Movement of Imported Materials Controlled Art. 69. No imported animals or plants, and no hay, straw, fodder, litter, fittings, clothing, utensils, a.ppliances, or Packages used on ajiy vessel in connection with imported animals or plants, shall, until released from quarantine, "be moved, dealt, or interfered with, except "by authority and in accordance with this Ordinance and the regulations. Landing Permit Required Art. 60, No imported animals or plants, and no hay, strr.w, fodder, litter, fittings, clothing, utensils, appligjices or pack- ages used on any vessel in connection with imported animals or plants, shall "be landed or removed from the vessel until a permit for their landing or removal from the vessel has been grr?jited "by a quarantine officer. Art. 61, Refers to imported animal St Arts. 62 to 64. Relate to the inspection and disposal of imported plants. Declared Insect Pests (Diseases of Plants Proclojnation No. 1, June 18, 1938) Acrididae Adoretus spp. Agr otis spp. Aleyrodidae Anobiidae Ano"bium domesticum = A. punc tatum (Da G-. ) Anthonomras grandis Boh. Aphi dae Aspidi otu_s destructor Sign, (Asgl^dLiotus) Furcaspis oceanica iLindgr.) Axiagr.stus camphelli Dist, Biprorulus bibax 3 redd. Bostrj^chidae Ero.chartona catoxantha Hanps. •; Brontispa froggatti Sharp Brontispa spp. B rue hi dae Bruchophagus funehris = 3. gibbus (Boh.) ( Calandra ) Sitophilus granarius (L. ) ( Calandra ) Sitophilus oiyza (L.) Locusts and grasshoppers White ground grubs Cutworms Whiteflies or mealywing flies Timber borers Furniture beetle Mexican cottonboll weevil Aphids Transparent coconut scale Yellow coconut scale Coconut flower bug Spiny orange bug Timber borers Coconut leaf noth Coconut leaf hispids Coconut leaf hispids Pea and bean weevils Alfalfa seed chalcid Grain weevil G-rain weevil C alandra spp. Caulophilus latinasus ( Say ) Cerambycidae Ceratitis capitata (Wied. ) Chaetodacus jarvisii Chaetodacus musae Chaetodacus tr;^^oni (Frogg. ) Chionaspis citri Comst. Chrysomelidae Chrysomphalus aonidum (L. ) ( Chrysomphalus ) Aonidiella aur - gjitii (Mask. ) Coccidae Coccus spp. ( Conogethes ) Dichocrocis punctiferalis (Guen.) Cosmopolites sordidus ' (Crorn, ) Curculionidae Cylas formicarius (F.) Dcrmaptera Pi calandra taitensis (Guar.) Ephestia kuehniella Zell. Ephestia spp. Blytroteinus su"btruncatus (Fairm, Eriophyes gossypii BaJiks Eui^^trachelus pilosipes Waterh. Forficula spp. G-alleria mellonella (L.) Hcliothis obsoleta (F.) Heliothis spp, ( Hemichio'naspis ) Pinnaspis aspidistrae (Sign.) Hesperidae Isoptera Lasioderma serricorne (L.) LecaniujD spp. Lepidosaphes gloveri (Pack.) Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) Levuana iridescens Bethune- Baker Listroderes ( Pesiantha ) nociva (Lea) = Listroderes obliquus Klug Lucanidae Lyctus "brunneus Staph. i Mayetiola ) Phytophaga destructor (Say) Coconut "base borer Short-nosed maize weevil Longicorns Mediterranean fruitfly A fruitfly A banana fruitfly . . Queensland fruitfly Citrus white scale Leaf-eating beetles Purple circular scale Red circular scale Scale insects and mealybugs Black and brown soft scales Spotted maize moth Bancjia weevil borer Weevils or snout beetles Sv/eetpotato weevil Earv/igs Coconut spathe beetle Grain moth .: Copra and cocoa moths ) Ginger weevil Cotton leaf blister mite Coconut stag beetle Earwigs Beeswax moth Corn ear worm Maize moths Coconut scale Leaf rollers Termites or "white ants" Tobacco beetle Black and brown soft scales Glover's orange mussel scale Colorado potato beetle Small coconut leaf moth Tomato weevil Stag beetles Powder-post beetle Hessian fly - 5 - Monolepta rosea Black"b. Noctuidae Oncoscelis sulciventris Stal, Oryctes spp. ( Padraona ) Telicota chrysozona (Platz) Parlatoria pergandii Corns t. Parlatoria zizyphus (Lucas) Phenacaspis dilatata (Green) ( Phthorimaeay"Grnorimo schema operculella (Zell.) Phylloxera (vastatrix) vitifoliae (Pitch) ( Plat;>"edra ) Pectiriophora go ssypiella ( Saund. ) Popillia japonica Newm. Promecotheca spp. Pyraustr. nubilalis (Hbn.) Rliabdocnemis obscura (Boisd.) Rli^rnchophoms ferruginous (01.) Rhynchophorus spp, Ploxa musae (Frogg, ) Saissetia spp. Scapanes spp. Scarabaeidae Scolytidae Sexava spp. Sitotroga corealolla (Oliv.) Sminthurus spp. Sphingidae Stephanoderes hampei (Perr.) Tetr.^Aychus spp. Tettigoniidae Tho sea cinereomarginata Banks Thysanoptera Tirathaba rufivena (Wlk.) Tribe liu m castaneum (Hbst.) fernigineum (Pab.) Trichogomphus semmelinki Hits. Trypctidae Xylotrupes spp. Pink banded rose beetles Cutworms and army worms Bronzy orange bug Rhinoceros beetles Coconut leaf skipper Chaff scale of orange Parlatoria scale of orange Mango white scale Potato tuber moth Crape vine phylloxera Pink boll worm JapGJiese beetle Coconut leaf hispids European corn borer Sugarcane weevil borer Red palm weevil Palm weevils Spotted fruitfly Black and brown soft scales Coconut beetles White ground bugs Timber borers Coconut tree hopper Grain moths Plant "fleas" Hawk moths Coffee beriy borer Red spiders Long-horned locusts Coconut leaf caterpillar Thrips Spathe moth borer Plour beetle Solomon Islrjid rhinoceros beetle Fruitflies Elephant beetles Plajat Diseases Actino^yces scabies (Thax.) Gus, Bacterium solanaceanm E.P. S. Bleeding disease of cocomit Bud rot of coconut Potato scab Erovm rot of potato UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 6 - Bunchy top of banana Cercospora nusac Zinn. Cladospori-am citri = Elsinoe fawcetti Bitanc. and Jenk. Diplodia spp, Fun^i and bacteria Fusariiim ciibense E, F, S. Hemileia vastatrix B, and Br, Heterodera radicicola Nenatoda Perono sporaceae Fhoma citricarpa McAlp. Pseudononas citri ~ Bacterium citri (^asse) Do i dge Phytophthora spp. Khizoctonia bataticola ( Taub , ) Butler Spongospora subterranea (Wallr.) T, Johnson Ustilago shiraiana P. Henn. Sigatoka disease of banana Pod rot of cocoa Potato storar^e rots Coffee leaf disease Eelworm or nematode Eelworms Downy mildews Black spot of orange Citrus canker Cocoa canker an.d pod rot Weeds Cuscuta spp. Cyperus rotundus Imperata arundinacea Mimo sa pudica Sida spp. Stachytarpheta indica Tagetes glandulif era Triumfetta rhomboidea Zanthium pungens Xanthium spinosun Dodder Nut grass Kunai Sensitive plant Sida weed Blue rattail Stinking Roger Chinese burr Uoogoora burr Bathurst burr