B. E. P. Q. 585 Effective March 9, 1950 UNITED STATES DEPAi?rMEriT OF AGRICUIITUIiE AGRICULTUmL EEoEAHCH ADIUNISTMTION BUREAU OF EIvTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QWJ^ATJTIME . DOMESTIC QUARANTINE NOTICES ADMI^IISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS AUTHORIZING THE MO\rEMENT FROM HAWAII OF FROZEN FRUITS AICD VEGETABLES On January 21, 1950, notice of proposed issuance of administrative Instruc- tions to be designated as 7 CFR 301.i3-^a relating to the movement from Hawaii of frozen fruits and vegetables was published in the Federal Register (15 F. R, 365). After due consideration of all relevant matters presented, including the proposals set forth in the aforesaid notice, the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, oursuant to the authority conferred upon him "by ii 301.13-2(b) and 301.13-4 (b) of the regulations supplemental to the ^waiian Fruit and Vegetable Quarantine (Notice of Quarantine No. 13, 7 CFR 301.13) under section 8 of the Plant Quarantine Act of 1912, as amended (7 U. S. C. 161), hereby issues revised administrative instructions to appear as i 301.13-^ in Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations, as follows: 3 301. 13 -^a Administrative instructions authorizing t he movement from Hawai i of frozen fruTEs an d veg etables" (a) The "cype of treatment hereinafter designated as freezing shall" be one of the c omme re ially -ace e::^ table methods that involves initial freezing at subzero temperatures and subsequent storage at not higher than 0° F. , with a storage tolerance of plus 20° F. Such treatments are commonly known as quicic freezing, sharp freezing, frozen -pack, or cold- pack. Any equivalent freezing method is also included in this designation. (b) The Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, pursuant to the authority contained in 11 301.13-2 (b) and 30I.I3-U (b), hereby ap- proves the process. of freezing as a treatment for all fruits and vegetables described in | 301. I3, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (d) of this section. Such frozen fruits and vegetables may be certified for movement from Hawaii into or through any other Territory, State, or District of the United States.!/ (c) The inspector in Hawaii shall determine that such fruits and vegetables are in a satisfactory frozen state before issuing a certificate. The inspec- tor on the mainland will roleaee the shipment on tho basis of the certificate issued in Hawaii, (d) The movoraont from Hawaii of frozen fruits and vegetables is not author- ized when such fruits and vcg.jtatles are subject to attack, in the area of origin, by plant pests that m:y not, in the judgment of the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, be destroyed by fruezing. 1/ Applications for cert -f icates to novo frozen fruits and vegetables from Hawaii under this subpart may bo made to Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Room 2l+8, Federal Building. Honolulu 9, T. H. 3 1262 09314 8277 (e) Freezing of fruits and vegetables as authorized in these instructions is considered necessary for the elimination of pest risk, and no liability shall attach to the United States Dopartinent of Agriculture or to any officer or representative of that Department in the event of injury resulting to fruits or vegetables offered for movement in accordance with these instructions. The foregoing instructions supersede the administrative instructions in B. E. P. Q. No. h62, effective September 15, 1937 (7 CFR 319.56-2c) insofar as thoy relate to the movement from Hawaii of frozen-pack fruits. This section shall be effective on and after March 9, 1950. (Sec. 8, 37 Stat. 3l8, as amended, 7 U. S. C. l6l; 7 CFR 301.13-'+ (b)) The purpose of these revised administrative instructions is to authorize the movement from Hawaii under certificate of fruits and vegetables frozen by one of the commercially -acceptable methods known as quick freezing, sharp freezing, frozen pack, or cold-pack. By providing treatments alternative to those i-'reviously available, these instructions remove restrictions previously imposed. Accordingly, thoy are within the exception in section k (c) of the Admiaistrative procedure Act (5 U. S, C. 1003 (c)) and may properly be made ef- fective less than 30 days after their publication in the Federal Register. Done at Washington, D. C, this 24th day of February I950 Acting Chief, Bureau of ^Entomology and^ Plant Quarantine