7-Z'.fii9h. I P-.f ^1 it's GOOD BUSINESS! throughout the United Stntes -in almost every community — there are men and women who are "comnlMily referred to as "handicapped" persons. They have vary- ing degrees of disS>iliti#&. Some of them are veterans of one or both world wars; others are persoi|^^o have suffered disabilities in home, industrial, or traffic accidents — some are the victims of disease or injuries at birth. Many of the world's great men and women have been handicapped, and some of them have towered above their neighbors. 2 ml the disabled have in- cluded presidents and lawmakers They have embraced authors, poets, lecturers, inventors and composers. They have included millions of people who, in shops, offices, fields and factories, do all kinds of work to earn their living. There was Steinmetz, a giant in the field of invention. His employer, conscious of his potentialities, paid no heed to his disability. This world, as a result, gained splendid achievements from this man who was handicapped from birth. his employers knew it was good business to employ Steinmetz Recall those handicapped persons YOU KNOW who have made great contributions in modern history. Such a list certainly will in- clude Beethoven, the composer; Sarah Bernhardt, the actress; Byron, the poet; Thomas A. Edison, inventor of the electric bulb and phonograph; Helen Keller, the author-lecturer, and others. On these and other notable handicapped persons the spotlight o£ fame has focused. But for each of them there are mil- lions of handicapped men and women who, in industry, business, agriculture, and govern- ment, are making splendid day-in-day-out contributions in their communities and fields of employment. ^ mr. employer! Is there a Steinmetz in your community? Or an Edison? Maybe — who knows? ^ mr. employer! There may be among the handicapped persons in your own com- munity men and women who, while not geniuses, can mean more production in your business. At a machine * * * A desk * * * In the laboratory * * * IN THOUSANDS OF JOBS. The local office of your State Employment Service makes it a business to know these things. There you will find available workers with skill and training who meet your job needs. The unused skills, obilities and knowledge of the handicapped in your cont- munity could mean steadier, more efficient production in your community. Many of the largest employers in the country have proved for themselves that it is good business to employ the handicapped in jobs for which they are fitted. They are convinced that em- ployment of handicapped persons is not only a matter of good public relations but that disabled employees make distinct contributions to industry. Employment of handicapped persons is no longer a matter of guesswork. Their employment is good business in jobs which match their abilities. Surveys have proved that: ir> Handicapped workers are good producers. ir- Handicapped workers are sale workers. IV" Handicapped workers stay at the job. 19" Handicapped workers are not handicapped when placed in the right jobs. ■.■■■.I. ■.■.■.■.■.■. ■.■.■.■. 1. 1. 1. I.I.I. I A Department of Labor sur- vey made by the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics dis- closed that in the opinion of 450 employers employing 88,600 handicapped workers they were getting better results from physically impaired persons than from nonhandicapped workers. it was found: Only 1 1 percent had poorer accident records than nonhandicapped 51 percent of the handicapped workers had better accident records 38 percent had the same accident records as non- disabled persons . . . records proved: Only 7 percent were absent from the job more fre- quently than nonhandicapped workers 49 percent had better than average ctbsence records 44 percent had average records for absence from the job the survey proved: Only 11 percent had poorer records for staying at their jobs 58 percent of the handicapped workers stay at their jobs longer 31 percent have average records for turn-over 6 A new Department of Labor survey, conducted in cooperation with the Veterans Administration, proved that so-called handicapped or impaired workers, when properly placed in jobs, are as good all- around workers as unimpaired employees. Nondisabling Injuries Impaired persons had the same nondisabling injury rates as nonhandicapped workers. In other words, physically impaired workers do not sustain any more injuries than unimpaired workers when performing work under identical work conditions. Disabling Injuries Impaired persons sustain fewer disabling injuries than nonim- paired persons exposed to the same work hazards. Absenteeism The physically impaired and unimpaired workers surveyed had the same absenteeism records. Rates of absenteeism attributable to specific reasons were nearly identical among 11,000 impaired workers and 18,000 matched unimpaired workers. Production Efficiency Impaired workers, as a group, produce at slightly higher rates than unimpaired workers on the same jobs. Of the survey group, 73 percent produced at a rate as good or better than their unim- paired fellow workers on the same jobs. Quit Rote There is no significant difference between the voluntary quit rate of impaired workers and able-bodied workers. UNIVERi.lTY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08858 9162 Your local State Employment office in your community will help you to hire handicapped workers in your business. That service is as near as your telephone. Fill your job vacancies with handicapped workers— NOW! J9a Sh Handicapped workers moke good in all lands of jobs. No individual is handicapped for all jobs. Handicapped workers do not want sympathy. They want an opportunity — an equal chance to earn a living. You can help them and help yourself! Judge them by their ability— not their disability. It's good business. Prepared by DeportBient of Lobor United States Employment Service U. S. GOVERNklENT FKINTING OFFICE : 1947 O - 747155