n*o ? n .UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF AGBK LL ECONOMICS THE USE OF PUNCHED CARD TABU - EQUIPMENT IN MULTIPLE CO: ION PFT'BL: Collected and prepared for the use of Statisticians of the Bureau. Bradford B. Sknith, In Charge Machine Tabulation and Computing Section .ington, D. C October, 1923 . - 1 - The use of punched c.r- tabulating equipment is not new: It was used a nunber of years ago in tne Bureau of the Census for •ration of Correlation tables. More recently it hae been ui It two of the bureaus of the Lepartment of Agriculture m %j. The writer in no sense claims to be the sole author the methods herein set forth except insofar as the -1 tech- .ue is devised to suit the equipment and problems of tne Bureau of tltural Economics, Especial credit is due to Messrs. Tolley and Esekiel of this Bureau for devising the least square method (page 1? et sea.. ) of apj relation problems. The writer also washes to express appreciation to them for going over the following text, their . ns and helpful criticism. The coefficient of Multiple Correlation, R, is a measure of _ the degree of agreement between a given series and the estimated (generally forecasted) values of the same series, < : 10 12 U - 10 ) 2 10 -) 1 1 10 12 10 u 7 • 10 3 5 3 n 11 12 2 10 2 70 11 3 10 7 J 12 - 7 2 • 10 3 10 3 12 U 5 7 12 10 l 7 7 77 3 D 6 2 b J 11 i - 12 6 6 3 2 SO 3 3 11 2 10 D 7 D 1 D - 1 D 3 3 10 3 11 7 2 10 2 7 5 10 l| 11 l l o 3 5 1 b 8 • 12 90 D s 11 6 {5 10 2 - 10 3 • 6 3 1 7 2 3 l 7 l ) o C 11 10 6 14 7 7 • . 12 . 3 10 1 l 1 3 2 2 1 . 7 10 1 10 10 3 109 • 7 6 22 37 20 }} 20 37 3* 13 ^ 27 33 2<3 2b 27 30 27 30 33 ZS 2b 39 19 20 1] 7 27 Peccr-i B C D X s 110 1 3 4 111 > 3 10 10 11 . 1 ill 6 14 7 ; 7 1 3 U5 3 3 s 7 a 10 5 11 1 27 117 10 1 7 2 20 116 10 3 5 23 12 5 9 120 6 3 11 1 9 30 12 3 3 4 2»* 122 10 5 11 3 29 10 3 8 4 25 10 k 3 3 4 2b 125 10 11 10 1 38 3 11 4 4 J3 10 b 10 12 2 40 L2B 6 4 7 2 19 L29 10 3 11 3 7 3* 130 3 3 8 c 1 20 131 7 4 4 17 3 D U 4 3 20 133 12 It 4 4 b 30 13U 10 9 8 3 32 135 6 3 5 4 4 22 13b 6 3 2 1 14 137 10 6 9 6 31 13S 10 3 7 1 4 23 139 3 2 11 4 20 lUo 4 7 4 15 141 12 12 4 12 40 ite 6 2 5 12 26 1-3 10 11 1 28 lUU 10 3 11 b 7 37 1-3 3 D 11 1 11 32 1-6 10 3 10 4 4 31 -" 6 3 8 6 5 23 iua 10 6 8 1 6 31 10 It 12 4 3 38 150 3 3 10 3 19 131 10 3 7 8 2 30 132 b 1 2 3 12 24 133 10 U 11 1 4 30 15U 10 3 10 7 30 133 10 2 l| 3 11 30 136 12 3 10 1 2 137 12 7 7 3 1 30 135 10 3 4 4 2 23 3 6 5 1 2 17 loO 10 3 7 3 4 27 161 10 3 7 1 3 16a 2 3 2 12 10 u 11 1 2 28 16U 10 3 10 4 - 6 - Record No. .)- B^V '35" — i«r- l - l< k 6 14 It 2b 10 lj 2 27 10 k C 1* 23 I u 11 2o 170 3 1 u 11 22 171 7 11 5 23 (*) 0r ' • mus 33 and remainder divided by 3 [3) " " "120 " " » ■ o " " 233 «i it 11 H 5 (3) " " " " " ti n z - 7 - After the data has been coded and lifted as on the preceding page* the values ari than punched on punch cards, the recor «. r also being punched for the purpose of Identification, There are 1 columns on a punch card. In nur example the record number was punched in columns 31-2-3, A in columns 34-3, B in 3b-7, C in }6-3', D in UO-1, X in 42-3, and 3 in 44-p. One card is used for each line-- for each observation, that is. ter the cards have Deen punched, tney should be sunned: The sum of A, of 3, of C, of D, of X and of S should be obtained, also the number of cards should bo counted. The results should be recorded in seme such form as follows: Form 1 Sums and Means of the Variables. w Items A B C D X s 171 1302 703 1149 o30 . 774 4b 10 Means: 7.6140 4.1223 ' 6.7193 " 3.976b 4.32b3 26.9591 The use of the Check Sum first becomes apparent here: Evidently the sun of the sums cf <., E, C, D ( & X, should equal the Sum of S; which is the case. Ir.e sa~e is true of the means (averages). This checks the first additions used in building up the checic sum itself, it also checks the accuracy of the puncing; and also of the division in securing the averages. The values filled into the form above are for our example. •It is sometimes feasible to do the coaing by punching the orignal values upon the punch cards. Then sort tne cards on the variable to be coded; group the arrayed values into the determined upon classes and gang punch each group in a new column .vith the assigned class value --such as 0, 3, I c The check sum for the individual record then can be prepared by showing each card separately in the tabulator, aduing across, and subsequent!., ..ng upon the card, after which the procedure is as given above. y - The n i to sort the cards upon the : iable, iing the IS g iV en below: r. No. I5i_ - ill (10) S-jm (12) iiii • iiil - The cards being MM tht first group t.. into packs--all the c.iris >f t i.. : I the next value of A in the second pack &c . &c . . List in c lumn (l)--Frr the value of A in the first pack. Tabulate this p.* On the first line in coIutji ( 2) write the number of c^ris in the pack; in colUBO (3) write the sun: of the values of A in this first pack, in column (7) write the sum of the values of B in this iirst pack; in column (9) the sum of the values of C in this pack; in c lumn (ll) , D, in column (13), X, in column (15) S. Take the second pack, list the value of A in this pack on the second line the , and list the corresponding sum values as for the first pack. Repeat until all packs have been so treated. When this is completed make the extensions for columns 6, S, 10, 12, 1^, & l6 as follows: Multiply the values listed respectively in columns >i 7, 9, 11, 13 & 13 On any line each times the value listed on the same line in column 1. List the products so obtained in columns 6, 3, 10, 12, & Id respectively. Do this for all lines. -a columns 2, b, 8, 10, 12, Ik &■ 16. Take the cards and. s<--rt them again, this time on the sec variable, 3. Take a second sheet (Form 2, Sh.2); divide the sorted cards into packs, according to the values of B and list these values : successive pac/cs in column 1. Tabulate, list and extend in a nnfl>r exactly si.:: to that • a cards were sorted or. x- cept igures need appear Is tir.« - ^ & 6. roceed as for A & B on a new she< ., Sn 3) . No figures need appear in the B colv . j, b, ], 4 8. Sort r n : . • (Form 2; Sh 4): No f igure 1 la the a, B, Linns: Column t LQ Lnc Loslve. Sort on X and repeat (Form 2, Sh 5). He figures in the A, . C, rr D columns; Columns 3 to 12 inclusive. The reason tnat an increasing numcer of columns oe ccai- ::ake the extensions and sun thi lid give fig- ures already computed: Thus if we sort on C ana extend its values •s D, adding the extensions, we arrive at the sane figure as i: i onD and extended its values tixes C.) In case difficulty is encountered in making the figures check to the check ran -- ex- rtsd later in connect) a with Form 3--it nay be advisable to ma) extensions here directed to be omitted, for the sake of compar help locate the errors.) Following are the tabulations of the five sortings made in per- ing tr.p above steps for our example. Note that in each case a check is ai 1 by adding up column 2. This should add. to the total IS problem as shown by the data on form 1. further check may oe afforded by adding the sum columns for each vari- able— columns j, 7, 9, 11, 13 &I5. These should on every sheet a the same corresponding figures given on form 1. E. §5 o^r jt mo (\j KYFM4 O •-* H OJj* rH o o co omtn r— r-i OJ rH O W 6h ■.. - r- o > r-« o> r^-i -t vQ m !|5 J- J- ^ f"vOj oj' i iOj CM 1 r- r-^rH| r- ,3 C . - O CO J- vO OU3 O HVDVD a OJ H J" O lT\ r*-\v£> a> to vD MO j- rr>v ^, r<-\ f^\ o' CO r-l — i Oj rHtvO ooj(\inoo MNO(\JO ITIONCJ CJ r-l moj o I--.3- c\j ct\ oj irj cr\ vd -t r-i lP> r-*> r-H r\j ino^o in O J- r- O i*- CT* CO J-VO r-l •— ,- r^\ - x-* OJ r-t im 1 vjD .zf f- m O nu-i -3- r^v o OJ r- OJ o r^- .-1 rH C\l HI • ■- c — ■ o o «o j- o -=r VO d r— o O rH OJ O Oj ~~ ~> — . v^> f OJ « -. o o to OJ O OJ DJ* Q>rH * — H Dm u ■ --^ l^*» t\j o wvx) cr»"-H <-• - v« e HI^OJ \T> Ojl I s - - ks | o u ^-* <—t O »*>£> r- o rj > ' rH rH OJ I to (\| B -11- '« Onh o,t ojeomeo- OJ ir\ CO r-* r- ^ r- \ o O O t^vD I- \ r- » f . i ^ ojj- ir\ n r-~ co co ir\ r^- «-t co oj OJ to ONl^-r-vO to LT^naj f^ViT H (\) f\l (0 r-^t tO rH r-t r-t f^J- -rt VD O to CT\-=f Q f^-,-i CO r- r*> n ,-h _r»- So r-t V> _- r> n r- r-i rH O .-h r- \ »-• ^H r-t\ H nh-M CTNVJ3 r^\ r— CO O rH r-l o o eo OJ r^-vX 1 ir\-^ ct^vjd OJ o r-< m-rf OJ CO ,-1 f^l; H'l^ oj m r~-vr> o io^f ni-w iah o o vr> crs o tm.3- j- vn j- ovo r^r^\LP>Oj O (T^ cr\ -t r\ r*^jj to. 9 r- tO On O OJ ♦ > i to OJ B C o o mv.o i\j un' OJ I i-h OJ c\n l ii CTv f r meo fM»\c>» r-j- v\ o O r^vO^jD O OU3 Q H O r-t VJD l-t r-t t^\r-t CO LOVJD cnr^xOCJNOJ Of^- r o CO r-t r^r- to CT\OJ H o ojcovj^ ionw o ono OJ lOf^ CO l^-M r*>crvOJ rH OJ OJ VJO CTN i-t J" VD OJ OJ ^t LTNt^ro cr\o c m J- m ■) So o^MtomH.j ocooj I OJ O OJ ro>KQ O CO ir CT\ OJ VJ^ CTNUD r-l r^\ r-l OJ r^\ O nj- OJ lO r^\CO O C0 KO rH LP\OJ r^O r-4 O G* r-t r-t OJ OJ fA CTv 5 o r - r«-\ m on" o rH co co 1 OJ r-t Oj r-l OJ OJ OJ Onfyj iONmohim - 2t - i E r: 1 o C"- , in r a> - !fi © H Q ' • •: i .-< r-» o> CO • in *_ in o c CD iH x F5 n m o w <:■ * — ^ J3 10 I s * o — < C o po iflOD H , . — 1| O I o v o eg to o r-t - • :■ HH«rn^rtnHvroH 0^10(DOO co 0»-) . On lii 3) coluj-n a list thv. figure taken fron Fc • :h. 1 Col. 6. L) lir.c. ?k . other fj on li. - arc taken frou th<- it ihoet (Ibxi 2; Sh. 1) last line colui.xs ~ , 10, 16. The fifures filled into forr. 3 apply to our lo, 80 through the various fori.-.s. Th< • for line B-l cones from For:., 2, Sh. 2, last line, nana , 10, 12, 14, <1 16. ('H-.is was the sheet used when the cards ( sorted on B. ) Qjio data for line C-l cones fron 7c Sh. 3, last line, :.-nns 10, 12, 14, & 16. (This was the sheet used when the cards were sor bed on C. ) [ . data for line D-l cones fro:: Forr. 2, Sh. ■ , L st line, colunns 12, 14, & 16. (This was the sheet used wh-. carde on D. ) B iron F r:. 2, Sh. 5, last lir . , '■ 16. (This was the sheet used when the cards were sorted have . to go on the (i.O.: -c) on F m • obtai: I igoree to go on tl "2 B o 3, we ■ oapatatj \o lata oi 1. Ji of the vari- able eoiuputi il- tip". - pf B, of C 4c. - 1U - i Form 3 on of Suras of Ejtteni. f A B C 1 X S i-1 A-3 9913 -^ 2302.6 )5.0 ?3b7.3 27.1 9077.0 87~; 323-3 -4.0 3177.9 -1330 ul33.0 3393.2 2593 374 35100.5 27 B-l B-2 B-3 2906. b 4874.0 ^737-1 l3o.9 2719.0 2303.3 -54.5 3100.0 3191.0 -91.0 197 - 1900b . 1 73b. 9 C-l C-3 10099.0 7720.5 237i.; 1*051.0 -^qO.i -515.1 333b. 5200.7 135.3 33-37.0 3097?. 9 2»*bl . 1 D-l D-2 E-3 4730.0 27C- . 1 2081.9 3094.0 5077.9 16.1 19b9U.O 18332-1 1361.9 X-l X-2 X-3 9S90.O 3503.^ 238o. d 23?73. c 208ob.2 270D.8 V roducts so obtained are list ctivttly in Columns A, B, C on Forr. 3, line A-2. Next the sum of tho second Variable, (3 in our example; or 705) is put into the computing machine and multiplied successively by the mean of B, of C, of D &c. &e«. The products so obtained are listed respectively in Columns 3, C, D, >xc. of Form 3. line B-2. Next the sum of the third Variable, (C in our example; or 11^9) is put into the comtxiting machine and multiplied successively by the mean of C, of D <£c. 6cc . . The products so obtained are listed respec- tively in Tolur.ns C. D, &C. of Form 3t l ine C-2. In a similar manner the computations are made for the other lir.9s ending in "2",- Form 3. "ote;- In practice it is most convenient to prepare Form 3 on a sheet of paper vtfiich also carries Form 1 at the top. The figures for marring the extension for lines of designation ending in "2" are then before the operator. Every item on a line ending in "2" is nor; subtracted from the figure directly above it on a line ending in "1." (Note: naturally -Id the minuend be greater than the subtrahend the difference ;7ill be a negative value.) These differences are listed on the lines of designation ending in "3 n . These lines are then transcribed to Form U. The differences vhich have just been secured are the product nts and squared standard deviations (times 1 T ) ; and are the r.eces- • data for ;olution of multiple, and partial correlation coef- ficients, or gross and net regression coefficients. The usual solution be found in Yule: "Int: ion to Statistical Method." The solu- D given in the following, however, is a "Least Square" method, fi. conceived of and developed by :olley and Ezekiel of the Bureau - if - -1«- . . -ultural Economic • ng th« method is published ay them in the Journal of the An St for December, 19?5. ■ n - In case it ii jno-ica to ma*e the extensions d. ner than to use . cards ana tabulating machine s--fre que; the case when short series, such as time series, are oeing a multi -columnar form should be used. In the six left-.'.. List th . • i Luna headings would i< B f C, D t X, 4 8. -lining columns should be headed: ir t AB, AC, AD «X, A|; BD, EX, BS, C 5 , CD, CX, C3; D 2 , DX, D3; X 2 , XS. In the A 2 t lt« the squares of the values in the A Column. In the Ab write the products of the A items times their corresponding B ii- When all columns have been extended, add them, li I totals beio. jn their respective columns. Find the means 'averages) of the- A, B, C, D, X, &. S colis- hlltiply the sum of the A column times each of the means cf tne ^x C , D, X, & S columns and write the products below the ra AD, AX, & AS columns respectively. Multiply the i B column times the means of the B, C ( D, X, & S columns and the products below the sums of the B?] BC, BD, BX, ' & BS, colur-.-- a similar manner extend the sum of the C column times the meani C, D, X, & S, and inscribe the products in the C^ ( CD, CX, & iumns. Also the sums of the D, & X columns. It is not cece_.~_ to multiply the sum of the S column times anything. subtract the last values listed in the A* 2 column anu columns to the right thereof from the figures just above them. H tne • - should be greater than the subtrahend the different f a negative value. These differences are now to b* trail rr«4 to a new sheet of the arrangement shown in form 4. The ij :ences in the columns commencing a i th an "A" in their desi^n^t; ferred to the first line-of form U, designated as line A- I The differences in the columns commencing with a "B" in the) Jo- nation (this of course includes the B-? col.) are transferred t I of form The remaining differences are transfc. '-*- BDner. Tne so arranged differences constitute the Normal kqua- • square solution for the value of the net re B.C. & D. on X. - 17 - thil point the use of the Check Sun (Col. S) as a I ^ the • to tr.is point may be shown: On Line A-l (Form !>) the sum of the iters in columns A, B, C, D&X should equal the figure in Coluan Line A-l), thus checking the extension and addition of all t figures used in connection frith delving these values. Sum of the following* Should check to- The Sum of the following: Should check to: Line Column A-l B B-l B ii C ■1 D ii X B-l A-l C B-l c C-l c ii D ii X C-l Son of the following: A-l D B-l D C-l D D-l D ii X Should check to: sum of the following: D-l A-l X B-l X C-l X D-l X X_l X ild ck to: X-l and also "5" for "1" in the a check may be secured It is est oefon ftrriod to a : (Form U) NORMAL EQUATIONS D C E X a PM • 23C •1 J. 5 5.5 >9-8 273- 7M6.U i.9 -.5 -91.0 730.9 W -51 135.3 1.1 2081. 9 >.l 1361.9 > 2386.6 2706.3 SOtOTI 1 1 J02.6 .7.1 528.5 -133-5 259 • 3 3 -1.0000 -.O: -.1427 .0530 -.1123 -1.2093 743.4 136.9 -34.5 -9I.O 73o.9 M " -3 -3-9 l.o -3.1 -32.8 5 748.1 133.0 12.9 -94.1 7C4.1 b 7 ■ 1.0000 -.1778 .1103 .1258 -.9412 2373.5 -513.1 135.3 24bl.l 8 -46.9 13.0 -37-1 -397.2 9 -23-7 14. S Id. 7 -12 10 2307.9 -484.3 114. 9 1933.7 n -1.0000 .2098 -.0498 .'400 2051.9 16.1 13ol.9 13 -7.7 l?.l loi .- -9-2 -10.4 73.0 15 -101. b 24.1 406.8 1963.4 I 9 2C08 . 1 17 18 -1.0000 -.0229 -1.0228 D : .0229 x lo.l 19 1 /-.1258 .0U9i .0C4d : .054o x 135.3 7.- 20 B: S -.0097 .0025 :--1330 x -91.0 12.1 21 .1". .001 6 -.0078 .0013 : .1079 x 259-8 22 P.M. 23 Sq. Root 6.94 24 3.uc 17 -3.05 : 250.79 Squart J root of 233b. (See Line X-3, Col.jy 1*6 R e qua Is 6 . 94 -k U S or .142 On Form U Lines A-3, B-3, C- , ire th» ing the normal I to be solved. The : lu- tion is given on lines 1 to 23. as described below ' On Line 1 wr irst normal Ion, i.e., copy Line A- s . divide every item on Line 1 by * .st item of Line 1, r- • the algeoraic signs end list the quotients on Line 2. In our example, we divide by o. The algebraic svm of the items on Line 2 Columnu B, C ( L t ani X, should equal the quotient appearing in Column S on the same line. This will not always cneck to the last digit, owing I the dropping of places in the division. Nov.*, draw a line un-ier the figures just written in. On Line 3 t;opy in the second normal equation, that is, copy Line B-3. Now put the figure on Line 2, Column B (i.e. into the multiplying machine and multiply it consecutively Dy the items en Line 1 in Columns E, C, D, X, and S, listing the products in the respective columns on Line U. In our example, we mult by 27.1 by 323.3 by .133.3 by 239.9 end by Zlib.j, giving as quotients appearing on Line k t i.e., giving -.3, -3-9; l.o; -3 1; ~3- ■ Now add the items on Line h to th* 3 ite.-Ls immediately above on Line 3, giving Line 3. Careful attention must be given to tne algebraic signs. Now, divide the figures on Line 3 by the first fie^ure on Line , reverse the algebraic signs, listing tne quotients on Line 6 . In our exar :de by The algebraic sum of irst four it^ems -;uld check to the last item of the line, 70^.1, in I -■^n. In liiCe manner, the ilgebraic sum of the i on •This is the "Doolittle Method Bee Oscar S. Adams - "Geodesy - Ap- ■ on of f Least ~ -> to the Adj. tion." - I?!"). Special n #28, Geodetic Survey. D - Line o should check to the last item or. Line u, or -.9^12. Now copy D the third normal equation on Line 7; i.e., -one C-3. Put the number la 1 )3 -mn on tne secona lias, -.1-27 lato tne mull ng machine ana multiply it consecutively cy the items la the C, D, X, n S columns of Line 1, listing the products in the corresponding columns Line 3, giving careful attention to the algebraic signs. Next, put the item in the C ^ lumn of Line o, -.1778, i-'ito the multiplying machine ■ad multiply it consecutively oy the C ( D ( X, and S column figures on Ljne ), g the products in their respective columns on Line 9, giving careful attention to algebraic signs. Now, add together for each column the values in Lines 7, 6, and 9, giving Line 10. The ii" items of this line should check to tne. luot, similar to the case : Lines 5 a ™i 1. Divide each of the items of this line by the first i* in the line, that is, divide by 2507.9, reverse the signs and list the quotients on II. In a manner similar to Line o, the first ite-^ en this line should check to the last when uaaea together. Draw anotr.cr line. jt\ Line 12, ".rite the fourth normal equation, that is copy Line D-3. Put into the multiplying machine the value on Line 2, Column I multiply it consecutively by the D, X, and S column values of Line 1, listing the prouuets on Line 13 in their respective columns, giving -oful attention to the algebraic signs. Next, place the value on Line o column D into the multiplying machine , .1103, and multiply con- sec . • y by the values on Line 3, columns D, X, and S, listing the ir re. re columns on Line 14, giving careful atten- tion to tne alg» Next, put tne figure on Line 11, column multiplying machine and multiply consecutively oy the values on Line 10 columns i), X, ana S, luting the products in tneir - 21 - respective cr>luuis on Line 15, giving ciirtfal attention to a] nL/ns. t, r • I - 12, - ; . !■'• • L6i -lie ■* Lren Lc su of the fii .1. Lret ite:. on " l e , 19? '. . I . . list the 17. ' i of 17 should chock t 3 " -. 1". 1 1 w for s 11, 6, and 2. Ue have now finished the ■forward* solution for tho on8i • - tho tho i Lutioo to r 05 vri- -" 1. - will t Wq are now rcidy for V bf»c Lution, lii.es 1 . - I to tK ".".-"" the ■l£n. T.i~ valni i; the net r ."f icier. * ic D X. Next in Golunn g lines IB to ?1, Inclusive, list i - rse order the values in colUED X, Lircs JL-3, B-3, D-3, D-3. U Xt [ :■:. lino 19 Do In c . write 1 revors J Ob :.- ^luc on Line G, colucc X, revere:- ai.- . - . .-.-.., ri1 •. c h :. Xt rev the si ■ 18, c . - oltipl; " - ict 1 01 c- , • . • . val Next, add toget.vr tne \uiues on Line 19 in columns C and L sun luran X, Line 19. ~ ' - last sum 1. I ion coefficient of thf C on X. Put a coefficient C - on X into I multiplying .ie, and, having 1 can I or al£- it times I ie j t i . I iting the product r. the same line in column rM. Then, multiply it by tne values In -- on Lines nd A-3, .-.nting the products on Lines 20, 21 ana. 2k, respec- tively of the same column. No. id the values on Line 20, columns B, C 1 C together ..riting tr.e sum in column X on tne same line par- ticular regard to algebraic signs. This 1-i^t ran written on Line 20 in column X is the net regression coefficient of the variable B on X. Place it in the multiplying machine, and, having a care to algebraic signs, mul- tiply it tirr.es th° value listed beside it in column S, writing the proauct on the same Line in column FM. Then, multiply it by the values in cclu B on Lines 2 and A-3, listing the products respectively on Lines <_' - of the same column. Now, add n Line 21, and ir. columns '., B, C, and D, writing the sum in Column X on the same line. .urn net re^rrssion coefficient of A on X. Place it in the iying machine a . tiply it times the vulu ide it in column S, hav- ing a l r algebraic signs, and libt tne product in column FM on I same line ill altiply it times -lue on Line A-3, column A, list- roduct in the same column on Line 2^. No.' values on Lj columns A, B, C, D I toge* ..ould e^ual the value Line A-), column X, which serves as a check upon the a 1 ?n r net regression C X. There is a d .ice of ? between the two va . wur pie, A greater ... y may be se- the arithmetic to a greater number of pla^ ..jhout I entire solution. It was deemed expedient to make the example as simple as possi i We have ao the net regression coefficients, ehicfa ire es- sential to the forming of the regression equation for predicting or esti- azi' oes of S. To ascertain to how great a degree these preaic- ~ns cc: -o the actual values, it is necessary to obtain some measure of agreement between them, the predicted and the actual. This measure of agreemen* - .e coe: .t of multiple correlation, R, defined on Page 1. To secure this coefficient of multiple correlation, add the values in the PM coluaan, listing the sum on Line 2.2.. Next, secure the square root of .5 sum, given on Line 2}. Finally, secure the square root of the value listed on Line X-3 ( column X, listing this in the PM column on Line 25. valur - .led into * lue immediately above it on Line 23, gives the coefficient of multiple correlation. There are certain aids and other checks in the solution which can be app liea to h^lp in locating errors. The diagonal terms of the norma. 1 equations (23C2.0, 7 4 ^--, 2373-5 £»> are always positive in sign. In me ing the s-lution the figures listed immediately below these figures (to be added to them in the course of the solution) are always negative in sign, .ppearing above the -1.00000 terms are always positive / i .e. 1, 2307- I -3>)- icy is increased if comparatively small diagnonal terms are 3 can be controlled by controlling the origins 1 coding.) The Product Moreen* 22, is al-vays positive in sign. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08918 7172 - 2U - THE REGRESSION E- The final step in the arithmetic ia to tha "r ion," or citing" or " equation as it is vario .e down t: ;ion coefficient of A on X; ir. \ ~"3. P> alue write what V7as done algebraically in thU \ ill be of the forr., ~_: 15. . (See page 6, note (1)). Then furtr rite the subtraction of the average of en from form 1, enclosing all in pa: • . . ) r c form so far will look like this: .1079 ( A - 35 _ <,, ) / ■» " -7 .dIhO ( In an exact! nner treat the B, C, D, & X scriec. (Disregard 1 be no regression coefficient for the X B< of the A, B, C, & D expressions should be equated to xpression as follows: ♦ .1079(^=21 - 7.61U) - .1330(3-30 - U.1226) ♦ .05U6( C ; 120 - 6.71 ) ( D-23S .:'22?(— c^--3- 9766 ) ° ) ( ° ) H -5263 This is ' 1 " :■ Ion equation. It is only nee on to . uate for X, involvin. -, to put .uation : ul foi .1079 A - .0998 B • .0137 D ♦ 9^-0552 ia is • definition of R in the note on par.o 1*