ImiunI November 2 191 1. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY— CIRCULAR No. 100. L. O. HOWARD. Enlomolo«i»l «nd Chief of Bure4u. AN INDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO 100 OF Tin: in i:i;au or entomology. BT KOI. LA P.CURRIE am. ANDREW N. CAUDELL. IMI -( ir. 100—11 1 <%A3M|«.iiT0N : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1911. B UREA U OF ENTOMOLOG Y. L. 0. Howard, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau . C. L. Marlatt, Entomologist and Acting Chief in Absence of Chief. R. S. Clifton, Executive Assistant. W. F. Tastet, Chief Clerk. F. H. Chittenden, in charge of truck crop and stored product insect investigations. A. D. Hopkins, in charge of forest insect investigations. W. D. Hunter, in charge of southern field crop insect investigations. F. M. Webster, in charge of cereal and forage insect investigations. A. L. Quaintance, in charge of deciduous fruit insect investigations. E. F. Phillips, in charge of bee culture. D. M. Rogers, in charge of preventing spread of moths, field work. Rolla P. Currie, in charge of editorial work. Mabel Colcord, in charge of library. Circular No. 100. ' WoTMnbra, 19U United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OK ENTOMOLOGY. L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. an INDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO KM OP THE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. By luii i v P. t'fiiKiK and Andkkw X. Cavdmll. The firs! circular of the present scries, or what was formerly known as the aecond series, of the Bureau of Entomology was issued in 1891, while Circular w was issued in 1908. The circulars of the fust series, something over 40 in number, were nearly all merely cir- cular letters ami had only a temporary value. Very few of these fir-t- series circulars are now known to exist, and even (he titles of most of them are now unknown. While some of the circulars <>f the present, or second, series were in the nature of emergency circulars, and were therefore soon discon- tinued or superseded, yet very many others were popular summaries, containing in condensed form all the important data available con- cerning the particular insects discussed. They have therefore a dis- tinct value to the student ami worker in economic entomology as well as to the farmer, forester, horticulturist, and general reader. Many of the insects treated have not yet been made the subjects <>f bulletins or been considered in other publications of the department, and much information contained in these circulars is therefore not to he found elsewhere. To make this information more easily available and to prevent it from being overlooked, the present index has been prepared, and it is hoped that it will be of use to all who read or consult the circulars of the bureau. For convenience the index itself is preceded by a list of circulars 1 to 100, with their revisions. Thislisl may be considered as complete and final, since the policy of issuing revised editions of circulars, i. e., under the original serial number, has heen discontinued and no more such will he published. Where circulars have gone through one <>r more revised editions the latest edition is the <>ne indexed. 1 LIST OF CIRCULARS 1 TO 100 OF THE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. No. 1. Condensed information concerning some of the more important insecticides. pp. 7. May, 1891. No. 2. The hop plant-louse [Phorodon humuli Schr.] and the remedies to be used against it. pp. 7, figs. 5, pi. 1. June, 1891. No. 3. An important enemy to fruit trees. The Sau Jose scale [Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst.]: Its appearance in the eastern United States; measures to be taken to prevent its spread and to destroy it. By L. O. Howard, pp. 10, figs. 5. April 4, 1893. No. 4. The army worm (Leucania unipuncta Haw.). By L. O. Howard, pp. 5, figs. 3. June 16, 1894. No. 5. The carpet beetle or "Buffalo moth" {Anthrenus scrophularise L.). By L. O. Howard, pp. 4, fig. 1. September 8, 1894. Same, revised edition, pp. 4, fig. 1. Issued August 10, 1908. No. 6. The Mexican cotton-boll weevil (Anthoriomus grandis Boh.). By L. O. How- ard, pp. 5, figs. 3. April 2, 1895. Same, Spanish edition, pp. 6, figs. 2. April 2, 1895. No. 7. The pear-tree psylla (Psylla pyrkola Foerst.). By C. L. Marlatt. pp. 8, figs. 6. May 1, 1895. No. 8. The imported elm leaf-beetle (Galerucella luteola Mull.; Galeruca xanthomelxna Schrank). By C. L. Marlatt. pp. 4, fig. 1. May 23, 1895. Same, revised edition, pp. 6, fig. 1. Issued September 22, 1908. No. 9. Cankerworms [Paleacrita vernata Peck and (Anisopteryr) Ahophila pometaria Harr.]. By D. W. Coquillett. pp. 4, figs. 4. May 24, 1895. No. 10. The Harlequin cabbage bug, or calico back (Murgantia histrionica Hahn). By L. O. Howard, pp. 2, fig. 1. May 24, 1895. No. 11. The rose-chafer [Macrodactylus subspinosus Fab.]. By F. H. Chittenden. pp. 4, fig. 1. May 21, 1895. Same, revised, pp. 4, fig. 1. Ieiued July 6, 1909. No. 12. The Hessian fly (Cecidomyia destructor Say). By C. L. Marlatt. pp. 4. July 26, 1895. Same, revised edition, pp. 4. April 13, 1900. (Superseded by No. 70.) No. 13. Mosquitoes and fleas. By L. O. Howard, pp. 4. February 1, 1896. Same, revised edition. November 15, 1897. No. 14. (Revision of No. 6.) The Mexican cotton-boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis Boh.). By L. O. Howard, pp. 8, figs. 5. February- 12, 1896. Same, Spanish edition, pp. 8, figs. 5. May 18, 1896. No. 15. General work against insects which defoliate shade trees in cities and towns. By L. O. Howard, pp. 4. March 6, 1896. (In advance from an article entitled "The shade-tree insect problem in the eastern United States," to be published in the Yearbook of the department for 1895.) No. 16. The larger corn stalk-borer (Diatrsea saccharalis Fab.). By L. O. Howard. pp. 3, figs. 3. August 13, 1896. No. 17. The peach-tree borer (Sannina exitiosa Say). By C. L. Marlatt. pp. 4, fig. 1. September 30, 1896. (Superseded by No. 54.) No. 18. (Revision of No. 14.) The Mexican cotton-boll weevil {Anthonomus grandis Boh.). By L. O. Howard, pp. 8, figs. 5. February 4, 1897. list OP OIB< i LABS 1 i" LOO. 3 Sams, Spanish edition pp, i" Same, ( ; . • rn i.i ii edition pp. 1 1 , No L9. The clover d Ka praUmaie German) Byt I Marlatl pp i Man b i Sunn, second edition pp I, fig l July 19, LS 0. The wooll) aphis "i the apple ra Hausmann) B l M.irlaii pp 6, figs 2 March 15, It Same, revised edition, pp 6, figs 2 June V. 21 The strawberry weevil {Anthonomue tignatut Sa] By P. II Chittenden pp :. figi 1 March 18,188 • dition. pp, 10, fig ied September LO, I ■ The periodical cicada in 18K Bj E, \ Bchwarz. pp. 1. Ma ; The buffalo tree-hopper (Cereta bubalw Fab. By C. L. Marian, pp 1. 2 Ma> 10, 1897 No. -i The two-lined chestnut borer (Agrilua bilineatut Weber). By I'. II. ' bitten- den pp. 8, fig. I Julj 14, 189 S edition. i>i>. 7, Hi;, l. Issued January 20, L909. 5 The os warble (Bypoderma lineata Villers). By I . I Marlatt pp. 10 in July 19, IS No. 26. The pear slug (Erioeampoides limaema Retaius). By C. L. Marian, pp. 7 - 1 August 28, L891 No. 27. The Mexican cotton-boll weevil in 1897. By L. O. Howard, pp.7. Decern bar 31, i- No. 28. The box-elder plant-bug (Leptocorit trivittatm Say). By I.. 0. Howard pp. ;{, fig. I. January 8, L8 No. 29. The fruit-tree bark-beetle (Seolytu$ rugutotua Rate.). By I'. II < bittenden pp. S March 26, 18 Same, revised edition. March 25, 1003. I The periodical cicada in 1898. By E. A. Schwan. pp.3. April 1. 1898. 1. The striped cucumber beetle (Diabrotiea vittata Fab.). ByF. II. < bittenden. pp. 7. figs. 2. April 26, LS Sniiu ■■, revised edition, pp. »;. liu^. 2. June 9, 1 ■ Sunn-, second revision, pp. 8, figs. 2. Issued May 22, 1000. _' The larger apple-tree borers. By F. H. Chittenden, pp. 12, figs. 3. July 1, Same, reviaed edition, pp. 12. figs. 3. Augusl 80, 1002. ■ml revise, pp. II. figs. :s. April 8, 1005. Sntiu-, third revise pp. 11. figs. 3. Issued 1' mber 10, L907. No. 33. Remedial work againsl the Mexican cotton-boll weevil. By I . O. Howard. pp.6. July 1 - Supplementary to circulars 18 and 27 No. 34. House ants ( Ifonomorium pharaonit el al ByC. L. Marian, pp. 1, GgB.3. July 6, I Acme, revise pp. 1, figs I Issued June 12, L907 No. 35. House fl etal.) By L. O. Howard, pp. 8, figs. 6. July 11. L898 Superseded by No 71 No. 36. Tin- true clothes moths / meUaetal.). By C. L. Marian, pp. 8, figs. 3. July is. L898 San pp. B, figs. '■ Issued January 1">. L908. No. 37. The use of hydrocyanic-acid gas lor fumigating greenhouses and cold frames. By Albert F. Woods and P. H. Domett, pp. 10, figs. 3. January 10, 1- Sosne, corrected print (Compare page 8.) pp. LI January 10, 1899. . revised edition, pp. L0, figs. 3. October 2, l!*i:i. Same, second revise, pp, 11, figa, 3. Issued April 3, 1908. 4 LIST OF CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. No. 38. The squash-vine borer (Melittia satyriniformis Hbn.). By F. H. Chittenden. pp. 6, figs. 2. April 22, 1890. Same, revised edition, pp. G, figs. 2. November 19, 1903. Same, second revise, pp. 6, figs. 2. Issued September 3, 1908. No. 39. The common squash bug (Anasa tristis De G.). By F. H. Chittenden, pp. 5, figs. 3. May 5, 1899. Same, revised edition, pp. 5, figs. 3. March 23, 1905. Same, second revise, pp. 5, figs. 3. Issued July 28, 1908. No. 40. How to distinguish the different mosquitoes of North America. By L. O. Howard (with "Synoptic tables of the North American mosquitoes," by D. W. Coquillett). pp. 8, figs. 3. February 20, 1900. No. 41. Regulations of foreign governments regarding importation of American plants, trees, and fruits. By L. O. Howard, pp. 4. August 24, 1900. No. 42. How to control the San Jose scale. By C. L. Marlatt. pp. 6. October 22, 1900. Same, revised, pp. 6. May 17, 1902. Same, second edition. May 26, 1902. Same, third edition. April (J, 1903. Same, fourth edition, pp. 8. March 10, 1906. Same, fifth edition, pp. 7. [March 31] 1909. No. 43. The destructive green pea louse (Nectarophora destructor Johns.). By F. H. Chittenden, pp. 8, figs. 3. May 23, 1901. Same, second edition [entitled "The pea aphis (Macrosiphum pisi Kalt.)"]. pp. 10, figs. 7. Issued February 25, 1909. No. 44. The periodical cicada in 1902. By W. D. Hunter, pp. 4, figs. 2. March 13, 1902. No. 45. A new nomenclature for the broods of the periodical cicada. By C. L. Marlatt. pp. 8. May 1, 1902. No. 46. Hydrocyanic-acid gas against household insects. By L.O.Howard, pp.6. June 22, 1902. Same, revised edition, pp. 7. Issued February 20, 1907. Revised by C. L. Marlatt. No. 47. The bedbug (Cimex lectularius Linn.). By C. L. Marlatt. pp. 8, figs. 3. June 15, 1902. Same, revised edition, pp. 8, figs. 3. Issued February 26, 1907. No. 48. The house centipede (Scutigera forceps Raf.). By C. L. Marlatt. pp. 4, figs. 2. June 10, 1902. No. 49. The silver fish (Lepisma saccharina Linn.). By C. L. Marlatt. pp. 4, figs. 2. June 20, 1902. No. 50. The white ant (Termes flavipes Koll.). By C. L. Marlatt. pp. 8, figs. 4. June 30, 1902. Same, revised edition, pp. 8, figs. 4. Issued January 27, 1908. No. 51. Cockroaches. By ('. L. Marlatt. pp. 15, figs. 5. June 23, 1902. Same, revised, pp. 14, figs. 5. Issued June 23, 1908. No. 52. The lime, sulphur, and salt wash. By C. L. Marlatt. pp. 8. February 20, 1903. Same, second edition. March 18, 1904. No. 53. The yellow-winged locust (Camnula pellucida Scudd.). By C. B. Simpson. pp. 3, fig. 1. May 12, 1903. No. 54. The peach-tree borer (Sannina exitiosa Say). By C L. Marlatt. pp. 6, fig. 1. October 19, 1903. No. 55. Powder-post injury to seasoned wood products. By A. D. Hopkins, pp. 5, fig. 1. November 20, 1903. No. 56. The most important step in the cultural system of controlling the boll weevil. By W. D. Hunter, pp.7. October 10, 1904. (Superseded by No. 95.) L1M OS < n;< i i \i;s 1 TO 100. 5 No. 57 The greenhoum white fly i ileymdu va p on ri orvm Weetw.), By A. W. Morrill pp. 9, flg i Februarj I >. I y. £ Eleport on the gypsy moth and the brown-tail moth, July, 1904. By C. I.. -ii pp. 12, pi l, map I March 21, 1006 [he corn root- worms. By F. H. Chittenden, pp March 23, 1 ["he Imported cabbage warm (Pontia rapm Linn.). By I . II. < bittenden. pp. 8, flgt ,; April 28, 190 i 81. Black check in weetern hemlock. ByH. E.Burke, pp. 10, £ May 24, !'hi> cabbage hair-worm. By F. II. Chittenden, pp. 6, flg. I. May 17, L906 Sow, revised edition, pp. 6, fig. I. Easaed July 28, 1908. ota and how to control them. By F. II. Chittenden, pp. 7, figs. 5. JuneO, II tnd edition, pp. 7, figs. 5. February 12, 1906. [he cottony maple scale [Pulvinaria mnumerabUit Rathvon). By J. G. Banders, pp. 6, figs. i. September 7, L905. . The cotton red spider I Tttranydnu gloveri Ilk.-'.). By E. S. (i. Titus, pp. 5, figs. 2. October 30, L906. I'hi" joint-worm (Itotoma tritiei Fitch). By F. M. Webster, pp. 5, figs. 5, October 20, IS t, revised edition, pp. 7, figs. 6. faued September 21, 1908. N'<>. 07. The clover root-borer {Hylattinut ooseurui Marsham). By F. M. Webster. pp. ■">. figa I. December 28, L906. 18 The tobacco thrips and remedies to prevenl "white veins" in wrapper tobacco Binds >. By W. A. Hooker, pp. ■">, figs. 2. February 26, 190(3. Some insects affecting the production of red clover seed. By I'. M. Webster, pp. 9, figs. 8. April 12, 1908. 70. The Hessian fly (Mayetioh [Ceekhmyia] destructor Say). By F. M. Webster. pp. 16, figs. 16. a-pril 1 1. L906. . 'I. i Revision of Circular Mo. 35.) House dies (Muscadomestica et al.). By I.. O. Howard, pp. 9, figs. 9. March 27, 1906. Same, revised edition, pp. 10, figs. 9. September 21, 1906. 72. Key to the known larvae of the mosquitoes of the United States. By Harrison G Dyar. pp. 6, fig. L. April 27, 1906. Die plum curculio {Conotrachi *phar Herbst). By Fred Johnson and \ \ Qirault pp. 10, figs. 5. April II, 1906. ;t. The periodica] cicada in 1906. By C. L. Marlatt. pp. 5, figs. 3. April 16, 1906. No. 75. Requirements to bo complied with by nurserymen or others who make inter- state shipments of nursery stock. I'-y A. 1". Burgees, pp. 6. July 5, 1906. revised edition, pp. 7. Issued July 24, 1908. Sunn-, second revision, pp. 9. isBUed August 7, 1909. 76. list of publications of the Bureau of Entomology. Compiled by Mabel Col- cord. pp.21. September 24, 1906. Sam,-, revise.! to March I. 1908. pp. . revised to May 1. 1909. pp. 2!). to February 1, 1910. pp. 32. No. 77. Harvest mite-, or "chiggem." By F. H. Chittenden, pp. li, figa. 8. Sep- tember 20. 1906. No. 78. The slender -red-corn ground-beetle ti'livina imprrssifron.* Lee.) By I' M Webster pp. 5, figs. 2. October 4, 1908. No. 79. The brood diseases of bees. By E. F. Phillips, pp. •">. October :i, 1906. 6 UST OF CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. No. 80. The melon aphis (Aphis gossypii Glov.). By F. H. Chittenden, pp. 16, figs. 6. November 14, 1906. No. 81. The aphides affecting the apple. By A. L. Quaintance. pp. 10, figs. 8. Issued March 9, 1907. No. 82. Pinhole injury to girdled cypress in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. By A. D. Hopkins, pp. 4, fig. 1. Issued January 2, 1907. No. 83. The locust borer [Cyllene robinise Forst.] and methods for its control. By A. D. Hopkins, pp. 8, figs. 4. Issued February 19, 1907. No. 84. The grasshopper problem and alfalfa culture. By F. M. Webster, pp. 10, figs. 8. Issued April 6, 1907. No. 85. The spring grain-aphis (Toxoptera graminum Rond.). By F. M. Webster. pp. 7, figs. 3. Issued March 29, 1907. (See also No. 93.) No. 86. The corn leaf -aphis [Aphis maidis Fitch] and corn root-aphis [Aphis maidi- radicis Forbes]. By F. M. Webster, pp. 13, figs. 4. Issued May 6, 1907. No. 87. The Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say). By F. H. Chit- tenden, pp. 15, figs. 6. Issued June 3, 1907. No. 88. The terrapin scale (Eukcanium nigro/asciatum Pergande). By J. G. Sanders. pp. 4, figs. 3. Issued May 14, 1907. No. 89. The periodical cicada in 1907 ( Tibictn septendecim L., race tredetim Walsh- Riley). By C. L. Marlatt. pp. 4, figs. 3. Issued May 14, 1907. No. 90. The white-pine weevil [Pissodes strobi Peck]. By A. D. Hopkins, pp. 8, figs 6. Issued June 18, 1907. No. 91. Note on the occurrence of the North American fever tick [(Boophilus) Margaro- pus annulatus Say] on sheep. By W. D. Hunter, pp. 3. Issued July 3, 1907. No. 92. Mites and lice on poultry. By Nathan Banks, pp. 8, figs. 6. Issued Sep- tember 25, 1907. No. 93. The spring grain-aphis or so-called "green bug" (Toxoptera graminum Rond.). By F. M. Webster, pp. 18, figs. 7. Issued August 22, 1907. Same, revised, pp. 22, figs. 10. Issued June 23, 1909. No. 94. The cause of American foul brood [Bacillus larvas]. By G. F. White, pp. 4. Issued July 29, 1907. No. 95. (Revision of Circular No. 56.) The most important step in the control of the boll weevil [Anthonomus grandis Boh.]. By W. D. Hunter, pp.8. Issued October 3, 1907. Same, revised edition, pp. 8. Issued September 21, 1908. Same, French edition, pp. 11. Issued January 21, 1909. No. 96. The catalpa sphinx (Ceratomia catalpx Bdv.). By L. O. Howard and F. H. Chittenden, pp. 7, figs. 2. Issued December 16, 1907. No. 97. The bagworm (Thyridopteryx ephemerseformis Haw.). By L. O. Howard and F. H. Chittenden, pp. 10, figs. 11. Issued February 6, 1908. No. 98. The apple-tree tent caterpillar (Malacosoma americana Fab.). By A. L. Quaintance. pp. 8, figs. 4. Issued January 28, 1908. No. 99. The nut weevils. By F. H. Chittenden, pp. 15, figs. 14. Issued March 6, 1908. No. 100. An index to Circulars 1 to 100 of the Bureau of Entomology. By Rolla P. Currie and Andrew N. Caudell. pp. i-ii, 1^19. Issued October — , 1911. INDEX i'ii.' Hut ( tsd continuously throughout the ■ noted | ( lrcular Abies grandts. (So.' Kir. low 1 md i lasiocarpa. (See Ftr. Upine.) A bier us cttsiocamf f Malacosoma americana. lod plant of Aphis gossypH Acanthia lectularm. (See Bedbug.} I BOS elder, i sacehannum, food plant of Euleeanium nigrofasciatum I'uliinaria innumerabitis Achillea milUloliiim, llowers, fool of A nthrenus seraph': Acholla multtspinnsa. probable enemy of Balaninus proboscideus and R. rectus.. Adalta bipunctata. enemy of aphides I tac ratlpAum pisi ■ Da pyruola Adiantum ballii, fumigation \\ ith hydrocyanic-acid lm.~ amentum, fumigation » nh hydrocj anlo-acld gas A edi< atlanticiii. distinctive characten of larva dJetlnotlve characten ol genua, adulta fuscus, distinctive characters of adull larva grnssbecki, distinctive characten of larva mfirmatus. distinctive characten of larva auauiri. distinctly e characten of larva sapphiriuii*, distinctive characten of adult t.u>le of North American species, adulta tormentor, distincth e characten of larva dn. food plant Of ill fTOdt < \nporariorum , A gnnoderus pallipes. Injurious to 9 1 com Agrilus bilineatus, circular remedies. Agropuron occidental is, food plant of Towptera graminum repens. food plant of Mayetmla destructor or related ■pedes. . tent rum, fol 5, rev. 'CI M IS, ed. J 87, rev. 2 37, rev. .' 72 40 in 72 72 in 72 '.: 78 24, rc\ . 24, rev. 70 70 85 75, rev. 2 77 H 57 57 80 57 87, rev. 2 37, rev. 2 57 eg 84 59 87 83, rev. 8 97 97 80 43, ed.2 19. ed. 2 93, rev. 11. rev. 6 8 5 7 3 3 4 4 7 4 8 5 7 7 4 -' 4 1 7 5-7 5 7 7 4 7 8 13 4 4 U 1-9 4 4 5-9 i 1 :t l in 5 2 3 4 1-8 .... — Cir. 100—11- INDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. Circular No. Amaranthus, food plant of Aphis gossypii probable food plant of Diabrotica 12-punclata Ambrosia beetles in girdled cypress, remedies injury to girdled cypress trifida. (See Ragweed.) Ameloctonus clisiocampx , parasite of Malacosoma amcricana Ammonia as remedy for "chiggers" ineffective against strawberry weevil to alleviate pain from centipede bites Amorpha, food plant of Diabrotica 12-punctata A mphicyrta simplicipes, association with Chcilosia alaskcnsis Anaphts conotracheh, parasite of Conotrachelus nenuphar Anasa trislis, circular remedies Analis ocellata = Anatis 15-punctata 15-punctata, enemy of Lcptinotarsa dcccmlincata Andromeda, food plant of Macrodactylus subspinosus Animal matter, dead, food of cockroaches Anisopteryx pomctaria, general account remedies Anomalon analc, parasite of Malacosoma amcricana exile, parasite of Malacosoma amcricana Anopedias error, parasite of Dasyneura leguminicola Anopheles albimanus, status annulimanus perhaps = Culex consobrinus status barberi, distinctive characters of larva crucians, distinctive characters of adult larva synonyms distinctive characters of genus, adults franciscanus, distinctive characters of larva hiemalis = punctipennis maculipennis, distinctive characters of larva probably = Anopheles quadrimaculatus status nigripes, status pictus = Anopheles crucians status punctipennis, adults Anopheles hiemalis a synonym distinctive characters of adult larva quadrimaculatus, Anopheles maculipennis a probable syn- onym ' distinctive characters of adult resting position of adults table of North American species, adults unrecognized North American species Anophelinae, distinctive characters of larvee Anthomyia ceparum =Pegomya cepetorum Anthonomus grandis. (See Weevil, Mexican cotton boll.) signatus, circular remedies Anthrenus lepidus, not known to attack carpets scrophularix, circular remedies Anthurium crystallinum, fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas Ant, little black. (See Monomorium minutum.) brown. (See Lasius niger var. americanus.) red. (See Monomorium pharaonis.) pavement. (See Tetramorium cxspitum.) white ( Termes flavipes), circular hydrocyanic-acid gas as remedy remedies Ants as disseminators of San Jose scale carbon bisulphid as insecticide "cows" destruction in control of corn root-aphis enemies of Chrysobothris femorata feeding on honeydew from aphides house-infesting species, circular remedies p ydrocyanic-acid gas as remedy lemedies Aonidia aurantii, resin wash as insecticide citrinus, resin wash as insecticide Apanteles carpatus, parasite of Tinea pellionella Trichophaga tapetzella catalpse. (See Microplitis catalpse.) clisiocampx, parasite of Malacosoma amcricana congregatus, parasite of CiTatomia catalpse var. rufocoxalis, parasite of Malacosoma amcricana glomeratus, parasite of I'ontia raps 80 59 82 82 98 77 21, rev. 48 59 01 73 39, rev. 2 39, rev. 2 87 87 11, rev. 51, rev. 9 9 98 98 69 40 40 40 72 40 72 40 40 72 40 72 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 72 40 40 40 40 40 72 63, ed. 2 2t,rev. 21. rev. 5. rev. 5, rev. 5. rev. 37, rev. 2 50, rev. 4(i. rev. 50, rev. 3 1 86 86 32. rev. 3 80 34, rev. 34, rev. 4b, rev. 34, rev. 1 1 36, rev. 36, rev. 98 9(i 60 5 4 3-t 1 5 6 7 3 3 8 6 1-5 4 10 10 4 4 3-4 3-4 5 5 5 4 6 4 1 4 1 5 4 1 5 1 5 4 4 5 4 2.4 5 4 1 5 4 3 4 4-5 1 6 1-10 6-10 2 1-4 3-4 3 i B 2 7-8 6 5 8 12 11 1 1-4 4 2 4 3-4 3-4 4 5 5 5,8 i Mn:\ id ( |R( i laus l id ]ini. Al
ln d ' urn piti. i brawl. cttrultt I oatn It i r.x't iSiv ApkU iii4Uili-riiilu-i.< i ootton. i See A phi gassy pu, circular ripMebuitrUki remedial - . . moidi-rojjii.t, general account remedies maidi.f, general account .'i Lftipkletmt irr maltf'tit.r. general aocounl . . remedies. . ■aff, general account. .... melon I ' ii gottfpH.) ■//»/ ) !»'. i phum pi.ii.) />>"! i - A phis ne U srtari.r. heel of l.ysiphlcbus Inlici sorbi . fix* I i perhaps Aphi.i malifolit spring grain i i;raminum.) vhora cucurbit woolrj apple. (See SdUztmeun Umigera I Aphycus pulnimn.r. parasite of I'ulrinaria mnumcrabilis Apple aphides, circular. remedies. apli I "n> mali.) ■ character of injury by ' tinotneheliu nenuphar • crab, food plant of Apt •rnchflus nenuphar Saprrda Candida . . • • : lanigen wild, leas Injured than other apples by 3d lanigrrn . . . . food plant of yx pomttaria A phis mali mali!-': i Bryonia pratensis Oonotmcktlu* nenuphar longuorni.i - Macroaactyius tuotpinosus . Malacosoma ammcana . rabilis. . San Joss Saprrda Candida cretati . Sdkittmt I ruouliKttiJ . . Siphocorynt avenx . . mi Ml ft] go Ml 81 81 M 81 81 M Bl 73 32, rr\ 3 30, rev. 9 M M M 9 59 31, rrv 2 rev. 98 9 3B,mi M 11. 16 It) 17 i ie 17 8 16 17 17 g in 3-4 i 2 a 1 1 ill - E 5 4 3 B 3-4 7 2 1 9 4 3 7 2 9 11 1 2 ? 2 3 8 1-4 2 3 10 INDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. Apple, injury Jay Ccrcsa bubalus 23 louse.woolly. (See Schizoneura lanigcra.) Northern Spy variety resistant to Schizoneura lanigcra 20, rev. 2 root louse (see also Schizoneura lanigcra). insecticides 1 plant-louse. (See Schizoneura lanigcra.) thorn, food plant of Leptinotarsa dccemlineata s7 wild balsam. (Sec Eihinocystis lobata.) worm. (See ("arpocapsa pomonclla.) Apricot, food plant of Conotrachelus nenuphar 73 Diabrotica 12-punctata 59 Scolytu.s rugulosus 29, rev. not infested by Aspidiotus perniciosus 3 Aradussp., mistaken for Cimci hctularius 47, rev. A ralia filici/olia. fumigat ion with hydrocyanic-acid gas 37, rev. 2 Arborvitic, food plant of Bryobia p'ratensis 19, ed. 2 Thyridopteryz ephemeraformis 97 Arctium, food plant of Aphis gossypii 80 A rcca lutcscens, fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas 37, rev. 2 A rgas miniatus, general account 92 A rilus cristatus, enemy of Diabrotica 12-punctata 59 Pontia rapse 60 range extending northward 97 Arizona, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock 75, rev. 2 Arkansas, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock 75, rev. 2 Army worm. (See Lcucania unipuncta.) Arsenate of lead against apple-tree tent caterpillar 98 bagwonn 97 catalpa sphinx 96 Colorado potato beetle 87 imported cabbage worm 60 plum curculio 73 rose-chafer 11, rev. southern corn root-worm 59 striped cucumber beetle 31. rev. 2 and Bordeaux mixture against rose-chafer 11, rev. strawberry weevil. . 21. rev. striped cucumber beetle and fun- gous diseases 31, rev. 2 Arsenic in starch paste against silver fish 49 white, against boll weevil 33 as insecticide 1 against boll weevil 18 Arsenical and lime against peach-tree borer 17 Arsenicals (see also Arsenate of lead, Arsenic, Arsenite of copper. Arseniteoflime, Arsenoid, green, London purple, Paris green, and Scheele's green). against apple-tree tent caterpillar 98 bagworm 97 boll weevil 33 catalpa sphinx 96 Colorado potato beetle ". 87 imported cabbage worm 60 pear slug plum curculio • 73 rose-chafer 11, rev. Southern corn root-worm 59 strawberry weevil 21. rev. striped cucumber beetle 31. rev. 2 yellow-winged locust 53 and Bordeaux mixture against apple-tree tent caterpillar. 98 southern corn root-worm . 59 milk of lime against apple-tree tent caterpillar 98 harmlessness when properly applied 60 Arsenious acid. (See Arsenic, white.) Arsenite of copper against boll weevil 33 lime with soda against Colorado potato beetle 87 Arsenites as insecticides 1 Arsenoid, green, against plum curculio 73 Asclepias, food plant of Diabrotica 12-punctata 59 Ashes against pear slug 26 root form of woolly aphis * 20, rev. striped cucumber beetle 31, rev. 2 ineffective against strawberry weevil 21, rev. Ash, mountain, food plant of Chrysobothris femorata 32, rev. 3 Saperda Candida 32, rev. 3 Scolytus ruc/ulosus 29. rev. Asparagus, food plant of .4 phis gossypii 80 Diabrotica 1 2-pu nctata 59 Aspidiotus perniciosus. (See Scale, San Jose.) Asler. food plant of Aleyrodes vaporariorum 57 Diabrotica 12-punctata 59 vittata I 31, rev. 2 white, flowers frequented by butterflies of Pontia rapse I 60 Circular No. Page. Figure. LS 3 2 1 4 3 2 3-4 5 3 4 5 6 2 1-2 2 9-10 6 14 6 9 3 5 • V-7 3 8,9 5-7 4 3-1 5-7 (-7 4 s 9-10 1-i 6 13-14 li 6 9-10 3 5 6 3 s 5 8 7 3-4 14 5-7 9 3 6 4 6 : 9 3 2 5 3 2 3 ] N [ > i \ in ' [BCULAB ' i" LOO. 11 cnu, fil ick e irpel i . . |f \\l. B. ' " - 1, coUoquI tl pin. Injun to »'ir'iii'.i . Bot-fl] colioqul il n un Box elder, fi»»i pi Tkyri /?r«<-A|rnu.« ^ ■ f An r gtltthur. paraaltl Ilran ami l I'.ir:. B i agai psylla Ka.) ■i.Jld.l | •stnut - mi.< ii-o/a. . IFI'l nportad cabbage worm • iit'iimi h> w Brimsi l clover mile I powder-po Columbia, laws relative to imixirtation of American plants, and fruits II, f, xi, 1 plant of .t/ur^ufj/iii hutrhmka Brod i h n inn' for 1 • Bromos. bod plai or related species hordtaceus, food plant of Tniitjttrta graminum porter! fmxl plant of Toioptera graminum [ble Food plan! ol Tatoptttt graminum sp .. fiHul plant of Toxoplera graminum unmlmdr.'. food plant > 1 '-punctata Brood, American i I "il brood, American.) ehilled, overheated, or starred, of bet i duI brood, Kuro| m "pickle, 'ol Broom corn. foo.| plant of A pail maWi Brown-tail moth efi.tcAry.i'irrAera.) Bruchophagus funtbtu (see also Clov e r eeed chalcJs). count remedies Bniah and cultivator method . tphis pan method against pea aphis Brushing against Colorado potato beetle "green bog" Bryobia pratrn.iis. circular Ilea Bud-worm, colloquial name for DfaororJea u-punctnta - M and Hdiothu obcoleta.) Buffalo, host ol llvjtodrrma lintata. . moth. (See A n'Arr nu.t sernphularix.) Uee hopper m bubalus.) See t'yrethrum.) Buildings, destruction by white Bumbl Ilium 1 nl of Kulecamum nujro/axiatum Burd Arctium.) BtrtOBflB, v K . circular, "Requirements to be Compiled with by Nurseryman or Others pmentsol Nursery IUrkk. Il i • " Black Check in Western Hemlock" Burlap urk-beetle Burning against apple-tree tent caterpillar IhMI weevil corn stalk-borer an fly joint-worm powiler-post beetles iu of nuts >t chestnut weevils... Butter ooDoqutal name fur /'i>ntia rapje. southern c I e Pontia pr white colloquial name for Pontia rapx Buttonwecd. (See Diodia.) N 33 28 97 ■ Jl. rev. 98 DO 84 19, ed. 2 DO 41 10 SI, rev Til 85 93, rev. go 85 B3, rex . 59 79 79 G9 G9 87 85 19, ed. 2 59 88 7.'.. rev. 3 61 98 56 95. rev. 16 13, rev. 70 55 99 60 60 a i 9 a 4 lu I 11 II 7 8 1 4 4 I a 9 7 4 5 4 4 E 4 7-9 B 7-8 8-9 13 ■ 19 1-4 4 1,3 1,3 J 1-9 1-10 7 : - 3 -• s 19 3-4 14 5 3-4 5 II 1-5 1 14 INDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. C. Cabbage aphis. (See Aphis brassicse.) bug, harlequin. (See Murgantia histrionica.) butterfly. (See Pontia rapse.) southern. (See Pontia protodice.) food plant of Aphis brassiest Diabrotica 1 ^-punctata Leptinotarsa decemlineata Murgantia histrionica Pegomya brassicse fusciceps Pontia protodice rapse hairworm. (See Mermis albicans.) looper. (See Autographa brassicx.) maggot. (See Maggot, cabbage, and Maggot, radish.) rattlesnake, colloquial name for Mermis albicans snake, colloquial name for Mermis albicans worm, colloquial name for Mermis albicans imported. (See Pontia rapse.) southern. (See Pontia protodice.) "Calico back." (See Murgantia histrionica.) California, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock Calliphora erythrocephala in houses, habits Calosoma calidum, enemy of Leptinotarsa decemlineata scrutator, enemy of Malacosoma americana Calyptus tibiator. (See Sigalphus tibiator.) Camnula pellucida, circular destructive to grain and grass crops, but little injurious to alfalfa remedies Camphor against ants clothes moths as remedy for " chiggers " Canada, laws relative to importation of American plants, trees, and fruits shipment of nursery stock Canker-worm, fall. (See Anisopteryx pometaria.) spring. (See Paleacrita vernata.) Canker-worms, circular remedies Canna, food plant of Diabrotica 12-punctata Cannibalism among cockroaches, probability larvse of Pissodes strobi white ants Cantaloupe (see also Cucurbits, Melons, and Muskmelon). food plant of Diabrotica 12-punctata vittata louse, colloquial name for Aphis gossypii Cape of Good Hope, laws relative to importation of American plants, trees, and fruits Carbolic acid against ox warble periodical cicada, ineffective strawberry weevil as remedy for "chiggers " and kerosene against common hen louse lime against common hen louse oils against ox warble soap against fruit-tree bark-beetle peach-tree borer round-headed apple-tree borer whitewash against chicken mite emulsion against cabbage maggot seed-corn maggot of no value against locust borer soap, Paris green, lime, and clay against peach-tree borer Carbon bisulphid against ants cabbage maggot carpet beetle chestnut weevils cockroaches imported onion maggot little red ant melon aphis peach-tree borer pecan weevil, possible utility soft-bodied insect pests of cucurbits subterranean insects woolly aphis Cardinal, enemy of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Circular No. 80 59 87 10 63, ed. 2 63, ed. 2 60 60 62, rev. 62, rev. 62, rev. :5, rev. 2 J 35 (. 71, rev. 87 53 84 53 34, rev. 36, rev. 77 41 75, rev. 2 9 9 59 rev. 90 50, rev. 51 59 31, rev. 2 41 25 89 21, rev. 77 92 92 25 29, rev. 17 32, rev. 3 92 63, ed. 2 63, ed. 2 83 17 54 34, rev. 63, ed. 2 5, rev. 99 51, rev. 63, ed. 2 34, rev. 80 54 99 80 1 20, rev. 87 15 3 8 1-2 3 2 3 4 2 1,2 2 2 2 2 10 6 1-3 1 1 2-3 4 6 6 2 9 1-4 2-3,3-4 3 1-4 4 4 3 2 5 2 9 4 q fi fi li 8 7 T fi '1 ■1 ? 6 4 4 4 5 4 2 10 ia S q 5 IS lfi 1 - 19 INDIA in < llt< fJLAHg 1 l«) 100. L6 I Irculai No I :'llrrnu> ur I I.I I I IMiltl. 'I I irina . Ctrpa .. ifli.J . i niiiijKi MpumJoM ' lUaifl blt/n. (>.<• catalpa .1/.. i...l plant ol • Uoipji tphlri I toppers. See Itaupeiileini and Dendrolene | i .ii . i Cutulr. I Ihunomus aignotus Cattle, host o( lly. in d P.. and, circular, ■ An In- to Circulars i to urn of the Bureau ol Enlomolog} . Cauliflower, foo>l LHabrotica .' t-ounetata ' ircular - U remedies iigumimcniii. (See Clover-flower xnidjB ) Cedar agalnsl clothes moths . (rlultiriii ilmbrulu ■ lata oUlata Ccnocathu populai - tndida enemy of house fly remedies t rratomia catalp:i , i m nlar remedies d products, food of coackr i ouooiiM, general account remedies. Food plain of A AlaOMOIMM signatu.s rtl i at H l l l , r »«1 plant ol t'hnjsnhiithris ftmurata jtjtonkm Cmit eUumii . . Chaitophonis ChalcidJd e, parasites ol ChrptobatkrU fi mnrata chains fly, enemy of canker-worms . . . . Thpridopteryi '/.A. mtrrformis. . Chiilasia atari e of " black check " in western hem link hoo ikHn u, Injur) to lowland fir ciit'iiopodmni. food plant of .1 phis go**ypH Cherry, black Tartarian, not Infested by Aspni; ■ food plant of !<■ nuphar DtaOforica r.'-im aetata EHoeBSMDMci limacina EWraeanin ninrniamatum tt» -ih.tpino.tu." Sannina nitiosa Scnlytus rugulosus ground. See Physall probable f.M*| plant ol fhnjsnbothris fi mnrata wikl. fixn I plant of ■TalaeotoiM amrricana oTomtu kardta t w.) Chestnut borer, two-lined. (See Agrwu bUiututut.) food plant of Balamnus prnbnscidtus r-rtut Chrutobnthris fr mnrata weevil, larger. (See Raianinu.s prnhnscidau.) r. (*>.• Palaninus rictus ) ' :icconnt remedies m M -i l.l .'i. rev. un 00 12, rr\. .'. 59 12, i. ■•■ 70 12, rev. 59 81, rev. 2 32. rev. 3 t> 71. P \ , l> M •», . re\ 81, r.\ :;.'. rev. :t 9 SI i.l 61 80 3 I ' 59 31, rev. ■_' 26 51, 11, rev. 17 •| 32, rev. 8 99 99 32, rev. .1 1 1 4 1 4 1 in 1 II. 1 48 1 3 l i 1 . 4 ■-' 1 1 8 8 4 8 1 7 6 7 l 1 1 1-4 4 I .' 2 10 10 17 11 7 8, 10 •• 1-5 5 1 ] .1 2 1,3 1 2 l in .' 2 I 'i 1-1.' >'-IJ 4MI Cir. 100—11- 16 IXDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. Circular No. ( hickadee, enemy of Malacosoma americana Chicken (see also Poultry and Fowls.) enemy of Balaninus caryse Conolraehdus m nuphar mite. (See Dcrmanyssus gallinx. ) tick. (See Argas miniatus.) Chickens, prairie, enemies of grasshoppers Chickweed , food plant of A phis gossypii "Chiggers," circular colloquial name for harvest mites eradication in the field Chigoe. (See Sarcopsylla penetrans.) Chilocorus bimilnerus, enemy of Aphis gossypii Leptinotarsa decemlineata Pulrinaria innunurabilis Chinch bug (Blissus levcopterus), a wheat pest in the United States. prey of bobwhite or quail colloquial name for Cimezlectularius Chinquapin, food plant of Balaninus proboscideus "Chintze," colloquial name for Cimez lectularius Chionaspis sp., on Davailia mooreana ' hiropachys colon, parasite of Scolytus rugulosus Chittenden, F. 11., circular, " Harvest Mites, or Chiggers" "Root Maggots and How to Control Them" " The Cabbage Hair-worm " "The Colorado Potato Beetle (Lepti- notarsa decemlineata L.) " "The Common Squash Bug (Anasa Irislis De G.) " "The Corn Root-worms" "The Destructive Green Pea Louse ( Xeetarophora destructor Johns.)" " The Fruit-tree Bark-beetle (Scolytus rugulosus Ratz.)" " The Imported Cabbage Worm (Pon- tia rapx Linn.)" "The Larger Apple-tree Borers" "The Melon Aphis (Aphis gossypii Glow)" "The Nut Weevils" "The Pea Aphis ( Macrosiphum pisi Kalt.)" " The Rose-chafer ( Macrodactylus sub- spinosus Fab.)" "The Squash-vine Borer (Mtliilia satyriniformis Ilbn.) " "The Strawberry Weevil (Anthono- mus signatus Say)" "The Striped Cucumber Beetle (Dia- betica vittata Fab.)" "The Two-lined Chestnut Borer (Agrilus bilineatus Weber) " Howard, L. O., and, circular, "The Bagworm ( Thyridopteryx ephemersefor- mis Haw.) "... "The Catalpa Sphinx (Cera- tomia catalpse. Bdw)" I Itloridea virescens, Paris green as remedy Chlorid of lime against house flies potash against seed-corn maggot Chokeberry, food plant of Diabrotica littata Saperda candidi. Chrysanthemum, food plant of A leyrodes viporariorum Diabrotica U-punctntn C%rysobothris femorata, general account remedies Chrysopa albicornis, enemy of Aphis gossypii attenuata, enemy of Aphis gossypii larvae, enemies of Tetranychus gloveri Hneaticornis. enemy of A phis gossypii nigricornis, enemy of Aphis gossypii oculata, enemy of aphides Aphis gossypii Macrosiphu m pisi Psylla pyricola ■plorabunda. enemy of Aphis gossypii Cicada, periodical ( Tibiccn septendecim), a new nomenclature for broods, circular in 1897. circular 1898, circular 84 80 77 77 77 80 87 64 70 87 47, rev. 99 47. rev. 37, rev. 2 29, rev. 77 63, ed. 2 62, rev. 87 39, rev. 2 59 43 29, rev. 60 32. rev. 3 80 99 43. ed. 2 11, rev. 3s. rev. 2 21, rev. 31, rev. 2 24. rev. 97 96 68 i 35 "I 71, rev. 63, ed. 2 31, rev. 2 32, rev. 3 57 59 32. rev. 3 32, rev. 3 80 80 65 80 80 81 80 43. ed. 2 7 80 4 5 1-6 1 6 6 10 3 1 11 2 4 2 2 6 1-6 1-7 1-6 1-15 1-5 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-11 1-16 1-15 1-10 1-14 l-l. 1-10 L-8 1-7 1-10 1-7 3-4 1 1-2 1-5 1-2 1 1-11 1-2 6 6 3 2 3 2 3 8-11 11 3 6 6 3 6 6 8 6 8 5 5-7 3 6 1-8 1-4 1-3 INDIA l(> < ll:« I I M-> I fO LOO. 17 , ■ I In 19 .r lor.. i Ircul ir i \I \l\ Rile) . 1880 I'M I. Wll :i » nil in ill « i I'm-, food | i Insl two-Ilnedchestnul borer 1 in - l-orvr . Cleome, r< I plant ol P i i.ti. I Ian », enemj of Seolft in rugulot . iilar remedies. . fltnkoUU, habitat Ch rttm moth, southern, i See Thuola bisrllirlla.) moth " as, clothes, i Clothing, starched, eaten bj Lrpisma taeeharina Clover, abike, f < h >. 1 plant of Hyuutinu* obtcurut crimson, (.«>.i planl ol Bruehophofusfuntbrit clata l/'lc-r flower midge P'i't/iu urn legumMeou I, general account . remedies. work in rel thai oleic ch di Is. work in relation to that of Pi punctatus.. fi~«l plant ol A phis goatntt ... BryoWa prewMit. bntlea tt-puttctota U>i%ficontU . . Ir.if weevil. (8ee Ph f t o nomui mammoth, food plant of Ilylastinus oofcunu miti red ■■hum protenw). fool plant of Hruehvphngu* in Hi '■• ■ " urn Ufuminicola 'hum obscuru*. . idaewtipkum pin insects affecting production ol seed • In nl . root-barer. (See tt)u seed chalcls see also BnuiurpkaguM futu work In relatl m to thai of< I ivei -flower midge. , -.'Mom or novrr • 'Canii unipuuc'i. - ilncnjrfes galHtut, parasite of chickens Mliw, came ol ' il. (See Kerosene > Cobwebs, food of Thuola biuUieOa ' icanrlla 'j-notala. enemy of I pMl fO U f pii . I dtcemlirunla riphum pisi ScMztmeum innigrm TuivptU* graminum sangti'i n ... ,! enemy ol LtvUnotana dfcemlintata Mifmtiphv m pi*i pttra gtnmmum hngus rlavoscutfllun . parasite Oi I'ulrimria innumrrahilit. . . I/cam?, parasite of I'lilnnaria intiu -nt mhilis . . . sp., parasite of t'ulecanium nigrn/asciatum 100 17. r«-v. .' 57 17 I BO 29, rei . 7> 7s 7s 49 67 .... SO «9 eg Ml 19, ed. 2 59 80 4 09 SO 87 .hi. row v.'. 87 86 M I l i 4 3 4 8 7 in .'. 6 10 ■'. t 4 3 l 1 1--' 4-5 I J l-ll 1-49 1 4 4 4 .. i, i -• 1 1 2 :t s :t 2 i-a 7 ri > -. i i 1 s 18 INDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. Cocklebur, food plant of Euthrips nicoliarue Cockroach, American. (See Periplaneta americana.) Australian. (See Periplaneta austratatix.) black. (Sec Hlall'i orii nlnlis. | German. (See Blattetta germanica.) oriental. (See Blatta orietUalls.) Cockroaches, circular enemies of bedbug hydrocyanic-acid pis as remedy prey of Scutigcra forceps remedies Codling moth ( Carpocapsa pomonella), arsenieals as insecticides quarantine regulations of New Zealand against Introduc- tion Colcobd, Mabel, circular, "List of Publications of the Bureau of Entomology, " rev. to Feb. 1, 1910 Cold. (See Temperature and Weather.) st orage against black carpet beetle clot hes moths client nut weevils Coleus, food plant of Aleyrodes vajMrariorum Orthczia insignis fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas Collodion, remedy for "chiggers" Colorado, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock Comysfusca, parasite of I'uli Inaria innumerabilis Connecticut, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock . . . . Conotrachrfus nenuphar. I See Curculio, plum.) Contarinia spp., enemies of A phis gossyptt tritici Cooperation against catalpa sphinx chestnut weevils Colorado potato beetle grasshoppers Copper compounds ineffective against rose-chafer Coquillett, D. W., circular. "Canker-worms " '•Synoptic Tables of the North American Mos- quitoes" Corn, food plant of A phis maidi-radicis maidis Diabrotica 12-pu nclala longicornis tittata ' Diatr&a saccharalis [corn stalk-borer 1 Ltucania unipuncln Macrodactyius subspinosus Pegomya fuscicc]>s Tctranychus glorcri Toxoptera gra milium leaf aphis. (See Aphis maidis.) meal against imported cabbage worm and Paris green against tobacco budwonns root aphis. (See Aphis maidi-radicis.) worm, Southern. (See Diabrotica i '-punctata.) Western or Northern. (See Di'ifimtica longicornis.) worms, circular remedies seed eaten by Cliiina imprcssifrons treatment before planting to repel corn root -aphis stalk-borer, larger. (See Dintrsa saccharalis.) Cornus, food plant of A phis gossypii Corrosive sublimate against bedbug clothes moths Cosmos, food plant of Diabrotica 12-punctata Cotton aphis. (See Aphis gossypii.) Cotton boll weevil. (See Weevil, Mexican cotton-boll.) food plant of A nthonomus grandis A phis gossypii Diabrotica 1 .'-punctata longicornis Titranychus glmrri red spider. (See Tetranychus gloveri.) seed, infestation by boll weevil stalks, early fall destruction against boll weevil Circular No. 68 51, rev. 1-14 47 rev. 7 51 rev. 46 rev. 1.2 48 2 51 rev. 11-14 1 6 76 36, rev. 36, rev. 99 57 37, rev. 2 37, rev. 2 77 7."). rev. 2 64 75, rev. 2 80 69 96 99 87 84 11, rev. 9 40 86 86 59 59 31. rev. 2 16 4 11. rev. 63, ed. 2 65 85 93, rev. GO 80 47. rev. 36. rev. 59 6,14,18, 05. rev. 80 59 50 65 27 14 18 27 33 56 95. rev. Page. 1-32 8 7-6 11 2 3 3 6 2 4 6 3 7 12 15 9 3 1-4 4-7 1.4-9 1-3 2.3.4 7 2 1-2 1 2 I 3 4 5 8 3-4 1-8 5. 7-6 1-5 12 5 7 4 3 7 1-2 4 7-8 7-8 6-7 4-5 I mu \ rO CIRCULARS I I 100. 19 ■ Una) i - ig ill.- pi inl young pl u triped cucumtx r • Co« bird, cneim Cow in .nun.- Co* |. Crab apple ms myacaniha. (i«..l plnnl ol Aphis malt ,;ip . i ». I Ucaniuin n . nst fruit-tree b irk-ucctlc two-lined chestnut bora W ll '■ k mixture m ir..|> rotation igalnst i«'ll weei U.... c ibb corn st kllc-borei Joint-worm . PI ,ii-i a eoi n rool --■ ■■' enemy <>i ' malarial p u I l.l ick-bllled, enemy of " yellow-billed, rn.-mi of Ma os, enemies ol ■ Cncuml ■ I'u.iirbit-'. battle, striped. (See Dioorol twelve-spotted. food plant ol I Diabrotica /•'-/>« uctnli . :■■ prickly. (See ficJUnoe colloquial name loi I Cncorbll Lnseots. remedies... Cooorl ■ Cani doupe, i ucnmber, Cymling, Melons, Musk- melon, Pumpkli fm>.l pi ml m'j. I '.'" 8 tcken - Nmm status. 6)V<>'!. 6o.«rn probe unguis . status PMMoMlMM. active ch ir icti r~ ol dull synonyms. tnntrrrav* ■ PWTOpAoTO ciliatu*. . . . CKonu probably ■ Cultx pm aysw. damnosus distinctive characters of adults . icitMis. i uin annuiaiu* a probable ■] nouym distinctive chan ill < icrucin n.< . distinctive characters of adull faaciu I lull synonyms fatitans.d tractors of lai . ftrruginasus pnil . i \.l, ' crucians / rater — Cul: ennsobrmus 1. .•1 r. -\ . M 65 a 81 n -i 10 70 .... r. .".l.r.'\ 10 n M M II r.-v 2 an 111 - 7 i l I 1 i 1 1 1 ■ A .. 1 1 ■ 1 10 4 - 1 - i. " t ; S 20 INDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. Circular No. Figure. (uhx impiger distinctive characters of adult synonyms implacabilis = Culex impiger incidents— Culex impiger status inornatus= Culexconseibrinus mexicanus probably = Culrx posticatus. . . . status molistus= Psorophora ciliatux mosquito= Culexfatciatut musicus= Cult x posticatus uigripes perturbans distinctive characters of adult . pinguis= Culex consobrinus pipit u.s. distinctive characters of larva posticatus, distinctive characters of adult.. synonyms provocans probably = Culex stimulans status punctOT= Cuh x consobrinus pungens disi inctive characters of adult . . . habiis synonyms quinque fascial us probably = I'ulu impiger resting position of adult restuans. distinctive characters of larva rubidus probably = Psorophora ciliatus status salinarius, distinctive characters of larva signi/ir distinctive characters of adult sollicitans= Culex Ueniorhunehus stimulans, Culex proiocans probably a synonym. disl inctive characters tables of North American species, adults tznialus= Cult x fasciatus txniorhyncltus, adult distinctive characters of adult synonyms larsalis distinctive characters of adult larva territann, distinctive characters of larva probably= Culex pungens status. ." testaccus probably= Culex consobrinus status triseriatus disl met i ve characters of adult unrecognized North American species Cvlicella duari, distinctive characters of larva Culicinae, distinctive characters of larvse Culiscta absobrinus, distinctive characters of larva consobrinus, distinctive characters of larva Cultural methods against army worm boll weevil. buffalo tree-hopper cabbage maggot catalpa sphinx chestnut weevils clover flower midge root-borer seed chalcis Colorado potato beetle corn root aphis worm, Southern. . Western... stalk-borer cotton red spider flat-headed apple-tree borer. fruit-tree bark-lieetle grasshoppers "green bug" hazelnut weevil 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 72 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 13 40 40 40 40 72 40 40 72 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 72 72 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 72 72 72 72 4 14 18 27 33 56 95, rev. 23 03. ed. 2 % 99 69 67 69 87 86 59 59 1(. 65 32. rev. 3 29, rev. 84 So 93, rev. 1K1 4,5,7 5 7 7 7 6 6 7 '. 7 7 7 6 7 6 6 3 5 7 7 6 6 1.5 1 7 4 7 3 4 7 ti 2.3 7 6 7 7 5 5-6 7 2.5 5 7 7 5.6 3 3 7 6 6 G 7 5 6 2 1 4 s 6-8 6-8 6-7 4-0 1 7 1 8 4 4 6 11-13 4 5 9 13 I 12 5 8 3 * 11 0-7 7 8 6 19,20-22 15 11-12 [NDKX K> i IK' I I UM3 I lt> 1H'\ ll perlo I pllll round-headed ap - \ in.' borax striped oucnmbi i . >w-wlnged locust totnchihu nenupi remedies Currant, (iK>d plan) ol Cknftobc I'uhinana innu mtrabilui. CvmKiE, Rolla P., and Andkbtk \ Caubbti circular \n in- to Circulars 1 to 100 of the Bureau of Entoi] Curtains, starched, eaten by Ltpitma taccharinu . Cuspidors, ureedin tfiisoo domtslica. . . Cutting locu n periods to destroy loco oul peaob round-headed app u-j-1. nsl apple-tree ten) caterpillar irda sangur tla tanguim my of Apkii . ( >//( n remedies Cymllng see also Curcurblts and Squ tsh i. : plant of V. liltia talyriniformit t \ penis, food plant of Dl ibroiica .' t-punetata girdled, prevention of Insect injury host tnv of Platfpiu compotttxu tnv of rla'vj rut., pin-borer, g • tfyput compotitiu. i pinhole injurj . i In tuar. lyrtontura stabulan* (see also Muscina stabu in bouses Paciylts jbtm, rata. food plant >• ruminum. .. ^ Daetylopius adonidu m on grape remed] Dahlia, ft mil plant of D abrotka ;.'-i>unctaia ox-eye* food plant of Macrodactylus «:<'».i/iino*ui Dandelion, ftnid plant i>f Apkii oottwpu "Din I name for Blatlella germaniea Daranmacr : catalp.r Datynrura Irffuminiala. (8ee Clover-flowei Datura, food plant of Apkit gottfpii ihntata probable food plant of ZNoorofiea tt^mnetata Daiallia moorrana. food plant of CMonatpii >|> Ptinuctntt* eonerr, distinctive characters of Ian i Delaware, requirements relative to shipment of nurserj stoi Drndroctonus frontalis, destnx tlve to pine and spruce injury to I'inus wurrayana iio iff i em iVndroleiK . tcttestnnt-borer.. Drrmanysniit gaiim.t . general account, lvutnas. food plants of Macrodaetflut *ubrpmo*ut... Dewbexiy, food plant of Antkonomm ttgnahu Diabrotica : !-},nncuva. genera] account. remedies b a ffc o mti , general account remedi i soror. i»\ot, of catalpa. (See PhyUotticta catalpx.) of Malacosoma amcrieana Diseases, human, carriage by Mi/sca domestka of brood of bees, circular remedies chickens attributed to presence of miles and lice induced by lice plants, fungous, carriage by Diabrolka longkornis and si riped cucum ber beet le transmission by A nasa tristis Viabrolica vittata Dissosteira Carolina, host of Mentis albicans Dislichlis spicata, food plant of Toxoptera graminum Ditropinotus aureoviridis, parasite of Isosoma tritici Dock. (Sec Rumex.) Documents, destruction by Termu llavipcs Dog, host of Pulez scrratie'eps Dogwood. (SeeCornus.) Dorsett, P. H., and Woods, Albert I'"., circular, "The Use •<{ Hydrocyanic Acid Gas for Fumigating Greenhouses and (old Flames'" Doryphora 10-lincatu = Li ptinotarsa decemlincata " Drill worm," colloquial name for Diabrolka 12-punclata Drosophila ampclophila in houses Drought. (See Temperature and Weather.) Drugs, not recommended against American and European foul brood Drying against chestnut weevils Duck, enemy of Leptinotarsa decemlincata Dust against pear slug striped cucumber beetle and sulphur against cot ton red spider Dyar, Harrison G., circular, "Key to the Known Larvae of the Mosquitoes of the United States" E. Earthworms mistaken for Mi rmis albicans Echinocystis lobata, food plant of Diabrolka tiitata Mclitlia satyriniformis Eclobia germanka. (See Blattella germanka.) Eggplant, food plant of Alcyrodcs vaporariarum Leptinotarsa decemlincata Ekhhornia speciosa, fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas. Elder, food plant of Thyridopteryx ephemerxformis Elm, food plant of Bryobia pralensis Galerucella luteola Malacosoma amerkana Pulvinaria innumerabilis Scolytus rugulosus Thyridoptcryx ephemerseformis leaf-beetle, circular remedies possible food plant of Chrysobothris/e morata Elvnnis, food plant of Mayetiolii destructor or related species striatus, food plant of ToxopUra graminum Empusa aphidis, fungous disease of Macrosiphum piti muscx, fungous disease of Musca domestka Encyrtus sp., parasite of Eriocampoides limacina Enlcdnn epigonus, parasite of ( Cecidomyia) Mayetiola destructor Evania appendigaster Entomology, publications of Bureau, list, rev. to Feb. 1, 1910, cir- cular Epicauta vittata, an "old-fashioned potato bug" Epilampra notabilix, predaoeoua upon herbivorous larvse. Kragrostis, possible food plant of Toxoptera graminum. . . Eriocampoides limacina, circular remedies 16 16 it, 97 37, rev. 2 M 80 ■- M 98 79 79 92 92 59 39, rev. 2 31, rev. 2 69, rev. 93, rev. (.<■., rev. 50, rev. 13 37, rev. s7 59 71. rev. 99 87 26 31, rev. 2 65 72 62, rev. 31, rev. 2 3s. rev. 2 57 87 37, rev. 2 97 19, ed. 2 s, rev. 98 64 29, rev. 97 8, rev. 15 \ n'\ 3.'. rev. 3 70 93. rev. 43. ed. 2 35 71. rev. 26 12. rev. 70 61, rev. 76 s7 51 , rev. 85 26 26 1-3 3 1 7 - 3 5 5 6 5-7 3 1-5 3-5 1 5 2 2 3 5 4 5 3-4 4-6 10 7 5 6 8 9 6 3 11 11 1-32 3 2 4 1-7 6-7 1 3 6-7 1-10 1 1-3 ? 3.5 3 7 0-11 1? 6 fi 4 1-6 5 1 ? 3 ■I s 3 4 •' 1^» V •' ? 4 1 6 3.4 1 1-4 iM'i \ to < n;< i labs i ro 1«hi. 28 I Eulrtunium ntdrnf.uciatum, i ptnkm, « •■iif-iiin. i.-. i win. EuUcartlvm nifi iiTiiwntn .>( I'uli i nana innu mtrabilii . . :US il/Zyilll, |kU".kdt<' (if h ""I Irilli 1 tmptodu votucrii, Supkoroctra ttaripcnnit, parasite of l \aa, character, conditions In New Bngland, July, IBM control bj oollectlng and burning winter webs. . y.urij'iimn Mcotor, parasite ol Si o/jrftti rtiauiottu . . . . cr.noin urn. p n Vim niovbwui inoliinuj, enemy i>( Lrplinolarsa dtct mlmrata Kutrh ■ Uona o/ottforij Kuthrtp* nicotian*, circular remedies Mtfd. the a be it thripa ia appt ndigastcr, ho i ol Bntedon hagenowi te of cockroaches Bxcrsmenl i <«' also \i more). human, breeding place of \(ti*cti dnmrMica BroctoiMu eamtrittatua, enemy ol .1/i/m aottypM A'roru/u vulgaris, parasite of 1'ontm rnjir F. Fall destruction of cotton stalks against boll waan il htitmwil sgatnsl American and Kuropean foul brood Feathers, food of Attagt nun pjcssji Tim iiln bi.xrlliclln pellionitla Fell lng, food of Trichophaga lapel;rlla Fern.-, fumigation with h\ drocyanic-acid gas Fertil, • M.mnrei. against Beeaj in llv Joint-worm commercial, agalnal corn rootaphla mineral, against seed-corn maggol organic. Inducing root-maggot Infest it ion Ficu.i rfaaffco, fumigation with bydrocyanlo- icld gas Kir, Unme. host tree of bark ii ibably f/in/oxiaap.) ben manot, lowland, (See Ckeuatia hoodianiu.) grin. I. (See Fir. lowland. I lowland, host tree of Chrilasia hondiantu Bfltttmu n. sp., and HyUsinu) granu- latua white. (See Fir. lowland.) Fire. (See Burning.) " Fire-brat," colloquial name fofXesinaa dnmt.itica Fireplaces, infestation by Lep iima aomatica Fish bait, Ian eofQ "itnmia catalpse used therefor dried, (>hi. I of cockroaches itnsl two-Uned chestnut borer snap, ti-ti-oil, and Soap, whale-oil.) Flea, cat and dog. (See I'uh i ffrratictpi.) human. (Sec I'uler irritaiu.) Fleas, general account hydro !J • inic-.i. id gas as remedy ramediee Flies feeding on honeydew from aphides house, as carriers of disease circulars hydrocyanic-acid gas as remedy remedies species occurring In houses Flooding against eges and young of grasshoppers Floors, destruction by white ants Florida, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock 4844°— Cir. 100—11 4 us 51 .rr\ . 81, ri-\ . II is 27 n 56 BB,rei . 79 :i"..r.-\ . He., rev. 57 re, .' 12 M,ret 87, rev 2 61 8-9,10 13-13 24 INDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. Flour and sulphur against cotton re house. (See Uomulomyia canicularis.) stable. (See Cyrtoneura stabulans, Muscina stabulans, and Stomoxys calcitrans.) typhoid. (See Musca domestica.) window. (See Sci nopinusft nestralis. i Food, infestation by cockroaches house ants Lcpisma sacchaHna Forage plants, food of Bryobia vratensis Forestalling outbreaks of grasshoppers Forest trees, food plants of Macrodactylus subspinosus injury by periodical cicada Formalin against powder- post beetles Formica fusca, enemy of Anthonomus signatus Foul brood, American, cause, circular description not the foul brood of Cheshire and Cheyne treatment European, description treatment of Cheshire and Cheyne, not American foul brood Fowls (see also Poultry and Chicken). diseases induced by lice enemies of boll weevil grasshoppers Lcptinotarsa dccemlintata Foxtail, marsh. (See Alopecurus geniculatus.) yellow. (See Iiophorus ylaucus.) France, laws relative to importation of American plants, trees, and fruits " Franzosen," colloquial name for Blattella germanica Frog, tree, enemy of cockroaches Frontinafrenchii, parasite of Ceratom ia catalpx Malacosoma americana Frost. (See Temperature and Weather.) Fruit flies, quarantine regulations of New England against intro- duction fly. (See Drosophila ampelophila.) trees, food plants of Bryobia vratensis injury by bmTalo tree-hopper protection against periodical cicada young, injury by periodical cicada Fruits, food of cockroaches garden, food plants of Macrodactylus subspinosus injury by Leptocoris trivittatus Fuchsia, food plant of Aleyrodes vaporarioru in fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas Fumago salicina, fungus following work of Psylla pyricola Fumigation. (See Carbon bisulphid, Hydrocyanic-acid gas. ami under Tobacco.) Fungi, food of Diabrotica longicornis Fungous disease, believed to have caused disappearance oi Dendroc- lonu s frontalis of grasshoppers Macrosiphu mpisi Musca domestica. (See Empusa muscx.) Phytonomus punctatus plants, carriage by Diabrotica longicornis striped cucumber beet le Pollenia rudis Fungus, smoky. (See Fumago salicina.) Fur, food of Tinea pdlioneUa Tint "la biselliella Trichovhaga tapetzella mollis. (See Moths, clothes.) Furniture, destruction by Termes flavipes plush-covered, reported injury by Lcpisma saccharina... protection from injury by white ants Circular No. Co 71, rev. 51. rev. 34, rev. 49 19,ed.2 84 11, rev. 30 65 21, re v. 94 79 94 79 79 79 94 92 27 84 b7 41 61, rev. 51. re v. 90 59 24, rev. 84 43,ed.2 69 59 59 71, rev. 3G, rev. 36, rev. 36, rev. 50. rev. 49 50, rev. 4-5 1 1 1 10 2 1 4 4 1-4 1-2 1 3-4 2 3-4 1 5 5-G 4 12 19,ed.2 1,2.3.4 23 1-3 22 1 22 1 30 1 44 1-2 74 5 4 51 , rev. 3 11, rev. 2 28 1,2 .)! 2 37. rev. 2 3 i 2 2 7 7 2 . 3 4 5 4,5 2 8 Figure. IM'I \ in CIR< I LAB8 1 TO LOO. 25 o. I I I .Hi'! f] i. ill Ol ' ' ir. "The I'limit ■ ■I , I moth, \ ■ Oran u PbrDaxei blue. »/ I • rabilis. . ■ Grasshopp. : peBi ■ 41 1 1 1 I 4 I 1 7 1-5 ■\ il n curculio. . . 6nen-l Oimilmii'i Snenhoosea and col i fi ■ ;l ir iiucjtation by AUyrod<3 vaporariorum ! 4 1 1 i-n 1-3 26 INDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. Greenhouses, infestation by Diabrotica vittata Lepliniirix Ira iltatus Termes flavipes Grosbeak, rose-breasted, enemy of Leptinotarsa decemlintata Ground beetle, fiery. (See Calosoma calidum.) slender seed-corn. (See Clirina impressifrons.) beetles, enemies of Leucania unipuncla ivy. (See Xcpda glechoma.) Groundsel. (SeeSenecio.) (irouse, ruffed, enemy of Leptinotarsa decemlineata "Grubby cattle," meaning of term "Grub," colloquial name for Hypoderma lineata Grubs, white, kerosene emulsion as insecticide Gum, injury by Platypus compositus Gunpowder against cockroaches Gypsum and kerosene against squash bug turpentine against squash bug Gypsy moth. (See Porthetria dispar.) H. Habrocytus thyridoplerigis, hyperparasite of Thyridopteryi ephemer seformis probable parasite of Allocota thyridopler- igis Hackberry, food plant of Pulvinaria innumerabilis Hadronotus anasse, parasite of A nasa tristis Hair, food of Tineola bisrlliella worm, cabbage (see also Jifermis albicans). hosts positively not poisonous Hand destruction against house centipede method against plum curculio methods against seed-corn maggot squash- vine borer picking against apple-tree tent caterpillar bagworm cabbage maggot catalpa sphinx imported cabbage worm periodical cicada rose-chafer squash bug Harpalus caliginosus, enemy of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Harvest mites or "chiggers," circular remedies Hawaii, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock Haw. food plant of Conotrachelus nenuphar Hawk, sparrow, enemy of grasshoppers Swainson, enemy of grasshoppers Hawthorn, food plant of Puhinaria innumerabilis Scolytus rugulosus Hazel, food plant of Balaninus obtusus Hazelnut weevil. (See Balaninus obtusus.) Heat. (See Temperature and Weather.) Heating against chestnut weevils powder-post beetles "Heel fly," colloquial name for Hypoderma lineata Heliothis obsoleta, Paris green as remedy Heliotrope, food plant of Aleyrodes vaporariorum Hellebore against imported cabbage worm pear slug ineffective against rose-chafer Hemerobius gossypii , enemy of A phis gossypii Eemerocampa leucostigma. (See Tussock moth, white-marked.) Hemiteles mesochoridis, parasite of Apanteles congregatus scolyti, parasite of Scolytus rugulosus thyridopterigis= A llocota thyridoplerigis Hemlock bark beetla (See Hylesinus n. sp.) maggot. (See Cheilosia alaskensis.) Western, "Black check" injury, circular host tree of Cheilosia atoskensis Hylesinus n. sp Henbane. (See Hyoscyamus.) Hen louse. (See Menopon pallidum.) manure, ineffective against strawberry weevil ". Herbariums, reported infestation by Tineola bisclliella Hessian fly. (See Cecidomyia destructor and itayctiola destructor.) Heteropus ventricosus. (See Pcdiculoides ventricosus.) Htydenia unica, parasite of Scolytus rugulosus Hibiscus. (See Malic* and Mallows.) Hickory, food plant of Chrysobothris fcmorata Hippodamia convergens, enemy of A phis gossypii Leptinotarsa decemlineata Circular No. 31, rev. 2 28 50, rev. 87 25 25 1 82 51, rev. 39, rev. 2 39, rev. 2 97 64 39, rev. 2 36 62, rev. 62. rev. 48 73 63, ed. 2 38, rev. 2 . 98 97 63, ed. 2 96 60 89 11, rev. 39, rev. 2 87 77 77 75, rev. 2 73 84 84 64 29, rev. 99 55 25 68 57 60 26 11, rev. 80 29, rev.- 97 21, rev. 36, rev. 29, rev. 32. rev. 3 80 87 Page. Figure. 2 3 6 11 4,5 12 • 1 1 5 3 13 5 5 8 8 11 2 4 4 3 5-6 4 10 2 5-6 7 8-9 4 6 8 4 3-4 4 10 1-6 5-6 1-J 3 4 4 4 2 2 lj 11 4 1 3-4 2 8 7 3 6 5 6 6 1-10 2-8 2,3 7 1-5 1,3-5 3 4 6 9 6.7 10 i.a.b.c 4 INDEX l<> CIRl ['LARS 1 I <> Iihi. 27 So Hlppodamia nemy ol Macro ifpta Woe I*irrnlhrsi.i, enemy ol I ■n w nh li \ ■ lr< h- \ ml I II ■i (nr i Ih>ii weei D i n houses. . camcularu in boa « - J Bomopont* thalcidiphagui, parasite of ItotomatrUkl. Honeydew trom eoi iimiMi:. W. I., circular, "The robacco rhrip Prevent 'White Veins' in w rappei Hinds Mop. bod p| nit n( .1 pAJl f Bonam, \ D circular, "Pinhole Injury to Girdled i the Boutb Atlantic and Cull •• Powder-Post Injur] to Producl i" •■ rti.' Locust Borer and Mi I ■]'-. ■• i he w bite-Pine Weevil". Hopperdoser against grasshoppers yellow-w Ingod locust xxoptcra graminum juhatuiti. food plant ol Toxoptera graminum. . murinum, foo, rev. 10 16 1 » I is 27 97 90 91 95, rev. 56 44 80 47, rev. 46, rev. 5, rev. 51, rev. 57 46, rev. 37. rev. 2 80 46, rev. 42. ed. .'i 37, rev. 2 46, rev. 37, rev. 40, rev. 46, rev. 50, rev. 46, rev. 37, rev. 2 20 37, rev. 2 42, ed. 5 67 67 01 61 61 35 87 30. rev. 64 64 93. rev. 25 25 25 96 9 75. rev. 2 7">. rev. 2 59 100 76, rev. 2 1 18 I 33 51 . rev. 57 65 14 1-2 1-3 1-5 1-8 1-8 1-7 1-10 1-7 1-3 1-8 1-7 1-4 5 6 1 4 12 .5-8 1-7 4 9 1 7 2 1 1 2 1 8 1 3 6 1-11 7 1-5 4-5 9 9 2.3.10 8 8 4 3.5 3 6 2,8 1-10 8-10 5 2 3 3 3 i-ii.1-49 3 5 5-6 13-14 12 4 1 "The Harlequin Cabbage Bug or Calico B ack ( Murga nl ia histrionka Hahn ) " "The Larger Corn Stalk-borer (Viatrsea [1J 1-3 "The Mexican Cotton-boll Weevil (An- 1-8 1-5 •The Mexican Cotton-boll Weevil in IMC" 1-5 and Chittenden, F. H., circular, "TheBagworm (Thyridop- uryz ephemer- as f o t m i s Haw.;" "The Catalpa Sphinx ( Cera- tomia catelpa. Bdv.)" Hunter, W. D., circular, "Note on the occurrence of the North 1-11 !-2 "The Most Important Step in the Control of the Boll \n eevil " "The Most Important Step in the Cul- tural System of Controlling the Boll "The Periodical Cicada in 1902" 1-2 household insects, circular San Jose scale in nursery slock pests in greenhouses and cold stored-product insects fly fumigation of greenhouses anil cold fraii 1 nursery stock against San Jose 1-3 Hylastiniis obscurus, circular 1-4 remedies Hylesinus granulatus, injury to lowland fir. n. sp.. injury to lowland fir... western hemlock... 3 Hyoscyamus, food plant of Leptinotarsa dromlineata Hyperaemus tinese, parasite of Tinea pellionella 4 signata, enemy of Pulvinaria innumerabilis Hyphanlria cunea. (See Webworm, fall.) Ifvpndcrma bonis, adult, puparium 3,9 liniata, circular 1-10 Ilypoptcromalus tabacum, parasite of Microplitti (ApanUles \ cn'alpx. I. Index to Circulars 1 to 100 of the Bureau of Entomology Indiana, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock Insecticide apparatus (see also Mechanical methods). I MH A I ii c UK I I \i:> I in 1 in). 29 Inseeridde app u llO|) plant-lutl- melon aphis plum > root in i ■. ni .... i ile yell (<>r fumigating greenho InMctt in n ece s sa ry in use condensed Infoi i bsportanl . circular. . . . toaffi ■ boll wasn u R mpenleim and Dendrolene defoliating • outrol In • dried, Food of Tim 'i biteUUUa subterranean, Insei Ucidea Iodine is remedj for "chlg Iowa, requirements rel itive to ships parts, pai isiteof Maerotipkutn piti.. Inomh firWd, circular. . ri'i lies. Id h mil.' of ( idocoptei mutant.) \\ j , ground poison. fixM plan) ol Pu M n arie tnnumerabi I bOBMH S I lie (ixxl plan 1 9 M i I II 8 i i i i 1 • i : ■ -' J near a win ovalifolia, fumigation with hydl JamestOK n Janthinojio" dlstlnctlvi ■■riper, distinct I taring against t «>li weevil.. h aseln nl wee\ il plum curcullo rose-chafer. spring canker-worm. MraUj Lmpractic il ••Ji'lly." meaning ol term aa applied to bee! and nidi is. r." colloquial name for harvest mite Ilmson weed. | See D it urn.) Johnson, Fred, and GntiuiT, \ 1., circular, " The Plum Curcullo •orracaehu nmuphnr Herbal .... worm. (See Tsomma Ii ii Jiineberrv, fowl plain ol . Saperda Candida.. Scolytu.i ru<;ul't.'ii.< Eatnit ag liael i -chafer. . . . decoction Ineffective against ro Kakerlach, Dutch name for Biatta o Kale m trap crop for cabbage aphis. . . melon aphis . food plant of DfoOrofka 1. '-punctata lira requirement* relative to shipment of nursery stock. . . Kentucky, requirements relative to ihiproent of ; Kerosene agatnsl bedbug box-eklec plant-bug carpet beetle... clover mite fruit-tree bark-beetle.. grasshoppers harlequin cabbage but hou.M< Hies little red ant lOCUSt Inirer. . . , mosquitoes in bout mosquito Stages in pools o\ « irble ]i.>.v 1'T-post bet'!!' 18 12 N 15 ■ U 1 '.i .... 1 77 I +-5 - • 8 11 l 63, ed. 2 11. rev. SI, rer. 1 • li 16 - • 7.'.. rer. 2 7.i. rev. 2 • B M 8 1" 71, rev. 83 13 • -1 30 INDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO LOO. Kero ene against round-headed apple-tree borer slender seed-corn ground-beetle San .lose scale strawberry weevil striped cucumber beetle two-lined chestnut borer white ants and carbolic acid against common hen louse gypsum against squash bug land plaster against squash bug naphthaline against common ben louse plaster ineffective against strawberry wee\ il sand against corn root-aphis seed-corn maggot compounds Ineffective against rose-chafer emulsion against apple aphides box-elder plant-bug bulf alo tree-hopper chicken mite clover mite cotton red spider cottony maple scale elm leaf-beetle "green bug" harlequin cabbage bug hop plant-loUKe imported cabbage worm locust borer melon aphis pea aphis pear-tree Psylla _ rose-chafer San Jose scale squash bugs subterranean insects terrapin scale tobacco thrijis two-lined chestnut borer woolly aphis and Bordeaux mixture against pear-tree Psj Ha. ;ts insecticide ineffective against periodical cicada only partially successful against strawberry weevil useless against chestnut weevils Key to known larvieof the mosquitoes of the United States, circular Kiln-drying against chestnut weevils L. Labels eaten by Lepisma saccharina Labena apicalis, parasite of i TiTysobothris ft morata grallator, parasite of Chryeobolhrisft morula Lace-wing flies, enemies of SchizoiU lira lanigcra fly, golden-eyed. (See Chrysopa oculata.) Lady-beetles, enemies of spring grain-aphis (Toxoptcra graminum) .. Ladybird, twice-stabbed. (See Chilocorus bivulnerus.) two-spotted. (See Adalia bipunclala.) Lxtilia coccidivora, enemy of I'uliinaria innumrrabilis Lambsquarters. (See Chenopoilium.) Land plaster and kerosene against squash bug Lantana, food plant of Altyrodcs vaporariorum Lasius nigcr var. amirkanns, attendant on Aphis maidi-radicis Lavender flowers frequented by butterflies of 1'nntia rapsc Laws (see also Legislation). against house Hies relative to importation of American plants, trees, and fruits into other countries shipment of nursery stock, circular Leaf beetle, elm. (See Elm leaf-beetle.) rollers of strawberry, arsenicals as remedy Leather, gnawed by cockroaches Lcbia atrirattris, enemy of Lrptinolarsa dcccmlincata grandis, enemy of Lcptinolarsa dtccmlineata Legislation (see also Laws). against boll weevil Lemon oil and wood alcohol against corn root-aphis Lrpidoplatys squamigrr Lrpisma domrstira, frequenter of ovens and fireplaces saccharina, circular remedies Lrptinolarsa diet ml in rata, circular remedies.... intermedia Circular No. Page. 32, rev. :s 7 78 5 12, ed. 5 4-5 21, rev. 7 31, rev. 2 i 24, rev. i 50, rev. 8 92 39, rev. 2 5 39, rev. 2 5 92 6-7 21, rev. 7 86 12 03, ed. 2 2 11, rev. 3 81 9.1C 28 3 23 4 92 3 19,ed.2 4 Go 5 04 5-0 8, rev. <■ 93, rev. 7,19 10 2 2 5-0 rid 7 S3 5 Ml 13-14 43, ed. 2 7 7 7 11, rev. \ 3 6 80 10 1 88 4 08 3-4.5 24, rev. i 20, rev. 4,5,6 1 s 1 3 S9 4 21, rev. 7 99 9 72 1-0 99 11 49 1,2 32, rev. 3 11 32, rev. 3 11 20, rev. 6 93, rev. 04 4 39, rev. 2 ■ , 5 57 / 2 , 5-9 8G 60 ; ^ 71, rev. 9-10 41 1-4 75, rev. 2 1-9 21, rev. 8 51, rev. 4 85 10 87 10 14 7-8 Bfl 13 72 49 1,2,3 49 1-4 49 3-4 87 1-15 87 13-15 87 o Figure. 2 1-2 INDEX in < IK' i I \i:> I I" 100. :;l N ■ lamrrkanut rrombldlum Irritant, genei ii > ni I elluce, food pi mi "t AUfrodeivaporarionfm. il u retUC'lle-. / tutania unipuncta, IahcobU nitrieomia, enetnj "I i nana Innu » 1. 1 mlteaon poultrj ■ ' lr ' '"' ,r ■ poultry . ■ sure preventive . •■ l.icLi-.l beef," meaning of term. . en bug" pt ton-tree borer pear slug ■lender seedn orn ground-beetle . ■trtped cucumber beetle. . - irooU] aphis Ineffective tg ilnst itr iwbcn . weevil — sJr-etekad, >g dnal striped i ucnmbei beetle inipt , and arsenical igainst peach-tree borer... earbollc acid ig ilnst common hen louse — glue eg klnsl peach-tree borer. . . green against two-Uned cheatnnl borer — sulphate of copper Ineffective against rtrawberrj weevil., sulphur against chicken mile. common In n louse. . . enrboho add, soap, Paris green, ilnst i~ icl borer. . > lerplllar. (See Raupenlehn and Dendroleni compounds Ineffective against rose-chafer. milk. » i'Ii areenlcals ag ilnst apple-tree tent c iterpillar .■ im-i sprmggraln-apnte sulphur, and salt wain («ee also Lime-sulphur « against Ban Jose seale. .. ( • 17 17 - 17 I \\ .-I Indian peach scale. circular sulphur against cotton red spider. . . wash (see also Lime, sulphur, and salt wash). against apple aphides Bon Jose scale worthless against terrapin scale. nsl periodical cicada. . I.imiimumfiigiiv-iiin. parasite ol " Bamerieana linden, food plant of CI rmontfa . naria mntimerabili* Unen, starched, eaten by lepirma taeehartn Liiibunum iortatum, enemy of l.rptinotarsa dtctmlincata i variabilis on chicken ryonld fumes Locust, block, fooil plant of BryoMa pratensii. .. host trc of Cyllene robinur borer breeding and propagating trei to locust borer. colloquial name (or periodic dcii ida differential. (See Mtlantrpfu* difftrentiaU*.) fiHxl plant of I'ul' inarm inmimtnihili* . . .. pellucid. (See Qtmnula vtl luc ida.) lUoqulal name for periodic al cicada . . . two-striped yellow-winged. (See < hmnul ■ Lolium ptrmne. food plant of ftaopteraeTamfeuni London purple against army worm boll weevil elm leaf-beetle strawberry m eey IL. . and soap against peach-tree lx>rer as Insecticide Louisiana, requirements relative to shipment of nursen stock — green pea. (See Macmtpki ■ duck, not same 01 hen louse. Soose. not same OS hen louse. en l*>n pallidum.) pigeon , not some as hen louse — Lucifugn, name applied to cockroaches by ancients - 81 88 89 98 • I n 87 92 l'l.e.l.J .Ml 85 17 1 92 92 n ol.rev. i i 1 1 - 1 1 s - 1 1 s 111 4 5 9 11 7 4 ■ 1 7-8 ■ 1 4 3 6 . 1 5 5 1 32 INDEX TO CIBCULABS 1 TO 100. I.ucilia cxsar in houses, habits Lyctus plankollis Lydella doryphorx. (See Phorocera doryphorx.) Lye-sulphur against cotton red spider Lye water against apple aphides Lysiphlebus citrnphis, parasite of A phis gossypii cucurbitaphis, parasite of A phis gossypii gossypii, parasite of Aphis gossypii nn mi I us, parasite of A phis gossypii Iritici, hosts introduction experiments against Tumplera gru- minum parasite of Toxoptcra graminum M. Machines. (Sir Insecticide apparatus. - iiaerodaetylus subspinosus, circular remedies , ifacrosiphum pisi, circular remedies rudbeckui Maggot, cabbage (Pegomya brassiest) (see also Maggot, radish). bisulphid of carbon as insecti- cide general account remedies Circular No. imported union (I'egomy/i capetorum), bisulphid of carbon as insecticide general account remedies radish (Pegomya brassies j (see also Maggot, cabbage). bisulphid of carbon us insect icide. seed-corn. (See Pegomya fusciceps.) Magnolias, food-plants of Macroauct yi us subs/tinosus "Mahogany flat," colloquial name for Cimei leclularius Maine, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock ilalacosoma americana, circular remedies fragilis, tent caterpillar of the Rocky Mountain region. . pluvialis, tent caterpillar of the Pacific Northwest spp. , hosts of Pi in pin inquisitor Malaria, carriage by mosquitoes Mallow, food plant of Aphisgossypii Mallows, food plants of Thyridnpitryi ephetnerseformis Man, eyelashes and bits of toenails eaten oil by cockroaches. host of DermanyssiLs gallinx harvest mites, or "chiggers" Sarcopsylla pi nil run* reported as host of Leptocoris trivittatus seldom bitten by Scutigera forct ps Mantis, Carolina. (See Stagmomantis Carolina.) Manure (see also Fertilizers and Excrement.) against corn root-aphis "green bug'' breeding place of Musca domeslica hen, ineffective against si raw berry weevil treatment to destroy house flies Maple, food plant of Chrysobothris fimorata Maiacosoma americana Pulvinaria aaricola iiiiiiiini rubilis Thyridopli ryx i phi mcraformis injury by Ct resa bubalus leaf pulvinaria. (See Pulvinaria aaricola.) scale, cottony. (See Pulvinaria innuvicrabilis.) soft. (See Acer saecharinum. ) three species, food plants of F.uUcanium nigrofasciatum Marantas, fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas ilargarnpus anntilatus. (See Boophilus annulatus.) Maelatt, C. L., circular, "A New Nomenclature for the Broods of the Periodical Cicada'' "Cockroaches" "House Ants < Monomorium pharaoms et al.)" . "How to Control the San Jose Scale ".. "Report on the Gypsy Moth and the Brown-Tail Moth, July, P.W4" "The Bedbug (Cimex leclularius L.)" "The Buffalo Tree-hopper ( Cere sa bu- balus Fab.)" 35 71. rev. 55 05 81 80 80 80 80 93, rev. 93, rev. S5 93, rev. ll.IC\. 11. rev. 43,ed.2 43.ed.2 93, rev. G3.ed.2 63,ed.2 63,ed.2 63,ed.2 11, rev. 47. rev. 7."). rev. 2 97 40 80 <»7 51, rev. 92 77 77 28 48 86 93, rev. 35 71, rev. 21, rev. 35 71, rev. 32, rev. 3 98 64 64 97 23 Figure. • 88 37, rev 2 4. - , .'l.r.-v. 34, rev. 42. ed. 5 58 47, rev. 6 6 6 C 17 7-14 5 4 5 5 1 15-18 1-4 3-4 *-10 1 1-10 6-10 17 1-7 4-7 .", 3-6 4-6 5 2-5 0-7 7 5 4 2 4 1-8 6-8 1-4 2 2 6 1 4 6 2 1-3 1 3 3 11 12 6 5 3 5-8 *9 9 2 2 2 4 •> 2 3 1-8 1 14 1-4 1-7 1-5 1-3 1-12 1-8 1 4 1-2 1-3 [1-23 INDEX K) C1RCU1 \i;> I m 100. MlBLATT, I I . ■■ I ' in ii. •• i h •■ 1 1< ■• rh< imported Kim Leal 1- '■' I " I he Lime, Bulphor, and B dt w - - ill.- c>v w irble {Hypodernw llntala VlUei ■ •■ n>i '■ Tin' Pear Blag (Eriocampoidn timactna ■ l be Pi u v//a pfricoia ■■ rhe Periodic ti 1907 I.. w i I a li- RUi "The Blhrer Piah / harma I. mi "The True 1 lot! cell rWoi't il ■■ i he White Air ■■ I he Woolly Iphla ol the \ | neura lanigera Hausmann ind, require! blpmenl ol dutsi i Massachusetts, requiremente rel >' It e to ahipmenl ol d ■ ■ l) ir remedies. . . He tdowlarks, en« vi liaciylopius adonidum, I "white-tailed." Bee Oribcia iruif "Meal fly ," colloquial name for CUIipfcora rryiaracrpaa/a ... Mwitiinlnal methods i also Ins* Ucide ipparai :n-i army worm. os a arble. , peach-tree borer. roae-chaier . . pie-tree i-.r.-r ned chestnut borer. Ifiaawn aifhra [Baa Ufa linus. distinctive char u ten ol genus, adull AjrmorrA'iiif ■• • lull portorieeiuir, distinctive characters "f adull larva raJUs, distinctive charai ten of adult. ... table of North American species, idulta i macttlala. enemy of Aphis gossypii /.. . > mlmcaia Macrtmphum pisi... m graminnir nonion atralti* . . nufturem r, distinctive characters of larva !w, enemy of alfalfa. . .. ditiiTfiMmlK, enemy of alfalfa liiwi ol Uermis sfMoani .»/>rftii- ho-l of \f-rmis albicans. . . Slcliltia cdp. cvcur - \tihllia «ii/i/riiii/or;ni.«. 1 Mtfi iniformu, circular, remediee ll«ion sphis. (See ApUtgoufpii.) luic. colloquial name for Diabrntica villala louse, iollo<|iral name lor A pMa soanmti M as is«?e al>o Cantaloupe, Cucurbits Mnskmekm melon . food planls of .4 i7tfrodi'« ru/Kiri .4 pbtaoam Dies ■ Ufnai»m bisirialum on chickens. I> 17 I. I I I i I I I •. I v I I 1 7 I N I I 1 I l B l 8 i a 75, rev. 2 i 4 70 l 18 l ; 10. "1 4 71, rev. 4 9 17 '•I 11. rev 1 40 4 to • H) 7 1 40 7 i BO 10 ■ - •f 3 -i -i a • i .. ■ i i - i 3 . 1 92 7 I J I I III I I I I I .. 1 3 i -' l < I J 1 16 1 1 J 34 [NDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. Menopon pallidum, general account remedies Mercurial ointment against ox warble Merisus destructor, parasite of Mayt tiola il< sir actor \l< rutin acuminata, probable adult of Mir mis albican.? albicans, circular spp., mistaken for Mir mis albicans Yfesochorus apHIimu, parasite of Apanteles amgregatut Mice, hydrocyanic-acid gas ;'.s remedy Michigan, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock .Micrococcus pteridis, bacterial disease of Pontia rapx Micromus posticus, enemy of A phis gossvpii Microplitis catalpx, parasite of Ceratomn iatalpat Mignonette, food plant of Pontia rapes Migrations of Pontia rapx Migratory instinrt among cockroaches in Ciimz lectularius Milfoil. (See Achillea millefolium.) Milkweed. (See Asclepias.) Millet. (See I'niiiciim miliaceum and Brooms uniuloides.) Mili/ns cinctus, enemy of Leptinotarsn ilia ultimata Mimicry in Sannina cxitiosa Minnesota, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock Mint, horse. (See .\fonarda fistulosa.) Miscible oils against San Jose scale Mississippi, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock Missouri, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock Mite, chicken. (See Di r matoySSUS giilliiin . i clover. (See Brynbia prattnsis.) depluming. (Sec Cnemidocoptes gallina:.) enemy of house fly grasshopper. (See Trombidium locustnrum.) six-spotted, on oranges Mites and lice on poultry, circular enemies of canker-worms on poultry . a sure preventive Mochlostyrax erraticus, distinctive characters of larva Molasses'and arsenical against boll weevil Monarela fistulosa, food plant of Antkonomus signatus yfonarthrum mali, injury to oak ilonomoriu m minutum. general account remedies pharaonis, enemy of Cimex lectularius general account remedies Montana, requirements relative to shipment of nursery" stock Morning-glory, food plant of Aphis gossypii Morrill, A. W., circular, "The Greenhouse White Fly (Aleyrodes vaporariorum Westw.)" Mosquito netting. (See Screen, wire.) Mosquitoes as carriers of malaria general account of North America, how to distinguish the different spe- cies, circular tables for determination of genera and species, adults United States, kev for determination of larvee, circu- lar . remedies Moth, Angoumois grain (Silotroga cercalel/a), hydrocyanic-acid gas as remedy brown-tail. (See Euproclis clirysorrhaa.) " Buffalo." (See Anthrenus scrophularix.) case-making clothes. (See Tinea pcllionilla.) gypsy. (See Porthetria dispar.) Mediterranean flour (JCphcstia kuehnulla). hydrocyanic-acid gas as remedy southern clot lies. (See Tineolabisdliella.) tapestry. (See Trichophaga tapetzilla.) tussock. (See Tussock moth, white-marked, and lliimrv- campa liucostigma.) webbing clothes. (See Tineolabisdliella.) Moths, carpet. (See Moths, clothes.) clothes, circular hydrocyanic-acid gas as remedy remedies fur. (See Moths, clothes.) small, prey of Scut igera forceps Mulberry, food plant of 1'uhinaria innumerabil is Thyridopteryx ephemtrxtormis Mullein, food plant of Lt ptinotarsa decemlineala Murgantio histrionica, circular Circular No. Figure. 92 92 25 70 02, rev. 92, rev. E, iv. 90 4i.. rev. 7.j, rev. 2 60 80 96 60 60 51, rev. 47, rev. 87 17 54 75, rev. 2 42, ed. 5 75, rev. 2 75, rev. 2 I 7 35 71, rev. 19. ed. 2 92 9 92 72 33 21. rev. 82 34, rev. 34, rev. 47, rev. 34, rev. 34. rev. 75, rev. 80 57 40, rev. 36, rev. 46, rev. 30. rev. 48 64 97 87 10 4-7 6-7 9 12-13 2 1 -<; 5 5 2 4 e 5 4 4 6 1 8 9 1 l 8 2 ■ - 3 4 ■J 2 2,3 3 7 1.2 2 5 5 1-9 1 1-3 1-7 4-7 1-6 1-3 1-8 1,2 5-S 2 2 4 8 1-2 1NM \ TO < Hi' l LARfl I I" 1"". < ■ Munjiintifi hiitrionirti, r. .iii.l uih.-r !. •• DMdlM general account ikrn iln-rt'ftir \lw ma stabulann ' nirurn itabulans). 111 ho U i butllillla Mushroom beds cultivated by tropical white u MlL-k.n- p| ml "I U '• food plant of Dial ttata ifuroantia kistrmnica . I rasa trap or.T. twe-tmed chestnnt borer my of Leptinotar.ia decemlineata Nlghthawk, enemy of Lrittmntarsa dtcemlineata. ... hade, beaked. See S 'inum rostratum.) of soda against seed-corn maggot.. North ("ami ina. requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock, nlrementsi foment of nurserj ■n with hydrocyanic-acid gas. requirements relative to shipment, circular. . Nut weevils, circular Symph.ra candidusima. odora, and rosea, fumigation with h > anic-acid gas Oak, food plant of Chrysobothris femorata Malacosoma amerieana Monarlhru m mali Platypus rompo.tinotarita dtcanltmata.. Paste ■ CkrysOOOtaris/i morata •rachtlus ntnuphar It-punetata DUupis pentagona.. t'ulicanium nigrofasciatum xiactt/lus tubtptnonu. . . cosoma amtricana •nana innumerabilu .;u/a«u.« rosor government! introduction from the United - soft scale of Europe. :'uum prrsicx.) tree borer. (See Snnninu erifl yellows, quarantine i •■.merits against introduction from the l'n Pear, Ran let t. seriously injur ■ HntTon. not seriously Injured by l'* Willi' I ellcm . I Bee PrniM po Pinhole mlury togirdli ' r, ; ul ,' r , ,;• r 'iZ^^^Jf^Ximwoi:: murrauawi. host tree of b irk maggot . ■•i.-m\ of .sv;ii.-..ii'••, .... . Urns'-. appl.-r.- ! '"' ;in '' SeUi (a in.; r^ucta, food of cockroach* .,, , ' i^ d cucumber beetle.... rawer, ma -e 1L , Impractical i of Paris against carpel beetle. - kroacbes.. . (orpbur against cotton red spider riatuoa>t> r h, rtkkti . parasite ol UafOtAa desirucmr . . sn t , u •n.' o " " ommcono. rrrrttM |[!!* ,aw mi eonrporirut, Injury to girdled i ypre PfafStffrrAti Plalynu* cnmjxMtu PlowiuK. (See Cultural metbo ICri^mm.-r/,,-.,. food ol I ^fTOCkeltW n.nnphor.. prumcurcul ' urcullo, plum.) food plant of BrsoMfl , Ckrftebo&Tiifemomta. ,/rachilux m nuphar. . . fji.i ;i( Htagona BHoeampoUei Itmachu... ucialum.. leptocori* trivittatu*. ;M amfricana pftoroion /mmi/Ii.. ... laria innum«ro6uu San Jose scale 08 9K ... 83 ..l 6] ..1 '.1 20, rev. 90 90 • 61, rev. S9, rev. - 35 71. rev. 5, ri-\ . TO B2 Pan figure. 5 s 6 i. Sonnina extnosa. Mm rugulotfu.. ■ AoeoryiM menm... pi,,, i„ braid I »i<*ir,iphn In "»nna"l,, h&ive characters of lar' Poa pratensu, food plant of roropfrrooTamrattTn.. Podofrn i, enemy of " > p f\y„Y„ Wi,,„ ryrm-.M. enemy ol i ,i "'" n '" u,l '" l , nrnln modtthu, enemy of Mdioeowmo mm ina.... nemyof JldJaeo»o»noom«Tcai i »«ri<-r< mtrU, enemy oi Ifalacoioma amrncana »pino»u.«. enemy ol " naamerteona r Pontic rape... =Porardi, distinctive characters of larva Psylla, pear-tree. (See Psylla pyricola.) pyricola, circular remedies simulans = winter form of Psylla pyricola Pteromalus bimaculatus, parasite of Scolytus rugulosus sp., parasite of Malacosoma americana puparum, parasite of Pontia rapx Publications of the Bureau of Entomology, list, circular Pulez irritans, not the common species in houses in the United States serraticcps, general account remedies Pulvinaria accricola, the maple-leaf Pulvinaria innumerabilis, circular remedies maclurse, the osage-orange Pulvinaria Pumpkin (see also Cucurbits). food plant of A nasa tristis Diabrotica 12-punctala longicornis vittata Melittia satyriniformis Purslane, food plant of Aphis gossypii Pyrethrum ag3inst clover mite cockroaches fleas house centipede imported cabbage worm melon aphis mosquitoes silver fish striped cucumber beetle ineffective against rose-chafer strawberry weevil 19, ed. 2 98 64 97 58 58 7."), rev. 2 87 87 59 87 87 (S3, ed. 2 50, rev. 21. rev. 47. rev. 92 55 55 43, ed. 2 51, rev. 57 71, rev. 87 32. rev. 3 19. ed. 2 81 88 40 72 40 72 7 7 7 29. rev. 98 60 76, rev. to Feb. 1, 1910. 13 13 13 64 64 64 64 39, rev. 2 59 59 31. rev. 2 38, rev. 2 80 19, ed. 2 51, rev. 13 48 60 80 13 49 31. rev. 2 11. rev. 21. rev. Figure. 11 2 1-2 12 11 6 3 1-8 0-8 2 2 2 2 4 7-10 1-10 1 3 3 3 1-10 2 6 2 3 1-8 3-5 l- 5 2 2 8 11 5 2 9 2 4 1 1-8 7-8 3 5 5 8,8 1-32 3 3-4 4 2 1-6 4-0 2 1 3 7 2 1.2 5 4 2-13 4 4 7-8 9 1 4 7 3 7 1 N I . l \ m < u:< n \i:s 1 i" LOO. •II i-iifiin of boll WOI Qi umivi \ l • ulai "The Mi Qurr." I Quince, food plant o( Di Sipkocoryiu mrrne . 1$. Radish. fooud tree cultivated, i See ' i cii ekh Bad hue. colloquial name (or 'ularius spider, confusion with spider; on Patlojoceo decandn and Xanthfum spp.. i ..i c uifornla, nol injui illoquial name for icon* ctmi* - Phylloxera and applo root-lou wash' Rhilophagus bipunclaUi.i, enemy of Soilytus rugulosw Rhode bland, requirements relative toshlpmenl of mil Sftoau ratrrmedriu, ] < ■"*""« am«hafer. tapmoraa,) [ood plant of AU rrooV i poporortoruni 'us tubspinnsu* M amrricana ■ innumrrabilis.. lose scale Roses, himlgation with hydrocyanic-acid pas white, attractive Ruroex. food plant of Aphis gossv} i Ben," i OUoquial name for Rlattrlla germanica . ... "Rust mite," colloquial name f> r Trlmnycbus g . food of Diabrotica longicornis Rye, food plant of (Cecidomt/ia) itayrtiola dtstructor .. n 81 10 77 I 1 43, ed. 2 1 v 59 11, rev. 98 a 11, rev. BO ;o i a ii i i i 3 . 3 2 4 A 7 4 1 2 3 •» - 1 2 1 3 o 4 5 7 3-o 5 1 - 1 7 1 12 1-6 1 i 1 7 ■ 1-5 ! -' • 1 .1 4 5 2 - 1 ; 42 INDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. Circular No. Figure. Rye, food plant of Diabrotica 12-punctata Siphocoryne avcnx Toxoptera graminum \ slender wild. (See Elymus striatum.) Sabethinae, distinctive characters of larva Saleratus. (See Soda.) Salt against corn root-aphis grass. (See Distichlis spicata.) Paris green, and horse droppings against grasshoppers yellow-winged locust . . water, hot, against nut weevils preventive of ill effects from exposure to "chiggers" Salvia, food plant of A Icyrodcs vaporarioru m Sand and kerosene against seed-corn maggot bur. (See Solanum rostratum.) flea. (See Sarcopsylla penetrans.) Sanders, J. G., circular, "The Cottony Maple Scale (Pulvinaria innumcrabilis Rathvon)" "The Terrapin Scale (Eulecanium nigro- fasciatum Pergande) " Sannina exitiosa, circulars remedies opalescens, pest on Pacific coast Saperda Candida, general account remedies cretata, brief account remedies Sarcophaga cimbicis, parasite of grasshoppers georgina, parasite of grasshoppers hunteri. parasite of grasshoppers Sarcopsylla penetrans, the pernicious sand-flea of tropical America. . Scalding against chestnut weevils Scale, cottony maple. (See Puhinaria innumerabilis.) insects on citrus trees, hvdrocyanic-acid gas as remedy pests in greenhouses and" cold frames, hydrocyanic-acid gas as remedy quarantine regulat ions of New Zealand against introduction. . red. (See Aonidia aurantii.) San Jose (Aspidiotusperniciosas). an important enemy to fruit trees, circular quarantine regulations of foreign governments against introduction on American plants, trees, and fruits 7-' 84 53 99 77 57 63, ed. 2 remedies resin wash as insecticide terrapin. (See Eulecanium nigrofasciatum.) yellow. (See Aonidia aurantii.) "Scaly-leg" of fowls, caused by the "itch mite" Cnemidocoptes muians Scenopinus fincstralis, in houses, habits Scent glands of cockroaches Scheele's green against apple-tree tent caterpillar Colorado potato beetle Schistocerca amrricana, host of ilermis albicans Schizoneura lanigera (see also Apple root-louse). enemy of apple general account remedies "Schwaben," colloquial name for Blattella germanica Schwuiz, E. A., circular, "The Periodical Cicada in 1*9. " "The Periodical Cicada in 1898" Scirpus, food plant of Diabrotica lS-punctata Scolytus, orchard. (See Scolytus rugulosus.) rugulosus, circular remedies Screening against house flies mosquitoes Screen, wire, against peach-tree borer round-headed apple-tree borer Screw-worms, attracted to wounds of North American fever tick on 64 17 54 17 54 54 32, rev. 3 32, rev. 3 32, rev. 3 32, rev. 3 84 84 84 77 99 46, rev. 4i',, rev. 41 41 3 42. ed. 5 1 92 35 71. rev. 51, rev. 98 87 62, rev. 81 20, rev. 20, rev. 51. rev. 22 30 59 { 7 sheep Scutigera forceps. (See Centipede, house.) 29. rev. 29. rev. 35 1. rev. 13 17 54 32. rev. 3 91 3,4 3 4 2,5 1-6 1-4 1-4 1-6 3-4 3-6 2 1-7 5-7 7 ■ 8 4 4-5 4 1 10 1-10 1,2,4 6-10 3 2-3 2-3 5 8 14 3 1 1-6 4-6 2 1-4 1-3 4 1-8 6-8 5 5 1 3 3 6 IMH X TO ( 1K< I LAJtfi I PO LOO. Scymnt I Sch i terminal u.t. eiien. I. . . Seed corn n ■.■(■if pi intlng, i>> repel corn rool Semintellus i ' itftu.) 8rp*U violaera In lion ■ i " name f"i ' "8evente«n-ye ir la trees, bod plan .... Inju e-hopper.... igalnsl American and 1 uro] llomalodixa cmai. tuuuil SCl name Tor .iP(Aoiiomu*(rr'i--i/i< Sheen, hoel of BoopeUtti mmu/niiu. circular. . . Shepherd's purse rjrpW Ship biscuits, destruction bj oockroactMS Bhoi-borer, colloquial Dame ("r Scolftut rugulosu* •la.) n >trachelu.i nenu/ihar. . \ ir. ntfiu, parasite ol Com fratktlui nenuphar. tibiatnr, par >^no of .-C nikonomiu signal us Silk, damagi i saccharma M sacehanna. ) 9tmpioc*ria stitfs, association with ChtOoria alaskensis Bdotbon, C. B.. circular, "The Yellow-winged i •- • • •unnula ptlMcJu Scadd, 8MM ili'i'lrn.n. t-in'i n \ ol i dece mlineata oXptocwfM u'tn.r, eaea general account Sil'honnphora cilrt/'nlu. eittifolU.) cucur WtarupAaracucurMfar.) simps. Infestation by boose anti ;each-tree borer .... fish- whale-oil). against fruit-tree bark-beetle hop plant-louse round-headed apple-tree borer solutions against melon aphis squash bags. iirainst fruit-tree bark-beetle pear slug ile washes against two-itned chestnut i>orer woolly aphis whale-oil (see also Soap, fish-oil). against apple aphis cottony maple scale fruit-tree t> irk-beetle greenhouse white By... round-headed apple-tree borer "green bug" ineffective against strawberry weevil. . . SOds, hot. against fleas 80 v. 59 14 91 80 84 • ■1 87 a M M (8 n 26 26 59 87 17 17 17 :r.\ rev. 8 17 M I S3, rev. 8 Ml ■ 26 20, rev. 83. rev a 13 19 3 1 1 11 1 1 » i l 8 II l t 5 9 44 INDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. Soapy water against itch mite of fowls preventive of ill effects from exposure to •■ehiggers". . . Soda and arsenite of lime against Colorado potato beetle soap against round-headed apple-tree borer remedy for "ehiggers" Solatium cornutum, probable food plant of Leptinotarsa decemli- neata rostmtum, food plant of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Soldier bug, armed. (See I'odisus spinosus.) bordered. (See Stiretrus anchorago.) Solidago. (See Goldenrod.) Soot against root form of woolly aphis Sorbus aucuparia, food plant of Aphis sorbi domestica, food plant of Aphis sorbi torminalis, food plant of Aphis sorbi Sorghum, food plant of Aphis maidis Diabrolica longicornis Diatrsa saccharalis [larger corn stalk-borer]. Toxoptira graminum South Carolina, requirements relat ive to shipment of nursery stock . . Dakota, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock. . . "Spanier," colloquial name for Blattella germanica Sparrow, chipping, enemy of Malacosoma americana English, enemy of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Puhinaria innumerabilis Spartinutn scopanum, food plant of Hylastinus obscurus Spathius palliaus, parasite of Chrysobothris femorata si mill i mux, parasite of Agrilus bilineatus Spelt, food plant of Toxoptera graminum Sphsrophoria cylindrira. enemy of Macrosiphum pisi Sphecius speciosus, range extending northward Sphenophorus, resistant tocyanid fumes Sphinx, catalpa. (See Cerafomia catalpz.) catalps, same as Ceratomia catalps Spice bush. (See Benzoin benzoin.) Spider plant. (SeeCleome.) Spiders, enemies of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Schizoneura lanigera Spike-grass, marsh. (See Vistichlis ttpiaUo.) Spilochalcis maris, parasite of Thyridoptiryx ephemersformis Spilocryptus eitrematus, parasite of Malacosoma americana Spinach, food plant of Aphis gossypii Spiraea, flowers, food of Anthrenus scro jjhular is: Spiraeas, food plants of Macrodactylus subspinosus Spirochsta ap£s=giant whips of Bacillus larvs Sporotrichum globuliferum, fungous disease of grasshoppers Spraying apparatus. (See Insecticide apparatus.) Spruce, destruction by Dendroctonus frontalis host tree of I'issodes strobi Sitka, host tree of Parharmonia pices Sitka spruce bark maggot (probably Chrir losia sp. ) Squash (see aiso Cymling and Cucurbits). aphis. (See Xectarophora cacurbitx.) bug. (See Anasa tristis.) black . ( See A nam tristis. ) food plant of A nasa trittu Diabrotica li-punctata longicornis littata Milittia satynniformis Hubbard, food plant of Diabrotica littata marrow, food plant of Diabrotica vittata vine borer. (See Mclittia satynniformis.) Stable fly. (See Cyrtoneura stabulans, Muscina stabulans, and Sto- moiys calcitrans.) Stagmomantis Carolina, range extending northward Stalk-borer, larger corn. (See Diatraa saccharalis.) Starch, eaten by Lcpisma saccharina Steam against carpet beetle powder-post beetles Stegomyia calopus, distinctive characters of larva Stenanthium lindenii, fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas Sttnomesius aphidicola, parasite of Aphis gossypii Circular No. Sticky fly paper against house flies Stictonotus isosomatis, parasite of Isosoma tritici Stink bug, common name for Anasa tristis Stips, green, (SeeSrtpa ilndula.) viridula, food plant of Toioptera graminu m Stiretrus anchorago, enemy of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Stomoiys calcitrans in houses, mistaken for Musca domestica Stored foods, drugs, and vegetables, eaten by Lepisma saccharina . 92 77 87 82, rev. 3 77 87 87 20, rev. 81 81 81 86 IB 16 85 75, rev. 2 75, rev. 2 51, rev. 98 87 64 67 32, rev. 3 24, rev. 85 43, ed. 2 97 36, rev. 90 87 20, rev. 97 98 80 5, rev. 11, rev. 94 84 24, rev. 90 61 1.1 39, rev. 2 59 59 31. rev. 2 o\ rev. 2 31, rev. 2 31, rev. 2 49 5, rev. 55 72 37, rev. 2 80 35 71, rev. 66, rev. 39, rev. 2 { 7 93, rev. 87 35 71, rev. 49 Figure. 1 2 7 3 4 7 7 2 6 12 3 3 11 5 4 5 2 2 11 (< 7 :. 5 2 4 3-4 5-7 1 3 9 9,10 1 2,3 7 1 1,2 2 2 4 4 5 3 6 5 5 4 1 6 11 1 1,2 1,2 ini. i \ m OHM BLABS I I" 1"". r> Straw barriers against frc peuch-lrce lorcr Btnwberry crown ■<•»•) foo.1 i I I •'■ . . i [.r.'t.rr. ! ,laby Anthonoiiius lifna- «1 plant ol Diabr»iicn l$-punctata Umffieorni$... wild, food plant of Diabrotica 12-punclaia. Sunlight against chicken mite. . . olotbes moths — .vs. cliff 01 >■ >• es, host of Cimri sp Bwltierland.laws relative to importat mol American plan and fruits Bvcamore, food plant of Chryaobothrufemorata. . Kulreanium nigrofaAciatum. . . I't'lt inarm innumerabili-i Syrphixlonu.t maculifrtins . pal htxxtianu* Syrphus amttieanu*. enemy Of A phi* gottfpii acrruiiphum phi . -f aphides rxhenii Tachina flics, enemies of canker-worms — By, red-taOi Trnmrhynchui perturbans. distinct,- r. scarlet, enemy of Leptinotarsa tirctmlintala . . itry moth. (See Tnchophaga taixtzella.) Tar against white ants.. paper against < Clothes moths fruit-' two-11 cards ag hum ;>i.• 'my of Ilylasttnit* oft.»curu.«. Temperature (see also v. ution of Ltptinotarta ic- cemlintata in r> . i gra min urn Tennessee, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock Tent caterpillar, apple-tree. """ oro*rieona.) caterpillars. {See afalacotoiM spp.) Trnthredo cerasi, d is t met from Frixampoides limacina 17 I 57 .'l.r.v. a, rc\. SI, rc\. .' 51, rev. 92 :; 47, rev. 77 11. rev. 59 .11 . rev. 3 59 92 41 ss . I 1.1 . B1 so 72 87 50 rev. • 29 rev. 98 87 93 rev. 76, rev. 2 a B l -I i 1,3 1 7 1-' 4 19 4 B I 4 4 7 4 1 3 7 3 3 ■ 3 1 4 9 2 -' 7 B B a s 8 3 12 7 3 7 6 4 5 4 6-7 3-5 7 3-5 46 INDEX TO CIRCULAES 1 TO 100. Tenthredo Iimacina= Eriocampoides limacina Termu (lavipes. (Sae Ant, white.) lueifugus in America Telracha virginica, enemy of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Tetramorium csespitum, feeding on honeydew from Aphis gossypii.. . general account remedies Tetranychus gloveri, circular remedies Tetrastkhus mkrogastri , secondary parasite of Pontia rapse scolyti, secondary parasite of Scolytus rugulusus spp., parasites of Dasyni ura legu minicola xanthomclscnse, parasite of Galerucilla luteola Texas, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock Thanaximus sp., enemy of Scolytus rugulosus " Theobaldia incidens, distinctive characters of larva Tlur mobia domestka. (See Lepisma domestka.) furnorum. (See Lepisma domestka.) Thcronia mdamiccphala, parasite of Malacosoma amcrkana ThtrsUochus conotrachelt, parasite of Conotrachclus nenuphar Thistle, flowers frequented by butterflies of Pontia rapse food plant of Diabrotica longkornis Leptinotarsa decemlineata Thorn, food plant of Malacosoma amcrkana Saperda crelata white. (See Crataegus oiyacantha.) Thorns, food plants of Saperda Candida "Thousand legs," colloquial name for Scutigera forceps , Thrips, hydrocyanic-acid gas as remedy in greenhouses, remedies onion. (See Thrips tabaci.) tabaci, the onion thrips, not found on tobacco in United States tobacco. (See Euthrips nicotianse.) wheat. (See Euthrips tritici.) Thrush, hermit, enemy of Liptinotarsa decemlineata olive-backed, enemy of Liptinotarsa decemlineata wood, enemy of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Thyridopteryx ephemcrscformis. (See Bagworm.) Tibken scptendecim. (See Cicada, periodical.) Tick, chicken. (See Argas miniatus.) erroneous name for harvest mite or "chigger" North American fever. (See Boophilus annulatus.) Timber beetles, injury to girdled cypress Timothy, food plant of Leucania unipuncta Mayctiola destructor or related species Tinea peilioneUa, general account remedies Tineola bisillii lla, general account remedies Titus, E. S. G., circular "The Cotton Red Spider (Tetranychus gloveri Bks.)" Toad, enemy of grasshoppers Leptinotarsa decemlineata Malacosoma amcrkana Tobacco against aphides, etc apple aphides clothes moths common hen louse " green bug " greenhouse white fly melon aphis striped cucumber beetle woolly aphis and soapsuds against "green bug" budworms. (See Chloride a virescens and Heliothisobsoleta.) food plant of Diabrotica 12-punctata Euthrips nicotianse Leptinotarsa decemlineata ineffective against rose-chafer strawberry weevil thrips. (See Euthrips nicotianse.) " white veins" caused by Euthrips nicotianx Tomato, food plant of Aleyrodes vaporariorum A phis gossypii Diabrotica 12-punctata Leptinotarsa decemlineata Tomatoes, fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas Toioptera graminum, circulars experiments with remedies remedies 50, rev. 87 80 34, rev. 34, rev. 65 65 60 29, rev. 69 8, rev. 75, rev. 2 29, rev. 72 73 GO 59 87 98 32, rev. 3 32, rev. 3 48 46. rev. 80 t,s 77 Page. Figure. 4 11 1 3-4 4 l-.-> 4-5 S 6 6 4 7-8 6 4 82 1 4 1 70 7 36, rev. 2-4 36. rev. 5-8 36. rev. 4-5 36, rev. 5-8 65 1-5 84 4 87 12 98 6 37. rev. 2 1 81 10 36, rev. 6 92 6 93, rev. s o. 8.9 80 10-13 31. rev. 2 . 20. rev. 4..-. 93. rev. e 59 3 68 1-2 87 8 11. rev. 3 21. rev. 7 68 1-2 37. rev. 2 4 57 1.2 80 5 59 3 87 8 37. rev. 2 4 85 1-7 93. rev. 1-22 93, rev. 6-7 85 &-7 93. rev. 19-21 im,i \ ro i ntc i labs i ro LOO IT i Igure Traps boil weevil cockroaches 'i hii^ Trap crops against buffalo two-hopper v barli :, D Imported cabbage worm melon i i,.-ii \ mm ti leaves against Imported cabbage worm plants agatnal boll wearO I ,-.| cucuml" tree; II klnst l * i beetles in Bat-headed apple-tree l>»r,-r Tr me against trait-tree bark-beetle Bquash-\ Ine borer Tree-hopper, bmTaio > |h ine, e iten b\ / probable pat bnlntu proto Truhoixiyi lapttulla, general acoonnt remedies Tnchopi^da pttmipet, parasite ol .1 bo Tn/«iium lyoridum. (See Clover, stake > swiMum. (8ee Clover, mammoth. ) prat I lover, red.) Trmiut Ustaceitx i, parasite of .( (j*k oo»»jrpii. - rr^^mXiwoiJw, food plant ol Dlolrw swrtoro/.- hirer i rrtwo/riM m«rtf'i'i>i.'c'. parasite oi Murgantia Mttl Trombiiiiuin. Leptus a synonym bcwMnm, enemy ol grasshoppers sp. Tubers, starchy, food otcockrc Tulip, possible food fTysobotkru ftmorala traits. T^k^tor^lTtoUn^inof-Aieiicii Turnip, food plant o( Diabrolica K'-punctata yafwsciceps i rap.r Turpentine against bedbug ox warble striped cucumber beetle... and gypst. mash bug.. tod plaster ,,-k moth, whlte-m irked t Bi ma >.nmpa Uucostigma),. host of I'impla inquititor sh id< T weei er a for removal of ox warble TvphoU fever, carriage by noose By By, proposed as a better name for .Wiwca domalica Vlmw, amrricana from att - nceUa luttola . i, distinctive characters of larva- tapphirina _,',•',' — rro/Kxia a mrrira mi. enemy of [..■ptinrtarsa drctmlintata ...... ... frugal phus armatus. parasite of Baiamnu* preooscMew and B ,'ments relative to shipment of nur* - v. Varrinium sp food plant of fjilicunium nigrnfatciatum. Vaseline an-f sulphur preventive of ill effects from preventnv of'i'li effects from exposure to Vermont! requirements relative to shipment OfnUTSBI Vetches food plan Violet, food pi mt of A phi* onstypii Violets fumigation with hydrocyanic- u id g is. . Vireo red-eyed, enemy or Val it - "na ammcana . Virginia creeper, food plant ol /''■'' 'nana tnnumrrabilu .... requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock 48 INDEX TO CIRCULARS 1 TO 100. Circular No. Figure. W. " Wall louse," colloquial name for Cimei Icctularius ner, damage by cockroaches stock," meaning of term Warbler, yellow, enemy of Malacosoma americana Washington [State], requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock Wasp, larger digger. (See Sphecius speciosus.) mimicked by Sannina exitiosa Wasps, enemies of canker-worms feeding on honeydew from aphides Water against cotton red spider melon aphis boiling, against elm leaf-beetle bug, colloquial name for Blattella germanica hot, against ants bedbug box-elder plant-bug carpet beetle chestnut weevils imported cabbage worm peach-tree borer woolly aphis ineffective against rose-chafer preventive of ill effects from exposure to "chiggers" oak, probable food plant of Tetranychus glovcri submersion against pin borers in cypress test against chestnut weevils unreliable Watermelon (see also Melons and cucurbits.) food plant of Diabrotica 12-punctata vittata Weather (see also Temperature.) in relation to Mayetiola destructor Toxoptera graminum Webster, F. M., circular, " Some Insects Affecting the Production of Red Clover Seed " "The Clover Root-borer (Hylastinus ob- scurus Marsham)" "The Corn Leaf-aphis and Corn Root- aphis" "The Grasshopper Problem and Alfalfa Culture" "The Hessian Fly (Mayetiola [Cecido- myia] destructor Say)" "The Joint-worm (Isosoma tritici Fitch)" "The Slender Seed-corn Ground-beetle ( Clivina impressifrons Lee.)" "The Spring Grain-aphis (Toxoptera graminum Rond.)" "The Spring Grain-aphis or so-called 'Green Bug' (Toxoptera graminum Rond.)" Websterellus tritici, parasite of Isosoma tritici Webworm, fall (Hyphantria cunea), control on catalpa shade-tree pest .' Weeds, eradication against Colorado potato beetle Weevil, acorn, mistaken for boll weevil clover-leaf. (See Phytonomus punetatus.) hazelnut. (See Balaninus obtusus.) larger chestnut. (See Balaninus proboscideus.) lesser chestnut. (See Balaninus rectus.) Mexican cotton-boll (A nthonomus grandis), general circulars.. in 1897, circular. . most important remedy, circu- lars remedies, circular pecan. (See Balaninus caryse.) white pine. (See Pissodes strobi.) West Indian peach scale. (See Diaspis pentagona) Virginia, requirements relative to shipment of nursery stock. . Wharves, destruction by white ants Wheat, durum or macaroni, not attractive to Hessian fly food plant oi(Cecidomyia) Mayetiola destructor chinch bug Diabrotica 12-punctata Isosoma tritici Leucania unipuncta 47, rev. 2 51, rev. 6 25 1 98 6 75, rev. 2 8 17 1 54 1 9 2 80 1 65 5 80 14 8, rev. 6 51, rev. 1 34, rev. 4 47, rev. 7 28 3 5, rev. 3 99 10 60 7 54 5 20, rev. 4-5,6 11, rev. 3 77 5 65 3 82 4 99 9 59 3 31, rev. 2 2 70 10 85 5-6 69 1-9 67 1-5 86 1-13 84 1-10 70 1-16 66, rev. 1-7 78 1-6 85 1-7 93, rev. 1-22 66, rev. 4 1.5 3,4 96 1 97 1 S7 15 L'7 5 6 1-5 14 1-8 18 IS 27 1-7 56 1-7 95, rev. 1-S 33 1-6 52, ed. 2 2 "5. rev. 2 8 50, rev. 1 70 10 12. rev. 1.2-3 70 1-10 70 1 59 3.4 66, rev. 1-4 4 1 INDIA Iti CIKi II. Ml.- 1 l<> 100. 19 < Irtulir bod I'll"! ..i ITacroJact] Slpka ■rra graminum i m Itnrrum.) mid '■''•) thrlp varietli • • volunteer, destruction In control >>r tlmnn ■■• ■ Wheel bug. (See .in"; i White fly, greenhouse. (See Altfrodu vaporariontm.) ■ hydrooyan iremedj . . „ riII i tfndti eitri.) I ;,,»/,.1 pKMMI.) Winn G i' circular." >' American I ■•White veins" In wrapper tobacco the work ol / urtrip* ».r-xlanjr. Whitewash and carbold tchlckon mite Willow food plant of Carwol l Inarid innumrrabiUs .. in|ur\ by CVraa buoaiiM. ... Wilt disease of cucurbits, cotton, and cowpeas, bacterial BaelUut traeheiphiltu and A ' vatinficta. Window By. i See S« nopfiMM f< MSlroiw.) w Ire ; ; ' Screen, « Ire i. barriers against round-headed apple-tree borei rnsln requirements relative to shipment ofnorsei hazel, food planl ol Ma Woodpecker, red-headed, enemy ol grasshoppers. . Woodpeckers, enemies of CJ : bothrUfemorata Sopcrda Candida. . . Wood, seasoned, injury by powder i j, Albert F., circular. for Fumigating Greenhouses at Frame , and Dorsi n. P. H-, olrotUar, " Hydn ' ' Greenhouses and Cold Fra Woolens, food of A nArtnui scrnnhulariar Tinea itellinnrUn Tintnla hi.ielliella frfcfti 'II" gnawed by oockroachei Woolly aph. iiro taniflffo.) apple louse I I'liiirrn.) "Worms " colloquial name for chestnut-weevil larva Wuromuiasmithu. distinctive characters of Ian Wyoming, requirements relative to shipment of nursi v. ZaaOfomspp. (See CoeUebar.) , , . . . „ Xanthosomn tindem. fumigation with hydt 94 M M 90 rev. t 61, rev. •,, .;, rev. -' 4 i I I l -' 9 2 -' e S-9 ■2 4 II 7 1-11 1 I I 1-3 1-3 o , It'll Ip