DRY-KIEN TEMPERATURE SCHEDUEES ECR AIRCRAFT EUMBER Revised June 1943 I UNIV. OF Ft LIB. U.S. DEPOSITORY No. 1360 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Madison, Wisconsin In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin ■ •- - LI : -ctive in ; of aircrafl th. It ha eei jmonstrated are kept wit. oper limits, the strei bh be seriously reduced. , aeycombin -, and other , -- , has m to be no guarantee of the suitabilit" of wood for use in i ne . Drying Schedules A edule usually specifies both the temreratures and relat' humidities that are to be used at various stapes of the dry: tei relative humidities are based on the current ncisture of the stock. The I ore si: 1 roducts Laboratory prefers to make changes in t peratures and relative humidities at specific .-.oisture content va" . , uses this type of drying schedule almost exclusively . ir, aber of a piven species and thickness has been dried i pecific kiln often enough to establish the relationship between moisture content and the lc of time the lumber has been in the kiln, a - .^erature schedule car. adopt*-- • The te ures and relative humidities f.ive ryii le are assumed to be ;e w Lc exist in the hottest an est zr Lin, vledpe of the distribution of temperature is . Successful drying cannot be ac Lin is in- able of mainta^ he conditions s a drying the length of the kiln on th Lde Lr enters ^e as nearly uniform as possible, i should a 4- duri ryi 3 exceed 10° les The succes: : ul use of a drying schedule based upon current moisture t requires a system by which the moisture content of the lumber in t. s nes of the charge can be determined with both ease and certainty. . t system so far developed involves the use :iln sample . These are • ely short pieces of the wettest, thickest, and sic - stock in iln charge* ->mples are coated at both end? - -_• -> n t material before being dried, Aft Bir i: Isture tit values ha-^ samples are distributed in rucks located — r reries of progress ttion's defense e: ". tutes a <.bora+ Lmeo« No. 135", "Aircrafl 41. . L360 I -' - parts of the kiln where drying occurs most rapidly and most slowly, arid allowed to dry with the rest of the kiln charge. Periodically, these samples are weighed and returned to their respective locations in the kiln. The current moisture content of each sample is calculated and this moisture content is as- sumed to be at least as high as that of any "board in that part of the kiln in which the sample is placed. Kiln Temperatures The temperatures permitted by tables 1 and 2 are based on thousands of strength tests on material kiln dried in many experimental runs. Careful ad- herence to these temperature schedules, together with proper regulation of the relative humidity, may be expected to produce lumber that is fully equal in strength properties and all other respects to the most carefully air-dried stock. Since relative humidities in themselves do not affect the strength of aircraft wood as long as they are high enough to prevent checking and honey- combing, the relative humidity schedule is left to the discretion of the kiln operator, whose judgment will be influenced by a desire to dry the stock as rapidly as possible without kiln degrade. The specified temperatures are maxi- mum values, and are to be changed from time to time in accordance with the wetter half of the samples in the hottest location in the kiln.' Mimeo. Ho. 1360 (Revised) -2- Table 1. — Temporature sche dule. : Schedule numbers according to thickness Species : Up to and includij ^S • : Greater : than 3 : inches : 1 : i nch : 1-1/2 r inches : 2 : inches : 3 : inches Softwoods: ; i Baldcypresc : 4 : 4 : 5 : 6 1 7 Douglas-fir : 3 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 Fir, noble red : 2 r 3 : 3 1 4 1 4 1 5 : 6 : 6 : 7 : 7 Hemlock, western l 4 i 5 : 6 : 6 : 7 Pine, northern white ponderosa red sugar western white 4 ' 4 2 ' 3 4 | 5 5 3 4 5 : 6 ; 6 I 4 5 6 : 7 : 6 : 6 : 6 : 7 : 8 1 7 : 7 : 7 : 8 Spruce, red Sitka white j 1 2 : 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 : 5 5 5 : 6 6 6 White-cedar, Port Orford : 2 i 3 : 4 5 6 Hardwoods: : Ash, commercial white : 5 : 5 < Birch, yellow : 5 : 5 i ! Cherry, black : 5 : 5 : Khaya ("African mahogany") : 5 : 5 : 1 < i'.ahogany, West Indies : 5 : 5 : 1 : I Maple, silver : sugar : 3 : 3 : 3 : 3 : i ! Oak, commercial red : commercial white ; 8 J 8 : 8 : 8 ; 1 1 i Sweotgum i G : 6 : Yellowpoplar : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 7 .Walnut, black : 4 : 4 Mimeo, i:o. 1360 (Revised) Table 2. -.-Drying temperatures. Moisture content s chedule number 1 : 2 3 i 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 i 8 Percent ! o^ 4 ; oy t °F. ' °F. ,* °r. 45 or more i 140 : 135 : 130 : 125 i 120 ! 115 : 110 : 105 ^40 • 145 : 140 : 135 • 130 i 125 120 115 : 110 30 • 150 : 145 i 140 ', 135 130 125 : 120 : 115 25 155 150 i ' 145 140 | 135 130 . 125 : 120 20 160 155 150 145 1 • 140 135 130 i 125 15 ! 165 160 1 155 • 150 145 140 135 ' 130 10 to final ! « 170 ' 165 160 ' 155 - 150 145 140 135 —When the initial moisture content of the stock exceeds 40 percent, the initial temperature should be maintained until the moisture content reaches 40 percent, at which stage of the drying the temperature may be increased 5° F, &lmeo. No„ 1360 (Revised) IVERSITV OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08925 4386