UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE Washington 25, D. C. B.E.P.q. 578-4 SUMMARY OF STATE NURSERY- STOCK SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS AND PLANT QUARANTINES AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING INTERSTATE SHIPMENTS ARIZONA The information contained in this summary was compiled from material received from the plant quarantine official of Arizona and has "been ap- proved "by him. It is issued for the convenience of plant quarantine inspectors, shippers, transportation agents, truckers, and others con- cerned in the interstate movement of plants, plant products, and other materials subject to State regulation on account of plant pests. The summary for Arizona gives the general requirements for shipping nursery stock into that State, as well as digests of the State plant quarantines and regulations affecting interstate shipments. An appendix furnishes information on post-office requirements for mailing plants as well as terminal-inspection procedure. This summary does not include digests of requirements relating to the movement of plants entirely within the State. The information contained in this circular is "believed to "be correct and complete up to the time of preparation,' "but it is not in- tended to "be used independently of, or as a substitute for, the original texts of the regulations and quarantines, and it is not to "be interpreted as legally authoritative. For detailed information address the State Entomologist, Commission of Agriculture and Horticulture, P. 0. Box 2006, Pho enix, Arizona. In addition to State requirements, shippers will need to take into consideration applicable plant quarantines of the United States Department of Agriculture. In most instances these quarantines regulate the inter- state movement of specified plants, plant products, and other articles from designated regulated .areas. However, some of these quarantines regulate the movement of certain articles into designated protected areas. Copies of such quarantines may "be obtained from the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington 25, D. C. Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine ARIZONA Summary of G-eneral Nursery-Stock Shipping Requirements (Ariz. Crop Pest Law, Ariz. Code 1939, ch. Up, art. 1, sees. 109, 111, 11 Regulations, 1938, 1939. 19^2, 19UU, 19U7) Definition of Nursery Stock. — All woody plants — wild or cultivated; herbaceous "biennials and perennials; "bulbs and annuals; decorative plant materials; seeds, fruits, cuttings, "buds, grafts, scions, and other plants or plant products for propagation, except vegetable and flower seeds. General Shipping Requirements.' — All nursery stock and plant products transported into the State must "be prominently labeled with (l) names and addresses of shipper and consignee, (2) statement of contents of shipment, (3) locality where grown-, and (U) certificate' of inspection of State of origin. Any dangerously infested shipment is subject to return or destruction. All nursery stock and plants subject to inspection moving into Arizona must be free from wax or other coatings of sufficient opacity to interfere with inspection for scales and other insects. The use of thin, transparent preservative coatings will be permitted. Common carriers must hold undelivered any shipment of nursery , stock or plant products until inspected and a certificate of release issued to carrier and consignee. The personal effects and conveyances of highway travelers are . subject to -inspection on entering Arizona, .and any articles that may be the means of disseminating any crop pest in the State .will be destroyed or shipped -out of the State by common carrier at the option and expense of the owner. Plant Materials Subject to Terminal Inspection . The State of Arizona has arranged, under the plan outlined in the appendix, for terminal inspection of the following materials: - All florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions, buds, fruit pits, and other seeds of fruit and ornamental trees or shrubs, and other plants and plant products for propagation, except vegetable and flower seeds. The State has also arranged for the enforcement of quarantine orders relating to the boll weevil and pink bollworm; European corn borer; general citrus pests; grape phylloxera; nut-tree insects; peach mosaic; peach yellows, peach rosette, and little peach; strawberry root weevils; and sweet potato weevil. •; Ariz on?, nursery- stock shipping requirements -3- Termirial Inspection Points in Arizona Benson Bi sbee* Bowie* Casa G-rande* Chandler* Douglas* Duncan* Flagstaff* G-lendale* Globe Holbrook Singman " Mesa* Mogales* Parker Phoenix Prescott Safford Solomonsville Spri ngerville Tempe* Tucson Williams* Winslow* • Yuma Places where inspection may he had upon call only. Arizona plant quarantines -U- Summary of Plant Quarantines and Regulations Avocados — Treatment and Inspection (Regulation 8, revised Mar. Shipments of avocados are admissible only when (l) fumigated according to methods specified in the regulation and when the containers hear a distinctive identifying mark, which, when approved "by the Arizona Commission of Agriculture and Horticulture, serves as the certification of treatment hy the State of origin or (2) inspected and passed "by an Arizona inspector. Any avocados moving into Arizona and found to he heavily infested with scale insects will he refused admittance regardless of certi- fication or treatment. Arizona plant quarantines Boll' Weevil and Pink Bollworn , (Quarantine Order No. 7, revised Feh. 23, 19^+1 . ?s amended Apr. 20, IjUk) No restrictions are placed "by this quarantine on the movement into Arizona of any cotton or cotton products grown in and transported from California. Host plants and carriers of pink bollworm or "boll weevil will not "be allowed to enter Arizona except under the following regulations: Seed cotton or cottonseed grown in any State or Territory infested with the above-named pests will he admitted only under special Arizona permit; seed cotton or cottonseed from nonlnf ested areas will he admitted under Arizona permi t specifying handling conditions.. Cotton lint, linters, samples, waste, sweepings, cottonseed hulls, and other forms of unmanufactured cotton will he admitted only from noninf ested areas and under Arizona permit specifying handling conditions. The following articles will he admitted from all areas as specified: Cottonseed cake and meal in new or clean containers and under certi- fication of the State of origin; used picking hags when cleaned and entering through Arizona quarantine inspection stations; used ginning, milling, or cotton manufacturing machinery under Arizona permit; and Spanish moss only when certified by the State of origin as having "been processed, ginned, and fumigated. Baggage, emigrant movahles, used household and camping equipment and effects, used farming implements, and other field appliances arriving at any common-carrier station in Arizona from the following States must he held undelivered until inspected and released: Alahama Arkansas Florida Georgia. Kansas Kentucky Loui si ana Mississippi Mi ssouri New Mexico North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Baggage, emigrant movahles, used household and camping equipment and effects, used farming implements, and other field appliances and all automobiles, trailers, trucks, or other vehicles arriving in Arizona hy other than common-carrier transportation from the ahove-na.med States are placed in quarantine until inspected and determined as free from ho 11 weevil and pink hollworm. It is the duty of all common carriers to clean and free of cotton or cotton products or otherwise treat all cars, trucks, or trailers us^d for the transportation of such materials in or through any infested area before such vehicles enter Arizona. Arizona plant quarantines -6- 3oll Weevil and Pink Sollworm (Cont.) Any quarantine regulations promulgated by the United States Department of Agriculture on the interstate movement of the articles or commodities restricted hereunder shall supersede these provisions; provided that if such Federal regulations are> not enforced for any State or portion thereof, then the provisions herein set forth shall "be in force and effect, l/ Crown G-all (Quarantine Regulation No. 3» revised May 17, 19^0 Any trees or plants showing crown-gall infection are prohibited from entering Arizona. If more than 30 percent of the trees or plants of any one kind in a shipment are found visibly affected by crown gall, admittance into the State of all trees or plants of that kind in the shipment will be refused. 1 / The Secretary of Agriculture has promulgated and is enforcing a Federal quarantine (No. 52) pertaining to the pink bollworm, which governs the interstate movement of regulated articles from rpgulated areas in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas to points outside thereof. Arizona plant quarantines -7- European Corn Borer (Quarantine Order No. 12, revised July 2U, -19^7) I' -Stalks, . ears, . cobs, or other. parts or' debris ■< of . corn; broon.corn, sorghums, and Sudan grass ( except clean seed and shelled grain) grown in cr shipped from the quarantined area, as 'such, as packing, or as seed- contamination refuse, will he admitted into Arizona only when each ship- ment or lot is accompanied by certification of treatment un^er the super- vision of (l) an inspector of the Federal Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine in such a way as to eliminate the borer or (?) an official of the State of origin by a method approved by the State Entomologist and detailed in the certification. Cut flowers and entire plants of aster,' chrysanthemum, dahlia, and gladiolus (except ccrms, roots, bulbs, or tubers without stems) , Hwa beans and green shell beans (cranberry or horticultural) in the'p^d, beet's with tops and rhubarb (cut or plants) grown in or shipped from the quarantined area will be admitted into Arizona only when each shipment or lot is ac- companied by certification by a Federal official or by the State of origin that such material has been inspected and found fre^ from the borer,' except that cut flowers and entire plants of chrysanthemum, an^- rhubarb (cut or plants) will be admitted if officially certified to be greenhouse- propagated and greenhouse-grown. There are no restrictions upon the movement of the above-mentioned' quarantined articles that are processed or manufactured. Quarantined area Connecticut Michigan Pennsylvania Delaware Minnesota Rhode Island Illinois r _ Missouri , South Dakota. , .. Indiana Nebraska . Tennessee: Counties of Iowa New Hampshire , Montgomery., Robertson, Kansas New Jersey Sumner Kentucky New York Vermont Maine North Carolina , Virginia Maryland North Dakota West Virginia Massachusetts Ohio Wisconsin Arizona plant quarantines -g- General Citrus Quarantine Citrus Canker, Citrus Fruit Flies, and Other Citrus Pests (Quarantine Order No. 5, revised Apr. 26, 1939, as amended Apr. 27, lgi+U, and May 1, 19Ug) . All species of citrus plants and parts thereof, including citrus fruits, seeds, "buds, scions, and cuttings, from any State or Territory - are prohibited from moving into Arizona except as authorized "by the Arizona State Entomologist. Citrus fruits. — Citrus fruits grown in California will "be admitted into Arizona subject to inspection upon arrival. Citrus fruits grown in Texas will be admitted only under Arizona permit, subject to inspection upon arrival, and with Texas certification of freedom from citrus canker, sterilization for Mexican fruit fly as. prescribed by the IT. S. Department of Agriculture, and treatment for surface pests by. a method approved by the Arizona State Entomologist. Identity of all treated fruit must be maintained, and it must be protected from reinf estation.- Citrus fruits grown in other States will be admitted only under Arizona permit, when free from leaves and shipned in new or clean con- tainers direct from the State or Territory where grown. Permits will not be issued to cover any citrus fruits known to be hosts of any species of the fruit fly' family Trypetidae from a, locality known to be so infested. Permits will not be issued unless the State of origin has been free of citrus canker during the 3 previous years, as determined by thorough annual surveys, and free from any other pest not present or established in Arizona. All shipments made under permit must be accompanied by State-of-origin certification of compliance with such requirements. A copy of such certificate must be mailed at time of shipment to the State Entomologist, Phoenix. Mexican sour limes will be admitted only when accompanied by a certi- ficate of treatment by methods specified in the quarantine and issued by an official of the U. S. Department of Agriculture or State from which shipment is made. Citrus plants and parts thereof, including seed. — An Arizona permit must be obtained for the movement into Arizona of citrus s^eds from any State or Territory, except California. The State Entomologist will specify in such permit the manner of shipment and treatment required. Citrus nursery stock grown in California will be admitted only under Arizona permit and conditions specified by the State Entomologist. Citrus trees and budwood may be imported for experimental purposes by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Stations under special permit issued by and under conditions approved by the Arizona State Entomologist. Applications for permits. — 'Applications for permits should be made to the Arizona State Entomologist by the importer in Arizona, specifying the quantity and kind of citrus fruits, seeds, or nursery stock it is desired to import, the locality where grown, the manner of shipment, and the names and addresses of shipper a.nd consignee, Arizona plant quarantines G-rape Phylloxera (Quarantine Order No. 3i revised Jan. 5. 19^5) Grapevines or cuttings thereof (rooted or otherwise) showing; evidence of infestation by phylloxera are prohibited from entering Arizona. If they show no visible evidence of such infestation they will be admitted when accompanied by certification that (l) they have been treated by methods specified in the quarantine or (2) they have been grown in a phylloxera-free area, as determined by annual surveys. Arizona plant quarantines -10- Peach Mosaic Disease (Quarantine Order No. 9, revise! liar. 31, I9U7) Restricted products. — Almond, apricot, nectarine, oeach, plum, and prune trees, rootstock, grafts, bu-^s, or other parts thereof capable of propa- gation, except fruit pits. Conditions governing shipment. — The restricted products may not be trans- ported from any regulated er^a into, within, or from Arizona unless each shipment is accompanied by s valid peach-mosaic inspection certificate of the State of origin, bearing the name and address of the grower. Conditions of certification. — Certificates may be issued on condition that all diseased trees ore removed from the environs of nurseries and budwood sources for a radius of 1 mile by or before May 1^, and that a subsequent fall inspection is made of the peach nursery stock before defoliation, pro- vided that certificate will not be issued for 1 year following the finding of mosaic infection either in or immediately adjacent to a nursery block or budwood orchard. The annual inspection of host trees within such 1-mile radius is required. All budwood from a regulated area must be cut under the supervision of an inspector and be covered by a special certificate. Regulated areas 2/ Arizona: Counties of Apache, Cochise, Coconino, Graham, Maricopa, Pima, Santa Cruz, Yavapai California: All 0f San Diego County and those portions of Los Angelas, Riverside, and San Eernardino Counties covered by California intrastate quarantine. Colorado: Counties of Delta, Mesa, Montezuma New Mexico: Counties of Bernalillo, Dona Ana, Lincoln, Otero, Ri^ Arriba, Sandoval, San Juan, Santa. Fe, Sierra, Socorro, Taos, Valencia Oklahoma: Counties of Alfalfa, Bryan, Johnston, Woods Texas: Counties of Brown, Burnet, Callahan, Cherokee, Comanchee, Dallas, Eastland, El Paso, Fannin, Fisher, Floyd, Hale, Hudspeth, Jones, Mills, Palo Pinto, Parker, Runnels, Rusk, San Saba, Smith, Tarrant, Taylor, Upshur, Wilbarger, Wood, Young. Utah: Counti°s of Grand and Washington 2/ B.E.P. Q. suggested standard peach-mosaic regulated area, Dec. I9U6. Arizona plant quarantines -11^ Peach Yellows, Peach Rosette, and Little Peach (Quarantine Order No. 8, revised Jan. 5. 19^5) Restricted articles. — Trees, cuttings, grafts, scions, or "buds, of all species and varieties, including the "flowering forms, of almond, aoricot, nectarine, peach, plum, and prune, or any trees budded or grafted on "oeach stock or roots. Conditions governing shipment. —The restricted articles will not be admitted into Arizona from the quarantined area unless the State of origin certifies that they were produced Cl) in a county free from infection with these dis- eases, as determined by adequate annual surveys satisfactory to the Arizona State Entomologist, and (2) from disease-free bud sources, rootstocks, and environs. One copy of such certificate must accompany the shipment, and another must be forwarded at time of shipment to the State Entomologist. Quarantined area Alabama Indiana North Carolina Arkansas Kentucky Ohio Connecticut Maryland Oklahoma Delaware Massachusetts Pennsylvani a District of Columbia Michigan Rhode Island Florida Missi ssippi Bouth Carolina Georgia New Jersey Tennessee Illinois New York Vi rginia West Virginia Arizona plant quarantines -12- Pecan Leaf and Nut Casebearers (Quarantine Order No. 13, revised Jan. 5, 19^5) Restricted articles. — All species of hickory, pecan, and walnut trees and parts thereof, except the nuts. Conditions governing; shipment. — Restricted articles moving into Arizona from the quarantined area must "be accompanied "by certification of the State of origin that such articles (l) originated outside the quaran- tined area, were protected from infestation while within the quarantined area, and identity maintained, or (2) were fumigated "by a method approved "by the Arizona State Entomologist. Treatment certificates should state details of treatment or may state, "Treated and handled in accordance with Pecan Casebearer quarantine requirements of the State of desti- nation. " Sudwo^d and scions of the restricted plants may he admitted in limited quantities under certification of treatment or under permit of the Arizona State Entomologist. The importer in Arizona, in applying for such permit, should state the quantity and kind of budwood and scions desired, their origin, and the names and addresses of the shipper and the person to whom the permit should be sent. Quarantined area. — States east of and including Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico. Pecan Weevil and Hickory Shuckworm (Quarantine Order No. 15, effective Jan. 5» 19^+5) Restricted articles. — Nuts of all species of hickory, pecan, and walnut, not including the extracted me^ts. Conditions governing shipment. — Husk-free restricted nuts arriving in Arizona, from the quarantined area must be held for inspection and may be released when ( 1) inspected and found free from pests or (2) treated by methods approved by the Arizona State Entomologist and so certified by the State of origin. Restricted nuts in husks or hulls or ship- ments contaminated therewith, arriving from the quarantined area, will be admitted only when treated as prescribed. Restricted nuts originating outside the quarantined area may be reshipped from any point within the quarantined area into Arizona, provided continued identity is maintained, rmd when accompanied by certification of the State of shipment as to the State of origin, point of reshipment, manner of shipment, amount and kind of articles com- prising shipment, and names and addresses of shipper and consignee. Quarantined area. — The entire United States except California. Arizona plant quarantines -13- Red Scales',, Mealybugs., Whiteflie.s (Quarantine Order No. "4, revised Jan. 15, 1948) Restricted plants Acacia spp. > (acacias) . Leptospermum spp. (teatrees) Bamboo Lonicera spp. (honeysuckle) Berberis spp. (barberries) Mas a spp. (bananas) Buy us spp. (box) Myrtus' spp. (myrtle) Callistemon spp. (bottlebrush) Nerium spp. (oleanders) Ficus spp. (fig) Plea spp. (olives) Gardenia spp. (gardenias, cape- jasmine) Palmaceae (palms) Genista spp. (broom) . _ Parkins on ia spp. (parkinsonias ) Hedera spp. (ivy) Hiotinia spp. (photinias)- , Hibiscus spp. (hibiscus, roscmallow) Salix spp. (willows) Ilex spp. (holly) . Schinus spp. (peppertrees) Jasmin urn 'spp. (jasmine, jessamine) Viburnum spp. (viburnums) Lagerstroemia spp. (crapomyrtle) Vine a spp. (periwinkles) Lantana spp. (lantanas) Wistaria spp. (wistarias) Laurus spp. (laurel, sweetbay) Also all other known host plants of the above-named pests. The restricted plants and parts thereof are admissible from the in- fested area (1) when inspected upon arrival in Arizona and found free from any dangerous insect pest or plant disease or (2) when accompanied by State-of-origin certification of fumigation by one of the methods specified in the quarantine and subject to inspection upon arrival. Rooted plants or cuttings of all varieties of Camellia (Thea) spp. (camellias); Ceratonia siliqua (carob); Cocculus spp. (snailseed); Euonymus spp. (euonymus); Ligustrum spp. (privets); Mandina domestica (nandina); and Rcsa spp. (canned, potted, or balled roses) may be shipped into Arizona from the infested area, subject to inspection upon arrival, only when accompanied. by Statp-ol -origin certification of fumigation by one of the methods specified in the quarantine. Certificates must give details and date of treatment, varieties of such plants or cuttings treated, numbers of each, and names and addresses of shipper and consignee, and affirm that the materials treated have been protected from reinf estation. Infested area Alabama Florida Mississippi South Carolina Arkansas Georgia New Mexico Tennessee California Louisiana Forth Carolina Texas Arizona plant quarantines -14- Strawberry 'Root "Weevils (Quarantine Order Uc. 10, revised Jan. 25, 1945) Strawberry plants will be admitted into Arizona from the infested area, subject to inspection upon arrival, when each shipment is accompanied by State-of-origin or Federal certification that such plants were- grown in a weevil-free area and have been inspected and found free from pests and diseases. Such certificate must set forth names and addresses of consignor and consignee, locality where plants were grown, and date of shipment. Strawberry plants from the infested -area will be admitted when fumi- gated by one of the methods specified in the quarantine. Each shipment of fumigated plants must' be accompanied by a State-of-origin or Federal certificate stating the number of plants, "names and addresses of shipper and consignee, date of treatment, and dosage schedule use'd. A copy of such certificate "must be mailed to the Arizona State Entomologist, Fhoenix. Infested area Calif ornia Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana lew a Kansas Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Montana Nebraska New Kampshiru New Jersey New Mexico Mew Y^rk Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island Texas Utah Vermont Virginia ■ Washington West Virginia Wisconsin V;yomii:g Arizona plant Quarantines -15- Swf.e tpotato Weevil (Quarantine Order No. 6, revised June 2U, 19U6) Plants of sweetpotato and morning-glory an^ parts thereof, grown, packed, or stored in the infested area, may not move into Arizona. Sweetpotatoes or yams from the infested area may move into Arizona only when accompanied "by a State-of-origin certificate of fumigation "by methods approved by the Arizona State Entomologist, showing details and date of treatment. Sweetpotato plants and parts thereof, sweetpotatoes, and yams, grown, packed, or stored outside the infested area, may move into Arizona when each shipment is accompanied "by a certificate of origin signed "by an official of the State of origin; morning-glory plants originating in non- infested areas are unrestricted. If origin and subsequent handling of tubers cannot be determined they must be fumigated and so certified "by the State of origin. The State of California is exempt from all restrictions under this auarantine. A copy of each certificate must be mailed at time of shipment to the Arizona State Entomologist, Phoenix. Infested area Counties of Baldwin and Mo "bile Entire State exc ept the counties of Franklin, Gulf, Hamilton, Holmes, Jefferson, Madison, Okaloosa, Wakulla, Walton, Washington Counties of Brooks, Camden, Chatham, Colquitt, Glynn, Grstdyy, Mcintosh, Tift, Thomas, Worth • Sahine Parish and parishes south of and including Vernon, Rapides, Avoyelles, Pointe Coupee, East Feliciana, Saint Helena, Tangipahoa, Washington, West Feliciana. Counties of Greene, Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, Walthall Counties of An^li'na, Aransas, Atascosa, Austin, Bandera, Bastrop, Bee, Bell, Bexar, Blanco, Bosque, Erazoria, Brazos,- Brooks, Burleson, Burnet, Caldwell, Calhoun, Cameron, Ch^nber Chambers, Colorado, Comal, Concho, Coryell, Crane, Crockett, De Witt, Dimmit, Duval-, Edwards, Falls, Fayette, Fort Bend, Frio, Galveston, Gillespie, Goliad, Gonzales, Grimes, Guadalupe, Hamilton, Hardin, Harris, Hays, Hidalgo, Hill, Irion, Jackson, Jasper, Jeff Davis, Jefferson, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kendall, Kenedy, Kerr, KimDle, Kinney, Kleberg, Lampasas, La Salle, Lava.ca, Lee, Liberty, Limestone, Live Oak, Llano, McCulloch, McLennan, McMullen, Mason, Matagorda, Maverick, Medina, Menard, Milam, Mills, Montgomery, Nacogdoches, Newton, Nueces, Orange, Pecos, Polk, Presidio, Reagan, Real, Refugio, Sahine, San Augustine, San Jpcinto, San Patricio, San Saba, Schleicher, Shelhy, Sta.rr, Sutton, Terrell, Travis, Trinity, Tyler, Upton, Uvalde, Val Verde, Victoria, Walk°r, Waller, Washington, Webb, Wharton, Willacy, Williamson, Wilson, Zapata, Zavala Alabama: Florida: Georgia: Loui si ana: Mi ssi ssippi : Texas: Arizona plant quarantines -16- We s tern Celery Mosaic (Quarantine Order No, lo, effective June 28, I9U5) Movement of rooted plants of caraway, carrot, celeriac, celery, chervil, coriander, dill, and parsley into Arizona from any State is prohibited unless each shipment is accompanied by certification by the State of origin that such plants were grown in a disease-free area, as determined by adequate annual surveys. The certificate anist also state the names and addresses of shipper and consignee, the kind and number of plants in the shipment, and the district where the plants were grown. A copy of the certificate must be mailed at time of shipment to the Stat** Hhtomologist, Phoenix. Shipments of quarantined plants are subject to inspection upon arrival. There are no restrictions on the movement into Arizona of quarantined plants for food purposes, Materials Admissible ^or Experimental Purposes Quarantine Orders provide for entry of restricted plants and plant materials when requested by the United States Department of Agriculture or the Arizona agricultural experiment stations. The above summary was checked and approved on June IS, 19^-S. by J. L. E. Lauderdale, State Entomologist, with respect to the quarantines then in effect. AFPENDIX Requirements for Mailing; Plants and Plant Products Under the postal "laws a hd regulations, nursery stock, incliHi": * all field-grown florists' stock, 'trees, shrubs, vines, -cuttings, grafts, scions, buds, fruit nits, and other-see^s of fruit an-* ornamental trees or shrubs, and other 'plants an^ "plant products for orooagation, including strawberry plants ( except fi el^ , vegetable, ahd ^lower seeds, bedding plants and oth£r .herbaceous 'plants, 'bulbs, an^ roots), may he admitted to the. mails only when accompanied by a. 3tat> -inspect! o"n ■■ edrtittc'^te $H 'the effect that the nursery or premises - f rom which such stock is shipped has been inspected within a year ani found free-froi? injurious insects and plant diseases. Parcels containing such aurserv ?tock must be plainly marked, to show the nature of the-contents and the name an^ address of the sender. (Postal Lavs and Regulaticn-s 1°^, sec. 59^.) Inspection -17- certifica tion must be done "by a plant quarantine official of the State of origin. An individual mailing of such plants or plant products, if from uninspected premises, will also $e accepted upon examination and certifi- cation by a State plant quarantine official. The address of the Arizona plant quarantine official Is given in the preceding summary. Terminal! Imspectloft of -Mail Shipment s of Plants and Plant Products (Act Mar. k, 1915, as amended June U, 19^6; Fostal Laws and Regulations 19^°» pec. ^9^) Establishment of Terminal Inspection. — Any State desiring to operate under the provisions of the terminal inspection law so as to regulate the movement of mail shipments of plants and Plant products into (or within) the State may, after having provided therefor at State expense and having designated one or more places where inspection will "be maintained, arrange to have such mail shipments turned over to State plant quarantine inspectors for examination at designated inspection points. Application will he made to the Secretary of Agriculture by submitting a list of plants and plant products and the plant pests transmitted thereby which are to be examined. The list, when approved in whole or in part, will be transmitted to the Postmaster General whereupon postmasters will be informed and instructed. ' Anyone- mailing a parcel containing any plants or plant products ad- dressed to any place within a State maintaining terminal inspection thereof is required, under the law, to have the parcel plainly marked on the out- side to show the nature of the contents. Materials shipped under Federal quarantine certificates issued by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine may be exempted from terminal inspection at the option of the receiving State. TUnder the provisions of the 193^ amendment to the law, any State may arrange through Federal channels, after approval by the Secretary of Agriculture as indicated above, to regulate or prohibit the movement into (or within) the State of mail shipments of designated plants and plant products the movement of which would constitute a violation of State plant quarantine laws or regulations. Terminal Inspection Procpjurpc — Uoon arrival in any State maintaining terminal inspection, plants or plant products named on the approved list will be forwarded by the postmaster at destination to the nearest in- spection point. If the plants or plant products are found, upon inspec- tion, to be free from injurious pests and not in violation of any plant quarantine or regulation of the Stet° of destination or the United States Department of Agriculture, or if disinfest-d when they ?r° found, infested, such plants or plant products will th°n be forwarded by the postmaster at the point of inspection to the addressee upon payment of postage. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09314 7527 If plants or plant products, unon inspection, are found to be in- fested with injurious pests and cannot be satisfactorily disinfested, or are in violation of any plant quarantine or regulation of the State of destination or the United States Department of Agriculture, the post- master upon notification by the? State inspector will inform the sender that the parcel will be returned to him upon his request and at his ex- pense. In default of such request the parcel will be turned over to the State authorities for destruction. Terminal inspection of plants and plant products is now maintained by Arizona, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii , Idaho, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Oregon , Puerto Rico, Utah, and Washington. Plants and plant products subject to terminal inspection and places wh^re terminal— inspection service is maintained are listed at the end of the summary of the general nursery- stock shipping require- ments for each of the above-mentioned States, District, and Territories. Procedure for Paying Forwarding Postage. — Methods of paying forwarding postage arw= provided to expedite tha handling of parcels subject to ter- minal inspection, as follows: (l) The addressee may have the parcels ad- dressed to himself in car<= of the State inspector at a designated terminal- inspection point in the State of destination and provide the inspector with postage for forwarding the inspected plants; or (?) the addressee may arrange with the sender to place on th° parcels a pledge reading "Forwarding postage guaranteed,*1 whereupon the additional postage for forwarding will be collected from the addressee.