M/\CfVL-;M3 / NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS WARTIME REPORT ORIGINALLY ISSUED January 19U3 as Advance Restricted Report FLIGHT INVESTIGATICN OF NACA ©3 COVTLINGS (M THE JS-\2. AIRPLANE II - LOW- INLET-VELOCITY COWLING WITH AXIAL-FLOW FAN AND PROPELLER CUFFS By J. Ford Johnston and T. J. Voglewede Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory Langley Field, Va. WASHINGTON NACA WARTIME REPORTS are reprints of papers originally Issued to provide rapid dlstrlbuUon of advance research results to an authorized group requiring them for the war effort. They were pre- viously held under a security status but are now unclassified. Some of these reports were not tech- nically edited. All have been reproduced without change In order to expedite general distribution. L - 2U3 17} J(J . ? '^-' " ! ^ lIATIOi\TAL ADVISORY COMMITT^'lE FOH AEHOITAUTICS ADVAITCE HioTHIG'j.'ED HEPORT PLIGHT IFVS3TIGATI01T 07 iJACA Dg CO'.vLniGS CIT ?HE XP-42 AIRPLAl I II - L0>J-ISL3?-VEL0CITY COWLIiJ-G WI'j?R AXIAL-FLOV/ EA'J -1 AlTD PROPELLER CUFFS :'?y J. Ford Johr.iitori and 1} . J. Voglewede SUMMARY The results aro presented of a seriec- of flight tests of the pei'f orm-ince and cooling cha.rac t er i s t i c s in hi/j;h-speed level ilisj,'ht and in clirab of the XP-42 airplsnn equip^jed v/ith a shoi-t-no?e lev;- inlst- veloc ity cowling and an axial- flo'-f fan mounted on the spinner. Thi:: cowl in ;T is one of a series biaing- te^jtod in an effort to improve the pe rf ornia,nc e and coolin^t; characteristics of air-cooled engine ins t ^,lla-• t i o n s . The results of the t-Dsts indicated a Eiaxirnum spoed of 230 miles per hour at c90 horsepower :xt 16,000 feet, "'hich is above the sn^;inj critici'i.l altitude, pres;jura inec, j^ a"'orn en t s at the sntrnnGos to tho cylinder ■baffles shov'od a uniform d :I s t r i'ju t i on of co olin.«c-a ir pres- sur.is on -uh.j fr^nt of the er.?:ine in hi;^h- speed level fli5;ht and a fairly jvv^n dl ,:; t r ie-i'.. ion in clir..D„ These front pres- sures 3.v3rufei 67 percent of f rj^e-s trt am impact preiinire in the high-^peed condition, 99 percent in full-povrer climh at 155 miles per hou.rj and lOC percenb in full-pover climh at 140 miles per hour. Cyl inder-hv'ad. t empa r...ture s v;era 'veil helow their c;pcc- Ified DimiG undar all condition"^, but riaximum c:/linder- "base temp-'.rc'.tura.t- in the h\i!;h-spccd condition exceeded their cpeoified limit whan corrected to Arnv summer air. Cylinder- "oase t -Trupsr atur es in climb ■./■■ire marginal. V'hen the cylinder baffling v/as made more nearly r^tand- ard by ramoval of the spacial sftalins; stripe- at the oottora of the baffles on the cylinder barrels, maximum has e- temper- ature indications i,vero reduced 1.':''-^' F. A redu.ction of this magnitude brint- all conditions. bass tempor atur'?s balov; Army limits in INTRODUCTION The ImACA iG c omUxc t inp an exte.isive series of flight testR, as outlined in referencer 1 and 2, in an attempt to improve the characteristics of radial air-cooled engine installations . In ox'"der to differentiate readily between the various installations tested, test numbers have been assigned to each airplane condition. They are as follows: Test Tjx>3 of cov-lin^; and flight condition 1 Long-no '0 high- inlet -v-jloc i ty co'/ling v/ith small cowl flaps; high speed 3 Long-nose high-inlet-velocity cowling '-/ith modi- fied cowl flaps; climb 3 Siiort-nose high-inle t-veloc itj^ cov;ling with small cowl flap:-;; high speed 4 3hort-nOc3 lov- inl -^t-vc 1 oc i ty cowling v/ith fan, cuffs, and small co'-il flaps; high speed 5 Short-uose iov;- inle t-velcc ity co'/ling with fan, cufiE, and modified cowl f l.ips ; cl'imb 6 Short-no S3 low- inlo t-vuloc ity cowling v/ith fan, cuffs, and modifiei co'vl flaps; high speed 7 As in test 6, but with baffle seal strips at base of cylinders r, amoved; high speed The results of trstr; J. and 2 are described in reference . 1, and those of tesb 3 in ref-irencj '.■:. The present paper covers th,. results of t e .; t s 4 t c 7, The design of the cowling and engine i n-^ t allat i on ,was a project cf the Ai3 — Cooled 3ngino-Installat ion Group sta- tioned al. the Labo r.-^t ory, Th 5 members of this group associ- ated v/ith this projoct ir.cludTd Mr. Howard S. Ditsch, of the Cur tiss -'wr igat Corooratijn; Mr. Peter Terrpco, of the Hepublic Aviation Corijorat i n ; M r . Willi A-'ron lilt ical Co r-io rat i on ; --^nd M & Whitney Aircraf t. The Army A RlDonGored tha inv Gstigation and The Curt iss-'/'righ t Corporation, the con&truct ion as well as the of the cov;ling: an d supplied per vicing and inaint enp.nce of tne a the tests. Pratt & V/hitney Air torque meter for the tests and servicing of the engine. The p were supplied hy the Curtiss-V'r Division, an S. Pilchard r. J^Tmes 3. T i r Forces, M '^, siippliod th.3 Airplane Div structural a sonnel to ass irplane and c craft prepare assisted in t ropeller, cux i.'^ht Corporat s , of the W homps on , of teriol Comm XP-42 airp is ion , ho,nd ,n d detail d i s t in the vr 1 i n . _; d"a r i a the engin he operatic f s , and s p i ion. Propel right Pratt rnd, lai'i • led es ign ser- ng e and n and nnor lor This paper v/as originally issued (March 38, 1942) as memorandum report for the Army. a XP-42 AIHFLA3E WITH SHORT-VTOSS LOW- IITLET-ySLOCITY COWLINCV AUD FAI^ The XP-42 airplano used in tho tests is descrihed in references 1 and 3. Figure 1 is a dim. en si one d drawing of the short -nose low- inle t-ve loc i ty cowling and fan installa- tion. The outer cowling is the same as that of the short- nose high-inlot-velocity installation; Tout the inner section has t e e Ji mo d i f i e d the use of a smaller spinner, the fan, and a straight or diffiiser section 5:r eater inlet area de- signed for an inlet- vcloc it y ratio of 0.3. Figures 2, to 5 are photographs of tho cowling as installed on the airplane. 2-^ inches and set The fan had 30 hlades, each ^^ root chord, and 1-j inches tip chord _ _ _ approximately 46*^ to the plane of rotation, of the spinner at the fan-blade root was 28 gap between the tip and otiter surface of the 6/lG inch. The results of wind-tunnel tests fan are given in reference 3. 1 long, 3'! inches at an angle of The diameter inches and the d i f f u s e r '-'as of a similar The cov;ling was originally equipped with only two cowl flaps on either side. These four flaps vfere found to be inadequate for cooling in climb; and three fixed cowl flaps, whose setting could be changed on the ground, were added to each side f;)r the climb tests. The added cowl flaps are shown in the closed position in figure 5. The -'lirplane, ar> jirepared for ths tests, weighed 6000 ji<: j.a.6.s wit'a pilot and full tanks. The airplane was equipped with a standard aerial but had no provision for gun s . T3ST APPARATUS AITD PHOCEDURE The ini:talic;tion of the test <3i.inix-'m3?it is aescrihed in reference 3. After preliminary gr ound-c ool inff and flijht checks, the maximixm speed was determinod by making level-f lijiiht runs at full power afc and above the engino critical alti- tude, as described in reference 'e. The cowl skirt was then cut for the installation of additional cowl flaps, and climb tests were m a, d j v/ i t n t b i3 o o w 1 flops fixed open. The first of tncsc climb tests was a sustained clirab to 20,000 feet at approxiua.t el/ 155-rn ile s-per-hour indicated airspeed, an engine speed of 3550 rpm , and 40 inche:; of mer- cury menifold pressure to full throttle, •/ith the carburetor setting in putomf. tic rich. The second climb was to the same altitude at 140-milei;-per-hour indicated airspeed and an en- gine spoed of 3550 rpm in full rich. The manifold oressure was kept at 42n inches of mercury fur altitudes below 7000 feet, then at 41- inches of mercury to full throttle. All recordi:a.:j; ins t rum^^n t s except the manometer, used to record cooling-air pressures, v/vire loft on throUi^hout each climb. The manometer v/as left on for 40 seconds of ev^ry minute during the climb. After the climb tests, the co'-'l flaps were fixed closed and additional high-speed runs wer.; made to determine the effect of the added cowl flaps on the maximum speed of the airplpne. Nine of the fourteen small sealing strips bctv/een and at t.he bases of the cylinders were then removed, and high- speed run? w.:ro mado in order to determine the effect of the sealing strips upon the observed cylinder temperatures and cooling-a.ir pressures. The other five sealing strips were not removed because they were difficult to reach with- out removal o,f much of the experimental pressure tubing, ignition harness, and other apparatus. The strips remaining in plac3 were between cylinders 12 and 13, 11 arid 1, 1 and 2, 2 and Z, and 9 and 10. Each strip was 2 square inches in area. 1c Ap a ■n SYMBOLS airplc-jne impact press i'' re, inches of vater average pressure drop across engine, inches of vat or f r G o - a i r density ratio volume flow of free air, cubic feet per minute propulsive efficiency of propeller .-"nd erchcust stack comb inat ion S w i n ,;^ a r o a Cp drag coefficient of airplane thp brake horscpover V true a i r s p e e d RESULTS AIJD DI SCUSS I OH The data obtain.jd during; the high-speed r\i.ns and durin^; the climbs are pr.;sentod in t,-i,bles I and II, The important climb-test d.'^.ta are shovn in figure 6 in the form of time histories of tirie climbs. Maximum Speed The values of maximum speed obtained from level runs at full throttle near and above the en.];ine critical alti- tude are plotted against density altitude in figure 7, In the same figure are plotted the observed brake horse- power and t vfo parameters representative of the aerodynamic refinement and of the effective power, respectively, as explained in references 1 and 2. These data are presented both for the airpla.ne with the original cowl flaps (tost 4) and with tao modified cowl flaps (tests 6 and 7). The series of speed determinations with the original cowl flaps i^ave much more consistent results than were ob- tained with the modified cov/1 flaps. The observed difference in spoed for the two installa- tions v.'as Z miles per hour, or 1 percent of the speed. As may be seen froiu figure 7, this sp-ed loss is the result of a loss in botxi po--/er ana aerodynamic cleanness. Ihe values of the p.Trameter ( -irii shew a loss of approximately l/o percent or 1 "lils per hour, duo to power and the values 5 f _!!■_ 'i ' shovr a loss of 2/5 percent, or 2 miles per hour, due to increared drag. The speed co;nparisons of references 1 anci g are ex- t-?nded in figure 3 to include the observed maximum speed values for tne preaeut installation with the origiua.l cowl flaps. The values shov;ii for the previous XP-4:2 installa- tions (tests 1 and ?) were chosen as bein.^ most nearly rep- resentative of tne best -oerforraance of each installation. of the pa, ramater o2.7 Because of the difference in po-;er output from the en.jcina in e-s.ch S3ries of tests, the three Xr-42 installa- tions cannot be coL.pared directly in tarns of observed maximum speed. Examination of figure 8 shows that, if in each case the engine nad delivered its rat^d military power (1000 hp at 14,500 ft; ll.:ti. = 1534), the speed comparison O w u 1 d b e : Gbs erved maximum :!a:;imum speed at In s tall at i 0.1 s p e c d 1000 hp at 14,500 ft (mph) (.nph) Xr-42 ihort-nose low-inlet- velocity with fan (test 4) 330 357 XP-42 short-nose high- in let-velocity (t5St 3) 335 539 XF-42 lon=^-noso (tort 1) 33 8 344 The engine po-ver observed for the present installa- tion includes the pov:er absorbed by both the fan and the propeller. Although the fan tests reported in reference 3 did not include tho 'blade angl^ used in tho prevsent fan, extrapolations from those t-jsts indicate that the fan absorbed appr oximrt e ly 20 horsepower in high-speed level flight, or the pov/er equivalent of 2 miles per hour in top speed. pressures and Temperatrtre s The distribiitions of engine cooling- air pressures for tests 4, 5, and 7 are shown in figure 9, P r the h Gures on the "both as to var as to variatio of measurement noted on the e ■fae expected t o in the wake of a hole in the different poin smaller with t tested, because ine; coolin,-?;-ai igh- fron iati n of on xhau be a 1 baff t S his of r je speed condition, the coolin t of the engine are very ne on of pressures around the pressures with the locatio the individual cylinder, T st side of the barrel of cy 1 ',-; because the points of m arge ignition-cable conduit lin^;. The variation of pre n a given cylinder may be e cowling than ij/ith the cowli tho; relatively low velocity t. g-air pres- arly uniform, engine and n of tlie point he pressures linder 3 nay oasuromont lay and next to ssures at xp fe c t e d to bo n g s p r e V i ti s 1 y of the entcr- c a t e d both g-r eat of ax, and r with to be above ?,nd a In the cli;ubs at 155- and at 140-ir. ile s-per-hour indi- airsjjeed, the variation of cooling-air pressures on the front and the rear of the en'^-ine v/as somewhat er than in the high-speed condition; and, as the angle tack increased, there '.ras an increase in both front ear pressures a.t t?ie bottom of the engine as compared pressures observed nea,r the top of the enjtine. It is noted that, as the pov;er dropped off at altitudes critical in cli:.ib, average front pressures decreased verage rear pressures increased. The distribution of cylinder head and barrel teiiipera- tures is saovn iji fic;uro 10 to bo very nearly tho same a.t full throttle both in high speed .?nd in climb when the carbur at or -mi xtur 3 control is in -'.ut om.-i.t ic rich. Figure 11 indicates that tliis distribution p.-ittern remains constant at all altitudes in that carburetor setting. Comparison of figure 12 v/ith figure 11, howevr^r, shows that, .-\lthough tho tempera.ture d is u^^ibut ion in full rich is simila.r at lov/ altitudes to that in automatic rich, it becomes markedly different at hifzih altitudes as the fuel-air ratio increases. This chance in t '?npe rat lire fl i s t ribut i on tabe": place T-:ith XiO chan^'.e in cooling-air prsBsuro distribution durin.; the climb. (See fii^. 9.) In gen-jral, there is no apparent corrslfition bet-reen individval cylinder t eriperature 3 and t hi:=! prucsura drops across those cylinders. The effects of tha small obsorved variations in cooling-air pressure a.ro obscurod by varia- tions in othor factors, such as mixture distribution, charge wcif^ht, cylinder construction, and baffling, Th3 results discussed in the preceding paragraph indicate thcit , for very rich mixtures, the fuel distribution is the predominating factor in determining the temperature d is tr ib\it ion. The cylinder baffl'^'S p-'ovi.ied with this engine differ from the baffles ordinarily used in that they fit closer to the fin;; and Include sma.ll Dealin;; utrips bet'/een ad- jacent cj'-linder barrels from the bottom barrel fin to the mounting fln.nge. In this test and in previous tests 'vith the ScUHcj baffling (refori^ncos 1 and 2), cyl iud or-hca,d tom- pcra.turcs were well bolow their specified Army limit but C5''lindor-barr el t e:".pe ratur es exceeded their limit in the high-speed leve 1-f ligiit condition and wore marginal in the climb condition. It was thou.";ht that a more nearly standard baffling arrangomcnt, permitting a. flov/ of cool air around the un- finned portion of the barrel and on the thermocouple, might result in lower temperature indictit i on s on the barrels. Those baffle seals v/hich con.ld be roachod easily "ere there- fore removed for a series of h^igh-speed runs (test 7), Fig- ure 13 shov/s a comparison of the head and barrel tempera- tures observed, during these ru.ns v/ith temperatures observed while the baffle sea.ls were in place. There was no change in average or in maximum cylinder-head temperatures, but the maximum barrel temperature was reduced by 15° ? to 20° P and average barrel temperatures were reduced by 10° F. Fig- ure 9 and table I show that the cooling-air pressures on the front of the engine did not change. The rear pressures, however, increased by approximately O.Olq,,, presumably be- cause of the increased air flow where the baffle seals were removed. The removal of the baffle-seal strips brought all ob- served barrel temperatures below the Army limit, (See fig. 13.) VJhcther this procedure resulted in a cooling of the barrels- or of tho thermocouples is not established, but the apparent reduction of temperatures so achieved would have been sufficient to reduce 'barrel-teinperature indications telow the Army limit for this and all previous cowling arrangements in all climlD and level-flight tests. Aver- age and maximum cylinder temperatures during climb have been plotted in the time histories of fi;:;ure 6, In order to facilitate comparison of thjse t emperatur.5 s vith their specified Army limits, these temperatures have boen rc- plotted.in figure 14 in '^J above free-air temperature. Cylinder-head temperatures were well below their limit but maximum cylinder-barrel temperatures were marginal. The shape of the cylinder-head maximum-temperature curve for the full-rich climb was caused by a change of the maxi- mum temperature from cj'linder 13 to cyliador 9. In the present installation, the amount of cooling- air flow through the engine could not be calculated from the pressures observed at the survey rakes in the annulus because of tlie twist imparted to the air by the fan. Ex- cept for the case v/here the baffle seals are removed, the air flov; can, however, be calculated on the assumption t;iat tha orifice coefficient, based on average front and roar pressurv^s for the present installation, is the same as that of the short-nose high- inle t-vo lo c ity cowling installation (reference 2). For that installation, the air flovif could be calculated from the eq^uatlon /ap /qc Q = 41;::0 / / where ^ volume flow of free air, cubic feet per minute Ap average pressure drop across engine, inches of v/ater airplane impact pressure, inches of water free -air density ratio 'linr;s on the XF-42 Airplane. I - High-Inlot-Velocity Cowling with propeller Cuffs Tested in High-Speed Level Flight. NACA A.H.S., Jan, 1943. 3. Bell, E. Barton: Test of a Single-Stage Axial-Flow Fan. Rep. No. 729, NACA, 1942. 1£ NACA 7< ye bbfe Ta. —Pressurs r/epfa XP-4< COMM f .4/'r-fi/c7rre' sf - riight Run ■4-^ 1 4-7 / 2. S- 4 ^ ' 2 :■ 4 / 4-3 Z J 4 5 r/Yose- y.oty-Sr'/ef- £r/7C7 C cy/rs »TION»l AOVISOHY ntE FOR AERONAUTICS True AirsPe'^drnpti o,, impo': t p' ess., /n hi O y{f/n.pr^ssc/re, in Hy Arr^timr^t air ferr-p., **/" S, c/er.sify rafi.^ /?ensily'ciP ■■■-'. M '> rpm' bhp Manifold, press,, in.. Ho, 1 SZ9 323 330 330 ' S30 330 329 C'29 3 346 913 900 367 353 325 792 76^' 39.6 33.6 37J 35.3 3fJ 34.6 33.6 32.1 331 3^9 330 329 329 356 33.4 32.2 302 29S 16.01 IS90 I4S3 14.03 IJ.43 10 1 -4 -8 -IS .625 .598 .563 .538 .525 15200 16500 13050 I9650 2040t 923 877 839 792 39.6 37.6 3S.6 316 769 OS.I Pressure rafio,p/ij^ Sn^in 4 S If !: II ? pressure tube locatia cyl ris l-R \ 3-R e-R y-R 9-R lO-R 12-R /4-R) Sheltered fat'es behind engine 40 J? .40 39 j-^ jj 39 33 jd ja .38 .33 .40 .39 .40 39 .40 .39 .40 .40 .40 39 .40 40 40 .39 .40 .40 40 .39 40 .40 ^Jia-^ja. 33. -JS .39 .37 .33 .37 .77 .77 .73 77 87 .87 S7 .86- .89 ,33 .33 .37 86 85 .86 .36 .39 ee .39 88 .90 .90 90 90 91 .90 91 .90 l-aS .37 .39 .30 .97 .36 .86 .86 .31 .81 .ae ac 92 .92 92 92 .85 .84 . 85 34 89 .88 .33 .89 .as 86 .37 .86 -92 .92 92 .91 85 83 34 .34 JSSL...SB -. a? ,8^ 87 .36 .37 36 .37 .83 aa .37 .83 32 .31 .32 82 32 .32 .31 ee .38 .88 .87 ..■ao .90 90 .90 35 as 34 84 .35 .84 .34 .34 -fiZ 30^ .SI _ 30 .37 .37 .37 .36 .ao .89 .90 .89 .94 94 .94 .94 .85 .84 .35 85 .9C .89 .90 .-9 . 90 -^ .30 .eg.. .&■/ .81 .31 .3.- .39 .33 .39 .39 33 .33 39 .39 .38 ,37 .33 ,33 .40 .38 .40 .39 .40 .33 .40 .39 .40 38 43 .40 ■40 ,38 ,43 .39 .40 .38 .40 .39 40 40 .39 .40 .40 .40 .41 41 40 .40 .40 .39 J9 .39 .39 .38 39 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 40 .4O1: .40 40 .40 .40 .43 .40 .39 .40 40 .41 ,40 .40 Cvlinder no 1 ^0 i-EB ^ J-EB 4-EB e-EB y-£B 9-£B 10 -£B 12-EB 14 Ef^ . £ytiausf ■side of barrel fxhaost ''Side of head Top cf /nfake side of .33 .86 .33 .88 .78 ,77 73 .78 .38 86 .93 33 .33 .88 .88 .89 .37 .86 .97 36 .89 aa .83 .90 .90 .39 91 90 .92 .90 91 .90 .S£L^S7. ^33 ,SS- .86 .87 .3S .37 82 .31 ,31 ,ei .93 Se 92 92 .35 84 .85 .85 .89 .39 .90 .33 .86 37 .87 87 93 .91 9S 91 84 33 .35 as .^33,^39 ^39 ,9£ _ .3S .37 ,97 87 .89 .37 89 .89 .33 83 33 .93 .32 .82 .83 83 .39 87 .39 87 .JO .90 .9/ .91 34 -83 .85 as ,36 .84 36 .86 .8/ .eo .ee.^s^ .87 ,36 ae 88 .33 .90 .90 .90 .34^9.3.34 -dS 35 .S4 S6 .85 .91, ,9C .9c .3C ,91 .90..9C SC. 81 ec .*•<< ef 33 .38 38 aa .33 .73 .78 .78 .73 .79 38 83 88 .87 .87 as .88 .88 39 .38 36 .87 .36 .86 .86 09 89 39 .39 eg so .so so .89 SO .93 -91 .91 .91 .91 .ae .es .aa es—^a. 37 .87 .36 .37 .36 .32 .82 81 32 .81 .33 .92 .92 92 .92 .84 .84 8* 34 .84 .39 .39 as 89 .39 86 .36 .36 36 .37 92 .92 .91 .92 .32 83 34 33 as .3S pf9 a| .J-TH \4-Tfi e-TH y-TH ,9-Tff •IC-TH 13 TH 14-TH ■ 1 IH • o /// -^ -^,-,8 ) i-ca--' flinder n, S.J .36 .37 37 .86 .37 .38 .38 .87 .37 38 93 33 ey 83 .83 .33 .82 .33 33 82 33 ,83 37 .87 .83 .91 .90 .90 .91 .92 33 .84 .83 .85 85 .85 .85 .84 .at ,8S uTc ,3^ -81^. .ee .,az_ .36 .87 37 .83 ,33 .99 .90 . .39 .3fi .90 .94 .34. 94 ^Si4. i4.. 85 36 34 .85 35 .89 .90 ,ac 39 .90 .X .9C .9C .SO 90. 32. '~.e/ .31 ec SI 91 91 90 .91. .JC . 70 . 7/ .71 .7i . VI 32 .32 3J -J .32 J-TH -^ ' J-£rH2 V ■ 3-er3--^ :>£3=-^ '/O-lh .ineuai 1 -le 1 hitake h-lB S.iideof '0-/P barren \3-f.H^ ?-/? 4-EB2 .91 90 .Jr.- .9C yJI 90 . fl .90 ■ /I fw yc ij\.// .7C 7C .71 .ai 1 .32 .32 .S3 as I ►J NACA 13 Trjl '/.:; la (co/nizluded) ^ 1 3S7 330 3S6 6-/5 / 2 ,-.: 4 S 7-/7 / r s ; «- 5-// 1 3 S 7 S-/8 13 5 7 324 — .323 32d a/ rs/x-ed.rri/^// /SS /SS /sa /5z /36 /38 /J& 136 jai j-r./ ■ ?.-r7 -iO 3S.3 J4.2 — 30.3 33.S 3S7 3S'' :-/.6 3/7 3/2 9c fZO /'.9 1/4 //.4 1.2 1.4 9.2 f/ -/s -s /5.64/6.2I /6.t-. -6 -3 O /6.IS 14.33 /4.00 /S.52 /f^7o -/-•- -i9 -26 -f7 -/4 /636 /eog - /4./fo I4SS -/O -II -16 -/3 -range, ft J 130O 8100- /J/00- /7000- 4200 9500 '4300 /7SQ0 4000- 9700- /4i00- /84/Xl- iiao /otoa /5700 /'r400 .SS3 .574 .393 .616 .6.y/ 630.531= St.O .oOS ,852 65.^ .62/ 573 560 Ay. free air /e/r^jo °F S2. ZS /Z -Z 16 S -10 -zz /SAM 1 73-)0 165' J /S^'^O /45 1 j /4O50 /7050 Jd500 /6,yso (3900 I4M0 '5400 I7550 /3500 ■■ i> //p. 110 •JiS 970 730 975 Syy- 790 iSO - Z6ciCi r '■ mor//fo/d pr,^ /'n. Ay 39.7 3f,9 37.3 J2£ 42.S 4I.S 3S0 JOZ SOS 335 863 SOS 922 9/4 354 3/2 3^^ 942 933 39/ 359 8yo 3/2 rprr/ 3t.3 35.7 J7.J 335 3^ ^ 3,9J 357 337 37/ 39 9 399 33.4 374 35.7 34,4 Hoe/if/ee/ Cow/ F/ops (Op»f7) ffemo\'ecl Pressure ra^io, p/^c /^re'ssure, ro4io, P/<^s \ 3S .37 .33 .37 J7 .37 37 33 37 .J7 .38 .39 .39 .39 — - — -p — ■ -.18 ~./3 -./3 -.20 ^,30^ -2.7 -26 -eS 1 .37 .36 33 S6 .36 ■ 33 .36 36 .36 .39 .37 .38 38 .33 -.17 -./5 -./4 -.14 ■.£9| -.15 -£6 -za. \.37 36 ■ 33 .35 .36 \.36 36 .36 36 .37 .38 35 .36 .36 -.2/ -.2/ -,/s -fia ,.33. -.30 -.(JO -j^ \.39 .33 .33 .38 33 \.3a .38 38 .38 .38 .39 .40 .40 40 - /O -,0S %03 -\p7 -.le', --/6 4is -/s .39 .33 .39 ,3S .33 38 33 .33 .38 .33 .40 .40 -4/ .40 -./O -.08 -.OB -.Q7 -,/6 -./6 -.13 '-/Si .40 .36 .40 .38 .33 .39 .33 .39 .39 .39 .4/ .4/ .4/ .4/ -■/2 -03 -.09 -10 -37, -./4 -.// -/ft 40 .36 .40 .38 .38 .39 .3-J .33 .39 .39;-fO .40 .4i .4-0 \-./2 -./O -.// -.10 -.13 -.16 -.p -IS 39 .3a .39 .T7 37 j .33 .38 .33 .33 .39 \.38 .39 .39 39 \-.a/ -./a -./7 -.13 -.30 -.23 -SS -zz .33 .3.7 ■ea .37 33 .3Z -37^^.37 .37 37 ,37 ,38 ^.33 39 .39 .?9 /.O/ r/ .85 .86 .86 .86 .36 .3i .36 .St .97 .93 .93 .88 .95 .99 .as .97 .3Z "PO B/ .79 .80 ,30 .3/ .3/ ,30 .8/ .34 .85 .e£ ,77 .e3i .8/ .34 .77 .S3 .9/ ■92 ,91 ,92 ,91 ,92 ,C3 ,V3 ,92 ,/,/3 /./2 /04 1.03 1.17 ^ 1/3 1,03 I/O .33 .S^ .33 .3/ 32 .81 -ffS .83,32 ,32 \ .93 .9r' .90 .e£ ,93 ,93 .3\2 90 90 e^ .90 .83 .33 09 .89 .39 .33 .83 .89 .39 S B9 .88 86 .86 37 36 /.02 97 .9a .98 /./& 1.13 109 //Xi BS .87 .37 86 .36> .36 86 .37 06 et. ' .93 91 .89 .33 Air l,06 .96 f/& 3i' ,3/ .93 9/ .9l\.ai .91 91 .32 .92 9S .9/ -93 33 /./5 /.08 /05 /.03 .98 1/9 1,1s /./o 94 .S># .95 93 .94 .93 93 .94 94 .93 9t ,94 ,94 .=-4 ^l./7 I.IO /OS 104 1.17 /.I7 IIS /,/3 .<^n AAf QO .33 „ .^^ .86 0i, .96 .3^ 36 ^8Si ,33 . .90 .89 .96 .36 .84 .36 /./4 /./3 /.oe /.06 /n 1/4 /./8 MjL, .37 86 37 85 .35 /04 l.aj .93 .97 1/3 101 1136 ,f7 33 .33 .39 .37 .88 -37 .83 .38 .33 .36 .88 S8 .33 .88 \ .35 .97 .94 .9/ /'OO -97 l-OO .■?? 84 P£ . 34 .&£ .8£ .32 .92 .83 32 .82 .31 .82 .32 .82 ; ,94 .39 37 .85 1.02 .92 .97 91 33 .82 .84 &■/ .32 .81 82 .32 .82 .31: ,ei .P.? 02 .82 j .9/ .36 .87 .34. 103 .99 .9/ ?// 93 eff .89 .88 .3>9 37 .07' .33 .83 .^3 .88 .33 .39 .03 \/07 -99 1-0/ -97 10/ /./2 103 MS 93 31 .3/ .30 .90 .^C .9C 90 .JC .3(3 .91 .91 .^/ 90 Y05 103 /03 / 02 izo /(?/ 1.00 /ias' 85 34 . 04 .83 .34 ,83 34 ."4 .l='3 .33 .04 .33 05, 33 ' /C3 -91 -89 88 38 .9S .90 .rii e& .es &j^ .so .86 .83 .34 .33 S5 .^S 84 -34 3/ eo 79 79 30 0^ 30 7_/ .34 .f^y ,^3 -34 .30 ,30 .ee', .0/ .87 .37 .37 33 /.OO .94 .92 90 _ _:i ,94 .92 ,9£- . 83 102 103 10/ /.08 .96 l.lio ■93 <; .39 J? ea^ <0-/ J? dji .90 -i^C -90. .90 SJ .,33_... _ .,^S .34 .8S 85 ,85 85 /.09 /.06 /03 1.02 7,22 /./3 I.08 / .'ip /P6 7npi /I/ /■/9- ■ 3i S4 -56 .34 .34 ^^ .e4 -83 es .G4 .99 .9.9 .89 .90 102 101 .99 9/ 90 .89 .90 .38 39 ,if« .&9 90 .33 .90 .89 .89 •a"' 9i IIS I.09 lOS 10/ /.2I 1/7 1.(77 las 9/ 09 90 99 93 ct^ 30 90 .&i^ .^i? .3S .89 - .9" ^- ,3:3 ,32 -82 /// /./n ini l,nn .97 /./4 /./p /m ML 33 .S£ .32 .80 .(=2 .82 9/ .32 .32 ,82 73 81 .7-7 .73 .66 .7/ .74 ,£.9 . Ol .90 .91 .e-9 S" \,9i.' .90 .^O .90 .90 .^9 39 .9C .3./ 1,77 /.o/ .99 -99 1/5 I.06 I/I AffZ . yo .63 70 ee 69 \.^0 .69 .70 .69 t.9 .68 .r9 .7,'' .6.^ -S6 S6 57 S6 S3 .55 .53 .S/ e~^ .3/ .31 79 ■-' ',31 .81 .e>l 81 .9^ .81 .3f -•■'■/ ,32 .33 .86 .86 .90 .92 .87 .99 i -^ .90 14 Tob/elb. -Pressure Oa/«. NACA ^H 1 an - specD LeifCL ^LIOHT MP-^Z Aif-p/ane. 5harf-nos€ /aw-i'n/e^ - velocify cow/i'ng yv/fh fan ancf rzufFs res/- - r//eedt^/nC)>> (f^^impact /areii.,:n H^O A^rrt pressure^ Jn. Hif. Amhient-Qir femp/P a, density raf/o OensHy alfitude^ft r prn bhp Manifolc/ pres-i, i". H^ 329 3it 330 J30 330 330 329 3i9 33/ 3£9 330 3Z9 3if 3t i JS'f 3fa JJ* 32 6 3/< 30se9* 3S:i 33* 32 Z 30 2 19 S /S9S/i.2.t iStl /fU /^ZS'f.il /yo#/J-»f /69S-IS90 /9JZ I4J13 f^-n -// -'S -J9 -23 -Z -S- -/J -O /O / -4 -8 -/S .6SS.634 .»*» -Sii. Sli J-S9 S-fr J-22. .62S- .S^l .fiS .S3fJ^2J t3750 I47S0IS1S0 li30ai7SSO laiSQ 19300 lOtOO 'S200 I6S00 leoSO 196501090. 91t 39 t. tit 9eo 3i.t, 371 rt? tsj ns 3S:t\ 3tJ 31.i 1/no/ Coiv/ 791. 7t,f 33. f 32/ 92S 39 i rr7 J7.« ■>se^ ■792 Ttf 3Xi }t.l Prhsure i^a^/o, p/g^ j /f-ra-J A-rps /i-rsz\ / ^-rp* A-TSI ^<\Uy A-T/. 'J -rpz -n-rp/ /^-TPf) 5) fi-TSA^.^ /i-PP/' 3^^ Top> . Surirey PaMe .S3 ,^ .g7 .77 .Se .33 ■i* .ts MS .SS .9/ .9/ S7 ft 77 Tff .79 re 77 71! 33 .g* .S7 .90 .S7 77 SO 77 «- .S9 .92 .s-s 7S SO 79 .87 90 Si 77 m .7S 63 Sf .S-S- ft- .S9 .S9 9Z 9/ fi-ff .S7 7S 7S .S/ -SO SO T! .S3 S* SS .9X SS ,7-7 SO jzi S3 Si S9 9Z S9 7S CO 79 .s* »* .S9 .9/ .sv 77 .79 J3 .«■» S* .rs .S9 e9 9/ 9/ SS se 7S Tt SO SI 79 79 / / ^hW ^oca//on of Pressure . Right Suryey .9a .9i, go .ez .S3 Sf .F* .!?•»■ .lf< .If .«3 SI !fO 9J! ■ $3 .S3 ■ St. 9/ .9.^ S7 .e9 s/ 90 7/ Si S4 .9S .S3 .S-9 SS- S9 9/ f^O »■ 9-t .■S7 .sy ■ fj .S9 ss s-r .Si. -s* S3 S9 ■9Z .9Z t7 .e3 .£■■* .Si S3 Si .9Z .93 .SS .S3 S9 .--fa S3 5-9 ff/ !7J ?i SS .SS .33 9f 89 .«r .9i> .9/ 93 .9* S7 ts 1 ,»f S9 1 SS- SS on Cooler Pressure Tuibe lecaf/o, o-rsi /y-rpi is '^Pi 0-PP2 ■>-PP3 o-rsA.^^ O'PP/ ^ : ^ -.5 o _ _ Tro//t Suncy .9-f /ax .S7 9Z 9J .97 ^9 /.iV iC/ y* 97 £i .S9 .9P &■/ .?7 jr-7 .99 99 /o.^ .B7 se r?to .9J .9e ?7 .S-S 9r> .9S ?J /(«> .99 ..^ /.OX se 27 .89 ^9 •77 .9a .93 9S /^/ S7 SS .99 9S S-S .S9 9/ 93 99 70/ »7 Sr .93 .99 9S 97 7a/ /0£ .SS JT S9 gs .f/ 9Z ^.:>^ <>^^/ ^/ .79 7S .78 .97 99 7.0/ /<:••? /ff2 SZ .79 79 .79 9S 9S' /ae 7'/ .8/ .79 .7S .77 97 .97 .9r 99 .99 70} /.02 /^O S-2. S7 .79 .79 ■7e 7? 7S 79 fc-Pf ot^I^o 'J o5-^° f-"^ 4 5 c-s /' z tubes [ Stahc 1 ¥,.i_^ .79 ,/s- .7S 1 ^cs, 4 ""■'^^ 5. C-TH Impact press JLi— tv .s?.. JiL. ..&/ .£€- ^^,d^ ^_. *€^ A?-^^ NACA 15 H^'jH- 5f "O/VT T aA/e li. - (Conc/c/ded) t-EMCL. / ir^UEi) ~, L '' CL/HH "^ 6-/4 6- /-T 7- /? » S -// s-je / a 3 4 S / 2 3 <. S / 2 J 4- A" 1 3 3- 7 / 3 S 7 3i4- 3iy 3i7 330 3ii Ji* 3Zi 3!i 3ZS-\ 3H Ji i — 3i&Jt!^ Ir>d airspeed/n/oh /5"i- 'SS '12 '32 j 736 'ii /Jb '36 30/ 2i/ 33.0 34 e, 3SJ 3^.2 - Jo. J 33 S JJ:?' 3S.7 3-l.t 31.-? 3I.Z 9c ao ".f //•C //.4 12 9.4 92 97 If.t7 /Ifl-lfifUi.! /i.JI I6./S- 't.St 1^00 /S.Si /t.7i /6.>t '6/li - /« SO II.IS /'Pressure. oJiitudeZ 'x-3oo-siao- O/oo- 11000- /uoi- 'noo- lUoi- two. -'3 -iT no ii2. 379 JSX? 39.-f r ptT) 1 - — ■ /^oc/zf/ea' Ctotv/ f/aps tC/asc^ ../] /^od'Tied Caiv/'Ftaps fOpen) \ Baff/e- Sef9/S /?e77>o^7|pef Pr&isvri- r- u f-je^ /V^c Pritm/rc. f'ai'''o^ P/^c 1 ■ aj 33 S'f jy .ex .<«? .,S3 .as S£. :?£ ae .31 .33 3Z .39 .83 .«5- a/ BF Si tt ** ^C .^S -Si .S-9 .s-^ .r.-i .gs- f* .Sf .84 ffS g6 S-6 ffS /7S frs .«K sv .16 ,96 9a A#!r ■ ff .er gv eg .et- .ss .ee SV . ,s V .^7 ■ 99 .'7i> 7C .^9 /<*2 /.O/ 97 .93 .|W /«« .9y 03 .9.Z ■;'' 9j f/ 9.S «- *Vo .9/ . y. 9/ .9X. ^Z ^^ 9Z 7.07 /.ex 7.03 /M i," u>9 7.03 /.<« -«■'/• ... en .sx .gs .«-7 .*v f7 -S7 g9 .ei .eg es . ss- .9/ .ff9 .93 9/ .fe .»!? .g9 .S9 77 .7£ 77 »- .7.« 76 .76 .76 76 76 7i 76 . 77 .76 .6* .69 re 70 ,i4 .63 - .6a SZ 7; 7-7 77 .77 77 .79 79 77 T'. .79 .79 .e/ .73 £9 70 .7X .73 .AS* .69. r" .■pi J7t .7S .79 77 77 7e 7f Tff .77 .*••» ' gJ .77 .8j- .77 ,z,?, gl g-l -_!»_,Zi'- .74 .73 .77 73 ■gg .e4 .97 .fi" ,.#B .^.7- g-» s* 93 .g9 S'A .<7 .>» ■90 .•yr .■»/ .«' /-/ .•/■.- «■. .9,- 7.76 /70 TOP 7.as- yz* i/i 12^ /./e ■7/ .9s 9i fj- ■/i #•.>- .■ye. ■7S- -Kr wr 9S- 96 ■'fS .•/■/ 733 /Mf J09 7./0 7.23 A2' 7.77 '.'4 9a s-.' .yo fi9 S-7 ./• g9 g9 go 7g .9a e-9 77 .76 /.an .«f .72 73 f9a <76 .73 7g 70s 49 7.0/ UO .69 .74 — .77, eo .e/ s/ 7^ 7' .' ./i? fO .go .go g/ 79 .S-a e/ eo .77 7g 79 3a .gv .g3 — az J?T <^S .f?/7 .i-y ■As- i/ S3 .^^ _ g£__ gz g/ .313 7S S7 SZ 7» 7S .79 -.s) .es- -*5r. 73: .79 .74 3^ S9 S-i SV F^ .8Z g3 .73 74 .et .^i .ei rs- ,Rr s'J- .Ss .gt .s-s Vi- .-■j .£S- 9/ gi .ffS S9 90 gg 43 .89. . 9/ *l? .9/ 9J ■^<' 9tP 9a .9V .9/ •3'<> 7/ 9/ \ '^^ "^^ 7.ac? 93 .94 97 7^3 .93- -94 2/lk 9'f 92 .9:' 9.2 9S .?y 93 93 ./^ ■Ai- 93 ?V "ij '7f 7.J /.02 .99 7.M 7a3 277 7a9 7^)7 70^ .g7 es .S7 S'S .«. .■ge, it »6 Cb ■a^ » .g6 5 .5-7 g:' ^ i3 .S3 g/ g2 gS g6 ,76 .76 .S4 .SS , «? . r^ »v gjf .^'J: e? .g3 sj s-r frj gX S-,:. -SK gS- S3 f9 .97 -.SX - -8* PS .e^ ssr g3 sv .KJ- ,e-4 B4 .«■/ SI .S3 .S'T ^ .ii4 .£3 93 .■^e 87 '.SB 2<1X> ffg — .9/ .3-^ .s* .i7 «■» SS- SS ffj- ■jg- .is .-^ .gS f£_ .St ..,-a ■97 . Z3^ .^SS S7 7J4 7J{l 7.24 777 7-/ ...^9 ?_<■ .'■/ 7.73 773- 776 733- .?(' .97 99 77 7.^7 779 720 720 733 23Z 773 /SP /.c/ A^/<; /a2 7.a7 7.77 777 7/7 776 7X9 731) 777 'C7e \ «■«■ .S7 py j^/ .97 jr7 .:- / 1^7 .g7 ?& g7 ^7 S7 .fT- .S-7 .,'7 .SS .5? 93- 9g 93 .97 9g 7a/ 9* 700 /// 703 //» 704\ 7.73 /o/ r.o7 7j>4 .g'/ .9/> . 7f .7/^ 9/ .93 9S 7^7 47 48 777 773 /.as- 702 .49 .3V ^^ .47 <;j- ^-» ^^ .6s .£-f ..^f £-7 ,£9 .^9 .6 3 £3 ■t.S ■ ^i .£7 £Z &o ,i/ ,^r ■ J9 .^/ .&/ C/ £/ £"/ .39 -iO .^/ H/ J4 J7 JB- 39 .4/ ^3 .42 -tor ^-S- oT i-J- -i-7 0-7 ,r/_ _jS7 Sg .S7 SV « 57 ...f-- ..•■" .33- .33 77Z 7M .36 .37 703- 7a7 .39 47 \39 tt^ /.ZO 7/4 /.a6 703 .^7 .y7 .99 77 !*•*' .?;• 97 .97 -97 .7» 7y- .99 ?9 , ;77 /.oo 9p /ai' .9^ /,-, >* .99 .■9S .99 '79 /^f' ^^/) /Of .9'? 777 777 TiV 7.a* 7.Z4 /yg 7779 ,air /O/ .99 /.^O /s^ /.i/ .^tf» iKX 700 /i/ /.DO 7^7 X^7 /.712 /.M 7Z3 7.76. 772 /as- /..27 //6 770 709 ^i /.aa /D/ /.s/ i^'i / 774 77S 706 723 7327 7/4 7/0 '^Z .?<> gl '/ .at e/ .g? SZ 102 /az. ^J /-'/ 7.ZP 774 SS- .73- 774 7.09 ^4 6e, 726 72/ 7J« 749 6e SS- .S3- .j-ar .tr- -s-/ ff-j- g'7 .f .79 .57 .7^ /■9 .7^ .79 .-79 .glp ^a S9 gl :-v .s-i-> .79 .72 .63 62 .66 46 4'f -#>• ' .7g 7-*" .79 77 77 /r 7S 79 ./"• .77 7g .79 79 g-f .SO ^S J-y 60 37 39 43 43 7-- >f -9 .77 77 7? .78 79 ./« 77 ./'7 .77 7. ■■? .7g '■££ 37 39 3V 4/ 43- .46 -M^SL .■»'?- -S' iSl. ^£/... jSL.^SL.. ■S2 . ^Ky •»-? S-f .<^^ JP? JK„^2L^i6Z. 16 NACA -HICM SPCCD l-flTL rLIGHT- /O Inta/re port MiAfi^^ ^/ /t>/eiver r//n /'us/ <3^ sctc//i»7 siWe' of pcf/??p " " pressure ' " " ' Jn carture/or f/oof c/>a/ni>er // Fro/7 f spar& p/i/^ e/ioiv // rear /Pfcora^e^ free e^/r ^/r //7 ci^r/bure/or scoop " a/ fop a/7nu/ar ri}/f& " /r) fronf of cry/- */ " af e-x't frof77 oi/ coo/er 0//-/n //he Oi/ out /Jcci^>ssory ^ompar//ve/7/- /,ef/ /Tya^rje/o /^//o/i cocAp// /fecon^irfff //7S /rumen/ compor/znent NACA 17 HIGH spcsru Tab/e TT ~ - (concluded) ^1 i 6- IS 7-/7 1 <5' - II 1 S-IS \ / 2. -3 -* J- 1 a. 3 -4 S \ o b c d e ah c d e ^ r— p£¥ - 3li JIG 3ZS 3Z6 JZS - Ji6 3ia Ind. oirsfiee.i /77p7} /ST 15/t IS J 15* 151. 137 137 /J7 7Jf Ji.y •M.Z - JOJ JiS JS_7 35 7 .U.6 3/7 31.1 9c ■, iz.z 11.8 lie- //.8 IIS 3.3 3.3 S.i 9.0 9.3 K.jj i*aa /too M.s-i /6.7s]/6.se /eoa — i*.eo /-rzi Pressure a/f/'f'jcle i IIOO- 6*Cin- 10700-1*600. /76O0- iSOO- a/OO- 13/^00- /SMO-t9900. •VJ' '/S ze -17 -/4 -/O -II -IK -19 rarig/^ , ft J 3800 6600 aroo 16100 lasoo ssoo loeoo i*ao0 /3*iK ZOS06 .Gio sas .sso .6oa .ssz .SSO .szi .S7a .sea Av. free o/r te77if>., °f^ 19 1.6 IB 6 -6 15 7 -6 -IS -Z? h*»so noso iBsoo isoso liaoo t*000IS400 I7SSO lasoo ■■ lbf!/n 900 3Z0 910 840 760 975 930 830 7IO 600 " ynoTJ/fold pr^ss.,/r>.llQ Rp/7! VI *i ^99 ^Qfl -^^-^ i//r /i'?4 4/f: -^z; -c ii7 PftK 3/4 &S4 611 636 941 SJJ 8S/ dse 630 Oil i&J3S.7J37 37/ 39.3 iSS i&4 37.4 337J4.4 .0.3.0 OO.J JO.O 00.0 01.0 |T'«».w -r/, i^ ..fu.v .jr.t iwtx.w , \ \ I Baffle .Jea/J removed \ T&mpe r- ctfijr^ej °/^ T& yn /oa f o fu,.~e. J °F- 3' 7 Jy.Z ^J/ 02-9 313 3/8 322 3S2 337 332 302 326 344 336 334- \ 1 £30 300 307 3S9 27S jjg ^/a J*J J4/ J^7 337 33S 345 347 34/ 318 340 356 3i57 357 305 344 336 326 3/3 OSB 33* 331 331 3£9 330 340 337 339 332 301 323 347 347 344 296 330 3/9 309 296 3?0 3y^ 37/ 371 3£9 373 375 379 375 323 351 363 378 378 313 336 342 342 332 \3/9 3£a 324 3e4 3£0 32e 329 330 333 328 273 302 321 334 334 283 300 307 300 aao' 372 332 331 375 373 381 331 383 393 385 334 355 372 385 387 317 333 357 357 349' 340 346 343 333 337 34/ 339 35/ 354 349 292 3/9 338 355 357 S92 3/3 323 323 324\ 3S7 365 3SS 360 356 3t>2 36£ 363 373 370 332 351 372 337 389 3/7 342 363 361 351 | 3S3 37C> 369 3,i6 362 367 368 375 375 37:- 305 340 359 374 376 311 336 342 334 32/ 3S7 36S 366 360 3S£ 360 3i6 373 377 37" 328 344 36/ 380 332. 3/3 3*9 3i!4 305 294 1 342 351 352 343 339 343 349 356 36C 356 302 323 347 36/ 36/ 307 334 3/35 236 27) ' 3S3 372 374 37/ 358 333 355 356 354 339 354 362 37j 33/ 377 333 345 356 36£ 358 33S 357 37^ 376 373 324 348 359 36/ 364 330 365 3/3 290 269 ! 32/ 349 302 280 26S \ 266 275 Z76 268 2iS 27/ 27/ 273 277 275 230 256 269 27/ 273 £43 267 260 2J2 243 27/ 273 277 279 2r?5 223 £53 27/ 273 273 £43 265 260 252 £*S 2&3 aes 270 264 264 267 264 2e.9 27/ 269 222 2SO 265 269 271 241 260 2&0 256 2*8 263 266 2 £6 253 26/ \2Se 259 260 262 a60 217 245 £60 £67 267 £3£ 252 262 £45 £4/ 2S6 260 259 255 359 \250 250 251 251 25.7 209 £37 2SO 256 256 ££S 237 243 239 235 269 275 274 263 270 \263 262 264 267 26-t 2/7 245 262 S7i 271 232 250 256 254 260 \ ! 20O 223 241 2SO 250 224 232 230 £26 \ 260 2e9 £68 259 26/ \ 260 262 264 264 262 a09 24/ 260 267 269 230 £50 253. £56 £54 277 235 235 27& 273 ,275 275 277 279 277 230 £60 275 254 2S5 248 267 £75 £71 £67 285 294 393 295 S37 273 27/ 277 279 £77 235 265 28* 294 294 £50 £69 £73 267 £60 260 264 2e« 253 259 258 258 260 26-1 26(3 226 247 £6,0 £69 27/ 239 256 £52 24/ £3S 279 285 287 273 27S 260 264 267 26i> 266 230 258 273 281 234 245 265 £56 248 241 2e4 S75 276 26e 268 a&4 26i) 27/ 275 273 232 260 273 275 275 245 265 254 243 241 2-66 277 276 272 ^70 \258 260 264 267 264 /78 /33 /73 leo /30 '-/BS /87 /87 /37 /85 226 e54 269 £7/ 27 1 248 267 £S8 £50 243 /74 /e3 185 /83 /7a 175 169 /63 /53 /S5 //9 //9 //6 //9 /2/ \/23 /26 /23 /23 /20 /03 /22 119 134 134 //7 /£8 //7 /08 86 ■^7 -f7 'f? S.y £3 \SO ,5» .S3 .id .5(5 3'7 -f^ 3V 3'7 C/6^ 37 37 37 57 57 ■9^7 .5a .JO .50 5A 5a 53 53 5d> ^-r f2 -4; ■ ^V jy-<7 ^5^ ; 40 .fc '7C -fo 37 47 47 47 50 56 53 53 S3 S3 .S3 44 43 43 4y 40 4a 42 36 36 30 7 V 2 7 /O \/e> /6. f6 /3 y 30 37 34 2) /5 33 24 / 4 5 -7 33 38 35 41 41 , 44 47 47 4-< 41 iO Siy 58 49 43 54 48 39 30 21 3-2-3 / 4 \ 3 7 5 s -/ SS 3C .-3 /2 /9 /o -2 -/2 -2/ 7 / -2 7 /o ' /e /6 /y /C 3 27 31 £4/5 \ 20 /4 £ -// -20 /:> 7 4 /3 /7 /9 /9 /6 /S 7 23 34 28 /S 9 27 /B S -/ -// /O 4. / T /C \ /-•• / y /O 7 3 27 46 43 24 9 \ 39 78 2/ 21 -/4 736 736 739 /33 /J'6 ' /.?5 129 129 /29 /29 /29 /42 /45 /3/ 73/ \ /SO /S2 /46 /3/ /£5 /Sb /fi9 /9/ /as /S9 /«"■!' /-•« /83 /BB /f^f.- /49 /75 /er /93 /93\/76 /90 /SO 184/81 ' BO ao 77 eo eo , ^4 34 S4 s4 si 74 a-4 89 36 SO \ 63 63 54 Si 45 62 6,2 u^ 62 ^.t y2 72 68 6^- 65 SO CIO ^S 56 56 ' 6^ 6,C S7 S4i5/ 4S 43 47 49 -32 \ec CC eV 6^ 57 40 43 43 40 37 , 42 42 33 36 •' 30 4/ 4/ 4/ 41 ■*■» -yc >c .ic- ;o fl 37 43 4 ■■■ 40 37 '. 42 42 39 33 27 I NACA NACA Figs. 2,3 Figure 2.- Front view of XP-42 airplane with short-nose low-inlet velocity- cowling and fan (test condition 6). Figure 3.- Three-quarter front view in test condition 6. HACA Figs. 4,5 Figure 4.- Three-quarter rear view n test condition 6. Figure 5.- Close-up of cowling and fan (test condition 6), NACA I Fic6 /O /2' nme, mm (q) /55mph; autom atic r/'ch- F/'a.6—7ime histories of c/imbs in test 5 . lime , m/n ib) /■t'O mph; full rich. (Measure wifh -5^" sca/e) NACA ^ /2 ^ ?l 30 /OOO <5 32C \ 1 1 : ^^- 1 1 1 r =,• ' T- o + 1- * 1 1 1 "" Fig- 7,3 .:^ I. /z za ZZ K /c^ /4- /6> /S Figure 7« - Hlgh-»pe«d parrornanea of XP-ii2 airplane In testa i^, b and 7. /soo /7^ /ecr /^<:^c /4(X:- /JOC (Yf5T^) O P-42 3/fO/^r /VOS£- LO^v'-J'/V- _ _ l£T-i^£-LOC/Ty t^/r» , /^/)A & 0/?/G. COWL i^lAfiS \ fres T 3) B/p-4;e shop r /vo. - ' ' 1 1 JDressL/rt^ /r>r-/y 1 ^ Rear pressure 1 1 1 1 1 /.20 1 1 1 1 - - a/mjb — 1 1 1 — X _I \. o « r 1^ O o L o *^ ^* o A D <9<^ '^ i 1 ^^ ? 1 a ft» ^ hi TTT^ s 0^' [t -9- D d" 2s ' /s 1 t^ V v^ />? /p/^s'riS 3 Be/oi>v 1 1 cr/f/ca/ a/Z/Yi III 1 /cfe /PO Af r X 1 <9f O n o _4_. i$ o O ^ 1 \% r^ ! J I* □ cf T ^ s ^s D a ^ T ^ I4(p f X 5 « *" X j< ' * III n ' Measure wi-fh'' J^ sco/e / / 3 S 7 9 // /3 / — J ■■ , Ficfure. 10- Comparison of cylinder Mmperfure. disiribufion for climb and hiah speea of full power in auforrofic rich (Test if and s). •Army limii 2^u\- ^ Maximum tem peralure, baffle ieoli m placd ^ N „ „ ,. removed — o Average tempera+oire, ba-ff le seali in place: □ " ji ,, I, removed /^ /4 /6 /6 ^0 22>'/o^ FS'e56ure altitude, ft. ri<^(jre 13— Cijlinosr temperatures with and vi\'thQU*^ hQii\i2. 5e.a\ sfrips :n re]a\■\o^^ to Armu (imifs f+ests 4,6, and 7). NACA Fiqs. 11.12 I § M § _y^ ' t^/ijAJV^^unu. 1^ -+- I ^ O S I -Vf- -V- 4- -■»•- + -•»-■ ^ + + -+■ + - + - I" T -+ -; i^ % « ► • no ow ■H« ■PB S° 5-3 \^-\. s o *> I *-( »3 ■ft-" (N| u ■3 (^fieasure w/'^h ^' sca/c) MCA Pig. 14 -of I ^1 I 1-1 o CO a> -^ •H H r-4 •rt jJq 'JX19 ooJi OAcq-B ojr^'BJodraGj; UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08106 467 6 UNWERS^TV OF FLORIDA